Hey guys an boo's im on my brothers lap top how fun....its sitting in my lap!!! this is so neat i sure hope that i get one for X-Mas!!! woohoo ummm....hmmmm....well i went to the dentist TIME and it sucked.....i hate going i had to wake up at like TIME so yeah i wish i could have slept in.... beginning of this summer kind of sucks....ive been sick DATE and nothing good has really happened.......oh well its just the begining so i got along ways to go to have fun i gotta work DATE at TIME so yall should come up der and visit me!!! well i think im gonna get off of hurr and go in my room and lay down and watch a movie or something until i have to go to work god todays gonna be gay i can already tell....lol oh well WORK_OF_ART yall byes! Mal
Just updated the website ... reading through it I've realised that it's a load of rubbish anyway, but have decided to leave it up there, I've just changed a few odds and sods that were inaccurate. Ought to completely redo it really but I just can't be bothered!
I look to the God that created man and tortured him in certain circumstances to help me here. There is no definitive set-in-stone path in my mind - there are 2 that I could take - to do, or not to do. To ask, or not to ask. I guess to be a man, or to be Jon. I don't know what man would do. I have less idea what Jon would do. Perhaps the question in my mind is one that begs an answer, and it appears to be only quenchable by asking the question in the correct setting. What's done is done, I have to leave the past behind me and perhaps look to the immediate future. The warning sounds blare in my mind but I feel it has to be done - whether I succeed in my quest for the time to be soon or whether the timing is bad, and set in even less apple-blossomed times, perhaps is an unanswerable question at the moment. Will I 'chicken out' at this late stage? Can I give up? Or, more importantly, can I proceed and do what must be done, if the answering action is repudiation? Can my confidence suffer another blow, forcing the phrase 'the higher you climb, the harder you fall' into sharp focus? What is love? Quote of the day: 'What's done is done, And what's won is one, And what's lost is lost, And gone forever. I can only pray for a bright, brand new day, In the town I loved so well.' From the NORP folk song WORK_OF_ART so Well WORK_OF_ART, Jon Roskilly
*coughs* Excuse me. THEY'RE GPE!!! I phoned PERSON woo ^_^. Her voice is nice to hear... hm, phoning her may be seen as a bit blatant but I miiiissed her so I wanted to say hi ^_^. Hm, are you supposed to really sorely miss someone you're not going out with? I don't know, but still, *many hugs to the returned-from-Venice-peoples*. Still haven't heard the results of the brass band contest... *twiddles thumbs* Scott and I went to Ikea DATE with the mum and the Gwen, war funlich. I got a new chair and some brightly coloured spheres. Funfun. I couldn't find me sexy light though, oh well. N'est pas grave. Scott and I had our fun, and that's all that matters. Anyway, I really can't think of anything to say other than *ultima delight* at the peoples being back. Quote of the day: 'Red, I feel my soul on fire. Black, my world if she's not there. Red, the colour of desire, ORG, the colour of despair.' From Red and Black From FAC WORK_OF_ART, Jon Roskilly
Will Ferrell just showed up and went crazy on ORG's PERSON, not where I would expect him to be and - it seemed - not where the hosts of that particular show expected him to be. He yelled a bit, threw a chair on a desk, and then pounded away at a tri-LCD-screen computer and screamed 'This computer isn't real!' urlLink ORG and PERSON
We also had the brilliant idea of STAB ME, Students Talking About Books, PERSON. If anyone has something better for the ME part, speak up (or ORG!), because I don't really like what I've got.
PERSON is the reason why everything wrong has is or will ever happen in this world. Why did the dinosaurs become extinct? Because the had a premonition of what PERSON would look like. Why did the cold war start? Both GPE and GPE believed PERSON would be born in the other country. He is the product of God wanting to punish us, and by us I mean the entire global population. He is fugly, heinous, grotesque, craptacular, pukalicious, heinous and just plain PERSON! The only defense we have against him is ORG, and the only reason it's not working is because YOU GUYS ARE HELPING TOM FELTON! ORG!!! I thought PERSON's disorder was rare... but wow...we have another one... ~Felty Fan
We had to go take pictures for the yearbook DATE. They suggested 'business attire.' What exactly does that mean? Doesn't it depend on what business you're in? What if you're a lifeguard? Or a hooker? Or an underwear model? Or a professional football player? Business attire is a vague and ambiguous concept. This is the kind of thinking law school forces us to do.
ORG vs ORG--Padang Field D The game started off with the NORP batting ORDINAL. They Scored a Maximum of 7 runs which lifted confidence in the team spirit. PERSON hit a perfect grandslam (which i witnessed) and that ends the inning.there wasn't much in the ORDINAL inning but ORG still scored the maximum which is CARDINAL runs too. It was in the ORDINAL inning when GPE felt something was wrong and bucked up but only to let in CARDINAL run in the ORDINAL inning. In the last inning, they changed their pitcher who did a very good job. The game ended with a score line of CARDINAL-0. They have now reserved their seat in the ORDINAL round regardless of the outcome of the next game which is against ORG
Here again, I sit infront if my computer wasting all my time instead of studying. Here I lay, new to this blogspot, trying to find out more stuff on html. It may be late into the night but there, i lay infront of the computer exploring new html codes. because of this...Studies are neglected.
In LANGUAGE we had a politically liberal sub, who somehow managed to get a lot of PERSON-bashing. Between Coach Sanders and 'Brian', as he asked us to call him, I experienced quite a change in views. I seem to not have an opinion either way, any more. As with many things, I just don't care. PERSON needs to give us more grades, I made PERSON on both tests, and had bonus points, but got a CARDINAL for my homework grade, and my average: CARDINAL. That's gay, but I suppose I should do my homework, even though MATH HOMEWORK WAS NOT MEANT TO BE DONE. We got off-topic in history; the only tangent I remember was about hard apple cider. It looks like I'll be doing PERSON programming for BPA, but if we only have one team/club, I might have to fight (to the death) with Nathan and/or DJ. Pre-cal is getting dumber still. In ORG, we got a lot of homework, and I realized that I'm getting very little out of that class. Oh well, I must continue with it. I have a lot of homework in it TIME, and I need to catch up on statistics or at least do one of the assignments. blah... And I probably have some LANGUAGE reading to do. Mr. PERSON did something to my valves, and hopefully, they'll stop sticking. This post has been a long one, compared to the ones of DATE. I hope you found my day to be entertaining because I really didn't. Actually, it wasn't that bad. bye
I like blogging... it's so easy, and it gives me the false impression that someone might want to know what I did on any given day. When I started I learnt myself some html and whipped up a template, but now all I have to do is type an entry and click a button. I think that's how it's supposed to work... DATE, I woke up at TIME, and had a kolache for breakfast, then read the paper... The Eagle had a blurb that I found very amusing... it pertained to high school hazing and initiations, and sited Mrs. PERSON as a source, and specifically mentioned band, although not for a bad reason. For most of the afternoon the stereo in my room was playing lullaby music. (My mom was copying cassettes for her kindergarteners.) And I was copying cassette music to CDs on the computer. We grilled chicken for supper; it was good. TIME I went with my dad to his office; that was actually quite hilarious for reasons that are difficult to explain. Well, now the day has ended. Good night.
What up mothr fuckers hanging here doing noting, i stole the idea of getting one of these form the greastest Fucking BAND ALIVE.... ***ORG*** I just came home from CARDINAL of their shows and they still, Excuse me, ALWAYS KIcKING ORG!!!!! GPE after the show was cool cause we talked to john(dumer of asob), Dude fucking rocks. Help get autographs from everyone, Very cool. Umm Big D rock the shit too, Also high school football heros, GPE were fucking crazy..... umm Street light stills blows major donkey floppy cock! YEh it been CARDINAL fucking crazy TIME and i am going to bed, I also like to say tht i am proud that i got one of these. Thank you for anyone to read this!!!!!!! -skimp
For DATE, I have been accused of being an old woman. I watch the ten o'clock news, if I'm up that late. I have almost completely (with the exception of ORG We Pick That Week) stopped drinking on DATE. I catch myself checking the fiber content of breakfast cereals. I curse the neighbors’ high schoolers who rev their engines after 9PM and play their rap “music” too loudly. I gloriously and authoritatively put these rumors to rest DATE, with DATE of patriotic debauchery. Granted, it will take me DATE to recover, but that’s a small price to pay to remind everyone—including myself—that I’m still a mere DATE. The fun started DATE TIME, when I met up with Jaimee, Coby and Adrian at the ORG for some wine tasting. PERSON joined us after her duties at WORK_OF_ART were finished, and I think the CARDINAL of us managed to go through CARDINAL bottles of wine before finally having to leave (TIME after the ORG officially closed). In our infinite wisdom, PERSON and I decided that a few drinks at ORG were in order, and we proceeded farther and farther away from my house. As always, good company was to be found at GPE’s, and I’m pretty sure we closed it down (although we were not, fortunately, allowed to loiter for TIME post-closing). PERSON made the mistake of telling me she had never seen ORG, the greatest movie ever made, and so we spent TIME between 2:30-ish and CARDINAL with ORG playing. Finding ourselves to be the only people awake, we decided to retreat to my room for TIME of sleep, only to find that Coby had already commandeered a spot on the floor. This is odd, because he has his own room in our house. But it worked out well, because PERSON and I simply took over ORG bed, which is bigger than mine anyway. After discussing the intricacies of various types of relationships, examining several mental/behavioral disorders, and realizing that the sun had risen quite a bit above the horizon, we fell asleep somewhere around 7. At about 11, I took PERSON to her car at the ORG (where we happily noted that she was not the only person to have abandoned ship TIME before!) and I returned to the house with high hopes of sleeping for much of the afternoon. My more culinary friends dashed those hopes by appearing at our door around noon with QUANTITY of ribs, a watermelon that had been soaked in various types of liquor, and a keg. I gave up on sleeping and embraced the DATE for what it is: an excuse to drink excessively and set things on fire. Oh, and to get too much sun, which is what we did. About halfway through the evening, I absolutely had to take a nap, so I snuck into GPE’s room and crashed for TIME. I woke up just long enough to watch the PERSON fireworks show (fireworks are my favorite part of DATE) before going back to sleep, this time in my own room. That’s right, I completed the trifecta, sleeping in each and every bed in my house within TIME. So it’s not exactly the same as winning ORG, and PERSON, but I was still pretty impressed with myself. DATE, NORP defends her thesis. If it's possible to beat some of the times that we've had in the past for various celebrations (birthdays, seminar paper defenses, because it's DATE, etc.) TIME will be the time to do just that. I've been torn between partying like it's DATE and partying like GPE, so I've decided that TIME we're going to party like GPE in DATE. ORG, and Teddy!
urlLink PERSON (far away) says that this pic scares him, i I onno, lol. what does lex think?  urlLink
The other night I went out to dinner with PERSON. Basically, I found it nice to sit and rest my bum knee. I wasn't hungry, and my sandwich wasn't great. She just sat there and listened to me, and if ever I stopped talking to take a bite of my food we ate in silence. It's not like me to be the one to keep up the conversation. So when she had eaten all of her food, I'd eaten a quarter of my sandwich. If you've never eaten with me, perhaps you should know that I hate food noises, food smells, and chewing. So I was worn out from eating. It happens. I told her about that class I've been listening to, and that I wasn't trying to make a good impression on her by eating slowly and taking home CARDINAL my sandwich. This just seems to be an example of CARDINAL people with different opinions on what it means to eat a civilized meal -- and apparently I'm the one who seems bothered by speed and hunger. Did I mention we were at a FAC in the suburbs? Come on, it's not like I wanted to hang out there. I've been listening to that old Counting PERSON CD that I used to play most of the drive between LOC and Hanover. I'm trying to decide what to do over DATE, not going home and all, but honestly I do want to stay here. There's no need for me to seek out some other family for a food-centered holiday, especially with my present attitude. I'd really like to try to cook some stuff for myself -- maybe see how dressing comes out, and make some sweet potatoes and green bean casserole. Round that out with a chick'n pattie and some sort of dessert (PERSON pie?), sounds good. And the football will be on, and maybe someone will be around who wants to have my kind of holiday. It's DATE away, so if I'm not ready to turn in my metaphysics paper by then, surely I cannot go. On top of that, I doubt I can make any kind of long drive with or without those painkillers. I guess I've made my decision!
urlLink You Are a urlLink Cosmopolitan
I want you to want me I need you to need me I'd love you to love me I'm begging you to beg me PERSON up my old brown shoes Put on a brand new shirt I'd get home early from work If you'd say that you love me 'I Want You to Want Me' - Cheap Trick Guess who's back in the MF'ing house? Woo woo. Okay so now that the 'gangstas' out of me... ran into ORG on DATE TIME and we... made... out..! Oh yeah. So we are all at NORP's on DATE TIME, hanging out having a few drinks or what not. DATE after my surgery and I'm feeling fine. No swelling or anything. Anyhow, we're just sitting on the patio and I catch him in the front out of the corner of my eye. I tell NORP and she's just like don't say anything to him. so sitting on the patio for a while, I look over and catch his eye and he smiles and waves. I smile back, then I feel dumb because maybe he's not waving to me. Anyhow, he comes over a chats it up. Long story short we chat back and forth the whole night, the everyone ends up going back to his place cuz of course no one wants to go home and he and PERSON live up the street. anyhow, we play this cat and mouse game and it must have been the liquor talking because I was getting all kind of bold with him. I talked to PERSON and he said that ORG likes me he's just shy and timid and what not. So we're outside and he's like - Okay i'm going to be straight with you. So he tells me how DATE he's been flaky because an ex-girlfriend was back in his life. His mother had made the suggestion that she might be 'the one' and that he shouldn't let her get away or whatever. So he's been hanging out with her. I was totally taken aback - not sure how to react. So I just acted supportive and kind of told him to go for it if that's what he wants. And he said it wasn't. That he liked me he just hadn't wanted to start anything with anyone with that whole situation happening. But now she's leaving on DATE. Didn't really understand what that meant for me. He showed me some of his poetry and he's pretty damn good. Some was a little cliche, trying to hard to be ambitious and pretentious at times but really awesome mostly. I felt so good, it was the ORDINAL thing he did when we got to his house. I felt like he was starting to invite me in to who he was, what he's about. So we're in his room and he's saying he's really tired and I just tell him that he should kiss me. And I just lay it out. I say I know you want to so just do it. Then I'll leave you alone. But all I've wanted TIME is for you to kiss me. So he does. And it was a good, hungry kiss. Like feeding yummy nourishment to starving kids in LOC good kiss. I felt my stomach just drop. It's not that he was the best kisser I've ever had, it's just that I don't think there have been too many times when I wanted a kiss that bad from someone. So everyone is passed out in other rooms, making out and doing bad things. I tell him i'll sleep on the couch and after a little tango he decides that we'll both just sleep in his bed (obviously what I wanted but a lady never asks...). We lay and he complains that he has to go to work DATE, contemplating calling off. We kiss some more, sweet, hot desire mixed with innocence and naivete. Something i haven't felt in awhile from a boy. He strokes my hair and holds my hand, cuddling me as we lay together in his bed, just being pure. It felt good and safe and nice, like it was supposed to be. Then Jenni bellows my name and my fantasy is ruined cuz we're leaving. ORG says to go with them cuz now he has to be at work in DATE and can't take me home in the morning. My heart is crushed. DATE, I'm driving to FAC to volunteer and my phone rings and it's Shane calling from work to make sure we got home okay and to give me his number again (I told him that I deleted it...). And my hope went up TIME when PERSON said that boys don't call girls DATE, from work, if they don't like them. I just thought... ORG, he'd didn't text message me. So of course alcohol flows and makes you do things like drunk dial boys you like and with ORG's number back in the rotation of course he got a phone call. he was in GPE at somewhere loud and said he loved getting drunk dials from me but he couldn't hear me cuz it was loud. So I said, okay, bye! with a big flouish and quickly got off the phone. ORG, stupid girl. Why did you call him? So will this play out the way it did before? Will his inablility to follow through crush my heart again? i'm already in deep again cuz it never went away. Soft whispers of beat poets and emo bands, vacations to GPE and anarchist world view. That's all i can think about. Try to deny it all I can, I like this boy. I want to like him more. I looked at him DATE TIME and he was so nerdy...but i want to be with that nerd for some reason. And I want him to want to be with me.
I discovered my old love of swinging again TIME! When we build that playground on DATE, The PERSON better let us play on it at youth group. Because playgrounds are awesome. This is my new feature. I'm calling it... 'A Proportional Response' PERSON: Dorm room stuff? urlLink IKEA ! Nathan: Does the word 'PERSON' mean anything to you? I think I don't know I think I know I dont think I know I think I dont think I know I think....
Or 'Things I'm PERSON At, Part CARDINAL: School' SAC Elections : What is the point of ORG elections? They drag me from ORG, put me in the auditorium and have me vote. The voting however is moot, because in every category (except PERSON President) there is only one person running. It was EVENT! CARDINAL person (I won't mention names) I didn't vote for (even though he was the only person running) because he looked like he was hit in the face with the concave side of a shovel. I voted for CARDINAL person because her name was funny (and because her opponent who promised candy, didn't deliver) and I voted for PERSON, because he's cool. And this in reality is not an election, it's a popularity contest. Any given ORG's interest in the electoral process is minimal, if present at all. And it's not like the ORG does anything terribly difficult. They don't have to decide to bomb ORG in a pre-emptive strike, they help with charity, sell pizza and plan dances. I care CARDINAL of those CARDINAL things. ONE. I'm not likely to care who student body vice-treasurer is. Hall Sweeps : Hall Sweeps are evil and PERSON is a tiny impotent NORP with a bug up his butt the size of an emu. And the multiple SRT bells are mondo annoying if you're trying to nap during ORG. I think someone should organize a school sit-down where every person leaves their class, and TIME into the passing period, sits down wherever in the school they happen to be. What are they going to do, write everyone up? This leads into my next topic... Idiotic Bitchy Administrators : It's amazing how they can't put CARDINAL and CARDINAL together and figure out that by eliminating perks (ORG, Senior Skip-A-Final) school spirit goes down. Huh, it's amazing how that works, eh? and regarding CD Players: I want to listen to my ORG during frigging ORG! I'm at the point where I'm ready to hand out bribes to the staff, just so I can hear some Massive Attack during passing periods! I'm irrationally pissed as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore! Oh my God, you're putting my mother's cats on ORG.
Heey. I think that I managed to fix the comments thing so that it is possible for anyone, even 'non-bloggers', to post stuff. 'Mean Girls' is coming out DATE in GPE!
