Oh dont worry, ignore that section of my last post. I am trying to get an appropriate date for EVERYONE, so if I say, for example, DATE, CARDINAL out of CARDINAL people may come, whilst if a small survey is carried out, then the maximum amount of people can come.
FAILING The ashtray says you were up TIME When you went to bed with your darkest mind Your pillow wept and covered your eyes You finally slept when the sun caught fire
Crammed - Packed - Never - Ending - Weekend - Of - Mayhem. Wo0o0o. Okay. I've got nothing to rant, nor rave about DATE, so I guess I'll just describe to you what I did. That works. DATE - Had early dismissal. Blah. Came home, ate, went online, and sat around until about 2:45. Then I went back to school so I could go to track practice. Yeah, I was there until TIME. Though, all we did was streches, blocks and CARDINAL's. Easy practice for DATE. After when I came home, I did nothing, but sit around. Boring. DATE - Got up at CARDINAL, because of my loud and ingnorant father who decided to be loud when he was getting ready for class woke me up. Left at TIME, and stopped at the gerocry store so I could get some powerade ^_^' continued up to the school where the bus left at TIME, got to ORG at TIME, ran the CARDINAL in TIME, and ran the CARDINAL in TIME (I could of been faster in both, damn blocks!!) I didn't get home from that until 4:30. So when I came home, I was in a really good mood, and I played a little volleyball, and sat around, until randomly PERSON showed up in my house, soon followed by PERSON and PERSON. Then, they ubducted me, and we went down to the school, so I could film PERSON trying to do a ollie over a skateboard, on a skateboard in CARDINAL takes > While I was down there, I called back to my house to let my mom know where I was, and I asked her if I could spend TIME. So I did, and we ended up sitting around playing the CARDINAL game, which was being gay as hell, and PERSON kept using my shoulder as a pillow, so we all ended up going to bed at like 2:30. DATE - Woke up at TIME, and sat in the living room because no one else was up yet. When everyone finally got up we all watched Weird Science (except PERSON, because he was still sleeping, until he left at like 10:45) and then Dazed and Confused, I left around 1:30. Came home, ate something and did some shiz on the computer. The guys showed up at my house at like TIME - ish, and then we walked to downtown PERSON, where we sat around for TIME. Walked back to my house at CARDINAL - ish, layed around for a hour or so, and attempted to play twister until my mom came home ><. Then, they left at TIME - ish. Since then I have been doing a combination of computer/cleaning/dinner/bath/alias. Yeah. Well Ima go. Alias comes on in CARDINAL mins! Woo.
'I feel diseased Is there no sympathy, for the sun The sky's still fire But I am safe in here, from the world outside So tell me What's the price to pay for glory' - WORK_OF_ART. I think Hate is a strong enough word. But maybe it's not. I hate him. That's all there is to it. I can't stand to think about him, I can't stand to look at him, I can't even stand to say his name. So I'm not. He acts like he's my best friend, he acts like he doesnt know me. His a double-eged sword, and I sometimes wish that I never became friends...with him. But enough with that. I need some movie ideas. I gots my camcorder for xmas DATE, and all the editing equipment to go along. I need to write scripts, and have willing-non-paid actors to come and be in my movies. I get to go back to school on DATE. Not DATE. DATE. Oh, joy. (sarcasim) I really dont want to go back, because that means I have to see certain people. But on the other hand I will get to see the gorgeous PERSON, (see previous entry.) *smile.* 'There I am standing all alone on FAC. And you know I would jump into the fucking ocean if it meant I was truly capable of being satisfyed. Will I ever be? Did I just give up the best thing I ever had?' The WORK_OF_ART. My head hurts, my stomach hurts, and Im getting hungry. You might think this all seems like it's too much. Because it is.
urlLink The ORG and The PERSON
and i ask myself one last time... am i really over you? am i going to forget all those good times we shared? am i going to stop longing for time to turn back? am i going to stop missing you? YES.
SOD took part in his ORDINAL art exhibition DATE - the opening was at TIME up the coast at a gallery called Mahara in GPE. It was pretty cool - it was a group show and all the artists' work hung together really well (no pun intended!). What's up with skulls at the moment - they seemed to be a recurring symbol in a fair bit of the work. And then in walked ORG's bro with a skull and cross bones on the sleeve of his jumper. After swearing off buying art any more this year - 'cos I have spent quite a bit on it in DATE - what did I do? Bought something. A skull of course - it's a cool little bag shaped as a skull and decorated with appliqué with pearl teeth. Very cool. Apparently they sell at PERSON. Dunno if I'll be sporting mine about town - I think I prefer it as an art piece on the wall somewhere. My excuse for buying it was that it wasn't all that expensive. I like to kid myself like that. I took a break from work DATE and mowed the lawns. I need to get a life.
I have come to the conclusion that no one I know or want to know reads this crap, but I'm still gonna do it as it is one of the only outlets I have for saying the stuff in my head. Well not all the stuff in my head as I would give away too much. I have some new found friends for that now who I feel I can trust. At least I hope I can trust them. Nothing other than that TIME kiddies. Oh Sex and the City finished TIME. Shame. I liked it a lot. Feck this I'm off to sleep, perchance to dream. Is that PERSON? I think it is. Bye
I just wanted to let the few of you who read this know that I will be scarce around here for a while. On TIME, my sister was arrested and I ended up getting her children. This may turn into a permanent thing, but it's too early to tell. Also, my brother was in a wreck TIME and is in critical condition. His spinal cord was broken and he is paralyzed from the chest down. He can still move his arms for now, and they are going to do surgery to put a steel bar in his back on DATE so he doesn't injure himself any more. There may also be brain damage, but we don't know the extent of it yet. Both of my siblings were doing meth and that was a big cause for the problems they are now going through. PERSON, I hope I get a chance to talk to you before you read this. If not, I'm sorry you heard all of this this way. I will call you DATE. Take care and hopefully I'll be able to post once in a while.
We just finished watching ORG. What a great movie. It really made me want to move in the direction of becoming a teacher. I love it when movies empower kids. I sometimes forget how amazing they can be. Yes, I know this was just a movie, but the kids were great. I work with kids that are in foster care and have 'special needs.' That means that they have some sort of mental health diagnosis. Sometimes they are total turds, but most of them are these amazing people. CARDINAL little boy just tugged at my heart DATE. He's only 4 and diagnosed with ORG. He had a tantrum at his visit with his mom and stormed into his bedroom. I went in to talk to him and he tried to push me away so I got down on my knees so I could be at his level and asked him if he needed a hug. He turned these big, brown, sad eyes at me and just nodded. I held him for TIME and then he was okay. They don't always know how to tell us what they need, and sometimes it's just a little love and encouragement. Wow. They blow me away.
It's been DATE, Sorry to disappont, hehe. Anyways, not to much has been going on anyway. My birthday is in DATE...woohoo...not really, I couldn't care less. I applied at this office DATE for a job and the lady seemed to be rather interested and hopefully will hire me. I'm kind of scared and nervous about it. All these people are very much older than me, and the secretary makes me feel intimidated. I also feel that I won't be able to do the job since I have never had expierence in work such as that. I just hope that I can do my job well, that is if I get it. I'd only work on DATE, Wedensdays, and DATE. Thats not bad at all. However, my paycheck shall suck. $MONEY an hour isn't bad, but if I'm only working TIME a week, that sucks. I don't know what exactly to do. In CARDINAL way I hope they take me so my job search is over, in another, I hope they don't so I can get more hours. Although I think I hope more that they do take me. I'm more scared than anything, I don't care that much about hours, Im just scared. Please someone help me to get over that fear. Yeah, so I'm kind of sick. I have a small cold and I'm trying to make it die! I feel like poo-poo. I don't know what else is there. PERSON called a man about making cabinets, and he seemed very interested, and said that he would call him in DATE. Hopefully he is hired. I want some soup. However, I don't have any. Well, I'm thinking maybe I should rest. It might do me some good. *Keep your fingers crossed for PERSON and I for our job lea ds*
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I don't feel like taking a shower. I want to be clean, but I hate drying my hair. It's so long and it takes TIME atleast to get it dry and its a pain in the ass. I love my long hair, and I would never cut it, I just wish there was an easier way. But, oh well. I wonder what PERSON and I will do DATE. Oh, he pierced his nose! Its sexy! I like it a lot, now he has his labret and his nose..ohhh so hot!&nbsp;I wish my dad wasn't so anal about the whole piercing thing. I pierced my nose once but he made me take it out. I don't get whats so big about it, I mean a tattoo I understand, its permanent. A piercing is just a hole that will close, its not Forever. He just doesn't understand. He thinks they're ugly, but it's not really his decison. I just can't wait to be a little older so my life can belong to me, instead of my parents. I have no say in anything. I'm ordered around like a little servant, and I can't even get a piercing or CARDINAL. When does my life belong to me? When I had&nbsp;a job, my paycheck wasn't even mine. I had to save CARDINAL of it and I mean yes thats good, but shouldn't I be the one to decide that, I am working for it. I can't ever sleep in or stay up late anymore. I used to stay up until like TIME. and sleep until TIME so fucking what? But no...I have to go to bed atleast by TIME and be up by TIME at the latest. I don't understand what the big deal is? I mean, yes I have chores to do, but its not like they wont still be there when I get up. He just likes to control me and Im sick of it. I guess it makes him feel like a 'man' to control my every move. Granted, I do get to go places and use the car, but a lot of times it's places for them. I do everything they ask me to but yet still to him I don't deserve food, clothing, to use the car, or have any of my stuff. I have to earn everything I get. Well, I've been cleaning this house ever since I was DATE. I think I've earned my fair share, and since I got my liscense..oh god. I go to the grocery store, I pick up all his medicine, I take him to the Dr. when he asks me to, I drive him places..like computer stores, I go everywhere and clean but yet its still to much to ask for to have a piercing and for sleep. I'm not asking for a later curfew. My curfew is TIME. I don't mind that. It's fine, and if I got to a&nbsp;late movie and get home TIME, they don't care..I mean Im not asking to stay out late, I just want sleep and CARDINAL piercings. I don't even get paid for this stuff, and I dont ask for money either. I dont care about money, its not an important issue with me. I dont know, maybe Im too spoiled and being ungrateful and shouldn't complain, but you know what, this is my journal and I can bitch all I want!
urlLink You may have added CARDINAL but you didn't drop CARDINAL so your top CARDINAL is in fact now a top CARDINAL. PERSON for imperial lists, boo for metric lists! :) As to the ORG character name - haven't a clue! And you urlLink never stump up the prizes anyway :)
I can't believe it I have found him. I believe that everyone has a love that they have lost that they regret loosing. W.B. is mine. He was the best guy to ever walk in my life. He was a perfect gent. but could still argue with me when I needed a good one. He was also gorgeous, could dance, and even make a mime laugh out loud. Of course I was young and stupid and screwed the relationship all to hell. Nothing new for me. Anyway we talked all the time afterwards, but then he changed jobs in the military and had to go across the GPE for school. We managed to loose touch for DATE until DATE when my brother got his e-mail address from a website online for military people to find old military friends. Well I e-mailed him and he e-mailed me back. Nothin long. It was short and sweet, but all the memories came rushing back, and I almost started to cry like a little bitch, but I didn't. I wrote him a little to catch him up on my life, and asked him to do the same. I guess I will have to wait and see what he has been up to. But to know that I will now have the opportunity to show him how much of a better person I have become is worth the wait. I think he would be happy to know that most of it is because of him.
(As a new feature, I will make the song I'm listening to at the moment accessible to you. Just click the title or the whole right-click, PERSON.) DATE have passed since the last time I posted. Not much has happened though. I just went to work a lot and a big highlight was PERSON's birthday party. I don't remember much of what has happened. My brother's birthday passed, I made him a cake. Took my senior portraits. Worked some more. It wasn't up until recently that I started keeping in touch with friends from school. Hung out with Ellie one day and it was fun. She was a sight for sore eyes. Saw the Village, um... I thought it was a disappointment. I haven't been out of the house much. I haven't been to any shows, but there is the PERSON tomorrow that I want to go to. I'm on the last book for DATE reading and it is a bore. So PERSON's party. Good times that ended too soon for me. It was a surpise party and I'm sure he was surprised. Picked up PERSON and headed to PERSON's. There were a bunch of people there already. Mostly from school and it was nice to see them again. I have found out from this party that I'm not a very entertaining guy. I don't really have much to say, I'm not very funny, I'm just not amusing, but everybody else was and it was nice. I had to cut out early because I had to wake up DATE to help with some deliveries. Didn't get to meet Ellie like we had planned. She showed up fashionably late. So, I couldn't sleep. Stayed up most of the night and had small talk with people online. A good day I thought. DATE I sent in an order to WORK_OF_ART discography and Limp Wrist discography. Check those CARDINAL bands out if you haven't yet. I'm still waiting for them. I'm addicted to online mini-golf. urlLink www.jippii.com Yeah. I'm attracted to it. Went up to GPE DATE to help my sister move in. She lives in a really nice neighborhood. It's not an on-campus place so she can do whatever she wants, such as letting me crash at TIME, i.e. shows. There's gonna be a house-warming party or something. I want to go. I swear, PERSON, I'll start updating this more often now that I know you read it. And I wholeheartedly agree. Girls are another species. Things get so complicated. I sometimes wish I didn't have any feelings. But hey, things will get better eventually. ORG: Priceless.
DATE; That's DATE closer to school.&nbsp; So, I still don't have a job but I'm hoping to land one by school.&nbsp; I want to work during school.&nbsp; Suicide?&nbsp; I THINK SO!&nbsp; Piled on to are college apps.&nbsp; PERSON was talking about writing her essays for those things and I got all bent out of shape.&nbsp; I don't even know what I want to major in, let alone where to go.&nbsp; There has been some hardcore school searching.&nbsp; [Side Note: I'm busting out the ORG playlist.&nbsp; ORG is definitely around the corner. . .] Many-a-good shows have passed this weekend.&nbsp; PERSON from freakin' GPE came along with a bunch of NORP bands played at PRODUCT and to my complete and utter surpise, I couldn't go.&nbsp; Hostile Takeover played at the place in GPE TIME along with Look Back and Laugh, etc. . . and I again, couldn't attend because of other obligations such as church.&nbsp; Went to work with my dad on Friday.&nbsp; Delivered some furniture to this dude that lives in the mountains in some city past castro valley.&nbsp; Getting lost with my dad on a CARDINAL lane road (sometimes CARDINAL lane), going uphill in a full size truck.&nbsp; Not fun.&nbsp; Got all the crap into the guy's house and went back to the store.&nbsp; I read a few chapters from Warriors Don't Cry by PERSON; It's pretty good and quick.&nbsp; About the integration of schools in the south.&nbsp; Brutal.&nbsp; Once again back to the school deal.&nbsp; DATE is gonna start soon.&nbsp; We're talking our photos DATE; I gotta finish reading the DATE reading books and start some more PERSON, or maybe finish all the books I started already.&nbsp; I've got to start requesting application forms from about every college imaginable.&nbsp; Do some serious thinking (what my strong points and skills are, what I like to do, etc. . .)&nbsp; Growing up really scares ORG; It really does.&nbsp; Just wanted you all to get a decent post for once.&nbsp; Not much bitching, not much bragging.&nbsp; Keeping ties fresh.&nbsp;
The survey theif strikes again... ABOUT YOU Your full name:: PERSON Age:: CARDINAL Height:: CARDINAL' Natural hair colour:: PERSON colour:: Brown Number of siblings:: CARDINAL, and some of them steps Glasses/contacts?:: contizzles Piercings:: haha PERSON:: nah Braces?:: nah FAVOURITE Colour:: green Band:: there are too many PERSON:: once again, I am lost Stuffed animal:: It’s between a bear I got in GPE or a tractor my grandmammy made Video game:: Super Mario CARDINAL TV show:: I’ll just say PERSON, I watch it more than any other show ORG:: don’t got one Book:: wow, these are hard questions… next Food:: candy Game on a cell phone:: they have games on phones? CD cover:: Smash has a cool cover, but it isn’t my favorite, ooh, so does PERSON:: I’m liking those one’s that are fluffy and you can blow on them, and they go everywhere Scent:: I have to say muffins Animal:: after DATE, it’s close between camels and gazelles PERSON book:: PERSON:: Kix, yo Website:: urlLink www.totse.com Cartoon:: Family Guy DO YOU Play an instrument?:: Yeah Watch TV TIME a week?:: there aren’t even that TIME in a week… Like to sing?:: much to everyone’s displeasure Have a job?:: no, but I paint! Have a cell phone?:: nah Like to play sports?:: occasionally Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: Yeah Have a crush on someone?:: Bunni, Green Day Live somewhere NOT in the united states?:: GPE Have CARDINAL TVs in your house?:: Nope Have any special talents/skills?:: armpit noises PERSON daily?:: I walk throughout my house Like school?:: It could be better CAN YOU Sing the alphabet backwards?:: no PERSON on your tip toes without wearing shoes?:: nah PERSON any other languages?:: sorta Go a day without food?:: Yes Stay up for TIME?:: Yes Read music, not just tabs?:: no Roll your tongue?:: no Eat a whole pizza?:: no HAVE YOU EVER Snuck out of the house?:: haha… but no Cried to get out of trouble?:: all the time PERSON lost in your city?:: Hillsboro? Seen a shooting star?:: yeah Been to any other countries besides the united states?:: ohio… Had a serious surgery?:: no, it was kinda funny Stolen something important to someone else?:: no Solved a rubiks cube?:: oh golly, would I love to. Gone out in public in your pajamas?:: they weren’t mine (I’m in your pants..) Cried over a girl?:: hmmm Cried over a boy?:: haha, sure why not PERSON a random stranger?:: nope Hugged a random stranger?:: yeah Been in a fist fight?:: yeah, with fists Been arrested?:: it was a close CARDINAL ORG drugs?:: I can’t lie, but I’ll regret if forever. Had alcohol?:: yeah Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?:: I’m working on it. Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?:: Yes Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?:: No Swore at your parents?:: Probably Been to warped tour?:: It‘s soon, but I don‘t know if I am or am not going. Kicked a guy where it hurts?:: Nope Been in love?:: yeah Been close to love?:: ? Been to a casino?:: no PERSON over an animal and killed it?:: no, luckily. Broken a bone?:: Pigeon toed for life. PERSON stitches?:: I think Had a waterballoon fight in DATE?:: no GPE a whole gallon of milk in TIME?:: milk milk milk Made homemade muffins?:: positive PERSON someone?:: yeah Been to disneyland/disneyworld?:: no (tear) CARDINAL times?:: N/A Been to niagra falls?:: no PERSON in someones face?:: yeah. Gotten the chicken pox?:: yeah WHENS THE LAST TIME YOU Brushed your teeth:: DATE Went to the bathroom: TIME Saw a movie in theaters:: Saturdayness Read a book:: night before last Had a snow day:: I don't remember, we had CARDINAL or DATE I think. Had a party:: when do I have parties ever? Had a slumber party:: the same. Made fun of someone:: A while ago, myself. Tripped in front of someone:: DATE running to ORG to the grocery store:: DATE!! Got sick:: immunities Cursed:: just now, so I could positively answer the question ORG/vegetables:: ORG/white:: Black Lights on/lights off:: Lights off TV/movie:: Movie Car/truck:: Car Body spray/lotion:: PERSON/check:: Cash Pillows/blankets:: PERSON/stomach ache:: ORG/charcoal:: gosh I hate paint… so maybe charcoal NORP food/mexican food:: ORG/winter:: let there be snowboarding! PERSON/rain:: snow Fog/misty:: mist is cool Rock/rap:: Rock Meat/vegetarian:: Vegetarian Boy/girl:: girl Chocolate/vanilla:: chocolate GPE/icing:: Sprinkles Cake/pie:: pie NORP toast/french fries:: toast Strawberries/blueberries:: LOC/swimming pool:: ocean ORG/kisses:: ORG/muffins:: Cookies p33n/bewbz:: haha, I still don’t understand Window/door:: Window Emo/goth:: Emo Pink/purple:: Pink Cat/dog:: Dog Long sleeve/short sleeve:: Short sleeve ORG/shorts:: gosh, I like pants better, but I have more shorts DATE break/spring break:: DATE:: Autumn! Clouds/clear sky:: Clouds Moon/mars:: Moon FRIENDSHIP How many friends do you have?:: a few here and there What are their names?:: Davey, PERSON, me, Robert, Tyler, PERSON, PERSON, PERSON, Ken and Emily, plus some more, sorry if you aren‘t here. Do you have a best friend?:: Yes Have you ever liked CARDINAL of your friends?:: Yes Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends?:: Guy friends Have you ever lost a friend?:: Yes Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend?:: Yes, ORGs an inside joke between you and a friend?:: What’s an inside joke to everyone, gosh. Have you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend?:: Yes Whats the nicest thing you’ve ever done for a friend?:: I’m thinking, but I got nothing. Compliments will do it. What’s the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you?:: there are a few Do you miss any of your old friends?:: yeah What friend have you known the longest?:: David, Tyler Do you regret anything you’ve done to a friend?:: nah Has a friend of yours ever died?:: no What’s the dumbest thing you’ve done with a friend?:: hmmm, I would have to think What do you think your friends think of you?:: pure stupidity Ask them:: what do you think of me? LOVE AND ALL THAT CRAP Have you ever been in love?:: Yes If you have, with who?:: none shall pass Are you single?:: me? no Are you in a relationship?:: redundancies? Yes If so, for how long?:: Ha ha, like a week and a day? Do you believe there is someone for everyone?:: There could be, but sometimes they don’t meet, the sadness of this large world What is your idea of the best date?:: intense fun What was your ORDINAL kiss like?:: hmmm. Well, lips connected. Do you think love is a load of shit?:: nah Whats the best experience you’ve ever had with the opposite sex?:: the friendshipness If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?:: N/A Have you ever been dumped?:: ‘fraid so Have you ever dumped someone?:: no Whats the most sexual thing youve done with the opposite sex?:: you said sex… twice ORG:: pink Hat:: crap Hard:: on Free:: dumb Space:: truck Taste:: pole Good charlotte:: good charlotte Red:: shoe Deep:: down Heart:: transplant PERSON:: ring Rain:: storm Work:: potato Pedal:: time Head:: top Bed:: beer PERSON:: dog Hardcore:: dumb Race:: ist Knife:: caleb PERSON:: dormitory I.... am::: listening to music want:: to talk to someone need:: hugs, yo crave:: milk milk milk love:: a few things hate:: people’s lack of understanding of cultures, and there way of making fun of it did:: eat food feel:: headachedness miss:: no one in particular I don’t think, maybe PERSON annoyed by:: people squeezing my neck really hard would rather:: live in town am tired of:: my mom will always:: be me SILLY STUFF What is your favourite genre of music?:: whatever Green Day falls under What time is it now?:: : DATE What day is it?:: Mondizzle Whens the last time you called someone?:: mammy a little while ago. How much money do you have right now?:: I got pennies around here somewhere... Are you hungry?:: a little PERSON doin?:: Listening to music Do you like parades?:: yeah man, with the floats, and the people, and the music, and the marching, that’s cool Do you like the moon?:: mooning? What are you going to do when you’re done with this?: milk milk milk Isnt cup a funny word when you repeat it over and over?:: no, but I feel dumb now If you could have any magical power what would it be?:: wish granting, haha, I win, because then if I needed to I could grant people wishes, if they were cool, plus then I could always wish for another power. What now. Man, GPE selfish Have you ever had a picnic?:: yeah Did you ever have CARDINAL of those skip-its when you were young?:: it still sits in my back garage What about sock em boppers?:: CARDINAL isn’t young, haha my sister bought them for me, and regretted TIME of it. Are you wearing any socks right now?:: how did you know! DO YOU THINK YOU ARE funny?:: no pretty?:: no sarcastic?:: occasionally, to the point where I annoy people, and then I feel bad lazy?:: yeah hyper?:: never friendly?:: I can be evil?:: ORG smart?:: depends strong?:: no talented?:: no dorky?:: yeah man. FOR OR AGAINST suicide:: against. love:: For drunk drivers:: that isn’t the smartest of questions airplanes:: what are they bad? war:: Against GPE:: oh sexy, eh united states:: against rock music:: for gay marriage:: for school:: I’m in between surveys:: well, I’m taking one ain’t I, you freaks parents:: For cars:: yeah, they are cool killing:: can’t so I am for it britney spears:: what did she do to make her worth being against, and I think it is britanny coffee:: it tastes pretty good pants:: sometimes… WOULD YOU EVER Sky dive?:: gimme the parachute Play strip poker?:: seems kinda dumb. PERSON away?:: I didn‘t get far last time. PERSON at a teacher?:: GPE. LANGSTON Not take a shower for DATE?:: haha, not on purpose Ask someone out?:: I have… Lie to someone to make them think better of you?:: nah Visit a foreign country for DATE?:: yeah Go scuba diving?:: I might.Write a book?:: Yeah Become a rockstar?:: I would try Have casual sex?:: I don‘t know. LAST QUESTIONS What shampoo do you use?:: ORG. Whens the last time you did something sexual with the opposite sex?:: twice, again… What kind of computer do you have?:: HP‘s suck. What grade are you in?:: CARDINAL Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?:: yeah it’s fun Or just make out?:: popcorn is funner, or more fun for you city folk How many posters do you have in your room?:: CARDINAL jabillion How many cds do you have?:: see previous answer What time is it now?:: about time I am done with this a.k.a. DATE
I finished another issue of Gargoyle -- that's no. CARDINAL, which some may know I've been pecking away at for a while now. It may only be published once per year, but it sure does offer a lot of bang for the buck, seeing how it's a thick tome full of essays, poetry, and fiction. PERSON from the ORG , by PERSON, really rocked. One that sent me scurrying for a post-it flag was Charmer , by PERSON. ORG , by PERSON, was remarkably inventive. Where Your Life Begins , by PERSON, rang true as well. In the modern retelling of the fairy tale tradition, was WORK_OF_ART , by PERSON. That one, obviously, is a modern rendition of WORK_OF_ART, and it's certainly not all hearts and flowers, that's for sure. I didn't enjoy this issue quite as much as the ORDINAL one I reviewed, but let's face it, there's a lot of good stuff there, definitely worth the money and the time. My next stop on the literary cruise is likely ORG , which shouldn't take long -- I checked, there are CARDINAL pieces of fiction in there. However, I do need to switch to a novel soon, I think all the short stories are wreaking havoc on my attention span! Thanks for reading, ORG
urlLink ORG This is about the ORDINAL exam in ORacle which I plan to tAKE as the requirements are not that much of a hiccup .Let us see how it goes !!! DATE i :Introduction to SQL
I be stealin' this poem from ORG, as pirates are wont to do. So, thanks anonymous funny Craigslister. You be much more entertain' than I. And your humor be applyin' to all interns everywhere. Avast. PERSON to PERSON Oh, interns, how I hate ye You are so very stupid At my job, you sit near me You get yelled at For being stupid But today you have brought Your dad To work You are introducing him Like a total douchebag You are the worst things to happen to GPE Since ORG-mania (you are even more useless) You roam the streets of FAC Like a horde of wild animals TIME at a stop sign I had to wait TIME For CARDINAL of you to cross With your stupid PERSON bags You might also shop at Commander Salamander What are you, In high school? The DATE Will be the worst intern day In the history of stupid interns They will take the metro To the mall, which will be near Their stupid PERSON office buildings Oh interns, you are so stupid I bet you have never even WORK_OF_ART I have CARDINAL words for you Go fuck yourselves I be returnin' shortly with another sabre rattlin' rant about...somethin' else pirates hate. Yo ho.
