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Air Date: 14 Feb 2008 Closeup of Sam's closed eyes. Radio Heat of the moment Sam's eyes snap open. INT. Hotel ROOM - DAY Sam sits up in bed. Radio Telling you what your heart is Dean: Rise and shine, Sammy! Dean is sitting on the other bed, tying his shoes. Sam: Dude. Asia? Dean: Come on, you love this song and you know it. Sam: Yeah, and if I ever hear it again I'm gonna k*ll myself. Dean turns up the volume. Dean: What? Sorry, couldn't hear you. Radio It was the heat of the moment Dean starts bopping along. Sam shakes his head. Radio Heat of the moment Heat of the moment Showed in your eyes INT. BATHROOM Dean gargles loudly and long. Sam tries to ignore him long enough to brush his teeth. Dean grins. INT. Hotel ROOM Sam: Whenever you're ready, Dean. Dean pulls out a black bra. Dean: This yours? Sam glares. Dean laughs, rummages in the bag some more, and pulls out a g*n. Dean: Bingo. Dean goes past Sam to the door. Dean: Now who's ready for some breakfast? INT. DINER - DAY The door chimes as Sam and Dean enter. CASHIER gives Mr. PICKETT some change. CASHIER Drive safely now, Mr. Pickett. Mr. PICKETT Yeah, yeah. COOK in background Order up. Sam and Dean find a booth. Waitress: Can't stay unless you order something, Cal. You know the rules. CAL passes her some change. CAL Some coffee. Dean notices a poster on the wall. Dean: Hey. Tuesday. Pig in a poke. Sam: You even know what that is? Waitress, whose nametag says DORIS You boys ready? Dean: Yes. I'll have the special, side of bacon and a coffee. Sam: Make it two coffees and a short stack. DORIS You got it. Dean: I'm telling you, Sam, this job's small fry. We should be spending our time hunting down Bela. Sam: Okay, sure, let's get right on that-where is she again? Dean: Shut up. Sam: Look, believe me, I want to find her as bad as you do. In the meantime, we have this. Sam pulls out some papers. Dean: All right, so this professor. The headline on the newspaper clipping reads "MISSING - DEXTER HASSELBACK LAST SEEN IN BROWARD, FLORIDA". Sam: Dexter Hasselback was passing through town last week when he vanished. Dean: Last known location? Sam: His daughter says he was on his way to visit the Broward County Mystery Spot. Dean turns over a flyer. The front has a large question mark and the words "Broward County Mystery Spot". The back says "E=MC?", "A=πR?", and "F=GM1M2/R2?" below the lines Dean reads aloud. Dean: Where the laws of physics have no meaning. DORIS arrives with a tray with two coffees and a bottle of hot sauce. DORIS Two coffees, black, and some hot sauce for the- DORIS gasps as the hot sauce falls off the tray and smashes on the floor. DORIS Whoops. Crap! Sorry. Cleanup! EXT. STREET - DAY A dog barks as Sam and Dean pass. Dean grabs the Mystery Spot flyer from Sam's hands. Dean: Sam, joints like this are only tourist traps, right? I mean, you know, balls rolling uphill, furniture nailed to the ceiling, they're only dangerous to your wallet. Sam: Okay, look, I'm just saying, there are spots in the world where holes open up and swallow people. The Bermuda Triangle, uh, the Oregon Vortex- Dean: Broward County Mystery Spot? Sam: Well sometimes these places are legit. Dean: All right, so if it is legit, and that's a big-ass if, what's the lore? Sam: Well- Dean collides with Blonde Girl, who is carrying a stack of paper. Blonde Girl Excuse me. Sam: The lore's pretty frigging nuts, actually. They say these places the magnetic fields are so strong that they can bend spacetime, sending victims no one knows where. Dean: Sounds a little X-Filesto me. Sam and Dean pass two MOVERS trying to get a desk in a door. MOVER 1 Told you it wouldn't fit. MOVER 2 What do you want, a Pulitzer? Sam: All right, look, I'm not saying this is really happening, but if it is, we gotta check it out, see if we can do something. Dean: All right, all right, we'll go tonight, after they close, get ourselves a nice long look. INT. MYSTERY SPOT - NIGHT The hallway is neon green with a black double spiral painted on the walls and door. The door opens to reveal Sam and Dean with flashlights. Sam closes the door behind them. They move up the hallway. Sam pulls out the EMF reader. Dean shines the flashlight around and up onto a table, lamp, and ashtray attached upside-down to the ceiling. Dean: Wow. Uncanny. Sam examines another table with a wine glass and a poultry dinner, this one at an angle to the floor. They both move on. Dean: Find anything? Sam, holding the unresponsive EMF meter No. Dean: You have any idea what you're looking for? Sam: Uh, yeah. Dean raises his eyebrows. Sam: No. Dean shakes his head. They both shine flashlights around other parts of the room. OWNER What the hell are you doing here? Sam turns to look. Dean points his flashlight and g*n at the voice. The OWNER has a g*n aimed at Dean. Dean points his g*n elsewhere. Dean: Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, we can explain. The OWNER points the g*n at Sam. OWNER You robbing me? Sam: Look, nobody's robbing you, calm down. The OWNER points the g*n back at Dean. Don't move! Dean: Just putting the g*n down. The OWNER fires. Dean falls. Sam: Dean! Sam rushes to Dean. Dean struggles to breathe. Sam: Hey! Sam looks at the OWNER. Sam: Call 911. OWNER I-I didn't mean to- Sam: Now! The OWNER leaves. Sam: Hey, hey, oh, no, no, no, not like this... Dean goes still. His eyes close. Sam watches, devastated. Closeup of Sam's closed eyes. Radio Heat of the moment Sam's eyes snap open. INT. Hotel ROOM - DAY Sam sits up in bed and stares around. Radio Telling you what your heart is Dean: Rise and shine, Sammy! Dean is sitting on the other bed, tying his shoes. Sam stares at him, then at the clock radio. Radio The heat of the moment Showed in your eyes Dean: Dude. Asia. Sam keeps staring, breathing hard. Sam: Dean. Dean: Oh, come on, you love this song and you know it. Dean turns the volume up and starts bopping along, exactly like the first time. Sam stares after him. INT. BATHROOM Dean gargles loudly and annoying. Sam drinks some water, swishes, and spits. Dean notices Sam's lack of reaction and spits out his mouthful. Dean: What? Sam: I don't know. Dean: You all right? Sam: I think I- Sam pauses. Sam: Man, I had a weird dream. Dean: Yeah? Clowns or midgets? INT. DINER - DAY The door chimes as Sam and Dean enter. CASHIER gives Mr. PICKETT some change. CASHIER Drive safely now, Mr. Pickett. Mr. PICKETT Yeah, yeah. Sam and Dean find a booth. Sam is staring around, bewildered. Waitress: Can't stay unless you order something, Cal. You know the rules. CAL passes her some change. CAL Coffee. Dean notices a poster on the wall. Dean: Hey. Tuesday. Pig in a poke. Sam glances between Dean and the poster. Sam: It's Tuesday? Dean: Yeah. DORIS Are you boys ready? Dean: Yes, I'll have the special, side of bacon and a coffee. Sam stares for a minute. Sam: Uh, nothing for me, thanks. DORIS Let me know if you change your mind. Dean: I'm telling you, Sam, this job's small fry. We should be spending our time hunting down Bela. Sam stares after DORIS. Dean: Hey. Dean snaps his fingers at Sam. Dean: You with me? Sam: What? Dean: You sure you feeling okay? Sam sighs. Sam: You don't-you don't remember? Any of this? Dean: Remember what? Sam: This. Today. Like it's-like it's happened before? Dean: You mean like déjà vu? Sam: No, I mean like, like it's really happened before. Dean: Yeah. Like déjà vu. Sam: No, forget about déjà vu. I'm asking you if it feels like, like we're living yesterday all over again. Dean: Okay, how is that not dé- Sam, angry Don't, don't say it! Just don't even... DORIS arrives with a tray with one coffee and the hot sauce. DORIS Coffee, black, and some hot sauce for the-oops! Crap! Sam notices the hot sauce wobble on the tray and catches it as it falls. DORIS gasps. Sam stares at the bottle in his hand and gives it back. DORIS Thanks. DORIS puts down the bottle and leaves. Dean: Nice reflexes. Sam doesn't say anything. EXT. STREET - DAY The dog barks as Sam and Dean pass. Sam stares back over his shoulder. Dean: Sam, I'm sorry, but I don't know what the hell you're talking about. Sam: Okay, look, yesterday was Tuesday, right? But today is Tuesday too. Dean: Yeah. No. Good. You're totally balanced. Sam: So you don't believe me? Dean laughs and collides with Blonde Girl. Blonde Girl Excuse me. Dean: Look, I'm just saying that it's crazy, you know, I mean, even for us crazy. Dingo ate my baby crazy. Hey, maybe it was another of your psychic premonitions. Sam: No, no way, way too vivid. Okay, look, we were at the Mystery Spot, and then- Dean: And then what? Sam: Then I woke up. Sam and Dean pass the MOVERS. MOVER 1 Told you it wouldn't fit. MOVER 2 What do you want, a Pulitzer? Sam: Wait a minute! The Mystery Spot. You think maybe it- Dean: Maybe what? Sam: We gotta check that place out, man. Look, just, go with me on this, okay? Dean: All right, all right, we'll go tonight, after it closes, get ourselves a nice long look. Sam realizes what Dean said and whips around. Sam: Wait, what? No. Dean: Why not? Sam: Uh. Let's just go now. Right now. Business hours, nice and crowded. Dean: My God, you're a freak. Sam: Dean. Dean: Okay. Whatever. We'll go now. Dean walks a few feet ahead of Sam and looks to his right as he enters the street. A car slams into him from his left. Sam: Dean! Sam rushes to Dean. Sam: Dean, no, no, no. Dean has blood on his face and is barely moving. Sam turns him over and picks him up. Sam: Come on, Dean. Mr. PICKETT leans out of the now-stopped car. Sam stares at him, then back at Dean. Sam: Hey. Dean. Dean isn't moving. Sam: Dean. Dean. Closeup of Sam's closed eyes. Radio Heat of the moment Sam's eyes snap open. INT. Hotel ROOM - DAY Sam sits up in bed and stares around. Radio Telling you what your heart is Dean: Rise and shine, Sammy! Dean is sitting on the other bed, tying his shoes. Sam stares at him. Radio The heat of the moment Showed in your eyes INT. BATHROOM Dean gargles loudly and annoying. Sam watches. INT. DINER - DAY Dean: Hey. Tuesday. Pig in a poke. Sam: Would you listen to me, Dean? Because I am flipping out. DORIS Are you boys ready? Sam: He'll take the special, side of bacon, coffee, black, nothing for me, thanks. DORIS You got it. Dean: Sammy, I get all tingly when you take control like that. Sam: Quit screwing around, Dean. Dean: Okay, okay, I'm listening. So, so you think that you're in some kind of a what again? Sam: Time loop. Dean: Like Groundhog Day. Sam: Yes, exactly, like Groundhog Day. Dean, nodding Uh-huh. Sam: So you don't believe me. Dean: It's just a little crazy, I mean even for us crazy, you know, like, uh- Sam: Dingo ate my baby crazy? Dean: How'd you know I was going to say that? Sam: Because you said it before, Dean, that's my whole point. DORIS Coffee, black, and some hot sauce for the-whoops! Crap. Sam catches the hot sauce and hands it back to DORIS without looking. DORIS Thanks. DORIS puts down the hot sauce and leaves. Dean: Nice reflexes. Sam: No. I knew it was going to happen. Dean: Okay, look, I'm sure there's some sort of an explanation- Sam: You're just going to have to go with me on this, Dean, you just have to, you owe me that much. Dean: Calm down. Sam: Don't tell me to calm down. I can't calm down. I can't. Because- Dean: Because what? Sam: Because you die today, Dean. Dean: I'm not gonna die. Not today. Sam: Twice now I've watched you die, and I can't. I won't do it again, okay? You're just going to have to believe me. Please. Dean: All right. I still think you're nuts, but okay, whatever this is, we'll figure it out. Sam nods. EXT. STREET - DAY The dog barks as Sam and Dean pass. Dean collides with Blonde Girl. Blonde Girl Excuse me. Sam and Dean pass the MOVERS. MOVER 1 Told you it wouldn't fit. MOVER 2 What do you want, a Pulitzer? Dean: And you think this cheesy-ass tourist trap has something to do with it? Sam: Maybe it's the real deal, you know? The, the magnetic fields bending spacetime or whatever. Dean: I don't know, it all seems a little too X-Filesfor me. Sam: Well I don't know how else to explain it, Dean! Dean: All right, all right, we'll go tonight after they close, get ourselves a nice long look. Sam: No no no no no, we can't. Dean: Why not? Sam: Because you- Dean: I what? Sam doesn't say anything. Dean: I die there? Sam: Blown away, actually. Dean: Huh. Okay, we go now. Dean starts forward. Sam rushes after him and grabs him before he runs into the street. Mr. PICKETT's car zooms past. Mr. PICKETT Stay out of the way! Sam and Dean stare after the car. Dean: Wait, did he? Sam: Yesterday, yeah. Dean: And? Sam: And what? Dean: Did it look cool, like in the movies? Sam: You peed yourself, Dean. Dean: Of course I peed myself. Man gets h*t by a car, you think he has full control over his bladder? Come on! Dean is careful to look both ways before they cross the street. INT. MYSTERY SPOT - DAY OWNER Boys, I can't tell you how much I appreciate this. We could use all the good ink we can get. Sam: How long have you owned the place, Mr. Kopiak[?]? OWNER My family's been guarding the secrets here since you don't want to know when. Sam: So you'd know if anything strange happened. OWNER Strange? Strange happens here all the time. It's a Mystery Spot. Sam: What exactly does that mean? OWNER Well, uh, it's where the laws of physics have no meaning. Sam, angry Okay, like how? OWNER, grinning Take the tour. Dean: The guy who went missing, Dexter Hasselback, he take the tour? OWNER Uh, uh, hold on a minute, what kind of article is this? Sam: Just answer the question. OWNER The police scoured every inch of this place. They couldn't find that man. I never seen him before. We're a family establishment- Sam gets in the OWNER's face. Sam: Listen to me. There is something weird going on here. Now do you know anything about it or not? OWNER Okay. Look. Guys. Um. Give me a break. I bought the joint at a foreclosure auction last March, all right? Hell, I used to sell bail bonds. Sam stares at him, stony-faced. Dean: Okay, Kojak[?], let's get some air. Dean steers Sam outside. EXT. STREET - NIGHT Dean: I hate to say it, but that place is exactly what I thought. Full of crap. Sam: Then what is it, Dean, what the hell is happening to us? Dean: I don't know. All right, lemme just, so, every day I die. Sam: Yeah. Dean: And that's when you wake up again, right? Sam: Yeah. Dean: So let's just make sure I don't die. If I make it to tomorrow, then maybe the loop stops and we can figure all this out. Sam: You think? Dean: Worth a sh*t. I say we grab some takeout and head back to the motel, lay low until midnight. Sam nods. Dean: All right, good. Who wants Chinese? Dean starts walking again and gets two steps before being flattened by a falling desk. The MOVERS, one holding the other end of the snapped rope and the other up in the window, and Sam stare. Closeup of Sam's closed eyes. Radio Heat of the moment Sam's eyes open. INT. Hotel ROOM - DAY Sam sits up in bed and stares around. Radio Telling you what your heart is Dean is sitting on the other bed, tying his shoes. Sam stares at him. Radio The heat of the moment Sam lies back down and tries to breathe. Radio Showed in your eyes It was the heat of the moment INT. DINER - DAY Dean: I still think you're nuts, but whatever this is, we'll figure it out. Sam: Thanks. Dean: So. Uh. You're stuck in Groundhog Day. Why? What's behind it? Sam: Well, first I thought it was the Mystery Spot. Now I'm not so sure. Dean: What do we do? Sam: Try to keep you breathing, try to make it to tomorrow. That's the only thing I can think of. Dean: Shouldn't be too hard. Sam: Yeah, right, Dean, I've watched you die a few times now and I can't ever seem to stop it. Dean: Well, nothing's set in stone. You said I order the Same thing every day, right? Sam: Yeah. Pig in a poke, side of bacon. Dean turns to DORIS, who is standing by the window to the kitchen, talking with the COOK. Dean: 'scuse me, sweetheart. DORIS turns. Dean: Can I get sausage instead of bacon? DORIS Sure thing, hon. Dean: See? Different day already. See, if you and I decide I'm not gonna die, I'm not gonna die. DORIS brings over Dean's food. Dean: Thank you. Dean s*ab a sausage with his fork and bites in. Sam grins. Dean starts to choke. Sam: Dean. Dean? Closeup of Sam's closed eyes. Radio Heat of the moment Sam's eyes open. INT. Hotel ROOM - DAY Sam sits up in bed and stares around. INT. BATHROOM - DAY Dean pokes his shampooed head around the shower curtain. Dean: You mean we can't even go out for breakfast? Sam: You'll thank me when it's Wednesday! Dean: Whatever that means. Dean disappears behind the shower curtain. INT. Hotel ROOM - DAY Sam looks out the window. He hears Dean yelp, followed by a thud. Closeup of Sam's closed eyes. Radio Heat of the moment Sam's eyes open. INT. Hotel ROOM - DAY Dean bites into a takeout taco. Dean: These tacos taste funny to you? INT. Hotel ROOM - DAY Radio Heat of the moment Sam sits up in bed. Dean plugs in an electric razor and is electrocuted. Closeup of Sam's closed eyes. Radio Heat of the moment Sam's eyes open. INT. MYSTERY SPOT - NIGHT Establishing sh*t of the neon-green-and-black spiral hallway. Several thuds. Sam is breaking down the walls with an axe. Dean grins at the OWNER, who is duct-taped to a chair. Dean: Everybody's fine, nobody's gonna get hurt, okay? Sammy? Sam stops and turns. Dean: Maybe you should drop the axe and let this guy go, what do you say? Sam: Something's gotta be going on here. I intend to find out what. Sam goes back to swinging the axe. Dean: Place is tore up pretty good, dude. Time to give it a rest. Sam: NO! I'm gonna take it down to studs. Dean, standing up Sammy, that's enough, give me the axe. Sam offscreen Leave it, Dean. Dean offscreen Give it. Sam offscreen No, you give it. Dean offscreen Let it go. Sam offscreen No. Dean offscreen Let it go, come on! Sam offscreen Dean, leave it, please- The OWNER is splashed with blood. Sam: Dean? Thud. The OWNER tries to yell through the duct tape. Closeup of Sam's closed eyes. Radio Heat of the moment Sam's eyes open. INT. DINER - DAY The door chimes as Sam and Dean enter. CASHIER gives Mr. PICKETT some change. CASHIER Drive safely now, Mr. Pickett. Mr. PICKETT Yeah, yeah. Sam bumps into Mr. PICKETT as they pass. Waitress: Can't stay unless you order something, Cal. You know the rules. CAL passes her some change. CAL Coffee. Sam and Dean sit down in a booth. There's a Man at the counter with pancakes and maple syrup-he's been in the background of the hot sauce scenes but this time he's noticeable. Dean: Hey. Tuesday. Pig in a poke. Sam puts a set of keys on the table. Dean looks at them, then at Sam. Dean: What are those? Sam: The old man's. Trust me, you don't want him behind the wheel. DORIS You boys ready? Dean: Uh, yes, we are. I'll have the special, side of bacon and a coffee. Sam: Hey, Doris? What I'd like is for you to log in some more hours at the archery range. You're a terrible sh*t. DORIS How'd you know that? Sam: Lucky guess. Dean: Okay, so you think you're caught in some kind of what, again? Sam: Time loop. Dean: Like [i]Groundhog Day[i]. Sam: Doesn't matter. There's no way to stop it. Dean: Jeez, aren't you grumpy. Sam: Yeah, I am. You wanna know why? Because this is the hundredth Tuesday in a row I've been through, and it never stops. Ever. So yeah, I'm a little grumpy. Hot sauce. Dean: What? DORIS arrives with the coffee and hot sauce. DORIS Coffee, black, and some hot sauce for the-whoops! Crap! Sam catches the hot sauce and slides it across the table. DORIS Thanks. Dean: Nice reflexes. Sam: I knew it was going to happen, Dean. I know everything that's gonna happen. Dean: You don't know everything. Sam: Yeah, I do. Dean and Sam in unison Yeah, right. Nice guess. Sam: It wasn't a guess. Dean and Sam in unison Right, you're a mind reader. Cut it out, Sam. Sam. They lean towards each other simultaneously. Dean and Sam in unison You think you're being funny but you're being really really childish! Sam Winchester wears makeup. Sam Winchester cries his way through sex. Sam Winchester keeps a ruler by the bed and every morning when he wakes up he- Dean throws up his hands. Dean: Okay, enough! Sam: That's not all. Randy the cashier? He's skimming from the register. Judge Myers? At night he puts on a furry bunny outfit. JUDGE MYERS, overhearing, knocks over his glass. Sam: Over there, that's Cal. He's gonna rob Tony the mechanic on the way home. Dean: What's your point? Sam: My point is I've lived through every possible Tuesday. I've watched you die every possible way. I have ripped apart the Mystery Spot, burnt it down, tried everything I know to save your life and I can't. No matter what I do, you die. And then I wake up. And then it's Tuesday again. EXT. STREET - DAY Sam: Dog. The dog barks as Sam and Dean pass. Dean: There's gotta be some way out of this. Sam: Where's my dang keys? They pass Mr. PICKETT. Mr. PICKETT Where's my dang keys? Sam: Excuse me. Dean collides with Blonde Girl. Blonde Girl Excuse me. Dean: She's kinda cute. Dean puts out a hand to stop Sam. Dean: Hey. All the times we've walked down this street, I ever do this? Dean goes back to Blonde Girl. Dean offscreen 'scuse me, miss! Sam, staring after him No. Blonde Girl gives Dean one of her papers. For the first time we can see that there is a picture and the word "MISSING". Dean: Hundred Tuesdays and you never bothered to check what she was holding in her hands? Sam shrugs. Dean holds up the flyer. Dean: It's the guy who went missing. Sam stares at the name "DEXTER HASSELBACK" under the picture from the newspaper clipping. Sam: Yeah? Dean: That's his daughter back there. Sam grabs the flyer and runs after Blonde Girl. Sam: Ma'am? The dog growls and barks at Dean. Dean: Hey buddy! Somebody need a friend? Good boy-aaah! Closeup of Sam's closed eyes. Radio Heat of the moment Sam's eyes open. INT. DINER - DAY Dean is eating and Sam is on the laptop; behind them the Man with the pancakes is reading a newspaper. A thing of pink syrup is visible next to his plate. Sam: So the police report says Dexter Hasselback is a professor, but that's not all he is. Dean: What is he? Sam: I talked to his daughter. Guy's quite the journalist. Columns in magazines, a blog. The Man leaves. Sam: He writes about tourist attractions. Mystery spots, UFO crash sites-he gets his kicks debunking them. I mean, he's already put four of these places out of business. Here. Sam turns the laptop to face Dean. Onscreen is the biography of the author of the blog "The Hasselback Report" with a picture of Hasselback and a headline Dean reads aloud. Dean: Dexter Hasselback, truth warrior? More like a pompous schmuck, you ask me. Sam: Yeah, tell me about it. I mean, I've read everything the guy's ever written, and he must have weighed a ton, he was so full of himself. Dean: When'd you have time to do all this research? Sam: COme on. Sam packs up the laptop. They get up. Dean laughs. Sam: What? Dean: I just, it's just funny, you know, I mean, this guy spends his whole life crapping on Mystery Spots and then he vanishes into one. It's kinda poetic, you know, just desserts. Sam: You're right, that is just desserts. Sam notices the Man's abandoned plate; it has a partial pancake and pink syrup. Dean: What's wrong? Sam watches the Man walk by the diner windows. Sam: Guy has maple syrup for the last hundred Tuesdays, all of a sudden he's having strawberry? Dean: It's a free country. Man can't choose his own syrup, huh? What have we become? Sam: Not in this diner. Not today. Nothing in this place ever changes. Ever. Except me. Closeup of Sam's closed eyes. Radio Heat of the moment Sam's eyes open. INT. Hotel ROOM - DAY Sam sits up in bed and stares around. Radio Telling you what your heart is Dean: Rise and shine, Sammy! Dean is sitting on the other bed, tying his shoes. Sam looks around. Radio The heat of the moment Showed in your eyes INT. DINER - DAY The Man is eating pancakes with maple syrup. Behind him, Dean is eating and Sam is watching the Man. Dean: So you think you're caught in some kind of what, again? Sam: Eat your breakfast. The Man leaves. Sam follows. Dean: What's in the bag? Dean follows Sam. EXT. STREET - DAY The Man walks down the street. Sam grabs him, slams him into the fence, and puts the tip of a wooden stake at his throat. Man: Hey! Sam: I know who you are. Or should I say, what. Man: Oh my god, please don't k*ll me. Dean: Uh, Sam? Sam: It took me a hell of a long time but I got it. Man: What? Sam: It's your MO that gave you away. Going after pompous jerks, giving them their just desserts-your kind loves that, don't they? Man: Yeah, sure, okay. The Man glances nervously at the stake. Man: Just put the stake down! Dean: Sam, maybe you should- Sam: No! There's only one creature powerful enough to do what you're doing. Making reality out of nothing, sticking people in time loops-in fact you'd pretty much have to be a god. You'd have to be a Trickster. Man: Mister, my name is Ed Coleman, my wife's name is Amelia, I got two kids, for crying out loud I sell ad space- Sam: Don't lie to me! I know what you are! We've k*lled one of your kind before! TRICKSTER Actually, bucko, you didn't. Continuation of the previous scene. Sam: Why are you doing this? TRICKSTER You're joking, right? You Chuckleheads tried to k*ll me last time. Why wouldn't I do this? Dean: And Hasselback, what about him? TRICKSTER That putz? He said he didn't believe in wormholes, so I dropped him in one. The TRICKSTER laughs. TRICKSTER Then you guys showed up. I made you the second you h*t town. Sam: So this is fun for you? k*lling Dean over and over again? TRICKSTER One, yes. It is fun. And two? This is so not about k*lling Dean. This joke is on you, Sam. Watching your brother die, every day? Forever? Sam: You son of a bitch. TRICKSTER How long will it take you to realize? You can't save your brother. No matter what. Sam: Oh yeah? I k*ll you, this all ends now. TRICKSTER Oh-oh, hey, whoa! Okay. Look. I was just playing around. You can't take a joke, fine. You're out of it. Tomorrow, you'll wake up and it'll be Wednesday. I swear. Sam: You're lying. TRICKSTER If I am, you know where to find me. Having pancakes at the diner. Sam looks at Dean, then back at the TRICKSTER. Sam: No. Easier to just k*ll you. TRICKSTER Sorry, kiddo. Can't have that. The TRICKSTER snaps his fingers. Closeup of Sam's closed eyes. Radio Promise me I'll be back in time Sam's eyes snap open. INT. Hotel ROOM - DAY Sam sits up in bed and stares around. Radio Gotta get back in time Dean: What, you gonna sleep all day? Dean is standing by the bathroom sink. Sam: No Asia. Dean: Yeah, I know. This station sucks. Radio On a roll of the dice Sam stares at the clock radio. It says WED. Sam gasps. Sam: It's Wednesday! Dean: Yeah, usually comes after Tuesday. Turn that thing off, will you? Sam, grinning What, are you kidding me? This isn't the most beautiful song you've ever heard? Dean: No. How many Tuesdays did you have? Sam throws a long-sleeved shirt over his T-shirt. Sam: I don't know. I lost count. Hey, wait. What do you remember? Dean: I remember you were pretty whacked out of it yesterday and then I remember running into the Trickster. But no, that's about it. Sam: All right. Pack your stuff, let's get the hell out of town. Now. Dean: No breakfast? Sam: No breakfast. EXT. PARKING LOT - DAY Dean pulls a g*n out of the secret compartment, puts it in a duffel bag, closes the compartment, puts the bag in the trunk, and closes the trunk. He hears someone behind him. Dean: You sure we should just let the Trickster go? Dean turns to face the person; it's CAL, not Sam. CAL is pointing a g*n at Dean. CAL Gimme your wallet. Dean: Whoa whoa whoa, buddy, just relax. CAL I am relaxed! CAL is not relaxed. Dean: Okay, all right, nobody wants this to end the wrong way, let's talk about it a sec. INT. Hotel ROOM - DAY Sam is packing. His head snaps around when he hears a g*n. Sam: Dean! EXT. STREET - DAY CAL runs around the corner. Sam hurries down the motel exterior stairs. Dean is on his side on the asphalt, blood on his shirt. Sam runs to him. Sam: No, no, no no no, hey, hey, come on, not today, not today, this isn't supposed to happen today, come on- Sam realizes Dean isn't moving. He closes his eyes and waits. Nothing happens. He opens his eyes. Dean is still d*ad. Sam: I'm supposed to wake up. EXT. ROAD - NIGHT A car, probably the Impala, drives across the screen. The caption at the bottom reads "Six Months Later". INT. CAR - NIGHT Sam is at the wheel. Throughout this montage, he barely has any expression. The sound of a phone ringing. V.O. Sam: It's Sam. Leave me a message. Beep. While Bobby speaks, flashes of Sam shining a flashlight around, the outside of a building, Sam f*ring a g*n. V.O. Bobby Sam? It's Bobby. Heard about that demon thing you took care of in Death Valley. Nice job. Been about three months we talked, though. Be nice to hear your voice. Give a call. I'm here. Beep. EXT. MOTEL LOT - NIGHT INT. Hotel ROOM - NIGHT Sam opens the room door. He pulls off his overshirt; his T-shirt is bloodsoaked. He cuts up through the bloodstain to reveal a bleeding wound. He pours hydrogen peroxide on it and goes into the hole with a pair of something resembling tweezers, with which he pulls out a b*llet. He stitches the wound. INT. Hotel ROOM - NIGHT Sam is eating. Beep. V.O. Bobby Sam? Bobby again. Look, I'm worried about you. Sam cleans a g*n, facing a wall of maps and newspaper clippings and security-camera stills featuring the Trickster, arranged in neat lines with none overlapping. V.O. Bobby Just tell me you're not sitting alone somewhere obsessing over this damn Trickster. Call me, Sam. We can find it together. No one man should take something like this on alone. You hear me? By the way, that vampire nest in Austin, hell of a job. Closeup of Sam's eyes. He sits up stiffly and makes the bed with military precision. He goes into the bathroom and brushes his teeth. Beep. V.O. Bobby Sam? It's Bobby. I found him. INT. MYSTERY SPOT - NIGHT Bobby is kneeling on the floor turning the pages of a book, which is d*ad center of a chalked diagram with three candles and three bowls of unidentified substances. Sam enters the room behind him. Bobby stands. Bobby: It's good to see you, boy. He hugs Sam, who doesn't respond. Bobby pulls back. Sam: What are we doing here, Bobby? Bobby: Well, it's the last place we're sure the Trickster worked his magic. Sam: So? Bobby: So you want this thing? I found a summoning ritual to bring the Trickster here. Sam: What do we need? Bobby: Blood. Sam: How much blood? Bobby: Ritual says near a gallon. And it's gotta be fresh, too. Sam: Meaning we have to bleed a person dry. Bobby: And it's gotta be tonight. Or not for another fifty years. Sam: Then let's go get some. Sam turns to leave. Bobby doesn't move. Sam notices and turns back. Bobby: You break my heart, kid. Sam: What? Bobby: I'm not gonna let you m*rder an innocent man. Sam: Then why'd you bring me here? Bobby: Why? Because it was the only way you'd see me! Because I'm trying to knock some sense into you! Because I thought you'd back down from k*lling a man! Sam: Well, you thought wrong. Leave the stuff, I'll do it myself. Bobby: I told you, I'm not gonna let you k*ll a man. Sam, shouting It's none of your damn business what I do! Bobby: You want your brother back so bad? Bobby leans down and pulls a Kn*fe out of his bag. He holds it up to Sam. Bobby: Fine. Sam eyes the Kn*fe. Sam: what are you talking about? Bobby: Better me than a civilian. Bobby holds the Kn*fe out to Sam. Sam: You're crazy, Bobby. I'm not k*lling you. Bobby: Oh, now I'm the crazy one. Look, Sam, I'm old, I'm coming near the end of my trail. But you can keep fighting. Saving folk. But you need your brother. Let me get him back to you. Sam: Bobby- Bobby: You and Dean, you boys are the closest thing I have to family. I wanna do this. Sam takes the Kn*fe. Sam: Okay. Bobby: Good. Bobby turns around and goes to his knees. Bobby: Just make it quick. Sam waits. Bobby: Do it, son. Sam: Yeah, okay, Bobby. Sam pulls a stake out of his shirt. Sam: But you wanna know why? Sam grabs Bobby around the throat and shoves the stake through his back. The tip comes out Bobby's chest. Sam: Because you're not Bobby. Sam twists the stake. Blood spurts out of the wound. Bobby goes still and falls forward. Sam lets go of him, then stares at Bobby's corpse. Nothing happens. Sam: Bobby? Bobby! Bobby! Bobby's corpse vanishes. The stake falls over, then sh**t over Sam's shoulder into the hand of the TRICKSTER. Sam turns to face him. TRICKSTER You're right. I was just screwing with you. Pretty good, though, Sam. Smart. Let me tell you, whoever said Dean was the dysfunctional one has never seen you with a sharp object in your hands. Holy Full Metal Jacket. Sam: Bring him back. TRICKSTER Who, Dean? Didn't my girl send you flowers? Dean's d*ad. He ain't coming back. His soul's downstairs doing the hellfire rumba as we speak. Sam: Just take us back to that Tuesday-er, Wednesday-when it all started. Please. We won't come after you, I swear. TRICKSTER You swear. Sam: Yes. TRICKSTER I don't know. Even if I could- Sam: You can. TRICKSTER True. But that don't mean I should. Sam, there's a lesson here that I've been trying to drill into that freakish Cro-Magnon skull of yours. Sam: Lesson? What lesson? TRICKSTER This obsession to save Dean? The way you two keep sacrificing yourselves for each other? Nothing good comes out of it. Just blood and pain. Dean's your weakness. And the bad guys know it, too. It's gonna be the death of you, Sam. Sometimes you just gotta let people go. Sam: He's my brother. TRICKSTER Yup. And like it or not, this is what life's gonna be like without him. Sam: Please. Just-please. TRICKSTER I swear, it's like talking to a brick wall. Okay, look. This all stopped being fun months ago. You're Travis Bickle in a skirt, pal. I'm over it. Sam: Meaning what? TRICKSTER Meaning that's for me to know and you to find out. The TRICKSTER snaps his fingers. Closeup of Sam's closed eyes. Radio Promise me I'll be back in time Sam's eyes snap open. INT. Hotel ROOM - DAY Sam sits up in bed and stares around. Radio Gotta get back in time Dean: What, you gonna sleep all day? Dean is standing by the bathroom sink brushing his teeth. Dean: I know, no Asia. This station sucks. Radio On a roll of the dice Sam checks the clock radio. It says WED. Sam: It's Wednesday. Dean: Yeah, usually comes after Tuesday. Turn that thing off. Sam throws off the covers and goes to pull Dean into a hug. Dean: Dude, how many Tuesdays did you have? Sam: Enough. What, uh, what do you remember? Dean: I remember you were pretty whacked out of it yesterday. I remember getting up with the Trickster. That's about it. Sam nods. Sam: Let's go. Dean: No breakfast? Sam: No breakfast. Dean: All right, I'll pack the car. Sam: Wait, you're not going anywhere alone. Dean: It's the parking lot, Sam. Sam: Just-just trust me. Sam, dressed, zips closed a bag. Dean opens the door, then turns back. Dean: Hey, you don't look so good. Something else happen? Sam says nothing for a moment. Sam: I just had a really weird dream. Dean nods. Dean: Clowns or midgets? Sam looks up. Dean grins. Sam tries to smile. He picks up his bag. Dean leaves. Sam follows, stopping at the door to look back at the unmade bed. Sam turns off the light and closes the door.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "03x11 - Mystery Spot"}
Air Date: 21 February 2008 DAY, MONUMENT, COLORADO. Sam rushes into a bedroom. Dean follows and shuts the door. They search the room. Dean checks the drawers, while Sam checks the safe. Dean: Any sign of it? Sam: Nothing. Are you sure this is Bela's room? Dean: (Holds up two wigs and shows them to Sam) I'd say so. Suddenly the phone rings and they share a look. Dean walks to the phone and looks at Sam who shakes his head. Dean picks up the phone and answers it cautiously. It's Bela, who is calling from her car. Bela: Dean? Sweetie, are you there? Dean: Where are you? Bela: Two states away by now. Dean: Where? Bela: Where's our usual quippy banter? I miss it. Dean: I want it back, Bela… now. Bela: Your little p*stol, you mean? (Looks at the Colt on the seat next to her) Sorry, I can't at the moment. Dean: You understand how many people are gonna die if you do this? Bela: What exactly is it that you think I plan to do with it? Dean: Take the only w*apon we have against an army of demons and sell it to the highest bidder. Bela: You know nothing about me. Dean: I know I'm gonna stop you. Bela: Tough words for a guy who can't even find me. Dean: Oh, I'll find you, sweetheart. You know why? Because I have absolutely nothing better to do than to track you down. Bela: That's where you're wrong. You're about to be quite occupied. (Dean looks at Sam) Did you really think I wouldn't take precautions? Suddenly police officers burst into BELA's room and point g*n at Sam and Dean. They both raise their hands above their heads. Police Officer 1: Hands in the air! Police Officer 2: Down on your knees. Bela hangs up the phone and sighs in relief. Dean: That bitch! Police Officer 1: Turn around! Now! The Police OFFICERS force Dean and Sam to lie down on the floor. Police Officer 1: Sam and Dean Winchester, you have the right to remain silent. Sam and Dean see feet come closer. They look at each other, then up. Police Officer 1: Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney and have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a Lawyer, one will be appointed for you at government expense. Dean and Sam look up to see Agent Henriksen. Henriksen: Hi guys… It's been a while. Dean and Sam look at each other. Dean closes his eyes and lays his head down on the floor. SUPERNATURAL DAY: Police STATION. Henriksen talks to the police. MELVIN: So did you get them? Henriksen: Where is everyone? I asked for all your men. MELVIN: And you got them. They want with you on the raid. Henriksen: Four men? That's all? MELVIN: Everyone I could drum up with an hour's notice. We're a small town, Agent Henriksen. Henriksen walks towards the holding cells. He sees a man sleeping in the first one. Henriksen: What's he in for? PHIL: Drunk and disorderly. Henriksen: Keys. (PHIL and MELVIN look at Henriksen in disbelief) Now. PHIL reaches for the key in his pocket and gives it to Henriksen. MELVIN: What are you doing? Henriksen: (Opens the cell and taps the sleeping man on the back) It is your lucky night, sir. You are free to go. MELVIN: What the hell are you doing? Henriksen: (Lifts up the man) This way. (Takes the man out of the cell and gives him to PHIL) MELVIN: Agent Henriksen, you can't just release my prisoners. (Henriksen walks away) Agent Henriksen. Henriksen: Look, I get it… you're Mayberry P.D. MELVIN: Excuse me? Henriksen: And this isn't how I'd do it if I had my choice. But a tip's a tip and we had to move fast. (Walks back to the office) MELVIN: Look, Agent, this ain't my first rodeo. Henriksen: You've never been to a rodeo like this before. You have any idea who we're about to bring in here? MELVIN: Yeah, a couple of fugitives. Henriksen: The most dangerous criminals you've ever laid your eyeballs on. Think Hannibal Lecter and his half-wit little brother. Do you know what these guys do for kicks? Dig up graves and mutilate corpses. They're not just K*llers, Sheriff. They're Satan-worshipping, nutbag K*llers. NANCY, the secretary, is silently listening to Henriksen and she holds the cross pendant she wears around her neck. Henriksen: So work with me here. I'll get them out your hair and on their way to Supermax and you'll be home in enough time to watch the farm report. MELVIN: (Nods) However we can help. Henriksen: (Comes closer) Those men of yours… post them at the exits. MELVIN: Yes sir. Henriksen: (Talks into his walkie) Reidy? REIDY (V.O): Yeah, Vic? Henriksen: Bring them in. (NANCY looks at Henriksen) I guess we're ready as we're gonna be. Doors open. Sam and Dean are led in, shackled together by a chain and guarded by two officers. Dean: Why all the sourpusses? (Smiles) Sam looks at the name plate on NANCY's desk, which reads "NANCY FITZGERALD, Secretary". NANCY looks afraid and grabs her rosary. REIDY: I'll show you to the cells. REIDY grabs Dean's arm. Dean: Hey! Hey! Watch the merchandise! NANCY's eyes follow them, scared. Dean: We're not the ones you should be scared of, Nancy. NANCY looks at her rosary and holds it. PRISON CELL: Dean and Sam are brought to their cell. The police leave them alone. Dean heads for the bed and Sam to the door. They both almost fall because of the chain. Sam: Dean, come on! Dean: All right, all right. Sit? Sam: Yeah. They awkwardly walk around each other and end up sitting on the bed. Dean: How we gonna Houdini out of this one? Sam: Good question. IN THE OFFICE: Henriksen makes a phone call and loosens his b*llet-proof vest. Henriksen: It's me. Steven in? (Pause) Well get him out of the meeting. (Henriksen looks at MELVIN who watches him) FBI OFFICE: Wanted posters for Dean and Sam are hanging in the wall. STEVEN: Groves. Henriksen V.O.: I've got them. STEVEN: Well, I'll be damned. (He opens his Winchester case file) I was betting on your headstone reading "Couldn't catch the Winchester boys." Henriksen: Well, they'll be at Supermax by morning. STEVEN: How? Henriksen V.O.: Armored bus, loaded with men. STEVEN: A bus? What, are you trying to give me another ulcer? Henriksen: Look, we're taking every precaution. STEVEN V.O.: Screw that. I'm sending a chopper. STEVEN: Like the last time? And the time before that? Henriksen: Whatever you think is best. STEVEN: Damn right, and I'll be on it. I can't take you losing those boys again. They have been a priMary thorn in my ass for months. So Victor… Henriksen V.O.: Yeah? STEVEN: Glue your eyeballs to them till I get there. Henriksen: (hangs up the phone and addresses MELVIN) There's a chopper on its way. MELVIN: But we don't have a helicopter pad. Henriksen: Then clear the damn parking lot. CELL: Dean looks at Henriksen. Sam glances at Henriksen, then away. Henriksen: You know what I'm trying to decide? Dean: I don't know. What? Whether Cialis will help you with your little condition? Henriksen: What to have for dinner tonight. (Sam looks at him) Steak or lobster, what the hell, surf and turf. (Dean smirks cynically) I got a lot to celebrate. I mean, after all, seeing you two in chains… Dean: You kinky son of a bitch. We don't swing that way. Henriksen: Now, that's funny. Dean: You know, I wouldn't bust out the melted butter just yet. Couldn't catch us at the bank, couldn't keep us in that jail. Henriksen: You're right. Screwed up. I underestimated you. I didn't count on you being that smart but now I'm ready. Dean: Yeah, ready to lose us again? Henriksen: Ready like a court order to keep you in a Supermaximum prison in Nevada till trial. Ready like isolation in a soundproof, windowless cell, so that between you and me… probably unconstitutional. Sam and Dean realize Henriksen is serious. Henriksen: How's that for ready? Dean doesn't say anything. Henriksen: Take a good look at Sam; you two will never see each other again. Sam and Dean look at Henriksen, disconcerted. Henriksen: Where's that smug smile, Dean? I want to see it. Dean: (Shakes his head, disbelief) You got the wrong guys. Henriksen: Oh, yeah. I forgot. You fight monsters. Sorry, Dean. Truth is, your daddy brainwashed you with all that devil talk and no doubt touched you in a bad place. That's all, that's reality. Dean: Why don't you shut your mouth? Henriksen: Well, guess what. Life sucks. Get a helmet. ‘Cause everybody's got a sob story. But not everybody becomes a k*ller. There is the sound of a helicopter approaching. Henriksen: And now I have two less to worry about. Henriksen looks at his watch and smiles. Henriksen: It's surf and turf time. (Laughs) Sam and Dean watch Henriksen leave. Dean smiles cynically. They both look stressed. OFFICE: Agent STEVEN GROVES comes inside the office and Henriksen holds out his hand. Henriksen: Steven! STEVEN: Gentleman. (Instead of shaking Henriksen's hand, he gives Henriksen some files) Henriksen: (Confused) What's all this? STEVEN: What can I say? The FBI didn't invent bureaucracy. We perfected it. Henriksen: You want me to do all this now? STEVEN: (smiles) Sorry. Now, Victor. NANCY smiles. STEVEN: I'm gonna go take a good long gander at our fugitives. STEVEN leaves Henriksen to finish the paperwork. REIDY gives Henriksen a pen and Henriksen starts to fill out the forms, annoyed. CELLS: STEVEN enters the holding cell area and closes the main door to the office area. Dean stands up and looks at STEVEN. STEVEN: Sam and Dean Winchester. I'm Deputy Director Steven Groves. This is a pleasure. Dean: Well, glad one of us feels that way. STEVEN: I've been waiting a long time for you two to come out of the woodwork. Suddenly STEVEN points his g*n and sh**t Dean in his left shoulder. Dean's blood sprays to the wall. Dean grunts and falls back, while Sam jumps up and grapples with STEVEN through the bars. Dean falls on the bed as STEVEN fires several more sh*ts, narrowly missing Dean. STEVEN's eyes turn black and Sam begins an exorcism in Latin, which causes STEVEN's head to whip from side to side. STEVEN: Sorry. Got to cut this short. It's gonna be a long night, fellas. Dean sits up, clutching his shoulder, as the demon leaves STEVEN's body and the black smoke disappears into the ceiling air vent. OFFICE: Henriksen and REIDY hear STEVEN's scream. REIDY: What the hell was that? Both of them run to the cells. CELLS: STEVEN falls to the ground. PHIL and MELVIN enter, followed by Henriksen, who points his g*n at Sam. MELVIN: Put the g*n down! Sam: Wait. Okay. Wait. MELVIN: He sh*t him! Sam: I didn't sh**t him. I didn't sh**t anyone. Dean: He sh*t me! Henriksen: Get on your knees. Sam: Okay, okay, okay. Don't sh**t. Please. Look. Here. Here. (Sam passes the g*n through the bars) We didn't sh**t him. Check the body. There's no blood. We did not k*ll him. Go ahead, check him. REIDY checks STEVEN's body. REIDY: Vic, there's no b*llet wound. Dean: He's probably been d*ad for months. Henriksen: What did you do to him? Dean: We didn't do anything. Henriksen: Talk or I sh**t. Dean: You won't believe us. Sam: He was possessed. Henriksen: Possessed? Right. f*re up the chopper! We're taking them out of here now. Dean: Yeah! Do that! REIDY: Bill? Bill, are you there? There's no answer from the walkie. Henriksen nods to REIDY to check outside. MELVIN and PHIL continue to point their g*n at Sam and Dean. NIGHT: OUTSIDE, REIDY discovers two officers whose throats have been cut. He walks to the chopper. The pilot and two more officers are d*ad. REIDY: (into walkie) They're d*ad. I think they're all d*ad. Suddenly there's a blast of light. REIDY yells and is flung backwards. INSIDE: CELL. Henriksen: What the hell was that? Reidy? Reidy?! OUTSIDE: The chopper is on f*re. REIDY coughs and sits up. HENRIKSEN's voice is heard from the walkie talkie. Henriksen V.O.: What the hell was that? Come in? Reidy? Reidy? REIDY walks toward the b*rned chopper. He turns to find one of the d*ad officers on his feet and looking at him with black eyes. The possessed officer crushes REIDY's flesh. REIDY screams. OFFICE: MELVIN fills his r*fle with b*ll*ts while NANCY tries to make a call. NANCY: Hello? (NANCY keeps trying to get a line.) MELVIN: My men? Agent Henriksen— (Henriksen doesn't answer.) PHIL: What the hell's happening out there? NANCY: I can't get a line. All the phones are out. MELVIN: Henriksen! Four of my men! NANCY: The internet, my cell…. It's all d*ad. How can it all be d*ad? MELVIN tosses the r*fle to PHIL. Suddenly the lights go out. CELL: Sam and Dean stand up. Dean: That can't be good. BACK TO OFFICE: NANCY: Oh my God. MELVIN: No, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay. We're gonna go, we're gonna go… right now. (He loads his g*n. Henriksen turns around.) Henriksen: Nobody's going anywhere. Everybody, calm down. MELVIN: Your partner is out there! My men are out there! Henriksen: I know. We go out there, we're asking to die too. Don't you get it? MELVIN: Get what? Henriksen: They're out there and they're coming in here. This is a siege. So this might be a good time for you to lock the doors and the windows (NANCY looks up, panicking), take a breath, and maybe deal with this like trained professionals with some sense in their heads. PHIL and MELVIN look at each other and calm down. MELVIN nods and leaves. Henriksen walks to NANCY. Henriksen: You okay? NACNY nods but then shakes her head. Henriksen: I wouldn't think so. Nancy, right? I'm gonna get you through this. You got my word. You got that? NANCY smiles and nods. CUT to CELL: Sam helps Dean with his wound, while Dean grunts. Sam: All right, don't be such a wuss. Henriksen: What's the plan? k*ll everyone in the station, bust you two out? Dean: What the hell are you talking about? Henriksen: I'm talking about your psycho friends. I'm talking about the blood bath. Dean: Okay, I promise you whoever's out there is not here to help us. Sam: Look, you got to believe us. Everyone here is in terrible danger. Henriksen: You think? Dean: Why don't you let us out of here so we can save your asses? Henriksen: From what? You gonna say "demons"? (Raises his g*n, pointed at the ceiling, for emphasis) Don't you dare say "demons". Let me tell you something. You should be a lot more scared of me. (He leaves.) Sam: How's the shoulder? Dean: (Takes away a pad of toilet paper with a large blood stain on it) It's awesome. (Tosses away the pad) I'll live. You know, if we get out of here alive. So you got a plan? Sam checks Dean's exit wound on the back of his shoulder as Dean grimaces in pain. Dean realizes that NANCY is peeking around a corner outside the bars. Dean: (quietly to Sam) Hey. Sam: Hey… NANCY backs off, scared. Sam: Uh, please, please. We need your help. It's… it's Nancy. Nancy, right? (NANCY just looks at Sam) Nancy, my… my brother's been sh*t. He's… He's bleeding really bad. You think maybe you could get us a towel? Please? Just one clean towel? (NANCY's not sure and still a bit afraid) Look, look at us. We're not the bad guys. I swear. Dean gives NANCY a smile and she leaves them. Sam sighs. Dean: Nice try. Sam sighs again, then turns around and sees that NANCY has come back with a clean towel. Sam: Thank you. NANCY comes closer to the boys, carefully. Sam: It's okay. (He holds out his handcuffed hands) NANCY puts the towel inside the bars while Sam smiles at her. She smiles back. Suddenly Sam grabs NANCY's arm and drags her against the bars. NANCY screams. PHIL runs in with his r*fle. PHIL: Let her go! Let her go! Sam lets Nancy go. She backs away, scared. PHIL: (Point the g*n at Sam) You're okay, Nance? (Looks at Sam) Try something again, get sh*t. And not in the arm. Sam: Okay. PHIL and NANCY walk away. After they leave, Dean hits Sam in the arm. Dean: What the hell was that? Sam holds up NANCY's rosary. Dean is pressing the towel to his wound, sitting on the bed next to Sam. Sam: We're like sitting ducks in here. Dean: Yeah, I know. Would it k*ll these cops to bring us a snack?! (He shouts the last words) Sam: How many you figure are out there? Dean: I don't know. Sam: However many they are, they could be possessing anyone. Anyone could just walk right in. Dean: It's kind of wild, right? I mean it's like they're coming for us. They've never done that before. (Dean smiles) It's like we got a contract on us. Think it's because we're so awesome? I think it's ‘cause we're so awesome. (He smiles again, but stops smiling after Sam looks at him, unamused) MELVIN comes in and unlocks their cell. Dean: Well, howdy, there, Sheriff. Dean and Sam stand up while MELVIN opens the cell door. Sam: Uh, Sheriff? MELVIN: It's time to go, boys. Dean and Sam step back as MELVIN comes into the cell. Dean: Uh… you know what? We're just comfy right here. But thank you. Henriksen appears at the door of the cell. Henriksen: What do you think you're doing? MELVIN: We're not just gonna sit around here and wait to die. We're gonna make a run for it. Henriksen: It's safer here. MELVIN: There's a SWAT facility in boulder. Henriksen: (Comes inside the cell) We're not going anywhere. MELVIN: The hell we're not. Henriksen sh*ts MELVIN in the head. Dean and Sam grapple with Henriksen and Sam pushes HENRIKSEN's head into the toilet and begins an exorcism. PHIL runs around the corner with his r*fle. Dean points HENRIKSEN's g*n at him. Dean: Stay back! Henriksen lifts his head up out of the water. His face is burning and he yells. Sam shoves him back into the toilet bowl, in which NANCY's rosary is floating. Sam continues the exorcism. NANCY comes around the corner. Dean: (to Sam) Hurry up! Henriksen lifts his head again. His eyes are black. Henriksen: It's too late. I already called them. They're already coming. Sam shoves him back into the water and finishes the exorcism. Henriksen screams as black smoke sh**t out of his mouth and up to the air vent in the ceiling. Henriksen falls to the floor as Sam breathes heavily. NANCY: Is he… is he d*ad? Henriksen regains consciousness and coughs. Sam: Henriksen! Hey. Is that you in there? Henriksen gets up and sits on the bed. Henriksen: I… I sh*t the Sheriff. Dean: (smiles after a pause) But you didn't sh**t the Deputy. Sam stares at Dean in disbelief. Henriksen: Five minutes ago, I was fine, and then… Dean: Let me guess. Some nasty black smoke jammed itself down your throat? Sam: You were possessed. Henriksen: Possessed like… possessed. Sam: That's what it feels like. Now you know. Dean: I owe the biggest "I told you so" ever. (He gives Henriksen back his g*n.) Henriksen: Officer Amici. (Stands up and addresses PHIL) Keys... PHIL gives Henriksen the keys. Sam and Dean's chains fall to the floor. HENRIKSSEN: All right, so how do we survive? NIGHT – OFFICE: Sam draws a devil's trap on the floor with spray paint. Dean looks at the floor plans to the police station, on which two devil's traps are drawn, while NANCY takes care of his wound. PHIL and Henriksen prepare g*n. Dean: Well, that's nice. It's not gonna do much good. PHIL: We got an arsenal here. Dean: You don't poke a bear with BB g*n. That's just gonna make them mad. Henriksen: What do you need? Dean: Salt. Lots and lots of salt. PHIL: Salt? Dean: What, is there an echo in here? NANCY: There's a road salt in the storeroom. Dean: Perfect. Perfect. We need salt at every window and every door. Henriksen and PHIL leave. Dean: How you holdin' up, Nancy? NANCY: Okay. (pause) When I was little, I would come home from the church and start to talk about the devil. My parents would tell me to stop being so literal. I guess I showed them, huh? (Adds a last piece of tape to Dean's bandage) That should hold. Dean: Thank you. NANCY: Sure. PHIL comes in with bags of salt. Dean: Hey, where's my car? PHIL: Impound lot out back. Dean: Okay. PHIL: Wait. (Dean looks at him) You're not going out there? Dean: Yeah, I got to get something out of my trunk. NIGHT – IMPOUND LOT: Dean opens the gate to the impound lot, then the trunk of the Impala. He starts putting things into a bag. The lights at a gas station flicker and thick black smoke interspersed with blue lightening races past. The lights in the impound lot flicker and crackle. Dean grabs some dreamcatcher-like amulets and turns to see the black smoke and blue and pink light coming towards him. He runs back inside as the smoke comes closer. INSIDE Police STATION: Sam is drawing a devil's trap on the floor with spray paint while the others line the windows with salt. Dean rushes inside. Dean: They're coming! Hurry. Black smoke hits a window and NANCY screams. NANCY, Sam and Dean run to the main office area, where Henriksen is. Dean tosses a g*n to Sam. From the outside, we can see the demon smoke h*t the building. From the inside of the building, we see the smoke surround the windows. The lights in the main room flicker and it becomes darker. From the outside, we see the smoke engulfing the building. NANCY clutches the cross she wears around her neck. Dust rains down from the ceiling as the building shakes. Then the smoke seems to disappear and it becomes quiet again. Sam: Everybody okay? Henriksen: Define "okay". Dean: All right, everybody needs to put these on. (Gives each of them a protection necklace) They'll keep you from being possessed. There you go. NANCY: What about you and Sam? Dean and Sam show their matching protection symbol tattoos on their chests. Henriksen: Smart. How long you had those? Sam: Not long enough. CUT TO: Henriksen looks at MELVIN's name plate, while Dean watches him. NANCY is organizing some files when she sees a crowd of people outside. NANCY: Hey, that's Jenna Rubner. We see a close-up of a woman with long red hair and black eyes. Sam: That's not Jenna anymore. NANCY: That's where all that black demon smoke went? Sam: Looks like. CUT TO: PHIL is in another room. He grabs a chair and stands on it to look out a window, which he wipes with his hand. When he leaves, we see that the salt line is broken. BACK TO: MAIN OFFICE. Henriksen: g*n shells full of salt. Dean: (Filling his g*n) Whatever works. Henriksen: Fighting off monsters with condiments. (He takes off his tie) So turns out demons are real. (He starts filling his r*fle with salt shells) Dean: FYI, ghosts are real too. So werewolves, vampires, changelings, evil clowns that eat people. Henriksen: Okay then. Dean: If it makes you feel better, Bigfoot's a hoax. (He smiles) Henriksen: It doesn't. So, how many demons? Dean: Total? No clue. A lot. Henriksen: You know what my job is? Dean: You mean besides locking up the good guys? (Walks over to Henriksen) I have no idea. Henriksen: My job is boring, it's frustrating. You work three years for one break, and then maybe you can save few people. Maybe. That's the payoff. I've been busting my ass for 15 years to nail a handful of guys and all this while, there's something in the corner so big. So yeah… sign me up for that big, frosty mug of wasting my damn life. Dean: You didn't know. Henriksen: Now I do. (Pause) What's out there? Can you guys b*at it? Can you win? Dean: Honestly, I think the world's gonna end bloody. But it doesn't mean we shouldn't fight. We do have choices. I choose to go down swingin'. Henriksen: Plus you got nothing to go home to but your brother. Dean: Yeah. (nods) What about you? You rockin' the white picket fence? Henriksen: Mmm-mm, empty apartment, string of angry ex-wives. I'm right where you are. (Chuckles) Dean: Imagine that. There is a crash and Dean and Henriksen run into the office where PHIL broke the salt line, followed by Sam. A woman has broken in. Henriksen: (pointing his r*fle) How do we k*ll her? Sam: We don't. (He lowers HENRIKSEN's r*fle) Henriksen: She's a demon. Sam: She's here to help us. PHIL and NANCY are now looking around the corner. PHIL: Are you kidding? Ruby is standing near the window, breathing heavily. Dean sighs in exasperation. Ruby: Are you gonna let me out? Henriksen looks at Dean. Sam scratches the devil's trap on the floor with his Kn*fe so Ruby can get in. Ruby: And they say chivalry's d*ad. Does anyone have a breath mint? Some guts splattered in my mouth while I was k*lling my way in here. Ruby walks past everyone into the main office. Dean and Henriksen follow her, while Sam stays to fix the salt line. BACK TO: OFFICE Dean: How many are out there? Ruby: 30 at least. That's so far. Dean: Oh, good. 30. 30 h*t men all g*n for us. Who sent them? Ruby looks at Sam, who is now standing in the doorway. Ruby: You didn't tell Dean? Dean looks at Sam, confused. Ruby: Ooh, I'm surprised. Dean: Tell me what? Ruby: There's a big new up and corner. Real pied piper. Dean: Who is he? Ruby: Not he. Her. Her name is Lilith. Dean: Lilith? Ruby: And she really, really wants Sam's intestines on a stick. ‘Cause she sees him as a competition. Dean: You knew about this? (Sam doesn't answer) Well, gee, Sam. Is there anything else I should know?! Ruby: How about the two of you talk about this later? We'll need the Colt. (Ruby looks at Sam, who doesn't meet her eyes. She looks at Dean) Where's the Colt? Sam: It got stolen. Ruby: I'm sorry. I must have blood in my ear. I thought I just heard you say that you were stupid enough to let the Colt get grabbed out of your thick, clumsy, idiotic hands. Fantastic. This is just peachy… Sam: Ruby… Ruby: Shut up. (She raises her hand) Fine. Since I don't see that there's no other any option. There's one other way I know how to get you out of here alive. Dean: What's that? Ruby: I know a spell. It'll vaporize every demon in a one-mile radius. Myself included. So, you let the Colt out of your sight and now I have to die. So next time, be more careful. How's that for a dying wish? Dean: Okay, what do we need to do? Ruby: Aww… you can't do anything. This spell is very specific. It calls for a person of virtue. Dean: (Nods) I got virtue. Ruby: (Chuckles) Nice try. You're not a virgin. Dean: (Laughs) Nobody's a virgin. Ruby looks at Dean, then at NANCY, who looks away. Dean: No. No way. You're kidding me, r–. You're… NANCY: What? It's a choice, okay? Dean: So, y-you've never… Not even once? I mean not even – Wow. NANCY: So, this spell. What can I do? (Smiles at Ruby) Ruby: You can hold still while I cut your heart out of your chest. NANCY: What? Dean: What? Are you crazy? Ruby: I'm offering a solution. Dean: You're offering to k*ll somebody. Ruby: And what do you think's gonna happen to this girl when the demons get in? Henriksen: We're gonna protect her. That's what. NANCY: Excuse me. Ruby: Very noble. NANCY: Excuse me. Ruby: You're all gonna die. Look. This is the only way. Dean: Yeah, yeah. There's no way that you're gonna— NANCY: Would everybody please shut up?! (Dean and Ruby look at NANCY) All the people out there… will it save them? Ruby: It'll blow the demons out of their bodies. So if their bodies are okay… yeah. NANCY: (Long pause, then she nods) I'll do it. Henriksen: Hell no. Dean: No, no. Henriksen: Hell no. Dean:You don't need to do this. NANCY: All my friends are out there. Henriksen: We do not sacrifice people. We do that, we're no better than them. Ruby: We don't have a choice. Dean: Yeah, well, your choice is not a choice. Ruby: Sam, you know I'm right. Dean and Ruby look at Sam, who is silent. Dean: (He smiles slightly in the expectation that Sam will agree with him) Sam? (Sam says nothing) What the hell is going on? Sam, tell her. NANCY: It's my decision. Ruby: Damn straight, cherry pie. Dean: Stop! Stop! Nobody k*ll any virgins. Sam, I need to talk to you. Dean walks into the hallway and Sam follows. Dean: Please tell me you're not actually considering this. We're talking about holding down a girl and cutting out her heart. Sam: And we're also talking about 30 people out there, Dean. Innocent people who are all gonna die, along with everyone in here. Dean: It doesn't mean that we throw away the rule book and stop acting like humans. I'm not gonna let that demon k*ll some nice, sweet, innocent girl, who hasn't even been laid. I mean, look, if that's how you win wars, then I don't want to win. Sam: Then what? What do we do, Dean? Dean: (Turns away for a moment, then back) I got a plan. I'm not saying it's a good one. I'm not even saying that it'll work. But it sure as hell beats k*lling a virgin. Sam: Okay, so, what's the plan? Dean: Open the doors, let them all in and we fight. OFFICE Sam walks in. Dean: Get the equipment to work? Sam: Yeah. Dean: So? Sam: So this is insane. Ruby: You win "understatement of the year." Dean: Look, I get it, you think— Ruby: I don't think… I know. It's not gonna work. (She stands up and starts to leave) So long, boys. Sam: So, you're just gonna leave? Ruby: Hey. I was gonna k*ll myself to help you win. I'm not gonna stand here and watch you lose. (Walks closer to Sam) And I'm disappointed because I tried. I really did, but clearly I bet on the wrong horse. (Sam says nothing) Do you mind letting me out? CUT TO: FRONT DOOR. Someone uses a Kn*fe to scratch away the paint forming the devil's trap, and then breaks the salt line across the doorway. Ruby walks outside, where the demons are waiting. She draws her Kn*fe. Ruby: I'm leaving. Who wants to stop me? The demons make way for Ruby to pass. The demon who possessed JENNA's body smiles cruelly. INSIDE OFFICE: Sam, Dean, and Henriksen ready in their positions at different spots in the building. Sam is in the main office, while Dean and Henriksen are near outside doors. Dean: All set? Sam: Yeah! Henriksen: Ready! Dean: Let's do this. They break the salt lines and devil's traps protecting the doors. Henriksen throws open an outside door. At first, nothing happens, but then suddenly a demon swings from the doorway and kicks at Henriksen with his feet. Demons run inside and Dean and Sam sh**t. A demon tackles Sam to the ground. One of the demons pins Henriksen against the wall. Sam fights hand-to-hand with the demon who tackled him. Henriksen reaches for a flask from his pocket. Henriksen: God, I hope this works. Henriksen opens the flask and splashes holy water on the demon. He grabs his g*n and moves further down the hallway. He and Dean each sh**t a demon while back to back. Dean: Go! Go! Go! Henriksen and Dean move in opposite directions. Henriksen swings at a demon with his r*fle in a hallway and Sam fights with the demons in the main office. There are now many demons in the building. OUTSIDE: NANCY and PHIL are on the roof watching as more demons run into the building. NANCY: When this is over, I'm gonna have so much sex. (PHIL looks at NANCY) But not with you. We better move. INSIDE: Dean fights demons in a hallway. OUTSIDE: NANCY closes a door to the building and lines it with salt. INSIDE: Sam flings holy water at demons in the main office. OUTSIDE: NANCY and PHIL line the door and windows with salt. INSIDE: Sam and Dean fling holy water at the demons. When their flasks are empty, the demons gather around them. OUTSIDE: NANCY and PHIL take their salt bags and run along the building. INSIDE: JENNA Demon climbs over a desk and walks towards Sam. She stretches out an arm, which sends Sam and Dean flying against the wall. They gasp in pain and look at each other. Dean: Henriksen, now! CUT TO: Audio room. Henriksen struggles with a demon as he tries to play a tape. He manages to turn it on and Sam's voice speaking an exorcism comes from speakers all over the office. The demons cover their ears. INSIDE: Sam (from recording): Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii... OUTSIDE: NANCY is lining a door with salt when a demon bursts out the door. NANCY screams and the demon looks at her with black eyes before he flees. PHIL grabs the bag from NANCY and finishes lining the door. Sam (from recording): Omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, ergo, draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica, adjuramus te, cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciæ, hostis humanæ salutis, humiliare sub potenti manu dei... As the exorcism continues to air over the loudspeakers, demons flail and scream. JENNA reaches up to cover her ears. Sam and Dean are still pinned to the wall. Demons pound against the outside doors, trying to get out. Black smoke begins to pour from the demons' mouths. The bodies of the possessed people fall to the ground as the smoke swirls around the ceiling. Sam (from recording): Contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomini quem inferi tremunt ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, domine. exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica ergo, draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica, adjuramus te cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare ut ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos! OFFICE: There is an expl*si*n of light on the ceiling, then everything goes still. Sam and Dean slide down the wall to the floor and look at each other. They get to their feet, groaning. Henriksen walks into the office and Chuckles slightly as he wipes blood from his lip. Dean shrugs. The people who had been possessed start to get up. Henriksen: I better call in. Hell of a story I won't be telling. Sam: So what are you gonna tell them? Henriksen: The least ridiculous lie I can come up with in the next five minutes. Dean: Good luck with that. Not to pressure you or anything, but what are you planning to do about us? Henriksen: I'm gonna k*ll you. Sam and Dean Winchester were in the chopper when it caught on f*re. Nothing left. Can't even identify them with dental records. (Sam smiles) Rest in peace guys. Sam and Dean shake hands with Henriksen. Henriksen: Now get out of here. Sam: Yeah… Sam and Dean leave as Henriksen places a call. CUT TO: LATER: A woman walks into the police station holding a Little Girl by the hand. The Little Girl walks up to NANCY, who is sweeping the main office. NANCY: Well hey there. Little Girl: Excuse me. I'm looking for two boys. They're brothers. Henriksen is sitting on a desk and PHIL standing nearby looking at a file. Little Girl: One's really tall and one's really cute. NANCY: (Laughs) What's your name, sweetie? Little Girl: Lilith. (Her eyes turn white) PHIL and NANCY realize that the Little Girl is Lilith THE Demon. Henriksen tries to react but it's too late. Lilith raises her hand and white light fills the office. Henriksen, NANCY and PHIL scream. MOTEL: Sam is lying on his back on a bed when there is a knock at the door. Sam sits up and Dean opens the door. It's Ruby. Ruby: (Walks into the room) Turn on the news. Sam turns on the television. Reporter ON TV: The community is still reeling from the tragedy that happened just a few hours ago. Authorities believe a gas main ruptured... Dean sits down on the other bed opposite Sam. Reporter ON TV: ...causing the massive expl*si*n that ripped apart the police station and claimed the lives of everyone inside. Among the deceased, at least six police officers and staff, including Sheriff Melvin Dodd, Deputy Phil Amici, and secretary Nancy Fitzgerald as well as three FBI agents, identified as Steven Groves, Calvin Reidy, and Victor Henriksen. The news shows their pictures. Reporter ON TV: Two fugitives in custody were also k*lled. We'll continue to follow the story here at the scene, but for now, back to you, Jim. Ruby turns off the television and looks at Sam and Dean with an "I-told-you-so" look. Sam: Must have happened right after we left. Ruby: Considering the size of the blast (Ruby tosses hex bags to Dean and Sam), smart money's on Lilith. Dean: What's in these? Ruby: Something that'll protect you. Throw Lilith off your trail… for the time being, at least. Sam: Thanks. Ruby: Don't thank me. Lilith k*lled everyone. She slaughtered your precious little virgin, plus a half a dozen other people. So after your big speech about humanity and w*r, turns out your plan was the one with the body count. Do you know how to run a battle? You strike fast and you don't leave any survivors. So no one can go running to tell the boss. So next time… we go with my plan. Ruby leaves. Dean looks at Sam. THE END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "03x12 - Jus in Bello"}
Air Date: 1 May 2008 INT. A COLD RAIN LASHES A LARGE COMFORTABLE HOUSE. A man is in his study. He pours a whiskey and walks back and forth, looking worried. The phone rings and he jerks. He stares at it for a long moment then moves to pick it up. The phone's display shows 'sHA33'. Man: Hello. Woman: Ben. BEN Linda. LINDA Ben, I had to talk to you... BEN You can't keep calling here. LINDA I know. I know, just...just tell me you thought about it please. BEN There's nothing to think about. LINDA Don't say that. BEN I can't. You know I can't. My wife... LINDA I'm begging you, come to me. Come to me, Ben. BEN No. He hangs up. The phone immediately starts ringing again. BEN picks it up. BEN Linda. Please. Please leave me alone. LINDA I'm not going to stop. I miss you, Ben. We could be happy. We could be happy together. BEN This is...this is crazy. LINDA I love you! Forever. Don't you love me? BEN You know I do. More than anything. I'm sorry. LINDA Ben, wait... BEN hangs up. The phone rings again. BEN picks up the receiver and slams it back down a number of times, then throws the whole phone across the room, the cord ripping out of the wall. BEN rubs his face and stares at nothing. After a few moments the phone starts ringing again. BEN looks shattered. He slowly opens the desk draw and takes out a g*n. He stares at it for a few seconds then takes a deep breath. BEN Okay, Linda. You win. He stares at the ceiling, then lifts the g*n and places the barrel against his throat, pointing upwards. He cocks it. BEN I'm coming. Close up of the phone screen spinning through letter and numbers and again landing on SHA33. A g*n is heard, then the thud of something hitting the ground. END Teaser Sam walks across a city square toward Dean sitting on a bench. Dean: (Into phone) Yep. I got it. Okay, bye. Dean hangs up then in one motion picks up and throws an unopened can of soda to Sam, stands up and shoves the last of the food he is eating into his mouth. Dean: (Chewing) So? Sam: So, the professor doesn't know crap. Dean: Shocking. Pack your panties, Sammy, we're hitting the road. Sam: What? What's up? Dean: That was Bobby. Some banker guy blew his head off in Ohio and he thinks there's a spirit involved. Sam: So you two were talking a case? Dean: No, we were actually talking about our feelings. And then our favourite boy bands. Yeah, we were talking a case! Sam: So a spirit, what? Dean: Yeah, the banker was talking about some sort of electrical problems at his pad for like a week. Phone was going haywire, computer was flipping on and off. Sam: Huh... Dean: This is not ringing your bell? Sam: Well, sure, yeah. But, Dean, we're already on a case. Dean: Whose? Sam: Yours. Dean: Right. Yeah. Well, you coulda fooled me. Sam: What the hell else have we been doing lately other than trying to break your deal? Dean: Chasing our tails, that's what. Sam, we've talked to every professor, witch, soothsayer and two bit carny act in the lower 48. Nobody knows squat! And we can't find Bela, we can't find the Colt. So until we actually find something, I'd like to do my job. Sam: Well there's one thing we haven't tried yet... Dean: Sam, no. Sam: We should summon Ruby. Dean: I'm not g*n have this fight with you. Sam: She said she knows how to save you. Dean: Well, she can't. Sam: Oh really, you know that for sure? Dean: I do. Sam: How? Dean: Because she told me, okay! Sam: What? Dean: She told me. Flat out. She can't save me, nobody can. Sam: And you just somehow neglected to mention this to me? Dean: Well, I really don't care what that bitch thinks and neither should you, so... Sam: So what, now you're keeping secrets from me, Dean? Dean: You really wanna talk about who's keeping secrets from who? They stare at each other in silence for a long moment. Sam turns away. Dean: Now where you going? Sam: Guess I'm going to Ohio. ... EXT. BEN's HOUSE. Sam and Dean in the Impala turn into the driveway of the house where BEN died. Cut to the study. Woman: (Pointing) I found him there. Dean: Why don't you tell us everything you saw, Mrs Waters. Mrs WATERS You mean beside my d*ad husband? Sam: Just everything else you saw. Please. Mrs WATERS (Sighing) Blood. Everywhere. The phone was ripped from the wall, his favourite scotch on the desk, what else could you possibly want to know? Sam: Why was the phone ripped from the wall? Mrs WATERS I don't know. Sam: You mind if I take a look? Mrs WATERS I already went over this with the other Detectives. Dean: We'll be out of your hair in no time, ma'am. Sam: (Pressing a few buttons) Ma'am, what time did your husband die? Mrs WATERS (Sighing) Sometime after 11. Sam waits until Dean looks at him, then taps the phone display. Dean: What about strange phone calls? Receive any of those lately, weird interference, static, anything like that? Mrs WATERS (Defensively) No. Dean raises his eyebrows at her. Mrs WATERS No! Dean: Mrs Waters, withholding information from the police is a capital offence. Sam noisily clears his throat. Dean glances at him and receives a bitchface. Dean: (Under his breath) In some parts of the world I'm sure. Mrs WATERS (Sighing) A couple of weeks ago, uh...there was this... Dean: This what? Mrs WATERS I woke up one morning, I heard Ben in his study. I thought he was talking to a woman. Sam: What made you think that? Mrs WATERS Because he kept calling her Linda. The thing is, I picked up the other line and nobody was there, Ben was talking to nobody. Sam: There was nothing? Mrs WATERS Just static. Sam: Did you ever speak to Ben about this phone call? Mrs WATERS No. I should have but...no. Sam: Did he ever say who Linda was? Mrs WATERS (Getting upset) What difference does it make, there was nobody on the other end! The boys exchange a look. ... INT. MOTEL ROOM. Dean is at the laptop, Sam sitting on the bed. Dean: Linda's a babe. Or, was. Sam: (Rising) Did you find her? Dean: Yeah, Linda Bateman. She and Ben Waters were high school sweethearts. Sam: So what happened? Dean: Drunk driver h*t them head on. Ben walked away. Sam: So, what then? d*ad flame calls to chat? Dean: You would think, but Linda was cremated. So why's she still floating around? Sam: You got me. Dean: What about that, uh, caller I.D? Sam: Turns out, it's a phone number. Dean: No phone number I've ever seen. Sam: Yeah, 'cause it's about a century old, back from when phones had cranks. Dean: So why use that number to reach out and touch someone? Sam: Got me there too, but we should put a trace on it. Dean: Well how the hell are we going to put a trace on something that's over 100 years old? ... INT. BASEMENT OFFICE Dean and Sam follow a suited man down the stairs and along a hallway. Man: We don't get many folks from HQ down here. Dean: Yes well the main office mentioned that there would be a lunch. Sam gives Dean bitchface behind the man's back. Dean shrugs. Man: Well I'm sure we can arrange something. The man you wanna be speaking to is right this... Sam swipes at a fly that has flown into his hair. Man: I know, sorry. We've got something of a hygiene issue down here if you ask me. Man: (Entering the basement office) Stewie? What did I tell you about keeping this place clean. STEWIE sits at a large console with multiple screens and keyboards. Various packets and junk food are strewn about. STEWIE jumps at their entrance and desperately tries to close down the multiple screens in front of him showing advertisements for p*rn sites. STEWIE (Clicking quickly) Spam mail...spam mail... Man: Stewie Myers. Mr Campbell. Mr Raimi. STEWIE (Still clicking) I don't know how all this got here... The Man reaches out and flicks the back of STEWIE's head, making him jump again and grunt. Man: From headquarters? STEWIE spins around in his chair, then quickly crosses his legs and places his hands together on his lap. Man: Give these gentlemen whatever they need. STEWIE Yeah. Dean: Thank you. Sam: Thanks. The Man leaves. STEWIE So...can I help you? Dean checks to make sure the Man is gone, then gestures toward the screen. Dean: (Smirking) Is that, ahhh, BustyAsianBeauties.com? STEWIE (Quickly) No. Woman ON COMPUTER Oh, me so horny. A sh*t of the screen shows it is bustyasianbeauties.com. STEWIE (Quickly clicking again) Maybe. Dean: A word to the wise? Platinum membership? Worth every penny. Ha? (Dean nods knowingly) Sam: Right, anyway. We're here to trace a number? Sam hands STEWIE a piece of paper. STEWIE Where did you get this? Sam: Off caller I.D. STEWIE Oh no, that's impossible. Dean: It hasn't been used in a few years, we know. STEWIE A few years? It's prehistoric. Trust me, nobody is using this number anymore. Sam: Sure. Could you run it anyway? STEWIE (Snarkily) Sure. Why don't I just rearrange my whole life first. Dean and Sam glance at each other. Dean smiles. Dean: (Leaning closer) Listen, uh, Stewie. You got like six kinds of employee code violations down here, not to mention the sickening p*rn that is clogging up your hard drive. Now when my partner says run the number, I suggest you run the number! They both give Stewie a hard look. He looks between them then turns back to his console. Dean grins and Sam shrugs and smiles back. STEWIE Okay, whatever, jeez! STEWIE clicks a few more buttons. One of his screens fills with a long list of numbers. STEWIE Holy crap. Sam: What? STEWIE I can't tell you where the number comes from, but I can tell you where it's been going. Sam: What do you mean? STEWIE pushes print, goes to the printer and hands some paper to Sam. STEWIE Ten different number in the past few weeks, all got calls from the Same number. He looks between Sam and Dean as they stare at each other, then sighs and walks between them back to his console. He sits and stares at it for a moment, then looks back. STEWIE So, are we done here? Cause I was...sort of...busy? Dean: (Smirking) Right. ... EXT. SUBURBAN STREET. Sam gets out of a rental car. He makes his way up a footpath, knocking on the door. It is opened by a middle-aged man. His son comes to stand beside him, around 6-7 yrs old. Man: Yeah? Sam: Hello sir, I am with the phone company? Man: We didn't call the phone company. Sam: Oh no sir, we're calling you. We've had a lot of complaints from the neighbourhood lately. Man: Complaints? Sam: Yes sir. Dropped calls, static, maybe even strange voices on the other end of the line? A teenage girls steps into the hallway while Sam is speaking, looking startled. Man: No, we haven't had any of that here. Sam: Nothing? Man: No. Sam: Okay. Great, just thought we'd check. Thanks. Man: No problem. (to his son) Come on, Simon. As they turn to close the door Sam sees the girl staring at him, looking scared. She turns away as the door closes. Sam stares after her. Sam returns to his car. As he opens the door the girl appears. LANIE No way you work for the phone company. Sam: Sure I do. LANIE Since when does a phone guy drive a rental or wear a cheap suit? Sam: (Huffing a laugh) Yeah, well. Maybe we're both keeping secrets. LANIE Why did you ask my Dad if he's hearing strange voices on the phone? Sam: Why, did you hear something? LANIE No. Sam: My mistake, I thought maybe you did. LANIE Well I didn't, okay? Sam: (Smiling) Okay. Sorry to bother you. LANIE looks uncomfortable but doesn't move. Sam looks down at his keys. Sam: Because you know...if you did...then I would have told you that I've been right where you're standing right now. Hearing things, even seeing things that can't be explained. Maybe I would have been able to help out a little bit. Anyway... LANIE Hey wait. Maybe...maybe I've been talking on the phone...with my Mom. Sam: Well that's not so strange. LANIE She's d*ad. Like three years now. Sam: How often does she call you? LANIE A few times. It started a week ago. I thought I was like, crazy or something. Sam: Well I can tell you one thing for sure, and you're going to have to go with me on this, okay? You're not crazy. ... INT. Sam's RENTAL CAR. Sam: (answering phone) Yeah. Dean: (Walking down a busy street) Dude, stiffs have been calling people all over town. Sam: Yeah, tell me about it. Dean: I just talked to an 84 year old grandmother who's having phone sex with her husband, who died in Korea! Sam: Eww. Dean: It redefined my understanding of the word 'Necrophilia'. A young woman walking past Dean overhears and gasps, giving him a dirty look as she passes. He pauses, grimacing, then turns to check her out as she continues walking. Sam: So what the hell's going on here, Dean? Dean: (Reaching the Impala) Beats me, but we'd better find out soon. This place is turning into spook central. Sam: Yeah. All right, I'll call you later. Dean: (Opening the door) Yeah. They hang up. Dean's phone immediately rings again. Dean: Yeah, what? There is nothing but static. Dean: Sam? John: Dean? Dean freezes, looking shocked. John: Dean, is that you? Dean: Dad? END ACT ONE INT. MOTEL ROOM. Sam sits at the table, Dean paces. Sam: Dad? You really think it was Dad? Dean: I don't know, maybe. Sam: Well what did he sound like? Dean: Like Oprah! Like Dad, he sounded like Dad, what do you think? Sam: What did he say? Dean: My name. Sam: That's it? Dean: Call dropped out. Sam: Why would he even call in the first place, Dean? Dean: I don't know, man. Why are ghosts calling anybody in this town? But I mean, other people are hearing from their loved ones, why can't we? It's at least a possibility, right? Sam: Yeah, I guess? Dean: Okay, so what if...what if it really is Dad? What happens if he calls back? Sam: What do you mean? Dean: What do I say? Sam: Hello. Dean: Hello? Sam shrugs. Dean: That's what you come back with. Hello? Sam: Uhh... Dean: (Grabbing his jacket and heading for the door) Hello! Dean walks out. Sam looks after him, concerned. He shakes his head. ... INT. MOTEL ROOM. Later. Sam sits on the couch with the laptop in front of him. Dean returns. Dean: Find anything? Sam: After three hours I have found no reason why anything supernatural would be going on here. Dean: Well, you know, you think a Stanford education and a high school hook up rate of zero point zero would produce better results than that. Sam: Hilarious. Dean: Sammy, you're just looking in the wrong places, pal. Sam: And what are the right places, Dean? Dean: (Reaching into his jacket pocket) Motel pamphlet rack. Dean drops some literature on the coffee table. Dean: Milan, Ohio. Birthplace of Thomas Edison. Sam: (Flicking through the papers) Yeah, right. So what? Dean: Keep reading. Sam scoffs slightly and keeps looking. He sighs, but after a few moments his eyebrows go up and he looks at Dean. Sam: You're kidding. Dean raises his eyebrows back, smiling. ... INT. MUSEUM. A young female guide shepherds a tour. GUIDE And we're walking. And, here we have one of the museum's most unique and treasured possessions. Thomas Edison's spirit phone. Did you know that Mr Edison, as well as being one of America's most beloved inventors, was also a devout occultist? Ooh! Dean: (Whispering) What's with the quote-y fingers? GUIDE He spent years working on this, his final invention, which he was convinced could be used to communicatewith the d*ad. Pretty spooky, huh? The guide checks her watch, twirls her fingers in the air and begins leading the group into the next room. GUIDE And we're walking. We are walking. We're walking. And we're not touching that. And we're walking. And stop. Sam quickly gets out his EMF and holds it over the spirit phone. Dean: Anything? Sam: Nothing. Dean: What do you think? Sam: Honestly? It kinda looks like an old pile of junk to me. Dean: It's not even plugged in. Sam: Maybe it didn't work like that. Dean: Okay. Maybe it's like a radio tower, broadcasting the d*ad all over town. Sam: Could be. Dean: You know, this caller I.D. is 100 years old, right? Right around the time this thing was built. Sam: Yeah, but why would it all of a sudden start working now? Dean: I don't know. But as long as the mouldy are calling the freshers around here it's the best reason we've got. Sam: Yeah, maybe. Dean: So maybe it really is Dad. ... INT. MOTEL ROOM. NIGHT. Sam sleeps. Dean sits at the table, a large take away coffee cup in his hand, his phone beside him. He stares into space. The phone rings, the display showing 'sHA33'. Dean grabs it quickly and heads into the bathroom. Dean: (Whispering) Dad? John: Dean. Dean: Is it really you? John: It's me. Dean: How can I be sure? John: You can't. Dean, how could you do it? Dean: What? John: Sell your soul. Dean: (Concerned) I was looking after Sam, like you told me to. John: I never wanted this. Never. You're my boy, I love you. I can't watch you to go to hell, Dean. Dean: I'm sorry. I don't know how to stop it. John: 'Cause if you break the deal Sam dies, right? Dean: What? John: Well I know a way out. For both of you. Dean: How? John: The demon who holds your contract. He's here. Now. ... INT. LANIE's BEDROOM. LANIE is on her computer. LANIE (Writes) Okay. See you tomorrow. The computer beeps a new message. SHA33 Lanie? Is that you? LANIE (Typing) Mom? SHA33 I asked you a question last night. Have you thought about it? LANIE I don't know what you want. SHA33 Of course you do. I want to see you. LANIE I went to see you. At the cemetery. SHA33 That's not what I mean. LANIE But I'm scared. SHA33 Don't be sacred. I'm right here with you. The screen suddenly blacks out. LANIE can see her reflection in it. She is terrified. Behind her, her mother approaches and lays a hand on her shoulder. LANIE swings around but there's no one there. She jumps up, turns off the screen and backs away, gasping and crying. The screen turns itself back on. LANIE gasps. "Come to me." is typed over and over across the whole screen. LANIE approaches the computer, crying. END ACT TWO INT. MOTEL ROOM. Dean is typing furiously on the laptop. Sam enters. Dean: What's up? Sam: That girl Lanie, her Mom's ghost spooked her out pretty bad last night. Dean: That sucks. Sam: Yeah it does. What are you doing? Dean: I think Dad's right. I think the demon is here. Check it out. Dean hands Sam some papers and goes to his bag. Sam: What is this, weather reports? Dean: Omens. Demonic omens. Electrical storms everywhere we've been for the past two weeks. Sam: Ahh...I don't remember any lightning storms. Dean: Well, I don't remember you studying meteorology as a kid either. But I'm telling you, that bastard's been tailing me...wearing some poor dude's meat. Sam: And it's following you because... Dean: I guess I'm big game, you know. My ass is too sweet to let outta sight. Sam: Okay. Sure. Dean: (Snatching the papers back) Don't get too excited, Sammy. Might pull something. Sam: Dean, look, I wanna believe this man, I really do... Dean: Then believe it! if we get this sucker, it's Miller Time. Sam: Yeah, that's another thing. Dad rattles off an exorcism that can k*ll a demon? I mean not just send it back to hell, but k*ll it? Dean: I've checked it out. This is heavy duty Dark Ages. Fifteenth century. Sam: (Quietly) Yeah, I've checked on it too Dean. And so did Bobby. Dean: Okay, and? Sam: Look. It definitely is an exorcism, okay, there's just no evidence it can k*ll a demon. Dean: No evidence it can't. Sam: Come on man... Dean: Hey, as far as I'm aware the only one of us who has actually been to hell is Dad. And maybe he picked up a couple of tricks down there, like which exorcisms work. Sam: Maybe it does. I hope it does too, but we gotta be sure. Dean: Why aren't we sure? Sam: 'Cause I don't know what's going on around here Dean! I mean, some guy blows his brains out, a little girl is scared out of her wits. Dean: Wow, a couple of civvies are freaked out by some ghosts. News flash Sam, people are supposed to be freaked out by ghosts! They stare at each other for a long moment. Sam sighs and Dean drops his head in frustration. Sam: Dad tell you where to find the demon? Dean: (Shouting) I'm waiting on the call! Sam: (Sighing again) I told Lanie I'd stop by. Dean: (Sarcastic) Oh, good yeah. No you go hang out with jail bait. Just, uh, watch out for Chris Hansen. Meanwhile I'll be here getting ready to, you know, save my life. Sam keeps moving toward the door. Dean: (Shouting) You're unbelievable, you know that? I mean for months we've been trying to break this demon deal. Now Dad's about to give us the freaking address and you can't accept it? The man is d*ad and you're still butting heads with the guy! Sam: That is not what this is about. Dean: (Shouting) So what is it! Sam: (Shouting back) The fact is we've got no hard proof here, Dean. After everything, you're still just going on blind faith! Dean: Yeah, well maybe! You know, maybe that's all I got, okay? They stare at each other again. Dean looks down. Sam: Please. Just please don't go anywhere until I get back. Okay, Dean? Please. Dean remains silent. Sam shakes his head and turns for the door. Dean watches him go and continues staring at the door for a long moment. He shakes his head and moves to sit heavily at the table. ... INT. LANIE's HOUSE. Sam: Have you told your father about any of this? LANIE And bother him at work? No. He wouldn't believe me anyway, he'd just Chuck me into therapy. Sam: So what did your mother say? LANIE She wanted to see me. So at first I thought I was supposed to go to the cemetery. Sam: Did you? LANIE (Nodding) Nothing happened. But then she started asking me to do other things. Sam: What sort of things? LANIE Bad things. ... INT. SIMON's ROOM. SIMON sits playing at his table. The phone rings. SIMON looks over at his toy telephone sitting on the floor then walks over to it. The display reads SHA33. SIMON Hello? Simon Greenfield speaking. Hi Mommy. Yeah, I wanna see you. Where are you? ... INT. MOTEL ROOM. Dean sits at the table staring at nothing. His phone ring and he snatches it up. Dean: Dad? John: Yeah. Dean: Where's the demon? ... INT. LANIE's ROOM. Sam: Lanie please. Tell me what happened, it's very important. LANIE Mom told me to go to Dad's medicine cabinet. Sam: And? LANIE She wanted me to take his sleeping pills, take all of his sleeping pills. Sam: She wanted you to k*ll yourself? LANIE (Nods, crying) Why would my Mom want me to do that? Sam: I don't know. LANIE I mean, just so I could come to her? Sam: What'd you say? LANIE She wanted me to come to her. Sam: No, how'd she say it? LANIE "Come to me." Like a million times. Sam: Lanie. That's not your mother. ... EXT. SUBURBAN STREET. Dean pulls up and gets out. He grabs his w*apon's bag from the trunk, looks around and moves toward a house. ... INT. HALLWAY, LANIE's HOUSE. Sam: Listen to me. Don't answer the phone. Don't use the computer. Don't do anything unless I say to, all right? Sam starts down the stairs and realises LANIE's not following. Sam: Lanie. LANIE (standing in a doorway) Where's Simon? ... INT. HOUSE. Dean enters quietly enters and moves down the hallway, listening. A floorboard creaks on the second floor. Dean: Hello? ... EXT. BUSY STREET. SIMON walks as if in a trance across the road. Cars horns blare. ... INT. HOUSE. Dean drops a rosary into a large bottle of water. Cut to him shaking a paint can and spraying a devil's trap on the floor. ... SIMON keeps walking across the next road. A large truck barrels toward him. In the cab the driver glances away from the road to check his delivery list. He looks back to see SIMON in front of him. The truck horn blares and tires squeal. SIMON seems to awaken and throws his hands up to protect himself. Sam rushes the road, grabs SIMON and dives for the verge. They lay panting as the truck roars past. ... INT. Sam's RENTAL CAR. Sam: (On phone) Dean, it's not Dad. Dean: Then what is it? Sam: A crocotta. Dean: Is that a sandwich? Sam: Some kind of scavenger. Mimics loved ones, whispers 'Come to me', then lures you into the dark and swallows your soul. Dean: A crocotta, right, damn that makes sense. Sam: Dean, look, I'm sorry man, I know... Dean: Hey, don't these things live in filth? Sam: Yeah. Dean: Sam, the flies at the phone company. ... EXT. NIGHT. CARPARK OF PHONE COMPANY. Sam creeps along an alley and peaks in a window at STEWIE, sitting at his console. He is distracted by a banging noise. When he looks back STEWIE is leaving the room. Sam runs back up the alley. Cut to STEWIE leaving the building. Sam hides behind a van, holding his phone to his ear. Dean's VOICEMAIL. This is Herman Munster. Leave a message. Sam: Dean, I'm in the parking lot. He's here. Hurry. STEWIE unlocks his car. Sam rushes him, pushing him into the car and holding a metal spike to the back of his neck. STEWIE (Grunting) What the hell! Sam: I know what you are. STEWIE Wait, mister. Sam: And I know how to k*ll you. STEWIE Please. Okay, wait, wait. If we're overcharging you for the call waiting or something I...I can fix that. I am your friend! Sam looks confused. STEWIE Please. Please just don't k*ll me! The manager from earlier sneaks up behind Sam. STEWIE Don't k*ll me, please! The manager hits Sam over the head with a bat. Sam slumps to the ground. STEWIE turns around, sees the manager, grins and starts bouncing up and down. STEWIE Yeah! That's what happens when you mess with the phone company, dillweed! STEWIE (To his manager) Thank you, Clark! CLARK (Lifting the bat again) Forget about it. STEWIE Clark? CLARK smashes STEWIE with the bat. END ACT THREE INT. PHONE COMPANY BASEMENT. STEWIE and Sam are tied to chairs. STEWIE (Snivelling) I'm sorry, Clark. I'm sorry for whatever I did to you. I'm sorry...please... Sam: (Coming to) Wait! Don't do it. CLARK (To Sam) You're awake. CLARK leans over STEWIE and places the tip of a Kn*fe against his thigh. STEWIE You're not a k*ller Clark, no! There's a good man inside of you, I know it. CLARK What do you think, Sammy, am I a good man? Sam: Just let him go. CLARK I would. I really would. If only I'd had more than a salad for lunch. You see, I'm starving. He lifts the Kn*fe high above his head and plunges it into STEWIE's chest. Sam: No! CLARK moves in front of STEWIE's body. His mouth opens, revealing a blood red interior and razor sharp spikes. He crouches slightly, holds STEWIE by both shoulders and unhinges his jaw, his mouth becoming impossibly wide. Placing his mouth close to STEWIE's face he sucks in his energy. Sam shudders and looks away. CLARK stands, wiping his mouth. Sam: My last call with Dean. That was you. You led me here. CLARK Some calls I make, some calls I take, but you have to admit, I had you fooled for a while. All that Edison phone crap. CLARK laughs and moves over to the telephone exchange cabinet. He places his hands against the glass and leans back in ecstasy. Sam: What are you doing? CLARK I'm k*lling your brother. Or maybe I'm k*lling another guy. We'll just have to see how it goes. ... INT. Police LOCKER ROOM. A man's phone rings just as he finishes changing. He looks at the number, glances over at the other person in the room, and answers. Man: (Softly) Hello? Girl: (Through static) Hi Daddy. Man: Hey baby. I thought you said you weren't g*n call anymore. Girl: I know, Daddy. Man: You know how sad this makes your old man. How upset I was at your funeral. Girl: I had to call, I know who k*lled me Daddy. Man: What? Girl: The man who k*lled me, he's at the house right now. Man: (Shocked) What are you saying to me? Girl: He's at the house Daddy, he wants to k*ll you too! Hanging up the phone, the man's face becomes set in stone. ... INT. PHONE COMPANY BASEMENT. CLARK pulls the Kn*fe out of STEWIE's chest. Sam: You know, mimicking Dean's one thing. But my Dad. That's a hell of a trick. CLARK Well once I made you two as hunters, it was easy. I found Dean's number, then your number, then your father's numbers. Then emails, voicemails, everything. You see, people think that stuff just gets erased, but it doesn't. You'd be surprised how much of yourself is just floating out there, waiting to be plucked. Sam: Dean's not going to fall for this. He's not going to k*ll that guy. CLARK Then the guy kills him. ... INT. SUBURBAN HOUSE. Car headlights shine across the window into the room where Dean waits. He silently moves toward the hallway. A car door slams. Dean removes the lid from the bottle of holy water. He hears a noise toward the back of the house and frowns, moving down the hallway toward the back door. He pauses, then looks from the back to the front door. The back door slams open and the man appears, raising a r*fle and f*ring. Dean leaps out of the way, dropping the bottle of holy water. The Man begins reloading. Dean glances at the holy water it is draining away. He waits to hear the b*llet shell being removed and runs for the man, using his forward movement to slam him back into the wall. He hits him a few times, then knees him viciously. Letting him drop, Dean moves toward the r*fle but the man follows, grabbing Dean and slamming him backwards onto a table. He gets in a few hits before Dean headbutts him. As the man falls backwards to the ground Dean kicks him in the stomach. He kicks him four times, pauses, then kicks him once more, even more viciously, grunting as he does so. ... INT. PHONE COMPANY BASEMENT CLARK (Standing over Sam) Technology. Makes life so much easier. Used to be I'd hide in the woods for days, weeks, whispering to people, trying to draw them out into the night. But they had community, they all looked out for each other, I'd be lucky to eat one or two souls a year. Now when I'm hungry, I simply make a phone call. (Sneering) You're all so connected. But you've never been so alone. CLARK opens his mouth and begins to unhinge his jaw while raising his Kn*fe. While he has been speaking Sam has managed to escape his ties, his wrists bloody. He erupts out of the chair and they fall to the ground, CLARK losing the Kn*fe. They struggle for it, Sam rising first. CLARK grabs Sam's jacket and swings him around into a metal grate. CLARK picks up the Kn*fe, running at Sam. ... INT. HOUSE. Dean and the Man slam through a glass door. The man is groggy. Dean quickly reaches for the man's belt. He pulls out a g*n, flicking the cartridge out and tossing it aside. As the man struggles to get to his feet, covered in glass, Dean pulls back the rug, showing the devil's trap sprayed onto the floor. He turns away, pulling the exorcism out of his pocket. The Man, confused, stares at the markings on the floor. Man: What is this? Dean: Your funeral. Dean begins the exorcism in Latin. The man glares at him and slowly moves forward out of the circle. Man: You do this to my daughter too? Dean: (staring at the devil's trap) How the hell did you get out? Man: (Shouting) Did you do this to my daughter too? Dean: Wait, this is a mistake. Man: You k*lled her! Dean: No, wait. The Man leaps at Dean. ... Sam and CLARK struggle for the Kn*fe, exchanging blows as they move about the room. Sam finally manages to pull the Kn*fe away and hits CLARK, forcing him backwards into the wall. A spike, one of many on a corkboard, jams into the back of CLARK's neck, k*lling him. ... The Man falls on Dean as he lies on the ground, laying into him. Man: She was 9 years old! Dean: Stop! I didn't! You gotta believe me! The man keeps hitting him. Dean manages to twist around and grab the r*fle, smacking the man in the forehead with the butt. He falls backwards. Dean rises, standing over him. Man: (Crying) Why did you k*ll her? Dean: I'm sorry. I didn't k*ll your daughter. Man: Then what are you doing here? Dean: (Anguished) I don't know. ... END ACT FOUR INT. MOTEL ROOM. Dean holds a facecloth to his cut eye, groaning. Sam enters the room and comes to the door of the bathroom. Dean: I see they improved your face. Sam: (Sniggering) Right back at ya. Dean moves past Sam into the main room. They sit on a bed each. Dean: So, crocotta, huh? Sam: Yep. Dean: That would explain the flies. Sam: Yeah it would. Hey, um...look I'm sorry it wasn't Dad. Dean: (Huffs) Nah, I gave you a hell of a time on this one. Sam: Ahh. Dean: You were right. Sam: Forget about it. Dean: I can't. I wanted to believe so badly that there was a way outta this. I mean I'm staring down the barrel at this thing. You know, Hell. For real, forever, and I just... Sam: Yeah. Dean: (Tearing up) I'm scared, Sam. I'm really scared. Sam: (Also tearing up) I know. Dean: I guess I was willing to believe anything. You know, the last act of a desperate man. Sam: There's nothing wrong with having hope, Dean. Dean: Hope doesn't get you jack squat. I can't expect Dad to show up with some miracle at the last minute. I can't expect anybody to, you know. I mean the only person that can get me out of this thing is me. Sam: (Earnestly) And me. Dean: And me? Sam: What? Dean: Deep revelation, having a real moment here, that's what you come back with? And me? Sam: (Raising his eyebrows) Uh...do you want a poem? Dean: The moment's gone. Sam smiles slightly. Dean flicks the TV on, reaches between the beds, grabs two bottles of beer and holds one out to Sam without looking at him. Sam takes one, they crack them open and drink in unison, while staring at the TV. END ACT FIVE END EPISODE. TRANSCRIBED BY TMATEOTB
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "03x14 - Long-Distance Call"}
Air Date: 8 May 2008 EXT. NIGHT - OUTSIDE A HOSPITAL Doctor 1 Up for a drink? Doctor 2 No, I can't. I got to be up at the crack of dawn. Duty calls. Doctor 1 Boob job? Doctor 2 I wish. Nah, some crabby old broad wants the works. I need a forklift to get it all back up. Doctor 1 All that work to have what? 15 minutes off her faces? Doctor 2 Staying young is a brutal business. Doctor 2 goes to his car. He is grabbed from behind and thrown in the trunk of a car. Doctor 2 (banging on the trunk) Hey! Help! Let me out of here! Help! Doctor 2 stumbles into the hospital. Nurse: Sir? Doctor 2 Please. Nurse: It's okay, sir. Let me see what happened. Don't you worry. There's nothing I haven't seen. Doctor 2 No, no, no... Nurse: Let me see... The nurse pulls at what the Doctor is clutching and begins to scream. END Teaser INT. ABANDONED CABIN, SIDE ROOM. Close up of a Demon strapped to a chair having holy water thrown on him. The Demon screams and thrashes from side to side. Dean: You ready to talk? Demon: I don't know. I don't know anything! Dean: Oh, you hear that, Sam? He doesn't know anything. Sam: (Smirking) Yeah, I heard. Demon: I'm telling you the truth. Dean: Oh, you are? My god, then I owe you an apology. Allow me to make it up to you. (Dean forces holy water into the Demon's mouth) I'm gonna ask you one last time...Who holds my contract?! The Demon goes quiet, head hanging. When he looks up his eyes are black and he is smiling. Demon: Your mother. Yeah, she, uh, showed it to me right before I bent her over. Dean: (leaning close) I want a name. Or else... Demon: Or what? You're gonna squirt your holy water in both ends? Please. Brother, that's like a fleabite compared to what's coming to me if I tell you jack. Do what you want. The only thing I'm scared of is the demon holding your ticket. Dean stares at the Demon then looks at Sam, who nods and begins reciting an exorcism. Dean: How does that feel? Does that feel good? Demon: Go ahead. Send me back to hell... 'Cause when you get there, I'll be waiting for you...with a few pals who are dying for a nice little meet and greet with Dean Winchester. Sam: Should I? Dean: Send him someplace he can't hurt anyone else. Sam continues the exorcism. The Demon begins screaming. ... INT. MAIN ROOM OF CABIN Sam: (Into his phone) You ran the prints twice? Are you sure? Okay. Yeah, just chalk it up to lab error. Don't I know it. Okay. Thanks. Yeah, I'll tell the lieutenant. Dean enters. Sam: Bury the body? Dean: Yeah. Looks like these demons ride 'em hard just for kicks. (He opens and chugs on a beer then crashes tiredly onto a couch.) What was the phone call about? Sam: Remember that thing in the paper yesterday? Dean: "Stripper suffocates dude with thighs"? Sam: The other thing. Dean: Right, the guy that walks into the E.R. and kneels over d*ad. His stomach's ripped out? Sam: His liver, actually. Anyways, I just found out something pretty damn interesting. Dean: What? Sam: The d*ad body covered in bloody fingerprints, not the victim's. Dean: Okay, great. My man Dave Caruso will be stoked to hear it. Sam: Those fingerprints match a guy who died in 1981. Dean: Really. So, what are we talking? Uh, walking d*ad? Walking, k*lling d*ad? Sam: Maybe. Dean: Zombies do like the other other white meat. Huh. Speaking of, what do you care about zombies? Sam: What do you mean? Dean: Well, you've been on soul-saving detail for months now. And we're three weeks out, and all of a sudden, you're interested in some hot zombie action? Sam: Hey, man, you're the one who's been all g*n ho to hunt. I just thought I'd be doing you a favor. Dean: Hey, no, no, no, no, no. I didn't say I didn't want to do it, okay. I mean obviously I want to hunt some zombies. Sam: Okay, fine, whatever. ... INT. CORONER's LAB Dean and Sam stand listening. CORONER Yeah, the rest of the body was intact. The liver was the only organ missing. Dean: Now, where the liver was ripped out, did you happen to notice any...ah...teeth marks? CORONER (Giving them an 'are you insane' look) Can I see your badges? Sam: Of course, sure. CORONER Fine. So you're cops and morons. Dean: Excuse me? No, no. We're very smart. CORONER The liver was not ripped out. It was removed. Surgically. By someone who knew their way around a scalpel. Didn't you read my report? Dean: Of course we did. Oh, it was riveting. It was a real page-turner, just delightful. CORONER You done? Dean: I think so. CORONER Please go away. Dean: Okay. Sam: Sure. ... EXT. HOSPITAL HALLWAY Sam is smiling. Dean: What? Sam: Nothing. So, that kind of punches a hole in our zombie theory, huh, that scalpel thing? Dean: Yeah, zombie with skills, "Dr. Quinn, medicine zombie". Sam: Maybe we're on the wrong track, Dean, looking for hacked-up corpses. Dean: What should we be looking for? Sam: Survivors. This isn't zombie lunch. This is organ theft. ... INT. HOSPITAL ROOM PATIENT I told the cops all of this yesterday. I don't want to talk about it anymore. Sam: It's just a couple of questions, sir. PATIENT Hey, man. I just got my kidney stolen. I'm tired. Dean: We'll be out of here quick. Don't you want to get the guy? PATIENT Will it get me back my kidney? Sam: So what's the last thing you remember? PATIENT Feeding my meter. I got jumped from behind...and then I wake up strapped to a table. And then the worst pain you could possibly imagine, only worse. And then I black out again. Thank God. And then I wake up screaming in some no-tell motel in a bathtub full of ice. Dean: Do you remember anything about the surgery – you know, what the guy looked like, any details about the room? PATIENT Let me think about that. Yeah...one thing is coming back to me. You know what I remember? Getting my kidney cut out of my body! ... INT. MOTEL ROOM Sam and Dean sit at the table. Sam is using the laptop and Dean is happily eating a burger. Sam: So, I got a theory. Dean: Yeah? Sam: Yeah, I talked to Mr. Giggle's Doctor. Turns out his incisions were sewn up with silk. Dean: That's weird. Sam: Yeah, nowadays it is, but silk used to be the suture of choice back in the early 19th century. It was really problematic. Patients would get massive infections. The death rate was insane. Dean: Good times. Sam: Right, so Doctors, they had to do whatever they could to keep infections from spreading. One way was maggots. Dean: Dude, I'm eating. Sam: It actually kind of worked because maggots, they eat bad tissue, and they leave good tissue. And get this. When they found our guy, his body cavity was stuffed full of maggots. Dean: Dude, I'm eating! Alright, let me get this straight. So, people are getting ganked, right? Sam: Yeah. Dean: A little "antiques roadshow" surgery, some organ theft. But why is this all sounding familiar? Sam: Because you heard it before. When you were a kid... from Dad. Doc Benton...real-life Doctor, lived in New Hampshire, brilliant and obsessed with alchemy, especially how to live forever. So, in 1816, Doc abandons his practice and... Dean: Right, yeah, nobody hears from him for like 20 years, and all of sudden, people start showing up d*ad. Sam: d*ad or – or missing an organ or the hand or some other kind of part. Dean: Cause whatever he was doing was actually working. He just kept on ticking. Parts would wear out, he'd replace them. But I thought Dad hunted him down and took his heart out. Sam: Yeah, I guess the Doc must have plugged in a new one. Dean: All right, where's he doing the deed? Sam: According to this, Benton's picky about where he sets up his lab. He likes dense forest with access to a river or stream or some kind of freshwater. Dean: (Taking another huge bite of his burger) Why? Sam: Because that's where he likes to dump the bile and intestines and fecal matter. (Dean looks disgusted and lowers his burger, gagging slightly) Lost your appetite yet? Dean considers this, looking at the burger and then at Sam, then back at the burger. Dean: (to his burger) Oh baby, I can't stay mad at you. Dean takes a huge bite, staring at Sam as he chews. ... EXT. NIGHT A jogger is abducted. He wakes up in Doc Benton's cabin, strapped to an operating table. Doc Benton carves open his chest and removes his heart as the man watches, horrified. JOGGER No, please. No. No, no. END ACT ONE EXTERIOR sh*t - MOTEL - THE ERIE. INTERIOR MOTEL ROOM Sam and Dean lean over a map on the bed. Sam: (Pointing at map where some areas are circled in red) So these are all the cabins. Most of them have been abandoned for years. Dean: So what the hell are we waiting for? Dean's phone rings. He answers. Dean: Bobby. Bobby: Hey. Think I finally got a bead on Bela. Dean: I'm listening. Bobby: Rufus Turner. Dean: Who's that? Like a Cleveland steamer? Bobby: He's a hunter, or he used to be. Dean: And now? Bobby: Hermit mostly. Does a little selling on the side. Anyway. I put the word out on Bela months ago. He just called. Said a woman got in touch, wanted to buy some things. Dean: And he thinks it's Bela? Bobby: British accent, went by the name Mina Chandler. Dean: She's used that before. Well, it's kinda of a sloppy move, isn't it? Getting in contact with one of your old friends. Bobby: Friend? Haven't laid eyes on him in fifteen years. He's not the Christmas card type. I doubt she knows I know him. Canaan, Vermont. Dean: Thanks, Bobby. We're on our way. Bobby: One other thing. Take a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue. Dean: (To Bobby) Okay. (To Sam) Come on. We're going after Bela. Sam: What? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a second. Dean: Come on. Get your stuff. The clock's ticking. Sam: Look, I think we should stay here and finish the case. Dean: You insane? Sam: Dean, there's no way she still has the Colt! That was months ago! She probably sold it the second she got it. Dean: Well, then I'll k*ll her. Win-win. Sam: Dean... Dean: Sam. We're going! Sam: No! Dean: Why the hell not? Sam: Dean, this, this here. Now. This is what's gonna save you. Dean: What? Chasing some Frankenstein? Sam: Chasing immortality. (Dean stares at him, startled) Look, Benton can't die. We find out how he did it, we can do it to you. Dean: What are you talking about? Sam: You have to die before you go to hell, right? So, if you can never die, then... Dean: Wait, wait, wait. Wait a second. Did you know that this was Doc Benton from the jump? Sam: No. (Dean stares at Sam, tilting his head in a question) Look, I was hoping. Dean: So the whole zombie thing, it was lying to me? Sam: I didn't wanna say anything until I was sure, Dean. All I'm trying to do is find an answer here. Dean: No. What you're trying to do is chase Slicy McHackey here. And to k*ll him? No. You wanna buy him a freaking beer. You wanna study him. Sam: I was just trying to help. Dean: You're not helping! You forget that if I welch on this deal, you die. Guess what, living forever is welching. Sam: Fine! Then, whatever the magic pill is, I'll take it too! Dean: Oh, what is this? Sid and Nancy? No. It's just like Bobby's been saying. We k*ll the demon who owns the contract and this whole damn thing wipes clean. That's our best sh*t. Sam: Even if you had the Colt, Dean, who are you gonna sh**t? We have no idea who holds the ticket. Dean: Well, I'll sh**t the hellhounds then before they slash me up. Now, you coming or not? Sam: (Quietly) I'm staying here. Dean: No, you're not. 'Cause I'm not gonna let you wander out in the woods alone to track some organ stealing freak. Sam: You're not gonna let me? Dean: No, I'm not gonna let you. Sam: How are you gonna stop me? (Dean again looks startled) Look, man, we're trying to do the Same thing here. Dean: I know. But I'm going. So if you wanna stay...stay. Dean watches Sam but Sam continues to stare at the wall. Dean shrugs, puts his bag on his shoulder and heads over to open the door. Sam doesn't move. Dean: (Hesitating then turning back) Sammy, be careful. Sam finally turns to face Dean. Sam: (Quietly) You too. They stare are each other for a long moment, then Dean reaches out and closes the door behind him. Sam lets out a huge sigh. ... CANAAN, VERMONT. EXT. DAY.Rufus TURNER's HOUSE. Dean climbs the tall stairs onto the porch. A handwritten sign says "No solicitors, that means you! No asking for donations. No selling ANYTHING!" Dean rings the buzzer, then bangs on the security door. He hears a noise and looks up to see a security camera moving to train on him. Rufus: (via intercom) What? We see a view of Dean through the security camera. Dean: Hi, uh, Rufus? Rufus: Yeah, even if I am, the question is still the Same. What? Dean: Uh, I'm Dean Winchester. I'm a friend of Bobby Singer's. Rufus: So? Dean: You called him this morning. Rufus: So? Dean: Uh... (Dean tries to grin at the security camera)...you told Bobby about a British chick who made contact with you. Rufus: And so? Dean: You know where she is? Rufus: Yeah. Dean: Great. Could you tell me where I could find her? Rufus: No. Dean: (To himself) Course not. (Out loud) Look, Rufus, man... Rufus: (Opening the door) Look, let me point something out to you. You are knocking at my door, so don't "Look, man" me. I'm not your man. Dean: I'm sorry, sir. Rufus: All right, let me tell you a little story. See, once upon a time, Bobby called me, asked me to call him if I got a whiff of this Bela Talbot. I got a whiff. I called. The end. Dean: Okay, yeah, if you could just tell me where she is, I mean, that would be great. Rufus: Dean Winchester, right? Dean: Yeah. Rufus: Dean, do I look like I'm here to help you? Dean: I'm gonna say no? Rufus: Then get the hell of my property. Dean: All right, yeah, fair enough. I got one more question for you, though. See, I got this, uh, this bottle of scotch, and... uh, is this considered good? Rufus eyes the bottle, eyes Dean, and starts smiling. ... INT. Rufus TURNER's HOUSE Dean and Rufus sit at the table with glasses in front of them. The bottle is three quarters empty. Dean: Bottoms up. They click glasses and drink. Rufus: You know, I don't even bother drinking unless it's this stuff. Nectar of the Gods, I'm telling you. Dean: Yeah, it's a nice change, you know. Most of my whiskey comes from a plastic jug. (They both laugh) So, Bela was here because... Rufus: She wanted to buy a couple of things, which is gonna take me some time to round up. Dean: Where is she now? Rufus watches Dean closely. Rufus: Can I ask you something? Dean: Sure. Rufus: You got three weeks left. Why are you wasting your time chasing after that skinny, stuck-up English girl? Dean: (Suspicious) How do you know about that? Rufus: (leaning forward) Because I know things. I know a lot of things about a lot of people. Dean: Is that so? Rufus: I know ain't no sh**t gonna save you. Dean: What makes you so sure? Rufus: Cause that's the job, kid. Even if you manage to scrape out of this one, there's just gonna be something else down the road. Folks like us...there ain't no happy ending. We all got it coming. Dean: Well, ain't you a bucket of sunshine? Rufus: I'm what you've got to look forward to if you survive. (Smirking and raising his glass again) But you won't. ... EXT. DIRT ROAD. DAY. Sam pulls over his rental car and turns off the engine. He checks his map again, gets out of the car and starts walking into the forest. ... INT. Rufus's CABIN. Dean: So, Bela... Rufus: (By now quite drunk) Hotel Canaan. Room 39. But watch your back. Dean: I think I can handle Bela. Rufus: Oh, don't be so sure about that. There are things that you don't know about her. Dean: Oh, and you do? Right. Because you know things. Rufus: (Superior) Yep. Dean: And let me guess...you lift her fingerprint? Rufus: Yep. Dean: And that got you jack. Rufus: Yep. She burnt them off. Probably years ago. Dean: Yeah, so you're right where we are. Rufus: Nope. (Dean looks at him funny) You do her ear? Dean: Sorry? Rufus: You do her ear? Dean: Hey, man, I'll try anything once, but I don't know. That sounds uncomfortable. Rufus: Ears are as unique to humans as fingerprints. Dean: No kidding. Rufus: Of course, that don't fly in the courts over here, but in England, they're all over it. A friend of a friend...of a friend faxed me 10 pages of confidential files within a day. All I had to send him was one clean sh*t off the security camera. Dean: Right. One clean sh*t of her ear. Rufus: (Handing Dean a folder) The so-called Bela Talbot. ... INT. DOC BENTON's CABIN. NIGHT. Sam enters with a torch in and looks around. He finds a journal and pockets it. He moves to the cellar. A man's d*ad body is lying on the operating table. He keeps looking around, hears a slight noise and through ragged curtains sees another body. He moves closer. A woman is strapped down an another the operating table, her arm stretched out beside her and covered in maggots. She is missing skin. Sam leans in to place his fingers on the pulse point of her neck. The woman gasps and her eyes spring open. Sam startles violently. Sam: Shh! Shh! Shh! It's okay. I'm here to help you. I'm here to help you. I'm gonna help you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Sam grabs a cloth and wraps it around her arm, shhing her the whole time. Sam: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. They hear a door open upstairs. The woman starts crying, unable to help herself. Sam covers her mouth but DOC BENTON hears and starts down the stairs with a lamp to investigate. The woman and Sam are gone. DOC BENTON looks up to see a window open. END ACT TWO EXT. NIGHT. DOC BENTON's CABIN Sam carries the victim to his rental car. Sam: (placing her in the passenger seat) Okay, watch your head, watch your head. Sorry. Sam runs around and gets into the driver's seat. BENTON comes out of nowhere, grabs Sam's head and slams it against the wheel. Sam reverses wildly, his passenger screaming. He changes gear and floors it, driving straight over BENTON. As the car speeds away BENTON rises and looks after them, his head at a crazy angle. ... INT. Bela's Hotel ROOM Bela enters, turning to close the door behind her. Dean pushes her back against the door. He lays his arm across her throat and points his g*n at her face. Dean: Where's the Colt? Bela: (Calmly) Dean. Dean: No extra words. Bela: It's long gone, across the world by now. Dean: You're lying. He grabs her bag from her hand to look in it. Bela: I'll call the buyer. Speak Farsi? Dean grabs her around the waist, pulling her against him. Bela: What the hell are you... Dean quickly frisks her, find her g*n and holds it up to her. Dean: Don't flatter yourself. Dean uses the point of his g*n to snap on the room's lights, then points it at her again. Dean: Don't move. Dean begins searching the room, leaving Bela standing against the door. Bela: I told you I don't have it. Dean: Oh, yeah, I'm definitely gonna take your word for it. Dean turns his back and continues rifling through her draws. Bela slides along the wall toward the door. A b*llet goes through the door, inches from her head. She freezes. Dean: Don't move. Dean continues searching. Bela: It's gone. Get on a plane if you must. Track down the buyer. You might catch up to him eventually. Dean finishes searching and returns to Bela, taking a stance and pointing his g*n at her head. Bela: Are you going to k*ll me? Dean: Oh, yeah. Bela: You're not the cold-blooded type. Dean: You mean like you? That's true. See, I couldn't imagine k*lling my parents. Bela: (Shocked but regrouping) I don't know what you're talking... Dean: Yes, you do. You were, what, 14? Folks died in some shady car accident. Police suspected a slashed brake line, but it was all too crispy to tell. Cut to little Bela...Oh, I'm sorry, Abby...inheriting millions. Bela: How did you even... Dean: Doesn't matter. FLASHBACK Young Abby is sitting on her bed, crying. A man slowly walks into the room and turns to close the door. She looks terrified. Bela: They were lovely people. And I k*lled them. And I got rich. I can't be bothered to give a damn. Just like I don't care what happens to you. Dean pushes her roughly against the door with his arm across her throat again. A strand of woven herbs is dislodged from the ledge above the door but no one notices. Dean: (Staring for a long tense moment.) You make me sick. Bela: Likewise. Dean takes a step back and again points his g*n at her head, smirking. She stares back, then closes her eyes. Dean is distracted and looks up, spying the herbs hanging over the ledge. He looks back at her, thinking. Bela opens her eyes as Dean drops the g*n. Dean: You're not worth it. Dean drags her aside and leaves. Bela lifts her hand which now has a scrap of paper in it. She looks at it, a motel receipt, The Erie. She grabs her phone. Bela: It worked. He found me. No, Sam wasn't with him. But I know where they are. ... INT. MOTEL ROOM (Sam's phone rings, he picks up) Sam: Dean. Dean: (in the Impala) Yeah. Sam: Did you get the Colt? Dean: What do you think? Sam: So, does that mean Bela is, uh... Dean: No, no, she deserves to die a dozen times over, but I couldn't do it. Sam: Dean... Dean: I'm really screwed, Sammy. Sam: No, you're just... Dean: But you were right. Bela was a goose chase. The Colt's gone, and this time I'm really screwed, Sam. Sam: Maybe not. Look, Dean, I found Benton's cabin. Dean: You okay? Was he there? Sam: Yeah. Dean: Did you k*ll him? Sam: No. Dean: What do you mean, "no"? Sam: Dean, please just listen for a second. I found his lab book, and it has the formula. Dean: What, the live-forever formula? Sam: Yeah. Dean: Great, let me guess. I got to drink blood out of a baby's skull? Sam: No, that's the thing. It's not black magic. There's no blood sacrifice or anything. It's just science, Dean. Very, very extremely weird science, but... Dean: Wait, wait, wait. What are...What are you saying? You think... Sam: Dean, I think it might be doable. I mean, I know we've h*t a lot of walls, but I...I think this formula, I think it might be it. This could save you. Dean: Okay, so, this formula... Sam: Well, I mean, look, look, we're not in the clear yet. There are still things that I don't get... An arm comes from behind Sam and covers his mouth with a rag. Sam drops the phone. It is DOC BENTON. Dean: Sam? Sammy! END ACT THREE INT. DOC BENTON's CABIN Sam is strapped to an operating table. His eyes are taped open. DOC BENTON You can relax. It's all gonna be okay. Ain't nothing gonna happen here that you got to worry about, Sammy. Your chances of coming out of this procedure alive? Very, very high. Sam: How do you know my name? DOC BENTON Oh...I know. You think I'm some kind of monster, don't you? Well, I got to tell you, I have never done one thing that I did not have to do. This whole eternal-life thing is very high-maintenance. If something goes bad, like my eyes here...you got to replace them. And sometimes things get damaged, like when your father cut out my heart. Now, that...That was very inconvenient. So, I'm sure that you can understand all the joy I felt when I read all about myself here in his journal. Kind of makes this whole thing just feel like some kind of family reunion, don't it? Well, I guess it's about time that we get this thing started. DOC BENTON brings his scoop very close to Sam's eye. Three sh*ts ring out, sh**ting DOC BENTON from behind. He turns and sees Dean. DOC BENTON sh**t all you want. DOC BENTON approaches and Dean lets loose two more b*ll*ts. DOC BENTON throws Dean into the wall and he falls to the ground. DOC BENTON approaches again, leaning down. Dean plunges a Kn*fe into DOC BENTON's chest. DOC BENTON (Laughing) A Kn*fe? What part of immortality do you not understand? Pity about the heart, though. It was a brand-new one. Dean: Good. It should be pumping nice and strong...(Dean holds up a bottle of chloroform) Sending this stuff throughout your whole body. See, I picked up your little bottle upstairs and dipped the Kn*fe in it. DOC BENTON collapses. ... DOC BENTON awakes strapped to the operating table. Dean and Sam stand over him. Dean: Oh, hiya, Doc. Wakey, wakey, eggs and bac-y. DOC BENTON Please. Dean: Please what? You've been k*lling poor bastards for over 150 years and now you got a request? Shut up. DOC BENTON No, you don't understand. I can help you. I know what you need. Dean: We might have to cut him up into little bits. You know, this immortality thing is a bitch. DOC BENTON I can read the formula for you. You know...immortality...Forever young, never die. Sam: Dean. Dean: Sam. Sam walks out of the room, indicating Dean should follow. Dean: What? Sam: I mean, we're talking hell in three weeks. Or needing a new pancreas in like half a century. Dean: Yeah, well, you can't exactly get those at a Kwik-E-Mart. Sam: It's not perfect, but it buys us more time to think of something better. We just need time, Dean. I mean, please, just...just think about it. Dean: No. Sam: Dean, don't you want to live? Dean: What he is isn't living. Look, this is simple. Sam: Simple? Dean: To me it is, okay. Black or white; human, not human. (Dean walks back to stand in front of DOC BENTON) See, what the Doc is is a freakin' monster. I can't do it. I would rather go to hell. DOC BENTON (Calling out) You don't understand. I can help you! Dean covers a rag with more chloroform and places it over DOC BENTON's mouth. Dean: Now, I'm gonna take care of him. You can either help me or not. It's up to you. ... DOC BENTON wakes and lights a match. He is in a box. He can't get the lid open. Camera switches to viewing the box from the outside. It is a refrigerator laid in a hole in the ground. The DOC's book lies on top. DOC BENTON No! No! Don't! Stop it! I can help you! No! Dean: Enjoy forever in there, Doc. Dean and Sam begin shovelling in the hole. DOC BENTON Let me out! I can save you! No. Don't. END ACT FOUR INT. MOTEL ROOM HALLWAY. Bela slowly walks down the hallway and picks the lock on a door. She removes a g*n from her jacket and quietly enters. She raises the g*n and puts two b*ll*ts into the bodies lying under the covers on each bed, then moves closer, turning on a bedside lamp. A clock beside the lamp shows it is 11.56 pm. Bela pulls back the covers to find a sex doll slowly deflating. She checks the other bed, another sex doll. The phone rings and she quickly picks it up. Dean: Hiya, Bela. Here's a fun fact you may not know. I felt your hand in my pocket, when you swiped that motel receipt. Bela: You don't understand. Dean: (in the car with Sam) Oh, I'm pretty sure I understand perfectly. See, I noticed something interesting in your hotel room. Something tucked above the door. An herb. Devil's shoestring? There's only one use for that. Holding hellhounds at bay. So you know what I did, I went back and I took another look at your folks' obit. Turns out they died ten years ago today. You didn't k*ll them. A demon did your dirty work. You made a deal, didn't you, Bela. And it's come due. FLASHBACK. Bela sits on a swing. A little girl sits beside her, very self-possessed. Girl: I can take care of them for you. And it won't even cost you anything...for ten whole years. The little girl's eyes turn red, then go back to normal. END FLASHBACK. Dean: Is that why you stole the Colt, huh? Try to wiggle out of your deal, our g*n for your soul? Bela: Yes. Dean: But stealing the Colt wasn't quite enough, I'm guessing. Bela: They changed the deal. They wanted me to k*ll Sam. Dean: Really! Wow, demons untrustworthy. Shocker. That's, uh, kind of a tight deadline too – what time is it? Well, look at that, almost midnight. Bela: (Crying) Dean, listen, I need help. Dean: Sweetheart, we are weeks past help. Bela: I know I don't deserve it. Dean: You know what, you're right, you don't. But you know what the bitch of the bunch is? If you would have just come to us sooner and asked for help we probably could have taken the Colt and saved you. Bela: I know, and saved yourself. I know about your deal, Dean. Dean: And who told you that? Bela: The Demon that holds it. She holds mine too. She said she holds every deal. Dean: She? Bela: Her name's Lilith. Dean: Lilith? Why should I believe you? Bela: You shouldn't but it's the truth. Dean: This can't help you, Bela, not now. Why you telling me this? Bela: Because just maybe you can k*ll the bitch. Dean: I'll see you in hell. Dean hangs up. Bela sits on the bed listening to the dial tone. She hangs up and takes a deep breath just as the clock clicks over to midnight. A deep howling starts in the distance, then closer vicious growls begin. CUT TO BLACK. END ACT FIVE END EPISODE TRANSCRIBED BY TMATEOTB
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "03x15 - Time is on my Side"}
Air Date: 15 May 2008 Teaser EXT. FOREST - DAY Dean is running frantically through the woods, fleeing from hellhounds. Suddenly he stops, confronted with a hellhound that has cut in front of him. He stands for a few beats, looking at it. The camera shifts and we're looking through the eyes of the hellhound that is just waiting to att*ck him. Dean suddenly turns on his heel and runs back the way he came from, the hellhound on his trail with the viewers still watching through its eyes. Suddenly it trips him, and gets him down on the ground and while he screams we see blood spatter on his face. INT. CABIN - NIGHT Dean wakes up. The previous scene was a nightmare of his. He is breathing heavily from the terror of his dream. The camera pans around him as he blinks a few times and then looks down on the book he had fallen asleep on. It's open to a page about the hellhounds, with a picture of them, and they're not the prettiest things you've seen. Faces made out of human bodies. Sam walks in. Sam: Dig up anything good? Dean closes the book and shakes his head a bit, not looking up on him. Dean: No. (clears throat) Nothing good. Sam: Well, Bobby has. Finally. Dean: Yeah? Sam: Yeah. A way to find Lilith. Dean: Oh. With just uh – (looks at watch) thirty hours to go. (b*at) (smiling) Hey, why don't we just make a TJ-run, yeah? You know... some senoritas, cervezas, uh, we could... What's Spanish for "donkey show"? Sam: (snickers) So if we do save you... Let's never do that. Dean: Yeah... He looks down on the books as Sam sits down next to him. Sam: Hey, Dean. (sighs) Look, we're cutting it close, I know. But we're gonna get this done. I don't care what it takes, Dean. You're not gonna go to hell. I'm not gonna let you. (Dean looks over at him) I swear. Everything's gonna be okay. Dean's facial expression changes as he looks at Sam. He suddenly looks very scared. The camera cuts to Sam and we see his face completely distorted, flinging to the sides at a rapid pace. Then he changes back to Sam again, showing that this was just a hallucination. Dean: Yeah, okay. END Teaser INT. CABIN - DAY We open to a map of the United States. Bobby places an old tracking device over it. The device has three wooden "legs" coming out from a glass or crystal ball at the top. The ball has a flat, metal piece going around it with symbols on it. Further down the legs there's another metal piece, only bigger. From the ball hangs pendulum device that is sharp on the end so that it can pinpoint a specific place. Bobby: So you need a name, that's the whole kit and caboodle. With the right name, right ritual, ain't nothing you can't suss out. Sam: Like the town Lilith's in? Bobby: Kid, when I get done, we'll know the street. He begins the ritual, starts the swing for the pendulum and then chants in Latin. As Dean and Sam watch, the pendulum begins to search over the map until it suddenly stops. Bobby: New Harmony, Indiana. Dean looks up at him from the map. Bobby: And we have a winner. Sam: Alright. (pushes the pendulum away and looks at Bobby) Let's go. Dean: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. Let's all shut up there, Tex. Sam: What's the problem? Dean: What's the problem? Come on, where do I begin? I mean, first of all, we don't even know if Lilith holds my deal. We're going off of Bela's intel? Now when that bitch breathes, the air comes out crooked. Okay. Second, even if we could get to Lilith, we have no way to gank her. And third, isn't this the Same Lilith that wants your giant head on a pike? Should I continue? Bobby: Ain't you just bringing down the room. Dean: Yeah, well, it's a gift. Sam: I'm sorry, so then what are we supposed to do, Dean? Dean: Just 'cause I gotta die doesn't mean you have to, okay. Either we go in smart or we don't go in at all. Sam: Okay, fine. If that's the case I have the answer. Dean: You do? Sam: Yeah. A sure-f*re way to confirm it's Lilith and a way to get us a bona fide demon-k*lling ginsu. Dean: Damn it, Sam, no. He turns his back to Sam and walks a few steps. Sam: We're so past arguing. Dean, I am summoning Ruby. Dean turns around, facing him. Dean: The hell you are! We have enough problems as it is. Sam: Exactly. (walks up to him) And we've got no time and no choice either. Dean: Come on man, she is the Miss Universe of lying skanks, okay. She told you that she could save me, huh – lie. She seems to know everything about Lilith but forgot to mention, oh right – Lilith owns my soul! Sam: Okay, fine. She's a liar. She's still got that Kn*fe. Bobby: Dean. Dean: For all we know, she works for Lilith. Sam: Then give me another option, Dean. I mean, tell me what else. Bobby: Sam's right. Dean: NO! DAMN IT! Bobby looks at him, surprised. They all look at each other for a few seconds. Dean: (calmer) Just no. We are not gonna make the Same mistakes all over again. (they look at him, shocked) You guys wanna save me, find something else. Sam and Bobby look at him as he walks back to the table he was sitting at before, and sits down with a contemplative look. As Sam looks at him, sighing, Bobby grabs his jacket. Sam: Where are you going, Bobby? Bobby: I guess to... (throws out his arms) find something else. Sam sighs, looking into space. INT. BASEMENT Sam is on his knees and has drawn a triangle on the floor with symbols in every point and put candles outside every point. In the middle is a circle with a bowl of a green, dry substance in it. It is obvious that he is ignoring Dean's decision to not summon Ruby. Sam: Ad construgendum ad ligandum eos pariter Et solvendum. We hear a sound behind Sam. He turns around but there's no one there. He turns back, looking up at the roof, sighing. Sam: Et ad congregantum eos coram me. He takes up a box of matches and strikes one. He watches the flame for a b*at and then throws the match into the bowl. The content ignites and f*re flares up and then it calms down and burns out. Sam gets up off the floor and slowly turns to look behind him as the floor creaks. There's still nothing there. Ruby: You know, phones work too. Sam turns back and sees Ruby leaning against the doorway. She smiles at him. Ruby: Hey, Sam. How's tricks? Sam doesn't look happy to see her, instead he looks angry. Sam: How do you get around so fast? Ruby: I got the Super Bowl jet pack. (she begins to walk towards him) So. You called? Sam: Did you know? Ruby: Um – gonna need a tiny bit more. Sam: About Dean's deal. That Lilith holds the contract. Ruby: Yes, I did. Sam: And… what? You didn't think that was important? Ruby: You weren't ready. Sam: For what? Ruby: If I told you, you two yahoos would have just charged after her half-cocked and Lilith would have peeled the meat from your pretty, pretty faces. Sam: Well, we're ready now. (b*at) I want your Kn*fe. She looks at him for a b*at and then begins walking around him, slowly. Ruby: You're right about one thing. You are ready. And now's the time, too. Lilith's guard's down. Sam: Is that so? Ruby: She's on shore-leave. A little R&R. Sam: The hell's that mean? Ruby: Trust me, you don't wanna know. You didn't lose those hex bags I gave you? Sam: We've got 'em. Ruby: Good. Then she won't sense that you're coming. Sam turns around and looks at her as she's gotten behind his back while walking around him. Sam: So you'll give us the Kn*fe? Ruby: No. Sam: But you just said– Ruby: You wanna charge in with one little pigsticker? It's a waste of a true-blue window. Like getting h*tler with that exploding briefcase. Forget it. Sam: (getting angry) Okay, then how? Ruby: I know how to save your brother, Sam. Sam: No, you don't! You told Dean you couldn't! You've been lying to me all along, so just give me your damn Kn*fe! Ruby: You're not the one I've been lying to. Sam: Oh, so you can save him? Ruby: No. But you can. Sam: What? Ruby: Sam, you've got some God-given talent. Well, not "God"-given but you get the gist. Sam: All that psychic crap? That's gone ever since Yellow-Eyes died. Ruby: (shaking her head) Not gone, dormant. And not just visions either. Why do you think Lilith is so scared of you? Sam: Right... she's scared of me. Ruby: If you wanted, you could wipe her off the map without moving a muscle. Sam: I don't believe you. Ruby: It's the truth. Sam: And you decided to tell me this just now? Ruby: Um... demon. Manipulative's kinda in the job description. Fact is, is that you would have never considered it. Not until you were – Sam: Desperate enough? They exchange a look, and she shrugs as he looks away. Ruby: You don't like being different. You hate the way Dean looks at you sometimes. Like you're some kind of sideshow freak. But suck it up because we've got a lot of ground to cover, and we've gotta do it fast. But we can do it. Sam clenches his jaws, looking at the floor. After a b*at he looks up at her. Ruby: Look. Call me a bitch, hate me all you want, but I have never lied to you, Sam. Not ever. And I'm telling you. You... can save your brother, and I can show you how. Dean: So that's you, huh? Our slutty little Yoda. He shows up behind her, not looking very happy. Ruby: Dean. She turns around, looking at him and all her softness in her voice that she directed at Sam is gone. Ruby: (sarcastically) Charming as ever. He begins walking towards her and Sam. Dean: Aw, I knew you'd show up. Because I knew Sam wouldn't listen. Sam looks at him but looks away quickly. Dean: But you're not gonna teach him anything, you understand me? Over my d*ad body. Ruby: Oh. Well, you're right about that. Dean: What you are gonna do is give me that Kn*fe. And then you can just go crawl back into whatever slop you came from and never bother me or my brother again. Are we clear? Ruby: Your brother is carrying a b*mb inside of him and we'd be stupid not to use it. Sam: Dean, look, just hold on for one – Dean: (angry) Sam! Don't. Come on man, what, are you blind? Can't you see that this is a trick? Ruby: That's not true. Dean: She wants you to give into this whole demonic psychic whatever, okay. I mean hell, she probably wants you to become her little anti-christ Super Star. Ruby: (angry) I want Lilith d*ad. That's all. Dean: Why? Ruby: I've told you why! Dean: (mocking) Oh, right, yeah. Because you were human once and you liked kittens and long walks on the beach. Ruby: You know, I am so sick of proving myself to you. You wanna save yourself, this is how. You dumb, spineless dick. Dean looks at her, and then turns around as if to leave but instead comes back swinging his right hook and punching her in the face, looking pissed. Sam backs away a bit, surprised by the h*t. Ruby takes a few steps back with the h*t, looks up at him as she wipes blood from her lip and after a b*at hits him once with her right fist and then her left. Sam: Ruby, hey! She goes around, hits him in the back causing him to double over. She then knees him in the face, sending him into a beam and sliding to the floor. As she turns around to Dean he hits her in the face once with his left and as he's about to h*t with his right she ducks out of the way and going with his momentum knees him in the stomach. The camera cuts to Sam on the floor holding a hand over his mouth as we hear more punches being thrown by Ruby. The camera cuts back to Ruby and Dean as she kicks him in the face causing him to fall to the floor. He tries to get up but she walks over and kicks him hard in the stomach sending him rolling over the floor. He starts to get up and she comes over and takes hold of him, helping him up face to face only to head-butt him so he falls backwards to the floor again. As she stands looking at him, he grins and slowly rises to his feet. Ruby: The hell are you grinning at? Dean: Missing something? He pulls up her Kn*fe in front of his face. She looks at him like "you bastard". Ruby: I'll k*ll you, you son of a bitch. She rushes towards him but midway there she is stopped by an invisible wall. She tries to walk past it once as Dean just looks at her. She looks at him and then looks up at the roof. The camera cuts to an angle from the floor and up across her body, showing the roof where Dean's painted a Devil's Trap. The camera cuts to Sam who takes his hand from his mouth, surprised by this. Ruby looks at Dean again, pissed. He smiles a little, looking at the trap and then he looks at her, still holding up the Kn*fe. Dean: Like I said... (puts down the Kn*fe) I knew you'd come. He walks away from her, towards the staircase. She follows him with her eyes. Ruby: Wait! You're just gonna leave me here? Dean stops, waiting for Sam and ignoring Ruby. Dean: Let's go, Sam. Sam comes over as Dean takes a deep breathe, blinking hard and then he starts up the steps followed by Sam. Ruby: Oh, oh you – so you're just too stupid to live, is that it? Then fine! You deserve hell! I wish I could be there, Dean. I wish I could smell the flesh sizzle off your bones! I WISH I COULD BE THERE TO HEAR YOU SCREAM! Dean: And I wish you'd shut your pie hole, but we don't always get what we want. INT. ROOM The camera pans over Dean's and Sam's w*apon. Among them lies the g*n with the white handle we've seen Dean use over the years. Dean picks up a clip and the camera follows his hand up to show him and Sam loading w*apon in d*ad silence. We can see by Sam's face that something's on his mind. Sam: (sighs) We're just gonna let Ruby rot down there? Dean: That's the idea. Sam: Dean, what if, uh... What if Ruby's right? What if I can take out Lilith? Dean looks up at him with an angry, doubting look. Sam: Quit looking at me like that. Dean: What, are you gonna give her the Carrie-stare and Lilith goes "poof"? Sam: I don't know what Ruby meant. You know, maybe we should just go ask her. Dean: Sam, you wanted the Kn*fe – I got you the Kn*fe. He walks over to another table. Sam: Dean, just listen to me for a second. Last time Lilith snapped her fingers and put thirty demons on our ass, and all we got's one little Kn*fe? I mean, like you said, we go in smart or we don't go in at all. Dean: Well, this ain't smart. Sam: We got one sh*t at this, Dean. Just one. So if there's a sure-f*re way then maybe we should just talk about it. Dean walks up to him as he speaks. Dean: Sam. We are not gonna make the Same mistake all over again. Sam: You said that but what does it even mean? Dean: Don't you see a pattern here? Dad's deal, my deal, now this? I mean every time one of us is – is – is up the creek the other is begging to sell their soul. That's all this is, man. Ruby's just jerking your chain down the road. You know what it's paved with and you know where it's going. He turns around, sits down against a table and picks up the w*apon again. Sam shakes his head a bit and walks around to the other side of the table. Sam: Dean. He sits down next to Dean, looking at him as he continues to assemble the w*apon. Sam: What do you think is gonna happen? This is me, I can handle it. Dean stops what he's doing, looking at the floor and shakes his head. Sam: And if it'll save you... Dean: Why even risk it? He looks up at him. Sam looks away for a b*at and then back at him with the obvious answer. Sam: Because you're my brother. Because you did the Same thing for me. Dean: (scoffs) I know... and look how that turned out. Dean looks at Sam and Sam looks away at this. Dean: All I'm saying.. (he gets a little chocked up) Sammy, all I'm saying is that you're my weak spot. Sam looks over at him at this. Dean: (quick confirmation smile) You are. And I'm yours. Sam: (choked) You don't mean that. We're… we're family. Dean: I know. And those evil sons of bitches know it too. I mean, what we'll do for each other, you know, how far we'll go? They're using it against us. Sam: So what? We just stop looking out for each other? Dean: No, we stop being martyrs, man. We – we – we stop spreading it for these demons. He picks up Ruby's Kn*fe and holds it up. Dean: We take this Kn*fe, and we go after Lilith our way. The way Dad taught us to. And if we go down, then, uh... then we go down swinging. Sam just looks at him. Dean: What do you think? Sam looks down on the floor, thinking, then he looks up at Dean. Sam: I think you totally should have been jamming "Eye of the Tiger" right there. Dean: (rising) Oh, bite me. I totally rehearsed that speech, too. Sam smiles at that. Sam: So, Indiana, huh? Dean: Yeah, where Lilith's on shore-leave. Sam: Yeah, I guess. Dean: Tell me something. (Sam looks up at him) The hell's a demon do for fun? EXT. NEW HARMONY, INDIANA - DAY We hear an ice cream truck's melody as it passes the screen. The camera is panning over a regular homeowners' street. It comes to a man, TOM WEPRAM, and pans by him as he goes to his mailbox. The camera reaches another man, PAT FREMONT, and then it follows him as he goes to join TOM to collect his own mail. TOM turns to PAT as the camera changes angle to behind the mailboxes. TOM Hey, Pat. PAT Tom. TOM How's that granddaughter of yours? PAT (smiling) Home sick, poor thing. Darn bug that's going around now. TOM Aw, that's too bad. Well, you give her a big old hug from me and Judy. PAT has now collected his mail and is about to leave. PAT You bet. He shakes TOM's hand as he's about to leave. PAT Take it easy, Tom. As PAT lets go of TOM's hand and turns around to leave TOM looks down at his hand that he just shook PAT's with. There's a little piece of paper that he reaches up with his other hand to unfold. TOM You too, Pat. PAT leaves and TOM unfolds the piece of paper. When he's unfolded it he looks at it and then over at PAT who's closing the door to his house. He looks down at the note again and we see that PAT has written "Help Us" on it. INT. FREMONT HOUSE PAT locks the door and turns around. As he's walking to the kitchen he steps over a body that is covered in bugs. INT. KITCHEN PAT comes in and we see a woman and a man in there. The woman, Mrs. FREMONT, is putting icing on a cake. They all look worried and very scared. PAT Where is she? Mrs. FREMONT Upstairs, playing with Freckles. PAT We just sit here, we're d*ad. Mr. FREMONT She'll hear you. PAT It's her or us. Mrs. FREMONT It's my baby girl. PAT Not anymore. There's something inside her. We suddenly hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Mr. FREMONT Shut your mouth. She's coming. They turn around as a little girl comes in. She's covered in blood but she acts as if it's just a little dirt on her dress. Lilith: What were you guys talking about? PAT Just how much we love you. Mrs. FREMONT What… wha? What happened to your dress? Lilith: Oh, Freckles was mean to me. Mrs. FREMONT, not knowing what to say turns to PAT, who hangs his head. She turns back to Lilith, shocked and afraid. Mrs. FREMONT That's... that's nice, dear. Lilith: Daddy, will you push me on the swing? Mr. FREMONT Oh... sure, honey. He walks over to her. Mr. FREMONT But don't you wanna change first? I mean, you don't want the neighbors to see... all that blood. Lilith: (waves her hand) Oh, you're so smart. I love you, Daddy. She goes over and hugs him while smiling. Mr. FREMONT looks over at Mrs. FREMONT and PAT, not sure what to say or do. They all still look scared. Mr. FREMONT I love you too. Hey, sweetie? You think... after a while... do you think you could... He looks over at Mrs. FREMONT and she shakes her head "no" at him. Mr. FREMONT Let us go? Lilith backs away from him, the smile completely gone from her face. She looks up at Mr. FREMONT with a serious, close to angry look. Lilith: Why? Mr. FREMONT I uh... I don't know. Mrs. FREMONT is taking shallow breath, scared to death of what's to come. Lilith: Don't you wanna be here? Don't you love me? Mr. FREMONT Well, sure I do! Mrs. FREMONT We all do, honey. We all love you so much. Lilith: Don't be mean to me, Daddy. Like Freckles or what's-her-name, that mean old babysitter. Mr. FREMONT looks over at Mrs. FREMONT, scared and wide-eyed. He looks back down at Lilith. Mr. FREMONT I'm sorry. After a few seconds Lilith suddenly breaks into a smile. Lilith: That's okay, silly. Now let's go and play. EXT. CABIN Sam and Dean are in the Impala about to leave. Dean tries to start up the car but it won't start up. Both he and Sam look a bit worried. Suddenly Bobby shows up outside Dean's door, scaring the boys with his sudden appearance. Bobby: Where do you think you're going? Dean looks at him and the distributor cap he holds in his hand. After a b*at he and Sam gets out of the Impala and walks up to Bobby who's not looking happy. But then neither is Dean. Dean: We got the Kn*fe. Bobby: And you intend to use it without me. Sam comes from around the car and stands in the middle next to Dean and Bobby, watching them. Bobby: Do I look like a ditchable prom-date to you? Sam: No, Bobby. Of course not. Dean: This is about me... and Sam. Ok? This isn't your fight. Bobby walks up to Dean, furious by those words. Bobby: The hell it isn't! Dean looks at him, taken aback by this. Bobby: Family don't end with blood, boy. Besides, you need me. Dean: Bobby. Bobby: You're playing wounded. Tell me, how many hallucinations have you had so far? Sam looks at him, a bit confused by this. He looks over at Dean who turns to look at him, tilts his head one time and then turns back to Bobby. Dean: How'd you know? Bobby: Because that's what happens when you've got hellhounds on your butt. And because I'm smart. Dean looks down on the ground, as Sam watches him. Bobby hands Dean the distributor cap. Bobby: I'll follow. Bobby walks away from the boys, over to his own car. After a moment Dean walks over to the hood of his car, ready to put back the part. Bobby: Don't be stopping to pee every ten minutes either. Dean stops in his tracks, shakes his head a bit with raised brow. He turns around looking back at Sam who looks at him and sighs. INT. Impala - NIGHT The boys are driving down the road, on their way to Indiana. Sam: Hey, Dean? Dean: Yeah? Sam: You know if this doesn't uh... this doesn't go the way we want, I want you to know – Dean: No. No, no, no, no. Sam: No what? Dean looks over at Sam. Dean: No, you're not gonna bust out the misty good-bye speech, okay? And if this is my last day on earth, I do not want it to be socially awkward. Sam looks down and out the window and Dean turns back to the road. Dean: You know what I do want? He reaches down to the radio and starts up Bon Jovi's "Wanted d*ad or Alive". Sam looks a bit "eeh?" Sam: Bon Jovi? Dean: Bon Jovi rocks, on occasion. He looks over at Sam to underline this statement. When Sam looks away Dean turns back to the road and begins to sing along with Bon Jovi. Dean: (singing) And I walk these streets A loaded six-string on my back I play for keeps (turns to Sam, nudging him) (talking) Come on. (singing) 'Cause I might not make it back I've been everywhere Sam: (singing) Oh yeah Dean: (singing) and I'm standing tall Sam laughs and sing along with him Sam and Dean I've seen a million faces And I rocked 'em all 'Cause I'm a cowboy On a steel horse I ride I'm wanted Dean looks over at Sam who's really getting into it. Sam: WANTED! Dean looks back on the road and Sam smiles as he sings with him. Sam and Dean d*ad or alive Sam: d*ad or ALIVE Dean begins to lose the will to sing and his smile is beginning to fade. Sam just continues to sing, laugh and smile, not noticing how Dean is suddenly taking in the lyrics, realizing how much they actually fit him and what is about to come. The camera zooms on him as his smile completely vanishes, as he's staring out on the road. Sam: (singing) d*ad or alive d*ad or alive d*ad or alive The music takes over and Dean's smile is completely gone now. The camera cuts to the road and the Impala passes over it and we watch it drive off on the road, with a busted tail-light. CUT TO: the Impala driving by the camera on the road as the camera pans along with it and then goes down to a police car, with an officer inside who sees them pass. We see a sh*t of the Impala with the busted tail-light and then the camera goes back to the officer who's starting up his engine as he watches them and then pulls out on the road with his sirens on. CUT TO: Impala. We hear the siren behind them and the boys react to his. Dean looks up in his rear view mirror as Sam looks over at him. The flashing lights from the police car is now reflecting inside the car and over their faces. Sam: We getting pulled over? Dean looks in his side view mirror. Dean: I've got a busted tail-light. It's not like we're in a hurry or nothing. CUT TO: the Impala pulling up to the camera, with the police car stopping behind it. Dean rolls down his window as Sam hands over the licence and registration. The police officer walks up to his window, flashlight in hand. Dean: Problem officer? Officer Licence and registration, please. Dean, not looking at him, hands out the needed papers. The Officer takes and looks at it as he's talking to Dean Officer Do you realise you have a tail-light out, Mr Hagard? Dean looks up him and after a b*at his face falls as he's looking at him. The Officer tilts his head and shines the light on him. Dean: Yes… yes sir. Uh… you know I've been meaning to… take care of that. Dean slowly turns his head back towards the road in front of him, his eyes dodging back at the Officer during that. Dean: As a matter of fact... He suddenly opens his door fast, hitting the Officer in the stomach with it. Dean rushes out the car at him. Sam: Dean! Sam opens his door, surprised by Dean's action. Dean punches the Officer three times in the face as Sam tries to run around the car to stop him. He quickly reaches down and takes out the Kn*fe from his belt and thrusts it into the jaw of the Officer. As we see Bobby pulling up behind the police car, the Officer begins to flash with light, showing that Dean just thrust the Kn*fe into a demon. Dean pulls out the Kn*fe and lets go of the Officer, who falls d*ad to the ground. Dean stands over him, arm behind him, panting after the fight. Sam, shocked, moves up behind him. Bobby quickly runs over to them and looks down at the d*ad Officer/demon. He looks back up at Dean and Sam, surprised and shocked. Bobby: What the hell happened? Sam: Dean just k*lled a demon. How'd you know? Dean still breathing heavily looks around on the ground and then turns to Sam who's still looking shocked. Dean looks worried. Dean: I just knew. He turns back and looks down on the Officer. Dean: I could see its face. Its real face under that one. Bobby who was looking down on the Officer looks up at him by these words. Dean looks up at him and meets his gaze for a second. EXT. WOODS The boys are putting up branches over the police car, to hide it from plain sight and so that nobody can find it. Sam: So what, now you're seeing demons? Dean: I've seen all kinds of things lately but... nothing like this. Bobby: Actually it's not all that crazy. Dean: How's it not that crazy? Bobby: Well you've got, just over five hours to go? You're piercing the veil, Dean. You're glimpsing the B side. Dean: A little less new age-y please. Bobby: You're almost hell's bitch. So, you can see hell's other bitches. Dean looks first surprised and then his mock-face comes on. Dean: Thank you. Sam: Well, actually it could come in pretty handy. Dean: Oh, well, I'm glad my doomed soul is good for something. Bobby: Damn right it is. Lilith's probably got demons stashed all over town. We can't let them sound the alarm. She knows we're here, we're d*ad before we're started. Dean: Well, this is a terrific plan. I'm excited to be a part of it. Can we go, please? He begins to walk away with that and the others follow. The car is as hidden as they could manage, with branches all over it. INT. FREMONT HOUSE; DINING ROOM - NIGHT Mr. FREMONT, PAT and Lilith are sitting at the table in the dining room. The table is set with all kinds of candy. Mrs. FREMONT walks in with the cake she was putting icing on earlier. It's got birthday candles on it. Mrs. FREMONT Happy birthday, sweetie. Mr. FREMONT and PAT Happy birthday. Lilith: Yay! It's my birthday every day. Mrs. FREMONT has put down the cake on the table in front of the happy, smiling Lilith. She claps her hands and blows out the candles. Mrs. FREMONT moves it over to her place at the table to cut it. Mr. FREMONT Hmmm... cake. Again. It's good. PAT smiles a little and nods his head yes. Lilith: Hey grandpa, can I ask you something? PAT Sure jelly-bean. Anything. Lilith: Why did you try to go to Mr. Wayburn for help? Mrs. FREMONT looks up from the cake, worried. PAT half-smiles, trying to get out the situation that has just risen. PAT I didn't. I don't know what you mean. Lilith: (no longer smiling) You big fat liar. PAT I'm sorry. It was a mistake. He begins to look worried, as does the others. Lilith: Did you two know about this? Mrs. FREMONT looks down on Mr. FREMONT, not sure what to say. He looks to the side and at Lilith. PAT looks from Lilith to the others, very worried. Mr. FREMONT No. PAT looks at him, shocked that he's not getting any help or backup. Lilith looks up at Mrs. FREMONT who's looking down on PAT. He looks up at her, for her answer. Mrs. FREMONT No. PAT is shocked, scared and worried now. He looks over at Lilith who turns around to look at him after their answers. Lilith: Grandpa? You don't love me? PAT I do. I do! I love you! Lilith: No, you don't. You're lying again. You're just a mean old man. PAT looks up at Mrs. FREMONT, pleading. She is on the verge of tears, scared to do anything. PAT Do something. Help me, please. Lilith: I don't think I like you anymore. Lilith takes up her hand as she looks at PAT. She twists her hand in 90 degrees, and with that PAT's head twists in the Same way, breaking his neck. He slumps down on his plate. Mrs. FREMONT cries out, shocked, and then puts a hand to her mouth to silence herself. Lilith turns around and looks at Mrs. FREMONT. Lilith: Nobody scream, okay? Screaming makes me mad. Mrs. FREMONT still has a hand over her mouth to keep herself silent, and tears in her eyes. Mr. FREMONT is just looking at her and Lilith, scared and quiet. He looks over at PAT whose eyes are still open. Mrs. FREMONT takes her hand from her mouth and then cuts through the cake. Lilith just cheers up with that, and suddenly all the intimidating coldness and scary part of her disappears. Lilith: Mommy, can I have ice cream with mine? EXT. HOUSE ACROSS FROM THE FREMONT HOUSE We zoom in on the house as we see a "For Sale" sign outside. The house is completely dark. INT. HOUSE - SECOND FLOOR We see through binoculars how Lilith is smiling while Mrs. FREMONT is serving her a plate of cake and Mr. FREMONT is getting out of his chair, probably to get that ice cream. PAT is sitting d*ad at the end of the table with his head on his plate. Dean: It's the little girl. Her face is awful. Sam, Bobby and Dean is standing by a window, looking over at the family. Sam is currently the one with the binoculars standing furthest from the camera. Bobby is in the middle with Dean closest to us. We see them from the side. Sam lowers the binoculars. Sam: Alright then, let's go. We're wasting time. He walks past Bobby and Dean, behind them, and moves for the door one presumes. Dean grabs hold of him, stopping him from leaving. Dean: Wait! Sam: For what? For it to k*ll the rest of them? Dean: Yeah, and us too if we're not careful. Look. See the real go-getter mailman on the clock at nine PM? Sam holds up the binoculars and we see what he sees – the mailman sorting mail at the back of his car. The camera cuts back to Dean as Sam lowers the binoculars again. Dean: (pointing) And Mr Rogers over there. Bobby: Demons? Sam looks through the binoculars again and we see "MR ROGERS" sitting in a chair in his home, smoking a pipe and reading a book, his chair facing the windows. Dean: Yes. The camera cuts back the guys. Sam: Ok, fine. We – we – we – we, we ninja pass those guys, sneak in. Dean: Then what? Give a "Columbian necktie" to a ten year old girl, come on! Sam: Look, Dean, I know it's awful. Dean: You think? Sam: This isn't just about saving you, Dean. This is about saving everybody. Bobby: She's gotta be stopped, son. Dean, who looks contemplative, turns around and looks at Bobby and then out the window. Dean: Oh, damn it. INT. FREMONT HOUSE; Lilith's BEDROOM Lilith: Read it again, Mommy. Mrs. FREMONT But I've read it 26 times. We see Lilith and Mrs. FREMONT lying on LILIHTH's bed. Lilith is resting her head on Mrs. FREMONT's shoulder as she holds a book up to read from. Lilith: (hard) Again. Mrs. FREMONT "Once upon a time in the town of Celine lived a beautiful princess named Cleo. But the town was plagued with an evil dragon that demanded the blood of the children, and the princess was doomed to be sacrificed to the dark and terrible dragon." Lilith nuzzles on her shoulder. EXT. STREET We see the mailman standing by the back of his truck, flipping through mail. We suddenly hear a sound across the street and the mailman looks up. The camera cuts to a view of Dean standing by a fence, looking over at him as if he's been caught. The mailman's eyes turns demon-black and he takes off after Dean. Dean runs back the way he came from, closely followed by the demon-mailman. Dean rounds a corner of the house the fence belonged to, and when the mailman comes around the Same corner a second later he runs right into Sam holding Ruby's Kn*fe and we hear it go into his body. Sam struggles with him as he turns around and Dean comes up behind the mailman and puts a hand over his mouth so his death doesn't alarm the rest of the demons. Sam pulls out the Kn*fe and the demon-mailman flashes with light a few times and then Dean drops him to the ground. CUT TO: Bobby holding a rosary. Bobby: Exorcizo te, creatura aquae. In nomine dei patris onmipotintes. He drops the rosary into an opening of the water pipes and it's carried away by the stream. CUT TO: Sam grabbing the Kn*fe that is located in MR ROGERS's belly, who's lying d*ad on the ground. He pulls it out and stands up next to Dean, wiping it off. Dean grabs MR ROGERS's feet and drags him out of view. He then comes back and takes off in another direction while Sam stands still, looking around. CUT TO: Dean running through some trees and coming up by a fence, where Ruby suddenly appears and shoves him into the fence, holding him there. Ruby: I'd like my Kn*fe back, please. Or your neck snaps like a chicken bone. Sam comes up behind her and holds up her Kn*fe to her throat. Sam: He doesn't have it. Take it easy. She backs away from Dean, releasing him from the fence. Sam stands still next to Dean who turns around to face her. Dean: How the hell did you get out? Ruby: What you don't know about me could fill a book. Dean suddenly reacts to her face, moving his head back just a bit with wider eyes. Dean: Whoa. Ruby: What? Dean looks to the side, not wanting to look at her anymore. He glances at her once or twice but that's it. Dean: Nothing. I just – I couldn't see you before, but you're one ugly broad. Ruby: Sam, give me the Kn*fe before you hurt yourself. Sam: You'll get it when this is over. Ruby: It's already over. I gave you a way to save Dean, you sh*t me down. Now it's too late. He's d*ad. And I'm not gonna let you die too. Sam: Try and stop me, and I'll k*ll you. Bitch. Ruby: h*t me with your best sh*t, baby. Dean, who's been looking in the direction he was running, towards turns around to them. Dean: Guys, guys! Hey. Have your little catfight later. We see a sh*t of two people, probably father and son, standing outside on their porch looking at Dean, Sam and Ruby. The camera pans over to the next house where a man with a briefcase is standing, staring at them. We get a sh*t of Sam looking pretty much "oh crap" and then we see two other men staring at them, this time closer so we can see their black eyes. Dean: So much for the element of surprise. Sam: Go. Go. Run. Run! They open the gate and runs, aiming for Lilith's house. As they do we see a lot more people running after them. EXT. FREMONT HOUSE Sam reaches the house first and starts picking the lock on the door. Ruby and Dean come up behind him, looking towards the lawn as more people are running after them. Dean: What the hell is taking Bobby? Sam is having problems picking the lock and more people are running for them. Sam: I'm trying! Suddenly when one demon reaches the lawn, the sprinklers turns on and she begins to flail, screaming, as the water burns her. We now get what Bobby was doing before – turning the water into holy water and effectively making a barrier with the sprinkler system. Another demon is caught in the water and he screams and flails as well. We see a sh*t of Dean who has a smile starting to show on his lips. We get a sh*t from the sky and we see a lot of possessed people standing outside the lawn, a few people in the water and our guys standing on the porch. Sam is still working on the lock and Dean begins to really smile at the barrier. Sam gets the door opened and as he and Ruby go inside. Dean laughs at the demons and then walks inside the house too. INT. FREMONT HOUSE Sam and Ruby are standing over the body we met earlier in the episode with shocked faces, and Dean is closing the door, not having seen it yet. He turns around and sees it, and his serious game face is on again. Dean: You think Lilith knows we're here? Ruby: Probably. They look around a bit and then walks into the living room. Sam is going first, holding the Kn*fe out as if it was a g*n. Ruby is behind him, closely followed by Dean. CUT TO: inside a closed cabinet behind them. The camera is seeing through the persons view in there and we see Dean's back and the door opens up and goes for Dean, who hears the creak of the door and quickly turns around, putting up one hand and we get a sh*t from the side as Dean captures Mr. FREMONT and puts a hand over his mouth, turning them around to Sam and Ruby. Dean makes "shushing" sounds to make Mr. FREMONT be quiet and calm down. Dean: (whispering) We're here to help. Ok? I'm gonna move my hand, and we're gonna talk nice and quiet, okay? Mr. FREMONT nods his head yes and Dean slowly removes his hand. Sam: Sir, where is your daughter? Mr. FREMONT It's not... it's not her anymore. Sam: Where is she? Mr. FREMONT Upstairs. In her bedroom. Dean: (whispering) Okay, okay, okay. Listen to me. I want you to go downstairs to the basement. Put a line of salt at the door behind you. Do you understand me? Mr. FREMONT Not without my wife. Dean: Yes, without your wife. Mr. FREMONT No. Dean punches his lights out since they don't have time to argue about all this. He picks him up and puts him over his shoulder and gives the others a look. He then starts walking. CUT TO: Sam and Ruby walking upstairs, backs against the wall and as stealthy as possible. Sam is in the lead with the Kn*fe in front of him. When they get up they look around a bit and then Ruby walks to the door to their right, they share a look, Sam nods at her and then she goes in, closing the door behind her. Sam starts slowly for the door to the left. He leans in against the closed door, trying to listen to any sign of life or Lilith. After a b*at he opens the door as quietly as possible. He quickly slips in. INT. Lilith's BEDROOM Sam walks slowly into the room, Kn*fe out in front of him. We see a sh*t of Lilith's bed. It has thin drapes around it and through them we can see Mrs. FREMONT and Lilith lying on the bed, asleep. Sam slowly makes his way around it while keeping his eyes glued to them. As he round the corner of the bed he shifts the Kn*fe in his hand so it's now in a s*ab position. As quietly and slowly as possible, he removes the drapes and we hear Mrs. FREMONT breathing heavily, scared, as Sam comes into view. The camera follows the drapes to a point and then lets them reveal Mrs. FREMONT looking up at Sam, scared, with Lilith still nuzzled into her shoulder, apparently asleep. Mrs. FREMONT (quietly) Do it! Sam slowly raises the Kn*fe, looking down on the child Lilith has possessed. She stirs a little. Mrs. FREMONT (quietly) Do it. We see Sam looking at Lilith, trying to collect himself to s*ab a child. Mrs. FREMONT (quietly) Do it! Lilith moves a little, apparently starting to wake up. Mrs. FREMONT gets more and more afraid and panicked and Sam is staring at Lilith, pulling himself to the point of s*ab her. Mrs. FREMONT Do it! Do it! Lilith wakes up, and starts to rise on the bed, eyes hardly opened. Mrs. FREMONT Hurry! Lilith screams when she opens her eyes and sees Sam who lunges for her. At the last moment he's stopped by Dean who grabs hold of his arm. Dean: It's not her! The girl is breathing fast and heavily from what was just about to happen. We see Ruby standing behind Sam and Dean, who probably came in with Dean. Dean (cont'd) It's not in the girl anymore. FREMONT Girl (sobbing, scared) Mommy! Mrs. FREMONT Mommy's here. Mommy's here. It's okay. The FREMONT Girl cries. INT. HOUSE ACROSS FROM THE FREMONT HOUSE Through the window we see people standing in front of the Fremont house, outside the barrier of the sprinklers. The camera cuts to Bobby, who's standing in the window seeing this. We hear a clock ticking and Bobby takes up his hand, looking at it. Bobby: Damn it. He looks out through the window again. INT. FREMONT HOUSE They all come down the stairs, Mrs. FREMONT and Dean first. Dean: Alright, no matter what you hear. You, your husband and your daughter stay in the basement. She goes through the basement door and Dean follows. Sam and Ruby walk past them. Ruby: Well, I hate to be a "told you so". Sam: Alright Ruby, where is she? Ruby: I don't know. They enter the living room. Sam: Could she get past the sprinklers? Ruby: Her pay grade, she ain't sweating the holy water. Sam: Ok, you win. What do I have to do? She looks at him questioningly. Ruby: What do you mean? Sam: To save Dean. Dean comes up behind Sam. Sam (cont'd) What do you need me to do? Dean grabs him from behind, trying to turn him. Dean: What the hell do you think you're doing? Sam pulls loose from Dean Sam: Just shut up for a second. (to Ruby) Ruby! Ruby: You had your chance. You can't just flip a switch. We needed time. Sam: Well, there's gotta be something. There's gotta be some way, whatever it is, I'll do it. Dean comes up behind him again, grabbing him. Sam: Don't, Dean! I'm not gonna let you go to hell, Dean! Dean: Yes, you are! They look at each other for a b*at. Dean: (calmer) Yes, you are. Sam just stares at him, breathing. Dean: I'm sorry. I mean this is all my fault, I know that. But what you're doing, it's not gonna save me. It's only gonna k*ll you. Sam looks away for a second, tears building in his eyes. Sam: Then, what am I supposed to do? Dean: Keep fighting. Take care of my wheels. Sam, remember what Dad taught you... okay? Sam nods, holding his tears back. Dean (cont'd) And remember what I taught you. As tears build in Dean's eyes we hear the grandfather clock tick and then begin to strike midnight. Dean looks over at it, and the camera cuts to it and then pans around to Dean looking at it. Dean looks over at Sam, who's also watching the grandfather clock. He turns his head, tears spilling down his cheeks, and looks as Dean. Dean gives him a little smile as he tries to keep himself calm and hold back his tears. Ruby: I'm sorry, Dean. I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy. We hear the hellhounds begin to howl and Dean's face falls as he turns around to where we heard them. Sam looks at him and then look in the Same direction understanding that something's up. We hear a growling hellhound. Dean: Hellhound. Sam: Where? Dean: There. The camera cuts to where the hellhound is, we don't see anything, but we hear its growl. The camera cuts to Ruby whose face falls as she sees it. Suddenly we see through the hellhound's eyes, as it's staring at Dean, Sam and Ruby. As it begins to move, Dean bolts out of the room, followed by the others, and the hellhound quickly behind them. They run into another room and close the doors fast in the face of the hellhound. INT. OFFICE Dean takes out the bag with goofer dust as Sam and Ruby stand against the doors, holding them shut while the hellhound is pounding to get in. Dean runs over and throws himself down at the floor by the door and frantically starts pouring out the dust. The pounding suddenly stops and for a second they all stand/sit still, then Dean bolts for the window and pours out the dust on the windowsill. Ruby: (to Sam) Give me the Kn*fe, maybe I can fight it off. Sam looks at her, a bit confused. Sam: What? Ruby: Come on! That dust won't last forever. Dean turns around and looks at them from behind Sam. After a few seconds Sam takes out the Kn*fe, about to hand it to Ruby. Dean: Wait! The camera quickly zooms in on Ruby at this. Sam turns around to Dean, looking at him. Ruby: You wanna die? Dean: Sam, that's not Ruby. It's not Ruby! Sam turns back to Ruby who, without touching him, flings him hard up against the wall, pinning him. He drops the Kn*fe and it falls to the floor. She then hits Dean (without touching him) and flings him on top of the table, pinning him. Dean grunts as he holds up his head so he can look at Ruby. Sam looks from Dean to Ruby. Dean: How long you been in her? Ruby's entire facial expression changes and becomes childlike. Lilith has taken over the body Ruby possessed. Lilith: Not long. She looks down on her body as she speaks. Lilith (cont'd) But I like it. It's all grown up and pretty. She looks up at Dean again, her eyes turning white. Sam: And where's Ruby? Lilith's eyes turns back to normal. Lilith: She was a very bad girl, so I sent her far, far away. She tilts her head step by step and we hear her neck crunch with each tilting motion. Dean: You know, I should have seen it before... but you all look alike to me. After a b*at she snaps her head to Sam, who looks over at her. She starts walking slowly towards him. Lilith: Hello, Sam. I've wanted to meet you for a very long time. She grabs hold of his chin, forcing him to face her. Against his will she gives him a kiss and we hear how it sizzles from their lips meeting. Lilith: Your lips are soft. Sam moves his head up and to the side, trying to get loose from her hand. Sam: Right, so you have me. Let my brother go. He looks down on her. Lilith: Silly goose. You wanna bargain, you have to have something that I want. You don't. Dean: So, is this your big plan, huh? Drag me to hell. k*ll Sam. And then what? Become queen bitch? Lilith: I don't have to answer to puppy chow. Dean is clearly in pain on the table, trying to hold himself up against her restraint. Lilith suddenly moves from Sam, as she looks at Dean, and walks over to the door while Dean follows her with his eyes. She grabs hold of the doorhandle and while looking at Dean exclaims: Lilith Sic 'em, boy. Sam snaps his head to Dean at this and Dean looks over at him and then at the door. Lilith opens the door and the goofer dust blows away as the hellhound gets him. Lilith just laughs and smiles. The camera cuts to the view through the hellhound's eyes, as it runs at Dean on the table. It grabs him by his legs and pulls him down as he screams. It begins to rip him as Sam stands against the wall, helpless, scared and panicked. Sam: No! Stop! Lilith just looks over at Sam and then down at Dean who's struggling on the floor. The hound has already slashed his right leg and is now attacking his chest as he screams in pain. He turns over onto his stomach. Sam: STOP IT! Lilith just watches with a little smile on her face. The hound slashes Dean on his back and his shoulder. Sam: No! He flips over and it slashes him over his chest, blood gushing out. Sam just watches in horror. Sam: No. Stop it. Dean is taking his last breaths now. Sam: STOP IT! The blood pours out of Dean's chest and he's not screaming anymore, but still not d*ad. Sam: NO! Lilith smiles at Sam. Lilith: Yes. She holds out her hand and suddenly white light erupts from it. As it builds up Sam turns his head, eyes closed. Suddenly her white light is retracted, her eyes is still white but slowly turns back to normal, and she looks confused and shocked. Sam is on the floor, huddled in a corner next to a cabinet, holding his hands up in front of his face. When he notices nothing happened and the light is gone he slowly takes down his hands, looks up at her and rises up to a standing position. She looks at the floor, afraid. She holds out her hand and looks at him. Lilith: Back. Sam takes a breath and starts walking towards her. Lilith: I said, back. Sam, with a determined look on his face, bends down and picks up Ruby's Kn*fe. Lilith looks very afraid of him now, as he just looks determined and hateful. Sam: I don't think so. He pulls back his hand, and motions to s*ab her but suddenly Lilith exits Ruby's body. We see the black smoke go out of her body as she screams, the camera cuts between her mouth, the ventilation in the roof and an angle from the roof where we see Dean's body in the background, lying still on the floor, bloody. The camera cuts to him from the side as Ruby's body collapses. Dean isn't moving, his eyes opened. He's d*ad. Sam looks down on him breathing heavily. We get a sh*t of Dean and Ruby lying next to each other on the floor, both d*ad. With tears building up quickly Sam slowly walks over to Dean. He begins to cry as he bends down next to him. He picks up Dean, holding his head close to him. Sam: No... no... Dean... As he cries and mourns his brother, the camera cuts to Dean's face and begins to zoom into his left eye. Sam: Dean... As we come through Dean's eye, everything is green and the texture is cloudy. We see chains everywhere, stretched from place to place that we can't see. There is thunder and lightning and we hear Dean scream. The camera moves around the chains and suddenly we see Dean in the middle of them, hooked up by his arms and legs. Dean: HELP! NO! SOMEBODY HELP ME! The camera moves in on him and we see a hook is attached through his right shoulder, he's bloody and sweaty. There's blood in his mouth and he looks completely terrified. Dean: Sam! As the screen fades to black and we see the credits, we hear Dean screaming "SAAAAAAAM!".
