license: mit | |
# Symmetric basis convolutions for learning lagrangian fluid mechanics (Published at ICLR 2024) - Test Case I | |
This dataset contains the data for the first test case (1D compressible SPH) for the paper Symmetric basis convolutions for learning lagrangian fluid mechanics (Published at ICLR 2024). | |
You can find the full paper [here]( | |
The source core repository is available [here]( and also contains information on the data generation. You can install our BasisConvolution framework simply by running | |
`pip install BasisConvolution` | |
For the other test case datasets look here: | |
[Test Case I (compressible 1D)]( | |
[Test Case II (wcsph 2D)]( | |
[Test Case III (isph 2D)]( | |
[Test Case IV (3D)]( | |
## File Layout | |
The datasets are stored as hdf5 files with a single file per experiment. Within each file there is a set of configuration parameters and each frame of the simulation stored separately as a group. Each frame contains information for all fluid particles and all potentially relevant information. For the 2D test cases there is a pre-defined test/train split on a simulation level, wheras the 1D and 3D cases do not contain such a split. | |
## Demonstration | |
This repository contains a simple Jupyter notebook (Visualizer.ipynb) that loads the dataset in its current folder and visualizes it first: | |
 | |
And then runs a simple training on it to learn the SPH summation-based density for different basis functions: | |
 | |
## Minimum Working Example | |
Below you can find a fully work but simple example of loading our dataset, building a network (based on our SFBC framework) and doing a single network step. This relies on our SFBC/BasisConvolution framework that you can find [here]( or simply install it via pip (`pip install BasisConvolution`) | |
```py | |
from BasisConvolution.util.hyperparameters import parseHyperParameters, finalizeHyperParameters | |
from import buildModel, runInference | |
from BasisConvolution.util.augment import loadAugmentedBatch | |
from BasisConvolution.util.arguments import parser | |
import shlex | |
import torch | |
from import DataLoader | |
from BasisConvolution.util.dataloader import datasetLoader, processFolder | |
# Example arguments | |
args = parser.parse_args(shlex.split(f'--fluidFeatures constant:1 --boundaryFeatures constant:1 --groundTruth compute[rho]:constant:1/constant:rho0 --basisFunctions ffourier --basisTerms 4 --windowFunction "None" --maxUnroll 0 --frameDistance 0 --epochs 1')) | |
# Parse the arguments | |
hyperParameterDict = parseHyperParameters(args, None) | |
hyperParameterDict['device'] = 'cuda' # make sure to use a gpu if you can | |
hyperParameterDict['iterations'] = 2**10 # Works good enough for this toy problem | |
hyperParameterDict['batchSize'] = 4 # Automatic batched loading is supported | |
hyperParameterDict['boundary'] = False # Make sure the data loader does not expect boundary data (this yields a warning if not set) | |
# Build the dataset | |
datasetPath = 'dataset/train' | |
train_ds = datasetLoader(processFolder(hyperParameterDict, datasetPath)) | |
# And its respective loader/iterator combo as a batch sampler (this is our preferred method) | |
train_loader = DataLoader(train_ds, shuffle=True, batch_size = hyperParameterDict['batchSize']).batch_sampler | |
train_iter = iter(train_loader) | |
# Align the hyperparameters with the dataset, e.g., dimensionality | |
finalizeHyperParameters(hyperParameterDict, train_ds) | |
# Build a model for the given hyperparameters | |
model, optimizer, scheduler = buildModel(hyperParameterDict, verbose = False) | |
# Get a batch of data | |
try: | |
bdata = next(train_iter) | |
except StopIteration: | |
train_iter = iter(train_loader) | |
bdata = next(train_iter) | |
# Load the data, the data loader does augmentation and neighbor searching automatically | |
configs, attributes, currentStates, priorStates, trajectoryStates = loadAugmentedBatch(bdata, train_ds, hyperParameterDict) | |
# Run the forward pass | |
optimizer.zero_grad() | |
predictions = runInference(currentStates, configs, model, verbose = False) | |
# Compute the Loss | |
gts = [traj[0]['fluid']['target'] for traj in trajectoryStates] | |
losses = [torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(prediction, gt) for prediction, gt in zip(predictions, gts)] | |
# Run the backward pass | |
loss = torch.stack(losses).mean() | |
loss.backward() | |
optimizer.step() | |
# Print the loss | |
print(loss.item()) | |
print('Done') | |
``` |