urlLink Salsbury Cathedral. Would you belive me if I said that took DATE to build? Well, belive it.&nbsp; urlLink
I have so many things on my 'to do' list now that it is scary. I wish I could clone myself for DATE, so that I would have a chance to get things done. After the work is finished, my clone would have to disappear of course. I enjoy being unique. Question: let's assume science is finally able to clone a human, so I can order a clone of myself. How would you know which is the clone and which is the original? Probably by tattoos, piercings, scars, calluses, wrinkles, etc. Even a DNA-clone would not have those things... In fact, an exact clone would be 'too new'. Another question: Do identical twins have identical fingerprints?
There's something about me. Something about my personality or the way I speak or the way I look or the way I act that does something to people. Most every person I know stays cool with me for a while, but slowly and gradually distances themselves, or just flat out stops talking to me all together. I don't get it, but whatever, I've always kind of been more content sitting at home doing nothing. I don't know why I always try to be so empathetic of other people when they end up turning my sympathy into some kind of manipulative devilry. I don't know what's wrong with me. But I'm not going to get angry about it. It won't help anything.
The title of this blog should be something like the social blog of carver or something idk im out of i deas my brain is dead right now. Im tired and sick i must go to sleep now i hope everyone has an enjoyable spring brek.
That's right, MIRI! WORK_OF_ART! We are a small group of PERSON's working to recreate PERSON island in real life! I'm just doing this to up our google ratings! urlLink MIRI
urlLink Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters : 'PERSON writes 'From ORG, ORG has ruled that the ORG (Child Online Protection Act), passed in DATE ostensibly to shield kids from Web porn, is probably an unconstitutional muzzle on free speech. This is not quite like 'striking the law down' because the court simply said a lower court was correct to block the law from taking effect, since it likely violates LAW, and sent the law back to a lower court for trial. ORG and other critics of the antipornography law said that it would restrict far too much material that adults may legally see and buy, the court said.'' I mean COME ON. Pass the damn .sex extention already. I don't understand why a lot of people want it changed to 'protect DATE's youth' but a few interent router owners don't think that it's necessary, and that it would disrupt interenet traffic everywhere. I think that they don't want to update their browsers. Oh, and they're money hungry bastards.
urlLink read an article about my favorite product. DATE, another half dollar. i wrote a poem DATE. i spent TIME working on it only to get up DATE, reread it, and decide that i hate it. i am not a poet. this is probably a good thing, because poets get a bad rap. nobody likes a poet. they say to the poet, 'oh, you must hug plants and overanalyze rainbows.' you must compare family members to objects made of synthetic materials. you must wet yourself when you discover you've accidentally created an internal rhyme. chris' friend columbo, who you can link to through chris' blog, is promoting himself as a professional writer. he offers to write screenplays and 'treatments.' he charges an awful lot. now, this is what i should get into. let me know if you need a screenplay. i won't charge quite as much, but i will charge something. like CARDINAL sandwiches and a candy bar. CARDINAL bagels and a cup of cocoa. i could link to columbo's blog here, but that would require work beyond which i'm willing to put forth. i've already linked to the pez article- isn't that enough? how much do you expect from me anyhow? i was never able to please you, was i? i'm mildly intoxicated and would rather like to do a cartwheel. instead i shall find something to untie.
*My brother has been an inspiration and I just want to thank him*
So ORG wasnt all that great...recap of my week! &nbsp; *Tuesday*-Left for ORG at like CARDINAL with the GPE's. Wow there are so many mountains in GPE! Never again will we take directions from other people! A TIME drive took CARDINAL!! LOL!! &nbsp; *DATE was PERSON's birthday! So we did gifts and everything then I went up to see GPE and everyone else...Me Leah and PERSON got a ride from a random guy..his name is ORG hes CARDINAL and lives in GPE, GPE...or as PERSON thought GPE!! LOL! Wutta blonde! But then at night time my stomach was hurting so bad on the right side I could hardly walk! So i go back to the motorhome, and sat down and thought&nbsp;I was oka and get up to get Lyndsey her present from me and fall, and staret bawling cause my right side was killing me...mom started freakin out saying if it kept uip we would have to leave even though we didnt have ne insurance cards ((*cuz dad switched jobs*)) so i take like 4 pills and its oka not gone, but a little better. DATE was the fun race PERSON went out 2nd round.&nbsp;then i go to bed! &nbsp; *Thursday*-HmM...test n tune was today I think. It was DATE so I might not be right Me Alyssa Becca N Leah didnt really talk DATE cause I was in my motorhome a lot cause I juss didn't feel good. Nothing important happened DATE! &nbsp; *Friday*-This was the begining of the actual nationals..meaning the real racing. ORG WON CARDINAL ROUND!! I have never seen my dad juss that high in the air!! I swear he jumped like QUANTITY high! LOL! So then we relaxed in the stand the rest of DATE to cheer on everyone else...we had CARDINAL people there over-all and CARDINAL teams..after ORDINAL round we still had CARDINAL people in racing...when ORG had CARDINAL people! LOL! But anyways they had a barbeque dinner TIME...even though it was hamburgers hot dogs corn chips and pop haha...got back to the motorhome talked to dad n PERSON outside for quite a while then went inside n took a shower, then back out to talk and then to bed...the guys kept driving by n waving at me! haha dad told me to go inside! lol! &nbsp; *Saturday*-Lyndsey lost ORDINAL round DATE, but a lot of people did cause the weather kept changing. she red lit meaning she left the line too early cause her car was pullingf ((*dad put the idle and ORG's too high*)) so we put the stuff in the trailor and went to the stands to cheer on everyone else who was still in! WE GOT THE MOST SPIRITED TEAM AWARD!!! WOOO&nbsp;HOO!!!&nbsp;LOL! Alyssas mom 'n' my dad were the most spirited parents out there&nbsp;I think, but never again will they cheer like they did!! LOL! So we were all on WORK_OF_ART and will be in the CARDINAL magazine!! FUN STUFF!&nbsp;&nbsp;PJ was in the finals and we wanted to stay and watch him but they cancelled it until TIME so we left. &nbsp; *DATE!!! PERSON called me! ((turr turr)) shes moving on DATE Im going to cry so FkKn hard! But on the plus side!! Im prolly going to the pool wit her DATE and getting chelsea! then me chels jazi john n gary are going to the movies n chels n jazi r staying the night!! ::BIG SMILE:: Maybe juss maybe ill be able to get ahold of my baby and hell go!! HeHe! YAY! Well Im gonna go shower 'n' get ready!!! PERSON write DATE! &nbsp; &nbsp; ^*7.11.04*^ &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; ((~*~))SyDnEy*ReNaE((~*~))
Sooo... who's finished their DATE reading and shiz? And will you do mine for me? CARDINAL books and something like CARDINAL pages of crap to write in DATE. Maybe I should get on that? Hmm. Seems like DATE was just DATE. That sucks.
Why is it when a person tries to make positive changes in their life they encounter resistance and criticism at every turn? I've been trying to put me ORDINAL more often and I'm being called selfish or worse for my trouble. It's not like I don't do anything for other people. The opposite in fact. Until DATE I was doing too much for others and not taking care of myself. My hobbies, my needs, my desires were all pushed to the side to clear the way for the needs and wants of others. I never seemed to have time to myself. I was obviously such a push over it never occurred to my husband or in-laws I might have a problem with my Father in-law moving in for DATE. I didn't have a problem when I was told 'DATE but unless I'm not as good at math as I originally DATE is much longer than DATE. DATE were difficult for me personally and caused many problems in my marriage. I held on to my patience and my temper with an iron grip and even restrained myself from shouting my joy to the world when my Father in-law finally went back home. When my Father in-law left I realized I needed to make some changes for myself. It wasn't uncommon for DATE to pass without me spending any time alone. I'm not talking about being the only person awake in the house. That doesn't count because I had to be careful not to wake the others. I rarely got to eat a meal without interruption and even bathroom trips were not private. It seemed every time I decided to relax by soaking in a bubble bath the entire household ended up in the bathroom talking to me or retrieving things they needed. Locking the door worked to a point but then I was treated to a door pounding 'PERSON, I need to potty' serenade and a puddle to clean up when I got out of the tub. Once or twice I lost my patience and my temper and ended up screaming that whoever walked through that door next would get a face full of water. When that happened I was always greeted with 'What's your problem anyway?' No problem I just wanted some privacy. I made a EVENT to take better care of myself - physically, mentally, etc. I gradually changed my diet, replacing junk with fruits and vegetables then I squeezed in some exercise DATE a week. I even bought a book of baseball tickets. The idea was to go ahead and pay for them so I would actually go to the games when baseball season started. If I waited to pay at the gate I didn't think I would actually make it to a game. I like baseball though I don't follow it as closely as others. I hadn't been to a single game since I got married because there always seemed to be something more important to do. I'm happy to report I have been to CARDINAL game so far this season. My husband doesn't like any sports so I talked my brother into going to games with me. I got rid of CARDINAL boxes and 5 bags of clutter. In DATE I participated in a Writing Life Marathon Challenge. I wanted to get back to my writing and the challenge helped me focus on finding pockets of time in my day that I could use to write. The challenge goal was CARDINAL words DATE. I wrote CARDINAL and learned how to make time for things I cared about. All through that challenge I was making little changes. I claimed a corner for myself and moved my desk and filing cabinet there. I picked a corner in a room that isn't frequently used in the hopes I could use it to escape occasionally. I unsubscribed from email newsletters I never read, cleaned up my favorites list and deleted/blocked some toxic people from my instant message buddy lists. I stopped answering the phone every time it rang too. All those small things have really made a big difference and although I'm not finished changing things I'm already happier. Unfortunately those changes invited criticism and rebukes from people close to me and people who know nothing about me. When I bought the baseball tickets I was scolded for wasting money. I considered that $MONEY an investment in me and was pleased with the deal I got. Paying at the gate CARDINAL times would cost MONEY. I was told that money would have been put to better use buying things for my children. My children have closets and drawers full of clothes and more toys than they need. They are fed CARDINAL meals and CARDINAL snacks a day. I know this because I feed them. I tried to brush the criticism aside but it made me wonder if I was overlooking a more immediate need. I hated ORDINAL guessing myself like that. I had just recovered from that minor incident when my PERSON felt the need to attack me verbally. She brought up DATE my Mother was homeless and told me I should go straight to hell for not honoring my Mother. She wanted to know what kind of person I was to let my Mother live in a metal storage shed that long. Then she told me I have been selected as the caretaker for my oldest brother should anything ever happen to my Mother. He's lazy. He could do more than he does but my Mother enables him. I was told I need lessons in compassion and humility and the best way for that to happen would be for me to allow someone I thought was beneath me to move in with me. I have CARDINAL older brothers. The oldest one I can tolerate in very small doses. The other brother is one of my closest friends. He writes poetry and shares it with me and he's the one I talked in to going to baseball games with me. PERSON told me the younger brother won't be responsible for the oldest one because they would fight too much. I have a younger sister too. She wasn't selected as the caretaker because 'her life doesn't need to be disrupted.' As a final insult my PERSON told me it was common knowledge I will be taking care of my Father if he should ever need it. Common knowledge to everybody but me. I was angry with my PERSON and my Mother for planning my future for me. I was furious with my PERSON for knocking down a door I didn't want opened. My Mother's DATE in that storage building were painful for me. I spent many nights crying as the wind howled outside my windows and every day I dealt with the knowledge that I could change her situation with CARDINAL words 'You can stay here'. It would have been easy to say those CARDINAL words to her but it would have disastrous. My oldest brother was living with her and any invitation extended to my Mother was assumed to include him. I couldn't let him stay here. I had children to protect. He's a convicted pedophile so I never told my Mother she could stay with me. My friends sympathized with me and understood why I chose to let my Mother stay in that situation. My PERSON told me I shouldn't judge my brother and that there is such a thing as being convicted of crimes you didn't commit. I didn't bother to tell her I think my brother really did it. She wouldn't have appreciated that. I know the victims. I know the details of the case. All CARDINAL victims gave the same story in separate interviews without specific prompts from investigators. On top of that he plead guilty. I know I could have ended the conversation with my PERSON at any time by hanging up the phone but I wanted to get it over with. Hanging up on her wouldn't have stopped her, it would have only postponed the conversation. When she was finished chewing me up and spitting me out she told me she had been wondering what kind of person I was and she didn't like the answer. I called the brother I'm close to and talked to him for a long time after my PERSON finally hung up the phone. Talking to my brother helped but I still felt raw and wounded for DATE afterwards. During ORG I participated in I read some negative comments about me. In DATE or so it became obvious few people on the board were going to meet the CARDINAL goal. In reality I was the only person who did but others hit personal goals and it wasn't a contest anyway. I was lurking on another board when I stumbled across a post saying CARDINAL person was going to make it and that was because everybody else was busy with 'real jobs' or freelance work. I was furious at ORDINAL. This woman had some nerve posting that. I may not get paid for taking care of my CARDINAL kids CARDINAL but it sure as hell is a job and I resent that opinion. I've had to deal with variations of the 'you don't get paid, it's not a real job' thinking over DATE. When I did the challenge I wrote TIME a day, usually after the girls were asleep or when they were happily playing. I was never out of sight or hearing and I certainly didn't neglect them. Reading that post took some of the joy out of my accomplishment for a little while until I decide to assume she was just jealous. My sister has called me selfish for refusing to babysit when it's inconvenient for me and for agreeing to keep her kid if she'll keep mine for the same length of time later so I can have a break. She wouldn't drop everything to keep my kids for me but she expects me to drop everything to keep her kid for her. It's what she's used to and she's making it clear she doesn't like the new rules. Hopefully she'll learn to follow the new rules soon. In the meantime I'm hearing 'selfish' or 'bitch' in the same sentence with my name more often than any other time in my life. It's actually funny sometimes.
I know it's not DATE and this isn't a Writing Progress Report post but I'm excited. I finished the ORDINAL draft of PRODUCT last night. The final count is CARDINAL pages and CARDINAL words. I'll probably cut some things when I edit of course but that's not a bad thing. Novel 2 is better work than Novel 1 (and no I haven't come up with titles yet). Before I went to bed TIME I made a back up of all my writing projects and put it away. Now I'm turning my attention to edits and rewrites for LAW.
Well, I was out enjoying an evening with my folks when a nasty thunderstorm rolled in with wind and lightning, and rain what whatnot. When I got home my lights were kinda 'sketchy' and flickery and some things (like my computer and GPE modem) wouldn't come on at all! I went to the back yard to check the breaker box, and realized that my old oak tree had not weathered the storm so well. urlLink
I looked in the mailbox DATE, and much to my surprise, there was a REAL letter in there (usually bills are the most exciting thing which come in the mail). Even better, the letter had stamps which said GPE, and a postmark which said PERSON Inside I found a birthday card, a 'Sinceramente Hallmark' birthday card. Now to head off any confusion, my birthday WAS in fact DATE, and apparently that is when this card was mailed. The postal service between here and GPE is not terribly prompt however and it seems that my card had been sitting in the PERSON post station until they finally shipped it out on the DATE. Despite all that, I was grinning like the Cheshire cat when I opened the card. It came from a cool girl I met in GPE named GPE. She is a chef from GPE and taught me a wonderful recipe for salmon. I like cooking a lot, but even better is learning new tricks from someone who knows how to cook well, so cooking with Nina was quite a treat. Here is the salmon recipe: It is best to start with the sauce because it takes a long time to simmer. It is very simple to make, just put some cream (of about whipping cream thickness) into a smallish sauce-pan. Stir in dijon mustard (I use the normal kind, but the honey type might be good too?) until the mixture turns a little yellow. Heat it until it is boiling a little bit, and keep adding mustard if it isn't as strong as you'd like it. Adding some sugar is also not a bad idea. When the sauce has boiled down to the point that it is sort of thick, especially if allowed to cool in a spoon, it is done. Put some dried dill in it at the very end, and maybe CARDINAL a cube of fish bullion if you can find it. (Experimentation and tasting frequently is key here). Once the sauce is going, slice up an onion or CARDINAL, and maybe some garlic etc. Put these in a big pot full of water, and add a few fish bullion cubes (maybe impossible to get in GPE, so I use vegetable ones instead). Bring this to a boil, and meanwhile cut your fillet of salmon into nice serving sized steaks (wash it well, but leave the scales on). Once the water is boiling turn the heat off (yes I'm sure), and dump the steaks in. They will cook quite quickly in the hot water, so check them TIME. Once they split very easily with a fork they are done. Don't overcook them or they will flake apart and you will have fish soup. Serve the fish and the sauce with a nice salad and some noodles. For those extra-special occasions a bottle of wine goes well with this combination. Of course, we had it with copious amount of chips and home-made-guacamole in GPE ;) ORG el aguacate, ajo y cebolla!
urlLink PERSON with me.
