Šakkan, Bel-labria who dwells in Ganina, protector of the pen, accept and listen, assign and heal, make long and wide! When you make sheep offerings before the teams, you invoke their names.
Šamaš of Kilizi, Sunsit of Assur, the Lady of Akkad of Bit-Belti, Tammuz of ditto, Papsukkal of ditto, Šitagam of ditto, Nanaya of ditto, Mina-amnû of ditto, Biṣillu of ditto, Kanisurra of ditto, the Lady of Akkad of Bit-Ilti, Kumarbi of Tidu, Nabarbi of ditto, Samanuha of ditto
Assara-Mazaš, Igigi, the gods of heaven, and Anunnaki, the gods of earth, the south wind, the north wind, the east wind, and the west wind, the gods who rule over the camps, the divine Fathers, the divine weapons, Dahurate, Adad of Rains,
of Assyria, its cities, its daises, its garrisons, its wastelands and its mounds; the chapel, the cult platform, the dais, the cella and the sanctuary of Assyria; the mountains, ground waters, and rivers of the four quarters,
Give the king, our lord, long days, everlasting years, a strong weapon, a long reign, extensive years of abundance, and the leadership of kings!
He who gave these to his gods — give them back to him long, copious and wide! May he live and be well! May he exercise sovereignty, kingship and hegemony over kings! May he attain old age, extreme old age!
For these partakers of the meal, may there be corn, silver, oil, wool, and salt of Bariku for their food, and good oil for their lamp! Live, be rich and prosperous!
Lugalbanda, Anunitu, Nabû of the hariu-vat, Belet-ili, Ninurta, Nanaya, Marduk, Ištar-Gate, Uraš-Gate, Belet-balaṭi, Babu, Gula, Kurunitu, Mar-biti, Zariqu, Eṭiru, Gamilu, the Queen of Nineveh, Belet-ili, Adad of Enuha, Imgur-Enlil, Nemed-Enlil:
Nabû, the Tiara, the Dragon, Nanaya, Ea-šarru, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Sîn, Nikkal, Šamaš, Gula, Šarur, Šargaz, Ebeh, Zammiru, Niru, Ašlu
Kalkal, Kalkal-images, the Šakkans, the Lions, the Wild Bulls, the Thunderbirds, the Bison-men, Ea-šarru and Damkina, the gods of Subartu,
On the 16th day: the triumphal entry into the city. Šerua, Kippat-mati and Tašmetu went to the palace and entered the house of Dagan. He offered salt on the table and poured out a libation bowl
The priests entered it from the front side of the city gate and came as far as the front side of the main room.
The king came out. He performed the sheep offerings and occupied the stand. He placed on the censers a horn of an ox-calf, muscles of sheep and combustibles. He treated the gods. He burnt oil and honey.
He ascended the dais. He poured boiled wine into the censers. He heaps up the cauldrons and the pithoi.
He performed sheep offerings before Ninurta and Nusku. He performed one before the gods of the House of God and the Conquerors. He performed one before the Golden Chariot and before Bel and Nabû. He seated the chanters and went to the palace.
The king stood up and escorted Šerua, Kippat-mati and Tašmetu into the house of Anu. He performed a sheep offering, and brought forth lights. He stopped in the gateway and remained standing. He brought forth the candelabra.
The priest of Anu, holding a torch made of wicks in his hand, recited before the king as far as the Mušlalu gate: "May the city be illuminated, may the city-wall ditto!"
On the 20th day the king came down to the House of God. He performed the sheep offerings before Aššur and Mullissu.
He made Aššur and Mullissu rise and seated them on the Dais of Destinies. He returned, lifted Lord Tiara on his head and seated him on the Dais of Destinies. He illuminated the face, brought a censer and a torch, performed a sheep offering. He went and seated the chanters.
He entered the house of Ea-šarru. He seated the chanters again and retired to the sideroom. He returned and made the chanters rise.
He provided cooked meat, made the gods rise and seated them on their seats. He brought forth a censer and a torch and provided for the House of God.
On the 23rd day the king came down to the House of God. He brought forth a censer and a torch. He performed the sheep offerings before Aššur and Mullissu. He performed those before the gods of heaven.
He filled plates with spicy grains. He performed a sheep offering before it, and provided cooked meat. He placed the plates before Aššur and Mullissu, offered salt on them.
