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Although, there are Philippines girls with Chinese blood. | Alhoewel, daar is Filippyne meisies met Chinese bloed. |
Help her and find a magic lamp. | Help haar en vind 'n magie lamp. |
With Mary, we can say, “I have seen the Lord.” | Saam met Maria kan ons dan sê: “Ek het die Here gesien!” |
He married a Texas girl, I want you to know. | Hy was getroud met 'n Texas meisie, Ek wil hê jy moet weet. |
And the Lord's healing power was strongly with Jesus." | "Die dissipels van Jesus het waarskynlik tot drie jaar saam met Jesus geleef". |
Why do people not hear God’s voice? | Waarom hoor mense nie die stem van God nie? |
Thus we should pray, “Hallowed be your name.” | Dan ís jy die gebed: ‘n Loflied tot eer van die Here. |
At least you’re alone (choose a stall). | Ten minste is jy alleen (kies 'n stalletjie). |
They were also asked what they typically ate for their first meal the day after a night of binge drinking.” | Hulle is ook gevra wat hulle tipies vir hul eerste ete eet, die dag na 'n nag van drankdrink. |
DO YOU ever see others do bad things?— * Samuel did. | SIEN jy ooit hoe ander slegte dinge doen?—* Samuel het. |
I was 110% happy with what our teacher did. | Ek was 110% gelukkig met wat ons onderwyser gedoen het. |
Regression is usually permanent in a specific location.] | Regressie is gewoonlik permanente in 'n spesifieke plek.] |
If you really respect yourself, then these 7 things are normal for you | As jy jouself regtig respekteer, dan is hierdie 7 dinge normaal vir jou |
Surprisingly, there are over twelve places you can feel your pulse. | Verrassend, daar is meer as twaalf plekke waar jy jou pols kan voel. |
Rather, "he was born blind so that God's works might be revealed in him" (John 9:3). | Iemand was van geboorte af blind "want die werke van God moet in hom openbaar word" (Johannes 9:3). |
Surprisingly, there are over 12 places where you can feel your pulse. | Verrassend, daar is meer as twaalf plekke waar jy jou pols kan voel. |
Wherever the Lord’s will is done that is heaven. | Die plek waar die wil van God geskied is hemel – kan nie anders nie. |
You are never so near to victory as when defeated in a good cause." | Jy is nooit so naby aan ‘n oorwinning as wanneer jy in ‘n goeie saak verslaan word nie.’ |
(If I am wrong, do all those things your flesh desires. | (As ek verkeerd is, doen al daardie dinge wat jou vlees begeer. |
"But it got easier after the first week or so." | "Maar dit het makliker geword na die eerste week of so." |
Rom 3:21 But now the righteousness of God without [---] law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets. | Rom 3:21 Maar nou is die geregtigheid van God geopenbaar sonder die wet [van Moses], terwyl die wet en die profete daarvan getuig. |
So He will always be the unquestioned Head of the God Family. | Dus sal Hy ALTYD die onbetwiste Hoof van die Godfamilie wees. |
The Best Things to Do in New York City: 1001 Ideas | Die beste dinge om te doen in New York - 1001 Ideas |
But it's not clear how this will work with existing private waste contracts. | Maar dit is nie duidelik hoe dit sal werk met bestaande private afval kontrakte. |
With justice he judges and makes war.” | Met regverdigheid oordeel Hy en voer Hy oorlog." |
Miles from Tomorrowland Color with Miles | Miles van Tomorrowland Kleur met Miles |
He has a plan for your life and that’s why He created you. | Hy het 'n plan vir jou lewe; daarom maak jy saak. |
I am safe and secure in the palm of God’s hand. | Ek leef veilig en gekoester in God se hand. |
you can do in an insane culture | jy kan doen in 'n kranksinnige kultuur |
Yes, because I did not find an 4.3 illustration | Ja, omdat ek nie 'n 4.3-illustrasie gekry het nie |
Her voice is needed in the upcoming debate! | Haar stem is nodig in die komende debat! |
Fathers—Why They Are Disappearing | Vaders—Waarom hulle verdwyn |
Hey, that was over a year ago when we did Energy and Movement! | Hey, dit was meer as 'n jaar gelede wat ons Energie en Beweging gedoen het! |
