Well-known for his participation in high-level sailing events — most notably, skippering two Volvo Ocean Race campaigns — Knut Frostad has served as Navico’s president and CEO for nearly three years. In June 2021, Brunswick Corp. announced that it was acquiring Navico, which in the trailing 12-month period ending May 31, 2021, had posted sales of $470 million. Navico’s portfolio includes such brands as Lowrance, Simrad, B&G and C-Map. Soundings Trade Only sat down with Frostad in February at the Miami International Boat Show to talk about Navico’s recent product releases, supply-chain woes, sustainability goals, innovation and the future of the marine trade, especially in integrated electronics systems. Tell us bit about the recent NSX multifunction display launch and its new operating system. It’s a huge one for us, probably bigger than what it looks like from the outside because we have redesigned the whole operating system. It’s like Apple throwing iOS out the window and building a new one. It’s really without comparison. But we spent 15 years building the previous one, and we wanted to do it not just because we needed a new system; it’s because we thought that the new generation or future generation of customers need a different user experience. They need a simplified user experience — not simple, but simplified in the sense that people are expecting to understand a product when they switch it on. They’re not expecting to read a manual to use a product. They’re expecting words and letters that they can understand immediately, not like having to think, What does GPS, GMT-4, what does BSP … what does that mean? So we have spent three years designing this. And really, we have studied. We have had user groups. We have had people who have not been in the industry to simplify that experience in the sense that people feel, Wow, this is an easy product to use. Now they can use it without having to be a scientist or have an experienced boater help out. That’s why I think it’s a massive revolution. It does not bring a new feature that boating didn’t have, but I think it’s going to make boating more accessible. From a manufacturing standpoint, it must be nice not to have hardwired buttons. Is this something you are going to push across the entire range? I think we will. There are still definitely people who strongly believe that there are use cases where you need buttons, and I think we will still have that, but even those can be programmed now. It’s interesting. You look at all the modern cars that are coming today. They’re moving everything to touch screens. There are some very big panels on the dashboard. They still come with certain buttons, though. I was just in the Lucid car the other day. It was one of the latest, greatest, and they still have massive buttons for volume and music. Right? Why? Because when people drive a car, they suddenly have to change their volume. They don’t want to find something. They just want to touch it without looking, and feeling that button and just do it. And we have some of those use cases, you know? So it’s a very big thing for us. We’ve had about 100 software engineers working on this for a long time. It’s crazy. We’re trying to simplify, simplify, simplify. So we’ve removed things and removed menus. We timed how long it took users to set up the autopilot. And then we set new benchmarks for how short [a time] we can do it in. I’m not going to give all the numbers, but we have radically shortened it by having people who’ve never done this before, testing them and saying, “OK, set up an autopilot.” And they say, “What’s an autopilot?” That’s where we started. Is that why you chose Android for the operating system? The Android decision was something that happened just when I started. We chose it for two reasons. First is that it enables a seamless ecosystem experience with a phone and a tablet because Android is well-suited to create an experience over multiple screen surfaces, whether it’s a phone or your tablet or your multifunction display or your computer at home. It’s a very good platform for that multiscreen experience. The second part has to do with the architecture of Android. We went pure Android from the beginning. We didn’t import our own; we wrote everything from scratch. And the beauty with that is that if you look at how us and Garmin and Raymarine have done this for years, we have one big software stack that we have built over the years, and it grows and grows and grows. It’s serving more and more products. And every time you want to make a change to it, you’re indirectly influencing another 150 products. Since Android is an app-based architecture, everything is an app, in a way. So when you’re modifying specific code, you’re not touching anything else. And you can work on one piece of the architecture. You don’t have to worry about the rest. You don’t even have to test it. Simrad’s new NSX displays lay a new operating system groundwork that will power the brand’s future offerings. Are there any other advantages to the approach Navico took? Software updates. We used to do that once every second month, at best, maybe once every quarter. Now we have no problem doing it daily if we need to. And when you do that software update, instead of doing a gigabyte of software update, you’re doing like one megabyte. And suddenly you have a new fishing feature. So I think the value from this platform is coming step by step by step by step. But it’s like owning a product that’s going to be better and better because you get new features in software updates. Does keeping manuals out of the box help the business from a sustainability standpoint? Removing manuals is a big thing for me from that point of view. I can’t really tell you how many tons of paper we shipped around the world, both with planes and ships last year, but we’re shipping enormous amounts of paper around the world — huge, thick manuals. This industry is terrible at it. Do you think it’ll eventually go to a QR code where users can pop the manuals up on a phone? The endgame is that you make your products so intuitive that it doesn’t need any manuals. Apple is very far down that road, right? When you buy a new iPhone today, it comes with a tiny little paper piece that says, “Don’t throw it in the microwave,” and “It’s registered somewhere.” And then slowly, you may not discover everything your phone can do, but step by step, you’ll probably find all the 90 percent of the things you can do. What other sustainability initiatives are going on at Navico? We started in 2019 removing all plastics from our packaging. Now 94 percent of our product packaging has gone 100 percent paperboard, and we’re talking about 5,000 products. It’s a lot of work. People underestimate what it takes to remove plastic from packaging and products. We don’t want to have any plastic. We don’t even want to have plastic coatings or paints. So we are using soy-based paints on some products. You can eat the paint, basically. How are things with the broken supply chain and chip shortages? In electronics, they’re not better now than they were six months ago. Not at all. I would say there are some pieces of it that are seeing some light at the end of the tunnel, but for the first six months this year, I think it’s going to be as challenging as it’s been the last six months or last 12 months. I have a crisis meeting every day at 10 o’clock at night for one and a half hours. We’ve been doing that for 18 months, every day except Sundays. I do that with my team. We beefed up our sourcing team a lot. We brought in people from Flextronics and other companies that are big in electronics, because it’s really a war. So it’s not really about strategy and long-term thinking. It’s about this raw, brute force. But we are working a lot on how we set ourselves up, so we have more resilience going forward. That’s been an ongoing process for us. Today, it’s a situation where it went from being nice to simply have inventory to if you don’t have inventory, you’re dead. If you don’t have the products in the warehouse, you cannot build anything. So you have to, as soon as you can, get your hands on CPUs, and you may not even need them in the next six months. It’s a crazy market because it’s not sustainable financially. You must throw all this cash to get things that you’re probably not going to need short-term, but you just can’t take the risk of not having it when you get to that time when you’re going to build it. We are also insourcing more. We already were making 70 percent of our own components because if you outsource, like a lot of the companies in the industry do, now you are dependent on the outsourcing partner to take financial risk on your behalf. If he is not willing to go out and buy CPUs and what’s needed in advance, he’s not going to be able to supply it. So what happens next is that companies like us and Garmin and others, we loop or leapfrog our sourcing partners and start sourcing on their behalf. Because if not, our outsourcing partner can’t supply this. It’s just crazy. Navico’s sustainability initiatives include reducing the use of plastic in its packaging and products. How would you describe the culture at Navico? I think we have a very entrepreneurial spirit in the company. I’m focused a lot on letting people loose in the sense that it’s easier in a bigger company. We are not the biggest company in the industry; we have 2,100 employees. But when you grow, you usually start to develop a very stiff environment where everything is controlled and decisions take forever. So I am very focused on empowering people. Sometimes they make wrong decisions, but most of the time they make right decisions. I think that’s key to be successful. It feels as if performance and innovation in the electronics space have leveled out a bit, much like with smartphones the past few years. What can we expect next? I think that we’re up for quite a lot of development, because I think the digital experience of owning a boat is becoming a bigger piece of the puzzle. In the past, if you were out boating, you were looking around; now you can experience what you see through the screen, but also around you. When I was a kid visiting New York, we were looking at the Empire State Building. Now, everyone’s like, “Oh, that’s ...” and then they’re Googling and they get all that information. I think we are going to that place with boats, with bigger screens and more submerged digital experiences that kind of support what you see outside, whether it’s underwater or over water. I think that we will see bigger, wider screens with more relevant information. And we will see some intelligence in the electronics, in the sense that rather than you figuring out things, electronics have already figured it out for you and are telling you how to do things. Do you see people eventually using a multifunction display to search for information and connect with others? Yeah, both. I’ve talked to some other folks in the marine electronics world, and their opinion, not that it’s right or wrong, is that they see things going, like you said, deeper in the actual unit itself. I think that the phone is a beautiful piece of technology. And some in our industry are thinking that they can make products that do some of the same. I don’t. For connectivity, for example, the smartphone is unbeatable, right? It can briefcase data. My phone has one terabyte of storage. I can do a complete MFD software update from scratch on this phone without any problems. And if we wanted to build that connectivity technology into our products, we would have to amputate it and compete with Apple technology. You can’t do that. So I think to find where marine electronics fits in, it’s not in its own ecosystem. It’s in your customer’s ecosystem. I think we are a fragmented industry, so I think one of the things I really look forward to from Navico, to be a bit selfish, is that our Brunswick mother and father now, they help us with our new siblings to work together in a way we couldn’t do before on offering an integrated solution. What I mean when I say integrated, it’s not just technically integrated. It’s being commercially integrated and making life a little bit simpler for the boatbuilder who doesn’t have to make five phone calls to put these things together. It sounds as if you’re pro-consolidation. I am, because I think that simplification is one of the biggest things you can do in our industry. I think it’s really complicated to be a boatbuilder. You have so many suppliers. I mean, 50, 60, 70, 80 suppliers for a small boat, and you must deal with every one of them. At the end of the day, we want to make it easier for everyone, from the boatbuilder up to the final owner or end user. Vertical integration is one way to ensure a positive experience for everyone, and I think Navico being tied in with Brunswick, and especially the Advanced Systems Group, will be a win-win for the industry.
Sales tax region name: Heber Springs. How does the Heber Springs sales tax compare to the rest of AR? The 9.125% sales tax rate in Heber Springs consists of 6.5% Arkansas state sales tax, 1.625% Cleburne County sales tax and 1% Heber Springs tax. There is no applicable special tax. You can print a 9.125% sales tax table here. For tax rates in other cities, see Arkansas sales taxes by city and county. The Heber Springs, Arkansas sales tax rate of 9.125% applies to the following two zip codes: 72543 and 72545. There are approximately 9,662 people living in the Heber Springs area. Remember that zip code boundaries don't always match up with political boundaries (like Heber Springs or Cleburne County), so you shouldn't always rely on something as imprecise as zip codes to determine the sales tax rates at a given address.
I sometimes run self checkout. All 6 self checkouts are linked to one master computer and it can only handle one issue at a time. There are basically two levels of issues. Level one can be resolved with a single tap while still overseeing all six registers. Level two requires going into a specific register to make changes to an order. Level two can only be accessed if level one has no issues. A couple days ago I had a guy who needed me to void an item he had accidentally scanned twice. No problem. I try to go into his order, system stops me. A lady at another register is trying to scan an unscannable barcode, creating a level one issue. I go over to her and explain that it won't scan, she can either input it as produce or I can manually enter it shortly. She looks at me in exasperated entitlement and keeps trying. I try again to void the man's item and she's trying to scan the unscannable yet again. I ask her again to please be patient and as soon as I clear her screen she just scans again, locking me out once more. I could have done things in the wrong order since she was being so damn pushy but instead I shut down her register until I had fixed all the other issues, just to be sure she wouldn't impede anyone else. Sure enough red flag after red flag kept popping up with her order. Watching people struggle with self checkout all day really makes me lose faith in humanity. But hey, it keeps me in a job I guess.
DnaG Primase—A Target for the Development of Novel Antibacterial Agents The bacterial primase—an essential component in the replisome—is a promising but underexploited target for novel antibiotic drugs. Bacterial primases have a markedly different structure than the human primase. Inhibition of primase activity is expected to selectively halt bacterial DNA replication. Evidence is growing that halting DNA replication has a bacteriocidal effect. Therefore, inhibitors of DNA primase could provide antibiotic agents. Compounds that inhibit bacterial DnaG primase have been developed using different approaches. In this paper, we provide an overview of the current literature on DNA primases as novel drug targets and the methods used to find their inhibitors. Although few inhibitors have been identified, there are still challenges to develop inhibitors that can efficiently halt DNA replication and may be applied in a clinical setting. Introduction The complex process of identifying antibacterial compounds begins with the selection of potential targets, which must be essential, selective over human homologues, susceptible to drugs, and have a low propensity to develop a rapid resistance [1]. Even though bacteria possesses approximately 200 essential gene products, only a limited number of these have been exploited as drug targets [2]. DNA replication, which qualifies as a novel drug target, is performed by the replisome. A replisome is a multi-enzyme complex that synthesizes DNA continuously on its leading strand and discontinuously on its lagging strand [3,4]. Within a replisome of every living cell, DNA primase is an essential component that synthesizes short RNA primers that are used by DNA polymerase to form the "Okazaki fragments" on the lagging DNA strand [5]. After primer extension, the RNA part is removed by RNase H and the gap is filled with DNA by DNA polymerase I. The inhibition of primase is expected to halt DNA replication and, as a result, cell proliferation. The potential of making DNA primase a clinical target for novel antibiotics is high, but has not resulted in an increase of the repertoire of clinical candidates that could be especially beneficial against drug-resistant bacteria. This review provides a current literature survey on DnaG primase and the properties that make this enzyme an attractive bacterial target. The challenges in finding ways to inhibit primase are discussed along with the current drug discovery tools that have been used to develop novel and effective inhibitors. Examples of currently available primase inhibitors are provided as well. The Bacterial Replisome as a Multiple-Drug Target Replication of the chromosome is a central event in the cell cycle of every bacterium. It is performed by the replisome, which is a multi-enzyme complex that synthesizes DNA continuously at Figure 1. The bacterial replisome. The helicase DnaB unwinds double-stranded DNA and exposes the two individual strands. One strand is copied continuously (leading) and the other discontinuously (lagging) by two DNA polymerase III complexes. Each DNA polymerase is attached to the DNA by the β clamp to allow DNA synthesis to proceed. On the lagging strand, the DNA polymerase uses short RNA primers synthesized by primase DnaG to form the "Okazaki fragments". The RNA primers on the lagging strand are degraded and the gaps are filled and ligated by further enzymatic activities in the replication fork, which forms a single continuous DNA strand. Modified from Reference [9]. Targeting new biochemical pathways-such as DNA replication-is directed against resistant strains of pathogenic bacteria. Some of those biochemical pathways present a different setting in humans, which provides high selectivity. Inhibiting any of the essential enzymes associated with DNA replication should affect bacterial growth. Several anti-bacterial agents that target DNA replication proteins such as PolIII (including the core  subunit,  clamp, and the clamp loader complex), DnaB helicase, and a single-stranded binding protein (SSB) are currently under development (for review see [10]). Although DNA replication machinery is a promising multi-drug target, only quinolones that target TopoII (Gyrase), which is an enzyme downstream from the DNA replication fork that relieves strain of dsDNA during replication by active formation of negative supercoiling. These factors have found their way to the clinic [11]. Quinolones, however, don't inhibit TopoII but rather convert it into a toxic form that causes fragmentation of the bacterial genome [12][13][14][15][16][17]. Examples for Unique Potential DNA Replication Targets Inhibition of DNA replication has been shown to provide an effective antibacterial activity. The cyclic peptide griselimycin that targets DnaN (the  clamp subunit of DNA polymerase III) halts DNA replication of M. tuberculosis and, as a result, kills bacteria [18]. Another example for the potential of DNA replication proteins to become a useful target in antibiotic discovery is the histidinol phosphatase (PHP)-exonuclease domain of DnaE from M. tuberculosis. A recent crystal structure of Figure 1. The bacterial replisome. The helicase DnaB unwinds double-stranded DNA and exposes the two individual strands. One strand is copied continuously (leading) and the other discontinuously (lagging) by two DNA polymerase III complexes. Each DNA polymerase is attached to the DNA by the β clamp to allow DNA synthesis to proceed. On the lagging strand, the DNA polymerase uses short RNA primers synthesized by primase DnaG to form the "Okazaki fragments". The RNA primers on the lagging strand are degraded and the gaps are filled and ligated by further enzymatic activities in the replication fork, which forms a single continuous DNA strand. Modified from Reference [9]. Targeting new biochemical pathways-such as DNA replication-is directed against resistant strains of pathogenic bacteria. Some of those biochemical pathways present a different setting in humans, which provides high selectivity. Inhibiting any of the essential enzymes associated with DNA replication should affect bacterial growth. Several anti-bacterial agents that target DNA replication proteins such as PolIII (including the core α subunit, β clamp, and the clamp loader complex), DnaB helicase, and a single-stranded binding protein (SSB) are currently under development (for review see [10]). Although DNA replication machinery is a promising multi-drug target, only quinolones that target TopoII (Gyrase), which is an enzyme downstream from the DNA replication fork that relieves strain of dsDNA during replication by active formation of negative supercoiling. These factors have found their way to the clinic [11]. Quinolones, however, don't inhibit TopoII but rather convert it into a toxic form that causes fragmentation of the bacterial genome [12][13][14][15][16][17]. Examples for Unique Potential DNA Replication Targets Inhibition of DNA replication has been shown to provide an effective antibacterial activity. The cyclic peptide griselimycin that targets DnaN (the β clamp subunit of DNA polymerase III) halts DNA replication of M. tuberculosis and, as a result, kills bacteria [18]. Another example for the potential of DNA replication proteins to become a useful target in antibiotic discovery is the histidinol phosphatase (PHP)-exonuclease domain of DnaE from M. tuberculosis. A recent crystal structure of DnaE1 from M. tuberculosis reveals that the PHP-domain has some unique structural features, which make it an attractive target for novel anti-mycobacterial drugs [19]. Other examples of antimicrobial agents that affect bacterial replisomes include aminocoumarins and quinolones that target DNA gyrase and DNA topoisomerase IV to halt growth of Staphylococcus aureus [20]. Aminocoumarins compete with ATP on binding to the Gyrase B subunit while quinolones DnaE1 from M. tuberculosis reveals that the PHP-domain has some unique structural features, which make it an attractive target for novel anti-mycobacterial drugs [19]. Other examples of antimicrobial agents that affect bacterial replisomes include aminocoumarins and quinolones that target DNA gyrase and DNA topoisomerase IV to halt growth of Staphylococcus aureus [20]. Aminocoumarins compete with ATP on binding to the Gyrase B subunit while quinolones stabilize the DNA-cleavage complex [16,21]. Similarly, inhibitors of metabolic pathways of purine nucleotide synthesis have been shown to affect bacterial growth by inhibiting DNA replication [22]. There are several more examples. However, the full potential of DNA replisome as a multiple drug target is far from being achieved. Structural Features of DnaG Primase: Opportunities for Drug Targeting DNA primase is a central component in the core replisome of every living cell. This enzyme synthesizes short RNA primers of approximately 10 nucleotides long, which are delivered to the DNA polymerase for extension to form Okazaki fragments on the lagging DNA strand. Prokaryotic DnaG primases are similar both in sequence and structure ( Figure 2). The differences in the setting of mammalian and prokaryotic priming during DNA replication are profound ( Figure 3) and make the bacterial primase an ideal target for drug design. More specifically, the human primase consists of four subunits (Figure 3, left), the primase core P49, the primase accessory protein P58, DNA polymerase β, P180, and the accessory protein P68 [23]. However, the bacterial DnaG primase usually works in accordance with the DnaB helicase hexameric ring (Figure 3, right) even though the stoichiometry of this interaction is not fully known to date (for more information see Section 6.1). In addition, the sequence homology between the mammalian and bacterial primase is very low [5]. Bacterial primase contains an active site for binding nucleotides and a DNA binding module, which makes it "druggable." All these features make primase an excellent therapeutic target, but even though extensive efforts to find inhibitors for DnaG primase have been made over the years, no clinical candidate has been developed. ID 2HAJ), H. pylori (PDB ID 4EHS), S. aureus (PDB ID 2LZN), and V. cholerae (PDB ID 4IM9). The ZBD is colored in shades of red. The RPD is colored in shades of gray and the C-terminal domain is colored in shades of orange. (C) Representative model of bacterial DnaG primase consisting of ZBD (colored red) and RPD (colored white) of A. aeolicus (PDB ID 2AU3) and the C-terminal domain (colored deep olive) of S. aureus (PDB ID 2LZN). The figure was created using the PyMOL (http://www.pymol.org) and CLC Sequence viewer 6. The differences in the setting of mammalian and prokaryotic priming during DNA replication are profound ( Figure 3) and make the bacterial primase an ideal target for drug design. More specifically, the human primase consists of four subunits (Figure 3, left), the primase core P49, the primase accessory protein P58, DNA polymerase β, P180, and the accessory protein P68 [23]. However, the bacterial DnaG primase usually works in accordance with the DnaB helicase hexameric ring (Figure 3, right) even though the stoichiometry of this interaction is not fully known to date (for more information see section 6.1). In addition, the sequence homology between the mammalian and bacterial primase is very low [5]. Bacterial primase contains an active site for binding nucleotides and a DNA binding module, which makes it "druggable." All these features make primase an excellent therapeutic target, but even though extensive efforts to find inhibitors for DnaG primase have been made over the years, no clinical candidate has been developed. The ZBD contains a four-stranded, antiparallel  sheet and a highly conserved three cysteine and one histidine residues mostly located on loop regions. These residues coordinate the zinc ion and form a typical zinc-ribbon structure, which is also commonly known as the zinc finger motif. The zinc finger motif mediates DNA binding where the zinc ion plays a role in DNA sensing and stabilization The ZBD contains a four-stranded, antiparallel β sheet and a highly conserved three cysteine and one histidine residues mostly located on loop regions. These residues coordinate the zinc ion and form a typical zinc-ribbon structure, which is also commonly known as the zinc finger motif. The zinc finger motif mediates DNA binding where the zinc ion plays a role in DNA sensing and stabilization of the motif [24,25]. The structure of ZBD is still poorly characterized since the information can only be obtained from two available structures of DnaG-ZBD from B. stearothermophilus (PDB ID 1D0Q [26]) and Aquifex aeolicus (PDB ID 2AU3 [27]) ( Figure 2B, red). The RPD resides in the central area of DnaG. It covers approximately half of the protein's volume and contains the protein's catalytic core ( Figure 2B, grey). The N-terminal part of the RPD consists of four β strands (including motifs 2 and 3) and the Toprim-fold (including motifs 4 to 6) [28]. The Toprim-fold is a regulatory portion that constitutes the side wall in the main cleft. This portion binds regulators, metabolites, and metal ions. A phosphotransfer activity, which is usually found among DNA polymerases and topoisomerases, is mediated by two divalent metal ions at the Toprim domain. These two divalent metal ions (mainly magnesium) that bind in close proximity to each other [29] have a crucial role in binding DNA and NTPs to DnaG [30,31]. Further studies have shown that the catalytic core of DnaG may inhabit up to three divalent cations that may vary from Mg 2+ to Mn 2+ and Fe 2+ [32,33]. The ZBD and RPD are both responsible for DNA template binding and primer synthesis. Crystal structures of DnaG-RPD of M. tuberculosis [34] and B. subtilis [35] in complex with DNA shed some light on the protein-DNA binding interface. However, full characterization of such protein-DNA interactions was elusive since both structures were lacking the ZBD. The C-terminal domain (HBD, Figure 2B, orange)) is the least conserved part of DnaG among bacterial species and does not show distinguished features [5]. Interaction of DnaB is mediated by HBD, which, in turn, stimulates the activity of DnaG [36,37]. Despite the variance in the sequence and the structure of DnaG among bacterial species, the HBD consists of two subdomains known as the C1 subdomain, which has a helical bundle, and the C2 subdomain, which has a helical hairpin. In some cases, the tertiary structures of the DnaG-HBD and the N-terminal domain of DnaB of the same species are highly similar, which enables them to bind complementary [37,38]. DnaG-HBD was characterized using x-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Structures of HBD are available for B. stearothermophilus PDB ID: 1Z8S [39], Helicobacter pylori PDB ID: 4EHS [40], Escherichia coli PDB IDs: 2HAJ, 1T3W [38,41], respectively, S. aureus PDB ID: 2LZN [42], and Vibrio cholera PDB ID: 4IM9 (Abdul Rehman, S.A. et al., unpublished data). The crystal structure of the complex between the C-terminal part of DnaG (HBD) and the N-terminal part of DnaB from B. stearothermophilus sheds light on the binding interface of these two proteins [43]. Emerging evidence for the oligomeric state of DnaG strongly suggest that the active state of primases constitutes higher oligomeric structures ranging from dimers to hexamers [44]. Therefore, if oligomerization of DnaG is physiologically important, then the disruption of the formation of the DnaG oligomer may provide a new drug target. Based on their amino acid sequence, DnaG primases belong to the Toprim superfamily (which also contains enzymes such as topoisomerases II and IA responsible for altering DNA topology, overcomes the lysogenization defect (OLD) in nucleases, and RecR proteins) [28]. DnaG is also part of the zinc finger CHC2 superfamily that shows high similarity to the ZBD. Challenges in Targeting DnaG Primase Several reasons may contribute to the challenge of developing DnaG primase inhibitors. Kuron et al. have evaluated DnaG from bacterial genus such as mycobacteria as a drug target for antibiotics [45]. They concluded that, in order to become useful antibiotic agents, inhibitors of DnaG must be highly efficient, i.e., having low K D and high K i , that would allow a sufficient decrease of RNA primer formation. Another possible reason that contributes to the challenge of finding DNA primase inhibitors resides in the catalytic features of the enzyme. DnaG primase from Escherichia coli catalyzes the synthesis of thousands of RNA primers during DNA replication [46]. The RNA primers are formed with a catalytic turn-over rate of hundreds of milliseconds for each nucleotide incorporation event. The rate-determining step in the catalytic activity of DNA primase is the formation of the first phosphodiester bond. It has been suggested that DNA primase acts as a molecular break during DNA replication to keep both polymerases (at the leading strand and the lagging strand) coordinated on the same replisome [47]. The slowness of the catalytic reaction makes primase a difficult drug target since most of the methods used for screening require a sufficient readout. To overcome this challenge, Tosodikov and co-workers have presented a colorimetric assay by using a pyrophosphatase in the reaction mixture as an elegant way of enhancing the readout of primase to a readable threshold [48]. They found a few compounds that can specifically inhibit DNA primase known as suramin, doxorubicin, and ellagic acid (these molecules are also known to have antineoplastic effect), where only doxorubicin was shown to inhibit growth of Mycobacteria [45]. Potential Types of Inhibition of DNA Primase Inhibition of DNA replication by targeting DNA primase can be obtained by different approaches (Figure 4). These approaches may include direct inhibition of the catalytic activity of RNA primer synthesis, for example, by using antimetabolites that structurally resemble natural substrates and compete with them for binding to the enzyme. Classical competitive inhibitors that act as antimetabolites include ribonucleoside-triphosphate analogues that are used in the clinic as anti-viral and anti-cancer drugs. Due to a high structural similarity with natural nucleotides, the replication enzymes recognize them as substrates for the synthesis of nucleic acids, which leads to the formation of defective DNA or RNA. Inhibition can also be induced by the presence of a chain terminator (nucleotide analogue without 3' hydroxyl group), as seen in the case of azidothymidine, a reverse transcriptase inhibitor, which is used for the treatment of an HIV infection [49,50]. Additionally, indirect inhibition by non-nucleoside inhibitors that bind to an allosteric pocket causing a conformational change in the enzyme's active site is possible (e.g., lipiarmycin which affects RNA polymerase and nevirapine which targets reverse transcriptase [51]). Another type of inhibitors cause steric hindrance near the enzyme's