Dataset Viewer
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splits/sfolder_3/PMC3135134_fig11_102051.jpg | What is shown in this image? | FNA of hepatocellular carcinoma with sarcomatoid change. (a) Loosely cohesive highly pleomorphic tumor cells exhibit sarcomatoid features. Note transgressing endothelium (Giemsa, ×400). (b) Spindle-shaped tumor cells and tumor giant cells bear no resemblance to hepatocytes. Transgressing endothelium abound (Papanicolaou, ×400). |
splits/sfolder_1/PMC4552968_fig05_418667.jpg | Provide a brief description of the given image. | Fluorescence in situ hybridization using pericentromeric-specific probe pAL1 (green) on metaphase-I cells of wild-type and condensin-depleted plants: (a, b) wild-type; (c, d) AtSMC4RNAi; (e, f) AtCAP-D2RNAi; (g, h) Atcap-d3. Scale bar: 5 μm. |
splits/subfolder_3/PMC3853202_pone-0082512-g004_249434.jpg | What is shown in this image? | The proliferative status of endometriotic cells in the induced endometriotic lesions assessed by PCNA immunostaining.Negative and positive (breast cancer) controls were included to determine the specificity of the immunostainings (magnification: x100 and x200). |
splits/sfolder_1/PMC3170637_F1_108011.jpg | Walk through the important details of the image | Pre-therapy imaging. (a) The primary tumor. Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the left submandibular salivary gland is indicated by the circle. (b) and (c) Computed tomography (CT) of the liver before chemoembolization showing the two main lesions. (b) A 10 cm lesion involving segments VI and VII is indicated by the arrow. (c) A 4.7 cm lesion involving segments VIII and IVA is indicated by the arrow. Three more lesions in segments IVA, IVB, and II, which measured 1.5 cm, 1 cm, and 1.8 cm, respectively, were identified. |
data_PathVQA/pathvqa_maml/t0/train_unlabel/train_2197.jpg | Do chemical burn from topical asprin? | yes |
splits/subfolder_2/PMC3953606_Fig5_273793.jpg | Share a concise interpretation of the image provided. | CT scan shows spotty retention of the NBCA mixture in the draining vein in the abdominal wall (arrow). There is no recurrence of mesenteric varices (arrow) |
splits/subfolder_5/PMC4264879_Fig4_344398.jpg | Break down the elements of the image in a detailed manner |
a Computed tomography showed a round mass, 4.8 × 2.6 × 5 cm, in the outer upper quadrant of the right breast with pleural effusions in both lungs before treatment. b The mass in the right breast and bilateral pleural effusions disappeared with nearly complete response after 6 cycles of CHOP chemotherapy |
roco-dataset/data/train/radiology/images/ROCO_03202.jpg | Share a concise interpretation of the image provided. | B scan of the eyeballs showing the intraocular foreign body in the posterior aspect of the vitreous cavity of the right eye. |
splits/subfolder_2/PMC4065071_pone-0100384-g004_300180.jpg | Write an exhaustive depiction of the given image | Dentate gyrus of Nse-CreERT2;mTmG after tamoxifen injection.Left: DAPI staining of dentate gyrus, the red-framed area is shown enlarged. Middle: mGFP-immunoreactive cells where recombination has taken place are located in the outer part of the GCL. White arrowhead points to the soma, white arrow to an axon, black arrowhead to a dendrite of GFP-immunoreactive granule cells. Right: Merged picture showing nuclei in blue (DAPI), cells without recombination in red (mTomato autofluorescence) and cells where recombination occurred in green (mGFP-immunoreactive cells). Scale bar = 50 µm. |
splits/subfolder_3/PMC4430903_Fig3_386193.jpg | Narrate the contents of the image with precision | Fluorescently stained model circulating tumor cells collected and imaged using the AccuCyte® – CyteFinder® system. (A) A549 mCTC stained with antibody to EGFR (red), cytokeratin (green), and nuclear dye (blue). (B) Cluster of LnCAP mCTCs stained with antibody to EpCAM (red), cytokeratin (green), and nuclear dye (blue). Cells imaged at scanning 10X objective magnification. |
roco-dataset/data/train/radiology/images/ROCO_04993.jpg | Relay a brief, clear account of the picture shown. | HRCT during the time of diagnosis [ground glass opacities (large arrow) with areas of low attenuation air spaces (air-trapping) (small arrows)] |
splits/subfolder_3/PMC4387995_f1-rado-49-02-181_375580.jpg | Offer a succinct explanation of the picture presented. | Image of a CT slice which confirmed superior mesenteric artery thrombosis (white circle) and resultant ischemia without contrast enhancement of the bowel wall (red arrow). For comparison there are some bowel loops with contrast enhancement of the bowel wall visible in the upper left part of the image. |
splits/subfolder_3/PMC2993970_pone-0015087-g001_79885.jpg | Analyze the image in a comprehensive and detailed manner | Histochemical analyses of the LNL in Samsun plants.