you will not sway these people. you will never be they're deepest fear realised. you will never be worthwhile enough; you will be prayed for and then sacrificed for something you really don't understand. show me the passage where it says.... what the hell is this? footloose? did you hear about the person who died of a heart attack while watching THE PASSION of mel gibson. yeh. that's what you're dealing with. fear like that? do not waste your time. if you want to play, find a really smart conservative site, intelligent, and go about engaging. if you want to be even more wily, go to a lefty site and engage there. these people are soft targets, yes, they may be the backbone, but snakes have heads. the right-wing faith-based blogs.... well, there's no politics except a 'reality' cushioned in whatever formal distortion field they live in, someone else, on another site said: I can't really get it together to care. and make sure you know some facts, for instance, the ORG does not want 'us' in veils. who's his 'us'? don't lump al queda with the ORG. another fact: the palestinians are an occupied people being systematically eradicated. rush limbaugh while simultaneously the stupidest pigfucker on earth also said a very unintentionally smart thing, that they were kids blowing off some steam. it has a very peculiar american ring to it, that statement. the torture was a hazing ritual. they weren't watching the prisoners, they were smiling at eachother over the darkie covered in shit. and everybody's reading has been one of class. no way. this is homosexuality as homophobia. and this is because some shmuck had a camera. ask abner louima how it felt when justin volpe shoved a broomstick up his ass. call it 'rape' and not sodomy, and call it universal, not isolated. please. can these people think this way? no. and you won't be able to figure out a way in any language to tell them otherwise. go there if you want and observe, learn something. they won't see you coming until you: or maybe jesus really was, and they can change. write it differently dance a little brighter become human and touch the earth. that's the ORDINAL thing the buddha did after his time under the tree. you can do this better, you have to, you have no other choice. we are attempting to preserve the life of the patient by any means- they would TIME if confronted by what we are and what we know and what we live. so, let it go. ... to be expanded upon once i get less heated and have a cigarette, and yes, a shower and perhaps a nice hot toddy and some laps around the apartment to the Who > And I love you in the protests of angry people > and in the joy of free people in the breaking of chains > And I love you in the face of those who are coming > to kill the Caliph Harun PERSON Will you be my partner > in the killing of the Caliph Harun PERSON? > > -Nizar Qabbani *** urlLink PERSON i wish somehow, that 'mainstream', by definition, did not mean conservative. but a dictatorship or any oppression implies so immediately it's root cause in resistance. you would not have to keep anyone in line, or scared, or disappeared, or as a ORDINAL class citizen if you had any support whatsoever. ORG, based in GPE, had numerous formal complaints made against it from other arab governments, and was looked upon favorably by the GPE up until this war started. why? because they were considered the voice of the people, they were critical, and fair and balanced in their reporting. CARDINAL of the correspondents are women. that instead of this 'clash of cultures', ignobly thrown out there as historical precedent and clothed in patriotism (please call it american nationalism, for instance when you talk about the 'clash' of east and west, do you mean denmark vs. lebanon?, when you say america is the ORDINAL, last and brightest hope, do you mean to exclude: holland, denmark, the faroe islands, spain, france... etc.), was instead seen as a clash within our own culture. However, in america, we have the neo-con born agains. and they, at the worst, suggest soul murder. that there shall be prayer and god's elect. in policy, i believe it's called manifest destiny. there will be no destruction of souls and minds and hearts,i will not pay MONEY to see mel gibson's passion or be prayed for. although if you wanted to send some nice thoughts my way about loosing the DATE weight, tha'd be cool.. if i can resist your eternal condecension, and your politics; i have the reponsibility of marching and singing and prancing another way, and a way out. i will not take your life in such clear purpose so i can live mine. i will not be you, ye of the elect who do not know who you are, i do not have the true faith of the abyss that you have *** I resist all the people of the cave, the people of superstition and mumbo-jumbo, their slavishness that enslaves them, their breeding like cows Before me are a thousand and one executioners Behind me are CARDINAL butchers Dear Lord, is there no shame but my nakedness? Dear Lord, does this LOC have no work but fussing over my hemline? -Nizar Qabbani I sense that the arts wear thin with you and that eloquence pants, and poetry and prose and speech race around your waist, not catching up -Nizar PERSON
I am paranoid, delusional and high. Not in a good way. I escaped from a mugging. Ok, how stupid can you get? Well, if it’s me we’re talking about then it takes only a little stupid to get me there. I was so pissed with my parents walked out of the house. I was walking and I was going through how I hated them so much, how I hated my predicament, and how much I wished to be with Chat. So I walked on an on up to the “the Projects”. Eventually I found a nice place to sit down, rest my back and write all this crap I’m feeling down. That’s when a bunch of kids slammed me with coffee cups. I didn’t react to or mind. Which is to my mistake. Over here it is true that you have to be a savage to survive. They got to talking to me, there was a girl, CARDINAL black boys and a small white boy. The easily befriended me, that’s me, then of course they probed me for weakness, taunting and teasing. The way they did back in high school. If there is any they tried to strike. So they offered me a smoke and then when I was about to get high tried to make their move. When I tried to leave, PERSON (An NORP sounding version of it) was telling them “Don’t do that” or “Don’t go there”. So when the biggest one and the little white boy was pushing me and asking for money I drew my pencil (which was broken) and proceeded to walk away. I know its not threatening but I told them “Don’t let me regret this experience”. When they gave up. I ran like a sissy coward. Yes PERSON. But I knew that I would have to stand and fight cause I was high, out of breath, and to weak to run any farther. So I turned to find nothing but the mary jane running through my blood and making me hear and sense them. I really think they are out there when I should logically think they aren’t. Thanks Marquesa. This is a micro example of what a lot of people go through. I know these thin wrists and frame would deal so little damage, but it’s the tenacity, pride and dignity that I am part of a sparing club, that I dream to be a bagani, and the absolute belief in the Warrior’s fight to the death and honor. I managed to turn around it from wimp to wimp passing of as a hero. If my name was to be defended I would die fighting. CARDINAL of the few things I have left in my hollowed degree of honor. The high is coming down now. I believe that I should have stayed and fought. By my ancestors I will die by the choice of destiny. But I was not sure of defeat either. But isn’t that the true risk of fighting. Doing anything. And CARDINAL of the reasons I get angry at my parents… the freedome for me to screw up my own life (cause it is my life) if I fail I fail with the dignity of trying and looking out for the best for the world. Ok… the stigma of writing while being high. Slim is a small kid that I could lift with my CARDINAL skinny arm, dees, PERSON and mark… or something. Again the feeling that I dove into a cold pool hits me. Like what I did was eons ago. Like compressed time. Must be a hightened way to feel your brain compressing data and putting it far away. I should train harder. I hope to get as much training with jobert’s group. It was bothering me that DB was hitting on candy. Not that he is… wait… he is DATE older than her. Anyway, I better train on my own then… muscle up. I wrote so much. I hate those who reinforced the stereo type. Me and jasper should go to the park and train our throws and pummels. I really have a good rear end kick to get my fighting up to gear.
DATE, I watched Catwoman with my family at GH theater mall. Great movie! As what the title of this blog says: skin, leather and whips --- that's what I came for, the action, the stunts, the effects...and not particularly the story. simply for the reason that we all know the stories of this comic-book heroes, hence, we shouldn't be watching it on the big screen if we're after the plot. PERSON is so hot! I couldn't think of anyone better for this feline character. Plus bonus of more eye-candies: timeless PERSONand uber hot PERSON. The movie is really entertaining, I was never bored. hmmm...I suddenly want a pet cat, and name her Midnight . hihihihi. After the movie, I saw my college friend, Wendy outside the cinema with Jomer, her bf. It got me excited coz the last time we hung out was DATE, I happily told them that I'm now a bum (like them! harhar!), so we promised that we'll make 'lamyerda' CARDINAL of these days. hehehe. ::: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERICA!!!! thanks for everything...u're such a sweet friend! :::
Madness comes, GPE goes by some band off the NEW WAVE music channel on cable. So Stefan is supposed to be coming over tonite to watch THE OFFICE with me. An anglophile such as him will admire and truly appreciate the greatness that is THE OFFICE. I've only seen CARDINAL episodes and I'm in total love with this show. I also made PERSON a salad that I now specialize in. I have no idea what to call it--but its basically: CARDINAL-radicchio, baby spinach and endive 2-Honey Dijion Dressing CARDINAL-roasted red peppers CARDINAL-bacon pieces (real bacon!) CARDINAL-mozzerella, parmasean and feta cheese it rocks the hizzouse. PERSON says it smells so good but he hates salad so he won't eat it. But PERSON wants to try one...and I'm just pysched that I have a food that I specialize in. I didn't completely hate my job DATE. I need to clean up this mess and find some CD's for DATE before my guest arrives!!! My desk is such a mess @ the moment--comix, CD's and bills. +++++++++++end of transmission++++++++++
urlLink PERSON Neal starts new prog album with PERSON and PERSON.
so last night around 11:00...after DATE consisted of running errands, ORG, chasing our dog around the house, we saw ANTS!!!!!!! Ants were all over our pantry and we couldn't figure out where it was coming from or going to. So, after we took out EVERYTHING from the pantry, we noticed that the ants were all heading into the cereal box that was left open. There must had been CARDINAL of ants crawling all inside the cereal box, and you know stupid ants travel in a straight line, so I followed the line all the way back to the outside wall. I then sprayed my trusty ant spray and killed every single one of those little bastards. I hate freaking ants!!!!! So there goes TIME of time that I could have been relaxing with my wife, wink wink, damn the ants!!!
So Blue Downhere Shallow capacity is bearing all I see, and I know It's disease.. it's loss.. it's death knocking at my door I click these thoughts to something else, Something more. I'm so blue, so blue. Detached harmonies, all the airways scream dissonance And we know of broken life.. broken homes.. Broken hearts and broken bones, Recycling the paper of a crying world's suicide note and We're so blue, so blue. See the world spinning round A sucking hole that souls go down PERSON the sorrow of today because ORG finds a way Only His blood can heal our wounds Only His blood can heal our wounds And if repentance finds a way, what's left DATE to be.. Blue? A final symphony, The precipice too close, you're scaring me - back away! Sin is real.. it doesn't feel.. It always.. only always.. steals. Run to the cross the only joy that's real! All so blue. - I was just listening to random music TIME, being bored and wanting something to do, and this song came on. I WORK_OF_ART this song and the band is pretty sweet too! We, being some folks in our youth group, meet them on the urlLink LGLP Tour/Retreat we went on (incredible weekend) and I got their autographs and they are great guys and great musicians. Anyway. So like I said I was bored and needed something to do so this song and urlLink this picture inspired me to make this new blue DATE site. Just a little change. Everything is still the same. Now it's just BLUE!
ok i came in to office DATE at TIME. pak rahmann only wanted me to do something on education for him. i had to actually come here and bloody CARDINAL to listen to him bark some orders out at me. jeez. apart from that all is well. i got an email from carleton, from my friend bekah. she was basically the one i was closest to in carleton and i do miss her. im glad she wrote and i hope she comes down to spore for a visit. it would be really worth her while. we could have a fabulous time touring LOC. so the dreaded week is here. back to the grind. chris talked abt doing a lombok trip DATE. i have no idea how to get to lombok, so i have to go find out. my diet is not going so smoothly either. DATE advisor peered at me as i had my cheesecake and he said i wasnt looking healthy. like im putting on more and more weight each time he sees me. god, every week i start off with a proper yong tau fu/ fish soup meal, by DATE its fried fish and chips, thai curry or something. arrgh. im supposed to do plenty of stuff like take up language classes, learn a skill and so on. however with this current job situation where i dont know where im gonna end up i dont wanna commit myself to anything permanent for DATE. my mom wants to come with me to london DATE. thats good for me, which means i can spend more freely (evil grin). i wont be living like a pauper with mom next to me basically and i can even do france. im as pleased as punch. mom is cancelling her canada trip to come with me. i think canada sucks anyway. she is better off touring london with me. hmm maybe ill do scotland also. alright, work beckons. later folks.
urlLink We took our blow up boat on our pond TIME after supper and here's the view. I really love where I live.&nbsp; urlLink
I've just signed up with this new blogger, and I must say that I am enjoying it so far. Everything is easy to read and it is well organized! I guess all I have to do now is find stuff to write about - without boring you all to death... DATE I called my 'money guy' to see if I could cash in some of my PERSON's and growth funds so that I could have some money to play with. I'm moving DATE and need the extra cash to set up stuff and to get a phone line installed... yadda yadda. DATE I got a call from this guys secretary. She wants me to write a letter to them asking for 'Full surrender of the policy' I've never done anything like this before and had no idea what to write. So I kept it nice and simple. Hopefully I'll have the money soon so I can start planning the move - renting the truck, getting boxes etc. I went and looked at a basement suite DATE. It's so much better then the apartment I'm living in now. This new place has a new kitchen, new bathroom, comes with a piano (whee!) and has a cool security system. The only bad thing about it is that the bedroom is super small - so what I would end up doing is giving my couch and bed to my sister, and buy a hideabed, then use the bedroom as a computer room/study area. Which wouldn't be too bad :) Its close to the university I'm going to, which is the main selling point. After looking at the place, I explored the neighbourhood a bit - I'm close to the skytrain, a lake, a park and the grocery store. I really hope I get this place!
You're so selfish... I went to see my surgeon DATE for my checkup on the injury...It's all good... Then he asked me about my workouts...which I honestly gave details about my weight-training, tennis and jogging sessions... Of course he told me off...due to my injury...I am not allowed to jog...let alone play tennis...but suggested that I go back swimming instead... I've always been a stubborn dumb-ass...so why change now? Told Rina about it...to say that she's unhappy about out would be an understatement... Had an argument again where she accused me of being selfish towards how other people feel when I go under the knife... Well does she or any of the 'other people' know how it feels to go out of surgery and onto a long hard road to recovery? Is it wrong to go out and do things that make me feel good? Afterall...Exercise releases endorphins...same substance that I believe is released during sex...think about it...see the connection? Also...Exercise relieves stress...I've a lot of shit going on in my life that needs stress relief... Anyway I'm in the best shape that I've been in for a long long time...Again...that makes me feel good... A lot of you guys out there can also vouch for the fact that I'm a better person to be around with when I'm happy... I understand that there are people out there who care for my well-being...but they hafta know that I'm living my own life here... True...I'm damaged goods and I've got the physical and emotional battle scars to prove it...I know I'm asking for trouble with the way I live my life now...but fuck it...what are you gonna do? Make me live my life as a spectator? There's no denying the fact that I gonna have more time on the operating table in DATE to come...well it just so happens that I'm kinda fast-forwarding it DATE...
Muzak Another trip to the library DATE, PERSON, and we all know what the library means - thats right - NEW MUSIC!!!. DATE i got Pnau *Jared Feints* thats right, australian music. the cover pushed me over the edge. and most of the songs are as good as or better than follow me, so i'm content. Garbage *Jared falls into coma* Its version CARDINAL Pretty awesome, not as good as the tracks that i have from beautiful garbage yet, still good though Britney Spears Oops... I did it again Old school pop, and mick liked the cover art. PERSON room for squares not bad, kinda boring though. Hit Machine 18 absolute shit, boring no decent songs. waste of time etc Placebo - without you i'm nothing not my type of music, the bitter end had more of a dance edge and that was what i was expecting
I'll always cherish the times we were together, the times when our hopes and dreams were one. May you find the happiness and peace that you deserve. I love you more than you'll ever know.. Always, ORG Than You'll Ever Know (PERSON) Take my hand We'll walk a while, We'll talk a while Feel my love, Always there beside you Be the one I know you'll tell me everything You are the one I cherish more than anything I love you more than you'll ever know I love you more than you'll ever see More than my heart could ever show I love you more than you'll ever know Think of me And know that I'll believe in you There'll always be This precious time together With every tear A love so strong No words could ever say A love to last forever I love you more than you'll ever know I love you more than you'll ever see More than my heart could ever show I love you more than you'll ever know Take my hand We'll walk a while, We'll talk a while Feel my love, Always there beside you Be the one I know you'll tell me everything You are the one I cherish more than anything I love you more than you'll ever know I love you more than you'll ever see More than my heart could ever show I love you more than you'll ever know Take my hand We'll walk a while, We'll talk a while Feel my love, Always there beside you Be the one I know you'll tell me everything You are the one I cherish more than anything I love you more than you'll ever know I love you more than you'll ever see More than my heart could ever show I love you more than you'll ever know Hooh...
President PERSON announced in a speech DATE that he would like to see the prison of FAC be destroyed. The new NORP President doesn't want to turn this symbol of PERSON's repressive regime into ashes because he says it cost MONEY and GPE needs money. Would it be a good thing to destroy the prison? Yes. But, is it a good thing to see the NORP President speaking out against PERSON's proposal? Yes. Why? Because it shows that the NORP Interim PERSON really is independent and to the eyes of the NORP people, this is priceless. Is the regular NORP guy going to figure it out? Maybe not. urlLink ORG: GPE President Won't ORG
DATE's lunch break found me addressing some grooming and shopping needs. After a tasty meatball sub at subway, I scampered off to have my DATE hair extraction. Once my bikini line and legs from the knees down were nice and hairless, I decided I have neglected to buy my bottom something in a long time. In the Bays lingerie section I discovered these ORG (they deserve description in capital letters) PERSON undies. Soft stretchy microfiber with no seams in amazing colours and a great bikini cut that is a little low but not plumber ass crack kinda low. and PERCENT off to boot!! So I helped myself (and realize I am aware I am buying a house and I should not be spending the moola) to CARDINAL pairs, CARDINAL bikini style in black, hot pink, white and orange and CARDINAL in a thong version in black and blue. Gorgeous colours, my butt will be pleased. Have you bought your bum a treat lately? (insert joke here, I know how easy it will be to come up with one after a line like that) Now I know what some may think - those aren't sexy undies, have I accepted defeat, and switched over to the granny pants? yes and no. I think they are a different kind of sexy. no, its not lace or see through mesh, but that's so frilly and impractical. Those are useful for the naughty special events, but these are just cute and comfortable, and can be worn without irritation during exercise. So no, I haven't gotten rid of the lingerie goodies (everyone breathe a sign of relief for PERSON) but I am accepting a new undies phase in my life. and speaking of bums: The opening sequence of lost in translation was a long shot of scarlett johansson's butt in some filmy cotton undies. speaking from a purely straight girl angle, she's got a fine bottom. Apparently the underwear were a one of a kind pair made exclusively for her, for the movie intro, commissioned by PERSON. Anyway, since then, many women have clamored for those underwear (and to have an ass that looks like scarlett johansson's), so now they will sell them for like MONEY a pop.
urlLink The houses in GPE.GPE,GPE,DATE
urlLink GPE lies situated on both shores of LOC, which flows from the northern end of LOC. LOC, a tributary of the ORG, also flows through the city, and quays line the riverbanks and the lake. The city spreads across a ravine in the eastern hills between the wooded slopes of the GPE and GPE hills into the LOC valley.
Interesting article about the ways that straight men send out their signals to each other ... urlLink THERE'S NO GAYDAR FOR HETEROS, BUT THERE ARE STRAIGHT SIGNALS.
On Topic A With PERSON and the Adorable Theo Spielberg urlLink PERSON , as usual, puts us to shame with his trenchant analysis of Topic A. Check him out, if you haven't already. WORK_OF_ART would like to amplify on a comment Our PERSON made: '(Theo) PERSON, CARDINAL (the adorable son of PERSON), was the representative for the youth vote. Is ORG going for the ORG crowd? Anyone --intern PERSON Schwarz!-- would have been better. PERSON said he wants politicians to have charisma so young people know 'who and what they are voting for.' ORG had advice for kids like PERSON: 'Grow up. . . You're not necessarily going to vote for someone who is the most charismatic.' PERSON's other point was candidates should pick a few issues important to young voters and act 'very supportingly.' Franken: 'Such as?' Theo suggested the war, the draft, ORG, and ORG. ORG won with his eyes closed.' Yeah, yeah, yeah : Franken won the exchange, but how could he have not? PERSON was probably debating politics ferociously as a urlLink hypocritical ORG liberal while the adorable Theo was being born. And while PERSON was eating strained carrots and peas, PERSON was writing for WORK_OF_ART, being an ass urlLink as to all accounts , and making enemies. After PERSON made the comment that kids would be supporting of candidates who were charismatic (i.e. passionate) about ORG and ORG, GPE, rather creepily, rhetorically cornered ORG, archly asking something to the effect of -- so, kids your age care about ORG and ORG? To which the confident with a confidence of being a super rich and bright kid on the top of the GPE food chain, PERSON countered, saying basically, well, not now, they don't, but if kids think in terms of their future and not on immediate goals, then yes, they might care . Good going PERSON, The Corsair loves you, baby pop. What is it with PERSON? What makes him such a dick? The PERSON might venture to say it was ORG, but fellow prick PERSON went to GPE. Rather, The PERSON thinks that it may be wrestling. Amateur wrestling, at a formative period in a young pubescent boys life, tends to make them assholes, quick to start argument, combative when they need not be (for further consideration, see punk ORG rassler urlLink PERSON and prick author/ wrestler urlLink PERSON ). A recent urlLink ORG magazine profile sums it up , at the height of the NORP primaries: 'Onstage, PERSON speaks ORDINAL, then PERSON's demure wife, then the suddenly embattled former governor of GPE himself. Sometime after PERSON begins taking questions from the audience, a manic-looking heckler starts to heckle, accusing PERSON of 'covering up for PERSON.' He gets louder. A couple of spindly members of PERSON's security team approach him uncertainly; he swings his arms and keeps shouting. It goes on for TIME and seems to be veering toward actual violence. PERSON, the media, the members of the audience: nobody knows what to do.' Oh, but our man PERSON does, does he ever (wicked Rumsfeldian gleam in eyes): 'At this moment GPE turns, cocks his head slightly, gives that well-known magnified, tortoise-shell-framed gaze and says: 'I think the CARDINAL of us can get him out. You wanna do it?' After a pause that is meant to be emphatic, I say, 'No.' But it's too late: he's off, in rumpled jeans and a big down jacket, plowing up the aisle.' ORG old school like that. When he cocked his head you just knew: it was on like PERSON. The ORG imagines the ORG educated simian, rumpled jeans and big brown jacket ruffling in the wind, the accoustical sounds of urlLink Six Million Dollar Man bionic sound effects stacattoing in the background (da-da-da-da-da ...) as Franken-in-slow-motion-bolt approaches said interrupter, head low and spectacles fogged in anticipation of crunk: 'By this time there is a confused scrum around the heckler, who is holding his ground and still ranting. ORG hits the floor, wedges himself among CARDINAL legs and puts the man in a wrestling hold, grabbing him at the knees.' Oof! One can almost buckle at the beauty of the writing at ORG sports section style commentary, like that unfortunate freak, tumbling down the slippery slope into ORG. Oh, tell us more: 'That destabilizes him, and others now quickly push him down the aisle and out the side door of the theater.' Oh Al, destabilize the ORG; destabilize !: 'Franken gets up, looking dazed; his glasses are snapped in CARDINAL. He's quickly swarmed by confused but excited reporters who want to know, like, what was he doing?' Blame it on GPE; PERSON rocks. PERSON and PERSON did a good job instilling confidence in their adopted son, enough to hold their ground with fatuous dicks like PERSON, who cannot seem to distinguish between combating PERSON, and chatting with a DATE on his ORDINAL Tv appearance. Blame it on amateur wrestling.
Oh heya! DATE's weekend DATE. Moo meow meow! Hmm...DATE nothing really major happened. In TIME, I met with XC, PERSON, PERSON and PERSON to discuss about our GPE trip. GPE!! That XC ar! Made me wait for him for so long!! TIME you know. Just standing there and waiting and waiting. TIME passed and I can't see him. I started getting fed up and stormed here and there. I was thinking of doing something drastic, but it was against my better judgement to embarrass myself. Sigh....so I just cursed and scolded him till he arrived. So late!! Hmm...we sat down in the foodcourt in ORG and discussed la. We discussed what to do, what to eat and the checklist. Ayiah. So much disagreements. Me and PERSON saw the maximum amount we can spend there, we got kinda scared le. Our parents only giving us PERSON, which is around RM4220. Yeah. Sigh. I think we have to scrimp and save and not waste money. Meow!!! Hmm...after all the discussing and photocopying, we went down to go home. We stopped by ORG's workplace to exchange pleasantries. The male colleage who is standing besides PERSON looked at us weirdly when we called for her. She told me that he think it's funny stupid that we would do that. O.o! She was kinda tired, after handling so many customers. Poor thing. Hmm...after that, nothing really interesting happened. Heh. I am kinda excited about the trip, but also a bit worried. I am worried I would be homesick. DATE, just barely DATE outta home, I got very homesick already. What about you, dear blog! I cannot update you le. Oh wait. There's a computer with internet connection at GPE's aunt's place. Maybe I can go online to update you after all. Meow!! Hm. I think I end this le. See ya DATE. Night blog!