active site include the antibiotic rifampicin. Rifampicin inhibits RNA polymerase by physically blocking the elongation and as a result halt bacterial infection [52]. In addition, approaches for inhibiting DNA replication include the disruption of primase-DNA interactions. Selective interactions between the DNA recognition sequence and the primase is unique and can become a novel target for inhibition (Section 6.4). DNA-binding small molecules have already been used to inhibit transcription factor-DNA interactions, which enables the successful control of gene expression [53]. Similarly, this novel approach can be used to control DNA replication by selectively impeding primase-DNA interactions at the Okazaki fragment start sites (primase recognition sites). Another approach includes the disruption of protein-protein interactions that convey signals to the primosome, from the primosome, and within the primosome (Section 6). since most of the methods used for screening require a sufficient readout. To overcome this challenge, Tosodikov and co-workers have presented a colorimetric assay by using a pyrophosphatase in the reaction mixture as an elegant way of enhancing the readout of primase to a readable threshold [48]. They found a few compounds that can specifically inhibit DNA primase known as suramin, doxorubicin, and ellagic acid (these molecules are also known to have antineoplastic effect), where only doxorubicin was shown to inhibit growth of Mycobacteria [45]. Potential Types of Inhibition of DNA Primase Inhibition of DNA replication by targeting DNA primase can be obtained by different approaches (Figure 4). These approaches may include direct inhibition of the catalytic activity of RNA primer synthesis, for example, by using antimetabolites that structurally resemble natural substrates and compete with them for binding to the enzyme. Classical competitive inhibitors that act as antimetabolites include ribonucleoside-triphosphate analogues that are used in the clinic as anti-viral and anti-cancer drugs. Due to a high structural similarity with natural nucleotides, the replication enzymes recognize them as substrates for the synthesis of nucleic acids, which leads to the formation of defective DNA or RNA. Inhibition can also be induced by the presence of a chain terminator (nucleotide analogue without 3' hydroxyl group), as seen in the case of azidothymidine, a reverse transcriptase inhibitor, which is used for the treatment of an HIV infection [49,50]. Additionally, indirect inhibition by non-nucleoside inhibitors that bind to an allosteric pocket causing a conformational change in the enzyme's active site. Lipiarmycin affects RNA polymerases and nevirapine, which possibly targets reverse transcriptase [51]. Another type of inhibitors cause steric hindrance near the enzyme's active site include the antibiotic rifampicin. Rifampicin inhibits RNA polymerase by physically blocking the elongation and as a result halt bacterial infection [52]. In addition, approaches for inhibiting DNA replication include the disruption of primase-DNA interactions. Selective interactions between the DNA recognition sequence and the primase is unique and can become a novel target for inhibition (Section 6.4). DNA-binding small molecules have already been used to inhibit transcription factor-DNA interactions, which enables the successful control of gene expression [53]. Similarly, this novel approach can be used to control DNA replication by selectively impeding primase-DNA interactions at the Okazaki fragment start sites (primase recognition sites). Another approach includes the disruption of protein-protein interactions that convey signals to the primosome, from the primosome, and within the primosome (Section 6). As described in Section 3, bacterial DnaG contains three functional domains that include different binding sites. Small molecule inhibitors may target the protein in various locations whether they are interaction surfaces with other proteins or specific clefts that binds small metabolites. Structural analysis of the ZBD-RPD segment of A. aeolicus (PDB IB 2AU3, [27]) using PDBsum webtool (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbsum) reveals notable clefts in the area next to the zinc finger motif and in the connective area between ZBD and RPD ( Figure 5). Most of the extended grooves are related to ZBD and RPD interaction. Two of the substantial clefts are presented in the interspace between the ZBD and the RPD. The major cleft ( Figure 5, red) shows a groove extended from the interaction surface and into the catalytic site of RPD. The depth of the main cleft from the surface of RPD is 15.8 Å on average. There are 14.7 buried vertices versus 67.3 accessible ones on average. The second cleft extends from the ZBD-RPD interaction surface and into the ZBD up to the Zn 2+ binding loop ( Figure 5, blue). It has a high amount of positively charged residues that may mediate DNA binding and are probably required to stabilize this interaction. The combined volume of the cleft areas is 8924 Å 3 . The cleft is very flexible and dynamic due to a connective loop between the domains, which means it may be involved or excluded depending on the protein activity and other interactions. Two additional smaller clefts were detected and marked in Figure 5 in cyan and green. They show abundance of aliphatic, aromatic, and non-charged residues that establish the hydrophobic regulatory sites on the RPD. Antibiotics 2017, 6, x 7 of 19 As described in Section 3, bacterial DnaG contains three functional domains that include different binding sites. Small molecule inhibitors may target the protein in various locations whether they are interaction surfaces with other proteins or specific clefts that binds small metabolites. Structural analysis of the ZBD-RPD segment of A. aeolicus (PDB IB 2AU3, [27]) using PDBsum webtool (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbsum) reveals notable clefts in the area next to the zinc finger motif and in the connective area between ZBD and RPD ( Figure 5). Most of the extended grooves are related to ZBD and RPD interaction. Two of the substantial clefts are presented in the interspace between the ZBD and the RPD. The major cleft ( Figure 5, red) shows a groove extended from the interaction surface and into the catalytic site of RPD. The depth of the main cleft from the surface of RPD is 15.8 Å on average. There are 14.7 buried vertices versus 67.3 accessible ones on average. The second cleft extends from the ZBD-RPD interaction surface and into the ZBD up to the Zn 2+ binding loop ( Figure 5, blue). It has a high amount of positively charged residues that may mediate DNA binding and are probably required to stabilize this interaction. The combined volume of the cleft areas is 8924 Å 3 . The cleft is very flexible and dynamic due to a connective loop between the domains, which means it may be involved or excluded depending on the protein activity and other interactions. Two additional smaller clefts were detected and marked in Figure 5 in cyan and green. They show abundance of aliphatic, aromatic, and non-charged residues that establish the hydrophobic regulatory sites on the RPD. The ZBD itself is small and planar. Therefore, it does not contain a cleft. Interaction between the two domains (RPD and ZBD), mediated by negative and positive residues on the binding interface, is attributed to a more activated compact structure of DnaG [27]. Small molecules that change the electrostatic pattern of the binding interface and prevent compaction of the enzyme have the potential to become inhibitors. The HBD is built from a set of several helices and does not possess significant clefts since most of the amino acids are exposed to the solvent. However, small molecules that disrupt the interaction between DnaG-HBD and DnaB may be useful inhibitors for bacterial DNA replication (Section 6.1). Primase Interactions: An Opportunity to Disrupt Essential Activities at the DNA Replication Fork Higher order binding organization of DNA primase enables control of its activity. Disrupting some of the interactions of DnaG primase at the DNA replication fork (Figure 6) may provide a useful strategy for drug discovery. The ZBD itself is small and planar. Therefore, it does not contain a cleft. Interaction between the two domains (RPD and ZBD), mediated by negative and positive residues on the binding interface, is attributed to a more activated compact structure of DnaG [27]. Small molecules that change the electrostatic pattern of the binding interface and prevent compaction of the enzyme have the potential to become inhibitors. The HBD is built from a set of several helices and does not possess significant clefts since most of the amino acids are exposed to the solvent. However, small molecules that disrupt the interaction between DnaG-HBD and DnaB may be useful inhibitors for bacterial DNA replication (Section 6.1). Primase Interactions: An Opportunity to Disrupt Essential Activities at the DNA Replication Fork Higher order binding organization of DNA primase enables control of its activity. Disrupting some of the interactions of DnaG primase at the DNA replication fork (Figure 6) may provide a useful strategy for drug discovery. Primase-Helicase Interactions DnaB helicase and DnaG primase are two key enzymes in the bacterial replisome that usually work together (in viral systems, the activity of the two enzymes are found in a single polypeptide chain) [55]. Formation of helicase-primase complex results in enhanced priming activity (increased synthesis of RNA primers) [55] and helicase processivity (increased NTPase and DNA unwinding activity) [56]. The interactions between the two enzymes set the replication fork clock [57]. The strength of DnaB-DnaG interactions varies among species. In E. coli, this interaction is weak [38,58,59], while it is much stronger in B. stearothermophilus (Bst) [56]. However, biochemical properties of DnaB and DnaG in E. coli and B. stearothermophilus are comparable regardless of these differences in their binding affinities [60]. The C-terminal domain of DnaG primase is required for functional interactions with DnaB helicase [37,61] and it is sufficient to stimulate DnaB activity [56,57]. DnaB helicase forms a hexamer of six identical subunits and operates on the DNA replication fork to separate the doublestranded DNA (dsDNA) into two strands using NTP hydrolysis. In M. tuberculosis, for example, the crystal structure of the N-domain of the DnaB helicase forms a hexameric ring [62]. This structure provided the surface for the interaction between the subunits of the hexameric ring and also shed light on the interface available on the helicase for the interaction with the DnaG primase. However, the stoichiometry of DnaG-DnaB binding has not been fully elucidated to date. Bailey et al. crystalized a hexameric form of Bst DnaB as well as DnaB in complex with the C-terminal domain of DnaG [43]. They have obsrved three molecules of DnaG C-terminal domain that bind to the Nterminal collar of DnaB hexamer. Even though this is in accordance with previous studies [56,58], the question remains if only one or two DnaG molecules may be sufficient for priming. Additional information on how these two enzymes work together could help in designing new ways to disrupt their interactions, which could lead to therapeutics. Figure 6. Schematic representation of major protein-protein interactions at a bacterial DNA replication fork created, according to the interaction map of DNA replication proteins [54]. The map is comprised of the DnaA replication initiator, the DnaB helicase, the DnaC helicase loader, the DnaG primase, PolC and DnaE polymerases, the single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB), the DnaN β clamp, and three clamp loader subunits (HolA, HolB, and DnaX). Primase-Helicase Interactions DnaB helicase and DnaG primase are two key enzymes in the bacterial replisome that usually work together (in viral systems, the activity of the two enzymes are found in a single polypeptide chain) [55]. Formation of helicase-primase complex results in enhanced priming activity (increased synthesis of RNA primers) [55] and helicase processivity (increased NTPase and DNA unwinding activity) [56]. The interactions between the two enzymes set the replication fork clock [57]. The strength of DnaB-DnaG interactions varies among species. In E. coli, this interaction is weak [38,58,59], while it is much stronger in B. stearothermophilus (Bst) [56]. However, biochemical properties of DnaB and DnaG in E. coli and B. stearothermophilus are comparable regardless of these differences in their binding affinities [60]. The C-terminal domain of DnaG primase is required for functional interactions with DnaB helicase [37,61] and it is sufficient to stimulate DnaB activity [56,57]. DnaB helicase forms a hexamer of six identical subunits and operates on the DNA replication fork to separate the double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) into two strands using NTP hydrolysis. In M. tuberculosis, for example, the crystal structure of the N-domain of the DnaB helicase forms a hexameric ring [62]. This structure provided the surface for the interaction between the subunits of the hexameric ring and also shed light on the interface available on the helicase for the interaction with the DnaG primase. However, the stoichiometry of DnaG-DnaB binding has not been fully elucidated to date. Bailey et al. crystalized a hexameric form of Bst DnaB as well as DnaB in complex with the C-terminal domain of DnaG [43]. They have obsrved three molecules of DnaG C-terminal domain that bind to the N-terminal collar of DnaB hexamer. Even though this is in accordance with previous studies [56,58], the question remains if only one or two DnaG molecules may be sufficient for priming. Additional information on how these two enzymes work together could help in designing new ways to disrupt their interactions, which could lead to therapeutics. Primase-SSB Interactions After the helicase unwinds the dsDNA, re-annealing is prevented by coating the strands with single-stranded DNA binding (SSB) proteins, which are emerging as key components in coordinating replication fork reactions [57,63]. Generally, an unprotected single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) is prone to degradation and recombination [64]. After the helicase unwinds dsDNA, SSB coats the unwound DNA strands and other proteins such as DNA primase. Many more elements are activated [65]. The DnaG-SSB interaction is mediated by the C-terminal domain of DnaG and a highly conserved C-terminal hexapeptide motif (DDDIPF) of SSB (SSB-Ct) [66,67]. The binding pocket for SSB-Ct on the C-terminal domain of E. coli DnaG has been determined by NMR and it comprises several basic amino acid residues (K447, R452, K518, T450, M451, I455, L519) [68]. Since the SSB-Ct binding pocket is present in other proteins besides DnaG and often mediates interactions that are necessary for bacterial survival, it represents an excellent target for new antibacterial agents [66]. Chilingaryan et al. have combined the saturation-transfer difference NMR (STD-NMR) and surface-plasmon resonance (SPR) to select small molecules that disrupt DnaG/SSB-Ct interaction. The molecules they found presented the simultaneous inhibition of other protein/SSB interactions due to the similar features of the SSB-Ct binding pocket in different proteins [69]. Primase-Polymerase Interactions In order for coordinated DNA synthesis to take place, primase must initiate and elongate RNA primers and subsequently transfer them to DNA polymerase. The primase may also be involved in leading strand synthesis such as during polymerase stalling. When this event takes place in E. coli, DnaG can synthesize the primers on the leading strand to compensate for the stalled DNA polymerase [70]. It is believed that the polymerase can then be transferred from the blocked site to the RNA primer site based on the activity of clamp-clamp loader. In eukaryotes, there is tight interaction between DNA primase and polymerase, which enables the direct transfers of oligoribonucleotides from primase to polymerase [71]. In contrast, the interactions between primases and polymerases in prokaryotic systems are more transient, which means that the primase can associate and dissociate from the replication fork in order to catalyze several rounds of primer synthesis [37,72,73]. It has been shown in E. coli that DNA polymerase has the ability to restrict the length of oligoribonucleotides synthesized by the primase [74,75]. The proposed mechanism involves displacement of DnaG primase by one of the PolIII subunits belonging to the clamp-loader complex [76]. In B. subtilis, two DNA polymerases are active in the DNA replication fork including PolC, which is a high-fidelity polymerase that acts on both DNA strands, and DnaE Bs , which is a low-processive DNA polymerase involved only in the lagging strand synthesis [77][78][79]. The initiation and elongation of RNA primers is carried out by a protein complex comprised of DnaG, DnaE Bs , and replicative helicase (DnaC). The DnaG synthesizes primers extended by DnaE Bs and transferred to PolC [80]. DNA-Primase Interactions at the Okazaki Fragment Start Sites: A Novel Drug Target Specific DNA-protein recognition includes selective binding of proteins to a particular DNA sequence, which is important for many cellular processes. This includes DNA replication, repair, and recombination [81]. Of all the protein-nucleic acid interactions at the DNA replication fork, primase binding to DNA is specific and unique. DNA-dependent RNA primer synthesis by DnaG-type primases involves the recognition of a tri-nucleotide DNA sequence and is followed by the synthesis of a dinucleotide, which is then extended into a functional primer by a DNA primase [82,83]. The trinucleotide recognition sequence of the template DNA consists of a cryptic nucleotide at the 3 -end of the DNA template, which is recognized by the primase but is not copied into the synthesized primer [84]. The N-terminal Zinc binding domain of DnaG mediates the specific DNA sequence recognition. Despite extensive research to date on DNA primases, the precise role of the zinc motif in sequence recognition and primer synthesis remains to be resolved. In the absence of the ZBD or DNA [85], extensively studied DNA primase from bacteriophage T7 synthesizes random di-ribonucleotides in a DNA-independent manner. Even though a specific trinucleotide sequence is recognized by DNA primase, flexibility in selecting initiation sites for Okazaki fragments is allowed [86], which means not every primase recognition site will become an Okazaki fragment start site. Additional information regarding such DNA binding is required to better understand the specific interaction between DnaG and DNA. Recent advances in technological tools allow analyses of specific binding preferences of DNA primase [87]. High throughput techniques have yielded data on genomic binding specificities that can be used to determine factors that govern the binding of DnaG primase to Okazaki fragment start sites. As mentioned above, specific DNA sequence recognition is performed by the zinc binding domain of DnaG primase. Disruption of such specific binding is likely to hamper the formation of Okazaki fragments and, as a result, halt DNA replication. It is, therefore, assumed that such inhibitors would be very specific and unique. Developing ways to control the specific recognition by DnaG primase can yield a new-class of inhibitors. The Development of Novel Therapeutic Approaches Antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains emerged almost immediately after the introduction of penicillin [88]. Since then, an overuse of antibiotics has led to increased drug resistance and several pathogens have developed multi-drug or pan-drug resistance [89,90]. Even though many new antibiotics have been developed in recent decades, once a drug is used clinically, resistance will eventually develop. Therefore, new antibacterial compounds are in constant demand. In contrast, the current pipeline in the search for new antibacterial agents is expanding slowly and is inadequate for the development of a completely novel regimen. Most of the available antibacterial drugs do not follow Lipinski's rule of 5, which evaluates the "drug-likeness" of a chemical compound based on its physico-chemical properties [91]. Target selection is one of the most rate-limiting steps in the discovery of every new antibiotic [92] since it requires that: (a) the target gene product is essential and inhibition of its function kills or inhibits the growth of the bacteria; (b) the target is structurally different from mammalian proteins (avoiding mechanism-based toxicity); (c) the target is "druggable", i.e., has a reasonable site to which small molecules can bind and exert a biological effect; (d) the target possibly has low propensity for a rapid development of resistance [92]; and (e) the structure of the target is conserved across bacterial species to provide a broad antibacterial spectrum. After identifying a suitable drug target, a search for a starting compound begins. Once it is available, additional optimization cycles into a clinical candidate are required to improve potency through a pharmaceutical development plan. Often, academic institutions can initiate the drug development process and performs the lead discovery phase after which the pre-clinical/clinical development takes place mostly in pharmaceutical companies [93]. The purpose of the "academic stage" is, therefore, to identify the relevant compounds and to provide useful information (through the investigation of many structure-activity relationships) that will be used to optimize a compound into a potent lead. Proteins that reconstitute the bacterial DNA replisome including DnaG primase fulfills all the above-mentioned criteria and can potentially serve as attractive targets for drug discovery. Approaches in Screening for DNA Primase Inhibitors Different approaches were used for the initial screening process of small molecules that bind/inhibit DNA primase: high throughput screening (HTS), fragment-based screening, and virtual screening [94]. Koupsell et al. reported a non-radioactive primary assay for the use of HTS [95]. This assay relies on the formation of a stable DNA-RNA primer hybrid that can be detected by pico-green. Although a fluorimetric assay yielded hits, the requirements for larger RNA primer and lack of sensitivity in the detection could indicate non-specific binding. Afterward, Tsodikov and coworkers developed a method to detect the amount of pyrophosphate released in every incorporation of nucleoside mono-phosphate to the elongated RNA primer by DnaG from M. tuberculosis [48]. This assay couples the use of inorganic pyrophosphatase to break-down pyrophosphate molecules into two inorganic phosphate molecules. In this way, the signal was amplified so that the colorimetric assay could be adapted for the purpose of HTS [48]. In antibacterial research, HTS has not enriched the drug development pipeline with new lead compounds [96,97]. Typically, HTS cannot indicate the mechanism of the action of the drug and its results are often ambiguous and misleading (e.g., false positives obtained in an HTS can be very costly and hit rates vary between 0.1% and 2%) [98]. Overall, the low rate of identifying new therapeutic agents by using the standard HTS paradigm has been associated with the relatively limited repertoire of the libraries that were used [97]. As mentioned earlier, the slow catalytic rate of primase is expected to yield a very low readout and, therefore, the most common way of tracking primase activity biochemically is by measuring the incorporation of radiolabeled nucleotides to the newly synthesized RNA primer. While HTS could filter-out positive hits, fragment-based screening has emerged as a major approach of hit to lead discovery in the research of infectious diseases [99] where conventional approaches in drug discovery have failed. Unlike HTS, fragment-based screening monitors the binding of small molecules rather than the readout of the target's biochemical process [100]. The detection of binding of such fragments is often very weak and, therefore, biophysical methods (such as NMR, SPR, calorimetry, or X-ray crystallography) are used to monitor the binding [101]. Despite the traditional belief that low affinity and low weight hits would not build into a clinical candidate, molecules found by using fragment-based screening are emerging in the late stages of clinical trials [100]. The use of fragment molecules for screening is advantageous over the molecules in traditional HTS libraries, which are larger and more lipophilic. Molecules in HTS libraries fulfill Lipinsky's "rule of five" [102], which occasionally enforces researchers to compromise on the disposition properties to obtain potent inhibitors. However, the small-size molecules in fragment libraries increased the chances of binding through weak interactions. The generation of hits by screening fragment molecules with NMR as the main tool in structure-activity relationship was introduced in the 1990s [103] and was followed by the conceptual use of fragment libraries [104,105] that included diverse compounds with high solubility. For a review on detection methods and the type of libraries, see Reference [94]. Lastly, virtual screening is a computational approach that simulates the binding properties of virtual compounds and calculates the efficiency of interactions based on known physical principles. Usually, there is a need for an atomic resolution structure of the target macromolecules (e.g., NMR or crystal structure). However, the success rate of virtual screening is low and, therefore, it is not a stand-alone strategy but is used to complement other drug discovery approaches [93]. Molecules that were Found to Inhibit DNA Primase Several compounds have been reported as DnaG inhibitors that can be potentially used as antimicrobial agents (molecular structures of the compounds are presented in Figure 7). Regardless of their highly therapeutic potential, none of them have emerged as clinical candidates [10]. DnaG primase inhibitors can be categorized into two classes: NTP analogues and non-NTP analogues. Most of the compounds known to inhibit primases are nucleotide analogues such as AraATP (Vidarabine) and 2-fluoro-AraATP. NTP analogues containing arabinofuranosyl sugars inhibit both eukaryotic and herpes virus primase [106,107]. The AraATP is the active form of vidarabine and can be used both as an inhibitor and a substrate for the primase. For example, E. coli DnaG may utilize 2 ,3 -dideoxynucleoside 5 -triphosphates (ddNTPs) as substrates. Once they are incorporated, elongation can no longer occur due to the lack of a 3 hydroxyl that disables a formation of phosphodiester bond with the next nucleotide [108]. However, there are several known inhibitors of DnaG that are non-NTP analogues. Biswas et al., recognized three compounds that inhibit M. tuberculosis DnaG and are not NTP analogues [109]. They reported a non-radioactive primase-pyrophosphatase activity assay for screening primase inhibitors. HTS was then used and it identified suramin, doxorubicin, and ellagic acid as compounds with primase inhibition activity. Both suramin and doxorubicin contain aromatic structures with polar functional groups and are potent (low-mM) DNA and nucleotide triphosphate competitive inhibitors. These molecules are likely to interact with more than one site on M. tuberculosis DnaG in order to block DNA and/or NTP binding. Owing to its polyanionic character, suramin may interact with some of the same sites on DnaG that contact phosphate groups of the DNA backbone or incoming NTP. Furthermore, the amide bond present in suramin might be essential for its selectivity because of favorable hydrogen bonding interactions. Suramin is also known to inhibit eukaryotic DNA primase by competing with GTP and it likely inhibits DnaG via a similar mechanism [108]. In contrast, another DnaG inhibitor known as tilorone, which is a 9-fluorenone based compound, is more potent in low-micromolar concentrations against B. anthracis than M. tuberculosis DnaG despite homology between these enzymes, which suggests that DnaG can be targeted selectively [109]. Other C2-symmetric fluorenone derivatives with a long carbon chain were shown to inhibit growth of B. anthracis, S. aureus, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), F. tularensis, and B. thailandensis, which suggests that these molecules may also have a broad-spectrum of antimicrobial activity [110]. Apart from the above categorized inhibitors, there are several other inhibitors reported in the literature that showed different mechanisms. Bicyclic 10-membered macrolide Sch 642305 is a novel primase inhibitor isolated from the Penicillium verrucosum that exhibits inhibitory activity against bacterial DNA primase with an EC 50 of 70 µM [111]. Phenolic monosaccharides (I & II) obtained from the methanolic extract of the Peruvian plant Polygonum cuspidatum were identified as inhibitors of the bacterial DNA primase enzyme with an IC 50 of 4 µM and 5 µM, respectively [112]. Other natural products known as cytosporone D [113] and geralcin C [114] were shown to inhibit DnaG primase of E. coli with an IC 50 [116] are the lead inhibitors of E. coli DnaG Primase. Three-dimensional pharmacophore development suggested inhibitors that contain two hydrophobes (H), two hydrogen bond acceptors (A), and a donor (D) group. Furthermore, an aromatic ring fused with furan, pyrimidine, or imidazole imparts satisfactory primase inhibition. Several nitrogen-bearing functional groups such as piperazine, morpholine, and aliphatic amines attached to quinazoline analogs also enhance the activity [116]. Due to their very different chemical structures, these inhibitors seemingly act by unrelated mechanisms. For example, the phenolic monosaccharides were shown to inhibit the binding of primase to ssDNA [112] while furans, imidazoles, and pyrimidine derivatives bind to the RNA Polymerase Domain (RPD) of primase to establish inhibition [116]. The mechanism of inhibition has not yet been determined for the latter set of compounds. There is another class of compounds that are potent inhibitors of mammalian DNA primase in vitro [117]. Sphingosine, phytosphingosine, and N, N-dimethylsphingosine strongly inhibit the activity of purified calf thymus DNA primase and also inhibit the growth of the human leukemic cell line HL-60, which exerts strong cytotoxicity. Dihydrosphingosine and cis-sphingosine that moderately inhibit cell growth in vivo but show indirect inhibition of DNA primase in vitro cause cell death [118]. Kleymann et al. reported new helicase-primase inhibitors as drug candidates for the treatment of herpes simplex disease. BAY 57-1293 (N-[5-(aminosulfonyl)-4methyl-1,3-thiazol-2-yl]-N-methyl-2-[4-(2-pyridinyl)phenyl]acetamide) is the new inhibitor of the HSV helicase-primase with potent in vitro anti-herpes activity with a novel mechanism of action [119]. Ilic et al. identified small molecule inhibitors of the T7 DNA primase by using fragment-based screening by NMR and virtual filtration. Three small molecule inhibitors (2E)-3-(6-chloro-2H-chromen-3-yl) acrylic acid, 3-[2-(ethoxycarbonyl)-5-nitro-1H-indol-3-yl]propanoic acid, and 7-nitro-1H-indole-2-carboxylic acid were reported. All three of these molecules were shown to bind to the active site of primase and are expected to interfere with the binding of substrate (ribonucleotides) or the DNA template [120]. Recently, Chilingaryan et al. identified inhibitors of the primase/SSB-Ct interaction using fragment-based screening by a saturation-transfer difference nuclear magnetic resonance (STD-NMR) and surface plasmon resonance assays [69]. Compounds containing indole, 2-((1H-indol-3-yl)thio)acetic acid and 1H-tetrazole scaffold especially para-fluorophenyl tetrazoles were identified as first-generation hits. These compounds showed various electrostatic and hydrogen-bond networks within the binding pockets, which makes them promising starting points for further optimization [69]. Some of the compounds are specific inhibitors of the primase of Gram-negative bacteria while others show a broader range of inhibition [121]. Factors to consider in the discovery and optimization of inhibitors are molecular diversity and the drug-like characteristics of compounds such as H-bond donors, H-bond acceptors, aromatic centers, salt bridge formation, and pharmacokinetics (adsorption, efflux, metabolism, excretion) [121]. Compounds bearing additional polar groups such as N(CH 3 ) 2 , morpholino, or OH groups attached through a linker to the aromatic core exhibit higher potency. These findings suggest that the polar groups make additional favorable interactions with the primase enzymes [116]. In general, SAR reveals that compounds with bulky substituents are inactive while smaller substituents such as OH, CH 3 , SCH 3, N(CH 3 ) 2, COOCH 3 , OCH 3 , and OCH 2 CH 3 are tolerated. Therefore, further optimization of the aromatic-based primase inhibitors may provide novel small molecules for anti-bacterial therapy. Conclusions Even though DnaG is an excellent drug target, it was postulated that almost total inhibition is required to affect bacterial cell viability. The requirements to make DnaG effective drug targets are: (1) combinations with other antibacterial drugs to maximize the effect when other treatments fail; (2) maintaining high intracellular concentrations of DnaG inhibitor by co-inhibition of other mechanisms such as efflux pumps or enzymatic degradation of the inhibitor; (3) improved drug-delivery systems to direct large amount of inhibitors into bacterial cells; (4) designing inhibitors that will prevent the development of bacterial resistance by targeting essential amino-acids; and (5) development of noncompetitive irreversible inhibitors to increase the effective concentration required to impair DnaG primase and halt DNA replication.