Nicotiana tabacum Samsun nn were cultivated at 25°C and inoculated with infection buffer, wt TMV, TMVFN20, and TMVSC1754, respectively. At 4 dpi, necrotic lesions induced on the inoculated leaves were photographed (A) and analyzed by histochemical staining assays. Evans blue was used for staining of dead tissue (B), DAB for detection of H2O2 (C), and autofluorescence for phenolic compounds (D). HR lesions induced by wt TMV on an inoculated leaf of Samsun NN was tested in parallel. |
splits/subfolder_4/PMC4153581_pone-0103653-g001_317515.jpg | Share a concise interpretation of the image provided. | Reduced BOLD Activity in Ventral Striatum and Amygdala in PTSD (n = 23) compared to trauma-exposed controls (n = 20) in response to happy (- neutral) facial expressions. |
splits/subfolder_5/PMC4641179_fig1_442970.jpg | Break down the elements of the image in a detailed manner | Calculation of left ventricular fractional shortening by the M mode. (a) Parasternal short-axis view in a patient with normal ejection fraction. (b) Parasternal long-axis view in a patient with viral myocarditis and cardiogenic shock, with reduced ejection fraction. EDD: left ventricle end-diastolic diameter; ESD: left ventricle end-systolic diameter; RV: right ventricle. FS = EDD − ESD/EDD × 100. |
splits/subfolder_4/PMC3942424_pone-0090358-g001_271559.jpg | Illustrate the image through a descriptive explanation | Expression of VASH2 in tissues.IHC analysis of VASH2 in human normal liver tissue (A) and human liver cancer tissue (B–D) at 20× magnification. In (A), we did not observed VASH2 protein in the cytoplasm. (B) The level of VASH2 protein localized in the cytoplasm was weakly stained. (C) The cytoplasm was moderately stained. (D) Strong staining was observed. |
roco-dataset/data/train/radiology/images/ROCO_07307.jpg | Render a clear and concise summary of the photo. | CT head (bone view) – 18.2 mm Left frontal bone skull defect. |
splits/sfolder_1/PMC4255940_Fig2_341673.jpg | Clarify the contents of the displayed image with great detail |
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and small fiber neuropathy diagnosis by PGP9.5 immunofluorescence. (A-C) Fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) MRI of patient #1 showed multiple, punctuated white matter lesions from periventricular (yellow arrows and circles) to subcortical (red arrows and circles) without gadolinium enhancement. (D) Skin biopsy analysis of patient #2 showed the reduction of the small epidermal nerve fibers (arrow). Scale bar = 20 μm. (E-F). The number of focal axonal swellings (arrows) larger than 1.5 μm was increased. Scale bar = 10 μm. (G) Skin biopsy of a healthy control. Scale bar = 30 μm. |
splits/subfolder_3/PMC4605639_pone.0140051.g005_433379.jpg | Summarize the visual content of the image. | Detail of mesopostnotum, dorsal view.
Pristocera sp. (Pristocerinae). Scale bar in the figure. |
ImageCLEFmed-MEDVQA-GI-2023-Development-Dataset/images/clb0lbwykdo7s086ugju0cm0o.jpg | Is there a green/black box artefact? | Yes |
splits/subfolder_4/PMC3462338_F6_158306.jpg | Examine the image closely and share its details | A 55 years old man with hepatitis B has a hypervascular lesion in the right lobe of the cirrhotic liver. On T1, in the arterial phase
(A), it is hyperintense, followed by hypointense washout in portovenous phase (B). On T2 it is slightly hyperintense (C) and on DWI, b=500,
it is also hyperintense (D) – characteristic findings for hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC. |
ImageCLEFmed-MEDVQA-GI-2023-Development-Dataset/images/clb0lbwz2dop8086u88hc32e0.jpg | How many findings are present? | 1 |
roco-dataset/data/train/radiology/images/ROCO_43139.jpg | Render a clear and concise summary of the photo. | Postoperative CT axial image. |
splits/subfolder_2/PMC3394762_pone-0039701-g003_144638.jpg | Present a compact description of the photo’s key features. | Functional connectivity of pulvinar in IGE-GTCS patients and healthy subjects.A: functional connectivity map of pulvinar in healthy controls; B: functional connectivity map of pulvinar in patients with IGE-GTCS; The warm color denotes that the brain regions showed positive correlation with bilateral pulvinar (p<0.05, FWE correction). |
splits/subfolder_4/PMC3444492_pone-0044871-g007_155462.jpg | Share a comprehensive rundown of the presented image | Nubp1(m1Nisw) lungs show altered distribution of Par3 and Numb1.(A–R) E16.5 lungs were sectioned and stained by immunohistochemistry for the indicated proteins. (A–H) The cellular localization of the polarity protein Par3 is significantly disrupted in Nubp1(m1Nisw) mutant lung. (I–R) The mutation in Nubp1(m1Nisw) disrupts the cellular localization of Numb1. Note the defect is restricted to distal epithelial cells. Images K-R are higher magnifications of the regions indicated in images I and J. |