Listening to - Conan! On my mind - I can't believe it... It still doesn't seem true.. :) I love PERSON. Oh, so, funny.... DATE he's doing his show from GPE with NORP guests. Oh, yes, it is quite awesome.... :D PERSON is on now. Good stuff, eh?
Just saw Hottie Toddie and got to see the butt shot. Woo Hoo!!
Hello everyone! I'm still alive.I've been fairly buisy so haven't logged on alot. So how is everyone? Still alive?LOL! Have a great day all!
It may have been. A false alarm, that is. We're now told that another company will drive that train, but here's my concern: the soldiers in my platoon are interrogaters...yes, the folks those butthole MP's declare told them to 'prep' the prisoners...and it's a tiny, understrength ORG. Which means that while my company isn't going, my platoon very well could. Which is much worse than if the whole company had gone--I really like ORG, and I cannot say the same about the other company. Humorless, condescending, sour lot. I'd be much more upset about the prospect of a year away at this point, after getting my hopes up for staying at least until DATE, and disliking the other officers involved to boot. I don't THINK it'll happen. But then, I didn't think we'd get tagged in the ORDINAL place. I cannot breathe easily until the deploying elements have actually lifted off into the clouds, and even then I could get snatched up. You know, I love the ORG when we're not deployed. I know that deploying is, technically, why we joined...but no one can maintain that kind of operartional tempo, only spending DATE at a time in the GPE. But garrison life, it's pretty great. For instance, TIME we have to report at TIME in order to welcome home our sister company. Once that's over with, we're dismissed for DATE. How lovely...my plan is to grocery shop and hit ORG in the morning, beat the crowd. Then I've got DATE for house stuff. The kitchen is coming together nicely. That carpet was truly disgusting...I felt my stomach turn several times during the rip-out process. The floor underneath was coated with DATE of built-up nastiness, an unspeakable bilge of dirt and various dried liquids. It took sandpaper to get rid of it. I'm not quite finished...by DATE TIME, my back and thighs were so seized up from all the crouching, I decided to just finish what was necessary to build the dish shelving and baker's rack, to hell with the rest. I'll start on the remainder DATE...kitchens are tough to paint. There are all sorts of spaces that are difficult to reach--between the cabinets and the ceiling, over the fridge, etc. And I've let it all get a bit messy. That's my project TIME, clean it up before going any further. ORG is no excuse to let dirty dishes pile in the sink and clutter all over the countertops.
Update on my dad: he's been moved to a 'Psychiatric Care Facility' in a nearby town where we also have family. He's still completely delusional, not to mention a little beaten up after his commando low crawl across the street. I'm told his house is an absolute disaster, the kind of place you walk into and know that there is something dreadfully wrong with the occupant. I worry about how all this will be paid for--I know I cannot contribute much if anything, and my brother is homeless. With any luck, though, PERSON will come home to ORG and move in with PERSON, look after him. I hope that arrangement works out--he clearly can't live on his own, and since PERSON's homeless and all...living with a raging lunatic beats sleeping in the car. I just watched Breakfast at ORG for the ORDINAL time in DATE...CARDINAL hindsight, I was appalled at the PERSON character. So unapologetically racist! I know, the movie's a classic, it was a different time, and I understand...still, it was almost unbearably annoying. I'm not judging PERSON or PERSON or PERSON--I can be annoyed and sympathic at the same time. Then I spent TIME cleaning the house top to bottom, all except this office room, which is a disaster beyond help until I move out. I plan to go through all this crap DATE, throw out masses of clothing, paper, etc. Even at my worst, this room is really NOT that bad. A little cluttered, but you can tell the clutter is recent clutter, not the buildup of CARDINAL losing touch or the ability to care.
Who's PERSON? I hope that text thingy works. I hope I remember to do it. I also hope I remember to do my original oratory manuscript. PERSON wrote his in TIME. I laugh. Laugh with me its funny. So was ORG!, a bunch of 'scary' shorts that LC players perform. anywhy, I could've sworn either Nathan or Jonah said something about PRODUCT. Maybe it was just PERSON. PERSON said her posts weren't funny. We must all obey FAC. Sophia: there wasn't a real poll. um. don't hit me. or anything. Jonah: I want a spork of doom. PERSON: I can't go another day without central heating. Nathan: I hope that works. PRODUCT wont make a very good minion. Lara: You can still post, can't you? I knew I forgot something! PERSON: HEY! ERIN! um... YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO TIME TO POST RIGHT NOW(oops), SO I'M NOT GONNA BOTHER TELLING YOU TO DO SO!(ewok, be happy) You know, I could take PRODUCT off just cuz this is a lot of people to have on a blog. The spell check on this prgram didn't know the words ewok, Jonah, or PERSON. I thought everyone knew those.
Today was DATE by far for me. I woke up sweating water like a >insert fat person in sauna joke here I got some books out of the library DATE on Reiko`s card. These help keep me sane when everyone is babbling on in NORP and I can`t understand them. I took back PERSON and ORG and The PERSON of the Baskervilles and got out WORK_OF_ART, some shorter ORG stories and the original PERSON. Some of these are really sick everyone gets burned, crushed, beaten and maimed so I`m enjoying them. Aha. I am looking forward to DATE as CARDINAL of Reiko`s friends is taking us to the beach. Its the family whose kids are called dragon (Ryoma) and tiger (PERSON.) They go surfing and we may be doing it as well. I just checked my phone for the weather forecast (hee hee hee) and it says it will be QUANTITY tomorro. On DATE, I am playing CARDINAL a side football with her husband. I haven`t played football for ages and I hope I won`t be crap. I`m also trying to get rid of my beer belly as well by getting some exercise. I am quite competitive and this bloke has beaten me at everything we`ve played (Computer football, chess, pool etc. etc.) Luckily we are playing on the same team this time so I am happy, he`s a really nice bloke as well which is good. Ok that`ll do. Bye bye
yes.... the bonding circle is rekindled. amen to that-- anna (who i can accept is the rightful jewbacca) is now on good terms. once again, good terms are good.i just watched CARDINAL movies in a row, i'm still in slippers and checkered sweatpants.... and i am now buds again. ahhh--- DATE. :)
It is a very sad thing that PERSON died... he was, actually, a good president in my opinion. And Alzheimer's is really depressing. Oh well. WORK_OF_ART.I don't mean to be negative in DATE of school, but PERSON is chastizing/ignoring me to no end, even after our apology on DATE. i have no idea what went on, and if this is to be fixed, she needs to do it. I've tried numerous times to ask what i did, but i am given the cold shoulder. i would appreciate it if she did attempt to make things write, seeing as i have done my part. it would benefit the well being of both of us.I'm makin waffles.
actualy that is a realy good CD, i also have it (and have had it for a while). the single 'take me out' is realy good, and no tuck your not the only one who knows of them. blah, um... yeah, i still want a kit kat bar, i saw CARDINAL in the superfresh, but i didnt have anymoney and my mum wouldnt let me buy it grr.
I added some urlLink pics from DATE...
TIME was really funny... we all went to the drive in, marti, courtney, their friends from decatur, and i, it went pretty good i thought other than one thing that dirk did but screw him even tho i dont know him it was just a joke and he couldnt take it so yeah... scooby doo CARDINAL and harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban were both playing although i didnt really watch scooby doo because me and courtney were just talking through most of it it was actually a pretty good movie from what i saw, besides dont wanna think about you played at the end of it and that was just like freaking awesome! i love that song! i was singing it in the concession place it was funny lol i cant sing but hey i luv that song so i gotta sing CARDINAL it! then harry potter was really good even though i couldnt really see anything in great detail or hear it for that matter, it seemed really good and stuff so yeah it probably was... i about froze the whole time i shouldve brought a few blankets, but now i know for DATE which i think PERSON is coming to if everything works out right, hopefully it does because im starting to like him a little again, its def. going to be a while before i'd like him enough to go out with him, so yeah i really need to talk to kaitlyn about that, why must she always be gone when you really need to talk to her? grrrr! o well she'll be back from vacation pretty soon i think so i can talk to her, shes the only one that really knows PERSON alot besides keems, maybe ill just talk to keems next time shes on about the whole deal.... anyway at the drive in i kept thinking damn y cant i just have a bf! i kept looking up at the stars and stuff saying to myself dammit i need a bf that would be soooo awesome to sit there with a bf and idk just watch a movie there it would rock.... well it looks like im finally going to get a new bike to ride around with that'll be cool i wanna get into better shape and i love to ride bikes so im going to get one for an early bday present from walmart probably, i think ill probably ride it everyday, its good exercise that i need, i plan on riding it to town at least once DATE without feeling too exhausted so that means i better start riding soon and ride hard when i do so that way it'll be easy for me to ride to town on it, i really wanna do it someday. so yeah thats it for this post... im done...
Okay, heres one for the peanut gallery... all you children of the DATE help me settle a bet, remember that disney cartoon in DATE about the mystical bears who lived in a tree and could bounce really high? They fought ogres and there was some kind of cool subplot about trying to find out what happened to their homeland and I CARDINAL remember some kind of really cool blimp/dirigible they had... It was on DATE... Was that called Gummy Bears or is PERSON merely the name of those atrocious candy bears that mom always stuck in your lunchbox as a 'snack' that she somehow thought was healthy because of the fruit flavors... Help me out, this isn't a lot to go on, but I must have been like CARDINAL when this came out, somebody else has to have loved this show...
i hate being an only child. i hate having to stay home DATE and clean. dont get me wrong... i do alot of things actually, and i dont really mind cleaning.. but DATE that i do stay home are horrible. you wake up in silence, an empty house, and it remains that way DATE. sometimes i call people.. just to assure myself that i havent gone mute. what choice do i have? theres NO ONE else to talk to. or sometimes i turn on the radio just to sing along, hear myself. hear ORG. i know it seems funny that im writing in my journal about silence. but the truth is that its pure torture hearing it. no person can stand pure silence, thats why in the silence we think, we fill our minds with thoughts about anything we can just to mask the silence, and when you stay home DATE, continuing to fill your mind with thoughts it actually becomes worse then screaming, because this time the screams are in your head. thats why the truth is that theres no such thing as awkward silences, silence is an illusion. just a piece of mind. something to think about... something to mask the silence.
dependent urlLink Which Personality Disorder Do You Have? brought to you by urlLink PERSONam i? hhmm.. maybe i am.. i wouldnt kill myself over anyone though. thats for losers. You're chocolate. You're the old soul type, people feel that they have known you their entire life. Many often open up to you for they view you as thoughtful and trustworthy. Although people trust you, you have a hard time trusting them. You prefer to keep your feelings bottled up inside, or display them very quietly. It is alright to open up every once in a while. urlLink Which kind of candy are you? brought to you by urlLink PERSONi hate chocolate.
What exactly does chmod mean?
Stop agreeing with me!!!
Josh and pop music...*faint*
Dude. That seriously made me ORG tear all over the place, and I can't thank you enough. It's been...rough DATE. Out of a possible CARDINAL negatives I could have picked to describe myself at the shrink DATE, I got CARDINAL. That in itself told me a lot about where I'm coming from, and the fact that I can't see through anyone's eyes except my own, and it hurts to do it. I really try to control these thoughts and think things differently, but every time I try I just get myself more down. I know this isn't a PERSON situation, and I'm trying so hard not to put it in that light, but sometimes...it's hard to fight the past, especially when it's so close. It's only been DATE since I broke that off, almost literally. It was sometime in DATE. CARDINAL of the biggest things troubling me is the fact that some things that are troubling me, are. They shouldn't be anymore. But I have a lot of shit to work out in myself. But really....thank you for this. And I'll try to keep my face...sometimes I just don't know how. 'You're either manic and high or depressed and down,' says Bright Eyes. Sometimes I feel like that, thinking that scares me into submission, too. But I really appreciate your being here. I just really hope I can make it out to the other end in one piece. What you said was perfect, I just need to take it to heart and try to apply it. God...we'll see. And you know, I'll always come to these things, and I'll always be here, because you're there for me. Life hasn't been all so bad as I say when I think about it and all the people that have made it a CARDINAL times more colorful than it should ever have been, and you've contributed so much to that. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Another Day, PERSON I stayed up TIME and slept in late today, until DATE. I got up, I cooked up an omelette for 'brunch', and then Mom and I watched a poker tournament on TV. By the time it ended, it was getting hot in the house so I suggested heading out. I wanted to apply for a job at ORG store over in GPE, but after I got there, I totally changed my mind. I wasn't in the store but maybe TIME before I started sweating my ass off. I also looked at the employees there and saw how the place was run and it seemed like a very unenjoyable place to work. So... no job still, but I did manage to find a few books to buy. I got paperbacks of 'GPE' by PERSON, 'PERSON' by PERSON (I have this one already, but it's falling apart), 'WORK_OF_ART by PERSON (I couldn't find the ORDINAL book in the series though, dammit), 'Cannery Row;' by PERSON, 'Nobody Ever Sees You Eat Tuna Fish' by PERSON, and a hardcover of WORK_OF_ART by PERSON (GPE. PERSON). I already had a copy of this book home but the cover was torn up and this one looked like new. From there we went to ORG store over in GPE. I found a couple more books there: PERSON 'ORG' in soft-cover (which got great reviews from both PERSON and PERSON), and hardcovers of ORG by PERSON (a EVENT novel) and 'Pandora' by PERSON. We headed over to PERSON after that. They changed a lot since I was there last, with new shelving and the checkout area reconfigured. It took awhile to find the tapes, but I finally did and found CARDINAL of them I wanted. I got: WORK_OF_ARTDon't Be Afraid Of The Dark', ORG 'WORK_OF_ART, U2 'The Unforgettable Fire', ORG 'GPE, PERSON, and the self-titled debut by NORP. I also found a few books too: PERSON 'WORK_OF_ART and 'ORG by PERSON (I belive this is the book WORK_OF_ART was based on)in paperback, and a softcover guide to insects (with lots of pictures). I was hoping to stumble upon a good sale on books DATE, but most were $MONEY each. I owe Mom $MONEY for the books and the tapes I got DATE. It definitely wasn't one of the best shopping sprees I've been on, usually I find much better deals than what I found DATE. On the way home, we stopped at FAC and got some chow to take home. I liked my sandwiches much better DATE, without the butter on the buns. I don't know why they started that, but it's nasty. So... I have even more stuff to read and to listen to now. I think I'll go watch TV... d'oh!
.are you who remember can’t I but face your see I … hum I mind my in song a With .Broken. crushed soul My. Sickening. it of full is mankind of earth This. Pain Unloved. Unwelcomed. Unwanted. Insignificant. moth a of reincarnation the am I oblivion into me ORG. presence my shuns It. me evades light.. Darkness immortal but… one no am I yet And. else all above am ORG vain am ORG spiteful am I protest in blaring PERSON. yourself inside cower You. threat is a presence My .Untamed. Unconventional. Uncommon. Unique. else anything unlike am I For .understand don’t you things of afraid are You …soul my of interpretation the are You .are you who not know I yet And Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A .days these different things does Nobody
lol hey all!! finally got thing to work so yeah :D mmmm looks like i'm the only guy on this blog-uhoh (tells self to be careful of what to say)... where's PERSON?! E!! and karna da bum...*sigh* then we could talk about gals-keke mayb not PERSON So what's there to talk about-well CARDINAL uni results are out but i wont bore u all with wat i got (pretty good results considering ^^...but bio! :@ grrr) Just started tutoring a ORDINAL grade guy and an ORDINAL grade gal-pretty nice family!! was an experience-teaching shapes and symmetry and basic algebra for the ORDINAL grader, and going thru some more diffucult algebra, and chem for the gal :) they've got a really cool house! wish my house was like that but anywayz >. . btw-u ppl made food for core group?! waaah y didnt i get any! :'( *runs off to find some food* yeah i'm still hungry after dinna -_-
urlLink Link . Good artwork makes the world a happier place to live in. Here's another pic for your viewing delight. urlLink Link . In other news, quality anime-inspired art makes the world go round.
DATE I was still the good girl that has emerged from somewhere inside me. You know, the eatwellmoveasmuchasyoucanandthensomemore girl. And today I have been mighty good too. Treadmill in TIME mins, QUANTITY - melon for breakfast, grilled mushrooms and peppers with&nbsp;3 tbsp of cottage (if you want to transform cottage to something more tasty, put it in the blender with your favorite herbs, pepper, a tsp of olive oil, and it becomes a decadent cream) and dinner is planned therefore safe. But tomorrow I am going to the visit my parents in their DATE house for DATE. And I have to be strong! Cos me mom is such a typical NORP mom who will cook and cook (wonderfully if I may say so myself) and insist and insist that I at least try something. I was thinking about it and I thought of a scheme hehehe. I am going to call her this evening and out of the blue&nbsp;tell her all about how A (my husband) has lately acquired a passion for grilled veggies. How he loves eating them with yogurt and spices. How happy he is when I make tons of them and have them around so he can munch on them anytime during the day. See me mom is head over heels &nbsp;in love with ORG and does everything to please him. I think this way I will have a huge supply of my main food around, and there is always fish in their household, so I will be safe. And so that you won't think bad of me, A does love grilled veggies too! But what will really be a challenge is the way I feel. I'm afraid that with all this stress lately at work and other stuff, when I arrive there and see my family in a relaxing atmosphere, and then have my mom try to pamper me with food and stuff, I am afraid I will be tempted-ier than I can sustain. GPE is that I come every day here and report the previous good day I had. But a greater truth is that every day I think of comfort food constantly. TIME I went home late and then had to get ready to go to that club. And I was eating my food and was thinking about pitta gyros and pasta and icecream with every bite I took of my 'healthy' meal. One can say that I am strong. And driven by my strength I am resisting the temptations and staying faithful to my DATE challenge. But I can say something else. (And I know the truth too ;o) It is not strength that drives me. Not even the burning desire I have so that I will put on my old jeans and a tacked in T-shirt and look great. It is my pertinaciousness that holds me so far. And I don't know if it is good or bad. I'm afraid that pertinaciousness leads to deprivation. (I'm also afraid that pertinaciousness is not spelled correct!) But I will take it for now...Otherwise, I'm afraid I will take up the ice cream offers!
ORDINAL of all, Mr. PERSON, 2 Pac is not dead. it's all a conspiracy. don't you know??? So i'm back in the lovely city of GPE DATE, and was greeted by high humidity. makes me miss PERSON already. And PERSON is running for senate here. The guy looks like a muppet. wow. and he's nuts. good times, good times.
A Thousand Separations he smiles over cofee my fingertips ache to trace him i want to stretch out and fill this empty space created by CARDINAL bodies not quite touching. yet i am still-- a motionless pain pursed lips silently complain and eyes that always say too much speak volumes. its not too late to stay but if i stay any longer i'm afraid i'll crash and burn and my survival mode is already kicking in. stand to leave hug, then turn and quickly walk away i remember the day we grew apart-- you were smiling, drinking coffee as you broke my heart.
Song: Final Vision- Yoko Kanno Mood: Happyish I got a new nickname DATE. Will and PERSON seems determined that I be called PERSON. (PERSON eyeroll) I can't even remember how it came up now. (Update: Will has just informed me that it stared with PERSON calling me whats-her-nuts and so she (Will) decided I should be called PERSON like the vulture off of the cartoon PERSON. Nothing like friends to give you self confidece.) DATE's been a slow day. I couldn't believe it; when I woke up TIME, it was snowing. SNOWING!! It's the middle.of.flipping.MAY!! I'm still on the countdown until I leave for GPE. DATE. (Give or take since I'm still unsure of when I go.) It's starting to feel more real now. I've spoken to Maju (going by her ORG name BTW ^_^) I've been studying my portuguese dictionary. I've been to the orientation...got my GPE jacket that identifies me as an Rotary exchange student. I feel so proud to wear it. *wipes away a tear* Messing around on ORG until I think it's time to get ready for PERSON. Must remember to iron my gi also. Debating whether to stick with ORG player or go to GPE, or what ever it's called. PERSON and ORG were bugging me about it. (Damn techies...)
PERSON! Hey everyone. I had my writing class DATE, I am kind of upset because the class was too short. I pay so much money, for this school, and the teacher lets everyone out early. So next time I will try and do something to keep the class longer, maybe tell her to tuture me or something. Anyways, it's kind of melow for me DATE. Yah, I don't know what the deal is. Oh, yah I know I am taking writing class right, but my grammar still bad. Yah! I sort of don't understand still, but I am going to get better, I promise you. Anyways, jerm and I are going to have DATE, DATE. I have my cousin moving from GPE, jerms brother is coming out to visit for DATE, and I have my friends graduation party to work on and I am helping her out for her portfolio. Oh' yah and bumber shoot. Mother fun month! Anyways, kay I gotta go to bed now, I have class DATE morning. Have a goooo night everyone. Aloha's, Mina
PERSON vs. PERSON If these CARDINAL were to meet and duke it out, who would be victorious? Your guess is as good as mine.
well i just finished bathing n all.. yuppz. da street fest was great!! fauzi n his crew did well! although i dunno y da mat that fauzi breaks on always go haywire. haha.. anw, i hung out wif those dudes afta da whole thang ended ta wait fer the results. (azhari n rusydi had ta go off. haha..rusydi dressed lyk a complete gay!! or so he says..hahaha) lemme recall their names..hmmm faz, ashri, ihsan, rico n sam uh something. (gosh im so sorry!!! cuz we werent really introduced properly) yuppz..although these peepz were just da greatest, there were unfortunately some who were better. but its alrite guys, ya can always try again next yr!!!! :) it was quite cool cuz we all got free food n all..n well i was extra-ing ova there wif yanti n da CARDINAL ex-stc girls..hey i mean, we were hungry! hahahahaha..but hah da food was good, even though the yellow rice kinda sucked. ahaha.. afta all that, we went ta somerset mrt's lift lobby. yeapz, they used da space there to break.. oh, n guess wut happened?????????? it was really traumatizing!!!!! faz, while attempting ta do a wall-flip, FELL !!! his fingers were nearly dislocated !!! and he had a gash on his foreheard!!! BLOOD was oOzInG out!!! his shoulders were bruised i suppose..and everyone rushed ova ta help. me esp..being a 1st aider n all..hahahah. hmmm ok ok, i was exaggerating a lil in da above para, but hah oh well..thank gawd he was ok..just a swollen finger..n a cut.. i found da cut real cool!! haha i'd love to haf one scar above my eyebrow..but i guess its just too masculine.heh heh..well yuppz, we all went off afta that. caught da last train towards jurong east. hmmmm i can see fauzi really took care of faz..haha gosh, im makin them sound lyk a gay couple..hahaha..(oh fauzi says he's da walking doctor..but hah oh well) hmmm yeah..oh haha..gosh, i lyk guys who wear boxers.. haha n ashri happened ta be wearin these really cool spongebob squarepants boxers..cool eh? ahahahahah i think it was boxers, im not a per ta keep starin n all..haha yuppz..well..yeah.. hmmm alrighty then i cant wait ta watch torres play!!! haha n i feel so motivated ta break! i just hafta learn more moves..hee! till then love ya all!! muackzzzzz!!!!! (hmmm i really really thank god that yanti reached hm safely cuz she called me up sayin that someone was following her..even ran afta her when she started running! so hah, im glad i 'accompanied' her on da way.)
urlLink The ORG is out.
