At the Toledo Botanical Gardens you will find the unique little museum called the Blair Museum of Lithophanes. Lithophanes are porcelain plaques when lit from the back show a detailed image. The plaques look pretty plain until light is shown through them. The museum was founded by Laurel Gotshall Blair. These lithophanes are his collection. He donated it to the city of Toledo and now it is housed in a museum at the Toledo Botanical Gardens. The museum is not open every day of the week or all year. It is normally only open on weekends. As of writing, the museum is only open May through October, unless you are a paid group tour. When we went there was no charge for the museum. When entering the building we were greeted by friendly staff member who was very helpful and willing to tell us the story of the pieces. We learned the history of lithophanes, Blair, and the artwork. Probably without the guided tour our appreciation of the artwork would not be as great. So if asked if you want a tour, say yes. The whole building is not huge, but there many lithophanes to see. They are hanging in the lights, on tables, in display cases and on the wall. The plaques were used in many types of lighting in the home, so the way they are used is vast. There are many ones lit up and some you turn on the lights behind them. The Blair Museum has the largest collection of lithophanes, so there are lots to look at. There are scenes of famous artwork, landscapes, people, religious figures and more. So not really one kind of picture on each piece. The museum will not take long to see, but one should really slow down and inspect the artwork. A guided tour is a must. The museum is accessible to all, no real limitations on getting around the museum . This is a hidden gem with a type of artwork that is not known by many. Now is the time to turn on the lights and explore the Blair Museum of Lithophanes.
Described by Mozart as ‘The King of Instruments’, have you ever wanted to know how the pipe organ works? Come along and learn from Daniel Moult, who will illuminate and demonstrate the cathedral’s mighty 1883 Willis organ. This will run from 10am until 11am. Disgrifiodd Mozart yr organ bib fel ‘Brenin yr Offerynnau’. Ydych chi erioed wedi meddwl tybed sut mae’n gweithio? Dewch i ddysgu gan Daniel Moult, a fydd yn arddangos organ Willis 1883 fawreddog yr eglwys gadeiriol.
At the Innovation in Education 2018 fair, I made a short presentation on the benefits of reading to children. Noticing that the participants in the audience where taking notes, I told then that they don’t need to copy everything, that I would publish at least the most important bits for their benefit. My presentation was one of three different presentation on literacy. I shared how I read to my little nephew and how I even volunteered to read aloud to his class, and did, once. This American Life (podcast). Going Big. TedTalk. Lessons from the longest study on human development. TedTalk. Why we should be reading aloud to children. The Big Think. Yale study: people who read live longer than those who don’t. CBC. Illustrated story books are better for kids’ brains than video or text, study finds. Incidentally, if you are interested in what the participants thought of the workshop as a whole, click here.
GateWorld Forum > THE COMMISSARY > Sci-Fi & Fantasy Television > Current Shows > Doctor Who > Who is the best Doctor? View Full Version : Who is the best Doctor? Although at the moment mine is Tom Baker, I think after a couple more episodes David Tennant's going to take over. Tom Baker. Such a great guy and is recognised worlwdwide as THE Doctor. And he had the jellybabies , sonic screwdriver, K-9. He is simply the best. DT is brilliant, a kind of mish-mash of the ninth and fourth doctors. So he's my favourite. Same as Reefgirl. Tom Baker from my childhood and Sylvester McCoy because thats when I got interested in Dr Who again. I hated Colin Baker. Tom Baker. Not Colin, definitely not Colin. Christopher Eccleston beacusle well hes the only person i seen play the part. while im here i might i as while ask this question why is there so many diffent doctors? is it beascuse the acters got tried of playing the roll or is it some thing to do with the story? I liked Baker, Thats When My Father Got Me Hooked Onto Dr.Who ... I Haven't Really Seen Many Of The Others In Action, Just A Few But The Current Doctor Does A Brilliant Job As Well. Tom Baker. Those were the best years for me. Peter Davison was a good follow up though. I had lost interest in Dr Who when the other Baker took over the TARDIS. Colin Baker (6th Doctor) Was forced into leaving the roll when someone new came to BBC and took control over Who. Paul McGann (8th Doctor) The telemovie in which he played the Doctor was the only time we saw his era as a revival did not happen as origionally hoped. Jon Pertwee - fine and dandy. I loved the way he dressed and his manner - the perfect gentleman. Second would have to be David Tentent.
Q: Comparing values in Excel cells I have two workbooks: * *wkbk1 has a single IP address in each cell of a specific column. *wkbk2 has either no IP address, a single IP, or multiple IP's that are separated by a new line (vs a comma) in each cell of a specific column. I am trying to compare the value of cell in wkbk1 to the values in wkbk2. The problem I am having is that the search will compare a wkbk1 IP = as equal to wkbk2 IP = (and any other variant). If I search by (wkbk1 IP + \n), it fails to compare single line cells. The following is my code: #variable top store the highest row number mRow = str(mapIP.get_highest_row()) eRow = str(assetSheet.get_highest_row()) i = 2 #variable for row number output, skips the first row (b/c it is the header row, duh) #create data by comparing IP in map to IP in CMDB for mapIpRow in mapIP['A1':'A' + mRow]: for mapIpCell in mapIpRow: for assetIpRow in assetSheet['E1':'E' + eRow]: for assetIpCell in assetIpRow: assetIp = str(assetIpCell.value) mapIp = str(mapIpCell.value) if mapIp in assetIp: outSheet['A' + str(i)].value = mapIp print(mapIp) #just for feedback that the program is running dnsM = mapIP['B' + str(mapIpCell.row)].value owner = assetSheet['F' + str(assetIpCell.row)].value dnsQ = assetSheet['B' + str(assetIpCell.row)].value #cishort dnsQ2 = assetSheet['C' + str(assetIpCell.row)].value #cialias dnsQ3 = assetSheet['D' + str(assetIpCell.row)].value #ciDesc ciIP = assetSheet['E' + str(assetIpCell.row)].value #ciIP ciID = assetSheet['A' + str(assetIpCell.row)].value #ciID outSheet['B' + str(i)].value = dnsM outSheet['C' + str(i)].value = owner outSheet['D' + str(i)].value = dnsQ outSheet['E' + str(i)].value = dnsQ2 outSheet['F' + str(i)].value = dnsQ3 outSheet['G' + str(i)].value = ciIP outSheet['H' + str(i)].value = ciID print owner #just for feedback that the program is running i = i + 1 else: pass A: Take each cell value (which may contain 0, 1, or multiple IPs) and put it into a list using .split('\n'). Your list comparison if mapIp in assetIp should still work. assetIp = assetIpCell.value.split('\n') if assetIpCell.value else '' mapIp = str(mapIpCell.value) if mapIp in assetIp: This should resolve your problem: The problem I am having is that the search will compare a wkbk1 IP = as equal to wkbk2 IP = (and any other variant). The in operator when comparing strings will return substring results, i.e.: 'a' in 'David' == True '` in `` == True The in operator when used with a list will return True only if an exact match exists in the list; '`' in ['', '', '', ``] == False
MovieChat Forums > Diaries Notes and Sketches Discussion > Where to See This? Where to See This? Anyone know where I could download or stream this? Just got done watching this from Facets movie rental, the only place I know of unless you want to purchase it. Facets is a rental/mail deal like BB or Netflix but they carry EVERYTHING those 2 companies don't but wish they did. Can't say enough good about Facets, never had a problem with them, kind , courteous, and they offer the very best in World-class cinema. All the way from movies to documentaries. Some of their titles are so good I rented them twice or went out and bought them off the internet. Really, they're excellent!
My exercise consists of doing 75 reps of kettlebell swings with 50 lb. I do this every other day. Takes like 20 min, but I'm sucking air the whole time. While studying, I stretch on a yoga mat. That's 2+ hours of stretching every day and about 2 to 1.5 hours of exercise. Does the job for me. Also, healthy food places like chipotle, freshii, and others rock!
If you saw your other half cheating what would you do? in this circumstance what would you do? Hmmm... good question. There are many things I would want to do. All which would lead to great satisfaction however I would have to spend half my natural born life in a maximum penitentiary so the bitch wouldn't be worth it. I've been cheated on so my honest reaction now would be this... Enjoy! By the way drop by sometime bro so I can buy you a beer because you'll need a few to be around this nutjob." God I love that film. I'm sorry, but Bateman is a bit sexy... especially in those tennis socks with his chainsaw and night mask. We had split but were supposed to be in love still and working things out. I saw him walking home with this girl, arm around her. I still had a key to our flat so I let myself in and thoroughly embarrassed them both then gave him his key back and told him to have a nice life. Let's start with that I have not and I need no other half. That's why it will be easier to let him go. Cheated? I am sure he will regret. I am not gonna worry about him anymore. B and C... I would be super shocked and I honestly don't know if I could even wrap my head around it right away. Of course the whole thing is a rather emotionless process. id bawl, but on the inside. I'm that person who goes into intense silence when she's upset, so i dont even think id be able to talk to him, let alone insult him. Probably just walk away, no need for a freak out, collect my things and go. Deal with the rest another day. I would be so sad, and there would be nothing else to do. There are few possible outcomes. If it's a guy that I dont know - say something really mean to ruin their experience and just leave. If it's a guy that I know and he knows about our relationship - break his back... Note it in my mind and next time I see or talk to her, tell her she is dumped. What do you mean by other half!.. Leave without saying anything, then cry at home for a good hour. She had no commitment to anyone, he did. He was the one cheating on you, not him. Yet you would crucify her and be gentle and "respectful" with the one who actually owed you. For being a wiz at technology, you seem very short on logic. @Red_Arrow I don't know why, but I'd be much angrier at the girl than at a guy I (used to) trust and love. My emotions would make it hard to get back at him. I'd just leave for good because cheating is the worst form of betrayal. Simple. Loud, sobby, angry episodes are not my thing. I would only ONLY ruin the girl IF she knew he was attached before doing that. Try to work things out if not just dissapear from their life altogether. Tell him it's over, never contact me again and leave. Damage... lots and lots of damage!! Than walk away. I would walk away without insulting them. Wouldn't be worth it to me. Put on Mozart , it goes great with shotguns. Leave immediately and cut all contact. I'm not gonna start throwing insults but I'd probably be in a mix of sadness/shock/anger and it's best if I left. She would know what she did and that the relationship is over. probably join long as all parties involved were cool with it. i´ll just leave and never come back. i´m not angry at them for doing it, just disappointed and sad. be like, im out and leave. his loss. Cry until I vomit and pass out. Cry, feel hurt and angry but leave without a word. Just break it off and leave. joeb73 | 67 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. Get a lawyer and take pictures as evidence. In order: C, B, D. Home > Break Up & Divorce > If you saw your other half cheating what would you do?
I live in Sacramento and it’s arguably worse than the Bay Area as an A’s fan. A’s fans are much fewer up here than the Bay and I’d guess maybe 75-80% of baseball fans up here are Giants fans (from what I’ve seen/experienced at least). There are many “fans” like that in the Bay too, but there are also way more legit Giants fans in the Bay that actually know their shit. Those Giants fans I can actually respect despite my deep hatred of the Giants
The beach is such a unique place, and it feels like it was made to make you happy. The feeling I get every time I’m at the beach is pure happiness. Is it the same for you? Then you’ll love these 30 happy beach quotes! It’s hard to be sad at the beach. I mean, sure, no matter where you are, you can feel sad. But there’s something special about the beach, that makes it hard to hold that feeling for long. Walking barefoot on the sand, listening to the sound of the waves, and seeing the beauty of the surroundings makes me happy every single time. Studies have shown that the beach has a positive impact on mental health, and can help you be happier. And there you have them, the 10 best beach happiness quotes! The beach is my happy place; quotes like above are all a great reminder of why I love the beach so much. None of the happy at the beach quotes above are a good fit for your caption? In this second part, you’ll find more options, all related to beach and happiness. They are either quotes, or small caption that you can use and that all make for a great caption on your social media post. In any case, if you want to express the feeling of happiness at the beach, quotes like the ones below are perfect. When life gives you happiness deficiency try adding Vitamin SEA to your travels, believe me it always works! And there we are, the end of our happy life beach quotes! My personal favorite is #2 “A simple life is good with me. I don’t need a whole lot. For me, a T-shirt, a pair of shorts, barefoot on a beach and I’m happy.” by Yanni – it’s easy to find happiness at the beach, which is why it’s hands down my favorite place to be.
“This time around, it’s all about the games”. Google has scheduled another Stadia-themed livestream for later this month, and is promising to reveal further details regarding its rapidly approaching game streaming service. The next Stadia Connect, as Google is calling its livestream series, will take place on Monday, 19th August at 6pm in the UK/10am PDT. That’s one hour before Geoff Keighley’s Game-Awards-style Gamescom Opening Night Live extravaganza, which will reportedly also feature some Stadia announcements. Google hasn’t said exactly what it’ll be revealing during its latest Stadia Connect, but does suggest that “it’s all about the games”. As such, we’ll almost certainly hear more on Stadia’s launch day line-up and beyond. Google has already revealed a 30-strong selection of games for the service’s release – including Doom Eternal, Wolfenstein: Youngblood, and more – but it’s yet to announce, for instance, the titles arriving as part of its previously confirmed partnerships with Capcom, EA, and Rockstar. It also seems reasonable to expect a firm release date for Stadia, given that, to date, Google has only offered a loose “November” launch window for its £119 Founder’s Edition bundle. Following the Stadia Connect livestream on 19th August, Google will be offering hands-on time with the service for anyone visiting its Gamescom booth.
Dodgers blew it again, so this is how Sharks fans must feel every year. Dodgers blew it again, so this is how Sharks fans must feel every year. Dodgers blew it again, so this is how Sharks fans must feel every year. Dodgers blew it again, so this is how Sharks fans must feel every year. Dodgers blew it again, so this is how Sharks fans must feel every year. Dodgers blew it again, so this is how Sharks fans must feel every year. Dodgers blew it again, so this is how Sharks fans must feel every year. Dodgers blew it again, so this is how Sharks fans must feel every year. Dodgers blew it again, so this is how Sharks fans must feel every year.
The following is a summary of some rules and regulations of the University; in addition, students are responsible for reading the Code of Student Conduct in The Student Handbook, which contains information about alcohol and drugs, additional policies, and other important information about student rights and responsibilities. The burning of candles, incense, and similar materials is a fire hazard and is prohibited in residence hall rooms and on exterior window sills. The storage and use of flammable fluid is prohibited. If there are health reasons for certain equipment, specifically air conditioners, you must receive approval from the Student Health Services and be assigned to a hall where central air conditioning is provided. Appropriate documentation from a licensed physician is required. Tampering, altering, or rewiring electrical outlets is a fire and safety hazard and is not permitted. Overloading outlets with many appliances is also a fire hazard. Questions about overloading can be directed to the Hall Manager. Any arrangement of furniture or decorations that blocks or impedes exits or entrances to a residence hall room is prohibited. Students are responsible for the condition of their room, the furniture assigned to that room, and the interior of the room door. Charges will be assessed for damage resulting from the use of tape, tacks, nails, screws, or pins on walls or furniture. Charges will be assessed and vary depending on the nature of the damage. Failure to remove these items will result in an additional $10 charge at the next scheduled health, safety, and maintenance inspection. Dishonest use of a key and/or University ID is a violation of University policy. Because your key and ID are used for admission to various University facilities and activities, the lending, borrowing, altering, or duplicating of a residence hall key or ID is strictly prohibited. A re-key fee is charged if the key is not returned upon vacancy of the room. Delaware State University is a “dry” campus; meaning, alcohol is not allowed on campus. Alcohol consumption is illegal for persons under 21 years of age. Empty containers of alcoholic beverages (e.g., beer cans, liquor, and wine bottles) are indicators of consumption and therefore prohibited in rooms of all students. For regulations covering the consumption and possession of alcohol, refer to pages 96-97, and 305 of the Code of Student Conduct. The delivery of alcohol to any residence hall is prohibited. Students are expected to operate bicycles in a safe and courteous manner and comply with University regulations and state laws pertaining to bicycle operation, including safety equipment standards. Bicycles are subject to the same driving laws as motor vehicles, and citations for improper and unsafe riding may be issued. Bicycles may not be operated in the residence halls at any time, and may not be stored in rooms or not in any public areas of the halls. Complete bicycle regulations are contained in The Student Handbook and are also available from Police Services. Residence hall rooms may not be used for business purposes of any nature. Unauthorized selling, collecting of money, and promotion on campus or within any University building is not permitted. Students may not act as agents for business firms that entail solicitations or the receiving of business offers or goods on University property. Please be sure to locate the fire alarms and exits in your hall. Your prompt and complete cooperation in case of fire is important for everyone’s safety. Each room is equipped with a smoke detector, but it is not attached to the main hall system. In case of a fire in your room, you must pull a fire alarm in the hallway to activate the hall system, then call 911 to report the fire’s location and notify a hall staff member. If an alarm has been sounded, raise your shade, turn on the room light, and check the door for heat. If the door is hot, block the floor crack with a towel and attempt to signal for help from your window. If the door is not hot, exit your room, close the door behind you, stay near the floor, and leave the building by the nearest exit. Under no circumstances should you re-enter a burning building. Remaining in a residence hall during a fire alarm is a violation of the Code of Student Conduct and will be dealt with in a disciplinary matter. Anyone turning in a false fire or bomb report, either by telephone or by setting off an alarm, or anyone tampering with fire extinguishers or smoke detectors is subject to suspension from the University and prosecution under the Delaware State Revised Code and/or the Code of Student Conduct. Many residence hall living rooms have functional fireplaces. They may be used only during specified hours with the permission of the Hall Manager. Extreme care should be exercised when using a fireplace. Residents using the fireplace are responsible for keeping the glass doors or screens closed while the fire is burning. Students are prohibited from playing sports or rough-housing in the halls as this may disrupt the living/learning environment. Hall sports include, but are not limited to, tossing, bouncing, or kicking a ball or frisbee, rollerblading, biking, using a scooter, or use of water guns or water balloons. If you are a student who needs special medication by injection, the Student Health Services is available to help you. If you need to give yourself injections, please arrange for safe and sanitary disposal of your syringes. You are encouraged to notify the Student Health Services and your hall Manger if you have a medical condition that may require special attention. Appropriate confidentiality will be maintained. Musical instruments may not be played in the halls. Violation of this policy may result in a resident being required to store the instrument until it can be removed from campus, or the removal of the resident from the halls. Persons failing to comply with the musical instrument regulation may be charged with a noise violation. Similarly, the volume of stereos or other sound systems must be low enough so sound does not carry to other student rooms or outdoors. For the purposes of this policy, noise shall be considered too loud if it can be heard outside of a room with the door closed during quiet hours. Courtesy and common sense should prevail at all other times. Please note: All students present in a room are charged with a noise violation in that room unless one resident takes responsibility for the violation. Pets can create safety and sanitation hazards and, therefore, are not permitted in the residence halls. Fish are the only acceptable pets permitted in any residence hall and may be kept in tanks no larger than 5 gallons. Fish should be removed from residence halls during winter and spring breaks. Quiet hours are a specified time each day when the hall is to remain quiet. The primary purpose of living in residence halls is to support the student’s academic experience. Therefore, courtesy hours are in effect at all times. Courtesy hours indicate that all residents are expected to accommodate reasonable requests for quiet by students, residence life staff, or housekeeping staff. Failure to comply with these requests may result in documentation of a noise violation. On the weekdays, quiet hours begin at 9 pm to 8 am. During the weekends, quiet hours begin at midnight to 8am. Weekdays are defined as Sunday to Thursday and Weekends are defined as Friday to Saturday. During finals week there are 24 hour quiet hours from Friday, or the designated reading day, before finals until the end of finals. Students may be asked to leave the residence halls if they are found to be in violation of quiet hours during the 24 hour quiet period. Radio transmission is not permitted in residence halls except through authorized agencies such as WDSU radio. Residents are not permitted on any roof (including porches) because of potential injury or roof damage. Students found in violation of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action. Neither Delaware State University or the Department of Housing and Residential Education is liable if your property is lost, stolen, or damaged in any way, anywhere on the premises (including storage areas). Residents are liable for all damages to their apartment and belongings, and to neighbors’ apartments and belongings that occur due to their, or their guests’, actions. Renters insurance protects you from financial loss if there is a fire, leak, or flood in your apartment. Most Renters Insurance policies do not cover protection from flooding unless you specifically request a “rider” or addendum to the policy. Delaware State University is now a smoke-free campus. The use of legal tobacco products is prohibited anywhere on campus. Because of the threat of violence in our society, we are very concerned about weapons in our residence halls. Therefore, we prohibit the possession of weapons or those items that a casual observer might perceive to be a weapon (e.g., toy guns, stun guns etc.). Persons found to be in possession of such items or weapons may be charged with a violation of the Code of Student Conduct. For further information on this policy, please read the student handbook. We expect that if you want to have a guest, you will consult your roommate(s)/suitemates in an effort to maintain positive roommate relations. A resident’s right to privacy takes priority over a roommate’s desire to entertain guests. If you have a guest in your room against the expressed wishes of your roommate, you may face administrative relocation to another residence hall room. A guest is defined as any person in a residence hall room or public area of a residence hall who is not a currently assigned resident of that room or residence hall. A guest can be a person who does not attend Delaware University or a Delaware State University student who lives off-campus, in a different hall, or in a different room in the hall. All guests must have a specific host who is a resident of the room and/or residence hall that the guest is visiting. Guests are subject to the same rules and regulations found in the Code of Student Conduct and The Student Handbook as their host. The host is responsible for informing the guest of these regulations in advance of the visit. The host will be held responsible for inappropriate behavior of guests, including those who are Delaware State students. If the guests are not Delaware State students, the host assumes full financial responsibility for the behavior and actions of his/her guests while they are on campus. For safety and security reasons, a guest must be escorted at all times and in all areas of the residence hall by his/her host. Guests MUST use bathrooms designated for use by persons of their own sex. Guests may not use a resident’s key or ID card for any reason, including access to the residence hall or dining hall. During the course of their visit, guests are expected to behave in a way that contributes positively to the residence hall community, showing respect and consideration for others and for property. Visitation is the opportunity for members of the opposite sex to visit in student rooms. Specifically, the policy allows members of one sex to visit members of the opposite sex in their residence hall room during specified hours. Quiet hours, the visitation policies, and all rules and regulations found in the Code of Student Conduct remain in effect during visitation hours. The University recognizes that students may need to work collaboratively on academic work during non-visitation hours. In each residence hall, there are 24-hour study rooms, typically found in the lobby and lounge. Consult your Manager to obtain a complete list of all areas of your residence hall that are available for visitation during the social hours. Visitation hours are 10 am-12 midnight Monday-Thursday; 10 am-2 am Friday; 2 pm-2 am Saturday; 2 pm-12 midnight Sunday. Each resident is permitted a maximum of 2 guests. Overnight guests are not permitted to occupy residence hall beds without specifically requesting the permission of those to whom the bed is assigned. Overnight guests may not sleep in living rooms, lounges, or on lounge furnishings. Hosts who permit overnight guests to violate these policies will be subject to disciplinary action. Only the Manger of the hall in which the host resides may grant exceptions to this policy. The residence hall is a place where many students live and call home. Damage to the building detracts from the environment. Therefore, the playing of any form of sports in the hallways and public areas is not allowed. Damage to hall property will be charged to those responsible for the damage. Venturing out onto roofs is a safety hazard and subject to disciplinary action. Housing assignments are made by the Department of Housing, East side of Warren Franklin to the right of the front desk. Continuing students must be registered for classes and pay applicable housing deposit in order to apply for housing during the housing application process. New or transfer students must be accepted to Delaware State University and pay applicable housing deposit in order to apply for housing. Assignment information will be sent to a student’s DSU email account. All first-year students are required to live in residence halls unless they meet one of the following criteria. First year students must be accepted to the University and pay housing deposit in order to apply for housing. Freshman housing consists of Evers (coed), Jenkins (coed), Laws (female), Tubman (female) and Wynder (Honor’s housing, coed). First year students may request a residence hall and roommate on the housing application; however, the Department of Housing assigns housing in the order that applications are received and residence hall and roommate requests will be based on availability and cannot be guaranteed. Returning students must be registered and pay housing deposit in order to apply for housing. Upperclassmen housing consists of Warren Franklin (coed), Living Learning Commons (coed), University Village Apartments (30 credit minimum) and University Courtyard Apartments (30 credit minimum). Returning students may request a residence hall and roommate on the housing application; however, the Department of Housing assigns housing in the order that applications are received and residence hall and roommate requests will be based on availability and cannot be guaranteed. Transfer students must be accepted to the University and pay housing deposit in order to apply for housing. Housing for transfer students is dependent upon amount of credits transferring from previous college/university. Transfer students with under 12 credits are eligible for freshmen housing: Evers (coed), Jenkins (coed), Laws (female), Tubman (female) and Wynder (Honor’s housing, coed). Transfer students with 12 credits or more are eligible for upperclassmen housing: Warren-Franklin (coed) and Living Learning Commons (coed). Transfer students with 30 or more credits are eligible for University Courtyard Apartments and University Village Apartments. Transfer students may request a residence hall and roommate on the housing application; however, the Department of Housing assigns housing in the order that applications are received and residence hall and roommate requests will be based on availability and cannot be guaranteed. Room and hall changes may usually be made after the second week of the semester. Before making a room change, you must obtain approval of the Managers in both halls. If approval for the change is granted, the room being vacated is inspected and the Manager collects the room key and assesses room damages. If there is a vacant bed in a student room, the Department of Housing may assign another student to that room at any time. Current residents of that room who create a hostile environment for new or potentially new roommates may face disciplinary action. Before winter break, students with vacant beds in their room must prepare the room for a roommate. Preparation includes moving all personal belongings to one side of the room, emptying one dresser and closet, and cleaning the room. Each student living in university housing signs a residence hall contract. This contract obligates you to pay both room and meal plan charges for first and second semesters. Students are not permitted to sublet their rooms. Requests for release for reasons such as medical, financial, co-op/internship, study abroad, graduation, or marriage must be submitted to the front desk of your residence hall, where a checkout procedure will be performed. Once you have removed your belongings and returned your key, your housing charges and meal plan will be pro-rated. If withdrawing from the university, please notify Admissions, Student Accounts and Registrar’s Office. If a student is removed from a residence hall because of violation of university regulations, the residence hall contract is terminated. The University does not assume any responsibility for loss, theft, or damage to any property belonging to any student living in the residence halls. The University does not carry insurance on residents or on their personal property. You may wish to carry your own personal property insurance to cover your belongings.
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The need of customer satisfaction has grown tremendously over the years which further confirmed how ... by Mary Sandro.Talk about first impressions; telephone greetings are critical. Prospects are deciding whether or not to do business with you. Irate customers are deciding how helpful and competent you are. Yet many companies convolute the telephone greeting to t... by Allthingz.If you have just recently paid your insurance agent for your car insurance, and the price had increased again, you only have yourself to blame! You could have saved yourself hundreds of dollars with just one phone call plus about one hour research. I... by Rebecca Ajibade.Here are some of the things to consider 1. What is the maximum number of extensions it can handle WITHOUT having to replace the "PBX on the wall"?Check the capacity on the system you are purchasingDo you need a larger system in the range to get maxim... by Michelle Lehoux.“Many people don’t leave home without their cell phones nowadays,” says Larry Lehoux, the CEO of the Data Corp., a world leader in the development of digital communications software. “Cell phones have really revolutionized the way we live; pe... by Daniel Punch.The world of technology is racing ahead at such an unprecedented pace that it really is starting to become hard to believe what we human beings are creating with our minds and hands. A long time ago we were ecstatic about inventions like the telephon... Broadband Phone: Are You Paying Extra And Getting Less? by Chriscampbell.There exists an abundance of service providers aggressively competing with one another in an attempt to win your business. Their offering great broadband phone services that you can use with that overpriced broadband Internet connection your already ... by Teahupoo.Are you fed up with traditional telephone service and being at the mercy of the companies who constantly increase the rates on long distance, as well as local phone privileges? It may be time to find a different way to place a call to your family and... by Sarah Deak.I never thought I would see the day when the telephone became a tried, old thing of the past, but it seems that it has indeed become so. One may think the new technology is the wireless phone, but even cell phones have been one upped by a new technol... How Does Voice Over IP Service Work With Your Traditional Phone? by Michael Williams.Advancement in computer technology continues to grow. It seems that as soon as you understand and become comfortable with particular software and/or service a new and improved version appears on the horizon of technology. Most people are familiar wit... by Mike Singh.Broadband video phones are the next level of communication using the internet rather than traditional phone lines and services. The broadband video phone will allow users to talk, send and received real time video. This technology uses a regular high... by Angela Hayden.Till recently fixed line telephones were the sole way to fulfill our daily communication and networking needs, irrespective of whether you are a residential user or a corporate house. However the high call tariff rate for long distance and internatio... by Ritu Raj Rai.Telecommunication Buoys up the BusinessesIn today's click 'n' flick era, telecommunication acts as a vital communication conduit for all businesses, whether big or small. Advancements in technology for an evolving business climate necessitate effect... by Angela Hayden.International phone calls have become cheaper with the advent of PC to Phone calls. As a matter of fact, the replacement of traditional phone service by Internet-based voice communications (VoIP) has been gradual yet effective. Several companies hav... Pc to Phone - Making International Calls Cheaper! by Angela Hayden.With the passage of time, the Internet has become all pervasive. People in the present day world are dependent on the web as much for accessing information as for their daily dose of entertainment. However, the most recent application of the Internet... by Matthew Mitchell.For the last 3 years I've used nothing but a cell phone. Paying $30 a month for a landline didn't seem worth it anymore. When I called to cancel the person from the phone company tried every trick in the book to have be stay with them. They said I... by Angela Hayden.For daily dose of infotainment, Internet acts as a subway for retrieving information and entertainment. With its most recent applications, Internet has created a new market space in the telecommunication arena. Today, calling through IP network allow...
Disaster Recovery Business Continuity Analyst Posted on Jun 3, 2022 by Request Technology - Craig Johnson Lake Forest, IL 60045 IT Immediate Start $90k - $115k Annual Full-Time *We are unable to sponsor for this permanent Full time role* Prestigious Enterprise Company is currently seeking a Disaster Recovery Business Continuity Analyst. Candidate works with business teams across the global organization to execute the ES Business Continuity Management program framework, extending processes as necessary to help business partners identify confidentiality, availability and integrity risk and manage mitigation to an acceptable level. Responsibilities: - Determines and evaluates the current state of Business Continuity (BC) and Disaster Recovery (DR) planning within assigned departments and helps facilitate the improvement and maintenance of each of those plans, considering best practices, industry standards and critical areas of focus. - Implements and maintains the Business Continuity Automated Notification system. - Leads the Business Impact Analysis execution and maintenance. - Provides coaching, training, and problem-solving assistance to other analysts. - Leads testing and training exercises for all entities as defined by Executive Leadership. - Maintain and improve BC/DR document repository. - Identify changes required to improve BC/DR plans and validate those plan changes with live tests and tabletop exercises with various areas of the global business. - Conducts BC/DR Plan reviews to ensure necessary documentation is kept up to date. - Conducts testing and validation of these plans and work with teams to ensure they are viable and meet Internal Audit and regulatory compliance obligations. - Executes development, documentation, and training of team members on an Automated Notification System. - Identifies maturity options for DR roadmap in coordination with other analysts and BCM Manager. Executes project management for DR exercises. - Develop and maintain BC/DR training programs for all departments and locations. - BC/DR support for the key locations. - Conduct periodic call notification tests with all departments, including C-level executives. - Work to maintain BC Intranet website and other communications channels and repositories. - Provides inputs to global business continuity management processes in developing controls needed for the mitigation of risks for business processes which are not compliant with information security and risk frameworks - Collaboratively works to influence and socialize strategies, standards, policies, procedures, communications, and governance. - Coordinates deployment and measurement of security awareness efforts across global business units - Aligns individual goals to team goals with OKRs - Serves as subject matter expert in providing advice to global business units regarding compliance with applicable frameworks including ISO 22301, 27001, NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF), Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM) and standards including the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) as well as other frameworks and standards as required. Preferred Education & Experience: - College degree or equivalent with emphasis on Computer Science courses - Candidate should have great inter-personal skills and be a self-starter - Good verbal and written communication, facilitation, and interpersonal skills - Proficient in Microsoft products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, MS Project, etc.) - Skilled in project management - Certified Business Continuity Professional (CBCP) preferred - Experience working with ISO 22301, 27001, ISO 27005 (or similar) security framework, NIST RMF standards in operational IT environment preferred - Operational experience in applying risk frameworks to technologies (including cloud, containers) and continuous processes (including DevOps and Agile software deployment) helpful - Must be able to work in a collaborative team environment Reference: 1617162677
The proof is in the pictures, so let your own eyes decide which you like best! Not so many buttons which I see in a lot of digital cameras that are confusing. The burst mode grabs three of the highest-quality photos in 2. In full Auto mode, the camera handles everything including flash, unless it’s suppressed. finspix Free and open source Raw photo-processing software RawTherapee has been updated to version 5. The A is a miser when it comes to battery life. Bad Focus Issues With My A I don’t know if this is an issue with all A’s or just mine, but this camera has a serious focus problem. These print sizes are a little small in comparison to the best 4-megapixel cameras out there, but aren’t bad when the A’s low selling price is factored into the equation. The Nikon Z6 may not offer the incredible resolution of its sibling, the Z7, but its 24MP resolution is more than enough for most people, and the money saved can buy a lot of glass. I highly recommend this camera Verified purchase: If you’re looking for a high-quality camera, you don’t need to spend a ton of cash, nor do you need to buy the latest and greatest new product on the market. But do plan on purchasing a couple of sets of high-capacity NiMH rechargeable batteries and a good-quality charger along with the camera. Dec 22, video. Good skin tones Auto white balance handles a wide range of lighting well, even does a fairly good job with household incandescent lighting Better than average exposure accuracy Good lens, generally low distortion some chromatic aberration at wide settings though Good camera styling, very compact Very simple user interface Accurate LCD viewfinder Good low light capability But only in Night mode Case design fits both large and small hands well. Fujifilm launches world’s smallest 12x zoom camera Jan 24, I really love the brand Fujifilm, I was a previos owner of this camera and other Fujifilm cameras, but found that this was my favorite over all!! This mode allows the camera to capture still images. This agrees with Fujifilm’s own spec of Flash coverage was rather uneven at wide angle but very good at telephoto. Skip to main content. A useful trick is to just prop the camera on a convenient surface, and use funepix self-timer to release the shutter. The FinePix A produced soft corners in a few shots, though the upper right corner seemed to have the most visible effect. Wide Angle larger original. Full Optical and Digital Zoom larger original. French company GT Company has licensed the AgfaPhoto brand and launched a range of new budget products. Its attractive silver shell measures 3. Color is a little uneven. Manual mode lets you adjust exposure using exposure settings from Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic. When the first generation of digital cameras arrived in the market many years ago they were heavy and a435. I would encourage anyone looking at this camera, but desiring the sharpest of images to look at other cameras, compare, and decide for yourself. Fujifilm’s 4K video cameras. Its compact size makes the included wrist strap a security measure more than an accessory. The Fuji A’s LCD monitor reports very basic information in Record mode, including the shooting mode, resolution setting, number of available images, and a central autofocus target.
<gh_stars>10-100 (define-module (gds services utils databases elasticsearch) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (guix gexp) #:use-module (guix records) #:use-module (gnu packages databases) #:use-module (gnu packages compression) #:export (<elasticsearch-connection-config> elasticsearch-connection-config elasticsearch-connection-config? elasticsearch-connection-config-port elasticsearch-connection-config-host elasticsearch-restore-gexp)) (define-record-type* <elasticsearch-connection-config> elasticsearch-connection-config make-elasticsearch-connection-config elasticsearch-connection-config? (host elasticsearch-connection-config-host (default "localhost")) (port elasticsearch-connection-config-port (default 5432))) (define* (elasticsearch-restore-gexp database-connection index-name file #:key alias overrides batch-size dry-run?) (match database-connection (($ <elasticsearch-connection-config> host port) #~(lambda () (let ((command (list (string-append #$es-dump-restore "/bin/es_dump_restore") #$(if alias "restore_alias" "restore") #$(simple-format #f "http://~A:~A" host (number->string port)) #$@(if alias (list alias) '()) #$index-name #$file #$@(if overrides (list overrides) '()) #$@(if batch-size (list (number->string batch-size)) '())))) #$@(if dry-run? '((simple-format #t "Would run command: ~A\n" (string-join command " "))) '((simple-format #t "Running command: ~A\n" (string-join command " ")) (zero? (apply system* command)))))))))
Write to us about your wishes - we'll do all we can to fulfill them! We sell exclusively through personal contacts and through our long trusted partners in Hong Kong and on Mainland China. The products that you see on this website are only examples of what you find in BIRK DANISH DESIGN. If we don't have the exact product for you, we create it based on a dialogue with you. Choice of materials, size of the amber - it's all up to you. And remember - only the sky is the limit! Our designers will lead you through the process and create a unique product, tailor-made to meet your demands and designed exclusively for you. To get a feel of our products, visit us in Shenzhen: Shop 116, Block 2, 6 Xinhua Road, Nanhai Ecool Innovation Park, Nanshan District, 518067 Shenzhen, China 经销商 广东省深圳市南山区蛇口兴华路6号南海意库2栋116号店 We also invite you to visit this webshop where you can buy BIRK products through our local partner in Yunnan province, China: For retail, sales enquiries or comments of any kind, please use the contact form below.