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "03x16 - No Rest for the Wicked"}
Air Date: 18 Sep 2008 TITLE CARD: THE ROAD SO FAR AC/DC's "Shook Me All Night Long" plays over general badassery of Sam and Dean and the basic plot that Dean went to Hell because Sam couldn't stop it. TITLE CARD: NOW We see quick flashes of Dean being tormented, his eyes flicking back and forth, his face covered in blood. Cut to Dean in a dark place; he breathes heavily, flicks his lighter on. He is inside a wooden coffin. Dean: (extremely hoarse) Help! Help! Help! Dean pounds on the wood above his head; dirt rains down on his face. He continues to pound. EXT. FIELD – DAY In the middle of a grassy field, a simple wooden cross is planted. As we pan back, a HAND bursts out of the dirt, followed by another. It is Dean, and he crawls his way out of the ground, groaning and gasping. He lays on his back, panting. He stands, looks around in the glaring sunlight. Around his crude headstone is a perfect circle of d*ad trees, laying on the ground as if an unearthly powerful blast had felled them. TITLE CARD: SUPERNATURAL EXT. A COUNTRY ROAD – DAY Through hazy heat, Dean walks down an empty road and approaches an abandoned gas station. He pounds on the door. Dean: (hoarse) Hello? INT. GAS STATION – DAY Dean rolls up his outer shirt over his right hand, breaks the glass on the door. Inside, he grabs a water bottle from a fridge and gulps at it, gasping. He finds a newspaper and sees the date, which reads: Thursday, September 18th Dean: September. INT – GAS STATION BATHROOM - DAY Dean washes his face in a dingy sink, then looks up and stares at his reflection. He wears a tight black t-shirt. Frowning, he stands, pulls the shirt up to expose his chest. FLASHBACK Dean's chest is ripped apart by the Hellhounds (3.16) PRESENT Dean stares at his unblemished, unscarred chest in the dingy gas station mirror. He turns his left shoulder to the mirror and pulls up the sleeve to reveal a large, raw HANDPRINT BRAND. INT – GAS STATION MART – DAY Dean pulls snacks and energy bars from the shelves, along with several bottles of water, and stashes them in a plastic bag. Stopping in front of a magazine stand, he grins slowly. On the stand is an Adult Magazine - "Busty Asian Beauties". He picks it up, smirks, flips through it, and stuffs it in the bag too. He goes to the counter, sets down the bag, and hits a single button on the register, snapping his fingers in satisfaction when it pops open. As he's looting the cash, the TV to his left flicks on, showing only static. He shuts it off; only to have a radio to his right turn on to white noise. Not wasting a moment, he goes to another shelf and grabs a carton of salt, opens it, and begins to pour it along the windowsill. A high-pitched single tone begins, and Dean clutches his left ear in pain as he continues to pour salt with his right hand. As it continues, he drops the salt and crouches to the floor, groaning in agony. The window above his head shatters as the sound continues, and he drops to the floor. He leaps to his feet to try to escape, and more glass on the ceiling and walls shatters. He looks around cautiously. EXT. PHONE BOOTH – DAY Dean dials a number, and hears only an alert tone. RECORDED Voice We're sorry. You have reached a number that has been disconnected. Dean hangs up the pay phone and inserts another coin, dials another number. It rings once, then is picked up. Bobby (V.O): Yeah? Dean: Bobby? Bobby (V.O): Yeah? Dean: It's me. Bobby (V.O): Who's "me"? Dean: Dean. A dial tone sounds. Dean hangs up the receiver and dials again. Bobby (V.O): Who is this? Dean: Bobby, listen to me. Bobby (V.O): This ain't funny. Call again, I'll k*ll ya. The dial tone again. Dean hangs up the phone, turns. He sees an old, b*at-up white car parked outside. His eyes light up; he hotwires the car and pulls away from the gas station. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY To a pounding on the door, Bobby's hand appears to open it. On the doorstep is Dean, looking winded and apprehensive. He smiles cautiously. Bobby looks at him suspiciously. Dean: Surprise. Bobby: I, I don't... Dean: Yeah, me neither. (He enters.) But here I am. Behind his back, Bobby takes a silver Kn*fe. As Dean approaches, Bobby lunges forward and slashes at him. Dean grabs his arm and twists it around; Bobby breaks the grip and backhands him in the face. Dean: Bobby! It's me! Bobby: My ass! Dean: (shoves a chair between himself and Bobby, holds his hands out) Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait! Your name is Robert Steven Singer. You became a hunter after your wife got possessed, and... you're about the closest thing I have to a father. Bobby. It's me. Bobby lowers the Kn*fe, steps forward slowly. He places a hand gently on Dean's shoulder. Suddenly he slashes again, but Dean quickly subdues and disarms him. Dean: I am not a shapeshifter! Bobby: Then you're a Revenant! Dean shoves Bobby away, having taken the Kn*fe. He holds it out in front of him. Dean: Alright. If I was either, could I do this – with a silver Kn*fe? Dean rolls up his left sleeve, and, grimacing, slices his arm above the elbow with the Kn*fe. A line of blood appears. Bobby: (starting to believe it) Dean? Dean: That's what I've been trying to tell you. Bobby breaks, grabbing Dean in for a tight hug. Dean returns the hug with enthusiasm, relief on his face. They pull apart. Bobby: It's... It's good to see you, boy. Dean: Yeah, you too. Bobby: But... how did you bust out? Dean: I don't know. I just, uh, I just woke up in a pine box... Suddenly, Bobby splashes water in Dean's face. Dean pauses, spits. Dean: I'm not a demon either, you know. Bobby: Sorry. Can't be too careful. They go further into the house, Dean wiping his face with a towel. Bobby: But... that don't make a lick of sense. Dean: Yeah. Yeah, you're preachin' to the choir. Bobby: Dean. Your chest was ribbons, your insides were slop. And you've been buried four months. Even if you could slip out of hell and back into your meat suit - Dean: I know, I should look like a Thriller video reject. Bobby: What do you remember? Dean: Not much. I remember I was a Hellhound's chew toy, and then... lights out. Then I come to six feet under, that was it. (Bobby sits.) Sam's number's not working. He's, uh... he's not... Bobby: Oh, he's alive. As far as I know. Dean: Good... Wait, what do you mean, as far as you know? Bobby: I haven't talked to him for months. Dean: You're kidding, you just let him go off by himself? Bobby: He was d*ad set on it. Dean: Bobby, you should've been looking after him. Bobby: I tried. These last months haven't been exactly easy, you know. For him or me. We had to bury you. Dean: Why did you bury me, anyway? Bobby: I wanted you salted and b*rned. Usual drill. But... Sam wouldn't have it. Dean: Well, I'm glad he won that one. Bobby: He said you'd need a body when he got you back home somehow. That's about all he said. Dean: (suspicious) What do you mean? Bobby: He was quiet. Real quiet. And then he just took off. Wouldn't return my calls. I tried to find him, but he didn't want to be found. Dean: Oh, damnit, Sammy. Bobby: What? Dean: Oh, he got me home okay. But whatever he did, it is bad mojo. Bobby: What makes you so sure? Dean: You should have seen the grave site. It was like a nuke went off. And then there was this... this force, this presence, I don't know, but it, it blew past me at a fill-up joint. And then this. (He strips his jacket, pulls up his sleeve to reveal the brand.) Bobby: (standing) What in the hell? Dean: It was like a demon just yanked me out. Or rode me out. Bobby: But why? Dean: To hold up their end of the bargain. Bobby: You think Sam made a deal. Dean: It's what I would have done. INT Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Dean: (into the phone) Yeah, hi, I have a cell phone account with you guys, and uh, I lost my phone. I was wondering if you could turn the GPS on for me. (b*at) Yeah. Name's Wedge Antilles. (b*at) Social is 2-4-7-4. (b*at) Thank you. Dean hangs up the phone and crosses to a laptop on the table. Bobby: How'd you know he'd use that name? Dean: You kiddin' me? What don't I know about that kid? The laptop is open to a web browser; Dean types in the address for ARC MOBILE. Dean: (picking up one of the many empty liquor bottles scattered around) Hey, Bobby? What's the deal with the liquor store? What, are your parents out of town or something? Bobby: Like I said. Last few months ain't been all that easy. Dean: (holds his gaze for a moment) Right. The laptop beeps; the display shows a city map with a blue arrow pointing to a star. The locator reads: Phone Location: 263 Adams Road Pontiac, Illinois. Dean: Sam's in Pontiac, Illinois. Bobby: Right near where you were planted. Dean: Right where I popped up. Hell of a coincidence, don't you think? EXT. ASTORIA MOTEL – NIGHT Dean and Bobby walk down a dingy hallway and knock on a door with the number 207 inside a red heart. The door is opened by a HOT Young Woman with dark hair, wearing only a t*nk top and underwear. She looks at them expectantly. HOT Young Woman So where is it? Dean: (looks at Bobby, confused) Where's what? HOT Young Woman The pizza... that takes two guys to deliver? Dean: I think we got the wrong room. Sam steps into the light. He is grim and focused, and wears a grey t-shirt and jeans. Sam: Hey, is... Sam stops d*ad when he sees Dean. He swallows, shocked, his eyes flicking between Dean and Bobby. Dean: (quietly, with much feeling) Heya, Sammy. Sam is silent. Dean steps into the room, ignoring the H.Y.W., who steps aside to let him in. As Dean gets close, Sam pulls a Kn*fe and lunges at Dean. H.Y.W. screams; Dean blocks Sam's att*ck and Bobby pulls Sam off, gripping him around the shoulders. Sam struggles. Sam: (shouting) Who are you?! Dean: Like you didn't do this?! Sam: Do what?! Bobby: It's him. It's him. I've been through this already, it's reallyhim. Sam: (stares at Dean as the struggle slowly goes out of his body) What... Dean: (advancing cautiously, staring at Sam) I know. I look fantastic, huh? Bobby lets go of Sam, who looks on the verge of tears as he steps forward and pulls Dean into a desperate hug. They embrace for several seconds, heavy with emotion, as Bobby looks on with tears in his eyes. Sam pushes Dean back to arm's length. H.Y.W. is looking on, looking confused. HOT Young Woman So are you two like... together? Sam: (like he's just remembered that she's there) What? No. No. He's my brother. HOT Young Woman Uh... got it. I... I guess. Look, I should probably go. Sam: Yeah. Yeah, that's probably a good idea. Sorry. EXT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Sam, now wearing a white button-down, opens the door to let the H.Y.W., now dressed in an adorable blue plaid shirt, out. HOT Young Woman So, call me. Sam: Yeah. Yeah, sure thing, Kathy. HOT Young Woman: (disappointed) Kristy. Sam: Right. She leaves, and Sam shuts the door. INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Sam comes back into the room and sits down. Dean is standing above him, arms crossed. He and Bobby are both looking at Sam suspiciously. Dean: So tell me, what'd it cost? Sam: (smiling) The girl? I don't pay, Dean. Dean That's not funny, Sam. To bring me back. What'd it cost? Was it just your soul, or was it something worse? Sam: You think I made a deal? Bobby: That's exactly what we think. Sam: Well, I didn't. Dean: (intensely) Don't lie to me. Sam: I'm not lying. Dean: (advancing) So what now, I'm off the hook and you're on, is that it? You're some demon's bitch-boy? I didn't want to be saved like this. Sam: (standing, angrily) Look, Dean, I wish I had done it, all right? Dean: (grabs Sam by the front of his shirt) There's no other way that this could have gone down. Now tell the truth! Sam: (breaking Dean's grip) I tried everything. That's the truth. I tried opening the Devil's Gate. Hell, I tried to bargain, Dean, but no demon would deal, all right? You were rotting in Hell for months. For months, and I couldn't stop it. So I'm sorry it wasn't me, all right? Dean, I'm sorry. Dean: (relenting) It's okay, Sammy. You don't have to apologize, I believe you. Bobby: Don't get me wrong, I'm gladdened that Sam's soul remains intact, but it does raise a sticky question. Dean: If he didn't pull me out, then what did? END ACT ONE INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Dean and Bobby are seated the couch. Sam enters and passes out bottles of beer, then sits across from Dean. Dean: So what were you doing around here if you weren't digging me out of my grave? Sam: Well, once I figured out I couldn't save you, I started hunting down Lilith, trying to get some payback. Bobby: (accusing) All by yourself. Who do you think you are, your old man? Dean sees something, frowns, and crosses towards it. Sam: Uh, yeah, I'm sorry, Bobby. I should have called. I was pretty messed up. Dean picks up what he'd seen a pink flowered bra. He holds it up. Dean: Oh yeah. I really feel your pain. Sam: Anyways, uh, I was checking these demons out of Tennessee, and out of nowhere they took a hard left, booked up here. Dean: When? Sam: Yesterday morning. Dean: When I busted out. Bobby: You think these demons are here 'cause of you? Sam: But why? Dean: Well, I don't know – some badass demon drags me out and now this? It's gotta be connected somehow. Bobby: How you feelin', anyway? Dean: I'm a little hungry. Bobby: No, I mean, do you feel like yourself? Anything strange, or different? Dean: Or demonic? Bobby, how many times do I have to prove I'm me? Bobby: Yeah. Well, listen. No demon's letting you loose out of the goodness of their hearts. They've gotta have something nasty planned. Dean: Well, I feel fine. Sam: Okay, look, we don't know what they're planning. We got a pile of questions and no shovel. We need help. Bobby: I know a psychic. A few hours from here. Something this big, maybe she's heard the other side talking. Dean: Hell yeah, it's worth a sh*t. Bobby: I'll be right back Bobby exits. Dean stands as if to leave. Sam: Hey, wait. (stands) You probably want this back. Sam reaches into his collar and pulls out a cord. It is Dean's AMULET. He places it in Dean's hand. Dean looks at it, touched. Dean: Thanks. Sam: Yeah, don't mention it. (Dean puts the AMULET on) Hey Dean, what was it like? Dean: What, Hell? I don't know, I, I must have blacked it out. I don't remember a damn thing. Sam: (nodding) Well, thank God for that. Dean: Yeah. INT. MOTEL BATHROOM – NIGHT Dean flicks on the light and stares at himself in the mirror. He runs a hand over his chin and leans forward on the sink. FLASHBACK Closeup of Dean's bloody, terrified face, with screams and eerie sounds. PRESENT Dean pulls back from the mirror, blinking in confusion. EXT. MOTEL PARKING LOT – NIGHT Bobby leads the boys down a set of steps. Bobby: She's about four hours down the Interstate. Try to keep up. Bobby gets in his car. Sam: I assume you'll want to drive. Sam pulls the keys out of his right pocket and tosses them at Dean, who catches them easily. Dean: (Chuckling) Oh, I almost forgot! (he approaches the Impala and runs a hand along it lovingly.) Hey, sweetheart, did you miss me? Dean gets in the driver's side, settles in. He sees an iPod plugged into the stereo, pauses, and gives it a dirty look. Sam gets into the passenger's seat, smiling. Dean glares at him. Dean: What the hell is that? Sam: That's an iPod jack. Dean: You were supposed to take care of her, not douche her up. Sam: Dean, I thought it was my car. Dean sneers, sighs, and turns the key in the ignition. "Vision" by Jason Manns begins to play. Dean rolls his eyes and glares at Sam again, looking pained. Dean: Really? Sam shrugs innocently. Dean rips the iPod out of the jack and tosses it in the back seat. EXT. TWO-LANE BLACKTOP – NIGHT Dean and Sam are back in their familiar places, having a heart-to-heart in the Impala on a dark road. Dean: There's still one thing that's bothering me. Sam: Yeah? Dean: Yeah, the night that I bit it. Or... got bit. (he Chuckles at his own wit) How'd you make it out? I thought Lilith was going to k*ll you. Sam: Well, she tried. She couldn't. Dean: What do you mean, she couldn't? Sam: She fired this, like, burning light at me, and... didn't leave a scratch. Like I was immune or something. Dean: Immune? Sam: Yeah. I don't know who was more surprised, her or me. She left pretty fast after that. Dean: Huh. What about Ruby, where is she? Sam: d*ad. For now. Dean: (bites his lip, like he's not sure he wants to ask) So you've been using your, uh, freaky ESP stuff? Sam: No. Dean: You sure about that? Well, I mean, now that you've got... immunity, whatever the hell that is... just wondering what other kind of weirdo crap you've got going on. Sam: Nothing, Dean. Look, you didn't want me to go down that road, so I didn't go down that road. It was practically your dying wish. Dean: Yeah, well, let's keep it that way. Sam broods. EXT. PAMELA's HOUSE – DAY They knocks on the door, and PAMELA opens it. She is in her thirties, strong and beautiful with a ready smile. PAMELA Bobby! She grabs him into a hug, lifting him briefly off the ground. Sam and Dean share a look. Bobby: You're a sight for sore eyes. PAMELA steps back and looks Sam and Dean up and down appraisingly. PAMELA So, these the boys? Bobby: Sam, Dean. This is Pamela Barnes, best damn psychic in the state. Dean: (flirting, of course) Hey. Sam: (a little awkwardly) Hi. PAMELA Mmm-mmm-mmm. Dean Winchester. Out of the f*re and back in the frying pan, huh? Makes you a rare individual. Dean: If you say so. PAMELA Come on in. INT. PAMELA's HOUSE – DAY PAMELA ushers them in, first Bobby, then Dean, then Sam, and shuts the door behind them. Bobby: So, you hear anything? PAMELA Well, I Ouija'd my way through a dozen spirits. No one seems to know who broke your boy out, or why. Bobby So what's next? PAMELA A séance, I think. See if we can see who did the deed. Bobby: You're not gonna... summon the damn thing here. PAMELA No. I just want to get a sneak peek at it. Like a crystal ball without the crystal. Dean: I'm game. INT. SEANCE ROOM – DAY PAMELA spreads a black tablecloth covered in symbols over a small table. Sam and Dean look at it warily; Dean cocks his head as PAMELA squats in front of a cabinet, revealing a scrawled tattoo across her lower back that reads: Jesse Forever Dean: Who's Jesse? PAMELA (laughs) Well, it wasn't forever. Dean: His loss. PAMELA stands with several pillar candles in her hands, stops in front of Dean with a smirk. PAMELA Might be your gain. As she passes by, Dean turns to Sam and lowers his voice. Dean: Dude, I am so in. Sam: Yeah, she's gonna eat you alive. Dean: Hey, I just got out of jail. Bring it. PAMELA (passing by again, to Sam with a wink) You're invited too, grumpy. Dean: You are NOT invited. LATER PAMELA, Bobby, Sam, and Dean are seated around the small table, which now has six lighted candles in the center. PAMELA Right. Take each other's hands. (they do) And I need to touch something our mystery monster touched. PAMELA slides her hand along Dean's inner thigh. He jumps. Dean: Whoa. Well, he didn't touch me there. PAMELA My mistake. Dean looks around, nervous, then takes off his outer shirt, pulls up his left t-shirt sleeve to reveal the BRAND. Sam stares at it, shocked, looks at Bobby. PAMELA lays her hand on the BRAND. PAMELA Okay. (All four close their eyes as PAMELA begins to chant) I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle. I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle. I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle. (a television flicks on to static; she continues) I invoke, conjure, and command... Castiel? No. Sorry, Castiel, I don't scare easy. Dean: Castiel? PAMELA Its name. It's whispering to me, warning me to turn back. (white noise and static continues, and the table begins to shake) I conjure and command you, show me your face. I conjure and command you, show me your face. I conjure and command you, show me your face. I conjure and command you, show me your face. Bobby: (as the white noise and rattling become more violent) Maybe we should stop. PAMELA I almost got it. I command you, show me your face! Show me your face now! Suddenly the candles flare up several feet in the air and PAMELA begins to scream. Her eyes fly open and are filled with a white-hot flame. She collapses; the rattling, white noise, and flames die out. Bobby: (catching her and lowering her to the floor) Call 9-1-1! Sam scrambles out of his chair and into the next room. Dean crouches over PAMELA and Bobby. She is conscious, but bleeding and b*rned. Her eyelids fly open to reveal black, empty sockets. She sobs. PAMELA I can't see! I can't see! Oh god! In the next room we can hear Sam calling for an ambulance. END ACT TWO INT. JohnNY MAC's DINER – DAY Dean is sitting at a table giving his order to a Waitress. Waitress: Be up in a jiff. As she leaves, Sam enters, talking on his cell phone. Sam: (into the phone) You bet. (he sits) Dean: What'd Bobby say? Sam: Pam's s*ab. And out of I.C.U. Dean: And blind, because of us. Sam: And we still have no clue who we're dealing with. Dean: That's not entirely true. Sam: No? Dean: We got a name. Castiel, or whatever. With the right mumbo-jumbo we could summon him, bring him right to us. Sam: You're crazy. Absolutely not. Dean: We'll work him over. I mean, after what he did? Sam: Pam took a peek at him and her eyes b*rned out of her skull, and you want to have a face to face? Dean: You got a better idea? Sam: Yeah, as a matter of fact I do. I followed some demons to town, right? Dean: Okay. Sam: So, we go find them. Someone's gotta know something about something. The Waitress reappears with two plates of pie. She sets them on the table. Sam: Thanks. The Waitress then plops down in a chair at the end of the table. Dean looks at her, smirking. Dean: You angling for a tip? Waitress: I'm sorry. Thought you were looking for us. Her eyes go demon-black for a moment; a UNIFORMED Man by the counter and a COOK behind the counter also show the demon-black; the UNIFORMED Man goes to the door, locks it, and stands in front of it. Demon Waitress (eyes going back to normal) Dean. To hell and back. Aren't you a lucky duck. Dean: That's me. Demon Waitress So you get to just stroll out of the pit, huh? Tell me. What makes you so special? Dean: I like to think it's because of my perky nipples. I don't know. Wasn't my doing, I don't know who pulled me out. Demon Waitress Right. You don't. Dean: No. I don't. Demon Waitress Lying's a sin, you know. Dean: I'm not lying. But I'd like to find out, so if you wouldn't mind enlightening me, Flo... Demon Waitress Mind your tone with me, boy. I'll drag you back to hell myself. Sam, who has been staring daggers at her through this exchange, shifts as if to att*ck. Dean holds a hand up and Sam stops, settles back into his seat. Dean: No, you won't. Demon Waitress No? Dean: No. Because if you were you would have done it already. Fact is, you don't know who cut me loose. And you're just as spooked as we are. And you're looking for answers. Well, maybe it was some turbo-charged spirit. Or, uh, Godzilla. Or some big bad boss demon. I'm guessing at your pay grade that they don't tell you squat. Because whoever it was, they want me out. And they're a lot stronger than you. So go ahead. Send me back. But don't come crawling to me when they show up on your front doorstep with some Vaseline and a f*re hose. Demon Waitress I'm going to reach down your throat and rip out your lungs. Dean leans forward, a challenge in his eyes. He throws a right hook at her, which she takes. He throws another. She still does nothing but glare at them, looking more and more nervous. Dean: That's what I thought. Let's go, Sam. They stand, and the demon sits there, fuming. Dean pulls a roll of cash out of his pocket and carefully peels off a ten dollar bill. He holds it up and drops it on the table like an insult. Dean: For the pie. EXT. JohnNY MAC's DINER – DAY Sam and Dean stalk out of the diner and across the street, tense and quick. Dean: Holy crap, that was close. Sam: We're not just going to leave them in there, are we, Dean? Dean: Well yeah, there's three of them, probably more, and we've only got one Kn*fe between us. Sam: I've been k*lling a lot more demons than that lately. Dean: Not anymore – the smarter brother's back in town. Sam: Dean, we've got to take 'em. They are dangerous. Dean: They're scared. Okay? Scared of whatever had the juice to yank me out. We're dealing with a bad mofo here. One job at a time. INT. ASTORIA MOTEL – NIGHT Dean is dozing on the couch with a large book open in his lap. Sam sneaks out, checking to make sure Dean doesn't wake. EXT. ASTORIA MOTEL – NIGHT Sam drives away in the Impala. INT. ASTORIA MOTEL – NIGHT As Dean dozes, the television flicks on to the now-familiar static, and the radio starts whining as well. It wakes Dean, who rubs the sleep out of his eyes and rolls quickly to grab a g*n lying by the bed. He looks around cautiously, glances at Sam's bed and sees that it is empty. He grimaces. The painfully high-pitched noise begins again, and he grabs his right ear, keeping the w*apon up in his left hand. A mirror on the ceiling shatters and rains broken glass down on him. He crumples to the ground, clutching both ears as all the glass in the room shatters explosively. He screams. Bobby bursts into the room as more glass shatters. Bobby: Dean! END ACT THREE EXT. ROAD – NIGHT Bobby drives his car as Dean, in the passenger's seat, wipes blood from his face. Bobby: How you doin', kid? Dean: Aside from the church bells ringing in my head, peachy. Dean pulls out his cell phone and dials a number. EXT. JohnNY MAC's DINER – NIGHT Sam is in the Impala, staking out the diner full of demons. His cell phone rings; he answers it. Sam (PHONE) Hey. Dean (PHONE) What are you doing? Sam: Couldn't sleep, went to get a burger. Dean: In my car? Sam: Force of habit, sorry. What are you doing up? Dean: Well, uh, Bobby's back. We're going to grab a beer. (on Bobby's shocked look, Dean holds up a finger.) Sam: All right, well, uh, spill some for me, huh? Dean: Done. Catch you later. (They hang up.) Bobby: Why the hell didn't you tell him? Dean: Because he just tried to stop us. Bobby: From what? Dean: Summoning this thing. (Bobby looks at him in shock. Again.) It's time we faced it head-on. Bobby: You can't be serious! Dean: As a heart att*ck. It's high noon, baby. Bobby: Well, we don't know what it is. It could be a demon, it could be anything. Dean: That's why we've got to be ready for anything. (he pulls out Ruby's Demon-k*lling Kn*fe) We've got the big-time magic Kn*fe, you've got an arsenal in the trunk... Bobby: This is a bad idea. Dean: Yeah, I couldn't agree more, but what other choice do we have? Bobby: We could choose life. Dean: Bobby, whatever this is, whatever it wants, it's after me. That much we know, right? I've got no place to hide. I can either get caught with my pants down again, or we can make our stand. Bobby: Dean, we could use Sam on this. Dean: Nah, he's better off where he is. INT. JohnNY MAC's DINER – NIGHT Sam sneaks into the darkened diner and slips his lock-picking tools into his shirt pocket. A song is playing on the jukebox. Sam sneaks in quietly, sees the COOK from earlier face-down on the floor, his hands bloody. Sam crouches and turns the man over; he is d*ad, his eyes b*rned out and drying blood caked on his cheeks. Sam stands. A figure tackles him from behind – it is the Demon Waitress. They trade blows for a few moments until Sam shoves her away. She too has empty, b*rned out eye sockets and blood trickling down her face. She looks both terrifying and terrified. Sam: Your eyes. Demon Waitress I can still smell your soul a mile away. Sam: It was here. You saw it. Demon Waitress (sobbing) I saw it. Sam: What was it? Demon Waitress It's the end. We're d*ad. We're all d*ad. Sam: (insisting) What did you see? Demon Waitress Go to hell. Sam: Funny. I was going to say the Same thing to you. Sam steps back, plants his feet, and shuts his eyes in concentration. He extends his right hand towards the demon. She heaves and begins to vomit black smoke into her hand; in seconds, the Waitress has collapsed to the floor as the Demon is sucked down into the Pit. Sam opens his eyes and crosses to the woman on the floor. He checks her pulse, sighs in disappointment. Sam: Damn it. The kitchen door opens and a woman comes out. He looks up, apparently not surprised to see her. It is the HOT Young Woman from ACT ONE. HOT Young Woman (henceforth called Ruby) Getting pretty slick there, Sam. Better all the time. Sam stands and they share a smoldering look. He looks down at the corpse at his feet, his face falling. Sam: What the hell is going on around here, Ruby? Ruby: I wish I knew. Sam: We were thinking some high level demon pulled Dean out. Ruby: No way. Sam, human souls don't just walk out of Hell and back into their bodies easy. The sky bleeds, the ground quakes. It's cosmic. No demon can swing that. Not Lilith, not anybody. Sam: Then what can? Ruby: Nothing I've ever seen before. INT. WAREHOUSE – NIGHT Bobby draws a symbol with white spray paint on the cement floor. As he stands, we see that the entire floor, walls, and ceiling of the empty rectangular warehouse are covered in similar images. Dean: (at a table, setting up equipment) That's a hell of an art project you've got going there. Bobby: Traps and talismans from every faith on the globe. How you doin? Dean: Stakes, iron, silver, salt, Kn*fe. I mean, we're pretty much set to catch and k*ll anything I've ever heard of. Bobby: This is still a bad idea. Dean: Yeah, Bobby, I heard you the first ten times. What do you say we ring the dinner bell? Bobby nods reluctantly. He goes over to another desk, takes a pinch of some powder from a bowl, and sprinkles it into a larger bowl, which begins to smoke. He chants in Latin. INT. JOHHNY MAC's DINER – NIGHT Ruby and Sam are seated across from each other at a small table. Ruby: So. Million dollar question, are you going to tell Dean about what we're doing? Sam: Yeah, I just gotta figure out the right way to say it. (Ruby gives him a look) Look, I just need time, okay? That's all. Ruby: Sam, he's going to find out, and if it's not from you he's going to be pissed. Sam: He's going to be pissed anyway. I mean, he's so hardheaded about this psychic stuff he'll just try and stop me. Ruby: Look. Maybe I'll just take a step back for a while. Sam: Ruby, you... Ruby: I mean, I'm not exactly in your brother's fanclub. But he is your brother, and I'm not going to come between you. Sam: I don't know if what I'm doing is right. Hell, I don't even know if I trust you. Ruby: Thanks. Sam: But what I do know is that I'm saving people. And stopping demons. And that feels good. I want to keep going. INT. WAREHOUSE – NIGHT Dean and Bobby are seated on tables, swinging their legs and looking bored. Dean: You sure you did the ritual right? (Bobby gives him a look) Sorry. Touchy, touchy, huh? As if on cue, a loud rattling shakes the roof. Dean and Bobby arm themselves with g*n and take positions at the far end of the warehouse. Dean: Wishful thinking, but maybe it's just the wind. The door bursts open and a handsome man in a business suit and trenchcoat stalks in Castiel. The light bulbs above his head shatter in a shower of sparks as he passes them. As he approaches, Dean and Bobby both open f*re, but the sh*ts do not even slow him down. Dean takes the MAGIC Kn*fe as Castiel gets close. Dean: Who are you? Castiel: I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition. Dean: Yeah. Thanks for that. Dean rears back and plunges the MAGIC Kn*fe into Castiel's chest. Castiel looks down, unconcerned, and pulls it out, drops it to the floor. Behind him, Bobby att*cks; without looking, Castiel grabs Bobby's w*apon and uses it to swing him around. Castiel touches Bobby on the forehead with fingertips and Bobby crumples to the ground. Castiel: We need to talk, Dean. Alone. END ACT FOUR Dean crouches over Bobby, checking his pulse. He glares at Castiel. Castiel: Your friend's alive. Dean: Who are you? Castiel: Castiel. Dean: Yeah, I figured that much, I mean whatare you? Castiel: I'm an Angel of the Lord. Dean: Get the hell out of here. There's no such thing. Castiel: This is your problem, Dean. You have no faith. Lightning flashes, and on Castiel's back great shadowy wings appear, stretching off into the distance. The light goes out and the image disappears. Dean: Some angel you are. You b*rned out that poor woman's eyes. Castiel: I warned her not to spy on my true form. It can be... overwhelming to humans, and so can my real voice. But you already knew that. Dean: You mean the gas station and the motel. That was you talking? (Castiel nods.) Buddy, next time, lower the volume. Castiel: That was my mistake. Certain people, special people, can perceive my true visage. I thought you would be one of them. I was wrong. Dean: And what visage are you in now, huh? What, holy tax accountant? Castiel: This? This is... a vessel. Dean: You're possessing some poor bastard? Castiel: He's a devout man, he actually prayed for this. Dean: Well, I'm not buying what you're selling, so who are you really? Castiel: (frowning) I told you. Dean: Right. And why would an angel rescue me from Hell? Castiel: Good things do happen, Dean. Dean: Not in my experience. Castiel: What's the matter? You don't think you deserve to be saved? Dean: Why'd you do it? Castiel: Because God commanded it. Because we have work for you.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "04x01 - Lazarus Rising"}
Air Date: 2 Oct 2008 INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Dean is asleep. Sam pauses and looks at him before leaving the room. EXT. MOTEL - NIGHT A car pulls up. Sam gets in the passenger side. Ruby is driving. Ruby: Ready? Sam: Definitely. INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Dean is dreaming. We see flashes of his terrified face, in red, and the sound of screams. He wakes to find Castiel sitting on his bed. Castiel: Hello, Dean. What were you dreaming about? Dean: What, do you get your freak on by watching other people sleep? What do you want? Castiel: Listen to me. You have to stop it. Dean: Stop what? Castiel puts two fingers to Dean's forehead. EXT. STREET – DAY Dean is sleeping on a bench. Police Officer: Move it buddy – you can't sleep here. Dean: Okay... sleep... where? Police Officer: Anywhere but here. Dean tries to make a call on his cell, but gets no signal. Dean: Perfect. Dean gets up and enters 'JAY BIRD's DINER'. INT. DINER - DAY Dean sits at the diner's counter next to a Young Man. Dean: Hey, where the hell am I? Young Man Jay Bird's Diner. Dean: Yeah, thanks. I mean, uh... city and state. Young Man Lawrence, Kansas. Dean: Lawrence. Young Man Hey, you okay buddy? Dean: Yeah, tough night. Young Man Hey, uh, coffee here, Reg. REG Okay, coming right up. Dean pulls his cell phone from his pocket. Dean: Can you tell me where I can get reception on this thing? Young Man The USS Enterprise? Dean looks at REG as he brings the coffee over. REG is dressed in 1970s hippie gear – think early Sonny Bono. Dean: Thanks... nice threads. You know Sonny and Cher broke up, right? Young Man Sonny and Cher broke up? Dean looks around the diner and notices everyone is dressed in 1970s-era clothes. He looks at the newspaper the Young Man is reading. The headline reads "Nixon accepts resignation of top…" and the date is Monday, April 30, 1973. Dean mouths the words "Seventy three." A Man enters the diner. Man: Hey, Winchester. Dean and the Young Man look around. The Man shakes the hand of the Young Man. Man: Son of a bitch. How you doing, Corporal? Young Man Hey, Mr. D. Mr. D. I heard you were back. Young Man Yeah, a little while now. Mr. D. Good to have you home, John, damn good. Dean: Dad? Mr. D. Well, say hello to your old man for me. John: You got it, Mr. D. John notices Dean staring at him. John: Do we know each other? Dean: I guess not. John gets up to leave. John: Take it easy, pal. Dean: Yeah. SUPERNATURAL EXT. STREET - DAY Dean is following John Winchester. As he turns a corner, Dean bumps into Castiel. Dean: What is this? Castiel: What does it look like? Dean: Is it real? Castiel: Very. Dean: Okay, so what? Angels got their hands on some Deloreans? How did I get here? Castiel: Time is fluid, Dean. It's not easy, but we can bend it on occasion. Dean: Well bend it back or tell me what the hell I'm doing here! Castiel: I told you, you have to stop it. Dean: Stop what? Huh? What, is there something nasty after my Dad? Dean turns as a car horn sounds. When he turns back, Castiel is gone. Dean: Oh, come on! What, are you allergic to straight answers, you son of a bitch?! EXT. RAINBOW MOTORS CAR DEALERSHIP John is talking to a CAR SALESMAN. CAR SALESMAN A fine young man like yourself, just starting out? How about I take off another 250? John considers it for a moment. John: Let's do it. CAR SALESMAN I'll get the paperwork. John walks over to the front of a beige VW van and rubs the headlights. Dean: That's not the one you want. Dean is leaning on a '67 Chevy Impala! John: You following me? Dean: No, no, I was just passing by. I never got to thank you for that cup of coffee this morning. I was a little out of it. John: More than a little. Dean: Let me repay the favor. Dean pats the hood of the Impala. Dean: This is the one you want. John: Oh yeah, you – you know something about cars? Dean nods his head and looks slightly nostalgic. Dean: Yeah... yeah, my Dad taught me everything I know. Dean: And this – this is a great car. Dean opens the hood of the Impala and leans in. John joins him on the side of the car. Dean: 327 four barrel, 275 horses. A little TLC and this thing is cherry. John: You know man, you're right. Dean nods over his shoulder at the van. Dean: Then what are you buying that thing for? John: I kinda promised someone I would. Dean: Over a '67 Chevy? I mean, come on, this is the car of a lifetime. Trust me, this thing's still gonna be badass when it's 40. John considers it for a moment and hold out his hand to Dean. John: John Winchester. Thanks. Dean shakes his hand. Dean: Dean Van Halen – and thank you. John looks in the open windows of the Impala. Dean: I was in pretty rough shape this morning, huh? John: No kidding. Dean: I've been hung over before but, hey, I was, I was getting chills in that diner. You didn't feel any of those cold spots, did you? John: Nope. Dean: I swore I smelled something weird too, you know? Like... like rotten eggs. You didn't happen to smell any sulfur by chance? John: No. Dean: No... There been any cattle mutilations in town recently? John: Okay, mister! Stop it. Dean: Yeah, if only I knew what to stop. Listen, uh – watch out for yourself okay? John Yeah, sure. Dean pats the Impala again and leaves. CAR SALESMAN So? John points at the Impala. John: I'll take this one. EXT. SUBURBAN STREET John pulls up in the Impala. Further down the street Dean pulls up. He watches as a young woman runs from a house to John's car. John: Hey. Girl: What's this? John: My car. The Girl walks around the back of the car, and John follows her. Girl: What happened to the van? John: Mary, this is better than the van! This has got a 327, a four barrel carburetor. Dean: Mom? EXT. DINER - NIGHT Mary and John are inside with milkshakes. Dean watches them through a window. Dean: Sammy, wherever you are, Mom is a babe. I'm going to hell... again. INT. DINER - NIGHT John and Mary are sitting across from one another talking over milkshakes. John: I should just talk to him. Mary: My Dad's being my Dad, John. It's not you. John: How is it not me? He's been like this for how many years? Mary: He's just protective over me, that's all. He doesn't want me to – John: Hook up with a mechanic from a family of mechanics? Mary No! Hey, I love you, for exactly what you are. I'll be right back. Mary leaves. John pulls out a small red box. Inside is a ring. EXT. DINER - NIGHT Mary is standing behind Dean. Mary: Why are you following us? Dean turns around. Mary knees him in the stomach and throws him against a metal container next to the building. She goes to punch him, and he dodges it, stepping sideways. Dean: Are you crazy? Mary continues her att*ck. Dean backs up as she comes after him, but he manages to grab her arms. Mary: You've been trailing us since my house. Dean: I don't know what you're talking about – Mary: Really? Mary and Dean grapple. Dean grabs her and holds her against a wall. Dean: Okay, how about we talk about this, huh? Mary: Let me go! Dean sees Mary is wearing a bracelet with protective charms. Dean: Are you a hunter? EXT. CAMPBELLS' HOUSE - NIGHT John and Mary pull up in the Impala. John: See you later? Mary: If you're lucky. They kiss and Mary gets out of the car. As she approaches the house Dean appears. Mary: Dean, right? I'm not sure you should come in. Dean: You can trust me. I mean, come on, we're all hunters, right? I mean, we're – we're practically family. Mary: Yeah, thing is, my Dad, he's a little, um... Dean: Oh, I gotta meet him. Mary: You've heard of him? Dean: Clearly not enough. INT. CAMPBELL HOUSE - NIGHT Samuel: So, you're a hunter? Well, tell me something, mister hunter, you k*ll vampires with wooden stakes or silver? Dean: Neither, you cut their heads off. Mary smiles. Dean: So, did I pass your test? Samuel: Yep. Now get out of my house. Mary: Dad! Samuel: I don't trust other hunters, Dean, don't want their help, don't want them around my family. DeanNA is setting the table in the next room, and calls to Samuel. DeanNA Knock it off, Samuel. Samuel: He's a hunter. DeanNA walks into the room. DeanNA Who passed your little pop quiz, and now I am inviting him to dinner. Are you hungry? Dean: Starving. DeanNA Good. I'm Deanna, you've met my husband Samuel, now wash up. Dean looks at Mary. Dean: Samuel and Deanna? Mary nods. Dean: Really? INT. CAMPBELL HOME - NIGHT Dean, Mary, Samuel and DeanNA are sitting around the dining room table eating dinner. DeanNA leans over and touches Dean's arm. DeanNA First time in Lawrence, Dean? Dean: Well, it's been a while. Things sure have changed... I think. Samuel: You working a job? Dean: Yeah, maybe. Samuel: What's that mean? Dean: It means I don't trust other hunters either, Samuel. Mary: Hey, um, so why were you following me and John? Dean: Mmm, I thought something was after your, um, boyfriend, but um, I don't think that anymore. DeanNA John Winchester mixing it up with spirits, can you imagine? Mary I saw that. Samuel: What? Mary: That sour lemon look. Samuel: Now hold on, John's a really, really nice... naive civilian. Mary: So what? You'd rather me be with a guy like this? She nods to Dean. Dean: What? No, no. No. Samuel: Mary, of course not, it's just that I – DeanNA That's enough, both of you, we have company. Dean: So what about you, Samuel, you, uh, working a job? Samuel: Might be. Mary: He's working a job on the Whitshire Farm. Samuel gives Mary a look as Dean clears his throat. Dean: Whitshire, why does that name sound familiar to me? Samuel: Well, it's been all over the papers. Tom Whitshire. Got tangled up in a combine a few towns over. Dean: That kind of thing happens. Samuel: So why was he on it in the first place when his crops are all d*ad? Dean: Demonic omens? Samuel: That's what I gotta find out. Dean: What about the rest of the town? Well, did you find anything on the web? ...Of information that you have assembled. DeanNA Electrical storms maybe. The weather service graphs should be here on Friday. Dean: By mail? Samuel: No, we hired a jet liner to fly 'em to us overnight. Dean: You know, it sounds to me like we might be hunting the Same thing. You know if we go in there in numbers, we could take care of this real quick. Samuel: What part of "we work alone" do you not understand, son? EXT. WHITSHIRE HOME - DAY Mary and Samuel are sitting in a truck. Mary: And I'm here because? Samuel: Family business, Mary... family. Samuel: What? You'd rather be waving pom-poms at a bunch of dumb jocks? Mary sees a boy leaning on a tree nearby and walks towards him. Samuel: Where you goin'? Mary: To do the job, Dad. Samuel walks to the house and knocks on the door. Dean opens the door, dressed as a priest. Samuel: Father, I see you b*at me here. Dean: The Lord is funny that way. Beth Whitshire, this is my associate, our senior, senior priest, Father Chaney. Dean joins Samuel outside on the doorstep. Samuel: Please accept our deepest condolences on behalf of the county diocese. BETH Thank you. Dean: Mrs. Whitshire was just telling me all about Tom, and how normal and ordinary things were the day before his death. Samuel: I see, so you didn't notice anything unusual, ma'am? BETH You mean like my husband's guts fertilizing the back 40? Samuel is stunned into silence at her response, and Dean, looking amused, turns to leave. Dean: Excuse me. Dean pats Samuel on the back and then makes his way off the porch. Samuel shares an awkward smile with BETH, and we see Dean approaching Mary and the boy, CHARLIE. Mary notices Dean and turns back to CHARLIE. Mary: Charlie, would you like to tell the Father here what you just told me? CHARLIE Dad drank sometimes. Sometimes he got rough with Mom. Mary: And that's when the stranger came? CHARLIE I just thought he was some Bible thumper, like you all. He showed up about a week ago. Dean: Saying what? CHARLIE Did I want the beatings to stop? I just thought he was crazy, I didn't think – and the next thing I know, Dad's d*ad. Am I going to jail? Mary: You didn't do this, Charlie. Dean: Did the stranger want something in return? CHARLIE He didn't want anything. Dean: Come on, Chuck, he wasn't just handing out freebies now, was he? CHARLIE He did say something about comin' a callin' ten years from now. Maybe he'd want something then. Dean: Something like what? CHARLIE I don't know, okay? Look, I told you he was nuts. Mary grabs Dean's arm and leads him a few steps away. Mary: What do you think? Dean: I think he just pimped his soul to a demon and doesn't even know it. Mary returns to CHARLIE, and Dean follows her. Mary: Charlie, do you remember what this stranger looked like? CHARLIE Yeah, he was about 5'10, white, normal looking really. Mary: Anything else? CHARLIE There was one thing. Dean: What? CHARLIE It's just, the light h*t his eyes in a weird way and... for a moment I coulda sworn – Dean: What? That they were black? Or red maybe? CHARLIE No, they were yellow. Pale yellow. Dean looks over at Mary. INT. CAMPBELL HOME - NIGHT Dean slams a map down on the dining room table. DeanNA is in the kitchen chopping bananas. Samuel: What do you say we just slow down and talk this thing through. Dean: There's nothing to talk about. Samuel: Except you're saying it's a demon, and none of us has ever heard of a demon with yellow eyes. Dean: Yeah, well, I have. This thing k*lled my family. Samuel: Just calm down, son. Dean: You don't get it, do you? You are in danger, we are all in danger. In fact, you need to get yourself someplace safe. Samuel: Not until we know what we're dealing with here. DeanNA comes in carrying a fruit salad. DeanNA Sam's right, Dean, it could be a demon, it could be a shapeshifter, it could be any number of things. Dean: I know what this thing is! DeanNA goes back into the kitchen. Dean: And I'm gonna k*ll it, that's all the talking I need to do. Samuel: You're gonna k*ll a demon? How? Dean: There's a hunter named Daniel Elkins. He lives in Colorado, he has Colt's g*n. TheColt. Samuel: Yeah, I heard about the Colt, used to tell it to Mary as a bedtime story. Dean: Well, it's real. Samuel looks at DeanNA. They don't know what to think. Samuel: Alright, say that it is. You got some kind of crystal ball telling you where this demon's gonna be? Dean: Yeah, maybe I do. Dean takes John's journal out of his jacket and flips it open on the table. Samuel: What's this? Dean: It's a list. Samuel: Of what? Dean: My Dad wrote down anyone he thought ever came in contact with the Yellow Eyed Demon: who, where and when. Samuel: Why? Dean: ‘Cause the more he could learn about the son of a bitch, the more he could figure out why it k*lled my Mom. Dean flips the page. Dean: Look, Whitshire Farm. I told you that name sounded familiar. Samuel: Whitshire Farms, that was two days ago. How the hell is that on your Dad's list? Dean: Uh... my Dad could see the future. Look at this, it says he's gonna h*t here tomorrow night. Samuel: Liddy Walsh? Dean: Haleyville, that's close. Samuel: I mean, yeah, it's about three miles, but... Samuel looks over at DeanNA leaning on the door jamb, and she shakes her head slightly at the whole story. Samuel looks back at Dean, who sees that they don't believe him. Dean: I know you guys think I'm crazy. Samuel: You seem like a really nice kid, Dean, but yeah, you're crazy. Dean: Yeah, maybe, but I know where this bastard's gonna be, and I'm gonna stop it, once and for all. Dean takes the journal and walks out of the room. INT. CAMPBELL HOME - NIGHT Mary is sitting listening to music. Dean: I'm shoving off. I just wanted to say, bye. Mary: Really? So soon? Dean: Yeah – job to do. Hey, I wanted to – to tell you, you know for what it's worth. Um... it doesn't matter what your Dad thinks, I like that John kid. Mary smiles. Mary: You do? Dean: Yeah. Yeah, I think you two are meant to be. Dean (softly) Hell, I'm depending on it. Mary: What? Dean: Nothing. Um, can I ask you a question? Mary nods. Dean: What's he like? John. Mary: Why do you ask? Dean: Just curious. Mary: I don't know. He's sweet, kind. Even after the w*r, after everything, he still believes in happily ever after, you know? He's everything a hunter isn't. (b*at) No offense. Dean: No, none taken. Mary: Can I tell you something? Dean nods. Mary: He's gonna ask me to marry him. Tomorrow, I think! Dean: Yeah? Mary: Oh, Dad's gonna explode, but I don't care. I'll run away if I have to, I just… I love John, and... Dean: And what? Mary: I wanna get out. This job, this life, I hate it. I want a family, I wanna be safe. You know the worst thing I can think of? The very worst thing? Is for my children to be raised into this like I was. No, I won't let it happen. Dean blinks back tears. Dean: Yeah... Mary: Hey, are you okay? Dean: Yeah, no, I'm – I'm fine. Hey, uh, Mary, can I tell you something? Mary: Sure. Dean: Even if this sounds really weird. Will you promise me that you will remember? Mary: Okay. Dean: On November 2nd, 1983, don't get out of bed. No matter what you hear, or what you see. Promise me you won't get out of bed. Mary: Okay. A tear runs down Dean's face. He smiles at Mary and leaves. EXT. ROAD - NIGHT Dean is driving. Castiel appears next to him. Dean inhales sharply. Dean: So what? God's my co-pilot, is that it? Castiel just looks at him, and Dean glances over again. Dean: Well, you're a regular Chatty Cathy. Tell me something. Sam would have wanted in on this, why not bring him back? Castiel: You had to do this alone, Dean. Dean: And you don't care that he's tearing up the future looking for me right now? Castiel: Sam's not looking for you. Dean: Alright, if I do this, then the family curse breaks, right? Mom and Dad live happily ever after, and – and, Sam and I grow up playing little league and chasing tail? Castiel: You realize, if you do alter the future, your father, you, Sam – you'll never become hunters. And all those people you saved, they'll die. Dean: I realize. Castiel: And you don't care? Dean: Oh, I care. I care a lot, but these are my parents. I'm not gonna let them die again. I can't. No, not if I can stop it. Dean looks over to the passenger seat, but Castiel is gone. INT. ELKINS HOME - DAY Dean is kneeling at a safe, from which he pulls out the Colt. A man, DANIEL ELKINS, appears with a g*n pointed at Dean's back. DANIEL Hold it right there, friend. Drop the g*n, be on your way. Dean pretends to lay the Colt on the top of the safe, but instead points it at DANIEL. Dean: Can't do it, Daniel. DANIEL Who the hell are you? Dean: A hunter, just like yourself. DANIEL Thief's more like it. Dean: I just need it for a few days. DANIEL Not happening, mister. Dean: Look, I have a chance to save my family's lives. My family. But I need this g*n to do it. So if you want to stop me? k*ll me. Dean lowers the Colt and walks slowly toward the door past DANIEL. He turns to look at DANIEL and DANIEL lowers his g*n. Dean: There's some hunters in Lawrence, the Campbells. DANIEL Never heard of them. Dean: That's where she'll be. INT. CAMPBELL HOME - NIGHT Mary and Samuel are sitting at the dining room table cleaning g*n. Mary: Dean say where he was going? Samuel: Said he was gonna k*ll a demon. Mary Chuckles. Mary: k*ll a demon? That's impossible. Samuel: Yep. Mary: Where? Samuel: Uh... oh, I don' know, over in Haleyville, uh, Walsh's maybe. Mary: Wait, not Liddy Walsh? Samuel: Well, yeah, I- I- I think so. Mary: Dad, she's a friend of mine! We gotta help her. DeanNA walks to the door of the room, and sees Mary getting up. DeanNA What's wrong? Mary: I'll be in the car. DeanNA Hey – Samuel: I mean, she wants to hunt, she doesn't want to hunt, is this some female time of month thing? DeanNA sighs and walks back into the other room. Samuel: What? INT. WALSH's HOME - NIGHT LIDDY WALSH is sitting on the sofa with Dr. BROWN. Dr. BROWN I'm sorry, Liddy, it's metastasized. LIDDY Where? Dr. BROWN His liver, his lungs. It's time we talked about arrangements. LIDDY No, you have to do something, Dr. Brown. Dr. BROWN There is one way, a cure actually, but I'll need your help. LIDDY What do I have to do? Dr. BROWN Nothing. Just in ten years, I'm going to come to you and ask for something then. LIDDY What? Dr. BROWN Nothing you'll miss. Dr. BROWN's eyes turn yellow. The door bursts open and Samuel enters. He sh**t the YED in the chest. LIDDY screams. The YED's eyes open and Samuel cocks the g*n again. The YED waves his hand and SamUEL's g*n flies across the room. LIDDY Oh – The YED waves his other hand. Samuel flies backwards and gets pinned to the wall behind him. LIDDY Oh, God. YED Hold that thought. The YED approaches Samuel. Samuel: You son of a bich. The YED leans in to Samuel, but turns around abruptly. Mary is standing behind him with a raised Kn*fe. The YED grabs Mary by the throat. YED Hello there. Mary slices him with the Kn*fe. YED Where the hell have they been hiding you? Mary keeps attacking. The YED grabs her arm and she drops the Kn*fe. She punches him. YED I like you. You got a lot of spunk. Mary kicks the YED. He grabs her leg, then slams her against a wall. Samuel: Mary! Dean bursts in with the Colt drawn. The YED pulls Mary in front of him as a shield. Dean: Let her go! YED Where'd you get that g*n? Dean cocks the COLT and nods to Mary, who breaks away from the YED. Black smoke pours from the YED's mouth and goes out a vent in the wall. Dean: Damn... EXT. WALSH HOME - NIGHT Dean: Mary, what else did he say to you? Mary: I told you, just that he liked me. Mary looks up at Dean with fear in her eyes. Mary: What did he mean by that? Samuel joins them on the lawn. Samuel: Liddy's a strong kid, she'll be fine. Samuel looks at Mary. Samuel: Are you okay? Mary: No, Dad, I'm pretty far from okay. Can we go? Mary turns and walks to the truck. Samuel turns to Dean. Samuel: Nice job in there. Dean: I missed the sh*t. Samuel: Take the compliment, son. I'm saying that I was wrong about you. Dean looks at him, and then to the truck where Mary went, and looks back at Samuel, obviously upset. Dean: We need to talk alone. INT. CAMPBELL HOME - NIGHT Dean: We have to k*ll this thing now, or Mary dies. Samuel: What? How do you know that? Dean pulls out John's journal. Dean: I just do, okay? Samuel: When? Dean: I don't know, maybe today, probably years from now, but it's happening, trust me. Samuel: So what, are you some kind of a psychic now too? Dean: No. Alright, listen to me. Dean goes to the table and sits down next to Samuel. Dean: Now, this is gonna sound a little... actually it's gonna sound massively, massively crazy. Samuel: Okay. Dean: Mary is my mother. Samuel: Excuse me? Dean: And I am your grandson, and I know what the hell I'm talking about. Samuel looks at him in disbelief. Samuel: You wanna run that by me again, son? Dean: My real name is Dean Winchester. I was born January 24th, 1979. My parents are Mary and John Winchester. Samuel: I don't have to listen to this. Dean: Mary gets k*lled by a yellow eyed demon in 1983, and I think that this – what happened tonight – I think this is the moment that he caught her scent. Now, if we don't catch this thing now, and k*ll it, and it gets away? Then Mary dies. So I am asking you, please. EXT. CAMPBELL HOME - NIGHT Mary runs up to John and throws herself into his arms. John: Hey, you – you okay? Mary: You promised you'd take me away. John: Of course I did. Mary: Do it now. John opens the door of his car. Mary climbs in, and he shuts it after her, looking concerned. INT. CAMPBELL HOME - NIGHT Dean: How did I know about the Colt? Huh? How did I know about the Yellow Eyed Demon? Or where it would be? I'm not making this up, Samuel. Samuel: Every bone in my body is aching to put you six feet under, but there's something about you – I can't shake it. Now, I may be crazier than you, son, but I believe you. Dean: Thank you. Samuel: I mean, how do we find this bastard? Dean: Right here, the list. Dean opens John's journal. Samuel: And with the Colt? Dean pulls the Colt out of his jacket and puts it on the table. Dean: Yeah. Samuel: Here, let me see it. Dean hesitates and then moves it further away from Samuel. Dean: Sorry, I don't let anybody hold it. Samuel: I'm your grandfather. Dean: Nothing personal. Samuel: Sure it is, especially when it's me you're trying to k*ll. Samuel's eyes turn yellow. The YED raises his hand and the chair that Dean is sitting slams against the wall. Dean glares, but appears unable to move. INT. CAMPBELL HOME - NIGHT YED Future boy, huh? The YED walks over to Dean. YED I only know one thing that's got the juice to swing something like that. You must have friends in high places. So, I k*ll your Mommy? That's why you came all this way? To see little old me? Dean: Oh, I came here to k*ll you. YED Hey, wait a minute, if that slut Mary's your Mommy, are you... are you one of my psychic kids? The YED leans in and sniffs Dean. YED No, not you. Maybe you got a sis, or a bro. That's terrific, means it all worked out. After all, it's why I'm here. Dean: So that's what this is about, these deals you're making. You don't want these people's souls. YED No, I just want their children. I'm here to choose the perfect parents, like your Mommy. Dean: Why her? Why any of them? YED Because they're strong. DeanNA peeks around the corner of the kitchen doorway and sees what is happening. YED They're pure, and they eat their Wheaties. My own little master race – they're ideal breeders. Dean furrows his brow. YED Oh, get your mind out of the gutter. No one's breeding with me. Though, Mary? Man, I'd like to make an exception. So far, she's my favorite. Dean looks furious and tries to move, but can't. DeanNA watches from the next room. Dean: So why make the deals? YED I need permission. DeanNA comes quietly into the room. YED I need to be invited, into their houses, I know, I know, the – the red tape'll drive you nuts, but in ten short years, it'll all be worth it. ‘Cause you know what I'm gonna do to your sibling? I'm gonna stand over their crib and I'm gonna bleed into their mouth. Demon blood is better than Ovaltine, vitamins, minerals – it makes you big and strong. Dean: For what? So they can lead your discount demon army? Is that your big plan? YED Please, my end game's a hell of a lot bigger than that kid. Dean: End game? What end game? YED Like I'm gonna tell you, or those angels sitting on your shoulder. No, I'm gonna cover my tracks good. Dean: You can cover whatever the hell you want, but I'm still gonna k*ll you. YED Right. Now that, I'd like to see. Dean: Maybe not today, but you look into my eyes, you son of a bitch, ‘cause I'm the one that kills you. YED So, you're gonna save everybody, is that right? Is that it? Well, I'll tell you one person that you're not gonna save. The YED takes out a Kn*fe. YED Your Grandpappy. The YED winks and plunges the Kn*fe into Samuel. Dean: No! DeanNA No! The YED goes for DeanNA, while Dean struggles to free himself. The YED sends DeanNA flying and breaks her neck in the kitchen as she tries to crawl away. Dean grabs the Colt and rushes in to find her d*ad, and the YED gone. Dean: Mary... Mary! EXT. Impala - NIGHT John and Mary sit in the Impala, which is parked next to a river. John I guess it's no secret why I brought you way out here. INT. Impala - NIGHT Mary: John – John: I just – just let me get through this, okay? Mary: Okay, wait. There's things you don't know about me, John. John: So? John opens the ring box and shows it to her. John: I will always love you for exactly who you are. There is a bang at the window. YED What did I tell you? Mary: Dad! John: Sir, just listen! The YED pulls Mary out of the car. John gets out the other side. Mary: Ow! Dad! You're hurting me! John runs over and tries to pull the YED off Mary. John: Hey, take it easy! The YED grabs John's head and wrenches it sideways, breaking his neck and k*lling him instantly. Mary: No! John falls to the ground. Mary drops to her knees to cradle him. The YED kicks John's legs. Mary: You k*lled him. YED Oh, not just John, sweetie-pie. Mommy and Daddy too. The YED unzips his jacket to show Mary the Kn*fe wound in SamUEL's stomach. Mary: No... YED Yup, afraid so. You're little orphan Mary now. Mary: You son of a bitch! YED Oh, sticks and stones may break my bones, and they won't bring your family back either. Mary: I'll k*ll you, I swear to God. YED Oh, let's not get nasty. The YED sits down next to Mary. YED Now look, we both said some things that we regret. Let's, um... kiss and make up. Mary is crying as she holds John. YED I'll tell you what, I'll arrange to have lover boy here brought back breathing. Mary: My parents too? YED Nope, sorry doll, that's not on the table. But, think about it, you could be done with hunting forever. The white picket fence, station wagon, couple of kids, no more monsters or fear. I'll make sure of it. Mary: What? And all it costs is my soul? YED Oh, no, you can keep your soul, I just need permission. Mary: For what? YED Mmm, in ten years I need to swing by your house for a little something, that's all. Mary: For what?! YED Relax. As long as I'm not interrupted, nobody gets hurt, I promise. (b*at) Or you can spend the rest of your life, desperate and alone. Mary is sobbing. YED Mary? It's a good deal. So what do you say? Dean drives up and sees the YED kissing Mary. He gets out of the car. Dean: No! Dean rushes forward with the Colt drawn. Before he can sh**t, black smoke flows from the YED's mouth. John comes back to life. John: Mary? Mary: John. Castiel appears beside Dean and places a hand on his shoulder. When Mary looks up from John, Dean is gone. Samuel lies d*ad on the ground. INT. MOTEL - NIGHT Dean is asleep in bed. He gasps and wakes up. Castiel is standing near the foot of the bed. Dean sits up. Dean: I couldn't stop any of it. She still made the deal. She still died in the nursery, didn't she? Castiel: Don't be too hard on yourself. You couldn't have stopped it. Dean stands up. Dean: What? Castiel: Destiny can't be changed, Dean. All roads lead to the Same destination. Dean: Then why'd you send me back? Castiel: For the truth. Now you know everything we do. Dean: What the hell are you talking about? Castiel looks at the other bed, which hasn't been slept in, and Dean follows his gaze. Dean: Where's Sam? Castiel: We know what Azazel did to your brother. What we don't know is why – what his endgame is. He went to great lengths to cover that up. Dean: Where's Sam? Castiel: 425 Waterman. Dean grabs his keys and his jacket. Castiel You brother is headed down a dangerous road, Dean, and we're not sure where it leads. So stop it. Or we will.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "04x03 - In the Beginning"}
Air Date: 9 Oct 2008 INT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT A man, possessed by a demon, sits tied to a chair in the center of a Devil's Trap. Sam is in front of him, interrogating; Ruby stands nearby. Sam: Where's Lilith? Man: Kiss my ass. His eyes goes black. Sam smiles at that comment. Sam: I'd watch myself if I were you. Man: Why? Huh? Because you're Sam Winchester, Mr. Big Hero? And yet here you are, slutting around with some demon. Real hero. Sam: Shut your mouth. Man: Tell me about those monhs without your brother. About all the things you and this demon bitch do in the dark. Ruby looks over at Sam. Man: Huh? Tell me, hero. Sam can't control his anger and begins to force the demon out of the man, like we saw in "LAZARUS RISING". The demon smoke burns through the floor, and Sam breathes, trying to get himself under control. Ruby looks down on the floor where the demon b*rned through and a little smile plays on her lips. She looks over at Sam, and they exchange a look and Sam gets a little smile as well. We then see Dean in the window behind Sam, witnessing everything Sam just did. END Teaser INT. 425 WATERMAN - NIGHT The man is unconcious and Sam touches neck to check if he has a pulse, which he does. He smiles up at Ruby. Ruby: How'd it feel? Sam: Good. No more headaches. He begins to untie the man. Ruby: None? That's good. The man begins to wake up. Sam: Hey, hey. I got you. It's all right. He helps the man out of his chair and begins walking him towards the door, when Dean opens it. Sam stops in his tracks. Dean looks very angry. Dean: So... Anything you wanna tell me, Sam? Sam looks innocent and Ruby stands behind him, just watching Dean. Dean walks towards him as he talks. Sam: Dean, hold on, okay? Just let me- Dean: You gonna say, "let me explain"? You're gonna explain this? How about this? Why don't you start with who she is, and what the hell is she doing here? Dean looks at him hard, Sam turns back and looks at Ruby who looks completely calm, and even smiles as she responds to Dean. Ruby: It's good to see you again, Dean. Dean: Ruby? She smiles a little, and Dean looks at Sam. Dean: Is that Ruby? Sam doesn't respond and Dean looks over at Ruby again, who's smile is fading. After moment, Dean grabs hold of her and shoves her up against the wall. He pulls out her Kn*fe and as he's about to strike, Sam grabs his hand. Sam: Don't! They struggle for the Kn*fe. Sam gets it out of Dean's hand into his own, just as Dean throws him up against the wall. Ruby grabs Dean and pins him up against the wall he had her against seconds earlier. Sam: Ruby! Stop it! She just stares into Dean's eyes and she keeps a chokehold with her right hand, and he stares right back, angry. Finally she lets go and he rises up to his full height. He looks over at Sam and then back at Ruby. Dean: Well, aren't you an obedient little bitch? She doesn't respond but it's clear, she wants to att*ck him again. Sam: Ruby. She stares at Dean for a few more moments, and then looks over at Sam. Sam: Ruby, he's hurt. He indicates the man who was possessed earlier. Sam: Go. She gives Dean one more look and then turns and walks over to the man, and as Dean watches her, she puts the mans arm over her shoulder, ready to take him out. Dean: Where the hell do you think you're going? Ruby: The ER... unless you want to go another round first. Dean doesn't say anything and she walks out with the man. Dean turns to look at Sam, who's watching him. Sam: Dean. Dean walks to the door he came in through, leaving Sam behind. Sam: Dean! INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY Sam is sitting at the table, reading a book. We hear the Impala pull up outside and Dean enters a few moments later. He doesn't look at Sam, he just walks right into the room. Sam gets out of his chair the minute Dean enters. Dean grabs his bag and begins to pack up his stuff. Sam walks over to him. Sam: Dean, what are you doing? Dean just ignores him and continues packing. Sam: What, are you, are you leaving? Dean: You don't need me. You and Ruby go fight demons. Dean grabs his bag and starts for the door. Sam stands in the way so Dean has to go around him. Sam: Hold on. Dean, come on, man. Dean turns around and punches him in the face with his right hand. Sam whirles around by the force. Dean just watches him as he turns back around to Dean. Sam: You satisfied? Dean hits him again, and then throws his bag on the floor. Sam touches his lip, which is bleeding. Sam: I guess not. Dean: Do you even know how far off the reservation you've gone? How far from normal? From human? Sam: I'm just exorcising demons. Dean: (yelling) With your mind! (calmer) What else can you do? Sam: I can send them back to hell. It only works with demons, and that's it. Dean grabs hold of him and pushes him backwards, walking with the force. Dean: What else can you do?! Sam: I told you! Sam pushes his hand away, and they stop. Dean: And I have every reason in the world to believe that. He begins to walk away from Sam. Sam: Look, I should have said something. Dean stops, his back still to Sam. Sam: I'm sorry, Dean. I am. But try to see the other side here. Dean turns around and faces him. Dean: The other side? Sam: I'm pulling demons out of innocent people. Dean: Use the Kn*fe! Sam: The Kn*fe kills the victim! What I do, most of them survive! Look, I've saved more people in the last five months than we save in a year. Dean: That what Ruby want you to think? Huh? Kind of like the way she tricked you into using your powers? He shakes his head, sad. Dean: Slippery slope, brother. Just wait and see. Because it's gonna get darker and darker, and God knows where it ends. Sam: I'm not gonna let it go too far. Dean smiles at that, walks over to the wall and hits the lamp on the side table, making it crash and fly. Dean looks angry again. Dean: It's already gone too far, Sam. If I didn't you know... I would wanna hunt you. Sam's eyes are tearful, and he nods at that, looking down. Dean: And so would other hunters. Sam looks up at him. Sam: You were gone. I was here. I had to keep on fighting without you. And what I'm doing... It works. Dean: Well, tell me. If it's so terrific... then why'd you lie about it to me? Sam looks down with that. Dean: Why did an angel tell me to stop you? Sam looks up, surprised. Sam: What? Dean: Cas said that if I don't stop you, he will. See what that means, Sam? That means that God doesn't want you doing this. So, are you just gonna stand there and tell me everything is all good? With tearful eyes, they exchange a look and then Sam looks down. The silence is broken by Sam's phone ringing, Dean flinches at the sound. Sam answers it. Sam: Hello? He pinches the bridge of his nose, trying to collect himself. Sam: Hey, Travis. Yeah, hey. (...) Uh.. (...) It's good to hear your voice, too, yeah. Um, look, it's not a really good time right now. It's- (...) Yeah, okay. Uh, well, just give me the details, and, uh.. (...) Carthage, Missouri. Dean watches Sam as he walks over to the bedside table and writes down the location. Sam: Looking for Jack Montgomery. He puts down the pen and ends the phonecall. Breathing deeply, he looks over at Dean. EXT. MONTGOMERY RESIDENCE - EVENING SUBTITLE Carthage, Missouri The camera moves around a car on the street and zooms in on the front door. INT. MONTGOMERY RESIDENCE We open to a closeup on a man, JACK, chewing, the camera focused on his mouth. He's eating fast and stuffing his mouth. The camera pans out and we see he's completely focused on eating. He suddenly looks over at the person next to him, pausing mid-chew. His wife, MICHELLE, is staring at him and not eating. MICHELLE Jack, are you stoned? He answers her with his mouth full. JACK What? It's good, I'm starving. Is there- is there dessert? He looks over at her questioningly while cutting up another bite. MICHELLE It just so happens. Smiling, she gets up and leaves the table. JACK grabs the bowl of mashed potatoes and tilts it over his plate, to get all of it out onto it. He looks over at his wife's plate, where there's still a piece of meat left. JACK Hey, babe? She's almost out of the room when he stops and looks back at him. MICHELLE Mhmm? JACK Are you gonna finish your steak? MICHELLE You're kidding, right? You've had two already. JACK I don't know, I'm just... hungry. He puts his Kn*fe in the middle of her steak and brings it over to his own plate. MICHELLE Or you have tapeworm. JACK Please. I never felt better. He goes back to eating. INT. MONTGOMERY RESIDENCE; BATHROOM JACK is in the bathroom, getting ready for bed. He's only dressed in his boxers and the camera is angled from behind so we see parts of his back and then his front in the mirror. He starts brushing his teeth. Suddenly we hear a crack and JACK's knees buckles and he grunts with pain, supporting himself on the facet. After few seconds another crunching crack can be heard and he falls lower, hanging on the facet now. We hear the sound again, and we see his spine potrude on his back for a second. He's down on his knees now, still holding on to the facet, screaming of pain. The crunchy sound can be heard a few more times and again we see his spine beneath his skin. JACK pants, and suddenly it seems it stops, and he slowly rises, looking at himself in the mirror. He turns his back to it and moves his right hand to the back, looking at it but there's no sign of what just happened. EXT. ROAD - NIGHT The Impala zooms down the road. INT. Impala - NIGHT Dean is behind the wheels and it seems they've been driving under silence for a while after Dean has told Sam about what he found out in the past about their mom and family (episode "IN THE BEGINNING"). Sam: I can't believe it. Mom, a hunter? Dean: I wouldn't have believed it either if I hadn't seen it myself. That woman could kick some ass. I mean, she almost took me down. Sam: How'd she look? I mean... was she happy? Dean: Yeah, she was awesome. Funny and smart. So hopeful. He looks over at Sam for moment and then back on the road. Dean: Dad, too. Until of course... Sam sighs. Dean: What? Sam looks out his window. Sam: Nothing. After a moment he turns back to Dean. Sam: It's just, our parents. And now we find out our grandparents too? Our whole family m*rder and for what? So Yellow Eyes could get in my nursery and bleed in my mouth? Dean goes a bit "huh..?" over that last statement, thinking about what he's told Sam about the past. He looks over at Sam. Dean: Sam, I never said anything about demon blood. Sam looks guilty. Dean: You knew about that? Sam still doesn't look at Dean. Sam: Yeah, for about a year. Dean looks out through the window again, eyes on the road. Dean: A whole year? Sam: I should have told you. I'm sorry. Dean: You've been saying that a lot lately, Sam. But whatever. You don't want to tell me, you don't have to. It's fine. Sam: Dean. Sam looks over at Dean, who's focusing on the road. Sam: Whatever. Sam sighs. INT. MONTGOMERY RESIDENCE JACK comes down the stairs and heads out into the kitchen. He calls out to his wife. JACK Hey, babe. When's dinner? MICHELLE (V.O)v 45 minutes. He walks over to the fridge, and opens it, looking for something to eat. JACK I'm starving! MICHELLE (V.O): Jack, a delicious, unmicrowaved, non-takeout, homemade meal is coming. INT. Impala We see JACK by the fridge through binoculars. He takes out a beer. Dean (V.O): Are you sure that's him? We now see Dean holding the binoculars, looking at the house, watching JACK. Sam: Only Jack Montgomery in town. Dean: And we're looking for... Sam: Travis said to keep an eye out for anything weird. Dean: Weird? Sam: Yeah. Dean: Alright, well, yeah, I've seen big weird, little weird, weird with crazy on top. But this guy? I mean, come on, this guy's boring. Sam: I don't know, Dean. Travis seemed pretty sure. He takes up a pair of binoculars of his own. INT. MONTGOMERY RESIDENCE JACK is leaning on the island in the kitchen, looking thoughtful. He takes another swig of his beer, and then opens the fridge again. He grabs a leftover chicken, and starts eating, not bothering with platers or utensiles. He begins to eat frantically, like he's not gotten food in days. He throws the finished chicken aside and grabs a pack of uncooked meat and opens it up and starts eating the raw meat, throwing looks over his shoulder for his wife. MICHELLE (V.O): Honey? JACK stops eating when he hears her voice. INT. Impala We see through the binoculars again. We then cut to a pan over the boys, who both watched this foodcraze happen. They're wearing matching disgusted looks on their faces. Sam: I'd say that qualifies as weird. END ACT ONE INT. MOTELROOM Dean and Sam comes through the door, and stops as they've just entered, seeing something in their room. A smile comes on Dean's lips. Sam: Travis. We see TRAVIS sitting by the table, beer in hand. Dean: See, Sam. Told you we should have hid the beer. TRAVIS gets up and with a smile he walks towards the boys as they walk towards him. TRAVIS Smartass. Get over here. He laughs and he and Dean hug. TRAVIS Ahh, good to see you. Dean: You too. They break and TRAVIS and Sam hug as well. TRAVIS Good to see you. Sam: You too, Travis. They break. TRAVIS Man, you got tall, kid. They laugh at that comment. TRAVIS How long has it been? Sam: Ah, gotta be 10 years. TRAVIS You still a.. oh, what was it... a mathlete? Sam scoffs a little. Sam: No. Dean: Yep, sure is. TRAVIS Been too long, boys. I mean, look at you. Grown men. John would have been damn proud of you. Sticking together like this. Dean: Yeah. Yeah, we're as thick as thieves. Dean looks at Sam, who's smile is disappearing with Dean's words. Dean: Nothing more important than family. TRAVIS walks over to the table, as Dean follows, ignoring Sam. TRAVIS Sorry I'm late for the dance. They sit down at the table, Sam sits down on the bed next to Dean, across from TRAVIS. TRAVIS Thanks for helping out an old man. I'm a little, uh, shorthanded. He indicates his right hand and arm, which is covered in a cast. They laugh at that. TRAVIS So, you track down Montgomery? Sam: Yeah, we found him at his home. TRAVIS And? Dean: Well, he had a hell of a case of the munchies, topped off with a burger he forgot to cook. TRAVIS That's him alright. Dean: What's him? TRAVIS Boys, we got a rougarou on our hands. Dean: A rougarou? He looks over at Sam for a second. Dean: Is that made up? He looks back at TRAVIS before Sam can answer. Dean: That sounds made up. TRAVIS They're mean, nasty little suckers. Rotted teeth, wormy skin, the works. Dean: Well, that ain't this guy. I mean, he was wearing a cellphone on his belt. TRAVIS He'll turn ugly soon enough. They start out human, for all intents and purposes. Sam: So, what? They go through some kind of metamorphosis? INT. MONTGOMERY RESIDENCE; KITCHEN MICHELLE is standing in the kitchen, cutting vegetables. TRAVIS (V.O): Yep, like a maggot turning into a bull fly. JACK comes into the kitchen and opens the fridge. There's a new package of meat, which JACK spots right away while he's sniffing the air like a dog. Suddenly MICHELLE cuts her hand, badly. She cries out in pain and JACK turns around. Her hand is bleeding, which JACK notices. TRAVIS (V.O): But most of all- INT. MOTELROOM TRAVIS -they're hungry. Dean: Hungry for what? TRAVIS At first, for everything, but then... for long pig. Sam exhales at that, understanding what TRAVIS means. Dean looks confused, not understanding the term "long pig". Dean: Long pig? Sam: He means human flesh. Dean: And that is my word of the day. TRAVIS Hunger grows in,- INT. MONTGOMERY RESIDENCE JACK is frozen in place, watching his wife. TRAVIS (V.O): -till they can't fight it. Till they got to take themselves a big, juicy chomp, and then it happens. We see MICHELLE pouring water on her finger, blood running. INT. MOTELROOM Sam: What happens? TRAVIS They transform completely and fast. INT. MONTGOMERY RESIDENCE MICHELLE turns the water off and grabs a dishtowel next to her on the counter. MICHELLE I think I need stitches. JACK is sweaty but he doesn't move. JACK I got to go. MICHELLE What? JACK I got to get out of here. He hurries out of the kitchen. MICHELLE calls after him, confused. MICHELLE Where are you going? Jack? We hear the front door open and close as JACK runs out. INT. MOTELROOM TRAVIS One bite's all it takes. Eyes, teeth, skin; all turns. No going back either. They feed once, they're a monster forever. And our man Jack's headed there on a b*llet train. Dean: Well, how'd you find this guy if he's a walking, talking human? TRAVIS Lets just say it runs in his family. Sam: You mean, uh... TRAVIS k*lled his daddy back in '78. Son of a bitch mangled 8 bodies before I put him down. Guy used to be a dentist. Cadillac, trophy wife... Little did I know, pregnant trophy wife. She put the boy up for adoption. By the time I found out, he was long gone, lost in the system. Sam: You mean to tell me you couldn't find someone? TRAVIS sighs. TRAVIS I'm not sure I wanted to. The idea of hunting down some poor kid... I don't think I'd have the heart. No. I wanted to wait, make damn sure I had the right man. Apparently, I do. He takes a swig of the beer. INT. BAR JACK is sitting by the bar and he grabs a handfull och peanuts and shoves them in his mouth, staring in front of him. He's sweaty and doesn't look all that great. We get a flash of bloodstream in a body, MICHELLE's cut finger, the bloodstream again, MICHELLE's finger and then JACK's eye, mouth and other eye. We see the bloodstream and MICHELLE's finger again, and then JACK shoving another handfull of peanuts in his mouth, chewing frantically. He downs his full glas of whiskey (?) in one gulp. JACK One more, please. He puts down the glass. The bartender comes over and refills it. JACK Can I get some more peanuts? JACK grabs the glass to drink again but notices something in the mirror behind the bar. He brings the glass down again and we now get a sh*t of the mirror, where JACK is staring at himself. He's breathing deeply, like he's been running. Man: Come on. What are you drinking? It's my treat. JACK looks over to his right where a beautiful woman is sitting by the bar and a not so beautiful man is crowding her, doing a very lousy job at hitting at her. She looks very uncomfortable. Woman: No, thank you. Man: Oh, don't be like that. Have a drink with me. Woman: I'm waiting for someone. Man: Okay, well uh, where is he? JACK Hey, douche bag. The Man and the Woman looks over at JACK. JACK She doesn't want to talk to you. Man: I'm sorry. I didn't hear you. JACK gets of his chair and begins walking towards them. JACK I said... She doesn't want to talk to you. The Man walks around the Woman to meet JACK. The Woman looks even more uncomfortable. JACK You fat... sweaty... dick. He stops right in front of the man, and they stand face to face. JACK Now leave her alone. Man: You uh.. seriously wanna do this, guy? JACK You know, I really think I do. The Man brings up his right fist and goes to punch JACK but JACK catches his fist in his hand and squeezes it so we can hear bones crunching in the Man's hand. The Man screams with pain and the Woman screams out of fear. JACK suddenly snaps out of it and releases the Man's hand and runs away. END ACT TWO INT. MOTELROOM Dean and TRAVIS is by the table, fixing gas cans (looks like tiny f*re-extinguishers) for use. Dean: So f*re, huh? TRAVIS The only way I found to k*ll these bastards; deep-fry 'em. Dean: Well, that's gonna be... horrible. Is that what you did to Jack's dad? TRAVIS Uh-huh. Sam comes into the room from outside, papers in hand. Sam: Not wasting any time, are you? TRAVIS None to waste. The guy hulks out, we won't be finding bodies, just remains. Sam sits down on the bed next to the table. Sam: What if he doesn't hulk out? I did a little homework. Uh, I've been checking out the lore on rougarous. TRAVIS What? My 30 years of experience not good enough for you? Sam: What? No. No, I-I- I just wanted to be prepared. I mean, not that you didn't.. Dean: Sam loves research. He does. He keeps it under his mattress right next to his KY. It's a sickness. He looks over at Sam: Dean: It is. Sam: Look, everything you said checked out, of course, but uh. I found a couple of interesting stories about people who have this rougarou gene or whatever. See, they start to turn, but they never take the final step. Dean: Really? Sam: See, if they never eat human flesh, they don't fully transform. Dean: So what? Go vegan, stay human? Sam: Basically. Or in this case, eat a lot of raw meat, just not... Dean: Long pig. Sam: Right. Dean smiles a little, TRAVIS is just sitting next to him, having watched and listened to Sam about this under silence. TRAVIS Good on you for the due diligence, Sam. He gets up. TRAVIS But those are fairy tales. He walks over to the little pantry and pours himself another cup of coffee. TRAVIS Fact is, every rougarou I ever saw or heard of... took that bite. Sam stands up while speaking. Sam: Okay, well, that doesn't mean that Jack will. Dean watches Sam rise and then stands up himself. TRAVIS So what do we do? Sit and hope and wait for a body count? Sam: No, we talk to him. Explain what's happening. That way he can fight it. TRAVIS Fight it? He laughs TRAVIS Are you kidding me? You ever been really hungry? This gets Dean's attention, who's been looking at the papers Sam brought with him. TRAVIS I mean, haven't-eaten-in-days hungry? Dean: Yeah. TRAVIS Yeah. Right then. So somebody slaps a big, juicy sirloin in front of you, you walking away? Dean looks thoughtfull for a second and then admits "no" without words, only raising of eyebrows. He slowly looks over at Sam. TRAVIS That's what we are to him now, meat on legs. I'm sorry. I'm sure he's a stand-up guy, but it's pure, base instinct. Everything in nature's gotta eat. You think he can stop himself 'cause he's nice? When Sam responds he sounds firm and very serious. Sam: I don't know. But we're not gonna k*ll him unless he does something to get k*lled for. Dean looks over at him at that. Sam takes a few breaths and then walks out of the room. TRAVIS looks over at Dean, a bit puzzled by Sam's reaction. TRAVIS What's up with your brother? Dean looks at the door and then TRAVIS. Dean: Don't get me started. He turns to sit down again. INT. MONTGOMERY RESIDENCE - DAY MICHELLE is in the kitchen in her nightgown, pouring tea. Her finger is bandaged. When she turns around, JACK is standing just behind her and he scares her by his sudden appearance. MICHELLE God. You scared me. JACK I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sneak up on you. How are you feeling? MICHELLE puts down the mug with tea, and looks very annoyed and angry. MICHELLE I'm feeling pissed, Jack. She walks away from him, but stays in the kitchen. She turns back around to him. MICHELLE I had to drive myself to the hospital last night. I was there until 2. JACK I'm so sorry. MICHELLE What happened? JACK I don't know. I saw your blood and I-I... got dizzy, and I just had to get out. MICHELLE Well, you could have called. I left you a dozen messages. JACK I know. My phone died. I couldn't find a payphone. I... it was a mess. But I am... sorry. MICHELLE's anger has melted somewhat. JACK And I promise it won't ever happen again. Certainly. Not to a wife as stunning as you. He walks up to her, smiling. She melts with that and they make up. MICHELLE Better not. I swear, you know. One little cut. JACK kisses her bandaged finger. MICHELLE Blood's never bothered you before. JACK Well... I've changed. They kiss. MICHELLE This doesn't get you off the hook, you know. JACK smiles. MICHELLE No, no. Think, think diamonds. Think Kobe-sized. JACK Mhm. They kiss again. JACK lifts her up on the counter and they kiss again and then he begins to kiss her neck. MICHELLE What has gotten into you? JACK I don't know. He pushes away her hair and kisses her neck. MICHELLE laughs but then JACK becomes more and more rough, and MICHELLE becomes a bit unsettled. JACK pulls away from her neck. MICHELLE Hey, Jack. Just slow down. JACK doesn't respond, he just grabs her by the back of her head and kisses her hard again. MICHELLE Jack. JACK goes for her neck and throat again. MICHELLE Jack, I mean it. Stop. He pulls up her nightgown, and MICHELLE tries to stop him. MICHELLE Jack. He slams her against the cupboard, but doesn't leave her neck. MICHELLE Ow! Jack! Stop! Stop it! She pushes him away. MICHELLE Stop it! She jumps down from the counter. JACK looks almost stunned at what he's just done. MICHELLE You son of a bitch. JACK I'm sorry. MICHELLE What the hell is wrong with you? JACK I don't know. I don't know. He leaves the kitchen. EXT. Impala - DAY The boys are driving down a road, Dean is behind the wheel as per usual. Dean (V.O): All right, so we're gonna go have a little chat with this guy- INT. Impala Dean: -which, you know... I'm down. Sam is just sitting quietly next to him, staring out the front windshield with a serious look on his face. Dean: But I just want to make sure, if push comes, you're gonna shove. He looks over at Sam, who finally turns to him. Sam: Meaning? Dean: Well, odds are we're gonna have to burn this guy alive. Sam: This guy has a name and a wife. Dean: Yeah, who we're probably gonna make a widow, okay? I mean, you heard Travis. He's gonna turn. They always turn. Sam: Well, maybe he won't. Maybe he can fight it off. Dean: And maybe he can't, that's all I'm saying. Sam: All right, we'll just have to see then, okay? Dean: This is what I mean, Sam. You sure your emotions aren't getting in the way here? Sam looks at him with a confused look. Sam: What are you talking about? Dean: You know, nice dude, but he's got something evil inside. Something in his blood. Maybe you can relate. Dean looks over at him, but Sam doesn't respond with a look of his own. He looks pretty angry though. Sam: Stop the car. Dean: What? Sam: Stop the car or I will! They share a look. EXT. Impala Dean drives to the side of the road, but before the car has completely slowed to a stop Sam has already opened his door and is getting out. As Dean opens his door, Sam slams his own shut and turns around to him, angry. Sam: You want to know why I've been lying to you, Dean? Because of crap like this. They start to walk around the front of the car. Dean: Like what? Sam: The way you talk to me, the way you look at me like I'm a freak! Sam walks past Dean, and then turns around to him, now completely pissed off. Dean: I do not. Sam: You know, or even worse, like I'm an idiot! He walks up to Dean, and almost gets in his face. Sam: Like I don't know the difference between right and wrong! He steps back, turns his back to Dean and walks a few steps. He then stops, hands on hips, back still to Dean, who's watching him. When Sam finally turns around, Dean looks down. Sam: What? Dean looks up at him again, and now he sounds a bit angry. Dean: Do you know the difference, Sam? I mean, you've been kind of strolling a dark road lately. Sam: You have no idea what I'm going through. None. Dean: Then enlighten me! Sam: I've got demon blood in me, Dean! This disease pumping through my veins, and I can't ever rip it out or scrub it clean! I'm a whole new level of freak! And I'm just trying to take this - this curse... and make something good out of it. Because I have to. Dean looks at him for a few moments, as Sam looks down on the ground. After a while, Dean finally says something in a calm voice. Dean: Let's just go talk to the guy. Sam scoffs. Dean: I mean Jack. Okay? After a moment, Sam gives a small, almost non-existant, nod, but he doesn't look at Dean. EXT. MONTGOMERY RESIDENCE; GARDEN JACK is standing the garden with the hose in his hand, watering plants. Suddenly Sam and Dean emerge through the backdoor to the garden behind JACK. As they walk over to him, the camera moves around in front of JACK and he seems completely spaced out, just holding the hose, and staring into nothing. Sam: Jack Montgomery? JACK doesn't turn right away, take a moment, and then he just looks around, over at the boys. Sam: I'm Sam Winchester. This is my brother; Dean. JACK turns around and looks at them as they walk up to him. Sam: We need to talk. JACK looks at him and then at Dean, who looks around a bit. JACK looks back at Sam. JACK About? Sam: About you. About how you're changing. JACK Excuse me? Dean: You're probably feeling your bones move under your skin. And your appetite's reaching, you know, "hungry hungry hippo" levels. How am I doing so far? JACK Who the hell are you guys? Dean: We're people who know a little something about something. Sam: We're people who can help. Please, just hear us out. CUT TO: LATER JACK A-a what? Dean: A rougarou. Sounds made-up, I know, but believe me, it's not. JACK Alright, I've noticed certain things. I mean, some strange things. But I just, I-I don't know. I'm.. I'm sick or something. Sam: Your father was one of these things. JACK turns around to Sam at that. Sam: Your real father. He passed it on to you. JACK No. Are-are you guys listening to yourselves? You s-sound like you're- Dean: Skip the whole "you guys sound crazy", shall we? You're hungry, Jack. You're only gonna get hungrier. JACK Hungrier for? Dean: Long pig. You know, a little manburger helper, may have crossed your mind already. JACK No. Sam: It doesn't have to be like this, Jack. You can fight it off. JACK No. Sam: Others have. Dean: We're not gonna lie to you, though. It's not gonna be easy. You're gonna feel like an alcoholic swimming around in whiskey. But I'm telling you. You gotta say no... or- JACK Or what? Sam: You feed once, and it's all over. And then we'll have to stop you. JACK Stop me? My dad, did uh, somebody stop him? Sam: Yes. JACK Get off my property right now. I see you guys again, I'm calling the cops. Sam: Jack, your wife, everybody you know, they're in danger. JACK Now! JACK's neighbour, who's cutting a bush, looks over at them when JACK raises his voice. Sam sighs and they begin to walk away. Dean: Good talk. JACK watches them leave. EXT. BENCH - NIGHT JACK is sitting on a bench, listening to a message from MICHELLE on his cellphone. MICHELLE (V.O): Jack, I don't know where you are but you're scaring me. Come home. We need to talk. Please? The mailbox beeps and JACK lowers his phone, closing it. He then looks up at the building across the street from him where a woman is undressing. He watches her for a bit and when she closes her drapes he slowly stands and with his eyes fixed on her window, he crosses the street. As he walks out of the camera sh*t, we see Sam and Dean parked in the Impala, watching him. INT. Impala Sam turns around to the backseat as we see JACK running across the street, to the woman's building. Sam: Damn it. Jack. No. He pulls up the flamethrower and exists the car. Dean grabs a flamethrower as well and gets out the car too. Dean: Come on. EXT. BUILDING JACK is climbing the f*re-escape, heading for the woman's window. The boys run up to the building, looking up at JACK. They head for the stairs to the entrance and hurries in. JACK has reached the woman's floor, and we can hear a heartbeat as JACK watches the woman walk around in the appartment. He's breathing shallow breathes. His head is twitching a bit unhuman. The woman removes her bra with her back to JACK, and then puts on a t-shirt. She turns off the light and we see JACK reflected in the window, and he does too, seeing his bloodshot eyes. JACK No. No. He moves away. INT. APARTMENT Sam and Dean kick down the door and hurry through it, flamethrowers at the ready. They meet the woman, who's just coming out of her bedroom and they scare the living hell out of her with that entrance. She screams and backs into her bedroom. Dean: Wait! She slams her door. Dean and Sam is still standing by the front door, looking a bit confused. Dean: Whoa, uh, we're here to save you, I guess. Sam looks around, and we hear the woman locking her bedroomdoor. Woman (through door) I'm calling the police! Sam: We should go. Dean: Yeah. They hurry out, Dean turns around and closes the door with a little embarassed laugh. The frame of the door, where the lock is, is completely broken. INT. MONTGOMERY RESIDENCE JACK comes in through the front door, looking up at the top of the stairs. He walks over to the foot of them, and smiles a little, and calls out to his wife. JACK Michelle! I'm home! She doesn't respond, and the only thing we hear is the ticking of an old clock. JACK Hey, babe?! He starts walking towards the living room. JACK Are you here? We suddenly hear a muffled sound and heavy breathing. JACK stops and we see MICHELLE sitting tied to a chair, with a gag. She begins to move in the chair, screaming to him through her muzzle. JACK Michelle. Suddenly an arm comes around JACK's neck and a piece of cloth is put over his nose and mouth. END ACT THREE CUT TO: LATER JACK is handcuffed to a pillar, and out cold. He finally wakes up and discovers he's bound. He rattles the handcuffs a few times, trying to get loose. He looks up and sees MICHELLE, still bound and gagged, sitting next to him. JACK Michelle? TRAVIS walks up in front of her, and stands in front of JACK. JACK Okay. We're gonna stay calm. We're gonna give this man whatever he wants. TRAVIS looks down with those words, knowing what it is he's come for, and he's sad because of it. JACK Anything. Just take it and go, please. TRAVIS I'm sorry about this, Jack. He walks over to MICHELLE who's very scared. TRAVIS I truly am. He begins to untie the gag. TRAVIS It's not the way that I wanted it to go. JACK Who are you? TRAVIS You already met some friends of mine. He walks over to JACK. TRAVIS Two brothers? JACK They said that if I... He looks over at his wife, who's shaking. She looks back at him. JACK Look, I haven't hurt anybody. TRAVIS Not yet, but you would've. JACK shakes his head. TRAVIS They always do. I'm doing you a favor, son. MICHELLE Jack, what's he talking about? JACK looks at her but doesn't say anything. TRAVIS takes a few steps closer to JACK. TRAVIS Tell her, Jack. Tell her the truth. She deserves to know. JACK shakes his head again, and MICHELLE looks from TRAVIS to JACK. JACK Just let her go. She's not a part of this. MICHELLE A part of what? MICHELLE is no longer crying or shaking. She's just confused over this. JACK looks over at her. MICHELLE Jack?! TRAVIS I really do apologize, but she is a part of it. JACK What? TRAVIS looks over at MICHELLE. TRAVIS Michelle... tell him what you told me when I got here. MICHELLE stares at TRAVIS, tears in her eyes. JACK is looking over at her, confused. JACK Michelle? MICHELLE looks over at JACK. MICHELLE I said... "Don't hurt me... because I'm pregnant". Her voice breaks with the last word and she begins to cry. TRAVIS looks over at JACK, who turns his eyes back to him as well. JACK J-just hold on a minute. TRAVIS Now you see the mess we're in? I can't make this mistake all over again. I won't be around in 30 years, this has got to end now. I know you don't believe me, but I'd give anything not to have to do this. JACK begins to shake his head, pleading. JACK No. No. No.. JACK tries to move forward but is stopped by the cuffs. He looks back towards them as MICHELLE looks over at him, scared. As TRAVIS begins to take out his w*apon, JACK rattles the handcuffs. TRAVIS takes out a can of gas, which MICHELLE sees and becomes desperate. MICHELLE Oh God! Please don't! JACK You don't have to do this! JACK begins to pour out gas. JACK If you want to k*ll me, k*ll me, but not my wife. Okay? I'm begging you. TRAVIS Ain't got no choice. My condolences. TRAVIS walks around with the can, emptying it. Desperate, JACK begins to pull on his handcuffs again. MICHELLE Jack. Suddenly we get a flash of blood pumping in veins again, like we saw in the bar, and JACK's eyes becomes bloodshot. He continues to struggle and we get a sh*t of JACK and MICHELLE kissing, and then blood moving in veins again. A few more of those flashes and then of his reflection in the woman's window earlier. Finally, JACK breaks the chain between the cuffs and he's free. He jumps on TRAVIS right away, pushing him to the floor. Sitting on top of him, JACK begins to h*t TRAVIS. TRAVIS hits back after two hooks from JACK, and JACK falls to the floor. TRAVIS moves over and sits over him, hitting him hard of the chest with his arm in a cast, while MICHELLE watches in terror. MICHELLE Jack! TRAVIS hits him again and then when he goes for a third h*t, JACK captures his arm and breaks the cast. TRAVIS screams out in pain. JACK throws him to the floor and then gets on top of him, moving his arms away. We hear a heavy heartbeat and JACK's eyes are completely bloodshot now. He holds TRAVIS in a choke hold with one hand and then rips away TRAVIS's shirt with the other, exposing his shoulder and neck. JACK watches as the blood pumps beneath the surface of TRAVIS's throat and then he goes in for the k*ll, biting down. TRAVIS screams out in pain and JACK rips a part of his throat away with his teeth and sits up again, and chews on the piece of skin. TRAVIS bleeds out quickly, leaving a big pool of blood underneath him. JACK just chews away on the piece he just ripped from TRAVIS. The camera focuses on MICHELLE who watches all this, in shock. JACK goes in for another bite, and TRAVIS dies. We see as JACK is taking the second bite, how his face is changing, becoming ugly and contorted. MICHELLE just stares, in shock and terror. Suddenly JACK whips around and looks at her, his face compeltely covered in TRAVIS's blood. He turns around and then stands up. He walks over to MICHELLE, who's scared and crying now, and he squats down next to her. He frees her and she jumps out of the chair quickly and moves away from him. MICHELLE Stay away from me! JACK sobs out her name. JACK Michelle. MICHELLE bolts for the door and runs out. EXT. MONTGOMERY RESIDENCE MICHELLE runs over to her car, keys in hand, and pulls open the door to the drivers side. She gets in and drives off quickly, tires almost screaming. INT. MONTGOMERY RESIDENCE JACK is standing in the Same spot where MICHELLE left him, breathing heavily with sadness. Slowly the monster takes over though as his eyes falls on TRAVIS's body. He walks slowly over to him. EXT. MONTGOMERY RESIDENCE The boys pulls up in front of the house, and we see a car on the otherside of the street. They slowly gets out, flamethrowers in hand. Dean walks around the Impala to Sam. Dean: I guess now we know where Travis is. They start walking towards the house. Sam: That stupid son of a bitch. Dean looks over at Sam by that comment. They reach the porchsteps. INT. MONTGOMERY RESIDENCE The frontdoor slowly opens and Dean comes in first, eyes on the stairs. As he moves in, Sam follows and we get a sh*t of the livingroom. The chair MICHELLE was tied to before has fallen to the floor. Neither TRAVIS's body or JACK can be seen. The camera moves down to the floor where TRAVIS bleed out and we see a big bloodpool soaked up by the carpet. Dean and Sam stop by the entrance to the livingroom when they see that. A bloodtrail from the pool to behind the couch can be seen, from where JACK as dragged TRAVIS behind it. The boys share a look. CUT TO: FLOOR BEHIND THE COUCH We see a piece of meat on the floor, as Sam walks over to it, closely followed by Dean. They stop by it and looks down. Dean: Oh, God. Think that's Travis? Sam sighs. Sam: What's left of him. Dean looks at him. Sam looks defeated. Sam: Guess you were right about Jack. Before Dean can respond he's suddenly pushed forward and JACK jumps him from behind. Sam: Dean! They slam down on the coffee table, knocking out Dean. Sam quickly moves around them and pulls up his flamethrower and puts up his lighter in front of it, to light it. JACK turns around to him and jumps him before he can get a flame. They slam to the floor, Sam hits the back of his head. Before Sam has a chance to do anything, JACK grabs the flamethrower and slams it into Sam's face, effectivly knocking him out. CUT TO: LATER Sam is on the floor of the closet, knocked out. As the camera closes in on him, he slowly wakes up. After a second he remembers where he is and he gets up and goes for the doorhandle, but it's locked. Sam: Dean? INT. LIVINGROOM JACK Dean can't come to the phone right now. INT. CLOSET Sam slams his hand against the door twice, angry. Sam: Jack! If you hurt him, I swear to God! INT. LIVINGROOM JACK Calm down! The camera cuts to a wider sh*t and we see Dean is still lying on the coffee table, knocked out and JACK is sitting by his feet. JACK Your brother's alive. INT. CLOSET Sam relaxes a bit with that news and rests his head against the door, panting. JACK (V.O): But not if you- INT. LIVINGROOM JACK -don't calm down. INT. CLOSET Sam is completely calm now. Sam: Alright, Jack. Listen. Open the door. We can figure this out, okay? JACK laughs at that. JACK (V.O): We'll have ourselves a little- INT. LIVINGROOM JACK -brainstorming session. He's close to tears out of desperation. Sam (V.O): Jack. INT. CLOSET Sam: Please. JACK (V.O): I don't think so. INT. LIVINGROOM JACK After what you did? INT. CLOSET Sam is confused by that. Sam: What? What are you talking about? INT. LIVINGROOM JACK You send your friend here. He tried to burn my- INT. CLOSET JACK -wife alive. Sam: What? Why? Sam is going through his pockets. INT. LIVINGROOM JACK realizes they don't know, so he lies. JACK He didn't say. INT. CLOSET Sam looks around and sees a metal hanger. He grabs it. INT. LIVINGROOM JACK I guess psychopaths don't have to explain themselves. He looks over at Dean and slowly begins to move along his body. Sam (V.O): Listen to me. You gotta believe me. INT. CLOSET Sam: My brother and I, we never would have hurt her, okay? INT. LIVINGROOM JACK comes up by Dean's face, who's still knocked out. With a shaking hand, JACK reaches out and dips his fingers in the little pool of blood that has formed by Dean's head. He turns his hand over, looking at the blood on his finger. He then sucks it off, enjoying the taste. He begins to rock back and forth. JACK Oh, God. I'm so hungry. INT. CLOSET Sam has used the metalwired hanger and re-formed it so he can pick the lock. Sam: Jack, don't do this. He bends down and goes for the lock. INT. LIVINGROOM JACK turns towards the closetdoor. JACK I can't ever see my family again. INT. CLOSET Sam works the lock. INT. LIVINGROOM JACK turns back to Dean. JACK You two... your friend. You made me into this! INT. CLOSET Sam is still working on the lock. Sam: No one's making you k*ll us. The lock won't agree with him and he takes down his hands for a moment. Sam: Listen to me. INT. LIVINGROOM JACK is looking up at the ceiling and then he looks down again as Sam speaks. Sam (V.O): You got this dark pit inside you. I know. INT. CLOSET Sam is leaning against the door again, with his eyes closed. Sam: Believe me, I know. He opens his eyes. Sam: But that doesn't mean you have to fall into it. You don't have to be a monster. He begins to work on the lock again. INT. LIVINGROOM JACK laughs at that. JACK Have you seen me lately? Sam (V.O): It doesn't matter what you are. INT. CLOSET Sam: It only matters what you do. It's your choice. INT. LIVINGROOM JACK sits still for a moment and then he grunts in pain. Then he begins to move up to Dean's head again, with his mouth open, looking like he's slowly going down the road of eating Dean. Dean slowly begins to wake up now. JACK puts a hand on his shoulder, eyes completely fixed upon Dean. We suddenly hear a door slam open. Sam: Jack! JACK whips around towards the closetdoor, and we see Sam standing there, flamethrower and lighter in hands, ready. JACK sits still for a moment, like he decides something, while Sam is only watching him. Then he lunges for Sam and as Dean slowly lifts his head and is slowly turning it around over his shoulder we hear Sam flip the lighter and the flamethrower goes off. Dean turns his head back around, to shield it. And then he turns back and watches while Sam burns JACK alive. JACK finally falls to the floor, in flames. Dean looks over at Sam, who's sad by this outcome. Defeated even. END ACT FOUR EXT. Impala - NIGHT The Impala comes down a road, fast. INT. Impala They're driving under silence, Dean behind the wheels. He looks over at Sam who's just staring out the window. Dean turns back to the road. Dean: You did the right thing, you know. That guy was a monster, there was no going back. Sam doesn't respond, he only lowers his head. Dean: Sam, I wanna tell you I'm sorry. I've been kind of hard on you lately. Sam lifts his head again, looking out, and he looks so broken. Sam: Don't worry about it, Dean. Dean: It's just that your, uh, your psychic thing, it scares the crap out of me. Sam: Look, if it's all the Same... I'd really rather not talk about it. He looks over at Dean. Dean looks back at him and a little smile plays on his lips. Dean: Wait a minute. What? You don't want to talk? You? Sam doesn't reply to the smile or joke. Sam: There's nothing more to say. I can't keep explaining myself to you. I can't make you understand. Dean: Why don't you try? Sam: I can't. Because this thing, this blood, it's not in you the way it's in me. It's just something I got to deal with. Dean: Not alone. Sam sighs and looks out through the passengerwindow and we see him reflected in it. He's silent for a while. Sam: Anyway, it doesn't matter. These powers... it's playing with f*re. I'm done with them. Dean looks over at him. Sam: I'm done with everything. Dean: Really? Sam continues to look out his window and Dean turns back to the road. Dean: Well, that's a relief. Thank you. Sam turns around to him and scoffs a little. Sam: Don't thank me. I'm not doing it for you. Or for the angels or for anybody. This is my choice. END EPISODE
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "04x04 - Metamorphosis"}
Air Date: 16 Oct 2008 Pan down from the full moon. The impala drives down a road lined with trees and past a sign saying WELCOME TO PENSYLVANIA, lightening flashes, for an instant the sign reads WELCOME TO TRANSYLVANIA. Dean (FIDDLING WITH THE Radio) The radio around here sucks. Sam: Come on man. Dean: Jobs don't get much sweeter than this, you know? Dean: d*ad vic with a gnawed-On neck, body drained of blood, and a witness who swears up and down that it was a vampire. Sam: No, I -- I agree. It's a hell of a case. Dean: A little more gusto, please. Sam: It's just...The world is coming to an end. Things are a little complicated, you know? Dean: Yeah, well, we can't save the world, not today anyway. But what we can do is chop off some vamps' heads.Come on, man, it's like the good old days, an honest-To-Goodness monster hunt. It's about time the Winchesters got back to tackling. A straightforward, black-And-white case. Fade out on the impala. Polka music plays. Montague of the village. Band playing in a gazebo. Man takes picture of girl in barmaid costume. Pan to sign reading OKTOBERFEST 2008. Sam and Dean adjust their suits after exiting the impala and walk forward. Dean: We still got to see the new "Raiders" movie. Sam: Saw it. Dean (incredulous) Without me? Sam: You were in hell. Dean: That's no excuse. (looks off screen) Big pretzel! Sam (smiles and shakes head) Dean (accepting two pretzels from vendor) Thank you. (Dean hands Sam pretzel) Sam: Thank you. (Both take a bite of their pretzels.) JAMIE Guten tag. Dean (with mouth full) "Guten tag" yourself. Sam (chewing) Mmm, (cut to an old man in a Sheriff uniform then back to Sam) looks like that's our man. Sam: Sheriff Dietrich. Sheriff DIETRICH Are you the boys from the fed? Sam: Angent Anges and Young. (They show badges.) Sam: We called ahead about your, uh, problem. Sheriff DIETRICH Right. Um...I'll tell you what, why don't we talk this out away from the crowd, huh? Cut to MORGUE. Door opens and body is slide out covered with a sheet. Sheriff DIETRICH (drawing back sheet) Marissa Wright, 26,just up from Lockhard for the 'fest.Terrible. Just terrible. It's the last thing is town needs at peak tourist season. Sam: Definitely the last thing Marissa Wright needed. (tight smile) Dean: (turns the body's head and sees two dark puncture marks on her neck like a vampire bite) What the hell? Sheriff DIETRICH Yeah, you got me -- I mean, this k*ller's some kind of grade-"A" wacko, right? I mean, some satan-Worshipping, Anne Rice-Reading, gothic, psycho vampire wannabe. Dean: Sheriff, in your report, you mentioned a witness. Sheriff DIETRICH Yeah,I wished I didn't. (huff) But our witness insisted. That's Ed Brewer. Not exactly what you'd call reliable. EXT. bar with waitresses dressed in Oktoberfest costume. Sam and Dean walk to the bar. JAMIE hands two beer glasses to LUCY another waitress. JAMIE I remember you. Dean: And I remember you... (peers at nametag) "Jamie." (smile) I never forget a pretty...everything. Sam: We're looking for Ed Brewer. JAMIE What do you want with Ed? (crosses arms) \ Dean: Well, we are, uh...federal agents (they show her their badges) Mr. Brewer was witness to a serious crime. JAMIE (disbelievingly) You're a fed? Wow, you don't come on like a fed. (frowns) Seriously? Dean: (grinning, leaning forward on the bar toward JAMIE) I'm a maverick, ma'am. A rebel with a badge. One thing I don't play by -- The rules. Sam: (irritated smile) Okay, maverick. (looking at JAMIE) So, where can we find Mr. Brewer? Ed BREWER uncaps beer stein and drinks. Ed BREWER I told the cops everything I saw. No one believes me. (pointing at them) Why should you be any different? Dean: Believe me, Mr. Brewer, we're different. BREWER I spoke the God's honest truth. And now, I'm the town is a joke. Sam: Marissa Wright's m*rder is no joke to us. And we want to hear everything, No matter how strange it may seem. Dean: We have a lot of experience with strange. BREWER uncaps beer stein and drink. BREWER It was just after midnight. I just left here, and like I do every night, (walks his fingers along the table) I cut through the park on the way home. At first, I thought it was a couple kissing. (softly) But she was... struggling too much. And this man, He was -- Well, he was biting her neck. Sam: Can you describe her assailant? BREWER Oh, he was a vampire. Dean: Okay, right. And by that, you mean -- BREWER You know, a vampire. Dean: -Uh-Huh. -Yeah. (prodding) So, he looked like -- BREWER He looked like a vampire, You know, with the fangs and the slicked-Back hair (demonstrates with his hair) 0 And the fancy cape And the little medallion thingy on the ribbon. Dean: You mean like a dracula? BREWER (happily) Exactly. Like a dracula. Right down to the accent. Sam: -The ac. BREWER -Yep. Sam: What did he say? BREWER You know, something like.. [Hungarian accent](arm raised over his face as if he has a cape on) "Stay away, mortal! The night is mine!" (nervous) You do believe me, don't you? Cut to JAMIE and LUCY at the bar. JAMIE They must be here following up on that m*rder woman. LUCY Crazy Ed and vampire story. JAMIE He might be weird, but he's not crazy. LUCY Look, you're just saying that 'Cause the guy has a crush on you and he tips you in $20s. Voice off stage Lucy. (LUCY blots her lips on a napkin. She leaves it on the bar as she leaves.) Dean: (walks up to the bar and smiles) So, you got a beer back there for me? JAMIE I don't know, agent Young. You off duty? Dean: And then some. (Sam comes up and picks up the napkin with LUCY's lipstick print on it. They lean against the bar facing the room) Dean: So, what do you think? Goth, psycho vampire wannabe, right? Sam: Definitely not our kind of case. Dean: Agreed. But who cares? (they walk toward a table) Room's paid for, and it's oktoberfest. Come on, brother. Beer and bar wenches. (they sit) Sam: Pretty sure women today don't react well to the whole "wench" thing, Dean. Dean: Hey, bar wench, where's that beer? JAMIE (sweetly) Coming up, good sir! Dean: (gleeful) Dude, oktoberfest. JAMIE There you go. (looking at Sam) What can I get you? Dean: Oh, he doesn't drink. He's a christian scientist. Doesn't even take aspirin. He's a real drag on stakeouts. (smiles at JAMIE) JAMIE You're funny. Dean: I'm a lot more than that. I'd love to get a chance to show you the rest. What time you get off? JAMIE Ha ha. Like I said, "funny." (walks off) Dean: Man, it is time to right some wrongs. Sam: Come again? Dean: Look at me. I came back from the furnace without any of my old scars, right? (listing off on his fingers) You know, b*llet wounds, Kn*fe cuts, (holds up his spread hand, wiggles the fingers) None of the off-Angled fingers from all the breaks. I mean, my hide is as smooth as a baby's bottom, Which leads me to conclude, Sadly... That my virginity is intact. Sam: (incredulous) What? Dean: -I have been re-Hymenated. (drinks) Sam: -Re-- Please. Dean, maybe angels can pull you out of hell, But no one could do that. Dean: Brother, I have been re-Hymenated. And the dude will not abide. Sam: All right, dude. (amused) Well, you go do whatever you got to do, And I'm gonna go back to the room And get some sleep. (leaves) Dean: (at the bar) So? How about tonight? JAMIE Oh, sorry. I promised Lucy a girls' night out. (Dean glances at LUCY) JAMIE Besides, no self-Respecting bar wench Lets herself get picked up by a customer on the first try. Dean: Well, I'm not a customer. I'm a federal agent. JAMIE (grins) Try again tomorrow, g-Man. Dean: I wish I could. I don't think we're staying on the case. JAMIE What? Is it too weird for you? Dean: Not weird enough. EXT. Car parked in secluded spot. It is foggy. Owl hoots. (Couple kissing) Anna-MARIE Rick. Did you hear that? Rick: What? Anna-MARIE It sounded like a wolf. Rick: Come on, Marie, don't change the subject. (coaxingly) I told you what could happen to a man if he doesn't -- Anna-MARIE Those stories aren't true. Rick: They are. Baby, If a man doesn't get the stuff out of his system regularly, It can back up and cause all kinds of... Medical-Type problems. (shadow of hands, then monster shadow on the car. Anna-MARIE and RICH are kissing) Anna-MARIE Shh, do you hear that? Rick: Anne marie, there aren't any wolves in pennsylvania. (WEREWOLF breaks window and pulls Rick out) Anna-MARIE (screams) EXT. next day Sam and Dean site across from Anna-MARIE at an outside table Anna-MARIE (sucks on a straw in a large cup. Sam and Dean exchange a look.) And then it just -- It just tore Rick into little pieces. Dean: Ma'am, we understand how hard this is, But can you describe the creature? Anna-MARIE (sucks on straw) Oh. It was a werewolf. Sam: A werewolf? You're sure? Oh, yeah. Anna-MARIE With the furry face and the black nose And the claws and the torn-Up pants and shirt, Like from the old movies. Sam: Um, well... Dean: Okay, so... Thank you for your time. (They leave. Anna-MARIE sucks on the straw, watches them) EXT. the Morgue (Sam looks at label then opens a storage drawer) Dean: First a dracula and now a full-On movie-Time wolf man? What the hell is going on in this town? Sam: (unzips body bag) -Ohh. -Whew. Dean: Damn! Sam: All right. (po Whatever did this wasn't a psycho wannabe. (poking around in the corpse, lifting a piece up with a pencil) Look at those bite marks. (pointing at corpse) Right down to the bone... And deeper. Dean: Strong enough to tear a healthy man apart limb from limb. Could be a werewolf. Sam: Yeah, except, look. The heart's still there in one piece. They never leave the heart behind. Dean: (annoyed) Thus I reiterate -- What the hell is going on? Sheriff: Well, I was hoping you boys could tell me. I just got a rush job back from the lab On those fibers we found on the body. (pulls out bag from envelop) Canine. Wolf hairs. Dean: (pitches the bridge of his nose) I'm getting a headache. EXT – the bar (Sam AND Dean sit at a table) Dean: I don't know, man. Looks like we've stumbled on To a midnight showing of "dracula meets wolf man." Is that it? (drinks) Sam: I don't know. I mean, wolf man seems real enough. It makes dracula seem a little less impossible, I guess. (chewing) Dean: Yeah, but werewolves don't grow wolf hair. -That's just a myth. Sam: -Yeah. Dean: So, what? We've got a vampire And a werewolf monster mashing this town? JAMIE (brining beer) Looked like you guys are staying a while. I heard about Rick Deacon. Dean: Yeah, this case just got weird enough for, Our department. JAMIE Well, beers are on me. And, just so you know, I get off at midnight tonight. Dean: Oh, it's not another, uh, girls' night out? JAMIE Doesn't have to be. Dean: Okay, then. I'll see you tonight. JAMIE Okay, then. (she leaves) Dean: Hey, you think this dracula could turn into a bat? That would be cool. EXT - Museum Guard: (talking on cell phone) That's right. Yeah, an Egyptian kind of deal. No, it was just sitting there on the loading dock. No, Doctor, there's no shipping invoice. There's no nothing. (sarcophagus lid begins to move) I don't know when it was deliver, it was here when I clocked in tonight. I thought you'd know what to do. Think Helen has any record of it in her files? (Guard turns and see a mummy rising from the sarcophagus, he stumbles back as the mummy leaves the sarcophagus and begins moving toward him.) Holy mother of crap! (Guard sh**t the mummy. It grabs his throat and lifts him up against the wall. Guard choking) No! CUT to the museum. The police are moving around. The Sheriff is seen talking to his men. Sam and Dean investigate the sarcophagus. Sam: This sarcophagus isn't ancient. (holding up tag) It's from a prop house in philly. Dean: Well... It goes well with the bucket of dry ice (holds up bucket) He was keeping in it. Sam: Is he making his own special effects? Dean: Yeah, a mummy with a good sense of showmanship. Sam: This is stupid. Dean: Oh, damn it. Jamie. I'm late. You're good here with the mummy and the... (waves hands) crazy Sam: -Yeah. -Yeah. JAMIE (standing outside bar looking at her watch) Your loss, g-Man. DRACULA [Hungarian accent ] Good evening. (swirls cap over his shoulder) (JAMIE runs DRACULA follows) DRACULA I have watched you many nights from afar. My passion knows no bounds?! You are the reincarnation of my beloved, (JAMIE fumbles in her purse) And I must have you. (JAMIE sprays DRACULA in the face and runs away) Mary, son of a... (DRACULA runs after JAMIE._ Dean: Jamie! (JAMIE crashes into Dean) (DRACULA appears) Dean: Son of a bitch. DRACULA You should not use such language In the presence of my bride. Dean: Okay. (punches DRACULA. They fight) Dean: Jamie, run! DRACULA You have no choice in the matter, Mr. Harker. Mina is mine. (tries to bite Dean) (Dean rips off DRACULA's ear. He flees. Dean persues. DRACULA leaps over a gate and escapes on a moped. ) INTERMISSION EXT- bar Sam: Hey. You guys all right? Dean: Yeah, I think so. And I think I know what's going on. (sets folded towel on the table) Sam: Yeah? Dean: Part of it at least. Sam: (opens the towel, DRACULA's ear is in the towel) Uh, the ear part? Dean: Ripped it off of dracula's head. Dean: Touch it. Feel familiar to you? Sam: Oh, man. Dean: The skin of a shapeshifter, Just like st. Louis and just like milwaukee. Of course this one's all holding buckets of crazy. Oh, and, uh... (Dean pulls out medallion from his jacket) I pulled this off during the fight. (hands it to Sam) Look at the label on the ribbon. Sam: (looks) It's a costume rental. Dean: All three monsters - The dracula, wolf man, and the mummy -- All the Same critter, Which means we need to catch this freak Before he "creature from the black lagoon's" somebody. JAMIE So, you guys are like mulder and scully or something, And the x files are real? Dean: (facetiously) No, "the x files" is a tv show. This is real. JAMIE Oh. (Dean drinks from a liquor glass) Sam: Okay, so, the stagecraft, the costuming -- Sam: It's like he's trying to reenact his favorite monster-Movie moments, Right down to the bloody m*rder. JAMIE Wait a second. Who the hell is Mina? Dean: -Mina? -Yeah. That's what he called Jamie. And he called me mr. Harker. Sam: Jonathan Harker? They're characters from the movies and the novels -- Mina, dracula's intended bride, Harker, the fiance Seems like he's fixating on you, Like he sees you as his bride. JAMIE Wow. Lucky me. Sam: But to fixate on you, My guess is that the shifter has to have seen you before or been around you. Dean: Jamie, has anybody strange come to town, Somebody that has taken a specific notice of you? JAMIE I don't know, Dean. It's oktoberfest. I'm a bartender. There's lots of people. I... Wait a second. There is Ed. Sam: "Ed Brewer" Ed? JAMIE Yeah. He moved here about a month ago. Lucy swears he has a crush on me. He comes in almost every night. But, you know, I don't think he's the type of guy -- Dean: Where does Ed live? JAMIE I don't know. But he works at the old movie theater. I think he's a projectionist there. Sam: -Take care of Mina? Dean: -Yep. (Sam leaves.) JAMIE (pacing in front of the booth Dean is sitting in) So, monsters are real. Dean: Some of them, yeah. JAMIE And the shapeshifter, He can turn into different people. Dean: Yeah. Yeah,except this one's turning into the great monsters of screenland, Which is a new one for me. JAMIE You're not really fbi, are you? Dean: Not so much. JAMIE So, this is what you do? You and your partner just tramp across the country On your own dime Until you find some horrible nightmare to fight? Dean: Some people paint. JAMIE Wow Dean: What? JAMIE That must suck. I mean, you're giving up your life for this terrible... I don't know, responsibility Dean: Last few years, I started thinking that way, And, uh, it started sort of weighing on me. Of course, that was before... (shifts uncomfortably) A little while ago, I had this -- It's called a near-Death experience. Very near. (JAMIE sits next to Dean) And, uh... ...when came to... Things were different. My life's been different. I realize that I help people. Not just help them, though. I save them. I guess it's -- It's awesome. It's kind of like gift... Like a mission. Kind of like a... a mission from god. JAMIE So, does that make you... Some kind of monk or something? You know, celibate? Dean: Man, I hope not. (They kiss) (Lights come up, they break apart) LUCY Holy crap. Oh, my god. Jamie. Guys, I'm -- I'm sorry. I thought you guys were going out. JAMIE Lucy, it's -- It's okay. -Uh, listen -- -You know what? LUCY I just -- I came to borrow a bottle. (holds bottle) I kind of got something going back at my... Anyway, uh, you guys look really busy, So I'm just gonna get out of your hair. JAMIE Seriously, Lucy, it's been a crazy night. Stay for a drink. Dean: Yeah. Stay for a drink. (JAMIE and Dean smile) Ext – movie theathe. (Phantom of the Opera is showing. Organ music swells as Sam walks in. Sam checks the clip in his g*n then walks towards a shadow of a man playing an organ. Ed BREWER switches the music to something happy) BREWER Whoa! (Sam pushes him against the organ and holds him at g*n point) You, fbi man -- What did I -- Sam: Shut up, okay, you know what you did. BREWER What? Sam: I know what you are. BREWER I'm not anything. I just like to play the casio. Sam: Had time to grow the ear back, huh? (grabs BREWER's ear and pulls) BREWER What?! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Sam: It's supposed to come off. BREWER No, it's not! EXT. - bar LUCY Oh, that sounds awful. Jamie, honey, are you okay? JAMIE Oh, I am fine. He didn't even touch me. Dean, he just blew right in and fought him off. Dean: Well, I didn't actually fly, But I'm sure it seemed that way at the time. (LUCY blots her lipstick) JAMIE (sounding sleepy) It was really, really something. Dean: Jamie? LUCY So, Dean, are you like a black belt or what? (Dean looks at his glass, it swims before his eyes) LUCY Well,I guess they train you to fight at the academy or whatever. (Dean leans across to punch LUCY. He pushes JAMIE out of the booth. They both stagger.) JAMIE Dean, what are you doing? (She passes out, falling back into the booth) Dean: It's you, isn't it? (LUCY pushes her jaw back into place. Dean kicks her again.) Dean: Oh, damn it! What did you put in the drinks?! (smashes bottle on the edge of table) That's all right. I'll skin you myself. (Dean passes out) LUCY And...scene. EXT – dungeon (Dean wearing an Oktoberfest costume is tied to an upright table) Dean: Oh, come on. (Dean looks at a portrait of a woman's face) DRACULA She is beautiful, No? Bride number three (he crosses to the woman's portrait) from the first film. She never got the acclaim that she deserved. (he caresses her face) Which is why I chose her shape, Her form to move among the mortals unnoticed, To listen to the cricket songs of the living. That is when I discovered my bride had been reborn In this century. Dean: I can't get over what a pumpkin-Pie-Eyed, Crazy son of a bitch you really are. You're not dracula. You get that, right? Or even if you think you are dracula, What the hell's up with the mummy?! DRACULA (punches Dean in the face) I am all monsters! Dean: Life ain't a movie, you sorry sack of – (DRACULA punches Dean in the face) Dean: Aah. DRACULA (pacing) Life is small. Meager messy The movies are grand,simple,elegant. I have chosen (he flings out his cape) elegance. Dean: You think "elegance" is really the word For what you did to Marissa or Rick Deacon Or any of the others?! DRACULA But of course. It is a monster movie, after all. Dean: You do realize what happens At the end of every monster movie? DRACULA Ah. But this movie is mine. And in it, the monster wins. The monster gets the girl. And the hero, he's...electrocuted. (DRACULA crosses to a large lever) And tonight, Jonathan Harker, (he grips the lever) You will be my hero. (Doorbell rings) Wait, wait, wait, wait. [ Chuckles nervously ] Please, excuse me. (DRACULA walks through a modern looking hallway) DRACULA Good evening. DELIVERY Boy Uh...pizza delivery. DRACULA Ah, you've brought a repast. Excellent. Continue to be of such service And your life will be spared. DELIVERY Boy Uh-Huh. (pulls out pizza from insulated bag and holds it out) That'll be $15.50. DRACULA Tell me... yeah? ...is there garlic on this pizza? DELIVERY Boy I don't know. Did you order garlic? DRACULA No! DELIVERY Boy Then no. (impatiently) Look, mister, I got four other deliveries to make. You want to just pay me the money so I can go? DRACULA Of course, yes, but I have a coupon. EXT – bar (Sam walks around) Sam: (on cell phone) Dean, hey, listen,uh,Ed is not our guy. Um, I'm guessing you're at home with Jamie, So just give me a call, okay? (Sam sees bottle on floor and napkin with lipstick print) Lucy. EXT – bedroom (JAMIE is laying on the bed) DRACULA You wake. (gestures to a white satin dress hanging by the bed) The gown -- It suits your beauty. Please, put it on. JAMIE Where am I? What have you done with Dean? DRACULA Harker is resting elsewhere. Please, put on the gown and you may dine. We are having pizza. JAMIE What? What is wrong with you? You made up Lucy, right? Pretended to be my friend. DRACULA I needed to know if you were the one. JAMIE You could try talking to people! But instead you become this? DRACULA Put on the gown. JAMIE I don't want to play your stupid game, okay? I just --I just want to go home. DRACULA (yelling) Put on the gown! EXT – front door of DrACULA's residence(lock is picked and Sam enters. He holds his g*n out at the ready) EXT – bedroom (JAMIE smooths the gown down her hips) DRACULA [ Normal voice ]I-I scared you. You were the only one I don't want to scare. (he turns so he can see JAMIE) I used to love the movies. JAMIE They aren't real. You can't make them real. DRACULA "Real" is being born this way. Different. "Real" is having your dad call you "monster" -- It's the first time you hear the word – (he turns away from JAMIE) And he tries to b*at you to death with a shovel. Everywhere I ran, everywhere I tried to hide, People found me, dagged me Called me "freak," called me "monster." Then I found them. (he turns back to JAMIE) The great monsters. In their movies,they were strong. They were feared. They were beautiful. And now I am like them. Commanding. [ Hungarian accent ]terrifying. JAMIE Lonely. DRACULA [ Normal voice ]was lonely. Now I -- I have you. JAMIE Ever think that maybe you're lonely Because you k*ll people? DRACULA Or I k*ll people because I'm lonely. (sound of something being knocked over) Did you hear that? JAMIE What? Dean? (yelling) Dean! (DRACULA hits her, knocking her out) EXT – dungeon. (Sam enters) Dean: Oh,thank god. Just in the nick of time. That guy was about to Frankenstein me. (Sam unties Dean) Sam: Hey there, Hansel. Dean: (points finger at Sam) Shut up! (Dean gestures for Sam to kick down the door. Sam puts his foot through the door) Sam: Let's go. EXT – bedroom (Sam opens the door and crosses to JAMIE lying on the bed.) DRACULA Aah! [ Hungarian accent ]you will never be van helsing! (DRACULA throws Sam through the wall.) (Dean att*cks him. They fight) DRACULA And you, Harker, now you die. Dean: How 'bout now you shut the hell up? (Dean is thrown to the ground, DRACULA raises his arms, about to go in for the k*ll. g*n sh**t.) DRACULA Silver? (he turns to see JAMIE holding the g*n) It was beauty that k*lled the beast. (he staggers) No, Mina, do not weep. (falls into a chair) Perhaps this is how The movie should end. (Fade in on DRACULA's slumped form in the chair) EXT – town square. (Dean and JAMIE kissing) JAMIE Well, thank you, g-Man. You have been a great service (kiss) to your country (kiss) Dean: Oh, yes, (kiss) I'm very, very patriotic. (Sam standing behind Dean. Dean looks over his shoulder at him. Sam smiles tensely. Dean turns back to JAMIE) Dean: Bye. JAMIE Bye. (Dean and Sam begin to walk away) JAMIE You guys (they pause and turn back to her) saved my life, you know? So, thanks. (she leaves) Sam: I like her. Dean: Feels good to be back on the job, doesn't it? Sam: Yeah, it does. Dean: The hero gets the girl, Monster gets the gets all in all, happy ending -- With a happy ending, no less. Sam: [ Chuckles ]real classy, Dean. Dean: Hey, all I'm saying is The shifter man had a point, you know? It would be nice if life was movie simple. Although, if I was turning life into a movie, I wouldn't do this "Abbott and Costello meet the monster" crap. Sam: Yeah. No, I know what you'd pick. Dean: [ Chuckles ]No, you don't. Sam: Yeah, I do. Dean: No. You don't. You don't! Sam: "Porky's II." Dean What? Sam: You heard me. Dean: Lucky guess.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "04x05 - Monster Movie"}
Air Date: 23 Oct 2008 EXT. ROAD – NIGHT Dean is seen running on the road, hearing growling and barking noises behind him. He turns around a corner, runs into a shopping cart and falls to the ground. He sees a homeless man rummaging through a garbage bin. Dean: Run! It'll k*ll you! (pointing) Camera pans away from Dean to the homeless man, then to a pink-ribboned Yorkie. Dean starts running while shouting at the Same time. END Teaser 43 HOURS EARLIER INT. MORGUE – DAY Coroner opens a body bag. CORONER Agent Tyler, Agent Perry, meet Frank O'Brien. Sam: He died of a heart att*ck, right? CORONER Three days ago. Sam: But O'Brien was 44 years old and, according to this ­ a marathon runner. CORONER Everybody drops d*ad sooner or later. It's why I got job security. Dean: Yeah, but Frank kicked it here. Now, just yesterday, two perfectly healthy men bit it in Maumee. All heart att*cks, you don't think that's strange? CORONER Sounds like Maumee's problem to me. Why's the FBI give a damn, anyway? Dean: We just want to see the results of Frank's autopsy. CORONER What autopsy? Dean: The one you're gonna do. Coroner cuts open the d*ad body. CORONER First d*ad body? Dean: Far from it. CORONER Oh, good. Because these suckers can get pretty ripe. Hey, hand me those rib cutters, would you? Sam takes a fortifying breath while Dean picks up the cutters and hands it to the Coroner. Coroner cuts the ribs open while Sam keeps himself from squirming. Dean: Is that from a wedding ring? I didn't think Frank was married. CORONER Ain't my department. Sam: Any idea how he got these? (picks up Frank's arm which is full of scratches) CORONER You know what? When you drop d*ad, you actually tend to drop. Body probably got scraped up when it h*t the ground. Huh! Sam: What? CORONER I-I can't find any blockages in any of the major arteries. Coroner breaks off the heart while Dean tries not to vomit. CORONER Heart looks pretty damn healthy. (Hands heart to Dean) Hold that a second, would you? (Sam smirks on the side) Coroner cuts something else in the body. CORONER (Hits Sam's face with blood) Oh, sorry. Spleen juice. (Dean smirks) INT. Sheriff's STATION – DAY Sam & Dean sitting down in front of Deputy's desk, waiting. Deputy smiles at Dean. Sheriff opens his office door. Sheriff: Hell's bells, Linus, have you seen my... Who are they? (Sam & Dean stands) Deputy LINUS Federal agents. I, uh... Sheriff: And you kept them waiting? Deputy LINUS You, you said not to disturb. Sheriff: Come on back, fellas. Sam & Dean walk over to Sheriff's office but Sheriff stops them. Sheriff: Shoes off. Sam & Dean take their shoes off and walk into Sheriff's office. Sheriff BRITTON Al Britton. Good to meet you. (shakes Dean & Sam's hands) Sam: You too. Sheriff gestures for Sam & Dean to sit down. Sam: Thank you. Sheriff takes out alcohol gel and start slathering his hands. Dean looks at Sam with a weird look on his face. Sheriff BRITTON Okay. So, what can I do for uncle Sam? Sam: Well, we're looking into the death of Frank O'Brien. We understand some of your men found his body. Sheriff BRITTON They did. Me and Frank, we were friends. Hell, we were gamecocks. Dean snickers. Sheriff gives him a stern look. Dean looks abashed. Sheriff BRITTON That's our softball team's name. (Dean nods) They're majestic animals. I knew Frank since high school. To be honest, I just this morning got up the strength to go see him. Frank was...He was a good man. Dean: Yeah. Big heart. Sam: Before he died, did you notice frank acting strange? Maybe scared of something? Sheriff BRITTON Oh hell, yeah. Real jumpy. Sam: You know what scared him? Sheriff BRITTON No. Wouldn't answer his phone. Finally, I sent some of my boys over to check on him, and well, you know the rest. Sheriff starts and pours alcohol gel on his hands again. Dean looks at Sam with a what "WTF?" look on his face. Sheriff BRITTON (Slathering gel on his hands) So, why the Feds give a crap? You don't really think there's a case here? Dean: (Looks at Sam) No, no. It's probably nothing. Just a heart att*ck. EXT. Sam & Dean WALKING - DAY Dean: No way that was a heart att*ck. Sam: Definitely no way. Three victims, all with those Same red scratches. All went from jittery to terrified to d*ad within 48 hours. Dean: Something scared them to death? Sam: All right, so what can do that? Dean: What can't? Ghosts, vampires, chupacabra? It could be a hundred things. Sam: Yeah. So, we make a list and start crossing things off. Dean: Alright, who's the last person to see Frank O'Brien alive? Sam: Uh, his neighbour, Mark Hutchins. Dean: (Seeing something ahead) Hang on, hang on. Sam: What? Dean: (Facing Sam) I don't like the looks of those teenagers down there. (Sam looks around, sees teenagers talking near the Impala) Dean: Let's walk this way. (Crosses street while Sam stands with a perplexed look on his face) INT. NEIGHBOUR's HOUSE - DAY Mark HUTCHINS Tyler and Perry. Just like Aerosmith. Dean is looking around the room. Sam: Yeah, small world. So, the last time you saw Frank O'Brien? (Dean sees a big lizard and suddenly faces forward, swallowing) Mark HUTCHINS Monday, he was watching me from his window. I waved at him, but he just closed the curtains. Sam: Hmm. did you speak to him recently? Did he seem different? Uh, scared? Mark HUTCHINS Oh, totally. He was freaking out. Sam looks at Dean. Dean looks freaked out too. Dean: Do you know, uh..do you know what scared him? Mark HUTCHINS Well, yeah, witches. Sam: Witches? (Sam & Dean look at each other) Like...? Mark HUTCHINS Well, "Wizard of Oz" was on tv the other night, right? And he said that green bitch was totally out to get him. Sam: Anything else scare him? Mark HUTCHINS Everything else scared him. Al-Qaeda, ferrets, artificial sweetener. Those pez dispensers with their d*ad little eyes. Lots of stuff. (Dean looks around again at the animals inside the aquariums) Sam: So, tell me. What was Frank like? Mark HUTCHINS I mean, he's d*ad, you know? I-I don't want to hammer him but, he got better. Sam: He got better? Mark HUTCHINS Well, in high school he was, he was a dick. Sam: A dick? Mark HUTCHINS Like a bully. I mean, he probably taped half the town's butt cheeks together, Dean snickers. Mark HUTCHINS Mine included. Dean: So he pissed a lot of people off. You think anyone would have wanted to get revenge? Mark HUTCHINS Well, I don't...Frank had a heart att*ck, right? Sam: Just answer the question, sir. Mark HUTCHINS No, I don't think so. Like I said, he got better. And after what happened to his wife. Dean: His wife? So he was married. Mark HUTCHINS She died about 20 years ago. Frank was really broken up about it. Dean starts staring at the snake around Mark's neck. Mark notices. Mark HUTCHINS Don't be scared of Donny. He's a sweetheart. It's Marie you got to look out for. (Nods to couch) She smells fear. Albino snake creeps up from behind the couch. Dean sees it and gasps. Stays very still while it crawls down his lap. EXT. Impala – NIGHT Dean is sitting in the car reading while scratching on his left arm. Sam opens passenger door and climbs in. Sam: Hey. Any luck at the county clerk's office? Dean: I'm not sure I'd call it luck. Frank's wife, Jessie, was a manic-depressive. She went off her meds back in '88 and vanished. They found her two weeks later, three towns over. Strung up in her motel room, su1c1de. Sam: Any chance Frank helped her along to the other side? Dean: No, Frank was working the swing shift when she disappeared. Airtight alibi. (Turns on car) Driving in the middle of town. Dean: How was Frank's pad? Sam: Clean. Searched it top to bottom. No EMF, no hex bags, no sulphur. Dean: So probably no ghosts, no witches, no demons. Sam: Pfh... Dean: 3 down and 97 to go. Sam: Yeah. (Sees speed Dean is driving in) Dude, you're going 20. Dean: And? Sam: That's the speed limit. Dean: What? Safety's a crime now? Drives through intersection, past their hotel. Sam: Dude, where are you going? That was our hotel. Dean: Sam, I'm not gonna make a left-hand turn into oncoming traffic. I'm not suicidal. Sam gives Dean a confused look. Dean: Did I just say that? That was kind of weird. EMF goes off in the background. Sam: Do you hear something? (Takes out EMF meter, moves it from and to Dean where it makes a sound) Dean: Am I haunted? Am I haunted?! END ACT ONE EXT. IN FRONT OF Hotel – DAY Sam is on the phone talking to Bobby. Hears music from the Impala and walks towards it. See Dean lying on the front seat doing air drums to Eye of the Tiger. Bangs on the roof of the car and scares Dean. Dean: Dude. Look at this. (Shows scratches on arm) Sam: I just talked to Bobby. Dean: And? (Smells box of donuts and throws into car) Sam: (Looking perplexed at Dean ignoring the donuts) Um, well, you're not gonna like it. Dean: What? Sam: It's ghost sickness. Dean: Ghost sickness? Sam: Yeah. Dean: God, no. Sam: Yeah. Dean: I don't even know what that is. Sam: Okay. Some cultures believe that certain spirits can infect the living with a disease, which is why they stopped displaying bodies in houses and started taking them off to funeral homes. Dean: Okay, get to the good stuff. Sam: Symptoms are you get anxious... Dean: Yeah. Sam: Then scared, then really scared, then your heart gives out. Sound familiar? Dean: Yeah, but Sam, we haven't seen a ghost in weeks. Sam: Well, I doubt you caught it from a ghost. Look, once a spirit infects that first person, Ghost sickness can spread like any sickness through a cough, a handshake, whatever. It's like the flu. Now, Frank O'Brien was the first to die, which means he was probably the first infected. Patient zero. Dean: Our very own outbreak monkey. Sam: Right. Get this, Frank was in Maumee over the weekend. Softball tournament. Which is where he must have infected the other two victims. Dean: Were they gamecocks? Sam: Cornjerkers. Dean: So, ghosts infected Frank. He passed it on to the other guys and I got it from his corpse? Sam: Right. Dean: So now what, I have 48 hours before I go insane and my heart stops? Sam: More like 24. Dean: Super. Sam: Yeah. Dean: Well, why me? Why not you? I mean, you got h*t with the spleen juice. Sam: Yeah, um, you see Bobby and I have a theory about that too. Turns out all three victims shared a certain, uh, personality type. Frank was a bully. The other two victims, one was a vice principal, the other was a bouncer. Dean: Okay. Sam: Basically, they were all dicks. Dean: So you're saying I'm a dick? Sam: No, no, no. It's not just that. All three victims used fear as a w*apon, and now this disease is just returning the favor. Dean: I don't scare people. Sam: Dean, all we do is scare people. Dean: Okay, well then, you're a dick too. Sam: Apparently, I'm not. Dean: Whatever. How do we stop it? Sam: We gank the ghost that started all this. We do that, the disease should clear up. Dean: You thinking Frank's wife? Sam: Who knows why she k*lled herself, you know? Hey, what are you doing waiting out here, anyway? Dean: (Looks up at the hotel) Our room's on the fourth floor. Sam looks and shakes head. Dean: It's...it's high. Sam: I'll see if I can move us down to the first. Dean: Thanks. Sam: Sure. Dean climbs into the Impala and looks at donuts. INT. Hotel ROOM – DAY Dean sits at table with book in front of him. Stares at wall clock ticking loudly in the background. Goes back to reading and starts coughing when he sees disturbing images. Sees words that seem to be talking to him and starts to panic. Irritatingly looks back at the clock. Scene fades to black with sound of something breaking in the background. Sam comes into room, sees broken clock on floor. Dean is on the sofa drinking beer. Sam: Everything all right? Dean: Oh,yeah. Just peachy. Find anything? Sam: Yeah, Jessie O'Brien's body was cremated, so I'm pretty sure she is not our ghost. Hey, quit picking at that. How you feeling? Dean: Awesome. It's nice to have my head on the chopping block again. I almost forgot what that feels like. Sam: Yeah. Dean: It's freaking delightful. Sam: We'll keep looking. Dean starts to cough. Sam: You okay? Hey! Dean starts to choke. Sam: Dean. Dean is gagging over the sink where he spits out a wood chip. Sam: We've been completely ignoring the biggest clue we have, you. Dean: I don't want to be a clue. Sam: The abrasions, this, the disease, it's trying to tell us something. Dean: Tell us what, wood chips? Sam: Exactly. EXT. OUTSIDE THE LUMBER MILL – DAY Dean looks at the mill apprehensively. Dean: I'm not going in there. Sam: I need backup, and you're all I've got. You're going in, Dean. Dean: (Takes a drink of whiskey) Let's do this. It is a little spooky, isn't it? Sam hands Dean a g*n. Dean: Oh, I'm not carrying that. It could go off. I'll man the flashlight. Sam: You do that. INT. INSIDE THE LUMBER MILL - DAY EMF goes off in the background. Dean: EMF's not gonna work with me around, is it? Sam: You don't say. Come on. Sam: Wait...(startles Dean). "To Frank. Love, Jessie." Frank O'Brien's ring. Dean: What the hell was Frank doing here? Sam: No idea. Walks into a room full of lockers where they hear rustling. Sam opens a locker and Dean screams after being startled by a cat. Dean: That was scary! (Sam walks away) Wait. Sam: (Looking at an ID card) Luther Garland. Dean: (Sees drawing on table) Hey, this is uh...this is Frank's wife. Sam: Plot thickens. Dean: Yeah, but into what? Dean tears off the drawing and machines turn on. Looking around he sees something in the corner. Sam looks at Dean and sees him looking behind him, he turns around and sees the Same thing. Sam: Hey! (Turns around and sees Dean running out the mill) Sam sh**t the apparition and goes after Dean who is hiding behind the Impala taking another drink. Sam: Guess we got the right place. END ACT TWO INT. Sheriff's STATION – DAY Deputy LINUS (Hands folder to Sam) This is the Garland file. (Sees Dean swaying) Is he...drunk? Sam: No. Deputy, according to this, Luther Garland's cause of death was physical trauma. What does that mean? Deputy LINUS The guy died 20 years ago, before my time. Sorry. Sam: Then can we talk to the Sheriff? Deputy LINUS Um, he's out sick today. Sam: Well, if you see him, will you have him call us? We're staying at the Bluebird. Mind if I take this? Dean: Know what? You're awesome. Deputy LINUS Thanks. Um, y-you too, I guess. Sheriff BRITTON (Over the intercom) Who was that? Deputy LINUS It's uh, those FBI guys. Sheriff BRITTON What did they want? Deputy LINUS A file, Luther Garland's. Sheriff? Inside Sheriff Britton's office. (Voice OVER) Sheriff BRITTON They know. They know. They know what you did, and they're gonna make you pay. INT. PEACEFUL PINES ASSISTED LIVING – NIGHT Sam & Dean are walking inside. Dean is startled by a resident that they bump into in the hallway. Dean: This isn't gonna work. Come on, these badges are fake. What if we get busted? We could go to jail. Sam: Dean, shh! Calm down. Deep breath, okay? (Dean takes a deep breath.) There. You feel better? (Dean shakes his head no.) Just come on. Don't scratch. Sam: Mr. Garland. Hi uh, I'm Agent Tyler. This is Agent Perry, FBI. We'd like to ask you a few questions about your brother Luther. Mr. GARLAND Let me see some I.D. Sam: Certainly. Dean: Those are real, obviously. I mean, who would pretend to be an FBI agent, huh? That's just nutty. Mr. GARLAND What do you want to know? Sam: Uh, well...according to this, your brother Luther died of physical trauma. (Mr. Garland scoffs) Sam: You don't agree. Mr. GARLAND No, I don't. Sam: Well, then, what would you call it? Mr. GARLAND Don't matter what an old man thinks. Sam: Mr. Garland. We're just trying to get the truth on your brother. Please. Mr. GARLAND Everybody was scared of Luther. They called him a monster. (FLASHBACK) He was too big, too mean-looking. Just too different. Didn't matter he was the kindest man I ever knew. Didn't matter he'd never hurt no one. (END FLASHBACK) A lot of people failed Luther. I was one of them. I was a widower with three young 'uns. And I told myself there was nothing I could do. Sam: Mr. Garland, um...do you recognize this woman? Mr. GARLAND It's Jessie O'Brien. Her man, Frank, k*lled Luther. Sam: How do you know that? Mr. GARLAND Everybody knows. They just don't talk about it. (FLASHBACK) Jessie was a receptionist at the mill. She was always real nice to Luther, and he had a crush on her. (END FLASHBACK) But Frank didn't like it. And when Jessie went missing, Frank was sure that Luther had done something to her. Turns out the old gal k*lled herself, but Frank didn't know that. (FLASHBACK OF LUTHER BEING DRAGGED) They found Luther with a chain wrapped around his neck. He was dragged up and down the stretch outside that plant till he was past d*ad. Dean: And O'Brien was never arrested? Mr. GARLAND I screamed to every cop in town. They didn't want to look into Frank. He was a pillar of the community. My brother was just the town freak. Sam: You must have hated Frank O'Brien. Mr. GARLAND I did for a long time, but life's too short for hate, son. And frank wasn't thinking straight. His wife had vanished, he was terrified. A damn shame he had to put Luther through the Same, but...that's fear. It spreads and spreads. EXT. PEACEFUL PINES - NIGHT Dean: Now we know what these are, road rash. And I'm guessing Luther swallowed some wood chips when he was being dragged down that road. Sam: Makes sense. You're experiencing his death in slow motion. Dean: Yeah well, not slow enough, huh? Say we burn some bones and get me healthy. Sam: Dean, it won't be that easy. Dean: No, no, it'll be that easy. Why wouldn't it be that easy? Sam: Luther was road-hauled. His body was ripped to pieces. He was probably scattered all over that road. There's no way we're gonna find all the remains. Dean: You're kidding me. Sam: Look, we'll just have to figure something else out. Dean: You know what? Screw this. Sam: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Dean. Dean: Come on. No, I mean, come on, Sam. What are we doing?! Sam: We're hunting a ghost. Dean: A ghost, exactly! Who does that? Sam: Us. Dean: Us? Right. And that Sam, that is exactly why our lives suck. I mean, come on, we hunt monsters! What the hell?! I mean, normal people, they see a monster, and they run. But not us, no, no, no, we -- we search out things that want to k*ll us. Yeah? Huh? Or eat us! You know who does that? Crazy people! We...are insane! You know, and then there's the bad diner food and then the skeevy motel rooms and then the truck-stop waitress with the bizarre rash. I mean, who wants this life, Sam? Huh? Seriously? Do you actually like being stuck in a car with me eight hours a day, every single day? I don't think so! I mean, I drive too fast. And I listen to the Same five albums over and over and over again, a-and I sing along. I'm annoying, I know that. And you --you're gassy! You eat half a burrito, and you get toxic! I mean, you know what? (tosses Sam the keys) You can forget it. Sam: Whoa, Dean. where are you going? Dean: Stay away from me Sam, okay? Cause I am done with it. I'm done with the monsters and -- and -- and the hellhounds and the ghost sickness and the damn apocalypse. I'm out. I'm done. Quit. Deans is walking when he hears growling behind him. INT. Hotel ROOM - NIGHT Sam: I looked everywhere for you, Dean. How the hell did you get here? Dean: Ran. What do we do now? I got less than four hours on the clock. I'm gonna die, Sammy. Sam: Yeah, you are. (Dean looks puzzled) You're going back. Dean: Back? Sam: Downstairs Dean, hell. It's about damn time, too. Truth is, (Sam turns to Dean with yellow-eyes) You've been a real pain in my ass. (Throws Dean against wall with a hand gesture) Dean: No! You get out of my brother, you evil son of a bitch! YELLOW-EYED Sam: No one's possessing me, Dean. This is what I'm going to become. This is what I want to become. There's nothing you can do about it. (Starts to choke Dean) Sam: Hey, hey, hey, Dean. Hey, Dean. Dean. Dean. END ACT THREE EXT. OUTSIDE LUMBER MILL – DAY Sam is sitting on the Impala as a car drives up. Bobby: Howdy, Sam. Sam: Hey, Bobby. Thanks for coming so quick. Bobby: Where's Dean? Sam: Uh, home sick. Scene shifts to Dean sitting inside the hotel watching TV. Dean: (Sees Pokey being lassoed and dragged) Oh, this isn't helping. Back to the lumber mill. Bobby: So, have his hallucinations started yet? Sam: Yeah, a few hours ago. Bobby: How we doing on time? Sam: We saw the coroner about 8:00 a.m. Monday morning, so, uh...just under two hours. What about you? You find anything? Bobby: This uh, encyclopaedia of spirits dates to the Edo period. (Gives Sam a book with Japanese text) Sam: You can read Japanese? Bobby: (Answers in Japanese) Sam: Guess so, show-off. Bobby: Anyway, this book lists a kind of ghost that could be our guy. It uh, infects people with fear. It's called a Buru Buru. Sam: It say how to k*ll it? Bobby: Same as usual. Burn the remains. Sam: Wonderful. Uh...is there a Plan "B"? Bobby: Well, the Buru Buru is born of fear. Hell, it is fear. And the lore says we can k*ll it with fear. Sam: So we have to scare a ghost to death? Bobby: Pretty much. Sam: How the hell we gonna do that? Back at the hotel room, Dean's cellphone rings. Dean: Hey. Sam: Hey! So, uh, just ride out the trip, okay? You're -- you're gonna be fine. We got a plan. Dean: What is it? Sam (Voice on phone) Uh, just a good plan, all right? Hang in there. Back at the mill. Bobby: This is a terrible plan. Sam: Yeah, tell me about it. Bobby: I know I said, "scare the ghost to death" but this? Sam: Hey, you got a better idea, I'm listening. Sam enters the mill when a hand comes up behind a glass window that shows Luther's reflection. Meanwhile, back at the hotel, Dean starts to hear barking. The door rattles then breaks off its hinges. Dean: Sheriff? (Sees g*n in Sheriff's hand) What are you doing? Sheriff BRITTON Why are you looking into Luther Garland's death? Dean: (Sees blood on Sheriff's right arm) Hey, hey, you're -- you're sick. You're sick. You're sick, all right? Just -- just like me, okay? You got to relax. Sheriff BRITTON (Hits Dean) Frank O'Brien was my friend. So he made a mistake. So I didn't bust him. So what? And you're gonna bring me down over that?! No, sir. (Points g*n at Dean but Dean swats it away) Fight ensues. Sheriff BRITTON (Voice OVER) They know what you did. Sheriff BRITTON (Starts to hyperventilate) Get away from me! Dean: Al, you got to calm down! Sheriff BRITTON Step back! (Is having a heart att*ck) Sheriff BRITTON (Voice OVER) They know... At the lumber mill. Bobby (OVER THE WALKIE TALKIE) Any luck? Sam: I don't know what's wrong, Bobby. Last time he came right at us. It's almost like he's, uh...like he's scared. (Puts down g*n) Bobby: So now what? Sam: I guess I got to make him angry. Hey, Luther! (Start to tear up drawings. Machines turn on) Come on, Luther! Where the hell are you? What are you waiting for? (Turns around and sees Luther) INT. Hotel Dean is sitting on the bed scratching his arms. Hears again what Sam said during his hallucination earlier. Sam (Voice OVER) You're going back. It's about damn time too. Hahahaha. Hears barking. Looks down on his watch and sees something on the floor. Picks it up and sees it's the Bible. Little Girl: Hi, Dean. Dean: Huh, no! No! Little Girl: Yes! It's me, Lilith. (Embraces Dean) Oh, I missed you so much. It's time to go back now. Dean: (Moves away from Lilith) You – you are not real! Lilith: What's the matter, Dean? Don't you remember all the fun you had down there? You do remember. 4 months is like 40 years in hell. Like doggy years. And you remember every second. Dean: (Clutches his chest) You are not real. Lilith: It doesn't matter. You're still gonna die. You're still gonna burn. Dean: Why me? Why'd I get infected? Lilith: Silly goose. You know why, Dean. Listen to your heart. Dean: Whu...? Lilith: Baboom, baboom, baboom, baboom. Back at the mill, Sam is fighting Luther's spirit. Scene shifts to hotel room with Lilith taunting Dean. Back again to the mill where Sam manages to wrap the chain around Luther's neck. Sam: Bobby, punch it! Bobby floors the Impala and pulls Luther's spirit across the road until he disappears. At the Same time Dean recovers in the hotel room. END ACT FOUR EXT. MIDDLE OF NOWHERE - DAY Dean: So you guys road-hauled a ghost with a chain? Sam: Iron chain etched with spell work. Dean: Hmm, that's a new one. Sam: It was what he was most afraid of. It was pretty brutal, though. Dean: On the upside, I'm still alive, so uh, go team! Sam: Yeah. How you feeling, by the way? Dean: Fine. Bobby: You sure, Dean? 'Cause this line of work can get awful scary. Dean: I'm fine. You want to go hunting? I'll hunt. I'll k*ll anything. Bobby: Awwww, he's adorable. I got to get out of here. You boys drive safe. Sam: You too, Bobby. Hey, thanks. Bobby drives off. Sam: So uh...so, what did you see? Near the end, I mean. Dean: Oh, besides a cop beating my ass? Sam: Seriously. Dean looks at Sam and sees a yellow flash in his eyes. Dean: Howler monkeys. Whole roomful of them. Those things creep the hell out of me. Sam: Right. Dean: No, just the usual stuff, Sammy. Nothing I can't handle. END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "04x06 - Yellow Fever"}
Air Date: 30 Oct 2008 SUBTITLE: Two Days Before Halloween EXT. WALLACE HOUSE – DAY A kid is putting a skull in front of a headstone on the lawn in the front yard, decorating for Halloween. A woman walks up with a big candy bucket in her left hand, and a pumpkin and grocery bag in the other. The woman walks up the stairs, onto the porch and into the house. INT. WALLACE KITCHEN – DAY A baby is being fed some orange baby food by a man. The woman walks in and sets the pumpkin on the counter along with the grocery bag. Mrs. WALLACE: Ooh – LUKE: How was the store? Mrs. WALLACE: Oh, madness. Mrs. WALLACE: Everyone in town was stocking up. ( She reaches over to the baby in the chair. ) Hi, sweetie. She walks over to a cupboard above the counter and opens it to put the pail of candy away. LUKE: Did, uh, you get enough? Mrs. WALLACE: Oh, hey, I had to arm wrestle Norma Bleaker for these. LUKE: Honey, she's 74. Mrs. WALLACE: And a lot stronger than she looks. ( LUKE reaches for the candy to take a piece, she swats his hand away. ) Ah-ah-ah, remember last year? We ran out at 6:30. LUKE: It's just one piece. He goes to reach for a piece again, and she swats his hand away again. Mrs. WALLACE: Ah-ah-ah-ah, you can have as much as you want after Halloween. Mrs. WALLACE: Who needs a bath? Huh? Huh? ( She lifts the baby out of the high chair.) Oh, there we go! ( She looks at LUKE ) You coming? LUKE: I'll uh, I'll be up in a minute. Mrs. WALLACE: Okay. After she leaves LUKE turns and opens the cupboard and gets a piece of candy. LUKE: Oh – He pulls out his fingers and there is blood on them. He reaches back in, moaning in pain as he pulls a double sided razor free and takes it out of his mouth, blood coming out of the cut as he does. When he looks at it, he starts to gag, and grabs the countertop as he leans over and starts spitting blood. He spits out another razor blade and continues to spit blood and kneel over. LUKE spits another razor blade and falls down onto the floor. Mrs. WALLACE: Luke, what's taking you so long? She walks back in holding the baby and sees him on the floor, blood starting to pool around his open mouth, and his eyes staring blankly. Mrs. WALLACE: Oh, my God. Oh, my God! She screams. INT. WALLACE KITCHEN – DAY Sam: Now how many razor blades did they find? SUBTITLE: One Day Before Halloween Mrs. WALLACE sighs, and responds nearly in tears. Mrs. WALLACE: Two on the floor, one in his stomach and one was stuck in his throat. He swallowed four of them. How is that even possible? She notices Dean looking around the front of the stove and in the oven door. Mrs. WALLACE: The candy was never in the oven. Dean: We just have to be thorough, Mrs. Wallace. Sam: Did the police find any razors in the rest of the candy? Mrs. WALLACE: No, I mean, I don't think so. Mrs. WALLACE: I just – I can't believe it. You hear urban legends about this stuff, but it actually happens? Sam: More than you might imagine. Dean emerges from the floor, and shows Sam a hex bag, behind Mrs. WALLACE's back so she can't see, and makes sure to keep her from seeing it. Sam sighs and looks at Mrs. WALLACE. Sam: Mrs. Wallace, did Luke have any enemies? Mrs. WALLACE: Enemies? Sam: Anyone who might have held a grudge against him? Mrs. WALLACE: What do you mean? Sam: Co-workers? Neighbors? Maybe a woman. Mrs. WALLACE gets what Sam means and gets offended. Mrs. WALLACE: Are you suggesting an affair? Sam: Is it possible? Mrs. WALLACE: No! No, Luke would nev– Sam: I'm very sorry. We just have to consider all possibilities. Mrs. WALLACE: If someone wanted to k*ll my husband, don't you think they'd find a better way than a razor in a piece of candy he might eat? Sam looks over at Dean, who raises his eyes at Sam. INT. MOTEL ROOM – DAY Sam is sitting on a couch, with his laptop and a few books on the coffee table in front of him, flipping the pages of the books. He picks up something from the hex bag that looks organic, and holds it up. Dean enters the room and tosses his keys on the table under the window, and unwraps a piece of candy before tossing it in his mouth. Sam sees him do this. Sam: Really? After that guy choked down all those razor blades? Dean: It's Halloween, man. Sam: Yeah, for us every day is Halloween. Dean sits down on the arm of the couch and looks at Sam's research. Dean: Don't be a downer. Anything interesting? Sam: Well, we're on a witch hunt, that's for sure, but this isn't your typical hex bag. Sam indicates the hex bag that is open now on the table. There is a silver piece, the size of a coin, and something small and charred in addition to the organic thing (looks like a dried up flower). Dean: Hmm, no? Sam picks up the dried up flower looking piece. Sam: Goldthread, an herb that's been extinct for two hundred years. And this – ( He picks up the silver piece ) is Celtic, and I don't mean some new age knock-off. It looks like the real deal, like 600 years old real. Dean has picked up the small charred thing and smells it. Sam: And um… that is the charred metacarpal bone of a newborn baby. Dean: Ugh. He puts the bone down, and looks disgusted. Dean: Gross. Sam picks up the bone. Sam: Relax man, it's like, at least a hundred years old. Dean: Oh, right, like that makes it better? Witches, man, they're so friggin' skeevy. Dean moves over to the chair next to the couch and sits down. Sam: Yeah, well it takes a pretty powerful one to put a bag like this together. More juice than we've ever dealt with, that's for sure. What about you? Find anything on the victim? Dean: This Luke Wallace? He was so vanilla that he made vanilla seem spicy. Sam scoffs at their lack of leads. Dean: I can't find any reason why somebody would want this guy d*ad. INT. BASEMENT – NIGHT There is a party going on of high school aged kids. Two girls (the one dressed in a nurse outfit is JENNY and the one dressed in a cheerleader outfit is Tracy) walk through the party, and a guy dressed in full costume walks between them, bumping into them. GUY: Hey. JENNY: This party blows. We should just go TP somebody. Tracy looks at her, but turns around and sees someone and walks over. Tracy: Uh, hey Justin. JUSTIN: Yo. Tracy: You break into the booze yet? JUSTIN: Uh, it's triple locked. So, you guys going to that mausoleum party tomorrow night? JENNY: Are you gonna be there? JUSTIN: It's gonna be rad. I'm gonna get so baked! He laughs and JENNY, trying to be flirty, laughs along with him. JENNY: Well, it's gotta be better than this G-rated assfest. Tracy: Oh, come on, it's not that bad. ( She turns and notices a tub with water and apples in it ) Oh, check it out. JUSTIN: Okay, bobbing for apples is lame. Tracy: Oh, come on, it's Halloween. JUSTIN: Mmm… lame. Tracy gives him a look, and turns back around, kneeling down in front of the tub, and holds her hair as she bobs for an apple and gets one on the first try, her short cheerleader skirt coming up in the process. Tracy turns around in victory, and takes a bit out of the apple. JUSTIN: I stand corrected. JENNY: Well, I wanna try. Tracy goes back and stands next to JUSTIN. JENNY goes to the tub, kneels down, and tries, but can't get an apple. She tries again, and misses. The third time she tries, her face gets stuck under the water. JUSTIN: Wow, she can really hold her breath. Tracy laughs at him, but JENNY still doesn't come up, and starts to struggle, her heels scraping across the floor trying to get some leverage. Tracy and JUSTIN finally realize something is wrong, and Tracy goes over to the tub and kneels beside JENNY. Tracy: Jenny? JENNY continues to struggle to no avail, and Tracy turns around to JUSTIN. Tracy: Help me! JUSTIN goes to help Tracy. Tracy: Jenny, what's wrong? Tracy and JUSTIN continue to pull JENNY, but can't get her head above the water. Tracy: Help! JUSTIN tries to pry JENNY's hand off the side of the tub, but can't get it loose either. JUSTIN: Come on, let go. The water in the tub starts to bubble and steam rises off the surface. JUSTIN: What is happening? Tracy: Jenny, come on! JENNY screams under the water and her face turns red as she struggles. Tracy: Help! Jenny! Jenny! JENNY stops struggling. Tracy: Jenny. JUSTIN pulls JENNY up out of the water, and her face is boiled. JUSTIN: Oh, oh my God. Tracy holds her mouth and stares at JENNY. [i]INT. BASEMENT – NIGHT[i] Sam and Dean come down the stairs to the scene of the crime, where JENNY was k*lled. There is a guy with a ‘Forensic' jacket on taking pictures of the bobbing for apples tub, and a police officer talking to Tracy. Police Officer: Have you been drinking? Tracy: Yes. Sam goes to join the questioning and Dean puts his hand up stopping him. Dean: I got this one. Dean licks his lips, and Sam sighs. Sam: Two words: jail bait. Dean: I would never – Sam just rolls his eyes at Dean and walks over to the couch and starts lifting the cushions, looking for a hex bag. Dean smirks behind Sam's back. Tracy: It's just so weird. The water in the tub – it wasn't hot, I had just been in there myself. Dean: Your friend didn't happen to know a man named Luke Wallace? Tracy turns to Dean, and he holds up a badge. Dean: Agent Seger, F.B.I. Tracy: Um, who's Luke Wallace? Dean: He died yesterday. Tracy: I don't know who that is. Sam holds up a hex bag that he has found in the couch cushions. Dean nods at him and looks down at Tracy. [i]INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT[i] Dean is on the computer at the table. Sam is lying on the bed looking through books. Sam sits up, looking intently at a book he is reading. Dean: I'm telling you, both these vics are squeaky clean. There is no reason for a wicked bitch payback. Sam: Maybe cause it's not about that. Dean looks at him questioningly. Dean: Wow, insightful. Sam: Maybe this witch isn't working the grudge, maybe they're working a spell. Check this out. Sam reads from the book. Sam: Three blood sacrifices over three days, the last before midnight on the final day of the final harvest. Celtic Calendar, the final day of the final harvest is October 31st. Sam hands Dean the book. Dean: Halloween. Sam: Exactly. Dean: What exactly are the, uh, blood sacrifices for? Sam: Uh, if I'm right, this witch is summoning a demon, and not just any demon – Samhain. Dean: Am I supposed to be impressed? Sam: Dean, Samhain is the damn origin of Halloween. The Celts believe that October 31st was the one night of the year when the veil was the thinnest between the living and the d*ad, and it was Samhain's night. I mean, masks were put on to hide from him, sweets left on doorsteps to appease him, faces carved into pumpkins to worship him. He was exorcised centuries ago. Dean: So even though Samhain took a trip downstairs, the tradition stuck. Sam: Exactly, only now instead of demons and blood orgies Halloween is all about kids, candy and costumes. Dean: Okay, so some witch wants to raise Samhain and take back the night? Sam: Dean, this is serious. Dean: I am serious. Sam: We're talking heavyweight witchcraft. This ritual can only be performed every six hundred years. Dean: And the six hundred year marker rolls around…? Sam: Tomorrow night. Dean: Naturally. Dean looks down at the book he has flipped to a page showing a demon on a heap of bodies holding a head in his hand. Dean: Well it sure is a lot of death and destruction for one demon. Sam: That's because he likes company. Once he's raised, Samhain can do some raising of his own. Dean: Raising what, exactly? Sam: Dark, evil crap and lots of it, I mean, they follow him around like the friggin' Pied Piper. Dean: So we're talking ghosts. Sam: Yeah. Dean: Zombies. Sam: Mm-hmm. Dean: Leprechauns? Sam: Dean – Dean: Those little dudes are scary. Small hands. Sam: Look, it just starts with ghosts and ghouls, this sucker keeps on going, by night's end we are talking every awful thing we have ever seen. Everything we fight, all in one place. Dean: It's gonna be a slaughterhouse. [i]EXT. WALLACE HOUSE – DAY[i] Dean is sitting in the Impala outside of the house watching and eating candy. His cell phone starts to ring, and he pulls it out, flipping it open and looking at the caller ID before he answers. Dean: Hey. Sam is in the motel room, and has called Dean. The sh*ts switch between Sam in the MOTEL and Dean in the Impala. Sam: How's it going? Dean: Awesome, yeah, I talked with Mrs. Razor Blade again. I've been sitting out in front of her house for hours and I've got a big steAmy pile of nothing. Sam: Look Dean, someone planted those hex bags, someone with access to both houses. There's gotta be some connection. Dean: Yeah, well I hope we find ‘em soon cause I'm starting to cramp like a – Dean stops suddenly as he sees something. Dean: Son of a bitch. Across the street, Tracy is walking up to the WALLACE house. Sam (V.O): Quit whining. Dean: No, Sam, I mean, son of a bitch. Dean watches as Tracy walks up to the door, knocks, and Mrs. WALLACE opens it with the baby in her arms. Tracy: Hey. Mrs. WALLACE: Hi. Tracy: ( speaks to the baby ) Hi! [i]INT. MOTEL ROOM – DAY[i] Dean throws the motel room key, with a ‘MOONLIGHT MOTEL 126' keychain on it, onto the table. Sam is lying on the bed with his laptop open. Sam: So, our apple bobbing cheerleader? Dean: Tracy? Sam: Mm-hmm? Dean: The Wallaces' babysitter. Told me she never even heard of Luke Wallace. Sam: Huh, interesting look for a centuries old witch. Dean: Yeah, well, if you were a six-hundred-year hag and you could pick any costume to come back in, wouldn't you go for a hot cheerleader? I would, hmm… Dean sits down on the other bed and gets lost in thought about that, and Sam looks at him furrowing his brow. Dean notices and raises his eyebrows at Sam innocently. Sam: Well, Tracy's not as wholesome as she looks. Did some digging – apparently she got into a violent altercation with one of her teachers, got suspended from school. Sam hands Dean the laptop, and we see what is on the screen. Next to a picture of Tracy are these notes: [i]NOTE: Student was suspended for a violent act on a teacher. STUDENT NAME Tracy Davis ADDRESS 27 Lirewenshire Lane PARENT NAME Jerome Walker Davis PARENT NAME Mary Jane Kanoli Davis STUDENT EMAIL tracydavis(a)kadsf.std2 PARENT EMAIL jwdavis(a)qerqwe.com GRADE 11 HOME ROOM Mr. Goldwyn COUNCELLOR Mrs. Parks EMERGENCY CONTACT Mary Davis 555-0892 EXT. HIGH SCHOOL – DAY[i] We see the front entrance of the high school. [i]INT. HIGH SCHOOL – DAY[i] Dean walks into a room full of art masks, and looks up. He sees a particular demonic looking one, and focuses on it. We hear the screams and screeching we have when Dean is dreaming since he got back from hell, signaling maybe the mask made him think of something from his time in hell. We see someone walk up behind Dean. Sam (V.O): Bring back memories? Dean: What do you mean? Sam: Being a teenager, all that angst. Dean sighs, a little relieved that Sam didn't see what was going on with Dean staring at the mask. Dean: Oh. Sam: What'd you think I meant? Dean: Nothing. Dean looks over at JUSTIN, who is putting a big bong-shaped piece into a kiln. Dean: Now that brings back memories. JUSTIN: Dude, I need a bigger kiln. A teacher comes around a corner (DON HARDING). DON: You gentlemen wanna talk to me? Sam: Ah, Mr. Harding. DON: Oh, please, Don. DON reaches for Sam's hand Sam: Okay, Don. DON reaches for Dean's hand next. DON: Even my students call me Don. Dean: Yeah, we get it, Don. Dean and Sam pull out their badges. Dean: I'm agent Getty, this is Agent Lee. We just had a few questions about, uh, Tracy Davis. DON: Uh, yeah, Tracy, uh, bright kid, loads of talent. It's a shame she got suspended. Dean: Uh, you two had a… uh, violent altercation. DON: Yeah, she exploded. If Principal Murrow hadn't walked by when he did, Tracy would have clawed my eyes out. Sam: Why? DON: I, uh, you know, I was only trying to rap with her about her work. It had gotten inappropriate and disturbing. Dean turns and indicates the angry masks hanging on the wall and the ceiling. Dean: More disturbing, than, uh, those guys? DON: She would cover page after page with these bizarre cryptic symbols, and then there were the drawings. DON: Detailed images of killings, gory, primitive, and she would depict herself in the middle of them, participating. Sam: Symbols, what kind of symbols? Uh, anything like this? Sam shows DON a small bag with the silver Celtic coin in it. DON: Yeah, yeah, I think that might have been one of them. Dean: You know where Tracy is now? DON: I would imagine her apartment. Dean: Her apartment? DON: Yeah, she got here about a year ago, alone, as I understood it, as an emancipated teen. God only knows what her parents were like. [i]EXT. MOONLIGHT MOTEL – DAY[i] Dean drives up and parks the car and gets out as Sam walks up to the passenger side of the Impala from another direction. Dean: So? Sam: Tracy was nowhere I could find. Any luck with her friends? Dean: Nah, luck is not our style. Her friends don't know where she is. It's like the bitch popped a broomstick. Dean and Sam make their way toward their motel room, and a kid dressed as an ASTRONAUT starts to walk toward them. Sam: She could be making the third sacrifice any time. Dean: Yes, thank you Sam. The ASTRONAUT walks up to them and holds up a bucket of candy. ASTRONAUT: Trick or treat. Dean: This is a motel. ASTRONAUT: So? Dean: So we don't have any candy. Sam: No, we have a ton in the uh… Sam looks back and points toward the Impala. Dean: We did, but it's gone. Sam looks at Dean, getting his meaning. The ASTRONAUT looks unimpressed and Dean looks down at him. Dean: Sorry kid, we can't help ya. ASTRONAUT: I want candy. Dean: Well, I think you've had enough. The ASTRONAUT glares at Dean, narrowing his eyes. As the ASTRONAUT walks past Dean he shoves into him and Dean puts his hands up. [i]INT. MOTEL ROOM – DAY[i] Sam enters their motel room and immediately draws his g*n, and moves forward in an offensive stance, ready to att*ck. Sam: Who are you?! Dean rushes in, and tries to stop Sam. Dean: Sam! Sam, wait! It's Castiel. Dean puts his hand on Sam's g*n and pushes it down, and Sam stands there stunned. Dean: The angel. Dean spots another figure in the room, standing by the window (URIEL). Dean: Him, I don't know. Sam looks at Castiel in wonder and a smile crosses his face. Castiel: Hello, Sam. Sam: Oh my God – er – uh – I didn't mean to – sorry. It's an honor, really, I – I've heard a lot about you. Sam steps forward and holds out his hand to shake Castiel's. Dean goes and closes the door to their room, and Castiel looks at Sam's hand like he isn't sure what to do with it. Sam shakes it a little, and Castiel finally understands and puts his right hand in Sam's. Castiel: And I, you. Sam Winchester – Castiel: The boy with the demon blood. Castiel: Glad to see you've ceased your extracurricular activities. URIEL is still facing the window, but speaks. URIEL: Let's keep it that way. Dean: Yeah, okay, Chuckles. Dean looks back at Castiel. Dean: Who's your friend? Castiel: This the raising of Samhain, have you stopped it? Dean: Why? Castiel: Dean, have you located the witch? Dean: Yes, we've located the witch. Castiel: And is the witch d*ad? Sam: No, but – Dean: We know who it is. Castiel walks over to the table by the bed. Castiel: Apparently the witch knows who you are too. Castiel picks up a hex bag and shows it to them. Castiel: This was inside the wall of your room. If we hadn't found it, surely one or both of you would be d*ad. Do you know where the witch is now? Dean and Sam exchange a look. Dean: We're working on it. Castiel: That's unfortunate. Dean: What do you care? Castiel: The raising of Samhain is one of the 66 seals. Dean: So this is about your buddy Lucifer. URIEL: Lucifer is no friend of ours. Dean: It's just an expression. Castiel: Lucifer cannot rise. The breaking of the seal must be prevented at all costs. Dean: Okay, great, well now that you're here, why don't you tell us where the witch is, we'll gank her and everybody goes home. Castiel: We are not omniscient. This witch is very powerful, she's cloaked even our methods. Sam: Okay, well we already know who she is, so if we work together – URIEL: Enough of this. Dean: Okay, who are you and why should I care? URIEL turns from the window and looks at Dean. Castiel: This is Uriel, he's what you might call a… specialist. URIEL walks toward them. Dean: What kind of specialist? What are you gonna do? Castiel: You – uh, both of you – you need to leave this town immediately. Dean: Why? Castiel: Because we're about to desTroy it. Sam and Dean exchange a worried glance. INT. MOTEL ROOM – DAY ( Same room as the last scene, a few seconds later. ) Dean: So this is your plan, you're gonna smite the whole friggin' town? Castiel: We're out of time. This witch has to die, the seal must be saved. Sam: There are a thousand people here. URIEL: One thousand two hundred fourteen. Sam: And you're willing to k*ll them all? URIEL: This isn't the first time I've… purified a city. Castiel: Look, I understand this is regrettable. Dean: Regrettable? Castiel: We have to hold the line. Too many seals have broken already. Dean: So you screw the pooch on some seals and this town has to pay the price? Castiel: It's the lives of one thousand against the lives of six billion. There's a bigger picture here. Dean: Right, cause you're bigger picture kind of guys. Castiel: Lucifer cannot rise. He does and hell rises with him. Is that something that you're willing to risk? Sam: We'll stop this witch before she summons anyone. Your seal won't be broken and no one has to die. URIEL: We're wasting time with these mud monkeys. Castiel turns away from Dean to URIEL. Castiel: I'm sorry, but we have our orders. Sam: No, you can't do this, you're angels, I mean aren't you supposed to – You're supposed to show mercy. URIEL: Says who? Castiel: We have no choice. Dean: Of course you have a choice. I mean, come on, what? You've never questioned a crap order, huh? What are you both, just a couple of hammers? Castiel: Look, even if you can't understand it, have faith. The plan is just. Sam: How can you even say that? Castiel: Because it comes from heaven, that makes it just. Dean: Oh, it must be nice, to be so sure of yourselves. Castiel: Tell me something, Dean, when your father gave you an order, didn't you obey? Dean looks at Castiel and takes a second. Dean: Well sorry boys, looks like the plans have changed. URIEL: You think you can stop us? Dean starts over and stands in URIEL's face. Dean: No, but if you're gonna smite this whole town, then you're gonna have to smite us with it, because we are not leaving. See, you went to the trouble of busting me out of hell. I figure I'm worth something to the man upstairs. So you wanna waste me, go ahead, see how he digs that. URIEL: I will drag you out of here myself. Dean: Yeah, but you'll have to k*ll me, then we're back to the Same problem. I mean, come on, you're gonna wipe out a whole town for one little witch. Sounds to me like you're compensating for something. Dean turns back and looks at Castiel. Dean: We can do this. We will find that witch and we will stop the summoning. URIEL: Castiel! I will not let these peop– Castiel holds up his hand at URIEL. Castiel: Enough! Castiel stares at Dean for a second. Castiel: I suggest you move quickly. EXT. MOONLIGHT MOTEL – DAY Dean and Sam walk up to the Impala, which is now splattered with eggs. Dean walks around to the driver's side as Sam opens the passenger side door. Dean looks around, very mad. Dean: Astronaut! INT. Impala – DAY Dean takes a seat next to Sam in the Impala, and sees that Sam looks upset. Dean: What? Sam: Nothing. Sam is holding the hex bag in his hands and takes a breath. Sam: I thought they'd be different. Dean: Who, the angels? Sam: Yeah. Dean: Well, I tried to tell ya. Sam: I just… I mean, I thought they'd be righteous. Dean: Well, they are righteous, I mean, that's kinda the problem. Of course there's nothing more dangerous than some a-hole who thinks he's on a holy mission. Sam: But, I mean, this is God? And Heaven? This is what I've been praying to? Dean: Look man, I know you're into the whole God thing, you know, Jesus on a tortilla and stuff like that. But just because there's a couple of bad apples doesn't mean the whole barrel's rotten. I mean, for all we know, God hates these jerks. Don't give up on this stuff, is all I'm saying. Babe Ruth was a dick but baseball's still a beautiful game. Sam looks at him, but still looks disappointed. He starts to go through the contents of the hex bag in his hand, and picks up the bone. Dean: Well, are you gonna figure out a way to find this witch, or are you just gonna sit there fingering your bone? Dean starts the Impala. Sam: You know how much heat it would take to char a bone like this, Dean? Dean: No. Sam: A lot, I mean, more than a f*re or some kitchen oven. Dean: Okay, Betty Crocker, what does that mean? Sam: It means we make a stop. INT. HIGH SCHOOL – DAY Dean walks over to a kiln in DON HARDING's classroom at the school. Sam goes over to DON's desk. Dean: So Tracy used the kiln to char the bone, what's the big deal? Sam is rifling through the stuff on DON's desk as Dean walks over. Sam: Dean, that hex bag turned up in our room, not after we talked to Tracy – Dean: After we talked to the teacher. Sam notices a bottom drawer of DON's desk is locked with a latch. Sam: Hey – Dean sees it too, and Sam gets a hammer off the table behind them and kneels down to h*t the lock until it breaks free. He opens the drawer where there are bones in a bowl, one charred, the others not. Sam straightens up. Sam: My God, those are all from children. Dean: And I'm guessing he's not saving them for the dog. EXT. PARK – DUSK Castiel is standing and URIEL is sitting on a park bench, as some children skip by in Halloween costumes. Castiel: The decision's been made. URIEL laughs. URIEL: By a mud monkey. Castiel: You shouldn't call them that. URIEL: Ah, it's what they are, savages, just plumbing on two legs. Castiel: You're close to blasphemy. URIEL sighs at him. Castiel: There's a reason we were sent to save him. He has potential, he may succeed here. Castiel sits down on the bench next to URIEL with a sigh. Castiel: And any rate, it's out of our hands. URIEL: It doesn't have to be. Castiel: And what would you suggest? URIEL: That we drag Dean Winchester out of here and then we blow this insignificant pinprick off the map. Castiel: You know our true orders. Are you prepared to disobey? URIEL just looks at him. EXT. STREET – NIGHT Kids are walking down the street in Halloween costumes with their parents. One small group walks up to a house and looks at the door, which is dark, and the mother dressed as a witch shakes her head at the little girl's hand she is holding. MOTHER: No, no we won't, let's try this one. EXT. BASEMENT – NIGHT DON starts an incantation and we see a rope. The camera pans down the rope and we see Tracy tied up with the rope and a rag wrapped around her mouth, stifling her cries as she struggles to get free. The camera swings around and shows the dark altar that DON is standing at. He takes a Kn*fe and a chalice from the table and walks over to Tracy. He runs the tip of the Kn*fe down her neck, not drawing blood, but staring at her. DON raises the Kn*fe above his head to s*ab her, and gets sh*t from behind three times. Dean and Sam have come, and Dean goes over to Tracy to untie her as Sam checks DON's body. Dean cuts Tracy down and she rips off the gag. Tracy: Thank you, he was gonna k*ll me! Ugh, that sick son of a bitch. I mean, did you see what he was doing? Did you hear him? How sloppy his incantation was? Dean and Sam look up. Tracy: My brother – Dean and Sam both go to draw their g*n again. Tracy: Always was a little dim. Tracy throws up her hand and yells an incantation and Dean and Sam fly back hitting the ground, and writhing around in pain. Tracy: He was gonna make me the final sacrifice, his idea, but now, that honor goes to him. Our master's return? The spellwork's a two man job you understand, so for six hundred years I had to deal with that pompous son of a bitch. Planning, preparing, unbearable. Tracy kneels down by DON and picks up the Kn*fe and the chalice. Tracy: The whole time I wanted to rip his face off. Tracy starts digging the Kn*fe into DON's b*llet wound, and holds the chalice up to catch the blood flow. She looks back over to Dean and Sam, who are still writhing in pain on the floor clutching their stomachs. Tracy: And you get him with a g*n, uh, love that. Tracy gets up and goes back to the altar on the table. Tracy: You know, back in the day, this was the one day you kept your children inside. Well tonight you'll all see what Halloween really is. Tracy starts another incantation and Sam, still clutching his stomach in pain, makes his way to Don's body, putting his hand in blood and smearing it on his face. Dean sees him and whispers. Dean: What are you doing? Sam: Just follow my lead. Sam spreads blood on Dean's face as well, and moves back away from DON. As Tracy finishes the incantation the ground cracks and black smoke pours out of it, and into the body of DON (who is now SamHAIN). Dean and Sam were not able to stop his rising, and another seal has been broken. As he opens his eyes, we see that DON's eyes have turned white with the pupil staying black. Dean and Sam lie still on the floor, their t*rture finished. SamHAIN rises off the floor, and looks at TRACY's back that is turned to him. His vision is blurry. He walks over to her and she turns around smiling at him. SamHAIN kisses her. Tracy: My love. SamHAIN: You've aged. Tracy: This face… I can't fool you. SamHAIN: Your beauty is beyond time. SamHAIN leans in and their foreheads rest together before he suddenly snaps her neck sideways and she falls to the floor. SamHAIN: Whore. SamHAIN turns around as he sniffs the air and sees Dean and Sam lying on the floor. He walks over and looks at them for a second, and we see with his blurry vision them lying there with their eyes closed, and after a second SamHAIN walks past them and leaves, shutting the door behind him. Dean opens his eyes and leans over to Sam, whispering so that SamHAIN doesn't hear them. Dean: What the hell was that? Sam: Halloween lore. People used to wear masks to hide from him, so I gave it a sh*t. Dean: You gave it a sh*t?! Dean looks at him not believing that they took a chance like that on an idea Sam had from reading lore. [i]EXT. STREET – NIGHT[i] SamHAIN is walking down the street, covered in blood, but not being noticed because it is Halloween, and everyone is in costume. [i]EXT. STREET – NIGHT[i] Dean and Sam walk across the street toward the Impala, wiping the blood off their faces. Dean: Where the hell are we gonna find this mook? Sam: Where would you go to raise other dark forces of the night? Dean: The cemetery. Sam: Yeah. They get in the Impala and drive off. [i]INT. Impala – NIGHT[i] Dean is driving while Sam sits in the passenger seat. Sam: So, this demon's pretty powerful. Dean: Yeah. Sam: Might take more than the usual w*apon. Sam glances at Dean out of the corner of his eye, and Dean gets what he is suggesting. Dean: Sam, no, you're not using your psychic whatever. Sam: Don't even think about it. Ruby's Kn*fe is enough. Sam: Why? Dean: Well because the angels said so for one – Sam: I thought you said they were a bunch of fanatics. Dean: Well they happen to be right about this one. Sam: I don't know, Dean, it doesn't seem like they're right about much. Dean: Well then forget the angels, okay? You said yourself, these powers, it's like playing with f*re. Dean picks up the Kn*fe and holds out the handle to Sam. Dean: Please. Sam takes the Kn*fe from Dean but doesn't say anything. [i]INT. MASOLEUM – NIGHT[i] There is rap music coming from a room in the mausoleum, and teenagers are walking around in costume. JUSTIN is standing there looking around. JUSTIN: Dude, I'm tripping balls! Someone starts to walk down the stairs and JUSTIN notices. JUSTIN: Yo, shh, be quiet, it's the cops. SamHAIN walks down the stairs and toward the room they are partying in. JUSTIN sees him. JUSTIN: Mr. Harding? I mean, Don? SamHAIN closes the gate to the room, and locks it. As he walks away he runs his hand across the gate. JUSTIN tries the gate, but it doesn't budge. JUSTIN: Don, you, uh, you locked us in. JUSTIN tries the door again, and it stays locked, but the doors to the crypts in the room start to shake. The teenagers back away into corners, but JUSTIN looks to one side, and begins to back to the other side. A door comes open, and hands reach out and grab his ankles. JUSTIN screams as a zombie drags him off his feet and into the crypt, a second later blood splatters out of the crypt, squirting out and covering the ground in front of the crypt The teens start to freak out and try to get the gate open. Sam and Dean come down the stairs. Sam looks at Dean and the people locked in the room. Sam: Help them. Dean: Dude, you're not going off alone. Sam: Do it! Sam runs after SamHAIN and Dean looks after him for a second, but looks back at the teens motioning for them to move. Dean: Stand back! Stand back! The teens move away from the gate and Dean sh*ts the lock, and kicks the door open to let them all out. Dean: Go on, come on, get out, move! After the teens all rush past him, Dean watches as a door of a grave in the mausoleum room crashes to the ground and breaks. A zombie crawls out of it, and stands up as another grave door crashes to the ground and the zombie in the next grave over starts to crawl out as well. Dean pulls out a w*apon as the second zombie gets up and holds up what looks like a silver stake. Dean: Bring it on, stinky. [i]INT. MASOLEUM – NIGHT[i] Sam is walking through the mausoleum looking for SamHAIN. He turns a corner and sees SamHAIN in a room facing the far wall. Sam tries to walk up to him silently, narrowing his eyes at the demon. SamHAIN turns around suddenly and throws up his arm, and a bright white light comes out of it. It dims, however, and Sam keeps walking toward SamHAIN. Sam: Yeah, that demon ray g*n stuff? It doesn't work on me. SamHAIN runs at Sam, and Sam throws an uppercut punch and they fight. SamHAIN finally pushes Sam against a wall by his neck, getting the upper hand. [i]INT. CRYPT ROOM – NIGHT[i] There is a zombie with a silver stake coming out of its chest lying on the floor and Dean s*ab another zombie to the ground with another silver stake right next to the first one. A pair of shoes walks up behind Dean with a pair of women's frail feet in them. Dean hears it and grabs a stake before he turns around to s*ab her, but she flickers and disappears, and is behind him as he stands up fully. He turns around and she motions both her hands at him and he flies across the room, sliding down the wall. Dean: Zombie ghost orgy huh? Well, that's it, I'm torching everybody. [i]INT. MASOLEUM ROOM – NIGHT[i] Sam manages to get the Kn*fe out, and tries to s*ab SamHAIN, and when it starts to cut into his skin, it sizzles and SamHAIN pushes it out of Sam's hand, and whips Sam around and throws him into the wall across the room. Sam gets up and SamHAIN looks at him, ready to att*ck, goes to run at Sam, but Sam puts up his hand, and uses his psychic power to stop him. SamHAIN struggles against Sam, but Sam manages to keep him from advancing too much. Dean comes running around the corner and sees Sam using his powers. Dean's face falls. Sam sees Dean over the shoulder of SamHAIN, but continues. Sam has to use a lot more concentration than we've seen before, and his nose starts to bleed as blood pounds in his head and he grabs his head with the hand not holding SamHAIN at bay. Finally, Sam exorcizes SamHAIN as his nose continues to bleed and the blood pounding in his head starts to slow down. Once SamHAIN is out of the body, DON's eyes turn back to color and Sam can barely raise his eyes to meet Dean's stare. This is the first time that Sam was aware of Dean being there to see him use his powers. Last time, Dean was watching, but Sam didn't know he was there until after. Dean looks at him sadly, and with a little bit of fear in his eyes. [i]INT. MOONLIGHT MOTEL – DAY[i] SUBTITLE: One Day After Halloween Sam is packing clothes into his duffel bag. URIEL: Tomorrow. Sam jumps at the sound of someone else in the room and turns to URIEL. URIEL: November 2nd, it's an anniversary for you. Sam: What are you doing here? URIEL: It's the day Azazel k*lled your mother, and 22 years later your girlfriend too. It must be difficult to bear, yet you so brazenly use the power he gave you. His profane blood pumping through your veins. Sam: Excuse me? URIEL: You were told not to use your abilities. Sam: And what was I supposed to do? That demon would have k*lled me, and my brother and everyone. URIEL: You were told not to. Sam: If Samhain had gotten loose in this town – URIEL: You've been warned, twice now. Sam: You know? My brother was right about you, you are dicks. URIEL: The only reason you're still alive, Sam Winchester, is because you've been useful. But the moment that ceases to be true, the second you become more trouble than you're worth, one word. One, and I will turn you to dust. ( URIEL backs off, but keeps talking. ) As for your brother, tell him that maybe he should climb off that high horse of his. Ask Dean what he remembers from hell. We hear another flutter of wings as the camera is focused on Sam. His eyes go wide, and the camera pans out. URIEL is gone. Sam turns around looking for him. [i]EXT. PARK – DAY[i] Dean is sitting on a park bench watching kids play. The camera pans around to show Castiel on the park bench next to him. Dean is looking the other way, but senses the angel's arrival. Dean: Let me guess you're here for the "I told you so". Castiel: No. Dean: Well, good, cause I'm really not that interested. Castiel: I am not here to judge you, Dean. Dean: Then why are you here? Castiel: Our orders – Dean: Yeah, you know, I've had about enough of these orders of yours – Castiel: Our orders were not to stop the summoning of Samhain, they were to do whatever you told us to do. Dean: Your orders were to follow my orders? Castiel: It was a test, to see how you would perform under... b*ttlefield conditions, you might say. Dean: It was a witch, not the Tet Offensive. Dean: So I, uh, failed your test, huh? I get it. But you know what? If you would have waved that magic time-traveling wand of yours and we had to do it all over again, I'd make the Same call. 'Cause see, I don't know what's gonna happen when these seals are broken, hell I don't even know what's gonna happen tomorrow. But what I do know is, that this, here? These kids, the swings, the trees, all of it is still here because of my brother and me. Castiel: You misunderstand me, Dean, I'm not like you think. I was praying that you would choose to save the town. Dean: You were? Castiel: These people, they're all my father's creations. They're works of art, and yet, even though you stopped Samhain, the seal was broken and we are one step closer to hell on earth, for all creation. Now that's not an expression, Dean, it's literal. You of all people should appreciate what that means. ( Dean looks at him a little pained, and sad. ) Can I tell you something if you promise not to tell another soul? Dean: Okay. Castiel: I'm not a… hammer as you say. I have questions, I have doubts. I don't know what is right and what is wrong anymore, whether you passed or failed here. But in the coming months you will have more decisions to make. I don't envy the weight that's on your shoulders, Dean. I truly don't. They share a look, and Dean looks out to the kids again. When he looks back, Castiel is gone.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "04x07 - It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester"}
Air Date: 6 November 2008 INT. SHOWERS - NIGHT A woman, CANDACE, is in the shower as a naked teenage boy watches. As CANDACE turns around, the boy disappears. She gets out of the shower and we see evidence of an invisible presence: a hand print appears on the glass and footprints appear on the ground. CANDACE Hello? Is anybody there? CANDACE tosses a towel behind her and it gets suspended in the air, over the head of the invisible boy. INVISIBLE PERVERT GUY Um, hello? Mrs. Armstrong? INT. BAR - NIGHT Sam and Dean are sitting at a table. Dean is downing sh*ts. Sam: It just doesn't make any sense, Dean. I mean, why would Uriel tell me you remembered Hell if you didn't? Dean: Maybe because he's a dick. Might have something to do with it. Sam: Maybe, but he's still an angel. Dean: Yeah, an angel who was ready to level an entire town. Look, I don't know what -- CHEERFUL WAITER Radical. What else can I get you guys? Sam: Uh, I think we're good. CHEERFUL WAITER Yeah? Sam: Yeah CHEERFUL WAITER You want to try a couple of fryer b*mb? Or a chipotle chili changa? Dean: No, no, we're -- we're still good. CHEERFUL WAITER Okay, awesome. Dean: Sam, honestly, I have no idea why Uriel told you what he did, okay? Sam: Right. Dean: What? Sam: Okay. Fine. Then look me in the eye and tell me you don't remember a thing from your time down under. Dean: I don't remember a thing from my time down under. I don't remember, Sam! Sam: Look, Dean, I just want to help. Dean: You know everything I do. Okay? That's all there is. CHEERFUL WAITER Outstanding. Dessert time? Huh? Am I right? Dean: Dude. CHEERFUL WAITER Listen, bros. You have got to try our ice cream extreme. It's extreme. Sam: Uh, no extremities, please. Just the -- CHEERFUL WAITER Check? All right, awesome. Sam: Thanks. Dean: All right, so, where do we go from here? Sam: I'm not sure. Uh, looks like it's been pretty quiet lately. No signs of demon activity, no omens or portents I can see. Dean: That's good news for once. Sam: Yeah, just the typical smattering of crank UFO sightings and one possible vengeful spirit. Here, check this out. Uh... Up in Concrete, Washington, eyewitness reports of a ghost that's been haunting the showers of a women's health facility. [ Dean chokes with his beer ]The victim claims that the ghost threw her down a flight of stairs. I can see you're very interested. Dean: Women, showers. We got to save these people. EXT. CONCRETE STREET - DAY Dean drops Sam off in front of Lucky Chin's Chinese Restaurant. INT. CHINESE RESTAURANT - DAY CANDACE I'm not surprised the spirit world chose to make contact with me. I'm something of a... natural sensitive. Sam: I can sense that about you, Candace, that whole... sensitive thing. CANDACE So, what did you say you're calling your book? Sam: Oh, well, um... Well, the working title is... "Supernatural." Yeah, I've been crossing the country, gathering stories like yours. But, anyways, you were telling me about your encounter. CANDACE Yes. Well... [ sighs ]Once I saw the apparition, that's when I started to run. Sam gets distracted by a couple kissing at another table Sam: And you said the ghost chased you? CANDACE Not just that. It knew my name. It kept yelling, "Mrs. Armstrong! Mrs. Armstrong!" And that's when I h*t the stairs and fell. Sam: You fell? The ghost didn't push you? CANDACE Oh, I don't -- I don't know. I mean, I think it did. Maybe. Sam: Did you feel like it meant to hurt you, like it was violent, or... CANDACE It was a ghost. I'm lucky to be alive. Anyway, I was at the bottom of the stairs, and that's when it got weird. [ Chuckles ]it helped me up. Sam: Say again? CANDACE Yeah. It helped me up. And it kept saying over and over, "Please, don't tell my mom." Sam: Yeah, that's weird. EXT. FITNESS CENTER - DAY Dean is reading the local newspaper on the stairs of the Fitness Center. The headline says: Local Man Wins $168M Lottery. Sam: Well, you pick up anything? Dean: No EMF in the shower or anywhere else. This house is clean. Sam: Yeah. I'm not surprised. I kind of got the feeling back there that crazy pushed Mrs. Armstrong down the stairs. Dean: I got to tell you, I'm pretty disappointed. Sam: [ Exhales sharply ]You wanted to save naked women. Dean: Damn right I wanted to save some naked women. Sam Chuckles lightly. Three bullies are chasing one boy. BULLY Boy #1 Come on, guys, get him! BULLY Boy #2 I got him! I got him! Dean: Run, Forrest, run! Sam: Sorry, Dean, but I don't think anything's going on around here. A man is arguing with a police officer on the pier. GUS How the hell was I supposed to get a look at it? It grabbed me from behind and threw me into a tree! Dean: Something's going on. Police Officer: Yeah, okay, Gus. I understand you got shook up. Anyone would be. But don't you think it -- Don't you think it had to be a bear? GUS I know a damn bear track when I see one! This thing didn't leave bear tracks! Its feet were huge! Police Officer: Now, Gus... GUS It was Bigfoot, Hal -- The Bigfoot! Police Officer: Gus, you're not talking sense here. GUS There's a Bigfoot out there, damn it, and he's a son of a bitch! Sam: Excuse us. FBI. Police Officer: What? Sam: Yes, sir. We're here about the... That. Police Officer: About Bigfoot? Sam: That's right. Sir, can you tell me exactly where this happened? GUS Yes, I can. EXT. WOODS - DAY Dean: What the hell's going on in this town? First there's a ghost that's not real, and now a Bigfoot sighting? Sam: Well, every hunter worth his salt knows Bigfoot's a hoax. Dean: Well, maybe somebody's pumping LSD into the town water supply. Sam and Dean find huge tracks. Dean: Okay. What do you suppose made that? Sam: That, uh... is a big foot. Dean: Okay. They follow the tracks to the back of a liquor store that has been broken into. INT. LIQUOR STORE - DAY Dean: So, what -- Bigfoot breaks into a liquor store, jonesing for some hooch? Amaretto and Irish cream. He's a girl-drink drunk. Dean helps himself to a bottle of something on the shelves, and puts it into his jacket pocket. Sam: Hey. Check this out. Dean: He took the whole p*rn rack? Well, I'll say it again. What the hell is going on in this town? EXT. LIQUOR STORE - DAY Sam and Dean sit down on a bench outside the store. Dean: I got nothing. Sam: It's got to be a joke, right? Some big-ass mother in a gorilla suit? Dean: Or it's a Bigfoot. You know, and he's some kind of a alcoholo-p*rn addict. Kind of like a deep-woods Duchovny. A girl on a bike passes Sam and Dean, and a Busty Asian Beauties magazine falls to the ground from the box on the bicycle. Dean: A little young for busty Asian beauties. The girl, AUDREY, drops off a box full of alcohol and p*rn, along with a "Sorry" note, at the back door of the liquor store. Sam and Dean follow her home. EXT. AUDREY's HOUSE - DAY Dean: What's this, like a "Harry and the Hendersons" deal? AUDREY Hello? Sam: Hello! Um, could we... You know what? Are your parents home? AUDREY Nope. Sam: No. Dean: No. Um... Have you seen a really, really furry... AUDREY Is he in trouble? Sam: No. [ Chuckling ]No, no, no. Not at all. We just -- We wanted to make sure he was okay. Dean: Exactly. AUDREY He's my teddy bear. I think he's sick. Dean: Wow. Uh... Amazing. 'Cause you know what? We... are, uh... teddy bear Doctors. AUDREY Really? Can you please take a look at him? Sam: Sure. Dean: Sure. Yeah. INT. AUDREY's HOUSE - DAY Sam and Dean follow AUDREY inside the house and upstairs. AUDREY He's in my bedroom. He's pretty grumpy. [ knocking on the door ]Teddy? There's some nice Doctors here to see you. She opens the door to reveal a real, big and drunk teddy that is watching television. TEDDY Close the friggin' door! AUDREY closes the door AUDREY See what I mean? Sam and Dean look at each other. INT. AUDREY's HOUSE - DAY AUDREY All I ever wanted was a teddy which was big, real, and talked. But now he's sad all the time -- not "ouch" sad, but ouch-in-the-head sad -- says weird stuff, and smells like the bus. Dean: Um, little girl... AUDREY Audrey! Dean: Audrey. How exactly did your teddy become real? AUDREY I wished for it. Sam: You wished for it? AUDREY At the wishing well. Dean opens the bedroom door. TEDDY is watching the news on the TV. TEDDY Look at this. [ Chuckling ]You believe this crap? Dean: Not really. TEDDY It is a terrible world. Why am I here?! AUDREY For tea parties! TEDDY Tea parties? Is that all there is? [ g*n f*ring on TV ] Sam: Audrey, give us a second, okay? Okay. Are we... Should we... Uh, are we gonna k*ll this teddy bear? Dean: How? Do we sh**t it, burn it? Sam: I don't know. Both? Dean: How do we even know that's gonna work? I don't want some giant, flaming, pissed-off teddy on our hands. Sam: Yeah. Besides, I get the feeling that the bear isn't really the, you know, core problem here. Audrey. Where are your parents? AUDREY My mom wished they were in Bali, so I think they're in Bali. Sam: Okay, well... I'm really sorry to have to break this to you, but... your bear is sick. Yeah, he's -- he's got... Dean: Lollipop disease. Sam: Lollipop disease. Dean: It's not uncommon for a bear his size. But, see, it's – it's really contagious. Sam: Yeah, so, is there – is there someone, maybe a grown-up, that you can stay with while we treat him? AUDREY Mrs. Hurley lives down the street. Dean: Perfect. Sam: Good, yeah, good. Uh, we'd like you to stay there for a few days, okay? AUDREY Okay. Dean: Oh, and, Audrey? Where is this wishing well? INT. CHINESE RESTAURANT - DAY A boy throws a coin into the fountain and leaves as Sam and Dean arrive. Dean: Think it works? Sam: Got a better explanation for teddy back there? Dean: Well, there's one way to find out. Sam: What are you gonna wish for? Dean: Shh! [ throws a coin ]Not supposed to tell. DELIVERY GUY Somebody order a footlong Italian with jalapeño? Dean: That'd be me. Sam and Dean are sitting at a table and Dean is eating the sandwich. Dean: I think it works, dude. That was pretty specific. Sam: The teddy bear, the sandwich... Dean: Mm. I'm guessing this. [ shows the newspaper article about the lottery winner ] Sam: I'm guessing that. [ points out the couple at the next table ] Dean: Well, that definitely goes on the list. What are we supposed to do, huh? Stop people's wishes from coming true? I mean, it sounds like kind of a douche-y thing to do. Sam: Yeah, maybe. But come on, man. When has something like this ever come without a price tag? And usually a deadly one. Dean: I don't know. It's a damn good sandwich. All right. Fine. We'll put a hold on the wishing till we figure out what's going on. CHINESE WAITER Uh, gentlemen, gentlemen. I'm sorry. We don't allow people to eat outside food here. Dean: Well, I am certainly not gonna eat the inside food here. Health department. You, my friend, have a rat infestation. We're gonna have to shut this place down under emergency hazard code 56C. CHINESE WAITER Rats?! The fountain has been drained. Dean is sweeping the coins. Dean: Typical fountain, plaster Buddha. Nothing I can see. CHINESE WAITER Yes, nothing. We keep a clean place here. Sam: Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave during the preliminary investigation, okay? Thank you. Dean: Oh, come on. Aren't you a little bit tempted? [ flips Sam a coin ] Sam: [ Chuckles ]No. [ hands the coin back to Dean ]Wouldn't be real. I wouldn't trust it. Dean: I don't know. That bear seemed pretty real. Sam: Yeah. Dean: Come on, if you could wish yourself back, you know, before it all started... Think about it. You'd be some big yuppie Lawyer with a nice car and a white picket fence. Sam: Not what I'd wish for. Dean: Seriously? Sam: It's too late to go back to our old lives, Dean. I'm not that guy anymore. Dean: All right, well, what, then? Hmm? What would Sammy wish for? Sam: Lilith's head on a plate. Bloody. Dean: Okay. What is that? Sam: Some kind of old coin. I don't recognize the markings. Dean: [ tries to pick it up ]Damn. Sam: Lift with your legs. Dean: Is that little mother welded on there? Huh. Sam and Dean come back to the restaurant with a hammer and a crowbar. CHINESE WAITER Hey, hey, hey, what is this?! You are gonna break my fountain! Sam: Sir, I don't want to slap you with a 44/16, but I will. [ The waiter leaves them alone ]All right, thanks. Dean: Let me see that. I got an idea. Dean tries to budge the coin from the fountain, but breaks the hammer. CHINESE WAITER Ho! Dean: Damn! Sam: Coin's magical. Dean: Boy, I'd say. I think it's hoodoo that's protecting the well. I don't think we can desTroy this. Sam traces the coin and gives the paper to Dean: Sam: All right, here. You got to look into this. Dean: Where you going? Sam: Something just occurred to me. INT. SHOWERS - DAY There is a blonde woman wearing only a towel and we see some wet footprints. Sam grabs the shoulder of the INVISIBLE PERVERT GUY and he appears, completely naked. WOMEN Aah! INVISIBLE PERVERT GUY What? Sam: Don't worry, ma'am. I'm with the health department. The woman leaves. Sam: So, you can turn it on and off, huh? INVISIBLE PERVERT GUY How... how did you know that I was... Sam: You actually walked up to a wishing well, dropped a dime, and wished to be invisible so you could spy on women in the shower? INVISIBLE PERVERT GUY N-No. No. N-No, no, no. That's crazy. Sam: [ Exhales sharply ]Put on some pants. And stay visible. INVISIBLE PERVERT GUY O-- Okay. EXT. STREET - DAY TODD is chasing the bullies. TODD You better run! TODD stops and turns around to confront Dean. TODD You got a problem, mister? Dean: What? No. Dean puts a hand to his stomach. INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY Sam comes into the room and hears Dean being sick in the bathroom. Sam: Dean? You all right? Dean: [ Strained voice ]The wishes turn bad, Sam. The wishes turn very bad. Sam: The sandwich, huh? Dean: The coin was Babylonian. It's cursed. I found some fragments of a legend. [ looks unwell again ]I'm good. The, uh... the serpent is Tiamat, which is the, uh, Babylonian god of primordial chaos. I guess their, uh, priests were working some serious black magic. Sam: They made the coin? Dean: Yeah, to sow the seeds of chaos. Whoever tosses a coin in the wishing well, makes a wish, it turns on the well. Then it starts granting wishes to all comers. Sam: But the wishes get twisted. You ask for a talking teddy... Dean: You get a bipolar nut job. Sam: And you get E. coli. Dean: Mm. This thing has turned more than one town upside down over the centuries. It's even wiped a few off the map. I mean, one person gets their wish, it's trouble, but everybody gets their wish... Sam: It's chaos. Dean: Mm-hmm. Sam: Any way to stop it? Dean: Yeah. One way. We got to find the first wisher. Whoever dropped the coin in and made the first wish, they're the only ones who can pull it back out and reverse the wishes. So for now, we've got a couple of nutso dreams come true, but once the word gets out about the well, things are just gonna get crazier and crazier. INT. AUDREY's HOUSE - NIGHT A blackboard reads "Life is meaningless. Signed T. Bear." TEDDY is crying. He puts a g*n in his mouth and pulls the trigger. Some of the stuffing blows away through a hole in his head but TEDDY is still alive. TEDDY Whyyyyyyy! INT. MOTEL ROOM. Dean is asleep, having a nightmare about Hell, while Sam is awake doing some research. Sam: Dean, wake up! Dean: What? I'm up. What? Sam: Sleep well? Dean: Yeah. [ drinks from a whiskey bottle on the floor next to the bed ]Tan, rested, and ready. Sam: Dean, come on, man. You think I can't see it? Dean: See what? Sam: The nightmares, the drinking. I'm with you 24/7. I know something's going on. Dean: Sam, please. Sam: Uriel wasn't lying, but you are. You remember Hell, don't you? Dean: What do you want from me, huh? What? Sam: The truth, Dean. I mean, I'm your brother. I just wish you'd talk to me. Dean: Careful what you wish for. Sam: Cute. Dean: Come on, can we stow the couples therapy, huh? We're on a job. I want to work. What do you got? Please? Dean reads a newspaper. Sam: We got teddy bear, uh, lottery guy, invisible pervert guy. They all must have wished sometime in the last two weeks. But who wished first, and how are we supposed to know who else wished for what when? Dean: Well, it helps when they announce it in the paper. Goes back a month. Sam: Wesley Mondale and Ms. Hope Lynn Casey have announced their surprise engagement. Dean: Ah, true love. Sam: [ Chuckles ]Best lead we got. INT. WESLEY's HOUSE - DAY [ Mid-Tempo theme song playing on TV ]WES is sleeping in an armchair. HOPE comes in from the kitchen with a roast chicken on a plate. HOPE Wes, are you sleeping? WES Hmm? Oh, uh, no. No, no. I was just, um. I was just resting my eyes. HOPE [ Chuckles ]I thought you might want a snack. WES Oh. Oh, wow, Hope, you didn't have to do that. HOPE I wanted to. Well, no, I... I had to. Because I love you more than anything, lover. WES Yes. Um, Hope, sit down, okay? HOPE Yes, Wes. WES Um... Hope, uh, are you happy? HOPE I love you more than anything. WES I know. I know. And I love you. Very much. That's why I want you to start doing things that make... that made you happy before. HOPE Yes, Wes, I'll try to be happier. I'll start right away. WES No, no, no, that's not what I mean. I-I'm talk-- HOPE Oh, Wes, please. [ Voice breaking ]Please don't be angry with me. You know, I'd just die, I'd just die, I'd die! WES No, no, no. Don't -- I'm -- I'm not angry. I'm not angry! No. HOPE Then let me make it up to you, Wes. Let me make it right. WES No, no, I'm -- I'm... The doorbell rings. HOPE I'll get it. Wes! You didn't tell me that you called the florists for the wedding. HOPE comes back, followed by Sam and Dean. WES Huh? HOPE You're the best! Mmm! Ah! I'm gonna go get my folders. WES Uh, o-- Okay. Dean: Wesley, how's it going? WES It's "Wes... ss." Aren't you the guys from the health department? Sam: Yeah. And florists on the side. Dean: Plus FBI. And on Thursdays, we're teddy bear Doctors. WES Huh? Dean: Doesn't matter who we are. What matters is what we know. Sam: So, coin collector, huh, Wes? WES Oh. Yeah. My... grandfather gave them to me. Dean: Did you happen to lose one of those coins lately? And by "lose," I mean drop into a wishing well at Lucky Chin's and make a wish on it? WES No, I -- I don't know what you're, uh, talking about. HOPE comes back with lots of papers and folders. HOPE Okay, now. I have a lot of ideas, but, you know, we don't have all the money in the world. Wes is between jobs right now. Means more time for me. You know, I'm thinking a Japanese-y ikebana kind of thing. Dean: Yes. I can see it. Sam: Yeah. So, Hope, uh, tell us how you two lovebirds met. HOPE Oh, best day of my life. Dean: I bet. HOPE Yeah! It's the funniest thing. We both grew up here, but I never really knew who he was. Not by name anyway. Until one day last month, it was like I just [sighs]I just saw him for the first time. He was just... glowing. Oh, just glowing. WES Uh, babe, can you – can you get us some coffee? HOPE Yes. Yeah. HOPE kisses WES over and over. WES Oh. Okay. Okay. Mm-Hmm. Okay. Oh, okay. Oh. Mm-mmm, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. HOPE Yeah. Sam: Wes, we know. So tell us the truth. HOPE is listening to WES from the kitchen as he tells the history. WES My -- my grandfather found the coin in north Africa, you know, World w*r II. And, uh, he brought it back. He, um, he said it was a real wish-granting coin, but that nobody should ever use it. Um... It was all I had, and when he died, I thought, "Well, you know what? Why not give the coin a sh*t?" Sam: Yeah, well, now you're gonna wish it back. WES Oh. [ Chuckles]Oh. Ha ha, no, I'm not. Dean: If you don't stop it, something bad's gonna happen. Sam: Something bad. Like us. Dean: We really wish you'd come with us. EXT. Impala - DAY Dean is driving, beside him is Sam and WES is in the back seat. WES I don't get it. So, my wish came true. Why does that have to be a bad thing? Sam: Because the wishes go south, Wes. Your town is going insane. Dean: Come on. You're gonna sit there and tell me that your relationship with Hope is functional, that it's what you wished for? WES I wished she would love me more than anything. Sam: Yeah, and, uh, how is that going? That seem healthy to you? WES Well, it's a hell of a lot better than when she didn't know I was alive. Dean: You're not supposed to get what you want, man, not like this. Nobody is. That's what the coin does. It takes your heart's desires and it twists it back on you. You hear of the whole, uh, "be careful what you wish for"? Sam: Did we just h*t something? Dean: I didn't see anything. INVISIBLE PERVERT GUY Ow! Ow. WES [ Mockingly ]"Careful what you wish for." [ Normal voice ]You know who says that? Good-looking jerks like you guys, the ones who've got it so easy because you happen to be handsome. Sam: Easy? Dean: Easy? WES Yeah. Women -- women look at you, right? They notice you. Sam: Believe us, we do not have it easy. Dean: We are miserable. We never get what we want. In fact, we have to fight tooth and nail just to keep whatever it is we got. Sam: But you know what? Maybe that's the whole point, Wes. Dean: Yeah, people are people 'cause they're miserable bastards, 'cause they never get what they really want. Sam: Right, yeah, you get what you want, you get crazy. Dean: Take a look at Michael Jackson, hmm? Or Hasselhoff. WES You know what? Hope loves me now -- completely. And it's awesome. Besides, look around. Where's all this, uh, insanity you guys were talking about? The bully boys are inside a large four-wheel-drive. BULLY Boy #1 Just h*t the button! TODD lifts the vehicle up. Dean stops the Impala. Dean: Well, that should cover it. TODD tips the vehicle over. TODD Kneel before Todd! Kneel before Todd! EXT. STREET. DAY TODD is rocking the vehicle with the boys still inside. BULLY BOYS Stop it! Dean gets out of the Impala. Dean: Fine! I'll handle Todd. You get Wes to Lucky Chin's. Go! Sam: Right. Sam drives away as Dean confronts TODD. Dean Hey, kid! Can I talk to you for a second? TODD Get out of my way! Dean: Okay. Hey, I can dig it, Todd. It -- it's Todd, right? Look, I-I know the score. Okay? They're -- they're bullying you. TODD Every day. Every day! You do not know what it's like! Dean: No, no, I don't. But, you know, you're you and I'm me, so -- [Chuckles] TODD Couldn't stop them. I couldn't do anything. Then Audrey Elmer told me the wishing well worked. Dean: Okay, okay. Look – look, I get it. They're – they're mean little jerks, huh? But they're not superhuman like you. You see, with great power comes great respon... Ohh! TOOD punches Dean and throws him into some garbage cans and trash bags. EXT. OUTSIDE CHINESE RESTAURANT - DAY Sam parks in front of the Lucky Chin's and he and WES get out. WES That -- that -- that kid turned over that car like -- like it was nothing. Sam: You should have seen the teddy bear. Now, come on. Fun's over. Time to pull the coin. Wes! WES Well, why can't we just get what we want?! Sam: Because that's life, Wes. A lightning bolt strikes Sam and he falls d*ad. Sam: Ugh! WES goes into the restaurant. INT. CHINESE RESTAURANT - DAY HOPE is in front of the wishing well. WES Hope? HOPE I had to do it, didn't I? He was gonna make you wish away our love. EXT. STREET - DAY Dean gets up from the garbage. Dean: Hey, kid! I didn't want to have to do this. [ punches TODD, who doesn't move ]Ohh! TODD puts a hand around Dean's throat and starts to choke him. INT. CHINESE RESTAURANT - DAY WES You wished a man d*ad? HOPE I love you more than anything. WES Stop saying that. Stop it! HOPE [ Voice breaking ]But I do. More than anything. More than me. More than life. Oh, Wes. Don't hate me. WES It'll be okay. I'll make it okay. It's gonna be okay. WES removes the coin from the fountain, reversing all the wishes. TODD isn't strong anymore and lets Dean go. Sam wakes up. EXT. STREET - DAY Dean: Okay. Follow my lead and you won't have a problem. Come on. Dean acts in front of the bully boys as if he's scared of TODD. Dean: Okay, man, no more! No more, okay? [ turns to the kids ]I wouldn't mess with this kid any more if I were you. BULLY BOYS Stay back! INT. CHINESE RESTAURANT - DAY WES Hope. HOPE doesn't recognize Wes. HOPE Do I know you? [ she leaves ] EXT. CHINESE RESTAURANT - DAY A dejected WES gives the coin to Sam and leaves. EXT. PIER. DAY Dean is reading the local newspaper. The headline says: "Winning Lottery Ticket A Fake". AUDREY walks past, followed by her sunburned parents. She's carrying a normal-sized teddy with a hole in his head and a sticking plaster on it. Sam: Well, uh, coin's melted down. It shouldn't cause any more problems. Dean: Audrey's parents are back from Bali. Looks like all the wishes are gone. And so are we. They're leaving when suddenly Dean stops. Dean: Hang on a second. Sam: What? Dean: You were right. Sam: About what? Dean: I shouldn't have lied to you. I do remember everything that happened to me in the Pit. Everything. Sam: So tell me about it. Dean: No. Sam: Uh... Dean: I won't lie anymore. But I'm not gonna talk about it. Sam: Dean, look, you can't just shoulder this thing alone. You got to let me help. Dean: How? Do you really think that a little heart-to-heart, some sharing and caring, is gonna change anything? Hmm? Somehow... heal me? I'm not talking about a bad day here. Sam: I know that. Dean: The things that I saw... there aren't words. There is no forgetting. There's no making it better. Because it is right here... [ taps his head ]forever. You wouldn't understand. And I could never make you understand. So I am sorry.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "04x08 - Wishful Thinking"}
Air Date: 13 Nov 2008 INT. HOSPITAL - DAY A young girl is sitting in a hospital bed in a contemplative way like she's listening some distant whispering. PSYCHOLOGIST Anna? Do you know where you are? You're at the Connor Beverly Behavioral Medicine Center. [ Anna looks at her hospital's wristband ]Do you know why you're here? [ Anna shrugs ]Do you remember what you did? [ Anna nods ]You were hysterical. It took four people to restrain you. Anna: I was trying to warn them. PSYCHOLOGIST Warn who? Anna: Everyone. Forget it. It was stupid. PSYCHOLOGIST What were you trying to warn them about? Anna: Look... I get it. You think I'm nuts. If I were you, I'd think I was nuts. But it's all true. PSYCHOLOGIST It's okay. You can tell me. I'm here to listen. Anna: The end... is coming. The apocalypse. PSYCHOLOGIST The apocalypse. Like in the Bible? Anna: Kind of. I mean, Same bottom line. This demon, Lilith, is trying to break the 66 seals to free Lucifer from Hell. Lucifer... Will bring the apocalypse. So... Smoke 'em if you got 'em. Anna turns her head and listens to a distant whispering. PSYCHOLOGIST Anna? Anna: Sorry. PSYCHOLOGIST What were you doing? Anna: Nothing. Just listening. PSYCHOLOGIST So, you were saying that there are, uh, 66 of these seals in the world? Anna: No. No. There are about 600 possible seals, and Lilith only has to break 66 of them, and no one knows which 66 she's gonna break. PSYCHOLOGIST I see. Anna: That's why it's nearly impossible to stop her. And that's why the angels are losing. That's why we're all gonna die. An hospital attendant enters Anna's room. ATTENDANT Time for your meds, Anna. Anna? Anna turns around and looks horrified when she notices the attendant. ATTENDANT What's the matter, sweetie? Anna: Your face -- what happened to your face? ATTENDANT I know. The ATTENDANT's eyes turn black, revealing he's possessed by a demon. ATTENDANT I'm downright kissable. Shh. Anna uses her mind to push a chest of drawers against the ATTENDANT and knock him unconscious. INT. BAR Sam appears to be drunk and is playing pool with a man from the bar. Sam: Brian, come on, man, just one more. Just -- just give me a chance to win it back. BRIAN It's your cash. Dean: Excuse me. My brother's a little sauced to be making bets. BRIAN He insisted. Dean: Yeah, but you've already taken, what, two bills off him? I'm just saying. Sam: Hey, shut up, Dean. I'm fine. Dean: No, you're not fine. You're drunk! Sam: Let's make it five hundred. Dean: Five hundred? BRIAN Sure. Sam puts the money down on the pool table. BRIAN Five hundred. Your break. While BRIAN is looking down, Sam raises his eyebrows at Dean. For a second there's no trace of drunkenness. Dean raises his eyebrows at Sam. Sam breaks, sinking several balls, then sees Ruby across the bar. Sam: Keep the money. Sam puts his cue down on the pool table and walks towards Ruby. Dean: Keep the money? What -- After a moment, Dean follows Sam. Sam: Hey. Dean: Well, you got a lot of nerve showing up anywhere near me. Ruby: I just have some info, and then I'm gone. Sam: What is it? Ruby: I'm hearing a few whispers. Dean: Ooh, great, demon whisperers -- that's reliable. Ruby: Girl named Anna Milton escaped from a locked ward yesterday. The demons seem pretty keen on finding her. Apparently, some real heavy hitters turned out for the Easter-egg hunt. Sam: Why? Who is she? Ruby: No idea. Ruby: But I'm thinking that she's important, 'cause the order is to capture her alive. I just figured that whatever the deal is, you might want to find this girl before the demons do. Sam: Look, maybe we should check it out. Dean: Actually, we're working a case, but thanks. Ruby: What case? Dean: Uh, we've got leads, big leads. Ruby: Sounds dangerous. Dean: Yeah, well, it sure ain't goose-chasing after some chick who, for all we know, doesn't even exist, just because you say she's important. Ruby: I'm just delivering the news. You can do whatever you want with it. Far as I'm concerned, I told you, I'm done. Sam: Wait, wait, wait. This hospital Anna escaped from -- it got a name? EXT. Impala – NIGHT Dean is driving and Sam is speaking on the phone. Sam: Can I get a copy of the missing persons report? Great. Okay. Thanks. Sam hangs up. Sam: Well, Anna Milton's definitely real. Dean: Don't mean the case is real. And this hospital's a three-day drive. Sam: We've driven further for less, Dean. [ Dean shakes his head ]You got something to say, say it. Dean: Oh, I'm saying it -- this sucks. Sam: You're not pissed we're going after the girl. You're pissed Ruby threw us the tip. Dean: Right. 'Cause as far as you're concerned, the hell-bitch is practically family. Yeah, boy, something major must've happened while I downstairs, 'cause I come back, and -- and you're BFF with a demon? Sam: I told you, Dean, she helped me go after Lilith. Dean: Well, thanks for the thumbnail -- real vivid. You want to fill in a little detail? Sam: Sure, Dean, let's trade stories. You first. How was Hell? Don't spare the details. Six Months Earlier EXT. CROSSROAD - NIGHT Sam is burying a box in a crossroad to summon a CROSSROAD Demon. He is drunk. Sam: Come on! Where the hell are you? CROSSROAD Demon I was wondering whether to come or not. I mean, you sh*t one of my co-workers. Don't take this the wrong way, Sam, but you don't look so hot, buddy. I guess burying your brother didn't agree with you. Sam: Well? CROSSROAD Demon Well, let's see that special little Kn*fe of yours first. Sam takes out the Kn*fe and slams it down on an outdoor table. Sam: No devil's traps, either. I'm not here to play games. CROSSROAD Demon Well, let me guess. You want to make a deal. And 'round and 'round the Winchesters go. I'm sorry, Sam. That's not gonna happen. Sam s*ab the Kn*fe into the CROSSROAD Demon's hand. Sam: I don't want ten years. I don't want one year. I don't want candy! I want to trade places with Dean. CROSSROAD Demon No. Sam: Just take me! It's a fair trade! CROSSROAD Demon No! Sam: Why not? Lilith wants me d*ad. Just let Dean go, and she can have me. CROSSROAD Demon Don't you understand, Sam? It's not about your soul. Dean's in Hell, right where we want him. We've got everything exactly the way we want it. You want to k*ll me? Go ahead. I've made peace with my lord. EXT. Impala - NIGHT Back to present INT. HOSPITAL - DAY PSYCHOLOGIST [ out of sign ]Of course I want to help however I can. Sam: Now, the orderly has no recollection of Anna's escape? PSYCHOLOGIST Apparently, she knocked him unconscious. The blow caused some amnesia. He doesn't even remember coming into her room. Dean: That's a hell of a right hook to knock out a guy that's got 80 pounds on her. PSYCHOLOGIST We think she may have planned this, waited behind the door. Sam: Right. Uh, you mentioned Anna's illness was recent. PSYCHOLOGIST Two months ago, she was happy, well-adjusted, journalism major, lots of friends -- Bright future. Dean: So, what happened -- she just... flipped? PSYCHOLOGIST Well, that's the tragedy of schizophrenia. Within weeks, Anna was overtaken by delusions. Sam: What kind of delusions? PSYCHOLOGIST She thought demons were everywhere. [ Gives a sketch book to Sam ] Dean: Interesting. PSYCHOLOGIST It's not uncommon for our patients to believe that monsters are real. Dean: Well, that -- that's just batty. Sam turns the pages and they see some meaningful sketches and the text 'Raising of the Witnesses' and in the next page 'samhain the next seal is broken'. Dean: That's Revelations. PSYCHOLOGIST Since when does the Book of Revelations have jack-o'-lanterns? Dean: It's a, uh, it's a little-known translation. PSYCHOLOGIST Well, Anna's father was a church deacon. When she became ill, her paranoia took on religious overtones. She was convinced the devil was about to rise up and end the world. I hope you find her. It's dangerous for her to be out there alone right now. EXT. MILTON HOME - DAY Dean knocks on the front door. Dean: Maybe they're not home. Sam: Both cars in the driveway. Dean tries the door. It's unlocked and they enter the house. INT. MILTON HOME - DAY Dean: Mr. And Mrs. Milton? Sam: We're from the Sheriff's department. We just wanted to ask you a couple of questions. There are two d*ad bodies lying in the floor. Their throats have been cut. INT. MILTON HOME - DAY Sam checks some powder on the floor near the d*ad bodies. Sam: Sulfur. The demons b*at us here. Whatever the deal is with this Anna girl -- Dean: Yeah, they want her. They're not screwing around. All right, so, I'm "Girl, Interrupted," [ Dean picks up some addressed envelopes ]and I know the score of the apocalypse, just busted out of the nut-box... Possibly using superpowers, by the way. Where do I go? Sam looks at family photographs and picks one up. Sam: Hey, you got those sketches from Anna's notebook? Dean: Yeah. Sam: Let me see 'em. Check this out. [ Sam picks out a drawing of a stained-glass window ] Dean: She was drawing the window of her church. Sam: Over and over. If you were religious, scared, and had demons on your ass, where would you go to feel safe? EXT. CHURCH - DAY The Impala is parked in front of the church. Through a window, two figures can be seen going upstairs. INT. CHURCH's ATTIC - DAY Sam and Dean enter the attic with their g*n drawn. Sam: Dean. [ Sam points with his g*n towards a person hiding ]Anna? [ They put away their g*n ]We're not gonna hurt you. We're here to help. My name is Sam. This is my brother, Dean. Anna: Sam? Not Sam Winchester? Sam: Uh, yeah. Anna: And you're Dean. The Dean? Dean: Well, yeah. The Dean, I guess. Anna: It's really you. Oh, my god. The angels talk about you. You were in Hell, but Castiel pulled you out, and some of them think you can help save us. And some of them don't like you at all. They talk about you all the time lately. I feel like I know you. Dean: So, you talk to angels? Anna: Oh, no. No, no way. Um, they probably don't even know I exist. I just kind of... overhear them. Sam: You overhear them? Anna: Yeah, they talk, and sometimes I just... hear them in my head. Dean: Like... right now? Anna: Not right this second, but a lot. And I can't shut them out, there are so many of them. Dean: So, they lock you up with a case of the crazies when really you were just... tuning in to angel radio? Anna: Yes. Thank you. Sam: Anna, when did the voices start? Do you remember? Anna: I can tell you exactly -- September 18th. Dean: The day I got out of Hell. Anna: First words I heard, clear as a bell -- "Dean Winchester is saved." Dean: What do you think? Sam: It's above my pay grade, man. Dean: Well, at least now we know why the demons want you so bad. They get a hold of you, they can hear everything the other side's cooking. You're 1-900-angel. Anna: Hey, um, do you know -- are my parents okay? I -- I didn't go home. I was afraid. Ruby enters into the attic in a rush. Ruby: You got the girl. Good, let's go. Anna: Her face! Sam: It's okay. She's here to help. Dean: Yeah, don't be so sure. Ruby: We have to hurry. Dean: Why? Ruby: Because a demon's coming -- big-timer. We can fight later, Dean. Dean: Well, that's pretty convenient -- showing up right when we find the girl with some bigwig on your tail? Ruby: I didn't bring him here. You did. Dean: What? Ruby: He followed you from the girl's house. We got to go now. Sam: Dean. Sam points to a statue that's bleeding from the eyes. Ruby: It's too late. He's here. Sam takes Anna by the arm and hides her in a closet. Sam: Okay. Stay in there. Don't move. Anna: Okay. Sam takes out a flask of holy water. Ruby: No, Sam, you got to pull him right away. Dean: Whoa, hold on a sec. Ruby: Now's not the time to bellyache about Sam going darkside. He does his thing, he exorcises that demon, or we die. Sam puts the flask away again. The demon enters and Sam tries to exorcise him, but it doesn't work. ALASTAIR That tickles. You don't have the juice to take me on, Sam. ALASTAIR throws Sam downstairs. Dean att*cks him with Ruby's Kn*fe, but ALASTAIR wins their fight. ALASTAIR Hello again, Dean. Anna screams as Ruby pulls her from the closet. ALASTAIR Come on, Dean. Don't you recognize me? Oh, I forgot -- I'm wearing a pediatrician. But we were so close... in Hell. Dean: Alastair. Sam s*ab ALASTAIR with Ruby's Kn*fe. ALASTAIR You're gonna have to try a whole lot harder than that, son. Sam grabs Dean and they look at a large stained-glass window. As ALASTAIR pulls out the Kn*fe, Sam and Dean jump through the window. INT. MOTEL ROOM Sam is sewing a cut in his left arm while Dean is in the bathroom. Dean: Are you almost done? Sam: I'm going as fast as I can. Dean: Good, 'cause you know I got a dislocated shoulder over here. Dean picks up a whiskey bottle and drinks from it. Sam: Yeah. I'll pop it back when I'm finished. Sam: Gimme that. Sam gestures for the bottle and pours whiskey over his wound. Dean: So, you lost the magic Kn*fe, huh? Sam: Yeah, saving your ass. Who the hell was that demon? Dean: No one good. We got to find Anna. Sam: Ruby's got her. I'm sure she's okay. All right. Come on. On three. One... Sam forces Dean's shoulder back into place. Dean: You sure about Ruby? 'Cause I think it's just as likely she used us to find radio girl and then brought that demon in to k*ll us. Sam: No, she took Anna to keep her safe. Dean: Yeah. Well, why hasn't she called to tell us where she is? Sam: Because that demon is probably watching us right now, waiting to follow us right back to Anna again. That's why he let us go. Dean: You call this letting us go? Sam: Yeah, I do. Look, k*lling us would've been no problem to that thing. That's why, for now, we just got to lay low and wait for Ruby to contact us. Dean: How's she gonna do that? [ pause ]Why do you trust her so much? Sam: I told you. Dean: You got to do better than that. Hey, and I'm not trying to pick a fight here. I mean, I really want to understand. But I need to know more. I mean, I deserve to know more. Sam: Because... she saved my life. Six Months Earlier INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Sam is drunk, and after he enters the room a man and a women att*ck him. The woman takes Ruby's Kn*fe. Woman: Thanks for keeping this warm for me, Sam. Sam: Ruby. Ruby: It's nice to be back. Where I was, even for Hell, it was nasty. I guess I really pissed Lilith off. Imagine my relief when she gave me one last chance to take it topside. And all I had to do was find you and k*ll you. Sam: Fine. Go ahead! Do it. Ruby s*ab the other demon instead of Sam. Ruby: Grab your keys. We got to go. Now! Six Months Earlier INT. Impala - NIGHT Ruby: You know what sounds good? French fries. I'm starving. I just escaped Hell. I deserve a treat. You know, a "thank you" would be nice. Sam: Who asked for your help? Ruby: You have no idea what I've been through. When Lilith gets pissed, she gets creative. You want to hear about the corners of Hell I've seen, Sam? Sam: No, I don't. Ruby: And the things I had to do to convince her I was sorry? That I could be trusted? Sam: Well, this'll definitely get you a fat Christmas bonus. Ruby: Very funny. I'm a fugitive... For you, Sam. I took all of this risk to get back to you, so, yeah, I deserve a damn "thank you." Sam: Who asked you to save me? Ruby: I'm just trying to help. Sam: Can you help me save Dean? Ruby: No. Nothing I know of is powerful enough to do that. Sam stops the car by the roadside. Sam: Then I have no use for you. Ruby: What? Sam: Get out. Ruby: Sam: Sam: Whose body are you riding, Ruby? Ruby: What do you care? You've never asked me that before. Sam: I'm asking now. Ruby: Some secretary. Sam: Let her go. Ruby: Sam... Sam: Or I send you right back to Hell. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - NIGHT A woman lies in coma on an hospital bed with the name "Doe, Jane" on it. Doctor: All right, pull it. The machine begins to beep as the woman dies, but she sits up as she is possessed. Ruby: Who do I have to k*ll to get some French fries around here? INT. ABANDONED HOUSE - DAY Sam is cleaning a g*n. Someone knocks on the door. Sam grabs a g*n and opens the door, revealing Ruby possessing the coma girl. She holds up a piece of paper. Ruby: Proof. This body is 100% socially conscious. I recycle. Al Gore would be proud. Sam: You grabbed a coma patient? Ruby: You didn't want me to take a body with someone in it, and I made sure that the spirit was gone. Apartment was empty. You happy? Sam: Why are you here? Ruby: I can't bring Dean back. But I can get you something else that you want. Sam: And, uh... what's that? Ruby: Lilith. Sam: You want me to use my psychic whatever. Ruby: Look, I know that it spooks you -- Sam: Skip the speech. I'm ready. Let's go. Ruby: Slow down there, cowboy. Sam: Just tell me what I have to do. Ruby: Look, Lilith is one scary bitch. When I was in the Pit, there was talk. She's cooking up something big -- apocalyptic big. Sam: So let's k*ll her. Ruby: You want to go in there and half-ass it like before? We have the time to get it right. Let's get it right. Sam: Okay. What do you want from me? Ruby: Well, a little patience... and sobriety. Promise me that... and I will teach you everything I know. INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT We are back to the present. Dean: So? What'd she teach you? Sam: Well, the first thing I learned... I'm a crappy student. INT. ABANDONED HOUSE - DAY Sam is trying to exorcise a demon tied to a chair in a devil's trap, but can't. Some black smoke comes out of the demon's mouth, but then it goes back in. Sam holds his head in pain. As the demon begins to laugh, Ruby kills him with her Kn*fe. Ruby: Not funny. Ruby: Just give it time, Sam. It'll get better. Sam: What? I need more practice? Ruby: I'm not talking about pulling demons. I know losing Dean was -- Sam: Hey! I don't want to talk about it. You know what? Where do you get off slapping me with that greeting-card, time-heals crap? What the hell do you know? Ruby: I used to be human. And I still remember what it feels like to lose someone. I'm sorry. Ruby puts a hand on Sam's shoulder. Sam: Uhn-huh. Don't. I can't. Ruby: Sam, you're not alone. Ruby kisses Sam. He stands up and walks away from her. Sam: What are you doing? Ruby: Sam, it's okay! Sam: No, that is anything but okay! Ruby: What's wrong? Sam: What's wrong? Where do I start? Ruby: Is it because of the body? Because I told you -- it's all me inside of here. There is no one else. And it's nice inside this body, Sam. Soft and warm. Sam: What are you doing? Ruby: Isn't it 'cause you're really scared to go there with a demon? Because it's wrong and it's bad and we shouldn't? Ruby and Sam begin to have sex. INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT We are back to the present. Dean: Sam? Sam: Yeah? Dean: Too much information. Sam: Hey, I told you I was coming clean. Dean: Yeah, but now I feel dirty. Okay, well, uh, brain-s*ab imagery aside... So far, all you've told me about is a manipulative bitch who, uh, screwed you, played mind games with you, and did everything in the book to get you to go bad. Sam: Yeah, well, there's more to the story. Dean: Just... skip the nudity, please. Sam: Pretty soon after... that, um... I put together some signs... Omens. Dean: Saying what? Sam: Lilith was in town. And I wanted to strike her first. Five Months Earlier INT. ABANDONED HOUSE - DAY Ruby: You're not ready yet. Sam: It's now or never. Ruby: No, we got to wait until you get it right. You haven't been too successful. Sam: All right, I'll use this. Ruby: Stop. You can't just fly in there reckless, Sam. We need you to take the bitch out. Sam: Oh, I'll take her out all right. Ruby: You get one sh*t, and you're it. You're the only one who can do it, Sam. So if she kills you first... Sam: What? Ruby: You don't want to survive this. Sam: Come on. Ruby: It's a kamikaze att*ck. You want to die fighting Lilith. Sam: That's stupid. Ruby: No, it's the truth, because if you k*ll her and you survive this, then you have to go on without your brother! This isn't what Dean would've wanted. This isn't what he died for. Ruby try to stop him, getting in his way in front of the door. Sam: Get out of my way. Ruby: No, Sam. This is su1c1de! Sam puts Ruby aside with her Kn*fe on her throat and walks out through the door. Five Months Earlier EXT. SUBURBAN HOUSE - DAY Sam sees a little girl in a house, who is sitting in a table full of cakes and candies. INT. SUBURBAN HOUSE - DAY Sam sneaks into the house with Ruby's Kn*fe ready to k*ll the Lilith. Girl: Please, I want to go home. Two demons att*ck Sam from behind and Sam loses the Kn*fe. Demon: Lilith sends her regrets. She couldn't make it. Ruby takes the Kn*fe from the floor and kills one of the demons. Ruby: Take the girl and run! The Demon beats Ruby and she loses the Kn*fe. Demon: Ruby, you're in so much trouble. When we get you down in the basement -- the things we're gonna do to you. Sam comes back and exorcises the Demon with his mind. Ruby: Sam. Sam: I'm okay. Thanks. INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT We are back to the present. Sam: Ruby came back for me. Whatever you have to say, she saved me. More than that, she got through to me. What she said to me... It's what you would've said. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be here. Maid: Housekeeping. Dean: Not now! Maid: Sir, I've got clean towels. Dean opens the door and the MAID enters. Dean: Couldn't you just leave 'em at the door? Maid: I'm at this address. Sam: I'm sorry. What? Maid: Go now. Go through the bathroom window, don't stop, don't take your car, don't pass go. There are demons in the hallway and in the parking lot. Sam: Ruby? Maid: Okay, yes, so I'm possessing this maid for a hot minute. Sue me. Sam: What about -- Maid: Coma girl? Slowly rotting on the floor back at the cabin with Anna, so I've got to hurry back. See you when you get there. Go! INT. CABIN - NIGHT Ruby: Glad you could make it. Sam: Yeah, thanks. Sam: Anna, are you okay? Anna: Yeah. I think so. Ruby's not like other demons. She saved my life. Dean: Yeah, I hear she does that. I guess I... You know. Ruby: What? Dean: I guess I owe you for... Sam. And I just wanted... you know... Ruby: Don't strain yourself. Dean: Okay, then. Is the moment over? [ Ruby nods ]Good, 'cause that was awkward. Anna: Hey, Sam, you think it'd be safe to make a quick call, just to tell my parents I'm okay? They must be completely freaked. Sam: Uh... Anna: What? Sam: Anna, um... Your parents... Anna: What about them? Sam: Look, I'm sorry. Anna: No, they're not... Sam: Anna, I'm sorry. Anna: Why is this happening to me? Sam: I don't know. Anna: They're coming. Dean: Back room. Sam takes Anna to the back room, then comes back. Ruby: Where's the Kn*fe? Dean: Uh... about that... Ruby: You're kidding. Dean: Hey, don't look at me. Sam: Thanks a lot. Ruby: Great. Just peachy. Impeccable timing, guys, really. The door rattles violently and bursts open. INT. CABIN - NIGHT Castiel and URIEL enter. Dean: Please tell me you're here to help. We've been having demon issues all day. URIEL Well, I can see that. You want to explain why you have that stain in the room? Castiel: We're here for Anna. Dean: Here for her like... here for her? URIEL Stop talking. Give her to us. Sam: Are you gonna help her? Castiel: No, she has to die. TO BE CONTINUED...