My friend Amy calls me PERSON Girl cuz I keep taking these tests. I'm addicted. Okay, this will be it, the last one--at least for DATE... Take the Which Beatle Are You? Quiz.
Ok so as we all know the ORG playoffs have started. Best time of the year if your a sports fan in GPE, as we get to watch like CARDINAL or 5 games a night! So the TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS are leading the ottawa 'sucky' senators CARDINAL games to CARDINAL in the best of CARDINAL series. And PERSON has back to back shutouts in the series, and CARDINAL shutouts in his last CARDINAL games (CARDINAL of those against GPE). Now with numbers like that, and when your getting shut outs with CARDINAL shots on you in CARDINAL game, you would think your skilled right? But there are still the goons out there that say 'Belfour sucks, hes garbage, the Leafs suck, they are lucky' blah blah blah. Its simple. To be good you have to be lucky, its true, its true. And I personally would just like to know how PERSON can 'suck' when the guy has like CARDINAL shut outs DATE, he is one of the leading shut out leaders of all time, one of the most winningest goalies in the history of hockey, AND has his name on WORK_OF_ART. So please find something to convince me otherwise ... BI-ATCH! Leafs in DATE, GO LEAFS GO!
Well, it has finally arrived. DATE, was without doubt, the unofficial summer kick off. Now, we may have one more week of classes... and then, DATE of exams, but DATE just felt DATE to me. It was nice. I'm very much ready for DATE to be here now. DATE started off great, as I went for my ORDINAL time at my friend Steph's church youth group. PERSON's lead's the band, and I must say, she does have a great voice... about CARDINAL times better than the one she uses in Chemistry class singing songs you'd hear on your parents radio station. Anyways, after that, we decided we were gonna head out to Steph's house. The drive home was very entertaining, as PERSON drove, and me, Steph, PERSON and Steph's cousin Jess road with her. PERSON decided she would stop for gas, and that of course was the perfect oppurtunity for Steph to honk the horn with 'the club'. This freaked PERSON out, as she was filling up at the time. We then drove PERSON home to pick up some stuff before heading to Steph's. We were waiting in her driveway when these punk-ish looking DATE olds road right in front of her van on their bikes, across ORG' lawn. This was also the perfect oppurtunity for PERSON to honk the horn, and you could see one of the kids look back and the Van and mouth 'What the fu-...'. So, back at Steph's, we watched Pirates of the Carribean. PERSON, alright I guess... way too long though. I got home around TIME a.m, so that wraps up my DATE. Yeah, I was tired. DATE was a whole other day of adventure. Me, PERSON and Steph decided to head to the mall together to get a gift for PERSON, as it was her birthday. We definitley had a blast, especially in the toys etc. store. We bought 'PERSON in a Bag' for God know's what reason. We also stopped in at FAC, where Steph procided to play with a hula hoop. Then, the actual party came around 6:00 p.m or so. We walked over to ORG's. Present at the party was... PERSON (Well, clearly) PERSON, Shawn McCormick Junior Vice-President PERSON, PERSON Lindsay PERSON aaaaand ORG, Me. PERSON started the party off well, when I went to go chase a football that had been thrown over the fence... little did I know, they had already got the ball, so when I went over to get it, PERSON through it straight down and hit me in the groin. It hurt. A lot. But it was funny. Very funny. Fun was had later on... especially playing this game where if you can't think of an answer, you get ORG IN THE FACE WITH WATER. My personal favourite would be when the question was 'Things You Find In A Girl's Purse', and it came to me, I said 'My phone number.' Thank you, thank you... thank you. I also accidently smashed GPE over the head with the thing that gives out the questions. I laughed... checked to see if she was ok... then pointed and laughed some more. Later, when it was dark, we headed over to ORG just to hang out and such... buuut we got bored, so we went back to PERSON's backyard to... well, hang out and such. But it wasn't as boring because there were ORG... and chairs. Chairs are good. The party ended with an unfortunate 'ice brawl' with the leftover ice from the cooler. I think PERSON and PERSON each got hit in the face a good two or three times. Then PERSON accidently through CARDINAL right into PERSON's lap. PRODUCT. Then it came time to go... but a good time was had. Well, it's only DATE TIME now, so DATE isn't over... but my goodness, does it feel like DATE. I couldn't be happier about it either. Hm, it's only DATE TIME, so hence, there may be stuff that could happen DATE... This may include: My brother, a birthday, a wrestling mask, a resturant, a ppv, and golf. They'll all add up somehow. I swear, they will. Dave
WARNING...WARNING... BACK AWAY SLOWLY *due to health and safety reasons, it is illegal to come within CARDINAL yrds of me - i might cause you to have severe mental health problems, especially ones to do with cheese* BACK AWAY SLOWLY... *ignore me. i'm mad*
urlLink Kedwards Poster &nbsp; After my impassioned posts of earlier, this one just made me laugh.&nbsp; Sorry...
I went to the wedding DATE. The ORDINAL wedding i've ever been to in my DATE of breathing. yays. It was no big deal and didnt make me wanna cry...everyone was like 'awww julia! uve grown up so much!!' and im thinking 'yeah beyatches, u havent seen me since i was DATE!' OF COURSE IVE GROWN UP!! ORG 16!! I GREW TALLER AND ORG AND OPINIONS AND I GOT A LIFE!! AND GUESS WHAT..I GOT BOOBS! dumbasses. anyways, the only person who made me feel HALF happy was the groom, my cousin Lance. He actually acted excited to see me. He smiled and hugged me and his now wife was like 'ive heard soo much about u julia! im so happy to meet u' she made me feel wanted outta the whole damn bunch. then her mother was like 'ooo its julia!! ive heard soo much about you from lance!'...i guess lance talked about me. i dont even remember the dude...but im glad he stood there with open arms. made me feel like family. everything about the wedding was nice...made me think about my wedding one day. ive decided i want a live band, not a sound system. My cousin PERSON, the only one besides Grant i remember(Grant didnt make it to the wedding, but hes my age and caroline is DATE younger), but she wants to spend DATE together before i leave. well thats gotta be DATE and i really dont think my aunt and cousin (caroline's mom) will come through with driving TIME to get me to spend the nite with caroline. i hope they do..it would be fun..but ive gotten my hopes up about a lot of things. PERSON is a softball player and cheerleader...she doesnt strike me as a cheerleader and if u saw her you wouldnt think so either. *much love and altoids* IM COMING HOME IN DATE!! GPE YEA!! AND LAURENS BACK FROM THE BEACH! ORG!
I’ve been reading a book that I borrowed from a friend titled, Exploring Our Christian Faith (copyright DATE, ORG of GPE). I have been told that it is a standard book used in many classical theological circles because it covers the basics of NORP theology. There are many parts of the book that I find interesting and many parts that I take issue with. However, today I am focusing on the section that discusses evidence for the existence of God. The ORDINAL evidence cited by the authors is called ORG. Basically, this theory states that the universe either has always existed, somehow started itself, or was created, and of these, the most reasonable choice is creation. The authors’ reason for coming to this conclusion is that all we know is started, or has some cause to bring it about. Therefore, the existence of the universe must have a cause. Since the universe was not pre-existent, it could not have brought about itself and it must have been created by God. The problem with this argument is that the author assumes that everything is brought about by a cause; however, doesn’t believe that God, himself would need a cause to exist, or need to be created. Sure, a basic understanding of the nature of God is that he is eternally existent. However, if we assume that God is eternally existent, it’s not too much of a stretch to accept that the universe may be. Just because you may choose to believe one and not the other does not make the argument valid or even reasonable. Now the authors’ view of creation does fit nicely with the scientific theory of LOC, which most scientists subscribe to. Unfortunately, one could also argue that the scientists that developed ORG took scientific evidence and interpreted the information in a way that agrees with their pre-accepted beliefs of creation. There are also many other theories on how the universe works and an ever increasing body of evidence that contradicts the idea of GPE. CARDINAL such theory, which I tend to believe, is that the universe simply has no known starting point. This may mean that it has always existed, or it could mean that we just don’t have evidence to indicate what might have been its beginning. The theory is that light is not just a wave of energy, but an actual energized particle. This also agrees with newer scientific evidence of light. Scientists do know that light is now a wave in the same fashion of a sound wave, but they continue to teach this theory because it does explain many of the characteristics of light, but, if true, would also contradict characteristics of light that we know to be true. The theory goes on to state that a star will emit these energized particles which will travel for DATE until they run into something or expend their energy. This leaves the particles floating in space which will be gravitationally attracted to a more massive object or will float around until they run into other particles and will stick together due to their own gravitational fields. As these particles gather together, their collective gravitational field grows and they will begin attracting smaller particles and bringing them into their total mass. Eventually, these particles will become so massive and will have such a large gravitational pull that they will heat up to the point that they ignite a nuclear reaction and the particle becomes a star, which, in turn, emits particles and begins the process all over again. This process could go on forever. There are many other aspects of this theory that I could explain, such as GPE, etc. but I have already strayed away from that main point of this article. What this theory does not explain is how this all started. The original particles had to come into existence somehow. What I am trying to get as is that the existence of things, like planets, atoms, etc., does not make for a good argument of the existence of God. What I do believe to be a good argument is simply the existence of existence. Unfortunately, this still does not answer the paradox of the existence of God, but it makes for an interesting discussion. The next set of evidence presented by the authors is called ORG. This suggests that the odds are too great that life would develop with our abilities and senses as tuned to our surroundings as to make life convenient. CARDINAL example provided compares the likeliness of our existence to the following scenario: “If CARDINAL monkeys were set to pounding typewriters, if only given enough time, they would eventually write all the books in ORG.” I, however, would suggest that the odds are actually made much better through natural selection, as proposed by PERSON. Obviously, the senses that we develop that are useful to our existence would be a selective advantage. The better analogy would be that we set CARDINAL monkeys to pounding keyboards. When CARDINAL gets the first word right, he is rewarded. When he gets to consecutive words right, he is rewarded again, until all the books are written. This would certainly make the completion of these books more likely and make it happen much more quickly. ORDINAL, the odds are in our favor when you realize that there are CARDINAL of planets and CARDINAL of stars that have been around for DATE. The analogy for this is using a CARDINAL rooms of CARDINAL monkeys instead of just one. Finally, our senses are extremely helpful, but there may also be other ways to perceive that we have not developed. We know that there are animals that perceive things in ways that we do not. Also, it is relatively easy to understand that a person born blind cannot even imagine what sight is like. Just because the authors are not imaginative enough to think senses, does not mean they do nor exist or cannot be developed. In ORG, CARDINAL separate arguments are made, the ORDINAL of which also contains a sub-argument. The ORDINAL argument is, “God is that being than whom no greater can be conceived. But, a God existing in fact is greater than a God existing only in idea. Therefore, God must be thought of as existing in fact.” There are CARDINAL problems with this argument. ORDINAL, this assumes that God is that being. No evidence is provided or even suggested that would lead us to this assumption. ORDINAL, and probably more obvious, just because a mind can conceive of something does not mean it exists. What this argument is really stating is that if God exists at all, God must be a being and not just an idea. Unfortunately, the logical argument alone does not support or refute the existence of God. The sub-argument is that, “the idea of God is the only idea which, of necessity, permits the conception of nothing greater.” However, this, once again, would lead one to believe that if God exists and is the greatest conceivable concept, then God must be an actual being. But, of course, like the main argument, it really is circular. The argument really being made here is, “If God exists and is the greatest conceivable being, than God must exist as the greatest conceivable being. The second Ontological argument is, since all cultures throughout history believe in God, it must be an inherent necessity to believe in God. Since we naturally accept the existence of God, to reject this belief would be to reject all other human reason and perceptions through which our knowledge is gained. The problem with this argument is that, using the same reasoning as the author, one would conclude that the acceptance of this belief in God should lead to the acceptance of all other reasoning and common beliefs among cultures. In other words, the same ability to reason leads some people to believe in God and some to believe in no God. Therefore, we must accept the ability to reason that led to both conclusions. I’m sure the authors would not argue that Roman gods and Greek gods must exist because they were nearly identical beliefs from CARDINAL cultures, nor would they agree with many cultures that worshiped the sun, or different animals, etc. Therefore, to accept the authors’ argument, we would have to accept the reasoning that coincides with their beliefs, but reject the reasoning that disagrees. The next section is called Moral Evidence. This is the best argument provided by the authors. Although the authors do not analyze this concept in depth and make bad arguments, the basis is still a good argument. The premise is that all cultures have morals and certain morals are universal. Also, we judge certain moral standards to be more valuable than others. To do this, we must be basing our judgments on non-human standards. Since I have a strong sense of morality, and there are moral standards that we agree with that would be a disadvantage in natural selection, I agree with this statement. CARDINAL apparent point of discussion might be that these moral standards that do not lead to a selective advantage would eventually lead people to extinction. However, moral people have outlasted and accomplished much more than many stronger people throughout history. Therefore, it is a very good argument. ORG is a very interesting argument, I think it makes a very good point, but it’s not a point the authors were really trying to make. The argument made by the authors is that mathematics is a purely rational and purely intellectual pursuit of the human mind. Mathematics “correspond precisely to the intricate design of the natural order which predated man and his brain.” Therefore, the authors argue, the human brain must have been created in a way to correspond to these natural occurrences by the same being that created the universe. I think this is a bad argument for CARDINAL reasons. ORDINAL, mathematics is not, as the authors indicate, a purely intellectual and independently rational pursuit of the human mind. In fact, math was developed to explain or model the occurrences of nature. In other words, math developed from nature so it would make sense that math would do what it was developed to do, provide humans with a way to think about nature.. The most interesting point made is taken from another, named PERSON, in a book titled, PERSON. He states, “The world is a cosmos not a chaos and that it has intelligible laws…” I believe this to be the main point made in arguing in favor of the existence of a creator. To have natural laws, the laws themselves must have come from somewhere. Even if you were to agree with my theory on the universe and its eternal cycles of change, you would notice CARDINAL very important laws. ORDINAL is gravity, ORDINAL is fission. Without these CARDINAL laws, nothing in the universe could exist. All particles would just float randomly. I believe this is a very good argument for the existence of God. That makes CARDINAL good arguments. The final form of evidence provided is called ORG. This is the best argument available. The authors explain it better and in much more detail than I will. Basically, it says I know there is a God because I know there is a God. This argument is based on one’s experience of God. If you have experience God working in your life than there should be no doubt in your mind of the existence of God. I personally know, beyond any doubt, that God exists because the effects he has had on my life. I believe that if someone does what I have done, which is sincerely look for truth not just look for evidence to support what I believed to be true, they will experience God too. My views on religion have changed drastically over DATE. I even considered myself an atheist at CARDINAL time. Thankfully, God knows one’s heart. I wasn’t claiming to be an atheist because I was rejecting God. After all, rejecting God is really a subconscious acceptance of the existence of God. To the contrary, I was simply looking for the truth of religion with an open mind. Keeping this open mind has been beneficial to me because it has allowed me to accept that fact that my life experiences were affected by God and that God must exist, must know my true inner self, and must be looking out for my best interests. But, how can I convince you that I have experienced God. You have to have the experience yourself to believe it. So, when all boiled down, I believe that there are CARDINAL reasons to believe in the existence of God: CARDINAL. The existence of existence. The fact that anything exists, including God. CARDINAL. The organization of matter and systems and the existence of natural laws. CARDINAL. The revelation of God in one’s life. Son, I will begin to address the nature of Jesus and attempt to determine the rationality of the trinity.
We did go to urlLink PERSON 2 DATE. I don't think it was as good as the ORDINAL one. PERSONn Boots, though. Stopped at urlLink Radio Shack after the show to pick up some of the stuff for G's battery and magnet projects. Ended up spending $MONEY! Holy cow. Too much. I plan to go to urlLink ORG DATE to check for some items that might be less expensive. Also need to get QUANTITY of stain for the fence and stop at a motorcycle dealer with G to check out some of the kid size motorcycles. I should enjoy that. I would love to see him start riding pretty soon. Would probably wait until DATE to get one, if we had the money. The internet links are just a check to see if I get them right. I am familiar with HTML but not with blogging. Next I need to test out inserting photos. Oh, and don't forget to check out urlLink WORK_OF_ART . Thank you for your support.
'There can be no progress if people have no faith in DATE.' -- John Fitzgerald Kennedy
It's so funny Teri&nbsp;should mention PERSON lol. i saw PERSON (bradray)&nbsp;today. he was on the side of highway CARDINAL tieing down some lawn mowers in the back of a pick up.. anyway.. so PERSON.. you're moving? where? out of our school district&nbsp;we all&nbsp;hope.. lol jk. we need to hook up some time maybe you wont be busy shopping.. lol. oh i got a call from PERSON about a dinner at DATE.. only he didn't tell me what time it starts. if ya know what time and if you're going, let me know. i don't wanna be the only one there.. but i was planning on dragging PERSON with me.. he just doesn't know it yet.. anyway.&nbsp; DATE was ok. Becky and Andrew babysat with me. we sold lemonade.. it sucked. ok so i'm definetly fed up with the whiney thing the older one has going on.. i'm gonna shake her next time.. not really but it sounds like a good idea. anywho.. PERSON and i went to the mall TIME. he was like a little kid at christmas when i told that the new ATHF&nbsp;dvd came out DATE.. so cute haha.. i get to borrow it.. since you didn't even know it was out yet.. it's only fair.. besides&nbsp;i'll make it worth it ;-) haha. a discussion about me and&nbsp;pregnancy came up like CARDINAL times TIME.. that was odd.. anyway! we had fun.
urlLink heres a kinda...somewhat recent picture of me.. it is before I died my hair.&nbsp; urlLink
God it is so hard going back to work even after DATE. I always feel grumpy at the thought that once again I'm heading into the office where I will fester for TIME until such time as I come home, not seeing much daylight, breathing in other peoples germs through the air con, and staring at a screen DATE. Well there is always TIME, but as I work in GPE, you can imaginge that its nothing to get excited about. So why don't I do something to change my life? Well hubby and I are trying. We would love to move to GPE where the pace of life is that much slower and run our own business (renting holiday homes). The problem is that we can not yet afford the size of property that we would need to run a gite business and it is important that we have a property where we would be able to earn enough from rental to enable us to live. Lets face it we are still young and therefore we will need to support ourselves for DATE (hopefully). Still we have something to aim for and that makes the going to work worth it. It was a tricky day DATE...had an attack of the inner demon who wanted me to go off on an eating spreee, but wasn't going to give him the pleaseure after doing so well DATE. WI DATE. I am looking forward to seeing how I've done DATE, particularly as I've tried so hard.
Not much to relate DATE. It has been a lovely weekend with just the right amount of activity and sitting around relaxing. I'm very proud of how my diet is going - I have stuck with my points DATE which is excellent and I know I am going to loose weight DATE. DATE should be interesting, as I am going to be much busier at work and normally this pushes me off the rails, but we'll see how I go.
I say no problem to Wags or PERSON or anyone else I know for that matter, that is doing something that I can't, play music well in front of a group of strangers. I also say support our local music scene, because it helps our friends get more exposure from both local and national reps. It's always good hanging out get some grub, maybe some drinks, and watch your friends on stage singing some good songs. Plus if any of our friends get famous, more of a reason for us to get cushy jobs and some bling-bling. TIME to get your answers in biatchez hurry up!
Of course they are. damn cats, run away from anything that moves, and crap in other people's gardens. Grrrrr
urlLink Women and the elderly deserve to be run off the road, dammit! Just kidding. Mostly. Interesting to note who does benefit from higher speed limits. Go me!
Well NORP was okay, the reading woz the hardest part in my opinion, but thats only because in the writing you can just write a load of crap ! Erm, well im going to ORG tmor which should be fun, thats my plans so far. No exams for a while now ! PERSON enough said by me
I just wanted everyone to know that I was still up. So, what the fuck happened to PERSON? Did she just decide not to blog anymore? Well I guess I can understand since she is getting married and stuff so she has a full plate...I guess she is off the hook for now. Rori, I liked the writing assignment your teacher gave you, hope you enjoyed my response. Night all.
I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge the comic writing genius of ORG urlLink PERSON , whose columns and DATE chat I never miss. Also, thank the great God of underpants for the comic stylings of PERSON, whose urlLink blog provides me with DATE entertainment. OH! And by the way, buy PERSON's urlLink book .
why must men on the T sit with their legs wide open and their arms draped across the seats next to them? men have that wide stance while women are much more reserved, trying to take up as little as the seat they are sitting on as possible. what is this non-verbal communication telling the world? i think women need to start taking up more seats :)
From ORG: Unsolicited toe-licking would be banned in the GPE under a law sought by the NORP Labor party after police were unable to prosecute a would-be Casanova with a taste for female toes because he had committed no crime. A police spokesman said DATE a man had been detained after women sunning themselves in PERSON's parks and beaches claimed he had snuck up on them and begun to lick their toes. 'The officers had to let him go. Licking a stranger's toes is rather unusual but there is really nothing criminal about it,' the spokesman said. NORP press reports said the man, who is DATE, had been licking the toes of strangers for DATE but was only recently caught by police. PERSON, a ORG member of parliament, asked NORP Justice Minister PERSON Donner DATE to explain why NORP laws forbid littering but not uninvited toe-licking. PERSON demanded an amendment prohibiting it. 'It is a violation of one's privacy and one's physical integrity,' he told a local news agency. 'The norm... is that no one should touch your body if you haven't asked them first.' A spokesman for ORG said the minister could not immediately comment.
urlLink ORG
Día: PERCENT julio PERSON: PERSON San Cristobal Hora: CARDINAL a CARDINAL PERSON por la mañana CARDINAL a CARDINAL: Una empresa adaptable para enfrentar los cambios CARDINAL a CARDINAL: HP, infraestructura para Soluciones Móviles 11 a CARDINAL: ¿Cómo hacer su negocio más efectivo a través del color? CARDINAL a CARDINAL: Cambiando de pista. PERSON era digital en la impresión digital PERSON por la tarde CARDINAL a CARDINAL: Una empresa adaptable para enfrentar los cambios CARDINAL a CARDINAL: La revolución digital. PERSON impresión. CARDINAL a CARDINAL: ¿Cómo hacer su negocio más efectivo a través del color? CARDINAL a CARDINAL: HP, infraestructura para Soluciones Móviles :: urlLink ir ::
Alright, so technically it's DATE, but I have very limited access to the internet...I don't even know my own password (which makes this blog thing even more fun...my parents have no idea...hehehe...aren't I a regular renegade) Shane: thanks to your encouragement, I'll start telling stories...as of yet, I have none, though. You mentioned PERSON...wouldn't it be cool to finish his tales? There's only like 80 left. How hard could it be to write everyhing in couplets? Pretty darn difficult, but a team of us could pull it off. We could even cheat, and midway through the stories 'the Host' can change his mind and decide stories will only be told during the trip there, not the return trip. That's only like CARDINAL more then...let's get on that. Sometime between now and our deaths. Anyone who's game, let me know. CARDINAL people equals DATE the profit, or something like that. Anyway, my day DATE was like all my other days: pointless, futile, dull, and just how I like it. Random Factoid: There is a vacancy on ORG, and they have yet to contact me though I have applied. Pip Pip.