Hellooo! I'm at FAC cafe. It’s the ORDINAL time I’ve been here since I got back: nothing ever changes. DATE, officially marks the last ever-day of summer. Pour moi. Technically it is DATE, so I'd have in off anyway, in which case it's not a DATE, but whatever- the point is, I start school DATE. High school. I'm depressed and wish to stay in denial about all of it as long as possible, because otherwise, I'll get depressed, and moody, and I'll think too much about DATE which will lead to stress and result in me having a panic attack. As it is I won't be able to sleep TIME. Anyway, I saw Mean Girls at Village DATE. Liked it. A little weird. And not a very comforting 'back-to-school' flick, but it was funny. I think my mom was a little horrified and felt no pity for any of the characters. Going to ORG on DATE before ORG opens for DATE is insane, and especially for someone as anti-social as me. You run into a CARDINAL people. It's a complete guarantee that you will run into CARDINAL people that you know. It is also a guarantee that you will run into someone who you don't want to see. Those are not pretty odds. Every path that you take is a hazard, and timing is everything. Thankfully, I ran into a bunch of people who I did want to see, and ended up sitting next to PERSON and GPE in the cinema, which was lots of fun. So, um... nothing else up really with me... TIME I watched CARDINAL Sex and the City episodes with my family. (As it is a good, wholesome, family show that we can all enjoy together- NOT. Actually I only survive through watching it with my family by putting a big pillow in front of my face.) Once everyone had gone upstairs or to work, I watched Ordinary People, and had myself a good, nice, long cry. Anyone been watching the EVENT? I'm hoping to get hooked. I am already trying to start planning DATE, or at least my next long vacation, which is far too long ahead, but I find that I always need something to look forward to. More Later... Kat Tash- hope you're having a rly fun time in GPE, I just checked out your blog and left you a message. Talk to you soon hopefully?!
I'm pleased to report that PERSON has a blog, I've started a revolution (actually that's a damn good site name, why didn't I think of that? oh wait, I just did) Anyway, HER blog site is urlLink Under the Table (also listed in the links) Andrew, bringing intelligence back to the blog, I like your style, although I'm completely issued out after watching the entire ORDINAL series of ORG TIME..... ahhh had to replay that footage of NORP jumping into the portable moshpit so many times... hilarious. Anyways, better order some sushi before they kick me out...PERSON, you're so good to me rock.
PS-- Tell PERSON greg and I say HI! ha ha :)
i smoked with a nice coworker behind the store. shouldnt smoke. he apoligized for yelling at me about the other manager DATE. aww hed been thinking about it. i didnt care- he was venting. we all have to do it. happy day off. i think they pushed back the recording of the boy i am crushing on. yay for me, sad for him. he decided i was his musical pimp. the other manager told a customer if they liked ORG they would definitely like his band. that cracks me up. we need to bond more. i was kinda mean to him DATE. he wanted to know what was wrong. i dont know how to tell you.
free association, GO: Tattoo:: PERSON :: Ouch Jaguar:: Lame Trousers:: Socks University :: ORG:: Emo Suicide:: Teenge Suicide (Don't Do It) Slide:: Rivercade Rain:: Sleep Bulletin board:: Who cares i sound halfway stupid there, ehh? i say ken b/ he is king of the tattoos, i say ouch because sunburns are painful, i say lame becaue you only buy a PERSON if you have a small penis, i say sock because i like trouser socks, i say brits cuz thats what everyone else calls college, i say emo cuz of a convo i had with a particular boy regarding the word express(ion), i quoted WORK_OF_ART cuz its a great teenage suicide christian slater film, i said rivercade cuz i have great memories of the burlap mega slide rom my childhood, i said sleep because i sleep best (and am only happy when) it rains, and i said who cares because, really, who cares. so it goes. just saw a nice film, bend it like beckman or something. girl movie but ok. the leading man was beautiful.
Cuz Your Ass is Out of This World Unusually for urlLink a space issue , it is one where physical problems would not arise, as the presence or absence of gravity doesn't affect body mechanics.
I'm sure that you all saw my alter-ego, PERSON, along with the alter-ego of Sugi Ganeshananthan(ananan), Olive PERSON, during your close TIME reading of the PERSON or perhaps during your faithful viewing of the recently demustachioed PERSON on TIME ORG CARDINAL news.  But if not, you may urlLink click through to read the article and watch the video.  We encountered Possum and the future Mrs. PERSON while showing our steadfast support for our brave and honest president.  I expect PERSON (aka PERSON) to post a similar update after her own urlLink protest on DATE.
slacking i am, i know :: haven't had any deep thought provoking ideas to share with anyone yet DATE...
FYI: PERSON did not respond to our request for the safe return of clyde... (we hope he is still alive - we have not heard anything about his condition)...Realize she has had him for DATE, that is PERCENT of his life expendency, so DATE in turtle time is nothing - and i want him back! let the legal games begin... after all, she has admitted it was orginally mine (in writting, emails, etc) which is all the proof I need in a florida civil case. interesting part is she will have to fly down here to attend the case, that should be fun.
Hmm... ORDINAL day on this thing. Don't know why I decide to create one. But I guess its to express myself rather than keeping within. I know I know, I'd rather get a diary. But sometimes its good that others see whats up with me as I tend to be not myself DATE. Reasons are behind them undeniably. Well... this is the beginning of my chapters of urlLink recovery ...
This is dedicated to PERSON (soon to be a district resident--hold onto your hats, folks!) and everyone who thought my last list was too negative. Well, not surprising because sometimes I 'excude negativity.' Here are CARDINAL Things I Like : CARDINAL. Water 2. Inky pens (like fine point sharpies) CARDINAL. Bus transfers CARDINAL. People who play with my hair CARDINAL. Flossing CARDINAL. Driving on curvy roads CARDINAL. ORG sweatshirts CARDINAL. Moss 9. Sticky lint roller things CARDINAL. LAW. PERSON CARDINAL. Tape (actually maye this is an obsession rather than a like...) CARDINAL. ORG Gardens CARDINAL. A breeze CARDINAL. Chocolate, in any and all (nut-free) forms. Especially ice cream... CARDINAL. People who are funny CARDINAL. New socks CARDINAL. Pi Phi Nachos 19. The gritty/crunchy feeling in your mouth after you go to the dentist CARDINAL. LOC, baby. CARDINAL. Licking stamps CARDINAL. Beer in the office CARDINAL. BBQs CARDINAL. Mi Rancho 25. Guys with nice backs CARDINAL. Ice skating CARDINAL. Shouting 'church' everytime we pass CARDINAL on ORDINAL street. (I feel like this may be on PERSON's 30 Thing I Hate List, however.) CARDINAL. Getting developed pictures back CARDINAL. Camping (sigh) CARDINAL. PERSON
It's been a crazy week. Mainly because I found a job hehe :) I am now an ice cream scooper, woo hoo! yep I work for PERSON and PERSON's pretty cool eh? I would write more about it but I'm feeling lazy DATE. Maybe I'll get to it later.
Listening to: 'Angel' Sarah McGlouglin.... sorry don't know how to spell her last name. '... and it's hard at DATE, I need some distraction' I went to PERSON DATE and looked into a couple of jobs. A place I'm really looking into getting is at the bowling ORG. The lady that talked to me was really nice and I wouldn't mind working with her. She gave me some advice on how to get the job or my best chances are. So yeah, I'm looking into that. Um... gosh, I don't really have a lot to say TIME, other than... I finished 'The ORG' it's a really good book, well... I think it's really good for a non-fiction, which, I'm not usually a great fan of. Well... that's all.
ahhhhh!!! hermiones birthday is DATE!!! talk like a pirate day coincidence? i think not!
My wife is pregnant, I'm trying to get to the hospital ASAP! (great for speeding tickets) I'm sorry, PERSON, but my child has to use the bathroom (Running a stop sign) I’m sorry officer; I thought the sign said ORG. (PERSON) So that’s what those signs are there for. I'm sorry I was speeding officer but I have diarrhea. If I was speeding, you probably where speeding to catch me, so how bout we forget abut the whole thing! Sorry officer, I was trying to kill a bug under my gas pedal (For speeding tickets)
what up, got up around 11..because the dog want out..got on the computer and talk to val alittle...want to do something before i had to go...but u know her...she would rather go with her girl friend...then me..but anyways...i got off..because i know the talking aight going nowwhere...so lay down on the couch and watch tv...until CARDINAL...then took a shower and got ready...didn't really want to leave until CARDINAL something...but nobody was on..to talk too...so i just turn the light and just left...did really worried... got to huntsville around 4...and my meeting wasn't until 5 so i stop at a gas station got something to drank and went to the meeting room of this church and wait until it started...well we talk and talk and talk...i had to teach them how to read maps and use a GPS...(jess u know what it is)...finally it was about 8 i got out...and went with some of the leaders to LONGHORNS STREAKHOUSE... got me some streak.. and talk a lot about what coming up over philmont... then leaving i was on the phone from huntsville to woodville with a leader asking me a lot of questions about hiking/backpacking...anyway... i set up a hiking with a couple of ppl...around pigeon cap to jackson a QUANTITY hike that i will get done quick...it a shack down for there hike in end of this month... finally got home CARDINAL to scottsboro...and had to go get some food for this hike tommorrow to that what i did...got home around 1040...and talk with the old man for a little bit about what happen today...and what going to happen tommorrow...and finally i pack for this thing tommorrow know i'm going to talk a little bit then go to bed...so leave a good comminted... looks like everybody had a good day, so that good. hope everybody have a good day tommorrow..peace love, and hairy greases. *S*
what up, let me tell u about my day...got woke up around 930...went to bed at CARDINAL...woke up around 930 took a shower..then dad called and said that i'm getting new tires...so i took the jeep down to walmart...found out..i'm getting the green jeep tires. but still those are better then the ones i have..then went to get so food a firesides...then to shoe show...got me some thongs sandels...then to walmart to get my jeep and for grocrieys.i finally got me jeep back around 1...got on counter-strike.. then talk to some ppl...then around CARDINAL. i got a call from aubrey asking if i want to go to the drive in. i was like sure. so the venture crew round up..and went..got the best sit in the house DOGDEBALL IS ORG HAVE EVER SEEN..yall got to go see it.. garfield suck some ass...need to work on that got to scottsbore CARDINAL. i was hunrgery so i got me some taco bell. the came home..it been fun but i'm going to get going..
urlLink create your own visited states map
I, for one, am quite happy that Brunching Shuttlecocks urlLink rates a random category more often then once a week.
urlLink A large crowd came to discuss the infosphere at the OCLC Symposium. ORG DATE. GPE, ORG; urlLink
urlLink George, Alice and PERSON's husband PERSON, at a recent charity event held by OCLC.  urlLink
I've figured out how my luck with girls works! It's not that they don't pay any attention to me at all. It's just that they do it in clumps! Whenever I commit myself to a relationship, it seems CARDINAL or 3 incredibly attractive girls who never payed me any attention before start hanging all over me and pouring out there hearts to me, because now I have to tell them to stop. There was PERSON and Sasha, and now that I'm so happy with Ashley, of course a really hot girl starts talking to me about how lonely she is and how I'm the only nice person there. Mind you, given an actual choice between those CARDINAL, I would have chosen Ashley anyway, but I still wish that sort of thing would happen to me when I'm single. Sorry if I bore you, that's my life. And that's it. I'm going back to bed.
i think of hippies living in cardboard boxes and am really pissed that i missed the word firecracker and how it isnt fair that everything looks different up here in connecticut and that i somehow wish it could have worked out better.
As you can tell, my blog has now become...pink. It's what happens when someone keeps me up until TIME so...*cough*Caroline*cough cough* anyway, I think it looks good with the whole Gaz picture over there, and PERSON didn't have any pretty gray ones. All right moving on, now I can tell you about DATE!
My picture looks really bad, but when you go into my profile, it looks a lot better. PERSON, she's the main character of my comic 'Plain Jane' If you copy me, I will hunt you down, and rip your arms off. ^_^ You are warned...Anyway, she looks way better when hand drawn, but you can kind of get the idea of what she looks like. Maybe someday I'll post my comics up, but they are in black and white, and had drawn (I wouldn't have it any other way!)
Ok...well, this is my goal, since everyone posted theirs and I didn't yet. I don't have an exact number, I am just looking to be smaller. I want to try out for the urlLink ORG cheer squad...and eventually the urlLink Cavalier Girls . I really want to get into dance. I know I am 24 and way past the learning ballet, doing pointe and recital stuff but I have been really wanting to learn how and what better time than now with no kids, no husband and really nothing else to do.... So I need to jog a little along with doing my PERSON boxing...I need some new sneakers....the ones I have are super smelly which I guess doesn't matter since I take them off and immediately hop in the shower anyway...I meant to throw them in the wash the last time I did laundry. Oh well... So that is me, PERSON....more later.... I am not exactly hungry, I really am craving something to snack on though. I wonder if I can petition to get a few healthy things in the vending machine, that would be really nice.
Lunch was a small bowl of pasta salad and CARDINAL wheat thins (CARDINAL calories) and a bottle of water It was good - I have a feeling that I might be hungry in a little bit though. But I will just have some more water and maybe go and get a diet coke or something!
World Wildlife Fund photo' hspace='5' align='left'>Conservationists are reporting a rise in the number of LOC's endangered black rhinos. A joint survey by CARDINAL conservation groups, ORG and ORG, says the black rhino population has risen to CARDINAL. That is an increase of CARDINAL animals over DATE. A ORG official, Taye PERSON, says the biggest challenge facing the species is making sure current conservation efforts are maintained. Conservationists say the black rhinoceros had been on the decline since DATE, when their numbers dropped from CARDINAL to CARDINAL in DATE. They say the single most important cause for that decline has been the demand for their horns in LOC and LOC.
TIME and a successful attempt to clear the QUANTITY threshold is all it takes to go from Lafayette from GPE. I was convinced that I really missed lafayette, turns out that I 'missed' only the people, not the place. I know, I know, DATE and me already ranting about missing factors in life, but giving its due credit, this has been that period of time when self-sufficiency forced itself into existence and hence, I hypothesized that this place might be 'more' special to me. I guess nothing beats good ol' kgp, GPE would be a close ORDINAL though. Back to the drive, CARDINAL way into it, I realized that I kind of missed the after-work fun at GPE,so then, could I be attached to a place so soon or on a higher plateau, could I be attached to a city in the ORDINAL place? Is the attachment to a place totally independent of the friends there? Certainly kgp seems to contradict these claims blatantly. I would not miss cheddis or for that matter eggies or vegies, if it were not for the people there or would I? A decent topic to reflect upon, however back to GPE after work fun. Officially debuted wine tasting and live Jazz on wed. night with PERSON and Subhashis. PERSON is CS, NH DATE, ORG and ORG member, and hence, if I may, a great 'experience'. With DATE and F1 DATE, guess it is the time for 'kick' in the fast lane.
A little sketch that evolved out of a chat I had with my pal PERSON: CARDINAL men, one mildly older than the other (call 'em P and J), sitting at computer screens on opposite ends of the globe, chatting. P: You have become a real man. Suddenly, it becomes a video chat, so we see on P's screen enactments of what J is typing and vice versa and so on. J: waves enormous penis around P: slaps table with penis, accidentally hits a blade J: continues waving P: sits on the ground shivering, clutching bleeding penis J: reaches through screen, picks blade P: cums a bit for last comfort then dies slowly J: accidently circumcises self with blade P: thanks blade in spirit J: tosses foreskin to pet gorilla as snack Pet Gorilla: What cock! Pet gorilla indignantly leaves for GPE to engage in guerrilla warfare.
Ah, let's see. What goes on? Well, I seem to be making myself social anathema in certain ashtrays, which, oddly, is something I can live with. Other than that? Oh, lots really. All in my head, of course. The Fernandez-Armesto book continues to be a fascinating, thought-provoking read. I picked up PERSON PERSON's Children and it is great to see how he has grown as a writer. He is really venturing into GPE-esque modern-day tech-thriller territory here, but with better science and better characters. I saw Troy on DATE. It was an entertaining enough movie, with some visually spectacular moments. However, i think it rapidly slid downhill after Hector's death - somehow, the rest of the movie seemed to loose its narrative kick, relying on common knowledge to tell the story.
urlLink ORG | Hotmail Blocks Gmail Emails (and Invites) Are you kidding me?! I've always hated GPE, and I've been slowly moving away from Yahoo! because of all the spam I got. But blocking a legitmate server? Come on.
GPE, GPE, GPE and PERSON, I ORDINAL j00! ORG can't even update j00r bl0gs! PERSON, NORP own me but hey..
Meant to be in school just now. I need to buy: clothes (a fair amount) computer stuff (sound card, microphone, joypad) maybe shavin stuff cause no other cunt is gonnay buy me them drinks Then leftovers can go towards ma phillipino wife that I've ordered from the Grattan castologue.
Aaaaaaaaaaaahahaha I didn't realise I had already made an entry TIME. Fuck me...TIME and I don't even remember. GUESS WHAT?!?! PARTY TONIGHT!!! WHAT A LAUGH!!!!!
So, ORG, how's your DATE going? Feel free to use this topic to share... (Remember: To comment on an existing topic--like this one--click the '_comments' link at the end of this post. If you want to create a brand-new topic--example: ahem, PERSON I'm talking about you after your return from GPE--if you're a member here at ORG you can add a new topic from urlLink http://www.blogger.com/home .) Otherwise, click urlLink here to add your thoughts to this topic. I'll try to practice what I preach and add mine when I get the chance. (REMEMBER: urlLink WORK_OF_ART in GPE starts in DATE!)
Thanks to my dad & Jane, urlLink here's the ORDINAL round of what hopefully will be quite a few batches of photos from ORG held DATE. (Another album at the link has some historical/archival ORG family photos, including the PERSON.) If anyone else has photos from the DATE reunion please share! Whether links to your web photo albums, or files that you'd like me to add to the album at the link above, or printed photos (I can scan, and will reimburse you for prints/shipping), the more the merrier. Post comments to this topic if you've got 'em.
urlLink Area CARDINAL Microbiologist Ready to Talk Dr. PERSON, who is in lock-down, working with the ORG project, seeks immunity to stand before a NORP hearing or other appropriate public body, to disclose his ORDINAL-hand knowledge, with proof, of GPE government involvement in designer viruses and other black-ops. ( urlLink via )
It's been DATE since I got this blog set up, and nothing more posted. DATE I did some research on cameras and when I was in PERSON, I stopped in at FAC. I was not intending to buy one, but rather just to look. However, I am now the proud owner of a Canon SD110. It's a funky looking little silver jobbie. I can actually get an underwater case for it that is supposed to be good up to a depth of CARDINAL'. My only complaint is that it only has CARDINAL optical zoom. It's QUANTITY and I don't really want more than that, since that will be quite fine for sending you all pics, but I find I'm frustrated with the lack of zoom...so I may keep on looking. DATE was 'working on my bedroom, sorting out the clothes' day and TIME is working on my Visa night. The letter from GPE, stating that 'who I was is who I am' has arrived, so that's a major hurdle jumped. (i.e. my married name on my degrees, which I have to take to GPE with me, is the same person as my maiden name on my passport) Now (aside from report cards at school and finishing up everything there and moving out) the next thing is to sort out Pharmacare and medical coverage for while I'm away. Then, of course, there's all the renting out the house and sorting out how to pay the bills while I'm away and what to do about my mail and, and, and...
#MONEY urlLink What PERSON You? brought to you by urlLink PERSON This is crazy! a) my sis got the same one...but most importantly... b) EXACTLY LIKE CHAD...more on THAT later!!!