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "04x09 - I Know What You Did Last Summer"}
Air Date: 20 November 2008 INT. CABIN - NIGHT The scene continues from the last episode. Sam: You want Anna? Why? URIEL Out of the way. Dean: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, I know she's wiretapping your angel chats or whatever, but it's no reason to gank her. URIEL Don't worry. I'll k*ll her gentle. Dean: You're some heartless sons of bitches, you know that? Castiel: As a matter of fact, we are. And? Sam: And? Anna's an innocent girl. Castiel: She is far from innocent. Sam: What's that supposed to mean? URIEL It means she's worse than this abomination you've been screwing. Now give us the girl. Dean: Sorry. Get yourself another one. Try JDate. URIEL Who's gonna stop us? You two? Or this demon whore? URIEL throws Ruby against a wall. Dean att*cks him. Sam: Cas, stop...please. Castiel touches Sam's forehead and he falls to the ground. URIEL punches Dean. URIEL I've been waiting for this. Suddenly a bright light engulfs Castiel and URIEL and they disappear. Dean: What the... Dean helps Ruby to her feet. Dean: Come on. Ruby then kneels by Sam, who is stirring. Dean gets into a back room and finds Anna with her hands and arms covered in her own blood. Dean: Anna. Anna! Anna has used her blood to draw sigils on a mirror. Anna: Are they -- are they gone? Dean: Did you k*ll them? Anna: No. I sent them away... far away. Dean: You want to tell me how? Anna: That just popped in my head. I don't know how I did it. I just did it. INT. CABIN - NIGHT Dean: So, what do you think? Sam: I think Anna's getting more interesting by the second. Dean: Yeah, I agree. And what did they mean by "she's not innocent"? Sam: It seems like they want her bad, and not just 'cause of the angel radio thing. I mean, that blood spell -- Some serious crap, man. Dean: Something's going on with her. See what you can find out. Sam: What are you gonna do? Dean: Anna may have sent the angels to the outfield, but, sooner or later, they're gonna be back. We got to get ourselves safe now. INT. Bobby's PANIC ROOM - DAY Anna is sitting in a chair in the panic room. Dean: Iron walls drenched in salt. Demons can't even touch the joint. Ruby is waiting outside the open door. Ruby: Which I find r*cist, by the way. Dean: Write your congressman. Ruby: Here. Dean: Hex bags? Ruby: Extra-crunchy. They'll hide us from angels, demons, all comers. Dean: Thanks, Ruby. [ to Anna ]Don't lose this. So, Anna, what's playing on angel radio? Anything useful? Anna: It's quiet. d*ad silence. Dean: Good. That's not troubling at all. Anna: We're in trouble, huh? You guys are scared? Dean: Nah. Sam [ Out of sight ] Hey, Dean! Dean: Just stay here, okay? [ to Ruby ]Keep an eye on her. INT. Bobby's DINING ROOM - DAY Dean: How's the car? Sam: I got her. She's fine. Where's Bobby? Dean: Uh, The Dominican. He said we break anything, we buy it. Sam: He's working a job? Dean: God, I hope so. Otherwise, he's at hedonism in a banana hammock and a trucker cap. Sam: Now that's seared in my brain. Dean: All right, what did you find on Anna? Sam: Uh, not much. Her parents were, uh, Rich and Amy Milton -- a church deacon and a housewife. Dean: Riveting. Sam: Yeah. But there is something here in the report. Turns out this latest psych episode wasn't her first. Dean: No? Sam: When she was 2 1/2, she'd get hysterical any time her dad got close. She was convinced that he wasn't her real daddy. Dean: Who was? The plumber, hmm? A little snaking the pipes? Sam: Dude, you're confusing reality with p*rn again. Look, Anna didn't say. She just kept repeating that this real father of hers was mad. Very mad -- like wanted-to-k*ll-her mad. Dean: Kind of heavy for a 2-year-old. Sam: Well, she saw a kid's shrink, got better, and grew up normal. Dean: Until now. So, what's she hiding? Anna: Why don't you just ask me to my face? Dean: Nice job watching her. Ruby: I'm watching her. Sam: No, you're right, Anna. Is there anything you want to tell us? Anna: About what? Sam: The angels said you were guilty of something. Why would they say that? Anna: You tell me. Tell me why my life has been leveled... Why my parents are d*ad. I don't know. I swear. I would give anything to know. Sam: Okay. Then let's find out. Anna: How? INT. Bobby's BASEMENT - DAY Dean is leading PAMELA down the stairs. Dean: We're here! Sam: Pamela, hey! PAMELA Sam? Sam: It's me. it's Sam: PAMELA Sam? Sam: Yeah. PAMELA Sam, is that you? Sam: I'm right here. PAMELA Oh. Know how I can tell? [ grabs Sam's ass ]That perky little ass of yours. You could bounce a nickel off that thing. Of course I know it's you, grumpy. Same way I know that's a demon, and that poor girl's Anna and that you've been eyeing my rack. Sam: Uh... uh... uh... PAMELA Don't sweat it, kiddo. I still got more senses than most. Sam: Got it. PAMELA Hey, Anna. How are you? I'm Pamela. Anna: Hi. PAMELA Dean told me what's been going on. I'm excited to help. Anna: Oh. That's nice of you. PAMELA Oh, well, not really. Any chance I can dick over an angel, I'm taking it. Anna: Why? PAMELA They stole something from me. [ takes off her sunglasses, revealing white eyes ]Demon-y, I know. But they're just plastic. Good for business. Makes me look extra-psychic, don't you think? [ laughs ]Now...how about you tell me what your deal is? Hmm? Don't you worry. INT. Bobby's PANIC ROOM - DAY PAMELA Nice and relaxed. Now, I'm going to count down from five to zero. When we're at zero, you'll be in a deep state of hypnosis. As I count down, just go deeper and deeper, okay? 5... 4... 3... 2... 1. Deep sleep. Deep sleep. Every muscle calm and relaxed. Can you hear me? Anna: I can hear you. PAMELA Now, Anna, tell me... How can you hear the angels? How did you work that spell? Anna: I don't know. I just did. PAMELA Your father... What's his name? Anna: Rich Milton. PAMELA All right. But I want you to look further back... When you were very young... Just a couple of years old. Anna: I don't want to. PAMELA It'll be okay. Anna, just one look -- that's all we need. Anna: No. PAMELA What's your dad's name? Your real dad. Why is he angry at you? Anna: No. No! No. [ screams ]No! PAMELA Calm down. Anna: [screams ]He's gonna k*ll me! PAMELA Anna, you're safe. Anna: [ screams ]No! [ the lights explode and glass shatters ] PAMELA Calm down. Anna: [screams ]He's gonna k*ll me! PAMELA It's all right, Anna. Dean: Anna? Dean walks towards Anna. PAMELA Dean, don't. Anna throws Dean across the room. PAMELA Wake in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Anna... Anna? You all right? Anna: Thank you, Pamela. That helps a lot. I remember now. Sam: Remember what? Anna: Who I am. Dean: I'll bite. Who are you? Anna: I'm an angel. INT. Bobby's LIBRARY - DAY Anna: Don't be afraid, I'm not like the others. Ruby: I don't find that very reassuring. PAMELA Neither do I. Anna: So...Castiel, Uriel -- they're the ones that came for me? Sam: You know them? Anna: We were kind of in the Same foxhole. Dean: So, what, were they like your bosses or something? Anna: Try the other way around. Dean: Look at you. PAMELA But now they want to k*ll you? Anna: Orders are orders. I'm sure I have a death sentence on my head. PAMELA Why? Anna: I disobeyed... which, for us, is about the worst thing you can do. I fell. Dean: Meaning? PAMELA She fell to earth, became human. Sam: Wait a minute. I don't understand. So, angels can just become human? Anna: It kind of hurts. Try cutting your kidney out with a butter Kn*fe. That kind of hurt. I ripped out my grace. Dean: Come again? Anna: My grace. It's... energy. Hacked it out and fell. My mother, Amy, couldn't get pregnant. Always called me her little miracle. She had no idea how right she was. Dean: So, you just forgot that you were God's little Power Ranger? Anna: The older I got, the longer I was human, yeah. Ruby: I don't think you all appreciate how completely screwed we are. Anna: Ruby's right. Heaven wants me d*ad. Ruby: And Hell just wants her. A flesh-and-blood angel that you can question, t*rture, that bleeds. Sister, you're the Stanley Cup. And sooner or later, Heaven or Hell, they're gonna find you. Anna: I know. And that's why I'm gonna get it back. Sam: What? Anna: My grace. Dean: You can do that? Anna: If I can find it. Dean: So, what, you're just gonna take some divine bong h*t, and, shazam, you're Roma Downey? Anna: Something like that. Dean: All right. I like this plan. So, where's this grace of yours? Anna: Lost track. I was falling about 10,000 miles per hour at the time. Sam: Wait. You mean falling, like, literally? Anna: Yes. Sam: Like the way a human eye can see? Like a comet, maybe, or a meteor? Anna: Why do you ask? INT. Bobby's LIBRARY - NIGHT Sam is surrounded by books and old magazines. Sam: Here. In march '85, a meteorite vanished in the night sky over northwestern Ohio. It was sighted nine months before Anna was born, and she was born in that part of Ohio. Ruby: You're pretty buff for a nerd. Sam: Look, I think it was Anna and here, Same time -- another meteor over Kentucky. Ruby: And that's her grace? Sam: Might be. Ruby: All right. That just narrows it down to an entire state. Sam: Look, it's a start. Ruby: Sam... I'm sorry. Sam: For what? Ruby: For bringing you this mess. If I had known, I would have kept my trap shut. Sam: Yeah, well, we'll muddle through. Ruby: Not this time. You do not want to get between these two armies. It's Godzilla and Mothra. If one side doesn't get us, the other one will. Sam: So, what do you want to do? Dump Anna and run? Forget it. Look, I know the angels freak you out. Ruby: Forget the angels. It's Alastair I'm scared of. Sam: Alastair? Ruby: You met him in the church. Practically the grand inquisitor downstairs. Picasso with a razor. Sam: And? Ruby: And you should pull him out and throw him back in the pit... if you weren't so out of shape. Sam: Ruby... Ruby: No, your abilities -- you're getting flabby. Sam: Yeah, so how do I tone up? Ruby: You know how. You know what you got to do. Sam: No, I'm not doing that anymore. Ruby: Sam... Sam: I said no. Ruby: Well, then you better pray that Anna gets her groove back, or we're all d*ad. EXT. Bobby's SALVAGE YARD - NIGHT Anna: Pamela get home okay? DENA Yeah. She said she was sorry. It's just after last time, she, uh... This is just a little too rich for her blood. Anna: I don't blame her. You guys should do the Same. Dean: Well, we're not that smart. Can I ask you something? What do they want me for? Why did they save me? Anna: I'm sorry. The angels aren't talking about it. And it was after I fell. Dean: That's another question. Why would you fall? Why would you want to be one of us? Anna: You don't mean that. Dean: I don't? A bunch of -- of miserable bastards... Eating, crapping, confused, afraid. Anna: I don't know. There's loyalty... forgiveness... love. Dean: Pain. Anna: Chocolate cake. Dean: Guilt. Anna: Sex. Dean: Yeah, you got me there. Anna: I mean it. Every emotion, Dean, even the bad ones... It's why I fell. It's why... why I'd give anything not to have to go back. Anything. Dean: Feelings are overrated, if you ask me. Anna: Beats being an angel. Dean: How's that possible? You guys are powerful and perfect. You don't doubt yourselves or God or anything. Anna: Perfect... Like a marble statue. Cold... no choice... only obedience. Dean, do you know how many angels have actually seen God? Seen his face? Dean: All of you? Anna: Four angels. Four. And I'm not one of them. Dean: That's it? Well, then how do you even know that there is a God? Anna: We have to take it on faith... Which we're k*lled if we don't have. Dean: Huh. Anna: I was stationed on earth 2,000 years. Just... watching... silent... invisible... out on the road... sick for home... waiting on orders from an unknowable father I can't begin to understand. So don't tell me that -- Dean laughs. Anna: What is so funny? What? Dean: Nothing. Sorry. It's just...I can relate. Sam: Hey. Dean: Did you find something? Sam: I think so. INT. Bobby's LIBRARY - NIGHT Sam: Union, Kentucky. Found some accounts of a local miracle. Dean: Yeah? Sam: Yeah. In '85, there was an empty field outside of town. Six months later, there was a full-grown oak. They say it looks a century old at least. Dean: Anna, what do you think? Anna: The grace. Where it h*t, it could have done something like that, easy. Dean: So grace ground zero -- it's not destruction. It's... Anna: Pure creation. INT. Impala - NIGHT Dean is driving. Sam is beside him and Anna and Ruby are at the backseat. Dean looks in the rear-view mirror and laughs. Ruby: What? Dean: Nothing. It's just an angel and a demon riding in the backseat. It's like the setup to a bad joke... or a Penthouse Forum letter. Sam: Dude... Reality... p*rn. Dean: You call this reality? EXT. OAK FIELD - DAY Dean: It's beautiful. Anna: It's where the grace touched down. I can feel it. Dean: You ready to do this? Anna: Not really. Sam: Anna, what are we even looking for? Anna puts a hand on the tree trunk. Anna: It doesn't matter. It's not here. Not anymore. Someone took it. INT. BARN - NIGHT Dean: We still got the hex bags. I say we head back to the panic room. Ruby: What, forever? Dean: I'm just thinking out loud! Ruby: Oh, you call that thinking? Sam: Hey! Hey, hey, hey. Stop it. Ruby: Anna's grace is gone. You understand? She can't angel up. She can't protect us. We can't fight Heaven and Hell. One side maybe, but not both. Not at once. Anna: Um... guys? The angels are talking again. Sam: What are they saying? Anna: It's weird... Like a recording... a loop. It says, "Dean Winchester gives us Anna by midnight, or..." Dean: Or what? Anna: "...or we hurl him back to damnation." Sam: Anna.. Do you know of any w*apon that works on an angel? To what? To k*ll them? Sam nods. Anna: Nothing we could get to... Not right now. Dean: Okay, wait, wait. I say we call Bobby. We get him back from hedonism. Sam: Dean, what's he gonna tell us that we don't already know? Dean: I don't know, but we got to think of something! EXT. WOODS - NIGHT Dean is studying a book over the Impala. Dean: Hey. Holding up okay? Anna: Trying. Dean: Yeah. Anna: A little scared, I guess. So, um... Dean... I just wanted to thank you. Dean: For what? Anna: Everything. You guys -- you didn't have to help me -- Dean: Hey, let's can the "thanks for trying" speech, you know? Participation trophies suck ass. ANA I don't know. Maybe I don't deserve to be saved. Dean: Don't talk like that. Anna: I disobeyed. Lucifer disobeyed. It's our m*rder one, and I knew it. Maybe I got to pay. Dean: Yeah, well, we've all done things we got to pay for. Anna: I got to tell you something. You're not gonna like it. Dean: Okay. what? Anna: About a week ago, I heard the angels talking... About you... What you did in Hell. Dean, I know. It wasn't your fault. You should forgive yourself. Dean: Anna, I don't w-want to, uh... I don't want to... I can't talk about that. Anna: I know. But when you can, you have people that want to help. You are not alone. That's all I'm trying to say. Anna kisses Dean. Dean: What was that for? Anna: You know... Our last night on earth... All that. Dean: You're stealing my best line. INT. Impala - NIGHT Ready for love by Bad Company is playing while Dean and Anna make love. INT. BARN - NIGHT Sam is asleep over an open book as Ruby leaves. EXT. CROSSROAD - NIGHT Ruby burns her hex bag. ALASTAIR Hello, Ruby. Ruby: Alastair. ALASTAIR I have to say, I'm surprised to find you out in the open like this. Ruby: Yeah? Desperate times. ALASTAIR That they are. You looking for this? [ takes out Ruby's Kn*fe ]Your gawky human friend gave it to me. Ruby: Keep it. I just came to talk. ALASTAIR About what? About how a demon is protecting an angel? We really must revoke your membership. Ruby: Look, I know I'm not employee of the month, but this -- I never wanted to get in the middle of this. ALASTAIR Why are you here, Ruby? Ruby: I'll give you the angel. ALASTAIR Will you? And in return? Ruby: I walk away. Me and the Winchester boys, both of them. This angel business is none of our business. ALASTAIR Hmm. You know...I'd always heard that you were a devious, cowardly little slut. You don't disappoint. Ruby: So, what do you say? ALASTAIR It's interesting... Prudent. Two demons appear and grab Ruby from behind. ALASTAIR But, uh... Let me make you a... counteroffer. INT. BARN - NIGHT URIEL Look at that. It's so cute when monkeys wear clothes. Dean: I'm dreaming, aren't I? URIEL It's the only way we could chat... since you're hiding like cowards. Dean: Don't normally see you off leash. Where's your boss? URIEL Castiel? Oh, he, uh... He's not here. See, he has this weakness. He likes you. Time's up, boy. We want the girl. Dean: Wouldn't try that if I were you. See, she got her grace back. Full-blown angel now. URIEL That would be a neat trick, considering... [ takes out a necklace ]...I have her grace right here. We can't let Hell get their hooks into her. Dean: Well, then why don't you just give her back her angel juice? URIEL She committed a serious crime. Dean: What? Thinking for herself? URIEL This is our business, not yours. She's not even human... Not technically. Dean: Yeah, well, I guess I just like being a pain in the pooper. URIEL No. There's more. You cut yourself a slice of... angel food cake. Didn't you? Huh? You did. Dean: What do you care? You're junkless down there, right? Like a Ken doll? URIEL Ooh. Well, it's your last chance. Give us the girl, or -- Dean: Or what? What, you're gonna toss me back in the hole? You're bluffing. URIEL Try me. This is a whole lot bigger than the plans we got for you, Dean. You can be replaced. Dean: What the hell? Go ahead and do it. Dean: You're just crazy enough to go, aren't you? Dean: What can I say? I don't break easy. URIEL Oh, yes... you do. You just got to know where to apply the right pressure. INT. OLD BATHROOM - NIGHT Ruby is tied to some kind of dentist chair, ALASTAIR is torturing her with her Kn*fe. ALASTAIR You know the problem with your generation? Instant gratification. It's all now, now, now. No patience, no craftsmanship. But I do have to say... This Kn*fe of yours... It's an exquisite piece. You must tell me where you found it. You know... I haven't been up here since Poland '43. Truth is, I loathe it. It's chilly. No stink of blood or sizzle of flesh or the wet flap of flayed skin. I don't know how you stand it. So, the sooner you cooperate, the sooner I can finish up with this ghastly angel business and return home to my studies. But no rush. Let's take our time... Relish the moment. Now, I'm going to remove this, but don't you go smoking out of that meat. You won't get very far. Ruby: Oh! ALASTAIR Now you tell me where that angel is. Ruby: No. ALASTAIR No? Ruby: No. I tell you, you k*ll me. But I'll show you. INT. BARN - DAY Sam: I don't know, man. Where's Ruby? Dean: Hey, she's your Hell buddy. Dean is drinking from his flask. Anna: Little early for that, isn't it? Dean: It's 2 a.m. somewhere. Anna: You okay? Dean: Yeah, of course. The doors open with a blast and Castiel and URIEL enter. Castiel: Hello, Anna. It's good to see you. Sam: How? How did you find us? [ pause ]Dean? Dean: [to Anna]I'm sorry. Sam: Why? Anna: Because they gave him a choice. They either k*ll me... or k*ll you. I know how their minds work. Anna kisses Dean goodbye. Anna: You did the best you could. I forgive you. Okay. No more tricks. No more running. I'm ready. INT. BARN - DAY Castiel: I'm sorry. Anna: No. You're not. Not really. You don't know the feeling. Castiel: Still, we have a history. It's just -- Anna: Orders are orders. I know. Just make it quick. ALASTAIR, a bleeding Ruby and another demon appear. ALASTAIR Don't you touch a hair on that poor girl's head. URIEL How dare you come in this room... you pussing sore? ALASTAIR Name-calling. That hurt my feelings... You sanctimonious, fanatical prick. Castiel: Turn around and walk away now. ALASTAIR Sure. Just give us the girl. We'll make sure she gets punished good and proper. Castiel: You know who we are and what we will do. I won't say it again. Leave now... or we lay you to waste. ALASTAIR Think I'll take my chances. Angels and demons begin to fight. Castiel tries to exorcise ALASTAIR with his hand with no result. ALASTAIR Sorry, kiddo. Why don't you go run to daddy? URIEL exorcises a demon. Demon: Aaaaahhhh! ALASTAIR begins to exorcise Castiel. ALASTAIR Potestas inferna, me confirma. Potestas inferna, me confirma. Potestas inferma, me confirma! Dean hits ALASTAIR with a crowbar. ALASTAIR Dean, Dean, Dean... I am so disappointed. You had such promise. ALASTAIR att*cks Dean and Sam. Anna takes her grace from URIEL while he is k*lling the other demon. URIEL No! Anna breaks the pendant releasing the grace. White light flows into her mouth. Anna: Shut your eyes. Shut your eyes! Shut your eyes! Bright light comes out from Anna's body and makes ALASTAIR disappear, leaving behind Ruby's Kn*fe. Dean: Well, what are you guys waiting for? Go get Anna. Unless, of course, you're scared. URIEL This isn't over. Dean: Oh, it looks over to me, junkless. Castiel and URIEL disappear. Sam: You okay? Ruby: Not so much. Dean: What took you so long to get here? Ruby: Sorry I'm late with the demon delivery. I was only being tortured. Dean: I got to hand it to you, Sammy. Bringing them all together all at once -- angels and demons. It was a damn good plan. Sam: Yeah, well, when you got Godzilla and Mothra on your ass, best to get out of their way and let them fight. Dean: Yeah, now you're just bragging. Sam: So, I guess she's some big-time angel now, huh? She must be happy... Wherever she is. Dean: I doubt it. EXT. ROADSIDE - DAY Sam is sitting on the hood of the Impala with a beer, and Dean is leaning against the side of the car near him. Dean: I can't believe we made it out of there. Sam: Again. Dean holds out his bottle and Sam clinks it. Dean: I know you heard him. Sam: Who? Dean: Alastair. What he said... about how I had promise. Sam: I heard him. Dean: You're not curious? Sam: Dean, I'm damn curious. But you're not talking about Hell, and I'm not pushing. Dean: It wasn't four months, you know. Sam: What? Dean: It was four months up here, but down there... I don't know. Time's different. It was more like 40 years. Sam: My God. Dean: They, uh... They sliced and carved and tore at me in ways that you... Until there was nothing left. And then, suddenly... I would be whole again... like magic... just so they could start in all over. And Alastair... at the end of every day... every one... he would come over. And he would make me an offer. To take me off the rack... if I put souls on... if I started the torturing. And every day, I told him to stick it where the sun shines. For 30 years, I told him. But then I couldn't do it anymore, Sammy. I couldn't. And I got off that rack. God help me, I got right off it, and I started ripping them apart. I lost count of how many souls. [ a tear rolls down his cheek ]The -- the things that I did to them. Sam: Dean... Dean, look, you held out for 30 years. That's longer than anyone would have. Dean: [ crying ]How I feel... This... inside me... I wish I couldn't feel anything, Sammy. I wish I couldn't feel a damn thing.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "04x10 - Heaven and Hell"}
Air Date: 15 Jan 2009 INT. COUNTRY FARM – NIGHT A Man, BILL GIBSON, is having dinner while watching TV. TV Following the Civil w*r, the eyes of the nation turned to the West, where outposts like Fort Bellows served as- The lights go out. BILL Aw, come on. Crap. BILL tries to open the door, but it's locked. BILL What the hell?! Man. A closet door opens and a ghostly Girl comes out. BILL You? I-It's impossible. Just stay away from me! Just stay away from me! The Girl att*cks and kills BILL. INT. CAR – NIGHT Sam wakes from sleeping in the backseat of the car. Dean is studying some papers. Sam: What are you doing? Dean: What's it look like I'm doing? Sam: Like you're looking for a job. Dean: Yahtzee. Sam sits up. Sam: We just finished a job like two hours ago. Dean: Adrenaline's still pumping, I guess. So, what do you think... Cedar Rapids, Tulsa, or Chi-Town? Sam: I am all for working. I really am. But you got us chasing cases nonstop for like a month now. We need sleep. Dean: Yeah, we can sleep when we're d*ad. Sam: You're exhausted, Dean. Dean: I'm good. Sam: No, you're not. You're running on fumes, and you can't run forever. Dean: And what am I running from? Sam: From what you told me. Or are we pretending that never happened? Dean: Stratton, Nebraska. Farm town. A man gets hacked to death in a locked room inside a locked house. No signs of forced entry. Sam: Sounds like a ghost. Dean: Yes, it does. Sam sighs and flops back down. EXT. COUNTRY ROAD – DAY As the Impala drives into the house road we see the SOLD sign hidden in the grass. INT. FARM – DAY INT. HOUSE – DAY Dean: Boy, three bedrooms, two baths, and one homicide. This place is gonna sell like hotcakes. They enter the kitchen, opening cabinets. Dean spots something on an empty piece of wall. Dean: Hey, check this out. Dean knocks on the wall. It's hollow. Dean: Huh. Sam: It's probably a dumbwaiter. All these old houses had them. Dean: Know-it-all. Sam: What? Dean: What? Sam: You said... Dean: What? Sam: Never mind. They enter a bedroom. Dean: Well, no bloodstains, fresh coat of paint, it's a bunch of bubkes. Sam: Needle's all over the place. Dean: Yeah-power lines. Sam: Great. They look in the closet; a doll head is on the floor. Sam: Uh... Dean: Well, that's super-disturbing. Sam: Think it got left behind? Dean: By who? Unless Bill Gibson likes to play with doll heads. A car and moving truck approach. Sam: Uh-oh. Dean: I thought you said this place was still for sale. Sam: Apparently, it's not. EXT. FARM – DAY A dog and a Boy, DANNY, exit the car. DANNY Come on, Buster! Good dog! They run off. A Man, BRIAN, a Woman, Susan, and a Girl, KATE, have also gotten out. Susan: What do you think? It's nice, right? KATE Did anyone bother to check if we get a signal out here? BRIAN Actually, I did, Kate. But we decided to move anyway, just to ruin your life. Come on. Let's unpack. ANOTHER Man, TED, has gotten out of the truck. KATE Uncle Ted, please back me up here. TED Kid's right, Bri. You're ruining her life. KATE See? BRIAN Thanks for the help, Uncle Ted. TED Calling it like I see it, buddy. Susan: Hey. BRIAN What? Susan: Be nice. BRIAN I am nice. What do you think? We do okay? Susan: I don't know. KATE Who are they? Dean and Sam are coming down the stairs from the front door. BRIAN Can I help you? Sam: Hi. Are you the new owner? BRIAN Yeah. You guys are...? Dean: This is Mr. Stanwyk. I'm Mr. Babar. County code enforcement. BRIAN We had the building inspected last week. Is there a problem? Sam: Asbestos in the walls, a gas leak-yeah, I'd say we got a problem. Susan: Asbestos? Meaning what? Sam: Meaning until this house is up to code, it's uninhabitable. BRIAN Whoa whoa whoa. You're saying we can't stay here? Dean: It's a health hazard. You don't want to. TED Hold up. We just drove four hundred miles. Dean: There's a motel just down the road. Till this gets cleaned up, I suggest you stay there. BRIAN All right, and what if we don't? Dean: Well, you get a fine or you go to jail. Pick your poison. BRIAN One night. One night, and I'll take care of everything, ASAP, I promise. Dean: Yeah, you do that. KATE Another motel? Awesome, Dad. I hope this one has hooker sheets, like the last one. Susan: Danny! BRIAN Come on, Danny! EXT. CURRY's HOME – DAY Sam: What did the room look like when you found it, Mrs. Curry? Mrs CURRY I already told the local boys, there was blood everywhere. Dean: And Mr. Gibson-where was he? Mrs CURRY Everywhere. Sam: How long have you been cleaning Mr. Gibson's house? Mrs CURRY About five years. Dean: So you knew him pretty well. Mrs CURRY Well, not really well. He was real private. Not the easiest man. Not that I blame him. Sam: What do you mean? Mrs CURRY His wife dies in childbirth. Daughter hangs herself in the attic twenty years later. I'd be bitter, too. I think I got some pictures. She goes off to get them and comes back. Mrs CURRY Here. Dean: Thanks. Can we keep these? Mrs CURRY Suit yourself. Sam: Now, why'd the daughter k*ll herself? Mrs CURRY I don't know. That was before my time. Dean: Did you ever notice anything odd in the house when you were cleaning it? Mrs CURRY Like what? Dean: Like, you know, like lights going on and off, things not being where you left them. Mrs CURRY No. Well, maybe there was one thing. Sam: What's that? Mrs CURRY Well, sometimes, I thought I heard like a...rustling in the walls. Dean: Like a rat? Mrs CURRY Yeah. Dean: Must have been some big sons of g*n out there, huh? Mrs CURRY Wouldn't know. Never saw any. Sam: Do you happen to know where Mrs. Gibson and her daughter were buried? Mrs CURRY They were both cremated. Sam and Dean head back to the car. Sam: All right. So it probably wasn't the mom or the daughter. Whose ghost was it? Dean: I don't know. But I say we give that place a real once-over and see. EXT. FARM – DAY TED Code enforcement, my ass. There's no asbestos. BRIAN You sure? TED Hell yes. I've built enough homes to know that. No gas leak, either. BRIAN Who were those guys? TED Not from the county-I can tell you that. They begin to unpack the vehicles. KATE sees someone at a window. Susan: Hey! KATE startles. The window is empty. Susan: You okay? KATE Yeah. I just thought I saw something, that's all. Susan: It-it's gonna be great here, Kate. It really is. KATE Yeah, Mom. I'm sure. Everything's gonna change. INT. DANNY's ROOM – NIGHT Susan: Danny! Are you unpacking? DANNY is playing a handheld video game. DANNY Uh, yeah. I'm almost finished. DANNY hears something and puts down the game to investigate. DANNY Hello? It's okay. I'm Danny. Hi! INT. KITCHEN – NIGHT Susan: "Zucchini will grow, but the soil is too acidic for beets." Do you understand any of this? BRIAN Can you smell that? BRIAN opens a cabinet door and flinches. BRIAN That. It smells like a raccoon died up there or something. Susan: That's pleasant. Thank you. Can I continue having a conversation with myself? BRIAN Well, I'm listening. A...vegetable... garden. Susan: What are we doing, Bri? BRIAN What do you mean? Susan: Us. On a farm. Talking about zucchini. BRIAN It's gonna be different. I promise you. We're gonna be happy. Susan: And if we're not? BRIAN We will be. We have to be. Susan: I can't put the kids through another year like the last. EXT. FARM – NIGHT The car pulls up. Sam and Dean see the lights on inside the house. Dean: Crap. So, what now? Sam: We could tell them the truth. Dean: Really? Sam: No, not really. INT. DINING ROOM – NIGHT TED Hey, guys! You're gonna want to come see this! BRIAN and Susan come to look: the word "GO" is drawn on the wall in red. Susan: What the... BRIAN scratches at the word. BRIAN Crayon. Danny! DANNY Yeah? BRIAN Get your butt down here! TED Tell you what-if my kid did this- Susan: He's not your kid, Ted. Just butt out. TED leaves. Susan: Hey. Go easy on him. The teacher said he might act out. BRIAN Hey, buddy. Something you want to tell me and your mom? DANNY I didn't do that. BRIAN Okay. Look, just tell me the truth, and all you got to do is clean it up, okay? No punishment. DANNY But I didn't. The girl in the walls did it. Susan: The girl in the walls? DANNY She wants you to go and me to stay. BRIAN All right, one last time-the truth, buddy. DANNY That is the truth. I can stay, but she hate grownups. And if you don't leave, she's gonna get really, really mad! BRIAN All right, go to your room. DANNY Mom! If Andy were here, he'd believe me! BRIAN Upstairs! Now! INT. KATE's ROOM – NIGHT KATE is lying in bed, one hand over the side out of sight. KATE It's okay, Buster. It's okay. I hate it here, too. Sounds of licking. KATE Ugh. Ew, Buster! Gross! What's the matter with you? The door opens; it's BUSTER. KATE Oh, my god. Oh, god. KATE turns to look. The closet door slams. KATE screams. INT. DINING ROOM – NIGHT KATE Ew! Ew! Susan: It's okay. DANNY What's going on? BRIAN Katie, baby, baby. Calm down and tell us what happened. KATE I just got molested by Casper the pervy ghost! That's what happened! BRIAN Ghost? KATE Yes, dad! A ghost! DANNY It's the girl in the walls! KATE Who?! BRIAN Both of you, knock it off. Somebody knocks on the front door. TED opens the door and Dean and Sam come into. Dean: We heard screams. What's going on? BRIAN Oh, you two! Did you touch my daughter?! Dean: What? No. BRIAN Who are you guys? Sam: Relax, please. You have a ghost. BRIAN A ghost. KATE I told you! DANNY It's the girl! BRIAN Both of you, relax. What are you guys playing? Dean: Your family's in danger. You need to get out of the house now. The lights go out in the house. TED What the hell? Dean: Nobody move! DANNY Buster! BUSTER is howling. BRIAN gets out of the house followed by TED, Sam, and Dean. EXT. FARM – NIGHT BRIAN Buster! Buster? Buster! Buster! TED What the hell? The words "TOO LATE" are painted in red. The others come out onto the porch. DANNY Buster! BRIAN Go back inside. Go! Dean: We are not the bad guys, but you're in danger. Sam: First thing's first. You got to get your family out of here. Dean: Head to the motel I was talking about. You'll be safe there. BRIAN What are you two gonna do? Dean: Oh, no! Oh, come on! Oh, come on! The tires on the vehicles are all slashed. Sam: Dude, the g*n are gone. So is the... Basically, everything is gone. TED Truck's no good. BRIAN Both tires slashed. Dean: What kind of ghost messes with a man's wheels?! KATE What's going on? What's going on? KATE sees the Girl and screams. KATE She's there! She's there! Susan: Where?! KATE She was right there in the woods! Dean: What's a ghost doing outside? Sam: You want to stay and find out? Dean: Everybody inside. TED Are you crazy? We need to get the hell out of here! Dean: In what?! This ghost is hunting us! Everybody back inside now! Move! INT. DINING ROOM – NIGHT Dean: Whatever's outside, it can't get in this circle. As long as the salt line is unbroken, this is the safest place to be. BRIAN Safe from ghosts? Dean: Yes, as a matter of fact. BRIAN Okay. I'm not listening to this anymore. Come on. I got to get my family out of here. Let's go. Dean: Nobody's going anywhere until we k*ll this thing. Sam: Sir, please. This is what we do. Just...trust us. DANNY You hunt ghosts? Dean: That's right. DANNY Like Scooby-Doo? Dean: Better. Sam: You saw her outside, right? Okay. Does she look like either one of the girls? KATE Her. She was paler and a lot dirtier, but that was her. DANNY That's the girl in the walls. Sam: So it's the daughter? Susan: That girl in the picture-She-She's d*ad? Sam: She k*lled herself inside this house. Dean: So, what. The maid got her story wrong? Rebecca wasn't cremated? Sam: Unless her spirit's just attached to something inside the house. Dean: She hung herself in the attic, right? Sam: You want to babysit? I'll check it out. TED Look-I don't care who hung themselves where. Maybe something is going on here, but- Dean: It's a spirit, man. TED No, it's just some backwoods hillbilly bitch, and I'm not about to sit around here waiting for her to go all Deliveranceon my ass. Dean: Well, nobody's leaving the house. TED Stop me. Dean: Listen, man. I've got a g*n. You don't get your ass back in that circle, you're gonna have yourself a third hole. Sam: Dude, you don't have a g*n. Dean: And? I'm not letting that bastard or anyone else die tonight. Sam: You cool? Dean: Go. Sam leaves. TED Hey. Fonzie. Question for you. This indestructible force field made out of salt... Have to be kosher stuff, or what? Susan: Knock it off, Ted. A sound. Susan: Sh.. KATE What was that? They look around. The Girl opens a door and comes in. KATE Mom. Dean: All right, everybody stay calm. She's a ghost. She can't come in the circle. The Girl continues to approach. She stops at the edge of the salt, reveals she's holding a Kn*fe, and steps over the line. KATE I thought you said ghosts couldn't cross the circle. Dean: They can't. She's not a ghost. TED sh**t her! sh**t her! Dean: Yeah, about that... Go, go, go! Move! Dean fights her while she screams and the others run. Sam: Hey! Sam shines a light in her face. It hurts her eyes; she runs. EXT. FARM – NIGHT BRIAN Hey. You okay? Dean: Where is everybody? BRIAN Hiding. Dean: All right, go get them. Go. Go get them. Dean: So, it's not a ghost. Sam: So, it's just a girl? Dean: It's not just a girl. It's psycho Nell. I'm telling you, man-humans. Sam: So who is she, then? Dean: I don't know. Maybe it's the daughter, Rebecca. Maybe she didn't hang herself. Sam: Dude, no. She'd have to be like fifty years old by now. Dean: Well, I don't know. What'd you find in the attic? Sam: Some old junk. I found Rebecca's diary. That's about it. Dean: I wish you'd found a howitzer. Listen, we got to get this family safe. I mean, it's just a human, so they can make a run for it. We just got to hold her off. Susan: We're okay. BRIAN Danny! Ted! We got to go! TED I'm good! Susan: Danny! Come on! BRIAN Danny, buddy, we got to go! TED Told you it was some crazy bitch. Dean: Yes, you did. Sam: Head to town. We'll take it from here, okay? Susan: Danny, come on, baby! We're leaving! BRIAN Danny, we got to go! Susan: Brian, where-Where is he? BRIAN Danny! EXT. FARM – NIGHT Susan: Danny! BRIAN Suse, Suse, Suse. We will find Danny, I promise you. Susan: No. BRIAN No. Take Kate and go now. Now, while you still have a chance. Susan: Not without Danny. BRIAN We will find him. KATE I am not going out there with Mom alone. Dean: She's right. Until we find your son, the safest place for you right now is in the shed. KATE I am not going in there either. Dean: Yes, you are. It is the best defense. The windows are boarded up. It's got one door. It's our best sh*t right now. Trust me. BRIAN Suse. Kate. Go. Go. Sam: All right, you and me will take the outside. You two take the house. Let's go. INT. HOUSE – NIGHT Dean and TED poke around the room. TED finds a butcher Kn*fe. Dean investigates the walls. TED What are you doing? Dean: She's human. She had to come from somewhere. Dean finds a board that isn't securely attached to the rest. They pull it open. TED flinches. TED You smell that? Dean: Every day. Dean takes the Kn*fe and shines a flashlight around inside the walls, then goes in. Dean: Come on. TED comes up behind Dean. They go further in. Dean finds a hole in the floor and looks through. TED You're not going down there. Dean: Well, do you want to? TED says nothing. Dean starts down. Dean: Please nobody grab my leg. Please nobody grab my leg. Dean shines the light around the room. A rat corpse is inches from his face; he startles. He sees BUSTER, torn to shreds. Dean: Dog. It's what's for dinner. Danny? TED Find anything? Dean: Yeah, her kitchen. TED Her what? Dean looks around more; there is artwork on one wall, two stick figures drawn in probably-blood. TED turns around and comes face to face with the girl. She s*ab him. Dean hurries back; TED's head comes through the hole. INT. SHED – NIGHT BRIAN Look, why are we just standing here? Let's go in. Let's check the house. Sam: We have to wait for those guys to get back, okay? A knocking sound. Dean: Sam, it's me. Sam: Help me out. They move what's holding the door shut and open the shed door. Dean comes in. Susan: Did you get Danny? Dean: No. Susan: No? Well, where's Ted? Dean: He's outside. Susan: Well, why doesn't he come inside? Dean: Because I had to carry him out. I'm sorry. Susan: You're...what does that mean? What does that mean, you're sorry? BRIAN Are you saying that he's d*ad? Susan: No. No, he's not saying that he's d*ad. You're not saying that, are you? Dean: We were in the walls and she att*cked. Susan: Oh my god. Dean: And I couldn't get to him in time. KATE Uncle Ted is d*ad? Dean: I shouldn't have left him alone. I'm very sorry. Dean goes back outside. Sam reads REBECCA's diary. BRIAN We'll find him, Suse. We will. Susan: Where else is there to look? Danny's d*ad, isn't he? BRIAN No, Suse. Susan: He is. Why not? She k*lled my brother. Now she k*lled my son. BRIAN No, Danny is alive. Susan: No, no, he isn't. BRIAN Yes, he is. Do you remember what he said about the girl who lived in the walls? She said he could stay. Susan: No. No. I just don't understand why this happens to us. I mean, we're good people. We're a good family. BRIAN What happened to Andy happened, okay? I cannot change that. But I will find Danny, I promise you. And when I do, we are gonna be fine. You and me, the kids, we're gonna be fine. Susan: Okay. Sam, who has been pretending to read, returns to actually reading. EXT. FARM – NIGHT BRIAN stares up at the house. Dean: Andy your son? BRIAN Oldest. He got himself k*lled in a car accident last year. Dean: I'm sorry. BRIAN It nearly tore Suse and I apart. Still could, I imagine. That's why we moved here. Fresh air, fresh start. Not even my line. Marriage counselor. 'Course, she might be right. After all, what could possibly go wrong in the country? Dean: I'm getting your son back. If it's the last godforsaken thing I do. BRIAN Why do you care so much? Sam: Dean. Sam appears and holds up REBECCA's diary. Sam: We gotta talk. INT. HOUSE – NIGHT Dean: What is that? Sam: Rebecca's diary. I just finished reading it. Dean: And? Sam: That girl back there? Pretty sure she was Rebecca's daughter. Dean: Rebecca had a kid? Sam: It's all she talks about. Being pregnant, being ashamed of being pregnant. Dean: Jeez, rent Junoand get over it. Wait, why k*ll herself after the baby? Sam: Maybe because her dad called her a dirty little whore and said he was gonna lock the baby up. Dean: Why would he say that? Sam says nothing. Dean: Oh, gross. Sam: Yeah. Dean: So the daddy was the babydaddy too? Sam: Dude was a monster, Dean. Dean: Wow, a story ripped from an Austrian headline. Humans, man. So she's been locked up her whole life? Sam: You saw her eyes. Has she ever seen light? She's barely human. Dean: Okay, so, what, then, she's been caged up like an animal and she busts out and ganks dear old Dad? Slash Granddad? Sam: I guess. Dean: Well, can't say I blame her. Sam: I'm sure her life was hell, Dean. It doesn't mean she gets a free pass for m*rder. Dean: Like you know what hell's like. Sam: I didn't... Dean: Forget it. Sam: So where do we find her? Dean: Kid's gotta eat, right? Sam: What? Dean: He kept her hidden, locked up, but he had to feed her, didn't he? Sam: I guess. Dean: I think I know where. INT. BASEMENT – NIGHT DANNY is bound and gagged on the floor. He wakes up and struggles. He looks around and tries to scream. He sees the girl come through a hole in the wall. She smiles and holds up a live rat. He tries to scream some more. She looks at him, confused, and breaks the rat's neck and bites in. He keeps trying to scream. INT. DUMBWAITER SHAFT Dean and Sam bust a hole in the kitchen wall, letting light into the shaft. Sam: Could've kept her hidden here for years. Kept her fed, nobody would ever know. BRIAN flinches away from the open shaft. BRIAN Danny! Danny! Dean shines a light down the shaft. Dean: Watch out, I'm going down. BRIAN No. That's my son. Dean: I know it is, but I said that I would get him. I will. Let me. Dean looks down and up the shaft and scoots through the hole, then starts to climb down the side. Sam: Hey, you got curtains? We need rope. BRIAN goes looking while Sam holds the light on Dean. INT. BASEMENT – NIGHT Dean hits the bottom of the shaft and looks around. There's a rosary on the floor with a large wooden cross. INT. SHED – NIGHT Susan: It's okay. Shh. It's okay. One of the boarded-up windows bursts in. Susan and KATE scream. INT. BASEMENT – NIGHT Dean finds one of his g*n. He picks it up and checks it. Dean: Bitch is a klepto. Dean finds another g*n and checks it too. Dean: Come on. Danny. Danny. The sounds of DANNY trying to scream. Dean: Danny? Dean finds a hole in the brick wall. He shines the light through and sees DANNY, still bound and gagged. He grabs a butcher Kn*fe from nearby (possibly he was still carrying it) and cuts DANNY's bonds. DANNY scrambles through the hole. Dean: Your dad's upstairs. Come on. Watch your head, watch your head. DANNY Hurry, he's coming back. Dean: He? DANNY Her brother. An inarticulate yell. A Boy tackles Dean, who drops the light. INT. SHED – NIGHT Susan holds a rake. They watch the open window nervously. A Kn*fe comes through the wall right behind them. They scream. KATE Oh my god! INT. BASEMENT – NIGHT Dean and the Boy struggle while DANNY watches. INT. KITCHEN – NIGHT Sam drops one end of a rope of knotted curtains down the shaft. DANNY appears at the bottom. Sam: Danny! INT. BASEMENT – NIGHT Dean and the Boy fight. Dean loses a g*n. INT. KITCHEN – NIGHT DANNY ties himself into the rope. DANNY Okay! Sam: Pull. BRIAN Come on, buddy. Come on, buddy. Don't look back, Danny. Just come on, come. They hoist DANNY up the shaft. INT. SHED – NIGHT Susan and KATE look around. A box against the wall moves. KATE Mom. Susan shoves KATE behind her and tries to hold the wall with the rake under the bottom. KATE Mom! INT. KITCHEN – NIGHT DANNY is out of the shaft. BRIAN Come on. You okay? It's okay. Sam: Get him out of here. You gotta go. BRIAN and DANNY leave. Sam shines a light down the shaft. Sam: Dean? INT. BASEMENT – NIGHT The Boy s*ab at Dean, who holds him off with the light, then grabs his g*n and sh**t. The Boy falls. Sam comes in through the hole. INT. SHED – NIGHT The Girl breaks down the wall. Susan and the rake are caught underneath. The Girl holds up a Kn*fe, ready to s*ab, but is yanked out by the ankle. KATE Mom! Come on, Mom! The Girl screams outside. Sounds of s*ab. Pounding on the door. Susan and KATE scream. BRIAN Suse! Susan and KATE rush to the door. Susan opens it. BRIAN is outside, holding a bloody Kn*fe. EXT. FARM – NIGHT KATE cries. Susan holds DANNY. Sam and Dean come out the front door and see the Girl's body. EXT. FARM – DAY Dean jacks down the Impala after apparently replacing the tires. Sam pulls Dean's duffel out of the repacked trunk and throws it in the back of the car. BRIAN and Susan walk over. Dean: Thanks for the head start. BRIAN Why doesn't it surprise me you guys don't like the police? Sam: It's sort of a mutual-appreciation thing, really. BRIAN shakes Dean's hand. BRIAN Well, thank you. Susan: Thank you. Dean: You okay? Susan: No, we're the opposite of okay, but we're together. BRIAN takes Susan's hand. Susan: Thanks. Dean nods. EXT. OVERPASS – DAY Sam and Dean get out of the car. Sam comes around to Dean's side with burgers. Dean unwraps his, looks at it, and wraps it back up. Sam: You okay? Dean: You know, I felt for those sons of bitches back there. Lifelong t*rture turns you into something like that. Sam: You were in hell, Dean. Look, maybe you did what you did there, but you're not them. They were barely human. Dean: Yeah, you're right. I wasn't like them. I was worse. They were animals, Sam, defending territory. Me? I did it for the sheer pleasure. Sam: What? Dean: I enjoyed it, Sam. They took me off the rack, and I tortured souls, and I liked it. All those years, all that pain. Finally getting to deal some out yourself. I didn't care who they put in front of me. Because that pain I felt, it just slipped away. No matter how many people I save, I can't change that. I can't fill this hole. Not ever.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "04x11 - Family Remains"}
Air Date: 29 Jan 2009 We see various scenes recounting Sam and Dean's childhood and relationship with John. Sam: When I told Dad I was scared of the thing in my closet, he gave me a .45. Dean: What was he supposed to do? Sam: I was nine years old. Sam: The w*apon training and melting the silver into b*ll*ts? Man, Dean, we were raised like warriors. John: Lock the doors and windows, close the shades. And most important -- Young Dean: Watch out for Sammy. Sam: I don't understand the blind faith you have in the man. Dean: It's called being a good son. Young Sam: Dad's gonna be here, right? Young Dean: He'll be here. Promise. Young Sam: Where is he, anyway? Young Dean: On business. Dean: And that's why you ran away. Sam: I was just going to college. It was Dad who said if I was gonna go, I should stay gone. John: Your brother and me -- We needed you. You walked away, Sam. You walked away! Dean: Stop it, both of you. Sam: You're the one who said don't come back, Dad. You're the one who closed that door, not me! John: This is never the life that I wanted for you. Young Dean: Look, I'm sure Dad would have been here if he could. TITLECARD: NOW INT. SCHOOL CAFETERIA – DAY It's lunch time, and the "popular" table is full of cheerleaders and jocks. Girl 1: She's such a slut. Boy 1: So? Personally, I'm very pro-slut. What happened, anyway? Girl 1: She totally banged Jamie Jaffe, that's what. She gave him the reverse cowgirl and everything. Taylor walks up to the table, looking for a place to sit down. Girl 1: Hi, Taylor. How was your weekend? Taylor: Fine, I guess. Girl 1: You didn't... go to the rodeo? Taylor: (to someone sitting at the table) That's my spot. Girl 1: Sorry. This is a skeev-free zone. Boy 1: Slut! Table: Slut! Slut! Slut! Slut! Taylor storms off, slams down her tray and sits down at another table. The only other person at the table is April, an overweight shy girl. April: You shouldn't listen to those jerks. Taylor: Leave me alone. April: I just mean... I'm sorry, that's all. Taylor: You? You're sorry? Don't you feel sorry for me, you fat, ugly pig. April is upset, and leaves the table in a hurry. INT. SCHOOL BATHROOM – DAY Taylor is upset, looking at herself in the mirror. She has been crying. She doesn't see April approach her from one of the stalls. April: Do you think I'm ugly? Taylor: Look, I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean it, okay? April grabs Taylor and slams her around, hitting her head hard on the mirror and sink, then dragging her to one of the stalls. Taylor screams. Taylor: Aah! Aah! April: I'm not ugly. April holds Taylor's head under water in the toilet until Taylor stops struggling. She lets Taylor fall to the ground, looks down at the unmoving Taylor, and black goo (ectoplasm) comes out of one of her eyes. April: You're ugly. SUPERNATURAL EXT. HOSPITAL – DAY We see an outside sh*t of the hospital. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM – DAY Sam is in hospital whites, dressed as an orderly. He is sitting in a chair with a clipboard talking to April. April: I'm not talking about it anymore. I already told the cops and the Doctors. No one believes me. They think I'm crazy. Sam: Well, I'm a little bit more open-minded than most. April, why did you tell the police you were possessed? April: It doesn't matter. Sam: It matters to me. April: When I -- when I hurt Taylor, I was there, in my head, but I couldn't control my body. I could see what I was doing, but I couldn't stop. I just wanted to stop. I'm sorry. Sam: You don't need to apologize. April, some of the kids at school told the police that you and Taylor didn't get along. April: Well, yeah, but I never wanted to k*ll her. Never. Do you believe me? Sam: Yeah, I do. Just a couple more questions. On the day this happened, did you... happen to smell anything? April: Anything... like what? Sam: Like rotten eggs or... sulfur? April: Um, no. Sam: Okay. Um, did you notice any black smoke? April: What are you, crazy? INT. Impala – DAY Sam approaches the Impala, where Dean is waiting for him, and climbs in the passenger door. Dean: So? Sam: I think she's telling the truth. I mean, the way she talked about being there ment*lly but not physically -- kind of sounds like demonic possession to me. Dean: Kind of? Sam: She didn't see any black smoke or smell sulfur. Dean: Maybe it's not a demon. I mean, kids can be vicious. Sam: Well, I mean, we're already here. Might as well check out the school. Dean: Right. The school. Sam: What? Dean: Truman High, home of the b*mb. Sam: What's your point? Dean: I mean, we went there, like... for a month a million years ago. Why are you so jazzed to go back? Sam: I'm not. I just think it's worth looking into. Dean: All right, well, what's our cover? FBI? Homeland Security? Swedish exchange students? Sam: Don't worry. I got an idea. Dean: Okay. They drive off. FLASHBACK – EXT. SCHOOL – DAY "Long, Long Way from Home" (Foreigner) plays while the Impala drives up to the front of the school. Young Sam and Young Dean get out of the car. The driver isn't shown, but it's hinted that it's a younger John. TITLE CARD: TRUMAN HIGH SCHOOL 1997 Young Dean (looks in car window): Thanks, Dad. Young Dean and Young Sam start walking towards the school. Young Dean (to Young Sam): Got your lunch? Books? Butterfly Kn*fe? Young Sam: Yeah, Dean. Young Dean: You okay? Young Sam: Sure. Young Dean: Sammy... Young Sam: I mean, look, this is the third school we've been to this year, and it's only November. I'm just sick of always being the new kid. Young Dean: You'll be fine. If anyone gives you any trouble, you let me know. Relax. Dad said this hunt will take him two weeks, tops. As soon as he gets back, we're out of here. Young Sam: To another school. Awesome. FLASHBACK – INT. SCHOOL Class ROOMS – DAY The scene changes back and forth from Young Sam's and Young Dean's classrooms as they are introduced. First up is Young Sam, as he stands in front of a classroom while being introduced by the teacher, Mr. Wyatt. Mr. Wyatt: Ladies and gentlemen, please say hello to Sam Winchester. Class: Hi, Sam. Hi, Sam. Hi, Sam. Hi, Sam. FLASHBACK – INT. Young Dean's Class ROOM – DAY Young Dean stands in front of his class, while his teacher, an older woman, talks to the class. Dean's Teacher: Class, say hello to our new student, Dean Winchester. Dean, is there anything you'd like to tell us about yourself? Young Dean: Not really, sweetheart. Dean's Teacher: Take your seat. FLASHBACK – INT. Young Sam's Class ROOM – DAY Young Sam stands in the front of the class, obviously uncomfortable. Mr. Wyatt: Is there anything you'd like to tell us about yourself? Young Sam: Not really. Mr. Wyatt: Okay. Uh, grab a seat. FLASHBACK – INT. Young Dean's Class ROOM – DAY Young Dean walks down the aisle, and takes an empty seat. FLASHBACK – INT. Young Sam's Class ROOM – DAY Young Sam walks down the aisle to an empty desk. He places his backpack on the desk; his Kn*fe falls out on the seat. He quickly grabs it and hides it, but not before Barry, who is sitting next to Young Sam, sees it. Barry: Whoa, that's yours? Awesome! FLASHBACK – INT. Young Dean's Class ROOM – DAY Dean's Teacher: Dean, where are your books? Young Dean: Don't need 'em, sugar. Not gonna be here long enough anyway. Dean notices Amanda, and they share a look. FLASHBACK – INT. Young Sam's Class ROOM – DAY Mr. Wyatt: All right, g*ng... essay assignment. Class: Aw! Aw! Aw! Aw! Mr. Wyatt: Yeah, yeah, my heart breaks for you. Barry (whispers to Young Sam) Hey... I'm Barry. Young Sam: Sam. Mr. Wyatt: Okay, now, I want three pages of your most memorable family experience. Just a reminder though, this is going to be worth half your final grade… (he keeps talking in the background) Dirk starts flicking Barry's ear while Mr. Wyatt is talking. Young Sam (to Dirk) Leave him alone. Dirk: Shh, I'm going for a record. Mr. Wyatt: I don't care what you write about, or even how you write about it. I'm looking for the brutal, funny, maybe even painful, truth. OK everybody, any questions? OK, let's get started. Young Sam: I said, leave him alone. Dirk: You want to take his place... midget? Young Sam: Yeah. Sure. INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY – DAY Sam walks down a school hallway just as the bell rings dismissing class. He is dressed as a janitor and is pushing a janitor's cart. He passes Mr. Wyatt's room, where class is getting out. It is the Same Mr. Wyatt we saw before, but older. INT. SCHOOL GYM – DAY Dean is dressed in a white shirt and tight red shorts. He has a red headband on his head. He blows a whistle, then addresses the class. Dean: Today, you will have the honor of playing one of the greatest games ever invented. A game of skill, agility, cunning. A game with one simple rule... dodge. Dean throws the ball into Class Mate 1's stomach. He doesn't dodge. Class Mate 1: Ugh! Dean: Sorry. Colby: Uh, Substitute Coach Roth... Dean: Yes? Colby: Ms. Boudreaux never let us play dodge ball. Dean: Well, Ms. B's in Massachusetts getting married, so we're playing. Colby: She says it's dangerous. Dean (blows whistle) Take a lap! Colby: But -- Sam enters the gym, and gets Dean's attention. Dean throws the bag of balls to the class. Dean: Go nuts. Sam: Having fun? Dean: The whistle makes me their god. Sam: Right. Nice shorts. Dean: Find anything? Sam: I've been over the entire school twice. No sulfur. Dean: No sulfur, no demon. No demon, no case. Sam: I don't know. Maybe I was wrong. Dean: Well, it happens to the best of us. I say we h*t the road, huh? But after lunch -- it's sloppy-joe day. Colby: Ohh! (he runs by Sam and Dean holding his nose) Dean: Good hustle, Colby! Walk it off! INT. SCHOOL CLASSROOM – DAY The scene opens to a Cuisinart spinning. It pans back to two students talking. Boy 1: Hey, I need to copy your algebra homework again. (hits Boy 2 to get his attention) Hey! Boy 2: Why? Cause you're a stupid, brain-d*ad dick? Boy 1: I'm gonna shove my fist down your throat, you little freak. Boy 2: That fist? Boy 1: Yeah. Boy 2 looks at Boy 1 and grins (not a happy grin, but a devilish grin) and grabs Boy 1's hand and pushes it in the spinning Cuisinart. Blood goes everywhere, and Boy 1 starts screaming. A classmate helps Boy 1 out, and everyone else runs out. Boy 2 looks woozy, then falls down. Sam arrives just as he is going down. He runs over to Boy 2 and sees black goo (ectoplasm) oozing from Boy 2's ear. Boy 2: What happened? INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY – DAY Sam and Dean walk down a deserted school hallway. Sam: How's the nonviolence assembly going? Dean: Apparently, shoving a kid's arm into a Cuisinart is not a "healthy display of anger." So, the kid had ectoplasm leaking out his ear? Sam: Which only comes from a seriously pissed-off spirit. It's got to be ghost possession. Dean: Yeah, but that's pretty rare. Sam: Yeah, but it happens. I mean, they get angry enough, they can take control of a person's body. Dean: All right, so, what, we got a ghost in the building? Sam: Yeah, but where? I mean, there's no EMF. Maybe we could find out who it is, at least. You know, check and see if somebody died bloody around here or something. Dean: Way ahead of you. I had to break into the principal's office to get this. Oh, and FYI, three of the cheerleaders are legal. Guess which ones. Sam: No. Dean: (unfolds paper he took from his pocket) So, there was only one death on campus. It was a su1c1de back in '98. Some kid named Barry Cook. What? Sam (sighs) I knew him. How did he die? Dean: He slit his wrists in the first-floor girls' bathroom. Sam: That's where -- Dean: Right where the chick got swirleyed to death, exactly. So, what? This ghost is possessing nerds? Sam: And using them to go after bullies, yeah. Dean: Well, does that sound like Barry's M.O.? Sam: Barry had a hard time. FLASHBACK – INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY – DAY It's between classes and there are students in the hallway. Barry is walking down the hall, and another student bumps him and makes him drop his books. Young Sam sees this and helps him pick up his stuff. Barry: Thanks, Sam. Young Sam: Great school. Barry: I don't care. Three years, and I'm out of here. I'm going to Michigan State. They got the best vet program in the country. Young Sam: Do you like animals? Barry: They're a lot nicer than people. FLASHBACK – INT. JANITORS CLOSET – DAY Young Dean and Amanda are making out. Young Dean: So tonight I'm thinking you, me, a bucket of popcorn, extra butter... Amanda: Mm, kinky. Young Dean: ..and the midnight screening of "I Spit on Your Grave" at the Cinedome. Amanda: I can't. I have a curfew... at 11:00. Young Dean: So? Amanda: So if I break it, my folks will ground me for a month. Young Dean: Yeah, parents. Terrifying. Amanda: Mm-hmm. Well, when's your curfew? Young Dean: I don't have one. Amanda: Your parents just let you stay out all night, don't they? Young Dean: My Dad's out of town on a job. It's just me and my brother. Amanda: For how long? Young Dean: Couple of weeks. Amanda: Seriously? Young Dean: Yeah, we got a pretty sweet setup at The Pines. Amanda: The motel? Young Dean: Mm-hmm. HBO, magic fingers, free ice -- it's great. Amanda: Yeah... I guess. Young Dean: What? I do whatever I want, whenever I want. It's perfect. Amanda: Yeah, but... don't you miss your Dad? FLASHBACK – INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY – DAY Young Dean and Amanda emerge from the closet, just as Young Sam and Barry walk by. Young Dean: Yo! Sammy! Young Dean and Amanda walk off. Barry: That's your brother with Amanda Heckerling? He's cool. Young Sam: Yeah. He thinks so. Dirk: Hey, tough guy. I been looking for you. Still want to take Barry's place? Young Sam: Get out of here, Barry. Barry: I'll go get a teacher. Dirk: You want to go? Young Sam: I'm not gonna fight you, Dirk. Dirk: Why not? You chicken? Come on! Young Sam: No. Dirk hits Young Sam, who falls to the ground. He stays there, looking up at Dirk. Dirk: Get up! Get up! Come on! Get up! Mr. Wyatt: Hey, get back! Get back. That is enough. Mr. Wyatt takes off after Dirk, who has turned and walked away. Young Sam watches them walk off. EXT. GRAVEYARD – NIGHT Dean and Sam are standing at Barry's grave, where they have already dug up his coffin. Sam puts in the salt and fuel, Dean throws in the lighted match. Dean: So long, Barry Cook. INT. Impala – NIGHT The Impala drives down a dark road, and Sam and Dean ride inside. Dean: You all right? Sam: Barry was my friend. I just b*rned his bones. Dean: Well, he's at peace now, Sam. Sam: I mean, if Dad had let us stay just a little while longer, maybe I could have helped the kid, you know? Dean: You read the coroner's report Same as me. Barry was on every anxiety drug and antidepressant known to man. School was hell for that kid. His parents had split up. He just wanted out. It was tragic, but it's not your fault. To tell you the truth, I'm glad we got out of that town. I hated that school. Sam: It wasn't all bad. Dean: How can you say that after what happened to you? Sam looks over at Dean, remembering that day. FLASHBACK – EXT. SCHOOL YARD – DAY Young Sam and Young Dean are sitting on a small bleacher by the school. Young Dean: That kid's d*ad. Young Sam: Dean. Young Dean: I'm gonna rip his lungs out! Young Sam: It's not a big deal. Young Dean: Not a big deal? Sammy, look at yourself. If Dad was here -- Young Sam: He's not. Young Dean: Well, I am! And as soon I'm finished with that dick -- Young Sam: Shut up, okay?! I don't need your help. Young Dean: That's right, you don't. You could have torn him apart. So why didn't you? Young Sam: Because I don't want to be the freak for once, Dean. I want to be normal. Young Dean: So taking a beating -- that's normal? Young Sam: Any word from Dad? Young Dean: He called this morning, said he's going to be another week at least. We weren't supposed to be here this long. Young Sam: At least you've got Amanda. She's cool. Young Dean: Dude, she wants me to meet her parents. I don't do parents. FLASHBACK – INT. Class ROOM – DAY Mr. Wyatt's classroom, class is over and students are leaving. Mr. Wyatt: Mr. Winchester, can I talk to you? Sam walks up to Mr. Wyatt's desk. Barry is walking behind him. Barry: Um... I'll wait for you outside. Young Sam: Look, if this is about the fight, I didn't start it. Mr. Wyatt: Oh, no, it's not about the fight, Sam. You know this assignment was nonfiction, right? Young Sam: Yes, Mr. Wyatt. Mr. Wyatt: So you and your family k*lled a werewolf last summer, huh? Why would you write something like this, Sam? Young Sam: It doesn't matter. As soon as my Dad gets back, we're leaving, so you can flunk me if you want to. Mr. Wyatt: I'm not flunking you. I'm giving you an "A." Now, aside from the werewolf, is that really how you'd describe your family? Young Sam: Yeah. Mr. Wyatt: Well, your brother is quite a character. And your father -- he seems, uh, driven. Anyway, it's good, Sam. It's really good. Have you ever thought about pursuing writing? Young Sam: I can't. I have to go into the family business. Mr. Wyatt: Family business? Young Sam: Yeah, my, aah -- my dad's a mechanic. So I have to be a mechanic, too. Mr. Wyatt: Do you want to go in the family business, Sam? Young Sam: No one's ever asked me that before. Mr. Wyatt: Well? Young Sam: More than anything, no. Mr. Wyatt: Well... I don't want to overstep my bounds here, but... you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Look, I mean, I know what it's like. I come from a family of surgeons, and that wasn't me. So, you know, I traded in the money and prestige of being a Doctor for all the glamour you see around you. But the point is... there may be three or four big choices that shape someone's whole life, and you need to be the one that makes them, not anyone else. You seem like a great kid, Sam. Just live the life you want to live. EXT. Impala – DAY Sam and Dean drive up to the school. Dean: We came back here so you could talk to a teacher? Sam: He's a good guy. Dean: Well, whatever. Go have your Robin Williams "O captain! My captain!" moment. Just make it quick. INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY – DAY Sam is walking down a deserted hallway and he looks deep in thought – he runs his hand through his hair as he walks. The scene changes to a flashback of Young Sam walking down the Same hall, running his hand through his hair the Same way. We change back to Sam, and he is approached by a Young Woman. Young Woman: Excuse me, sir, can you tell me find room 305? Sam: Sure. Um... head down the hall, take your first right, and it's the third door on the left. Young Woman: Thanks, Sam. She takes out a Kn*fe and s*ab him in the stomach. Young Woman: You got tall, Winchester. She kicks Sam in the face. He falls to the ground. He opens a small jar he grabs from his jacket pocket, and when Young Woman approaches, he grabs her and forces the salt in her mouth. The GHOST looks like it is ripped from her body and flies out the door. She collapses, and Sam sits in the hall holding her, looking around. EXT. WOODS – DAY Sam and Dean are sitting on the Impala, enjoying a beverage and talking. Dean: Trust me. This will help. That ghost is d*ad. I'm gonna rip its lungs out! Well, you know what I mean. Sam: It knew my name, Dean. My real name. We b*rned Barry's bones. What the hell? Dean: Well, maybe it wasn't Barry. Maybe we missed something. We just got to go back. (he is reviewing a file while talking) No way. How did we not see this before? Sam: What? Dean: Check it out -- Look, Martha Dumptruck, Revenge of the Nerds, and Hello Kitty -- they rode the Same bus. Sam: Okay, so maybe the bus is haunted. Dean: Well, that would explain why there's no EMF at the school, but not the att*cks. I mean, ghosts are tied to the places that they haunt. They can't just bail. Sam: Unless this one can. Dean, there's lore about spirits possessing people and riding them for miles, then whenever they leave the body, they're bungeed back to their usual haunt. But until then, the ghosts can go wherever they want. Dean: So a spook just grabs a kid on the bus and walks right into Truman? Sam: It's possible. Dean: Ghosts getting creative -- well, that's super. INT. SCHOOL BUS – DAY Sam is in the back of the bus with an EMF meter. Dean is up front, searching for some clue of the ghost. Sam: Definitely ain't clean. Dean: Here, ghosty, ghosty, ghosty! Come out, come out, wherever you are! Sam: Man, I don't get it. No one ever died on this bus, and it's not like there's a body hidden in here. Dean: Yeah, but a flap of skin, a hair, I mean, hell, a hangnail -- something's got to be tying the ghost to this place. We just got to find it. Sam: Yeah. Dean (looking through papers at the front of the bus) Got a new driving permit. Issued two weeks ago. Sam: Just before the first att*ck. Dean: Yeah. Name of the bus driver is Dirk McGregor Sr., 39 North Central Avenue. Sam: McGregor? Dean: Yeah. Why? Sam: I knew his son. Dean: Did you know everybody at this school? FLASHBACK – EXT. SCHOOL – DAY School is letting out. Dirk pushes Barry down. Dirk (to Barry) Got to watch where you're going, man. Young Sam: Leave him alone, Dirk. Dirk: You never learn, do you, midget? Young Sam: Get to the bus, Barry. Barry runs off, and Dirk pushes down Young Sam. Dirk: What's the matter? You scared? Don't worry. I'll go easy on you this time. Come on, Lose-chester. Let's see what you got. Come on, freak! Freak! Young Sam gets up and starts fighting with Dirk. Young Sam is clearly the better fighter, connecting with hard punches, while Dirk swings at the air. Sam knocks Dirk down. Young Sam: You're not tough. You're just a jerk. "Dirk the jerk." Kids in the crowd pick up the chant, saying "Dirk the jerk", "That's pretty good", etc. Then the crowd start chanting "Dirk the jerk" while Dirk runs off. INT. LIVING ROOM – DAY Sam and Dean are in Mr. McGregor's living room. Mr. McGregor: So, you were friends with Dirk? Sam: Yes, sir, in high school. Mr. McGregor: I don't recall Dirk having many friends at Truman. Here, sit. Sit down. Dean: When did, uh -- when did Dirk pass? Mr. McGregor: He was 18. Sam: What happened to him? Mr. McGregor: Well, there was, first, drinking, then drugs, and then too many drugs. And then he just slipped through my fingers. It was my fault. I should have seen it coming, you know? Dirk, he, uh -- he had his troubles. Dean: What kind of troubles? Mr. McGregor: School was never easy for Dirk. We didn't have much money, and, well, you know, kids -- they can be cruel. They picked on him. Sam: They picked on him? Mr. McGregor: They called him poor and dirty and stupid. They even had a nickname for him -- Dirk the jerk. And after what happened to his mother, he… Sam: His mother? Mr. McGregor: Yeah, Jane, my wife. She died when Dirk was 13. Cancer. I was working three jobs, so it fell to Dirk to take care of her. And he was a great kid. He made sure Jane got her medicine. He helped her, cleaned up after her. But, you know, you -- you watch somebody die slow, waste away to nothing... it does things to a person. Horrible things. Sam: I didn't know about his mother. Mr. McGregor: He -- he wouldn't talk about her, not even to me. Lot of anger in that boy. Sam: I'm sorry. Dean: Well, we'd really like to pay our respects, Mr. McGregor. Um, you mind telling us where Dirk is buried? Mr. McGregor: Oh, he wasn't. I had him cremated. Dean: All of him? Mr. McGregor: Well, I kept a lock of his hair. Dean: Oh, that's -- that's nice. Where do you keep that? Mr. McGregor: On my bus, in my Bible. INT. SCHOOL BUS – NIGHT Eddie is driving the team bus. Coach: Thanks for subbing tonight, Eddie. Eddie: My pleasure, Coach. Eddie smiles a grin like he is up to no good. CUT TO: The bus is driving fast down the road. Coach: Eddie, you want to ease up on the pedal, there? Eddie: I got it all under control. The bus drives over a spike strip and the tires blow. The bus swerves and comes to a stop. Someone on bus: What the hell was that? Someone else on bus: Everyone okay? The driver opens the bus door and steps out of the bus. Dirk is in the driver. Sam walks up and cocks his g*n. Sam: Dirk! Dirk (IN Eddie) Winchester. What are you gonna do, sh**t me? Dean sneaks up behind Dirk and wraps a rope around his middle. Sam: Don't need to. That rope is soaked in salt water, Dirk. You're not going anywhere. Dean sticks his head in the bus and addresses the team. Dean: All right, everybody stay where you are. You'll be okay. Someone on bus: Aren't you the P.E. Teacher? Dean: Not really. I'm like "21 Jump Street." The bus driver sells pot. Yeah. Dean looks for the lock of hair on the bus. Dean: It's not here! Sam: Where is it? Dirk: No way you'll ever find it. Sam (pushes the g*n up to Dirk's chest) Where is it?! Dirk: Sam Winchester. Still a bully. You, you jocks... you popular kids... you always thought you were better than everybody else. And to you, I was just Dirk the jerk, right? Now you evil sons of bitches are gonna get what's coming to you. Sam: I'm not evil, Dirk. I'm not. And neither were you. Trust me. I've seen real evil. We were scared and miserable, and we took it out on each other -- us and everybody else. That's high school. But you suffer through that, and it gets better. I'm just sorry you didn't get a chance to see that... you or Barry. Dirk: Nothing is gonna get better for me. Not ever. Dirk breaks out of the rope. Sam fires salt at him, and GHOST Dirk flies back to the bus. GHOST Dirk enters a student on the bus. The student gets off the bus and att*cks Sam from behind. He starts beating Sam up. Dean fires a salt sh*t at him but misses. Sam: Dean! Find the hair! Dean goes to Eddie, who is still lying down on the ground, and starts looking in his pockets for the lock of hair. Dean: Hey, buddy, this isn't what it looks like. Dean finds the lock of hair, takes out his lighter, and sets it on f*re. GHOST Dirk screams and flies out of the student. The student falls on Sam. The team must have been the football or wrestling team, because the student was big. Sam calls out from under the student. Sam: Little help? Dean: He's giving you the full cowgirl. FLASHBACK – INT. JANITOR's CLOSET – DAY Young Dean is kissing a young girl that is not Amanda. There is a knock at the door. Young Dean: Five more minutes, Jerry. Amanda opens the door and Young Dean pulls away from the girl he was kissing. They walk out of the closet into the hallway. Young Dean: Amanda, hey! (to other young woman) Gettysburg address, 1863, right? (to Amanda) History test next period. We're studying. Come on, baby. She means nothing to me. Don't be mad. Amanda: I'm not mad, Dean. I thought maybe... underneath your whole "I could give a crap," bad-boy thing, that there was something more going on. I mean, like the way you are with your brother. But I was wrong. And you spend so much time trying to convince people that you're cool, but it's just an act. We both know that you're just a sad... lonely little kid. And I feel sorry for you, Dean. Young Dean: You feel sorry for me, huh? Don't feel sorry for me. You don't know anything about me. I save lives. I'm a hero. A hero! Amanda walks off to her friends who are standing nearby. They all look at Young Dean like he is a jerk. Young Dean: What? What?! FLASHBACK – INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY – DAY The hallway is full of students. We see Young Sam walking down the hall, and as he passes, students say things like "good job buddy", "Sam, great job with Dirk the jerk" and slap his hand. We see Young Dean observing this. He is still obviously upset. Dean gets a call on his cell. Young Dean: Dad? Finally. EXT. SCHOOL – DAY Young Dean and Young Sam are waiting outside as the Impala drives up. As they get in the car, Young Sam sees Barry at an upstairs window. He waves to him, and Barry waves back. Dean: I can't wait to get the hell out of here. This place sucks. Come on, Sam. Young Dean gets in the car. Dean: Come on, Sam! INT. Class ROOM – DAY Mr. Wyatt is alone in his classroom at his desk, grading papers. Sam knocks on the door and enters. Sam: Uh, Mr. Wyatt? Mr. Wyatt: Yes. Sam: You probably don't remember me, um, but my name is Sam Winchester, and I just wanted to thank you. Mr. Wyatt: For? Sam: I was a student here, and uh, you gave me some advice once. Mr. Wyatt: Winchester, right. Right. Yeah. You, uh -- you wrote that horror story. Sam: Yeah. Yeah, I did. Yeah, it's kind of all been one long horror story. Mr. Wyatt: What do you mean? Sam: Nothing. Sorry. Mr. Wyatt: So, what was this advice? I might need to plagiarize myself down the line. Sam: You told me that I didn't have to go into the family business. You said I should make my own choices. Mr. Wyatt: So you've managed to do your own thing, then, huh? Sam: Yeah, for a while, yeah. And I think I went to college because of you. But, you know, people grow up. Mr. Wyatt: Yeah. Sam: Responsibilities. But still, um... you took an interest in me when no one else did. That matters, so thank you. Mr. Wyatt: Well, you know, the only thing that really matters is that you're happy. Are you happy, Sam? Sam does not reply.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "04x13 - After School Supplies"}
Air Date: 5 Feb 2009 INT. EVENING. Woman TENDERIZES MEAT. Outside the window a man exits his car. He enters the kitchen. Man: Hey...What? Woman: Ted's kinda cracking the whip, isn't he? Man: You think I like coming home late? I'm working my ass off. Woman: (picking up plate of meat) OK. Sorry. Man: (moving to kiss her temple) No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Long day. Woman: (moving about the room) Oh hey, I ran into Jill Martin today. Gary's turning 40 on Saturday. Man: Yeah? Woman: She invited us to the party. Man: What'd you tell her? Woman: That we'd go. Man: (slamming fridge door) You're kidding! Woman: What? You like Gary! Man: Yeah. That doesn't mean that I want to waste my Saturday night with him. Woman: I thought you'd want to go. Man: (angrily) I don't believe you! Woman: It's fine. I'll call Jill and tell her we can't make it. Woman: (leaning to turn on lamp) What's with you tonight? It's like you wanna have a fight or something. She turns from the lamp as he lifts the meat cleaver over his head. He strikes her repeatedly. We see blood splattering over their wedding picture. END Teaser TITLE CARD: SUPERNATURAL INTERIOR - MOTEL ROOM Camera pans up a man's body under a blanket in bed. Dean is sleeping. Sam (off camera) Yeah. A truck horn sounds. Dean wakes. He turns to see Sam is not in his bed. Sam (off camera) Yeah, that's what I'm telling you. No storms, no bad crops, nothing. Dean leans up on an elbow and watches Sam talk on the phone in the bathroom. Sam: Yeah, okay. We'll keep looking. You keep looking too, OK? Sam: All right. Talk soon. Sam hangs up. Dean quickly lies down, pretending to sleep. Sam enters main room, watching Dean. He pokes him with his bathroom bag. Sam: Hey. Up and at 'em, kiddo. Dean (rubbing eyes) You're up early. What are you doing? Sam: Nothing. I was in the can. Dean: Yeah? Sam: Yeah. You want me to draw you a picture? Dean: Nah, I'll pass. Sam: Found a job. Bedford, Iowa. Guy b*at his wife's brains out with a meat tenderizer. Dean: Yikes. Sam: And get this. Third local inside two months to gank his wife. No priors on any of 'em, all happily married. Dean: Ahh. Sounds like Ozzie and Harriet. Sam: (smirking) More like The Shining. Dean: All right, well I guess we'd better have a look. ... INT - PRISON INTERVIEW ROOM Man: Why does the PD keep sending you guys? I already said I don't want a Lawyer. Dean: They're lining up the f*ring squad. Man: I'm pleading guilty. Dean: All right, look, you don't want us to represent you, that's fine. In fact it's probably not a bad idea, between you and me. We just wanna understand what happened, that's all. Sam: Mr Benson. Please. BENSEN What happened was, I k*lled my wife. You wanna know why? Because she made plans without asking me. Sam: Now when it happened, how did you feel? Disoriented, out of control? Dean: Like something possessed you to do it? BENSEN I knew exactly what I was doing. I was crystal clear. Dean: The why'd you do it? BENSON I don't know. I loved her. We were happy. Dean places some papers on the table and taps them. Dean: Nine G's. That's a hefty bill. BENSON Where did you get that? Dean: Doesn't matter. We have it. See, certain charges, ones you don't want the missus to know...they show up under shady names like 'M & C Entertainment'. BENSON I don't know what you're talking about. Dean: Like dropping plastic at a nudie bar for instance. Sam: We just wanna know the truth, Mr Benson. BENSON Her name was Jasmine. Sam: She was a stripper? Dean: Dude, her name was Jasmine. BENSON I didn't mean for it to happen, I don't like to go to strip bars. My buddy was having a bachelor party, and there she was. Sam: Jasmine. BENSON She came right up to me. And...I dunno, she was just...perfect. Everything that I wanted. Dean: Well you pay enough and anybody will be anything. BENSON It wasn't about the money. It wasn't even about the sex. It was...I dunno. I...I don't know what it was. It's hard to explain. Sam: And your wife found out? BENSON No, she never had a clue. Sam: Then why'd you k*ll her? BENSON For Jasmine. She said we would be together forever. If...if only Vicki was... Dean: (Under his breath) Muertos. BENSON Afterwards, me and Jasmine were supposed to meet and she never showed. I don't know where she lives, I don't know her last name, I don't even know her real first name! I'm an idiot. Sam: And you didn't think to tell this to the cops? BENSON What for? The stripper didn't do it, I did it. And I know what I deserve. The judge doesn't give me the death sentence, I'll just do it myself. ... INT. HOSPITAL OFFICE A woman sits behind a desk. She tips some tablets from a bottle into her hand. The name on the office door reads Dr. Cara Roberts. Sam: (enters office as CARA swallows the tablets and rubs her temples) Rough night? CARA Fun night. Rough morning. Sam sniggers. CARA Can I help you? Sam: Ahhh...yes. Um, I'm Special Agent Stiles, FBI. You Doctor Cara Roberts? CARA Far as I know. Sam: You do some work with the Sheriff's department? CARA Yeah, when I'm not slogging it through the ER. It's a small town. We multi-task. Sam: Well, I have some questions about a case. About several cases actually. Do you mind if I sit? CARA motions Sam to a chair. Sam: Great. Adam Benson, Jim Wylie, and Steve Snyder. CARA Oh yeah, the men who k*lled their wives? Sam: You handled their work-ups, right? CARA Autopsies for the wives and tox screens for the perps. Two-for-one special. Sam: You find anything? CARA Not really. I mean, c.o.d. on the women was pretty clear. There was nothing unusual in their systems. Sam: What about the husbands? CARA Can I...see your badge again? CARA looks closely at Sam's badge, and at Sam. CARA There was one thing, um, an anomaly in the blood work. And I remember thinking how strange it was that it showed up in all three of the men. Sam: That what showed up? CARA Oxytocin. And their levels were crazy high. Sam: Ahh. Oxytocin? CARA Mm-hmm, it's a hormone that's produced during childbirth, lactation and sex. Sam: OK. CARA People call it the love hormone. Um, you know how it feels when you first fall in love. The whole weak in the knees, tattoo you on my chest thing? That's oxytocin. Of course it eventually fades and then you're stuck with every relationship ever. That and the painful regime of tattoo removal. Sam and CARA smile at each other. Dean enters. Dean: What'd I miss? Sam: (To CARA) Ahh, this is my partner, Agent Murdoch. Dean (holding out his hand) Please, "Agent" sounds so formal. You can call me Dean. CARA (shaking his hand briskly) I'm Doctor Roberts. CARA (Turns back to Sam) So, um, can I help you with anything else? Sam: Uhh, sure, just one more thing. This chemical, this... CARA Oxytocin. Sam: Oxytocin. What would cause those high levels that you found? CARA Nothing that I've ever seen. Sam: OK. That's it. Thanks Doc. Sam and CARA exchange smiles again. The boys move to the door. Dean moves through, Sam hesitates then turns back. Sam: By the way...try a greasy breakfast. Best thing for a hangover. CARA (Smiling) Watch it buddy, I'm the only M.D. here. Outside CARA's office Dean and Sam walk away. Dean: Dude, you totally C-blocked me. ... Dean and Sam are leaving the hospital. Sam: So Whylie and Snyder totally fessed up, huh? Dean: One emptied his IRA, the other, his kids' college fund, all on the Same day. Sam: Live nude girls? Dean: A club called 'The Honey Wagon'. Sam: These guys have affairs too, with a stripper also known as Jasmine? Dean: Yes and no. This is where it gets interesting. Each guy hooked up with a different chick. Sam: So, what? These girls all connected somehow? Dean: Well, they all described their stripper in the Same way, the exact Same way. Perfect, and everything that they wanted. Sam: Yeah, at least until dream Barbie convinced them to m*rder their wives. Dean: There's that. Sam: You know, it's almost like they were under some kinda love spell. Dean: Sure seems that way. Sam: Which caused them to become totally psychotic. Dean: Absolutely. Sam: You seem pretty cheery. Dean: Strippers, Sammy. Strippers. We're on an actual case involving strippers. Finally. ... EXT. THE HONEY WAGON BAR Dean shows his badges to security and enters the club. ... INT. THE HONEY WAGON BAR 'Thunder Kiss '65' by White Zombie is playing. Dean (To the manager) I'm looking for three girls. Jasmine, Aurora and Ariel. Manager: You seriously think those names mean anything to me? Dean: One's a redhead about 5'9". The other one's Asian, about... Manager: You have any idea how many girls I deal with? Fake names, fake hair, fake... Dean: You gotta have some sort of paperwork. Cheque stubs. Some way to keep track of the strippers. Manager: Please, exotic dancers. Independent contractors working for cash. I stay out of their hair, they stay out of what little I have left. Dean: Three of your customers m*rder their wives. You don't think that that's weird? Manager: Yeah. I think that's super-friggin' weird. But you know what it ain't? My problem. The manager leaves. Dean sees Sam and walks over to him. Sam: Any luck? Dean: No. You? Sam: A little. I just talked to Bobby, we officially have a theory. Dean: What's that? Sam: Siren. Dean: Like Greek myth siren, the Odessy? (Sam gives Dean a surprised look)...Hey, I read! Sam: Yeah, actually. But the siren's not actually a myth, it's more of a beautiful creature that preys on men, enticing them with their siren song. Dean: Let me guess, 'Welcome to the Jungle?' No, no. Warrant's 'Cherry Pie.' Sam: Their song is more of a metaphor, like...like their call, their allure, you know? Dean: So they shake their thing and the guys zombie out. Sam: Basically, yeah. Sirens lived on islands, sailors would chase 'em, completely ignoring the rocky shores...and dash themselves to pieces. Dean: Sounds like Adam and his buddies. Sam: Yeah. If you were a siren in '09 looking to ruin a bunch of morons, where would you set up shop? Dean: So whatever floats the guy's boat, that's what they look like? Sam: Yeah. You see, sirens can read minds. They see what you want most and then they can kinda, like, cloak themselves. You know, like an illusion. Dean: So it could all be the Same chick? Morphing into, uh, to different dream girls? Sam: Yeah, actually. Probably. Sirens are usually pretty solitary. Dean: How do we k*ll it? Sam: Bobby's working on it. Even if we figure that out... Dean: How the hell are we g*n find it? It could be anybody. ... Camera pans to a young man sitting in a booth. A stripper approaches. LENNY Hey, Belle. BELLE (taking his hand and leading him out of the bar) I thought you'd never come. ... INT. APARTMENT. Lenny looks in on someone sleeping, then closes the door. LENNY (To Belle) It's OK, she's asleep. BELLE Lenny, you're amazing. Taking care of her like this? Most guys would have put her in a nursing home. LENNY It's no big deal. She's my mom. BELLE Like I said. Amazing. They have sex on the couch. The camera shows BELLE's reflection in the mirror as a haggard monster. Afterwards BELLE Baby. I love you so much. The way you take care of me and your mom. You're so sweet. And strong. I just wish you didn't have to carry it all. I mean, your mom takes up all your time. As long as she's around we can't really be happy. LENNY She's not so bad. BELLE I could be with you, forever. If only your mom wasn't here. Don't you wanna be with me forever? LENNY Yeah. Yeah, you know I do. BELLE Then bash your mother's brains in. Baby, do it for me. Do it, baby. LENNY Yeah. OK. If you say so. BELLE I love you. Lenny takes a poker from the fireplace and walks to his mother's room. Striking sounds and cries are heard. END ACT ONE INT. MOTEL ROOM Dean is alone. He stares at, then picks up, Sam's phone and scrolls to an unknown number. He rings it. Ruby: (on phone) Hey, Sam...Sam?... You there...? Dean quickly hangs up, looking upset. Sam enters. Sam: Lenny Bristol was definitely another siren vic. Dean: You get in to see him? Sam: Yep. He bought home a stripper named Belle. Coupla hours later he offed his mother. Belle, of course, went MIA. Dean: Wait, he k*lled his mom? Sam: The woman he was closest too. Sam's phone rings. Dean Yeah, you, uh, forgot your cell phone. Dean tosses Sam his phone. Sam: (giving Dean a worried look) Hey Bobby. Bobby: Sam. You find her yet? Sam: Ahhh, no. And, uh, it doesn't seem like she's slowing down any. You got anything? Bobby: Well, some lore from a dusty Greek poem. Shockingly, it's a little vague. Sam: Hold on a sec, I'll put you on speaker. Bobby: It says you need "a bronze dagger, covered in the blood of a sailor, under the spell of the song". Dean: What the hell does that mean? Bobby: You got me. We're dealing with 3000 years of the telephone game here. Sam: Best guess? Bobby: Well, the siren's spell ain't got nothing to do with any song. It's most likely some kind of toxin or venom. Something she gets in the vic's blood. Sam: And makes them go all Manchurian Candidate. Uh, what do you think, she infects the men during sex? Bobby: Maybe. Dean: Supernatural STD. Bobby: Well, however it happens, once it's done the siren's gotta watch her back. She gets a dose of her own medicine... Sam: It kills her. Bobby: Like a snake getting iced by its own venom. Dean: So we just gotta find a way to juice one of the OJs in jail? Bobby: Not that easy. None of those guys are under the spell anymore. Haven't got a clue where you're going to get the blood you need. Sam: I think I might have an idea. Bobby: Be careful. These things are tricky bitches. Wrap you up in knots before you know what h*t ya. ... INT. HOSPITAL Sam: Dr. Roberts. CARA Agent Stiles. Can't stay away, huh? Sam: Actually, uh, we're here on business. About the blood Samples. The ones with the high...you know...oxytocin? Dean: You still have them? CARA Mm-hmm. Dean: Good, we need them. CARA What for? Man: (approaching) Excuse me, Dr. Roberts? CARA Yeah? Dean (getting out his FBI badge) Excuse me, uh, we're a little busy here, buddy. Man: (getting out his own FBI badge) Yeah, so am I, pal. Sam: Doc, can you give us a sec, please? CARA (Backing away) Sure. Sam: Thanks. Dean: What's your name? STRANGER Nick Munroe. What's yours? Sam: I'm Special Agent Sam Stiles, this is my partner Dean Murdoch. What office are you from? MUNROE Omaha, Violent Crimes Unit. My SAC sent me down here to see about the m*rder. Sam: Hmm. MUNROE You? Dean: D.C. Our Assistant Director assigned us. MUNROE Oh, which AD? Sam: Mike Kaiser. MUNROE What are your badge numbers? Dean: You're kidding, right? MUNROE I'm just following protocol. Sam: (handing MUNROE a card) Look man, whatever. Just call our AD, he'll sort things out. MUNROE dials the number. Voice ON PHONE D.C. Bureau. MUNROE Yeah, Assistant Director Kaiser, please. Voice Well, that would be me. What can I do for you? MUNROE Yes, sir. Hello. It's Agent Nick Munroe. I'm calling about two of your men. Stiles and Murdoch? Uh, it seems that they've been put on my case by mistake? Bobby (on other end of line, frying his lunch) Are you questioning my authority? MUNROE No, no, no, sir. I'm not questioning... Bobby: You coulda fooled me. Last time I checked, son, D.C. has jurisdiction. Or am I wrong? MUNROE Ahhh, no sir. Bobby: Well, good. Well, the next time you wanna waste my time with stupid questions, don't. Bobby hangs up phone along a line of phones marked Fed Marshall, FBI, CIA, etc. Bobby: Oh, those idiots. Munroe (moving back to Dean and Sam) I'm sorry, guys. Dean: Just don't let it happen again. MUNROE Where are you at with this? Dean: Where are youat with this? MUNROE Well, I was just about to run the, uh, perps' bloodwork. Sam: I already checked, d*ad end. MUNROE Oh yeah? Sam: Yeah. MUNROE But get this. I feel like I found something that, uh, connects all the m*rder. Sam: Really? MUNROE (nodding) They were all banging strippers...from the Same club. Dean: You don't say! MUNROE What do you say we, uh, go down there and check it out? Dean: Well, here's the thing, Nick. See, we're kinda lone wolves... Sam: You know what, that sounds like an excellent idea. Just... just give me a second with my partner and we'll, uh...one sec. (Sam to Dean) Come here. Sam: Dude, you gotta stay with him. Dean: What? Sam: Keep him outta the way. Dean: Why me? Sam: 'Cause I gotta get the blood Samples. Dean: What the hell am I supposed to do with him? Sam: Just take him to the strip club...keep an eye out for the siren. Come on, Dean, just... just focus on the naked girls. You'll forget he's even there! Dean: I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing it for the girls. ... EXT. CARPARK OF HOSPITAL Dean: All right, we're taking my ride, no complaining about the tunes. MUNROE No way. You drive an Impala? Dean: Yeah. MUNROE It's a '67, right? It's a 327 four barrel. Dean: Yeah, actually. MUNROE It's a thing of beauty. Dean: Thanks. MUNROE How the hell did you talk the Bureau into letting you drive your own wheels? ... INT. HOSPITAL CARA You want this blood because... Sam: Uh, we'd like to run some tests. CARA You know, I've run every test there is. It's, um, my job. Notice the lab coat. Sam: We know a specialist who'd like to try out a theory. CARA (moving to cabinet) If you say so. CARA (sliding out a tray of test tubes) What the hell? Sam: What? CARA The blood's gone. ... INT. STRIP CLUB Music Steal the Worldby Brian Tichy. Dean and MUNROE are drinking sh*ts at a table. Dean: Nobody's Fault But Mine. MUNROE Zeppelin recorded it in '75. It was a cover of a Blind Willie Johnson tune. Dean: Nice. MUNROE You Shook Me. Dean: '69, debut album, written by Willie Dixon. MUNROE And...? Dean: And what? MUNROE Written by Willie Dixon and J.B. Lenoir. Dean: Dude. Dude! You know, for a fed, you're not a total dick. MUNROE Aren't we both feds? Dean: Yeah, I know, I just...you know, not a lot of feds are as cool as us, huh? MUNROE So what the hell with this case, man? How does a girl talk four different Johns into m*rder? Dean: It's a crazy world. MUNROE I guess. Hey, can I level with you? Dean: Mmm. MUNROE I found something kinda weird. Dean: Well. You have bought your weird to the right spot. Lay it on me. MUNROE I went to the crime scene this morning. Saw them bagging this up. (Hands Dean some purple petals in a plastic bag). So I went back, uh, through all the files. It turns out a flower just like that was found at every crime scene. Dean: Like it was left on purpose? MUNROE You know, sometimes a serial k*ller will leave an object behind, like a calling card. But with this case? Tell you the truth, I got no idea what's going on. Dean: I think I might. I've seen a flower like this before. ... INT. HOSPITAL CARA We've watched them twice. Whoever took the blood... Sam: Must have tampered with the tapes. Who has access to your office? CARA Everybody. I don't lock it. Sam: You what? CARA I've never had this problem before. What is so important about the blood anyway? Sam: I think someone drugged the men, made them commit m*rder. CARA What? What kind of drug? Sam: Ahh, I'm not sure yet. CARA I don't know. I mean, I interviewed those guys and they had their reasons. Sam: Yeah but they all loved their victims. CARA I'm sure they did. Come on. Haven't you ever been in a relationship where you really love somebody and still kinda wanted to bash their head in? Sam: Sounds like you're speaking from experience. CARA Yeah. Sam: Look, I'm sorry, I don't mean to pry. CARA It's OK. I was the one who bought it up. CARA opens a bottle of whiskey and pours two glasses. Sam: (Looking at the whiskey) Really? CARA It's medicine. I'm a Doctor. CARA His name was Karl. We were married. They clink glasses. Sam: So what happened? CARA Life happened. I don't know. I mean I loved him. Still do I guess but...I don't know. It's like one day I looked up and I was living with a stranger and...you know what I mean, right? Sam: I guess. Or, I don't know, maybe. CARA People change. I know I did. But it's nothing to feel guilty about. It happens. Sam: So you two split up? CARA I suppose that's a word for it. Sam's phone rings. He looks at the number. CARA Do you need to get that? Sam: Nope. Not right now. CARA pours them both another drink. CARA Whatever. We've all got our own sad stories, so... screw it. Have fun, no regrets and live life like there's no tomorrow. They clink glasses again. CARA (Moving closer) For instance, I have been thinking about you, all night. Well, parts of you. Sam: Just parts? CARA Mmm-hmmm. Like your lips. They're very distracting. It's a problem. And I can't stop thinking about kissing them. Sam: That so? CARA So...what the hell, huh? They have sex against the window, next to a bunch of the Same flowers MUNROE had given Dean earlier. END ACT THREE INT. MOTEL HALLWAY Sam walks down the hall and enters their room. It is empty. He gets out his phone. Dean (Driving) Sam! Where the hell have you been? Sam: With Cara. Dean: Oh, it's Cara now? And you're not picking up your phone? Sam: We were trying to find the blood Samples – someone stole 'em. Dean: Yeah, I bet! Sam: What's that supposed to mean? Dean: Nick found flower petals at the crime scenes. Hyacinths. Sam: So? Dean: Hyacinths? Mediterranean. From the island where the whole friggin' siren myth started in the first place. Sam: OK. Dean: Sam, Cara had hyacinth flowers! Sam: You think Cara's the siren? Dean: Well, I did a little checking up on her. She's only been in town for two months. Sam: Yeah. And? Dean: And she has an ex-husband. A d*ad ex-husband, Carl Roberts. Dropped like a stone, no warning. Supposedly a heart att*ck. Sam: Well, maybe it was a heart att*ck. Dean: You're kidding me. Sam: Look, I just don't think it's her. Dean: And what makes you so sure? Sam: I dunno, a hunch. Dean: A hunch? I'm giving you cold hard facts here and you're giving me a hunch? A few seconds of loaded silence. Dean: Did you sleep with her? Sam: No. Dean: Holy crap. You did. Middle of Basic Instinct and you bang Sharon Stone? Sam, you could be under her spell right now! Sam: Dude, I'm not under her spell. Dean: Unbelievable, man. I just don't get it. Sam: What? Dean: Nothing. Sam: No. Say it. Dean: No, It's just...first it's Madison, and then Ruby, and now Cara. It's like... what is with you and banging monsters? Sam: Dean, I'm telling you, it's not Cara. I feel fine. Dean: I'll bet you do. Sam: You don't trust me? Dean: No. Because this could be the siren talking. Sam: Look, tell me where you are, I'll come meet you and we'll figure things out. Dean: No. Sam: Are you serious? Dean: I wish I weren't. I gotta handle this, Sam. By myself. They hang up. Sam throws his phone across the room. ... Dean (in Impala on phone) Sam's in trouble, Bobby. I think the siren's worked her mojo on him. Give me a call as soon as you get this. Dean hangs up and immediately makes another call. MUNROE Hey man, what's up? Dean: I need your help. MUNROE Uh, sure. With what? Dean: Canvassing. We gotta find somebody. ... MUNROE sits in his car outside a bar. He watches Cara get out of a taxi and walk inside. Dean slides into MUNROE's passenger seat. MUNROE She went in just a second ago. Dean: Nice work. MUNROE Should we follow her in? Dean: No, no, no, I don't wanna tip her off. Let's just wait and see who she comes out with. MUNROE So you think... what? She's drugging these guys? Dean: Pretty much. MUNROE Uh-huh. Dean: I know how it sounds. MUNROE You sure about that? 'Cause it sounds like crazy on toast. All these different strippers, they're magically the Same girl? But then they're not strippers at all, it's Dr Quinn. Dean: It's kinda hard to explain, but I have my reasons and they're good ones, so you're just g*n have to trust me on 'em. MUNROE Yeah. OK. I guess. Dean: (Surprised) Thank you. That's actually nice to hear. Dean takes a swig from his hip flask and offers it to MUNROE. MUNROE drinks and hands it back. Dean takes another swig. MUNROE So let's say she is drugging her vics. How's she pulling that off? Dean: She could be injecting them, you know, or passing the toxin through, uh, physical contact. MUNROE Or it could be her saliva...You really should have wiped the lip of that thing before you drank from it, Dean. (A look of realization crosses Dean's face). I should be your little brother. Sam. You can't trust him. Not like you can trust me. (MUNROE's reflection in the rear vision mirror is that of a monster.) In fact, I really feel like you should get him outtta the way, so we can be brothers. Forever. Dean: Yeah. Yeah, you're right. END ACT THREE INT. MOTEL ROOM Sam enters. MUNROE is sitting on the bed. Sam: Nick. What are you doing here? Dean jumps Sam and holds a Kn*fe to his throat. Sam: Dean? Sam: (to MUNROE) I gotta tell ya, you're one butt ugly stripper. MUNROE Well, maybe. But I got exactly what I wanted. I got Dean. Sam: Dean, come on man, this isn't you. You can fight this. Let me go. MUNROE (To Dean) Why don't you cut him? Just a little, on his neck right there. Dean slices Sam's neck. MUNROE Dean's all mine. Sam: You poisoned him. MUNROE No. I gave him what he needed. And it wasn't some bitch in a G-string. It was you. A little brother that looked up to him, that he could trust. And now he loves me. He'd do anything for me. And I gotta tell you, Sam, that kind of devotion? I mean, watching someone k*ll for you? It's the best feeling in the world. Sam: Is that why you're slutting all over town? MUNROE Ahh. I get bored, like we all do. And I wanna fall in love again. And again...and again. Sam: I'll tell you what. I have fought some nasty sons of bitches, but you are one needy pathetic loser. MUNROE You won't feel that way in a minute. MUNROE grabs Sam's cheeks and squirts toxin from his mouth onto Sam's lips and chin. MUNROE So I know you two have a lot you wanna get off your chests. So why don't you discuss it? And whoever survives can be with me forever. Sam and Dean turn to face each other. Dean: Well, I don't know when it happened. Maybe when I was in hell. Maybe when I was staring right at you. But the Sam I knew, he's gone. Sam: That so? Dean: And it's not the demon blood or the psychic crap. It's the little stuff. The lies. The secrets. Sam: Oh, yeah? What secrets? Dean: The phone calls to Ruby for one. Sam: So I need your say-so to make a phone call? Dean: That's the point. You're hiding things from me. What else aren't you telling me? Sam: None of your business. Dean: See what I mean? We used to be in this together. We used to have each other's backs. Sam: OK, fine. You know why I didn't tell you about Ruby, and how we're hunting down Lilith? Because you're too weak to go after her, Dean. You're holding me back. I'm a better hunter than you are. Stronger, smarter. I can take out demons you're too scared to go near. Dean: That's crap. Sam: You're too busy sitting around feeling sorry for yourself. Whining about all the souls you tortured in hell. Boo hoo. Dean and Sam start fighting, trading many punches. Sam: You're not standing in my way anymore. Dean runs at Sam. They crash through the door onto the hallway floor. Dean gets up while Sam lies on the ground. Dean breaks the emergency glass and gets an axe, then stands staring down at Sam. MUNROE Do it. Do it for me, Dean. Dean: (to Sam) Tell me again how weak I am, Sam, huh? How I hold you back? Dean swings the axe over his head as Sam covers his face with his arm. At the top of the swing the axe is grabbed as Bobby steps in. He jabs Dean in the shoulder with a bronze Kn*fe, making him cry out. MUNROE begins to run down the hall. Bobby raises the Kn*fe. Sam: No. NO! Bobby flings the Kn*fe. It hits MUNROE square in the back. As he falls, d*ad, his siren reflection is shown in a mirror. END ACT FOUR EXT. Leaning against cars. Bobby hands drinks around. Sam: Thanks. Dean: Soda? Bobby: You boys are driving, aren't ya? Sam: Thanks, Bobby. You know, if you hadn't shown up when you did... Bobby: Done the Same for me, more than once. Course, you coulda picked up the phone. Only took one call to figure out that Agent Nick Munroe wasn't real. Awkward silence. Bobby: You boys g*n be OK? Sam: Yeah, fine. Dean: Yeah, good. Bobby tips his hat and heads back over to his car. Bobby: See ya. (He pauses and turns back to Sam and Dean.) You know, those sirens are nasty things. That it got to you, that's no reason to feel bad. Bobby gets in his car and drives away. The boys sip their drinks. Dean: You g*n say goodbye to Cara? Sam: Nah, not interested. Dean: Really? Why not? Sam: What's the point? Dean: Well, look at you. Love 'em and leave 'em. Sam: Dean, look, you know I didn't mean the things I said back there, right? That it was just the siren's spell talking? Dean: Of course, me too. More silence. Sam: 'Kay. So... so we're good? Dean: Yeah, we're good. They enter the car. END EPISODE Transcribed by tmateotb
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "04x14 - Sex and v*olence"}
Air Date: 19 Mar 2009 EXT. STREET - NIGHT Car alarms blare. Several cars in various states of smashed to pieces are in the street. Castiel appears and silences the alarms. He walks through the wreckage to the body of a woman. He moves part of her clothing off her neck; she has been s*ab to death. Castiel: Goodbye, sister. Police cars arrive. Officers rush into the scene. Officer: What the hell? An aerial view of the woman's corpse. A spotlight from a helicopter illuminates the ground on either side, where the image of wings has been seared into the asphalt. EXT. ROAD - NIGHT Sam is driving. Sam: Ruby will meet us outside Cheyenne. She's been tracking some leads. I know she's not exactly on your Christmas list, but if she can help us get to Lilith- Dean: Hey, man, work with Ruby, don't. I don't really give a rat's ass. Sam: What's your problem? Dean: Pamela didn't want anything to do with this and we dragged her back into it, Sam. Sam: She knew what was at stake. Dean: Oh yeah. Saving the world. And we're doing such a damn good job of it. Sam: Dean- Dean: I'm tired of burying friends, Sam. Sam: Look, we catch a fresh trail- Dean: And we follow it, I know. Like I said, I'm just-I'm just getting tired. Sam: Well, get angry. INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT They enter the room. Dean: Ah, home crappy home. Sam flips on the lights. URIEL Winchester and Winchester. URIEL and Castiel are waiting inside the room. Dean: Oh come on. URIEL You are needed. Dean: Needed? We just got back from needed. URIEL Now, you mind your tone with me. Dean: No, you mind your damn tone with us. Sam: We just got back from Pamela's funeral. Dean: Pamela. You know, psychic Pamela? You remember her. Cas, you remember her. You b*rned her eyes out. Remember that? Good times. Yeah, then she died saving one of your precious seals. So maybe you can stop pushing us around like chess pieces for five freaking minutes! URIEL We raised you out of hell for our purposes. Dean: Yeah, what were those again? What exactly did you want from me? URIEL Start with gratitude. Dean: Oh. Castiel: Dean, we know this is difficult to understand. URIEL And we- URIEL gives Castiel a significant look. URIEL -don't care. Now, seven angels have been m*rder, all of them from our garrison. The last one was k*lled tonight. Dean: Demons? How they doing it? URIEL We don't know. Sam: I'm sorry, but what do you want us to do about it? I mean, a demon with the juice to ice angels has to be out of our league, right? URIEL We can handle the demons, thank you very much. Castiel: Once we find whoever it is. Dean: So you need our help hunting a demon? Castiel: Not quite. We have Alastair. Dean: Great. He should be able to name your trigger man. Castiel: But he won't talk. Alastair's will is very strong. We've arrived at an impasse. Dean: Yeah, well, he's like a black belt in t*rture. I mean, you guys are out of your league. URIEL That's why we've come to his student. You happen to be the most qualified interrogator we've got. Dean looks down. Castiel: Dean, you are our best hope. Dean: No. No way. You can't ask me to do this, Cas. Not this. URIEL walks up to Dean. URIEL Who said anything about asking? Sam looks around. The room is empty. Sam: Damn it! INT. BUILDING - NIGHT ALASTAIR is visible through a window in a door, chained to a hexacle standing in the middle of a devil's trap. Castiel: This devil's trap is old Enochian. He's bound completely. Dean: Fascinating. Dean turns away from the door. Dean: Where's the door? Castiel: Where are you going? Dean: Hitch back to Cheyenne, thank you very much. Dean walks past URIEL, then stops: URIEL is blocking his path. URIEL Angels are dying, boy. Dean: Everybody's dying these days. And hey, I get it. You're all-powerful. You can make me do whatever you want. But you can't make me do this. Castiel: This is too much to ask, Iknow. But we have to ask it. Dean watches Castiel for a moment, then turns back to URIEL. Dean: I want to talk to Cas alone. URIEL I think I'll go seek revelation. We might have some further orders. Dean: Well, get some donuts while you're out. URIEL laughs. URIEL Ah, this one just won't quit, will he? I think I'm starting to like you, boy. Dean watches URIEL vanish. Dean: You guys don't walk enough. You're gonna get flabby. Castiel doesn't react. Dean: You know, I'm starting to think junkless has a better sense of humor than you do. Castiel: Uriel's the funniest angel in the garrison. Ask anyone. Dean walks up to Castiel. Dean: What's going on, Cas? Since when does Uriel put a leash on you? Castiel: My superiors have g*n to question my sympathies. Dean: Your sympathies? Castiel: I was getting too close to the humans in my charge. You. They feel I've g*n to express emotions. The doorways to doubt. This can impair my judgment. Dean: Well, tell Uriel, or whoever...you do not want me doing this, trust me. Castiel: Want it, no. But I have been told we need it. Dean: You ask me to open that door and walk through it, you will not like what walks back out. Castiel: For what it's worth, I would give anything not to have you do this. Dean closes his eyes. INT. ROOM - NIGHT Dean wheels a loaded cart covered with a cloth into the room where ALASTAIR is imprisoned. ALASTAIR watches Dean enter, grins, and starts to sing, moving within the chains almost as though he is dancing. ALASTAIR Heaven, I'm in heaven, and my heart beats so that I can hardly speak. I seem to find the happiness I seek, when we're out together dancing cheek to cheek... Dean pulls the cloth off the cart, revealing an assortment of t*rture implements. ALASTAIR laughs. Dean ignores him. ALASTAIR I'm sorry. This is a very serious, very emotional situation for you. I shouldn't laugh, it's just that-I mean, are they serious? They sent you to t*rture me? Dean: You got one chance. One. Tell me who's k*lling the angels. I want a name. ALASTAIR You think I'll see all your scary toys and spill my guts? Dean: Oh, you'll spill your guts, one way or another. I just didn't wanna ruin my shoes. ALASTAIR Oh, yeah. Dean: Now answer the question. ALASTAIR Or what? You'll work me over? But then, maybe you don't want to. Maybe you're, ah, scared to. Dean: I'm here, aren't I? ALASTAIR Not entirely. You left part of yourself back in the Pit. Let's see if we can get the two of you back together again, shall we? Dean: You're gonna be disappointed. Dean walks over to the cart. ALASTAIR You have not disappointed me so far. Come on. You gotta want a little payback for everything I did to you. For all the pokes and prods. Hm? Dean is impassive. ALASTAIR No? Um...how about for all the things I did to your daddy? Dean's head comes up. INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Sam opens the door for Ruby. Ruby: I can still smell them. Seriously, Sam, I'm not exactly dying to tangle with angels again. Sam: I need you to find out where they took Dean. Ruby: Not sure I see the problem. You know they have Alastair strung up six ways from Sunday. Dean cuts himself a slice, Al's reduced to a quivering heap, and the good guys get the goods. What's wrong with that? Sam: He can't do it. Ruby: Look, I get it. You don't want him going all t*rture master again. Sam: No. I mean, he can't do it. He can't get the job done. Something happened to him downstairs, Ruby. He's not what he used to be. He's not strong enough. Ruby: And you are? Sam: I will be. INT. PRISON ROOM - NIGHT ALASTAIR I had your pop on my rack for close to a century. Dean: You can't stall forever. ALASTAIR John Winchester. Made a good name for himself. A hundred years. After each session, I'd make him the Same offer I made you. I'd put down my blade if he picked one up. Dean: Just give me the demon's name, Alastair. ALASTAIR But he said nein each and every time. Oh, damned if I couldn't break him. Dean takes off his leather jacket. ALASTAIR Pulled out all the stops, but John, he was, well, made of something unique. The stuff of heroes. And then came Dean. Dean Winchester. I thought I was up against it again. Dean drinks from a bottle of something probably alcoholic. ALASTAIR But daddy's little girl, he broke. He broke in thirty. Oh, just not the man your daddy wanted you to be, huh, Dean? Dean puts down the bottle. ALASTAIR Now. Dean picks up a jigger and fills it from a large bottle of water that has a rosary in it. ALASTAIR Now we're getting somewhere. Holy water? Come on. Grasshopper, you're gonna have to get creative to impress me. Dean looks up finally. Dean: You know something, Alastair? I could still dream. Even in hell. And over and over and over, you know what I dreamt? I dreamt of this moment. ALASTAIR begins to look nervous. Dean picks up a needle. Dean: And believe me, I got a few ideas. Dean fills the needle from the jigger, sprays a little water from it, and goes over to ALASTAIR. Dean: Let's get started. INT. NEXT ROOM - NIGHT Castiel hears ALASTAIR screaming. INT. PRISON ROOM - NIGHT ALASTAIR Oh, man. Ooh. Dean puts the needle back on the cart with his other tools. Dean: Let me know if you want some more. There's plenty left. ALASTAIR Go directly to hell. Do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars. Dean smiles. INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Ruby chants, holding a lit candle to the corner of a map. Sam watches the f*re spread around the edges. Ruby: Relax. The f*re is our friend. Besides, the only part of the map we need is the 'where's Dean?' part. Out. The flames vanish. The map is charred to unreadability; a small circle in the middle is untouched. Ruby: There. Your brother's there. It's a good thing angels aren't concerned with hiding their dirty business. Not used to being spied on. I mean, who'd be stupid enough to try? Sam: Ruby, it's been weeks. I need it. Ruby: You don't seem too happy about it. Sam: You think I wanna do this? This is the last thing I- Sam sits on the bed. Sam: But I need to be strong enough. Ruby straddles Sam's lap. Ruby: It's okay. It's okay, Sammy. You can have it. Ruby kisses Sam. She pulls a Kn*fe from an ankle sheath and cuts her arm, drawing blood. Sam drinks it straight from the vein. Ruby strokes his hair. Ruby: It's okay, Sam. Ruby smirks. INT. PRISON ROOM - NIGHT Dean holds up Ruby's Kn*fe. ALASTAIR looks at it and laughs. ALASTAIR There's that little pig-poker. I wondered where it went. Dean dips a ladle into a bowl of what is presumably holy water and pours it over the blade. ALASTAIR Do you really think this is gonna fix you? Give you closure? That is sad. That's really sad. Sad, sad. Dean approaches ALASTAIR, watches for a moment, and s*ab him. A sizzling sound. ALASTAIR I carved you into a new animal, Dean. There is no going back. Dean: Maybe you're right. But now it's my turn to carve. ALASTAIR No! The view pans to a faucet that is turned by an unseen hand. It begins to drip, right onto the chalk of the devil's trap on the floor. INT. NEXT ROOM - NIGHT Castiel listens to ALASTAIR's groans. The light flickers, catching Castiel's attention; the bulb explodes. Anna appears behind Castiel. Castiel: Anna. Anna: Hello, Castiel. Castiel turns to look at her. Castiel: Your human body- Anna: It was desTroyed, I know. But I guess I'm sentimental. Called in some old favors and... ALASTAIR becomes slightly more audible. Castiel: You shouldn't be here. We still have orders to k*ll you. Anna: Somehow I don't think you'll try. Where's Uriel? Castiel: He went to receive revelation. Anna: Right. INT. PRISON ROOM - NIGHT Dean pulls the Kn*fe out of ALASTAIR, whose head falls forward. Dean tilts it back up, ignoring the blood. ALASTAIR laughs. ALASTAIR Now it's your professionalism that I respect. Dean turns away, disgusted. ALASTAIR spits blood. INT. NEXT ROOM - NIGHT Anna: Why are you letting Dean do this? Castiel: He's doing God's work. Anna: Torturing? That's God's work? Stop him, Cas, please. Before you ruin the one real w*apon you have. Castiel: Who are we to question the will of God? Anna: Unless this isn't his will. Castiel: Then where do the orders come from? Anna: I don't know. One of our superiors, maybe, but not him. INT. PRISON ROOM - NIGHT Dean splashes ALASTAIR in the face with holy water; it steams and sizzles. ALASTAIR gargles. Dean: Who's m*rder the angels? ALASTAIR chokes. INT. NEXT ROOM - NIGHT Anna: The father you love. You think he wants this? You think he'd ask this of you? You think this is righteous? Castiel can't meet her eyes. Anna: What you're feeling? It's called doubt. INT. PRISON ROOM - NIGHT ALASTAIR screams and chokes. Dean pours out more holy water, splashes ALASTAIR in the face, and watches him sizzle. INT. NEXT ROOM - NIGHT Anna touches Castiel's hand. Anna: These orders are wrong and you know it. But you can do the right thing. You're afraid, Cas. I was too. But together, we can still- Castiel: Together? Castiel yanks his hand away. Castiel: I am nothing like you. You fell. Go. Anna: Cas. Castiel: Go. Anna vanishes. Castiel listens to ALASTAIR scream. INT. PRISON ROOM - NIGHT ALASTAIR spits out blood and holy water. ALASTAIR You're just not getting deep enough. Well, you lack the resources. Reality is just, I don't know, too concrete up here. Honestly, Dean... Dean pours salt into another container. ALASTAIR You have no idea how bad it really was, and what you really did for us. Dean, whispering Shut up. ALASTAIR The whole bloody thing, Dean. The reason Lilith wanted you there in the first place. Dean: Well, then I'll just make you shut up. Dean grabs ALASTAIR's chin. ALASTAIR Lilith really- Dean pours salt into ALASTAIR's mouth. ALASTAIR tries to scream. EXT. ROAD - NIGHT INT. PRISON ROOM - NIGHT ALASTAIR spits out blood and tries to breathe. ALASTAIR Something caught in my throat. I think it's my throat. Dean: Well, strap in, 'cause I'm just starting to have fun. Dean goes back to his cart. ALASTAIR You know, it was supposed to be your father. Dean pours out more holy water. ALASTAIR He was supposed to bring it on. But, in the end, it was you. Dean: Bring what on? ALASTAIR Oh, every night, the Same offer, remember? Same as your father. Dean shakes salt onto the blade of Ruby's Kn*fe. ALASTAIR And finally you said, "Sign me up." Oh, the first time you picked up my razor, the first time you sliced into that weeping bitch... Dean turns to face ALASTAIR. ALASTAIR That was the first seal. Dean does not visibly react. He walks closer. Dean: You're lying. ALASTAIR And it is written that the first seal shall be broken when a righteous man sheds blood in hell. As he breaks, so shall it break. Dean turns away. ALASTAIR We had to break the first seal before any others. Only way to get the dominoes to fall, right? Topple the one at the front of the line. Now that Dean is not facing ALASTAIR, his shock is visible on his face. ALASTAIR When we win, when we bring on the apocalypse and burn this earth down, we'll owe it all to you, Dean Winchester. Dean closes his eyes, trying not to react. ALASTAIR Believe me, son, I wouldn't lie about this. It's kind of a religious sort of thing with me. ALASTAIR notices the dripping faucet and the broken edge of the devil's trap. Dean: No. I don't think you are lying. But even if the demons do win... Dean looks at Ruby's Kn*fe. Dean: You won't be there to see it. Dean turns around. ALASTAIR is right behind him, out of the chains. ALASTAIR You should talk to your plumber about the pipes. ALASTAIR punches Dean, who goes down. ALASTAIR grins. INT. PRISON ROOM - NIGHT Dean is covered in blood. ALASTAIR holds him by his shirt collar and punches him repeatedly, then drops him and picks him up by the throat and shoves him up against the hexacle, lifting his feet off the floor. ALASTAIR You got a lot to learn, boy. So I'll see you back in class bright and early Monday morning. ALASTAIR turns around. Castiel is behind him with Ruby's Kn*fe. ALASTAIR drops Dean, who doesn't move, to focus on Castiel, who s*ab him in the heart. The injury sparks gold light, but not as much as when it kills. ALASTAIR Well, almost. Looks like God is on my side today. Castiel lifts a hand. The Kn*fe twists itself. ALASTAIR grunts in pain and pulls out the Kn*fe, then tosses it away and charges Castiel. They fight. ALASTAIR slams Castiel against the wall, choking him. ALASTAIR Well, like roaches, you celestials. Now, I really wish I knew how to k*ll you. But all I can do is send you back to heaven. ALASTAIR chants in Latin. Blue light appears in Castiel's eyes and mouth. ALASTAIR stops abruptly, choking, and is slammed against the wall. Sam has arrived, one hand raised. Castiel slumps to the ground. ALASTAIR Stupid pet tricks. Sam: Who's m*rder the angels? How are they doing it? ALASTAIR You think I'm gonna tell you? Sam: Yeah, I do. Sam twists his hand. ALASTAIR's eyes roll white and he chokes. Sam: How are the demons k*lling angels? ALASTAIR I don't know. Sam: Right. ALASTAIR It's not us. We're not doing it. Sam: I don't believe you. ALASTAIR Lilith is not behind this. She wouldn't k*ll seven angels. Oh, she'd k*ll a hundred, a thousand. Sam stops. ALASTAIR Oh, go ahead. Send me back, if you can. Sam: I'm stronger than that now. Now I can k*ll. Sam holds out his hand. Gold light flares inside ALASTAIR as he screams. ALASTAIR's host collapses, d*ad. INT. HOSPITAL - DAY Dean is in bed, heavily bandaged with a breathing tube and an IV drip. Sam sits next to him. Castiel appears at the doorway, pauses, and continues down the hallway. Sam follows him out of the room. Castiel: Sam- Sam: Get in there and heal him. Miracle. Now. Castiel: I can't. Sam: You and Uriel put him in there- Castiel: No. Sam: -because you can't keep a simple devil's trap together. Castiel: I don't know what happened. That trap...it shouldn't have broken. I am sorry. Sam: This whole thing was pointless. You understand that? The demons aren't doing the hits. Something else is k*lling your soldiers. Castiel: Perhaps Alastair was lying. Sam: No, he wasn't. Sam goes back to Dean. Castiel looks as though he has been slugged in the face. EXT. SNOWY PARK - DAY URIEL sits on a bench, eyes closed. Castiel appears. URIEL Castiel, I received revelation from our superiors. Our brothers and sisters are dying and they...they want us to stop hunting the demon responsible. Castiel sits next to URIEL. URIEL Something is wrong up there. I mean, can you feel it? Castiel: The m*rder. Maybe they aren't demonic. Sam Winchester said the demons had nothing to do with it. URIEL If not the demons, what could it be? Castiel: The will of heaven. We are failing, Uriel. We are losing the w*r. Perhaps the garrison is being punished. URIEL You think our father would- Castiel: I think maybe our father isn't giving the orders anymore. Maybe there is something wrong. URIEL stands up. URIEL Well, I won't wait to be gutted. URIEL vanishes. EXT. SNOWY STREET - NIGHT Castiel: Anna. Anna, please. The streetlight above Castiel flickers. He looks up, then turns around. Anna: Decided to k*ll me after all? Castiel: I'm alone. Anna: What do you want from me, Castiel? Castiel: I'm considering disobedience. Anna nods. Anna: Good. Castiel: No, it isn't. For the first time, I feel... Anna: It gets worse. Choosing your own course of action is confusing, terrifying. Anna puts her hand on Castiel's shoulder. He looks at it; she drops it. Anna: That's right. You're too good for my help. I'm just trash. A walking blasphemy. Anna turns to walk away. Castiel: Anna. Anna stops. Castiel: I don't know what to do. Please tell me what to do. Anna turns back. Anna: Like the old days? No. I'm sorry. It's time to think for yourself. Anna vanishes. INT. PRISON ROOM - DAY Castiel examines the devil's trap. He notices the dripping faucet and shuts it off without touching it. URIEL You called? URIEL enters. URIEL What do you say, Castiel? Will you join me? Will you fight with me? Castiel: Strange. Strange how a leaky pipe can undo the work of angels when we ourselves are supposed to be the agents of fate. URIEL Alastair was much more powerful than we had imagined. Castiel: No. No demon can overpower that trap. I made it myself. We've been friends for a long time, Uriel. Fought by each other's sides, served together away from home, for what seems like forever. We're brothers, Uriel. Pay me that respect. Tell me the truth. URIEL The truth is, the only thing that can k*ll an angel... A sword slides out of URIEL's sleeve into his grasp. URIEL ...is another angel. Castiel: You. URIEL I'm afraid so. Castiel: And you broke the devil's trap, set Alastair on Dean. URIEL Alastair should never have been taken alive. Really inconvenient, Cas. Yes, I did turn the screw a little. Alastair should have k*lled Dean and escaped, and you should have gone on happily scapegoating the demons. Castiel: For the m*rder of our kin? URIEL Not m*rder, Castiel. No. My work is conversion. How long have we waited here? How long have we played this game by rules that make no sense? Castiel: It is our father's world, Uriel. URIEL Our father? He stopped being that, if he ever was, the moment he created them. Humanity, his favorites. This whining, puking larva. Castiel: Are you trying to convert me? URIEL I wanted you to join me. And I still do. With you, we can be powerful enough to- Castiel: To... URIEL To raise our brother. Castiel: Lucifer. URIEL You do remember him? How strong he was? How beautiful? And he didn't bow to humanity. He was punished for defending us. Now, if you want to believe in something, Cas, believe in him. Castiel: Lucifer is not God. URIEL God isn't God anymore. He doesn't care what we do. I am proof of that. Castiel: But this? What were you gonna do, Uriel? Were you gonna k*ll the whole garrison? URIEL I only k*lled the ones who said no. Others have joined me, Cas. Now, please, brother, don't fight me. Help me. Help me spread the word. Help me bring on the apocalypse. All you have to do is be unafraid. Castiel: For the first time in a long time, I am. URIEL smiles. Castiel punches him through the wall several feet away. URIEL gets up. They fight. URIEL clobbers Castiel with a metal bar; Castiel goes down. Castiel: You can't win, Uriel. I still serve God. URIEL You haven't even met the man. There is no will. No wrath. No God. Between each phrase, URIEL punches Castiel. The last time, he raises his fist and is s*ab through the neck from behind. Anna: Maybe. Or maybe not. But there's still me. Anna pulls out URIEL's sword. URIEL collapses. Anna goes over to Castiel. URIEL screams as white light flares in his eyes and mouth. The light explodes out of him and out of the building. Castiel stands up and looks down at URIEL's corpse. His wings are seared into the floor across the devil's trap. INT. HOSPITAL - DAY Dean is still in bed, though the breathing tube is gone. Castiel sits next to him. Castiel: Are you all right? Dean: No thanks to you. Castiel: You need to be more careful. Dean: You need to learn how to manage a damn devil's trap. Castiel: That's not what I mean. Uriel is d*ad. Dean: Was it the demons? Castiel: It was disobedience. He was working against us. Dean: Is it true? Did I break the first seal? Did I start all this? Castiel: Yes. When we discovered Lilith's plan for you, we laid siege to hell and we fought our way to get to you before you- Dean: Jump-started the apocalypse. Castiel: And we were too late. Dean: Why didn't you just leave me there, then? Castiel: It's not blame that falls on you, Dean, it's fate. The righteous man who begins it is the only one who can finish it. You have to stop it. Dean: Lucifer? The apocalypse? What does that mean? Hey! Don't you go disappearing on me, you son of a bitch. What does that mean! Castiel: I don't know. Dean: Bull. Castiel: I don't. Dean, they don't tell me much. I know our fate rests with you. Dean: Well, then you guys are screwed. I can't do it, Cas. It's too big. Alastair was right. I'm not all here. I'm not-I'm not strong enough. Well, I guess I'm not the man either of our dads wanted me to be. Find someone else. It's not me. Dean begins to cry.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "04x16 - On the Head of a Pin"}
Air Date: 26 Mar 2009 INT. BEDROOM - DAY An alarm clock flips from 5:59 to 6:00 and starts beeping. A hand shuts it off. Music: 'Cause he gets up in the morning INT. KITCHEN - DAY A coffee cup being filled from an espresso machine. Music: And he goes to work at nine The cup is held by Dean, who is in business dress with his hair slicked down. Music: And he comes back home at five-thirty Gets the Same train every time 'Cause his world is built 'round punctuality EXT. STREET - DAY Music: And it never fails Dean crosses the street to a silver Toyota Prius. Music: And he's oh so good INT. PRIUS - DAY Dean starts the car. Music: And he's oh- Rock music blares. Dean looks at it, confused, and changes the station. Radio NPR Morning Edition. It's time for this waste and- EXT. STREET - DAY Dean drives off in the Prius. Music: He's a well-respected man about town Doing the best things so conservatively EXT. SKYSCRAPER - DAY INT. LOBBY - DAY Dean gets out of the elevator and crosses the lobby. There's a Sandover Bridge & Iron history display along one wall. Music: And he likes his own back yard And he likes his f*g the best 'Cause he's better than the rest And his own sweat smells the best Dean enters an office labeled "Dean SMITH-Director, Sales & Marketing". Music: And he hopes to grab his father's loot When Pater passes on INT. Dean's OFFICE - DAY Dean types at a computer. Music: 'Cause he's oh so good And he's oh so fine Dean laughs into a phone headset. Cut to a conversation with SOMEONE now in Dean's office. Dean: All I wanna know is when are they gonna have another show like Project Runway? Man. Music: And he's oh so healthy In his body and his mind Dean flips his tie over his shoulder and eats a salad. Music: He's a well-respected man about town Doing the best things so conservatively Dean is standing and speaking into the headset. Dean: Net profitability aside, it's the client-retention rate that concerns me vis-à-vis maximizing return on sales. Buzz me back once you've seen the spreadsheets. Another SOMEONE enters the office. Dean: Mr. Adler. ADLER Dean. ADLER slaps Dean on the shoulder. ADLER Good stuff. Dean: Good stuff? ADLER Big things. Good stuff. Dean: Good stuff. INT. Dean's OFFICE - NIGHT Dean is sitting at his desk playing with something and speaking into the headset. Dean: Oh I hear you. No, I haven't been to the gym in ages. Carrying a little bloat around myself. It's a sedentary lifestyle, my man, no two ways. -All right, tell me one more time. You said lemon and-what was it? Cayenne and maple syrup, are you serious? How much did you lose? Dean puts some files in a case and leaves the office. Music: He's a well-respected man about town Doing the best things so conservatively INT. OFFICE LOBBY - NIGHT Dean is checking his phone. The elevator dings. Dean enters, focused on the phone. He looks over at the other occupant of the elevator, who is staring at him; it's Sam, who's wearing a short-sleeved shirt that says "Sandover Bridge & Iron Inc. Tech Support". Sam: Do I know you? Dean: I don't think so. Sam: I'm sorry, man, you just look really familiar. Dean: Save it for the health club, pal. The elevator dings again and Dean gets out. Sam stares after him. INT. CUBICLE FARM - DAY A printer whirs and spits out a paper. A fax machine whirs and sucks in papers. An a*t*matic pencil sharpener whirs. A phone rings. Sam presses a button on the phone and talks into a headset. Sam: Tech support, this is Sam Wesson. Okay. Uh, well, did you try turning it off and then on? Sam pokes at a vampire bobblehead. Sam: Okay, go ahead and turn it off. No no no, just, just off. All right, give it a second. Turn it back on. Okay, is it printing now? Great. Anytime. Sam takes off the headset and presses a button on the phone. A Man at a cubicle behind Sam, the only one in the room who is not wearing the yellow uniform shirt, rolls his chair over to Sam. Man: Hey. Sam: Yo. Man: What do you think of Mimi? Sam looks over and shrugs. Sam: She's okay. Man: Might have to h*t that. Sam: Oh, dude, that's totally age-inappropriate. Man: Experience. Sam: Trifocals. Man: There's a MILF there, Sam. I just know it. Maybe a GMILF. Sam: Come on. Man: Coffee break? Sam: Yeah, for sure. Sam and the Man get up. They pass ANOTHER Man at his cubicle. Man: Paul. Time for a refuel, buddy. PAUL Sorry, no time. Man: Since when? Dude, we get paid by the hour. PAUL Working. Man: Okay. Sam: He seems stressed. Man: Freaked because he got busted surfing p*rn on the Internet. Sam: No, no, no way. When? Man: Got sent up to HR yesterday. Guess they put the fear of God in him. INT. BREAK ROOM - DAY The microwave dings and someone takes out a bag of popcorn and leaves. Sam heads for the coffeepot. The Man goes to a supply cabinet and starts pocketing packets of pencils. Sam: Ian, dude. IAN Just doing a little shopping. Running low at home. Sam hands IAN a cup of coffee. IAN So, Sam, had any of those dreams lately? Sam turns away. IAN What? Don't be like that. Come on. It's the highlight of my day. Sam: I never should have told you in the first place. IAN They're genius. Don't hold out on me, dude. Share with the class. Sam: You're just gonna be a dick about it. IAN What? No way. I won't say a word. Total respect. Go. Sam: IAN bursts out laughing. Sam looks away and sighs. IAN Classic! How much D&D did you play when you were a kid? Oh, my-okay, so you-rescuing the Grim Reaper. That's-you're a hero. I mean, thank God we got Harry Potter here to save us all from the apocalypse. Sam: Dick. IAN Wizard. INT. CUBICLE FARM - DAY A printer whirs and spits out a paper. A fax machine whirs and sucks in papers. An a*t*matic pencil sharpener whirs. Sam is back in his cubicle, filling out a form on a clipboard. He yawns and props his head on his hand, closing his eyes. INT. ELEVATOR Sam enters the elevator. Dean and a few others are there. Sam tries not to stare at Dean while the elevator whirs. Ding: everyone but Sam and Dean gets out. The elevator closes. Sam: Can I ask you a question? Dean: Look, man, I told you, I'm not into the, uh- Sam: Oh dude, come on, I'm not either. I just wanna ask you one question. Dean looks around; there's no escape. Dean: Sure. Sam: What do you think about ghosts? Dean: Ghosts? Sam: Do you believe in them? Dean laughs. Dean: Uh, tell you the truth, I've never given it much thought. Sam: Vampires? Dean: What? Why? Sam: Because I've been having some weird dreams lately. You know what I mean? Dean: No. Not really. Sam: So you've never had any...weird dreams? Dean: All right, look, man, I don't know you, okay? But I'm gonna do a public service and, uh, let you know that-that you overshare. Dean presses a floor button. The elevator dings and Dean leaves. INT. CUBICLE FARM - DAY A printer whirs and spits out a paper. A fax machine whirs and sucks in papers. An a*t*matic pencil sharpener whirs. Sam is again in his cubicle addressing his headset. Sam: Did you turn it off, then on? Sam is drawing vampires on a pad of paper. Sam: All right, well, let's try that. No, no, it's fine, I'll wait. Sam pulls up a search engine on his computer, looks both ways, and types in 'vampires'. He clicks to image search and glances over the pictures of Dracula wannabes. Sam: Is it printing now? Oh, that's great. Anytime. IAN Whatcha doing? Sam minimizes the search engine and hides the sketches, then turns to IAN, shaking his head. IAN is still the only one not wearing the yellow shirt. Sam: Nothing. IAN You get an email from Human Resources? Sam: No. Why? IAN Damn it. Guess it's just me, then. I'm supposed to, quote, report to HR, unquote. Sam: They're probably finally busting you for snaking all those office supplies. IAN I hope they spank me. IAN laughs, shoves his chair back to his cubicle, and leaves. Sam returns to his search engine. PAUL No no no no no no. Come on. Don't do this to me. Please. Sam minimizes the window, takes off his headset, and stands up to lean over PAUL's cubicle. Sam: Hey, man, you okay? PAUL It froze. Sam: They're crap, Paul. They freeze all the time. PAUL You don't understand. When I, when I rebooted, everything was gone. A whole day's work deleted. Sam: Well, did you back up? PAUL No, I didn't back up. I wish to God I backed up but I didn't. I'll get it back. I'll find it. It's somewhere. I'll find it. Sam: Paul, it's okay, man. These things happen. INT. CUBICLE FARM - NIGHT The room is dark and empty except for PAUL's cubicle. PAUL Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Please. Please. The screen displays "ERROR: No Files Found". PAUL All that work. Gone. Failed. PAUL's breath is briefly visible. PAUL gets up and walks to the break room. He breaks the tines off two plastic forks, opens the microwave, sticks the forks in where the door latches, enters 10:00 on the timer, sticks his head in, and presses start. Smoke and screams. Cut to black; the microwave dings. INT. CUBICLE FARM - DAY People in coroner outfits roll a body bag past. Sam watches and sighs. Dean and several other people, some in suits and some in the yellow shirts, also watch. Sam and Dean notice each other. Dean addresses another SUIT. Dean: Something about this seem not right to you? SUIT Uh, yeah, try the whole thing. I'm telling you, man, I'll never eat popcorn again. Dean: Yeah, right. INT. Dean's OFFICE - DAY Dean is at his computer, accessing the Sandover personnel file for Paul Dunbar. It says his retirement party was supposed to be in two weeks. Dean: Two weeks? INT. CUBICLE FARM - DAY Sam rolls his chair over to IAN's cubicle. IAN is wearing the yellow shirt for the first time and working busily. Sam: Hey. Why would someone k*ll themselves two weeks before they were supposed to retire? I mean, Paul was two weeks from freedom. He should have been happy, right? IAN I don't have time for this, Sam. Sam laughs. Sam: That's very funny. Sam notices IAN's shirt and attitude. Sam: What's with you? IAN I'm working. It's important. Sam: HR bust your balls or something? You're wearing the shirt. Did you shave? A phone rings. IAN Tech support, this is Ian. Be right up. Gotta go up to twenty-two, speak to a manager. IAN takes off the headset and leaves. INT. Dean's OFFICE - DAY IAN knocks at the open door. Dean looks up from his computer. Dean: Hi. Ian, is it? Yeah, come on in. Yesterday you filled out a 445-T and no problem, just a few errors when we did your switch over to Vista. So I'm sure you're used to filling out the dash-R's, am I right? IAN Oh, no. Dean: No no no. It's fine. It's fine. I just need you to redo one today so I can get the show on the road with the invoicing. Dean pushes a paper over the desk and smiles. IAN looks at it, terrified. IAN Oh my god. Dean: No, it's fine. Just refile it and we're square. IAN I can't believe I did this. Dean begins to notice something's wrong. IAN I can't believe I-I can't believe I did this. Dean: Hey, guy, come on. IAN No, no. It affected profits. It-I screwed up. I-I can't-I can't-I am so sorry. I-how could I do that? I failed Sandover. I failed the company. Dean: All right, why don't you sit down, Ian? IAN No. IAN runs out of the room. Dean: Ian? Ian. Hey. Dean follows him. INT. BATHROOM - DAY Dean enters the bathroom. Dean: Ian, hey. Just chill out, man. Okay? IAN is staring into a mirror. Dean's breath is briefly visible. All the faucets come on even though IAN and Dean are the only ones in the room; all the soap dispensers, too. Dean: Ian, hey, maybe we should get out of here, huh? Come on. Ian. Look at me. IAN turns toward Dean and pulls a pencil out of his pocket. IAN stares at Dean for a moment, then s*ab himself in the neck. Dean stares at the spout of blood and rushes forward as IAN collapses. Dean looks up and sees an Old Man in the mirror, then turns around and no one's there. IAN goes still. Dean: Somebody help me! INT. CORRIDOR - DAY Dean: No, I, I followed him into the bathroom. The coroner people roll a body bag past, again with an audience. Dean is talking to a police officer. Dean: He was, uh-he was standing there in front of the mirror, and then- Dean sees Sam and stops. Officer: Continue. Sir. Dean: And he s*ab himself in the neck. I'm sorry, that's, um... INT. CUBICLE FARM - DAY INT. CUBICLE FARM - DAY A printer whirs and spits out a paper. A fax machine whirs and sucks in papers. An a*t*matic pencil sharpener whirs. A phone rings. Sam answers the phone. Sam: Tech support, this is Sam. Dean: I need to see you in my office. Now. Sam hangs up. INT. Dean's OFFICE - DAY Dean buttons up a fresh shirt. He looks up at a knock. Dean: Come on in. Shut the door. Sam closes the door behind himself. Dean: Who the hell are you? Sam: I'm not sure I know. Dean: What the hell does that mean? Sam: Sam Wesson. I started here three weeks ago. Dean: All right. You cornered me in the elevator talking about ghosts. And now... Sam: Now what? A pause. Dean: Now nothing. I, uh...so you started working here three weeks ago, huh? Sam nods. Dean: Yeah, me too. Dean unscrews the top of a bottle. Dean: It's the Master Cleanse. You tried it? Phenomenal. Detoxes you like nobody's business. Dean drinks. Sam: When you were in that bathroom with Ian, did you see something? Dean: I don't know. I don't know what I saw. Sam: Wait. Are you saying that-did you see a ghost? Dean: I was freaking out. The guy penciled his damn neck. Sam: You did, didn't you? Okay, listen. What if these suicides aren't suicides? I mean, what if they're something not natural? Dean: So, what, ghosts are real? And they're responsible for all the d*ad bodies around here? Is that what you're telling me? Dean and Sam finally sit down, in unison. Sam: I know it sounds crazy. But yes. That's what I'm telling you. Dean: Uh-huh. Based on what? Sam looks for an answer. Sam: Instinct. Dean looks down, shaking his head, then back up. Dean: I've got the Same instinct. Sam: Seriously? You know those dreams I was telling you about? I was dreaming about ghosts. Dean: Yeah. Sam: And then it turns out that there's a real ghost. Dean: So you're telling me that your dreams are special visions and you're some kind of psychic? Sam: No. I mean, that would be nuts. I'm just saying something weird is definitely going on around here, right? So I've been digging around a little. Sam pulls papers out of his bag. Sam: I think I found a connection between the two guys. Sam passes over the papers. Dean looks at them. Dean: You broke into their email accounts? Sam: I used some skills that I happen to have to satisfy my curiosity. Dean: Nice. Sam: Yeah. Okay. So it turns out Ian and Paul both got this Same email telling them to report to HR, room fourteen forty-four. Dean: HR's on seven. Sam: Exactly. Dean: Should we go check this out? Sam: Like right now? Dean: No. No, it's getting late. You're right. Sam: I am dying to check this out right now. Dean: Right? INT. CORRIDOR - NIGHT A Man in tech support yellow comes through, looking around. He finds door number 1444 and goes inside. It's a storeroom. INT. STOREROOM - NIGHT Man: Hello? Hello? The door slams shut behind the Man. He rattles the doorknob; it's locked. He looks around, seeing no indication of anyone else. All the monitors abruptly come on, showing only static. His breath is briefly visible. Everything rattles. INT. CORRIDOR - NIGHT Dean and Sam are coming down the corridor when they hear the Man yelling and hurry to room 1444. It's still locked. INT. STOREROOM - NIGHT Sam kicks the door open. Dean: Whoa. A shelf has fallen on the Man. Dean and Sam hurry over to lift it off him. The Old Man from the bathroom appears behind Dean and flings him into the wall, then shoves Sam over. His hands spark lightning. Dean gets up and swings at the Old Man with a wrench. The Old Man dissipates before he can touch the Man. The monitors shut off and everything stops shaking. Dean and Sam lift the shelves so the Man can scoot out from underneath. Sam: How'd you know how to do that? Dean: I have no idea. INT. Dean's APARTMENT - NIGHT Dean drinks his Master Cleanse. Dean: Holy crap, dude. Sam: Yeah. I could use a beer. The room is now visible; it's all as upper-class expensive-looking as Dean's business suits and Prius. Dean: Oh, sorry, man. I'm on the Cleanse. I got rid of all the carbs in the house. Sam: Hey. How the hell did you know that ghosts are scared of wrenches? Dean hands Sam a water bottle. Dean: Crazy, right? And nice job kicking that door too. That was very Jet Li. What are you, like a black belt or something? Sam: No. I have no clue how I did that. It's like...we've done this before. Dean: What do you mean, before? Like Shirley MacLaine before? Sam: No. I-I just can't shake this feeling like I-like I don't belong here. You know? Like I should do something more than sit in a cubicle. Dean: I think most people who work in a cubicle feel that Same way. Sam: No. Well, look, it's more than that. Like, I don't like my job. I don't like this town. I don't like my clothes. I don't like my own last name. I don't know how else to explain it, except that...it feels like I should be doing something else. There's just something in my blood. Like I was destined for something different. What about you? You ever feel that way? Dean: I don't believe in destiny. I do believe in dealing with what's right in front of us, though. Sam: All right, so, what do we do now? Dean: We do what I do best, Sammy. Research. Sam: Okay. Did you just call me Sammy? Dean: Did I? Sam: I think you did. Yeah. Don't. Dean: Sorry. Dean sits at one laptop at a corner desk and Sam at another laptop at a table. Dean: Oh, jackpot. Sam: What you got? Dean: I just found the best site ever. Real, actual ghost hunters. Sam goes over to see. Dean: These guys are genius. Check it out. Sam: Instructional videos. Dean is looking at the Ghostfacers website. He pulls up a video. Ed and Harry of the Ghostfacers are wearing white lab coats. Ed: We know why you're watching. Harry: You've got a problem. Ed: A ghost problem. Harry: A ghost-related problem. A ghost-it's like a ghost-adjacent pr-it's like a problem that's-and the ghost is- Ed: Whatever. You've come to the right place. The only decent place, really, because the Ghostfacers know how to solve it. Harry: Period. Ed: Watch and learn. Harry: See, the first step in any supernatural fight: Ed and Harry Figure out what you're up against. Dean looks over at Sam. On Sam's laptop is an article about the death of Sandover's founder; it has a picture. Dean: That's him. That's the ghost. Sam: P. T. Sandover. Died 1916. Devoted his life to his work. No wife, no kids. The article text visible next to the picture reads "Office 1444 was considered to be the center of the company's operations, with Sandover himself overseeing all details of any construction project the company undertook. / Considered to be a difficult person to work for, P.T. Sandover had an exceptionally high standard of quality, often marching onto construction sites and halting all work until he personally inspected each aspect of the structure. Aiming for perfection is perhaps why the Sandover legacy is so impressive, dominating the industry with the scale and scope of its projects." Sam: Used to say he was the company, and his very blood pumped through the building. Dean: Wow, okay. So slight workaholic. Maybe he's still here, you know, watching over the company, even k*lling for it. Sam: Plus, turns out this isn't the first time people started k*lling themselves in the building. 1929. Dean: Yeah, but lots of guys jumped off lots of high rises that year. Sam: How many companies had seventeen suicides? Dean: Phew. Okay, so P. T. Sandover, protector of the company. His ghost wakes up and becomes active during times of grave economic distress. Sam: Well, I mean, the worst time we've seen since the Great Depression- Dean: Is now. Yeah, now sucks. My portfolio's in the sewer. I don't even wanna talk about it. Sam: So Sandover's helping the bottom line- Dean: By zapping some model employees. Sam: Yeah. I mean, Ian and Paul. It was like he turned them into different people. Dean: Perfect worker bees, exactly. So devoted to the company that they would commit hara-kiri if they failed it. Sam: One more interesting fact. The building wasn't always that high. Used to be fourteen floors. And the room where the ghost att*cked, fourteen forty-four? Once upon a time, that was the old man's office. Dean and Sam return to watching the Ghostfacers video. Harry: Once you've got that thing in your sights- Ed and Harry You k*ll it. Harry: Using special ghost-hunting w*apon. Ed: First, salt. It's like acid to ghosts. Harry: Burny acid. Ed: Not LSD. Harry: No. It's a bad trip for ghosts. Next up, iron. Sam: That's why the wrench worked. Ed: Pure power in your hand. Harry: Dissipates ghosts instantly. Ed: Next little trick. We learned this from those useless douchebags- Harry: That we hate. Ed: The Winchesters. Harry: g*n. Ed: g*n shell. Pack it up with fresh rock salt. Harry: Very effective. Ed: Very effective. Harry: Winchesters still suck ass, though. Ed: Affirmative. Suckage major. Dean packs two pokers in a duffel bag that contains a salt shaker and unidentifiable items. Dean: Where do we even get a g*n? Sam: g*n store? Dean: Isn't there like some kind of waiting period or something? Sam: I think so. Dean: Well, how in the hell- Sam: I don't know. Seems pretty impossible, honestly. Dean: Right. Back to the video. Ed: The aforementioned super-annoying Winchester douchenozzles also taught us this one other thing. You have to burn the remains. Harry: Okay, this next part gets a little gross. Sometimes you might have to dig up the body. Sorry. Ed: It's illegal in some states. Harry: All states. Ed: Possibly all states. Sam: Sandover was cremated. Dean: What? So what do we do now? Harry: Now, if the deceased has been cremated- Ed: Don't panic. Harry: Don't panic. Ed: Just gotta look for some other remains. Harry: A hair in a locket, maybe. Fingernails. Baby teeth. Ed: Milk teeth. Harry: Genetic material. You know what we're talking about. Ed: Go find it. Harry: Fight well, young lions. Ed: Godspeed. INT. ELEVATOR - NIGHT Sam and Dean enter the elevator. Dean: Set your cell phone to walkie-talkie in case we get separated. Dean has his phone out; Sam gets his. Sam: How the hell are we gonna find some ancient speck of DNA in a skyscraper? Dean: Well, that creepy storeroom used to be Sandover's office, right? Dean presses button 14. INT. STOREROOM - NIGHT Dean and Sam look through the things stored in 1444. Dean goes behind some shelves while Sam r*fles through the desk easily visible from the door. Guard: What the hell are you doing here? Sam startles. Dean ducks out of sight. Sam: Nothing. I just- Guard: Come with me. The Guard grabs Sam's arm and shuts the door behind them. Sam: Man, listen. Look. It's okay. I-I work here. Guard: Whatever. Tell it to the cops. The Guard takes Sam down the corridor and into the elevator, which descends several floors. The current-weather screen inside the elevator goes to static, and both men's breath is briefly visible. The elevator screeches to a halt. The Guard uses his elevator key to open the inner doors, then pries open the outer doors; they're stuck between two floors. Guard: Well, come on. Something makes an ominous sound. Sam: What? Guard: Last time this happened, it took them two hours to get here. Sam: Let's just wait. The Guard crawls out, nearly kicking Sam in the face. INT. STOREROOM - NIGHT Dean continues to search through drawers. He finds a framed picture of a Sandover bridge. INT. ELEVATOR - NIGHT The Guard is out of the elevator and turns back for Sam. Sam: Seriously, I'll wait. The Guard leans back into the elevator. Guard: Look, I don't have the rest of my life. The elevator jerks downward abruptly, decapitating the Guard. Sam's face and shirt are covered in blood spray. Dean over the phone Hey. You okay? Sam slowly reaches for the phone. Sam: Call you back. INT. CUBICLE FARM - NIGHT Sam walks between the cubicles, talking into his phone. He's cleaning the blood off his face with a towel. Sam: Dean, you there? Dean: Yeah, listen, I think I got it. Meet me on twenty-two. Sam: Okay, yeah. Just, uh, take the stairs. INT. LOBBY - NIGHT Dean is looking at the Sandover history display when Sam comes in. Dean: Whoa. That's a lot of blood. Sam: Yeah, I know. Dean: Right. So, uh, in there. Dean points to a glass case containing a pair of gloves. Sam: P. T. Sandover's gloves. Dean: Yeah, how much you wanna bet there's a little smidge of DNA in there? You know, like a fingernail clipping or a hair or two? Something. Sam: So you ready? Dean: I have no idea. Sam: Me neither. Sam and Dean both take a poker and Sam takes a container of salt. Sam: Go for it. Dean: Right. Dean smashes the glass. Sam's breath is briefly visible. SANDOVER appears behind Dean and flings him into the wall, then Sam. His hands spark as he approaches Sam, who grabs the salt and flings some through him. SANDOVER dissipates. Dean gets up. Dean: Oh. Nice. SANDOVER appears behind Dean. Sam: Dean. Sam throws Dean the poker. Dean turns and swings it through SANDOVER, who dissipates again. Sam: Nice catch. Dean: Right? Sam gets up and goes over to pick up the other poker. SANDOVER appears between Sam and Dean, who simultaneously h*t him with pokers; he dissipates. He appears behind Dean, who turns around to get him, then behind Sam, who does the Same, then between them, and throws first Sam, then Dean into opposite walls. His hands spark and he reaches for Dean. Sam sees the gloves and grabs them and his lighter. The gloves catch f*re and so does SANDOVER, who burns into nothing. Sam drops the burning gloves. Sam: That was amazing. Dean: Right? Right? INT. Dean's OFFICE - NIGHT Dean pulls a first-aid kit out of his desk. Dean: Man, I gotta tell you, I've never had so much fun in my life. Sam: Me neither. Dean: Was a hell of a workout too, wasn't it? Sam: We should keep doing this. Dean: I know. Dean looks through the kit and comes out with two gauze pads(?). He gives one to Sam. Sam: I mean it. There gotta be other ghosts out there. We could help a lot of people. Dean: Right, we'd be like the Ghostfacers. Sam: No, really. I mean, for real. Dean: What? Like, quit our jobs and h*t the road? Sam: Exactly. Dean: How would we live? Sam: Uh... Dean: You gotta be kidding me. How would we get by? With stolen credit cards? Huh? Eating diner food drenched in saturated fats? Sharing a crap motel room every night? Sam: That's all just details. Dean: Details are everything. You don't wanna go fighting ghosts without any health insurance. Sam: All right. Um. Confession. Dean: What? Sam: Remember those dreams I told you about with the ghosts? Dean: Yeah? Sam: I was fighting them. Dean: Okay. Sam: With you. We were these, like, hunters, and we were friends. More like brothers, really. I mean, what if that's who we really are? I mean, you saw us back there, working together. The ghost was scrambling people's brains. What if it scrambled ours? Dean: That's insane. Sam: Is it? Think about it for just one second. What if we think this is our life, but it's not? Dean: Hey, man, the ghost is d*ad and we're still standing. I mean, I'm sorry, but- Sam: Look, all I know is this isn't who we're supposed to be. Dean: No. I'm Dean Smith, okay? Director of Sales and Marketing. I went to Stanford. My father's name is Bob, my mother's name is Ellen, and my sister's name is Jo. Sam: When was the last time you talked to them? To any of them? Dean: Okay, you're upset. You're upset, you're confused- Sam: Yeah, 'cause I only moved here 'cause I just broke up with my fiancée, Madison. But I called her number and I got a damn animal hospital. Dean: Okay. What are you saying? Are you trying to say that my family isn't real? Huh? That we've been injected with fake memories? Come on. Sam: All I know is, I got this feeling in my gut. And I know-I know that deep down, you gotta be feeling it too. We're supposed to be something else. You're not just some corporate douchebag. This isn't you. I know you. Dean: Know me? You don't know me, pal. You should go. Sam leaves. INT. CUBICLE FARM - DAY A printer whirs and spits out a paper. A fax machine whirs and sucks in papers. An a*t*matic pencil sharpener whirs. Sam is in his cubicle filling out a form on a clipboard. The phone rings. Sam stares at it. He takes off his headset, picks up the poker he brought with him, gets up, and beats the phone to death. Everyone stares. Sam: I quit. INT. Dean's OFFICE - DAY Dean is typing at his computer. ADLER knocks at the door. ADLER Got a minute? Dean: Sure, of course. ADLER comes in and shuts the door. ADLER How are you feeling, Dean? Dean: Uh, great. ADLER You look a little tired. Been working hard, I gather. Dean: Yeah. ADLER Ah, don't be modest. I hear everything. And I'm pleased with what I'm hearing. ADLER sits down in front of Dean's desk. ADLER That's why it's important to me that you're happy. ADLER pulls out a pen, grabs a piece of notepaper, and writes down a five-digit number. ADLER How's that for a bonus? Dean looks at the paper. Dean: That's very generous. ADLER Purely selfish. Wanna make sure you're not going anywhere. Dean: Wow. Are you sure? ADLER Positive. You are Sandover material, son. Real go-getter. Carving your own way. Dean: Well, thanks. I try. ADLER I see big things in your future. Maybe even senior VP, Eastern Great Lakes Division. Don't get me wrong, you'll have to work for it. Seven days a week, lunch at your desk, but in eight to ten short years, that could be you. Dean takes off his headset. Dean: Uh, well, thank you. Thank you, sir. It's, um...but... Dean passes the paper back. Dean: I am giving my notice. ADLER This is a joke. You're kidding me, right? Dean: No. I've-I recently-uh, very recently realized that I have some other work I have to do. It's, uh, very important to me. ADLER Other work? Another company? Dean: No, I-it's hard to explain. Um. It's just that this-this is-it's just-it's not who I'm supposed to be. ADLER grins. Dean: What? ADLER Dean, Dean, Dean. Finally. ADLER stands up and presses two fingers to Dean's forehead. Everything goes from saturated color to dim. Dean looks around at the office and himself. Dean: What the hell? Why am I wearing a tie? My God, am I hungry. ADLER laughs. ADLER Welcome back. Dean stands up. Dean: Wait. Did I-did I just get touched by-you're an angel, aren't you? ADLER I'm Zachariah. Dean: Oh, great. That's all I need is another one of you guys. Zachariah: I'm hardly another one, Dean. I'm Castiel's superior. Believe me, I had no interest in popping down here into one of these smelly things. Zachariah indicates his body. Zachariah: But after the unfortunate situation with Uriel, I felt it necessary to pay a visit. Get my ducks in a row. Dean: I am not one of your ducks. Zachariah: Starting with your attitude. Dean: Oh, so, what? This was all some sort of a lesson? Is that what you're telling me? Wow. Very creative. Zachariah: You should see my decoupage. Dean: Gross. No thank you. So, what? I'm just hallucinating all this? Is that it? Zachariah: Not at all. Real place, real haunting. Just plunked you in the middle without the benefit of your memories. Dean: Just to shake things up? Hm? So you guys can have fun watching us run around like ass clowns in monkey suits? Zachariah: To prove to you that the path you're on is truly in your blood. You're a hunter. Not because your dad made you, not because God called you back from hell, but because it is what you are. And you love it. You'll find your way to it in the dark every single time and you're miserable without it. Dean, let's be real here. You're good at this. You'll be successful. You will stop it. Dean: Stop what? The apocalypse, huh? Lucifer? What? Be specific, man. Zachariah: You'll do everything you're destined to do. All of it. But I know, I know. You're not strong enough. You're scared. You got daddy issues. You can't do it. Right? Dean: Angel or not, I will s*ab you in your face. Zachariah: All I'm saying is it's how you look at it. Most folks live and die without moving anything more than the dirt it takes to bury them. You get to change things. Dean turns away. Zachariah: Save people, maybe even the world. All the while you drive a classic car and fornicate with women. This isn't a curse. It's a gift. So for God's sakes, Dean, quit whining about it. Look around. There are plenty of fates worse than yours. So are you with me? You wanna go steam yourself another latte? Or are you ready to stand up and be who you really are?
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "04x17 - It's a Terrible Life"}
Air Date: 2 Apr 2009 INT. Chuck's HOME – NIGHT Chuck is sprawled on a couch sleeping with papers clutched to his chest; the coffee table is littered with unfinished food and drinks. He is in the throes of an intense dream: we see quick flashes of Sam and Dean, the Impala, and Chuck himself. Cut to: INT. COMIC BOOK SHOP – DAY A man takes a comic book off the shelf as we pan across to the door, where Dean and Sam are entering. They are in suits and long black coats: FBI costumes. The man behind the counter looks up as they approach and take out their badges. Man Behind Counter: Uh... can I help you? Dean: Sure hope so. Agents DeYoung and Shaw. Just need to ask you a few questions. Sam: Notice anything strange in the building, last couple of days? Man Behind Counter: Like what? Dean: Well, some other tenants reported flickering lights. Man Behind Counter: Uh, I don't think so. Why? Sam: What about noises? Any skittering in the walls? Kind of like rats? Man Behind Counter: (skeptical) And the FBI is investigating a rodent problem? Sam: What about cold spots? Feel any sudden drops in temperature? Man Behind Counter: (grinning) I knew it! You guys are LARPing, aren't you? Dean: Excuse me? Man Behind Counter: You're fans. Sam: Fans of what? Dean: What is "LARPing"? Man Behind Counter: Like you don't know. (off their confused looks) Live-Action Role-Play! And pretty hardcore, too. Dean: I'm sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about. Man Behind Counter: You're asking questions like the building's haunted. Like those guys from the books. What are they called? Uh... "Supernatural." Two guys, use fake IDs with rock aliases, hunt down ghosts, demons, vampires. What are their names? Uh... Steve and Dirk? Uh, Sal and Dane? Sam: Sam and Dean? Man Behind Counter: That's it! Dean: You're saying this is a book? Man Behind Counter: Books. It was a series. Didn't sell a lot of copies, though. Kind of had more of an underground cult following. (he goes over to a table labeled "Bargain Bin". Sam and Dean follow.) Let's see. Um... Ah. Yeah (hands Dean a book) That's the first one, I think. Dean: (reading the cover of the book) "Supernatural" by Carver Edlund. (he flips the book over, reads the back cover) "Along a lonely California highway, a mysterious woman in white lures men to their deaths." Sam: (grabbing the book) Give me that. (to the Man) We're gonna need all the copies of "Supernatural" you've got. An altered title sequence follows, with illustrations from the book that include Romance-novel-style illustrations of Sam, Dean, and other characters and ending with the title card: SUPERNATURAL By Carver Edlund INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT We pan across a motel bed strewn with copies of the book series. The episode title appears: "THE MONSTER AT THE END OF THIS BOOK" Dean is reclining on the bed, flipping through a book and frowning. Sam is seated by the window with his laptop. Dean: This is freakin' insane. How's this guy know all this stuff? Sam: You got me. Dean: (he gets up and crosses to Sam) How come we haven't heard of them before? Sam: They're pretty obscure. I mean, almost zero circulation. Uh, started in '05. The publisher put out a couple dozen before going bankrupt. And, uh, the last one – "No Rest For The Wicked" – (he turns the laptop towards Dean, displaying a web site listing the books) Ends with you going to hell. Dean: I reiterate. Freaking insane. (browsing the site) Check it out. There's actually fans. There's not many of them, but still. Did you read this? Sam: Yeah. Dean: Although for fans, they sure do complain a lot. Listen to this – Simpatico says "the demon story line is trite, clichéd, and overall craptastic." Yeah, well, screw you, Simpatico. We lived it. Sam: Yeah. Well, keep on reading. It gets better. Dean: There are "Sam girls" and "Dean girls" and – what's a "slash fan"? Sam: As in... Sam-slash-Dean. Together. Dean: Like, together together? Sam: Yeah. Dean: They do know we're brothers, right? Sam: Doesn't seem to matter. Dean: Oh, come on. That... That's just sick. (he shuts the laptop in disgust) We got to find this Carver Edlund. Sam: Yeah, that might not be so easy. Dean: Why not? Sam: No tax records, no known address. Looks like "Carver Edlund" is a pen name. Dean: Somebody's gotta know who he is. INT. Publisher's HOUSE – DAY Sam and Dean are meeting with the publisher of the "Supernatural" series: a young, attractive woman in a long sweater. She is eager but appears both a little nervous and somewhat skeptical of their intentions. Sam: So you published the "Supernatural" books? Publisher: Yep. Yeah. Gosh. These books... You know, they never really got the attention they deserved. All anybody wants to read anymore is that romance crap. You know – "Doctor Sexy, M.D."? (scoffs) Please. Sam: Right. Well, we're hoping that our article can... shine a light on an underappreciated series. Publisher: Yeah, yeah, because, you know, if we got a little bit of good press then m-maybe we could start publishing again. Dean: No, no, no, no. God, no. I mean, why – why would you want to do that? You know, it's, uh, such a complete series, what with Dean going to hell and all. Publisher: (getting very emotional) Oh, my god! That was one of my favorite ones, because Dean was so... strong... and sad and brave. And Sam... I mean, the best parts are when they'd cry. You know, like in – In "Heart," when Sam had to k*ll Madison, the first woman since Jessica he really loved. And in "Home," when Dean had to call John and ask him for help. (she turns away) Gosh... if only real men were so open and in touch with their feelings. Dean: Real men? Publisher: I mean, no offense. How often do you cry like that, hmm? Dean: Well, right now, I'm crying on the inside. Publisher: Is that supposed to be funny? Dean: Lady, this whole thing is funny. Publisher: How do I know you two are legit, hmm? Dean: Oh, trust me. We, uh... we're legit. Publisher: Well, I don't want any smart-ass article making fun of my boys. Sam: No! No, no, no. Never. (stammering) Dean: No, that's... Sam: We – We are actually, um... big fans. Publisher: Hmm. You've read the books? Dean: Cover to cover. Sam: Um-hmm. Publisher: What's the year and model of the car? Dean: It's a 1967 Chevy Impala. Publisher: What's May 2nd? Sam: That's my – Uh... that's Sam's birthday. Dean: January 24th is Dean's. Publisher: Sam's score on the LSAT? Sam: One... (looking at Dean, at a loss) Seventy-four? Publisher: Dean's favorite song? Dean: It's a tie. Between Zep's "Ramble On" and "Traveling Riverside Blues." Publisher: Okay. Okay. What do you want to know? Sam: What's Carver Edlund's real name? Publisher: Oh, no. I – No. Sorry, I can't do that. Sam: We just want to talk to him. You know, get the "Supernatural" story in his own words. Publisher: He's very private. It's like Salinger. Sam: Please. Like I said – we are, um... Off Sam's pointed look, Dean rolls his eyes and displays his own tattoo. The woman licks her lips. Publisher: Awesome. You know what? (she turns around and hikes up her skirt, showing them something off-camera. I got one, too. Dean: Whoa. You are a fan. Publisher: Okay. (she scribbles something on a pad of paper) His name's Chuck Shurley. And he's a genius, so don't piss him off. INT. Chuck's HOME – DAY We begin on a close sh*t of a printer, which is spitting out several pages. Chuck comes into view wearing boxers, an undershirt, and a bathrobe, and stuffing the end of a slice of pizza in his mouth. He sits at the desk, pulls the pages from the printer, and clears his throat. Chuck: (reading) "Sam and Dean approached the run-down..." (sighs, makes a correction on the page) "...approached the ramshackle house with trepidation." EXT. Chuck's HOME – DAY Dean and Sam get out of the Impala. Chuck (V.O): "Did they really want to learn the secrets that lay beyond that door?" Sam and Dean stop in front of the door, share a look, and shrug. Chuck (V.O): "Sam and Dean traded soulful looks." INT. Chuck's HOME – DAY Chuck (continuing) "Then, with determination, Dean pushed the doorbell with forceful... determination." (tosses the pages down in frustration) Ugh! (The doorbell rings. He looks up, nervous, then goes to answer it) Dean: You Chuck Shurley? Sam: The Chuck Shurley who wrote the "Supernatural" books? Chuck: Maybe. Why? Dean: I'm Dean. This is Sam. The Dean and Sam you've been writing about. (Chuck closes the door. Dean rings the bell again and Chuck opens the door.) Chuck: Look, uh... I appreciate your enthusiasm. Really, I do. It's, uh, it's always nice to hear from the fans. But, uh, for your own good, I strongly suggest you get a life. (he tries to shut the door, but Dean puts out a hand to stop it.) Dean: See, here's the thing. We have a life. You've been using it to write your books. (He shoves the door open and enters, forcing Chuck to back up into the house.) Chuck: Now, wait a minute. Now, this isn't funny. Dean: Damn straight, it's not funny. Sam: Look, we just want to know how you're doing it. Chuck: I'm not doing anything. Dean: Are you a hunter? Chuck: What? No. I'm a writer. Dean: Then how do you know so much about demons? (he advances on Chuck, who falls onto the couch) And Tulpas, and changelings? Chuck: Is this some kind of "Misery" thing? Ah, it is, isn't it? It's a "Misery" thing! Dean: No, it's not a "Misery" thing. Believe me, we are not fans! Chuck: Well, then, what do you want?! Sam: I'm Sam. And that's Dean. Chuck: Sam and Dean are fictional characters. I made them up! They're not real! EXT. Chuck's HOME – DAY Dean opens the trunk of the Impala, displaying the arsenal. We pan up to Chuck's shocked face. Chuck: Are those real g*n? Dean: Yup. This is real rock salt, these are real fake IDs. Chuck: Well, I got to hand it to you guys. You really are my number one fans. (still very nervous) That's, that's awesome. So, I-I think I've got some posters in the house. Dean: Chuck, stop. Chuck: Please. Wait. Please, don't hurt me. Sam: How much do you know? Do you know about the angels? Or Lilith breaking the seals? Chuck: Wait a minute. How do you know about that? Dean: The question is how do you. Chuck: Because I wrote it? Sam: You kept writing? Chuck: Yeah, even after the publisher went bankrupt, but those books never came out. Okay, wait a minute. This is some kind of joke, right? Did that – Did Phil put you up to this? Dean: Well, nice to meet you. I'm Dean Winchester, and this is my brother, Sam. Chuck: The last names were never in the books. I never told anybody about that. I never even wrote that down. INT. Chuck's HOUSE – DAY Chuck pours himself a large whisky and gulps it down, then sets the glass on the kitchen sink. He turns around, sees Sam and Dean, and groans. Chuck: Oh! Oh, you're still there. Dean: Yup. Chuck: You're not a hallucination. Dean: Nope. Chuck: Well, there's only one explanation. Obviously I'm a god. Sam: You're not a god. Chuck: How else do you explain it? I write things and then they come to life. Yeah, no, I'm definitely a god. A cruel, cruel, capricious god. The things I put you through – The physical beatings alone. Dean: Yeah, we're still in one piece. Chuck: I k*lled your father. I b*rned your mother alive. And then you had to go through the whole horrific deal again with Jessica. Sam: Chuck... Chuck: All for what? All for the sake of literary symmetry. I toyed with your lives, your emotions, for... entertainment. Dean: You didn't toy with us, Chuck, okay? You didn't create us. Chuck: Dean: Yeah. Chuck: Dean: Yes, that too. Chuck: I am so sorry. I mean, horror is one thing, but to be forced to live bad writing... if I would have known it was real, I would have done another pass. Dean: Chuck, you're not a god! Sam: We think you're probably just psychic. Chuck: No. If I were psychic, you think I'd be writing? Writing is hard. Sam: It seems that somehow, you're just... focused on our lives. Dean: Yeah, like laser-focused. Are you working on anything right now? Chuck: (realizing something) Holy crap. Sam: What? Chuck: (picks up the pages he was reading earlier) The, uh, latest book? It's, uh, it's kind of weird. Sam: "Weird" how? Chuck: It's very Vonnegut. Dean: (intently) "Slaughterhouse-Five" Vonnegut or "Cat's Cradle" Vonnegut? Sam: (surprised) What? Dean: (defensively) What? Chuck: It's, uh, "Kilgore Trout" Vonnegut. I wrote myself into it. I wrote myself, at my house... confronted by my characters. INT. LAUNDROMAT – NIGHT Sam is doing laundry as Dean sits nearby, reading Chuck's latest manuscript. Dean: I'm sitting in a laundromat, reading about myself sitting in a laundromat reading about myself. My head hurts. Sam: There's got to be something this guy's not telling us. (Sam turns to toss his darks into the machine. Dean continues reading.) Dean: "Sam tossed his gigantic darks into the machine. He was starting to have doubts about Chuck, about whether he was telling the whole truth." Sam: Stop it. Dean: "'stop it,' Sam said." Guess what you do next. (Sam turns away, scowling.) "Sam turned his back on Dean, his face brooding and pensive." I mean, I don't know how he's doing it, but this guy is doing it. I can't see your face, but those are definitely your "brooding and pensive" shoulders. (Sam sighs, exasperated. Dean looks down at the manuscript.) You just thought I was a dick. Sam: (turns around looking impressed.) The guy's good. INT. Chuck's HOUSE – NIGHT END ACT ONE INT. Chuck's HOUSE – DAY Sam and Dean are back, and Chuck paces nervously, as if building up the courage to speak. He holds more pages in his hands. Sam: So... You wrote another chapter? Chuck: This was all so much easier before you were real. Dean: We can take it; just spit it out. Chuck: You especially are not gonna like this. Dean: I didn't like hell. Chuck: It's Lilith. She's coming for Sam. Dean: Coming to k*ll him? Sam: When? Chuck: Tonight. Dean: She's just gonna show up? Here? Chuck: (sits, puts his glasses on) Uh... let's see, uh, (reading from the manuscript) "Lilith patted the bed seductively. Unable to deny his desire, Sam succumbed, and they sank into the throes of fiery demonic passion." Sam: (laughs) You're kidding me, right? Dean: You think this is funny? Sam: You don't? I mean, come on. "Fiery demonic passion"? Chuck: It's just a first draft. Dean: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Lilith is a little girl. Chuck: No, uh, this time she's a "comely dental hygienist from Bloomington, Indiana." Dean: Great. Perfect. So what happens after the... "fiery demonic" whatever? Chuck: I don't know, it hasn't come to me yet. Sam: Dean, look, there's nothing to worry about. Lilith and me? In bed? Dean: (glaring at Sam but speaking to Chuck) How does this whole psychic thing of yours work? Chuck: You mean my process? Dean: Yes, your "process." Chuck: Well, it usually starts with a headache. A really bad headache. Aspirin is useless, so... I drink. Until I fall asleep. The first time it happened, I thought it was just a crazy dream. Dean: The first time you dreamt about us? Chuck: It flowed. It just, it kept flowing. It still does. I-I can't stop it, really. Sam: You can't seriously believe – Dean: Humor me. Dean: (He stands; Chuck holds up the manuscript for him.) Look, why don't we, we just... (he takes the manuscript) Take a look at these and see what's what. (to Chuck) You – Chuck: ...knew you were gonna ask for that. Yeah. EXT. ROAD – DAY Dean is driving. Sam sits beside him reading the latest chapter. Sam: Dean, come on. (reading) "The minivan accident wasn't that bad, but Dean was still seeing stars. He scratched absently at the pink flower Band-Aids on his face." Dean: So? Sam: So, I've seen you gushing blood. You'd use duct tape and bar rags before you'd put on a pink flower Band-Aid. Dean: What's your point? Sam: My point is this – all of this – is totally implausible, it's nuts. Dean: He's been right about everything so far. You think he's just gonna ground out at first now? Sam: (scoffs, continues reading) Huh. "Dean slid behind the wheel of his beloved Impala and drove off, the plastic tarp on the rear window flapping like the wings of a crow." Dean: A tarp? Sam: Yeah. On the rear window. And you drive it like that. Dean: Well, he might be wrong about the details, but doesn't mean he's wrong about the end result. Sam: So we're just gonna run? Dean: Dude, we are a long way from ready for a face-to-face death match with Lilith. They come to a roadblock and come to a stop. A Deputy leans over to talk to Dean. Dean: What seems to be the problem? Deputy: Bridge is out ahead. Dean: We're just trying to get out of town. Deputy: Yeah, afraid not. Dean: Is there a detour? Deputy: Nope. Dean: There's not a side road that takes us to the highway? Deputy: To get to the highway, you have to cross that river. To cross the river, you have to take that bridge. Dean: How deep's the river? Deputy: Sorry. Afraid you boys are gonna have to spend the night in town. INT. DINER – NIGHT Dean is now reading the manuscript as Sam looks over a menu. Dean: Hey, this could be a good thing. I mean, if this is what puts us on the path to Lilith, then all we got to do is get off the path. Sam: How do you mean? Dean: It's a blueprint of what not to do. I mean, if the pages say that we go left – Sam: Then we go right. Dean: Exactly. We get off-book. We never make it to the end. It's opposite day. It says that we, uh, we get into a fight. So, no fighting. No research for you... Sam: No bacon cheeseburger for you. Dean: (looks slightly put out) Yeah, no problem. I'll just order something else. (the waitress approaches) Hi, uh, what's good? Waitress: Well, if you like burgers, Oprah's girlfriend said we have the best bacon cheeseburgers in the country. (Sam laughs) Dean: Really? Sam: I'll just have the cobb salad, please. Dean: I'll have the... veggie tofu burger. Thanks. (She takes their menus and leaves.) Sam: This whole thing's ridiculous. Dean: Lilith is ridiculous? Sam: The idea of me hooking up with her is. Dean: Right. 'Cause something like that can never happen. Sam: (starts to scowl, then controls himself.) Dean, for the first time, we have warning that Lilith is close. Dean: So? Sam: So... we've got the jump on her. If we know when she's coming, we know where she's – this is an opportunity. Dean: Are you – (trying very hard not to get angry) It frustrates me when you say such reckless things. Sam: Well, it frustrates me when you'd rather hide that fight. Waitress: Cobb salad for you. And the tofu veggie burger for you. Dean: Thank you. (The waitress leaves; Dean leans in close.) It's not hiding. It's being smart. It's picking your battles. This is a battle that we are not ready to fight. (He takes a huge bite of his burger and his eyes widen in surprise.) Oh, my god. This is delicious. Tofu is amazing! Waitress: (approaching, flustered) I am so sorry. I gave you the bacon cheeseburger by mistake. (she takes his plate away) Sam scowls. EXT. TOREADOR MOTEL – DAY Sam and Dean drive up to a very sleazy-looking motel and pull into the parking lot. Sam: Dude, this place charges by the hour. Dean: Yeah, well, the book says Lilith finds you at the Red Motel. Hence, the uh, hooker inn. It's opposite day, remember? INT. TOREADOR MOTEL – DAY Dean drops a bag on the bed and starts pulling out items. He takes a few small string-tied bags and places them around the room. Sam: What are you doing? Dean: Couple of hex bags ought to Lilith-proof the room. Sam: So, what? I'm supposed to just hole up here all night? Dean: (He reaches into Sam's bag and pulls out Sam's laptop, smiling.) Sam: Oh, dude, come on. Dean: Just call it a little insurance. Sam: What are you gonna do? Dean: Well, the pages say that I spend all day riding around in the Impala. So I'm gonna go park her. Behave yourself, would you? No homework. Watch some p*rn. He smiles, pleased with himself, and leaves. Sam fumes. EXT.– DAY As Dean drives away from the motel, we pan up to the neon sign out front. The word "Toreador" sputters and several of the lights burn out. The remaining letters spell: RE D ELSEWHERE, Dean parks the Impala and gets out. He checks the doors, then walks away across the street. Moments later, he looks back to see two teenagers attempting to break into the car. He runs towards them. Dean: Hey! A van careens towards him; he can't get out of the way in time, and it hits him. He is knocked to the ground, unconscious. INT. "RE D MOTEL" – DAY Sam opens the door to reveal Chuck. Chuck: You wanted to see me? Sam: Yeah. Looking around shiftily, Sam opens the door wider and Chuck enters. He shuts the door behind him. Sam: Thanks for coming. Chuck: Ah, sure. Sam: Um... I was just wondering how much you know. About me. Chuck: What do you mean? Sam: Have you seen visions of me when I'm not with Dean? Chuck: Oh... You want to know if I know about the demon blood. Sam: You didn't tell Dean. Chuck: I didn't even write it into the books. I was afraid it would make you look unsympathetic. Sam: Unsympathetic? Chuck: Yeah, come on, Sam. I mean, sucking blood? You got to know that's wrong. Sam: It scares the hell out of me. I mean, I feel it inside of me. I... I wish to god I could stop. Chuck: But you keep going back. Sam: What choice have I got? If it helps me k*ll Lilith and stop the apocalypse – Chuck: I thought that was Dean's job. That's what the angels say, right? Sam: Dean's not... he's not Dean lately. Ever since he got out of hell. He needs help. Chuck: So you got to carry the weight? Sam: Well, he's looked out for me my whole life. I can't return the favor? Chuck: Yeah, sure you can. I mean, if that's what this is. Sam: What else would it be? Chuck: I don't know. Maybe the demon blood makes you feel stronger? More in control? Sam: No. That's not true. Chuck: I'm sorry, Sam. I know it's a terrible burden – feeling that it all rests on your shoulders. Sam: Does it? All rest on my shoulders? Chuck: That seems to be where the story's headed. Sam: Am I strong enough to stop Lilith tonight? Chuck: I don't know. I haven't seen that far yet. EXT. STREET – DAY Dean wakes slowly, still lying in the middle of the road. A woman hovers above him; she has very long dangling earrings shaped like stars. Woman: Oh my god. Just take it easy, you're gonna be okay. Dean: (incoherently) Stars. Woman: What was that? (He blinks and tries to raise his head.) I'm so sorry. I just didn't see you. Are you okay? (He sits up.) And sorry about... you know. (She indicates a young girl standing nearby.) M-My daughter's going through a Doctor phase. Dean: What are you talking about? Girl: You're all better now. We finally see the left side of Dean's face, which is covered in pink flowery Band-Aids. He looks across the street and stares in horror: The IMPALA's back window is shattered. Dean: Oh, no... He approaches the car, fuming. He catches a glimpse of himself in the side window and sees the Band-Aids. Frowning, he slowly peels one off. CUT TO: EXT. ROAD – DAY Dean drives along, still fuming. A tarp covers the rear window, flapping like the wings of a crow. INT. Chuck's HOME – DAY Chuck, carrying a bottle in a brown bag and six-pack of cans, unlocks the door to his house and enters. He walks in slowly and does not appear very surprised to find Dean sitting in his living room. Chuck: Dean. Dean: I take it you knew I'd be here. Chuck: You look terrible. Dean: That's 'cause I just got h*t by a minivan, Chuck. Chuck: Oh. Dean: That it? Every damn thing you write about me comes true; that's all you have to say is "oh"?! Chuck: Please don't yell at me. Dean: Why do I get feeling there's something that you're not telling us? Chuck: What wouldn't I be telling you? Dean: How you know what you know, for starters! Chuck: I don't know how I know, I just do! Dean: That's not good enough. (He shoves Chuck against the wall.) How the hell are you doing this?! Castiel: (appearing out of nowhere, as usual) Dean, let him go! (Dean releases Chuck and turns to face Castiel.) This man is to be protected. Dean: Why? Castiel: He's a Prophet of the Lord. END ACT TWO Chuck: You... You're Castiel... aren't you? Castiel: It's an honor to meet you, Chuck. I... admire your work. Castiel picks up one of the books and starts paging through it. Dean: Whoa, whoa, what? This guy, a prophet? Come on, he's – he's... he's practically a Penthouse Forum writer. (to Chuck) Did you know about this? Chuck has stumbled over to his armchair; he cracks open a fresh bottle of whisky and pours himself some. Chuck: I, uh, I might have dreamt about it. Dean: And you didn't tell us?! Chuck: It was too preposterous. Not to mention arrogant. I mean, writing yourself into the story is one thing, but as a prophet? That's like M. Night-level douchiness. He finishes this tirade and desperately gulps down the whisky. Dean: (more quietly, to Castiel) This is the guy who decides our fate? Castiel: He isn't deciding anything. He's a mouthpiece – a conduit for the inspired word. Dean: The word? The word of god? What, like the new new testament? Castiel: One day, these books – they'll be known as the Winchester gospel. Dean and Chuck (unison) You got to be kidding me. Castiel: I am not... kidding you. Chuck: If you'd both please excuse me one minute. He stands, still clutching the bottle, and disappears upstairs. Dean: Him? Really? Castiel: You should've seen Luke. Dean: Why'd he get tapped? Castiel: I don't know how prophets are chosen. The order comes from high up on the celestial chain of command. Dean: How high? Castiel: Very. Dean: Well, whatever. How do we get around this? Castiel: Around what? Dean: The Sam-Lilith love connection. How do we stop it from happening? Castiel: What the prophet has written can't be unwritten. As he has seen it, so it shall come to pass. EXT. "RE D MOTEL" - NIGHT Dean drives to the motel, parks, and gets out of the car. He notices that the altered sign now reads as Chuck's manuscript predicted. He shakes his head and goes to the room. INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Dean: Come on. We're getting out of here. Sam: What? Where? Dean: Anywhere, okay? Out of this motel, out of this town. I don't care if we got to swim, we are getting out. (He looks around, confused.) Dude, where are all the hex bags? Sam: I b*rned them. Dean: You what? Sam: Look, if Lilith is coming, which is a big "if" – Dean: No, no, no. It's more than an "if." Chuck is not a psychic. He's a prophet. Sam: What? Dean: Cas showed up, and apparently Chuck is writing the gospel of us. Sam: Okay. Dean: Okay. Let's get the hell out of here. Sam: No. Dean: Lilith is gonna slaughter you. Sam: Maybe she will, maybe she won't. Dean: So what? You think you can take her? Sam: Only one way to find out, Dean, and I say bring her on. Dean: Sam... Sam: You think I'll do it, don't you? You think I'll go dark side. Dean: Yes! Okay? Yes. The way you've been acting lately? The things you've been doing? (Sam looks up, startled.) Oh, I know. How you ripped Alastair apart like it was nothing, like you were swatting a fly. Cas told me, okay? Sam: What else did he tell you? Dean: Nothing I don't already know. That you've been using your psychic crap, and you've been getting stronger. We just don't know why, and we don't know how. Sam: It's not what you think. Dean: Then what is it, Sam? 'Cause I'm at a total loss. (He grabs his bag and heads for the door. He stops and looks back.) Are you coming or not? Sam: No. Dean turns back to the door, pauses again, then drops the bag forcefully on a chair by the door before leaving. EXT. "RE D MOTEL" PARKING LOT – NIGHT Dean drops coins into a soda machine, fuming. He takes a step back and looks around. Dean: Well, I feel stupid doing this. But... I am fresh out of options. So please. I need some help. I'm praying, okay? Come on. Please. Castiel: Prayer is a sign of faith. This is a good thing, Dean. Dean: So does that mean you'll help me? Castiel: I'm not sure what I can do. Dean: Drag Sam out of here, now. Before Lilith shows up. Castiel: It's a prophecy. I can't interfere. Dean: You have tested me and thrown me every which way. And I have never asked for anything. Not a damn thing. But now I'm asking. I need your help. Please. Castiel: What you're asking, it's... not within my power to do. Dean: Why? 'Cause it's "divine prophecy"? Castiel: Yes. Dean: So, what – We're just supposed to sit around and, and wait for it to happen? Castiel: I'm sorry. Dean: Screw you. You and your mission. Your God. If you don't help me now, then when the time comes and you need me... don't bother knocking. Dean brushes past Castiel and begins to walk away, but he stops at Castiel's voice. Castiel: Dean. Dean. Dean: What?! Castiel: You must understand why I can't intercede. Prophets are very special. They're protected. Dean: I get that. Castiel: If anything thr*at a prophet, anything at all, an archangel will appear to desTroy that thr*at. Archangels are fierce. They're absolute. They're heaven's most terrifying w*apon. Dean: And these archangels, they're tied to prophets? Castiel: Yes. Dean: So if a prophet was in the Same room as a demon – Castiel: Then the most fearsome wrath of heaven would rain down on that demon. Just so you understand... why I can't help. Dean: Thanks, Cas. Castiel: Good luck. INT. Chuck's HOUSE – NIGHT Chuck is sprawled on his couch when Dean enters; this time, Chuck does look surprised to see him. Chuck: What are you doing here? I didn't write this. Dean: (manhandling him) Come on. I need you to come with me. Chuck: What? Where? Dean: To the motel where Sam is. Chuck: That's where Lilith is. Dean: Yeah, exactly. I need you to stop her. Chuck: Are you insane? Lilith? I know what she's capable of, Dean. I wrote her. Dean: All right, listen to me. You have an archangel tethered to you, okay? All you got to do is show up and boom! Lilith gets smoked. Chuck: But I-I haven't seen that yet. Th-the story – Dean: Chuck, you're the only sh*t that I've got left. Chuck: But... I'm just a writer. Dean: This isn't a story anymore, man. This is real! And you're in it! Now, I need you to get off your ass and fight. Come on, Chuck. Chuck: No friggin' way. Dean: Okay, well, then, how about this – I've got a g*n in my pocket, and if you don't come with me, I'll blow your brains out. Chuck: I thought you said I was protected by an archangel. Dean: Well, interesting exercise. Let's see who the quicker draw is. INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Sam hears a knock at the door and approaches it slowly. He turns the handle carefully, then flings the door open. The doorway is empty. He closes the door, turns around and sees: Lilith Hello, Sam. Sam: I've been waiting for you. Her eyes turn white. END ACT THREE Lilith: Where's the Kn*fe, Sam? Sam: On the nightstand. By the bed. Lilith begins walking toward the bed, then stops. She stoops down and lifts the rug: beneath it is a Devil's Trap. She rolls her eyes and touches the edge of it with a finger; the mark flares and burns away. She stands to face Sam. Lilith: You're gonna have to try a lot harder than that. Sam: How 'bout this? He reaches out a hand and concentrates; a wind rises and blows her hair back, but he has no other effect on her. Lilith: You're strong. But you're not that strong. Not yet. Sam: So why don't you throw me around then? Lilith: Because I can't, and you know it. You're immune to my charms. Seems we're at a stalemate. Sam: Why are you here? Lilith: To talk. Sam: (scoffs) Yeah, well, I'm not interested. Lilith: Hmm... even if I'm offering to stand down? From the seals... the apocalypse... all of it? Sam: You expect me to believe that? Lilith: Honestly? No. You were always the smart one. But it's the truth. You can end it, Sam. Right here, right now. I'll stop breaking seals, Lucifer keeps rotting in his cage. All you have to do is agree to my terms. Sam: Why would you back down? Why now? Lilith: Turns out, I don't survive this w*r. k*lled off, right before the good part starts. Sam: What do you want? Lilith: For it to go back to the way it was. Before I had angels to deal with 24/7. The good old days, when it was all baby blood all the time. Sam: And what do you want in return? Lilith: Your head on a stick. Dean's, too. Call it a consolation prize. So what do you say, Sam? Self-sacrifice is the Winchester way, isn't it? Sam: You really think I'm stupid enough to fall for this? Lilith: I make a deal, I have to follow through. Those are the rules, and you know it. Are you really so arrogant that you would put your life before the lives of six billion innocent people? Maybe it's all that demon blood pumping through your pipes. Man after my own heart. Sam: You think I'm like you? I am nothing like you. Lilith: Then prove it. Going once. (She turns and walks to the bed) Going twice. Sam: Fine. Lilith: (She turns back.) Swell. By the way, a contract with me will take more than a kiss. (She sits on the bed.) A lot more. Don't worry. The dental hygienist in here? She wants it bad. (She pats the bed.) Sam approaches; Lilith runs a hand up his leg as her eyes turn white. She takes him by the collar and pulls him down on top of her. When he gets close enough, he grabs the Kn*fe and tries to s*ab her with it. She counters his att*ck and flips him over, grabbing the Kn*fe. Before she can att*ck, the door bursts open and Dean and Chuck enter. Chuck: I am the prophet Chuck! Lilith: You've got to be joking. She leaves Sam and approaches Chuck. Dean: Oh, this is no joke. (The room begins to tremble, and a great white light pours in through the windows. This builds over the following.) You see, Chuck here's got an archangel on his shoulder. You've got about 10 seconds before this room is full of wrath and you're a piece of charcoal. You sure you want to tangle with that? Lilith gives Sam one last look, then pours screaming out of her vessel's mouth. END ACT FOUR EXT. ROAD – NIGHT Dean is driving, Sam is in the passenger's seat. The rear window is still busted, still clumsily covered in a tarp flapping in the wind. Dean: So a deal, huh? Sam: That's what she said. Dean: To call the whole thing off – angels, seals, Lucifer rising, the whole nine? Sam: That was the gist of it. Dean: Huh. Sam: What? Dean: You didn't think once about taking it? Sam: You kidding me? Dude, you spent all day trying to talk me off the Lilith track. Dean: I'm just saying... Sam: She would have found some way to weasel out of it. And all it would have cost us was our lives. Dean: Yeah, I guess you're right. Sam: Anyway, that's not the point. Dean: What's the point? Sam: The point is, she's scared. I could see it. Lilith is running. Dean: Running from what? Sam: Don't know. But she was telling the truth about one thing. Dean: What's that? Sam: She's not gonna survive the apocalypse. I'll make sure of that. INT. Chuck's HOUSE - NIGHT Chuck is asleep on the couch, having another dream. We don't see what he's seeing. He wakes suddenly, violently. Zachariah: Did you see it? Chuck: Who are you? Zachariah: I'm Zachariah. You may know me from your work. Chuck: What do you want? Zachariah: Did you see it? Chuck: (he nods) Is it true? Is all of that... really going to happen? Zachariah: Have you been wrong so far? Chuck: (getting up and heading for a door) I've got to warn Sam and Dean. Zachariah: I wouldn't advise it. People shouldn't know too much about their own destiny. You try... and I'll stop you. (Chuck stops; then starts going off in another direction) Where are you going? Chuck: To go k*ll myself. Zachariah: Don't be melodramatic, Chuck. We'd only bring you back to life. Chuck: What am I supposed to do? Zachariah: What you always do. Write. END EPISODE
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "04x18 - The Monster at the End of This Book"}
Air Date: 23 Apr 2009 John: You left. Your brother and me, we needed you. You walked away, Sam. You walked away! Sam: You're the one who said "don't come back", Dad. You're the one who closed that door, not me! John: Sammy, I just couldn't accept the fact that you and me-we're just different. Sam: We're not different. Not anymore. Sam: Ruby, it's been weeks. I need it. Ruby cuts her arm, smirking. Do you even know how far off the reservation you've gone? Sam drinks Ruby's blood. Dean: How far from normal? From human? Castiel: Your brother is headed down a dangerous road, Dean. Dean: It's already gone too far, Sam. If I didn't know you, I would want to hunt you. INT. HALLWAY - NIGHT The camera approaches a window. Next to the window is a table with a lamp and two photographs; one is of a young man and a woman, ADAM and KATE MILLIGAN. KATE herself runs into the table, looking back fearfully. She shrieks and runs down the hallway. She looks back and keeps running. KATE No! Go away! KATE gets into her bedroom and locks the door behind her. INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT KATE, who is wearing a coat over blue scrubs, leans against the door as SOMEONE pounds on it. The pounding abruptly stops. KATE waits a moment, breathing hard, and shoves the dresser in front of the door. She relaxes a bit, walking backward towards her bed. SOMEONE ELSE is under the bed. KATE sits on the bed, still breathing hard. KATE Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, god. It's okay. It's okay. KATE yells: the SOMEONE ELSE has grabbed her by the ankle and pulled, dragging her onto the floor. The SOMEONE ELSE drags KATE under the bed. KATE screams, grabbing at the floor. KATE grabs the nightstand right before she goes under, knocking it over and knocking a picture onto the floor: it's of John Winchester. EXT. LAKESIDE - DAY "JUMP THE SHARK" The Impala is parked next to a lake. Sam is leaning against the hood, brushing his teeth. Dean is lying across the front seat, head and shoulders up against the door. Dean twists around, getting Sam's attention, and opens the door, which nearly dumps him on the ground. Sam: Hey. How'd you sleep? Dean climbs out of the car. Dean: How do you think? I'm starving. Let's get breakfast. Sam: Where? We're like two hours from anything. Dean: But I'm hungry now. Dean comes around to the front of the car. Sam: There's probably still a sandwich in the back seat. Dean turns around, rubbing a hand over his face, and reaches in through the open back window, pulling out a paper bag. He opens the bag and sniffs, then leans his head back and inhales. Dean: It's tuna. A phone rings inside the car. Dean tosses the bag back into the back seat and puts his hands to his jeans pockets. Sam spits out toothpaste foam. Dean leans in through the front window and rummages in the glove compartment, pulling out the ringing phone. Dean hits his head on the roof as he tries to get out. Dean looks at the phone. Sam: Isn't that Dad's phone? Dean flips the phone open, presses a button, and puts it to his ear. Dean: Hello? A Young Man, ADAM MILLIGAN, answers. ADAM Uh, is this John? Dean: He can't come to the phone. Can I help you? ADAM No no no-I really-I need to talk to John. This is Adam Milligan. He knows me. Dean: Well, sorry to be the one to break this to you, pal, but John died more than two years ago. A shocked sound. Dean: Who is this? ADAM I'm his son. Dean stares. The Impala parks next to Cousin Oliver's Hilltop Cafe. Windom, Minnesota A van goes past. Dean and Sam get out of the car. Co-Executive Producer PHIL SGRICCIA Sam: Dean, look, best I can tell, Adam Milligan is real. Dean unlocks and opens the trunk, then the w*apon box. Sam reads from a paper in an open folder. Sam: Um, born September twenty-ninth, 1990 to Kate Milligan. No father listed on the birth certificate. He's an Eagle Scout. Dean pulls assorted w*apon out of the trunk, including Ruby's Kn*fe. Sam: Graduated from high school with honors and currently goes to the University of Wisconsin-biology major, pre-med. Dean closes the w*apon box. Sam: Dean? You listening? Dean: This is a trap. Dean closes the trunk and heads past Sam. Sam closes the folder. INT. DINER - DAY Executive Producer McG Dean and Sam enter the diner with a bell ringing at the door. There's a Man at the counter, a Waitress serving a burger, a couple other customers. Executive Producer KIM MANNERS Dean and Sam scan opposite halves of the diner; Dean sees an empty table in a corner with four chairs. He pulls one of the chairs away from the table and next to the potted plant. Produced by VLADIMIR STEFOFF Dean and Sam sit in the two chairs on the other side of the table, ensuring that ADAM will sit in the last chair. Sam thumps John's journal and the folder on the table. Sam: Dean, I'm telling you, the kid checks out. Created by ERIC KRIPKE Dean: Great, so he's an actual person on the planet Earth. Sucks he's got a demon in him. Another Waitress, DENISE, approaches the table with menus and glasses of water; she gives them each a glass. DENISE Hi. Welcome to Cousin Oliver's. Sam: Thanks. DENISE Can I- Dean: We're actually waiting on somebody. DENISE, annoyed, slaps down a menu in front of each of them. Sam: Thank you- Sam picks up his menu long enough to slap it down. Dean takes his glass and pours it into the potted plant behind him. Sam: What are you- Dean puts the glass between his knees and pulls out a flask, unscrewing the top. Written by ANDREW DABB & DANIEL LOFLIN Sam: Holy water? Dean: Yup. Under the table, Dean fills the glass with water from the flask. Dean: One sip of Jesus juice, this evil bitch is gonna be in a world of hurt. DENISE walks past; when she is out of sight, Dean puts the glass in front of the third place at the table. Dean pulls out a felt-wrapped package and undoes it. Sam: And what if he's not possessed? Directed by PHIL SGRICCIA Dean: Then he is a shapeshifter. Dean's package contains silver cutlery, which he sets at the third place at the table, removing the silverware already there and dropping it on the floor. Sam: Hence the silver. Sam moves the journal on top of the menu. Dean: Look, either way, this thing is gonna bleed. I mean, using Dad as bait? That's the last mistake of its short, pitiful life. Sam frowns, watching Dean, who looks over. Dean: What? Sam looks away. Dean: What? Sam: Dean...listen. There's an entry in Dad's journal. Sam flips through Same. Sam: From January of 1990, saying he's headed to Minnesota to check out a case. That's, roughly, oh, about nine months before the kid was born. Dean: Coincidence. Sam: Coincidence. Next two pages of the journal-torn out. Sam indicates the remains of the pages; these must have been deliberately left, because the journal is clearly a three-ring add-and-remove-pages type. Dean: You're not actually buying this, are you? Sam: Look, man, I don't want to believe it either, I'm just saying it's possible. Sam closes the journal and picks it up, waving it. Sam: I mean, Dad would be gone for weeks at a time, and he wasn't exactly a monk. Sam puts the journal away. Sam: I mean, a hunter rolls into town, kills a monster, saves the girl...sometimes the girl's grateful. Dean: Well, now I'm thinking about Dad sex. Stop talking. Sam: Maybe he slipped one past the goalie. Dean: Dude! The door chimes. A Young Man has just come in: this is ADAM MILLIGAN. Sam looks up, then Dean. ADAM looks around, looking for the unfamiliar faces. Sam: Adam? ADAM looks over. Sam raises a hand. ADAM comes over. ADAM You Sam? Sam: Yeah. Uh, this is Dean. ADAM Hey. ADAM sets his backpack on the floor next to the empty chair and takes that chair. The door chimes again. ADAM So, um...how did you know my dad? Sam: Uh, we worked together. ADAM's facial expressions indicate confusion. ADAM How did he die? Sam: On the job. ADAM He was a mechanic, right? Dean: A car fell on him. DENISE comes up to the table, much friendlier. DENISE Hey, Adam. How you doing? DENISE puts a glass of water in front of ADAM. Dean leans forward to take it. Sam frowns. Dean: Oh, I'll take that. I am very thirsty. Dean takes a sip. DENISE eyes Dean, displeased. DENISE The usual, Adam? ADAM Uh, yeah. Thanks, Denise. DENISE leaves. ADAM takes the glass of holy water. Dean and Sam watch carefully as he drinks; nothing happens. ADAM is not, then, possessed, or not by a demon less powerful than Azazel. ADAM wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. Sam: So, uh, when's the last time you saw John? ADAM I don't even know. It's...a couple years. Under the table, Dean pulls out a g*n and aims at ADAM. Sam: Why did you decide to call him now? ADAM I didn't know who else to call. He's the only family I got. Sam blinks. ADAM My mom's missing. Sam: Really? I'm sorry. Uh, for how long? Dean: It's tragic, really. But if you're John's kid, how come we've never heard of you? ADAM 'Cause John and me didn't really know each other. Not until a few years ago, anyway. Sam: What do you mean? ADAM My mom never talked about him. I knew some stuff. Dean: What kind of stuff? ADAM My mom's a nurse, and Dad came into the ER, pretty torn up. Hunting accident or something. And I knew his name. John Winchester. That's about it. We're not exactly a nuclear family. Sam: Yeah, well, who is these days? Dean: So, when did you, uh, when did you finally meet him? ADAM When I was twelve. My mom had one of his old numbers, and- Dean's hand tightens on the g*n. ADAM -and after I begged her-God, twenty-four-seven-she finally called him. God, when John heard he had a son, he raced to town. I mean, he dropped everything. He drove all night. DENISE puts a plate in front of ADAM. DENISE There you go. ADAM Thanks. Dean: Well, that's heartwarming. ADAM indicates his food. ADAM You mind? Dean: Please, dig in. ADAM takes the napkin out from under the silverware without touching the silverware and spreads the napkin on his lap. Dean cocks the g*n. ADAM He would swing by once a year or so. ADAM picks up the Kn*fe and fork; nothing happens. So ADAM is not a shapeshifter, nor anything else that reacts on contact with silver. Dean glances away. ADAM You know, called when he could. But still... ADAM takes a bite. Dean uncocks the g*n and puts it away. ADAM He taught me poker and pool and even bought me my first beer when I was fifteen. And, uh...he showed me how to drive. Dad, he had this beautiful 'sixty-seven Impala- Dean: Oh, this is crap. You know what, you're lying. ADAM No, I'm not. Dean: Uh, yeah, you are. ADAM I'm sorry, but who the hell are you to call me a liar? Dean: We're John Winchester's sons, that's who. Dean indicates himself and Sam. Dean: Weare his sons. ADAM stares at Dean, then at Sam, then at Dean. ADAM I've got brothers? Dean: No, you don't have brothers. Look, man, I don't know if you're a hunter or what kind of game you're playing here. ADAM I have never been hunting in my life. Dean: Whatever. I'm out of here. Come on, Sam. Dean gets up and goes to leave. ADAM I can prove it. INT. MILLIGAN HOUSE - DAY Dean holds a framed picture of ADAM and John; John is wearing a baseball cap. Sam and Dean examine the picture. Dean: He took you to a baseball game? ADAM Yeah, when I turned fourteen. Dad was around for a few of my birthdays. Sam holds John's journal, open to a page he reads from. Sam: September twenty-ninth, two thousand four. One word. 'Minnesota.' Dean: He took you to a freakin' baseball game? Dean: Yeah. Why? What'd Dad do with you on your birthday? ADAM takes the picture back. Dean: Oh... Dean frowns. ADAM looks away. Sam: Adam, you said you called Dad because your mom was missing. ADAM Yeah. Sam: How long has she been gone? ADAM Three days. Dean: Who was the last person to see her? ADAM Mr. Abbinanti, our neighbor. He saw her come home Tuesday night, but she never showed up to work on Wednesday. Dean sees another picture, this one of John hugging KATE. KATE resembles Mary. Sam: Did you call the police? ADAM Mom's supervisor at the hospital did. And then I drove down here as fast as I could. ADAM pauses. ADAM I should have been here. Dean: What'd the, uh, what'd the cops say? ADAM That they, uh, they searched the house. They didn't find anything. ADAM pauses. ADAM She wouldn't leave without telling anybody. It's like she just dropped off the face of the earth, you know? INT. KATE's ROOM - DAY Dean shifts KATE's dresser. Seeing nothing behind it, he shifts it back. There are more pictures on the dresser: one of KATE, John, and a younger ADAM, and one of KATE and a very small ADAM. Dean focuses on the one with John. Dean: The, uh, nightstand was knocked over. Was there anything else? ADAM Oh, not really. The Sheriff said there's no sign of a break-in. Dean looks around. ADAM What, you think the cops missed something? Dean: Maybe. Yeah. They don't have my eyes. ADAM You're a mechanic. Dean: Yeah. That's right. ADAM hesitates. ADAM Dean, what else can you tell me about Dad? Dean: You knew him. ADAM Not as well as you. Dean: Trust me, kid, you don't want to know. Sam appears at the door, holding up a handful of papers. Dean: Give us a minute. Dean leaves. INT. HALLWAY - DAY Dean and Sam stop walking. Dean: You talk to the cops? Sam: Yeah. Like Adam said, no leads on his mom. Dean: Shocker there. Sam: But I did find this. Sam goes through papers till he finds a copy of the Windom Gazette dated January 9, 1990. The headline is "Missing Bodies Found" and the subtitle "Seventeen bodies recovered from abandoned shed". Sam: Um...here. In nineteen ninety, there were seventeen grave robberies in Windom. Dean: You think that's why Dad came through here? Sam: I'd say so. Check it out. Sam points at the photo accompanying the article. Dean takes a closer look. John is in the background of the photo. Dean nods. Dean: All right, so he was hunting something. What? Sam: No idea. Those were the pages he threw out of the journal. But last month, the corpse snatching started up again. Three bodies from the local cemetery. Dean: So whatever he was after, he didn't k*ll it. It's back. Sam: And, what, it's stepped up its game to fresh meat? I mean, Kate's missing, and, uh- Sam goes to the next paper. This one's a copy of a photo of a Man in large black glasses, JOE BARTON. Sam: So is a local bartender-a guy named Joe Barton. Dean takes the photo. INT. KATE's BEDROOM - DAY ADAM is sitting on KATE's bed. Dean comes to the door and holds up the photo. Dean: Hey, does your mom know Joe Barton? ADAM Uh, I don't think so. Why? Dean looks back at Sam, then at ADAM. A long pause. Dean notices something by ADAM's feet: scratches on the floor. Dean comes over for a closer look. ADAM What is it? Dean: Watch out. Dean flips up the edge of the comforter and looks under the bed, then gets up. Dean: Give me a hand with the mattress. Dean tosses the pillows aside and with ADAM's help moves the mattress off the bedframe. Under the bed is a vent large enough to fit someone through. Sam looks at it. Dean looks at Sam. They raise their fists for rock-paper-scissors. Sam picks rock, Dean scissors. Sam smirks and Dean waves his arms, frustrated, then puts his hands on his hips. Dean: Every time. INT. AIR DUCT - DAY A thump, the sound of the vent cover coming off, and light from a flashlight fills the duct. There are red stains along the duct. Dean shines the light around, then slides inside. There is a T-junction at the end of the duct he's in. Dean: Why didn't I pick paper? Dean crawls to the T-junction. More red stains: blood. Dean crawls a bit further; to one side is another vent cover, undisturbed. Dean has a p*stol in his other hand, which he points around the corner before he leans around himself. There is a large amount of blood and bits of flesh or bone in the duct. INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY Dean cleans a g*n. A knock at the door. Dean turns. A closeup of the motel card-they're at the Kismet Motel, advertising fishing charters and happy hour in the Sonny Buono Lounge-and Sam opens the door. ADAM enters. ADAM Who the hell are you? Sam: Adam, hey. Sam closes the door behind ADAM. Dean flips a cloth over the g*n. Sam: Take it easy. ADAM No, don't tell me to take it easy, okay? My house is a crime scene, my mom's probably d*ad, and you two-well, you tell me to call the cops, but you got to bail before they show? So, who are you really? Silence. ADAM Cops didn't know where to look for my mom, Dean, but you did. And I heard you talking earlier-something about grave robberies. ADAM spots the end of the g*n poking out from under the cloth. ADAM You're not mechanics. I just want to know what's going on. Silence. ADAM Please. Sam: We're hunters. Dean: Sammy! Sam: He deserves to know, Dean. ADAM What do you mean, 'hunters'? Dean shakes his head. EXT. KISMET MOTEL - DAY The Impala and ADAM's truck are outside the Kismet Motel. INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY ADAM Okay, so...basically, you're saying that every movie monster, every nightmare that I've ever had, that's all real? Dean: Godzilla's just a movie. Sam: We hunt them. So did Dad. ADAM nods. ADAM Okay. Dean: "Okay"? That's it? ADAM What am I supposed to say? Dean: That we're liars, that we're crazy. Nobody just says "okay." ADAM Well, you're my brothers. You're telling me the truth, right? Dean: Yeah. ADAM Then I believe you. Now, what took my mom? Sam: We're not sure. Something's in town stealing bodies, living and d*ad, but we don't know what. Dean: There's a long list of freaks that fit the bill. ADAM You think maybe she might still be alive? Dean looks down. ADAM turns to Sam. Sam looks down. ADAM nods, realizing, and looks down. ADAM Oh. How can I help? Dean: You can't. ADAM This thing k*lled my mom. If you're hunting it, I want in. Dean: No. Sam: Dean, look, maybe— Dean: Maybe what? Sam: He lost his mother. Maybe we can understand what that feels like. Dean: Why do you think Dad never told us about this kid, Sam? Huh? Why do you think he ripped out the pages? Sam: Because- Dean: Because he was protecting him! Sam: Dad's d*ad, Dean. Dean: That doesn't matter! He didn't want Adam to have our lives, okay? And we are gonna respect his wishes. ADAM Do I get a say in this? Dean: No! Sam: No. Dean heads for the door. Dean: Babysit the kid. Sam: Where are you going? Dean grabs his jacket. Dean: I'm going out! Dean leaves. Sam sighs. ADAM Is he always like that? Sam laughs. Sam: Welcome to the family. ADAM looks down. Sam: Here. Sam pulls out his g*n and ejects the clip. Sam: I'm gonna teach you a few things. ADAM Uh, Dean said- Sam: I know what Dean said. Sam holds the unloaded g*n out to ADAM. Sam: And I know what it's like to want revenge. INT. TOMB - DAY The CEMETERY DIRECTOR escorts Dean, who is in FBI suit and tie. DIRECTOR This tomb was built in 1926. Four generations of the Millsap family were interred here. Dean: They don't build 'em like this anymore. DIRECTOR Tell me, Agent Nugent, have you thought about where you might like to spend eternity? Dean hesitates. Dean: All the damn time. Dean looks around the tomb. Dean: So, three bodies went missing. Any idea who did it? DIRECTOR Hooligans. Sick, deranged hooligans. Dean notices something spilled on the side of the tomb. He touches it, smells it, and recoils. Dean: This isn't blood. What is this? DIRECTOR No, it's embalming fluid. Whoever committed this crime didn't just take the corpses. They opened them up. Dean looks up. INT. BAR - NIGHT Dean takes a seat at the empty bar and unfolds the papers he's carrying. The Bartender spots him and fills a glass at the tap. Bartender: First beer's on the house for cops. Feds too. Dean: Am I that obvious? Bartender: I know all the local badges. She sets the glass in front of Dean. Bartender: And you've got that...Law & Ordervibe. The Bartender picks up a cloth and starts drying another glass. Bartender: So, what's the FBI doing in Windom? Dean: Looking into the disappearance of Joe Barton. Dean slides the photo of JOE across the bar. The Bartender looks at it, stricken. Dean: I assume you knew him? Bartender: A little. I'm his wife. Lisa. Dean: Well, Lisa, what can you tell me about his disappearance? Lisa: Same thing I told the Sheriff. He stayed late Friday before last to do inventory. Never came home. Dean takes the glass of beer. Dean: And the police? Lisa: Nothing. Truth is, I was scared they stopped looking. But now you're here. Dean looks at the photos behind the bar. One is of JOE in a police uniform. Dean: Joe was a cop? Lisa: Deputy. For a little while. That was a looong time ago. Dean: He didn't happen to work the, uh, the grave robbery case, back in 'ninety? Lisa: He did. Yeah. Joe was the one who found those bodies. He got an award for that. Dean: That was an interesting case. Framed near the police!JOE photo is the "Missing Bodies Found" article. Dean: He ever tell you how he did it? Dean scans the newspaper photo for John. Lisa: Most of the time, he said good, solid police work. But after a few beers, he'd admit he had a little help. Dean: From who? Lisa: A 'specialist'. That's all he'd say. Dean: Cops ever find the guy that stole the bodies? Dean takes a drink. Lisa: No. But when I asked Joe about it, he'd say not to worry-that "we took care of what done it." INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT ADAM is practicing disassembling a g*n while Sam cleans a g*n. ADAM Sam...how did Dad really die? Sam: Demon. ADAM You hunted it down? Got revenge? Sam: Dean k*lled it. ADAM So it's over for you. Sam looks at ADAM. Sam: It's never over. The lights go out. Something rattles. ADAM What the- Sam: Shh. Sam and ADAM stand. Sam: Stay here. Sam loads the g*n, approaching the door. He opens the door and looks around, aiming the g*n in whichever direction he's looking; nothing. A noise behind Sam; he turns and aims in its general direction. Again. There's a vent near the ceiling; Sam aims at that. Sam: It's in the vents. Go! Sam fires at the vent, then hustles ADAM out of the room, following right behind. EXT. KISMET MOTEL - NIGHT They hurry down the stairs. Sam: Where's your car? ADAM Over here. Sam: All right, keys. ADAM Here. ADAM heads for the passenger side of his truck, Sam for the driver's side. While Sam fumbles with the keys, something grabs his ankle, yanking him to the ground and under the truck. Sam grabs the truck to resist. ADAM Sam! The Impala pulls up. ADAM Dean, help! ADAM grab one of Sam's arms and Dean the other and they pull him free. Dean gets out of the car, grabs the dropped g*n, and fires. Dean looks at Sam, Sam looks at ADAM, ADAM flops onto the ground. ADAM's truck backs out of the space. He'd parked right over a sewer grate, which is half open. Dean gets out of the truck and approaches the grate, aiming the g*n. There's blood on the edge. Dean gets up and heads past Sam, who is leaning on the hood of the Impala. Dean: I winged it. Did you see anything? Sam: I didn't get a good look. Dean: What the hell is this thing? ADAM Why-who-should we go after it? Dean: No, no. In that maze? That thing's long gone. Sam: All right, so, we don't know what it is, but we do know who it's going after. Joe Barton, Adam's mom- Dean: And Adam. It was under his truck, just waiting for him. Sam: It set a trap, and I walked right into it. Dean: Doesn't matter. You're right-there's a pattern. Joe Barton was a cop. I'm pretty sure he helped out Dad. So we've got him, Dad's girl, and his son. Sam: All the people Dad knew in town. Dean: At least we know why it's back. ADAM It wants revenge. Dean and Sam look at ADAM. INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT The door opens and ADAM, Dean, and Sam enter. Dean: Grab your stuff. We'll h*t the road. ADAM flips on the lights and heads upstairs. Sam sits at the kitchen table. Sam: We shouldn't leave. Sam thumps his injured ankle on another chair. Dean: Yeah, let's stay here, where the kid's mom got ganked. Good one. Sam: I'm serious. Dean: No, Sam, we're gonna take the kid, we're gonna drop him off at Bobby's, and then you and me are gonna come back here and finish what Dad started. Sam stops moving, an ace bandage in one hand. Sam: How? We got no leads, no witnesses. We do have what this thing wants. Dean: You want to use the kid as bait? That's why you want to stay here? Sam: Maybe this thing will come back. We could train Adam-get him ready. Dean: He could die, Sam. Sam: We could all die, Dean. Even if we do k*ll this thing, there are tons of other freaks that want revenge, on Dad, on us. What if they find the kid instead and he's not ready? Sam unrolls the ace bandage and starts wrapping his ankle. ADAM returns, backpack over one shoulder. ADAM I'll do it. Whatever it takes, I'll do it. I want to do it. Dean looks at Sam, who looks at ADAM. EXT. OUTDOORS - DAY Three g*n. The first one makes a hole in a piece of metal, through which Sam and ADAM are visible, Sam holding a g*n. The other side of the metal is a sign, "NO TRESPASSING", "TRESPASSING ON THIS PROPERTY IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN", "VIOLATORS WILL BE PRoseCUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW IN ACCORDANCE WITH MINNESOTA PENAL CODE 555.512.457.800.8", on which two red rings have been spraypainted. There are three small holes close together inside the smaller ring. Sam lowers the g*n. ADAM Whoa. Sam: It's easy. Just feel the recoil and time the trigger pulls. Three taps. Sam holds the g*n out to ADAM. ADAM Yeah? Sam: Go ahead. ADAM takes the g*n and moves in front of Sam. He fires three times, kicking up leaves; all three sh*ts h*t the sign, fairly close together, one on and two inside the inner ring. Sam grins. A distance away, Dean, leaning against the Impala, shakes his head and looks away. ADAM Beginner's luck, right? Sam: Nah, man. You're a natural. Good sh**ting. Sam claps ADAM on the back. ADAM Thanks. INT. KITCHEN - DAY Books, one on "HELLHOUNDS", one on "THE ALL-WATCHING BAPHOMET", one on "AFFLICTIONS OF GHOSTS", one on something not visibly named (the legible text says 'in Europe', 'references are rare as they were carefully', and 'fear of panicking the population'); all are illustrated. The last appears to show something exploding out of someone's chest. Sam: So, then we lit it on f*re. ADAM With a homemade flamethrower? Sam: Yeah. They're easy to build. I'll show you. ADAM That is some job you got, man. Sam: Being a hunter isn't a job, Adam. It's life. You're pre-med. You got a girlfriend, friends? ADAM nods. Sam: Not anymore you don't. If you're really gonna do this, you can't have those kinds of connections, ever. They're weaknesses. You'll just put those people in danger, get them k*lled. Dean, across the room, looks away. Sam: That's the price we pay. You cut 'em out, and you don't look back. There's only one thing you can count on. Family. Dean: Sam. Sam looks over. Dean: Can I talk to you? Dean gets up and goes over by the stairs. Sam follows. Dean: What the hell was that? Sam: What? Dean: 'Hunting is life. You can't have connections.' Dad gave you that exact Same speech, remember? It was just before you ditched us for Stanford. You hated Dad for saying that stuff, and now you're quoting him? Sam: Yeah, well, turns out Dad was right. Dean: Since when? Sam: Since always. Dean, when I look at Adam, you know what I see? Dean: A normal kid. Sam: No. Meat. Because the demons and monsters out there, that's all he is. I hated Dad for a long time. I did. But now I think I understand. So we didn't have a dog and a white picket fence. So what? Dad did right by us. He taught us how to protect ourselves. Adam deserves the Same. Dean: Listen to yourself, man. Sam: You think I'm wrong? Dean: I think it's too late for us. This is our life. This is who we are, okay? And it's fine. I accept that. But with Adam, he's still got a chance, man. He can go to school. He could be a Doctor. Sam: What makes Adam so special? Dean: What, are you jealous of the kid? Sam: Are you? A pause. Sam: Dean...all this...it's not real. The dad Adam knew-he wasn't real. The things out there in the shadows-they are real. The world is coming to an end. That's real. Everything else is just part of the crap people tell themselves to get through the day. Dean: Dad didn't have a choice with us, okay? But with Adam, he did. Adam doesn't have to be cursed. Sam: He's a Winchester. He's already cursed. Dean: No. No, whatever's hunting Adam, I'm gonna find it. Sam: You already looked everywhere, Dean. Dean: Well, then I'll look again. Dean leaves. EXT. ROAD - NIGHT The Impala drives past and into the cemetery. INT. TOMB - NIGHT Dean opens the tomb. He turns on a flashlight and shines it around. He spots a loose stone, large enough to hide a tunnel, and works it out of the wall with a crowbar. There is indeed a tunnel behind it. Dean shines the light along the tunnel. He shakes his head and crawls in. At the far end of the tunnel is another room. Dean: Home sweet home. Dean shines the light around. He steps in blood; there's quite a lot of it next to a severed arm and a pair of large black glasses. Dean picks those up and looks at them. Dean: Sloppy Joe. Dean hears something in the tunnel and fires several times. The tunnel collapses. Dean: Oh, son of a bitch! Dean tries to make a call. No signal. Dean: Son of a bitch. INT. ASSORTED ROOMS - NIGHT Sam pours salt along every window and door. ADAM nails boards over every vent. INT. KATE's BEDROOM - NIGHT The vent in the floor, vent cover mostly off, remains unsalted and un-nailed-closed. Sam and ADAM stand over it. Sam: All right. We've closed off every other way into the house. If this thing's coming, it's coming through here. A creak, like a door opening. ADAM You were saying? KATE Adam! Adam! ADAM Mom? Sam: No. ADAM Mom! Sam: Adam! ADAM takes off downstairs. Sam chambers a g*n round and follows. INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT ADAM Mom. Sam: Adam, wait! KATE It took me, but I got away. ADAM It's okay. KATE I got away. ADAM hugs KATE. Sam aims the g*n. Sam: Adam, step away from her. ADAM Sam, what the hell?! Sam: She's not your mother! KATE Adam, who-what is going on? INT. TOMB - NIGHT Dean kicks at the door out of the tomb. It remains sealed. Dean explores, pushing a skeleton out of the way with a foot. There is a sealed coffin with relatively fresh blood on the outside. Dean opens the coffin: it's KATE MILLIGAN. Most of her. INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT Sam: Get away from him! 'KATE' What is going on? Sam: You listen to me. ADAM It's really her, okay? Sam: There was too much blood. Your mother's d*ad. There was too much blood in the vents! Sam shoves ADAM away from 'KATE'. ADAM takes the g*n. 'KATE' Adam! Sam: sh**t it! 'KATE' He's crazy! Honey, it's me! ADAM points the g*n at 'KATE', then at 'sam', looking confused and terrified. Sam: Look-Adam! 'KATE' Honey, it's me! Sam: Look, that's not your mother! 'KATE' Baby, please! Sam: sh**t it! It's not human! ADAM levels the g*n at 'KATE' and smirks. ADAM I know. ADAM hits Sam on the chin with the butt of the g*n. Sam goes down. 'KATE' smiles. INT. TOMB - NIGHT Dean opens another coffin. This one has the corpse of ADAM MILLIGAN. Dean puts a hand to his mouth; there's quite a lot of blood. INT. TOMB - NIGHT Dean, now aware that his brother's alone with a monster, redoubles his efforts to escape. He looks around; there's a stained-glass window above him, depicting an angel. INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT 'KATE' is humming. Sam is tied to a table, unconscious. When he stirs, he notices he's tied at wrists and ankles, with duct tape across his waist. He struggles and groans. 'KATE' is cleaning her fingernails with the point of a Kn*fe. Sam: Silver. No wonder none of the tests worked. You're not shapeshifters. You're ghouls. 'KATE' You know, I find that term r*cist. She emphasizes the point by waving her Kn*fe. 'KATE' sniffs Sam from hand to neck and nibbles his ear. 'KATE' Mmm. Fresh meat. So much better than what we're used to. Sam: I should have known. It was the fresh kills that threw me. Ghouls don't usually go after the living. See, you're just filthy scavengers, feeding off the d*ad-taking the form of the last corpse you choke down. 'ADAM' And their thoughts. And their memories. Like Adam, for instance. 'KATE' Well, we are what we eat. Sam: You're monsters. 'KATE' draws the Kn*fe across Sam's arm, drawing blood. 'ADAM' You know, you use that word a lot, Sam. 'KATE' drinks Sam's blood. 'ADAM' thunks the Kn*fe into the table by Sam's head. 'ADAM' But I don't think you know what it means. 'KATE' looks up. 'KATE' His blood, it tastes different. 'ADAM' Our father was a monster? Why? Because of what he ate? He never hurt anyone, Sam. Living, anyway. 'KATE' pulls the Kn*fe free. 'KATE' No. He was no monster. But the thing that k*lled him was. A monster named John Winchester. Sam looks at her. INT. TOMB - NIGHT Dean breaks a long piece of metal off one of the coffins and tries to use it to pry the door open. It doesn't work. Dean: Holy crap. Dean stacks one coffin on another, stands on them, and uses the metal bar to smash through the stained-glass window. Dean grabs the edge of the window and swings himself out. INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT There's a s*ab wound in Sam's side; 'ADAM' digs a finger into it. 'KATE' Thanks to your daddy, my brother and I grew up on our own. At least we had each other. 'ADAM' licks his finger. 'ADAM' Like you and your brother. Inseparable. 'KATE' Actually, it was very hard to get you on your own. 'ADAM' Like you said, Sam, the only thing you can count on is family. 'KATE' drinks some more blood, then licks her fingers. 'KATE' And for twenty years, we lived like rats. 'ADAM' Graveyard after graveyard, all that stinking flesh. 'KATE' Then we thought, 'hey, why not move up to fresher game?' 'ADAM' And we knew just where to start. 'ADAM' digs the point of the Kn*fe into the cut in Sam's arm. 'ADAM' Revenge-it's never over, is it, Sam? 'KATE' First, it was John's cop friend, and then his slut, and then his son. 'KATE' points with the Kn*fe at herself, then at 'ADAM'. 'ADAM' Then I called John, but the son of a bitch was already d*ad. 'KATE' So I guess you and Dean will have to do instead. 'ADAM' Dean won't interrupt us this time. We're gonna feed on you nice and slow-like we did with Adam. 'KATE' Oh, and, by the way, he really was your brother. Sam struggles. 'KATE' You should know that. 'ADAM' He was still alive when we took our first bites. 'KATE' And he was a screamer. 'KATE' and 'ADAM' each open gashes along one of Sam's arms. Blood drips into bowls placed to catch it. 'ADAM' Sam, the more you struggle, the faster you're gonna bleed out. So you might as well lie back and relax. Dean: Hey! Dean appears, aiming a g*n. He fires and 'ADAM' hits the wall, a hole through his shoulder. Sam: Dean, they're ghouls! Dean pauses, then fires at 'KATE'. Blood spatters the wall; her headless corpse collapses. Dean: Which means head-sh*t. 'ADAM' slams Dean, breaking a lot of glass on the way down. Dean grabs 'ADAM' and slams him down, then takes his metal bar and tries to slam 'ADAM's' head. 'ADAM' dodges. They fight; 'ADAM' goes down, and Dean beats his head in. Silence falls. Sam: Dean! Dean comes over to Sam and cuts through the ropes and duct tape, grabbing a couple towels on the way. He helps Sam sit up and uses the towels as pressure bandages, murmuring the whole time. Dean: Come on. Come on. Come on. Hang on. All right, here we go. Here we go. Hang on, buddy. All right. Sam: Thank you. Dean: That's what family's for, right? Keep pressure on that. EXT. FOREST - NIGHT Sam: You sure we should do this? ADAM's body, wrapped in sheets, is lying on a pyre. Dean opens a bottle of lighter fluid. Dean: Ghouls didn't fake those pictures. They didn't fake Dad's journal. Dean sprinkles lighter fluid over ADAM. Dean: Adam was our brother. He died like a hunter. He deserves to go out like one. Sam: Maybe we can bring him back. Get a hold of Cas, call in a favor. Dean: No, Adam's in a better place. Dean lights a match and tosses it on the pyre. ADAM's body goes up in flames. Dean: You know, I finally get why you and Dad butted heads so much. You two were practically the Same person. Sam looks over. Dean: I mean, I worshipped the guy, you know? I dressed like him, I acted like him, I listen to the Same music. But you were more like him than I will ever be. And I see that now. Sam: I'll take that as a compliment. Dean: You take it any way you want.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "04x19 - Jump the Shark"}