He performed the sheep offerings before Aššur and Mullissu. He performed those before the gods of heaven.
The king raised Lord Tiara, lifted it upon his head and brought it into the house of Anu. Šerua, Kippat-mati, Tašmetu, the Axe and Kutatati went with Lord Tiara to the house of Anu.
He seated Aššur on his seat, lit a censer and a torch, and performed the sheep offerings. He placed out a plate with soup, provided hammurtu-beer, and remained standing upon the stand.
The king came out. He strewed salt on the tables in the qirsu-enclosure. They broke the glass vessels.
On the 9th day the king came out of the palace. He halted in the courtyard of the palace. A table was set before the king.
He (= the priest) fills a vat to the brim with wine before the king. A peeled pomegranate was placed on a platter of salt. They put it in the mouth of a cupbearer and bring him in before the king.
The head of the female singers announces the good news: "Šerua has given birth!" She said so thrice, and entered the house of Anu.
The king entered the house of Adad. He lit the censer, illuminated the face of the God and brought forth a censer and a torch. He performed the sheep offerings.
The Chariot, the Weapon, Amurru, Haya, Kusu, Ninurta of the Wall, Tišpak, Mandanu, Nusku, Kakka: total 10 before Aššur.
Sîn, Nikkal, Šamaš, Aya, Enlil, Ištar of Nineveh, Kakka, Nusku: total 8 inside. Kippat-mati ahead of the window opening in the courtyard; Haya and Kusu in the courtyard. Total 15 gods on the right.
Anu, Antu; Adad, Nisaba, Šala; Zababa, Babu; Ea, Belet-ii, Damkina; Ninurta, the Twins, Nergal, Nusku and Mandanu in the courtyard. Total 15 gods on the left.
, 2 bags of sesame, 2 broken broken broken broken, 2 broken broken broken, 2 broken broken broken: total broken broken broken.
1 spray of broken figs, 1 ditto of grapes, 1 ditto of pomegranates broken, 1 ditto of peeled figs: total 4 broken before Mullissu.
1 litre of beer each, 1 litre of bread made of groats each: the treasurer of the House of Aššur places this.
The 12 libation bowls which are libated before Šerua: once Mullissu is seated, they are not libated.
On the 13th of Iyyar II, they perform the crossing over of Ištar in the Inner City, in the Akitu House. Aššur, Mullissu, Mašmaš and Adad go to the Akitu.
He (= the king) sets the tables, performs sheep offerings, provides cooked meat, offers bread made of groats, and a fattened sheep. He burns a female kid, makes a kamanu-cake dance. He opens the vat and feeds the Seven Gods
The 4th of Iyyar II, the 3rd of Elul VI, the 6th of Tishri VII, the 12th of Marchesvan VIII, the 18th of Shebat XI.
The 7th of Nisan I, the 10th of Iyyar II, the 16th of Elul VI, the 2nd of Tishri VII, the 16th of Marchesvan VIII, the 18th of Shebat XI.
The 7th of Nisan I, the 10th of Iyyar II, the 16th of Elul VI, the 2nd of Tishri VII, the 17th of Marchesvan VIII.
In the night of the 4th of Nisan I, at the culmination of the Single-Star-of-its-Tail β Leonis, the fifth cup was placed for pouring out: they asked for water.
Between the culmination of the star of Erua Coma Berenices and the former Nadullu υ Boötis, the sixth cup was placed: the king entered the House of Aššur.
At the culmination of the latter Nadullu ζ Boötis, the 7th cup was placed for pouring out: the king entered the house of Mullissu.
At the culmination of the Triplet star α Herculis, the 11th of the cups was placed for pouring out: the king entered the palace.
For Mullissu to sit at the right-side watchtower is favourable. For Mullissu to sit at the right-side front is favourable. For Mullissu at the left-side watchtower ditto. For Mullissu at the left-side front ditto. For Šerua to sit on the right is unfavourable. To sit on the left is favourable.
Concerning Ninurta, Nusku and Mandanu an extispicy was made, "Should they stand before the brazier?" Unfavourable. An extispicy was made concerning Kakka, it was favourable.
Concerning the old garments which Aššur wears since a long time, they cover with them the god (lit. ‘gods’) who is acceptable to the king. An extispicy was made and it was favourable.