My post on my PCOS board... Mandi~ Well, I can tell you why you wrote...it is exactly what I have been feeling...I was so sick DATE...surprise, a period started on DATE...but no period I have ever experienced before...I hate them. I used to be physically ill when I was a teenager with cramps, so I know what hideous cramps are. But this...not even my meds could subside them in the least. And, I would be feeling better, than get worse again. I basically slept DATE and am sitting here at work wondering how I'm going to make it through TIME with B... I look at my weight...and, yes, since having B I have gone down CARDINAL size. ONE SIZE...I have been watching what I eat, started excercising and NOTHING is happening. I'm so disgusted. I hate looking the way I look, I hate feeling the way I feel and sometimes I wonder if I'm not losing weight because I'm too scared. I can't get myself to accept this is it and I can't take not seeing anything move. I started crying to hubby DATE because I feel like shit...it makes me wonder if I wanted the Met to work so I made myself think I was feeling better. Right now, I feel so close to what I did DATE this time. My body has started aching and stiffening and it scares me. The only good thing I have is that my appointment with the endo is DATE. I will be able to unload on him and see what he says. Plus, I haven't had my blood taken yet (doing it DATE) so maybe it will show if something is really going on to make my muscles so tight... anyway...thank you for your post...it really did help...and I'm trying not to lose hope. DATE, hope is all that keeps me looking to a better DATE. Take care~S god...I wish I could stop being a downer...I'm really tired of being 'depressed'. I know I haven't hit bottom yet, but do I have to???
An Update I was waffling DATE after going out to the field yet again . . . wondering if 'moving backwards' was such a good idea. But now I'm back in the office again, and it makes the decision easier. Still the guilt is going to take a while to get over. And another sucky thing - I would need to hand in my notice DATE, since DATE seems as good a time as any. But the company DATE party is on DATE (DATE) . . . hmmm, somehow I don't think I'll be going . . .
I am a man without substance. I am an empty shell. I am what you may not be, I have lost my soul in the void of time. I cannot return anything you give me. I am.
I would Like to Start off with I HAVE TO GET BBBBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAACCCCCCCEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS. I have to get braces the nurse says PERSON well better now then later I will get them clear but then I cant eat what I want MMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNI have CARDINAL cavity from eatin so much candy I am eatin a PRODUCT Oh well fillin those only cost MONEY I miss my sister she has been gone for DATE its so quiet in this huge house I am started to get scared CARDINAL people DATE next 2 Everyoneone is leaving ORG
Today I have painted my front gate CARDINAL my court yard and cleaned my pool so Isaiah can swim because he came over and wanted to swim ill type more later
That was a good ole film!
Well I didn't have such an interesting day, infact I didn't really have anything interesting in DATE. At all. I did quite a bit of work, doing everything I should have done over DATE. I went for a swim, that's quite exciting, lots of water and stuff. So other than all that, everything is a bit alsage.
Well, some of you may have guessed that I've now been keeping a notebook by my bed. So most of these ramblings are sleep inspired. The more insensitive the rambling, the more awake I am (see my post about death, if I ever decide to post it). So what was I thinking of TIME that stopped me from going to sleep? I want sex... not wild, sweaty, animal sex... not passionate lovemaking... sex... The real ORG fun, goofy, walk your ugly ass around naked to get a sandwich during coital-intermission--sex. That's the way it should be, sure; sometines serious, sometimes hot (with two 't's), but generally is should be about having fun and possibly having a laugh. PERSON once said something like 'There are CARDINAL pure things in life-- CARDINAL pure feelings-- Laughter and Orgasm. Neither can be faked very well (and neither should be faked).' The best would be combining the CARDINAL, laughter and orgasm. They are the purest feelings. They are what make us human. Why not enjoy them both at the same time? Why is my mind--Why are all our minds-- so driven by sex, when it's no more fun or interesting than anything else [no more fun than what we make of it]. Maybe its because people put too much pressure in it. I don't know anyone who's had good sex. Both partners are usually too bashful and everyone complains about it behind their lovers backs like it's not remotely their fault. It is their fault though, but it's not something they should be ashamed of. It's everyones fault. Just open up, have fun, and laugh. Does my being driven by sex have anything to to with my being single? Is it really just sex that I want?... I don't think it is... And what's with those tantrists? Why would they want sex to last for TIME? Is it the intimacy or something? Can they keep it fun for that long? Otherwise, sex should be TIME, max. I gaurentee you'd get bored after that (If not, drop me a line :-) )... You strip. You hump. You switch positions a few times. You hump some more. You cum. You clean up. You're done. It's not like mowing the lawn; where it takes TIME and each time you do it a little different to see how to go about it most efficiently, and which way is easier on your back. It's just sex... Sex with virgins is worse than no sex at all. I never want to do that again. No one knows what they're doing. Everyone is afraid to try anything. It's always a fiasco. Even worse when both participants are virgins. So, what are your thoughts (or do I even want to know)? How do you like it? ---- 'Waiter! There is too much pepper in my poppykosh, but I would be proud to partake in your pe-can pie :-)'
Once in awhile you run across things that just make you believe that you are right about things. So I give you today's Federalist PRODUCT. What I find funny is that the deconstruction of PERSON is slowly unfolding and I think so is his last chance to move up CARDINAL seats to President. THE FOUNDATION 'Were we directed from GPE when to sow, and when to reap, we should soon want bread.' PERSON ______----********O********----______ INSIGHT 'That which seems to be the height of absurdity in CARDINAL generation often becomes the height of wisdom in the next.' --John PERSON ______----********O********----______ IChThUS IMPRIMIS 'The NORP faith has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult and left untried.' --G.K. Chesterton ______----********O********----______ FAMILY '[Thursday] ORG fulfilled their duty by enforcing the law and nullifying the illegitimate marriage licenses handed out to CARDINAL of same-sex couples exactly DATE in GPE. DATE's ruling reinforces once again that when CARDINAL rogue mayor or any other elected official ignores the rule of law, they will be held accountable. Over sixty percent of NORP voted to define marriage as the union between CARDINAL man and one woman. DATE the ORG upheld the law as it is written and has set a shining example for courts across the nation.' --Tony Perkins (note: great thought that a judiciary actually ORG what the people of a state made into law and not rewritten it in their own image) ______----********O********----______ CULTURE 'What ORG is selling, besides music, movies, and soft drinks, is a socially liberal worldview in which personal autonomy, especially in sexual matters, is the highest good. And it's in a unique position to succeed in its mission because, as PERSON of ORG has written, ORG has been 'handed endless generations of young people who are blank slates.' Of course, kids are not supposed to be 'blank slates.' Parents, communities, and churches are supposed to teach them what they need to know and believe. ORG's success is proof of how the ORG...has failed in its most basic mission. It's also a challenge to all of us as NORP parents. We need to know who we're up against. We need to know what our kids are being taught during school and after school. The lessons go far beyond how to spend their disposable income; they go all the way to 'how now shall we live?'' --Chuck Colson (note: Isn't that why they are called young skulls full of mush?) ______----********O********----______ LIBERTY 'Every decent NORP ought to be thoroughly outraged by what has transpired in response to the ads being run by those LOC veterans contesting PERSON accounts of his heroics during GPE. Rather than merely refute their claims, dark forces are working to suppress their efforts to speak out on this subject. Unfortunately, with too few NORP understanding the threat posed by those who would forcibly subdue others with whom they disagree, the reaction to this infuriating episode has been minimal. ... When was the notion established that free speech must pass some government test for accuracy in order to be permissible? Is it PERSON alone who should have the final say as to who can speak in public and who cannot, based solely on his arrogant assessment of the worthiness or accuracy of their statements? PERSON's vindictiveness towards the veterans, based not on their real credibility but instead on their previous association with others who had worked to thwart his political ambitions, is indicative of the very seed of tyranny that the founders most feared. Clearly, the framers of LAW crafted it in such a manner as to ensure that individuals such as PERSON would never have the prerogative to use the laws of an out-of-control government to subdue their opposition.' --Christopher LOC (note: But I thought McCain-Feingold was supposed to help us? Errr, maybe it was the incumbents it was supposed to help...) ______----********O********----______ THE GIPPER 'One thing our Founding Fathers could not foresee...was a nation governed by professional politicians who had a vested interest in getting reelected. They probably envisioned a fellow serving a couple of hitches and then looking...forward to getting back to the farm.' --Ronald PERSON ______----********O********----______ OPINION IN BRIEF 'How many times have we been told that PERSONsquandered' the good will of the world 'community' after 9/11? The assumption behind all of this seemed to be that anything which cost GPE the support of allies like GPE or GPE was, in effect, too costly. In other words, the means -- 'strong alliances' -- are more important than the ends -- winning the war on terror, toppling PERSON, and so forth. Listening to these folks, one gets the sense that GPE's greatest foreign policy triumph was to get sucker-punched on CARDINAL because it resulted in sympathetic newspaper headlines in GPE and GPE. ... Now, there is CARDINAL caveat to the Kerry Doctrine of international hand-holding. If GPE is attacked, he says he wouldn't hesitate to respond with force. That's nice, I guess. But what else is he going to say? 'If GPE is attacked, I promise to play FAC in ORG!' He makes it sound like he's the ORDINAL President to have the courage to commit to a policy of retaliation to attacks. Has any president actually rejected such a policy? PERSON promises 'I will never give any nation or international institution a veto over our national security.' Again, great. But no major candidate has ever promised to do otherwise. More importantly, the ORG wouldn't need to have a veto over our national security with a President PERSON in office, since no situation obviously meets his standards for force except a direct attack. ... [F]or PERSON, no goal is worth losing allies, because keeping allies is PERSON's only goal.' --Jonah PERSON (note: PERSON promises to not attack FAC ice cream. It's still safe to eat at ORG.) ______----********O********----______ GOVERNMENT 'The federal government owns PERCENT of all the land in GPE.... NORP, progressives...and environmental organizations have no problem with federal ownership of land. In fact, in DATE, they have sponsored legislation and programs to buy more and more private property to expand the federal inventory. These people forgot, or choose to reject, a fundamental principle recognized by GPE's founders: prosperity arises from private enterprise, and private enterprise arises from private property. This nation's prosperity is tied directly to private enterprise. As the misguided policy of government ownership and control of land expands, prosperity, inevitably, must diminish. Even more important is the loss of individual freedom, as government expands the scope of its control. ... There is nothing the federal government does with its land that could not be done better by the states, or by private owners within the states. It's time for PERSON to get out of the real estate business, and return its land to the states, and to the private owners who hold the key to our nation's future.' --Henry Lamb ______----********O********----______ ORGThere are times when, given the political climate in the country, President PERSON must wonder why anyone would want the job as President. When things go wrong on his watch, of course he gets the blame and that is to be expected. Yet, when things go right, he hardly ever gets the credit. The mainstream media looks for any reason to discredit PERSON and his capable administration. It is little wonder that CARDINAL the country now gets much of their news from the Internet, talk radio and ORG. At least the President gets a fair shake in these outlets. One can only wonder what the President's numbers would be like if the other CARDINAL of the nation got information from media which was fair to the President. Maybe we would not be such a closely divided nation after all.' --Paul M. Weyrich ______----********O********----______ PERSON DEMO-LITION DERBY 'After listening to PERSON acceptance address...I did a little experiment. ... I edited out phony religiosity and pointless political platitudes of the sort that could be used by any politician in any situation, including PERSON (i.e., 'We're the optimists'). I also chopped out all gratuitous flag-waving all forced and hollow tough-talking, and all draping of the clearly unworthy self in the ill-fitting cloak of the great figures of history. Further down the line were the intellectual crimes. Lies went out right away, but I also cut out things that were not lies exactly, but mere words. Also banished were the many species of literary fraud -- from facile generalizations to redundancies to such crass, hypersentimental, factory-generated cliches as 'trees [are] the cathedrals of nature.' There were also many shades of disingenuousness to deal with, most of which came into play when PERSON levied attacks against PERSON. ... When I was done cutting, there were CARDINAL lines left. 'I was born in GPE. GPE can do better. Amen'. ' --Matt PERSON (note: Laugh out loul lines of DATE)
Certainly. Like the answer to the ultimate question.
This is PERSON's logo, btw. It's very good, isnt it? So there. Kudos to PERSON for making that. If anyone else wants to, go right ahead.
But really though, its not like NORP doesn't have his own blog that he can fill with his irritating football rants. Its just been dying to be updated with ORG and ORG shit. Where's my DATE update about the crazy antics of the OJIs? How come I haven't heard about the stupidity of ORG? Who would win in a fight between PERSON and an GPE pilot? Who knew PERSON doesn't play for the bombers anymore? Lets all do the Superbowl shuffle right off a fucking cliff before CARDINAL planes come within QUANTITY of eachother. ALTHOUGH ORG IS ORG and HIS OPINIONS DO REPRESENT THOSE OF THE DJS5 - CAUSE WE CAN'T THINK FOR OURSELVES! Really, none of that is DJS5 stuff. I don't post shit about the facinating world of pharmacy here. Seriously, how many people who read stuff here (because I'm sure our readership is in the CARDINAL) care that in GPE, PERCENT of the population have macrolide resistant bacterial populations due to an overprescription of PERSON which has a longer halflife than other macrolides (eg. Clarithromycin) which allows more time for the bacterial population to gain resistance. Wow, facinating eh? Problem is, PRODUCT!!! Might as well listen to my sister tell a half hour story about a guy from NORP that nobody knows. THING IS YOU SHOULD KNOW FOOTBALL - FOOTBALL IS SUPA-COOL! All I ask is that we throw away that whole 'freedom of speech' thing and reserve this blog for all things cool and interesting like the crazy hijinxkxs, plans for world dommination, jokes, and borderline racist commentary. (RACIST COMMENTARY IS PERSON)
I'm supposedly a receptionist and I'm eating black licorice toffee. This is bad on so many levels.
My friend chewed me out for calling her at TIME. Like, not even CARDINAL yet, right? Apparently, in their household, they go to bed early. Well, sweetheart, before you and him moved in together -- you know, in the heady glory days before you systematically alienated all your friends by being so unavailable, so distracted, and and so wrapped up in your relationship... the days before you started the near-constant complaining about how few close friends you have now compared to before... remember those? Yeah, me neither-- you never went to bed before midnight, so screw you too.
Yay!! I picked up my babies this am. They were so excited to see me. ORG whined and cried the whole way home, she was so excited. Aww. Then, I had to give them baths cuz they smelled like the kennel. But, better than having to pay for the kennel to do it. =) Now, I'm at work, and itchin' to go home so they're not alone all day again.
As of right now, I'm supposed to start my new job DATE. I have to go to an orientation this DATE, and another one the day after I start the job. Yee-haw! It isn't my dream job, but then again, I don't know what my dream job would be yet. Anyway, this bodes well for me financially, which also means I can move into a new place closer to town, or at least on the bus line (cause the buses in GPE are free!). I've come up with a list of roommate requirements/concerns. I want a roommate who: is neat and clean (at least as much as I am), won't be noisy during TIME, doesn't want cable tv, isn't religious (at least not around me), and won't have any problem with me bringing women home all the time. Hey, it could happen. Okay, maybe part of the time. A woman , then. I can only imagine what this next phase of my life will be like. But soon I shall be happily living it. Maybe I'll even turn this ORDINAL rate blog into a ORDINAL rate website, time permitting. I'm going to be busy trying to put together my film portfolio anyway.
I heard about this a few days ago; a freelance journalist who managed to obtain a videotape used by a resistance group to recruit new members. The story; urlLink what the DVD reveals is that coalition forces have underestimated the enemy because they didn't even know who they are: ordinary NORP frustrated and humiliated by the occupation. Meanwhile, these reassuring words from the current GPE president PERSON; urlLink 'Nobody likes to see dead people on their television screens.' The images from GPE that I have been seeing over DATE are full of young men outdoors waving weapons. If I were to assess the composition of GPE's population based on the images I have been seeing, I might be forgiven for thinking GPE is full of young men running high on adrenalin. Where are the women? Why aren't stories about GPE's female population making cutting edge news? Could it be, Mr President, that in sparing the west from images of dead people on tv, the media is also sparing us from footage of women outdoors in GPE? More outdoor pictures; urlLink NORP in GPE.
ternyata langit malam begitu mengesankan meski kadang kelam tak berbayang namun kadang penuh bintang nan cemerlang cakrawala pagi juga menyenangkan meski kadang berkabut pekat dengan gelisah namun kadang membiarkan PERSON bersinar cerah puji syukur ke hadiratMu, ya Allah, hidup ini luar biasa indah!
lost malamku seketika kelam tak berbintang cahaya bulanpun ikut memudar angin menghembusku entah kemana ... terbang ... ... melayang tanpa tujuan tanpa arah tanpamu!
Mr G is not a twat!!!!!!!
Being pushed by PERSON...........Then I took over and shoved him into the fence.
GHOSTBUSTERS I know what you mean Daf. Ching is such a talented webpage designer as well as a terrific writer. She used to have an old webpage where she posted a couple of her writings. She's awesome. Ching I thought I'd give you some props! :) BTW, it was nice chatting with you and Eli last night. Whatever happened to chatting with PERSON? I wasn't able to see any of the messages he posted.
Thank you for clarifying that for me. You would think I would know who PERSON and PERSON are by now, wouldn't you? hee. PERSON used to be PERSON. A bit of Ching trivia. I cannot view the picture. Your link leads me to a page that says 'PERSON.' It says I need a 'local referer.' I have no idea what that is. I heard that ORG had some really bad scriptwriting in terms of dialogue. But, like you, I'm really interested in the animation. I'm gonna grab the bargain matinee DATE. If you must know what has been keeping me busy, I joined a diary community at www.opendiary.com. If you are nice, maybe I'll give you my diarist name.
Yay for a new layout!! Yeah, I know, I need to get more complicated eventually... but until I get the hang of this html stuff... oh and yes... that's me over there [>>>]
AHHH. I need a pillow to scream into. oh, and this book I'm reading? guy's version of ORG. its alright. when you're procrastinating, anything is alright. Do you miss me?