splits/sfolder_1/PMC4168727_F14_321198.jpg | Break down the elements of the image in a detailed manner | The SEM image on the left shows a cross section of vertical structures, obtained by MaCE etching: Patterned Au structures have been used as a catalyst. The etching solution was HF:H2O2:H2O 3:1:10 in volume. The cross section of the SEM image on the right shows trenches in a silicon substrate obtained by MaCE with an high concentration of hydrogen peroxide (HF:H2O2:H2O 3:3:10). The sidewalls are not vertical, and porous silicon is generated below the metal-free surfaces. |
splits/subfolder_3/PMC3629710_F2_199566.jpg | Explain the various aspects of the image before you | C3G colocalizes with phospho-p130Cas, Cbl, Abi1 and Bcr-Abl in K562 cells. Confocal microscopy images of K562 cells adhered to fibronectin covered slides (10 μg/ml) and labeled with anti-C3G (G4, mouse monoclonal, rows 1 and 2 or 1008, rabbit polyclonal, rows 3 and 4) and either, anti-phospho-p130Cas (rabbit polyclonal), anti-Cbl (rabbit polyclonal), anti-Abi1 (mouse monoclonal) or anti-Abl (mouse monoclonal) specific antibodies as indicated. Anti-FITC and anti-Cy3 were used as secondary antibodies. Nuclei were labeled with DAPI. Control cells (CT) were incubated with DAPI plus the secondary antibodies. DIC: Differential interference contrast microscopy. p-p130Cas: phospho-p130Cas. The bars represent 10 μm. |
ImageCLEFmed-MEDVQA-GI-2023-Development-Dataset/images/cl8k2u1qd1eq7083273ek8l01.jpg | Where in the image is the abnormality? | Center, Upper-left, Lower-left, Center-left, Upper-center, Lower-center |
splits/subfolder_4/PMC3879039_F1_256002.jpg | Share a concise interpretation of the image provided. | Magnetic resonance imaging time course of the patient during different stages of treatment. Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery and T1-weighted with gadolinium (exemplary images are shown). Arrows indicate gadolinium-enhancing lesions. Treatment with cyclophosphamide resulted in stable disease without new contrast enhancing lesions. FLAIR, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery; Gd, gadolinium. |
data_PathVQA/pathvqa_maml/t0/train/inside_uterus/train_1893.jpg | What does this image show? | uterus |
ImageClef-2019-VQA-Med-Training/Train_images/synpic46605.jpg | what is most alarming about this mammograph? | silicone granulomas |
data_PathVQA/pathvqa_maml/t0/train/inside_intestine/train_1594.jpg | Does hand show small intestine, hodgkins lymphosarcoma? | no |
splits/subfolder_2/PMC4368671_pone.0122329.g002_370125.jpg | Walk through the important details of the image | SWI images at 3 T (A), 7 T (B), and 7 T with high spatial resolution (C) of a 44 year old male study participant (case 5), who suffered from a traumatic brain injury in childhood.Images show a line of traumatic microbleeds in the right frontal white matter. Compared to 3 T SW images (A, D) more hemorrhagic DAI lesions are depicted at 7 T with equal (B, E) and higher spatial resolution (C, F) (white arrows). |
splits/subfolder_5/PMC3079673_F3_92864.jpg | Share a concise interpretation of the image provided. | Abdominal magnetic resonance imaging revealed a well-defined high intensity mass which appeared homogeneous intense in the T 1-weighted image (A) but heterogeneously intense in the T 2-weighted image (B). |
splits/subfolder_3/PMC3767640_pone-0073672-g003_230520.jpg | What is shown in this image? | Combination of BSO and HCH induces AIF translocation in caspase-independent manner.K562 cells were treated as indicated and processed for confocal microscopy as stated in Materials and Methods. Scale bar, 10 µm. |
splits/subfolder_3/PMC1166574_F3_2418.jpg | Walk through the important details of the image | Immunohistochemistry of TGF-β1 in rat endometrium during pregnancy. IHC shown are from one representative experiment and were repeated 6 times using 6 different uterine sections from 6 different rats per day of pregnancy. Representative days of pregnancy are presented (A: day 4; B: day 5.5; C: day 6.5; D: day 10; E: day 14; F: negative control in which primary antibody was absent). le: luminal epithelium; em: embryo; s: stroma. Magnification: 40×. |
roco-dataset/data/train/radiology/images/ROCO_44080.jpg | Render a clear and concise summary of the photo. | Final angiogram post embolisation demonstrating absence of filling of the pseudoaneurysm. The end markers of the two Amplazter plugs are visible close to the tip of the guide catheter. There is preservation of an adjacent pulmonary segmental artery. |
ImageCLEFmed-MEDVQA-GI-2023-Development-Dataset/images/clb0lbwz3doqs086u0kqy5ut2.jpg | Are there any abnormalities in the image? | Polyp |
splits/subfolder_4/PMC3986048_pone-0094287-g001_280955.jpg | Offer a thorough analysis of the image | IGF2 infusion reduces the number of Aβ40 and Aβ42 plaques in the hippocampus.Immunohistochemistry for Aβ40 (left) and Aβ42 (right) was performed on anterior, intermediate and posterior hippocampal sections from 6-month old APP.PS1/CHGFP mice. Representative images from each treatment group are shown. The number of Aβ40 (left) and Aβ42 (right) plaques within each of the hippocampal sections was counted and means per group are presented for each region. IGF2 treatment significantly reduced the number of hippocampal plaques as determined by one-way ANOVA with repeated measures [A, F(1,10) = 6.987, p = 0.027; B, F(1,10) = 6.483, p = 0.029]. Scale bar represents 1 mm. |