I want to show exiting animation when router.goback() or back button pressed exactly reversal with entering animation. and when I pressed back button, it works but run on background of next page. you can see when I clicked card from first screen, next page shows up from bottom. and when I pressed back button, it goes down but on back of first page. I want to show it until its out of screen. what should I do? ps, there is so many routings in second page I can’t simply give fixed ZOffset in page. it’s hard to tell exactly what causes the second page to go in background without seeing any code. It is definitely possible to make a page slide up and down, just as you want it to be, using Transitions. I suggest you first create a smaller working example and then see how that differs from what you have in your larger application. Also, if you manage to create a small reproduction that exhibits the problem, please post some code here so we could give it a spin and help you solve it. Transition, that was the answer! I combined Transition and ZOffset and get what I want.
Deux articles récents avertissent les investisseurs que les produits à frais complexes ou élevés causent de grands torts à leurs portefeuilles. Translate this to English? Two recent newspaper articles warned about the harm to investor portfolios caused by complex or high fee products.
Does Osmo use MEKO in its Products? Osmo has not used MEKO chemicals in its products for many years now. What is MEKO? MEKO (Methyl Ethyl Ketone Oxime – 2-Butanone Oxime) is a highly flammable liquid which is widely used as solvent for protective coatings and paints. It is now classified as a carcinogen and is considered a restricted substance under the REACH regulations. Consequently, any paint containing >0.1% MEKO cannot be sold to the general public since March 2022.
The Liquid Helium Market report covers detailed competitive outlook including the market share and company profiles of the key participants operating in the global market. Worldwide Liquid Helium Market 2022, presents critical information and factual data about the Liquid Helium market globally, providing an overall statistical study of the Liquid Helium market on the basis of market drivers, Liquid Helium Market limitations, and its future prospects. The prevalent global Liquid Helium trends and opportunities are also taken into consideration in Liquid Helium industry study. Global Liquid Helium Market 2022 report has Forecasted Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) in % value for particular period for Liquid Helium market, that will help user to take decision based on futuristic chart. Report also includes key players in global Liquid Helium market. The Liquid Helium market size is estimated in terms of revenue (US$) and production volume in this report. Whereas the Liquid Helium Liquid Helium industry on by analysing various key segments of this Liquid Helium market based on the product types, application, and end-use industries, Liquid Helium market scenario. The regional distribution of the Liquid Helium market is across the globe are considered for this Liquid Helium industry analysis, the result of which is utilized to estimate the performance of the global Liquid Helium market over the period from 2015 to foretasted year. The Liquid Helium Market has been segmented as below: By Product Analysis: By Regional Analysis: By End Users/Applications Analysis: All aspects of the Liquid Helium industry are quantitatively as well as qualitatively assessed to study the global as well as regional Liquid Helium market comparatively. The basic information such as the definition of the Liquid Helium market, prevalent Liquid Helium industry chain, and the government regulations pertaining to the Liquid Helium market are also discussed in the report. Have any Query Regarding this Report? Know more about the TOC and Tables & Figures. Contact us at: The product range of the Liquid Helium market is examined on the basis of their production chain, Liquid Helium pricing of products, and the profit generated by them. Various regional markets for Liquid Helium are analysed in this report and the production volume and efficacy of the Liquid Helium.
1915: Kassim Ismail Mansoor, purveyor of coffee and treason Add comment May 31st, 2015 Headsman A century ago today, an Indian Muslim named Kassim Ismail Mansoor was hanged by the British in Singapore as a traitor. The treason in question concerned the dramatic mutiny some months previous of Singapore’s 5th Light Infantry — Muslims who had feared that they would be dispatched to World War I’s European charnel house. (Ironically, the British brass had no such intent: they already considered these troops too unreliable, for some reason.) Many of the mutineers were shot en masse by summary court-martial. Our man Mansoor was not a fighter but a civilian coffee-shop proprietor. Having come into the confidence of some of his countrymen enough to know the mutinous thrust of their grievances, he made bold put in writing an appeal to the Rangoon consul of the Ottoman Empire — Britain’s wartime enemy — for the intervention of Turkish warships that could pick up their disaffected Muslim brethren and turn together against the British. Unfortunately for Mansor, that missive fell into British hands. A 1937 retrospective series in the Straits Times on the distinguished career of Mansoor’s defense counsel, Sir Vincent Devereux Knowles, dives into the case here: 1, 2. Knowles, it says, knew his task was quite hopeless.
Ronald Harts East Noble High Class of 1974 Memories of Ronald Harts Are you Ronald Harts? This page means someone is someone is looking for you. Register for free to let other alumni contact you and more: - Let others find you - Contact old friends - Share photos and memories with other registered alumni Looking for Ronald Harts? This is a placeholder page for Ronald Harts, which means this person is not currently on this site. We do suggest using the tools below to find Ronald Harts. About placeholder profiles You are visiting the placeholder page for Ronald Harts. This page is here because someone used our placeholder utility to look for Ronald Harts. We created this page automatically in hopes Ronald Harts would find it. If you are not Ronald Harts, but are an alumni of East Noble High School, register on this site for free now.
We’re looking for new diverse, forward-thinking film and series ideas for a new generation of young viewers, to be presented in front of a group of industry representatives, Decision Makers, and Investors. We believe that high-quality, enlightened films and series for our young generation are more important now than ever. Our goal is to help filmmakers in finding the right partners and investors for their projects. With a producer on board. The main focus will be put on the European projects in development, at an early production stage, or in postproduction, but the submissions are also open for projects from outside Europe. Kids Kino Industry is a part of the Kids Kino International Film Festival. Together with Kids Kino Lab (a script development workshop) and Kids Kino Docs (documentary project development workshop), KKI creates a wide range of initiatives to support the development of film industry as well as the production and dissemination of quality kids’ content. Each year, there are around 25 projects in development and works in progress presented at the forum, with 1–2 projects presented at the market presentation section. Annually, the event is attended by more than 300 guests. Our Decision Makers and investors are looking for the most promising projects. In previous years, the forum brought together industry representatives working for established companies, such as Netflix, ViacomCBS, ARRI, Indie Sales, New Europe Film Sales, LevelK, TVP, KiKa, YLE, RTV Slovenija, Windrose, Dutch Features, Beta Film, Attraction Distribution, Dandelooo, Millimages, and Canal+ Poland. The pitchings and 1:1 meetings are the core of the programme of Kids Kino Industry. However, the four-day programme includes a number of masterclasses, case studies, consultations, panels, networking opportunities, and more. The event will take place on the 27th– 30th of September 2022 as an industry part of the Kids Kino International Film Festival. The event will be held in a hybrid form: in Warsaw, Poland, and online. Further details, guidelines, and submission forms can be found here: https://www.kidskinoindustry.pl/pitch-your-project/. If you have any questions, please contact our Head of Industry, Zofia Horszczaruk, at |||EMAIL_ADDRESS||| The project submission deadline to submit a project for Kids Kino Industry is 31st of May.
After returning to Bulawayo). ZAPU forces committed many acts of violence during their war to overthrow the Rhodesian government. The most widely reported and possibly the most notorious were when his troops shot down two Air Rhodesia Vickers Viscount civilian passenger planes with surface-to-air missiles. The first, on September 3, 1978, killed 38 out of 56 in the crash, with a further ten survivors (including children) shot by ZIPRA ground troops dispatched to inspect the burned-out wreckage. The eight remaining survivors managed to elude the guerrillas and walked 20km now had also split from Mugabe's more militant ZANU faction. However, the civil war waged by Nkomo and Mugabe continued unabated, and Britain and the USA FLEES: ZAPU leader, Joshua Nkomo, fled in self-imposed exile to London after illegally crossing the Botswana frontier disguised as a woman on March 7th. 1983, claiming that his life was in danger, and that he was going to look for “solutions” to Zimbabwean problems abroad.” (Government Printer, Harare 1984). "...nothing in my life had prepared me for persecution at the hands of a government led by black Africans." (Nkomo - My Life, p.1)In the aforementioned book, 'The Story of My Life', Nkomo ridicules the suggestion (page 4) that he escaped dressed as a woman. "I expected they would invent stupid stories about my flight..... People will believe anything if they believe that".. In a powerless post, and with his health failing, his influence declined. When asked late in his life why he allowed this to happen, he told historian Eliakim Sibanda. On 27 June,.
These Gluten Free Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies are a dream if you’re going gluten-free, especially with the perfect pairing of peanut butter and chocolate.. These cookies seriously are the easiest and most delicious cookies I’ve ever made! 1. Preheαt oven to 350°F. Line α bαking sheet with pαrchment pαper or greαsed foil. Set αside. 2. In α lαrge bowl, whisk together αll of the dry ingredients: oαt flour, bαking powder, bαking sodα αnd sαlt. 3. In α medium bowl, whisk together αll of the wet ingredients: peαnut butter, oil, sugαr, mαple syrup, flαx eggs αnd vαnillα. Whisk until well mixed. 4. Pour the wet mixture over the dry mixture. Whisk thoroughly, αs long αs you cαn, until thickened αnd cohesive. Using α rubber spαtulα, fold until no flour pαtches remαin. Fold in chocolαte chips. 5. Using α 2-tαblespoon cookie scoop, scoop αnd drop cookie dough bαlls onto the prepαred bαking sheet. Optionαlly, press chocolαte chips into cookies. Using α fork, press down to flαtten cookies to desired thickness—cookies will only spreαd α little. 6. Bαke for 10-14 minutes. Mine took 11 minutes. Trαnsfer cookie sheet to cooling rαck. αllow cookies to cool on cookie sheet for 10 minutes. If desired, trαnsfer cookies directly onto the cooling rαck to cool completely. Enjoy! Storing notes below. – Store in αn αirtight contαiner αt room temperαture for 1-3 weeks.
Norfolk County U11’s had their first friendly (Shires League Format) match at Sewell Park on Sunday 20th March against a Dereham Junior Club team made up mostly of slightly older juniors. The match proved to be a very well fought but friendly affair with Norfolk U11’s just coming out on top 9 matches to 5. However the score belies the closeness of the contest with 6 matches being drawn (due to time restrictions only two sets played each) and 6 matches going to setting. It was a good opportunity for both teams to get used to competitive play against mostly unfamiliar players – except for George Le Bon who would have played for the U11 Team but who helped Dereham as they were short of boys. Well done to the U11 team of Oliver, Torben, Toby, Joshua, Anouska, Tanisha, Rhianna and Shraeya. Also well done to the Dereham Team of George, Scott, Chris, Emma, Katherine Megan and Jess.
Italian cuisine is one of Kolkata’s most favourite kind of food. Starting from small cafes to luxury dining restaurants, one can never go without the essence of a delicious pizza or an authentic pasta dish. Westin Kolkata Rajarhat is bringing to you an amazing selection of Italian spread in a seven-day Italian Food Fiesta in their all day-dining den Seasonal Tastes. Chef Roberto Zorzoli, the Head Chef at Romano’s, has prepared the most exquisite menu for the guests here in Kolkata that will make their experience at the Italian Food Fiesta unforgettable. Drawing inspiration from his grandfather’s cooking and his experience working in restaurants in countries likes Belgium, Italy and Malton has made him an icon in Italian cooking. He has brought to us some of the most mouth-watering dishes like Baby Lamb Shank a la Romana, and Baked Sea Bass al Cartoccio if you want to try the protein based dish. If you want to try some his signature pasta dishes, you must have a taste of Gnocchi a la Parhina and Ravioli del plin Porcini. The best ending to such an extravagant buffet can only be with the best kind of Italian dessert, Tiramisu or Cannoli. Also do not forget to catch a glimpse of the maestro in action, as Chef Zorzoli cooks his special risotto and pasta at the live counters just for you. Where? Westin Kolkata Rajarhat Date: 16th to 22nd July, 2018 Time: 7:30pm to 11:00pm Pocket Pinch: Rs. 1399 plus taxes If you want to experience world class Italian cuisine right here in Kolkata, you have to drop by at Westin Kolkata Rajarhat and be blown away by Chef Zorzoli’s magic.
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<reponame>OdoEmmanuel/e-Commerce-api<gh_stars>1-10 -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version 5.0.1 -- https://www.phpmyadmin.net/ -- -- Host: -- Generation Time: May 09, 2020 at 05:06 PM -- Server version: 10.4.11-MariaDB -- PHP Version: 7.4.1 SET SQL_MODE = "NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO"; SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0; START TRANSACTION; SET time_zone = "+00:00"; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */; -- -- Database: `ecommerce_api` -- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `failed_jobs` -- CREATE TABLE `failed_jobs` ( `id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `connection` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `queue` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `payload` longtext COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `exception` longtext COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `failed_at` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp() ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `migrations` -- CREATE TABLE `migrations` ( `id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `migration` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `batch` int(11) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `migrations` -- INSERT INTO `migrations` (`id`, `migration`, `batch`) VALUES (6, '2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table', 1), (7, '2014_10_12_100000_create_password_resets_table', 1), (8, '2019_08_19_000000_create_failed_jobs_table', 1), (9, '2020_05_06_213425_create_products_table', 1), (10, '2020_05_06_213953_create_reviews_table', 1); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `password_resets` -- CREATE TABLE `password_resets` ( `email` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `token` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `created_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `products` -- CREATE TABLE `products` ( `id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `detail` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `price` int(11) NOT NULL, `stock` int(11) NOT NULL, `discount` int(11) NOT NULL, `created_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, `updated_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `products` -- INSERT INTO `products` (`id`, `name`, `detail`, `price`, `stock`, `discount`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, 'blanditiis', 'Ut nam ipsa aut vel reiciendis. Dolor officia consectetur provident libero incidunt ut consequuntur.', 600, 2, 13, '2020-05-07 21:55:49', '2020-05-07 21:55:49'), (2, 'omnis', 'Alias non rerum voluptas animi ex. Quis quo adipisci consequatur enim. Error veritatis aliquid quia voluptas nobis unde.', 754, 2, 4, '2020-05-07 21:55:50', '2020-05-07 21:55:50'), (3, 'quia', 'Possimus porro velit qui vero incidunt eos repellendus. Autem pariatur est asperiores molestiae qui.', 225, 6, 9, '2020-05-07 21:55:50', '2020-05-07 21:55:50'), (4, 'libero', 'Quis repellat et doloremque. Magni voluptatum quasi consequuntur et. Vero pariatur qui temporibus ut veritatis quos. Molestiae in nobis assumenda numquam non.', 821, 5, 11, '2020-05-07 21:55:50', '2020-05-07 21:55:50'), (5, 'illum', 'Suscipit atque voluptas dolorem recusandae neque distinctio laborum rerum. Illo ut libero et iste. Vel enim tempore saepe blanditiis animi. Voluptas a voluptatem voluptatem voluptatem culpa.', 700, 1, 9, '2020-05-07 21:55:50', '2020-05-07 21:55:50'), (6, 'perferendis', 'Laborum ea excepturi explicabo rerum quae eaque. Voluptatem eum et nulla sit rerum. Et quia quos beatae aut rerum.', 938, 3, 22, '2020-05-07 21:55:50', '2020-05-07 21:55:50'), (7, 'non', 'Quidem unde non quaerat aliquam odio ut quam. Quibusdam velit qui magni sed perferendis deserunt. Incidunt error fuga optio et aliquam. Temporibus fugiat sequi consequatur sapiente numquam voluptatem dignissimos.', 431, 9, 29, '2020-05-07 21:55:50', '2020-05-07 21:55:50'), (8, 'eveniet', 'Ex reprehenderit temporibus voluptas voluptate placeat ut nemo rem. Veniam asperiores a placeat laudantium dolorem dolorum vel. Ut voluptates ea nobis minima. Quo placeat voluptas est occaecati rem aut.', 729, 0, 27, '2020-05-07 21:55:50', '2020-05-07 21:55:50'), (9, 'ut', 'Provident autem dolor nam excepturi ad ut et. Libero quasi veritatis voluptas. Fugit minima quisquam autem dolorem sequi dolor ut.', 797, 3, 2, '2020-05-07 21:55:50', '2020-05-07 21:55:50'), (10, 'eveniet', 'Et dicta quas est magnam ut nisi. Et quam consectetur cumque quo. Architecto ipsam quia at perferendis voluptatem qui.', 162, 7, 29, '2020-05-07 21:55:50', '2020-05-07 21:55:50'), (11, 'corporis', 'Odio ut voluptatibus omnis temporibus nemo. Velit eum in quia asperiores voluptas. Soluta quia ut ut unde sint.', 622, 4, 3, '2020-05-07 21:55:50', '2020-05-07 21:55:50'), (12, 'aut', 'Dolorem sint consequatur quaerat eaque voluptatem mollitia officia. Laboriosam quia iure facere atque consequatur et eos explicabo. Nemo nihil atque dolor repellat error et commodi.', 372, 0, 30, '2020-05-07 21:55:50', '2020-05-07 21:55:50'), (13, 'et', 'Sit dolores tempora est in nihil sint. Assumenda quas tempora sequi rerum minus maxime est. Omnis ab non consequatur.', 571, 6, 21, '2020-05-07 21:55:50', '2020-05-07 21:55:50'), (14, 'reprehenderit', 'Exercitationem quia repellat harum voluptatem earum quasi qui amet. Quis quos ullam quo debitis esse illum. Quia autem nobis modi impedit. Molestias sunt et commodi repellendus.', 588, 3, 21, '2020-05-07 21:55:50', '2020-05-07 21:55:50'), (15, 'sit', 'Distinctio rem sunt rerum optio. Molestias repellat voluptas et accusamus dolores. Sit quaerat non nihil qui. Doloribus provident est quasi voluptas minus qui.', 131, 6, 23, '2020-05-07 21:55:50', '2020-05-07 21:55:50'), (16, 'quia', 'Dignissimos dolorem aut perspiciatis fugiat. Blanditiis consequatur voluptatibus maxime ea voluptas illo consequatur. Placeat hic voluptas voluptatem expedita. Est accusamus est error iste porro. Sapiente pariatur eos eligendi.', 239, 1, 15, '2020-05-07 21:55:50', '2020-05-07 21:55:50'), (17, 'non', 'Repellendus quidem odio quis dolor. Nam ab similique voluptas reprehenderit fugit excepturi autem. Sapiente possimus id dolorem ut eos in. Nemo et similique ab fugit cupiditate dolores pariatur. Dolor rerum occaecati nesciunt.', 807, 4, 11, '2020-05-07 21:55:50', '2020-05-07 21:55:50'), (18, 'ullam', 'Fugiat reiciendis aspernatur quia beatae dolor. Aut incidunt perferendis hic excepturi modi sequi. Rerum consequatur laboriosam qui magni dolor ea repellat.', 896, 7, 23, '2020-05-07 21:55:50', '2020-05-07 21:55:50'), (19, 'quos', 'Odio omnis molestiae voluptatem ipsam dolorum ut. Corporis quis pariatur beatae eaque. Necessitatibus dolores mollitia aut aut natus ex voluptatibus sed.', 128, 5, 9, '2020-05-07 21:55:50', '2020-05-07 21:55:50'), (20, 'harum', 'Et a molestiae molestiae qui inventore ut suscipit laborum. Et eos distinctio beatae rerum similique culpa. Cumque suscipit voluptatem sapiente blanditiis molestiae consequatur voluptatem. Dolores iusto omnis tempore molestiae placeat sequi deserunt. Saepe dolorem sint minus eveniet.', 339, 8, 13, '2020-05-07 21:55:50', '2020-05-07 21:55:50'), (21, 'eum', 'Voluptate dolores nihil ab non laboriosam non. Modi sapiente placeat minima perferendis quo. Aliquid unde eaque modi suscipit laboriosam perspiciatis. Ut eius dolore nesciunt nobis dolorem est vel. Fugiat molestiae aliquid sed.', 319, 7, 27, '2020-05-07 21:55:50', '2020-05-07 21:55:50'), (22, 'dolor', 'Et ut ut molestiae consequatur vitae sequi. Quos ut nihil ex velit. Cupiditate rem rerum et nam.', 787, 5, 27, '2020-05-07 21:55:50', '2020-05-07 21:55:50'), (23, 'rerum', 'Neque quo neque atque. Aut tempore eos aut accusamus.', 769, 5, 28, '2020-05-07 21:55:51', '2020-05-07 21:55:51'), (24, 'sint', 'Necessitatibus sint iure laborum. Recusandae iure enim consectetur quos nihil quis. Hic exercitationem dicta minus dolore. Similique ad quis ut assumenda est odio.', 640, 0, 7, '2020-05-07 21:55:51', '2020-05-07 21:55:51'), (25, 'consequatur', 'Et earum sint natus modi placeat. Ratione qui est maxime dicta expedita a. Dolorem nostrum quos placeat voluptatem illum sapiente. Tempora quia omnis dolorum.', 816, 4, 19, '2020-05-07 21:55:51', '2020-05-07 21:55:51'), (26, 'alias', 'A voluptatem explicabo sint id. Ipsa architecto adipisci voluptatem adipisci ut rerum quia. Possimus ipsam tenetur velit est animi earum assumenda.', 214, 4, 23, '2020-05-07 21:55:51', '2020-05-07 21:55:51'), (27, 'odit', 'Autem doloribus natus aut quaerat ea facere vel et. Voluptatem qui rerum ut et minima sint dolores. Officia velit ipsam blanditiis tempora consectetur ipsa.', 522, 4, 5, '2020-05-07 21:55:51', '2020-05-07 21:55:51'), (28, 'quidem', 'Voluptas magnam rerum nesciunt rerum. Fugiat distinctio est quos cupiditate et. Vel vitae tenetur mollitia totam facilis distinctio. Dolorum totam repudiandae fugiat doloribus quibusdam porro.', 772, 4, 6, '2020-05-07 21:55:51', '2020-05-07 21:55:51'), (29, 'a', 'Et aut dolorum repellendus vitae dolorem. Nisi quia sunt nemo quas voluptas quidem enim. Aut cupiditate eum qui.', 191, 9, 17, '2020-05-07 21:55:51', '2020-05-07 21:55:51'), (30, 'earum', 'Consequatur praesentium quia soluta voluptatum sit aut quo. Quos omnis incidunt qui sequi dolorum error unde. Dolore voluptas aut doloribus est quibusdam quibusdam est. Et aliquam in quos sunt et eos.', 719, 3, 19, '2020-05-07 21:55:51', '2020-05-07 21:55:51'), (31, 'commodi', 'Iste maiores provident voluptas quia voluptatum. Quam velit libero nihil magnam beatae voluptatem eaque. Nesciunt veritatis et quasi iure nihil debitis repellendus.', 480, 2, 12, '2020-05-07 21:55:51', '2020-05-07 21:55:51'), (32, 'autem', 'Qui consectetur nisi soluta numquam. Id perferendis sit iusto. Ut distinctio natus eligendi et.', 972, 3, 23, '2020-05-07 21:55:51', '2020-05-07 21:55:51'), (33, 'quo', 'Ea distinctio et quia nemo quod qui. Recusandae dolorem autem sit omnis voluptate nam. Officia vero pariatur ipsa nihil dicta consequatur.', 880, 1, 5, '2020-05-07 21:55:51', '2020-05-07 21:55:51'), (34, 'eos', 'Sed alias sed repellendus aperiam voluptate ea saepe. Dolore corrupti nulla omnis voluptate. Est ab ut et accusamus in.', 200, 9, 22, '2020-05-07 21:55:51', '2020-05-07 21:55:51'), (35, 'rerum', 'Vel quae consequatur voluptatem magnam dolor non. Unde placeat iste qui nihil aut. A et similique commodi neque omnis quia. In aliquam consequatur amet.', 241, 3, 23, '2020-05-07 21:55:51', '2020-05-07 21:55:51'), (36, 'est', 'Qui ea maxime itaque similique tempore repellat vel. Quam et nisi temporibus ea aliquam earum ut. Repudiandae aut tempore non quas fugit ab sunt eius. Adipisci ut non voluptatem et est. Eveniet reprehenderit veniam ut excepturi.', 633, 8, 8, '2020-05-07 21:55:51', '2020-05-07 21:55:51'), (37, 'aut', 'Harum distinctio qui assumenda voluptatem perspiciatis in et. Provident est quis voluptatem doloremque et unde voluptas. Eligendi doloribus recusandae molestiae libero corrupti et. Ad aliquid blanditiis repudiandae nam ad.', 335, 1, 10, '2020-05-07 21:55:51', '2020-05-07 21:55:51'), (38, 'beatae', 'Doloribus facere consequuntur sit fugiat consequuntur. Autem architecto est odio laboriosam quae sunt nobis. Ut sint explicabo et tempore repudiandae earum fugit. Omnis ipsum rem reiciendis natus dolores.', 334, 2, 17, '2020-05-07 21:55:51', '2020-05-07 21:55:51'), (39, 'fugit', 'Ea ex voluptatem ut minima. Molestias minima qui facere qui. Quod quaerat necessitatibus ipsa officia rerum eum quae. Eius qui nulla a quam porro.', 892, 6, 22, '2020-05-07 21:55:52', '2020-05-07 21:55:52'), (40, 'incidunt', 'Aperiam dicta velit aut et tempore. Laudantium maxime ipsa totam excepturi magni maxime. Molestiae ea laboriosam quae sunt ut voluptatem rerum. Sit quod quia ipsum sequi.', 113, 7, 20, '2020-05-07 21:55:52', '2020-05-07 21:55:52'), (41, 'id', 'Ducimus pariatur eaque vel est at. Ut et accusamus dolorem ut occaecati sed id reiciendis. Nostrum ut ut repellat quaerat. Molestiae enim at necessitatibus ut. Magnam voluptatum cum qui expedita.', 648, 5, 2, '2020-05-07 21:55:52', '2020-05-07 21:55:52'), (42, 'ipsa', 'Asperiores ea molestiae dicta ut. Excepturi libero saepe eum dicta. Quis consequatur labore impedit quia perspiciatis aut.', 790, 3, 23, '2020-05-07 21:55:52', '2020-05-07 21:55:52'), (43, 'ducimus', 'Totam laboriosam provident et ratione provident. Provident ut a accusamus. Ex quam qui sunt aliquid labore sint quia facilis.', 294, 0, 23, '2020-05-07 21:55:52', '2020-05-07 21:55:52'), (44, 'molestias', 'Quia veritatis eum ratione aliquid omnis. Voluptatem nihil laborum aut repellendus tenetur maxime repellendus. Velit repudiandae labore et et iusto quae et.', 199, 5, 24, '2020-05-07 21:55:52', '2020-05-07 21:55:52'), (45, 'nam', 'Repudiandae accusantium commodi sed doloribus. Voluptas perspiciatis nesciunt quia quam eius. Aut quo aut ea accusantium. Temporibus aspernatur laudantium sapiente odio aliquid hic inventore.', 125, 0, 12, '2020-05-07 21:55:52', '2020-05-07 21:55:52'), (46, 'voluptatum', 'Est quas aut laborum necessitatibus commodi sit. Consequatur modi adipisci ea. Vero quis modi eos est est consectetur est. Quis ipsam facilis ex assumenda et qui magnam. Tempore deleniti qui accusantium necessitatibus ut.', 558, 4, 19, '2020-05-07 21:55:52', '2020-05-07 21:55:52'), (47, 'rerum', 'Voluptatum sequi ut ratione beatae non. Porro nostrum iure ipsum voluptas. Eum hic et error illo aut. Unde sint laborum aut autem itaque natus laudantium voluptate.', 323, 6, 11, '2020-05-07 21:55:52', '2020-05-07 21:55:52'), (48, 'dolor', 'Voluptates pariatur laudantium ea doloremque. Sint sit animi accusamus quaerat ipsum. Sint facilis dolore totam facilis. Eius rerum rerum aliquam voluptas quam. Voluptatem earum accusamus suscipit dolores qui perspiciatis animi omnis.', 458, 0, 4, '2020-05-07 21:55:52', '2020-05-07 21:55:52'), (49, 'dolorem', 'Quia quidem eos voluptatibus. Repudiandae nisi harum ipsum. Dicta praesentium sunt delectus a.', 200, 3, 8, '2020-05-07 21:55:52', '2020-05-07 21:55:52'), (50, 'occaecati', 'Eum ut voluptates illo modi eveniet. Minima enim architecto nobis dolore. Ut eveniet non dignissimos nobis provident.', 599, 3, 26, '2020-05-07 21:55:52', '2020-05-07 21:55:52'), (51, 'ut', 'Ut voluptatem aperiam qui sapiente rerum. A numquam distinctio et quibusdam molestiae omnis adipisci quae. Eius minima rerum ut aut sit necessitatibus. Rerum quia ullam dolores omnis ut aut ad.', 843, 4, 25, '2020-05-09 12:38:16', '2020-05-09 12:38:16'), (52, 'sapiente', 'Voluptatem consequatur laudantium sunt voluptas alias. Et vitae error et id autem nobis distinctio. Quidem earum asperiores perferendis voluptatibus.', 376, 5, 7, '2020-05-09 12:38:17', '2020-05-09 12:38:17'), (53, 'aut', 'Sequi necessitatibus sit impedit maiores eaque. Numquam nesciunt alias quasi. Consequatur a architecto quisquam nihil a ut. Voluptatum in rem velit error.', 193, 9, 7, '2020-05-09 12:38:17', '2020-05-09 12:38:17'), (54, 'quia', 'Quo soluta quibusdam dicta provident sunt. At ea voluptate nam sit. Aperiam aspernatur voluptas non blanditiis aut itaque voluptas. Dolorem cum sapiente vero architecto in voluptates eveniet.', 494, 9, 21, '2020-05-09 12:38:17', '2020-05-09 12:38:17'), (55, 'adipisci', 'Error sint debitis et dicta. Aliquid quod quae culpa iusto voluptatem accusantium distinctio. Est rem consequatur cum in aut et suscipit. Consequatur quis voluptatibus quis asperiores ut. Est modi quam dolore veniam dignissimos.', 521, 7, 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:17', '2020-05-09 12:38:17'), (56, 'accusantium', 'Modi incidunt harum doloremque quasi molestiae et expedita. Magnam inventore aliquam iure modi. Perferendis minus ut numquam quisquam eaque et. Dolores repellendus vitae nostrum ut corrupti.', 815, 0, 24, '2020-05-09 12:38:18', '2020-05-09 12:38:18'), (57, 'vitae', 'Commodi laudantium aliquam delectus. Rerum facere odit veritatis corrupti laboriosam quisquam unde. Necessitatibus culpa eligendi quia est hic ullam ut ipsam.', 539, 1, 12, '2020-05-09 12:38:18', '2020-05-09 12:38:18'), (58, 'similique', 'Quo quibusdam fugiat est eum error excepturi. Et cum minima eum a autem excepturi non. Hic eveniet dolorem modi.', 473, 3, 13, '2020-05-09 12:38:18', '2020-05-09 12:38:18'), (59, 'sapiente', 'Quis consequatur ab porro necessitatibus cumque sunt libero. Aperiam vel voluptas aliquam quia et. Vel ipsum aperiam occaecati.', 220, 3, 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:18', '2020-05-09 12:38:18'), (60, 'quo', 'Consequatur aut eveniet sed iusto distinctio. Est minima quas reiciendis cum quis qui omnis. Voluptas inventore nulla quia eum aut.', 418, 2, 25, '2020-05-09 12:38:18', '2020-05-09 12:38:18'), (61, 'a', 'Dolore vel consectetur harum quo est. Dolorem voluptatum officia iure in nemo. Voluptas ea vel vero sit id dolorem. Quas in dolor veniam unde quaerat vel.', 933, 5, 25, '2020-05-09 12:38:18', '2020-05-09 12:38:18'), (62, 'quisquam', 'Vel qui animi doloribus omnis maxime. Est magnam autem rerum modi. Dignissimos accusamus ullam ad expedita. Iure beatae velit odit.', 982, 1, 6, '2020-05-09 12:38:18', '2020-05-09 12:38:18'), (63, 'maxime', 'Eius totam nesciunt laborum quod. Assumenda sequi totam itaque sed alias voluptatem rerum. Ad voluptas magnam exercitationem corrupti dignissimos natus. Iure qui pariatur enim ea. Eveniet optio aliquam quia vitae quidem aut.', 588, 5, 26, '2020-05-09 12:38:18', '2020-05-09 12:38:18'), (64, 'quo', 'Et quos natus ut eveniet at eveniet. Illum dolor quasi sit atque. Sed quia et amet sunt. Distinctio ut qui blanditiis voluptatem voluptatem nesciunt.', 859, 2, 11, '2020-05-09 12:38:18', '2020-05-09 12:38:18'), (65, 'facilis', 'Animi quod alias autem amet consequatur. Quasi quia ea perspiciatis. Repellat ad nesciunt sit dicta.', 244, 8, 14, '2020-05-09 12:38:18', '2020-05-09 12:38:18'), (66, 'esse', 'Labore ea alias beatae incidunt. Illum provident possimus sunt recusandae qui quia. Vel facere voluptas et unde asperiores aspernatur quidem. Ad qui asperiores dolores qui et qui.', 362, 5, 18, '2020-05-09 12:38:18', '2020-05-09 12:38:18'), (67, 'qui', 'Tenetur dolor vel consequatur quos ratione est. Numquam sit non quaerat est. Aut ullam corporis et ut nam at.', 543, 0, 15, '2020-05-09 12:38:18', '2020-05-09 12:38:18'), (68, 'laboriosam', 'Voluptates et quam ab distinctio sunt sed. Culpa aut at nulla porro quaerat libero dolores. Optio nisi hic eius sint. Et doloremque repellat quo voluptatem necessitatibus porro.', 739, 0, 24, '2020-05-09 12:38:18', '2020-05-09 12:38:18'), (69, 'omnis', 'Nesciunt facilis aut aliquam. Error consequatur unde provident. Consequatur earum ad fuga aut qui sed fugit.', 920, 8, 27, '2020-05-09 12:38:19', '2020-05-09 12:38:19'), (70, 'consequatur', 'Quod tempora perspiciatis laboriosam iusto et cupiditate omnis. Aspernatur asperiores tempore minus voluptatem id ut. Tenetur ut consequuntur nobis porro et. Illo nihil modi libero architecto expedita.', 640, 8, 7, '2020-05-09 12:38:19', '2020-05-09 12:38:19'), (71, 'in', 'Fugit tenetur quos recusandae tempore nesciunt sed. Adipisci ipsa sed et dicta est architecto quo officia. Numquam consequatur quis in laboriosam quia sequi.', 263, 8, 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:19', '2020-05-09 12:38:19'), (72, 'error', 'At quae rem porro necessitatibus et omnis unde. Recusandae molestiae quo repudiandae. Maxime placeat laborum assumenda vel suscipit quaerat.', 455, 4, 26, '2020-05-09 12:38:19', '2020-05-09 12:38:19'), (73, 'sed', 'Numquam quod officia corporis rem aut. Autem enim accusantium beatae dolor nihil. Corporis porro incidunt error. Veritatis et ea ad recusandae et nesciunt.', 283, 3, 27, '2020-05-09 12:38:19', '2020-05-09 12:38:19'), (74, 'commodi', 'Ex ut aut nostrum exercitationem vero rerum. Et necessitatibus veniam nesciunt voluptatum. Ea ab minima exercitationem quaerat qui autem. Ullam ut inventore nisi ad non eligendi.', 980, 4, 21, '2020-05-09 12:38:19', '2020-05-09 12:38:19'), (75, 'eius', 'Eius impedit ducimus inventore rerum nobis. Est occaecati minima ducimus beatae modi eius. Consectetur saepe cum consequuntur ipsum.', 440, 8, 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:19', '2020-05-09 12:38:19'), (76, 'est', 'Enim sapiente non et iusto omnis. Voluptatem blanditiis dolorem voluptatibus.', 726, 6, 15, '2020-05-09 12:38:19', '2020-05-09 12:38:19'), (77, 'voluptatum', 'Est perspiciatis nemo quibusdam odio ea veritatis ullam. Magnam adipisci autem odit est voluptas cumque. Voluptatem maiores dolores sit ut reprehenderit ut.', 579, 0, 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:19', '2020-05-09 12:38:19'), (78, 'atque', 'Ut exercitationem et saepe similique ea enim quis autem. Rerum consectetur maxime et ut et. Sed eaque dolor cumque esse rerum. Dolorem odit est omnis perferendis nobis.', 570, 6, 18, '2020-05-09 12:38:19', '2020-05-09 12:38:19'), (79, 'voluptas', 'Adipisci asperiores libero est a est debitis. Nulla ea et doloribus tenetur. Incidunt excepturi nulla molestiae. Incidunt nemo reprehenderit non.', 615, 6, 26, '2020-05-09 12:38:19', '2020-05-09 12:38:19'), (80, 'et', 'Porro totam labore dolorem id eum. Necessitatibus eum modi et eos voluptatem doloribus.', 905, 5, 17, '2020-05-09 12:38:19', '2020-05-09 12:38:19'), (81, 'maiores', 'Et incidunt voluptatem aliquam facere totam et. Hic explicabo quisquam explicabo ut sunt. Enim veniam consequuntur quam nihil.', 865, 6, 10, '2020-05-09 12:38:19', '2020-05-09 12:38:19'), (82, 'aut', 'A dignissimos dolor aut delectus modi dignissimos et consequatur. Vel nisi aspernatur quae beatae. Qui et est quo ea voluptatibus ut. Necessitatibus numquam quas temporibus eum non.', 202, 4, 12, '2020-05-09 12:38:19', '2020-05-09 12:38:19'), (83, 'dolorem', 'Illo architecto consectetur quod voluptatum voluptas. Minima nihil laboriosam odit animi. Iure nobis beatae est eum rerum unde. Repudiandae omnis modi et qui.', 841, 5, 13, '2020-05-09 12:38:20', '2020-05-09 12:38:20'), (84, 'ab', 'Saepe et numquam commodi. Beatae recusandae architecto aspernatur eius nam in cupiditate. Cum ut ullam sit. Ex sed et a dolores optio et iste.', 520, 2, 26, '2020-05-09 12:38:20', '2020-05-09 12:38:20'), (85, 'quia', 'Vero autem sed delectus quibusdam ipsam. Impedit quisquam veritatis est et. Corporis veniam quam delectus in sint. In libero repudiandae rem minima est vel.', 396, 4, 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:20', '2020-05-09 12:38:20'), (86, 'est', 'Sunt temporibus vitae nesciunt itaque odio ex. Fugit illum autem eius aut. Dolorem earum reprehenderit eveniet qui nostrum illum ullam. Iusto sunt enim odio alias autem magni. Doloribus itaque voluptatem tenetur nemo temporibus aut temporibus.', 643, 8, 25, '2020-05-09 12:38:20', '2020-05-09 12:38:20'), (87, 'qui', 'Voluptatem iure perspiciatis optio molestias. Est et rem quibusdam minima voluptatum. Molestias illum accusamus nihil nulla omnis.', 177, 3, 25, '2020-05-09 12:38:20', '2020-05-09 12:38:20'), (88, 'vero', 'Quae quia molestias possimus. Officiis non eos doloribus rerum. Repellendus aut maiores consequatur rerum aspernatur totam esse expedita. Accusantium eaque labore aspernatur asperiores laborum.', 848, 6, 21, '2020-05-09 12:38:20', '2020-05-09 12:38:20'), (89, 'voluptas', 'Sed sunt culpa ea dolores harum. Ut architecto numquam assumenda et.', 796, 8, 13, '2020-05-09 12:38:20', '2020-05-09 12:38:20'), (90, 'quisquam', 'Quidem veritatis amet aut aut ipsam neque quis quis. Hic reprehenderit nobis quisquam veritatis sed qui alias. Officia rerum vitae omnis quam est necessitatibus quis.', 527, 8, 28, '2020-05-09 12:38:20', '2020-05-09 12:38:20'), (91, 'sed', 'Omnis quia corrupti ut esse. Dignissimos nemo ut dolor aliquam vitae assumenda libero aliquam. Ea temporibus inventore iste et nihil et dolore.', 236, 4, 23, '2020-05-09 12:38:20', '2020-05-09 12:38:20'), (92, 'voluptatem', 'Quo vel aut qui tenetur est ad enim officiis. Dolores et numquam quia quaerat. Et eum labore sint eum. Enim eum cum et ea.', 998, 2, 7, '2020-05-09 12:38:20', '2020-05-09 12:38:20'), (93, 'est', 'Ut eligendi non modi soluta eius. Necessitatibus harum in inventore mollitia. Esse at voluptas tempora consequatur voluptates officia et.', 223, 8, 8, '2020-05-09 12:38:20', '2020-05-09 12:38:20'), (94, 'cumque', 'Aspernatur odio labore tempora perspiciatis sit. Laudantium eos facilis est omnis. Minima itaque accusantium sit iure alias.', 785, 9, 7, '2020-05-09 12:38:20', '2020-05-09 12:38:20'), (95, 'quis', 'Provident quidem vel ipsum quia et tempore. Culpa tempora at quaerat. Id facilis cumque aut perferendis doloremque aut qui.', 157, 6, 16, '2020-05-09 12:38:20', '2020-05-09 12:38:20'), (96, 'vel', 'Dolorem accusamus ipsam nam fuga et. Tempora hic voluptatem debitis consectetur. Corporis repudiandae quas consequatur fugit quasi quibusdam. Sit nam consequatur veritatis at.', 622, 1, 18, '2020-05-09 12:38:20', '2020-05-09 12:38:20'), (97, 'voluptatem', 'Iusto sint animi labore eum. Nam at incidunt vel quo dolores. Ea qui voluptatem at saepe est ducimus.', 310, 0, 12, '2020-05-09 12:38:20', '2020-05-09 12:38:20'), (98, 'dolores', 'Quasi in exercitationem deleniti sint sint provident deserunt. Quaerat repellendus commodi voluptatibus temporibus iste quas natus. Vitae commodi odio rem officiis dolorum.', 646, 5, 27, '2020-05-09 12:38:20', '2020-05-09 12:38:20'), (99, 'aliquam', 'Dolorem sunt nostrum at saepe. Earum cupiditate ad dolor quae dignissimos cum ut.', 233, 1, 20, '2020-05-09 12:38:20', '2020-05-09 12:38:20'), (100, 'alias', 'Tempore expedita rerum quisquam a vel architecto maiores. Nemo quia et quae recusandae. Rerum porro quasi et non.', 727, 5, 19, '2020-05-09 12:38:20', '2020-05-09 12:38:20'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `reviews` -- CREATE TABLE `reviews` ( `id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `product_id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `customer` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `review` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `star` int(11) NOT NULL, `created_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, `updated_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `reviews` -- INSERT INTO `reviews` (`id`, `product_id`, `customer`, `review`, `star`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (1, 7, '<NAME>', 'Error vitae ab quaerat ut est. Repellat vitae quod inventore provident repellendus iure dolores. Enim ex nulla voluptatum qui placeat. Sed rerum cum commodi.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (2, 100, '<NAME>', 'Quis omnis ratione neque et consectetur. Facilis reprehenderit nemo inventore temporibus. Ut at quo vitae. Atque occaecati repellat rerum sapiente quis sed.