from Tabal and Que about whom they wrote to me from the Palace - let Aššur, Bel and Nabû come into the presence of the king as soon as they lay their
Those approximately 400 Gurreans had been sent out to raid the steppe. A guard saw this and a cry was sounded. We pursued them, and they took to the snowy mountain in front of them. We caught them from the town of Yauna and Reš-ṣurri.
I have sent 200 men to the commander-in-chief, who says that they should be brought to the Palace. 24 men have died here. There are also people who were caught with the
As to Inurta-aplu-iddina about whom my lord wrote to me: "How many horses, oxen and sheep that he brought from Tabal has he entrusted to you? Why have you not written about this?"
I have already written to my lord twice: 46 horses, 165 oxen, 4,635 sheep are in my charge and 33 horses, 135 oxen are in the charge of Aššur-naṣir.
I have given him orders, written a sealed document and given it to him, and he has left for my lord.
Aya-neri has fetched 16 logs that came from Bel-ibni, deposited them unto me, and I have received them.
Heretofore, Attar-šumki and Mati'-il used to pile up logs on the river bank, and I have piled them up there as well. Now NN comes to me, saying: "Let him (= Aya-neri) cut them for me, and bring them across to this side of the river!"
The land of my lord is very well and we are doing our work. The king, my lord, can be glad indeed.
Concerning what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "20,000 homers of barley have been imposed on you - when will you raise them?"
The chief eunuch of my lord brought me into Riblah and impressed upon me regarding the watch over Riblah: "Half of the pack animals should enter Riblah whereas the other half should enter Qadeš."
If the king, my lord, commands: "Let them buy and eat their own food," then let them buy and eat, but the king, my lord, should know how things are.
The king, my lord, knows that the towns into which I have brought pack animals are in the middle of the desert. Who can stand guard, whether over the pack animals or in my presence?
The guard of Riblah is loose. The king, my lord, should know this. If the king, my lord, commands, I shall release the servants of the king and I shall keep with my chariot the guard which the king entrusted to me.
He who owns a field by the king's sealed order must prove the exemption of the field. Those who were bought are subject to our corn taxes, but he refuses to pay them.
, one has come to me, saying: "The treasurer of the crown prince's household has appropriated an estate of 40 hectares of sown land in the town of Pa
Out of the 1,000 hectares of our cornfields that are cultivated in the province of Isana, only 200 enjoy irrigation water. Should pack animals come to me, what shall I give them? Let a messenger of the king come and take any corn taxes that we have!
I told to their compeers: "I will release and equip them," but their brothers did not consent, saying: "The men are criminals; they will get up and run away. They are bent on killing."
On the 20th of Nisan I, Mušallim-Aššur returned from Ṣimirra, saying: "Go, quickly remove the corpses
Let the king, my lord, send word to see where they are waiting for the king my lord's help, and let him listen to their needs.
The year has drawn to an end but I am not able to cultivate 1,000 homers of seed until I send for the ploughs of Barhalza.
The commander-in-chief is telling me: "The time of seeding is passed." I have sent word, and they are bringing me oxen from a village under the authority of Arpad.
On the 30th of Adar XII, the interpreter NN and the emissaries of Que – with them 1 wooden carriage, 3 mules and 3 men - crossed the river and spent the night in Kar-Shalmaneser. They are coming to the Palace to greet the king.
The commander-in-chief wrote to me: "Set out with the booty at your disposal and get going!" Should Tutammû also come together with his eunuchs?
The river wood has been cut and broken pieces have been smeared with bitumen. 28 wooden stockades have been placed, the door of the main gate has been installed and the key and lock have been made. The drainage pipes of the courtyard have been coated with bitumen. The
of the dariku-container has been installed. The rest of the barracks have been completely built and roofed. I am also completely building the storehouse of
The outer pool is excellent. Inside, the water from the lagoon of the Tigris is good. Let the king, my lord, come and have a look.
I am bringing the subsoil ploughs, šugurru-mats, bitumen, hamartu and the cattle into the garrison and arranging them.
To the king, my lord: your servant Duri-Aššur. The best of health to the king, my lord! The forts and the land of the king, my lord, are well. The king, my lord, can be glad indeed.
All the forts are well, the land of the treasurer is well, the land of the chief cupbearer is well.
I have arrived in Sarun and am laying the foundations. I will then go to Birdunu, lay the foundations, and set out and go.
The ruler of Etini has twice attacked him, defeated him and plundered him. He is now upon him for the third time.