The ORG's Worst Summer Job Phone Interview LAWYER Hello, is this Student? STUDENT Mom? LAWYER No. This is ORG from Rich, Rich, and ORG. We set up this phone interview for a DATE job, remember? STUDENT No. I don't. But that's okay. ORG Is now a good time? STUDENT Yes, it's perfect. Let me just turn the volume down on the adult video I'm watching. (the rest of the line originally read '...and pull up my pants' but I thought that was too graphic.) LAWYER Yes, why don't you do that. STUDENT What firm did you say you were with? ORG, and ORG. You can just call us Rich for short. STUDENT I'm so excited about the possibility of working for your firm. I really want to be in GPE for DATE. ORG Our office is in GPE. STUDENT Yes, that's what I meant. LAWYER So what made you apply to ORG? STUDENT Well, I was definitely most influenced by the fact that your firm and its contact information was in the mail merge file I downloaded. LAWYER Oh. STUDENT And of course the work you do. LAWYER Like for example? STUDENT That work you do. On behalf of those companies. And the litigation they're involved in. LAWYER Could you be any more specific? STUDENT No, I'd rather not. LAWYER I see. I noticed on your resume -- right next to the blood stain -- that you're very involved with ORG. STUDENT Yes. I love target shooting. I like it even better without the targets. LAWYER I was wondering how your interest in target shooting is related to your interest in our firm. STUDENT Well, target shooting can hurt people, and, well, so does your firm. LAWYER That's actually a fantastic answer. STUDENT I know. I used it in a previous interview and got a great reaction so I figured I'd add it to the piece of paper with all of my standard answers that I'm currently reading off of. I can move to question CARDINAL now, if you'd like. About my work on ORG. LAWYER I can't say I'm familiar with the latest in cheese law. STUDENT Neither am I. I'm only on the journal because it looks good on my resume. In fact, that's why I do everything that's listed there. To tell you the truth, I don't even go to class -- but listing my courses on my resume still looks pretty freaking awesome, don't you think? Corporations? Tax? Bankruptcy? It makes me look so knowledgeable! It's wonderful! LAWYER Yes, I noticed all of those courses. I was wondering about references. You didn't send me a sheet with any professors I can call. STUDENT Yeah, I know. I couldn't get any to agree to say good things about me. But I'm happy to give you the phone number of my parole officer. Just don't tell him where I am. LAWYER I thought I'd end by telling you a little bit about the work you'd be doing as a summer associate. STUDENT No, that's ok. Every firm is the same. I already know what you're going to say. ORG! Well, it's been a delight talking to you TIME. STUDENT Yes, same here. I look forward to hearing from you after you've made the hiring decisions. LAWYER Yes, I'll be sure to drop a form letter in the mail DATE after DATE ends. Best of luck. ORG hello to your wife for me. (end)
Mia's Mission PERSON , Mr. PERSON's manservant, recently came out with a tell all bio called Mr. PERSON that is fascinating. Aside from noting that PERSON told him she was part NORP, ORG spills the beans on the Machiavellian PERSON . He writes: 'PERSON was, only after stardom, the most powerful imperative for her. At times, she'd sit with me and go down her list of all the great and famous men she wanted to have children with after PERSON. She knew the relationship would end sometime, but she assumed it would be at her time , and only after she had created one of what would be her master race of offspring. She was talking some major names, on her wish list. PERSON , who was gay, WORK_OF_ART , who was almost dead , PERSON , who had disappeared, and PERSON , who was badly disabled from his motorcycle accident, and was underground. The girl thought big. She was that focused ...'
ORG are making a name for themselves. They've reached LAW finals when people weren't sure about their playoff chances. The fans aren't far behind and are doing everything possible for their team to win. I've not seen such passion among the fans of a team anywhere other than NORP during a ORG cricket match. If this urlLink ORG article [subscription reqd] is to be believed, the excitement is much more than even these games. 'A city judge suspended deliberations in a robbery trial so the jury could watch the opening game of the series. A giddy young couple got so excited about the ORG' success that they named their newborn son PERSON, after the ORG goalie PERSON. A group of police officers, called to break up a street hockey game on the northeast side of town because the youngsters were making too much noise and smacking the ball off parked cars, ended up joining the game. During EVENT, PERSON, a TIME radio personality, called a hotel where ORG were staying at TIME of a game to say that she was the wife of PERSON, the GPE goaltender, and that she needed to speak to him. The operator put the call through. During the GPE series, on TIME of a game, a flotilla of truck drivers armed with freight train horns made a racket at CARDINAL in front of the hotel where the GPE team was staying. So far, after police warnings, ORG players have been spared.'
[BIG Entry Alert] DATE was filled with activity. Throughout DATE there wasn't a dull moment or rather there was so much going on that the empty bits of time faded into the background. It was invigorating to have spent DATE. The morning was spent getting back a nice kitchen. The kitchen had been disarray due to the pest-control activities and needed to be set back in order. We spent TIME in arranging all the various items neatly and disposing certain unnecessary items. It was a bit tiring and we didn't feel like cooking afterwards. We were headed out anyways so ORG seemed the best option. After downing some soft tacos and chalupas, we were headed north-west. My roomie's brother just shifted base from here to a place near his company. He's out of town visiting GPE and naturally my roomie has to house-sit once a week while his brother is away. We tagged along bcoz we were promised a movie :). In the end we didn't do much, but the trip was worthwhile anyways. It was a hot summer afternoon and quite humid too. We saw a new club near his house and overall finding out new roads and areas around town is a good pastime. We came back home CARDINAL in the evening and we were already planning to go back out. The temple was one of the destinations on the table, but then due to certain small problems we postponed that visit to DATE. The choice was pretty obvious once the temple visit was postponed. We decided to go to the local park. It's an amazing place. It has the dense greenery, the river, beautiful walkways and trails. Picnic and play areas abound and the lush greenery just brings you to that 'happy place' in your mind. Its very calm and quiet [in between the chatter of fellow park visitors] and the evenings are very beautiful. This was my ORDINAL visit and I loved the place. I'll certainly go back if and when I get the chance. We walked along one of the trails and discovered [for ourselves] a new fruit. There was no way for us to know what it was and after some investigation we just discarded it. It looked like a small round jackfruit and was very fibrous on the inside. We also found small trails in the mud which lead to a ravine with a river running at the bottom. It was fantastic and I strongly felt the lack of a camera and hiking shoes. I could have gone on the trail down to the river in my floaters too, but my companions hesitated. It was good in the end though for all that I got to see just stimulated me for some more. We returned to the picnic area for some snacks and drinks. The conversation was entertaining and the people around were amusing. The evening had been very energizing though we were a bit tired in the end. DATE was my day away from the regular and routine. I wasn't online and didn't check my mail till TIME nite. I hope I'll have more of such weekends when I finally start working. DATE, or maybe day before, I came across this small piece written by a famous Marathi author. It was about how everyone has to struggle in life to get to where they want to be. Here's what it said [roughly translated]: 'We know how a satellite has all the strife and struggle till it gets to the designed height. It then just floats along or is in harmony. Similarly for a man, all his struggles last until he has reached the destined heights. After reaching this point in life, the man's status takes care of him.' I agreed to a certain extent with this perspective, though not totally. The struggles I feel last your lifetime as you never know when you are destined to reach the level of floating. It's upto you to get that bird's-eye view of the world, or the unbiased ORDINAL person look of things and happenings. When you have achieved these things, that is the point of no struggle. It just felt nice though to read something like this. Im struggling right now and it feels rather nice to know that struggles do end ! Another thing I though about last nite was black and white photography and why [if] I like it more. I've been looking at some photoblogs over time now and NORP photos just seem to appeal a tad bit more to me. I mean if I were shown NORP and color copies of the same photo, chances are high of my liking the NORP copy. I don't know why this is so. I also know that I like color photos only when they are full of various colors. I like high saturation images with vibrancy which means lots of warm colors. There are some exceptions though, like the photo of the clouds or a seascape or a sunset or greenery. These photos have to portray those specific colors [blue,grey,red,orange,green] to be effective images. This just something new I've learnt about my taste in pictures and hopefully it'll help me when I start shooting with my camera [hopefully sometime DATE or DATE]. Maybe a photoblog will be necessary then :). DATE looks pretty relaxed, but then DATE have been relaxed. We'll go to the temple in the evening and that's the only plan we have. I might watch the Sherlock Holmes movie I got from the library. We watched The Omen on DATE nite and it was nice. hehe .. pretty long entry .. and I've not even started about the sports results, viz. lakers-wolves game last nite ans schumi's victory TIME. maybe later ..
Hey sweety, was ist mit dir los? warum schreibst du nicht mehr? keine zeit? keine lust? wie dem auch sei...dann berichte ich eben ueber mein leben! war heut mit der carla shoppen. wir ham fuer simone eine tandtasche zum geburtstag gekauft...dieses teil ist der knueller. so im chinesischen design.ein richtig scharfes teil!!! ich hab mir ne neue schwarze cordhose zugelegt weil meine alte kaputt gegangen ist. und ich habe im kleidermarkt einen total genialen blazer gekauft. sitzt zwar ein bisschen eng, sieht aber richtig genial aus und hat auch nur CARDINAL euro gekostet...richtig schnieke....wuerd ich dir gern zeigen... geht ja leider nicht... heut war ein ziemlich guter tag. die letzten paar tage hab ich mir ja nur den kopf zerbrochen, ob micha wohl schluss machen wird oder nicht (bloeder vorfall am sonntag). aber heut hab ich ihn angerufen und er war richtig erfreut, dass ich es getan habe...also entwarnung. gestern war ich mit lia schwimmen. wir haben ganze CARDINAL stunden im mediterana verbracht, bis wir so schrumpelig wie rosinen waren. ich schau mal , ob du jetzt neue bilder hast... meld dich mal knutschi sandra
Rosepedal555: haha hes gonna die in israel Rosepedal555: but i hope he doesnt Jumper991: jamie! Rosepedal555: cause i really would prob cry Jumper991: if rachel died Jumper991: id laugh ORG: DAVIDA! Rosepedal555: why Rosepedal555: ahaha im lauhgng but why Rosepedal555: oh lets be like davida and dance like her! Jumper991: dying is funny Jumper991: jamie! Rosepedal555: haa Rosepedal555: only she couldnt do it Jumper991: who can? Rosepedal555: u! Rosepedal555: ur th only one that can dance like u Jumper991: ya itd be weird if i couldnt Rosepedal555: haha!
Thanks for the encouraging words and advice! I know what I love to do, and that in and of itself is a step in the right direction. It's just not an easy field to break into, so I feel like I'm paddling upstream sometimes. But I keep going, 'cause I don't have any choice but to do so. To give up would not be in keeping with my character. I may be frustrated and cry and scream and get angry and think the world unjust, but I collect myself and keep trying, 'cause that's me. :) I'll be fine, trust me. I was just having a college student moment of self-doubt-induced panic. :)
So, it's getting to the end of the lovely summer holidays, DATE, passing by way too fast, it's been feeling like it's DATE. That's a bit sad if you ask me, because I could for sure use DATE more before getting started with my HTX again, I'm meeting DATE for the ORDINAL class, at 10:50, fortunately, it's a bit late, I normally meet at TIME. DATE has been quite ok, apart from DATE of hard work, DATE was a bunch of fun. There was a DATE-party, or whatever it might be called, in the city I live in, which equals to a lot of parties in the town, a fair, beer, beer and beer! DATE was DATE too, spent the most of the morning formatting my laptop, so that it's ready for going to school again, it started to get a bit slow and all that, so it had to get formatted, this also included taking backup of all the old stuff, CARDINAL Gb...... quite a lot data to be copied through ORG to CARDINAL of the other computers, and then fetched back to the laptop afterwards, a lot of it is photographs I've taken during the latest time, and a bunch of music too. Also, DATE I took the time to try out the new Doom3, it's damn scary! I played for maybe an hour, where it started to get rather scary to sit alone in my dark room, so... well, I turn on some light behind me, but when turning that one on, it explodes! And I'm serious, booooom ! I haven't got up off my chair that fast ever before, hope that says a bit about how nice the game actually is, the gameplay is awesome. Though, unfortunately, there are also very high system requirements, I almost can't play it on my CARDINAL GPE laptop That's all for DATE/night, I'll be back soon ;)
Hey my little dumplings...I am sure you did great on the test. Take ORG in perspecitive. I am convinced if GPE and PERSON thought it was hard...it was...and the test score is based on averages. After hearing what the essay prompts were...I am convinced you did great. In any event...you are all amazing people and have grown as readers, writers, and students. I hope you will some day appreciate all of your efforts. I can't wait to finish DATE of school with you...let's stay positive and have a good ending to a great year. You truly are an amazing group of school. Clark
urlLink Beware the cicadas . urlLink E-mail me .
Its snowing over here. ITs pretty ku, Got like a foot and its bad guys. i cant even get out of the house. So I guess Im stuck in the house until it melts. I got DATE off! hell yeah! Well thats all for now. Peace out -Ku
check out urlLink my new baby !!! Is she a hottie or what?? Daf
A lobbyist on his way home from work in GPE traffic came to a dead halt and thought to himself, 'Wow, this seems worse than usual'.
Today Slut did something which shocked the hell outta me: It tried to catch a lizard. The lizard was on the ceiling, I was feeding Slut, when suddenly the damned cat did a PERSON and ran up my neighbor's door, jumped off it and went after the lizard. Luckily for the reptile, PERSON missed. A little surprising how such a cute and affectionate animal can be such a cool and calculating hunter. A good example of how you can never judge a book by it's cover, eh. So those of you who have cats, remember; there's a little tiger in every one of them.
VOICEMAIL STILL NOT COMPLETELY FUNCTIONAL To work around dial your own extension, when you hear a voice hit pound and then enter passcode. We will let you know when the new part is in.
Good luck to you PERSON, may Vishnu guide you to safe lodgings and away from the temptation of those who would wish to take your money and enter your bowels. Keep us abreast of your movements by all means but I suspect that your soon to be all too frequent bowel movements can be taken as read. Unless of course you pass something that we all should hear about (and I don't mean elephants in the streets). PERSON, I understand that you yourself are soon to be going on some adventures of your own. Look forward to some FAC madness with you and your lady friends. PERSON and keep PERSON under control whilst the others are away, you know how he likes to take advantage of our kindness. I checked the dates for FreshersDATE and driver training starts on DATE which I believe is a DATE. I'll be back on the DATE for that - I've made special arrangements with the crew for some personal tuition! FreshersDATE starts officially on that DATE but I think all the fun starts the day before when all the youngsters arrive keen as mustard. I'll take 'em down a peg or CARDINAL. Amy - download the software from urlLink www.ephpod.com . Hope you're adjusting to the real world without too much bother!! Steelez - did you want your NORP wife with or without a penis? I can't remember what you told me. PERSON was ORG?? PERSON Is Kitty behaving herself?? Kitty - Is PERSON behaving herself?? I'm off to GPE on the morrow. I hope i live...
Oi! Don't diss NORP cinema things! They rock! ORG. PERSON scared me. Don't ever ever ever do that again! Today I am nipping over to GPE to say hi and then I am going to the park to meet some friends. Then tomorrow I am going to the park to see you guys! Yay!It's way too hot though. I may come down TIME or CARDINAL latebecause I don't fancy wandering about at TIME when its at its hottest. Hmm. I will decide TIME. PERSON, you should be very impressed with me. I have entered a thought for DATE on THINK. (Link above) You and PERSON both forgot DATE. Tutt tutt. I am the champion. ORG.
First day back at schoo. Argh. I see they really are ramming revison down our throats. I don't want to leave school. Its safe there :(
1. With EVENT fast approaching, have you set forth some resolutions or goals for DATE? Of course I have but I'm debating whether or not I want to share them with anyone. I guess the following are safe: [1] lose my stomach, [CARDINAL] get a daytime job, [CARDINAL] learn how to cook (at my own pace), [CARDINAL] potty train my little man, and [CARDINAL] gain a more positive attitude towards others (otherwise worded: stop acting 'Hollier Than Thou.' CARDINAL. What are your plans for EVENT Party, party, and party some more. Ambiance: [ listening to ] : PERSON [ watching ] : my irritating co-workers as usual [ reading ] : The House of the Spirits ( I know, I know. I should've been done by now.) [ random ] : would these damn people turn on the heater. It's DATE!!! urlLink postCount('107291980700709887'); | urlLink postCountTB('107291980700709887');
You should be dating a Sagittarius. CARDINAL DATE December Your mate is frank and open, optimistic and honest. Though the Archer can display bouts of argumentative, impatient and critical behaviour, he or she is extremely adventurous in bed. urlLink What Zodiac Sign Are You Attracted To? brought to you by urlLink PERSONI'm dating a PRODUCT and that's who I should be dating. This test is totally biased. None of the men out of the attraction list were ORG. urlLink ORG'); | urlLink postCountTB('107066818004882834');
Sometimes I wonder if I was put on this world for the people who 'can't' or 'won't'. Sure, they're viewed as more polite and all, but a lot of the time they just can't say the things that need to be said. Or won't. That's where I come in. Most days I really don't give a fuck. I mean, I want to be an angel, I really do -- but sometimes someone's got to call a spade a spade, and it's usually me that's doing it. I hope it's not bad karma.
Welcome, everyone, to Lectures on Everything 2004: the same old crap you've been reading for DATE, but without all those things like content , topical issues , and insightful analysis that you'll find in urlLink other , urlLink more popular blogs. New in DATE: Tamara has a mouse. I wrote the following poem for this urlLink poetry quiz at urlLink poetry.com . They claim it's being evaluated by a team of poetry experts as we speak! ORG spiders ate my butt! Only giants made the cut. Smallers ones stayed at the back For fear of dying in the crack. Thank you.
I am feeling a little unsure of myself in regards to my health? Summer just kills me! I was glad it was not hot DATE. for what ever reason ever MS does not agree with heat. I really need to install air unit before it gets real hot. I also stopped taking the drug neurontin for neuropathy it makes me feel way too tired and I feel I am unable to be productive while on it. I was on a drug called provigil to combat fatigue and it worked well, but it is a brand name and not covered the rest of DATE. (DATE) I need to get into guided imagery again and work on focusing on a healthier mind set. I'm hoping now that I'm off the neurontin I can start to lose this weight. It really made me feel way too tired even though it helped the neuropathy. PERSON, dd
urlLink Little Ceasar and Her Bratyness Ms. PERSON; urlLink
Q. Why, if everyone's reading this blog, don't they show their appreciation, enthusiasm and entertainedness with comments?
A-yuh. **Please excuse hectic/non-linear thinking in this post, I'm in too much of a rush to edit.** Well, the half of the zoo pictures are in: We saw peacocks and gorillas not escaping and wild bulls!! Tee hee hee. Pictures from riding the bull at ORG will be up eventually. I'm sort of waiting for PERSON to get my camera developed ORDINAL, and then I can post all the zoo pics and TR pics at the same time and in the right order. Also, check out urlLink Zoe ! PERSON and I went to her ORDINAL birthday party DATE and she's just the sweetest! Lots of other stuff has been going on. For CARDINAL, I'm swamped at work but I sorta love it. I'm really getting the hang of it, I'm really loving what I'm doing and the people I work with and the people I get to meet--I feel run down sometimes, but I decided TIME that run down and tired is only a state of mind and that if I stop complaining it won't be so bad. Besides, how bad can life be when you have a boyfriend who brings you little boxes of Nerds? PERSON ones? How dare I complain? ^_^ On a sadder note, ORG, you are officially given up on. I erased your phone numbers from my phone DATE TIME in a drunken rage and I don't regret it. Who doesn't return 50 phone calls in DATE? And Miss PERSON, you're thisclose to traveling down FAC and getting your ass erased as well. This is wack shit, yo. CALL ME BACK! Moving right along, there are several things I'm looking forward to right now, and now you can look for them too: -----3 days til I visit Anita -----8 days til PERSON visits -----20 days til I visit DATE til I turn DATE til I move to ORG ORG! Oh, also, DATE we graduate bartending class so y'all can look forward to me mixing you up some badass drinks. PERSON, I know you don't read this but I'm addressing you anyway: Remember after I worked at F1 that summer and that kid PERSON mixed a drink for me and gave me the recipie and it was called PERSON's PERSON? I found the recipie DATE in an old pocketbook in my closet! I can't wait to mix it up. Remember that PERSON at the ORG wouldn't make it for us? Some bar made it though, cause we definitely had it, right? Those were some pretty sweet little drinks! How do you even make a shot that has CARDINAL liquors in it?? Anyway, Smells, don't think that you can come to my bar and get one for free, cause you've been neglecting me. Not that I'm bitter. In fact, it's the opposite... I'm happy and having fun and doing interesting things and I wish that some of my closer friends were around to hang with me. I know we live far apart and everything, but come on. I just thought things would be different after we graduated. Like, more not boring! I am not boring, people, hang with me. urlLink PERSON is on her way back to LOC! PERSON, I miss you! Her livejournal says she's leaving GPE DATE for GPE and GPE to visit the 'rents and that she will be back in the GPE in LOC at DATE. Girlfriend got housing at GPE, too, which I hear is pretty hard to do. I'm coming to visit, yo. We can invite our CARDINAL closest friends to dinner! It will take forever and cost a fortune yay! I talked to NORP DATE and she was all, 'How's Alexis? Are you guys having the best time!?' ORG. Alright, it's lunch time and I feel as though I'm starting to wallow in my negative vibe. Booooo! Movies you should see because I did and they were good: Troy The Day After Tomorrow (Jake!) PERSON 3 50 First Dates (just out on video) PERSON (I didn't see it but PERSON did and she recommended it, and she recommended ORG so we trust her) King PERSON (it didn't come out yet but we're still going to see it) The ORDINAL EVENT (because no one's collection is complete without this classic starring PERSON as PERSON and PERSON as Rev. PERSON/the weather girl/PERSON)
Well well.. I only have TIME to finished my DATE vows, find a gift for him and figure out what to wear. Anyway.. thing is starting to get well between me and him. I guess I just have to compromise with him.. Just have to live with the fact that he will always be like that.. There's no way I can change him..