I felt like talking about my sister DATE. And by sister, I mean PERSON, the oldest, DATE. Basically, the idea struck me after I heard about her ORDINAL softball game of the season, which was DATE...i couldn't attend because of newspaper deadline, and that's a blasted shame: she allowed CARDINAL in DATE (maximum is 20R...CARDINAL is amazing at her level), and struck out over CARDINAL batters per inning (the catchers can't catch her, so the batters to go to first)...this amazes me, because she has always been a decent pitcher, with speed, but never any control...in DATE, she not only developed accuracy, but also changed from speed to flaming velocity. On top of this, she has never been a good hitter. A lot of strikouts, very little power. She was DATE DATE. And I missed it. Why am I talking about my sister, you ask? Well, so am I...why the heck would I be talking about her to you guys...she doesn't know this exists and you don't know her. I hope I didn't take up too much of your time CARDINAL = Last time I checked, my favorite pitcher, PERSON, was crushing the ORG 7-0. PERSON was terrible in his return to the desert (almost a no-no last time) but he did get the ORDINAL hit through CARDINAL innings off of ORG. PERSON has made CARDINAL starts against the ORG, before this game, and he was CARDINAL-0. PERSON: Masca is listening to the audio biography (not to be confused with autobiography) of PERSON. That technophile, manualphobe can't even pick up a book. I like that: technophile, manualphobe...use it...that's an order. Pip pip
my goodness i am hungry, its TIME on a DATE and im still awake..im starving too, im always hungry, its like my stomach never sleeps....i eat alot too and im still always hungry....i hope i dont have a tape worm or something...anyway, the wolves beat the lakers in game CARDINAL of the western conference finals and they won big !! and karl malone got ejected for a flagrant CARDINAL foul which means he might get suspended a game, game CARDINAL which is day after DATE....that would be so great, ive never liked Malone, he is a dirty player, he always has been and always will be......im still hungry....i feel like eating some pancakes....or an omlette....or both....like a big chicken and cheese omlette....with jalepenos and salsa and stuff in it...that would be good.....do people find it strange that we eat chicken with an omlette ? i mean, isnt it like the ultimate exercise of our power over the food chain when you can eat the child and the adult of a particular species ? the egg, the child of the chicken, being cooked up with its parent at the same time.....i find it interesting.....maybe ill eat some caviar with some salmon sushi.....eew....have you ever seen salmon eggs ? they are huge and orange and taste terrible....the little caviar, i can deal with, its not that bad but salmon eggs, oh man thats some nasty stuff.....ok so KFC used to have this little sandwich called a 'chicken little' it was a piece of fried chicken breast in the shape of a square with some mayo and small buns , there you go a chicken little sandwich...does anyone remember?? my brothers and i would get like CARDINAL of these little sandwiches and eat em all, they were pretty good....but now my favorite sandwich is the wendy's spicy chicken fillet.....although i saw a commercial for burger king's spicy chicken sandwich...i need to go try it and see how it compares...i miss PERSON in the box.....there isnt one up here in lansing, mi ..... back in texas, when i was at UT i could get CARDINAL tacos for MONEY and a jumbo jack for MONEY and a drink for MONEY, for like MONEY you could get a whole lotta food and it was decent...hell for a college student that was a great meal...hmmm, i think burger king is open CARDINAL hrs....i could get some food there...but im not getting up out of my bed right now...id like to go to cracker barrell but i went there just the other day....why do i like it when other ppl make my food for me ? am i that lazy ? sadly the answer is yes...id much rather go somewhere and pay for some food that is given to me hot than make it myself....for watever reason i dont like making food...doesnt taste as good when i make it...well i used to make spicy chicken pasta that was pretty good to eat...but nothin compares to my mom's cooking.....i love it...i was eating some of it TIME, although it tastes better when im at home...i think ive said that b4....id give my left arm for an omlette right now....im kinda sleepy i guess...im really not, but ill try to go to bed....the sun is almost up so it means that ill fall asleep soon....im like freaking dracula here....maybe if i stay awake long enough ill turn into tyler durden and create a friendly alter ego that will help me do strange things, like steal liquid fat from a liposuction clinic and make explosives with it....hmm sounds like a plan to me......
PERSON on why GPE has a higher proportion of religious persons: &nbsp; 'As PERSON would have predicted, the greater vitality of NORP religion than of religion in countries in which there is an established church or churches owes much to our unwillingness to allow government to favor particular sects.&nbsp; By impairing religious competition, such favoritism turns many people - those not comfortable with the creed or clergy or congregants of the favored church - off religion.' &nbsp; Market dynamics play a role in faith-based initiatives...GWB couldn't have said it better himself.&nbsp; Probably because he is not articulate.&nbsp;
I tink school work and stress and yea..CLUBBING has taken a toil on me. I slept so much but still i can't rid off the exhastion from my physical body. HA. ain't I a hardcore chiongster *whistles* ORG..lagi no life. Cannot make it Must start industriously mugging for the semester exams again I thot i just started this sem? Gosh..and i can envision my age numerical ticking like the ORDINAL stop watch Do i remember that show when time just halted? Hmm...actually somehow i wished i could have that power..but then again, wat u yearn for can kill u yea? Maybe if i'm not too tired i shall go and study a lil'...Zzzzzzzzzz.....
Talk about the crappiest day ever. DATE I had to go to the doc since I've been so congested, and she made me come get an appt. to get a ORG scan TIME. Quick, painless, uninteresting. Anyway, I get home, and on the answering machine there was a message that I need to come in ASAP to get more scans done. So my mom came home and took me, turns out they needed a test with an IV in! (ORG, totally hate needles) The scan took forever, the lady annoyed me, and the stuff in the IV made me feel sick. Now my arm kills, and I've got a band concert TIME. Fabulous. Angel TIME was pretty good for DATE. Bringing Conner back was hilarious, and I was hoping he'd keep his old memories once he killed that dude. But I think he didn't. Unless he did and is faking it. This shall be interesting. Although I'm slightly confused on what happened to GPE, since I missed DATE. ?? Okay, I suppose I should probably go and do homework...
Well DATE's conversation with PERSON was kind of dull. PERSON had just got out of a bath and was not really is a talking mood. When I told her I was at work she thought it was funny that I worked during TIME time. I would like to point out that I called at TIME my time and was told to call back in TIME by SFW which is after TIME in GPE. The only reason I point this out is because at 20:05 I called and got Jon (Fuck Stick) from now on referred to as FS on the phone. I asked for Karissa and got SFW who then gave me PERSON. So that just adds to the case that she is in contempt! Other then that nothing special to say DATE. My mother received a call for me DATE from ORG however, the called did not leave a name or a number and when I called ORG main line they cannot connect me to a person unless I have a name or e-mail address so needless to say I am in a quandry. I am still trying to find someone there at ORG who can help but.... I would not be interested in going back to GPE but for the right price and the right job in GPE I would probably go.
Well I talked to Karissa DATE she was outside in her new slippers. She was not up to much. She and I talked for a bit nothing really special again as she won't let me really talk to her anymore. I did tell her how I liked talking to her and she is my most favorite person to talk to. I know not the best english but she understands it. She told me I love you CARDINAL times and said she missed me then hung up on me. I was not done with my sentence and she hung up. I am a little miffed that PERSON cannot take more responsibility in making sure PERSON at least uses proper etiquette when talking on the phone...like not hanging up on people. I am sure she has seen PERSON do it enough that it is nothing for Karissa to do it and PERSON probably would not even notice it even if she did know it was not appropriate as that is PERSON's way of solving her phone disputes.
colors beyond the rainbow... i love home depot...it's one of my favorite stores (never in DATE would i have ever fathomed saying that). but yeah, i really think it's the best thing to have ever happened to homeowners. ever since i bought my townhome, i've spent DATE at home depot than my usual spot..the mall. you won't ever see me there anymore but guaranteed, you'll find me at home depot late at night. i've been neglecting my store for DATE now only because i was preoccupied with other stuff...oh how i love detours..haha. but now, i'm back in action...ready to paint again, ready to re-model, ready to brighten up my place and give it some ORG. you all have no idea how motivated i am this very moment and there is a reason for my madness. everyone around me is purchasing property...they'll are gonna be homeowners if not one yet. on sat, i went to see a friend's sisters townhome in carmel valley. it looked just like a model home. they used earthtone colors for each room. and DATE, i went to drew and michelle's condo located downtown...their home was also painted in amazing colors and fully decorated. it just got me thinking that i've lived in my place for DATE now and all i've done was paint CARDINAL bathrooms and these people have painted all their rooms and have finished decorating!! man, i'm so behind. so last night ricky and i were up till TIME, masking my living room but prior to that, we stopped by home depot for tape and books on paint colors, and then we stopped by barnes and nobles for decorating tips and paint color ideas and ORG...i can't believe all the colors we can choose from. there's like a thousand shades of white, yellow, red, blue...all the colors of the rainbow. we spent TIME looking through the magazines, books and searching the net for colors. i thought it was hopeless to find the perfect color for my living room, but low and behold, the brocheres i brought home from home depot proved to be promising. i found the color...my color...the perfect color for my home and i found this in home depot's brocheres. yeah me! TIME we're gonna paint...i hope it'll be a beauty...how could you go wrong with 'nature's whisper?!?' yeah!
happy halloweeeeeeeeeeeeen!! for those out there who still have the halloween spirit, i wanna wish ya all a happy and safe halloween!!! i love DATE, the change of the season...which can only mean... cold crisp DATE, warm fires, hot chocolates, getting lost in your bed with the covers and pillows, snuggling up to someone special, leaves changing colors, snow, snowboarding, and of course the best thing of all pumpkin smash. :-) it's back guys....my all time favorite 'happy' drink. i think i really need CARDINAL right about now. it does the trick every time. it always brings a smile to my face. i remember DATE, i had pumpkin smash twice a week. i tried so hard to o.d. on it because i knew it was only a seasonal thing and i didn't want to miss it but my mission failed. my addiction only grew stronger. people think i'm nuts that i can get this excited over a drink but if they only knew how yummy it is and how much happiness it can bring. i blame my obsessiveness on the one and only 'munkie boy'. ever since my ORDINAL smash DATE, i've been addicted to it. he's the blame to my insanity. now munkie boy...if you are reading this and fully agree with me about the drink...then i know i'm crazy. hehe. k..gonna get some smash...(*grin*)
Had a couple of anxiety 'twinges' today worrying about work needlessly. I'm not sure why I still do this because I know they guys in the technical department can look after things. A few deep breaths each time seemed to push it away again. Was planning on switching the tablets to DATE this week but may put that off until after the holiday. There's no point making myself needlessly worry while I'm on holiday. It's so easy to screw up an email I was a bit harsh with an email I wrote before I left work on DATE due to a minor annoyance and was really out of order in what I put. I should know by now if something has made you angry, the email can wait for TIME so you can write something less emotional or better still discuss it face to face.
Think I've finally got the better of the spyware. Thanks to a friend of mine pointing me in the right direction, I downloaded a program called urlLink BHODemon which looks at all the programs your copy of IE is trying to load and allows to to just disable them. I expect the spyware is still there but it's not loading anymore! woo hoo.
Well, I knew that pretty soon it was gonna be total destruction or definite rehabilitation. That limbo stuff just doesn't fly forever. So, that's 'friggin' sweet,' dare I say. But seriously, when someone needs to be alone, let them be alone. Just don't be poking your nose in like somehow the rules don't apply to you. Okay? Okay. Sometimes things are more serious than a spilt cup of juice.
He who created the heavens and stretched them out who spread out the earth and all that comes out of it who gives breath to its people and life to those who walk on it. Isaiah 42:5 (ORG) The sun gamely pressed through as I drove from PERSON Road to Preschool Street. The ride seemed long; I felt so observant, the reason I couldn't sleep TIME. I'm speeding a little bit, buzzing from the jolt of all the writing I'm doing. When I'm really working -- the way I am on this blog, writing and writing and writing -- I never shut off. I write in my head. I write when I'm loading the dishwasher. I write when I'm brushing P's hair. So I was noticing, and noticing, and noticing the things that looked more beautiful now because the sun was on them. There were blue wildflowers on a temple lawn, shaped like little lunchboxes, stretching up in the light. There was a garden with lavender so high it topped the fence, and an old lady was watering it lovingly. There were container trees all in a row along someone's curb, proud and tall with all the rain. There was dark earth beneath the trees as P and I walked down to her school from where I parked. Sprinkled among the pines were a few snapdragons that obviously weren't planted -- seeds flew and landed there. 'What that bubble flower?' P said. I knew she would love this -- dragons are her favorite thing (paging the Dungeon Master, whose DNA comprises CARDINAL her person) so I leaned down to it and said, 'It's called a snapdragon. See what happens when you pinch it? It opens its mouth.' I think someone might have been watching nefariously from the shadow of the house's entryway, but I didn't care. I touched it anyway. 'Wow!' P tried to pinch it too. 'Snapping dragon flower!' The flower was lovely and quiet in the shade, and yellow as a beach kite. P talked on and on about it as we continued the short walk to school. And I remembered when I discovered snapdragons, too -- my mother had them in clusters of pink and white in the walled garden along the driveway. I loved their little speckled tongues and their soft petals. I wrote a poem in college about my mother hanging laundry in DATE mornings, a vivid memory for me, the bands of wet sheet slapping around our bare legs as I handed her clothespins. CARDINAL of the lines of the poem was, 'the snapdragons watched. And the bees.' And I felt as I stood there with P in the cold, delicious shade of the pines, on this quite ordinary DATE on a city street with the morning traffic sloughing by, that CARDINAL more thing I thought had been taken from me with my mother's death indeed had not.
We just got this software that will track a camera movement. They brought us this footage of cars driving on this sandy plain and there are tire tracks ALL over the horizon of the whole shooting day. So this one piece of software that will track the helicopter camera's movement is $MONEY. The cool thing about it? It's called PERSON. That's what I'm talking about.
BLAME IT ON THE RAIN... OR LACK THEREOF... TIME, it finally rained on the southeast coast of GPE... everywhere but GPE. It rained (monsooned) in the counties north, east and west of GPE, but not in GPE. My car used to be a nice berry color, but now my car classifies as dusky fawn or dusty beige metallic . I'm in the 'Why bother to wash it?' phase. After all, I do work next to the freeway, so every day, my car gets a fresh coat of dusky fawn and dusty beige metallic residue, in addition to the lovely pollen, ash, and other pollutants that the GPE smog has to offer. Granted, when GPE does receive it's DATE to CARDINAL dibble dops of rain, or I accidentally park my car next to a hidden sprinkler, the drops make the dusky fawn look like it's been shot in CARDINAL places, but better that than washing the car only to have the satisfaction of seeing it dustless/clean for TIME. The salvage guy came and towed away PERSON's car, PERSON (you'll have to ask her), on DATE. PERSON was declared officially 'totaled,' and PERSON' will receive compensation for PERSON DATE, which she will deposit into a car fund (after she buys a bus pass). Fortunately, GPE has an adequate public tansportation system and she works QUANTITY from home. ORG is a quick bus ride down PERSON. ORG, CARDINAL grocery store, and PERSON's are all within a reasonable walking distance for Jene'. I also still have transportation (that without a/c resembles more of a sauna with wheels and a radio of which the volume cannot be adjusted...). PERSON' is not one to whine or mope, so she waved goodbye to PERSON and now my dusky fawn car takes up our CARDINAL spaces so PERSON's spot doesn't look so empty. I will fast forward in this story (after PERSON's departure) or rewind (it's all about perspective, isn't it?) to DATE TIME in GPE, where PERSON's nephew, PERSON, graduated from high school. I had wondered how the entire family was going to be able to attend, let alone sit together, but I was assured that since the ceremony was outdoors that would be possible. OUTDOORS?! Affirmative. Outdoors... at TIME in LOC, where, though it was still in the 80's, the humidity is low enough that the air wasn't that bothersome. Over CARDINAL calm and surprisingly well-behaved seniors sat on the far side of the field... a sea of blue that grew exponentially larger as the time approached TIME My own graduation (in DATE) featured over CARDINAL people in rented dorky silver and maroon gowns and it took TIME. Girls wore the caps on the back of their heads, perpendicular to the floor, to make room for their big tidal wave bangs. PERSON sang as the graduation band played PERSON Goodbye . Several other songs were sung and CARDINAL speech was made. ORG received a WORK_OF_ART of their choice and when the prayer was uttered, it was definitely to the one true God and nobody had a problem with that. At CARDINAL point early on in the ceremony, a prayer was uttered that began with a vague 'Holy One,' and continued with a list of vague spiritual references and a general sense of, well, vagueness that led me and several people in my general vacinity to whisper, 'Does anybody know who she's praying to?' I shook my head. The trouble with vagueness in this case is that though the prayer is uttered upward with good, inclusive and tolerant intentions, the prayer falls quickly to the ground, and the thud that follows sounds like the door to heaven slamming shut in disgust. I think God was pretty clear when He told Moses to pass it on to the rest of us, 'You shall have no other gods before me.' I'm not going to preach on this, but this instance was a reality check. I now live in a world where God isn't at the top of the list anymore... though He's still on the list, He's getting shuffled down the list in the name of tolerance, inclusiveness, and good intentions. I suppose this move allows the NORP then to also pray, but one wonders which is better -- an all-inclusive, vague prayer, or none at all? Of course, if a NORP complains, she's hateful and intolerant and her house gets egged. If a ORG complains, his brother gets to lead his own prayer/meditation DATE when he graduates. Ok...I'm going to get off my soapbox now. Just chew on it. As I was saying, we were sitting in the bleachers high above the football field on a warm, dry night. I was sitting in between Jean (Jene's mother) and Julia (PERSON's sister, who is my age). Julia's husband, PERSON, recently returned from duty in LOC, sat on DATE with Grant, their DATE son. I could list all the other members of ORG clan that had gathered to watch PERSON graduate, but I need to keep this a small blog if I can (ha ha). Just trust me, PERSON was well represented in the stands. At my graduation, families were asked not to scream, applaud or anything else until everyone's name had been called. My graduation was in a gymnasium and the screaming would have meant extra pauses between CARDINAL plus names and graduation would have taken TIME... in an open football stadium... well, those noisy airhorns and cowbells were ringing and blasting all over the place, including in poor little ORG's ears (while I was holding him). He did not take too kindly to the blasts. I did not take kindly to the blasts on his behalf, but as we've established in previous blogs, I'm learning that it's not about me, so I passed Grant down to PERSON' who was further down from the inconsiderate blast-er and I let the blast-er live until his graduation. This graduation lasted TIME. I was amazed. Several faculty members teamed up to recite CARDINAL names. Some kids danced as they crossed the stage, one kid did a flip, and CARDINAL sign language interpreters signed each and every one of those names... and it was over in TIME. We even got out of the parking lot with relative ease and were home in TIME. I had to keep reminding myself I wasn't in GPE and we didn't have to wait TIME to get to the street and then TIME to clear traffic and then home -- all to go QUANTITY. No, we were far away from GPE and I rather enjoyed the pace, thank you very much. DATE, PERSON' and I got back into the ORG PRODUCT to drive home, and we arrived after TIME Somewhere in DATE, PERSON' found a Big Lots and more dishes, all the while escorted by her PARKING ANGELS. Apparently, when PERSON left, the parking angels did not. I still don't have parking angels unless PERSON' is in the car... ...but I digress... and now it's time for some sleep...
urlLink UFO Politics For CARDINAL reason or the other, many people feel that the issue of UFOs and ET life is somewhat of a joke. In your opinion, why is this the case? While the number of people worldwide who takes this issue seriously grows DATE, there are many who do not. The reason for this is simple: a government orchestrated management of the issue since DATE. ORG, misinformation, disinformation, covert actions, subversion, disruption and misdirection were used to embargo the core truth during EVENT. It was the view (perhaps correctly so) of the GPE government that introduction of the extraterrestrial reality during this period of nuclear deterrence - mutual assured destruction (ORG) - was too risky. EVENT is over. Its time to move on.
yeah to jay for being the 'techie' of the group and setting up this little online party. i have to say i was glad that so many of you shared my feelings on the reunion...i didn't want to go, but i felt kind of guilty about it, but now that i know not too many of you are going (i.e. only jay) i don't feel so bad. and, jay, that's not a personal slam...i feel quite confident that i will see you soon outside of the atmosphere of crappy high school acquaintances. ok i think that's it for now...until i think of something a little more interesting to talk about...i'm just trying to avoid studying for my LAST FINAL EVER at the moment (but let's be serious, i'll probably end up back in school someday anyway). later rebecca ps. anyone read 'ethan frome'? i'm into classics lately and finally read something i like! it's a miracle!
Just DATE here. I have been at work nearly all day doing odd end things. The applications do appear to be coming all together somehow...thank goodness since deadline CARDINAL is DATE. I did school work and worked at the PERSON DATE. Work went well, it was actually a nice calm evening there. Am I the only person who does not like to dream? I tell you, I have been dreaming continuously DATE. In ranges from me being on the ORG, to strange high school reunions. I don't like dreams because I sometimes feel less rested when they are so vivid. Oh..well! Good news for spring break: we bought our tickets to GPE! How exciting!:-) We will fly into GPE and out of GPE. Oh how I do love LOC. I think I will go procrastinate and look for places to stay now...
It is all finished! I am free from classes for DATE. I must admit that it hasn't set in yet...I still feel like there is something that I should be doing during down time. DATE I shall be continuing more normal jobs, etc. I have a bit more time scheduled at the PERSON so I can save up some money. Apparently, I have a secret boyfriend...or at least that is what I have been told.:-) My, my, how rumor can start. Speaking of men, dating, etc., after spending some time with PERSON, I have came up with a new theory. Perhaps my problem with dating is simply that I am too independent. Men seem to have the ORG complex (no..not Dissociative Identity Disorder my fellow psychology colleagues) - they all want 'damsels in distress'. So, I suppose that I need to start asking for more help. But, the problem with this is that when you need some good male help..no one is to be found. This especially becomes true in matters related to cars. Anyways, just my latest theory on matters of the heart. One day I should publish a book on all my theories.:-) O.k...randomness, after requests of a few readers, I have set it up so that people can respond to blog entries, or general topics. All you have to do to join is go to this site and join the group. You can set up it up so that you can go to the site and check out posts or receive any response through the email. We'll give this a try and see what happens! Go to urlLink Blog Discussion.