Air Date: 7 May 2009 INT. Bobby's PANIC ROOM – DAY Sam is inside the room, Dean just outside, talking through the little barred window in the door. Sam: Okay. Let me out. This is not funny. Dean: Damn straight. Sam: Dean, come on. This is crazy. Dean: No. Not until you dry out. Sam: Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lied to you. Just open the door. Dean: You don't have to apologize. It's not your fault. It's not your fault that you lied to me over and over again. I get it now. You couldn't help it. Sam: I'm not some junkie. Dean: Really? I guess I've just imagined how strung out you've been lately. Sam: You're actually trying to twist this into some kind of ridiculous drug intervention? Dean: If it smells like a duck. Sam: Dean, I'm not drinking the demon blood for kicks. I'm getting strong enough to k*ll Lilith. Dean: Strong? Sam: Yeah. Dean: This is about as far away from strong as you can get. Try weak. Try desperate. Pathetic. Sam: k*lling Lilith is what matters. Or are you so busy being self-righteous you forgot about her? Dean: Oh, Lilith's gonna die. Bobby and I will k*ll her. But not with you. Sam: You're not serious. Dean: Congrats, Sammy. You just bought yourself a benchwarmer seat to the apocalypse. Sam: Dean, look-no, wait- Dean shuts the window cover. Sam: Come back here. Dean! Let me out of here! Dean! Let me out of here! Let me out! Dean! INT. Bobby's PANIC ROOM – DAY Sam bangs on the door and circles the room; the room blurs. The light flickers. Sam: Guys! Get down here! Something's coming! ALASTAIR Hello, Sam. It's a pleasure to see you again. Looks like I have you all to myself here. Goodness. How will we pass the time? Sam is bound to a cross inside a devil's trap, gagged. Sam: Don't. No, no, don't. Don't, don't. No-stop! Stop! Alastair-please. Please. ALASTAIR So polite all of a sudden. Very nice. I appreciate that. Sam: No. Alastair, please. No, no- Sam screams. He is neither gagged nor bound; he is on the cot in the middle of the devil's trap, arms over the open air on either side. Sam: No. No. God, no! Please! Please, please. God! INT. Bobby's LIVING ROOM – DAY Bobby pours two glasses of whiskey and hands one to Dean. Sam: Stop! Stop! Dean: How long is this gonna go on? Bobby: Here, let me look it up in my demon-detox manual. Oh wait. No one ever wrote one. No telling how long it'll take. Hell, or if Sam will even live through it. The phone rings. Bobby sighs and answers. Bobby: Hello. ...Suck dirt and die, Rufus. You call me again, I'll k*ll you. Dean: What's up with Rufus? Bobby: He knows. The phone rings. Bobby answers. Bobby: I'm busy, you son of a bitch. This better be important. INT. Bobby's PANIC ROOM – DAY Sam realizes he's neither gagged nor bound; it surprises him. Boy: The answer's yes. You're hallucinating. Young Sam: That's right, it's me. Or I mean it's you. Sam: I'm losing my mind. Young Sam: Definitely. Sam: What do you want? Young Sam: An explanation. How could you do this to me? I thought we were gonna be normal. Sam: I tried. I did. It didn't pan out that way. Sorry, kid. Young Sam: 'sorry, kid'? That's what you have to say? It's all we ever wanted. We were so close. You got away from Dad. You quit hunting. You were gonna become a Lawyer and get married. Why'd you blow it? Sam: Look. They k*lled Jessica. Young Sam: Yeah. And if you hadn't run off with Dean, if you'd been there to protect her, she'd still be alive. Sam: I know. Young Sam: You think Jess would want you to turn into this? She loved you. You think she'd be happy you using her as an excuse? Sam: I'm sorry. I am. But life doesn't turn out the way you thought when you were fourteen years old. We were never gonna be normal. We were never gonna get away. Grow up. Young Sam: Maybe you're right. Maybe there's no escape. After all, how can you run from what's inside you? Young Sam's eyes turn yellow. INT. Bobby's LIVING ROOM – DAY Bobby: The news. The news ain't good. Dean: This is what Rufus called about? 'Key West sees ten species go extinct'. Bobby: Yep. Plus Alaska. Fifteen-man fishing crew all stricken blind, cause unknown. New York, teacher goes postal, locks the door, kills exactly sixty-six kids. All this in a single day. I looked them up. There's no doubt about it. They're all seals. Breaking. Fast. Dean: How many are left? Bobby: Who knows? Can't be many. Where the hell are your angel pals? Dean: You tell me. Bobby: I'm just wondering. Dean: What? Bobby: The apocalypse being nigh and all...is now really the right time to be having this little domestic drama of ours? Dean: What do you mean? Bobby: Well, I don't like this any more than you do, but Sam can k*ll demons. He's got a sh*t at stopping Armageddon. Dean: So what? Sacrifice Sam's life, his soul, for the greater good? Is that what you're saying? Times are bad, so let's use Sam as a nuclear warhead? Bobby: Look, I know you hate me for suggesting it. I hate me for suggesting it. I love that boy like a son. All I'm saying is maybe he's here right now instead of on the b*ttlefield because we love him too much. INT. Bobby's PANIC ROOM – DAY Sam sits crosslegged on the floor of the room and looks around. The room blurs in and out of focus. Sam spots the pitcher of water and tries to get it; he has to brace himself on the cot to get off the floor. Woman: Poor baby. Sam looks up, startled. Sam: Mom. Mary is wearing a white nightgown with a large bloodstain. Mary: Sam. You look just awful. Sam laughs. Sam: Let's hear it. Go ahead. Mary: What do you mean? Sam: You're disappointed. You never thought I'd turn out this way. I'm a piss-poor excuse for a son. Your heart is broken. Am I close? Mary: Not at all. You're doing the right thing, Sam. What you're doing is brave. You're not being crazy, you're being practical. Sam, I am so proud of you. Sam: But-but Dean- Mary: Your brother doesn't understand. I was raised a hunter from a long line. We understand that there are gonna be hard choices. And we do what we have to to get the job done. Yes, our family is cursed. But you-you have the power to turn it into a gift. You can use it against them. Sam: For revenge? Mary: No, for justice. I know how scared you are. Sam: What's in me, Mom, it's- Mary: Evil. And you know it. Sam: What if it's stronger than me? Look at me. What if Dean's right? Mary: Dean can never know how strong you are, because Dean is weak. Look at what he's done to you. Locking you in here? He's terrified. He's in over his head. You have to go on without him. You have what it takes. You have to k*ll Lilith. Sam: Even if it kills me. Mary: Make my death mean something. I'm counting on you, Sam. Don't let anyone or anything get in your way. Not even Dean. Mary kisses Sam and vanishes. EXT. Bobby's SALVAGE YARD – NIGHT Dean: Well, it's about time. I've been screaming myself hoarse out here for about two and a half hours now. Castiel: What do you want? Dean: You can start with what the hell happened in Illinois. Castiel: What do you mean? Dean: Cut the crap. You were gonna tell me something. Castiel: Well, nothing of import. Dean: You got ass-reamed in heaven but it was not of import? Castiel: Dean, I can't. I'm sorry. Get to the reason you really called me. It's about Sam, right? Dean: Can he do it? k*ll Lilith, stop the apocalypse? Castiel: Possibly, yes. But as you know, he'd have to take certain steps. Dean: Crank up the hell-blood regimen. Castiel: Consuming the amount of blood it would take to k*ll Lilith would change your brother forever. Most likely, he would become the next creature that you would feel compelled to k*ll. There's no reason this would have to come to pass, Dean. We believe it's you, Dean, not your brother. The only question for us is whether you're willing to accept it. Stand up and accept your role. You are the one who will stop it. Dean: If I do this, Sammy doesn't have to? Castiel: If it gives you comfort to see it that way. Dean: God, you're a dick these days. Dean walks a few steps away and sighs. Dean: Fine, I'm in. Castiel: You give yourself over wholly to the service of God and his angels? Dean: Yeah, exactly. Castiel: Say it. Dean: I give myself over wholly to serve God and you guys. Castiel: You swear to follow his will and his word as swiftly and obediently as you did your own father's? Dean: Yes, I swear. Now what? Castiel: Now you wait, and we call on you when it's time. INT. Bobby's PANIC ROOM – DAY Sam sits on the floor, twitching. Black veins spread across his palms and up his arms. He gets up and looks in the mirror; black veins spread across his face. Sam: Guys! Help! INT. Bobby's LIVING ROOM – DAY Sam: Bobby! Dean! Help! Hey! Hey! Guys! Guys! Help! Dean! Bobby: Correct me if I'm wrong, but you willingly signed up to be the angels' bitch? Dean looks at him. Bobby: I'm sorry. You prefer 'sucker'? After everything you said about them, now you trust them? Dean: Come on, give me a little credit, Bobby. I've never trusted them less. I mean, they come on like shady politicians from planet Vulcan. Bobby: Then why in the hell did you- Dean: Because what other option do I have? It's either trust the angels or let Sammy trust a demon? Bobby: I see your point. Dean: You hear that? Bobby: Yeah, that's a little too much nothing. Dean and Bobby hurry to the basement and open the window in the door. Sam is on the floor of the panic room, having a seizure. Dean: What if he's faking? Bobby: You really think he would? Dean: I think he'd do anything. Sam is slammed against the wall by an invisible force. Bobby: That ain't faking. They throw open the door and charge in to get Sam down and pin him to the cot. Bobby: We're gonna have to tie him down for his own safety. Dean? You with me? Dean! Before he has another fit. Dean: Yeah, yeah. Let's just get it over with. INT. Bobby's PANIC ROOM – DAY Sam, calm now, discovers he's been chained to the cot. He sits up. Dean: We had to. The demon blood was flinging you all over the room. Tell me something, Sam. Why did you do this to yourself? Sam: You know why. Dean: Right. 'k*ll Lilith'. The big excuse. But why? What, revenge? Right? Sam: Of course. Dean: Revenge for what? For sending me to hell? Did you happen to notice I'm back? Alive and kicking. So what's the point? Sam: Point? How about 'stop the damn apocalypse'? Sam is addressing an empty room. Dean: My gig. Not yours. The angels said so, remember? God picked me, man. So you got any other fantastic excuses? Hmm? INT. Bobby's LIVING ROOM – DAY Bobby: I'm gonna ask one more time. Are we absolutely sure we're doing the right thing? Dean: Bobby, you saw what was happening to him down there. The demon blood is k*lling him. Bobby: No, it isn't. We are. Dean: What? Bobby: I'm sorry. I can't bite my tongue any longer. We're k*lling him. Keeping him locked up down there. This cold-turkey thing isn't working. If-if he doesn't get what he needs, soon, Sam's not gonna last much longer. Dean: No. I'm not giving him demon blood. I won't do it. Bobby: And if he dies? Dean: Then at least he dies human! INT. Bobby's PANIC ROOM – DAY Dean: I know why you really drink that blood, Sam. Sam: Just leave me alone. Dean: Makes you feel strong. Invincible. A big bad wolf in a world of little pigs. Sam: No. You're wrong, Dean. Dean: It's more than that, isn't it? It's because your whole life, you felt different. Am I right? Sam: Stop. Dean: Oh, I h*t a little close to home, huh? Not different because you were some lonely kid or because of your weirdo family. Sam: Stop it. Dean: Because you're a monster. Sam: Shut up! Just-shut. The hell. Up. Dean: You were always a monster. And you only feel right when you're sucking down more poison and more evil. Sam rattles his chain. INT. Bobby's LIVING ROOM – DAY Dean: I would die for him in a second, but I won't let him do this to himself. I can't. I guess I found my line. I won't let my brother turn into a monster. INT. Bobby's PANIC ROOM – DAY Dean: Monster, Sam. You're a monster. Sam: Dean, no. Dean: And I tried so hard to pretend that we were brothers. That you weren't one of the filthy things that we hunt. But we're not even the Same species. You're nothing to me. Sam: Don't say that to me. Don't you say that to me. Sam looks around. The room is empty. The lighting changes: nightfall. The cuff on Sam's left arm snaps open, then his left ankle, then the other two. The door opens. Sam sits up, staring; he didn't do this. Sam: Hello? Sam gets up and slips out the door. Sam: Someone here? Sam hurries quietly out of the basement without noticing Castiel behind the stairs. From a distance, Castiel closes and locks the panic room door. EXT. CITY RIVERFRONT – NIGHT Castiel stands at a railing, looking over the water. The streetlights flicker. He turns; Anna is there. Anna: What did you do? Castiel: You shouldn't have come, Anna. Anna: Why would you let out Sam Winchester? Castiel: Those were my orders. Anna: Orders? Cas, you saw him. He's drinking demon blood. It's so much worse than we thought. Dean was trying to stop him. Castiel: You really shouldn't have come. Two ANGELS appear on either side of Anna. White light illuminates Castiel; when it is gone, so are the other three ANGELS. Castiel turns back to the river. EXT. Bobby's SALVAGE YARD – NIGHT Sam is working on stealing a car. A g*n cocks. Sam turns. Bobby: Uh-uh, Sam. The only place you're going is back inside with me. Sam: No. Bobby: Damn it, boy. Sam: You won't sh**t me, Bobby. Bobby: Don't test me. Sam: You won't do it. You can't do it. Bobby: We're trying to help you, Sam. Sam takes hold of Bobby's g*n so that Bobby can't aim anywhere but point-blank at Sam. Sam: Then sh**t. A long pause. Sam takes the g*n and knocks Bobby down, then throws the g*n on the ground and returns to hotwiring the car. He drives off. INT. Bobby's PANIC ROOM – NIGHT Bobby and Dean unlock and open the panic room door. Dean: How the hell did he get out? Bobby: Maybe he had help. Room full of busted devil's traps. Dean: Demons? Ruby. Bobby: That'd be my guess. Dean: How did she even touch the door? Bobby: You think she's got the mojo? Dean: I didn't think so. I don't know, man. Bobby: What difference does it make? How he got gone ain't as important as where he got gone to. Dean: Well, I'll tell you one thing. At this point I hope he's with Ruby. Bobby: Why? Dean: 'Cause k*lling her's the next big item on my to-do list. Bobby: I thought you were on call for angel duty. Dean: I am on call. In my car, on my way to m*rder the bitch. Dean leaves the room. Bobby: One thing. Dean: What? Bobby: Sam don't wanna be found, which means he's gonna be damn near impossible to find. Dean: Yeah, we'll see. INT. NICE Hotel ROOM – DAY Sam sits in the corner, shaking. He gets up. Someone knocks on the door. He answers; it's Ruby. Ruby: Honeymoon suite, really? I'm flattered. Sam shuts the door behind her. Sam: Did you bust me out of that room? Ruby: How could I, Sam? The whole thing's engineered to bite me in the ass. Sam: Then how did I get out of there? Ruby: I don't know. I don't wanna know. You're out. That's all that matters. I'm glad you're here. Sam: Yeah? Where the hell have you been? Ruby: I got here as quick as I could. Sam: I mean the past three weeks. I've been calling you. Ruby: I've been pretty deep in it trying to dig out Lilith. Sometimes I can't sit around and check my voicemail. I'm sorry you're hurting. Really. I had no idea that Dean would do that to you. Sam: You and me both. Ruby: You didn't book this joint just to impress me, did you? Sam: Dean's gonna come after me. And he knows my habits, my aliases, everything. He knows exactly which motel I'd pick. Ruby: Hence the room. Sam: Whatever it takes to shake him. Ruby: It won't be easy. I mean, he knows you better than anyone. Sam: Not as well as he thinks. Ruby: You know, it's sad. Sam: What? Ruby: That things have gotten this bad between you two. Ruby strokes Sam's hair. Sam slams Ruby down onto the bed and leans over her, moving down her body until he finds the Kn*fe in her ankle sheath. He draws it and cuts her arm, then leans down to suck her blood. She smirks. EXT. Bobby's SALVAGE YARD – DAY Bobby: Police found my car. Abandoned in an alley in Jamestown, North Dakota. Dean: He's switching up. Any other cars stolen in Jamestown? Bobby: Two. 1999 Honda Civic, blue. Nice and anonymous, like Sam likes. Dean: What was the other one? Bobby: White oh-five Escalade with custom rims. It's a neon sign. Dean: You're right. He'd never take that. Which is exactly what he did. Bobby: You think? Dean: I know that kid. All right, I'll head in that direction. You stay here, ride the police databases. We gotta find him quick. INT. HONEYMOON SUITE – DAY Ruby is lying in bed next to Sam, both of them wearing fewer layers than earlier. Ruby: Your appetite's gotten much bigger. Sam: What's that supposed to mean? Ruby: Sam, relax. It's okay. It's good. Just means you're getting stronger, that's all. It means you're strong enough to k*ll Lilith. Just in time, too, because the final seals are breaking. Sam: How many are left? Ruby: Three...two... Sam: What? Where are the angels? Ruby: Screwing the pooch, wherever they are. The point is, it's looking more and more like we're getting down to the final seal. And I found out something big. Sam: What? Ruby: Seal sixty-six. It can't be broken by just any demon. Apparently, only Lucifer's first can do it. Sam: Lucifer's first? Ruby: Demon Sunday School story. God prefers humans to angels. Lucifer gets jealous and then he gets creative. And he twists and tempts a human soul into the very first demon as a 'screw you' to God. It's what got him locked up in the first place. Sam: That was Lilith? Ruby: She's way older than she looks. Sam: Wait. So if Lilith is the only one who can break the final seal, if I get to her in time- Ruby: Then Lucifer never busts out of his cage. Exactly. Sam: Great. You figure out where she is? Ruby: The bitch can hide. But I finally have a lead on someone who might be able to help us. I closed in on a member of Lilith's entourage. You might call her a personal chef. Sam: Chef? Seriously? What does she eat? Ruby: You don't wanna know. INT. HOSPITAL INTERCOM X-ray head to Radiology. Blonde Nurse Hear about that horrible thing at St. Paul's? BRUNETTE Nurse No. Blonde Nurse One of the neonatal nurses walked right off the unit with two babies. BRUNETTE Nurse You are kidding me. Blonde Nurse Swear to God. Worked there seventeen years. Then one day, out of the blue, she just does it. The NURSES enter the baby-filled nursery. BRUNETTE Nurse That's just horrifying. Blonde Nurse Now she's saying that she doesn't even remember what happened. Like she was possessed. BRUNETTE Nurse Heh, nuts. Blonde Nurse I know. Who could ever lay a finger on them? BRUNETTE Nurse I know. They're just delicious. The BRUNETTE Nurse's eyes go demon-black. INT. HONEYMOON SUITE – NIGHT Sam: So our demon gourmet nurse. You sure? Ruby: She'll be there. Graveyard shift tomorrow night. Meantime, if you're gonna be strong enough to k*ll Lilith, you're gonna need more than I can give you now. Sam sighs. Ruby: Sam. Come on. It's okay. Sam: I know I need more. I get it. I know it's okay. I just-I wish he'd trusted me, you know? Ruby: Sorry. Sam: I just hope...you know, when all this is over...I hope we can fix things. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT alternating with INT. Dean's CAR – NIGHT Bobby: Cops found the Escalade in a ditch outside Elk River. Dean: How far away am I? Bobby: A couple of hours. I pulled up a weather map, made some calls. There's a town not far from there, Cold Spring. Lighting up with demon sign. Dean: A good place to look. Bobby: Hey, listen. Dean: What? Bobby: Us finding Sam? It's gotta be about getting him back, not pushing him away. Dean: Right. Bobby: I know you're mad, Dean. I understand. You got a right to be, but I'm just saying. Be good to him anyway. You gotta get through to him. Dean hangs up. INT. MOTEL HALLWAY – NIGHT Sam leaves the motel room. Dean, hidden, watches him go, then enters the room. INT. HONEYMOON SUITE – NIGHT Ruby is still in the room; she and Dean fight. Sam reenters and defends her. Sam: No. Let her go. Just take it easy. Dean: Well, it must've been some party you two had going, considering how hard you tried to keep me from crashing it. Well, solid try, but here I am. Sam: Dean, I'm glad you're here. Look. Let's just talk about this. Dean: Soon as she's d*ad, we can talk all you want. Sam: Ruby, get out of here. Dean: No, she's not going anywhere. Ruby makes her escape. Sam watches her go. Dean: She's poison, Sam. Sam: It's not what you think, Dean. Dean: Look what she did to you. I mean, she up and vanishes weeks at a time, leaves you cracking out for another h*t- Sam: She was looking for Lilith. Dean: That is French for manipulating your ass ten ways from Sunday. Sam: You're wrong, Dean. Dean: Sam, you're lying to yourself. I just want you to be okay. You would do the Same for me. You know you would. Sam: Just listen. Sam raises his hand, realizes he's still holding Ruby's Kn*fe that he took from Dean, and tosses the Kn*fe on the bed. Sam: Just listen for a second. We got a lead on a demon close to Lilith. Come with us, Dean. We'll do this together. Dean: That sounds great. As long as it's you and me. Demon bitch is a dealbreaker. You kiss her goodbye, we can go right now. Sam: I can't. Dean turns away, nodding. Sam: Dean, I need her to help me k*ll Lilith. I know you can't wrap your head around it, but maybe one day you'll understand. I'm the only one who can do this, Dean. Dean turns back around. Dean: No, you're not the one who's gonna do this. Sam: Right, that's right, I forgot. The angels think it's you. Dean: You don't think I can? Sam: No. You can't. You're not strong enough. Dean: And who the hell are you? Sam: I'm being practical here. I'm doing what needs to be done. Dean: Yeah? You're not gonna do a single damn thing. Sam: Stop bossing me around, Dean. Look. My whole life, you take the wheel, you call the sh*ts, and I trust you because you are my brother. Now I'm asking you, for once, trust me. Dean: No. You don't know what you're doing, Sam. Sam: Yes, I do. Dean: Then that's worse. Sam: Why? Look, I'm telling you- Dean: Because it's not something that you're doing, it's what you are! It means- Dean cuts himself off. Sam: What? No. Say it. Sam has tears in his eyes. Dean: It means you're a monster. Sam nods. A tear falls from Dean's eye; Sam doesn't see it before he punches Dean. Dean goes down hard, then gets back up and watches Sam for a moment before punching back. INT. HONEYMOON SUITE – NIGHT Sam and Dean fight, Sam dominating. Anything in the room that can break does. Dean hits the floor and doesn't get up. Sam pins him down, choking him, then lets go. Sam: You don't know me. You never did. And you never will. Sam walks away. Dean: You walk out that door, don't you ever come back. Sam stops at the door and turns back, then leaves.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "04x21 - When the Levee Breaks"}
Air Date: 14 May 2009 Dean: Who are you? Castiel: Castiel. I'm an angel of the Lord. Sam: I've got demon blood in me, Dean! I'm a whole new level of freak! Anna: Lilith is trying to break the sixty six seals, to free Lucifer from Hell. Dean: And why would an angel rescue me from Hell? Castiel: Because we have work for you. Ruby: She's no nurse. She's Lilith's personal chef. Chuck: Sucking blood? You've gotta know that's wrong. Sam: I wish to God I could stop. Castiel: Do you give yourself over wholly to the service of God and His angels? Dean: Yes, I swear. Dean: You're an angel, aren't you? Zachariah: I'm Zachariah. Castiel: (of Chuck) This man is a prophet of the Lord. Sam: I'm not drinking the demon blood for kicks! Dean: She's poison, Sam! Look what she did to you! Dean: (to Sam) You walk out that door, don't you ever come back! Subtitle: St. Mary's Convent Ilchester, Maryland 1972 FLASHBACK - INT. ST. Mary's CONVENT, ILCHESTER, MD - NIGHT Through the dark and silent corridors of the convent, an unseen presence creeps along. A lone priest is extinguishing candles in the sanctuary. The presence rushes towards him: It is demon smoke. It pours into his mouth, possessing him. He screams. CUT TO: INT. ST. Mary's CONVENT - DAY The priest is standing at the altar, giving mass; seated in the pews behind him are eight nuns. POSSESSED PRIEST Our Father, who art in... heaven. Thy kingdom come, blah, blah, blah. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from... evil. (he turns and walks down the aisle during the following) Truer words never spoken, sisters. But sometimes it seems as if it's difficult to know the Creator. Sometimes I feel, in a very literal sense, that I have been wandering the desert for years. Looking for our Father. (he has reached the door and bolts it, then turns back) Well, not our Father, my Father. See, he's in jail. Your dad put him there. (the nuns begin to look nervous) I almost gave up hope. But, ye of little faith, because I finally found him -- or at least, you know, a spot where his cage door opens. It's right here. In a damn convent, for God's sake. Life is funny. NUN Um, Father? POSSESSED PRIEST Shut your friggin' piehole, you little slut! (he grins) Then again, I suppose it makes sense. Folks forget my Daddy is an angel, after all. Or was. I mean, I suppose some dumb bastard stood here, felt a jolt of his holy juice and thought, I'm gonna build me a nun factory. You know? It's the right idea. Wrong angel. So, uh, if any of you guys are the praying type, now would be a good time to start. The camera pulls back from the scene so that we only hear the terrified dying screams of the nuns, and focuses on an angel statue lit from behind. END Teaser TITLE CARD: SUPERNATURAL EXT. FARMHOUSE - DAY Beginning in blurry focus, we sharpen into an extreme close-up of Sam's brooding face. Cut to a wide sh*t of a country house, with Sam and Ruby standing by an orange car out front. The episode title appears: "Lucifer Rising" Ruby: Sam? Your head in the game here? Sam: (after a pause) I'm good. Let's go. Ruby: You okay? Sam: I just said I was. Ruby: Look, I know hand-holding really isn't my thing... but still, Dean was wrong, saying what he said to you. Sam: No, he was right to say it. I mean, I don't blame him after what I did. Ruby: Well, after we're done, you guys will patch things up. I mean, you always do. Sam: You're talking like I've got an 'after'. Ruby: Don't say that. Sam: I can feel it inside me, Ruby. I've changed... for good. And there's no going back now. Ruby: Sam -- Sam: Look, I know what I gotta do. It's okay, I'm just saying, Dean's better off as far away from me as possible. Anyways. Doesn't matter, let's just get this done with. They get in the car. INT. Bobby's HOUSE - DAY Beginning in blurry focus, we sharpen into an extreme close-up of Dean's brooding face. He is staring out the window; Bobby is behind him. Bobby: Dean? Dean! You listen to a word I said? Dean: Yeah, I heard you. I'm not calling him. Bobby: Don't make me get my g*n, boy. Dean: (turning to face him) We are damn near kickoff for Armageddon, don't you think we got bigger fish at the moment? Bobby: I know you're pissed. And I'm not making apologies for what he's done, but he's your-- Dean: Blood? He's my blood, is that what you were gonna say? Bobby: He's your brother. And he's drowning. Dean: Bobby, I tried to help him, I did. Look what happened. Bobby: So try again. Dean: It's too late. Bobby: There's no such thing. Dean: No, damnit! No. I gotta face the facts. Sam never wanted part of this family. He hated this life growing up. Ran away to Stanford first chance he got. Now it's like déjà vu all over again. (he sits) Well, I am sick and tired of chasing him. Screw him, he can do what he wants. Bobby: You don't mean that. Dean: Yes I do, Bobby. Sam's gone. He's gone. I'm not even sure if he's still my brother anymore. If he ever was. Bobby turns and leans on the table, fuming. After a moment he makes a big angry sweep with his hands, tossing books and papers to the ground. He advances on Dean, who stands. Bobby: You stupid, stupid son of a bitch! Well, boo hoo, I am so sorry your feelings are hurt, princess! Are you under the impression that family's supposed to make you feel good?! Make you an apple pie, maybe? They're supposed to make you miserable! That's why they're family! Dean: I told him, "you walk out that door, don't come back" and he walked out anyway! That was his choice! Bobby: You sound like a whiny brat. No, you sound like your dad. Well, let me tell you something. Your dad was a coward. Dean: My dad was a lot of things, Bobby, but a coward? Bobby: He'd rather push Sam away than reach out to him. Well, that don't strike me as brave. You are a better man than your daddy ever was. So you do both of us a favor. Don't be him. Dean turns back to staring out the window. We see a close-up of his face; he turns slowly, looking around in confusion at something we can't see until we pull back to reveal that the scene has shifted to: INT. ANGELIC GREEN ROOM Dean finds himself in a large, lavishly appointed room. The walls are painted white with gold trim and accents, and a marble table stands in the center. Castiel is there. Castiel: Hello, Dean. It's almost time. INT. HOSPITAL - NIGHT The possessed nurse we met at the end of the previous episode is wheeling an infant out of a patient's room. DEMONIC Nurse We're gonna take you to the nursery, sugar -- Let mommy and daddy get some sleep. He's a beautiful child. Absolutely scrumptious. (singing to the baby) Patty-cake, patty-cake, baker's man bake me a cake as fast as you can. (she pushes the bassinette through a door and into an abandoned corridor.) Pat it and roll it (her eyes turn black) and mark it with a "b" and put it in the oven -- She is suddenly dragged backwards by an unseen force and hurled against the far wall. Sam approaches her calmly, Ruby behind him. Sam: So. We need to talk. INT. ANGELIC GREENROOM Dean pokes around the room, looking at the magnificent pastoral paintings on the walls. He turns back to the table and finds that it now holds a silver bowl packed with ice and full of beer bottles, and a large platter of hamburgers. He picks up a beer bottle and looks at it. Zachariah: Hello, Dean. You're looking fit. Dean: (replaces the beer bottle) Well, how 'bout this? "The suite life of Zach and Cas." (off their blank looks) It's a... never mind. So, what is this? Where the hell am I? Zachariah: Call it a Green room. We're closing in on the grand finale, here. We want to keep you safe before showtime. (indicating the food on the table) Try a burger. They're your favorite. From that seaside shack in Delaware. You were 11, I think. Dean: I'm not hungry. Zachariah: No? How about Ginger from season 2 of "Gilligan's Island"? You do have a thing for her, don't you? Dean: Tempting. Weird. Zachariah: We'll throw in Mary Ann for free. Dean: No, no. Let's... bail on the holodeck, okay? I want to know what the game plan is. Zachariah: Let us worry about that. We want you... focused, relaxed. Dean: Well, I'm about to be pissed and leaving, so start talking, Chuckles. Zachariah: (sighs) All the seals have fallen. Except one. Dean: That's an impressive score. That's... that's right up there with the Washington Generals. Zachariah: Dean: Why? Zachariah: Lilith has to break it. She's the only one who can. Tomorrow night -- midnight. Dean: Where? Zachariah: We're working on it. Dean: Well, work harder. Zachariah: we'll do our job. You just make sure you do yours. Dean: Zachariah All in good time. Dean: Isn't now a good time? Zachariah: Have faith. Dean: What, in you? Give me one good reason why I should. Zachariah: (getting in Dean's face) Because you swore your obedience. So obey. Dean looks past him at Castiel, who looks down guiltily. INT. CELLAR - NIGHT There is a flickering wood f*re in the corner that provides the only light for the room. The DEMONIC Nurse is laid out on the table; Sam and Ruby stand above her. DEMONIC Nurse (struggling) What, no devil's trap? Sam: I don't need one. DEMONIC Nurse Look at you -- all 'roided up. It's like A-Rod and Madonna over here. Sam: Where's Lilith? DEMONIC Nurse I'm not scared of you. Sam: Yeah, you are, actually. And with good reason. DEMONIC Nurse Look... what's my upside? Okay, I tell you, you k*ll me. I don't tell you, you still k*ll me. I get away somehow, Lilith will definitely k*ll me. So where's my carrot? Sam: I think what you should be worrying about is what happens before you die. Sam reaches out a hand and concentrates. She begins to scream in agony. INT. ANGELIC GREENROOM Dean is now alone in the room, pacing. He's holding his phone and considers it. Dean: Ah, screw it. (opens the phone and dials) Sam's Voice (RECORDED) It's Sam. Leave me a message. (beep) Dean: Hey, it's me. Uh... (clears throat) Look, I'll just get right to it. I'm still pissed... and I owe you a serious beatdown. But... I shouldn't have said what I said. You know, I'm not Dad. We're brothers. You know, we're family. And, uh... no matter how bad it gets, that doesn't change. Sammy, I'm sorry. (beep) He hangs up. INT. CELLAR - NIGHT DEMONIC Nurse (still screaming in agony) Stop! Stop! Please! Sam: You'll tell me where she is? DEMONIC Nurse Fine. Fine. Just... let me die. Sam: (drops his hand) Deal. DEMONIC Nurse (breathing heavily) Tomorrow night, midnight. She's gonna be at a convent -- St. Mary's, Ilchester, Maryland. Sam: A convent? DEMONIC Nurse Lilith... She's gonna break the final seal. Sam: And what is the final seal? DEMONIC Nurse I don't know. (Sam begins to t*rture her again) Aaaah! I don't know! I don't know! (sobbing) I don't know! I swear! Please! I'm begging you. k*ll me, please! Sam: Fine. He reaches out a hand to k*ll her; Ruby grabs his arm and stops him. Ruby: Wait. You can't. Sam: Why not? Ruby: Because we've got to take her with us. It's the final run on the Death Star, and you need more juice than I got. DEMONIC Nurse You promised. Ruby: Sorry, sister. You're a walking, talking can of whup-ass. DEMONIC Nurse You bitch! Ruby: I know. Just can't trust anyone these days. DEMONIC Nurse (settles back) Well, least you won't be able to crack me open that easy. Ruby: That so? DEMONIC Nurse Don't forget -- it's not just me you're bleeding. In fact, I think I'm gonna take a little... siesta in the subconscious -- hand over the wheel for a little bit. Sam: What are you talking about? DEMONIC Nurse Cindy McClellan, R.N., come on down! She shuts her eyes and relaxes; the host wakes up with a gasp. Cindy: What... (groans) Where am I? (struggles) Oh, my god, I can't move. What's going on? Help! Help me, please. Ruby: (annoyed) Great. END ACT ONE FLASHBACK INT. ST. Mary's CONVENT - 1972 AZAZEL kneels before the altar, the bloody bodies of the nuns sprawled around him. One is splayed out on the altar, facing him in a reverse-crucifixion pose. He speaks towards this one during the following. AZAZEL Father, look... I'm not exactly the praying type, but still... I made the sacrifice. I got you a bagful of nuns. So, uh... can you hear me? Can you whisper through the door? d*ad NUN CHANNELING Lucifer (in distorted gender-ambiguous voice) I'm here, my son. AZAZEL It's so good to hear your voice, Padre. I have been searching for you for so long. You have no idea. The others have lost faith. Dickless heathens. But not me. Lucifer: You've done well. AZAZEL So, uh... how do I bust you out? Lucifer: Lilith. AZAZEL Lilith? Father, she's... trapped neck-deep in the pit. It won't be easy. Lucifer: AZAZEL Yeah, okay. But what do I do? Lucifer: You must find me a child. A very special child. AZAZEL (Eyes flash yellow) What do you mean? What child? INT. MOTEL ROOM Sam is doing research on his laptop. Ruby stands in the background. Sam: You got to be kidding me. Ruby: What? Sam: Get this. (reading from his laptop screen) St. Mary's -- abandoned in '72 after a priest disemboweled eight nuns. Ruby: (smirking) What's black and white and red all over? Sam: That's not funny. (continuing to read) The priest said it wasn't his fault. He said a demon made him do it. And that he even remembered the demon's name. Ruby: Yeah? Sam: Azazel. Ruby: Wow. So, Lilith, Yellow-Eyes -- all the A-listers are paying visits. Certainly gives the joint credibility. Sam: As a place where the final seal goes down. Ruby: Well, it's good enough for me. Let's pack up Nurse Betty and h*t the road. Sam: Hey, maybe, um... look. Ruby: What? Sam: M-maybe we can find another demon. Ruby: Sam, no. That blubbery "don't hurt me" crap -- it's just an act. She's playing you. Sam: I'm not so sure. Ruby: Even if she's not, there's still a hell-bitch snoozing in there. I mean, come on. It's not like you haven't done this before, right? EXT. HOUSE - DAY Sam manhandles Cindy down the steps and out to the car. She's struggling, pleading with him. He's trying very hard to ignore this. Cindy: No. Please don't. Just listen to me, okay? My name is Cindy McClellan. I'm a nurse in the NICU over at Enfield Memorial. I have a husband named Matthew, okay? We've been married six years. He's got to be worried sick about me. And I don't even know who you are, and I'm not gonna tell anybody anything. Please just let me go. (Sam opens the trunk; she starts screaming) No! No! Please, no! Please -- (he shoves her in the trunk and shuts it) (muffled) Help! (Sam leans on the trunk breathing heavily) INT. ANGELIC GREENROOM Dean is frustrated. He pokes at one of the numerous figurines on one of the many mantlepieces and tips it deliberately to the ground. It shatters with a crash just as Castiel appears behind him. He turns around, looking slightly guilty. Castiel: You asked to see me? Dean: (clears throat) Yeah, listen, I, uh, I-I need something. Castiel: Anything you wish. Dean: I need you to take me to see Sam. Castiel: Why? Dean: There's something I got to talk to him about. Castiel: What's that? Dean: (sarcastic) The B.M. I took this morning. What's it to you? Just make it snappy. Castiel: I don't think that's wise. Dean: Well, I didn't ask you for your opinion. Castiel: Have you forgotten what happened the last time you met? Dean: No. That's the whole point. Listen, I'm gonna do whatever you mooks want, okay? I just need to tie up this one thing. Five minutes -- that's all I need. Castiel: No. Dean: What do you mean, no? Are you saying that I'm trapped here? Castiel: You can go wherever you want. Dean: Super. I want to go see Sam. Castiel: Except there. Dean: I want to take a walk. Castiel: Fine. I'll go with you. Dean: Alone. Castiel: No. Dean: You know what? Screw this noise. I'm out of here. He heads for the door. Castiel: Through what door? Dean turns to face him, frowning. When he turns back, the door has been replaced by a smooth wall. He turns back to face Castiel, who has also disappeared. Dean: Damn it. EXT. ROAD - NIGHT Ruby is driving. Sam is in the passenger seat staring at his cell phone, which displays "1 new voicemail from: Dean". He isn't playing it. Cindy screams in the trunk. Ruby: What are you -- a 12-year-old girl? Just play it already. Sam: Mind your own business. Cindy: Let me out! Let me out! (thumping on the roof of the trunk) Sam: God, I wish she would just shut up. Ruby: Well, that can be arranged. (off Sam's glare) I don't get it. All the demons you cut with the Kn*fe -- what do you think happens to the host? How is this any different? Sam: Is that supposed to make me feel better? Ruby: I know that you're having a tough time here, Sam, but we're in the final lap here. Now is not the time to grow a persqueeter. Sam: Would you drop the friggin' attitude? I'm about to bleed and drink an innocent woman. While she watches. Ruby: And save the world as a result. Sam: I don't know. I-I just... I'm starting to think... maybe Dean was right. Ruby: About what? Sam: About everything. Ruby: We're gonna see this through, right, Sam? Sam? Cindy: Let me out! Let me out! (screaming and thumping on the roof of the trunk) INT. ANGELIC GREENROOM Dean is attempting to break through a wall with a pedestal. He has smashed through to the foundations, but when he pauses, the wall repairs itself. He throws the pedestal to the floor. Dean: Son of a bitch. Zachariah: (Appearing suddenly) Quit hurling feces like a howler monkey, would you? It's unbecoming. Dean: Let me out of here. Zachariah: Like I told you: too dangerous out there. Demons on the prowl. Dean: I've been getting my ass kicked all year. Now you're sweating my safety? You're lying. I want to see my brother. Zachariah: That's... ill-advised. Dean: You know, I am so sick of your crap riddles and your smug, fat face. What the hell is going on, huh? Why can't I see Sam? And how am I gonna ice Lilith? Zachariah: (sighs) You're not. ...Going to ice Lilith. Dean: What? Zachariah: Lilith's going to break the final seal. Fait accompli at this point. Train's left the station. Dean: But me and Sam, we can stop... (he cuts off, having an epiphany) You don't want to stop it, do you? Zachariah: Nope. Never did. The end is nigh. The apocalypse is coming, kiddo, to a theater near you. Dean: What was all that crap about saving seals? Zachariah: Our grunts on the ground -- we couldn't just tell them the whole truth. We'd have a full-scale rebellion on our hands. I mean, think about it. Would we really let 65 seals get broken unless senior management wanted it that way? Dean: But why? Zachariah: Why not? The apocalypse? Poor name, bad marketing -- puts people off. When all it is is Ali/Foreman. On a... slightly larger scale. And we like our chances. When our side wins -- and we will -- it's paradise on earth. Now, what's not to like about that? Dean: What happens to all the people during your little pissing contest? Zachariah: Well... you can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs. In this case... truckloads of eggs, but you get the picture. Look... it happens. This isn't the first planetary enema we've delivered. (he notices Dean eyeing a statue on a mantelpiece) Uh, no, Dean. Probably shouldn't try to bash my skull in with that thing. Wouldn't end up too pleasant for you. Dean: What about Sam? He won't go quietly. He'll stop Lilith. Zachariah: (inhales deeply) Sam... has a part to play. A very important part. He may need a little nudging in the right direction, but I'll make sure he plays it. Dean: What does that mean? What are you gonna do to him? Zachariah: Sam, Sam, Sam. Marcia, Marcia, Marcia. Forget about him, would you? You have larger concerns. Why do you think I'm confiding in you? You're still vital, Dean. We weren't lying about your destiny. Just... omitted a few pertinent details. But nothing's changed. You are chosen. You will stop it. Just... not Lilith, or the apocalypse. That's all. Dean: Which means? Zachariah: (gesturing to a painting on the wall: Saint Michel terrassant le Dragon by Josse Lieferinxe) (Chuckles) Trust me -- one day, we'll look back on this and laugh. Dean: Tell me something. Where's God in all this? Zachariah: God? God has left the building. END ACT TWO INT. ST. MaryS - NIGHT Lilith: Howdy. Guard: Lady, this is private property. You're not supposed to be here. LIITH But I'm here for mass. And so are you. Her eyes go white; the Guard screams as we cut away. INT. ANGELIC GREENROOM Dean is attempting to call Sam again. He dials the phone, but hears only static. Castiel appears behind him. Castiel: You can't reach him, Dean. You're outside your coverage zone. Dean: What are you gonna do to Sam? Castiel: Nothing. He's gonna do it to himself. Dean: What's that supposed to mean? (Castiel looks down) Oh, right, right. Got to toe the company line. Why are you here, Cas? Castiel: We've been through much together, you and I. And I just wanted to say, I'm sorry it ended like this. Dean: "Sorry"? (he punches Castiel, who hardly flinches. Dean flexes his hand in pain.) It's Armageddon, Cas. You need a bigger word than "sorry." Castiel: Try to understand -- this is long foretold. This is your... Dean: Destiny? Don't give me that "holy" crap. Destiny, God's plan... It's all a bunch of lies, you poor, stupid son of a bitch! It's just a way for your bosses to keep me and keep you in line! You know what's real? People, families -- that's real. And you're gonna watch them all burn? Castiel: What is so worth saving? I see nothing but pain here. I see inside you. I see your guilt, your anger, confusion. In paradise, all is forgiven. You'll be at peace. Even with Sam. Dean: You can take your peace... and shove it up your lily-white ass. 'Cause I'll take the pain and the guilt. I'll even take Sam as is. It's a lot better than being some Stepford bitch in paradise. This is simple, Cas! No more crap about being a good soldier. There is a right and there is a wrong here, and you know it. (Castiel turns away) Look at me! (Dean grabs Castiel's shoulder and turns Castiel back to face him) Castiel: What would you have me do? Dean: Get me to Sam. We can stop this before it's too late. Castiel: I do that, we will all be hunted. We'll all be k*lled. Dean: If there is anything worth dying for... this is it. (Castiel shakes his head and looks down) You spineless... (Dean turns and walks away) …soulless son of a bitch. What do you care about dying? You're already d*ad. We're done. Castiel: Dean -- Dean: We're done! Dean turns to look behind him, but Castiel has disappeared. EXT. ROAD - NIGHT Sam stands before a sign that reads: ST. Mary's CONVENT - 2 miles. Ruby is a few paces behind him, by the car. We can still faintly hear Cindy pounding and screaming in the trunk. Ruby: Sam, it's time. Are we doing this or not? Sam: Give me a minute to think. Ruby: Sam -- Sam: Give me a damn minute, Ruby! Ruby: Better think fast. Sam surreptitiously pulls his cell phone from his pocket and presses a button. Voice ON PHONE First unheard message. Dean's Voice: Listen to me, you bloodsucking freak. Dad always said I'd either have to save you or k*ll you. Well, I'm giving you fair warning. I'm done trying to save you. You're a monster, Sam -- a vampire. You're not you anymore. And there's no going back. (beep) Ruby smirks behind his back. Close to tears, Sam slowly lowers the phone and shuts it off. Sam: Do it. Ruby: Thank god. (she opens the trunk) Cindy: No! (screams and struggles) INT. ANGELIC GREEN ROOM Zachariah: Castiel! Would you mind explaining just what the hell you're doing? Castiel finishes drawing and slams his hand in the center of the sigil. In a violent flash of white light, Zachariah vanishes. Castiel: He won't be gone long. We have to find Sam now. Dean: Where is he? Castiel: I don't know. But I know who does. We have to stop him, Dean, from k*lling Lilith. Dean: But Lilith's gonna break the final seal. Castiel: Lilith is the final seal. She dies, the end begins. END ACT THREE Chuck is on the phone with what appears to be an escort service. He is pacing in his kitchen. The document on his computer screen reads "Supernatural – Lucifer Rising by Carver Edlund". Chuck: Oh, yeah? Really? At the Same time? Really? Wow. T-that sounds... moist. Woman (on the phone) (laughs) Well, it can be. Chuck: Uh, what are your rates? Woman (on the phone) We can get you one girl, one hour -- $1,000. Chuck: Okay. Then, uh, I'll take 20 girls for the whole night. Woman: I'm not sure you can afford that. Chuck: Lady, sometimes you got to live like there's no tomorrow. Castiel and Dean appear suddenly. Chuck looks up in shock. Chuck: Wait. T-t-this isn't supposed to happen. Woman: Sir? Chuck: (into the phone) No, lady, this is definitely supposed to happen, but I just got to call you back. (he hangs up) I... INT. ST. Mary's CONVENT - NIGHT Lilith has acquired a number of demonic minions and is setting up something ritual-like at the altar. A minion approaches her nervously, holding a chalice full of blood. He hands it to her and looks down. She smiles at him. Lilith: Don't be afraid. We're going to save the world. He walks away and she turns her back. There is a sudden deep rumbling noise. When she turns back, all of the minions that had been lining the hallway have collapsed to the ground. Around the corner, Sam appears. He stalks forward deliberately. Lilith raises a hand; the door between her and Sam slams shut. INT. Chuck's HOUSE -- NIGHT Dean: St. Mary's? What is that, a convent? Chuck: Yeah, but you guys aren't supposed to be there. You're not in this story. Castiel: Yeah, well... (he glances at Dean) We're making it up as we go. Chuck's computer screen flickers as a great rumbling begins, accompanied by a blinding white light. Chuck: Aw, man! Not again! No! Castiel: (to Dean) I'll hold him off! I'll hold them all off! Just stop Sam! Castiel claps Dean on the forehead, transporting him away. INT. ST. Mary's - NIGHT Dean appears in an empty part of the convent, looks around and walks down a hallway. INT. Chuck's HOUSE -- NIGHT Castiel and Chuck stand side by side to face what comes. Chuck places a hand on Castiel's shoulder; Castiel gives him a look, and Chuck drops his hand in embarrassment. INT. ST. Mary's - NIGHT Sam enters the sanctuary and flings out a hand. Lilith is flung across the room, slamming into the altar and falling to the ground. Sam, with Ruby behind him, advances on Lilith and flings out his hand again. Lilith is forced back against the altar. Dean comes around a corner and sees what is happening in the sanctuary. Ruby looks back at Dean and smiles. She puts out a hand and the doors to the sanctuary close. Sam walks towards Lilith. We can hear a loud, gradually quickening heartbeat. Sam: I've been waiting for this... for a very long time. Lilith: Then give me your best sh*t. Sam reaches out a hand, throwing his power at her. White light shines on Lilith and she cries out in pain. Sam lowers his hand, the light fades and the heartbeat slows. Dean: (from the other side of the bolted door) Sam! Sam turns to look at the door. Dean: Sam! (he bangs on the door) Sam! From Sam's POV, the sound of the heartbeat takes over almost all other sound. Dean's voice and pounding are distant and faint, but he turns in confusion anyway. Sam: Dean? Ruby: (to Sam's ears, she is even more faint than Dean) What are you waiting for?! Now! Sam, now! Lilith: (laughing) You turned yourself into a freak. A monster. And now you're not gonna bite? I'm sorry, but that is honestly adorable. The heartbeat quickens; Sam faces Lilith and raises his hand again. His eyes turn black as he concentrates his power and hurls it at Lilith. She convulses several times, her body glowing and flickering. At last she goes limp. Sam's eyes turn back to normal. The sound of the heartbeat slows. END ACT FOUR Blood is pouring out of Lilith's body in a steady stream; the stream is flowing in what looks like a very deliberate direction. Sam: What the hell? Ruby: I can't believe it. Sam: Ruby, what's going on? Ruby: You did it. I mean, it was a little touch-and-go there for a while, but... you did it. Sam: What? What -- what did I do? Ruby: You opened the door. And now he's free at last. He's free at last! Sam: (in denial) No, no, no. No, he -- Lilith -- I stopped her. I k*lled her! Ruby: (fervently) And it is written that the first demon shall be the last seal. And you bust her open. (Sam puts his hands to his head) Now guess who's coming to dinner. Sam: Oh, my god. Ruby: Guess again. Dean pounds at the door with a large candelabra. Ruby: Sam: You bitch. You lying bitch! (He thrusts his hands at her, trying to use his powers, but he drops, clutching his head instead.) Ruby: Don't hurt yourself, Sammy. It's useless. You sh*t your payload on the boss. Sam: The blood... You poisoned me. Ruby: (kneeling in front of him) No. It wasn't the blood. It was you... and your choices. I just gave you the options, and you chose the right path every time. You didn't need the feather to fly, you had it in you the whole time, Dumbo! I know it's hard to see it now... but this is a miracle. So long coming. Everything Azazel did, and Lilith did. Just to get you here. And you were the only one who could do it. Sam: Why? W-why me? Ruby: Because... because it had to be you, Sammy. It always had to be you. You saved us. You set him free. And he's gonna be grateful. He's gonna repay you in ways that you can't even imagine. Dean finally breaks in and draws the Kn*fe. Ruby stands to confront him. Ruby: You're too late. Dean: I don't care. Dean advances on Ruby. Sam stands and grabs her from behind, holding her in place as Dean s*ab her. She flickers with light, then crumples to the floor, d*ad. Sam: (to Dean, brokenly) I'm sorry. The blood pouring out of Lilith has finished its pattern on the floor. A brilliant white light sh**t up from the central point of the pattern and the convent begins to tremble. Dean: Sammy, let's go. Sam: (clutching at Dean's shirt as Dean grabs Sam's jacket, and staring at the light) Dean... he's coming. Another flash of white, and we cut to black.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "04x22 - Lucifer Rising"}
Air Date: 10 Sep 2009 "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC plays. THE ROAD SO FAR From (...help), the Impala bounces along a road. Music: Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah Music: Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah From (...help), Dean fires a g*n. Music: Thunder Music: Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah Lilith is trying to break- Anna: -the sixty-six seals- Music: Thunder -to free- -Lucifer from hell. Anna: Lucifer- -will bring the- -apocalypse. Music: I was caught Music: In the middle Music: Of a Music: Railroad Music: Track From (...help), Dean slashes a Demon's throat with Ruby's Kn*fe. Music: Thunder Music: Looked around Music: And I knew Music: There was no Music: Turning back Music: Thunder Music: My mind raced Music: And I thought Music: What can I Music: Do? Music: Thunder Music: And I knew Dean: You're possessing some poor bastard? Music: There was no help, no help Castiel: This is a vessel. Music: From you I had to give my consent to invite him in. Music: You've been thunderstruck Music: I was shakin' at the Music: Knees Music: Could I come again please? Dean: Chuck Shurley? We have a life. You've been using it to write your books. Castiel: Dean, let him go. This man is to be protected. Music: Thunderstruck Dean: Why? Castiel: He's a prophet of the Lord. Chuck: Who are you? Music: Yeah yeah yeah Zachariah: I'm Zachariah. Music: Thunderstruck I'm Castiel's superior. Music: Yeah yeah yeah Dean: And how'm I going to ice Lilith? Zachariah: You're not. Lilith's going to break the final seal. Music: Thunderstruck You don't want to stop it, do you? Music: You've been You are chosen. Music: Thunderstruck You will stop it. Just not Lilith or- Music: Thunderstruck -the apocalypse. That's all. Music: Thunderstruck Music: Thunderstruck Music: You've been thunderstruck Sam: I'm sorry. Dean: Sammy, let's go. Sam: Dean-he's coming. INT. CHAPEL - NIGHT Dean: Come on! Sam finally lets Dean pull him away from the sigil. They run, and the doors slam shut. They rattle the doors. Seen from the far side, light bursts through cracks in the door. A high-pitched noise. Sam turns to look at Dean, and both look back at the light. They squeeze their eyes shut, Sam holding up a hand to block the light, and cover their ears. They fall to their knees. The light reaches the very edges of the sigil, then whites out everything. INT. PLANE - NIGHT A cartoon red Devil leans over a large open book. Devil: What the devil is your name? Yosemite Sam: Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Yo-Yosemite Sam. Devil: Yosemite Sam? The Devil flips through the book. The view shifts away from what is apparently the in-flight movie, "Devil's Feud Cake". Devil: Let's see. Ah, here it is. I could use a guy like you. Dean and Sam are sitting on a plane, contorted exactly as they were a moment ago in the chapel. They look around, astounded. No one around them seems to have noticed anything. Dean: What the hell? Sam: I don't know. Pilot (over intercom) Folks, quick word from the flight deck. We're just passing over Ilchester, then Ellicott City, on our initial descent into Baltimore- Dean: Ilchester? Weren't we just there? INT. COCKPIT - NIGHT Pilot So if you'd like to stretch your legs, now would be a good time to- The ordinary bird's-eye view of Maryland at night is interrupted by a column of light sh**ting into the sky. Pilot Holy crap! The shock wave knocks the plane off kilter. People are thrown around the plane, screaming. Oxygen masks drop down. Sam and Dean put theirs on as the white light outside grows blinding. The high-pitched noise is back. Dean looks out the window, terrified. INT. CAR - NIGHT Sam and Dean drive in a rented car. Radio Announcer 1 -and Governor O'Malley urged calm- "SYMPATHY FOR THE Devil" Radio Announcer 1 -saying it's very unlikely an abandoned convent would be a target for t*rrorists, either foreign or homegrown. Dean: Change the station. Sam pokes a button on the digital radio. Radio Announcer 2 -Hurricane Kinley, unexpectedly slamming into the Galveston area- Radio Announcer 3 -announced a successful test of the North Korean nuclear- Radio Announcer 4 -a series of tremors- Radio Announcer 5 -swine flu- The radio shuts off. Sam sighs. Silence. Sam: Dean, look- Dean: Don't say anything. A pause. Dean: It's okay. We just got to keep our heads down and hash this out, all right? A pause. Sam: Yeah, okay. Dean: All right, well, first things first-How did we end up on Soul Plane? Sam: Angels, maybe? I mean, you know, beaming us out of harm's way? Dean: Well, whatever. It's the least of our worries. We need to find Cas. INT. Chuck's HOUSE - DAY Sam and Dean walk through the devastated house. A noise, and they both turn: nothing. They keep looking around. Starring JARED PADALECKI JENSEN ACKLES MISHA COLLINS Guest Starring JIM BEAVER Chuck jumps out and hits Sam on the head with a toilet plunger. Sam stumbles back, hand to his head. Sam: Geez! Ow! Chuck: Sam. Sam: Yeah! Dean: Hey, Chuck. Chuck: So...you're okay? Sam: Well, my head hurts. Chuck: No, I mean-I mean, my-My last vision. KURT FULLER Chuck: You went, like, full-on Vader. ROB BENEDICT Chuck: Your body temperature was one-fifty. Your heart rate was two hundred. Your eyes were black. Dean: Your eyes went black? Sam looks back over his shoulder. Sam: I didn't know. Dean: Where's Cas? Mark PELLEGRINO Chuck: He's d*ad. Or gone. The archangel smote the crap out of him. I'm sorry. Dean: You're sure? I mean, maybe he just vanished into the light or something. BELLAmy Young Chuck: Oh, no. He, like, exploded. Rachel MINER Chuck: Like a water balloon of chunky soup. Sam takes a closer look at Chuck and waves a hand at his own left ear. Sam: You got a- Chuck waves a hand at his own right ear. Chuck: Uh...right here? Sam indicates the other side of Chuck's head. Sam: Uh, the... Chuck feels at his hair. Chuck: Oh. Oh, god. Chuck pulls something out. Chuck: Is that a molar? It is. Chuck: Do I have a molar in my hair? This has been a really stressful day. Dean: Cas, you stupid bastard. Sam: Stupid? He was trying to help us. Dean: Yeah, exactly. Sam: So, what now? Dean: I don't know. Chuck: Oh, crap. Sam: What? Chuck: I can feel them. Zachariah: Thought we'd find you here. Sam and Dean turn around: Zachariah is there, two ANGELS accompanying him. Zachariah: Playtime's over, Dean. Time to come with us. Dean points at Zachariah. Dean: You just keep your distance, asshat. Co-Producer Jeremy CARVER Zachariah: You're upset. Co-Producers JERRY WANEK SERGE LADOUCEUR Dean: Yeah. A little. You sons of bitches jump-started judgment day! Zachariah: Maybe we let it happen. We didn't start anything. Producer TODD ARONAUER Zachariah: Right, Sammy? Zachariah winks. Zachariah: You had a chance to stop your brother, and you couldn't. So let's not quibble over who started what. Let's just say it was- Co-Executive Producer PETER JohnSON Zachariah: -all our faults and move on. 'Cause like it or not- Executive Producer SERA GAMBLE Zachariah: -it's Apocalypse Now. Executive Producer BEN EDLUND Zachariah: And we're back on the Same team again. Dean: Is that so? Zachariah: You want to k*ll the devil. Executive Producer PHIL SGRICCIA Zachariah: We want you to k*ll the devil. It's...synergy. Dean: And I'm just supposed to trust you? Executive Producer McG Dean: Cram it with walnuts, ugly. Zachariah: This isn't a game, son. Produced by JIM MICHAELS Zachariah: Lucifer is powerful in ways that defy description. We need to strike now, hard and fast-before he finds his vessel. Sam: His vessel? Lucifer needs a meat suit? Zachariah: He is an angel. Them's the rules. Created by ERIC KRIPKE Zachariah: And when he touches down, we're talking Four Horsemen, red oceans, fiery skies- Written by ERIC KRIPKE Zachariah: -the greatest hits. You can stop him, Dean, but you need our help. Dean: You listen to me, you two-faced douche. Directed by Robert SINGER Dean: After what you did, I don't want jack squat from you! Zachariah: You listen to me, boy! You think you can rebel against us? As Lucifer did? Blood drips from Dean's hand. Zachariah: You're bleeding. Dean: Oh, yeah-a little insurance policy in case you dicks showed up. Zachariah: No! Sam and Chuck flinch. Zachariah vanishes in white light. When Dean looks, the other ANGELS are gone as well. Dean: Learned that from my friend Cas, you son of a bitch. Chuck: This sucks ass. EXT. REGENT INN MOTEL - DAY Sam rushes down a staircase past a couple making out and enters the motel. INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY Dean loads a g*n. Sam enters the room. Dean: Hey. Sam: Hey. Sam closes the door, pulls something out of his shirt, and tosses it to Dean. Dean catches it and examines it. Sam: Here. Hex bags. No way the angels will find us with those. Demons, either, for that matter. Dean: Where'd you get it? Sam: I made it. Dean: How? Sam hesitates long enough for Dean to look up at him. Sam: I...I learned it from Ruby. Dean puts the g*n down and approaches Sam. Dean: Speaking of. How you doing? Are you jonesing for another h*t of bitch blood or what? Sam: I-it's weird. Uh, tell you the truth, I'm fine. No shakes, no fever. It's like whoever...put me on that plane cleaned me right up. Dean: Supernatural methadone. Sam: Yeah, I guess. Sam pauses. Sam: Dean- Dean: Sam. Dean turns away. Dean: It's okay. You don't have to say anything. Sam: Well, that's good. Because what can I even say? "I'm sorry"? "I screwed up"? Doesn't really do it justice, you know? Look, there's nothing I can do or say that will ever make this right- Dean: So why do you keep bringing it up?! Sam sighs. Dean turns back to him. Dean: Look, all I'm saying is, why do we have to put this under a microscope? We made a mess. We clean it up. That's it. Sam nods. Dean: All right, so, say this is just any other hunt. You know? What do we do first? Sam: We'd, uh, figure out where the thing is. Dean: All right. So we just got to find...the devil. EXT. Nick's HOUSE - NIGHT Pike Creek, Delaware A Man (his name is Nick) walks along the sidewalk to his house. He opens his front gate, which creaks, and lets it swing shut behind him. A wind picks up, swinging the gate forward and back, and Nick turns back to look. The gate bangs open and shut. INT. Nick's BEDROOM - NIGHT Nick lies in bed, alone and restless. He pulls his hands out from under the blankets: they're bloodstained. He tosses the blankets back and there's blood all over him and the sheets, a lot of it, as though someone bled to death a moment ago. Nick gets out of bed and switches on the bedside light. There's no blood. Nick: All right, keep it together. Keep it together, man. Nick turns off the light and lies down. He rolls over and there's a Woman in bed next to him, blood on her cheek. He sits up, shocked: he knows her-her name is Sarah-and the last thing he expected was to see her. Sarah: It's you, Nick. You're special. You're chosen. Nick shakes his head, disbelieving, and covers his eyes with one hand. When he looks back, Sarah is gone. INT. BEDROOM - DAY Becky: "And then Sam touched-" No. "-caressed Dean's clavicle. 'This is wrong,' said Dean. 'Then I don't want to be right,' replied Sam, in a husky voice." A message appears on her screen: CARVER EDLUND CALLING Becky frowns and clicks Accept. The window expands to a videophone: it's Chuck. He glances over his shoulder and back. Becky covers her mouth, excited enough that it causes her difficulty speaking. Becky: Oh...my...god. You. You're... Chuck: Carver Edlund, yeah. Hi, Becky. Becky: You got my letters. And my marzipan. Chuck can't quite meet her eyes. Chuck: Yeah, yeah. Um...yummy. But, uh- Becky: I am your number-one fan. You know, I'm Samlicker81. Chuck: I'm sorry. You're-You're what? Becky: Webmistress at morethanbrothers dot net? Chuck: Oh. Yeah. No, yeah. You're my...number-one fan. Becky grins. Chuck: That's why I contacted you. You're the only one who will believe me. Chuck looks heavenward. Becky frowns, concerned. Becky: Are you all right? Chuck: No. I'm being watched. Okay, not, not now-at least, I don't think so. But I don't have much time. I need your help. Becky switches back to overexcited. Becky: You need my help? Chuck: That's right. I need you to get a message to Sam and Dean. Okay? Becky sighs, reality intruding. Becky: Look, Mr. Edlund... Yes, I'm a fan, but I really don't appreciate being mocked. I know that Supernatural's just a book, okay? I know the difference between fantasy and reality. Chuck: Becky, it's all real. Becky snaps back to overexcitedness. Becky: I knew it! INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY Sam stares at John's journal. Dean is watching TV. Voice 1 How would you then explain an earthquake, a hurricane, and multiple tornadoes, all at the Same time, all around the globe? Voice 2 Two words. Carbon emissions. Dean (to environmentalist on TV) Yeah, right, wavy gravy. There is a knock at the door. Dean pulls his g*n. Sam answers. It's Becky, so excited she's having trouble breathing. Sam: You okay, lady? Becky: Sam...is it really you? Sam glances back at Dean. Becky steps closer and puts a hand on Sam's chest. Becky: And you're so firm. Sam: Uh, do I know you? Becky pulls back. Sam continues to stare, bewildered. Becky: No. But I know you. You're Sam Winchester. And you're- Becky looks at Dean, who's staring at her, his g*n hand out of sight. Becky: -not what I pictured. I'm Becky. Becky pushes past Sam into the room. Becky: I read all about you guys. And I've even written a few- Becky glances down, giggling a little. Becky: Anyway, Mr. Edlund told me where you were. Dean stands up. Dean: Chuck? Sam closes the door. Becky: He's got a message, but he's being watched. Angels. Nice change-up to the mythology, by the way. The demon stuff was getting kind of old. Sam: Right. Just, um...what's the message? Becky: He had a vision. "The Michael sword is on earth. The angels lost it." Dean: The Michael sword? Sam: Becky, does he know where it is? Becky: In a castle, on a hill made of forty-two dogs. Dean: Forty-two dogs? Sam: Are...you sure you got that right? Becky: It doesn't make sense, but that's what he said. Becky steps closer to Sam. Becky: I memorized every word. Becky touches Sam's chest. Becky: For you. Sam glances over at Dean and down at Becky: awkward. Sam: Um, Becky, c-uh, can you...quit touching me? Becky: No. EXT. REGENT INN MOTEL - DAY Bobby arrives in the Impala. INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY A knock on the door. Dean opens it. It's Bobby. Dean: Hey, Bobby. Bobby hugs Dean, slapping him on the back. Bobby: Good to see you boys all in one piece. Bobby hugs Sam, who's grinning. Dean closes the door. Dean: You weren't followed, were you? Bobby: You mean by angels, demons, or Sam's new superfan? Sam laughs. Sam: You heard. Bobby: I heard, Romeo. So...sword of Michael, huh? Dean: You think we're talking about the actual sword from the actual archangel? Bobby: You better friggin' hope so. Bobby opens a book to a painting of Michael surrounded by other angels. In this painting, Michael looks like a winged woman and the other angels like naked babies with wings. Bobby: That's Michael. Toughest son of a bitch they got. Sam flips to another painting. Again, Michael has a feminine face. Dean: You kidding me? Tough? That guy looks like Cate Blanchett. Bobby: Well, I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley, believe me. He commands the heavenly host. During the last big dust-up upstairs, he's the one who booted Lucifer's ass to the basement. Did it with that sword. Bobby points to the sword in the painted Michael's hand. Bobby: So if we can find it... Sam: We can kick the devil's ass all over again. All right. So, where do we start? Bobby: Divvy up and start reading-try and make sense of Chuck's nonsense. Sam gets up and heads for a pile of old books, presumably brought by Bobby. He stares at the books for a long moment, not reaching for them. Bobby: Kid? You all right? Sam turns to face Bobby. Sam: No, actually. Bobby, this is all my fault. I'm sorry. Dean: Sam... Sam: Lilith did not break the final seal. Lilith was the final seal. Dean: Sam, stop it. Sam: I k*lled her, and I set Lucifer free. Bobby: You what? Sam: You guys warned me about Ruby, the demon blood, but I didn't listen. I brought this on. Dean says nothing. Bobby stands up and walks closer. Bobby: You're damn right you didn't listen. You were reckless and selfish and arrogant. Sam: I'm sorry. Bobby: Oh, yeah? You're sorry you started Armageddon? This kind of thing don't get forgiven, boy. If, by some miracle, we pull this off...I want you to lose my number. You understand me? Sam nods. His expression barely changes: this can't be much different from what he expected. Dean doesn't protest. Sam: There's an old church nearby. Maybe I'll go read some of the lore books there. Bobby: Yeah. You do that. Sam leaves. Bobby turns back to Dean, who stays silent. EXT. REGENT INN MOTEL - DAY Sam walks along the street. INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT? Bobby and Dean sit doing research. Bobby: I never would have guessed that your daddy was right. Dean: About what? Bobby: About your brother. Dean looks up. Bobby: What John said-you save Sam or k*ll him. Maybe... Dean: Maybe what? Bobby: Maybe we shouldn't have tried so hard to save him. Dean: Bobby. Bobby: He ended the world, Dean. And you and I weren't strong enough to stop him proper. That's on us. I'm just saying, your dad was right. Dean: Dad. Dean rummages through his bag. He pulls out a plastic Ziplock full of cards. Dean: It's got to be in here somewhere. Bobby: What the hell are you talking about? Dean: Here. Dean pulls one out and reads it. Bobby stands up. Dean comes over. Dean: I don't believe it. Bobby: What the hell is it? Dean: It's a card for my dad's lockup in upstate New York. Read it. Bobby takes the card. Bobby: "Castle Storage. 42 Rover Hill." Dean: Castle on a hill of forty-two dogs. Dean takes the card back. Bobby: So you think your dad had the Michael sword all this time? Dean: I don't know. I'm not sure what else Chuck could have meant. Bobby: Yeah. Okay. It's good enough for me. Bobby att*cks Dean, knocking him through the barrier between the kitchenette and the beds. Bobby yanks Dean up and slams him down again. Bobby's eyes go black. INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT? 'Bobby' grabs Dean by the throat and drags him to his feet. A Female Demon enters, a MALE Demon behind her. Female Demon: I always knew you were a big, dumb, slow, dim pain in the ass, Dean. But I never dreamed you were so V.I.P. The Female Demon sees Ruby's Kn*fe on the table and picks it up. Female Demon: I mean, you're gonna ice the devil? You? If I'd have known that, I'd have ripped your pretty, pretty face off ages ago. Dean: Ruby. Female Demon: Try again. Go back further. Dean: Meg? Meg: Hi. These are the days of miracle and wonder, Dean. Our father's among us. You know we're all dreaming again for the first time since we were human? It's heaven on earth. Or hell. We really owe your brother a fruit basket. Dean: My god, you like the sound of your own voice. Meg: But you, on the other hand, you're the only bump in the road. So every demon-every single one-is just dying for a piece of you. Dean smirks. Dean: Get in line. Meg: Oh, I'm in the front of the line, baby. Let's ride. Meg kisses Dean. Dean: What is that, peanut butter? Meg: You know, your surrogate daddy's still awake screaming in there. And I want him to know how it feels slicing the life out of you. Meg hands the Kn*fe to 'Bobby', who raises it to Dean's throat. Dean struggles. Dean: Bobby! 'Bobby' looks back at Meg. Meg: Now! 'Bobby' raises the Kn*fe to s*ab Dean. Dean: Bobby! No! The black fades from 'Bobby's eyes. The Kn*fe comes down and Bobby flashes gold as the demon 'Bobby' dies: Bobby s*ab himself. Bobby collapses. Dean rushes Meg and the MALE Demon. The MALE Demon slams Dean into the wall, then the floor. Sam enters and sees Bobby on the floor bleeding and Dean getting beaten. Sam: No! Meg: Heya, Sammy. You miss me? 'Cause I sure missed you. Sam: Meg? Meg grins. Sam swings and misses. Meg kicks him in the crotch and knocks him to the ground while the MALE Demon pounds Dean. Meg: It's not so easy without those super-special demon powers, huh, Sammy? The MALE Demon kicks Dean. Meg punches Sam. Dean kicks the feet out from under the MALE Demon, grabs the Kn*fe out of Bobby's stomach and s*ab the MALE Demon in the chest. Dean stands up. Meg backs away. Dean advances. Meg screams and smokes out of the Woman, who collapses. Dean lowers the Kn*fe. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Pike Creek, Delaware Nick carries a blanket and teddy bears past a freestanding baby rocker to a cardboard box. The rocker starts moving on its own. Nick turns to look, then goes over and stops it. A baby's cry. Nick digs frantically through the box and pulls out a baby monitor. He stares at it, listening to the crying. INT. NURSERY - NIGHT Nick opens the door, still listening. He stares at the crib for a moment. The crying goes silent. He turns on the light. Silence. He turns away and the crying begins again. He turns back and sees blood pouring out of the crib onto the carpet. Nick: No... Nick goes up to the crib and falls to his knees, sobbing. The crib is empty. It and the carpet are clean. INT. EMERGENCY ROOM - NIGHT Dean and Sam burst into a hospital emergency room, carrying Bobby. Dean: Need some help here! Nurse: What happened? Sam: He was s*ab. Nurse: Can we get a gurney? Two NURSES rush a gurney over to Bobby. Dean: Hang on, Bobby. Hang in there. You're gonna be okay. They get Bobby onto the gurney and rush him off. Sam and Dean follow. The Nurse stops them. Nurse: Just wait here. Sam: We can't just leave him. Nurse: Just don't move. I've got questions. The Nurse leaves. Dean: Sammy, we got to go. Sam: No. No way, Dean. Dean: The demons heard where the sword is. We got to get to it before they do, if we're not too late already. Come on! Dean leaves. Sam follows. EXT. ROAD - NIGHT The Impala rushes along. EXT. CASTLE STORAGE - NIGHT Dean opens the trunk. He and Sam load g*n and close the trunk. Dean unlocks the storage room, Sam standing watch. INT. John's LOCKUP - NIGHT Sam and Dean enter the room, g*n ready. They find d*ad demons sprawled across the floor. Zachariah: I see you told the demons where the sword is. Dean and Sam turn. Zachariah is there with two ANGELS escorting. Dean: Oh, thank god. The angels are here. Zachariah: And to think...they could have grabbed it any time they wanted. Zachariah waves a hand to close the door. Zachariah: It was right in front of them. Sam: What do you mean? Zachariah: We may have planted that particular piece of prophecy inside Chuck's skull, but it happened to be true. We did lose the Michael sword. We truly couldn't find it. Until now. You've just hand-delivered it to us. Dean: We don't have anything. Zachariah: It's you, Chucklehead. You're the Michael sword. Dean stares. INT. John's LOCKUP - NIGHT Zachariah continues to address Dean. Zachariah: What, you thought you could actually k*ll Lucifer? You simpering wad of insecurity and self-loathing? No. You're just a human, Dean. And not much of one. Dean: What do you mean, I'm the sword? Zachariah: You're Michael's w*apon. Or, rather, his...receptacle. Dean: I'm a vessel? Zachariah: You're thevessel. Michael's vessel. Dean: How? Why-why me? Zachariah: Because you're chosen! It's a great honor, Dean. Dean: Oh, yeah. Yeah, life as an angel condom. That's real fun. I think I'll pass, thanks. Zachariah: Joking. Always joking. Well...no more jokes. Zachariah raises one hand, fingers like a g*n, and points at Dean, then shifts to Sam. Zachariah: Bang. A loud crunch. Sam falls, unable to stand. Sam: God! Dean: You son of a bitch! Zachariah: Keep mouthing off, I'll break more than his legs. I am completely and utterly through screwing around. The w*r has g*n. We don't have our general. That's bad. Now, Michael is going to take his vessel and lead the final charge against the adversary. You understand me? Dean: How many humans die in the crossfire, huh? A million? Five, ten? Zachariah: Probably more. If Lucifer goes unchecked, you know how many die? All of them. He'll roast the planet alive. Dean: There's a reason you're telling me this instead of just nabbing me. You need my consent. Michael needs my say-so to ride around in my skin. Zachariah: Unfortunately, yes. Dean: Well, there's got to be another way. Zachariah: There is no other way. There must be a battle. Michael must defeat the serpent. It is written. Dean: Yeah, maybe. But, on the other hand... Eat me. The answer's no. Zachariah: Okay. How about this? Your friend Bobby-we know he's gravely injured. Say yes, and we'll heal him. Say no, he'll never walk again. Sam glances up at Dean. Dean: No. Zachariah: Then how about we heal you from...stage-four stomach cancer? Dean doubles over, coughing. He spits into his palm: blood. Dean: No. Zachariah: Then let's get really creative. Uh, let's see how...Sam does without his lungs. Dean turns to look at Sam, who gasps for breath. Zachariah: Are we having fun yet? You're going to say yes, Dean. Dean: Just k*ll us. Zachariah: k*ll you? Oh, no. I'm just getting started. Bright light flashes. Zachariah turns. One of the ANGELS collapses, a bloody hole in his throat. Castiel stands beside him. The other ANGEL fights Castiel. Dean and Zachariah stare; Sam tries to take a breath. Castiel and the ANGEL slam each other around. Castiel s*ab the other angel in the back. Bright light flashes. Zachariah stares. Castiel walks closer. In the background, Sam is still and silent. Zachariah: How are you... Castiel: Alive? That's a good question. How did these two end up on that airplane? Another good question. 'Cause the angels didn't do it. I think we both know the answer, don't we? Zachariah: No. That's not possible. Castiel: It scares you. Well, it should. Now, put these boys back together and go. I won't ask twice. Zachariah vanishes. Sam looks up and around, surprised. Dean and Sam stand up. Castiel: You two need to be more careful. Dean: Yeah, I'm starting to get that. Your frat brothers are bigger dicks than I thought. Castiel: I don't mean the angels. Lucifer is circling his vessel. And once he takes it, those hex bags won't be enough to protect you. Castiel puts one hand on Dean's chest, the other on Sam's. Dean and Sam gasp. Dean: What the hell was that? Castiel: An Enochian sigil. It'll hide you from every angel in creation, including Lucifer. Dean: What, did you just brand us with it? Castiel: No. I carved it into your ribs. A pause. Sam: Hey, Cas, were you really d*ad? Castiel: Yes. Dean: Then how are you back? Castiel vanishes. Sam and Dean are alone with the d*ad. INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT Nick lies in bed in an empty room. Sarah: Nick. Nick sits up. Sarah stands at the foot of the bed. Sarah: Nick. You're dreaming, Nick. But it doesn't mean this isn't real. Nick: Sarah? Sarah: I'm not your wife, Nick. I'm an angel. Nick: An angel? Sarah: My name is Lucifer. Nick: Sure. Naturally. Um... Could you do me a favor there, Satan, and remind me to quit drinking before I go to bed? Lucifer: I'm here because you're special, Nick. There's very, very few people like you. Nick: Is that so? Lucifer: You're a vessel-a very powerful vessel. Nick swings his legs off the bed. Nick: Meaning what, exactly? Lucifer: I need to take control of your mind and your body. To be honest, it'll probably be unpleasant for you. But it is necessary. Nick: Okay, look...if it's just the Same to you, I think I'd like to wake up now. Lucifer: I told you-this is real. Don't be afraid. This is your choice. Lucifer sits on the bed next to Nick. Lucifer: You need to invite me in. Nick: Even if this is real-which it's not, but assuming it was...why the hell would I do something like that? Lucifer: You people misunderstand me. You call me "Satan" and "devil", but... Do you know my crime? I loved God too much. And for that, he betrayed me-punished me. Just as he's punished you. After all, how could God stand idly by while that man broke into your home and butchered your family in their beds? Nick swallows, not looking at her. Lucifer: There are only two rational answers, Nick-either he's sadistic, or he simply doesn't care. You're angry. You have every right to be angry. I am angry, too. That's why I want to find him-hold him accountable for his actions. Just because he created us doesn't mean he can toy with us, like playthings. Nick: If I help you...can you bring back my family? Lucifer: I'm sorry. I can't. But I can give you the next best thing. God did this to you, Nick. And I can give you justice. Peace. Nick: How do I know you're telling the truth? Lucifer: Because, contrary to popular belief, I don't lie. I don't need to. What I need...is you. Nick, I need you to say yes. Nick remembers the empty baby rocker, the blood pouring from the crib, the empty crib. Nick: Then yes. EXT. Nick's HOUSE - NIGHT The high-pitched screech of angel speech. White light flares from all the upper windows of Nick's house. INT. HOSPITAL - NIGHT A Nurse walks down a hospital corridor past a PATIENT with a mobile IV stand. Both pass a closed door, behind which Bobby is heard yelling. Bobby: "Unlikely to walk again"?! Why, you snot-nosed son of a bitch! Wait till I get out of this bed! The door bursts open and a Doctor flees. Inside, Bobby sits in a hospital bed and Sam and Dean stand by the window. Bobby: I'll use my game leg and kick your friggin' ass! Yeah, you better run! Bobby looks over at Sam and Dean. Bobby: You believe that yahoo? Dean: Screw him. You'll be fine. Sam: So, let me ask the million-dollar question. What do we do now? Bobby: Well... We save as many as we can for as long as we can, I guess. It's bad. Whoever wins, heaven or hell, we're boned. Dean: What if we win? Bobby stares at him. Sam turns to face Dean, who sounds a bit too confident. Dean: I'm serious. I mean, screw the angels and the demons and their crap apocalypse. Hell, they want to fight a w*r, they can find their own planet. This one's ours, and I say they get the hell off it. We take 'em all on. We k*ll the devil. Hell, we even k*ll Michael if we have to. But we do it our own damn selves. Bobby: And how are we supposed to do all this, genius? Dean: I got no idea. But what I do have is a GED and a give-'em-hell attitude, and I'll figure it out. Bobby: You are nine kinds of crazy, boy. Dean: It's been said. Dean pats Bobby on the shoulder. Dean: Listen, you stay on the mend. We'll see you in a bit. Dean heads for the door. Sam follows. Bobby: Sam? Sam stops. Bobby: I was awake. I know what I said back there. I just want you to know that...that wasthe demon talking. I ain't cutting you out, boy. Not ever. A long pause. Sam sighs. Sam: Thanks, Bobby. Bobby: You're welcome. I deserve a damn medal for this, but...you're welcome. Dean and Sam leave. EXT. PARKING LOT - NIGHT An ambulance drives past. Sam and Dean walk out to the cars. Sam: You know, I was thinking, Dean-maybe we could go after the Colt. Dean: Why? What difference would that make? Sam: Well, we could use it on Lucifer. I mean, you just said back there- Dean: I just said a bunch of crap for Bobby's benefit. Dean stops in the middle of the road. Sam stops, looking at him. Dean: I mean, I'll fight. I'll fight till the last man, but let's at least be honest. I mean, we don't stand a snowball's chance, and you know that. I mean, hell, you of all people know that. Dean goes around Sam. Sam: Dean... Dean stops and turns back. Sam: Is there something you want to say to me? A long pause. Dean: I tried, Sammy. I mean, I really tried. But I just can't keep pretending that everything's all right. Because it's not. And it's never going to be. You chose a demon over your own brother- Sam rolls his eyes. Dean: -and look what happened. Sam: I would give anything-anything-to take it all back. Dean: I know you would. And I know how sorry you are. I do. But, man...you were the one that I depended on the most. And you let me down in ways that I can't even... Dean pauses, struggling for words. Dean: I'm just-I'm having a hard time forgiving and forgetting here. You know? Sam: What can I do? Dean: Honestly? Nothing. Sam nods a little, looking down: this doesn't surprise him. Dean: I just don't...I don't think that we can ever be what we were. You know? Sam nods again: this isn't a surprise either. Dean: I just don't think I can trust you. Sam looks up: this he wasn't expecting. Dean shakes his head and walks away, pausing at the trunk of the Impala to look back, then gets into the driver's seat.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "05x01 - Sympathy for the Devil"}
Air Date: 17 Sep 2009 Foreigner's "Long, Long Way From Home" begins to play. You did it. Sam: What? What did I do? Ruby: You opened the door. Lilith was the final seal. I k*lled her and I set Lucifer free. Music: It was a Monday Music: A day like any other day Music: I left a small town From (...help), Sam drives the Impala at night. Music: For the apple in decay Music: It was my destiny Music: It's what we needed to do Music: They were From (...help), Sam's face. Music: Telling me Music: I'm telling you Dean: You jonesing for another h*t of bitch blood, or what? Music: I was inside Music: Looking outside Zachariah: You're the Michael sword. Dean: What do you mean, I'm the sword? Zachariah: You're Michael's w*apon. Music: Millions of faces Dean: I'm a vessel? Zachariah: You're thevessel. Music: Still I'm alone Rufus Turner. He's a hunter. Rufus: I'm what you've got to look forward to if you survive. Dean: Need some help here! Music: Monday Music: Sad, sad Monday Dean: What the hell was that? Castiel: An Enochian sigil. It'll hide you from- Music: She's waiting for me Castiel: -every angel in creation, including Lucifer. Music: But I'm a long, long way from home Dean: Ellen, it was my fault. Music: Sad, sad Monday Dean: But Jo did good out there. Music: She's waiting for me Jo: You're angry. I understand. Music: But I'm a long, long way from home Ellen: Angry? 'Angry' doesn't begin to touch it! Jo: Is this about me hunting, or something else? Music: Sad, sad Monday From (...help), Dean and Sam are in the Impala. Music: She's waiting for me Music: But I'm a long Music: Long way from home Dean: You chose a demon over your own brother. I just don't think I can trust you. INT. HOSPITAL - DAY Bobby, wearing a bathrobe and ball cap, sits in a wheelchair and stares out the window. Sam watches him from the doorway. Dean arrives with a manila envelope in hand. Dean: It's been like three days now? Sam sighs. Dean: We got to cheer him up. Maybe I'll give him a backrub. Sam: Dean. Dean: Well, what, then? Sam: Look...we might have to wrap our heads around the idea that Bobby might not just bounce back this time. A pause. Sam looks at the envelope, which says "X-RAY". Sam: What's in the envelope? Dean: Went to radiology. Dean opens the envelope and pulls out the contents. Dean: Got some glamour sh*ts. Dean hands Sam the contents of the envelope, a chest X-ray with strange writing on the ribs. Dean: Let's just say the Doctors are baffled. Sam examines the writing, which is in Enochian. Sam: Holy crap. Dean: Yeah, well, Cas carved you one, too. Sam's phone rings. He answers. Sam: Hello? ...Castiel? Dean: Speak of the devil. Sam: Ah, St. Martin's Hospital. Why? What are you-Cas? Sam hangs up. A Woman in scrubs and a Man in a white lab coat rush past with a piece of equipment on a cart. Voice ON PA Dr. Cohen to the ER, stat. Dr. Cohen to the ER, stat. Castiel walks past them and other passersby and stops at Dean and Sam. Dean: Cell phone, Cas? Really? Since when do angels need to reach out and touch someone? Castiel: You're hidden from angels now-all angels. I won't be able to simply- Bobby: Enough foreplay. Dean, Sam, and Castiel look over at him. Bobby: Get over here and lay your damn hands on. No one moves. Bobby looks over his shoulder. Bobby: Get healing. Now. Castiel: I can't. Bobby turns his chair to face Castiel. Bobby: Say again? Castiel walks up to Bobby. Castiel: I'm cut off from heaven and much of heaven's power. Certain things I can do. Certain things I can't. Bobby: You're telling me you lost your mojo just in time to get me stuck in this trap the rest of my life? Castiel: I'm sorry. Bobby: Shove it up your ass. Bobby turns back to the window. Dean turns to Sam. Dean: At least he's talking now. Bobby: I heard that. Castiel comes back to Dean and Sam. Castiel: I don't have much time. We need to talk. Dean: Okay. Castiel: Your plan to k*ll Lucifer. Dean: Yeah. You want to help? Castiel: No. It's foolish. It can't be done. Dean: Oh. Thanks for the support. Castiel: But I believe I have the solution. There is someone besides Michael strong enough to take on Lucifer. Strong enough to stop the apocalypse. Sam: Who's that? Castiel: The one who resurrected me and put you on that airplane. The one who began everything. God. Sam and Dean look skeptical. Castiel: I'm gonna find God. INT. HOSPITAL - DAY "GOOD GOD, Y'ALL!" Dean closes the hospital room door and turns back to Castiel. Dean: God? Castiel: Yes. Dean: God. Castiel: Yes! He isn't in heaven. He has to be somewhere. Dean: Try New Mexico. I hear he's on a tortilla. Castiel: No, he's not on any flatbread. Dean: Listen, Chuckles, even if there is a God, he is either d*ad-and that's the generous theory- Castiel: He is out there, Dean. Dean: -or he's up and kicking and doesn't give a rat's ass about any of us. Castiel glares. Starring JARED PADALECKI Dean: I mean, look around you, man. The world is in the toilet. We are literally- JENSEN ACKLES Dean: -at the end of days here, and he's off somewhere drinking booze out of a coconut. All right? Castiel: Enough. MISHA COLLINS Castiel: This is not a theological issue. It's strategic. Guest Starring JIM BEAVER Castiel: With God's help, we can win. Dean: It's a pipe dream, Cas. Castiel advances on Dean. Castiel: I k*lled two angels this week. My brothers. I'm hunted. I rebelled. And I did it, all of it, for you, and you failed. You and your brother desTroyed the world- Sam looks down. Castiel: -and I lost everything, for nothing. So keep your opinions to yourself. SamANTHA FERRIS Bobby: You didn't drop in just to tear us a new hole. What is it you want? Castiel: I did come for something. An amulet. Bobby: An amulet? What kind? ALONA TAL Castiel: Very rare. Very powerful. STEVEN WILLIAMS Castiel: It burns hot in God's presence. It'll help me find him. SHAWN ROBERTS Sam: A God EMF? Castiel nods. TITUS WELLIVER Bobby: Well, I don't know what you're talking about. I got nothing like that. Castiel: I know. You don't. Castiel looks at Dean, then drops his gaze to Dean's amulet, and back up. Dean: What, this? Castiel: May I borrow it? Dean: No. Castiel: Dean. Give it to me. Dean is silent, realizing Castiel is serious, then thinking it over. He takes off the amulet. Dean: All right, I guess. Dean holds it out, then pulls back when Castiel reaches for it. Dean: Don't lose it. Castiel takes it. Dean: Great. Now I feel naked. Castiel: I'll be in touch. Dean nods, then glances at Sam, then back. Castiel is gone. Sam sighs. Bobby: When you find God, tell him to send legs! EXT. GAS STATION - DAY A g*n fires. Rufus is holding the g*n. He fires again and hurries backwards to a Young Man lying on the ground. He drags the Young Man to relative safety behind a silver minivan. Rufus: Your belt, your belt! The Young Man pulls his belt off. Rufus takes it and wraps it around the Young Man's thigh above a bleeding injury, a makeshift tourniquet, and pulls it tight. The Young Man yelps. Rufus: Hey. Hey! Hold this. Rufus pulls out a phone and presses speed dial. INT. HOSPITAL - DAYalternating with EXT. GAS STATION - DAY Bobby's phone rings. Bobby picks it up. Bobby: Hello? Rufus: Bobby. Bobby, damn it, can you hear me? Bobby: I can't hear you. When Rufus is onscreen, he is clearly audible; when Bobby is onscreen, Rufus's voice is staticky and fades in and out. Rufus: Listen. I'm gonna need a little help here. Seems I'm up to my ass in demons. Whole damn town's infested. Hang on, hang on- Bobby: Where are you? Rufus: River Pass, Colorado. Bobby: Colora-Colorado? Rufus: Colorado! Bobby: River Pass, Colorado? Rufus: River Pass! Bobby: Rufus? You there? Ruf-Rufus? Rufus: Bobby, it's- Rufus looks up and spots two DEMONS coming around the corner of the church, both black-eyed and one carrying an axe. Rufus stands up, ready to f*re. g*n. The call cuts out. Bobby looks over at Sam and Dean. EXT. MOUNTAINS - DAY The Impala drives past. EXT. DIRT ROAD - DAY River Pass, Colorado The Impala drives up, approaching the camera, which retreats over a bridge. The Impala stops on the bridge just short of the part of the bridge that isn't there. Sam and Dean get out for a closer look. Dean kicks a rock over the edge. It looks difficult enough to get a person across with any margin of safety; getting the car across will be impossible. Dean: This is the only road in or out. Sam pulls out his cell phone and holds it up. Sam: No signal. Dean: Rufus was right. Demons got this place locked down. Sam: Looks like we're hiking in. Dean: And the hits just keep on coming. Dean and Sam go around the Impala. Dean opens the trunk. Norman Greenbaum's "Spirit in the Sky" begins to play. EXT. STREET - DAY Sam and Dean walk along the street, carrying g*n and bags and scanning the area. The near side of the street has a sporting goods store advertising a*mo, rods and reels, and a thirty percent sale for Pioneers Day; the far side is residential. There is no sign of anyone other than Sam and Dean. Co-Producer Jeremy CARVER Co-Producers JERRY WANEK SERGE LADOUCEUR Producer TODD ARONAUER Co-Executive Producer PETER JohnSON Executive Producer SERA GAMBLE A blue two-door sedan is overturned in the street. Executive Producer BEN EDLUND Dean notices the sporting goods store, Big Louie's. Music: When I die and they lay me to rest Dean ducks down to examine the car. Music: Gonna go to the place that's the best When I lay me down to die Sam approaches the car from the far side, g*n ready. Music: Goin' up to the spirit in the sky Sam shakes his head: the car's empty. They straighten up and move on. Music: Goin' up to the spirit in the sky (Spirit in the sky) Executive Producer McG Music: That's where I'm gonna go when I die (When I die) A sprinkler is running in front of one of the houses: whatever happened to clear the area happened fast enough that no one turned it off. Music: When I die and they lay me to rest I'm gonna go to the place that's the best Produced by JIM MICHAELS Created by ERIC KRIPKE Written by SERA GAMBLE Directed by PHIL SGRICCIA There's another car in the street, this one tan and the right way up. The driver's door is open, the engine is running, and the radio is playing "Spirit in the Sky". Music: Prepare yourself You know it's a must Sam and Dean approach this car, g*n ready. It's empty. Music: Got to have a friend in Jesus So you know that when you die Sam turns the engine off. Silence falls. Sam sighs. A banner hangs over the street, welcoming folks to the seventy-fifth anniversary of River Pass, Colorado's Pioneer Days, with pictures of Grand Marshall Jerry Wanek and Rodeo Queen Lee Lee Laschuk. They pause at a gleaming red classic Mustang. Sam loses interest when he sees it's empty; Dean admires it for a moment and whistles. Something sparks at the gas station. The Young Man's blood is still there next to the silver minivan. The driver's door of a silver four-door stands open. There's a baby stroller next to the door and a great deal of blood in front of and leading away from the door. Sam and Dean approach, then scan the area again. There's a large hole in the silver four-door's windshield. They move on. A g*n cocks. Dean whips around, leveling his g*n; Sam turns. Dean lowers the g*n. Sam: Ellen? Ellen: Hello, boys. Dean glances back at Sam. Ellen lowers her g*n and walks closer. Dean: Ellen, what the heck's going on here? Ellen splashes Dean in the face with holy water and raises her g*n. Dean closes his eyes for a moment, letting Ellen see that the water is neither boiling nor burning him. Dean: We're us. Ellen lowers her g*n and walks between Sam and Dean to the church. INT. CHURCH - DAY There's a devil's trap drawn inside the doorway and a line of salt across the threshold. Ellen, Dean, and Sam all walk across both with no problems. Ellen turns back. Ellen: Real glad to see you boys. Ellen hugs Dean, then pulls back and slaps him. Ellen: The can of whoopass I ought to open on you. Dean: Ow! Ellen: You can't pick up a phone? What are you, allergic to giving me peace of mind? I got to find out that you're alive from Rufus? Dean: Sorry, Ellen. Ellen: Yeah, you better be. You better put me on speed dial, kid. Dean: Yes, ma'am. A long pause. Ellen turns to lead them further inside. Dean glances back at Sam, and they both follow her down the stairs. Dean: What's going on, Ellen? Ellen: More than I can handle alone. Sam: How many demons are there? Ellen: Pretty much the whole town, minus the d*ad people and these guys. Ellen stops at a closed door and turns back. Ellen: So, this is it, right? End times? Dean and Sam glance at each other. Ellen: It's got to be. Sam: Seems like it. Ellen knocks on the door. Ellen: It's me. Someone on the far side opens a peephole, then opens the door; this is AUSTIN. Behind him are the PASTOR, an OLDER Woman, a Young Man (not the one from earlier) with his arm around a PREGNANT Woman, a SHORT-HAIRED Man, a LONG-BEARDED Man, a Man WITH GLASSES (his name is Roger), a Young Woman, and a SHAGGY-HAIRED Man; with Sam, Dean, and Ellen, a total of thirteen. AUSTIN closes the door and stands next to the full bookshelf, now visibly holding a r*fle. Ellen: This is Sam and Dean. They're hunters. Here to help. AUSTIN You guys hip to this whole demon thing? Dean: Yeah. Are you? Roger: My wife's eyes turned black. She came at me with a brick. Kind of makes you embrace the paranormal. Roger brings his right hand to his chin, contemplating his ring. Dean turns to Ellen. Dean: All right, catch us up. Ellen: I doubt I know much more than you. Rufus called. Said he was in town investigating omens. All of a sudden, the whole town was possessed. Me and Jo were nearby- Dean: You're hunting with Jo? Ellen: Yeah, for a while now. We got here, and the place-well, the place was like you see it. Couldn't find Rufus, then me and Jo got separated. I was out looking when I found you. Dean: Don't worry, we'll find her. Sam: Either way, these people cannot just sit here. The PREGNANT Woman startles. Roger plays with his ring. Sam: We got to get them out now. Ellen: No, it's not that easy. I've been trying. We already made a run for it once. Sam: What happened? Ellen: There used to be twenty of us. Sam and Dean check the room: excluding the three hunters, ten. Dean: Well, there's three of usnow- Ellen: You don't know what it's like out there. Demons are everywhere. We won't be able to cover everybody. The PREGNANT Woman is particularly nervous. Sam: What if we get everyone g*n? Dean: What, are you gonna arm up baby bump over here? Sam: More salt we can f*re at once, more demons we can keep away. Dean glances at him, then over at the PASTOR. Dean: There's a sporting goods store we passed on Main on the way in. I bet they got g*n. Dean and Sam drop their bags. Sam: All right. You stay. We'll go. Ellen: What about- Sam: If Jo and Rufus are out there, we'll bring them back. AUSTIN opens the door. Sam and Dean leave. Dean: Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Hold on. Dean and Sam stop at the foot of the stairs. Dean: Why don't I just go? Sam: What? Alone? Dean: Well, yeah. Somebody's got to stay here and start giving them g*n 101. Sam: Yeah. Ellen. Sam goes to go upstairs. Dean reaches out to stop him. Dean: No no no. It's gonna go a lot faster if you stay and help, okay? Sam: While you go get g*n andsalt andlook for Jo and Rufus? That's stupid. Dean: I can handle it. Sam pauses, realizing. Sam: You don't want me going out there. Dean: I didn't say that. Sam: Around demons. Dean: I didn't say that. Sam: Fine, then let's go. Sam heads up the stairs. [i]EXT. STREET - DAY Sam: I'll get the salt. You get the g*n. Dean: We'll go together. Sam: Dean, it's right there. Can we at least do this like professionals? Sam raises his g*n and heads for the Quick-Mart at the corner of St. Olaf and Riverside. Dean watches him go, then heads in another direction, presumably along one of those streets to Big Louie's Sporting Goods. INT. QUICK-MART - DAY Sam fills a plastic bag with cans of rock salt. He hears the door chime, pauses, and stands up. Two black-eyed DEMONS have entered, one carrying a baseball bat and the other a backpack. Sam ducks and finds the mirror to watch them. Sam's g*n is sitting on top of a row of Campbell's cans. He reaches for it and draws the attention of the Demon collecting bottles of water, who rushes at him. They fight, slamming each other into shelves. The Demon grabs Sam by the neck. Sam: ExorciSamus te, omnis immundus- Sam clubs the Demon with a can of rock salt. The Demon knocks it out of his hand. Sam draws Ruby's Kn*fe and s*ab the Demon, who dies. Sam looks for the other Demon, who jumps him from behind. Sam s*ab him through the neck. The normal special effects are not present. Sam doesn't notice, being more interested in the blood on the floor and on the blade. He turns the blade, watching the blood flow, and runs his thumb along the blade, collecting a bit of blood, and contemplates that. The door chimes. Sam ducks and watches the mirror; it's Dean, setting down bags. Dean: Sammy? Sam sighs in relief and stands. Dean comes into the aisle and sees the DEMONS d*ad on the floor and the blood dripping off the Kn*fe. The SHAGGY-HAIRED Man and the OLDER Woman assemble salt shells. Roger practices loading a g*n. Roger: Okay, all right. Ellen: Roger, hang on a second- Roger fumbles and drops the shell. Roger: Sorry. Sam demonstrates loading a g*n for the Young Man and the PREGNANT Woman. Sam: -then snap it in. Dean sets the butt of a r*fle on the table and faces AUSTIN. Dean: You know your way around a g*n at all? AUSTIN expertly disassembles the g*n. Dean: Hm. Where'd you serve? AUSTIN Fallujah. Two tours. Got back a little over a year ago. Takes one to know one. Where'd you serve? Dean: Hell. AUSTIN snorts, amused. AUSTIN No, seriously. Dean: Seriously. Hell. Sam is sitting by himself in the corner. Dean notices and comes over. Dean: Hey. Sam: Hey. Dean sits down. Dean: What's wrong? Sam looks down. Sam: It's just...at the store. Those demons were possessing teenagers. I mean, I had to slit some kid's throat. Dean: Come on, Sam, you had to. Sam: I know. I just...it used to be like... Sam pauses. Sam: I just wish I could save people like I used to. Dean: What, you mean when you were all hopped up on demon blood? Sam: I didn't say that. Ellen: I'll be back. Dean and Sam look up; she's standing in front of them. Dean: Where you going? Ellen: I can't sit here on my ass. My daughter's out there somewhere. I'm not back in half an hour, go. Get these people out of here. Sam and Dean stand up. Sam: No, wait. I'll go with you. Dean: Whoa, hold on. Can I talk to you for a second? Dean and Sam leave the room; there's a devil's trap and salt line at this door too. Dean: You're gonna go out there again? Sam: Well, crap doesn't h*t the fan with coffee breaks. Dean: I'll go. Sam: It's fine. Just stay here, get 'em ready. I'll cover Ellen. Dean: Why's it got to be you? Sam: Oh, that's right, I forgot. You think I'll take one look at a demon and suddenly fall off the wagon, as if, after everything, I haven't learned my lesson. Dean: Well, have you? Sam slams Dean into the wall. The door is still open; Ellen looks over. Sam: If you actually think I- Sam cuts himself off. A long pause. Sam goes back in the room. EXT. STREET - DAY The sprinkler is still going. Sam and Ellen walk past the tan car. Sam: So where'd you see her last? Ellen: Up ahead. So what's up with you and Dean? Sam looks over, then back. Ellen: It was hard not to notice, how different things are between you guys these days. Sam stays silent. Ellen: Lot of bad road there, huh? What happened? Some girl come between you or something? Sam: Just-stresses of the job. You know how it is. Kind of surprised, you and Jo hunting. Weren't you always saying she couldn't hack the life? Ellen: She can't. But if she's gonna do it anyway- Sam: You want to keep an eye on her. Sam looks down the street; smoke rises from behind trees. Sam: Hey. Sam points. Ellen: Is that a chimney going? Sam: Looks like it. Come on. Sam and Ellen approach a house with smoke coming from the chimney. They hide behind another building and peer around the corner; visible inside the house is a black-eyed Demon. Ellen: Guess we found base camp. Sam: Demons don't get cold. Makes you wonder what they're burning. Sam starts around the corner. Ellen is grabbed from behind. Sam whirls and slams his g*n into a black-eyed Demon. Another Demon pins Ellen to the wall with another g*n. Jo: Don't move, you evil skank! The Demon gets Sam's g*n and starts whacking him with it. Sam slams him into the wall. The other Demon lets go of Ellen to come help. Jo presses Ellen to the wall with her own g*n. Jo's eyes go black. Ellen: Don't you hurt her, don't you- Jo: Give me my mom back, you black-eyed bitch! Ellen shoves Jo off and slams her with the g*n butt. Sam: Ellen! Run! Sam cocks the g*n and is h*t from behind and knocked to the ground. Ellen takes off while Jo gets to her feet. Sam stares up at the new attacker. It's Rufus, black-eyed. Rufus: Got you now, you bastard. INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY A f*re burns in a fireplace. Someone is tied to a chair in front of the fireplace; it's Sam, just waking up and yanking at the ropes. Rufus and Jo, both black-eyed, are looking at him; Jo is carrying a gallon jug of water. Rufus: Uh-uh. No way you're getting out of those. Did you up myself. You're stuck right where I want you, you evil son of a bitch. Rufus backhands Sam. Jo splashes him in the face with the water, then looks at him, confused. Rufus grabs Sam's neck, forcing his head back. Sam: No, wait, wait, wait. Jo puts down the jug and goes around to hold Sam's head back. Sam: Just, just wait. Rufus pours salt on Sam's face and into his mouth. Rufus: ExorciSamus te, exorciSamus te, omnis satanica- Sam: Stop! Rufus: -omnis immundum- Sam: Please! INT. CHURCH BASEMENT - DAY Dean paces. The PASTOR sits at the table with the OLDER Woman, the SHORT-HAIRED Man, and the Young Woman. The PREGNANT Woman lies on a cot and the Young Man sits next to her. AUSTIN stands near them. PASTOR The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He layeth me down in green pastures, and he raiseth me up again. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil. Someone pounds on the door. Everyone startles. Dean opens the peephole, moves what's blocking the door, and opens the door. Ellen comes in, alone. Dean: Where's Sam? Ellen shakes her head and sits down next to the Young Woman, who passes her a bottle of water. PREGNANT Woman They took him? Demons took him? Oh my god. What if they're in here? The demons? PASTOR Could they get in? Dean: No. Dean grabs a g*n and heads for the door. Dean: Everybody sit tight. I got to- Dean stops with his hand on the doorknob and looks back; he grimaces and comes back to the table where a dozen people are depending on him. Dean: Okay, we need to get a plan together. Tell me everything. INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY Jo continues to hold Sam's head while Rufus pours salt on him. Sam: Please! Come on! Rufus: -omnis immundus- Nothing's happening, so Rufus stops. Jo lets go of Sam to go pick up the water jug. Sam: Look! Something's not right! Do you see that? Jo splashes Sam in the face. Sam spits out a mouthful of water. Sam: Come on! Stop! Listen to me! Jo is blocking Sam's line of sight to the open door. When Jo goes to grab something else, Sam sees Roger just outside the door. Roger turns the ring on his right hand. Sam looks around and up: he's sitting directly under an elaborate devil's trap. Sam: Listen! Jo and Rufus huddle in the corner. Jo: Why isn't it working? Rufus: I don't know. Rufus looks over his shoulder at Sam, who is black-eyed. Sam: Look, listen to me, something's not right! Rufus: But he's not as strong as he thinks he is. Sam: You can see that. Please. Please. Just listen to me. INT. CHURCH BASEMENT - DAY Dean sits at the table with Ellen. Ellen: Dean, one of them's in Jo. We got to get it out without hurting her. Ellen snorts. Ellen: It called me a bitch. Dean: Bruise a little easy, don't you think? Ellen: No, that's not what I meant. It called me a black-eyed bitch. Dean considers this. Ellen: What kind of demons are these? Holy water and salt roll right off. My daughter may be an idiot, but she's not stupid. She wears an anti-possession charm. It's all kind of weird, right? Dean: The whole thing's off. Ellen: What's your instinct? Dean: My instinct? My instinct is to call Bobby and ask for help. Or Sam. Ellen: Well, tough. All you got's me, and all I got's you. So let's figure it out. Dean: All right. Ellen smiles. Dean: Do you know why Rufus came to town? Was there a specific omen? Ellen: He said something about water. That's all I know. Dean: Padré, you know what she's talking about-the water? Dean turns to the PASTOR. PASTOR The river. Ran polluted all of a sudden. Dean: When? AUSTIN Last Wednesday. And the demon thing started up the next day. Dean: Anything else? Anything. AUSTIN Maybe, but it's pretty random. Dean: Good. Random's good. AUSTIN sh**ting star-does that count? Dean and Ellen look at each other. AUSTIN Real big. Same night. Wednesday. Dean: That definitely counts. Dean stands up and goes to the bookshelf. He brings a Bible back to the table and searches through it. AUSTIN So, uh, you think that all this comes from outer space? Dean: This isn't X-Files, pal. Dean finds the passage he wants and reads it aloud. Dean: "And there fell a great star from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell upon the river, and the name of the star was Wormwood. And many men died." PASTOR Revelation eight ten. Are you saying that this is about the apocalypse? Dean: You could say. And these specific omens, they're prelude to what? PASTOR The Four Horsemen. Dean: And which one rides the red horse? PASTOR w*r. Dean: That cherry Mustang parked on Main. Ellen nods. PASTOR You can't think that a car- Dean: It's the way I'd roll. I mean, think about it. It all makes sense. If w*r is a dude and he's here, maybe he's messing with our heads. Ellen: Turning us on each other. Dean: You said Jo called you a black-eyed bitch. They think we're demons, we think they're demons. What if there are no demons at all and we're all just k*lling each other? PASTOR Wait, just back up. It's the apocalypse? Dean: Sorry, Padré. The PASTOR blinks several times. INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY Sam is alone in the room, still tied to the chair. Roger comes in. Sam: Who the hell are you? Roger takes off his glasses. Sam: What are you? 'Roger' You caught me. Popped in to watch. I can hustle like that. Sam: So, the Roger everyone around here knows, the real Roger? 'Roger' Buried in a ditch. Sam rolls his eyes and nods. 'Roger' closes the door, moves another chair, and sits down. Sam: So who are you? 'Roger' Here's a hint. I was in Germany. Then in Germany. Then in the Middle East. I was in Darfur when my beeper went off. I'm waiting to hook up with my siblings. I've got three. We're going to have so much fun together. Sam nods, realizing what Dean just did: this is one of the Four Horsemen, w*r. Sam: I know who you are. There aren't any demons in town, are there? w*r Nope. Just frightened people ripping each other's throats out. I really haven't had to do too much. Take out a bridge here, lay in a little hallucination there, sit back, pop some corn, watch the show. Frankly, you're really vicious little animals, Sam. Sam: No. You're doing this. w*r Please. Last week, this was Mayberry. Now these people are s*ab each other's children. Sam: 'Cause you made them see demons! w*r Honestly, people don't need a reason to k*ll each other. I mean, you seen the Irish? They're all Irish. Sam rolls his eyes. w*r You think I'm a monster. I'm jello sh*ts at a party. I just remove inhibitions. Sam: I'm gonna k*ll you myself. w*r laughs. w*r Oh, that's adorable, considering you're my poster boy. Sam: What's that supposed to mean? w*r You can't stop thinking about it, ever since you saw it dripping off the blade of that Kn*fe. Sam is breathing hard. Sam: You're wrong. w*r Save your protests for your brother. I can see inside your head. And man, it is one-track city in there. Blood, blood, blood. Lust for power. Same as always. You want to be strong again. But not just strong. Stronger than everybody. Good intentions-quick slide to hell, buddy boy. You feel bad now? Wait till you're thigh deep in warm corpses. Because, my friend, I'm just getting started. w*r stands up and puts his glasses back on. w*r Showtime for the meatsuits. Watch this. w*r twists his ring. Blood flows down his forehead. He kicks over his chair, drops to the floor, and screams. Rufus kicks the door open, Jo right behind him. w*r looks up at them. w*r He did it! Sam: No! To Rufus, Sam appears black-eyed. w*r He said they're coming! He said they're coming to get us! Sam: No, stop! Jo, Rufus, he's lying! No! Rufus: You shut your mouth! Sam: Please! Jo! He's lying! Rufus backhands Sam. INT. CHURCH BASEMENT - DAY AUSTIN So now you're saying that there are no demons and w*r is a guy. Dean: You believed crazy before. Someone hammers on the door. w*r Open up! It's Roger! AUSTIN checks the peephole and lets w*r in. He's breathing hard, as if he's been running. w*r I saw them, the demons. They know we're trying to leave. They said they're gonna pick us off one by one. Dean: Wait wait wait. What? AUSTIN I thought you said there were no demons. Dean: There's not. Where did you go? w*r I thought someone should go out and see what's going on! Dean: Where did you see the demons and what did they say exactly? AUSTIN We just sit here, we're going to be d*ad. Dean: No, we're not! w*r They're gonna k*ll us unless we k*ll them first. Dean: Hold on. Hold on. AUSTIN No, man, we got people to protect. All right, the able-bodied go hunt some demons. AUSTIN picks up a g*n and hands it to the Young Man. Dean: Whoa whoa whoa. Slow your roll. This is not a demon thing. w*r holds up his right hand and twists his ring, then points to Dean and Ellen. w*r Look at their eyes! They're demons! Dean and Ellen appear black-eyed. The PREGNANT Woman gasps. The PASTOR raises a g*n. Dean: Go, go! Ellen and Dean turn and run. AUSTIN blasts the g*n, hitting the door. Dean: Move! w*r watches, triumphant. INT. CHURCH BASEMENT - DAY Someone loads salt canisters into a backpack. AUSTIN loads a g*n. w*r Those are real. AUSTIN Those two could have been demons the entire time. All this salt and holy water talk-as far as I'm concerned, it's all crap. w*r Are you sure? AUSTIN It's them or us. w*r I think I saw some knives in the kitchen. AUSTIN Great. Go. AUSTIN finishes assembling the g*n. INT. FRONT ROOM - DAY Rufus ties a wire around the latch on a closed window. Jo holds two b*mb. Jo: Hey, Rufus. Rufus: Yeah. Jo: Pipe b*mb won't k*ll a demon. Rufus checks the wire; it's attached to another b*mb. Rufus: Right. But in my experience, demons come at you slower if they're in a body with no limbs. Rufus closes the curtains. Jo: One of them is in my mother. Rufus turns to her. Rufus: Jo, listen to me. You know I'm gonna do everything I can. Your mom's gonna be okay. Jo nods. Jo: Unless she comes through that window. Rufus holds out a hand. Jo gives him the next b*mb. EXT. STREET - DAY The church door opens. AUSTIN comes out, scans the area, and holds the door open. AUSTIN All right, let's move. The Young Man, the Young Woman, and w*r follow AUSTIN. All four are holding g*n. INT. ANOTHER ROOM - DAY Jo and Rufus load g*n. An expl*si*n; Jo and Rufus duck. They look at each other, then ready g*n to go have a look. The FRONT ROOM is devastated and empty. Rufus peers through the windows. Someone grabs Rufus and pulls him through the window. Jo: Rufus! Someone else grabs Jo from behind. EXT. PORCH - DAY Rufus comes through the window; Dean slams him to the ground. INT. HOUSE - DAY Jo and Ellen fight. Ellen appears black-eyed. Ellen pins Jo to the wall. Ellen: Now you listen up, Joanna Beth Harvelle. EXT. HOUSE - DAY Dean hauls Rufus up and slams him against the wall. Dean appears black-eyed. Dean: Listen to me. I'm not a demon. Think, Rufus. All those omens. Rufus: You go to hell. Rufus kicks Dean in the crotch, then hits him in the chest and face. Rufus lunges for his dropped g*n and Dean hauls him away, pushing him back against the wall. Dean: Rufus! The polluted water, the sh**ting star, the red Mustang-it's w*r. I'm telling you, it's w*r. Rufus: You're damn right it is. Rufus punches Dean in the face and goes for the g*n. Dean tackles him. Dean: The Horseman! Rufus: Horseman? Dean: Yes. He's turning us against each other. You're hallucinating. Rufus stares up at Dean. The black fades from Dean's eyes. Rufus: The Horseman. w*r. Dean: Yes. Rufus looks to each side. Rufus: Did you figure this out all by yourself, genius? EXT. HOUSE - DAY AUSTIN leads the charge to a car. Everyone takes cover behind it. INT. HOUSE - DAY Dean and Rufus burst inside. Ellen turns and levels a g*n. Dean: Whoa, whoa! Ellen: We all on the Same page? Dean and Rufus look at each other and nod. Rufus: Good. Dean: Hi, Jo. Jo: Hey. Dean: Okay, we got to find w*r before everybody in this town kills each- g*n. Everyone ducks. EXT. HOUSE - DAY AUSTIN fires the r*fle at the house. INT. HOUSE - DAY Dean: Damn it! Where's Sam? Rufus: Upstairs. Ellen gives Jo the g*n. Ellen: Take this. Dean rushes in one direction, Ellen another. EXT. HOUSE - DAY AUSTIN is down behind the car, huddling with the others. AUSTIN All right, you three go around back. Take the alley. INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY Sam is alone. The door opens: it's Dean. Sam: Dean. It's not demons. Sam and Dean speak in unison. Sam and Dean: It's w*r. Dean: I just can't figure out how he's doing it. Dean cuts Sam free. Sam: The ring. Dean: The ring. The ring-that's right. He turned it right before he made everybody hallucinate and go hellbitch. Sam: Right. Dean: We got to move. Come on. EXT. HOUSE - DAYalternating with INT. UPPER ROOM - DAY AUSTIN exchanges b*ll*ts with ANOTHER Young Man in an upper window of the house. The OLDER Woman crosses herself and folds her hands. The SHAGGY-HAIRED Man hurries along behind a fence. The Young Man peers around a corner. ANOTHER Man sh**t at him; he pulls back, keeping the PREGNANT Woman behind him. The SHAGGY-HAIRED Man and the OTHER Man exchange f*re. Rufus: People, cease f*re! Rufus is behind the OTHER Man. Rufus: Stop sh**ting! Stop! Rufus takes the g*n from the OTHER Man and slams him in the head with it. Rufus: I'm getting too old for this. The OTHER Young Man aims out the window at the PASTOR and the Young Woman, who run to shelter behind a trailer. The PASTOR comes out and the OTHER Young Man fires. The b*llet goes straight through the PASTOR, who falls. Young Woman: Father! The Young Woman runs out to the PASTOR, sobbing. The OTHER Young Man fires again and misses, then aims more carefully. Ellen approaches, pressing something to the PASTOR's wound. The Young Woman looks up. Ellen: I'm not what you think, honey. Come on, keep this right here. INT. UPPER ROOM - DAY Rufus comes up behind the OTHER Young Man, taking his g*n. Rufus: 'stop f*ring' usually means 'stop f*ring'. Rufus leaves. EXT. HOUSE - DAY AUSTIN grabs Ellen and throws her down, aiming at her face. She appears black-eyed. He pulls the trigger: out of b*ll*ts. Ellen grabs the g*n; AUSTIN pulls a Kn*fe. Both drop the g*n in favor of struggling over the Kn*fe. EXT. STREET - DAY w*r walks up to the red Mustang. He looks back over his shoulder and sees nothing. He reaches for the door and Dean and Sam grab him. w*r laughs. EXT. HOUSE - DAY AUSTIN and Ellen are evenly matched. EXT. STREET - DAY Dean holds on to w*r. Sam draws Ruby's Kn*fe. w*r Whoa. Okay. That's a sweet little Kn*fe. But come on. You can't k*ll w*r, kiddos. Dean: Oh, we know. Sam slams w*r's right hand against the Mustang and cuts all four fingers off. The ring clinks on the pavement. EXT. HOUSE - DAY AUSTIN calms down. Ellen, who no longer appears black-eyed, eases him off of her. INT. UPPER ROOM - DAY The OTHER Young Man puts his head in his hands. INT. HOUSE - DAY Rufus comes down the stairs and nods at Jo. EXT. STREET - DAY Dean leans down and picks up the ring. w*r and the red Mustang are gone; Sam and Dean look for them. EXT. MOUNTAIN REST AREA - DAY Dean and Sam sit at a picnic table. Dean holds up the ring. Dean: So, pit stop at Mount Doom? Sam is silent, pensive. Sam: Dean- Dean: Sam, let's not. Sam: No, listen. This is important. I know you don't trust me. Dean looks away. Sam: Just, now I realize something. I don't trust me either. Dean looks up. Sam: From the minute I saw that blood, only thought in my head...and I tell myself it's for the right reasons, my intentions are good, and it, it feels true, you know? But I think, underneath...I just miss the feeling. I know how messed up that sounds, which means I know how messed up I am. Thing is, the problem's not the demon blood, not really. I mean, I, what I did, I can't blame the blood or Ruby or...anything. The problem's me. How far I'll go. There's something in me that...scares the hell out of me, Dean. In the last couple of days, I caught another glimpse... Dean: So what are you saying? Sam: I'm in no shape to be hunting. I need to step back, 'cause I'm dangerous. Maybe it's best we just...go our separate ways. Dean considers this. Dean: Well, I think you're right. Sam: I was expecting a fight. Dean: The truth is I spend more time worrying about you than about doing the job right. And I just, I can't afford that, you know? Not now. Sam nods. Sam: I'm sorry, Dean. Dean: I know you are, Sam. Sam moves to stand up. Dean: Hey, do you, uh, wanna take the Impala? Sam: It's okay. Sam stands up, takes a few steps, and turns back. Sam: Take care of yourself, Dean. Dean: Yeah, you too, Sammy. Sam walks to the Impala, grabs his backpack out of the back seat, and walks over to the pickup truck parked nearby. He says something inaudible to the driver and gets in the passenger side. The truck drives off. Dean watches it go.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "05x02 - Good God, Y'all"}
Air Date: 24 Sep 2009 You think I'll take one look at a demon and then suddenly fall off the wagon. Sam: As if after everything, I haven't learned my lesson. Dean: Well, have you? Sam shoves Dean into the wall. Sam: This is my girlfriend, Jessica. Sam: No! Jess! What are you going to do? Just live some normal apple-pie life? Not normal. Safe. Dean: I'm a vessel? Zachariah: You're thevessel. Michael's vessel. Dean: The answer's no. Where's Cas? Chuck: The archangel smote the crap out of him. Zachariah: How are you- Castiel: Alive? That's a good question. Sam: I just wish I could save people. Like I used to. Dean: Like when you were all hopped up on demon blood? From (...help...), Sam exorcises a demon with his mind. Castiel: Your plan- -to k*ll Lucifer, it's foolish- -can't be done. I have the solution. Castiel: I'm gonna find God. Dean: Try New Mexico. I hear he's on a tortilla. Castiel: I k*lled two angels this week. I rebelled, and I did it, all of it, for you, and you failed. Sam: I'm in no shape to be hunting. Maybe it's best we just go our separate ways. Well, I think you're right. EXT. GREAT PLAINS MOTEL - NIGHT INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Sam lies in an otherwise empty bed, trying to sleep. He opens his eyes, sighs, and rolls over. He sits up and sees Jess beside him. Jess: Hey, baby. Sam stares. Jess: I missed you. Sam keeps staring. Sam: Jessica. I'm dreaming. Jess: Or you're not. What's the difference? I'm here. Sam: I miss you so much. Jess: I know. Jess reaches out to take Sam's hand. Jess: I miss you too. What are you doing, Sam? Sam: What do you mean? Jess: Running away. Haven't we been down this road before? Sam: No. It's different now. Jess: Really? Sam: Last time I wanted to be normal. This time I know I'm a freak. Jess: Which is all a big ball of semantics. You know that. Sam: No. Jess: Even at Stanford you knew. You knew there was something dark inside of you. Deep down, maybe, but you knew. Maybe that's what got me k*lled. Sam looks up, startled. Sam: No. Jess: I was d*ad from the moment we said hello. Sam: No. Jess: Don't you get it? You can't run from yourself. Why are you running now? Sam: Why are you here, Jess? Jess: Would you believe I'm actually trying to protect you? Sam: From what? Jess: You. Sooner or later the past is going to catch up to you like it always does. You know what happens then? Sam looks down. Jess: People die. Baby, the people closest to you die. Sam: Don't worry because I won't make that mistake again. Jess: Same song, different verse. Things are never gonna change with you. Ever. Sam looks down, then back up. Jess is gone. One Week Earlier EXT. GREAT PLAINS MOTEL - DAY A car pulls up in front of the motel. Garber, Oklahoma Sam gets out of the g*n seat. Sam: Thanks. DRIVER You're welcome. Sam goes around to the back of the car and opens the trunk. EXT. TAFT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - DAY Dean closes the trunk of the Impala. He is wearing a suit and tie, in contrast to Sam's casual dress. Dean hides a long Kn*fe under the coat and goes into the hospital. Music: Mama told me Greeley, Pennsylvania Music: When I was young INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY'' Music: Come sit beside me Sam squirts lighter fluid onto papers in a sink. Music: My only son Sam lights a match and drops it in. Sam's fake IDs and credit cards, including one for the Pennsylvania state police, catch f*re. INT. HOSPITAL - DAY Music: And listen closely Dean shows his Pennsylvania state police ID to a Doctor. Dean: Hi, Detective Bill Buckner. Doctor: Yes. How can I help you, Detective? Music: To what I say Dean: I'm here about those patients, the exsanguinated ones. INT. BAR - DAY Music: And if you do this it'll help you some sunny day Sam is visible through the window walking up to the bar. A sign that reads "BUSBOY WANTED" is on the door. FREE TO BE YOU AND ME INT. BAR Sam holds a crate full of fruit and dumps it out. EXT. NIGHT Dean shoves a Man onto the ground. The Man bares vampire fangs. Dean: Eat it, Twilight. Dean brings his Kn*fe down on the vampire's neck. INT. BAR Sam chops lemons. EXT. NIGHT Dean, face blood-spattered, hacks at the vampire's neck. Starring JARED PADALECKI INT. BAR Sam slices lemons and wipes his forehead. EXT. NIGHT Dean wipes his cheek, smearing some of the blood. Music: Oh take your time EXT. NIGHT Dean opens the trunk of the Impala. Music: Don't live too fast JENSEN ACKLES INT. BAR Music: Troubles will come Sam carries a rag over to the bar and starts wiping it down. MISHA COLLINS Music: And they will pass A Waitress (her name is Lindsey) eyes him appreciatively and carries off somebody's glass and beer bottle. Guest Starring ADRIANNE PALICKI Music: Go find a woman and you'll find love Sam continues to clean the bar with soapy liquid. EXT. NIGHT Dean washes the car. JIM BEAVER Music: And don't forget, son INT. Impala - NIGHT Dean drives, listening to music. Music: There is someone up above Mark PELLEGRINO Music: And be a simple DEMORE Barnes Music: Kind of man EMMA BELL Music: Oh won't you do this Scott Michael CAMPBELL Music: For me son, if you can Baby be a simple EXT. ROAD - NIGHT The Impala drives on. Music: Be a simple man INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Dean dampens a washcloth in the motel room sink and starts to clean his jacket. Castiel appears behind him. Dean sees him in the mirror and startles. Dean: God. Dean thumps the sink. Dean: Don't do that. Castiel: Hello, Dean. Dean turns around; Castiel is inches from him. Dean: Cas, we've talked about this. Personal space? Castiel: My apologies. Castiel steps back. Dean grabs his jacket and walks toward the bed. Co-Producer Jeremy CARVER Dean: How'd you find me? I thought I was flying below the angel radar. Dean rubs his ribs to illustrate the point. Co-Producers JERRY WANEK SERGE LADOUCEUR Castiel: You are. Bobby told me where you were. Producer TODD ARONAUER Castiel looks around the motel room, which has no signs of Sam's presence, not even a second bed. Castiel: Where's Sam? Co-Executive Producer PETER JohnSON Dean puts on his jacket without looking at Castiel. Dean: Me and Sam are taking separate vacations for a while. So. Executive Producer SERA GAMBLE Dean: You find God yet? More importantly, can I have my damn necklace back, please? Executive Producer BEN EDLUND Castiel: No, I haven't found him. That's why I'm here. I need your help. Executive Producer PHIL SGRICCIA Dean: With what? God hunt? Not interested. Castiel: It's not God. It's someone else. Executive Producer McG Dean: Who? Castiel: Archangel. The one who k*lled me. Dean: 'scuse me? Castiel: His name is Raphael. Dean: You were wasted by a teenage mutant ninja angel? Castiel: I've heard whispers that he's walking the earth. This is a rare opportunity. Dean: For what? Revenge? Castiel: Information. Produced by JIM MICHAELS Dean goes back over to the sink, picks up his Kn*fe and a washcloth, and starts to clean the Kn*fe. Dean: So, what, you think you can find this dude and he's just gonna spill God's address? Created by ERIC KRIPKE Castiel: Yes, because we are gonna trap him and interrogate him. Dean pauses and turns back. Dean: You're serious about this. Castiel turns around to face Dean. Dean drops the washcloth and walks back toward Castiel. Written by Jeremy CARVER Dean: So, what, I'm Thelma and you're Louise and we're just going to hold hands and sail off this cliff together? Directed by J. Miller TOBIN Castiel stares at Dean, confused. Dean goes around Castiel and does something offscreen with the Kn*fe. Dean: Give me one good reason why I should do this. Castiel: Because you're Michael's vessel and no angel will dare harm you. Dean looks at Castiel. Dean: Oh, so I'm your b*llet shield. Castiel: I need your help because you are the only one who'll help me. Please. Dean considers. Dean: All right, fine. Where is he? Castiel: Maine. Let's go. Castiel reaches to touch Dean's forehead with two fingers. Dean leans away. Dean: Whoa. Castiel removes his hand. Castiel: What? Dean: Last time you zapped me someplace I didn't poop for a week. We're driving. INT. BAR - NIGHT Lindsey is throwing darts; they land near the center of the target. Sam is at the bar next to the Bartender. Lindsey: Hey Keith, you play? Sam: That depends. What are we playing for? Lindsey: World peace. Sam: Oh, is that all? Lindsey: Can I ask you something? Sam: sh**t. Sam wipes his hands off on a cloth and tosses it at the bar. Lindsey retrieves her darts. Lindsey: You finished that crossword puzzle in the kitchen? Sam: Uh, I guess. Why? Lindsey: The New York TimesSaturday crossword? Sam looks down. Sam: Was it? Lindsey: Uh-huh. You blow into town last week, you don't talk to anybody, you're obviously highly educated. You're like this... Sam: Riddle wrapped inside an enigma wrapped inside a taco? Lindsey nods, smiling. Lindsey: Here's what we play for. When I win, you buy me dinner and tell me your life story. Sam: Sounds fair. NEWS ANCHOR John (on TV in background) -last year alone, standards of ? and see how that turns out- Sam throws all three darts into the center of the target. NEWS ANCHOR John: And now ? with ?- Lindsey: Very mysterioso. NEWS ANCHOR John: Spring hail, lightning strikes, and now f*re- Lindsey: I like it. Sam's attention is on KPJT 6 News on the TV, which shifts from one video of a hailstorm to another, then to video of trees on f*re, then to the Reporter live with f*re and firemen in the background. While the Reporter is onscreen, so is a box that says "LIVE REPORT" next to a scrollbar repeating "f*re CONSUMES TOWN, RESIDENTS FORCED TO EVACUATE..." Reporter: -the town of Tully? tonight, John. Locals say that what started as a torrential hailstorm late this afternoon suddenly turned to massive lightning strikes that triggered the fires now consuming more than twenty acres here along the Route 17 corridor. County officials are advising all Tully residents to prepare for what could become mandatory evacuations. The Bartender shuts the TV off. Bartender: Damn. Is it me or does it seem like it's the end of the world? Sam looks away. EXT. STREET - DAY Dean and Castiel get out of the Impala. Waterville, Maine Dean: And we're here why? Castiel: A Deputy Sheriff laid eyes on the archangel. Dean: And he still has eyes? All right, what's the plan? Castiel: We'll...tell the officer that he witnessed an angel of the Lord, and the officer will tell us where the angel is. Dean: Seriously? You're going to walk in there and tell him the truth? Castiel: Why not? Dean: Because we're humans. Dean pulls out another fake ID and stashes it inside Castiel's coat, then adjusts Castiel's coat and tie. Dean: And when humans want something really, really bad, we lie. Castiel: Why? Dean: Because that's how you become President. INT. Sheriff's DEPARTMENT - DAY Dean: Deputy Framingham? The Deputy turns around. Dean holds up an FBI ID. Dean: Hi. Alonzo Mosely, FBI. This is my partner, Eddie Moscone. Castiel does nothing. Dean: Also FBI. Castiel does nothing. Dean stares at him. Castiel catches on and pulls out his FBI ID, which he displays upside-down. Dean turns it over for him. Dean: He's, uh, he's new. Mind if we ask you a few questions? Castiel looks at the ID, curious. FRAMINGHAM Yeah, sure. Talk here, though. FRAMINGHAM indicates his right ear, leading Dean and Castiel to his office. FRAMINGHAM Hearing's all blown to hell in this one. Dean: That happen recently? FRAMINGHAM Yeah. Gas station. Why you're here, isn't it? Dean: Yes, it is. They all sit down. Dean: You mind just, uh, running us through what happened? FRAMINGHAM A call came in. Disturbance out at the Pump and Go on Route 4. Dean: What kind of disturbance? FRAMINGHAM Would not have believed my eyes if I hadn't seen it myself. We're talking a riot. Full scale. Dean: How many? FRAMINGHAM Thirty, forty, in all-out k*ll-or-be-k*lled combat? Dean: Any idea what set them off? Castiel: It's angels and demons, probably. FRAMINGHAM looks at Castiel. Castiel looks back. Castiel: They're skirmishing all over the globe. FRAMINGHAM Come again? FRAMINGHAM turns back to Dean. FRAMINGHAM What did he say? Dean and Castiel speak simultaneously. Dean: Nothing. Nothing. Castiel: Demons. Demons. Castiel shuts up. Dean: Demons, you know, drink, adultery. We all have our demons, Walt. FRAMINGHAM looks back and forth. FRAMINGHAM I guess. Dean looks at Castiel. Dean: Anyway. Dean returns his attention to FRAMINGHAM. Dean: What happened next? FRAMINGHAM Freaking expl*si*n, that's what. They said it was one of those underground gas t*nk, but, uh, I don't think so. Dean: Why not? FRAMINGHAM Wasn't your usual fireball. It was, um- Castiel: Pure white. FRAMINGHAM Yeah. Gas station was leveled. Everyone was...it was just horrible. And I see this one guy, kneeling, real focused-like, not a damn scratch on him. Dean: You know him? FRAMINGHAM Donnie Finneman. Mechanic there. Dean: Let me guess, he just, uh, vanished into thin air? FRAMINGHAM Uh, no, Kolchak. He's down at Saint Pete's. Castiel turns to Dean. Castiel: Saint Pete's. Dean: Thank you. INT. HOSPITAL - DAY DONNIE is sitting in a wheelchair, catatonic. Dean and Castiel observe him from the hallway window. Dean: I take it that's not Raphael anymore. Castiel: Just an empty vessel. Dean: So is this what I'm looking at if Michael jumps in my bones? Castiel: No, not at all. Michael is much more powerful. It'll be far worse for you. Dean looks away. INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Sam has his laptop open to a calligraphed page of the Book of Revelation in Latin. Sam highlights a section and magnifies it, then picks up the phone and scrolls past Adele, Alana, Bobby, Butcher, Cassidy, Cory, Courtenay, Dan, Darilyn, and Deborah to Dean. He stares at the highlighted number for a moment, (212) 555-0113, and scrolls up to Bobby. INT. Bobby's HOUSE - NIGHTalternating with INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT The phone rings. Bobby answers. Bobby: Sam? Sam: Hey Bobby. How you doing? Bobby: Well I ain't running any marathons, but I'll live. Sam laughs. Bobby: Where are you? Sam: Uh, Garber, Oklahoma. I found a town up the road showing some Revelation omens. Bobby: What omens? Sam: All right, listen to this. 'And upon his rising there shall be hail and f*re mixed with blood.' Bobby: Well ain't that delightful. Sam: Yeah. But we already got hailstorms and f*re so I'm guessing blood can't be too far behind. Bobby: Okay. Sam: What? Bobby: There a reason you're calling? Sam: Dean didn't tell you? Bobby: He told me. Sam: Yeah. So I just thought you might want to find out who's in the area and put a man on this. Bobby: Okay, let me see if I can think of the best hunter who might be in the immediate vicinity-oh, that'd be you. Sam: I can't, Bobby, I'm sitting this one out. Bobby: Sam- Sam: I gotta go. I'm so sorry. Bobby: Hold on, Sam- Sam hangs up. Bobby throws down the phone. INT. HOUSE - DAY Dean walks through the empty cabin, paging through John's journal. He sets it down on the table and turns. Castiel is there, holding a ceramic jar. Dean: Where've you been? Castiel: Jerusalem. Dean: Oh, how was it? Castiel: Arid. Castiel sets the jar on the table. Dean: What's that? Castiel: It's oil. It's very special. Very rare. Castiel sits down. Dean: Okay, so we trap Raphael with a nice vinaigrette? Castiel: No. Dean: So this ritual of yours, when does it got to go down? Castiel: Sunrise. Dean: Tell me something. You keep saying we're gonna trap this guy. Isn't that kinda like trapping a hurricane with a butterfly net? Castiel: No, it's harder. Dean: Do we have any chance of surviving this? Castiel: You do. Dean: So odds are you're a d*ad man tomorrow. Castiel: Yes. Dean: Well. Last night on earth. What are your plans? Castiel: I just thought I'd sit here quietly. Dean: Come on, anything? Booze, women? Castiel looks at Dean and away, uncomfortable. Dean: You have been with women before. Right? Or an angel, at least? Castiel rubs the back of his neck. Dean: You mean to tell me you've never been up there doing a little cloud-seeding? Castiel: I've never had occasion, okay? Dean: All right. Dean grabs his jacket. Dean: Let me tell you something. There are two things I know for certain. One, Bert and Ernie are gay. Two, you are not gonna die a virgin. Not on my watch. Let's go. Dean leaves. Castiel stares after him, then follows. INT. BAR - NIGHT A patron plays pool. Sam takes a tray of empty glasses and trash. Man: Hey, Sam. Sam ignores him. Man: Sam. Lindsey: Sam? What happened to Keith? Sam puts down the tray and looks over. Sam: Wait, what? Lindsey gestures at the Man, whose name is TIM, and his two companions, REGGIE and STEVE. Lindsey: He called you Sam. Sam: Yeah. Uh. Sam's my middle name. Lindsey laughs. Lindsey: Keith Sam? Man, I'm sorry. TIM Well, actually, it's Samuel, so it's not quite as dumb as it sounds. Lindsey: Are you guys friends? STEVE Hunting buddies. With his dad. Samuel here is quite the hunter himself. Lindsey: Wow. You k*lled deer and things? TIM Yeah, and things. Sam: Um. Why don't I get you guys some drinks? The three hunters sit at a table. Sam puts beers in front of them and takes the fourth seat. TIM Sorry. Didn't mean to bust you back there. Sam: It's all right. So what's up? TIM Bobby called. Sam: And? TIM You were right. Major demon block party going on. Sam: But why? What are they up to? STEVE Don't know yet. REGGIE Bobby told us you were off limits. That true? Sam: Yeah, that's right. TIM That's fine in theory and all, but we could really use all hands on deck here. Sam: I know you could. But I can't. I'm sorry. STEVE Why not? Sam: It's personal. TIM Look, man, what baggage is so heavy it can't be stowed away for the freaking apocalypse? Sam: Like I said- REGGIE Yeah. You're sorry. Heard it the first time. TIM Suit yourself. More for us then, right? Sam: Good luck. TIM But hey. Beers are on you when we get back. Sam: Yeah, you bet. Lindsey: So your parents were drunk when they named you and you sh**t Bambi? Sam: It's a long story. Lindsey: That is it. Enough with the kung fu wandering the earth thing. I'm gonna buy you dinner and we're gonna talk. Sam: Lindsey, I can't. Lindsey: No. The only way to avoid bloodshed is to say yes. INT. BROTHEL BAR - NIGHT Dean drinks. Castiel looks terrified. Dean: Hey. Relax. Castiel: This is a den of iniquity. I should not be here. Dean: Dude, you full-on rebelled against heaven. Iniquity is one of the perks. A HOOKER approaches. Dean notices. Dean: Showtime. HOOKER Hi. What's your name? Castiel tries not to look at her. Dean: Cas. Castiel startles. Dean: His name is Cas. What's your name? HOOKER Chastity. Dean: Chastity. Castiel drinks his beer. Dean: Wow. Is that kismet or what, buddy? Well, he likes you, you like him, so dayenu. CHASTITY tugs Castiel up. CHASTITY Come on, baby. Dean catches Castiel on the way past. Dean: Hey, listen. Take this. Dean holds out a handful of money. Dean: If she asks for a credit card, no. Now just stick to the basics, okay? Do not order off the menu. Go get her, tiger. Castiel stays still. Dean: Don't make me push you. Castiel takes the money and turns to follow CHASTITY. Another HOOKER walks past; Dean follows her. She and Dean clink glasses at the bar. Dean: Well, cheers to you. A scream offscreen. Dean goes to investigate. INT. BROTHEL BACK CORRIDOR - NIGHT CHASTITY Get out of my face! Leave me alone! Bastard! Screw you, jerk! She throws something at Castiel, who is a little disheveled. CHASTITY I'll k*ll you! She storms past Dean. CHASTITY Screw you too! God! Oh! Jerk! Dean approaches Castiel. Dean: The hell did you do? Castiel: I don't know. I just looked her in the eyes and told her it wasn't her fault that her father Gene ran off. It was because he hated his job at the post office. Dean: Oh, no, man. Castiel: What? Dean: This whole industry runs on absent fathers. It's, it's the natural order. Two BOUNCERS enter from the door CHASTITY left through. Dean: We should go. Come on. He and Castiel head for the door at the opposite end of the corridor. EXT. ALLEY - NIGHT Dean is laughing as he closes the door behind himself and Castiel. Castiel: What's so funny? Dean: Oh, nothing. Whoo. It's been a long time since I've laughed that hard. It's been more than a long time. Years. Dean's face falls as he realizes. INT. BAR - NIGHT Sam and Lindsey are sitting at a table, eating. Lindsey: So...you gonna tell me who those guys back there really were? And don't say hunting buddies. Sam: Okay. Um. We used to be in the Same business together. Lindsey: What business? Sam: How's your salad? Lindsey: Witness protection, right? From Mafia? Sam: I'm not Mafia. Lindsey: Okay, I get it. Don't mean to pry, my bad. Sam: I used to be in business with my brother. Truth is I was pretty good at the job. But...I made some mistakes, I did some stuff I'm not so proud of, and people got hurt. A lot of people. Lindsey: What was your poison? Sam: Sorry? Lindsey: Come on. You were hooked on something, I know the look. Lindsey pulls a medallion out of her pocket. Lindsey: Three years sober. Sam: You work in a bar. Lindsey: So do you. Look, Keith. I don't know you and I'm the last person to be giving advice, but I do know that no one has ever done anything so bad that they can't be forgiven. They can't change. INT. HOSPITAL - DAY A nurse walks down the hallway. Dean watches her go and slips into the room, shutting the door behind him and closing the shades. Castiel is already inside; he pours the oil in a circle around DONNIE's wheelchair. Castiel: When the oil burns, no angel can touch or pass through the flames, or he dies. Dean: Okay, so we trap him in a steel cage of holy f*re, but one question. How the hell do we get him here? Castiel: Very simple. There's, well, almost an open phone line between a vessel and his angel. One just has to know how to dial. Castiel leans down to DONNIE's ear and chants in Enochian. Castiel: I'm here, Raphael. Come and get me, you little bastard. Castiel leaves the oil circle. Dean: Just out of curiosity, what is the average customer wait time to speak to an archangel? Castiel: Be ready. Castiel lights a match and drops it on the oil, which bursts into a ring of flame. EXT. ROAD - NIGHT Dean and Castiel drive up to a house. Dean: Well that's a day I'll never get back. INT. HOUSE - NIGHT Dean and Castiel enter the house. Castiel: Dean, wait. Bright light. DONNIE is already inside the cabin, flaring with lightning in the shape of wings; now he is RAPHAEL. Lightbulbs shatter. RAPHAEL Castiel. Castiel: Raphael. Castiel and Dean walk closer. Dean: And I thought you were supposed to be impressive. All you do is black out the room. RAPHAEL And the Eastern Seaboard. Lightning flashes outside. RAPHAEL It is a testament to my unending mercy that I do not smite you here and now. Dean: Or maybe you're full of crap. Maybe you're afraid God will bring Cas back to life again and smite you and your candy-ass skirt. By the way, hi, I'm Dean. RAPHAEL I know who you are. And now, thanks to him, I know where you are. Castiel: You won't k*ll him. You wouldn't dare. RAPHAEL But I will take him to Michael. Dean: Well then. Sounds terrifying. It does. But, uh, hate to tell you, I'm not going anywhere with you. Dean grabs a beer. RAPHAEL Surely you remember Zachariah giving you stomach cancer? Dean: Yeah, that was, that was hilarious. RAPHAEL Well, he doesn't have anything close to my imagination. Dean: Yeah? I bet you didn't imagine one thing. RAPHAEL What? Dean: We knew you were coming, you stupid son of a bitch. Dean lights his lighter and drops it. Holy oil ignites in a circle around RAPHAEL. Dean: Don't look at me, it was his idea. Castiel: Where is he? RAPHAEL God? Didn't you hear? He's d*ad, Castiel. d*ad. INT. BAR - NIGHT Sam wipes down a table. The door chimes open and someone comes in. Sam: Bar's closed. Sam turns around. Sam: Hey. TIM Something you want to tell me, Sam? Sam: What? No. TIM You sure about that? Sam: I-I don't know-jeez. Are you okay? Where are Reggie and Steve? TIM Oh, Steve's good, he's, uh, his guts are lying roadside outside the ? five and dime. Sam: I'm sorry. TIM Sorry don't cut it, Sam. Sam: What do you want me to say? TIM The truth. Sam says nothing. TIM Okay, fine. Let me give you some of my own, then. We go into town, we catch ourselves a demon, we get jumped by ten more. Steve bought it. Sam: I'm sorry. TIM Saying it twice don't make it so, Sam. You see, this demon, he, uh, he told us things. Crazy things, things about you, Sam. Sam: Demons lie. TIM Yeah. I'm gonna ask you one last time. The truth. Now. The door chimes again. REGGIE comes in, hauling Lindsey. Sam: Lindsey! REGGIE holds a Kn*fe to Lindsey's neck. Lindsey: What's going on? INT. HOUSE - NIGHT RAPHAEL But there's no other explanation. He's gone for good. Castiel: You're lying. RAPHAEL Am I? Do you remember the twentieth century? Think the twenty-first is going any better? Do you think God would have let any of that happen if he were alive? Dean: Oh yeah? Well then who invented the Chinese basket trick? RAPHAEL Careful. That's my father you're talking about, boy. Dean: Yeah, who would be so proud to know his sons started the frigging apocalypse. RAPHAEL Who ran off and disappeared. Who left no instructions and a world to run. Dean: Daddy ran away and disappeared. He didn't happen to work for the post office, did he? RAPHAEL This is funny to you? You're living in a godless universe.0 Dean: And? What, you and the other kids just decided to throw an apocalypse while he was gone? RAPHAEL We're tired. We just want it to be over. We just want...paradise. Dean: So, what, God dies and makes you the boss and you decide you can do whatever you want? RAPHAEL Yes. And whatever we want, we get. The windows burst in. INT. BAR - NIGHT Sam: Just take it easy, okay? Put the Kn*fe down. REGGIE puts the Kn*fe down on the bar but keeps hold of Lindsey. Sam: It's true. What the demons said, it's all true. TIM Keep going. Sam: Why? You gonna hate me any less? Am I gonna hate myself any less? What do you want? TIM I want to hear you say it. Sam: I did it. I started the apocalypse. INT. HOUSE - NIGHT Castiel: If God is d*ad, why have I returned? Who brought me back? RAPHAEL Did it ever occur to you that maybe Lucifer raised you? Castiel: No. RAPHAEL Think about it. He needs all the rebellious angels he can find. You know it adds up. Castiel: Let's go. RAPHAEL Castiel, I'm warning you. Do not leave me here. I will find you. Castiel: Maybe one day. But today, you're my little bitch. Castiel leaves. Dean follows, pausing. Dean: What he said. INT. BAR - NIGHT TIM holds up a test tube of red liquid. Sam stares at it. Sam: What is that? TIM What do you think it is? It's go juice, Sammy boy. Sam: Get that away from me. TIM Away from you? This is for you. Hell if that demon wasn't right as rain. Down the hatch, son. Sam: You're insane. TIM Here's what's gonna happen. You're gonna drink this, Hulk out, and you're gonna waste every one of the demon scum that k*lled my best friend. TIM nods at Lindsey, whom REGGIE has just handcuffed to the bar. TIM Or she dies. Sam: You wouldn't do that. TIM It's funny how watching your best friend die changes that. REGGIE and TIM advance on Sam, who retreats. TIM Come on, you know you want it, Sam. Just reach out and take it. REGGIE charges Sam, who tosses him into the pool table. TIM joins in, he and REGGIE restraining Sam and pouring the demon blood into his mouth, then holding his mouth closed so he'll swallow. They drop Sam and back away. Sam gets up. TIM There, was that really so bad? Sam spits it in TIM's eye and pounds him and REGGIE both, then grabs TIM, slams him into the bar, takes REGGIE's Kn*fe, and holds it to TIM's throat. He notices Lindsey watching, scared, and throws TIM over to REGGIE. Sam: Go. TIM Don't think we won't be back. Sam: Don't think I won't be here. INT. Impala - NIGHT Dean drives. Castiel rides g*n. Dean: You okay? Castiel is silent. Dean: Look, I'll be the first to tell you that this little crusade of yours is nuts, but I do know a little something about missing fathers. Castiel: What do you mean? Dean: I mean every time I was looking for my dad when all logic said that he was d*ad, but I knew in my heart he was still alive. Who cares what some ninja turtle says, Cas, what do you believe? Castiel: I believe he's out there. Dean: Good. Go find him. Castiel: What about you? Dean: What about me? I don't know. Honestly, I'm good. I can't believe I'm saying that, but I am, I'm really good. Castiel: Even without your brother? Dean: Especially without my brother. I mean, I spent so much time worrying about the son of a bitch. I mean, I've had more fun with you in the past twenty-four hours than I've had with Sam in years, and you're not that much fun. It's funny, you know, I've been so chained to my family, but now that I'm alone, hell, I'm happy. Dean looks over; the g*n seat is empty. EXT. GREAT PLAINS MOTEL - NIGHT INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Sam sleeps alone. Jess: Sam. Sam. Sam wakes up and looks around. Jess is back. He kisses her on the neck; she rolls over to face him. Jess: So. This is your life now? Think you can just live forever with your head buried in the sand? Sam: I love you, Jess. Sam sits up in bed, turning away from Jess, who sits up too. Sam: God knows how much I miss you, too. But you're wrong. People can change. There is reason for hope. Jess: No, Sam. There isn't. Sam: How can you be so sure? Lucifer: Because you freed me. Sam turns, sees Lucifer where he expected Jess, and stands up and backs away. Lucifer: That's right. You know who I am. Sam: Lucifer. Lucifer: You are a hard one to find, Sam. Harder than most humans. I don't suppose you'd tell me where you are? Sam: What do you want with me? Lucifer: Thanks to you, I walk the earth. I want to give you a gift. I want to give you everything. Sam: I don't want anything from you. Lucifer: I'm so sorry, Sam, I, I really am, but Nick here is just an improvisation. Plan B. He can barely contain me without spontaneously combusting. Sam: What are you talking about? Lucifer stands and moves closer to Sam. Lucifer: Why do you think you were in that chapel? You're the one, Sam. You're my vessel. My true vessel. Sam: No. Lucifer: Yes. Sam: No. That'll never happen. Lucifer: I'm sorry, but it will. I will find you. And when I do, you will let me in. I'm sure of it. Sam: You need my consent. Lucifer: Of course. I'm an angel. Sam: I will k*ll myself before letting you in. Lucifer: I'll just bring you back. Lucifer sighs. Lucifer: Sam. My heart breaks for you. The weight on your shoulders, what you've done, what you still have to do. It is more than anyone could bear. If there was some other way...but there isn't. I will never lie to you. I will never trick you. But you will say yes to me. Sam: You're wrong. Lucifer: I'm not. I think I know you better than you know yourself. Sam: Why me? Lucifer: Because it had to be you, Sam. It always had to be you. Sam looks up. Lucifer is gone.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "05x03 - Free to Be You and Me"}
Air Date: 1 Oct 2009 Dean: Something turned him into a monster. What are we dealing with, do you know? Croatoan. A demonic virus. Sam: More like demonic germ warfare. What if we all have it? What if we all go crazy? Back in 1835, Samuel Colt made a g*n. They say this g*n can k*ll anything. Dean: I'm a vessel? Zachariah: You're thevessel. Dean: You need my consent. Michael needs my say-so- Dean: -to ride around in my skin. Zachariah: Unfortunately, yes. Dean: The answer's no. Lucifer: You know who I am. Sam: Lucifer. Lucifer: You're the one, Sam. You're my vessel. Sam: That'll never happen. Sam: I know you don't trust me. Dean: So what are you saying? Sam: I'm dangerous. Maybe it's best we just go our separate ways. EXT. CENTURY Hotel - NIGHT A RELIGIOUS Man stands outside the hotel with a handful of pamphlets. He addresses a PASSERBY while the Impala drives up. RELIGIOUS Man Hi. Good evening, brother. Is your soul rapture-ready? The PASSERBY ignores him. RELIGIOUS Man Thank you, sir. God bless. The RELIGIOUS Man addresses TWO PASSERSBY while the Impala stops in front of the hotel. RELIGIOUS Man Good evening, folks. Is your soul rapture-ready? Because what I'd like to do is just show you exactly what God's love is for you. The TWO PASSERSBY ignore him. RELIGIOUS Man Okay, God bless. Dean gets out of the Impala and heads for the hotel. The RELIGIOUS Man addresses him. RELIGIOUS Man Excuse me, friend, but have you taken time out to think about God's plan for you? Dean stops and looks at him. Dean: Too friggin' much, pal. Dean enters the hotel. The RELIGIOUS Man watches him go. INT. Hotel ROOM - NIGHTand EXT. ROAD - NIGHT, alternating Dean and Castiel are on the phone. Dean: We're talking about the Colt, right? I mean, as in theColt? Castiel: We are. Dean: Well, that doesn't make any sense. I mean, why would the demons keep a g*n around that, uh, kills demons? A car goes by Castiel. Castiel: What? What? Did-I didn't-I didn't get that. Dean laughs. Dean: You know, it's kind of funny. Talking to a messenger of God on a cellphone. It's, you know, like watching a Hell's Angel ride a moped. Castiel: This isn't funny, Dean. The voice says I'm almost out of minutes. Dean: Okay, all right. I'm-I'm telling you, Cas, the mooks have melted down the g*n by now. Castiel: Well, I hear differently. And if it's true and if you are still set on the insane task of k*lling the devil, this is how we do it. Dean: Okay. Where do we start? Castiel: Where are you now? Dean: Kansas City. Dean leans across the bed to grab his room key off the bedside table. Dean: Century Hotel, room 113. Castiel: I'll be there immediately. Dean: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. No, no, come on, man. I just drove like sixteen hours straight, okay? I'm human. And there's stuff I got to do. Castiel: What stuff? Dean: Eat, for example. In this case, sleep. I just need like four hours once in a while, okay? Castiel: Yes. Dean: Okay, so, you can pop in tomorrow morning. Castiel: Yes. I'll just- Dean hangs up. Castiel hears a dial tone. Castiel: -wait here, then. Castiel stands at the side of the road. INT. Hotel ROOM - NIGHT Dean is in bed. His phone vibrates; he answers it. Dean: Damn it, Cas, I need to sleep! Sam: Dean, it's me. Dean: Sam? It's quarter past four. Sam: This is important. INT. Hotel ROOM - NIGHTand [i]INT. CAR - NIGHT[i], alternating Dean gets a beer out of the fridge. Sam is driving. Dean: So, you're his vessel, huh? Lucifer's wearing you to the prom? Sam: That's what he said. Dean: Just when you thought you were out, they pull you back in, huh, Sammy? Sam: So, that's it? That's your response? Dean: What are you looking for? Sam: I don't know. A-a little panic? Maybe? Dean: I guess I'm a little numb to the earth-shattering revelations at this point. Sam: What are we gonna do about it? Dean: What do you want to do about it? Sam: I want back in, for starters. Dean: Sam- Sam: I mean it. I am sick of being a puppet to these sons of bitches. I'm gonna hunt him down, Dean. Dean: Oh, so, we're back to revenge, then, are we? Yeah, 'cause that worked out so well last time. Sam: Not revenge. Redemption. Dean: So, what, you're just gonna walk back in and we're gonna be the dynamic duo again? Sam: Look, Dean, I can do this. I can. I'm gonna prove it to you. Dean: Look, Sam-it doesn't matter-whatever we do. I mean, it turns out that you and me, we're the, uh, the f*re and the oil of the Armageddon. You know, on that basis alone, we should just pick a hemisphere. Stay away from each other for good. Sam: Dean, it does not have to be like this. We can fight it. Dean: Yeah, you're right. We can. But not together. We're not stronger when we're together, Sam. I think we're weaker. Because whatever we have between us-love, family, whatever it is-they are always gonna use it against us. And you know that. Yeah, we're better off apart. We got a better chance of dodging Lucifer and Michael and this whole damn thing, if we just go our own ways. Sam: Dean, don't do this. Dean: Bye, Sam. Dean hangs up. [i]INT. Hotel ROOM - DAY The nightstand clock is smashed; when Dean answered his phone it was fine. Dean is lying on the springs of the hotel bed; the mattress is gone. Dean gets up and looks around; the entire room is trashed. He looks out the window; so is the city. EXT. DESTroyED CITY - DAY "THE END" Dean leaves the hotel and takes a look around; the area is devastated, everything broken or graffitied on or both. Starring JARED PADALECKI JENSEN ACKLES MISHA COLLINS Guest Starring KURT FULLER ROB BENEDICT LEXA DOIG Co-Producer Jeremy CARVER Co-Producers JERRY WANEK SERGE LADOUCEUR Producer TODD ARONAUER Co-Executive Producer PETER JohnSON Executive Producer SERA GAMBLE Dean hears something, like glass smashing. He goes to investigate. Executive Producer BEN EDLUND The first sign of life Dean sees is a Girl in an alley with a teddy bear. Dean approaches her slowly. Dean: Little girl? Little girl? Executive Producer PHIL SGRICCIA Dean: Are you hurt? Executive Producer McG Dean: You know the not-talking thing is kind of creepy, right? Blood drips from the Girl's mouth. The Girl shrieks and att*cks Dean with a shard of glass. Dean flattens her and looks around, catching sight of a large piece of graffiti: it reads "CROATOAN". Dean: Oh, crap. Several PEOPLE, all most likely infected with the Croatoan virus the Same as the Girl, come around the corner. Dean runs. They chase him onto a street blocked by a chain-link fence. Several SOLDIERS on t*nk arrive, sh**ting the INFECTED PEOPLE. A glass window shatters. One of the SOLDIERS flicks a switch on an electronic device. The Contours' "Do You Love Me" plays. Music: Do you love me? The SOLDIER drinks from a glass bottle. Music: I can really move g*n. Two INFECTED PEOPLE fall. Music: Do you love me? A SOLDIER jumps out of a t*nk. Music: I'm in the groove Several SOLDIERS advance with g*n. Music: Do you love me? More INFECTED PEOPLE fall. Dean stays under cover and retreats to an alley. Music: Do you love me now that I can dance? Dance... More INFECTED PEOPLE fall. Music: Watch me now Dean makes it to the safety of an alley. Music: Oh work, work, work it all baby EXT. HOT ZONE ENCLOSURE - NIGHT Dean breaks through the fence. Producer JIM MICHAELS Created by ERIC KRIPKE A sign on the fence reads: CROATOAN VIRUS HOT ZONE NO ENTRY BY ORDER OF ACTING REGIONAL COMMAND AUGUST 1, 2014 KANSAS CITY Dean: August first, 2014. Written by BEN EDLUND Directed by STEVE BOYUM Dean hotwires a conveniently located, conveniently fueled car. INT. CAR - NIGHT Dean is driving. There is no cell service and only static on the radio. Dean: That's never a good sign. Zachariah: "Croatoan pandemic reaches Australia." Zachariah has arrived in the g*n seat, startling Dean; he reads from a newspaper. Dean: I thought I smelled your stink on this Back to the Future[i]crap. Zachariah: "President Palin defends b*mb of Houston." Certainly a buyer's market in real estate. Let's see what's happening in sports. That's right-no more sports. Congress revoked the right to group assembly. What's left of Congress, that is. Hardly a quorum, if you ask me. Dean: How did you find me? Zachariah: Afraid we had to tap some unorthodox resources of late-human informants. We've been making inspirational visits to the fringier Christian groups. They've been given your image, told to keep an eye out. Dean: The Bible freak outside the motel-he, what, dropped a dime on me? Zachariah: Onward, Christian soldiers. Dean: Okay, well, good, great. You have had your jollies. Now send me back, you son of a bitch. Zachariah: Oh, you'll get back-all in good time. We want you to marinate a bit. Dean: Marinate? Zachariah: Three days, Dean. Three days to see where this course of action takes you. Dean: What's that supposed to mean? Zachariah: It means that your choices have consequences. This is what happens to the world if you continue to say "no" to Michael. Have a little look-see. Zachariah vanishes. [i]INT. Bobby's HOUSE - DAY Dean opens the door to Bobby's house. Dean: Bobby? Bobby, I'm coming in! Dean looks around. The place is pretty thoroughly trashed, and from the spiderwebs and dust, no one has been around in a while. Dean: Oh, no. Bobby's wheelchair is on its side. Dean sets it upright and sees the b*llet holes through and dried blood on the back of the seat. Dean: Where is everybody, Bobby? Dean opens a hidden compartment and pulls out John's journal. He finds a photo of Bobby with Castiel, three unidentified MEN, and a sign. Dean: Camp Chitaqua. EXT. CAMP CHITAQUA - NIGHT Dean approaches the sign from the photo. MEN with g*n are just inside the fence, patrolling. Dean is careful to stay out of sight. He catches sight of the Impala, smashed up and rusted to hell. Dean: Oh, baby, no. Dean approaches the Impala for a better look at the damage, peering inside the driver's side door. Dean: Oh, no, baby, what did they do to you? Dean hears something and has barely turned to look when he is knocked out by ANOTHER Dean, this one 2014!Dean identified by the military-issue green jacket he is wearing instead of Dean's blue shirt. INT. Dean's CABIN - DAY Dean wakes up and discovers he is handcuffed to a ladder. 2014!Dean is across the room cleaning a g*n. Dean: What the hell? 2014!Dean: I should be asking that question, don't you think? In fact, why don't you give me one good reason why I shouldn't gank you right here and now? Dean: Because you'd only be hurting yourself. 2014!Dean: Very funny. Dean: Look, man-I'm no shapeshifter or demon or anything, okay? 2014!Dean: Yeah, I know. I did the drill while you were out. Silver, salt, holy water-nothing. But you know what was funny? Was that you had every hidden lockpick, box cutter, and switchblade that I carry. Now, you want to explain that? Oh, and the, uh, resemblance, while you're at it? Dean: Zachariah. 2014!Dean stands up. 2014!Dean: Come again? Dean: I'm you from the tail end of 2009. Zach plucked me from my bed and threw me five years into the future. 2014!Dean: Where is he? I want to talk to him. Dean: I don't know. 2014!Dean: Oh, you don't know. Dean: No, I don't know. Look, I just want to get back to my own friggin' year, okay? 2014!Dean: Okay. If you're me, then tell me something only I would know. Dean thinks, then smirks. Dean: Rhonda Hurley. We were, uh, nineteen. She made us try on her panties. They were pink. And satiny. And you know what? We kind of liked it. 2014!Dean: Touché. So, what, Zach zapped you up here to see how bad it gets? Dean: I guess. Croatoan virus, right? That's their endgame? 2014!Dean: It's efficient, it's incurable, and it's scary as hell. Turns people into monsters. Started hitting the major cities about two years ago. World really went in the crapper after that. Dean: What about Sam? 2014!Dean goes still. 2014!Dean: Heavyweight showdown in Detroit. From what I understand, Sam didn't make it. Dean: You weren't with him? 2014!Dean: No. No, me and Sam, we haven't talked in-hell, five years. Dean: We never tried to find him? 2014!Dean: We had other people to worry about. Dean: Where you going? 2014!Dean: I got to run an errand. Dean: Whoa. You're just gonna leave me here? 2014!Dean: Yes. I got a camp full of twitchy trauma survivors out there with an apocalypse hanging over their head. The last thing they need to see is a version of The Parent Trap[i]. So, yeah, you stay locked down. Dean: Okay. All right. Fine. But you don't have to cuff me, man. Oh, come on. You don't trust yourself? 2014!Dean: No. Absolutely not. 2014!Dean leaves. Dean: Dick. Dean pries a nail out of the floorboards and uses it to remove the handcuffs. [i]EXT. HEADQUARTERS - DAY Dean glances around the camp. Chuck: Hey, Dean. You got a second? Dean: No-yes. Uh, I-I guess. Hi, Chuck. Chuck: Hi. So, uh, listen, we're pretty good on canned goods for now, but we're down to next to nothing on perishables and-and hygiene supplies. People are not gonna be happy about this. So, what do you think we should do? Dean: I-I don't know. Maybe, uh, share? You know, like at a kibbutz. Chuck: Wait a minute. aren't you supposed to be out on a mission right now? Dean: Absolutely. And I will be. Chuck: Uh-oh. A Woman comes up behind Dean and tries to slug him. Dean: Whoa! Jeez! Easy, lady! Dean ducks and hides behind Chuck. Chuck: Risa. Dean: Risa? RISA You spent the night in Jane's cabin last night, didn't you? Dean: Uh, what? I-I don't-did I? Chuck nods. RISA I thought we had a 'connection'. RISA air-quotes the word. Dean: Well, I'm sure that we do. RISA Yeah? Chuck: Hi, Risa. RISA Screw you. Dean: Oh, jeez. I'm getting busted for stuff I haven't even done yet. Chuck: What? Dean: Uh, never mind. Hey, Chuck, is...Cas still here? Chuck: Yeah. I don't think Cas is going anywhere. Dean enters another cabin. INT. 2014!Castiel's ROOM - DAY 2014!Castiel is sitting in a circle with several WOMEN. 2014!Castiel So, in this way. We're each a fragment of total perception-just, uh, one compartment in that dragonfly eye of group mind. Now, the key to this total, shared perception-it's, um, it's surprisingly physical. 2014!Castiel spots Dean. 2014!Castiel Oh. Excuse me, ladies. I think I need to confer with our fearless leader for a minute. Why not go get washed up for the orgy? The WOMEN leave. 2014!Castiel You're all so beautiful. 2014!Castiel stands and stretches his back, grunting. Dean: What are you, a hippie? 2014!Castiel I thought you'd gotten over trying to label me. Dean: Cas, we got to talk. 2014!Castiel Whoa. Strange. Dean: What? 2014!Castiel You...are not you. Not now you, anyway. Dean: No! Yeah. Yes, exactly. 2014!Castiel What year are you from? Dean: 2009. 2014!Castiel Who did this to you? Is it Zachariah? Dean: Yes. 2014!Castiel Interesting. Dean: Oh, yeah, it's friggin' fascinating. Now. Why don't you strap on your angel wings and fly me back to my page on the calendar? 2014!Castiel I wish I could just, uh, strap on my wings, but I'm sorry, no dice. Dean: What, are you stoned? 2014!Castiel Uh, generally, yeah. Dean: What happened to you? 2014!Castiel Life. EXT. CAMP - DAY A car and a jeep arrive. 2014!Dean and some SOLDIERS climb out. 2014!Dean grabs two beers and tosses one to a SOLDIER. They both open the beers and drink. 2014!Dean draws his g*n and points it at that soldier. Dean: Hey. Hey! Watch out! 2014!Dean sh**t the SOLDIER. The others look between the two Deans. 2014!Dean: Damn it. 2014!Dean addresses the SOLDIERS. 2014!Dean: I'm not gonna lie to you. Me and him-It's a pretty messed-up situation we got going. But believe me, when you need to know something, you will know it. Until then, we all have work to do. INT. HEADQUARTERS - DAY 2014!Dean shoves 2009!Dean into the room and shuts the door behind them. 2014!Dean: What the hell was that? Dean: What the hell was that? You just sh*t a guy in cold blood. 2014!Dean: We were in an open quarantine zone. Got ambushed by some Croats on the way out. Dean's expression asks for an explanation. 2014!Dean: Croats. Croatoans. One of them infected Yeager. Dean: How do you know? 2014!Dean: 'Cause after a few years of this, I know. I started seeing symptoms about a half an hour ago. Wasn't gonna be long before he flipped. I didn't see the point in troubling a good man with bad news. Dean: 'Troubling a good man'? You just blew him away in front of your own people. Don't you think that freaked them out a little bit? 2014!Dean: It's 2014. Plugging some Croat, it's called commonplace. Trading words with my friggin' clone-that might have freaked them out a little. Dean: All right, look- 2014!Dean: No, you look. This isn't your time. It's mine. You don't make the decisions. I do. So, when I say stay in, you stay in. Dean: All right, man. I'm sorry. Look, I-I'm not trying to mess you-me-us up here. 2014!Dean: I know. 2014!Dean pours two glasses of alcohol. Dean: It's just been a really wacky weekend. 2014!Dean: Tell me about it. They drink. Dean: What was the mission, anyway? 2014!Dean pulls out a g*n; it's the Colt. Dean: The Colt? 2014!Dean: The Colt. Dean: Where was it? 2014!Dean: Everywhere. They've been moving it around. Took me five years, but...I finally got it. And tonight-tonight, I'm gonna k*ll the devil. INT. HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT RISA So, that's it? That's the Colt? 2014!Dean: If anything can k*ll Lucifer, this is it. RISA Great. Have we got anything that can findLucifer? 2014!Dean: Are you okay? Dean: Oh, we were in, uh, Jane's cabin last night. And, apparently, we and...Risa have a connection. 2014!Dean: You want to shut up? Dean raises his hands in surrender. 2014!Dean: We don't have to find Lucifer. We know where he is. The demon that we caught last week, he was one of the big guy's entourage. He knew. RISA So, a demon tells you where Satan's gonna be, and you just believe it? 2014!Dean: Oh, trust me, he wasn't lying. RISA And you know this how? 2014!Castiel Our fearless leader, I'm afraid, is all too well schooled in the art of getting to the truth. Dean: t*rture? Oh, so, we're-we're torturing again. 2014!Dean looks at Dean. Dean: No, that's-that's good. Classy. 2014!Castiel laughs. 2014!Dean looks at him. 2014!Castiel What? I like past you. 2014!Dean: Lucifer is here. Now. I know the block and I know the building. 2014!Castiel Oh, good-it's right in the middle of a hot zone. 2014!Dean: Crawling with Croats, yeah. You saying my plan is reckless? 2014!Castiel Are you saying we, uh, walk in straight up the driveway, past all the demons and the Croats, and we sh**t the devil? 2014!Dean: Yes. 2014!Castiel Okay, if you don't like, uh, 'reckless', I could use 'insouciant', maybe. 2014!Dean: Are you coming? 2014!Castiel sighs. 2014!Castiel Of course. But why is he? I mean, he's you five years ago. If something happens to him, you're gone, right? 2014!Dean: He's coming. 2014!Castiel Okay. Well, uh. I'll get the grunts moving. 2014!Dean: We're loaded and on the road by midnight. 2014!Castiel All righty. 2014!Castiel and RISA leave. Dean: Why are you taking me? 2014!Dean: Relax. You'll be fine. Zach's looking after you, right? Dean: No, that's not what I mean. I want to know what's going on. 2014!Dean: Yeah, okay. You're coming because I want you to see something. I want you to see our brother. Dean: Sam? I thought he was d*ad. 2014!Dean: Sam didn't die in Detroit. He said 'yes'. Dean: 'Yes'? A long silence. Dean: Wait. You mean- 2014!Dean: That's right. The big 'yes'. To the devil. Lucifer's wearing him to the prom. Dean: Why would he do that? 2014!Dean: Wish I knew. But now we don't have a choice. It's in him, and it's not getting out. And we've got to k*ll him, Dean. And you need to see it-the whole damn thing, how bad it gets-so you can do it different. Dean: What do you mean? 2014!Dean: Zach said he was gonna bring you back, right? To oh-nine? Dean: Yeah. 2014!Dean: Well, when you get back home-you say 'yes'. You hear me? Say 'yes' to Michael. Dean: That's crazy. If I let him in, then Michael fights the devil. The battle's gonna torch half the planet. 2014!Dean: Look around you, man. Half the planet's better than no planet, which is what we have now. If I could do it over again, I'd say 'yes' in a heartbeat. Dean: So why don't you? 2014!Dean: I've tried! I've shouted 'yes' till I was blue in the face! The angels aren't listening! They just-left-gave up! It's too late for me, but for you- Dean: Oh, no. There's got to be another way. 2014!Dean: Yeah, that's what I thought. I was cocky. Never actually thought I'd lose. But I was wrong. Dean. I was wrong. I'm begging you. Say yes. A pause. 2014!Dean: But you won't. 'Cause I didn't. Because that's just not us, is it? EXT. CAMP - NIGHT Chuck: So, you're really from oh-nine? Dean: Yeah, afraid so. Chuck: Some free advice? You ever get back there, you hoard toilet paper. You understand me? Hoard it. Hoard it like it's made of gold. 'Cause it is. Dean: Thank you, Chuck. Chuck: Oh, you'll thank me, all right. Mark my words. Dean: I'll see you around. Chuck: Yeah. Okay. Dean gets in one of the vehicles. They drive off. INT. OFF ROAD VEHICLE - NIGHT Dean is riding g*n in 2014!Castiel's car. 2014!Castiel takes some pills. Dean: Let me see those. 2014!Castiel You want some? Dean: Amphetamines? 2014!Castiel It's the perfect antidote to that absinthe. Dean: Mmm. Don't get me wrong, Cas. I, uh. I'm happy that the stick is out of your ass, but-what's going on-w-with the drugs and the orgies and the love-guru crap? 2014!Castiel laughs. Dean: What's so funny? 2014!Castiel Dean, I'm not an angel anymore. Dean: What? 2014!Castiel Yeah, I went mortal. Dean: What do you mean? How? 2014!Castiel I think it had something to do with the other angels leaving. But when they bailed, my mojo just kind of- psshhew!-drained away. And now, you know, I'm practically human. I mean, Dean, I'm all but useless. Last year, broke my foot, laid up for two months. Dean: Wow. 2014!Castiel Yeah. Dean: So, you're human. Well, welcome to the club. 2014!Castiel Thanks. Except I used to belong to a much better club. And now I'm powerless. I'm hapless, I'm hopeless. I mean, why the hell not bury myself in women and decadence, right? It's the end, baby. That's what decadence is for. Why not bang a few gongs before the lights go out? But then that's, that's just how I roll. EXT. HOT ZONE - DAY Dean, 2014!Dean, 2014!Castiel, RISA, and other SOLDIERS walk, carrying g*n and scanning the area. EXT. JACKSON COUNTY SANITARIUM - DAY 2014!Dean: There. Second-floor window. We go in there. RISA You sure about this? 2014!Dean: They'll never see us coming. Trust me. Now, w*apon check. We're on the move in five. Dean: Hey, uh, me. Can I talk to you for a sec? 2014!Dean goes to the side with Dean. Dean: Tell me what's going on. 2014!Dean: What? Dean: I know you. You're lying to these people and to me. 2014!Dean: Is that so. Dean: Yeah. See, I know your lying expressions. I've seen them in the mirror. Now, there's something you're not telling us. 2014!Dean: I don't know what you're talking about. Dean: Oh, really? Well, I don't seem to be the only member of your posse with some questions, so, uh, maybe I'll just take my doubts over to them. 2014!Dean: Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. Dean: What? 2014!Dean: Take a look around you, man. This place should be white-hot with Croats. Where are they? Dean: They cleared a path for us. Which means that this is- 2014!Dean: A trap. Exactly. Dean: Well, then we can't go through the front. 2014!Dean: Oh, we're not. They are. They're the decoys. You and me, we're going in through the back. Dean: You mean you're gonna feed your friends into a meat grinder? Cas, too? You want to use their deaths as a diversion? 2014!Dean looks away. Dean: Oh, man, something is broken in you. You're making decisions that I would never make. I wouldn't sacrifice my friends. 2014!Dean: You're right. You wouldn't. It's one of the main reasons we're in this mess, actually. Dean: These people count on you. They trust you. 2014!Dean: They trust me to k*ll the devil and to save the world and that's exactly what I'm gonna do. Dean: No. Not like this, you're not. I'm not gonna let you. 2014!Dean: Oh, really? Dean: Yeah. 2014!Dean slugs Dean. EXT. JACKSON COUNTY SANITARIUM GARDEN - DAY Dean wakes up on the ground. He hears g*n in the building and runs toward it. Thunder crashes, lightning flashes, and Dean sees 2014!Dean on the ground, neck held down by SOMEONE wearing a white shoe. 2014!Dean opens his eyes and sees Dean. The SOMEONE shifts his weight; 2014!Dean's neck audibly breaks. The SOMEONE, Dean sees, is Sam but not; it must be Lucifer. He turns around and sees Dean. Lucifer: Oh. Hello, Dean. EXT. JACKSON COUNTY SANITARIUM GARDEN - DAY Dean stares at Lucifer. Lucifer: Aren't you a surprise. Thunder and lightning; Lucifer is now behind Dean. Lucifer: You've come a long way to see this, haven't you? Dean: Well, go ahead. k*ll me. Lucifer: k*ll you? Lucifer looks at the corpse of 2014!Dean. Lucifer: Don't you think that would be a little...redundant? Lucifer sighs. Lucifer: I'm sorry. It must be painful, speaking to me in this-shape. But it had to be your brother. It had to be. Lucifer reaches for Dean's shoulder. Dean moves back. Lucifer: You don't have to be afraid of me, Dean. What do you think I'm going to do? Dean: I don't know. Maybe deep-fry the planet? Lucifer examines a Rose, but turns away. Lucifer: Why? Why would I want to desTroy this stunning thing? Beautiful in a trillion different ways. The last perfect handiwork of God. Dean doesn't answer. Lucifer: You ever hear the story of how I fell from grace? Dean: Oh, good God, you're not gonna tell me a bedtime story, are you? My stomach's almost out of bile. Lucifer: You know why God cast me down? Because I loved him. More than anything. And then God created... Lucifer smirks. Lucifer: You. The little...hairless apes. And then he asked all of us to bow down before you-to love you, more than him. And I said, "Father, I can't." I said, "These human beings are flawed, m*rder." And for that, God had Michael cast me into hell. Now, tell me, does the punishment fit the crime? Especially, when I was right? Look at what six billion of you have done to this thing, and how many of you blame me for it. Dean: You're not fooling me, you know that? With this sympathy-for-the-devil crap. I know what you are. Lucifer: What am I? Dean: You're the Same thing, only bigger. The Same brand of cockroach I've been squashing my whole life. An ugly, evil, belly-to-the-ground, supernatural piece of crap. The only difference between them and you is the size of your ego. Lucifer smiles. Lucifer: I like you, Dean. I get what the other angels see in you. Goodbye. We'll meet again soon. Lucifer turns to walk away. Dean: You better k*ll me now! Lucifer turns back. Lucifer: Pardon? Dean: You better k*ll me now. Or I swear, I will find a way to k*ll you. And I won't stop. Lucifer: I know you won't. I know you won't say yes to Michael, either. And I know you won't k*ll Sam. Whatever you do, you will always end up here. Whatever choices you make, whatever details you alter, we will always end up-here. I win. So, I win. Dean: You're wrong. Lucifer: See you in five years, Dean. Thunder and lightning; Lucifer is gone. Dean turns around and sees Zachariah behind him, reaching for his forehead with two fingers. INT. Hotel ROOM - NIGHT, 2009 Dean leans against the kitchenette sink. Zachariah stands in front of him. Dean: Oh, well, if it isn't the ghost of Christmas screw you. Zachariah: Enough. Dean, enough. You saw it, right? You saw what happens. You're the only person who can prove the devil wrong. Just say yes. Dean: How do I know that this whole thing isn't one of your tricks? Huh? Some angel hocus-pocus? Zachariah: The time for tricks is over. Give yourself to Michael. Say yes and we can strike. Before Lucifer gets to Sam. Before billions die. Dean considers this for a long moment, turning away from Zachariah. Dean: Nah. Zachariah: 'Nah'? You telling me you haven't learned your lesson? Dean: Oh, I've learned a lesson, all right. Just not the one you wanted to teach. Zachariah: Well, I'll just have to teach it again! Because I got you now, boy, and I'm never letting you- Dean is gone. Zachariah: Son of a... EXT. ROAD - NIGHT Dean turns around and sees Castiel. Dean: That's pretty nice timing, Cas. Castiel: We had an appointment. Dean puts a hand on Castiel's shoulder. Dean: Don't ever change. Castiel: How did Zachariah find you? Dean: Long story. Let's just stay away from Jehovah's Witnesses from now on, okay? Dean pulls out his phone. Castiel: What are you doing? Dean: Something I should have done in the first place. EXT. ROAD BY BRIDGE - DAY Dean waits by the Impala. Another car pulls up. Sam gets out. Dean and Sam approach each other. Dean: Sam. Dean pulls out Ruby's Kn*fe. Sam looks at it nervously. Dean holds it out to Sam, handle first. Dean: If you're serious and you want back in...you should hang on to this. I'm sure you're rusty. Sam takes the Kn*fe. He can't meet Dean's eyes. Dean: Look, man, I'm sorry. I don't know. I'm...whatever I need to be. But I was, uh-wrong. Sam: What made you change your mind? Dean: Long story. The point is...maybe we are each other's Achilles heel. Maybe they'll find a way to use us against each other, I don't know. I just know we're all we've got. More than that. We keep each other human. Sam: Thank you. Really. Thank you. I won't let you down. Dean: Oh, I know it. I mean, you are the second-best hunter on the planet. Sam nods. Sam: So, what do we do now? Dean: We make our own future. Sam: Guess we have no choice.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "05x04 - The End"}
Air Date: 8 Oct 2009 Dean: You chose a demon over your own brother. I just don't think I can trust you. You think I'll take one look at a demon and suddenly fall off the wagon. As if, after everything- I haven't learned my lesson. Dean: Well, have you? Sam shoves Dean into the wall. Sam: I know you don't trust me. Dean: So what are you saying? Sam: Maybe it's best we just go our separate ways. Dean: Well, I think you're right. You know who I am. Lucifer. Lucifer: You're the one, Sam. You're my vessel. Sam: That'll never happen. Zachariah: You're the Michael sword. Dean: What do you mean, I'm the sword? Zachariah: You're Michael's w*apon. Dean: I'm a vessel? Zachariah: You're thevessel. You want back in. Sam: I won't let you down. Dean: Oh, I know it. INT. GARAGE - NIGHT The lights flick on and two MEN, JIM and CAL, enter. JIM All right, buddy, what's so important you couldn't tell me over the phone? CAL Trust me, Jim. It's important. CAL leads JIM over to a car covered in a sheet. CAL stops, looking to JIM in excitement. JIM Wait a minute, you're not...you're not telling me that this is- CAL Yep. JIM You found it? CAL pulls the sheet off the car, revealing a silver convertible Porsche, labeled "Little Bastard". JIM sighs and Chuckles in awe. JIM shakes his head. JIM You found it. Huh. CAL folds up the sheet and tosses it aside as JIM inspects the car closer. JIM Oh my God! You sure? CAL VIN numbers match. JIM How much you pay? CAL A lot. JIM Come on, how much? CAL Chuckles. CAL A lot. JIM I bet. Wow. JIM whistles. CAL opens the door and gets into the driver's seat. JIM Wow. You start her up yet? CAL Been waiting for you. JIM Yeah, waiting to rub my nose in it, right? CAL Exactly. He puts his hand on the ignition key. JIM Whoa, whoa, wait, wait, wait. We need to record this for posterity's sake. CAL Great idea. JIM Yeah, great idea. JIM Chuckles. JIM Oh, man. JIM hurries off back into the house. CAL's face drops when he breathes out and notices his breath condense in front of him. Suddenly, the car's radio flicks on of its own volition and jumps rapidly through the stations. CAL tries to correct it with the knobs, but it doesn't work. In the house, JIM finds a video camera and adjusts the settings. He hears tires screeching in the garage, then glass breaking. JIM Cal? Cal? He walks back into the garage, video camera held up, recording, but the car is blocked by some shelves. JIM Hey, you all right, man? I thought I heard something. Cal? Is something wrong? He walks around to the front of the car, still recording, then stops d*ad and lowers the camera. JIM Oh my God, Cal. The windshield, coated in CAL's blood, is embedded halfway through his skull. JIM screams. JIM Cal! CAL's blood runs down the hood and drips onto the Porsche insignia and "Little Bastard" decal. EXT. ROAD - NIGHT The Impala drives along an empty road. "FALLEN IDOLS" INT. Impala - NIGHT Starring JARED PADALECKI Sam: So- Sam Chuckles. JENSEN ACKLES Sam: -what's with this job? Dean: Dude suffers a head-on collision in a parked car? I'd say that's worth checking out. Sam: Yeah, definitely, uh, but, uh, we got bigger problems, don't you think? Dean: I'm sure the apocalypse'll still be there when we get back. A pause. Sam: Right, yeah, but I mean, if-if the Colt is really out there somewhere- Dean: Hey, we've been looking for three weeks, we got bupkis. Sam: Okay. But Dean...I mean, if we're gonna-ice the Devil- Dean: This is what we're doing! Okay? End of discussion. Sam looks away and sighs. A long pause. Dean: It's just that this is our first real case, back at it together. You know, I, I think we oughta ease into it, put the training wheels back on. Sam: So you think I need training wheels. Dean: No, 'we'. 'We' need training wheels, you and me. As a team. Okay? Sam nods. Sam: Okay. Dean: Man, I really want this to be a fresh start, you know? For the both of us. They look at each other, then Sam nods again. Sam: Okay. EXT. ROAD - NIGHT The Impala drives along. Special Guest Star PARIS HILTON Guest Starring DARYL SHUTTLEWORTH EXT. Sheriff's DEPARTMENT - DAY Canton, Ohio INT. Sheriff's DEPARTMENT - DAY Dean and Sam, wearing suits, show their FBI badges to the Sheriff. Dean: Agents Bonham and Copeland. The Sheriff shakes their hands. Sheriff: Rick Carnegie. Good to know ya. So you're here on account of Cal Hawkins' death? Sam: That's right. CARNEGIE Well, 'fraid you came a long way for nothing. We already booked the guy that did it. Sam and Dean frown at each other. Sam: I'm sorry; who do you think did it? INT. INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY Sam, Dean, and CARNEGIE are sitting at a table, watching the video that JIM recorded. JIM on video Cal? Is something wrong? The video shows CAL's head smashed into the windshield. JIM on video Oh my God, Cal. Cal! The video cuts to static and CARNEGIE shakes his head, then switches off the TV. He drops the remote on the table and turns to Dean and Sam. CARNEGIE Sicko taped his own handiwork. Dean and Sam look confused. Sam: I don't follow. CARNEGIE It was Jim Grossman that k*lled Cal. Dean: Wait, what? CARNEGIE Well, he was the only one on the scene for miles. Sam: They were best friends. CARNEGIE Most violent crimes are committed by someone close to the victim. Dean: And how exactly did Jim slam Cal into a windshield with all the force of an eighty-mile-per-hour crash? CARNEGIE blinks. CARNEGIE Drugs, maybe? Dean raises his eyebrows. CARNEGIE Look, you know this ain't brain surgery, boys! Whatever it looks like, that's what it usually is. It's simple. Dean: Simple. Right. Dean glances over his shoulder at Sam. Sam: Right. Um, if you don't mind, we'd like to speak to Jim Grossman anyway. INT. JIM's CELL - DAY Sam is sitting at a table across from JIM, and Dean stands behind Sam. JIM I was in the house when it happened, I didn't even see it. Dean: For argument's sake, say we believe you. JIM Why would you? The cops didn't. Dean: Well we're not your typical cops. Sam: Please, just tell us what you saw. JIM It's not what I saw, it's what I heard. Tires squealing, glass breaking. JIM sighs. JIM It was the car that did it. Dean and Sam both raise their eyebrows. Sam: The car? JIM I mean, I heard about the curse, but, I just thought it was a load of crap. Dean: Curse, what do you-what do you mean, curse? JIM The car. Little Bastard. Dean: Li-Little Bastard? As in theLittle Bastard? Sam: Wait, wait, wait, wait, uh, what's Little Bastard? Dean: It's James Dean's car. It's the one he was k*lled in. JIM Yeah, that's the one. Cal had been looking for it for years. I mean, hell, we both had. But he found it first. Dean leans closer to Sam. Dean: Oh, we are definitely checking this out. INT. GARAGE - DAY Dean walks around and inspects Little Bastard with awe, careful not to touch. The windshield is bloodstained and has a piece missing where CAL's head was. Co-Producer Jeremy CARVER Sam: So, what, this is, like, Christine? Co-Producers JERRY WANEK SERGE LADOUCEUR Dean shakes his head. Dean: Christine is fiction. This- Producer TODD ARONAUER Dean: This is real. Co-Executive Producer PETER JohnSON Sam: Okay. Executive Producer SERA GAMBLE Sam: Enlighten me. Executive Producer BEN EDLUND Dean: Well after James Dean died, his mechanic- Executive Producer PHIL SGRICCIA Dean: -bought the wreckage, and he fixed it up. Executive Producer McG Dean: And it repaid him by... Produced by JIM MICHAELS Dean: Falling on him. Created by ERIC KRIPKE Dean: And Tony McHenry was k*lled when it locked up on the racetrack. Written by Julie SIEGE Dean: I mean, death follows this car around like exhaust. Nobody touches it and comes away in one piece. Sam: Hm. Dean: Then, in nineteen-seventy, it vanished off the back of a truck. Nobody's ever seen it since. Directed by JAMES L. CONWAY Dean: I'm telling you, man, if this-if this car is Little Bastard, I will bet you dollars to donuts it's what k*lled the guy. Sam: So how do we find out? Dean: Cal matched the VIN number, but the only real way to know is the engine number. Sam nods. Sam: I'm guessing the engine number-? Dean: On the engine. Yeah. INT. GARAGE - DAY Dean and Sam have their jackets off and sleeves rolled up and are staring at Little Bastard with trepidation. Sam: You want me to do it? Dean: No. ...No, no, I've-I've got it. Dean addresses Little Bastard. Dean: Okay, baby. I'm not gonna hurt you, so...don't hurt me. Dean lies down on a roller board with a pencil in his mouth, then rolls himself under the car so his eyes are level with a number printed on the engine. He reads the number when the car shudders and Dean panics, looking around. Sam appears on the ground next to the car. Sam: Need a flashlight? Dean startles. Dean: No. Don't...do anything, just go away. Sam: You-uh, okay. Dean: Don't speak. All right? In fact, don't even look at her, she might not like it. Sam stands back up. Dean holds a piece of paper up to the engine's number. The car shudders again and Dean hesitates, then cautiously takes a rubbing of the number on the piece of paper with the pencil. He slides out from under the car, exhaling deeply, then stands up quickly. Dean composes himself, then hands Sam the number. Dean: Find out who owned it. Not just the last owner, you gotta take it all the way back to nineteen-fifty-five. Sam: That's a lot of research. Dean: Well, I guess I just made your afternoon. Sam stares. Dean sighs and walks away. EXT. GREEN DRAGON TAVERN - DAY INT. BAR - DAY Dean sits at the bar, talking to a Bartender. Dean: So, you wanna be an actress, huh? Bartender: Yeah. Dean: That is-that is so funny, because, I am actually- Dean takes out a business card. Dean: -an agent for William Morris Endeavor. She takes the card. Bartender: Wow. Dean Chuckles as his cell phone rings. He indicates his empty beer glass. Dean: You mind filling me up again? Bartender: Yeah. Dean: Thanks, hey, you're a star. All right? She giggles, takes the glass and walks away as Dean answers the call. INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAYand INT. BAR - DAY, alternating Dean: Yo. Sam: Hey. Took me a while, but I traced all the car's previous owners. Sam is sitting at his laptop, piles of paper spread around. Dean: Any of 'em die bloody? Sam: Nope. In fact- Someone near Dean breaks a triangle of pool balls. Sam hears this. Sam: Dean, are you in a bar? Dean: No, I-I'm-I'm in a restaurant. The Bartender returns and places Dean's beer on the bar. Bartender: Here's your beer. The Bartender grins. Dean: Thanks. He takes the beer as the bartender walks away and Sam shakes his head. Dean: That happens to have a bar. Sam: I've been working my ass off here. Dean: Hey, world's smallest violin, pal, I spent the afternoon up Christine's skirt. I needed a drink. Sam: Actually, you didn't. Dean: Meaning? Sam: The car's first owner was a cardiologist in Philadelphia; drove it 'til he died in nineteen-seventy-two. Dean: So you're saying? Sam: That Porsche is not, nor has it ever been, James Dean's car. It's a fake Little Bastard. Dean: Well then what was it that k*lled the guy? Sam: Good question. EXT. HOUSE - NIGHT INT. OFFICE - NIGHT A Man, Mr. HILL, sits at his desk, doing some paperwork. A MAID, CONSUELA, comes to the door. CONSUELA Okay Mister Hill, I finish. HILL Thank you, Consuela. Have a good night. CONSUELA smiles, nods, and leaves. HILL returns to his paperwork and sighs, but is surprised when his breath condenses in front of him. He hears a creak behind him, turns, and stops. HILL Oh my God. It's you. HILL stands. HILL You're d*ad. You're supposed to be d*ad. ABRAHAM LINCOLN snarls, teeth bared, and steps from the shadows, advancing on HILL, who backs away. HILL No. No, no, no. LINCOLN suddenly appears right in front of HILL and picks him up by the throat. LINCOLN begins to strangle HILL. A large splatter of blood hits a framed copy of the Emancipation Proclamation hanging on the wall. INT. OFFICE - DAY A police forensic squad is investigating and photographing the scene. CARNEGIE is giving orders as Dean and Sam enter. CARNEGIE I want you to use a, a fine-tooth comb. The evidence is here, we just gotta find it. Dean: Heard you got another weird one. CARNEGIE Uh, well, it's a-it's a little strange on the surface, I admit, but, uh...you know, once you-you look at the facts... Sam: William Hill died from a g*n wound to the head. No g*n, no g*n, no b*llet. Dean shrugs. Dean: Nope. Nothing strange about that. CARNEGIE Well there's gotta be a reasonable explanation. There always is. Dean: Well what's your reasonable explanation? CARNEGIE looks around cautiously for a moment and whispers. CARNEGIE Professional k*ller. Sam: Come again? CARNEGIE Well, CIA, NSA, one o' them trained assassins, like in Michael Clayton. Sam and Dean all but gape at CARNEGIE. Dean: Right. Dean looks at Sam. CARNEGIE You're welcome to look around, but-but these guys don't leave fingerprints. Sam: Mind if we talk with the witness? CARNEGIE Be my guest. She's not making any sense! And she's not making any sense in Spanish either. Dean nods slowly. Dean: Right. EXT. HOUSE - DAY CONSUELA is sitting on a wooden bench, wrapped in a blanket, talking to a Police Officer and sobbing. Dean and Sam come outside and walk over to her. CONSUELA No puedo vivir aquí. Necesito mi familia. Me voy ahora. Me voy a la casa. No-me voy a la casa en El Salvador ahora. Dean: Consuela Alvarez? CONSUELA Yes? Dean: FBI. Dean and Sam both show their badges. The Police Officer leaves. Dean: Now, uh, you said you saw something in the professor's house. Right? Something in the window? CONSUELA Estaba sacando la basura. Imiré por la ventana y vi al hombre que mató al Señor Hill! Sam kneels in front of her. Sam: Uh, Señora Alvarez. Cálmese, por favor. Uh- Sam looks at Dean, thinking. Sam: Uh, díganos lo que vio? Dean grins. Dean: Nice. Sam: Freshman Spanish. Sam shrugs. CONSUELA Era alto. Muy alto. Y llevaba el abrigo n*gro largo y tenía bigotes. Sam glances between Dean and CONSUELA as he translates. Sam: Okay, uh, a tall man, very tall. With a long black coat and a- Sam gestures at his chin. Sam: A beard? CONSUELA nods. Sam: Beard. CONSUELA Y un sombrero. Dean: Dude was wearing a sombrero? Sam: Uh, a hat, not a-a- Sam gestures near his head. CONSUELA No, no, no, un sombrero alto. Sam: A tall hat? Dean: Oh, like a top hat. CONSUELA Un sombrero alto. CONSUELA gestures above her head. CONSUELA Muy alto! Dean: What, you mean like a-like a stovepipe hat. Dean imitates her gesture. CONSUELA Sí. Dean: Oh yeah, like Abraham Lincoln. Sam shrugs. CONSUELA starts sobbing again. CONSUELA Sí. El Presidente Lincoln. Sam and Dean trade confused looks. CONSUELA Abraham Lincoln k*ll Mister Hill! She cries again. Dean: Huh. CONSUELA S-so I go home now? Sam: Uh, sí. Gracias. Dean: Gracias. Sam turns and frowns at Dean as CONSUELA walks away. EXT. THE NITE OWL MOTEL - DAY INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY Sam and Dean sit at the table, Sam on his laptop and Dean on a new laptop. Sam brings up a webpage. Dean is rewatching the video of CAL's death. He notices something and frowns, then pauses the video and backs up a few frames until a figure in a red jacket appears reflected in the chrome of a car wheel. Dean: Whoa. Sam: What? Dean goes back and forth between adjacent frames; the figure is present in one but not the other. He picks up the laptop and turns it around so Sam can see. Dean: It's a freeze-frame from Jim Grossman's video. Sam looks at it. Dean: Am I crazy, or does that look like James Dean? Sam: That looks like James Dean. Dean sets the laptop back in front of himself. Dean: So we got Abraham Lincoln, andJames Dean? Sam frowns. Dean: Famous ghosts? Sam: Maybe. Dean: Well that's just silly. Sam: No, actually, uh, there is a ton of lore on famous ghosts. More than the, you know, not-famous kinds. I'm actually surprised we haven't run into one before. Dean: Yeah, but now we got two of 'em? Two extremely pissed-off ghosts? Sam: Who are apparently ganking their fans. Dean: What do you mean? Sam reads off the webpage. Sam: Professor Hill was a Civil w*r nut. He dug Lincoln. Dean: And Cal must've been a James Dean freak. He spent seventeen years of his life tracking down the guy's car. Sam raises his eyebrows knowingly. Dean: So you're saying we've got two super-famous, super-pissed-off ghosts k*lling their...super-fans? Sam shrugs. Sam: That's what it looks like. Dean: Well, that is muchos loco. Sam grins. Sam: 'Muy'. Dean looks up. Sam: Not 'muchos'. Dean: Yeah, well, the big question is, what the hell are they doing here? Sam: Yeah. Ghosts usually haunt the places they live. I mean, I, I get Abraham Lincoln at the White House- Dean: And James Dean at a race track, but...what the hell are they doing in Canton? [i]MOTEL ROOM - DAY Sam is still working on his laptop while Dean stands by the sink, drinking a can of soda. Sam stops typing and frowns. Sam: You gotta be kidding me. Dean: What? Dean walks over and reads the screen. Dean: You gotta be kidding me. INT. CANTON WAX MUSEUM - DAY Sam and Dean walk through the wax museum, checking out the figures. Sam walks past John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon, then stops at Abraham Lincoln. Dean frowns at Gandhi. Dean: Dude, he's short. Sam: Hey. Gandhi was a great man. Dean: Yeah, for a Smurf. The MUSEUM OWNER comes down the stairs at a half-jog, slightly out of breath. He is wearing a leather jacket. OWNER Sorry to keep you waiting, this is our busiest time of the year. Dean looks around at the empty rooms. Dean: This is busy? OWNER Well, not right now, but it's early. Dean: It's four-thirty. OWNER So, what can I do for you? Sam: Uh, well, we are writing a piece for Travel Magazine[i]. Dean: Yeah, on how, uh, totally non-sucky wax museums are. OWNER That's fantastic. A little press, just what we need. Sam: Great. Well we're interested in a few of your exhibits, specifically Abraham Lincoln and, uh, James Dean. OWNER Two of our most popular displays. Sam: Oh yeah? So they bring in a lot of visitors? OWNER Yeah, we have our regulars. Dean: I don't suppose that, uh, William Hill and Cal Hawkins were regulars, were they? The OWNER nods. OWNER As a matter of fact, they were. Yeah, I heard what happened to them. It's tragic, just tragic. Oh-you-that's not gonna be in the article, is it? Sam: No. No, no. 'Course not. Dean: You know, I gotta tell you, that-that Lincoln is so lifelike, I mean, you-I mean, you can just imagine him moving around. You ever see anything like that? The OWNER frowns. OWNER Uh...no. Dean: No? Sam: Well, um, is there anything you could think of that would make your museum...unusual? You know, for the article? OWNER Well, I'll say. There isn't another place like us, not anywhere. Dean: How so? OWNER Well, for one, that's Honest Abe's real hat. The OWNER points to Lincoln. Sam: It is? Dean: Almost like his remains. Dean looks pointedly at Sam. The OWNER frowns. OWNER Uh...I guess? Dean grins. Sam: You wouldn't happen to have any of James Dean's personal effects, would you? OWNER Ooh, yeah. Got his keychain. We got a bunch of stuff, uh, Gandhi's bifocals, FDR's iron lung. This. The OWNER indicates the leather jacket he's wearing. Sam frowns. Sam: And who did that belong to? OWNER The Fonz. Seasons two through four! The OWNER does a double thumbs-up, grinning. Sam: W-wow. Yeah, that's-that's really cool...ish. OWNER This? This is nothing. I've been working on a new collection of figures. Stuff that'll really wow the kids. Dean: The kids? OWNER Yeah, Gen Y. Dean nods. OWNER Computer games, cell phones, sexting. Dean raises his eyebrows. The OWNER scoffs. OWNER They're just fads. I'm gonna make wax museums hip again. The OWNER grins and gives his double thumbs-up again. Dean Chuckles and Sam returns the thumbs-up. [i]EXT. THE NITE OWL MOTEL - NIGHT Sam opens the trunk of the Impala, takes out a g*n and loads it with shells of rock salt, then puts the loaded g*n back in and closes the lid. He goes back into their room. INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Dean is talking on his cell phone, facing away from the door. Dean: Yeah, Abraham Lincoln and James Dean, can you believe that? ...Why so k*ll-crazy? Ah, maybe the apocalypse has got 'em all hot and bothered. Yeah, well, we all know whose fault that is. ...Well I'm sorry, but it's true. Sam frowns, then pushes the door shut, causing Dean to spin around. Dean: I'll call you later. Bye. He hangs up and turns to Sam. Sam: What's going on? Dean: Did you get the trunk packed up? Sam: Yeah, trunk's packed. Who was on the phone? Dean: Bobby. Sam: And? Dean shakes his head. Dean: Nothing. Sam: So we're just gonna pretend I didn't hear what I just heard? Dean shrugs. Dean: Pretend or don't pretend. Whatever floats your boat. Sam: This was supposed to be a fresh start, Dean. Dean picks up his jacket. Dean: Well, this is about as fresh as it gets. Now are we going or not? Dean walks to the door, opens it, and leaves. Sam watches him go, sighs, and follows him. INT. WAX MUSEUM - NIGHT Sam and Dean walk through the museum, past Gandhi. Dean approaches Lincoln and takes off his hat as Sam fetches a metal trash can. Sam turns around to find Dean wearing Lincoln's hat. Dean: Check it out. Dean lowers his voice, imitating Lincoln. Dean: Four score and seven years ago, I had a funny hat. Sam: Dean. Sam sighs and puts the trash can down, holding his hand out for the hat. Dean: We can't have any fun with this? Dean takes the hat off and tosses it into the trash can. Sam: Let's just torch the objects, torch the ghosts, get outta here. Okay? Dean: I'll go grab East of Eden's keychain. Dean walks into the next room. Sam scans the room. He looks at Lincoln, then narrows his eyes and leans in closer. The double doors Dean went through slam shut. Sam spins around. Sam: Dean? Sam goes over to the doors, g*n in hand. Sam: Dean? Sam tries the door handles but the doors won't budge. He notices his breath condensing in front of him and spins around, g*n held at the ready. He looks from Lincoln to Gandhi and back again as he creeps forward slowly. Sam hears a creak to his left and he turns. The g*n flies out of his hands. Defenseless, Sam stands still for a second and GANDHI leaps onto his back. GANDHI wraps his arms around Sam's neck but Sam slams him into the wall and GANDHI falls off. He gets up and they circle around each other, then GANDHI scrambles under Sam's legs and jumps on his back again. Sam throws himself backwards and crashes through a table, and GANDHI lets go momentarily but jumps on Sam's back a third time and begins to strangle him just as Dean bursts through the double doors. Sam: Dean! Dean: Is that Gandhi? Sam: Yeah! Dean: Dude, he's squirrelly. Sam: Get the- GANDHI elbows Sam in the chest, winding him. Sam indicates Gandhi's wax figure with a shake of his head and Dean runs over to it. Sam: Do it! Dean: Get the what? Sam: Glasses! Sam begins to gasp and choke, running out of oxygen. Dean grabs the glasses off the Gandhi wax figure and runs over to the trash can. He throws them in, squirts lighter fluid on them and finally lights them on f*re with a match. GANDHI disappears, and Sam gasps for air. Dean: You couldn't have been a fan of someone cool? Sam stares. Dean: Really? Gandhi? EXT. NITE OWL MOTEL - DAY INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY Dean grabs his shirts out of a drawer and shoves them in his bag. Dean: Ready to blow this joint? Sam comes out of the bathroom, zipping up his toiletries bag. Sam: Dean, didn't it strike you as strange the way Gandhi just...vanished? Dean: Strange how? Sam: No screaming, no big flame-out, I mean, that isn't the way ghosts usually go. Dean: Still, I torched, he vanished. Sam: Yeah, but I- Sam sighs. Sam: Also, I feel like he was...trying to take a bite out of me. Dean: A bite? Sam: Yeah, like he was hungry. But the thing is, Gandhi-or, the real Gandhi-he was a- Dean: A what? Sam hesitates. Dean: Spit it out. Sam: He was a fruitarian. Dean stares at Sam, then laughs. Dean: Let me get this straight. Your, uh, ultimate hero was not only a short man in diapers, but he was also a fruitarian? Sam: That's not the point. Dean: That is good. That is-even for you, that is good. Sam: Look, I'm just saying, I'm not so sure this thing is over. Dean spreads his arms. Dean: It was a ghost. It was a weirdly super-charged fruitarian ghost, but it was still a ghost. Now let's go. Dean picks up his bag. Sam: So first you drag me into town, and now you're dragging me back out. Dean: You ain't steering this boat. Let's go, chop chop. Dean walks towards the door. Sam: You know, this isn't gonna work. Dean stops and turns. Dean: What isn't? Sam: Us. You, me, together, I-I thought it could, but it can't. Dean: You're the one that wanted back in, chief. Sam: And you're the one who called me back in. Dean: I still think we got some trust building to do. Sam: How long am I gonna be on double-secret probation? Dean shrugs. Dean: Till I say so. Sam: Look. I know what I did. What I've done. And I am trying to climb out of that hole, I am, but you're not making it any easier. Dean: So what am I supposed to do, just let you off the hook? Sam: No. You can think whatever you want. I deserve it, and worse. Hell, you'll never punish me as much as I'm punishing myself, but the point is, if we're gonna be a team, you and I-it has to be a two-way street. Dean: So we just go back to the way we were before? Sam: No, because we were never that way before. Before didn't work. Dean frowns. Sam: How do you think we got here? Dean: What's that supposed to mean? Sam: Dean, one of the reasons I went off with Ruby...was to get away from you. Dean: What? Sam: It made me feel strong. Like I wasn't your kid brother. Dean: Are you saying this is my fault? Sam: No, it's my fault. All I'm saying is that, if we're gonna do this, we have to do it different, we can't just fall into the Same rut. Dean shakes his head. Dean: What do you want me to do? Sam: You're gonna have to let me grow up, for starters. Dean's cell phone rings. He stares at Sam, then puts his bag down and answers it. Dean: Yeah? He looks to Sam, then away again. Dean: Yeah. Yeah, okay. Dean hangs up. Dean: I guess you were right about this not being over. INT. Sheriff's DEPARTMENT - DAY Sam and Dean, back in suits, walk in and head straight over to CARNEGIE, who is sitting at a desk. Sam: Sheriff Carnegie? Dean: Sheriff, what happened? CARNEGIE I, uh, uh... CARNEGIE shrugs and shakes his head. CARNEGIE I don't know! He indicates the interview room where two Young WOMEN are sitting at the table, crying. Dean and Sam walk in. Dean: Excuse us, girls. Hi, we're with the FBI. Sam: Can you tell us what happened? Girl 1: It was horrible! Girl 2 Way horrible. Sam: What was horrible? Girl 1: I thought she'd be nice! Girl 2 looks at Girl 1. Girl 2 I still can't believe it. Dean: Believe what? Girl 2 She took Danielle! Dean: Who? The GIRLS look at each other. Sam: It's okay, you're safe, just, tell us. Who took your friend? Girl 2 It was...Paris Hilton. Dean and Sam stare. Sam: Sorry? Girl 2 She looked really good, though. Girl 1: Skinny! Girl 2 Skinny and fast. Girl 1: Mm. Dean: What-wait-huh? Sam: Uh, um...where did they go? Girl 1 shakes her head. Girl 1: We don't know. Girl 2 They just vanished. Dean: Would you excuse us for just a minute? He and Sam walk back to the doorway and speak just above a whisper. Dean: Paris Hilton's not d*ad as far as we know, right? Sam: Pretty sure, no. Dean: Which means it's not a- Sam: Ghost. No. Dean: So, what? Paris Hilton is a homicidal maniac- Sam: Or we missed something. Dean: What do you wanna do? INT. MORGUE - DAY Sam, now in blue scrubs, is looking through CAL's file. He reads through the notes and frowns when he finds something. He pulls out CAL's body from the freezer and uses a scalpel to cut open CAL's chest, then pushes his gloved hand inside. There is a squelch and Sam closes his eyes and breathes out. Sam: That's right. Sam frowns and pulls his hand out, fingers covered in blood. He holds up two small round things. Sam: What the hell? EXT. CORONER's OFFICE - DAY Sam, back in his suit, comes out of the building to meet up with Dean. Sam shakes his head and sighs. Sam: I can't believe I missed it. Dean stands up and walks with Sam back to the Impala. Dean: Missed what? Sam: Went back over the other two vics. There was blood loss. Major. Dean: Oh, well, being a gory smear will do that to you. Sam: No, I-I mean more blood loss than a-a car crash or a head wound should cause, almost like it- Dean: Something's feeding. Sam: Yeah. Dean: Awesome. Sam: And then- Sam takes out a plastic bag. Sam: There were these. Dean looks at the bag; it contains the two things Sam found. Dean picks up the corner to inspect them closer. Dean: What are those, seeds? Sam: Yeah. They were in both vics' bellies. Dean takes his hand off the bag quickly. Dean: I hope you washed your hands. Sam: They're unlike any seed I've ever seen before, Dean. Dean: Wow, just when I thought you couldn't get any geekier. Dean pats Sam on the shoulder and gets into the Impala. INT. MOTEL ROOM – DAY Sam is on his laptop again, the seeds out of their bag and sitting on the table next to him. Dean is sitting on the bed using his laptop. Sam grins. Sam: Yahtzee. Dean: What? Sam: The seeds aren't from around here. In fact, they're not from any tree or plant in the country. Dean: Where are they from? Sam: Eastern Europe. From a forest in the Balkans, which is not even there anymore. It was chopped down, like, thirty years ago. Dean: So? Sam: So, local legend has it that the forest was guarded by a pagan god whose name was Leshi. Um, a mischievous god, could take on infinite forms- Dean: And let me guess. He liked to munch on his fans. Sam Chuckles. Sam: Yep. Could be appeased only with the blood from his worshippers. It would drain 'em, then stuff their stomachs with the seeds. Dean gets up and comes over to Sam. Dean: So how's he doing it? What, he touches James Dean's keychain and then morphs into James Dean? Sam: Hm. It's as good a guess as any. Dean: Yeah, well, whatever. How do we k*ll him? Sam: Says here to chop off his head with an iron axe. Dean nods. Dean: All right. Let's go gank ourselves a Paris Hilton. INT. WAX MUSEUM - NIGHT Sam and Dean enter, Dean carrying an axe, Sam a flashlight, and walk past the now hatless Abraham Lincoln wax model. They split up and search separate rooms. Sam comes across a door with signs on it reading "Sorry for the inconvenience, CLOSED FOR RENOVATIONS" and "DANGER DO NOT ENTER". He whistles and Dean meets up with him. They break the latch and open the door, pushing through a plastic sheet to find a room decorated like a clearing in the woods, with a path leading up the middle to a white house with a wax figure of a man in a suit standing on the front porch. Sam notices a Young Woman, who must be DANIELLE, standing next to a tree and tied by her wrists to it. Sam: Hey. Sam runs over and checks her pulse. Dean: She alive? Sam: Yeah. Barely. The axe flies out of Dean's hand and embeds itself in a tree on the other side of the path. Dean spins around to find PARIS HILTON; this must be the LESHI. She grins and punches Dean multiple times in the face, sending him to the ground. She flips her hair as Sam lunges at her, but she shoves him and sends him flying across the room. He collides with the front wall of the house and falls to the ground, unconscious. Dean shakes his head and looks up to see the LESHI standing over him. LESHI Awesome. She raises her stiletto-clad foot and stomps on Dean's face. INT. WOODS ROOM - NIGHT The LESHI sits on a tree stump near the house with another tree stump serving as a table next to her. Laid on it are various knives; she picks one up and begins filing her nails, causing small sparks. Dean and Sam are tied to two trees side-by-side, in the Same fashion as DANIELLE. They wake up one after the other and struggle for a second before they realize where they are. LESHI Oh. I'm so glad you're awake for this. This is gonna be huge. Sam and Dean look at each other. Dean: Super. Yeah, I wouldn't wanna miss it. He pulls at his ropes discreetly. LESHI I mean, I've been stuffing myself with fast food lately. So it's nice to do the ritual right. Prepare a nice, slow meal for a change. Sam: Just like the good old days, huh? LESHI You have no idea. People adored me. They used to throw themselves at me, with smiles on their faces. Dean: Yeah, I guess these days nobody gives a flying crap about some backwoods forest god, huh? The LESHI stops filing her nails with a thr*at glare. LESHI No. Not since they cut down my forest and built a Yugo plant. Dean: March of progress, sister. LESHI files her nails a few more times. LESHI For years now, I've been wandering. Hungry. Scared. Scrounging for scraps. So not sexy. Dean makes a face. LESHI But then, the best thing ever happened. She puts the Kn*fe down. LESHI Someone tripped the apocalypse. And I thought, what the hell, I'm tired of watching what I eat. I wanna pig out. So I found this little place. It's awesome. Adoring fans stroll right in the door. Sam: Yeah. But they're not your fans. LESHI So? They worship Lincoln, Gandhi, Hilton...whatever. I'll take what I can get. Dean: You know, I gotta tell you, you are not the first god we've met, but you are...the nuttiest. LESHI No, you, you people, you're the crazy ones. You used to worship gods. But this? The LESHI indicates her Paris Hilton disguise. LESHI This is what passes for idolatry? Celebrities? What have they got besides small dogs and spray tans? Sam frowns. Dean raises his eyebrows, nodding. LESHI You people used to have old-time religion. Now you have Us Weekly. Dean: I don't know, I'm more of a Penthouse Forumman myself. He winks and clicks his tongue at the LESHI. She gets up and stalks over to him. LESHI Maybe, but...there's still a lot of yummy meat on those bones, boy. Dean: Well I hate to break it to you, sister, but, uh...you can't eat me. See, I'm not a Paris Hilton BFF. I've never even seen House of Wax. Sam looks at Dean and frowns. LESHI No. But I can totally read your mind, Dean. I know who your hero is. Your daddy. Am I right? Dean doesn't reply. She smirks and walks over to the tree with the axe embedded in it. When her back is turned, Dean pulls at his ropes again. LESHI And this belonged to him. Didn't it? Poor little Dean. All you ever wanted was to be loved by your idol. One distant father figure, coming right up. She goes to touch the axe when Dean finally pulls his wrist free of the ropes. He sprints across the clearing and tackles the LESHI to the floor. Sam pulls desperately at his ropes as the LESHI manages to kneel on top of Dean and punches him repeatedly in the face. Sam finally pulls free and dashes over the clearing. Dean gets a punch in and throws the LESHI off him as Sam pulls the axe from the tree. Dean rolls out of the way and Sam brings the axe down five times on the LESHI's neck. Her head rolls free of her body and Sam pants in exertion, his face covered in blood. Dean, still on the floor, looks up when Sam turns to him and grins, and Dean holds up a finger. Dean: Not a word. Sam: Dude. You just got whaled on by Paris Hilton! Dean: Shut up. He lies back and grunts in pain, holding his head. EXT. THE NITE OWL MOTEL - DAY Dean and Sam, carrying their bags, are walking to the Impala. Dean is talking on his cell phone. Dean: Uh-huh. All right. Thank you. Dean hangs up. Dean: Sheriff Carnegie. Danielle's gonna be all right. She's sworn off The Simple Life, but other than that- Sam: Glad she's okay. Dean: It gets better. Sheriff's putting out an APB on Paris Hilton. Dean Chuckles. Dean: That oughta be good. Dean takes out his keys and opens the trunk of the Impala. They put their bags inside. Dean: Hey, listen, I was thinking about what you said yesterday. About me keeping too tight of a leash on you. Sam looks at him. Dean: Hell, maybe you're right. I mean, look, I'm not exactly Mister Innocent in this whole mess either, you know. I did break the first seal. Sam: You didn't know. Dean: Yeah, well, neither did you. Sam looks down. Dean: I'm not saying demon blood was a great way to go, but, you did k*ll Lilith. Sam: And start the apocalypse. Dean: Which neither of us saw coming, I mean, who'd have thought k*lling Lilith would've been a bad thing? Dean pauses. Dean: Point is, I was so worried about watching your every move that I didn't see what it was actually doing to you. Dean pauses again. Dean: So, for that I'm sorry. Sam: Thanks. Dean closes the trunk and takes the keys. Dean: So where do we go from here? Sam: They way I see it, we got one sh*t at surviving this. Dean: What's that? Sam: Maybe I am on deck for the devil, maybe Same with you and Michael, maybe there's no changing that. Dean: Well that's encouraging. Sam: But, we canstop wringing our hands over it. We gotta just grab onto whatever's in front of us, kick its ass, and go down fighting. Dean considers this, then nods. Dean: I can get on board with that. Sam nods. Sam: Okay. But we're gonna have to do it on the Same level. Dean grins slightly. Dean: You got it. Sam nods again. Dean: I say we get the hell outta here. Sam: Hell yeah. They turn to go to their respective sides of the car, but Dean stops and looks down at the keys. Dean: Hey. Sam turns around, then Dean, and Dean holds out the keys. Dean: You wanna drive? Sam looks down at the keys. Sam: You sure? Dean: Yeah, I could, uh...I could use a nap. Sam smiles a little and Dean hands him the keys. Jeff Beck's "Superstition" begins to play. They get into the car and drive away. Music: Very superstitious
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "05x05 - Fallen Idols"}
Air Date: 15 Oct 2009 Dean: You chose a demon over your own brother, and look what happened. I did it. I started the apocalypse, and I set Lucifer free. Sam: I'm sorry. I would give anything- Anything-to take it all back. Dean: I know you would. From (...help), Dean fires a g*n. If we're gonna be a team, you and I- Sam: It has to be a two-way street. We got to just grab on to whatever's in front of us- -kick its ass and go down fighting. Dean: I can get on board with that. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Alliance, Nebraska A Young Woman, whose name is AMBER, watches a movie on television. A hairbrush sits on top of the TV. AMBER leans forward and takes the brush, brushing her hair while she watches. AMBER hears something and turns around. She puts the brush back and gets up to look around. AMBER Jimmy? AMBER walks a little further and slides a closet open-she is wearing plastic nails-to reveal a Boy, JIMMY, unmoving and covered in something red that looks like blood. AMBER sighs. AMBER I told you to go to bed. JIMMY answers with minimal movement. JIMMY I can't. I'm d*ad. AMBER leans down to touch the red stuff. AMBER What is this-ketchup? Gross! JIMMY gets up. JIMMY Ow! You're mean. AMBER Yeah, that's what your parents pay me for-to be mean. AMBER puts a hand on JIMMY's shoulder, pushing him along. He's wearing a headband with arrow halves on either side. AMBER Bed-now! JIMMY Okay, okay. Just wait. AMBER lets go. JIMMY turns around and takes off the headband. JIMMY Wait. I'll go to bed ifyou let me touch your boob. AMBER sighs, shoving JIMMY along. AMBER Oh! Go! AMBER watches JIMMY climb the stairs, then goes back to the movie. She hears barking and turns off the TV; the barking continues. AMBER goes to the window and moves the curtains to look out. EXT. HOUSE - NIGHT INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT There's nothing but static on the TV. A Man and Woman, JIMMY's parents, walk past the window and into the house. AMBER is lying on her side on the sofa, apparently asleep. JIMMY's Father I'll, uh, take Amber home. Don't wait up. The MOTHER, whose name is FRANCINE, goes upstairs. The Father shuts off the TV and goes to the back of the sofa. JIMMY's Father Amber. No response. JIMMY's Father Amber. No response. JIMMY's Father Amber? The Father leans down to touch AMBER and feels something squelch. He turns on the light and looks at the liquid on his fingers: blood. The Father rolls AMBER onto her back. There is a hole in her skull that shows her brain. JIMMY's Father Francine! INT. MORGUE - DAY Dean and Sam, wearing suits, hold up FBI badges. Dean: Agents Page and Plant, FBI. I BELIEVE THE CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE Doctor: Gentlemen. What brings you by? Sam: We need to see Amber Freer's body. Doctor: Really? What for? Starring JARED PADALECKI Dean: The police report said something clawed through her skull? Doctor: You didn't read the autopsy report that I emailed out this morning? JENSEN ACKLES Sam: W-we had, uh, server issues. MISHA COLLINS The Doctor walks away. Dean and Sam follow. The Doctor opens one of the freezers and pulls out the slab with AMBER's body. He tosses back the sheet from her head. Doctor: When they brought her in, we thought she was att*cked by a wolf or something. Dean: Or something. Doctor: But we were wrong. The Doctor picks up a plastic bag from the slab and shows it to Dean and Sam. Sam: Is that a- Doctor: It's a press-on nail. We found it in her temporal lobe. Sam: Is that even possible? Dean: Wait, are you-you saying that she did this to herself? Sam: Uh-huh. She scratched her brains out. It'd take hours, and it'd hurt like hell, but sure-it's possible. Dean: How? Doctor: Pick your acronym-OCD, PCP. It all spells crazy. Sam pulls back the sheet a little further. AMBER's right hand has four press-on nails still attached; the middle finger has nothing. Doctor: My guess, some kind of phantom itch. I mean, an extreme case, but... Sam: Phantom itch? Doctor: Yup. The Doctor covers AMBER's head and slides the slab back into the freezer, closing the door. Guest Starring GATTLIN GRIFFITH Doctor: All it takes is someone talking about an itch-or thinking about one, even-and suddenly you can't stop scratching. Sam: Thanks, doc. EVER CARRADINE Sam scratches under his collar and Dean scratches his ear. INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY Sam is sitting in the armchair in JIMMY's family's living room, holding a notebook and pen, and JIMMY's Father and FRANCINE are sitting on the sofa. Dean is wandering around behind them. Sam: Okay. Okay, now, some of these questions might seem a bit odd, but please just bear with me. Co-Producer Jeremy CARVER Sam: Have you noticed any cold spots in the house? Co-Producers JERRY WANEK SERGE LADOUCEUR JIMMY's Father Uh...no. Sam: Okay, uh, what about strange smells? Producer TODD ARONAUER Dean looks around a corner. JIMMY is there. JIMMY Whatcha lookin' for? Co-Executive Producer PETER JohnSON Dean: Don't know yet. Dean walks up to JIMMY. Executive Producer SERA GAMBLE Dean: It's, uh, Jimmy, right? JIMMY nods. Executive Producer BEN EDLUND Dean: So, Amber was your babysitter? JIMMY Yes, sir. Dean: Yeah, most of my babysitters sucked. Executive Producer PHIL SGRICCIA Dean: Especially Ms. Chancey. She only cared about two things. Executive Producer McG Dean: Dynastyand bedtime. Dean Chuckles. Dean: Did you, uh, you see anything strange that night? JIMMY No, sir. Dean: You sure about that? JIMMY I-I would tell you if I knew something. Dean looks at him. JIMMY I promise. One hundred percent. Cross my heart. Produced by JIM MICHAELS Dean looks back over his shoulder, then back at JIMMY. Dean: Well, Jimmy, I, uh...I happen to know you're lying. JIMMY I'm not. Dean leans down and puts a hand on JIMMY's shoulder. Dean: We gonna start talking truth, or are you and me gonna have to take a little trip downtown? EXT. HOUSE - DAY Dean and Sam are leaving. Dean holds up a packet of itching powder. Dean: Kid said he put this on the babysitter's hairbrush. Sam: Dean, there's no way- Created by ERIC KRIPKE Sam: -itching powder made that girl scratch her brains out. It's just ground-up maple seeds. Written by ANDREW DABB & DANIEL LOFLIN Dean: If you have any other theories, I'm open to 'em. A cell phone rings. Sam pulls his out and answers it. Dean opens the Impala's driver's door. Sam: Yeah? ...Yeah, we'll be right there. Sam goes around behind the car. Dean gets in the car and closes the door. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY A Nurse zips up a body bag and he and another Nurse roll it out of the room while the Doctor watches from the corridor. Sam and Dean come up behind him. Sam: What happened? Doctor: Guy got electrocuted. Dean: Any idea how? Doctor: Eh, maybe a loose wire or a piece of equipment shorted out. So far, we haven't found anything. Sam: Witnesses? Doctor: Yeah, guy in there-Mr. Stanley. StanLEY is an old man sitting in a chair in the room, looking out the window. Doctor: He says he saw it, but he's not making a lick of sense. Senile. Sam: Thanks. Sam and Dean enter the room. The Doctor leaves. Sam: Um, Mr. Stanley? StanLEY It was just a joke. I didn't know it would really work. Dean: What would work? StanLEY looks at Dean. StanLEY All I did was shake his hand. StanLEY holds out his hand: he's holding a joy buzzer. Sam and Dean look at it and each other. INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY Dean puts on a pair of goggles and a pair of gloves. He adjusts the goggles and picks up the joy buzzer. He looks at the joy buzzer for a moment, then turns to Sam. Dean: You ready? Sam: h*t it, Mr. Wizard. Sam holds another pair of goggles to his eyes. There is a large uncooked ham in two stacked aluminum-foil pans sitting on the table in front of Dean. Dean holds the joy buzzer over the ham, hesitates, and presses it to the ham. Electricity crackles. Steam rises from the ham as it changes color. When the ham is blackened, Dean removes the joy buzzer. The ham sizzles. Sam lowers the goggles and gawks. Dean flips up the dark-plastic visor on the goggles. Dean: That'll do, pig. Sam: What the hell? Dean takes off the goggles, still staring at the now-cooked ham. Sam: That crap isn't supposed to work. Dean: This thing doesn't even have batteries. Dean has taken off one glove and now removes the other. Sam: So...so, what? Are-are we looking at cursed objects? Dean: Sounds good. Dean pulls out a Kn*fe, flips it open, and cuts a piece off the ham. Dean: Maybe there's a powerful witch in town. Dean eats the piece of ham. Dean: Is there any link between the, uh, the joy buzzer and the itching powder? Sam: Uh, one was made in China, the other Mexico, but they were both bought from the Same store. Dean cuts off another piece of ham. Dean: Hmm. Dean holds up the piece of ham. Sam shakes his head. Dean eats the ham. INT. CONJURARIUM - DAY Seen through the glass on the store door, Dean and Sam walk up. The door chimes when they walk in. Someone laughs and the door chimes again. Dean and Sam walk around. Dean: Sam! Dean picks up a whoopee cushion and holds it up, grinning. Sam sighs and shakes his head, turning away. Dean brings the whoopee cushion up to the checkout counter, which has a display of rubber chickens next to it. The OWNER comes out of the back room. OWNER Welcome to the Conjurarium, sanctum of magic and mystery. Sam comes up to the counter. Sam: You the owner? OWNER Yep. Dean: You sold any itching powder or joy buzzers lately? OWNER Yeah, a grand total of one of each. They aren't exactly big-ticket items. Look, you boys here to buy something or what? Dean pulls some cash out of his wallet, holds up the whoopee cushion, and hands the OWNER the cash. Sam: So, you get many customers? OWNER Kids come in. They don't buy much, but they're more than happy to break stuff. These days, all they care about are their iPhones and those kissing-vampire movies. The whole thing makes me just- Dean: Angry? The OWNER pauses, then nods. OWNER Yeah. Yeah, I am angry. This shop has been my life for twenty years, and now it's wasting away to nothing. Dean: Which is why you hate them. OWNER I suppose. Dean: You wish there was something you could do about it. OWNER Yeah, I guess I do. Dean: So you're taking revenge. Dean pulls a rubber chicken off the display and slaps it down on the counter. Dean: With this. Dean holds up the joy buzzer and presses it to the rubber chicken. Electricity crackles. The OWNER yelps and leaps back. OWNER Oh! No! The rubber chicken melts. The OWNER stares, making inarticulate noises. Dean and Sam watch the OWNER. Sam: Yeah, something tells me this guy is not a powerful witch. Dean: Sorry. Sorry. Dean and Sam leave. EXT. HOUSE - NIGHT INT. Girl's BEDROOM - NIGHT A Girl's Father holds up a baby tooth to show the Girl, who is sitting in bed. Girl's Father I'll just slip this tooth under your pillow, and while you're asleep, the tooth fairy will float down and swap it out for a quarter. Girl: So some freak is gonna come in my room while I'm sleeping and take my tooth? Sounds scary. No, thank you. Girl's Father Come on. The Father stands up and fusses with the Girl's pillows. The Girl lies back and the Father tucks her in, then gives her a kiss. Girl's Father Good night, sweetie. The Father turns off the light as he leaves. The Girl shifts position. INT. Father's BEDROOM - NIGHT The Girl sneaks into her Father's room, tooth in hand, hides it under his pillow, and sneaks out. He doesn't notice. He rolls over. A long pause. A hand covers the Father's mouth. He startles awake. A Man is standing there, wearing a pink tutu and sparkly wings: it's the TOOTH FAIRY. TOOTH FAIRY Shh! Hold still. You might feel just a little...pinch. The TOOTH FAIRY reaches into the Father's mouth with a pair of pliers. The Father tries to scream. The TOOTH FAIRY pulls out a tooth. INT. HOSPITAL - DAY The Girl's Father is lying in a hospital bed. A Nurse offers him a glass with a straw. He waves it away. Sam is in the room with a notebook and pen; he leaves. Dean is in the corridor, talking to another Nurse, whose name is JEN FREMONT. Dean: Well, I, uh, appreciate that, Nurse... Dean reads her name tag. Dean: Fremont. FREMONT Please-call me Jen. Dean: Oh. Jen it is. FREMONT smiles at Dean and leaves. Sam clears his throat. Dean turns to him, clapping once. Dean: What's up with Toothless? Cavity creeps get ahold of him? Sam: Yeah. Close. He wrote up a description. Sam reads from his notebook. Sam: Five foot ten, three hundred fifty pounds, wings, and a pink tutu. Said it was the tooth fairy. Dean: So he's obviously whacked out on painkillers. Sam: Maybe. Whatever it was got past locked doors and windows without triggering the alarm. Dean: Come on. Tooth fairy? Sam: And it left thirty-two quarters underneath his pillow. One for each tooth. Dean nods. Dean: Well, I will see your crazy and raise you some. There's a couple of kids upstairs with stomach ulcers-say they got it from mixing Pop Rocks and Coke. Another guy...his face...froze that way. Sam: What way? Dean looks in all directions, then pulls out the sides of his mouth and crosses his eyes. He holds it for a moment and lets go. Dean: He, uh, held it too long, and it-it stuck. They're flying in a plastic surgeon. Dean pokes at his cheeks and wiggles his chin. Sam: So, I mean, if you add all that up... Sam hesitates. Dean raises his eyebrows. Sam: I got nothing. Sam starts down the hallway past Dean, who turns around to walk alongside him. Dean: I thought sea-monkeys were real. Sam: They are. They're brine shrimp. Dean: No, no, no, I mean like in the ads. You know, like the sea-monkey wife cooks the pot roast for the sea-monkey husband, and the sea-monkey kids play with the dog in a sea-monkey castle-real. I mean, I was six, but I believed it. Sam: Okay. Dean: Point is... Dean stops. Sam stops and turns. Dean: Maybe that's the connection. The tooth fairy, the Pop Rocks and Coke, the joy buzzer that shocks you-they're all lies that kids believe. Sam: And now they're coming true. Okay, so whatever's doing this is-is reshaping reality. It has the powers of a god. Or- Sam rolls his eyes. Sam: -of a trickster. Dean: Yeah, with the sense of humor of a nine-year-old. Sam: Or you. Sam walks off. Dean follows. INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY Dean sits at the table and takes another bite from a sandwich. The remnants of the cooked ham sit on the table. The door opens and Sam comes in, holding a map. Dean looks up. Sam: Dude, seriously-still with the ham? Dean talks through the mouthful. Dean: We don't have a fridge. Sam closes the door and puts the map down in front of Dean. Sam: Well, I found something. Dean stands up for a better view. Sam points to a red X on the map for every incident. Sam: Um, tooth fairy att*ck was here, Pop Rocks and Coke was here, then you've got itching powder, face freeze, and joy buzzer-all located within a two-mile radius. Sam indicates the area containing all the red X's. Dean: So, we got a blast zone of weird, and inside, fantasy becomes reality. Sam: Looks like. Dean: And what's the A-b*mb at its center? Sam: Four acres of farmland...and a house. Dean: Our motel isn't in that circle, by any chance? Sam: Yeah. Why? Dean hesitates, then holds up his right hand: the palm is covered in hair. Sam looks away, closing his eyes. Sam: Ugh, dude- Sam sighs. Sam: That's not what I think it is, is it? Dean: I got bored. That nurse was hot. Dean grins. Sam: You know you can go blind from that, too. Dean: Give me five minutes. We'll go check out that house. Dean walks around Sam. Sam: Hey, do not use my razor! Dean smirks. EXT. FARMHOUSE - DAY A mail truck drives past the house and past the Impala, which pulls up and parks. Dean and Sam, wearing suits, get out and cross the street, walking up to the house. Dean checks Ruby's Kn*fe, which is tucked into his belt. Sam bends down to pick the lock, but straightens up in a hurry when the door opens. A Boy is there; his name is Jesse. Jesse: Can I help you? Sam: Hi. Uh, what's your name? Jesse: Who wants to know? Sam and Dean glance at each other. Dean: The, uh... Dean clears his throat and pulls out his badge, showing it to Jesse while Sam goes for his badge. Dean: FBI. Sam holds up his badge. Jesse takes Dean's. Jesse: Let me see that. Jesse examines Dean's badge and hands it back. Sam puts his away. Jesse: So, what, you guys don't knock? Dean: Are your parents home? Jesse: They work. Sam: Well, you mind if we ask you a few questions, maybe take a look around the house? Jesse: I don't know. Dean: Come on. You can trust us. We're the authorities. Dean holds up his badge again. Jesse is unimpressed. He glances between the two of them. Dean and Sam try to smile reassuringly. INT. KITCHEN - DAY A pot of soup is boiling on the stove. Jesse goes up to it and turns it off. Sam and Dean follow him into the kitchen, looking around. Dean hangs back. Sam: What's that? Jesse: It's called soup. Jesse takes the pot off the stove. Jesse: You heat it up and you eat it. Sam Chuckles. Sam: Right. I, I know. It's just, um...I used to make my own dinner, too, when I was a kid. Jesse: Well, I'm not a kid. Dean notices the artwork on the fridge. Sam: Right. No, I, I know. Um... Sam holds out a hand. Sam: I'm Robert, by the way. Jesse shakes Sam's hand. Jesse: Jesse. Sam: Jesse, nice to meet you. Dean steps closer, holding a picture of a bearded man with pink wings and tutu. Dean: Did you draw this? Jesse nods. Jesse: It's the tooth fairy. Dean: That's what you think the tooth fairy looks like, huh? Jesse: Yeah. My dad told me about him. Dean glances at Sam. Dean: Huh. Jesse: What, didn't your dad tell you about the tooth fairy? Dean: My dad? Dean Chuckles. Dean: My dad told me different stories. Jesse: Well, the tooth fairy isn't a story. Jesse: What do you know about itching powder, Jesse? Jesse: That stuff will make you scratch your brains out. Dean: Pop Rocks and Coke? Jesse: You mix them, and you'll end up in the hospital. Everyone knows that. Dean pulls the joy buzzer out of his pocket and holds it up. Jesse: You shouldn't have that. Dean: Why not? Jesse: It can electrocute you. Dean: Actually, it can't. It's just a wind-up toy. It's totally harmless. Doesn't even have batteries. Jesse: So it can't shock you? Dean: Nope. Not at all. I swear. Jesse: Oh. Okay. Dean: I mean, all it does is just shake in your hand. It's kind of lame. See? Dean presses the joy buzzer to Sam's chest. It buzzes. Sam stiffens up and turns to Dean, looking m*rder. Dean: What did you say your name was, again? EXT. FARMHOUSE - DAY Sam and Dean leave Jesse's house. Sam: Dude, what the hell? Dean: I had a hunch. I went with it. Sam: You risked my ass on a hunch? Dean: You're fine. Sam: Besides, now we know who's turning this town into Willy Wonka's worst nightmare. Sam: The kid. Sam stops walking; so does Dean. Dean: Yeah. Everything Jesse believes comes true. He thinks the tooth fairy looks like Belushi, uh, joy buzzers really shock people, boom, that's what happens. Sam: Yeah, but convince him the joy buzzers don't actually work, and they go from k*lling machines back into crap toys. Dean: He probably doesn't even know he's doing it. Dean and Sam look back at the house. The curtains on an upstairs window part and Jesse looks out at them. Dean waves. Dean: How is he doing it? Dean and Sam walk away. Jesse watches them go. INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY Dean, still in his suit though without the jacket, sits in bed, reading something that isn't John's journal. The door opens. Dean looks up. Sam, still in his suit and jacket, closes the door. Sam: So, dug up what I could on Jesse Turner. It's not much. Uh, B student, won last year's Pinewood Derby. But get this. Jesse was adopted. His birth records are sealed. Dean: So you unsealed them, and? Sam: There's no father listed, but Jesse's biological mom is named Julia Wright. She lives in Elk Creek, on the other side of the state. Dean closes his book and throws it down on the bed. EXT. RUNDOWN HOUSE - DAY A sign reading "NO TRESPASSING" hangs on the gate of a rusty, overgrown fence. Dean pushes the gate open and walks through, Sam right behind. Elk Creek, Nebraska Sam and Dean walk around to the front door, which has two deadbolts. Dean rings the doorbell. A woman, JULIA, speaks without opening the door. JULIA Whatever you're selling, I'm not interested. Dean looks at Sam. Dean: We're not salesmen. Agents Page and Plant, FBI. Dean and Sam pull out their badges and hold them up to the peephole. JULIA Put your badge in the slot. Your partner's, too. Dean obeys. A pause while the locks clatter. The door opens. JULIA hands back the badges. JULIA What do you want? Sam: Um... Sam and Dean put their badges away. Sam: We just had a few questions. About your son. JULIA I don't have a son. Sam: He was born March twenty-ninth, nineteen ninety-eight, in Omaha. JULIA looks up, face expressionless. Sam: You put him up for adoption? JULIA What about him? Sam: We were just wondering, um, was it...was it a normal pregnancy? JULIA says nothing. Dean: Was there anything strange? JULIA slams the door. JULIA Stay away from me! Dean: Mrs. Wright, wait! Dean pushes the door open and he and Sam follow JULIA inside. JULIA runs to the kitchen and shuts the door, but quickly realizes she can't hold it shut against two large men and retreats. Dean pushes the door open. Dean: We just want to talk! JULIA grabs a canister of table salt, wrenches it open, and tosses the contents at Dean and Sam. When it hits them, nothing happens. JULIA stares; this isn't what she expected. Dean and Sam stare back. JULIA You're not demons? Dean: How do you know about demons? INT. DINING ROOM - DAY JULIA sits at the table with a cup of tea. She sets the cup on a saucer and folds her arms. JULIA I was possessed. A demon took control of my body, and I hurt people. I k*lled people. Sam and Dean are sitting across from JULIA. Sam: That, that wasn't you. JULIA But I was there. I heard a woman beg for mercy. I...felt a young girl's blood drip down my hands. Dean: That's how you knew about the salt. JULIA Yeah, I picked up tricks. It was in my head for months. Dean: How many months? JULIA Nine. Sam: So your son... JULIA Yeah, the whole time. The pregnancy, birth-all of it. I was possessed. INT. EMPTY ROOM - NIGHT Past-JULIA, heavily pregnant, lies on the floor, screaming. JULIA narrates the flashback in voiceover, with cuts back to the present day. JULIA The night the baby was born, I was alone. And the pain was-the pain was overwhelming. I, I screamed, and it came out a laugh, because the demon was happy. It used my body to give birth to a child. When it was over, something changed. Maybe the-the demon was tired or if the pain helped me fight it, but... Past-JULIA has demon-black eyes. JULIA Somehow, I took control. Past-JULIA squeezes her eyes shut and opens them: they're human. She pants, exhausted. JULIA And the demon wailed inside me. It pounded against my skull. I thought my head was gonna explode. But I knew. I knew what I had to do. Past-JULIA grabs fistfuls out of a bag of road salt and pours it down her throat. Black smoke rushes out of her. JULIA And when I was alone with the baby... A baby cries. JULIA A part of me...part of me wanted to k*ll it. INT. DINING ROOM - DAY The flashback is over. JULIA But, God help me, I couldn't do that. So, I put it up for adoption, and I ran. Dean: Who was the father? JULIA I was a virgin. Dean and Sam look at each other. JULIA Have you seen my son? Is he human? Dean: His name's Jesse. He lives in, uh, Alliance. He's a good kid. JULIA nods. EXT. JULIA's HOUSE - DAY Sam and Dean leave. Sam: So, now what? Dean: We need help. INT. MOTEL - NIGHT Sam and Dean enter the motel room. They both look up: Castiel is waiting for them. Sam: I take it you got our message. Sam sits at the table. Dean closes the door. Castiel: It's lucky you found the boy. Dean: Oh, yeah, real lucky. What do we do with him? Castiel: k*ll him. Sam pauses in the middle of loosening his tie. He and Dean stare at Castiel. Castiel stares back. Dean: Cas. Castiel: This child is half demon and half human, but it's far more powerful than either. Other cultures call this hybrid cambion or katako. You know him as the antichrist. Castiel sits at the table. Fart noises. The noises continue as Castiel shifts position. Dean watches, raising his eyebrows. Castiel: That wasn't me. Castiel pulls out a whoopee cushion, presumably the one Dean bought earlier. Dean: Who put that there? Sam: Anyway, I don't get it. Jesse is the devil's son? Castiel sighs. Castiel: No, of course not. Your Bible gets more wrong than it does right. The antichrist is not Lucifer's child. It's just demon spawn. But it is one of the devil's greatest w*apon in the w*r against heaven. Dean: Well, if Jesse's a demonic howitzer, then what the hell's he doing in Nebraska? Castiel: The demons lost him. They can't find him. But they're looking. Dean: And they lost him because? Castiel: Because of the child's power. It hides him from both angels and demons. For now. Dean: So he's got, like, a force field around him. Well, that's great. Problem solved. Castiel: With Lucifer risen, this child grows strong. Soon, he will do more than just make a few toys come to life-something that will draw the demons to him. The demons will find this child. Lucifer will twist this boy to his purpose. And then, with a word, this child will desTroy the Host of Heaven. Dean: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. You're saying that-that Jesse's gonna nuke the angels? Castiel: We cannot allow that to happen. Sam: Wait. Sam stands up. Sam: We're the good guys. We-we don't just-k*ll children. Castiel: A year ago, you would have done whatever it took to win this w*r. Sam: Things change. Dean steps forward, putting a hand on Sam's arm and putting himself between Sam and Castiel. Dean: Okay. Hey, look, we are not going to k*ll him. All right? But we can't leave Jesse here either. We know that. So...we take him to Bobby's. He'll know what to do. Castiel: You'll kidnap him? What is going on in this town, it's what happens when this thing is happy. You cannot imagine what it will do if it's angry. Besides, how will you hold him? With a thought, he could be halfway around the world. Dean: So we- Sam: So we tell him the truth. You say Jesse's destined to go dark side-fine. But he hasn't yet. So if we lay it all out for him-what he is, the apocalypse, everything-he might make the right choice. A long pause. Castiel: You didn't. And I can't take that chance. Sam glares. Castiel vanishes. Sam sighs. Sam: Damn it. EXT. JULIA's HOUSE - NIGHT JULIA walks up to her door, then unlocks each of the locks. A MAILMAN walks up behind her. She turns around and gasps, startled. JULIA Oh. Sorry. I'm sorry. MAILMAN It's-it's no worries. You okay? JULIA Yeah. It's just today-a little...shaky. MAILMAN Ah. Well, talking to the Winchesters will do that to you. JULIA's expression changes: no one should know that. The MAILMAN steps forward, pressing JULIA against the door. MAILMAN Don't you recognize me, sweetheart? The MAILMAN's eyes go black: this is a Demon, presumably the Same one that once possessed JULIA. Demon: We had some great times together, didn't we? And then you stole something from us, hid it away. That was very, very naughty of you. So we watched, and we waited. And now...they told you where he is, didn't they? I think it's time we go and visit our son. The Demon holds JULIA's mouth open. Black smoke pours out of the MAILMAN's mouth into JULIA's, while the MAILMAN leans forward as if for a kiss. When the last of the black smoke is out of the MAILMAN, he drops like a stone. JULIA's eyes go black, and the Demon walks forward. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Jesse gets a cup of water from a five-gallon jug. Castiel appears. Jesse backs away, dropping the glass, which smashes. Castiel: Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. Castiel advances, Ruby's Kn*fe held behind his back. Jesse continues to back away. Jesse: Mom! Dad! Castiel: Your mother and father are sleeping. I assure you, they won't wake until morning. Jesse breathes hard. Castiel: I'm sorry. Castiel raises the Kn*fe. Dean and Sam kick in the front door. Jesse stares at them. Dean: Was there a guy here? In a trench coat? Jesse points at the floor: there is an action figure wearing Castiel's suit and trench coat and holding a silver Kn*fe. Dean kneels to pick him up and looks up at Sam, then Jesse. INT. Jesse's LIVING ROOM - DAY Dean sets the Castiel action figure on the mantelpiece. Jesse is sitting on the couch, Sam on a chair. Jesse: Was he your friend? Dean: Him? No. Jesse: I did that. But how did I do that? Dean: You're a superhero. Jesse: I am? Dean: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, who else could turn someone into a toy? You're Superman-minus the cape and the go-go boots. See, my-my partner and I, we work for a secret government agency. It's our job to find kids with special powers. In fact, we're here to take you to a hidden base in South Dakota, where you'll be trained to fight evil. Jesse: Like the X-Men? Dean: Exactly like the X-Men. Dean Chuckles. Dean: In fact, the, uh, guy we're taking you to-he's even in a wheelchair. You'll be a hero. You'll save lives. You'll get the girl. Sounds like fun, right? Dean is flung against the wall. The Demon possessing JULIA walks in. Demon: They're lying to you. Sam stands up. The Demon flings him against the wall with Dean. Jesse stands up. Demon: Stay right there, dreamboat. Can't hurt you. Orders. You, on the other hand? Hurting you's encouraged. The Demon flicks her wrist and slams Dean against the opposite wall, then back. Dean: No! Uh! Jesse: Leave him alone! The Demon leans down to Jesse, speaking sweetly. Demon: Jesse. You're beautiful. You have your father's eyes. Jesse: Who are you? Demon: I'm your mother. Jesse: No, you're not. Demon: Mm-hm. You're half human...half one of us. Dean: She means demons, Jesse! The Demon straightens and holds up a hand clenched into a fist. Dean groans in pain. The Demon leans back down to Jesse. Demon: Those people you call your parents-they lied to you, too. You're not theirs-not really. Jesse: My mom and dad love me. Demon: Do they? Is-is that why they leave you alone all day? Because they love you so much? These people-these imposters-they told you that the tooth fairy was real and that your toys could hurt you and a hundred other things that aren't true. They love you so much, they made your whole life a lie. Look into your heart, Jesse. You've always known you weren't theirs. You've always known you were different. Everyone has lied to you. They're not FBI agents. And you're not a superhero. Jesse: Then what am I? Demon: You're powerful. You can have anything you want. You can do anything you want. Dean: Don't listen to her, Jesse! The Demon holds up a hand and Dean groans. Demon: They treated you like a child. Nobody trusted you. Everybody's lied to you. Doesn't that make you angry? Jesse clenches his fist. The room rattles. The Demon looks up, exultant. The f*re flares up and the lights flicker. Demon: See? It does make you angry. But I'm telling you the truth, Jesse. Things begin to shatter. Demon: Wouldn't it be better if there were no lies? Come with me and you can wash it all clean. Start over. Imagine that-a world without lies. Sam: She's right. We lied to you. The Demon looks at Sam, eyes black. Sam: But I'll tell you the truth. The Demon raises a fist. Something crunches. Sam tries to speak through the pressure on his throat. Sam: I just want...to tell... Jesse: Stop it. Sam drops to the floor, released. He gasps in breath Jesse: I want to hear what he has to say. Demon: You're stronger than I thought. Sam stands up. Sam: We lied to you. And I'm sorry. So here's the truth. I'm Sam Winchester. That's my brother, Dean. W-we hunt monsters. Demon: Except when you are the monster. Right, Sammy? Sam: And that woman right there, her name is Julia. She's your mother. But the thing inside of her, the thing that you're talking to-it's a demon. Jesse: A demon? Demon: He's done nothing but lie to you since the moment you met him. Don't listen to him. Punish him. Jesse: Sit down and shut up. A chair scoots up behind the Demon, who is forced into it, silent. She struggles to speak. Sam: There's, uh, kind of a...a w*r between angels and demons, and...you're a part of it. Jesse: I'm just a kid. Sam: You can go with her if you want. I can't stop you. No one can. But if you do...millions of people will die. Jesse: She said I was half demon. Is that true? Sam: Yes. But you're half human, too. You can do the right thing. You've got choices, Jesse. But if you make the wrong ones, it'll haunt you for the rest of your life. Jesse: Why are you telling me this?! Sam: Because I have to believe someone can make the right choice, even if I couldn't. Jesse thinks about this. He clenches his fist and looks at the Demon. Jesse: Get out of her. The chair flies back against the wall. Black smoke pours out of JULIA's mouth and vanishes up the chimney. Dean drops to the ground, panting. Dean: How did you do that? Jesse: I just did. Dean: Kid...you're awesome. INT. Jesse's LIVING ROOM - DAY Jesse looks at JULIA, slumped in the chair. Jesse: Is she gonna be all right? Dean looks at JULIA. Dean: Eventually. Dean leans down and picks up the Castiel action figure, which fell down at some point. Dean: Look, uh, truth is, he's kind of a buddy of mine. Is there any way you could turn him back? Jesse: He tried to k*ll me. Dean: Right. Uh. But he's a-he's a good guy. He was just confused. Jesse says nothing. Dean: Okay. It's been a long night. We'll...talk about it later. Dean puts the Castiel action figure back on the mantel. Jesse: What now? Dean looks back at Sam. Dean: Now we take you someplace safe, get you trained up. You'd be handy in a fight, kid. Jesse: What if I don't want to fight? Sam: Jesse. Sam comes forward to sit in front of Jesse. Sam: You're powerful. More powerful than...pretty much anything we've ever seen. That makes you- Jesse: A freak. Sam: To some people, maybe. But not to us. See, we're kind of freaks ourselves. Jesse: I can't stay here, can I? Dean: No. The demons know where you are, and more will be coming. Jesse: I won't go without my mom and dad. Sam: There's nothing more important than family. We get that. And if you really want to take them with you, we'll back your play. But you got to understand-it's gonna be dangerous for them, too. Jesse: What do you mean? Dean: Our dad...he would take us with him wherever he went. Jesse: Where is he now? Sam: d*ad. A demon k*lled him. Dean: Look, Jesse...once you're in this fight... Dean leans down to Jesse. Dean: You're in it till the end, win or lose. Jesse: What should I do? Sam: We can't tell you. It's your choice. It's not fair. I know. Jesse: Can I go see my parents? I, I need to...say goodbye. Dean: Sure. Jesse climbs the stairs. INT. Jesse's PARENTS' BEDROOM - NIGHT Jesse peeks into the room and sees his parents asleep in bed. He looks at them for a moment and closes the door. INT. Jesse's BEDROOM - NIGHT Jesse flops down on his bed, then sits up, looking at a poster on his wall: it shows a surfer and says AUSTRALIA. INT. Jesse's LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Sam examines the Castiel action figure and puts him back on the mantel without any of the care Dean showed. Dean: He's been up there a long time. INT. Jesse's BEDROOM - NIGHT Sam and Dean enter the room. It's empty. Castiel: He's gone. Sam and Dean turn; Castiel is behind them. Sam: Where? Castiel: I don't know. Jesse put everyone in town back to normal-the ones still alive. Then he vanished. Sam notices a note on Jesse's bed and picks it up. Sam: Hey. Dean: What does it say? Sam: That he had to leave to keep his parents safe, that he loves them, and he's sorry. Dean: How do we find him? Castiel: With the boy's powers, we can't. Not unless he wants to be found. EXT. STREET - NIGHT The Impala drives past. INT. Impala - NIGHT Dean: You think Jesse's gonna be okay? Sam takes a deep breath. Sam: I hope so. Dean: You know, we desTroyed that kid's life by telling him the truth. Sam: We didn't have a choice, Dean. Dean: Yeah. You know, I'm starting to get why parents lie to their kids. You want them to believe that the worst thing out there is mixing Pop Rocks and Coke-protect them from the real evil. You want them going to bed feeling safe. If that means lying to them, so be it. The more I think about it...the more I wish Dad had lied to us. Sam: Yeah, me too.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "05x06 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future"}