It's DATE TIME and here I am thinking of my neverending 'life is a living hell' theory. Again and again some slight argument came across me and my mom. I really hate the tight situation between me and her. I've been praying hard to make her realize I'm a DATE single lady that needs some space and air to breath. Is it because I'm not praying hard enough or at the same time instead, she is praying for the opposite side of my prayers...hahahaha If that's the situation, it's really gonna be a neverending stress life I'll be living in. I just don't understand! Why is it that I've been put into this kind of situation? Why is she making things hard for me?? The most difficult part is that the fact that I have no choice but to live with it!! I hate the situation I'm living in! She really have to stop being denial! I did my part, why can't she did her part??
Had another dream with my Ex in it. It was similar to all other dreams I had of him ever since the breakup, but this time it was different - I didn't cry, nor feel sad or upset. I dreamt that I had a fever but had to go somewhere, and he volunteered to accompany me there. As we walked toward my destination, we held hands and talked - I felt happier than ever before. Upon reaching my destination, we hugged and kissed goodbye - it felt like time stopped at that moment. I woke up feeling very calm and full of acceptance - that was the most liberating experience I've ever had. And I realised that I have forgiven him and myself. People always sing 'forgive and forget', but I will never forget the valuable lessons I've learned from this 'relationship':- CARDINAL) Never to recklessly throw my love into a CARDINAL-sided love affair, but award it to one who truly deserves it. CARDINAL) Stay away from super-negative guys who degrade my family & friends (and his as well), who can and will eventually pull me down and destroy my self-esteem and self-worth. CARDINAL) My closest and truest friends are the real treasures Life has given to me. CARDINAL) Real love is never CARDINAL-sided but is appreciative of one another, grows together and changes for the better. CARDINAL) PERSON promises can always be conjured out of thin air...it is only when the crunch comes that one can see what the person making those promises really is made of. CARDINAL) Love is never about blame nor staying with me out of guilt. As PERSON once said, 'A woman is like a teabag - only in hot water do you realize how strong she is'.
I cannot believe how fast DATE flew past me. Blink my weary eyes...and its DATE already? I would cheer and jump for joy if not for my tired self. Too bad I can't meet ORG in person, or I'd congratulate him on giving me such long and restful slumber. PERSON. TIME feels surreal. The cool morning breeze carressed my skin while I was out in the garden, and in my mind's eye I was transported to a time when my garden was just a forest, way before it was mowed over and converted to a oil palm plantation. I saw mist enshrouded greenery and could smell the dewy dampness of the morning mixed with the smell of rot coming from fallen tree trunks, and the musty &/or musky smell of sleeping jungle dwellers. Hmm...sure signs that I'm going to have a fever or the 'flu soon.
Fury of the CARDINAL Hells Verse 1 : What a web we weave, burning hell, flames raining, demons dancing, pain seering, eyes scorching, feel it descend, this deathly gaze, let it pierce your mind, and shatter it. Chorus : Against the wall you are pressed, let only to fall, let it bleed, and fall, bleed and fall. Verse 2 : Anvils of hell, arming themselves, fires trail, let not my soul go stale. My soul seeking the door, let it open and close, to only let the flames in. Searching deeper, they will emblaze. Verse 3 : Though they come deeper, it will not stop, the flames only grow, let it watch you in the dark, when you pale, it's reflection. Verse 4 : Unholy it descends, Upon you, strafing you, Rearing it's head it screams, an echo. Verse 5 : You think you are safe, so why don't you run, it will find you, and hopefully bind you.
PERSONYes, I am fed up with the materialistic nature of EVENT. I find myself participating without a thought until I wake up to the reality of selfish desires which underly the whole thing. If there's CARDINAL thing we must do DATE, it's wake up and hear our selfish voices crying out, and then to refuse to feed the hunger of self. Let us instead look to the Lord our Creator, the ORG and ORG which engulfs us, and let us do all for His benefit and glory, for the greatness of His GPE, and for an offering of thanks to Him. About the fishbowl, you should follow the example of the Cat in the Hat: buy some red and white paint, decorate your fishbowl with broad stripes of said colors, and wear it on your head. For added effect, hire some friends to be Thing 1 and Thing 2.
Dear Susan, Your 'boyfriend' is fucking BALD! Good luck with that...
Dear Susan, SUSAN KILLED CHRIST TOO! plus she looks like an X-Men experiment gone wrong... who has their arms enlarged to twice the size of their pudgy body? Christ forgives all, ORG
I'm back on the GPE, cheers fonz. Next time i post i'll think of something interesting to say ORDINAL. I don’t really know what I’m doing with this new blog stuff. I'm going to the LOC for a race DATE DATE. I've got to run and cycle up mountains and canoe in lakes. It all has an endurance theme. It is going to be hell and i volenteered. What the fuck is wrong with me?
i use desktop sidebar, which is not the best rss reader by any means, but has a host of other handy little functions. i've got CARDINAL screens, so plenty of space for it; don't know whether your single gorgeous CARDINAL' lovestick can spare QUANTITY down the side. i'm going out at lunchtime to buy books and a copy of empire. now is the time to give me any final recommendations. i think wobu is back from israel - either that, or there was a really clumsy burglar who didn't steal anything crashing around in the kitchen at TIME. i know on which i'd bet.
everything is going horribly... I used to like myself a lot more when I didn't talk to ppl about my problems. I guess by not stating them, I couldn't keep track of just how many there were. I wouldn't know what could be done... I'd never have to listen to another person's ideas. I wouldn't see how they dealt w/ things so much better than I do. But now that I know, and I know the things I must change, it's all the more disheartening b/c I know I won't/can't change. So there they are... laid out in front of me. And I can do nothing. I disgust myself... yet why do I keep mentioning the faults of others when I have so many more of my own? w/e I've become... I hate it.
PERSON is so sick. It is distracting me from everything. I am really worried about him. I hate it when people who are not me are sick, because I can't get inside them and gauge how sick they really are and how much taking care of they need. I worry I'll underestimate and he'll get worse. Maybe I should have forced him to go to the doctor DATE. Anytime anyone has a fever, I get scared. But the fever is gone TIME, so at least the cold medicine seems to be doing its thing. Perhaps I worry too much and he will be fine. My shoulder thing is getting worse. Lifting my arm up is excrutiating and my hand is tingly. I should go have it looked at, but frankly there is no way to find the time right now. This is probably going to be a pretty stressful DATE. My CARDINAL priorities: CARDINAL. Take care of Mark. CARDINAL. Don't get sick myself. CARDINAL. Write my paper. If I can manage those CARDINAL things, I will be very happy indeed.
Well, its time for DATE recap. I woke up. I posted this. Well, that has been DATE recap. Thats basicly how boring it was DATE, nothing realy happend at all today. All I did was watch PERSON and Spiders CARDINAL on the ORG chanel. I did work on my desktop TIME, so now when I press the ~ key it shows up, and is defaulted to hidden. I am still working on a way to change it to hide/show based on how it was last time I hid/shown it. I'm guessing its an advanced CSS thing with javascripts or something. I still want to figure out a way to delete the ORG file and refresh the desktop through javascripts. I want to be able to change the html file and see what was changed when I refresh instead of having to goto the display property's and reaplying the html as my wallpaper. I still need to come up with a readme file and upload it to somewhere.
I Want I want .. your eyes deep and blue sensual looks taking my breath, making the mind whirl. I want .. your voice velvet and sweet whispering longings feeding temptations, guiding the burning hunger. I want .. your teeth sharp and forceful caressing nibbles biting my nipple, urgeing quakes inside. I want .. your hands stroking and coaxing finding the hidden prize entering heaven, yielding groans of desire. I want .. your cock hard and swelled plunging within forcing moans, passion deeply pulsating. I want .. your heart tender and caring sharing emotion silently building, acknowledging WORK_OF_ART. Rose 1/6/2004
urlLink picture picture taken in the shop... i was pretty tired here...got a car accident and that damn biatch (lol) who bumped the car was so annoying that we fought in front of the police.  urlLink
CASTING COUCH --Another Phillip PERSON book is headed for the big screen. Director PERSON ('WORK_OF_ART) will helm an adaptation of PERSON's 'ORG. PERSON is currently courting the husband and wife team of PERSON and PERSON to take the leads. Their daughter would be played by PERSON ('Thirteen'). The story of a man and woman living the NORP dream with a perfect family life unravels as they discover their daughter is a revolutionary terrorist. If the principals are signed, PERSON is eyeing an DATE. ORG (which produced another PERSON adaptation, 'WORK_OF_ART) is set to produce. Connelly is currently filming 'Dark Water' in GPE. --Douglas Adam's cult novel 'A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' is also making the transition to film. PERSON, PERSON and PERSON ('The Office') have all signed on to the project directed by PERSON. The movie is being produced by ORG and will begin shooting in GPE in DATE. ORG will next be seen in 'Eulogy' which screened at PRODUCT. --Mike Judge, the man behind 'Office Space' and WORK_OF_ART has written a script entitled '3001'. PERSON has signed on in the lead role as a man who participates in a sleep hibernation study only to wake up DATE in the future. The ORDINAL Century ORG project is also slated for a DATE shooting launch. COOKING UP A WAR? In an interesting piece in ORG , PERSON urlLink points out that a survey of the top CARDINAL newspapers by circulation in the GPE showed a rather revealing trend and suspicious editorialists. Editor & Publisher found that as of DATE, CARDINAL of the CARDINAL newspaper had run editorials on PERSON resignation as chief GPE weapons inspector in GPE and his statement that no WMDs exist in GPE--and likely did not exist in GPE during the GPE run-up to war. While nearly every paper called for a full probe as to the cause of miscalculations and intelligence failures, CARDINAL of the CARDINAL took it a step further. While most of the newspapers surveyed had supported the war effort, they raised the issue of ORG deceit and its possibly blind pursuit of intelligence that fit its plan for war. With such a large scale inference of possible deception, it will be interesting to see how ORG and intelligence agencies respond to such charges. CANDIDATE CAROUSEL It seems that a series of missteps and gaffs have left the campaigns of General PERSON and Governor PERSON with major problems. Of the CARDINAL, PERSON seems to face more dire circumstances. DATE's urlLink departure of campaign manager PERSON is sure to have some negative fall-out and cause a demoralization of his staffers. ORG the staffing changes with money problems and PERSON is left with some major decisions. At the beginning of the political season, I was eyeing PERSON or PERSON as my candidate of choice. Needless to say, I will support whomever eventually gets the NORP nomination. Right now, Senator PERSON seems to have resounding momentum. Senator PERSON may have some strength left in southern states. There is also rumblings of a potential ORG ticket. It seems that it is time for PERSON, PERSON and PERSON to make a swift exit. DATE primaries and caucuses should be interesting to say the least. IT'S 'LIKE' A MIX 'WORK_OF_ARTPERSON vs. PERSON Punk PERSON Edit)'--Madonna 'Don't Do Me Like ORG Amos 'Some Like It Hot'--Power Station 'Like WORK_OF_ART Cox 'I Know What Boys Like'--The Waitresses 'Like A Tatoo'--Sade 'NORP Like PERSON(Can't You) Trip Like I Do (PERSON ORG(Just Like) Starting Over'--John Lennon & Yoko Ono 'Who Needs Love (Like That)'--Erasure '(You WORK_OF_ART) Like Nobody Loves Me'--Tal Bachman 'Wear Your Love Like PERSONI'm WORK_OF_ART Mix)'--Nelly Furtado 'A Girl Like You'--Edwyn Collins 'Burnt Like You'--Skin 'Feels Like Home'--Basement PERSON f/MeShell Ndegeocello 'My WORK_OF_ART Is Like...Wo'--Mya f/Missy Elliott 'Like Suicide'--Soundgarden 'When It's Cold I'd Like To Die'--Moby 'WORK_OF_ART Virgin'--Madonna BEAUTY PRODUCT OF THE WEEK urlLink PERSON Body Scrub
Grove City - First game of the West Penn PRODUCT was a disappointment. The Wolverines took on the NORP from ORG. The West Penn PRODUCT consist of CARDINAL teams (CARDINAL of which one of my family members played on) in CARDINAL predetermined games: ORG (my grandfather's alma mater & where he coached for DATE), ORG (where my dad played), ORG finally ORG (where my brother played.) First half they look great, but somewhere in DATE they got sloppy, which resulted in numerous turnovers (CARDINAL for the entire game.) Their best player I found out, is out indefinitely due to a fracture in his foot & during DATE, their man in the middle left the game, in what might be a season ending injury, a torn ORG. GPE lost CARDINAL-79. In the ORDINAL game W&J beat Allegheny DATE. The ORDINAL game was against GPE. I did not attend, but my brother did & he said they played real well. The Wolverines won this match-up CARDINAL-59. In the ORDINAL game of the night, PERSON beat W&J 60-82. The Wolverines travel north to ORG, DATE (DATE it's suppose to start snowing.) GPE - It was not a good weekend for the Rock, losing both games in the ORDINAL tournament. ORDINAL game was against host, ORG they fell CARDINAL-79. ORDINAL game was better (score wise) but they still came up short DATE. Haverford - The Fords started DATE with a tremendous win over ORG, DATE. PERSON (the player I know on the team) had CARDINAL points in his college debut & played TIME. In their ORDINAL game of DATE, NORP met up with ORG. (Hmm, I was thought, when I saw the name, ORG; as in the Whittier (CA) Earthquake? Yep, this is the ORG from ORG.) They came away with another win, in this close game: CARDINAL. PERSON had CARDINAL points & played TIME. Next game DATE against NORP. Rugrats - Saturday was suppose to be the day we got our roster for Edgewood basketball, but it's been postponed DATE. I heard some rumors of who is possibly going to be playing for me: Returners GPE (my cousin) PERSON (Laurel's best ORG) PERSON Possibilities Tyler - This is one of the coolest kids I have ever met. He's got the cutest personality & if you meet him, you'll probably agree. I hope he's on the team, he'll definitely bring some charm to the team & keep thing entertaining. Madison - I think PERSON's trying to get her to play. I met her DATE & she's a cutie. PERSON - my little ORG player - he was the smallest kid on the team DATE, but he didn't let his size affect his playing. ORG player & you gotta love the name!
Hey...APERS...Does anyone have a frisbee for DATE? Please bring it if you do? Also ORDINAL period may be in for a treat...my sister (THE ORG) is coming into town probably around ORDINAL period. Who is a very competitive player? The PERSON girls will DOMINATE! (Trash talking on the Blog...a ORDINAL for me.) Miss PERSON thank you for the kind words and it has been DATE and I don't think I was at my best but hopefully we all learned something. And I have to say you are definately one of the most talented and diligent classes I have ever had. So make sure you enjoy each other. You are lucky to have a group of students who enjoy learning and thinking. I expect great things from you in your Senior year and would love for you all to keep in touch! Thomas I hope you are having a good time in GPE. Make sure you get all the assignments that are due DATE. (AP HUMOR) See you tomorrow...let's have a great finish...(My internship is all over but the shouting...) Bring on the farewell tour. ORG
PERSON with PERSON. Photo By Unknown
Hey hey, I be back. Anyway, I forgot to tell you a bunch of stuff DATE. ORDINAL of all, wait, I forgot again...um...ok, skip--ahh, I got it. The hotel doesn`t charge for internet if you are staying here!!! ORDINAL, NORP people are really skinny here. Like, seriously, I`m chubby here. Dead serious. Ok, now close your mouth. ORDINAL, the people smell terrible. There is no deoderant. Well, there is, they just don`t embrace the universal 'lets not knock each other out with our bo' concept. Such a shame. Ok, now for a little activity. Look at your keyboard. Find the 'a.' Now move it to where the 'q' is. Switch the 'w' and 'z' and the 'm' and ':.' Now you can`t just type a '.' Nope, now you choose shift semi-colon. Then add a whole bunch of french characters, such as , , and , and you cqn imagine something close to the thing I`m typing on. It sucks. PERSON. Well, DATE I`m off to ORG, the city my sister lived in for DATE. It should be...interesting to say the least. Again, don`t know if I`ll be back, but I`ll try. After Toulon, it`s the night train to GPE. I`m going to go eat dinner...it`s a TIME time difference here, so don`t think that I always eat so early. Bye bye!!
Life is all about experience. When I was a pissed off adolescent (DATE) it never once occurred to me that maybe all these adults really do know what they're talking about. It never occurred to me that maybe they too went through the same crap I did and perhaps had found solutions to life's mysteries. It just never occurred to me. Now here I am getting ready to pack up the car with my girlfriend and go drive to spend time with her family. (Please pause from reading and go watch the movie WORK_OF_ART. ) Now you know what I have to look forward to. So what does this have to do with experience? Not too long ago I was asked to address ORG of ORG and ORG as the new SGA President. I was ridiculously nervous about the whole ordeal. Imagine a large conference room full of suits and dignitaries from all over the country who have been listening to report after report DATE. Now enter DATE yr old 'kid' who wants to talk to them. Yeah. So all these thoughts were running around in my head. What if I trip? What if I get up there and can't think of anything to say? What if I say something stupid? What if I have something on my face? What if? What if? What if? But I did it. And not only was I fine, but I even received a CARDINAL compliments afterwards. I met and shook the hands of so many 'important people' that I could have been running for president of the GPE. The point is I did it despite all the what ifs. The same thing happens with chanting. I seriously, without exaggeration, feel like puking before I chant something solo. My time comes and I honestly have no clue what I'm doing and somehow the instant I open my mouth the sound comes out beautifully. To bring it all back, these and other experiences have been times when I have been full of doubt, low self-esteem, minimum confidence, and yet I just did it. (sorry ORG) The guy in Meet The Parents was a shmuck. I am not. I know in the end that I will be fine. The times of trial I've had up to DATE have proven that to me. So I guess I'll either be typing my next post in the safe confines of the ORG or from a lonely bus stop somewhere in the middle of GPE borrowing the laptop of some well to do college undergrad who just decided to bus across the country. take it easy folks.