splits/subfolder_4/PMC3606420_F3_194082.jpg | Write an exhaustive depiction of the given image | A low power view showing the cystic components (arrowheads) of the tumor (H&E, magnification ×12.5, A). Sheets and nests of uniform polygonal epithelioid cells with round or oval nuclei and acidophilic cytoplasm divided by thin fibrovascula stroma were found. Pseudopapillary structures were observed. Cell atypia was mild and mitosis was not found (H&E, magnification ×200, B; H&E, magnification ×400, C). Immunohistochemistry showed that the tumor cells were positive for CD56 (D), CD10 (E), and the nuclear type of β-catenin (F) (Magnification ×400, D-F). |
splits/subfolder_2/PMC3161958_F1_106355.jpg | Give a short and clear explanation of the subsequent image. | Horizontal section of preoperative abdominal CT. Plain (A), early-phase contrast enhancement (B), and late phase (C) showed contrast enhancement. A tumor thrombus in the left renal pelvis (D, arrow), and its contrast enhancement was similar to the main tumor. |
splits/subfolder_4/PMC4391900_F0001_376702.jpg | What is shown in this image? | (A): IRM cérébrale séquence T2 FLAIR; (B): T2 montrant des lésions multifocales en hyper-signal de la substance blanche |
splits/sfolder_3/PMC2670830_F8_37534.jpg | Analyze the image in a comprehensive and detailed manner | Tissue localisation of important molecules in pterygium. Immunohistochemical staining images of uninvolved conjunctiva and pterygium tissue. Nuclear position (and indirectly, tissue architecture) was shown using counter-staining with DAPI, in blue. The same magnification was used in all images: Scale Bar = 100 micrometers. A. Proteins with increased expression in pterygium. Staining for keratin 6A, CECAM5, CD24 and MUC5AC was shown in green and MSMB, in red. B. Proteins with decreased expression in pterygium. Staining for IGFBP3 and NR4A2 was shown in green and red respectively. |
splits/sfolder_3/PMC3471580_s2figure4_160140.jpg | Present a compact description of the photo’s key features. | A) Periapical view of the left lower second molar, B) Final periapical radiography, C) Periapical view on one-year follow up |
roco-dataset/data/train/radiology/images/ROCO_02850.jpg | Write a terse but informative summary of the picture. | CT-guided biopsy of the lesion |
ImageCLEFmed-MEDVQA-GI-2023-Development-Dataset/images/clb0lbwyzdomk086u3kct35ar.jpg | Where in the image is the instrument? | Upper-center |
splits/subfolder_3/PMC4305309_pone.0117404.g006_352765.jpg | Write an exhaustive depiction of the given image | TFPI and syndecan-3 colocalize at the cell surface.Fixed cells were double stained with TFPI (green) and syndecan-3 (red) primary antibodies and Alexa Fluor secondary antibodies with 488 and 633 nm excitation wavelengths, respectively, before images were captured using confocal microscopy. Yellow colour in the overlay images demonstrate spatial overlap between TFPI and syndecan-3. Sum102 cells (top), HCAEC cells (middle) and HCASMC cells (bottom). Scale bar 50 μM (30 μM for zoomed images). One representative experiment of three individual experiments is shown for each cell type. |
roco-dataset/data/train/radiology/images/ROCO_53672.jpg | What is shown in this image? | Case B: axillary radiograph at 12 weeks postinjury. |
data_PathVQA/pathvqa_maml/t0/train/inside_liver/train_1543.jpg | Is peritoneum present? | yes |
splits/subfolder_2/PMC4545810_Fig2_416384.jpg | Share a concise interpretation of the image provided. | Comparison of reconstructed FDG images using the scatter estimate provided by the vendor’s SSS (left) and our MCS method (right). Images were reconstructed using the vendor provided 3D OP-OSEM algorithm with 2 subsets and 32 iterations. |
splits/subfolder_5/PMC3142210_F1_103282.jpg | Portray the image with a rich, descriptive narrative | Photograph of the heart after NPWT at -120 mmHg in the absence of a rigid barrier disc between the heart and the sternum. It can be seen that the surface of the right ventricle of the heart is red and mottled due to epicardial petechial bleeding. The area of bleeding was determined by measuring the length and width. |
splits/sfolder_2/PMC4464411_f3-mmr-12-02-1829_395758.jpg | Describe the image concisely. | Hematoxylin and eosin staining of the periodontal tissue in the diabetes + β-anhydroicaritin group. (A) Junctional epithelium. (B) Parodontium. Magnification, ×400. |
ImageClef-2019-VQA-Med-Training/Train_images/synpic38315.jpg | what abnormality is seen in the image? | persistent left svc |
ImageCLEFmed-MEDVQA-GI-2023-Development-Dataset/images/cla820glws51b071u5gzk6x1i.jpg | How many instrumnets are in the image? | 0 |