Ok so finals are DATE and DATE and everyone is hitting the books hard. DATE was supposed to be DATE when the teachers went over the finals with us and tell us what to study but that never happened. PERSON was closed down yesturday after TIME of it started due to CARDINAL of the school not having power and the flood on the ORDINAL floor. I think it is about time that we do something about it. Bad news is we still have to take the finals DATE. I hope I study for everything that will be on the test. I TIME we got to go to mentor groups and file up some more papers before going to ORDINAL block and taking the final. Hey, that is more study time for me at least. Any way I better get ready for this killer Final and then go find Jenny and compliant about it. Bye ya'll
Today was the school wide election. The people who are running for office are really desport if they are outside waving signs saying ' Vote for Buel' or 'Kerns for President'. It is enought to make you vote for them if you know what i mean.lol:D I had to vote for my best friend Chrissy for Securtary.( she was so perk during her speech) DATE they made us vote in DATE block after the video of each person speedch was over. DATE it elections was different. Each person give a speech in front of the student body during the assembly. I told PERSON that she should have run for President but knowing her she would be a comm one,lol. I tell you who won the elections as soon as i can. Any ways i guess i be goning now since i have some homework to do and places to be. Bye for now
I am developing a crush on someone. It feels weird. I haven't had CARDINAL in quite a while. But...she's so wonderful! PERSON for crushes!
urlLink The forest covers the mountainside so perfectly, it looks like a carpet of greenery!&nbsp; urlLink
The Lebron James Situation.... okay this shit is making me mad....how dumb can a person be...if you are in highschool driving around in a H2...which is valued at MONEY...not to mentioned this is a gift from your mom....who supposely lived in the projects....and you come from a dire up bringing...who took out a loan to buy you this car...thats real wack to me...i hate to see people of color (black people)...do dumb shit...for those who dont know this boy got caught recieving a gift valued at MONEY (CARDINAL throwback jersey's)...but anywayz...so he was declared ineligable to play b-ball (but he is petitioning it)...mind you this is his senior year...he was ranked as #`1 player in the country...the point(s) im trying to make is...people claim this boy can be even better than jordan...he had a future set ahead of him...he basically blown everything for CARDINAL fucking throw backs...why cant people just live a str8 and narrow life...you know that the lime light is on you...people are watching your every move...just do the fucking right thing...taking a loan out for a Hummer 2 doesnt sound like the right thing to do...if my son was in high school and the # MONEY player in the country...i wouldnt be drawing attention to him by buying him fancy cars that other DATE dont drive...if he wants a car...get him a piece of shit like any other parent...this is a kid who was expect to go pro DATE...he can buy a gang of cars so why was it important for him to have an h2 now...now him and his mom know the price of being a national celebrity so to speak...he could have potentially fucked up his future buy not setting his priorities...and plenty of people are probably wishing he fails...this shit is definitely biting him in the ass now...
Everyone, I have the best sister in the world. This might sound stupid coming from me, but I love my sister so much. She came all the way from GPE (a good 3 1/2 hour drive or more) to see me play my last home game DATE. It was a huge suprise, I didn't even see her until I got done w/part of warm-ups. She rocks, and she knows it. She laughs at all my dumb jokes, and always takes my side w/the parental feuds. I love you, rach. Keep it real, I'm Will
the emoticon is for daniel..he no longer deserves to have a CAPITAL d
DATE, PERSON was at my place to talk to L and his wife, T, re: possible business ventures. He cut a deal with T who left shortly after to put the kids to bed. L stayed behind. The CARDINAL were up discussing business till TIME. It wasn't all business, though. PERSON informed me that he had decided to buy a house in the locality, and that he wanted me to live with him. He was very clear on marriage: he didn't want it. But what got me was his plan to register the property in my name. With that, I could then, according to him, present him to my folks. That was met with stunned silence. I could feel myself withdrawing from PERSON. Do I love the guy? No, but in all practicality, there couldn't be a better guy to provide for me. I would assist him in all his business dealings, help him with the management of any business I'd be qualified to oversee. I think that he sees in me someone he could count on and trust, especially in money matters. I'm very flattered, and overwhelmed. Does he mean what he say? I don't really know the guy well enough. That's the bottom line. But I think he's sincere, as he did ask L to look for a house for sale. And he did bring it up without any prodding or hints from me. I told Mara about it DATE and she could only roll up her eyes and call me an idiot for not grabbing at the chance. I'm overwhelmed. I'm terrified of this decision. But it's been made. PERSON and all that. There's also news from the ADB front. I'm being considered as an editorial consultant by ORG. My main task would be to edit and/or write reports on projects financed by the bank in the region. Interesting stuff. Tough job, reading and distilling engineering technicalities into the language of laymen. That shouldn't be too difficult. After all, I don't have to bother with content, only with form. And there is a handbook. Things are moving very fast. At DATE, I had this very strong feeling that I was in for a change, another one. It's going to be a wild and bumpy ride. Forth, into unchartered waters! Let's hope that, this time, it works. Actually, I have no choice. I have to make it work.
For DATE, I have been tramping (PERSON for hiking) along ORG. Simply put...It has been amazing! Up and down mountain sides, along beaches, all while coordinating walking times with the low tides in the estuaries (or else I would not be able to cross). I actually did the track the opposite way as to what's recommended, but I think it was far better as the scenery only got better and better DATE. Had I done it the normal direction, I feel as though it would have been somewhat of an anti-climax. Anyhow, DATE and numerous blisters later, I now site at the base of PERSON glacier, the closest glacier to the equator. Though not too unlike glaciers in GPE, I just got back from a walk through an abandoned tunnel where glow-worms live and light up the ceiling as you walk underneath. DATE it's off to ORG glacier, which is supposed to have some unbelieveable scenery, afterwhich I will hitch to Te ORG, where the PERSON track begins (a mountainous CARDINAL night/4 day hike). Talk to ya in DATE.! D urlLink Photos set CARDINAL and urlLink Photos set CARDINAL
Maki - 'Truly Rare' urlLink What would your NORP name be? (female) brought to you by urlLink Quizilla Yes I am, dammit!
I have issues with... religion father discipline society fame urlLink Take Word Association Test What a damn sheep I am, I cant help it. I think it's my issues with fame. I cant handle it. mmm
Watching PERSON but can't watch the whole race which sux, have to go to work.:( I hope my drivers in the fantasy league will do good. Going to Spencer, GPE for DATE, maybe see some thunder storms since it's that time of DATE. Bloggin off for DATE............laters
I have added the subdomain 'foto' to bodyvisual.com to showcase my photography sets. Enjoy. /I start my job DATE.. i'm excited!
Stand and I wait And I see See you move Move around me Nothing is as It would seem to be Stand and I pray And I feel Feel you move Move around me Is it all Coming clear to me How long can we wait, will we wait for You to come? How long can we wait, will we wait for You to come? What a great band. *sigh* I love them. I'm tired. And drugged-up on GPE. It started making me dizzy TIME, and now it's making me tired. Either that or I'm tired from staying up until TIME, getting up at TIME, and being pretty active DATE. I guess they were both TIME, for accuracy's sake. Anyway, I think I'll go to bed now, leaving you all with this awesome game. TIME on it; it's a blast! urlLink GROW
I think the day of my surgery went a lot better than DATE after. I had a very bad reaction to the PERSON and I was not doing well. I had to go back to the doctor for my post-op appointment. Well, the pain medicine had me really screwed up and I was nauseous and dizzy and my face was ashen. It was bad. Jon and to carry me to the car because I couldn't stand up. I got to the doctor and he showed me the pictures of my knee and I guess the huge band of scar tissue I had lodged in my knee had rubbed divets in the end of my femur. I'm not real sure what that means but that was the pain source. So to prevent it from happening again (since this is the ORDINAL time) I am going to go to intense physical therapy, CARDINAL times a week for a month. I was supposed to start DATE but since I was so messed up from the drugs they didn't make me. I ended up going home and just trying to sleep off the pain medicine. The real tricky part was trying to read my papers for my class, this is college and you can't just miss class.
She doesn't post anymore... My girlfriend (PERSON) does not post anymore. She says she doesn't have the time. Whatever! ..... BUT... she is the sweeeeeeeeeetest, lovelist, prettiest, most greatest person is the whole world and I am so thankful and happy that she is with me :) She makes me a better person. :) She is so patient and kind. She makes my heart flutter!! I love her so much!
Hey everybody, it's ORG, just saying that i finally got the stupid link to work and I'm in and blogging!!!
So I'm talking to PERSON TIME on the phone, and she tells me to hold on for a second. I say 'alright' and when she comes back she says: 'sorry, I had to put some water in my bong.' Also, I had to remove the giant picture of the guy with all the piercings, it really freaked out the blog template so that it put all the links at the bottom instead of the side. And no the picture below is not part of this post!
urlLink You know, I was editing my profile DATE, and I got to wondering why exactly my favorite stuff is underlined. Well, I clicked on some of them and, much to my dismay, I discovered that it shows you all of the people who share this interest. I think if we put our heads together , we can figure out who should be the most ashamed of his interest/favorite book etc. I think my interest in the book WORK_OF_ART Pendulum puts me in with a special class of high-powered mutants.
Should be fixed!
Heeey! I added a virtual kitty, hey, I'm bored! Mmm so what happened DATE? Nothing really! I went a bit crazy watching the telly though. Oh it's mother's day in DATE. It's either gonna be PERSON for you and your cat or some thing else for my mum! Ooh, I found the wierdest site, you can't say a lot and it freaks me out but it's cool...well a bit... Ohh, right, I'm supposed to put a link! Just wondering does every one like the pink more than the blue? I do! urlLink http://www.planetjuice.co.uk I'm vita177. Don't ask why I am, they told me I am! Have fun!
I must confess! I have a guilty pleasure. It is bodybuilders. I just love bodybuilders! I especially love bodybuilders who look almost morphed. Some favorites are: PERSON, PERSON, ORG, and PERSON. Here are some good links: urlLink PERSON urlLink ORG urlLink PERSON urlLink PERSON urlLink PERSON urlLink ORG ORG I also admit to reading muscle growth stories. Reading about a regular guy who magically turns into a huge bodybuilder is a great distraction. Some great sites to visit are: urlLink Muscle Growth Stories urlLink Muscle Growth Stories at Yahoo Groups urlLink Metabods I know a lot of you won't care or understand my 'guilty pleasures.' That's okay. I'm not forcing anyone to visit any of the above links. It's just, if you want to browse, feel free. I promise I won't tell anyone! ;-)
this unemployed thing is starting to suck.
ok, so my eldest child popped in from lexington....and after a little chinese carryout.......he settled in to advise me that i will never be a serious writer until i can commit to CARDINAL words a day..................gentle readers.....this is the child who....does not read my blog, on general principal......and......therefore has no idea just how much writing i do in DATE......whilst blogger has no actuall word-count...............imagine a pause here....i am counting the words typed so far.......finger to the screen. mind you.....so i can keep track......oh my.......so this blog will only have CARDINAL words.......so i have to blog CARDINAL times to meet this quota........either that, or i will have to double up on words so that CARDINAL entries are necessary......and then none of these words are necessarily directed toward a plot............i do have that secret blog.....i could be working out plot lines there.......hmmmmmm..........so many words....so little time.................
ok, so ecw tells me that i am wrong about jon...that he is just quiet and so much unlike our boy that we fail to appreciate what he does have to offer..........the other CARDINAL children appear to be enjoying his company, and even ecw said that he has enjoyed riding with him and having him help at the shop after work.......ecw compared him to a family friend, also DATE, who is quite different from our boy..........quiet, shy, not an academic stand-out......but who might win the state cross-country meet DATE....if we never got past quiet and shy, we would miss the rest.........ok, so mm may be wrong..............butmm is also happy to take this boy back to the airport tomorrow so we can get back to normal......we have not been normal in our house since DATE of school in may...........we will have DATE of normal, then acw will leave to go back to school, and we must adjust all over again.........ah well.........
urlLink urlLink Goosticons Originally uploaded by urlLink PERSON . Here they are performing a raid on the lush green fields of the parking lot.
urlLink PERSON's PERSON GPE residence where PERSON spent much of his life. Includes a look at the home's history and landscaping. From the site: In DATE Ambrose Madison purchased QUANTITY of land on the GPE frontier, in an area that would later be known as GPE. He wanted to start a tobacco plantation on this land, so he sent a handful of slaves to begin the long process of clearing the land, building a house, and building the other necessary fences, barns, and outbuildings. Ambrose, his wife Frances, and their children moved to their new plantation (which they called Mount Pleasant) in DATE. Soon after this Ambrose passed away, apparently the victim of poisoning. Frances ran the plantation until her oldest son, PERSON, was old enough to take over. PERSON was an excellent farmer and businessman, and the plantation turned a good profit. In DATE PERSON married Nelly Conway, who in DATE gave birth to PERSON, Jr., the future president. Around DATE the Madisons began construction on a new home which was completed in DATE. PERSON, Jr. was DATE when his family moved into the new home which began as a simple CARDINAL room, brick house. Over DATE it has gone through many changes. The ORDINAL came in DATE when PERSON returned from GPE with his new bride, PERSON. The house was too small to share with his parents, so a QUANTITY, CARDINAL-room addition was added. A ORDINAL front door was added, and for a short time the home was actually a duplex.
Stop swearing it's not funny and it breaks one of the few rules of this blog, everything you post is so annoying!!! Ok, now it's mine turn, i say we give Emily CARDINAL last chace and if she does another 'smarty jones', swearfest or dissing another blogger blog then we kick her off.
Parties are gay and they suck. It's not like they get together and drink and tell jokes and be funny TIME. They drink and act like fags and jerks because while they are drunk they do stupid things that they seem to think are funny. Yes, stupid things are funny, but not that kind of stupid.
J Joyous I Insane L Light L Luscious Name / Username: urlLink PERSON From urlLink PRODUCT
DATE Hey, I guess it really has been a long time since the last time we talked. I haven't really been up to much lately. I'm starting indoor track DATE. It sounded fun and I knew it would be a really good way to keep me in shape. I've been really injured from cross country, so much so that it kept me from running most of the cross country DATE. I have physical therapy for DATE. It's not so bad, it just hurts a little sometimes. But I guess it's helping me out in the long run. Jason and I broke up in DATE because things weren't working out for us. He blamed the whole break up on me. It was really hard on Mr at ORDINAL and I started doing stupid things like cut myself. He hated me for like DATE. He even wanted to go out with some new chick a week after we broke up. I seriously was so depressed that I massively cut myself. I just couldn't take it. We were such good friends and then we weren't. I think I would have been okay if there hadn't been some new girl. That was the part that slapped me in the face. I thought that maybe he never loved me and he only wanted to stuff from me. But then like DATE after we broke up, he told me that he missed talking to me. Then like the week of Thanksgiving I went over to his house and he and I were talking. He asked me why I cut myself and started to make fun of me. Then out of no where he told me he loved me and by then I had a new guy...Just joking we started unofficially going out again. Then recently we made it official. I promised him that I wouldn't cut anymore, and I haven't since then. It's been DATE since the last time I cut myself. I'm pretty proud. Unfortunately, there is a Mr. PERSON...PERSON. He's a real cutie and he's in a band. So is Jason, but PERSON' band is so much better! :) He's a sophomore, but the hottest one there is! No joke. I'll find a picture of him for you. Other than that I really haven't been up to much. I really don't even go to church anymore. I just stay home and sleep. I really don't know what's come over me. I just don't want to go. I think it's because all of the people at church don't even know I;m still alive, nor do they honestly care if I come or not. I guess feeling like I'm not wanted has an effect on you. I think things have really changed about me. I'm a totally different person, and in more of a good way than bad. Minus the whole church aspect. Anyway, I'll talk to you later. I love you like a sister...I'll see you DATE, can you believe it. We'll have to get together and do something! Peace and WORK_OF_ART, PERSON
Life is good. As I was walking across the parking lot of my apartment complex TIME, having just pulled in and parked after an TIME furlough at ORG's house, I was struck by the truly delicious weather. It was somewhere in the upper DATE, sunny, crisp...very fragrant air. GPE shorts and sneakers without socks, I felt like I was going off to do something active and summery--like hiking, kayaking...something more fun than work. It was wonderful, and put me in a great mood for getting ready. Not that I'm not already in a wonderful mood. PERSON can take most of the credit, for sure. It feels like everything is falling nicely into place for the foreseeable next few chapters in my life. The housing issue for the fall is working itself out neatly, thanks to a few friendly realtors and a willing DATE starter with a digital camera. Various and sundry ORG dealings DATE will continue to provide a steady stream of saveable income that will help with the car issue (must sell the truck for something cheaper--need something in the line of a down payment) as well as the other millieu of expenses that are coming my way. Man, this morning I added up in my head how much extra cash I'd have laying around if I hadn't had to pay for school visits, GPE's deposit, and my mother[sexual intercoursing] taxes. Kind of depressing...much like the depression that set in when I figured out how much I spent on applications. Gah, it's cool to know I was able to pull all of that in with little turmoil, but holy crap I'd have a nice chunk of change sitting around otherwise. Yeesh. My thumb itches like crazy, and I don't know why. The aforementioned DATE kids were, as predicted, a special sort of hell. I have *never* had a group with such legion comprehension problems. Jesus tapdancing Christ...I damn near left during the break. Imagine trying to swim through a river of mud with a pair of unruly rhinos, and that's approximately the level of difficulty I had getting the point across to them. If folks don't understand, hey, that's cool...it's a bit of a conceptual mountain to climb. What really frosts my cookies is when students don't understand, get beligerent about their non-understanding, give up, and tell me the technique can't possibly work. There are definitely times when I want to announce that my ride home is waiting outside, that it's a big huff, and that I think I'll leave in it.
A few truths for a DATE (NOT in order of priority): CARDINAL) I do *not* want to teach TIME. Not. One. Bit. CARDINAL) I am freaking out about finding a place to live in GPE for DATE. CARDINAL) The word of DATE is PERSON, and that makes all things substantially better. Re: the ORDINAL item....I'm kind of sleepy and definitely not in the mood for the NORP labor it takes to get the DATE kids to understand things. Maybe I'll let them out early. Re: the ORDINAL item...I know this is totally doable, really. I'm going to let myself have a little flip out time DATE and that will be the end of it. Sheesh, this take-responsibility-for-your-own-life crap is a lot simpler when you start a decent-paying job in the city where you went to undergrad and everything just sort of falls into place. Ah, well...people do cross-country moves DATE, and so can I. Re: the ORDINAL item...how lucky am I? Very. How happy am I? More than I know how to describe intelligently. During a delightful conversation this morning over eggs, bacon, bagels, and espresso, I thought to myself 'how is this possible? How did I find myself looking across the table at someone so amazingly awesome?' I don't know, but I it's been the best surprise to come my way in a looooong time. Life is awesome, stressors and all. In addition to the awesomeness that is PERSON, there's nothing like a chocolate chip cookie the size of your head to make things seem a little bit incredible. Damn, those are some good cookies.
I want to learn about .NET, continued Many of these links I'm posting have come from old emails I received from former coworkers. The comments I include here are from CARDINAL person. urlLink Webcasts : 'These are great. You can watch previously recorded webcasts or participate in a live web cast. Also, I have been able to download a previously recorded webcast and view it when I am not attached to the network. Great for laying on the couch and learning .NET' urlLink GotDotNet.com : 'This site is a wealth of information. The ASP.NET QuickStart is a series of ASP.NET samples and supporting commentary designed to quickly acquaint developers with the syntax, architecture, and power of the ASP.NET Web programming framework. The QuickStart samples are designed to be short, easy-to-understand illustrations of ASP.NET features.' urlLink MSDN : 'ORG has an ample amount of .NET stuff to learn. A good place to look at is the DATE orientation for all things .NET. Each week, we will focus on a particular aspect of .NET development, supported by articles, samples, how-tos, chats, and NORP.' Also, there is somewhere something called the 'Partner readiness Advisor for Visual Basic .NET and .NET Development.' This contains information about ORG,net, c#, .net, asp.net, web services and the execution of the .net platform. In order to open it, you need IE 6.0. If anyone out there knows where I can find this 'Partner readiness ORG', please let me know and I'll update this post.
Teh story about biology DATE: Chances are you won't find this nearly as funny as we did when it happened. Me and PERSON (PERSON... PERSON... whatever, everyone know who he is?), we were working together on worksheets in bio DATE, we're looking at an ORG base sequence and writing down which amino acids each CARDINAL bases made. This is essential, we were decoding things that we, ourselves, wrote. So I look at the paper, then a double take, and I take the paper PERSON's writing on, I look at it and I'm like, wtf mate, we switched papers somehow. This is particularly strange because I don't even remember touching PERSON's paper, and now I'm writing on it. So it turns out, that for TIME, we were answering questions on each other's papers. We had a good laugh, in fact, we really didn't stop laughing until the end of the period. And the fact that one (for some reason i spelt that wan the ORDINAL time), the fact that one of the amino acids was named asparagine(like asparagus... hehehe) made everything even funnier.
Takes a bit more to satisfy my need for answers... ;) ...even more to take them seriously...
Happy DATE solstice!
dudes, I really don't know how to feel. on the one hand i feel great that i got to see ave again. we got to hang out and have fun and it was great. then again ...... im still not gonna see her again till DATE. i dont wanna wait. i should've given my parents the wrong directions. i coulda had TIME with her at least. im crying right now, and i know i should be happy...... and i am. its just that after DATE of not seein her ...... TIME wont make up for that time lost....... wtvr, im just gonna lock myself in my room for TIME ....... or cry in the shower for TIME, which ever i feel like. call me plz ave, i need to vent
Damn I'm bored!!!! I have like nothing to do. I'm basically just sitting in my room watchin ORG and cleaning the house, which I'm already done, so I have even less to do now. I'm also kinda pissed cus I want to play all the old games I used to love like super nintendo or genesis.. *sob* .. Oh well. I NEED to find something to do!!!!!!!, but I'm also too lazy to find something. Whatever ..... I no got nuthin to say now so I'll just leave . L8R
I don't know you anymore &nbsp;You aren't who you used to be The friend I had in you Is now a confusing mystery You act like I'm a stranger Don't give me DATE All this from the person For whom I gave my dreams away We use to have something And now you disagree What we had was very special And you are losing it now with me I don't want to know you anymore Don't want to see your face Don't want to hear your voice Don't want hear your lies Or see myself be replaced Too see you treat me like this After all the things we faced Have you served me any kind of good? You broke my heart and all my dreams You took my future and our plans To leave me here with soundless screams You don't deserve my thoughts The good ones or the bad You don't deserve my memories You didn't deserve anything we had I don't know what it is That you want from me The standard 'just friends' Isn't in my therapy You took my sense of trust You took my sense of self You don't understand that you've given me This most unbearable version of hell So I raise your child now As you live a carefree life My life is forever changed You know nothing of my strife GPE is yours now Yet I've learned so many things That trust is a false notion Along with all the pain it brings So go live your ignorant life But stay away from me You have no right to us now Consider yourself freed We are making a new life You are not allowed in For the pain that you have brought us Will be your damning sin I will close this door I will walk away I will not know you anymore Only love you till my dying day
Please give me your hand I really need a friend Please won't you tell me That this war will soon end I've been standing here so long Fighting these battles all alone Please take my hand Tell me the fight is done Its awful to be a soldier Defending a hopeless cause Knowing you'll never win That your efforts are all for naught I need the patience of a saint And the warmth of a good friend I need the sweet release That only the kindest fate would send.