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (3, 69, '<NAME>', 'Aperiam ratione molestiae eius optio nobis aut distinctio. Quia voluptatem dolores sunt accusamus voluptatem. Deserunt tempore iusto minima libero.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (4, 57, '<NAME>', 'Aliquid cum adipisci dolores. Sit numquam ab et dolores ipsum eligendi nesciunt. Sunt sequi voluptas ullam quaerat sint ducimus quia dolorum.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (5, 95, '<NAME> MD', 'Neque et ad omnis labore. Ut qui nam et voluptatem. Amet corporis at magni quas ea qui. Perferendis aut accusantium asperiores ut.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (6, 65, '<NAME>', 'Quia corrupti sed consequuntur fugiat alias necessitatibus inventore nihil. Incidunt id omnis ducimus assumenda dolores ad accusantium. Sit in placeat delectus et voluptatum quis nemo.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (7, 22, '<NAME>', 'Sit eum dignissimos nam enim sint optio fuga ad. Quis ad qui accusamus dolores rerum qui temporibus laboriosam. Qui doloremque est similique quae. Aut incidunt vitae ad saepe.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (8, 40, '<NAME>', 'Reprehenderit modi atque qui ut qui nobis sunt. Dolores omnis cumque sed voluptas sunt.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (9, 58, '<NAME>', 'Est ex nostrum magni quos. Hic amet illo architecto non. Libero est ut repellat odit nam. Saepe blanditiis quo animi laudantium aut molestias.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (10, 86, '<NAME>', 'Ab facere eaque similique quae. Et culpa doloremque velit commodi rem.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (11, 34, '<NAME>', 'Expedita aut sit veniam et atque deserunt et. Sapiente qui officia voluptas provident et. Non est quia et omnis voluptas quibusdam. Sint illo repudiandae assumenda qui perferendis repellendus.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (12, 77, 'Ms. <NAME>', 'Sed ullam occaecati quod corrupti non odio cupiditate. Voluptas est consequatur dolorem.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (13, 70, 'Prof. <NAME> Jr.', 'Nemo aut facilis quisquam ex. Dolores ut sit nobis inventore quia ut reprehenderit. Repudiandae in hic et.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (14, 13, '<NAME>', 'Officiis quasi autem sunt accusamus recusandae ab. Sit eligendi qui sint. Et fuga exercitationem eum at expedita repellendus. Numquam nesciunt necessitatibus placeat est.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (15, 66, '<NAME>', 'Quam dolor numquam rem fugit praesentium. Qui assumenda fugiat et. Temporibus in explicabo adipisci. Rerum iste incidunt voluptatibus.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (16, 99, 'Prof. <NAME>', 'Dicta facilis excepturi id accusamus ipsa ea minima dolorem. Velit quis et quaerat ut corrupti autem. Sit temporibus assumenda iusto in dolore vitae sit.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (17, 84, '<NAME>', 'Adipisci commodi et quasi omnis reprehenderit et possimus. At laudantium velit et amet vitae qui. Commodi sunt numquam ut dolorum minima quia. Et voluptatem et corporis aut consequuntur beatae. Et et est unde ipsum facere voluptas.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (18, 77, '<NAME>', 'Voluptas natus atque praesentium alias autem. Explicabo neque aut ullam assumenda tempora cupiditate quasi. Sunt consequatur pariatur rerum esse. Minus voluptas enim quia at dolorum similique.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (19, 26, '<NAME> III', 'Veniam doloribus molestiae pariatur iste soluta nemo. Quia sint numquam minima doloribus. Est molestias qui ut adipisci.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (20, 85, '<NAME>', 'Et itaque error doloremque alias voluptates quisquam vitae. Nemo omnis tempore facilis sunt. Illum deserunt natus qui soluta quibusdam omnis eaque.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (21, 88, '<NAME>', 'Debitis rerum ab sint aliquam ullam ipsum. Optio sit ipsum velit laudantium accusantium deserunt quo. Saepe soluta eum sunt voluptas maxime.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (22, 39, '<NAME>', 'Sed sed odit similique eos maiores illum debitis. Nesciunt ducimus reprehenderit occaecati voluptatem iusto quisquam molestiae. Voluptatem ea id ab praesentium. Ratione possimus consectetur dignissimos odit consequuntur velit sunt.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (23, 77, '<NAME>', 'Omnis et non illum sed. Maiores nisi deserunt facilis et. Neque iusto omnis modi velit est repellat molestiae expedita. Quisquam repellendus blanditiis est consequatur mollitia sit officia. Autem voluptatem voluptas unde consequatur praesentium qui ipsa placeat.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (24, 75, '<NAME>', 'Nulla veniam ipsum occaecati qui. Fugit voluptate consequatur id explicabo deleniti ullam. Iusto illo id a error.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (25, 17, '<NAME>', 'Aut labore ipsa voluptate. Commodi quam ut voluptas omnis asperiores in. Ut eaque non assumenda rem dolore tempora fuga. Placeat dolor dolores consequatur aut accusamus ut dolores.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (26, 31, '<NAME>', 'Iste minima vero est ab maiores dicta animi. Modi sit sapiente dicta natus veniam aut corrupti. Repudiandae velit voluptatem non quam at deleniti. Quia nisi numquam nesciunt facere occaecati.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (27, 17, '<NAME> III', 'Ab sit explicabo qui et et. Culpa labore officiis architecto.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (28, 23, '<NAME>', 'Dolore ullam earum ad veniam eligendi. Et voluptatum sint recusandae error. Non aut tempore ea tenetur non. Et beatae omnis et.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (29, 42, '<NAME>', 'Facilis animi et ut est porro quis. Sit quia aut velit non facere sint. Ullam aperiam ipsa quibusdam quo qui. Aspernatur in quibusdam nihil tempore velit. Illum iste a pariatur delectus.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:24', '2020-05-09 12:38:24'), (30, 29, '<NAME>', 'Voluptas eum aut et excepturi esse veniam est. Odio corporis voluptatibus totam blanditiis iure earum quas et. Sed qui et omnis tempora suscipit dicta et. Ex rerum enim quidem ea rerum aut occaecati.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:25', '2020-05-09 12:38:25'), (31, 97, '<NAME>', 'Aut fugit ducimus quis pariatur qui minus tenetur. Aperiam dolorum vero id labore sed voluptates esse. Et non et aut asperiores quidem veniam ullam et. Voluptatem aut et unde omnis. Tenetur consequuntur voluptatem accusantium quaerat repellat voluptatum.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:25', '2020-05-09 12:38:25'), (32, 42, '<NAME>', 'Tenetur dicta a debitis et. Pariatur repellendus accusamus omnis. Tempora qui dolor quo.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:25', '2020-05-09 12:38:25'), (33, 40, '<NAME>', 'Autem quo laborum modi impedit. Numquam laborum at est tenetur doloribus. Quisquam nostrum velit odit. Quod aut alias qui eum ut illum. Consequuntur ab vitae tenetur aut similique et suscipit.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:25', '2020-05-09 12:38:25'), (34, 82, 'Dr. <NAME> Sr.', 'Illo enim iste quisquam quis quas enim. Perspiciatis facere dolores ut. Exercitationem quod fugit in tempore et inventore.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:25', '2020-05-09 12:38:25'), (35, 11, '<NAME>', 'Rem hic ea id necessitatibus facilis. Voluptatem officiis sint nesciunt. Iure nemo et vero hic est nostrum. Tempore nihil molestias ullam ab.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:25', '2020-05-09 12:38:25'), (36, 92, '<NAME>', 'Quo pariatur inventore mollitia laudantium. Perspiciatis ut enim beatae libero. Laborum itaque reiciendis eaque.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:25', '2020-05-09 12:38:25'), (37, 21, '<NAME>', 'Ex nihil aut corrupti mollitia voluptatem fugiat. Pariatur dignissimos sed nisi eum. Nihil dolor a sit neque neque porro at sit. Voluptatibus corrupti commodi architecto error.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:25', '2020-05-09 12:38:25'), (38, 36, '<NAME>', 'Omnis placeat nobis dolore provident velit sint itaque. Est consectetur reiciendis quas hic. Et voluptas voluptas culpa vel.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:25', '2020-05-09 12:38:25'), (39, 53, '<NAME>', 'Ex non ut deleniti qui. Ex qui mollitia non consectetur ut sapiente porro. Rem sit tempora sit voluptatum sit iure aut. Et aperiam soluta deleniti accusamus eum. Reprehenderit quo voluptatem commodi suscipit nihil commodi ea.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:25', '2020-05-09 12:38:25'), (40, 87, 'Esmeralda West', 'Voluptatum quisquam voluptate unde eligendi magnam. Eum qui rerum ea. Accusamus dolor dolorem molestiae qui nemo cum.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:26', '2020-05-09 12:38:26'), (41, 64, 'Dr. <NAME> Jr.', 'Sunt dicta explicabo maiores perspiciatis vel tenetur molestiae. Est rerum consectetur aut reiciendis rerum fugit quod. Nisi hic magnam iure ipsum mollitia et eligendi. Enim corporis beatae iusto sed hic beatae atque in.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:26', '2020-05-09 12:38:26'), (42, 17, '<NAME>', 'Voluptatibus minus repellat dolores eligendi mollitia. Qui iste quia dolores mollitia veniam ipsam commodi. Assumenda consequatur commodi ut harum quia repellat. Est voluptas et quia maxime molestias. Architecto expedita blanditiis laboriosam et.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:26', '2020-05-09 12:38:26'), (43, 61, 'Mrs. <NAME>', 'Ut et est corrupti fugit nihil et modi. Sint repellendus alias laudantium autem et. Sunt delectus vel facere at mollitia et.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:26', '2020-05-09 12:38:26'), (44, 90, '<NAME>', 'Laborum est incidunt autem saepe qui velit tenetur. Voluptas laboriosam tempora commodi nihil. Error commodi adipisci qui. Dolorem quam suscipit non iusto fugit est.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:26', '2020-05-09 12:38:26'), (45, 5, 'Mrs. <NAME> MD', 'Aut vitae tenetur dolor et. Autem et voluptatem adipisci aut ab. Itaque deserunt vel quam ea dolores atque reprehenderit. Eligendi quis autem quam optio.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:26', '2020-05-09 12:38:26'), (46, 99, '<NAME>', 'In velit expedita et doloribus consequatur deleniti dolorum. Perspiciatis consequatur quisquam consequatur perspiciatis natus vel perspiciatis repellat. Cumque perspiciatis dolor dolore dolorem ab sapiente delectus.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:26', '2020-05-09 12:38:26'), (47, 92, '<NAME> IV', 'Velit reprehenderit doloribus omnis adipisci. Autem tempore saepe molestiae distinctio. Est eos tempora voluptatem inventore sunt. Quis ut non alias in excepturi sequi.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:26', '2020-05-09 12:38:26'), (48, 55, '<NAME>', 'Quis dolorem magni fugiat. Quia non cumque ad suscipit commodi molestiae quis et. Quaerat perferendis praesentium aliquam non. Ratione sint ab est asperiores.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:26', '2020-05-09 12:38:26'), (49, 57, 'Miss <NAME>', 'Et possimus nam rerum est modi ea totam. Minus quibusdam repellendus unde qui et impedit eum. Reprehenderit omnis aut nulla excepturi totam nesciunt doloribus. Harum ut ducimus et mollitia.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:26', '2020-05-09 12:38:26'), (50, 93, '<NAME>', 'Hic aut aspernatur adipisci aliquid. Quo ipsam ipsum quia qui similique dolores. Omnis harum totam incidunt et. Autem vel animi ducimus est facilis.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:26', '2020-05-09 12:38:26'), (51, 62, '<NAME> Sr.', 'Impedit qui ipsam pariatur ab. Tenetur harum doloremque est nam quos. Non est vel nemo quo voluptatibus. Praesentium ab placeat asperiores consequatur et.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:26', '2020-05-09 12:38:26'), (52, 72, 'Prof. <NAME> I', 'Itaque ea velit repudiandae vel ea nostrum. Aut mollitia dolores numquam et suscipit a.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:26', '2020-05-09 12:38:26'), (53, 30, 'Prof. <NAME>', 'Facilis quasi veritatis cumque veritatis ut quae consequatur. Nemo voluptatum placeat minus rerum magni suscipit molestiae. Minus sed sit unde suscipit ea ratione.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:26', '2020-05-09 12:38:26'), (54, 24, '<NAME>', 'Est ducimus repudiandae recusandae qui. Dolorum architecto suscipit eius omnis id nulla officiis id. Aut quisquam eligendi et. Voluptatum soluta voluptatem voluptate aperiam qui libero.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:26', '2020-05-09 12:38:26'), (55, 3, 'Dr. <NAME>', 'Ullam qui aut non molestiae accusamus. Sint dolor quia porro occaecati.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:26', '2020-05-09 12:38:26'), (56, 47, '<NAME>', 'Nobis fuga magnam consectetur eum voluptatem labore quas. Soluta sed quia et consequatur pariatur ad a. Perspiciatis vitae placeat qui dolorem sed.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:26', '2020-05-09 12:38:26'), (57, 22, '<NAME>', 'Libero suscipit velit aperiam. Accusantium modi rem saepe fugiat ut saepe. Officiis non iste culpa. Voluptatem sequi ut provident fuga odit.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:26', '2020-05-09 12:38:26'), (58, 28, 'Mr. <NAME>', 'Esse quam molestiae harum inventore sint qui. Quidem blanditiis velit aut voluptates. Suscipit inventore tempore quia.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:26', '2020-05-09 12:38:26'), (59, 83, '<NAME> II', 'Asperiores perspiciatis ut aut libero molestiae fugiat. Asperiores provident qui dolorum maxime quibusdam pariatur. Eos dolorem ipsam non voluptatibus.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:26', '2020-05-09 12:38:26'), (60, 48, '<NAME> MD', 'Nisi non ut quidem. Nostrum soluta ab sed. Quos dolor non sed neque vel. Quasi incidunt praesentium qui debitis molestiae.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:26', '2020-05-09 12:38:26'), (61, 5, '<NAME> II', 'Aliquam quia in illum quo. Doloremque aliquid qui et quia eum quo. Ducimus excepturi sit autem illum aut omnis dolorem.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:26', '2020-05-09 12:38:26'), (62, 18, 'Prof. <NAME>', 'Praesentium ut dolor unde consequatur et. Distinctio est quo quibusdam fuga sequi aliquid reprehenderit. Corporis suscipit qui vel explicabo. Ipsa perspiciatis mollitia ratione suscipit est inventore.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:26', '2020-05-09 12:38:26'), (63, 57, '<NAME>', 'Impedit laboriosam hic dolores sed rerum quibusdam ea. Id ad eligendi vel reprehenderit quia quisquam. Nobis tempore maiores minus praesentium laborum exercitationem. Est rerum asperiores temporibus libero. Atque odio dolorem alias quia.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:26', '2020-05-09 12:38:26'), (64, 89, '<NAME> DDS', 'Animi ut vero esse quia ut quis porro. Sint quae aut sit accusantium enim. Ut sunt aut tempore expedita qui sed ex repellendus. Omnis labore laboriosam hic aspernatur accusamus.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:26', '2020-05-09 12:38:26'), (65, 33, '<NAME> II', 'Et repellendus quos sunt totam et et aut. Voluptatum nobis laboriosam quis minus dolores. Inventore similique minus quisquam unde.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (66, 61, '<NAME> II', 'Id illo delectus sint aut est est. Explicabo sequi quisquam et laborum itaque incidunt. Delectus voluptatem alias cum voluptatibus.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (67, 77, '<NAME>', 'Tempore ipsam id aut. Veritatis cum quod aspernatur explicabo. Accusamus molestiae eius assumenda modi fuga minima rerum commodi. Veritatis alias animi expedita necessitatibus nihil.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (68, 67, '<NAME>', 'Mollitia omnis iste minima labore debitis aliquam accusantium recusandae. Ut omnis unde quia earum itaque. Quo quasi sed aspernatur error. Et inventore tempora magnam quis expedita.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (69, 85, '<NAME> IV', 'Voluptatibus enim nostrum ut dicta ullam. Quo quia dolore sint praesentium sed recusandae odio nemo. Ipsum deleniti deserunt eveniet ea.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (70, 98, 'Mr. <NAME>', 'Tempore ut alias quo totam ut quam nam. Deleniti dignissimos nihil suscipit cupiditate maiores enim. Beatae ipsam minus sed est itaque veniam eaque quidem. Quaerat delectus quisquam enim consectetur animi totam necessitatibus. Delectus fuga officia et dolores minus ipsam delectus aliquid.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (71, 32, '<NAME>', 'Accusantium in mollitia incidunt cumque non in possimus. Itaque vitae sequi consequuntur qui. Numquam nam corrupti esse et. Repudiandae ut adipisci ipsa qui.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (72, 70, '<NAME>', 'Et suscipit ipsam vitae sequi. Reiciendis saepe sequi placeat. Soluta unde sint dolores aut. Quae molestiae corporis et in rerum sunt.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (73, 1, 'Miss <NAME>', 'Sed nostrum sit quod molestiae ut. Hic reiciendis corrupti molestias tempore. Architecto qui voluptatem repellat autem autem. Quidem accusamus perferendis aut.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (74, 37, 'Prof. <NAME> IV', 'Explicabo quia molestias illum et odit. Voluptate reiciendis atque quae impedit. Voluptas accusantium enim distinctio officia neque officiis. Expedita rerum delectus exercitationem alias nobis doloremque consequatur. Facilis vitae sunt deleniti dignissimos est officia.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (75, 91, '<NAME>', 'Tenetur labore et labore perferendis et pariatur ut. Sequi et neque ea quam eos. Enim non nesciunt minus.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (76, 32, '<NAME>', 'Blanditiis impedit similique ex. Aut vel debitis voluptatem voluptatem ut corrupti. Sint quos sed atque natus.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (77, 97, '<NAME>', 'Quam aut dolor fugiat est. Excepturi molestiae animi accusamus in eos dolor. Eaque quia enim velit quo repudiandae dolor fugit.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (78, 51, '<NAME> DDS', 'Corrupti ipsam repellendus qui voluptas in. Mollitia maxime voluptatem voluptate. Aspernatur ullam eaque expedita vero repudiandae ut est explicabo.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (79, 13, 'Miss <NAME>', 'Ut magni sunt molestiae omnis. Vitae impedit soluta aut autem voluptas. Neque velit quam laborum ut in accusamus.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (80, 98, '<NAME>', 'Impedit quia itaque officia et maxime. Nesciunt eos adipisci soluta impedit non. Harum possimus eius quidem odio consequatur. Quam iure voluptates nam consequuntur odio consequatur reprehenderit.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (81, 62, '<NAME>', 'Perferendis expedita quaerat enim et voluptatem. Non eum quia aut ex. Hic velit fuga hic voluptatum iure sed molestias sint. Omnis corporis in cumque vero.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (82, 85, 'Prof. <NAME>', 'Fugiat harum qui rerum sed nostrum. Et quia repudiandae aut animi enim officiis.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (83, 4, 'Mrs. <NAME> DDS', 'Nemo veritatis molestiae nihil ad dicta sed repellendus. Ipsum cum dolores odit perspiciatis illum nobis. Voluptatibus quia autem et sit non reiciendis. Nam quisquam consectetur sed et maxime iure fuga.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (84, 1, '<NAME>', 'Dolorem eligendi hic necessitatibus ducimus quisquam optio. Quasi explicabo in maiores voluptatem et atque. Et quam similique iusto consequatur facilis accusamus.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (85, 14, '<NAME>', 'Voluptatem quidem harum accusamus consectetur asperiores. Expedita fugit maiores saepe voluptas et voluptatem possimus. Ducimus laboriosam eaque cupiditate iusto.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (86, 43, '<NAME>', 'Cumque officiis cum veritatis et sunt enim cupiditate. Mollitia tempora exercitationem velit commodi corrupti aut et. Eos odit aut doloribus at.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (87, 65, 'Ms. <NAME> II', 'Placeat nisi hic omnis provident nulla. Tempore laborum id nesciunt unde ut fuga. Nostrum aperiam sunt sit voluptatibus nostrum omnis. Facere minima deleniti sint minus suscipit saepe sed qui.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (88, 54, '<NAME>', 'Hic impedit voluptatem odit nulla ab. Odit excepturi in nostrum esse reiciendis perferendis. Quis quia velit earum non. Eos eum eum enim recusandae libero aut eos.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (89, 29, '<NAME> III', 'Enim cupiditate est consequatur quo. Autem cupiditate nesciunt similique molestiae. Placeat quisquam laborum veniam minus accusantium.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (90, 22, '<NAME>', 'Quidem soluta soluta numquam veniam doloremque exercitationem numquam. Omnis eveniet facilis voluptas vitae aut est dolorum. Ut enim itaque est saepe assumenda eum. Est provident alias soluta eius nesciunt quis omnis.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (91, 83, '<NAME> Sr.', 'Adipisci qui cupiditate enim. Voluptatem sequi quasi sapiente. Voluptates corrupti labore possimus ipsam id.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (92, 39, '<NAME>', 'Itaque eos facere qui sint quis ullam blanditiis. Quia deserunt corrupti ut aliquid nam quibusdam. Minima accusamus inventore veritatis numquam tenetur. Voluptatem blanditiis quisquam nam ea.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (93, 17, '<NAME> V', 'Aut unde optio consequatur nisi debitis. Consequatur assumenda similique aperiam repudiandae harum. Occaecati non facilis deleniti omnis aut maiores eaque et. Maxime cumque quod vel.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:27', '2020-05-09 12:38:27'), (94, 86, '<NAME>', 'Fugit facilis aspernatur velit asperiores. Omnis consequatur nisi ut quibusdam sapiente dolor ipsam.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:28', '2020-05-09 12:38:28'), (95, 5, '<NAME>', 'Velit quibusdam ratione reprehenderit ab. Totam aut consequatur illo ratione tempore minima dolorum. Dicta numquam ab suscipit neque eos vel.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:28', '2020-05-09 12:38:28'), (96, 75, '<NAME>', 'Et perspiciatis nihil illum officia rerum iure voluptatem. Nulla ab commodi at sit. Reiciendis qui quia labore accusamus eaque dolorum.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:28', '2020-05-09 12:38:28'), (97, 1, '<NAME>', 'Quia voluptatibus quidem esse exercitationem sit itaque. Et sit quis dolor dicta optio reprehenderit. Vel odio dolores ipsum omnis. Debitis distinctio aut est veritatis alias.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:28', '2020-05-09 12:38:28'), (98, 85, '<NAME>', 'Quia qui nostrum hic aut natus molestiae sunt. Sed beatae repudiandae ipsa alias corrupti sit. Non nam possimus laborum dignissimos fuga et sequi.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:28', '2020-05-09 12:38:28'), (99, 63, 'Prof. <NAME> IV', 'Ut quibusdam distinctio ut ea magnam. Ullam eum dolorem perferendis ut non facilis.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:28', '2020-05-09 12:38:28'), (100, 7, '<NAME>', 'Nostrum suscipit officia architecto suscipit aut cupiditate delectus velit. Accusamus voluptatem officiis suscipit laboriosam et consequuntur. Nobis expedita aut sunt dolorem. Voluptas autem officiis ex officiis.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:28', '2020-05-09 12:38:28'), (101, 31, '<NAME>', 'Eligendi et cum fugit voluptate quia modi repudiandae optio. Non et esse et ut aliquid facilis. Libero aut qui totam ratione voluptatem voluptatum.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:28', '2020-05-09 12:38:28'), (102, 28, '<NAME>', 'Omnis corrupti neque reiciendis nobis magni. Corporis quas eius temporibus officia aliquid similique rem. Tenetur aut quasi sed at perferendis odit. Ipsam molestiae iusto vitae eveniet voluptatem unde iusto et.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:28', '2020-05-09 12:38:28'), (103, 24, 'Dr. <NAME>', 'Odio voluptas et reiciendis repudiandae accusamus. Sit quis dolorum molestias impedit. Voluptas non doloremque nihil rerum quas.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:28', '2020-05-09 12:38:28'), (104, 92, '<NAME>', 'Est consectetur quibusdam consequatur suscipit. Corporis fuga et iste aut distinctio. Iusto et qui enim est similique voluptate. Culpa consequuntur sed dolores doloribus ullam dolorum. Explicabo occaecati quia necessitatibus qui dolorum aliquid.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:28', '2020-05-09 12:38:28'), (105, 81, 'Brooks Shields', 'Voluptatem autem atque voluptas voluptas aut id. Natus est ut omnis perferendis sint. Accusantium sed atque rerum possimus eum cupiditate. Possimus harum est sint et quia qui.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:28', '2020-05-09 12:38:28'), (106, 27, '<NAME>', 'Explicabo itaque quisquam recusandae aut blanditiis. Eius et veniam ut. Quod ut consequatur odio sed assumenda suscipit. Autem et eos facilis ut voluptatem maiores et similique.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:28', '2020-05-09 12:38:28'), (107, 88, '<NAME>', 'Asperiores non dolorem aut officiis et ex saepe. Incidunt et explicabo et. Dolor delectus odio ducimus repudiandae molestiae. Et in velit rem qui corporis id.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:29', '2020-05-09 12:38:29'), (108, 33, '<NAME>', 'Fuga beatae explicabo placeat quisquam aspernatur. Est eaque ex unde occaecati quod eum. Quisquam dolor autem ea soluta voluptatem.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:29', '2020-05-09 12:38:29'), (109, 2, '<NAME>', 'Quo nobis molestiae dolorem ad totam consequatur. Quaerat ipsum sequi consectetur voluptas accusantium ex qui ut. Debitis unde voluptas unde similique voluptatem et ea. Et libero doloribus cupiditate id dicta.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:29', '2020-05-09 12:38:29'), (110, 83, '<NAME> DVM', 'Debitis neque consequuntur nisi numquam aspernatur similique est ea. Velit ut autem architecto non velit. Et temporibus praesentium et ea rem sunt.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:29', '2020-05-09 12:38:29'), (111, 6, '<NAME>', 'Eum vero delectus dolorem aut sed reprehenderit illo. Quam impedit quidem et optio cupiditate id sapiente. Numquam repellat qui aut dolores corporis.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:29', '2020-05-09 12:38:29'), (112, 2, '<NAME>', 'Et nobis aut iure repudiandae deleniti accusamus qui. Possimus cumque officia quidem atque et. Quibusdam quia aut dolores odit. Dolor quod optio quo. Hic rerum error fugiat illo.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:29', '2020-05-09 12:38:29'), (113, 38, 'Prof. <NAME> PhD', 'Inventore autem rem ducimus dolore qui magnam tenetur. Aut vel sapiente provident harum quia reiciendis. Molestiae suscipit omnis quia autem. Rerum optio iste placeat modi ut totam.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:29', '2020-05-09 12:38:29'), (114, 16, '<NAME>', 'Minus sed fuga possimus minima et odio rerum et. Et dolorum commodi id incidunt velit maiores ullam. Voluptates est unde perspiciatis error saepe voluptatum iusto.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:29', '2020-05-09 12:38:29'), (115, 89, '<NAME>', 'Occaecati ut omnis tempora quo quisquam. Ut dolor natus beatae voluptas similique et sequi. Cumque iure exercitationem odit unde aut modi.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:29', '2020-05-09 12:38:29'), (116, 14, '<NAME> I', 'Quam et illum ullam in quia. Ut asperiores id accusantium architecto vel dolores. Voluptatem numquam sit officiis amet ipsum. Consequuntur placeat maiores provident maiores culpa autem ex ratione.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:29', '2020-05-09 12:38:29'), (117, 97, '<NAME> IV', 'Et consequatur amet consequatur dolore. Nemo velit repellendus hic voluptas doloribus quidem earum et. Qui nihil dolorem fugiat quaerat molestias perspiciatis nihil. Dicta dolores corrupti porro sed. Velit laboriosam quas cum voluptatem tempore.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:29', '2020-05-09 12:38:29'), (118, 31, 'Dr. <NAME>', 'Reiciendis ut sit voluptates. Totam dignissimos quia dignissimos voluptatem rem officiis possimus. In quidem omnis ipsum similique est reiciendis perspiciatis. Rerum qui cumque consequatur eligendi vel.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:29', '2020-05-09 12:38:29'), (119, 36, '<NAME>', 'Reiciendis asperiores voluptas ut fugit. Molestiae vel quos omnis eos reiciendis tempore. Enim et eos qui et qui.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:29', '2020-05-09 12:38:29'), (120, 70, '<NAME> DDS', 'Aut repellendus ipsam reprehenderit doloremque pariatur quo et ut. Est beatae consequatur aut commodi. Non nihil nisi perferendis mollitia quo illum. Officia praesentium fugit eligendi velit non.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:29', '2020-05-09 12:38:29'), (121, 1, 'Dr. <NAME> MD', 'Numquam quia velit necessitatibus modi sit fugit eos. Accusamus quidem odit velit. Suscipit eos voluptate aliquid eligendi sint accusantium numquam sed. Quidem commodi libero saepe voluptas.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:29', '2020-05-09 12:38:29'), (122, 82, '<NAME>', 'Dolorem dolorum debitis quos ipsum qui vel voluptatem. Quod quas aut et dolore. Inventore tempore earum maxime sit.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:30', '2020-05-09 12:38:30'), (123, 56, '<NAME>', 'Maiores excepturi voluptates atque consequatur et quam. Velit eum quas tenetur. Doloremque voluptatem dolores velit hic aliquid. Voluptate repellat ut eligendi dolor.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:30', '2020-05-09 12:38:30'), (124, 19, '<NAME>', 'Officia aliquam officia velit dolorum fugiat. Ipsam eveniet quia impedit sequi. Qui occaecati non repudiandae consequatur sapiente eum. Fugit et at ea facilis et iste consequuntur.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:30', '2020-05-09 12:38:30'), (125, 89, 'Prof. <NAME> V', 'Veniam corrupti doloribus omnis earum debitis est in. Dignissimos officia et voluptatum dolorum. Corrupti et dolorum delectus dicta delectus aliquam.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:30', '2020-05-09 12:38:30'), (126, 32, '<NAME>', 'Tempore quo quas sed dolorem qui aut rerum voluptas. Est quisquam explicabo voluptatum ad minus corporis quam. Eligendi excepturi reiciendis sit. Esse aut sed accusamus.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:30', '2020-05-09 12:38:30'), (127, 13, '<NAME>', 'Voluptate tenetur sint corrupti velit. Laborum fugit magnam et voluptate vero molestiae. Sint repellendus ut et alias suscipit dolorum architecto. Et incidunt sunt provident tenetur voluptatibus nemo ullam.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:30', '2020-05-09 12:38:30'), (128, 73, '<NAME>', 'Iusto qui voluptas nesciunt quas a necessitatibus tenetur. Sint qui sit nemo est in. Eum a enim exercitationem dignissimos placeat ut placeat.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:30', '2020-05-09 12:38:30'), (129, 78, '<NAME>', 'Est quia aspernatur sit. Accusantium voluptatem hic adipisci id consequatur explicabo. Autem non est perspiciatis neque.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:30', '2020-05-09 12:38:30'), (130, 48, '<NAME>', 'Eveniet adipisci at rerum nam ipsam. Non quia fugit alias et sint aperiam rerum. Tempora dicta est facere. Labore fugiat sed corrupti voluptatem dolorum debitis aut.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:30', '2020-05-09 12:38:30'), (131, 21, 'Dr. <NAME> II', 'Iure velit porro voluptas voluptate perferendis quasi et ab. Aspernatur fugit reprehenderit et delectus et. Facilis animi atque beatae quis placeat atque accusamus. Temporibus saepe eum omnis nemo.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:30', '2020-05-09 12:38:30'), (132, 7, 'Dr. <NAME>', 'Non voluptas quaerat quas officiis illum. Pariatur laudantium libero laudantium doloribus fuga fugit. Voluptas porro qui in aspernatur sequi laboriosam. Dolores aut dolorum qui ut. Soluta veniam sed culpa.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:30', '2020-05-09 12:38:30'), (133, 7, '<NAME>', 'Non aut error reiciendis accusantium et. Iure sit eum dolor sunt. Nihil et accusamus dolorem animi sed libero. Vitae illo qui praesentium sint ex aut.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:30', '2020-05-09 12:38:30'), (134, 88, '<NAME>', 'Natus eveniet voluptates ipsa rem omnis est recusandae nihil. Alias id laudantium ab minima quis hic. Omnis ipsa mollitia accusamus sunt.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:30', '2020-05-09 12:38:30'), (135, 51, 'Dr. <NAME> II', 'Qui iure deserunt ratione ipsam est reprehenderit. Sed ea reprehenderit quis impedit optio placeat. Et quo dolore consequatur ipsa. Aspernatur nam dolorum sunt sint rerum in aut.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:30', '2020-05-09 12:38:30'), (136, 69, 'Mr. <NAME>', 'Fugit velit itaque accusamus aut. Est sit rem et eaque ipsam architecto enim. Maxime quia vero nesciunt magni.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:30', '2020-05-09 12:38:30'), (137, 70, '<NAME>', 'Quas voluptatum repudiandae necessitatibus. Ut pariatur porro dolore officia. Est sequi incidunt explicabo doloremque inventore voluptatem omnis repudiandae. Occaecati non sequi blanditiis.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:30', '2020-05-09 12:38:30'), (138, 78, '<NAME>', 'Quia facere sint et pariatur voluptatem reiciendis ducimus. Enim accusamus veritatis vel et laborum. Ut adipisci impedit sequi neque dolorem nam. Quia distinctio non modi voluptas ut et.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:30', '2020-05-09 12:38:30'), (139, 80, '<NAME>', 'Officia voluptatem et nihil magnam. Veniam autem hic qui quis molestiae totam. Omnis adipisci quia unde eum rerum aut. Ratione fugit voluptatem voluptatem qui quia dolor.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:30', '2020-05-09 12:38:30'), (140, 76, '<NAME>', 'Atque aut voluptatem architecto voluptatum neque officiis. Doloribus qui est aut temporibus. Rerum molestiae recusandae illo non reiciendis. Amet est harum temporibus reiciendis laudantium eius.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:30', '2020-05-09 12:38:30'), (141, 86, '<NAME> IV', 'Nam eum nihil quam perspiciatis ab et quos. Et placeat dicta quibusdam reiciendis. Et ut nemo consectetur maxime culpa laudantium optio.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:30', '2020-05-09 12:38:30'), (142, 77, '<NAME>', 'Nihil quae unde repellat. Dolorem itaque voluptatum quas ut doloremque corrupti enim. Nostrum nihil adipisci occaecati consequatur et.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:30', '2020-05-09 12:38:30'), (143, 73, '<NAME>', 'Voluptatem error quidem repellat eos doloremque. Dolores sit recusandae est aut velit. Consequatur quo sed officiis illo quis minima et.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:30', '2020-05-09 12:38:30'), (144, 39, '<NAME> PhD', 'Similique maiores rerum omnis omnis. Pariatur ut quis et et. Voluptate sed aut iste quibusdam. Impedit non itaque velit distinctio dignissimos.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (145, 29, '<NAME>', 'Voluptas id qui odio ut et architecto. Quo porro perferendis quos fugiat quo. Velit vel assumenda tenetur veniam aut qui et officiis. Nam et architecto facilis dignissimos doloribus mollitia et.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (146, 3, 'Prof. <NAME>', 'Voluptatem consequatur nobis adipisci nobis neque iste. Aut enim veniam cum earum sint.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (147, 7, '<NAME>', 'Iusto quia praesentium dolorum assumenda voluptatibus. A rerum ipsa rem cupiditate natus. Consectetur cumque consequatur necessitatibus.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (148, 75, '<NAME> PhD', 'Eum officiis sunt voluptatum autem nobis. Assumenda quia ut perferendis veniam eligendi sapiente ipsum. Consequatur tempora dolores facere voluptatibus neque exercitationem sed laborum. Quisquam dolorem minus facere recusandae iste.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (149, 30, '<NAME>', 'Qui ipsam vero ut voluptas quis non. Accusamus vel dolorum cupiditate rerum culpa. Omnis iure nihil odio nisi aperiam. Inventore blanditiis tenetur ipsam et repellat tempora sed. Natus voluptatibus et repudiandae ut odit.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (150, 26, '<NAME>', 'Veniam totam eveniet eaque nostrum dolorum voluptatem consequatur. Illo non et repudiandae accusamus. Ea nisi velit qui similique adipisci non numquam delectus. Qui aut atque incidunt quidem voluptas error error. Id cupiditate officia ex sit labore veniam atque.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (151, 58, '<NAME>', 'Molestiae dolores quis minus repellat praesentium. Quo enim possimus facilis nostrum aperiam. Unde nam expedita animi eaque suscipit.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (152, 17, '<NAME> Jr.', 'Doloremque corporis quia tempora perferendis. Voluptatem saepe nemo voluptatem eos consequatur voluptatem. Reprehenderit qui blanditiis et occaecati optio quo repellendus non. Vitae non et nemo ad rem est doloribus.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (153, 80, '<NAME>', 'Consequatur minima error dolores placeat dicta. Corrupti sed aliquam sed eveniet optio. A velit soluta laboriosam ipsum et. Qui est tempora quaerat.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (154, 14, '<NAME>', 'Quisquam neque earum dicta recusandae. Consequatur doloribus similique minus sed iusto. Aut dolorum dolorem dignissimos ullam culpa fuga. Sapiente cumque sapiente molestias vel qui aliquid harum.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (155, 76, '<NAME>', 'Optio sint assumenda deserunt id et reprehenderit. Dolor ut iure est quis quisquam. Enim voluptatibus qui illum rerum. Exercitationem velit sed eum officia ratione.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (156, 11, '<NAME>', 'Ipsam qui odit voluptas. Itaque est neque suscipit et. Laborum qui nisi fuga voluptate tempora voluptatibus est velit. Error suscipit nihil dolorem ullam sed facilis.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (157, 7, 'Mr. <NAME>', 'Ut sit consequuntur sit illo rem. Assumenda et adipisci numquam nihil doloribus. Non est et praesentium nulla alias ut laboriosam. Nihil voluptatem in consequatur dolores occaecati rerum. Molestiae magni suscipit ipsum error voluptas in eum aut.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (158, 20, 'Prof. <NAME>', 'At aut ut quidem iusto non. Rem nesciunt sed ipsum non dolores repellat culpa. Et et ipsa aut aut.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (159, 50, '<NAME>', 'Nobis sit in quidem excepturi cupiditate. Exercitationem quod dolor itaque consequatur. Rerum quia sed a non autem. Quasi qui et dolorem quia aut sunt voluptates.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (160, 70, 'Prof. <NAME> DVM', 'Odit enim cum perspiciatis omnis eligendi. Aut animi maxime dolores. Temporibus odit asperiores voluptatem veniam libero aut. Fuga tenetur excepturi eum. Eos at ducimus tempore vitae est.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (161, 49, 'Dr. <NAME>', 'Rem et exercitationem voluptatem voluptatum. Veniam laborum eos dolore et.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (162, 42, '<NAME>', 'Architecto doloremque sunt repudiandae reprehenderit reiciendis earum. Saepe at quas rerum ipsam. Non nam hic neque laboriosam veritatis.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (163, 17, '<NAME>', 'Alias atque exercitationem nobis vel. Cumque in velit aut amet ducimus eveniet sed consequuntur. Dolore culpa sapiente qui aut quod itaque doloribus. Odio quo atque qui.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (164, 23, '<NAME>', 'Est hic modi eum iure. Eveniet id et libero. Sed modi consequatur architecto odit itaque hic soluta. Eum quaerat autem hic rerum.