Raca. What a word. Another CARDINAL of those being intoxicated by the exuberance of the verbosity things. I wonder how many times I have been saying let go let God to myself Yet I am not able to do so. I was waked by a nightmare TIME. I was there looking at her, holding her hands, asking her not to go. She pushed me off and ran over to him in her wedding dress. I had enough, I am happy, why cant you let go off me? What have I done to deserve this? Dont you know you are very irritating?, She was shouting at me. Have not been dreaming about her for sometime now. I wonder why I started dreaming about her again TIME. Subconscious? It got worse looking at her website, knowing that she is talking about marriage, kissing him endlessly. Mind over matters! Be careful of what you inject into your mind, you mind affects your emotions, emotions dictates your actions and your actions is what others see and determine how big a man you are, how big is your heart. I should stop everything that is associated with her. Stop thinking and my emotions and actions will change. Thought I have given up and let go over DATE. Being alone has somewhat brought me back to her. I hate being alone! I heard this comment about me being someone who holds the past very close to the heart. Others look forward and I look back in time. Somehow or rather I always treasure the process rather than the results. It used to be a balance as I am always very clear about where I am going in life. Now I have been dwelling too much in the past that I am not moving forward. Wonder how much of it is true. It was really a lovely process with her but the results hurts too much ORG and more headaches. Not very happy with where I am without her. Learning to let go I should when she dont care. In a stage of overcoming now TIME to go not really looking forward to traveling. I should be in GPE or just being here where I am close...
Neddy introduction.............. xxHeyho peepoz!!xx PERSON, ok that was a bad attempt. Hey there! So what's been goin on? What is going on? And what will go on? Today on Homo..... Well what a busy cunt I've been! DATE we went on a trip to the ORG barracks for the big army trip open day Extravaganza!!!! 'Twas alright, we broke down on the way there, got there, it pissed it down, we ate, talked to hot army men who think they're funny (and actually they were rather), watched the mad demonstration thing with bikes and tanks. All good. BUT! The CARDINAL of us had to share the bus with like CARDINAL guys from ORG. I swear to God they were the most fucking rude and horribly racist guys I've ever met. They were making a hell of a lot of fun of the rejects (which granted, we do everyday but never to their faces, and we also never go as far as to call wee PERSON, a retarded kid from DATEgremlin') and then they turned on this girl in DATE. Now at first we hadnt heard them, but we started picking up on what they were saying to her. Stuff like 'Dirty black bitch', 'Boo' and occasionally saying stuff like 'Where's my white hood?' I felt like fuckin deckin them, but of course I wouldn't 'cause I'd get the crap beaten out of me. But it was all good 'cause as they started to leave we all chucked bottles and done a MASSIVE cheer. PERSON great! So then TIME was the school show, cleverly titled 'This isnae broadway!'. I have gotta say it was reeeeeally good. A talent show, but with a script, and with a hint of a NORP twist. Some of it waspure class. There was this little girl from DATE (I think) singing and her voice was just amazing. Throw in some proper PERSON, dancing, singing, acting, and an arse dressed up in Old mens clothes and you've got a show! I of course was looking ORG! PERSON. But the weirdest thing! PERSON's boyfriend Adam, whom I've never formally met, kept staring at me! At first I thought I was just being paranoid, but PERSON and PERSON said they had noticed it too! It wasn't like a glare or anything, just looking......How rather odd. Anyways moving on. TIME is the big eviction in Big Bro! I swear to God if PERSON leaves ill cry! He's great, and PERSON's just a bint! Plus poor Emma! Locked in the bedsit, AGAIN! She didn't even do anything for fuck sake! Bastards! Well I'm gonna sign off now. I think PERSON's out with David and so won't be on, and Angus has like disappeared off the face of the fucking planet! I say that, and he'll probably come on in like TIME! Trust me.... Love me xxx P.S I really gotta get more peeps readin this cause I never have enough comments. Cheers to those who do, as in PERSON and PERSON. PERSON.
Over DATE, GPE, Heather and I have come to know and love several, shall we say 'special' members of the LOC community. Here's a few of our friends:- CARDINAL. LAW Our favourite clan of retards. Discovered DATE, and have grown and expanded since. We have, PERSON senior, with an un-quenchable thirst for life, and lard; ORG senior, a personality and mouth as crooked as her hand; '(haeh)', who parades around in sun-glasses, which cover most of his small head; PERSON, woman, with a wig; The reject, who wandered around behind the sexy's, hoping to be accepted, and finally was in DATE; and the newest member, PERSON, GPE-a-lot. What a crew. CARDINAL lady This horror has been plaguing our dreams for quite some time. With an extremely striking resemblance to the posessed girl from the exorcist, except she is, we think, CARDINAL. She wanders the centre in her water-proof, banged up shoes and hair clasp, searching for a place to have coffee. Her gaze paralyses you on the spot with a mixture of terror and hilarity. God bless her and her coin purse. 3.Muttering PERSON A recent addition to the troops, muttering PERSON travels from mall to mall, in lively conversation with herself. Much is un-known about this troop, except that her favourite colour is tangerine, and that she dislikes eggs. CARDINAL-sideburns guy A wannabe sexy beast. Rejected from the gang, he spends his DATE aiding in the town's busy bus station. A poor fellow, with no side facial hair, and a dark blue fleece which has seen better days. Poor guy. CARDINAL Friends, and PERSON must dance with the over-weight ginger girl. GPE is home to the real one. Standing tall at approximately 6'3, her long tangly hair, freckles and oh so large glasses give Gurt an almost giantess appearence. She is known to appear with a long grey skirt, met with knees the size of grape-fruits and kankles. A rare sight. Last but not least.... CARDINAL. PERSON Our favourite resident slash. This he/she has been spotted on several occasions. As yet, we are un-sure as to whether this is a man in his probational year as a 'woman' before having sex change surgery, or if he is just very effeminate. Or if it's vice versa, as the sex is actually un-certain. Long flowing blonde hair, owl spectacles and black, scaffy clothes, a fine example of our citizens. God bless all the troops, and their cotton socks.
Did anyone else notice what a good sport PERSON was in GPE? Unlike others who like to place blame on other drivers and start fights in the pits! I just got real loose and spun it out,' PERSON said. 'I was running real close to PERSON and someone else was on the inside of us, who we had just passed, so it's hard. 'It was just racing, out there -- it's fun. It's fun racing with guys like that, DATE.' 'Everybody was being pretty courteous to each other,' PERSON said, 'but racing each other hard, so it was good fun racing DATE.' urlLink PRODUCT: PERSON spins from chance for victory
urlLink bath ORG; urlLink
Just one of those days I guess... DATE was one of those action packed days I would rather live without. It all started this am as I was scrambling to grab a refill for my check book I grabbed the set with the misspelled name of Ashely , and they did me no good at all today. On my way in as I was stopped at a light and taking off my jacket as I put down the cell phone, I heard the God awful sound of screeching tires. As I looked up I witnessed CARDINAL really big pick up truck hit one mid sized car almost head on. He hit more on the side and actually ripped the whole tire off her car and sent it flying QUANTITY in the air. I ended my call and called CARDINAL really quick and stopped to make sure folks were fine. I am not an emt, so I left knowing enough other people had stopped to help out. I hope all are ok and not too banged up from the nasty looking crash. Seeing shit like that scares me. I am in the car much more than most folks, even though I am not on the road as much now as I was before. Before I did QUANTITY on DATE almost 500, now I do CARDINAL. But that still is more than the average person drives DATE for work. I am pretty sure when my time comes it will be in the car. That doesn't stop me from driving though, when it is my time, death will find me, driving or cowering in a corner afraid of life, so I might as well live. I did one of those mortality tests back when I worked for the big company and it said from the amount of miles I drove I was CARDINAL times more at risk to die in a car wreck than the average person. Of course it also told me I was exercising too much, and back then I was smoking so I think I came back with a life expectancy in the low 60's, lovely thought ey? I should go back on and take it again, I will have to search for it. So I get to work and I start experiencing trouble with my zipper. I would zip it up, it would work it's way back down. It was frustrating, it is not like they were too tight, they are actually too big for me. Oh did I mention the zipper was the only thing that held up my pants also,so it was a little bit more than just a nuisance. So I keep fighting DATE with the zipper and as I am going into customer #MONEY for the day as I am going to zip back up the pants, pop goes the zipper head, sucker broke right off. Thank PERSON I had my hand back there to hold them up or else allot of people in GPE may have gotten a free show, and not one most want to see. I awkwardly made my way back to my car and searched for a safety pin. The only one I found was a total piece of shit and wouldn't hold them together. So here I am, pants that won't stay up with appointments to go see, and no real way to go get a new pair of pants because the ones I have won't stay up. So I look around the car and have my PERSON moment. I happened upon a roll of white hockey tape that I keep in the car for quick repairs of things. I took the tape and made a belt of sorts by taping the pants all the way around the waist. It was a good temporary fix and I hustled into TJ PERSON with my blazer pulled down low and my purse and my had strategically placed over the hole showing off my ass to the general public. I was a bit worried people would stop and stare, they were black pants, it was white tape, but beggars cannot be choosers. I got a pair of pants went in to try them on and let the attendant know I would be wearing them out. She started to give me lip until I turned around and showed her the state of my pants. She happily agreed. When I got out she had to call the service desk and the little girl behind the counter was laughing before I got up there. She rings me up with a smirk on her face, and I send her into laughter with ' PERSON malfunction. I am just glad I didn't give a show like PERSON did. All in all it worked out, I even laughed my ass off at myself for TIME afterward. Only me would have something like that happen, and solve it with white hockey tape. After work I went out for a really nice quick dinner with PERSON and we went over some stuff in case the worse were to happen. I have no plans on having to carry her wishes out, she will do just fine and live for DATE to come I am sure, but if it helps her feel at ease I will do it. If by chance it did happen I of course would comply with her wishes to the best of my abillities, so she need not worry one bit if she reads this. Afterwards I stopped into a little pet store to get something for the damn fleas the cats keep bringing in. I am talking to the clerk in the flea isle when out of the corner of my eye I catch this low flying rather large blue and gold macaw flying low, being chased by a golden retriever puppy. I guess the bird came in with a customer and the store dog decided to try and catch it. I ducked just in the nick of time, he barely missed me and knocked a bunch of lightweight stuff onto me that was on the top shelf. I helped the kid and the customer round up the parrot and made my way home. I had enough for DATE, hopped in my jammies and not going anywhere, it's just not an enjoyable day to be me. At least I survived it all, and I get to live another day. Oh well we all have those days where shit happens allot and DATE was my day. Love to all and take care.
NORP pocket with a side of old memories... DATE I just finished my lunch, a Philly cheese steak lean pocket, in homage to all my brothers and sisters attending the conference in GPE, I hope they all get there and back safely. Anyway, I turned on the TV, and it was still on espn from watching the GPE game TIME. All of a sudden I was brought back DATE, and to these old memories.... My son had been born in DATE, a beautiful, healthy child. DATE after he was born, I figured it was time to get traveling again for work, and headed to GPE, not easy to do when you have such a precious gift. I had made a few stops in the GPE area, dodging snowflakes and trying to stay on the road. I was crossing GPE mountain heading to GPE, not advisable in a snow storm. I was about half-way up when my cell phone rang, it was Co. My son had taken ill, and was being admitted to the hospital. I hope to God, that I never have that awful feeling of utter despair, and helplessness I felt at that moment, and for TIME it took me to get home, at inadvisable speed, even in dry conditions. I did get there ok, found PERSON and my son and had her just about calaspe in tears in my arms. It was one of the hardest sights I ever saw, there in an oxygen tent lay my DATE son, so beautiful, so helpless. He had been diagnosed with ORG, a potentially fatal respiratory virus he picked up from someone who should not had visited us in the maternity ward whose daughter had the same virus. I calmed Co down, and told her she should go home, relax and shower, come back latter, I'd take care of him for now. It was so hard to see him so sick at such a young age, he had to stay in an oxygen tent to stay alive, and had an oxygen tube for extra help. The only time he came out, was to be changed and to be fed. Co and I took shifts staying with him, so he would never be alone, as we were not sure he would be coming home again. I had days, and would read, and watch the ORG basketball conference finals, while he slept. CARDINAL time while feeding him, I still had the game on, and I noticed he was watching. There I was, dealing with all the issues from his illness, and my own life direction, bonding with my son. For the rest of DATE he was in the hospital we would watch basketball together. I am sure he couldn't even see the TV clearly, but he was instead attracted to the sound and movements, but it didn't matter. I was male bonding with my son, one of the few times in my life I have been able to do so, and CARDINAL of the last too. I can still bond with the boy, and do man stuff with him. I will be taking he, and my daughter fishing on DATE DATE. It is just not the same, I feel so bad sometimes, I cannot provide for him a male role model, only another female one. He got better, even though on his ORDINAL to last day, he was on the verge of death his oxygen level had gotten so low that if it continued to drop he would be dead. I am sure he was healed by the power of prayer, combined with the power of science. The little shit fought like hell, and he is a strong boy DATE from it. I hope we can make even more memories together in the future. I remember how I felt normal for DATE,sitting there, feeding my son, while watching some basketball together. This incident delayed me coming out for a little while longer, it was an oasis in a desert of non gender congruent confusion. But you can't stay on the oasis forever, and my issues with congruency grew stronger afterwards. ORG, sorry for losing thought process a couple of times, I actually started crying while re-living the whole incident while writing. I am so lucky and blessed to have these memories, but they do have an edge to them that still cuts. urlLink postCount('107911677064668790'); | urlLink postCountTB('107911677064668790');
You know how 'they' say you learn something new every day? DATE I learned that I should never ever try to parallel park downhill. Especially a steep hill. When I'm pulling forward I'm terrified I'm going to crunch the car in front and when I have to back up I'm afraid if I give it too much gas I'll crunch the car in the back but if I don't give it enough gas then I'll be back to crunching the car in front . . . No cars were crunched in the making of this post.
urlLink More on the firing of  PERSONand PERSON . Sources said that ORG showed up for work TIME, when the show had TIME call time, and was sent a termination letter soon afterward. ORG was understood to have been sent a similar termination letter DATE. Sources said ORG recently asked all of the actors on 'ORG' to send in a formal letter assuring the network that they would report to work as scheduled for the start of production on the show's ORDINAL season. Sources said ORG terminated PERSON after failing to receive her letter. It is not clear whether the actress had sent the letter, but CARDINAL source indicated that she had. Eads did comply with the network's request to submit his letter, sources said. Eads and ORG, both of whom have been with the drama since its debut in DATE, had approached the network about a salary increase for DATE, sources said. ORG is said to have responded with what industry sources described as a modest take-it-or-leave-it offer of an increase.   . . .   Sources said ORG and ORG had CARDINAL more seasons to go on their existing contracts. There were conflicting reports about whether series stars PERSON ( urlLink news ) and PERSON were at work DATE, but CARDINAL source said that the only cast member on the set that day was PERSON. Reports of strife on the 'ORG' set came on the same day that the show earned an Emmy nomination for best drama series.
A Picture is worth a thousand words... and I don't feel like typing CARDINAL words so how bout i just show you a bunch of pictures.  PERSON was ORG as usual.  I absolutly love that place.  I really brings me back to who I am and what I believe.  It was the place of so many realizations when I was a camper.  Now, It will hopefully be supplying me with a paycheck in DATE; If anyone wants to find me DATE after my freshman year of college.  That's where I'm gonna be.
Went to a meeting DATE -- motivated by the 'free ice cream' -- of the ORG committee for a journal I did some subciting for (reminder: that means footnote-checking). They had about 8 of those haagen-dazs ice cream bars -- chocolate covered in chocolate, or vanilla covered in crunchy chocolate, or chocolate and vanilla covered in saturated fat and sprinkled with unsaturated fat. CARDINAL. Which was enough for each person at the meeting to have CARDINAL. Not a very well-attended meeting. Which made me feel bad, since I was only there for the ice cream. Now I feel obligated -- now that my name's on the list, and now that I've taken their free ice cream -- to actually get involved in this ORG committee. If only I had the foggiest notion of what a ORG is...
GO TO SLEEP, PERSON!!! -Sane Intolerant-
Linux Today: internetnews.com: A New Cocoon from PRODUCT 'ORG released the latest version of its largest PERSON based project DATE, an XML publishing framework known as PERSON...' urlLink Read Complete Article urlLink http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2004-05-28-026-26-NW-SV-DV ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can manage your account by logging into urlLink http://rss.blogstreet.com
ORG — Spc. PERSON, DATE, of GPE, GPE, died DATE, in GPE, GPE, from injuries sustained west of NORP by an improvised explosive device. PERSON was assigned to ORG, ORG, GPE, GPE.
ORG — Sgt. PERSON, DATE, of LOC, GPE, died when a PRODUCT went down on DATE, in GPE, GPE. ORG was assigned to GPE, ORG, GPE, GPE.
My, isn't urlLink this interesting . Same unit, some of the same alleged abuses:'At both places, prisoners were hooded, stripped naked and mockedsexually by female captors, according to a variety of accounts.'I thought this went deeper, and would get worse.
He came home last nite & needed to vent abt his job. I understand so I let him vent and made him chicken & salad . We do the atkins diet. He wants to look for a new job after he has DATE at this current one. ( he is doing well for now where he is at ) BUT he said 'I need to go to church again soon'. He has to work on sundays and cannot have it off for church. He told me DATE he is starting to sway towards my way of thinking lately....good vs evil...... I sorta think that is CARDINAL or the other. If you are around evil you are subject to its demise. It will get you anyway it can. I know a girl in london, whose mom was a nurse that worked with nuns ( if i remember correct ) and TIME a new nun ( that noone liked ) was talking to her mom the nurse abt good & evil ( in the middle of the nite while patients were sleeping & it was sorta dark where they were ) anyways, the new nun said to the nurse 'evil gets you anyway it can'and then the new nuns eyes turned a sick evil yellow and smiled an eerie smile as if to reveal its true nature and not a nun at all. The nurse said she truely believed she had met 'el diablo' and the new nun was gone DATE. (true story) . I started immediately to see differences after i was saved & i was in shock for abt a month that noone else saw the differences of good and evil and how easy evil fools you and decieves and you dont even realize its happening.which was happened to me all my life.