Air Date: 28 Oct 2009 INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY A Woman, Mrs. XAVIER, is reading the Weekly World News, headline: "LEADING PSYCHICS AGREE: THE APOCALYPSE IS HERE! Experts confirm the end is upon us!" She Chuckles. The door opens. Mrs. XAVIER Hey, babe. Mr. XAVIER hurries upstairs without a word. Mrs. XAVIER Nice to see you, too. INT. BATHROOM - DAY Mr. XAVIER rushes into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He turns on the water in the sink and leans forward, staring into the mirror. He is a young man, but ages rapidly, skin wrinkling, hair going gray and falling out, eyes going white-blind. He stumbles backward into a cabinet, smashing glass. INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY Mrs. XAVIER hears the crash and looks up. Mrs. XAVIER Honey? INT. BATHROOM - DAY Mr. XAVIER collapses. INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY Mrs. XAVIER drops her magazine. Mrs. XAVIER Are you okay? She rushes upstairs. INT. BATHROOM - DAY Mrs. XAVIER opens the bathroom door, takes one look, and screams. INT. HOSPITAL - DAY Sam and Dean, in suits, hold up CDC badges. Doctor: You expect me to believe you're CDC? Dean looks at Sam. Sam: Excuse me? Doctor: It's just that you're a day early. First time in history I haven't sat on my ass waiting for you people. Dean: New administration. A change you can believe in. Doctor: Right. INT. MORGUE - DAY The Doctor pulls the corpse of Mr. XAVIER out of a freezer. He looks like a d*ad eighty-year-old. Doctor: Meet Xavier. Date of birth, April third, nineteen eighty-four. THE CURIOUS CASE OF Dean Winchester She exchanges glances with Dean and Sam. Doctor: I know. I ran the DNA twice. That's definitely him. Dean: Well, he wasn't big on the sunscreen, huh? Sam: So, what's your theory? Doctor: All I know is, decedent's male, twenty-five years old- Starring JARED PADALECKI Doctor: -and he died of old age. The Doctor walks away. Sam and Dean glance at each other. JENSEN ACKLES INT. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR - DAY Sam and Dean leave the morgue. Dean is on the phone. Guest Starring JIM BEAVER Dean: You were right about this one. It's definitely a job. INT. Bobby's LIVING ROOM - DAYalternating with INT. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR - DAY Bobby sits in his wheelchair, phone to his ear. Bobby: Thought so. Any other stiffs in town? HAL OZSAN Dean: Just the one body. Bobby: Anything else? PASCALE HUTTON Dean: Couple missing persons, but usual for a town this size. Bobby: Well, check 'em out. CHRISTOPHER RUSSELL Dean: You think they're connected? Bobby: Call it a hunch. Dean: You got it. And, by the way, how you doing? Bobby: Doing? Dean: Yeah. You know, just...in general? And CHAD EVERETT Bobby: Oh, you mean my legs. Well, I'm just weepin' in my Haagen-Dazs. Idjit. Bobby hangs up. Dean sits on an ottoman, looking at a framed photo of an Old Man, CLIFF WHITLOW. Sam sits in an armchair and Mrs. WHITLOW sits on the sofa. Co-Producer Jeremy CARVER Mrs. WHITLOW That's the most recent. Dean hands the photo to Dean. Co-Producers JERRY WANEK SERGE LADOUCEUR The photo is of CLIFF as a golf tournament champion, Miami Palms June 2009, holding a golf club and trophy. A USMC tattoo is visible on his right arm. Sam: How long has he been missing? Mrs. WHITLOW Oh, I knew right away when he didn't come home Tuesday night. Dean: Is there someplace he likes to go after work, maybe? A favorite bar? Mrs. WHITLOW laughs. Mrs. WHITLOW No. Tuesdays, he always works a bit late, but he always comes straight home. Producer TODD ARONAUER Dean: May I use your facilities, ma'am? INT. OFFICE - DAY Co-Executive Producer PETER JohnSON Dean enters the room, looking back over his shoulder. Executive Producer SERA GAMBLE He scoops a pile of papers off the desk. Executive Producer BEN EDLUND He r*fles the rest of the desk and the pockets of CLIFF's coat. Executive Producer PHIL SGRICCIA He pulls out a receipt and looks at it: it's for Madame Liu's Golden Palace and totals over $250. Executive Producer McG Dean: 'Working late' my ass. INT. MOTEL CORRIDOR - NIGHT Produced by JIM MICHAELS Dean and Sam walk along the corridor. Sam: Well, at least he's consistent. Same room every Tuesday, hourly rates. Created by ERIC KRIPKE Dean: Hope I got that kind of kick when I'm his age. Sam: Yeah, like either of us will live that long. Teleplay by SERA GAMBLE Dean: True. Sam: So...what do you think's in there? They pause. Story by SERA GAMBLE & JENNY KLEIN Dean: A wrinkly, gooey corpse. They go on to stop outside room 44. Directed by Robert SINGER Sam pulls out his lockpick kit and selects two while Dean keeps watch. A Man starts shouting inside the room. Man: Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh! Oh, God! Sam and Dean look at each other and slam the door open. Man: Hey! What the- The Man, apparently naked, is in bed with a Woman, barely dressed. Sam: Oh. Dean: God. Another Woman comes out from under the covers. Sam: It's gooey. Both WOMEN flee the bed. Dean: Sorry. Uh, got the wrong room. Man: Close the door! Dean is outside and Sam is about to close the door behind them when he notices something. Sam: Hey. The Man has a USMC tattoo that looks exactly like CLIFF WHITLOW's. Sam: Nice tattoo. Sam comes back into the room. Sam: Happen to know anybody named Cliff Whitlow? The Man shakes his head. Man: Never heard of him. Sam: Well, that's weird. Sam pulls an ID out of the wallet that was apparently in the Man's pants. Sam: 'Cause you're carrying his wallet. Dean goes over to the bed and yanks up the covers to look underneath. Dean: Huh. Dean drops the sheets. Dean: Your wife told us about your, uh, birthmark there. That's nice. Well, you look great. Cliff. Did you get some work done? CLIFF shakes his head and sighs. CLIFF Could you give us some privacy? The two WOMEN are robed now. Dean winks at them, then goes back to glaring at CLIFF. CLIFF, also robed now, hands one of them some money and they leave. He closes the door behind them. CLIFF Please don't tell my wife. Dean: slow down. CLIFF I'm begging you. As far as she knows, I'm d*ad. For the love of God, let's keep it that way. Dean: How can you possibly be Cliff Whitlow? CLIFF I can't tell you. Dean: Well, either you tell us or we tell the missus. CLIFF Okay! Okay! It was a game. Sam: Like...XBox? CLIFF What's XBox? No. Poker. High stakes. Instead of cash, you play for years. Dean: What is that supposed to mean? CLIFF Look, I know it sounds crazy. Guy comes up to me at a bar, invites me to play. Gives me twenty-five of these weirdo poker chips, right? Chants some mumbo humbo over them, says now they're twenty-five years. I'm laughing, but then I come out up. And look at me. Sam: What was he chanting? CLIFF laughs. CLIFF How should I know? All I know is, my bad hip's good, I threw away my glasses. One of those ladies was here for free! Man's some kind of miracle worker. Dean: What does this miracle worker look like? CLIFF Just a guy. Maybe thirty-five, brown hair. Irish accent. His name was Patrick. Dean: All right, all right. Where's this game at? CLIFF He said he likes to keep moving. Never stays in one bar long. And he finds you. Dean: Thank you, Cliff. Sam and Dean head for the door. Dean: Oh, and, uh...stay classy. EXT. STREET - DAYand INT. Bobby's LIVING ROOM - DAYalternating Sam and Dean walk along the street. Dean is on the phone with Bobby. Dean: It sounds crazy, right? Bobby: No. There's lore on it. Goes back centuries. Traveling card player pops into town. You b*at him, you get your best years back. 'Course, most folks lose. Dean: Well, that would explain the crunchy corpse. Bobby: Supposedly, this player's a hell of a card shark. Got a lot of years in the bank. You find the bar he's working in yet? Dean: There's a lot of dives in this town. We're gonna have to split up. Bobby: Well, why you still talking to me? Bobby hangs up. Dean shuts his phone. Bobby's keys are on a stack of papers; he grabs them as he rolls past. INT. BAR - NIGHT Dean is on the phone with Sam. Sam: Find anything? Dean: Yeah, a whole bunch of squat. You? Sam: No, not a thing. Dean: All right. Well, you come up dry, circle back to the motel in two. Your turn to grab dinner. Sam: Usual? Dean: Extra bacon. Dean hangs up and sits down at the bar. Dean: Can I get a beer? Bartender: Yep. The Bartender reaches for a beer bottle. Dean: You wouldn't happen to know of a poker game going on in back, would you? The Bartender opens the bottle and passes it to Dean. Bartender: It's a bar, not a casino. Dean digs into his pocket. Dean: My friend Ben told me you'd know. Bartender: Don't know any Ben. Dean: Sure you do. You know, balding, smart-ass, real ladies' man? The Bartender leans forward. Bartender: Listen, pal, I told you, I don't know any Ben. I don't know nothing about a game. Dean: You sure? 'Cause, uh... Dean slides a hundred-dollar bill, with its picture of Ben Franklin, across the bar. Dean: He sure seems to know you. The Bartender glances down, then up, and takes the bill. EXT. BACK OF BAR - NIGHT Dean walks around behind the bar. Bartender (V.O): 'Round back. Take the elevator down. Something clatters. Bobby rolls out of what is presumably the elevator. Dean: Bobby? What the hell are you doing here? Bobby: Planting daisies. What's it look like? Came in on the case. Dean: And you b*at me here? Dean: Well, brains trumps legs, apparently. Bobby rolls around Dean. Dean follows. Dean: So, you found the game? Bobby: Yep. Dean: Did you stop it? Bobby doesn't answer. Dean: Bobby? Bobby stops and turns around. Bobby: Not exactly. Dean: What did you do? Bobby: I played, okay? Dean: And? Bobby: I lost. EXT. BACK OF BAR - NIGHT Dean: Are you kidding me? You played some-some he-witch? Bobby: Don't you take that tone with me. Dean: You idiot! Bobby: They're my years! I can do what I want! Dean: How many did you lose? Bobby: Twenty-five. Bobby ages before Dean's eyes. Dean: We're not done. Dean heads into the elevator. INT. BAR - NIGHT An OLDER Man and a Young Woman sit at the bar; he is unnamed and her name is LIA. ANOTHER Man stands next to them, chewing on a toothpick. He speaks with an Irish accent: this must be PATRICK. OLDER Man So, you're saying that you're a mind reader. PATRICK Ah, come on. No such thing. But I can read people. Take your lovely companion here. The OLDER Man and LIA smile at each other. PATRICK I'd say, judging from her exquisite posture, she used to be a dancer. LIA Chuckles, indicating to the OLDER Man that PATRICK is right on the money. PATRICK Not much of a drinker. Very independent. Looking for adventure. Dean comes up behind PATRICK, grabbing him by the arm. Dean: Hey, man. Excuse me. Can I borrow you for a sec? Dean adjusts his jacket to show PATRICK the handle of his g*n. PATRICK glances down at it, then up at Dean. PATRICK Oh, yeah. Of course. Great. Good to see you. Dean grins, nodding, and glances at the OLDER Man and LIA. Dean heads for a table across the room. PATRICK Would you two please excuse me? PATRICK follows Dean to the table. Dean: Sorry to cut you short with Mr. and Mrs. Easy Marks over there. PATRICK Oh, no big. PATRICK holds up a gold wristwatch. PATRICK Wasn't a total loss. Under the table, Dean pulls out his g*n. PATRICK Look, I don't know what it is you think I did to your wife or girlfriend- Dean frowns, confused. PATRICK keeps fishing. PATRICK -mother or sister, but, uh, I just want you to know, my feelings were real. Dean: That ain't my problem, man-witch. You owe my friend some years. PATRICK Oh, that's what this is. I'm sorry. He lost. Them's the breaks. Dean: Well, then un-lose him. Dean cocks the g*n. PATRICK flicks a glance down. PATRICK Oh, go ahead and sh**t me, if it makes you feel better. Besides, I could use a good...you know...tickle. You want years? Great. Play me for 'em. Dean: Fine. Bobby has come up to the table. Bobby: Dean, no! Dean: They're my years. I can do what I want. Bobby coughs. PATRICK holds up a cough drop. PATRICK Lozenge? Bobby wheezes. PATRICK What? It's barely linty. Okay, well, suit yourself. just trying to help. Dean: All right, all right. Come on. Let's do this. PATRICK You understand the terms? PATRICK sets a red case on the table. He opens it, chewing on a toothpick. It contains eight stacks of poker chips. He pulls out a stack of red chips. He takes the toothpick out of his mouth. PATRICK Buy-in's twenty-five years. PATRICK closes the box. Dean: Make it fifty. Bobby glances at Dean. PATRICK takes the toothpick back out of his mouth. PATRICK I like the cut of your jib. Dean smirks. PATRICK gives Dean another stack of red chips and holds his hand over them. PATRICK Lannraich gu dealrach a-nis. Light flicks along both stacks. PATRICK goes back to chewing his toothpick. Dean takes them and counts the chips in one stack. Dean: Twenty-five. That's twenty-five years. They go to him. Dean pushes the chips into the middle of the table. Dean: And he's cashing out. Bobby: Dean! Dean: Bobby. PATRICK You sure? Dean: Yes. PATRICK nods and holds his hand over the chips. PATRICK Las suas agus cuir ás an teine. Mar sin bitheadh. The chips catch f*re, burn to ash and blow away. Bobby is back to normal. PATRICK That's twenty-five years you just pissed away. Better be sure you can win them back. Dean taps his remaining chips. Dean: Shuffle up and deal. PATRICK laughs. PATRICK This is gonna be fun. INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Sam opens the door and comes in, carrying a takeout tray with burgers and two sodas. He puts it on the table. Sam: Hey, Dean? You find anything? Old Man: Uh, you might say. Sam startles and draws his g*n, aiming for the Old Man in the bathrobe. Sam: Who the hell are you! Old Man: Dude, relax. It's me. Sam lowers the g*n: the Old Man is very familiar. Sam: Dean? Dean: Hi. Sam: What the hell happened? Dean: I, you know...found the game. Dean heads for the food and picks up a burger. Sam: You f-I thought you said you were g-good at poker. Dean: I am. Shut up. So, you were just gonna sh**t some old guy? Is that it? Sam: I didn't know what you were. I mean, have you seen you? You look like- Dean talks with his mouth full. Dean: The old chick in Titanic. I know. shut up. Sam: I was gonna say Emperor Palpatine. The door thuds open. Bobby rolls in. The door closes. Bobby: I see you met John McCain there. Sam: Yeah. Either of you want to tell me what happened? Dean: Bobby's an idiot. That's what happened. Bobby: Hey, nobody asked you to play. Dean: Right. I should have just let you die. Bobby: And for damn sure, nobody asked you to lose! Sam grins. Sam: It's like [i]Grumpy Old Men[i]. Dean and Bobby turn to Sam and speak in unison. Dean and Bobby Shut up, Sam. Dean: What the hell were you thinking? He's a witch. He's been playing poker since guys wore tights. Bobby: You just don't get it. Dean: Yeah, I get it, Bobby. You saw a chance to turn the hands of the clock back and get out of that damn chair. Pretty tempting. I can imagine. Bobby: No, you can't. Dean: You got me. I never been paralyzed. But I tell you something-I've been to hell, and there's an archangel there wanting me to drop the soap. Look at me! My junk's rustier than yours! You hear me bellyaching? Huh? Sam: Uh, actually, yeah. Dean: Oh! Dean sits down, still holding his burger. Dean: I'm having a heart att*ck. Sam looks, worried. Bobby: No, you're not. Dean: What is it? Bobby: Acid reflux. Guys your age can't digest certain foods. You're gonna need to put down that cheeseburger. Dean sighs and puts down the burger. Dean: So, you want to keep emoting, or you want to talk about solving this little issue of yours? It's got to be about the chips. Dean: I slid 'em across, Patrick did his little witchy number, and you prettied up in a hurry. Sam: I mean, what are you all thinking? Some kind of magic chips or something? Bobby: Definitely. Sam sits down. Sam: You remember what he chanted? Bobby: Yep-every word. Sam: All right, then let's find out where he stashes his chips. Dean: And steal me fifty. Benjamin Button me back into burger shape. What do you think? Bobby: I think you ought to put some clothes on. Dean, fully dressed, goes to answer a knock on the door. It's a young, pretty MAID with a cart and an armful of towels. Maid: Ready for housekeeping, sir? Dean grins. Dean: Born ready. The MAID laughs. Dean: You're just like my grandfather. Dean's grin fades. Maid: He hits on anything that moves, too. She heads past him into the room. Maid: You're adorable. Dean: And dangerous. Maid: Aw. She laughs, heading for the bathroom. Sam smirks and so does Bobby. Dean: Can we just go? [i]EXT. STREET - NIGHT Bobby, Sam, and Dean sit in Bobby's van, watching people go by. PATRICK comes out of a building. He checks his watch and crosses the street without looking, noticing too late that a car is coming: it slams right into him. The DRIVER gets out and checks his injuries: it doesn't look like PATRICK can have survived. The DRIVER runs over to a construction crew nearby. DRIVER Guys, get some help! He came out of nowhere! Right out in front of me! Bobby, Sam, and Dean all stare. Another car drives by: PATRICK's in the driver's seat. The DRIVER and the construction workers look between him and where PATRICK got h*t by the DRIVER's car. Dean laughs. Dean: I got to say, I kind of like the guy. EXT. SKYSCRAPER - NIGHT Bobby, Sam, and Dean have followed PATRICK here, and now watch him leave the building, get in his car, and drive off. Dean looks at Sam, who looks at Bobby, who looks at Sam, who looks at Dean, who looks at PATRICK. INT. STateSBOROUGH APARTMENT BUILDING - NIGHT Dean holds the door open while Sam rolls Bobby inside. Sam and Dean let Bobby roll himself. Bobby stops and sighs. Bobby: Well, I'm out. A sign on the elevator reads "ELEVATOR OUT OF ORDER SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE". Sam looks at it, then at Bobby, and sighs. INT. STAIRS - NIGHT Sam jogs up a flight of stairs with no difficulty. Dean walks up one step at a time. Sam stops on the landing. Sam: Dean. Sam points to a sign with a large 2. Dean sighs. Sam continues up the stairs. Dean glares at the sign, then, determined, follows. INT. CORRIDOR - NIGHT Sam leaves the stairwell. A long pause. Dean follows, breathing hard. Sam sorts through lockpicks in front of room 3701. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT The lock clicks open. Sam and Dean enter. They search the place. Dean opens an armoire, knocks on the back, moves things, and opens the false back. There's a safe. Dean: Sam? Sam comes over. Dean: Dime-store model. Piece of cake. Dean turns the dial, squinting and leaning in and out: the numbers are too blurred for him to read. Sam: It's like Mission: Pathetic[i]. Watch out. Sam pushes Dean out of the way and turns the dial: it opens quickly. There are quite a few poker chips in the safe. Dean: I could have done that. Sam frowns at him and starts to grab handfuls of chips. LIA What are you doing? Sam and Dean turn around. LIA is standing there, wearing a large silver locket. Dean: Aren't you the chick from the bar? LIA I'm a lot more than that. She throws up a hand, clenches a fist, and twists. Dean doubles over. PATRICK hurries up and puts a hand on her arm. PATRICK It's all right, sweetheart. It's all right. They're harmless. LIA lets Dean go. PATRICK steps forward. PATRICK You boys want chips? Take 'em. They're just chips, Einsteins. It's showmanship. This may come as a shock, but the magic does not lie in a pile of crappy plywood or in any phony abracadabra. It's in the nine-hundred-year-old witch. You boys want years? Score 'em the old-fashioned way. Texas hold 'em. PATRICK chews on his toothpick. Dean: Fine. Let's do it. PATRICK pulls a card out of a pocket. It's the eight of hearts. PATRICK What card am I holding up? Dean squints at it and doesn't answer. PATRICK That's what I thought. If your eyesight's that bad, what about your memory? I'm not a m*rder. You, on the other hand... Dean looks back at Sam. Dean: No, Sam. Sam: Dean. PATRICK What, Sam not much of a player? Okay, well, happy trails, Dean. Enjoy the twilight of your life. Should have taken better care of that ticker, though. PATRICK opens the door. Dean: You're free to go. Dean takes the hint to leave. Sam follows. PATRICK Oh, but, Sam... Sam and Dean stop at the door. PATRICK Your brother's situation-that's punishment enough, but I can't let you leave without a small parting gift. PATRICK claps three times. Sam: What are you doing? PATRICK You'll find out soon enough. Dean: Let's get out of here, Sam. They leave. PATRICK closes the door behind them. [i]INT. CORRIDOR - NIGHT Sam and Dean head for the outside door. Sam scratches at the inside of his thighs. Sam opens the door for himself and Dean and scratches some more. Dean: Dude... Sam turns to Dean. Dean: I believe that he-witch gave you the clap. Sam goes stiff for a moment, then marches off. Dean laughs. EXT. CICERO MOTEL - DAY Dean, Sam, and Bobby head towards the motel. To get there, they have to go up an incline. Sam and Dean have no trouble. Bobby tries to roll himself up and can't. Bobby: Little help here? Dean and Sam stop. Sam goes down and pushes Bobby up the incline. Dean walks alongside. Sam: You know, I still think I should play. At the top of the incline. Bobby takes over rolling himself. Dean stops walking, so Sam and Bobby stop too. Dean: No, no, no. You're not good enough. I'm better. Bobby's way better. We both lost. Bobby: Exactly. Sam: So, what? So I don't get a say in this anymore? Dean: Sammy, when you get to be our age- Sam: You're thirty, Dean! Look, I've watched you hustle plenty of poker- Bobby: Knowing the game is not enough, Sam. It's not about playing the cards. Sam: It's about playing the other guy. I know that. Bobby: Well, hooray for you. All I'm saying is, I played this guy. I know his style. I can take him. Dean: No, Bobby. You don't have enough years in the bank. Bobby: I got enough. Sam: No, you'll die if you lose, Bobby. Bobby: So what if I do, huh? What exactly am I living for, huh? The damn apocalypse? Watching men die bloody while I sit in this chair, can't take a step to help 'em? Dean: Bobby- Bobby: No, no. It's the facts. I'm old...and broke down...and I can't... Bobby takes a moment to breathe. Bobby: I ain't a hunter no more. I'm useless. And if I wasn't such a coward, I'd have stuck a g*n in my mouth day I got home from the hospital. Silence. Sam: Bobby, you are not playing again. I'm not letting you do that. There's another way out of this. There's got to be. And I'm gonna find it. Sam goes past Dean and Bobby. INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY Dean opens the door so Bobby can roll in. Bobby looks up and stops abruptly. LIA is sitting on the bed. She holds up a piece of paper. LIA Take it. It'll help you. Bobby rolls closer and takes it. Bobby: What is this? LIA The most powerful reversal spell you've ever laid your eyes on. Dean: And it reverses what? LIA Patrick's work-all of it. Dean: You-you saying I could be normal again? LIA You and everyone else he's ever played. She corrects herself. LIA Who's still alive. Dean: Why the hell should we trust you? LIA Trust me, don't trust me. I don't care. The spell is real. LIA gets up and heads for the door. Bobby: If it zaps everyone, don't that include your man? LIA And me, too. I look good for my age. Bobby: Lady, this don't add up for squat. Why would you want that? LIA I have my reasons. LIA looks at her silver locket. LIA Do it quick. We leave town tomorrow. LIA leaves. Dean and Bobby watch her go, then look at each other. INT. BAR - NIGHT PATRICK chews on a toothpick. There's a glass of whiskey in front of him. On the table are five cards in a row, the eight of spades, five and four of clubs, king of diamonds, and jack of hearts, and a pile of poker chips, about three dozen. His opponent, an old man named HESH, clinks his poker chips against each other (he has at most ten), looking at his two face-down cards. PATRICK looks at his own cards: the kings of hearts and spades, for three of a kind. HESH has the nines of clubs and diamonds for one pair. HESH throws a few chips on the pile. HESH Bet. PATRICK takes out his toothpick. PATRICK I sense you've got me by the jewels on this one, Hesh. I fold. HESH collects his chips. PATRICK What are you up-like thirteen years there, Hesh? What do you say we call it a day? HESH Chuckles. HESH Thanks, Patrick. PATRICK looks up. HESH, when he realizes PATRICK is talking to someone behind him, turns: it's Sam. PATRICK Hesh here is gonna live to see his granddaughter's bat mitzvah. Isn't that right, Hesh? HESH turns back. HESH Thanks again, Patrick. PATRICK Shalom, my friend. Shalom. HESH gets up and leaves. PATRICK shuffles the cards. Sam: That was nice of you. PATRICK I'm a nice guy. What can I do you for? PATRICK keeps shuffling. Sam sits down. Sam: Deal. PATRICK smirks. EXT. GRAVEYARD - NIGHT Bobby sits at the foot of a grave while Dean digs. Dean: Jawbone of a m*rder. Great. He sticks the shovel in the dirt, breathing hard. Dean: You know, this really sucks. How do we even know her spell's gonna work? Bobby: We don't. But we ain't got a Plan B. Now, less flappin' and more diggin'. Dean goes to move another scoop of dirt. Something cracks. Dean: Oh, God! Dean moans. Bobby rolls his eyes. Dean: My elbows! I'm all creaky. Bobby: Hurry up, you crybaby. Dean: Pound it up your ass, Ironsides. Bobby: One little grave. Dean: Then you do it. Bobby: Fine. I'll hop right in. Dean: Well, least your legs are numb. Bobby: Shut up and dig, Grandma. Dean goes back to digging. Dean: Oh! Now it's my back! Bobby: Can you straighten up? Dean: Yeah, but a little sympathy wouldn't hurt. Bobby: Butt cheek tingling? Dean: Well, that's kind of personal. Bobby: So yeah? Dean looks up. Bobby: It's sciatica. You'll live. Keep digging. Dean: You know, Bobby, k*lling you is officially on my bucket list. INT. BAR - NIGHT PATRICK is chewing on his toothpick. He has a glass of whiskey on the table, two cards in his hand, and several stacks of chips. Several chips are piled in the middle of the table next to the four of diamonds, a red court card, a black seven, the three of hearts, and a black two. PATRICK takes the toothpick out. PATRICK I like you, Sam. I do. You're smart, and your heart's clearly in the right place. Sam doesn't answer. PATRICK throws down his toothpick and drinks his whiskey. PATRICK I can tell a lot about a guy by looking. Sam: You mean you're psychic. PATRICK No. That'd be cheating. I'm talking about good old-fashioned intuition. Sam nods. Sam: Right. Let's just play. PATRICK drinks more whiskey. PATRICK We are playing. He puts the glass down next to the toothpick. PATRICK Does your big brother know you're here? Sam: Bet five. Sam drops a stack of five chips on the pile. He has a lot fewer chips left than PATRICK. PATRICK Didn't think so. PATRICK puts one stack of five on another and adds that stack to the pile. PATRICK I raise. Here you are, right? Trying to clean up their mess, and they still want to sit you at the kiddie table. Sam looks down. PATRICK toys with a few chips. PATRICK You're not the little brother anymore, Sam. Sam looks up. PATRICK Then again, maybe you are. You're in over your head here, Sam. I mean, you can keep making these moves-you know, playing it cautious, playing the percentages. But I'm still gonna kick your ass into the nursing home. Sam: Does this armchair-psychology routine usually work for you? PATRICK laughs. PATRICK You tell me. You're the one who's losing. PATRICK chews his toothpick. A little later, PATRICK shuffles the cards, chewing his toothpick. He has thirty or thirty-five chips and Sam fifteen or twenty. Sam plays with a few of his chips. LIA walks in. PATRICK puts down the toothpick. LIA leans down to kiss PATRICK. PATRICK looks at Sam and winks. PATRICK Little break? EXT. BEHIND BAR - NIGHT Sam bursts out of doors that read "EMMIT's PUB DELIVERY RING". He looks around and spots Dean. Dean: How's it going in there? Sam scoffs. Sam: How do you think it's going? What about you? You have everything you need? Dean: We still need a little he-witch DNA. Sam: He was chewing it. Sam holds up a toothpick. Dean takes it. Sam: Hurry up, Dean. Please. Dean: All right. Just keep him busy. And, Sammy...don't lose. Sam goes back inside. Dean heads away, pausing to rub at his aching arm. INT. BAR - NIGHT Sam plays with his chips. PATRICK sits back down. LIA stands behind PATRICK, who pushes the deck of cards across the table. Bobby (V.O): Airmidh mi air maponus, dia- EXT. BEHIND BAR - NIGHT A car drives in front of where Bobby and Dean are set up, Bobby reading from LIA's paper while Dean stands at the bowl full of burning things. Bobby: -na hogalachd. Gairmidh mi air sucellus, dia na time. Dean throws a handful of something in the flames, which flare up blue. Bobby: Till an-dràsda obair uile gu bheilair a bhith deànta. Mar sin bitheadh. Drop it in. Dean looks at the toothpick and adds it to the f*re. A pause. Dean: Well? How do I look? Bobby doesn't reply; the truthful answer is 'eighty years old'. INT. BAR - NIGHT PATRICK looks at Sam. PATRICK. Question. PATRICK holds up a toothpick. PATRICK Is this what you meant to give your big brother? Sam doesn't let his expression change. LIA flicks a glance at the toothpick. PATRICK The one you gave him never passed my lips. Won't do a scrap of good. PATRICK throws the toothpick across the table. PATRICK I don't like cheating, Sam. PATRICK stretches out his hand and clenches a fist. Sam stiffens, gasping for breath, while LIA watches. Sam puts a hand to his throat. INT. BAR - NIGHT PATRICK is still choking Sam via witchcraft. LIA Stop it! LIA grabs PATRICK's wrist. LIA Patrick, let him go! PATRICK He tried to k*ll us! LIA I did it! I gave him the spell! PATRICK, shocked, releases Sam and looks up at LIA. Sam gasps in air. PATRICK What? PATRICK stands up and touches LIA's face. PATRICK Why...why would you do that? LIA You know why. LIA touches her silver locket. LIA You know. PATRICK looks away for a moment, then sits down. PATRICK Keep. Playing. LIA looks away. Sam glances at her. INT. Bobby's VAN - NIGHT Bobby is driving, Dean next to him. Bobby: Everything we put in that spell was kosher. Dean: Yeah, everything except the damn toothpick. Bobby: You got to go get a speck of DNA. Strap on your track shoes. Dean: Oh, goody. More stairs. INT. BAR - NIGHT More than a dozen chips are piled next to the eight of hearts, the queens of clubs and diamonds, and the two of diamonds. PATRICK discards a card and deals the ace of clubs. Sam has his hands folded against his mouth. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHTalternating with INT. Bobby's VAN - NIGHT Dean is on the phone with Bobby while he looks around PATRICK and LIA's apartment. Dean: It's too damn clean in here. First witch I ever heard of didn't spew bodily fluids all over the place. Bobby: Toothbrush, comb-anything. INT. BAR - NIGHT Sam stacks five chips next to another five next to the pile. PATRICK Well, look at you-the percentage player betting the farm. Awful transparent of you, Sam. I mean, if I had a monster hand like you have, I'd trap you. But you get so excited, you bet yourself right out of a big pot. PATRICK sniffs and picks up his face-down cards. PATRICK I fold. He discards his cards. PATRICK Set of ladies, I'm guessing. Sam collects a couple dozen chips and turns over his cards: the three of clubs and five of diamonds, for one pair of queens. Sam stacks his chips. PATRICK Nice bluff. If we had time, I could make a real player out of you. Sam: I got time. PATRICK grins. PATRICK Maybe. But I can't say the Same for Dean. Your brother's gonna be d*ad soon. Sam looks up. PATRICK And when I say 'soon'... PATRICK leans forward. PATRICK I mean minutes. Sam's expression changes, fearful, and he stands up. PATRICK extends a fist to yank him back down with witchcraft. PATRICK The game's not over till I say it is. Blinds. PATRICK slaps down two chips and Sam one. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT Dean spots a wine glass on a table, still with a little wine left undrunk. He starts toward it. Dean: Sam... Dean slumps to the floor, groaning. INT. BAR - NIGHT PATRICK deals two face-down cards apiece. Sam glances at his and adds another chip to the pot. PATRICK So. PATRICK slaps down three cards and spreads them out: the ace of spades and fours of hearts and clubs. Sam eyes the cards. PATRICK When it's about your brother, you get so emotional, your brain just flies right out the window. PATRICK illustrates with a hand gesture. PATRICK Good to know. Sam: Go to hell. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT Dean lies on the floor. INT. BAR - NIGHT Sam shoves all his chips into the middle. Sam: I'm all in. LIA glances at him. PATRICK sighs, checking his cards. PATRICK Don't do that, Sam. Sam: I can't leave until it's over? Fine. It's over. Now, where's my brother? PATRICK Look, there's poker and then there's su1c1de. Sam: Just play the hand. INT. Bobby's VAN Bobby is on the phone with Dean. Bobby: Dean? Dean, you there? INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT Dean lies on the floor, gasping weakly. INT. BAR - NIGHT PATRICK adds all his chips to the pot. PATRICK Fine. PATRICK discards a card and deals the seven of diamonds. INT. Bobby's VAN - NIGHT Bobby is on the phone with Dean. Bobby: Dean?! INT. BAR - NIGHT PATRICK deals the nine of spades. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT Dean lies on the floor. INT. BAR - NIGHT Sam and PATRICK stare each other down, Sam worried, PATRICK smug, LIA nervous. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT Dean lies still. INT. Bobby's VAN Bobby holds the phone, worried. INT. BAR - NIGHT PATRICK turns over his face-down cards: aces of clubs and diamonds. PATRICK I'm sorry, kid. Aces full. Sam looks at the cards. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT Dean exhales. INT. BAR - NIGHT Sam lets out a breath. He glances at LIA. Sam: You're crying. LIA sniffles, looking away. PATRICK and Sam watch her. Sam: For a witch, you're so nice, it's actually kind of creepy. It's okay. Sam looks at PATRICK. Sam: It was a great hand. PATRICK moves to collect the chips: the only hands that can b*at a full house with three aces are a four of a kind and a straight flush. The flop cards are three different suits, so he knows Sam cannot possibly have a straight flush, and he knows the odds are very slim that Sam has the remaining two fours. Sam: Just- PATRICK looks up. Sam: -not as great as- Sam turns over his face-down cards, the fours of diamonds and spades. He knew he had a four of a kind from the moment the flop cards were dealt; the only way to b*at a four of a kind is with a straight flush, which he knew PATRICK could not possibly have. Sam: -as four fours. PATRICK glances up at Sam, then down at the cards. Sam takes a deep breath and lets it out. PATRICK leans back. PATRICK Well played. You know, that whole...going-out-of-your-head bit-very method. Sam smirks. PATRICK Well, there's more to you than meets the eye. PATRICK raises his glass. Sam nods. Sam: Cash these in for Dean, please. PATRICK nods. He sets down the glass. PATRICK With pleasure. INT. Bobby's VAN - NIGHT Bobby is still on the phone. Bobby: Dean, you hear me? Damn it, Dean! Bobby spots something inside the building and turns to look. Someone comes out the door: it's Dean, thirty again. He holds out his arms, grinning, and does a little dance as he approaches the van. Bobby stares. Dean jumps up, clicking his heels in the air. Bobby: Idjit. INT. BAR - NIGHT PATRICK and LIA sit at the poker table. PATRICK speaks in a whisper. PATRICK I can't do this, Lia. LIA Yes, you can. PATRICK Don't make me. I don't want to win. LIA opens her locket. There are two photos inside. LIA I buried my daughter. The right-hand photo is clearly decades old, of a very small child. The left-hand photo is much more recent, of an elderly woman. LIA And she looked like this. LIA shakes her head. LIA It's not natural. LIA closes the locket. PATRICK You knew. When you decided to come with me. LIA looks down. PATRICK This is what you wanted. You're still young. You're so beautiful. You have me. LIA I miss my family. I'm sorry, Patrick. PATRICK I thought you loved me. LIA I do. Sweetheart, of course I do. I thought I was cut out for this, but I'm not. PATRICK I don't think I can do this without you. LIA You got on okay for a long time before you met me. PATRICK Check. LIA pushes her stacks of poker chips, spilling them over the chips already in the middle of the table. LIA All in. A long pause. PATRICK does the Same with his chips. PATRICK All in. The face-up cards are the nine of hearts, queen of diamonds, king of clubs, and six and seven of spades. PATRICK hesitates, then turns over his face-down cards, the king and queen of hearts, for two pair. Lia turns over her cards, the three of clubs and five of diamonds. LIA ages rapidly. LIA Thank you. PATRICK puts his head in his hands. INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY Bobby: No tricks-you actually b*at the guy? Sam spreads his arms. Bobby: How the hell? Sam smirks. Sam: Just lucky. Sam heads for the door, passing Dean, who's on the way in with a burger. Sam: Hey. I'll see y'all guys later. Sam grabs his jacket. Dean: Where you going? Sam: Uh...mm, nowhere. Bobby and Dean look at him. Sam: A booster sh*t. Don't say it. Sam leaves. Dean comes in and puts his burger down. Bobby groans. Bobby: Well, I guess we can get the van loaded. Dean holds up a finger and clears his throat. Dean: I shouldn't have called you an idiot. Bobby: Which time? Dean: I'm sorry. I mean, I actually-I, I-I get it. Getting old ain't a bachelor party. And dealing with the crap you got to deal with- Bobby: Don't you go on pity patrol. Dean: I'm not. I'm not. I'm just...I'm saying, you know, if I was in your shoes... Bobby: You'd never stop complaining. Dean stares for a moment. Dean: Fair enough. You're not useless, Bobby. Bobby: Okay. Good talk. Bobby goes to roll away. Dean steps in his path. Dean: No, wait a minute. Listen to me. Dean sits down and sighs. Dean: You don't stop being a soldier 'cause you got wounded in battle. Okay? No matter what shape you're in, bottom line is, you're family. I don't know if you've noticed, but me and Sam, we don't have much left. I can't do this without you. I can't. So don't you dare think about checking out. I don't want to hear that again. A long silence. Bobby: Okay. Dean: Okay. Good. Bobby: Thanks. Now, we done feeling our feelings? 'Cause I'd like to get out of this room before we both start growing lady parts. Dean: Yeah, we're done. Dean gets up. He picks up his burger, looks at it, and puts it back down. He picks up his bag. Dean: Let's go, Ironsides. Dean slings his bag over his shoulder and heads for the door. Bobby: Oh, that one's sticking, huh? Dean looks back, smiling, and leaves. Bobby sighs.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "05x07 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester"}
Air Date: 5 Nov 2009 Lilith was the final seal. I k*lled her and I set Lucifer free. Dean: You sons of bitches jumpstarted Judgment Day! Zachariah: It's Apocalypse Now. Castiel: Raphael. Where is he? RAPHAEL God? He's d*ad, Castiel. You know who I am. Sam: Lucifer. Lucifer: You're the one, Sam. You're my true vessel. Sam: That'll never happen. Zachariah: You're the Michael sword. Dean: What do you mean, I'm the sword? Zachariah: You're Michael's w*apon. Dean: I'm a vessel? Zachariah: You're thevessel. You got a Trickster on your hands. Dean: So what is it? Spirit? Demon? Bobby: More like demigods. They're immortal, and they can create things out of thin air- Bobby: -usually with a sense of humor. Deadly pranks. Dean: Okay, another thing Bobby mentioned was- -that these suckers have a real sweet tooth. So this is fun for you? k*lling Dean over and over again? TRICKSTER Sam, there's a lesson here. Sam: What lesson? TRICKSTER Dean's your weakness. The bad guys know it, too. It's gonna be the death of you, Sam. EXT. SUN 'N SANDS MOTEL - DAY Dean (V.O): Supernaturalis filmed before a live studio audience. INT. BRIGHT MOTEL ROOM - DAY Dean puts some things in a refrigerator, closes the fridge, and turns around. Applause. There is a sandwich on the table, about a foot tall. Dean: I'm gonna need a bigger mouth. Laugh track. Sam enters the room. Applause. Dean: Hey there, Sam. What's happening? Sam: Oh, nothing. Um. Just the end of the world. Laugh track. Sam sees the sandwich. Sam: You're gonna need a bigger mouth. Laugh track. Sam: Hey, uh, have you done your research yet? Dean gets a 'busted' expression. Laugh track. Dean: Oh, yeah. All kinds of research. All night. Sam: Yeah? Hm. The bathroom door opens. A Woman in a bikini comes out. Wolf whistles. Woman: Oh, Dean... Sam looks at her. Dean turns around, caught. Dean: We have some more research to do. Sam folds his arms. Sam: Dean... Laugh track. Dean: Son of a bitch! Laugh track. INT. HOUSE - NIGHT Dean and Sam look around an empty house. All captions are in the Full Housefont. Supernatural Music: Town to town, two-lane roads, family biz, two hunting bros Dean and Sam back into each other, startle, turn around, and burst out laughing. Music: Living a lie just to get by Sam opens a cabinet. A white-sheeted 'ghost' waggles at him. He shuts the cabinet and stands against the door. Freeze frame. Starring JARED PADALECKI As Sam Winchester Music: As long as we're moving forward EXT. LANE - DAY Dean is working on the Impala. He wipes his forehead, smearing grease there. Sam points and laughs. Dean looks at his hand and laughs. Freeze frame. JENSEN ACKLES As Dean Winchester Music: There's nothing we can't do, together we'll face the day EXT. PARK - DAY Dean and Sam ride a tandem bicycle. Music: You and I won't run away Dean and Sam race on absurdly small motorcycles. MISHA COLLINS As Castiel Sam throws a football to Dean, who catches it and bounces it off the ground. Guest Starring RICHARD SPEIGHT, JR. As The Trickster Music: When the demons come out to play Dean and Sam both flop backwards onto the ground. INT. BRIGHT MOTEL ROOM - DAY Dean and Sam both hold half-eaten burgers. They clink together beer bottles and grin at the camera. Created by ERIC KRIPKE Music: Together we'll face the day Black screen. Anya Marina's "Move You" begins to play. Wellington, Ohio Two Days Earlier INT. HOSPITAL Several medical personnel exit an elevator. INTERCOM All on-duty interns please report to station five south. All on-duty interns please report to station five south. A Man in a white lab coat, Dr. PALMER, and a Woman in blue scrubs, Dr. PICCOLO, enter the elevator. Music: Bending spoons with my mind The moment the doors close, they begin making out. Music: Manifesting men of all kinds in my spare time INT. DARK MOTEL ROOM - DAY The hospital scene is on the TV. Dean is sitting on a bed watching, rapt. The room looks exactly like the BRIGHT MOTEL ROOM from earlier, only less clean, less well-maintained, and in less vivid colors. Music: Oh how I struggled in vain with this riddle in my brain Sam: What are you watching? Dean: Hospital show. Dr. Sexy, MD. I think it's based on a book. Sam: When did you h*t menopause? Dean: It's called channel surfing. Dean gets up and turns off the TV. The music stops. Sam grabs his suit jacket off the other bed and puts it on. Dean: You ready? Sam: Are you? Dean grabs his keys and walks out. INT. Police STATION - DAY Officer: One more time, the FBI is here why, exactly? Co-Producer Jeremy CARVER Dean: Might have something to do with one of your locals getting his head ripped off. Officer: Bill Randolph died from a bear att*ck. Sam: How sure are you- Co-Producers JERRY WANEK SERGE LADOUCEUR Sam: -that it was a bear? Officer: What else would it be? Dean: Well, whatever it was- Producer TODD ARONAUER Dean: -it chased Mr. Randolph through the woods, smashed through his front door- Co-Executive Producer PETER JohnSON Dean: -followed him up the stairs, and k*lled him in his bedroom. Executive Producer SERA GAMBLE Dean: Is that common, a bear doing all that? Officer: Depends how pissed off it is, I guess. Look, the Randolphs live way up in high country. You got trout runs to make a grown man weep. Executive Producer BEN EDLUND Officer: And bears. Sam: Right. Now, what about Mrs. Randolph? The file says she saw the whole thing. Officer: Yes, she did. Executive Producer PHIL SGRICCIA Officer: My heart goes out to that poor woman. Dean: She said bear. Executive Producer McG Officer: Kathy Randolph went through a hell of a trauma. She's confused. Sam: What did she say? INT. INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY Sam and Dean are sitting at a table with KATHY RANDOLPH. KATHY No, it must have been a bear. Produced by JIM MICHAELS KATHY I mean, what else could it have been? Sam: Mrs. Randolph, what do you think it was? Written by Jeremy CARVER KATHY No, I, I remember clearly now. Directed by CHARLES BEESON KATHY It was definitely a bear. Dean: We're sure it was. But see, it helps us to hear every angle. So just tell us what you thought you saw. KATHY It's impossible, but...I could have sworn I saw...the Incredible Hulk. Sam: The Incredible Hulk. KATHY I told you it was crazy. Dean: Bana or Norton? KATHY Oh, no, those movies were terrible. The TV Hulk. Dean: Lou Ferrigno. KATHY Yes. Dean: Spiky-hair Lou Ferrigno. KATHY Yes. Dean: Huh. Dean and Sam look at each other. KATHY You think I'm crazy. Dean: No. Uh, no, it's just...is there, uh, would there be any reason that Lou Ferrigno, the Incredible Hulk, would have a grudge against your husband? KATHY No. Dean: No. INT. DARK MOTEL ROOM - DAY Dean is at his laptop, looking at an article in the Wellington Guardianabout a "Local man k*lled in bear att*ck". He looks up when Sam comes in. Sam: Hey. Dean: Find anything? Sam: Well, uh, I saw the house. Dean: And? Sam: And there is a giant eight-foot-wide hole where the front door used to be. Almost like, uh- Dean: A Hulk-sized hole. Sam: Maybe. What do you got? Dean: Well, it turns out that Bill Randolph had quite the temper. He's got two counts of spousal battery, bar brawls, and court-ordered anger management sessions. You might say you wouldn't like him when he's angry. Sam: So a hothead getting k*lled by TV's greatest hothead. Kinda sounds like just desserts, doesn't it? Dean snorts. Sam: It's all starting to make sense. Dean: How is it starting to make sense? Sam: Well, I found something else at the crime scene. Sam pulls a handful of candy wrappers out of his pocket. Sam: Candy wrappers. He drops them. Sam: Lots of them. Dean: Just desserts, sweet tooth, screwing with people before you k*ll 'em-we're dealing with the Trickster, aren't we? Sam: Sure looks like it. Dean: Good. I've wanted to gank that mother since Mystery Spot. Sam: You sure? Dean: Yeah I'm sure. Sam: No, I mean are you sure you wanna k*ll him? Dean: Son of a bitch didn't think twice about icing me a thousand times. Sam: No, I know, I mean, I'm just saying- Dean: What are you saying? If you don't want to k*ll him, then what? Sam: Talk to him? Dean: What? Sam: Think about it, Dean. He's one of the most powerful creatures we've ever met. Maybe we can use him. Dean: For what? Sam: Okay, Trickster's like a Hugh Hefner type, right? Wine, women, song-maybe he doesn't want the party to end. Maybe he hates this angels and demons stuff as much as we do. Maybe he'll help us. Dean: You're serious. Sam: Yeah. Dean: Ally with the Trickster. Sam: Yeah. Dean: A bloody, violent monster, and you wanna be Facebook friends with him? Nice, Sammy. Sam: The world is gonna end, Dean. We don't have the luxury of a moral stand. Look, I'm just saying it's worth a sh*t. That's all. If it doesn't work, we'll k*ll him. Dean sighs. Dean: How are we gonna find the guy, anyway? Sam: Well, he never takes just one victim, right? He'll show. Dean is sharpening a wooden stake and Sam is sitting at the table staring at the police scanner. On the table is a card that says "Day-Z Motel". SCANNER Um, Dispatch? I, I got a possible 187 out here at the old paper mill on Route 6? Sam: Hey. Dean stops working and focuses on the scanner. DISPATCH Roger that. What are you looking at there, son? SCANNER Honestly, Walt, I, I wouldn't even know how to describe what I'm seeing. Just-send everybody. DISPATCH All right, stay calm, stay by your car. Help's on the way. Sam turns off the scanner. Dean: That sounds weird. Sam: Weird enough to be our guy. [i]EXT. WAREHOUSE - DAY Dean and Sam get out of the Impala. No one else is in sight. Dean: There was a m*rder here, and there's no police cars. There's nobody. How's that look to you? Sam: Crappy. Dean pulls two stakes and two flashlights out of the trunk and hands one of each to Sam. He closes the trunk and they enter the building. INT. HOSPITAL - DAY Sam and Dean are both wearing white lab coats. Anya Marina's "Not a Through Street" begins to play. They look around and at each other and themselves. Dean: What the hell? A Blonde Doctor and an ASIAN Doctor, Dr. WANG, pass by. Blonde Doctor Doctor. Dr. WANG Doctor. Music: I don't remember much of anything Sam: Doctor? Music: Of those years Dean opens the door they just entered through. Music: Kind of strange and kind of sad It leads to a janitor's closet where a Man and a Woman are making out. Music: Considering all the laughs and all the tears Dean closes the door, looking freaked. A BRUNETTE Doctor, who bears a remarkable resemblance to Dr. PICCOLO from Dr. Sexy, MD[i], turns away from the receptionist's desk and approaches Sam and Dean. BRUNETTE Doctor Doctor. She slaps Sam. Sam: Ow! BRUNETTE Doctor Seriously. Sam: What? BRUNETTE Doctor Seriously? You're brilliant, you know that? And a coward. You're a brilliant coward. Music: Or the cynical moon Sam: Um. What are you talking about? Music: Could it be the neighbor's cat She slaps him again. BRUNETTE Doctor As if you don't know! Music: Watching me from the living room? She stalks off. Dean gawks after her, looking as if he's seeing a dream come true. Dean: I don't believe this. Music: Either way Sam: What? Dean: That's Dr. Piccolo. Sam: Who? Music: These days I feel so strange Dean: Dr. Ellen Piccolo. Music: I remember you Dean: The sexy yet earnest Doctor at- Music: So strange Dean looks at the sign behind the receptionist's desk and gestures at it angrily, reading it aloud. Dean: Seattle Mercy Hospital. Music: Do you remember me Sam: Dean. Music: Secretly Sam: What the hell are you talking about? Dean: The Doctor getups. The, the sexy interns. The 'seriously's. It all makes sense. Sam: What makes sense? What's going on? Dean: We're in [i]Dr. Sexy, MD[i]. [i]INT. HOSPITAL - DAY Dean and Sam walk through the hospital corridors. Dean: Dude, what the hell. Sam: I don't know. Dean: No, seriously, what the hell. Sam: I don't know. Dean: One theory. Any theory. Sam: Uh, the Trickster trapped us in TV Land. Dean: That's your theory. That's stupid. Sam: You're the one who said we're on Dr. Sexy, MD[i]. Dean: Yeah, but TV land isn't TV Land. I mean, there's actors and, and lights and crew members, you know. This looks real. Sam: It can't be. Dean, how can this possibly be real? Dean: I don't know. Dr. WANG walks past. Dr. WANG Doctors. Dean: There goes Dr. Wang. The sexy but arrogant heart surgeon. Dean watches her go down the corridor and sees her pass a Man sitting on a gurney. Dean: And there's Johnny Drake. Oh, he's not even alive, he's a ghost in the mind of- ANOTHER BRUNETTE Doctor enters, sitting next to JohnNY. Dean: Of her. The sexy yet neurotic Doctor over there. Sam: So...this show has ghosts? Why? Dean: I don't know. It is compelling. Sam: I thought you said you weren't a fan. Dean: I'm not. I'm not. Dean sees something and just stares. Dean: Oh boy. Sam: What? Dean: It's him. Sam: Who? Dr. PALMER comes down the corridor. Dean: It's him, it's Dr. Sexy. Dr. PALMER stops next to Sam and Dean. He looks at Dean. Dr. PALMER Doctor. Dean looks down, hiding his smile. Dean: Doctor. Dr. PALMER addresses Sam. Dr. PALMER Doctor. Sam nods. Dean whacks him. Sam: Doctor. Dr. PALMER addresses Dean. Dr. PALMER You want to give me one good reason why you defied my direct order to do the experimental face transplant on Mrs. Biehl? Dean's expression goes from awed through confused. He glances at Sam, then back. Dean: One reason? Dr. PALMER nods. Dean: Sure. Dean looks down. Dr. PALMER is wearing white tennis shoes. Dean slams him against the wall. Dean: You're not Dr. Sexy. Dr. PALMER You're crazy. Dean: Really? Because I swore part of what makes Dr. Sexy sexy is the fact that he wears cowboy boots. Not tennis shoes. Sam: Yeah. You're not a fan. Dean: It's a guilty pleasure. Dr. PALMER Call security. Dean: Yeah, go ahead, pal. See, we know who you are. Dr. WANG, the Blonde Doctor, and a SECURITY Guard are all approaching. They and the other extras freeze-frame. Dean glances around; only he, Sam, and Dr. PALMER are still moving. Dr. PALMER grins and morphs into the TRICKSTER. TRICKSTER You guys are getting better! Dean: Get us the hell out of here. TRICKSTER Or what? The TRICKSTER grabs Dean's arm and twists, hurting him. TRICKSTER Don't say you have wooden stakes, big guy. Sam: That was you on the police scanner, right? This is a trick. TRICKSTER Hello? Trickster. Come on! I heard you two yahoos were in town. How could I resist? Dean: Where the hell are we? TRICKSTER Like it? It's all homemade. My own sets- The TRICKSTER raps on the window in a nearby door, then indicates the frozen extras. TRICKSTER My own actors...call it my own little idiot box. Dean: How do we get out? TRICKSTER That, my friend, is the sixty-four-dollar question. Sam: Whatever. We just, we need to talk to you. We need your help. TRICKSTER Hm, let me guess. You two muttonheads broke the world, and you want me to sweep up your mess. Sam: Please. Just five minutes. Hear us out. TRICKSTER Sure. Tell you what. Survive the next twenty-four hours, we'll talk. Dean: Survive what? TRICKSTER The game! Dean: What game? TRICKSTER You're in it. Dean: How do we play? TRICKSTER You're playing it. Dean: What are the rules? The TRICKSTER raises his eyebrows, grins, and vanishes in a burst of static. The extras unpause. Dean: Oh, son of a bitch. Blonde Doctor Dr. Sexy? Dr. Sexy? She walks past. Dean and Sam continue down the corridor after her. INTERCOM Paging Dr. Sexy. Report to the ER. Dean: Oh, by the way. Talking with monsters? Hell of a plan. Sam: Just, what do we do now? Dean: You know what I'm doing? Leaving. Dr. PICCOLO appears and takes another swing at Sam, who ducks. Sam: Lady, what the hell? Dr. PICCOLO You are a brilliant, brilliant- Sam: Yeah. A coward. You already said that. But I got news for you. I am not a Doctor. Renee Stahl's "Something Real" begins to play. Dr. PICCOLO Don't say that. You are the finest cerebrovascular neurosurgeon I have ever met, and I have met plenty. So that girl died on your table. It wasn't your fault. It wasn't anybody's fault. Sometimes people just die. Sam: I have no idea what you're saying to me. Dr. PICCOLO You're afraid. You're afraid to operate again. And you're afraid to love. Dr. PICCOLO leaves, sobbing. Music: Can you hear me calling Sam: Yeah, we're getting out of here. Man: Hey. Doctor. Dean stops and turns to him. Dean: Yeah. Man: My wife needs that face transplant. Dean: Okay. You know what, pal? None of this is real, and your wife doesn't need jack squat. Okay? Dean and Sam keep on going. Music: Thought I could almost see the other side Mr. BIEHL Hey, Doctor. Mr. BIEHL raises a g*n and sh**t Dean in the back. Music: Of something Dean stares after him, then goes to his knees. Music: Real Dean: Real-it's real- Sam: No no no, no no no no no-hey! We need a Doctor! Music: Something real Sam looks around frantically. [i]INT. OPERATING ROOM - DAY Dean is facedown on an operating table, staring through the headrest at several pairs of white tennis shoes. For inexplicable reasons he is not under anesthesia. Music: Disappears before you see the signs Dr. WANG passes an operating instrument to another Doctor. Sam is dressed in operating scrubs, as is everyone else in the room. Dr. PICCOLO is watching through glass. Sam holds something absorbent against Dean's injury with a pair of tweezers. He hands the tweezers to another Doctor and presses an already bloodstained cloth to the injury. Music: The end is near Blonde Doctor BP is eighty over fifty and dropping. Dr. WANG Doctor. Dr. WANG holds out a scalpel. Sam doesn't take it. Sam: What? Dr. WANG and the Blonde Doctor exchange glances. Music: Disappear before I saw the signs Dean: Sam. Do something. Come on. Music: The end is here Sam leans over and speaks in an undertone. Sam: I don't know how to use any of this crap. Dean: Figure it out. Sam grins awkwardly at the other Doctors but doesn't do anything. Dean: Sam. Come on. I'm waiting. Sam: Okay. Um. I need a penknife, some dental floss, a sewing needle, and a fifth of whiskey. Robbi Spencer's "I Love to See You Happy" begins to play. The other Doctors look at him and each other. Sam: Stat! Everyone starts moving. A view of a mostly-empty bottle of Kentucky Bourbon and a thing of dental floss next to the usual surgical tools. Sam's gloved hands are bloody. Music: I'm living my life for something worthy Sam snips off the extra floss from Dean's stitches. Music: Living for someone other than me Dean: We okay? How's it looking? Music: Everything that you mean to me Sam: Yep. You'll be fine. Music: I love to see you happy Sam looks up and catches sight of Dr. PICCOLO, who mouths 'I love you' and sighs, smiling. Music: You embrace the essence of a soul that must have been sent here straight from heaven, you talk ?, yeah you showed me how to ? The shoes leave Dean's field of vision. The lighting and texture shift, the music fades, and the light starts to flash in time with clapping. Shouts. The floor has become two doors, which slide apart. INT. JAPANESE GAME SHOW STAGE Behind the doors is blue-lit smoke. A JAPANESE Man comes out of the doors and forward between TWO JAPANESE WOMEN and Dean and Sam, both of whom are wearing more usual outfits (not what they were wearing at any earlier point in the episode). The JAPANESE Man says something in Japanese. HOST Let's play Nutcracker! The crowd cheers and applauds. A caption in hiragana (or katakana?) appears. Dean looks around: he is standing in shoes glued to a platform that has a slot for a pole with a large ball at the end. Sam is similarly situated. To one side is an LED screen that says "20". The HOST says something in Japanese and pulls cards out of his jacket. Silence falls. HOST Sam Winchester. The HOST continues to talk in Japanese. What was the name of the demon you chose over your own brother? HOST Countdown. Sam: What? The screen begins to tick down the seconds. Sam: Uh, what am I supposed to say? Dean: You think I know? Sam addresses the HOST. Sam: Uh, I, I don't, I don't understand Japanese. The HOST says something in Japanese, presumably repeating the question. What was the name of the demon you chose over your own brother? Sam: Is he screwing with me? I, I, I can't speak Japanese. The screen hits "0". A buzz. The HOST says something in Japanese. The answer is... HOST Ruby! Ruby HOST I'm sorry, Sam Winchester. Sam: Sorry? Sir? For what? The HOST mimes hiding laughter. Sam: Dean? The pole on Sam's platform comes up so that the ball whacks Sam in the crotch. Dean is horrified; the crowd cheers. HOST Nutcracker! The scene replays from several angles. The Japanese caption flashes. HOST Nutcracker! Dean: Sam? Sam makes an inarticulate noise. One of the JAPANESE WOMEN says something in Japanese. The HOST goes over to her. She shows off a bag of chips. Have we discussed these nutritious Shrimp Chips? Lots of nutrition, tastes great... and the more one eats, the slimmer they get, just like you. Dean: You okay? Sam just looks at him. Dean looks at Sam's platform, then at his own, and cringes. The JAPANESE Woman is still talking. Please buy them. The light on the doors starts flashing again. Dean: Oh now what? The doors open to reveal Castiel. The crowd cheers. Dean: Cas? Sam: Is this another trick? Castiel: It's me. Uh, what are you doing here? Dean: Us? What are you doing here? Castiel: Looking for you. You've been missing for days. Sam: So get us the hell out of here, then! Castiel: Let's go. He raises his arms to touch both Dean and Sam on the forehead and vanishes in a burst of static. Dean: Cas? The HOST comes back to center stage. HOST No, no, no, no. Mr. Trickster does not like pretty-boy angels. The HOST pulls out another card and speaks in Japanese. HOST Dean Winchester. The HOST speaks in Japanese. Would your Mother and Father still be alive... if your brother was never born? HOST Countdown. The screen begins to tick down the seconds from "20". Dean: What do I do, what do I do? Sam: What? Dean: I don't wanna get h*t in the nuts. Sam: I don't know, I, I, uh, just, uh-wait. Dean: What? Sam: I played a Doctor. Dean: What? Sam: In, uh, in Dr. Sexy[i]I played a Doctor. I operated. Dean: So? Sam: So I played the role the Trickster wanted me to play. Maybe we should just go along with it. Dean: Go along with what? Sam: With the game! You know, we're on a game show, right? So just answer the question! Dean: In Japanese? Sam: Yeah! Dean: I don't know Japanese! Sam: Try! Dean: Dammit! Dean hits the button. The countdown freezes just before the buzz. Dean says something in Japanese. The answer is... yes? The HOST repeats the last few syllables and so does Dean. The HOST shouts something in Japanese. Dean braces himself. HOST Dean Winchester, Nutcracker champion! The crowd cheers. Sam: How did you do that? Dean: I have no idea. Sam: So that's it. We play our roles, we survive. Dean: Yeah, but play our roles for how long? Sam: Good question. Dean forces a grin and waves. [i]EXT. LAKE - DAY A Woman does a yoga pose. Woman: I've got genital herpes. INT. HOUSE - DAY An Old Man sits on a couch. Old Man: I've got genital herpes. EXT. BASKETBALL COURT - DAY Four MEN are playing basketball. One makes a basket. This one turns around; it's Sam, looking very uncomfortable. Sam: Seriously? Dean: Hey, you're the one who said play our roles. Sam: Yeah. Right. Dean claps him on the shoulder and goes back to the game. Sam: I've got genital herpes. EXT. LAKE - DAY The Woman sits in another yoga pose. Woman: I try to be responsible. INT. HOUSE - DAY The Old Man looks over at ANOTHER Woman. Old Man: Did I try. EXT. BASKETBALL COURT - DAY Sam: But now I take twice-daily Herpexia to reduce my chances of passing it on. EXT. LAKE - DAY Woman: Ask your Doctor about using Herpexia. INT. HOUSE - DAY[i]and [i]EXT. LAKE - DAY[i], alternating The Old Man and the OTHER Woman are slow-dancing. The Woman does other yoga poses. Dean (V.O): Patients should always consult with a physician before using Herpexia. Possible side effects include headache, diarrhea, permanent erectile dysfunction, thoughts of su1c1de, and nausea. [i]EXT. BASKETBALL COURT - DAY Sam: I am doing all I can to slightly lessen the spread of-of genital herpes. And that's a good thing. Sam goes back to the game. The Herpexia logo appears. EXT. SUN 'N SANDS MOTEL - DAY Dean (V.O): We now return to Supernatural. INT. BRIGHT MOTEL ROOM - DAY Dean: Son of a bitch! Laugh track. Applause. Sam goes over to the BIKINI Woman, glaring over his shoulder at Dean. Sam: Uh, I am really, really, very sorry, but, uh, we've got some work to do. Sam escorts the Woman to the door. Woman: But we did do work! In depth. Laugh track. Dean waves at her as she leaves. Sam shuts the door and shakes his head. Dean speaks through a forced smile. Dean: How long do we have to keep doing this? Sam: I don't know. Applause. Sam: Maybe forever? Laugh track. Sam: We might die in here. Laugh track. Dean: How was that funny? Vultures. Laugh track. The door opens; it's Castiel, with minor injuries. Applause. Dean: You okay? Castiel: I don't have much time. Sam: What happened? Castiel: I got out. Dean: From where? Castiel: Listen to me. Something is not right. This thing is much more powerful than it should be. Dean: What thing-the Trickster? Castiel: If it is a trickster. Sam: What do you mean? Castiel is flung backwards into the wall, his face hidden. The TRICKSTER appears at the door. TRICKSTER Hello! Applause and cheers. Castiel gets up; his mouth has been duct-taped shut. TRICKSTER Thank you. Thank you, ladies. Castiel glares at the TRICKSTER. TRICKSTER Hi, Castiel! The TRICKSTER gestures at Castiel, who vanishes in a burst of static. Sam: You know him? Dean: Where did you just send him? TRICKSTER Relax, he'll live. ...Maybe. Laugh track. Dean: All right, you know what? I am done with the monkey dance, okay? We get it. TRICKSTER Yeah? Get what, hotshot? Dean: Playing our roles, right? That's your game? TRICKSTER That's half the game. Sam: What's the other half? TRICKSTER Play your roles out there. Dean: What's that supposed to mean? TRICKSTER Oh, you know. Sam starring as Lucifer. Dean starring as Michael. Your celebrity death match. Play your roles. Sam: You want us to say yes to those sons of bitches? TRICKSTER Hells yeah. Let's light this candle! Sam: We do that, the world will end. TRICKSTER Yeah? And whose fault is that? Who popped Lucifer out of the box? Hm? Look, it's started. You started it. It can't be stopped. So let's get it over with! Sam glares. Dean: Heaven or hell, which side you on? TRICKSTER I'm not on either side. Dean: Yeah, right. You're grabbing ankle for Michael or Lucifer. Which one is it? TRICKSTER You listen to me, you arrogant dick. I don't work for either of those S.O.B.s. Believe me. Dean: Oh, you're somebody's bitch. The TRICKSTER's smile vanishes. He grabs Dean by the collar and slams him into the wall. TRICKSTER Don't you ever, ever presume to know what I am. Now listen very closely. Here's what's gonna happen. You're gonna suck it up, accept your responsibilities, and play the roles that destiny has chosen for you. Sam: And if we don't? The TRICKSTER grins. TRICKSTER Then you'll stay here in TV Land. Forever. Three hundred channels and, uh, nothing's on. The TRICKSTER snaps his fingers. EXT. PARK - NIGHT A Man lies on the ground with a stomach wound. Crime-scene markers surround him and cameras flash. Dean and Sam are standing outside the crime-scene tape, watching the various extras work. They turn around; they're wearing suits with matching blue shirts and sunglasses. Dean: Oh, come on. A Police Officer ducks under the crime scene tape. Officer: So, what do you think? Dean: What do I think? I think go screw yourself, that's what I think. Sam: Uh, could you give us a sec, please? Thanks. The Officer nods and turns away. Sam: You gotta calm down. Dean: Calm down? I am wearing sunglasses at night. Dean yanks them off. Dean: You know who does that? No-talent douchebags. Sam nods in agreement. Dean: I hate this game. I hate that we're in a procedural cop show and you wanna know why? Because I hate procedural cop shows. There's like three hundred of them on television and they're all the freaking Same. It's ooh, plane crashed here-oh shut up. Sam notices something at the crime scene and takes off his sunglasses. Sam: Hey. Dean: What? Sam: Check out sweet tooth over there. The Officer is sucking a lollipop. Dean: Think that's him? Music reminiscent of The Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again" begins to play. Sam: Just, um, follow my lead. Sam goes over to the body and Dean follows. They both put on their sunglasses as the crime-scene tape is raised to let them under. Officer: You, uh, you okay? Dean: Yeah. What do we got? The Officer kneels next to the body. Officer: Well, aside from the ligature marks around his neck, he has what appears to be a roll of quarters jammed down his throat. Dean takes off his sunglasses, gets out a flashlight, and takes a closer look. Sam also takes off his sunglasses. Sam: Well I say, jackpot. The Officer looks up, snorting in amusement. Sam puts his sunglasses back on. Officer: Also, there is a s*ab wound to the lower abdomen. The Officer indicates the bloodstain with his lollipop. Dean grabs a stick and pokes at the hole in the shirt with it, getting blood on the stick, then puts his sunglasses back on. Dean: Well I say, no guts, no glory. The Officer laughs. Sam puts his sunglasses back on. Sam: Get that guy a Tums. Dean: Gutter ball. The Officer keeps laughing. Officer: Good one, guys. Dean comes around behind him with the stick. The Officer turns toward Dean, who s*ab him with it. Internal view of the stake piercing a beating heart. The Officer collapses, struggling to breathe. None of the extras notice or care except ANOTHER Officer, who starts laughing and morphs into the TRICKSTER. TRICKSTER You've got the wrong guy, idiots. Dean: Did we? Sam stakes the TRICKSTER from behind. He falls over. A burst of static. INT. WAREHOUSE - DAY The TRICKSTER is still down with the stake through him. Dean and Sam are back in the clothes they were wearing when they entered the warehouse. EXT. DAY-Z MOTEL - DAY INT. DARK MOTEL ROOM - DAY Dean finishes brushing his teeth and spits. Dean: I'm worried, man. What that SOB did to Cas. You know, where is he? No response. Dean: Sam? The room is empty. Dean: Where are you? EXT. DAY-Z MOTEL - DAY Dean heads for the Impala, his phone to his ear. Sam on phone It's Sam. Leave me a message. Dean gets in the car. Dean: Sam. It's me. Where the hell did you go? Dean snaps the phone shut. Sam: Dean? Sam's voice sounds odd. Dean looks around. Sam isn't in the car. Dean: Sam? Where are you? Sam: I don't know. Dean notices a red light on the dashboard. It flashes in time with Sam's words. Sam: Oh crap. I don't think we k*lled the Trickster. EXT. ROAD - DAY The Knight Ridertheme plays. The Impala has acquired red flashing lights under the front grille as well. Dean drives. Dean: Okay, stake didn't work. So, what, this is another trick? Sam: I don't know. Maybe the stake didn't work because it's not a trickster? Dean: What do you mean? Sam: You heard Cas. He said this thing was too powerful to be a trickster. Dean: And did you notice the way he looked at Cas? Almost like he knew him. Sam: And how pissed he got when you brought up Michael and Lucifer. Dean: Son of a bitch. Sam: What? Dean: I think I know what we're dealing with. [i]EXT. CENTENNIAL POINT WILDERNESS AREA - DAY Dean rummages in the trunk of the car. Sam: Dean? Dean: What? Sam: That, uh, feels really uncomfortable. Dean shuts the trunk. Sam: Ow. You sure this is gonna work? Dean: No, but I have no other ideas. Dean goes to the front of the car and shouts at the sky. Dean: All right, you son of a bitch! Uncle! We'll do it! Sam: Should I honk? TRICKSTER, appearing from nowhere Wow. Sam. Get a load of the rims on you. Sam: Eat me. TRICKSTER Okay, boys. Ready to go quietly? Dean: Whoa whoa whoa, not so fast. Nobody's going anywhere until Sam has opposable thumbs. TRICKSTER What's the difference? Satan's going to ride his ass one way or another. Dean looks at him. The TRICKSTER rolls his eyes and snaps his fingers. The KITT lights on the car go out and Sam gets out of the car. TRICKSTER Happy? Dean: Tell me one thing. Why didn't the stake k*ll you? TRICKSTER I am the Trickster. Dean: Or maybe you're not. Sam holds up a flaming cigarette lighter and tosses it down. A ring of f*re springs up around the TRICKSTER. Dean: Maybe you've always been an angel. The TRICKSTER looks incredulous, then laughs. TRICKSTER A what? Somebody slip a mickey in your power shake, kid? Dean: I'll tell you what. You just jump out of the holy f*re and we'll call it our mistake. The TRICKSTER laughs, then stops laughing: he's caught. A burst of static. INT. WAREHOUSE - DAY The TRICKSTER claps. TRICKSTER Well played, boys. Well played. Where'd you get the holy oil? Dean: Well, you might say we pulled it out of Sam's ass. TRICKSTER Where'd I screw up? Sam: You didn't. Nobody gets the jump on Cas like you did. Dean: Mostly it was the way you talked about Armageddon. TRICKSTER Meaning? Dean: Well, call it personal experience, but nobody gets that angry unless they're talking about their own family. Sam: So which one are you? Grumpy, Sneezy, or Douchey? TRICKSTER Gabriel, okay? They call me Gabriel. Sam: Gabriel? The archangel? GABRIEL Guilty. Dean: Okay, Gabriel. How does an archangel become a trickster? GABRIEL My own private witness protection. I skipped out of heaven, had a face transplant, carved out my own little corner of the world. Till you two screwed it all up. Dean: What did Daddy say when you ran off and joined the pagans? GABRIEL Daddy doesn't say anything about anything. Sam: Then what happened? Why'd you ditch? Dean: Do you blame him? I mean, his brothers are heavyweight douchenozzles. GABRIEL Shut your cakehole. You don't know anything about my family. I love my father, my brothers. Love them. But watching them turn on each other? Tear at each other's throats? I couldn't bear it! Okay? So I left. And now it's happening all over again. Sam: Then help us stop it. GABRIEL It can't be stopped. Dean: You wanna see the end of the world? GABRIEL I want it to be over! I have to sit back and watch my own brothers k*ll each other thanks to you two! Heaven, hell, I don't care who wins, I just want it to be over. Sam: It doesn't have to be like that. There has to be some way to, to pull the plug. GABRIEL laughs. GABRIEL You do not know my family. What you guys call the apocalypse, I used to call Sunday dinner. That's why there's no stopping this, because this isn't about a w*r. It's about two brothers that loved each other and betrayed each other. You'd think you'd be able to relate. Sam: What are you talking about? GABRIEL You sorry sons of bitches. Why do you think you two are the vessels? Think about it. Michael, the big brother, loyal to an absent father, and Lucifer, the little brother, rebellious of Daddy's plan. You were born to this, boys. It's your destiny! It was always you! As it is in heaven, so it must be on earth. One brother has to k*ll the other. Dean: What the hell are you saying? GABRIEL Why do you think I've always taken such an interest in you? Because from the moment Dad flipped on the lights around here, we knew it was all gonna end with you. Always. A long pause. Sam and Dean look down, then at each other. Dean: No. That's not gonna happen. GABRIEL I'm sorry. But it is. GABRIEL sighs. GABRIEL Guys. I wish this were a TV show. Easy answers, endings wrapped up in a bow...but this is real, and it's gonna end bloody for all of us. That's just how it's gotta be. INT. WAREHOUSE - DAY GABRIEL So. Boys. Now what? We stare at each other for the rest of eternity? Dean: Well, first of all, you're gonna bring Cas back from wherever you stashed him. GABRIEL Oh am I. Dean: Yeah. Or we're going to dunk you in some holy oil and deep-fry ourselves an archangel. GABRIEL snaps his fingers. Castiel appears. Dean: Cas, you okay? Castiel: I'm fine. Hello, Gabriel. GABRIEL Hey, bro. How's the search for Daddy going? Let me guess. Awful. Castiel glares. Dean: Okay, we're out of here. Come on, Sam. Dean turns and walks away. GABRIEL Uh. Okay. Guys? Sam follows Dean. GABRIEL So, so what? Huh? Castiel follows Dean. GABRIEL You're just gonna, you're gonna leave me here forever? Dean stops at the door and turns back. Dean: No. We're not, 'cause we don't screw with people the way you do. And for the record? This isn't about some prize fight between your brothers or some destiny that can't be stopped. This is about you being too afraid to stand up to your family. Dean pulls the f*re alarm. GABRIEL looks up; the sprinklers go off. Dean: Don't say I never did anything for you. GABRIEL glares. Dean leaves, Sam right behind. Castiel looks back for a moment and follows. The f*re goes out; apparently in this world water extinguishes grease fires instead of spreading them. EXT. WAREHOUSE - DAY The Impala is exactly where Dean and Sam left it. Dean and Sam go up to it. Castiel hangs back. Dean: All that stuff he was spouting in there, you think it was the truth? Sam: I think he believes it. Dean: So what do we do? Sam: I don't know. Dean: Well I'll tell you one thing. Right about now I wish I was back in a TV show. Sam: Yeah, me too. Sam and Dean get in the car.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "05x08 - Changing Channels"}
Air Date: 12 Nov 2009 The Impala roars up a country road and squeals around the corner into a car park, past an old fashioned sign "Welcome to The Pineview Hotel". They pull up and jump out. Dean runs around the back of the car and suddenly stops, looking confused. In front of him are a line up of identical Impalas. Sam: Hey. Come on. Chuck Shurley is pacing back and forth at the bottom of the steps leading up to the hotel. Sam: Chuck! There you are. Chuck: (Surprised) Guys? Dean: What's going on. Chuck: Ah, nothing. You know, I'm just kinda hanging. What are you guys doing here? Dean: You told us to come. Chuck: Ah, no I didn't. Sam: Yeah you did, you texted me. This address, life or death situation. Any of this ringing a bell? Chuck: I didn't send you a text. Dean: We drove all night! Chuck: I'm sorry, I don't understand what could...oh no. Dean: What? Becky: (From the top of the stairs, squealing) Sam! You made it! Sam: Oh, ah, Becky, right? Becky: (Running down to them) Oh, you remembered. (Her voice lowers) You been thinking about me. Sam: I... Becky: It's ok, I can't get you out of my head either. Chuck: Becky, did you take my phone? Becky: I just borrowed it from your pants. Chuck: Becky... Becky: What? They're going to want to see it! Sam and Dean: See what? Becky: Oh My God. I love it when they talk at the Same time! A guy appear at the top of the stairs with a clipboard. Guy: Hey Chuck? Come on pal, it's showtime. Becky runs excitedly up the stairs. Chuck turns to Sam and Dean. Chuck: Guys. I'm sorry. For everything. Sam and Dean look at each other, confused, then follow him up the stairs. ... INT. Hotel FOYER They all enter, Dean and Sam last. A large man walks past with a stein of beer. Man: ha-ha-ha. Hey Dean, looking good. Dean: Who the hell are you? The man turns back to him. He is wearing much the Same clothes as Dean, down to a Samulet around his neck. Man: I'm Dean too. Duh. Scarecrow: Uh-oh. It's Sam and Dean. I'm in trouble now. He is just a guy in costume. He has a can of soda in one hand, his sythe in the other. Scarecrow: Have fun you two. Aaaah! He jiggles his sythe in Sam's face then walks away. Sam gives the scarecrow major bitchface. Becky stands behind them, giggling. Dean: (Astounded) What? He turns to Sam and they both look around the room. It is filled with people dressed as every monster they've ever fought, bloody Mary, clowns, people with black demon eyes, a skinny woman dressed as Bobby, a guy dressed as Ash. There are tables of merchandise with the Impala on coffee cups, Chuck's books and more. Sam: Becky. what is this? Becky: It's awesome! A supernatural convention, the first ever. Sam gives another bitchface, Dean still looks totally confused. END Teaser INT. Hotel AUDITORIUM A small crowd sits facing the stage. The Convention Manager steps up to the microphone. Con Manager: Welcome to the first annual Supernatural convention. At 3.45 in the Magnolia room we have the panel, 'Frightened little boy, the secret life of Dean'. And at 4.30 there's the 'h*m* subtext of Supernatural.' Sam and Dean are standing at the back of the hall, Becky beside them. Dean's eyebrows reach his hairline at the man's words and Sam's brow furrows. Con Manager: Oh, and of course the big hunt starts at 7pm sharp. Cheers and applause from the audience. Con Manager: But right now, right now I'd like to introduce the man himself. The creator, the writer of the supernatural books. The one, the only, Carver Edlund! Massive amounts of cheering and applause break out as Chuck timidly walks onto the stage. Sam and Dean are stonefaced. Chuck: (feedback on mic) Ok. Ok good, this isn't nearly as awkward as I...(he clears his throat, then again) Dry mouth. Chuck takes a very long gulps from a bottle of water. There is total silence in the room while he does so. Chuck: Ok. Uh...ahem. So I guess...questions? Every hand in the room goes up. Chuck looks startled. Chuck: Uh...you? He points at a skinny young man in the front row (Barnes). The man leaps up, grinning. Barnes: Hey, Mr Edlund. Uh...big fan. I was just wondering, where'd you come up with Sam and Dean in the first place? Chuck glances back at Sam and Dean. The cock their heads, interested to hear his answer. Chuck: Oh, ah, I...it just came to me. Dean purses his lips and tilts his head back. Hands sh**t into the air again. Sam and Dean look perturbed. Chuck: Ok. Yeah. The hook man. Hook Man: (heavy German accent) Ah yeah. Why in every fight scene, Sam and Dean are having their g*n knocked away by the bad guy? Why don't they keep it on some kind of bungee? Sam looks interested. Dean looks pissed. Chuck: I...yeah, I really don't know. Hook Man: Ja, follow up. Why can't Sam and Dean be telling that Ruby is evil? I mean she is clearly manipulating Sam into some kind of moral lapse. It's obvious, nien? Now Sam looks pissed, Dean looks thoughtful as he turns to Sam. Becky is sh**ting death stares at Hook man. Becky: (walking down the row of chairs) HEY! If you don't like the books don't read em Fritz. Chuck: Ok, Ok, just..okay, it's okay. so, next question. (hands sh**t up) Yeah, you. Fan: Yeah, at the end of the last book, Dean goes to hell. So, what happens next? Chuck: Oh. Well there lies an announcement, actually. You're all going to find out. Chuck looks up at Sam and Dean. They eye him suspiciously. Chuck: Thanks to a wealthy Scandinavian investor, we're going to start publishing again. The room erupts, people leap from their seats, yelling and cheering and applauding. Becky jumps up and down, screaming. ... INT. Hotel FOYER Chuck moves from the bar to where Becky sits with two cocktails in tall glasses with many straws and slices of lime. Chuck: I got you a yellow-eyed cooler. Becky: (Smiling) Thanks Chuck. Chuck: (sitting) Sure. Ahem. So, Becky...I was wondering...ahem...are you doing any... Becky: (Eyes lighting up) Oh, Hi Sam! Sam nods at Becky distractedly. Chuck sighs. Dean: (To Becky) Excuse us. (To Chuck) In case you haven't noticed, our plates are kind of full, ok? Finding the Colt, hunting the devil. We don't have time for this crap. Becky is giving Sam come hither looks. Sam is trying not to notice. Chuck: Hey, I didn't call you! Sam: He means the books, Chuck. Why are you publishing more books? Chuck: Um...for food and shelter? Dean: (Leaning over Chuck's chair) Who gave you the rights to our life story. Chuck: An Archangel, and I didn't want it! Sam: Well, deal's off, ok. No more books. Our lives are not for (He glances at Becky) public consumption. Sam glances at Becky, Becky turns slowly to stare at Chuck. Chuck: Ah..Becky. Would you excuse us for just a second? Becky: (nodding quickly) Uh-huh! ... Dean and Sam follow Chuck into the hallway. Chuck: Do you guys know what I do for a living? Sam: Yeah Chuck, we know. Chuck: Then could you tell me? Cause I don't, all right? I'm not a good writer. I've got no marketable skills. I'm not some hero who can just h*t the road and fight monsters, Ok? Until the world ends, I gotta live, all right? And the Supernatural books are all I've got. What else do you want me to do? A woman screams. Sam and Dean immediately take off toward the sound. Chuck: No, guys...wait! ... Sam and Dean run up the stairs. A maid is crouched in the corner of the hallway. Sam: (Helping her up)Hey, are you ok? Maid: I think so. Dean: What happened? Maid: I saw a ghost. Behind Sam and Dean others are gathering. The skinny man from the audience and the large guy from the foyer are close. Barnes: (In a very deep fake voice) A ghost? Could you tell us what it looked like? Dean: Why don't you leave this to the grownups pal. Maid: A woman. She was in an old fashioned dress. Really old. Like a school marm, or something? Another Man: Did she say something to you? Maid: (Beginning to grin) Ok. (raising her voice) Gather close everybody, for a terrifying tale of terror. I saw, a ghost! Sam shakes his head, walking away. Dean follows. Maid: (Voice fading) None other than the ghost of Leticia gore herself! I was on the third floor getting ice for a guest... Becky runs up to Sam and Dean: Oooo, the LARPing's started. Dean: The...What is that again? Becky: Live Action Role Playing? It's a game. The convention puts it on. She hands Sam a piece of paper. Sam: (Reading, and frowning) "Dad's Journal. Dear Sam and Dean, this hotel is haunted. You must hunt down the ghost. Interview witnesses, discover clues, and find the bones. First team to do so wins a $50 gift card to Sizzler. Love Dad" Becky: You guys are soooo g*n win. ... INT. Hotel FOYER Many people. all dressed in suits, flip their FBI badges out at the convention manager. Con Manager: Well yes Agents Lennon and McCartney, as manager of this fine establishment I can assure you that it is indeed haunted. This building was once an orphanage, run by mean old Leticia Gore. 100 years ago this very night, Miss Gore went insane, and butchered four little boys before k*lling herself. Now folks say that the souls of those poor little boys are trapped here and the evil spirit of Miss Gore punishes them to this very day. Sam and Dean stand in the background watching. Dean: Well that's just about all the community theatre I can take. Sam: Yeah, this cannot get any weirder. Barnes and Damien walk past. Damien: (growling) Dad said...he said I may have to k*ll you. Barnes: k*ll me? What the hell does that mean? Damien: I don't know. Barnes: Oh... They continue walking. Sam and Dean look at each other. In Unison: I need a drink. ... One of the convention guests (Alex) walks down a hallway alone, holding a cardboard EMF in front of him. Alex: EMFs going nuts. A woman jumps out at him, arms raised. Woman: (Very fake) Oooo, I'm mean old Leticia Gore. They buried me in the basement. Ooooo. Alex sh**t a toy g*n at her, a small orange ball bounces off the chest. Woman: (slightly pissed) Ow. You got me. Alex: (Rolling his eyes) You're supposed to vanish? Woman: (Sarcastically) How am I supposed to vanish? ... INT. HALLWAY The Same guest turns the corner, talking on his phone. Alex: Yeah, ok Dean, we'll see you in five. Hey, but seriously dude, don't eat my skittles. An apparition of a young boy appears before him. Boy: Help us! Help us. Miss Gore won't let us have any fun. Alex: (Staring) This is part of the game right? The apparition disappears into thin air. Alex: (Shouting) Holy mother of crap! He runs down the hallway into a library, gasping for breath. Alex: That. Was. AWESOME! He begins yelling as he is grabbed, turned upside down and smashed into the glass of the bookcase, a picture and the door, and then stilled, hanging upsidedown. Woman's Voice: Naughty, naughty, naughty! A woman appears, staring at him. He screams as she rushes at him. As she goes through him he falls to the ground. He spins around but the room is empty. END ACT ONE INT. BAR. Dean downs a sh*t glass. Sam sits beside him staring moRosely at his beer. Dean looks down the bar. The Woman that was pretending to be the ghost is clicking away on her phone. Dean: How you doing? Woman: (Not looking up) Busy. Dean: Well you sure look lovely tonight. Especially for a d*ad chick. Woman: (Still not looking up) Buddy, I have heard that line 17 times tonight, ok? And all from dudes wearing MacGyver jackets. As she finishes speaking she looks up from her phone to Dean, and pauses. He just looks at her. She smiles. Woman: But you seem different. Dean: How so? Woman: Well, you don't seem scared of women. Dean smirks at her. A loud voice is heard and Dean looks past her. Guest (Alex): For the last time I'm not making this up, ok? She's upstairs, a real live d*ad ghost. Dean: Excuse me. Sam and Dean walk over to Alex Alex's Friend: I'm sure it was just one of the ghost actors. Alex: Who b*at the hell out of me and then vanished? Sam: You saw something? Alex: (To Sam) This isn't part of the game jerk. (To his friend) Look, I'm getting out of here and you should do the Same. (He walks away) Alex's Friend: Alex, wait. Hey, come back! Sam: What do you think? Dean: I don't think that guy's a good enough an actor to be acting. ... INT. FOYER. Manager: Why yes agents Jagger and Richards. As manager of this fine establishment I can assure you it is indeed haunted. He continues his spiel as Sam and Dean pass him on their way to the front desk. Dean: Excuse us, mind if we ask you a few questions? Hotel Manager: Look, I don't have time to play Star Warsguys. Go ask the guy in the ascot. Dean: (sliding $50 across the desk) Actually we ah...really want to talk to you. Hotel Manager: Ok. You guys are really into this. Sam: You have no idea. Hotel Manager: What do you want to know? Sam: All this stuff they're saying. This place being haunted. Leticia Gore. Any truth to it? Hotel Manager: We generally don't like to publicise this to...normal people...but yeah. 1909 this place was called 'Gore Orphanage'. Miss Gore, k*lled four boys with a butchers Kn*fe, then offed herself. Dean: And is tonight really her anniversary? Hotel Manager: Yep, guess your convention folks want authenticity. Sam: There been any sightings? Hotel Manager: Yep, over the years. A few maids have quit saying they heard the boys or saw them. A janitor even saw Miss Gore once. Dean: Where did Miss Gore carve up the kids. Hotel Manager: Look, I don't want you stomping all over the joint. A lot of this place is off limits to nerds. Dean slides across another $50. Hotel Manager: (Softly) The attic. Sam and Dean don't notice Damien and Barnes listening in behind them. ... INT. ATTIC Dean and then Sam crawl in through a small space, both with flashlights. The EMF starts buzzing. Sam: The EMF's going nuts. Dean: Great. We got a real ghost, and we got a bunch of dudes pretending to be us poking at it. Sam: No way this ends well. Dean: Yeah well serves them right. Sam: Dean... Dean: I'm just saying. They continue looking. ... INT. ATTIC Damien: (In deep voice) It's gotta be around here someplace. Barnes: Yeah I dunno man. No one else is looking for the attic. Damien: (In normal voice) Ok, all right, dude. 1. Stay in character. All right? If it's just me, I look stupid. and 2. You heard the guy downstairs. I think this is part of the game. Boy: Help us. Barnes: Oh my God! That make up is amazing. Damien: Amateur. Stay in character! Barnes: Sorry. Ahem (In deep voice) Sorry. Boy: Help us. Miss Gore won't let us have any fun. Damien: Where's the body buried kid. We'll light her up nice and toasty. The Boy points behind them. They turn, seeing nothing. When they turn back the hallway is empty. Barnes: Wow. Fast runner. Damien: (looking behind them again) Dude. Check this out. There is a mark on the wall beside a painting. They move the painting, revealing a bloody handprint. Barnes: Must have been what he was trying to tell us. Damien: Gee you think Sammy? The back of the painting is covered in handprints. Skinny rips the backing. There is an old map inside. Barnes: (In normal voice) Ok, this is the coolest game ever. They both giggle. Damien: Ahem (In deep voice) Yes. ... INT. ATTIC Sam and Dean continue shining their torches into every corner. Boy 2: My mommy loves me. Sam spins around to see the boy crouching in the corner, hands holding his head. Dean comes up beside Sam. Boy 2: I said my mommy loves me. Sam: I'm sure she does. Boy 2: My mommy loves me this much! He moves his hands, revealing he has been partially scalped, then disappears. ... INT. BAR Becky looks up from her drink and sighs longingly. Sam is pacing while on the phone. He sighs, then notices Becky watching and nods at her. She smiles back, licks straight up the middle of her palm and blows it at him. Looking very concerned, Sam half waves at her. She winks back. The camera pans out to reveal Chuck standing next to her, watching the back and forth. Chuck: Awesome. Sam: (walking back to where Dean sits) All right. So that was a guy with the County Historical Society. Dean: And...? Sam: Not only did Leticia Gore butcher four boys, but one of them was her own son. Dean: Her son. Sam: Yeah. According to the police at the time, she scalped the kid. Dean: Oh that's it, I'm g*n deep fry this bitch extra crispy. Dude say where she was buried? Sam: He doesn't know. They overhear the conversation at the next table and head that way. Barnes: (In character) Check it out. There's the orphanage, here's the carriage house, and right there... cemetery. Damien: You think that's where Leticia's planted? Barnes: It's worth a sh*t. Sam reaches out to touch the map. Barnes: Hey, hey! Damien: (Grabbing it) Hey, do you mind? Sam: (To Dean) It's real. A century old, at least, and he's right, there is a cemetery on the grounds. Dean: (To Damien) Where'd you get that. Damien: It's called a game pal. It ain't called charity. Dean: (Signing) Yeah right. Gimme the map Chuckles. Damien: Yeah well you're the Chuckles, Chuckles. Besides, Dean don't listen to nobody. Damien pulls back his jacket to reveal a plastic g*n. Dean rolls his eyes. Barnes: (In character to Damien) Dean! Cool it. Sam: Dean! Dean: What! They're freakin' annoying. Sam: Look, guys. We all wanna find the bones right? We just thought...it would go faster if we all worked together. Damien and Barnes exchange looks. Barnes: Ahem. We..ah...we get the sizzler gift card. Dean: (rolling his eyes again) Fine. Damien: And we get to be Sam and Dean. Sam and Dean exchange looks. Dean: Fine. Damien: (whispers to himself) Yes. ... EXT. Hotel Damien and Skinny walk along a path, Dean and Sam behind. Damien: (Turning back) Hey, Rufus, Bobby, would you hurry it up? Sam: Are you all right? Dean: (Grumpy) I'm trying to be. Barnes: So where were we? Damien: Barnes: Right, got it. Ahem (goes into character) Why are we even here Dean? You just following dad's footsteps like a good little soldier? You that desperate for approval? Damien: (In character) This isn't you talking Sam. Dean turns to Sam with a 'How much do we have to put up with' look. Sam frowns. Barnes: See that's the difference between you and me. I got a mind of my own. I'm not pathetic. Dean: So what are ya going to do Sam? Are you going to k*ll me? Sam: Man I am so sick of you telling me what to do. Dean: All right, you know what? That's it. That is it. Damien: What's wrong Bobby. Dean: (So angry he can't speak for a moment) I'm not Bobby, ok? You're not Sam. You're not Dean. What is wrong with you? Why in the hell would you choose to be these guys? Barnes: (In normal voice) Because we're fans. Like you. Dean: No. I am not a fan, ok. Not fans. In fact, I think that the Dean and Sam story sucks. It is not fun. It is not entertaining. It is a river of crap that would send momst people howling to the nut house. So you listen to me. Their pain is not for your amusement. I mean do you think they enjoy being treated like... like circus freaks? Damien: Uh...I don't think they care, because they're fictional characters! Dean: Oh they care. Believe me. They care a lot. Dean storms off down the path, leaving the others staring after him. Damien and Barnes turn back to Sam with a WTF look. Sam: He..uh...he takes the story really seriously. ... EXT. CEMETERY. The four start shining their flashlights on the gravestones. Dean: I found the four boys. Sam: And here's Leticia Gore. Dean looks up. Damien and Barnes are tip toeing around the edge of the cemetery, shining their torches in the bushes. Dean: Ah...what are you guys doing? Damien: (In character) We're looking for bones genius. They gotta be around here somewhere. Dean: Ok. Generally, bones are in the ground. Sam dumps his bag and leans down. Damien: (In character) Yeah, I know that. I just... Damien: (watching Sam pull shovels out of his bag) Wait, hold on. Are you guys serious? Dean: Deadly. Barnes: We're not really digging up graves you guys, we're just playing a game. Dean: Trust us. You wanna win the game, right? ... EXT. CEMETERY Dean finishes digging out the grave and hits the coffin. The others stand around the grave shining their torches. The wind picks up as Dean grunts and lifts the coffin lid, revealing a skeleton. Damien gags. Damien: That's not a plastic skeleton. That's a... that's a skeletonskeleton. Barnes: You just dug up a real grave. Dean: (still in the grave) Yeah. Damien: You guys are nuts. Sam: I thought you guys wanted to be hunters. Damien: (Freaking out) Hunters aren't real man. This isn't real. Damien and Barnes turn to walk away. Barnes: My God. You guys have seriously lost your grip on this, ... Barnes turns back to look at Sam and freezes. Sam: What? Gore: (Beside Sam) Naughty, naughty, naughty! Gore backhands Sam across the cemetery. Damien and Barnes scream and turn to run. Dean heaves himself out of the grave, grunting with the effort. Barnes trips and falls. Damien: (Turning back) Barnes! Dean rummages in his duffel, pulling out salt and burn materials. Damien pulls Barnes to his feet and they turn to run again. Gore is in front of them. They scream and grab hold of each other. Damien: Oh my God! Gore: Naughty, naughty, naughty! Gore pushes a hand into each of their chests and they begin screaming. Dean looks up from where he is pouring salt on her skeleton then quickly pours keRosene and reaches into his pocket for his lighter, flicking it and dropping it into the grave in one movement. Gore screams as she burns up. Damien and Barnes stare at the place where she was, panting. Sam lifts himself to his feet while Dean turns to face Damien and Barnes. Dean: Real enough for you? Damien and Barnes turn to look at Dean, horrified. END ACT TWO INT. BAR Close up of an empty sh*t glass. It is filled to the brim and a hand reaches out to grab it just as earlier. Damien sh**t it down and exhales carefully. Barnes: That was...really... Dean: Awful. Right? Damien and Barnes turn to find Sam and Dean standing behind them. Dean: Exactly. Round's on us guys. He slaps Barnes on the shoulder and puts a note on the bar. Sam: See you around. They turn to go. Damien: Hey. How'd you know how to do all that. Sam: We..uh...We read the books. Dean nods in agreement. They turn and cross the room to where Chuck is standing with the convention manager. Dean: Hey Chuck. Good luck with the Supernatural books, and screw you very much. They turn and walk away. Con Manager: Fans of yours? Chuck: Hmmm. I'd say no. Sam and Dean approach the main doors. They are locked. They push against them then turn around, looking around the room. Dean: That's weird. Sam: Definitely. ... INT. Hotel Dean strains to open a window with no luck. Sam approaches. Dean: Hey. Anything? Sam: Every exit's locked. Almost like... Dean: Something's keeping us in? Dean knocks his fist against the window in frustration. Sam: Yeah. This is bad. Dean: Gee ya think Sammy? A woman screams and they start running. The actor woman ghost from earlier runs out of a room, looking behind her, and is caught by Dean. Woman: Don't go in there! Dean: Get downstairs ok? Go go! Sam and Dean walk into the library. The Gore's son is again crouching in a corner holding his head. Boy: Why'd you do that? Why did you send my mommy away? Dean: Ah, maybe because of the high and tight she gave you, huh? How bout some thanks. Sam: Ahem. Dean: Well, I'm just saying a little gratitude might be nice once in a while. Boy: My mommy didn't do this to me. Sam: What? Then who did? The boy disappears. ... INT. HALLWAY Hook Man walks down the hallway. He turns, hearing footsteps behind him. It's the three ghost boys. Hook Man: (Sighing heavily) Ja, how original. Supernatural bringing us more creepy children. Sigh. Boy: Miss Gore wouldn't let us have any fun. Hook Man: You look nothing like real ghosts, just telling you. Boy: But Miss Gore is gone and now we can have all kinds of fun. They each bring a large Kn*fe out from behind their backs. Hook Man freezes. Close up of his hook drops to the floor. He starts screaming in German. Sam and Dean are coming up the stairs, they start running. They find the Hook Man d*ad, scalped just like Gore's son ... INT. AUDITORIUM Chuck: Well guys I guess we're out of time. So thank you for your incredibly probing and rigorous questions, and have a good... Sam runs out onto the stage and whispers in Chuck's ear. Chuck: Hey...What? Holy crap. The audience murmurs in concern. Sam: (Covering Chuck's mic) You gotta keep everyone safe in here Chuck. This is life or death. Chuck: For how long? Sam: As long as it takes. Chuck: Well...how the hell am I supposed to do that? Sam: I don't know man. Just do it. Sam walks off the stage. Chuck: Ok. So ahh, good news. I got much more to tell you... I guess. ... INT. DOOR OF AUDITORIUM Dean opens the door and ushers the staff inside. Hotel Manager: Buddy, I got work to do. Dean: You're g*n want to see this, trust me. It's g*n be a hell of a show. All the staff file in, ending with the actor ghost woman, looking pissed off. Dean closes the door, Sam joins him and they begin laying salt. Chuck: (On stage) Ah, what does the future hold for Sam and Dean? Well, how do you feel about angels? Yeah, because let me tell you, they're not nearly as lame as you think. Dean: (To Sam) Ok. New theory. The legends about Leticia are ass-backwards obviously. Sam: Yeah. So all right, let's say those three orphans were playing cowboys and Indians. Dean: LARPing as cowboys and Indians. Sam: Whatever. And let's say they scalped Leticia's son and k*lled him. Dean: Mom catches 'em in the act, flips out, slices them and dices herself. Sam: If that's true it means we've got three bloodthirsty brats in the building. Dean: Yeah and Leticia was the only one keeping them under control. Sam: Smooth move on our part. Dean: Yeah, well we gotta get back to the cemetery, torch the kids' bones. Sam: How? We're trapped, we don't even have our g*n! The ghosts are running this joint and they're only scared of one thing. Dean: (Eyes lighting up) Exactly. Cut to actor ghost woman. Woman: You want me to do what? Dean: You're an actress. We just want you to act. Woman: I work at Hooters, in Toledo. No, you can forget it. Sam: You'll be safe, we promise. This is really important. A hand drops on Dean's shoulder. Damien: We wanna help. Dean: (To Sam) Just give her the puppy dog thing ok? (To Damien and Barnes) Guys, no. Barnes: Why not? Dean: Cause this isn't make-believe. Damien: Look, we know. We're not nuts. We're freakin' terrified. Barnes: Yeah but if all these people are seriously in trouble, we gotta do something. Dean: Why? Damien: Because. That's what Sam and Dean would do. ... Cut to Chuck on stage. Chuck: No, there's really no such thing as a Croatoan virus for down there. You really should see a Doctor. ... INT. LIBRARY. The actor woman walks into the room nervously. Woman: I don't wanna do this. Dean: (Leaning around the corner) I'm right here sweetheart, I've got your back. Trust me, this is going to work. He pulls back so he can't be seen, grimacing. Woman: Boys? Boys? Come here this instant. You come when I call you. You understand me? Boys: Miss Gore? ... INT. MAIN DOOR Sam, Damien and Barnes throw their weight against the door, attempting to force it open. Sam: Push it! ... INT. LIBRARY Woman: You boys have been very naughty. Now you open the doors. Open the doors right now. The boys all flicker backwards, worried. ... MAIN DOOR The door gives a little. Sam: Go go go Barnes squeezes out, then Damien. ... LIBRARY Woman: Very naughty, you hear me? Music starts playing on a cell phone. The boys frown and look at each other. Downstairs the main door slams closed. Sam: Damn it. Upstairs in the hallway, Dean closes his eyes and bangs his head softly back against the wall. The ACTRESS, looking scared, slowly reaches into her skirt pocket, takes out the phone and kills the music. The boys stare at her. Dean raises his iron bar and comes into the room. Dean: Run. The boys raise their knives and move toward him. END ACT THREE EXT. GRAVEYARD Damien and Barnes dig a grave each. Barnes: Oh my God. Supernatural makes digging graves seem so easy. It's not though. I'm g*n throw up. Damien: No you're not. They keep digging. ... INT. LIBRARY Dean is thrown against the wall, his iron bar sliding across the room. The boys raise their knives and move towards him. Sam swoops up the bar and disperses them. He puts out a hand to pull Dean up. Dean: (Standing) Thanks. Sam is flung back against the wall, losing the iron bar. Dean: Sam! ... INT. AUDITORIUM Chuck is now sitting in a chair. The audience looks bored. Chuck: Let's see, what else? I fell in love for the first time at 16. Lost my virginity, actually. But then she went around telling everybody it didn't count. The hotel manager moves toward the door. Chuck: (Jumping up) Excuse me! You really can't leave. Please sir. Ignoring him, the manager reaches for the handle. Chuck: Don't open that door! The manager opens the door, breaking the salt line. He goes to walk out but jumps back when one of the boys appears in the doorway, grinning. The crowd gasps and jumps to their feet. The boy lifts the Kn*fe and slowly steps inside the room. Chuck flies forward and disperses the ghost with an iron stand. He grabs the doors and slams it closed again. Chuck: (Turning back to the auditorium) I said nobody leaves damn it. Now somebody salt this door. Becky is watching him with the Same glint in her eye she used for Sam. ... INT. LIBRARY Dean slams to the ground on his back, a boy on top of him, glaring at him. ... EXT. GRAVEYARD Damien flicks repeatedly at his lighter. It doesn't flare. Damien: How come Dean can always light the stupid thing on the first freaking try? (He keeps flicking) Come on! ... INT. LIBRARY. A boy grabs Sam by the hair and yanks him backwards. He holds his Kn*fe to Sam's hairline. Sam: No!...Dean! Dean is also being held down. Dean has one hand holding off a hand at his throat, the other the Kn*fe at his head. Both men grunt with the effort as the knives get closer. The boys burn up. Sam and Dean lay panting and gasping. ... EXT. GRAVEYARD Damien and Barnes stand watch over the graves as they burn. ... INT. LIBRARY. Dean: (Picking up iron bar) You know maybe that guy was right. Maybe we should put these things on a bungee. END ACT FOUR EXT. CAR PARK Emergency vehicles are lined up, a few people talking to police, the hook man's body being removed. Dean comes down the stairs with Damien and Barnes. Dean: You know I gotta hand it to you guys. You really saved our asses back there. So ah, you know, thanks. They stand looking at each other for a moment. Dean: Guys, I don't even know your names. Barnes: Oh. Well, I'm Barnes. This is Damien. What's yours? Dean looks at them for a moment, considering. Dean: Dean. The real Dean. After a moment Damien and Barnes laugh. Damien: Ahhh, yeah right. Me too! Barnes: Get the hell out of here Dean! Dean looks disappointed for a second, them smiles. Dean: Well, anyway. Thanks. Really. He goes to walk away. Damien: You're wrong you know. Dean (Turning back) Sorry? Damien: About Supernatural. No offense but I'm not sure you get what the stories about. Dean: (Smirking) Is that so. Damien: All right. In real life, he sells stereo equipment. I fix copiers. Our lives suck. But to be Sam and Dean, to wake up every morning and save the world. To have a brother who would die for you. Well who wouldn't want that? Dean: Maybe you got a point. You know, you two don't make a bad team yourselves. How do you know each other anyway? Barnes: Oh. Well, we met online. Supernatural chat room. Dean: Oh. Well it must be nice to get out of your parent's basement. Make some friends. Damien: We're more than friends. He takes Barnes hand, they twine their fingers together. Damien: We're partners. Barnes drops his head onto Damien's shoulder and they both grin at Dean. Dean: Oh. Wow. Ahem. Howdy partners. Barnes: Howdy. Further down the car park Sam stands with Becky and Chuck. Becky: Look Sam. I'm not g*n lie. We had undeniable chemistry. But like a monkey on the sun it was too hot to live. It can't go on. Chuck and I, we found each other. My yin to his proud yang. And well, the heart wants what the heart wants. I'm so so sorry. Chuck: Yeah Sam. Sorry. Sam grimaces at them both. Chuck smiles sheepishly at him. Becky: Will you be all right? Sam: (putting on a sad face and sighing heavily) Honestly I don't know. I'll just have to find a way to keep living, I guess. Becky: God bless you. Sam: Ok. Oh, hey. Chuck. If you really wanna publish more books, I guess that's ok with us. Chuck: (Excited) Wow. Really? Sam: No not really. We have g*n and we will find you. Chuck: Ok, ok. No more books. Sam: See you around. He turns and begins to walk away. Becky: (Running after him) Sam! Wait, one more thing. In chapter 33 of Supernatural Time is on my Side, there's that girl Bela? She was British, and a cat burglar. Sam: Yeah I know. Becky: She stole the Colt from you and then she said she gave it to Lilith, remember? Sam: Yeah. Becky: Well you know she lied right, she didn't really give it to Lilith. Sam: (looking at Chuck) Wait, what? Becky: (Excited) Didn't you read the book? There was this one scene where Bela gives the Colt to a demon named Crowley. Lilith's right hand man. And I think her lover too. Sam: Crowley. (To Chuck) Didn't it occur to you to tell us this before? Chuck: I'm sorry. I didn't remember. I'm not as much of a fan as she is. Sam: Becky, tell me everything. Becky gives Sam a huge smile and begins laughing. ... EXT. CAR PARK Dean leans against the Impala, lost in thought. He smiles slightly. Sam: You ok? Dean: Yeah, you know? I think I'm good. Sam: Well, you're not going to believe it, but I got a lead on the Colt. Dean: What? Sam: Long story, I'll tell you on the way? Dean: What are we waiting for? They get in, slam the doors and cruise out of the car park. END ACT FIVE Chuck on stage. Like a lot of authors, I started writing because of love. Yeah, I had a huge crush on Nancy McKeon, who played Jo in The Facts of Life. I must have written her 40 to 50 letters, she never wrote back. I don't think the Benders made flesh suits out of all their victims. Maybe just like a coupla scarves. Actually my favourite movie was Beaches. Hilary and CC were just so brave. So strong. The way I look at it, it's really not jumping the shark if you never come back down, ya know? END EPISODE TRANSCRIBED BY TMATEOTB
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "05x09 - The Real Ghostbusters"}
Air Date: 19 Nov 2009 EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY Overhead view of several highways crossing each other. EXT. OVERPASS - DAY Underneath the lowest of these highways. An Old Man gets out of an expensive car, digs a hole in the dirt and gravel, buries a box, and stands up. Voice Mr. Pendleton, I presume. PENDLETON turns around to see a Man who wasn't there before. Man: Name's Crowley. PENDLETON In my negotiations I was, uh, dealing with a very young, attractive, uh, lady. CROWLEY Yes. I know. But you, piggy bank, you are a big fish, and I wanted to do you the honor of sealing this deal personally. PENDLETON She said the deal would be sealed with a kiss. CROWLEY That's right. PENDLETON stares. CROWLEY grins. PENDLETON No, I mean, she said-I don't- CROWLEY Your choice. You can cling to six decades of deep-seated h*m*, or give it up and get a complete bailout for your bank's ridiculous incompetence. CROWLEY is up in PENDLETON's personal space now. PENDLETON There are just things that I- CROWLEY Going once. PENDLETON I don't think so- CROWLEY Going twice. PENDLETON All right! All right. CROWLEY pulls PENDLETON in. PENDLETON No- CROWLEY kisses him anyway. Castiel is observing from a distance, on the phone. Castiel: Got him. EXT. OVERPASS - DAY CROWLEY releases PENDLETON. Castiel speaks into the phone. Castiel: The demon Crowley is making a deal; even as we speak, it's-going-down. EXT. LAKESIDE - DAY Dean is on the phone. Sam leans against the car, back to Dean. Dean: Going down? Right. Okay, Huggy Bear, just don't lose him. Sam turns to look at Dean. Castiel: I won't lose him. EXT. UNDERPASS - DAY PENDLETON Damn you. PENDLETON turns to walk back to his car. CROWLEY Enjoy the obscene wealth. See you in ten years. CROWLEY fiddles with a cell phone while he walks, then vanishes. Castiel follows him, vanishing as well. EXT. MANSION - DAY Castiel is still on the phone. Castiel: I followed him. It's not far, but-it's layered in Enochian warding magic. Castiel: I can't get in. Dean: That's okay, you did great. We'll take it from here. EXT. LAKESIDE - DAY The Impala drives off. EXT. MANSION - NIGHT INT. MANSION - DAY CROWLEY pours himself a drink with lemon and watches a black-and-white film involving n*zi. EXT. MANSION - NIGHT A Young Woman in evening dress approaches the gate and presses a button on the intercom. INTERCOM Hello? Young Woman: Hello. My car broke down. I-I need some help. INTERCOM I'll be down in a minute. The Young Woman turns around to wait; it's Jo HARVELLE. The gate swings open and TWO MEN approach. FIRST Man Evening, pretty lady. Get yourself on in here. Jo: I just need to make a call. FIRST Man You don't need to call anyone, baby. He glances back at his partner. FIRST Man We're the only help you're ever gonna need. Jo: You know what? I think I should wait by my car. Jo turns to go. The FIRST Man grabs her shoulder; his eyes go black. FIRST Man We said, get your ass in here. Jo shakes him loose and flattens him. The SECOND Man is s*ab through the neck with what must be Ruby's Kn*fe; Sam is holding it. He s*ab the FIRST Man too. Dean: Nice work, Jo. Jo: Thanks. Dean hands Jo a bag. She pulls out wire cutters(?). Jo: Okay. Shall we? INT. MANSION - NIGHT CROWLEY is still watching his film when the electricity cuts out. He leaves the room. Sam: It's Crowley, right? CROWLEY So. The Hardy Boys finally found me. Took you long enough. Sam is holding Ruby's Kn*fe and Dean a g*n. Jo is not in sight. CROWLEY approaches, stopping when he sees his rug is rumpled. He looks underneath; a devil's trap has been drawn on the bottom of the rug. CROWLEY Do you have any idea how much this rug cost? TWO MEN grab Sam and Dean from behind, disarming them and pinning their arms. CROWLEY holds up the Colt. CROWLEY This is it, right? This is what it's all about. CROWLEY aims the g*n at Dean, then adjusts his aim and sh**t both MEN. CROWLEY We need to talk. Privately. CROWLEY leads Dean and Sam into another room. Dean: What the hell is this? CROWLEY Do you know how deep I could have buried this thing? CROWLEY waves a hand; the door slams shut. CROWLEY There's no reason you or anyone should know this even exists, except that I told you. Sam: You told us. CROWLEY Rumors, innuendo, sent out on the grapevine. Sam: Why? Why tell us anything? CROWLEY aims at Dean again. CROWLEY I want you to take this thing to Lucifer and empty it into his face. Dean: Uh-huh, okay, and why exactly would you want the devil d*ad? CROWLEY It's called- CROWLEY puts the g*n down. CROWLEY Survival. Well, I forgot you two at best are functioning morons- Dean: You're functioning...morons... CROWLEY Lucifer isn't a demon, remember? He's an angel. An angel famous for his hatred of humankind. To him, you're just filthy bags of pus. If that's the way he feels about you, what can he think about us? Sam: But he created you. CROWLEY To him, we're just servants. Cannon fodder. If Lucifer manages to exterminate humankind, we're next. So, help me, huh? Let's all go back to simpler, better times, back to when we could all follow our natures. I'm in sales, dammit! So what do you say if I give you this thing, and you go k*ll the devil? CROWLEY holds out the Colt, handle first. Dean and Sam glance at each other. CROWLEY wiggles the g*n. Sam hesitantly reaches out to take it. Sam: Great. CROWLEY Great. Sam: You wouldn't happen to know where the devil is, by chance, would you? CROWLEY Thursday, birdies tell me, there's an appointment in Carthage, Missouri. Sam glances at Dean and nods. Sam: Great. Sam puts the barrel between CROWLEY's eyes and pulls the trigger. It clicks. Sam stares, surprised; CROWLEY stares back, impassive. CROWLEY Oh, yeah, right, you'll probably need some more amm*nit*on. CROWLEY goes into his desk. Dean: Oh, uh, excuse me for asking, but aren't you kind of signing your own death warrant? I mean, what happens to you if we go up against the devil and lose? CROWLEY Number one, he's going to wipe us all out anyway. Two, after you leave here, I go on an extended vacation to all points nowhere. And three, how about you don't miss, okay! Morons! CROWLEY throws something at Dean, who catches and opens it; b*ll*ts for the Colt. Dean looks up; CROWLEY's gone. Sam sighs. INT. Bobby's HOUSE - NIGHT Five full sh*t glasses in a row next to a row of three upside-down sh*t glasses, a gap, and a full sh*t glass. Another glass is placed upside-down in the gap. Jo drinks from a beer bottle. Ellen drains the fifth and puts it back upside-down. Ellen: All right, big boy. Castiel: Well. Castiel drains all five of his in a row. Ellen stares. Castiel: I think I'm starting to feel something. Jo gawks and grins. Sam and Dean are sitting at opposite sides of Bobby's desk, both with beer bottles. Sam: It's gotta be a trap, right? Dean: Sam Winchester, having trust issues with a demon. Well, better late than never. Sam: Thank you again for your continued support. Dean: You're welcome. They clink bottles and drink. Dean: You know, trap or no trap, we got a snowball's chance, we gotta take it, right? Sam: Yeah, I suppose. Dean: Besides, I'm not sure it is a trap. Check it out. I mean, Carthage is lit up like a Christmas tree with Revelation omens. And look at this. Dean pushes some papers at Sam. Dean: There's been six missing persons reported, in town, since Sunday. I think the devil's there. Sam: Okay. Dean: Look, when you think about it...you can't come with. Sam rolls his eyes. Sam: Dean. Dean: Look, I go against Satan and screw the pooch, okay. We've lost a game piece. That we can take. But if you're there, then we are handing the devil's vessel right over to him. That's not smart. Sam: Since when have we ever done anything smart? Dean: I'm serious, Sam. Sam: So am I. Haven't we learned a damn thing? If we're gonna do this, we're gonna do it together. Dean and Sam look at each other for a long moment. Dean looks away first. Dean: Okay. But it's a stupid frigging idea. Dean looks past Sam, attention caught by Castiel, Ellen, and Jo. Sam looks too. Sam: Boy, talk about stupid ideas. Dean: Good God. True, that. Dean gets up and goes over to the refrigerator, where Jo is rummaging, rear end prominent. She turns around and Dean is right there. Dean: Hey. Jo: Hey. Dean: So. Dangerous mission tomorrow. Guess it's time to eat, drink, and, you know, make merry. Jo: Are you giving me the last-night-on-earth speech? Dean: What? Jo: What? Dean: No. They laugh. Dean: If I was, would, uh, would that work? Jo leans in for a kiss, but stops at the last moment. Jo: No. Sweetheart, if this is our last night on earth, then I'm going to spend it with a little thing I call self-respect. Jo laughs and leaves. Dean: If you're into that kind of thing. Bobby: Everybody get in here! It's time for the lineup. Usual suspects in the corner. Sam comes in, then Ellen. Ellen: Oh come on, Bobby. Nobody wants their picture taken. Sam: Hear, hear. Bobby: Shut up. You're drinking my beer. Castiel enters while Bobby finishes fiddling with a camera on a tripod. Bobby rolls his wheelchair back. Bobby: Anyway, I'm gonna need something to remember your sorry asses by. Everyone is in the room now, getting in position for the picture, smiling. Ellen: Ha! Always good to have an optimist around. Castiel: Bobby's right. Tomorrow we hunt the devil. This is our last night on earth. The smiles disappear. The camera flashes. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY Missing posters are tacked to a telephone pole. The Impala drives in followed by another car; visible behind them is a billboard that says "ANTI-GOD IS ANTI-AMERICAN" on an American-flag background, next to a sign that advertises "ADULT VIDEOS". Dean and Sam both have hands out the windows, phones in hand. Sam: You getting a signal? Dean: No, nothing. Nice and spooky. Dean waves the other car up next to him. Ellen is driving, Jo g*n. Ellen: Place seem a little empty to you? Dean: We're gonna go check out the PD. You guys stay here, see if you can find anybody. Ellen: Okay. Dean drives off. Ellen parks. Jo gets out and turns to look at Castiel in the back seat. Jo: Ever heard of a door handle Castiel: Of course I have. Castiel is standing outside the car. He looks around; the street is deserted except for the three of them. Ellen: What is it, Cas? Castiel: This town's not empty. From Castiel's point of view, the town is filled with dozens of old white men in suits, all standing still, attention fixed on something in the distance. Castiel: Reapers. Ellen: Reapers? As in more than one? Castiel: They only gather like this at times of great catastrophe. Chicago f*re, San Francisco Quake, Pompeii. Excuse me, I need to find out why they're here. Castiel walks off, pausing to look at the nearest reaper, who ignores him. Jo and Ellen look at each other. Castiel's attention is caught by a Reaper inside a building who turns away from the window, the first of the dozens to show any signs of life. The building's marquee reads "JESUS SAVES". INT. BUILDING - DAY Castiel appears inside the building at that window. He comes down the corridor and enters a room. Voice Hello, brother. White light. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY Ellen and Jo are back in their car. They come to a stop next to Dean and Sam: Dean: Station's empty. Jo: So's everything else. Ellen: Have you seen Cas? Sam: What? He was with you. Ellen: Nope. He went after the reapers. Dean: Reapers? Sam: He saw reapers? Where? Jo: Well, kind of everywhere. Dean and Sam look at each other. INT. BUILDING - DAY The room is dark, lit mostly by firelight. Castiel is standing in the center of a ring of f*re. He notices the other person in the room. Castiel: Lucifer. Lucifer: So I take it you're here with the Winchesters. Castiel: I came alone. Lucifer: Loyalty. Such a nice quality to see in this day and age. Castiel, right? Castiel. I'm told you came here in an automobile. Castiel: Yes. Lucifer: What was that like? Castiel looks around. Castiel: Um. Slow. Confining. Lucifer: What a peculiar thing you are. This is the first good view of Lucifer; he does not look healthy. A closeup of his face shows what looks like burns. Castiel: What's wrong with your vessel? Lucifer: Yes. Um. Nick is wearing a bit thin, I'm afraid. He can't contain me forever, so- Castiel: You- Castiel steps forward, apparently intending to get in Lucifer's face, but stops short; the f*re separates them. Castiel: You are not taking Sam Winchester. I won't let you. Lucifer: Castiel. I don't understand why you're fighting me, of all the angels Castiel: You really have to ask? Lucifer: I rebelled, I was cast out. You rebelled, you were cast out. Almost all of heaven wants to see me d*ad, and if they succeed, guess what? You're their new public enemy number one. We're on the Same side, like it or not, so why not just serve your own best interests? Which in this case just happen to be mine? Castiel: I'll die first. Lucifer: I suppose you will. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY Ellen, Dean, Sam, and Jo are walking, g*n in hands and looking around for trouble. Dean: Well, this is great, been in town twenty minutes and already lost the angel up our sleeve. Sam: You think, uh, you think Lucifer got him? Dean: I don't know what else to think. Voice There you are. Sam: Meg. Meg: Shouldn't have come here, boys. Dean: Hell, I could say the Same thing for you. Dean aims the Colt at Meg. Meg: Didn't come here alone, Deano. Something splashes in a puddle near Meg's feet; the sounds of dogs growling and barking. Sam, Ellen, and Jo glance around for the source of the noise; so does Dean, but he is obviously pretending he's not afraid. Dean: Hellhounds. Meg: Yeah, Dean. Your favorite. Come on, boys. My father wants to see you. Sam: I think we'll pass, thanks. Meg: Your call. You can make this easy or you can make it really, really hard. Dean looks back; Ellen nods. Dean: When have you known us to ever make anything easy? Meg shakes her head. Dean shifts his aim and fires; blood spurts from the hellhound next to Meg's feet. Sam: Run! They take off. A hellhound tackles Dean. Jo looks back. Jo: Dean! Dean: Jo, stay back! Jo fires her g*n in Dean's direction. Ellen and Sam stop running. Jo keeps f*ring, knocking the hellhound further and further back. Another gets her from the side. Sam and Ellen start running towards Jo and Dean. Ellen: No! The hellhound shreds Jo's side. Sam and Ellen start f*ring. Dean scoops up Jo and runs past Sam and Ellen, who turn to follow. Dean heads for one of the nearest stores, Ellen goes ahead to open the door, and Sam stays back to keep sh**ting. INT. HARDWARE STORE - DAY Dean leans Jo against the counter; she's whimpering. Ellen: Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, breathe now- Sam chains the doors shut. Sam: Okay. Ellen: Boys, need some help here! Sam and Dean grab bags of rock salt. Sam: Go go go- They slit the bags open and frantically line the doorway and windows. Ellen peels Jo's hand away from the injury; it spurts blood. Sam and Dean stare and Ellen looks over her shoulder at them, horrified. Jo has been bandaged up. Ellen: Gonna be all right. Sam hands a bowl to Ellen. Ellen: Thank you. Sam goes over to Dean, who is fiddling with something electronic. Dean: How's she holding up? A long pause. Sam: Salt lines are holding up. Dean: Safe for now. Sam: Safer. Trapped like rats. Dean: Hey, you heard Meg. Her father's here. This is our one sh*t, Sammy. We gotta take it, no matter what. Another long pause. Dean: Here we go. Ellen: Sam, some help here, please? Dean's gadget squeals. INT. Bobby's HOUSE - DAY PHONE Voice The number you dialed is unavailable. Please try your call again. Bobby: Damn it, boys. Static from the next room. Bobby wheels over and moves a book off a CB radio. Dean on radio K C 5 Fox Delta Oscar, come in. Bobby picks up the mouthpiece. Bobby: K C 5 Fox Delta Oscar, go ahead. Dean: Bobby, it's Dean. We got problems. Bobby sighs and looks heavenward. Bobby: It's okay, boy. That's why I'm here. INT. HARDWARE STORE - DAYand INT. Bobby's HOUSE - DAY, alternating Bobby: Is everyone all right? Dean: No. It's-it's-it's Jo. Bobby, it's pretty bad. Bobby: Okay. Copy that. So now we figure out what we do next. Dean: Bobby, I don't think she's- He breaks off. Bobby: I said, what do we do next, Dean? Dean leans his head on his hand for a moment. Dean: Right. Okay, right. Bobby: Now, tell me what you got. Time has passed. Bobby: Before he went missing, did Cas say how many reapers? Dean: I don't-he said a lot of things, I guess. Does the number matter? Bobby: Devil's in the details, Dean. Ellen taps Dean on the shoulder with one bloody hand. Dean holds up the microphone. Ellen: Bobby, it's Ellen. The way he was looking, the number of places Castiel's eyes went, I'd say we're talking over a dozen reapers, probably more. Bobby: I don't like the sound of that. Dean: Nobody likes the sound of that, Bobby, but what-wh-what does that sound like? Bobby: It sounds like death, son. I think Satan's in town to work a ritual. Bobby turns pages in his book to one marked with a Post-it that reads "Seventh Seal". Bobby: I think he's planning to unleash Death. Dean: You mean, like, as in this dude and taxes are the only sure thing? Bobby: As in Death. The horseman. The pale rider in the flesh. Dean: Unleash? I mean, hasn't Death been tromping all over the place? Hell, I've died several times myself. Bobby: Not this guy. This is-this is the angel of death. Big daddy reaper. They keep this guy chained in a box six hundred feet under. Last time they hauled him up, Noah was building a boat. That's why the place is crawling with reapers. They're waiting on the big boss to show. Dean: You have any other good news? Bobby: In a manner of speaking. Bobby closes the book-it is, unsurprisingly, a large leather-bound Holy Bible-and turns to another one that's already open to a page headed "The Battle of Carthage". Bobby: I been researching Carthage since you've been gone, trying to suss out what the devil might want there. What you just said drops the last piece of the puzzle in place. The angel of death must be brought into this world at midnight through a place of awful carnage. Now, back during the Civil w*r, there was a battle in Carthage. A battle so intense the soldiers called it the Battle of Hellhole. Dean: Where'd the m*ssacre go down? Bobby: On the land of William Jasper's farm. INT. BUILDING - DAY Castiel is still in the ring of f*re and Lucifer is still watching him. Meg enters. Meg: I got the Winchesters pinned down. For now, at least. What should I do with them? Lucifer: Leave them alone. Meg: I-I'm sorry, but are you sure? Shouldn't we- Lucifer: Trust me, child. Everything happens for a reason. Lucifer strokes Meg's face. Castiel looks around and sees a pipe bolted to the wall. Lucifer: Well, Castiel, you have some time. Time to change your mind? INT. HARDWARE STORE - DAY Ellen: That's my girl, you're okay, honey- Jo looks no better. Ellen is next to her. Dean and Sam are several feet away. Dean: Now we know where the devil's gonna be, we know when, and we have the Colt. Sam: Yeah. We just have to get past eight or so hellhounds and get to the farm by midnight. Dean: Yeah, and that's after we get Jo and Ellen the hell out of town. Sam: Won't be easy. Dean: Stretcher? Sam: I'll see what we got. Sam turns to go looking. Jo: Stop. Guys, stop. Ellen looks between the boys and Jo. Jo: Can we, uh, be realistic about this, please? Dean and Sam walk over to Jo. Jo: Uh! I can't move my legs. I can't be moved. My guts are being held in by an ace bandage. We gotta-we gotta get our priorities straight here. Dean and Sam look at each other and at Jo. Jo: Number one, I'm not going anywhere. Ellen: Joanna Beth, you stop talking like that. Jo: Mom. I can't fight. I can't walk. But I can do something. We got propane, wiring, rock salt, iron nails, everything we need. Sam: Everything we need? Jo: To build a b*mb, Sam. Dean: No. Jo, no. Jo: You got another plan? You got any other plan? Those are hellhounds out there, Dean. They've got all of our scents. Those bitches will never stop coming after you. We let the dogs in, you guys h*t the roof, make a break for the building next over. I can wait here with my finger on the button, rip those mutts a new one. Or at least get you a few minutes' head start, anyway. Ellen: No, I-I won't let you. Jo: This is why we're here, right? Ellen shakes her head, crying. Jo: If I can get us a sh*t on the devil-Dean, we have to take it. Ellen: No! Ellen looks up at Dean. Ellen: That's not- Jo: Mom. This might literally be your last chance to treat me like an adult. Might wanna take it? Jo is smiling. Ellen starts sobbing. Ellen: You heard her. Get to work. Sam and Dean grab their materials and assemble the b*mb, filling them with nails and rock salt for shrapnel. Night has fallen. Sam takes Jo's hand for a minute while Dean strings the wire to the button Jo will hold. Dean: Okay, this is it. I'll see you on the other side. Probably sooner than later. Jo: Make it later. Dean puts the button in Jo's hand and holds on. Jo is crying. Dean kisses her once on the forehead, once on the lips, and leans their heads together for a moment before getting up. Ellen comes back to sit by Jo. They watch each other for a moment and Ellen smiles. Jo: Mom, no. Ellen: Somebody's gotta let them in. Like you said, you're not moving. You got me, Jo. And you're right, this is important. Jo nods. Ellen: But I will not leave you here alone. Sam: Dean- Ellen: Get going now, boys. Dean: Ellen- Ellen: I said go. Sam looks at Dean. They both start to walk away. Ellen: And Dean? Dean looks back. Ellen: Kick it in the ass. Don't miss. Dean nods. He and Sam head for their exit. Ellen unchains the doors, sweeps away the salt line, opens the propane t*nk, and sits back down with Jo, hugging her. Ellen: I will always love you, baby. The hellhounds are audible again. Ellen looks back at Jo, who's stopped moving. Ellen: Honey? No reaction. Ellen: Jo- Ellen sobs. Ellen: It's okay, it's okay. Ellen kisses Jo on the head. Ellen: That's my good girl. The doors burst open. Ellen looks. Two hellhounds slam into the open doors. EXT. BEHIND STORE - NIGHTintercut with glimpses of INT. HARDWARE STORE - NIGHT Sam runs across the f*re escape, Dean right behind, then Sam goes down the ladder and Dean follows. They hurry down the alley. INT. HARDWARE STORE - NIGHT A hellhound blows Ellen's hair. She holds Jo's finger against the button and forces a grin. Ellen: You can go straight back to hell, you ugly bitch! EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT The hardware store explodes. Dean and Sam stop to watch it blow, then run. EXT. FIELD - NIGHT Sam and Dean sneak through bushes. Dozens of MEN stand in the field, attention on something out of sight. Dean: Guess we know what happened to some of the townspeople. Sam: Okay. Dean: Okay. Sam: Last words? Dean looks at Sam for a moment. Dean: I think I'm good. Sam: Yeah. Me too. Dean: Here goes nothing. Lucifer is filling a hole. Sam: Hey! Sam approaches Lucifer, readying a g*n. Lucifer turns, dropping the shovel. Sam: You wanted to see me? Lucifer: Oh, Sam, you don't need that g*n here. You know I'd never hurt you. Not really. Dean: Yeah? Well, I'd hurt you. Dean points the g*n at Lucifer, point-blank to the forehead. Dean: So suck it. Dean fires. Lucifer collapses. None of the MEN do anything. Dean and Sam watch the corpse for a minute. Lucifer inhales and shifts position. Lucifer: Owww... Lucifer stands up. Sam is horrified. Lucifer: Where did you get that? Lucifer punches Dean, who flies into a tree. Sam watches Dean land and turns back to Lucifer. Lucifer: Now, where were we? EXT. FIELD - NIGHT Lucifer: Don't feel too bad, Sam. There's only five things in all of creation that that g*n can't k*ll, and I just happen to be one of them. But if you give me a minute, I'm almost done. Lucifer picks up the shovel and moves two scoops of dirt. Sam hurries over to Dean, checking his pulse. Lucifer leans on the shovel. Lucifer: You know, I don't suppose you'd just say yes here and now? Sam stands up. Lucifer: End this whole tiresome discussion? That's crazy, right? Sam: It's never gonna happen! Lucifer goes back to filling his hole. Lucifer: Oh, I don't know, Sam. I think it will. I think it'll happen soon. Within six months. And I think it'll happen in Detroit. Sam: You listen to me, you son of a bitch. I'm gonna k*ll you myself, you understand me? I'm going to rip your heart out! Lucifer: That's good, Sam. You keep fanning that f*re in your belly. All that pent-up rage. I'm gonna need it. Sam visibly calms. He looks around at the MEN, who are still doing nothing. Sam: What did you do? What did you do to this town? Lucifer: Oh, I was very generous with this town. One demon for every able-bodied man. Sam: And the rest of them? Lucifer pauses. Lucifer: In there. I know, it's awful, but these horsemen are so demanding. So it was women and children first. I know what you must think of me, Sam. But I have to do this. I have to. You of all people should understand. Sam: What's that supposed to mean? Lucifer drops the shovel. Lucifer: I was a son. A brother, like you, a younger brother, and I had an older brother who I loved. Idolized, in fact. And one day I went to him and I begged him to stand with me, and Michael-Michael turned on me. Called me a freak. A monster. And then he b*at me down. All because I was different. Because I had a mind of my own. Tell me something, Sam. Any of this sound familiar? Anyway. You'll have to excuse me. Midnight is calling and I have a ritual to finish. Don't go anywhere. Not that you could if you would. Sam goes back to Dean. Lucifer turns to his hole and chants, then turns to his DEMONS. Lucifer: Now repeat after me. We offer up our lives, blood, souls- Dean stirs. He's alive. DEMONS We offer up our lives, blood, souls- Lucifer: To complete this tribute. DEMONS To complete this tribute. One by one the DEMONS flash gold and fall over, d*ad. Sam and Dean stare. Lucifer looks at them. Lucifer: What? They're just demons. INT. BUILDING - NIGHT A bolt on the pipe in the wall is spinning. Castiel is still in the f*re ring, Meg watching. Castiel: You seem pleased. Meg: We're gonna win. Can you feel it? You cloud-hopping pansies lost the whole damn universe. Lucifer's gonna take over heaven. We're going to heaven, Clarence. Castiel: Strange, because I heard a different theory from a demon named Crowley. Meg: You don't know Crowley. Castiel: He believes Lucifer is just using demons to achieve an end, and that, once he does, he'll desTroy you all. Meg: You're wrong. Lucifer is the father of our race. Our creator. Your god may be a deadbeat. Mine-mine walks the earth. Castiel gets the bolt loose and pulls the pipe free of the wall. It slams Meg through the f*re into Castiel's arms. Castiel presses his palm to Meg's forehead. Nothing happens. Meg laughs. Meg: You can't gank demons, can you? You're cut off from the home office and you ain't got the juice. So what can you do, you impotent sap? Castiel: I can do this. Castiel leans closer as if to kiss Meg, then throws her down across the f*re. She screams. He walks out across her back. EXT. FIELD - NIGHT Lucifer stares at the mass grave. Sam stares at Lucifer. Dean glances between them. The ground rumbles. Castiel appears next to Sam and Dean and holds a finger to his lips. Lucifer turns and all three are gone. He walks forward. Lucifer: Oh, hello, Death. INT. Bobby's HOUSE - DAY The glasses from Ellen and Castiel's drinking competition are still on the table. The TV is on, showing a tornado; the captions read "STate OF EMERGENCY, Paulding County" and "KOUA 16". TV Just received an update that the governor has declared a state of emergency for Paulding County, including the towns of Marion, Fetterville, and Carthage. The storm system has reportedly touched off a number of tornadoes in the area. Sam, Dean, and Bobby are gathered around the fireplace. Bobby holds a copy of the photograph taken earlier in the episode. TV Death tolls have yet to be estimated, but state officials expect the loss of life and property to be staggering. Bobby leans forward and drops the picture into the flames. He, Dean, and Sam watch it burn.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "05x10 - Abandon All Hope"}
Air Date: 21 Jan 2010 THEN A hellhound steps in a puddle next to Meg. Dean: Hellhounds? Meg: Yeah, Dean, your favorite! Dean sh**t a hellhound with the Colt. Jo sh**t a hellhound. A hellhound tackles Jo, shredding her side. In the store, Ellen takes care of a bleeding Jo as Sam and Dean watch. Jo: I can't fight. I can't walk. But I can do something. We got everything we need...to build a b*mb. The hellhounds come through the store doors, past the propane t*nk. Ellen presses the button, and the store explodes as Sam and Dean watch in horror. Sam and Dean stand next to the Impala. Dean: What are we doing? Sam: We're hunting a ghost. Dean: You know who does that? Crazy people! We...are insane! Sam fights TIM and REGGIE in the bar, blood on his face. Sam, Dean, Castiel, Bobby, Ellen and Jo stand for the group picture. Castiel: Tomorrow, we hunt the devil. This is our last night on earth. Sam stares at Lucifer in the field. Dean points the Colt at Lucifer's head. CROWLEY Voice-OVER: Take this thing to Lucifer, and empty it into his face. Lucifer looks at Dean, and Dean sh**t Lucifer in the head. Lucifer stands and throws Dean into a tree. Lucifer: (talking to Sam) You know I'd never hurt you. Sam: You listen to me, you son of a bitch. Lucifer throws dirt in the hole. Sam: I'm gonna k*ll you myself. I am going to rip your heart out! Lucifer: That's good, Sam. You keep fanning that f*re in your belly. All that pent-up rage...I'm gonna need it. NOW Glenwood Springs Psychiatric Hospital Ketchum, Oklahoma INT. Dr. FULLER's OFFICE Dr. FULLER opens a file at his desk and flips through some pages. One is a newspaper article that reads: "Young boy dies tragically in early morning hours f*re." Dr. FULLER sits at his desk while a patient--Susan--sits in a chair in front of it. Dr. FULLER: The nurses tell me that you're not taking your medication. You wanna tell me why? (Susan is silent.) Susan? Susan: The pills make me sleepy, but I can't. If i sleep, it'll come. Dr. FULLER: Now, we have talked about this. Susan: But it k*lled Annie. Dr. FULLER leans towards Susan. Dr. FULLER: Susan, you're schizophrenic. Your mind plays tricks on you. You get confused. Sometimes, you see things. Susan: I know what I am. Like, I can see my d*ad son standing right behind you. There is a little boy standing at the wall behind Dr. FULLER's desk. Susan stares at him as she speaks. Susan: I know he's not real. The little boy is gone, and Dr. FULLER begins to look that way, but looks back at Susan. Susan looks at Dr. FULLER. Susan: But the monster...It is real. Dr. FULLER leans back in his chair. Dr. FULLER: Annie was your roommate, and what happened to her was painful for all of us. Perhaps it's easier for you to conjure up a monster than to face how tragic her su1c1de really was. Susan: I can hear it at night...in the walls. Please. You have to believe me. Dr. FULLER: Susan, there is no such thing as monsters. INT. Susan's CELL Susan caresses a picture of her son that is taped to her wall. The lights went off. Orderly IN THE HALL: 10:30. Lights out. Susan hugs her knees on her bed for a minute before she hears some thumps coming from the ceiling vent. She gets off the bed as the thumps continue. She stands under the vent, watching it for a while. A screw on the vent starts to unscrew, and she backs up against the wall. Susan: Oh, my God! Help me! Help me! INT. HALLWAY Down the hall, other patients begin to yell. A nurse at the nurses' station listens. Nurse: They're starting early tonight. INT. Susan's CELL Susan cowers in the corner as the screw falls to the floor. Another screw begins to come loose. Susan: Hurry! INT. HALLWAY Susan slams against the door, yelling through the window in her door. Susan: It's coming! Another patient, TED, across the hall watches through his window. Susan: Help me, please! Help me! Susan is suddenly dragged away from the door, and TED gasps. Susan's screams echo down the hall. INT. Susan's CELL An orderly unlocks the door and opens it to find Susan lying d*ad on the floor, her wrists cut and blood pooled under her hands. Title card: SUPERNATURAL INT. Dr. FULLER's OFFICE Dr. FULLER looks through a file, and the camera pans up to reveal Dean sitting across from him. The camera pans over to show Sam sitting next to Dean. Dr. FULLER looks back down at his file. Dr. FULLER: You were referred to me by a Dr. Babar in Chicago. Dean: That's right. Dr. FULLER: Isn't there a children's book about an elephant named Babar? Dean: I don't know. I don't have any elephant books. Look, Doctor, I-I-I think the doc was in over his head with this one. (Dean points at Sam) 'Cause my brother is... Dean makes a "crazy sign," circling his finger at the side of his head and whistling. Dr. FULLER raises a hand. Dr. FULLER: Okay, fine, thank you. That's-that's really not necessary. (Dr. FULLER grabs his file and notepad) Why don't you tell me how you're feeling, Alex? Sam: (sighs) I'm fine. I mean, okay, a little depressed, I guess. Dr. FULLER writes in his notepad. Dr. FULLER: Okay. Any idea why? Sam: Probably because I started the apocalypse. Dr. FULLER: (looks up at Sam) The apocalypse? Sam: Yeah, that's right. Dr. FULLER: (looks at Dean, who smiles) And you think you started it? Sam: Well, yeah, I mean...I k*lled this demon, Lilith, and I accidentally freed Lucifer from hell. So now, he's topside, and we're trying to stop him. Dr. FULLER: (looks at Dean, who looks exasperated) Who is? Sam: Me. A-and him. (points at Dean) And this one angel. Dr. FULLER: Oh, you mean, like a...like an angel on your shoulder. Sam: No. His name's Castiel. He wears a trench coat. Dr. FULLER goes back to taking notes. Dean: See what I mean, Doc? The kid's been beating himself up about this for months. The apocalypse wasn't his fault. Dr. FULLER: (looks up at Dean, stunned) It's not? Dean: No. There was this other demon, Ruby. She got him addicted to demon blood, and near the end, he was practically chugging this stuff. Dr. FULLER looks at Sam, who looks ashamed. Dr. FULLER looks back at Dean. Dean: My brother's not evil. He was just...high...yeah? So, could you fix him up so we can get back to traveling around the country and hunting monsters? Dr. FULLER puts up a finger for them to wait. He picks up his phone and dials an extension. Dr. FULLER: Irma...cancel my lunch. As the Doctor hangs up, Dean pats Sam comfortingly on the arm. HAPPY Nurse Voice-OVER: Doctor Fuller would like to-- INT. HALLWAY A happy nurse leads Sam and Dean down a hall. HAPPY Nurse: --keep you both under observation for a couple of days. Dean: Both? Me, too? HAPPY Nurse: Yes, Sugar. The Doctor thinks that would be best. Sam and Dean give each other victorious smiles. INT. CHECK-UP ROOM HAPPY Nurse wraps a blood pressure cuff around Dean's right arm. HAPPY Nurse: Alright, I'm just gonna give you a little check-up. Dean: Alright, look, Nurse Ratched, let's get one thing straight. I've seen Cuckoo's Nest, so don't try any of that soul-crushing, authoritarian crap on me, hm? HAPPY Nurse: (smiles) Okie-dokie. Dean nods, smiling uncomfortably. INT. CHECK-UP ROOM HAPPY Nurse takes the blood pressure cuff off of Sam's arm. HAPPY Nurse: Alright, you can go ahead and take down your pants. Sam: (looks up in horror) Wait, w-what? W-what for? HAPPY Nurse snaps a rubber glove on, smiling at him. Sam looks uncomfortable. INT. PATIENT LOUNGE Dean leans against the back of a couch, wearing the patient scrubs, shoes and blue robe. He stares at the floor until Sam walks up, wearing the Same thing. Sam sighs, and they both look frazzled. Dean: How was your Silkwood shower? Sam: Okay. Yeah, good. Yeah, good, um--good water pressure. Did the nurse... Dean: She was very thorough. Sam: Yeah. Yeah, good. Good. Yeah. Dean looks around the lounge, seeing the other patients. One female patient is playing with a pink bunny. Dean: I can't believe I let you talk me into this. Sam: Hey, it's the least we could do. Martin saved Dad's ass more times than we can count. He's a great hunter. Dean: Was. Until Albuquerque. Sam: Besides, I just figure it's best we keep busy. That's all. Dean: Better than what? Sam: Nothing. Dean motions for more. Sam: Okay. Look...um...last few weeks, you've kind of been worrying me. Dean: (rolls his eyes) Oh, come on, Sam. Stop. Look, just because we're in the loony bin doesn't give you the right to head-shrink me. Sam: Dean-- Dean: Ellen and Jo dying--Yeah, it was a friggin' tragedy, okay? But I'm not gonna wallow in it. Sam: Dean, you always do this. You can't just keep this crap in. Dean: (Chuckles) Watch me. (looks over towards a table) Oh, there he is. Sam and Dean walk over to a table where MARTIN sits, staring out the window. Sam clears his throat, and MARTIN looks at them. MARTIN: Sam, Dean, wow. (stands, shakes Sam's hand) Wow, you boys got big. You look good. Sam: Thanks. You do, too, Martin. MARTIN: Uh...Well, thanks for coming. (motions for them to sit) Sam: Yeah. Dean and MARTIN sit at the table while Sam gets a chair and pulls it up, sitting. MARTIN: In the old days, I could've taken care of this thing with both hands tied behind my back...but, well...now... Sam: What do you think it is that we're hunting? MARTIN: I don't know yet. A ghost, demon, monster...animal, vegetable, mineral. (Chuckles) Hospital's had five deaths in the last four months. Doctors keep calling it suicides, but they're wrong. Sam: So, you've seen this thing? MARTIN shakes his head. Dean: Has anyone seen this thing? MARTIN: Well, a couple patients have, uh...had glimpses, but there's not a lot to go on. Dean: Are they reliable? MARTIN: Oh, sure, why wouldn't they be? Dean looks around at a female patient, who is dancing and humming. Dean looks back at MARTIN. Dean: Gee, I don't know. MARTIN: I know you boys think I'm a bag of loose screws. Now, you wouldn't be wrong. But I wouldn't have called you unless there was something here. I can feel it in my gut. Dean and Sam exchange looks. Sam: We believe you. Have you checked any of the bodies? Found signs of an att*ck? MARTIN: Well, uh, no...I don't go around d*ad b-b-b-bodies anymore. Dean frowns at MARTIN's flinching. Dr. FULLER walks up behind them. Dr. FULLER: Alex, Eddie. Sam and Dean turn to face him. Dr. FULLER: Well, I'm glad to see you're making friends. Why don't you and, uh, Mr. Creaser join us for group? Please. Right this way. Sam, Dean, and MARTIN stand. MARTIN and Sam walk over to the Doctor. Dr. FULLER stops Dean. Dr. FULLER: Actually, I'm gonna be putting you in the afternoon group. Dean: What? Why? Dr. FULLER: Well, to be frank, uh, the relationship that you have with your brother seems dangerously codependent. I think a little time apart will do you both good. Dr. FULLER walks away, and Sam and Dean watch him go, confused. Dean waves goodbye to Sam. INT. GROUP THERAPY ROOM Sam, MARTIN and five other patients sit in a circle with Dr. FULLER. Dr. FULLER: Alright, so...who would like to start us off? TED raises his hand. Dr. FULLER: Anyone else? TED raises his hand a little higher. Dr. FULLER: Alright, Ted. Calm down. TED: (lowers his hand) I am calm. And I'd very calmly like to talk about the monster that's hunting us. Dr. FULLER: Ted, we're not going to have that discussion again. Sam and MARTIN exchange looks, intrigued. Dr. FULLER: It's not good for group. TED: I agree. You know what else isn't good for group? A monster eating all our faces off. Dr. FULLER: Alright, fine, thank you. Now, anyone else? TED: I saw it...when it k*lled Susan. Sam is intrigued. OTHER PATIENT: I did, too. It had big lobster claws. TED: No, it didn't. OTHER PATIENT: Yeah, and it was an alien, like on X-Files. TED: Stop it. Stop helping. Listen to me. We're all d*ad! Dr. FULLER: That's enough. (leans forward, taking off his glasses) There is no monster. Sam looks at Dr. FULLER. Dr. FULLER: Now, Ted, do you need me to call the orderlies... TED shakes his head. Dr. FULLER: ...or can you behave? TED: (nods) Behave. Sam and MARTIN exchange looks again. INT. PATIENT LOUNGE Dean is playing checkers with himself. He moves a piece. Dean: King me! (laughs) Dr. CARTWRIGHT walks up to Dean. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: Eddie? Dean looks up at her. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: I'm Dr. Erica Cartwright. I've been assigned to your case. Dean: You're my shrink? (smiles seductively) Heh. Lucky me. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: (opens her file) And you're my...paranoid schizophrenic with narcissistic personality disorder and religious psychosis. (closes her file and smiles) Lucky me. Dean: (looks down awkwardly) Hm. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: Can we talk? (sits opposite Dean at the table) Dean: Yes. I actually got some questions for you. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: What a coincidence. I've got some for you, too. Dean: Well, then...Quid pro quo, Clarice. Dean sucks his bottom lip into his mouth a couple times, just like Hannibal Lector. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: Okay, Hannibal. I'll go first. How many hours a night do you sleep? Dean: Three or four, every couple of nights. What can you tell me about the recent suicides in here? Dr. CARTWRIGHT: They were tragic. Dean: But you haven't noticed anything...strange, like, uh...I don't know, black smoke or sulfur? Dr. CARTWRIGHT: No. Why? What's that supposed to mean? Dean: Demon signs. I hunt demons, monsters, that kind of thing. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: How many drinks do you have a week? Dean: Well, I gotta sleep sometime. So, uh, what's seven days times--somewhere in the mid fifties. You ever feel any, uh, cold spots or get a chill walking through the hospital? Dr. CARTWRIGHT: Not that I can remember. If I had? Dean: It means there's a ghost around. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: Okay. When was the last time you were in a long-term relationship? Dean: Define long-term. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: More than two months. Dean: Never. Have the patients reported seeing anything weird? Dr. CARTWRIGHT: In here? (Chuckles) All the time. Dean: Right. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: So... (leans towards Dean) let's talk about your father. INT. HALLWAY Dean follows several patients down the hall, his hands in his pockets and staring at the floor. He looks kind of depressed. Sam walks out of the doorway behind him. Sam: Dean, hey. Dean turns towards him. Sam frowns. Sam: You okay? Dean: I just got thraped. So, no, I am not okay. Tell me you found something. Sam: Yeah. A guy says he saw the creature. We should talk to him. You wanna meet here in an hour? Dean: Yeah, sooner we take care of this thing, sooner we can get gone. This place gives me the creeps. Dean turns around, and WENDY is standing behind him. She puts a hand on the back of his head and kisses him for a moment or so. Sam watches awkwardly. WENDY: Hi. Dean: Hi. WENDY: I'm Wendy. Dean: Uh-huh. WENDY walks past Dean and Sam down the hall after patting Dean on the butt. Dean smirks at Sam. Dean: Maybe this place isn't so bad after all. Sam: Dude...you CANNOT h*t that. Dean: (watches WENDY) Oh, so torn. INT. HALLWAY Sam walks out of his cell with a lock-pick in his hand. Dean is standing there. Dean: Well, it's about time. Nurses are on their rounds. We got, like, fifteen, twenty minutes. So, where is this guy? Sam: Room 306. Sam and Dean head down the hall towards TED's room. As they round the corner, they hear TED screaming. They rush to TED's door and look in the window. Sam begins to pick the lock. TED's feet slam against the window. Dean: Hurry up! Come on, hurry up! Sam: (looks up at Dean) Back off, Dean! Sam returns to picking the lock, and then Sam and Dean lunge into the room to find TED hanging from a pipe in the ceiling, a tied bed sheet around his neck. INT. HOSPITAL MORGUE Dean opens TED's drawer and pulls him out. Sam pulls back the sheet and starts feeling TED's head. Dean searches his hands. Sam finds two holes just behind TED's ears. Sam: Hey, I think I found something. Dean: What do you got? Sam: Right here. Uh, give me a hand. Sam grabs a long Q-tip from a table and sticks it far into the hole. Sam: This hole goes all the way through to his brain. Dean: What does that mean? Sam: (spots a bone saw) Let's find out. Dean: Seriously? Sam: You might want to keep watch. Dean backs off. INT. HALLWAY Dean stands outside the morgue doors, keeping watch. He hears the bone saw start up, and he frowns in disgust. INT. MORGUE Sam takes the top of TED's head off, removing his brain. TED's brain is a small, hard, black thing. INT. HALLWAY Dean hears a door open and looks down the hall. He goes back into the morgue. INT. MORGUE Dean: Dude. Sam: (holds up the brain) Look, his brain's been sucked dry. Dean: That's fascinating. Somebody's coming. Sam and Dean hurry to clean up. INT. HALLWAY HAPPY Nurse walks down the hallway. INT. MORGUE Sam puts TED's brain back in his head. INT. HALLWAY HAPPY Nurse gets closer to the morgue. INT. MORGUE Sam puts the top of TED's head back on. INT. HALLWAY HAPPY Nurse approaches the morgue doors. INT. MORGUE Dean rolls TED back into his drawer. Sam removes his bloody gloves and throws them in the trashcan just as HAPPY Nurse walks in. HAPPY Nurse: What are you boys doing in here? Sam looks at Dean, unable to think of something. Dean shrugs, pulls down his pants, and throws his arms over his head. Dean: (smiles) Pudding! HAPPY Nurse: (smiles) Alright, come on, you two. Dean smiles goofily and pulls his pants back up. As Dean heads for the door, he turns back towards Sam. Dean: (whispers) Crazy works. HAPPY Nurse Chuckles as she follows them out the door. INT. PATIENT LOUNGE MARTIN, Sam and Dean look at paintings of clowns on the walls. Dean: Are those original Gacy's? (Chuckles) MARTIN: I painted those. Sam: Back on point, please. Um...so, whatever this thing is-- Dean: (to MARTIN, about the pictures) It's good. Sam: It Slurpees your brain, sucks you dry. Dean: Yeah, then it makes the deaths look like suicides. Any ideas? MARTIN: Yeah. A bad one. INT. PATIENT LOUNGE MARTIN shows Sam and Dean a drawing in his journal. Dean: What is it? MARTIN: Well, I bet you a chicken dinner it's what we're up against...a wraith. They crack open skulls and feed on brain juice. Sam: You ever tangle with one before? MARTIN: Never. Never wanted to, neither. Dean: So, how do we k*ll it? MARTIN: Silver. You so much as touch a wraith with the stuff, and the skin will crackle. Now, that's the good news. The bad news is...they can pass as humans. Sam, Dean and MARTIN look around the room. MARTIN: It could be any Peter, Paul and Mary in the joint. Dean: Fantastic. So, how do we find it? MARTIN: A mirror. Lore says a wraith will show its true form in a mirror. Dean: Okay, well, we just gotta spot check every patient and every staff member. Sam: (nods) Okay. Yeah. But--I mean, what's it doing in a mental hospital? Dean: A nuthouse; it's-it's-it's a perfect c*ptive victim pool. MARTIN: Sure. Who's gonna believe a patient when they say they saw a monster? It's the perfect hunting ground. INT. PATIENT LOUNGE Dean stands at the corner of the nurses' station, watching people walk by in a round mirror by the ceiling. Dr. CARTWRIGHT walks up and joins him. Dean: What's up, Doc? Dr. CARTWRIGHT: You tell me. Dean: Hunting. A wraith, actually. Could be anybody. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: So, I could be a monster? Dean checks the mirror and sees that she's normal. Dean: No, you're clean. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: Why you? Dean: Why me, what? Dr. CARTWRIGHT: Why do you have to hunt monsters? Why not let someone else do it? Dean: (shrugs, smiles) Can't find anybody else that dumb. (thinks for a moment) It's my job. Somebody's gotta save people's asses, yours included. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: So, is there a quota? How many people do you have to save? Dean: All of them. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: All of them? You think you have to save everyone? Dean: Yep. Whole wide world of sports. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: How? Dean doesn't answer, but looks at her, not wanting to tell her. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: Believe me, whatever you've got, I've heard weirder. Dean: It's the end of the world, okay? I mean, it's a damn Biblical apocalypse, and if I don't stop it and save everyone, then no one will, and we all die. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: That's horrible. Dean: Yeah, tell me about it. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: I mean, apocalypse or no apocalypse...monsters or no monsters, that's a crushing weight to have on your shoulders. To feel like six billion lives depend on you...God...how do you get up in the morning? Dean stares contemplatively for a moment. Dean: That's a good question. Dr. FULLER walks up to them. Dr. FULLER: Hello, Eddie. Dean: Doc. Dean looks up at the mirror as Dr. FULLER passes it. Dean sees a decaying face with matted hair instead. Dean pushes away from the wall and watches Dr. FULLER walk down the hall. INT. HALLWAY Dean and MARTIN are waiting in the hall. Sam walks up to them. Sam: Alright, I had to raid three nurses' stations to get these. Sam hands a letter opener to Dean. Sam: They're only silver-plated, but they should work. Sam hands one to MARTIN. WENDY starts heading their way. Dean spots her. Dean: Oh, no, no, no. Not today, sweetheart. Come on, keep walking. I... WENDY walks up to Sam, pushes him against the wall and starts kissing him. Dean watches in shock. Sam is flustered, waiting for WENDY to finish. WENDY: I want him now. (looks at Dean) He's larger. Dean, Sam and MARTIN watch WENDY walk away. Dean: Hm. (shrugs at Sam) You've had worse. Sam: Fuller is on call tonight, so we'll have to h*t him after lights out. All three of us. MARTIN: What? No. Dean: Martin, we gotta get past security, past the orderlies, and then cut the boss-man's throat, okay? It's gonna suck start to finish, but we could use the backup. MARTIN: Oh, I can't. I can't. MARTIN begins to walk away. Sam: We know what happened in Albuquerque. MARTIN: (stops) You don't know the half of it. (turns to them) God, I used to be just like you two. I used to think I was invincible, and then...Well, I found out I'm not. Dean: Martin, you're still a hunter. MARTIN: No. I'm not. I'm useless. Why do you think I checked myself into the Hotel California? I'd give anything to help you boys, I would. But, I-I can't. I'm sorry. I can't. MARTIN walks away. INT. Dr. FULLER's OFFICE Sam and Dean walk into the office, but Dr. FULLER is not there. Dean picks up car keys from the desk. Dean: He's still in the building. You take the west wing. I'll take the east. Dean sets the keys back down, and they leave the office. INT. HALLWAY Sam walks down a hallway, holding his Kn*fe at the ready. He looks in each room he passes. Sam comes to another hallway and looks around the corner. He sees Dr. FULLER heading his way. Sam stands up against the wall, waiting. Dr. FULLER gets closer. As Dr. FULLER rounds the corner, Sam steps forward, raising the blade. Dr. FULLER puts an arm up as Sam brings the blade down, cutting Dr. FULLER's arm. Dr. FULLER yells, and Sam takes another swing. Two orderlies grab Sam and begin to drag him away. Sam struggles. He throws off one orderly and punches the other. The first orderly approaches, but Sam knocks his head into a window, shattering it. Sam goes back to the other orderly and punches him twice. Dr. FULLER runs, and Sam grabs the blade from the ground and follows. Sam tackles Dr. FULLER to the ground and raises the blade. MARTIN grabs Sam's arm. MARTIN: No! No! Look at his arm. That cut's not burning. Sam looks at the cut. MARTIN: It's not him. It's not him. Sam begins to realize and drops the blade. He stares at Dr. FULLER, stunned at what he almost did. INT. Sam's CELL Sam sits on his bed in a drugged stupor. Dean opens the door and walks in. Dean: You okay? Dean approaches Sam's bed. Sam: No. No, I'm not okay. I--I am...awesome... Dean: They give you something? Sam: Oh, yeah. They gave me...everything. It's spectacu--lacular. (laughs) Dean: You always were a happy drunk. Sam grows serious and grabs Dean's arm, pulling him down to eye level. Sam: Dean...the Doctor...wasn't a wraith. Dean: I know. Sam looks comically stunned that Dean could possibly know this. Dean: I don't understand it. I mean, I saw it in the mirror. It wasn't human. Sam: Or you're seeing things. Maybe-maybe-maybe you're going crazy. Dean: I'm not crazy. Sam: Well...come on. I mean, you've been at least...half crazy for a long time, and since you got back from hell, or since before that, even. I mean, we're in a--we're in a mental hospital. (laughs) Maybe-Maybe you finally cracked!You know, maybe now you are really...for real...crazy... Dean: I made a mistake, that's all. I'll find the thing. Sam: Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. I know. Sam puts a hand on Dean's shoulder. Dean looks down at Sam's hand. Sam: It's okay. Hey, hey. Look at me. Dean looks at Sam. Sam: It's okay...because you're my brother...and I still love ya. Dean nods. Sam pokes at Dean's nose. Sam: Bop! Dean stares at Sam. INT. HALLWAY Dean walks down the hallway and through a doorway. Dr. CARTWRIGHT joins him. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: You missed our session today. Dean: A little busy. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: Still hunting that wraith? Dean: People are dying. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: People die all the time. Dean: Look, lady, why don't you just let me do my job, maybe save your life. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: It's not my life that I'm worried about. Dean: (exasperated) Oh, my G--I am fine, okay? (stops and turns towards her) I'm fine. An orderly sorting laundry down the hall looks up at him, but goes back to his job. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: Come on, even you don't believe that. All this pressure that you're putting yourself under, all this guilt; it's k*lling you. You can't save everybody. You can't. (her voice becomes hard) Hell, these days, you can't save anybody, Dean. (turns to leave) Dean: What did you say? Dr. CARTWRIGHT: (turns back to him) The truth, Dean. You got Ellen and Jo k*lled. You sh*t Lucifer, but you couldn't gank him. Dean begins to get confused and a little afraid. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: You couldn't stop Sam from k*lling Lilith, and--oh, yeah--you broke the first seal. All you do is fail. Did you really think that you, Dean Winchester with a GED and a give-'em-hell attitude, were gonna b*at the devil? Dean gets a little more afraid. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: Please. The world is gonna burn, and there is nothing that you can do about it. Dean: Who are you? (voice rising) How do you know that stuff? The orderly sorting laundry looks up again. Orderly: Hey, settle down. Dean: Tell me! The orderly walks around his cart and begins to approach Dean. Orderly: I said, settle down. Dean: (quietly) Who are you? Dean backs away from Dr. CARTWRIGHT a little and looks at the Orderly, but Dr. CARTWRIGHT is now gone. Dean: (points at Dr. CARTWRIGHT) Who is she? Orderly: Who? Dean: What are you, blind? (points again) Her! Orderly: Pal, there's nobody there. Dean looks at the Orderly and looks back at Dr. CARTWRIGHT, who has a twisted smile on her face. Dr. CARTWRIGHT: I'm not real, Dean. I'm in your head...because you are going crazy. Dean looks around the hallway, Dr. CARTWRIGHT having disappeared. He looks at the Orderly, beginning to fear for his sanity. Dean: Just leave me alone. Dean stalks down the hallway, and the Orderly watches him go. Dean sees HAPPY Nurse and a Doctor. He passes a mirror, where he sees that they look like a wraith. Freaked, he passes them and sees two patients, who look like wraiths in another mirror. He passes them as well, heading for the end of the hall. He tries to open a door, but it is locked. He backs into the corner and slides down to the floor, panting. His eyes follow everything in the hall, looking freaked. INT. Sam's CELL Sam is looking pensively out the window when someone knocks on the door. Dr. FULLER enters with an orderly, and Sam stands, facing him. Dr. FULLER: You asked to see me? Sam: Yeah. Thanks. I, um...I just wanted to apologize. I feel horrible about what I did to you. I thought you were a monster. Dr. FULLER: I know that. The question is, why? Sam: I was...It doesn't matter, um...because after what happened last night, I had a...moment of clarity. I realized...there's no such thing as monsters. Dr. FULLER: Well, I'm glad to hear you say that, but, honestly? Monsters are the least of your problems. People can learn to live with delusions, but the anger I saw in you...You hurt those two men, and you were going to k*ll me. The look in your eyes when you came after me, I...It was like you were barely even human...like a man possessed. Sam: (very ashamed and guilt-ridden) I know. Please...just...could you give me a second chance? Dr. FULLER: Well, this isn't a prison. You'll be allowed to go to the day room, under supervision. Sam: Thank you. Dr. FULLER: (steps closer) But if there is one more outburst...I will transfer you to a facility that is equipped to handle violent patients. And, believe me, they will be far, far less forgiving. INT. PATIENT LOUNGE Sam enters with an orderly following him to keep an eye on him. Sam finds Dean at a checkers table, sitting and staring at the wall. Sam: Dean? Hey. Dean stands, frowning at Sam. Sam: Oh. What's wrong? Dean: (faces Sam) It's not the demon blood, Sam. It never was. Sam: What? Dean: The problem was you. It was always you. The lies...your arrogance...the black spot on your soul. Sam is very confused and anguished. Other patients surround him. A female patients faces him. Female PATIENT: Now we're all gonna die because of you. It's all your fault. Sam turns to a male patient who is talking to him. MALE PATIENT: You k*lled all of us. Pathetic freak. MALE PATIENT shoves Sam into the other patients. Female PATIENT: You evil son of a bitch! The patients shove him as they speak. Female PATIENT: Loser. Female PATIENT: Grow up and die! Female PATIENT: Freak! Unable to take it anymore, Sam begins hitting the other patients. But there are no patients there at all, and Sam is just swinging at the air in the middle of the lounge. Two orderlies come up to him and try to calm him. One orderly grabs him. Sam: Leave me alone! Sam punches the first orderly, but they both grab him by the arms. Dean is sitting at a table by the window, watching the whole thing with his hands clasped in front of him. Sam: Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Sam is yelling at the patients only he can see. Sam: No! Stop it! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! I didn't do it! Get off of me! Dean watches the orderlies drag Sam down the hall. Sam: Leave me alone! Get off! No! Leave me alone! The orderlies drag Sam out of the hall. Dean: (quietly) What's happening? What's happening? INT. MARTIN's CELL MARTIN is apparently sleeping fitfully in his bed. He hears the door open, and he sits up, brandishing the silver blade. It is Dean, who is standing next to the bed, holding his hands out and looking scared. Dean: (in a small voice) Martin, Martin, it's me. It's Dean. MARTIN: Oh, sorry. MARTIN lowers the blade. Dean puts a hand to his forehead. MARTIN: You--You look like hell, boy. Dean nods. Dean: I-I feel like it, too. MARTIN: Where's Sam? Dean: Lockdown! He went crazy! Thank God. MARTIN: What? Dean: I'm going crazy, too. I'm seeing things. I'm hearing things. I mean, we both are. Crazy is the clue. MARTIN: What do you mean? Dean begins to explain, but he stops and stares at the other side of the room. After a moment, MARTIN snaps his fingers in Dean's face. MARTIN: Dean! Dean: (jolts a little and looks back at MARTIN) Crazy is the clue. MARTIN: You said that. What? Dean: I mean, the things that me and Sam have done, the stuff that we've seen, we're gonna end up going guano eventually. Probably end up like a couple of drooling nut bags. (realizes what he's said) No offense. MARTIN: None taken. Dean: But me and him, freaking out on the Same day? I mean, it's gotta be... MARTIN: The monster... Dean: (freaks, looking around for it) What? Where? Where? (ducks down at the side of the bed) MARTIN: No--It's not--No, there's nothing there. Dean: (crouching next to MARTIN's bed) Okay. What if this thing doesn't just feed on the insane? What if it makes people insane? (begging for clarification from MARTIN) Is it possible? Does that seem real? MARTIN: Well, I'm not the most reliable source on what is real, but it sounds--It makes sense. Dean: Okay. Okay. So-so we got infected. You know, something sh*t us up with crazy. You know, something... (begins to realize something) Maybe...maybe it's the ghost of my dad... MARTIN: No. Focus on the wraith, Dean. Focus. Dean: (realizes MARTIN is right) Right, the wraith, the wraith. (stands) Okay. So, the wraith, the wraith, it-it poisoned us. It--Yeah. Maybe with venom, you know? By-by touch...or-or venom, or saliva. (freezes, realizes) Wendy. MARTIN: Wendy? Dean: Wendy. Wendy slobbered all over me andSam! That's how we got infected! INT. HALLWAY MARTIN and Dean walk around the corner, heading for WENDY's room. Dean is walking awkwardly. MARTIN notices and looks down at Dean's feet. He is walking in weird spots on the tiled floor. MARTIN: Dean? MARTIN stops and Dean stops also, noticing his weird look. Dean: I can't step on the cracks. A woman screams, and they hurry off. INT. WENDY's ROOM Dean kicks in the door to find WENDY on her bed, her wrists slit. Sitting on the bed over WENDY is HAPPY Nurse. Dean looks over in a mirror to see that HAPPY Nurse looks like the wraith. He looks back at the bed. Dean: Is this real? HAPPY Nurse--THE WRAITH--withdraws her hand from WENDY's head. There is a skewer sticking out of her wrist, which enters WENDY's head. THE WRAITH brings it up and licks it off before it goes back into her wrist. THE WRAITH: Oh, it is, Sugar. It's very real. INT. WENDY's ROOM THE WRAITH throws Dean against the wall. MARTIN att*cks THE WRAITH with his blade, but she throws him into the hall. THE WRAITH pins Dean to the wall by the throat and punches him a bunch of times. MARTIN, meanwhile, grabs his blade and att*cks THE WRAITH. THE WRAITH releases Dean and puts a hand up to shield herself. MARTIN cuts her hand, and she yells. Dean slides to the floor. THE WRAITH's cut is burning and crackling, and she shuts the door, locking them in with WENDY. MARTIN sees that Dean is disoriented, and he gets up to check on WENDY. After a moment, WENDY blinks. MARTIN: She's still alive. INT. HALLWAY THE WRAITH is heading down the hall, cradling her hand, and spots two orderlies. THE WRAITH: There's two patients in Wendy's room. They att*cked me. The two orderlies rush off, and THE WRAITH watches them go and smiles. Her hand drips blood as she heads down the hall. INT. WENDY's ROOM Dean is trying to get his bearings against the wall. MARTIN: Dean? Can you hear me? Dean! Dean looks up and has a fragmented vision of MARTIN standing over WENDY's bed, talking to him. MARTIN: You've gotta get out there and k*ll that thing. I'll take care of her. MARTIN's voice echoes in Dean's ears. Dean: (shakes his head) I can't. MARTIN: You have to. You have no choice, son. The two orderlies walk in and grab MARTIN, who fights back. The orderlies are distracted by MARTIN. MARTIN: Go. Dean, run! Run! Dean struggles to his feet and runs out the door. INT. HALLWAY Dean falls against the wall, looking around. The hallway seems to spin in front of him. He looks up at the lights, which are very bright and spin also. He looks down at the floor to see blood droplets leading down the hallway. Dean pushes off from the wall and begins to follow the blood trail, falling to his knees against the wall. INT. PADDED ROOM Sam is lying on a bed in a padded room. His ankles are strapped down, along with his wrists. The door opens, and THE WRAITH walks in. Sam: Hey! Let me go! THE WRAITH: No. You are far too angry to be out there in the real world. Sam and THE WRAITH look up at a mirror to see that she looks like THE WRAITH. Sam: You. THE WRAITH: Of course, it's me. (looks back at Sam) I gotta say, you hunters don't exactly live up to your rep. (circles the bed) I mean, Martin's a wreck. He's harmless. Sam begins to fight the restraints. THE WRAITH: And you and your brother come in here, talking tough about k*lling monsters...kind of made you easy to spot. Then all it took was a touch... FLASHBACK THE WRAITH is holding Sam's arm while checking his blood pressure the first day he got there. END FLASHBACK Sam realizes what happened. THE WRAITH: ...and you were mine. Oh, I love it in here. (kneels down at the head of the bed) This place is my own personal five-star restaurant. THE WRAITH trails a finger across Sam's forehead, and Sam jerks his head away from her. THE WRAITH sticks her finger in her mouth and licks it, moaning. THE WRAITH: Crazy brains. (trails another finger across his forehead) They get soaked in dopamine and adrenaline and all sorts of hormones and chemicals that make them...delicious. (licks her finger off) And the crazier they are, the better they taste. Sam: You did this to me! THE WRAITH: Well, I helped. But that rage? No, no, no. That's all you. (stands, walks to the side of the bed) I don't make crazy. I just crank up what's already there. Sam yells. THE WRAITH sits beside Sam. THE WRAITH: You build your own hell, but I give you the Legos. And when you're ripe... THE WRAITH's skewer popped out of her arm next to Sam's head. THE WRAITH: ...I make all of your problems disappear. THE WRAITH turns Sam's head to the side, sticking the skewer closer to his head. The door flies open, and Dean stumbles through. Dean: You get away from him. THE WRAITH: (stands to face Dean) Do you really think this is gonna end well for you, kiddo? Dean: No. (takes out a silver blade) But I'm crazy, (smiling crazily) so, what the hell? THE WRAITH Chuckles and raises her hand. Her skewer goes back into her arm. Dean swings the blade at her, but she ducks and throws him into the wall. Dean goes after her again, and she grabs his arm, throwing him into the wall. Dean drops his blade. Sam watches helpless from the bed. THE WRAITH throws Dean into the other wall, pinning him by the throat. Dean grabs her hand as she raises her other one. The skewer jumps out, and she aims it at Dean's forehead. Dean grabs the other arm, trying to hold it away from his head. The skewer comes out a little more, getting closer to his head. Dean grunts as he tries to push it away. Dean grabs the skewer with his other hand and breaks it off. THE WRAITH screams as she backs into the other wall, holding her skewer hand, which is now spurting blood. Dean holds the skewer for a moment, dropping it in revulsion. He runs over to the blade and grabs it. THE WRAITH turns towards him, yelling in rage. Dean s*ab the blade into her heart. The silver burns her as she hits the wall and slides to the floor. Sam and Dean stare at her. Dean's vision loses its fragmented pieces and becomes normal again. Sam: (watching Dean warily) You still crazy? Dean: (turns to Sam) Not any more than usual. Dean heads over to Sam's bed, leaning over it. He takes off one of Sam's wrist restraints. Dean: We gotta get out of here. Sam: Yeah. The alarm bell rings, and they both look up at the doorway, staring. EXT. HOSPITAL Sam and Dean burst out of the side door, the alarm bell still ringing, and they run towards the parking lot and the woods. EXT. WOODS AREA NEAR HOSPITAL Sam and Dean approach the Impala. Dean: Well, looks like Tom Cruise was right. Shrinks suck. Dean reaches the driver's door, but Sam is still standing at the trunk, sighing. Dean: What are you doing? Sam? You okay? Sam: No. No. The wraith-- Dean: What about her? Sam: She was right. Dean: No, she wasn't. She's d*ad, okay? Let's h*t the road. I need a drink, or twelve. Sam: Most of the time, I can hide it, but...I amangry. I'm mad at everything. I used to be mad at you and Dad, then Lilith, now it's Lucifer, and I make excuses. I blame Ruby or the demon blood, but it's not their fault. It's not them. It's me. It's inside me. I'm mad...all the time...and I don't know why. Sam is very anguished and exasperated. Dean steps closer. Dean: Stop. Stop it. So what if you are? What are you gonna do? You gonna take a leave of absence? You gonna say yes to Lucifer? What? Sam: No, of course not. I-- Dean: Exactly. And that's exactly what you're gonna do. You're gonna take all that crap and you're gonna bury it. You're gonna forget about it, because that's how we keep going! That's how we don't end up like Martin! Are you with me? Sam is silent. Dean: Come on, man. Are you with me? Sam: I'm with you. Dean: Good. Let's get the hell out of here. Dean gets into the Impala. Sam hesitates a moment and gets in the passenger seat. Dean drives away into the night. THE END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "05x11 - Sam, Interrupted"}
Air Date: 4 Feb 2010 Anna: I remember now. I'm an angel. I have a death sentence on my head. Why? I disobeyed. Castiel: You really shouldn't have come. Two angels take Anna by the arms. Castiel watches all three vanish into white light. Castiel: You have to stop it. Dean: Stop what? Castiel presses two fingers to Dean's forehead. Nineteen seventy-three? Dean: Mom? John: John Winchester. Dean: My parents are Mary and John Winchester, and I am your grandson. Mary gets k*lled by a yellow-eyed demon in nineteen eighty-three. Now, if we don't catch this thing now- -and k*ll it, and it gets away, then Mary dies. Dean: No! AZAZEL breaks the kiss, looks at Dean, and as soon as Dean raises the Colt, AZAZEL dispossesses Samuel, who falls d*ad. Dean looks at Mary, silent. Mary looks at Dean, crying. I couldn't stop any of it. She still made the deal. She still died in the nursery, didn't she? Castiel: Destiny can't be changed, Dean. All roads lead to the Same destination. INT. STRIP CLUB Warrant's "Cherry Pie" plays. Music: She's my cherry pie Dean is seated on a couch in front of a small stage lit from below. An erotic dancer performs for him: skinny, hot, white, brunette, and dressed in a "sexy devil" outfit. Music: Cold drink of water What a sweet surprise Dean: Oh, I take it all back. I love the devil. She continues dancing. Music: Taste so good Make a grown man cry Sweet cherry pie Oh yeah She's my cherry pie Put a smile on your face Ten miles wide Looks so good Bring a tear to your eye He shuts his eyes for a moment and opens them to see that a second dancer-blonde and dressed in a "sexy angel" outfit-has joined the first. Music: Sweet cherry pie Sweet cherry pie Dean: Now, that's what I call peace on earth. They lean over him, hovering near a kiss, then part. Music: Swing it! The music ends abruptly: Anna is on the stage. She stares at him. He stares back. Dean: Anna? Dean shifts uncomfortably. The dancers are gone. Dean: I was just, uh, working on a case. Anna: This is what you dream about. Dean looks away and ducks his head. Dean: This is awkward. Why are you gate-crashing my head? Why don't you just swing by the motel? Anna sits next to Dean. Anna: I can't find you. Dean: Oh. Cas did this thing. Dean indicates his ribs. Anna looks away. Anna: Cas. Right. Now, there's a friend you can count on. Dean: What? Anna: He didn't tell you? Dean: Tell me what? Anna: Where I've been. Of course not. Why would he? Dean: Where have you been? Anna: Prison. Upstairs. All the t*rture, twice the self-righteousness. Dean: Why wouldn't he have told us where you were? Anna: Because he's the one who turned me in. Don't look so shocked. He was always a good little soldier. Did anything under orders. Dean: I didn't know. Are you okay? Anna: No. And I don't have long. I broke out. Barely. They're looking for me. If they find me- Dean: Okay. What do you need? Anna: Meet me. Two-two-five Industrial. And, please, just- INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Dean wakes abruptly. Anna: Hurry. Dean sits up, breathing heavily. INT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Anna enters a dark space, presumably 225 Industrial. Wind blows, sounding like voices. Anna looks around. Anna: Hello? Who's there? Light bulbs overhead burst in showers of sparks. Anna turns slowly, and Castiel appears behind her. Castiel: Hello, Anna. Anna: Well. If I didn't know any better... Anna turns around. Anna: I'd say the Winchesters don't trust me. Castiel: They do. I don't. I wouldn't let them come. Castiel circles Anna. She turns to keep facing him. Anna: And why is that? Castiel: If you're out of prison, it's because they let you out. And they sent you here to do their dirty work. Anna: And what makes you so sure? Castiel: Because I've experienced...heaven's persuasion. Anna: You mean when you gave me to them. Castiel: That was a mistake. A pause. Castiel: Anna, whatever they sent you here to do- Anna: They didn't send me. I escaped. Castiel: No one escapes. Anna: All these centuries, and you're underestimating me now? Castiel: If you're not one of them, then what do you want? Anna: I want to help. Castiel: You want to help? Anna: Yes. Castiel: Then what are doing with that Kn*fe? A long pause. Anna draws the Kn*fe. Anna: I'm not allowed to defend myself? Castiel: Against whom? That blade doesn't work against angels. It's not like this one. Castiel is holding a long Kn*fe looking very like the one with which Anna k*lled URIEL. Castiel: Maybe you're not working for Heaven. But there's something you're not telling me. A pause while Anna steels herself. Anna: Sam Winchester has to die. INT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT THE SONG REMAINS THE SamE Anna: I'm sorry but we have no choice. He's Lucifer's vessel. Starring JARED PADALECKI Castiel: He's not the only one. Anna: What, that guy Nick? JENSEN ACKLES Anna: He's burning away as we speak. No. MISHA COLLINS Anna: Sam is the only vessel that matters. You know what that means? If Lucifer can't take Sam, his whole plan short-circuits. No fight with Michael, no Croatoan virus. Guest Starring Julie McNIVEN Anna: The Horsemen go back to their day jobs. Castiel: Even if you could...k*ll Sam, Satan would just bring him back to life. Amy GUMENICK Anna: Not after I scatter his cells across the universe. Castiel turns away. Anna: They'll never find him. Not all of him. MATTHEW COHEN A long pause. Castiel: We'll find another way. Anna: How's that going? Co-Producer Julie SIEGE Anna: How's the Colt working out? Or the search for God? Is anything working? If you want to stop the devil, this is how. Castiel: The answer's still no. Because Sam is my friend. Anna: You've changed. Castiel: Maybe too late, but I have. Castiel turns back to Anna. Co-Producer Jeremy CARVER Castiel: Anna, we've been through much together, but you come near Sam Winchester and I'll k*ll you. Anna hears this. A moment later, she's gone. Co-Producers JERRY WANEK SERGE LADOUCEUR Castiel looks up. EXT. STREET - DAY Producer TODD ARONAUER A Young Woman and a Young Man are sitting in a car smoking; painted on the hood of the car is a phoenix with fiery wings outstretched. Molly Hatchet's "The Creeper" plays. Music: Life is getting stranger baby Co-Executive Producer PETER JohnSON Music: As we travel on The Young Woman and Young Man lean in for a kiss. Music: The creeper come along Anna slams down on the hood of the car, her mouth bloody. Music: Watch out for the steel blade, baby Young Man Oh my God! The Young Man and Young Woman get out of the car and rush up to Anna. Young Man Hey. Music: All shiny and long Young Woman: Oh my God. Young Man Hey. Are you okay? Music: I say it's going to be a cold dark night Young Woman: We have to get her to a hospital. Music: Oh when the creeper come along The Young Man and Young Woman help her get up and into their car. On a nearby wall is a billboard advertising Greasestarring John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John: the movie was released on 16 June 1978. INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Castiel draws a symbol in chalk on a table. Sam sits on the far bed and Dean paces. Executive Producer SERA GAMBLE Dean: Really? Anna? I don't believe it. Castiel: It's true. Dean: So she's gone all Glenn Close, huh? That's awesome. Castiel straightens up, confused. Castiel: Who's Glenn Close? Executive Producer BEN EDLUND Dean walks over nearer Sam. Dean: No one, just this psycho bitch who likes to boil rabbits. Sam: So the plan to k*ll me, would it actually stop Satan? Dean: No, Sam, come on. Sam glances at Dean and back at Castiel. Sam: Cas, what do you think? Does Anna have a point? Dean looks at Castiel. Castiel glances at him, then at Sam. Castiel: No. She's, uh, Glenn Close. Sam looks down. Dean comes back over to Castiel. Dean: I don't get it. We're looking for the chick that wants to gank Sam. Executive Producer PHIL SGRICCIA Dean: Why poke the bear? Executive Producer McG Castiel: Anna will keep trying. She won't give up until Sam is d*ad. So we k*ll her first. Castiel pours an oil into a bowl sitting on the table. Castiel: Zod ah ma ra la- Produced by JIM MICHAELS Castiel: -ee est la gi ro sa. The bowl sh**t red flame. Castiel steps away from the table and leans on the back of a chair, eyes closed and breathing heavily. Sam and Dean look at him, worried. Created by ERIC KRIPKE Castiel looks up. Castiel: I've found her. Dean: Where is she? Castiel: Not where. When. Castiel straightens up. Castiel: It's nineteen seventy-eight. Sam: What? Sam stands and joins Dean. Written by SERA GAMBLE & NANCY WEINER Sam: Why nineteen seventy-eight? I wasn't even born yet. Castiel: You won't be if she kills your parents. Sam: What? Castiel walks up to Dean and Sam. Castiel: Anna can't get to you because of me. So she's going after them. Dean: Take us back right now. Directed by STEVE BOYUM Castiel: And deliver you right to Anna? I should go alone. Dean: They're our parents. Cas, we're going. Castiel: It's not that easy. Castiel walks a few steps away. Sam: Why not? Castiel: Time travel was difficult even with the powers of heaven at my disposal. Sam: Which got cut off. Dean: So, what, you're like a Delorean without enough plutonium? Castiel: I don't understand that reference. But I'm telling you, taking this trip, with passengers no less- Castiel shakes his head. Castiel: -it'll weaken me. Dean walks up to Castiel. Dean: They're our mom and dad. If we can save them, and not just from Anna... I mean if we can set things right, we have to try. Castiel shakes his head. INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT, LATER Castiel: Ready? Sam takes the bag from Castiel and swings it up on his shoulder. Sam: Not really. Dean: Bend your knees. Sam ducks down a little as Castiel touches their foreheads with his fingers. EXT. STREET - DAY Sam and Dean are in the middle of the street. They look around and a car horn honks: the car comes to a stop inches from them. DRIVER Get out of the street! Sam and Dean head for the sidewalk and another car nearly runs them over. They get to safety between two parked cars, Sam waving awkwardly at the second moving car. Sam: Did we make it? Dean points at one of the cars, then scans the area. Dean: Unless they're bringing Pintos back into production, I, uh, I'd say yes. Dean spots Castiel collapsed against the nearest car, his nose bleeding. Sam sees him too. Sam: Cas? Dean and Sam hurry over to him. Dean: Hey. Sam: Hey, hey, hey. Dean: Take it easy. Take it easy. Are you all right? Castiel: I'm fine. I'm much better than I expected. Sam and Dean try to help Castiel up, but he spits blood and passes out. Sam: Cas? Sam puts his hand in front of Castiel's mouth. Sam: He's breathing. Sort of. What do we do? EXT. PRAIRIE COURT MOTEL - DAY Sam rips a page from a phone book at a pay phone. Dean comes out of the motel. Two people pass, one with a large mustache. Sam: I mean, the mustaches alone... Dean: So I paid for Cas for five nights up in the, uh, honeymoon suite. I told the manager, 'Do not disturb no matter what.' You know what he said to me? 'Yeah. Don't sweat it. Want to buy some dope?' Sam snorts. Dean: Dope. We ought to stick around here, buy some stock in Microsoft. Sam: Yeah, we might have to if Cas doesn't recover. Is he all right? Dean: What do I look like-Dr. Angel, Medicine Woman? He'll wake up. He's, you know, tough for a little nerdy dude with wings. Sam: If he landed like that, hopefully, so did Anna. Should buy us some time. Dean: So, did you find 'em? Sam: Yeah. Uh, the Winchesters. Four-eight-five Robintree. Sam holds up the torn phone-book page. Dean: Let's go pop in on the folks. EXT. 485 ROBINTREE - NIGHT A blue car pulls up across the street from the Impala. Sam and Dean get out and cross the street to the house the Impala is parked in front of. Dean: Sam. Sam. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Sam stops. Dean catches up. Sam: Dean, Anna could be here any second. Dean: What exactly are we gonna march up there and tell 'em? Sam: Uh, the truth. Dean: What, that their sons are back from the future to save them from an angel? Gone Terminator? Come on. Those movies haven't even come out yet. Sam: Well, then tell her demons are after 'em. I mean, she thinks you're a hunter, right? Dean: Yeah, a hunter who disappeared right when her dad died. She's gonna love me. Dean thinks for a moment. Dean: Just follow my lead. Dean heads past Sam to the house. INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT Mary turns away from the silverware drawer and sets forks and knives at each place at the kitchen table while John gets a beer out of the fridge. Mary: How was work? John: It was, uh, great. John sets down the beer and reaches for one of the rolls on the table. Mary grabs his wrist. Mary: Ah! Not until you wash up. John: I love when you get bossy. John pulls her in for a kiss, then goes off. Mary smiles after him. The doorbell rings. PORCH - NIGHT Mary answers the door. It's Dean and Sam. Dean: Hi, Mary. Mary: You can't be here. Dean: I'm sorry if this is a bad time. Mary: You don't understand. I'm not- Mary looks at Sam, who is staring at her. Mary: I don't do that anymore. I have a normal life now. You have to go. Mary moves to close the door. Dean holds an arm out to stop her. Dean: I'm sorry, but this is important, okay? John clears his throat and swings the door open wider. Mary: Sorry, sweetie, they're just... Dean: Mary's cousins. Mary smiles awkwardly. Dean: Yeah, we couldn't stop through town without swinging by and saying 'hey', now, could we? Dean holds out a hand for John to shake. Dean: Dean. John: You look familiar. Dean: Really? Yeah, you do, too, actually, you know? We must have met sometime. Small towns, right? Got to love 'em. John: I'm John. John holds his hand out for Sam to shake. Sam stares a moment, then takes it. Dean: This is Sam. John: Sam. Uh, Mary's father was a Sam. Sam smiles and nods. Dean: Uh, it's a-it's a family name. Sam hasn't let go of John. John: You okay, pal? You look a little spooked. Sam drops John's hand. Sam: Oh. Oh, yeah. Just a...long trip. Dean: Yeah. Mary: Well, Sam and Dean were just on their way out. John: What? They just got here. Real happy to meet folks from Mary's side. Please come on in for a beer. Dean: Twist my arm. Mary glares at him. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Sam can't stop staring at Mary, who is visibly uncomfortable. John: Are you sure you're okay, Sam? Sam: W-oh. Yeah, yeah. Um, I'm just, um-You are so beautiful. John leans forward. Dean: He means that in a-a non-weird, wholesome, family kind of a way. Sam: Yeah, right. Dean: We haven't seen Mary in-in quite some time, and-See, she's the spitting image of our mom. I mean, it's-it's- Sam: Eerie. John: So, how are you guys related? Dean: You know, uh, distantly. John: Oh. So you knew Mary's parents? Dean: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Mary's dad was, uh, pretty much like a grandpa to us. John: Oh. That was tragic-that heart att*ck. John reaches over to take Mary's hand. Dean: Yes, it was. John: So, uh, what are you guys doing in town, anyway? Dean: Uh, business, you know. John: Oh, yeah? What line of work? Sam and Dean speak simultaneously. Sam: Plumbing. Dean: Scrap metal. Mary stands up. Mary: Oh, gosh. It's almost seven. I hate to be rude, but I got to get dinner ready. John: Maybe they could stay. Mary: I'm sure they have to leave. The phone rings. John: Uh, look, please stay. You know, it would mean a lot to me. I haven't met much of Mary's side of the family. John gets up and goes to answer the phone. INT. HALLWAY - NIGHT John speaks on the phone. John: Look, Mr. Woodson, I'm begging you to reconsider. Mr. WOODSON I'd like to, John. You're a great mechanic. But times ain't exactly rosy. John: E-even just part time. I really need this job. EXT. STREET - NIGHT Pan up along a phone cord; the speaker is on a payphone. Mr. WOODSON All right, look. Come on in right now, let's talk. Maybe we can figure something out. It's Anna, speaking in Mr. WOODSON's voice. John: You serious? Anna: I'll see you in ten minutes. Don't keep me waiting. Mary: You have to leave. Now. Dean: Okay, just listen- Mary: No, you listen. Last time I saw you, a demon k*lled my parents. Now you waltz in here like you're family? Whatever you want-no. Leave me alone. Sam: You and John are in danger. Mary: What are you talking about? Dean: Something's coming for you. Mary: Demon? Dean: Not exactly. Mary: Well, what, then? Dean: It's kind of hard to explain, okay? It's-it's- Sam: An angel. Mary laughs. Mary: What? There's no such thing. Dean: I wish. But they're twice as strong as demons. And bigger dicks. Mary: Why would an angel want to k*ll us? Dean: It's a long story, and we'll tell you the whole thing, but right now, you've got to trust us, and we got to go. Look at my face and tell me if I'm lying to you. Mary: Okay. Where do we go? Dean: Out of here. We got to move now, though. Mary: Okay. But what do I tell John? Dean: Just tell him- Dean looks around. Dean: John? Dean leads the way into the hallway, where Mary notices a note by the phone: Back in 15 J Mary takes down the notepad and turns to look at Dean. INT. GARAGE - NIGHT John walks through the garage, which is dark and otherwise empty of people. John: Mr. Woodson? You still here? John turns on a light and sees Mr. WOODSON lying on the ground face down. John turns him over and sees that his eyes have been burnt out. John backs away and turns around: Anna is right behind him. Anna grabs him and flings him across the room into a tall shelf, which falls over. Anna watches John get up. Her vision doubles and blurs. She blinks. John hits her with a crowbar. She sprawls across the floor, then a moment later is standing, and she flings John over a car. Anna turns around: Dean is there with an angel-k*lling sword. Anna grabs Dean's wrist and neck. Dean tries to pry Anna's hand off his neck. Dean: I wish I could say it's good to see you, Anna. Anna: You too, Dean. Anna sends Dean flying out a window. Mary picks up the dropped angel-k*lling sword, twirls it to a better grip, and advances. John looks up and sees Mary fighting like an expert. Mary slashes at Anna and cuts Anna's hand. Anna ducks, Mary takes another swing, and Anna vanishes. Mary looks around; Anna appears behind her. Mary strikes and Anna catches her. Anna: I'm sorry. Anna flings Mary into a windshield. Mary crawls over the car, away from Anna, as Anna advances slowly. Mary slides off the car, stumbles to a bench, grabs a crowbar, turns around, and drives it into Anna's chest. Nothing happens. Mary stares as Anna pulls out the bloody crowbar and drops it. Anna: Sorry. It's not that easy to k*ll an angel. Sam: No. Sam is standing with a bloody palm next to an angel-banishing sigil. Sam: But you can distract 'em. Sam presses his palm to the sigil, which burns as Anna vanishes, this time more permanently. Mary catches her breath, then sees John staring at her. EXT. STREET - NIGHT The Impala drives. INT. Impala - NIGHT John is at the wheel, Sam behind him, Mary g*n, and Dean in the back. John: Monsters. Monsters? Mary: Yes. John: Monsters are real. Mary: I'm sorry, I didn't know how- John: And you fight them? All of you? Sam: Yeah. John: How long? Mary: All my life. John, just try to understand- Dean: She didn't exactly have a choice- John: Shut up, all of you! Look, not another word, or so help me, I will turn this car around! Silence falls. Dean: Wow. Awkward family road trip. Sam: No kidding. EXT. CAMPBELL HOUSE - NIGHT The Impala pulls up to a normal-looking house. INT. CAMPBELL HOUSE - NIGHT Mary leads the way inside, flipping on a lightswitch as she passes it. The place is very ill-maintained. Mary: Place has been in the family for years. Mary flips up a round carpet, revealing: Mary: Devil's trap. Pure iron fixtures, of course. Mary turns on another lightswitch. Mary: Um, there should be salt and holy water in the pantry, knives, g*n. Sam: All that stuff will do is piss it off. Mary: So, what will k*ll it? Or slow it down, at least? Sam: Not much. Mary laughs. Mary: Great. Dean: He said not much, not nothing. We packed. Dean thumps the duffel bag down on the table and rummages in it. Dean: If we put this up and she comes close- Dean shows Mary a paper with the angel-banishing sigil. Dean: -we beam her right off the starship. Mary: Mm. Sam: This is holy oil. It's kind of like a, like a devil's trap for angels. Come on. I'll show you how it works. Sam leaves. Mary looks at John, then follows. John: Hey, what's the deal with the thing on the paper? Dean: It's a sigil. That means- John: I don't care what it means. Where does it go? Dean: On a wall or a door. John: How big should I make it? Dean: John- John: What? Y'all might have treated me like a fool, but I am not useless. I can draw a damn- John picks up the paper from next to a large Kn*fe. John: -whatever it is-a sigil. Dean: Why don't you go help Sam out? Okay? 'Cause this has got to be done in...it's got to be done in human blood. John picks up the Kn*fe, unsheathes it, and slices his left palm open. John: So, how big? Dean: I'll show you. Dean laughs a bit. John: What? Dean: All of a sudden, you...you really remind me of my dad. Dean leaves. EXT. CAMPBELL HOUSE - NIGHT INT. CAMPBELL HOUSE - NIGHT John is working on an angel-banishing sigil when Sam comes up beside him. Sam: That's really good. John: You come to check on me? Sam: Uh...I wanted to say I-I'm sorry about all this. I-I know it's a lot. John: Look, how long have you known about this...hunting stuff? Sam: Pretty much forever. My dad raised me in it. John: You're serious? Who the hell does that to a kid? Sam: Well, I mean, for the record, Mary's parents did. John: I don't care. You know, what kind of irresponsible bastard lets a child anywhere near-Y-you know, you could've been k*lled! Sam: I, uh...came kind of close. Sam laughs. John: The number it must've done on your head...Your father was supposed to protect you. Sam: He was trying. He died trying. Believe me. Sam sits down on the bench under a window. Sam: I used to be mad at him. I-I mean, I used to... I used to hate the guy. But now I-I... I get it. He was...just doing the best he could. John listens. Sam: And he was trying to keep it together in-in-in this impossible situation. See... My mom, um... She was amazing, beautiful, and she was the love of his life. And she got k*lled. And...I think he would have gone crazy if he didn't do something. Truth is, um, my dad died before I got to tell him that I understand why he did what he did. And I forgive him for what it did to us. I do. And I just-I love him. John nods. EXT. SOMEWHERE - NIGHT Anna waits. The sound of angel wings. Anna: Uriel. Anna turns around. URIEL is there, in a vessel younger than the familiar one. Anna: You look well. URIEL You shouldn't have called. We're under strict orders not to come down here, much less take a vessel. A pause. URIEL You're not the Anna of now. Anna: No, but thirty years from now, I'm still your superior. I need you to k*ll some humans. URIEL Always happy to do some smiting. But what's going on? Anna: In the future, these people are going to k*ll you, Uriel. I'm giving you the chance to k*ll them first. URIEL Thank you. INT. CAMPBELL HOUSE - NIGHT Mary pours holy oil. She looks up when Dean enters the room. Mary: Okay. You said you'd explain everything when we had a minute. We have a minute. Why does an angel want me d*ad? Dean: 'Cause they're dicks. Mary laughs. Mary: Not good enough. I didn't even know they existed, and now I'm a target? Dean: It's complicated. Mary: Fine. Mary stands up. Mary: All ears. Dean: You're just gonna have to trust me, okay? Mary: I've been trusting you all day. Dean: It's kind of hard to believe. Mary: All right, then. I'm walking out the door. Mary begins to turn away. Dean: I'm your son. Mary: What? Dean: I'm your son. Sorry. I don't know how else to say it. We're from the year two thousand and ten. An angel zapped us back here. Not the one that att*cked you, friendlier. Mary: You can't expect me to believe that. Dean: Our names are Dean and Sam Winchester. We're named after your parents. When I would get sick, you would make me tomato-rice soup, because that's what your mom made you. And instead of a lullaby, you would sing "Hey Jude", 'cause that's your favorite Beatles song. Mary shakes her head, crying. Mary: I...I don't believe it. No. Dean: I'm sorry, but it's true. Mary: I raised my kids to be hunters? Dean: No. No, you didn't. Mary: How could I do that to you? Dean: You didn't do it. Because you're d*ad. Mary's eyes widen. Mary: What? What happened? Dean: Yellow-eyed demon. He k*lled you, and- Dean glances toward the doorway. Dean: John became a hunter to get revenge. He raised us in this life. Listen to me. A demon comes into Sam's nursery exactly six months after he's born. November second, nineteen eighty-three. Remember that date. And whatever you do, do not go in there. You wake up that morning and you take Sam and you run. Sam: That's not good enough, Dean. Dean and Mary look over at Sam, who's in the doorway. Sam: Wherever she goes, the demon's gonna find her. Find me. Dean: Well, then what? Sam: She can leave Dad. That's what. You got to leave John. Mary: What? Sam: When this is all over, walk away, and never look back. Dean: So we're never born. Dean looks at Mary. Dean: He's right. Mary: I-I can't. You're saying that you're my children, and now you're saying- Dean: You have no other choice. There's a big difference between dying and never being born. And trust me, we're okay with it, I promise you that. Mary: Okay, well, I'm not. Sam: Listen, you think you can have that normal life that you want so bad, but you can't. I'm sorry. It's all gonna go rotten. You are gonna die, and your children will be cursed. Mary: There-there has to be a way. Sam: No, this is the way. Leave John. Mary: I can't. Sam: This is bigger than us. There are so many more lives at stake- Mary: You don't understand. I can't. Mary pauses. Mary: It's too late. I'm...I'm pregnant. While Dean and Sam absorb this, John comes in. John: Hey, we got a problem. Those blood things, the sigils-they're gone. Sam: Gone as in... John: I drew one on the back of the door. I turned around. And when I looked back again, it was a smudge. Dean goes to look. Dean: He's right. Mary bends down to check the oil circle she just poured. Mary: There's no more holy oil. A loud high-pitched noise: an angel's voice. Sam draws the angel-k*lling sword. Everyone covers their ears. The windows and lightbulbs shatter, plunging the room into darkness. INT. CAMPBELL HOUSE - NIGHT The windows keep shattering. The angel shuts up. Everyone looks up. The door flies open, the sound of angel wings, and someone enters: it's URIEL. Dean: Who the hell are you? URIEL I'm Uriel. Dean backs away. Dean: Oh, come on. Sam: Go. Sam sees Anna blocking the other exit. Dean: Here goes nothin'. Dean att*cks URIEL while Sam goes after Anna. URIEL and Anna throw the brothers aside. John goes for the Kn*fe that Sam dropped, but Anna blocks it and throws John through the wall into the back yard. Mary: John! Sam goes for the Kn*fe, but Anna rips a fixture from the wall and s*ab him. Sam begins to bleed. Dean: Sammy! Outside, something bright glows above John. John looks up. Sam slumps to the floor, d*ad. Dean: Sam! Anna turns to Mary. Anna: I'm really sorry. John's voice, deeper. John: Anna. Anna: Michael. Michael, wearing John, puts a hand on Anna's shoulder. She bursts into flames, screaming. Mary stares. Michael turns to URIEL. URIEL Michael. I didn't know. Michael: Goodbye, Uriel. Michael snaps his fingers and URIEL disappears. Mary: What did you do to John? Michael: John is fine. Mary: Who-what are you? Michael: Shh... Michael touches Mary's forehead and she falls unconscious to the ground. He then turns to Dean. Michael: Well, I'd say this conversation is long overdue, wouldn't you? Dean points at Sam. Dean: Fix him. Michael: First...we talk. Then I fix your darling little Sammy. Dean: How'd you get in my dad, anyway? Michael: I told him I could save his wife, and he said yes. Dean: I guess they oversold me being your one and only vessel. Michael: You're my true vessel but not my only one. Dean: What is that supposed to mean? Michael: It's a bloodline. Dean: A bloodline? Michael: Stretching back to Cain and Abel. It's in your blood, your father's blood, your family's blood. Dean: Awesome. Six degrees of Heaven Bacon. What do you want with me? Michael: You really don't know the answer to that? Dean: Well, you know I ain't gonna say yes, so why are you here? What do you want with me?! Michael: I just want you to understand what you and I have to do. Dean: Oh, I get it. You got beef with your brother. Well, get some therapy, pal. Don't take it out on my planet! Michael: You're wrong. Lucifer defied our father, and he betrayed me. But still...I don't want this any more than you would want to k*ll Sam. Michael turns away. Michael: You know, my brother, I practically raised him. I took care of him in a way most people could never understand, and I still love him. Michael turns back. Michael: But I am going to k*ll him because it is right and I have to. Dean: Oh, because God says so? Michael: Yes. From the beginning, he knew this was how it was going to end. Dean: And you're just gonna do whatever God says. Michael: Yes, because I am a good son. Dean: Okay, well, trust me, pal. Take it from someone who knows-that is a d*ad-end street. Michael: And you think you know better than my father? One unimportant little man. What makes you think you get to choose? Dean: Because I got to believe that I can choose what I do with my unimportant little life. Michael: You're wrong. You know how I know? Michael turns away, then back. Michael: Think of a million random acts of chance that let John and Mary be born, to meet, to fall in love, to have the two of you. Think of the million random choices that you make, and yet how each and every one of them brings you closer to your destiny. Do you know why that is? Because it's not random. It's not chance. It's a plan that is playing itself out perfectly. Free will's an illusion, Dean. That's why you're going to say yes. Oh, buck up. It could be worse. You know, unlike my brothers, I won't leave you a drooling mess when I'm done wearing you. Dean: Well, what about my dad? Michael: Better than new. In fact, I'm gonna do your mom and your dad a favor. Dean: What? Michael: Scrub their minds. They won't remember me or you. Dean: You can't do that. Michael: I'm just giving your mother what she wants. She can go back to her husband, her family- Dean: She's gonna walk right into that nursery! Michael: Obviously. Michael turns away. Michael: And you always knew that was going to play out one way or another. Michael turns back. Michael: You can't fight City Hall. Michael goes over to Sam and presses two fingers to his forehead. Sam vanishes. The pipe clanks to the floor. Michael stands up. Michael: He's home. Safe and sound. Your turn. I'll see you soon, Dean. Michael presses two fingers to Dean's forehead. EXT. MOTEL - DAY INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY Dean pulls out a bottle. Sam takes plastic wrap off a pair of cups. The room between them is empty. Sam looks up into a mirror and sees Castiel behind him. Sam: Castiel. Sam turns around and grabs hold of Castiel, keeping him from falling. Sam: Hey. Hey, hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Dean: Cas! Dean hurries over and helps hold Castiel up. Sam: We got you. Dean: You son of a bitch. You made it. Castiel: I...I did? I'm very surprised. Castiel collapses. Sam: Whoa! You're okay. Dean: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Dean: Bed? Sam: Yeah, yeah. Dean and Sam haul Castiel to the nearest bed and lay him on it. Dean: Well, I could use that drink now. Sam: Yeah. Dean pours two drinks. Dean: Well...this is it. Sam: This is what? Sam takes a sip. Dean: Team Free Will. One ex-blood junkie, one dropout with six bucks to his name, and Mr. Comatose over there. It's awesome. Sam: It's not funny. Dean takes a drink. Dean: I'm not laughing. Sam sighs. Sam: They all say we'll say yes. Dean: I know. It's getting annoying. Sam: What if they're right? Dean takes a drink. Dean: They're not. Sam: I mean, why, why would we, either of us? But...I've been weak before. Dean: Sam. Sam: Michael got Dad to say yes. Dean: That was different. Anna was about to k*ll Mom. Sam: And if you could save Mom...what would you say? INT. Dean's NURSERY - DAY Mary, heavily pregnant, and John look over a crib. John: Where'd you even get it? Mary: Garage sale. Twenty-five cents. John: Well, I'm glad to hear that, anyway. Mary: Hey. John: I mean, you really don't think it's just a...little cheesy? Mary: Mm-mm. I think it's sweet. 'It' is a smiling angel figurine. Mary: Can't even put my finger on why I like it. I just...like it. John: Well, then, I love it. John kisses Mary and leaves. Mary: Ohh...quite a kick there. Troublemaker already. It's okay, baby. It's all okay. Angels are watching over you.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "05x13 - The Song Remains the Same"}
Air Date: 25 Mar 2010 PRIEST Are you saying that this is the... Apocalypse? Dean: And these specific omens – they're prelude to what? PRIEST The four horsemen. Dean: And which one rides the red horse? PRIEST w*r. Castiel: This town is suffering from famine. Sam: A-as in the horseman? Dean: Great. Bobby: The angel of death must be brought into this world through a place of awful carnage. Lucifer: Hello, death. Dean: Bobby, who is that? Bobby: She's my wife. Dean: It's the end of the world. And if I don't stop it and save everyone, then no one will, and we all die. Dean: I'm just tired, man. I'm done. I am just done. Dean (praying) I need some help. EXT. CEMETERY – NIGHT (In front of a headstone marked Clay James Thompson, a man reaches up through the soil and drags himself out of the grave.) INT. BENNY SUTTON's TRAILER – NIGHT (Benny Sutton reclines on the sofa watching a documentary about cheetahs. A thunderstorm rages outside.) DOCUMENTARY VOICEOVER Here on the savannah, the wildebeest lounges, lazy and self-content, and is oblivious to the fierce predator that stalks him from the shadows. The great wildebeest herds migrate south in search of water, drinking their fill in preparation for the long dry season to come. The wildebeest are on edge. Every movement could be a sound of potential att*ck. Merely a rustle of the wind through the bushes could scare the entire herd into a bone-crushing stampede. (The trailer door rattles. Benny investigates, but it seems to be just the wind. He returns to the sofa.) DOCUMENTARY VOICEOVER At first the animal reacts with confusion… (The wind blows the door open. Benny closes the door and locks it.) DOCUMENTARY VOICEOVER The wildebeest returns warily to its watering hole, where… (Suddenly, behind him is a man covered in mud. Benny tries to f*re a g*n, but it's empty.) DOCUMENTARY VOICEOVER ...who are closing in for the k*ll. When it att*cks, it att*cks quickly. BENNY No. (The man begins to strangle Benny.) BENNY Please! God! No! SUPERNATURAL EXT. DINER, SIOUX FALLS, SOUTH DAKOTA – DAY (Sam and Dean get out of the Impala.) Sam (on phone): Bobby, listen, when you get this message, call! Okay? Dean (to Sam) Is he still not home? How far could he get in that chair? INT. DINER – DAY Sam: So, what do we do? Dean Well... Guess we just do it ourselves. (They sit down at a table opposite a man.) Dean: Mr. Wells, why don't you tell us what you saw in your own words. DIGGER Call me Digger. Dean: Digger? Who gave you that name? DIGGER I did. Dean You gave yourself your own nickname? You can't do that. DIGGER Who died and made you queen? Sam: Okay. Uh, why don't you just tell us what you saw? DIGGER I saw Clay Thompson climb into Benny Sutton's trailer through the window. Couple minutes later, Clay walked out, and Benny's d*ad. Dean: And, uh... (holds up photo) ...Is this the guy you saw? DIGGER Well, he was all covered with mud, but, yeah. That's Clay. Sam: And you are aware that Clay Thompson died five years ago? DIGGER Yep. Dean And you're positive that it was this guy. DIGGER You calling me a liar? Sam: No, no, no. Of course not. Look. Can you think of any reason why Clay Thompson, alive or d*ad, would want to k*ll Benny Sutton? DIGGER Hell, yeah. Well, five years ago, Benny's the one that k*lled Clay in the first place. Dean: Is that a fact? DIGGER Well, yeah, so-called "hunting accident." Now, if you ask me... Clay came back from the grave to get a little payback. Dean: Go on. (Sheriff Jody Mills enters the diner, talking on a cell phone.) Sheriff MILLS Owen, put down the cupcake and pick up an apple… Okay? Okay. I love you. DIGGER Heads up. "Fargo." Sheriff MILLS Digger. DIGGER Sheriff. Sheriff MILLS Gentlemen. I'm Sheriff Jody Mills. I don't believe we've had the pleasure. Dean: Agents Dorfman and Neidermeyer. FBI. Sheriff MILLS Welcome to Sioux Falls, gentlemen. Can I ask you what you're doing with Digger here? DIGGER They're doing their job. They believe me, Sheriff. Sheriff MILLS The FBI believes a d*ad man committed a m*rder? Sam: Look, we're just asking a few questions, Sheriff. That's all. Dean: Of course, if a d*ad man didn't commit the m*rder, then, uh, who did? Sheriff MILLS What'd you say your jurisdiction here was again? Dean Our jurisdiction is wherever the United States government sends us. Sheriff MILLS Oh, yeah. How 'bout me and your supervisor have a little chat about that? Sam: Absolutely. (He hands her a business card.) (Sheriff Mills calls the number on the card, and Bobby answers, pretending to be the FBI supervisor.) Bobby: Agent Willis speaking. Sheriff MILLS Agent Willis, this is Sheriff Jody Mills… Bobby? Bobby Oh… Excuse me? Sheriff MILLS Is this Bobby Singer? Bobby Listen, I don't know who this is, but... this is Agent Tom Willis of the FBI. Sheriff MILLS Bull crap. FBI, huh? Sam: So, uh... So you know Bobby Singer? Dean: That is... a fun coincidence. Sheriff MILLS Here's what I know about Bobby Singer. He's a menace around here, ass-full of drunk-and-disorderlies and mail fraud. You understanding me? Dean I think we all can agree that you've made yourself perfectly clear, yes. Sheriff MILLS So, whatever the three of you are planning, it ends here. Now. Ten-four on that, Agents? Dean: Yeah. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Dean: You know how many times we called? Where have you been? Bobby: Playing m*rder. Dean What's that smell? Is that soap? Did you clean? Bobby What are you, my mother? Bite me! Sam: Bobby, seriously. Bobby: I been working. You know, trying to find a way to stop the devil. Dean Find anything? Bobby: What do you think? Sam: Bobby, it's just… there's a case less than five miles from your house. Bobby: What, the – the Benny Sutton thing? That's what this is about? Dean: You knew about this? Bobby: Hell, yes. I checked into it already. There's nothing here. Sam: Except a witness who saw a d*ad guy commit m*rder. Bobby: What witness? Digger Wells? Dean: Yeah. So? Bobby So, he's a drunk. Sam: Well, what about the lightning storms? They look like omens. Bobby Except in February in South Dakota in storm season. Guys, I thought it was something, too. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Sam: So who k*lled the guy? Bobby: Take your pick. This Benny Sutton guy was a grade-a son of a bitch. There's a list of the living a year long wouldn't mind putting a cap in his ass. Dean: So, you're telling us... nothing? Bobby: Sorry. Looks like you wasted a t*nk of gas on this one. Dean: Great. INT. Impala – NIGHT (Dean parks the Impala near St. Anthony's Cemetery.) Sam: What's up? Dean: Isn't that the graveyard back there? Sam: Yeah. So what? Bobby already checked it out. Dean: And? What, Bobby's never wrong? Come on. We'll take a peek, and then we'll h*t the road. Can't hurt. EXT. ST. ANTHONY's CEMETERY – NIGHT (Walking through the cemetery, Sam and Dean see a grave with overturned soil.) Sam: Hey. (Sam stops at Clay Thompson's headstone.) Dean: That look fresh to you? Sam: Yeah, actually. (Sam and Dean dig up the grave and discover the coffin is empty.) Sam: What is going on here? Dean I don't know, but something stinks. INT. CLAY THOMPSON's HOUSE – NIGHT (Sam and Dean break into the house and look around. A man att*cks Dean, thinking he is a burglar. Dean pushes him to the ground.) CLAY Don't sh**t me! Please! There's money in the safe. Dean: We don't want your money. CLAY THOMPSON What do you want? Anything. Please... Sam: You're Clay Thompson, right? CLAY Who are you? Sam: Um, FBI. CLAY FBI? Oh, my God. This is about Benny. Dean: Wha… what about Benny? CLAY He k*lled me! He sh*t me in the back! I'm supposed to let him get away with that? Dean: Hold up. Are… are you confessing? CLAY Please. I'll go with you. Just… just don't wake my kids. Sam: Y-you'll go with us where? CLAY Jail. Dean: Let me get this straight. You're Clay Thompson, and you died five years ago? CLAY Yes. Dean: And three days ago you climbed out of your grave, and you k*lled Benny Sutton? CLAY Yes. Dean: So you are, in fact, a d*ad guy. CLAY I guess. I – I – I don't know what I am. (Clay's wife enters.) CLAY's Wife Clay? I called 911. CLAY It's okay, honey. These men are the FBI. They're here about Benny. Dean: Why don't you come with us, Mr. Thompson? I think that'd be best. EXT. CLAY THOMPSON's HOUSE – NIGHT Sam: Dean. Dean: He's a monster. Sam: He's a soccer dad. Dean: What do you want to do with him? (Sheriff Mills and another police officer suddenly intercept them.) Sheriff MILLS Freeze! Drop your g*n! Dean: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. All right. Hey. Dean: Remember the guy you said that was d*ad and couldn't possibly commit m*rder? There he is. Sheriff MILLS And? Dean: "And"? And you're welcome – for catching the undead k*ller zombie. Sheriff MILLS Whatever he is or isn't that don't give you the right to sh**t him in the middle of the street. (Sheriff Mills handcuffs Dean.) CLAY sh**t me? Sheriff MILLS You're free to go, Mr. Thompson. Dean: Free to go?! CLAY I can't believe you were gonna k*ll me. Dean: You're a zombie! CLAY I'm a taxpayer! INT. JAIL CELL – NIGHT Dean: So, what? Sheriff's on the take? Sam: Yeah. No. The zombies are paying her off? (Sam sees Sheriff Mills and Bobby talking in the police station.) Sam: Hey. Dean: So, what? Now they're friends? INT. Police STATION – NIGHT (Sam and Dean leave with Bobby. Sam pushes Bobby's wheelchair.) Sam: Bobby, I thought the Sheriff hated you? Bobby: She did till five days ago. Dean: What happened five days ago? Bobby: The d*ad started rising all over town. Sam: So you knew about this? Bobby: Yep. Dean: I think what Sam meant to say is, you lied to us? Bobby: Look, I told you there was nothing here. And there isn't. Not for you. Dean: There are zombies here. Bobby: There are zombies... And then there are zombies. Come with me. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Dean: You want to tell us what the hell… (A woman wearing an apron walks to the table carrying a plate.) Karen SINGER Oh, hey. I didn't realize you were bringing company. Bobby: It's four a.m., babe. You didn't need to cook. Karen: Oh, please! I'll get some more plates. Dean: Who was that? Bobby: Karen. My wife. Dean: Your new wife? Bobby: My d*ad wife. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Dean (eating pie) This is incredible, Mrs. Singer. Karen: Thank you, Dean. (Sam frowns at Dean and gives him a pointed look.) Dean: What? It is. Bobby: It's great, Karen. Thanks. Could you, um, just give us a minute? (Karen leaves the room.) Dean Are you crazy? What the hell? Bobby: Dean, I can explain. Dean Explain what? Lying to us? Or the American girl zombie making cupcakes in your kitchen?! Bobby: First of all, that's my wife, so watch it. Sam: Bobby, whatever that thing is in there, it is not your wife. Bobby: And how do you know that? Sam: Are you serious? Bobby You think I'm an idiot, boy? My d*ad wife shows up on my doorstep, I'm not gonna test her every way I ever learned? Dean So what is it? Zombies? Revenant? Bobby Hell if I can tell. She's got no scars, no wounds, no reaction to salt, silver, holy water... Dean Bobby, she crawled out of her coffin. Bobby No, she didn't. I cremated her. Somehow, some way, she's back. Sam: That's impossible. Bobby Tell me about it. Sam: You bury her ashes? Bobby Yeah. Dean: Where? Bobby In the cemetery. That's where they all Rose from. Dean How many? Bobby 15, 20, I made a list. (He hands the list to Sam.) Uh, there's Karen... Clay... Sheriff Mills – her little boy came back. Sam: And there were no signs? No omens? Bobby Well, there were the lightning storms. Dean That's what we said. What else? Bobby (reads from the Book of Revelation) "And through the f*re stood before me a pale horse. And he that sat atop him carried a scythe, and I saw since he had risen, they, too, shall rise, and from him and through him." Dean: So, what, Death is behind this? Sam: Death, Death? Like "Grim Reaper" death? Bobby: Yeah. Dean Awesome. Another horseman. Must be Thursday. Sam: Bobby... Why would Death raise 15 people in a podunk town like Sioux Falls? Bobby I don't know. Dean: You know, if Death is behind this, then whatever these things are... it's not good. You know what we have to do here. Bobby: She doesn't remember anything, you know. Dean What do you mean? Bobby: Being possessed, me k*lling her... her coming back. Dean Bobby... Bobby No, no, don't "Bobby" me. Just... just listen, okay? (Karen can be heard humming.) She hums when she cooks. She always... used to hum when she cooked. Tone deaf as all hell, but... And I never thought I would hear it again. Look, just read Revelation. The d*ad rise during the apocalypse. There's nothing in there that says that's bad! Hell, maybe it's the one good thing that comes out of this whole bloody mess. Dean: And what would you do if you were us? Bobby: I know what I'd do. And I know what you think you got to do. But... I'm begging you. Please. Please. Leave her be. INT. DINER – DAY Sam: So, what do you think? Dean There's nothing to think about. I'm not gonna leave Bobby at home with the bride of Frankenstein. Sam: Then what do you want to do? Just walk in there in front of Bobby and blow her skull off? Dean If she decides that Bobby's face is the blue plate special, I'd like to be there. Sam: Fine. See what else we can find out. EXT. Bobby's SALVAGE YARD – DAY (Dean is leaning against the Impala. He jumps at the sight of Karen next to him.) Karen: Oops. Did I scare you? Dean: No. No. No. There's... nothing scary about you at all. Karen: Feel like some lunch? Dean: Uh... I'm good. Thanks. Karen: Come on, there's more pie. Dean I don't think that Bobby wants me inside. Karen: Guess it'll have to be our secret, then, huh? Come on. EXT. Sheriff MILL's HOUSE – DAY (Sam sneaks up to the window and sees Sheriff Mills and her husband reading a book to their young son.) INT. Bobby's KITCHEN – DAY (Dean is eating a piece of pie. There are many other pies in the room.) Dean: I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that you like pies. Did you bake all these? Karen: I don't know what it is. Since I got back, I can't stop baking. Dean: Yeah, when do you have time to sleep? Karen: I don't. Must be the excitement. Dean: Or being d*ad. Karen: I know you don't trust me. Dean: Why would you say that? Karen: Come on, Dean. That's why you're here, isn't it? Keeping an eye on me? I know who you are. Just like I know Bobby's not the Same mild-mannered scrap dealer I married. You hunt things. I – I'm a thing. I get it. Dean: So then you know that Sam and I would never let anything happen to Bobby. That he's like a father to us. Karen: I understand. And he's lucky to have you looking out for him, Dean. But you're not the only one. Dean: Is that so? Karen: I remember everything, you know. When I died. That demon taking over my body... and the things it made me do. And Bobby having no choice but to... Well, you know what he did. But I can see it in his eyes when he looks at me. The guilt. It weighs on him. Dean: So why don't you just tell him you remember? Karen: I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you've never been in love. He's my husband. My job is to bring him peace... not pain. EXT. HOUSE – DAY (Sam looks at Bobby's list and then knocks on the door.) Sam: Mrs. Jones?! (He opens the unlocked door.) INT. EZRA JONES' HOUSE – DAY Sam: Ezra Jones? Um... Ezra Jones? (An old lady lies in a bed, obviously sick, coughing and foaming at the mouth. She gestures for Sam to come closer.) Sam: W-what is it? You think maybe you could tell me from here? Yeah. I'm gonna regret this. (Sam leans close as she tries to say something. She att*cks him, spitting mucous onto him in the process. Sam notices a d*ad man on the floor with his stomach bloodied. Sam sh**t Mrs. Jones in the head through her open mouth.) INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby: Keep your damn voices down. Karen's upstairs. Dean: Oh, I'm sorry. We're a little tense right now. Who's old lady Jones? Bobby: The first one to come up. Sam: First one to go bad. Bobby: Ah, she was always a nutty broad. Dean: Nutty how? Nutty like the way she ate her husband's stomach? Was that the level of nutty she was in life? Bobby: No. Dean: Look, Bobby, I feel for you. But you have got to acknowledge that you're not exactly seeing this straight! Sam: Bobby, whether you admit it or not, these things are turning. We have to stop them – all of them. (Bobby pulls out a g*n and rests it on his lap.) Bobby Time to go. Dean: What? Bobby: You heard me. Off my property. Sam: Or what? You'll sh**t? Bobby: If Karen turns, I will handle it my way. Dean: This is dangerous. Bobby (cocks g*n) I'm not telling you twice. (Sam and Dean leave.) INT. Impala – NIGHT I don't know. Dean: He's crazy. Sam: It's his wife, Dean. Dean: So he goes "Full Metal Jacket" on us? We're his family, Sam. Sam: Look, man. Bigger fish, okay? I mean, we got a bunch of zombies about to turn this town into a giant chew toy. Dean: Yeah, and he's alone in the house making pie with one of 'em! Sam: All right? So? Dean: So! I'm gonna have to go back there and… and… and k*ll her. That's the only thing I can think of. Sam: If he sees you, you're a d*ad man. Dean: Well, then, I guess I won't let him see me. Sam: Okay. I'll... head to town and rescue everyone – should be easy. Dean: Sounds like. Sam: I'm gonna need some help. Dean: What about the Sheriff? Sam: Uh, last time I checked, the Sheriff was pretty pro-zombie. Dean: Well, I guess you'll just have to convince her. Sam: How? Dean: I don't know. You're just gonna. INT. Sheriff MILLS' HOUSE – NIGHT (Sheriff Mills' young son is lying on the couch, obviously sick.) Sheriff MILLS There. Does that feel better, honey? Sheriff MILLS' SON I'm so hungry, mommy. Sheriff MILLS Oh, I know. I know. Mommy's gonna make you some soup, okay? Sheriff MILLS' SON Okay. Sheriff MILLS' HUSBAND (talking on phone) I don't know what else to tell you, doc. We checked the thermometer three times. His temperature is 111 degrees. Sheriff MILLS' SON Mommy. Sheriff MILLS' HUSBAND Hold on, doc. (He hands the phone to Sheriff Mills.) Sheriff MILLS' SON I'm hungry! Sheriff MILLS Can you take that in to him? Sheriff MILLS (on phone): Dr. Dwight, it's Jody Mills. EXT. Bobby's SALVAGE YARD – NIGHT (Dean walks toward the house, loading a g*n.) INT. Bobby's HOUSE - NIGHT Bobby: Karen, stay away from the windows. Karen? (Karen collapses in the kitchen.) Bobby: Karen?! Karen? Karen: (coughing) I'm… I'm okay. Bobby: Yeah? Karen: I'm okay. I just... I'm okay. I – I just got to be dizzy. Bobby: You're burning up. Karen: Oh, I'm okay. I – I just need something to eat. And I'll be fine. Really. (She coughs heavily.) INT. Sheriff MILLS' HOUSE – NIGHT Sheriff MILLS (on phone): I don't know how to explain it, Doctor. That's… that's why we're calling you. I... (A noise comes from the living room and Sheriff Mills drops the phone.) Sheriff MILLS Sean? Owen? (She finds her husband d*ad and her son eating his flesh.) Sheriff MILLS Oh, my God. (Sheriff Mills' son stands up and slowly approaches her. Sam suddenly bursts in and pulls her outside.) Sam: Let's go! Sheriff MILLS No! Sam: Go! EXT. Sheriff MILLS' HOUSE – NIGHT Sheriff MILLS My husband! Sam: Leave it! He's d*ad! Sheriff MILLS That was not my son! Sam: You're right. It wasn't. Listen, Sheriff. Your town is in danger. People are in danger, and we need to help them now. Can you do that for me? (Sheriff Mills shakes her head.) Can you focus for me, Sheriff? Sheriff? Sheriff MILLS How do we put them down? Sam: Head sh*t. Sheriff MILLS (nods) We're gonna need w*apon. Sam: We can start by rounding up everybody we can find. Where is there a safe place we can take people? Sheriff MILLS Jail. Sam: Right. Just, um... (he takes out his g*n) give me a minute. (Sam goes back into the house. A g*n is heard.) INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT (Karen lies in bed, sick. Bobby is at her bedside, holding her hand.) Karen: I'm so hungry, Bobby. Bobby: I'll fix you something to eat in a minute. Karen: I can feel it. It's happening. Bobby Shh, it's gonna be alright. Karen: No. It's not. I'm turning, Bobby. You know I am. (Bobby looks at his g*n on a table nearby.) Karen: It's okay. Do it. Bobby: No way. Karen: Please. Bobby: No. Karen: I remember. Bobby: You remember what? Karen: Everything. The demon inside me. You k*lling me. I remember. Bobby: Then you know... why I can't do it again. Karen: I remember something else, too. When I came back... There was a man. Bobby: What do you mean, a man? Karen: At the grave. He was so thin. Like a skeleton. And he told me to give you a message. Bobby: Me? W-why didn't you tell me this before? Karen: You've seen so much. I just... I just wanted to see you smile. Bobby: What was the message? (Dean opens the front door and enters. A g*n is heard.) Dean Bobby?! (Dean finds Karen d*ad and Bobby holding her hand.) INT. Police STATION – NIGHT (Sheriff Mills is taking g*n out of a cabinet. A group of people is gathered in the room.) Sam: All right, if I hand you a g*n and you see a d*ad person, I don't care if it's your friend, your neighbor, or your wife, you sh**t for the head. That's the only way we survive. Man: Uh, you mind telling us who the hell you are? Sam: Friend of Bobby Singer's. Man: Town drunk. Sam: No, I – I thought... (nods at Digger) he was the town drunk. Man: Who told you that? Sam: Bobby Singer…. Stay sharp. I'll watch the front door. EXT. Bobby's SALVAGE YARD – NIGHT Dean: You know, Bobby, if you want to sit this one out... Bobby: Let's just get going. (A noise indicates someone is approaching and Dean goes to investigate.) INT. Police STATION – NIGHT (Sam opens the door and looks out, then closes the door again and shakes his head at Sheriff Mills.) EXT. Bobby's SALVAGE YARD – NIGHT (Dean walks through the salvage yard while Bobby sits in his wheelchair.) Bobby Dean? Dean! (Bobby fires at a zombie, which tackles Dean to the ground.) EXT. Bobby's SALVAGE YARD – NIGHT (Dean punches the zombie and tries to reach his g*n.) Bobby Dean? (Bobby sh**t at and kills a zombie as it runs at him, then sh**t at another zombie which is moving behind cars. Dean finally gets to his g*n and sh**t the zombie that att*cked him.) Bobby Dean! (Multiple zombies att*ck both Dean and Bobby. One of them throws Bobby out of his wheelchair onto the ground. Dean sh**t it.) Bobby Little help here? (Dean helps Bobby back into his wheelchair and picks up his g*n.) Dean: g*n? Bobby: Yeah. All right. (Dean and Bobby sh**t zombies as they hurry back into the house.) INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Dean: Got any more a*mo? I'm low. Bobby: Yeah, we got plenty. Just run back past the zombies. It's in the van, where we left it. Dean: A simple "no" would have been fine. What are they all doing here, anyway?! Bobby: I think I get it. Dean: What? (Zombies begin to break in through the roof and windows.) Bobby: Oh, that ain't good. Dean: I'm out. Bobby: Me too. Dean: Come on! (Dean and Bobby lock themselves in a closet, fighting zombies on the way. Zombies pound on the door.) Bobby: Kind of a tight fit, don't you think? Dean It's all right. They're idiots. They can't pick a lock. (The pounding stops and the door handle moves.) Bobby: Don't you ever get tired of being wrong? Dean: I'm making this stuff up as I go. Sue me. (The closet door opens and Dean hits zombies with the butt of his g*n.) Sam: Get down! (Sam and Sheriff Mills sh**t all the zombies.) Sam: Are you okay? EXT. CEMETERY – DAY (Dean and Sheriff Mills join Sam in front of a massive funeral pyre.) Dean: Well, if there's any zombies left out there, we can't find them. Sam: How are the townspeople? Sheriff MILLS Pretty freaked out. Hell, traumatized. A few of them are calling the papers. As far as I can tell, nobody's believed 'em yet. Sam: Would you? (Sheriff Mills shakes her head.) How are you holding up? Dean: Is that everyone? Sam: All but one. EXT. Bobby's SALVAGE YARD – DAY (Sam and Dean join Bobby in front of another funeral pyre.) Bobby: So, thinking maybe I should apologize for losing my head back there. Sam: Bobby, you don't owe us anything. Dean: Hey, look, I don't know squat from shinola about love, but... At least you got to spend five days with her, right? Bobby: Right. Which makes things about a thousand times worse. She was the love of my life. How many times do I got to k*ll her? Sam: Are you gonna be okay, Bobby? Bobby: You boys should know... Karen told me why Death was here. Sam: What do you mean? Bobby: I know why he took a stroll through a cemetery in the sticks of South Dakota. He came for me. Dean: What do you mean, you? Bobby: Death came for me. He brought Karen back to send me a message. Dean: You? Why you? Bobby: Because I've been helping you, you sons of bitches. I'm one of the reasons you're still saying no to Lucifer, Sam. Dean: So this was like a h*t on your life? Bobby: I don't know if they wanted to take my life or... my spirit. Either way, they wanted me out of the way. Sam: But you're gonna be all right. Right, Bobby?