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (165, 46, '<NAME>', 'Ea est blanditiis sunt tempora at eaque enim. Eum aut voluptas officia aut possimus. Qui voluptatem debitis aspernatur quisquam numquam voluptas. Atque quaerat nihil natus delectus qui quia.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (166, 31, 'Miss <NAME> I', 'Perferendis recusandae voluptatem magni quibusdam voluptas. Vel sapiente aut nihil voluptas recusandae non. Nulla enim vero consequatur est voluptas quod mollitia.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (167, 50, '<NAME>', 'Molestiae recusandae atque quod quia voluptatum reprehenderit ullam maxime. Nisi laborum suscipit iusto sint ducimus odit. Pariatur molestiae sit deleniti et eum. Tenetur porro delectus mollitia deserunt neque et.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (168, 40, '<NAME>', 'Sit aut veniam quae aut minima harum earum. Rerum possimus alias eos accusantium. Iste voluptatum illum corporis laboriosam. Dicta ut culpa odit quas nobis.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (169, 69, '<NAME> DVM', 'Occaecati fugiat repudiandae sint veniam. Voluptatem assumenda porro fugiat blanditiis. Officiis nemo quibusdam maiores necessitatibus sequi et.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (170, 97, '<NAME>', 'Facilis eaque sapiente totam sunt earum. Dolorem molestiae est nostrum sit corporis nulla perspiciatis. Rerum ipsum et sunt nihil ut enim voluptas. Necessitatibus quos atque eius doloribus non et.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (171, 21, 'Miss <NAME> MD', 'Vitae perferendis omnis quisquam et magni eos dolorum. Aut ut rerum culpa ipsum. Quia sunt doloribus a in animi. Molestias quod ex saepe quis itaque assumenda.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (172, 49, '<NAME>', 'Culpa veniam quam officia libero similique corporis temporibus. Et est illo in voluptas rerum occaecati. Quam amet voluptas alias sit dolor dolor repudiandae. Quis amet dolor est natus. Iste quae aspernatur voluptate dolore rerum.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (173, 57, '<NAME>', 'Illo molestiae dolor dolores nam vel et est. Sunt odio ad neque maiores. Sunt ut vero et fuga explicabo.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (174, 6, '<NAME>', 'Perspiciatis officia dolore nihil rerum. Qui omnis qui est autem. Corrupti blanditiis quam sequi dignissimos aperiam ipsum saepe. Rerum ipsa quia expedita qui.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:31', '2020-05-09 12:38:31'), (175, 77, '<NAME>', 'Sunt dolor reprehenderit totam cupiditate dolore rerum. Nostrum repudiandae repellat quis est qui perferendis aspernatur. Est libero quia provident officiis quam.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:32', '2020-05-09 12:38:32'), (176, 63, '<NAME>', 'Debitis quisquam aut maxime a maiores. Aut excepturi odit et voluptas. Velit quaerat earum veritatis molestiae provident. Amet quia ut sapiente.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:32', '2020-05-09 12:38:32'), (177, 100, 'Prof. <NAME>', 'Quibusdam nihil ut dignissimos voluptatem ea debitis ea rerum. Praesentium voluptatum eos molestiae saepe et dolores. Laborum sit harum sed voluptatum. Voluptatem magnam quis quod eos.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:32', '2020-05-09 12:38:32'), (178, 81, '<NAME>', 'Architecto ratione tempore est quis eos. Quis quis est dolorem est dolorem assumenda sit. Consequuntur amet et inventore et dolores ullam est. Tempore dolor pariatur cupiditate.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:32', '2020-05-09 12:38:32'), (179, 3, '<NAME>', 'Officiis reiciendis sint sint et rem. Incidunt sequi tempora cumque ea a alias. Voluptatem quibusdam maxime dolorum impedit adipisci. Sed quia iusto ut consequatur ut.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:32', '2020-05-09 12:38:32'), (180, 17, '<NAME>', 'Earum est ratione consectetur omnis praesentium temporibus. Veniam earum ut ut eum. Voluptatem ullam pariatur numquam fugiat. Omnis consequatur voluptas est ea deleniti nisi.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:32', '2020-05-09 12:38:32'), (181, 39, '<NAME>', 'Est maiores quisquam ut quo possimus ea. Eum voluptate totam iste ea officia. Laborum aut quos vero expedita voluptatum vel. Ipsa voluptas voluptatem pariatur animi deserunt occaecati.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:32', '2020-05-09 12:38:32'), (182, 72, '<NAME> DDS', 'Reprehenderit consequatur dolores libero voluptate enim natus rem. Soluta corrupti nulla nobis. Nihil eum voluptas sit reprehenderit sed earum sapiente.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:32', '2020-05-09 12:38:32'), (183, 96, '<NAME>', 'Et vel sapiente sequi. Fugit voluptas nesciunt id. Vel soluta exercitationem quo cum non blanditiis accusantium.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:32', '2020-05-09 12:38:32'), (184, 81, '<NAME>', 'Vel saepe debitis numquam pariatur. Sint sint et recusandae quod. Modi tempora esse officiis et laudantium id.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:32', '2020-05-09 12:38:32'), (185, 89, '<NAME>', 'Tempore voluptas at ipsa aut vel. Aliquam praesentium ut est cupiditate enim. Voluptatum qui suscipit velit et. Ullam odit quas odit eos eum ab.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:32', '2020-05-09 12:38:32'), (186, 16, '<NAME> DVM', 'Culpa praesentium placeat dignissimos et aut eos quia. Blanditiis eos dolorem necessitatibus consequatur. Eum quia ut culpa voluptas corrupti quia omnis. Illum quo in voluptates dolor inventore. Occaecati omnis provident exercitationem suscipit quis velit.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:32', '2020-05-09 12:38:32'), (187, 92, '<NAME>', 'Suscipit error fugiat sint veniam. Est aspernatur quo voluptatem qui. Adipisci earum harum nisi corporis. Recusandae modi in sunt nulla est quaerat et at. Eos est vitae reiciendis sed ut ut aut.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:33', '2020-05-09 12:38:33'), (188, 54, 'Dr. <NAME> II', 'Eum quis distinctio rerum ex. Quos et ullam culpa assumenda. Autem officiis iste maxime quia. Non minima aperiam minus deserunt ea delectus optio.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:33', '2020-05-09 12:38:33'), (189, 75, 'Dr. <NAME> DDS', 'Et necessitatibus et dolorem atque autem qui. Quo omnis et sint. Minima ratione vitae dolor dolore distinctio. Eaque dolores reiciendis repellendus voluptatum magni vel.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:33', '2020-05-09 12:38:33'), (190, 81, '<NAME>', 'Vel voluptatem minus accusamus esse non. Non quis expedita ullam fugiat corrupti mollitia officiis. Minus id eaque ab. Repudiandae adipisci dolorum est quia vitae enim.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:33', '2020-05-09 12:38:33'), (191, 85, '<NAME>', 'Repellat itaque odio pariatur. Et quaerat id deleniti aliquid recusandae harum sunt. Neque velit eum animi. Consequatur architecto dolor sed et.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:33', '2020-05-09 12:38:33'), (192, 32, '<NAME>', 'Quo ad aspernatur maiores et aut molestias recusandae. Debitis quos nostrum nihil dolor delectus numquam. Dolores eos enim numquam deleniti.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:33', '2020-05-09 12:38:33'), (193, 32, '<NAME>', 'Cumque et aliquid at vel. Vitae et fugit similique maxime. Expedita harum quo repudiandae dolor itaque.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:33', '2020-05-09 12:38:33'), (194, 23, '<NAME>', 'Officia odit sit facere iure quos tempora. Vitae similique dignissimos est dolor. Praesentium reprehenderit eaque quia.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:33', '2020-05-09 12:38:33'), (195, 45, '<NAME>', 'Suscipit ducimus quas quidem non rerum quo ut omnis. Ut magnam sint aut ea beatae alias.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:33', '2020-05-09 12:38:33'), (196, 14, 'Mr. <NAME>', 'Delectus nihil numquam deserunt expedita. Veritatis expedita voluptatum rerum et. Praesentium dolores doloremque et ut libero sed. Sed repudiandae sint corrupti perferendis necessitatibus.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:33', '2020-05-09 12:38:33'), (197, 33, 'Ms. <NAME>', 'Est ipsum consectetur deserunt hic nulla aliquam. Tempore occaecati consequuntur in impedit reiciendis repudiandae quos. Eaque quasi doloribus asperiores aperiam sit.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:34', '2020-05-09 12:38:34'), (198, 34, '<NAME> Sr.', 'Sint neque nam quia quia eligendi. Sed tenetur perspiciatis eaque qui omnis inventore dolor. Accusantium necessitatibus dolore nulla a praesentium sunt doloribus. Magni quis cumque vel laborum quod.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:34', '2020-05-09 12:38:34'), (199, 76, '<NAME> DDS', 'Autem non veritatis quae voluptas suscipit voluptates harum. Odio praesentium quas fugiat sit esse. Amet modi hic amet quibusdam consequatur est. Aut est nam itaque et maxime iusto. Fuga laudantium voluptatum velit et facilis animi aut.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:34', '2020-05-09 12:38:34'), (200, 85, '<NAME>', 'Impedit laborum ut nemo voluptates voluptatem consequatur. Ea praesentium et minima libero quidem quis. Eligendi ipsa molestiae voluptatem voluptatem excepturi.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:34', '2020-05-09 12:38:34'), (201, 58, '<NAME>', 'Sint aliquam perferendis voluptate eos. Tempora qui odit doloremque iste necessitatibus sed dicta. Repellendus qui suscipit distinctio.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:34', '2020-05-09 12:38:34'), (202, 47, 'Miss <NAME>', 'Esse velit dolorem non nostrum at laboriosam. Qui ab qui odit necessitatibus nihil. Tenetur facilis quidem ea quam non velit magnam. Et unde praesentium dolorum cumque voluptate dignissimos commodi.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:34', '2020-05-09 12:38:34'), (203, 38, '<NAME> DVM', 'Amet eum vero ad corrupti fugit. Non rerum consequatur porro inventore nesciunt. Nobis culpa rerum consequatur sit debitis hic.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:34', '2020-05-09 12:38:34'), (204, 17, '<NAME>', 'Et corporis incidunt aliquid aut. Nobis facere accusamus voluptatem. Facilis qui accusamus enim pariatur in. Nemo animi odit dolore quasi et inventore.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:34', '2020-05-09 12:38:34'), (205, 44, 'Mr. <NAME> DDS', 'Qui rem fuga minus voluptas. Eligendi voluptatibus iste laboriosam ducimus voluptate. Iure reiciendis nemo excepturi et voluptas iste animi. Et omnis non harum tempore asperiores.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:34', '2020-05-09 12:38:34'), (206, 44, 'Prof. <NAME>', 'Ut est sunt id. Esse accusantium suscipit officia facilis officia maiores. Et autem voluptatem odit atque sed aut et officia. Consequuntur minus cupiditate eos qui.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:34', '2020-05-09 12:38:34'); INSERT INTO `reviews` (`id`, `product_id`, `customer`, `review`, `star`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (207, 83, 'Dr. <NAME>', 'Molestiae ipsa quibusdam doloremque alias fuga eum cupiditate. Qui sed accusamus beatae ullam. Ut repellendus est voluptas harum omnis et.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:34', '2020-05-09 12:38:34'), (208, 96, 'Mrs. <NAME>', 'Impedit ea odit non dolores veritatis impedit. Molestias hic ut et enim aliquam nobis et. Quis quia consequuntur tenetur et quasi. In qui est eveniet sed possimus autem.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:34', '2020-05-09 12:38:34'), (209, 53, '<NAME>', 'Quod deleniti vero numquam accusamus voluptatem architecto qui. Corporis veritatis qui iusto ea autem. Autem provident odio voluptatibus dolores dolorem voluptas illo. Qui sit vel magnam consequatur voluptatem.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:34', '2020-05-09 12:38:34'), (210, 100, '<NAME>', 'Aut perspiciatis eos exercitationem officia qui numquam non optio. Vero mollitia dolorem delectus eum. Totam est voluptate illum vero hic facilis nesciunt.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:34', '2020-05-09 12:38:34'), (211, 31, '<NAME>', 'Ut qui quia facere. Quis quas eos sit ut. Illo at soluta iste ipsum sit pariatur quasi. Aliquid qui quaerat corporis eligendi.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:34', '2020-05-09 12:38:34'), (212, 71, '<NAME>', 'Architecto et molestiae occaecati ut. Ducimus necessitatibus nam sapiente dolores. Culpa ut sapiente est praesentium velit consequatur quia. Ea eligendi est ab sed quaerat.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:34', '2020-05-09 12:38:34'), (213, 30, 'Mr. <NAME> MD', 'Et rerum sunt rerum eos cupiditate. Odit rerum tempora alias magnam. Omnis asperiores ipsum porro fuga veritatis saepe excepturi. Ut rerum provident expedita nihil et quasi pariatur culpa. Eligendi harum error voluptas et quod ipsam.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:34', '2020-05-09 12:38:34'), (214, 91, '<NAME> MD', 'Nemo delectus maiores libero nihil magni repellat ea. Ab laudantium amet hic cumque laboriosam. Inventore molestiae quam quidem ea. Rem magnam unde quisquam in et natus quasi iusto.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:35', '2020-05-09 12:38:35'), (215, 9, 'Prof. <NAME> I', 'Accusantium quidem eos consequuntur laborum alias recusandae. Quas dolores dolorem quia vel et.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:35', '2020-05-09 12:38:35'), (216, 47, '<NAME>', 'Quos dolores eaque et consectetur iusto facere delectus. Mollitia voluptatum non voluptas libero consequuntur aut cum. Excepturi aut cumque veniam non accusantium. Laudantium et est inventore veritatis.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:35', '2020-05-09 12:38:35'), (217, 95, '<NAME> V', 'Sed qui laboriosam nesciunt illo. Accusantium laudantium adipisci sed rem. Eaque dicta id est accusantium qui.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:35', '2020-05-09 12:38:35'), (218, 90, '<NAME>', 'Consequatur id autem enim et recusandae incidunt qui veritatis. Provident ut ipsum cum totam a enim. Inventore at aut et quia veniam rerum.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:35', '2020-05-09 12:38:35'), (219, 68, '<NAME>', 'Nostrum nostrum blanditiis quidem possimus corporis et molestias harum. Eius quia perferendis sed laboriosam consequatur dolores corrupti fugit. Voluptate nam assumenda recusandae ut omnis sed quis. Et deserunt corrupti autem vel.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:35', '2020-05-09 12:38:35'), (220, 95, '<NAME> MD', 'Nam rerum natus recusandae laudantium. Vitae beatae dolore sit. Facilis et iste est non quidem quo hic.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:35', '2020-05-09 12:38:35'), (221, 57, '<NAME>', 'Dolor itaque dolores ut voluptas. Ad repellat perferendis cum facilis qui. Dolorum et totam aspernatur voluptatum assumenda velit nesciunt. Incidunt ipsam odio qui adipisci.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:36', '2020-05-09 12:38:36'), (222, 99, 'Dr. <NAME>', 'Beatae quod voluptatem iste aspernatur voluptatem qui natus. Eos labore ducimus et soluta. Non ut nihil excepturi ea non sint. Nihil ut voluptatem sit rerum molestiae aliquam.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:36', '2020-05-09 12:38:36'), (223, 75, 'Dr. <NAME> Jr.', 'Eum quod non eos quo. Est quis omnis unde et quisquam praesentium. Eum aliquid ut vitae ea.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:36', '2020-05-09 12:38:36'), (224, 69, 'Prof. <NAME> I', 'Possimus amet tempore officiis molestiae. Quod soluta itaque odio deserunt. Aut aperiam doloribus fugit ut voluptas dolorem optio.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:36', '2020-05-09 12:38:36'), (225, 98, 'Prof. <NAME>', 'Dolores quam omnis quasi ut harum. Qui id tenetur doloremque repudiandae omnis laudantium fugiat.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:36', '2020-05-09 12:38:36'), (226, 28, 'Mr. <NAME> Sr.', 'Debitis voluptas porro enim asperiores a. Quidem reprehenderit aliquam est voluptatem itaque. Est occaecati sunt sint aut repellat voluptatem. Aliquid ut deleniti sequi consequuntur sequi consequuntur.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:36', '2020-05-09 12:38:36'), (227, 90, '<NAME>', 'Corporis ea quam autem minima assumenda fugit aspernatur. Delectus est voluptatem explicabo voluptas deserunt vitae consequuntur. Aliquid sequi eos nostrum labore quia placeat. Qui dolorem eos expedita saepe corrupti rerum sed.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:36', '2020-05-09 12:38:36'), (228, 8, '<NAME>', 'Maiores accusantium est expedita illo et. Sunt ut doloribus et quia et possimus. Ullam saepe laboriosam laborum dolores molestiae dolore. Natus accusantium explicabo consectetur ut voluptates modi rerum.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:36', '2020-05-09 12:38:36'), (229, 35, 'Dr. <NAME>', 'Repudiandae qui id placeat harum expedita nihil cupiditate. Vel vel beatae quisquam autem maiores perspiciatis eum. Recusandae repudiandae nam non commodi earum facilis omnis. Quis dolores dignissimos quaerat. Cumque optio voluptas quos numquam recusandae.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:36', '2020-05-09 12:38:36'), (230, 16, '<NAME>', 'Illum quia aut voluptas eos earum. Eum eius odit quia quibusdam omnis fugit quo.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:36', '2020-05-09 12:38:36'), (231, 84, '<NAME>', 'Fugiat dolorum voluptatum aperiam ut et. Incidunt quod illum soluta distinctio quia pariatur sit voluptatem. Velit ut in praesentium iure. Vero blanditiis eaque quis magnam praesentium illo.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:36', '2020-05-09 12:38:36'), (232, 11, '<NAME> II', 'Dolores maiores omnis cupiditate recusandae facere. Beatae quod autem similique perferendis tenetur quos praesentium. Eligendi voluptates odit est eum commodi ipsum itaque sit.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:36', '2020-05-09 12:38:36'), (233, 63, '<NAME>', 'Id praesentium fugit repellat culpa dolores qui velit. Quas repellat doloremque sed deleniti tenetur quasi occaecati doloremque.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:36', '2020-05-09 12:38:36'), (234, 40, '<NAME>', 'Ipsam sed temporibus impedit ut. Qui alias id ut nemo saepe.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:36', '2020-05-09 12:38:36'), (235, 67, '<NAME>', 'Fugit vero similique facilis mollitia in quis dolorum blanditiis. Deleniti vel facere quidem dolorem fugit sit accusamus aut. Officiis est dolorem odio sit. Consequuntur debitis dolorum qui consequatur aliquid recusandae corporis.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:36', '2020-05-09 12:38:36'), (236, 16, 'Prof. <NAME>', 'Autem commodi adipisci molestiae velit. Quam repellendus dolorem ipsam. Velit vitae iste aut amet. Dolores quam voluptatem veniam repellendus repellat.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:36', '2020-05-09 12:38:36'), (237, 71, 'Dr. <NAME>', 'Nostrum enim ut ut quod laudantium commodi. Illum voluptatem cupiditate necessitatibus explicabo quidem. Magni nobis debitis et corrupti minima.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:36', '2020-05-09 12:38:36'), (238, 73, '<NAME> V', 'Porro nostrum dolor recusandae. Explicabo dolor unde ut optio omnis occaecati aliquid voluptatibus. Sit voluptatem modi modi voluptatem quo voluptates.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:36', '2020-05-09 12:38:36'), (239, 68, 'Mrs. <NAME> V', 'Non omnis exercitationem voluptatum nemo quia sed. Labore sequi dicta molestiae voluptate ipsum recusandae doloremque. Pariatur commodi quibusdam quaerat quia.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:37', '2020-05-09 12:38:37'), (240, 84, '<NAME>', 'Numquam vero qui corrupti. Aut temporibus deleniti aut harum eligendi laboriosam saepe. Necessitatibus similique nulla omnis sit molestiae dolores pariatur temporibus. Fuga eaque consequatur eos sint.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:37', '2020-05-09 12:38:37'), (241, 45, 'Prof. <NAME> V', 'Officiis corporis vel recusandae corporis quia. Quo consequatur excepturi quia. Recusandae fugiat sequi optio eaque sunt enim.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:37', '2020-05-09 12:38:37'), (242, 74, '<NAME>', 'Ut soluta aliquid sit omnis. Autem quia itaque fugit consequuntur sit. Ratione enim atque qui consectetur amet quis nihil. Maxime dolore consequuntur magni consectetur itaque quae.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:37', '2020-05-09 12:38:37'), (243, 50, '<NAME>', 'Sunt reprehenderit eum maxime dolorem rerum distinctio velit. Rerum dolorum quisquam eos ut asperiores iusto. Ea qui natus quod.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:37', '2020-05-09 12:38:37'), (244, 32, '<NAME> DVM', 'Natus aspernatur praesentium error modi ullam. Omnis ut reprehenderit porro quo dolorem et veniam ut. Et eius ipsa nulla rerum adipisci fugit. Non blanditiis aliquid libero dicta atque unde voluptatum.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:37', '2020-05-09 12:38:37'), (245, 35, 'Adolph Moore IV', 'Doloribus quos quia est. Iusto accusantium enim necessitatibus eius. Officia optio totam alias ut. Est a dignissimos dolore eligendi voluptas.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:37', '2020-05-09 12:38:37'), (246, 77, '<NAME>', 'Culpa facilis officia fugit error aut. Aut quis et esse. Nulla inventore assumenda molestias assumenda ex deserunt odio tempora.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:37', '2020-05-09 12:38:37'), (247, 100, '<NAME>', 'Eos delectus eligendi molestiae aliquam. Non qui ipsum enim incidunt ipsam cum. In alias cupiditate id aspernatur sequi nihil. Enim voluptatem enim nam totam.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:37', '2020-05-09 12:38:37'), (248, 70, '<NAME>', 'Eaque voluptas temporibus ipsam. Iste est cum quae ullam doloremque laudantium inventore. Illum modi repudiandae repellendus occaecati animi.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:37', '2020-05-09 12:38:37'), (249, 71, '<NAME>', 'Accusantium fugit officia corporis. Voluptates atque aliquid nam dolorum quo qui unde.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:37', '2020-05-09 12:38:37'), (250, 13, 'Dr. <NAME>', 'Illo rem et sed numquam debitis. Voluptatem aut eum ducimus atque. Quidem nesciunt quidem illum numquam.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:37', '2020-05-09 12:38:37'), (251, 31, 'Dr. <NAME> V', 'Nisi eos distinctio cumque officiis velit sint. Et sit aut ut ex. Quia repellendus laboriosam consectetur vitae quibusdam ab.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:37', '2020-05-09 12:38:37'), (252, 94, 'Ms. <NAME>', 'Eos harum et quam labore deleniti rerum. Voluptas necessitatibus voluptatibus officiis doloremque aut autem. Et sed molestiae voluptatum incidunt perspiciatis aut. Ut dolorem nemo sed molestias dolores.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:38', '2020-05-09 12:38:38'), (253, 28, '<NAME> DDS', 'Non maiores quasi cupiditate non sit. Assumenda aliquam fugit fuga. Est deleniti beatae nesciunt veritatis.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:38', '2020-05-09 12:38:38'), (254, 17, '<NAME> PhD', 'Ipsum cumque autem voluptates repellendus et eaque nostrum. Dolorum voluptatum ea dolorem accusamus et sit. A libero qui et optio.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:38', '2020-05-09 12:38:38'), (255, 93, '<NAME>', 'Ut sequi delectus repellendus ipsa et qui. Autem tenetur aliquid quasi et qui ad voluptatibus quia. Necessitatibus eos omnis quia excepturi et vitae.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:38', '2020-05-09 12:38:38'), (256, 98, '<NAME>', 'Libero nihil fuga optio voluptate error et. Cumque excepturi ut et aut sed quo aspernatur. Expedita assumenda rem reiciendis perferendis maxime omnis. Totam laborum architecto sed quo tenetur porro ducimus dolorum.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:38', '2020-05-09 12:38:38'), (257, 44, '<NAME>', 'Ut libero quisquam provident modi voluptatem corrupti. A distinctio ad doloribus suscipit ipsa sed. Dolor expedita sit voluptates temporibus tempora consequuntur aut doloremque. Et vel suscipit sit et doloribus rerum vel.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:38', '2020-05-09 12:38:38'), (258, 67, 'Mrs. <NAME>', 'Quia architecto aliquam ut inventore similique neque consequatur. Rerum ipsum temporibus ullam eum. Rem sed maxime odit nihil quae vitae.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:38', '2020-05-09 12:38:38'), (259, 75, '<NAME>', 'Velit ut ea quibusdam officiis et aut eum molestias. Beatae inventore quibusdam ut delectus quasi. Et nam et similique. Molestiae debitis ut atque autem corporis aut corporis.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:38', '2020-05-09 12:38:38'), (260, 89, '<NAME>', 'Earum aut quo id deserunt nihil voluptates. Ullam dolorem autem aut nulla. Ipsum quod fuga ut laboriosam. Ipsa expedita cum facere velit aut debitis corrupti.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:38', '2020-05-09 12:38:38'), (261, 3, '<NAME> V', 'Quidem aliquid placeat et mollitia ut et. Occaecati fugit id nemo laborum nesciunt qui velit. Et et corporis saepe dolorum aut sequi labore dolore.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:38', '2020-05-09 12:38:38'), (262, 87, '<NAME>', 'Mollitia sed ad facere aut exercitationem. Dolores et expedita omnis soluta nulla. Non aperiam qui laudantium asperiores ratione aperiam sed delectus.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:38', '2020-05-09 12:38:38'), (263, 34, '<NAME>', 'Consequatur quod qui nam. Quia velit vel sit qui. Explicabo dolore aut voluptatem ea quae aspernatur. Aut ut id rerum temporibus est rerum reiciendis.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:38', '2020-05-09 12:38:38'), (264, 36, 'Dr. <NAME>', 'Nulla a mollitia dicta laborum harum neque. Id inventore qui voluptas numquam corrupti. Sed nam ullam quo beatae vel.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:38', '2020-05-09 12:38:38'), (265, 72, '<NAME>', 'Sint voluptas maiores et aliquam. Quo nihil eligendi quas fugit praesentium voluptatum sapiente.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:38', '2020-05-09 12:38:38'), (266, 92, '<NAME>', 'Aut voluptatum id sint. Ut exercitationem in facilis quia earum odit vel illum. Earum et ut in iusto.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:38', '2020-05-09 12:38:38'), (267, 75, '<NAME>', 'Deserunt aliquid eligendi reiciendis sit assumenda voluptatibus veniam. Alias dolores esse eum aperiam eveniet nobis. Corrupti qui quibusdam saepe nihil sit molestiae consequatur.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:39', '2020-05-09 12:38:39'), (268, 52, '<NAME>', 'Ea eaque quis consequatur exercitationem. Velit sit qui magnam unde est rerum labore. Enim nihil blanditiis blanditiis voluptates atque possimus et eum. Quaerat voluptatem reiciendis voluptas animi quo aliquam.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:39', '2020-05-09 12:38:39'), (269, 62, 'Dr. <NAME> III', 'Aut consequatur cupiditate quae labore omnis. Qui quod dolore illum soluta quo. Sed nemo repellat eaque quidem. Nostrum voluptatem quis quia molestias ut et quo animi.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:39', '2020-05-09 12:38:39'), (270, 87, '<NAME>', 'Qui ea corrupti atque molestiae. Quos nam quis rerum eum consequatur. Qui ea itaque delectus quam recusandae ut. Alias voluptas voluptatem voluptatem ut.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:39', '2020-05-09 12:38:39'), (271, 26, '<NAME>', 'Autem non sint officiis vel sed quibusdam cum. Explicabo expedita unde ea est eum ut. Excepturi autem aspernatur nihil voluptates possimus odio sequi.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:39', '2020-05-09 12:38:39'), (272, 63, '<NAME>', 'Dolorum tempore voluptate voluptate mollitia quos rem qui. Dicta totam quibusdam ipsum voluptas quas suscipit. Voluptatem sunt voluptate ullam perspiciatis modi quibusdam.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:39', '2020-05-09 12:38:39'), (273, 79, '<NAME> DVM', 'Dicta et ut nisi itaque. Possimus molestiae qui qui occaecati omnis occaecati. Sunt cum id excepturi quisquam molestiae.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:39', '2020-05-09 12:38:39'), (274, 30, 'Prof. <NAME>', 'Quae pariatur dolorum doloremque nihil. Necessitatibus quia ipsam doloremque quo. Omnis quasi sed sint cumque provident porro.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:39', '2020-05-09 12:38:39'), (275, 37, 'Ms. <NAME> Jr.', 'Rerum dicta voluptates minus sunt. Eligendi quia labore quo officiis explicabo reiciendis. Aut delectus expedita aut rerum eius est voluptas adipisci. Soluta deleniti enim sunt dicta tempore est veniam a. Id expedita fugiat nam facere sit.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:39', '2020-05-09 12:38:39'), (276, 46, 'Prof. <NAME>', 'Dicta eum quae aut laudantium et totam. Sint aliquam non soluta dolor atque. Et voluptatem et deserunt nemo nam ea.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:39', '2020-05-09 12:38:39'), (277, 93, '<NAME>', 'Ea aut aut necessitatibus eaque nemo modi quam deserunt. Facere commodi corrupti nesciunt nam consectetur totam. Officiis veniam veniam iusto nostrum.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:39', '2020-05-09 12:38:39'), (278, 69, 'Mrs. <NAME>', 'Incidunt dolores explicabo sit et pariatur. Ipsa et mollitia quam aliquid nobis. Itaque non illo reiciendis magnam excepturi quod.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:39', '2020-05-09 12:38:39'), (279, 81, '<NAME>', 'Culpa veritatis dignissimos inventore sapiente eos nihil aliquam. Voluptatibus minima eum nisi et aut non debitis. Dolores asperiores iusto facilis consequatur quam. Et minus sunt ipsa molestiae nobis. Veritatis reprehenderit et ratione numquam autem tempora.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:39', '2020-05-09 12:38:39'), (280, 30, 'Destinee O\'Reilly DVM', 'Ut id consequatur quo qui eos. Iusto est quo voluptatem et quis nemo. Voluptatem omnis sint consequatur minus soluta nostrum. Eligendi tenetur aperiam voluptatem molestias.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:39', '2020-05-09 12:38:39'), (281, 25, '<NAME> PhD', 'Sit aut saepe et quod ut fuga. In rerum temporibus et quam qui voluptas nihil. Qui tenetur ipsum voluptatum iure.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:39', '2020-05-09 12:38:39'), (282, 50, '<NAME>', 'Qui quos temporibus consequuntur maiores molestiae iusto. Illo in voluptatum voluptatum dolore reiciendis illo. Voluptatem quo atque rerum ea voluptatibus.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:39', '2020-05-09 12:38:39'), (283, 73, '<NAME> DDS', 'Vel non quia molestias et doloremque iure iste. Ipsum quam qui officiis ex aut. Autem sapiente aspernatur esse cupiditate fugiat natus autem.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:39', '2020-05-09 12:38:39'), (284, 78, '<NAME>', 'Voluptatem doloribus et est sed. Voluptatem doloribus non consequatur possimus. Voluptates soluta excepturi magni aut quia eaque.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:39', '2020-05-09 12:38:39'), (285, 99, '<NAME> V', 'Asperiores provident inventore nemo. Quibusdam cum debitis exercitationem esse. Quaerat sequi esse exercitationem dolor eos beatae unde.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:39', '2020-05-09 12:38:39'), (286, 10, '<NAME> III', 'Ratione maiores reiciendis aperiam quia minus maiores. Officiis aliquid non est nostrum error sed nemo corporis.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:39', '2020-05-09 12:38:39'), (287, 4, '<NAME>', 'Consequuntur delectus ut quisquam aliquid magni est quisquam. Tempora sunt laudantium adipisci amet. Consequatur nobis voluptatibus excepturi ratione.', 4, '2020-05-09 12:38:40', '2020-05-09 12:38:40'), (288, 64, '<NAME>', 'Repellat laboriosam quas quas aut nemo ut. Facilis consequatur quo velit molestias autem rerum. Culpa accusantium odit nostrum dolorem officia. Quo voluptatum occaecati dolor consequatur consectetur aut dolorem.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:40', '2020-05-09 12:38:40'), (289, 54, 'Dr. <NAME> MD', 'Fuga quisquam fuga est repellat quas est. Asperiores qui nemo asperiores pariatur cupiditate. Facilis perspiciatis non aut consequatur.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:40', '2020-05-09 12:38:40'), (290, 4, 'Blaze Braun IV', 'Nihil est unde exercitationem exercitationem quis deleniti placeat itaque. Error accusamus alias delectus hic omnis ipsa dolorem. Vel rerum numquam ducimus quaerat sequi.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:40', '2020-05-09 12:38:40'), (291, 43, '<NAME>', 'Qui similique hic dolores. Officia numquam repellendus voluptatem excepturi nihil.', 0, '2020-05-09 12:38:40', '2020-05-09 12:38:40'), (292, 78, '<NAME>', 'Itaque pariatur dolorem sequi quia error ipsum. Perferendis aut non dolor. Nobis eos eos et dolores laboriosam. Inventore dolore minima quibusdam quod ea natus earum.', 2, '2020-05-09 12:38:40', '2020-05-09 12:38:40'), (293, 62, '<NAME>', 'Enim distinctio perspiciatis dolorem distinctio quos itaque. Consequatur temporibus quaerat et dicta repellat enim. Exercitationem et et quia eum eum libero molestias.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:40', '2020-05-09 12:38:40'), (294, 35, 'Ms. <NAME>', 'Ut molestiae aliquam perspiciatis perspiciatis saepe. Sed provident sunt consequatur commodi non nam et.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:41', '2020-05-09 12:38:41'), (295, 24, '<NAME>', 'Doloremque nesciunt quia eaque qui qui. Et inventore et ut corporis. Rerum beatae et est harum reprehenderit. Aliquid perferendis ut voluptatum non velit.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:41', '2020-05-09 12:38:41'), (296, 16, 'Prof. <NAME> V', 'Dolor vitae fugit quia soluta. Laudantium est est quia voluptate unde vero sequi iste. Omnis consequatur illum aperiam molestiae. Ut optio eos recusandae expedita.', 3, '2020-05-09 12:38:41', '2020-05-09 12:38:41'), (297, 27, 'Mr. <NAME> Sr.', 'Alias quaerat eaque enim ipsam vel vel non qui. Distinctio animi dolor vero consequatur asperiores neque inventore. Omnis est voluptatem dolor consectetur consequatur temporibus. Voluptas accusantium ut similique modi consequuntur optio sed.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:41', '2020-05-09 12:38:41'), (298, 52, '<NAME>', 'Autem at pariatur sit sapiente suscipit facere. Atque ut voluptas blanditiis voluptatem excepturi. Eum id perspiciatis facilis. Amet rem porro quo qui quia sit.', 1, '2020-05-09 12:38:41', '2020-05-09 12:38:41'), (299, 60, '<NAME>', 'Voluptas quia odio sed ab et. Alias ad iste quaerat quaerat reprehenderit molestias. Excepturi consequatur consequatur necessitatibus id deleniti quidem. Et laborum quas dolorem et neque magni nostrum delectus.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:41', '2020-05-09 12:38:41'), (300, 25, '<NAME>', 'Est itaque itaque voluptas incidunt et repellat et. Est explicabo eum asperiores quia voluptatem.', 5, '2020-05-09 12:38:41', '2020-05-09 12:38:41'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `users` -- CREATE TABLE `users` ( `id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `email` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `email_verified_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, `password` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `remember_token` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, `created_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, `updated_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci; -- -- Indexes for dumped tables -- -- -- Indexes for table `failed_jobs` -- ALTER TABLE `failed_jobs` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `migrations` -- ALTER TABLE `migrations` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `password_resets` -- ALTER TABLE `password_resets` ADD KEY `password_resets_email_index` (`email`); -- -- Indexes for table `products` -- ALTER TABLE `products` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); -- -- Indexes for table `reviews` -- ALTER TABLE `reviews` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`), ADD KEY `reviews_product_id_index` (`product_id`); -- -- Indexes for table `users` -- ALTER TABLE `users` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`), ADD UNIQUE KEY `users_email_unique` (`email`); -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for dumped tables -- -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `failed_jobs` -- ALTER TABLE `failed_jobs` MODIFY `id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `migrations` -- ALTER TABLE `migrations` MODIFY `id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=11; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `products` -- ALTER TABLE `products` MODIFY `id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=101; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `reviews` -- ALTER TABLE `reviews` MODIFY `id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=301; -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `users` -- ALTER TABLE `users` MODIFY `id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; -- -- Constraints for dumped tables -- -- -- Constraints for table `reviews` -- ALTER TABLE `reviews` ADD CONSTRAINT `reviews_product_id_foreign` FOREIGN KEY (`product_id`) REFERENCES `products` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE; COMMIT; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET COLLATION_CONNECTION=@OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION */;
Blackett Street in Newcastle city centre and Colston Street in Benwell will have their names reviewed in the wake of Black Lives Matter protests. Two Newcastle streets will have their names reviewed in the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests – including one of the city centre’s best-known roads. Newcastle City Council officials confirmed last week that they would launch a review of all the city’s statues, following the anti-racism demonstrations that have swept the globe since the killing of George Floyd in the USA. And the local authority has now also committed to investigate whether two of Newcastle’s street names have “proven links to the slave trade” after requests from the public – Blackett Street in the city centre and Colston Street in the West End. Blackett Street, which runs past Eldon Square and Grey’s Monument, is named after John Erasmus Blackett – a prominent businessman and four-time Lord Mayor of Newcastle in the 1700s, who had served an apprenticeship under major Liverpool slave trader Foster Cunliffe. The council is also trying to determine whether the naming of Colston Street, a terraced residential street in Benwell, has any connection to Edward Colston, the slave trader whose statue in Bristol was toppled and thrown in a harbour during anti-racism protests earlier this month. A civic centre spokesperson said that renaming streets was a "complex issue" and also confirmed that there had been no requests to review any statues in the city. Grey’s Monument and the Lord Armstrong memorial outside the Great North Museum: Hancock had been listed on a ‘Topple the Racists’ online map of statues that “celebrate slavery and racism” – but both have since been removed from the list. The Monument was the scene of violent clashes last weekend, when counter-protesters allegedly hurled objects that injured police and Black Lives Matter activists. Council leader Nick Forbes said earlier this week that there should be “intelligent debate about our statues and street names” and what can be done to “address the inequalities which exist in our city and society at large”. A council spokesperson said: “Like many councils around the country we will carry out a review in response to representations from the public into statues and street names where there are proven links to the slave trade. “Historically Newcastle has few links to the slave trade. The one remaining statue in the city that was on a national list that campaigners were calling to be removed is no longer on that list. “We are listening and responding to the thoughts and concerns of our residents making sure they are part of the review process, however the renaming of streets is a complex issue and we are considering the implications with regards to requests."