TIME was like so pissing...had to wake up at CARDINAL cos of some stupid neighbours hu juz move in and making hell lot noise.I was supposed to wake up at CARDINAL but things never go according to plan for me.So den when to bathe and stuff and get ready to go meet some ppl to go to sentosa. At 10:45 i was already in the clementi macdonalds together wif moggy and dere we waited till arnd CARDINAL for kiellne,jak,sarefin and ivan..we were supposed to eat lunch dere but den since i saw some fellow schoolmates dere, i feel kinda uneasy to go walk and order food..dey kept looking at us.So den frm dere we when to catch a train to harbourfront to meet wif the organiser and the rest of the ppl cosplaying..good thing was dat most of the cosplayers dere i kinda noe so dun feel so left out..lol..but too bad never see anyone cosplay characters frm one piece..dere was one gal doin ino frm naruto though..but such a snob..wad a bitch.. Luckily when we reach sentosa the ORDINAL place we went to were to ORG so can haf lunch dere. So while i was eating most of the cosplayers were dressing up and stuff and soon i was helping dem to take pictures and stuff..den i went to play wif deir weapons and stuff..so cool..onli tat the ORG was kinda crowded and ppl keep staring at us..but tat makes it fun..in a way i guess..^^ After ORG we went to some garden and dey were snapping pictures again and stuff so i was taking some sightseeing myself..sad thing was dere a fren of mine broke her nicely done keyblade..:(..cannot play wif it animore..Den we move out to go to the beach but den stop halfwae infront of the merlion and haf a break,den suddenly jak said she lost something so den i help her search arnd and ran all da way back to look but still cannot find..ask her whether she got check the ppls bag and she said yes..so den we tot it was gone for good until she found it wif sarefin..and den it was told tat jak gave the thing to her to hold for awhile when the keyblade was broken back at the garden...-_-...so lame rite...run arnd and retracing my steps for nthing.. Den after da break we went to da beach and den dey go snapping pics again while i took out my precious wakka ball and started playing some games wif those other ppl..den a guy volunteered himself to get buried in the sand so we all bury him and took a grp picture behind him..lol...its was like so funny..seeing his face like tat..anyway by tat time it was like CARDINAL plus to den some of us including me decided to go home so we went to make our way..wahlao..must say tat the trip back was boring and irritating on the monorail..took as long as CARDINAL mins wif tat irritating voice telling history and stuff..like any ppl wan to hear like tat..Den actually wanted to go dinner wif ivan and kiellne but den got no money already..:(..so went home lor..den took a bathe and started writing this post while waiting for damian to come online to go play gb..but dun think can last long..mega tired liaoz.... Days Till Damian Comes Back to SG: DATE
the pistons are ready to host a block party TIME, or at least i hope so. while low scoring games are usually a nightmare to watch, game CARDINAL was a delight. there is nothing better than a game when CARDINAL team dominates the other at CARDINAL end of the floor. i hope the pistons can hold them to 60 TIME.
PERSON replacement, PERSON racing is now up and running. I joined DATE. The good news is that it includes an all star cast... (Mr T, PERSON etc) The bad news is that there is no brucie bonus points :'( You can bet on other peoples err.. cocks and enter your own into some races. As for the ORG addiction thing i was rated a PERCENT addicted (which i don't agree with) urlLink PERSON racing Happy birthday granty -=Si=-
Fuck...I am hella worried...PERSON hasn't been doing his chores, and I hope his mom doesn't blame me. Although if I were her I would think of me as a pretty damn good person to blame. She has various reasons to dislike me, this just being another one. Sure, I am nice, and respectful, and I love her daughter...Wait that last one would not be a positive thing. Well, when I think about it is, because I love her, I don't lust after her. But I would still be the perfect person to blame. Another thing that sorta has me worried is the fact that I stopped by TIME, the purpose being to see if Tori wanted to do something. I hope PERSON didn't get the wrong impression by that, since I can't date Tori, I at least want to be friends, but I can't see that in the forseeable future. Damn that sucks, I still want to hang out with PERSON and I want to hang out with Tori, but things don't seem to be going to well in that department. I think I will have to go back to, do your fucking work or I will demolish you. To Vinny so he stops fucking up, because screwing up is bad. Ohh and another thing, I screwed up was when I called to leave a message for PERSON. I expected the answering machine to pick up, but instead Tori did and I froze, I was speechless, I try so hard to keep from being too stupid around her, so she unexpectedly answered and I screwed up. Damn me....WORK_OF_ART sucks, but is so good at the same time...How can something so painful be so amazing? Ohh well, hopefully things will start to work out, and hopefully Tori and I can be friends, let us pray that will happen... ;-) God bless, and please pray that things work out, for it is love that I am after and love should be the CARDINAL thing that God would happily endorse...
Ahoy, Mateys! I'm sitting alone in my living room with a laptop and a bottle of sangria that I'm about to kill an empty bottle of red cab because the ORG has been so good to me. I leave DATE, PERSON gets back on DATE, and I get back on DATE, which is also the day that she goes back to sea. The best thing is, I didn't even plan it this way. The ORG did it all for me without me even asking! Thanks, guys! So anyway, i pick up the midshipmen that are coming with us, and these guys are HERBS! I told them that subs suck because you work all the damn time, and this one dude is like, 'Well, at GPE, I work TIME, and I like to eliminate all the superfluous things like TV and video games. It's not like I date a lot or go to bars, and If I'm not working, I don't know what to do with myself.' It took all of my strength to keep from throttling his chicken neck and shitting on his choade. This is the same guy who hopes to join the ORG car team DATE. Either that or the team that designs a car that runs off of vegetable oil. What a queer.
actually im going to put my reall name on that thingy
Sorry I've been a little slow creating a post this week.  I'm sorry to anyone who comes out here to see my blog.  It's been very busy this week!  I got asked (for the ORDINAL time) to help my company create a proposal for CARDINAL of our clients and we've been working non-stop to get it out in only 2 weeks!!!  It's probably not very exciting to the rest of you, but for me it's a big step up and will create some good visibility with my managers. In the rest of the more fun world there is definitely more exciting news.  My older brother PERSON and his fam just moved into their new apartment in Ft. Worth.  I can't wait to see it as well as see their bouncing baby boy whom I hear gets cuter and cuter with each passing day. My little sister, PERSON, I am told, looks as if she is about to burst and we are anxiously awaiting the birth of her little girl which will be w/in DATE or so!  She and her husband are working hard at getting their place ready to welcome the new addition to our family! My little brother, Stephen, is kicking bootie and taking names at his DATE job which finishes up in DATE...from what I'm told he will be supporting the rest of us over DATE ;) J/K!!!  Seriously though, he has been doing door-to-door sales and has been in the top of his sales group almost every week!  We knew he had the gift of GPE, but we didn't know he was that slick!  GO STEPHEN!!! Well, that's all from this side of my world let me know what's going on in yours!!!
well i didn't get a manicure. but i did get a perm. i know, its weird. especially for ms. straight hair mcgee. but yeah, i got one. i have curly hair now. at ORDINAL i really hated it but now i kind of dig it. by the time any of my friends see it, im sure i will be completely used to it. memphis was fun. my mother and my brother only got on my nerves slightly. i went shopping with my mom and she bought me tons of clothes. that is exciting. over all it was a great trip. i made peach cobbler with my dad so that was really fun too. tomorrow i am going to CARDINAL flags. it will be my ORDINAL time DATE. i am going with my friend teresa from work. she is really cool. we are going to go to the water park. my mom says this will turn my newly permed hair green but im willing to take my chances. ive had green hair before. man someone just drove past my house real angry like. and shouted out the window. it sounded like they said 'girls can't eat CARDINAL pizzas!!!!' but that doesn't seem like something to shout. i am moving up soon. countdown =DATE.
Allow me to regale you with the horror and majesty that is GPE, GPE. Beneath the haze of humidity coupled with particulates of industrial waste, lies a vast capitalist haven of un-zoned lots and haphazard high-rises. GPE is the backwater bastard child of GPE. It has neither has the impenetrable pretentious ness of GPE nor the glamorous cachet of GPE. GPE, the ORDINAL largest city in GPE, is ultimately an oil city. GPE is southern. It is the sticky reservoir that drives the economy. From the towers of downtown you can see the refineries do their work. The lights atop the stacks are lit and the smoke lingers in the air long enough to create a semi-translucent shield over the entire metropolitan sky. The city stretches. It reaches and extends itself throughout the vast expanse of a land that was once a swamp. The bayous, the stifling humidity, the endless summer and spring rainstorms, the random crocodile in quiet suburbia are necessary reminders of the metropolis past. Amidst the expanse of skyscrapers, hotels, and tract homes there is certain cohesion, a singularity of purpose, a reason for a madness that necessitates a modicum of pure freedom; a freedom to build whatever you what, wherever you want. Take the typical strip bar owner, in any other city he or she may have to brave countless restrictions and zoning regulations. Indeed, he or she may be restricted from building in certain residential or business areas, however, in GPE this is not typically the case. So one may take a leisurely ride or stroll along Westheimer, a vastly important throughfare, and encounter many a strip bar integrated with various commercial and residential establishments. This is beauty.
Wah. Had a bad bad sleepy day. Think I lacked sleep due to the re-tests and all... Had a bad spinning headache, as well as a slight fever in school. Guess the heat subsided already as of now.. School was pretty fine, just that I skipped ORG lesson, due to the headache of mine. Just sat in a corner. PERSON kinda hot in the head... and sleepy, of course. After school I took bus CARDINAL to Serangoon FAC station.. was planning to take the FAC to PERSON, and change to CARDINAL. But somehow the 'feeling' of walking home from there caught me.. as a result, I saw myself walking home under the scorching sun, but I still felt good, headache already took a turn for the better... Wonder why I'm walking home DATE... There's just this urge... and well, enjoyment. WORK_OF_ART when PERSON and PERSON spotted me. Crossed the road to talk for a while, they teased me for having a motive (uh.. see girls they claim ?) to walk home by there.... (-.-') Dont know what they will say DATE.... Sigh.. >. Headed home, got a call from mum to see my godfather.. so i bathed and took a cab down to PERSON where I caught a train to GPE to meet my mum. Went to Tan Tock Seng hosptial, saw my godfather in a poor state... all skinny, and unable to talk.... Sigh. Went to meet PERSON at GPE, went to ORG PRODUCT to play some ID. Met a guy whose name I shall not mention, ew. ORDINAL time he ever lowered his ego and talked to me with a smile. At that moment, I just felt we had switched identities... PERSON.. And GPE was there too. Played a bit, headed to ORG at TIME. Darn fast food... its getting really tiring and heaty eating this stuff.... my fever is gonna come back soon... eeks. Came back home on a cab, with PERSON. Studied till now, blogging, and heading to bed ASAP for my beauty sleep. Damn... I dont want to flunk my ORG test DATE... lol... Nightz !
AHH I'm finally going to put stuff, I haven't done this thing in like FOREVER. Well anyways, found a couple of funny things when i went out of town, said a funny thing too, well anyways.... When we were leaving kenedy a very disturbing sign popped up: 'Thanks - N- Come Again' When we were on our way to PERSON had been getting me mad, well she asked 'Mom, what does nurse mean?' so I decided to tell her 'Here's an example: When I'm done kicking your ass, someone will have to nurse you back to health.' everyone started laughing, except savanna of course. Mom said I was evil DATE at Schlitterbahn, some people decided to give my mom attitude, be rude, act a bitch. SO when they were gone mom goes 'go get the salt from the car' I came back, and gave it back to her. These people had a box of donuts, and so my mom popped the top off the salt and poured it into the donuts. Luckily salt looks like sugar, these people hopefully fell for it. What's the worst of it, mom talked about it in front of them. Well I think that's pretty much it...so, i'll go, bye bye
1. What do you keep under your bed: dirty mags CARDINAL. What do you keep on your nightstand: an orange bear from alaska, cell phone, alarm clock, a pink tin with pennies in it and some carmex CARDINAL. What CDs that are in easy reach:i dont really have any within reach. they are all put away in this really kewl cd case that grabs them for me and schtuff. yep. CARDINAL. What stuff do you do every morning:i get pissed off because im tired, then sleep until about 7:15. crawl into the shower get dressed dry hair and off on a jet plane by DATE. CARDINAL. What stuff do you put on your face every morning: eyeliner, mascara, carmex CARDINAL. What stuff do you have in your handbag?: phone, wallet, massive amounts of pennies, cologne samples from pac sun mmmm some carmex and an extra change of clothes :X CARDINAL. Longest time you've stayed out of the country and where?: mexico..pfft for like a day. in tijuana. CARDINAL. CARDINAL thing you're grateful for DATE:the ability to start over when needed. and i guess some people that make everyday a little bit easier. CARDINAL. Favorite high school memory?: i have too many. i guess having the uncontrolable giggles in class. those good days when you see someone in the halls and realize that youre still smiling like CARDINAL mintues later. yep.. CARDINAL. What's your dream wedding?: i dont really think about the wedding, more like the concept. CARDINAL. Favorite quote?: i wish i was as invisible as you make me feel. err..i wish i was as invincible as you make me feel. that last one was modified by charles. CARDINAL. What are some of your weird preferences?: i dont know how to answer this one. CARDINAL. TV character you want to be? : stewie CARDINAL. Weird sleeping habits?: i dream lucidly. CARDINAL. What's your favorite song right now?: view from heaven CARDINAL. Give a line from any song: so here i go scream my lungs out and try to get to you, you are my only one. CARDINAL. Disney songs known by heart: i dislike disney very much. they give kids false hope that the world is somehow more perfect than it will ever be. and for that, i dispise you disney. CARDINAL. What's in your wallet, and how much money: license, ulta card, panera values thing idk, northwest card, some synchro things, kirra samples, a devil sticker, coins, movie ticket stubs, twins tickets, and MONEY give or take a few. CARDINAL. Your favorite pair of shoes? birkies CARDINAL. ORDINAL CARDINAL things I'd splurge on if I was a billionaire: cds. CARDINAL. What are CARDINAL of your favorite cartoon characters?: stewie, goofy, and porky. CARDINAL. Magazines you read on a regular basis?: CARDINAL and cosmo CARDINAL. Things you wear daily? : pretty much always jeans. in DATE, skirts. t shirts i guess. underwear? eh. sometimes comando is fun too. :O :X just playin. CARDINAL. Movies You'd Watch over and over again: willy wonka, clockwork orange, band of brothers, jaws. CARDINAL. CARDINAL bands that you couldn't live without?: incubus, taking back DATE, dashboard, apc, hoobastank. same as emily. but there are a many more. CARDINAL. CARDINAL thing you could spend the rest of your life with?: this CARDINAL person. CARDINAL. DATE I: i was DATE. and still in DATE ugly stage. DATE I: i was CARDINAL. hoping for change, and never got it. DATE I: i was DATE and thought i knew how i wanted to live my life. CARDINAL. Today I: actually know how i want to live my life and desperately seeking the guy that wants to play mini golf with me. CARDINAL. Tomorrow I will: be the same as DATE..i suppose... CARDINAL. CARDINAL snacks I enjoy are: nature valley trail mix bars, mountain best, cheeze its, fruit snacks and water CARDINAL. CARDINAL games I like are: solitare, paintball, the question game, monopoly, and cribbage DATE. Things I can't live without: music, music, music. select friends. music. oxygen. sleep. CARDINAL. CARDINAL things I'd buy with MONEY: music, an ipod, some books and a new cd player. CARDINAL. Top locations I want to run away to: CARDINAL). this CARDINAL place CARDINAL). chicago CARDINAL). florida CARDINAL). rome CARDINAL). your house. and im spent.
Sigh..I'm not having much fun, hehe. I wanted to see that PERSON and the Prisoner of Azkaban movie, but I have no money and had to watch my annoying lil brothers, so no go. Kyray kept going on about how it sucked and how the Dementors looked like umbrellas...XD. But whatever. I'll see it eventually. My fangirlishness depends on it. XD On another note, I really miss PERSON. I haven't been able to talk to her since DATE TIME, and she's the only thing I've been thinking about all day..either I'm worrying about what's happening with her, or I'm thinking of all the romantic things I want to do with her...either way, I couldn't get her out of my mind. Mary suggests that I may indeed be in love with PERSON...hmm..only time will tell on this case.
'If you cyber with a girl while you're in an online relationship, then you're cheating.' Is that right? >_> Well, I suppose I cheated on PERSON if you ant to look at it that way. I was really horny, and PERSON, who I used to have the hugest crush on, told me she wanted me. @_@ So yeah...I took the opportunity without thinking of the consequences (as usual) and did it...SOMEHOW ORG knew I had done it and he and PERSON started arguing with me over whether it was cheating or not..and at CARDINAL point PERSON said that I was classless and was no good to women. And of course PERSON had to say it again. Newsflash: HAVING MIKE SAY ANYTHING TO ME DOES NOT HELP AT ALL. >_> So I'm just going to have to talk to PERSON and hope she doesn't hate my guts afterwards. >> Also, I got to see a new picture of PERSON. Oh my lord is that girl hot. Just....wow. Anyways, yea. Summer school starts on DATE, as well. Reallllllly not a good weekend. -_-
DATE... until GPE ! And the GPE continues... Philip's Exercise of Prayer by PERSON, ORG 'From very boyhood the servant of God gave himself up to prayer, until he acquired such a habit of it, that, wherever he was, his mind was always lifted up to heavenly things. Sometimes he forgot to eat; sometimes, when he was dressing, he left off, being carried away in his thought to heaven, with his eyes open, yet abstracted from all things around him. It was easier for PERSON to think upon God, than for men of the world to think of the world. If anyone entered his room suddenly, he would most probably find him so rapt in prayer, that, when spoken to, he did not give the right answer, and had to take a turn or CARDINAL up and down the room before he fully came to himself. If he gave way to his habit of prayer in the most trifling degree, he immediately became lost in contemplation. It was necessary to distract him lest this continual stretch of mind should be prejudicial to his health. Before transacting business, however trivial, he always prayed; when asked a question, he never answered till he had recollected himself. He began praying when he went to bed, and as soon as he awoke, and he did not usually sleep CARDINAL, or at TIME. Sometimes, if anyone showed that he had observed that PERSON went to bed late or rose early in order to pray, he would answer, 'Paradise is not made for sluggards.' He was more than ordinarily intent on prayer at the more solemn feasts, or at a time of urgent spiritual necessities; above all, in Holy Week. Those who could not make long meditations he advised to lift up their minds repeatedly to God in ejaculatory prayers, as 'Jesus, increase my faith,' 'Jesus, grant that I may never offend Thee.' Philip introduced family prayer into many of the principal houses of GPE. When CARDINAL of his penitents asked him to teach him how to pray, he answered, 'Be humble and obedient, and the Holy Ghost will teach you.' He had a special devotion for ORG ORG, and daily poured out before Him most fervent prayers for gifts and graces. Once, when he was passing the night in prayer in the Catacombs, that great miracle took place of the ORG presence of the Holy Ghost descending upon him under the appearance of a ball of fire, entering into his mouth and lodging in his breast, from which time he had a supernatural palpitation of the heart. He used to say that when our prayers are in the way of being granted, we must not leave off, but pray as fervently as before. He especially recommended beginners to meditate on the CARDINAL last things, and used to say that he who does not in his thoughts and fears go down to hell in his lifetime, runs a great risk of going there when he dies. When he wished to show the necessity of prayer, he said that a man without prayer was an animal without reason. Many of his disciples improved greatly in this exercisenot religious only, but secular persons, artisans, merchants, physicians, lawyers, and courtiersand became such men of prayer as to receive extraordinary favours from God. PERSON Philip, my holy PERSON, teach me by thy example, and gain for me by thy intercessions, to seek my Lord and God at all times and in all places, and to live in His presence and in sacred intercourse with Him. As the children of this world look up to rich men or men in station for the favour which they desire, so may I ever lift up my eyes and hands and heart towards heaven, and betake myself to the Source of all good for those goods which I need. As the children of this world converse with their friends and find their pleasure in them, so may I ever hold communion with ORG and Angels, and with ORG, the Mother of my Lord. Pray with me, O Philip, as thou didst pray with thy penitents here below, and then prayer will become sweet to me, as it did to them.'