This is what he said in his beautiful Irish brogue. | Dit is wat hy gesê het in sy pragtige Ierse brogue. |
That faithful man was not disappointed.—Gen. 15:2-5; Heb. | Daardie getroue man is nie teleurgestel nie.—Gen. 15:2-5; Heb. |
(This here Io-yo is, a little bit of Brazil Ia-ya… | (Dit hier is Io-yo, 'n bietjie Brasilië Ia-ya ... |
If you want something, speak plainly!” | As jy wil betoog, gebruik jou stembrief.” |
Loss 'not the end of the world' | Nederlaag ‘nie einde van wêreld’ |
If you have more than four days in Barcelona, you’re in luck. | As jy meer as vier dae in Barcelona het, is jy gelukkig. |
She said, “Drink, my Lord.” | En sy het gesê: ‘Drink, my heer.’ |
This will be for the Lord’s renown, for an everlasting sign, which will not be destroyed. | Dit sal tot eer van die Here wees, 'n blywende teken wat nooit vernietig sal word nie. |
Best answer: Hello, I just had the same problem with my ex-husband | Die beste antwoord: Hallo, ek moes net die dieselfde probleem met my ex-man |
But for those who are not listening, even what they think they understand will be taken away.” | Maar die wat nie luister nie, van hulle sal selfs dit wat hulle dink hulle het, weggeneem word." |
If they say “no”, respect that. | As sy sê ‘nee’, respekteer dit. |
2.1 We are happy with all these terms! | 2.1 Ons is tevrede met al hierdie terme! |
They knew why they were pre-millennial. | Hulle het geweet waarom hulle pre-Millennium was. |
And can you and I succeed individually, even where the UN has failed? | Kan ek en u individueel slaag, selfs waar die VN misluk het? |
If you’re an investor, is Facebook a good buy? | As jy 'n belegger is, is Facebook 'n goeie koop? |
Wouldn’t that be much safer for Kitty? | Sal dit nie vir Kitty veel veiliger wees nie? |
Orwell speaks for most of us: To be a politician is to lie. | Orwell praat vir die meeste van ons: Om 'n politikus te wees, is om te lieg. |
You see, even though I’ve been using the same unique system with hundreds of my personal clients… | Jy sien, alhoewel ek dieselfde unieke stelsel met honderde van my persoonlike kliënte gebruik het ... |
Therefore show me the dream and the interpretation thereof.” | Gee my dus die droom en sy uitleg.” |
The title of the video is: “One mans 120 pound journey”. | Die titel van die video is: “One mans 120 pound journey”. |
No more searching with WeekNumber52! | Nie meer te soek met WeekNumber52! |
So Joshua made a covenant with the people that day | Josua het daardie dag ’n verbond gemaak met die volk. |
He says, “Unless you change and become like little children.” | Toe het Hy gesê: “Julle moet verander en soos kinders word. |
And I will have my revenge, in this life or the next.” | En ek sal my wraak in hierdie lewe of die volgende hê. " |
One of the first European virtual experiences in Amsterdam, in 2015. | Een van die eerste Europese virtuele ervarings in Amsterdam, in 2015. |
Such is the chastisement of thy Lord when He chastises communities in the midst of their wrong: grievous, | En so het die straf van jou heer, as hy was gemartel (bevolking) lande wat verbind onreg. |
We had explained it to Cassie; she was older. | Ons het dit al aan Cassie verduidelik; sy was ouer. |
The Lord’s Prayer is a part of the fulfillment of that covenant promise. | Verkondiging van die Goddelike uitverkiesing is deel van die Evangelieverkondiging. |
But it’s not clear how this will work with existing private waste contracts. | Maar dit is nie duidelik hoe dit sal werk met bestaande private afval kontrakte. |
Is It Time For A New, More Mature American Dream? | Is dit tyd vir 'n nuwe, meer volwasse Amerikaanse droom? |
The blessings of thy Lord, | Als gawe van di Heer ontvang, |
By "low," I mean there were two of them, Bill and David. | Met "laag", bedoel ek daar was twee van hulle, Bill en David. |
Well done, the pill is in! | Goed gedaan, die pil is in! |
14 If any man's work abides which he has built upon it, he shall receive a reward. | 14 As iemand se werk bly staan wat hy daarop gebou het, sal hy loon ontvang; |