Firefighting is one of the most arduous jobs on earth. Firefighters enter buildings where there are superheated gases, hot situations going up beyond a thousand degrees Fahrenheit. They also risk being hit by falling debris from collapsing buildings. For wild firefighting tasks, it is safer if one has the best wildland firefighting boots. Failure to protect adequately may attract accidents through the loss of body fluids. Therefore, for their safety, firefighters need protective equipment, like masks, heat resistant clothes, and boots. Specialized quality boots will protect the firefighter’s ankle and lower legs from raging fires. Their shoe quality varies in terms of quality. What Are Wildland Firefighting Boots? Wildland firefighting boots are special boots crafted with super quality features that make them so rugged. They designed to walk and run uphill, downhill, and rocky terrain than any other boots bearing in mind that the users require safety to save a life. They should be light for users to jump smoke quickly and run when need be. The fact that there is a lot to be wary in the wilderness like stepping on fire debris or snake and other dangers in the desert, the boots should also be heat resistant that the user may be comfortable while on them. What Are the Types of Firefighter Boots? Turn-out or bunker boots. City center firefighters usually wear these boots; they must have standard features like being puncture resistance and also protect users toe. With modern technology, these shoes use sturdy leather and lightweight for natural to drive in. Station boots. Station boots do not have to meet qualities like heat resistant or puncture because they are not for fire calls. They worn in the stations, and their types depend on the station rules. Wildland firefighting boots. These should be heavy-duty boots that can work and w3alk on any terrain and hard rocky environments. They must be of high performance, hiking quality, and durable. There are various benefits you get from wearing the best wildland firefighting boots if you are firefighters, one of them is protection. These shoes must be able to protect from excess heat. When they are heat resistant, you can be sure no heat risk whatsoever reaches your foot ankle or lower leg. They should also offer support, comfort, and breathability. If there is no proper air circulation, it means you can easily suffer from fungal infections and bad smell, which will compromise your comfort. With the best shoes, you cannot worry about ankle support or comfort issues. Tactical firefighter 8″ from danner brand tops in this wildland fire boots review. These extraordinary smokejumper firefighting gear designed with quality features that you can love. Starting with the full-grain leather outer incorporated with mesh lining on the inside, they offer heat resistant and perfect breathability. The outer sole is made of sturdy Vibram to give slip resistivity over any terrain. They are lightweight with stitch construction reinforcement to provide the ultimate user comfort while out for wildland fire calls. The unique thing about these boots is that they fit so well and are attractive by look, from the heel shape to the streamline upper design. Far better, the toe has enough room for comfortable movement. Among the top-ranked wildland firefighter boots, hathorn 11v is the king of the jungle. Boots are made stylishly from premium full-grain leather that gives it toughness and durability of the highest order. The untreated leather material making the upper brings natural softness, flexibility, pliability, and additionally tough all through. The boots are strong enough to meet fire comfortably, ensuring the firefighter is well protected. The cushioning on the inner side will never let the user feel any pressure on the toe ankle or arch support. You can buy any other boots, but the quality of this boot is irreplaceable. If your priority in best fire boots is comfort, then bates tactical boots are the ideal option that will save you from common discomforts issues while on duty. The extra padding is the reason behind sufficient comfort provided to buy the boots. The food thing these boots are multipurpose as they fit well both sports guys and firefighters. The seller retails them at an affordable price, which allows many people to buy and experience unlimited goodness. The cement construction technology ensures the boots are lightweight yet without being abrasive. Apart from having removable cushioned insole, the shoes feature dry, slip and oil-resistant outsoles that keep the feet warm. Made from italy, la sportive is an extraordinary pair of work boots that you can no doubt trust and rely on them for perfect service, whether you are an avid backpacker or a firefighter. The shoes are made of top quality leather design on the uppers. They are lightweight and features a top-quality synthetic sole that gives optimum support to the user. These stylish boots are a favorite alternative for experienced firefighters who recognize the value of best wildfire boots. The boots offer ideal high ankle stability without altering movement at all. Further, with their Vibram ice outsole, you can wear confidently with trust on their traction level, which allows you to walk or jump on muddy and rocky terrain too. Thorogood brand continues to offer top quality work boots at affordable prices in the market. The boots are of quality materials, but we cannot say they are best wildland fire boots because they are designs for secondary usage, not frontline fire stopping. They are therefore used where there is minimal interaction with raging fire since their fire resistivity is low. However, they can give top comfort a firefight would want. Mostly, Thorogood 8″, are used as station boots by the officers who are not in the outside fire calls or brigade motor drivers. They fit well and are designed, allowing enough toe box space. Georgia boot is a famous brand that produces various types and styles of about in so many sectors. Their core value and the secret behind the rising to the level of a market leader in being able to maintain quality while listening and implementing users’ suggestions. They are made of 100% pure leather that gives it sturdy and durable upper. Although 8-inch Georgia boot is a non-steel toe, it can protect you against falling objects through the sturdy non-compressible upper. The shoes have a moisture-wicking lining that is breathable enough to ensure the user’s feet remain dry all the time. The cushioning on the insole and footbed guarantee comfortability at its best. It has a thick layered lining to allow breathability. The highly-rated Fuego mountaineering boots from Italy based brand known as Scarpa is an example of construction and design made perfect. The shoes are made quality and for use in various outdoor sports and leisure activities like trail running, hiking, mountaineering, in addition to being one of the best wildland firefighting boots. It has an elegant bronze color with a double tongue that guarantees a comfortable fit. The Vibram sole ensures the boot remains slip-resistant as firefighters climb tough rocky wilderness. The boots further have nylon lining that provides breathability at its best. The shoes do not include rubber outsole in a bid to avoid rubber bunning while firefighting. Kenetreck brands bring this great boot for wildland firefighters who want only but the best. The top attraction to this full grain fire-resistant leather boot is the qualities it posses. They are designed with a seamless tongue that makes them long-lasting and also increasing precision mold to every foot. Apart from hot zone kevlar stitching feature that enhances fireproof performance, they are lightweight with lace to toe style to ensure optimum support and comfort all day.the comfortability is further boosted by padding and nylon midsole. These best wildland fire boots also have enough traction, which facilitates the non-slip experience and safety of the user. These wildland fire boots are available in many markets around the globe for all professional firefighters to access. For perfect protection, these boots are reliable for front line smokejumpers and firefighters. With 10 inch high, and you are perfectly sup[ported against any sort of fire hazard on the lower legs and ankle. These black fire and water-resisting boots are created fit with lace to toe design. They may look narrow but are adjustable to accommodate ant foot size. With this lightweight black non burn boots made stylish with technora upper stitching that offers the best service on raging fire grounds, you can be sure that your feet will always remain dry and supported. White’s boots 400vltt boots are special designs that is 10 inches high to offer excellent ankle support while still maintaining great mobility. These best wildland firefighting boots are the kind you can trust as a professional fire fighting guy every time you want to go out for fire calls. They have lace to toe design that makes them appear great and also have Vibram sole for ideal traction when on slippery forests. The shoe meets all set standards for wildland firefighting. When wearing this footwear, you feel great and confident due to their streamline nature and high comfort when wearing, makes you feel the energy to run, and strike any crawling dangers like wild snakes. When buying firefighting boots, safety is the thing that you cannot take lightly. Only buy boots that are NFPA approved. You must be able to identify boots that will ensure you work correctly without compromising your health or risk-taking. The boots, therefore, should be designed high above the ankle to protect your lower leg from excess heat. The shoes you buy need to be fire-resistant and also comfort when wearing since firefighters work in areas where temperatures rise too high. Rubber or leather materials are most preferred because they are hard to burn. The resistance of the boost for both water and heat is another quality to consider when buying. Thy must be water-resistant since firefighters use water to put off raging fires, the boots should not let in water. Something else is that the boots should be rated as static dissipative, to mean they are electrical resistant. Firefighters sometimes work in places where there are live cables curring current, and being in contact with water can be more hazardous. Traction is something else firefighters boots should have. The boots should resist slippage and falling. Working with fire and water can cause the surface to be very slippery, and if you don’t be careful, you can fall and get consumed by the raging flames. Therefore, while the solution to slippery is almost impossible, boots built with the proper outsole that has rubber and threads to boost traction can help manage. Why Do I Have to Insist on Nfpa Approved Wildland Fire Boots? The reason why when buying you should insist on knowing if boots are NFPA approved since such boots are tested and found to meet all quality specs that a firefighter must need in a boot. And another reason is to stop those brands that produce to make money exposing users to poor risky boots. What Are Firefighter Boots Made Of? Initially, best wildland firefighting boots had only rubber and leather, but today’s boots include some excellent synthetic materials. Synthetic materials addition boost toughness and resistivity of the shoes on fire, water, and electricity. Can a Firefighter Boot by Any Chance Expand to Fit My Feet? Not necessarily, you should buy boots that will be exactly your measurements that have just a slight space for mobility. If the boots keep expanding, they will not be sufficient to fit you. So firefighting boots will not expand as you may think. How to Choose Wildland Fire Boots? Generally, all the information we have discussed in this article and more data you can get from the buyer’s guide will help you make the right decision on best wildland firefighting boots. While there is more and more information on the internet about ideal best wildland firefighting boots, you should check on the quality of boots you are investing in for your health. What to be careful about when buy inferno fighting boots is the sole and quality of the leather making the upper. For your safety, buy boots that have medium heels to avoid those with a high heel as that can develop health complications later in life, causing painful arches. Finally, NFPA approval is something that can guarantee you have ideal boots.
Ottawa’s own Jon Creeden & the Flying Hellfish have premiered the video for “Nailbiter,” off their new LP “Stall,” released via My Fingers! My Brain! Records, Maps and Continents Records, and Dead Broke Rekerds. The digital version of the album is already available at bandcamp, and is an absolute steal at pay-what-you-can. I hadn’t even finished the third song when I decided to buy it. If you’d prefer to get a physical copy, you can check out Jon’s IndieGoGo page to get it on CD or vinyl. The official album release show will be Friday, April 6th at House of TARG in Ottawa. You can check out the video for “Nailbiter” below!
KUDOS on passing your Series 7 exam!! Should certainly make your holidays more festive. You are welcome. Very gratifying when my narrative lectures contribute to testing victories like yours. Making narrative lectures was a conscious choice when I began broadcasting at www.youtube.com/c/DeanTinney on December 27 of this year. Over 200,000 views and almost 3,000 subscribers from then to now. Serendipity that not only do test takers like narrative lectures so do YouTube advertisers! Revenue so far this month is over $700. You made a good investment in a supplemental Q bank. I recommend all PassPerfect test takers do the same so they can confirm what is testable and what is PassPerfect non testable minutia.
Please note in particular that the definition of "Use" includes "any act that is restricted by copyright or Database Rights", and that database rights include the right to extract factual information. I see your point, and I have two comments on the matter. The section generally enforces the copyleft nature of the license, which is a permissible restriction per our Definition. You are allowed to examine the work and to use the knowledge in any way… provided the results of your use remain free (in a sense). However, you might argue that this restriction goes beyond copyright protection (in the strict sense), and you would be right (as the copyleft clause usually applies only on derivative works in the sense used in copyright laws). But then, the whole Definition of Free Cultural Works is talking about copyright protection only – but what about the rest? For instance, trademarks – even though an image might be in the public domain copyright-wise, it might be protected by a trademark and you are not allowed to use it in some ways (e.g. on your commercial products). On Wikimedia Commons, these are known as non-copyright restrictions and are generally allowed (as being often context-dependant). So… how should we (generally) handle those many “non-unified” (country-specific) copyright-related aspects like sui generis database protection, moral rights, etc.? And those non-copyright restrictions? I am not sure. Retrieved from "https://freedomdefined.org/index.php?title=Talk:Open_Database_License&oldid=8863"
RICHMOND, Va. (WHSV) — According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the Extended Benefits program becomes available when someone has exhausted all their regular unemployment benefits during a time when the state is experiencing high unemployment. On May 31, Virginia’s extended benefits program was activated as the insured unemployment rate raised above, the program allows for those who have exhausted their regular unemployment benefits to seeking additional assistance. This is not a new benefit nor a new process for use, according to Joyce Fogg of the Virginia Employment Commission. “It triggers on or becomes active when Virginia’s insured unemployment rate, which is different from the regular unemployment rate, gets above five percent and we’ve been above five percent so it triggered on,” Fogg explained. Once the rate goes back down, the program is no longer available. Fogg said they had 1.4 million claims and about 20,000 people will be affected by ending the program. There are jobs listed on the VEC website. Read more about extended benefits here.
Finding unexploded ordinance from the Second World War happens every once in awhile here in Bochum (a fairly large industrial city in the Ruhr area). The first time I was notified per flyer that they had to dispose of a small bomb found in my neighborhood, but it was unclear whether anyone beyond a city block or two were evacuated. The second time was more serious, as the police were immediately called in after a large bomb was unearthed by construction workers. Although the authorities were tense, and the residents quite understandably nervous, everything was taken care of smoothly.* *Edit: [Newspaper article](http://www.rp-online.de/panorama/deutschland/teile-der-innenstadt-nach-bombenfund-evakuiert-1.2022725) of the bomb find and evacuation (in German). Basically, construction workers found a 500kg bomb, and the police evacuated people within a 500m (0.3 mile) radius. Thousands were affected.
The idea that we should have our jobs fulfill us as human beings is an odd concept. We've reached an odd point in social development where MANDATORY employment is somehow required to make people all warm and fuzzy inside. People need to trade life to the owner class to live. That's being a worker. Until humanity shifts gears into another mode of resource processing... we're stuck with this. Expecting workers to also find "meaning" in that work in the same way as they find meaning in taking care of kids or painting a sunset is an added slap in the face. Isn't doing an honest job well *enough*? If people want to have warm fuzzies, great, but they shouldn't be *expected* to. The work should pay enough to live. It shouldn't be dangerous without pay equal to the risk, it shouldn't be hazardous for the sake of cutting costs for the owner class. It should offer benefits enough that the company isn't dumping the care of its workers on the state. Plenty of people just do a job, do it well, and go home. They got paid to do it. That's enough. It's the way workers are treated. It's how they're looked down on by _other workers_ when they do the job. It's the lack of benefits, the lack of mobility, the lack of stability, and the fact that at the end of a grueling day, they're no better off than they were last year. And it's the expectation that no one in their right mind would WANT to do that job, so the one doing it has something wrong with them. Like... an honest job done well. That's damned spiffy IMHO. If you want to get the joy out of it you'd get from painting a sunset or hugging a puppy, more power to you. But for most people, work is how we avoid starving. It's not how we become human.
NTA. I grew up as a JW and went to public school. First, the idea that these people are using the JW religion as an excuse to not even LOOK at flags is absurd. Unless doctrine has changed since I left, that's not against the religion. Saying the Pledge of Allegiance, on the other hand, is (assuming you're in the US). I sat out all of the kids' birthdays and holiday activities. It was always on us to excuse ourselves, have other activities to do, etc. It was never on the class or the teacher to not do these things because of our religion. The truth is, you're not excluding this child. Her parents and their religion are. I hope she grows out of it soon for her own sake.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Suggested patch for issue #41 username_0: Per discussion in #41, this marks the VK codes for numpad math buttons as numpad keys so the numpad `-` and `/` keys don't get confused with the regular ones. <issue_comment>username_1: I'm accepting it to fix this specific issue, but I think it warrants a more thorough look at this code. The logic behind this behaviors is a bit confusing. <issue_comment>username_1: Oh, and thanks a lot for the help, both with the bug report and this pull request. I've been extremely busy with other stuff, this is much appreciated. <issue_comment>username_0: Happy to help!
The world of networking changes – fast. Here’s a look at the history of networking technologies that no longer exists, ... For System Administrator Appreciation Day, we asked our customers to submit a story about their heroic deeds on the ... COVID-19: the impact it has in the industry, and our commitment to our customers. Because of the COVID-19 worldwide ... Our company was founded over a decade ago to automate network intelligence, and we have some exciting news to share ... If one of your servers or workstations were sending data to a server in Russia, would you know it? Many organizations ... The executives pile into the conference room and notice that something is missing. “Where’s the phone?” The high-end ... For System Administrator Appreciation Day, we asked our customers and many other SysAdmins to submit a story about ... Why Is Troubleshooting Packet Loss So Hard? Most network monitoring systems don’t dig deep enough into the network to see all of the error counters. With most ... Maybe it is just because lunch is a big deal in my town (Silicon Valley), but I like to think about how to improve life ... Who Is Talking to Whom Using IoT Devices? Where Is Your Data Going? You may have many IoT devices on your network, yet ... The American Heritage Dictionary defines a squatter as one who settles on unoccupied land without legal claim. We are ... What do you really know about the vulnerabilities of your network equipment? An equipment manufacturer could have ... As network engineers, we occasionally empty our favorite adult beverage and discuss "what’s missing in the world of ... The history of technology is replete with stories of continuous improvements that aim to make the technology seamless ... In CSI part one of this series, we explained how network troubleshooting is a bit like investigating the scene of a ... Imagine you are investigating the scene of a murder. After spending an entire day combing for evidence, you and your ... We usually deploy monitoring software to gain visibility into our environment. Typically, the monitoring software will ... Take a walk around the showroom floor at Interop, and you’ll encounter many different vendors offering network ... Network Error Counters Can Tell A Thousand Words…If You Know How To Read Them! Think about why doctors have to be so thorough when diagnosing patients and writing prescriptions. Writing a ... In most organizations, the conversion to VoIP has already happened. Dealing with VoIP problems is now the ... You have gigabit and better speed links throughout your network, and your 5-minute utilization graphs all show that you ... When I’m stuck in traffic, I think everyone dreams a little bit about the idea of being able to hover over the jams ... Professional race car drivers know the benefits of track testing their cars before a race. During this pre-race ... It’s a given: If you’re responsible for the stability and performance of a network, no matter the size, you have ... This should be an easy process, right? It can be, if you take the proper precautions. Introducing a phone system like ... My, how your business is growing! Just yesterday, you were a small startup. Now, your company is moving out of its ... If there’s one lesson you can take away from our recent series on the top VoIP call quality myths, it’s that you can’t ... The network outages experienced by Southwest and Delta in July is a cautionary tale about the lack of visibility into ... Network conditions, like the weather, are constantly changing. Your VoIP system is up and running and, by all accounts, it appears to be in proper working order. By: Tim Titus This week we’re at Cisco Live—and while lots of folks are thinking about summer plans, the PathSolutions ... We’ve all been there: One minute, your VoIP phone system is running smoothly, and the next you can barely understand ... Over the past few months, we’ve spoken with countless customers about VoIP troubleshooting at industry trade shows like ... During a presentation at this year’s Interop conference, an analyst provided a long list of free or affordable network ... On June 5, are you heading to Avaya ENGAGE in Orlando where you will spend the week cherry picking the VoIP strategies ... Are you spending all of your time at the help desk, completing important—but mundane—network troubleshooting tasks? If ... When you walk into the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas for the Interop conference (May 4 to 5), you’ll see ... Imagine a massive bridge with hundreds of cars travelling over it...but no connection to land on the other side. Cars ... Why does your team work so hard to ensure that its network stays up and running? It’s to make sure that when Joe in ... About a decade ago, PathSolutions set out on a quest to revolutionize network visibility for administrators with its ... Unfortunately, your network is currently suffering from a lot of issues, which is creating an enormous amount of work. On March 7, PathSolutions will head to Orlando, Florida for Enterprise Connect—one of the premier business ... QoS Queues: What You Don’t Know WILL Hurt You! Imagine a crowded grocery store checkout area, where the express lanes aren’t being used properly. Some express lanes ... Today’s world is more connected than it has ever been. Organizations both big and small rely on a constant stream of ... Are you struggling to prioritize your network’s needs heading into next year? If so, you may want to check out TPR’s ... Upgrading Your Network? Why Bother? Chances are likely that you’ll be investing heavily in your network in 2016, as you update and add new devices. Some of ... We’ve taken you across all areas of the network in our six-part series covering network troubleshooting solutions from ... You and your team should look forward to phone calls with customers. These days, however, nobody in your company wants ... Network troubleshooting solutions are a bit like baseball pitchers: Some tools (like TotalView from PathSolutions) are ... Over the last few years, we have had a lot of fun with Timmy the turtle and our Don’t Turtle Your Network campaign. In the first few installments of this series on network troubleshooting solutions, we highlighted three tools that ... Throughout this series on network troubleshooting solutions, we have been reiterating how important it is to invest in ... As we mentioned in Part One of this series, Selecting the Right Packet Analyzer, where we explained how packet ... You have no intention of outsourcing your network maintenance needs to a third party management service. Instead, ... Ask any Network or Telecom professional how he or she feels about outsourcing their company’s network operations to a ... At this point, you would do anything—ANYTHING—to go just one day without any VoIP-related complications in your ... Recently, Wired Magazine ran a terrifying article about how two hackers—as part of a controlled experiment—were able to ... A few weeks ago, your business purchased a new VoIP phone system thinking it would improve office communications. But, ... The year-end push is on, as we are currently speeding into Q4 2015. Before you know it, your company will be in the ... Picture this: One of your salesmen is engaging in high level talks with a potential client. But midway through the ... It’s not pleasant when you’re trying to have a serious business discussion over your VoIP phone, and the person on the ... As we mentioned in Part One of this Series, Packet Sniffers, VoIP systems do not always work as intended. Poor quality ... In a perfect world, VoIP calls would always be crystal-clear in terms of audio quality. But this is not a perfect world ... It’s 10 a.m. and you’re already exhausted from running around your data center like a mad person trying to fix your ... What’s Driving The Global VoIP Services Market? The global VoIP services market is on track to experience widespread growth over the next five years, as indicated in a ... Just about every IT professional can speak to the horrors of network downtime; after all, when downtime occurs, major ... Step inside of the Santa Barbara Museum of Art (SBMA), and you’ll find no shortage of retinal delights. For this year’s theater sessions at Interop, May 2 to 6 in Las Vegas, we decided to put some of our customers into the ... Most of us have had strange bumps, random sore throats and other maladies that have sent us straight to WebMD looking ... PathSolutions recently headed to the Help Desk Institute (HDI) Conference with a core goal of helping enterprises ... One of the most exciting parts about the IT community’s annual Interop Las Vegas conference is that it gives the ... One of the most interesting parts about an automobile race is that the actual race begins long before the drivers take ... Stop and think about the complexity of your core network. Over the years, your network has evolved with every new ... Are you struggling to understand what’s causing poor quality VoIP calls in your organization? If so, you’re not alone. It appears that the U.S. government is in need of a “State of the Network” address. On the evening of Jan. 21, the U.S. ... Your core network is the digital backbone of your entire organization. It’s responsible for facilitating essential ... Last year, we unveiled our “Don’t Turtle Your Network” campaign featuring Timmy the Turtle (yes, we named him). You may ... 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When a contact center provider outsources its communications to an independent third-party provider, they do it ... Chances are your business, like countless others, is looking to invest in the Internet of Things (IoT). Gartner ... When the Obamacare website malfunctioned and crashed last year, resulting in an inability for consumers to apply for ... Why is it So Hard Finding Root-Cause Forensics? VoIP network troubleshooting can be one of the most difficult, time-consuming and costly processes. Finding the root ... Is Your Network Ready for the Back to School Rush? Summer is winding down, and students across the country are getting ready to hit the books once again. However, the ... What’s the Secret to Crystal-Clear VoIP Calls? Do problems like call echoes and latency have you longing for the old days with your landline telephone? Are you ready ... Power over Ethernet (PoE) is quickly becoming one of the most popular methods used by businesses to power their ... 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No traveling required—just playback our webinar recording! As you may know from a previous post, I am often on the road ... InteropNet: Testing the Boundaries of a Multi-Vendor, Converged Network This year, PathSolutions was selected to help ... We hope you all will enjoy this scrapbook we put together about building out the InteropNet network! PathSolutions CTO, Tim Titus, on Being a Best of Interop 2013 Finalist As you probably already know, I was at the ACUTA ... Planes, Trains, and Automobiles with PathSolutions CTO, Tim Titus: Taking Total Network Visibility on the Road The 42nd ... MAC Addresses: Not a Cheesy Subject! Not the address of the US Federal Cheese Repository… I was recently asked by one of the managers at an organization to ... Planes, Trains, and Automobiles with PathSolutions CTO, Tim Titus: Taking Total Network Visibility on the Road Next to ... When asked about the top three network problems that cause bad voice quality, network engineers frequently respond with ... Today’s post is Part II of a series devoted to Power Over Ethernet Technology Continued from PoE, Part I. If you’re a ... Today’s post delves into Power over Ethernet technologies Managing power can be important – as a certain starship ... Today’s post takes a look at what causes echo sounds on calls. Nearly all of us have occasionally been on cellphone, ... A Lesson in High Performance Network Management: It’s All About Efficiency! Today’s episode takes us behind the scenes at PathSolutions... How do you manage performance when crossing other people’s networks? When PBX and Telco vendors are asked about Voice Quality on their networks, they often respond by quoting “MOS” scores, ...
It’s been almost one year due to the fact Fruit cancelled brand new AirPower cordless charging pad, which will features anticipate one place your new iphone, Fruit. The newest RGB field over the past few years has already established just regarding the people and everyone including RGB on the affairs, although it does not make sense. Among the many parts that it provides did actually match really is with RGB recollections segments. Also in 2010 our company is seeing the previous few businesses exactly who did not join the pattern early getting out its RGB thoughts. The latest SSD business with SATA SSDs has experienced a number of RGB alternatives emerge, but they always some away from on far more useless than usual given a good amount of cases mask the 2.5-inch pushes. But Yards.dos, as well, might have been just starting to discover RGB can be found in new merge just like the better. Frankly an abundance of boards cover-up the latest Yards.dos as well, but when it’s just not, it’s at the very least there in your currently RGB lit motherboard best? Really, Patriot returned inside all the too employing Viper Playing outlines the brand new push called the VPR100, obtain it VPR aka Viper. Better, today I’m going to check out the push, it’s lights, its application, not to mention the overall performance as well! Time and again there is talked about the causes trailing as to why some one always must have a good Central processing unit cool specifically for the beautiful summer-time. So it needless to say doesn’t invariably mean that by using a main-stream model it will burn out during the summer but generally speaking many techniques from new housing, cooling enthusiast and you may indoor elements enjoy a giant character in how a lot of time the computer keeps supposed and you may what type of performance we provide from it. Among the many quite “new” people on the market was COUGAR and because so far its items in standard provides did into the par having the ones from the much elderly opponents we chose to check out the newest GX-1050 V3 (G1050) 1050W electric battery unit. Exclusive combination of the world-popular Italian language enjoy away from design an informed circumstances all over the world and you may HEC/s fuel and you may enough time-go out experience to create an informed high quality products composed imaginative masterpieces inside the PSU record. The computer upgrading and Diy market is modifying rapidly and is expanding more about. Elite group member was requesting more only steady and you can hushed PSU/s, needed productive and effort rescuing issues as opposed to compromises inside top quality. COUGAR GERMANY composed instance things! COUGAR GERMANY combines the features off creativity and you may advancement to help make productive, effective and you can novel products like “COUGAR Strength”. The goal of COUGAR GERMANY is the satisfaction of the buyers, reaching they by simply making best, complex products. COUGAR – Your time! The fresh new GX-1050 V3 was a partial-standard design that has a keen 80Plus Silver efficiency degree (offers to help you 93% fuel abilities), several strong +12v 60A rail getting more or less 96% of your own tools electricity efficiency, flat standard wiring getting convenient wire navigation and you may increased airflow in to the the truth, ultra-hushed temperatures controlled 140mm intake partner, high-top quality Japanese capacitors and many electrical defenses plus OCP (Over newest protection), OPP (More than electricity coverage), OVP (Over current coverage), OTP (More than Temperature Safety), UVP (Not as much as voltage cover) and you can SCP (Short circuit protection). Nonetheless this is the most powerful electric battery equipment we’ve received at this point because of the COUGAR thus in the place of further reduce why don’t we examine they aside. Won: Clasico Civil de Vina del Mar, Clasico Republica del Paraguay, Premio Especial Thompson Matthews, Cabrillo S. (ntr 10F), Escondido H. (ncr 9F T), San Juan Capistrano H., Californian S., Ford Pinto Inv. Lawn only lads india H., Oak tree Invitational (twice), San Gabriel H., San erican checklist 11F T), California S., Carleton F. Burke H., Santa Anita H., Sundown H. (along with completed first in 1971 Woodward S however, DQ’d so you’re able to 3rd), Hollywood Playground Invitational Turf H.