Unusual events seem commonplace when movie magic is involved… Droidspeak Anyone who is an avid Star Wars fan knows R2-D2 quite well, who is Luke Skywalker’s animated and quirky robot sidekick. Even though R2-D2 communicates by using computerized bleeding sounds, did you know that originally he was supposed to speak English?! I don’t know about you, but that would have completely changed the film. It’s fun trying to decipher this robot’s meaning behind all of his communicative bleeping and many times we can understand exactly what he’s saying in the films just by the sound pitches. He also tends to move his machine around quite a bit, because he’s quite animated that way! Star Wars just wouldn’t have been the same if R2-D2 spoke in English. A Familiar Mask From time to time it’s normal for films to use the same props, clothing, or even the same studio. But when it comes to the details, usually it’s nice to have some originality. That’s why you’ll be shocked to find out that the creepy white mask that the villiam Michael Myers wore in the Halloween movies was used before. That’s right, it’s exactly the same mask that Captain Kirk wore in the popular Star Trek films. There’s one minor detail, however. The mask may be the same in the horror films, except the black mask was simply painted white! Even though that may have worked we have to wonder why a new mask just wasn’t made. It probably took just as much time painting that black mask white!
Gustavo Brito - Take To Be House EP Take To Be House EPElectro House (Original Release Date: 01/28/11) Gustavo Brito Big Alliance Records More Info Big Alliance Records presents the new EP from Brazilian producer Gustavo Brito entitled "Take To Be House EP" including 3 Electro House floor destroyers: Hauz, 2Bs and Take it Or Leave It. Gustavo Brito has been producing for quiet a few years but his sound is developing into one of those styles you need to be on the look out for, with this new EP he is exactly doing that, showing all DJs and music fans he is an artist to look out for in 2011! Definitely all 3 tracks need to be included in your collections!
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Colin Cooper wasn’t sure whether it warranted being labelled a master stroke. But the Hurricanes’ coach’s benching of star All Blacks midfielder Ma’a Nonu after a mediocre opening match has proved a match-wining decision. Rugbyheaven NZ reports that Nonu wasn’t happy with waiting half the game before making it on the field on Friday night, but once he was injected into the game against the Highlanders he made an immediate impact, setting up a couple of tries. However, Cooper is optimistic his star midfielder will now flourish. Cooper the come-from-behind win will give his side just the lift they need before taking on their nemesis next weekend. The Hurricanes make the trip to Christchurch on Friday night for a game that will stop the rugby-watching nation. If the Wellington-based franchise is to be considered favourites for this year’s Super 14, it must overcome a Crusaders side that has continually had an advantage over them in recent years. The Crusaders have won the last seven games between the two teams but a win on Friday will go a long way towards giving the Hurricanes the belief they can beat their South Island rivals if they meet in the playoffs. Cooper knows it will be a big week leading into Friday’s game and says the way his side showed the killer instinct to see off the Highlanders will give the players a mental boost. “The Highlanders game has given us confidence to go down there to the Crusaders and know things do work,” Cooper said. Although emotions will be running high, Cooper said he won’t be treating the game any different to other ones. “We’ll play it pretty controlled,” he said. “Our discipline has been good in these last two games. With 10 minutes to go at the Cake Tin the Highlanders looked on course for a shock win over the Hurricanes, but late tries to Jason Eaton and Conrad Smith saw off the southern challenge and gave the Canes their first win of the season. “We showed a lot of patience and composure to get the win,” Cooper said. “I’m pretty pleased with that. The conditions were pretty tough. “We probably kicked too much ball away. We tried to sort that out and keep the ball in hand more in the second half. Cory Jane’s injured ankle is the only concern for the Hurricanes and he’ll be monitored during the week before a decision is made on his availability for Friday’s game. After the loss against the Waratahs in week one and some disappointing performances in the pre-season, it’s looking like Cooper has turned the corner with this year’s team. “OK, we didn’t play how we know we can play but we’re building towards that and that was a positive sign for me,” Cooper said. “I saw a lot of composure, particularly to come back from those points down. We kept hammering away against their defence which was outstanding. “We admit we weren’t accurate enough with our kicking game in the first half.
DxOMark has published its test results for the Sony Xperia Z5 camera. On top of the new Nexus phones Google also announced a tablet at today's event. For the first time Google has announced not one but two of its Nexus showcase smartphones. The HTC Butterfly 3 and One M9+ 'Superior Camera' both come with impressive imaging specifications. Facebook follows Youtube in supporting 360 degree video. Vertu's new Signature Touch offers luxury all around. A large proportion of new Instagram users comes from outside the US. The Pro 5 is the first model in Meizu's new 'Pro' line of premium devices. Thanks to LUUV the days of shaky videos might be numbered. Fall weather has arrived here in Seattle, so what better time to head for the Valley Isle of Maui? The Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ300 superzoom, which features an 25-600mm equiv. F2.8 lens and weather-sealed body, somehow found itself in a suitcase. You can see how it handled the tropical weather in our real-world sample gallery. Sony's 4K smartphone uses a smart compromise to deal with the elevated battery consumption of high-resolution displays. Amazon renews its Fire line of tablets. The PowerGrip H2O can charge your camera and comes with a range of optional accessories. Camera+ Free offers many of the paid app's feature and can be expanded via in-app purchase. Sony has announced an uncompressed Raw option for its forthcoming a7S II model and will offer firmware updates for some existing models, starting with the a7R II. Up to now, Sony's cameras have only recorded compressed Raw files that can have a visual impact on some images. The company says the move comes in response to feedback from its users. The three recipients were selected from more than 1200 submissions. The new iPhone models capture higher resolution images and come with a new 3D touch feature. The new iPad Pro is the largest model in the iPad family and comes with an optional stylus and physical keyboard. The BLU Pure XL camera comes with a 24MP sensor and hybrid AF. Red Dot Camera aims to replicate a manual rangefinder camera on your iPhone. The Sony Xperia Z5 models come with an all-new 23MP camera module. Sony's Xperia Z5 Premium boasts the highest screen resolution of all current smartphones. Huawei's new Mate S comes with a strong-looking camera specification. Narrative has launched the second generation of its Clip wearable camera. Recently sends you a monthly magazine with your favorite iPhone images.
// Code generated by mockery v1.0.0. DO NOT EDIT. package restapi import backup "github.com/stevexnicholls/next/restapi/operations/backup" import context "context" import middleware "github.com/go-openapi/runtime/middleware" import mock "github.com/stretchr/testify/mock" // MockBackupAPI is an autogenerated mock type for the BackupAPI type type MockBackupAPI struct { mock.Mock } // BackupGet provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, params func (_m *MockBackupAPI) BackupGet(ctx context.Context, params backup.BackupGetParams) middleware.Responder { ret := _m.Called(ctx, params) var r0 middleware.Responder if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, backup.BackupGetParams) middleware.Responder); ok { r0 = rf(ctx, params) } else { if ret.Get(0) != nil { r0 = ret.Get(0).(middleware.Responder) } } return r0 }
<commit_before>;(function($, undefined) { var ViewModel; var Song; var bridge; var pandora; var vm; Song = (function() { function Song(data) { this.data = data; } Song.prototype.toString = function() { return "" + this.data.songTitle + " by " + this.data.artistSummary + " on " + this.data.albumTitle; }; Song.prototype.url = function() { return "" + this.data.audioURL; }; Song.prototype.albumArt = function() { return "" + this.data.artistArtUrl; }; return Song; })(); ViewModel = (function() { function ViewModel() { this.currentStation = ko.observable({}); this.stations = ko.observableArray([]); this.currentSong = ko.observable(new Song({})); this.history = ko.observableArray([]); this.songUrl = ko.computed(function() { return this.currentSong().url(); }, this); this.albumArt = ko.computed(function() { return this.currentSong().albumArt(); }, this); this.quickMix = ko.computed(function() { return ko.utils.arrayFilter(this.stations(), function(item) { return item['isQuickMix']; })[0]; }, this); }; ViewModel.prototype.forceUpdateHistory = function(song) { this.currentSong(song); this.history.unshift(song); }; ViewModel.prototype.nextSong = function() { var self = this; $("#jquery_jplayer_1").jPlayer("pause"); pandora.getNextSong(function(data) {<commit_msg>Remove the song from history before adding it again.<commit_after>;(function($, undefined) { var ViewModel; var Song; var bridge; var pandora; var vm; Song = (function() { function Song(data) { this.data = data; } Song.prototype.toString = function() { return "" + this.data.songTitle + " by " + this.data.artistSummary + " on " + this.data.albumTitle; }; Song.prototype.url = function() { return "" + this.data.audioURL; }; Song.prototype.albumArt = function() { return "" + this.data.artistArtUrl; }; return Song; })(); ViewModel = (function() { function ViewModel() { this.currentStation = ko.observable({}); this.stations = ko.observableArray([]); this.currentSong = ko.observable(new Song({})); this.history = ko.observableArray([]); this.songUrl = ko.computed(function() { return this.currentSong().url(); }, this); this.albumArt = ko.computed(function() { return this.currentSong().albumArt(); }, this); this.quickMix = ko.computed(function() { return ko.utils.arrayFilter(this.stations(), function(item) { return item['isQuickMix']; })[0]; }, this); }; ViewModel.prototype.forceUpdateHistory = function(song) { this.currentSong(song); this.history.remove(song) this.history.unshift(song); }; ViewModel.prototype.nextSong = function() { var self = this; $("#jquery_jplayer_1").jPlayer("pause"); pandora.getNextSong(function(data) {
Why Buy Or Rent In Blackmore? Blackmore village is surrounded by countryside and has been named ‘Essex Best Kept Village of the Year’ 2003 and ‘Essex Village of the Year’ 1997. There is a village shop, primary school, two village halls, a sport and social club, football and cricket pitches and a sport arena. The village also has two churches: the Anglican Priory Church of St Laurence, part of which dates back to the 12th century and Blackmore Baptist Church. The Anglican Church of St Laurence hosts many events, including ‘teas in the tower’ on the first Sunday afternoon in the month from May to October. The Primary school is for boys and girls aged 4-11, and currently holds 141 pupils, making it a comfortable starting point for any child’s’ education. If in need of refreshment after a long walk, bike-ride or just peckish, Blackmore boasts two tearooms that are friendly and have a lovely atmosphere. Henry VIII had a mistress Bessie Blount who he used to visit on the Jericho Priory Estate. Jericho Cottage is one of the houses on that estate, so when visiting this tearoom you could be treading in King Henry’s footsteps! Next to Blackmore are the smaller settlements of Stondon Massey, a parish in its own right and once the home of boxer Frank Bruno, Hook End and Wyatt’s Green. We are independent property experts with over 5 years experience and excellent client feedback. At HS Estates we pride ourselves on the level of honesty and expertise we provide clients, since we have great knowledge of the areas we serve, including Blackmore and the surrounding towns/villages.
You’re right on that. I just assumed Mona was shocked to see Ali who she though she hit up and walking around. It just confuses me. For how smart Mona is, wouldn’t she find it suspicious someone else was buried in the same grave as Ali? Besides helping Ali run away, Mona doesn’t really see her until the lodge fire. She claims she saw Ali in Radley when she was on meds but it was just Cece. Also, she knew the dental records were switched in season three. Mona is always a wildcard and in general does what’s best for her. I just find it poor writing to have her finally realize in 6x10 she “killed” Bethany.
The growing attention for the environmental effects of using (fossil) energy calls for an evaluation of current regulatory regimes. In the past, regulation of the electricity and gas networks was mainly meant to foster competition and improve efficiency, which would result in lower prices for energy users. Now, regulation also has to facilitate the process of decarbonisation. In order to deal, for instance, with the growing significance of distributed generation, distribution network operators have to upgrade their network. In principle operators have two technological options for upgrading. The first one is extending the grid, making the grid sufficiently large to facilitate both peak demand and peak supply to the grid. The other option is making the existing grid smarter, which mainly means the use of information technology to optimize the use of the grid. The key question now is whether the existing regulatory frameworks are designed to enable these type of developments. In this paper we assess to which extent the current regulation in the Netherlands is able to facilitate the transition of the energy industry. First we analyse, using insights from economic literature, the fundamental characteristics of the current framework (like yardstick, treatment of investments and the remuneration of capital costs). Secondly, results of an empirical research into the effects of regulation on investments are presented. We analyse data on the historical investments by operators and conduct in-depth interviews with all Dutch network operators about their investment activities in relation to the current regulatory regime. The paper concludes that several mechanisms exist by which the current framework stimulate investments fostering the transition in the energy industry. However, the framework also includes some mechanisms potentially hindering efficient investments. By adding more flexibility to the framework, this inefficiency in regulation is likely solved adequately.
Bobby Gene Grose, 86, of Punta Gorda, Florida and formerly of New Castle passed away unexpectedly Wednesday, April 1, 2020 at his residence. He was born April 5, 1933 in Stop, Kentucky to the late William and Elva Emma (Mikels) Grose. Bobby was a 1951 graduate of New Castle High School and later joined the military serving in the U.S. Army. He retired from Allison Gas Turbine in Indianapolis following 40 years of service. Bobby was an active member at First United Methodist Church in Punta Gorda for many years. He enjoyed the outdoors, yard work, gardening, feeding the ducks and rabbits around his home, long walks, riding bicycles with his daughter, traveling, working on cars and in his earlier years, working on and racing race cars. He is survived by his daughter, Kimberly Ann Grose of Punta Gorda, Florida; siblings, Bryant (Charlotte) Grose of New Castle, Beverly Turner of Arizona, Betty (Sam) Bell of New Castle, Bonnie Waters of Fort Pierce, Florida, Barbara Dennis of Muncie, Brenda (Alan) Leduc of New Castle and several nieces and nephews. In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by his loving wife, Elizabath Jean Grose and a sister, Beulah “Boots” Cramer. Private services will be at 12:00 p.m. Friday, April 10, 2020 at Hinsey-Brown Funeral Service in New Castle with Rev. Gary McCutchen officiating. Military honors will be conducted by the American Legion Post 137 and VFW Post 1282. Burial will follow at Glen Haven Memory Gardens near Richmond. Please share a memory or express condolences of Bobby at www.hinsey-brown.com.
Jason Mack Brethren Christian High Cypress, CA Class of 1994 Memories of Jason Mack Are you Jason Mack? This page means someone is someone is looking for you. Register for free to let other alumni contact you and more: - Let others find you - Contact old friends - Share photos and memories with other registered alumni Looking for Jason Mack? This is a placeholder page for Jason Mack, which means this person is not currently on this site. We do suggest using the tools below to find Jason Mack. About placeholder profiles You are visiting the placeholder page for Jason Mack. This page is here because someone used our placeholder utility to look for Jason Mack. We created this page automatically in hopes Jason Mack would find it. If you are not Jason Mack, but are an alumni of Brethren Christian High School Cypress, CA, register on this site for free now.
Best in terms of who ahs the ebst shot of providing stable and secure Goverment? YCP hands down, the Manchu Party would ruffle too many feathers toa ctually succeed in securing the state and the NCERA is too closely associated with the interest of the Yingundao to be reliable. : The way i see see it, both will only bring back warlodism in one way or the other, either by sparing the current Warlords or replacing them with milleniarist adherents and followers of Zhang Tianran. The YCP is by no means perfect, it paint the picture of a deeply flawed democracy that would be ruled with an iron fist by highly assertive army: But the thing is that if China is to leave Warlordism and political fragmentation behind, the YCP is the most realistic choice that isnt ridden by Zhili-style cronysm. They are not "good" in terms of political and economic pluralism, but I trust them to drag China kicking and screaming into the 20th Century. And I trust them to do that *and just that.* tldr: The YCP is not perfect, but they are most likely to succeed in creating a stable and modern China.
A closer look at 3 stocks Bundling can help you greatly Join the NASDAQ Community today and get free, instant access to portfolios, stock ratings, real-time alerts, and more! An encouraging trend for VeriSign ( VRSN ) . VeriSign the Leader in Domain Name Registration VeriSign currently controls the rights to the exclusive registry of .com and .net internet domain names. The company collects a fixed fee each time individuals or businesses register a new .com or .net domain name, or renew the registration of an existing domain name. VeriSign's share in the domain name market has declined from around 54% in 2006 to around 50% in 2009, and we expect it to continue to decline to around 43% by the end of Trefis forecast period. We believe the primary factor behind the declining market share trend for VeriSign has been the faster rise in country-specific domain names compared to .com and .net names. This effect is partially due to the fact that emerging markets like China, Russia and India, which seem to have a higher tendency to use country-specific domain names, have also shown faster GDP growth than the US. The majority of .com and .net domain names are registered in the US, which is one reason why the US economy's slow growth over the last few years has led to market share declines for VeriSign. Renewal Rate Increase Could Present Upside VeriSign's observed renewal rate has steadily increased from around 70% in Q2 2009 to 73% in Q3 2010. The increasing renewal rate means that the number of domain name registrations is expected to increase from 97 million in 2009 to 105 million in 2010, indicating that VeriSign could maintain its market share in 2010 at 50%. Hence we expect VeriSign's market share to show signs of stabilization despite the country-specific domain name growth described above. There could be an upside of around 12% to our estimate for VeriSign stock if the company is able to maintain its market share at around 50% over the Trefis forecast period. Modify the trend-line in the chart above to assess the impact of various market share scenarios on VeriSign's stock value. See our full analysis for VeriS?
<filename>postgres/src/lib.rs #![feature(test)] #![allow(soft_unstable)] extern crate test; pub struct User { id: uuid::Uuid, name: String, hair_color: Option<String>, created_at: chrono::NaiveDateTime, posts: Option<Vec<String>>, } impl User { fn from_row(row: &postgres::Row) -> Self { User { id: row.get("id"), name: row.get("name"), hair_color: row.get("hair_color"), created_at: row.get("created_at"), posts: row.try_get("posts").ok(), } } } struct Connection(postgres::Client); impl elephantry_benchmark::Client for Connection { type Error = postgres::Error; type User = User; fn create(dsn: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> { postgres::Client::connect(dsn, postgres::NoTls) .map(Self) } fn exec(&mut self, query: &str) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { self.0.batch_execute(query).map(|_| ()) } fn insert_user(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { self.0.execute( "INSERT INTO users (name, hair_color) VALUES ($1, $2)", &[&"User".to_string(), &"hair color".to_string()], ) .map(|_| ()) } fn fetch_all(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<Self::User>, Self::Error> { let results = self.0 .query("SELECT id, name, hair_color, created_at FROM users", &[])? .iter() .map(User::from_row) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); Ok(results) } fn fetch_first(&mut self) -> Result<Self::User, Self::Error> { let result = self.0 .query("SELECT id, name, hair_color, created_at FROM users", &[])? .iter() .map(User::from_row) .next() .unwrap(); Ok(result) } fn fetch_last(&mut self) -> Result<Self::User, Self::Error> { let result = self.0 .query("SELECT id, name, hair_color, created_at FROM users", &[])? .iter() .map(User::from_row) .nth(9_999) .unwrap(); Ok(result) } fn one_relation(&mut self) -> Result<(Self::User, Vec<String>), Self::Error> { let query = r#" select u.*, array_agg(p.title) from users u join posts p on p.author = u.id where u.id = $1 group by u.id, u.name, u.hair_color, u.created_at "#; let user = self.0 .query(query, &[&elephantry_benchmark::UUID])? .iter() .map(User::from_row) .next() .unwrap(); let posts = user.posts.clone().unwrap_or_default(); Ok((user, posts)) } fn all_relations(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<(Self::User, Vec<String>)>, Self::Error> { let query = r#" select u.*, array_agg(p.title) from users u join posts p on p.author = u.id group by u.id, u.name, u.hair_color, u.created_at "#; let users = self.0 .query(query, &[])? .iter() .map(|x| { let user = User::from_row(x); let posts = user.posts.clone().unwrap_or_default(); (user, posts) }) .collect(); Ok(users) } } elephantry_benchmark::bench! {Connection}
The winning entry of the AFSIA award for the Solar Picture of the year by Alexandre Skander Allegue. The inaugural Africa Solar Industry Association (AFSIA) Solar Awards, organised in partnership with the Africa Energy Forum (aef), culminated in a grand show streamed online, during which the winners of 15 categories were unveiled and celebrated. Africa GreenTec for their productive-use based Mini-Grid projects in Mali, Niger and Senegal, which are often subject to high-security risks. Munyax Eco for exceptional achievement in the field of Solar Water heaters having installed more than 1,000 units across Rwanda saving 8,000 tons of CO2 per year. ANKA Madagascar for securing 5MW worth of mini-grids across Madagascar and for the company’s innovative AgriGrid model. Pawame for reaching 80,000 Kenyans with Solar Home System solutions while achieving cash-flow break-even and profitability. Solar Box Gabon for developing the “Solar Cube” which doubles the production of traditional solar panels. Synergy Consulting Infrastructure and Financial Advisory Services for their advisory services to cutting-edge large-scale projects across the continent such as the 2x 50MW tender in Botswana, the 32MW Djermaya project in Chad or the world’s first PV-CSP hybrid 200MW project in Egypt. Eversheds Sutherland for their contribution to the Open Solar Contracts with IRENA, the International Renewable Energy Agency, and the Terrawatt Initiative, providing open-source standardised contracts to governments across the globe. Suntrace for technical advisory services to the Fekola Gold mine hybrid project in Mali, a first of its kind off-grid hybrid project composed of 36MW of solar, 15.4MWh of storage, and saving 13 million litres of heavy fuel oil annually. African Development Bank (AfDB) for establishing SEFA, the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa, which has contributed among others first-of-its-kind inventory finance facility for solar irrigation products in East Africa. Olaedo Osoka CEO of Daystar Power Ghana, for leading the expansion of the company from Nigeria to Ghana, Togo and Senegal and realising C&I projects of 8MW in this 2-years period… only at the age of 27! Phaesun for their work on the RevivED Water Innovation project. This project is a solar-powered desalination and purification system for brackish water based on electrodialysis technology providing up to 2000l of clean drinking per day. Alexandre Skander Allegue – Pawame for a beautiful picture highlighting the impact of lighting in the most remote areas. Joanna Gentili – African Minigrids for a super inspiring and motivating video about electrifying a village in Malawi. According to the organisers, more than 130 entries were submitted across the different categories from all over the continent over the past few months. The jury, composed of leading experts in solar energy in Africa, carefully evaluated each entry to identify the most deserving companies and individuals to be awarded the grand prize during this online ceremony. “Woman in Solar of the Year” was another strong category among participants. This highlights the very positive trend of the growing involvement of women in the solar industry across the continent. The awards form part of aef’s programme for the six-week-long Digital Energy Festival for Africa, which it is hosting along with African Utility Week & POWERGEN Africa, the Oil & Gas Council’s Africa Assembly and ESI Africa. The largest-ever energy event for the African continent, the festival continues until 26 November.
A Consumer's Companion is released by Wal-Mart. It is a regular monthly publication offered in all the Walmart shops. I have checked out a number of Consumer's Companion articles, yet not all reviews of Wal-Mart products. The Wal-Mart Advertising and Promotion Company (Marpa) release a Consumer's Companion publication for Wal-Mart consumers to price and also review the items in the store. The Wal-Mart advertising and marketing as well as promo company, Marpa, publish a Consumer's Companion magazine for Wal-Mart clients to price and also evaluate the items in the store. This month, I check out that an item called Sigmabeta was to be launched. The Sigmabeta can assist people with diabetic issues. There was to be a fifty-five-day supply of Sigmabeta readily available available for sale at Wal-Mart. The product features a bottle with each refill as well as is similar to Truvada, a recently launched medication. This month, I review that an item called Sigmabeta was to be launched. The Sigmabeta can help individuals with diabetes. There was to be a fifty-five-day supply of Sigmabeta readily available available for sale at Wal-Mart. The item includes a bottle with each refill and is similar to Truvada, a just recently launched medicine. The evaluation qualified, "A Weight Loss Supplement to Lose Weight Fast" said, "The Surge vitamins testimonial says these items are a piece of cake for everybody wanting to reduce weight. The ideal vitamin regimen with these supplements could truly provide you a boost to lose weight quickly. These are the most effective Surge vitamins examines that I have seen until now." Another testimonial claims that the item was lately released as well as evaluations are posted on Wal-Mart's Web website. The write-up claimed, "Sigmabeta is the leading brand of diet plan tablets. It declares to assist your body enter its fat burning setting. It advertises weight reduction without caloric constraint. Individuals can lose up to a quarter of their body weight with this diet plan tablet." A write-up entitled, "Weight Watchers Weight Management Supplement Review" states, "Walmart offers an unsurpassed resource of info about diet as well http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&contentCollection&region=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/supplement as exercise products and their performance in aiding individuals live much healthier way of livings." The review was created by Valerie Adams. She writes: "We offer objective details regarding Weight Watcher's Weight Management Supplement to help you find the ideal product for you as well as your weight management objectives." In the write-up, "Turmeric For Dieting," a review was written by Sylvia Black. She composed, "Using the natural ingredients discovered in turmeric extract to aid manage the metabolic process will certainly alter the method you take a look at food as well as the way you really feel when consuming foods." The evaluation was composed by Annie Kealy. The write-up, "White Kidney Beans and also Bean Ingredient Review," stated, "This evaluation will certainly reveal you just how to maintain your diet regimen healthy and balanced without compromising preference." The evaluation was written by Lindsay Nelson. The testimonial was created by Rachel Foreman. " Brown Rice as well as Energy Review" were composed by Alice Ayres. She composes, "Brown rice is healthy as well as provides B vitamins in addition to anti-oxidants and various other nutrients that help our bodies remain healthy and balanced. It assists with weight control." "Turmeric For Diabetic Syndrome Review" was composed by Carol Smedley. "Turmeric is a marvel drug for diabetic issues patients as well as anybody that experience a major clinical problem, such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol," she creates. She additionally writes that turmeric can improve hunger and also assist with the law of blood sugar levels. Sigmabeta, Surge, and Brown Rice are all ideal sellers yet do not help everybody. It is the greatest recommended weight loss supplements offered. I have checked out a number of Consumer's Companion short articles, but not all reviews of Wal-Mart items. The Wal-Mart Advertising and Promotion Company (Marpa) release a Consumer's Companion publication for Wal-Mart customers to price as well as assess the items in the store. The Wal-Mart advertising as well as promo company, Marpa, release a Consumer's Companion magazine for Wal-Mart clients to ConsumersCompanion Resurge customer reviews price and evaluate the products in the store. The testimonial entitled, "A Weight Loss Supplement to Lose Weight Fast" claimed, "The Surge vitamins testimonial states these items are a piece of cake for everyone looking to lose weight. One more testimonial says that the product was lately launched and testimonials are published on Wal-Mart's Web site.