As for the ox and sheep offerings sacrificed on the brazier of the House of Aššur with the sheep offerings of Shebat XI and Adar XII, to offer them with the sheep offerings is unfavourable. They shall be offered with the evening sacrifice offered with the cooked meat. An extispicy was made concerning the brazier of the God and it was favourable.
The women circumambulate opposite Aššur. Aššur is seated on his seat at the Gate of the Firmament: not required.
Ea sets off in procession at the culmination of the Triplet star α Herculis. Kippat-mati sets off at the culmination of Belet-balaṭi α Lyrae. Kutatati does not go to the Dais of Destinies.
Nabû, Tašmetu and Kutatati do not go the Akitu House to the assembly of gods. Tašmetu goes to the House of God on the xth day.
"Should the rites of the Road House which are performed before Šarrat-nipha be removed?" Favourable.
The bread of the Road House should not be smeared. He shall come out and give it where the king eats.
"Should they perform the sheep offerings of Mullissu in the Akitu on the censer of Aššur and invoke the name of Mullissu?" An extispicy was made: favourable.
"Should they perform the sheep offerings of Šerua on the censer of Mullissu while invoking the name of Šerua?" Unfavourable.
"Should they place the censer of Šerua beside that of Mullissu and perform the sheep offerings on it?" Favourable.
"Will they place the censer of Sîn, Šamaš, Anu and Adad after the censer of fumigants of Aššur and perform the sheep offerings on it?" An extispicy was made, it was favourable.
The gate opposite Aššur is the Royal Gate, its entrance gate which gives to the court is the Gate of the Path of Anu, its court is the Courtyard of the Array of the Stations of the Igigi Gods.
The Eastern gate overlooking the river is the Gate of the Firmament, its entrance gate is the Entrance-of-the-Igigi Gate.
The Southern gate is the Knelt-are-the-Igigi Gate, its entrance gate is to the court of the Gate of the Yield of the Lands.
The Northern gate is the Ursa Major Gate, its entrance gate is to the court of the Dais of Destinies.
Jupiter is the star of Sîn and Sîn is Aššur. The Plough Star Triangulum is Aššur, the Yoke Star Boötes is Aššur, the Tied-Yoke Star (α Draconis?) is Enlil and Aššur, the Field Star Pegasus is the seat of Aššur, the Tiara-of-Anu α Tauri is the seat of Aššur. Mercury is the star of Adad, Saturn is the star of Šamaš.
Kippat-mati ahead of Sîn and Šerua. Šerua ahead of Sîn and Ištar of Nineveh. Ištar of Nineveh ahead of Kutatati and Tašmetu. Kutatati ahead of Tašmetu and Nusku. Tašmetu ahead of Nusku, Ištar of Nineveh ahead of Nusku. Adad ahead of Ea, Kakka ahead of Nusku, Ištar of Nineveh ahead of Ea. Šakkan ahead of Enlil and Šamaš.
Enlil after Aya. Ištar of Nineveh after Enlil. Kippat-mati after Aya. Enlil after Kippat-mati. Mullissu ahead of Šarrat-nipha. Šarrat-nipha ahead of Belat-ekalli. Belat-ekalli ahead of Tišpak. Anu after Sîn. Šerua after Aya. Šamaš ahead of Šamaš sic.
The gods whose places Sennacherib, king of Assyria, put in the mouths of the people through extispicy and their cups of veneration:
Aššur, Mullissu, Šerua, Sîn, Nikkal, Šamaš, Aya, Anu, Antu, Kippat-mati, Enlil, Adad, Šala, Ištar of Heaven, Ištar of Nineveh, Ištar of Arbela, the Assyrian Ištar, Zababa, Babu, Ea, Belet-ili, Damkina, Ninurta, Kakka, Nergal, Marduk.
Kittu and Mišaru and three divine judges in(!) the side room of the house of Šamaš, to the right and left.
On the 12th of Shebat XI, eponym year of Šamaš-da’’inanni, they departed in procession and were seated in their houses.
"May the queen enter into the presence of Aššur in the main room whenever she wishes?" An extispicy was made and it was favourable.
When cooked meat is provided before Šerua, the daughter of the king is Šerua as if it were her own name.
Aššur, Mullissu, Šerua, Sîn, Nikkal, Šamaš, Aya, Kippat-mati, Ištar of Heaven, Ištar of Nineveh, Ištar of Arbela, Belet-ili, Damkina, Ea: total 14 gods, recipients of finest flour of the house of Mullissu.