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "05x15 - d*ad Men Don't Wear Plaid"}
Air Date: 1 Apr 2010 THEN: (Dean's torn apart by Hellhounds) Bobby: C'mon. How many times have you two died, anyway? (Sam is s*ab in the back by Jake Talley) Dean: No! (Dean is sh*t) (Dean is h*t by a car) (A heavy desk falls on Dean) (Sam is struck by lightning from a clear sky) (Dean is electrocuted by his razor) (Anna s*ab Sam with a pipe) Castiel: There is someone, beside Michael, strong enough to take on Lucifer. Sam: Who's that? Castiel: God. I'm going to find God. Bobby: What is it you want. Castiel: An amulet. It burns hot in God's presence. It will help me find him. Bobby: I've got nothing like that. Castiel: You don't. (looks at Dean; Dean looks at his amulet) Young Dean: (holding the amulet) What is it? Young Sam: Uncle Bobby gave it to me, said it was real special. Young Dean: Thank you, Sam. I love it. Castiel: May I borrow it? Dean: No. Castiel: Dean. Give it to me. Dean: (with emphasis) Don't lose it. NOW: Camera pans over the room. There are lots of empty beer cans. Dean's lying on his stomach, hand under his pillow searching. ROY: Looking for this? Roy pops the cartridge out of a g*n and tosses it aside. Dean turns over, looks at Sam who also has a g*n pointed at him. Dean: Mornin'. ROY: Shut up. Hands where I can see 'im. Dean lifts his hands then lifts himself up. Dean: Wait a minute. Is that you, Roy? It is, isn't it. Which makes you Walt. Hiya Walt. Roy and Walt look at each other. Walt removes his mask. WALT: Don't matter. Roy lifts his mask off his face. Dean: Well, is it just me, or do you two seem a tad upset? WALT: You think you can flip the switch on the Apocalypse and just walk away, Sam? Sam: Who told you that? WALT: We ain't the only hunters after you. (Walt pumps his g*n.) See you in the next life. Sam: Hear me out. I can explain, okay? Please. After a pause, Walt sh**t Sam. Dean jumps to go to Sam. ROY: (shifts to follow Dean's movement) Stay the hell down. WALT: sh**t 'im. ROY: Killin' Sam was right but Dean… WALT: He made us and we just snuffed his brother, you idiot. You want to spend the rest of your life knowing Dean Winchester's on your ass, ‘cause I don't. sh**t 'im. Dean, who's been looking at Sam's body, turns to face Roy. Dean: Go ahead, Roy, do it. But I'm going warn you, when I come back I'm going to be pissed. C'mon! Let's get this show on the road. WALT: Come on, already. Walt steps forward and sh**t Dean. (Bob Dylan's Knocking on Heaven's Door plays. ) It's night. Dean is sitting in the Impala, sleeping. He is wearing his leather jacket over his normal clothes. Thunder sounds. He wakes up. He gets out of the car, shuts the door. The trunk closes. Dean turns toward the sound. Teenaged Sam is there holding a crate of fireworks. Dean: Sammy? Sam: Come on, let's go. Sam walks off. Dean: Weird dream. Sam places the fireworks on the ground and pulls out a couple. Sam: Got your lighter? Dean checks his pockets and pulls out an old lighter. Dean: Whoa, I haven't seen this in years. Sam: f*re 'em up. Dean lights Sam's firework then his own. The go off, sh**ting red sparks into the sky. Dean: (smiling) I remember this! It's Fourth of July, 1996. The fireworks die. Dean looks down at Sam. Sam looks over at Dean. He's happy. Sam: Dad would never let us do anything like this. Thanks, Dean. This is great. Sam hugs Dean. Dean looks startled then he hugs Sam back. Sam pulls away. The music restarts. Sam lights all the fireworks then runs away. Sam: f*re in the hole! The fireworks start to explode. Dean and Sam back away. Both of them laugh with joy before Sam goes out to dance under the sparks. Sam nods to Dean acknowledging the special moment. Dean nods back. There is an especially loud expl*si*n, then another, and Dean flashes back to the hotel room and being sh*t by Walt. Then he's back in the field but Sam and the fireworks are gone. Dean: Sam? Dean goes back to the Impala and leans on the roof. The radio comes on, very scratchy. Castiel: (on radio) Dean! Dean leans in the driver's side window. Dean: Cas? Castiel: (on radio) Yeah, it's me. Dean gets back in the car. Dean: You gotta stop poking around in my dreams. I need some me time. Castiel: (on radio) Listen to me very closely. This isn't a dream. Dean looks around. Dean: Then what is it? Castiel: (on radio) Deep down, you already know. Dean flashes on Walt sh**ting Sam, then himself. The camera focuses on Dean's eye, partially shut. His face is blank. He is d*ad. Dean: I'm d*ad. Castiel: (on radio) Condolences. Dean: Where am I? Castiel: (on radio) Heaven. Dean: Heaven? How did I get to heaven? Castiel: (on radio) Please, listen. This spell, this connection, it's difficult to maintain. Dean: Wait. If I'm in heaven, then where's Sam? Castiel: (on radio) What do you see? Dean: What do you mean ‘what do I see'? Castiel: (on radio) Some people see a tunnel or a river. What do you see? Dean: Nothing. My dash. I'm in my car. I'm on a road. Castiel: (on radio) Alright. A road. For you it's a road. Follow it, Dean. You'll find Sam. (The radio is breaking up.) Follow the road. (The radio dies.) Dean starts the Impala and drives down the dark highway. The moon is huge and the sky is purple-toned and odd. Dean pulls up in front of a nice three-story house, slightly old-fashioned looking. Lights are bright inside it. Dean climbs slowly out of the car. He looks around but there is nothing but the house. A man is carving turkey. He places a huge piece on Sam's plate. Sam is dressed in a white shirt and tie. Sam: Thank you. Father: So, Sam. I hear you're new to McKinley. Sam: Um, yes sir. Two weeks. Father: Stephanie over here just can't seem to stop talking about you. STEPHANIE: Dad, shut up. Stephanie smiles at Sam. Sam smiles back nervously. She grabs his thigh and Sam jumps. Sam: Ummm. Sam looks up to see Dean walking into the dining room. Dean: Wow. Just wow. Sam: Dean? What are you doing in my dream? Dean just makes a face in response. The conversation in the dining room continues even though Sam is no longer seated at the table. He is in the living room with Dean. Father: So, what does your father do for a living? (pause for Sam's response) Hm. You don't say. Sam: Heaven. Dean: Yup. Sam: Okay, how are we in heaven? Dean: All that clean living, I guess. Sam shakes his head. Sam: No, no. Okay. You… I get, sure. But me? Maybe you haven't noticed, but I've done a few things? Dean: You thought you were doing the right thing. Sam: Last I checked, it wasn't the road to heaven that was paved with good intentions. Dean: Yeah, well, if this is the Skymall it sucks. I mean, where's the triplets and the latex, you know? C'mon, a guy has needs. Sam looks at Stephanie's family, still eating dinner as if he's there. Sam: You know, when you bite the dust they say your life flashes before your eyes. Dean: Your point? Sam: This house, it's one of my memories. Dean: When I woke up, I woke up in one of my memories. The Fourth of July we b*rned down that field? Sam: Maybe that's what heaven is: a place where you relive your greatest hits. Dean: Wait, so… playing footsie with brace-face in there? Then that's a trophy moment for you? Sam: Dean, I was eleven years old. This was my first real Thanksgiving. Dean: What are you talking about? We had Thanksgiving every year. Sam: We had a bucket of extra-crispy and Dad passed out on the couch. There is a rumbling noise from outside. Dean and Sam look around. Sam: I don't remember this. The lights go out. The family continues eating. The house begins to shake. Dean: Hey. (They look at the family) We should, uh… Sam: Definitely. They run to the far corner of the room. Sam stands up beside the window. Dean ducks behind the couch. The glass in a picture on the mantle breaks. The family continues eating. A searchlight streams through the window. Dean drops down lower. More furniture falls over. More glass breaks. Then the searchlight disappears. The lights come on in the house and Sam and Dean leave their hiding places. The family is still eating and talking in the background. Dean sees a radio and goes to it. Sam follows. Sam: Okay, what the hell was that? Dean: I don't know, but we are taking the escalator back downstairs. (He hits the radio) Cas! Sam: What are you doing? Dean: What's it look like? Sam: Like you've lost your mind. Dean gives him an exasperated look. Dean: Cas talked to me before using this phone-home radio thing, so I— Cas! The TV behind them starts to flicker. Castiel: (on TV) I can hear you. Dean and Sam move over to the TV. They can see Castiel but the picture rolls and is filled with static. His voice fades in and out and is sometimes distorted. Dean: Cas. Hey! So I, uh, I found Sam but, but something just happened. There was this weird beam of light. Castiel: (on TV) Don't go into the light. Dean: Okay. Thanks, Carol Ann. What was it? Castiel: (on TV) Not what, whom. Zachariah. He's searching for you. Sam: And if he finds us? Castiel: (on TV) You can't say yes to Michael and Lucifer if you're d*ad, so Zachariah needs to return you to your bodies. Sam: Great! Problem solved. Castiel: (on TV) No. You don't understand. You, hm. You're behind the Wall. This is a rare opportunity. Dean: For what? Castiel: (on TV) You need to find an angel. His name is Joshua. Dean: Hey, man, no offense but we are kind of ass full of angels, okay. You find him. Castiel: (on TV) I can't. I can't return to heaven. Sam: So what's so important about Joshua? Castiel: (on TV) The rumor is, he talks to God. Dean: And, so? Castiel: (on TV) You think maybe—just maybe—we should find out what the hell God has been saying? Dean: Jeez. Touchy. Castiel: (on TV) Please. I just need you to follow the road. Sam: What road? Castiel: (on TV) It's called the Axis Mundi. It's a path that runs through heaven. Different people see it as different things. For you, it's two-lane asphalt. The road will lead you to the Garden. You'll find Joshua there. And Joshua… can take us to God. (The pictures starts to break up badly.) The Garden. Quick. Hurry. The TV dies. Sam takes a deep breath. They turn to each other. Sam: So... What do you think? Dean: I think we h*t the yellow bricks, find this Joshua cat. Sam: (looks surprised) Really? Dean: What? You don't? Sam: No, uh. I'm just surprised you do. Last time I checked you wanted to break God's nose, now you think he can help? Dean: He's the only one who can. I mean, come on, Sam. We are royally boned. So prayer? The last hope of a desperate man. From the outside we see Dean open the front door followed closely by Sam. They stop, look around. There's nothing but forest where the road used to be. Sam: Wasn't there a street out here? Dean: There was. They walk back into the hallway. Dean starts looking around. Sam: Dean. What are you doing? Dean: Looking for a road. Sam: You… (Dean opens the closet under the stairs) You think the road is in a closet? Dean: (turns on the light) We're in heaven, Sam, okay? I mean, our memories are coming true. Cas is on TV. Finding a road in a closet would be pretty much the most (he sees something on the floor) normal thing to happen to us today. There is a small Hot Wheels set on the floor. Dean makes a face and bends down to it. Sam: What? Dean picks up a blue car. Dean: I used to have one of these… when I was a kid. Dean puts the car on the track and sets it in motion. As the camera pulls back we see that Dean's position has changed. He is now wearing sneakers with one shoelace untied. Dean's wearing a T-shirt and a flannel button-up. The leather jacket is gone. Sam is back in his normal hunter clothes. Sam: That was the road? Dean: I guess. Dean looks around and we see that they are in a room suitable for a young boy. They stand up. Dean: Kind of trippy, right? Sam: Yeah. (Sam looks at Dean's shirt.) More trippy. Um. Apparently, you ‘wuv hugs'. Dean covers his T-shirt. Dean: Shut up. Sam laughs. They look around until Dean realizes something. Dean: Wait a minute. I know where we are. Sam: Where? Dean: We're home. Mary: (off camera) Dean… Both Dean and Sam turn to the doorway. Mary appears, looking young and pretty in a tight, white dress. Mary: Hey, Dean. You hungry? Close up on Mary: she looks beautiful and neither of the boys know what to do. Dean is sitting at the kitchen table. Mary is pouring him a glass of milk. He has a sandwich in front of him. He smiles at her. She looks at him. Mary: You want the crust cut off? Dean: Yeah. I'd love that. Sam: Mom? There's no response. Dean looks at Sam, then at Mary. She looks at him but not at Sam. Dean: I guess this is not your memory, Sam. Sorry. Sam: Dean, uh. We should… go. Keep looking for the road. Dean: Just… just give me a minute, okay? Sam: Dean… Dean: Sam. Please. One minute. Sam nods reluctantly. Mary ruffles Dean's hair as she moves away from the table. The phone rings and Dean turns to watch her answer it. Mary: (on phone) Hello? … No, John. … We're not having this conversation again. … Think about what? … You've two boys at home. … Dean: I remember this. Mom and Dad were fighting and then he moved out for a couple days. Sam: Dad always said they had the perfect marriage. Dean: It wasn't perfect until after she died. Mary: (on phone) Fine. Then don't. … There's nothing more to talk about. Mary hangs up the phone and turns away from the table. She sniffs as if she's fighting back tears. Sam: What happens next? Dean goes to her and hugs her. Dean: It's okay, Mom. Dad still loves you. I love you, too. I'll never leave you. Sam looks enlightened. Mary and Dean break apart. She cups his cheek in her hands. Mary: You are my little angel. (She smiles too wide.) How 'bout some pie? Okay. She moves away to get the pie and Dean goes to where Sam is waiting. Sam shakes his head sadly. Dean: What? Sam: I just never realized how long you've been cleaning up Dad's messes. Dean: (frowning) Whatever. Let's keep moving. They search the house, opening cupboards and drawers. Sam finds a postcard that says Route 66. Sam: I've seen this somewhere before. Dean: Where? The camera pans out to show a wall covered with postcards all from along Route 66. Dean steps in front of them and he's wearing adult clothes again, although he's got on his canvas coat and not the leather one. Sam's clothes have changed as well: different shirt, slightly different coat. Dean: Where are we? Sam: No way. A golden retriever enters the room. Sam bends down excitedly. Sam: Bones! Hey, c'mere! C'mere! Dean looks on as the dog licks Sam's face. Sam: Hey, hey, hey, hey… Dean: Bones? Sam: Yeah. Bones was my dog. Hey. (Sam stands up and goes to a cheap coffee table. He opens up a pizza box. Dean: Your… your dog? Sam: Yeah. Sam sits on the couch, pulling pizza out of the box. Bones is right beside him, tail wagging. Dean is looking around, not happy. Dean: Is this Flagstaff? Sam: (looks happy) Yeah. (He pets Bones.) Hey, boy. Dean: This is a good memory for you? Sam: (laughing) Yeah. I mean, I was on my own for two weeks. I lived on Funyuns and Mr. Pibb. (He feeds Bones some of his pizza.) Dean: (unimpressed) Wow. Sam: What? Dean: Well, you don't remember, do you? You ran away on my watch. I looked everywhere for you. I thought you were d*ad. And when Dad came home… Sam looks guilty. Dean looks upset before he turns away. Sam: Dean, look, I'm sorry. I never thought about it like that. Dean: Forget it. Let's roll. Dean strides out of the room leaving Sam behind. He gives Bones a final treat before standing up to follow Dean. Bones follows him so he bends down to give the dog a last pet. Sam: Stay. Bones-y, stay. He walks out the door. Dean had walked outside into daylight, but it's now night. Sam joins Dean in the middle of the street across from an old house with a wrap-around porch. When they turn to look at the shack they'd just left, it's gone. Sam obviously remembers where they are. It takes Dean a moment but he also figures it out. Dean: What memory is this? Sam: (obviously lying) No idea. (He sniffs.) Alright, come on. Dean… Road. God. Remember? Dean: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. This? (He looks at Sam accusingly.) This is the night you ditched us for Stanford, isn't it? This is your idea of heaven? Wow. (He laughs painfully) This was one of the worst nights of my life. Sam: I can't control this stuff. Dean, who had turned away, turns back to face Sam. Dean: Seriously? I mean this is a happy memory for you? Sam: I don't know. I mean, I was on my own. I finally got away from Dad. Dean: (turning away) Yeah, he wasn't the only one you got away from. Sam: Dean, I'm sorry. I just, uh… Dean: I know. You didn't, you didn't think of it like that. Sam: Dean! Dean: C'mon! Your heaven is somebody else's Thanksgiving. Okay. It's bailing on your family. What do you want me to say? Sam: Man, I never got the crusts cut off my PB & J. I just don't look at family the way you do. Dean: Yeah, but I'm your family. Sam: I know… Dean: I mean, we're supposed to be a team. It's supposed to be you and me against the world, right? Sam: Dean, it is! Dean: (after a pause) Is it? Sam looks devastated but before he can answer a searchlight hits them. They look up. Then they start running toward the trees at the side of the road. Dean: Go! Go! They run through the darkened woods eventually jumping over a log and hiding behind it. They are breathing hard. Cut to a man, walking after them, in nice, shiny dress shoes. It is Zachariah. Zachariah: Wow. Running from angels. On foot. In heaven. With out-of-the-box thinking like that I'm surprised you boys haven't stopped the Apocalypse already. Zachariah snaps his fingers and it's daytime. Zachariah: Guys. What's the problem? I just want to send you back to Earth, that's all. Sam and Dean peek over the log. Zachariah is standing a few yards away with his back to them. Zachariah: I mean, that is, after I tear you a cosmos of new ones. You're on my turf now, boys. And by the time I through with you, you're going to be begging to say yes. Dean and Sam take off running. Zachariah turns and sees them. He smiles. Dean and Sam are running flat out. They stop abruptly because Zachariah is in front of them. Zachariah: Guys, c'mon. You can run but you can't run. Dean and Sam turn around and run back the way they came. This time they come to a halt when confronted by a slim figure in a colorful mask and a gold cape. The figure lifts one finger to his mouth to indicate they should be silent. Ash: Shh. (He waves them forward.) Hurry! This way. He leads them to a small wooden shack. He scribbles some symbols on the rusted door then opens it and runs inside. Dean and Sam follow. Sam: Wait. Who are you? The room is much bigger than it should be. Even though it's dim, tables and chairs are visible in the light from windows on the far side. The figure pulls off his mask and his cape. Ash: Buenos dias, bitches. Dean: Ash? Ash claps his hands twice and the lights come on. He spreads out his arms. Ash: Welcome to my blue heaven. Dean looks around stunned. Sam smiles. They're in Ellen's Roadhouse. Music plays on the jukebox. Dean: Good God, the Roadhouse. It even smells the Same. Ash: (picking up his cape and mask) Bud, blood and beer nuts. It's the best smell in the world. (He walks behind the bar and snaps his fingers.) How 'bout a cold one? Up here? No hangover. Dean and Sam sit on the bar stools. Sam: So… no offense… Ash: (interrupting) How did a dirt bag like me end up in a place like this? I've been saved, man. I was my congregation's number one snake handler. Sam: (smiling) And you said this was your heaven? Ash: Yup! My own… personal… (Ash g*n his beer while Sam and Dean watch. He burps.) Sam: And when the angels jumped us? We were… Ash: In your heaven. Sam: So there're two heavens? Ash: No. More like a hundred billion. So, no worries, it'll take those angels boys a minute to catch up. Dean: (completely confused) What? Ash: See, you gotta stop thinking of heaven as one place. It's more like a butt-load of places all crammed together. Like Disneyland except without all the anti-Semitism. Dean and Sam still look confused. Sam: Disneyland? Ash: Mm-hmm. Yeah. See you got Winchesterland. (He holds up his hands to indicate the bar.) Ashland. (He points all around outside the bar.) A whole mess of everybody-else-lands. Put them all together: heaven. Right? At the center of it all? Is the Magic Kingdom. The Garden. Dean: So everybody gets a little slice of paradise. Ash: Pretty much. A few people share—special cases. What not. Dean: What do you mean ‘special'? Ash: Aw, you know. Like, uh, soul-mates. (Silence greets his statement. Dean and Sam don't look at each other.) Anyway. Most people can't leave their own private Idaho's. Dean: But you ain't most people. Ash: Nope. They ain't got my skills. Hell, I've been all over. Johnny Cash. André the Giant. (He turns to Sam.) Einstein. Sam, that man can mix a White Russian. Hell, the other day? I found Mallanāga Vātsyāyana. Sam: Who? Ash: He wrote the Kama Sutra. Huh, that boy's heaven? Ah, sweaty. Confusing. Dean: All this from a guy who used to sleep on a pool table. Ash: Yeah. Now that I'm d*ad, I'm living, man, a whole lot more. Sam: So how'd you find us? Ash: I rigged up my very own (he pulls a laptop from under the bar) holy-rolling police scanner. (He hits the power button and it starts up, displaying a mess of sound graphs and making an annoying piercing sound.) That's angels. Blabbing Enochian, okay? I'm fluent. (He turns it off and puts in back under the counter.) I heard that you were up. Of course I had to come find you. Again. Dean: (surprised) Again? Ash: This ain't the first time here. I mean, you boys die more than anyone I've ever met. Dean: (even more surprised) Really. Ash: Ah, yeah… you don't remember. God! Angels. Must've Windexed your brain. Sam: So, uh. I mean, have you found anybody else? Ellen and Jo? Ash: (taken aback) Ellen and Jo are d*ad? Dean looks upset and doesn't answer. Ash looks to Sam. Sam looks guilty and sad. Sam: Uh, yeah. Yeah. A few months now. Sorry. Ash takes a minute to compose himself. Ash: Um, hmm. Uh, they went down fighting? Sam: (nods) Yeah. 'Til the end. Dean: (bitterly) Yeah, a lot of good it did. How ‘bout our folks? Ash: I've been looking all over for John Winchester, Mary too, but so far: nada. I'm sorry. But hey! There is somebody that wants to jaw with you. Hold up. Ash leaves the bar and goes into the back room that used to be his. There are symbols on it like the ones he chalked onto the door of the shack. It only takes moments before he's returning with Pamela Barnes. Both Dean and Sam look happily surprised. Sam: Pamela! Close up of Pamela so that we can see that she has her eyes back. PAMELA: Nice to see you boys again. Ash: (fake shivering) Ooo. Still inside Ash's Roadhouse. Sam and Ash are sitting at the bar. Ash is working the laptop. Sam: So this is how you get around up here? Ash: Hm, more or less. It's awesome to finally have an application—a practical application—for string theory. The camera pulls out and reveals Dean and Pamela sitting at one of the tables in the raised section. Dean: So! PAMELA: So. (She reaches over and swats him lightly on the head.) That's for getting me k*lled. Dean: Yeah. That's… probably less than I deserve. Makes you feel any better, we got Ash k*lled too. At the bar, Ash raises his hand in a rock salute. Ash: I'm cool with it. (He snaps his fingers.) Dean: He's cool with it. So you… you good? PAMELA: I'm good. Really. Remember my death scene? Gut sh*t. Coughing blood. You told me I was going someplace better. Dean: I was lying. PAMELA: You were right! My heaven? It is one long show at the Meadowlands. It's amazing! You should see it. Dean: (nodding his head) Yeah. PAMELA: You don't believe me. Dean: No, I do, it's just, you know. Spending eternity trapped in your own little universe while the angels run the show, that's lonely. You know. That's not Nirvana. That's the Matrix. PAMELA: I don't know. Attic's still better than the basement. Dean: Yeah, but (he holds his hand out) you know this place feels real, but it's Memorex. Real is down there. PAMELA: Yeah, well, close enough. Look, Dean, I'm happy. I'm at peace. Dean: What? Are you trying to sell me a time share? I mean, what's with the pitch? PAMELA: (Chuckling) I know that Michael wants to take you out for a test drive. Dean: (interrupting) Pamela… PAMELA: Just saying. What happens if you play ball with them? Worst case. Dean: A lot of people die. PAMELA: And then they come here. Is that really so bad? Look. Maybe… you don't have to fight it so hard. That's all I'm trying to say. Sam and Ash turn on their seats, stopping whatever Dean might have said in reply. Sam: Hey! Found a short cut to the Garden. Ash gives them a thumbs up. Pamela returns it. Ash: Oh yeah. Underneath a ‘Come In We're Open' sign, Ash draws another sigil-formula. This one is different from the other ones we've seen. Ash: All Access Pass to the Magic Kingdom. Dean: (standing behind him) Good. Ash turns to look at him. Dean: Not good? Ash: That Zachary fella's going to be watching every road to the Garden. Behind Dean, Pamela is engulfed in Sam's hug. PAMELA: Watch your ass. (Sam nods and leaves.) And Dean. Dean reaches out for his hug but Pamela has other ideas. She pulls his head down for a kiss. The first one's short. The second one's longer. PAMELA: Yup. Just how I imagined. Pamela taps his cheek and Chuckles. Eventually, Dean turns back to where Ash is finishing his formula. Ash stands up. Ash: Ah, gentlemen. I don't mean to be a downer or anything but… I'm sure I'll see you again soon. Dean glances back at Pamela and winks. She smiles back. He turns back to Ash. Dean: Well, keep a sixer on ice for us. Ash: (nods) Yeah. Ash opens the door and they walk through, Sam first. It's the house in Lawrence. It's dark, empty and kind of spooky. A train's whistle can be heard in the background. Dean: What the… Why we back home? Sam: I don't know. So what are we going to do? Dean: Keep looking for the road again, I guess. Behind Dean, Mary appears. She's in her nightgown, the Same one she was wearing the night she was k*lled. Mary: Honey. Why are you up? Dean: Look. I'm-I'm sorry. I love you but you're not real and we don't have time— Mary: Did you have another nightmare? Tell me. Dean: I gotta go. Mary: Then how 'bout I tell you my nightmare, Dean? The night I b*rned. As they watch, blood appears on the nightgown above Mary's stomach. Dean: (shaky) Sammy, let's get out of here. Mary: Don't you walk away from me. (Dean stops) I never loved you. You were my burden. I was shackled to you. Look what it got me. (She blinks and her eyes turn yellow.) Mary is staring at Dean with her yellow eyes. Dean is frozen in place. Sam: Dean. Dean finally turns to Sam. He looks devastated. Then the lights in the house change color, taking on an unhealthy green hue. The room changes around them; the doors are gone. Mary blinks and her eyes are her own again. Mary: The worst was the smell. The pain, well. What can you say about your skin bubbling off? But the smell was so… You know, for a second I thought I'd left a pot roast burning in the oven. But… it was my meat. Dean moves away from Mary, going to the wall to investigate where the doorway used to be. It's bricked over. Mary: And then, finally, I was d*ad. The one silver lining was that at least I was away from you. (She takes a big breath.) Everybody leaves you, Dean. You noticed? Mommy. Daddy. Even Sam. Sam looks very upset at her words but he doesn't say anything. Mary: You ever ask yourself why? Maybe it's not them. Maybe, it's you. (She Chuckles.) Zachariah: Easy now, kitten. Zachariah walks in behind Mary while she smiles in evil glee. Sam: (accusingly) You did this. Zachariah: And I'm just getting started. I mean, guys. Did you really think you could just sneak past me into Mission Control? Sam: You son of a bitch. Very large angel g*ons appear behind Sam and Dean, holding them easily in place. Zachariah: You know, I'd say the Same thing about you, Sam, but I have actually grown quite fond of your mother. Or at least the Blessed Memory of her. Zachariah moves Mary's hair then bends down and kisses her neck. Dean has to look away. Zachariah: I think we're going to be logging a lot of quality time together. I've discovered she's quite the... MILF. Dean: You can gloat all you want, you dick, you're still bald. Zachariah: In heaven, I have six wings and four faces, one of whom is a lion. You see this because you're… Zachariah breaks off to run his fingers down Mary's arm. It's Sam who can't watch this time. Zachariah: (continuing) ...limited. Zachariah snaps his fingers and the image of Mary disappears. Zachariah: Let's brass tack this, shall we? Dean: You gonna ball-gag us until we say yes? Huh, yeah, I've heard that one too. Zachariah steps up to Dean and slams his fist in Dean's stomach. Dean folds over with a pained groan. Zachariah: I'm going to do a lot more than that. I've cleared my schedule. Get him up. Zachariah punches Dean again. Sam struggles against the angel holding him. Zachariah: Let me tell you something. I was on the fast track once. Employee of the month, every month, forever. I would walk these halls and people would AVERT THEIR EYES! (The house rumbles and shakes.) I HAD ‘‘RESPECT''! And then they assigned me you. Now look at me. (He Chuckles unhappily.) I can't close the deal on a couple of flannel-wearing maggots? Everybody's laughing at me… and they're right to do it. So! Say yes, don't say yes; I'm still going to take it out of your asses. It's personal now, boys, and the last person in the history of creation you want as your enemy is me. And I'll tell you why. Lucifer may be strong, but I'm… ‘‘petty''. I'm going to be the angel on your shoulder for the rest of eternity. JOSHUA: Excuse me. Sir? Zachariah turns to face the newcomer. A slight, older, black man. Zachariah: I'm in a meeting. JOSHUA: I'm sorry. I need to speak to those two. Zachariah: (shocked) Excuse me? JOSHUA: It's a bad time, I know, but I'm afraid I have to insist. Zachariah: You don't get to insist jack-squat. The newcomer doesn't back down, just stares at Zachariah. It seems to unnerve him. JOSHUA: No, you're right. But the boss does. His orders. Zachariah: (uncertain) You're lying. JOSHUA: I wouldn't lie about this. Look, f*re me if you want. Sooner or later, he's going to come back home and you know how he is with that whole wrath thing. Zachariah looks at Dean and Sam. He looks back at Joshua but Joshua doesn't back down. There's the fluttering of wings and the next look we get, Zachariah and his g*ons have disappeared. Dean and Sam move closer to each other, staring at the new angel. The camera turns towards Joshua and… They are no longer in the house with its creepy green lighting. They are in a verdant, green garden—a conservatory. They are surrounded with the sounds of a forest. They walk down stone steps, approaching Joshua. Sam: This is heaven's Garden? Dean: It's-it's nice… ish. I guess. JOSHUA: You see what you want to here. For some it's God's throne room; for others it's Eden. You two, I believe it's the Cleveland Botanical Gardens. You came here on a field trip. Sam nods in agreement and remembrance. Sam: You're Joshua. JOSHUA: (nods) I'm Joshua. Sam: So, you talk to God. JOSHUA: Mostly, He talks to me. Sam: Well, we need to speak to Him. It's important. Dean: Where is he? JOSHUA: On Earth. Dean: Doing what? JOSHUA: I don't know. Sam: Do you know where on Earth? JOSHUA: No, sorry. We don't exactly speak face-to-face. Dean: I… I don't get it. God's not talking to nobody so… JOSHUA: Why's he talking to me. I sometimes think it's because I can sympathize—gardener to gardener—and, between us, I think he gets lonely. Dean: (disgusted) Well, my heart's breaking for him. Sam: (interrupting) Well, can you at least get him a message for us? JOSHUA: Actually, he has a message for you. Back off. Dean: What? JOSHUA: He knows already. Everything you want to tell him. Dean: But… JOSHUA: He knows what the angels are doing. He knows that the Apocalypse has g*n. He just doesn't think it's his problem. Dean: (stunned) Not his problem? JOSHUA: God saved you already. He put you on that plane. He brought back Castiel. He granted you salvation in heaven (he turns to face Sam directly) and after everything you've done too. It's more than he's intervened in a long time. He's finished. Magic amulet or not, you won't be able to find him. Dean: But he can stop it. He can stop all of it. JOSHUA: I suppose he could, but he won't. Dean: Why not? JOSHUA: Why does he allow evil in the first place? You could drive yourself nuts asking questions like that. Dean: So he's just going to sit back and watch the world burn? JOSHUA: I know how important this was to you, Dean. I'm sorry. Dean: (emotional) Forget it. Just another d*ad-b*at dad with a bunch of excuses, right. I'm used to that. I'll muddle through. JOSHUA: Except… you don't know if you can, this time. You can't k*ll the Devil, and you're losing faith, in yourself, your brother, and now this? Sam looks at Dean. He's realizing just how desperate and depressed Dean really is. JOSHUA: God was your last hope. I just… I wish I could tell you something different. Sam: (concerned) How do we know you're telling the truth? JOSHUA: You think that I would lie? Sam: It's just that… you're not exactly the first angel we've met. JOSHUA: I'm rooting for you boys! I wish I could do more to help you, I do! But... I just trim the hedges. Dean: So what now. JOSHUA: You go home again. I'm afraid this time, won't be like the last. This time, God wants you (he lifts a hand) to remember. There's a whooshing sound and a bright light, similar to the one at the convent, blinds them. The sound of a tractor-trailer accelerating is heard. The camera pans over the Same collection of empty beer cans as was seen at the beginning. Dean and Sam are lying on their beds, lifeless. The whooshing sound is heard and Sam's eyes open. He sucks in a huge breath and sits up in shock. He pants. The whooshing is heard again and Dean sits up on his bed. He coughs and looks down at his chest. Sam: You alright? Dean: Define alright. Dean reaches over and picks up his cell phone. He stands up as he dials and we see his back is covered in blood from the exit wounds. Castiel, looking lost and without hope, leans against the divider while Dean and Sam pack up their gear in the background. Castiel: Maybe… maybe Joshua was lying. The brothers look at him. Dean already has on his jacket; his bag is packed. Sam: I don't think he was, Cas. I'm sorry. (He sighs.) Dean watches as Castiel moves into the entryway. Castiel looks up. Castiel: You son of a bitch. I believed in… Dean looks as if he wants to approach Castiel. Castiel searches above for any sign, anything… There is nothing. He turns back to the brothers, looking at Dean. He pulls the amulet from his pocket. Castiel: I don't need this anymore. Castiel tosses it to Dean who shakes it out so we can see what it is. Castiel: It's worthless. Castiel turns away. Sam: Cas. Wait. The sound of wings is heard and Castiel is gone. Sam tosses his shirt on the bed angrily. Dean hasn't looked up from the amulet in his hands. Sam: We'll find another way. We can still stop all this, Dean. Dean: (finally looking up) How? Sam: I don't know, but we'll find it. You and me, we'll find it. Dean doesn't look like he believes him and Sam knows it. Dean picks up his bag and walks past Sam without saying anything. He doesn't even look at Sam. At the door he pauses and drops the amulet in the trash. He opens the door and leave. Behind him, Sam takes a deep breath. He looks sad, but determined. END Created 21 February 2011 from aired episode
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "05x16 - Dark Side of the Moon"}
Air Date: 15 April 2010 THEN INT. BAR – DAY Zachariah: I was on the fast track once. Employee of the month, every month, forever. And then they assigned me you. I can't close a deal on a couple of pathetic flannel-wearing maggots? Everybody's laughing at me. Dean: We're John Winchester's sons. ADAM I've got brothers? Dean: Adam doesn't have to be cursed. Sam: He's a Winchester. He's already cursed. Sam: You're not Adam. You've never been Adam. You're a ghoul! JOSHUA You can't k*ll the devil. You're losing faith. In yourself. Your brother. God was your last hope. Sam: Are you gonna do something stupid? Dean: Like what? Sam: Like Michaelstupid. Lisa: Whatever you're thinking of doing, don't do it. Dean: I have to. NOW INT. BAR - NIGHT STUART Let me guess. Pink-slipped? Zachariah: That obvious, huh? STUART Hmm. It takes one to know one. STUART "Outsourcing." What was your crime against humanity? Zachariah: Deal of the millennium. Couldn't even get the one simple ‘yes' I needed. Got to nail that bottom line, right? STUART I hear that. Zachariah: That's all they care about upstairs, ain't it? Results, results, results. They don't know. They're not down on the ground, in the mud, nose to nose with all you pig-filthy humans, am I right? STUART Absolute—filthy what? Zachariah: I mean, what ever happened to personal loyalty? How long have I worked for these guys? Five millennia? Six? STUART Seems like it, don't it? Zachariah: God–damned straight, it does. Zachariah: Two more. Zachariah: Zack. STUART Stuart. Zachariah: What are you going to do next, Stuart? STUART Hell, I don't know. Maybe something to do with the Internet. Zachariah: Yeah? STUART Whoa. Earthquake? Zachariah: No. My boss. The bar shakes, bottles start to fall over, glass shatters, and there is the ear-piercing sound of an angel's true voice. Zachariah: Go ahead! Get it over with. I'm ready. STUART and THE BARKEEPER scream as their eyes are b*rned out and they die. Zachariah: Wait, what? Yes! Anything, of course! Just—just put me back in. You won't regret it. Zachariah: Thank you! Thank you! The noise fades, the blinding white light diminishes, and Zachariah drains his glass. Zachariah: Ah. Back in business, boys! *singing* Oh when the Saints go marching in, oh when the Saints… SUPERNATURAL INT. MOTEL – NIGHT Dean packs away his belongings in a box, including his leather jacket, his keys, his g*n, and a letter. He marks the box for Robert SINGER after he tapes it shut. Sam: Sending someone a candy-gram? Dean: How'd you find me? Sam: You're going to k*ll yourself, right? It's not too hard to figure out the stops on the Farewell Tour. How's Lisa doing, anyways? Dean: I'm not going to k*ll myself. Sam: No? So Michael's notabout to make you his Muppet? What the hell, man? This is how it ends? You just…walk out? Dean: Yeah, I guess. Sam: How could you do that? Dean: How could I? All you've everdone is run away. Sam: And I was wrong. Every single time I did. Sam: Just…please. Not now. Bobby is working on something. Dean: Oh, really? What? Sam doesn't answer. Dean: You got nothing and you know it. Sam: You know I have to stop you. Dean: Yeah, well, you can try. Just remember: You're not all hopped up on demon blood this time. Sam: Yeah, I know. But I brought help. Dean turns around to find Castiel standing behind him. Castiel touches his fingers to Dean's forehead, knocking him out. INT. Bobby's STUDY – DAY Dean: Yeah, no, this is good. Really. You know, eight months of turned pages and screwed pooches but tonight, tonight's when the magic happens. Bobby: You ain't helpin'. Dean: Yeah, well, why don't you let me get out of your hair, then? Bobby: What the hell happened to you? Dean: Reality happened. Nuclear's the only option we have left. Michael can ice the devil, save a boatload of people. Bobby: But not allof them. We gotta think of something else. Dean: Yeah, well, that's easy for you to say. But if Lucifer burns this mother down, and I coulda done something about it, guess what? That's on me. Bobby: You can't give up, son. Dean: You're not my father. And you ain't in my shoes. Bobby pulls out a g*n out of his desk and sets it on the table. He takes a b*llet out of his pocket and looks at it. Dean: What is that? Bobby: That's the round that I mean to put through my skull. Bobby sets the b*llet down on his desk in front of him. Bobby: Every morning, I look at it. I think, "Maybe today's the day I flip the lights out." But I don't do it. I [i]never[i]do it. You know why? Because I promised [i]you[i]I wouldn't give up! Castiel grasps his head and hunches over in pain. Sam: Cas, you okay? Castiel: No. Sam: What's wrong? Castiel: Something's happening. Dean: Where? Castiel disappears. Wind throws papers around the room. EXT. WOODS – DAY Castiel looks around, begins walking towards a clearing in fallen trees. The ground is pulsing like it's alive. Castiel reaches to touch it, but is att*cked from behind. Castiel stakes his two assailants and goes back to that area of ground. A hand reaches up, and Castiel pulls out the body of ADAM MILLIGAN. INT. Bobby's KITCHEN – DAY Dean: I'm gonna get a beer, do you mind? Sam moves out of the way of the fridge. INT. Bobby's STUDY – DAY Wind blows papers and Castiel appears with ADAM's body. Castiel: Help. Bobby: Boys! Castiel lays ADAM down on the cot. Bobby: Who is it? Sam: That's our brother. INT. Bobby's STUDY – DAY Bobby: Wait a minute. Your brother? Adam? Dean: Cas, what the hell? Castiel: Angels. Sam: Angels? Why? Castiel: I know one thing for sure. We need to hide him now. Castiel puts his hand to ADAM's chest and brands the Enochian symbols on his ribs to hide him from angels. ADAM wakes up. ADAM Where am I? Sam: It's okay. Just relax, you're safe. ADAM Who the hell are you? Dean: You're going to find this a little...a lot crazy, but we're actually your brothers. Sam: It's the truth. John Winchester was our father, too. See, I'm Sam-- ADAM Yeah, and I'm sure that's Dean. I know who you are. Sam: How? ADAM They warned me about you. Dean: Who did? ADAM The angels. Now where the hell is Zachariah? Dean: So why don't you just tell us everything? Start from the beginning. ADAM Well, I was d*ad and in Heaven. 'Cept it—it uh, kinda looked like my prom and I was making out with this girl, her name was Kristin McGee-- Dean: Yeah, that sounds like heaven. Did you get to third base? Sam: Just uh, just keep going. ADAM Well, these…these angels, they popped out of nowhere, and they tell me that I—I'm chosen. Sam: For what? ADAM To save the world. Dean: How you gonna do that? ADAM Oh, me and some archangel are going to k*ll the devil. Dean: What archangel? ADAM Michael. I'm his uh, sword or vessel or something, I don't know. Dean: Well, that's insane. Castiel: Not necessarily. Dean: How do you mean? Castiel: Maybe they're moving on from you, Dean. Dean: Well that doesn't make sense. Castiel: He is John Winchester's bloodline, Sam's brother. It's not perfect, but it's possible. Dean: Well you gotta be kidding me. Sam: Why would they do this? Castiel: Maybe they're desperate. Maybe they [i]wrongly[i]assumed Dean would be brave enough to withstand them. Dean: Alright, you know what? Blow me, Cas. Sam: Look, no way. After everything that's happened? All that crap about destiny? Suddenly the angels have a Plan B? Does that smell right to anybody? ADAM You know this has been a [i]really[i]moving family reunion, but uh, I got a thing, so— Sam: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, no, no, no. Sit down. Just listen, okay? Please. ADAM It's unbelievable. Sam: Now, Adam…the angels are [i]lying[i]to you. They're full of crap. ADAM Yeah, I don't think so. Sam: Really. Why not? ADAM Um, 'cause they're [i]angels[i]. Sam: They tell you they were gonna roast half the planet? ADAM They said the fight might get pretty hairy, but it is the devil, right? So we got to stop him. Sam: Yeah, but there's another way. ADAM Great. What is it? Dean: We're working on "the power of love." ADAM How's that going? Dean: Mmm. Not good. Sam: Look, Adam…You don't know me from a hole in the wall, I know. But I'm begging you. Please, just trust me. Give me some time. ADAM Give me one good reason. Sam: Because we're blood. ADAM You've got no right to say that to me. Bobby: You're still John's boy. ADAM No, John Winchester was some guy who took me to a baseball game once a year. I don't have a dad. So we may be blood, but we are not family. My mom is my family. And if I do my job, I get to see her again. So no offense, but she's the one I give a rat's ass about, not you. Sam: Fair enough. But if you have one good memory of dad, just one, then you'll give us a little more time. Please. ADAM is playing with a half-eaten sandwich. He sees Bobby turn around in his chair, and looks at the door in the kitchen to escape. Sam: Going somewhere? ADAM Out for a...beer. Sam: Great. We got beer. Have a seat. ADAM Great. You know, you pitched this whole dewy-eyed bromance thing, but the truth is, I'm on lockdown, aren't I? Sam: Adam, you may not believe it, but dad was trying to protect you. Keeping you from all of this. ADAM Yeah well, I guess the monster that ate me didn't get that memo. Sam: You remember that? ADAM Oh yeah. Sam: Still, trust me. The one thing worse than seeing dad once a year was seeing him [i]all[i]year. ADAM Do you know how full of crap you are? Sam: What? ADAM Really. You see, it was me and it was my mom. That's it. She worked the graveyard shift at the hospital. I cooked my own dinners. I put myself to bed. So you can say whatever you want about our dad, but the truth is, I would have taken anything. Sam nods his head a little. ADAM Alright? Sam: Look, if we had known we had a brother— ADAM Well, you didn't, so… Sam: —We would have found you. ADAM scoffs and shakes his head. Sam: Look, I can't change the past. I wish I could. But from here on out— ADAM What? We gonna hop in the family truckster? Pop on down to Wally World? Sam: Tell you one thing, with an attitude like that, you would have fit right in around here. INT. Bobby's PANIC ROOM - DAY Dean: Well, Cas, not for nothing, but the last person who looked at me like that…I got laid. Sam: Uh, why don't you, uh, go keep an eye on Adam? Dean: Is this really necessary? Sam: Well, I mean, we got our hands full, Dean... A house full of flight risks. Dean: I'm not letting him do it. Sam: Who, Adam? No, I'm... I'm not, either. Dean: No, you're not getting me. Sam: Oh, no, no, I "get" you perfectly. But I'm not letting you do it, either. Dean: That kid's not taking a b*llet for me. Sam: Dean… Dean: I'm serious. I mean, think about how many people we've gotten k*lled, Sam. Mom, Dad, Jess, Jo, Ellen. Should I keep going? Sam: It's not like we pulled the trigger. Dean: We might as well have. I'm tired, man. I'm tired of fighting who I'm supposed to be. Sam: Well, do you think maybe you could take a half a second and stop trying to sacrifice yourself for a change? Maybe we could actually stick together? Dean: I don't think so. Sam: Why not? Dean, seriously. Tell me. I—I want to know. Dean: I just…I—I don't believe. Sam: In what? Dean: In you. I mean, I don't. I don't know whether it's gonna be demon blood or some other demon chick or what, but…I do know they're gonna find a way to turn you. Sam: So you're saying I'm not strong enough. Dean: You're angry, you're self-righteous. Lucifer's gonna wear you to the prom, man. It's just a matter of time. Sam: Don't say that to me. Not you...of all people. Dean: I don't want to. But it's the truth. And when Satan takes you over, there's got to be somebody there to fight him, and it ain't gonna be that kid. So, it's got to be me. INT. Bobby's STUDY – DAY Bobby: How's he doing? Sam shrugs and scoffs. Bobby: How [i]you[i]doing? Sam nods slightly. INT. Bobby's BASEMENT – DAY Castiel goes downstairs to check on Dean. He hears a crash and goes to the panic room door. Castiel: Dean? Dean? Dean: Cas. Dean has an angel banishing sigil drawn on the inside of a cabinet. He presses his hand to it, sending Castiel away screaming. Dean escapes. INT. Bobby's STUDY – DAY Bobby: Where's Cas? Sam: Blown to Oz. Sam: Look, I'll get Dean. He couldn't have gone too far. Just watch Adam. Bobby: How? You may have noticed, he's got a slight height advantage. Sam: Then cuff him to your chair. I don't know. Just watch him. EXT. PARK – DAY (IN ADAM's DREAM) ADAM is sitting on a park bench, looking out at the playground when Zachariah appears sitting next to him. Zachariah: You're mom's not coming, you know. This is the park where your mom took you on her day off, right? She's not coming. Not yet. But she will…soon. ADAM You're Zachariah, right? Zachariah: I am. You weren't where you were supposed to be, kid. ADAM Yeah, I know. Zachariah: Can't quite zero in on you, either. So, let me take a wild guess. You're with Sam and Dean? ADAM Yeah. Zachariah: Didn't we tell you about them? ADAM nods. Zachariah: So you know you can't trust them, right? You know Sam and Dean Winchester are psychotically, irrationally, erotically codependent on each other, right? ADAM I don't know. They said a few things about you. Zachariah: Really? Trust me, kid, when the heat gets hot, they're not gonna give a flying crap about you. Hell, they'd rather save each other's sweet bacon than save the planet. They're not your family. Understand? Now...you want to see your mom again or not? INT. Bobby's STUDY – NIGHT ADAM jolts awake from his dream. EXT. STREET - NIGHT PREACHER The end is nigh! The apocalypse is upon us! The angels talk to me, and they asked me to talk to you! The apocalypse— Dean: Hey! I'm Dean Winchester. Do you know who I am? PREACHER Dear God. Dean: I'll take that as a yes. Listen, I need you to pray to your angel buddies and let them know that I'm here. The PREACHER falls to his knees in prayer. PREACHER Our father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name— Castiel: You pray too loud. Castiel touches the PREACHER and he falls to the ground, unconscious. He drags Dean into the nearby alley and beats him up. Dean: What, are you crazy? Castiel: I rebelled for this?! So that you could surrender to them? Dean: Cas! Please! Castiel: I gave everything for you. And this is what you give to me. Dean: Do it. Just do it! Castiel unclenches his fist and touches Dean's shoulder, knocking him out. INT. Bobby's STUDY – NIGHT Sam: Bobby, what do you mean, "Adam is gone?" Bobby: Should I say it in Spanish? Sam: He's gone how? What the hell, Bobby?! Bobby: Watch your tone, boy. He was right in front of me, and he disappeared into thin air. Castiel appears carrying a bloody and battered Dean. Castiel: Because the angels took him. Sam: What the hell happened to him? Castiel: Me. Bobby: What do you mean, the angels took Adam? You branded his ribs, didn't you? Castiel: Yes. Adam must have tipped them. Bobby: How? Castiel: I don't know. Maybe in a dream. Sam: Well, where would they have taken him? INT. ANGEL GREEN ROOM – NIGHT There is a table with beer and burgers piled high. ADAM grabs a burger and digs in. Zachariah: I see you and your brother share the Same refined palate. ADAM Ah. So, uh… We ready? Zachariah: For what? ADAM What do you mean, for what? For Michael. Zachariah: Oh. Right. About that…Look, this is never easy, but I'm afraid…we've had to terminate your position at this time. ADAM Excuse me? Zachariah: Hey, don't get me wrong. You've been a hell of a sport, really. Good stuff. But the thing is, you're not so much the "chosen one" as you are…a clammy scrap of bait. ADAM No…but what about the stuff that you said? I'm supposed to fight the devil. Zachariah: Mmm, not so much. Hey, if it's any consolation, you happen to be the illegitimate half-brother of the guy we do care about. That's not bad, is it? ADAM So you lied…about everything. Zachariah: We didn't lie. We just avoided certain truths to manipulate you. ADAM Oh, you son of a bitch. Zachariah: Hey, how do you think Ifeel? I'm the one that's got to put up with that dumb, slack-jawed look on your face. Kid, we didn't have a choice. The Winchesters got oneblind spot, and it's family. See, Sam and Dean, they're gonna put aside their differences and they're gonna come get you, and that is gonna put Dean right…here…Right where I need him. This is the night, kid! Ournight. Michael's seen it. The tumblers finally click into place, and it's all because of you. And me. But who's keeping score? ADAM Yeah, I'm not gonna let you do this. Zachariah: Cool your jets, corky. Sit down. We're doing it together. Plus, you still get your severance. You still get to see your mom, okay? ADAM Why should I believe you? Zachariah: You know what? I keep hearing this. Zachariah makes his hand do a talking motion. Zachariah: But what I want to be hearing is this. Zachariah closes his hand-mouth and causes ADAM to fall on the table, spitting up blood. Zachariah: Yeah. That's better. INT. Bobby's PANIC ROOM - NIGHT Dean is handcuffed to a cot. Sam: How you feeling? Dean: Word to the wise: don't piss off the nerd angels. So how's it going? Sam: Adam's gone. The angels have him. Dean: Where? Sam: The room where they took you. Dean: You sure? Sam: Cas did a re-con. Dean: And? Sam: And the place is crawling with mooks…Pretty much a no-sh*t-in-hell, hail-Mary kind of thing. Dean: Ah, so the usual. What are you going to do? Sam: For starters…I'm bringing you with. Dean: Excuse me? Sam unlocks Dean's handcuffs, releasing him. Sam: There are too many of them. We can't do it alone. And uh, you're pretty much the only game in town. Dean: Isn't that a bad idea? Sam: Cas and Bobby think so. I'm not so sure. Dean: Well, they're right. Because either it's a trap to get me there to make me say yes, or it's not a trap and I'm gonna say yes anyway. And I will. I'll do it. Fair warning. Sam: No, you won't. When push shoves, you'll make the right call. Dean: You know, if tables were turned…I'd let you rot in here. Hell, I havelet you rot in here. Sam: Yeah, well…I guess I'm not that smart. Dean: I—I don't get it. Sam, why are you doing this? Sam: Because… you're still my big brother. EXT. OUTSIDE AN ABANDONED WAREHOUSE– DAY Dean: Where the hell are we? Castiel: Van Nuys, California. Dean: Where's the beautiful room? Castiel: In there. Dean: The beautiful room is in an abandoned muffler factory in Van Nuys, California? Castiel: Where'd you think it was? Dean: I—I don't know. Jupiter? A blade of grass? Not Van Nuys. Sam: Tell me again why you don't just grab Adam and shazam the hell out of there. Castiel: Because there are at least five angels in there. Dean: So? You're fast. Castiel: They're faster. Castiel takes off his tie and wraps it around his palm. Castiel: I'll clear them out. You two grab the boy. This is our only chance. Dean: Whoa, wait. You're gonna take on five angels? Castiel: Yes. Dean: Isn't that su1c1de? Castiel: Maybe it is. But then I won't have to watch you fail. I'm sorry, Dean. I don't have the Same faith in you that Sam does. Castiel pulls a box cutter out of his trench-coat pocket. Sam: What the hell are you gonna do with that? INT. WAREHOUSE – DAY Castiel walks into the warehouse and the door closes behind him. He walks towards a room and is att*cked from behind by an angels. He kills one, drops his sword, and taunts the rest. Castiel: What are you waiting for? Come on. As the angels close in on Castiel, he rips open his shirt showing an angel banishing sigil carved onto his chest. He presses his palm into it, sending all the angels, including himself, away. EXT. WAREHOUSE - DAY Dean and Sam enter the warehouse through the Same door Castiel did. Dean finds the one slain angel and goes into the room. INT. ANGEL GREEN ROOM - DAY Dean sees ADAM on the floor against the opposite wall. He hurries to his side to help him leave. Dean: Adam, hey. Hey. ADAM You came for me. Dean: Yeah, well, you're family. ADAM Dean, it's a trap. Dean: I figured. Zachariah: Dean, please. Did you really think it would be that easy? Dean: Did you? Sam comes at Zachariah from behind with an angel-k*lling sword. Zachariah knocks it out of his hand and throws Sam against a screen. Dean: Sam! Zachariah: You know what I've learned from this experience, Dean? Patience. Zachariah waves his hand and ADAM falls to the floor, coughing up blood. Dean: Adam? Let him go, you son of a bitch. Zachariah: I mean, I thought I was downsized for sure. And for us, a f*ring...pretty damn literal. But I should have trusted the boss man. It's all playing out like he said...You, me, your hemorrhaging brothers. Zachariah turns his fist in Sam's direction, causing him to cough up blood like ADAM. Zachariah: You're finally ready, right? Dean looks from Zachariah to Sam and ADAM who are lying on the floor, still coughing up blood. Zachariah: You know there's no other choice. There's never been a choice. Dean: Stop it. Stop it right now! Zachariah: In exchange for what? Dean: Damn it, Zachariah. Stop it, please. I'll do it. Zachariah: I'm sorry. What was that? Dean: Okay, yes. The answer is yes. Sam: Dean! Dean: Do you hear me? Call Michael down, you bastard! Zachariah: How do I know you're not lying? Dean: Do I look like I'm lying? Zachariah turns and speaks in Enochian, summoning the archangel Michael. Zachariah: [i]Zodiredo…noco…aberamage…nazodpesade… [i]He's coming. Sam gives Dean a questioning look. Dean winks at Sam. Dean: Of course, I have a few conditions. Zachariah: What? Dean: The few people whose safety you have to guarantee before I say yes. Zachariah: Sure, fine. Make a list. Dean: But most of all…Michael can't have me until he disintegrates you. Zachariah: What did you say? Dean: I said…before Michael gets one piece of this sweet ass…he has to turn you into a piece of charcoal. Zachariah: You really think Michael's gonna go for that? Dean: Who's more important to him now? You…or me? Zachariah: You listen to me. You are nothing but a maggot inside a worm's ass. Do you know who I am…after I deliver you to Michael? Dean: Expendable. Zachariah: Michael's not gonna k*ll [i]me[i]. Dean: Maybe not. But [i]I[i]am. Dean s*ab an angel-k*lling sword into ZACHARIAH's head through his chin. Dean falls to the ground. White light and the ear-piercing noise indicate Michael is coming. Dean: Can you walk? ADAM Yeah. Dean: Okay, come on. Dean helps ADAM up and runs over to Sam. Dean: Come on, move it! The green room's door slams shut behind Sam and Dean, leaving ADAM locked inside. ADAM No! Dean! Help! It won't open! Dean leaves Sam and attempts to open the green room's door from the outside. He is b*rned when he touches the knob. ADAM Dean, help! Dean! Dean: Hold on! We'll get you out. Just hold on. Adam! Can you hear me?! The green room is filled with white light. Outside, it fades, and Dean can touch the door. He opens it to find it an abandoned office. Dean: Adam? EXT. Impala, HIGHWAY - NIGHT Sam: You think Adam's okay? Dean: Doubt it. Cas either. But we'll get ‘em. Sam: So. Dean: "So" what? Sam: I saw your eyes. You were totally rockin' the "yes" back there. So, what changed your mind? Dean: Honestly? The damnedest thing. I mean, the world's ending. The walls are coming down on us, and I look over to you and all I can think about is, "this stupid son of a bitch [i]brought[i]me here." I just didn't want to let you down. Sam: You didn't. You [i]almost[i]did. But you didn't. Dean: I owe you an apology. Sam: No, man. No, you don't. Dean: Just...let me say this. I don't know if it's being a big brother or what, but to me, you've always been this snot-nosed kid that I've had to keep on the straight and narrow. I think we both know that that's not you anymore. I mean, hell, if you're grown-up enough to find faith in me…the least I can do is return the favor. So screw destiny, right in the face. I say we take the fight to them, and do it our way. Sam: Sounds good.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "05x18 - Point of No Return"}
Air Date: May 6, 2010 Teaser INT. SERENITY VALLEY CONVALESCENT HOME CELESTE Dr. Green, how was your trip? Dr. GREEN Oh, very productive. And how are we tonight, Celeste, my favorite patient? The nurse says you can't sleep. CELESTE Oh, I just feel worse and worse. Dr. GREEN Well, that's because you're suffering from a combination of the common cold...Dengue fever...and a nasty, nasty case of Japanese encephalitis. CELESTE What are you...I'm sorry. I -- Dr. GREEN Oh, you heard me. Oh, and look at that. You never had chicken pox as a child. Oh, this is gonna be fascinating. CELESTE But I --h-how could I...have all those diseases at once? Dr. GREEN Well, it's a proprietary blend. I mix it up in a petri dish --The petri dish being...You. Try and relax. It'll be all right. CELESTE Are you...Gonna c-cure me? Dr. GREEN No. You're going to die. In four, three...two... ( Celeste vomits green goop onto Dr. Green and dies) Dr. GREEN Interesting. ACT 1 INT. Bobby's HOUSE Dean: What the hell is wrong with you? Sam: Dean -- Dean: ...no, don't "Dean" me. I mean, you -- you have had some stupid ideas in the past, But this --(to Bobby) d-did you know about this? Bobby: What? Dean: About Sam's genius plan to cram the devil down his throat. (Bobby nods) Dean: Well, thanks for the heads up! Bobby: Hey, this ain't about me. Dean: You can't do this. Sam: That's the consensus. Dean: All right. Awesome. Then, end of discussion. (Dean's phone rings) This isn't over. Hello? Castiel: Dean? Dean: Cass? Sam: Is he okay? Dean: We all thought you were d*ad. Where the hell are you, man? (cut to Castiel in a hospital bed) Castiel: A hospital. Dean: Are you okay? Castiel No. Dean: You want to elaborate? Castiel I just woke up here. The Doctors were fairly surprised. They thought I was brain-d*ad. Dean: S-so, a hospital? Castiel Apparently, after Van Nuys, I suddenly appeared, bloody and unconscious, on a shrimping boat off Delacroix. I'm told it upset the sailors. Dean: Uh, well, I got to tell you, man -- You're just in time. We figured out a way to pop Satan's box. Castiel How? Dean: It's a long story, but, look --we're going after Pestilence now. So if you want to zap over here... Castiel I can't "zap" anywhere. Dean: What do you mean? Castiel You could say my batteries are -- are drained. Dean: What do you mean? You're out of angel mojo? Castiel I'm saying that I am thirsty and my head aches. I have a bug bite that itches no matter how much I scratch it, and I'm saying that I'm just incredibly... Dean: Human. Wow. Sorry. Castiel Well, my point is -- I can't go anywhere without money for...an airplane ride. And food. And more pain medication, ideally. Dean: All right. Well, look, no worries. Uh, Bobby's here. He'll wire you the cash. Castiel: Dean, wait. Bobby: I will? Castiel You said "no" to Michael. I owe you an apology. Dean: Cass...I-it's okay. Castiel You are not the burnt and broken shell of a man that I believed you to be. Dean: Thank you. I appreciate that. Castiel You're welcome. EXT. Bobby's YARD (Sam & Dean get into the Impala) Bobby: Be careful. (Sam & Dean leave in the Impala) EXT. SERENITY VALLEY CONVALESCENT HOME (Sam & Dean watch the home from the Impala) Dean: So this is Dr. Evil's lair, huh? Sam: It's kind of more depressing than evil. Dean: It's like a four-color brochure for dying young. Of course, to Pestilence, it's probably Dollywood in there. Sam: Great. A whole building full of people. We don't know who's human, who's demon, and who's pestilence. So what do we do? Dean: Hang on. INT. SERENITY VALLEY CONVALESCENT HOME Dean: Hey. Hi. Uh, I'm looking for my Nana. Uh, her name is Eunice Kennedy. SECURITY Guard Go around front and see the nurse. Dean: You mind just helping me out, sir? Uh, she's about, uh, about that small and gray hair, wears diapers. (Dean knocks out security guard) Sam: Eunice Kennedy? Dean: That's the beauty about improv, Sammy. You never know what's gonna come out of your mouth. Sam: So, what are --(Sam sees Dean drifting off to sleep and taps his arm) Hey. What are we even looking for? Dean: Well, he's Pestilence, so he probably looks sick. Sam: Everybody looks sick. (pointing at distortion on the monitor) Hey. Dean: Oh, now we're talking. INT. CELESTE's ROOM CELESTE Dr. Green, how was your trip? Dr. GREEN Oh, very productive. And how are we tonight, Celeste, my favorite patient? Demon Nurse Sir...The Winchesters are here. We should go. Dr. GREEN Are you kidding me? Demon Nurse They have a track record with horsemen. Dr. GREEN You mean my brothers. What they did to my brothers. No. The only reasonable thing to do here is to...take it out of their healthy young asses. Demon Nurse We're under strict orders not to k*ll the vessels. Dr. GREEN Oh, if Satan wants them so bad, (yelling) he can glue them back together! (beckoning nurse closer) Come. Come. Now then. Doctor: Page me if she's dying. (Doctor vomits and falls to the floor, the nurse next to him breaks out in spots and starts gasping) (Sam and Dean round the corner and find the bodies of the Doctor and nurse. Sam coughs up blood) Sam: Ugh...Must be getting close. Dean: You think? (Dean starts to sink to the floor) Sam: Dean?(Sam tries to help Dean , but stumbles and Dean falls to the floor) Get up. Demon Nurse The Doctor will see you now. Dr. GREEN / PESTILENCE Sam. Dean. (Sam holds his Kn*fe up, but then keels over and falls to the floor) Come right in. ACT 2 INT. SERENITY VALLEY CONVALESCENT HOME PESTILENCE Hmm. You boys don't look well. It might be the, uh, Scarlet fever. Or, uh, the meningitis. Oh! Or the syphilis. That's no fun. However you feel right now? It's gonna get so very, very much worse. Questions? Disease gets a bad rap, don't you think? For being filthy. Chaotic. Uh, but, really, t-that just describes people who get sick. Disease itself... Very...Pure...Single-minded. Bacteria have one purpose --divide and conquer. (Pestilence steps on Dean's hand) That's why, in the end...It always wins. So, you've got to wonder why God pours all his love into something so messy...And weak.It's ridiculous. All I can do is show him he's wrong, one epidemic at a time. Now... On a scale of 1 to 10, how's your pain? (Door opens, Castiel enters) Dean: Cass. PESTILENCE How'd you get here? Castiel: I took a bus. Don't worry, I --(Castiel falls to the floor, coughing) PESTILENCE Well, look at that. An occupied vessel, but powerless. Oh, that's fascinating. There's not a speck of angel in you, is there? (Castiel grabs Sam's Kn*fe and cuts off Pestilence's ring finger and pinky finger) PESTILENCE Oh! Castiel: Maybe just a speck. PESTILENCE It doesn't matter. It's too late. INT. Bobby's HOUSE Bobby: Well, it's nice to actually score a home run for once, ain't it? What? Sam: Last thing Pestilence said. "it's too late." Bobby: He get specific? Sam: No. Dean: We're just a little freaked out that he might have left a b*mb somewhere. So please tell us you have actual good news. Bobby: Chicago's about to be wiped off the map. Storm of the millennium. Sets off a daisy chain of natural disasters. Three million people are gonna die. Dean: Huh. Castiel: I don't understand your definition of good news. Bobby: Well...Death, the horseman -- he's gonna be there. And if we can stop him before he kick-starts this storm, get his ring back -- Dean: Yeah, you make it sound so easy. Bobby: Hell, I'm just trying to put a spin on it. Sam: Well...Bobby, h-how'd you put all this together, anyways? Bobby: I had, you know...Help. CROWLEY Don't be so modest. I barely helped at all. Hello, boys. Pleasure, et cetera. Go ahead. Tell them. There's no shame in it. Sam: Bobby? Tell us what? Bobby: World's gonna end. Seems stupid to get all precious over one little...Soul. Dean: You sold your soul? CROWLEY Oh, more like pawned it. I fully intend to give it back. Dean: Well, then give it back! CROWLEY I will. Dean: Now! Sam: Did you kiss him? Dean: Sam! Sam: Just wondering. Bobby: No! (Crowley holds out his phone which has a picture of him and Bobby kissing on it) Why'd you take a picture? CROWLEY Why do you have to use tongue? Dean: All right. You know what? I'm sick of this. Give him his soul back now. CROWLEY I'm sorry. I can't. Dean: Can't or won't? CROWLEY I won't, all right? It's insurance. Dean: What are you talking about? CROWLEY You k*ll demons. Gigantor over there has a temper issue about it. But you won't k*ll me... As long as I have that soul in the deposit box. Bobby: You son of a bitch. CROWLEY I'll return it. After all this is over, and I can walk safely away. Do we all understand each other? EXT. Bobby's YARD Dean: Let me guess. We're about to have a talk. Sam: Look, Dean, um...For the record...I agree with you. About me. You think I'm too weak to take on Lucifer. Well, so do I. Believe me, I know exactly how screwed up I am. You, Bobby, Cass...I'm the least of any of you. Dean: Oh, Sam... Sam: No, it's true. It is. But...I'm also all we got. If there was another way...But I don't think there is. There's just me. So I don't know what else to do. Except just try t-to do what's got to be done. CROWLEY And...Scene. There's something you need to see. (hands newspaper to Sam) Sam: (reads from newspaper) Niveus pharmaceuticals is rushing delivery of its new swine-flu vaccine to "stem the tide of the unprecedented outbreak." Uh, shipments leave Wednesday. CROWLEY Niveus pharmaceuticals. Get it? You two are lucky you have your looks. Your demon lover, Brady? V.P. of distribution, Niveus. Ah, yes, that the sound of the abacus clacking? We all caught up? Dean: So, pestilence Sam: ...was spreading swine flu. Dean: Yeah, but not just for giggles. That was step one. Step two is the vaccine. And you think -- CROWLEY I know. I'll stake my reputation -- That vaccine is chock-full of grade-a, farm-fresh croatoan virus. Sam: Simultaneous, countrywide distribution. It's quite a plan. CROWLEY They don't get to be horsemen for nothing. So, you boys better stock up on...Well, everything. This time next Thursday, we'll all be living in zombieland. EXT. CHICAGO ('Oh Death' plays as Death is shown exiting his car and walking down the sidewalk. A man walking towards Death is texting and not looking up- he bumps into Death) Man: Watch where you're walking, pal. ( Death brushes off his shoulder and behind him, the man falls to the ground and dies) EXT. Bobby's YARD Bobby: What's your problem? Castiel: This is what they mean by "the 11th hour," right? Bobby: Pretty much. Castiel Well, it's the 11th hour, and I am useless. All I have is this. ( Castiel waves a g*n What am I even supposed to do with it? Bobby: Point it and sh**t. Castiel What I used to be -- Bobby: Are you really gonna bitch --to me? Quit pining for the varsity years...And load the damn truck. Dean: All right, well...Good luck stopping the whole zombie apocalypse. Sam: Yeah. Good luck k*lling Death. Dean: Yeah. Sam: Remember when we used to just...hunt wendigos? How simple things were? Dean: Not really. Sam: Well, um...(Sam pulls out Ruby's Kn*fe)...You might need this. CROWLEY Keep it. (Crowley hands Dean a small scythe) Dean's covered. Death's own. Kills, golly, demons and angels and reapers and, rumor has it, the very thing itself. Castiel: How did you get that? CROWLEY Hello --king of the crossroads. So, shall we? Bobby, you just gonna sit there? Bobby: No, I'm gonna riverdance. CROWLEY I suppose if you want to impress the ladies. Bobby, Bobby, Bobby. Really wasted that crossroads deal. Fact -- you get more if you phrase it properly. So, I took the liberty of adding a teeny little sub-a clause on your behalf. What can I say? I'm an altruist. Just gonna sit there? (Bobby gets out of his wheelchair) Bobby: Son of a bitch. CROWLEY Yes, I know. Completely worth your soul. I'm a hell of a guy. Bobby: Thanks. CROWLEY This is getting maudlin. Can we go? INT. Bobby's VAN Castiel: "Yes" to Lucifer. Then jump in the hole. It's an interesting plan. Bobby: That's a word for it. Sam: So? Go ahead and tell me it's the worst plan you ever heard. Castiel Of course. I am happy to say that if that's what you want to hear. But it's not what I think. Sam: Really? Castiel You and Dean have a habit of exceeding my expectations. He resisted Michael. Maybe you could resist Lucifer but there are things that you would need to know. Sam: Like? Castiel Michael has found another vessel. Sam: What? Castiel It's your brother Adam. You must have considered it. Sam: We were trying not to. Castiel Sam...If you say yes to Lucifer and then fail...This fight will happen. And the collateral... It'll be immense. There's also the demon blood. Sam: What? What are you talking about? Castiel To take in Lucifer, it would be more than you've ever drunk. Sam: But...Why? Castiel It strengthens the vessel. Keeps it from exploding. Sam: But the guy he's in now -- Castiel He's drinking gallons. Bobby: And how is that not the worst plan you ever heard? EXT. NIVEUS PHARMACEUTICALS WAREHOUSE INT. Bobby's VAN Bobby: Yup, they're loading up hotshots of Croatoan in the trucks. Okay. First truck don't leave for an hour. We get in, we plant the c-4 every 25 feet, then we pull the f*re alarm. Castiel: That truck is leaving. Bobby: Balls! Okay, new plan. INT. NIVEUS PHARMACEUTICALS WAREHOUSE Demon 1 It's the Winchesters. Demon 2 Well, then, let's bake them up a little treat. WAREHOUSE EMPLOYEE Help! Bobby: Side door! WAREHOUSE EMPLOYEE Help me, please! Help! Sam: Get back! (Sam sh**t through the door lock, the door opens) Bobby: Go. Come on. Go. (Sam and Bobby see a whole pack of Croatoan infected people attacking someone, they take aim) ACT 3 (Sam and Bobby sh**t down the Croatoan infected) WAREHOUSE EMPLOYEE Help me! Please! Help! Sam: There's still people here. (Sam starts to move further into the warehouse) Bobby: Sam, no! Sam: Wait here. (Sam hands Bobby his Kn*fe) Bobby: Damn. EXT. CHICAGO CROWLEY Hey, let's stop for pizza. Dean: Are you kidding? CROWLEY Just heard it was good. That's all. Up ahead. Big, ugly building. Ground zero. Horseman's s*ab, if you will. He's in there. Dean: How do you know? CROWLEY Have you met me? 'cause I know. Also, the block is squirming with reapers. I'll be right back. (Crowley disappears and reappears again) Boy, is my face red. Death's not in there. Dean: You want to cut the cute and get to the part where you tell me where he is? CROWLEY Sorry. I don't know. Dean: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. You don't know? CROWLEY Signs pointed. I-I'm just as shocked as you. Dean: Bobby sold his soul for this! CROWLEY Relax. All deals are soul back or store credit. We'll catch Death in the next doomed city. Dean: Millions, Crowley. Millions of people are about to die any minute. CROWLEY True. So I strongly suggest we get out of here. INT. NIVEUS PHARMACEUTICALS WAREHOUSE (Sam kills a Croatoan infected attacking a warehouse employee) Sam: You okay? (Sam takes the employee to Bobby who is holding off other Croatoan infected) Bobby: Go! Go! INT. Impala Dean: So, what? Call in a b*mb thr*at? 1,000 b*mb thr*at? I mean, how the hell am I supposed to get three million people out of Chicago in the next 10 minutes? (Crowley has disappeared) Dean: Come on! (Crowley speaks to Dean from across the street in front of a pizzeria) What? I can't hear you! CROWLEY I said I found him. Death --he's in there. Dean: You coming or...(Crowley has disappeared)...Not. INT. NIVEUS PHARMACEUTICALS WAREHOUSE Bobby: Go! Go! Sam: All clear. Bobby: Sam! (Sam is att*cked by a Croatoan infected, Castiel sh**t him with his g*n) Castiel: Actually, these things can be useful. Bobby: Can we commit our act of domestic terrorism already? Let's go. INT. PIZZERIA (as Dean approaches Death, the scythe heats up, Dean drops it and it reappears on the table Death is sitting at) DEATH Thanks for returning that. Join me, Dean. The pizza's delicious. Sit down. Took you long enough to find me. I've been wanting to talk to you. Dean: I got to say --I have mixed feelings about that. S-so is this the part where...where you k*ll me? DEATH You have an inflated sense of your importance. To a thing like me, a thing like you, well...Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky. This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that's barely out of its diapers. I'm old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you. (Death gestures to the pizza) Eat. (Dean takes a bite of the pizza) Good, isn't it? Dean: Well, I got to ask. How old are you? DEATH As old as God. Maybe older. Neither of us can remember anymore. Life, death, chicken, egg. Regardless -- at the end, I'll reap him, too. Dean: God? You'll reap God? DEATH Oh, yes. God will die, too, Dean. Dean: Well, this is way above my pay grade. DEATH Just a bit. Dean: So, then why am I still breathing, sitting here with you? Uh...w-what do you want? DEATH The leash around my neck --off. Lucifer has me bound to him. Some unseemly little spell. He has me where he wants, when he wants. That's why I couldn't go to you. I had to wait for you to catch up. He made me his w*apon. Hurricanes, floods, raising the d*ad. I'm more powerful than you can process, and I'm enslaved to a bratty child with a temper tantrum. Dean: And you think...I can unbind you? DEATH There's your ridiculous bravado again. Of course you can't. But you can help me take the b*ll*ts out of Lucifer's g*n. I understand you want this. ( Death holds up his ring) Dean: Yeah. DEATH I'm inclined to give it to you. Dean: To give it to me? DEATH That's what I said. Dean: But what about... DEATH Chicago? I suppose it can stay. I like the pizza. There are conditions. Dean: Okay. Like? DEATH You have to do whatever it takes to put Lucifer in his cell. Dean: Of course. DEATH Whatever it takes. Dean: That's the plan. DEATH No. No plan. Not yet. Your brother. He's the one that can stop Lucifer. The only one. Dean: What, you think -- DEATH I know. So, I need a promise. You're going to let your brother jump right into that fiery pit. Well, do I have your word? Dean: Okay, yeah. Yes. DEATH That had better be "yes," Dean. You know you can't cheat death. Now, would you like the instruction manual? FINAL ACT Bobby's YARD Dean: Well, how'd it go at the Rockettes audition? Bobby: Well, high kicks -- fair. Boobs need work. I walked up and down stairs all night for no damn reason. I'm sore. Feels so good, I'm scared it's a dream. But then I remember that the world's dying bloody, so, drink? (Bobby hands Dean a beer) Dean: Check it out. ( Dean shows Bobby how the rings link together) Bobby: Hmm. Oh. So death told you how to operate those? The whole deal? Dean: Yeah. It's nuts. Of course, I got bigger problems now. Bobby: Really? Like? Dean: What do you think Death does to people who lie to his face? Bobby: Nothing good. Dean: Yeah. Bobby: What'd you say? Dean: That I was cool with Sam driving the bus on the whole Lucifer plan. Bobby: So Death thinks Sam ought to say yes, huh? Dean: I don't know. Yeah. Bobby: Hmm. Dean: But, I mean, of course he'd say that. He works for Lucifer. Bobby: Against his will, I thought he said. Dean: Well, I'd say, take his sob story with a fat grain of salt. I mean, he is Death. Bobby: Exactly. He's Death. Think of the kind of bird's-eye view. Dean: Seriously? Bobby: I'm just saying -- Dean: well, don't. I mean, what happened to you being against this? Bobby: Look, I'm not saying Sam ain't an ass-full of character defects. But... Dean: But what? Bobby: Back at Niveus? I watched that kid pull one civilian out after another. Must have saved 10 people. Never stopped. Never slowed down. We're hard on him, Dean. We've always been. But in the meantime... He's been running into burning buildings since he was, what, 12? Dean: Pretty much. Bobby: Look, Sam's got a...Darkness in him. I'm not saying he don't. But he's got a hell of a lot of good in him, too. Dean: I know. Bobby: Then you know Sam will b*at the devil...Or die trying. That's the best we could ask for. So I got to ask, Dean. What exactly are you afraid of? Losing? Or losing your brother?
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "05x21 - Two Minutes to Midnight"}
Air Date: May 13, 2010 On April 21, 1967, the 100 millionth GM vehicle rolled off the line at the plant in Janesville -- a blue two-door Caprice. There was a big ceremony, speeches. The lieutenant governor even showed up. Three days later, another car rolled off that Same line. No one gave two craps about her. But they should have, because this 1967 Chevrolet Impala would turn out to be the most important car -- no, the most important object-- in pretty much the whole universe. She was first owned by Sal Moriarty, an alcoholic with two ex-wives and three blocked arteries. On weekends, he'd drive around giving Bibles to the poor "gettin' folks right for Judgment Day." That's what he said. Sam and Dean don't know any of this, but if they did, I bet they'd smile. After Sal died, she ended up at Rainbow Motors, a used-car lot in Lawrence, where a young marine bought her on impulse. That is, after a little advice from a friend. I guess that's where this story begins. And here's where it ends. Sam: Hey. Dean takes a beer out of a cooler and leans against the Impala. Sam: Dean? What's going on? Dean: I'm in. Sam: In with...? Dean: The whole "up with Satan" thing. I'm on board. Sam: You're gonna let me say yes? Dean: No. That's the thing. It's not on me to let you do anything. You're a grown -- well, overgrown -- man. If this is what you want, I'll back your play. Sam: That's the last thing I thought you'd ever say. Dean: Might be. I'm not gonna lie to you, though. It goes against every fiber I got. I mean, truth is... You know, watching out for you... it's kinda been my job, you know? But more than that, it's... it's kinda who I am. You're not a kid anymore, Sam, and I can't keep treating you like one. Maybe I got to grow up a little, too. I don't know if we got a snowball's chance. But... But I do know that if anybody can do it... it's you. Sam: Thank you. Dean: If this is what you want... Is this really what you want? Sam: I let him out. I got to put him back in. Dean: Okay. That's it, then. INT. BUILDING - DAY Bodies hang upside down over a devil's trap. Sam wipes blood off a large Kn*fe. Castiel puts the lid on a jug of blood. Dean stands nearby. EXT. BUILDING - DAY Sam, Castiel and Dean exit the building. Sam and Castiel carry gallon jugs of blood and put them in the trunk of the Impala. Dean walks over to Bobby. Dean: I still can't get used to you at eye level. Bobby: So, was I right? Dean: As always, Yoda. Two stunt demons inside, just like you said. Bobby: Did you get it? Dean: Yeah, all the "go juice" Sammy can drink. Bobby: You okay? Dean: Not really. What do you got? Bobby: Not much. These look like omens to you? [He hands Dean a newspaper.]Cyclone in Florida, temperature drop in Detroit, wildfires in L.A. Dean: Wait. What about Detroit? Bobby: Temp's dropped about 20 degrees, but only in a five-block radius of downtown Motown. Dean: That's the one. Devil's in Detroit. Bobby: Really? As far as foreboding goes, it's a little light in the loafers. You sure? Dean: Yeah, I'm sure. EXT. ROAD - NIGHT The Impala drives down the road. INT. Impala - NIGHT Dean is driving, Sam riding g*n. Castiel is asleep in the back seat. Dean: Aw. Ain't he a little angel? Sam: Angels don't sleep. Dean: Sam, I got a bad feeling about this. Sam: Well, you'd be nuts to have a good feeling about it. Dean: You know what I mean. Detroit. He always said he'd jump your bones in Detroit. Here we are. Sam: Here we are. Dean: Maybe this is him rolling out the red carpet, you know? Maybe he knows something that we don't. Sam: Dean, I'm sure he knows a buttload we don't. We just got to hope he doesn't know about the rings. Hey, um... on the subject, there's something I got to talk to you about. Dean: What? Sam: This thing goes our way and I...Triple Lindy into that box... y-you know I'm not coming back. Dean: Yeah, I'm aware. Sam: So you got to promise me something. Dean: Okay. Yeah. Anything. Sam: You got to promise not to try to bring me back. Dean: What? No, I didn't sign up for that. Sam: Dean -- Dean: Your Hell is gonna make my tour look like Graceland. You want me just to sit by and do nothing? Sam: Once the Cage is shut, you can't go poking at it, Dean. It's too risky. Dean: No, no, no, no, no. As if I'm just gonna let you rot in there. Sam: Yeah, you are. You don't have a choice. Dean: You can't ask me to do this. Sam: I'm sorry, Dean. You have to. Dean: So then what am I supposed to do? Sam: You go find Lisa. You pray to god she's dumb enough to take you in, and you -- you have barbecues and go to football games. You go live some normal, apple-pie life, Dean. Promise me. EXT. ALLEYWAY - NIGHT Bobby looks through binoculars at a building in which a man is standing in the window. Chicago, Illinois Bobby walks over to Sam, Dean and Castiel. Bobby: Demons. At least two dozen of them. You were right -- something's up. Dean: More than something. He's here. I know it. Dean walks to the trunk of the Impala. Sam looks at Bobby. Bobby: I'll see ya around, kid. Sam: See ya around. Sam and Bobby hug. Bobby: He gets in... You fight him tooth and nail, you understand? Keep swingin'. Don't give an inch. Sam: Yes, sir. Sam holds out his hand to Castiel. Sam: Take care of these guys, okay? Castiel: That's not possible. Sam: Then humor me. Castiel: Oh. I was supposed to lie. Uh... Sure. They'll be fine. Sam: Just -- just stop... talking. Sam: You mind not watching this? Dean walks away. Sam picks up a jug. CUT TO: Sam clears his throat and closes the trunk. Dean is leaning on the side of the car. Sam takes a deep breath. Sam: Okay. Let's go. Sam walks past Dean and after a moment Dean follows him. Bobby and Castiel watch them go. CUT TO: Sam raises his arms as he approaches the building with the DEMONS. Sam: All right! We're here, you sons of bitches! Come and get it! Two DEMONS come outside. Dean: Hey, guys. Is your father home? INT. BUILDING - NIGHT The DEMONS manhandle Sam and Dean inside. Lucifer: Hey, guys. So nice of you to drop in. Chuck (VOICEOVER): The Impala, of course, has all the things other cars have... and a few things they don't. But none of that stuff's important. This is the stuff that's important. The army man that Sam crammed in the ashtray - it's still stuck there. The Legos that Dean shoved into the vents -- to this day, heat comes on and they can hear 'em rattle. These are the things that make the car theirs -- really theirs. Even when Dean rebuilt her from the ground up, he made sure all these little things stayed, 'cause it's the blemishes that make her beautiful. The Devil doesn't know or care what kind of car the boys drive. INT. BUILDING - NIGHT Lucifer breaths on the window pane and draws a pitchfork in the condensation. Lucifer: Sorry if it's a bit chilly. Most people think I burn hot. It's actually quite the opposite. Dean: Well, I'll alert the media. Lucifer's face is covered with red sores. Lucifer: Help me understand something, guys. I mean, stomping through my front door is... a tad suicidal, don't you think? Sam: We're not here to fight you. Lucifer: No? Then why are you? Sam: I want to say "yes." Lucifer: Excuse me? Sam takes a breath, closes his eyes and the two DEMONS drop d*ad in flashes of light. Lucifer: Chock-full of Ovaltine, are we? Sam: You heard me. Yes. Lucifer: You're serious. Sam: Look, Judgment Day's a runaway train. We get it now. We just want off. Lucifer: Meaning? Sam: Deal of the century. I give you a free ride, but when it's all over, I live, he lives, you bring our parents back -- Lucifer: Okay, can we please drop the telenovela? I know you have the rings, Sam. Sam: I have no idea what you're talking about. Lucifer: The Horsemen's rings? The magic keys to my Cage? Ring a bell? Come on, Sam. I've never lied to you. You could at least pay me the Same respect. It's okay. I'm not mad. A wrestling match inside your noggin... I like the idea. Just you and me, one round, no tricks. You win, you jump in the hole. I win... Well, then I win. What do you say, Sam? A fiddle of gold against your soul says I'm better than you. Sam: So he knows. Doesn't change anything. Dean: Sam. Sam: We don't have any other choice. Dean: No. Sam: Yes. Lucifer closes his eyes and bright light emanates from him. EXT. BUILDING - NIGHT Bobby and Castiel watch as the windows of the building blaze with light, then dim. INT. BUILDING - NIGHT Dean looks around. Sam is motionless on the floor. Dean takes the Horsemen's rings out of his pocket and throws them at the wall, where they stick. Dean: Bvtmon...Tabges...Babalon.(OPEN THE MOUTH OF THE CAVE TO THE WICKED...) A hole appears in the wall where the rings were. Air is sucked into it. Sam stirs and Dean goes to him. Dean: Sammy! Sam: Dean! Dean: Sammy! Sam: [groans]I can feel him. Oh, god! Dean: You got to go now! Come on! [He helps Sam up.]Go now, Sammy. Now! Sam walks towards the hole and takes some deep breaths. He then smiles and turns back to Dean. Lucifer (in Sam's body): I was just messing with you. Sammy's long gone. Lucifer/Sam turns back to the hole in the wall. Lucifer/Sam: Chdr bvtmon tabges babalon. The hole closes. Lucifer/Sam removes the Horsemen's rings from the wall. Lucifer/Sam: I told you... this would always happen in Detroit. Lucifer/Sam disappears. Dean puts his hands to his head with tears in his eyes. EXT. DIFFERENT BUILDING - NIGHT INT. DIFFERENT BUILDING - NIGHT Five people stand in a loose circle. Lucifer in Sam's body flexes his right arm, shoulder and hand. Lucifer/Sam: Sam. Come on. I can feel you... scratching away in there. [He looks in a mirror.]Look... I'll take the gag off, okay? You got me all wrong, kiddo. I'm not the bad guy here. Sam: I'm gonna rip you apart from the inside out. Do you understand me? Lucifer/Sam: Such anger... Young Skywalker. Who are you really angry with? Me? Or that face in the mirror? Sam: I'm sure this is all a big joke to you, huh? Lucifer/Sam: Not at all. I've been waiting for you... for a long, long time. Come on, Sam. You have to admit -- you can feel it, right? Sam: What? Lucifer/Sam: The exhilaration. And you know why that is? Because we're two halves made whole. M.F.E.O. Literally. Sam: This feels pretty damn far from good. Lucifer/Sam: I'm inside your grapefruit, Sam. You can't lie to me. I see it all -- how odd you always felt, how... out of place in that... family of yours. And why shouldn't you have? They were foster care -- at best. I'm your real family. Sam: No, that's not true. Lucifer/Sam: It is. And I know you know it. All those times you ran away, you weren't running from them. You were running towards me. This doesn't have to be a bad thing, you know. I let Dean live, didn't I? I want him to live. I'll bring your folks back, too. I want you to be happy, Sam. Sam: I don't want anything from you. Lucifer/Sam: Really? Not even a little payback? Sam: What's that supposed to mean? Lucifer/Sam: Look closely. None of these little devils look familiar to you? Sam: That's Mr. Bensman... One of my grade-school teachers. Lucifer/Sam: And that's your friend Doug from that time in East Lansing. And Rachel... your prom date. Sam Winchester, this is your life. Azazel's g*ng -- watching you since you were a rugrat, jerking you around like a dog on a leash. I know how you feel about them. Me too. So, what do you say you and I blow off a little steam? EXT. STREET - DAY The news is playing on televisions in a store window. NEWS Reporter: Reports are flooding in -- a 7.6 earthquake in Portland, 8.1 in Boston, more in Hong Kong, Berlin, and Tehran. The U.S.G.S. has no explanation but says to expect a six-figure death toll. Dean and Bobby are watching. Castiel: It's starting. Dean: Yeah, you think, genius? Castiel: You don't have to be mean. Dean: So what do we do now? Castiel: I suggest we imbibe copious quantities of alcohol... Just wait for the inevitable blast wave. Dean: Yeah, swell. Thank you, Bukowski. I-I mean, how do we stop it? Castiel: We don't. Lucifer will meet Michael on the chosen field, and the battle of Armageddon begins. Dean: Okay, well, where's this chosen field? Castiel: I don't know. Dean: Well, there's got to be something that we can do. Castiel: I'm sorry, Dean. This is over. Dean: You listen to me, you junkless sissy -- we are not giving up! Bobby? Bobby? Bobby: There was never much hope to begin with. I don't know what to do. INT. BUILDING - NIGHT Lucifer in Sam's body is sitting on steps. The five people are d*ad on the floor. Lucifer/Sam: [exhales sharply]So... are we having fun yet? Chuck (VOICEOVER): In between jobs, Sam and Dean would sometimes get a day -- sometimes a week, if they were lucky. They'd pass the time lining their pockets. Sam used to insist on honest work, but now he hustles pool, like his brother. They could go anywhere and do anything. They drove 1,000 miles for an Ozzy show, two days for a Jayhawks game. And when it was clear, they'd park her in the middle of nowhere, sit on the hood, and watch the stars... for hours... without saying a word. It never occurred to them that, sure, maybe they never really had a roof and four walls... INT. Chuck's HOUSE - NIGHT Chuck is typing the words he is saying on his computer. Chuck: ...but they were never, in fact, homeless. That's a good line. The phone rings and Chuck answers it. Chuck: Mistress Magda? Dean: Um, no, Chuck. Chuck: Oh, uh, Dean. Uh, wow. I, uh, I didn't know that you'd call. Dean is in the Impala, parked in a city alleyway. Dean: Who's Mistress Magda? Chuck: Nothing. She's a, uh, a -- just a, uh... a close friend. Dean: Yeah, I'll bet -- real close. Whatever happened to Becky? Chuck: Didn't work out. I had too much respect for her. Dean: Boy, you really got a whole virgin/hooker thing going on, don't you? Chuck: Okay, this can't be why you called. Dean: Sam said yes. Chuck: I know. I saw it. I'm just working on the pages. Dean: Did you see where the title fight goes down? Chuck: The angels are keeping it top secret -- very hush-hush. Dean: Aw, crap. Chuck: But I saw it anyway. Perks of being a prophet. It's tomorrow, high noon -- place called Stull Cemetery. Dean: Stull Ceme-- Wait. I know that. That's -- that's an old boneyard outside of Lawrence. Why Lawrence? Chuck: I don't know. It all has to end where it started, I guess. Dean: All right, Chuck. You know of any way to short-circuit this thing? Chuck: Besides the rings? No. I'm sorry. Dean: Well, do you have any idea what's gonna happen next? Chuck: I wish that I did. But I-I just -- I honestly don't know yet. Dean: All right. Thanks, Chuck. EXT. ALLEYWAY - NIGHT Dean closes the trunk of the Impala. Bobby and Castiel walk up to him. Bobby: You goin' someplace? You're goin' to do somethin' stupid. You got that look. Dean: I'm gonna go talk to Sam. Bobby: You just don't give up. Dean: It's Sam! Castiel: If you couldn't reach him here, you're certainly not gonna be able to on the b*ttlefield. Dean: Well, if we've already lost, I guess I got nothing to lose, right? Castiel: I just want you to understand -- the only thing that you're gonna see out there is Michael k*lling your brother. Dean: Well, then I ain't gonna let him die alone. Dean gets into the Impala and starts the engine. EXT. STULL CEMETERY - DAY Lucifer in Sam's body stands in the cemetery. There is the sound of wings and Michael in ADAM's body appears. Lucifer/Sam: It's good to see you, Michael. Michael/ADAM: You too. It's been too long. Can you believe it's finally here? Lucifer/Sam: No. Not really. Michael/ADAM: Are you ready? Lucifer/Sam: As I'll ever be. A part of me wishes we didn't have to do this. Michael/ADAM: Yeah. Me too. Lucifer/Sam: Then why are we? Michael/ADAM: Oh, you know why! I have no choice, after what you did. Lucifer/Sam: What I did? What if it's not my fault? Michael/ADAM: What is that supposed to mean? Lucifer/Sam: Think about it. Dad made everything. Which means he made me who I am! God wanted the Devil. Michael/ADAM: So? Lucifer/Sam: So why? And why make us fight? I just can't figure out the point. Michael/ADAM: What's your point? Lucifer/Sam: We're going to k*ll each other. And for what? One of Dad's tests. And we don't even know the answer. We're brothers. Let's just walk off the chessboard. Michael/ADAM: I'm sorry. I-I can't do that. I'm a good son, and I have my orders. Lucifer/Sam: But you don't have to follow them. Michael/ADAM: What, you think I'm gonna rebel? Now? I'm not like you. Lucifer/Sam: Please, Michael -- Michael/ADAM: You know, you haven't changed a bit, little brother. Always blaming everybody but yourself. We were together. We were happy. But you betrayed me -- all of us -- and you made our father leave. Lucifer/Sam: No one makes Dad do anything. He is doing this to us. Michael/ADAM: You're a monster, Lucifer. And I have to k*ll you. Lucifer/Sam: If that's the way it's got to be... Then I'd like to see you try. Lucifer/Sam and Michael/ADAM slowly circle one another. We hear the sound of a car engine. INT. Impala - DAY Dean puts a tape into the tape deck and turns up the volume. "Rock of Ages" by Def Leppard plays. MUSIC: * g*n, glieben, glauchen, globen! All right! I got something to say! Hey it's better to burn out! Yeah! Than fade awa-a-a-y all right oh! Gonna start a f*re! * EXT. STULL CEMETERY - DAY Dean drives up to Lucifer/Sam and Michael/ADAM. Dean: Howdy, boys. MUSIC: * We're gonna burn this damn place down! Ooh, ooh! Down to the ground. * Dean: Sorry. Am I interrupting something? EXT. STULL CEMETERY - DAY Dean: Hey. We need to talk. Lucifer/Sam: Dean. Even for you, this is a whole new mountain of stupid. Dean: I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to Sam. Michael/ADAM: You're no longer the vessel, Dean. You got no right to be here. Dean: Adam, if you're in there somewhere, I am so sorry. Michael/ADAM: Adam isn't home right now. Dean: Well, then you're next on my list, buttercup. But right now, I need five minutes with him. Michael/ADAM: You little maggot. You are no longer a part of this story! Castiel: Hey, ass-butt! Castiel and Bobby have appeared. Castiel is holding a bottle from which a flame is burning -- a Molotov cocktail. Castiel throws the bottle at Michael/ADAM, who screams as he goes up in flames. Dean: "Ass-butt"? Castiel: He'll be back -- and upset -- but you got your five minutes. Lucifer/Sam: Castiel. Did you just Molotov my brother with holy f*re? Castiel: Uh... no. Lucifer/Sam: No one dicks with Michael but me. Lucifer/Sam snaps his fingers. Castiel explodes in a rain of blood and chunks of meat. Dean: Sammy, can you hear me? Lucifer/Sam: You know... I tried to be nice... for Sammy's sake. But you... are such a pain... in my ass. Lucifer/Sam throws Dean onto the windshield of the Impala, which shatters. Bobby sh**t Lucifer/Sam in the back. When Lucifer/Sam turns, Bobby sh**t him again in the front. Lucifer/Sam makes a twisting hand motion and Bobby's neck snaps. Dean: N-o-o-o-o! Lucifer/Sam: Yes. Lucifer/Sam grabs Dean's legs and pulls him off the hood of the Impala. He punches Dean hard. Dean falls back against the Impala, spitting blood. Dean: Sammy? Are you in there? Lucifer/Sam: Oh, he's in here, all right. [He punches Dean again.]And he's gonna feel the snap of your bones. [Another punch. Dean falls to the ground.]Every single one. [He hauls Dean to his feet.]We're gonna take our time. Lucifer/Sam punches Dean a further ten times. Dean, his face now very swollen and bleeding, puts out a hand to Lucifer/Sam's jacket. Dean: Sam, it's okay. It's okay. I'm here. I'm here. I'm not gonna leave you. [Lucifer/Sam punches him twice more.]I'm not gonna leave you. Lucifer/Sam draws back his fist for another punch. Sunlight glints off the roof of the Impala, catching Lucifer/Sam's eye. Lucifer/Sam's reflection is visible in the Impala's window; through the window Lucifer/Sam can see the little green army man stuck in the ashtray. From (...help 4), Dean and Sam drive. From (...help 5), Sam looks at Dean. From (...help 8), Sam and Dean look at each other. From (...help 10), Sam laughs. From (...help 11), Dean looks sad. From (...help 12), Dean looks at Sam. Sam looks back. From (...help 13), Dean and Sam stand. Lucifer/Sam is still engrossed in the flashbacks; he is still poised to throw a punch. From (...help 17), Dean. From (...help 18), Sam. From (...help 19), Sam. From (...help 20), Dean. Lucifer/Sam is still engrossed in the flashbacks. From (...help 21), Dean and Sam. From (...help 22), Dean and Sam are outside, Sam carries a g*n. From (...help 23), Sam. From (...help 24), Dean. From (...help 25), Sam. From (...help 26 ), Dean. From (...help 27), Dean and Sam are outside. From (...help 28), Dean. Lucifer/Sam stares. His fist unclenches: it's Sam again. He lets go of Dean, who falls to the ground against the Impala. Sam: It's okay, Dean. It's gonna be okay. I've got him. Sam takes out the Horsemen's rings and tosses them on the ground. Sam: Bvtmon tabges babalon. The ground caves in around the rings and air is sucked into the hole. Sam and Dean look at each other as the hole widens. Sam breathes deeply. Michael/ADAM: Sam! It's not gonna end this way! Step back! Sam: You're gonna have to make me! Michael/ADAM: I have to fight my brother, Sam! Here and now! It's my destiny! Sam looks at Dean, closes his eyes and spreads his arms. Michael/ADAM lunges forward and grabs Sam's jacket. Sam grabs Michael/ADAM's arm and they fall together into the hole. After few moments the hole closes in a blinding flash of light. The Horsemen's rings burn bright in the grass on the ground where the hole was. Dean closes his eyes as he leans back against the Impala. EXT. STULL CEMETERY - DAY Dean kneels on the ground near the Impala. Castiel appears next to him. Dean: Cas, you're alive? Castiel: I'm better than that. Castiel touches Dean on the forehead and Dean's wounds heal. Dean stands up. Dean: Cas, are you God? Castiel: That's a nice compliment. But no. Although, I do believe he brought me back. New and improved. Castiel walks to Bobby and touches him on the forehead, resurrecting him. Dean looks down at the Horsemen's rings, which he holds in his hand. Chuck (voiceover): Endings are hard. INT. Chuck's HOUSE - DAY A manuscript for "Supernatural: Swan Song by Carver Edlund" lays on Chuck's desk. Chuck (VOICEOVER): Any chapped-ass monkey with a keyboard can poop out a beginning, but endings are impossible. You try to tie up every loose end, but you never can. The fans are always gonna bitch. There's always gonna be holes. And since it's the ending, it's all supposed to add up to something. I'm telling you, they're a raging pain in the ass. Chuck types on his computer. EXT. ROAD - NIGHT The Impala drives down the road. INT. Impala - NIGHT Dean and Castiel are in the Impala, Dean driving. Dean: What are you gonna do now? Castiel: Return to Heaven, I suppose. Dean: Heaven? Castiel: With Michael in the Cage, I'm sure it's total anarchy up there. Dean: So, what, you're the new Sheriff in town? Castiel: I like that. Yeah. I suppose I am. Dean: Wow. God gives you a brand-new, shiny set of wings, and suddenly you're his bitch again. Castiel: I don't know what God wants. I don't know if he'll even return. It just... seems like the right thing to do. Dean: Well, if you do see him, you tell him I'm coming for him next. Castiel: You're angry. Dean: That's an understatement. Castiel: He helped. Maybe even more than we realize. Dean: That's easy for you to say. He brought you back. But what about Sam? What about me, huh? Where's my grand prize? All I got is my brother in a hole! Castiel: You got what you asked for, Dean. No paradise. No hell. Just more of the Same. I mean it, Dean. What would you rather have? Peace or freedom? When Dean looks over, Castiel is gone. Dean: Well, you really suck at goodbyes, you know that? EXT. Bobby's SALVAGE YARD - DAY Dean and Bobby stand near the Impala. Chuck (VOICEOVER): This is the last Dean and Bobby will see of each other for a very long time. [Dean and Bobby hug before Dean drives away.]And, for the record, at this point next week, Bobby will be hunting a rugaru outside of Dayton. But not Dean. Dean didn't want Cas to save him. Every part of him, every fiber he's got, wants to die, or find a way to bring Sam back. But he isn't gonna do either. Because he made a promise. EXT. Lisa's HOUSE - NIGHT Dean knocks and Lisa opens the door. Dean: [voice breaking]Hey, Lisa. Lisa: Oh, thank god. Are you all right? Dean: [voice breaking]Yeah. Uh, if it's not too late, I... think I'd like to take you up on that beer. Lisa: It's never too late. Dean steps inside and into Lisa's arms. Lisa: Shh. It's okay. It's gonna be okay. Chuck (VOICEOVER): So, what's it all add up to? It's hard to say. But me, I'd say this was a test... for Sam and Dean. And I think they did all right. [Flashbacks play.]Up against good, evil, angels, devils, destiny, and God himself, they made their own choice. They chose family. And, well... isn't that kinda the whole point? INT. Chuck's HOUSE - NIGHT Chuck types "THE END" and takes a drink. Chuck: No doubt -- endings are hard. But then again... nothing ever really ends, does it? Chuck smiles and vanishes into thin air. INT. Lisa's HOUSE - NIGHT Dean sits at Lisa's table with BEN. Lisa brings a dish to the table. Lisa: You okay? Dean: Yeah, I'm good. Dean takes a drink of whisky. EXT. Lisa's HOUSE - NIGHT A streetlight burns out. We see someone standing beneath it, watching. It is Sam.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "05x22 - Swan Song"}
Air Date: 24 September 2010 An alarm beeps. It's seven am. Dean wakes up in bed next to Lisa. Lisa: You okay? Dean: Yeah, I'm good. Beautiful Loserplays over a montage of Dean's life now in contrast to his hunting life. SUPERNATURAL INT. BAR. Dean is having a beer with SID. Sid: And thank God this is before Facebook, right? Because it'd be me and that goat all over the Internet. Don't get me wrong, right? No complaints. But if you'd have said to me, "hey, you -- fifteen years from now? Suburbia." Dean: Oh. Yeah. Sid: Right? Dean: Believe me, I know. Sid: So, you've traveled around a lot, huh? Dean: Mm-hmm. Yeah, my whole life, pretty much. Sid: And? Dean: I don't know. Sid: Come on. You -- what, you moved in, what, about a year ago? Dean: Yeah, thereabouts. Sid: So I been buying you beer for a year. And I think that means you owe me a couple of gory details. Dean: Oh, no. There's not much to tell, you know? It's, uh... I lived on the road... Took, uh, crap jobs that nobody else wanted. Sid: Like? Dean: Like... Pest control. Sid: Really? Pest control. Dean: Yeah. You get to work with a partner. You get to help people. You have no idea what's in some people's walls. It could eat 'em alive. Sid: Yeesh. Dean: 'Course, that was then. And now... Sid: You're practically respectable. Dean: Yeah. Wow. I guess so. That's kind of scary, actually. Waitress: Thanks, guys. Sid: Thank you. I think she likes you. Dean: Sid: What is it with you?! Like, every time! Dean: It's like chicks specifically dig unavailable guys. [ Dean rips up the receipt. ]Who knew? Sid: I will see you tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow. Dean: Thanks, man. [ Woman screams in distance ] Dean gets a flashlight and g*n from his truck, and enters a deserted building. He finds some claw marks and blood. INT. Dean's house. He sits at his computer, on the phone. Dean: And no one's called about a missing person? No, this would have been today. So no reports of anything around Vineland and Oak street, near that hotel renovation? Uh, call it a hunch. I've been a cop for a long time. Okay, yeah. No, I'll call you tomorrow. You too, man. Bye. Lisa: Hey. Who was that? Dean: Sid. I'm just setting up a poker game. Lisa: It's 11:30. Dean: Is it really? Well, that explains why he was asleep when I called. I'll be right up. Lisa: Okay. EXT. DAY. Dean is in his truck when he sees claw marks on a light pole. He investigates and is startled by a small dog in his garage. Sid: Dean! Is that a g*n? Dean: No, no. Yeah. Well, it's -- I got a permit for it. Sid: What, to sh**t the Glickmans' dog? Dean: I thought that was a possum. Remember when I said I was in pest control? Well, possums carry rabies, so... [ Imitates g*n ] Sid: I did not know that. Dean: Oh, yeah. Yeah. Possums -- possums k*ll, Sid. Oh, crap. Sid: What's that? Dean: Sulfur. I got to go. Sid: Hold on, Dean! What the hell? INT. Garage. The Impala is under a tarp. Dean opens the trunk and starts packing some w*apon. Lisa: Hey. Dean: Just getting a hammer. Lisa: So, I just ran into Sid. Did you almost sh**t a Yorkie? Dean: Technically. Lisa: What's going on? Dean: Nothing. Lisa: How come I don't believe you? Dean: I just -- I, uh, I-I got this -- I don't know, spidey sense. Lisa: Okay. Are you hunting something? Dean: Honestly? Uh, at first, I thought that I was. But I'm pretty sure that I got worked up over nothing. It's, uh, you know... Lisa: It happens. Dean: Are you sure? I'll tell you what -- just because, you know, I have an OCD thing about this, why don't, uh, why don't you and Ben go to the movies, h*t the cheesecake factory -- you know, hang out with the teeming masses, and I'll do one last sweep just to be 100%. Lisa: Okay. Be careful. Dean: Careful's my middle name. Lisa leaves and then the light crackles. As Dean searches the garage he is suddenly confronted by AZAZEL. Azazel: Hiya, Dean. Look what the apocalypse shook loose. You have fun sniffing that trail? 'Cause I sure had fun patting you around. Dean: You can't be... Azazel: Oh, sure I can! Dean: No. Azazel: Yeah, kiddo. The big daddy brought your pal Cas back, right? So why not me? Add a little spice to all that -- that sugar. Dean sh**t AZAZEL. Azazel: Really? After all we've been through together? You know, you got a great little life here. Pretty Lady -- real understanding. Hell of a kid. And how do you keep your lawn so green? I mean, come on, Dean. You never been what I'd call brainy, but did you really think you were gonna get to keep all of this? You had to know that we were coming for you sometime, pal. You can't outrun your past. AZAZEL starts to strangle Dean, and just as he passes out, someone comes from behind to save him - it's Sam. INT. An abandoned house. Dean wakes up, confused. Sam: Hey, Dean. I was expecting, uh... I don't know, a hug, some holy water in the face -- something. Dean: So I'm d*ad? This is Heaven? Yellow Eyes k*lled me, and now -- Sam: Yellow Eyes? That's what you saw? Dean: "Saw"? Sam: You were poisoned. So whatever kind of crazy crap you think you been seeing, it's not real. Dean: So, then, are you...real? Or -- or am I still -- Sam: I'm real. Here, let me save you the trouble. All me. Sam cuts himself with a silver blade and then puts some salt in a jug of water and drinks it. Sam: That's nasty. Dean: Sammy? Sam: Yeah. It's me. Dean hugs Sam. Dean: Wait a minute, wait a minute. You -- you -- you were -- you were gone, man. I mean, that -- that was it. How the hell are you -- Sam: I don't know. Dean: What do you mean you don't know? Sam: I mean, no idea. I-I'm just back. Dean: Well, was it God, or -- or -- or Cas? I mean, does Cas know anything about it? Sam: You tell me. I've been calling. Cas hasn't answered my prayers. I don't even know where he is. I mean, I was... down there, and then, next minute, it's raining, and I'm lying in that field, alone. It's kind of hard to go looking for whatever saved you when you got no leads. But I looked. I mean, believe me, I looked... for weeks. Dean: Wait, weeks? How long you been back? How long you been back, Sam? Sam: About a year. Dean: About a year? Sam: Dean -- Dean: you been back practically this whole time?! What, did you lose the ability to send a friggin' text message?! Sam: You finally had what you wanted, Dean. Dean: I wanted my brother, alive! Sam: You wanted a family. You have for a long time, maybe the whole time. I know you. You only gave it up because of the way we lived. But you had something, and you were building something. Had I shown up, Dean, you would have just run off. I'm sorry. But it felt like after everything, you deserve some regular life. Dean: What have you been doing? Sam: Hunting. Dean: You left me alone, and you were flying solo? Sam: Not solo. Dean: What? Sam: I hooked up with some other people. Dean: You? Working with strangers? Sam: They're more like family. And they're here. Sam takes Dean into the adjoining room. Gwen: Hey. Dean: Hi. Gwen: My God, you have delicate features for a hunter. Dean: Excuse me? Sam: Dean, Gwen Campbell. Gwen: Good to finally meet you. Sam's gone on and on. Sam: And this is Christian... and Mark. Campbell. Mark: Hi. Dean: Cam-- Campbell? Like... Christian: Like your mom. Sam: Third cousin. (pointing to Gwen) Third cousin. (pointing to Christian) Something, something twice removed.(pointing to Mark ) They grew up in the life, like Mom and like us. Dean: I thought all of Mom's relatives were gone. And I'm sorry. It's just, you know, why didn't we know about any of you? Samuel: 'Cause they didn't know about you. Not until I brought you all together. Dean: Samuel? (flashback) Samuel: I'm your grandfather. Samuel: Guys, give me a second with my grandsons here, please. Mark, CHRISTIAN and GWEN leave. Samuel: Lot of resurrections in your face today. It's all right. Take a minute. Dean: It's gonna take a little more than a minute. I mean, what the hell? H-how did this happen? Samuel: We're guessing whatever pulled Sam up pulled me down. So, whatever this is, we're both a part of it. Dean: But you don't know what that is. Samuel: Bingo. Dean: And you have no leads? Nothing? Well, this -- this is, uh... No more doornails coming out of that door, is there? Sam: As far as we know, it's Samuel, and it's me. Dean: Okay, am I the only one here that -- that -- that thinks that this can't all just be fine? Samuel: Believe me, you're not. I wanted to come get you, of course. Sam was adamant about leaving you out, so we did. Until this. Dean: Right. So, then you ended up in my garage how? Sam: I got h*t before you did, few days ago. Dosed up with poison. Dean: By? Sam: Couple of djinn. Dean: Djinn? I thought those were -- were cave-dwelling hermit-type. That's pretty exotic. Sam: Not anymore, at least. These...look like regular people. They can blend in. And all they got to do to k*ll you is touch you. Their toxins get in your system, all of a sudden you're hallucinating your worst nightmares, and pretty soon you O.D. Dean: Well, then how are you breathing air? Sam: Samuel had a cure. Dean: You got a cure for djinn poison? Samuel: Oh, I know a few things. Stick around, I'll show you tricks your daddy never even dreamed of. Dean: Uh... Okay, why are these things after us? Samuel: Well, you did stake one a while back. Sam: After they came after me, we were pretty certain that they were gonna go g*n for you next. Dean: Lisa and Ben -- they're at the house right now. If that thing comes back -- Samuel: It's all right. I already sent someone over there to watch 'em. Dean: You got to take me home right now. Dean: Lisa?! Lisa! Ben?! Ben! Dean rings Lisa, just before she and BEN enter. Dean: Where the hell have you been? Lisa: We -- we were at the movies. You knew that. Dean hugs Lisa. Lisa: Dean, ow. Ben: What happened? Dean: Go upstairs and pack a bag. Lisa: Where are we going? Dean: I'm taking us to a friend's house. Go. It's okay. Go on up. I'll be there in a sec. Lisa: What the hell? Ben: Um... Lisa: Oh, my God. Dean: Lisa, Ben, I don't know if you remember -- Lisa: Sam. Bobby's HOUSE. Bobby opens the door. Bobby: Damn it. Dean: It's good to see you, too, Bobby. It's been a while. Bobby: If you're here, something's wrong. Dean: Bobby, this is Lisa and Ben. Lisa: Hi. Bobby: Well, it's nice to finally meet you two. Mi casa es su casa. Maybe you want to just go upstairs. TV's broken, but there's plenty of Reader's Digest. Just don't touch the decor, okay? Assume it's all loaded. Lisa and BEN go upstairs. Dean: So... Sam: Hey, Bobby. Bobby: Sam. Dean: You knew? You knew Sam was alive. Bobby: Yeah. Dean: How long? Bobby: Look -- Dean: How long?! Bobby: All year. Dean: Oh, you got to be kidding me. Bobby: And I'd do it again. Dean: Why?! Bobby: Because you got out, Dean! You walked away from the life. And I was so damn grateful, you got no idea. Dean: Do you have any clue what walking away meant for me? Bobby: Yeah -- a woman and a kid and not getting your guts ripped out at age 30. That's what it meant. Dean: That woman and that kid -- I went to them because you asked me to. Bobby: Good. Dean: Good for who? I showed up on their doorstep half out of my head with grief. God knows why they even let me in. I drank too much. I had nightmares. I looked everywhere. I collected hundreds of books, trying to find anything to bust you out. Sam: You promised you'd leave it alone. Dean: Of course I didn't leave it alone! Sue me! A damn year? You couldn't put me out of my misery? Bobby: Look, I get it wasn't easy. But that's life! And it's as close to happiness as I've ever seen a hunter get. It ain't like I wanted to lie to you, son. But you were out, Dean. Dean: Do I look out to you? INT. Staircase in Bobby's house Dean: How's he doing? Lisa: He's okay. How are you? Dean: Look, I know Bobby's a little crotchety, but he's great. He's gonna look after you guys. Me and Sam, we're gonna head out. Lisa: For how long? Dean: I'm so sorry, Lisa. Lisa: For what? Dean: Those things were coming for me. And I should've known. Lisa: How could you know a monster was gonna show up? Dean: I should've known. I should've known that if I stayed with you that something would come, because something always does. But I was stupid and reckless and...You can't outrun your past. Lisa: You're saying goodbye. Dean: I'm saying I'm sorry... For everything. Everything. Lisa: You're an idiot. I mean, I know it wasn't greeting-card perfect, but we were in it together. Dean: I was a wreck half the time. Lisa: Yeah, well, the guy that basically just saved the world shows up at your door, you expect him to have a couple of issues. And you're always so amazing with Ben. You know what I wanted, more than anything was a guy that Ben could look up to like a dad. So, you're saying it's all bad, Dean? 'Cause it was the best year of my life. INT. Dean, Sam AND the CAMPBELLS Dean: What's the plan? Christian: Well, right now, we stock up, get set. Dean: So you're saying there is no plan. Christian: We'll find 'em. Just got to be patient. Dean: Yeah, okay. Oh, here's an idea. Why don't we go k*ll the sons of bitches that broke into my home? Christian : Relax, Dean. We got it handled. Djinn are hard to draw out. Now, you've been out of the game for a while. Leave it to the professionals. Dean: Yeah. Sure. Tiny suggestion. You see, djinn are easier to draw out when you got bait. They want Sam and me. They know where I live. Now, I haven't been hunting in a while, but I'm gonna stick my neck out and guess that's a pretty good place for us to go. See? It's almost like I'm a professional. INT. Dean and Lisa's house. GWEN picks up a magazine from the table. Gwen: Huh, I love this one. Yours or, uh, your wife's? Mark picks up a photo. Dean: Hey. Do me a favor -- don't touch that. Sam: Golf? Really? Dean: It's a -- it's a sport. INT. Dean's kitchen Samuel: Nice house. Dean: Oh, yeah. Go ahead, say it -- call me a soccer mom. Whatever. Samuel: "Soccer mom," huh? Well, I'll have to look that up on the "intranet." You know, believe it or not, I...I get it, Dean. You wanted a normal life. Your mom wanted a normal life, too. You remind me of her, actually. The attitude, for one thing. Your brother tell you what we been dealing with the past few months? Dean: No, not really. Samuel: I've never seen anything quite like it. Been working 'round the clock. Dean: So what's going on? Samuel: We don't know. But whatever it is, it goes way past a couple of djinn acting off -- Nocturnals attacking in broad daylight, werewolves out on the half-moon, creatures that we've never even seen before. We don't -- we don't even know what they are. I'm knee-deep in half-eaten human hearts and exsanguinated 10-year-olds, and it's all making me.. Uneasy. Dean: So what's your theory? Samuel: You tell me. All we really know is it's all hands on deck. We're counting on each other right now. That's how it is with Campbells. We need you, Dean. Dean: Look, I hear you, but... Samuel: You don't know what you're part of, Dean. You know, you had ancestors hacking the heads off vamps on the Mayflower. What I'm saying is that we're your blood. And we're out there dying, trying to get in front of whatever this is. Maybe not the best time for golf. EXT. Dean approaches Mark who is in a truck looking through a monocular. Dean: Hey. You don't really say much, do you? Mark: Enough. Dean: Any sign of 'em? Mark: Three djinn off in the trees. Here. INT. Dean: Those djinn are just sitting out there, watching us. Everybody's got to clear out. Christian: What? Dean: They're not gonna come in here until me and Sam are alone. Samuel: So, what, I'm supposed to leave you here with no backup? Sam: Dean's right. They're smart. They'd wait till they weren't outnumbered. Samuel: All right, we won't be far. You call when they come, you hear? All right, pack up. We're out of here. INT Kitchen Sam: You okay? Dean: Oh, yeah. Sam: Yeah. Dean: No, this is... This is crazy. I mean, you, Grandpa. Whoever brought you back... Sam: They don't want to be found. Dean: Yeah, I get that. But who are they, and what do they -- what do they want? Why? Sam: That's a good question. Dean: Do you remember it? Sam: What? Dean: The Cage. Sam: Yeah. Dean: You want to -- Sam: No. Dean: Well, if anybody can relate... Sam: Dean, I don't want to talk about it. I'm back. I get to breathe fresh air, have a beer, hunt with my family, see you again. So why exactly would I want to think about Hell? Dean: And you really think... Dean looks out the window and sees SID and his wife being att*cked by Djinn. He starts to run over. Sam: Dean, they're already d*ad, and you know it. Dean: This is happening because of me! Sam: Dean! INT. Neighbor's house Dean: Sid. Dean is att*cked by Djinn. Djinn: You made it through that last trip, so how about a big, fat double dose? Bad news -- it'll k*ll you. The good news? At least you'll go fast. That's for our father, you son of a bitch. Dean starts to hallucinate Lisa and BEN. Lisa: I just -- I-I couldn't sleep at that house. It's okay. Don't worry. We'll call Dean. Azazel: Ah, don't worry about them, Dean. Worry about me. Dean: No! Dean sees Azazel grab BEN and Lisa is dragged up the wall. Azazel: There, there, kiddo. Dean: You stay away from him! Lisa! Azazel: Drink it. Dean: Ben, no! Azazel: You'll feel better. Dean: No! [ Lisa sobs ] Azazel: It's all your fault. Dean: Lisa! [ sobs ] Azazel: This, something else -- we both know that's details. There's something's coming for this one, and you can't stop it. It's all your fault. Dean: Lisa! Azazel: Drink it. You'll feel better. Dean: Ben, don't! Azazel: Your fault. Can't stop it. Lisa screams as she burns on the ceiling. Dean: No! INT. Dean's house Samuel and Sam fight BRIGITTA. Samuel: I got her. Go get Dean. Got her. Relax, hon. We're not gonna k*ll you. Get her in the van. Quick, now, before the boys get back. Christian: Come on. Come on. INT Dean's house. Dean: So, Samuel and the cuzzes? Sam: Don't know. They left in a hurry. I'm meeting them back at their place. You, uh, you coming with me? Dean: No. No, I'm going back for Lisa and Ben. Sam: I thought you said -- Dean: I did. I changed my mind. Sam: Look, I practically shoved you at them. Dean: That's a funny way to put it, but all right. Sam: I'm just saying, I really wanted that for you. And when I told you to go, I-I thought... You could have it, you know? But now I'm not so sure. I mean, you got to consider the fact that you'll be putting them in danger if you go back. Dean: So, what, it's better to leave them alone, unprotected, and then they're not in danger? I did this to them. I made them vulnerable the moment I knocked on their door, and I can't undo that. But what I can do is go with the best option. Sam: I hear you. I guess I just, wish you were coming, that's all. Dean: Why? Sam: Don't be stupid. Dean: No, I mean it. I mean, you know plenty of good hunters. I'm rusty. I did something seriously stupid going out there. I almost got us both k*lled. Sam: And that's exactly why I want you. Dean: What are you talking about? Sam: You just went. You didn't hesitate. Because you care, and that's who you are. Me? I wouldn't even think to try. Dean: Yes, you would. Sam: No, Dean. I'm telling you, it's just better with you around. That's all. Dean: Listen... Dean holds out the keys to the Impala. Dean: She should be hunting. Take her. Sam: Thanks. Really. But I already got my car set up how I like it. I should h*t the road. Dean: I'll walk you out. Keep in touch, you hear? Sam: 'Course. It was really good to see you again, Dean. Sam drives off.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "06x01 - Exile on Main St."}
Air Date: 01 October 2010 THEN Sam: Hey, Dean. It's me. Dean How long you been back, Sam? Sam: About a year. Dean You've been back practically this whole time? Sam: You finally had what you wanted, Dean. Dean I wanted my brother! Alive! Sam: You wanted a family. You only gave it up because of the way we lived. But you had something and you were building something. Bobby You got out, Dean! You walked away from the life. And it's as close to happiness as I've ever seen a hunter get. Sam: I hooked up with some other people. Dean You, working with strangers? Sam: They're more like family. Gwen Campbell, Christian, and Mark. Dean Campbell? Like... CHRISTIAN Like your mom. Samuel: I'm your grandfather. Dean Samuel? You can't be. Samuel: We're guessing whatever pulled Sam up, pulled me down. Dean But you don't know what that is. Samuel: Bingo. Sam: Shapeshifter. Something that can make itself look like anyone. Dean Legends of creatures who can transform themselves into animals or other men. When the shapeshifter changes shape, maybe it sheds. Sam: You coming with me? Dean No, I'm going back for Lisa and Ben. Sam: You'll be putting them in danger. Dean So, what? It's better to leave them alone, unprotected, and then they're not in danger? I made them vulnerable the moment I knocked on their door. You keep in touch, you hear? Sam: Of course. NOW INT. HOUSE - NIGHT A fireplace. Pictures of a family line the mantle. A bloody hand enters the sh*t and smashes one of the framed pictures. The hand belongs to a woman, the Wife in the picture, who is gasping for breath as she runs, holding a BABY to her chest. She runs up a flight of stairs and into a room. She closes the door and grabs a phone from a nearby table. She tries to call for help, but gets a dial tone. She hears footsteps outside the door and crawls under the bed with the BABY. She hears doors opening and closing through the house as the footsteps come closer. Boots can be seen stopping under the crack of the door. Once they move past, she looks on the other side of the bed, and sees her HUSBAND lying d*ad on the floor, his throat cut and bloody. She cries out and then covers her mouth. She hears nothing and then, without warning, she's pulled out from under the bed, screaming. The BABY is left under the bed as she continues to scream. EXT. HOUSE - DAY There is a "HOME FOR RENT" sign in the yard, mostly obscured by a "RENTED" sticker. INT. GARAGE - DAY The Impala is mostly covered by a tan tarp, but the trunk is clear. Dean opens the trunk of the Impala and looks inside. He takes out his sawed-off g*n, checks the rounds, and then puts it away. He closes the trunk, locks it, puts the keys in his toolbox, and lets the tarp settle back over the trunk of the Impala. He leaves the garage with a box labeled "KITCHEN." INT. Dean's HOUSE - DAY Dean and Lisa are unpacking boxes. BEN sits at a table, looking upset. Lisa What's up? BEN Nothing. Lisa At least wait until you've checked the place out before you hate it. Open mind, that's all I ask. BEN Yeah, all right. BEN stands. BEN (CONT'D) I'll be back. BEN walks towards his bike. Dean Oh, hey. Where's the f*re? BEN Just going to check out the block. Dean And let your mom unpack the kitchen by herself? Come on. Lisa We'll go for lunch later. Scope out the neighborhood. Right? Dean Yeah, sounds like a plan. (to BEN) Come on, why don't you give me a hand? Dean and BEN leave the room together. EXT. VICTIM's HOUSE Cop cars are on the street and policemen walk in and out of the front door of a house surround by crime scene tape. We hear indistinct radio chatter in the background. Sam is talking to a Detective. He holds a flyer for a missing child in his hand. Sam: Where'd you find them? Detective We found the parents upstairs. Pretty brutal. Sam: Break in? Detective No, alarm never went off. Sam: Any leads on the baby? Detective None yet. Sam: So what do you think? Think it's okay? Alive? Detective I did yesterday. Sam: Thank you. Sam walks up the path towards the house, ducking under the crime scene tape that blocks it off. INT. Dean's HOUSE - DAY The doorbell rings. Dean opens the front door and we see a PIZZA DELIVERY Man. PIZZA DELIVERY Man Hi. Dean Hey. PIZZA DELIVERY Man One cheese, one everything? Dean Yeah. Thank you. Dean takes the pizzas and pays the PIZZA DELIVERY Man. Dean There you go. Keep the change. PIZZA DELIVERY Man Thanks. Dean Thanks. Dean turns and sees Lisa and BEN standing behind him. Dean What? Lisa I thought we were going out? Dean Oh yeah, I forgot. I'm sorry. Lisa Sure. I'll look for plates. Lisa leaves the room. EXT. VICTIM's HOUSE - DAY Sam leaves the house. He is talking to Samuel on his cell phone. Sam: Hey. So, I've been all over this. No sulfur. No EMF. I'm starting to think maybe it's not our kind of thing. Samuel: Four couples slaughtered in one part of the state within days of each other. That's four babies taken from locked houses. Damn it! Explain to me how any version of that is natural. Sam: No, no, I agree. It's awful. I'm just saying this one might be on the police. Samuel: Okay, so either we've got monsters grabbing babies to make baby stew, or we've got a bunch of psychotic yokels grabbing babies to make baby stew. Either way, it's baby stew, which is bad. Sam sighs. Samuel: Am I boring you? You got someplace you need to be? Sam: No, no, no, I get it. Samuel: Good. You know, sometimes I wonder about you, Sam. Sam: Sometimes I wonder about me, too. Samuel: Well, I will go back over everything. See if there's anything we missed. Sam sees a sign for "Harper Caine Security" in the front yard of the house. Sam: Hey, the Detective said the alarm in the house never went off. You mind taking a quick look - see if anyone else had a system from Harper Caine Security? Samuel: Yeah, sure. Any chance I get to hop on a computer. INT. Dean's GARAGE - DAY Dean enters the garage. The trunk of the Impala is open and BEN is holding Dean's sawed-off g*n. Dean What the hell? Hey, hey, give me that. Dean takes the g*n from BEN, puts it back in the trunk, and closes the trunk. Dean What do you think you're doing? BEN I just wanted to see it. Dean Listen to me. Don't ever open this trunk. Do you understand me? BEN Okay, sorry. But I don't get it. You had your own r*fle when you were my age. Dean Ben, mark my words. You will never, ever sh**t a g*n, ever. BEN I know what's going on. You think something might be coming for us. Dean There's nothing coming for us. BEN I could do what you do. You could teach me how to sh**t-- Dean Shut up about the freaking g*n, okay! BEN Okay. Sorry. I'm sorry. BEN leaves the garage and Dean covers the trunk with the tarp again. EXT. PARK - DAY Sam is sitting on a park bench and reading a file. His cell phone rings and he answers it. Samuel: You were right. Every family that got h*t: Harper Caine Security. So I pulled the client records. Sam: Right, to see if there's any other families who fit the profile. Samuel: There is another happy couple walking and talking, 6 month old baby, like all the others. Sam: What's the address? INT. Dean's GARAGE - DAY Dean Hey. Lisa What happened? Ben's been locked in his room for hours. Says you yelled at him. What did he do? Dean Nothing. Lisa What did you do? Dean He got into my tools. I shouldn't have got mad. Lisa You want to talk about this? Dean About? Lisa Yelling at Ben? Keeping us in the house? Dean I'm trying to keep us safe, here. Lisa I'm not arguing, okay. You're the expert. I'm just asking. You said that you and your brother k*lled whatever was after us. And then we moved just to be sure! So what is it, Dean? A monster? Or monsters in general? Dean I don't know. Something might come. Lisa What? Dean I don't know, I can't predict what's going to come after me. Lisa Well, I'm going to need some parameters. We have to live our lives here. I mean, at some point I have to work. Ben has school! Dean But if something happens on my watch... Lisa I know you're trying to protect us, but you're kind of scaring me a little, too. Lisa leaves the garage. EXT. HOUSE - NIGHT Sam pulls up in his car. He gets out, opens his trunk, and gets a g*n and a flashlight. He walks up to the dark house. We see a "Harper Caine Security" sign in the yard. Sam jimmies the lock on the front door and enters the house. He finds the husband and wife d*ad and bloody in the living room. He follows bloody footprints further into the house, g*n and flashlight raised. He checks a closet, but it is empty. A Man barrels into him, disarming him and knocking him to the ground. Sam kicks him in the nose and knocks him back, which allows him to pull his Kn*fe. He slashes the Man's arm, and the wound hisses and burns. The Man flees. Sam checks the rest of the house, eventually entering the laundry room when he hears a noise. He looks under the folding table, and we see his surprised face. INT. Dean's HOUSE - NIGHT Dean's cell phone rings. He answers it. Dean Sam? Sam is driving and talking on his cell phone. Sam: I need your help. Now. Dean What's wrong? Sam: I'm working this job. Dean Dude. Sam: Look, I just need you with me on this, okay? Dean I'm out. I'm staying out. Sam: Make an exception. Dean For what? Sam: Look, I'm thirty minutes away and I will drive to your door if you don't meet me. Dean And what's so nuts that you gotta thr*at a damn drive by? Dean makes a surprised face. EXT. ROAD - NIGHT Dean drives up to Sam's car in his truck. He gets out and walks towards Sam. Dean Where is it? Sam: Strapped down in the back seat. Dean looks in the back of Sam's car. Sam: Welcome to the party, Guttenberg. We see a BABY in the back seat. INT. Dean's HOUSE - DAY Dean Okay, show me. Lisa I've got it. We've been over this. Dean Humor me. Lisa Load clip. Pull slide. Safety off. Safety on. Dean And salt the windows and the doors. Lisa Of course. Dean Maybe I shouldn't go. Lisa It's okay. You want to go, so go. Dean You know what, Sam can handle this. Lisa Dean, no offense, but if you don't walk out that door, I'm going to sh**t you. Dean grabs his duffle bag and zips it closed before throwing the strap over his shoulder. Dean I bet you're missing your ex right about now. The uh, the boring one? Lisa God, shut up. Just be careful, okay? Dean kisses Lisa and goes to walk out the door Dean Bye. Lisa Bye. EXT. ROAD - DAY Dean drives up to Sam's car in his truck, gets out, and pulls his duffle bag out of the truck bed. Dean Alright, so what do we know about this thing? Sam: Well, uh, it was fast and it freaked when I cut it with silver. Dean Alright, so that narrows it down to... Sam: A ghoul? A zombie, a shifter, or about a dozen other things. Dean I don't recall seeing babynapping in the profiles. Sam: Yeah, exactly. Sam and Dean get in the car. INT. Sam's CAR - DAY Dean looks back at the BABY. Dean Well feel free to speak up if you know anything. Sam starts the car and it makes a continual dinging sound. Sam: Seatbelt. Dean What am I, in third grade? A car should drive, not be a little bitch. The BABY cries out and Dean and Sam look back at it. The BABY farts. Dean Yeah, don't take it personal. Dean looks at Sam. Dean Well, we need to get some supplies. Sam: I've got an arsenal in the trunk. Dean Not that kind. INT. STORE - DAY Dean walks next to Sam, who pushes a grocery cart down a store aisle. The BABY is in a baby seat in the front of the cart. Dean Alright, I'm pretty sure that there's some kind of paste or jelly you're supposed to put on their butt. Sam grabs a box off the shelf. Sam: Like uh... like that? Dean Yeah, grab that. Dean grabs a box of diapers and puts it in the cart. Sam: So how do you know all this? Dean Lisa has a baby niece, so I've been on a few milk runs. Sam: Huh. Dean Shut it. Sam: I just said "huh." Dean I just said "shut it." The BABY starts fussing. Dean Alright, we gotta get moving. We've got the waterworks in like, T-minus ten. Sam: Yeah, okay. Dean Go. INT. STORE - CHECKOUT LINE - DAY The BABY is crying loudly. CUSTOMERS are disapproving. Sam loads groceries on the counter for checkout while Dean tries to calm the BABY. Dean Shh... shh... Come on, hang in there buddy. Hang in there, man. Sam: Dean, make it stop. Dean How? Sam: Everyone's staring at us like we're child abusers! Feed it! Dean We fed it! Sam: Then what? Dean I don't know. You think I speak baby? Maybe he needs a diaper change. Sam: Oh God, I hope not. Dean takes the BABY out of its baby seat and holds it awkwardly. He tries to check if its diaper needs changing. The BABY continues to cry and Dean mimics it. A Woman approaches them. Woman: Aw... what's the matter? What's his name? Dean Bobby. Sam: John. Dean Bobby John. Woman: Hi, Bobby John. Aren't you handsome? May, I? Dean Oh, oh uh... The Woman takes Bobby John in her arms and it settles down. Woman: I see now, Bobby John's a little wet. No offense, you two look exhausted. I don't mind. Lord knows I've changed a million diapers. Dean sees the Woman's eyes flare in a security camera feed behind him. She is a Shapeshifter. Dean That's a really nice offer, thank you, but um... I think we've got it. Shapeshifter: Oh, it's nothing. Happy to help. Dean Give me the baby before I s*ab you in your neck. Sam: Dean! Dean points behind him and Sam sees from the camera feed that she is a Shapeshifter. The Shapeshifter runs away with Bobby John. Sam and Dean give chase. Dean tries to grab her, but the flesh of her arm sheds off in his hand. Sam runs into her and takes Bobby John before running outside. Dean then tackles the Shapeshifter to the ground and pulls out his Kn*fe. Shapeshifter: Help me! A STORE Manager approaches. STORE Manager Hey! Shapeshifter: He's hurting me! STORE Manager Get off of her! The STORE Manager pulls Dean off of the Shapeshifter. Dean Okay, alright. Alright. Dean puts away the Kn*fe, then runs out of the store. EXT. STORE - DAY Dean gets into Sam's car. Dean: Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Sam drives away quickly. The Shapeshifter runs outside and watches them leave. She sees the license plate number on Sam's car. INT. Sam's CAR - DAY Dean is trying to strap Bobby John in his car seat while Sam drives. Dean: The hell does a shifter want with a baby, anyway? Sam: You tell me. Dean: And how the hell did it find us? Dean struggles with the baby seat. Dean (CONT'D) Who designed this thing? NASA? Sam: You know, it could have been following me this whole time. Since the baby's house. Dean: Alright, you know, we got to get off the road. Get Bobby John here someplace safe. Figure this thing out. Okay, alright, shh, shh. Easy, kid. EXT. Police CAR - DAY A Police Officer sits in his patrol car. His driver side door is open and he is on his radio. DISPATCH Charlie 86, go ahead. Police Officer: I need a 10-28 on Illinois plates I as in India, 4 Zulu Oscar 8 9 2. DISPATCH Copy, 86. Stand by. The camera pans to the left and we see the real Police Officer d*ad in the passenger seat of the patrol car. The man talking on the radio was the Shapeshifter. The passenger side door is open and there is a pile of shed skin on the ground next to it. INT. MOTEL - DAY Dean is changing Bobby John's diaper on a motel bed. Dean: Okay, alright, you know what? I'll pay you money if you sit still. Sam laughs. Dean (CONT'D) This is like defusing an IED, with poop! Okay, alright, alright, alright, you are golden, Bobby John. Time to h*t the hay. Dean picks up Bobby John and hums "Smoke on the Water" as he carries him over to a crib. Sam: Dean, you're just going to make it cranky again. Dean: Shh, it's working. Okay, if I put you down, you gonna be a man about it? Dean puts Bobby John down in the crib. Bobby John goes to sleep. Sam: Huh. Dean: What? Sam: You're just, uh, actually, not awful at that. Dean: Dude, I'm barely keeping that thing alive. Sam: No, no, no, seriously. You've got a whole Dr. Huxtable vibe coming off of you. You're like... father material. Dean: Yeah, well I kind of had to be lately, you know. Sink or swim, right? Sam: You mean Ben. Dean: Yeah, I mean Ben. I mean, I know he's not my kid, but I don't know, I'm starting to feel like yeah, he is. Then I think about the way we grew up, I don't know, I kind of feel like I have a chance to do something different with Ben, you know? Sam: You sure about that? Dean: What do you mean? Sam: Look, you clearly care about the kid. Dean: But? Sam: But moving them around? Keeping them on lockdown? I mean, you do have them on lockdown, right? How is any of that different from how we were raised? Dean: So you're saying... I'm not shoving anybody into this life, okay? This is temporary. Sam: Dad always said it was temporary, Dean. He said it for 22 years. Look, I get it. You want to watch out for them. That's great. I'm just asking, how do you do that and not turn into Dad? Dean is quiet. Sam looks at the papers on the table in front of him. Sam: Crap. I can't believe I missed this. Dean: What? Sam: This house on Elm. The mother was k*lled, baby was grabbed, but daddy wasn't living in the house at the time so he's still alive. What do you say we go and have a chat? Dean: I say let's. Dean and Sam both look at Bobby John, who is still lying in his crib. Dean: You go. Sam: You sure? Dean: Unless you've got a badge for Bobby John, yeah, I'm sure. Sam leaves the room and Bobby John starts to cry. Dean puts a finger in his drink and reaches down into Bobby John's crib. Bobby John quiets. Dean: It's good, isn't it? EXT. AUTO SHOP - DAY Sam is questioning a Man in coveralls. Man: I just, I still can't believe it. I mean, it's one thing to die like that. The poor baby, just into thin air. No thanks to you guys. Sam: Well, that's why I'm here. You had filed for divorce? It's important, I'm sorry. Man: She, uh. She cheated on me, and, well, I caught her. Sam: And did you know the other man? Man: No, I mean, I didn't "catch her" catch her, but she lied to me. Sam: Okay. Man: We hadn't, you know, in a while, and then she's pregnant. Sam: And what did she say? Man: She said it was mine. I know. And I said that's impossible and what is she talking about. And she says don't you remember when you went out of town and then you came back early? Sam: But you didn't. Man: No. I was at a damn softball tournament. Whoever he was, he's the father. INT. MOTEL - DAY Bobby John is lying in his crib. Dean is on the motel bed, enjoying the "Magic Fingers" vibrations. He hears a sound and Bobby John starts crying. Blood and skin are on the wall above the crib. As Dean gets up off the bed, his cell phone rings and he answers it. Dean: Yeah? Sam: I talked to the father. He checks out. But the baby... Dean: Yeah. Sam: I think the shapeshifter is his dad. Dean picks up Bobby John and holds him at arm's length. Bobby John is now black. He looks like the baby that was on the nearby box of diapers. Dean: You think? INT. MOTEL - DAY Dean is trying to calm down Bobby John, who is crying loudly. There is a knock on the door. Manager: Manager! Everything okay in there? Dean: Yeah, no, we're fine. Thank you. Good night. Manager: There's been complaints. Mind opening the door, sir? Dean: It's not a good time. Just got out of the shower. The doorknob rattles. Dean puts Bobby John in the crib and stands to the side of the door. The door unlocks and the Shapeshifter, still disguised as a police officer, enters the room. Dean att*cks him and they grapple. Dean is pushed back. Shapeshifter: Get out of the way. Dean: Yeah, that's not going to happen. Shapeshifter: That child should be with his father. Dean: Wow, I gotta be honest. I'm not really seeing the family resemblance. Shapeshifter: I'm not just talking about me. I'm talking about our father. The Shapeshifter moves to att*ck, and Dean punches him and slashes him across the face with a silver Kn*fe. They continue to fight and Dean is thrown back on the ground. Sam enters the motel room and sh**t the Shapeshifter through the heart, k*lling him. Dean: Well, there goes our deposit. INT. Sam's CAR Sam is driving. Dean sits next to him in the passenger seat. Bobby John is sleeping in the back seat. Sam: You know, it's pretty smart, actually. I mean, shifter poses as a guard for the security company to get near the house. Then it scopes out the fam. Dean: Yeah, and then daddy takes off, and shifter becomes daddy. A few glasses of wine, shakes momma's trees, comes back in nine months to collect its prize. Sam: I didn't even know they had babies. I thought they were just freaks of nature, like X-Men style. Dean: You learn something new every day, huh? Sam: I've never seen a baby monster before. Dean: Of course it's not really a monster. I mean, it's still just a baby. It's not its fault its dad's a shifter. Sam: Right, but it's a shifter, too. Dean: Still doesn't change the fact that we've got to look after this thing. I mean, what the hell are we going to do with it? We can't actually drop it off at an orphanage. They might get upset when it turns Asian. Sam: Samuel. Dean: What? Sam: Samuel. He'll know what to do. Dean: You want to bring it to a bunch of hunters? Sam: Not just hunters, Dean. They're our family. Dean: We don't know them. Sam: I do. Not every hunter is a head case. I mean, Samuel is actually a lot like you. Dean: I'm a freaking head case. Sam: Well, pitch a better idea then. Dean stays silent. Sam (CONT'D) Great! Samuel, it is. EXT. COMPOUND - NIGHT Sam, Dean, and Bobby John drive through a guarded gate into the Campbells' compound. INT. COMPOUND - NIGHT Dean is holding Bobby John. CHRISTIAN walks past. GWEN approaches Dean and strokes Bobby John. Gwen: Well aren't you just the best disguise a monster ever wore? I'm kidding, Dean. Relax. Mark approaches Dean. Dean: What, you got something to say? No? Alright, well, you stand there and think at me. Sam and Samuel enter the room. Sam: What's our next move? Samuel: I got a couple of ideas. Dean, let me see the little guy. Dean: That's alright, I got him. Samuel: What do you think I'm going to do? Dean: You really don't want me to answer that question. CHRISTIAN Well I'm curious. Who exactly do you think we are? Dean: Hunters. CHRISTIAN Funny, here I've been thinking we're family. Sam: Hey, let's not get worked up. CHRISTIAN Yeah, yeah, let's not. Sam: Here, Dean, it's fine. Let me take him. It's okay. Sam takes Bobby John and then passes him to Samuel. Samuel: Hey there. You're a big fella, aren't ya? Yeah. I haven't held one of these in a long time. Your mom was the tiniest. She was as bald as a cue ball. Dean: Alright, so what the hell are we going to do with him? Samuel: Raise him. Dean: Raise him? Samuel: What, you've got another suggestion? Dean: But... Samuel: It's dangerous out there for him, Dean. Dean: And what about in here? What are we gonna - study him? Poke at him? CHRISTIAN Your mind goes straight to t*rture, Dean. Don't assume that for everyone. Dean: What exactly are you trying to say? CHRISTIAN Sorry, I heard about what you majored in down in the Pit. Dean: The hell is your problem, man? CHRISTIAN You're starting to become a pain in my ass. Sam: Christian, take it easy, man. He's my brother. Samuel: We all done bristling up here, or what? Nobody's doing anything to him, Dean. When he's old enough, we throw it to him. He wants to volunteer to help out, that's fine. Mark: Could be great. Dean: How? Mark: Think of the kind of hunter he'll grow up to be. Dean: You all are joking, right? I mean, come on! You can't "Angelina Jolie" a shapeshifter. Give me the baby. Samuel: Why can't you give me an inch of trust, Dean? Dean: Maybe because you two are suddenly back from the d*ad, and I seem to be the only one who wants to know how the hell that happened! Sam: You're not the only one who wants to know. Dean: There's just a little too much mystery with this family for me to get comfy. Samuel: Then don't! But don't put it on us. All we're trying to do is invite you in. Christian? CHRISTIAN Yeah? Samuel: You and Arlene, still no luck on the baby front? CHRISTIAN Not yeah, no. Samuel: But you want one? CHRISTIAN Yeah, we do. Dean: Wait, hold on. Samuel: It's okay, Dean. It's alright. Samuel hands Bobby John to CHRISTIAN. Samuel: Congrats. It's a boy, sometimes. CHRISTIAN (Laughs) The crap I do for this family. Dean: You're kidding me, right? CHRISTIAN Go to hell, Dean. Dean: Well, you have no business raising anything. Sam: Why, Dean? Because he's a hunter? Dogs are barking outside. Samuel: Check the back door. CHRISTIAN hands Bobby John to Samuel, and Samuel passes him to Dean. Samuel (CONT'D) Downstairs, panic room. He'll be safe there. Go. Forget it, go! Now! Dean and Sam leave for the panic room with Bobby John. GWEN, CHRISTIAN, Mark, AND Samuel get w*apon ready and aim them at the door just as it is kicked in by Shapeshifter 2, disguised as Samuel. Shapeshifter 2 walks inside. Shapeshifter 2 You have something of ours. INT. COMPOUND - NIGHT Shapeshifter 2 I know he's here. I can feel him. GWEN sh**t Shapeshifter 2 in the back twice with a g*n, but it has no effect. Shapeshifter 2 approaches GWEN and Mark jumps between them, s*ab Shapeshifter 2 in the heart. It also has no effect. Samuel sh**t Shapeshifter 2 in the back with a tranquilizer. Mark: Run! Shapeshifter 2 breaks Mark's neck, k*lling him. CHRISTIAN Mark! Shapeshifter 2 grabs GWEN by the neck. Samuel and CHRISTIAN sh**t more tranquilizers into Shapeshifter 2. Shapeshifter 2 pulls the Kn*fe out of his heart, but the tranquilizers take effect and he weakens, letting GWEN go. Samuel: Easy tiger. (to Christian) Get the silver nets. We're gonna box him up. Shapeshifter 2 stands straight and the tranquilizers sh**t out of his back. INT. COMPOUND - PANIC ROOM - NIGHT Dean and Sam pace. Dean holds Bobby John. Dean: Come on, Bobby John. You have got to keep quiet. They hear g*n upstairs. Dean (CONT'D) It does not sound good up there. Sam: Alright, I'm going to go up. Stay with the baby. Sam goes to the door and sees Shapeshifter 2, disguised as Sam, in the window. Sam pulls out his Kn*fe, and Shapeshifter 2 tears the panic room door off its hinges. Shapeshifter 2 quickly overpowers Sam and approaches Dean and Bobby John. As it nears, it shifts into Dean without shedding its skin. Dean: What the... Shapeshifter 2 Give me the baby. Dean: No way in hell. Shapeshifter 2 grabs Dean by the neck and raises him up the wall. Shapeshifter 2 takes Bobby John and chokes Dean before letting him fall to the floor. Shapeshifter 2 walks out of the panic room with Bobby John still disguised as Dean. INT. COMPOUND - NIGHT Sam and Samuel talk while CHRISTIAN and GWEN clean up after the att*ck. Dean approaches Sam and Samuel. Samuel: Well, I'm pretty sure it's not a myth now. Sam: Yeah. Dean: What the hell was that thing? Samuel: We think it may have been an Alpha. Dean: An alpha, like? Samuel: Like all monsters come from somewhere, right? Dean: And you think that this one was - Samuel: The king shapeshifter. First one who spawned all the others - there's tons of lore about it. Dean: The first one? Sam: That's why it was so strong, and why nothing we had stopped it. Samuel: And he said that he could find the baby anywhere. That he could feel it, like there's a connection. That's in the lore, too. Dean: What the hell does it want with babies, anyway? Samuel: A softball team? I got no clue. Dean: Great, well then how do we k*ll it? Samuel: I don't know if we can. EXT. COMPOUND - NIGHT Dean and Sam walk out of the compound together. Dean: You know, it's funny. Sam: What's that? Dean: You know, just before you ganked that shifter in the motel, he mentioned a father, which makes sense now because he meant the Alpha. Sam: Huh. Yeah, I guess so. Dean: Did you hear him say that? Sam: Uh, I don't know. Kind of a hot moment, you know? Why? Dean: Well, because if you heard him, then you knew the Alpha was out there. Sam: Okay. Dean: And if you knew the Alpha was out there then you knew he might come after the baby. In which case you were using the baby as bait. So was that the plan? To use the baby as bait? Sam: Of course not. Dean, I just thought that Samuel's was the safest place. That's all. Dean: Right, of course. Sam gets in the car. Dean follows. INT. COMPOUND - NIGHT Samuel is sitting in the kitchen area, talking on the phone. Samuel: No, I didn't catch it. It k*lled three of my people. I sh*t it full of elephant tranquilizer, and it Chuckled! To be honest, I'm not sure I want to find it. But yeah, we will find a way to catch it. (pause) Yeah, sure, I'll bring it right to you, gift wrapped. INT. Dean's HOUSE Lisa dries dishes in the kitchen. Dean enters. Lisa: Hey. Dean: Hey, where's Ben? Lisa: Bike ride. What? Dean: I don't know what to do here, Lis. I mean, if I knew for sure what the safest thing was, then I'd do it. Stay here and look after you guys or get as far away as I possibly can, but I don't know. And I get what I've been doing lately, you know, what with the yelling and the acting like a prison guard. It's just, that's not me. You tell yourself you're not gonna be something, you know? But my dad was exactly like this. All the time. It's scaring the hell out of me. Lisa: Dean, can I be honest? Maybe we're safer with you here, maybe gone. I don't know. The one thing that I do know is that you're not a construction worker. You're a hunter. And now you know your brother's out there, things are different. You don't want to be here, Dean. Dean: Yes, I do. Lisa: Okay. Okay, but you also want to be there. I get it. You're white-knuckling it living like this. Like what you are is some bad, awful thing. But you're not. But I'm not going to have this discussion every time you leave. And this is just going to keep happening, so I need you to go. Dean: I can't just lose you and Ben. Lisa: That's not what I'm saying. Dean: You're saying h*t the road. Lisa: Dean, if there's some rule that says this all has to be either/or, how about we break it? Me and Ben will be here, and you come when you can. Just come in one piece, okay? Dean: You really think we can pull something like that off? Lisa: It's worth a sh*t, right? INT. Dean's GARAGE "Smoke on the Water" plays. Dean pulls the tarp off the Impala and smiles.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "06x02 - Two and a Half Men"}
Air Date: 08 October 2010 Sam: Hey, Dean. Dean: How long you been back? Sam: About a year. Dean: What have you been doing? Sam: Hunting. Dean: You been back practically this whole time?! Sam: You finally had what you wanted, Dean. Dean: I wanted my brother,alive! Sam: You wanted a family. You only gave it up because of the way we lived. But you had something, and you were buildingsomething. Lisa: I need you to go. You're a hunter. And now you know your brother's out there. Things are different. You don't want to be here, Dean. Dean: Yes, I do. Lisa: Me and Ben will be here, and... you come when you can. Just come in one piece. Dean: And you really think we could pull something like that off? Lisa: It's worth a sh*t. INT. Dean's GARAGE - DAY Dean pulls the tarp off the Impala, smiles. FLASHBACKS to Gabriel, Lucifer and Raphael Castiel (voice over) Archangels are fierce. They're absolute. They're heaven's most terrifying w*apon. Raphael. Come and get me, you little bastard. RAPHAEL Castiel. Castiel: When the oil burns, no angel can touch or pass through the flames, or he dies. RAPHAEL Castiel. I'm warning you. Do not leave me here. I will find you. Dean: What are you gonna do now? Castiel: Return to heaven, I suppose. Dean: Heaven? Castiel: With Michael in the cage, I'm sure it's total anarchy up there. INT. Police LOCKER ROOM JERRY, wearing a t-shirt, is toweling his face after shaving. He sees a spot of blood on the towel and notices a nick on his left cheek. He rinses it off, but it persists. JERRY Oh, come on. JERRY rubs his right cheek. A patch of skin peels off and lands in the sink. JERRY Ohh. Oh. [ Exhaling sharply. ]What the hell? A second cop, Ed, has been dressing in the locker behind. Ed: Come on, man. Let's get going. JERRY walks backward from the mirror, breathing rapidly and leaving bloody footprints. Blood seeps through the back of his t-shirt. Ed: Jerry? JERRY [ Bleeding from the mouth. ]Ed, I think I'm bleeding. JERRY falls forward. Blood splatters at Ed's feet. The camera pulls back to reveal a mash of flesh and blood where JERRY used to be. Ed is horrified. INT. Dean's HOUSE - DAY Birds are chirping as morning light floods into a bedroom window. Dean is sleeping. Lisa wakens next to him. Lisa: Hey, you. Dean: Hey. A light peck becomes a long and passionate kiss. Dean is distracted by the sound of a heartbeat. A horn blares and Dean wakens from his dream. He is alone in the Impala, parked just off a busy highway. INT. Hotel ROOM - DAY Sam is inside, shirtless, working through a fitness routine of push-ups and sit-ups. These scenes are intercut with: EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY Dean is by the side of the road, fully clothed, stretching to work the kinks out. The Impala pulls out and is back on the road. INT. Hotel ROOM - DAY Sam is doing chin-ups on a pipe suspended from the ceiling of the room. A PROFESSIONAL LADY emerges from the bathroom. PROFESSIONAL LADY Don't stop on my account. Sam: [ Laughs. ]I'm done. PROFESSIONAL LADY Last night was a... [ clears throat ]high point, if you don't mind me saying. Sam: Good. PROFESSIONAL LADY All right. Well, I see you need to start your day. When did you say you were heading out? Sam exhales, indicating impatience. PROFESSIONAL LADY You didn't. Right. Damn, you know how to play that mystery card. As she turns to leave, Sam clears his throat and holds up some cash. PROFESSIONAL LADY Right. I almost forgot. Next time... [ gives Sam a note ]you can call me on my night off. If you want. Sam: Okay. PROFESSIONAL LADY Okay. She leaves. The phone rings. Sam scrunches up the note and tosses it into a wastepaper basket. He picks up his cellphone. Sam: Hey. EXT. BURGER HEAVEN - DAY Dean: Hey. I'm about eight hours out of the Campbell Base. Sam: Uh, change of plans. I need you to meet me. I'm in PA. Town called Easter. Dean: What are you doing in Pennsylvania? Sam: Caught a case. Dean: A case? When? It's been like a day and a half. Sam: I like to work. Dean: Apparently. Sam: Glad we hashed that out. Call me when you roll into town. Sam hangs up. Dean stares at his phone. Dean: Who died and made you boss? EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY A cop, TOBY, is parked on the side of a road. A car speeds by, clocking 70 mph. TOBY Well, now, you could do better than that. He settles back to pour some booze into a giant-sized plastic convenience store cup. His cellphone rings. TOBY Why are you calling me? He's d*ad, right? That's it. Now, I don't want to talk about it. We do what we do -- we go to work, we go to the funeral. [ Sighs ]Calm down. This is nothing to do with you and me. You're just working yourself up. Don't call me. [ Hangs up. ]Idiot. Something crashes through the branches toward the cop car. Boils break out on the TOBY's face and hands. TOBY God! God! Dispatch, this is -- Please, I -- I need... Please. TOBY chokes and stills. EXT. STREET - DAY Sam is in a suit, is leaning against his car and reading some reports. Dean drives up in the Impala and exits it in the midst of a phone conversation. He is also in a suit. Dean: Ben...I know you're lying. Because I lie professionally, that's how. Now tell your mom that you broke the damn thing and take it like a man. Okay? Ok-- okay. [ Hangs up. ] Sam: Wow. Dean: What? Sam: You -- molding the minds of tomorrow. Who knew? Dean: Yeah, tell me about it. Sam: How'd it go? Dean: With? Sam: You and Lisa. How'd she take it when you bailed? Dean: Shockingly cool, actually. Sam: Better for everybody. Dean: Yeah, I suppose. Still driving the plastic piece of crap, huh? Sam: What's your mileage, again? Dean: Shut up. INT. Police STATION - DAY Sam briefs Dean as they walk through the station to the morgue. Sam: Officer Gerald Hatch, 17-year veteran, found d*ad in the ready room three days ago. Dean: [ Reading the file. ]Whoa. Somebody was over-hydrated. Sam: [ Laughs. ]Basically, yeah. The guy just... liquefied. Most of the meat, bones, dense tissues -- they just turned to blood. Dean: Okay, I don't get it. Sam: Nobodygets it. Dean: No. I mean, I get that.I'm saying, if the guy was a mop job, then what are we doing in the morgue? What's left of him to look at? Sam: Not here to look at him.Here. Sam opens a drawer, revealing the boils-covered cop. Dean: Ooh. Bad news. Sam: Officer Toby Gray. They just brought him in. Found him d*ad in his patrol car, sitting at a speed trap on the outside of town. Dean: "Extreme allergic reaction." Sam: Yeah. Boils. Covered from head to toe. Dean: Yeah, on the inside, too. It says his airways are chock full of them. This startin' to look a little witchy to you? Sam: That was my first instinct, but I found zero signs of hexwork anywhere. Far as I can tell, witchcraft was not involved. Dean: There's got to be some sort of link between, uh, skid mark and bubble wrap here. Sam: No question. Dean: All right, well, can I get a witness? Sam: Yep. Uh... [ reads from notes ]Officer Ed Colfax. Saw Hatch go from a solid to a liquid. Dean: Another cop? Sam: Hatch's partner. Sam pushes the body back into its drawer. EXT. STREET - DAY Sam's car swings around a corner. Dean's car pulls out in front of him and is first to park his vehicles at their destination in a leafy neighborhood. Sam: Were you, uh... were you racing me? Dean: No. I was kicking your ass. Sam: Very mature. Sam and Dean knock on the door of a suburban house. Dean: Hello? Officer Colfax? The door opens to reveal Ed in full dress uniform. Dean: Whoa. Lookin' sharp, Kojak. Ed: Who the hell are you? Sam: We're the Fed, Ed. We're here to ask you a few follow-up questions about your partner's death. Ed: Don't worry about it. It's nobody's business. Sam: Officer Colfax -- Ed: Don't worry about it! Ed slams the door shut. Exasperated, Sam kicks the door in. Dean: Dude! Walking toward Ed's office, Sam and Dean pass a wall of family photos with the faces scratched out. They find Ed in his office, using a screwdriver to scratch out the face of his police portrait. Sam: Officer Colfax? Dean: Hey, man, you all right? Ed: Don't worry about it. Dean: Right. Look, Officer Colfax -- Ed. We think that your partner died of unnatural causes. Ed scratches his hat. Dean: Did he have any enemies that you know of? Ed: You might say that. Sam: Oh, yeah? Who's that? Ed: They both had it coming. Me too. I'll be the next to go, and then it'll be over. And God will be satisfied. Dean: Why does God want you all d*ad? Ed: 'Cause of Christopher Birch. Ed knocks over a bottle of booze. He watches it spill for some time. Ed: Oh, damn it. Sam: Who's Christopher Birch? Ed: He has no face. Sam: Ed? Dean: Officer, you all right? Ed rights the bottle. Sam: Who is Christopher Birch, Ed? Dean: Ed! Ed: Christopher Birch is a kid with no face... and a planted g*n. Dean: Uh, you, uh... you got a little something... Blood is dribbling from under Ed's hat. Ed puts his finger to it. Dean: ...yeah. Ed: Damn. My head's been itching like a dirty jock. Ed falls forward. His face lands on the broken glass of the picture frame. Sam: Ed? Sam walks behind the desk and checks Ed's neck for a pulse. Sam: d*ad. [ Buzzing sound. ] Dean: You hear that? Sam removes Ed's hat. Locusts crawl out of a hole in Ed's head. INT. Hotel ROOM - DAY Dean is seated at a table, looking through papers. Sam is at the other end, working on his laptop. Dean: Sweet. Blood, boils, locusts. Sam: Three of your more popular Egyptian plagues. Dean picks up a jar containing the locusts. Dean: Yeah, but these guys... ate their way out of a cop's melon. I don't quite remember that in the King James. Sam: Meanwhile, a kid named Christopher Birch [i]was[i]sh*t in the head last month after a vehicle pursuit. Hatch, Gray, and Colfax were the three officers involved, and they all filed the exact Same police report. Dean: [ Reading a report. ]"Suspect exited vehicle brandishing a firearm. We were forced to f*re." "Just a kid with no face and a planted g*n." Bunch of dicks. So they pop the kid, plant the piece. Sam: Maybe Colfax is right. You know, maybe heaven has a hate-on for bad cops. Dean: So we're listening to the guy with the bug in his custard? That's -- that's the, uh, the theory you want to go with? Sam: Dean, angels got to have something to do, right, now that we're post-Apocalypse? Dean opens a beer. Dean: We should call Cas. Sam: You're kidding, right? [ Scoffs ]Dean, I tried. It was the first and second and third thing I did, soon as I got topside. Son of a bitch won't answer the phone. Dean: [Sitting on a bed. ]Well, let's give it a sh*t. Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray to Castiel to get his feathery ass down here. Sam: You're an idiot. Dean: Stay positive. Sam: Oh, I [i]am[i]positive. Dean: Come on, Cas! Don't be a dick. We got ourselves a... plague-like situation down here, and... do you...do you copy? Sam: Like I said... [ clears throat ]son of a bitch doesn't answer -- he's right behind me, isn't he? Castiel: Hello. INT. Hotel ROOM - DAY Sam: Hello? Castiel: Y-yes. Sam: [ Imitating Castiel ]"Hello." [ Normal voice ]"Hello"? Castiel: Uh, that is still the term? Sam: I spent all that time trying to get through to you. Dean calls once, and now it's [ imitating Castiel ]"Hello"?! Castiel: Yes. Sam: [ Normal voice ]So, what, you -- you like him better or something? [ Scoffs ] Castiel: Dean and I do share a more profound bond. [ To Dean ]I wasn't gonna mention it. Dean: Cas, I think what he's trying to say is that... he went to Hell for us. I mean, he really took one for the team. You remember that? And then he comes back without a clue, and you can't take five friggin' minutes to give him some answers? Castiel: [ Strongly. ]If I had any answers, I might have responded. But I don't know, Sam. We have no idea who brought you back from the cage... or why. Sam: So... it wasn't God? Castiel: No one's even [i]seen[i]God. The whole thing remains mysterious. Sam: What the hell does [i]that[i]mean? Castiel: What part of "I don't know" escapes your understanding? Dean: Cas, look, if Sam calls, you answer. Okay? You wing your ass down here, and you tell him, "I don't know." Just because we have some sort of a -- a bond or whatever... Castiel: You think I came because [i]you[i]called? I came because of this. [ Walks to table where Dean's research is spread out. ] Dean: Oh, well, it's nice to know what matters. Castiel: It does help one to focus. Sam: Wait, so -- so you and the Halo Patrol, you guys aren't the cause of these killings? Castiel: No. But they were committed with one of our w*apon. There's only one thing that could have brought this into existence. You call it the Staff of Moses. Sam: [i]The[i]Staff? Castiel: [ Picks up the jar of locusts. ]It was used in a dominance display against the Egyptians, as I recall. Dean: [ Scoffs ]Yeah. That one made the papers Sam: B-but I thought the Staff turned, like, a -- a [i]river[i]into blood, not one dude. Castiel: The w*apon isn't being used at full capacity. I think we can rule Moses out as a suspect. Dean: Okay, but... what is -- what is Chuck Heston's disco stick doing down here, anyway? I mean, don't you guys put away your toys? Castiel: Before the apocalypse, Heaven may have been corrupt, but it was s*ab. The staff was safely contained. [ Sighs ]It's been chaos up there since the w*r ended. In that confusion, a number of... powerful w*apon were... stolen. Dean: Wait, you -- you're saying your nukes are loose? Castiel: Yeah, I'm afraid so. But you've stumbled onto one of them. We must find the w*apon that did this. [ Indicates the jar of locusts. ]I need your help. Sam: [ Scoffs. ]That's rich. Really. Castiel: [ Grunts, tosses the jar of locusts at Sam. Castiel performs air quotes during this speech. ]Sam, Dean, my "people skills" are "rusty." Pardon me, but I have spent the last "year" as a multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent. But believe me, you [i]do not[i]want that w*apon down here. Help me find it. Or more people will die. Dean: All right. Okay. Well, if the angels didn't pull the trigger, then that brings us back to motive. Castiel: What? Sam: Back to the case. Right now, we got three d*ad cops. Only thing linking them... is this. [ Dean hands Sam a newspaper clipping. ]"Father of slain suspect calls for investigation." INT. BIRCH FAMILY LIVING ROOM - DAY Newspaper clippings are strewn on the coffee table. The camera pulls back to reveal DARRYL BIRCH intently reading a tabloid with a front cover story entitled, "Police Officer DIES AT PRECINCT." [ A door slams, someone walks into the house. ] AARON, a boy Come on, dad. How many times are you gonna read that thing? You know what? We should just throw it away. DARRYL [ Mumbles, not looking up from the paper. ]Go out back and play. AARON leaves, DARRYL begins to cut the story out of the paper. ] Sam, Dean and Castiel suddenly appear in the living room. Dean: Oh, Cas, a little warning next time. DARRYL What the... how'd you get in here?! Sam: Mr. Birch, settle down. [ Shows FBI badge. ]Federal agents. DARRYL But you can't just walk in here! Sam: [ Indicating the clippings. ]Quite a collection you've got there, huh? DARRYL What are you trying to -- Sam: Look, we know the truth, all right? Chris didn't have a g*n on him when those cops sh*t him. They set him up. DARRYL Yeah. They're all getting theirs. Sam: [ Accusational tone. ]And who's giving it to them, Darryl? Dean: Darryl? Did you k*ll Toby Gray and the others? DARRYL [i]Me?![i]I didn't k*ll anyone! Look at how they died! Castiel: You smote them with the Staff of Moses! DARRYL The hell kind of Fed are you? Castiel: We don't have time for this. [ Steps up to DARRYL. ]Where is it? AARON [ Brandishing part of the Staff as if it were a g*n. ]Leave my dad alone! Castiel: Is that...? Yes. Sam: Shouldn't it be bigger? Castiel: Yes. It's -- it's been sawed off. AARON Leave him alone! It wasn't him! DARRYL Aaron, get out of here! [ Castiel presses two fingers to DARRYL's forehead, DARRYL falls back onto the sofa, unconscious. ] AARON What did you do to him? Dean: It's all right. He's just sleeping. AARON points the staff at Dean. Castiel teleports next to AARON, takes away the staff. Dean: Cas, take it easy! [ To AARON. ]Listen, we're not here to hurt you, okay? But we need to know... where did you get this thing? AARON Please don't k*ll my dad. It was me. I did it. Dean: Okay, nobody's k*lling anybody. What's your name? AARON Aaron. Aaron Birch. Dean: Okay, Aaron Birch, where did you get this? AARON You won't believe me. Dean: Try me. AARON It was an angel. Dean: An angel? AARON Those liars, they k*lled my brother, and nothing bad even happened to them. It's not fair. So I prayed to God every night he would punish them. God didn't answer. But [i]he[i]did. Castiel: His name -- did he give you a name? AARON No. He just said I could have justice, but I was gonna have to take it myself. He... he gave me the stick. Dean: He just... gave it to you? Ah, come on. He didn't just [i]give[i]it to you, did he, Aaron? AARON I bought it. Sam: You [i]bought[i]it? [ Chuckles. ]With what? What's your allowance? Dean: What did the angel want for it? What did you give him for it? AARON My soul. Sam: You sold your soul to an angel? Dean: [ To Castiel. ]Can that even happen? Castiel: It's never happened before. An angel's buying souls. That could explain why he cut the staff into pieces. Sam: Why? Castiel: More pieces, more product. Dean: More "product"? Who is this guy? Castiel: We'll find him. Castiel presses his fingers to AARON's forehead; AARON falls unconscious. Dean: What did you do that for? Castiel: Portability. Camera pulls back to reveal Castiel, carrying AARON over his shoulder, back in Sam's hotel room. Castiel places a still-unconscious AARON on the bed. Dean: Cas, you realize you just kidnapped a kid? Castiel: If the angel we seek truly bought this boy's soul, when a claim is laid on a living soul, it leaves a mark, a brand. Sam: What, like a -- like a shirt tag at camp? Castiel: I have no idea. But I can read the mark and find the name of the angel that bought the soul. Dean: How? Castiel: Well, painfully for him. The reading will be excruciating. Dean: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. Castiel: Dean. Dean: He's a kid, Cas. A ki-- Sam? Sam: [ To Castiel. ]Any permanent damage? Dean: What?! Castiel: Physically, minimal. Dean: Oh, well, yeah, then by all means, stick your arm right in there. Castiel: Dean! If I get the name, I can work a ritual to track the angel down. Dean: And I'm all for that. But come on. There's got to be another way. Castiel: There is no other way. Dean: You're gonna t*rture a kid? Castiel: I [i]can't[i]care about that, Dean! I don't have the luxury. Castiel pushes his hand into AARON's chest. AARON screams. Dean advances. Sam holds him back. They watch as AARON screams and his body lights up from the inside. He stops screaming and falls unconscious when Castiel withdraws his hand. Castiel: He'll rest now. Sam: Did you get a name? What is it? Castiel: I thought he died in the w*r. Sam: What, he -- he was a -- he was a friend or something? Castiel: [ Sighs. ]A good friend. Dean: Yeah, well, your frat buddy is now moonlighting as a crossroads demon. Castiel: Balthazar. I wonder... Sam: So we can find him now, right? AN ANGEL appears. ANGEL Balthazar. Thanks, Castiel. We'll make good use of the name. The ANGEL att*cks Castiel with an angel-k*lling sword. Castiel blocks it with his own. ANGEL And by the way, Raphael says hello. The ANGEL and Castiel fight in the room until they both lose their swords. They grapple each other and jump through the window, falling several stories onto a car parked on the street. Sam and Dean look out the window. The ANGEL disappears, leaving Castiel standing next to the desTroyed vehicle. Sam: My car. Dean: Okay. Silver lining. EXT. STREET - DAY Castiel is standing by the wrecked car. Sam and Dean are still up in the room. Castiel: [ Now back in the room behind Sam and Dean. ]He's gone. Sam: Alright Cas, who was that guy? Castiel: A soldier of Raphael. He must have followed me when I answered your call. Sam: Raphael? The archangel? I'm sorry, what's going on here? Castiel gets a bowl from a cupboard. Castiel: I can explain later. Right now we have to -- Dean: No, not later. Now. Stop, all right? Too many angels, Cas! I don't know who's on first, what's on second. Castiel: What is"second"?! Dean: Don't start that. Castiel: It is simple: Raphael and his followers, they want him to rule Heaven. I -- and many others -- the lastthing we want is to let him take over. It would be catastrophic. Sam: You're talking civil w*r. Castiel: Technically, yes. Which is why we have to find Balthazar and his w*apon before Raphael does. Whoever has the w*apon wins the w*r. Castiel pulls Sam's w*apon bag from under his bed. Sam: Help yourself. Dean: And what happens if Raphael wins? What -- what does he want? Castiel: [ Gets a flask of holy water from Sam's bag. ]What he's always wanted -- to end the story the way it was written. Dean: You mean the Apocalypse, the one that we derailed? Castiel: Yes. That one. Raphael wants to put it back on the rails. Dean: Why? Castiel: I need myrrh. Sam: Myrrh? Castiel is no longer standing by the bed. Dean: Freakin' angels. Castiel reappears behind Dean. He is drawing on the kitchen table with chalk. Dean: Why does Raphael want to bring back all this crap? Castiel: He's a traditionalist. Dean: Cas, why didn't you tell us this? Castiel: I was ashamed. I expected more from my brothers. I'm sorry. Now I need your blood. Castiel grabs Dean's wrist and slices his palm. Dean: Whoa, whoa! Hey! Ahh! Why don't you use your own? Castiel: It wouldn't work. I'm not human. Dean squeezes his hand shut. Blood drips into the bowl. Castiel adds myrrh and holy water and intones. [ Sirens sound. ] Sam: Uh, Cas, how long does this spell take? [ Wailing intensifies. ] Castiel: Got him. Let's go. Dean: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What about him? AARON is still lying on the bed, unconscious. Castiel: Don't you think the police will take him home? EXT. MANSION - NIGHT [ Crickets chirping. ] Dean: Huh. I was expecting more Dr. No, less Liberace. Dean, Sam and Castiel advance on the mansion. Castiel is in an opulent foyer. A frog perched on the balustrade of a grand staircase is croaking. Castiel teleports upstairs, follows loud music into a room with a piano and strobe lights. The door closes. Castiel readies his angel-k*lling sword. BALTHAZAR Cas. You're here. Castiel: Balthazar. BALTHAZAR It's so good to see you. He told me you were floating around. Castiel: He? BALTHAZAR I believe you two have flown together. [ He turns on the lights and the music stops. ]Oh, you know, the old frog in the throat. The body of the ANGEL who att*cked Castiel earlier is on the floor. A frog jumps out of his mouth and croaks. Castiel: Even Iknow that that's a bad joke. I grieved your death. BALTHAZAR Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry about that, you know. I wanted them to think, you know, so... they wouldn't come looking for me? Castiel: What... is all this? What are you doing? BALTHAZAR Whatever I want. This morning I had a ménage à -- what's French for 12? Castiel: You stole the Staff of Moses? BALTHAZAR Sure, sure. I stole a lotof things. Castiel: You were a great and honorable soldier. We fought together. BALTHAZAR Yes, too many times to count. Castiel: I know you. You're not some common thief. BALTHAZAR Common? No. Thief? Eh. Castiel: I need your help. BALTHAZAR I know. I've been hearing all about you, and as far as I'm concerned, you and me, Cas, nothing's changed. We're brothers. Of course I want to help you. Castiel: Thank you. I need the w*apon. BALTHAZAR Don't ask that. Castiel: Why take them? Why run away? BALTHAZAR Because I could!What? What? I me-- you're the one who made it possible. The footsteps I'm following -- they're yours. What you did, stopping the big plan, the prize fight? You did more than rebel. You tore up the whole script and b*rned the pages for all of us. [ Laughs. ]It's a new era. No rules, no destiny. Just utter and complete freedom. Castiel: And this is what you do with it? BALTHAZAR Hey, screw it, right? I mean, dad's not coming back. You might as well blow coke and jump on the bed. You proved to me we could do anything, so I'm trying [i]everything[i]. What difference does it make? Castiel: Of course it makes a diff-- it's civil w*r up there! BALTHAZAR I know. Castiel: If we can b*at Raphael, we can end this! Just give me the w*apon. BALTHAZAR [ Laughs. ]Do you know what's funny about you? You actually believe that you can stop the fighting. It will never stop. My advice -- grab something valuable and fake your own death. Castiel: You've gone insane. Your little holiday is over. Raphael knows you're alive by now. BALTHAZAR Oh, Raphael can try me anytime. I'm armed. I'm sorry, Cas. All else aside, I'm really, really happy to see you. Even though you still have that stick up your ass. [ Thunder crashes. ] BALTHAZAR Was that you? Castiel shakes his head. BALTHAZAR Oh, that's my cue then. Tell, uh, Raphael to bite me. [ Disappears. ] Rear view of three ANGELS standing outside the mansion where Sam, Dean and Castiel had stood before. EXT. MANSION - NIGHT [ Thunder crashes. ] RAPHAEL Watch them. They're all snakes. RAPHAEL and two angels walk toward the mansion. INT. - BALTHAZAR's MANSION Castiel is alerted to some developments. EXT. MANSION - NIGHT An ANGEL armed with an angel-k*lling sword is patrolling the grounds. Sam: Hey, there. [ Produces an angel-k*lling sword. ]Yeah, I got one of those, too. ANGEL [ Appears behind Sam, holding the Kn*fe to his throat. ]You think you can Kn*fe-fight an angel? Dean: Who's fighting? Peace out, douchewad. Dean slaps an angel-banishing sigil painted on the side of the house. The ANGEL disappears. [ Thunder crashes. ] INT. BALTHAZAR's MANSION Castiel [ To a thr*at ANGEL. ]You're making a mistake. Please. There is another way. Brother, please. I don't want to hurt you. The ANGEL advances on Castiel. Castiel throws his Kn*fe into the ANGEL's chest. The ANGEL screams and vacates the body. Castiel: Why won't any of you listen? Castiel is grabbed from behind. RAPHAEL They don't listen, Castiel, because their hearts are mine. RAPHAEL grabs Castiel by the collar and throws him back against a set of double doors that fall open. RAPHAEL kicks Castiel while he's down, then pulls him up to punch him several times. Castiel falls half-way down the grand staircase. RAPHAEL kicks him to the bottom and teleports there to punch Castiel again. RAPHAEL [ Raising an angel-k*lling sword. ]Somehow, I don't think God will be bringing you back this time. BALTHAZAR Hey! Look at my junk. [ Holds up a glowing crystal. ] RAPHAEL No. RAPHAEL turns to salt from head to toe. The salt clatters to the floor. BALTHAZAR [ Chuckles. ]Same thing happened to Lot's wife. Iodize the poor sucker, and your kitchen is stocked for life. [ Laughs. ] Castiel: You came back. BALTHAZAR Well, now Raphael will have to go shopping for a new vessel. Should give me a nice long head start on him. Until next time. Castiel: Next time. Dean: No time like the present. [ Flicks a lighter and drops it on a circle of holy oil that surrounds BALTHAZAR. ] BALTHAZAR Holy f*re. You hairless ape! Release me! Dean: First you're taking your marker off of Aaron Birch's soul! BALTHAZAR Am I?! Dean: Sam?! Sam: Unless you like your wings extra crispy -- [ uncorks a bottle of holy oil ]-- I'd think about it. BALTHAZAR Castiel, I stood for you in Heaven. Are you gonna let -- Castiel: I believe... the hairless ape has the floor. BALTHAZAR [ Laughs. ]Very well. [ Inhales, touches his clasped hands to his forehead, exhales. ]The boy's debt is cleared. His soul is his own. Dean: Why you buying up human souls, anyway? BALTHAZAR In this economy? It's probably the only thing worth buying. Do you have any idea what souls are worth? What power they hold? Now... release me. Dean: Suck it, ass clown. Nobody said anything -- Castiel lowers his hand, lowering the flames. Dean: Cas, what the hell? Castiel: [ To BALTHAZAR. ]My debt to you is cleared. BALTHAZAR Fair enough. [ Sound of an angel in flight. ] Dean: Cas, are you out of your mind?! Castiel disappears. Dean: Cas?! Oh, friggin' angels! Come on! EXT. ROADSIDE - DAY Dean is rearranging w*apon in the trunk of the Impala. Dean: Yeah, well I didn't realize I had this much stuff back here. Sam: Well, I need some space. Kind of picked up some stuff along the way. Dean closes the false bottom on the w*apon cache. Sam places his duffle bag on top. He notices a mask there and pulls it out. Sam: What the hell is that? Dean: Oh, it's, uh, Ben's Halloween costume. Sam: Wendigo? Dean: Yeah. Sam: [ Approvingly. ]Accurate. Dean closes the trunk. The camera pulls back to reveal that they are parked at the side of a creek. Dean and Sam have a conversation leaning over the roof of the Impala. Dean: Hey, so, uh... are you okay? Sam: Me? [ Chuckling. ]Yeah, I'm great. Dean: Really? 'Cause there's been a few times that you got me wondering. Sam: Come again? Dean: Well, like where were you when Cas was, uh, giving the Holy Taser treatment to that kid? Sam: I was right there. Dean: Really? 'Cause honestly, I felt like I was the only one raising a card. Sam: Right. Uh, I mean, I was with you, but...I don't know. W-we needed the intel. Dean: Yeah, I know, but we tortured that kid to get it. Sam: [ Sighs. ] Dean: I just didn't get the feeling that you -- that you even cared. Sam: Y- you're wrong. Dean: Hey man, I'm just trying to figure this out because... something's different with you. You know that. Sam: Yeah. Yeah, I know. Dean: Really? Sam: Yeah. I mean... I've been hunting non-stop for the past year, kind of... kind of on the wild, you know? So, yeah, I suppose I'm a little rough around the edges. Dean: Yeah, I get that. I just don't think I'm getting the whole scoop. You went to hell, Sam. And believe me, I know what that does to a guy. Sam: To you. Dean: What? Sam: You know what it does to [i]you.[i]It -- it tortured [i]you.[i]You know? I think it still does. But, Dean... I'm okay. Dean: So you're saying, what, that -- that you're stronger than me? Sam: [ Chuckling ]No. Just saying we're different. Sam pauses, slaps the roof of the Impala and gets inside. Dean ponders, then gets into the car.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "06x03 - The Third Man"}
Air Date: 15 October 2010 CROWLEY: Name's Crowley. Bobby: You're Crowley? CROWLEY: So you haveheard of me? CROWLEY: I can give you anything you want, mate. All I need is – Bobby: My soul. Dean: You sold your soul? CROWLEY: No, more like pawned it. I fully intend to give it back. Dean: Well then, give it back! CROWLEY: I can't. Dean: Can't or won't? CROWLEY: I won't, alright. It's insurance. Bobby: Rufus Turner. He's a hunter. Dean: One of your old friends? Bobby: Friends? He's not the Christmas card type. Sheriff JODY MILLS: Gentlemen, I'm Sheriff Jody Mills. I don't believe we've had the pleasure. Bobby: Agent Willis speaking. Sheriff JODY MILLS: Bobby? (Bobby groans.) Sam: So you know Bobby Singer? Sam: I thought the Sheriff hated you? Bobby: She did till five days ago. Dean: What happened five days ago? Bobby: The d*ad started rising all over town. CROWLEY: Bobby, are you just going to sit there? Bobby: No, I'm gonna Riverdance. CROWLEY: You really wasted that crossroads deal. Bobby: Son of a bitch. CROWLEY: Hello – King of the Crossroads. Dean: Are you okay? Sam: Yeah, I'm great. Dean: There's been a few times that you've got me wondering. Something's different with you. Sam: I'm okay. Dean: You went to hell, Sam. INT. Bobby's HOUSE, LIVING ROOM – DAY The news is playing on TV. TV: Yesterday this Galveston shoreline was being pounded by ten foot swells and winds up to 150 miles per hour… One Year Ago TV: …but today, well, there's not a cloud in sight. Hurricane Tiffany has broken up over the Gulf – The camera pans to the other side of the room where Bobby is working on some sort of magical ritual. He cuts his palm and adds his blood to the ingredients in a large bowl. Bobby: Et ad congregandum... Eos coram me. Bobby lights a match and sets the ingredients in the bowl alight. CROWLEY appears in the kitchen doorway. CROWLEY: Been making merry, have we? Bobby: Bite me. CROWLEY: If that's your thing. (snaps fingers to turn off TV and steps toward Bobby) That Swan dive of Sam's was a thing of beauty. Tens all the way round. Standing ov from the Romanian judge. You should be proud, Bobby. As deaths go, it wasn't too shabby. Cheer up, mate, we just saved the sodding world together. Me, I've been celebrating. Bobby: I'd hate to see what you call celebrating. CROWLEY: Yes, you would. Bobby lifts a bottle of alcohol and offers to Crowley Bobby: Drink? CROWLEY: (looks appalled) No! Bobby pours himself a drink. Bobby: Let me get this straight – we just (mocking Crowley's accent) "saved the sodding world together," and you're too good to drink with me? CROWLEY: Obviously. (Crowley points to a bottle on the television) I doubt that you have my brand. Bobby: What's your poison, your highness? CROWLEY: (breaths in deep) Craig. Aged 30 years at least. I've been drinking it since grade school. Bobby: Well, I got old rotgut aged 6 days (Bobby takes a drink as Crowley watches) CROWLEY: Swill like that is gonna burn a hole in your soul – oops sorry, my soul. But that's why you called. Our little deal. Bobby: Yeah, well, it's about time you hold up your end and give it back. CROWLEY: Give it back? Bobby: Our deal was, we ice Lucifer, you rip up the lease. CROWLEY: (smirks) Oh. (turns away from Bobby) You didn't read your contract. Bobby: The hell you talking about, contract? Crowley turns toward Bobby, snaps his fingers and points. Bobby writhes in pain as writing appears on his body. CROWLEY: Paragraph 18, subsection B, which is on you naughty bits – I only have to make "best efforts" to give you back your soul. Bobby: Meaning what? CROWLEY: Meaning… (makes a straining gesture and sighs) I'd like to – but I can't. Bobby: You lying sack of – (Crowley cuts him off) CROWLEY: Ten years (Crowley walks across the room towards Bobby), you come to daddy. Until then, I suggest you start drinking the good stuff. Bobby: I figured you'd say that. So you can rot here till you change your mind. CROWLEY: Why? 'Cause you asked nicely? Bobby shakes his head. Bobby: No. (Bobby walks past Crowley to the back of the room) 'Cause I'm going Dateline on your ass. (Bobby turns off the light and we see a Devil's Trap painted on the floor in glowing paint. CROWLEY: I hope that's paint. Really. (sighs) What am I going to do? Bobby turns towards the kitchen to walk away and Crowley lets out a sharp whistle. We hear the growl of Crowley's hell hound. Bobby grimaces as the hell hound breaths on his face. CROWLEY: Doggie breath. (Bobby is covering his face) Bracing, isn't it? Bobby gulps and turns towards Crowley. CROWLEY: Ball's in your court, Robert. Ten years of living or ten years as Alpo. Bobby looks in the direction of the growls and back at Crowley. Bobby looks at Crowley in disgust. Crowley just smirks happily as Bobby opens his pocket Kn*fe and approaches the circle. Bobby scrapes the paint, breaking the seal and setting Crowley free. Bobby: (holding his Kn*fe in a thr*at manner) This ain't over. CROWLEY: I wouldn't have it any other way. (Crowley walk out of the trap and pauses in front of Bobby) Happy hunting. Crowley walks off leaving Bobby fuming. SUPERNATURAL Kenosha, Wisconsin Present Day EXT. PARK – DAY Children are playing in the playground and not far away Dean is examining a body with a large hole in its chest. Sam: No EMF. Find anything in there? Dean takes off his glove and drops it on the ground. Dean: Yeah, I've got some kind of a claw. (Dean picks up the claw from the ground) Sam: What in the hell has a claw like that? (Dean pulls out his phone) Dean: That is a good question. (Dean makes a call) INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY The phone is rings. The camera scopes the room, which appears to be empty. EXT. PARK – DAY Dean is still waiting for Bobby to answer and looks over at Sam. Sam shrugs. Sam: Maybe he's in the can. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY The phone is still ringing. Bobby enters the house from the kitchen back door, wiping his hands. He tosses the towel down and answers the phone. Bobby: Yeah? EXT. PARK – DAY Dean: What happened, you fall and can't get up? Bobby (over the phone): Hilarious. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby: What's up? Dean (over the phone): We're in Wisconsin. EXT. PARK – DAY Dean: Six bodies, chests cracked wide open. No EMF, no sulfur, no hex bags. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Dean (over the phone): We did find this though – hold on. EXT. PARK – DAY Dean takes a picture of the claw with his cell phone. Dean: Alright, check your wagon. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby watches as the image downloads from his email. Bobby: That's a new one. EXT. PARK – DAY Dean: Yeah. We need an ID ASAP. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Dean (over the phone): This thing is on a rampage. Call us as soon as you dig something up. Bobby looks anxious. Bobby: Dean, I'm a little busy. EXT. PARK – DAY Dean: Well then, kick Bo Derek out of your bathtub. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Dean (over the phone): We gotta case here. Bobby shakes his head. Bobby: I'll call you back. (He hangs up the phone) Bobby starts his research. "The Gambler" by Kenny Rogers plays as he works. Bobby is getting frustrated. Bobby: Balls! (He slams a book shut) EXT. Bobby's TOWN – DAY Bobby is driving and passes his neighbour, who waves at him. Bobby waves back. He drives to Sioux Falls University Library, but it is closed. Bobby sighs and looks inside. Bobby then goes around back and breaks a window to get inside. Bobby climbs in the window and falls inside. Bobby: Balls! Bobby goes back to the car with a book. Bobby tries to start the car, but the engine won't turn over. Bobby: Come on. Come on. (Bobby tries the engine one more time and sighs) Balls. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby makes it back home at 1:07 am and does more research. The clock on his desk ticks over. Bobby starts to nod off. The clock reads 2:47 am and keeps ticking to 3:02 am, when Bobby wakes with a start. He takes some pills and drinks lots of coffee to keep going. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby is still at his desk at 5:09 am. He phones Dean. Bobby: You're hunting a Lamia. INT. MOTEL ROOM, WISCONSIN – DAY Dean is eating take-out food. Dean: Come again? (Takes a bite of his sandwich) Bobby (over the phone): It's a monster. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby: Juices hearts, chugs the blood. (sighs) Never heard of one popping up… INT. MOTEL ROOM, WISCONSIN – DAY Bobby (over the phone): … outside of Greece though. Dean gets up. Dean: Yeah, well, looks like this freak is immigrating. It's snacking on cheese heads. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Dean (over the phone): How do we gank it? Bobby yawns. Bobby: There's a couple of ways. Easiest is a silver Kn*fe blessed… INT. MOTEL ROOM, WISCONSIN – DAY Bobby (over the phone): …by a padre. Dean: (still chewing) Gotcha. (He hangs up the phone) INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby looks at the receiver and speaks to the dial tone. Bobby: You're welcome. Bobby hangs up and puts down the phone as he yawns. Female Voice: Hey, I'm still here! Bobby walks downstairs to the panic room. CROSSROADS Demon: Hey there, cranky. You were gone so long, I just assumed alcoholic coma. The crossroads demon, who has red eyes, is tied to a chair inside a devil's trap. Bobby: Where were we? CROSSROADS Demon (purrs): Your soul. Bobby: Right. Talk. CROSSROADS Demon: Look at you, all in a rush. Foreplay… (uncrosses her legs and recrosses them) …gets you more play. Bobby: I want Crowley's name. (The crossroads demon looks at him and smiles) His real name, back when he was flesh and blood. CROSSROADS Demon: (changes eyes from red to normal) Does tying up demons in your basement make you feel better about that time that you k*lled your wife? Bobby picks up a bag and brings it over to the demon. CROSSROADS Demon: What's that? Bobby: You don't recognize them? They're yours. Bobby places the bag in a large metal tub. He lights a flame thrower. CROSSROADS Demon: It won't work. It's a myth. Bobby is looking at the flame. Bobby: Then you got nothing to worry about. Bobby points the flames over the metal tub. The demon screams in pain. Bobby lowers the flame thrower. CROSSROADS Demon: (gasping in pain) I can't. Bobby makes the flames higher again over the tub. The demon screams. Bobby lowers the flame thrower. CROSSROADS Demon: (her flesh b*rned) You don't know what he'll do to me. Bobby: Right now you better worry about me. CROSSROADS Demon: You don't get it. He's the King. Bobby burns her again. Bobby: King of the Crossroads. I've heard the speech. CROSSROADS Demon: (groaning in pain) No. King of Hell. The doorbell rings. Bobby blows out the pilot of the flame thrower. The doorbell rings again. CROSSROADS Demon: You gonna get that or what? CUT TO: Bobby walks to the front door as the bell rings again. Bobby looks through the peephole and sees his female neighbor holding something and arranging her hair. Bobby checks his breath and tries to straighten his clothes a bit before opening the door and stepping onto the porch. EXT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby: (looks around) Marcy. MARCY: Bobby Singer. How long have we been neighbors? Bobby: (guessing) Six months? MARCY: Well, don't you think it's time you welcomed me to the neighborhood? (Marcy offers the tray to Bobby and uncovers it) My famous ginger peach cobbler. Bobby looks at it, then at Marcy. MARCY: Take a whiff. Seriously, I'm a genius. Bobby sniffs, rolls his eyes and smiles. Marcy also smiles. Marcy then hears the crossroads demon screaming for help. Bobby closes the door slightly. Bobby: It's stupid horror flicks. Guilty pleasure. MARCY: I love scary movies. Hey have you seen "Drag Me To Hell"? Bobby: (awkward pause) Trying to avoid it. MARCY: But it's fantastic. (Marcy takes a deep breath) Saturday, seven o'clock, my house. I'll fix you dinner and I'll whip up a batch of my famous white chocolate popcorn and we'll watch it. Deal? Bobby looks down. Bobby: That sounds super, Marcy, but uh – MARCY: Okay, no worries. Um, hey, one other thing. Uh, my wood chipper – it's a piece of crap, you know. It just broke down on me and – and I hear that you're quite handy. Maybe you could come over and take a look. You know, just whenever – Bobby: Yeah. I'll see what I can do. MARCY: (smiling, pleased) Okay. The two look at each other, then shake hands. MARCY: Well, okay… (Marcy holds Bobby's hand for a little longer) …okay, I'll see you soon. Marcy waves goodbye. She and Bobby turn to leave, each looking back at the other a few times. Bobby closes the door and smiles at the cobbler in his hands. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby walks down the stairs to the basement. CROSSROADS Demon: Aww. She sounds nice. (Bobby walks past the demon, ignoring her) Are you going to make sweet love to her before you s*ab her to death, Bobby? (Bobby relights the pilot of the flame thrower) That is your usual thing, right? Bobby aims the flame at the metal tub and the demon starts screaming again. Bobby: I want Crowley's name now! (The demon continues to scream and we see her flesh blister and burn) Crowley's name! CROSSROADS Demon: (whimpering) Okay, okay. (Bobby take the flame off the tub) MacLeod. Fergus MacLeod. I swear. We call him Lucky the Leprechaun behind his back. Bobby: MacLeod's Scottish, Einstein. CROSSROADS Demon: You got what you want, now send me back. (Bobby grabs a can of lighter fluid and soaks what's in the tub) No! (Bobby keeps pouring lighter fluid) We had a deal. Bobby: I gave it my best effort. CROSSROADS Demon: No! The demon screams as Bobby torches the items in the tub. When he is finished, Bobby blows out the pilot light of the flame thrower. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY The scene opens on a map of Scotland. The phone rings. Bobby checks the caller ID and answers. Bobby: Yeah, Garth, what do you got? (Bobby listens to Garth) Never heard of a vamp doin' that. It doesn't sound like our kind of thing. Better drop a dime to the FBI. Bobby hangs up the phone and places it back on its charger. Another phone labeled "FBI Tom Willis" rings. Bobby: Willis, FBI. (Bobby listens to the caller) No, Garth, not me, the FBI. The real FBI! How are you still alive? Bobby hangs up the phone and another line rings. It is labeled "CDC Frank Castle". Bobby: Yeah, Castle. Another phone line rings. Bobby: Yeah. Another line rings. Bobby: Yeah. Another call. Bobby: Willis. Bobby is trying to do some work and the phone rings again. Bobby: Uh huh. Of course she's one of ours. And if she says she's got to dig that grave up, you better damn well let her. Bobby hangs up the phone labeled "Police Pete Lovell". Bobby tries to take a sip of coffee and another line rings. Bobby looks bored listening to the caller, then hangs up. Bobby is reading and drinking his coffee when he hears banging on his door. Bobby gets up to answer the back kitchen door. It is Rufus Turner. Rufus: (out of breath) Oh, good, you're home! Listen. You gotta help me bury a body. Bobby stares in disbelief, then rolls his eyes. EXT. Bobby's YARD – DAY Bobby is walking with Rufus. Bobby: Why'd you bring it here? Rufus: The law is on my tail! What was your guess? (Bobby looks at Rufus) What, what, what? They got lucky. Bobby: Yeah, or you're getting slow. Rufus: Yeah, I'm getting slow – says mister sits on his ass all day taking calls. Bobby and Rufus reach Rufus' truck. Rufus lowers the tailgate and uncovers the body of an Asian woman. Rufus gestures at the body. Bobby: (looking at the body) Vamp, shifter – what? Rufus: None of the above. (Rufus pulls the lips on the body back to expose the teeth and looks over at Bobby) Bobby: Okami? Where'd you shiv it? Rufus: Get this. Billings. (Rufus closes the mouth) Bobby: The only time I ever saw one of these was in Japan. Rufus: Duh. No one's ever seen one of these except in Japan. Bobby: For what it's worth, Sam and Dean are tracking a Lamia in Wisconsin. Rufus: Get out. I thought they never leave Greece. Bobby shakes his head slightly. Bobby: Monsters lately. Is it me, or is it weird? Rufus: Yeah well, it's definitely something. (Rufus stops pondering and snaps his head up) So, you got a shovel? Bobby uses a mechanical digger to dig a hole. Rufus stands by with a shovel, watching Bobby operate the machine. Rufus: Man, I know what I want for Hanukkah. CUT TO: Bobby and Rufus approach a deep, rectangular hole in the ground. Rufus drops the body into the hole. CUT TO: Bobby and Rufus are finishing filling in the hole. Rufus: So the son of a bitch's name is Fergus McCloud? Bobby: That's the son of a bitch's name. Rufus: (raking the dirt over the ground) Where are you gonna look? Bobby: (rests on shovel to look at Rufus) Scotland. Crowley let slip that he likes Craig. It's, uh – Rufus: (Rufus stops raking) It's Scotch. Only made and sold in a tiny area on the north tip of Caithness county. It's peaty and sharp, with a long finish of citrus and tobacco notes. (Rufus goes back to raking as Bobby stares at him. Rufus notices and stops) Hey, what? What am I, a heathen? (Rufus throws out his arms) I know what Craig is. Bobby: Well, I got a hunch that that's where Crowley lived and died back when he was a human, a few hundred years before he got the big squeeze in hell and came out a demon. Rufus: (stops to look at Bobby) You know I've got contacts over there. (pauses) I could make a few calls. (starts to rake again) Bobby: (rests on shovel again) Well, I ain't askin' for no help. Rufus: (rests on his rake) I ain't askin' for your permission. Rufus and Bobby smooth over the dirt. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby is about to cut a piece of the cobbler when the phone rings. Bobby puts down the Kn*fe and walks over to the phone. Bobby: Yeah. INT. CHURCH, WISCONSIN – DAY Dean: What's another way to k*ll a Lamia? INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby: Well, what happened to the silver Kn*fe… INT. CHURCH, WISCONSIN – DAY There is a d*ad priest at Dean's feet. Bobby (over the phone): … blessed by a priest? Dean: That didn't pan out. What's plan B? In the background we see Sam being tossed into a pillar. Dean winces. Sam: (in pain) Dean. (Sam is pulled away from the pillar) INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby is looking in a book and he hears knocking on the front door. Voice AT DOOR: Police! Bobby (still on the phone): Balls! INT. CHURCH, WISCONSIN – DAY Dean: Come on Bobby, get the lead out! INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby is looking through the book. Bobby: Where are you? INT. CHURCH, WISCONSIN – DAY Dean: In a church. In a rectory. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby still looking though the book. Bobby: Is there a kitchen? Dean (over the phone): Yeah. Bobby: Find salt... INT. CHURCH, WISCONSIN – DAY Dean is scoping out the kitchen listening to Bobby with the creature's growls in the background. Bobby (over the phone): …and RoseMary. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby raises his head at the pounding at his door. Voice AT DOOR: Open up, Singer! INT. CHURCH, WISCONSIN – DAY Sam is being tossed around in the kitchen while Dean, still on the phone with Bobby, searches the cabinets for salt and RoseMary. EXT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY At Bobby's front door is Sheriff Jody Mills and a man. Bobby, still on the phone, opens the door and the man flashes an FBI badge at him. Agent ADAMS: Mr. Singer. I'm Agent Adams. (Adams puts away his badge) I believe you know Sheriff Mills. INT. CHURCH, WISCONSIN – DAY Dean is still searching the kitchen cabinets. EXT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby gestures that he will be with Agent Adams and Sheriff Mills in a moment. Bobby: My mom. Just a sec. Bobby turns to walk into the study. INT. CHURCH, WISCONSIN – DAY Dean is still looking in the cabinets and he gets excited. Dean: RoseMary! (The creature growls) INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Dean (over the phone): I got it! Agent Adams and Sheriff Mills follow Bobby into the house. Bobby: Great, great. Now blend the herbs… INT. CHURCH, WISCONSIN – DAY Dean is pouring the salt into a bowl. Bobby (over the phone): …saute over a high heat… INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby: Cook well. INT. CHURCH, WISCONSIN – DAY Dean drops his phone and tosses the mix at the Lamia. It screeches. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby listens to the screams over the phone. INT. CHURCH, WISCONSIN – DAY Dean is pulling the stove away from the wall. The Lamia tosses Sam hard into a corner. Dean: Sammy! Dean is trying to light his lighter. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Dean: (voice heard as the lighter clicks) f*re in the hole! INT. CHURCH, WISCONSIN – DAY Dean is using the gas line as a makeshift flamethrower and aims it at the Lamia. Sam shields himself in the corner. The creature's screams are heard. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby: Okay. Great. Great. Enjoy the roast, Mom. Bobby hangs up the phone and turns to see Agent Adams and Sheriff Mills standing behind him. Agent ADAMS: (has a sketch in his hand) Have you seen this man? Rufus Turner, aka Luther Vandros, aka Ruben Studdard. Bobby: No, I've never seen that dick. Agent ADAMS: How do you know he's a dick? Bobby: Lucky guess. Sheriff Mills rolls her eyes. Agent ADAMS: Funny. 'Cause I got a couple of guys working the highway said they saw him pull in here. Carrying a body. Bobby: Well, that's ridiculous. Look, it's a workday, I gotta… Agent ADAMS: I just want to take a look around. Bobby takes two steps in Agent Adams' direction. Bobby: You got a warrant, sonny? Agent ADAMS: (walking forward to be in Bobby's face) Well, do I need one, sir? The two stare at each other. Sheriff MILLS: (patting both men on the chest) Okay fellas, put the rulers away. Zip up. (talks to Agent Adams) Look, Bobby here is a kind of a (looks at Bobby for the right word) crank. And he ain't what you call a fan of big brother, but me and him – (to Bobby) How long I been arresting you now? Ten years? Bobby: Thereabouts. Sheriff MILLS: Yeah, we got a history, so... what do you say just let me scope the place out? That okay? You could just wait outside. AGEBT ADAMS: (looks at Sheriff Mills then turns for the door) Five minutes. Sheriff Mills watches Agent Adams go outside. She turns back to Bobby. Bobby: Why did you send him outside? Sheriff MILLS: 'Cause I didn't think you'd want him in here. Bobby: I don't. I've got a body in the basement. Sheriff MILLS: My point. Bobby: Yeah, but I've got another body buried in the yard. (Sheriff Mills' eyes get wide) Sheriff MILLS: Damn it. (She goes to the front door to look outside, then looks at Bobby.) He's not there. Bobby: (irritated sigh) Balls! EXT. Bobby's YARD – DAY Sheriff Mills and Bobby walk outside and find Agent Adams. Agent ADAMS: Mr. Singer, come with me, please. Bobby and Sheriff Mills exchange a look, then follow Agent Adams. Agent Adams stops in front of a now empty hole where Rufus and Bobby buried the Okami. Agent ADAMS: Do you mind explaining this? Bobby: What, you never had a septic t*nk explode on you? I got it pretty well cleaned up, but watch where you step. Agent Adams checks the bottom of his shoes. EXT. ROAD – NIGHT Rufus is driving while on the phone with Bobby. Bobby (over the phone): Get back here! Rufus: Get back – I'm two states over, Bobby. I can't. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby is on the phone while carrying a large bag. Bobby: The Okami ain't d*ad. EXT. ROAD – NIGHT Rufus: Of course it is. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby pulls various knives out of a bag. Bobby: Did you use a bamboo dagger? Rufus (over the phone): Yeah. Bobby: Blessed by a Shinto priest? EXT. ROAD – NIGHT Rufus: I'm not an imbecile, Bobby. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby: Did you s*ab it seven times? EXT. ROAD – NIGHT Rufus: (pauses) Five times. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby (exasperated): It's seven! EXT. ROAD – NIGHT Rufus: No, I'm pretty sure it's five. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby: Well, clearly it's seven times. EXT. ROAD – NIGHT Bobby (over the phone): The damn hole is empty. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby: What was it feeding on when you found it? EXT. ROAD – NIGHT Rufus: Single white females – INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Rufus (over the phone): While they slept. Bobby has an "oh, no" look on his face. INT. MARCY's HOUSE – NIGHT Marcy is getting ready to go to bed. She closes an open window and locks it. She turns to go down the hall and we see a figure quickly pass the window. Marcy locks the front door as something watches from the kitchen. She has just walked away from the door when Bobby kicks in the door. Marcy screams. MARCY: Bobby? Bobby: (out of breath) Where's your bedroom? Marcy, still in shock, points the way and Bobby runs down the hall. Bobby pushes open the door and checks under the bed. As Bobby continues searching the room, Marcy walks in. MARCY: Bobby, I'm trying to keep my cool but, what are you doing in my house with a g*n? Bobby: (stops searching to look at Marcy) Have you seen anything (pauses for the right word) weird? MARCY: (raises eyebrows) You mean besides you? Marcy's eyes wander up to the corner of the ceiling and she gasps. Bobby follows her gaze to the corner behind him and the Okami pounces on him. The Okami wrestles with Bobby and tosses him out the window. The Okami then turns to Marcy, who quickly backs out of the room, closing the door. The Okami goes out the Same window Bobby did. Bobby is just getting up when the Okami rushes him and knocks him back down. Bobby gets up and the Okami lunges at him again, but Bobby sidesteps and it crashes into a tree. Bobby tries to keep it pinned against the tree but the Okami punches him and he flies backwards. He hits the wood chipper and powers it up by accident. The Okami att*cks again. The two wrestle near the blades. Marcy comes running outside. MARCY: (screaming) Bobby, no! Look out! Bobby knees the Okami and rolls out from under her. Bobby shoves the Okami toward the blades and blood and flesh start to come out of the other end of the wood chipper... where Marcy is standing. Bobby is h*t with some of the blood as the rest of the Okami is shredded. Bobby then walks towards the controls to turn off the wood chipper and sees Marcy. Bobby: I, uh – I thought your chipper was broke. MARCY: (covered in blood and in shock) I just said that to get you over here. Bobby: (pauses) Oh. Well, I guess I could come over for dinner some night. Might be fun. MARCY: I don't think so. Bobby: (has an "it figures" look and nods) Story of my life. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby is on the phone with Rufus. Rufus (over the phone): You're still alive, huh. Bobby: Don't act so surprised. EXT. DINER – DAY Rufus is parked in front of a diner while talking to Bobby. Rufus: How about Godzilla? Bobby: Put her down. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Rufus (over the phone): So you just happened to have a bamboo dagger blessed by a Shinto priest laying around? Bobby: Wood chipper. EXT. DINER – DAY Rufus: Oh, okey dokey. Wood chipper, that – that pretty much trumps everything. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby nods. EXT. DINER – DAY Rufus: Look, listen, Bobby, thank you. I screwed up. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby: Forget it. I figure – EXT. DINER – DAY Bobby (over the phone): I still owe you more than you owe me. Rufus is taken aback by Bobby's words. Rufus: Alrighty, then add one more thing to the list. I got a lead on your boy Crowley. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby grabs a pencil. Rufus (over the phone): AKA – EXT. DINER – DAY Rufus: Fergus Roderick MacLeod. Born in Canisbay, Scotland, 1661. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby: Great. I don't know what that's gonna get me. Rufus (over the phone): Alright – EXT. DINER – DAY Rufus: Well, then, behind door number 2, Bob, Crowley had a son. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby: (very interested) Did he now? Rufus (over the phone): Yeah, by the name of Gavin. EXT. DINER – DAY Rufus: Moved across the pond when his parents bit it. Captained a trading ship – INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Rufus: …that went down in Massachusetts in 1723. EXT. DINER – DAY Rufus: Couple of Cousteau wannabes found the wreck about 30 years ago. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby: They fish out his bones? Rufus (over the phone): No. No. EXT. DINER – DAY Rufus: They did find his signet ring though. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Rufus (over the phone): It's part of the "Treasures from… EXT. DINER – DAY Rufus: …the Deep" exhibit at the Maritime Museum at Andover. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby: I need that ring. EXT. DINER – DAY Rufus widens his eyes. Rufus: Oooh. Oooh Are you, um – you askin' for my help, Bob? INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby looks at the phone like he wishes he could strangle it. Rufus (over the phone): Bobby? Bobby: (irritated) I'm asking for a ring. And – EXT. DINER – DAY Bobby (over the phone): I'd appreciate your – INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby: (making a face) …help getting it. EXT. DINER – DAY Rufus: (Chuckles) I'm way ahead of you, brother. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Rufus (over the phone): I'm headed for Andover now. I should be there about midnight. EXT. DINER – DAY Rufus: You're, um... you're thinking hostage exchange, aren't you? INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Rufus (over the phone): I mean, you get the ring, you can summon Junior's ghost. EXT. DINER – DAY Rufus: Get the ghost, you can swap Crowley his son for your soul. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby: Something like that. EXT. DINER – DAY Rufus: Let's hope that works out. EXT. Bobby's YARD – NIGHT INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby opens the refrigerator to get the cobbler Marcy made him. He picks up a Kn*fe to cut a slice when the phone rings. Bobby puts down the Kn*fe to answer the phone. The caller ID says "John P. Jones." Bobby: Dean. You alright? INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Dean: Yeah. Yeah, the Lamia grilled up fine. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby: I sense a "but" coming on. INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Dean: It's Sam, Bobby. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby looks upwards. INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Dean: He's just – he's different. You know, I get it. You go through something like that and – and you change, but (sees Sam outside the hotel window talking on the phone) something's not right to me. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby hears the other line beeping and checks the caller ID. Bobby: Dean. Dean (over the phone): I got a few questions – INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Dean: …about that year. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Dean (over the phone): You saw him and I didn't. Bobby: Dean. I got another call. INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Dean: You what? Bobby (over the phone): Just hang on. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby: I got take this. It's – INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Bobby: …important. Dean: (laughs) More important than Sam? (Dean hears a click on the line) Bobby? INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby can hear sirens over the phone. Bobby: Rufus? EXT. ROAD – NIGHT Rufus is driving very fast with police sirens and lights flashing behind him. Rufus: The good news is I snagged the ring, Bobby. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Rufus (over the phone): However... Bobby: Tell me that ain't – Rufus (over the phone): Yeah, yeah, yeah. EXT. ROAD – NIGHT Rufus: Three guesses and one of them – it ain't the paramedics. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby listens helplessly. EXT. ROAD – NIGHT Rufus: Listen, Bobby. Bobby, I gotta stash – INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Rufus (over the phone): …this ring. Bobby: Well, don't swallow it. EXT. ROAD – NIGHT Rufus: (pauses) Right! I'm swallowing it, Bobby! (Rufus swallows the ring) INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby: Don't swallow it! (Bobby can hear Rufus swallowing, then drinking something) EXT. ROAD – NIGHT Rufus sighs. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby: Damn it. Rufus (over the phone): Oh, hell. Police Officer's Voice (heard over the phone): Hands where I can see them! Rufus (over the phone): Whoa, whoa, whoa! That is unnecessary force! I know my rights! Bobby hangs up on Rufus and clicks back to Dean. Bobby: Still there, Dean? INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Dean: Bobby, what the hell? INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby looks annoyed. Bobby: I, uh – sorry. INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Dean stands up. Dean: You know you are the one person that I can talk to about this stuff, about Sam – INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Dean (over the phone): …about leaving Lisa and Ben. I mean I don't –I don't even know which way is up right now. INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Dean: Bobby? INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby is staring off into the distance. Dean (over the phone): Hello? Bobby: I – I hear you, son. I – it just ain't a good time. Dean (over the phone): Yeah, okay. You know what – INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Dean: Forget it. I mean I'm baring my soul like a freaking girl here and, uh – INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Dean (over the phone): And you've got stuff to do. So that is – that's fine. INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Dean: That's fine but, seriously, a little selfish. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Dean (over the phone): Not all about you. Bobby gets angry and leans forward. Bobby: Where's your brother? INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Dean makes a face like "why do you ask." Dean: Outside. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby: Get him. Bobby pours himself a drink as Dean fetches Sam. Dean (over the phone): You're on speaker, Bobby. Bobby: Sam. Dean. INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Bobby (over the phone): I love you like my own. I do. But sometimes – INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby pauses and takes a long drink. Bobby: Sometimes… INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Bobby (over the phone): You two are the whiniest, most self-absorbed sons of bitches I ever met! INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby: I'm selfish? Me? I do everything for you! Everything! You need some lores scrounged up – INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Bobby (over the phone): You need your asses pulled out of the f*re – INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby: You need someone to bitch to about each other – INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Sam looks at Dean, puzzled. Bobby (over the phone): You call me and I come through – INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby: Every damn time! INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Bobby (over the phone): And what do I get for it? INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby: Jack with a side of squat! INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Dean: Bobby – INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby: Do I sound like I'm done? INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Bobby (over the phone): Now look. I know you've got issues. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby is pacing the room. Bobby: God knows I know. But I got a news flash for you. You ain't the center of the universe! INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Bobby (over the phone): Now, it may have slipped your mind… INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby: …that Crowley owns my soul! And the meter is running! INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Bobby (over the phone): And I will be damned if I'm going to sit around – INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby: And – and be damned! So how about you two sack up and help me for once? INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Dean looks very humble and Sam calm. Sam: Bobby, all – all you got to do is ask. Dean: Anything you need... we're there. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby, still cooling off, shakes his head. EXT. BRIDGE – DAY Bobby is leaning on a car, arms crossed, waiting. Sheriff Mills drives up, puts the patrol car in park and turns off the engine. Sheriff MILLS: I got a call from Marcy Wards. Seems she had a little "home invasion?" Told her I'd look into it. (The Sheriff smiles) Didn't bother filing a report. Bobby: Thanks. (takes a deep breath) I need a favor. Sheriff MILLS: Luther Vandros show up? Tell him I'm a fan. Bobby: His real name is Rufus Turner. He's being held in Andover, Mass., on a burglary charge. I need you to get him extradited here. Sheriff MILLS: Extradited? Extradited for what? Bobby: m*rder. Sheriff MILLS: (laughs, then sees that Bobby is not joking) You're not joking? (Bobby shakes his head) Do you have any idea what it takes to extradite a prisoner? I'd need a court order, permission from the DA... I –I would have to call in every marker I've got and hand out a few to boot. Bobby: So you're saying there's a chance. Sheriff MILLS: And if by some miracle we can get him here, then what? Then your pal's here on a m*rder charge. How are you gonna get him out from under that one? Bobby: Let me handle the B side. Sheriff MILLS: (laughs) I like you, Bobby. (Bobby lowers his head a bit) But this could nuke my career. Bobby: (sighs) Look, I've done a lot for this town. Some you know about. (Tilts head) Some you don't. And I'm not real good at this whole asking for help thing but – Sheriff MILLS: I'm sorry, Bobby. I can't. Sheriff Mills starts the patrol car and drives off. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby pours himself a drink. Bobby is about to take a drink when he hears knocking on the door. Bobby opens the door to see Sheriff Mills... with Rufus. Rufus: Miss me? Rufus walks into Bobby's kitchen. Bobby looks in shock at Sheriff Mills. Bobby: How did you – Sheriff MILLS: (shakes her head) Don't ask. You got one hour, then I call the feds and tell them he busted out. Bobby: Thanks. Sheriff MILLS: I lose my job over this, I am taking it out of your ass! Sheriff Mills leaves as Bobby nods to himself. Bobby then turns his attention to Rufus, who is looking around the kitchen. Bobby: Please tell me the ring is still in your stomach. Rufus fishes in his pants pocket and produces the ring for Bobby. Bobby looks at the ring. Bobby: I'll go boil some water. Bobby walks off. Rufus: What? INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby pours a circle of salt and appears to be performing a summoning spell. Bobby: Amate spiritus oscorte tae quadaramos aramos nobiscume quarde ahpule nos chikitara. Bobby throws something at a candle that makes the flame flare high. Bobby can soon see his breath in front of him. There is a ghost flickering to his right. Bobby slowly turns to look at the spirit. Bobby: Gavin MacLeod? GAVIN: Yes. (pause) Is – is this hell? Bobby: That's gonna depend on you. (Gavin stares at Bobby) You Fergus MacLeod's boy? (Gavin nods) You and me... we're gonna have a nice long chat. CUT TO: Bobby is performing another summoning ritual. This time Crowley shows up and he looks very annoyed. Bobby: Well, you look like hammered crap. CROWLEY: And you're a vision as always. Bobby and Crowley look each other over, then Crowley looks up to see that he is standing beneath a devil's trap. CROWLEY: Don't we both know how this game ends? Really Bobby, you gotta know when to fold 'em. Bobby: Word on the street is that ever since Lucifer went to the pokey, you're the big kahuna downstairs. CROWLEY: I see you've been reading the trades. Bobby: Trouble in Paradise? CROWLEY: Mate. You... have no idea. (Crowley gets a glass and pours a drink he has brought himself) I thought… when I got the corner office… (Crowley drops some antacid in the drink) I thought it was all going to be rainbows and two-headed puppies. (turns to look at Bobby) But, if I'm being honest, it's been hell. (takes a drink) Bobby: I thought that was the point. CROWLEY: (finishes his drink and puts the glass on the table) You know what the problem with demons is? Bobby: They're demons. CROWLEY: Exactly. Evil lying prats. The whole lot of them. And stupid. Try to show them a – a new way, a better way. And what do you get? Bugger all. You know, there's days that I think Lucifer's whole "Spike anything with black eyes" plan wasn't half bad. Hmm. Feels good to get it off my chest. We should make this a thing. Bobby: (sarcastically) Do I look like Dr. Phil to you? CROWLEY: A little. (Bobby gives him a dirty look) Anyhoo. Obviously not here for a social call. So on with it. Bobby: I want – Crowley grunts to interrupt and puts up his hand. CROWLEY: Save you the recap. In fact I'll do the shorthand for you. (points at Bobby and speaks in a mock Bobby voice) I want my soul back, idjit. (points at self) 'Fraid not. (points at Bobby and speaks in mock voice) But I'm surly and I got a beard. Gimme! Blah, blah, blah. Homespun cornpone insult, witty retort from yours truly. The bottom line is, you get bubkes. Are we done? Bobby: Just getting started. Bobby looks over to his left and Gavin appears. Crowley looks startled. He looks at Gavin, then Bobby and back to Gavin. CROWLEY: Gavin? (Gavin stares at Crowley) Is that you? It – it's been so long. (Gavin continues to stare) I love you so – (Crowley can no longer pretend and laughs) Sorry. Your soul for my boy, is that it, right? I've got to give you credit for thinking outside the box on that one, but – problem is... I loathe the little bastard. You want to t*rture him, just let me pull up a chair and watch. Hell, burn his bones and send him down to me and we can have a family reunion. That right, son? You picked the wrong bargaining chip this time, my friend. Bobby: He ain't a chip. (Crowley looks confused) I was just using him to dig up dirt on you. And since Gavin hates you maybe even more than you hate him, he was more than happy to squawk. CROWLEY: What did you tell him, son? GAVIN: (smiles wickedly) Everything. Gavin looks very satisfied then flickers out. Bobby: (walking toward Crowley) I know it all now. Fergus. You may be king of the dirt bags here but, in life, you were nothing but a two-bit tailor who sold his soul in exchange for an extra three inches below the belt. CROWLEY: Just trying to h*t double digits. (Bobby smiles at Crowley) So, you got a glimpse behind the curtain. And? Bobby: And – now I know where you're planted. Bobby picks up a cell phone and tosses it at Crowley. Crowley puts the phone to his ear and hears Dean's voice. Dean (over the phone): Hiya, Crowley. CROWLEY: Dean. It's been a long time. We should get together. Dean (over the phone): Sure. EXT. GRAVEYARD IN SCOTLAND – DAY Dean: We'll have to do that when I get back. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT CROWLEY: Back? Dean (over the phone): Yeah. EXT. GRAVEYARD IN SCOTLAND – DAY Dean: Me and Sam – we've gone international. In fact, we're in your neck of the woods. (As Dean speaks we see the scenery and the boys by an open grave.) INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Crowley looks upset. EXT. GRAVEYARD IN SCOTLAND – DAY Dean: Did you really use to wear a skirt? INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT CROWLEY: A kilt. I had very athletic calves. What's the game? Dean (over the phone): Dominoes. EXT. GRAVEYARD IN SCOTLAND – DAY Dean: In fact we just dug yours up. Sam and Dean are looking down at a pile of bones. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT CROWLEY: (to Bobby) This is ridiculous. The whole burning bones thing – it's a myth. Bobby: I know an employee of yours who would disagree. FLASHBACKto the scene with the Crossroads Demon from earlier in the episode. CROSSROADS Demon: What's that? Bobby: You don't recognize them? They're yours. (inside a bag are human bones) Bobby burns the bones and the Crossroads Demon burns up in her chair. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT CROWLEY: That's where she got to. Bobby: You demons. You think you're something special. But you're just spirits. Twisted, perverted, evil spirits. But, end of the day, you're nothing but ghosts with an ego. (Crowley has his jaw set) We torch your bones, you go up in flames. Dean (over the phone, clicking lighter) You hear that, Crowley? Crowley looks down at the phone. EXT. GRAVEYARD IN SCOTLAND – DAY Dean: That's me flicking my Bic for you. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby: Your bones for my soul. Going once… (sound of Dean playing with the lighter) EXT. GRAVEYARD IN SCOTLAND – DAY Dean is flicking the lighter, listening. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby: (hears Dean playing with the lighter) Going twice. Crowley tosses the phone to the ground. CROWLEY: (exasperated) Bollocks. Crowley raises his hand palm to reveal the contract on Bobby's arms, he then turns his hand over and in a wiping motion begins to erase the contract. Bobby: You can go ahead and leave in the part about my legs. Crowley rolls his eyes, but does as he is told. The rest of the contract disappears. Bobby: Pleasure doing business with you. CROWLEY: Now if you don't mind. (Crowley's gaze goes up to the devil's trap over his head) EXT. GRAVEYARD IN SCOTLAND – DAY Sam and Dean are still standing over Crowley's bones. Crowley appears behind them carrying a bag. CROWLEY: I believe (Sam and Dean turn at Crowley's voice) those are mine. Dean: You know, now that I think about it, maybe I'll just (clicks lighter) napalm your ass anyhow. Crowley just looks at Dean as Sam extinguishes the flame of the lighter in Dean's hand. Sam: Dean, he's a dick, but a deal's a deal. Crowley walks past the boys. CROWLEY: (to Sam) I don't need you fight my battles for me, Moose. Get bent. Crowley inspects the bones as he puts them in the bag, then rises to look at Sam and Dean. CROWLEY: Now, if you'll excuse me. I've a little hell to raise. Crowley disappears and the camera pans out to the Scottish landscape. EXT. ROAD IN SCOTLAND – NIGHT Bobby (over the phone): I appreciate you boys lending a hand. Dean: Hey, any time we get to punk Crowley works for us. Sam: Yeah. Bobby: Still, knowing how much you love flying the friendly skies – INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby: I guess a nine hour plane trip was no picnic. EXT. ROAD IN SCOTLAND – NIGHT Bobby: What did you do, drink your way through it? Dean: I was fine. Sam: No, he white knuckled his way through four puke bags. Dean: But at least I was sober. If some nutjob decided to try something, I was ready. I had a fork. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby: (laughs) Listen. Um – about the things I said earlier. I was in a tough spot and I – I guess I was – Sam (over the phone): You were right, Bobby. EXT. ROAD IN SCOTLAND – NIGHT Sam: We take you for granted. Dean: You've been cleaning up our messes for years, Bobby. Without you, I don't even want to think about where me and Sam would've ended up. Sam nods in agreement. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby is silent for a moment. Bobby: Okay then, let's roll credits on this chick flick. EXT. ROAD IN SCOTLAND – NIGHT Bobby (over the phone): You boys have a safe flight. And, uh – INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby: Try some of the local grub, I hear it's... exotic. EXT. ROAD IN SCOTLAND – NIGHT Dean: Oh yeah, no, definitely. We are. I hear they have an olive garden. Sam looks at Dean. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby rolls his eyes and hangs up the phone. EXT. ROAD IN SCOTLAND – NIGHT Sam tries to hang up the phone, but the car is so small he honks the horn (Dean is driving). INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby has actually cut a piece of the cobbler and sits down. As Bobby gets ready to take a bite, the phone rings. Bobby puts down the fork and the plate as he gets up to answer the phone. Bobby: Willis. (listens to the other person) Yeah, he is. One of our best agents, in fact. END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "06x04 - Weekend at Bobby's"}
Air Date: 29 Oct 2010 Dean, on phone It's Sam, Bobby. He's just -- he's different. Something's not right to me. Dean, to Lisa I-I can't just lose you and Ben. Lisa: Me and Ben will be here, and you come when you can. Just come in one piece. Dean: And you really think we could pull something like that off? Lisa: It's worth a sh*t. Dean is bitten by a vampire; Sam looks on and smirks. Lisa (in her bedroom, to Dean) Just tell me what the hell is going on. Dean shoves her against a wall, turns away. Vampire fangs grow. BEN, in the corridor Dean? Dean, hiding his face Ben, just stay there. BEN I thought I heard you-- Dean: -- I said stay back! (pushes Ben into the wall) Samuel, to Dean, in a hotel room with Sam: Cure's an old Campbell recipe. Dean drinks from a mug, appears to vamp out, collapses on the floor and remembers the vampire att*ck, and the fact that Sam looked on Dean (in a parking lot during daylight) At least, uh... You got my back. No matter what happens, I can always count on you, right, Sammy? Sam: Of course, Dean. INT. BIGGERSON's RESTAURANT, CALUMET CITY, ILLINOIS TELEVISION Voice OVER I'm Ashley Frank, and I will... JANE PETERSON, a waitress, emerges from the kitchen and walks to the till in the restaurant, all the while speaking on her cellphone. JANE He said he'd call, but of course he never did. But -- I don't know. I just -- we had such a good time. I-I should call him, right? Do you think? I mean, should I call him? I don't know. Oh. Uh, Olivia, just hold on a sec. (turns away from the frowning FRONT Manager, but continues her phone conversation) I just need the truth. That's all. I really gotta go, 'kay? Call you later. CUT TO: INT. BIGGERSON's KITCHEN JANE is picking up an order. COOK I pity you. JANE I'm sorry? COOK You're sad and pathetic, and I pity you -- only reason I'm giving you a head's up. Stay away from the clam chowder. I flavored it with my own... seasoning. JANE looks shocked, goes to deliver the order. FRONT Manager Hey, Jane. You know that new girl, Misty? Way hotter than you. JANE Excuse me? FRONT Manager Basically, she's an eight, and you're a... a three. JANE, disconsolate, continues her duties. JANE, to an elderly patron Can I get you anything else, ma'am? ELDERLY PATRON No, thank you. I ran over a homeless man once, and I never even stopped to see if he was alive. JANE turns. Other people address her as she moves through the restaurant. LITTL Girl I hate mommy. I want to burn her in her sleep. WAITER I don't know what it is, but you just give me the creeps. Like I get physically nauseous. Female Voice You're pathetic. MALE Voice Loser. MALE Voice Desperate. JANE is in a back room, unlocking a drawer and pulling out a g*n. Female Voice Stupid. Mousy. MALE Voice You're a desperate, pathetic loser. Female Voice You're gonna die alone. JANE is in a corridor outside the main dining room, speaking on her cellphone to her sister, Olivia. JANE Hey, can you come get me? Olivia: You sound awful. Have you been drinking? JANE I think I'm going crazy. I'm freaking out. Olivia: Of course you are. 'Cause you area freak. You're certifiable. Every time the phone rings, my stomach drops. Jane with another crisis. You're a walking disaster. (JANE pulls the g*n out of her apron.) The whole family's just waiting for your next big breakdown, Jane. We're like hostages. Why don't you just go ahead and k*ll yourself already? JANE places the g*n under her chin. The camera moves up. A sh*t rings out and JANE's blood splatters on a sign that reads: BIGGERSON's: THE HAPPY PLACE. EXT. - DAY - HOT DOG VENDOR. Sam is in the line up. Dean is walking away, talking to Bobby on the phone. Dean: I know what I saw, Bobby. Bobby (in his home) We tested him. Salt, silver -- everything. Dean: He threw me to that vamp. I'm telling you, it's not my brother. Bobby: Well, then he's something we ain't ever seen before. Dean: Yeah, or it's freakin' Lucifer. Bobby: Did you call Cas? Dean: 'Course I called Cas. He's not answering. Screw him. I can't wait anymore. Bobby: Look, I get it. You're rattled. You're right to be. But let's be professional -- Dean: Professional? He watchedme get turned! Bobby: What you saw... are you sure that's what you saw? Dean: Damn it, Bobby, yes. I know. Bobby: Well, "you know" ain't the Same as proof. 'Cause we're talking about -- Dean: -- we're talking about doing something about this, and fast. It's not just the vamp, okay? He has been different from the jump. Bobby: All right. I'm with you. Dean: Are you? Bobby: Yeah. I'll h*t the books, hard. Just don't sh**t him yet, all right? Watch him. We need facts. 'Cause if it ain't Sam... we don't know whatit is. And if we're gonna put him down, we need to know how. Dean: I don't even want to ride in the Same car with him, much less work a damn case. Bobby: Get in the car. He'syour case. Sam walks up to Dean with a newspaper and lunch in hand. Dean: Hey. I was just, uh, I was leaving Lisa a message. Sam: Still hasn't called you back, huh? Dean: No. Sam (hands Dean a foil-wrapped hot dog) Sucks. Dean: Yeah. Sam, lookig at Dean intensely You okay? Dean, stilted Yeah. I'm fine. How are you? Sam: Me? Great. Here, look. Check this out. Think it might be something. Sam hands Dean a newspaper featuring the story about JANE PETERSON. Sam: Four people, out of nowhere, all in the last couple of weeks. What do you say? Dean: Yeah. Sounds like a plan. Sam: Let's go. INT. - DAY - Olivia's HOUSE. Dean and Sam are posing as FBI agents. Dean explores the house while Sam questions Olivia. Olivia: I don't understand. Why would federal investigators be interested in a su1c1de? Sam: Well, um... it's a new, more caring administration. Olivia: Well, I already told the cops. Jane was having a really bad day, so I-I did what any sister would do. (plays with hair; Dean drops in) I... tried to cheer her up, you know? Told her to hang in there. Sam: You know what a "tell" is? Olivia: Excuse me? Sam: It's a poker term... for when you're bluffing. Like what you just did with your hair. Olivia: What are you trying to say? Sam: You're lying. Dean is surprised at the force of Sam's inquiry. Olivia: What?! Sam: Tell us what you did to your sister. Dean is shocked. Olivia looks to Dean for reassurance. Olivia, breaks down as Sam looks vindicated Okay. You're right. I was lying. I wanted to tell her, "I love you. I'm here for you." Oh, but what came out was... "You're a burden. Just k*ll yourself." Who says that?! I-I-I just couldn't stop! EXT. - DAY - OUTSIDE Olivia's HOUSE Dean and Sam are walking back to the car. Sam: See anything in the house? Dean: No hex bags, no sulfur, no EMF. You? Sam: A tuba and an issue of Crochet Today.So, what, already kinda suicidal? Dean: Right, and then big sis's Taxicab Confession sends her over the edge. Question is, what made big sis open her big, fat mouth in the first place? Sam: Yeah, that [i]is[i]the question. Sam and Dean get into the Impala. INT. - DENTIST's OFFICE TELEVISION Voice OVER [i]Are organic fruits and veggies worth the high cost? PAUL, a dentist Thanks. Uh, can you grab some gauze, please? DENTAL HYGENIST Mm-hmm. PATIENT Should've had you prescribe me a Valium. PAUL Just relax. TELEVISION comes into view, volume is low. What is the truth? PAUL, preparing a needle for freezing It'll be fine. TELEVISION I'm Ashley Frank. PATIENT I got to be honest, Paul -- I don't really want to be here. PAUL You and most people. But you know what? I don't take it personally. Okay, open up. PAUL injects the needle into the PATIENT's mouth. PAUL You and Donna should come over for supper. How long has it been? (pulls the needle out) There. Worst part's over. PATIENT I'm not really into Donna anymore. She's old. PAUL, surprised Your wife looks great for her age. PATIENT Her saggy skin makes me want to hurl. I have urges, you know. PAUL Okay. PATIENT Remember that camping trip I missed 'cause I was sick? Well, I wasn't. I was just afraid to be around Melissa. PAUL My daughter[i]Melissa? PATIENT But then... she spent the night for Jill's slumber party. Oh... it just seemed so easy, you know? PAUL What are you saying? PATIENT It's not so much I couldn't control myself. I just knew I wouldn't get caught. And I didn't get caught. PAUL grabs PATIENT by the throat, forcing him to gasp for air. PAUL shoves a drill into the PATIENT's mouth. Blood spurts incesstantly. The DENTAL HYGIENIST enters and screams. EXT. - DAY - Hotel ROOM Dean is on the phone. Camera cuts to interior as he speaks to Bobby. Bobby is sh*t from outside his window. Camera cuts to interior as he speaks to Dean. Dean, on the phone Hey. You got anything? Bobby: I've been up all night lookin'. Nothing fits. Dean: Awesome. Bobby: You got anything else to go on? Dean: Yeah, my skin crawls being in the Same room with him. Why don't you look [i]that[i]up? Bobby: I'm working on it. Dean: I don't know how much longer I can do this, Bobby. You got to figure out what the hell he is and fast. Bobby: I'm trying. But, Dean, there's a worst-case scenario. Dean: What, Satan's my co-pilot? Yeah, I know. Bobby: Well, that'd be the [i]other[i]worst case. Dean: Well, then what? Bobby: Maybe it's just Sam. Dean: I gotta go. Bobby: Dean. Dean: You got a day, Bobby, and then I'm handling this. Dean hangs up, takes a pull from a beer. He stares at Lisa's number for a while, then calls her, lets it ring once and hangs up. Sam, dressed as an FBI agent, enters. Sam: There was another one. Dean: Yeah? What? Sam: Dentist drilled a guy to death. Dean: You mean the... non-sexy kind of drilling, right? Sam, eager 50 bucks says he's mixed up in all the crazy. Dean: You think? Sam: Yeah. Let's go talk to him. Dean: Okay. Uh... why don't you go ahead? I'll catch up. I'm gonna do a little research. Sam, disbelieving You sure? Dean: Yeah. We got to know what we're up against, right? Sam: Yeah. Yeah, good idea. Sam exits. Dean is relieved, but anxious. EXT. - DAY - OUTSIDE A BUILDING Sam has been questioning the DENTAL HYGIENIST. Sam: Thanks a lot. Sam walks away and calls Dean. Dean: Anything from Marathon Man? Sam: Not exactly. He hung himself in his cell before I could get to him. Dean: Yikes. Sam: But he was definitely involved. Just got the scoop from his assistant. Dean: Yeah? Sam: Yeah. Let's say the stuff that his patient was confessing to -- [i]I'd[i]have m*rder him, too. Dean: So, root canal and Russian roulette -- both of 'em, it's like they were cursed, right? I mean, people are just compelled to puke the truth all over 'em? Sam: Oh, getting h*t with the ugly truth, you go postal? I'd call that a curse. Do me a favor -- I'm going to the morgue to check out the body. Why don't you take the dentist's office, see what you see? Dean: Yeah. No problem. Dean hangs up, closes his laptop, which was open on an article titled "Doppleganger". INT. - DENTIST's OFFICE Dean sneaks in under the police tape, past the bloodied dental chair, and into PAUL's office. There is a saxophone on the credenza. Dean picks up a pack of reeds from PAUL's desk and a receipt from Harry's House of Horns. Dean remembers seeing the shop's name on JANE PATTERSON's calendar, along with a note about a dental appointment. INT. - DAY - Harry's HOUSE OF HORNS Harry is holding up photos of PAUL and JANE that Dean supplied. Harry: Jane and Dr. Conley. I heard. Awful. What do I have to do with it? Dean: Honestly? You're the only thing they have in common. Did they say anything to you before they, uh...? Harry: Sorry. Not really. Dean: Right. Ah, I was just fishing. Thanks. Harry: Hey, by the way, how 'bout my horn? Dean: Sorry? Harry: Stolen horn? Dean: Right. Yeah. We're -- we're working on it. Dean turns to leave. Harry: Well, I hope so. Thing's one-in-a-billion. Dean turns back. Dean: What makes it one-in-a-billion again? Harry: It's a museum piece. And near as anyone can tell, about a thousand years old. Harry shows Dean a photo of the instrument. Dean: Where's it from? Harry: No one knows. Dean: When did it get swiped? Harry: About... two weeks ago -- Same day Jane died. INT. - DAY - MOTEL Dean has an entry about Gabriel's Horn of Truth up on his laptop. Dean drains a glass of whiskey. Castiel? Hello? Possible loose nuke down here, angelic w*apon. Kinda your department. You hear that, Cas? Castiel appears. Hello, Dean. Dean: Are you kidding me? I have been on red alert about Sam, and you come for some stupid [i]horn?! Castiel: You asked me to be here, and I came. Dean: I -- I've been asking you to be here for days, you dick! Castiel, abashed. I didn't come about Sam because I have nothing to offer about Sam. Dean: Well, that's great, because for all we know, he's just gift wrap for Lucifer. Castiel: No, he's... he's not Lucifer. Castiel grabs the bottle of whiskey. Dean: And how do you know that? Castiel refills Dean's glass. Castiel: If Lucifer escaped the cage, we'd feel it. Dean: What is wrong with him? Castiel: I don't know, Dean. I'm sorry. Dean: What happened to you, Cas? You used to be human, or at least like one. Castiel: I'm at w*r. Certain... regrettable things are now required of me. Dean: And Gabriel's Horn of Truth? That's a real thing? Castiel: You've seen it? Dean: We think it's in town. Something's forcing people... Sound of angel wings fluttering. Castiel has left. Dean: Oh, well, you're welcome! Dean takes a swig. Castiel reappears behind him. Castiel: It isn't the Horn of Truth. Dean: What are you talking about? You were gone for like two seconds. Where did you look? Castiel: Everywhere. Dean: Right. Well, nice seeing you, anyway. Castiel: Dean. Dean: What? Castiel: About your brother. I... I don't know what's wrong with him, but I do want to help. I'll make inquiries. Castiel disappears again. Dean: Yeah. Thanks. Dean takes another drink. INT. - MORGUE PAUL's body is being pulled out. Sam: Now, I'd actually like to see all[i]the suicides that came in this week, not just Dr. Giggles. Is that gonna be a problem? CORONER Well, they're -- they're already gone. Sam: As in transferred? CORONER Yeah, not exactly. Sam: Would you like to tell me what's going on here, or should I have a little chat with your supervisor? CORONER, confidentially. They're [i]gone. Sam: As in... gone[i]gone? CORONER nods. EXT. - STREETVIEW OF A BAR CAFE. INT. - OF BAR CAFE. The televison is on. ASHLEY Frank [i]...Consumers from predatory prices. Here's the facts. Announcer: Tune in weekdays for the newest addition to our award-winning local team. Dean is sitting at the bar, drinking a sh*t. ASHLEY Frank Find out the truth about your layaway living room. Bartender: Another one? Dean: Uh, no, thanks. I'm working. Bartender looks at Dean askance. Dean's phone rings. Dean: Hey, what's up? Sam, walking into an apartment building called Carlton Court. All the bodies are gone. Dean: What do you mean, they just vanished? Sam: That's what the coroner said. But I got a lead. One of the missing bodies, she died a whole week before everybody else. Dean: su1c1de? Sam: Reported as a car accident, but no reason it couldn't have been. Dean: So then that would make her our patient zero, right? Sam: I'm thinking maybe. Whatever got this whole curse thing rolling started with her. I'm at her place now, corner of Burnham and 159th. Dean: Yeah, give me 10. Dean to Bartender: You know what? I will have that other one. Bartender: Thought you were working. Dean, rubbing his eyes. I am working up to it. Bartender: You okay? Dean: No, not really. ASHLEY Frank I talked to local experts to bring you the truth. Bartender, pouring Dean a sh*t. On me. Anything else I can get you? Dean: I'd just like the freakin' truth. Dean drains the sh*t. Dean: But I'll settle for another one. Bartender: Sometimes I think I can't get pregnant 'cause God knows my marriage is a sham. Why'd I say that? I mean, I've been snorting oxy all day. Why'd I say that? Dean: I'm pretty sure I know. INT. - BAR CAFE TELEVISION is still on. ASHLEY Frank I'm Ashley Frank with Frank Talk... Dean: I've got to go. Thank you. Dean walks by a BUSTY PATRON. BUSTY PATRON I'm sitting like this so you'll look at my breasts. I just bought them. I need a lotof attention. Dean: Good luck with that. Dean leaves, then walks back for another peek. EXT. - BAR CAFE Dean is walking back to the Impala. Dean calls Bobby. Dean: Hey, anything you're itchin' to tell me? Bobby, in his kitchen, grabbing a beer. Not really. Sorry to disappoint. Dean: Ah, that's all right. I'm just testing a theory. Bobby: Well, I'm here hittin' the books while drinking a nice glass of milk, while watching "Tori & Dean." Dean: Wh-- wait, w-who and Dean? Bobby: Tori Spelling. I'm a huge fan. Girl's a real talent. Dean, to himself. Oh, I guess it does work over the phone. Bobby: You know what else? I get a pedicure once in a while -- this nice Vietnamese joint. Bobby takes off his boots. Dean: Okay. Okay, please stop. Bobby: This one gal, Nhung Phuong -- her name means "velvet Phoenix." Tiny thing, but the grip on her. She starts on my toes, and I feel like I am gonna -- Dean: Whoa, whoa! Hey, come on, ma-- now I'm scarred for life. Thank you. Bobby: I never told anyone that. Why am I telling you?Maybe 'cause you're my favorite. Although, Sam's a better hunter. Lately, anyway. Dean: Whoa. Why the hell amI tellin' you this?! Dean: Because I'm cursed. Bobby: Cursed? Dean: Yes. Bobby: How is it... that half the time you clean a mess, you end up dirty? Dean: Actually, this might be the best thing that's happened to me in a while. Bobby: What do you mean? Dean... Dean, what damn fool move are you about to -- Dean: I gotta go. Bobby: Okay.But did you know my first girlfriend turned out to be a -- Dean, hanging up emphatically. No, no! Mnh-mnh. Mnh-mnh. Dean gets into the Impala, calls Sam, gets his voice mail. Sam: It's Sam. Leave me a message. Dean: Sam, it's me. Listen, I'm on my way to you, but if you get this before then, give me a call back. There's a few things I want to ask you. INT. - CARLTON COURT APARTMENT ROOMMATE So, why is there an investigation for a car accident? Sam: It wasn't an accident. Corey committed su1c1de. ROOMMATE, breaking down. You know... I wondered. I-I'm sorry. I just... Sam hands her a box of tissues. Sam: So, you had some idea Corey might have taken her own life? ROOMMATE Well... she had been going through a bit of a hard time lately... at school. And then, um, her cat, Mittens, had just ran away. But, really, it was her boyfriend. She was sure that he was cheating on her. But he was just very good at covering his tracks. Which, of course, made her completely obsessed with -- Sam: -- finding out the truth. ROOMMATE Yeah. Sam: You mind if I check out her room? EXT. - CARLTON COURT Dean pulls up in the Impala. His phone rings. Dean: Hey. Lisa, in her bedroom. So... I saw you called. Dean: Yeah, it's been crazy. Lisa: Ben won't even talk about it. Dean: Lisa, I'm sorry, but this is actually the... worst time in the universe to talk. C-can we do this later? Lisa: You shoved my kid, Dean. How about we do this now? Dean: It wasn't like that. Lisa: Then how was it? Dean: I can't really explain. Lisa: You want to know the truth? Dean: Probably not. Lisa: You've got so much buried in there, and you push it down, and you push it down. Do you honestly think that you can go through life like that and notfreak out? Just, what, drink half a fifth a night and you're good? Dean: You knew what you signed up for. Lisa: Yeah. But I didn't expect Sam to come back. And I'm glad he's okay. I am. But the minute he walked through that door, I knew. It was over. You two have the most unhealthy, tangled-up, crazy thing I've ever seen. And as long as he's in your life, you're never gonna be happy.That came out so much harsher than I meant. Dean: It's not your fault. Lisa: I'm not saying don't be close to Sam. I'm close to my sister. But if she got k*lled, I wouldn't bring her back from the d*ad! Dean: Okay, Lis... I'm not gonna lie. Okay, me and Sam, we... we've got issues. No doubt. But you and Ben -- Lisa: Me and Ben can't be in this with you. I'm sorry. Lisa hangs up, leaving Dean despondent. INT. - COREY's BEDROOM Sam is searching the room. He finds a box under the bed. He opens the box and takes out a cat's skull. Sam: Sorry, Mittens. INT. - STAIRCASE Dean is walking up, Sam is walking down. Sam: Hey, where you been? I found something. Dean: It can wait. We got to talk. Sam: Yeah. What's up? Sam and Dean walk back downstairs. Dean: There's a few things I want to ask you, and, uh, you're gonna tell me the truth. Sam: Uh, yeah, Dean. Of course. What are you talking about? Whoa. Are you saying [i]you're... Dean: I asked for the truth. And you know what? I'm getting it. So, like I said, I have a few questions for you[i]. When that vamp att*cked me, why did you just stand there? Sam falters, turns on puppy dog eyes. I-I didn't. I froze. Dean: You froze. You have been Terminator since you got back. Sam: I don't know. Shock? And then it was too late. I feel terrible about it. Believe me. Dean... I can't lie here. Do you really think I would let something like that happen on [i]purpose?[i]You're my [i]brother.[i]H-how could you even -- Dean: Okay. Okay. Sorry. I...I thought -- I thought I saw something. I... I guess I was wrong. It's just been a really, really bad day. Sam: Hey. It's okay. I got your back, all right? I always have. Dean: Thanks, Sammy. Sam turns. His expression goes blank as he walks down the stairs. INT. - Hotel ROOM Dean, holding Corey's cat skull, walking to join Sam at the kitchen table. So this was the chick's pet? Sam, working on his laptop. Well, she was obsessed. Dean: I think you mean crazy. Sam, taking the cat skull. All right, so cat skull, uh, grains-of-paradise seed, devil's shoestring. Mix 'em well, you got yourself a summoning spell. Dean: Demon? Sam, showing Dean a webpage about VERITAS, Goddess of Truth. God. Corey was so desperate for the truth about her boyfriend's cheating heart, she went digging around. Nothing panned out, so she went looking for a different kind of help. Dean: Opened a door she couldn't close. Sam: Yeah. Now anyone in town who asks aloud for the truth invokes Veritas. And she doesn't just give it to you. She slams you with it until you k*ll yourself and she gets her tribute. Dean: So, all that "tribute" vanishing from the morgue. What do you think, uh, Soylent Green situation? Sam: Gods got to eat, too. Which means we got to take her out or [i]you're[i]on the menu. Dean: All right, well, what do we know, besides crazy cat lady? Sam: Well, dogs are her Achilles heel. Dean: Naturally. Sam: And she was a pretty hands-on goddess back in the day. Her thing was coming down from the mountain to speak truth to the masses. She wanted more than tribute. She wanted to be worshipped. Dean: An attention whore. Sam: If you want to put it that way. Dean: And what is the 21st-century version of speaking truth to the masses? EXT. - NIGHT - TELEVISION STUDIO A large, backlit poster outside the doors advertises the show, "Frank Talk", with ASHLEY Frank. Sam and Dean exit from behind the poster. Sam is carrying a desktop computer tower. Sam: So you really think this God is slumming as some farm-league Diane Sawyer? Dean: Eh, call it a hunch. Dean pays off a door man. Sam puts the computer in the trunk of the Impala. Sam and Dean get in the car. INT. - NIGHT - MOTEL ROOM Sam and Dean are sitting on the edges of their respective bed. The television studio's computer is running through Sam's laptop, which is perched on a chair between them. Sam starts the recording, which is raw footage of "Frank Talk". ASHLEY Frank [i]I'm Ashley --[i](coughs) [i]I'm Ashley Frank, bringing[i]you [i]"Frank Talk." Let's do that again. OFF-CAMERA PRODUCER Okay, still rolling. ASHLEY Frank I'm Ashley Frank,bringing[i]you [i]"Frank Talk." Again. I'm Ashley Frank. Are organic fruits and veggies really worth the cost? Dean, sitting back on his bed, drinking coffee and eating a donut. She's creepy. I mean, the hair alone. I don't know, man. Maybe there's nothing here. Sam, increasing the speed on the video. Maybe. Time elapses. Sunlight comes in through the window. Dean's bed shows evidence of having been slept in. Dean is wearing a different shirt and has moved to the table, eating a pizza. Sam is still staring intensely at the video; he does not appear to have moved in hours, except to remove his over-shirt. ASHLEY Frank, at increased speed Are we -- we're spinning? Do the new rent-to-own prices... ...A recent trend in furniture stores... ...But think twice before you decide to buy -- Before you make that big purchase... ...Okay. ...We'll ask the councilman ourselves. During the last statement, ASHLEY Frank is shown standing outside a house. In the background, a large dog starts barking at her. ASHLEY Frank, nervous Are we still rolling? Sam: Hold on. Check this out. Dean comes over, sits back on the bed. Zoom in on that. Sam complies. Magnified, ASHLEY Frank's eyes have a non-human glow. EXT. - NIGHT - OUTSIDE THE TELEVISION STUDIO ASHLEY Frank drives away in a red convertible. Sam and Dean follow in the Impala. ASHLEY drives up to an enormous, modernist house. Dean parks the Impala nearby. Sam: Looks pretty normal, right? Dean: I'm sure inside it's chock full of creep. The house's interior lights up as ASHLEY enters. Dean, holding up two large knives. Ready? Sam, holding up a jar of liquid. Yeah. Dean: And that's...? Sam: Dog's blood. Dean: Do I even want to know where you got that? Sam: Probably not. Dean: Ugh. ASHLEY is seen ascending her staircase. Sam dips the knives in the dog's blood. Dean: All right, let's do this. Dean and Sam exit the Impala. Camera cuts to a view of the convertible parked in front of the house, then to a minimalist but expensive-looking dining and living room, into which Dean and Sam enter. Sam: So where's all the creep? Dean and Sam follow a cat downstairs. They stop at a mosaic of VERITAS, which looks exactly like the one depicted on the website Sam was researching. They follow the cat into another room. The cat is seen on a gurney, lapping at a bloody, mutilated human corpse. A gutted, bleeding, torso hangs in the middle of the room. The body of the dentist lays on another gurney. VERITAS You came for dinner. Sam and Dean turn to see ASHLEY Frank, now dressed in a goddess's raiment. As VERITAS, she waves her hand, sending Sam and Dean hurtling into the hanging torso. They fall to the floor of the large basin for catching blood, and lay unconscious. Sometime later, the boys are seen sitting up in the basin. Dean is unconscious. Sam wakes up to find his hands tied behind his back, to a post. He sees VERITAS put the dog's blood-soaked knives into a drawer. Dean wakes up and is startled by the bloody torso hanging over him and Sam. VERITAS Mm. Sit tight. (points to the mutilated corpse) You're up next. Dean is shocked. Sam covertly slips out a switchblade from his sleeve. VERITAS opens the dentist's mouth and reaches in with pinchers. Sam opens his Kn*fe, communicates a look to Dean. VERITAS, pulling the dentist's tongue out of his mouth. The tongue... is the tastiest part. It's where the lies roll off. VERITAS takes a bite out of the tongue. Dean, sickened, closes his eyes. VERITAS Mmm. Mmm! I cannot wait[i]to eat yours. I mean, I've seen liars before, but you two? Gold standard. VERITAS puts down the tongue, walks away. Sam works his Kn*fe into the rope. Dean: Point of professional pride. VERITAS, standing in front of Dean. I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you, Dean. You know what happens when you base your life on lies, right? The truth comes along and... So, while you've still got your tongue, God knows you've got an earful. Sam's Kn*fe cuts into the rope. VERITAS, sitting next to Dean. I think it's your turn to spill some. How 'bout we play a little truth or truth? What should we ask Dean first, hmm? Something... Personal about you? (looks at Sam) Hey, Dean, I'm curious. What do you really feel about your brother? Dean, hesitant at first. Better now. As of yesterday, I wanted to k*ll him in his sleep. Sam is surprised. Dean: I thought he was a monster. But now I think... VERITAS Now you think what? Dean: He's just acting like me. VERITAS What do you mean? Dean: It's the gig. Sam's Kn*fe is almost through the rope. Dean: You're covered in blood until you're covered in your own blood. Half the time, you're about to die. Like right now. I told myself I wanted out... that I wanted a [i]family. VERITAS But you were lying. Dean: No. But what I'm good at... is slicing throats. I ain't a father. I'm a k*ller. And there's no changing that. I know that now. VERITAS pats Dean on the shoulder, gets up and walks toward Sam. VERITAS So, Sam walking back into your life must have been a relief. Hmm? Mallory to your Mickey. And how do you feel about the band getting back together? Hmm, Sam? VERITAS is now sitting next to Sam. Sam: Look... what we do... is hard. Dean casts about and sees a hook. Sam: But...we watch out for each other. Dean meets Sam's eyes, communicating a plan. Sam: And that's what's important. And that's it. That's the truth. VERITAS, confused. No. No, it's not. Sam: You said yourself -- I can't lie. VERITAS How are you doing that? That's not possible. You're lying[i]to me! Sam: No, I'm not! VERITAS What are you? (addressing Dean) What is he? Sam: I don't know what you're talking about. VERITAS Really? I doubt that. I doubt anything that comes out of your mouth right now. You're not human. Dean: What? VERITAS You didn't know that? Now, [i]that[i]I believe. Sam cuts through the rope, tosses the Kn*fe to Dean, grabs one of the dog's blood-soaked knives and rushes VERITAS. VERITAS knocks him back with a series of punches. Sam falls back onto the floor, dropping the Kn*fe. VERITAS begins to choke him. Dean cuts through his rope, grabs the hook and impales VERITAS through the back. She turns around. Her human face is replaced with a monstrous one. While she is thus distracted, Sam plunges the dog's blood-soaked Kn*fe into her heart. Her body lies half in the basin. Sam stands up. Dean brandishes the other dog's blood-soaked Kn*fe at him. INT. - VERITAS's k*lling FLOOR Dean is thr*at Sam with the dog's blood-soaked Kn*fe. Sam: Dean, it's me. Dean, backing Sam around the basin. You are [i]not[i]my brother. Sam: Just listen. Dean: What are you?! Sam: I'm me, Dean. Look, please, just let me explain. Dean: Why the hell should I believe anything you say? Sam: Okay, okay. You want the truth? Here it is. Here it is. God's honest. She was right. There's something wrong with me, really wrong. I've known it for a while. I lied to you. Yeah. And...I let you get turned by that vamp. Because I [i]knew there was a cure, Dean[i], and we [i]needed[i]in that nest! And I knew you could handle it! Dean: Handle it?! I could've died! I could've k*lled Ben. Sam: And that should stop me cold. But I -- I just don't [i]feel[i]it. Dean: You what? Sam: Ever since I came back, I am a-a better hunter than I've ever been! Nothing scares me anymore! 'Cause I can't [i]feel[i]it. I don't know what's wrong with me. I think... I need help. Sam looks solicitous. Dean is emotional. He turns away, then turns back. Sam looks hopeful. Dean hesitates, then punches Sam. Sam falls back. Dean sets upon him, punching Sam repeatedly and viciously, stopping after Sam is unconscious and bloody.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "06x06 - You Can't Handle the Truth"}
Air Date: 5 Nov 2010 Sam: You're sure it's vampires? Samuel: Definitely. Dean: Their alpha's building an army. We don't scare them anymore. Samuel: I'm your grandfather. Dean: Samuel? We all thought you were d*ad. Samuel: We're guessing whatever pulled Sam up pulled me down. Sam: So, whatever this is, we're both a part of it. Dean: But you don't know what that is. Bobby: Dean, you all right? Dean: It's Sam, Bobby. He's just -- he's different. Something's not right to me. Dean: What is wrong with him? Castiel: I don't know, Dean. I'm sorry. Samuel: Almost like you let him get turned. Get a man on the inside. Help us find that alpha vamp we've been looking for? Sam: You think I'd do something like that, risk my own brother? Dean: You got my back. No matter what happens, I can always count on you, right Sammy? Sam: Of course, Dean. Veritas: What are you? You're not human. Sam: Please, just let me explain. Dean: Why the hell should I believe anything you say? Sam: I need help. Int. Hotel Room. Night. [Grunts] [Grunting] [Sam groans] Castiel: You're right. He looks terrible. [Groans] Castiel: You did this? Sam: Cas? What's -- [Grunts]Let me go. Castiel: Has he been feverish? Dean: Have you? Sam: No. Why? Castiel: Is he speaking in tongues? Are you speaking in tongues? Sam: No. What are you... Are you diagnosing me? Dean: You better hope he can. Sam: You really think that this is -- Dean: What, you think that there's a clinic out there for people who just pop out of hell wrong? He asks, you answer! Then you shut your hole. You got it? Castiel: How much do you sleep? Sam: I don't. Dean: At all? Sam: Not since I got back. Dean: And it never occurred to you that there might be something off about that?! Sam: Of course it did, Dean. I-I just never told you. Dean: What? Castiel: Sam... What are you feeling now? Sam: [scoffs]I feel like my nose is broken. Castiel: No, that's a physical sensation. How do you feel? Sam: Well, I think -- Castiel: Feel. Sam: I... don't know. Sam: What? Uh... Castiel: This will be unpleasant. Sam: What -- Castiel: Bite down on this. If there's someplace that you find soothing, you should go there. In your mind. [screaming] [gasping] [groaning] [gasping] [breathing heavily] [breathing heavily] Dean: Did you find anything? Castiel: No. Dean: So that's good news? Castiel: I'm afraid not. Physically, he's perfectly healthy. Dean: Then what? Castiel: It's his soul. It's gone. Dean: [scoffs]Um... I'm s-- I'm sorry. One more time, like I'm 5. What do you mean, he's got no -- Castiel: Somehow, when Sam was resurrected, it was without his soul. Dean: So, where is it? Castiel: My guess is... Still in the cage with Michael and Lucifer. Dean: So, is he even still Sam? Castiel: Well, you pose an interesting philosophical question. Dean: Well, then, just get it back. Castiel: Dean. Dean: Well, you pulled me out. Castiel: It took several angels to rescue you, and you weren't nearly as well guarded. Sam's soul is in Lucifer's cage. There's a difference, a big difference. It's not possible. Dean: Okay, well, there's got to be a way. Sam: So, are you gonna untie me? Dean: No. Sam: Listen, I'm not gonna -- Dean: Sam, how the hell am I even supposed to let you out of this room? Sam: Dean, I'm not some psycho. I didn't want you to get hurt. I was just trying to stop the vamps. [sighs] Sam: I'm sorry. It won't ever happen again. Please let me go. Dean: You're kidding, right? Sam: Well, what are you gonna do, just keep me locked up in here forever? Dean: You say that like it's a bad thing. Sam: Okay, fine, look, I get it. I get it, Dean. I was wrong. But I'm telling you I-I'm trying to get right. It's still me. Dean: Is it? Sam: Yes. So just let me go. Dean: No way in hell. [sighs] Sam: I didn't want it to come to this. You're not gonna hold me, Dean -- Not here, not in a panic room, not anywhere. You're stuck with the soulless guy, so you might as well work with me. Sam: Let's fix this. Dean: I'm gonna be watching every move you make. Sam: Fine. Sounds about right to me. Dean: Cas, clean him up. [groans] [breathing heavily] Dean: All right, if we're gonna figure out what happened to your soul, then we need to find who yanked you out. Dean: You say you don't know? Sam: No idea. Dean: Then we start a list. If it's so hard to spring someone out of the box, then who's got that kind of muscle? Castiel: I don't know. You have no memory of your resurrection? Sam: I woke up in a field. That's all I got. Dean: No clues? None? Sam: I've got one. Int. Impala. Night. [Horn honks] Int. Campbell Compound. Night. Dean: Gramps throw a barbecue, leave us off the e-vite list? Christian: Sam! [Laughs]Ahh. Dean. Dean: Hello, Newman. Where's the man? [Clears throat] Samuel: Come right on in. Dean: Need to ask you a few questions. Samuel: What's wrong? Dean: The day you got back, what happened? Samuel: We've been over this. Dean: Well, recap it for our wingman. [Castiel appears] Samuel: This Castiel? You're scrawnier than I pictured. Castiel: This is a vessel. My true form is approximately the size of your Chrysler building. Dean: All right, all right, quit bragging. So, you were d*ad, and... Samuel: And, pow, I was on Elton ridge. Don't know how. Don't know why. I got nothing to hide, guys. Dean: Well, you mind if Cas here double-checks? [Samuel screams] Sam: Whoa, whoa, whoa. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. Christian: What the hell? Dean: Angel cavity search. Samuel: I'm fine, Christian. Just give us a minute. Christian: But -- Samuel: Just give us a minute. [Door closes] [Breathing heavily] Samuel: What the hell was that about? Castiel: His soul is intact. Samuel: What? Of course I have a -- What's going on, Sam? Sam: Whatever dragged me out... left a piece behind. [Samuel groans] Sam: Did you know? Samuel: No, but I... I knew it was something. I... You're a hell of a hunter, Sam, but... the truth is, sometimes you scare me. So, what's the deal here? How do we fix this? How do we get his soul back? Dean: We don't know yet, but we have to. Samuel: Well, I'm here to help, of course. What leads you working? Sam: A bunch of d*ad ends and you. Samuel: Well, then, we'll just have to dig. Castiel: Sam, Dean... I have to get back. Dean: You're leaving? Castiel: I'm in the middle of a civil w*r. Dean: You better tear the attic up, find something to help Sam. Castiel: Of course. Your problems always come first. I'll be in touch. [Air whooshes] Samuel: Would've asked him to stick around for a beer. Dean: So, what's with the book club outside? Samuel: Putting together a hunt. Dean: That's a lot of guys for one hunt. Sam: You found him, didn't you? Dean: Who? Sam: He's got a lead on the alpha vamp. Dean: Do you? Samuel: Maybe. Yeah. [Chuckles] Dean: How'd you track him down? Samuel: We're good. Dean: That's all I get? "We're good"? Sam: When's the run? Samuel: Dawn. Sam: You didn't call me? Why? Dean: 'Cause of me. You don't trust me very much, do you? Especially when it comes to big game like this. Samuel: That's not true. Dean: Okay, well, then, we're in. Samuel: No offense, but -- Dean: So you don't trust me. Samuel: No, I just don't know you. Not like I know Sam. Dean: All right. You call the plays. 100%. I'm here to listen. Samuel: [Chuckles]Since when? Dean: Big daddy bloodsucker? I ain't gonna miss that. But this is your deal. Okay? I get it. I'll follow your lead. I trust you. Ext. Campbell Compound. Night. Dean: I don't trust him. Dude's hiding something. Sam: What? Dean: I can feel it. And if you weren't Robo-Sam, you'd feel it, too. Sam: Huh. Dean: What? Sam: Just...You. Saying you don't trust family. Dean: Look, we hang close, we blend in, we see what we can pick up. Sam: You think Samuel's connected to this whole soul thing? Dean: I still think he's the only lead we got. [Click] Int. Campbell Compound. Night. Christian: You lost, Dean? Dean: Had to make a phone call. Just needed some privacy. Christian: Oh. Samuel's locked office is pretty private. Dean: Wasn't locked. Christian: Who you calling? Dean: Your wife. Let her know I'm not gonna make it over tonight. Christian: You know, I've tried playing nice, Dean, but I think I'm done. Dean: Wait, are you trying to tell me that you're a bigger knob than you've been letting on? Christian: I'm the guy who's been here, doing my job. Who are you? You think we need you here? You walk around like you're playing pro tennis. Only action you seen lately is between your slut girlfriend's legs. [Grunts] Christian: You sure you want to come with us tomorrow? Accidents happen. Dean: Hmm. Don't worry, man. I got your back. [Scoffs] Ext. Campbell Compound. Night. [Engine turns over] Ext. Wilderness. Day. Samuel: The house is just over the hill. About a dozen vamps and the alpha. We got one sh*t at this son of a bitch. Samuel: Christian, take flank. The rest of you are with me and Sam. Dean, Gwen... hang back, sweep any stragglers we flush out. Problem, Dean? Dean: No, sir. Gwen: I'm in the rear with the reject? Samuel: All right, let's go. Sam: Don't worry. It's fine. Dean: No, nothing's fine. You're not fine. Go. Go. Gwen: Sorry about the "reject" thing. Dean: Ah, I've been called worse. Gwen: Just, uh, get sick of getting left behind. Think it's probably 'cause I remind him of his daughter or something. Dean: Well, you just speak your mind. Gwen: I'll take that as a compliment. Dean: You should. [Branches snapping] [Machete slices] [Thud] Gwen: You're welcome. [Grunts] [g*n] Gwen: We're supposed to wait here! [g*n] [Woman screaming] [Man screams] [Pounding on window] Girl: Dean! [Screams] Samuel: Sam! [Vampire snarling] [Metal jingling] Samuel: Careful, now! Sam: Yeah. Got him. [Snarling] [Grunts] Samuel: Get in. [Doors close] Gwen: Where were you? Samuel: Everything all right here? Gwen: Just, uh, chopped up a runner. No big deal. How'd it go? Samuel: Rough, but one alpha down. Dean: Where is it? Want to pay my last respects. Samuel: Well, bring marshmallows. Already on the pyre. Int. Impala. Night. Dean: Things go okay back there? Sam: Fine. Dean: Nothing weird? [Engine revs] [Tires screech] [Engine shuts off] Dean: I saw you walk that alpha out the door, Sam. Now, call me crazy... But that seems weird. Sam: [Sighs]Oh. Dean: "Oh." Sam: You weren't supposed to know about that. Dean: Know what? Sam: It's just something Samuel's been doing. Catching things, taking them somewhere, grilling them for info. Dean: Grill. t*rture, right? And not telling me -- that was his idea? Sam: No, it was mine. Dean: Why? Sam: Honestly? 'Cause you'd mess it up. You sh**t first, ask questions later, and we needed to ask questions. Dean: You know, I-I don't care if you've got soullessness or the freakin' mumps, man -- You know better than this! Do you even want your soul back? Sam: How does that have anything to do -- Dean: Have you been to the place where Samuel takes them? I mean, have you been in on these interrogations? Sam: No, but I hear -- Dean: And why? And did it ever occur to you that this is really shady? Sam: He's our grandfather. Dean: Yeah. Yeah, a guy who talks a great game. But you can't assume that family means the Same thing to him as it does to us. He's not Dad. Wow. You don't see it, do you? Sam: What? Dean: You've got no instinct. [Scoffs]I mean, you are seriously messed up. Sam: Thanks. Dean: I'm not kidding, man. Nobody's forcing you to work with me, okay? But if we do this... I drive the bus, I call the sh*ts, and you tell me everything, whether you think it's important or not, because -- trust me -- you can't tell the difference. Or, you know what, go -- go with Samuel. See how that goes. It's up to you. Int. Campbell Compound. Night. Sam: Samuel? Samuel: Damn, kid. Learn how to knock. Where's your brother? Sam: Gone. Samuel: What do you mean, "gone"? Sam: I mean he left about an hour ago. He and I just weren't seeing eye-to-eye anymore, I guess. Samuel: That's too bad. Sam: I want in. Samuel: In? Sam: On the interrogations, on everything. I can help. This family -- this is it for me now. Whatever you need, I'll do. Samuel: Yeah, I know you will. Sam: Great. Samuel: But until we can figure out this soul business of yours, I need you to keep doing what you're doing. Sam: But I can -- Samuel: No you can't. [Sighs] Samuel: I'm sorry. Sam: Right. [Metal clanging] [Door closes] Ext. Campbell Compound. Night. [Objects rattling] [Beeping] Int. Impala. Night. Dean: Hey. Sam: You didn't think I'd come back. Dean: I figured 60/40. Sam: So, Samuel didn't take the bait. So I went with plan "b." Dean: We had a plan "b"? Sam: Fired up the GPS on one of his cellphones. We should be able to track him right to the alpha. Dean: The old man won't notice? Sam: Trust me. He thinks Velcro is big news. [Beeping] Sam: There. Got him. Ext. Warehouse. Night. Sam: d*ad man's blood? Dean: Smart. Lock the place down with vamp repellent. [Sighs] Int. Warehouse. Night. [Electricity crackles] Samuel: Where is it? Answer the question. Where is it? How do we find it? [Electricity hums] [Electricity crackles] Alpha Vampire: Ouch. Stop. That hurts [spoken in a sarcastic manner]. Samuel: This -- This is club med compared to what we have planned for you. I got -- I got all the time in the world. Alpha Vampire: Well, that makes two of us. [Machete clatters] [Laughs] Alpha Vampire: Are you two going to hide all night? Come on out, boys. Alpha Vampire: How can I help you? Dean: We got some questions for you, skippy, since you're going nowhere fast. [The Alpha Vampire Chuckles] Alpha Vampire: Don't be so sure. Dean: Yeah? Locked down pretty tight. And with all that d*ad blood rushing through your veins, not sure you got enough juice to f*re up that psychic bat-signal of yours, do you? Alpha Vampire: True. Not near enough juice for that... Dean. Dean: I didn't realize we were on a first-name basis. Alpha Vampire: Of course we are. After all, you were my child... for a time. Dean, tell me... did you enjoy it? Dean: I'm asking the questions here, fright night. [Electricity crackles] Alpha Vampire: When your kind first huddled around the f*re, I was the thing in the dark! Now you think you can hurt me? I have all night, boys. Anyway, I'm happy to tell you whatever you want to know. Sam: Why? Alpha Vampire: Why? Because soon, I'll be ankle-deep in your blood, sucking the marrow from your bones. Sam: So you're really it. The first of your species. Alpha Vampire: The very first. Sam: But if you're the first... who made you? Alpha Vampire: We all have our mothers. Even me. Dean: What does that mean? [The Alpha Vampire Chuckles] Dean: And what's with the big surge of vamps lately? I mean, it's like -- Alpha Vampire: Like we're going to w*r. Sam: Why? What's going on? Why did Samuel bring you here? [Sniffs] Alpha Vampire: You smell cold. You have no soul. What an oddity. Do you feel how empty you are? What is it like to have no soul? Answer my question. Sam: You first. You're the one in the cage. Alpha Vampire: The thing about souls -- If you've got one, of course -- is they're predictable. You die, you go up or down. Where do my kind go? Dean: All right, enough with the sermon, freak. Alpha Vampire: I'm trying to answer the question. Now, when we "freaks" die... where do we go? Not heaven, not hell. So? Dean: Legoland? Alpha Vampire: [Sighs]Little rusty on our Dante, boys? Sam: Purgatory. Dean: Purgatory? Purgatory's real? Alpha Vampire: Oh, stupid cattle. [Chuckles]Of course! And it is filled with the soul of every hungry thing like me that ever walked this earth. Now, where is it? That is the mystery. And that is what your kindhearted granddaddy is trying to b*at out of me. Sam: Samuel brought you here... to find out where Purgatory is? Alpha Vampire: I keep telling him -- how would I know such a thing? But he refuses to untie me. Sam: You know exactly where it is. Why does Samuel care about any of this? Alpha Vampire: He doesn't care. He does as he is told. Dean: Well, if the old man's Kermit... whose hand's up his ass? [g*n cocks] Samuel: Evening, guys. Dean: Wow, you know, I have seen some stupid in my time, but you take the crown. Putting Jaws in a fishbowl? How do you think that's gonna end? I don't know what kind of game you're running -- Samuel: What, do you think I'm doing this for kicks? Dean: I think you've got the rest of these feebs convinced that you're John Wayne. So whatever you're doing, whatever you're hiding... it's gonna put you and everyone around you in the ground. [g*n cocks] Gwen: Hi. Dean: Gwen. [Sighs]And I thought we had something special. Alpha Vampire: Are you scared of me? I would be. [Chuckles] Alpha Vampire: Go ahead. [The Alpha Vampire escapes the cage]. [Electricity crackles] [Man screams] Samuel: Grab your stuff. [Sighs] Dean: How long till the alpha's 100%? Samuel: Hour. Maybe less. Samuel: We need to get him dosed up and back in the cage. Dean: No. Samuel: What do you mean, "no"? Dean: I mean, I don't know what your big plan was, but playing catch is not on the table. Samuel: Dean -- Dean: We take the thing's head off, or it kills us all! You know that. Dean: Okay. We split up. Clear every room. You get a sh*t, you take it. It's not gonna k*ll him, but dude will move a lot slower without any kneecaps. And if we make it through this, you, me, and Sam are having one hell of a family meeting. Christian: You think he ran out? Samuel: No! [Bones crack] [Snarls] Alpha Vampire: The boy with no soul. I've got big plans for you. It's amazing how that pesky, little soul gets in the way. But not for you. You will be the perfect... animal. [Gasping] Sam: Christian? [Slow clapping] Crowley: Well, that was dramatic. Sam: Crowley? Crowley: Hello, boys. What an unexpected treat. Samuel: Bring Christian back now. Crowley: I'm sorry? Samuel: My nephew! The one you just crammed a demon into! Crowley: Oh. No. I had him possessed ages ago. Samuel, really. I keep an eye on my investments. Dean: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. You two know each other? Crowley: Not in the biblical sense. More of a business relationship, I'd say. Sam: You're Crowley's bitch. Samuel: It's not what you think. Crowley: It's precisely what you think. That alpha he's caught me is getting him a gold star. Dean: Since when do you give a crap about vampires? Crowley: Since, uh... What's today -- Friday? Since, let's see -- mind your business. Sam: You may as well share with the class, Crowley. We know you're looking for Purgatory. Crowley: So you heard about that? Sam: Yeah. You want to tell us why? Crowley: Isn't it obvious? Location, location, location. I'm a developer. Purgatory is vast, underutilized, and hell-adjacent, and I want it. Dean: What for? Crowley: Best shut your gob. Employees don't question management. Dean: We ain't your employees. Crowley: Of course you are! Have been for some time now, thanks to gramps. I don't keep Captain Chromedome around for his wit, do I? Samuel knows things. More than any of you, actually. Walking encyclopedia of the creepy and the crawly. And I knew... You two are so hung up on family-loyalty nonsense, he said jump, you'd get froggy. Dean: Yeah, well, the game's over. Crowley: Yeah, well, afraid not, not if you want to see Sam's soul ever again. Sam: You're bluffing. Crowley: Tell them, Samuel. Samuel: He pulled us both back, me and Sam. Sam: What? You knew? Dean: No, Cas says it takes big-time mojo to pull something like that off, and you're nothing but a punk-ass crossroads demon. Crowley: Was a punk-ass crossroads demon. Now? King of hell. Believe me, I've got the mojo. I snap my fingers, Sam gets his soul back. Or you can be...You, and I shove Sam right back in the hole. Can't imagine what it's like in there... and I can imagine so many things. So, we clear? Me, Charlie... you, angels. Job's simple enough -- bring me creatures. Aim high on the food chain, please. Everybody wins. It's been a pleasure. See you soon. Gwen: You're letting a demon call the sh*ts? Samuel: Nothing's changed. We hunt. Period. Don't worry about him. I'll take care of it. You trust me or not? Get the van, Gwen. Sam: Working with a demon, huh? [Metal clanging] Sam: You're not who I thought you were. Samuel: You don't know anything about me, son. Dean: So, what's so important that you're the king of hell's cabana boy, huh? What'd he offer you? Girls? Money? Hair? Samuel: I got my reasons. You gonna make a move, go ahead. Dean: Or what? Samuel: Or nothing. I'm not gonna do anything to you, Dean. You boys... you're my family. So the way I see it, you got two choices -- Put a b*llet in your grandfather or step aside. [g*n cocks] Sam: He sold us out. Dean: I know. Dean: Let it go. Sam: Why? Dean: Get out of here. Sam: So, what now? Dean: We can't work for Crowley. Sam: Are you sure about that? Dean: I don't think you understand. Demons bone you every time. Sam: Oh, no, I get it. I do, believe me. Sam: Just running the math -- Do we really have another choice? Dean: We could s*ab him in his throat. Sam: And get my soul back how? I'm just saying, seems like we got to play ball, at least for the moment. Dean: I have done some stupid things in my time, but punching a demon's clock? Sam: Look, just till we find another way. Dean: And then? Sam: And then we track Crowley down and give that son of a bitch what's coming to him. You with me, Dean?