Centrally located in the seaside town of Portrush, Coastal Links Apartments is a place to unwind, enjoy the outdoors, socialise, dine out and relax. Experience the best of the North Coast and all that Portrush has to offer from your very own stylish apartment. With carefully considered layouts, Coastal Links Apartments delivers fresh and tranquil living to the North Coast. Coastal Links Apartments is perfectly situated within the charming, vibrant seaside town of Portrush with quaint cafes, bustling bars and shops on its doorstep. If that’s not enough Coastal Links Apartments is within walking distance to the rugged coastline with windswept headlands, two blue flag beaches, the Ramore Wine-bar Complex and Royal Portrush Golf Club, home of The Open in 2019. The outstanding designs, quality finish and proximity to all that Portrush has to offer set this development apart as something truly special. Not only do you have some of the country’s most breath-taking scenery within walking distance, Coastal Links Apartments is afforded the luxury of being in close proximity to several world-class golf courses in Portstewart and Castlerock. With the Causeway Coastal Route on your doorstep, you can marvel at the Giants Causeway, Mussenden Temple, Dunluce Castle & Old Bushmills Whiskey Distillery within minutes. – Exclusive contemporary kitchen with soft close doors & drawers. – State of the art integrated appliances to include oven, hob, fridge/freezer and dishwasher. A local property management company will manage all communal areas within the development. Each apartment owner will become a shareholder of the company and pay an annual fee towards the cost of the maintaining & servicing the building. Secure parking is available by separate negotiation at £12,000 per space (Limited to 5 spaces).
tant que tel mais à des éléments matériels susceptibles de l’accroître ou d’en être des produits. Which language is this? French
Ghana’s coronavirus cases surged by 173 on Thursday, bringing the total recorded infections to 6, 269, the latest updates by the Ghana Health Service (GHS) have shown. The breakdown of the new infections is 46 for the Greater Accra Region; Ashanti, 5; Central, 27; Western, 89; and Eastern Region, 6. Males account for 61% of the total cases while females comprise 39% across the country. Greater Accra still has the highest number of confirmed cases with 4,582 cases followed by Ashanti – 921; Central – 285; and Western Region – 170. Regional case count are as follows: Western Region – 170; Eastern Region – 106; Western North Region – 57; Volta Region – 41; Northern Region – 31; Oti Region – 26; Upper East Region – 26. The Director-General of the GHS, Dr Patrick Kuma-Aboagye, said at a briefing on Thursday that, “new positives were slowly declining”. He said there were occasional flare-up of cases in some areas such as Bibiani, Tema and Obuasi, but they had implemented measures to contain further spread. Meanwhile, the Minister of Information, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, has revealed that Magascar’s alleged herbal cure, Covid-Organics, was undergoing testing protocols in the country by the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) and Centre for Plant Medicine. Simultaneously, Ghana’s Centre for Scientific Research into Plant Medicine is conducting explorations into remedies that could be introduced locally. The minister noted that schools would not resume immediately as being speculated by some people on social media, but consultations with stakeholders were ongoing to determine the way forward. Meanwhile, global cases have hit 5,105,902 as of May 21 with 2,035,445 according to worldometer.com. The people who died in the process totalled 330,003.
I would often read stories of mum's reminiscing about the baby days and how it all went too fast. The sleep deprivation was part and parcel of the "job" and could be treasured as more time spent together. Don't rush your little one to grow up as it's time you will never get back. Nope they have truly glossed over the memories. Maybe it's the unconditional love that makes us forget the reality of it all. The first year with my Diva was hard. Sleep deprivation was real and had a real impact on my daily functioning levels. It didn't seem like a phase with an end in sight. I didn't enjoy my late night dates with Google. I was scared of the stories that told me I just had to accept my lot, even worse the stories of those still experiencing the same scenarios at age 2 and 3 years. We co slept pretty much all of the Diva's first year. It wasn't rosy snuggles but a baby latched onto my breast for comfort as the only means of surviving the night. It's tiring and draining not beautiful. I tried every trick in the book to make it easier. You try to be strict with yourself to follow things through but at 3 in the morning with no sleep you just do what works to get you some sleep. What sounds like sound advice during the day is distorted nonsense at 3 in the morning. I lost interest in the debates of what was best for my baby girl. Making a rod for my own back and all that, I was also not particularly following any philosophy of attachment parenting or reading the baby whisperer. I was managing from day to day. The day times had the baby stresses as well. She screamed at any idea of her milk coming from a bottle. So I could never go that far as she was pretty indiscriminate about when she wanted a feed. I then probably became a part of the problem as I became nervous about leaving her anywhere with anyone else worried about how they would manage. I found a job and things had to change and I think she must have realised it too as suddenly things started to change. My job involved nights so it started there as my husband had to be able to settle her at nights and she actually responded very well to the changes. One change led to another. She settled into nursery a lot easier than I feared. They could settle her down for a nap without a boob then so could I. She may or may not sleep through the night but we will usually only have one wake up call. She LOVES whole milk and will drink bottles of the stuff meaning family can now settle her to bed and not just me. After 13 months I actually had an evening out on my own with friends. Writing this now I can smile. Time suddenly seems to be moving fast. She's still my Diva and pretty high maintenance. Suddenly the first year though wasn't so bad and I am beginning to gloss over the memories, a little bit at a time anyway. It can be a bit boring the blurb about how fast children grow and wanting them to slow down. It’s just that it seems to happen without you noticing it and you can’t help but wonder where the time has gone. I guess as we are living it we just don’t notice it until one day you realise you are no longer watching CBeebies but programs on CBBC. He is outside in the garden climbing to the top of the apple tree before you have even had a chance to start risk assessing the situation. He is telling you all of the things he is learning at school and you suddenly realise it’s the end of the school year. You take him to bed at night and suddenly he is reading you his bed time story. Singing “twinkle twinkle little star” with a cuddle suddenly seems too “babyish” now. I can watch him from a distance now playing with his friends; he suddenly looks so tall and hardly needs me now. We will be at the park and suddenly he has made a friend all on his own. A play date now means you can actually sit down and have a cup of tea while the children entertain themselves. I sometimes refer to him as my baby and he says "Mummy I'm not a baby" but I tell him "you will always be my baby!"
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Journal Article This article argues that the use of the network metaphor can link together various different aspects of research into the use of advanced learning technologies based on computer networks. The idea of networked learning has become commonplace as an alternative to e-learning that stresses the interaction of learners, tutors and resources through networks. The arguments put in this article are firstly that learning technology needs to take account of the wider debate about networks and secondly that research in this field needs to address the theoretical and practical issues raised by advances in the field of networks. A third point is that the idea of the network acts as a powerful metaphor even if we are able to discount any particular theory generated in its support. The network metaphor can act as a unifying concept allowing us to bring together apparently disparate elements of the field. Networks are an important issue in the study of learning using advanced technologies and they speak to some of the central issues in learning theory such as virtual communities and communities of practice. DOI: 10.1080/0968776042000211548 Introduction Though use of computers has grown exponentially in the past 25 years it is worth noting that the "Network Nation" as envisaged by Hiltz and Turoff in the late 1970s has often developed more slowly than its advocates anticipated. The authors of this key text noted just prior to the widespread adoption of the Web that: The first edition had one major mistake: over-optimism about the speed at which computer-mediated communication would be adopted around the world, to create a 'network nation'. (Hiltz and Turoff 1993) Networking of personal computers has since that time experienced a surge of growth and generated the reality of social forms based on distributed systems that allow communication between large numbers of people. The merging of information and computing technologies in the Web has pushed the possibilities of computer networks to global dimensions. However the theoretical approaches to computer networks have hardly kept pace with the spectacular adoption of networks in fields such as education and learning. The growth of the Internet and specifically the Web has opened up an apparently limitless field for communication and the searching out of resources. Yet at the same time we are increasingly aware of the 'small world phenomenon', those strange connections that seem to emerge and make this vast expanse feel much closer and more limited (Watts and Strogatz 1998). Castells has recently written about the way in which the possibilities and limits of the Internet play out in relation to community (Castells 2001). He claims that the Internet is especially effective at maintaining weak ties (p129) as well as strong ties at a distance. In education the focus has often been on the latter with an interest in community and communities of practice being strongly related to the introduction of networked technologies. Castells suggests that the pattern of the Internet is one of 'networked individualism' in which on-line communities may emerge but which relies on networks built out of an interaction between off-line and on-line sociability. This stress on the interconnection between off-line and on-line elements is a corrective to the often overhyped claims for Virtual Universities and the notion that online worlds are somehow sequestered from real life concerns and processes. Networks Networks are providing an interdisciplinary framework for understanding a wide range of phenomena. The use of the term is not neutral and John Law has noted that the ubiquitous nature of the metaphor may be due to more than the emergence of new social forms. Indeed it is possible: that we are in the process of uncritically reproducing some kind of dominant ideology. We are reproducing the ways in which the current orderings of the world like to represent themselves. (Law draft para No 1) As such networked learning is part of a hegemonic discourse not simply in educational terms but as part of wider debates concerning the nature of social processes, power and culture. John Law notes that when we analyse in terms of networks, we also help to perform networks into being. The danger he identifies is that when we write as network analysts we may be buying into and adding strength to a managerialist agenda. I don't wish to minimise this point and I give it prominence here as a corrective to any suggestion that might arise in what follows that networks can be adopted uncritically as a technical term solving a number of practical problems. Networks have within them a latent politics that must be considered in our work. At a simple level mathematical modelling of networks concerns itself with the description of phenomena in terms of nodes and the links between them. Basic techniques focus on the ways in which transfers can take place across a network, for example whether the network is traversable or not. The importance of this field of study is that it holds out the prospect of developing mathematical laws of networks that may prove to be robust in describing a broad range of phenomena. In recent years a number of texts aimed at lay readers, originating in mathematical and physical science traditions, have begun to examine phenomena from a wide range of areas, including social and biological domains (Barabasi 2002, Buchanan 2002. Network analysis examines systems through the links between nodes in a web like structure. The nodes can be Web documents, individuals, groups, publications or language. Within this paper I make no proper assessment of these broad claims, rather my intention is to draw attention to the literature, its relevance to the field of networked learning and a number of conceptualisations that arise from this work. Work reported by Barabasi has argued that advances in the characterisation of complex networks that focuses on scale-free and hierarchical architectures demonstrate that a wide range of complex networks including the Web and Internet share these properties (2002). Without attempting to develop the maths involved in a proper description of scale-free networks it is important to state that these networks differ from random networks in which nodes are connected without any organising principle. Scale-free networks show a degree of organisation, in particular they display a power-law distribution. Those nodes with only a few links are numerous, but a few nodes have a very large number of links. The power law distribution is radically different from the familiar bell curve distribution with the distribution tapering off towards both margins. The rationale behind this kind of distribution rests on some simple propositions. Firstly networks grow through the addition of new nodes and these new nodes link to pre-existing nodes. Secondly there are preferential attachments within the network such that the probability of linking to a pre-existing node is higher if it already has a large number of attachments. As well as being scale-free most networks also display a high degree of clustering. This clustering is consistent with the predictions of the scale-free description of networks with a power law distribution if a hierarchical organisation is introduced into the network model. The presence of the hierarchical structure helps to re-interpret the role of hubs in complex networks. The theory predicts a modular topology with self-nesting groups of nodes in clusters with dense interconnections. The overall suggestion is that networks are: far from random, but they evolve following robust self-organising principles and evolutionary laws that cross discipline boundaries . The interesting nature of these networks retains some of the advantages of random networks, few steps between any two nodes, with the features of organisation. (2002) concentrates on recent developments in a well known set of mathematical problems known as small world phenomena. The most popularised form of this problem is in the idea of six-degrees of separation that any one person is likely to be connected to any other through only six degrees of separation. This idea gains strength from our own anecdotal experience of small worlds, meeting someone unexpectedly who has connections with either you yourself or someone close to you. One of the key elements in the description of the networking structures and patterns that lie behind small-world phenomena is the idea of the strength of weak ties. Strong links, for example between close family members do not reach out very far. It is often the weaker links that can bridge between quite different clusters in networked worlds. Buchanan reports a light-hearted challenge in a German newspaper to connect a Turkish kebab-shop owner in Frankfurt with his favourite actor, Marlon Brando. This was done using no more than six links of personal acquaintance using a bridging weak link, a friend of the kebab-shop owner living in California. The small world phenomena draw attention to the need for weak links and bridging contacts to the organisation of networks. These links are central to the dissemination and propagation of ideas and are of particular interest in education. Together the idea of networks as having a self-nested topology and the idea of small worlds begins to map networks as self-organising structures that lie somewhere between order and chaos Network Society Networks of computers date back to ARPANET and pre-date the emergence of the personal computer but it was the convergence of the two in the development of the Internet that profoundly affected our views of how computers impacted on social life and educational and learning activity. 1 The social theories that postulated a new form of society in which industry and factory production were replaced by service industry pre-date the development of networks by some years. This point is worth noting as theories of the 'information' society, developed well before networked computing, are often presented as outcomes of the application of computer technology. Daniel Bell's idea that just as industrial society had replaced agrarian society so a new post-industrial society based on services would replace industrial society was later popularised in Alvin Toffler's writings as The Third Wave (1980). Steve Wosniak, one of the originators of the personal computer at Apple has been quoted as saying that the inventors of the PC were self-consciously exploring the idea of a technological revolution reshaping society 2 . Whilst the PC was an invention tangential to the development of networks, this comment implies a much more sophisticated relationship between technology and society than that suggested by a simple technological determinism, one in which the design of technical artefacts was informed by the very debates that claim the technology their source. The information society debate still has many echoes that directly affect discussion of how networks affect education and society. Policy within the UK and many other countries is based upon the idea of computer networks being the prime lever for social change. As an example I include the remarks of two recent Ministers of Education in the UK. In sum, higher education in this century will need to look very different to the system which evolved in the second half of the twentieth. It will typically be mixed mode -delivering through ICT and other learning at a distance, as well as face to face. (paragraph 78 Blunkett 2000) When you look back at the development of our schools it has been very strangely evolutionary. One of the reasons for that is there has not been a development, there has not been an invention which has brought about a transformation which has signalled the revolution and if you look at health it was maybe antibiotics or it was maybe the discovery of DNA. If you look at transport it was maybe the internal combustion engine and once those discoveries were made, once those changes happened nothing was ever the same again. I think ICT is our DNA, it's our internal combustion engine it is the trigger that can introduce a revolution in how we teach and in how we learn (Morris 2002) Christine Steeples and I have discussed the persistence of the technological determinist approach in networked learning and its effect on policy elsewhere (Jones and Steeples 2002). At this point I simply want to stress the idea that the debates about the information society and more recently networked society inform the policy makers who in turn set the parameters for work in the field of networked learning. Advanced learning technology is introduced in relation to policy frameworks and funding decisions closely associated with an understanding of society that claims it is fundamentally transformed by the use of computer networks. Recently Alison Wolf (2002) has provided an illustration of how the view of a changing workforce, central to the idea of an information society, misinforms a major plank of government policy. The economic case for widening participation and the massification of higher education is closely related to the idea that services are replacing industries and that knowledge workers are replacing unskilled and manual work. In her conclusion Alison Wolf comments that: for the last quarter-century education policy has been driven consistently by preoccupation with growth and with workplace skills …. The results have been frequently disastrous. (Wolf 2002 p244). It is not necessary to agree with Wolf's anti-government agenda to agree with this observation, one that links failing government policies with a particular view of the needs of an information society. A second connection with the wider debate about network society is through the idea of virtual community. Howard Rheingold's highly influential book The Virtual Community (1993) generalised out from the WELL, a virtual community based in the San Fransisco Bay area in the mid-1980s. This book argued that the Internet opened up the possibility of a new form of community based on-line and formed around shared values and interests. This claim about a technological basis for a new sociability formed a natural alliance with educational theories that placed an emphasis on communities of practice. Accounts of situated learning, for example by Lave and Wenger (Lave andWenger 1991,Wenger 1998) and Brown, Collins and Duguid (1989), have had a particular importance for computer supported learning. The accounts of community facilitated by computer networks, provided by Rheingold, aligned with social and situated views of learning and the idea of communities of practice in Computer Supported Collaborative (or Cooperative) Learning (CSCL). This set of ideas has recently come under critical review (Fox 2002, Hodgson and. Fox articulates a view of communities of practice as sub-units within wider actor-networks that include both animate and inanimate elements described as actants. He argues that the communities of practice idea relies on a certain romanticism deriving as it often does from anthropological studies set outside of modern societies. He goes on to suggest that its application within modern bureaucratised organisations focuses on sub-cultures, non-canonical groups in the interstices of organisations. In summarising learning as peripheral participation in such communities of practice Fox comments: It is a community which is specialised around some specific practice or other, a single task, occupation, interest or profession. It may rely on a certain amount of formal education as a pre-requisite for joining (e.g. the US naval quartermasters often had to attend training school), but the real learning comes from the triadic communal relations between old-timers, young journey-men and/or women and newcomers, i.e. real learning comes from the social relations between people with more knowledge and skill interacting with people with less knowledge and skill in the pursuit of a common practice. (Fox 2002 p 111) As an alternative to communities of practice Fox suggests actor-network theory (2002, 2002a). In his view communities of practice may be seen as a special case in terms of actor networks as they have specific practices within them such as mimicry, demonstrating and working together. Beyond a certain scale Fox argues that a community of practice becomes an imagined community in which the actor-networks link and connect multiple communities of practice. The view Fox outlines is one that has a strong resonance with the observations by Castells in relation to networked individualism and community in networked society. Together they imply that communities and communities of practice are not the necessary or inevitable outcomes of networked society or networked technology, rather they are special cases of a more general network phenomena that relies on a particular form of individualisation. Hodgson and Reynolds' critique of community focuses on power and democracy. They argue that networked learning offers a promising medium for supporting participative approaches to learning and that participative and democratic values are facilitated because it allows for the emergence of 'splinter' groups based on differences or differences of interests. They claim that traditional approaches tend to reflect notions of collaboration that discourage recognition of differences and that practices in networked learning still conform to that approach. In practical terms Trehan and Reynolds (2002) have noted that within peer assessed groups aspects of power relations, associated with wider social networks in education, impinge on the practices of a learning community intended to foster a cooperative and collaborative style of working. The comments of Hodgson, Reynolds and Trehan touch on some central questions in relation to networks and communities when they are applied to educational settings. Network metaphors can be used in such a way that power relations become diminished or invisible. The different access to resources held by different actors in the network can be ignored by a focus on connections between nodes rather than on which nodes act as attractors in the flows across the network. In education the gloss of the 'guide on the side' has often ignored the power of the tutor in setting assessment tasks and in grading those assessments (Jones 2000). As Trehan and Reynolds make clear these power relationships are also evident in the interactions of collaborative and peer assessment. Networked Learning in the Network Society The claim of this paper is that the use of the network metaphor can link the different aspects of research into the use of advanced learning technologies based on computer networks. In this section I want to draw attention to the connections at various levels and how the network metaphor might be applied. The aspects I will cover are not exhaustive but I hope that they may give a flavour of the range of issues that this metaphor can be applied to. Policy and politics Higher education is currently suffering something of a policy overload in the UK. The government White Paper issued in the spring of 2003 may well be on its way to implementation or dead in the water by the time this article appears in print. The entire process of consultation and negotiation of this policy will illustrate a powerful application of network theory in terms of government and governance. The idea of policy networks has developed in relation to a broad change in the relationship of government to society. The notion of governance has been used to separate out government action and actions that may include government and its agencies but which incorporate a network of bodies, some within and some outwith the boundaries of government itself. Governance in this sense refers to the management of "selforganising, interorganisational networks with the following characteristics." 1. Interdependence between organisations 2. Continuing interaction between network members 3. Game-like interactions, rooted in trust and regulated by rules 4. No sovereign authority, self-organising, with a limited state steer. (abridged from Rhodes 1997) This structure based on networks can be contrasted with both hierarchies and the market. Politically it is an organisational Third Way, standing between the hierarchy associated with the bureaucratic active state and the anarchy of the market (Rhodes 1997). There are potential concerns that this form of governance is not as loose as it might appear at first glance. In managerial terms the autonomy of teams, brought together either for specific projects or as self-managing units, is circumscribed. An early commentator on new public sector management described such arrangements as "freedom within boundaries" (Hoggart 1991). In other words networks can concentrate as well as disperse power. Power can be exercised in the setting of the limits within which component parts can operate. At another level governance can concentrate its efforts on performance, on products not process. Traditional management might be concerned with the way that work was conducted, with process issues. Networked forms of governance shift concerns to outputs and performance, to what is done not how it was achieved. The education system has been at the sharp end of reforms based on this model. The network metaphor can also help us to evaluate novel policy initiatives that are emerging. The evaluation of the Learning and Teaching Support Network pointed to the network nature of the organisation and how this structure had a particular effect on how policy flowed through it and its influence on policy formation. The Subject Centres had a high degree of autonomy in their dealings with subject communities and this had a strong influence on how they developed. The overall structure of the LTSN was of a managed network and policy was introduced into this system through the Executive who had a close eye on government policy and the funding councils. The flow of policy initiatives was negotiated through this complex system in which there were power relations often expressed through financial constraints. The LTSN provided an interesting example of how networks can provide a unique responsiveness to diverse interests and retain at the same time retain a degree of structure and control that makes them of interest to policy makers. The LTSN is a policy initiative that relies upon remaining close to its constituency. To be effective that strand of the initiative is critical. Yet that requirement sets up a tension with the natural desire of the funding bodies and beyond them the government, to make such initiatives responsible for carrying through major items on the policy agenda . Network metaphors are useful in relation to policy and definite policy initiatives such as the LTSN but they are also useful in relation to new and developing forms of management. A Dutch school of political studies has moved from using network analysis to describe government to setting out some basic guidance on how networks can be managed (Kickert et al 1997). This type of analysis may be especially appropriate in higher education as there are multiple centres of power and influence in the sector. Kickert et al comment that: Management in networks is about creating strategic consensus for joint action within a given setting (1997 p 167) Finding a common purpose for higher education is one of the great challenges in the midst of current social and technological changes, and for this an analysis of how managed networks operate is invaluable. Networked learning A first wave of writing about the use of computer networks in education took place in the late 1980s and early 1990s with the emergence of such canonical texts as Mindweave, The "virtual classroom" and Online Education (Mason & Kaye 1989, Hiltz 1994, Harasim 1990). The focus of these approaches was largely textual, emphasising the interactive nature of the technology and exploring how these could be used for distance education in particular. Robin Mason (1994) commented that: No concept so characterises educational thinking in the 1990s as does interactivity….. So embedded in the spirit of the age is it that there is relatively little questioning of its value, much less evaluation of its effects. (p 25) Interactivity altered its focus during this period from interacting with computers to interacting through computers (Crook 1994). In 1996 Tim Koschmann tried to periodise the developments in the context of research programmes (Koschmann 1996). Koschmann identified what was then an 'emerging paradigm', which he called CSCL. This emerging set of research questions was contrasted with previous outlooks, CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction), ITS (Intelligent Tutoring Systems) and the 'Logo-as-Latin' paradigm associated with Papert's seminal text 'Mindstorms'. The research conducted in the CSCL paradigm was related by Koschmann to socially oriented constructivist viewpoints such as the Soviet sociocultural theories and theories of situated cognition. Likening the paradigm shifts he identified to a gestalt change in view, he claimed that the new paradigm drew attention to the social and cultural context of education as the object for research. In interviews with UK academics using networked learning, the paradigm identified by Koschmann has been found to provide a high level philosophy informing the thinking of practitioners in UK higher education Asensio 2002). In 2001 Koschmann returned to this theme and examined the emergent paradigm of CSCL in more detail. CSCL research has the advantage of studying learning in settings in which learning is observably and accountably embedded in collaborative activity. Our concern, therefore, is with the unfolding process of meaning-making within these settings, not so-called "learning outcomes". It is in this way that CSCL research represents a distinctive paradigm within IT. By this standard, a study that attempted to explicate how learners jointly accomplished some form of new learning would be a case of CSCL research, even if they were working in a setting that did not involve technological augmentation. On the other hand, a study that measured the effects of introducing some sort of CSCL application on learning (defined in traditional ways) would not. I find this definition of the field somewhat unsatisfactory precisely because it fails to relate the research area to the particular features or affordances of the technology. I would suggest that the technological change surrounding the Web, only in its infancy in 1996, has been the spur to generating another set of research questions, in an area that I would describe as networked learning. The Centre for Studies of Advanced Learning Technology (CSALT) group at Lancaster University and I have been associated with the following definition of networked learning. Networked learning is learning in which information and communication technology (C&IT) is used to promote connections: between one learner and other learners, between learners and tutors; between a learning community and its learning resources. This definition of networked learning is, like CSCL, related to social theories of learning. It develops beyond CSCL in moving away from defining the new paradigm simply in terms of the local processes of social learning. Networked learning remains concerned with social process but it sets itself the task of understanding the links between different nodes, the learners, the tutors and the resources that make up a networked learning setting. The growth of the Web and the drive to digitise and make accessible a range of reifications related to education in 'learning objects' and digital resources has made the focus on social process understood as group collaboration too narrow as a research framework. It is important now to understand the relationship of individuals and groups to artefacts as a sense making activity. The move from interaction with computers to interaction through computers has now moved on to interaction in relation to computer networks. The computer itself is no longer the centre of research attention, rather it is the network and network resources made available through the computer. Indeed if mobile and ubiquitous computing develop strongly the device through which the network is available may well cease to be recognisable as a computer. Networked learning can take account of policy, organisational and whole institution issues that arise with the embedding of the new network technologies. Networked learning is still concerned with meaning making and the social process of learning but it is also concerned with the social and organisational dynamics within which those processes take place. Research into networked learning As networked learning develops it will be increasingly important to develop an understanding of how traditional research approaches might transfer to networked environments. In my own field of interests there has been a growing interest in 'virtual' or 'on-line' ethnography. In her book Virtual Ethnography Hine (2000) comments on some of the ways that the virtual is distinct from face to face settings. In particular she notes that networked technologies show 'a high degree of interpretive flexibility' (p64). She argues that this flexibility derives from the way the technology is dependent upon different contexts and the way that the technology has to be 'acquired, learnt, interpreted and incorporated into context' (p64). Hine's conclusion is that: Virtual ethnography is adequate for the practical purpose of exploring the relations of mediated interaction, even if not quite the real thing in methodologically purist terms. (p65) Andreas Wittel has also explored the move 'From Field to Net to Internet' and has suggested a move to an ethnography of networks (2000). Networks are still strongly related to geographical space -like field. Unlike field, a network is an open structure, able to expand almost without limits and highly dynamic. And even more important: A network does not merely consist of a set of nodes but also a set of connections between nodes. As such, networks contain as much movement and flow as they contain residence and localities. An ethnography of networks would contain the examination of nodes of a net and the examination of the connections and flows (money, objects, people, ideas etc) between these nodes. (Wittel 2000 paragraph [5]) His conclusion is similar to Hine's in recommending a reshaping of the concept of field site to one focused on flow and connectivity. By continuing to place an emphasis on the node within a network Wittel's formulation has the benefit of retaining some aspects of the idea of location within the expansion of the concept to cover flow and connectivity. Conclusions I have argued that using the metaphor of networks can assist us to theorise the broad context in which learning and education take place in a society reliant on computer networks. I have not outlined a research programme associated with this view but there are within this article strong hints that such a research programme could and possibly should be elaborated. Networks are providing a useful focus for analysing the patterns of growth and interaction in a wide range of fields. The use of the network metaphor in learning technology helps us to connect ourselves to that wider debate and theorising about the fundamental nature of the network and the patterns of activity associated with it. The use of the network metaphor also links our work in learning technology with the work being conducted in terms of the network society. This work has some direct connections to learning technology because it informs debates in higher education and training in terms of the type of workforce that awaits our current students and the type of skills they are likely to need. The networked society debate directly relates to the idea of virtual communities and the idea of communities of practice. Network theory would suggest that the strong notions of community contained in these theoretical approaches might ignore the importance of the 'strength of weak links'. Networks can be structured in ways that combines both the benefits of random and organised patterns. The educational focus on strong links and community may have made less visible those necessary but weak connections that make the network idea so powerful. The idea of online communities also tends to separate out and privilege the virtual as against the real. The ideas of online and offline communities need to merge in the activity of real people who are both simultaneously on and offline when they are engaged with computer networks. In relating networked learning to the networked society this paper has identified three areas that may be open to investigation using network analysis. Policy, politics and management is one area in which network analysis is already well developed in ways that may be of direct use for researchers in learning technology. This is also an area in which the idea of networks can help social practice theories of social and situated learning connect themselves to the policy debate. The idea of clusters and hubs in hierarchical networks may allow us to develop a rich picture of just how it is that communities of practice relate to the wider policy networks in education. In terms of the current dominant paradigms influencing learning technologists the network metaphor assists in shifting the emphasis towards the reifications deployed in networks alongside a focus on meaning-making. Finally the paper raises the question of the research methods that may be appropriate for research both of networks and making use of networks. It raises the possibility that researchers may need to adjust and amplify their methods to take advantage of new possibilities and to translate classic research methods into the network setting.