splits/subfolder_2/PMC3266649_F7_123650.jpg | Analyze the image in a comprehensive and detailed manner | The effect of medical abortion and spontaneous miscarriage on the localisation of the endocannabinoid system in first trimester decidua. Images are representative of 60 surgical and 25 medical terminations, and 16 spontaneous miscarriages. Medical termination of pregnancy is characterised by an increase in the expression of CB2 and NAPE-PLD protein whilst overall CB1 expression is decreased and FAAH expression is unaffected. By contrast, spontaneous miscarriage is also characterised by a marked increase in CB2 and FAAH expression and a decrease in CB1 expression that exceeds that of medical termination samples. Images were taken at 200× magnification. Bar = 50 μm. Surgical termination of pregnancy was used as the control condition. |
splits/subfolder_5/PMC3784149_fig1_233832.jpg | Explain the various aspects of the image before you | Microscopy observation of Comamonas sp. EB172 at various cultivation stages. (a) Negatively stained cells under growth condition, the presence of flagella, and no PHA granules were observed. (b) The presence of PHA granules during PHA accumulation stage viewed under TEM. Scanning electron microscopy of cells (c) during growth stage (magnification 6,000x), (d) during accumulation stage (magnification 3,000x), and (e) zoom out image of cells from red circled in (d); the cells physically changed from smooth rod shape to bulge rod. |
splits/subfolder_2/PMC3897400_pone-0084709-g013_259913.jpg | Create a compact narrative representing the image presented | ‘Platypterygius’ sp., articulated partial forefin (RGHP PR 1), photograph (A) and interpretation (B).The remains are insufficient to characterize which side this forefin is from. Abbreviation: AE: accessory elements; III: carpal 3; It: intermedium; Ra: radius; Ul: ulna; 3: metacarpal 3. |
splits/sfolder_2/PMC4652838_F6_445885.jpg | What is shown in this image? | Immunofluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy of GPI/AMF and AMFR in normal (Panels A–C) and clear cell renal cell carcinoma (RCC) specimens (Panels D–I). Immunofluorescence staining showed an increased signal for both G6PI and AMFR in cancer cells, and their colocalization on plasma membranes (Panels F and I). |
splits/subfolder_3/PMC4214338_f2-mmr-10-05-2299_331316.jpg | Walk through the important details of the image | Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining of brain tissue sections of rat models of cerebral ischemia. (A) Center of the infarction area in group C, which did not receive transplantation following ischemia/reperfusion (magnification, ×400). Staining was lighter in the infarction area compared with that in normal brain tissue due to the presence of vacuolation and mesenchymal edema (indicated by yellow arrow). The nuclei were small (indicated by black arrow) and deformed with cracked cytoblasts (indicated by green arrow). (B) Adjacent normal part of corresponding tissue in group C (magnification, ×400). |
splits/sfolder_1/PMC3414788_F2_148984.jpg | Portray the image with a rich, descriptive narrative | Time-lapse series of FA dynamics in MTLn3 cells. MTLn3 cell expressing paxillin-EGFP and stimulated with 0.01 nM EGF is shown. Images were taken at 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 min. A. Original total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) images of cells with FAs. B. Binary images of whole cell masks after segmentation. C. Binary images of FA masks after segmentation. D. Composite images of tracked FAs within the cell, where green represents original images and red represents the segmented FA masks. The scale bar is 10 μm. |
splits/subfolder_5/PMC4555182_f1_419287.jpg | Break down the elements of the image in a detailed manner | Layered cell wall architecture in maize and Miscanthus.(a) β-Glucan content in senesced leaf biomass. n.d., not detectable. Values represent the mean of three independent biological experiments. Error bars represent ± SE. (b) Confocal laser-scanning microscopy (CLSM) of aniline blue fluorochrome (ABF)-stained (1, 3)-β-glucan (blue channel) and pontamine fast scarlet 4B (S4B)-stained (1, 4)-β-glucan (red channel) cross sections of leaves from maize (Z. mays) amd Miscanthus (M. x giganteus). White arrows indicate epidermal cells with a high (1, 3)-β-glucan content and sites of localization microscopy (LM) application. 3D, surface rendering of β-glucan networks. Scale bars: CLSM, 50 μm; LM ABF/S4B, 5 μm; LM 3D, 2 μm. |
splits/subfolder_2/PMC4466239_pone.0129371.g008_396324.jpg | Portray the image with a rich, descriptive narrative | In vivo measurements using the TW Primate System.Exemplary slices of high-resolution 3D TSE of images of an anesthetized crab-eating macaque. Every tenth slice in the medial portion of the volume of interest (VOI) is shown to depict the main parts of the monkey brain. Gray and white matter, cerebellum and hippocampus are well delineated (a-f). |
ImageClef-2019-VQA-Med-Training/Train_images/synpic42172.jpg | what imaging plane is depicted here? | axial |