Rusa (= Ursa) marched straight from Ṭurušpâ against the Etiniean, but has turned around and is coming here.
When I entered Sarduriani and attacked the cities of the other side of the Zab river, an express messenger came to Rusa, saying: "The troops of the king of Assyria are marching against you for the third time."
All the vast troops who escaped have not yet even minimally come together, so we are not able to send details of how many were killed or taken prisoners.
I placed watchtowers there and put them on alert, I transported barley and piled it up there, and I brought troops into it.
li and Menaga, two forts of Aššur-belu-taqqin. Where they have not been put on alert, I will alert them, and I will transport barley, pile it up there, and bring troops into them.
We got together on the 26th, stood in the presence of the commander-in-chief and gave orders to one another. We arrived within the city gates and inflicted a defeat: Mukin-zeri has been killed and Šumu-ukin, his son, has also been killed. The city is conquered. The king, my lord, can be glad.
The king, my lord, should wait for our messenger, until our messenger comes. Only thereupon should the king, my lord, come.
Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "Did they kill people within the city gates?" I swear by the gods of the king, my lord, that they entered only one cubit, one span into the city centre. The king, my lord, may ask about it.
As to the barley for Merodach-baladan about which the king, my lord, told me, when he saw the defeat, he said: "I have sent word, they are bringing it."
Concerning the town of Dur-Ammi-iababa about which the king, my lord, wrote to me, they have raised a palace atop the citadel, and the moat of the wall is finished.
Concerning the barley of Bel-aplu-iddina about which the king, my lord, wrote to me, Mušallim-Marduk, who went with the boats, has returned.
To the king, my lord: your servant Aššur-šallimanni. Good health to the king, my lord! The king's camp is well.
As to the Arameans about whom the king, my lord, gave us orders: "Get going and march off!" – we have turned back from Maruru and directed our course
We turned back and are staying in Maruru. The cavalrymen whom we transferred to Maruru and who are staying in Maruru have arrested 60 wandering men.
The Gambuleans were in Arrapha on the 3rd day. I was wounded in the military campaign and I am very ill. It is not possible for me to come to the king, my lord.
When he came, he told me: "You should stay off Dur-Kurigalzu! If you come, they will kill you." I am telling a matter which I have heard and seen.
The king sent his messenger after me to the road of Lahiru. He said: "Come, let me bring you into Dur-Kurigalzu." But as I am ill, I refused to go.
As to the fruit of the orchard of Kiṣirtu about which the king, my lord, wrote to me: "From whom do you buy it?" I buy it from my uncles Aššur-mušallim and Nergal-mušallim.
If this is not the truth may the king not redeem me. I am a dog but the king, my lord, has treated me justly towards the gods.
Would I write untruly to the king, my lord? Let the king, my lord, ask Bel-ahu-uṣur and Ubru-ahhe: "What is the orchard there?"
I have received the horses from the chief of trade whom the king, my lord, sent to me, and have delivered them. All the king's servants are well.
Those who led the fortified towns of the river basin of the House of Wargi - their loss was 370 killed.
The ‘mule house man' has come, saying: "Let me divide the booty into portions in Mazamua. Kanunayu the
from 100 horses that came from Calneh: on the way from Calah to Dur-Bel-ila’i, before they arrived to me, 26 of them died.
I set out from Marad on the 29th and went as far as Parak-Mari. I checked and received the people who were in the custody of the citizens of Larak and Nippur.
I shall set out from Parak-Mari on the first. I shall bring and appoint the people. Then I shall come to the king, my lord.
Concerning the people about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me, right now I am sending 373 persons under the care of Zer-abi to the king, my lord.
57 men; 6 men of 5 spans' height, 3 of 4 spans' height, 12 of 3 spans’ height; 8 weaned; x sucklings.
men. I am herewith sending their young men to the king, my lord. There are goldsmiths and notables among them.
The governor of Bit-Hamban arrived at the river on the 2nd day. We will set out and go as soon as he has completely crossed over the river
he takes the writing-board containing the numbers and sends it to me in the hands of his messenger. I and the
The writing-boards listing the former people from Mount Hasuatti and the later people from Mount Hasuatti are at the disposal of the chief judge. The seal of the chief judge is on them.
To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-nammir. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord.
To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-nammir. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord.
To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-nammir. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord!