We all know “that guy” or “that girl” at the gym — the one you see running as fast as he can on the treadmill, gripping the machine for dear life, probably thinking, “The faster I run, the more calories I will burn, the more weight I will lose! Yes, we’ve all seen that guy. Perhaps we’ve passed him by, thinking that he’s crazy. Perhaps we’ve been on the treadmill next to him secretly trying keep up, or perhaps we have even been that guy. Then there are the things “they” say. Well, you know, they say it’s all about “calories in, calories out.” They say the harder you work, the more calories you burn. They say you should slow down to hit your target heart rate for best results. Who are “they” anyway? Let’s clear up some confusion about where your heart rate should be while exercising. The term target heart rate (THR) refers to the ideal intensity level at which your heart is being exercised, but not overworked. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends performing physical activity at a range between 65-85 percent of maximum heart rate (MHR) three to five times per week for 20 to 60 minutes at a time. Your MHR is the fastest rate at which your heart is able to beat in one minute. The simplest formula for estimating your MHR is to subtract your age from 220 (e.g., 220-40 years = 180 beats per minute). You should not go over this number for more than one minute, and theoretically, you should not be able to sustain this without passing out even if you tried (I do not recommend trying). Individuals who engage in intensive endurance training or high-performance athletes may benefit from working above the THR range. These individuals should consult an exercise specialist for guidance. Your anaerobic threshold (AT) is the point at which you stop burning fat while exercising. Physiologically, the muscles start using more oxygen than the body can transport, and as a result, lactic acid builds up. Exercising below your AT develops your aerobic capacity, helps burn unwanted fat, and improves health parameters such as blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar. Some people call this the “fat burning zone,” which can be estimated by taking 65 percent of your MHR (180 x .65 = 117 bpm).. And the best of both worlds? Work at 65 percent so that you are “fat burning,” but do so for a longer period of time so that you burn more fat and calories. Work in this zone one to two days per week for 45 minutes to an hour. But that won’t be enough if you expect to improve your physical fitness and sustain weight loss. To do this, you will need to spend some time working at 80 to 85 percent of your MHR. Work in this zone two to three days per week for at least 30 minutes or you can work in intervals by bringing your heart rate up to 85 percent for one minute and back down again to 65 percent for two minutes. Repeat this for at least 30 minutes. Remember that these numbers are merely estimates, and everyone’s body works differently. This is especially important for people with known heart disease or who take medications for blood pressure or heart arrhythmias. These individuals may have a lower THR range and would want to get clearance from their physician before they begin any exercise routine. On the opposite spectrum are people who are regular exercisers who may have a more conditioned body, and may have a higher THR range than the calculation predicts. The heart, like other muscles, becomes stronger and more efficient with work, creating the need to go beyond this number to achieve the same results. If you are unsure about where your THR zone lies, visit us at the Prevention Center to check if you are on medication that can affect your heart rate and get an individualized exercise prescription in our multifunctional fitness facility. We work in a comprehensive team that specializes in the prevention of cardiometabolic disorders, diabetes and obesity. We can have our physician do a thorough workup and evaluation to clear you for exercise if needed. If you are trying to lose weight, you can work with our dietitian/personal trainer for nutrition and exercise coaching, in addition to our behavioral specialist to help you stick to your health lifestyle changes for good! Call us at (312) 942-3133 to make an appointment. Jennifer Ventrelle, MS, RD, CPT, a registered dietitian and certified personal trainer, is director of the lifestyle programs for the Rush University Prevention Center. Thanks for the info, I have always had trouble figuring my perfect workout heart rate out. I have heard so many different opinions as to what range your heart range needs to be. Thanks for clearing that up. This is the best explanation of this I have yet to read. However, I have a problem staying in the proper zone. I train on a treadmill and I my heart rate ends up too high, even just at a jog. Unfortunately, my heart rate is generally near 100bpm at rest. I’m also sixty years old. Once I’m up and running for a few minutes, my heart rate is in the 150 to 160 range. It scares the hell out of me sometimes, but I haven’t dropped dead yet. If I calculate 220-60= 160bpm as my MHR and then multiply that by .65 I end up with an AT of 104. That’s essentially my at rest heart rate. Multiplying 160 X .85 gives me a peak At of 136bpm. I don’t even know if I can keep my heart rate that low at anything above a walk. Anyway, great info and thanks for sharing. Mark Pingback: Learning to Eat Well, Love Better, Move More « Rush InPerson
I use Cure 3 when I need to do healing during a stack or continuing attack like Akh Morn. Also something I noticed while I was reading comments is that no one mentioned that Cure 3 is a target aoe heal and medica is your point aoe heal.... if that makes sense. I have been finding myself using cure 3 in Tsuex when I have the meteor marker and my healer is off in no where land and I need to heal the rest of the group up from her previous attack. Target a player, cure 3, and then they are healed.
Without the privilege of travel, there would be no Andrew Martin. Seeking inspiration from across the globe we have developed an intrepid design philosophy which is based on the fundamental truth that there is beauty to be found in every corner of the world. Whether we were collecting Kuba cloth from the Congo or silk ikats from Thailand, being able to design and curate without borders has been essential for us. And so, imbued with the romance of travel, our premium paint collection pays tribute to the places that we have seen, the discoveries which we have made and all of those people who we have met along the way.
Dragon Cottage is double fronted and when you enter there is the kitchen/diner on your left and the parlour on the right with the stairs straight ahead. Has a squishy sofa, easy chairs and a log fire with an excellent range of books, games and DVDs. There is free wifi internet access in the cottage a Smart TV and DVD player so you can watch all your favourite shows and movies. There is a stable door from the kitchen to the delightful courtyard garden which is walled and boasts roses and jasmine in abundance and a Weber BBQ. There is an outside table which seats four with comfortable reclining chairs for a spot of sunbathing too and a bulkhead light for late night alfresco dining as well as a box with beach chairs and charcoal. The kitchen has a freestanding cooker with double oven with grill and a microwave and dishwasher. The dining area has a table with seating for six and room for a couple of easy chairs for that relaxing glass of wine while chatting to the cook. There is a walk in larder storing the china and a good range of utensils and equipment for home cooking. There is a cosy stove for winter evenings. and a N’espresso machine for lazy mornings. There are two bedrooms , sleeping four people in total- the large room is at the front and is double aspect with a mahogany sleigh bed. The back bedroom is a twin with a view out over the grassy path that leads to the front door. The modern bathroom is at the top of the stairs on the left with a bath, electric shower , heated towel rail and it looks out onto the courtyard garden. There is an airing cupboard and also a hairdryer and digital radios for you to use. Please note: The stairs are steep and not suitable for anyone with mobility difficulties; there is a stair gate to keep little ones safe. All you need to know to….. Welcome Basket – we provide a welcome basket with coffee, tea, sugar, milk, hot chocolate, jam/marmalade/honey/marmite (love it or leave it) and biscuits. Linen – all towels and bedding are provided and laundered – just strip the beds when you leave. Hot water– as well as the electric shower there is an immersion heater on a timer switch. Rubbish – needs to be in the wheelie bin by the garden gate, in the rubbish sacks provided. There is a collection on Monday mornings so if you are in the cottage, please put out the bin. There is free car parking a few minutes walk from the cottage or you can pay for parking on the sea front or in one of the nearby car parks in the town. We welcome well behaved dogs to the cottage – there is a £30 surcharge for them.
<reponame>medlefsen/alki<gh_stars>10-100 module Alki class OverlayDelegator def initialize(obj,overlay,info=nil) @obj = obj @overlay = overlay @info = info end def respond_to_missing(method,include_private = false) if @overlay.respond_to? :overlay_respond_to? @overlay.overlay_respond_to? @obj, method, include_private else @obj.respond_to? method, include_private end end def method_missing(method,*args,&blk) @overlay.overlay_send @obj, @info, method, *args, &blk end end end
The share of renewable energy sources in power generation last year rose to 8.5 per cent from 7 per cent in 2014, mainly on increased output from photovoltaic systems, the transmission system operator said. In 2015, total power generation rose 4.6 per cent to 4,512,404 megawatt-hours compared to 2014, with the share of thermal power generators, operated mainly by state-owned power producer Electricity Authority of Cyprus, shrinking to 91.5 per cent, the TSO said in a statement on its website. Power generation from thermal units rose 2.9 per cent to 4,127,876 Mwh, while overall electricity generated by windfarms, both connected to the transmission and distribution networks, rose 21 per cent to 221,398 Mwh, the TSO said. Output from photovoltaic systems rose 53 per cent to 125,920 Mwh. The rise in output from photovoltaics was partly a result of the increased capacity installed, which rose last year 25 per cent to 76.5 megawatts, after almost doubling in 2014, the TSO said. Overall wind-power generation capacity rose 7.4 per cent to 157.5 megawatts. Total biomass generation capacity remained unchanged at 9.7 per cent last year, producing 37,211 Mwh, or 0.8 per cent of total power generated last year, the TSO said. The slowdown in the increase of renewable generation capacity is related to the phasing out of subsidies, Pavlos Liassides, chairman of a business group representing private investors in the energy sector, said in a telephone interview. In addition, investors are put off by the absence of a competitive market, he continued. Liassides did not rule out that a number of investors who risk losing their licence for certain projects in August, decide to complete them. “The Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority gave them an August 12 deadline to file the letter of guarantees,” he said. “Otherwise, other investors will get their licence”.
Directory Integrator may give the error “no distinguished name in entry” when there are no matches. The error is a bit misleading. Check the link criteria. December 22, 2005 No Comments.
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This has been a banner year for the British Virgin Islands (BVI), which has won more than its fair share of accolades for what simply comes naturally for this jaw-dropping beautiful destination boasting 60 islands filled with pristine white sands and surrounded by clear waters. In July, U.S. News & World Report’s 2011 Best Travel Rankings placed BVI among the “Most Relaxing Beaches” and one of the “Best Caribbean Vacations.” In June 2011, BVI ranked among the World’s Top 20 Honeymoon Destinations by Brides magazine as voted on by Signature Travel Network agents. On the food front, the BVI National Culinary Team won five gold medals, plus one silver and three bronze medals in the Taste of the Caribbean Culinary Competition that same month. More accolades came this September, when BVI was ranked as the number 1 country for quality of life in the Caribbean and Central America by fDi Intelligence, a division of the Financial Times of London. It was also named among the top 10 “Caribbean & Central American Countries of the Future 2011/12” by the group. And its, “soul…delivered every day through friendly and welcoming people who know they live in paradise and enjoy sharing it with visitors,” is one of the many reasons Perla George, general manager, North America marketing & operations, The British Virgin Islands Tourist Board, believes the destination has made it to our Editor’s Hot List issue. John Glynn, v.p. of North American sales for the Bitter End Yacht Club in Virgin Gorda, agrees that it is “…the mixing of the environment with the people, both the local/indigenous population, and the visitors (both resort guest and boat visitor)” that makes BVI so special. “The local population is very friendly and warm,” he continues. “They have an honest and sincere way about them that puts all visitors at ease. But the very cool aspect is that everyone in the BVI shares a common love: a love of things ‘in, on, and around the water.’ It’s a love shared by billionaires on their 200+ ft. yachts, by young kiteboarders, by charter cruisers, by avid scuba-divers and snorkelers, and beachcombing enthusiasts.” Glynn describes the 85-room Bitter End as a “toes in the sand” resort and the “ideal watersports playground.” This year saw the resort making investments in its marina to cater further to its yacht visitor crowd. All guests can enjoy the complimentary fleet of watercraft, an onsite sailing school, two restaurants, a full-service spa, pool, shops and three private beaches. In 2012, the resort will introduce a new accommodation type to cater to its continued growth with multi-generational family groups and create a “family compound.” The new “accommodation caters to the needs of grand matriarchs/grand patriarchs who wish to have a private common area to host up to 20 of their off-spring for social gatherings,” says Glynn. Colette Baruth, v.p., product strategy for GOGO Worldwide Vacations, says that the BVI’s popularity is linked to many factors including sailing and boating, but also its pristine beaches for sunbathers and scenery on-island and beneath the waters. Another big draw for GOGO customers is the world-class luxury products that are offered in Virgin Gorda, Tortola, Scrub Island and Peter Island, she adds. wellness retreats In fact, on Virgin Gorda, GOGO’s top seller is Rosewood Little Dix Bay, which sits on a crescent-shaped beach. It has 100 guest accommodations set into the landscape of the property and just steps from the sand. Activities include diving, snorkeling, watersports, hiking, tennis and time at the beach. There are three restaurants, a spa and children’s center. This year the resort launched Wellness Retreats at Rosewood Little Dix Bay, which were so successful that the property will continue them in 2012. Retreats in January and June will be with New York City-based instructor Johnny Anzalone and in April or November, it is New York City fitness professional, Frank Baptiste who will lead the way. The Wellness Retreats include four nights accommodation; two yoga or fitness classes per day; breakfast and dinner daily; roundtrip airport transfers from Tortola; and one massage pp. Guests also receive a welcome amenity and take home healthy recipes and fitness tips to continue their good work. Wellness Retreatrates start at $3,308 for two people. Tell us what you think.
Is there a negative or positive tone to this product review? === Title: Apple Care Protection Plan for MacBook Review Review: This product was priced below Apple's price - including shipping, which is free with Apple. It was received in a timely manner, and very easy to set up and use. I have used it once, and it was just as advertised. I am very happy with it. Answer: Answer: Positive
Question: Read the following article and answer the question. Article: Most painters discover a style of painting that suits them and stick to that, especially if people admire their pictures. As artist grows older his picture may alter , but not very much. But Picasso, the great Spanish painter, was like a man who had not yet found his own particular style of painting. He kept on struggling to find the perfect expression till his death in 1973. Some of Picasso's paintings are rich, soft colored and beautiful. Others are ugly and cruel and strange. But such paintings allow us to imagine things for ourselves. They force us to say to ourselves, "What does he see that makes him paint like that?" And we begin to look beneath the surface of the things we see. Picasso painted thousands of pictures in different styles. Sometimes he painted the natural look of things. _ He showed us what the mind knows as well as what the eye sees. At the age of 90 he remained as _ about the world as he had been when he was young. That is why people have called him "the youngest painter in the world". Question: In the text the author wants to tell us _ . Answer: OPTIONS: - about Picasso's different styles of painting - Picasso was always strange - about some pictures of different style - it is not easy for a painter to find his own style Answer: about Picasso's different styles of painting input with options: Read the following article and answer the question. Article: Liu Xu is a student from a middle school in Guangxi. Once he was riding home when a robber suddenly jumped out from the roadside. He pulled Liu Xu off his bike and rode away. Liu Xu was scared, but he didn't run after the robber. He found a telephone and called the police at 110. "Safety is the first important in such a situation," Liu said, remembering what his teacher had told him in his first aid class. "It is not safe to run after an adult who is stronger than you." Liu's school has compulsory first aid education. Students must take the class once a week. Teenage safety has become a serious issue recently. According to a survey, about 16,000 teenagers die in accidents in China every year. At Liu's school the first aid classes are to "teach students skills how to protect and save themselves in emergencies ". Students there often learn by role-playing in first aid classes. For example, one student performed as a stranger knocking at a door. Another one stood inside the door and asked several questions before letting the "stranger" in. Then they changed roles and did it again. They learned a lot while having fun at role-playing. The topics of the first aid classes are regularly updated . The students have learned skills for surviving in earthquakes. The teacher also taught the students not to go out at night. If someone tried to do bad things to them, they should quickly run into crowed place. Question: Students in Liu's school must have compulsory first aid class _ . Answer: OPTIONS: - once a day - twice a day - once a week - twice a week output: once a week Q: Read the following article and answer the question. Article: Mary and Her Friends Mary has some friends. They are Betty, Peter, Alice and Mike. Mary is the oldest of the five. Betty is thirteen years old. She is younger than Mary and older than Peter. Alice is nine and Mike is seven. Betty and Peter are good runners . But Peter runs faster. Mary and Betty like to play basketball. Mary plays better than Betty. Alice sings best of them. Mary and Betty study in a middle school. Peter, Alice and Mike study in a primary school. They all work hard at school. But Betty works hardest. Her handwriting is good, too. Question: Peter runs _ than Betty. Answer: OPTIONS: - faster - slow - faster - the fastest A: faster input: OPTIONS: - He's not old enough. - It's in a different village. - School stops too late. - He has to do his homework. Now, answer this question: Read the following article and answer the question. Article: Comfortable family home with a large garden on north side of town.Three bedrooms, Living-room,kitchens,dining-room,bathroom.Offers over$35,000. 2.ASSISTANT WANTED FOR BUSH RESTAURANT Some evening and weekend work.All meals free.Ring 33201 78. 3.JOIN OUR FOOTBALL TEAM Boys and girls wanted to play in local football team.Aged 9-1 3.Meet in Green Park on Friday at 3P.m. 4.ROOM TO RENT Small room to rent in city centre flat above restaurant.Newly painted with modern furniture.Near main railway station.Buses pass front door.Phone 3322108. Mr.Brown wants to Live near his workplace.Mrs.Brown wants a house with four bedrooms.The Brown children don't care what the house is like.They just want a big garden.Ann,their daughter, has always wanted to work in a restaurant.She thinks it is an exciting place.It's hard work but she is n't lazy.You have to work on Saturdays and Sundays,but you get other days off.It's not very well paid.But who cares about money? Tom is a middle school student.He is twelve years old.He stops school at half past three,so he has plenty of time to finish his homework. Jack.Mr.Brown's brother ,is looking for a room to rent.He doesn't care what colour the walls are or how old the furniture is.He is getting ready for his drawing.So the house must be quiet. Question: Why can't Tom play for the new football team? Answer: A: output: School stops too late. Q: Read the following article and answer the question. Article: For many years, the school students have to finish some homework during their winter and summer holidays. But with the fast development of the Internet, some students have found a new way to deal with their homework recently. Instead of finishing their homework by themselves, they ask the Internet for help. Since most of the holiday homework is the same from school to school, this makes it possible for some people to sell the homework answers on the Internet. Usually one must pay about 50 to 100 yuan for the answers for one subject of the homework. A survey shows that 90% of the students complain their homework is too much and they don't want to do it by themselves. To solve the problem, some schools have stopped using the standard homework and turned to other forms of homework. As for students, they must remember "No pains, no gains". If today they pay for their homework answers, perhaps one day they will pay more for their laziness . Question: Some students deal with their holiday homework by _ . Answer: OPTIONS: - copying their classmates' homework - doing their homework by themselves every day - doing nothing at all - buying homework answers through the Internet A: buying homework answers through the Internet
Singh explained that children have also developed an interest towards sewing. This is often so, especially if the parent is as involved in exposing the child to such tasks. Machines like the Memory Craft 450 E - with a robotic embroidery arm and the Memory Craft 15000 - the Wi-Fi enabled sewing-cum-embroidery machine comes with a ‘designing’ software and additional features for specialised quilting. This was made possible by adopting the technology provided by the company’s principal Japan-based supplier – Janome. “With many young people taking up the art of sewing as a hobby with the new, high-speed automatic sewing machines, we desire to spread the ‘Joy of Creating Together’ by making available sewing-related products, technology, education and impetus,” Harvinder Singh added.
import logging from collections import defaultdict from django.utils import timezone from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger from diomedes.celery import app from moviealert.models import Reminder from moviealert.utils import check_reminders from moviealert.BMS import BMS logger = get_task_logger(__name__) @app.task def check_reminders_job(): # Mark reminders with at least one theater found AND date lt today as complete Reminder.objects.filter(theaterlink__found=True, date__lt=timezone.localdate(), completed=False, dropped=False).update(completed=True) # Drop reminders with date lt today (these have no theaters found) Reminder.objects.filter(completed=False, dropped=False, date__lt=timezone.localdate()).update(dropped=True) # Search for all movies which have movie date set to today or sometime in the future. pending_reminders = Reminder.objects.filter(completed=False, dropped=False, date__gte=timezone.localdate()) # Segregating reminders into regions reminders_by_region = defaultdict(list) for reminder in pending_reminders: reminders_by_region[reminder.user.profile.region].append(reminder) logger.info("Running job for {} movies.".format(len(pending_reminders))) for region, reminders in reminders_by_region.items(): bms = BMS(region.code, region.name) for reminder in reminders: check_reminders(bms, reminder)
2002 Fender '62 RI Jazz Bass CIJ (Sun... A lovely example of a Fender '62 Reissue, Crafted in Japan in 2002. These basses have all the hallmarks of a classic '62 Fender Jazz, all the way down to the copper earth wire between the bridge pickup and bridge, as well as the classic headstock strap button! The tortoiseshell pickguard has a beautiful 3D, flame-like quality and the original sunburst finish is in fair condition with some light marks across the body, with some deeper dents visible. Tonally, this bass is everything you come to expect from a classic reissue Jazz Bass. Featuring the classic single-coil punch of the neck pickup, Jaco-esque growl of the bridge pickup, to the 'out of phase' EQ scoop when both pickups are engaged. This bass has true versatility the Jazz Bass has become infamous for. This particular instrument has been setup with 45-105 strings by our in-house technician and is a joy to play.
IN NO EVENT SHALL CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS OR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO DATA ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILTY TO USE THIS MANUAL, EVEN IF CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. It includes all the defects and caveats that were identified as part of internal testing. It assumes that the reader has a good working knowledge of the Cisco Insight Reporter software. Cisco Insight Reporter is the web reporting application designed for the Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) solution. It provides reports, dashboards and advanced functions to analyze traffic information retrieved through the Deep-Packet-Inspection (DPI) capabilities of Cisco SCE devices. This release 5.0.0 provides the support of the Next-Generation SCE devices such as the SCE10000 and Virtual SCE platforms. Cisco Insight Reporter is a software-only solution: it is primarily designed to be installed as an independent component on a dedicated hardware. This scenario is the most suitable for medium/large SCE deployments for which it is advisable to keep the data collection and storage layers on separate hardware and dedicate resources to the Cisco Insight Reporter application. For demo purpose or small SCE deployments, the application can be installed on the same host as the Cisco Collection Manager (CM). In this scenario, the embedded MySQL Enterprise 5.6 database engine, provided with the application, will also be used to store traffic data. The Collection Manager needs to be configured to point to the embedded MySQL server. The software can be deployed also on virtualized systems provided that the hosted operating system is supported and that all the requirements on prerequisites are met. Multi-core Intel x86/64 processor - 2.0 GHz or greater. 8 or more cores recommended. At least 16 GB of RAM are recommended when using the bundled MySQL Enterprise Server to store traffic data. The application requires at least 1 GB free in the /home partition. In case the embedded MySQL Enterprise database is NOT used to store traffic data: it is recommended to allocate at least 100 GB of storage. In case the embedded MySQL Enterprise database is used to store traffic data: the appropriate disk size depends mainly on the RDR settings of SCE devices and the desired data retention policies to apply. In this scenario it is recommended to allocate at least 1 TB of storage – please contact Cisco support for a more accurate sizing of the storage. At least 1 Fast Ethernet (100Mbps) or Gigabit Ethernet (1 Gbps) network interface is required. In case of doubt, you can contact Cisco Support to get an estimation of the required CPU power, RAM capacity and disk storage. The performance of the Cisco Insight Reporter depends on the size of the SCE deployment and the number of users simultaneously running the reports. To get an optimal performance, the hardware may have to be scaled accordingly. The above recommendation is for a good response time when running ONLY the Cisco Insight Reporter software. In case the same environment is shared to co-host other applications, the allocated resources need to be increased accordingly (CPU, RAM, storage). Cisco Insight Reporter 5.0.0 requires the Java Runtime Environment release 6. If JRE6 is not found on the system, Cisco Insight Report will automatically install it. · As a prerequisite, the Flash Player 10.x browser plug-in should be installed on all client PCs that will be used to display reports. · Cisco Insight Reporter supports both HTTP and HTTPS connectivity. The application GUI supports a variety of screen resolution modes including 1280x1024, 1024x768, and 1680x1050 with consistent support of 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios (wide screen). For a better user experience it is recommended to use a minimum vertical resolution of 1024 pixels. A minimal screen resolution of 1024x768 is supported with vertical and horizontal scroll bars. For other resolutions, scrollbars may appear if the screen resolution is lower than the application workspace or if there are too many toolbars configured on the browser. To maximize the user experience, it is suggested to set the browser to full-screen mode (that can be set usually by pressing the F11 function key). Cisco Insight Reporter release 5.0.0 is delivered with a bundled MySQL Enterprise database server v5.6 that is used for internal operations, but it can also be used to store traffic data populated by one or more Cisco Collection Managers. When installing Cisco Insight Reporter on the same host as Cisco Collection Manager, both the traffic data and the application internal tables need to be located on the same database engine, thus it is required to use the database server shipped with the application. Cisco Customers are in charge of providing the license of external database servers. They are also required to manually copy the software drivers on Cisco Insight Reporter to enable the connectivity between this latter and the external databases. For licensing issues, when working with Oracle and Sybase databases, customers are required to provide the software JDBC connectors and copy them on a specific path of the application, as described in the Installation Guide. Before installing the application make sure there is no firewall running on the hosting server or between the hosting server and the client workstations. If the firewall(s) cannot be disabled, make sure the inbound/outbound TCP/UDP ports are enabled, as described in the Installation Guide. Before installing the application make sure the SELinux option is disabled on the target Operating System, otherwise the installation wizard will terminate the setup process. It is required to remove all previous versions of MySQL software and packages, before installing the application. Use the rpm –e command to remove any previous version of MySQL software and libraries, such as those shipped with the Operating System. When using MySQL database technology to store traffic data, it is important to make sure the database engine is running with the appropriate settings in order to have good performance. Cisco Insight Reporter is shipped with an embedded MySQL Enterprise database release 5.6 that can be used to store traffic information. This database release uses InnoDB as the default engine. If storing traffic tables with RDR content on the embedded MySQL server, it is required to make sure the optimized settings for the InnoDB engine have been applied in the configuration file of the database server. Failure in doing so will result in poor performance during the generation of reports. Since the InnoDB engine settings are dependent on the target resources (CPU, RAM) allocated to the database server, we are providing some guidelines to adjust the configuration file used at startup by the embedded MySQL database. The end-user is expected to configure the InnoDB engine settings according to those guidelines. Please refer to the Installation Guide for more details and instructions. Starting from this release, the embedded MySQL Enterprise database can only be used by Cisco Insight Reporter or Cisco Collection Manager software. No access is granted to end-users or third party applications. The password of the MySQL root user is configured by the installation wizard and kept secret. This is particularly important for Customers planning to use the embedded database to store traffic information. Once they set up the Cisco Service Control solution, they can only access the stored data through a series of functions, provided by Cisco Insight Reporter. Cisco Insight Reporter is the reporting platform for both Cisco Service Control Application and Application Visibility & Control solutions. Cisco Insight Reporter release 5.0.0 is backward compatible with previous software versions and SCE models. · Support of Next-Generation SCE devices introduced in 2014: the SCE10000 and the Virtual SCE. · Introduction of a report template based on the new database schema provided with Cisco Collection Manager 5.0.0. · Improved scalability to support higher RDR rates generated by NG SCE devices. · Live reporting feature enabled for the User Dashboard. · Optimization of all report queries for faster execution of reports. · Migration of the embedded database to MySQL Enterprise 5.6, for improved performance. · Activation of new metrics for Web monitoring reports. · Activation of Package filter for all supported reports. · Activation of multiple selection of Packages for all supported reports. · Adjustment to Video QoE monitoring report. · New library for PDF layout. · Improved debuggability options. · New policies applied to end-user access to the embedded MySQL Enterprise server (compliancy to Oracle rules). Empty CSV is generated. Insight just supports 50 chars for Service name, CM supports 255 chars. Errors occurring on the Graphical User Interface (such as HTTP Request errors, or similar events) cannot be logged on the application log file, even if the application logger is set to DEBUG mode.. This problem occurs only for errors generated at the GUI level (on the client browser, such as HTTP Request errors). You can generate the HTTP Request error by suddenly disconnecting the client workstation from the network, so that the server hosting Insight Reporter can no longer be reached. None. GUI errors are currently not designed to be stored on the application log file. They can only be read on screen. There is no workaround: the user needs to delete the previous favorite report and create a new one with the desired parameters, then save it. The Video QoE report doesn't allow to select an option to filter per Package. When working with CM/SCOS schema v4.1.0 and greater, select and run the Video QoE monitoring report. Insight Reporter v5.0 installs MySQL5.6 and creates a default my.cnf file inside /usr directory. But that file does not contain optimized values for InnoDB engine. It sets the default values that do not give optimum performance. Check the my.cnf file located in the /usr directory after installing Insight Reporter 5.0.0. The my.cnf file contains the default settings that are not optimized for good performance of the InnoDB engine. The Cumulative Distribution of Subscriber SMTP Sessions report cannot be generated if the applied SCE configuration does not contain a Subscriber Service Counter associated to service 'SMTP'. Verify there is no Subscriber Service Counter associated to service 'SMTP' on the SCA BB Console. On Insight Reporter, open the Report Wizard, select the Malicious -> Spam -> Distribution and execute the report. On the SCA BB Console, define a Subscriber Service Counter for service 'SMTP'. Then apply the pqb configuration to all SCE devices of the network. If, for any reason, the database engine hosting the traffic schema has been restarted or had a temporary failure, the application can no more connect to it until the Tomcat web server is also restarted. Shutdown and restart the traffic database, then try using the application without restarting the Tomcat server. You manually need to restart the Tomcat server to restore the connection pools to the traffic database.