ImageClef-2019-VQA-Med-Training/Train_images/synpic46519.jpg | what abnormality is seen in the image? | intraventricular meningioma |
splits/subfolder_2/PMC3537615_pone-0053262-g007_177079.jpg | Provide a detailed description of the given image | Identification of PECAM1+/CD38+ cells in human basal cell carcinomas (BCC).(A) H&E-stained cryosection of a BCC. (B–D) Confocal microscopy analysis of PECAM1, CD38 and α-SMA expression in two BCC biopsies (B–C, D). (B) Overview (top row) of the highly vascularized PECAM1+ stroma. Squares within the merged image indicate the magnified region (lower row). PECAM1low/CD38+ cells are marked (arrowheads). Bars 100 µm (A), 50 µm (B, C), 10 µm (D). |
splits/sfolder_1/PMC2856391_F0001_62319.jpg | Illustrate the image through a descriptive explanation | (a) Preoperative lateral radiograph of cervical spine showing a C6-7 chance fracture in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis (b, c) Intra operative navigation images of thoracic and cervical spine- pedicle entry point and trajectory and planning of screws (d, e, f) Postoperative radiograph and CT scan showing the placement of the screws |
splits/subfolder_4/PMC3599576_F1_192432.jpg | What is shown in this image? | (a) A barium swallowrevealed a huge pare-esophagealcyst cavity compressed toesophagus,and also communicated toesophagus through a longentrance. (b) The chest CT scans showed a huge cystic mass full of gas and liquid located in the post-mediastinum with a direct compression of the pericardium, esophagus and right lung. |
splits/subfolder_3/PMC4232420_pone-0112618-g005_336292.jpg | Offer a succinct explanation of the picture presented. | Histological features of PSTT.(a) H&E staining profile showed an infiltrating growth pattern with the penetration of tumor cells into the myometrial smooth muscle and blood vessels (yellow arrows) at the tumor periphery. (b) Immunohistochemical staining showed diffusive cytoplasmic CD146. Both images with original magnification ×200. |
roco-dataset/data/train/radiology/images/ROCO_20434.jpg | Describe the image concisely. | Following a healing phase of about 3 months, vertical bone loss around the implant was noted. |
splits/subfolder_3/PMC3355042_F4_138425.jpg | Narrate the contents of the image with precision | Canine mammary cancer cell lines growth characteristics in Matrigel matrix. A Growth characteristics of CMT-U27, CMT-U309, P114, CMT-W1 and CMT-W2 cell lines (phase contrast micrographs) grown on Matrigel matrix for 72 hours. B Growth characteristics of CMT-U27, CMT-U309, P114, CMT-W1 and CMT-W2 cell lines (phase contrast micrographs) grown as a co-culture with CAFs on Matrigel matrix for 72 hours. The pictures were taken using phase-contrast microscopy (Olympus) at the magnification of 200×. |
ImageClef-2019-VQA-Med-Training/Train_images/synpic45706.jpg | what is the mr weighting in this image? | t2 |
splits/subfolder_2/PMC2898774_F2_68241.jpg | Portray the image with a rich, descriptive narrative | Confocal microscopy of SPP uptake into normal human bronchial epithelial cells. Cells were incubated for 8 hours with 5 × 106/cm2 Alexa Fluor 488 labelled subpollen particles (green) in chamber slides. Cell cytoskeletons were stained with an antibody against F-Actin (Rhodamine phalloidin, red) and nuclei staining was performed by TO-PRO-3 Iodide (blue). Three dimensions along the white lines are shown. The intersection displays an internalized SPP. |
splits/sfolder_2/PMC3063345_F0009_90971.jpg | What is shown in this image? | Lateral axial ultrasound neck image at the C4 vertebral level. (1) C5 transverse process, (2) C4 root, (3) middle scalene muscle, (4) anterior scalene/longus coli muscles, (5) sternocleidomastoid muscle, (6) carotid artery, (7) thyroid cartilage |
splits/subfolder_3/PMC4432902_F2_386625.jpg | Present a compact description of the photo’s key features. | CT scan demonstrating pleural thickening, effusion, right lung collapse and left mediastinal shift. |
splits/subfolder_4/PMC4391502_fig2s2_376598.jpg | Give a short and clear explanation of the subsequent image. | Immunohistochemistry for IL-10 and ubiquitin D (UBD) in rectal biopsies before (0) and after 7 days (VII) of daily tenofovir 1% gel use.Individual study participants are designated by letters. Blue indicates nuclei, brown indicates IL-10 or UBD.DOI: |
splits/sfolder_2/PMC2734918_fig1_44564.jpg | Portray the image with a rich, descriptive narrative | Imaging findings on the day of onset. (a) Computed tomography shows very thin subarachnoid hemorrhage on the left side of the interhemispheric fissure (arrow). (b) Magnetic resonance imaging (diffusion image) reveals infarction of the left medial frontal region (arrow). (c) Left internal cerebral artery angiography reveals stenosis (string sign) of the A2 segment (arrow). |