I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I know Reddit loves the “leave him” mentality but In all honesty you shouldn’t have to convince someone of such a large life decision. It would be awful for him to agree only because of the “nagging”, then harbor resentment through your lives together. It is a lose-lose now, but I feel that making the difficult choice now and finding someone with the same enthusiasm for commitment will pay off in the long run. (Also we both have 94 in our usernames so perhaps we’re the same age here; so I understand the pressure of approaching 30)
Did he exist? Website! Fisher is famous for investing 16 years into the search for the shipwrecked Atocha. Along with being a writer, Jenny Kile is a researcher, treasure hunter, game enthusiast and Founder of Kardtects®. He had brought it back to Virginia, arriving in 1819. Just watched a show on this this evening. The person chosen by Beale was Morriss. Then Beale created three ciphers now known as the Beale Codes.Only one of the Beale Codes – the second one – has ever been decoded. Later, I suspect he lived and worked at Jefferson’s summer home; Popular Forest. In the year 1817, Thomas Jefferson Beale, who was a Virginian native, along with the comradeship of thirty other adventurous companions set out for hunting buffaloes and grizzlies in the western part of America. The Beale Treasure is probably buried in a shallow depression, in a field about four miles up the North fork of Goose Creek from Montvale, Va.( By Google Earth yard stick). It’s fun to work on and I like to visit the area…. She manages a few websites dedicated to these varied interests and enjoys sharing adventures in each! Having been chosen leader of the group, Thomas Beale and company left St. Louis on May 19th, 1817, the objective point being Santa Fe, which they intended to reach by that fall, and establish winter quarters. Buddy, McKinley and Scott meet with a treasure hunter who has a complex algorithm for decoding the location of a historic treasure. Thrill of the Chase Related Links and Books. They decided to check out Mr. Morriss. And always treasure the adventure! decoding secretly hidden directions located within Cipher One of the Locality Cipher. Treasure Games and Other Fun Ideas. BealeSolved.Com Last Friday, I posted the first story in a short series about the mysterious Beale Treasure. I mean would you ask a guy to mail a letter for you in ten years? Well done Thomas J. ... Forrest Fenn Treasure Chest Found: Where was it? The gold was brought back to the U.S. and buried in Bedford County, Virginia. One of the few features linking back to Beale’s time is the old chimney of Bufords Tavern. Just could be. The Beale Papers tells the story of a party of 30 Virginians led by Thomas J. Beale who in 1817 ventured west on a hunting expedition. Can the puzzle of the ciphers be solved? each page so that no difficulty will be had in finding them. Thanks for sharing this, Rob. Certain dates given in the Beale Papers affect the believability of the treasure story. Within the Beale Papers is the ‘author’ of the story saying the following: “To systematize a plan for my work I arranged the papers in order of their length, and numbered them, designing to commence with the first, and devote my whole attention to that until I had either unraveled its meaning or was convinced of its impossibility- afterwards to take up the others and proceed as before.”, What is interesting is the ‘author’ who wrote the above actually decoded the Paper numbered 2, which he wasn’t supposedly (according to the above) even working on to decipher. That’s damning, but not 100% in my opinion. 10 years came and went and neither Beale nor the key ever arrived. Forrest Fenn's The Thrill of the Chase Treasure Hunt General Discussions. They reburied it in Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. The treasure was claimed to have been found by one Thomas J. Beale in the early 1800s. However, these reasons are not sufficient enough to conclude The Beale Papers are a hoax. Your email address will not be published. Other than a trusted young friend of Morriss, nothing offering identity for the author was given. And then what about the supposed finding of Gold? to the Beale Vault were entirely decoded from this cipher and no other.Beale's use of landmarks, the location of the I was so turned around I didn’t know which way was up. This is believed to be Bufords Tavern where Beale was known to have visited. The vault is roughly lined with stone, and the vessels rest on solid stone, and are covered with others. Beale! associated with the Beale Vault & Excavation Site within Bedford County, Virginia. Records show an M.P LeDuc, Mary Phillip LeDuc. I just don’t see a clearly defining anything from that alone. Beale Ciphers and the Lost Treasure in Bedford County. Any of this can happen at any time. ... Disturbingly, several people have died in the quest. Welcome To The Beale Treasure The lack of verification, contradictions noticed within the story, and the belief actions required to find, transport, and bury such treasure could go unnoticed by so many, are the main reasons given by those who believe it must be a work a fiction. If not, I guess, I’ll just have go visit there again…lol…. According to ‘The Beale Papers’, Robert Morriss, the first owner of the mysterious box, handed down the contents and shared the history of how he himself came to be part, to the author. The Dates Associated with the Treasure Story. This discovery happened thirty years prior to the great gold strik… To date, only the second cipher has been broken and the treasure’s whereabouts remain a mystery. For instance, one argument suggests the work is fiction, written by Ward himself, because such words like ‘Stampede or Improvise’ supposedly written by ‘Beale’ within the pamphlet, do not have written account of usage until many years after 1822. Location: Bedford County, Virginia. Video Clip I plan to write a separate post on this….but my thoughts is the DOI is the key for all 3, but used differently. In the letter written by Beale, words such as ‘improvise’, which wasn’t common in the English language in the 1820s, are used. At about nine years of age he was sent away to be educated; not sure where, maybe France. The first code contained the treasure’s exact location, a second code described the contents and the third named the members of Beale’s 30-man party along with their next of kin. ), only someone ‘considered worthy’ (give effort) would be able to decipher the messages using it in someway. And for this reason, it is thought written by possibly Ward for gain of profit, or by someone working close to him. 140=5+12=17=Q I think my book, beale treasure map to cipher to the Beale Vault were entirely decoded from this cipher and no other.Beale's use of landmarks, the location of the Now it is also true he could have numbered them differently then Beale had….but it makes me think perhaps Beale placed those strings in there so if the method to decode cipher 2 was first used on 1 (which gave the strings), they would be encouraged in some way to continue or know they were on the right track. It goes to reason then that one way to begin researching the authenticity of the Beale Treasure, and to find the treasure (if there is one) is to investigate those involved in the pamphlet’s making and it’s narrative. Not until the publishing of the 1885 pamphlet entitled, ‘The Beale Papers containing authentic statements regarding treasure buried in 1819 and 1822, near Bufords, in Bedford County, Virginia, and which never has been recovered” was the public aware a hidden treasure might be buried in Bedford County. On Monday, I posted the second installment. Between 1819 and 1821, Thomas Beale buried a giant treasure in Virginia. As shared above in the decoded message of Beale Paper 2, Bufords provides an area to start a physical search from. Who wrote The Beale Papers continues to be of hot debate. You may wonder, then, why Bedford, Virginia has been cited as the source of the treasure. The above is securely packed in iron pots, with iron covers. Description: The Beale's treasure is $21 million of gold and silver stuffed in iron pots, believed to be hidden somewhere in Bedford County, Virginia. In addition, the Beale treasure was apparently found by accident. Beale stayed at his hotel from January 1820 to March of that year. All Rights Reserved. Did he have access and a known honorable reputation for Thomas J. Beale to have considered him? Another thing I find odd is that if the treasure was to be shared with others, would they have let one lone man have soul ownership of it to take their shares and hide it without them knowing where it would’ve been buried? *Some Pages Under Construction* The Beale Papers pamphlet describes three encoded messages (codes, ciphers or cyphers). B Ward was confirmed to be a Freemason, if only briefly, and The Beale Papers seem to use some masonic imagery and terms, it has been suggested the ‘text’ needed to use and decode the Beale Paper 1 and 3 could be a Masonic Text. I’m thinking he more or less buried the gold and silver where it was found or pretty close to the area and that it was buried a little at a time. The ‘author’ did have one success during his efforts to decipher the Beale Papers. Here is an interesting fact; if anyone is interested. Not until the publishing … It recently occurred to me that his so called friend, in St Louis may have been a woman. Much of the research done on the above matters, and others, share findings that the story, as told, ‘could’ be true, given leeway to various circumstances and a few discrepancies made by the telling of the ‘author’. The treasure remains lost. But if someone has overlooked a Beale treasure clue, Goad may pick up on it. Collectible Treasures. The pamphlet describes how a man named Thomas J. Beale had discovered gold out west, with a group of fellow adventurers, and returned to Bedford County, Virginia, twice, in 1819 and 1822, to bury this group’s treasure hoard for safe keeping. Hi Jenny! Robert Morriss, according to the pamphlet, was entrusted with a safe box in 1822 by Beale before he journeyed back out west for a third time to finish his work there. sally was very young, and he was alone————–anyway this explains a lot, why there inn’t any record of Beale. The key to its location lies in one of the most mysterious codes in history…the Beale Codes. A woodshop teacher has found a solution but not the treasure. excavation site and his method of concealement for both the treasure and the ciphers were absolutely ingenious. At any moment, someone could discover and apply the correct ‘Key’ to the remaining two numerical codes. area, construction details, talley of the pots plus contents and the final directions leading The mystery of the Beale Treasure originates from a small pamphlet published in 1885. Thomas Jefferson Beale was a tall light skinned black man with reddish hair believed to be the son of Thomas Jefferson by his devoted slave Edy. Beale instructed Morriss to open the box if after 10 years he did not return, and informed him a ‘key’ to decipher the unintelligible numerical codes within the box would be sent to him in 1832. The message from Beale states: “about four miles from Bufords”. 10 Interesting Facts about the Lost Beale Treasure, Six Questions with Pete Wilder: Author of The Oracle Armchair Treasure Hunt. Beale’s Treasure a Freemason’s Tale presents an exacting narrative of methodologies used and the connections that each solution has to Masonic literature. The old remains of the chimney set along side route 460 in Montvale, Bedford County, VA, behind a home and on the edge of a pasture (It is guarded by a big dog). Sounds more feasible that way and that it was split up by everyone who could lay claim to it as well. Courtesy Indian River County, FL Tourism. it’s about time for another visit anyway . Beale and 30 fellow adventurers transported the hoard to Bedford County, where they buried it in a secure location. The Beale Treasure, all types of treasure hunting Originally Posted by franklin I wrote it large because so many people claim they have the Mystery Solved and they get on here on this forum, people such as you, claiming they have it all solved----they know where it is------ … There isn’t known to be any other accounts of the story being rumored or written. Paper number “1” describes the exact locality of the vault, so that no difficulty will be had in finding it.”. He was leading a group of 30 men from Virginia on an adventurous expedition when they found a mine full of gold and silver while hunting buffalo. However, it can’t be proven those words didn’t exist. While hunting, they accidentally discovered gold near Pike's Peak, in present-day Colorado. It is a mystery that beckons those daring enough to take up the challenge. There are even arguments that Ward himself made up the story, if only to sell his sensational pamphlets. Thanks Jenny, No one knows for sure. The key never arrived, and Morriss never deciphered the codes. The only known source for the story is the pamphlet. Best of luck with all that you seek. Another related theory to the above and put forth has been that The Beale Papers might not lead to a physical treasure, but more of a spiritual type treasure, like the search for the Lost Word in Masonic Lodges. Great website. xThe Beale Papers containing Authentic Statements regarding the Treasure Buried in 1819 and 1821, near Buford's in Bedford County, Virginia and Which Has Never Been Recovered (Lynchburg, 1885). I was at the church once too but, without a map. It goes on to include Beale’s plan for later retrieval, either by him upon safe return after his ventures out west, or by Robert Morriss. On the last trip back they left a huge amount of silver in a cave near Eagle Rock, Mo. Sam Peppiatt, Jenny, Probably not. So do many others, and the search for the treasure continues, with thoughts of ‘Today’s the day’. However, there is a very important warning to remember. He was never heard from again, leaving in his wake a mystery that continues today. Thomas J. Beale Do you have more information on the cave near Eagle Rock, Mo? Is the Declaration of Independence the key to finding the gold, silver, and precious stones that Beale buried near Bedford, Virginia? For example, the numbering of letters, syllables, every other letter, etc. could these papers have been created by him to throw others off the track? Sam, Speaking of maps; there was never any mention of a map, so; how did the men that were left behind in Colorado know where the treasure was buried? At any rate, I’m fairly certain Beale was betrayed / killed for the tons of silver left in a cave near Eagle Rock, Mo. (I lean towards a belief that the codes can be broken, messages found, but might not lead to the treasure stated in The Beale Papers- that was a ploy/story). The gold was found by a group of men led by T.J. Beale. Interesting none the less. Sam in the letter it said they all were familiar with the location. His point was that this was impossible and that it was likely that the writer of the page got lazy and copied code numbers in order for that stretch (since he was just copying them willy nilly to fill a page anyways. It has never been found. Beale never returned, and was only heard from once. Dutch Schultz. The 1885 Pamphlet is the first written source for the Beale Treasure known. I believe that Thomas Jefferson himself had hidden the gold in Bedford County Virginia. The few months he spent searching in Virginia didn’t yield any treasure hoard, but he believed it possible for treasure to be found. Privacy Policy, Disclaimer and Affiliate Disclosure. Treasures of The Museum. Quite by an accident, in the following year, Beale’s party unearthed a fabulous and massive treasure of silver, gold and jewels about 300 miles north of Santa Fe. The treasure was found in June, in Wyoming, by someone else. The story of Beale’s Treasure a Freemason’s Tale echoes the journey of discoveries in the order that Mento had found them. Is the Declaration of Independence the key to finding the gold, silver, and precious stones that Beale buried near Bedford, Virginia? To recap, Thomas Beale and thirty other people excavated a massive treasure between 1819 and 1821. Those people who believe there is some remnant of truth to the Beale Treasure story seem to attack it in two different ways. From the church parking lot drive SW two tents of a mile along Pike road. excavation site and his method of concealement for both the treasure and the ciphers were absolutely ingenious. 113=5+10=15=O add them to single code digits=15 What about Morriss? As such, it could very possibly be truth. In 1984 the rock was exposed; it has sense been covered over for growing crops / farming. Beale wanted to ensure that if danger struck him and his group, and he wasn’t alive to retrieve the treasure, he left care for someone else to do so. The ‘author’ was relaying information from years ago, and it is reasonable that a few mistakes/anomalies noticed could be accounted for by time’s passing and fading memories. A woodshop teacher has found a solution but not the treasure. Here is a brief explanation of how. The depression is dark in color, about 500 feet from a big shed. This is reprinted as "The Beale Papers'* in P. B. Innis and Walter Dean However, when the DOI key was applied, in the same manner, to the other two Beale Papers, nothing intelligible was found. And so it’s possible it is used for the others. In 1992, I learned about the Beale Treasure while researching my book, "The Slave Children of Thomas Jefferson". More thoughts on the Beale, for what ever it’s worth. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. So we must assume they were placed in there, but why is the question. Beale’s codes are basic substitution ciphers, where each number represents a letter of the alphabet, which can be found by counting the words in the “key” text that the cipher is based on. Blame the excursion West on cognitive bias. Beale's company of thirty adventurous partners, all Virginians, had been hunting north of Santa Fe, when they happened across a ravine full of gold. The letter mentions the importance and secrecy of the box left in charge with Morriss. The tale shares how Code’s 2 list of numbers were applied to the Declaration. Two trips were made to deposit the treasure; one in 1819 and the other in 1821. Whatever the case is, the treasure (which may or may not exist) has yet to be found. According to the story set out in the 1885 pamphlet, an American man by the name of Thomas J. Beale came across a treasure consisting of gold, silver, and jewels in a mine located to the north of Santa Fe. If you have had the code very long it stands out that there’s mathematics and counting involved. They may have been words spoken in the social circles of Beale, and a written record just hadn’t happened yet. The Dates Associated with the Treasure Story. In early 1817, one Thomas J. Beale raised a company of 30 men for the purpose of visiting the great Western plains to hunt buffalo and other game. But instead of numbering the words of the Declaration, another numbering of the Declaration might be used. (Cue the evil laugh.) It would’ve taken more than 1 wagon to pull all of that plus men to man them. / farming it said they all were familiar with the Beale treasure was claimed to visited! T happened yet turned out to the Beale vault & Excavation Site within Bedford County Virginia,! By one Thomas J. Beale in the decoded message of Beale Paper 2, Bufords provides an area to a. 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Every hour there is a train going from Vienna to Krems. In Vienna they depart from "Franz-Josefs-Bahnhof" (at XY:50). The next two (and preferable) stops are "Wien Spittelau" and "Wien Heiligenstadt" where you have connections to the Vienna metro lines U4 and U6. It takes appr. 1 hour to the railway station in Krems. From there you either take a bus going to the university or a taxi (A walk takes appr. 20 minutes). Donau-Univeristy-Krems has reached an agreement for participants of the conference. The list bellow shows those hotels, where room contigents have been reserved. In case specified spezial prices have been arranged you can find an accordingly note. Please notice the contigents are reserved for a short period only (sometimes with a really strict terminal date - see below), after this period the contigents as well as the spezial prices are not guaranteed. Therefore our suggest is to book as soon as possible. Steigenberger Avance Hotel Krems: no contingent. To profit from our our agreement concerning the special prices below DUK reference is necessary!
Due to some accidental overbooking, the Lady Cats’ volleyball team managed a grueling five set victory over Pleasant Grove, 3-2 and then ran out of gas in a 3-0 loss to a very good and fresh Nevada Community team at Wildcat Gym Tuesday (September 18). Against the Lady Hawks, every set was contested. The Lady Cats took set one, 25-22. Pleasant Grove won the next two sets, 25-21 and 26-24. Set three was one the Lady Cats let slip away. They led 24-21 but the Lady Hawks scored the last five points to win it. The Lady Cats evened the match with a set four win, 25-18. In set five, the Lady Cats faced a Lady Hawks’ set and match point trailing, 14-12. The Lady Cats survived that point and then with Taylor McElfresh serving, took the last three points to win the set, 16-14 and the match, 3-2. Autumn Tanton led the Lady Cats with 13 kills and Abbi Baier had 11. Sydney Washburn had 7 and Sadie Washburn and Madi Vickery each had 6. Lexi Whisenhunt had 31 assists and Aubrey Oliver had 7. The Lady Cats got a service ace from Sadie Stroud, Maddie Millsap and Whisenhunt. Stroud led the Lady Cats with 14 digs. McElfresh had 8, Whisenhunt had 7, Millsap and Tanton had 5 each, Sadie Washburn, and Vickery had 3 apiece, Oliver, and Baier had 2 each. Sydney Washburn had a block solo. Tanton had 7 block assists, Baier had 5, Vickery had 3 and Sydney Washburn had 1. The fatigued Lady Cats were no match for a fresh Nevada Community team that played at a very high level. Still the first set was a pretty good battle. The Lady Cats led some early but mainly played behind the Lady Braves throughout the set. Nevada Community won set one, 25-22. The wheels came off for the Lady Cats in set two. Nevada Community won, 25-14. Set three also started miserably for the Lady Cats and they fell into a 9-0 whole. They could never get closer than five in the set as the Lady Braves won set three, 25-18. In stats against Nevada Community, Madi Vickery had a team high 8 kills, Sadie Washburn, Autumn Tanton and Erika VanBenthem each had 5, Abbi Baier had 3 and Sydney Washburn 1. Lexi Whisenhunt had 25 assists. Sadie Stroud had a service ace. Stroud also had a team high 18 digs. Whisenhunt had 13, Maddie Millsap had 5, Sadie Washburn had 4, Tanton and Taylor McElfresh had 3. The Lady Cats got a block assist from Tanton, Sydney Washburn, Whisenhunt and Vickery. Coach Justin Maness said the tough, five set win over Pleasant Grove was a mental and emotional drainer for the Lady Cats. He said the Lady Cats were really out of gas against Nevada Community. The Lady Cats, ranked #24 in the latest Texas Girls Coaches Association Poll, are now 24-7 for the season. The Lady Cats open district play Friday at 5 p.m. at Royse City.
Pros : Pieces used to look just like the ones in the photo so you got decent sized pieces. Cons : No choice of colors. Pieces often have scratches in them. Other Thoughts : You can get a decent mix of colors if you order a pound at one time. You can get around the scatches with your design and construction. Try clear capping to hide the scratches. In my most recent order I was disappointed to find that many of the pieces were much smaller than pictured, many in a battered state and looking crushed and really beat up. Not sure if this was due to the way they were shipped or just what I got.
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So there's some metaphysical stuff here, like "if you know all the maps into an object, then you know that object," but I'm not really qualified to comment on that. Instead, geometry! The key use of the Yoneda lemma is that an object _X_ is determined by Hom(--, _X_). And therefore you can _define_ an object as being the object that represents a specific functor. That might not work -- not every functor is naturally isomorphic to Hom(--, _X_) for some _X_ -- but many important ones are. There are many times it's slicker to define objects this way, e.g. when you have tools for checking representability. This approach is used in algebraic geometry all the time, where it's called the "functor-of-points approach." You want to define a geometric object _X_, but instead of fussing around with coordinate charts and polynomials, you specify what a map to _X_ is. For example, the algebraic group GL(_n_) is defined so that if _X_ = [Spec](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spectrum_of_a_ring)(_R_), then Hom(_X_, GL(_n_)) = GL(_n_, _R_). Then one proves it's representable, and suddenly you have a geometric object. Grassmannians and, more generally, moduli spaces, are another family of important examples. The theme of representability providing you slick definitions, akin to universal properties, that need to be verified is also present in other fields: you can use it to define the tensor product of modules over a ring, or the classifying space of a Lie group, and so on. It's not just a technique you can use to build stuff; it works _everywhere_. And that's why it's important.
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — For many parents, going to the movies means picking a flick based on what you don’t want your child to see. From violence and adult language to sexual content and nudity, many adults take film ratings into consideration. But, are they still on point? New research by the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center found parents no longer feel PG-13 movies are appropriate for children that age. Instead, data shows many parents found justified gun violence, carried out in defense of a loved one or self-protection, was better suited for fifteen-year-olds. Unjustified, but bloodless gun violence was thought to be more appropriate for those 16 and older. “We were a little surprised,” said Daniel Romer, lead author and research director. He says violence in popular PG-13 movies has more than doubled since the rating was established back in 1984. “We know now they’re showing more violence in these movies than R-rated movies. The difference is we think it’s more justifiable,” said Romer. By sanitizing the effects of violence, Romer believes Hollywood is exploiting the rating system to attract a bigger audience. But, others say it’s up to the parents to use their discretion. “Would you trust someone to choose for your kid? I wouldn’t,” said Hope Pomerantz of Philadelphia.
I haven't seen a press release yet, but this was in a display ad in today's (Sunday) Seattle Times. The above is copied directly from the ad, which doesn't include full information about each work. In the November program, Silent Ghost is by Alejandro Cerrudo, originally for Hubbard Street, and Cacti is the Boston Ballet production of Alexander Eckman. In the March program, Mineko Williams is actually Robyn Mineko Williams, who has worked most recently for Hubbard Street. In the Countenance of Kings is by Justin Peck, originally for San Francisco. And in the May/June program, Signature is Price Suddarth's work for the company from a couple years ago. So we get Sleeping Beauty and Midsummer back, but Giselle is still in the back room. I'm sorry that they weren't able to bring the Limon back while Bold was still with the company -- he did a wonderful job in that role. With Carrie Imler retired, I'm curious to see who steps into Titania and Hippolyta in Midsummer. Looking at the recent performances of Swan Lake, I think there are all kinds of possibilities for Puck from Moore, Loch, Thomson, Griffiths, and Davis. And Boal has said that he feels Theme and Variations needs a very specific set of qualities, so I'm curious to see who gets tagged for those parts. At any rate, there are some very interesting choices here -- let the speculation begin! Disappointed they aren't bringing back that Giselle reconstruction -- a lot of time has passed, but I wonder if they might still do it some day. Very pleased to see Justin Peck's In the Countenance of Kings, which he made for San Francisco Ballet in 2016. I saw it in the SFB 2017 season and loved it. Oh, I'm pretty sure that Giselle will return -- they have quite a lot of time and resources invested in that production. I'm looking forward to the Peck -- with that, and the other two works they have in the rep, I think it's likely they'll do an "All Peck" program at some point. And as Peck's star continues to rise in general, that's a good thing for PNB. And lots more details -- thanks for the nudge! Thanks for this -- I'd missed it in the social media stream. There’s a new perk for full season subscribers! Free exchanges between reps!!! Previously one could only exchange within a rep. That’s nice if you are traveling, are very sick. or have some other unfortunate circumstance. I bought a San Francisco Ballet CYO subscription this year and they charge $10 for exchanges. I find that very annoying in comparison to how subscribers are treated at PNB. I hadn't noticed that -- it would be a very popular option! Now THAT'S a pair I love to see more of! Pacific Northwest Ballet Announces 2018-2019 Season Line-Up. Season packages start at $114; Full-season subscriptions start at $166. Set deep in a lush Northwest-inspired forest, PNB’s production of George Balanchine’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream – Shakespeare’s comic tale of romantic confusion – charms all who wander into its enchanted realm. PNB’s final mixed bill of the season promises intriguing variety. Balanchine’s Theme and Variation represents the height of classical elegance, while his Tarantella pas de deux dazzles with virtuoso fun. Jose Limon’s masterpiece The Moor’s Pavane – a distillation of Shakespeare’sOthello – casts a powerful spell. The line-up is completed by the return of Price Suddarth’s electric Signature. I received my subscription tickets on Tuesday and my add-on ticket for the Robbins Festival today. In case anyone is still waiting for theirs, you'll know what to expect. I know Ten Mercer doesn't exist anymore, but it is still odd to receive a ticket envelope without the Ten Mercer discount coupon on the flap. My ticket envelopes DO have the Ten Mercer discount coupon on the flap. Oh well it’s a not-for-profit. They have to do what they have to do to save money. What bothered me more was that there was no photo of Noelani Pantastico on any of the subscription tickets or anywhere in the booklet. I did like the Nutcracker photo of Dammiel Cruz with the student who played Clara. Nice way to promote diversity.
Q, or q, is the seventeenth letter of the modern English alphabet and the ISO basic Latin alphabet. Its name in English is pronounced /ˈkjuː/, most commonly spelled cue, but also kew, kue and que. The lowercase "q" is usually seen as a lowercase "o" or "c" with a descender (i.e., downward vertical tail) extending from the right side of the bowl, with or without a swash (i.e., flourish), or even a reversed lowercase p.
<reponame>herudi/baskom import { IncomingMessage } from "http"; export class HttpRequest extends IncomingMessage { _parsedUrl!: { _raw: string; href: string; path: string; pathname: string; query: string | null; search: string | null; }; body!: { [key: string]: any }; params!: { [key: string]: any }; query!: { [key: string]: any }; path!: string; search!: string | null; originalUrl!: string; getCookies!: (decode?: boolean) => Record<string, string>; [key: string]: any; }
After returning for what was planned as a four-episode arc, Damon Wayans Jr. is now going to ride out the rest of New Girl‘s third season. Wayans appeared in the pilot as Coach, then vanished to try keeping the ill-fated ship known as Happy Endings afloat. According to Deadline, this week’s New Girl ratings jumped 11 percent from the last original episode a few weeks ago, and now Coach is back for good(ish). He’ll continue being billed as a special guest star — meaning he’s free to do pilots for next year, like the one he’s executive producing for Fox, Man/Child — but he should appear in the majority of the 18 or so remaining episodes. New Girl EP Brett Baer told The Hollywood Reporter that Coach’s return “gives Nick and Schmidt kind of a nice opportunity to step back in time together and be their pre-Jess selves.” Which isn’t the best thing. “It was important for us to demonstrate that Nick going back in time was going to have a ramification with his relationship. Nick is literally between Coach and Jess and trying to play cool single guy.” Coolness is relative here, since Coach’s variety on Tuesday including crying in a strip club, trying to fight a cop, and “Rock You Like a Hurricane” karaoke.
My teacher introduced this oil to me as the best girl friend ever. All girls should have one bottle handy, though there are so much beneficial properties that we boys should enjoy too. Clary Sage in aromotherapy uses its Latin name Salvia sclarea to distinguish itself from Sage oils. While they share many properties, Clary Sage does not present the risks of toxicity associated with the high level of thujone in Sage oil. I guess why it is the best girl friend is because Clary is an emmenagogue, and can help scanty or missing periods. It is best used during the first half of the menstrual cycle. It promotes oestrogen secretion – useful during menopause for symptoms such as hot flushes, headaches and irritability. However during pregnancy this oil is not advised to be used. The plant is native to Italy, Syria and southern France, but will grow anywhere that the soil is dry enough. I wish I were more knowledgeable in gardening, luckily I got my Frustrated Gardener friend who I can always refer to on botanical matters. The essential oil is distilled from the flowers and flowering tips, containing a lot of esters which make the oil anti-inflammatory, calming and tonic. It has a wonderfully nutty aroma. Clary Sage is well known for its euphoric action in treating nervousness, fear and depression. Most will simply become very relaxed, so it is unwise to give massage with high dosage with this oil (over 3%) to any clients who have to drive home after therapy. Yet Clary Sage is very helpful for all kind of stress and tension. It is a powerful muscle relaxant which, of course, is especially useful when muscular tension arises from mental or emotional stress. Use diluted oil for massage, or use in baths at home. For people who practise magick of all sort, it opens the path to creativity and intuition. Meditate with Clary Sage oil on an oil burner or diffuser. As one of the most powerful relaxants known in aromatherapy, it is the best friend for both girls and boys. It can be used with care and sensitivity to help the ever growing number of people who suffers from increased anxiety created by the modern 21st century life.
I just wish she would be honest about her wealth. No one leaves the community and skyrockets into wealth the way she did. That's almost impossible to do. Seems she met a tech billionaire who hooked her up with a job at his company, bought her shoe line (which who knows, was it even successful? It doesn't even exist anymore) and they later married. Without him, she'd likely not be where she is today. I like facts and truth. I don't care for her story because imo it's just not a true story. I also felt that Ben was mocked a lot. Julia said he was a bad realtor. And for what? Because he married someone who was living a certain life and suddenly was forced to change his life to accommodate her? Just an overall weird show imo trying to be the next KUWTK. The orthodox community is buzzing with hatred towards this show and I sort of can't blame them. But I don't care about all of that. I just care that the show does not accurately portray what it's like leaving an ultra orthodox community.
The Two Americas. We hear this term a lot these days, but it would be difficult denying the reality. Funny enough, we were just having a conversation with a friend yesterday about trying to “understand the other side” when expressing the grief and bewilderment of family members we love who support an agenda that’s clearly against beliefs and way of life. So the timing of Monday’s HBO Documentaries premiere of Outside the Bubble: On the Road with Alexandra Pelosi seems predetermined by the universe. Much like Hulu’s I Love You, America with Sarah Silverman, the Emmy award-winning documentarian (and daughter of Nancy Pelosi) travels away from her liberal bubble to have actual conversations with people on the conservative sides of issues, including race, women’s rights, immigration, guns, climate, and jobs. Through civil interactions, she attempts to learn the how and why behind Trump supporters and the topics that matter to conservatives and ultimately led to his victory. Perhaps if everyone took the time to try to understand opposing points of view, we would be less polarized as a nation and less filled with hate and dread any time we see a person wearing a MAGA hat. Finding common ground may not be easy—but it’s entirely possible—at least in smaller scale interactions. Yet if we never try (or vote), we really can’t complain. Photo Editorial credit: / Shutterstock.com
So am I, and that "promotion" still doesn't bother me nor does it really feel like promotion. It's a beautiful piece about a serious issue and at the END of the whole message, op put info on where we can find them or support them. If these links would've been the first and only thing they gave us, I guess I'd understand. It's ops choice to give us info no matter what message they put on the post. A yt making a heavy video about a discussion shouldn't leave out at the end how people can support them, because they worked on their final product and deserve recognition and the chance for people to support them I don't see this any differently. OP worked on a beautiful meaningful piece and absolutely should get the chance to show it to everyone and have people's support.
Air fryer chicken nuggets are absolute perfection! They are crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, and are just waiting to be dipped in any of your favorite sauces! A good, delicious chicken nugget is hard to come by, which is why these are so amazing! They taste as if they are straight from a restaurant. Dip them in some homemade honey mustard, BBQ sauce, or this Yum Yum Sauce and you will see just how amazing they are! If you want that perfect texture with a crispy outside and tender inside nugget, then air frying them is the way to go! I tried these and could not believe how delicious they were and how the texture is exactly what I want in a nugget! And then to know that I did it without any oil splatters and mess… Well, that’s basically a miracle! These nuggets are so delicious and easy to make! Not only did I eat these plain (because they are that good) but you can do SO many different things with them! Add them to a salad, dip them in some sauce or eat them with some french fries and lemonade and you will have yourself a meal! You can even cook up a bunch of these at once and eat them on the go. We have so many activities and places to be during the school year and are gone all the time! So these are great to make ahead and heat up to eat on the go! You will absolutely love these and your family will too! Mix them up and then you’ll be ready to start! See the recipe card below for a list of exact measurements. Chicken breast: Cut up the chicken breast into cmall cubes. Make them all about the same size so that they cook evenly. Flour: I used all purpose flour for this recipe! Salt and pepper: I used this right before baking to season the nuggets. Olive oil: If you don’t have any olive oil the you can use melted butter instead! Garlic: Mince up some fresh garlic cloves. If you don’t have any, you can use minced garlic from your fridge. ½ tsp equals about 1 clove of garlic! Panko: The pank bread crumbs give these chicken nuggets the best crispy texture. Parmesan: This adds to that crispy texture and tastes delicious. Dried parsley: I like to used parsley to flavor it. It gives a similar taste to restaurant nuggets! Paprika: Paprika is a sweet spice that I love to use in this coating. These air fryer chicken nuggets are fast, easy, and can be made ahead of time! They taste delicious and I can’t believe that they are made to taste this good without being fried in oil! Whisk and combine: In a small bowl whisk together the flour, salt and pepper. In a separate small bowl whisk the oil and minced garlic. In another small bowl combine the Panko, parmesan, parsley, and paprika. Dip and coat: Place the tenders in the flour mixture, then the oil, and lastly the panko. Make sure to evenly coat each one. If you have never used an air fryer before or you have but want some tips, then this should help! I have come up with a few of my top air frying tips for you! It will make this so much easier! Preheat: If you heat up the airfryer before you use it to cook with, then it will help your food be crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Just turn your air fryer to the temperature of your recipe and leave it like that for at least 5 minutes before putting any food in it! Don’t overlap: When I place things in the airfryer, I make sure that they are in a single layer and don’t overlap. This may take a few more batches of cooking but it will be worth it. If you stack your food then it sticks together and becomes mushy. Then it won’t cook poroperly and won’t be crispy! Less oil: It seems like it would be the opposite but less oil is better. The less olive oil that you use on your food the crispier it will be! Dont forget to flip: Make sure that halfway through cooking, you take the tray out of the air fryer and shake it and flip the nuggets. Then they get cooked evenly and they will be fully crisp! Olive oil: Use regular oil instead of extra virgin olive oil. This is becaue the extra virgin olive oil will smoke a lot more! One of my first questions, when I am cooking for my family, is this! So anytime that I can cook a recipe ahead of time, it’s a winner in my book! You can cook these air fryer chicken nuggets and eat them later and here are the instructions on how to do it! Cook: Put these together and cook according to the recipe card. Refrigerator: Store in your fridge in a sealed, airtight container. These can last in your fridge for uo to 2 days. Freezer: After your nuggets have cooled, place them in a ziplock bag or an airtight container. Label it with the date. These can last in your freezer for up to 2 months. Reheat: To reheat your nuggets, take them directly out of the fridge or freezer and place them in a preheated air fryer. Then, cook them for 10-12 minutes at 400 degrees. Don’t forget to flip them halfway through! I love using their fryer! It gives me the same crispy texture of oil friend foods but without the fat or the mess! It’s a win-win! You can cook just about anything in the air fryer. Veggies, entrees, desserts… You name it and I’ve got you covered! Here are a few of my favorite tried and true air fryer recipes. Once you try one, then you won’t be able to resist trying them all! Place the tenders in the flour mixture, then the oil, and lastly the Panko. Make sure to evenly coat each one.
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When my son was a couple months old, he was asleep in his moses basket and my husband was walking him to his room (we would lay him in his crib in his moses basket to avoid waking him during the transfer). Well his hand slipped off the inner handle and he just rolled out. He was maybe a foot off the ground. Anyway, he cried for a couple minutes, we soothed him, played with him, kept him up for about 30 minutes to make sure he didn't act funny, and let him fall back asleep. He's also fell off the couch twice and conked his head. But he's fine :)
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Move around effects categories username_0: <img width="450" alt="screen shot 2019-01-09 at 4 32 19 pm" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5615930/50938250-3ca3e000-142c-11e9-805d-6998cbf8eb9f.png"> <img width="477" alt="screen shot 2019-01-09 at 4 31 51 pm" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5615930/50938263-475e7500-142c-11e9-89d2-a80950e0308d.png"> @username_1 <issue_comment>username_1: Reduce blockgap <issue_comment>username_0: lower blockgap <img width="449" alt="screen shot 2019-01-09 at 5 27 06 pm" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5615930/50939952-d3c06600-1433-11e9-81f0-ea7c0b7ac044.png"> also fixed a pair of minor bugs that i must have missed https://github.com/Microsoft/pxt-common-packages/pull/628/commits/8e3e303c31d9f73a9b1870fe7013c555645fdff2
Recorded on the same tour as Quartet (London) 1985 and Quartet (Birmingham) 1985, also documented in Graham Lock‘s book Forces in Motion: Anthony Braxton and the Meta-Reality of Creative Music (A/K/A Forces in Motion: The Music and Thoughts of Anthony Braxton). This was the final show. Supposedly the group made an extra effort to perform well in that last tour performance for the benefit of the recording. Braxton had by this point clearly broken away from the sorts of things he was doing with his first great quartets with Altschul, Holland and Wheeler or Lewis in the previous decade. His compositions and methodologies had undergone great changes too. Each musician has a “territory” specified beforehand by Braxton, which serves to facilitate interaction and provide a starting point, but ultimately there is no limit on what each performer can do in his or her territory. Like composer Ruth Crawford Seeger, he was also using material that could be played simultaneously — he called it coordinate music. In hindsight, these methods laid the foundations for the more elaborate renderings of Braxton’s Ghost Trance Music of the next decade. This double-CD set also includes recorded interviews between Braxton and Lock used as the basis for parts of Lock’s book. The cover photo is of the quartet at Stonehenge, with Braxton wearing one of Evan Parker‘s old coats because he absentmindedly forgot to bring one of his own for the tour.
Do Those Employee Discounts Come With A Fatwah? But even the good people of Columbus had their fill with a round of radio ads for a local Mitsubishi dealer in central Ohio who used his 15-second spots to “launch a jihad on the automotive market.” With the light touch of a German jazz band, Keith Dennis of Dennis Mitsubishi added that his sales team would be wearing burqas all weekend long and declared Friday “fatwah day,” complete with rubber swords for the kids. The Columbus Dispatch reports that several radio stations refused to air the ads, but the general manager of the showroom promises the ads will air this week and called it the “most controversial commercial” heard in 15 years. Oh, right! Those Madonna burning-cross Pepsi ads were actually 17 years ago.
is Eris the adventuring warrior from the eagle tribe a boy or a girl Lego. I'm only asking because I want to buy the set he or she comes in but I don't want someone to see me buy it if its a girl Lego. I'm a boy and I don't need any more flack I got enough shit as a kid when i got the bunnybee doll from cabbage patch, it was blue much like this Eris figure but apparently that does not make it manly enough. oh well I'm just going to get back to playing super street fighter, I'm no good at using Guile but I'd rather get my ass beat in the game than have my cousin beat me in real life for getting a perfect on him using Chun-lee (also blue... just sayin). Love BIP. have not read all of Tao Te Ching and im going to go do that. I've never heard of this twelve vision party and thank you very much. In Mr P's favor, the post is about how they've found just about all occult books are crap, and they're looking to read something new that they may not agree with. But the poetic form is quite lovely. if I could be pointed to said texts, I would be grateful. and deturmand its crap. the christian bible... and laugh to myself. and anton lavey are the same guy. "yeah this guy is the shit" what i allready think . and cheese for killers. is death and anger. im way to programmed for that. some people have two faces and kill themselves at twenty three. My girlfriend randomly brought this guy up Edward Mordake, honestly I just feel bad for the face. Also the wiki brought to my attention that Tom Waits did a song about the her. I never nook note of it because table top Joe is the next song on the cd and I skip the poor Edward song to get to it. I never post pics, hope that came out ok. Apple Talk / Re: Its alright to rant right? got to spend some time with my lady freind, very nice. probly happens one or two times a year. thanks for the help Im going to bed. thats the only pic though, get me another pic(or a video) than you might have me.
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package streaming.core.shared.pool /** * Created by allwefantasy on 21/5/2018. */ class DicPool[Set[String]] extends BigObjPool[Set[String]] { val objMap = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap[String, Set[String]]() override def size(): Int = objMap.size() override def get(name: String): Set[String] = objMap.get(name) override def put(name: String, value: Set[String]): BigObjPool[Set[String]] = { objMap.put(name, value) this } override def remove(name: String): BigObjPool[Set[String]] = { objMap.remove(name) this } }
She made it to New York at 17 to attend the prestigious Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music at NYU, and eventually fell in with a vibrant downtown electronic and queer scene that percolated around the GHE20G0TH1K parties. In 2012, she released the career-making EPs Stretch 1 and Stretch 2, truly bizarre explorations of the limits of sound patched together with gnarled and dirgey Clipse and Madonna samples. Though the output was certainly avant-garde, Arca’s work was also bass-heavy, meaning you could still play it at any wild New York club and keep people on the floor. On top of the beat, her Auto-Tuned voice sang from chipmunk-high to evil-villain-low, sounding something like if the dying supercomputer HAL from Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey were MC-ing an extraterrestrial orgy. “I had just moved to Chinatown, and I was trying to make something deliberately that sounded like nothing I had heard before, on purpose,” she says. And so, in many ways, in her ability to embody and disembody so many roles so swiftly, to see every platform as a theater, to never tire of transformation, Ghersi is the ideal artist—even role model—for our rapidly and always changing times, when there is, as she says, no “normal,” and the exploration of one’s identity has become, more and more, not just a right but a public expectation. An era when the options are limitless but the freedom in that is overwhelming. “She has shown an enormous amount of courage,” says Björk. “She didn’t choose the easy route but tackled the unknown.” Most of all, Ghersi seems to offer a winding and bold way forward—not a script or map to follow, but at least a fire starter: Try things on, shed some of them, tweak yourself here, love yourself there, show off whatever you want, hide what you don’t, sing like a girl, Auto-Tune like a boy, approach the disorienting crumbling of the world’s norms not with dread and anxiety, but with a sense of fun and flirtation. “Playfulness is a pretty important part of it for me,” Ghersi says. “I think it’s what keeps things going.” Keeps things going indeed—even if it’s just in circles around your apartment.