Do not be afraid, because this method is absolutely safe for fish; | Moenie bang wees nie, want hierdie metode is absoluut veilig vir vis; |
And His face is like the sun shining in its strength.” | haar kracht, gelijk de zon schijnt in haar kracht". |
Yes, let her be the wife of your master's son, as the LORD has directed." | Ja, laat sy die vrou word van jou meester se seun soos die Here bepaal het.” |
“They are subverting the faith of some.” | Daarmee vernietig hulle die geloof van sommige.” |
But King Solomon will be blessed, and David's throne will remain secure before the LORD forever." | Maar mag koning Salomo geseënd wees en die troon van Dawid bevestig word voor die aangesig van die HERE tot in ewigheid! |
The game comes from Italy (Europe). | Die spel kom uit Italië (Europa). |
So in his current situation, David has nothing. | So in sy huidige situasie, David het niks. |
This is the Lord’s promise to his people. | Dit is die Here se belofte aan sy volk in ballingskap. |
They fly around his head, one million of them. | Hulle vlieg om sy kop rond, een miljoen van hulle. |
If you lie, your nose will stretch up to the sky.” | "Pinocchio" As jy lieg, jou neus sal strek tot aan die hemel. "" |
I think I will do the same. ”- Ivan, 30 | Ek dink ek sal dieselfde doen. "- Ivan, 30 |
Rather, the strong man is the one who can control himself when he gets angry.” | Kragtig is hy wat homself kan beheer as hy kwaad word.’ |
When they become troubled, they will be astonished, and will rule over the All.” | Wanneer hulle ontsteld is, sal hulle verbaas wees, en hulle sal oor alles regeer. |
Pay them double if need be (as in some Model C schools). | Betaal hulle dubbeld as dit moet (soos in sommige model C-skole). |
[15] So do not ask this or that: What does heaven look like and how the spirit world? | Vra daarom nie hierdie of daardie nie; hoe lyk die hemel en hoe die geesteswêreld? |
We see here a progressive revelation to Abraham:- | Ons sien hier 'n progressiewe openbaring aan Abraham :- |
Lo! thy Lord's commandment hath gone forth, and lo! there cometh unto them a doom which cannot be repelled. | En so het die straf van jou heer, as hy was gemartel (bevolking) lande wat verbind onreg. |
(Proclaimed Eternal Party General Secretary after his death) | (verkondig ewige Party Algemene Sekretaris na sy dood) |
Pharaoh’s response was, “Tomorrow.” | 10Die farao het gesê: “Môre.” |
Groups in Europe sometimes mistaken for Roma | Groepe in Europa is soms verkeerd vir Roma |
Lenovo A5 is still working now, so anyone can ask about it! | Lenovo A5 werk nog steeds, so iemand kan daaroor vra! |
8 Things That Have Changed Since The Smoking Ban | 8 Dinge wat verander het sedert die rookverbod |
The question is, do You need 1 million emails sent and what is this million? | Die vraag is, het Jy nodig 1 miljoen e-pos gestuur en wat is dit miljoen? |
Let’s see if we can kill these other four fantasies in 2015. | Kom ons kyk of ons hierdie ander vier fantasieë in 2015 kan doodmaak. |
So it shall be with all of YAHUSHUA’s Bride. | So sal dit wees met almal van YAHUSHUA's se Bruid. |
32:2 When he saw them, Jacob said, “This is God’s army.” | 32:2 Toe hy hulle sien, s� Jakob: Dit is 'n le�r van God! |
"You want to dance, live, move in good shoes! | "Jy wil dans, leef, beweeg in goeie skoene! |
That’s very significant for a supplementation protocol alone! | Dit is baie belangrik vir 'n aanvullingsprotokol alleen! |
Will it be of any use when your dog is a hundred yards away? | Sal dit van enige nut wees as jou hond honderd meter weg is? |
'Joseph had before this described the manner of his finding the plates. | "Josef het voor hierdie beskryf die wyse van sy bevinding van die plate. |
It was almost like the palm of your hand." | Soos die palm van jou hand » |
But what happens when this is not true — like in Russia? | Maar wat gebeur as dit nie waar is nie - soos in Rusland? |
They are all drunk with a wild god. | Hulle is almal dronk met 'n wilde god. |