As you know, periodically we here at Gazfunk like to take a little break every once in a while and hand over the blog to one of our friends to write a guest post for us. Over the years we’ve had many djs, bloggers and vinyl enthusiasts give us a little insight into the type of tunes that gets their juices flowing. This year it’s been a little thin on the ground and not as regular a feature as I would have liked, however starting this week I hope to bring you more frequent guest contributions. So then, on to today’s pop-picker and we’ve got a very special guest digging into their crates for us – Mr Pete Isaac. As some of you are aware, Pete is one half of 45 Live http://www.45live.net/?feed (the other half being Scott Hendy aka Boca 45) which is a collective of some of the UK & Ireland’s top 45 collectors/djs as well as a blog, record label and events organiser. Pete’s own musical journey started out in 1993 with the launch of Jelly Jazz www.jellyjazz.com – a seminal club night based in Plymouth. The club’s success enabled them to attract guest djs like Gilles Peterson, Mr Scruff, Norman Jay, Quantic, Andy Smith and a whole cast of some of the most respected djs in the U.K. As well as the guest djs, Jelly Jazz also regularly featured many live acts who went on to forge successful careers for themselves some of whom played their first ever U.K. shows at the club. Gaz kindly asked me to write a piece about a record in the collection recently, which I did, but I had replicated one that had already been done before, should have checked I guess! The focus of that story was about the journey a piece of music can take you on, how far that might be and of the connections and impact that a humble record can make. It was ‘Acid Jazz Vol. 1’ on BGP by the way. So take 2, and I’ll keep to the sentiment of the other piece and focus on the way music unites. Way back in my early days as a promoter/DJ in ’94, I used to call up Soul Jazz Records in London every Tuesday morning to buy as many records as I could to drop the following night at Jelly Jazz in Plymouth. On the other end of the phone a young chap called Chris Goss who quickly became my go-to guy to ask for, he got me sussed quickly and was able to play breaks and grooves down the phone that I would invariably buy. He must have sold me thousands of pounds worth of records over those first few months! Naturally I would tell him stories of our midweek club night deep into the SW, and a DJ booking for Chris soon followed. I wasn’t that far out of art college at this time so was living in somewhat modest conditions, i.e. a tiny room in a shared house with loads of muso’s and hippies, and Chris got to stay on some cushions in a rough-as-you-like basement lounge. But anyway, we didn’t care about such conditions, youth was still on our side! Typically, the club that night was rammed to the rafters with a bonkers mad-for-it collections of hippies, ravers, musicians and students. We enjoyed that rare commodity of an audience that just lapped up everything and anything you threw at them. This was obviously years before the internet so obscure American funk etc etc etc was just not so easily accessible, so those calls to Soul Jazz each week were invaluable. But the best way to discover music was of course to hear it in a club, so when Chris and a few others like Bunny from Acid Jazz came down with bags of records we’d never seen, Wednesday nights were always punctuated with mindblowing moments. One of the comments we most heard from punters at the time was something along the lines of “damn, what is this music? Where the hell do you get it?”, I pretty much said the same myself to those early guest DJs we had! Chris dropped a killer set that night with hip hop, jazz, jazz-rock etc, but when he dropped ‘The Hands Of Time’, it was one of THOSE moments. Both myself and fellow Jelly resident DJ Griff flew up to the decks to find out what it was before rejoining the packed dancefloor to literally go nuts. What a monster of a track, fusing the best of jazz, funk and disco into a relentless groove punctuated with stuttering breaks and spaced out instrumentation, a phenomenal track from a killer LP. (Sometimes, don’t you wish you could hear something for the first time again?) Of course I had to obtain the record and eventually procured an original copy, signed by the main man George Semper too for added niceness! Chris pretty much cemented himself as a regular with that drop and set and fast became our favourite guest DJ and played almost every month for years and years, as well as becoming great family friends. Any old school Jelly Jazz fans will well know the regular ‘Goose Fever’ sessions, where Chris would play all night for a few weeks if I was away from town. These days he has of course gone on to run the world’s biggest D&B label, Hospital Records, but for me, he’ll always be the guy that dropped ‘The Hands of Time’! That and our Tuesday morning record purchasing created a lot more than the sum of their parts, a connection through music that became a fantastic friendship and shared passion for records, especially for things like The Perfect Circle, Brian Auger and the like, we both appreciate a damn good red wine too! I love the way any record will have it’s immediate story, but you can always consider it’s influence further and be surprised at what direction it ultimately leads you in. Chris and I get to DJ together on the odd rare occasion these days, so next time, through these hands of time, I’ll urge him to drop it again, it will be a perfect circle.
CBS has announced that Survivor: Vanuatu, the ninth edition of the long-running hit CBS reality series, will premiere on Thursday, September 16 at 8PM ET/PT. The first "regular" Survivor series to air since Fall 2003's Survivor: Pearl Islands, Survivor: Vanuatu will feature sixteen new contestants and is currently filming on the troubled Pacific island chain near Fiji. Formerly known as New Hebrides, Vanuatu consists of about 80 islands and 200,000 residents, with the islands mostly of volcanic origin and uninhabited. The country is so underdeveloped that the U.S. does not have a separate ambassador to it -- instead, the U.S. ambassador to Papua New Guinea doubles as the ambassador to Vanuatu. Despite being subtitled "Islands of Fire," it's not believed that the program's production has witnessed any new volcanic eruptions, however the island chain has recently experienced several minor earthquakes, including a magnitude 4.8 event on June 24, a 5.1 quake on July 1, and a 5.7 quake on July 7. According to the Vanuatu Daily Post, filming began on June 28, although its believed that in addition to the pre-production crew, the program's sixteen survivors might have already been on location for pre-game survival training at the time of the initial June 24 event. In the meantime, the show's twice annual cat-and-mouse game with online sleuths is fully underway, with longtime Survivor spoiler site SurvivorNews.net already claiming to be aware of the identities of all sixteen undisclosed contestants and inviting friends and family of suspected contestants to use its online "contestant confirmator" to verify the participation of suspected contestants. So far, the names of eight contestants have allegedly been verified -- Ami Cusack, David Finta, Eliza Orlins, Jenean Neely, John Kenney, Julie Berry, Leann Needles, and Rory Freeman. CBS is not expected to formally release the names of any cast members until late August at the earliest.
Horton’s Kids, the 2014 recipient of the Many Hands $100,000 Impact Grant, and A Wider Circle, which received the Many Hands $100,000 Impact Grant in 2010, were two of the four organizations highlighted in a recent article about back-to-school drives in The Washington Post. While school is now under way for most students across our region, needs persist year-round. To read more and find out how you can help, click here.
An overview of the employment conditions and benefits relating to each category of staff can be found here. Staff appointed on special programmes such as fellowships, traineeships, etc. Projects may be internally or externally funded. For more detailed information relating to each category of staff, please view the Staff regulations.
How are tolerances applied to the requirements? For any performance metrics that are measured as a percentage, corresponding tolerances refer to percentage points. For example, a power factor requirement of ≥ 0.90 (i.e. ≥ 90%) with a -3% tolerance implies a functional requirement of ≥ 0.87 (i.e. ≥ 87%). For performance metrics that are not measured as a percentage, the tolerance is a percentage of the required value. For example, for a minimum efficacy requirement of 60 lm/W with a -3% tolerance, the functional requirement is 58.2 lm/W (i.e. 60 – 3% = 58.2).
Authored by seirl on Sep 27 2019, 4:35 PM. Rationale: I need a way to query services that stream results line by line, like swh-graph. For that I need to access the iter_lines() function of requests' responses. See https://jenkins.softwareheritage.org/job/DCORE/job/tox/296/ for more details. I'm a bit worried that this is a new option to existing methods that deal with msgpack input/output, when the data that you're retrieving is quite certainly not msgpack. This kinda breaks the contract of this RPC API; but I guess the stream option did that already? So you're stripping leading newlines? That's a bit weird. Do we care for non-ASCII lines? Should we try to get the expected encoding from the response headers instead?
package io.sam.domain.airelation case class MeasuredModule(name: String, abstractness: Float, instability: Float, distance: Float)
with lots of variety if you like a little change of ingredients from time to time to interest your taste buds. I copied out several recipes. I also appreciate that she is one of Canada's top foodies when it comes to healthy recipes. i see almost all good ingredients (very little funky foods like 'fatfree butter' and the like) an asian bent to many (sesame oil, rice vinegar, cilantro) many of these recipes are dairyfree, many are glutenfree, many are nightshadefree most recipes are ones that i would be willing to try out from both a taste and health point of view. also recipes are very well organized and succinct, ez to follow without many peeks at book. these recipes have been well kitchen and family tested, i think--so far they are all working out. the choco banana muffins are amazing texture, considering that they are eggfree....the chkn with olives and lemons was yum...if i had to i think i could live out of this ckbk for a year. bought one for myself and one for my mom (happy mothers day) great book. lots of really interesting recipes in it. if you're sick to the back teeth with using low fat stuff in your cooking this is te book for you.
Amy’s 2015 version of this challenge focuses on a different theme each week. However with this post, I start deviating from the themes. I need to spend what little research and writing time I have now on my priority research projects. My 29th ancestor is my husband’s Great-Aunt Clara Irene Pace (1917-1933). Clara Irene, who went just by Irene, was the sister of my husband’s grandfather Roy Delmar Pace. I have mentioned Irene in my last two posts about this family, first profiling Grandpa Roy and the family in the 1930 U.S. census, and then tracing the Pace siblings in the 1940 U.S. census. Irene was the only Pace sibling absent from the 1940 census, because she had died by that time, although that information cannot be inferred from the census. This birth certificate tells us that Irene, a female, was the third child born to this mother, all of whom were still living. The first child would be Grandpa Roy, the second is the oldest daughter Dollie. Parents A.J. [Andrew Jackson] Pace (40 years old, born in Alabama) and [Laura Mae] May Fields (21 years old, born in Texas) were both white and lived in Mesquite, Dallas County, Texas. Roy worked as a farmer, May as a housewife. Do you notice what this birth certificate does not tell us about Irene?…her name. The name of the child was left completely blank. It is quite possible that Andrew Jackson and Laura Mae had not yet decided upon a name when this baby girl was born–I find the similar situation on other birth records for the family. Unfortunately, I do not find an amended birth certificate reflecting a later filed name correction. Irene grew up in a farming family, who seemed to move around quite a bit. Born and initially raised in northeastern Texas, the family up and moved across the state to the northwestern part of Texas sometime between 1924 and 1928. Father Andrew Jackson Pace registered at age 42 for the World War I draft, on 12 September 1918 in Wolfe City, Hunt County, Texas. His draft registration card lists wife Laura Mae as his nearest relative, with the family living in nearby Campbell, Hunt County, Texas. 6 Campbell is located in eastern Texas, about 60 miles northeast of where Irene was born in Mesquite. Irene would have been just under one-year of age at this time. By the time brother Earnest Ladell Pace (who went by Ladell, then later by Dale) was born in 1928, the family had moved to Littlefield, Lamb County, Texas, when Irene was 11 years old. This brought the total number of siblings to eight. Ladell’s birth certificate confirms that Laura Mae had given birth to eight children, all of whom were still living. Andrew Jackson continued farming; Laura Mae continued keeping house.8 Littlefield is approximtely 415 miles west and slightly north of Campbell. The family was living in either Littlefield, Lamb County, Texas again or Levelland, Hockley County, Texas, when brother Charles Wayne Pace was born in 1931. It is unclear which was the actual location of residence, although it is clear that Wayne was born in Levelland. Wayne’s original birth certificate claims the family lived in Littlefield, but an amended birth certificate filed in 1942 by father Andrew Jackson Pace in Hockley County says the family lived in Levelland at the time of the birth. The amended certificate indicates that Andrew Jackson was farming on his own farm by 1931.10, 11 Levelland is 24 miles due south of Littlefield. What does this news brief tell us about Irene? She and her family, by 2 March 1933, lived near Littlefield, Lamb County, Texas. Irene was admitted mid-February to the Lubbock Sanitarium due to meningitis. By 2 March 1933, she experienced a significant enough recovery to be sent home. The death certificate for Clara Irene Pace confirms the aforementioned date, place, and cause of Irene’s death. What additional information does this death certificate tell us about Irene and her family? Irene was still a student when she died, and she was single. She had been in the hospital since 15 February 1933. Her father A.J. [Andrew Jackson] Pace–born in Alabama, now living in Littlefield, Texas–served as the informant. Her mother May [Laura Mae] Fields had been born in Van Zandt [County], Texas, according to Irene’s father. Her father reported that Irene had been born in Dallas County, Texas. Irene was buried on 30 March 1933 in Whitharral, Texas. Irene Pace’s death certificate reports cerebral-spinal meningitis as the principal cause of death, with an abscess of the brain being a contributing factor. Meningitis is something we hear about every so often still in the U.S. (with current outbreaks still happening), but of which I know nothing. So I did some quick research on the causes of Irene’s early death. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provide a description about the disease and its possible causes. Google Earth view of where Whitharral Cemetery is located in relation to the town. A Google Earth Street View look at the entrance to Whitharral Cemetery, looking north from Kansas Avenue. How did Irene and her mother contract meningitis?
| News Feeds | Join the mailing list Headlines Opinion Formers Features In Focus Reference Party Politics Education Health Domestic Policy Foreign Policy Public Services Environment Economy Devolved Government News Lords condemn 'constitutionally questionable' bill Thursday, 08 Jun 2006 12:10 Only parliament should make constitutional changes, Lords argue Feedback Printer friendly version The government got it "badly wrong" when it attempted to "gold-plate" ministers' power through a new bill designed to cut regulation, the head of a Lords committee has warned. Lord Holme of Cheltenham said that while the legislative and regulatory reform bill had a "fine aspiration" of cutting excess regulation, ministers should have know that the powers it gave them to amend existing laws "was constitutionally questionable". He was speaking as a report from the Lords constitutional committee warns that despite attempts to tighten the scope of the bill – dubbed the 'parliamentary scrutiny (abolition) bill' by critics – it remains "over-broad and vaguely drawn". Ministers have given verbal assurances that the bill's powers, which would allow them to make orders to change primary legislation in all but a few specific instances, would not be used to change major laws such as the right to trial by jury. Under pressure from opposition parties, they have also introduced amendments to the bill to further limit the scope of these order-making powers, and insist parliamentary select committees will still have a veto and MPs can object within a certain period. But today's report insists these are not sufficient, and in particular warns that the government's failure to introduce such safeguards from the start of the process is a sign of "lamentable" consultation on the bill and an ignorance of its constitutional importance. ." The committee recommends a number of changes, including providing a list of certain bills, such as Magna Carta, the laws joining the nations of England and Scotland, and the more recent Identity Cards Act, which would be exempt from the new powers. Alternatively, it says there could be a list of subjects which must not be touched on, including anything concerned with the composition or powers of parliament, devolution settlements or the arrangements of local government. Related Opinion Formers Unlock Democracy Unlock Democracy is the joint campaign of Charter 88 and the New Politics Network promoting democratic renewal and active engagement in the political process. Full Story Federation of Small Businesses The Federation of Small Businesses is the largest business representation group in the UK, with over 195,000 members. Full Story Related news MPs defend McDonald's World Cup tickets MPs were last night forced to explain why they had accepted free tickets for England's opening game at the World Cup from MacDonald's. Full Story Cameron's A-list rejected by party activists Conservative activists have rejected leader David Cameron's latest attempt to modernise the party by trying to get more women and ethnic minorities elected to parliament. Full Story Watchdog calls for tougher rules on MPs' groups MPs approve two per cent pay rise Prescott defends job to heckling Tories MPs agree to postpone loans probe Straw to work towards partly elected Lords .. Reference Channel tunnel rail link bill Banking (special provisions) bill EC finance bill Consultations Issue briefs Government ministers Legislation MPs Parliamentary business Political guide © 2004-2008 . About politics.co.uk | Advertise | Editorial board | Editorial policy | Opinion Formers | Privacy | |
Saturday March 22th 2014 a new "old" food was presented during the event sponsored by the City of Lanuvio to launch the new touristic-cultural event “Lanuvio urbs imperatorum”. This food is related to the history of the city: the flatbread offered to the goddess Juno on the occasion of one of the several archaic cults in Lazio. The initiative, by the Association of Lanuvio traders with the historical advice of Archeogusto by Vita Romana, led to the creation of a bakery product. The recipe is based on the careful analysis of the documents and appears as a contemporary reworking of maza, the ritual flatbread offering to the goddess. New unpublished archaeological discoveries bring novel elements to the already rich history of the site and make the historical narrative more fascinating. The flatbread of Juno will be presented in Rome during the Cerealia Festival 2014. Among the religious cults of the archaic Latin Lazio, a particularly important one was dedicated to the goddess Iuno Sospes in Lanuvio (Sil. It., VIII, 360: Lanuvium, Iunionia sedes). The archaeological findings of the temple testify with their monumentality a considerable investment in terms of energy and resources. These investments give the idea of a non-marginal importance of the temple and of the goddess already in the Archaic period. Lanuvio played for a long time an important role in the area of Latin culture, also because of its participation in the alliances of the Latin League. It is easy to imagine that this role was also connected to the importance of Iuno Sospes for the Latin populations. After the Romanization of Lanuvio or at least after its final admission in the Roman orbit, the temple was still the destination of many pilgrimages in line with those of the archaic period, representing an important economic resource for the city. In 338 A.C. the cult of Iuno Sospes was officially established in Rome and on close period, if not on the same date, the people of Lanuvio were granted with the Roman citizenship. In fact, Iuno Sospes and Lanuvio became Roman, and the Consuls had to celebrate a sacrifice to the goddess (Cicero, Pro Mur., 41, 90). It is not clear whether in addition to the sacrifice that was taking place in Rome during the Calends of February, they had to perform another sacrifice in Lanuvio. At the same time a special board of priests was appointed, the Sacerdotes Lanuvini. Members of the board belonged to the class of equites, with a flamen subjected to these priests. An integral part of the goddess cult was food offering to a snake that lived in a deep cave near the temple of Iuno. We have two largely overlapping descriptions of this rite. According to Propertius (4, 8, 3-14) every year young virgins were in charge of bringing food offerings to the snake. The girls had to descend into the cave alone, bringing the baskets containing the food offerings. Once the offering was delivered, the girls could go back to their families and their return would be greeted with jubilation by the farmers. Their return was a good omen for the fertility of the fields in the next agricultural year. However, in case the girl was not a virgin our source makes us understand that she would never come back to the family and next year crop would be disastrous. Our second source is Eliano (Perì zoon, XI, 16). He adds some details specifying that the broad and deep cave where the dragon (Drakon) lived, that is how Eliano calls the snake, was in a wood. During the established days for the ritual, the blindfolded consecrated virgins entered the wood, carrying flatbread in their hands. The girls were able to proceed as if they were not blind thanks to a divine breath that would lead them without stumbling directly to the pallet of the dragon. The dragon would accept the food as pure and convenient for an animal dear to the Gods only if they were real virgins. The dragon, says Eliano, was able to notice the corruption of the girls thanks to a prophetic spirit. If one of the girls was not a virgin the dragon would refuse the food and the flatbread would remain intact. Then, the ants would take care of crumbling the flatbread and transporting it out of the wood to purify the place. In this way, the lack of purity would be disclosed to the local people and the girl who dishonoured her virginity would be punished according to the law. Thanks to Eliano we know the nature of the offering to the snake. The term used by the author, who writes in Greek, is maza. This word was used to describe different kinds of flatbread, normally prepared with crude cereal flours such as barley, spelt or legumes (peas and beans) mixed with either water, oil, honey or milk. maza was made of different mixtures depending on the event. It could be prepared in elaborate and refined variants suitable for the symposiums that followed the classic banquets. It could be eaten raw or cooked and it could have various forms from flatbread, to bread and crackers. maza was also used as a base for other food and thus considered to be among the ancestors of pizza, and sometimes as a real plate according to a tradition which is found also in later sources. In the Aeneid (VI, 420) Virgil describes a honey cake with drugs that Sibyl throws to Cerberus, and makes the harpy Celaeno predict that Aeneas and his men once arrived from Troy to Lazio will suffer of a terrible hunger and will even eat maza, a sort of spelt-made bun used as a plate to contain food. The sources and archaeological data in our possession may not certainly identify the ingredients of the Lanuvio maza. Archaeological investigations exposed alimentary remains related to cooked chickpeas and broad beans, as well as sheep and goat remains near the site identified as the snake cave. This food falls perfectly within the sacrificial offerings to the Gods and it is plausible, also in this case, that maza had the function of an edible dish to place meat and vegetables. Two maza recipes were realized. The first one, salty and without yeast, is certainly the closest to the flatbread offered to the snake and may be accompanied by seasoned olives, roasted meat and vegetables that dampen it with their flavours. The second one is a sweet and leavened maza used in banquets. Both are made with wholemeal spelt and/or barley flours.
Your home and even garden are generally the particular two most important spots you deal with upon a everyday basis. Connected with the two, virtually all will say it is truly harder to sustain right [gardening kart->http://www.trifit-tu.cz/find-out-all-you-can-approximately-woodwork-here] strategies and develop a beautiful picture. It might be harder to some, nonetheless that is only because these people are not following all these simple words of advice that are discussed below.
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It’s easy to get swept away in holiday chaos. From Black Friday deals to office parties to last-minute gifts, December is a swirl of madness. As a result, the meaning of the season often gets lost: the joy of giving to those in need. With dozens of local charities looking to aid needy Austinites, giving back to the community is only a click away. To help you choose where your donation dollars should go, here are 10 worthwhile organizations to consider assisting this holiday season. Run by the Austin Police Department since 1972, Operation Blue Santa supplies families in need with the full holiday experience, including meals and wrapped presents. Last year, the group served over 5,000 families. This is an excellent way to help Austin’s Finest help others. To donate, go to BlueSanta.org. The winter of 2019/2020 is already shaping up to be a chiller, so keeping warm is more important than ever. On Saturday, Dec. 7, Junior League of Austin will celebrate its Coats for Kids Distribution Day. Validated families in need roam through over 30,000 coats to find outerwear for their little ones. The doors stay open until the last family leaves, so volunteers are always needed at this all-day event. Coat collection is happening through the first week of December at Jack Brown Cleaners. For monetary donations and more info, learn more here. With a heart towards Austin’s poverty-stricken residents, Caritas of Austin is spreading holiday cheer through gift packages filled with essential items. From welcome home baskets with household supplies to winter wear to rent assistance, Caritas provides needy families with the bare necessities many of us take for granted. For the full wish list, go visit Caritas online. With a unique way to give financial relief to growing families, Austin Diaper Bank provides 10,000 Central Texas families this childcare necessity. So far in 2019, the organization has collected over 600,000 diapers and is aiming to hit the 900,000 mark by end of year. While Austin Diaper Bank doesn’t have an official holiday drive on the calendar, any time is a good time to donate to this worthy charity. For more information, visit AustinDiapers.org. Ready and willing to assist survivors when disaster strikes, Austin Disaster Relief Network assists people in need during their darkest hour. The group provides food, clothing, cleanup services, and even counseling to those displaced by natural disasters. Team members also run a low-to-no-cost used goods store, with everything from furniture to clothing. Although the group doesn’t have an official holiday drive, most of us know somebody affected by volatile weather events over the years. To learn more, visit Austin Disaster Relief Network online. Mobile Loaves & Fishes’ landmark Community First! neighborhood is a truly transformative initiative. The village is a 51-acre master planned community that provides affordable, permanent housing for Austinites transitioning out of homelessness. But saving lives doesn’t come cheap and that’s where you come in! Whether you choose to support Community First! through your dollars or your time, this is a beautiful way to make an impact in people’s lives. To learn more, visit Mobile Loaves & Fishes online. Ever hear how teaching someone to fish is better than handing them food? That’s the central core of LifeWorks Austin. While providing day-to-day necessities to needy youth, the group also equips them with self-sustaining life skills outside the foster care system. Over 4,000 youth and families have been supported via this incredible organization, and your holiday dollars will be needed to keep the mission going strong. To donate gift cards, go to LifeworksAustin.org. When not writing about music and doing the blogger thing, I spend my 8 to 5 in the world of Ed Tech. As a result, I have a heart for anything that helps kids learn and grow. From classroom coaching to weekly college prep tutoring, the Austin Partners in Education team pours hours upon hours into needy AISD kids and schools. Anything you can give, whether your time, talents, or financial resources, is sure to make a tangible difference in a student’s educational success. To learn more, visit Austin Partners In Education online. 9/ Austin Pets Alive! At The Austinot, we love our puppers and kitties. Austin Pets Alive! is our city’s premier pet rescue and re-homing organization. While nary a weekend goes by without an APA! event, Toy Joy on Airport will host its “A Very Pupper Holiday Paw-ty” on Dec. 8, 2019. Live doggie adoption, raffles, and the chance to get a picture of your fur baby lounging with Santa are all on the agenda. And anybody who agrees to adopt a pet will receive a $20 gift card to Toy Joy and Yummi Joy. Making a new friend and snagging some holiday savings makes the Paw-ty a must-attend event. Check out Austin Pets Alive! to learn more and get involved. Can’t decide who to donate to? Amplify Austin makes it easy to contribute to multiple organizations. The site works like the Amazon of Austin charities, allowing you to search, add donations to a cart, save your credit card info, and pay with one transaction. You can even instantly download your tax receipts. This is an easy and convenient way to give back this holiday season. Feel free to browse Amplify Austin’s full suite of charities for more information. Which Austin nonprofit will you support this holiday season? This article was originally published on Dec. 3, 2015.
Asobo Studio is reportedly working on a sequel to A Plague Tale: Innocence. According to French website XboxSquad (via Eurogamer), A Plague Tale 2 is in development with a planned release for 2022. It’s due to be revealed next year. According to the report, the detail was confirmed to their source directly by a head of Focus Home Interactive, publisher of A Plague Tale: Innocence, with Focus requesting that Asobo return to the new IP. © Asobo Studio Eurogamer then went on to contact Focus Home Interactive, who didn’t deny the project, instead saying that they’ll talk about Asobo’s next game “when the right time comes.” You can read the full statement they received in Eurogamer’s report. Barring a few of the weaker stealth sections, we thoroughly enjoyed A Plague Tale: Innocence, delighting in the heartwarming relationship between leads Amicia and Hugo throughout the harrowing times they faced together. The title received a largely positive critical reception, and appears to have performed well too. In a report detailing an 80% revenue increase, Focus Home Interactive cited A Plague Tale alongside World War Z and new RPG Greedfall as their big success stories for the year. The solid performance of A Plague Tale means it won’t be too surprising to see Asobo Studio return to the IP, but it’s always wonderful to hear a smaller studio see success with a new IP. If the rumor is confirmed, we’ll be very interested to see what direction Asobo takes with the story, especially given the pretty over the top climax A Plague Tale: Innocence reached. Will we return to Amicia and Hugo at a later time, or follow another soul’s efforts to survive the plague-ridden streets of medieval Europe? We’ll have to wait and see. As ever, take this reveal with a pinch of salt. Its seems very likely indeed, but until Asobo Studio or Focus Home Interactive confirm that A Plague Tale 2 is being developed, it’s nothing more than a rumor.