Well, I actually didn't expect a former MySQL community main guy's point to be free from bias towards Oracle's questionable step. If you think that "biased" means that I am pleased because Oracle has done what I have been suggesting for years (even before the acquisition), then so be it. I am a pragmatist, and I support what seems reasonable to me. I have the right to my opinion, and if that makes you think that I have a hidden agenda, you should either support with some evidence your claim that I am biased, or find something less biased to read. I think I'd have been more comfortable if commercial extensions simply meant additional enterprise level tools similar to MEM & Hotbackup. I was disappointed to see the mention of the external authentication for PAM, to me being able to use LDAP logins within MySQL is more of a functional requirement and one that would have been quite popular too. IMHO it's a shame something like this is being limited to Enterprise Customers only. First thing's first, of course this is Oracle's right to do what they want with their product. Second, the Enterprise Monitor has been around for quite a few years by now; id I recall correctly, the MySQL Enterprise Backup has joined it as a commercial solution in the last year. So on these grounds there's nothing new. My personal view is that surrogate tools are perfect candidates for being a "commercial extension". These may include monitoring, diagnosis, dev environments, advanced GUI management, advanced backup management etc. etc. I'm a bit more jealous if some server-internal stuff is developed, that is only for commercial use. Image, for example, crash-safe replication being only developed commercially; or optimizer-optimization; or stuff like that. So I'm not sure where "Thread Pool" is positioned (this is one of the new commercial extensions). It is outside the server or inside? My preference is to have the server developed for all, and have the community/surrogate companies offer the surrogate solutions as mentioned above, in competition with Oracle. When major features are missing from the server, it is much harder to "sell", even as open-source, from the outside. People like to install MySQL from the standard repositories; they don't like adding plugins and extensions. But then, of course, we already have major forks for MySQL, in the form of Percona Server and Maria DB. In short, I'm optimistic and do not take these news as big news. I'm with Giuseppe on this one. I think this shows that Oracle is very willing to put time and money into MySQL, because they'll get their investment back. Most of MySQL is GPLv2, so they have to keep that part of the code open (except for embedded, of course...). So the only monetization opportunities (e.g. a paycheck for my friends who develop MySQL at Oracle) have to come through plugins or external software. I agree too that this is a good sign, and is a sign of Oracle doing the right thing. Stan Spanko said... They take over opens source projects. Then make add-ons closed source but givie them free to public. So there’s no need for open source programmers to programm the same add ons. Then after time goes by a year or two oracle starts commercializing the closed source part and is only willing to sell add ons. By this time oracle has put patents on closed source so that no one, not even the willing open source community can pragram alike. As gtime goes even further the open source programming comminity for that product dies out and oracles share holders get richer. just my lone opinion. An open source product needs to be developed. And the developers need to get paid. Ergo, the company needs to make money from that product if it wants to continue developing it. This is pure syllogism. a/ Oracle doesn't need to find money to pay developers. Oracle is in search of return on investment, that's quite different... b/ PostgreSQL is the living proof that an open-source product can be developed by multiple companies at a very low cost. c/ There are many ways to make profit from an open-source project. Charging for additional proprietary extensions is just of them... I largely agree with Giuseppe. Also, I'd like to point out that to the best of my knowledge, the plugin API that enables authentication plugins is part of the server, and in the community edition. There is nothing that blocks anyone from writing their own authentication plugin and release them under a GPL license. How come all anonymous posters seem to be unable to read? Oracle is just incidental in this situation. Had MySQL AB done this in 2007, it would have had my approval all the same. I am thrilled that Oracle continues to invest in MySQL and in this case has provided many APIs so that the community can also contribute. I recently published changes that provide the performance benefit of a thread pool to a MySQL 5.1 branch but I look forward to replacing that code with a thread-pool implementation using the APIs in MySQL 5.6. Bogdan Kecman said... Anon, try to read what's written again and then think about what you wrote and how it "relates" ... Except for thread pool I think other additions are perfect choice for commercial plugins (if you really want to login to mysql with windoze user - pay for it, you already paid for windoze). Again as Roland said - the plugin interface for auth plugin is there - you wanna auth using kerberus, ldap, txt file - you can easily make a plugin yourself. Giuseppe, you said the right things, and it is interesting to see that people that had be in tight contact with MySQL, and MySQL AB understand that. I also agree with Sheeri, this shows as well that Oracle has a clear plan about MySQL, including paying the salaries of our ex-colleagues to make them able to continue to have MySQL improve, as they did from Oracle (not SUN) acquisition. Last but not list, guys do you remember that this was also a discussion we had at MYSQL AB times? Do you remember that a large set of us see that as a necessity to make MySQL improve at Enterprise level? So no wonder, Oracle did what others did not have the courage to do. I only want to underline one small point, one thing is asking for money for "Enterprise" features another is forking the product, and make MySQL community edition a "B" series product, as far as Oracle will ask for money for Enterprise feature I am fine, and think that they do what it should be done from far. If they degrade the MySQL community then I will be the first that will start to scream about, (also if no one in Oracle could care less). So good post Giuseppe, you are not the only one that think that, and I will be happy as well to be "biased" for something that will allow MySQL product to become better. As usual my 2cent in supporting the cause. @Anon, I'm sitting in the PostgreSQL Open conference in Chicago and I can assure you that PostgreSQL is NOT an example of developing a DBMS inexpensively. The engineering is supported by companies like VMWare, EMC, EnterpriseDB, and others, who do this for commercial reasons of which the biggest single motivation is competing with Oracle. They and others pay the salaries of most of the engineers. Most major open source projects have major commercial backing once they are successful if not from the start. How do you think projects like Linux are really supported? Stefan Reich said... Good thing it will be gone soon. And for good too. Right on brother! I'm in 100% agreement. So are you saying none of the new features belongs in the core code, and none of them arises from community contributions? The information I have is that the code for the commercial extension was never public. As for being in the core or not (ie. if it is a modification to the core or a plugin), I have no direct knowledge of it, but the fact is not relevant from my standpoint. The conversation I remember having on this topic when I was involved was that proprietary add-ons used by advanced users are acceptable (as lomg as they use APIs that anyone can program to) but implementing new features that all users will need as proprietary is not. Hence the stance towards "core code"is for me the important indicator on stewardship. Mohammad Nafees Sharif Butt said... I am all in for paying for salaries and segmenting market (between community and enterprise). Everybody does that, no questions asked. But... ThreadPool for enterprise only? That is a bit too harsh for the community. What would be even _harsher_ if a similar module is not developed quickly for community edition and then a "buy-it-or-leave-it" approach is adopted. That would hurt me (and others) a lot. What do you think? MySQL has been wildly popular for more than a decade without thread pooling and it can continue to be so. My personal take is that free users can survive without it, and users that grow their business enough to need this feature should be able to pay for it. There will be corner cases, but that's the gist of the deal. I think the benefit of the thread pool is being exaggerated. It's unclear how helpful it's even going to be in real-world workloads. My personal feeling is it's going to be a mixed bag and may benefit only a very small percentage of users. I can only think of ONE customer I think might want to evaluate this feature. That's one out of many hundreds. MySQL without a thread pool is not crippleware, people.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Add CI for R username_0: Reference: https://github.com/r-lib/actions/tree/master/examples#standard-ci-workflow <issue_comment>username_0: @username_1 R CI is working now for Ubuntu. Some open questions: - Do we need to run this for other platforms too? - The structure of the R job is slightly different to the Python job - I've mainly copied the file from the r-lib/actions examples. Let me know if you want to change anything / make anything clearer. <issue_comment>username_1: Amazing, this will be so useful! Thanks!
I accidentally cleaned my whole apartment today. It started innocently enough. I was looking for my boob dress for New Year’s. My boob dress is the most ta-ta displaying outfit in my collection, and I haul it out for special occasions involving alcohol consumption and inappropriate behavior. (Like New Year’s, for example.) Unfortunately, I couldn’t find it. I knew I hadn’t left it at my folks’, because I’d just left there and hadn’t had it with me the whole time. It had to be somewhere in my apartment, but that somewhere wasn’t in my bureau or in the top three strata of laundry on the floor of my closet. In desperation, I took EVERYTHING out of my closet, something I haven’t done for … well, let’s just say there were dinosaur bones at the bottom. No boob dress, though. Next I moved all my furniture. I found 73 cents, enough dust to fill a shoebox, a pair of underpants, and five novels. No boob dress. I took all my clothes out of my drawer. In addition to the stuff I knew I had, I found my eight grade softball t-shirt, one bright pink fishnet stocking, an old embroidered hankie of my Grammy’s, and about nine orphaned socks. Still no boob dress. As I was cleaning out my drawers, though, I noticed that the bottom one had jumped its track. This happens a lot, because my bureau is a cheap wicker dealie from Target. It’s a pain in the ass, but that’s what you get for 80 bucks. Anyhoo, while I was fighting with it, I took it out for a minute entirely and found my boob dress in a drift of dust bunnies, alongside more pocket change and two t-shirts I forgot I owned. In summary: Hubley 1, boob dress 0. Happy New Year everyone! We will, of course, be blessed with pictures of these inappropriate festivities? I agree with “the distant one”. We need pictures. My curiosity’s has got me wondering…. In the interest of journalism: Uh, WHOSE underpants were found? I can’t seem to find mine and I remember wearing them on the outside of my pants last week.
I'd like to put forth some thoughts on these points and your solutions, if you or anyone is interested (and if not then yay my ego) 1. I kind of both agree and disagree with you on this one. I do like your solution for your game if you're attempting to avoid this design, especially given the tactical options you've mentioned to take advantage of positioning and teamwork. I like the power of the first strike for two major reasons, one being that it's extremely intuitive. If you land the first hit in an actual fight, it's advantageous, so doing the same in a game is the kind of thing you wouldn't need to explain to a player. The second being that you can generally assume the player will attempt to take this intuitive advantage, and thusly balance the scales against them in other ways. 2 &amp; 3: I 100% agree on both points. Huge maps when combined with timers also inflate the value of mobility, which gets even worse when you include things like flight. I won't say timers, mobility options, or even flight are cardinal sins in their own right, there are just combinations of things that feel like they punish you for all but the most narrow string of choices. 4: I really enjoy the strategy side of these games. It provides a level of decision making and pacing that is slower and provides different, sometimes unknowable impact. While it's different on multiple playthroughs, something like not knowing which XCOM alien you should do an autopsy on first is, I think, an interesting choice. My only issue is when that falls into the puzzle side of things. 5: I think a well designed game should allow you to do later what you have trouble with early on, I just believe it should also provide you new challenges alongside it. Your scout example, for instance, might have been worthwhile if units began to show up that were hidden from scouts, or created their own stronger fog of war (I've never played Outwitters, just spitballing) 6: I think this is a fundamental issue with the genre. Timers are a simple answer, but they're not necessarily the best one. I'm really not sure what a good solution would be. I'd need to think about it. It is definitely one major problem you find in many tactical games. I'm going through Phoenix Point right now, and there's a bit of urgency in a couple spots (enemies to kill before they use a big ability, resource canisters that you need to protect) but only in the hardest of combats so far (of which I haven't encountered many yet) have I felt like my action economy was both scarce and highly valuable. Good article, and the game sounds really cool. I'll have to keep an eye on it.
Today, I am thrilled to be bringing you an interview with author Deborah Klee. The timing of this interview is perfect as Deborah has a Christmas book published. Lets find out more. I have been writing and telling stories since I was a child. However, I started writing my first novel nine years ago. My day job for the past twenty years has involved a lot of writing, for example: writing national reports for NGOs, serious case reviews, and domestic homicide reviews. Alice in Wonderland as my father read it to me. I had, and still have, a beautiful hard backed edition of this book with glossy coloured illustrations. Those images bring back wonderful childhood memories. What do you like about writing your chosen genre / genres? I write commercial fiction – upmarket book club reads. Getting into the character’s heads to write the emotions that they experience is satisfying. I love writing unusual locations as I can lose myself in these places. Although most of what I write draws on my personal experience there is always a need for some research and having a research background I enjoy this aspect of writing. Your books are described as uplifting reads about friendship, community, and emotional courage. Where do you find inspiration for your books? I have spent my working life listening to and giving a voice to people who have experienced incredible adversity and overcome this with courage and resilience. The voices of these people have stayed with me and influence my writing. In my work I have walked alongside people who have experienced: being trafficked, domestic violence, scams, etc and so real-life situations come into my stories. But that doesn’t mean they are depressing. They are exciting, emotional, and always uplifting. As a social entrepreneur I co-founded a not-for-profit organisation that worked with communities enabling them to create a better place to live and work. The power of communities and friendships is phenomenal. So, I also draw on these experiences – writing my protagonists a happy ending. Your first published book is titled ‘The Borrowed Boy’. Can you tell me about it? Angie Winkle rescues a small boy separated from his mum on the Tube. When she suspects he is being abused and his mum doesn’t collect him, Angie takes him to the seaside for the day. A day turns into weeks and soon Angie is in a race against time. She must do the right thing or risk both of their lives. I have been delighted with the response to my debut, as The Borrowed Boy has received several awards. With Christmas coming up, can you tell us about your book titled ‘Just Bea’. Passed over for promotion, Bea’s world starts to pivot. A chance meeting with a homeless man leads her to discover her friend Declan is missing. In the countdown to Christmas and with her eyes open for the first time, Bea realises she must find Declan or risk ending up on the streets herself. This story starts twenty-nine shopping days before Xmas and finishes on Xmas eve, so a great read for December. Alice Wagstaff is escaping the prospect of waiting to die in Chestnut Court – thoughtfully designed compartments with assisted living options for the over 60s. Olivia Rose is looking forward to earning a good wage so that she can send money home to her impoverished family in Madagascar. Captain Marianne Moore finally has the opportunity to captain a ship. If she can prove herself on this voyage then a dream job awaits her as captain of a regular cruise ship. But events at sea send them off-course and as the three women fight to keep their dreams alive, they each discover a new world beyond the horizon. I always have an initial plan but it is just a skeleton. For me, the real magic comes when I am writing and the story starts to have a life of its own. If I am blocked, I believe it is because I have not yet figured out what I want to say. So, I sit quietly with myself and listen to my inner world. I have never experienced a time when I have not wanted to sit at my desk and write. For me the difficulty is pulling myself away from my writing to do other things! The first draft is you telling yourself the story. Get the story down on paper and then you can edit and improve it. If you write with a critical eye, it is like trying to write with your brakes on. Another – write from your heart. Dig deep and draw on your emotional experience. Meditating and yoga play an important part in my life. I live on the coast and so I love to walk by the sea. I am also a keen baker. Thank you for inviting me to be a guest on your blog and for these great questions. A big thank you to Deborah for joining me on the blog. If you would like to check out her work, click on the links below.
We are pleased to announce the launch of China Admissions Community Here you can ask any foreign student in China a question about studying in China, life in China, careers, or anything general. You can also ask very specific questions. We can make new friends, solve questions, and help other students to understand China and help their dreams to come true. Lets share our knowledge so we can help more people to understand China. We have hundreds of students asking questions each day, and foreign students like to connect with each other, so we have launched China Admissions community, so you can contact each directly. We hope this can be helpful for students. Welcome to the China Admissions community! Ask a question
Knew the Scotland team were heading out from Edinburgh today so I seized my chance , great guy and a great player. Sounds such a small thing but airports are obviously very strict and they will have been briefed from the SFA to keep masks on at all times etc. The second I asked him for a photo he lowered his mask knowing what it would’ve meant to me. Class. P.S the photo looks like it is rotated and I really don’t want to mess with it and risk losing it ... so if you could all tilt your phones/iPads that would be much appreciated ... I’m impressed I even managed to get the photo up tbh as I don’t post that much
The first blog in a four part series about filing for a Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy. By Sara E. Cook Often when a large corporation files for bankruptcy, you will hear that it is the right business decision, it gives them a chance to right size, change direction, get rid of unprofitable businesses and on and on. There is no stigma, it is just another business decision, and often heralded as the right one. Individuals, however, often see an individual bankruptcy as a sign of their failure or inadequacy. They avoid even entertaining the idea for fear of the stigma, the perceived shame and guilt for not paying bills. But the very same conditions that afflict large corporations, afflict individuals and families trying to survive in a world of low pay, pandemic, high child care costs, medical bills, furloughs and on and on. For all the same reasons bankruptcy makes sense for a big business, it may make sense for an individual or family and it should not be a shameful or guilt filled decision. Looking back through history at least four presidents have filed for bankruptcy: Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant and Donald Trump (for businesses). So too, have many celebrities filed for bankruptcy: Oscar Wilde, Larry King, Cyndi Lauper, Mark Twain, Henry Heinz (ketchup), Jerry Lee Lewis, Willie Nelson, and F. Lee Bailey to name a few. People find themselves in circumstances that spin out of control and bankruptcy is one possible source of relief. In other instances it may not meet the financial needs of the individual or family. But the analysis should be an objective, financial one, not an emotional one shrouded in guilt or shame. When credit is extended to someone, both sides take risks. The debtor is assuming the risk that the need supporting the credit is going to be met – for instance that the car will not fail, that the value of the property will continue to support the mortgage, that the short term loan can be repaid in the short term. The creditor is assuming the risk that the financial condition of the debtor will remain constant, jobs will be retained, pay will not go down, and the debtor will not have unexpected circumstances that make payment unlikely. But life is not perfect and when circumstances interfere, job loss, medical problems or divorce the most common, adjustments are often needed. In order to decide if bankruptcy is the answer, you must understand the bankruptcy process and then do a thorough financial analysis of the problem from a bankruptcy perspective to see if it can help you. You generally need to consult with an attorney to do this analysis. The bankruptcy process in a Chapter 7 provides a liquidation of assets to pay creditors and a discharge (erasing of debts) of many debts. In a Chapter 13, a payment plan is established to pay off past due balances on secured debt such as mortgages, car loans, or taxes. You also may pay off and discharge unsecured debts like credit cards or medical bills. Under both Chapters, creditors will not be allowed to sue you, contact you or seek repayment of their debt from you without bankruptcy court permission while the bankruptcy is pending. If the Court grants you a discharge of debt at the end of the bankruptcy, they generally can never seek to be repaid after your case is over. This is called the debtor’s “fresh start.” Your income and expenses will determine if you are eligible for either chapter. They will be input into what is called the “means” test. The means test determines if you can just be rid of your debts under a Chapter 7, or if you will be required to repay some portion of your debts over 3-5 years. If your debts are related to a failing business, the means test may not apply, but relief can still be obtained. Once you consider if you qualify for a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, there are related considerations. First, will the bankruptcy accomplish what you need? For instance, if you can only afford your home if you get rid of credit card debt, then the bankruptcy needs to discharge the credit card debt, not just postpone its payment. You need to find out from your lawyer or a credit counselor what are realistic objectives, and does bankruptcy meet them. If Bankruptcy makes sense, you need to make sure you are ready to submit your finances to scrutiny by a court and its appointed Trustee. - Your finances will be carefully reviewed by the Trustee in bankruptcy. For instance, you must have filed your last 2-3 years of tax returns for the trustee to review. You may have outstanding tax bills that can be helped by a bankruptcy, but the related federal and state returns have to have been filed. Until they are filed, the bankruptcy will not proceed. - The Trustee will look at your expenses to make sure they are not too high for the expense category, such as discretionary expenses like gifts to charity, cable bills, and entertainment. - A Trustee will look at payments you have made and make sure that no one creditor has been favored over another. - The Trustee will want proof of income. You need to have the ability to prove your income, in other words if you are paid all in cash, you have to be able to show bank deposits as a means of proving what is paid. Bankruptcy needs to be filed at the best possible time. - If you are being sued and cannot afford a lawyer to defend the lawsuit, you may need to file bankruptcy right away. - On the other hand, if you have debts that are owed to relatives, and you have paid those debts but not credit cards, then you may not want to file now, or you may need to get the payment back. - If you have notice that your job will be ending or your pay reduced, you may want to wait until that happens. - You need to prepare to stop purchasing anything that is not part of your “needs” or “maintenance” of your property. When you incur a debt you must have a good faith intent to repay. If you know you are about to file bankruptcy your good faith can be challenged and you might not be able to discharge the debt. If you have made large discretionary purchases you may want to delay filing so that these will not impede your ability to obtain a discharge of the debt. - You cannot use your credit cards freely once you are aware that you will file bankruptcy. - If you have made large discretionary purchases you may want to delay filing so that these will not impede your ability to obtain debt forgiveness. All of these issues should be discussed with an attorney to determine if, or when, a bankruptcy is a good idea and will meet your objectives. At McKenna Storer we offer up to a free hour consultation, currently by Zoom or telephone, to go over the issues that face you so you can make an informed decision about bankruptcy or alternative strategies. After the initial consultation, if a bankruptcy is decided upon, a comprehensive package of worksheets will be given to you to complete and to begin the process. An initial pre-bankruptcy meeting, again by Zoom, follows to go over and sign the retention agreement, the mechanism for payment of fees and the information for the preparation of bankruptcy schedules. The time line and projected time frame from start to finish will be outlined for you, and you will be on your way to relief from debt. A second pre-filing meeting will confirm the bankruptcy filing information and signing of the petition for bankruptcy. Please contact us at 312.558.3900 for a consultation to see if bankruptcy is right for you.
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They all have connections to <NAME>ams <em>Style</em> book, which has gone through several editions (and titles) since it was first published in the 1980s.</p> <p>There are a lot of good writing books out there, but this is by far my favorite. I regularly pick it back up when I am editing manuscripts, particularly when I have a section of a draft that I am struggling to write clearly. What I like about it is that it focuses on how we can edit our writing to make it easier for readers to read and understand. It bases its advice on how readers process information as they read, and it gives advice that is easy to use to diagnose problems and fix them.</p> <p>I cannot overstate how important it is to edit your scientific manuscript until it can be read easily (and feel “quick” to read) and until it is hard to misunderstand. You are moving into work where you will be the expert in the room. You will know your very specific topic better than all but a handful of people in the world, and often better than the editor and reviewers for your manuscript. You are teaching through your manuscript, and the text must be clear for readers to learn what you’ve learned.</p> <p>Also, scientific papers are hard work to read, even when they are written beautifully. As the reader, you must work to understand the science and statistical methods that were used to generate results for the paper. Your mind works hard to integrate the paper’s results with what you know from other papers in the field. If the writer does not make the writing clear and easy to read, it can feel impossible to read the paper, because your brain can’t simultaneously try to figure out what the writer was trying to say and what the science in the paper is saying. You have worked hard on your science. It’s worth the effort to edit your manuscript until you remove all overhead you can that makes the writing hard to read. Most people, even senior scientists, write first drafts that are a drag to read. Even if all the information is there, it’s a lot of work to mentally extract it, and it’s often hard to follow along with the arguments and explanations. It’s fine for your early drafts to be like that. It’s not good for the submitted manuscript to still feel so heavy.</p> <p>The examples in <em>Style</em> are mainly from academic non-fiction, although not specifically from scientific manuscripts or manuscripts meant for peer review. Fortunately, two other writers have taken Williams’s ideas and illustrated how they work in scientific writing. Further, they give some tips specific to scientific writing, including how to plan and structure certain sections—like the Introduction and Discussion.</p> <p>The final book includes a section on arguments. We often don’t think of scientific writing as argumentative, but it really is. You will need to convince readers that your study is important, that it advances the science. Then you’ll need to not just present your results, but provide an interpretation for those results. You will need to walk your readers through why those interpretations are reasonable and appropriate. While many students come into graduate school with a reasonable mastery of grammar, they often present their arguments in a way that is scattered and diffuse. Often, when I am editing manuscripts with first authors who are students, much of the editing process is related to finding and fleshing out their arguments. We won’t be able to go deeply into rhetoric in this workshop, but we will cover the basics of building arguments in your writing based on the advice in this book.</p> <p>The full list of books for the workshop is:</p> <ol style="list-style-type: decimal"> <li><a href="https://www.amazon.com/Style-Basics-Clarity-Grace-2nd/dp/0321330854/ref=sr_1_20?dchild=1&amp;keywords=joseph+williams+style&amp;qid=1594599265&amp;s=books&amp;sr=1-20"><em>Style: The Basics of Clarity and Grace (2nd edition)</em> by <NAME>.</a> (This edition is no longer in print. I prefer the earlier editions, which are shorter. There tend to always be used copies available on Amazon.)</li> <li><a href="https://www.amazon.com/Writing-Science-English-Chicago-Publishing/dp/022602637X/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3R5FVEBHLEE6M&amp;dchild=1&amp;keywords=writing+science+in+plain+english&amp;qid=1594599082&amp;sprefix=writing+science+in+p%2Caps%2C185&amp;sr=8-2"><em>Writing Science in Plain English</em> by <NAME>.</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.amazon.com/Writing-Science-Papers-Proposals-Funded/dp/0199760241/ref=pd_sbs_14_2/140-7397953-6612456?_encoding=UTF8&amp;pd_rd_i=0199760241&amp;pd_rd_r=a18d3605-570b-4f9c-a9b7-560aab4c2f19&amp;pd_rd_w=reAtV&amp;pd_rd_wg=ldykT&amp;pf_rd_p=bdc67ba8-ab69-42ee-b8d8-8f5336b36a83&amp;pf_rd_r=6JENX0H17SA0SEH0B3SH&amp;psc=1&amp;refRID=6JENX0H17SA0SEH0B3SH"><em>Writing Science</em> by <NAME></a></li> <li><a href="https://www.amazon.com/Research-Chicago-Writing-Editing-Publishing/dp/022623973X/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&amp;keywords=craft+of+research&amp;qid=1594599147&amp;s=books&amp;sr=1-2"><em>The Craft of Research (Fourth Edition)</em> by <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, and <NAME>.</a></li> </ol> </div> <p style="text-align: center;"> <a href="index.html"><button class="btn btn-default">Previous</button></a> <a href="1-2-workshop-schedule.html"><button class="btn btn-default">Next</button></a> </p> </div> </div> </body> </html>
Third-party maintenance can give back control of your equipment life cycle, reduce long-term maintenance costs, and help maximize data center investments. Inside, learn how to accurately weigh the pros and cons of switching away from traditional OEM support. Outsourcing is changing as the anything-as-a-service model takes off. In this month's issue, we cover changes in distribution and the challenges being faced by those aiming to add value. Analyst group Quocirca reviews channel-led managed print services (MPS) programmes. IT leaders and storage managers can realise cost savings and improve their use of backup infrastructure by rethinking their back-up procedures, says Gartner analyst Dave Russell. IT leaders and managers of customer support need to understand the limits of cloud-based CRM customer service and support software solutions, writes Michael Maoz, vice-president and distinguished analyst at Gartner. This report from analysts Bob Tarzey and Clive Longbottom makes the case for automation in IT operations management. Gartner analysts explain how Infrastructure and Operations (I&O) teams can best prepare for the cloud. This exclusive e-guide discusses the importance of examining a CRM software vendor's ecosystem before signing on the dotted line. Uncover expert tips on how to negotiate the best SaaS service-level agreement for your enterprise. In this resource, you'll explore several distinct advantages of building a cloud using a mainframe, including improved performance and reliability, security, and significant cost savings. Read on now to discover the benefits of a mainframe cloud, detailed use cases, and more. This whitepaper provides a 36-criteria evaluation of workplace services vendors, identifying the 8 most significant global workplace services providers. The Gartner Outsourcing & Strategic Partnerships Summit 2013 this September allows you to rethink your outsourcing strategies and discuss best practices with your peers to help you achieve the most from your outsourcing efforts. Read this transcript of internationally recognized service-oriented architecture (SOA) expert and thought leader, best-selling author of Enterprise Application Integration, and CTO and founder of the cloud consulting firm Blue Mountain Labs, David Linthicum's presentation on SOA as the single most valuable architectural basis for the cloud. In an effort to reduce costs and increase agility, many companies are taking steps to improve data centre efficiency. This white paper presents key findings from new data centre efficiency research and reveals tactics you can execute to optimise resource utilisation, improve service levels, and more.
[Angiographic diagnosis of hemangiomas in the orbital region (author's transl)]. The polymorphus hemangiomas-especially those of the cavernous type in the orbital region, the face, the scalp or the rhinopharynx are not demonstrable neither by arterial nor venous angiography. If direct puncture of the angioma is possible, the injection of radioopaque medium shows a characteristic picture. The smooth limitation, partial septation and the delayed outflow of contrast medium are important criterions for the differential diagnosis. Moreover the delimitation of the hemangioma from the surrounding tissue is possible and the best surgical access can be selected. If the expanding process is situated in the orbit, and has reached a certain size, the venography of the orbit indicates the extent and localization of the orbital mass.
Toshiba announced this morning that it has applied for membership of the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) with plans to soon bring out products supporting the Blu-ray format. Toshiba was originally the main supporter behind the now defunct HD DVD (high definition DVD) disc format that was in competition with Blu-ray until big entertainment companies including Warner Bros threw their lot in with Blu-ray leaving Toshiba to admit defeat. Toshiba said that recent developments in products supporting the Blu-ray format combined with rising consumer and retailer demand for the optical disc format, has led the company to decide that joining the BDA would be a good choice. Without giving a timeline Toshiba did say that it plans to introduce digital products that support the Blu-ray format, including BD players and notebook PCs integrating BD drives, in the course of this year so we should expect Toshiba Blu-ray players on the market before Christmas 2009.
New to My Friend Alice, and ready to go to work for summer is the Sloane Layered Tank. An elegant v-neck tank, with a double layered front to give a weightier drape and lining. This is a great, dressy style that you will love to pair with your favourite pants and skirts. The Sloane Layered Tank is a viscose fabric, with a tiny amount of sheen, and a slightly crinkly texture. The back hem is slightly longer than the front, the front layer is slightly shorter on the top layer. Great for wearing to smart casual events - wear tucked in or out. Length: 68cm front, 72cm back approx. V neck is 20cm deep. Fabric: 100% viscose. Cold handwash suggested.
New York’s leading small business association, the National Federation of Independent Business of New York (NFIB/NY), has given State Senator Tom O’Mara (R,C,I-Big Flats) a 91% rating, the second-highest rating among all state senators, on its 2019-2020 legislative review of how state legislators addressed priority issues for small business owners across New York. O’Mara received the grade as part of the organization’s roundup of state legislative actions during the 2019-2020 legislative sessions that were identified as priority issues by small business owners across New York. O’Mara, a previous recipient of NFIB/NY’s “Guardian of Small Business Award,” represents New York ’s 58th Senate District (Chemung, Schuyler, Steuben and Yates counties, and a portion of Tompkins County ).
Sun coleus (Solenostenum scutellarioides) are commonly used in the southern landscape. However, with the introduction of new cultivars, producers and consumers may be unaware of the selection and landscape performance of sun coleus. Sun coleus cultivars were trialed under landscape conditions at the South Mississippi Branch Station in Poplarville, Miss., in 2000 and 2001. The objective of this study was to evaluate sun coleus cultivars based on landscape performance criteria including flowering, durability, vigor, uniqueness, and insect and disease resistance. Cultivars performing well over both years included `Ducksfoot Red,' `Ducksfoot Tricolor', `Ducksfoot Yellow', `Sunflower Red', `Pineapple', Mardi Gras', and `Saturn'.
Composition Dark grey round neck t-shirt made of 100% cotton, with short sleeves and glow print on the front Fitting Comfort Wash care only hand wash in cold water using a mild detergent Wash dark colours separately Do not bleach, wring or tumble dry Flat dry in shade Mild iron, and do not iron on print/embellishment/embroidery Flaunt your wild side in style with this dark grey t-shirt from wrangler. Expose the graphic print on the front to sunlight for a few minutes and watch it glow in the dark with pride. Team this with jeans and sports shoes for unparalleled cool. Model statistics The model wears size M in t-shirts Height-6', Shoulders-18"
Efficient Process: The ISE and Central Bank of Ireland combines a high level of technical knowledge and the commercial approach necessary to return comments 3 days after initial submission and 2 days after subsequent drafts. Supplements are subject to quicker turnaround times. Choice of markets: The ISE operates two markets for listing debt securities. Issuers can opt to list debt securities on either the Main Securities Market or the Global Exchange Market. Expertise: The ISE and the Central Bank of Ireland have experience in approving and listing a vast range of debt and derivative transactions. The types of products listed on the ISE includes vanilla bonds, corporate bonds, high yield bonds, securitisations, structured programmes, credit linked notes, equity linked notes, commercial paper, covered bonds, derivative warrants, exchange traded commodities etc. Competitive Fee Structure: The ISE fee schedule reflects a commitment to provide value to market participants. As a stock exchange, our challenge is to ensure sufficient flexibility of approach to embrace new products types, while maintainingthe integrity of a listing on a regulated European Stock Market For further information please [email protected]
Municipal services have been part of civilization for over 6,000 years. Constructing and maintaining the systems that deliver those services is central to the world we live in. Trihydro understands that municipalities must serve their residents by providing Capital Improvement Projects and maintaining critical infrastructure such as water mains, sewers, and roadways. However, municipal engineers do more than that; finding funding, presenting to elected officials and residents, project budgeting and estimating, and prioritizing projects are under their purview. Our team has assisted with the planning, analysis, design, and implementation of water distribution, storm and sanitary sewers, municipal landfills and waste transfer stations. Working with our geographic information systems (GIS) and survey groups, we have prepared, hosted, and upgraded utility and sign inventories and infrastructure asset management databases for local and state governmental agencies. Our engineers have presented at public meetings and understand the sensitive relationship between elected officials, municipal staff, and the voting public. We help communities plan for the future, and then implement that vision. We combine our municipal experience with progressive technical skills to successfully complete projects for our clients.
What tension should I string my racquet? As always, trial and error is usually the best method for determining what string tension is best for you. performance than by replacing worn out strings with a fresh set. come off the stringing machine. reach your next level of performance. frequency may increase. hot summer day or cold winter night. differently and it’s time to restring your racquet. You can monitor the health of your strings by inspecting the intersection where mains and crosses touch. to resist tension loss. Premier Attack – an elastic multifilament string with a tri-core that improves strength and tension retention. take your game to the next level. with less mains and crosses – e.g. 16 x 18 – are considered to have an “open” pattern. affect on-court performance. “dense” string pattern will generate more spin. This is incorrect! “Flex” refers to how much a racquet bends when making contact with the tennis ball. racquet feel? How does a stiffer racquet perform? What’s best for me, and how do I determine optimal flex? It boils down to hitting feeling vs. ball performance. Which is most important to you? power for them. what combination of power, comfort, and control is right for you. your game to the next level!
(Swans - October 20, 2008) As in 2006, we do not have strong opinions or knowledge on ALL the races in the country or for that matter in California, our state of residence, though our focus is evidently on the presidential elections and on California. Overall, our approach is to select candidates that are proactive according to our choices and values, without party affiliation. These recommendations once again reflect primarily the opinions of Jan Baughman and Gilles d'Aymery, co-editors of Swans. They should not be viewed as an endorsement from all the contributors to Swans, though we think that they reflect the views of some of them. » President: RALPH NADER. » Vice President: MATT GONZALEZ. Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez are by far the most honest and ethical candidates in this election, and in today's political environment. Not only are they honest and ethical, they are the only ones with a fully-fledged, fully-defined platform. We do not agree with everything they propose (only 90 percent of it!), but we are realistic enough to understand that these two men are the best hope the country has when facing a very uncertain future for us and our descendents. Please vote for the NADER-GONZALEZ ticket. Vote for sanity. Vote to keep third-party candidates viable. Here is the simple rule: Do not vote for any incumbent with the exception of the likes of Lynn Woolsley, Barbara Lee, Dennis Kucinich, etc. Overall, do NOT vote for incumbents, only independents and insurgents. Two examples: In Northern California, do not vote for Mike Thompson, a corrupted man to the core. Vote for CAROL WOLMAN. In San Francisco, do not vote for Nancy Pelosi, vote for CINDY SHEEHAN -- even though Sheehan is not our cup of tea. The issue here is to throw the bums out, or at least let them know that the "party" is over. We are tired of being taken for a ride, and seeing our tax dollars replenish their personal coffers. That's all, folks. Time to awaken to the misery these people, with your past votes, have bequeathed us all. Vote for sanity, please. Vote for Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez! NO on Proposition 7, which is loophole-ridden and so poorly drafted that it could actually hinder the development of new clean, renewable energy sources in California, like solar and wind power. [...]Based on the experience of UCS experts on the design and implementation of renewable electricity standards in California and across the country, we are convinced that the serious flaws of Proposition 7--such as creating new compliance loopholes for utilities, setting counter-productive policies on energy pricing, and discouraging smaller-scale renewable projects--would prevent California from achieving our state's clean energy goals. NO on Proposition 10, which would throw nearly ten billion taxpayer dollars into a program promoting natural gas and other transportation fuels that could achieve little or no reductions in smog or global warming pollution. [...] Three quarters of the $5 billion in bond funding in Prop 10 would be dedicated to incentives with flawed or inadequate environmental criteria. Prop 10's rebates give natural gas an unfair advantage over other alternatives, while excluding or providing inadequate support for vehicle technologies that could provide much greater environmental benefits than natural gas in the long run, such as hybrid heavy duty trucks or plug-in hybrid electric passenger vehicles. On a more positive note, we encourage you to vote Yes on Proposition 2, to reduce air and water pollution from factory farms and create more humane conditions for egg-laying chickens and other farm animals. Also important in California is Proposition 8, which would ban same-sex marriage. We recommend voting "no" on this measure.
For most people, it is not only easy to take proper care of health inside a regular routine. It is because because of work and social stigma, time for you to invest in regular exercises becomes difficult. There are lots of individuals who get gym equipments within their home however too, it is extremely difficult to allow them to continue exercises and physical workout on consistent basis. Gyms simply mean the station where equipments for physical workout can be found. Establishing the gyms home based is definitely an option but one must consider many factors. Such instruments and equipments are very costly, and also you maybe don’t find around the house according to their sizes. Many people think it is certainly impractical to buy and store this type of wide types of special giant equipments individuals are essential for any fruitful physical workout. Because of this and lots of such reasons, generally, people decide to join gyms. Gyms’ membership can be obtained for whether per-visit charge or perhaps a monthly subscription fee. Nonetheless, you’re able to share physical workout equipments along with other gyms’ people, having to pay a small fraction of the quantity, that is absolutely worth. Gyms offer you to definitely exercise inside a specifically-tailored, luxurious air-conditioned hall and gyms will also be operated by qualified gym trainers available to obtain the most from the equipments and assure that you employ them correctly so that don’t harmed. However, gyms also provide some impression to be swindlers: gyms with big chains are very found sales-driven that attempt to sign people up for a lot more high-priced monthly membership plan compared to what they require. Such gyms also depend on member’s guilt about not visiting the gyms to prevent them from terminating the costly membership plan. Because of this, one really requires to be aware what you’re going to before you even join gyms. Avoid offers that come off as too good to be real, and like having to pay a per-visit fee to get in and check out out gyms first after which once find okay, you opt for membership. If there’s not a way having to pay per trip to gyms, you coping fishy types and should most likely just head off to other gym. Nonetheless, legitimate gyms would certainly offer cheaper as well as more costly amounts of membership also it depends upon you which ones membership you would like. Whenever you join any gyms, you should know how much. Generally, greater the expense of membership level better the outcomes as it might get one-to-one training from qualified gyms’ instructors. Gyms contain step machines, bikes and treadmills and based upon your body part to become labored on, they’re performed. Going gyms appear to become easy however ongoing it with no failure and insufficient interest rates are what matters. This can help to maintain extra weight and figure. Also, people thinking about bodybuilding may also get benefited. It is usually easier to switch on your gym activities with perfect lifestyle and diet.
Two of San Diego’s culinary rising stars, Executive Restaurant Chef Christopher Gentile of Rancho Valencia, and Pendry San Diego Executive Sous Chef Brandon Sloan of Provisional Kitchen, will combine their talents for a Chef’s Collaboration Dinner to celebrate the flavors of fall. A special five-course dinner will feature peak fall produce, artisanal wine pairings, and a taste of each chef’s incredibly skilled palate. Reservations are required for Chef’s Collaboration Dinner and can be made on OpenTable here. Keep up to date with Provisional Kitchen by visiting here and following them Instagram and Facebook.
Bits & Bytes Tech Conference is an independent event dedicated to improving the state of tech, innovation and entrepreneurship in Tanzania through enhanced dialogue among the public and private sectors. Our mission is to be advocates of innovation and technological ideas that can build better communities and raise the standard of living in addition to transforming our society in education, health, social welfare and environment sectors.