Spicy seeds, budê-confection, haršu, bags of sesame, bags of chick-peas, ditto of pistachios, ditto of almonds, a plate of oil-bread, ditto of small onions, ditto of figs, ditto of dates, baskets of armannu-fruit, ditto of pomegranates, two ditto of figs, ditto of olives, one ditto of vegetables: all this is for the wedding night of Mullissu. He heaps it up on the table.
"When they provide cooked meat before Šerua, the king’s sister by her very name is Šerua, daughter of Aššur — should they sing like this?" Unfavourable. "The king’s sister by her very name is Šerua, wife of Aššur — should they sing like this?" Favourable.
On the 23rd day the king goes down to the House of God. He illuminates the face. He performs the regular offering before Aššur and Mullissu. He performs one before the gods of heaven.
The king fills plates with spicy grains. He performs a sheep offering before them. He provides cooked meat and places the plates before Aššur and Mullissu. He offers salt on them.
He seats the chanters and retires to the side room. At the time of making the chanters rise, the king makes the chanters rise. He provides for the House of God in the house of Dagan.
He illuminates the face. He performs the regular offering before Aššur and Mullissu; he performs one before the gods of heaven.
He fills plates with spicy grains. He performs a sheep offering before them. He provides cooked meat and places the plates before Aššur and Mullissu.
pours beer, then seats him at the Eastern Gate. He illuminates the face. He performs a sheep offering and provides cooked meat. He makes the God rise and seats him on his seat in the house of Dagan. He stops the chanters. He brings forth a censer and a torch. He performs a sheep offering. He recites a psalm with uplifted hands. Ditto before Mullissu.
The regular offerings to be made and the wine to be libated from the 23rd through the 25th of Shebat XI.
, at the 5/6th double-hour of the day you go to the river and pitch a tent on the river bank. You place the front of the tent towards the desert.
You collect seeds, pulling the sufferer of the punishment, while the singer keeps reciting: "I know the sinner" — a second time like this, a third time like this. You throw the things pulled out into the river. He throws the ‘solvents’ before Šamaš.
You put up a bed in the tent. You place on the bed a habannutu-jar of haršu and a habannutu-jar of siltu-groats, in whose tips you place pomegranates and whose necks you bind with multicoloured wool, a bowl of oil and four loaves of huhhurtu bread, and you attach a bread-tray in front of it.
You prepare a ritual arrangement before Šamaš. You seat the seven divine judges on a cloth of linen, fasten a multicolored cloth in their heads, attach a bread-tray before them, and place an eating bowl upon it, while he (= the singer) sings, "The perfect king."
The sufferer of the punishment pours a cup of water and a cup of premium beer into the river, throws out the mixture, while he sings, "In cultic evil we ask thee, O Ištar." He keeps reciting: "
He emits sighs, while he sings, "The awe-inspiring goddess has become hostile to me." The singer keeps reciting: "You are god, you are queen, O Daughter-of-the-River."
He rises, applies water to his hands, pours in incense twice, pours two libation bowls. The singer intones, "May they rest, may they rest."
He makes the kamanu-cake dance, while he sings, "The kamanu-cake of my shepherd." He opens the vat, while he sings, "Our hutmu."
You wash the feet of the sufferer of the punishment with water and Premium beer, while he sings, "The Seven Gods are fierce and they are determiners."
He goes to strew salt before the Seven Gods, feeds the ṣīpu, and completes libations of beer, wine, honey and oil.
He goes to provide cooked meat before Aššur, comes back to provide a rib before Ištar, completes his libations, and appears to the public.
between the magnates, and finishes his singing. The people are removed. The king enters the bedroom.
He performs a sheep offering before Aššur and goes to feed the ṣīpu before Ištar. He performs a sheep offering and enters to feed the ṣīpu before the bed. He completes his libations.
He goes to provide cooked meat before Aššur, comes back to provide roast meat before Ištar, and completes his libations. He enters to provide roast meat before the bed.
He gives incense thrice, burns honey and oil, completes his libations, and appears to the public.
He swings the purification device over the table. He comes back and swings the purification device over the censer, gives incense twice, pours out a libation bowl. He gives incense thrice, performs a sheep offering, burns honey and oil, completes his libations, and appears to the public.
He then goes and offers blood into the pit. He pours honey and oil into the pit, and pours beer and wine upon it.