Sometimes energy usage comes close to exceeding capacity, particularly during peak-load seasons. When this happens IGS Energy relies on two common methods to protect the operational integrity of the pipeline: curtailment and operational flow orders (OFO). Each of the local distribution companies (LDCs) and market areas that we serve treat curtailments differently. In the Georgia market, we are responsible for contacting each of our interruptible customers to communicate curtailment or OFOs. In North Carolina, curtailment orders are issued directly to the customer from the LDC. Learn how these methods can impact your company’s supply of natural gas and your costs by clicking on the links below. IGS Energy prepares customer load forecasts and supply forecasts, and from these develops a pipeline inventory forecast. That forecast is compared against our pipeline inventory limits. When the forecasted inventory is greater than or less than the pipeline inventory limits, we use storage assets (reserved for balancing) to help manage either the excess or insufficient inventory. If this isn’t adequate to correct the imbalance, we issue an Operational Flow Order (OFO) notice. An OFO requires shippers to balance their supply with their customers' usage on a daily basis, within a specified tolerance band. Shippers may deliver additional supply or limit their supply in order to match customers’ usage. If the supply isn’t balanced, shippers may incur noncompliance charges. For example, if we declare a Stage 1 OFO with a tolerance band of 5% for high inventory, supplies must not be more than 105% of actual usage or a noncompliance charge is assessed. Firm transportation, in which there is no interruption in service. This is the highest quality sales or transmission service offered to customers under a filed rate schedule that anticipates no planned interruption. Firm transportation service is usually associated with distribution companies that serve residential customers and other "high priority end-users," but can also apply to upstream pipelines and other customers. Interruptible transportation, which provides certain customers – mainly larger commercial and industrial customers that have dual-fuel capability – the opportunity to pay lower transportation charges by permitting us to interrupt their gas usage on short notice, generally in peak-load seasons. This type of natural gas service is subject to interruption at the option of the pipeline. It’s also sometimes referred to as "best efforts." Tariffs for interruptible service are cheaper than firm service. It’s important to fully understand the specific operational requirements of your firm transportation or Interruptible transportation account. Speak to your account manager if you have questions. For our customers who choose interruptible transportation, we issue a curtailment order when we have to interrupt your service. This means energy reserves have dropped or are expected to drop below a certain level. The curtailment order signals that rotating outages are going to occur. Effective Wednesday, January 2, 2004 at 10 a.m. and until further notice, IGS Energy is curtailing interruptible volumes in response to AGLC issuing a demand mismatch order for ALL primary pools. This demand mismatch order carries a $30 per dekatherm penalty for every dekatherm of usage over your supply! A curtailment notice is extremely important in that it may result in significant penalties (upwards of $30 per dekatherm) for customers who do not comply. In the event a curtailment notice is issued, we will detail the specific action(s) required.
1. 2. Why is it societies responsibility to make infanticide safe for women? Either its evil and deserves to be underground or its not in which case there is no reason not to allow the full slippery slope liberals want of partial-birth abortions, arbitrary reasons for abortions from gender to convenience and the eugenic extermination of those born handicapped.
An air nurse had to combat 200-mph winds to stay alive. July 5, 2007 — -- Getting sucked out of an airplane at 20,000 feet may seem like a disaster scenario that could only happen in Hollywood. For Chris Fogg, though, it was all too real. On June 27, the flight nurse was transporting a patient to a Seattle hospital aboard a twin-engine piper turboprop. As the plane was cruising at 20,000 feet, the window adjacent to Fogg's right shoulder exploded, causing a drastic change in pressure that sucked him out of the window, headfirst. "I was just sitting in my seat, chitchatting with the pilot and then there was this huge explosion, like this real loud popping sound," Fogg said on "Good Morning America." "I was immediately sucked to the right, right out the window." "It was just like the movies," he said. "There was chaos. There was stuff flying everywhere. Anything that was near the window was going right out." Fogg believes his 6-foot, 200-pound frame kept him from flying away. "It was like the fight of my life," he said. "I have a pretty vivid memory of seeing the tail of the plane and what was left of my headset whacking the side of the plane." The pilot put the plane into a dive, sending it to 10,000 feet to equalize the pressure. Miraculously, Fogg pulled himself through the exploded window and back into the plane. The pilot made an emergency landing in Boise, Idaho, a few minutes later. Unharmed, Fogg got back on a plane the next day. "It wasn't my day to die," he said. "I truly felt like I was blessed."
<reponame>voysys/h264-reader<filename>fuzz/fuzz_targets/fuzz_target_1.rs #![no_main] use libfuzzer_sys::fuzz_target; use h264_reader::annexb::AnnexBReader; use h264_reader::Context; use h264_reader::nal::{Nal, RefNal, UnitType, pps, slice, sei, sps}; use h264_reader::push::NalInterest; fuzz_target!(|data: &[u8]| { let mut ctx = Context::default(); let mut scratch = Vec::new(); let mut annexb_reader = AnnexBReader::accumulate(|nal: RefNal<'_>| { if !nal.is_complete() { return NalInterest::Buffer; } let hdr = match nal.header() { Ok(h) => h, Err(_) => return NalInterest::Buffer, }; match hdr.nal_unit_type() { UnitType::SeqParameterSet => { if let Ok(sps) = sps::SeqParameterSet::from_bits(nal.rbsp_bits()) { ctx.put_seq_param_set(sps); } }, UnitType::PicParameterSet => { if let Ok(pps) = pps::PicParameterSet::from_bits(&ctx, nal.rbsp_bits()) { ctx.put_pic_param_set(pps); } }, UnitType::SEI => { let mut r = sei::SeiReader::from_rbsp_bytes(nal.rbsp_bytes(), &mut scratch); while let Ok(Some(msg)) = r.next() { match msg.payload_type { sei::HeaderType::PicTiming => { let sps = match ctx.sps().next() { Some(s) => s, None => continue, }; let _ = sei::pic_timing::PicTiming::read(sps, &msg); }, _ => {}, } } }, UnitType::SliceLayerWithoutPartitioningIdr | UnitType::SliceLayerWithoutPartitioningNonIdr => { let _ = slice::SliceHeader::from_bits(&ctx, &mut nal.rbsp_bits(), hdr); }, _ => {}, } NalInterest::Buffer }); annexb_reader.push(data); annexb_reader.reset(); ctx.sps().for_each(|sps| { let _ = sps.pixel_dimensions(); }); });
We are excited to share our latest report on the artworks sold during Frieze London 2022. The British capital is home to a thriving art scene, and this year’s edition of the Frieze London Art Fair was no exception. With more than 160 exhibiting galleries, the 19th annual event attracted visitors both domestic as well as international. The fair ran during October 12th-16th, proving yet again of London being one of the Europe’s go-to destination when looking for fine contemporary art. The event was a huge success! We’re sharing some of the most interesting quotes from exhibitors and attendees as mentioned in New York Times and Artnet News. ”There’s a lot of money around for new collections. Decorative painting is a good entry point. ”I’ve never seen this before. It’s a mess. This is an event, not a fair. ”This is fine. You can’t have too many people. Frieze is a mandatory stop in the art world calendar. We’ve seen collectors from China and from India. ”I’ve never had a fair like this in 15 years.
As software systems grow in complexity and execution platforms become more and more sophisticated, it becomes harder and harder for a software engineer to understand, tune, or debug programs. Existing dynamic program analysis tools offer limited support, in part because there is a big gap between the abstractions provided by tools and the abstractions employed by software engineers. In the FAN project (a Swiss National Science Foundation Sinergia project) we explored a new approach to developing dynamic program analysis tools with considerably less programming effort. Our research will address the question: Can we raise the abstraction level for writing dynamic analysis tools, allowing software engineers to rapidly develop custom analysis tools, impairing neither expressiveness nor tool performance?
Each day, we receive lessons for our Correspondence Course to be reviewed. Along with these lessons, many individuals share with us how our study, “Walking the 12 Steps with Jesus Christ”, has helped them in their recovery. We’d like to share their thoughts with you. I found an article about your ministry so I wrote for the book. You were gracious in sending me one. Ever since cracking that book open I know it was what I had been looking for. The book filled the gaps of all other books on recovery. I strongly recommend it to others who are serious about recovery because as you share in the book and the Correspondence Course, ‘Jesus is the answer, the only Healer’. To whoever was responsible for sending me this book, I say thanks. I had just finished an eight week substance abuse course and thought I could possibly make it. Then I began reading and studying your book and doing the Correspondence Course. I am now truly on my way to recovery. It was your book that gave me the right answer and His name is Jesus. I am no longer a ‘dry drunk’. I am a recovered addict by the grace of God thanks to your ministry. I have been so blessed to have been led to your ministry. When I received the book, I thought, ‘Wow, this is a lot of work.’ I put it down. Then I faced some crisis and I picked the book back up. This book introduced me to Jesus and now I am free from my addictions. How could I ever thank you enough for what you did for me? I received the book you sent me. That book has helped me so much. I have been to more AA and NA meetings than I can count and I never understood the 12 Steps and the difference Jesus can make when you name Him your ‘Higher Power’. I always felt it was my past that had messed me up and I did not know how to turn it over to Jesus. I have not been true to myself in over 20 years. I am now 38 and I have now found the answer in Jesus thanks to you. Your program has made an amazing difference in my life. I grew up in a wonderful Christian home and made some horrible choices and big mistakes. God has taken me back into His loving arms and I am so blessed. I have told everyone about Christian 12 Step and the difference it has made in my life. Thank you so much for sending me the “Walking the 12 Steps with Jesus Christ” study guide. For years, I have been involved in AA programs and have failed to remain sober. It wasn’t until I surrendered my life to Jesus that I began to understand His will for my life and receive His victory to overcome my problems and to make sense of my life. You have helped me to find Jesus
Pathfinder is a MRVN (Mobile Robotic Versatile eNtity), whose job is both surveying and location scouting. Since waking completely alone in a laboratory many years ago, Pathfinder made it his mission to find his creator and discover why he was made. Pathfinder has searched the world and joined the Apex Games in hope of gaining a following, giving him the perfect chance to find his creator once and for all. Apex Legends is the first game that a MRVN is a playable character. MRVNs appear as NPCs in Titanfall, Titanfall 2and mobile game Titanfall: Assault. A grappling hook attaches to an object, pulling Pathfinder towards it. It can also attach to players, pulling them closer to Pathfinder. Pathfinder uses a survey beacon to find the next location of the ring. A zipline is created between your location and a target location. The zipline can be used by anyone, teammates and enemies alike. You can find Apex Legends gift cards over at our online store here, along with a wide variety of other gift cards here. Keywords: Apex Legends, Apex Games, Pathfinder, Characters, Legends.
Robert Rubino, M.D., current President of the Summit Council, is the founder of a private, thriving OB/GYN practice and is a long-time resident of Summit. He is a father of three, married to Susan Rubino, M.D. who is an internist and influential volunteer for multiple Summit organizations. In his current council position, Rob has: - Displayed effective leadership as Council President - Proven to deliver fiscally sound budgets - Been an influential member of the Board of School Estimates - Proactively been an advocate for Summit to county freeholders His community involvement includes: - Founder of “Tomorrow’s MDs” Summit H.S. Mentoring Program - Head coach for Summit junior baseball - President of the Board of Health - Board member of Colonial Crossing Red Cross - Active member of St. Teresa’s Church
Transcribed by Bhakta Frederick (Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2011) “I know that my chanting is poor. I know that all that I am offering is broken names and that I’m not really chanting very purely. But I have hope: ‘hope against hope’ that with Prabhupada’s mercy it will be possible to go back to Godhead.” Therefore, let us come together again and again, and let us chant together again and again so that we can feed of off each other’s strength and inspiration, and in that way carry on faithfully. Just simply faithfully chant throughout a lifetime and take shelter of these four regulative principles. Then we have all hope, by the words of Srila Prabhupada, by his service – that we can go back to Godhead – and then I am sure we will get Krishna-prema on the way also and even if it be latest at the door of the spiritual world.
There is a risk of MSA SavOx units catching fire if the wearer does not follow start up procedures. Action required to ensure that all users of SavOx units are trained and have been assessed to be competent in the use of the unit and, in particular, understand the importance of following the correct start up procedure.
Tanya Williamson Barfoot and I commenced our relationship at her facility, Hollow Hills Equestrian Center in 2017, with riding lessons, leasing, and boarding a horse. Tanya embodies trust, integrity, and kindness to a very high degree. Tanya showcases her wealth of knowledge and skillset in her barn by, showcasing leadership, raising confidence levels for all, appropriate equestrian knowledge and skills, horsemanship beyond the ring, and most importantly ensuring a fun community and barn family atmosphere inside and outside of the barn. I have yet to be part of another facility that possesses this atmosphere so naturally- testament to true leadership. Tanya possesses unparalleled work ethic for not only the care and welfare of the students and horses but she also successfully rides, trains and breeds horses to a high calibre. Tanya is highly talented in her riding capabilities and truly sets up both new, old, and aspiring riders. She has a very successful program and truly believes in a fundamentals approach that I would personally highly encourage all riders to participate in. Hollow Hills Equestrian Center is a top-notch facility that is incomparable to others.
This might actually be a thing I have 6 horses, and every now and then I’ll go out to the field with a bag of carrots and they’ll crowd me, sometimes shove the others away or even fight each other around me. But my neighbor is an older woman that suffered from a stroke and can lose her balance easily and has to move at a turtles pace, she does the exact same thing as I do but every horse stands in a perfect line and waits to be fed. No bickering, or shoving, and sometimes the lead mare will walk her out of the field.
When you are thinking about the best candle boxes, you will need to think about all those components and characteristics which make this special. How can you make the most perfect box for your candles? This is a question that the majority of you would ask, but we could sum up a couple of things that will provide you an insight on the way to get a candle box that will fit your goods. If you want to explore regarding the custom cosmetic packaging, visit http://jppkg.com/custom-cosmetic-packaging-nj/. The first to start with is making it personalized. Clients love it when they feel that they are wanted and special. And how do you make them feel? Well, precisely through the packaging. You may add a note that's been written by you to make them feel you've addressed your audience.You may add a simple boon or wants to make them feel like they are wanted and special. That is how you customize a box to your candles. Throwing in a couple of decorations such as laces, ribbons or bows will make it even more elegant and marvelous to consider.Moving further, when you've packed the candles in a box, then you'll undoubtedly need the candle tags you've customized especially to be visible from the outside also.When it is in packaging, clients won't have the ability to see anything indoors unless they open the box. Or maybe it is still possible to allow them to have a sneak peek inside without owning them to open up the box.Yes, you may add die-cut windows into the candle packaging so a small portion of the product in addition to the customized desire is visible to your clients with no ripping the package.
Perhaps the greatest fear that any offshore skipper has is losing a crewmember overboard while on passage. The main objective of any ocean voyage is to depart and arrive with the same souls-on-board. Souls-on-board is in-fact the official term used to describe a vessel’s crew, and the very name depicts the depth of responsibility for which a captain has for his crew. Even if the vicissitudes of the sea come to bear and the vessel herself is lost, that is not the worst that can happen; after all, it is only a boat and boats are replaceable - but not so with a human life. If we all make it into the liferaft, there is a high probability that everyone will live to tell the story. The very effective international SARSAT System has proven itself many times over; the EPIRB will quickly pinpoint a liferaft anywhere in the world, call the cavalry, and all will be well. But time and again human response has fallen short once the Great Ocean swallows a person; the terror and helplessness felt by those left onboard would be overwhelming – and especially so if it is your precious daughter who is lost. In 1991 while on passage in the South Atlantic our daughter Dawn went overboard, and we had mere minutes to avoid a heart wrenching loss... Our standard down-wind rig consists of the mains’l vanged, guyed, and sheeted to leeward; stays’l sheeted flat &amp; hard centerline (reduces the roll, helps the wind-vane self-steering gear keep a course downwind as it prevents the head from climbing up on the wind in a puffer); and the genoa poled-out to windward on its dedicated mast-mounted track. The whisker pole is set independent of the headsail with a topping lift, fore-guy, and aft-guy; this enables the sail to be furled or reefed without having to work the pole. I secure the top hook of the main vang (4-part handy-billy purchase) with a sail-tie doubled around the boom (soft connection), and the lower end is snap-shackled to a sail tie tripled through the closed chock and over the cap-rail at the boarding gate. When the main vang is set up the boarding gate lifeline is open, as it fouls the almost vertical vang purchase. 3) Start the engine – ahead full. The wind was nearly slack so we just ignored the sails and the wind-vane self-steering gear and used the engine to power the boat around. I hung on to the shrouds with one hand and pointed at Dawn with the other as we turned; first beam-on to the sea (and rolling deeply) and then up into the eye of the wind. I never took my eyes off Dawn and I never stopped pointing at her. This helped to inform and reassure her mother at the wheel – there was complete silence about the deck with the exception on my conning orders. I directed the movements of the vessel from the starboard-side boarding gate, giving Jean engine and rudder orders. I had Jennifer standing by with the boat hook (which it turned out we did not need). We did a single tight turn, backed-down and brought the boat dead in the water with Dawn just to leeward at the starboard boarding gate. I reached over the side and grabbed her by the loop on her life jacket, and then snatched her to the cap rail in a single movement. Crew cross training – We operated the boat short-handed during our man overboard situation – the Captain could not participate in working the boat other than conning, and our best deck hand was in the water. A typical Mom &amp; Pop cruising boat crew would be very limited with half the crew in the water. GPS - This incident occurred during the days of SATNAV and before GPS was common on recreational vessels. Today, especially on a short-handed Mom &amp; Pop boat, the GPS is the only practical way to keep track of the person in the water – assuming the MOB button gets pushed, the time-late distance isn’t too great, and the person left back aboard knows how to use this feature. Time late - It seems to me that the biggest problem on a Mom &amp; Pop boat is knowing just when the person goes over. While we were in New Zealand I saw an electronic device aboard a cruising boat that was about the size of a pack of cigarettes which was worn on a watch-standers life vest, and it communicated with a below-deck base station. When the distance between the life jacket unit and the base-station becomes more than the programmed amount (boat length) a loud alarm sounds back onboard the boat. I have not yet been able to find one of these systems. There are plenty of personal GPS systems with hand-held VHF combos, but what I am looking for is a fully automated system that notifies the off-watch immediately of the MOB situation, and requires no action on the part of a possibly injured or unconscious crew. Existing units that notify the SARSAT system of a MOB are principally useful for body recovery – MOB is a local time-critical problem. We always wear our Sospenders when underway regardless of the weather and we require that all guests aboard wear life jackets unless they are below in the cabin. We tested the Sospenders by jumping overboard, and we carry the recharge kits. We have things set up so that we don't normally go on deck, and if we do unless it is something like pulling the anchor, we are always clipped on. This is because when we first got the boat, we were going down the Chesapeake in rough weather with green water over the bow and the anchor came off the bow roller and was banging up and down. Although we had life vests, I knew that if Bob went overboard, I wouldn't be able to get him back. He virtually crawled up to the foredeck. It might have been better to leave it. Both of us are old people and I am not strong enough to pick Bob up out of the water and he might have trouble with me because I am obese. So Bob figured out a way to rig a lifting device using the jib winches and we each practiced with the other one (at anchor), until we could do it quickly. We also did MOB drills with a cushion until we could do that single-handed. We haven't done this using the GPS MOB function, but perhaps we should. Also, we always leave the stern swim ladder half way down, with a line attached so that we can pull it all the way down. That's because I backed off the dock in November while folding the sails. My first thought was that I would die of hypothermia. The dock ladders did not extend below the water, and I was unable to chin myself on the part that was available. Finally Bob deployed the swim ladder and I got out of the water that way. This wouldn't work of course if I was disabled or unconscious. We have one of the man overboard alarm systems you mentioned but have not used it yet. We will in Jan! We also have tall lifeline stancions and a swim platform with ladder aft. Also, as Sherry and I just discussed this, in addition to the light and whistle that most of us carry on our inflatable life vests these days, it occurred to us that an inflatable sausage that Scuba shops sell might be a good addition. I agree that a MOB is a serious situation so thanks for the sea story. Great 'article', lots of great info in that post. I fell overboard so many times when we lived in the Caribbean, people were concerned that perhaps I was having seizures. I was just careless and clumsy when at anchor or dockside and since I worked daily on other people's boats climbing on and off a variety of vessels, the numbers caught up with me. Besides, I am a klutz as well. Offshore, however, was a different matter and happily I never fell overboard while underway. (perhaps fear made me extremely cautious) Since we were only 2, I insisted that my husband wear a tether at all times after sunset if he left the cockpit. I was terrified of the possibility of his going overboard and really, I could NOT have hauled him back up. But the fact is that during the day neither of us wore life jackets, (unless the weather was really bad) let alone tethers because we were always in and out of the cabin, up and down etc. I can just picture the scenario you speak of: rolling seas after some brisk unsettled weather and the sails splatting in an annoying way. Our number 1 rule was that either of us leaving the cockpit (day or night) had to notify the other to maintain a visual, just in case. When we go sailing again--hopefully this coming summer if the boat is ready, we really need to revisit how we do business..and I am so much older now. Thanks for the exciting sea story! A very moving and well written post. We have the Raymarine Lifetag system installed on Beaujolais. West Marine sell them. Each crew member has their own lifetag pendant. It works well with the receiver just inside the saloon hatchway but it does give a false alarm if I am right at the bow, head down and facing forward. Of course, the alarm is in this case very annoying but at least we know that it works as NOBODY could sleep through that noise! Very moving post, certainly makes you think. Love the idea of the cushions, looks like i've found myself, a winter sewing job.
You know you are in Gangtok when you can feel the crisp clear mountain air, see streets beautifully lined with colorful flowers, look at the happy faces of the friendly locals & smell delicious mouth-watering momos from every corner. Add to that the mesmerizing views of the majestic Kanchenjunga on a clear sunny day & you know why Gangtok is a sheer delight. As for me I can stare at the mountain peaks for hours & enjoy their changing colors throughout the day. This place has a tremendous happy & friendly vibe which is hard to describe in words. The nearest airport is Bagdogra which is at a distance of 125 Kms (approx 4 hrs drive). The nearest Railway station is New Jalpaiguri which is also a 4 hrs drive from Gangtok. As I always say just wall around the city, take in the vibe, stare at the mountain peaks against an azure blue sky and enjoy piping hot momos with chilled beer at the numerous eateries on the mall road. Visit the old market or Lal market for colorful umbrellas and other souvenirs. Situated at a distance of 90km from Gangtok is this beautiful lake surrounded by lofty mountains. The drive takes anything between 3 – 4 hrs depending on weather and road conditions. Located at a height of 12000 feet it was freezing even in the month of May. After driving for more than 3 hrs on a bad road in the hilly terrain I was beginning to question my decision of going there at all. But one look at Tsomgo Lake and I knew it was worth the hype. Almost a kilometer wide of placid water surrounded by frozen mountains, Tsomgo was indeed surreal. Since the road ahead goes all the way to Nathula pass sometimes special permit is required from the army. It is advisable to hire a local driver who is well versed with the road and can get the permit if required. It is the largest monastery in Sikkim and houses a school and aviary for monks. There’s an amazing collection of Thangka paintings on display. It is much smaller and nearer to Gangtok down. But I loved the tranquility and peace at this place. There are many hotels from budget to luxury. I suggest splurge a little and ensure you have a mountain view from your balcony. Sipping your morning cup of tea and watching the snowy peaks of Kanchenjunga is a novelty which simply can’t be missed. Again numerous option chooses from. Taste of Tibet, Bakers’ cafe, Chopsticks to name a few. Alcohol is heavily subsidized in Sikkim. Plan holidays for a week or more to spend in Sikkim and spend 3 days in Gangtok and include a trip to Lachung, Lachen, Yumthang valley and Gurudongmar lake. Alternatively, you could consider a visit to Pelling from where you can get spectacular panoramic views of the Himalayan ranges. With its heady concoction of stunning mountain views, mouth-watering food and friendly locals Gangtok will leave you yearning for more.
Sound-noob would appreciate advice!! I have a couple questions that I want to ask in this post, unfortunately, I am not familiar with the jargon. Whenever I search google for the topics, or look through forums I still have many questions unanswered. I was hoping that by sharing my situation with you, people that understand and love the subject, I would come to better understand and figure out how to tackle my Accoustic problems. I've owned a restaurant for about a year now, started it with my siblings and It went very well at first. However, 2 or so months into it my older brother got mugged and kill, and about a month or so my sister decided she wanted to move. I've been trying to juggle this business by myself for a year, but I wasn't able to hold it up as well as when I had my fam with me. Too many responsabilities, and emotions to juggle around. Now it's been a year, and I've opened my eyes again. "who am I to let our dream little by little?" that thought hunts me. So, I've been building back our reputation, new food, better music, more and more people are stopping by. Finally, the place feels alive again. As you know though, conquering obstacles only give you more mountains to climb. Apparently, our landlord thinks we are making too much noise, enough to come and actually costumers out (during business hours!!). We are "lucky" enough to have him live behind the restaurant, hah.. Either way, I'm trying to keep it cool and solve the problem instead of adding flames to the fire. My older brother was a sound producer, and he would have known what to do, and he would have done it himself. I want to do the same. - Is there a way I can soundproof the place to reduce the noise I'M making? Most of the articles I've found about / how to soundproof rooms tells me that it works so that you don't get any of the outside noises, inside. -Or maybe a way to redirect the sound so that it travels towards the outside of the restaurant so that it goes towards the street instead of towards my old friend. What I'm looking for is to have my costumers be able to sing along to a song they like without being chased off by a half-naked, grumpy old man. I don't think its too much to ask, and if there is something I can do to the acoustics in order to help the place keep going, I will do it! or maybe soundproofing my windows? either way, any help/advice will be greatly appreciated! Even if its just to point my to the right direction? Re: Sound-noob would appreciate advice!! Interesting links you have posted, these will not help you at the level of reduction you need. The first link posted is for acoustic treatment,this treats the room you are in...not blocking sound. The second link is an interesting article but it lacks most of the science behind soundproofing windows.. To avoid posting a novel on the forum, it would be best to have to contact me direct to discuss your options and find out exactly what amount of reduction you will need to avoid future problems with the landlord. This can be accomplished but I need a lot more information in order to guide you in the right direction the first time without wasting money on failed attempts.
I realise it's a little late but when I was fitting the rotor for one of these I found a rotor puller very handy. You can use it to hold the rotor... Heiden Tuning are they still in business ? When I bought a few parts from them 6 months ago, I went to Paypal, searched for their email or business name there and sent the money across.... Hi, just a few observations, I've torn down my engine after reading this thread and found zero wear in the points that seem to have caused you... A Suzuki GR650 rear can be made to fit. It's a 16 inch wheel, 36 spokes, looks right at home. Right axle diameter but the original cush hub has... making a side plate out'a PVC. The easiest source of flat ABS is a Luthier's Supplies. Electric guitar pick guards are ABS. Most stores sell it in 2mm thick sheets. Like here -... And with some luck, there's room for cush drive rubbers from a Ducati or similar. I've been having similar ideas, but without the skills to do it.. I don't know either and I agree with what you say about risks etc. Choppers builders are a world of individuals. A lot of older Indians etc had... Yep. Point is foot operated clutch, hand operated gear change. The hardest part seems to be working out how to make a foot operated clutch. Hugh has written a detailed article on rephasing a crankshaft. Have a look around his website. If it's not on there he will have a link to it. you make it look too easy mate. i had a look at your headlight video. post that one as well, it's damn clever. worth attention all by itself.... No, not mine, just something I saw and liked. Looks very neat and would be a decent ride. I am envious of the R.E. Interceptor though. A very... That's a great set up. For a supercharger. Throw away the alternator ...... Don't expect to get someone to come out and inspect it. You will have to take it to them and it's likely to cost a small bundle of cash to get the... Is it too soon to ask for an update ? Has The Government invaded Texas and taken over ? Haven't seen anything on the news from here. Would look good in my garage.
Press Release April 21, 2015 AAF Releases Video: The Forum at Five Ahead of the American Action Forum’s 5th anniversary celebration this evening, AAF is releasing “The Forum at Five.” The five minute video looks back at the founding of the Forum, examines their growth and success, and takes an eye to the future in considering what’s next for the five-year old think tank. The Forum has grown from a two-person organization to a staff of 30, with experts in twelve different policy areas. The Forum at Five tells the story through interviews of senior AAF experts, board members, and Members of Congress. Watch it here or by clicking the image below.
are the NAS and/or APs plugged *directly* into the 81E? it looks like the Fortigate can do [MAC filtering](http://kb.fortinet.com/kb/viewContent.do?externalId=FD30158) since everything is on the same LAN, but if the NAS and wireless clients are able to talk to each other through a different switch then the Fortigate may not be inline with this traffic to block it. is there a reason wireless clients aren't VLAN segregated? it sounds like this is a small environment so the L2 performance gain would probably be minimal, but if you know you specifically want to separate wireless clients then this may be your use-case to establish a L3 boundary for them.