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "06x07 - Family Matters"}
Air Date: 12 November 2010 EXT. HONEY WAGON BAR – NIGHT Buffalo, New York A Man is talking on a cell phone as he walks across the car park in front of the bar. Man (on phone): Did he eat? You gave him a bath, right? Well, did you take him to the park? Lightning flashes as the Man reaches his late-model black car. Man (on phone): And did he make pee-pee and poo-poo? Good. Tell him Daddy loves him. Be home soon. The Man hangs up. Lightning flashes again and the Man looks around him. We then see the Man in black and white through the branches of a bush across the car park. Something pants. The Man unlocks his car, gets in, puts the key in the ignition and reaches across the passenger seat. The panting gets louder and something that sounds four-legged begins to run towards the car. It snarls. The Man straightens up. Man (on phone): What the... The Man looks horrified. We hear the sound of the creature climbing onto the hood of the car. The Man puts his hands in front of his face and screams as the windshield shatters. Blood splatters and runs down the driver's-side window. SUPERNATURAL We hear the sound of something four-legged running. EXT. FAT MACK's RIB SHACK – DAY Sam is eating at an outdoor table. Dean is standing nearby, talking on his cell phone and holding a plate of ribs. Dean (on phone): I know, Bobby, but there's got to be another way. I don't know. Keep digging. I mean, if Crowley thinks we're just gonna – CROWLEY Crowley thinks you're just gonna what, Dean? CROWLEY has materialized behind Dean. CROWLEY Is that Bobby Singer? Give him a kiss for me. Dean (on phone): I'll call you back. CROWLEY Good news, boys! I've got a job for you. CROWLEY pulls out the chair next to Sam, turns it around and sits on it backwards. Dean sits across from them. Dean: I'm gonna say this once. You can take your job and shove it up your ass. CROWLEY Is that any way to talk to your boss? Dean: You're not my boss, dickbag. CROWLEY Dean, Dean. Been through this. Quit clutching your pearls. You've been working for me for some time now. Sam here, longer. Sam: We didn't know. CROWLEY Like that makes a difference to you. You'd sell your brother for a dollar right now if you really needed a soda. Dean looks pained. CROWLEY Look, I'm sending you – Dean: No. CROWLEY Beg pardon? Dean: I've done some shady stuff in my time, but I am not doing this. No. CROWLEY Ten quid says you will. CROWLEY touches the back of Sam's hand. Sam yells and his hand sizzles. A burn spreads on Sam's hand. Sam gasps in pain. CROWLEY You like pain, Sam? You like Hell? CROWLEY You need to stop thinking of this as some kind of deal. This is a hostage situation, you arrogant little thug. I own your brother! Do you understand me? CROWLEY snaps his fingers and the burn on Sam's hand disappears. CROWLEY Come on, Dean, smile. It's not that bad. Here's incentive – you bag me a live alpha, and I'll give you little Sammy's soul back, with a cherry on top. Sam: What, alpha vamp not good enough for you? CROWLEY Best mind where you poke your nose, if you want to keep it. Your merry little hike up the food chain starts here. CROWLEY puts a newspaper down on the table. CROWLEY Businessman found d*ad in his car – chest ripped open... Sam picks up the newspaper. The headline reads "Businessman Falls Victim to Animal att*ck." CROWLEY ...heart missing. Sounds like? Sam: Werewolf. Dean: No, it's not a full moon. CROWLEY Werewolves turning on the full moon – so '09. Sam: He's right. Samuel and I ganked one about six months back on the half-moon. Things have been out of whack for a while now, I guess. Dean: Yeah, I guess. CROWLEY So, it's settled then. You bag the howler, bring it home to papa. See you soon, boys. CROWLEY disappears. EXT. – NIGHT The Impala drives fast along a road. INT. Impala – NIGHT Dean is driving. Sam: So, the vic's a real class act. Owned a bunch of slum-grade apartments. Couple houses, too. Dean: So this is it? This is – this is what you're gonna do? Sam: What am I doing? Dean: Crowley. He's so far up our asses we're – we're – we're coughing sulfur, but you – you're just gonna work the case? Sam: Well, he's got us by the short and curlies. What else are we supposed to do? Dean: It's just – you know, man, I... I'm working for a demon now. I don't even know who you are. I just... I just need a second to adjust. Sam: Look... this is a crap situation. I get it. But, Dean, I am still me – Same melon, Same memories. I-I still like the Same music. I still think about Suzie Heizer. Dean: Biology class Suzie Heizer? Sam: Can you blame me? Look, I know you don't trust me. And I can't take back what I did. But I'm going to prove it to you. I'm still your brother. EXT. DOCK – DAY Someone zips up a body bag. Dean and Sam in their FBI suits walk past a coroner's vehicle towards a Detective, who is standing next to the body and two men who are ready to move it. Man 1 Okay. Man 2 I got it. The two men lift the body and carry it away. Dean and Sam show their ID. Dean: How you doing? Agents Holt and Wilson. Detective: Feds? Sam: Yeah. Detective: What are the Feds doing here? Sam: Oh, we're specialists. They call us in to answer the questions of mouth-breathing dick monkeys. Dean and the Detective look at Sam. Sam: So, you gonna walk us through this, or, uh... Detective: Dock worker. Guy on the morning shift found him – chest ripped wide open. Dean: Same as the body in the car? Detective: Yeah, second one in two days. Sam: Internal organs missing on both vics? Like their hearts? Detective: Uh... looks like it, yeah. How'd you know? Sam: So, this guy, he – he have any enemies? Detective: Yeah, plenty, but, uh, I don't think it was a wolf or possibly a cougar that had a beef with the guy. You do realize these were animal att*cks? Dean: An animal out here. What, you think it came for the sailing? INT. MOTEL – DAY Dean is asleep face down on a bed. He wakes and turns over. We see that he is wearing jeans and slept on top of the covers. Dean looks at Sam, who is dressed in a shirt and suit pants and is organizing papers at the table. Sam: Morning. The other bed is still made and untouched. Dean: You didn't sleep. 'Cause you don't... sleep. Sam: Right. Dean: Yeah. That's not creepy at all. Sam: Not like I can help it. So, you gonna just lay there staring at me... Sam puts on his suit jacket. Sam: ...or you want to hear what I dug up? Dean raises a hand to tell Sam to go ahead. Sam: All right. So, we know that werewolves are basically id gone wild, right? I mean, whoever they hate, they k*ll when they wolf out. So, I've been playing connect the victims. Dean: And? Sam puts his paperwork into a briefcase. Sam: And I think I found a common denominator. So come on. Uh... Sam tosses Dean some ID. Sam: Get the lead out, huh? Dean: Let me get dressed, Robocop. EXT. HOUSE – DAY The Impala pulls up and parks outside a house. Sam gets out carrying a g*n, which he puts into the back of his pants. He and Dean walk to the house and knock. A Woman carrying a young boy answers. Woman: Yes, can I help you? Sam and Dean show their ID. Sam: Is Cal Garrigan at home? We've got a few questions we'd like to ask him. Woman: [with a smile]Yeah. Um, come in. INT. HOUSE – DAY The Woman sets the boy down in the kitchen and hands him a toy. A German Shepherd is lying on a dog bed. Woman: Honey, um, why don't you go play in your room for a little while, okay? The Woman clears toys from the kitchen table. Woman: Excuse the mess. Please sit. Sam and Dean sit at the table. Woman: Um... can I get you guys anything? Dean: No, thank you. Um, so Cal is your boyfriend? Woman: That's right. Dean: And where is he? Woman: Uh, sleeping, I think. Dean: You mind telling him up and at 'em? He's got some guests. Woman: Yeah. Yeah, of course. The Woman starts to leave the room, but stops as CAL clears his throat and enters, with a hand to his head. Woman: Cal... The German Shepherd growls and barks once. CAL Lucky, shh! The German Shepherd growls again. Woman: These are Agents... Dean: Holt and Wilson. Morning... ish. CAL Hey. What's this? Dean: You out late last night, Cal? CAL pours himself some coffee. CAL Just, uh, you know, a couple beers with friends. Dean: How many's a couple? CAL I don't know. Three, four tops. Sam: If all you had was beer, then how come you're sweating vodka? And looks to me like you slept in those clothes. Am I right? CAL I don't know. I – I guess. Dean: So what you're saying is, you got blind drunk, you blacked out. Something tells me this isn't the first time. Sam: So, Cal, truthfully, who knows what you've really been up to at night? CAL Look, what's this about? Sam: We're investigating the death of Ronald Garrigan. CAL My brother? CAL and the Woman look at each other. She shrugs. Dean: Sorry for your loss. CAL Yeah, I thought that was some kind of animal att*ck. Sam: No love lost between the two of you, huh? CAL Look, we had our differences, I guess. You love your brother, of course, but... Ron had a lot of problems. He was, uh, volatile. Sam: Last time he was here, you called the cops? CAL Yeah, look, he came in here all messed up, and he was yelling. He shoved Mandy. So, yeah, I called the cops. I don't see how that has to do with – Sam: Your landlord was found d*ad this week. Were you aware of that? CAL Saw it in the papers. Why? Sam: Well, you two were pretty far behind on your rent, right? He had sent eviction papers? MANDY I – I'm sorry. That was an animal att*ck. Sam: Funny enough, yeah – both of 'em were. CAL So, great, great. Yeah, guys. What in the hell do you think I had to do with 'em? Dean: Just following procedure. Had to ask. You two have a good day. EXT. HOUSE – DAY Sam and Dean walk towards the Impala. Sam: So, Cal's a prince. Dean: Yeah, doesn't even know where he was last night. Sam: Bag him now? Dean: No. We make sure. Sam: Really? Dean: Before we hand him over to a lifetime of demon r*pe? Yeah, really. They get into the car and drive away. EXT. GARAGE – NIGHT Dean and Sam in the Impala pull up and park near a garage next to a fix-it business, on the other side of a hedge. Men are arriving in their vehicles as the door to the garage rolls up. Someone turns on the lights and we see that the garage is furnished like a bar with a juke box and pool table. Sam: Boy, Cal just doesn't know when to quit. Dean: Three scuzzy bars, one scuzzy strip club, a chili-dog joint, seven or eight nightcaps, and now... scotches in the library. I'm getting cirrhosis just watching this. Other than that, we got squat. Sam: Let's just see. The men in the garage are laughing and music is playing. CAL and another man grab pool cues. EXT. GARAGE BAR – DAY Dean and Sam are still watching the garage bar. Dean: Dude, sun's up. Two men leave the garage. Others are sitting around the table. Dean: This guy's still on two legs. In theory. He ain't wolfing out. Sam: Well, not tonight, anyway. Dean: Let's head back. We can re-att*ck this in a couple hours. Dean starts the Impala and they drive away. INT. GARAGE BAR – DAY A man turns off the lights and CAL lowers the roller door. They leave via a side door. EXT. GARAGE BAR – DAY The men bump fists in farewell. CAL Catch you later, man. CAL walks to his pick-up. A German Shepherd pads up and sits in front of him. CAL Lucky. What are you doing? LUCKY growls and leaps at CAL. CAL No! CAL is knocked face-down onto the ground. CAL No! CAL screams as he is dragged backwards along his pick-up. Blood splatters the side of the pick-up and there is the sound of flesh tearing. There is the sound of panting and we see CAL in black and white as if through the eyes of a dog. CAL's chest is ripped open. The picture changes to full color again and we see a shirtless man reflected in the side window of the pick-up. He is breathing heavily. We see the bare, blood-splattered feet and legs of the man standing next to CAL's body, then the man's bloodstained face and chest. INT. CAL AND MANDY's HOUSE – DAY MANDY is asleep in bed. The naked man from the previous scene is standing next to the bed looking at her. His face and chest are now clean. There is the sound of something crinkling and shifting. LUCKY jumps up onto the bed, lies down next to MANDY and licks her hand, then turns around and lies with his face near her feet. INT. MANDY's HOUSE – DAY MANDY wakes. LUCKY licks her face. MANDY Oh, ew, Lucky, that's enough. [calls out]Cal? [more quietly]Typical. MANDY sits up and pats LUCKY. MANDY Oh, Lucky. Honestly. MANDY gives LUCKY a hug. MANDY You are the only decent boyfriend I have ever had. MANDY gets out of bed. We see her walk into the bathroom in black and white, through LUCKY's eyes. LUCKY jumps off the bed and sits in the doorway to the bathroom. He watches MANDY get undressed and step into the shower. EXT. GARAGE BAR – DAY CAL's body is being zipped into a body bag on a wheeled stretcher. Dean and Sam are in their FBI suits. Dean: I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that it's not Cal. Sam: Masterful deduction, Sherlock. Dean: I mean, a werewolf att*ck in daylight? This whole thing is just weird. Sam: Dogs and cats living together – mass hysteria. So, you know this means that we're down to one suspect, right? Dean: I know. Sam: I mean, Mandy is right at the deep end of the vic pool. Can you do it? Dean: Do what? Sam: Shove her in the trunk, serve her up to Crowley. Dean: Yeah, Sam, I can do it. INT. MANDY's HOUSE – DAY MANDY's SON is lying on a couch, covered with a blanket. MANDY You still feeling hot, baby? MANDY's SON Mm-hmm. MANDY Here, have some juice. Make you feel better. MANDY's SON Okay. LUCKY trots up carrying a stuffed toy in his mouth and gives the toy to MANDY's SON. MANDY Hey, see? Lucky knows you're not feeling well, and he wants you to feel better. LUCKY shakes the toy and it squeaks. MANDY's SON laughs. MANDY He loves you, doesn't he? There's a good boy. MANDY pats LUCKY as LUCKY shakes the toy again. MANDY There's a good boy. MANDY's SON He loves a squeak. MANDY Yeah. LUCKY pulls at the toy while MANDY is holding it and a leg comes off in MANDY's hand. MANDY Uh-oh. MANDY and MANDY's SON laugh. MANDY's SON The leg broke off. MANDY Lucky, look what you did! [Later] LUCKY is sitting in front of the television, apparently watching. Announcer ON TV Next up from the Buffalo midday news, we'll talk to animal control about the recent att*cks. But first, the weather! MANDY walks up to LUCKY, carrying a leash and choke chain. MANDY What, am I interrupting the morning show? Come on. Let's go for a walk. MANDY puts the choke chain around LUCKY's neck and notices a patch of blood near the top of his left front leg. MANDY Hey, is that blood? Have you k*lled a bird again? Bad dog! EXT. MANDY's HOUSE – DAY MANDY is outside with LUCKY on a leash, talking to a Woman and a Girl. The Impala pulls up across the street. Woman: Three o'clock? Does that work? MANDY Okay. Woman: Okay. MANDY See you later. Woman: See you then. Girl: Bye. MANDY Bye. Dean and Sam in their FBI suits walk across the street towards MANDY. Dean: Ma'am. MANDY Agents. What are you doing here? Dean: Nobody called you? MANDY Called me about what? INT. MANDY's HOUSE – DAY LUCKY is on a dog bed next to the kitchen table. Dean, Sam and MANDY are seated at the table. MANDY I'm sorry. I just can't believe it. Dean: I'm really very sorry. Sam: Ma'am, I know this isn't the best time, but we'd like you to come with us. MANDY Why? You think I have something to do with this? With Cal? Dean: Of course not. We just got a few questions – i's and t's, mostly. MANDY I, uh... Could we do it later? Sam: I'm afraid not. MANDY looks at Sam, who stares back unmoved. MANDY Oh. Uh – uh, my kid has the flu, um, and he was up all night, so – Sam: Well, is there a neighbor or a friend who can watch him while you're gone? Dean: I'm sorry. You said your boy was up all night? MANDY Uh, yeah. Dean: Were you with him all night? MANDY Um – uh – well, I had, um, half an hour of sleep, maybe. Dean: Can I talk to your son? MANDY Why? Sam: Yeah, what difference does that make, Agent Holt? Dean: [to Sam]Trust me. It's important. [to MANDY]Please? EXT. MANDY's HOUSE – DAY Dean and Sam are walking towards the Impala. Dean: Well, it wasn't her. Sam: You don't know that. Dean: She's got an alibi. Sam: She's lying. Dean: You heard the kid, dude. She's not lying. Sam: Fine. She still had time to wolf out, Dean. The last werewolf was in bed, with me, and she wolfed out. Dean: Don't make this personal. Look, all I'm saying is that between this and the daylight att*cks, something's not adding up. They reach the Impala and stand on opposite sides talking over the car. Dean: I'm not just gonna hand her over to Crowley until we figure out what. You understand? Sam: Okay. Okay. I understand. How 'bout you go check out Cal's crime scene, see if we're missing anything. I'll come back and keep an eye on Amanda. Dean: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. No, how 'bout you go and I'll stay here? Sam: Dean, I still know how to do my job. I'm just gonna watch her. That's all. Trust me. Sam gets into the car. Dean: Uh-huh. EXT. PARK ACROSS FROM MANDY's HOUSE – NIGHT Sam is leaning against playground equipment, watching the house. He sees LUCKY's head through a window. LUCKY lowers his head and disappears from sight. A naked Man ("LUCKY (Man)") straightens up in the spot where LUCKY was and stretches. Sam grabs binoculars. LUCKY (Man) walks out of the room. Sam cocks his g*n. LUCKY (Man) reappears, wearing clothes. He leaves the house and crosses the street to the park. LUCKY (Man) stops, sniffs the air and looks around before continuing across the park. Sam watches from behind a wall. LUCKY (Man) swings himself over a fence as Sam points his g*n at him. LUCKY (Man) walks up to a large Man who was waiting under a tree. Sam lowers his g*n. The other Man gesticulates forcefully with an arm as he speaks to LUCKY (Man), then walks away. Sam raises his g*n again as LUCKY (Man) walks slowly back across the park. LUCKY (Man) stops to sniff the air again and looks in Sam's direction. Sam flattens himself against the wall and stays still. LUCKY (Man) takes off running across the park and Sam follows. LUCKY (Man) swings over a fence at the far side of the park, then reaches for his jacket. We then see LUCKY (in dog form) running along a path. Sam stops to pick up and then drop LUCKY (Man)'s clothes before continuing the chase. The picture changes to black and white, then back to color, then again to black and white as LUCKY runs towards a street. A station wagon brakes hard and stops. Sam pauses, g*n drawn, near the street and hears the people from the station wagon. Man: It's okay. Woman: It's okay. The Man lifts LUCKY into the station wagon. Man: It'll be okay, boy. Woman: Oh... Sam runs towards the street. Man: We gotta find a vet. The Man gets into the driver's seat of the station wagon. Woman: Hurry, hurry! Sam pauses at the edge of the street and puts his g*n in the back of his jeans. Sam: Hey! Sam runs towards the station wagon, waving his arms. Sam: Wait, wait, wait! Wait, wait! Mister! Hey, mister, wait! That's my dog! The station wagon drives away. Sam: That's my dog. INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Dean is sitting on the edge of a bed looking at his cell phone. Lisa's name is highlighted on the phone screen. The other names are Christian, Dave, Don, Gwen and Marc. After a moment, Dean tosses the phone on a table and goes to the kitchen area. He picks up a cup and the coffee pot. His phone rings and he answers it. Dean (on phone): Hey. Sam (on phone, V-O) Hey, man, it's me. Dean (on phone): Well, I got bupkis here. EXT. PARK – NIGHT Sam (on phone): I definitely got something. It ain't a werewolf, for one. Sam retrieves his bag from next to a garbage can. The scene alternates between Sam in the park and Dean in the motel room. Dean (on phone): Yeah, what is it? Sam (on phone): Skinwalker. Dean (on phone): A skinwalker? As in... Sam (on phone): As in, the family dog seriously needs a neuter. Dean (on phone): Wow. I haven't of a skinwalker in years. Dean reaches for John's journal. Dean (on phone): I'm actually a little rusty on the profile. Sam (on phone): You and me both. Uh, I just got the low down from Bobby. They can change anywhere, anytime. Skinwalkers infect you with a single bite. Otherwise, they're basically a werewolf cousin – silver will drop 'em, they chow hearts like sausages. Dean (on phone): So what happened? Did you catch him? Sam (on phone): Not exactly. But I have some idea where he might be. EXT. ERIE COUNTY DOMESTIC ANIMAL HOSPITAL – DAY The Impala is parked outside. INT. ERIE COUNTY DOMESTIC ANIMAL HOSPITAL – DAY Dean and Sam walk into a room containing dogs in cages. One of the dogs is LUCKY. The picture changes to black and white as we see Dean and Sam through LUCKY's eyes. Dean: Hiya, Lucky. Bad dog. The picture returns to color as Dean crouches down in front of LUCKY's cage. Dean: First things first. Dean holds up his g*n. The picture changes to black and white as he takes out the magazine. Dean: You see this? This is silver. Don't say I didn't warn you. Dean puts the magazine clip back in the g*n. Dean: Okay, time to go. Now, we can either do this the easy way – Dean holds up a pair of jeans. Dean: Hmm? Dean holds up a chain. Dean: Or the hard way. Sam laughs. Sam: What? Soul or not, that's funny. LUCKY barks. INT. MOTEL ROOM – DAY LUCKY (Man) is tied to a chair with a rope reinforced with chain. Sam sits on another chair and Dean on the edge of a bed. Sam: Well, I got to tell you, Lucky, you got us stumped. I mean, why shack up with the family? Is it a kinky thing? Do you like to play with your food? Roll over, Lucky. Speak. LUCKY (Man) Go to hell. Sam: Already been. Didn't agree with me. So, look... Sam gets up and picks up a Kn*fe from the desk. Sam: ...how about I take this silver Kn*fe, and start carving some dog until you behave? LUCKY (Man) You do what you got to do. Sam approaches LUCKY (Man). Dean holds up a hand to stop him. Dean: Hang on, Sam. [to LUCKY (Man)]Listen, you don't have to tell me why you're with the family. I get it. LUCKY (Man) Oh, you do, do you? Dean: You k*lled every thr*at that came near them. You care about them, in your own whack-a-doodle kind of way. It's obvious. What I want to know is, who was that guy you were kibitzing with? He a skinwalker, too? LUCKY (Man) Look, I can't say anything. Dean: But if you don't, then you're gonna put the girl and the little boy in danger. And sooner or later, all this crap is gonna come for them. Now, look – Dean stands up. Dean: We don't give a rat's ass about you. We want to help them. That's our angle. That's it. LUCKY (Man) [after a pause]Yeah, that guy, he's a... whatever it is I am. And he's not the only one. Sam: How many are you? LUCKY (Man) About 30. We were all -- we were kind of recruited. Sam: Recruited? LUCKY (Man) Yeah. Me, I was living on the streets. They found me. They told me one small bite, I'd be strong, I'd be fast. Dean: Sniffing people's butts? Yeah, that's a real step up. LUCKY (Man) Well, it was for me. Dean: Where is this little Scooby g*ng of yours? LUCKY (Man) Everywhere. We're out there finding families, and once they take us in, we lay low. Dean: "Lay low"? What the hell's that mean? LUCKY (Man) Well, we're waiting for the word. Dean: What word? LUCKY (Man) Once we're settled, we get the signal... and we all turn on our families. We change them, all in one night. 30 becomes 150. Dean: God, you're a sleeper cell. LUCKY (Man) Yeah, well, that's one way to say it. Sam: So you're waiting for word from who? Who organized you? LUCKY (Man) There's a pack leader. Sam: Your Alpha? LUCKY (Man) What's an Alpha? Sam: The – the first skinwalker, the strongest. LUCKY (Man) Well, he's plenty strong, but, no, I – I don't think so. I'm pretty sure there's guys like him in other towns. We're not the only pack out there. Dean: Fantastic. Then you can help us stop him. LUCKY (Man) Oh, no, I can't. No. Dean: Yes, you can. LUCKY (Man) No, you guys don't get it. No one can. These guys who turned me – they're ruthless. Sam whistles and holds up a ball, then throws it. Dean: Sam, not helping. LUCKY (Man) Fetch this, dick. Dean: Listen to me. Dean crouches down in front of LUCKY (Man). Dean: What are you gonna do to that family, really? You gonna put your jaws around that little boy's throat? Clamp down, listen to him cry for his mom? 'Cause I'm gonna guess that these are the only people who in your pathetic life have ever showed you any kindness. So it's either that... or you can help us stop it. EXT. DAY The Impala is parked under a bridge. Dean is taking things out of the trunk. Sam: So... How are we supposed to get near something that can smell us a hundred yards off? Dean: We don't. Dean opens a case of r*fles. Sam: The pack leader. We're taking him down? Dean: Yeah. Got a better idea? Sam: No, I... Crowley's not gonna be too happy about that. Dean: Who gives a rat's ass? We let that thing live one second, and it sends out that psychic dog whistle and [hand motions]phew! Sam: On the other hand, it could lead us to an Alpha. Then Crowley would give me my soul back. Dean: Are you kidding? 150 people turned into monsters. That's what you want? Sam: No. Of course not. I... I'm just asking. Dean: All right, you know what? That's it. Sam: What? Dean: You say you're "just folks," yeah? That – that you like baseball and apple pie or whatever. But truth is, I don't know what you are 'cause you're not Sam. Sam: Dean, come on. Dean: I mean, it's your gigantor body and – and maybe your brain, but it's not you. So just... stop pretending. Do us both a favor. Dean grabs the r*fle case and walks away. Sam picks up a bag, closes the trunk and walks after him. EXT. BUILDING – DAY LUCKY (Man) is waiting outside a building with a large roller door. Dean is watching through the sights of a r*fle from a nearby roof. Sam sits near Dean and fiddles with silver b*ll*ts. Sam: He looks nervous, right? Dean: Wouldn't you be? Sam: I'd double-cross us. I mean, he's got to realize that's his best bet, if he wants to keep breathing. Dean: Nah, he'll go through with it. Sam: You mean 'cause he loves that family? Dean: Yeah. Sam: I'd double-cross us. Dean: Thanks, Dexter. That's reassuring. Sam: Just making conversation. A vehicle pulls up. Dean: Here we go. Sam stands up and looks through binoculars. Three men get out of the vehicle. The roller door to the building opens and three more men come out. Sam: That big guy, the driver – that's the guy Lucky met in the park. Dean looks through the r*fle sights at a bald man, who is behind another man. Dean: And there's El Jefe. Sam: Take him out. Dean: It's not clean. We got one sh*t at this – literally. The bald man walks over to LUCKY (Man), looks at him and shakes his head. Another man escorts MANDY and MANDY's SON out of the back of the vehicle. Sam: Take the sh*t. Dean: I'm trying! She's in the way. Sam: Take it anyway! Dean looks at Sam, who looks back. Through the r*fle sights, Dean watches the bald man put an arm around LUCKY (Man) and lead him inside. LUCKY (Man) looks back at MANDY and MANDY's SON. Dean: Come on, come on, come on. Ahh. With everyone now inside the building, a man closes the roller door. Dean lowers the r*fle. Sam: So, plan B? Dean: We've got one? INT. BUILDING – DAY MANDY is holding her son in her arms. MANDY Please, whatever you want. Just please let my son go. The bald man whispers to the LARGE Man next to him. The LARGE Man walks over to LUCKY (Man). LARGE Man Look, man, there's nothing I can do. The boss is pissed. These m*rder that you've been doing? You didn't ask for permission! Now you're gonna screw up the whole damn plan. I tried to warn you. LUCKY (Man) I know. I'm sorry. MANDY There – there's been a mistake. T-This has got nothing to do with us. LARGE Man It has everything to do with you, sister. LUCKY (Man) [whispers to LARGE Man]Hey. LARGE Man So, you with us or not? LUCKY (Man) Yes, of course I am. LARGE Man Fine. Prove it. Turn them. Now. Both of 'em, while we watch, Or I'll k*ll you all. MANDY Oh, my... The LARGE Man sniffs. LARGE Man What is that? Sam steps out from behind a partition and sh**t the bald men. MANDY gasps. Dean sh**t with the r*fle from some distance away. MANDY takes cover as Dean and Sam continue to sh**t. Two of the men run and Sam chases after them. MANDY's SON Mommy! MANDY It's okay. LUCKY (Man) crouches down in front of MANDY. LUCKY (Man) Mandy! Come on, come on. MANDY Who are you? I don't even know you! LUCKY (Man) Yes, you do. Trust me, I'm trying to help. Come on, come on! Dean watches through the r*fle sights as LUCKY (Man) leads MANDY and her son away. Sam chases after one of the men and sh**t repeatedly. Sam: Dean! LUCKY (Man) opens the door to a small room. LUCKY (Man) Get in. MANDY But I don't – LUCKY (Man) Get in! LUCKY (Man) closes the door behind them. LUCKY (Man) Bolt it! Bolt it! MANDY locks the door. The man Sam is hiding behind some equipment. MANDY pushes her son under a desk. MANDY Here, baby, go under here. Okay, stay there, honey. You'll be safe. MANDY looks through the door's window at LUCKY (Man). Sam discovers a pile of clothes where the man was. He walks past the clothes. A Doberman appears around a corner behind him. A wolf trots up behind Dean and snarls. Dean tries to turn, but his r*fle is stuck in a grill. The wolf leaps at him and he fires his g*n. A naked man with a g*n wound in his back lies face down on the ground. Sam continues to search the building. The Doberman follows him. LARGE Man [to LUCKY (Man)]You're protecting them? After what I did for you? I gave you your life back! Dean watches through the r*fle sights. LARGE Man Them? You're nothing to them. You're a dog. LUCKY (Man) punches the LARGE Man in the face. The LARGE Man laughs. LARGE Man I-I was gonna turn them. But now I'm gonna k*ll 'em. The LARGE Man punches LUCKY (Man), sending him flying into the office door and shattering the glass. MANDY screams. The Doberman growls and runs at Sam, who sh**t it as it leaps. A naked man with a g*n wound in his back lies face down on the ground. LUCKY (Man) gets to his feet. He looks back at MANDY. Off camera, he transforms into LUCKY. He barks at the LARGE Man. MANDY Lucky?! LUCKY continues to bark. LARGE Man So you think this is gonna be a dogfight? The picture changes to black and white. The LARGE Man takes out a g*n. LARGE Man I got a better idea. The LARGE Man sh**t. LUCKY yelps. The LARGE Man advances on LUCKY, who lies on the ground whimpering. Dean watches through the r*fle sights, looking for a clear sh*t. LARGE Man Silver b*llet, Lucky. Dean sh**t the LARGE Man, who falls to the ground d*ad near another of the men who was sh*t earlier. Sam approaches and looks at LUCKY, who is still lying on the ground. Sam checks his magazine clip and moves around some drums to a better position to sh**t. When he raises his g*n, LUCKY is gone, with only a pool of blood remaining on the ground. MANDY watches Sam from behind the shattered glass of the office door. EXT. MANDY's HOUSE – DAY LUCKY (Man) knocks at the door. MANDY opens the door and steps back in alarm when she sees who is there. LUCKY (Man) Hi. One…. I'm not here to bother you. I just...Uh, I just want to say one thing. You and Aidan... You're the only family I ever had. And I know – I know that sounds – I know... I know what I am. It... it's just that no one has ever been so nice to me before, so... So, thank you. MANDY Get away from this house, you psycho. And if you ever, ever come near me or my son again, so help me... LUCKY (Man) I know I probably deserve... MANDY closes and locks the door. A few moments later she is visible through the living room window, clenching her fists in agitation. LUCKY (Man) turns away and there is a noise as he transforms. MANDY looks through the window at the pile of clothes left behind. LUCKY trots slowly down the street, then walks, then stops and looks behind him. EXT. PARK NEAR RIVER – DAY A woman jogs past with a dog on a leash. Sam is carrying a bag of take-out food and he and Dean both hold drinks. Dean: I'll never look at a dog the Same. Makes you wonder, though, huh? Sam: What? They sit at a picnic table near a river. Dean: How many packs are out there. What if they're all just waiting for the signal, you know? Sam: So...I was thinking. You were right. Dean: About? Sam: I'm not your brother. I'm not Sam. Dean: Okay. Sam: Um, all that "Blah, blah, blah," about being the old me? Crap. Like Lisa and Ben, right? I've been acting like I care about them. But I don't. I couldn't care less. Dean: Is this supposed to make me feel better? Sam: You wanted the real me. This is it. I don't care about them. I don't even really care about you. Except that... I need your help. And you're clearly not gonna stick around for much longer unless I give it to you straight, so... I've done a lot worse than you know. I've k*lled innocent people in the line of duty. But I'm pretty sure it's not something the old me could've done. And maybe I should feel guilty. But I don't. Dean: Sam, get to the punch line. Sam: I don't know if how I am is better or worse. It's different. You get the job done, and nothing really hurts. That's not the worst thing. But I've been thinking. And it was... it was kinda harder. But there are also things about it I remember that I... Let's just say I think I should probably go back to being him. Dean: That's very interesting. It's a step. Sam: So? Dean: We do what we got to do. And we get my brother back. END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "06x08 - All Dogs Go to Heaven"}
Air Date: 19 Nov 2010 THEN Lisa: But I didn't expect Sam to come back. But the minute he walked through that door, I knew. It was over. Sam: There's something wrong with me. I need help. Castiel: It's his soul. It's gone. Dean: So where is it? Castiel: It's still in the cage with Michael and Lucifer. Dean: Well, then just get it back. Castiel: It's not possible. Dean: You've got no instinct. I mean, you are seriously messed up. I don't know what you are, but you're not Sam. Sam: Dean, come on. Dean: Stop pretending. Sam: You're right. Dean: About? Sam: I'm not your brother. Like, I don't even really care about you. Maybe I should feel guilty. But I don't. NOW Elwood, Indiana (Night time. A truck is parked in a cornfield. Two people are smooching on a blanket in front of the truck. A shadow passes over them.) PATRICK Did you see that? KIM See what? PATRICK Something out there. KIM Patrick! PATRICK Something out in the corn. KIM (gasps) Patrick, you're freaking me out! PATRICK Just having a quick look. KIM Patrick. Patrick. Patrick? Patrick! PATRICK! PATRICK! (Patrick disappears in a blaze of light) ( Pan back to crop circle) (Roll X-Files type credits) ACT ONE (Daytime) WAYNE WHITAKER (Man ON THE STREET) I'm here because I believe that Elwood Indiana has become a center of extraterrestrial activity. KIM FROM CORNFIELD There was this light. And then Patrick just vanished. SPARROW Jennings It's all happening, you know? I mean, these entities have come to help push humanity to the next stage. WAYNE WHITAKER My name is Wayne Whitaker, Jr., and I have personally recorded dozens of eyewitness accounts, strange lights in the sky, mysterious presences attempting contact. Sheriff: Since this whole damned circus has blown into town, no one seems to realize we got four missing persons cases wide open. My friends lost loved ones. KIM What happened to him? Something took him! I know it! WAYNE We are right in the middle of what we in the field like to call a "UFO flap," and I am as happy as a pig in shoes. Sheriff: I can guarantee you that this has nothing to do with UFO's, little green men. Nothing extraterrestrial whatsoever. MARION Of course it's not UFO's. It's fairies. Dean: Fairies. Okay. Well, thank you for your input. Sam: What? Flying saucers not insane enough for you? MARION What newspaper did you say you worked for? Sam: Okay, if you want to add glitter to that glue you're sniffing, that's fine, but don't dump your whackadoo all over us. We'd rather not step in it. Dean: Okay, we're, we're done. Sam: The only thing you're missing is a couple dozen cats, sister. Dean: It's a blood sugar thing. My apologies. Sam: What? Dean: What? You gotta ask? Right, yes, you do have to ask. Sam: Look, I'm sorry, but this is all a big joke, right, and we're not actually taking this UFO crap seriously? Dean: No, man. ET is made of rubber. Everybody knows that. But there are four legitimate vanishings in this town. Something's going on. And Sam? By the way, it's not the lady's fault that she took the brown acid. Sam: Yeah! So? Dean: Empathy, man. Empathy. I mean, the old Sam would have given her some, some wussified, dew-eyed crap. Sam: Old Sam had a soul—was a soul. Whatever. Dean. Right! Yes, and, and, but you don't—aren't. Whatever. Sam: Right Dean: Right. You don't care. Sam: Well— Dean: You have to care! Sam: About what, exactly? Dean: About everything, man! About being human at least. Sam: Look, Dean. You obviously care. A lot. And that's great. But I can't care about what—I can't care about it, you know? What do you want me to do, fake it? Dean: Yes. Absolutely. Fake it. Fake it till you make it. Sam: What happened to you wanting me to be all honest? Dean: Hey, you wanna be a real boy, Pinnochio, you gotta act the part. Sam: I was faking it Dean! Ever since we got back on the road together, I was picking every freaking word. It's exhausting. Dean: Okay. All Right. But until we get you back on the soul train, I'll be your conscience, okay? Sam: So you're saying you'll be my… Jiminy Cricket. Dean: Shut up. But yeah, you freaking puppet. That's exactly what I'm saying. (Brennan's Watchworks) Dean: Mr. Brennan? Mr. BRENNAN Mmm? Sam: We're with The Mirror. We would like to ask you-- Mr. BRENNAN What? Is this about Patrick? Patrick's gone. Dean: Missing. Right. Yes, that's what we want to talk to you about. Sam: Now, your son was the first to disappear. Mr. BRENNAN First to be taken. Sam: Taken. Mr. BRENNAN Get out! Out! Dean: Mr. Brennan, who do you believe took your son? Mr. BRENNAN You people can't help me. My boy is never coming back. Sam: You sound awfully sure. Mr. BRENNAN Excuse me? Sam: Like you know something you're not talking about. Dean: Okay. All right. Mr. BRENNAN You know what they say. 72 hours. After that, the odds of finding a missing person drop to nothing, right? Dean: Well, every case is different. Mr. BRENNAN It's been weeks. Dean: All right. Listen. Call us if anything comes to mind. (Sam and Dean leave) Mr. BRENNAN Is that all right? (Outside) Sam: What do you think? Dean: I think he's hiding something. Why don't you stay and watch Watchmaker and see what happens when the sun goes down, and I'll go check out the crop circles. Sam: Okey dokey. Dean: But do NOT engage with, maim or in any way k*ll Brennan. In fact, I don't want you making any judgment calls whatsoever. Anything happens, call me. Sam: You know, Jiminy, I was on my own for a whole year. I did fine without you. Dean: Yeah. I don't want to know your definition of fine. (Night time. In the cornfield. Dean is looking around. Phone rings.) Dean: Sam: The only thing this guy is up to is alcoholism. Dean: Good. Sam: You know, maybe I should go talk to him again. I mean, you're the one who said he's hiding something. Dean: Shh! Shh! Sam: What? You see something? Dean, what's up? Dean: Hang on a second. Holy… UFO! UFO! Sam: Whoa! Dude, stop yelling. You're breaking up. I didn't catch that last part. Dean: Close encounter! Close encounter! Sam: Close encounter! What kind? First? Second? Dean: They're after me! Sam: Third kind already? You better run, man. I think the fourth kind is a butt thing. Dean: Empathy, Sam! Empathy! Sam: They still after you? Dean: Come on! Sam: Dean? Are you there? What happened? Dean? ACT 2 (Nighttime. Sam is in the cornfield and finds Dean's ringing phone. Turns it off.) (Nighttime. RV camp of UFO enthusiasts.) Sam: So, they're real. UFO's. WAYNE Like I said before, son, the truth is out there. Sam: Okay, you're the expert. How do I get them? WAYNE Come again? Sam: You hunt ET's, right? I need to know how to get them. WAYNE You and me both. Sam: This is it? WAYNE Well, I'd say that 30 years of eyewitness accounts speak for themselves as incontrovertible proof— Sam: Yeah, right. My brother was abducted so I'm pretty good on the whole proof part. (Pretty girl walks up and joins the conversation.) SPARROW Your brother was abducted? Sam: Yeah. SPARROW Oh my God. Sam: It's fine. I mean, I've had time to adjust. SPARROW Did it happen when you were kids? Sam: No, like, half an hour ago. So, you've been hunting UFO's for over three decades and you basically have no concrete data and zero workable leads. WAYNE Well, I— Sam: Have you considered the possibility that you suck at hunting UFO's? SPARROW I'd like to help. If I can. Sam: (Nighttime in the cornfield. Dean is back, yelling and sh**ting his g*n wildly in the air.) (Dean opens door to motel room and finds Sam in bed with Sparrow.) Sam: Dean! Dean: What the hell? SPARROW Oh that's Dean! Sam, they brought your brother back. SPARROW Okay. It's all right, Sam. I so totally understand that you need time as a family. But it's just—what were they like? Dean: They were grabby, incandescent douche bags. Good night. SPARROW Too soon… ? Okay. (Sparrow leaves.) Sam: You're upset. Dean: I was abducted. And you were banging Patchouli. Sam: I didn't think she smelled that bad. Dean: I was abducted by aliens! Sam: I was looking into it. Dean: Looking into it! I was gone for, like, an hour. Sam: An hour— Dean: And most of that was walking back to town! Sam: Dean, I think your watch is off. You've been gone all night. Dean: What are you talking about? No I haven't. Four a.m.? Sam: Yeah! UFO time slip. That actually falls in line with a lot of abduction stories. Dean: Falls in line… Sam: Yeah. Dean: Nothing's falling in line. Sam: Here. Drink. Good. Dean: Thank you. Sam: Yeah. Now. Come on. Talk to me. What happened? Dean: Well, uh, there was this… God help me, Sam, there was this bright white light! Sam: It's okay. (Sam pats Dean's leg. Dean looks at him incredulously.) Safe room. Dean: And then suddenly, I was, uh, I was in a different place. And there were these beings, and they were too bright to look at, but I could feel them pulling me towards this sort of table— Sam: Probing table! Dean: God! Don't say that out loud! Sam: Right. So what did you do? Dean: I went crazy. I started hacking and slashing and f*ring. They actually seemed surprised. I don't think anybody's ever done that before. Yeah. I had a close encounter, Sam, and I won. Sam: You should take a shower. Dean: I should take a shower. I'm gonna, I'm gonna take a shower now. (Daytime. In a diner) Dean: So, on top of all the demons and the angels and the ghosts and the skinwalkers, it turns out that there's—so if aliens are actually real, what's next? Hobbits? Seriously. (Sam gives a passing girl the silent how ya doin') Dean: You just gave her the silent how ya doin'. Sam: What? Dean: Our reality's collapsing around us, and you're trying to pick up our waitress? Sam: Yeah. Okay. Look. Brings up a question. So, say you got a soul and you're on a case, and your brother gets abducted by aliens— Dean: Yeah, then you do everything you can to get him back. Sam: Right! You do, but, what about when there are no more leads for the night? Are you supposed to just sit there in the dark and suffer, even when there's nothing that can be done at that moment? Dean: YES! Sam: What? Dean: Yes, you sit in the dark and feel the loss. Sam: Absolutely! But couldn't I just do all that and have sex with the hippie chick? Dean: No! Sam: It'd be in the dark. Dean: No you couldn't because you would be suffering, and you can't just turn that off for the night. Waitress: Thanks, guys. Dean: Thank y— Sam: Why not? Dean: Because if you had a soul, your soul wouldn't let you. Sam: So you're saying having a soul equals suffering. Dean: Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Sam: Like, the million times you almost called Lisa. So you're saying suffering is a good thing. Dean: I'm saying it's the only game in town. Sam: Okay! So how do we deal with the little green men? Dean: Research. We've got about a century of UFO lore to catch up on, and there's no time for—What's up with that guy? (A guy is standing outside the diner, glaring at Dean. He's wearing a red cap.) Sam: Who? Dean: The guy by the window giving me the stink eye. Sam: You mean the cop? Dean: No, not the cop! The guy! He's right—oh now he's gone! Sam: Who's gone? Dean: Can we please just get out of here before I h*t you? Sam: Okay! Geez. (Dean is in motel room, on telephone with Sam) Sam: Library's closing up soon. I'm almost done. Dean: You find anything? Sam: Yeah. Way too much. Everyone on the planet believes in UFO's, and they will not stop writing books about it. Dean: Yeah, well at least books have punctuation. All right, keep digging and we'll see what you got when you get back. (David Bowie's Major Thom is playing on the radio in the motel room. The lights start to flicker.) Dean: Oh no. Not again. (Door slams open. Bright ball of light comes flying into the room.) Dean: Nipples? (Bright light punches Dean in the face.) Dean: BITCH! (Dean traps light in the microwave. Splat!) Dean: Ha ha. HA-HAA! ACT 3 (Sam and Dean are peering into the microwave.) Sam: See what? Dean: See what? See the blood. See all the blechh. Sam: Sorry, man. I'm not seeing it. Dean: You don't see the ick? It's right there. Sam: Okay, let's go with you see it and I don't. What the hell was it? Dean It was a, a little…naked lady, okay? Sam: It was a what? Dean It was a-- it was a little, glowing, hot naked lady. With nipples. And she h*t me. Sam: I'm not supposed to laugh, right? Right. Okay. Sure. Um. So, sh*t in the dark here, but did this little lady have wings? Dean: What the hell made you say that? Sam: She did, didn't she? Dean: Yeah, but how did, how'd y— Sam: One of the fringier theories I came across. It's actually what crazy crystal lady was yammering about. What if these abductions have nothing to do with UFO's? Dean: What? Sam: Okay, say these encounters have been going on for centuries, not with extraterrestrials but with ultra-terrestrials. People nowadays say "space aliens "or whatever, but they used to call them— (Sam spins laptop around) Dean: Smurfs. Sam: Fairies. Dean: Fairies? Come on! Sam: Dean, there's a straight line between ET's and fairies. Glowing lights, abductions. It's all the Same UFO stuff, just under a different skin. Dean: You seriously think that the secret with UFO's is— Sam: Hey, you're the one who pizza-rolled Tinkerbell. I'm just doing the math. But this is good. This is a lead. Dean: A lead where? (Marion's trailer. Tea is served. In itty bitty cups.) MARION Fairies. Sprites and spriggens. Bogarts and brownies. The little people have many names. Dean: (points at figurine) Well, that's, uh, that's her. That's the little— MARION Ooh. Dean: Anyway, I, uh, I get that tinkerbells are fairies, but what about the tiny Santa Claus and the troll and the— MARION That's a garden gnome, and that's a large goblin, and— Dean: But they're all fairies? MARION Yes. Faery comes in many shapes and sizes. Magical, mischievous beings from the realm next door. Dean: The fairy realm. MARION Mm-hmmm. Sam: So it's like another dimension? MARION Another reality! Yes. Only people who have been there and returned to our world can see the Faery here. Dean: Right. Umm, why are the fairies abducting people? MARION Mmm. There is much theory and little fact. We know they only take firstborn sons, just like Rumplestiltskin did. Personally, I think they're taken to Avalon to service Oberon, the King of the Faery. Sam: Dean? Did you service Oberon, King of the Fairies? Dean: Marion. Um. Let's say fairies are real, okay? What can we do about them? MARION Sorry? Dean: How can we….. MARION Interact with them. Dean: Yes, yes. Forcefully interact. MARION Well, if you want to win a faery's favor, leave a bowl of fresh cream. They love cream. Dean: Okay! And, and, more forcefully? MARION Ohhh. All Faery hate iron, and the dark Faery burn when touched with silver. What else. Oh! You can spill sugar or salt in front of them. No matter how powerful, the Faery must stoop to count each grain. Dean: Well, allrighty. That's—Wow! A lot to absorb. Thank you. MARION Oh, oh, stay! Finish your tea. Dean: I gotta say I, I love the feel—it's uhh, it's… Sam: It's like Sedona, Arizona, crapped in here. Dean: Cute-a-riffic! Is what it is. MARION Dean: Cute-a-riffic. Sam: You have bigger cups? (Sam and Dean are walking outside.) Dean: God, is it on me? I feel like I've got the crazy on me. Sam: No. You did sit in some glitter, though. Dean: Makes me want to believe in UFO's again. Sam: Doesn't really give us the next move, I grant you that. We can always put the call out to Bobby. (Sam and Dean see Mr. Brennan buying a flat of cream.) Dean: Hey. I'll be damned. Isn't that the watch guy? Sam: Huh. They love cream. (At Brennan's Watchworks, and Sam and Dean are watching him carry cream into the store.) Dean: All right you stick with half and half, and I'm going to check out his store. And no hippie chicks! (Dean breaks into back door of Brennan's Watchworks.) (Dean sneaks inside and sees brownies making watches.) (Dean sneaks out again.) (Sam is at bar watching Mr. Brennan. Phone rings.) Sam: Yeah? Dean: Freaking full of Keeblers over here, man. Just full of ‘em. Sam: What? Dean: It's like the story with the shoe guy and all the elves. Hey, you think Brennan made a deal with a bunch of fairies? Sam: Lemme get back to you. (They hang up, and Sam approaches Mr. Brennan at the bar.) Sam: So, Mr. Brennan. Hello again. Mr. BRENNAN Leave me alone. Sam: Did I ever mention how beautiful your work is? Mr. BRENNAN What? Sam: The watches. Just stunning. What I can't figure out is how one man can put out that much product. I mean, hell! If I didn't know better, I'd say you have a bunch of elves working for you. Except I do know better, and you have a bunch of elves working for you. Mr. BRENNAN You're insane. Sam: So, tell me. How does a father decide to trade his son for a bunch of watches? I mean, I assume you have a soul so what's your excuse? Mr. BRENNAN You don't understand. It wasn't like that. Sam: Then how was it? (Dean walks along the sidewalk, sees the Redcap from the diner standing across the street, staring at him again. Dean sneaks away.) (Back at the bar with Sam and Mr. Brennan.) Mr. BRENNAN I supported my family for 30 years making those watches. It's the only thing I know how to do. Parkinson's. Was losing my hands. I was losing everything. My grandmother, she always used to say that they were real. She told me all of these stories when I was a kid about how to summon them, how to get favors from them. Sam: So you learned how to work a spell. Mr. BRENNAN I mean, honestly, I doubted it would even work. I was just desperate. But she left me this book, so I did the ceremony in my back office two months ago, and this man appeared and said he was a leprechaun. Sam: A leprechaun. Mr. BRENNAN I asked him just to cure my hands, but he said he would do even better. He would make me more successful than I had ever been. He told me he'd bring a crew of workers, that I could save my business, save my name. Sam: In exchange for? Mr. BRENNAN He just wanted a place for them to rest, to take of the fruit and fat of the land. I said yes. I wasn't thinking. Sam: And the fruit and the fat was? Mr. BRENNAN My firstborn. Not just mine. There's been others. They're not stopping. They're not going to stop. Sam: There's gotta be a way to reverse the spell. Mr. BRENNAN There is. But the book is in a safe in my shop. They won't let me near it. It's been a nightmare. Sam: You can see the fairies? Mr. BRENNAN Yes. (Dean is walking down the sidewalk, trying to avoid the Redcap. He ducks into an alley and the Redcap follows. Dean turns a corner and flattens himself against a wall then launches out and tackles a little person.) Little PERSON Wha---? Help! Help! Dean: Little fairy! What do you want, you fairy? Huh? Huh? Fairy! Little Girl: Dean: Oh God no. Haha! I'm just kidding! (Sam and Mr. Brennan turn a corner and are walking down the Same street Dean is on. Sam is trying to call Dean on his phone.) Sam: Don't worry, Brennan. We can do this. My brother and I are gonna cover you while you reverse the ritual. (Sam sees Dean being cuffed and arrested. There's a small crowd of onlookers.) Sam: Dean! Hey dude! What happened? Dean: Sam…. Hey! (Dean is thrown into back seat of police car) Sam: What am I supposed to do? Dean: Fight the fairies. You fight those fairies. FIGHT THE FAIRIES! ACT FOUR (Dean is in jail.) Sheriff: I'm just trying to understand exactly what kind of hate crime this even was. Dean: It wasn't a hate crime. Sheriff: I mean, if this gentleman were a full-sized h*m*, would that be okay with you? Dean: I don't hate any size person, or any size… gay… guy. Sheriff: He's not gay as it happens. But! He is the district attorney for Tipton County. Runs a tight ship, tell you what. Dean: I'd say he's done so well for himself, considering his…considering these tough economic times. Sheriff: Son, you are all kinds of messed up. (The Sheriff leaves Dean in jail to pace for hours.) (Brennan Watchmakers. Sam and Mr. Brennan sneak into the back door.) Sam: Are they here? Mr. BRENNAN Yeah, but it's all right. Greenhats like tequila. (Mr. Brennan sneaks over to his safe and gets the spell book.) Mr. BRENNAN (phonetic) lich sha-hayt. Uh keeya shun, augus small un sorashun, augus phooetek en shia, en rache connecsha…. (Redcap leprechaun s*ab Mr. Brennan in the back.) Sam: You! You're the leprechaun? WAYNE WHITAKER /LEPRECHAUN Indeed I am. Sorry about the mess, but your friend here went back on his deal. Sam: Well, you weren't very clear with him on the terms. WAYNE /LEPRECHAUN I told him there was a price. Once we come, we come to stay. Sam: So you take firstborns and then what? You just sit back and watch while they cover the abductions for you with all that crazy UFO crap? Which you help encourage, naturally. Nice con. But, your cover's blown now, *Wayne.* WAYNE /LEPRECHAUN Blown? To whom? Brennan's d*ad. Your brother? Heh. He's marked. Been to the ranch. He's ours now. Sam: Yeah. Well. Then there's me. WAYNE /LEPRECHAUN You? But you can only see me if I let you. (The leprechaun disappears.) Sam: True, but you'll have to get near me eventually, and I have very good reflexes. (The leprechaun reappears.) WAYNE /LEPRECHAUN You're not like the rest of them, are you? Sam: Nope. WAYNE /LEPRECHAUN I could see that right off. You're missing a certain piece, right in the center, ain't you? Sam: Says who? WAYNE /LEPRECHAUN We fairy folk? We're all about energy. And the human soul gives off a certain perfume. Your soul is far away. But not completely out of reach. Sam: Is that so? WAYNE/ LEPRECHAUN Sam, I can get it back for you. For a price. Sam: That's adorable. It's locked in a box with the devil. WAYNE/LEPRECHAUN Your devil. Not mine. Sam: There's no freaking way a leprechaun can do what angels cannot. WAYNE/LEPRECHAUN Angels. *laughs* Please. I'm talking about real magic, sonny. From my side of the fence. Got a way of getting in back doors. Sam: So you're my blue fairy? You can make me a real boy again? WAYNE /LEPRECHAUN When you wish upon a star. Sam: Yeah. I got a wish. (Sam sh**t the leprechaun.) WAYNE /LEPRECHAUN Iron! Painful, but not a deal breaker. (Sam sh**t the leprechaun again.) (Dean, dejected, is in jail sitting on the cot. The redcap appears next to him. The Redcap laughs, pats Dean on the back and proceeds to b*at him up.) (Back in the watchmaker's shop, Sam and the leprechaun are at fisticuffs. The magic demon-k*lling Kn*fe does not work on the leprechaun. Meanwhile, back at the jail, the assbeating continues.) WAYNE/LEPRECHAUN Come on, lad. You've already taken your best sh*t. Sam: You're right. I'm done sh**t'. So do me a favor. And count this. (Sam empties a vial of salt onto the floor.) WAYNE/LEPRECHAUN Oh no. Sam: Why didn't I do that earlier? (The leprechaun starts counting while Sam finishes the spell.) Sam: (phonetic) Kum savaltcha… LEPRECHAUN One… three… ass. Sam: (phonetic) Ar noyang, kun enna, ret augus… LEPRECHAUN Dammit. Sam: Kkuum doinsha and getta wabasach shul! (The fairies disappear from the watchmaker's shop and from the jail.) END TAG (Sam and Dean are by the car. Dean offers Sam a beer, and he refuses. Dean has a beer.) Dean: So. Here's to the tiniest DA. At least they're dropping the charges. Sam: Little big man. Dean: I was wondering something. Sam: Yeah? Dean: You think Lucky Charms really could have , you know, soul to sender? Sam: Come on. It's crazy to think. He did talk a good game though. Dean: You said no. Why? Sam: It was a deal. When's a deal ever been a good thing? Dean: I'm just trying to figure out how it works in there. Sam: Dude, I do still have all my brain cells. If anything, my brain works better now. Dean: Just making sure that's where your head's at. That you're not having second thoughts about getting your soul back. Sam: Oh. Dean: You're not, are you? Sam: No.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "06x09 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe"}
Air Date: 3 Dec 2010 THEN ... NOW Teaser INT. CROWLEY's MONSTER PRISON, DAY The Alpha Shapeshifter, looking like Crowley, is chained to a chair and being interrogated by the demon. ALPHA: I told you. I don't know anything about – CROWLEY: Sorry. But your exceptional good looks aren't gonna buy you any mercy. I suggest you talk. What should we use next? Speculum? Or something more exotic? ALPHA: Look, it's Purgatory. All I know is I go there when I die. It's not like I can draw you a map. CROWLEY: I happen to know you can. ALPHA: You're wrong. CROWLEY: My sources are unimpeachable. You're the father of your entire species. You're really not pulling off this dumb-blonde act. I hope you appreciate just how much effort I've gone to to find something that can actually hurt you. My tinkering has cost several lesser shifters their lives. [He holds up a Kn*fe.]Iridium. Rarer than hell. Would've been cheaper to drop a castle on you, but I think we all agree – worth it. So, you start talking or I start chopping off all the bits that stick out. ALPHA: You go ahead, mate, see if it makes me – Crowley s*ab him in the shoulder with the Kn*fe. CROWLEY: What was that? Purgatory's where? [Shapeshifter spits blood in his face.]What is it with you animals? Did I tell you? This prison has a nursery. [He holds up a baby monitor. Through it babies can be heard crying.]All yours. I know how much you care about them. You've spent months gathering them to your bosom. Not so cocky now, are we? Finding Purgatory is important to me. You have five seconds to tell me where it is. After that, I'll filet them in front of you. Toss their spines in your lap. Four. Three. Two. ALPHA: k*ll 'em all. We'll make more. Crowley puts down the baby monitor, takes up a machete and beheads the shapeshifter. CROWLEY: Guess I kinda lost my head. TITLE CARD EXT. OUTSIDE AN INDUSTRIAL PLANT, NIGHT Sam and Dean drive up in the Impala to where a couple of demons are waiting in front of a black SUV. They're bringing a prisoner. Demon: You're late. Dean: Traffic was a bitch. Sam: One rugaru. Dean: Where's Crowley? Demon: Banging a hooker in a sweet spot called None Of Your Business. Dean: Oh, look at that, Sam. Demon trying to be funny. Sam: Oh, is that what just happened? Demon: Night, girls. Dean: Wait, wait. Hold up, hold up. Are we ever gonna see Crowley again or is he just gonna keep sending his demon extras to pick up his laundry? Demon: I'm sorry. I know you're speaking, I see your lips moving, but I can't understand what you're saying 'cause I don't speak Little Bitch. Demons get in their car and drive off. Dean: Remember when we used to gank demons? +++ INT. HOUSE, NIGHT Sam and Dean return to their current base, a run-down house they're squatting in. Dean: No man, screw it, I'm done. Sam: Calm down. Dean: We've been going on these freaking Crowley runs and it's not getting us anywhere. Sam: Dean – Dean: I mean, the only thing that's really changed, is now I need a daily r*pe shower. Sam: OK, you're right. Let's go with Plan B. Oh yeah, we don't have one. So till we do, sorry dude, stock up on soap-on-a-rope. Dean, if you wanna get my soul back, that's what we gotta do, OK? Dean: Yeah… You even want it back? Sam: I'm working for Crowley, aren't I? Dean [goes to pour himself a drink, turning his back on Sam]:Yeah, well, who says he's gonna hold up his end, you know? It is Crowley. You ever think of that? Right? [He turns back around to find Sam gone out of sight.]So, I guess the moment's over, is that what you're saying? Sam! [When he doesn't get an answer, Dean draws his g*n and starts looking for Sam, only to find him lying unconscious in the next room. A demon comes up behind him and knocks him out.] +++ Sam and Dean come to, bound to a couple of chairs. Dean: What now? Sam: I think I know who you can ask. Dean: Evil bitch. Meg: Keep sweet talking me, this could go a whole new direction. Dean: Meg. I've been dying to see you again. Meg: Well, here I am, big boy. So, what should we do now? Dean: How about I rip you to shreds? Meg: Kinky, I like. A little Q&A first, if you don't mind. Now, where's your boss? Sam: You think we work for somebody? Meg: I happen to know for a fact you've been juggling Crowley's orphans. Now where is he? Sam: Don't know. Don't care. Meg: You've been working his b*at for months. Sam: Doesn't mean we get face time. Meg [straddles Dean's lap]:Where's he take all those things you snatch up for him? I bet you an all-day sucker that's where his majesty's holed up. [When Dean doesn't answer, she holds a Kn*fe to his throat.]OK, officially over the foreplay. Satisfy me, or I please myself! Sam laughs. Dean: Something funny, Sam? Sam: Yeah, Meg. Dean: Really? 'Cause where I'm sitting… Sam: Don't worry. She can't do jack squat. She's totally screwed. Dean: Sam, not helping! Sam: Look at her, Dean. She's furious. If she could k*ll you, she'd've done it by now. She's running. Meg: Am I? Sam: Judging by the level of flop sweat on all of you, yeah. Which means you're running from Crowley. Which makes sense. Crowley would want to hunt down all the Lucifer loyalists now that he's the big man on campus. Meg: How would you know? Sam: It's what I'd do. [to Dean]She can't k*ll us. She needs us to get her to Crowley so she can stick that Kn*fe in his neck. It's him or her. Dean: Well, I hope you both lose. But good luck. Sam: So, you know what you gotta do now, right? Meg: Let me guess. You're gonna tell me. Sam: Work with us. Dean: Whoa, what? Sam: We'll hand you Crowley with a bow. On one condition: we come with you and you help us wring a little something out of him before you hack him to bits. Meg: What? Sam: Doesn't matter. Question is, can you get us what we need? Meg: I apprenticed under Alastair in Hell just like your brother. So Dean, can I make Crowley do whatever I want? Dean: Yeah, she can. Meg: It's a deal then. Hugs and puppies all around! Dean: You gonna untie us? Meg: Please. Don't pretend you don't enjoy it. She turns to leave. One of her companions walks up to Dean, staring intently at him. Dean: You gonna kiss me? Meg [calling back over her shoulder to the demon]:Come on! +++ Dean: What are you doing? Sam: What do you mean? Dean: I mean, what are you doing!? Sam: Dean, you wanted to screw over Crowley. Merry Christmas. What? Dean: You wanna work with a demon again? Sam: We're working with demons now. I'm doing this because I wanna stop. Dean: She k*lled Ellen and Jo! Sam: I know. But you can't look at his emotionally, Dean. We need her. Dean: The hell we do! That little bitch is gonna screw us over so fast – Sam: Of course. Which is why we'll screw her first. Meg and her little posse are d*ad the second we're done with them. Dean: Yeah, if they don't k*ll us. Sam: They won't. 'Cause we're bringing insurance. +++ EXT., ROAD OUTSIDE THE HOUSE, NIGHT Sam is trying to call Castiel. Sam: Castiel, we need you. It's important. [no reaction]Cas, we found something. It's this gold box. Apparently n*zi were after it back in the day, someone opened it and their face melted off. I think it's – ready for this – the Ark of the Covenant. Yeah. So… Castiel: I'm here, Sam. Where is the box? Sam: I can't believe you fell for that. That was the plot of Raiders, idiot. Castiel: I'm mid-battle, Sam. Sam: I could give a rat's ass about your little pissing match with Raphael. Castiel: Listen to me, Sam – Sam: No, you listen! I don't care what you're dealing with up in Heaven. You owe me. Castiel: You may not care, but believe me – Sam: I'm sorry, do you think we're here to talk this out? Castiel: Sam, I can't just – Sam: If you don't help us, I will hunt you down and k*ll you. Castiel: Will you, boy? How? Sam: I don't know yet. But I will look until I find out, and I don't sleep. Castiel: You need help, Sam. Sam: I need your help. +++ INT. HOUSE, NIGHT Sam and Castiel enter. Dean: You actually showed. Wow, Sam, I owe you a chicken dinner. What happened? Sam: No big. This is what friends do for each other. +++ Castiel is working a ritual to locate Crowley. Castiel: It's not working. Crowley's hidden from me. Dean: Well, looks like we're gonna have to try this the hard way. +++ INT. CAMPBELL COMPOUND, NIGHT Sam, Dean and Castiel are searching Samuel's study for clues. They get caught. Samuel: Can I help you? What do you want? Dean: We wanna know where Crowley is. Samuel: If I even knew, why would I tell you? Dean: 'Cause you're our grandfather. Sam: Samuel, I'm gonna get my soul back. Samuel: Who says you can get it back? Sam: Me. Samuel: Look, I'd like to help, but I'm sorry. Dean: It's your grandson's soul. Samuel: I can't. Dean: What is wrong with you? Do you wanna work for Crowley? Cas, can you give us a minute? [The angel disappears.] We're your blood. But if you don't wanna help us I can't make you. But I just gotta know why. What is Crowley holding over you? You owe us that. Samuel takes out a picture of young Mary and hands it to Dean. Dean: Mom? Samuel: He's gonna give her back to me. Dean: Crowley's gonna bring mom back from the d*ad? Samuel: You tell me you don't want her back. Dean looks back at the photograph, doesn't answer. Samuel: You know, the one difference between us: you know how to live without her. Dean: Look, I know how you feel. Samuel: No, you don't. She's my daughter, and she's d*ad, and I can do something about it. Dean: Do you really think Crowley is gonna make good here? Samuel: He brought Sam back! And me! Dean: Trust me, don't go down that road. Samuel: What are you saying? Dean: I'm saying, stop trying. It's gonna go nowhere good. Samuel, I know we've had our differences, but I'm your grandson and I'm telling you that this is wrong for so many reasons. Samuel: You hypocrite! Dean: I'm asking you to learn from our mistakes! Doing this, this is how the bad guy gets us every time. It's our Achilles' heel. Apparently it runs in the family. We will figure something else out. Okay? Samuel: I'm sorry Dean, but I – Dean: Fine. Bring her back. But what are you gonna tell her? You gonna tell her you made a deal with a demon? That you wouldn't help out her sons? Samuel: That's enough! Just get out. +++ INT. HOUSE, NIGHT Castiel is watching TV, while Sam and Dean sit at a table, doing research. Castiel: It's very complex. Dean: Mm-hmm. Castiel: If the pizza man truly loves this babysitter, why does he keep slapping her rear? Perhaps she's done something wrong. Dean: You're watching p*rn? Why? Castiel: It was there. Dean: You don't watch p*rn in a room full of dudes. And you don't talk about it. Just turn it off. [to Sam when Cas looks down at his lap] Well, now he's got a boner. There's a knock on the door. Dean goes to open it, finding Samuel. Samuel: This what you boys do, sit around watching p*rn with angels? Castiel: We're not supposed to talk about it. Dean: Why are you here, Samuel? Samuel: It's what Mary would want. Now, this is what I know. Whatever we bag ends up there. [He shows them a map with a location marked.] That's where he tortures 'em, interrogates 'em, I don't really know. Only been outside the places, but it's a death trap. Nothing gets in that Crowley doesn't want in and nothing gets out, period. Dean: Well, thanks. Samuel: I wish you wouldn't do this. Sam: Come with us. Samuel: I may be soft, but I'm not suicidal. +++ EXT. OUTSIDE THE HOUSE, NIGHT Meg and her posse are waiting. Meg [to Castiel]:Remember me? I sure remember you, Clarence. Castiel: Why are we working with these abominations? Meg: Keep talking dirty. Makes my meatsuit all dewy. Dean: Alright, simmer down. We know where Crowley is. Meg: Great. Do tell. Sam: Yeah, tell you, so you can just leave us for d*ad. Meg: You boys have serious abandonment issues, you know that? Sam: We'll show you, alright? But we're all going together. Meg: What, I'm just supposed to trust you? Sam: No, you're not that stupid. Give me the Kn*fe for a minute. Meg: No, I'm not that stupid. Sam: Do you want us to take you to Crowley or not? She hands Sam Ruby's Kn*fe. He uses it to k*ll the demon that was scowling at Dean earlier. Sam: You saw him. He was more interested in k*lling us than getting the job done. I just did all of us a favour. Meg: Hey! You just gonna keep that? Sam: You took this from us. I'm taking it back. We leave in one hour. +++ INT. HOUSE, NIGHT Dean is packing up for the hunt. Dean: You know, Cas, you could help. Castiel: I'm ambivalent about what we're attempting. Dean: Well, breaking into monster Gitmo is not exactly a two-for-one in the champagne room. Castiel: I'm not sure retrieving Sam's soul is wise. Dean: Wait, what? Why? Castiel: I want him to survive. Dean: What are you talking about? Castiel: Sam's soul has been locked in the cage with Michael and Lucifer for more than a year. And they have nothing to do but take their frustrations out on him. You understand? If we try to force that mutilated thing down Sam's gullet, we have no idea what will happen. It could be catastrophic. Dean: You mean he dies. Castiel: I mean, he doesn't. Paralysis. Insanity. Psychic pain so profound that he's locked inside himself for the rest of his life. Dean: But you're saying you don't know anything for sure. I mean, he could be fine. Castiel: He could be, yes. Dean: Okay then. Castiel: But I sincerely doubt it. Dean: Well, if he's not fine, then you fix him. Castiel: Dean, I wouldn't know where to begin. Dean: Then you figure it out, Cas. Come on. I mean, the guy's a frigging replicant. He needs his soul. Look, we get it back. And if there are complications, then we will figure out a way to deal with those, too. Castiel: Of course. [Dean turns away, thinking he's won the argument.] Or we fail, and Sam suffers horrifically. Sam is seen, standing in the shadows, overhearing the conversation. +++ EXT. OUTSIDE CROWLEY's MONSTER PRISON, NIGHT Dean: Seems pretty quiet. Castiel: It's not, I can feel it. Meet me at the side door. +++ Castiel opens a door to let Dean, Sam and the demons inside the prison. Dean: This all seem a little too easy for you? Sam: Way too easy. +++ INT. HALLWAY LINED WITH CELLS, NIGHT BRIGITTA [djinn from 6.01]:Is someone there? Please. Please help me. You gotta get me out of here. Please! You gotta get me out of here. Sam: Come on, Dean. We gotta move. +++ INT. HALLWAY, NIGHT Castiel: Wait. Dean: What is it? Dogs are heard barking in the distance. Meg: Damn it. Here come the guards. Dean: Hellhounds. Go! They run for the nearest set of doors, wedge them shut with a piece of wood and draw a salt line. The two demons who were accompanying Meg haven't made it and are ripped apart by the hellhounds on the other side. Dean: I knew this was a trap. Meg: What do you want, a cupcake? Sam: Alright, that should keep them out. Dean: Not for long. How many of them are there? Meg: Lots. I'll be pulling for you … from Cleveland. Dean: What?! Meg: I didn't know this was gonna happen. Bright side: them chewing up my meatsuit ought to buy you a few seconds. Seacrest out. Meg tries to vacate her host body, but can't. Castiel: A spell, I think, from Crowley. Within these walls you're locked inside your body. Dean: Karma's a bitch, bitch. Sam takes out Ruby's Kn*fe. Dean: What are you doing, gonna slash at thin air until you h*t something? Sam [to Meg]: You can see them. Take this. Hold them off. It's our best sh*t. Meg: At Crowley. Take it and go. You k*ll the smarmy dick. I'll hold off the dogs. Dean: How you gonna do that? Meg grabs Castiel by the neck and kisses him, at the Same time removing his sword. Castiel pushes her up against the wall and returns the kiss with interest. Meg: What was that? Castiel: I learned that from the pizza man. Meg: Well, A plus for you. I feel so … clean. Okay, gotta go. Dean: Whoa, whoa, is that gonna work on a hellhound? Meg: Well, we're about to find out. Run. The boys take off. Meg faces the shaking doors and prepares to fight the hounds. +++ INT. STAIRWELL, NIGHT Dean: Can't see jack. Suddenly, there is a blinding light and Castiel vanishes. Turns out it was Samuel, banishing him with a blood sigil. Dean: Cas?! Sam [seeing Samuel]: Dean. Dean: You sold us out? [Two demons appear behind Sam and Dean, holding onto them.] Damn you, Samuel. CROWLEY: Yes. And I have to say, best purchase I've made since Dick Cheney. Dean: Hiya, Crowley. How's tricks? CROWLEY: Above your pay grade. Been working. Big things. Alas, you'll be too d*ad to participate. Dean: Really? CROWLEY: Shame I have to do away with you both. Rather enjoyed your indentured servitude. +++ Sam and Dean are thrown into separate cells. We see Meg finishing off the last hellhound, then getting ambushed by the demon possessing Christian Campbell. Back to Dean in his cell. Dean: Sam?! Sam: Yeah. Dean: I'm standing in pee. Sam: Consider yourself lucky. Dean: Yikes. That sucks. A little window in the door is opened from the outside by Samuel. Dean: You want forgiveness, find a priest. Samuel: I just want you to understand. Dean: Oh, I understand… that you're a liar. You talk about putting blood first, which is funny 'cause you sound just like my dad. The difference is, he actually did. Samuel: I am putting blood first. Dean: Oh, gimme a break! Samuel: Mary's my blood! My daughter! Don't come at me like I sold you out, Dean. You sold out your own mother. It was her or Sam, and you chose Sam, plain and simple. Dean: Oh, that is such crap! You wanna know what really happened? You chose a demon over your own grandsons! Samuel: See it how you want. I don't even know what Sam is. And you want me to protect him? And you? You're a stranger. No, really, tell me: what exactly are you supposed to be to me? Dean: I'll tell you who I am. I'm the guy you never wanna see again. 'Cause I'll make it out of here, trust me. And the next time you see me, I'll be there to k*ll you. Samuel: Don't think there's gonna be a next time. Dean: Whatever gets you through the night. The two demons working for Crowley drag Dean out of his cell and down the corridor while Samuel just stands by. Sam hears this. +++ In another room Meg is strapped to a metal table for t*rture. Christian!Demon: So, Crowley wants to know… well, everything. Told me to carve out of you. Meg: Whatever makes you feel like a man. Demon: Ha ha. You talk a mean game. But you're scared. +++ Sam is pacing in his cell, then squats down and bites into his arm at the wrist, drawing blood. +++ Dean is pushed into a room with blood and guts all over it. Then the demons bring in two ghouls. Demon: Enjoy. Dean: Alright, alright. Shawshank's a great flick, but let's skip the shower scene, huh? GHOUL [to his companion]: Look, breakfast. +++ Demons enter Sam's cell. Sam [crouching by the wall furthest from the door]: What did you do with my brother? Demon: Oh, you'll find out. You're about to join him. They get caught in a devil's trap Sam has painted on the ceiling using his own blood. +++ Elsewhere, Dean is fighting the ghouls. Dean: Frickin' hate ghouls! At the Same time, Sam is running down a hallway, looking for him. Sam: Dean?! Dean: Let me go, son of a bitch! Sam: Dean! Sam arrives just in time to save Dean from getting eaten. He stakes one of the ghouls with a metal bar ripped off the wall. +++ Meg: You know, you're sticking that thing in all the wrong places. Christian!Demon: Really? You sure were squealing. Meg: Knock yourself out. It's a host body. Some girl from Cheboygan, moved to LA to be an actress. It's probably not even the worst thing that ever happened to her. Meg screams as the demon continues torturing her with Ruby's Kn*fe, then suddenly starts laughing. Demon: What are you laughing at? Dean appears behind him, grabs the Kn*fe out of his hand and s*ab him in the back. Meg: Dean Winchester's behind you, meatsack. Sam: We should go. Dean unties Meg. +++ INT. HALLWAY, DAY Crowley goes to pay djinn Brigitta a visit in her cell. CROWLEY: Hello, sweetheart. Feeling chatty this morning, are we? Do hope so. Wouldn't want to harm a hair on that pretty little head. So, you ready to tell me all about your daddy? [f*re alarm rings.] Hold that thought. +++ Crowley arrives at the room where Meg was being tortured and finds Dean sounding the alarm. CROWLEY: You should be ghoul scat by now. [Sam knocks him down from behind.] Really necessary? I just had this dry-cleaned. [He finds himself inside another devil's trap.] So, to what do I owe the reach-around? Meg [enters]: Crowley. CROWLEY: Whore. Meg: Okay, you know what. [She uses her demonic powers to injure Crowley internally, making him cough up blood.] The best torturers never get their hands dirty. Sam wants a word with you. CROWLEY: What can I do for you, Sam? Sam: You know damn well. I want my soul back. Meg: And here I thought you just grew some balls, Sam. Sam: Well? CROWLEY: No. Dean: Meg? Meg tortures Crowley some more. CROWLEY: I can't. Sam: Can't or won't? CROWLEY: I said ‘can't'. I meant ‘can't', you mop-headed lumberjack. I was lucky to get this much of you out. Going back in there for the sloppy bits? No way. I'm good, but those two in there? Forget it. Sam: How do I know you're not lying? CROWLEY: You don't. But it doesn't change anything. I'm telling you. Sam, why do you want the thing back? Satan's got one juicy source of entertainment in there. I'd swallow a rag off a bathhouse floor before I took that soul. Unless you want to be a drooling mess. Meg: Sam, I hate to say it, but he's right. Sam: Yeah, right. I get it. Thanks. He's all yours. Dean: Whoa, what are you, crazy? He's our only hope. Sam: Dean, you heard him. He can't get it. He's useless. Dean hands Meg the Kn*fe. She goes to enter the devil's trap. Meg: You'll let me back out, right? [They nod.] Meg [to Crowley]: This is for Lucifer, you pompous little – Crowley takes her down in an instant and uses the Kn*fe to break the devil's trap. Pins Sam and Dean to opposite walls. CROWLEY: That's better. You don't know t*rture, you little insect. Castiel reappears suddenly. Castiel: Leave them alone. CROWLEY: Castiel, haven't seen you all season. You the cavalry now? Castiel: Put the Kn*fe down. CROWLEY: You that bossy in Heaven? Hear you're losing out to Raphael. The whole affair makes Vietnam look like a roller derby. Hey, what's in the gift bag? Castiel [taking a skull out of the bag he's holding]: You are. CROWLEY: Not possible. Castiel: You didn't hide your bones as well as you should have. CROWLEY [claps mockingly]: Cookie for you. Castiel: Can you restore Sam's soul or not? CROWLEY: If I could help out in any other – Dean: Answer him! CROWLEY: I can't. Castiel incinerates Crowley's bones. Bye bye, King of Hell. Meg vanishes into thin air. Dean: Well, she's smart, I'll give her that. I was gonna k*ll her, too. [to Cas] 'Course, I'd have given you an hour with her first. Castiel: Why would I want that? +++ EXT. OUTSIDE THE PRISON, DAY Sam, Dean and Castiel are standing by the Impala, about to take off. Dean: Thanks, Cas. Hadn't it been for you – Castiel: Crowley was right. It's not going well for me upstairs. Dean: If there's anything we can do – Castiel: There isn't. I wish circumstances were different. Much of the time I'd rather be here. Dean: Look, Cas, we know you got a steaming pile on your plate. There's no need for apologies. We're your friends. Castiel: Listen, Sam, we'll find another way. Sam: You really wanna help? Prison full of monsters. Can't just leave 'em, can't let 'em go. Castiel: I understand. [He disappears with a flutter of wings.] Dean: He's right, you know? Sam: About? Dean: About your soul. We'll figure something else out. Sam: No, we won't. Dean: Why, because Crowley said – Sam: You heard what Crowley said. And I heard what Cas said. Putting this thing back in would smash me to bits. Dean: We don't know that for sure. Sam: You know what? When angels and demons agree on something, call me nuts, I pay attention. Dean: You say this now? After we practically died trying to – Sam: Exactly! We almost got ourselves k*lled. I mean, how many times do we risk our asses for this? Enough's enough. Dean: Sam – Sam: I don't think I want it back. Dean: You don't even know what you're saying. Sam: No, I'm saying something you don't like. You obviously care, a lot. But I think maybe I'm better off without it. Dean: You're wrong. You don't know how wrong you are. Sam: I'm not sure about that. [He turns and starts to walk away.] Dean: Sam, don't walk away. Sam! Sam! +++ END CREDITS
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "06x10 - Caged Heat"}
Air Date: 10 Dec 2010 Teaser EXT. GROCERY STORE Dean: (looks at address on a piece of paper, looks at awning of store in front of him) Oh, you've got to be kidding me. INT. GROCERY STORE Dean: Hi, I'm, uh, looking for... EMPLOYEE Follow all the way back. All the way back. (Dean goes to the back of the store and takes a series of steps up to an apartment) Dr. Robert Dean Winchester? Dean: You must be Dr. Robert? Dr. Robert Son, I stitched up your daddy more times than I can count, let me tell you. Oh, it's good to see you. 'Course, that was ages ago, back when, uh, I still had my medical license. Right this way. Dean: Well, you know, I'm, uh, I'm no germ freak, but... Dr. Robert Rent's cheap. (Dean and Dr. Robert enter the Doctor's "office" Dr. Robert Eva, my assistant. Dean: Hi. Dr. Robert Hop right up. Dean: N-now, you -- you have, uh, done this a lot? Dr. Robert Oh, many, many times. Dean: And your...success rate? Dr. Robert Oh, excellent --almost 75%. So, should we get the, uh, preliminaries out of the way? Dean: Yeah. Uh, yeah, right. (hands Dr. Robert an envelope of money) Dr. Robert Ah. Oh. Dean: Oh.Uh...So...listen, if, uh, something... Dr. Robert Goes wrong? Dean: Yeah. Uh...Would you mail this for me, please? (Dean hands Dr. Robert a letter addressed to Ben) Dr. Robert Sure. Would've thought you had something for your brother, Sam. Dean: If I don't make it back, nothing I say is gonna mean a damn thing to him. (Eva inserts an IV needle) Dean: Ahh! EVA Don't be a baby. Dean: You know, a little bedside manner would be nice. Dr. Robert Are we ready? Hmm? Dr. Robert You've got three minutes. EVA No pulse, no sinus rhythm. Dr. Robert He's d*ad. Dean: (walks up and sees his d*ad body)Good times. (Dean walks back out to the convenience store)This better work. Messorum evoco qui me tetigit. Tessa: Dean?What the hell? Dean: What do you know? It worked. Tessa: I was in the Sudan! What's with yanking me ov--wait, why are you d*ad? Dean: Tessa, I need a favor. Tessa: Oh, you're kidding. You died to ask me -- Dean: tell your boss I need to talk to him. Tessa: No. Dean: Please? Tessa: Where do you get the nerve? Dean: Desperate times. Tessa: He calls us. We don't call him. Dean: You make an exception! Tessa: I can't. Dean: Can't or won't?! Tessa: Both! DEATH All right, Tessa. Thank you very much. Hello, Dean. ACT 1 INT. GROCERY STORE DEATH I'm busy, Dean. Talk fast. Dean: I have something of yours. DEATH You mean my ring? I recall loaning you that temporarily. Dean: Well, if you want it back -- DEATH I'm sorry, you assume that I don't know where you've hidden it. Now we've established you have hubris but no leverage, what is it you want? Dean: Lucifer's cage. I figure you're one of the few people that can actually jailbreak it. DEATH Do you? Dean: Sam's soul is stuck in that box. DEATH I've heard. Dean: And our other brother is trapped in there, too. Michael rode him in. DEATH Dean, quit shuffling and deal. Dean: I want you to get 'em both out. DEATH Hmm. Pick one. Dean: What?! DEATH Sam's soul or Adam's. Dean: But -- DEATH As a rule, I don't bring people back. I might make an exception once, not twice. So...Pick. Dean: Sam. His soul has been in there for a year, and I understand that it's...Damaged. DEATH Try flayed to the raw nerve. Dean: Well, is there any way that you could, uh, I don't know, hack the hell part off? (cut to Dr. Robert and Eva attempting to revive Dean) EVA Four, three, two...now Dr. Robert Again. DEATH Dean, Dean, Dean. What do you think the soul is? Some pie you can slice? The soul can be bludgeoned, tortured, but never broken. Not even by me. Dean: Well, there's got to be something. DEATH Maybe. Can't erase Sam's hell, but I can...put it behind a wall, if you will. Dean: A "wall." DEATH In his mind --a dam to hold back the tide. Nasty, those memories. You don't want to know what they'll do to him. Believe me. Dean: Okay, uh, a wall. Sounds good. Tessa: But it's not permanent. DEATH She's right. Nothing lasts forever. Well, I do, but... Dean: Okay, so that's the choice -- Sam with no soul, or Sam with some drywall that if or when it collapses, he's...Done? DEATH Yes. Dean: Do it. DEATH I never said I'd do it. Dean: Well, then what the hell have we been talking about? DEATH Your prize.If you win the wager. DEA Great. What's the bet? DEATH Don't roll your eyes, Dean. It's impolite. Now, when you fetch my ring, put it on. Dean: What? DEATH I want you to be me for one day. Dean: Are you serious? DEATH No, I'm being incredibly sarcastic. (cut back to Dr. Robert and Eva) Dr. Robert Eva, adrenaline! DEATH Take the ring off before the 24 hours are up, and you lose. No soul for Sam. Clear? Dean: Okay. Yes. But...But why? DEATH Simple, Dean. Because -- INT. Dr. Robert's OFFICE Dr. Robert Oh, thank Moses. Dean: You couldn't have given me five more seconds? Dr. Robert Son, you were gone for seven minutes. Dean: I was? Dr. Robert Mm-hmm. I thought for sure death had you by the twins. INT. Bobby's HOUSE Sam: You what?! Dean: Just hear me out. Sam: I heard Cass and Crowley when they said it would either k*ll me or turn me to jello, Dean! I heard enough! Dean: Death said he can put up a wall. Sam: A wall? Dean: Yes, yes, a wall --that -- that, basically, you wouldn't remember hell. Sam: Really? Dean: Really. Sam: For good? Like a cure? Dean: No, it's not a cure. It...He said it could last a lifetime. Sam: Great. So, playing pretty fast and loose with my life here, don't you think, Dean? Dean: I'm trying to save your life! Sam: Exactly, Dean! It's my life! It's my life, it's my soul. And it sure as hell ain't your head that's gonna explode when this whole scheme of yours goes sideways! Bobby: Just curious. I presume Death's not doing this out of the goodness of his heart. So what's your half of the deal? (Dean looks evasive) Bobby: I'm sorry. I didn't get that. Dean: I have to wear the ring for a day. Bobby: Why the hell would he want you to do that? Dean: Get his rocks off. I don't know. But I'm doing it. (Sam moves to leave) Dean: Where you going? Sam: Look, I hear you, all right? I get it. I just need a minute to wrap my head around it, all right? EXT. Bobby's YARD (Sam looks at a small hole in the ground, worriedly) Dean: (holding Death's ring) Looking for this? Sam: Just taking a walk. Dean: Sam. I'm your brother. I'm not gonna let you get hurt. I know what I'm doing here. Sam: What if you're wrong? Dean: I won't let it go wrong. Sam: Fine. Dean: Fine? So, you're -- Sam: So, I'm trusting you here. Barely. Dean: You sure? Sam: You're the one with the compass, right? Just don't mess it up. Dean: I won't. (to Bobby)Watch him. INT. Bobby's HOUSE Sam: So, is this the part where you pull a g*n on me and lock me in the panic room? Bobby: Do I have to? Sam: No. I guess Dean's got to do what he's got to do. Bobby: Guess we all do, kid. EXT. Bobby's YARD Dean: Well, here goes everything. (Dean puts on ring) EXT. SMALL TOWN STREET Tessa: Wow. They'll just let any slack-jawed haircut be Death these days. Dean: Well, you're all charm today, aren't you? Tessa: Let's be clear so that we get through this with a minimum of screw-up. I don't like this. And right now, I'm not crazy about you, either. Dean: This is your boss' idea, not mine. Tessa: True. But you have a long history of throwing a wrench in everything, so let's just stick to the rules. Deal? Dean: And the rules are? Tessa: For the next 24 hours, you k*ll everyone whose number's up. Dean: Well, how am I supposed to know who to... Tessa: k*ll? Dean: Yeah. Tessa: I have a list. Dean: Let me see. Tessa: No. You touch them, they die, I reap them. Are we clear? Dean: Yeah, I guess. Tessa: Remove the ring, you lose. Slack off, you lose.Got it? Dean: Yeah. Tessa: Don't mess this up. It's not my job to be your damn babysitter. INT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE (Sam performs a summoning ritual) BALTHAZAR Sam...Winchester. This had better be good. ACT 2 BALTHAZAR Why here's one for the list of dumbest things ever. Summon the angel who wants to k*ll you. Sam: Desperate times. I need your help, Balthazar. BALTHAZAR Interesting...Since last time we met, you wanted to --what was it? Oh, yes, yes --fry my wings "extra crispy." Sam: Well, that was a misunderstanding. BALTHAZAR Some misunderstanding! Sam: I need some advice. BALTHAZAR Advice? Sam: Angel advice. BALTHAZAR Well, then go ask your boyfriend. Sam: Cass can't help me. I need to know if there's a spell or a w*apon, anything that can keep a soul out -- forever. BALTHAZAR Ohh. What's going on, Sam? Sam: It's for me. BALTHAZAR Well. The plot thickens. Where's your soul, Sam? Good God, no. It's not still...It is. Sam: My brother found a way to put it back in me. I don't want it. BALTHAZAR No, you don't. No, no, 'cause Michael and Lucy are hate-banging it as we speak. Sam: Can you help me? BALTHAZAR Oh, yes. The question is, will I? Sam: Set your terms. BALTHAZAR I'll do it for free. Sam: Free? Why? BALTHAZAR Well, you seem like a capable young man. I'd love to have you in my debt. And I have to say, I'm not a fan of your brother, so screwing him would delight me. Anyway, to business. The spell, yes. So, finding the ingredients are easy enough, but, uh, there's one tricky part, however. Sam: Okay. BALTHAZAR You need to scar your vessel. Sam: Meaning what? BALTHAZAR Meaning something that so pollutes it, it renders it uninhabitable. Calls for something very specific. Sam: Great. What? BALTHAZAR Patricide. Sam: My dad's been d*ad for years. BALTHAZAR To be clear, um, you need the blood of your father, but your father needn't be blood. Comprende? EXT. SMALL TOWN STREET Tessa: Just so you know, when people die, they might have questions for you. Well, you know, not you, but death. Dean: You mean like, "how did Betty White outlast me?" Tessa: "What's it all mean?" Is popular. Dean: And am I just gonna magically know? Tessa: No. Dean: Then what the hell am I supposed to say? Oh, come on, give me something. Tessa: Suck it up. Comes with the gig. INT. CONVENIENCE STORE ROBBER (pointing g*n at cashier, who is standing behind the register with his son)Come on! Come on! Let's go! Tessa: They can't hear you. They can't see you. Just let this play out. Dean: Well, who am I taking? Tessa: Wait and see. Dean: Which one? ROBBER You want me to sh**t the kid?! Hurry up! Oh, you think I'm kidding? And don't forget the drawer under the register. Come on, move it! Let's go! (Cashier pushes a bag off the counter onto the floor, and while the robber bends to pick it up he pulls a g*n out of the drawer under the register) ROBBER You idiot. (The cashier sh**t the robber, who falls to the ground, dying) Tessa: Hello? Tick tock. Dean: He's in agonizing pain, right? Tessa: Uh, yes. Dean: Give me a minute. (Dean touches the robber, whose soul appears behind him) ROBBER's SOUL Why? Dean: Mostly because you're a dick. Enjoy the ride down, pal. Trust me -- sauna gets hot. (Tessa walks out with Robber's soul) Dean: That wasn't so hard. EXT. OUTSIDE OF A CAFE (Tessa and Dean approach a man eating pizza) Dean: Call me crazy, but this smells like a heart att*ck. (man clutches his chest and falls forward) Dean: Lucky guess. (Dean touches the man) Man's SOUL Why? Dean: You think maybe it was the extra cheese? Man's SOUL Yeah. It was good, though. Dean: Is that a local place? Tessa: Dean. Dean: Right. Uh, time to go, man. Sorry. Man's SOUL Wait. Will you tell me what it all means? Dean: Everything is dust in the wind. Man's SOUL That's it?! A Kansas song?! Tessa: Sorry. He's new. INT. Bobby's HOUSE (Sam enters the house) Bobby: Woke up and you were gone. Where you been? Sam: Just driving around. No biggie. (they sit down to drinks and poker) INT. HOSPITAL Tessa: After you, boss. ( Dean looks into the hospital room to see a father reading to his sick daughter) Father That's you when we went to California. You were 6 then. God. We should burn that. You were adorable. Dean: The dad or the kid? Tessa: Kid. Dean: Come on. What is she, 13? Tessa: She's 12. HILARY And that's...? Father That's your mom...When she was your age. Dean: This guy have any other family? Tessa: No, not really. Dean: Well, this is awesome. Tessa: What, you thought it was all gonna be armed robbers and heart att*cks waiting to happen? Dean: She's 12! Tessa: With a serious heart condition. Dean: Who's next on the list? Tessa: Dean, you have to take her. Dean: Says who? Tessa: Death. Dean: I'm death. Tessa: You know what I mean. Dean: Well, who tells him? Tessa: I don't know. It just is. It's destiny. Dean: Give me a break. I've spent my whole life fighting that crap. There's no such thing as destiny, just like there was no apocalypse -- just a bunch of stuck-up mooks who didn't want us human slaves asking questions. Well, I say the little girl lives. Tessa: Do you know what's amazing? You don't actually buy a word you're saying. Dean: Yes, I do. Tessa: Oh, really? So, all the times that you messed with life and death, they just worked out for you? It was just a beach party every time, huh? Dean: Well, I know this much -- I'm Death, she's 12, and she's not dying today. (brief cut to Sam & Bobby, playing a very tense game of poker, cut back to hospital) Dr. OWENS Medically, I can't explain it. Father So her heart just healed? Dr. OWENS Couple of times in your career, you see something you just got to call a miracle. All I know is I won't have to operate. Father Thank you. Thank you, Doctor. (to Hilary) You did it. You're gonna be okay. Nurse: Hey, hon, guess what? I'm leaving. No, surgery was canceled. Tessa: Come on. We have more work here. Nurse: Okay. See you soon. INT. Bobby's HOUSE Sam: Pair of aces. Bobby: (holding out an empty beer bottle)Want another one? Sam: Yeah, sure. (while Bobby looks in the refrigerator, Sam grabs a wrench and goes to knock out Bobby, but Bobby grabs a bat from the fridge and knocks Sam out first) Bobby: May have been born at night, boy, but it wasn't last night. (Bobby goes to get rope, but when he turns back Sam is gone) Not good. Let's not do anything hasty here, Sam. ACT 3 (Bobby hides in his closet, and Sam begins to chop through the closet door with an axe) Bobby: Don't say, "here's Johnny." Sam: I got to do this, Bobby. I'm sorry. You shouldn't have cornered yourself. Bobby: I didn't!(Bobby pushes a button and a trap door opens directly under Sam) (Sam, now in the basement takes a crowbar to the door) Bobby: Reinforced steel core, titanium kick plate. Get comfy. You want to explain what this is about? Sam: I just, uh...I have to do this, Bobby. Bobby: Says who? Sam: If Dean shoves that soul back in me, think how bad that could really be. I can't let it happen, Bobby. I mean, it's not like I want to k*ll you. You've been nothing but good to me. Bobby: So...What, demon deal or something? Sam: Spell. Bobby: You're making a mistake, Sam. Sam: I'm trying to survive. Bobby: Dean's got a way to make it safe. Sam: Oh, yeah, what, some wall inside my head that maybe stays up? Come on. Bobby: If it works -- Sam: Yeah, what if it doesn't? Dean doesn't care about me. He -- he just cares about his little brother, Sammy, burning in hell. He'll k*ll me to get that other guy back. Bobby: Look, I...I know how scary it is. But you know what's scarier? You right now. You're not in your right head, Sam. You're not giving us much choice here. Sam? Balls! (Bobby opens the door and heads downstairs) Bobby: Ain't nobody k*lling me in my house but me. I don't want to blow your legs out, boy, but I will. (Bobby sees Sam has escaped through the vent in the panic room ceiling) INT. HOSPITAL Dean: Oh, what, you gonna give me the silent treatment now? Really? Tessa: Damn it! I knew it! Dean: What? EMT (wheeling in a gurney)Code 500, E.R. code 500, E.R. Orderly What's going on? EMT Fractured spine, internal bleeding. Had a heart att*ck in the ambulance. Orderly We need Dr. Owens. Orderly 2 He just left. Orderly Call Owens. Tell him to turn around. Dean: Wait, that's... Tessa: You let the girl live. The nurse goes home early, gets in a crash she wouldn't have. And she needs the heart surgeon, and where is he? Dean: You knew this would happen? Tessa: No. Just knew that you knocked over a domino. Doctor 1 She's in cardiac arrest. Tessa: Take her. Dean: What? Doctor 2 Clear! Dean: She's not on the list! Tessa: Everything you do has consequences. Do you want to set off another chain reaction? Dean: She's got nothing to do with this! Tessa: Well, too bad, Dean. You put on the ring. Now do your damn job. Doctor 2 Clear! Dean: Fine. (Dean touches Jolene) Doctor 2 She's crashing again. We're losing her. Clear! JOLENE's SPIRIT Is that...Am I... Tessa: Yes. I'm sorry. JOLENE's SPIRIT But I'm... Tessa: So young. JOLENE's SPIRIT Yeah. Tessa: Actually, you were supposed to live for many decades. Have kids, grandkids. JOLENE's SPIRIT Then why? Tessa: Because he screwed up. JOLENE's SPIRIT (to Dean)You did this to me? Tessa: Come on, Jolene. It's time. Dean: Wait. I'm sorry. JOLENE's HUSBAND Where is she? Where's my wife? Where is she? No! No! INT. HILARY's HOSPITAL ROOM HILARY A real vacation? Father Yeah. I can take you to this one café, show you where I met your mom. Tessa: You saw what happened to the nurse. Go and k*ll that girl, Dean. I tried to tell you what you already know. She's disrupting the natural order by being alive. You of all people know what that means. Chaos and sadness will follow her for the rest of her life. We tried it your way. Dean: (watching Jolene's husband through the window)Give me a minute. Tessa: What? EXT. Bobby's YARD (Bobby follows a trail of Sam's blood to his shed, where Sam knocks him unconscious and drags him inside) INT. JOLENE's HUSBAND's CAR Dean: Come on, man, pull the car over. You're gonna get yourself k*lled. What are you doing? Pull the damn car over! Stop the car. Come on, stop the car. Radio Route 10 is still shut down... Dean: What are you doing?! Stop the car! Radio From an earlier fatal crash.All traffic has to exit... Dean: Son of a bitch!(pulls off the ring and yanks the steering wheel to the side) JOLENE's HUSBAND Aah! Dean: h*t the brakes! JOLENE's HUSBAND Aah! (the car crashes, Jolene's husband is slumped forward against the steering wheel) Dean: Damn it. Tessa! ACT 4 Dean: You there?! Tessa?! I lost! Sam's screwed! You happy?! Least you can do is zap my ass back home! Hello?! I lost the bet. Tessa: Sorry about your brother. Dean: Let's just go. Tessa: Go where, Dean? We're done. What are we -- INT. HILARY's ROOM Dean: Unfinished business. Tessa: It's over. You took the ring off. Anyway, thought you wanted the girl to skate by. Dean: No one really skates by. Do they?(to Hilary's father)You should say your goodbyes, man. Father Hey, honey. I must have dozed off. Hilary? Somebody! HILARY's SPIRIT I'm d*ad? Dean: I'm sorry. HILARY's SPIRIT But what about my dad? Dean: He'll be fine. HILARY's SPIRIT Really? Dean: I have no idea. HILARY's SPIRIT I-I can't just leave him. It's not fair! Dean: I know. HILARY's SPIRIT Well, then why? Dean: Because...There's sort of a --a natural order to things. HILARY's SPIRIT Natural order is stupid. Dean: Well, I agree with you there. INT. Bobby's SHED Bobby: Listen to me. You don't want to do this. Sam. I've been like a father to you, boy. Somewhere inside, you've got to know that. (Sam walks over to Bobby holding a Kn*fe) Sam: Well, that's just it. Sorry. (Sam raises the Kn*fe up to s*ab Bobby but Dean intercepts him) Dean: Hi, Sam. I'm back. (Dean knocks out Sam) FINAL ACT INT. Bobby's BASEMENT (Dean looks at Sam who is cuffed to the panic room cot) Dean: I can't keep doing this, Bobby. I mean, what am I, gonna tie him up every time he tries to k*ll someone? And that's not gonna hold him. I mean, he's - Bobby: --capable of anything. Dean: What am I supposed to do here? Bobby: I don't know. (Dean heads to Bobby's kitchen) DEATH Dean. Join me.Brought you one --(Death hands Dean a hot dog) from a little stand in Los Angeles known for their bacon dogs. Sit. Dean: Boy, what's with you and cheap food? DEATH I could ask you the Same thing. Thought I'd have a treat before I put the ring back on. Heavier than it looks, isn't it? Sometimes, you just want the thing off. But you know that. Not hungry? Dean: Look... I think you know that I flunked. So there. Oh, and by the way, I, uh...I sucked at being you. Really screwed up the whole natural order thing. But I'm sure you knew about that, too. DEATH So, if you could go back, would you simply k*ll the little girl? No fuss, no stomping your feet? Dean: Knowing what I know now, yeah. DEATH I'm surprised to hear that. Surprised and glad. Dean: Yeah, well, don't get excited. I would have saved the nurse, okay? That's it. DEATH I think it's a little more than that. Today, you got a hard look behind the curtain. Wrecking the natural order's not quite such fun when you have to mop up the mess, is it? This is hard for you, Dean. You throw away your life because you've come to assume that it'll bounce right back into your lap. But the human soul is not a rubber ball. It's vulnerable, impermanent, but stronger than you know. And more valuable than you can imagine. So... I think you've learned something today. Dean: Want to know what I think? I think you knew that I wouldn't last a day. DEATH I have no idea what you're talking about. Dean: I lost. Fine. But at least have the balls to admit that it was rigged from the jump. DEATH Most people speak to me with more respect. Dean: I didn't mean -- DEATH We're done here. It's been lovely. But now I'm going to go to hell to get your brother's soul. Dean: Why would you do that for me? DEATH I wouldn't do it for you. You and your brother keep coming back. You're an affront to the balance of the universe, and you cause disruption on a global scale. Dean: I apologize for that. DEATH But you have use. Right now, you're digging at something. The intrepid Detective. I want you to keep digging, Dean. Dean: So you're just gonna be cryptic, or... DEATH It's about the souls. You'll understand when you need to. Dean: Wait --with Sam... Is this wall thing really gonna work? DEATH Call it 75%. Dean: Bobby! INT. Bobby's BASEMENT Dean: Open the door. Bobby: What happened? Dean: Now! INT. PANIC ROOM Sam: Get away from me! Don't. Don't! DEATH Now, Sam, I'm gonna put up a barrier inside your mind. Sam: No, don't touch me. DEATH It might feel a little...Itchy. Do me a favor --don't scratch the wall. trust me -- you're not gonna like what happens. Sam: Please. Don't do this. (Death takes Sam's soul out of his bag and goes to put it back inside Sam) Sam: No, no! You don't know! You don't know what'll happen to me! Dean, please! No. No. No. (Death puts Sam's soul back in him) Sam: Aah!
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "06x11 - Appointment in Samarra"}
Air Date: 4 Feb 2011 "Back in the Saddle" by Aerosmith plays. Sam: Hey, Dean. It's me. Dean hugs Sam. How long you been back, Sam? Sam (V.O): About a year. Dean (V.O): You been back practically this whole time? Sam (V.O): You finally had what you wanted. Sam (V.O): You wanted a family. Lisa: I need you to go. Lisa (V.O): You're a hunter. Music: I'm back Sam and Dean holding up FBI badges. EXT. SKY - NIGHTand INT. TWO-SEATER PLANE - NIGHT The small plane is being battered by bad weather. The Pilot is Stan and the PASSENGER is PENNY. Stan: How you doing? PENNY I'm great. This is great. Stan: Penny, it's gonna be okay. You know, a lot more people die in the shower. PENNY Good to know. Thanks. Stan: I didn't think we'd run into any weather, though. PENNY Look, can we just land? Please? Stan: Couple minutes. All right? We're close. I'm sorry. Outside the window, Penny sees a large shape. PENNY What was that?! Stan: What? PENNY Something just flew by the window! It was huge! Stan: Probably just a bird, okay? PENNY No! No, Stan, that was not a bird. Stan: Well, then, what was it? PENNY I don't know. Stan: Penny, there's nothing out there. I promise. Hey, just close your eyes, okay? It's okay. Just lean back. Try to relax. Think of someplace nice. Waves on a beach. PENNY Stan?! Something pulls Stan out of the cabin, leaving PENNY alone in the plane. PENNY Oh! Oh, my God! No, no, no, no, no, no! PENNY screams. INT. Bobby's BASEMENT - DAY Dean stands with folded arms, tapping his fingers against his other arm. "LIKE A VIRGIN" The panic room door opens and Castiel comes out, rolling down his sleeves. Sam lies on a cot in the panic room, hooked up to an IV. Dean: Well? Castiel: His soul is in place. Starring JARED PADALECKI Dean: Is he ever gonna wake up? JENSEN ACKLES Castiel: I'm not a human Doctor, Dean. Dean: Could you take a guess? MISHA COLLINS Castiel: Okay. Probably not. Dean: Oh, well, don't sugarcoat it. Guest Starring JIM BEAVER Castiel: I'm sorry, Dean, but I warned you not to put that thing back inside him. Dean: What was I supposed to do? Let T-1000 walk around, hope he doesn't open f*re? Castiel: Let me tell you what his soul felt like when I touched it. Like it had been skinned alive, Dean. If you wanted to k*ll your brother, you should have done it outright. Dean looks around the basement. Castiel is gone. Sam is still sleeping. INT. Bobby's LIVING ROOM - DAY Dean sits down at the desk across from Bobby. ILIA VOLOK Bobby pours him a drink. KIM JohnSTON ULRICH Co-Producers JERRY WANEK SERGE LADOUCEUR Bobby: Like my daddy always said, just 'cause it kills your liver don't mean it ain't medicine. Producer TODD ARONAUER Bobby: Sam still asleep? Dean takes a drink. So does Bobby. Dean: Yeah. Bobby: He'll wake up. Co-Executive Producer PETER JohnSON Dean: Yeah. Executive Producer BEN EDLUND Bobby: Dean, he's been through how much? Executive Producer PHIL SGRICCIA Bobby: Somehow, he always bounces back. Dean: He's never been through this. Dean spots the newspaper printout Bobby is looking at. Dean: Job? Bobby: Might be. Bobby passes over the printout, which is from The Portland Chronicle, headline SMALL PLANE CRASH KILLS TWO, subheading Dean: Can I help? Send me to the library? Anything? Executive Producer McG Bobby: Couple goes up in a light plane. Wreckage was just found in the woods. Dean: Couple of Buddy Hollys? Co-Executive Producer JIM MICHAELS Dean: Doesn't really seem like News of the Weird. Created by ERIC KRIPKE Bobby: Pilot was found seventeen miles away, flambéed. Written by ADAM GLASS Bobby: Girl's just gone. No body, no nothing. Dean: Okay, I'm not changing the channel. Sam: Dean. Dean sets his glass down hard. Sam has entered the room. Dean turns to face him, then stands up. Dean: Sam? Sam hugs Dean. Directed by PHIL SGRICCIA Sam hugs Bobby. Bobby: Good to see you. Sam: Wait. I saw you-I-I felt Lucifer snap your neck. Bobby: Well, Cas kind of- Sam: Cas is alive? Dean: Yeah, Cas-Cas is fine. Sam, are you okay? Sam: Actually, um...I'm starving. INT. Bobby's KITCHEN - DAY Sam is eating a sandwich. He is sitting at a table with Dean; they both have beers in front of them. Bobby is leaning against the counter. Dean: So, Sam... Sam: Yeah? Dean: What's the last thing you remember? Sam: The field. And then I fell. Dean: Okay. And then? Sam: I woke up in the panic room. Bobby: That's it? You really don't remember- Dean: Let's be glad. Who wants to remember all that hell? Sam: Well, how long was I gone? Dean: About a year and a half. Sam: What? I was downstairs f- I don't remember anything. So, how'd I get back? Was it Cas? Dean: Not exactly. Sam: Dean, what did you do? Dean: Me and Death- Sam: Death?! The horseman? Dean: I had leverage. It's done. Sam: You sure? Dean: It's over. Slate's wiped. Bobby: Well, isn't this just neat and clean? Dean: Yes, it is-for once. Sam: Is there anything else I should know? Dean hesitates. Dean: No. Another beer? Sam: Uh, yeah. Dean gets up. EXT. Bobby's YARD - DAY Bobby is under a car, doing something with a wrench. Dean: Hey. Dean holds up two beers. Bobby: How is he? Dean: He's, uh...He's good. Really good. Better than I could have hoped. Dean puts down one beer on the work bench and sits down, opening the other beer. Bobby: Uh-huh. Dean: What? Why the poopface? Dean takes a drink. Bobby comes over. Bobby: I'm glad he's better. I really am. But... That kid went straight-up Menendez on me not ten days ago. And now it's all just...erased? Sorry. I'm having a bit of a hard time even looking at him. Dean: It wasn't Sam. Bobby: Well, maybe it wasn't allSam, but it was him, Dean. Dean: Well, what do you want to do, Bobby? We tell him everything? Bobby: No. Just wish I could, that's all. Dean: Yeah, but if we start throwing that crap at him, we don't know what's gonna happen. It could-it could crack the wall. Bobby: I know. I know. Dean: So, you know what? As far as I'm concerned, it's a gift horse, and I'm not looking for teeth. I'm sending Death a damn fruit basket. Bobby: He's gonna find out, you know. One way or another, someone'll tell him, or he'll figure it out on his own. He's not dumb. He should it hear it from us. Dean: Can we just leave it alone for the moment, please? Bobby puts up his hands and goes back to work with the wrench. Bobby: Okay. But you better prep for the B side, 'cause when Sam realizes we're shining him, it ain't gonna be cute. Dean takes another drink. EXT. CAR GRAVEYARD - DAY Dean closes the trunk of the Impala. Bobby opens the front passenger door. Bobby: Sam still asleep? Dean: Yeah, let him rest. We'll call him later. Sam: Call me from where? Sam has just shown up. Dean: Oh. Uh, there's this thing in Oregon. Sam: Great. I'm in. Dean: Whoa, whoa. You just got vertical. Sam: Exactly. I'm up. I'm good. Dean: Well, a few more days of crap cable couldn't hurt. Sam: Right. Because that's what youdid when you got back from hell. Dean: All right. You, me, and Bobby. Bobby: Oh, you two go on ahead. You got this covered. I, uh, forgot I promised that idjit Rufus I'd work the phones for him, so... Dean: You sure? Bobby: Yeah, yeah, yeah. You two enjoy catching up, okay? Bobby leaves. Sam: What was that? Dean: One part age, three parts liquor. Dean and Sam head to their respective doors. [i]EXT. Impala - NIGHT INT. Impala - NIGHT Jethro Tull's "A New Day Yesterday" plays. Sam is on the phone. Sam: Uh, you got it, officer. Thank you. You too. Sam hangs up the phone. Sam: So, get this-besides the crash, there were two other disappearances in town this week. Dean: Really? Sam: Yeah, last weekend, a college girl vanished from her apartment. On the seventeenth floor. Then, three days ago, another girl didn't make it home from school. Dean: They know each other? Sam: No. No connection. Just young and female, like the plane-crash girl. Dean: What would disappear a girl out of the sky, anyway? Sam: Good question. Sam waits a moment. Sam: So you never even tried, huh? Dean: Tried? Sam: To go live a life...after. You do remember you promised that, right? Dean: Yeah, I remember. Sam: So, why didn't you try? Dean: What makes you think I didn't? Sam: 'Cause look at you. Look at this. You're exactly the Same. Dean: Yeah, you're probably right. A long pause. Dean: I was with them for a year-Lisa and Ben. Sam: A year? Dean nods. Sam: So then what? Dean: Didn't work out. Dean turns up the music. Music: It was a new day yesterday but it's an old day now They pass a sign that says PORTLAND 20. EXT. DESSERTINES' HOUSE - DAY Dean: You're, uh...Penny Dessertine's sister, right? PENNY's SISTER Mm-hmm. Sam: Uh, we'd just like to ask you a few questions. PENNY's SISTER Look, the cops already came by. I'm tired. So, if you don't mind -- Sam: I-I understand. Really, I do. I know how hard this must be. We'd just like to figure out what happened. This will be quick. I promise. PENNY's SISTER Okay. Fine. Come in. INT. PENNY's HOUSE - DAY PENNY's SISTER Penny was very shy. To herself. Not at all what you'd call adventurous. Dean: What, like flying through a lightning storm in a two-seater? PENNY's SISTER She was terrified of that thing. She just did it for Stan. Sam: Stan? PENNY's SISTER They were just starting to get serious. She didn't want to seem, you know...Not interested. I just wish I'd told her to stay home. We don't even have a body to bury. INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY Sam: Hey. Dean: What do you got? Sam: Uh...Well, looks like those other two missing girls both baked cookies for the lord. Dean: What is that? Code? Sam: No. Church choir, bake sales, promise-ring clubs-the works. They were good girls. But Penny wasn't even a Christian, so- Dean: I have another theory. Penny's diary. Sam: Did you steal that from her room? Dean: I love that you even asked me that. Sam: And why wouldn't I? Dean: No reason. So girl-nappings. What if it's not about religion, what if it's about purity? Sam: You mean you think they're all- Dean: Virgins, Sam. Virgins. Sam: Penny was twenty-two. Dean: Yeah, with a pink room. Sam: So? Dean: And stuffed teddy bears. Sam: Fine. But you really think- Dean reads from PENNY's diary. Dean: "I've decided I'm going to give Stan my most precious gift." Sam: Wow. That sounded really creepy coming out of your mouth. Dean: I think I delivered it. Sam: You know, you-you could have led with 'the diary'. You know? Anyways, let's say you're right. Fine. Who would want virgins? Dean: You got me. I prefer ladies with experience. EXT. STREET IN FRONT OF ST. Mary's CENTER FOR CATHOLIC STUDIES - NIGHT MELISSA and two other young women are walking together. MELISSA goes in a different direction. SOMETHING swoops down from the sky and att*cks her. MELISSA Aaaaaaaah! INT. HOSPITAL - DAY' MELISSA It happened so fast. Sam: It's all right, Melissa. What came at you? You can tell us. MELISSA It-it looked like a...a giant bat. You think I'm making it up, right? That's what the other man said. Sam: Well, I'm not the other man. MELISSA It came right at me. It was huge. I swear. That's how I got this. MELISSA pulls her gown forward to reveal large gashes on her back. Sam: So, it att*cked. And then what happened? MELISSA I don't know. I passed out, and when I woke up, it was gone. Sam: Is there anything else you can think of? Anything you can tell us, even if it doesn't seem important? MELISSA Well, my ring got lost. Or else that thing stole it, if that makes any sense. Dean: What kind of ring? MELISSA Gold. Promise ring. Dean: Promise ring. So, uh...from, like, a church? Like like a purity ring? MELISSA Yeah. Why? Dean: I got to ask. Uh, Melissa... Look, nobody is, uh, judging anybody here, okay? Believe me. But...Should you really be wearing that ring? MELISSA Well, I-I mean, I-I am- Dean: Really? MELISSA Matt Barne didn't count! EXT. HOSPITAL PARKING LOT - DAY Sam: So, what, you think Batman tried to r*pe her? Dean: Well, he does carry a lot of rage. But he rejected her because she was already dehymenated, huh? Sam: You think? Dean: I think it just goes to show that being easy's pretty much all upside. Sam: So, what kind of thing likes virgins and gold? Dean: P. Diddy? Sam: You know, it's comforting. Dean: What's that? Sam: I died for a year, came back, and you're still not funny. Dean: Shut up. I'm hilarious. INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY Sam: This can't be possible. Dean: Try me. Sam: Um, I googled "f*re," "claws," "flying," "stealing virgins," and "gold," and it all takes me to the Same place. Dean: Where? Sam: World of Warcraft[i]fansites. Dean: I don't know what that means. Sam: Dragons, dude. See? Told you. Not possible. Dean: Actually, it might be. Sam: How? In what reality? Dean: It's been a strange year. We should get a second opinion. INT. Bobby's KITCHEN - DAY and INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY, alternating Bobby is cooking. The phone rings. He answers. Bobby: Yeah? Dean: What do you know about dragons? Bobby: What? Nothing. Dean: Seriously. Bobby: Well, they're not like the Loch Ness monster, Dean. Dragons aren't real. Dean: Could you make a few calls? Bobby: To who? Hogwarts? Dean: Humor me. Bobby: Fine. Dean: You're a gentleman and a scholar. Bobby: Yeah, yeah. Hey, how's [i]Memento[i]doing over there? He caught you in any lies yet? Dean: Everything's fine. Sam says hey. Dean hangs up. [i]INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY Sam: You okay? Dean: Yeah. Sam: Bobby say anything? Dean: Nope. Sam is flipping through John's journal. Dean: Dad never wrote anything about dragons. I promise. I'd remember if I read The Neverending Story[i]in there. Sam: Hey, did we hunt a skinwalker lately? Dean: Doesn't ring a bell. Why? Sam: I don't know. Just...déjà vu or something. Are you sure? I could have sworn- Dean: You got to remember, your eggs are still a little scrambled, right? But, yeah, I'm sure. Sam: All right. Yeah. Never mind. Dean's phone rings. He answers. Dean: Hey, Bobby. What do you got? Bobby: Can't believe she didn't jump right to mind. Dr. Visyak. Medieval Studies, S.F.U. Dean: Dr. Visyak, S.F.U. Got it. Thanks. All right. I'm going to San Francisco, figure out how to k*ll these things. You figure out where they are. Sam: W-wait. D-did Bobby say where they like to park? Dean: No. Sam: Great. Back to the lore. Dean: Which says what? That they live in Middle-Earth? Sam: No. Caves. Dean: You're such a nerd. [i]INT. SEWER - DAY Girl: Please let me go! Please! No! Aah! No! DRAGON 1 Shut up! Shut up, or I'll break the other one. Now, get in there. Come on. PENNY It's okay. It's gonna be okay. EXT. Dr. VISYAK's HOUSE - DAY Dean presses the buzzer. Dr. VISYAK Yes? Dean: Dr. Visyak. My name is Dean Winchester. Dr. VISYAK Office hours are Monday and Friday. Dean: Bobby Singer sent me. Hello? Hi. The door opens and Dr. VISYAK comes out. INT. Dr. VISYAK's HOUSE - DAY Dr. VISYAK Bobby Singer. Tell him something for me next time you see him. Dean: Hmm? Dr. VISYAK Actually, just kick him in the jewels. That's more poetic. Dean: No love lost between you two, huh? Dr. VISYAK No. Just the opposite. Dean: Oh? Dr. VISYAK That's his story to tell. He's the idiot. So, what's this about? Dean: Well, uh...Dragons. Dr. VISYAK Really? Dean: What, no twelve-sided-dice joke? Dr. VISYAK We can joke about them because they've disappeared. But they aren't funny.At all. Dean: Well, one just flew in stateside. Dr. VISYAK Are you sure? Dean: Fits the lore to a tee. Dr. VISYAK But how? I mean, why? It's been seven hundred years. Dean: Banner crop of crazy all the way around these days, doc. Dr. VISYAK So you want to know how to k*ll it. Dean: That's right. Dr. VISYAK Well, you need a blade. Dean: Uh... Okay. What kind of blade? Dr. VISYAK One forged with dragon's blood. Dean: So you need one to k*ll one, but you got to k*ll one to make one. How does that work out? Dr. VISYAK Well, there aren't many dragon swords around anymore. Five or six, tops, worldwide. I mean, there's the sword of St. George, and, of course, there's Excalibur. And there's- Dean: You know a lot about this stuff, don't you? Dr. VISYAK Well, I sure as hell better. I have one in the basement. Dean: You have one. Dr. VISYAK Finding it took two decades, countless hours, and some really bad sex with an eastern European ambassador, but, yeah. Dr. VISYAK opens a door to a room containing a sword embedded in a boulder. Dean: That is not real. Is that real? Is it Excalibur? Dr. VISYAK No. This...Is the Sword of Brunswick. Love of my life. Dean: So, uh, what's with the cement shoe? Dr. VISYAK You know, binding sword to stone used to be all the rage. To protect them. Dean: All right, well, how do we get this puppy out? Dr. VISYAK laughs. Dr. VISYAK Well, come on. You know this one. We need a brave knight who's willing to step up and k*ll the beast. Dean: Right. All right, well, I'll, uh, give it a whirl. Do you mind? Dr. VISYAK Oh. Dean goes to pull the sword out of the stone, but is unable to and falls. Dr. VISYAK You okay? Dean: Never better. Dean tries again but fails. Dean: Oh, son of a bitch! That's really on there! Dr. VISYAK Yeah, afraid so. Dean: Well, I have another idea. Dr. VISYAK What? Dean: Well, you're not gonna like it. INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY Sam calls Bobby. Bobby: Sam. Where's Dean? Sam: Hey, um...He went to go see your friend. So, look, I'm trying to figure out where this thing lairs up. Uh, little help, maybe? Bobby: What are the parameters? Sam: Caves, basically. But there's nothing around for miles. Bobby: So, less literal, then. What else you got local that's cold, dark, and wet? Sam: Huh. Well, um...There's no subway lines. Sewers. That could be it. Thanks. Bobby: All right. Sam: Wait, Bobby. Wait. Um...You okay? Bobby: Yeah, of course. Why? What's wrong? Sam: Besides the way you been acting and talking? Nothing. Is there something I should know? Bobby: No. All you need to know is where Godzilla's holed up. Sam: Well, Bobby, what happened this last year? Bobby: It had its moments. No more than usual. It's got nothing to do with you, Sam. How could it? Sam: Right. 'Course. Bobby: Call me if you need anything. Sam: Ye- Bobby hangs up. Sam sighs and closes his eyes. Sam: Castiel, um...I'm back. So, if you got a minute... Castiel: Sam. It's so good to see you alive. Sam: Yeah. You too. Castiel walks over to Sam, arms out in an attempt to hug Sam, but Sam sits down instead. Sam: Um...Look, I-I would hug you, but- Castiel: -that would be awkward. Sam: Um...Was a crazy year, huh? I-I-I just talked to Bobby. He-he told me everything that happened. Castiel: Frankly, I'm surprised that you survived. I was begging Dean not to do it. Sam: Yeah. No, I-I-I can understand that. Castiel: You know, it's a miracle it didn't k*ll you. Sam: Yeah. Yeah, it's a miracle, all right. Castiel: So, how does it feel? Sam: What? Castiel: Well, to have your soul back, of course. Sam: Right. Y-you mean 'cause I was walking around with no soul. Uh... Really good, Cas. I'm real good. You know what? I'm-I'm just hazy on a few of the details, though. Um... You think maybe you could...walk me through? INT. Dr. VISYAK's BASEMENT - DAY Dr. VISYAK You know what? I-I-I don't like this at all. You do realize that this is the single most valuable artifact you have ever touched. Dean: It's also the only w*apon we got. Look, I know what I'm doing, okay? I actually learned it all from Bobby. Hey, whatever happened there, you know he's at least a genius at this. Do you want me to k*ll that dragon or not? Dr. VISYAK Okay. Dean: Trust me. Dean kneels next to the rock and places C4 on it. Dean: You rocks think you're so smart. All right. Welcome to the 21st century. All right, stand back. Dean and Dr. VISYAK exit the room. Dean detonates the charges. Dean: Okay. Now... Dean pulls out the sword, which has broken in half. Dean: You've got insurance for this, right? INT. MOTEL ROOM - DAY Sam: And what are we supposed to do with this, Dean? Give it a booster sh*t? Dean: It's what we got. All right? We're just gonna have to get a little closer. That's all. Where are we on the caves? Sam: Nowhere. Sewers, on the other hand...Here. Check this out. Sam points at their map. Sam: So, two of the disappearances happened within a mile of here. So I think we start there and work our way around. Dean: Awesome. Who doesn't love sewers? Let's go. Sam looks like he is about to say something. Dean: What? Sam: Nothing. Uh, yeah, let's go. INT. SEWERS Dean: Ugh! God. Just when I get used to a smell, I h*t a new flavor. Dude, we have been here for hours. There is nothing. I think the lore is off. Hey, what if, uh...What if dragons like nice hotels? Sam: What is that? Sam shines his flashlight at something behind Dean. Dean: What? Dean also shines his flashlight and they see that what they are looking at is a pile of gold. Dean: Holy crap. Dean picks up a gold watch from the pile. Dean: Okay, maybe there are dragons here. Dean starts to take some of the gold. Sam: Wait. Dean...Not now. Check this out. Sam walks off towards an altar he has found. There is a leather-bound book on the altar. Sam: A little arts-and-crafty for a giant bat, right? PENNY Hello? Is someone there? Hello? Sam and Dean find the girls trapped under the grates of the sewer. Dean: Hey. We're gonna get you out. PENNY Quick. He's coming back. Sam is pulled backwards by a DRAGON. Dean takes out the dragon sword. DRAGON Where do you think you're gonna stick that? Dean cuts into the DRAGON's arm. DRAGON Aah! Where did you get that? Dean: Comic-Con. The DRAGON knocks the sword out of Dean's hand. The sword falls between the grates. The DRAGON approaches Dean, his hand glowing brightly. Sam distracts him. Dean grabs at the sword, which is just out of reach. Dean: Come on, come on. Dean is grabbed by another DRAGON. Sam kicks away the dragon he has been fighting. DRAGON Aah! Sam reaches down and grabs the sword from between the grates. He s*ab the dragon fighting Dean. The other DRAGON escapes. EXT. Bobby's YARD - DAY Dean plays with one of the gold watches. Dean: Hey, Sam. Ask me what time it is. Sam: Why don't you cut to the chase and just roll in it? Dean: I rarely have wealth. Sam: Dean... Dean: Yeah? Sam: I am so...so sorry. I can't even begin to say. Dean: For what? Sam: You know what. Dean: Did Bobby... Sam: Cas. Dean: Cas. Friggin' child. Sam: You should have told me, Dean. Dean: You weren't supposed to know. Sam: What I did? To Bobby? To you? Of course I should know. Dean: Sam, Death didn't just shove your soul back in, okay? He put up the great wall of Sam between you and the things that you don't remember. And trust me when I say that the things you don't know could k*ll you. That's not a joke. Sam: All right. But I have to set things right. Or what I can, anyway. Dean: It wasn't you. Sam: You know, I kind of feel like I got slipped the worst mickey of all time...and I woke up to find out that I had burnt the whole city down. And you can say it wasn't me, but...I'm the one with the zippo in my pocket, you know? So I'm not sure it's that cut and dry. And, look, I a-appreciate you trying to protect me. I really do. But I got to fix... What I got to fix. So I need to know what I did. Dean: But you don't know how dangerous that could be. Sam: What would you do? Right. Same thing. Dean: Sam... Bobby: Boys, something I think you ought to see. INT. Bobby's LIVING ROOM - DAY Bobby: Now, as near as I can figure it, this dates back around the fourteenth century. Sam: What language is it? Bobby: Da Vinci code. Real obscure Latinate. Gonna take me my golden years to translate it all. Oh, and, uh, FYI-that ain't paper. Dean: What is it? Bobby: It's human skin. Okay. I'm fairly clear on this first bit. It basically describes this place. It's like the backside of your worst nightmares. It's all blood and bone and darkness. EXT. CLIFF - NIGHTand INT. Bobby's LIVING ROOM - DAY, alternating Bobby: Filled with the bodies and souls of all things hungry, sharp, and nasty. DRAGON 2 Where are they? DRAGON 1 I ran into trouble. DRAGON 2 You're damn lucky I got enough. DRAGON 1 grabs one of the girls from the van. DRAGON 1 This is your lucky day, little girl. Come on, come on. Sam: Monsters? Bobby: It's monsterland. According to this, it goes by many names, most of which I can't pronounce, but I'm thinking you know Purgatory. Dean: Purgatory? Awesome. Well, that is good to know. So, you're saying that these, uh, dragon freaks were squatting in the sewers and reading tone poems about purgatory? Bobby: Oh, no, no, no. They're reading an instruction manual. Dean: What? Bobby: Yeah. If you're nuts enough to want access to a place that gnarly, this book will show you how to open a door. Dean: Door to purgatory. Well, I know a demon who would have loved to have known about that. So, how do you open the door? Bobby: Ask Cloverfield. I'm pretty sure he's got that page. DRAGON 1 Ego coniuro vos, insolubiliter ad mei potenciam aligati! Ad me...Sine prestolacione venire... Girl: Let me go! Please stop! DRAGON 1 ...Debeatis aperiat! Girl: No! Please don't! DRAGON It'll go easier if you relax. The DRAGONS throw the girl into the fiery pit below. DRAGON Huc sine mora debeas mater! Bobby: It gets worse. Sam: Worse? Bobby: This ain't talking about how to take a vacation over there. This is all about opening a door to let something in. Sam: Bring something here. What? Bobby: I'm working on it. Dean: Could you give us something? Bobby: I got a name. Dean: Okay. Bobby: Mother. Sam: Mother? M-mother of what? Mother of dragons? Bobby: I wish. It says it a few times here. Mother of all. The girl the dragons threw into the pit, rises back up, her eyes glowing red, and her legs burning like embers. DRAGON 1 Welcome. MOTHER OF ALL You kept me waiting. Dean: What the hell does "mother of all" mean? Bobby: I don't know. MOTHER OF ALL We have so much to do. Let's get started.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "06x12 - Like a Virgin"}
Air Date: 11 Feb 2011 EXT. ROAD - NIGHT ONE YEAR AGO Sam and Samuel exit a large building on the docks Samuel: You okay? Sam: Yeah. Samuel: How's the arm? Sam: It'll hold till we get out of town. Samuel: Just don't bleed out, all right? Sam: Yeah, well, that's the plan. Sam and Samuel are in a van. Lights appear behind them. Samuel: Cop. Deputy ATKINS approaches the van. Samuel: Evening, Deputy. Deputy ATKINS Agent Roark, Agent Wynand, mind stepping out of the van a moment? Sam and Samuel exit the van. Samuel: We're just on our way to the office. Everything okay? Deputy ATKINS No. I can't get Sheriff Dobbs on the phone. I can't get anyone! Samuel: We spoke to Dobbs earlier. Maybe he's just, uh- Deputy ATKINS (noticing Sam's bloody sleeve) is that blood? Samuel: Hey, look, there's no need to get riled. Deputy ATKINS You're coming with me. Samuel: All right. We'll follow you back. Deputy ATKINS I don't think so. Get in my car, or you're under arrest. Sam: You're gonna arrest two federal agents? Really? (laughs) Have a good night. (Sam turns away) Deputy ATKINS If you think- Samuel: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, just hold- (Sam beats Deputy ATKINS bloody, until he is unconscious) Samuel: You think there were maybe calmer ways we could have done all that? Sam: Do we care? Let's go. INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT (Sam is listening to the television news program intently) TV Sources said pRosecutors were getting closer to a decision on whether to charge the actor. But they adamantly denied that any pRosecution was in any... Dean: What are you watching? Sam: Just trying to catch up. So...Mel Gibson really took a turn this past year, huh? Dean: Or he's possessed. Seriously, think about it. So, I just got off the blower with Bobby. Sam: Oh, yeah? You got anything else on this, uh, 'Mother of All' thing? Dean: Uh, no, nothing solid. He says it's quiet. (Sam's cell phone dings, announcing a new text) Sam: Quiet like quiet or quiet like too quiet? Dean: When is it ever just quiet? Sam: Right. (Sam checks his cell phone and sees he has received a text message of coordinates) Hmm. Dean: What? What are these, coordinates? Who's it from? Sam: I have no idea. (Sam looks the coordinates up on a map) Dean: Well? Sam: Uh, Bristol, Rhode Island, where three women disappeared in the last week. Apparently, the, uh, victims seemed to vanish into thin air. Dean: Could be something. Who's the text from? Sam: I don't know. It just kept ringing. Dean: What's that about? Sam: Could be another hunter looking for backup, throwing us a case? Who knows how many hunters I even met, working with the Campbells, you know? But I think we should go. Dean: Whoa, wait. We're just gonna drop everything? Sam: Dude, two minutes ago, you weren't doing anything. Dean: You got mysterious coordinates from a mysterious Mr. "X," leading to a mysterious town? That doesn't throw up red flags to you? Sam: I don't know. Maybe. But that doesn't mean we can just ignore a bunch of missing girls. Right? Dean: Okay. We'll check it out. But if things get squirrelly, we dump out, okay? Sam: Yeah. INT. Impala - NIGHT (Sam and Dean drive by a sign welcoming them to Bristol, Sam flashes back briefly to when he was last there) Dean: What? Sam: Nothing. INT. RESTAURANT - DAY Dean: (looking through missing persons leaflets) Well, freak's got a type-brunettes. Whoa. This one's got a little bit of a wild side. It's all in the eyes, Sam. See it? Sam: All right, well, aside from your little deep insight there, these women actually have nothing in common-different jobs, different friends, different everything. So, what's the connection? Dean: I don't know. Why don't you figure that out? I'm gonna go h*t the poop deck. (Dean heads to the bathroom, marked with the sign 'poop deck') Woman: (approaches Sam)Agent Roark? It's good to see you again. Sam: It is. Woman: Oh, you remember my husband? (gestures to her husband) Sam: Right. Woman: Don. Sam: Of course, right. Um, hi. Woman: So, you're back 'cause it started again, right-the disappearances? Sam: Uh, yeah. Yeah, right. Um...So, if either of you two hear anything, please let me know. Woman: Where's your partner? The big bald guy? Agent Wynand, right? Sam: Agent Wynand, of course. Well- Dean: Sex rehab. Yeah, you've heard of plushies, right? Sam: This is, uh-this is my new partner. Dean: Hi. Pleasure.(shakes woman's hand) How you doing? Hi.(shakes Don's hand) Uh, so, Agent, we should, uh- Sam: Yeah. Yeah, of course. Woman: Of course. Uh, nice chatting with you, Agent Roark. Sam: You too. (Woman touches Sam's shoulder, and he flashes back to when they last met. It seems they had sex in a bathroom) Woman: (in Sam's memory) Cuff me. Dean: What was that? She just cougar-eyed you. Sam: I think Samuel and I have worked a case in this town. Dean: You think? (Dean shows Sam a polaroid he got from the wall of customers who won the restaurant's eating challenge, which shows Sam and Samuel in the background, behind a winner) Come on. Let's get the hell out of here. INT. ABANDONED HOUSE - DAY Dean: Hey, come on. Hop to, would you? Sam: We can't go, Dean. Dean: Uh, yeah, we can. Sam: No, listen-five guys went missing a year ago. They never found the bodies. I mean, that's got to be the job me and Samuel worked, right? Dean: Great. What difference does it make? Sam: A year ago, five guys go missing, and-and now suddenly all these women go missing. Something's here. So either we just didn't stop it, or we only thought we did. Dean: Okay, but why the gender bend, huh? First it's dudes. Now it's chicks? That's a totally different M.O. Sam: I don't know. Who knows? The point is, something's still here. Dean: Great. We'll call Bobby. He can deal with it. Sam: Why? We can deal with it. Dean: Are you serious? Sam, there is a reason that hunters don't h*t the Same town over again-'cause we have a habit of leaving messes behind. Sam: Right. I agree. Dean: One of dad's rules -- you never use the Same crapper twice. Sam: Everyone uses the Same crapper twice. Dean: Not us. You know what I mean. Sam: Okay, look-this creature is still walking around 'cause of me, right? I mean, I let it go. Dad also said, "you finish what you start." Okay, I get it. Dean: Do you? Sam: Yes. You're afraid I'll stroll down memory lane and I'll kick this wall in my head so hard, Hell comes flooding through, right? And then all of a sudden, I'm some drooling mess on the floor. Dean: It's not a joke. Sam: Okay. I know. But listen-what's happening here right now-it's because I messed up somehow, in some big way. So every person who gets taken, every person who dies-that's on me. I have to stop it. And you'd do the Same thing. Dean: All right. I'll follow up with the brunettes. You see what you get from the cops. INT. NICOLE's HOUSE Dean: So, you and Nicole were roommates for a long time. NICOLE's ROOMMATE Since college, but we've been best friends forever. Dean: Hmm. NICOLE's ROOMMATE This whole thing's really surreal. Are you any closer to finding her, or...? Dean: We're doing everything we can. Now, you were with Nicole the night she went missing. Did she say anything? NICOLE's ROOMMATE Nothing. It's like I told the cops -- I wish there was something. Dean: (finds a business card from "Agent H. Roark" ) Where'd you get this? NICOLE's ROOMMATE Oh, Nicole got that from that FBI guy. Dean: Agent Roark. About -- about yea high? (Dean puts his hand up and gestures about a foot above his head) NICOLE's ROOMMATE Yeah, that was him. One of the men that disappeared last year lived in our building. Dean: Right. NICOLE's ROOMMATE So Agent Roark was asking us all questions about it, I guess. Dean: You guess? So he -- he came by here? NICOLE's ROOMMATE Oh, he came -- by a few times. Dean: Did he? To, uh...Speak to Nicole. NICOLE's ROOMMATE Right. Dean: And how would you...Characterize their relationship? NICOLE's ROOMMATE Relationship? No, they weren't having a -- Dean: just the -- the -- the tone or the nature of their conversation. NICOLE's ROOMMATE Well...Loud. And...Athletic. EXT. Sheriff's STATION (Sam is walking toward the entrance of the building, when he is spotted by Sheriff Atkins) Sheriff ATKINS (aiming g*n at Sam) Hold it right there! Stop right there! Hands where I can see them! (Sam has flashback to when he last encountered Sheriff Atkins) Sheriff ATKINS Get in my car, or you're under arrest. Sam: Look -- no, sir. Please just hold on for a second. There's been a misunderstanding here. (Sheriff Atkins locks Sam in a cell) Sheriff ATKINS Man, you are dumb as a sack of hair --coming back here after what you did? Sam: Look, there's been a misunderstanding here. Sheriff ATKINS You are not a damn Agent, okay? The FBI never heard of you. Sam: Just listen. Sheriff ATKINS Where are the bodies? Mothers want to bury their loved ones. Sam: I don't know. Sheriff ATKINS Where's Sheriff Dobbs? Sam: I don't know. Sheriff ATKINS You run out of town soaked in blood --Oh, and you bash my brainsin to do it -- and you really expect me to buy that? Sam: Look, would you believe that I don't remember anything? Sheriff ATKINS No. But good luck selling it to the judge. (later that night Brenna Dobbs approaches Sam's cell) BRENNA What happened to my husband? Sam: I-I don't know. BRENNA Don't lie to me. I know who you are, Sam. I know what you do. Sam: What? You do? (Sam remembers talking to Sheriff Ray Dobbs and Brenna, his wife lat time he was in town with Samuel) Sheriff ROY DOBBS Let me get this straight -- you're not feds. You actually hunt things. Samuel: We know how it sounds. Sheriff ROY DOBBS I'm not sure you do. Sam: You saw those crime scenes, Roy. You really think something human could have taken those guys? BRENNA What you're saying -- it's impossible. Sam: You know, I'm sorry, I-I don't understand what she's got to do with any of this. Sheriff ROY DOBBS She's my wife. She works with me at the Sheriff's station. You tell something like this to me, you tell it to her, too. All right, what do you need us to do? (back to present day) Sam: Your husband -- he's the Sheriff. BRENNA Was the Sheriff, until he vanished... And you vanished. What was I supposed to think? T-that thing got him, or that you k*lled him? I just want to know what happened. Sam: So do I. Believe me. Something happened to me. I have no memory of being here, ever. BRENNA What is this, "Days of Our Lives"? You're telling me you have some sort of amnesia? Sam: If I knew any of this, would I have stepped foot into this station? I'm sorry. I-I don't even know your name. BRENNA If this is some sort of a game, you're either incredibly clever or incredibly stupid. Sam: I'm telling the truth. Look... I don't know what happened to your husband. But I can find out. BRENNA How? Sam: If you really know me, then you know that's my job. BRENNA You really don't remember? Sam: No. I really don't. BRENNA I'm Brenna Dobbs. Sam: Brenna...I'm sorry about what happened to your husband. But I can find answers...Just not from in here. BRENNA (unlocks the cell door and releases Sam) Come on. Help me find some rope. If it's gonna look like a break-out, you're gonna need to tie me up. INT. DON's HOUSE DEBBIE (looking at her husband, Don, while getting a glass of boxed wine from the fridge)What? The boxed stuff doesn't get better with age, Don. (she heads to the basement, and something from under the stairs grabs her) Ahh! Aah! INT. ABANDONED HOUSE (Sam hears someone approaching, draws his g*n and waits by the door) Dean: Hey, Sam. So, how does it feel to be a fugitive again? Hate to say "I told you so." Sam: You love to say "I told you so." Dean: Actually, you're right -- I do love to say "I told you so." So, I found out something on, uh, "crazy eyes McGee." Turns out you two knew each other. Sam: What? Dean: Biblically. I just spoke to her roommate. I got to say, man -- you really got around. I mean, soulless or not I'm actually kind of impressed. Police SCANNER Eight Sierra Papa. Got a 1057, 1100 block of Hope Street. Over. Sam: Missing person -- another one. Dean: Okay, all right. I'll go. You stay. Sam: Yeah. Fine. Dean: Sam? Sam: What? Dean: Stay here. Sam: Fine! Go! EXT. DON & DEBBIE's HOUSE Dean: Listen, thank you for your time. We're on it. DON Yeah. Thanks. (Dean calls Sam's phone and gets his voicemail) Sam's PHONE This is Sam. Leave a message. Dean: Sam, answer the phone, damn it. I found the connection between the missing chicks. They all banged the Same dude -- You. It's you, Sam. The texts, the victims, all of it -- it's a trap for you. Call me back. INT. DOBBS' HOUSE (Brenna finds Sam and is startled) Sam: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. BRENNA You can't be here! Sam: Okay, p-please just listen. BRENNA What happened to Debbie Harris? Sam: Debbie? BRENNA I let you out, and she's just gone. Sam: And y-you think I did something to her? BRENNA I don't know what to think. Sam: Look, um, I need your help. BRENNA Are you kidding? Sam: I need the case files that your husband made about the disappearances last year. BRENNA So go to the station and find it. Sam: It's not there. I broke in and I looked, and it's gone. And I have a theory about who might have it. Look, we both want the Same thing here, Brenna. I promise. We want to find out what happened last year, and we want to stop what's happening right now. BRENNA The file's upstairs. I'll be right back. (Sam has a brief flash of Samuel) Samuel: Let's go! (Sam remembers the last time he was in Brenna's house with Samuel) BRENNA So, you guys just travel all the time? I mean, you just pick up and go? Doesn't that get hard? Samuel: Not when you're young -- it's great. Once you got a family, it's a little tougher. Deanna got pregnant, and we didn't know what we were gonna do. But Mary was...She was a blessing. (Samuel notices his beer is empty) ROY There's more in the garage. Samuel: Ah, listen, you sit. I'll get it. BRENNA (to Sam) He misses her. You know, at least you two have each other. Sam: Well, Samuel wasn't really around when I was a kid. We have more of a, uh, business relationship. BRENNA Uh, do you have any other family? Sam: Family just slows you down. (present time) BRENNA Sam? Sam?! You all right? Sam: Yeah. Yeah. Um...All right, let's see what you have. (They start going through the case file, Sam remembers more) INT. RESTAURANT Samuel: Best guess --it came from an Arachne. Sam: You ever seen one? Samuel: No one has -- not outside of Crete, not for about 2,000 years. Sam: Then what do we even know about them? Samuel: Zip. Just a bunch of guesses and a blurry picture on the side of a Greek vase. RESTAURANT PATRON Yeah! WAITRESSES Yo ho sea captain! (they place a pirate hat on patron's head, and snap a polaroid) Sam: So, I gather we got no clue how to k*ll this thing, huh? Samuel: I guess we just go at it till something sticks. Sam: Well, I got an idea of where it might be, at least. So far, all the vics have been men in their 30s, and they've all gone missing within a 2-mile radius. Samuel: So we just get out and kick bushes. Sam: No, that'd be a waste of time. I mean, it's all suburban sprawl -- hundreds of houses, at least. It could be anywhere. Samuel: (looking at where Sam is pointing on the map)Lonely Pines Park. Sam: Yeah. I say we make this thing come to us. Samuel: How do we do that? (present time) Sam: Hey, um, Brenna, do you mind if I -- if I, um, borrow all this stuff for a couple hours? BRENNA Um, okay, I guess. You really don't remember Roy, do you? He was a good man. I've made peace that he's d*ad. I have. But I just want to know what happened. Sam: I'm sure he died a hero. (Sam exits the house and checks his voicemail) Sam's VOICEMAIL Dean: Sam, answer the phone,damn it. I found the connection between the missing chicks. They all banged the Same dude --You. It's you, Sam. The texts, the victims, all of it -- it's a trap for you. Call me back. (Sam, transfixed by a spiderweb, is surprised when he is tapped on the shoulder and levels his g*n) Dean: Whoa. Whoa. Sam: I almost sh*t you...Again. What the hell? Dean: I figured you'd come and talk to her. I told you to stay home, man. Did you get my message? Come on. We got to get you out of here. Let's go. INT. ABANDONED HOUSE Dean: Well we know that this is a monster with opposable thumbs and unlimited text messaging, and we know that it wants to k*ll you specifically. Does that about cover it? Sam: It's an Arachne. Dean: A what? Sam: I remembered. Dean: You remembered? Y-- I'm sorry. Uh, what else have you remembered? Sam: Don't worry, all right? I-it's nothing to do with Hell. Dean: Uh-huh. Not yet, anyway. Sam: What can I do, Dean? The stuff is just starting to come back, all right? Maybe it's natural. Dean: We're leaving. Sam: No, we can't. Dean: We are not the only hunters on the planet, okay? We can call Bobby. He and Rufus could come and wrap up. Sam: How? Like you said, it could be anybody, we got jack for leads. Dean: We know that it hates you. Sam: I know who did this. I just -- I can't remember. Dean: I don't think you get the risk here, Sam. Sam: Yes, I do. Dean: Really? You get that every time you scratch that wall, that you are playing Russian roulette? Sam: Dean, I get you're worried, okay? And I know what you think is gonna happen. But you know what? It will or it won't. Dean: Sam -- Sam: --look, I'm starting to think that -- that I might have done some bad stuff here, Dean. And so I don't care if it's dangerous. I have to set things right, 'cause I got a frigging soul now, and -- and it won't let me just walk away. I'm staying here. And I need you to back me up. Dean: All right. Why not? Well, let's "memento" this thing, shall we? (they pin all the evidence they have up on the wall) (Sam's memories flash by) DEBBIE So, you're back 'cause it started again, right -- the disappearances? ROY You're not feds. You actually hunt things. BRENNA You really don't remember? Dean: I, uh, found something on "crazy eyes McGee." Turns out you two knew each other. Dean: You okay? (Sam remembers) INT. RESTAURANT Sam: (on the phone)That's right. Yeah, Lonely Pines Park,one hour. Thanks, Roy. All right. Samuel: Are you sure about this? Sam: The Arachne's been snacking on mid-30s guys. We need bait that fits the demo. I'm too young. You're too old. Samuel: 89 and counting. I still think that we should have looped Roy in on the plan. Sam: Do we want a credible performance, or don't we? Samuel: But what if something goes wrong? Sam: Roy's a big boy. He'll be fine.Trust me. Samuel: It's just... not the way I'm used to doing things. Sam: Got it. Welcome to the future. Let's go. EXT. PARK Sam: Let's hope this thing's hungry. ROY (att*cked be arachne) Ugh! Aah! Samuel: Let's split up, look for him. Sam: No, no, wait. It's too late. Samuel: Let's go! Sam: They're gone, Samuel! Look -- it's okay. I turned on the G.P.S. on Roy's cell. Samuel: In English, please. Sam: We can track them back to wherever she goes. Samuel: So, what, Roy's just some redshirt to you, just spider bait? Sam: No, no, of course not. This is my back-up plan. Samuel: My God, son, you're about as cold as they come. You know that? Sam: Let's go. (Sam and Samuel follow the GPS back to where the Arachne is hiding - a large building by the docks, they find several men trapped in spider-webbing) Samuel: (cutting through the webbing to reveal a man with glasses)Poor bastard. (the web-trapped man gasps for air, and the other trapped victims do as well, they are all still alive) ROY Help me. I can't...Feel... Sam: Roy, hey, where is she? (Sam is thrown back by Arachne) ARACHNE (Sam from where he has fallen on the floor, kicks the arachne, and she staggers back)Ugh! (Samuel sh**t the arachne, and she throws him across the room, Sam slices off Arachne's head with a machete) Samuel: Well, I guess decapitation works. Roy. You're gonna be okay. Just hang in. We're gonna get you some help. Listen, if we can get him to the hospital quick -- Sam: He can't be helped. Samuel: What? Sam: I don't know about Arachne, but I do know about spiders. One brown recluse bite can k*ll you. This thing? Look at these guys -- that poison's eating them alive. They're just d*ad men walking. Samuel: So, what are you saying? Sam: I'm saying we put him out of his misery.(Sam draws his g*n) ROY Sam...Please. Sam: k*lling this thing saved a lot of lives. We couldn't have done it without you. ROY No. Sam: You're a hero. (Sam sh**t Roy in the head, and continues to execute all the other victims) We can't just leave the bodies here. Get the gasoline. (back to current time) Sam: I know what happened. INT. BRENNA's HOUSE (Roy enters, but he looks like the Arachne) BRENNA Roy? ROY I love you. INT. ABANDONED HOUSE Dean: What are you gonna say to Brenna? Sam: (on the phone)Relax, Dean. Hey, Brenna, it's -- it's Sam. I'm just checking in. Yeah, of course I can swing by. Okay. Yeah. Bye. Dean: What was that about? Sam: She wants me to swing by. Dean: For? Sam: She said it's no big deal, but I can tell she's in deep trouble. EXT. BRENNA's HOUSE Sam: Dean, back door. Dean: Sam. Light's on in the shed. My spidey senses are tingling. Sam: Shh. BRENNA Sam? Sam: Brenna? Hey. BRENNA What you did to Roy...Is it true? (Roy att*cks Dean, then Sam and grabs Sam by the throat) ROY Answer the question, Sam. (Roy has trapped Sam and Dean in webbing) ROY You got to admit I look good, Sam. Well, except for your little souvenir. (Roy points to his forehead and the b*llet sized scar there) Sam: You win. I'm here. Let Brenna go. This has nothing to do with her. ROY You come back around, start hanging out with my wife, and you think this has nothing to do with her? But then...you thought I was out of the way, right? I got to say, you get a hell of a lot wrong, Sam, like that thing you threw me to. You thought it was here to feed. Sam: She was here to breed. ROY Yeah. That thing was playing the mating game, and I guess I fit her profile...Me and all those other poor bastards. She bit us to turn us into what she was. By the time you pulled that trigger, I wasn't human. Not anymore. So b*ll*ts didn't hurt me much. Oh, and neither did f*re. So after you left, well, we ran. Me -- I hid for months, nearly starved. But you know what kept me going? Every night, I dreamed about ripping your throat out. I thought I was sending you a neon sign. The text? Taking all those girls you screwed? I was kicking so much sand in your eye, I couldn't figure out why you weren't getting it! Then Bren tells me you've got brain damage. It's just too good. Sam: Where are they, Roy...the women? ROY Scattered...In the wind. They're like me now. You k*lled one monster, you made so many more. Congratulations. The only question is, do I k*ll you...Or turn you? (Dean cuts himself free with a glass shard, and att*cks Roy) Dean: Ugh! (Roy throws Dean, and picks him up by the throat) BRENNA No! Roy, stop! ( Brenna frees Sam and Sam decapitates Roy) EXT. DOBBS's HOUSE Sam: Brenna...Look, I am so sorry. Brenna, I-I mean, I... (Brenna closes her door without ever turning to look at Sam) INT. ABANDONED HOUSE Dean: You okay? Sam: You were right. We shouldn't have come back here. Dean: Well, you did k*ll uh...spider man. Sam: So, you're suggesting what I did back there was a good thing? Dean: I'm just saying -- Sam: What? Dean: Sam, y-y-you got to understand that all that crap last year -- all of it -- none of it was you. Sam: Let's be crystal clear, okay? It was me. Dean: Well, can I get you anything? Sam: What are you now, my waitress? Dean: I'm just trying to make you feel better. Don't be a bitch. Sam: Yeah, I'm fine. Dean: Yeah, you look fine. All I'm saying is everything's gonna be okay. Sam: I don't know, Dean. If I did this here, then who knows how many oth-- (there is an audible thud as Sam drops to the floor) Dean: Sammy? Sammy?! (Dean runs over to Sam whose eyes are open, but unseeing) Sammy, talk to me! (in his mind's eye, Sam remembers the Cage, remembers burning, and screams)
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "06x13 - Unfogiven"}
Air Date: 18 Feb 2011 INT. ABANDONED HOUSE (Sam is unconscious on the floor, Dean shakes him) Dean: Sam? Sam. S-Sam? Oh, come on. (Dean shakes Sam more forcefully) Sammy! Come on, come on. Come on, damn it. (Sam's eyes open. Hellfire flickers in them and then fades out) Sam: [ groans, exhales sharply ] Dean: Hey, hey, hey, you with me? Sam: [ breathes deeply, groans ] Dean: (hauls Sam off the floor) Come on. Come on, got to get you out of here. Sam: [ grunts ] INT. COLLEGE SCIENCE LAB ( A janitor mops the floor, he hears a noise from behind him, then sees blood dripping on the floor by his mop. The blood is coming from a cut that his appeared on his forehead) JANITOR What the...( as he exhales he sees his breath) Who's there?! ( the janitor runs and then screams as he is att*cked by an anatomy dummy) EXT. STREET Sam: (groans lightly while pinching the bridge of his nose) Dean: How you feel? Sam: Like I got h*t by a...planet. Dean: Well, lucky for you, I'm a Doctor. I got joe, grub, and... (Dean holds up and shakes a container of pills) Sam: What are they? Dean: Effective. Sam: I'm okay. Thanks. Dean: Suit yourself. Sam: [ exhales sharply ]So, how long was I out, again? Dean: I'm telling you, like two or three minutes. Why, what'd it feel like to you? Sam: About a week, give or take. Dean: You want to talk about it? Sam: "It"? Dean: Yeah, whatever that was. I mean, it was like you were freakin' electrocuted. Sam: Look, I mean, it wasn't fun, but I-I'm...Fine. Dean: Fine. It was Hell, wasn't it? You got a big, fat faceful of hell. Ever cross your mind that you could've died? Sam: Oh, come on. Dean: I'm serious. And none of this "it's just a flesh wound" crap. 'cause we did it your way. We let you go explore, and every bad thing that I said would happen happened. So guess what -- Past stays past. We're not kicking that wall again. Sam: So I'm supposed to just ignore it? Dean: Yes. Sam: Dean...I might've done...who knows what, and you want me to just forget about it? Dean: You shove it down, and you let it come out in spurts of v*olence and alcoholism. Sam: That sounds healthy. Dean: Well, works for me. Sam: [ sighs ] Dean: It's not a joke. Your life is on the line here, Sam. This is not a debate. I mean, first you were a-a soulless dickbag, and now you're not. So we good? Sam: Yeah. Sure. Dean: Good. Well, let's get your mind off it, shall we? You, uh, up for a job? Sam: Well, what do you got? Dean: Janitor m*rder in a college lab last night. Doors were locked, nobody else in or out of the building. Sam: Great. Where to? Dean: Paterson, New Jersey. Hey, maybe we'll have a Snooki sighting. (Chuckles) Sam: What's a Snooki? Dean: That is a good question. INT. COLLEGE SCIENCE LAB (Dean looks at an anatomy dummy and starts removing pieces) Dean: Check it out. This thing's friggin' awesome! (hands Sam the plastic heart from the dummy) Be my valentine. Sam: Dude, we're working. Put it back. Dean: Have a heart. Sam: Dean! Dean: [ laughs ]Buzz k*ll. [ sniffs ]You smell sulfur? Sam: Yeah, we're in a science lab. Dean: Right. ( Dean checks his phone and sees that Lisa is calling him) Sam: Who is it? ( Dean rejects the call) Sam: So, Lisa? Dean: Maybe you should mind your own business. Sam: What's wrong with just talking to her, Dean? Dean: Thanks, Dr. Laura. That's -- that's very insightful. Look at that -- our time's up. (Sam's EMF meter goes off) Sam: Hey. Dean: Whoa. Ghosts gone wild. Something's up in here. Sam: Question is, what? Dean: Sam, good news. ( gesturing at the security camera) Big brother's watching. ( they watch the security footage) INT. Impala Dean: Hey. [ clears throat ]So, what'd you find out from the, uh, mop jockey's girlfriend? Sam: [ sighs ]nothing. Just how great he was -- went to church, donated to charity, rubbed her feet during "Glee." Dean: I just threw up in my mouth. Sam: Sorry. Anyway, I checked his record -- spotless. What about the science building? Anything? Dean: Built in '05. Nothing weird about the land. Before this, the biggest mishap was some genius accidentally spilled sulfuric acid on his crotch. They don't even dissect anything good in there. Anything bigger than Kermit, they use an iPad. Sam: So we got nothing? Dean: Yeah, a big steaming pile of it. INT. MANNEQUIN FACTORY - NIGHT SECURITY Guard Hello? Who's there?! Jonny?! [ Chuckles ]Is that you?! [ gasps ]Okay. Ha ha, very funny. What the hell? (security guard is s*ab by a mannequin) Oh! INT. MANNEQUIN FACTORY - DAY ( the EMF meter goes off ) Sam: Dean? Dean: Yeah? Sam: This thing's humming. Dean: Hmm. Sam: Wait. That anatomy dummy you were molesting at the lab. Dean: Excuse me? Sam: What if that's what this is about? Dean: What exactly are you accusing me of? Sam: I don't mean that. I mean, there was an anatomy dummy there, and here... Dean: You're joking. You're not joking. Okay, uh, so, what, we've got -- we've got a bunch of k*ller dolls like...Chucky? I mean, come on, that's -- that's just...Friggin' creepy. Sam: I mean, if ghosts can possess humans and -- and move objects, why can't they possess this? Dean: I suppose. But riddle me this, bat boy --Ghosts aren't exactly known for hopping county lines, right? Sam: True. Dean: This one hits up a college and now a factory, what, three towns over?  Sam: Doesn't add up. Dean: So we dig. Over there. (Dean waves his hand in front of a mannequin's face) I don't like the way Kim Cattrall's lookin' at me. INT. OFFICE Dean: Well, this d*ad guy's as squeaky clean as the last d*ad guy. I can't find a speck of dirt on him. You? Sam: Nothing. [ sighs ]Hmm. (looking at an article on the computer) Well, here's a speck. Uh, seamstress named Rose Brown went missing over a year ago. Uh, cops just gave up on her. Last seen at the factory, presumed d*ad. Survived by sister Isabel. Dean: 50 bucks -- vengeful spirit. Sam: Pay sis a visit? All right. (Dean's cellphone rings. It's Lisa calling) Sam: Answer it. Dean: (answers his phone) Lisa? BEN (via phone) Finally. I've been calling. Dean: Ben? What are you -- BEN something's wrong with mom. Dean: What are you talking about? BEN It's bad, Dean. Dean: Define "bad." BEN I-I don't know. S-she won't talk to me. Dean: All right, put her on the phone. BEN She won't come to the phone. Dean: Ben, get your mom and put her on the phone. BEN I-I-I can't. Her door's locked. She barely gets out of bed. I'm not kidding. Please just -- just come help me. I-I don't know what to do. Dean: All right, let me call you back. BEN Dean -- Dean: -five minutes. EXT. MANNEQUIN FACTORY Dean: Come on, man, I-I can't just leave. Sam: Dude, you got to leave. Dean: Yeah, but we're talking life or death here. Sam: Right. I can handle it for 24 hours, Dean. I get you want to bury it. But I had to deal with my past year. You got to deal with yours. Dean: Oh, yeah, and that worked so great for you. Sam: Come on. (watches Dean get into the Impala) INT. ISABEL's APARTMENT Sam: So, you and Rose were close, huh? ISABEL Very. Our parents died when we were little, so we had each other. Sam: What was she like? ISABEL Um, kind...giving. She had the biggest heart. But people gave her a hard time. Sam: How come? ISABEL She was shy, a little awkward. I guess that made her an easy target. I feel like I've been defending her my whole life. Sam: I'm sure she appreciated it. ISABEL Well, it went both ways. She did more for me than anybody else ever could. I just miss her. Sam: Um, may I? (Sam is touching a photo album on the coffee table) ISABEL Sure. Please. Oh, it's a company Christmas party a couple years back. Sam: Wait, you work at Salzman & Sons, too? ISABEL Well, everybody works at the factory. That's Rose. EXT. ISABEL's HOUSE Sam: (on the phone) Dean, hey, get this. That college janitor? He worked at the factory, too, until last year. Apparently, he quit right after Rose's disappearance. Dean: (on the phone) So fair bet something happened to that girl around that factory, so let's call that joint ground zero. Sam: Right, but it still doesn't explain how a ghost ended up at a college in another zip code. Dean:  It's not like she hopped the blue line. Sam: I'm headed to the factory now. I'll call when I get the whole scoop on Rose. INT. MANNEQUIN FACTORY Sam: So, how long have you been here with the company? JONNY I've been here about three years now. I'm sorry, w-what's this got to do with me? Sam: Relax. Just a routine questioning. JONNY Oh. Okay. Sam: Uh, did you know Rose Brown? JONNY Uh...Maybe. Uh, the name sounds kind of familiar. Sam: She was a seamstress here. She went missing about a year ago. Here. You mind taking a look? (Sam pulls out a photo of Rose) JONNY Uh, yeah, I s--I saw her around. Sam: Anything you can tell me about her that might help? JONNY Uh, look, I'd love to help, but I don't know anything. And, uh, I'm about to be late back from break, so -- Sam: You seem nervous, Jonny. JONNY Well...those guys that died were my friends. O-of course I'm gonna be upset. Sam: I didn't say upset. I said nervous. Here. (Sam hands him a business card) In case you remember anything. EXT. Lisa's HOUSE (Dean rings the doorbell ) Lisa: Dean, what are you doing here? Dean: Well, you look absolutely fine. Lisa: What's going on? Dean: [ exhales sharply ]We've been "parent trapped." Lisa: What? Dean: Ben sent out a 911. Lisa: Why would he do that? Dean: You're going on a date, huh? Lisa: Come in. INT. Lisa's KITCHEN Dean: You want to sit down? Lisa: Not so much. Dean: So, who's the guy? Lisa: "Who's the guy?" His name is Matt. He's a Doctor. Dean: Oh, Dr. Matt. How respectable. Lisa: Really? That's how this is gonna be? Dean: Look, I-I -- Lisa: I called you six times, Dean. Dean: And I almost called you back about 100. Lisa: Good to know. Dean: Lis, Ben called me. I dropped everything and ran. If you want to know if I care -- Lisa: Doesn't help me. Dean: What do you want from me? Lisa: I'm not asking for anything. Dean: Well, then ask for something! BEN Um... Dean: Go to your room! Lisa: Go to your room! You know, I...I can't. Ask for something. I know what I want. But I can't have it -- Not how you live. My phone rings, I think -- tiny chance it's you, big chance it's Sam calling to tell me you're d*ad. Dean: Lis... Lisa: No, don't. Don't apologize or anything. It's just... It's just I get to this place where I'm okay, and then you show up at our door. You keep doing that, every time I think I'm never gonna see you again. I'm trying to get over you. What are you trying to do? What do you want from us, Dean? INT. FACTORY JONNY (on the phone) Why am I flipping out?! I-I don't know, maybe 'cause of the feds! Maybe 'cause Dave and Steve are freaking d*ad. Look -- no. No. Just...Call me later. (blood drips on Jonny's hand and he finds a gash spreading across his forehead) (Jonny exhales, his breath visible) Sam: Come on. JONNY What's going on? Sam: That was a ghost trying to k*ll you for being a dick. JONNY What? Sam: You know what? You're lucky you are the most suspicious interview of all time. I figured something like this would happen. JONNY Figured something like what would happen? Sam: Buddy, look, I don't have time for the big speech, all right? So, brass tacks -- Rose is back. JONNY That's crazy! Sam: Look, you're gonna end up like your friends Unless you tell me what you did to Rose. Do you want me to help you or not? JONNY It was just a stupid joke. You know, I mean, you -- you -- you play jokes. We didn't think it was that big of a deal. Sam: What did you do? JONNY We made Rose think she had a secret admirer. I don't think the girl had ever been asked out in her life. Honestly, we just thought she was kind of pathetic...So we knew she'd take the bait. She was so excited. The poor girl never saw it coming. (In the flashback, Rose enters an apartment where the guys have dressed up a mannequin and are waiting for her. They laugh at her confusion) STEVE Look, Rose, I think he likes you. JONNY It was mean. But you know how it is when a group of guys get together. They -- they act like jackasses. STEVE Aw, don't be like that. JONNY Come on, Rosey, it's just a joke! ROSIE Go to Hell. JONNY It happened so fast... STEVE (grabs Rose's wrist) Hey, take a joke, Rosey. Seriously. (Rose tries to break free and falls bashing her head on the table. She falls to the floor, d*ad) JONNY We didn't mean for it to happen. And then it was too late. STEVE What are you doing?  JONNY I'm calling the cops. STEVE Are you crazy?  JONNY It was an accident. STEVE We tricked her here. I grabbed her. That's involuntary manslaughter at least, and that's if they even believe us. You understand? JONNY Steve said there was only one option. I wish I could take it all back. Sam: I'm sure you do. JONNY I didn't k*ll her. Sam: Okay. Look me in the eyes and tell me none of it's on you. [ inhales sharply ]Look, I'm not saying you deserve to die. [ sighs ]I can help you. JONNY How? Sam: You have to tell me where she's buried. JONNY In the woods, a clearing off Canyon Run Road. Sam: No, no, no, no. You're not going anywhere. JONNY But I -- Sam: You need to stay inside the salt line until I tell you you're safe. JONNY You just want me to stand here all night?! Sam: Consider it getting off easy. INT. BEN's BEDROOM (Ben is playing a video game) Dean: Well, that's ridiculous. Plants could never k*ll a zombie. BEN You think I'm gonna say "I'm sorry"? Dean: And why would I think that? Because you lied to get me here? BEN It was an emergency. Dean: A date's not an emergency, Ben. BEN It is if it's the third one. I watch TV. I know what that means. Dean: (clears throat) Well, your mom's a grown-up. She gets to go out. BEN Why won't you come home? Can't you just say "I'm sorry" and then come back? Dean: I'm sorry. I can't. BEN Can't or won't? Dean: Both. BEN So, you hate Mom now? Dean: What? No, come on. BEN So it's me. Dean: Ben, stop it. BEN Whatever I did, I'm sorry. Dean: Listen to me. You didn't do anything. You understand that? Look, one day you'll, uh...You'll get this when you're older. BEN Don't talk to me like I'm six. Dean: Okay, fine. It's like this, then. Just 'cause you love someone doesn't mean you should stick around and screw up their life. So I can't be here. BEN You think something will follow you home? Dean: No. No, I don't, but I think my job turns me into somebody that can't sit at your dinner table. And if I stayed, you'd end up just like me. BEN Why do you say it like you're so...bad? Dean: Well, trust me, I'm not someone you want to aim to be. BEN Don't I get a vote?  Dean: No, you don't. I'm sorry, Ben. But, you see, this way you got a sh*t at living whatever life you want. You know, pick one. Pick five. 'cause with me, there's just the one road. BEN You're a liar, Dean. Dean: Excuse me? BEN You say family's so important, but -- but what do you call people who -- who care for you, who love you even when you're a dick? You know you're walking out on your family, right? EXT. Rose's GRAVE Sam: (on his phone while he watches Rose's corpse burn) All right, it's over. You're safe. And, Jonny? Look at this as a new beginning. Lot of chances not to be a jackass. INT. JONNY's APARTMENT - NIGHT JONNY Jenny? Hon...We're leaving...tonight. So, pack up. Just the essentials. All I want is for us to move on with our lives. I love you. You know that. It's been...It's been really hard, Jen. INT. JONNY's APARTMENT - DAY ( Sam is at the crime scene. He sees Jonny's sex doll, "Jen" and calls Dean) Dean: (Dean's voicemail message) This is Dean's other other cell, so you must know what to do. Sam: Hey, it's not over. Burning the remains didn't stop her. She's got to be hooked to something else. I'm gonna head to the sister's now. Call me. INT. ISABEL's APARTMENT Sam: (going through a box of Rose's things) So, um, this is it? ISABEL I gave most of her clothes to the Goodwill. She didn't have much. Sam: Those yours? ISABEL Yeah. Sam: Are you in school? ISABEL Mm-hmm, yeah. Sam: Where? ISABEL Uh, Great Falls. Sam: So let me guess...Um, you were at the chem lab and the factory this week. ISABEL Well, yeah. Sam: Did you happen to stop by a bar called McOwen's last night? ISABEL Everybody from the factory goes there. I stop in maybe three times a week. Why? Sam: That's it. So this is all about you. ISABEL What? What is? Sam: The m*rder -- your coworkers, your college janitor. ISABEL What, you -- you think I could do something like that?! Sam: No, no, no, no, no. But -- but I think you're at the center. ISABEL Me? How? Sam: What are you wearing of Rose's? A ring? A bracelet? Her baby teeth in a locket? What? ISABEL You're scaring me. Sam: Just think, please. What -- what do you have of Rose that you carry with you? ISABEL I-I'm... Sam: What? ISABEL Well, the only thing I have of hers is a part of me. When I was 16, she gave me one of her kidneys. Sam: Her kidney? ISABEL Yeah. Sam: You're kidding. ISABEL Will you please tell me what this is about? Sam: Yeah. Um...But I'm gonna need you to come with me. EXT. STOREFRONT Dean: So, that the girl with the haunted kidney? Sam: Yeah.  Dean: Well, just when you think you seen it all. Sam: Right. Dean: What do you want to do? Can't exactly burn the thing. I mean, she kind of needs it. Sam: Well, she can't just walk around with it, Dean. The spirit's attached. It's gonna use her to get close to anyone it wants revenge on. It's not gonna stop k*lling. Dean: Okay, so what are you suggesting, that we cut it out of her?  Sam: And then what? Leave her in a tub of ice with a phone taped to her hand?  Dean: Maybe we should call Dr. Robert. Might have some leads on some non-haunted, black-market replacement kidneys. Sam: He works out of a butcher shop. Dean: It's pretty clean. You'd be surprised. Sam: No. I think we have to go hoodoo. Dean: Hoodoo? Sam: Yeah, hoodoo. Dean: That's more of a band-aid, not really a cure. Sam: It buys us a minute. Dean: All right, Louisiana it is. ISABEL Voodoo?! What the hell are you talking about? Dean: Actually, it's "hoodoo." It's a little different. Sam: Hold on, Isabel. ISABEL You're not feds. Sam: Just let us explain. ( The Impala revs up ) Dean: No. No way. ISABEL  That's impossible.  Dean: No, no, no, no, no, no. She possesses sex dolls! This -- this is not a sex doll! ( The Impala's lights turn on) Dean: Hey, you leave my baby alone! She's got nothing to do with this! (The Impala drives at them) Go, go, go, go, go! Sam: Okay, here, here, here. (ushers Isabel into a car) Get in. Dean: Son of a bitch! (Dean stands in front of the store window) I'm so sorry, baby. (the Impala charges at Dean and crashes through the storefront) Sam: Okay. You all right? Dean: Yeah. Yeah, I'm good. You guys? Sam: Yeah. ISABEL Yeah, I'm...(blood pours out of Isabel's mouth and she looks down to find a giant glass shard sticking out of her stomach) Sam: Isabel? Hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Rose's SPIRIT I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this. (Rose's spirit goes up in flames) EXT. Bobby's SCRAPYARD - DAY (Dean is repairing the Impala) Sam: How's it look? Dean: Well, considering she got carjacked by poltergeist, could be worse. I mean, what exactly did we do back there, Sam? Sam: Yeah, I'm not putting it in the win column, either. Dean: We saved a few dicks, a-a-and we k*lled an innocent girl. I got a heartbroken kid and a woman who's so pissed at me...I see what you mean about facing your past. It's, uh -  It's awesome. Thanks. Sam: Dean. Dean: I mean, all we do is make a mess. Sam: That's not true. We do save lives, now and again. Dean: Yeah, I guess. I'm just...I'm just tired of all the bad luck, you know? Sam: Well, you know, number one, bad luck is kind of in the job description. And two, it's not all bad. Really. Look at me. I mean, at least Satan's left the building. Dean: Yeah. It's the little things. Sam: And I have a soul because of you. I never thanked you for that, did I? Dean: That's all good, man. Sam: Well, thanks. Dean: You'd have done the Same for me. Sam: I mean it. Look, we keep our heads down, keep swinging. We'll lose some. Hopefully, we'll win more. And...I don't know. Anyway, for what it's worth, I got your back. Dean: Yeah, I know.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "06x14 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning"}
Air Date: 25 Feb 2011 INT. Bobby's HOUSE Sam: Where's Bobby? Dean: In town, supply run. Sam: In this? Dean: Yeah, man's a hero. We were officially out of hunter's helper. (Dean gestures at his empty liquor bottle) BALTHAZAR - Hello, boys. You've seen "the Godfather," right? Dean: Balthazar... BALTHAZAR You know, the end, where Michael Corleone sends his men to k*ll his enemies in one big, bloody swoop? (Bathazar finds a container of salt and pours it into a bowl on Bobby's desk) Dean: Hey! BALTHAZAR  "d*ad sea brine." good, good, good. You know, Moe Greene gets it in the eye, and Don Cuneo gets it in the revolving door? Dean: I said "hey." BALTHAZAR You did. Twice. Good for you. Blood of lamb. Blood of lamb. (looking through Bobby's fridge contents) Beer, cold pizza. Blood of lamb. Yes! Blood of lamb! Sam: Why are you talking about "the Godfather"? BALTHAZAR Because we're in it -- right now, tonight. And in the role of Michael Corleone -- The archangel Raphael. Dean: You mind telling us what you mean? BALTHAZAR No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no. (empties the contents of Bobby's desk drawer) Yes. Bone of a lesser saint. This vertebra will do very nicely. Your Mr. Singer does keep a beautiful pantry. Dean: Wait, Raphael is after you? BALTHAZAR Raphael is after us all. You see, he's consolidated his strength. And now he's on the move. Sam: And where's Cass? BALTHAZAR Oh, Cassie? He is deep, deep underground. So, good old Raffy put out a h*t list on every last Samaritan who helped our dear Cass -- Including both of you. And so much more importantly, me. See, he wants to draw Cass out in the open. Sam: And you expect us to just believe you? BALTHAZAR Oh, don't. You'll go where I throw you either way. Dean: What's that supposed to mean? (lightning flashes) BALTHAZAR That's all the time we have, gentlemen. (Balthazar opens his jacket revealing a bloodstain on his side) Where is it? Dean: Whoa. What happened there? BALTHAZAR Oh. Garish, I know. You see, uncle Raffy sent one of his nastiest to handle me. I'm flattered, actually. And down a lung at the moment, but that's all right. (hands Sam keys) Oh, here's for you. Sam: What am I supposed to do with this?. BALTHAZAR Run with it. (Balthazar is thrown across the room as an angel, Virgil appears) BALTHAZAR Virgil. (to Sam and Dean) I said, run! ( pushes them through the window which is marked with a blood sigil) (Sam and Dean crash through Bobby's window and land on a mattress on a tv show set) BOB SINGER Cut! CREWMEMBER (patting Dean on the rear) Real good solid fall. Way to go. BOB SINGER Jared, Jensen! Outstanding! That was just great. CREWMEMBER "Supernatural,"scene one echo, take one. Tail slate. Marker! INT. SUPERNATURAL SET Sam: So...No angels? Dean: No angels, I think. BOB SINGER But that was great! SERGE ...it's not a problem with the stunt. It's a problem with the...signal. Sam: Should we be k*lling anybody? SERGE Interference. Dean: I don't think so. BOB SINGER Well, how much did we get? Sam: - Running? KEVIN About half. Dean: Where? KEVIN Gets us right up to where they --Just before they h*t the window. BOB You know, the part where they h*t the window is the good part. KEVIN Well, we can clean up, reset the window, takes about 95 minutes, basically. So, we'd have to blow off the scene where they sit on the impala and talk about their feelings. (Sam picks up a piece of the 'window' which wobbles back and forth, clearly made of some kind of gel.) BOB Ha. Right. You answer the hate mail. KEVIN Or we could have them fly at the window, then freeze frame. Then cut to black, act out. BOB Freeze frame. KEVIN Um...Yeah. Freeze frame. SERGE Serviceable. BOB Fine. Whatever. Season six. Moving on. KEVIN Moving on! That's a wrap on Jared and Jensen! Sam: W-who the hell are -- INTERVIEWER Jared! Three minutes, okay? Great. (takes Sam by the hand and leads him away) Dean: Where are we going? MAKEUP ARTIST Jensen, there you are! Let's just get you in the chair. Dean: "chair"? MAKEUP ARTIST Okay, hon, we're just gonna get this makeup off your face. Dean: Wha--I'm not wearing any ma--(Dean looks at the cloth the makeup artist has just wiped over his face to find it covered in foundation) Oh, crap! I'm a painted whore! TRISH Trish Evian here with Jared Padalecki from tv's "Supernatural." So, Jared, season six. (Sam is looking over his shoulder into the set of the panic room and turns back in confusion) Sam: What? TRISH You b*at the devil, lost your soul, and got it back again. So tell us, what's next for Sam Winchester? Sam: Look, I-I-I really don't -- TRISH Oh, and if you could include the question in your answer? Thanks. (Sam laughs nervously) (Dean meets up with Sam) Sam: Hey. Dean: Dude, they put freakin' makeup on us! Those bastards! Sam: Look, I think I know what this is. Dean: Okay. What? Sam: It's a tv show. Dean: You think? Sam: Yeah. I mean, here --wherever "here" is, this -- this twilight zone Balthazar zapped us into. For whatever reason, our life is a tv show. Dean: Why? Sam: I don't know. Dean: No, seriously. Why? Why would anybody want to watch our lives? Sam: Well, I mean, according to that interviewer, not very many people do. Look, I'm not saying it makes sense. I'm just saying, we -- we landed in some dimension where you're Jensen Ackles, and I'm something called a "Jared Padalecki." Dean: So what, now you're polish? Is any of this making any sense to you? (they exit the studio and see the Impala) EXT. BACKLOT Dean: Oh, hey. Least my baby made it. (a crewmember starts flinging mud onto the windshield) Dean: Hey. Hey! What -- (Dean sees 3 more Impalas) I feel sick. I'm gonna be sick. I want to go home. I feel like this whole place is bad-touching me. Sam: Yeah, I know. Me too. So, what do you think? Cass? Dean: He's our best sh*t, if he's still alive. Dear Castiel, who art maybe running his ass away from heaven, we pray that you have your ears on. So... Breaker breaker... ( they spot Castiel a short distance away) Dean: Cass? Cass! Hey, Cass! Oh, thank god. What is all this, huh? W-w-what did Balthazar do to us? MISHA To keep you out of virgil's reach, he's cast you into an alternate reality, a universe similar to ours in most respects yet dramatically different in others. Dean: Like -- like bizarro earth, right? Except instead of having Bizarro superman, we get this clown factory. MISHA Um...Yeah, well...Anyway, no time to explain. Do you have the key? Sam: Yeah.(hands Misha the key) So, uh, what does this thing do, anyway? MISHA It opens a room. Dean: What's in the room? MISHA Every w*apon Balthazar stole from heaven. Dean: He gave it to us? MISHA To keep it safe until I could reach you. With those w*apon, I have a chance to rally my forces. Sam: Oh. Okay, good. Yeah. So, now, uh, what's the deal with all this tv crap? MISHA Pardon? Dean: Yeah. Amen, Padaleski. Sam: Uh, "lecki." Dean: What? Sam: Lecki. Pretty sure. MISHA Man.(pulling out his script) Did they put out new pages? Dean: New what? Sam: I mean, is this some kind of cosmic joke? Dean: Yeah, 'cause if it is, it's stupid, and we don't get it. Sam: Yeah. MISHA Are you guys okay? Dean: (grabs the script from Misha) Give me that. What is -- these are words in a script. This isn't Cass.  Sam: Dude, look at him. MISHA (unbutonning his shirt to reveal a patterned new age t-shirt underneath) You guys want to run lines, or...? Dean: His name's Misha. Misha? Sam: Oh, wow. Just...Great. Dean: Misha? Jensen? What's up with the names around here? MISHA You guys! You really punked me! I'm totally gonna tweet this one. (pulls out his phone and starts typing) "Hola, mishamigos. "J-squared... Got me good." Dean: I just want to dig my finger in my brain and scratch until we're back in Kansas. MISHA "Really...Starting to feel... Like one of the guys." (Dean and Sam walk by a giant trailer) Sam: Hey. "J. Ackles." Dean: That's fake me! Sam: Yeah. Dean: This must be fake mine.(they enter the trailer) Dude, I have a helicopter! INT. TRAILER Sam: Oh. All right, who puts a 300-gallon aquarium in their trailer? Dean: Apparently, Jensen Ackles. Sam: Huh. (spots a laptop) All right, here we go. Let's see who this guy is. Dean: Well, he's not a hunter, but he plays one on tv. (gestures to the large tv at the back of the trailer that's playing the season 4 gag reel) Oh. ( picks up a magazine with Jared and Jensen on the cover) Come on. Look at these male-modelin' sons of bitches. Nice "blue steel,"Sam. Sam: Hey. Apparently, it's our job. All right, uh, here goes. Um...It says you're from Texas. Dean: Really? Sam: Yeah. And, uh...Oh. Says you were on a soap opera. Dean: What? (they watch a clip of Jensen on Days of our Lives) 'If I didn't have cancer, and I wasn't married, and I had plenty of money... Would you -- would you want to run away with me?' 'Money? What, you think I really care about money, Nicole?  I care that you're healthy.' 'Well, I'm no quitter, Eric.I-I --' (Dean slams the laptop shut) Dean: Don't like this universe, Sammy. We need to get out of this universe. Sam: Yeah. No argument here. But I don't think our -- our prayers are reaching Cass. Or the real Cass. Dean: Well, I agree. I think we are definitely out of, uh, soul-phone range. But... Sam: What? Dean: If we can reverse Balthazar's spell... I watched every move. (Dean sketches out the sigil)We just, uh, get the ingredients, right, get back to that Same window, and...There's no place like home. INT. SUPERNATURAL SET Sam: Backbone of a lesser saint. (Sam pulls the bone out of Bobby's drawer) Got it. Uh...(Sam pokes at the bone and realizes it is fake) It's rubber. Dean: Check this out. (holds up a prop dagger and bends the blade back and forwards) Hey, look. It's fake. (Dean jabs the fake dagger at Sam's chest) It's all fake! BOB (watching through the window of the set) Well, at least they're talking to each other. Dean: What are we supposed to do with this crap? EXT. BACKLOT Sam: 'course everything is fake. We're on a film set.(they approach one of the Impalas) We got to get back to the real world. Dean: Yeah, now you're talking. (they get in the Impala and start driving) All right, we go round up the genuine articles, bring 'em here for the spell. (to the car) What the hell is going on? What is wrong with this thing? CREWMEMBER (running alongside Impala, knocking on the window) Mr. Ackles! Mr. Ackles, please! Sam: Uh, Dean? CREWMEMBER God, Mr. Ackles, please! Sam: Dean, it's not the impala. CREWMEMBER Please! Stop. Sam: You think? CREWMEMBER Please! Dean: It's a frigging prop! Just like everything else. (they stop and exit the Impala) CREWMEMBER Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much for... Dean: How the hell are we supposed to get out of here? INT. CAR CLIF You know whereabouts you want me to drop you off? Jensen? Dean: Me? Yes. Um...I -- I'll just tag along with, uh... Sam: Jared.  Dean: Jared...Jared here. CLIF Huh. Since when are you guys talking? Sam: Yeah, uh, y-you know what, Clint, uh... CLIF Uh, uh, Clif. Sam: Y-yeah. Yeah, of course. Clif. Obviously. Um, so, uh, I think we're gonna go back to my place a-and do some...work. Dean: Work on our acting. Sam: Yeah. Dean: For our characters. For the show. Sam: Yeah. CLIF All right. Dean: Where the hell are we, anyway? (sees a Welcome to Vancouver sign) Dude, we're not even in America. EXT. PADALECKI MANSION (Sam and Dean enter the mansion) INT. PADALECKI MANSION Dean: Nice modest digs, Jay-z. Sam: Wow. I must be the star of this thing. Dean: Yeah, right. Check it out. (nods towards a tanning bed) Sam: What am I, Dracula? Dean: George Hamilton Dracula. (Dean spots a liquor cabinet) Oh. Now we're talking. (peering out the glass doors) Dude, you have a camel in your backyard. GENEVIEVE It's an alpaca, dumbass. Dean: Ruby? GENEVIEVE "Ruby." right. That one never gets old. (to Sam) How was work today, hon?(kisses Sam) INT. PADALECKI MANSION Dean: Wait. You and Ruby? GENEVIEVE Do you honestly think that's funny,  Jensen? Dean: Right. Right. 'cause you're not Ruby. You...I mean,  how could you be? You...Of course! You are the lovely actress who plays Ruby. And you are, uh, in...Jared's house, Uh, because you two are...(spots a photo on the mantle of Jared and Genevieve's wedding)...Married! You married fake Ruby? GENEVIEVE What are you doing? Sam: Work. Work. Dean: Yeah, just, uh, thought I'd pop in, say "hey." Hey. Uh, and -- and --and maybe run some lines. It's... GENEVIEVE You've never even been to our house. Dean: Well, now that I know there's an alpaca out back, I'm definitely coming back. GENEVIEVE Well, alpacas are the greenest animal. Dean: Right. Right. That is so important. GENEVIEVE Well, there's that thing I have to get to. Sam: Oh, yeah. Of course, yeah. The thing. GENEVIEVE The international otter adoption charity dinner? Sam: Oh. GENEVIEVE Okay, well...(kisses Sam) Well, I'm glad you two are talking, anyway. Sam: Yeah. (they watch Genevieve leave the room) Dean: Well, looks like you did all right. Sam: Yeah. Yeah. I should figure out her name. INT. PADALECKI MANSION - LIBRARY (Sam is sitting at a desk with a computer in front of a giant portrait of Jared as a cowboy with a suit of armor on either side) Sam: "wrist bone of saint and holy reliquary. Museum-quality, from diocese in Oaxaca." - Looks legit. Dean: - All right. Auction house is in Mexico City. We could be there day after tomorrow. We, uh, case it, yank it, be back here by the end of the week. Sam: Or we could just buy it. Dean: What?! Dude, that thing's over a hundred thou-- (Sam holds up a black credit card) Dean: Hello, Jared Padalecki. Sam: (on the phone)Cubrir a su amigo en la aduana. no? Bueno.  Dean: Triple rush. No problemo. Because money is no ob--This baby's maxed. Sam: Wow. They said it should be at the airport first thing in the morning. Dean: Money, man. There is nothing like it. All right. Couch. Tv star. Beauty rest. (Dean jumps onto the large black couch and lays down) Ahh. INT. PADALECKI MANSION - HALLWAY (Sam walks into the hall and spots Genevieve) Sam: Hey! Hey. Hi. Hi, uh, Gen--Genevieve. Gen? GENEVIEVE Gen. Sam: Gen. Of course. Yeah. Um, so, h--how was the...Otter thing? GENEVIEVE It was good. Sam: Yeah? GENEVIEVE Everybody missed you there. Sam: Oh. Wow. Wow. I bet. So -- so listen, I-I got to ask you a question. Do you remember, uh, uh, year before last, all those disasters? GENEVIEVE Disasters? Sam: Yeah.Yeah, yeah, the whole earthquake spike. You know, the -- the 9.2 in Rome? I mean, the --the 8.5 outside Boston? The whole east/west tsunami chain? GENEVIEVE Yes. I remember all of those from last season on your show. Sam: No, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I-I know. I know. That -- that's what I mean. That's what I was... (Sam takes a drink from his beer) GENEVIEVE You have been Sam Winchester way too long. (Genevieve kisses Sam, takes him by the hand, and leads him upstairs) EXT. AIRPORT (Sam receives package from an airplane) Sam: Thanks. INT. CAR CLIF So I don't mean to pry, but, uh, why are we picking up packages at 8:00 A.M. that haven't cleared customs yet? Dean: Just saving time. (Sam enters the car with the package) Dean: All right, here we go. CLIF We're not doing anything illegal, are we? Sam: Would it make you feel better if we said no? CLIF No. INT. SUPERNATURAL SET - Bobby's HOUSE (Sam and Dean open the package and are surprised when the lights above them turn on) Dean: Whoa. What? BOB We finish today in 12 hours if it kills us all. Get "a" and "b" cam for scene 12. What is this? (to Sam and Dean) Here for the first run-through, before anyone else? Dedication. Dean: (to Bob) Uh, can I talk to you for a second? Um, we're gonna need the, uh, set cleared for -- safe side, an hour or so. BOB You need it cleared. Dean: Yeah. Yeah. Me and, um...Jared were gonna do some actor stuff. BOB Jensen, we're thrilled to see you collaborating so creatively. And your enthusiasm is refreshing. Dean Cain was like that on "Lois," And that man's a real actor. And we will clear this set exactly when we sh**t the 2 3/8 pages we are scheduled to sh**t on this set. So you do your "actor stuff" and we'll do our "camera stuff" and, uh... (Dean walks away sheepishly) MISHA Ooh, "priority."what's in it? Sam: I bought part of a d*ad person. MISHA Oh, cool. Dean: Uh, so, bad news. Uh...Looks like we're gonna have to do a little acting. Sam: What? CREWMEMBER "Supernatural" scene 36, take 1. Marker! BOB Action! (Sam and Dean stand behind Misha. Sam looks utterly terrified and Dean is staring earnestly) MISHA Balthazar is no hero. But he knows Raphael will never take him back. (Misha turns around. Sam flinches, Dean walks forward and then looks down at his mark and moves over to his right) BOB Cut! CREWMEMBER "Supernatural" scene 36, take 8. Marker! BOB Action! (Sam seems unsure of what to do with his arms and keeps rearranging them, folding, unfolding) MISHA Balthazar is no hero. But he knows Raphael will never take him back. Dean: (looks at he script in his hand) Dean, grimly. And yet, somehow you got no problem with it. BOB Cut! (Misha turns to the camera and mouths 'what the hell') BOB Action. Sam: That's because...That's because we have no other choice. Dean: Don't look at the camera. Sam: What? Dean: Look anywhere but the camera. Sam: (looking at the ceiling) That's because we have no other choice! BOB Cut! For the love of... Action. Cut! Sam: (raising his arm stiffly) If there's a key, then (raising other arm) there must also be a lock. BOB Cut. Action. Sam: If there's a key...then there has to be a lock. And when we find the lock, we can get the w*apon, and then we can have the w*apon. And the lock. We'll still have the lock, I imagine, because we've opened it, and, of course, the initial key. Dean: We need to get all three of that crap. Sam: What? Dean: That's how he talks. Sam: Oh. Dean: ( out the window, at Bob)Do we really need all these lines? I mean, I-I-I-I think we've covered it.Right? BOB Cut! What is happening? What's happening?! What's happening?! SERGE An atrocity is happening. KEVIN Seems like they should stop. BOB They can't stop. Nobody stops. Did we get anything we can use? KEVIN Well, uh, technically, we have them saying everything in bits and pieces. Could be sort of experimental? BOB Whatever. Season six. Sam: (looking at script) Who wrote this? Nobody says "penultimate!" Dean: g*n, mouth. (makes g*n gesture at his mouth) Now. KEVIN Moving on! Dean: Thank god. MISHA (tweeting on his phone)"I-m-h-o, 'J' and 'J' had a late one last night." (Sam and Dean rapidly unpack the package and assemble the spell) Dean: All right, damn it. We earned this. MISHA "r-o-t-f-l-m-a-o." SERA (via Bob's phone)Spell it out for me, please. What is our terror-alert level here? BOB I don't know, Sera. Orange, maybe? They started talking to each other. SERA What?! But that's a good thing. BOB Right. I thought so. But now Jensen's living at Jared's house. (Dean completes the blood sigil on the window) Sam: That's it? BOB Plus, Clif says they're smuggling illegal stuff in from Mexico. Dean: That's it, toto. KEVIN Misha's celebrity tweet says it's a black-market organ thing. I'm betting drugs. BOB Anyway, as far as I can see, I think they've lost any shred of talent they ever had. (Sam and Dean come crashing through the window, but just land on the other side of the set) KEVIN Drugs. INT. JENSEN's TRAILER Sam: Maybe we did it wrong. Dean: No. No, that --that spell was perfect. It should have worked. Sam: What if it can't? Look, I was up all night, looking online. There's no sign that anything like the apocalypse happened here. Ever. And as far as I can tell, monsters, ghosts, demons --they're all pretend. Dean: So nobody's hunting them? Sam: No hunters. Look, maybe that's why our spell didn't work, Dean, you know? M-maybe here, there's no supernatural, no magic. Dean: No demons, no hell, no heaven, no -- no god? Sam: Something like. Even better -- No angels. INT. SUPERNATURAL SET - MOTEL ROOM (a sigil glows and Virgil crashes through landing on the set) INT. SUPERNATURAL SET - GREEN SCREEN (Sam and Dean walk in front of the green screen where two stunt doules are punching each other next to the Impala) Dean: Okay, maybe we can't get out of, uh, you know, Earth number two right now, but the least we can do is get the hell out of the Canadian part of it. Sam: Yeah. Dean: I hear one more conversation about hockey, I'm gonna puke. Sam: Wait a minute. This way, this way, this way. Dean: No, no, no, no, no. It's this way. It's this way! Sam: No, Dean, look, I really --I really think that we should --( Sam spots Virgil)Dean! VIRGIL You think you can run? (Virgil lays his hand on Dean's forehead, but nothing happens) Sam: No! Dean: Sorry, dude. Mojo-free zone.(Dean punches Virgil$ Sam: No magic in the house. Dean: Which makes you nothing but a dick. LOU You know, I oversee all the stunts, coordinate all the fights. Woman: That's exciting. (gesturing to where Sam & Dean are punching Virgil) Is that one of yours, then? LOU (calls his stuntmen over)Guys! KEVIN (running towards Sam, Dean and Virgil)Not good! Not good! Sam: (as he's being pulled off of Virgil)No, no, no, no! Stop! You don't understand! No, no, no! (Virgil grabs the key from Sam's pocket) Dean: You're d*ad, Virgil! Virgil! I'm gonna break your friggin' neck! Hey! INT. OFFICE SERA (via speakerphone) I'm trying to understand, Bob. BOB Well, uh, Sera, we don't really understand it ourselves, but, uh, it appears that Jared and Jensen were seen beating an extra to death. SERA Huh. JIM This is Jim here, Sera, and it wasn't all the way to death. Only partway, so that's a plus. KEVIN He could definitely still run. BOB And we'll certainly follow up on that, but I think the real issue here, Sera, is that the boys appear to be on some kind of extended psychedelic acid trip. SERA Okay. Uhh..Maybe it'd help if I --I'll fly up and talk to them. JIM You know, I'm not sure Jared and Jensen...know who she is, strictly speaking. She's, you know, new. No offense. SERA Right. BOB Yeah, I think what we might need at this stage is for Kripke to come up himself. He created the show. They'll listen to him. SERA How's that make me look? I'm supposed to be running this thing. Besides, Eric is off in some cabin somewhere Writing his next pilot. BOB He sold "Octocobra"? SERA Yes! BOB Mother of god. They'll buy anything. INT. SUPERNTURL SET Dean: I don't know. I mean, Virgil broke through. Maybe he's got a way to get back. Sam: Or he has no juice here, and now he's stuck, like us. Dean: Yeah, either way, I want to finish kicking his ass. EXT. OUTSIDE MISHA's TRAILER CREWMEMBER Good night, Misha. MISHA 'night, little fella. (tweeting on his phone) "ever get that feeling...Someone's in the backseat?"Frowny face. (Virgil , who is in the backseat,  puts a Kn*fe to Misha's throat) MISHA Aah! Aaaah! Aah! VIRGIL Drive. INT. SUPERNATURAL SET - Bobby's HOUSE BOB There you are, guys!nYou got a minute? Sam: Actually, we're --we're looking for, uh -- BOB ...for that extra you tried to k*ll? So, is it money? Is this the kind of act that goes away if we can scare up some coverage on a raise? Dean: More money? You already pay these two jokers enough as it is. Sam: Yeah. BOB 'cause I'd like to think that over these years, we've grown closer. That you don't think of me as "director Bob" or "executive producer Bob Singer," but as "uncle Bob." Sam: Wait, you're kidding. So, the character in the show, Bobby Singer --  Dean: What kind of douchebag names a character after himself? Sam: Oh, that's not right. BOB Okay, guys, let's begin again. Dean: Yeah. Sam: Yeah. Dean: You know, I don't think Virgil would have shagged out of here without getting his mitts on that key. Sam: Yeah. Yeah, I agree. BOB Guys...You can't come to work on poppers and smuggle kidneys in from Mexico and make up your own lines as you go! You cannot make up your own lines! Good god, what about your careers? Sam: You know what? Screw our careers, Bob. BOB What?! Dean: You heard my brother. That's right, I said "brother." 'cause you know what, Bob? We're not actors. We're hunters. We're the Winchesters. Always have been, and always will be. And where we're from, people don't know who we are. But you know what? We mattered in that world. In fact, we even saved a son of a bitch once or twice. And yeah, okay, here, maybe there's some -- some fans who give a crap about this nonsense. BOB I wouldn't call it nonsense. Dean: But, Bob Singer --If that even is your name --Tell me this --What does it all mean? BOB Okay. This is good. I mean, we've all had our psychotic breaks, right? I can work with this. Sam: Dean. Virgil --I think he has the key. Dean: We quit. EXT. ALLEY MISHA Okay, okay, okay.Easy, easy. VIRGIL How do you do it? MISHA please. VIRGIL Live in this grubby, shabby desert? Nothing greater than yourselves. MISHA Ohh. VIRGIL Nothing but dirt when you die. MISHA What? Aah! Aah! Aah! Oh, oh. VIRGIL No power, no magic. MISHA I'm so--I'm not following you at all. VIRGIL There's no magic in your universe! (a homeless man watches from a distance) MISHA I'm sorry! Please! VIRGIL Nothing but a bag of strings and pulleys. MISHA What?! VIRGIL You should thank me for what I'm about to do. MISHA Why? What are you about to do? VIRGIL I need to make an important call. I pray to god that it even goes through. (Virgil s*ab Misha) This is what I've been reduced to. (looking into his chalice of blood) Raphael. INT. PADALECKI MANSION Sam: Maybe we can get on the police dispatch system Dean: put out an A.P.B on Virgil. Might work, if he stays obvious. Sam: It's not like we have a lot of time. GENEVIEVE Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Sam: What? GENEVIEVE Misha! He's been s*ab to death! Sam: Where? Dean: Where? GENEVIEVE Where?! EXT. ALLEY HOMELESS Man Yeah, yeah, Raphael. Like the ninja turtle. He was calling someone name of Raphael, up in heaven. Yeah, yeah. That's right. The -- the scary man k*lled the attractive crying man, and then he started to pray. And the strange part --After a while, I s-swear I heard this voice, answering. Sam: What did it say? HOMELESS Man Well, it didn't make any sense. Dean: Try us. HOMELESS Man The voice said, for Virgil "to return tomorrow"at the place where he crossed over, "at the time of the crossing." and Raphael would "reach through the window and take him and the key home." Dean: Uh, okay. Hey, thank you. (hands homeless man 50 Canadian dollars) Sam: Uhh...Dean, if Virgil gets back with that key, Cass is d*ad, and our world is toast. Dean: Well, then we stop him. I mean, how bad can an angel with no wings be? INT. g*n STORE VIRGIL I'd like to see that pump-action tactical, 12-gauge. CLERK You bet. Nice choice. You really know your ordnance, mister. VIRGIL I am the w*apon keeper of heaven. CLERK Excuse me? VIRGIL It's my job. INT. SUPERNATURAL SET - Bobby's HOUSE Dean: You know that if we drop Virgil, get the key, then this might be it. We might be stuck here. Sam: No, we'll figure out a way back. Dean: Yeah, you wouldn't be that broken up if we didn't, though. Sam: What? Don't be stupid. Dean: Well, I'm just saying. No hell below us, above us only sky. Sam: Dean, our friends are back there. Dean: Yeah, but here, you got a pretty good life. I mean, back home, the hits have been coming since you were 6 months old. You got to admit, being a-a bazillionare, married to Ruby, the whole package. It's no contest. Sam: No, you know, you were right. We just don't mean the Same thing here. I mean, we're not even brothers here, man. Dean: All right, then. Let's get our crazy show back home. EXT. SUPERNAURAL SET BOB (gesuring to a Hummer pulling into the lot) Oh, this might be him here. ERIC Bob, dude. What the hell, right? BOB Eric. Thanks for coming. ERIC Of course. BOB I know you're busy. It means a lot that we can still, you know, call on you. ERIC Yeah. Misha, right? BOB Oh, I know, I know. It's just awful! ERIC It's totally,totally awful. Yeah. It got us the front page of Variety, though. Did you see that? BOB Front page? Really? ERIC Yeah, yeah. BOB But tragic. ERIC Yeah, tragic. That's what I was gonna say. BOB How's "Octocobra"? ERIC Oh, I think I really had a breakthrough. I'll tell you all about it over lunch, though. BOB I can't wait. ERIC Yeah. Okay, so I am just gonna bust in their trailer, g*n blazing, and then take care of this whole mess and -- (a crewmember gets Bob's attention) BOB What's the matter? ERIC What? BOB That guy. (nods toward Virgil who is walking towards them)I think that's the extra! ERIC Oh, fantastic. We can nip this bud right out of the gate. Hey, extra! Over here! CREWMEMBER g*n! He's got a g*n! BOB Noooooo! (Eric is sh*t by Virgil, Desperado style) INT. SUPERNATURAL SET KEVIN I don't think we have g*n on the call sheet today, hmm? (Virgil enters and proceeds to sh**t the crew, Serge dodges a b*llet) Sam: Hey! (Dean lunges at Virgil and punches him, Sam joins the fight and takes the key back from Virgil) Sam: Dean! Got it! (noticing the glowing sigil on the window) Raphael. Run! (Dean and Sam fly backward through the window into a freeze frame) EXT. OUTSIDE MOTEL RAPHAEL You two...Have the strangest luck. Dean: Raphael? Nice meatsuit. Dude looks like a lady. (Raphael squeezes her fist and causes Dean and Sam to bend over in pain) RAPHAEL The key. (she picks it up from the ground) BALTHAZAR And that will open you a locker at the Albany bus station. RAPHAEL Really. BALTHAZAR You see, I needed a modest decoy to make it more convincing. RAPHAEL Give me the w*apon. BALTHAZAR Sorry, darling. They're gone. RAPHAEL What?! BALTHAZAR I said, too bloody late. You see, they were so well-hidden that I needed time to find them. So, I volunteered these two marmosets for a game of fetch with Virgil. You two were such an adequate stick. Thank you. Thank you, boys. RAPHAEL You've made your last mistake. BALTHAZAR Oh, I've got a few more up my sleeve, honey. Castiel: Step away from him, Raphael. I have the w*apon now. Their power is with me. RAPHAEL Castiel. Castiel: If you don't want to die tonight, back off. BALTHAZAR Well, Cass...Now that you have your sword, try not to die by it. (Castiel brings the brothers back to Bobby's house) Sam: Cass, what the hell? Wait, wait, you were in on this, using us a diversion? Castiel: It was Balthazar's plan. I would have done the Same thing. Dean: That's not comforting, Cass. Castiel: When will I be able to make you understand? If I lose against Raphael, we all lose. Everything. Dean: Yeah, Cass. We know the stakes. That's about all you've told us! Castiel: I'm sorry about all this. I'll explain when I can. Dean: Friggin' angels. Sam: (knocks on the wall) Solid. (Sam breathes out in relief) It's real. Nice. Dean: Yeah. Yeah, real, moldy, termite-eaten home sweet home. Chock full of crap that want to skin you. Oh, and, uh, we're broke again. Sam: Yeah. But, hey...At least we're talking
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "06x15 - The French Mistake"}