splits/sfolder_2/PMC3326057_pone-0034626-g004_134014.jpg | Walk through the important details of the image | Retinotopic activation maps displayed on flattened patches of occipital cortex for the right hemispheres of two subjects.Response phase is shown in color for all voxels within the functional field of view, without statistical thresholding applied. Colored phases represent responses to positions predominantly in the contralateral visual field; phases corresponding to positions within the ipsilateral field are rendered in black (see inset). These apparent ipsilateral representations generally correspond to regions of low tSNR. Each map was obtained after less than ten minutes of scanning (see methods). |
splits/subfolder_4/PMC4433354_pone.0127560.g004_386829.jpg | Analyze the image in a comprehensive and detailed manner | Location of E. amylovora cells on C. capitata female.CFBP1430 strain cells tagged with GFP protein monitored on a female of C. capitata after the transmission period (5 days) on the 7th abdominal segment (A), the 9th abdominal segment (the end of the ovipositor) (B), and the wings (C). White bar represents 10 μm in A-B and 100 μm in C. |
ImageCLEFmed-MEDVQA-GI-2023-Development-Dataset/images/cl8k2u1q01ebr0832fd3u76ro.jpg | Is there a green/black box artefact? | Yes |
splits/subfolder_4/PMC4489160_Fig7_402082.jpg | Clarify the contents of the displayed image with great detail | Survey of IBA1+ staining in the hippocampus of autopsy cases. (a) Representative examples of IBA1+ staining pattern in the brain regions analyzed by digital neuropathological analysis(b) A low powered photomicrograph shows the widespread distribution of rod shaped microglia in the CA1 region of a DLB individual (case #34). Long trains of microglia (highlighted by blue arrows) are shown at higher magnification in (c). |
splits/subfolder_4/PMC3177895_F8_109353.jpg | Provide a detailed description of the given image | Double-immunofluorescence staining for TNF-α, TNF-R1 and TNF-R2 (green) and smooth muscle actin (SMC) (red); triple staining with DAPI (which labels the cell nuclei; blue) of the cerebral arteries. The enhanced expression of TNF-α and TNF-R1 was located in the cytoplasm and cell membrane of the smooth muscle cells (yellow color in merge). The TNF-R2 immunoreactivity was located in both SMC and endothelial layer (white arrows) (merge). |
splits/subfolder_2/PMC4150654_f0015_317019.jpg | What is shown in this image? | Postoperative MRI. Volume of surgical intervention (described in the text of the article). |
splits/subfolder_4/PMC2492868_F4_26121.jpg | Write an exhaustive depiction of the given image | Tumor cells and endothelial cells share common borders in vitro. (a), (b) 4T1-GFP and pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells were plated together in co-culture and examined by DIC imaging. (c), (d) The same fields were imaged in the green fluorescent protein (GFP) channel to reveal the presence of the 4T1-GFP cells. (e), (f) The images were overlaid to show the location and shared borders between the tumor cells and the endothelial cells. |
splits/sfolder_1/PMC3596066_jbr-26-03-165-g001_191286.jpg | Narrate the contents of the image with precision | MRI and SPECT detection of hepatocellular carcinoma in the right liver.A: MRI image showed that the tumor was located in the posterior lobe of the right liver. B: 99mTc-MIBI SPECT revealed that MIBI accumulated densely at tumor lesion. C: Significant MIBI uptake on 99mTc-MIBI SPECT was noted in tumor lesion after intake of bromocriptine. Arrow indicates the site of tumor lesion. |
splits/subfolder_2/PMC4446459_fig1_390381.jpg | Summarize the visual content of the image. | ((a) and (b)) A hypermetabolic primary mass distal to the bronchus of the right middle lobe on PET-CT. (c) Infiltration of small cell carcinoma in transbronchial biopsy of the mass (H&E, ×10). (d) Thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1) positive staining of tumor cells (TTF-1, ×10). |
splits/subfolder_4/PMC4293651_f1_350433.jpg | Relay a brief, clear account of the picture shown. | X-ray of the left hand and wrist showing a bone age of less than one year |
splits/subfolder_4/PMC4033622_F1_291710.jpg | Describe the following image in detail | Physiological and biochemical responses of monoacylglycerol acyltransferase (MGAT1) transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. (A) Senescence symptoms observed in leaf tissue infiltrated with MGAT1 at 3 days post-infiltration (dpi) and 5 dpi. Infiltrations were performed along with p19 viral suppressor protein as control (Petrie et al., 2012). (B) Lipid analysis showing monoacylglycerol (MAG), diacylglycerol (DAG) and triacylglycerol (TAG) levels in p19 and p19+MGAT1 infiltrated leaf spots, harvested at 2 dpi. Data shown are average of three replicates and error bars represent standard error. |
splits/subfolder_2/PMC3045889_F7_88320.jpg | Give an elaborate explanation of the image you see | In situ localization of ascorbate peroxidase APX transcript isoforms in chickpea root nodules. In situ localization of APX1 (upper panel) and APX2 (lower panel, bar: 500 μm). Corresponding cDNAs were derived from RACE amplifications using UniTags as starting sequences. A) Control without reverse transcription B) Nodules from non-stressed plants C) Nodules from plants after a 2 h exposure to 25 mM NaCl Abbreviations: see figure 6 |