If you are facing criminal charges for money laundering, you need an experienced, committed, and dedicated lawyer on your side. Like most other crimes, money laundering can severely disrupt your life during the investigation. You should be prepared for your finances and business to be under scrutiny. You will need an experienced and committed attorney to help you through this process since you may not be aware of all aspects of the investigation. The crime of money laundering involves the transformation of profits from illegal activities and corruption into legal assets. Anyone charged with money laundering can face serious consequences, including 5 to 15 years of prison in addition to fines and restitution payments. Most often, the accusation for money laundering comes with a charge, or the suspicion of other alleged crimes to be the source of the laundered funds. In this case, your investigation may be the means to a very specific end: identifying the illegal activity generating the allegedly dirty money. These cases typically involve extensive investigations and the potential seizure of cash assets. If you or someone you know have been charged with money laundering, you should contact a seasoned money laundering defense lawyer who will fight for your rights. Attorney Darwin Overson has decades of experience as a criminal defense attorney representing complex cases. In cases of money laundering, Darwin will work with financial experts and other professionals, if necessary, to defend those accused of a variety of money laundering and related crimes. Call |||PHONE_NUMBER||| to schedule a prompt consultation. All the instances described above can occur in a vast number of circumstances typical of the operation of a business. For example, Utah requires businesses to report every cash transaction of $10,000 or more that take place in any one business day. Violating this reporting requirement can lead to criminal charges, ranging from a misdemeanor to a felony. Not all actions to avoid reporting necessarily involve criminal activity, but they can still be the basis for money laundering charges. If your financial transactions are the subject of an FBI or IRS investigation, you may face federal money laundering charges. Federal and state money laundering laws impose different penalties. According to Utah Code Ann. § 76-10-1902 of the Utah Criminal Code, the crime of money laundering involves transactions with the proceeds of an illegal activity. Utah money laundering statutes are designed to target transactions intended to conceal separate illegal activities. Most items seized are legitimate; however, the effects of money laundering suspicions can still hurt your finances, as law enforcement officers might attempt to seize your assets or freeze any bank accounts in your name, including any joint accounts with your spouse or business partner. The Utah Criminal Code has a broad definition of “unlawful activity.” According Utah Code Ann. § 76-10-1902(6), law enforcement officials must prove that the accused knew that the money in question came from illegal activities, although the person does not necessarily have to be privy to every detail of the activities. This means that the authorities don’t have to offer proof that you know the inner-workings of the illegal activity in order to charge you with money laundering. Prison: Money laundering is a felony offense carrying a penalty between 5 and 15 years in prison depending on the degree assigned. Fines: A federal money laundering offense can lead to fines of $500,000. In Utah, state fines can range from $5,000 to $10,000. Restitution of the illegal criminal gains is another requirement, in addition to the fines. Probation: Courts sometimes impose probation in cases of money laundering. Typically, probation is granted with a number of conditions. You may be confined to your home or a limited number of locations, and you may have to submit to drug tests and stay out of any additional trouble with the law. Contact the law office of Darwin Overson if you are facing an investigation or if you or someone you know has been charged with money laundering. The skilled team of lawyers at our disposal will fight tirelessly to protect your legal rights. Whatever the circumstances or charges against you, we will fight to seek the best possible outcome. Darwin understands the differences between federal and state money laundering laws and will help you understand your options. To schedule a free and confidential consultation, contact us at |||PHONE_NUMBER||| .
We are seeking an ambitious, bright and enthusiastic Apprentice Software Engineer to join our established and experienced team. As the Apprentice Software Engineer, you will be working while studying at Aston University in Birmingham. The Digital and Technology Solutions Degree Apprenticeship consists of full-time campus learning at Aston University for 6 weeks and then an agreed time / day-release basis to complete modules through distance learning with ‘pre-set’ campus learning dates over the following 4 years. You will receive on-site work experience at head office working closely with the members of the Avery Berkel software team, giving exposure to the full software development cycle leading to a nationally recognised qualification and accreditation. We offer freedom to flourish with supportive mentoring. During the course of the apprenticeship there will be opportunities to experience other areas of the business including production engineering and product management and extend your network outside of Avery Berkel though the ITW Young Professionals Network. You will get first-hand experience working on challenging projects using Java and data integration tools. A Levels (level 3), in a minimum of three subjects equivalent to BBC including maths and preferably a computer science, plus A*-C or 9-4 GCSE qualification in English and maths. With over 200 years of rich heritage, this specialist company has always been associated with trust and integrity. Over the years, they have proven they understand the changing nature of markets and customer needs in line with the ever-changing world around us. In doing so, they have built a reputation for constantly evolving to deliver exactly what the customer wants with visionary performance, technical advances and design triumphs. Today, this is an international business with an excellent world-wide reputation. A trusted brand name associated with making a wide range of quality, innovative products. Please send your application, including a detailed CV outlining your current responsibilities, skills, relevant experience and reasons why you are a suitable applicant for the position to Debbie Weaver, HR Administrator, email [email protected].
hello dear blogging friends. obviously, i've been gone for a while. without a camera or internet. away from the everyday hustle-bustle. just back, and ready to get this party started...again. a few things have progressed since my time away... *it's spring here. finally. the trees are budding and flowers have bloomed. it also hasn't stopped raining since yesterday. but i'm okay with that since it's a warm rain. and warm rain brings thunderstorms. *triathlon training has officially begun. it's a bit later than i would have liked- but it started. and that truly is the very best part. *there was a loss over the weekend. a soldier. it was the worst news ever expected and unfortunately, despite the letters, and packages and random skype messages, it's tragedies like this that remind us we are at war. and it sucks. so please, please keep the soldiers both away and here in your thoughts. we need them to be happy and healthy and safe...for us. for them. *a new comforter was purchased. and ikea special- and i'm in love (for some reason it's not on the website- so hopefully i can reference it soon). *my car broke down. hundreds of miles from home. it's fixed now- but man, it's unbelievable how much i rely on my coche. *dinner, drinks, lunch, walks. time spent with friends is so very important. it keeps me balanced, sane and grounded. friends are the best medicine. *currently reading middlesex. so far, so good. gonna party like it's your birthday. meet madeline, formerly maddie. she's my little sis & today is her birthday. madeline, without exaggeration, you are one of the most inspiring people i know & i am so thankful to have you as a sister. you live a contagious lifestyle of grace, humor and kindness- you're the kind of friend everyone should have. while i would love to surprise you & be there to ring in another birthday- please know i am thinking of you during this birthday extravaganza. thank you for being such an amazing little sis. for always saying yes to long days at the pool and afternoon trips to the beach. for never turning down an adventure (even if that meant a nighttime hike or homemade rockets) and for letting lindsay & i surprise you with leprechauns. thank you for showing me the importance of loyalty, for teaching me the art of living genuinely & why we all should be standing up for everything we believe in. i am so proud of all that you are and can't wait to see all the amazing things you are going to do with your life. i love you mad. so very much. happy birthday to you. san diego in pictures. what a crazy week this was. i had a case of mondays everyday & i'm just thankful it's over. hopefully you have some fun weekend plans lined up. mine should be a nice mix between play and a lofty to-do list. either way, it's time out of the office. nothing like livin' for the weekends! here are a few things to brighten your weekend and keep you inspired. a long list of ah-mazing blogs. i only follow a few of these bloggers, so i guess i have some catching up to do. how many blogs do you have time to follow? a sweet diy for the weekend?! i think yes. i just love this idea and can't wait to give it a whirl. what a great way to repurpose an old favorite that's currently living in the goodwill basket. inspired to take a road trip and think a. and i should get ourselves a scamp. they did such great job decorating it- i'd want to drive across the country if i had a place as cute as this to rest my head. enjoy & happy weekending! while i was in california. actually, only a day after i left home, i received a call from our dog sitter. atticus, our oldest, furriest dog was having seizures. this was nothing out of the ordinary since he had anywhere between 2-4 seizures a month. the seizures started out of the blue last april. a. and i were sleeping and woke up to a huge crash and a ton of scratching and panting. i thought the boys were fighting and a. thought someone was breaking into our home. when we turned on the lights and found atticus seizing, we were both terrified. luckily there is an emergency vet clinic only a few miles from our house- so at 4am, we loaded atticus in the truck and took him in. after a series of very expensive tests, they couldn't find anything wrong with him and sent us home. the seizures continued, one day a month, and while i hate to admit it, i guess i never wanted to believe they were getting worse. we put atticus on phenobarbital and as the seizures got worse, the dosage increased. however, on all but one day a month, he lived a happy and healthy life. so when i got the call in california, i didn't think much of it at first. atticus was having seizures. a lot of seizures. and he wasn't coming out of them. it all happened so quickly. i literally packed my bags, said good bye to our healthy boys and hopped on a plane. 24 hours later, i was advising our dog sitter to take atticus into the veterinary er. from there he was placed under 24 hour care and treated like a vip (very important pet). back in california, we were gearing up for our conference so the day flew by. by the end of the day friday, i dragged myself to my room and followed up with the vet. the news was horrible. throughout the 24 hours, atticus was having seizure after seizure and eventually slipped into a coma. with that news, i was given two choices. one, to opt for him to see a neurologist at cornell (this didn't ensure that he would snap out of the coma, or if he did, that he wouldn't suffer from brain damage) or two, plan b. i'm sure you can guess what that is... obviously, i was devastated. i was hundreds of miles from home, in a hotel room and trying to make a life and death decision by myself. i called a. in afghanistan to tell him what was going on and thankfully he had access to a phone and could chat. we talked about the options together- which while it didn't make the conversation any easier, it was so comforting to have him on the other end of the phone. once we decided what we needed to do, i made the call. needless to say, atticus was the most amazing dog and he brought so much joy into our lives. he had so much spunk, energy and personality. sure he would eat dozens of unattended cookies off the counter and bark like a maniac every time the doorbell rang, and went bananas whenever he saw another dog...but he loved life. and it was obvious. he was our family mascot- with his bigger-than-life personality and endless vocal storytelling. he was an awesome road-tripper and mountain bike companion. he could run or hike for days and drink gallons of water and eat any neighborhood out of house and home. there was so much to love about him- and he will forever be missed. the ultimate sporting experience. don't be jealous. i'm totally hardcore. i signed up for my first-ever ultimate frisbee league and today was my first day- and game. yikes! the league is made up of four teams- with about 10-11 people per team. every week, we rotate the teams we play and duke it out in a shirts vs. skins game....ahhhh....thank god that's not true- but it is pretty informal. we all showed up after work and/or class, made some quick introductions and hit the field. the ground was still damp and the field was scattered with various after-school activities. there are no field lights or goals so we played with cones and good 'ol fashioned sunlight. ultimate frisbee games are generally played to 16, but we played until the sun went down. i felt like i was a kid again- running up and down the field aimlessly (although, my teammates weren't to keen on my carefree style- especially since they knew i actually had no idea what i was doing) while trying to cover my "mark." oh yea- i'm officially speaking ultimate. but it was a ton of fun. and i felt cool. especially considering i was one of the people on the team to score a goal! some might say it's beginners luck (i might have to agree) but others might argue that my bizarre selection of frisbee-throwing boyfriends* helped condition me for a career in ultimate frisbee. whatever the case, i did my team proud. and i'm so excited for another tuesday night of ultimate frisbee. *for some reason, i always ended up dating guys who had a thing for frisbee. one of my first boyfriends and i actually met playing frisbee. then my last boyfriend- aka my hubby a., had a small run in with the end-zone in a game of ultimate frisbee and did a number on his shoulder- landing him in the always exciting, er. maybe it was san diego living with a lot of time on the beach or at parks- but one way or another, the frisbee always returns to me. and i guess i kinda like it. a brief recap*. i spent most of my time away in huntington beach, california. it's a quaint beach community known for it's influence of the west coast surf culture. for the most part, i didn't see much more than the hotel- which was a little village in and of itself. this was the view from my room. not too bad. every now and again, when we had the time, we'd get the craving to break out of prison (aka: the hotel) and explore the cute little beach community. we spent a lot of time walking to the best mexican, thai, or sushi places. one guy recommended a mexican place "a few blocks away." after walking for over 30 minutes, we finally reached the taco shop- blisters and all (thanks to my new shoes). it was pretty good. worth the walk- but not the blisters. one of my favorite things about huntington beach was the wednesday night farmers market & street festival. if it was up to me, i could have easily purchased a pint of strawberries, some fresh bread, and festival grub- and called it dinner- right on the a corner planter and people watched. there were great local bands (basically some teenagers and college students who enjoyed rocking out, letting people dance to their beats, and never needed a break), local artists and lots of yummy food. but what i like most are the memories it conjured up. when i was little, my parents used to take us to a farmers market almost every thursday night. it was totally a win-win for them. they could do some grocery shopping and get their brood out of the house for a night on the town, for free. and i just loved it. i always enjoyed walking the streets, looking at all the cool art pieces, jewelry and food. i also loved the music- but more than anything, i loved the rhubarb man. he gave us free samples- every thursday- and they were the highlight of our week. if he wasn't there or we somehow missed him, the night would be ruined. yep- it was that simple. rhubarb or bust. so dear huntington beach, thanks for the warm welcome and the friendly smiles. i enjoyed myself. but to be honest, it would have been a lot more fun if i wasn't working. until the next conference... *as i mentioned before, a lot happened while i was away. being that i can't seem to get my s&^! together to write about everything, it may take a lot longer than anticipated to fill you in on the details. but the stories are worth the wait (of course i'm biased). and i'll also try to do my best to use the days i can't find the time to write, to share a few good things with ya. stay tuned.... ...and i'm back. so much for one picture a day. oh well, i'm back and this blog is up & running. i have some pictures and stories to share of my two week hiatus. most of them are fun, but one story is really sad. right now my co-worker has my camera (along with memory card) so over the weekend- or if i'm naughty and can sneak in a post at work- i'll fill you in on the adventure i call work and the stories we call life. i missed y'all (that right there is my single year of southern living showing off) and look forward to sharing with ya! in the meantime, check out heidi and her new cookbook. she has some great recipes and maybe you can find a bit of inspiration for weekend cooking. but that's all i've got for now.
All four Albany men charged with murder in the killing of a West Hill man earlier this month are convicted felons who were paroled this summer. Two of the suspects had been out of prison for less than a month before the shooting. Bernard White, 23, Antwan Uptegrow, 35, Shaquan Oliver, 22, and Uquwan Bean, 21, were each charged with second-degree murder and robbery for the shooting death of Alex Duncan, a 35-year-old father of seven. (I wrote about the impact of the shooting on Duncan’s family in Wednesday’s paper) According to state records, Bean was released on June 24, White on Aug. 8, Uptegrow on Aug. 22, and Oliver on Aug. 30 – just two weeks before Duncan was killed on Sept. 13. White and Uptegrow were each arrested shortly after the shooting. Oliver and Bean were arrested Wednesday morning. Oliver tried to flee police and now faces a gun possession charge as well for allegedly tossing a loaded handgun out the window of a car during the chase. Read the full story here. Shaquan Antwan and Uqwan…The Shocka Quans? Father of 7 kids who im sure he completed supported. Will be missed? That is an extremely rude comment. Who are you to pass judgement on anyone? Did you know this man? Do you know his family, his wife and children? I doubt it. This poor family has suffered a tragic loss and children have lost their father. Shame on you. Sarah, just wait, it’ll get worse…that’s what this blog is all about. My thoughts and prayers are with this mans loved ones, it’s really pathetic how little value people have on their own lives, let alone other peoples. These guys belong in prison for the rest of their natural lives. Scumbags on our streets. Where is the outrage from the African-American community ? WHERE is Alice Green ??? This stuff just goes on and on and on….JF you are a TOTAL DB for that post. By all accounts he was not causing trouble. @JF – the victim here was employed by Albany Department of General Services and by news accounts was a devoted father to his young kids. I’m willing to bet they will miss him dearly. Having said that – where is the outrage from the community here? This hard working guy was killed for nothing more than “free money” by a bunch of felons. Yet not a peep is heard here from outraged members of the commununity who were out in great numbers at a press conference recently when a gun carrying criminal was killed by police in what was determined by a Grand Jury to be a case of self-defense. I guess Alex Duncan’s life isn’t worth as much as a gun toting thug. That’s sad. May God bless Mr. Duncan’s family… Such a horrible tragedy. You just never know what will happen in an instant. Hopefully this is 3 strikes for all of these punks and they won’t see the light of day outside of concrete ever again. People aren’t even talking about this incident on Facebook! After that shooting downtown, every other post was about how, ‘…the cops were wrong and they’re out to kill our youth.’ This incident happened over a week ago and if not for the TU, I never would have known. People are suspiciously quiet. His community and neighbors and activists should be ashamed of themselves. Bob-O, why would there need to be “outrage from the African-American community”? How about outrage and proactive action from society as a whole? We’re all in this together. I applaud the APD for their quick work in taking these criminals off of the streets. The African Community should be outraged because this is where they live. I’m not outraged at all, I stay away from the city, so I shouldn’t have to worry about this at all. When was the last shooting in the burbs. Very sad for the 6 kids (or 7 — being reported in different denominations) involved. However, there is not need for the girlfriend to act like “she has no answers, she has nothing to tell her kids.” Yes, yes you do. Try the truth. What was a daddy of multiple kiddies doing late night in front of a barbershop. Tell them. Ignorance. Why do we pay parole officers? Turtsule, Duncan has seven kids. Shannon Hanks – the woman I spoke with for Wednesday’s story – is the mother of six of the children, who all live with her in Albany. Duncan has another older daughter from a previous relationship with another woman who lives in Florida. Wednesday’s story focused on Hanks’ six children. Sorry for any confusion. I guess it does not matter …….. after three who really counts anymore? Good parents count, that’s who. You must be the 4th for yours. What’s the curfew for a hard-working adult? Oh, that’s right, there isn’t one. He could have been outside whenever he wanted, talking to whoever he wanted, nobody deserves to get killed in cold blood. You know who shouldn’t have been out walking the streets late night, those damn parolees, that’s who should have the curfew. You’re a fool. An ignorant, babbbling, fool. Stop commenting, for your own sake…and for the sake of people who read this blog and engage in actual conversations, not hateful rhetoric. No comment yet from Alice Green on this latest round of black on black violence. I’m really not expecting any but she’ll probably have something to say about the white Albany cop squeezing off a couple of rounds at Vivian Kornegay’s hoodlum son. Stay tuned…. The parolees DID have curfew, but obviously did not want to follow rules and were breaking them. And for Jenks, a Parole Officer cannot watch a parolee 24/7. @lmk – thank you for clearing up what should have been obvious to Jenks. Saves me the trouble…? The gun-control process is broken, and the micro-stamping farce would not have helped this crime. The answer needs to be easier access to law abiding citizens to purchase self-defense tools while making the criminals who illegally use weapons pay harder and stiffer penalties. When seconds count police are only minutes away… @Get real…Yes, there SHOULD be outrage from ALL of us…That said this is a problem in the African-American community whereas in the other communities, not so much. When you have a small percentage of the population committing the bulk of the crimes, THERE IS A PROBLEM. Still have NOT heard from the so-called “Leaders” of the A.A. Community, but then again that is where a LOT of the problems emanate from. I wish it were as simple as “can’t we all just get along”, but REALLY…..we simply must do better to get ALL races “up to par”. It sucks when all I see in the Police Blotters are black folks. It makes others fearful of the ENTIRE race, and that is simply a shame on ALL of us. Randy, I have to agree that stiffer penalties for offenses involving firearms is a must. All very interesting comments. I’ll catch you all in a day or 2 when we’re blogging about the next shooting. This is a very sad state of affairs for OUR Community! There is this warped mentality in every hood that has a total disregard for life, and lack of respect for OUR Brothers & Sisters. When do WE Say ENOUGH! Why do we continue to accept all of these crimes committed against one another? Why do we co-sign this? Every week it’s someone who looks just like me or you dying over someone else’s greed or hatred, envy or jealousy. ‘Why do we continue to accept all of these crimes committed against one another?’ – Who accepts it? I don’t think anyone is PRO CRIME…but as citizens, there’s only so much we can do. We’re not crime fighters. ‘?’ – A few months? You can buy an illegal handgun on your lunch break, if you know the right wrong people. Those of us who choose to go the legal route are given the hardest time because we allow them to give us the hardest time, in order to remain upstanding citizens. It’s also easier to steal money than to make money…thank God most of us know right from wrong. parole doesn’t work. period.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Specify annotations on a namespace level and pass through username_0: In order to deploy load balancers/ services to AWS we define ELB SSL certificates using annotations. Since we have wildcard certificates and add DNS routes per namespace, it would be great to define default-annotations on a namespace level. If a service or pod got a strict parameter for this annotation, the defined value should be used. If there is no value for the namespace-defined annotation set, use the value from the namespace definition. This way service definitions are decoupled from namespace-specific configuration and redundancy in configuration files is decreased. <issue_comment>username_1: I'm actually wondering if this should be an admission controller instead (or something similar) that would have a policy always to apply the annotation when a service was of type LoadBalancer. <issue_comment>username_2: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/docs/design/metadata-policy.md also related: #17097 <issue_comment>username_3: Admission controller seems like a good way of doing this. Ideally we could decouple the AC from the kubernetes binaries and release. <issue_comment>username_4: I think the right way to do this would be a CRD and an admission controller webhook. Fun project <issue_comment>username_4: To be clear, I meant a non-core solution
kkrogulski's Mom Answers Activity kkrogulski is a star in these topics: if i smoked weed while pregnant and im about to give birth what happens Most recent answer (10/12/2014): How about try not smoking while your pregnant and not be selfish! Problem solved Placental Infarction Most recent answer (01/19/2013): My daughter was born with IUGR at 36 weeks 6 days. I also had a placental infarction but it wasn't found until delivery. Im concerned bec...posted by a BabyCenter Member screaming and tantrums Most recent answer (07/15/2012): My sweet 16 mo Daughter started this up about 2 weeks ago, especially before bed and naps. I was hanging by a thread and reached out to F...posted by TallMama84 Help! Need advice about Preterm labor and prevention. Most recent answer (05/02/2012): Get another opinion! I would definitely see another doctor if you don't feel like your MW or other dr. is doing what you feel is necessar...posted by CraftyKatie
Asked to consider an installation for the 2006 Luminale, Land's End hosted, on the 26th April, “The Hell”, a light-box as exhibition "space" measuring only 65 x 65 x22 cm. The exhibition parameters of The Hell are defined by the vertical space in which the was light box is placed. Within these tight constraints each artist is free to interperate the light-space so that with each new work a new understanding of the light box as space, object or service in relation to it's location is generated. The Hell first opened in Frankfurt, Lahnstrasse in 2004 and is run by Stefan Wieland and Martin Neumeier. For the 26th of April the artist Stefan Müller from Frankfurt and Berlin has produced a work titled "Shots tearing the air". This is a very clear and yet poetic work whereby both the acrylic glass sheets of the light box were replaced by plywood panels. The light box was mounted in the no-mans land of the former recycling yard at Hafen 19 in Project Hafen Offenbach.
The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) is a group that provides important advice on special education to the York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB). It is comprised of representatives from the Board of Trustees, local agencies and associations that further the well-being of exceptional students in the YCDSB. SEAC makes recommendations on matters affecting the establishment, development and delivery of special education programs and services for exceptional students. SEAC members are available as a resource for students with exceptional needs, parents/guardians of such students, schools, educators, trustees and the community. Many members are parents themselves of students with exceptional needs and are aware of the educational needs and abilities such students may experience. What Agencies and Associations are represented on SEAC? When does SEAC Meet? SEAC holds regular monthly meetings at the Catholic Education Center office at 320 Bloomington Road West in Aurora which are open to the public. We invite all parents and interested members of the public to attend these meetings. Questions? Looking for more information?
Recently, Film ‘Love in Dehradun’ was announced by Producer Shafeeq Rahman under the banner Star Life Hyderabad. In this episode, Actor Mivaan has got a big opportunity as an actor, he has joined the cast of this film. Mivaan is 6ft tall 22years old who is a professional theatre artist with a experience of 4 years he is a professional dancer he performs all dance forms and is also a professional guitarist and gymnast as well. He is an professional model as well and did many shows and shoots for recognized people and brands. He always had interest for acting and learned acting from his father who is an former actor and later on he was part of many theatre groups, he belongs from Kolkata but he spend all his childhood in Mumbai but shifted to Kolkata due to family issues now he came back to Mumbai for work. He is a fitness freak and loves toned body he is a trained martial artist too he was into karate and boxing. his hobbies include reading, writing, exploring new places, swimming, and learning new things.
# Simplified Grunt ## Objective As the size of my work project grows exponentially within just a few months, so does the Gruntfile. Evetually it became quite painful to maintain. So my goal was to improve Gruntfile for maintainability. I took some of my spare time to split/reorganize grunt tasks. The following tasks are completed: * Autoload grunt tasks using [load-grunt-tasks](https://github.com/sindresorhus/load-grunt-tasks) * But was removed later on because it is included in load-grunt-config, see below. * Split up grunt tasks using [load-grunt-config](https://github.com/firstandthird/load-grunt-config) * where each grunt task is now defined in one file and stored under the **grunt/** directory * Move variables around to ensure they still get passed properly into each grunt task file * Break down the registerTasks into smaller chunks for flexibility * Rewrote some of the glob patterns for file paths to keep grunt tasks short **Note**: Most changes were made in **./grunt** directory ## Installation **Install repo**: ``` jerrylauky$> mkdir simplified-grunt && cd simplified-grunt && git clone <this-repo-here>.git . ``` **Install dependencies**: ``` jerrylauky$> npm install && bower install ``` **Run app**: ``` jerrylauky$> grunt dev ``` **Build with file compression and run app**: ``` jerrylauky$> grunt prod:quick ``` ## TODOs * further update grunt so that it changes app configurations dynamically based on the environment specified Feel free to leave comments to let me know if there's anything else I can improve on this.
[Q]: Process: - A star forms - The star does not have enough mass to become a neutron star - The star goes through a change in its core and bonds helium to carbon and oxygen - The star becomes a red giant - A mass of carbon and oxygen builds up in the center of the star - The star sheds its outside layers and becomes a nebula - The star leaves behind the core which becomes a dwarf star. Question: suppose "the star doesnt have enough mass" happens, how will it affect star is in a stable environment. - A: more - B: less - C: no effect **** [A]: B input: Please answer the following: Process: - Magma moves closer to the Earth&#x27;s crust - The magma starts to cool - The cooling causes atoms in the magma to condense - The condensed magma solidifies - The solidified magma forms minerals. Question: suppose the atoms cool less happens, how will it affect the magma condenses less. - A: more - B: less - C: no effect ++++++++++ output: A Please answer this: Process: - A plant grows near or on a rock - The plant roots begin to grow - Break apart the rock - The plant acids dissolve parts of the rock - The rocks are broken into more and more pieces - Erosion starts to occur. Question: suppose there are more plant roots happens, how will it affect more soil erosion occurs. - A: more - B: less - C: no effect ++++++++ Answer: B Problem: Process: - A man and woman mate - Embryo is C - Embryo grows and develops into a fetus inside the woman&#x27;s womb - The fetus is born - Begins to grow and develop through infancy and childhood - In the teenage years the human experiences puberty - Reaches sexual maturity - At 18 the human becomes an adult - Adult may procreate continuing the cycle. Question: suppose pregnant women go to a good hospital for labor happens, how will it affect more humans grow through infancy. - A: more - B: less - C: no effect A: A Problem: Given the question: Process: - You breathe oxygen into your body through the nose or mouth - The oxygen travels to the lungs through the windpipe - The air sacs in the lungs send the oxygen into the blood stream - The carbon dioxide in the blood stream is transferred to the air sacs - The lungs expel through the nose or mouth back into the environment. Question: suppose they are entering a race happens, how will it affect the person may be at rest. - A: more - B: less - C: no effect ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The answer is: B Problem: Process: - Blood is sent to the liver - The liver uses chemicals and proteins to treat the blood - The blood is cleaned - Energy is produced - The blood leaves the liver cleaned. Question: suppose having a party in summer happens, how will it affect the liver having to work HARDER. - A: more - B: less - C: no effect A: C
I am absolutely on board with what you’re saying. Belief in God can be acquired through deep and rational thinking as well as observation of the natural world. But when it comes to stuff like the Quran being the word of God is a bit of a jump. How can I, a 25 year old in England UK in the year 2019, just believe that 1400 years ago, a man received this message through an angel and it was originally from God? No matter how much sense it makes logically and what good feelings I get from it, it always boils down to this. And it’s irritating me because it’s stopping me from accepting my religion wholeheartedly. I researched this and came to the conclusion that [deism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deism) makes the most sense to me so far but of course if I’m wrong I don’t want to burn in hell???
