Include a fourth Category "no-speech" ??
- opened
I have been thing maybe you want to make it easier to isloate or distinguish music and silent audios in the benchmark so do you think it's interesting to add a "no-speech" category like below ?
# Read the manifest file
with open(manifest_file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
data = [json.loads(line) for line in file]
for entry in data:
if not entry["text"]:
entry['category'] = 'no-speech'
let's make every change inside the manifest. this was just a draft to show allow all to see what we have, identify possible errors and correct them.
All the staff that you are mentioning you can make those change in the manifest directly, on my side when preparing data, I will just load them from that.
I did, I uploaded two new manifests with those changes in the drive folder
Alright, I'm gonna host the new version on the server than we can review.