Concerning the barley which the king, my lord, sent me for, when I set out from the king, my lord, I entered Cutha and Sippar and I stayed two days in Babylon but the barley of Ṣil-Bel was not available. I could not go near it until Mušezib-Ilu came from Kar-Aššur.
We set into motion the boats and water-skin rafts which were launched into water in Dur-Ladini, and proceeded to Bab-bitqi.
The baker of the harem manageress came and told me: "A scepter, a chest, an iron brazier and a copper kettle have been stolen from the Palace and sold for money.
As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Do not pile up the rest of the barley until Abi-hari comes. Let him give it to you. Let Ahunu come here quickly and supervise the Itu'eans."
Ahunu is departing right now. For 20, 21 days they have been waiting for the king my lord's caravan, until Abi-hari
Your servant Nabû-balassu-iqbi: I would gladly die for the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord! Say to the king, my lord:
I am hereby sending my tablet to greet the king, my lord. The king, my lord, said: "Your messenger and your report are concealed from me. Why do I send you a message, but you do not send me a reply?"
Your servant Nabû-balassu-iqbi: I would gladly die for the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord! Say to the king, my lord: I have sent a messenger to greet the king, my lord.
Concerning the news of Babylon, I have sent messengers to Babylon but they have not come back until now.
By the gods of the king, my lord, I and my father are servants of the king, my lord, and our loins are girded for the king.
He has given me much, what can I give him? May I hear the well-being of the king, my lord, and may I be happy!
After I had prepared for journey the king's messenger, who raised high her ritual, and after he had left for the king, the oblates of Cutha and Babylon, king’s men, arrived in the fortress under our protection.
Concerning what the king wrote to me: "Write the names of all the citizens of Babylon who have come to my side in a letter and send it to me!"
To the king, my lord: your servant Sin-ahhe-riba. Good health to the king, my lord! Assyria is well, the temples are well, all the king's forts are well. The king, my lord, can be glad indeed.
all the available riding horses and every single Aramean – I have appointed the guards from the town of Adad as far as the town of Uqimutaya.
I am returning, and after I have crossed the Euphrates, perhaps the gods of the king will grant me that I collect all the harvest there is.
As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Glaze bricks in Sarduriani till the 5th of Ab V and then drop it! Appoint Ukkaeans and scouts to supervise the work and let them guard the bricks! You yourselves go glaze bricks in Elizkun for ten days! If the Urarṭians come to Sarduriani to crush the bricks, let an express messenger come and tell you: 'Revert from Elizkun and overwhelm them!'"
I sent my messenger to the Ukkaean but he refused to come. He sent ten master builders and 100 men, but they returned and ran away in a matter of days.
The king, my lord, gave pack animals into my care but I am not able to take care of them; they will die of hunger.
I have used up the grain rations that the king, my lord, gave me, having given them to the local people, the specialists in the service of the treasurer and the quartermaster corps of the Palace.
I can give out one homer of barley, but the king, my lord, knows what the governor of Arbela can afford.
As to the iškāru dues which were imposed on them last year, I gave one talent of silver in the agate standard to Bel-lešir for 30 horses; I gave, not 20 minas are missing.
standard, one mina each, Harbiṣaṣu and his brothers; in all 8 talents of silver of the pack animals, for 200 horses.
I have imposed iškāru dues on them and given them 10 minas each from the chariot-horse trainers and the stablemen that they keep. Those who go up to the trade colony I have provided with
I have given 6,666 homers 46 litres of barley to Inurta-šarru-uṣur. I have given 3,333 homers and 3 seahs of barley to Aššur-remanni.
I have not counted the men but there are some 400 men opposite me. I have completely crossed over the river.
The Urarṭian fort commanders, whom the governor of Calah brought, are now in Arbela. Will they stay there, or shall we bring them to Calah? What are the king my lord's orders?
He took once when I was in the king my lord's presence in Arbela, and now he has done it again and taken it for the second time!
Concerning Aššur-naṣir, Ammi-hatî and Bel-apkal-ilani, total three recruitment officers, about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me that they should enter the towns of Bel-aplu-iddina. They have now entered them.
As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Harass the road stations which have your horses, and come!"
Bel-le'i and about 90 mares of Mušeṣi are eating in the presence of Aššur-da''inanni. I did not see him and his son is not coming either.
Your servant Nabû-damiq: I would gladly die for the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord! Say to the king, my lord:
Concerning the orders that the king gave me, things have developed nicely in front of me. Now the king should quickly send the caravan of Nabû-bani and 500 horses here, so that those who are around us can go to Borsippa.