2017/11/14· ABOUT EYECHRONIC Eyechronic is an ad-based television network broadcasting real-time content on large television screens placed in cannabis dispensaries across the United States. Armed with a decade of experience in digital signage, the Eyechronic network is bringing professional grade media technology to the cannabis industry. The Cannabis Business Directory features all listings egories in the Marijuana Industry. Get up to date information here. Tuatara Capital''s top competitors are 4Front, Invictus MD Strategies Corp. and Privateer Holdings, Inc.. See Tuatara Capital''s revenue, employees, and funding info on Owler, the world’s largest community-based business insights platform. Buatlah laporan Case Study tentang "Strategi Pemanfaat Media Digital di xxxx". Media digital yang maksud adalah Facebook, , Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Line, Digital Signage, e-Commerce, atau koinasi-nya. ''xxxx'' adalah pelaku startup business "(Aggregate) Event Organizer". Eyechronic es una empresa que proporciona señalización digital a los dispensarios para interactuar con los clientes y obtener información clave a través de su solución de televisión Eyechronic. Ofrece contenido para menús digitales para educar a los clientes sobre productos y ventas adicionales, y análisis para que los dispensarios adquieran una comprensión más profunda de su audiencia. The Savvy Dispensary Guide to Cannabis Software The best cannabis dispensary software is designed to assist with operational and managerial functions. Moreover, industry-leading software usually comes equipped with expert customer support and success teams to identify best practices, optimize products, assist with feature adoption, and orient your dispensary to rapid software success. Eyechronic''s network is managed by Eyeconic.tv, a pioneer in the digital signage and advertising space. Eyeconic.tv has successfully managed tens of thousands of screens in a multitude of industries and across several continents. A digital OOH company focused on the retail cannabis business has closed a $3 million Series A funding round from an investment form that’s also focused on the rapid-growth industry. Eyechronic runs a screen network in some 300 stores across 16 U.S. states where cannabis and sale is now legal in some fashion.
Although the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River system exports large amounts of nutrients to the Northern Gulf of Mexico annually, nutrient limitation of primary productivity still occurs offshore, acting as one of the major factors controlling local phytoplankton biomass and community structure. Bioassays were conducted for 48 hrs at two stations adjacent to the river plumes in April and August 2012. High Performance of Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) combined with ChemTax and a Fluorescence Induction and Relaxation (FIRe) system were combined to observe changes in the phytoplankton community structure and photosynthetic activity. Major fluorescence parameters (Fo, Fv/Fm) performed well to reveal the stimulating effect of the treatments with nitrogen (N-nitrate) and with nitrogen plus phosphate (+NPi). HPLC/ChemTax results showed that phytoplankton community structure shifted with nitrate addition: we observed an increase in the proportion of diatoms and prasinophytes and a decrease in cyanobacteria and prymnesiophytes. These findings are consistent with predictions from trait-based analysis which predict that phytoplankton groups with high maximum growth rates (μmax) and high nutrient uptake rates (Vmax) readily take advantage of the addition of limiting nutrients. Changes in phytoplankton community structure, if persistent, could trigger changes of particular organic matter fluxes and alter the micro-food web cycles and bottom oxygen consumption.
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Management University of Africa (MUA) is one of the relatively new institutions of higher learning in Kenya. The private university was started in September 2011, when it was granted the mandate to operate as a university by the Commission for Higher Education. Before that, it had been part of the Kenya Institute of Management (KIM), whose School of Management was transformed into the current MUA university. Since its establishment, the university has been offering accredited courses to local and international students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. When MUA was being established, its aim was to offer innovative leadership, management, governance, and entrepreneurship solutions to the local communities and industries, as well as the international ones. It was specially designed to offer and improve skills lacking in the working place, particularly among executives. Most of the courses it offers are thus in the field of leadership, management, and business. The Management University of Africa, Kenya offers a range of accredited courses, which after completion lead to officially recognised bachelors, masters, and doctorate degrees. The university also offers diploma and certificate programmes , as well as professional courses. Below is a look at the various courses offered. The school fees for Management University for Africa might vary from one course to another. However, the fee is relatively the same for courses in the same level, i.e., certificate courses, diploma courses, bachelors courses, and masters courses, with bachelors and masters course being the most expensive. A further difference in fees might occur depending on the mode of study – part time, full time, and open and distance learning. On top of that, the fee is different for local and international students, with international students paying 20 % more. Note: the prices quoted are based on recent fees structure and can be changed by the university. The quoted prices are also for local (East Africa) students. Students outside the region should expect to pay an extra 20 % on top of the quoted fees. The Management University of Africa has ongoing admissions for all the course it offers – undergraduate, postgraduate, diploma, certificate, and professional courses. The MUA university intake occurs during the months of January, May, and September. Students can be admitted to the university through the government-sponsored programme (KUCCPS) or by applying as self-sponsored students. Self-sponsored students can apply to be admitted to the university by filling an online application form where they are required to provide their personal information, select their desired programme. offer academic information, and any other information required. For the application to be successful, it must be submitted before the deadlines, which are the first weeks of January, May, and September for January, May, and September semesters respectively. On top of that, the applicant must meet the minimum academic qualification for the course they are applying to. Once a student has successfully finished the course they are pursuing at MUA, they can expect to graduate and be awarded officially recognised certificate, diploma, or degrees. Currently, MUA holds graduation once a year, usually at the end of the September semester. Students expecting to graduate must apply by downloading a graduation form from the university's website and paying a graduation fee. Clearance from various university departments is also required before one is approved to graduate. MUA university students can access several student services through the university’s student portal. The most significant service offered by the portal is the online registration of units, which saves the students the trouble of physical registration. Other student services that can be accessed include e-learning through the MUA e-learning platform. The MUA university has one campus that is located in Nairobi County at Mbugani Estate, Off POPO Road, South C. Hopefully the information above has been helpful whether you are looking to join Management University of Africa or you are just seeking for information about the university.
Mr Sam Koranteng, Corporate Services Executive of Mobile Telecommunications Network (MTN) Ghana, has said the company was bent on giving its customers the latest products the connected world craved and would aid the quest for a digital epoch. He said MTN furnished all manner of platforms to access media, "Internet of Things" and other emerging network-based technology trends and also encouraged the capacities of local populations to feed off the cyber revolution. Mr Koranteng, who was briefing the Editors Forum in Ho, said MTN was working to close the network coverage gap, and to transform its network with the newest technologies. He said MTN would continue to rollout the smartest service packages to suit the connectivity needs of its customers, which includes all ranges of business, and institutions. Mr Koranteng said MTN Mobile Money holds the prestige as the Nation's first channel to all inclusive personal electronic finance, the nut in the shell of the cashless system. The company's IPO recently became the first in the world with mobile-based monetary platform as a medium to subscribe shares, serving the stock market to over 120 000 Ghanaians. MTN also holds several top spots on the Ghana Stock Exchange including raising the largest amount, most subscribers, and the firm with the largest Ghanaian shareholder base. Mr Koranteng revealed that the company added 500, 000 more to Ghana's employment figures, three billion cedis plus in tax contributions over five years, and would hold on to deepening partnership with its clients. He noted its livelihood empowerment contributions through a spectrum of initiatives, and said it would continue to heal cracks in the walls of society with health, education, business, and other interventions. MTN Group received a boost in Nigeria after the country’s central bank softened its stance over a claim the operator transferred $8.1 billion out of the country illegally. Bloomberg reported the Central Bank of Nigeria issued an email statement, citing representative Isaac Okorafor, which said MTN had provided additional information over the allegations that may lead to an “equitable resolution”. MTN was last month ordered to refund $8.1 billion that the bank said had illegally been taken out of the country through dividends. Shortly after, MTN’s woes in the country increased after the national regulator fined it $2 billion in back taxes related to the import of non-domestic equipment and payments to suppliers over the past decade. The bank’s latest statement notably did not mention the tax fine. MTN has refuted both claims, but said last week the claim for a total $10.1 billion in penalties would hinder a planned IPO in the country. In the statement, Okorafor said four banks also provided further detail on the $8.1 billion claim, which will be reviewed by the central bank. MTN has a history of long-running disputes in Nigeria and it will hope it can, indeed, find an amicable resolution as it did two years ago in another high-stakes row, when it negotiated a $5.2 billion fine relating to violations of rules around unregistered subscribers down to $1.7 billion. Olusola Teniola, president of the Association of Telecommunications Companies of Nigeria said the latest development was “a step in the right direction. Continued dialogue to reach an amicable resolution is a minimum standard expected by the investment community”. The donation formed part of activities dubbed “Headstart, Back to School supply drive’’ and it’s an initiative of MTN Ghana Foundation in collaboration with TopDog Foundation, a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). “Literacy is at the heart of basic education, essential for reducing child mortality, achieving gender equality and ensuring sustainable development’’, he emphasized. Mr Kuzoe said the materials presented to the pupils will give them opportunity to engage themselves in "Play and learn" activities and that will help improve their Literacy skills.
The Glenvar Middle School volleyball team completed their season with an overall record of 5-3. The Highalnders finished with their best match of the season, defeating Cave Spring in two sets, 25-15 and 25-22. The team consisted of, front row left to right; Sophia Hammersley, Kendra Mims, Keira Booze, Rayah Kelley, Ava Pugh and Kailee McDonald. Back row; Macy McMahon, Ava Larson, Addi Cockram, Ella Boone, Teagan Pratt, Bella Lavoie, Sawyer Wilson and Peyton Jones. Karis Gillespie is not pictured.
When we look back on 2020, we will remember the tough times more so than the good times and particularly the extremely tough times faced by our local businesses. Many businesses have had to make very hard decisions on their futures while others have had to adapt and change to suit the 'new normal' we are currently living in. But for some people, lockdown gave them a chance to bring their business forward in a new direction and even see them thrive in the face of the pandemic. Here we meet five NI businesswomen who have, like many others changed the way they operate but have seen it pay off. When your company makes branded goods including uniforms for staff, it doesn't seem like lockdown would help your business to thrive. That is, unless like Ashleigh, you take it as a time to grow and adapt. During lockdown she scaled up her business, hired 2 new staff, bought a laser machine and expanded her product ranges. What did you find most difficult about the pandemic for your business? At the beginning of the pandemic there was a lot of fear surrounding business, and nearly all of our suppliers closed which meant we couldn’t get any goods in, and sales dropped considerably as lockdown was announced. We were very lucky that a lot of our customers understood that times would be longer, and that the only orders we could accept were online orders for posting. How did you adapt and change? We became much more resourceful with our time, and I invested more capital into the business for new machinery, as well as renovation of a larger workshop to enable staff to social distance whilst working. In order to retain cash flow, I ran a big sale of stock already sitting here to work on as we found we still got a lot of enquiries during lockdown from businesses keen to come back with a bang. Our main suppliers were shut for 10 weeks, but during this time I researched and purchased from smaller suppliers that were still open. It was more expensive but allowed the movement of goods to continue. Did your priorities change when it came to business in a pandemic? The pandemic has taught me that you never know what is around the corner, and that I am much more resilient than I think! Throughout last spring, having more down time and stepping back allowed me to think, plan and improve elements of the business that I never noticed were an issue before. I now prioritise our systems more than ever, investing in training, staff and ways to have us running more efficiently. Emma is an East Belfast mum of twin boys. She founded Gourmet Grazing in early 2019, inspired by her time living in Budapest where she created luxurious picnics for tourists. Initially, her business was geared towards private parties and weddings but lockdown presented an opportunity for at home grazing boxes for people to enjoy at the weekend with a glass of wine. There have been many difficult times due to the pandemic. The worst will definitely be calling all the bride and grooms, birthday party planners and event organisers that had booked a grazing table to discuss if they were cancelling, postponing or going to wait and see what it will be like in the a couple months. I went from a very booked diary to nothing. It was such a worrying time. I knew my business would adapt well as I had sold so many grazing boxes before. I made them for a Christmas Fair last year and they were hugely successful. My partner built me our website and then I was able to make boxes and deliver everyday except Sunday in lockdown. Having a contactless delivery was so important. Having a chat with customers through windows felt very strange at the start but for some people, it was their only conversation they had that day or in days. Delivering became as important as making the cheese boxes. Thankfully the weather was amazing. People loved treating themselves to a box and going on a picnic. My priorities for my business will always be to provide freshly prepared, high quality and homemade food so people can enjoy. My priorities changed massively for my family. I have two young boys and now my business is much more full time from home! I am proud to have a 5* hygiene rated kitchen - something that is so important for freshly prepared goods. The events industry has been hugely impacted by COVID. Callow Events is well known for doing large corporate and industry events - from award shows to black tie dinners, particularly across the Christmas season. With this out the window, Erin sought to create COVID safe options. Callow Events has always been about live events and experiences, helping audiences and businesses connect and network, helping to proactively fundraise for charities and helping to bring fun and entertainment to some of Belfast’s biggest events. Since early March this has not been possible due to the restrictions on social gatherings and with that, a whole year of bookings were cancelled or postponed within a four week period. It was a hard pill to swallow! We have had to innovate, adapt and learn lots of new digital skills in particular to bring our usual way of working into the virtual world. The title of Event Manager was turned on its head, one day we’ll be producing an online virtual event much like a live TV experience, the next we’re helping our corporate clients connect and engage with their staff in fun and interactive ways. We soon realised COVID-19 wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon, so it was a sink or swim decision. We had just moved into new premises on Royal Avenue in February and our team had grown geared up for our busiest year ever, we had to do what we could to keep surviving! We are focused on delivering unforgettable events and experiences no matter what the occasion and whether this is live or virtual, we still focus on achieving this experience. We’ve always been known for thinking outside the box and providing solutions for our clients and our new website focusing on “New Normal, New Thinking, New Events” quickly became a platform for many of our clients to gain inspiration and find safe and engaging solutions to their event needs. As an artist, the pandemic has really fuelled my business, I have more orders than ever for my work and commissioned paintings. It has been amazing to see so many of my clients investing in their home interiors and buying paintings to send as meaningful gifts. My difficulty is keeping up with it all! A pandemic is a painters dream- lock me in a quiet space alone to paint any day. After being furloughed from my day job for two months in April my priority shifted to painting. Although I have been painting for a few years, it has been literally life changing to see what can happen when you have energy to follow a dream. For me, the pandemic has gifted me time and allowed space for me to grow my business. 2020 is a year I will treasure. BTY is one of NI's most popular beauty destinations. With a flagship store in Victoria Square stocking brands such as The Ordinary, Inkey List, Milani and their own range of iconic brushes, they had to quickly move to an online retail model during lockdown. The news of lockdown meant shutting our physical store in Victoria Square. This needed us to quickly switch to be an online business. It was something I had planned for 2021 but the pandemic made me speed up the process! I quickly recruited staff to run our online business and market our products. I have a phenomenal in store team who I worked closely with to make sure that all safety measures were in place. Our online business now works hand in hand with our store - ensuring people can shop whether they are isolating, can’t make it to the city centre or are a BTY customer living across the water. At the start of 2020, my plan was to grow our new Victoria Square store. This moved to a hybrid business which has allowed me to now have 10 staff across our store and warehouse site. Ensuring my staff’s well-being and high level, safe customer service for all our valued customers for in store and online has been my focus. We have sustained our success - even managing to launch a top selling BTY lash range and four brand new makeup brushes.
A. Regular foundation can help smooth your skin and even out skin tone. Using the best foundation for acne prone skin can also provide a much needed emotional boost from looking your best. After cleansing and moisturizing, use a foundation designed for combination or oily skin to prevent acne. Make sure it's labeled "non-acnegenic" and "non-comedogenic.".
Hillthwaite is a 34 bedroom hotel between Windermere and Bowness. We are a hotel open 7 days a week so weekend work would be part and parcel of the role. We do understand and will rotate the rota fairly so not necessarily working every weekend. Experience in the industry with confidence in the hospitality environment would be good, but a willingness to work hard, be reliable and have the right attitude will always win us over.
<reponame>AlexanderBeyn/solution.js /** @license * Copyright 2020 Esri * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { UserSession, IItemUpdate, jsonToBlob, updateItem } from "@esri/solution-common"; export function updateNotebookData( itemId: string, data: any, authentication: UserSession ): Promise<any> { const updateOptions: IItemUpdate = { id: itemId, data: jsonToBlob(data) }; return updateItem(updateOptions, authentication); }
Riyadh — The General Authority for Zakat and Tax (GAZT) has urged consumers to use the VAT App when purchasing goods and services in order to verify that the businesses they are dealing with are registered in the VAT system. They can also report cases of tax fraud through the VAT App. The app, which has been downloaded 1.4 million times to date through the Apple Store and Google Play, enables customers to easily verify whether or not a business is registered in VAT by simply taking a photo of the QR Code on the VAT certificate or entering the commercial registration or the 15-digit tax identification number of the invoice. The app also enables users to quickly calculate the VAT amount on goods and services. GAZT also reminded consumers to make sure they receive approved standard VAT invoices upon making purchases from a VAT-registered business, which must mention the tax amount, tax identification number, and which items are subject to the standard 5% VAT or are zero-rated. Consumers may also make inquiries or report fraud through GAZT’s hotline (19993) during Ramadan over two shifts, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and from 8:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. 7 days a week.
When it comes to how Wi-Fi 6 and 5G will work together in future networks, coexistence is said to be the only Wi-Fi and cellular combo really present today. However, there is also a strong case for Wi-Fi 6 and 5G convergence, which would mean that the two technologies are combined into a single radio network pillar for some larger venues. According to the Wireless Broadband Alliance, Wi-Fi and 5G convergence is critical for the enablement of new applications and services, a conclusion that is outlined in a recent whitepaper led by partners Broadcom, Cisco, Intel and Orange. The report also lays out “critical action areas” for industry bodies and operators related to WLAN integration with the 5G core and enabling QoS differentiation for 5G flows over WLAN access, breaking the suggestions down into five key areas: 5G and Wi-Fi convergence architecture; multi-access functionality for Access Traffic Steering, Switching and Splitting (ATSSS); End-to-end QoS (Quality-of-Service); policy interworking and enhancements across 5G and Wi-Fi; and support for Wi-Fi only devices. Specifically, the “tighter coupling” of Wi-Fi access and the 5G gateway functions for WLAN is indicated as a critical potential convergence architecture enhancement. Other ideas for advancing convergence outlined in the report include providing QoS differentiation within WLAN for 5G flows to enable end-to-end QoS and supporting Wi-Fi-only devices without SIM capability in the 5G system. According to the WBA, industry regulators and standards bodies are hard at work actively developing the convergence landscape, including 3GPP and IEEE. The post Wireless Broadband Alliance: ‘Wi-Fi/5G convergence is critical and a win-win for all’ appeared first on RCR Wireless News.
The Lepontii were an ancient Celtic or possibly Italic people occupying portions of Rhaetia (in modern Switzerland and northern Italy) in the Alps during the time of the Roman conquest of that territory. The Lepontii have been variously described as a Celtic, Ligurian, Raetian, and Germanic tribe. Recent archeological excavations and their association with the Golasecca culture of Northern Italy may point to a Gaulish affiliation, although an amalgamation of Rhaetians (who were partly of Etruscan-related origin) may not be excluded.
What is happening in Tokelau, and why is Ross Ardern involved? Folk under house arrest since July 2021!
Welcome to Inside Out Sports Radio! I'm your host Tim Garcia, I bring the current sports news to you with my own unique spin and cover them inside and out! RG3, UCLA shocker, NFL fails and Roddick calls it quits. It wasn't Andrew Luck who made week 1 headlines but the main man in Washington RG3 excels in his first career start! Watch out USC Los Angeles isn't yours only, UCLA now ranked #22 looking to regain that Rose Bowl caliber swag. The NFL showed no backbone as the suspensions for the New Orleans Saints defensive players were overturned allowing them to suit up and play. Andy Roddick tried to get to the next round with the entire Arthur Ashe stadium behind him, unfortunately for him his career ended in New York without a championship. Hollywood goes blue, Lance stripped, Rangers on fire, Tebow? The Los Angeles Dodgers were the big name around Hollywood this past week completeing one of the biggest trades in the MLB this season. Lance Armstrong stripped of all his Tour De France victories, did he fold or just tired of fighting?? The Texas Rangers are still on fire, behind Adrien Beltre are 5.5 games ahead in the AL West. The NY Jets have yet to score a touchdown in the preseason however Sanchez isn't worried, well he should be. Melky Cabrera of the San Francisco Giants went for the Triple Crown of steroids by cheating, fraud and getting caught with both. Washington Nationals star ace Stephen Strasburg has been told he will not pitch in the playoffs for his team who has the best record in MLB. Watching 30 minutes of Tebow every single day on ESPN has forced my hand to share my thoughts on their love for the man. This week get on the phone and share your favorite moments during the 2012 London Olympics! LSU's Tyrann Mathieu dismissed from the team for violating school and team rules, why take a chance? The USA continue their dominance in the Olympics! Best game, Gold Medal womens soccer match or Gold Medal basketball game???? Welcome to the World premiere of Inside Out Sports Radio with your host Tim Garcia. Today's episode will be a special event due to the ongoing Olympic Games in London. Make sure to suscribe to my twitter, youtube and facebook page.
• The UK government has tightened restrictions across swathes of northern England, ordering around four million people not to mix with other households or risk a $130 fine, though they can still go to work, a church, a mosque or the pub. On Thursday, the UK suffered its sharpest caseload rise in more than a month. • Poland is considering new localized restrictions after a second successive record daily rise in new cases. "Limits could cover certain counties, the ones that have the biggest problems," said government spokesman Piotr Muller after 227 of Friday's 657 new cases were in mining region Silesia. • Three crew members on Norwegian cruise ship Roald Amundsen have been diagnosed with COVID-19. All 160 crew members have been quarantined, while almost 200 passengers who disembarked this morning at the Arctic port of Tromso have been told to self-isolate. • Spain reported 1,525 new cases on Friday, the biggest jump since the national lockdown was lifted in June and the third successive day with a four-figure rise. • The "once-in-a-century" pandemic's effects "will be felt for decades to come," World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Friday. "Most of the world's people remain susceptible to this virus, even in areas that have experienced severe outbreaks," he said. • Iceland is rolling back the easing of restrictions after finding at least two new infection clusters in the country. Two-meter social distancing will be reinstated and public gatherings limited to 100 people after last week being extended to 1,000. • French health minister Olivier Veran said local government officials can now order the wearing of face masks in outdoor public spaces to curb the spread of COVID-19. France reported 1,377 new cases of the new coronavirus on Thursday, taking the moving weekly average above the 1,000 threshold for the first time since France eased its lockdown in early May. • Germany has designated three Spanish regions – Catalonia, Aragon and Navarre – as high-risk for COVID-19, meaning all air passengers returning from there face mandatory coronavirus tests at airports. Germany reported 870 new coronavirus cases on Friday, the highest number of daily cases since 15 May, bringing its caseload to 208,698, with 9,141 recorded deaths. • German tech firms SAP and Deutsche Telekom are close to a deal to build a software platform that would allow an exchange of information between coronavirus-warning smartphone apps from various countries. • Spain recorded a historic 18.5 percent fall in GDP in the second quarter of the year, wiping its recovery from the 2008 Global Financial Crisis and exceeding the 16.6 percent drop expected by analysts. After a 5.2 percent fall in the first quarter, Spain is in its steepest recession on record. • France's economy contracted by a record 13.8 percent in the second quarter, the national statistics institute INSEE reported. INSEE also revised down the country's first-quarter figure, from an estimated 5.3 percent fall to a 5.9 percent drop. • Portugal's GDP shrank 14.1 percent in the second quarter, its biggest contraction ever, its national statistics institute said. The Bank of Portugal predicts the country's GDP will contract 9.5 percent in 2020, the biggest recession in a century, but the government has estimated it will fall 6.9 percent. Health Minister Olivier Veran has authorized local authorities to extend regional restrictions, making it compulsory to wear face masks in outdoor public places. Several areas of France have already brought in obligations to this extent, especially coastal communities worried that the influx of visitors on holiday is contributing to rising numbers of people testing positive for the coronavirus. Currently, it is compulsory nationwide to wear a nose-and-mouth covering on public transport and in covered public spaces. Veran urged the public to download the government's track-and-trace app before going away on the traditional August vacation. With less than three hours' notice, a new lockdown was placed on parts of the north of England from midnight on Thursday. There are concerns about an increase in coronavirus cases in Greater Manchester and the nearby towns of Blackburn, Burnley and Bradford among others. The measures mean different households will not be allowed to meet in homes or private gardens. Individuals, though, can still visit pubs and restaurants as long as they don't mix with other people from other households. The UK government has conceded the rules will be a blow to Muslim communities preparing to celebrate Eid this weekend. There has been criticism of the government's muddled messages and how this new lockdown was announced. It comes a day after the UK, and England specifically, was confirmed as having the worst COVID-19 death rates in Europe. The city of Antwerp will open a COVID-19 "testing village" next week, as it grapples with a spike in new infections. According to officials, the drive-in testing center can handle up to 4,000 samples a day and is intended for people who are not exhibiting symptoms. The hope is that the test village will relieve some of the pressure on existing test centers and labs. Antwerp accounts for roughly 50 percent of all new cases in Belgium, which averaged 370 new infections per day last week. Meanwhile, Belgium-based interest group European Biosafety Network has warned that if a vaccine against COVID-19 is available next year, Europe may not have the syringes and needles to administer it. The group says a vaccine is expected to come in glass vials, which would require syringes and needles for injection. "With an EU population in 2019 of 446 million, some 1 billion syringes and needles for vaccination will be required to deliver the vaccine in Europe," the EBN said in a statement. "Thus, it is vital that the 27 EU member states commit to the supply of needles and syringes as soon as possible to avoid a bottleneck in production and supply." Belgium's health minister, though, isn't worried, saying it "makes no sense" to order the supplies now without knowing which vaccine will be used. The "approved" travel list into the EU has shrunk yet again, with just 12 countries remaining. Originally, there were 15 countries on the white list. In the latest update, the European Council removed Algeria, which was expected. Montenegro and Serbia were removed in the previous update. The remaining countries include Canada, Australia, Japan, Thailand, South Korea and China, subject to reciprocity. The Council recommends that member states "gradually lift the travel restrictions at the external borders for residents" from those countries. Those living in nations not on the list are not allowed entry into the EU, except for essential travel. The list is updated every two weeks. Germany has reported more than 900 cases of coronavirus in a single day – the highest number of daily cases since 15 May. It marks a jump from 684 the previous day, and fuels fears that Germany may already be struggling with a second wave of infections. German authorities have stressed the importance of the R number staying below 1. It is believed to have reached 1.25 on Wednesday. There have been warnings that Germany's economy will not bounce back quickly from the pandemic, following a record 10.1 percent contraction of its GDP in the second quarter of 2020. The Hungarian government has decided not to increase protection measures against the coronavirus, instead urging the public to obey the existing rules. The head of the prime minister's office, Gergely Gulyás, said changing restrictions would be risky and the government wished to avoid that, but asked the public to maintain social distancing and obey the regulations on mandatory mask-wearing on public transport and in the supermarket. Gulyás said every effort should be made to keep chances of a second wave to a minimum. If active infections in Hungary exceed 1,000 to 1,500, that would constitute a second wave, he said, adding that there are currently 500 to 600 active infections. Events of more than 500 people will be permitted from September (initially they would be allowed in August) and the government has allocated more than $17 million to help the live entertainment sector. CGTN America: Why are young people increasingly getting infected?
The penultimate stop of the 2019 Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series got underway with a training session at scorching Stari Most on Thursday, as the world's best cliff divers took turns to dive from the beautiful bridge in preparation for a crucial weekend of competition in Mostar. Enjoy all the best photos from training day in Bosnia and Herzegovina.