Ok, where do I sign up ? urlLink WORK_OF_ART . Link courtesy of urlLink St. Cecilia Was Here .
Where do you stand on unprocessed cat vomit?
Thanks! For posting that article, FAC. That is ..... I just cannot find the words. Why is this happening at this time. This is a throw back to the sixtys where something like this could and did happen. There is no sense for it DATE.
Bloody hell, it happened again! everything posted before the book and country thing is italisized. It is his love, it is his life, it is his fault he didn't lock the garage!
Shoutout to Jonah for being the only one to listen to obvious and simple instructions. And Shoutout to PERSON for the new PRODUCT. Y'all are cool people. Apparently all of you have fallen and hit your head on something hard. If you check Compendium DATE GET! ME! AN! EMAIL! JournalCon shuts down in TIME. So if I get nothing in my inbox, your done. It's all over but the bleeding, people Also (Especially Erin and GPE) need to read ORG at What Kind of Day Has It Been. This is my last chance to pimp out my site before departure DATE so I'm taking it. GO urlLink HERE NOW! And also add 'prolly' , 'nurr', 'Cya' and 'WoRdS wItH rAnDoM CaPiTaLiZaTiOn' to the Echelon list of words that annoy PERSON. Although my pointing that out will probably just make you say them more. And PERSON, the word 'subjugate' will forever be dirty in my mind. And PERSON, Sorry if I appeared dodgy, I thought you wanted CARDINAL of my Twizzlers. And You would have had to have pried them out of my cold dead hands! And PERSON, I believe the quote is a misinterpretation of CARDINAL of Maya Angelou's poem. The one where she's got oil wells digging in her back yard. Yeah, that one. (if you were in my PERSON class during the interpretive reading of that poem you saw PERSON groping himself. Yeah, I wish I had missed it too.) Does my sexiness offend you?
'ORG by PERSON, Jr. DATE we take a look back at some champions of nigga's past. PERSON a native WORK_OF_ART grew up in ORG. He is a somewhat chubby fellow, his mother however insists he is 'stout, robust, just a little husky'. Despite his CARDINALlb frame Jimmithy would become on of the finest ORG to hit ORG in some time. Jimmithy was not blessed with the greatest throwing arm and he found himself unable to play end. End is the striking position one that most big guys play, in which the end attempts to hit scatmen with the ball. However, unlike most big guys his age Jimmithy was ELUSIVE! Jimmithy had more moves than PERSON, and had more agility than a puma! He proved to be CARDINAL tuff hombre in DATE. Jimmithy was the lead scatman for his CARDINAL and under team for ORG. He declined offers to play for GPE Thicket Rec. becasue they only wanted him as at End. Jimmithy honed his skills in the doorways and halls of Edgewood! he would often dodge basketballs thrown at him by neighborhors to sharpen his tacitcs. He was a crafty nigga to say the least. He always wore medium jerseys to erase any doubt that he had been nooked (hit with the ball). He received several bad calls being so portly, his coach the legendary ORG 'Otter' PERSON advised him to be proud of his bigness and use it to his advantage. CARDINAL game versus the cross town rival ORG. Jimmithy recorded a record CARDINAL wouldas(woulda gotten hit had he not faked them out). Boy he extended many matches in DATE, but this one lasted a record 15mins. 15mins for a CARDINAL-and-under ORG game is unheard of. Adult matches often range from CARDINAL on average. That boy could move like a sneeze in the wind, like PRODUCT on a fastbreak, like PERSON in a NORP foxhole......The nigga was good! He was unseen, a freak nature at CARDINAL yrs old, he jumped to semi-pro at DATE and 275lbs, he gave these DATE olds all they could handle. trying to nook him was like trying to catch a greased midget in DATE. He went to the pros in DATE at CARDINAL, and has takenover. He is a perrenial starter for the Ivy City Running Rebels! LOC hasnt seen a finer athlete. He's better than PERSON and PERSON, DATE we celebrate a great one PERSON, his legend grows with his appetite! Business News by PERSON In the automobile industry, ORG has run into a possible problem with some of their 2004 Models. There is a possibility of transmission failure in their full-size pickup trucks, SUV's and vans. The estimated number of vehicles affected by this failure is estimated to be around CARDINAL. ORG has requested that dealers not sell or deliver more vehicles from their Willow Run Plant until each vehicle has been inspected. Although these precautions are being made, ORG has reassured that the problem does not pose a safety issue. The cause of the possible transmission failure is due to a faulty pump within the transmission system. These faulty pumps may prevent lubrication from reaching the overdrive gearset bearing. Although CARDINAL is a rough estimate of the faulty vehicles, NORP PERSON says that CARDINAL vehicles are at some risk. Some of the more popular vehicles on this list are ORG, ORG and the ORG. These additional CARDINAL vehicles in risk were in transit between assembly plants and dealers when the problem was discovered. As a precautionary measure, ORG automobile owners are being instructed to use the ORDINAL gear instead of overdrive until their vehicle has been inspected. The inspection is free and can be done at a dealership service center. ORG is also contacting vehicle owners and informing them via phone and letters. This situation should not be mistaken for a recall, because this is not a safety issue. In other ORG, ORG is recalling CARDINAL Oldsmobile PRODUCT sedans. ORG reported that fuel from these sedans can leak into the engine causing flames. CARDINAL complaints have been filed to ORG. It has been reported that the fuel is leaking due to the degrading and cracking of the nylon tubing used in the fuel rail.
Lately ive been thinking theoretically and philisophicaly alot about dating and relationships and other things. I think some people want a perfect boyfriend/girlfriend and since that doesnt happen much the person tends to make someone they find they like a little perfect to them. So my question is would you, personally, make a person change their ways, habits, looks, whatever to your version perfect person? The answer to my own question is no. I will accept the person for who they are, thats why i fell in love with them anyway isnt it? Personally im willing to accept a persons bad habits. No matter how bad they might be. No one is perfect, and as urlLink Susannah said, 'being perfect would be an imperfection.' I'm assuming this posts comments will be more than alot of others, and people? dont argue in the comments please? Thanks I can already smell vermont everyone. -Nate GPE the mish mash balley smash tik-in-tash car crash
DATE until I'm out to GPE. I am going to miss PERSON a little. Okay just some people. I am so giddy DATE. I would like to be hugged DATE.
urlLink The hunt for 'Plan B' careers Who said work can't be fun? In a tight job market, many job seekers are taking the plunge and trying to cash in on their pastime passions? The Christian Science Monitor reports that many people are turning their hobbies into full-time work. urlLink read more...
We've got CARDINAL pc's at work that have been taken over by some sort of ad trojan and keeps popping up unwanted adverts. It's very sneaky because it keeps replicating itself after we remove it's files and registry keys. I will not let it beat me - grr. I've tried cleaning it with PRODUCT and SpyBot and yet there it is, keeps on rearings it's ugly head. Very clever though.
Woo! Template change! Check out my nuclear blob on the bottom of the page! He's illin'! w00t!
urlLink QuotesBlog urlLink QuotesBlog now has comments.
President PERSON sigened my award DATE. That means several things. CARDINAL) I am never trusting any outside-of-school-but-funded-by-it programs. 2) I will burn this award. CARDINAL) He is trying to convince me to support him. Even though I cannot vote. CARDINAL) PERSON is just as bad.
the answer is not really. Please dont go getting my cds, my parents wont give them to you. Dont blame me for hanging up, i did it for the best. You were complaining on why i was mad, it wasnt mike at all this time. It was how you want to talk to me so bad because i was in Pr and than went and talked to other people. I took that as very disrespectful. I dont hate you, i just dont want to be accociated with you if you are going to keep getting worse and worse. I ORDINAL met you and i was in aw, you know that. Than you started growing into something i didnt like and it just snowballed. I dont really want to talk to you if i cant feel comfortable with you. Right now, thats how i feel. Thats probably how i will always feel. Sorry, you have moved on and so have i. I guess i moved on in a more blunt fasion. enjoy, PERSON ps, dont e-mail back with how much of an ass i am in this email. I'm just stating how i feel. you will get the photos in the mail, not from my mom. Dont call them complaining about me either. Thats childish. Coming from me, that one should sting. ____________________________________________________________________________________ i hate him. im so pissed at him. he hurts me liek this all ORG! and i let him. i didnt do anything worng, anything bad. ya know i try to be nice to him and i didnt do anything wrong. i answered mikes question and he ORG out. fucking dick.
i heart you.
urlLink ORG and GPE's Elite Celebrated at ORG to Debut the T-Mobile Sidekick II
urlLink ORG: Touch wood/knock on wood “What is the origin and true meaning of knock on wood or touch wood?” And an interesting addition - 'A NORP version says it originated during EVENT under GPE during DATE. During that time Jews were in flight and since temples and synagogues were built of wood, they evolved a code to use in knocking on doors to gain admission. Since this resulted in lives being saved, it became commonplace to knock on wood for good luck.'
urlLink PERSON The Waiting Game
Today was DATE. It was a record-breaking day. I managed to make it to the fork DATE, which is CARDINAL further than I have ever made it before. I could have made it further along the path that goes up to ORG, but the road is much deteriorated and consists of nothing more than a thin layer of asphalt covered by eroded asphalt, amounting to a lot of gravel. Gravel is the enemy of the road bike. The path to the ORDINAL Level isn’t much better since it amounts to nothing more than steep switchbacks. I would have made it maybe a metre or CARDINAL. Instead I simply dismounted at the fork and walked up the Northwest Lot path as usual, but this time content knowing I beat my record and significantly reduced my travel time. I had some gear problems that I fixed over DATE, so I think that really helped make it up the hill. As well, I found DATE that if I swerve from the right side of the path to the left side of the path, I could make it further up the path than if I approached the incline head on. I think I will stop at the fork from now on until I can acquire a mountain bike for the gravel or until I feel sufficiently fit to tackle the switchbacks. UPDATE: On my ride home, I managed to increase my distance covered to include an extra CARDINAL street lights. I estimate this to be CARDINAL. Definitely more than I expected, and it gives me encouragment to think I may be able to make it to the top of GPE-up Drive—without having to dismount—by DATE.
I would like to reflect on the following questions: What do you think are the learning theories guiding week CARDINAL activity? Can you transfer what/how you learn to your future teaching? What was the pedagogical approach employed? What were the tools used? What do you think the engaged learning framwork?
ahhh finally done w/ all my secondary applications. i just finished temple. really highly doubt i'll get anything from the UC's....*shrug* GPE's suck anyway!!!!! :P anyhoo, just wanted to drop in and say hello to everyone in the house---or shall i say NOT in the house. I get to go home DATE so that's cool...I'm hungry, I want turkey hehe. I bought ORG tickets for DATE so I'm happy about that. It will be a good DATE break. I cant' wait until school is done. I hate it. I hate DATE. I need more structure. I don't like research...it's interesting but I'm too lazy to be doing all that work dammit. I'd rather see patients and take their history's...can't I get WORK_OF_ART degree by doing that? hehe...master's in community service. awesome! :D i am neglecting my research duties...but I don't care. don't care!!!!! mmm oh I watched Dawson's Creek...I didn't really like the ep too much....the show is annoying, but I watch it every week...weird. i just don't like the fact that everyone gets w/ everybody else. I guess you need that kind of dynamic to keep the ratings up. I guess it would get pretty boring if PERSON and GPE were together for the whole duration of the series. Ah well, I don't like PERSON right now...I like the guy PERSON has, but no doubt before the end of the series D and J will get back together....i don't think they should. I DO however think PERSON and PERSON should....don't worry they will. hehe. Ok enough of my sad sad sad discussion of TV characters as if they were real people. *sigh* the life i lead...it's sad hehe. currently listening to: THE LOUD ASS LATIN MUSIC PLAYING IN THE LOUD ASS CLUB NEXT DOOR. they play every wed til 2am....i'm livin in the lap of luxury, complete w/ live in mice and GPE just the one cockroach that i saw and tried to kill today)...soon my room will smell like smoke if it doesn't already.....*COUGH!*....*cough*...*choke*.....*flatline*---'beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep'
By 'PERSON' I meant PERSON ...just to save 'confusion'
i HATE when CDs don't have lyrics included! I'm usually pretty good at deceifering lyrics, but sometimes, I have no idea what the heck they're saying! There's actually a cool web site that has a lot of lyrics which I check out on occassion (it's - duh - urlLink www.lyrics.com ), but it doesn't have everyone. Like, when I went to the Gavin DeGraw concert DATE, ORG opened for him and he was AWESOME! So, I got his CD. Since he's a new artist, the CD case is just blah. And, of course, there's no lyrics! I tried lyrics.com, but he's not listed (which wasn't a suprise), but I tried googling lyrics to no avail. ORG! Most of the songs are clear, but there's one which he's talking about GPE and he's got some NORP words in it which I don't recognize. Oh well... I'll just keep pretending until he gets big enough to be listed.
20 Questions to a ORG Wackiness: 56/100 Rationality: 44/100 Constructiveness: 50/100 Leadership: 44/100 You are a ORG--ORG. This makes you a menace to society , depending on how you channel your energies. You chew your fingers and have an addictive personality. Properly guided, you can be enormously productive--otherwise you run amok, stir up trouble, and generally have a hell of a good time. To your friends, you are a source of relentless entertainment. You often get into trouble, but you almost always find a way out. You are strangely popular and feed off others' energy. You live hard, seize DATE, and although your more sober friends would like to see you settled down, you generally have fewer regrets and better memories than they do. Your tenet is that, at DATE, CARDINAL regrets only what one didn't try. You are right. You could benefit from outside help in balancing your highs and lows. Or perhaps cutting back on the caffeine. i've never thought of myself that way...but if the experts on some random quiz say so they must be right!! har...
Dude I just went babysittin and made CARDINAL$ and i am makin another 25$ tommarow
OK THESE R THE BEST AVATARS IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!! this is spose to be me...lol img src='http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v258/svnstrywrld/pinkeye.gif'> You gotta admit they r GPE..........lol ~Lea~
A story update from the urlLink piece we linked to on DATE about CyberQuest manipulating blogspot blogs to boost pagerank in google is available urlLink here . ORG's managment denies all knowledge of the strategy and is claiming an 'affiliate' was responsible. For some reason I have an itchy chin TIME...
Which presumably means something along the lines of " urlLink OMFG! The bus is on fire! "
Ok I don't get this. Why are so many people so hadap (desperate) for EVENT tickets. Hell they even have contests to give away ORG PREVIEW tickets. That's tickets to the rehearsal it's not the even the real thing. Yeah I know all the propaganda bullshit about how we should be proud of our country and all that. But seriously any singaporean should realise it's the same crap everyday. The lame ass symbolic attempts at showing how our country is full of culture and how we all live in perfect racial harmony. Then they will get some local LANGUAGE pop star and/or actress (for whom LANGUAGE isnt even her ORDINAL language) singing a really horrid english national song that they probably came up with in TIME to commemorate the occasion. Then you get the CARDINAL ethnic groups coming out in their traditional costumes, never mind the fact that no one here wears them anymore. ORDINAL they will sing and dance separately. Then by the end of the performance they will all merge together and dance in CARDINAL united circle in a show of racial harmony. Then you get the middle-aged and really old people whom they pull away from their jobs at their factories to take part in some lame ass performance where they spent DATE to learn how to wave sticks with shiny streamers at CARDINAL end in perfect synchronization. Hey we gotta make them feel like they are important right. You know what I wanna see? I wanna see our grossly overpaid ministers (who by the way were the ORDINAL employees to get their paycuts restored) doing really dangerous stunts for charity like what celebrities do for that ORG show. Heh that will be fun, seeing these pple doing some real work for a change instead of just sleeping during parliment. Or have some free-for-all event like ORG for the ministers; the winner gets to be the next Prime Minister. Well it does makes more sense than appointing someone just because he's the son of a former Prime Minister. Come on you know as well as I do that's true.
DATE i wonder why i was born an NORP ...DATE was CARDINAL such day. My parents and my CARDINAL aunts are sitting in the hall watch this tamil variety show. So i sit down and watch with them out of courtesy lah. I''m watching the show and i'm trying to figure out whats so interesting about it. In the show its basically local NORP stars dancing and lip-synching to songs from the tamil movies , or else they themselves would be singing the songs, like karaoke. And I'm thinking to myself why would anyone wanna see something like that ? Really dun understand ...sigh
Yay no more GPE trip!!! Can celebrate national day in church! Long live GPE! DATE was s0 fun, i went for kayaking in the morning, church in the afternoon and L-cell in the night. In kayaking, we paddled under Merdeka Bridge to a deserted beach. Then, we beached our kayaks and took a swim out to sea(with our life jackets of course). The filthy water was so salty that everyone was choking and gagging on it... 0_o As usual, i found that i had fibreglass splinters from carrying the kayaks. The rough sand on the beach had worn off shards of fibreglass and they got embedded in my arms and hands as i carried the kayak back to base. They were stinging me badly...my arms were covered with red spots... At church, bryan gave me some scotch tape which i used to stick the fibreglass out from my arms(wow that hurt)...the wounds closed up amazingly fast ^^ After church we had L-cell. We walked to the botanic gardens to have dinner at food haven by the park. Guess who we met there? My mum!!! Argh ~.~ And we were sitting close together too...PERSON tortured me... After dinner and cell discussion, we proceeded to the park for a game. Since it was GPE's and PERSON's birthday, we decided to play a trick on them. We pretended to play a game of sardines, where CARDINAL person had to go hide and others and to go find him. But in this case, we all had a pre-arranged meeting point. Soon, the CARDINAL girls were wandering around alone in the dark park, looking very lost. Meeting up, Bro. Adrian decided to send PERSON and I to lure the girls to the 'ambush' point. Things went so liquid smoothly! The girls were feeling skittish after wandering around the deserted park and wanted to follow me and PERSON around looking for Bro. Adrian...we led them to the pavillion and the others jumped out and yelled, 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!' and strted singing the birthday song....it was so cool and funny :) L-cell is so fun :D
Haha, set this up cause everyone's doing it :P
I came really close to crying DATE...I teared up - that doesn't count, right? DATE only seems to get worse and worse sometimes... I'm taking off of work early to focus and clear my head and my eyes. We talked about stuff and cleared stuff up but it also made me realize other things.
Uh-oh...I've gotten myself banned from my own message board. (the CARDINAL in orange) DATE have overflooded the darn thing...CARDINAL posts withing TIME earns an automatic ORG and nickname ban...(riminy for $MONEY.