roco-dataset/data/train/radiology/images/ROCO_53215.jpg | Create a compact narrative representing the image presented | CT axial view showing no hernia and no obstruction. |
ImageCLEFmed-MEDVQA-GI-2023-Development-Dataset/images/cl8k2u1q01eb70832b47m8x2x.jpg | Have all polyps been removed? | No |
data_PathVQA/pathvqa_maml/t0/train_unlabel/train_2626.jpg | What is present? | lymphoblastic lymphoma |
splits/sfolder_1/PMC1143777_F1_2289.jpg | Provide a brief description of the given image. | SPCH > SIL activations. Areas of greater activation for speech (SPCH) than silence (SIL); voxels thresholded at p < .005 uncorrected. Note the lack of activity in Heschl's gyrus (top), likely the result of stimulation by the acoustic noise of the scanner. |
data_PathVQA/pathvqa_maml/t0/train_unlabel/train_2589.jpg | Where is this? | skin |
splits/subfolder_3/PMC3691690_F1_213668.jpg | Explain the various aspects of the image before you | Four images for detecting partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection (PAPVC). (A) Three dimensional transthoracic echocardiography showed PAPVC. (B) The suprasternal short-axis view with color Doppler revealed left pulmonary veins connecting with the innominate vein via a vertical vein. (C) Upward blood flow in the vertical vein was confirmed by pulsed Doppler imaging. (D) Multidetector computed tomography angiography was performed to confirm the structure of the anomalous venous system. IV: innominate vein; SVC: superior vena cava; VV: vertical vein. |
splits/subfolder_4/PMC3517507_F1_171280.jpg | Share a comprehensive rundown of the presented image | Examples of various patterns of AQP3. Homogeneous, cell membrane-associated expression of AQP3 in a low-grade papillary tumour (top left, 10-fold magnification). Regular expression in the basal and suprabasal, but not superficial cell layers in a section of normal human ureter (top right, 40-fold magnification). Heterogeneous expression of AQP3 in a high-grade pT1 tumour (bottom left, 40-fold magnification). Lack of expression in another pT1G3 UBC specimen (bottom right, 10-fold magnification). |
splits/subfolder_2/PMC4376809_Fig19_372380.jpg | Relay a brief, clear account of the picture shown. | Pituitary adenomas. Sagittal post-contrast fat-suppressed T1WI (a) shows an heterogenously enhancing pituitary macroadenoma which contains a non-enhancing portion with high signal on T2WI (b). secondary to cystic degeneration. Coronal post-contrast fat-suppressed T1WI (c) shows a pituitary microadenoma which shows less early contrast enhancement than the normal pituitary tissue |
splits/sfolder_1/PMC2907361_F4_69300.jpg | Walk through the important details of the image | a) Coronal contrast enhanced arterial phase CT reconstruction showing contrast blush in a contained right lobe haematoma due to blunt inury. b) Axial CT demonstrates the blush. c) Scan at 18 hours showing no blush but capsular rupture with intraperitoneal blood. d) Follow up CT at 9 weeks showing resolving right lobe haematoma. |
splits/sfolder_3/PMC3459719_F4_157684.jpg | Illustrate the image through a descriptive explanation | The overview shows the destroyed muscular architecture and replacement of the muscle by connective tissue. ( A) Residual muscle fibers (asterisks) show pronounced myopathic changes while the connective tissue contains vacuoles with inflammatory infiltrates (arrows). Hematoxylin and eosin stain , ×10 magnification. ( B) Higher magnification reveals inflammatory infiltrates in the connective tissue and surrounding the vacuoles. Hematoxylin and eosin stain, ×40 magnification. ( C) Elastica van Gieson stain shows remaining muscle fibers (asterisks) with intermingled connective tissue and vacuoles, ×20 magnification. ( D) Multinucleated giant cells (arrows) and mononuclear infiltrates (arrowhead, cells negative for CD68) surround vacuoles, ×40 magnification. |
splits/subfolder_2/PMC3750835_F5_226615.jpg | Break down the elements of the image in a detailed manner | Example case 2. Tumor stands out well on CDI and not at all on T2-weighted imaging in patient with prostate cancer. a), T2-weighted imaging shows no change in signal towards left side of transition zone. b), ADC map shows increased contrast around left side of transition zone. c), CDI shows very high signal intensity corresponding to left side of transition zone. |
splits/subfolder_2/PMC3534138_f3_176298.jpg | Characterize the image using a well-detailed description | Fundus photographs(top panel) and optical coherence tomography images (lower panel) of four probands with mutations in the PRPF31 gene: A and B: III:1 (ADRP-HT); C and D: III:9 (ADRP-LG); E and F: III:1 (ADRP-LLN); G and H: IV:1 (ADRP-XL). Typical retinitis pigmentosa appearance of the fundus can be seen (A, C, E, and G). Optical coherence tomography images (B, D, F, and H) reveal relatively preserved foveal lamination. |
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