My Holiday in DATE, Well I'll start off with letting you know that every single HOLIDAY is a ORG as well. So my holiday, of course, wouldn't have school. It'd be a DATE so you wouldn't have to have homework DATE in a row. (sorry people who read my blog but this extra credit stuff is for extra credit, not entertainment). The name of the Holiday is Celebrate your Date DAY!?!?! Yeah, you'd go on a date. That would be nice, except a whole day devoted to a date would kinda' get lame. So you'd celebrate you date by going to skate and then open the gate to find another girl named PERSON. You're girlfriend gets mad, kate gets mad, the holiday is ruined, and this is the end of my blog. The Bongos will BonGO TIME long.... Keep it real, I'm Will
That's the title for DATE's or should I say this DATE's blog. What am I putting off? That's a good question. Ms. PERSON, I'm not sure if she means like a spiritual thing or like something physical like.... uh ... weight. I'm not putting off weight anymore so, that's taken care of. I guess I'm putting off laziness, my grades have suffered DATE and it's all thanks to laziness. I know that I procrastinate alot, but sometimes I procrastinate to take care of my procrastination!?! Isn't that hard to believe! Sometimes with all this business the best thing I can do sometimes is to sit down and watch tv. At least, that's what I do alot when I am just being lazy. I know that this is something I need to work on and am. Thanks homies. This girl walked up to me DATE and was like uhhhhh, and I was like WHATEVER! Then this other girl walked up to me and was like uhhh, then I like yeah whatever! The Bongos will BonGO TIME long.... Keep it real, I'm Will
I've gone over the CARDINAL mark! Woohoo! Thanks for prying into my life!
It's the poem that got a teacher fired... and blacklisted. It sent (parts of) the school into a furor. She was called 'WORK_OF_ART'. They want her mother to find the poem and destroy it. How can she be UnAmerican, when protection of urlLink Freedom of Speech is fundamental to our way of life? It's called the urlLink Bill of Rights , not the urlLink Bill of No Rights . GPE, I leave it to the young lady: urlLink REVOLUTION X PERSON said no child would be left behind And yet kids from inner-city schools Work on FAC Jingling cans that read Please sir, may I have some more? They hand out diplomas like toilet paper And lower school standards Because Underpaid, unrespected teachers Are afraid of losing their jobs Funded by the standardized tests That shows our competency When I'm in detox. This is the Land of the Free ... Where the statute of limitations for rape is only five damn years! And immigrants can't run for President. Where NORP are hunted because Some suicidal men decided they didn't like Our arrogant bid for modern imperialism. This is the Land of the Free ... You drive by a car whose Bumper screams God bless GPE! Well, you can scratch out the B And make it Godless Because God left this country a long time ago. The founding fathers made this nation On a dream and now Freedom of Speech Lets Nazis burn crosses, but Calls police to Gay pride parades. We somehow Can afford war with GPE But we can't afford to pay the teachers Who educate the young who hold the guns Against the 'Axis of Evil' Land of the Free ... This is the land If you're politically assertive They call you a traitor and Damn you to ostracism. Say good-bye to PERSON And his family. Bye Bye NORP Pie. So maybe My ideas about this nation Don't resolve around perfection But at least I know Education is more important Than money. Land of the Free . . . If this was utopia We'd have to see each other naked Before we got married But instead, we see each other naked all the time Because the government has my social security number And the name of my dog! And then we make babies, But don't worry, they won't be left behind And they grow up saying God bless GPE! But they don't know who PERSON is Because they never learned the Presidents. And they will ride the ship FAC To our dreamland shores Bearing the same shackles as us. I'm here to say that Generation X Is pissed and we are taking over, Ripping down the NORP illusion of perfection We are the future generation I have my qualifications I know it looks like FAC paper, But don't worry It's a diploma Do I look qualified? You can take our toilet paper, But you can't take our Revolution.
Sometimes you get lucky, and sometimes you get really lucky. ORDINAL off, I got a great card from PERSON, thus permanently raising the bar of what is a great card. All it says on the front is 'high five'. Awesome. ORDINAL, I got a pack of post it notes from 3M. No explanation, they just showed up along with a coupon book. ORDINAL, I got one of the free magazines I signed up for back in DATE. Sweet.
Too many jokes, not enough time before I leave for my movie.
From the urlLink PERSON : Pasta Baloneyesse One box of spiral pasta. CARDINAL stick of butter. QUANTITY bologna, sliced into small squares. PERSON the pasta in a big pot. Fry the cut up bologna. Drain the pasta, then put it back in the pot. Add a stick of butter until it melts. Then add the bologna. Stir and serve. If it is a special occassion, add parmesan cheese and use napkins.
i shouldn't read my archives. i miss madison.
urlLink here it comes&nbsp; urlLink
urlLink hear no evil&nbsp; urlLink
I just spent my entire lunch hour in urlLink Grand Central Station . It's always been a beautiful place, but thanks in large part to urlLink her , it's breathtaking. Really. I got a salad in the Dining Concourse and found a table towards the FAC side, propped up my new urlLink book and then almost forgot about, absorbed by the activity around me. Of course ORG was packed. But, as always, it wasn't loud -- it wasn't quiet, either -- sort of busy-muted. I didn't -- couldn't -- rush through my lunch, the way I always tend to. So many confused tourists. Fashionable East Side, or maybe PERSON-on-Hudson, Ladies. Secretaries with earphones, porters with luggage, businessmen with clients on the way into ORG. Most of it happening at top speeds. And soo many cute boys. Made me wanna fall in love there. Very ' urlLink Brief Encounter .' The vaulted ceilings of PERSON tiles and clean, polished marble heightened the romance of a salad and PRODUCT. I literally spent TIME in FAC just to be in ORG. ORG. And this on what may well be our DATE in PERSON. I want to have lunch there DATE. I wanna live there. I wanna meet a guy at GPE and have him ask me for a drink at urlLink The Campbell Apartment and propose to me by ORG and have our commitment ceremony in PERSON (reception to follow at urlLink Cipriani Dolci ). No, really. But I can't hang around the ORG after work. My friend Brent is starring on urlLink FAC TIME and I'm going.
Children, did Daddy ever tell you that he once worked in urlLink ORG ? Ah, yes. It was a long time ago, when PERSON was just a character in urlLink PERSON (and urlLink The ORG ) and ORG sold records. I'm temping DATE at GPE and 59th Street, just around the corner, and as the City is this dual place for me DATE -- my once-again-always-was home and the place I grew up, full of ghosts of people and relationships and edifice and artifice -- as I wandered back into this neighborhood for the ORDINAL time in DATE, it took me right back to that kid in DATE. My roommate at the time, PERSON, whom I knew from GPE, was working at the ORG counter. He looked like PERSON and he wore NORP and I thought he was so chic and sophisticated. I stopped by the ORG counter to say hi TIME, and on my way out of the store, I noticed they were taking applications. Well, hell...why not? I landed in the gourmet section. Now, most of you think of ORG as the fah-fah, chi-chi store it is DATE, but it really started out as a sort of neighborhood department store, and as part of that it had a deli and a liquor store (with it's own house brands of hooch...imagine slugging back PERSON's Gin?). By the time I started there in DATE, it had gotten a little tonier, but a lot of the die-hard customers were still the same old neighborhood housewives, except now they were on ORG. Hence, I had on one side little old NORP ladies asking for tongue ('Madam,' I'd say, 'I don't know you that well) and on the other side PERSON buying ORG ham and fresh GPE chevre. It was groovy. When the newest issue of urlLink Interview Magazine would come out, PERSON would wander through, accompanied by an NORP assistant loaded down with copies. PERSON would silently point at someone, and the assistant would step forward and hand that person a copy of ORG, and they'd move on. It was bizarre. Once, though, PERSON pointed at me. I think I was wearing my ORG and possibly my clear hornrims, either way, somewhere I still have that copy of Interview that PERSON didn't touch. CARDINAL of my regular customers was urlLink PERSON , who lived around the corner at LOC. She showed up at the counter, picked out a few items and wanted them delivered. 'The name is...' 'PERSON,' I finished. She looked startled, expecting someone of my generation to have said PERSON, I suppose. 'Aren't you clever?' she cooed. I told her that I'd loved her in 'WORK_OF_ART and old PERSON film shot in GPE before she'd moved to GPE. She always looked for me from then on. And she was adorable. I learned a lot at PERSON's. I learned about exotic, stinky cheeses and ridiculously expensive white truffles. I learned to tell the difference between urlLink PERSON, PERSON and ORG and that urlLink foie gras is delicious in the morning. I learned Olivia de Havilland doesn't so much care for liver mousse and that it's wrong to try and keep the wax paper she spit it into. Good times. I don't think I've eaten as well since. PERSON, the Executive Manager/Buyer for ORG was a former actor, and he made sure that food that was gonna go bad anyway, ended up going home with us kids. So there I was sharing a QUANTITY L-shaped studio with PERSON, but eating urlLink filet mignon en croute . One Easter we had cornish game hens with a delicious rosemary cream cheesey stuffing under the skin, so when they were baked they got all melty and gooey. There was also CARDINAL of the ORDINAL Mrs. PERSON' Cookies in our section and at DATE, Mrs. PERSON insisted that all the cookies get thrown away. The manager of Mrs. PERSON was addicted to triple creme cheeses, so we'd trade GPE for White Chocolate Macadamia. Did I mention I was barely 20 and had the metabolism of a greyhound? I left PERSON's to go to my ORDINAL summer stock gig in GPE, GPE. I got quite the care package for the trip up. After DATE stock, I went back for a short period, but eventually went to ORG's to push GPE with PERSON. And now the Gourmet Section no longer exists. PERSON's across the way is gone, too. As is ORG on 59th and the ORG's on ORDINAL and, for that matter, PERSON. At lot of DATE Charlie no longer exists either. I was interesting then. Funny. Excited. I wore NORP for crying out loud. I shopped at ORG. I walked down the street pretending to be in my own Freed-unit musical. Maybe that's all a function of being CARDINAL. I don't feel CARDINAL, but I sure don't feel CARDINAL. I have a bad habit of staring through windows and seeing vividly what used to be there. Is it possible to do that with myself and find some renewal or is it just glamorizing the past and trying to avoid the present? Either way, I sure wouldn't mind eating foie gras for breakfast again...
Wop. Yes. And now my summary. DATE, my beloved PERSON showed up unexpectedly, as you should know. Much to my surprise, she showed up again after her doctor's appointment! Ha! So then we hung out for awhile, cleaned up my room, etc. Then PERSON, PERSON, and an avocado showed up. PERSON made guacamole then we played in my family room unplugged while PERSON's new video camera recorded it all. It was a trip, to say the least. Then PERSON had to leave at TIME, so we brought out Tony Hawk Underground and played WORK_OF_ART. Eventually, PERSON fell asleep whilst constricted in my embrace and Luke pretty much passed out unexpectedly. I was left alone, so I did what every young white male does...I watched PERSON. After that was over, I alerted PERSON that she should take Luke home, so she did. Consequently she went home, too. That was TIME. Today I woke up at TIME and my mommy got me ORG for breakfast. Good times. Thank you. Bye.
Long night TIME. PERSON has been here since TIME DATE. She's asleep as I type. I love her so much. I can't put into words how much she means to me. DATE we watched some home movies, PERSON, PERSON, and There's Something About Mary. We watched TV from TIME to almost 6 in the morning. Now she's asleep, I woke up at CARDINAL and just took a shower, and I can't wait for her to get up. Talk to you later, bye.
Listening to - Belle and NORP, 'I'm a Cuckoo' DATE is DATE for seniors. I doubt that I will see most of them ever again. Kind of sad... ...Except Andrew, he said that since he lives close by he'll be at PERSON at least twice a week. heh, goof... ...And I'm sure some of the people going to PERSON might stop in once or twice to say hi to their old teachers... Bah.. For our exam in PERSON we're doing scenes. I'm in a group with CARDINAL other girls. Kind of hard to find a scene with parts for CARDINAL girls and CARDINAL girls.. But we're doing the scene from Grease where Sandy and the Pink Ladies are in the bedroom drinking and trying to pierce ORG's ears. I'm Jan... Brittany said I should be her because my personality fit the part.. or something.. PERSON, I'm not complaining... It works for me... But the exam is DATE, so I have DATE to learn the scene... Bah... I wish G had us do monologues like he did for our ORDINAL semester exam. I can learn those pretty quick--for ORDINAL semester exam, I learned a page and a half monologue (it only had to be TIME, and mine went over that) in TIME. :) And, I came across a really good monologue while searching for a scene. ...All I can remember about it is that the woman in it was a little eccentric -- but she still was all there -- and jumped quickly from topic to topic... I think I could pull that CARDINAL off quite well.. :P I lost my copy of WORK_OF_ART in GPE . That pissed me off... I don't really remember when I lost it, but I think I left it on top of the locker above mine -- I always put my book and bottle of water (whatever I am carrying) there while I get out my books -- between ORDINAL and ORDINAL periods, and I guess I forgot to get it... But I think I remember carrying to it ORDINAL period -- I slept through nearly the entire class period... So, I dunno... I checked in lost and found, and it wasn't there... I'll check again DATE, and, if it's not there, then I am going to buy another copy... I only had CARDINAL pages left to read and wanted to finish it DATE or DATE... But I guess I'll have to find another book to read during classes (the only time I read anymore) DATE... This really pisses me off... :/
Listening to - Anime on ORG.. too lazy to change the channel.. not that there is anything better on... On my mind - I have to go to sleep... I think I want a tattoo. Yep, I want a tattoo... Yes, the same person who always said she was too indecisive to ever get a tattoo... I think I want it to be of the constellation Orion. There won't be much to it--just the dots (or maybe stars) that make up the constellation. No lines connecting them or anything... Why a constellation, and why EVENT? ...Well, it's no secret that I looove the stars and the sky and that I loooooove to just stare at the stars. I've always loved Orion more than any other constellation; I don't know why... I just love it! Whenever I gaze at the stars the ORDINAL CARDINAL constellations that I look for are Ursa Major (the Big Dipper) and Orion.
I have friends that run the full spectrum of criminal knowledge from lawyers and police to petty crooks and white collar criminals. But this particular post is CARDINAL friend, and CARDINAL friend only. My friend PERSON recently went to jail for felony shoplifting, carrying a concealed weapon, and parole violation. He's facing DATE, and he's not getting out of this CARDINAL easily. Is it surprising to me that he ended up in jail? No. But let's back up and i can explain the tragedy of the whole situation to you: PERSON's girlfriend Amy just got put in jail a while back for some stupid crime. Once you're put into cells at the county jail here they give you a physical. For females this physical includes a pregnancy test. Needless to say after that set up, the strip showed blue for Amy. Amy's parents wouldn't return her calls, or set her up a 'store account' at the jail. For those of you with lack of experience in these things, when you are in jail you have an 'account' where loved ones from 'the outside' can put money in for you to buy such small niceties as ramen noodles, shower shoes etc. Amy contacted PERSON and asked if he could help her. PERSON already had a warrant out for parole violation, seeing as how he never informed his GPE that he wasn't staying at the address they had on file anymore. Todd being a little screwed up by the knowledge he was going to be a father, and that he was going back to jail until DATE, came up with a quick although completely stupid plan to help put money in Amy's account. He walked into ORG and walked out with a shopping cart containing multiple DVD players, a ORG, and a butcher's knife stuffed in his pants. Apparently ORG store managers don't like it when you try to remove large amounts of product from the store without paying for them, and the police were called and PERSON was arrested. He was charged with felony shoplifting due to the price of the items he stole, also he was charged with carrying a concealed weapon due to the butcher knife stuffed down his pants. PERSON is currently sitting in ORG serving out the remainder of his original offense. On DATE PERSON will be brought back to PERSON to await trial for his new offenses. NOW...i told you that story to tell you this one: I saw PERSON's mom TIME when she stopped by my mom's house to inform us all how PERSON was doing. PERSON's mom, who will from this point on be called PERSON, used to work for a medical facility. This was before law enforcement cracked down on medical facilities in regards to how medical waste is to be disposed, and part of PERSON's job consisted of putting biological waste into the trunk of her car and taking it to a dump. While doing this job, PERSON ended up contracting Hepatitis-C from the waste she had to handle on a DATE basis. PERSON overcame her hepatitis, but not before it caused her liver damage. DATE she was placed on the organ donor list to receive a new liver. So naturally every time i run into PERSON I ask her about her health, and therein lies the tragedy. PERSON finally got the disability pay she'd been trying for DATE to acquire, however due to her disability check she now makes slightly too much income to receive ORG. Without Medicaid her doctor refused to see her and she was removed from the organ donor wait list. She found a new doctor who explained to her that her hepatitis has come back, her liver is now functioning at PERCENT, and she'll be lucky to make it through christmas. PERSON tells me all of this and doesn't once break down crying, she has the 'devil-may-care' attitude that she's always had, and i'm the one that feels like breaking down now. She tells me that PERSON has written home a letter saying ' I know i'm not worthy and that i've screwed up too many times, but please can you put $MONEY in my account, i need shower shoes', she can't afford to give him money she tells me seeing as how CARDINAL doctor visits into this new doctor and she's already down MONEY. I happily hand over $MONEY to her, because i know she'd let her doctor bills slide and take care of her son first, besides it's the least i could do. 'PERSON probably will be sitting in a state penitentiary the day his mother dies.' This thought kept me awake most of TIME DATE. I spent a long time thinking about this sunday night and DATE, so if you saw me and i wasn't in a good mood: I apologize, i had a lot on my mind. Moral of the story? I don't guess there is one really, except maybe that there is NO such thing as 'rock bottom'.
I watch really bad movies, i love them. I enjoy a really bad movie as long as it has good lines in it. In fact i have a notebook chockfull of good lines from movies, books, tv, songs etc. It's something i have been doing since i was a teen. While i was going through a bunch of stuff that i still haven't unpacked since i moved, i found this notebook. Thumbing through it i found these lines: 'do you really want a girlfriend, or just a disease free harbor where you can park your genitals.' 'angst for the memories' 'the bitch about growing older is you don't fall into relationships as easily as you did before you were hurt.' 'preservation through destruction.' All of these lines are from the cinematic abortion 'Glory Daze'. What a lemon this film is, but i absolutely adore it. So i bought it TIME before i had to be at work . I need more shitty movies with great lines in them. At the least i got a movie with an excellent soundtrack
Although not nearly on the same scale as ORG, we had our own little water calamity TIME. PERSON woke up at TIME and heard running water in our laundry room (right next to our bedroom in the basement). Seems the pipe going into the hot water tank decided to spotaneously spring a leak. We figure by the amount of water that it must have been leaking for CARDINAL minuties. Good thing PERSON's a light sleeper and good thing I ouwn a ORG. Lot of stuff's wet, but we'll manage. I have to head out of town for DATE tomorrow. Please pray that nothing else will happen to PERSON while I'm away. The house we rent is quite old. PERSON's more than a little freaked out, especially after what the ORG are going through. Peace. Al
I need to complain about urlLink work a little....just a little I promise. I should be in GPE right now for the biggest tradeshow of DATE: urlLink ORG . But I'm not. That sucks. Here's the deal. Our company has CARDINAL sales people: Me (GPE), PERSON (Vice-Pres & GPE) and GPE (International). So PERSON (our owner and president), PERSON and GPE are in GPE. I'm the odd man out. Whatever...
Yea replace bug with exam and dead with burning, YEY ! anyhow hope your day weren't as bad as mine 2 Exams, why mush I face such torments fortunately both were reasonably easy though a stream running from my nose and eyes stinging like a thousand bees didn't help curse you hayfever why cant you be worse, like heart attcks, so i wouldn'd have to do exams or lighter like nothing so i can concentrate on what im doing well after rather a feverish day imfeeling like even nature is against me oh well DATE i've discovered that tommorow there is to be a transit of venus accross the sun starting sometime in the morning so if you've got nothing better to do set up ur digital camaras and try and catch it, though you'll need some kind of filter to do it. For more info on this 'rare astronomical event visit urlLink stardate which is where i found out about it from well i've just come back from dinner after writing that last bit and i''ve totaly forgot what else i was going to write so ill probably ill be here again some time soons oh yes i also discovered the greatness of DATE as it starts and ends on a full moon but that isnt wat i was gonna wright about bu bye people ill see you again i hope
Yea my internet been down TIME isn't that great I wish that happened everyday, NOT stupid ORG why do you have to go wrong so often but yea NORP speaking test is over and I think I've done reasonably well although this is only really due to it being mostly multiple choice questions so I could have done really bad and not know it but at least its over with I can't be bothered to do anything at the moment it taken me TIME just to right this much, I can remember what I did while my internet was down so I was probably unconscious but TIME I did manage to sort out the java script on the new menus and I now know more or less what I'm doing I just need to think of some things to put in the menus and being as though the side bar is almost empty if anyone wants to jump on and add there own section ill contact me [email protected] and ill think about it I'm not guaranteeing anything, I might not like you enough but still I'm on a moral high but not to a point I'd call happiness just emptiness a few other great things about today include seeing some guys I've not seen since primary school metalica they're great the knowlage that its now DATE until my birthday, PERSON finding some pois on iwantoneofthose on my ORDINAL visit in a long time confused here you go flame pois if you don't trust yourself with fire WORK_OF_ART pois not got any games yet because quite frankly I cant be bothered and I've given up with legends for the moment but once the sites up(which wont be long hopefully) they'll be plenty on there well see you people DATE or perhaps later today I feel I didn't right all I could have DATE
Crush. It's such a suiting word. Add CARDINAL letters, You've got, crushed. It takes CARDINAL. And yet it takes CARDINAL. Blah blah blah blah I have not worked DATE I have not gone to a single class. I have not volunteered a single second of my time. And my days have been killing my inspritation and my nights have been killing my brain cells. --and yet, as always is the case with me, a fool who only really experiences and appreciates an episode once it's passed, in DATE and for the rest of my life, I will look back at DATE of May and long for the solitude and boredom. If I had money, I would --go to GPE for DATE --buy myself a new item of clothing --visit my family in GPE --coerce one of my friends into drinking alongside me at a bar right now --buy myself a hotel room, listen to music TIME, write, chain-smoke, and dance in front of the mirror Aha! On a positive note, I have not been on a date with ORG since ___ dumped me. And who's the addict, ___?
'So I can't live either without you or with you.' -- Ovid
urlLink I wrote this DATE grade, proving I've been trying to clean the house since the late eighties.&nbsp; urlLink
CARDINAL MEN ENTER, ONE PRODUCT It's either going to be me, or the blog folks. It HATES my archives, and what's worse is I think my ORG connection is in cahoots with blogger. Message from my ORG... CARDINAL Transfer complete. ORG CARDINAL Goodbye. Blow it out your protocol ass...