Air Date: 4 March 2011 Teaser EXT. GAS STATION (a trucker, Rick fills up his truck at the gas pump. Eve approaches him) Rick: Whoa. Eve: I'm sorry. Did I scare you? Rick: (camera pans down to show Eve's bare feet) You okay? You look a little - Eve: Well, I could use a ride. Rick: Okay.  INT. Rick's TRUCK Rick: So, what's your name, sweetheart? Eve: Eve. Rick: Eve. I'm Rick. So, how far you going, Eve? Eve: However far you want. (Eve leans over and kisses Rick, who pulls back) Rick: Whoa, whoa. Eve. Look, you're very pretty, but this is not what's right for you. Trust me. Eve: Then what's right for me? Rick: (Rick hands her a 'Jesus Loves You' pamphlet) This emptiness you feel inside --it's really a hunger for him. Eve: You do know that Jesus was just a man. Rick: Sure, but he was also the son of God, sent here because he loves us. Eve: God doesn't care about you. Rick: Sure he does. Eve: Your father made you and then abandoned you, so you pray. You see signs where there's nothing. But truth is, your apocalypse came and went, and you didn't even notice. A mother would never abandon her children like he did. You'll see. Rick: See what? Eve: Can I tell you a secret? (Rick nods and Eve leans over and latches onto Rick's ear) Rick: Aah! Aah! INT. Rick's HOUSE (Rick approaches his sleeping wife and beats her to death with a hammer) Rick's Wife: Aah! INT. Bobby's LIVING ROOM Bobby: I've been getting blasts from hunters all week. (pointing at a map) Nest of vamps. Werewolf dance party. Shifters, six of them. Two hunters died taking them out. Ghouls, ghouls. Ghoul-wraith smorgasbord.  Dean: Is it just me, or is that a straight kick-line down I-80? Bobby: Exactly. Dean: Looks to me like it's a Sherman march monster mash. Sam: Yeah, but where are they marching to? (Bobby circles another point on the map) Sam: What is it? Bobby: Guy bashes in his family's heads. INT. Police STATION - INTERROGATION ROOM Rick: It's like I told the cops. I blacked out. Sam: Well, just tell us what you do remember. Rick: Driving my regular route, and then I-I woke up in my truck at work. Sam: And where's work? Rick: Starlight Cannery. I-I didn't remember how I got there...So I called home. When no one picked up. I-I went there, and I found... Bobby: Anything unusual before you blacked out? Sights, smells, anything off the routine? Rick: No. Basic night. I was giving some kid from the truck stop a ride. She took off. I-I think she took off. Dean: Anything else? Rick: I swear --I didn't mean to do it. I-I loved them. INT. Police STATION (Sam is typing rapidly on a computer keyboard) Dean: So, demon possession or ghosts? I thought this was a monster thing. Sam: All right, here we go. (they view security camera footage of the night the trucker picked up the hitchhiker) Truck stop, night of the m*rder. Dean: That's him. (In the video, Eve approaches) Hmm. Hello. (Sam pauses the camera while Eve is facing it and her face is grotesque) Freakish nightmare. What the hell is that?  Sam: Bobby? Bobby: I've never seen that in my life. All those vamps and ghouls out on I-80 -- maybe they're coming in for Mother's Day. Dean: Um...Okay, well, if that is big mama -- whatever she is, we got zero on ganking her. So what are we gonna do if we run into her? Throw salt and hope? Bobby: No, we're gonna turn tail and run, because we're in over our heads. Dean: I mean, we better get some real info on this bitch before we do run into her. Police Officer: Hey, let's go. Bobby: What's the ruckus? Police Officer: A guy just went postal down at the Cannery. Bobby: Okay, I'll go. You finish here. EXT. DOCKS Bobby: FBI. Willis. How many in there? Police Officer: Six d*ad. Bobby: What happened? Police Officer: Apparently, a guy walks in, pulls a hunting r*fle, just opens f*re. Captain! This is Agent -- Police Captain: What? There a fed convention in town or something? Bobby: I beg your pardon. Rufus: Agent Willis? Am I right? Bobby: Agent. I wasn't expecting you...yet. Rufus: Well, apparently, you didn't get the call. (to the officers)Gentlemen, can you excuse us? Bobby: What in the high holy are you doing here, Rufus? Rufus: Same as you --tracking 31 flavours of crazy, which led us both smack into the middle of this. Bobby: Right. Huh. Can we talk to the perp? Rufus: Well, we can give it a sh*t. I don't know if he's gonna talk back to us, though. Cops put eight b*ll*ts in him. So... Bobby: So what? Rufus: So are we partnering on this or not? Come on, man. It's not rocket surgery. We're here. Let's do this. Just like old times. Bobby: Long as I get to drive. Rufus: (laughing)Hell no. INT. AUTOPSY ROOM (Rufus and Bobby examine the corpse of the sh**t) Rufus: So, do you think the mother of whatever the hell is wrapped up in this, Bobby? Bobby: Looks like. Rufus: These are just guys going berserk, Bobby. How is that a monster thing? Bobby: I don't know. That's why we're hacking him open. Hand me one of those swab things over there. (Rufus hands Bobby a swab and Bobby checks the ear of the body, the swab comes out covered in blue grey goo) Rufus: What have you got? That ecto? (Rufus takes the swab) That's not ecto. (Rufus sniffs the swab) What the hell is that? Bobby: It's something new. Rufus: New? No such thing as new, Bobby. Bobby: Well, it's something. Those guys who snapped, one thing they had in common -- they both worked at that Cannery joint. EXT. CANNERY Rufus: I don't even know why you have a driver's licence. Dean: Well, look what the cat dragged in. Sam: It really is good to see you, Rufus. Rufus: I can believe it. It must get old dealing with this miserable cuss here all by yourself. Sam: Is it that obvious? Bobby: Why don't you three get a room? Dean: All right, we all pack a snack? Sam: Yeah. Dean: Let's see what we can see. INT. CANNERY (a door opens and Gwen steps out) Dean: Gwen? Gwen: Dean. (Samuel appears behind her, Dean walks toward Samuel, raising his g*n) Dean: Welcome to next time. Sam: (lowers Dean's arm) No, no, no, no! Hold on! Dean:  I said I'd k*ll him! Sam: Look, just a second. Rufus: I take it you know each other. Dean: He's our grandfather. Rufus: Oh. Somebody needs a hug. Bobby: Why are you here? Samuel: We're working. You? Dean: None of your damn business! Bobby: Sam, take Dean for a walk. Dean: You got to be kidding me. Sam: Look, Dean, it's fine. Dean: How? (Sam walks Dean out of the room) Dean: What is wrong with you? Sam: Look, maybe he knows something. Dean: You don't remember what he did. I do. Sam: I know. I'm not saying don't. I'm saying not yet. (Sam re-enters the room, Dean waits just outside) Bobby: So...you're Samuel. Samuel: You must be the guy pretending to be their father. Bobby: Well, somebody ought to. Samuel: Sam. You're looking well. Sam: Save the small talk, all right? Samuel: You seem different. Sam: I got my soul back. No thanks to you, I hear. Samuel: You hear? You don't remember. Sam: I remember enough. Rufus: I, uh, really hate to break up this little circle of love, but why don't we talk shop, huh? How about you tell us what it is you're hunting? Samuel: A creature from Purgatory. She calls herself Eve. Sam: Eve? Samuel: Yep. They call her mother. She was here about 10,000 years ago. Every freak that walks the face of the earth can be traced back to her. And she's back. Bobby: How the hell do you know all that? Samuel: You don't know half the things that I know, kid. Hell, until recently, you didn't even know about us. Bobby: I now know that you'd throw your own kin to hungry ghouls. I think I know enough. Gwen: You what? Samuel: Dean lied to the man. Bobby: How about you ask Dean? Gwen: Good idea. (Gwen exits the room and approaches Dean) Dean. Is it true? Dean: What? Gwen: Did Samuel really try to -- Dean: k*ll me? Yes. He didn't even blink. That's the guy you're rolling with. Gwen: He didn't tell me anything about that. I didn't know. Dean: I know. Honestly, there's something I need to tell you. Gwen: What? (Dean pulls out his g*n and sh**t Gwen in the heart) (The others run out of the room at the sound of the g*n. Sam checks for Gwen's pulse, and then gets back up to look for Dean.) Rufus: See if you can plug that hole up, Bobby. (Rufus tries CPR chest compressions on Gwen, while Sam searches for Dean) Rufus: Come on, girl! Come on! Come on! Come on! Bobby: She's gone. Rufus: Ah, damn it. Bobby: I'm sorry...If you care. Samuel: Screw you. I care. Sam: Is she, uh... Rufus: Where's Dean? Sam: I couldn't find him. Whatever got into those guys must have got into Dean. Bobby: Rufus, help Samuel move her somewhere. Sam and I will lock down here. We're gonna want to find Dean before he finds us. Sam: We're gonna find him alive, Samuel, or I'm gonna put a b*llet into your head. (Sam and Bobby walk through the Cannery, locking doors. All four men search, Sam dials Dean's cell-phone and then hears it ring. Rufus spots Dean.) Rufus: Dean, put that damn thing down. (Samuel runs over aiming his g*n at Dean, Dean points his g*n at Samuel) Dean, put it down. Dean: You're the least of my worries right now, Rufus. Sam: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Bobby: Okay, both of you. Rufus: Both of us, my ass. Dean: I'm not in the mood. I just had a 12-inch...Herpe crawl out of my ear. Sam: What? Dean: You heard me. I just woke up on the ground, just in time to see this -- this...worm thing sliding out of my freaking ear and into that vent. So you tell me what the hell's going on! Samuel: You k*lled Gwen. That's what's going on. Dean: We were just talking out in the hallway. That's the last thing I remember. That thing must have jumped me. Bobby: So, we're talking about, like, a monster that gets in you? Dean: It's like a Khan worm on steroids. Sam: You mean like a parasite, something that took over your body. Dean: Worm crawls in you, worm crawls out. Rufus: Monster possession? That's novel. Samuel: Or that thing's still in you, and we can't trust a word that you're saying. Dean: It's not! Bobby: Check your ear. Dean: What do you mean, check my ear? Check my ear for what? ( Rufus sticks his finger in Dean's ear) Hey! What? Why don't you buy me a drink first? Rufus: Second date. Oh, yeah, we're goo positive. Dean: What does that mean? What does that mean? Rufus: That means it was in you, all right. Samuel: Or it still is. Dean: It's not in me! Bobby: Okay. Everybody, give up your g*n. Samuel: What? Rufus: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, think about this for a second, Bobby. Bobby: I'm thinking we don't know who is and who ain't got the damn Khan worm up inside his melon. Dean: It's not in me! Bobby: I didn't say it was. Point is we don't know who it is. It could be any one of us. So the best we can do...is to make it that much harder for that thing to blow our fool heads off. (Bobby holds open a sack and puts his g*n inside.  Dean, Sam and Rufus follow) Rufus: Are you waiting for a handwritten invite, Campbell? (Samuel reluctantly gives up his g*n) (they go back into the room and lock their w*apon in a locker) Bobby: Okay. We need some time to breathe, make a plan. Samuel: A plan? Based on? Bobby: I'm gonna make a few phone calls, see if anybody ever heard of anything like this. Rufus: Hmm. Ditto. Got a few trees I can shake. Bobby: (on the phone) Oh, balls, Allard. No, I told you that. Rufus: (flips his phone closed) Damn it. (Samuel gets up. Sam blocks his path) Samuel: Relax. Bathroom break. So unless you want to hold it for me... (Samuel leaves the room. Dean and Sam follow him) Bobby: (flips his phone shut) Well, I got a dump truck full of bubkes. Rufus: Nothing here, either. You call Willie? Bobby: Of course. You think I'm an idjit? Rufus: How about Raj? Bobby: Wouldn't talk to me. Rufus: Yeah, me neither. Bobby: Okay, plan "B." Let's just go and grab the thing. Rufus: And then what, exactly? Bobby: Well, we sit on our thumbs, or we go in g*n blazing. Rufus: Like Omaha? Bobby: You know what? Screw you for bringing up Omaha. That's just low. (Samuel comes around a row of lockers and finds Dean and Sam waiting for him) Samuel: What? Dean: Nothing. I'm just wondering how you sleep at night. Samuel: Like a baby. Thanks for asking. Dean: You fed us to Crowley. Samuel: True, but what am I gonna do about it now? Do I blame you for wanting to k*ll me? Of course not, Dean. What I did was...but I'm not apologizing. I did what I did. I don't cry over spilled blood. Sam: So you really can just go on, like... Samuel: Just because you're Dr. Jekyll at the moment doesn't mean you can get all high and mighty. Don't forget, we spent a year together. Sam: Yeah, we did. We're blood. And you still sold me out. Samuel: Trust me, what I did pales in comparison to what you did, and on more than one occasion. Sam: All right, tell me what I did. Dean: No. Sam, come on. (Dean goes to stand between Sam and Samuel) Dean: The only reason you're alive right now is because we're working a job. The minute we k*ll this thing...you're next. Samuel: Okay, then. We'll just see. (Dean sees goo coming from Samuel's ear, Samuel pulls his g*n, Dean grabs his arm and angles it up. Samuel fires but the sh*t misses. He shoves Sam and Dean against the lockers and runs) Bobby: I heard a sh*t. Dean: Samuel! Rufus: I'm gonna be needing my g*n back now, Bobby. Bobby: You think? Rufus: Yeah. (Bobby breaks the lock on the locker holding their w*apon) Rufus: Hey, don't feel bad. You know, it was a good plan, except for the part where a monster would definitely, definitely not give up all his w*apon. Bobby: Shut up. ( Dean and Sam enter the room) Dean: We lost him. Sam: So, what's the plan? Dean: We stick together. We got to keep track of this thing, who it's in. (They search the cannery. Suddenly Sam grabs Dean and pulls him back. Dean, Bobby and Rufus point their g*n at Sam) Sam: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Hold on. Look. ( Sam shines his flashlight down revealing a wire line) Dean: Booby trap. Bobby: I'll be damned. (They step over the trap carefully and continue. Suddenly a door slides closed behind Sam and he is cut off from the rest of the group) Dean: Hey! Hey!  Sam: Whoa! Dean! Dean: Sam! Damn it. Son of a bitch. Sam: Dean? Dean: Sam! Sam: I'm gonna go around, okay? Dean: All right. Watch yourself. Sam: Yeah. Dean: Come on. Sam: (spots Samuel and aims his g*n at him) Don't move. Samuel: Sam. Sam: Put your g*n down. Samuel: What you gonna do, son? You're not gonna sh**t me. You got your soul back. You gonna sh**t your own family? Sam: Yeah, I wouldn't go with the family thing. Try again. Samuel: Mary's still my daughter. (steps closer) Sam: I said don't move. Samuel: You're still named after me. (steps closer) Sam: I said don't move! Samuel: Appears to be our moment, Sam. You still want to know about your summer vacation? I'll tell you all about it. You're dying to know, huh? Sam: Yeah, I am. Samuel: Well, then, let's just put these down and talk. (steps closer) Sam: Stop. Samuel: It's all right, Sam. (steps closer) (Sam sh**t Samuel in the head) Dean: Sam! Sam. Bobby: Oh, thank God. (Notices Samual's d*ad body) Drop the g*n, Sam. (Sam puts his g*n down) Sam: It's me. Rufus: Okay. That's great, Sam. Just got to cuff you, uh, till we can be sure, okay? You understand, right? Sam: It's in him. (Sam gestures at Samuel) Bobby: Are you sure? Sam: Yeah. Yeah, I think. Rufus: You see anything come out of him...after he dropped? (they take Samuel back into the room and swab his ears) Dean: Tell me you got something. Bobby: Nothing. Sam: What? So -- so you mean he wasn't a monster when I ganked him? Rufus: One way to find out. Bobby, you got a cranial saw in the car? Bobby: Of course. Dean: You're not going alone. Rufus: Oh, no, he won't. He won't. We will both go grab some tools and see about getting some power in this place. And I want you and you to -- okay, I want you and you to watch him and him and -- all right, if anything crawls out of anybody, somebody step on it. Sam: Yeah, don't worry. I'll watch Samuel. Dean will watch me. Rufus: Yeah, right. (Rufus and Bobby exit the room) Dean: You did the right thing, you know. Sam: You mean you think I did, if it's in him and I'm me. This thing's playing three-card monte with us. Dean: Well, I'm just gonna assume you're you. Sam: You want to take this off, then? (Sam motions with his bound wrists) Dean: Not till we get that sucker out of his walnut. Sam: I don't know. I mean, I barely remember him, and what I do remember -- it's not good. And what he did to us...But... Dean: There's a "but"? Sam: I mean, I just can't help but think...What would mom say? Dean: You know what I think mom would say? She'd say just 'cause you're blood doesn't make you family. You got to earn that. (the lights come on and Rufus and Bobby enter) Rufus: Well...All right. Let's play operation. Bobby: You boys want to take a breather? Dean: We're good. Bobby: We're about to crack open your grandpa's grapefruit. Take a breather. (Dean and Sam exit) Rufus: (looking at the frayed cable of the cranial saw) What is this? Have you been dumpster-diving again? Bobby: What? It still works. Rufus: Yeah, right. Hope so.  Bobby: Listen, Rufus, I've been thinking. Rufus: Yeah, well wonders never cease. (Rufus plugs in the saw) Bobby: Yeah, s-shut up a minute. I'm trying to say something. It was my fault - Omaha. Rufus: No. No, it wasn't. Bobby: No, I should - I should have listened to you. Rufus: Well, hey, that's categorical, Bobby. Bobby: I - l-let me just get this out. Rufus: Bobby, we've had this conversation already, okay? Bobby: No, we haven't. I never said I'm sorry, Rufus. I - you lost her because of me, and I - Rufus: Bobby, I said we've had this conversation already. And you could blabber all day...And it wouldn't change a thing, Bobby. I will never forgive you for what happened. You got that? Never. So change the subject, Bob. (they begin sawing Samuel's head, and his eyes open! He fights Rufus and Bobby and throws them both off of him. He breaks off a table leg and shoves it through the door handles ) Sam: Dean. Rufus: Jesus. (Dean frees Sam's hands. Bobby throws Samuel against the frayed cable and Samuel is electrocuted. The Kahn worm leaves Samuel. Dean and Sam kick the door open) Sam: Bobby, you okay? Dean: Rufus. Rufus. Rufus. Hey, you all right? Wake up. Sam: Hey, hey, hey, hey. It's all right. I got you. Come on. (he helps Bobby up) Dean: Come on. (he helps Rufus up) Rufus: This can't be my afterlife 'cause the three of you are here. What happened? Sam: Well, when we left, he was d*ad on the table. Bobby: Yeah, till he wasn't. Rufus: So how did he get double d*ad? Dean: Bobby threw him against that. I guess it was a live wire. It shorted, and he went ape. Then that thing crawled out of his ear. Bobby: At least we know what tickles it. Electricity. Sam: Yeah. Now the question is, where'd it go? You see? Dean: No. Sam: You two were down for the count. Dean: Yeah. Well, either it bailed or it's in either one of you. Rufus: Or, it's in one of you. Dean: No, we were awake. Rufus: Did you have eyes on each other? Dean: Yes. Rufus: 100% of the time? Dean: Define 100. Rufus: Like I said. Sam: All right, how about, uh, check for goo, right? (all four stick their fingers in their ears) Sam: Nothing. Bobby: It might just be gone. Dean: No. It might have wised up and covered its trail. Sam: All right, let's settle this...100%. Dean: How? (Sam strips the cable, Dean plugs it in) You're live. Sam: Okay. All right. (Sam holds the cable against Samuel) Yeah. Rufus: Okay. I'm not a Doctor, but I'm gonna go ahead and call this one. Sam: Yeah. All right,who wants to go first? Dean: Come on. (removes his jacket) Sam: You sure? Dean: Hurry up before I start thinking -- (Sam holds the cable against Dean's arm) Son of a...Whew. Awesome. Here, you want me to -- (Sam holds the cable against his own arm)  Dean: (gesturing for Sam to hand him the cable) Let's go. Sam: Yep. Rufus: Uh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Uh, no, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Dean: No passes, Rufus. Come on. Rufus: I got a damn pacemaker. Dean: Well, you better hope it's a good one. Bobby: Since when do you got a pacemaker? Rufus: Since Bush Jr., term one. I'm down three toes, too, F.Y.I. All right, come on. Just make it quick. Rufus: (as Dean holds the cable against his arm) God! God! Damn it! Damn it! Dean:  You okay? Rufus: No, I'm not okay. Give me that. (he grabs the cable from Dean) Bobby: Okay. All right, my turn. Well, it ain't inside me, so go right ahead. Rufus: All right, then just stand still, Bobby. Bobby: Okay, sure. Rufus: I'll make this quick. Bobby: No problem. Rufus: All right? Let's do this. Bobby: Okay, uh, just a second, Rufus. Rufus: Just a second nothing, whatever you are. Bobby: I'm Bobby. Rufus: Bobby, my ass. (Bobby s*ab Rufus in the chest) Sam: Bobby! (Rufus falls and Sam lowers him to the ground) Rufus. INT. CANNERY (Sam and Dean stand on either side of Bobby) Sam: Bobby, there are two of us and one of you. (Sam catches a hold of Bobby and Dean punches him, knocking him unconscious. Bobby wakes tied to a chair with duct tape) Dean: Well, hey, there, you little herpe. (Dean holds the cable against Bobby's neck) Sam: Why do you keep talking about herpes? Dean: What? I don't. Shut up. Shut up. (to Bobby) Now, don't you even think about shagging ass out of here, 'cause we got every crack in this room sealed. So get comfy. Bobby: I am comfy. It's nice in here. And you love this guy, don'tcha? You really want to k*ll me and take him with me? Haven't you lost enough pals today? Dean: We'll do what we have to do. And we got some questions for you, so you can either play ball, or we could fry up a little shrimp on the barbie. Bobby: Ask. Been waiting for you to ask. Dean: What the hell's that supposed to mean? Bobby: It means I got nothing to hide. Sam: What are you? Bobby: You haven't got a name for me yet. I'm new around here. Eve cooked me up herself. (Dean holds the cable to Bobby's neck again) Dean: Who is she, this Eve bitch? Bobby: The mother of all of us, and the end of all of you. By the time she's done, there'll be more creatures than humans. You'll live in pens. We'll serve up your young and call it veal. Sam: And what's your deal in all of this? I mean, how's jumping a few truckers gonna help? Bobby: You think I'm here to mess with a couple of Cannery workers? We led you here. Sam: Why? Bobby: She has a message for you. Dean: Oh, yeah? What's that? Bobby: You're all gonna die. She's pissed. She's here. And it's gonna be nothing but pain for you from here on in. Dean: Well, here's my response. (Dean holds the cable to Bobby's neck again) Sam: Dean. Dean! How much more do you think he can take? Bobby: You can't k*ll me, not without taking him with me. Dean: Well...We'll just have to do what Bobby would want us to do. (Sam wraps Bobby's mouth and ears shut with duct tape) Dean: No way out now, slug-o. Bobby, hang on in there. (Dean holds the cable to Bobby's neck until he sags forward) Dean: Bobby? Sam: Is he, uh...Hey, hey. (Sam starts to peel off the duct tape, the Khan worm falls out, d*ad) Whoa. Bobby. Dean: Bobby, hey. Sam: He's not breathing. Bobby! EXT. CEMETERY Dean: I got to say, I never figured Rufus for the religious type. Bobby: Well, he didn't exactly keep kosher. He always used to pull the old "can't work on the sabbath" card whenever we had to bury a body. You know, I-I was just a job. I was Joe mechanic. Then my wife got possessed...went nuts on me. I s*ab her, and that didn't stop her. Next thing I knew, this guy comes busting in, soaks her with holy water, and sends that demon straight to hell so fast. I'd have gone away for k*lling her. But... Rufus cleaned up everything. Taught me a thing or two about...what's really out there. Pretty soon, we were riding together. Worked like that for years, kind of like you two knuckleheads. Sam: So, what happened? Bobby: It was Omaha. It was my fault. And he never let it go. Dean: Well, he should have. Bobby:  You don't know what I did, Dean. Dean: Doesn't matter. Bobby: What do you mean, it doesn't -- Dean: I mean at the end of the day, you two are family. Life's short, and ours are shorter than most. We're gonna spend it wringing our hands? Something's gonna get us eventually, and when my guts get ripped out, just so you two know, we're good. Blanket apology for all the crap that anybody's done all the way around. Sam: Some of us pulled a lot of crap, Dean. Dean: Well, clean slate. Sam: Okay. (Bobby takes out a bottle of Johnny Walker Blue and pours some on the grave, and then takes a swig himself)
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "06x16 - And Then There Were None"}
Air Date: 15 April 2011 (Ellen and Jo have g*n on Sam and Dean.) Ellen: I think these are John Winchester's boys. Hey, I'm Ellen. That's my daughter Jo. (Ellen slaps Dean) Dean: Ow. Ellen: The can of whoop-ass I ought to open on you. You better put me on speed dial, kid. Dean: Yes, ma'am. Jo: Those are hellhounds out there, Dean. We let the dogs in, you guys h*t the roof, make a break for the building next over. I can wait here with my finger on the button. If I can get us a sh*t on the devil, we have to take it. Ellen: I will not leave you here alone. (Ellen pushes the button, bl*wing up the building she and Jo are in.) Castiel: It's Civil w*r up there. If we can b*at Raphael, we can end this. BALTHAZAR: You did more than rebel, you tore up the whole script and b*rned the pages for all of us. Do you have any idea what souls are worth, what power they hold? Agent ADAMS: Have you seen this man? Rufus Turner. Bobby: No, never seen that dick. Bobby: I ain't asking for no help. Rufus: I'm not asking for your permission. Rufus: Just like old times. Bobby: Long as I get to drive. (Rufus laughs) Sam: What are you? Khan Worm possessing Bobby: Eve cooked me up herself. The mother of all of us. She has a message for you. (Possessed Bobby s*ab Rufus, k*lling him.) Sam: Bobby! (Khan Worm falls out of Bobby's ear, d*ad.) (In cemetery, after burying Rufus) Bobby: It's my fault. (Bobby takes a sip of Rufus' favourite drink, Johnny Walker Blue) INT. GARAGE Chester, Pennsylvania (A man is in his garage, he props up the door with a plank. He works on a bent piece of metal.) Man: Piece of crap. (He goes to grab his beer which isn't where he left it. As he takes it off the table behind him, he knocks over a glass of nails.) Man: Oh, damn it. (He gets a broom to sweep up the nails and unknowingly knocks over a skateboard. He then slips on the skateboard, almost impales himself on a pair of garden shears, and accidentally knocks over a bucket of golf balls. He slips on one and falls, landing with his head directly underneath the garage door. A stray golf ball bounces onto a mouse trap, which goes off and causes the golf ball to fly towards the plank propping up the garage door. The plank falls and the garage door comes down on the man's neck, decapitating him.) INT. Bobby's HOUSE (Bobby sits at his desk drinking alcohol. Sam and Dean watch him from the door to the kitchen.) Sam: (whispers) Say something. Dean: (whispers) No. You. Sam: (whispers) No. You. (They play rock-paper-scissors. Sam picks paper. Dean picks scissors, as always. Sam looks stunned.) Sam: (clears throat) Uh... Bobby: You two just gonna stand there like the ugly girl at the prom, or you gonna pitch in? This so-called Eve, mother of whatever, ain't gonna gank herself. What's wrong with you two? Dean: Bobby, you haven't slept in days. Bobby: I sleep. What are you, my wife now? Dean: I'm just saying that, you know, taking five might be a good thing. Bobby: For whom? Sam: Look, Bobby, it was - it was tough for all of us, seeing Rufus go like that. Bobby: You think this - ? This ain't about Rufus. Dean: Bobby, he wasn't just a poker buddy. Bobby: You know when I knew Rufus was done for? The day I met him. The only question was, who first - him or me? Now, you want to stand there and therapise, or you want to get me some coffee? (Sam & Dean exchange a look) Make it Irish. (Sam & Dean walk out) Dean: Well, he's doing fantastic. Sam: Yeah, this isn't about Rufus at all. Dean: Well, what do you want to do? I mean, we can't just sit here and watch him poop out his liver. Sam: Well, we could get him out of the house. There's a job. Dean: Really? What've you got? Sam: (pulls a newspaper clipping out of his jacket pocket) Look. Chester, Pennsylvania. Three people got kicked off in the last week, all freaky. Last guy got karate-chopped by his garage door. And these are all blood relatives. Dean: What are you thinking, family curse? Sam: Could be. Dean: Hey, grumpy - (Dean yells to Bobby, who has walked up behind them) You, uh - ? Bobby: I don't want to do crap. Leave me alone. Just, get out of my house, both of you. You're driving me nuts. Dean: Bobby. Bobby: Now! For the love of Pete. (Sam takes the newspaper clipping back from Dean) EXT. Bobby's SCRAPYARD (Sam & Dean walk to their car, which is not the Impala. It has her plates, but it's a black Mustang with two brown stripes. Dean puts his bag in through the window and they get in. Dean starts the car.) Sam: You know, maybe we should wait 'til she gets back. Dean: Dude, she just called from the road, said she'd be here in two shakes. You really want to sit around and smell him stew in his juices? Sam: Yeah, yeah. Drive. (They drive off.) INT. Bobby's KITCHEN (Bobby pours himself another drink, and finds a g*n moving his hand away from the glass.) Bobby: What the...? Ellen: Tell me you haven't been drinking this whole time.  Bobby: You're worse than the boys. I'm working. Ellen: My God. I'm gone a week, and this place goes completely to hell. What is wrong with you, Bobby Singer? Bobby: Get a pen. It's a long list. Ellen: You smell like a bar, you know that? Bobby: You don't exactly smell like a Rose yourself. Ellen: Huh. Yeah, I've been hunting with Jo. What's your excuse? (Ellen unpacks groceries.) Bobby: If I need one, I got a good one. Ellen: I know. And I'm so sorry. He meant a lot to me, too. Go wash up. I'll fix us something. (She pats Bobby on the arm.) Bobby: Anybody ever tell you you're a pain in the ass? Ellen: (laughs and kisses Bobby on the cheek) That's why you married me. (Ellen pushes Bobby gently) Go. (Bobby walks out) Bobby: Don't tell me what to do, Ellen. INT. GARAGE  Chester, Pennsylvania (Dean and Sam investigate the scene. They both look around with flashlights.) Dean: (turns on the EMF meter) Not a bleep. Sam: Well, not a vengeful spirit, then. So what is it? (Sam finds a golden thread on the floor.) Huh. Dean: Whatcha got? What is that, Christmas tinsel? Sam: I don't know. (Sam rubs the thread against a flower pot, it leaves a gold streak.) It's gold. Dean: You mean, like, gold gold? Sam: Why would a handyman have gold just lying around in his garage? Dean: I don't know. There is definitely a skeleton in this family's closet. I mean, accidents don't just happen accidentally. (Sam gives Dean a look.) You know what I mean. Sam: All right. How about I'll go check family records, you go with next of kin? Dean: Yeah. INT. RUSSO's OFFICE RUSSO: (on the phone) On the courthouse steps - for the deposition. No, I told you, 3:00 p.m. No, my usual fees. I got to go, Ma. (Russo hangs up the phone and turns to Dean. Dean closes the pamphlet he was reading.) I'm sorry, uh, what department? Dean: Genealogy. From the university. W-w-we're doing a study on local families, and, well, the Russos are - RUSSO: Yeah, well, you know what? I got to tell you, I am extremely busy right now, so - Dean: Yeah, I-I'm sure you've had a rough week. I, uh, read about the recent tragedies. Your cousins, right? RUSSO: Yeah. It's a shame. But I'm not that close with my family, so, uh (sighs) is this gonna take long? Dean: No. Five minutes. Five minutes. Uh, can you - can you tell me anything, uh, noteworthy about the Russos? RUSSO: Noteworthy? No. I mean, not exactly - average, you know, big, from Italy. Dean: I see. Uh, was anyone ever k*lled or maimed in a w*r or, you know, some other violent thing? RUSSO: (scoffs) What do you mean? Dean: Like something so dark that it would sully future generations. RUSSO: Uh... No. Dean: Good. Good stuff. Anyone own a sl*ve? RUSSO: What? Dean: Routine question. Any ties to the n*zi Party? RUSSO: Excuse me? Dean: Did grandma ever piss off a gypsy? RUSSO: Okay, you know what? (Russo stands up.) I don't know what kind of study you're doing, but it's over. Right now. So if you don't mind - Dean: Okay, I-I'll just cut to the chase here. (Dean stands.) Um, your life is in danger. RUSSO: What? What is that, a thr*at? Are you thr*at me?! Dean: No, no, no. No, no. I'm not thr*at you. I'm just simply saying that if you don't watch your back, you're gonna die. RUSSO: Get the hell out of my office. Dean: Okay. RUSSO: Now! (Dean turns around and leaves) EXT. STREET Sam: (on the phone) Hey. Dean: (on the phone) Sam. Sam: Find anything? Dean: Uh, one asshat in a shiny suit. You? Sam: Not much. Great grandparents born in Calabria. Emigrated 1912. Been here ever since. Dean: What, no severed horse head? Sam: Ha. Four generations of picket fence. Dean: If these people are the Waltons, then why the hell are they dying? (Dean gets in his car.) INT. OFFICE (In a travel agent's office, a copy machine is copying something.) Woman: (on the phone) Well, how about Cuba? It's beautiful this time of year. And the new Trump Casino - amazing. Don't worry about the kids. There's a wave pool. Oh! Sure, yeah! (She writes something and drinks from a cup.) (Time stops and Atropos walks in. She takes a set of keys fom the woman's handbag and drops them under the copy machine.) Woman: Look, if you like cigars, Cher, or the circus, it's all about Havana. Yes, I've seen the Shatner ads. But you know what they don't have? Personal touch. Okay, then. I'll e-mail you some details. You too. (She hangs up and looks for her keys in her handbag. Not finding them, she pats down her pockets, turns around, and notices her keys on the floor between the copy machine and a shelf. Confused, she picks them up and accidentally knocks over a vase of flowers, spilling water on the copy machine and short-circuiting it. Panicked, she presses buttons to try and stop it, then bends over it to try unplug it from the wall. While she's leaning over the copy machine, it activates and her silk scarf gets caught. The scarf is pulled into the copy machine and the woman, unable to free herself, is strangled.) Woman: (gasps & chokes) (Atropos walks into the room and opens her book. A gold thread falls to the ground. She crosses out a name in her book, closes it and walks away.) INT. OFFICE - NIGHT (Sam and Dean enter the office. They look around with flashlights. Dean picks up the deceased woman's business card.) Dean: Anne Witting. You sure she's not a Russo, a second cousin twice removed or something? Sam: No, I checked the records twice. She's not related. Dean: Well, if this isn't a family curse, then what the hell is it? Sam: You got me. I got nothing. (Sam looks through some papers.) Dean: (Dean spots a golden thread on the floor.) Hold on. (He picks it up.) Not nothing. INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT (Sam is on his laptop.) Dean: (on the phone, he has the thread in his hand) So, we found another piece of this, I don't know, shiny string. Ellen: (on the phone, in Bobby's kitchen. She cuts up vegetables in front of the stove, then wipes her hands.) Oh, I was afraid of that. Dean: Why? What's up? Ellen: Oh, these so-called accidents - we're seeing 'em nationwide. About 75 so far. I got Jo and her crew working on a cluster in California. (Ellen sees Bobby opening a beer and takes it from him.) Bobby: Hey. Hey. Hey. Dean: Blood relatives? Ellen: Some yeah, some no. She's got about what you do - pile of bodies and a whole bunch of gold thread. (Bobby walks to the stove, smells the food, picks up a vegetable and eats it.) Dean: So what's it mean? Ellen: I don't know. I got Bobby working on it right now. Dean: How's he doing, by the way? (Dean gets up.) Ellen: Oh, don't worry. I'm kicking his ass back to health and happiness. Bobby: Who asked you to? To hell with you. (Bobby walks out the kitchen.) Dean: I heard that. Ellen: He'll be okay. Dean: Are you okay? Ellen: Aw, honey, you're sweet. You know me. I just worry about you boys. Dean: (Dean sits back down.) Yeah, well. All right, so, all these corpses, anything relate 'em? Ellen: Well, actually, I did dig up one thing. I just don't know what to make of it. (She puts the beer down and walks to the stove.) Dean: h*t me. Ellen: (She scoops a spoonful of food out the pot, smells it and adds some salt.) Well, it's a weird one, and it was buried pretty deep, but Bobby and me were combing through the family trees on all the victims, and we started seeing, well, the families all came over to America the Same year. Dean: Hmm. Ellen: Yeah. 1912. But here's the real weird part. They all came over on the Same boat. Dean: Really? Ellen: Yep. Dean: All right, so what's so special about the boat? Ellen: Nothing. It was a boat. It did what boats do. Dean: What was it called? Ellen: The Titanic. Did you ever hear of it? (She takes a sip of beer.) Dean: No. Ellen: Yeah, me neither. I'll keep digging. Dean: All right. (Dean hangs up) (Ellen pours some beer in the pot.) Dean: Does the name Titanic ring a bell? Sam: Titanic? No. (Sam researches) Sam: (sighs and quotes a website) The RMS Titanic was the largest passenger steamship in the world  when it made its maiden voyage across the North Atlantic in 1912. Dean: So what's the big friggin' deal? It's a ship. It sailed. Sam: Yeah, I don't know. Um... Oh, looks like there was a close call. Ship almost h*t an iceberg. Dean: Almost? So? Sam: So, uh, looks like the first mate spotted it just in time. Dean: Good for him. There anything else? Sam: Wait a second. Dean: What? Sam: Uh, this first mate. Mr I.P. Freeley. Dean: Well, that's not suspicious. You got a picture of old Freeley? Sam: Oh, you got to be kidding me. (The photograph is of Balthazar.) Dean: (Dean gets up to look at the photo.) Let's see. Balthazar. (Sam and Dean summon Balthazar - they carry a table to the middle of the room. Dean puts a bowl and candles on it and draws something in chalk. Sam closes the curtains. Dean lights a match and drops it into the bowl. The lights flicker. Sam and Dean look around. Balthazar appears.) BALTHAZAR: Boys, boys, boys. Whatever can I do for you? Dean: We need to talk. BALTHAZAR: Oh, you seem upset, Dean. Dean: The hell with the boat, Balthazar? BALTHAZAR: What boat? Sam: The Titanic. BALTHAZAR: Oh. Ja. The Titanic. Yes, well, uh, it was meant to sink, and I saved it. Sam: What? BALTHAZAR: Well it was meant to bash into this iceberg thing and plunge into the briny deep with all this hoopla, and I saved it. Anything else I can answer for you? Sam: Why? BALTHAZAR: Why what? Dean: Why did you un-sink the ship? BALTHAZAR: Oh, because I hated the movie. Dean: What movie? BALTHAZAR: Exactly. (laughs) Sam: Wait, so you saved a cruise liner because - BALTHAZAR: Because that God-awful Celine Dion song made me want to smite myself. Sam: Who's Celine Dion? BALTHAZAR: Oh, she's a destitute lounge singer somewhere in Quebec, and let's keep it that way, please. Sam: Okay, I didn't think that was possible. I thought you couldn't change history. BALTHAZAR: Oh, haven't you noticed? There's no more rules, boys. Sam: (scoffs) Wow. The nerve on you. So you just, what, un-sunk a giant boat? BALTHAZAR: Oh come on. I saved people. I thought you loved that kind of thing. Sam: Yeah, but now those people and their kids and their kids' kids, they must have interacted with - with so many other people, changed so much crap. You totally Butterfly-Effected history! Dean: Dude. Dude. Rule one, no Kutcher references. BALTHAZAR: Ah, yes. Unfortunately, there's still an Ashton Kutcher. And you still averted the Apocalypse, and there are still Archangels. It's just the small details that are different, like you don't drive an Impala. (Sam & Dean look confused.) Yes, yes. "What's an Impala?" Trust me, it's not important. And, of course, Ellen and Jo are alive. (Balthazar walks over to the counter, picks up a bottle and pours himself a drink.) Dean: Ellen and Jo? What? BALTHAZAR: Yes, they're supposed to be d*ad. You see, I save a boat, one thing leads to another, which leads to another thousand things, and yada, yada, yada. To cut a long story short, they don't die in a massive expl*si*n. (He drinks.) Mmm. Anyway, let's agree I did a good thing. One less Billy Zane movie and I saved two of your closest friends. Sam: But now somebody is k*lling the descendants of the survivors. BALTHAZAR: And? Sam: And that's maybe like 50,000 people. BALTHAZAR: And? Dean: And we need to save as many as we can, but we need to know who's after 'em. BALTHAZAR: Oh, uh, sorry, uh. You have me confused with the other angel - you know, the one in the dirty trenchcoat who's in love with you. I... don't care. (He takes another sip.) Goodbye, boys. (Balthazar vanishes.) Dean: Whoa, whoa, wait, wait, wait, wait. Son of a bitch! INT. Bobby's HOUSE & INT. MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Bobby: (on the phone) So, Balthazar un-sank a boat, and now we got a boatload of people who should never have been born. Sam: (on speaker phone) Yeah. Like 50,000. Bobby: Makes sense. Sam: How does any of this make sense? Bobby: Because I got an idea who we're up against. Dean: What? Bobby: Fate. Dean: You mean - ? Bobby: I mean Fate, like the Fates. Or one of 'em, at least. (The book Bobby has in front of him shows three women sitting, holding a long gold thread.) Sam: You mean like Greek mythology? Like the sisters? Bobby: Bingo. Dean: Nerd. Bobby: These ladies are responsible for how you go down, literally. So if you get creamed by a garage door or crunched by a copy machine, they're the ones who hammer out the details of how you die. Spin out your fate on a piece of pure gold. Sam: Gold thread. Bobby: (Takes a sip of coffee.) And then one of 'em writes it all down in her Day Runner of Death. It's high-level stuff. Anyway - fits. Now we know what Balthazar did. It seems to me that maybe Fate is just trying to clean up the mess. Sam: So, how do we stop it? Bobby: How do we stop Fate? Good question. Dean: Well, there's got to be a way. Bobby: Or there ain't. I mean, this is Fate we're talking about here. You know, the easiest way would be to get that angel to re-sink the boat. Dean: No. No way. Forget it. Bobby: Big difference between dying awful and never being born, Dean. Dean: We are not sinking the boat, Bobby. Okay? Don't even think about it. Bobby: Well, okay. What's got your panties in a clench? Dean: Nothing. Bobby: Try that again? Dean: It - Look, it - it - it doesn't even really matter, but... Bobby: But? Dean: Apparently, a crapload of dominoes get tipped over if the Titanic goes down. And, uh, bottom line - Ellen and Jo die. Bobby: (Looks at the picture of himself and Ellen by the B & E Scrap Yard sign.) Okay, you two. Listen up. You make sure... Keep those angels from sinking that boat. Do you understand me? Sam: Yeah. Dean: Yes. Sam: Yeah, Bobby, of course. (Bobby hangs up) Dean: Oh, he's bad enough with her. Think how he'd be if she was gone. Sam: Yeah. (sighs) So, what do we do? I mean, how do we save 50,000 people? Dean: I got no freaking clue. Sam: Yeah. We don't even know who they are. Dean: Well, we know one. (Dean points at Shawn Russo's pamphlet.) EXT. STREET - DAY (From inside the Mustang Dean spots Russo. Russo is walking with a client who is in a neck brace. Russo leaves the client and walks off on his own.) Dean: That's him. Let's go. (Sam and Dean exit the Mustang and follow Russo. Russo's phone rings.) RUSSO: (on the phone) Hello. Yeah. What? Dean: Mr. Russo! RUSSO: (on the phone) I don't care. Send him a fruitcake. (A man in a car is driving along. he takes a sip of coffee.) Dean: Shawn! RUSSO: (on the phone) Who's the judge? Dean: Russo! RUSSO: (on the phone) All right, send him a nice bottle of champagne. But nothing more than 30 - Dean: Shawn! RUSSO: (on the phone) Ah, no. 20 bucks. Believe me, this guy - he owes me. (The guy in the car spills his coffee all over himself.) Dean: Russo, stop! (Russo stops and turns to face Dean.) (The guy brakes and narrowly misses running over Russo. Russo falls and drops his phone. Sam helps him up. Dean holds out Russo's phone.) (There are worried murmurs from passers-by.) RUSSO: Get off of me. (to Dean) And you - I told you to leave me alone, didn't I? Dean: Look, we're just trying to help you out, okay? RUSSO: Help me?! You almost k*lled me, you lunatic. Give me that. (He grabs his cell phone away from Dean.) Unbelievable. (Russo walks away, crossing a street.) Dean: Russo! Hey! RUSSO: (from the middle of the street) Just be glad I'm not suing your a- ! (Russo is h*t by a bus.) EXT. STREET - DAY Dean: You've got to be kidding me. (Dean looks at Russo's remains and the huge blood stain on the street then up at the bus. On the back of the bus is an ad for Russo's law service) Sam, check it out. Sam: What?  Dean: (Pointing at the ad) Too soon? Sam: Yeah, Dean. I'm pretty sure six seconds is too soon. (Sam spots Atropos staring at them from inside a nearby building) Hey. Hey, hey, hey. I think I saw her. Right over there. Dean: Her? Like fate her? Sam: Yeah. Dean: What'd she look like? Sam: Kind of like a librarian.  Dean: Your kind of librarian or my kind of librarian? Sam: Well, she was wearing clothes, if that's what you mean. Dean: All right. Sam: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, wait, wait. We can't just walk over there. Dean: We're not on the h*t list. We have nothing to do with the boat. Let's go talk to her. Sam: Talk. Dean: Yeah, you know. (Dean briefly pulls out his g*n) Talk. Worth a sh*t, right? INT. ABANDONED RESTAURANT Dean: Hello? Hello? (Atropos stops time and turns the gas dials open on several stoves) Dean: Hello? (Dean's flashlight dies) Oh, come on.  Sam: You got a lighter? Dean: Yeah. Okay. (the lighter doesn't work) Sam: Oh, come on. It's out of juice or something? Dean: It shouldn't be. (The lighter finally sparks and the gas catches f*re. Castiel yanks Sam & Dean out if the warehouse just before the ignited gas reaches them) EXT. FOREST - NIGHT  Dean: Cass! Castiel: Hello, Dean. Sam. Sam: Hey, thanks man. Where are we? Castiel: White Russia. Sam: What?! Dean: Are you aware of what your frat bro did? Castiel: I'm aware. Balthazar can be impetuous. Dean: Well, riddle me this -- if fate's going after the boat people, why'd she try to waste me and Sam? Castiel: Well, I imagine she harbors a certain degree of rage toward you. Sam: What did we do? Castiel: Nothing of import -- just the tiny matter of averting the Apocalypse and rendering her obsolete. I think maybe she's a little irritated about that. And then you go and dangle yourselves in front of her... Dean: So we've pissed fate off personally. Castiel: If I know her -- and I do -- she won't stop until you're d*ad. Dean  Awesome. So what do we do? Castiel: k*ll her. Sam: k*ll fate? Castiel: Do you have another suggestion? Sam: No, I'm -- I just mean, uh...Can you even do that? Castiel: Balthazar has a w*apon that will work against her. Dean: Of course he does. Yeah. Boy, that guy's just got it covered, doesn't he? You need new friends, Cass. Castiel: I'm trying to save the ones I have, Dean. We'll have to draw her out. Sam: All right, well, uh, she's g*n for us. She's bound to surface again eventually. Castiel: We'll make it easy for her. I think you have an expression for it. "Tempting fate." INT. Bobby's HOUSE - LIVING ROOM Ellen: (on the phone) Yeah, well, you just be careful. (to Bobby) That was Jo. 30 more d*ad on the West Coast. What exactly do those boys think they're gonna do? Bobby: It's the boys. If anybody can pull this out of their ass, it's those two. Ellen: Yeah, you ever hear the saying "you can't stop fate"? You know, cleanest fix would just be to sink the boat. Bobby: Why would you say that? Ellen: Well, because, right now they're all dying bloody. It's not the Same as never being born. Bobby: You're talking about people -- people who are loved...Who would be missed. Ellen: What the hell is up with you? Bobby: Nothing. Ellen: Oh, please. You are a neon sign. So, I can b*at it out of you, or we could just skip that part -- dealer's choice. (time passes, Ellen and Bobby are now sitting at the kitchen table) Ellen: So, not just me, but Jo, too? Bobby: They're not gonna sink the boat. I promise. The boat stays. You don't have to worry. Ellen: Well...If it was meant to be, then...I guess whatever happens, happens. Bobby: But that's just my point. Nothing's "meant to be." Whether we're together is at the whim of some dick angel. Ellen: Oh, Bobby, relax. Bobby: I can't. We need you. Especially me. Ellen: I know. EXT. SIDEWALK - DAY Dean: Okay, so, we're just gonna meet our fate at any time, right? Sam: Yeah. Just walk. Act natural. (The song 'one way or another' plays in the background. Sam and Dean pass a set of stairs and a skateboarder sails right past them ) Dean: Okay. Sam: That's fine. (A bicyclist passes them , then a man with two large barking dogs) Dean: Oh you gotta be kidding me. (the brothers have stopped walking in front of a group of street performers who are juggling swords and hatchets) Sam: All right, just -- just keep walking. Dean: Sam, they're juggling knives. And hatchets. Sam: Yeah, I know. (the jugglers switch to torches) Can't avoid fate. (Sam and Dean walk right between the jugglers, but remain unharmed.  They come across a man with a jammed nail g*n.  He points it at Dean while trying to unjam it. )  Dean: Ah. (again, nothing happens)  Sam: All right. I don't get it. Dean: I don't either. Who do you got to k*ll to get k*lled around here? Sam: Maybe Cass was wrong. Man: Look out!  (A huge air conditioner falls out of the building Sam and Dean are passing and looks like it will crush them. Time stops.) EXT. SIDEWALK - DAY (Sam and Dean are still directly under the falling air conditioner, time is still frozen. Castiel approaches them. ) ATROPOS Castiel. Castiel: Atropos. You look well. ATROPOS I look like stomped-over crap, because of you. Castiel: All right, let's talk about this. ATROPOS Talk? About what? Maybe about how you and those two circus clowns desTroyed my work. You ruined my life. Castiel: Let's not get emotional. ATROPOS Not get emotional?! I had a job. God gave me a job. We all had a script. I worked hard. I was really, really good at what I did...Until the day of the big prize fight.And then what happens? You throw out the book! Castiel: Well, I'm sorry. But freedom is more preferable. ATROPOS Freedom? This is chaos! How is it better? You know, I even went to heaven just to ask what to do next, and you know what? No one would even talk to me. Castiel: There are more pressing matters at hand. ATROPOS But I don't know what happens next. I need to know. It's what I do. Castiel: I'm sorry. But your services are no longer required. ATROPOS You know what? I've kept my mouth shut. I could have complained, I could have raised a fuss, but I didn't. But you know what the last straw is? Un-sinking the Titanic. You changed the future. You cannot change the past. That is going too far! Castiel: It's Balthazar. He's erratic - ATROPOS Bull crap. This isn't about some stupid movie. He's under your orders. You sent him back to save that ship. Castiel: No, I didn't. Why would I? ATROPOS Oh, maybe because you're in the middle of a w*r and you're desperate? ATROPOS Come on. This is about the souls. Castiel: You don't know what you're talking about. ATROPOS That angel went and created 50,000 new souls for your w*r machine. Castiel: You're confused. ATROPOS No. You can't just mint money, Castiel. It's wrong...It's dangerous... And I won't let you. Castiel: You don't have a choice. ATROPOS Maybe I don't. So here's a choice for you. If you don't go back and sink that boat, I'm gonna k*ll your two favorite pets. Castiel: I won't let you. ATROPOS Oh, yeah? What are you gonna do? Castiel: Do you really want to test me? ATROPOS Okay. Fine. But think about this -- I've got two sisters out there. They're bigger, in every sense of the word. k*ll me -- Sam and Dean are target one. For simple vengeance. You're not fighting a w*r or anything, right? You can watch them every millisecond of every day. Because maybe you've heard -- fate strikes when you least expect it. Castiel: Balthazar, stop. (Balthazar stands behind Atropos, his blade raised to s*ab her) BALTHAZAR Ah. Awkward. ATROPOS Set things right before I flick your precious boys off a cliff just on principle. BALTHAZAR Uh, sweetie, before we go, um, I could remove that stick from your -- ATROPOS Don't try me. BALTHAZAR Oh. We'll leave it inserted, then. All right, then. Let's sink the Titanic. (time unfreezes, Atropos, Castiel, Balthazar, Sam & Dean disappear and the air conditioner crashes to the ground) EXT. Bobby's SCRAPYARD (The boys wake up in the Impala. 'My Heart Will Go On' plays on the radio) Sam: Dude, what time is it? I-I just had the weirdest dream Dean: 20 bucks says mine was weirder. I am not kidding. Sam: No, no, no. I'm not kidding either. I-I mean, it was...Just bizarre. Dean: Mine had the actual Titanic in it. What? Something on my face? Sam: D-did it, uh...Not sink, because Balthazar --  Dean: --had a hate on for Billy Zane? Why are you having my dreams, dude? Castiel: Wasn't a dream. Dean: Wait, what? You're saying this actually happened? That t-the whole...Whatever -- t-that was real? Castiel: Yes. Sam: Wait. So, what happened? Castiel: Well, I insisted he go back in time and correct what he'd done. Sam: What? Why? Castiel: It was the only way to be sure you were safe. Sam: So...So, you k*lled...50,000 people for us. Castiel: No, I didn't. They were never born. That's far different from being k*lled, wouldn't you say? Dean: Ellen and Jo? Castiel: I'm sorry. Dean: Hold on. Uh...So, if you guys went a-and changed everything back, then that whole timeline or whatever, it just got erased? Castiel: Yeah. More or less. Dean: Well, then, how come he and I remember it? Castiel: Because I wanted you to remember it.  Sam: Why? Castiel: I wanted you to know who Fate really is. She's cruel and capricious. Dean: I'd go so far as "bitch." Castiel: Well, yeah. You're the ones who taught me that you can make your own destiny. You don't have to be ruled by fate. You can choose freedom. I still believe that that's something worth fighting for. I just wanted you to understand that. Dean: So, wait. Did...Balthazar really, uh, unravel the sweater over a chick flick? Castiel: Yes. Absolutely. That's what he did. Dean: Wow. Well, might be time to take away his cable privileges. Besides, "Titanic" didn't suck that bad. (Sam gives Dean a look) Winslet's rack. (Castiel disappears) Dean: I'll tell you one thing about Cass, he does not appreciate the finer things. (The boys head inside. Bobby is sleeping on the couch) Sam: I guess things are back to normal, huh? Dean: "Normal." Awesome. Sam: Poor bastard. Doesn't even know how good he had it. Dean: Yeah, well, what he doesn't know won't hurt him. I say we keep our mouths shut. Sam: Yeah. I'm with you. Should we wake him? Dean: Nah. That's probably the best he's felt all week. (Dean covers Bobby with a blanket)
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "06x17 - My Heart Will Go On"}
Air Date: 22 April 2011 Bobby: I don't believe it. (He shows a map with five crossed marked on it.) Dean: Wyoming? What does that mean? Bobby: (points) Each of these Xs is an abandoned frontier church. (The churches are shown.) All mid-nineteenth century. Built by Samuel Colt. Dean: Samuel Colt? The demon-k*lling, g*n-making Samuel Colt? (Clip of Azazel being sh*t with the Colt is shown.) Bobby: Yep. He built private railway lines, (Jake pulls up in a car at the railway line) connecting church to church. It just happened to lay out like this. (Bobby draws lines on the map between the Xs, connecting the churches. The resulting shape is a pentagram.) Sam: It's a devil's trap. A hundred square mile devil's trap. (Demons enter the world through the broken railway devil's trap.) (Castiel touches Dean's forehead, Dean wakes up on a bench. He notices the date on a newspaper.) Dean: 1973. Dean: What is this? Castiel: What does it look like? Dean: Is it real? Castiel: Very. Dean: Okay, so what, angels got their hands on some DeLoreans? How did I get here? Castiel: Time is fluid, Dean. It's not easy but we can bend it, on occasion. (The dragons throw a woman into the opened door to Purgatory.) Bobby: I'm thinking you know Purgatory. This is all about opening a door to let something in. Sam: What? Bobby: I'm working on it. Dean: Can you give us something? Bobby: I got a name. Mother of All. (Eve rises from Purgatory.) Dean: We've got zero on ganking her. Eve: We've got so much to do. Let's get started. (Eve latches onto Rick's ear, possessing him with the Khan Worm. Rick kills his wife. Sam kills Samuel Campbell - Samuel was possessed. Possessed Bobby kills Rufus. Khan Worm falls out of Bobby's ear, d*ad.) Khan Worm possessing Bobby: She has a message for you. Dean: Oh yeah? What's that? Khan Worm possessing Bobby: You're all gonna die. EXT. STREET (A noose is hanging from a gallows.) Sunrise, Wyoming March 5, 1861 (Two cowboys step into the street. A woman peers at them through a window. They face each other from several metres apart. They open their coats and have their hands ready to draw their g*n. A man watches them through a window. One cowboy is wearing a Sheriff badge. It's Dean. A clock strikes noon. The men look at each other and draw their g*n. The screen goes black and a g*n is heard.) EXT. CAMPBELL's COMPOUND (48 hours earlier and 150 years later) Sam: It's here, somewhere. I know it. (to Bobby) Help me move this. INT. CAMPBELL's COMPOUND Sam and Bobby move Samuel's desk, revealing a trapdoor. Bobby: I'll be damned. (Sam, Dean and Bobby all head down the ladder) Sam: Welcome to the Campbell family library. Dean: So, Samuel collected all this stuff, huh? Sam: Apparently. Dean: Wow. All right, well, what are we looking for? Bobby: Well, anything that'll put a run in the Octomom's stockings. Pick a row. (all three start looking through the books in the library)' Bobby: Bingo. (all three sit at the table in the middle of the room) Either of you jokers ever heard anything about a Phoenix? Dean: River, Joaquin, or the giant flaming bird? Bobby: It says here that the ashes of a Phoenix can burn the mother. Sam: The mother? Dean: Great. Where do we get one? Bobby: You got me. I thought it was a myth. Sam: All right, great. Well, let's see if we can find something out about a Phoenix. (they look through books again) Dean: Guys.Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, check this out. (Dean joins Bobby and Sam at the table and begins to read from the book he's holding) "March 5, 1861. Sunrise, Wyoming. g*n k*lled a Phoenix today. Left a pile of smoldering ash." Sam: Really? Whose g*n? Dean: Colt's. Sam: Colt? Colt like -- Dean: like the Colt. From...(Dean holds up the book, grinning)...Samuel Colt's Journal. Sam: What?! (Sam grins) That's his? Dean: Yeah. Sam: Dude, no. Dean: Dude, yes. Sam: (grabs for the book)Well, let me see it. Dean: Get your own. Bobby: Well, what else did he say about the Phoenix? What does it look like? Has it got feathers? Dean: It just says "Phoenix." Bobby: Did he say where he tracked it? Dean: No. Sam: All right, so I guess we got to find one of our own, whatever it is. Dean: I know where we can find one. March 5, 1861. Sunrise, Wyoming. We'll "Star Trek IV" this bitch. (Sam shrugs) Bobby: I only watched "Deep Space Nine." Dean: It's like I don't even know you guys anymore. "Star Trek IV." Save the whales. (Sam and Bobby both shrug) Dean: We hop back in time, we join up with Samuel Colt, we hunt the Phoenix, and then we haul the ashes back home with us. Bobby: Time travel? Dean: Yeah. Bobby: That's a reasonable plan? Dean: We got a guy who can swing it. (Dean stands up, and prays) Castiel. The, uh, fate of the world is in the balance. So, come on down here. Come on, Cass, "I Dream of Jeannie" your ass down here pronto. Please. (an angel appears in the vessel of a blonde woman) Dean: Jeannie? Rachel: Rachel. I understand you need some assistance? How can I help you? Dean: Well, uh, we kind of need to talk to the Big Kahuna. Rachel: I'm here on Castiel's behalf. Sam: Where is he? Rachel: Busy. Dean: Busy? Rachel: Yes. Dean: Well, we've got a line on the mother of freaking everything, so -- Rachel: I'm sure your issue's very important. But Castiel is currently commanding an army, so -- Dean: So we get stuck with Miss Moneypenny. Rachel: So you need to learn your place. Dean: Look, I don't know who you think you are -- Rachel: I'm his friend. Sam: What, you think we're not? Rachel: I think you call him when you need something. We're fighting a w*r. Sam: We get that. Rachel: Clearly you don't, or you wouldn't call him every time you stub your toe, you petty, entitled little pie-- Castiel: Rachel. That's enough. Rachel: I told you I'd take care of this. Castiel: It's all right. You can go. Rachel: You're staying? Castiel: Go. I'll come when I can. Dean: Wow. Friend of yours? Castiel: Yes. She's, uh, my lieutenant. She's...committed to the cause. Now, what do you need? INT.Bobby's HOUSE -LIVING ROOM Bobby: Where the hell's Dean? Sam: Supply run, he said. I don't know. Castiel: Um, about your plan. You'll only have 24 hours. Sam: Wait, what? Why? Castiel: Well, the answer to your question can best be expressed as a series of partial differential equations. Bobby: Yeah, aim lower. Castiel: The further back I send you, the harder it becomes to retrieve you. 24 hours is all I can risk. If I don't pull you home within that time, you'll be lost to me. Dean: (enters the room carrying several large shopping bags) Well, then we better get you a watch. Bobby: What the hell's all that? Dean: We are going native. Got to blend in. (Dean hands Sam one of the bags - it is from 'Wally's Western World') Sam: Uh, no, thanks. I'm fine. Dean: Sam. Sam: Dean, I can -- I can wear this. (Sam gestures at his current outfit) Dean: And look like a spaceman? Sam: Look, just because you're obsessed with all that Wild West stuff -- Dean: No, I'm not. Sam: You have a fetish. Dean: Shut up. I like old movies. Sam: You can recite every Clint Eastwood movie ever made, line for line. Bobby: Even the monkey movies? Sam: Yeah. Especially the monkey movies. Dean: His name is Clyde. At least wear the damn shirt. Sam: (Sam comes downstairs wearing a white shirt embroidered with yellow Roses. Dean is wearing a whole outfit, complete with sarape) Dean, this is stupid. I look stupid. Bobby: You going to a hoedown? Castiel: Now, is it -- is it custoMary to wear a blanket? Dean: It's a sarape. And, yes. It's, uh... Never mind. Let's just go. (looking at the gold watches and chains in his bag) What's this? Bobby: Where you're goin', they don't take plastic. Castiel: I'll send you back to March 4th. That should give you time to find the Colt... and this Phoenix creature. Dean: All right, well, see ya at High Noon tomorrow. ( Clicks tongue ) (Castiel touches them on the forehead and Sam and Dean appear in Sunrise, Wyoming 1861.) EXT. SUNRISE, WYOMING  Dean: Oh, now we're talking. INT. Bobby's HOUSE - LIVING ROOM Castiel: I have to go. Bobby: What about getting the boys back? Castiel: Pray for me in 24 hours, and I'll return. Bobby: I'll pray for all of us. (Bobby sets a timer to 24 hours) EXT. SUNRISE, WYOMING  Dean: All right. Let's go find Samuel Colt. (Sam sets the timer on his watch to 24 hours) Dean: Hey, we should try the Saloon first, uh, see what we get from the locals. Sam: Sure. (Chuckles) Whatever, Sundance. Dean: Think we'll have time to h*t on saloon girls? (Sam gives Dean a look) Dean: I'm kidding. Come on. Sam: (takes a step right into a pile of horse manure) Oh, damn it. Come on. Dean: You know what that is? Sam: Yeah, it's horse -- Dean: Authenticity! Sam: (Groans) (The boys walk into the center of town and see a hanging taking place) Judge Mortimer: We stand here today -- March 4th, 1861 -- to execute justice upon Elias Finch for the m*rder of his own wife. Sam: Wow. Talk about authenticity. Judge Mortimer: Sentence handed down by myself, Tye Mortimer, duly appointed judge of the Wyoming circuit. You will be hung by your neck until you die. Sheriff: You got anything to say? Elias Finch: You're gonna burn for this. Every one of you. (Elias is hanged. His bones crack and the crowd gasps) Dean: Good times. So where do we find Sammy Colt? Sam: No idea. Huh. (watching the judge and Sheriff walk down the steps of the hanging platform) I think I know who to ask, though. Man: (turning around, he stares at Dean's attire) Nice blanket. (Dean, disappointed, takes off his sarape. Sam and Dean enter the jail to find the Sheriff.) INT. JAIL Dean: Sheriff? Can we have a word? Sheriff: Depends who's askin'. Dean: Marshal Eastwood. Clint Eastwood. ("The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" theme plays) Dean: This here is, uh, Walker. (gesturing to Sam) He's a Texas Ranger. Sheriff: So, what can I do for you boys? Sam: Uh, we're looking for a man. Judge Mortimer: I'll bet. (gesturing to Dean) Nice shirt, there. Dean: What's wrong with my shirt? Judge Mortimer: You're very clean. Dean: It's dirtier than it looks. Sam: We need to find Samuel Colt. Do you know him? Sheriff: The g*n maker? Dean: Yeah. Is he in town? Sheriff: Not that I know of. Might try asking Elkins over at the Saloon. Been here longer than God. (Dean tips his hat, and he and Sam leave. They head into the saloon.) INT. SALOON Dean: (surveying the saloon) This is not awesome. (Sam gives Dean an encouraging pat on the shoulder) Sam: Hi. Elkins: What'll you have? Dean: Oh, uh, okay. Great. I'll have your top-shelf whiskey. Elkins: Only have the one shelf. Dean: That'll do just fine. (pointing to Sam) And he'll have a sarsaparilla. Sam: You Elkins? Elkins: One and only. Den: You know a man named Samuel Colt? Elkins: He passed through here about four years ago. Sam: He still around? Elkins: Rumor is, he's building a railroad stop 20 miles out of town, just by the Postal road. Middle of nowhere. Sam: (whispering) The Devil's Gate? Dean: Location fits. Darla: Howdy, boys. Elkins: Darla's my best girl. Darla: Try me. You want a kiss? Dean: S-so much more germier than I pictured. Judge Mortimer:  Darla! Darla: Ah. Judge. Nice to see you. Judge Mortimer: I thought we had a date. Dean: Wow, that was a close one.  Sam: I guess it's good to be judge. Dean: Yeah. (drinks from his whiskey, spits it out) Ohh. It's like gasoline. Sam: Sarsaparilla ain't half bad. INT. SALOON -DARLA's ROOM (Darla and Mortimer are on the bed. Darla sees something, gasps, and pushes away. She scrambles away from the bed. Downstairs, Sam and Dean hear Darla's scream. They run upstairs. In Darla's room, Elias appears and puts his hand on Mortimer. Mortimer screams and burns. Sam and Dean enter and find Darla in the corner, on the bed there is only a smoldering skeleton, half turned to ash. ) Sam: You okay, Sheriff? Sheriff: 'Course I'm okay. Darla: It was a ghost! Sheriff: It wasn't a ghost. Unless ghosts leave footprints. (gesturing at the floor where there are dark footprints leading out of the room) Darla: I am telling you, Elias Finch was here. He did... that, and then he walked out that door. Sheriff: Rope didn't k*ll him. Seen it before. Sam: Well, you got any idea where he could be? Sheriff: Could be a thousand places. Dean: Well, you got a way to flush him out? Sheriff: 'Course. We're gonna form a posse. Then we're gonna string Finch up right. Put a b*llet in his head for good measure. Dean: That actually sounds like a good plan. Sheriff: You two should come along. Meet downstairs at dawn. Dean: Yeah, we'll be there. Sheriff: Get yourselves some real gear first, huh? Dean: Well, I think we ought to pay our respects to Finch. Sam: I was thinking the Same thing. EXT. CEMETERY -NIGHT Sam: You thinking what I'm thinking? Dean: Rose from the ashes, b*rned up its victim? You know, maybe we're not looking for a flaming bird. Maybe the Phoenix is actually walking around in cowboy boots. Sam: That makes sense, right? Could be Finch. So, question is, how do we put this thing out? Dean: Well, we do know one thing that'll k*ll friggin' anything, right? Sam: Yeah, the Colt. Dean: So, you go get the g*n. Sam: But isn't the g*n coming here? I mean, according to Samuel Colt's journal? Dean: Yeah, but people here barely even know who Colt is. Maybe you got to go find him and make history. Dean: I'll stay here, hook up with the posse. 'Cause you know me -- I'm a posse magnet. I mean, I love posse. Make that into a t-shirt. Sam: You done? Look, the problem is, Colt's 20 miles outside of town. How am I supposed to get there and back before noon? (they hear a horse in the distance) Dean: Ride 'em, cowboy. (they buy a horse) Dean: Wh-- uh, try -- try the other side. Yeah, good boy. Sam: Right. (Sam gets onto the horse and rides away slowly) Yeah. Right. Hey. This actually feels all right. Dean: All right, take it -- just take it easy. Sam: Yeah, you bet. I'm good. All right, 11:00 A.M., right? Dean: Don't be late! Sam: Okay. Dean: All right. Go on. Go. Hyah! Sam: I'm okay! Dean: That poor horse. (Sam gallops off) (the Sheriff goes to his horse, Elias watches him. The horse is startled, and runs off. The Sheriff sees Elias and sh**t him, to no effect) Sheriff: Forgive me! I'm sorry! Elias: You had your chance. Tell it to the judge. (Elias burns the Sheriff, the Sheriff screams and dies) INT. WAREHOUSE - DAY Rachel: We need to talk. Castiel: You summoned me here? Rachel: Castiel, I've been hearing things. Things I don't want to believe. Just tell me if it's true. Castiel: If what's true? Rachel: You know. Your dirty little secret. Castiel: I have to defeat Raphael. Rachel: Not this way, Castiel. Castiel: Rachel. Rachel: We put our faith in you, and...look what you're turning into. Castiel: I don't have a choice. Rachel: Then neither do I. (Rachel s*ab Castiel with her blade) (They fight, Castiel turns Rachel's blade on her and s*ab her. He lowers her to the ground and watches her die.) Castiel: I'm sorry. INT. Bobby's HOUSE - LIVING ROOM (Castiel appears in Bobby's kitchen, bleeding.) Bobby: What the hell is going on?! Cass? (Castiel draws a sigil on the kitchen cabinet.) Bobby: Cass? Are we running or fighting? Castiel: We're...(he collapses into Bobby's arms) Bobby: Balls. INT. SALOON - DAY Elkins: New hat. Dean: I look good. Where's the posse? I must be early. Elkins: Or you're the only greenhorn dumb enough to go chasing after a ghost. Dean: What are you talking about? Sheriff's tough as nails. He'll be here. Man: (from outside the saloon) Oh, God! The Sheriff's d*ad! Dean: Or not.  EXT. OUTSIDE SALOON (Dean looks at the pile of ash and bones with the Sheriff's badge on top)  Dean: Great. Who's the Sheriff now? (Elkins pins the badge on Dean) Dean: What. What... Elkins: Now...Congratulations, Sheriff. INT. Samuel Colt's HOUSE (Samuel Colt sits at his desk drinking.) Samuel Colt: Ahh. (Two men enter.) Man: Samuel Colt? Samuel Colt: You have the wrong drunk, gentlemen. Have a nice day. Man: We've been looking for you, Colt. Samuel Colt: And who might "we" be? (The two men's eyes flash black. they are both demons.) Samuel Colt: Listen...I've long since hung it up. I'm tired, and I'm too damn old for this, and I'm sure as hell not looking for any trouble. Demon: Well, it's found you anyway. We know you built that Devil's gate, Colt. So you're gonna open it for us. That is, if you fancy keeping your lungs in your chest. Samuel Colt: Walk away, gentlemen. Demon: Well, I think we'd rather rip you to ribbons, you soft -- Samuel Colt: (pulls out his colt and sh**t the two demons. They fall to the floor and die. Samuel peers over his desk at the shattered bottle of whiskey on the floor) ah, that's a shame. A damn shame. INT. HOUSE - Deputy's ROOM (the Deputy is packing his suitcase- he hears a knock) Deputy: Who's there? Dean: (in a high pitched voice) Candygram for Mongo. (Deputy opens the door) Dean: Howdy, pilgrim. Deputy: I ain't no pilgrim. Dean: All right, back up. (gesturing at the Deputy's g*n, Dean shows the Deputy his new Sheriff's badge) Is that any way to, uh... Greet your new boss? Deputy: (Scoffs) Dean: Missed you at the posse this morning. I was a one-man wolf pack, thanks to you. (looking at the Deputy's suitcase) What's going on here? Deputy: Going to visit my sister. Dean: Well, she'll have to wait. Deputy: But if I don't -- Dean: Finch said he was coming back for the former Sheriff...Judge Mortimer... and you. That's two down and one to go. Deputy: Then just let me go! Dean: You really think you can outrun him? He is going to k*ll you. Unless... Deputy: Unless what? Dean: Unless we gank him first. Deputy: "Gank"? What's "gank"? Mister, you're crazy. No way. You're on your own. Dean: I'm not asking you to throw down with him. I'm asking you to play your part. Deputy: My part? Dean: Yeah. Bait. INT. Samuel Colt's HOUSE (Sam opens Samuel's door and peers inside) Sam: Hello? (Samuel throws holy water on Sam) Sam: Okay, not a demon! Not a demon! Just -- just a hunter. Sheesh. Samuel Colt: You're what? Sam: You Samuel Colt? My name is Sam Winchester. I'm -- I'm a hunter from the year 2011. Samuel Colt: Prove it. (Sam hands Samuel his blackberry. Samuel looks at it and heads back to his desk) Samuel Colt: All right. (he places Sam's blackberry behind his desk on the bookshelf) Sam: A-all right? That's -- uh, that's it? Samuel Colt: Well, when you've done this job as long as I have...a giant from the future with some magic brick doesn't exactly give you the vapors. Sam: I need your help k*lling a Phoenix. Samuel Colt: A Phoenix? They exist? Sam: Well, you sh**t one in about three hours. Samuel Colt: If you say so. Sam: I don't. You do. (Sam hands Samuel Colt's journal to Samuel Colt) Samuel Colt: (looks at his two journals laying on top of each other) That's...I'm either too drunk or not drunk enough. So what is it I'm about to exactly do? Sam: Well, the Phoenix is in sunrise, so, uh, if we leave now, you can -- Samuel Colt: I appreciate your situation, but I'm not gonna be of any help to you. I'm booked. Sam: Right, but -- but you say right here -- Samuel Colt: Don't believe everything that you read. Sam: But you're a hunter. Samuel Colt: Retired. Sam: There's no such thing. Samuel Colt: I'm out. Sam: There is no getting out. Look, for what it's worth, in my time, you're a hero. Samuel Colt: Me? Sam: Yes, sir. Samuel Colt: (Laughs) Sam: Now, look, we -- we need to k*ll this Phoenix. Its ashes are the only thing that can k*ll the monster I'm hunting. So stow your crap for a few hours, and let's go. We got to go now. So, either you're coming with me, or I need the g*n. Samuel Colt: What g*n? Sam: The g*n. Samuel Colt: Oh, that g*n. I lost it in a game of Stud. Sam: You're lying. Samuel Colt: Am I? (Laughs) Now, that doesn't sound like me. Sam: You sh*t a couple of demons with it less than an hour ago. Samuel Colt: How do you figure? Sam: (Breathes deeply and points towards the door) Two pairs of bootprints. Cabin reeks of sulfur. Samuel Colt: (nods) Not bad. (Samuel opens his jacket so Sam can see the colt in his holster) You don't want it. It's a curse. Believe me. Sam: Great. Then let me take it off your hands. Samuel Colt: You go put on a few more miles and come back, and we'll talk. Sam: Trust me, I've got plenty of mileage. Samuel Colt: I'm doing you a favor. Believe me. Sam: So, what? You can really just sit there? Samuel Colt: I've given my whole life to this. I'm done. Sam: So it doesn't matter what happens. Samuel Colt: No, it doesn't. Sam: So everything you did, it all means nothing? Give me the g*n. INT. Bobby's HOUSE (Bobby's timer shows one hour left) Castiel: (sits up and exhales sharply) Bobby: Cass, you -- you like you went 12 rounds with truckasaurus. What happened? Castiel: I was, uh...I was betrayed. Rachel, uh...Raphael...He corrupted her. She turned on me. Bobby: Sorry. Girl's a real... peach. Castiel: She's... d*ad. I... was wounded. I needed... safety. Thank you. (He tries to get up from the couch, coughs and grunts, Bobby pushes him back down) Bobby: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey. What's with the finger painting? Castiel: It's a warding symbol against angels. Bobby: How bad's it hurt? Castiel: I'll heal. Bobby: Well, good...'Cause we got less than an hour before you pick up the kids at Frontierland. Castiel: I can't. Bobby: Come again? Castiel: This fight...Drained me. Bobby: Well, if you're up on blocks, then call in another halo who can get the job done. Castiel: I can't. Bobby: Well, there's got to be something that can juice you up. A spell -- something. Castiel: There is one thing that might work, but...It's extremely dangerous. Bobby: Shocker. So, lay it on me. Castiel: It's your soul. Bobby: What do you want me to do? Make another deal? Seal it with a kiss? Castiel: I need you to let me touch it. Bobby: Touch it? Castiel: The human soul -- it's pure... energy. If I can siphon some of that off, I-I might be able to bring Sam and Dean back. Bobby: And the catch is...? Castiel: Doing this is like...putting your hand in a nuclear reactor. I have to do it very gingerly. Bobby: Or...? Castiel: Or you'll explode. Bobby: Well. Keep both hands on the wheel. Let's do this. INT. JAIL (Dean glances at the clock nervously) Dean: Never been late in your damn life, Sam, and now you're dragging ass. Deputy: (from the jail cell) So this is your big plan, huh? Just let me rot in here till Finch comes? Dean: Pretty much. Why's he g*n for you, anyway? Deputy: I guess you missed the part where we hung him? Dean: No, I'm thinking to a thing like Finch, that's no big whoop. He would've just blown town, but he came back. That seems personal. Deputy: I'll tell you what -- you let me out of here, and we'll talk. Dean: (Clicks tongue) No can do. (Elias Finch enters) Elias: Open up that cell. Dean: Open it yourself. You melt people's faces off. I'll bet you got the juice to tear that apart easy, don't you? Unless you can't. Just like you couldn't break those cuffs when they strung you up. (Dean throws the iron nail he's holding at Elias, who catches it by reflex) Elias: Aah. (he drops the nail and his hand smolders) Dean: Iron shackles...iron bars, iron nail. See a pattern? Don't worry. Most creatures I meet can't get it up for iron. It's a common monster problem. Elias: So you're a hunter. Dean: Slash Sheriff. Elias: You know what this son of a bitch did? Dean: Do tell. Elias: I was married to a woman. Good woman -- human. We lived outside of town, didn't bother anyone. Dean: Sure, freak with a heart of gold. Elias: You want to call me "monster," fine. But all we did was go into town. I go into the bank for five minutes. I come out, she's gone. And then I heard her scream. (Exhales sharply) This... man had her pinned in the alley. I go to stop him, he pulls his g*n, sh**t me, then her. She died in my arms. 'Course, I don't die. The sh*ts brought the Sheriff. Next thing I know, I'm in iron. That's why I want him just where he is -- trapped, scared. I saved the best for last. Dean: (to the Deputy)Is that true? Elias: So tell me -- are you really willing to die to protect this piece of filth? Dean: Honestly, I could care less about him. He's a dick and a coward. Deputy: Hey! Dean: But this ain't about him. I know what you are. Elias: Really? Dean: Yeah. So...I got to k*ll you. Elias: Well, if you know what I am, then you know you can't. (Elias grabs the Deputy's g*n from where his holster hangs on the wall and sh**t the Deputy) Dean: Wow, I should've seen that coming. (Dean jumps through the window and runs from Elias, who is f*ring at him) EXT. SUNRISE, WYOMING (Dean runs and hides from Elias.) Sam: Dean! Dean: Sam, come on, come on! Dean: Hey, where's Colt? Sam: He's not coming. Dean: What?! Sam: But he sent this. (Sam hands Dean the colt) Dean: Ohh. Hello, beautiful. Sam: All right. Dean: Come on. Sam: Yeah. INT. Bobby's HOUSE - LIVING ROOM (the timer shows two minutes left) Castiel: Are you sure? Bobby: Well, we can't just strand those idjits in Deadwood, can we? Castiel: The risks... Bobby: Just... don't explode me. EXT. SUNRISE, WYOMING Dean: (walking onto the main road) Get out here, Finch! Sam: (from nearby, around the corner) What are you doing?! Dean: Come on! Let's do this! Elias: So, this is how you want to die. Fine. (Elias walks to the road and faces Dean) INT. Bobby's HOUSE - LIVING ROOM (Castiel sticks his arm inside of Bobby and siphons off some energy from Bobby's soul. Bobby screams. There is a minute left on the timer.) EXT. SUNRISE, WYOMING (Dean and Elias wait for the clock to strike twelve and sh**t. Dean hits Elias, and Elias dies, shocked. He bursts into flame and leaves behind a pile of ashes.) Dean: Yippee-ki-yay, mother... INT. Bobby's HOUSE - LIVING ROOM (Castiel's eyes light up) EXT. SUNRISE, WYOMING Sam: (notices the clock shows noon) Dean!The ashes! (Sam and Dean run towards the ashes) INT. Bobby's HOUSE - LIVING ROOM (Sam and Dean appear in Bobby's house, Dean's bottle is empty- he did not gather any ashes) INT. Bobby's HOUSE - LIVING ROOM Dean: (to Castiel) You gotta send us back. Sam: Dean, look at him. He's fried. Castiel: I never want to do that again. Dean: Bobby, you -- Bobby: I'm still kickin', Annie Oakley. Be back good as new in...A decade or two. Dean: And we screwed the pooch. Bobby, I'm sorry. (there is a knock on the door. Sam goes to answer the door. There is a delivery man from "Western Couriers" holding a package.) Western Courier Delivery Man: Is there a Sam Winchester here? Sam: Who's asking? Western Courier Delivery Man: Look, this is nuts -- me and a couple guys made a bet. So... this thing's been laying around the office since...ever!? Uh, with a note on it saying to bring it here today. It's from a-a Samuel Colt? Sam: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, that's -- that's mine. Great. Thanks. (Sam grabs the ashes and closes the door.) Thanks. Western Courier Delivery Man: Yeah. (Sam opens the package and reads the letter inside.) Sam: "Dear Sam, I got this address and date off your thingamajig, and I thought the enclosed might come in handy. Regards, Samuel Colt." (Sam pulls a bottle full of ashes from the package.) Bobby: Is that what I think it is? Dean: Ashes of a Phoenix. You know what this means? Bobby: Yeah, I didn't get a "soulonoscopy" for nothing. Dean: Yes. And... it means we take the fight to her.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "06x18 - Frontierland"}
Air Date: 29 April, 2011 CROWLEY: Bring me creatures. Aim high on the food chain. Samuel: (A bag is thrown over a djinn's head.) Whatever we bag, ends up there. (The building is shown.) That's where he tortures 'em, interrogates 'em, I don't really know. (The Alpha Shapeshifter, Meg and the Alpha Vampire are tortured.) Dean: We ain't your employees. CROWLEY: 'Course you are. (Sam hits Crowley over the head, knocking him to the ground.) (Castiel holds a bag.) CROWLEY: What's in the gift bag? Castiel: You are. (He holds Crowley's skull.) CROWLEY: Not possible. Castiel: You didn't hide your bones as well as you should have. (Cas sets the bones alight, Crowley goes up in flames.) (Dean burns possessed Bobby with a live wire.) Dean: Who is she, this Eve bitch? (Khan Worn falls out of Bobby's ear, d*ad.) Bobby: The ashes of a phoenix can burn the mother. (The phoenix catches an iron nail. His hand is burnt.) Dean: (Reading from Colt's journal) 1861, Sunrise, Wyoming. g*n k*lled a phoenix today. (Samuel Colt kills two demons with the Colt.) Left a pile of smouldering ash. (The Sheriff's ashes are shown.) Sam: Whose g*n? Dean: Colt's. (Cas sends Sam & Dean to 1861.) Dean: We hop back in time, we join up with Samuel Colt, we hunt the phoenix and then haul its ashes back home. (Dean sh**t the phoenix with the Colt, it goes up in flames and leaves a pile of ashes.) (Sam holds the ashes in a bottle.) Bobby: Is that what I think it is? Dean: Ashes of a phoenix. You know what this means? We take the fight to her. EXT. PARKING LOT - NIGHT (Two young men, one is Ed, walk out of a place called 8th Street Sports Lounge.) Man #1: I'm serious, I'm serious. That was way overpriced, dude. Back where I'm from, okay, it was like $3 a beer. Ed: Okay, then I'm buying next time. Man #1: I'm not even lying. I'm not even joking at all. (They see Eve. She is wearing a white dress. There is a bloodstain on the front of it, by her chest.) Ed: Hey. Heaven must be missing an angel. (Eve touches Ed's face and walks away.) Ed: I think she likes me. Man #1: Okay, Fabio, let's - let's go. (He leads Ed away.) INT. BAR - NIGHT (Eve enters a bar. You Sexy Thingby Hot Chocolate is playing. There are a lot of people. She looks around, locks the door and breaks off the handles. She walks through the bar. Two guys are sitting at a table nearby.) GUY #1: Are you okay, miss? Eve: I'm perfect. GUY #1: (points at her dress) I mean is - is that blood? Eve: (looks down) Yes. I suppose it is. GUY #1: You sure you're alright? (Eve says nothing. She walks up to him and kisses him. Veins disperse into his face. Eve walks away. His head hangs forward.) GUY #2: Hey, what the hell? Eve: I gave him a gift. (She touches a woman's face and the Same vein-thing happens.) GUY #2: C'mon, let's get out of here. (Eve touches several more people's faces.) (The guy from the table att*cks his friend. The touched people also att*ck others. They bite their necks. People run to the door but can't get out. As everyone is attacking or being att*cked, Eve smiles.) INT. Bobby's HOUSE - DAY (The bottle the ashes were in is empty. Dean is making g*n shells with the ashes.) (Sam & Bobby walk in.) Sam: Hey. How you doing? Dean: Five shells. That's how I'm doing. Sam: (sighs) Well, you know, it's a hell of a lot more than what we had last week. Dean: Maybe. Bobby: Meaning? Dean: Meaning I just had myself a little mishap a few minutes ago, and, uh, well, here, look. (Dean rubs ashes on his arm. Nothing happens.) Sam: Whoa. Bobby: Huh. Dean: I mean this stuff is supposed to burn the bejeezus out of Eve, doesn't even give me a sunburn. Bobby: Lore says it works. Dean: That's always reliable. Sam: Well, you know what? Maybe it's like, uh - maybe it's like iron or silver. You know? Hurts them, not us. Dean: Maybe, but a fat lot of good it does us 'til we find the bitch. Bobby: I'm looking, but I'm thinking maybe it's time you made a call. Dean: Why has it always got to be me that makes the call, huh? It's not like Cas lives in my ass. The dude's busy. (Cas appears behind him. Dean turns around, surprised.) Cas, get out of my ass! CAS: I was never in your - (Dean gives him a look.) Have you made any progress in locating Eve? Bobby: Well we were gonna ask you about that. CAS: No, I've looked, but she's hidden from me. She's hidden from all angels. Dean: Awesome. Sam: You know, what we really need is an inside man. Dean: What do you mean? Sam: Something with claws and sympathy. Dean: Like a friendly monster? (Sam shrugs.) Those are in short supply these days, don't you think? Sam: Sure, but we've met one or two, right? Dean: Maybe. Sam: So we can find one. (Some time goes by. Bobby paces with a book. Dean stands and thinks. Suddenly Cas appears, with Lenore.) Sam: Lenore. (Lenore tries to run away.) Sam: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Hey, hey. Lenore, stop. Look, we're happy you're here. Lenore: (to Sam) My name's Lenore. I'm not gonna hurt you. (Her vampire fangs are shown) ] Dean: Been a long time. You remember us? Lenore: I remember. Your hunter friend almost k*lled me. Sam: Well if it makes you feel any better, uh, he turned into a vampire and I chopped his head off. Dean: Yeah. With razor wire. Wicked. Lenore: Well, that's something. What's going on? Why am I here? Sam: Well, um, that's Cas. (Sam points.) He's our friend. And we need to talk to you. About Eve. Lenore: Eve? I have nothing to say about Eve. Dean: You sure about that? Lenore: I'm trying to stay away from her, believe me. Sam: Where's your nest? Lenore: Gone. They couldn't fight it anymore. It's her voice, in our heads. What it does to us. So they left. Started k*lling again. Sam: But not you. Lenore: Don't look so impressed. I was hiding in a basement. Not exactly Club Med. You don't know how hard it is - not to give in. Everyone gives in. Dean: Alright, so this psychic two-way you've got going, does that mean you know where Mom's camped out? Lenore: You've got to be kidding me. You want me to tell you where she is? You do know she could be listening to us right now. I might as well be a video camera. What are you thinking? Bobby: So we don't have the element of surprise, we're still going in. Lenore: You're crazy. I can't help you. Sam: Can't or won't? Look, it's clear as day. You still give a crap. You don't wanna k*ll. And don't want this whole planet d*ad. Lenore: You actually believe you can stop her? Sam: Just tell us where she is. Lenore: Grants Pass, Oregon. And now she knows you're coming. Bobby: Well let's go see. Lenore: Hold on. I didn't tell you this out of the goodness of my heart. I need something. Sam: What? Lenore: k*ll me. Sam: Lenore. Dean: Look, we'll lock down down 'til this whole thing's over, okay? Witness protection, you'll be safe. Lenore: You don't get it, it's not about that. I'm dangerous. I hear her voice all the time. Sam: You're not like the rest of them. Lenore: I'm exactly like them. I fed. I couldn't help it. The girl couldn't have been more than 16, Sam. I'll do it again. I can't stop, not anymore. You have to. Please. Sam: Lenore. (Cas touches Lenore's head. Light shines out of her eyes and mouth, her face flames and she dies.) CAS: We needed to move this along. EXT. PAVEMENT - DAY (Cas teleports himself, Sam, Dean and Bobby to a pavement in a town.) Grants Pass, Oregon (They look around. It's sunny and some children are riding their bicycles.) Dean: Well, I was expecting more Zombieland, less Pleasantville. Bobby: Just because it looks quiet, don't mean it is, especially if she's got a clue were coming. Dean: Yeah, well if she is here I'm glad we've got Smitey McSmiterton on our squad. Alright, where do we start? Bobby: I'm gonna need a computer. (They walk off.) INT. ERVIN's DINER - DAY (Sam & Dean are eating. Castiel is sitting next to Sam. Bobby is using an iPad.) Bobby: Alright. I finally got the police database, no thanks to this. (He gestures to the iPad.) I asked for a computer. Sam: It is a computer. Bobby: No, a computer has buttons. Waitress: Can I get you anything else? Dean: No, we're good thanks. Sam: Anything? Bobby: Oh, nickel and dime stuff, nothing weird.(The news he's reading is about a meth lab.) Basically d*ad end. You think Vampira was lying? CAS: I'll search the town. Give me a moment. (Nothing happens.) Dean: Cas, we can still see you. CAS: Yeah, I'm still here. Dean: Okay, well you don't have to wait on us, you - CAS: (clears his throat and strains) Dean: Well now it just looks like you're pooping. CAS: Something's wrong. Dean: What, are you stuck? CAS: I'm blocked. I'm powerless. Dean: You're joking? CAS: Something in this town, is, uh, it's affecting me. I assume it's Eve. Dean: So wait, Mom's making you limp? CAS: Figuratively, yes. Dean: How? CAS: I don't know, but she is. Dean: Well, that's great, because without your power, you're basically just a baby in a trenchcoat. (Cas looks upset.) Sam: I think you hurt his feelings. Bobby: (He's found a news story on the iPad.) I got something here, maybe. Had to go federal go to get it. Call went out from the local office to the CDC last night. Sam: About what? Bobby: A Dr Silver called in an illness he couldn't identify. Patient's a 25 year old, African-American, name - Ed Bright. (He shows them Ed's driver's licence.) Dean: Well that's not much to go on. Bobby: Well its only lead, so - Dean: So beggars can't be choosers, right? I get it. Alright, let's finish up. EXT. STREET - DAY (A woman is locking up at a Doctor's office. Dean & Cas walk up to her.) Dean: Excuse me. Hi, uh, i-is Dr Silver in today? (points to Cas) My friend is very sick. CAS: I have a, uh, painful burning sensation. Woman: Oh, well, he's out. Sorry. Dean: Do you happen to know here he is? Woman: He hasn't called in. You might want to find yourself some ointment. (She walks off.) Dean: What kind of Doctor calls the CDC and then goes AWOL the very nest day? Let's have a look, shall we? (Dean picks the lock.) CAS: Is this gonna take a long time? (Dean notices something and stops.) CAS: What is it? (Dean bends down and touches a drop of liquid on the ground. It's blood. He shows Cas. He notices another door. It's to a shed and there's blood on the lock. He breaks it open and they find a body wrapped in plastic. Dean opens the plastic. It's Ed.) Dean: Ohh. CAS: It's the patient Ed Bright. Dean: Well what kind of Doctor calls the CDC and then stashes the gooey corpse in the shed? CAS: I don't understand what's happening here. Dean: Well, I know one thing about the body. We need some keRosene. EXT. OUTSIDE Dr. SILVER's HOUSE - DAY (Bobby & Sam walk out. Bobby shows Sam a photo of a man - Dr Silver - and his wife and kids.) Bobby: Here, Dr Silver. Wife, two sons. (Sam takes the photo.) Uh oh. (The Sheriff's pulled up.) Sheriff: Hi there. Sam: Hi. Sheriff: Who're you? (Bobby and Sam show their FBI badges.) Sheriff: (Noticing they're wearing normal clothes and not uniforms.) It Casual Friday, agents? Sam: We're on a case a few miles out. We got a call to come here. Bobby: So how about you, what's your business? Sheriff: Oh, Dr Silver's a friend of mine. Heard he didn't show up for work today, so I though I'd stop by, see if he's sick. Bobby: Not sick. Missing. Sheriff: Missing? Says who? Bobby: Says me. Empty house, no bags packed, car's still in the driveway. Sheriff: How'd you get on this? Bobby: Oh, it's a long story. Tell you what, why don't you put out an APB, we'll compare notes down at the station. Sound good? Sheriff: Uh, yeah, yeah. Sure. Bobby: Obliged. (The Sheriff leaves.) Sam: Wow. Talk about talking out of your butt. Bobby: Yeah. Just hurry, you idjit. (They drive off and meet up with Dean & Cas outside Ed's house.) Dean: Oh. So we've got a missing Doctor and an oozy patient, huh? Sam: Yeah. Plot thickens. Dean: Well let's go see what Ed's roommates have to say. CAS: Does Ed Bright have a brother? Bobby: No, why? CAS: Then that's not his twin. (Through the window they see someone who looks exactly like Ed.) Sam: So what, shifter? Bobby: I don't know what we're looking at. Sam: Alright, Dean and me are gonna go in. You two stay here and watch the door. If something comes out, sh**t it. Dean: Yeah. Best guess - silver b*ll*ts. CAS: I'm fairly unpractised with firearms. Dean: You know who whines? Babies. (Sam & Dean walk towards the house. Dean breaks the door open and they burst in, g*n ready. There are several d*ad Eds all over the lounge.) Dean: Okay, don't touch anything. (One of the Eds starts moving.) Sam: Hey, hey. Back here. Come here. (They approach him.) Hey, hey, hey. ('Ed' coughs) Talk to us. What is it? Dean: Hey, Ed. Ed, what's going on? 'Ed': What? I'm not Ed. (he coughs and groans) (Sam takes his driver's licence. The guy's name is Marshall Todd. It's the Same guy Ed was with when Eve touched his face.) MARSHALL: (groans) What's wrong with me? Sam: Uh, nothing. You're ok. You're okay, alright? We're gonna get you help. MARSHALL: Let me ask you something. Do I - do all of us- do we look like Ed? Dean: What? No, no. No, no, no, no, no, of course not. You, uh, you have a fever. You're hallucinating. Sam: Marshall, Marshall. Hey, what happened here? MARSHALL: Am I gonna die? Sam: No, you're not gonna die, okay? Now you need to talk to us. It's important. MARSHALL: (splutters) Ed was feeling bad so I took him to the Doctor. (coughs) I think - now we're all sick. Dean: You think? Sam: And before you got sick, before Ed got sick, did you do anything? Did you go anywhere? Hey, I need you to focus for me. MARSHALL: I don't know. Some bar. Sam: A bar? What bar? MARSHALL: 8th Street, I guess. Sam: 8th Street, um, did anything happen at the bar? Did you - did you see anything? Did you meet anyone? (Marshall coughs) Sam: Look, an ambulance is on the way, okay? MARSHALL: A girl. Dean: A girl? Okay, and? MARSHALL: A girl in white. Dean: Good, okay. What did the girl in white do? Marshall? Wh-wh-what did she do to Ed? Marshall? (Marshall dies.) (Sam & Dean walk out the house.) Dean: I don't get it. What, a bunch of regular Joes wake up shifters? What the hell? Bobby: Shifters usually run in families. This looks like an infection. Nobody touched nothing? Dean: Well I am bathing in Purell tonight. Sam: So, he said they met a girl. Dean: It's got to be Eve. CAS: But why would she do this? Bobby: Mommy monster - make more. Dean: No, no, no, no. Cas has got a good point. I mean if she's gonna make a shifter army, why make one that's sick, gooey and dying? Bobby: (shrugs) Add that to the pile of Crap That Don't Make Sense. Sam: So should we h*t the bar? INT. BAR - DAY (Sam, Dean, Bobby & Cas enter the bar. There are d*ad bodies everywhere.) Bobby: Well, the Sheriff's a moot, but still. You'd think he'd notice this many missing folks. (Dean goes up to one of the bodies. Using a cloth, he lifts its lip, revealing a set of vampire fangs.) Dean: We got a vamp over here. (Dean lifts the body's arm. A spike is protruding from its wrist.) Nope. Scratch that. We got a wraith. What the hell? What has teeth and a spike? Bobby: Never seen that in my life. Dean: Oh, great. So Eve's making hybrids now? Bobby: Looks like. Dean: Yeah, the question is why. I mean what does she want with the - what do you call these? Bobby: Well, congrats. You discovered it. You get to name it. Dean: Jefferson Starships. (Bobby and Sam look confused.) Huh, because they're horrible - and hard to k*ll. Sam: Looks like the whole bar has been turned into these - Dean: - Jefferson Starships. Sam: Fine. But why are all the... Starships d*ad? Bobby: I can't say, but looks like they all b*rned up. Dean: b*rned up, like? Bobby: Like a high fever, like the flu. Dean: What the hell's going on here? Does every monster in this town have the motaba virus? (The Sheriff and two cops enter the door, with g*n.) Sheriff: Hands where I can see 'em! (Dean, unnoticed, hides behind the bar.) CAS: Now this is not what it looks like. Bobby: Look, we're the Feds. Sheriff: Yeah? Well Feds are not allowed to do this. Cuff 'em. Turn around. (Sam, Bobby and Cas are cuffed and led out. Dean emerges from behind the bar.) INT. Sheriff STATION - DAY (Sam, Bobby & Cas are pushed in.) Sam: Listen, if we can make a phone call, we can straighten this all out. Sheriff: Straighten out a m*ssacre? I'd like to see you try. (Sam sees the security footage - the Sheriff's eyes are glowing. He's a part-shapeshifter hybrid. Sam headbutts him.) Sam: J-Jefferson Starships! (Sam kicks one, Cas is pushed against the wall by one, and Dean cuts its head off. One tries to bite Sam. Cas kills the one trying to att*ck Bobby. Dean gets ready to k*ll the Sheriff who is attacking Sam. He throws him on the ground.) Sam: Dean, wait! (Sheriff is in the interrogation room, chained in silver. Bobby holds a Kn*fe. Cas stands at the door.) Bobby: Well, I'll say this, you're the healthiest looking specimen I've seen all day. Sheriff: I take my vitamins. Bobby: So you wanna tell us what's going on here? Hmm? (Sam & Dean watch from outside the window.) So you boys are, uh, Eve's cleaning crew, is that it? You, uh - you come around to clean up the bodies? Make sure the word doesn't get out, huh? Is that why you snatched up the Doctor? Sheriff: (sighs) You're so wasting your time. You stupid head of cattle. (laughs) (Sam & Dean hear something behind them.) Dean: More Starships. (Dean walks off to investigate.) Sam: (to Cas) Stay here. (Sam goes after Dean. They follow blood on the wall which leads them to the cells. In one cell are two boys, tied up and gagged. Sam recognises them from the photo.) Sam: You're Dr Silver's boys. (The older one nods.) Alright, don't worry. We're gonna get you out of here, okay? Uh, keys? Dean: Yeah. (He goes to find the keys.) Sam: Look. We're not gonna hurt you. My name is Sam. That's my brother, Dean. (Dean brings the keys and opens the cell.) Those cops, they're not coming back - ever. (They ungag the boys.) Sam: What are your names? (The older one answers.) JOE: Joe. This is Ryan. (Sam nods.) Dean: Hey Ryan, how you doing? (Ryan seems shy and looks down.) JOE: He won't talk, not since they came for us. Dean: Alright, listen Joe. We're gonna get you out of those handcuffs. Um, but you understand what's going on around here, don't you? (Joe nods.) So first we've gotta make sure you're you. JOE: How you gonna do that? Dean: Well there's a few, uh, dozen tests. Okay, let's get started. (Bobby cuts the Sheriff's face with the silver Kn*fe.) Sheriff: (groans, then laughs) You really think that's gonna make me talk? Bobby: Something will. Dean: Got a couple of hungry human boys here. C'mon guys. (He leads them away.) Sam: So you two never heard 'em talk... about a mother, or someone named Eve? JOE: (shakes his head) It was just me and Ryan in there. Dean: And your folks? JOE: Cops said we were next. He said we were food. Dean: You have any other family? JOE: An uncle, in Merritt. Dean: Merritt, what's that, like 15 miles outside of town? Okay. We'll get you there. CAS: Dean, can I have a word? (Dean gets up) CAS: We need to find Eve now. Dean: Yeah. Go. Me and Sam just gotta make a milk run. CAS: We need your help here. Dean: Hold your water. We'll be back in a few. CAS: Dean, Dean. Millions of lives are at stakes here, not just two. Stay focused. Dean: Are you kidding? CAS: There's a greater purpose here. Dean: You know what, I-I'm getting a little sick and tired of the greater purposes, okay? I think what I'd like to do now is save a couple of kids. If you don't mind. We'll catch up. Okay guys, let's go. C'mon. (Dean walks out. Joe, Ryan and Sam follow.) INT. CAR - NIGHT JOE: (to Ryan) Hey, you should get some rest. (He wraps his arm around his brother.) (Sam & Dean look knowingly at them in the rearview mirror. Dean smiles at the familiar scene of an older brother looking out for his younger brother.) (Back at the station, Cas looks out the window.) Bobby: They won't take long. CAS: You don't know that. They may find more wayward orphans along the way. Bobby: Oh, don't get cute. CAS: Right. Pardon me for highlighting their crippling and dangerous empathetic response with "sarcasm". It was a bad idea - letting them go. Bobby: Come on. You don't let Sam and Dean Winchester do squat. They got what they gotta. You know that. Anyway, we want Eve, we need coordinates. So we can stand here bellyaching or we can go poke that pig 'til he squeals. Thoughts? (Cas walks off.) (In Merritt, the kids are reunited with their uncle. He hugs Ryan, then Joe. Sam and Dean leave.) (At the station) Sheriff: You know, she can see you right now. And you're just making her mad. Bobby: Then tell the bitch to come get me. CAS: I need five minutes alone with him. Bobby: What for? Cas, your batteries are d*ad. CAS: Give me five minutes. Bobby: Alright, fine. (Cas faces the Sheriff. Bobby sits outside the room. He has a drink. The Sheriff screams. Cas comes out of the room, wiping blood off his hands.) CAS: Eve's at 25 Buckley Street. You can call Sam and Dean. INT. STATION - NIGHT (The Sheriff has been decapitated.) Dean: Rigorous interrogation, huh? Bobby: Well, we got a location. Now we just gotta get close enough to take a sh*t. Dean: Alright. Well, let's all take one. (Dean takes the shells containing phoenix ash out of his pocket. Sam, Bobby, Cas and Dean each take one.) Load 'em up. Make 'em count. EXT. STREET - NIGHT (Sam, Dean, Bobby & Cas walk down the street. They find the address. It's the diner they were in earlier.) Dean: You gotta be kidding me. She's been in there the whole time? Sam: Why'd she ever let us in? Or out? Dean: Well there's one way to find out. Bobby: What, just stroll in? We don't know who's human or who's her. Dean: Well there's one way to draw her out. Me and Sam will go in. Bobby: Dean. Dean: Look. If we don't get a sh*t off, you two better. Bobby: That's the plan? Dean: Yeah. Pretty much. (Sam hands Bobby his bag. Dean takes his bag with. Sam & Dean walk to the diner. Bobby & Cas stay outside.) Bobby: (sighs) Well at least it ain't complicated. INT. DINER - NIGHT (Sam and Dean enter the diner and sit down. There are several people inside.) Sam: (clears his throat) Dean: Now what? Sam: (Sam uses his phone's camera to see if anyone's eye's are glowing. Everyone's are. They're all Starships.) Crap. Crap, crap. Dean: Starships? Sam: Yeah. Dean: Is there anybody in this diner that is not a flesh-eating monster? Sam: Uh, me and you. Dean: Okay, well let's get the hell out of here. Sam: Shall we? Eve(as a Waitress): Two specials, right? (She puts the food in front of them.) Sam: Uh, no, that's not for us. We were just headed out. Eve: Now that would be rude, Sam. Sam: Let me guess. Eve. Eve: Pleasure. Dean: Why don't we step outside. Chat? Eve: Why? This is private. (The Starships close the blinds so that no one can see in through the windows. One takes Dean's bag and opens it. Eve removes one of the g*n and smells it.) Eve: Phoenix ash. I'm impressed. I bet you had to go a long way for that. Dean: You have no idea. (Sam scoffs) Eve: (to a Starship) DesTroy these. Thank you. (He takes the g*n.) (to Sam and Dean) Relax. I'm not here to fight. Dean: No? Just to rally every freak on the planet, bring in Khan Worms and-and half-assed spider-men, and dragons. Really, sister? Dragons? Eve: So I dusted off some of the old classics. I needed help. Sam: With what? (scoffs) Tearing apart the planet? Eve: You misunderstand me. I never wanted that. Not at first. (Sam scoffs.) I liked our arrangement. Sam: What arrangement? Eve: The natural order. My children turned a few of you, you hunted a few of them. I was happy. Dean: Okay, so what changed? Eve: My children, no thanks to you, started getting kidnapped and tortured. Even my first borns. I was pushed into this. After all, a mother defends her children. Dean: Really? You're gonna use the Mother of The Year defence? You? Eve: It happens to be true. Know what? Maybe you'll believe it if I look a little more like this. (Eve morphs into Sam and Dean's mother, Mary.) Dean: Oh, you bitch. Eve: She died to protect you, didn't she? See. You understand a mother's love. I'm no different. Dean: Alright, you know what? This conversation's over. If you're gonna k*ll us, k*ll us. Eve: You? No. It's Crowley I want d*ad. Dean: Well you're too late there - that little limey mook roasted months ago. Eve: Crowley's alive. Sam: That's impossible. Eve: (scoffs) I see his face through the eyes of every child he strings up and skins. Any idea why he's hurting my babies? Dean: He wants Purgatory, right? Location, location, location. Eve: (laughs) Is that what he told you? It's about the souls. Sam: (scoffs) What about 'em? Eve: Their power, you simple little monkey. Fuel. Each soul a beautiful little nuclear reactor. Put 'em together, you have the sun. Now think what the king of hell could do with that vast, untapped oil well. How powerful he'd be. Now Crowley wants to siphon off my supply, and t*rture my children to do it? Okay fine. I'll quite playing nice. I'll turn you all. Every soul, mine. Let's see how hot his hell burns when everyone comes to me. He asked for it. Dean: You know, last I checked, there were a few billion of us. That plan might take a while. Eve: What exactly o you think I'm doing here? I'm building the perfect beast. Sam: Wait a second, all those - all those things we've been finding. Eve: Call it beta testing. Dean: Well, I think your formula might be a little off. They're imploding all over town. Eve: Oh, there were a few unfortunate failures. But I eventually got it right. Quiet, smart, inconspicuous. It can spread through a whole town in under a day, oh and the best part - you've been with it the whole time. Dean: What? Eve: Yes, you were the final test. I had to see if it could slip past hunters undetected, of course. (Eve smiles.) Little Ryan. INT. JOE & RYAN's UNCLE's HOUSE - NIGHT (The uncle walks through the house. He sees Joe lying on the floor. There is a pool of blood by his head.) UNCLE: Joe? (He goes up to Joe and turns him over. Joe appears d*ad and has a bloody bite mark on his neck. The uncle turns around. Ryan is standing in front of him with blood around his mouth.) UNCLE: Ryan? (Behind him, Joe stands up. He was turned - not k*lled. Ryan and Joe att*ck their uncle, knocking him to the ground and k*lling him as blood spatters onto a nearby family photo.) INT. DINER - NIGHT Eve: You look upset. If it makes you feel any better, Ryan was bound to work on you. Little wayward orphan, like yourselves. There's nothing you can do about it now. So let's talk. Sam: (scoffs) Nothing to say. Eve: Well, that's where you're wrong. I have an offer to propose. Crowley. As you know, not so easy to find. So, here's the deal. You find him, bring him to me - I let you live. Dean: Pass. Sam: Dean. Dean: Sam, no. The answer is no. Eve: You say that like you have another option. Dean: Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Eve: You think? (Starships bring Bobby and Cas in.) Eve: Well, so much for your plan B. (to Cas) And you, wondering why so flaccid? I'm older than you, Castiel. I know what makes angels tick. Long as I'm around, consider yourself unplugged. (to Sam & Dean) Work for me. It's a good deal. Bonus, I won't k*ll your friends. Dean: Alright, look. The last few months we've been working for an evil dick. We're not about to sign up for an evil bitch. We don't work with demons. We don't work with monsters. And if that means you gotta k*ll us, then k*ll us! Eve: Or, I turn you. And you do what I want anyway. Dean: b*at me with a wire hanger, answer's still no. (Eve is behind Dean. She grabs his shoulders and has her head next to his. Sam gets up but is restrained by Starships. Sam struggles. Eve leers over Deans shoulder.) Eve: Don't test me. Dean: Bite me. (Eve bites Dean in the neck.) Sam: No! CAS: Dean! (Eve staggers back, coughing.) Dean: Phoenix ash. One shell, one ounce of whisky. Down the hatch. Little musty on the afterburn. Call you later, Mom. (A light shines from Eve's chest. She morphs from Mary back to her brunette form. She chokes. Dark liquid comes out of her mouth and nose. She falls to the ground and dies. The Starships start attacking. With Eve d*ad, Cas has his power back.) CAS: Shut your eyes! (Cas creates a blast of white light throughout the diner, k*lling all the monsters. It causes a car alarm to go off outside.) Bobby: We got to take you on more monster hunts. Sam: (sighs) Hey Cas, um, Dean's bleeding pretty good. Dean: Yeah, I think she turned me into a Jefferson Starship. Could you clear that up too? (Cas touches Dean's shoulder. Dean's wound is healed.) Dean: Alright, we're good. We got to go. Now. CAS: Where? Dean: The kid. The little kid. He's one of 'em. CAS: Unbelievable. Dean: Yeah, I know Cas, you told me, alright. Let's just go. (Cas shakes his head in disbelief. Dean puts the empty shell on the table. Cas teleports all four of them to the uncle's house.) INT. UNCLE's HOUSE - NIGHT (The uncle is d*ad on the floor.) Dean: So we k*ll the wicked witch and she still wins. I mean they could've turned half the town by now. (Cas is about to say something) Don't say it. (Bobby is walking around, investigating. He finds a door and opens it. Ryan's d*ad body falls out. Joe's d*ad body is also there.) Bobby: Found 'em. (Sam, Dean & Cas go to see.) Dean: Well who ganked them? (Sam bends down and touches a yellow powder - sulfur.) Sam: Demons. Sam: So what do you think? Dean: I think that demons don't give a crap about monster tweens unless they're told to. Sam: So you think she was telling the truth? CAS: The truth about what? Dean: She said that Crowley's still kicking. CAS: But I b*rned his bones, how c-? Was she certain? Dean: Sounded pretty sure. According to her, Crowley's still waterboarding her kids, somewhere. CAS: I don't understand. Dean: Well he is a crafty son of a bitch. CAS: I'm an angel. I'll look into it immediately. (Cas disappears.) Dean: Cas! Let us know what you find out! (Bobby & Sam walk away. There's something they want to say. They stop.) Dean: What? What? Bobby: How didCrowley get away? I mean it's not like Cas to make mistakes like that. Unless - Dean: Unless what? Bobby: Unless he meant to. Dean: Bobby, this is Cas we're talking about. (to Sam) Do you believe this? (Sam doesn't answer.) Sam? Sam: (sighs) Look it's probably nothing, it's just... You know what? You're right. It's - it's probably nothing. INT. DINER (Miraclesby Jefferson Starship plays. Cas walks around, looking at the bodies of Eve and the monsters.) CROWLEY: Really, Cas? This is getting ridiculous. How many times am I gonna have to clean up your messes?
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "06x19 - Mommy Dearest"}
Air Date: 6 May, 2011 Dean: We're gonna find a way to b*at the devil, okay? Sam: What if you guys lead the devil to the edge and I jump in? Sam: (to Lucifer) Yes. (Lucifer possesses Sam) Lucifer: Sammy's long gone. (Lucifer's cage is open, Sam is about to jump in. Michael grabs him, they both fall. Dean sits by the Impala, his face bloody and beaten.) (Dean & Cas are in the Impala.) Dean: (to Cas) What are you gonna do now? CAS: Return to Heaven, I suppose. Dean: Heaven? CAS: With Michael in the cage, I'm sure it's total anarchy up there. Dean: So, what, you're the new Sheriff in town? (Cas kills angels) CAS: It's Civil w*r up there. If we can b*at Raphael, we can end this. (Dean lights a ring of holy oil, trapping Raphael in the holy f*re.) CAS: When the oil burns, no angel can touch or pass through the flames or he dies. (Cas shoves his hand into Sam's chest.) CAS: It's his soul, it's gone. Sam: Purgatory. CROWLEY: And I want it. DEATH: The human soul is more valuable than you can imagine. ATROPOS: This is about the souls. That angel went and created 50 000 new souls for your w*r machine. Sam: Eve, the mother of all. (Eve transforms into the likeness of Mary Winchester.) Eve: It's Crowley I want d*ad. Eve: Crowley's alive. (Eve dies.) CROWLEY: Really, Cas? This is getting ridiculous. How many times am I gonna have to clean up your messes? EXT. PARK Castiel: You know, I've...I've been here for a very long time. And I remember many things. (an ocean is shown) I remember being at a shoreline, watching a little grey fish heave itself up on the beach and an older brother saying, "don't step on that fish, Castiel. Big plans for that fish." I remember the Tower of Babel...All 37 feet of it, which I suppose was impressive at the time. (clips from old movies are shown)And when it fell, they howled 'divine wrath'. But come on - dried dung can only be stacked so high. I remember Cain and Abel...David and Goliath...Sodom and Gomorrah. And, of course, I remember the most remarkable event (clips from seasons 4 and 5 are shown)- remarkable because it never came to pass. It was averted by two boys, an old drunk and a fallen angel. The grand story. And we ripped up the ending and the rules...And destiny...leaving nothing but freedom and choice. Which is all well and good, except... Well, what if I've made the wrong choice? How am I supposed to know? I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me tell you my story. (Castiel looks directly at the camera)Let me tell you everything. INT. Impala - NIGHT Castiel: Hello, Dean. Are you all right? Dean: Yeah, I'm...I'm fine. How are you? Castiel: Just wanted to check in. Dean: So, any word on, uh, Satan Jr being alive? Castiel: I'm...looking, believe me. I just don't understand how Crowley could've tricked me. Dean: Well, he's a tricky son of a bitch, that's how. Doesn't matter. But if he is up and kicking, then what does matter is finding him, ripping his head off, and shoving it up his ass. Castiel: What about you? Have you found anything? Dean: No, nothing yet. Castiel: Where's Sam? Dean: He's keeping busy. He's tracking a Djinn in Omaha as we speak. In fact, I'm heading out there right now to meet up with him. Castiel: Well, I'd come if I could. Dean: Yeah, no, I-I get it. No worries. But, Cas, you'll call, right? If you get into real trouble? INT. CROWLEY's LAB (Crowley is examining Eve's corpse. He also has a vampire shackled nearby) CROWLEY Howdy, partner. Castiel: What have you found? CROWLEY I've found a lot of things. For example...Eve's brain? d*ad as a tinned kipper. And yet...(Crowley reaches inside Eve and pulls out a handful of eggs)For some reason...She keeps laying eggs. Watch this.(Crowley takes a poker and places it on Eve's brain. The vampire seizes violently)Chocula here feels every tickle. Castiel: What is that good for? CROWLEY Apart from the obvious erotic value, you got me. Castiel: You said Eve could open the door to Purgatory. CROWLEY Correct. I did. And I'm confident that she could have if she was still alive! Single best chance to get over the rainbow, and the Winchesters k*lled her! Castiel: It was unavoidable. CROWLEY You screwed up, Cas. You let the hounds mangle the pheasant, and now I am up to my elbows in it. Castiel: What is your point? CROWLEY The point is...You're distracted, and that makes me nervous. Castiel: I am holding up my end. CROWLEY Ah, yes. But is that all you're holding? See...the stench of that Impala's all over your overcoat, Angel. I thought we'd agreed - no more nights out with the boys. Castiel: I spoke with Dean. I needed to know what they know. CROWLEY About what? About me, maybe?'Cause I happen to have it on good authority that your two little pets are currently trying to hunt me down! Forgive me, but I think you might have a little conflict of interest here. Castiel: [i]Crowley had a point, of course. My interest was conflicted. I still considered myself the Winchesters' guardian. After all...they taught me how to stand up... (flashback to 'swan Song':) EXT. STULL CEMETERY Castiel: Hey! Assbutt! (Castiel throws a bottle of holy oil at Michael, and Michael burns)[i] Michael: Aaaaaaaahh! Castiel: [i]What to stand for...And what generally happens to you when you do. (Lucifer snaps his fingers and Castiel explodes. The camera closes in on some of the floating droplets of blood.) Castiel: I was...done. I was over. And then the most extraordinary thing happened. I was put back. (Castiel stands behind Dean, beaten bloody by Lucifer) And we had won. We stopped Armageddon. (Castiel heals Dean) But at a terrible cost. (Castiel heals Bobby) (flashback to very end of 'swan Song') EXT. OUTSIDE OF Lisa BRAEDEN's HOUSE - NIGHT (Sam stands under the streetlight, which flickers and dies, watching Dean inside Lisa's house. Castiel watches Sam.) Castiel: And so I knew what I had to do next. Once again, I went to Harrow Hell, to free Sam from Lucifer's cage. It was nearly impossible, but I was so full of confidence, of mission. I see now that was arrogance...Hubris...Because, of course, I hadn't truly raised Sam -- not all of him.(flashback to 'Unforgiven': Sam is beating a cop unconscious; flashback to 'Live Free or Twi-Hard': Sam watches Dean being turned; flashback to 'Appointment in Samarra': Sam raises his dagger to s*ab Bobby) Sometimes we're lucky enough to be given a warning. (back in front of Lisa's house, Sam turns and walks away- directly past Castiel) This should have been mine. INT. CROWLEY's LAB CROWLEY Please. I'm begging you, Castiel. Just k*ll the Winchesters. Castiel: No. CROWLEY Fine. Then I'll do it myself. Castiel: If you k*ll them, I'll just bring them back again. CROWLEY No, you won't. Not where I'll put 'em. Trust me. Castiel: I said...No. Don't worry about them. CROWLEY Don't worry about -- what, like Lucifer didn't worry? Or Michael? Or Lilith or Alastair or Azazel didn't worry?! Am I the only game piece on the board who doesn't underestimate those denim-wrapped nightmares?! Castiel: Just find Purgatory. If you don't, we will both die again and again, until the end of time. The Winchesters won't get to you. CROWLEY Let them get to me! I'll tear their friggin' hearts out! INT. Bobby's HOUSE - LIVING ROOM (a demon, Red, is strapped to a chair under the devil's trap on Bobby's ceiling) Bobby: I got to tell you, Red...for a filthy, lower-than-snake-spit Hellspawn, you seem to have turned yourself into a damn fine hunter. I don't know whether to k*ll you or kiss you. RED Oh, please, k*ll me. Bobby: That was you that dug out that nest of vamps back in Swan Valley, wasn't it? Sam: That was nice work. RED Eight of 'em in one go, roped and tied. Bobby: And then you brought them to Crowley, right? RED Read the papers, redneck. The king is d*ad. (Bobby Chuckles and tosses holy water on Red's neck) RED Ugh! Nng! Bobby: Crowley's alive. You prove it just by being, you poor, dumb jackass. Crowley's alive. His nets are still out. Except now he's using you schmucks to hunt his monsters. RED Up yours. (Bobby turns to Sam and hods out his hand. Sam hands Bobby Ruby's Kn*fe. Dean enters and nodes towards Sam. Sam goes into the kitchen with him.) Bobby: Red...Where's Crowley? No? Nothing? Oh, okay, then. Here, hang on to this for a bit. (Bobby s*ab Red in the leg with Ruby's Kn*fe) RED Aaaaaaaaaaahh! Aaaaaaaaaaaahh! Sam: So, what'd you tell him? Dean: Nothing. Just relax. Bobby: What's the hubbub? Dean: I saw Cas. He popped in on me about two hours back. Bobby: What'd you tell him? Dean: Nothing, all right? Told him we were on some crap monster hunt. He doesn't know that we're getting close to Crowley. You know, he's our friend...And we are lying to him through our teeth. Sam: Dean-- Dean: -so he b*rned the wrong bones. So Crowley tricked him. Bobby: He's an angel. Dean: He is the Balki Bartokomous of Heaven! He can make a mistake! Bobby: Nobody's saying nothing yet. Dean: You think that Cas is in with Crowley. Crowley? Bobby: Look, I'm just saying I don't know. Now, look, I hate myself for even thinking it. But I don't know. (Castiel is standing behind them, invisible.) Sam: Look, Dean, he's our friend, too, okay? And I'd die for him. I would, but...Look, I'm praying we're wrong here. Bobby: But if we ain't...If there's a snowball of a snowball's chance here...that means we're dealing with a Superman who's gone dark side. Which means we've got to be cautious, we got to be smart, and maybe stock up on some Kryptonite. Dean: (to Sam)[i]This makes you Lois Lane. Bobby: Look, one problem at a time here. We got to find Crowley now, before the damn fool cracks open Purgatory. Castiel: [i]So - they already suspected. Bobby: Where's Crowley? RED Up yours. Aaaaaaaaaaaaahh! Castiel: And the worst part was Dean, trying so hard to be loyal, with every instinct telling him otherwise. RED I don't know where Crowley is! Bobby: Are you sure about that? 'Cause we can twist again all the way to next summer. (Bobby twists Ruby's Kn*fe again) RED Oh, God! I never even met him! I don't deal with Crowley direct. Bobby: Well, who do you deal with? RED The dispatcher. A demon named Ellsworth. INT. ELLSWORTH's HOUSE Castiel: If there was a demon counterpart to Bobby Singer, Ellsworth would be it. (Ellsworth sits at a desk, filled with phones of both the human and demonic variety) ELLSWORTH No, listen to me. No. I don't care. I want you to get down to New Mexico and bag me that Wendigo! Hell. Hang on. What? No more vampires. Because the boss says we're done with them. (picking up one of the phones)[i]FBI. Thomas speaking. Absolutely, I sent them. Thank you for calling to check. You too. Have a nice day, now. Bye-bye. [i](at the two demons about to exit)[i]Hey, hey, hey! No! Not in here, you friggin' Yeti. Out back! Castiel: [i]These demons would lead the Winchesters to Crowley, and Crowley would tear their hearts out. (Castiel appears in Ellsworth's house and smites the two demons right in front of Ellsworth's desk) ELLSWORTH Oh, hell. (Ellsworth attempts to leave his host, but Castiel pushes him back in and smites him too) Castiel: I had no choice. I did it to protect the boys. Or to protect myself. I-I don't know anymore. INT. ELLSWORTH's HOUSE (Dean and Bobby enter through the front door, Sam meets them inside the house) Sam: Hey. Clear from the back. Dean: Demons get tipped and bugged out? Sam: Maybe they run from us now. I mean, that would be a nice thought, right? Bobby: Yeah, if that's what happened. Sam: Yeah. Castiel: Hiding...Lying...Sweeping away evidence. And my motives used to be so pure. After supposedly "saving" Sam, I finally returned to heaven. EXT. DROWNED Man's HEAVEN Castiel: Of course, there isn't one heaven. Each soul generates its own paradise. I favored the eternal Tuesday afternoon of an autistic man who drowned in a bathtub in 1953. Rachel: You're alive. Castiel: Yes. Rachel: Castiel, we saw Lucifer desTroy you. Castiel: Well, I came back. Rachel: But Lucifer? Michael? Castiel: They're gone. Rachel: It was God, wasn't it? Castiel: No. It was the Winchesters. They brought down the Apocalypse. Rachel: But you b*at the Archangels, Castiel. God brought you back. He chose you, Cas...To lead us. Castiel: No. No one leads us anymore. We're all free to make our own choices and to choose our own fates. Rachel: What does God want? Castiel: God wants you to have freedom. Rachel: But what does he want us to do with it? Castiel: If I knew then what I know now...I might have said..."It's simple. Freedom is a length of rope. God wants you to hang yourself with it." INT. KEN LAY's HEAVEN Castiel: Those first weeks back in heaven were surprisingly difficult. Explaining freedom to angels is a bit like teaching poetry to fish. And then there was Raphael... RAPHAEL You came. I appreciate the courage that takes. Castiel: Whose heaven is this? RAPHAEL Ken Lay's. I'm borrowing it. Castiel: I still question his admittance here. RAPHAEL He's devout. Trumps everything. Castiel: What do you want? RAPHAEL Tomorrow - I've called for a full assembly of the Holy Host. You'll kneel before me and pledge allegiance to the flag, all right? Castiel: And what flag is that? RAPHAEL Me, Castiel. Allegiance to me. Castiel: Are you joking? RAPHAEL Do I look[i]like I'm joking? Castiel: You never look like you're joking. RAPHAEL You rebelled - against God, heaven, and me. Now you will atone. We'll start by freeing Lucifer and Michael from their cage. And then we'll get our show back on the road. Castiel: Raphael...No. The Apocalypse doesn't have to be fought! RAPHAEL Of course it does. It's God's will. Castiel: How can you say that?! RAPHAEL Because it's what I want. Castiel: Well, the other angels won't let you. RAPHAEL Are you sure? You know better than anyone, Castiel. They're soldiers. They weren't built for freedom. They were built to follow. Castiel: Then I won't let you. RAPHAEL Really? You? [i](Raphael hits Castiel with power) EXT. DROWNED Man's HEAVEN Castiel: I'm not ashamed to say that my big brother knocked me into next week. RAPHAEL Tomorrow you kneel, Castiel...Or you and anyone with you dies. INT. ELLSWORTH's HOUSE Sam: Hey...The place is clean. Bobby: Yeah, but it's...It's like "Mr. Clean" clean, you know? It's kind of OCD for your average demon. Sam: Yeah. So what now? Dean: We'd call Cas. Sam: What? Dean: This is usually the point where we would call Cas for help. Bobby: We talked about this. Sam: Yeah, Dean. Dean: No, you talked. I listened. This is Cas, guys. I mean, when there was no one...And we were stuck - and I mean really stuck - he broke ranks. He has gone to the mat cut and bleeding for us so many freakin' times. This is Cas! Don't we owe him the benefit of the doubt at least? Sam: Castiel...This is really important, okay? Um...We really need to talk to you. Dean: Castiel...Come on in. Castiel: But I didn't go to them...Because I knew they would have questions I couldn't answer...Because I was afraid. Dean: Cas is busy. Sam: That's all right. We are, too. Come on. Bobby: Back to square one. Dean: Great. Well, what do we do now? Bobby: Well, we caught one hunter demon before. We can do it again. Sam: Dean! (Dean is att*cked by a demon, as are Sam and Bobby) Demon: Crowley says "hi." INT. ELLSWORTH's HOUSE Castiel: Crowley sent his very best. I was caught as much by surprise as the rest of them. And it left me with yet another choice. I could reveal myself and smite the demons. Of course Crowley wouldn't like it. But on the other hand, they were my friends. (Castiel smites the demons attacking Dean, Sam and Bobby) For a brief moment...I was me again. Dean: It is good to see you, Cas. Castiel: You all right? Sam: Yeah. Perfect timing, Cas. Castiel: I'm glad I found you. I come with news. Dean: Yeah? What? Castiel: I firmly believe Crowley is alive. Dean: Yeah. You think, Kojak? Well, Bobby, what do we think about Cas saving our asses...Again? Bobby: I think we owe you an apology. Castiel: Why? Sam: We've been hunting Crowley this whole time...And keeping it from you. Bobby: We thought...You were working with him. Castiel: You thought what? Dean: I know. It's crazy, right? Bobby: It's just that you torched the wrong bones. It doesn't matter. We - we were wrong. Castiel: You know...You could've just asked me. Dean: And we should have. We never should've doubted you. It's...I just hope you can forgive us. Castiel: Wonders never cease. They trusted me again. But it was just another lie. It's forgotten. Dean: Thanks. Sam: Yeah. Thanks, Cas. Castiel: It is a little absurd, though. Bobby: I know, I know. Castiel: Superman going to the dark side. I'm still just Castiel. Dean: I guess we can put away the Kryptonite, right? Castiel: Exactly. Of course, I didn't realize it at the time. But it was all over. Right then - just like that. INT. CROWLEY's LAB Castiel: You sent demons after them? CROWLEY You k*ll my hunters. Why can't I k*ll yours? Castiel: They're my friends. CROWLEY You can't have friends, not anymore. I mean, my God. You're losing it! Castiel: I'm fine. CROWLEY Yeah. You're the very picture of mental health. Come on. You don't think I know what this is all about? Castiel: Enlighten me. CROWLEY The big lie -- the Winchesters still buy it. The good Cas, the righteous Cas. And long as they still believe it, you get to believe it. Well, I got news for you, kitten. A whore is a whore is a whore. (Castiel shoves Crowley against the wall) Castiel: I'm only gonna say this once. If you touch a hair on their heads, I will tear it all down. Our arrangement -- everything. I'm still an Angel, and I will bury you. (Castiel disappears) I asked myself, "what was I doing with this vermin?" CROWLEY This is not how synergy works! Castiel: As if I didn't already know the answer. EXT. DROWNED Man's HEAVEN Castiel: Raphael was stronger than me. I wouldn't survive a straight fight. EXT. Lisa BRAEDEN's HOUSE (Dean is raking leaves) Castiel: So I went to an old friend for help. But watching him, I stopped. Everything he sacrificed, and I was about to ask him for more. CROWLEY Ah, Castiel. Angel of Thursday. Just not your day is it? Castiel: What are you doing here? CROWLEY I want to help you help me help ourselves. Castiel: Speak plain. CROWLEY I want to discuss a simple business transaction. That's all. Castiel: You want to make a deal? With me? I'm an Angel, you ass. I don't have a soul to sell. CROWLEY But that's it, isn't it? It's all of it. It's the souls. It all comes down to the souls in the end, doesn't it? Castiel: What in the hell are you talking about? CROWLEY I'm talking about Raphael's head on a pike. I'm talking about happy endings for all of us, with all possible entendres intended. Come on. Just a chat. Castiel: I have no interest in talking with you. CROWLEY Why not? I'm very interesting. Come on. Hear me out. Five minutes. No obligations. I promise -- I'll make it worth your while. Castiel: I was no fool. I knew who Crowley was and what he did. But I was smarter than him, stronger. I see now that I was prideful. And in all likelihood, I was a fool. INT. HELL (Countless souls stand in line. The newest arrival takes number 6,611,527,124 from the take-a-number dispenser.) Castiel: Where are we? CROWLEY You don't recognize it, do you? It's Hades, new and improved. I did it myself. Castiel: This is Hell? CROWLEY Yeah. See, problem with the old place was most of the inmates were masochists already. A lot of "thank you, sir. Can I have another hot spike up the jacksie?" But just look at them. No one likes waiting in line. Castiel: And what happens when they reach the front? CROWLEY Nothing. They go right back to the end again. That's efficiency. Castiel: You have four minutes left. CROWLEY What are you planning to do about Raphael? Castiel: What can I do besides submit or die? CROWLEY Submit or die? What are you, French? How about resist? Castiel: I'm not strong enough, and you know it. CROWLEY Ah, not on your own, you're not. But you're not on your own, are you? There's a lot of angels swooning over you. "God's favorite." Buddy boy, you've got what they call sex appeal. Castiel: Thank you. Get to the point. CROWLEY Angels need leaders, so be one. Gather your army and kick the candy out of each and every angel that shows up for Raphael. Castiel: Are you proposing that I start a civil w*r in heaven? CROWLEY Ding! Ding! Ding! Tell him what he's won, Vanna. Castiel: You're asking me to be the next Lucifer. CROWLEY Please. Lucifer was a petulant child with daddy issues. Cas, you love God. God loves you. He brought you back. Did it occur to you that maybe he did this so you could be the new Sheriff upstairs? Castiel: This is ridiculous. I mean, the amount of power that it would take to mount a w*r... CROWLEY More than either of us have ever seen, yeah. But what if I said I knew how to go nuclear? Castiel: What do you mean? CROWLEY Purgatory, my fine feathered friend. Purgatory. Just think about it. An untapped oil well of every fanged, clawed soul. I mean, what's that over the years? 30 million? 40 million? Just sitting there, plump and rich for the taking. Castiel: How would you even find it when no one ever has? CROWLEY We'll need expert help. Castiel: From whom? CROWLEY From experts, of course. I know of two eerily suited 'Teen b*at' models with time on their hands. Castiel: No. Not Dean. He's retired, and he's to stay that way. CROWLEY Fine. Then I know of a certain big, bald patriarch I can take off the bench. The point is...They can get us to the monsters. The monsters can get us to Purgatory. I know it. Castiel: And what's your price in all of this? CROWLEY Just half. Castiel: Half? CROWLEY My position isn't all that s*ab, ducky. Those souls would help, just like they'd help you. Besides, wouldn't you rather have me in charge down here? The devil you know... Castiel: This is pointless. Your plan would take months, and I need help now. CROWLEY Granted. Yes. But just to show you how serious I am about this scheme...How about I float you a little loan? Say, 50 large? 50,000 souls from the pit. You can take them up to heaven. Make quite a showing. It's either this or the Apocalypse all over again. Everything you've worked for -- everything that Sam and Dean have worked for -- gone. You can save us, Castiel. God chose you to save us. And I think...Deep down...You know that. Castiel: I wish I could say I was clean of pride at that moment... INT. KEN LAY's HEAVEN Castiel: Or the next. (Castiel uses the power of the souls to remove Raphael from the room.) There will be no Apocalypse. And let it be known -- you're either with Raphael or you're with me. And so went the long road of good intentions...The road that brought me here. INT. ELLSWORTH's HOUSE Dean: Castiel, uh...We need you for a little powwow down here, so come on down. Castiel: Hello. Bobby: Oh, Johnny on the spot. Castiel: You're still here. Sam: Yeah, we had to bury the bodies. Dean: And we found a little whiskey. Thanks for coming. Castiel: How can I help? Sam: Oh, look. We, um - we have a new plan. We think we've finally figured out a way to track down Crowley. Castiel: What is it? Bobby: (lights a match and drops it on the floor by Castiel's feet, trapping him in a ring of holy f*re)It's you. INT. ELLSWORTH's HOUSE Castiel: What are you doing? Dean: We gotta talk. Castiel: About what? Let me go! Dean: About Superman. And Kryptonite. Bobby: How'd you know what I said? Sam: How long you been watching us? Dean: You know who spies on people, Cas? Spies. Castiel: Okay, just wait. I don't even know what you mean. Sam: What about this demon craphole? How is it so, uh..."Next to godliness" clean in here? Bobby: And how exactly did Crowley trick you with the wrong bones? Castiel: It's hard to understand. It's hard to explain. Just let me go. Let me out and I can - Dean: You got to look at me, man. You got to level with me and tell me what's going on. Look me in the eye and tell me you're not working with Crowley. (Castiel looks at Dean, but then looks away)You son of a bitch. Castiel: Let me explain. Dean: You're in it with him? You and Crowley have been going after Purgatory together? You have, huh? This whole time. Castiel: I did it to protect you. I did it to protect all of you. Sam: Protect us how? By opening a hole into monsterland! Bobby: He's right, Cas. One drop got through, and it was Eve. And you want to break down the entire dam? Castiel: To get the souls. I can stop Raphael. Please, you have to trust me. Sam: Trust you?! How in the hell are we supposed to trust you now? Castiel: I'm still me. I'm still your friend. Sam...I'm the one who raised you from Perdition. Sam: What? Well, no offense...But you did a pretty piss-poor job of it. Wait. Did you bring me back soulless...On purpose? Castiel: How could you think that? Sam: Well, I'm thinking a lot of things right now, Cas. Castiel: Listen. Raphael will k*ll us all. He'll turn the world into a graveyard. I had no choice. Dean: No, you had a choice. You just made the wrong one. Castiel: You don't understand. It's complicated. Dean: No, actually, it's not, and you know that. Why else would you keep this whole thing a secret, huh, unless you knew that it was wrong? When crap like this comes around, we deal with it... Like we always have. What we don't do is we don't go out and make another deal with the Devil! Castiel: It sounds so simple when you say it like that. Where were you when I needed to hear it? Dean: I was there. Where were you? Dean: You should've come to us for help, Cas. Castiel: Maybe. (There is a loud sound of wind. A large cloud of demon-smoke approaches.)It's too late now. I can't turn back now. I can't. Dean: It's not too late. Damn it, Cas! We can fix this! Castiel: Dean, it's not broken! Run. You have to run now! Run! (Dean, Sam and Bobby run out the door.) INT. ELLSWORTH's HOUSE (Crowley enters) CROWLEY My, my. Playing with f*re again? (Crowley snaps and puts out the flame) Castiel: If you touch the Winchesters... CROWLEY Please. I heard you the first time. I promise -- nary a hair on their artfully tousled heads. Besides, I think they've proven my point for me. It's always your friends, isn't it, in the end? We try to change. We try to improve ourselves. It's always our friends who got to claw into our sides and hold us back. But you know what I see here? The new God (pointing at Castiel)and the new Devil, working together. Castiel: Enough. Stop talking. And get out of my sight. CROWLEY Well...Glad I came. You're welcome, by the way. [i](Crowley heads for the door)[i]You know the difference between you and me? I know what I am. What are you, Castiel? What exactly are you willing to do? INT. Bobby's HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Castiel: Hello, Dean. Dean: How'd you get in here? Castiel: The angel-proofing Bobby put up on the house -- he got a few things wrong. Dean: Well, it's too bad we got to angel-proof in the first place, isn't it? Why are you here? Castiel: I want you to understand. Dean: Oh, believe me, I get it. Blah, blah, Raphael, right? Castiel: I'm doing this for you, Dean. I'm doing this because of you. Dean: Because of me. Yeah. You got to be kidding me. Castiel: You're the one who taught me that freedom and free will -- Dean: You're a freakin' child, you know that? Just because you can do what you want doesn't mean that you get to do whatever you want! Castiel: I know what I'm doing, Dean. Dean: I'm not gonna logic you, okay? I'm saying don't...Just 'cause. I'm asking you not to. That's it. Castiel: I don't understand. Dean: Look, next to Sam, you and Bobby are the closest things I have to family -- that you are like a brother to me. So, if I'm asking you not to do something...You got to trust me, man. Castiel: Or what? Dean: Or I'll have to do what I have to do to stop you. Castiel: You can't, Dean. You're just a man. I'm an angel. Dean: I don't know. I've taken some pretty big fish. Castiel: I'm sorry, Dean. Dean: Well, I'm sorry, too, then. EXT. PARK Castiel: So, that's everything. I believe it's what you would call a...Tragedy from the human perspective. But maybe the human perspective is...Limited. I don't know. That's why I'm asking you, Father. One last time. Am I doing the right thing? Am I on the right path? You have to tell me. You have to give me...A sign. Give me a sign. Because if you don't...I'm gonna ju-- I'm gonna do whatever I... Whatever I must.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "06x20 - The Man Who Would Be King"}
Air Date: 20 May, 2011 Lisa: I know what I want, (Dean kisses her on the forehead) but I can't have it. Not how you live. I'm trying to get over you. Dean: Just 'cause you love someone doesn't mean you should stick around and screw up their life. BEN: You know you're walking out on your family, right? Dean: What do you know about dragons? Bobby: Dr Visyak, Medieval Studies, SFU. (Dr Visyak opens her basement door to reveal the Sword of Bruncvik.) Dr. VISYAK: (to Dean) Bobby Singer. Tell him something for me next time you see him. Actually just kick him in the jewels. (Castiel is on the ground, bloody. Raphael stands before him) Castiel: Raphael. RAPHAEL: Tomorrow you kneel, Castiel. Castiel: Are you proposing that I start a civil w*r in Heaven? CROWLEY: Ding, ding, ding. Castiel: Balthazar. BALTHAZAR: Of course I want to help you. Castiel: I mean, the amount of power that it would take to mount a w*r... CROWLEY: But what if I said I knew how to go nuclear? Purgatory. Dean: (to Castiel) You and Crowley, been going after Purgatory together? CROWLEY: Just k*ll the Winchesters. (Sam & Dean fight two demons sent by Crowley) Castiel: No. CROWLEY: Then I'll do it myself. (Castiel pushes Crowley against the wall) Castiel: If you touch a hair on their heads, I will tear it all down. Our arrangement. Castiel: Hello, Dean. Dean: You're like a brother to me. So if I'm asking you not to do something, you gotta trust me, man. Castiel: Or what? Dean: Or I'll have to do what I have to do to stop you. Castiel: I'm sorry, Dean. INT. H.P. LOVECRAFT's STUDY - NIGHT (There is a thunderstorm.) March 15, 1937 Providence, Rhode Island (A man, H.P. Lovecraft, is typing on a typewriter. He drinks and continues typing. He types "THE END" then places the final paper on top of the others. His door creaks open, seemingly by itself. At the Same time, there is a crack of thunder and the lights flicker. He looks up, afraid.) LOVECRAFT: Hello? (He opens his desk drawer and takes out a revolver. g*n pointed, he walks slowly towards the door and looks out into the passage.) LOVECRAFT: Hello? (Seeing nothing, he closes and locks the door. He pours himself another drink. As he drinks, the window behind him suddenly breaks as something enters through it. A figure stands in front of him. He backs away, the creature advances.) LOVECRAFT: Please. We didn't know. I'm sorry. (As the creature kills him, he screams and blood spatters onto the front page of his manuscript. It reads " 'HAUNTER OF THE DARK' By H.P. Lovecraft, March 15th, 1937." INT. Bobby's HOUSE - DAY (Dean sits with a book, not reading it. Sam sits at the table. He leafs through a book.) Sam: Well, you know what, at least you tried. Dean: Yeah, fat lot of good it did. Why did he even come, right? (Sam shrugs & sighs. Dean slams the book shut.) Dean: Well, Samuel's journals are pointless. I mean, I'm sorry, but uh, Jebediah Campbell has squat to tell me about how to stop Cas from cracking Purgatory. (Bobby walks in, carrying a large envelope.) Bobby: Well actually, it's not about the journals we have, it's about the one we don't. Sam: Meaning what? Bobby: Well, that's the bad news. Our pal Cas didn't stop in last night just to mend fences. Dean: What did he do? Bobby: Stole something. Dean: What? Bobby: The journal of one Moishe Campbell. Sam: Moishe? Bobby: Of the New York Campbells. Sam: Well, uh, so we gotta get it back, right? Bobby: (He holds up the envelope and hands it to Sam.) Or just read the copy I'd already made. Hi, glad to meet you. Bobby Singer. Paranoid bastard. (Bobby is reading pages of the journal. Dean is carrying two mugs. Sam sits at a desk with another book. Outside, a train whistles.) Bobby: I think I zeroed in on something. Dean: What do you got? (Bobby hands him the page. Dean walks towards Sam, reading from the journal.) Dean: "Went to talk to Howard Phillips about the events of March 10th." (Dean hands Sam a mug and sits on the desk.) Bobby: That's March 10th, 1937. Dean: Alright. So who's this Phillips guy? Bobby: Phillips ain't his last name. It's Lovecraft. Sam: Wait, H.P. Lovecraft? (Bobby nods.) Let me see that. (Dean gives him the paper.) Dean: Am I supposed to know who that is? Bobby: (surprised that Dean doesn't know) Horror writer. At the Mountains Of Madness, The Call of Cthulu? Dean: Yeah, it's - no, I'm - I was too busy having sex with women. Bobby: (rolls eyes) Well, anyhow. There's one notion that comes up over and over again in his stories. Namely opening doors to other dimensions and letting scary crap through. Dean: You don't say. Sam: Wait, so you're saying you think Lovecraft knew something about Purgatory? Bobby: All I know is Moishe paid him a visit. INT. Lisa AND BEN's HOUSE - DAY (Ben is lying on his bed reading Cthulu Tales and listening to Loudest Alarmby Scars On 45 on his iPod. Downstairs, Matt sits on the couch watching baseball. Lisa brings him a drink and sits down next to him.) BASEBALL COMMENTATOR: And he's four for his last seven against with uh, two extra base hits... He dives back in... (Matt groans and Lisa laughs. Suddenly a demon breaks the door down. Lisa gasps.) Lisa: No! (Upstairs, Ben hears and takes out his earphones. The demon grabs Lisa. She screams and struggles.) Matt: Just let her go, okay? Just - Lisa: No! (A second demon comes up behind Matt and snaps his neck, k*lling him. Ben watches from the top of the stairs. Lisa sees him and the demons follow her gaze. Ben runs into his room, closes the door and puts a chair under the handle.) Lisa: No! (She screams) (Ben grabs his phone and calls Dean, who is reading the copied journal. The scene goes back and forth between Lisa's house and Bobby's. Dean picks up his phone and answers.) Dean: Ben? BEN: (frantic) There's men in the house. Dean: What? BEN: They k*lled Matt. They got Mom. They're coming, I hear them. Dean: What are they? BEN: I - I don't know. Dean: Did you see their eyes? BEN: No. Dean: Teeth? BEN: No. Dean: This is important Ben, I need to know. BEN: Dean, I don't know. Dean: Okay, where are you now? BEN: In my room. Dean: Can you get to your mom's closet? I left a g*n in there. BEN: No. Dean, what do I do? Dean: Okay, Ben, listen to me. Go to your window and jump. BEN: What?! Dean: Any bones you break won't compare to what they're gonna do to you, Ben. You've got to jump. BEN: Okay, I'm going. (Ben pushes some things off his desk. He climbs up and opens the window.) Dean: I'm coming right now. (The demons kick Ben's door open. He looks in horror.) Dean: I'm coming to get you and your mom, I promise. You with me, Ben? Ben? (There's no answer.) Ben? (In Ben's room, Crowley picks up Ben's phone from the floor. Dean looks at his phone.) CROWLEY: Hello, Dean. (Hearing Crowley, Dean quickly puts his phone back to his ear.) CROWLEY: Fancy a chat? CROWLEY: God, how long's it been, Dean? Since my so-called demise, yes? (Dean stands up.) Dean: Crowley, let 'em go now, or I swear... CROWLEY: Right, right. You'll rip me a cornucopia of orifices. Let's get to the bit where I tell you how this goes. Your chocolate's been in my peanut butter for far too long. Dean: I am going to k*ll you. CROWLEY: Oh Dean, ever the wit. I've got your uh, oh what are they? Ex lady friend and not-kid, and I'm keeping them until I'm satisfied that you've backed the hell off! Dean: I'm telling you, last chance to let 'em go easy. CROWLEY: You're adorable when you get all thr*at. Don't worry, I won't hurt them. Provided you and Jolly Green stand down. Got it? Splendid. Kisses. (Crowley hangs up.) Bobby: What's the story? Dean: He said Lisa and Ben keep breathing as long as we sit on our thumbs. Sam: (sighs) You think Cas knows about this? Dean: We gotta assume he does. Sam: So what are we gonna do? Dean: I'll tell you what we're not gonna do: sit here. I'm going after 'em. Sam: I'm coming with. Dean: No, Sam. You and Bobby stay on the Lovecraft thing, okay? Cas is already way ahead of us. Sam: You gotta be nuts if you think I'm gonna let you do this alone. Bobby can take care of the case. Bobby: (stands up) No, guys. Dean: Bobby, this is a big ball, okay? We can't drop it now. Bobby: Fine. But how are you two gonna find Lisa and Ben? EXT. SINGER SALVAGE YARD - NIGHT (Bobby drives off. Sam and Dean summon Balthazar. The lights go out and Balthazar appears, a drink in his hand.) BALTHAZAR: I'm sorry boys, do I look like a man-servant to you? No? No? Then quit ringing for me, please. Dean: This is important, Balthazar. BALTHAZAR: I was drinking '75 Dom out of a soprano's navel when you called. Thatwas important. Sam: Crowley's alive. (Sam nods.) BALTHAZAR: Well you've been scooped. Cas already told me. Dean: Well did Cas tell you that he is Crowley's butt-buddy, you smug little dick? BALTHAZAR: Excuse me? Sam: Handshake deal. Go halfsies on all the souls of Purgatory. He fill you in on that? BALTHAZAR: Well, yes, yes. Yes, of course he did. Yes. (Balthazar is clearly lying.) Sam: Oh, yes, of course. I - I - we can read it all over your face. Dean: Look, Crowley and Cas took two people who are very important to me. BALTHAZAR: And I care about this because? Dean: Because maybe there is a shred of decency underneath this - this snarky crap. (Balthazar sips his drink.) They're innocent people and I'm asking for your help. BALTHAZAR: Hmmm. I see. Fair enough. (Balthazar disappears.) Dean: Son of a bitch! Sam: Look, Dean. Let's just call Cas. Maybe he doesn't know anything about this. Dean: We are not calling Cas. Sam: Yeah, but Dean. Dean: We're not calling Cas! Sam: So what then? INT. JUDAH's ROOM - DAY (Bobby is posing as a journalist. He meets with a young man, an H.P. Lovecraft enthusiast named Judah.) JUDAH: You know, uh, horror - lowbrow. Put us in the ghetto, fine. But H.P. Lovecraft, this guy is literature. I mean he - he - he should be taught in schools. He's up there with Dickens and Dean R. Koontz, seriously. Bobby: Well that's, that's definitely the angle I'm taking with my piece. JUDAH: Oh, okay. Okay. Sorry, you - please. (He gestures for Bobby to sit. They both do.) Bobby: So, I hear you have a large collection of Lovecraft's private letters. JUDAH: Huh, yeah. World's largest. Bobby: Wow. You must be catnip to the ladies. JUDAH: (Chuckles) I'm in a long-term online relationship, so... Bobby: Well, um, I'd like to ask you about Lovecraft's last years. Specifically, anything that might've gone down around March 10th, 1937. JUDAH: Are- ? Okay. Are - are you working on this with the other guy? Bobby: Other guy? JUDAH: Yeah, uh, you know, trenchcoat, looks like Columbo, talks like Rain Man. Bobby: Right. We're... competitors.Rival magazines. JUDAH: (laughs) Oh, okay. Okay, well um, I'll tell you what I told him. Howard had a dinner party on March 10th. Bobby: Party? How many friends at this party? JUDAH: Well, six. If by "friends" you mean co-worshippers in a black magic cult. They were getting together that night to perform a ritual. Something big. Bobby: Define "big". JUDAH: Not much. Just open a door into another dimension. Bobby: Why would they do that? JUDAH: To see what's out there, you know. Maybe it's friendly. Bobby: It's never friendly. (Judah gives him a look.) I mean, I imagine. So, did it work? The spell. JUDAH: Well, uh, there was no mention of Cthulu in the morning papers, so... Actually, I do happen to have several letters detailing the dinner. (He walks to his bookshelf and pulls out a file.) Worst thing that was reported was a hangover, so it's, uh - Got it - I've got them right here. Some - it's actually pretty interesting, um. (He opens the file, it's empty.) And, and they were... I'm sorry, they were right - they were right here. Bobby: (stands up) Well, it's not like an invisible guy could just pop in and steal 'em, right? JUDAH: Right... right. Bobby: So, uh, I'll leave you to it. And, um, you call me if you find 'em, huh? (Bobby leaves. Judah waves.) JUDAH: Okay, hey. Thanks, thanks again for dropping by, huh? EXT. STREET & SINGER SALVAGE YARD - DAY (Bobby is on the phone with Sam. Bobby is walking down the street. Sam is outside at Singer Salvage Yard.) Bobby: Lovecraft tried to jimmy a damn dimensional door. Idjit. Sam: So what happened? Bobby: Well, nothing much. Except, I dug, and every guest invited to the hoedown, d*ad or disappeared inside a year. Sam: Wow, um, so where are you off to now? Bobby: Have a chat with one of the guests. Sam: Wait, didn't you just say that everyone there died? Bobby: Yeah, everybody Lovecraft invited died. Seems the maid had a nine year old boy. He was there. Sam: So, he'd be what, 83 years old now? Where is he? Bobby: Same place he's been ever since the big night. Locked in a mental ward. Sam: (A fight can be heard inside the garage behind Sam) I see, um... Well, keep me posted, huh? Bobby: Okay, stay in touch. How's things going there? You got a lead on Lisa and Ben? Sam: Well, um, we're making a few inquiries. (Inside the garage, there are screams. Dean kills a demon with Ruby's Kn*fe. There are several other d*ad demons on the floor. ) Sam: Slow going. Bobby: How's Dean? Sam: About how you'd expect. INSIDE THE GARAGE (Dean looks at the bloody Kn*fe.) Dean: Next customer. (He straps a demon into a chair over a devil's trap. Dean paces around him with the Kn*fe.) Demon: Look, I don't know anything. Dean: Yeah, we'll see. (Dean walks away to take a sip of whisky. Sam walks in.) Sam: Dean. Dean: Yeah? (Dean wipes the Kn*fe.) Sam: Look, man. You - you're running on what, uh, whisky and - and coffee and whatever else you're taking. Dean: Yeah, and? Sam: And we're grasping at straws here, man. Dean: Look, I k*ll enough of these demons, eventually one of 'em's gonna tell me where Crowley is. So we good? Sam: Well look, you've been at it for a while, why don't you at least let me take over? You deserve a break. Dean: No thanks. (Dean walks forward.) Sam: Dean. (Sam grabs Dean's arm.) Dean: Sam, back off. Lisa and Ben, wherever they are, that is a hundred percent on me. And if they are hurt... I'll yell if I need you. (Sam walks out) OUTSIDE THE GARAGE Sam: Castiel, it's Sam. Um, so look, I don't know if you're in on this whole Ben-Lisa thing, but if you have any heart whatsoever, bring 'em back to us, man. C'mon. Please. I'm begging you. I am begging you, do you understand? (Sam looks around. Nothing. He scoffs. As he walks away, Castiel is standing next to him, unseen.) INT. CROWLEY's LAB (Crowley is reading an anatomy book. Smiling Faces Sometimesby The Undisputed Truth plays. Castiel walks in.) CROWLEY: Sweetie. You look tense. Castiel: You took Ben and Lisa. CROWLEY: Oh. That. Castiel: I told you - CROWLEY: Not to touch Sam and Dean. And I've respected that. I'm merely exploiting the obvious loophole. As long as I have the woman and boy, your fop-coiffed little heroes will be scouring the earth for them, therefore not you, and not me. Everybody wins. Castiel: You should've talked to me first. CROWLEY: I'd rather ask forgiveness than permission. (Chuckles) Castiel: Where are they, Crowley? CROWLEY: (Makes a motion of zipping his lips and putting the key in his coat pocket.) Castiel: You are not to harm them, do you understand me? CROWLEY: You know what? You're all maxed out on putting humans out of bounds. I'll do with them as I please. Want to stop me? Go find freaking Purgatory! (There is a high pitched sound and Castiel touches his temple.) CROWLEY: Call on the bat-phone? Never call during business hours, do they? Castiel: I'll be back. EXT. FOREST - DAY BALTHAZAR: Cas, Cas, Cas. So good of you to come. Castiel: Balthazar. Why'd you summon me here? BALTHAZAR: Can I ask you a direct question? Castiel: Of course. BALTHAZAR: Are you in figrante with the King of Hades? Castiel: Of course not. BALTHAZAR: (laughs) Always were such a terrible liar. So it's true. Alright then, why? Castiel: It's a means to an end. Balthazar, you understand that. BALTHAZAR: Oh, absolutely. But what's the end here exactly? You know, raid Purgatory, snatch up all the souls? Castiel: Win the w*r. BALTHAZAR: And I can only assume that you'd be the vessel, correct? Suck up all those souls into yourself? All that power? Castiel: It's the only way. BALTHAZAR: Or too much juice for you, in which case you explode, taking a substantial chunk of the planet along with you. Castiel: That won't happen. BALTHAZAR: Sure, sure. Of course. (scoffs) Just - just tell me that it's entirely risk-free. Castiel: I'm sorry that I didn't tell you, but I need to know. Are you with me or not? BALTHAZAR: (Chuckles) Ah. You know, you may be certifiable, but fine. In for a penny, in for a pound. Castiel: How'd you hear about this anyway? BALTHAZAR: Oh, your howler monkeys of course. See they're just a touch worked up about that kidnapping business, you know? INT. MENTAL INSTITUTION - DAY (A patient spins a wheel. A patient touches another patient's ear. Bobby is talking to Westborough, the 83 year old man who was 9 nine years old at the time of H.P. Lovecraft's dinner party in 1937. Westborough was the maid's son.) WESTBOROUGH: You sure you're not with that other reporter, in the coat? Liar, that one. Not who he says. Bobby: No sir. Uh, I'm not affiliated with his paper. I just have a couple of questions about a dinner party you were at in 1937. WESTBOROUGH: Everyone's so fascinated. Wanna know about my night at the home of the great H.P. Lovecraft. Bobby: If you don't mind. WESTBOROUGH: Well you know the story. They did their spell, and they all said it failed. (He looks around and leans in closer to Bobby.) Do you believe in monsters? Bobby: Yep. WESTBOROUGH: You know, you go saying that, they'll lock you in here, rest of your life. Bobby: Whatever you saw, you tell me and I'll buy it straight. WESTBOROUGH: The spell worked. A door opened and something came through. B - but it was invisible, so no one knew, except me. Bobby: How did you know then? WESTBOROUGH: Because it took my mother. It went into her. She wasn't the Same. She even smelled different. And then, she disappeared. And surprise, surprise, one by one, they all start dying. Bobby: I'm sorry, about your mom. WESTBOROUGH: You're the first person, ever said that. Hey, you wanna see a picture? Hmm? (Bobby nods. Westborough, smiling, pulls a photo out of his shirt pocket and hands it to Bobby. The back of the photo says "Eleanor - 1935". Bobby looks at the photo.) Bobby: I'll be damned. IN THE GARAGE WITH Dean - DAY (Dean fills a syringe up with blood. He walks over to the demon that is bound in a chair over a devil's trap.) Dean: I promise you, pal. Start talking. (Dean walks over the devil's trap. Unknown to him, his shoe rubs away part of the devil's trap. The demon notices.) Or I swear, I will rip your skin off, strip by strip. And then I'm gonna k*ll you. (He leans in front of him.) And then I'm gonna do it to the next demon. You hear me? Demon: Yeah. (His eyes go black.) I hear you. (Dean is surprised. The demon telekinetically throws Dean against a van. The demon breaks out of his bounds and walks towards Dean. He puts his hand around Dean's neck.) Demon: So you can stop talking, you miserable sack. (Castiel appears behind the demon. He lays a hand on the demon's head and light comes out of the demon's face as he dies. Dean looks at Castiel in shock.) (Dean catches his breath.) Dean: I didn't ask for your help. Castiel: Well, regardless, you're welcome. Dean: Why are you here? (Dean walks past Castiel.) Castiel: I had no idea Crowley would take Lisa and Ben. Dean: (picking up the broken strap) Yeah right. Castiel: You don't believe me. Dean: I don't believe a word that's coming out of your mouth. Castiel: I thought you said that we were like family. Well I think that too. Shouldn't trust run both ways? Dean: Cas, I just can't... Castiel: Dean, I do everything that you ask. I always come when you call, and I am your friend. Still, despite your lack of faith in me, and now your thr*at, I just saved you, yet again. Has anyone but your closest kin ever done more for you? All I ask is this one thing. Dean: Trust your plan to pop Purgatory? Castiel: I've earned that, Dean. Dean: (scoffs) Castiel: I came to tell you that I will find Lisa and Ben, and I will bring them back. Stand behind me, the one time I ask. Dean: You're asking me to stand down? Castiel: Dean. Dean: That's the Same damn ransom note that Crowley handed me. You know that, right? Well no thanks. I'll find 'em myself. In fact, why don't you go back to Crowley and tell him that I said you can both kiss my ass. (Dean walks away and presses his fist to his mouth, visibly upset. Castiel disappears.) EXT. OUTSIDE CABIN - DAY (Bobby gets out of his car. He walks to the door and knocks. There is some sort of protection symbol drawn on the door. A woman answers. It's Dr Visyak. Dr Eleanor Visyak.) ELEANOR: (exhales sharply) Bobby? Bobby: Ellie. It's been a while. ELEANOR: (exhales sharply) Come in. (Bobby enters the cabin. Eleanor looks around, then closes the door. Bobby sits on the couch. Eleanor pours a drink.) ELEANOR: So, how did you find me? Bobby: Well, we weren't together long, Ellie, but, uh, I know a thing or two about you. I know your safe houses. And let me tell you, this one ain't all that safe. (Eleanor sits down next to Bobby and hands him a drink.) ELEANOR: So, did you come here just to um, chat? (Bobby takes a gulp of his drink.) Bobby: I know what you are, Ellie. (He pulls out the picture of young Westborough and his mom and hands it to her.) You're not exactly from Milwaukee, are you? ELEANOR: Not exactly. (She puts the picture down.) Bobby: And, not that I'd have minded, but you kind of fibbed about your age too. ELEANOR: (exhales sharply) Just slightly... 900 years. Bobby: So what's your game, then? ELEANOR: Game? Bobby: Yeah, why are you here? Eve came through and raised all kinds of hell quickly. You've been here how long, what's with the slow burn? ELEANOR: Well, you know, we're not all alike. Bobby: Monsters? ELEANOR: Okay, if it makes you feel better to call me that? Fine. Bobby: You're from freaking Purgatory. You never thought to mention that the whole time you slept with me? ELEANOR: (scoffs) I am what I am, Bobby. And I happen to be a friend. Bobby: You wanna explain that to me? ELEANOR: I didn't ask those idiots to crack the door. I just happened to be the thing that fell through. And let me tell you something, you are lucky it was me. Bobby: You're saying you're on our side? ELEANOR: I'm on myside. I happen to like it here. I don't want to see this place turned into some bloody wasteland. Bobby: So you k*lled H.P. Lovecraft? ELEANOR: Please. That guy couldn't even write "hello". (She stands up.) Look, I have spent 75 years trying to keep Purgatory closed. Why do you think I gave Dean the sword? (Bobby sighs.) To stop Eve. Hell, you guys were supposed to k*ll the damn dragons. Bobby: (stands up) Look, this all comes down to one angel. He wants Purgatory and he's looking for you. ELEANOR: Well, thanks for the heads-up. Bobby: I know him, El. He's gonna figure it out. One way or another. Now, the only way I can stop him is to get ahead of him, so I need to know how you open the door. ELEANOR: No. No, Bobby, it's too dangerous for anyone to know. Bobby: If I found you, he ain't far behind. At least let me take you somewhere, protect you. ELEANOR: No. Thanks. I have a couple of other places lined up. Don't worry. Bobby, you're just a man. I'm better off protecting myself. INT. Bobby's KITCHEN - NIGHT (Sam sighs. He walks though the kitchen and pours himself a drink. Balthazar appears.) BALTHAZAR: Drinking your feelings, Sam? I thought that was your brother's bag. Sam: Stressful times. BALTHAZAR: Well, we need to talk. Sam: Why? BALTHAZAR: Because - I know I'm gonna live to regret this - but I'm officially on your team. You bastards. Dean: And we should believe you why? BALTHAZAR: Would you believe I had a shred of decency? Sam: No. BALTHAZAR: Oh. That hurts. (Sam raises his eyebrows.) Okay, you're right. It's survival. You see, I asked Cas some questions and I disliked his answers. He seems awfully sure of himself for a man who wants to swallow a million nuclear reactors. I mean, these things can get a bit Chernobyl, you know? So, voilà. Consider me your double agent. Oh, and I took the liberty of searching for your friends. Uh, took a while. Crowley's a clever one. Dean: You found them? BALTHAZAR: Well, the upside is yes, uh, the downside is no, I can't get them for you. Sam: Why not? BALTHAZAR: Because Crowley's angel-proofed the whole bloody building. I guess he doesn't trust Cas. Seems that marriage is going swimmingly. Dean: Okay, well get us as close as you can. BALTHAZAR: Sure. But then you're on your own. EXT. OUTSIDE BUILDING - NIGHT (Balthazar teleports himself, Sam and Dean to the outside of the building Lisa and Ben are being held in.) BALTHAZAR: Alright, boys. This is where I get off. God be with you and what have you. (Balthazar disappears.) (A demon exits the building, he seems to be keeping watch. Dean s*ab him in the chest with Ruby's Kn*fe. He groans as he dies. Dean pushes the body over the gate to Sam, who leaves the body on the ground. Sam and Dean enter the building. Sam is carrying a g*n. Dean is carrying Ruby's Kn*fe and a duffel bag containing other w*apon.) INT. INSIDE BUILDING - NIGHT Dean: Alright, be careful. (They split up. Dean walks down some stairs. Sam goes around a corner, g*n aimed. He hears a noise, gasps and turns around. From above him, a demon jumps down and knocks him unconscious. Two demons carry Sam away, where they throw him in a room and lock the door.) (Lisa and Ben are sitting on the ground, tied to a post in another room that has stairs at the entrance. A demon stands at the table in front of them. Two other demons enter the room, walk down the stairs and join demon #1. Punches are heard outside the door. Demon #1 goes to investigate and closes the door behind him. More punches and groaning. Demons #2 and #3 go to investigate. Demon #3 closes the door but is immediately thrown through it. The door breaks off and falls with the demon from the top of the stairs to the ground below. Ben turns away, shielding his face. Demon #2 is pushed against the wall by Dean, who is brandishing Ruby's Kn*fe. They move offscreen for a second and Dean s*ab him. He falls against the wall and Dean kicks him. As he falls from the stairs to the ground below, he groans and breaks part of the banister. Dean pulls Ruby's Kn*fe from the demon and approaches Lisa and Ben.) Lisa: Oh, Dean. Thank God. Dean: Still gotta get you out of here. (He grunts as he cuts Lisa free. She gets up.) Okay. Okay. (He grunts and cuts Ben free and starts to lead him away.) Alright, Ben, c'mon, let's go. Let's go. (Lisa grabs Ben and Ruby's Kn*fe. She holds the Kn*fe to Ben's neck.) Demon!Lisa: Brat's not going anywhere. And neither am I. (Her eyes go black.) Demon!Lisa: Crowley thought you might come, so he had me jump this hot little piece of ass for insurance. Can't go losing our leverage now, can we? (Dean takes a step forward.) Demon!Lisa: Ah. Another step. Free appendectomy. (to Ben) You know she's awake in here, your mom. I can hear her thinking. Dean: Don't listen to her, Ben. Demon!Lisa: (to Dean) What? I was just gonna him that you're his real daddy. (Dean stares.) (Demon!Lisa laughs.) Just kidding. (to Ben) Who knows who your real dad is, kid? Your mom's a slut. Dean: You shut your mouth. Demon!Lisa: Oh what, you're her white knight now? She wishes she never met you, Dean. You're the worst mistake she ever made. (to Ben) Second worst, after keeping you. Dean: It's not your mom, Ben. She's lying. Demon!Lisa: Says the C-minus lay with 10 miles of daddy issues. Whatever gets you through the night, Tiny Tim. (Dean takes a step forward.) Demon!Lisa: Uh uh. Back off, cowboy. (to Ben) You know she's begging me to k*ll you. She says you hold her back. Never had a lick of fun since you were born. (Dean has a flask of holy water in his hand. Demon!Lisa doesn't notice.) Dean: Ben, look at me. Look at me. You're gonna be just fine. (Ben nods.) (Dean throws the holy water at Demon!Lisa, she screams and lets go of Ben.) Go! (Ben runs past Dean. Demon!Lisa goes after Dean with the Kn*fe. He pushes her against the wall. She drops the Kn*fe. Dean kicks it backwards.) Ben, Kn*fe! (Demon!Lisa pushes Dean. Ben picks up the Kn*fe.) Demon!Lisa: What's the matter, Dean? h*t me! Oh, you don't wanna hurt poor Lisa. (laughs) (Dean begins a Latin exorcism) Dean: Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, Demon!Lisa: Shut your mouth. (She punches Dean in the face.) Dean: Omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, (Demon!Lisa struggles to breathe) ergo draco maledicte, (Demon!Lisa grabs Dean by the throat. She groans) Dean: Ecclesiam Demon!Lisa: Stop it. Dean: Tuam Demon!Lisa: I'm warning you. Dean: You can go to hell, you black-eyed bitch. (Demon!Lisa grabs a straight razor from a table. She lets go of Dean and steps away. He catches his breath.) Demon!Lisa: You sure about that? (She s*ab herself in the stomach.) BEN: Mom! Demon!Lisa: (laughs) Exorcise me now. She's just a d*ad meatsuit. Now what was it you wanted to say? Dean: (pauses and looks at Ben) Securi tibi facias libertate (Demon!Lisa starts to bleed from the mouth) servire te rogamus, audi nos. (Lisa screams as the demon is expelled from her body. She falls to the ground.) BEN: Mom! Dean: Lisa! (They run to her side.) Dean: Lisa. Here, put pressure on that, okay? (He gives her a cloth and puts her hand over the wound. She moans in pain.) I know, honey, I know. (He dials Sam.) That's it, it's okay. Sam's Voice MESSAGE: This is Sam, leave a message. (Sam is still unconscious in the room.) Dean: Sam, where are you, dammit?! Alright, Ben, we gotta get her out of here, okay? Ben. Ben? (Ben is frozen with fear.) Ben. (Dean slaps him.) Hey! Listen to me, I need you to pull it together, okay? You gotta be strong. Your mom needs you right now. Go open that duffel bag, grab the salt g*n. I gotta carry your mom out so if anything comes at us, you sh**t it. BEN: But - Dean: Go, now! (Ben gets the g*n. Dean picks Lisa up, she groans.) Dean: Okay. (to Ben) The Kn*fe. Get the Kn*fe. (They both make their way out the room.) Alright, Ben. Keep your elbow in, g*n tight to your shoulder and watch for the kick. (A demon walks towards them.) Ben! (Ben sh**t it.) Ben? Ben! BEN: Dean - Dean: Come on, pull it together, do you want your mom to die? Let's go. (They walk farther. There are two more sh*ts - offscreen. They walk down the stairs and hear pounding on a door.) Sam: (From inside the room) Dean! Dean: Sam? Sam: I'm in here! (Dean gently puts Lisa down and sh**t the lock off the door. Sam comes out.) Dean: Come one, we gotta get to a hospital. Ben, give the g*n to him. Sam, we need a ride. (Dean picks Lisa up. Ben gives Sam the g*n. They leave the building.) OUTSIDE THE BUILDING (Sam pulls up in a car he's stolen.) Dean: Go, go, go, go. (Ben and Dean - carrying Lisa - get in. Dean looks at Lisa's blood on his hand. Ben turns around, worried.) Dean: She's fine, Ben. She's fine. She's gonna be just fine. Almost there. (to Lisa.) Hey, hey. Stay with me. (to Sam) Sam, you gotta go faster, man! (to Lisa) You're gonna be fine. You're gonna be just fine. INT. Lisa's WARD AT OAKVIEW MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - DAY (Lisa is lying unconscious in her hospital bed. He is hooked up to several breathing tubes and monitors. Dean and Ben sit on either side of the bed. Dean looks at Ben.) Dean: Ben, I'm sorry. (Ben gets up and leaves.) Dean: Ben. (Castiel appears.) Dean: What do youwant? Castiel: Dean, listen. Dean: What do you want me to say? She'll be d*ad by midnight. Castiel: I'm sorry. Dean: I don't care. It's too little, too late. Castiel: Okay. Well, regardless, I didn't come for you. Dean: Meaning? Castiel: (he walks up to Lisa and places his hand on her forehead, healing her) She's fine now. She'll wake soon. Dean, I said I'm sorry and I meant it. Dean: Thank you. I wish this changed anything. (Dean is visibly upset.) Castiel: I know. So do I. All else aside, I just wanted to fix what I could. (Castiel starts to walk away.) Dean: There's one more thing you could do for me. (Soon afterwards, Lisa wakes up. Ben is sitting on her hospital bed.) BEN: Hey, Mom. Lisa: Hey. What - ? BEN: You're in the hospital. (Outside the room, Dean walks up to the door and watches.) Lisa: What happened? BEN: We were in a car crash. Lisa: Are you okay? BEN: Y - Yeah, I'm - I'm fine. You h*t your head pretty bad, but you're okay now. (Dean knocks and takes a step inside.) Dean: Hi. (Lisa raises her eyebrows, not recognising him.) BEN: Who're you? Dean: I, I'm Dean. Uh, I'm the guy who h*t you. Lisa: Oh. Dean: I just, uh, I lost control for a minute, and I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I'm real happy you two are both okay. And uh, I'm just - I'm glad your life can get back to normal now. Lisa: (smiles) We're okay, so - so that's what's important, right? Dean: Yeah. Anyway, uh, I'll leave you two alone. (to Ben) You take care of your mom. (He walks away, fighting back tears.) OUTSIDE THE HOSPITAL (Dean walks down the stairs and across the street to the Impala. Sam is standing on the other side of the car.) Sam: Well? Dean: Well nothing. (He gets in the car.) (Sam clears his throat and gets in the car as well.) Sam: (sighs) Dean, you know, you've pulled some shady crap before, but this - (he shakes his head) - has got to be the worst. (he scoffs) Whitewashing their memories? Take it from somebody who knows - Dean: If you ever mention Lisa and Ben to me again, I will break your nose. Sam: Dean. Dean: I'm not kidding. (Sam is about to protest, but Dean looks at him and he sees the tears in Dean's eyes, so he nods. Sam closes his door and they drive off.) EXT. OUTSIDE Dr. VISYAK's CABIN - NIGHT (Dr Visyak leaves the cabin. She walks to her car, presses the remote and reaches for the door handle. Castiel appears behind her. She sees his reflection in the window and turns around to face him. He puts his hand on her shoulder and teleports them both away.)
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "06x21 - Let it Bleed"}
Air Date: 20 May, 2011 (Carry On Wayward Sonplays) Dean: (voiceover) Sam! (Sam and Adam fall into Lucifer's Cage. Dean kneels on the ground, bloody.) Sam: (voiceover) You got to promise not to try to bring me back. (Dean makes breakfast for Lisa and Ben. Dean and Ben work on a car. Dean wakes up to find that Sam is back.) Dean: Sammy? (They hug.) Lisa: You're a hunter. And now you know your brother's out there. I need you to go. (Castiel sticks his hand in Sam's chest.) Castiel: It's his soul. It's gone. DEATH: I'm going to go to Hell to fetch your brother's soul. (He puts Sam's soul back in his chest. Sam screams.) Sam: I don't remember anything. CROWLEY: Finding Purgatory's important to me. CROWLEY: An untapped oil well of every fanged, clawed soul. Dean: That little limey mook roasted months ago. Eve: Crowley's alive. (Eve dies.) CROWLEY: I want to discuss a simple business transaction. Castiel: With me? Dean: You and Crowley, been going after Purgatory together? Castiel: I can stop Raphael. You have to trust me. EXT. STREET - NIGHT (Sam is running from cops. There are sirens and a police car comes around the corner. Sam runs to a door and tries to open it but it's locked. He kicks a gate open and hides behind a wall as the police car passes. The car drives slowly past a "Castle Storage" sign - John Winchester's lock-up, which Sam doesn't notice. When it's gone, he walks quickly to a door labelled "Delivery Entrance Only". He enters and closes the door behind him. INT. BAR - NIGHT (Sam enters the bar. A young woman, Robin, is cleaning the bar.) ROBIN: Hey, we're closed. Sam: Just uh, just give me a second. (He goes to the window.) ROBIN: So pal, we - we open at noon. Sam: Look, you don't understand. (Outside, the cop car passes again and Sam moves away from the window.) ROBIN: Okay, I - I think I understand just fine. Look I - I don't need this kind of hassle. So seriously, just get the hell out. Sam: Please. Please, just give me a minute to think, that's all. Then I'm out of your hair. (Under the counter, Robin picks up a baseball bat.) One minute. Please. (Sam catches his breath.) ROBIN: (She sighs and puts the bat down.) What's your name? Sam: I don't know. ROBIN: What do you mean you don't know? Sam: I mean I don't remember. I don't remember anything. (Robin opens a drink and gives it to Sam.) ROBIN: Come on, you're dickin' with me. Nothing? Sam: I'm telling you. Blank slate. (He drinks.) ROBIN: Well, you got a wallet? ID? Sam: I wish I did. ROBIN: Okay, well what's the last thing you remember? Sam: (shakes his head) Um, I woke up on a park bench, cops shoving a flashlight in my face, trying to take me in. ROBIN: So you ran. Sam: No, I, um, I knocked 'em out cold. Both of 'em. No, look, I - I didn't mean to. It just happened really fast, you know I - I think instinct or something, I guess. ROBIN: Some instinct. Sam: Yeah, tell me about it. I mean, who even knows how to do something like that? ROBIN: We'll get you to the ER. The - the quacks will hash it out. Sam: No. ROBIN: Try "yeah". Look the-the bats have flown the belfry, you need to see a Doctor. Sam: No. (Sam gets up.) I don't have time. ROBIN: Time for what? Sam: (sighs) Look, it's hard to explain, I just feel like I - I have to be somewhere. There's something I gotta stop. ROBIN: Oh, like a wedding? A train? Sam: No, something important. Something like life or death, like - ROBIN: Okay, hey, hey, hey. Just relax, you know, you - you can't poop it out, so just... It'll come to you. (Sam nods. He notices something and walks to a bookshelf. He picks up a book - The Haunter of the Dark by H.P. Lovecraft.) ROBIN: What is it? (He shows her the title.) You a horror fan? Sam: Yeah, um, I think so. I really think so. Something - something about this... (A rush of memories hits Sam. Bobby: Phillips ain't his last name. It's Lovecraft. He sees flashes of Dean outside the hospital, Ben in the car, himself being jumped by a demon, Balthazar, Bobby telling him about H.P. Lovecraft and a hotel called the Nite Owl. The memory-flash ends and Sam, who is slumped over, is gasping but otherwise okay.) ROBIN: Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey. Seriously, we are taking you to a Doctor. Sam: Have you got a computer? ROBIN: What? (Sam finds the Nite Owl Hotel's website on Robin's laptop.) Sam: That's it. It exists. Look, two towns over. (He turns the laptop so that she can see.) ROBIN: What, you think you're staying in this dump? Sam: Maybe. ROBIN: Oh, maybe you're a hooker. Sam: (Chuckles) I guess I'll find out. ROBIN: Hmm. Sam: (sighs) Look, um, I don't know how to say, uh, thanks for everything. ROBIN: Where do you think you're going? Sam: I'll be fine. ROBIN: Says the headcase that just slumped over a minute ago. Look, is there any way I can convince you to go to a hospital? Sam: No. Apparently, I'm stubborn. ROBIN: Oh. So am I. (She gets her jacket.) I'm driving. Sam: Look, that's really nice of you, but not necessary. ROBIN: Really? Okay, look, your eggs are scrambled. Sam: But - ROBIN: But nothing. Sam: No, I mean I'm just some guy. I - I could be anybody. You gotta be nuts. ROBIN: I've been called that. Look, if I let you go off alone, I won't be able to sleep at night. And, honestly, I'm dying to know how it all turns out. EXT. OUTSIDE NITE OWL Hotel - NIGHT (Sam & Robin walk towards the hotel.) ROBIN: So, uh, where do we start? Sam: Uh, ground floor corner room, nearest to the f*re escape. That's the one I'd pick, quickest getaway. ROBIN: Any why do you know that? Sam: (scoffs) I just do. INT. NITE OWL Hotel - NIGHT (Sam & Robin walk past a man that looks like Bobby. They stand outside the door of room 107. Sam knocks on the door. There's no answer. He tries the handle. It's locked.) Sam: Hey, you got a credit card? ROBIN: Uh - (She gets her card.) Why, are we uh, checking in? Sam: Sort of. (He takes the card and picks the lock with it. The door opens. Robin takes her card back.) ROBIN: Dude... Who areyou? Sam: Good question. (They enter the room. There are various pictures, newspaper articles and maps on the wall - a typical hunter's investigation.) ROBIN: This all yours? Sam: I don't know. I guess. ROBIN: Well, I love what you've done with the place. It's very Beautiful Mindmeets Se7en. Sorry, I talk when I'm nervous. (She picks up an ID from the table.) Hey, well I guess we know your name. Nice to meet you, Jimmy Page. (She leafs through the other fake IDs.) And uh, Neil Peart, and Angus Young. (She Chuckles nervously.) Okay, listen no offence but I'm - I'm really starting to freak out. Sam: (scoffs) You and me both. (He sighs and notices a newspaper article. The headline is "SFU Professor Missing". The picture is of Dr Eleanor Visyak. Sam gets another rush of memories. There is a flash of Dr Visyak. Sam collapses. He remembers something else.) [ Sam's MEMORY - EXT. ALLEY - DAY (Sam, Bobby and Dean are walking down an alley.) Dean: Where is she? Bobby: (shrugs) She said to meet her here. I'll try her again. (He takes out his cellphone and dials. They hear Eleanor's phone ringing from nearby. It's on the ground next to a dumpster. They hurry to it and find Eleanor sitting on he ground against the dumpster. She's hurt. Bobby kneels in front of her. Sam and Dean stand behind him.) Bobby: El? ELEANOR: Hey. I guess I could've used your help after all. Bobby: Just be still. Sam: What happened? ELEANOR: They took me. I got away. (She opens her coat. Her shirt is soaked with blood by her stomach.) Bobby: Oh, Ellie. What have they done to you? ELEANOR: (Chuckles) Everything. The demon I could've handled, but when the angel stepped in, I - (sighs) I told him, Bobby. They have enough to crack Purgatory wide open. Bobby: Tell me. I need to know. ELEANOR: They need virgin blood. That's a milk-run for them. And they need the blood of a Purgatory native, and well, they've got plenty of that now. Dean: Have they opened it yet? ELEANOR: (she shakes her head) Tomorrow. The moon - an eclipse. I'm sorry, Bobby. Bobby: No, it's okay. It's okay. ELEANOR: I'm sorry, really sorr- Bobby: Tell us where they are. (Eleanor dies.) Bobby: El? (Bobby closes her eyes. Castiel appears behind Sam and Dean.) Castiel: I'm sorry this had to happen. (Bobby stands up.) Crowley got carried away. Bobby: Yeah, I bet it was all Crowley you son of a bitch! (He tries to go after Castiel but Sam and Dean restrain him and he steps back.) Dean: (to Castiel) You don't even see it, do you? How totally off the rails you are! Castiel: Enough! I don't care what you think. I've tried to make you understand. You won't listen. So let me make this simple. Please, go home and let me stop Raphael. I won't ask again. Dean: Well, good, 'cause I think you already know the answer. Castiel (shakes his head) I wish it hadn't come to this. Well rest assured, when this is all over, I will save Sam, but only if you stand down. Dean: Save Sam from what? (Castiel disappears. He reappears behind Sam and touches Sam's temple, breaking the wall in Sam's mind.) ] (The memory-flash ends and Sam is in the hotel room, his breathing quick.) ROBIN: Hey, hey. Are you okay? Sam: Sam. My name is Sam. (In the bathroom, Sam leans over the basin and splashes his face with water.) ROBIN: So, uh, what do you remember? Sam: Well. (Chuckles) It might sound pretty strange if I said it aloud. (He dries his face with a towel.) ROBIN: Oh, it - it couldn't get any stranger. Sam: (He throws the towel down.) Yeah. Don't be so sure. (sighs & shrugs) Look, I - I don't know, I mean it's all pretty spotty, you know? I just remember I was, I was with, uh - with two guys. One was a - like a male model type and the other was an older guy named, uh, Bobby. (He picks up an address book and leafs through it.) ROBIN: Okay. W- What are you looking for? Sam: Here. Bobby Singer. That has to be it. ROBIN: Is there a phone number? Sam: No, just an address. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. (scoffs) ROBIN: South Dakota. Okay, uh, l-listen, Sam. Sam, right? Sam: Yeah. ROBIN: Look, I'm really sorry, but this is - is where I gotta get off. Sam: Oh, no, of course. No problem. ROBIN: Okay. Well, how are you gonna get there? Sam: (Sam sees a set of car keys on the table and picks them up.) I guess I'll take my car. EXT. OUTSIDE NITE OWL Hotel - NIGHT (Sam & Robin leave the hotel. Sam sees the Impala. He points and they both walk towards the car.) Sam: That's mine. ROBIN: Are you sure? Sam: Oh yeah. ROBIN: Look, Sam I don't feel right about you going off like this. Sam: Oh, look, don't worry. Y-you've done way to much for me already. ROBIN: That's not what I mean. What I mean is uh... I've got a bad feeling you know, with those IDs and that shady-ass hotel room. Whatever you're looking for, you might not like what you find. Sam: (scoffs) What other choice do I have? (Sam hears a g*n cock.) ROBIN: You could stick around here a little bit longer, I mean get your head straight, instead of going off, flying blind into... (Someone sh**t at them. Sam knocks Robin to the ground and the b*llet hits the Impala's window, shattering it.) ROBIN: (gasps) What the hell was that? Sam: Stay down. (He gets up and looks at the sh**t. The sh**t looks exactly like Sam.) ROBIN: Sam! Sammy! INT. Bobby's PANIC ROOM Dean: Sammy? Come on, snap out of it. (Sam is unconscious on the bed. Dean watches over him.) INT. Bobby's PANIC ROOM ([i]Play With f*re[i]by The Rolling Stones plays. Sam is unconscious on the bed. Dean paces. Bobby walks in.) Bobby: Anything? Dean: I can't just sit here, Bobby. I've got to help him. Bobby: Dean. Dean: You know, dreamscape his noggin. Something. Bobby: You know what Cas did. The dam inside your brother's head is gone, and all hell's spilling loose. We don't what's going on inside. Dean: I don't care. We have got to do something! Bobby: And we will, but right now we got sixteen hours 'til they pop Purgatory. I'm down one man. I can't afford to be down two. Dean: Yeah, and how's that going, huh? We've got no line on Crowley. We got no line on Cas. Balthazar's MIA. I mean, all we've got is Sam, going through whatever the hell this is! Bobby: You know, (he turns a glass over and pours a drink) this is exactly what Cas wants. For you to fall to pieces. Just try to think of what Sam would want. (He holds out the drink. Dean pauses before taking it.) Dean: Find Cas, Bobby. Find him now. EXT. Sam's DREAMSCAPE - Impala - NIGHT (Sam is driving, Robin is in the passenger seat. [i]Play With f*re[i]is on the radio.) Sam: (sniffs) Do you smell whisky? ROBIN: Okay, Sam, would you focus? Sam: Yeah. Sorry. ROBIN: Okay, so, who sh*t at us? Sam: I - I didn't really get a good look. ROBIN: Okay, we gotta go to the cops. Sam: No, look, if we can just get to my friends, they can help us. I know it. ROBIN: Okay, you don't know if they're your friends, okay, you don't know anything about anything! Just turn around. Sam: [i]No.[i]Look, you're safer with me. ROBIN: How do you know that? You're scaring me. (In the Panic Room, Dean opens Sam's left eye and shines a flashlight on it. In the dreamscape, Sam is momentarily blinded by a bright light. He slams on the brakes and the tires screech. Suddenly it's day.) Sam: What? No way. (He gets out the car. Robin follows.) ROBIN: [i]What[i]was that? Sam: What do you mean? It's daylight. ROBIN: Yeah. Sam: It was night, and now it's day. ROBIN: It was [i]always[i]day. Sam: No, no, no, no, no. No, it wasn't. It... What the hell is going on here? (Sam hears something in the woods next to the road.) ROBIN: Okay, so I am all filled up on crazy for today. You know what, Sam? I'll - I'll see ya. (She starts to walk away.) Sam: Wait, wait. Wait. Hey, hey, hey. (She stops, sighs and turns around.) Sam: Get in the car. (He gestures to the woods with his head. She hears his urgency and complies. Sam exhales deeply. He opens the boot of the car, seeing all the w*apon.) Wow. (He props the boot up with a g*n and takes a p*stol. He cocks it, puts it back and instead takes another g*n. He cocks it and closes the boot. In the car, Robin sighs nervously.) (In the woods, Sam walks with his g*n aimed. He passes a tree and does not see that his lookalike, the sh**t from the hotel, is standing behind it. The lookalike walks up behind him and puts a g*n to the back of his head. Sam freezes, then turns around quickly. The lookalike - Soulless!Sam - grabs Sam's g*n and hits him in the head with the g*n. He empties the g*n of shells.) SOULLESS!Sam: My God. Am I really that gawky? (He throws the g*n on the ground.) Howdy. Sam: (shocked) This is impossible. SOULLESS!Sam: Cold. Try again. Sam: I'm uh- I'm hallucinating. SOULLESS!Sam: Warmer. But see, normally, you're awake when you're tripping balls. Sam: I'm dreaming? SOULLESS!Sam: And someone just won a copy of the home game. We're inside your grapefruit, Sam. Son, you've been juiced. Sam: I-I don't remember anything. SOULLESS!Sam: Well, your BFF Cas brought the Hell-wall tumbling down and you, pathetic infant that you are, shattered into pieces. (he points at Sam) Piece. (he points at himself) Piece. Sam: I - I have no idea what you're talking about. SOULLESS!Sam: Why would you? You're jello, pal. Unlike me. Sam: What are [i]you? SOULLESS!Sam: I'm not handicapped. I'm not saddled with a soul. In fact, I used to skipper this meatboat for a while. It was smooth sailing. I was sharp, strong. That is, 'til they crammed your soul back in. Now look at you. Same misty-eyed milksop you always were. That's because souls are weak. They're a liability. Now, nothing personal, but run the numbers. Someone's got to take charge around here, before it's too late. (He cocks his g*n. Sam runs. He sh**t after Sam but misses.) (Sam runs. Soulless!Sam follows. Sam has a p*stol.) SOULLESS!Sam: (echoing) Come out, come out, wherever you are. (Sam runs. He hides behind a rock next to a tree near a stream. Soulless!Sam appears. Sam ducks. Soulless!Sam sees Sam's jacket behind the rock. He sh**t three times. He walks up to the rock and sees that Sam isn't there, only his jacket. Suddenly, Sam, from behind, sh**t Soulless!Sam. The b*llet goes through his chest. Soulless!Sam falls to the ground and groans.) SOULLESS!Sam: You think I'm[i]bad? Wait 'til you meet the other one. (He dies. A bright light comes out of the body and Sam absorbs it. In the Panic Room, Sam, still unconscious, convulses. Dean: Sammy! Sam! He puts a hand on Sam's chest. Sam is still.) (Back in the dreamscape, Sam walks back to the road, where Robin is standing next to the car.) Sam: I remember who I am. Everything I did this past year. And I remember you. [ (We see Sam's memory of Robin. Sometime during Sam's soulless year, he was at the bar and had a run-in with a crossroads demon. The demon is holding a terrified Robin with a Kn*fe to her neck. Sam approaches with a g*n. CROSSROADS Demon: Walk away or the girl dies. Sam sh**t Robin in the stomach. She dies. She demon looks at Sam in shock. Sam: There goes your leverage. Sam sh**t the crossroads demon.) ] (Back in the dreamscape, blood seeps through Robin's shirt by her stomach.) ROBIN: Didn't I tell you to turn back, that you wouldn't like what you found? Sam: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. ROBIN: Not as sorry as you're gonna be. (She disappears.) INT. Bobby's PANIC ROOM (Sam is unconscious. Dean sits near him, a glass of whisky in his hand.) Bobby: Look what the cat dragged in. (Bobby is standing with Balthazar outside the door of the Panic Room. Dean gets up.) BALTHAZAR: Well, at least you mudfish finally got the angel-proofing right. (he points to Sam) How's Sleeping Beauty? You didn't steal any kisses, I trust? Dean: What the hell took you so long? (He walks up to Balthazar. Bobby stands a step behind Dean.) BALTHAZAR: Honestly? I was having second thoughts. Dean: About? BALTHAZAR: About whether to help you. I was thinking maybe... Maybe I should rip out your sticky bits instead. Bobby: And what did you decide? BALTHAZAR: Well... (He pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to Dean.) Cas and Crowley are there. That's where the show gets started. (Dean opens the paper and shows Bobby. On it is an address in Bootback, Kansas.) Dean: Alright, well give us a minute to pack up and then zap us there. BALTHAZAR: Oh, no, no, no, no. I don't think so. Dean: Balthazar. BALTHAZAR: I'm betraying a friend here. A very powerful friend. We all are. So I think I've stuck my neck out far enough already. Good luck. (He disappears.) INT. CROWLEY's LAB (Castiel sits. Crowley walks in carrying a jar of blood.) CROWLEY: Your Purgatory power-shake, Monsieur. (He gives it to Castiel.) Half monster, half virgin. Castiel: Thank you. CROWLEY: You seem even more constipated than usual. Maybe get you some Colonblow? Castiel: I'm renegotiating our terms. CROWLEY: Is that so? What terms do you propose? Castiel: You get nothing. Not one single soul. CROWLEY: Can't help notice, seems a bit unfairly weighted. (Castiel doesn't answer.) Castiel. You wouldn't dare. I brought you this deal. Castiel: You think I'm handing all that power to the king of Hell? I'm neither stupid nor wicked. CROWLEY: Unbelievable. Have you forgotten that you're the bottom in this relationship? Castiel: Here are your options. You either flee, or you die. CROWLEY: We made a pact. Even Idon't break contracts like this. Castiel: Flee, or die. CROWLEY: (scoffs) Boy, just can't trust anyone these days. (Crowley disappears.) INT. Sam's DREAMSCAPE - Bobby's HOUSE - NIGHT (In Bobby's house, the furniture is covered in white sheets. There are candles almost everywhere, but the room is mostly dark. A small amount of moonlight shines through the window. Sam enters the room with a g*n. He approaches the desk, where someone is sitting, their face hidden in the shadows.) Sam: Hey. Hey! TORTURED!Sam: (his voice is weak) Oh. Hi, Sam. Sam: So, which one are you? TORTURED!Sam: Don't you know? (He stands up. His face is bruised.) I'm the one that remembers Hell. INT. Bobby's PANIC ROOM (Bobby is packing some things, including a flask of holy water and two angel k*lling swords, in a bag. He takes the bag and starts to walk out.) Bobby: Time's up, Dean. Dean: Yeah, just a second. (Dean is standing over Sam. He kneels next to him with a piece of paper.) Dean: Alright, this is where we're gonna be, Sam. You get your lazy ass out of bed and come and meet us. Sammy, please. (He gets up, puts the paper down next to Sam with a g*n on top of it, and leaves.) INT. Sam's DREAMSCAPE - Bobby's HOUSE - NIGHT TORTURED!Sam: I wish you hadn't come, Sam. Sam: I had to. I'm here, right? Out there in the real world, I'm at Bobby's, aren't I? TORTURED!Sam: How do you know? Sam: This whole time, I've smelt nothing but Old Spice and whisky. Figured if I could get back here, back to my body, I could... I don't know, I could snap out of it somehow. TORTURED!Sam: But first you have to go through me. Sam: Why? TORTURED!Sam: Humpty Dumpty has to put himself back together again, before he can wake up. And I'm the last piece. Sam: Which means, (Sam lowers his g*n and steps closer) I have to know what you know. What happened in the cage? TORTURED!Sam: Trust me, you don't wanna know it. Sam: You're right. But I still have to. TORTURED!Sam: Sam, you can't imagine. Stay here, go back, find that bartender, go find Jess, but don't do this. I know you. You're not strong enough. Sam: (exhales) We'll just have to see. TORTURED!Sam: (scoffs) Why is this so important to you? Sam: You know me. You know why. I'm not leaving my brother alone out there. (Tortured!Sam walks slowly towards Sam. He picks up a Kn*fe and Sam defensively points his g*n.) TORTURED!Sam: I'm not gonna fight you. (He holds out the Kn*fe, handle first.) But this is your last chance. (Sam sighs. He lowers his g*n and takes the Kn*fe.) TORTURED!Sam: Good luck. You're gonna need it. (Sam s*ab Tortured!Sam in the stomach. Tortured!Sam groans, falls to the ground and dies. A bright light comes from his body and Sam absorbs him. Inside the Panic Room, Sam convulses.) INT. CROWLEY's LAB - NIGHT (Outside the building, angels stand around it as guards.) (Castiel sits holding the jar of blood. Balthazar appears.) BALTHAZAR: You rang, Cas? Castiel: Yeah. We have a problem. Dean Winchester is on his way here. BALTHAZAR: Really? Oh. How'd he even know where we were? Castiel: (he puts the jar down) Apparently we have a Judas in our midst. BALTHAZAR: Ah. (Chuckles) Holy hell. Who is it? I bet it's that bloody little Cherub, isn't it? Castiel: (stands up) I don't know. But I - I need you to find out. BALTHAZAR: Of course. Um, right away. Right away. Uh, but what do you want me to do about Dean? Castiel: (turns away) Nothing. I'll handle him myself. BALTHAZAR: Castiel? Are you alright? Castiel: First Sam and Dean, and now this. I'm doing my best in impossible circumstances. My friends, they abandon me, plot against me. It's difficult to understand. BALTHAZAR: Well you've - you've always got little old me. (Castiel disappears. He reappears behind Balthazar and s*ab him with an angel k*lling sword. Balthazar groans.) Castiel: Yes, I'll always have you. BALTHAZAR: Cas... (As Balthazar dies, his light fills the building.) EXT. OUTSIDE BUILDING - NIGHT (In the street near the building, Dean & Bobby pull up in the Impala. Outside the car, Bobby looks through binoculars at the guards standing around the building.) Bobby: I count a dozen mooks, probably more. Dean: Demons? Bobby: Angels. Dean: Well how the hell are we gonna take out that many angels? Bobby: We don't. We'll ninja our way in. Dean: Awesome. Yeah, 'til they hear your knee squeak. Bobby: Shut up. Dean: Oh, what, now you got thin skin? Bobby: No, shut up. You hear that? (There is a loud, repetitive booming sound, almost like the footsteps of a giant. Dean & Bobby listen. They turn around.) Dean: What the hell is that? (He sees ripples in a puddle from the vibrations.) T-Rex maybe? (The noise gets louder. Bobby looks up.) Bobby: Holy mother of - (A large cloud of demon smoke approaches.) Dean: Get in the car! Get in the car! (They run to the Impala. Dean gets in the front, Bobby the back. The demon smoke flips the car upside down, then continues towards the building. Inside, Castiel is looking at the paper with the ritual incantation written on it. He hears screams, presumably of the guards. He stands up to listen. Demon smoke covers the window. Crowley appears.) CROWLEY: Never underestimate the king of Hell, darling. I know a lot of swell tricks. Now, I think it's time to re-renegotiate our terms. (Castiel disappears. He reappears behind Crowley. Crowley turns around. Castiel puts his hand on Crowley's forehead. Nothing happens.) CROWLEY: Sweaty hands, mate. Castiel: I don't understand. CROWLEY: You can palm me all you want. I'm safe and sound under the wing of my new partner. (He gestures to the right, where Raphael appears, in a female vessel.) RAPHAEL: Hello, Castiel. Castiel: Raphael. INT. CROWLEY's LAB - NIGHT Castiel: Consorting with demons. I thought that was beneath you. RAPHAEL: Heard youwere doing it. Sounded like fun. CROWLEY: You know, Castiel y-you've said all sorts of shameful, appalling, scatological things about Raphael. I-I've found him, her, to be really quite reasonable. Castiel: You fool. Raphael will deceive and desTroy you at the speed of thought. CROWLEY: Right, right, 'cause you're such a straight sh**t. She, he, has offered me protection against all comers. Castiel: In exchange for what? CROWLEY: The Purgatory blood. RAPHAEL: (clicks tongue) Castiel, you really think I would let you open that door? Take in thatmuch power? If anyone is going to be the new God, it's me. Castiel: He's gonna bring the Apocalypse, and worse. CROWLEY: Hey, this is your doing, mate. I'm merely grabbing the best offer on the table. Now, you have two options. (in a deep, mocking voice) Flee, or die. (Castiel picks up the jar of blood. He throws it to Crowley and disappears.) (The lunar eclipse begins.) (In front of the blood sigils drawn on the wall, Crowley begins the ritual. Raphael stands next to him.) CROWLEY: Ianua magna Purgatorii, clausa est ob nos, lumine eius ab oculis nostris retento. [ (In the overturned Impala, Dean regains consciousness.) Dean: Bobby. Bobby? (Bobby wakes up.) Dean: Come on, we gotta go.) ] (Back in the room.) CROWLEY: Sed nunc stamus ad limen huius ianuae magnae et demisse, fideliter, perhonorifice, paramus aperire eam. Creaturae terrificae, (Bobby & Dean enter the room. The stand at the top of the stairs.) CROWLEY: quarum ungulae et dentes, nunquam tetigerunt carnem humanam. (Dean throws an angel k*lling sword at Raphael. With his back turned, Raphael catches it. He and Crowley turn to look at Bobby and Dean. Telekinetically, Crowley throws Bobby and Dean down the stairs. Dean lands on a table before he is thrown to the ground. He groans.) CROWLEY: Bit busy, gentlemen. Be with you in a moment. (Outside, Sam, who is now awake, stops at the upside down Impala. He is h*t by a memory of himself on f*re, screaming in Lucifer's Cage. He groans and puts his hand on his head. He catches his breath and pushes on, approaching the building.) (Back in the building.) CROWLEY: Aperit fauces eius ad mundum nostrum, nunc, ianua magna aperta tandem! (Nothing happens.) CROWLEY: Mm-hmmm. Maybe I said it wrong. (Castiel appears behind them, holding an empty jar of blood.) Castiel: You said it perfectly. All you needed was this. (He puts the jar down. Dean & Bobby get up.) CROWLEY: I see. (He walks to the wall and touches the blood.) And we've been working with... (he tastes it) Dog blood. Naturally. RAPHAEL: Enough of these games, Castiel. Give us the blood. CROWLEY: You- Game's over. His jar's empty. So, Castiel, how'd your ritual go? Better than ours, I'll bet. (Castiel closes his eyes. A bright light comes from him. It fills the room and Dean, Bobby, Crowley and Raphael shield their eyes.) INT. CROWLEY's LAB - NIGHT (Castiel's light fades away.) Castiel: You can't imagine what it's like. They're all inside me. Millions upon millions of souls. CROWLEY: Sounds sexy. Exit stage Crowley. (He disappears.) (Raphael looks frightened.) Castiel: Now, what's the matter, Raphael? Somebody clip your wings? RAPHAEL: Castiel, please. You let the demon go, but not your own brother? Castiel: The demon I have plans for. You on the other hand... (Castiel snaps his fingers; Raphael explodes. The angel k*lling sword Raphael had been holding falls to the ground.) So, you see, I saved you. Dean: Sure thing, Cas. Thank you. Castiel: You doubted me, fought against me, but I was right all along. Dean: Okay, Cas, you were. We're sorry. Now let's just defuse you, okay? Castiel: What do you mean? Dean: You're full of nuke. It's not safe. So, before the eclipse ends, let's get them souls back to where they belong. Castiel: Oh no, they belong with me. Dean: No, Cas, it's it-it's scrambling your brain. Castiel: No, I'm not finished yet. Raphael had many followers, and I must punish them all severely. Dean: Listen to me. Listen, I know there's a lot of bad water under the bridge, but we were family once. I'd have died for you. I almost did a few times. So if that means anything to you... Please. I've lost Lisa, I've lost Ben, and now I've lost Sam. Don't make me lose you too. You don't need this kind of juice anymore, Cas. Get rid of it before it kills us all. Castiel: You're just saying that because I won. Because you're afraid. (Behind him, Sam picks up the angel k*lling sword.) You're not my family, Dean. I have no family. (Sam s*ab Castiel in the back with the angel k*lling sword. Sam groans. Nothing happens. Castiel pulls the sword out. There's no blood on it. He puts it down.) Castiel: I'm glad you made it, Sam. But the angel blade won't work, because I'm not an angel anymore. I'm your new God. A better one. So you will bow down and profess your love unto me, your Lord. Or I shall desTroy you.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "06x22 - The Man Who Knew too Much"}
Air Date: 23 Sep 2011 Foghat's "Slow Ride" plays over the recap. Sam: I let Lucifer out, I gotta put him back in. SamIFER: Sammy's long gone. Sam has been locked in the pit with Michael and Lucifer. Castiel: It's his soul. It's gone. DEATH: I can't erase Sam's Hell, but I can put it behind a wall. DEATH: Keep digging, Dean. Dean: Are you just going to be cryptic, or... DEATH: It's about the souls. Castiel: I will save Sam. But only if you stand down. Dean: What happened to you Cas? Castiel: I'm at w*r. CROWLEY: I want to discuss a simple business transaction, that's all. Castiel: You want to make a deal? With me? CROWLEY: It's the souls. sh*t of Impala driving, and a full moon. Castiel: They're all inside me. Millions upon millions of souls. Castiel snaps his fingers and explodes RAPHAEL. Sam s*ab Castiel in the back. Castiel: The angel blade won't work, because I'm not an angel anymore. I'm your new god. You will bow down and profess your love unto me, your Lord, or I shall desTroy you. INT. CROWLEY's LAB - NIGHT Bobby: Well, all right then. Is this good, or you want the whole "forehead to the carpet" thing? Bobby (to Dean): Guys? Dean and Sam start to kneel. Castiel: Stop. What's the point if you don't mean it? You fear me. Not love, not respect, just fear. Sam: Cas... Castiel: Sam, you have nothing to say to me; you s*ab me in the back. (to Bobby and Dean): Get up. Dean: Cas, come on, this isn't you. Castiel: The Castiel you knew is gone. Dean: So what, then? k*ll us? Castiel: What a brave little ant you are. You know you're powerless, you wouldn't dare move against me again. That would be pointless. So I have no need to k*ll you. Not now. Besides...once you were my favorite pets before you turned and bit me. Dean: Who are you? Castiel: I'm God. And if you stay in your place, you may live in my kingdom. If you rise up, I will strike you down. Not doing so well, are you Sam? Sam: I'm fine...(clears throat)...I'm...fine. Dean: You said you would fix him - you promised! Castiel: IF you stood down, which you hardly did. Be thankful for my mercy. I could have cast you back into the pit. Dean: Cas, come on, this is nuts! You can turn this around, please! Castiel: I hope for your sake this is the last you see me. Castiel disappears. Bobby, Dean, and Sam look around and at each other for a few seconds, until Sam's nose starts to bleed. Dean: Sam, you okay? Sam sees a vision of himself burning in hell; he then falls to the ground and cuts his hand on some broken glass. He keeps seeing glimpses of his body on f*re. EXT. WOODED MEADOW IN HEAVEN - DAY Castiel: Understand. If you followed Raphael, if you stood against me, punishment is certain; there is nowhere to hide. The rest of you, our Father left a long time ago, and that was hard. I thought the answer was free will. But I understand now. You need a firm hand. You need a father. And I am your father now. Be obedient, children. Or this will be your fate. Camera pans down to a d*ad ANGEL; then pulls back to reveal Castiel standing in a meadow in heaven surrounded by dozens of d*ad ANGELS, evident by all of the scorched black wing marks. Castiel: It is a new day. On earth, and in heaven. Rejoice. SUPERNATURAL EXT. Bobby's YARD - DAY Dean is seemingly crouched inside the crushed and upside-down Impala, with his boots pressed against the roof. Dean: (Grunts) Come on. (grunts) (the sound of groaning metal is heard as he tries to push the dented roof out with his feet). Come on, baby! The camera flips around to reveal the car is right-side up and Dean is on his back. Bobby: So, you fixin' her or primal screamin'? Dean extricates himself from the Impala and accepts a beer from Bobby. Dean: Ah, thanks. How's Sam? Bobby: He's still under. But alive. Dean: Yeah? What about God part deux? Bobby: I got all kinds of feelers out, so far diddly. Dean: And what exactly are you looking for? Bobby: Exactly. What? Miracles, mass visions, trenchcoat on a tortilla? I don't know what I'm lookin' for. Dean: Ah, well, he'll surface. Bobby: So say we do suss out where "new and improved" flew off to..." Dean: Yeah? Bobby: The hell we plan to do about it? Dean: I don't know, Bobby, I got no more clue than you do. Bobby: I don't even know what books to h*t for this, Dean. Dean: Well, figure it out! I'm sorry. This ain't in no book. If you stick your neck out, Cas steps on it. So you know what I'm gonna do? Bobby: What? Dean: Imma fix this car. Because that's what I can do. I can work on her 'til she's mint. And when Sam wakes up, no matter what shape he's in, we'll glue him back together too. We owe him that. Bobby: I'm with you. Dean lies back down in the Impala and begins to pound on the roof with a mallet. INT. Bobby's KITCHEN - DAY Dean enters from the back door area, wiping his hands. He gets a beer from the fridge. Sam appears in the doorway from the living room. Sam: Hey Dean. Dean: Ah, you're walking and talking. Sam: Yeah. I, uh, put on my own socks, the whole nine. Dean: Well, that's uh... I mean you, uh, you sure you're okay? Sam: Yeah. My head hurts a little, but...basically. Dean: Seriously? Sam: Look man, I'm as surprised as you are but, yeah, I swear. Dean: Good! No reason putting a gift horse under a microscope, right? Sam: Yeah. So what happened with Cas? Dean: Why don't you come help me with the car, I'll fill you in? Sam: Okay. Dean: leaves through the back door. Sam starts to follow him but hesitates as he hears the faint sound of chains jingling. He nervously looks around but seems to see nothing out of order. EXT. CHURCH - DAY The sign identifies the church as "Lady of Serenity Church," and says "BELIEVE IN GOD HE WALKS AMONG US" INT. CHURCH - DAY A REVEREND is preaching about h*m* being wrong. REVEREND: Plenty speak for them and their so-called lifestyle. Media, Hollywood, Lady Gaga won't shut up for love or money. CONGREGATION Chuckles. REVEREND: Yeah, funny, but that's why we raise our voices! And picket their so-called weddings, and their funerals. Someone has to speak for God. Castiel (O.S.): And who says you speak for God? The CONGREGATION all turn and look at Castiel, who stands at the other end of the aisle. Castiel: You're wrong, I am utterly indifferent to sexual orientation. On the other hand, I cannot abide hypocrites like you, Reverend. REVEREND: Okay, fun's over friend. Castiel: Tell your flock where your genitals have been before you speak for me. REVEREND: And who the heck are you? Castiel: I'm God. The CONGREGATION murmurs. A parishioner stands and tries to speak, but after a look from Castiel he falls back unconscious, breaking the church pew. Castiel: And he who lies in my name shall choke on his own false tongue, and his poisonous words shall betray him. The REVEREND begins to choke and foam at the mouth; he falls to his knees and then collapses to the floor, d*ad. Castiel (addressing the CONGREGATION): For I am the Lord, your God. Castiel starts to walk out of the church but stops when he hears a whispering voice in his head. Voice: Castiel... Castiel grasps the back of a pew. Voice: Cas! Castiel turns and looks at an image of JESUS in a stained-glass window. He collects himself and resumes walking out the church, but leaves a singed patch of wood on the back of the pew where his hand was; also revealing that the image of JESUS in the window has changed to that of Castiel in his trenchcoat. INT. Bobby's BASEMENT - DAY Sam is looking through tool drawers. He suddenly hears the faint jingling of chains as well as ominous laughter. He sees nothing and goes back to his task, finding the wrench he was looking for. He turns around and is shocked to find the basement bathed in an eerie red light. Many chains hang from the ceiling, as well as meathooks with bits of flesh and hair still attached. EVIL Voice: Ha ha ha ha ha! Sam: No, no, this can't be happening. Lucifer's Voice: Sam! Bobby (O.S.): Hey Sam! What are you, taking a nap down here? Bobby comes down the stairs, and the basement is now back to normal. A terrified Sam wields the wrench like a w*apon, pointing it at Bobby. Bobby: It's Cas, we think. Come on. Sam: Yeah. Coming. INT. Bobby's KITCHEN - DAY TELEVISION SCREEN: Breaking News - CBA News TV Announcer (V.O): The sudden deaths of some 200 religious leaders are currently under investigation. The Vatican has yet to issue a statement, but some are already calling this an act of God. Dean, Bobby, and Sam stand watching the TV news. Now, a woman is being interviewed outside the church. Woman ON TV: We all saw him. No beard, no robe. He was young...and...and sexy. He had a raincoat. Dean shuts off the TV. EXT. Bobby's YARD - DAY Dean is in the Impala, working on a window, while listening to a radio announcer. Radio Announcer (V.O): Believed to be target hits high up in white-supremacy organizations. The FBI now believes the Ku Klux Klan has been forced to disband. Dean: Can't argue with that one. EXT. Bobby's YARD - NIGHT Dean is working under the Impala's hood. Radio Announcer (V.O): A freak lightning strike on the heels of the f*re that b*rned down the Center for Vibrational Enlightenment earlier today. Said a spokesman, "this tragedy represents the largest loss in New Age motivational speaker history". Sam: Motivational speakers? Dean: Yeah, I'm not sure new Cas gets irony any better than old Cas. Of course, old Cas wouldn't smite Madison Square Garden just to prove a point. He is off the deep end of the deep end. And there's no slowing down. Sam: So, what? Try to talk to him again? Dean: Sam. Sam: Dean, all we can do is talk to the guy. Dean: He's not a guy. He's God. And he's pissed. And when God gets righteous, you get the hell out of the way; haven't you read the Bible? Sam: I guess... Dean: Cas is never coming back. He's lied to us, he used us, he cracked your gourd like it was nothing. No more talk; we have spent enough on him. Sam: Okay. Dean: Hand me that socket wrench. EXT. TRAILER PARK - DAY Close-up of the front of a trailer and it's Tennessee license plate. Nancy Sinatra's "These Boots Were Made For Walking" plays. Wide sh*t of the outside of the trailer, and we see there are ENOCHIAN SIGILS on the windows. INT. TRAILER - DAY CROWLEY pours a glass of whiskey and sits down in front of a TV. TV Announcer (V.O): ...since biblical times. Leprosy was once so prevalent that colonies were found around the world. Today we are witnessing the unprecedented shutdown of India's leper colonies after what many are calling a miracle healing. Here with us, health correspondent Rob Lewinsky. CROWLEY: Educate me, Lewinsky. The TV suddenly goes dark. Castiel (O.S.): Hello, Crowley. Castiel has silently appeared in CROWLEY's trailer. Castiel: You look stressed. CROWLEY sighs CROWLEY: Bollocks. INT TRAILER - DAY CROWLEY: So, the jig is up. You found me. Castiel: I never lost you. Castiel looks at the Enochian sigils scrawled all over the walls. Castiel: These scratches, they're all useless. CROWLEY: Still.. Can't blame a girl for trying. CROWLEY: Fancy a drink before you smite me? Castiel: No. CROWLEY: You like to bend them right over, do you? Let's go. CROWLEY outstretches both arms and cringes. Castiel: I'm not going to k*ll you, Crowley. I have plans for you. CROWLEY: What's it? Castiel: Here's our new arrangement; I let you live, you return to your post as king of hell. CROWLEY: but? Castiel: I choose where each soul goes. I control the flow, and you take whatever I give you. CROWLEY turns his back on Castiel and moves in front of the sink. CROWLEY: I take it you intend to keep the live share? So, what you're saying is hell's being downsized? Castiel: I would have done away with it completely, but I need a thr*at to hold over my enemies, and we need to keep Michael and Lucifer's cage. CROWLEY: Right. I gather this is not a, uh, negotiation. Castiel: No. CROWLEY: Then I graciously accept, boss. CROWLEY tips his glass to Castiel and turns to pour another glass. Castiel looks down to discover sores boiling on the top of his hands. Castiel: I'll be in touch. CROWLEY turns to look at Castiel to see he has already vanished. INT: Bobby's KITCHEN- NIGHT Sam is reading a book. He is startled by a strange noise and looks behind himself. The ceiling panel begins to crack and a long chain falls down through the hole and wraps itself around Sam's neck and drags Sam to the ceiling. A laughing voice can be heard in the background. Suddenly Sam wakes up to realize that he was hallucinating. Sam: Dean... Bobby? IN: Bobby's GARAGE- NIGHT Dean has the windows covered, getting ready to paint the Impala. Bobby: She's looking good.. Considering. Bobby hands Dean a beer. Dean: Considering? I should do this professionally. Dean and Bobby turn and open their BEERS. Bobby: So.. Seen Sam lately? Dean: Yeah, why? Bobby hesitates to answer and Dean looks at him worryingly. Dean: What? Well, spit it out. Bobby: How is that kid even vertical? I mean, Cas broke his damn pinata. Dean: I know. Dean turns back to the Impala. Bobby: I mean, I get how he came to help us back at the lab. Adrenaline. Sure, but now? Dean begins to tape the Impala's antenna. Dean: Well.. he says he's okay. Bobby: How? Dean: I don't know. I just pray to God it's true. Bobby: We need to come up with a new saying for that. Sam begins to enter the GARAGE, but he overhears Dean and Bobby's conversation. Dean: Seriously though, Bobby. Look at our lives. How many more hits can we take? So, if Sam says he's good.. GOOD. Bobby: You believe that? Dean: Yeah. Dean hesitates for a moment. Dean: No. You wanna know why? because we never catch a break. So why would we this time? I just.. just this one thing. You know? but I'm not dumb. I'm not going to get my hopes up just to get kicked in the daddy-pills again. Sam emerges from eavesdropping and startles Dean and Bobby. Sam: Hey. Bobby: Hey. How are you feeling, sport? Sam: Can't complain! Dean: Great. What's the word? Sam: Well, a publishing house literally exploded about an hour ago. The guy has a body count that's really getting up there. We gotta do something. Bobby: What we've got to do is hunt the son of bitch. Unfortunately, I lost my God g*n. Sam: Well, I mean is there some kind of heavenly w*apon? Maybe something out of that angel arsenal that Balthazar stole? There has to be something that can hurt him. Dean: He's God, Sam. There's nothing, but there might be someone. INT: Bobby's BASEMENT- NIGHT. Bobby lights a match and throws it into a bowl where it ERUPTS into a huge flame. There's a Devil's trap scrawled on the floor. CROWLEY appears inside the Devil's trap, with a glass of whiskey in his hand. CROWLEY: No. No! NO! Come on! Bobby: Don't act so surprised. CROWLEY: My new boss is going to k*ll me for even talking to you lads. Dean: Well, you're lucky we're not s*ab you in your scuzzy face, you little piece.. Sam: Whoa, wait! What new boss? CROWLEY: Castiel, you giraffe. Bobby: Is your boss? CROWLEY: Is everybody's boss. What do you think he's going to do if he finds out we've been conspiring? You do you want to conspire, don't you? Bobby: No. We want you to just stand there and look pretty. CROWLEY: Listening. Dean: We need a spell to bind Death. CROWLEY: Bind? Enslave Death? You having a laugh? Dean: Lucifer did it. CROWLEY: That's Lucifer. Sam: A spell's a spell. CROWLEY: You really believe you can handle that kind of horsepower? You're delusional! Dean: Death is the only player on the board left that has the kind of juice to take Cas. CROWLEY: They'll both mash us like peas. Why should I help with a su1c1de mission? Bobby: Look! Do you really want Cas running the universe? CROWLEY looks down and pours himself another drink. INT: SIDEWALK- DAY A blind HOMELESS Man is sitting on the sidewalk with a tin can, asking for change. HOMELESS Man: Some help, please. Please. Help. So helpless. Castiel comes by and drops some coins in his can. HOMELESS Man: God bless you, Sir. Castiel: You're a true believer. People say I'm wrathful, but I only punish liars and those who forsake me. I am a just God. HOMELESS Man: Excuse me? Castiel touches his hand to the HOMELESS Man's head. He closes his eyes- Castiel: See. The HOMELESS Man opens his eyes, and his vision is restored. HOMELESS Man: Oh my God, I can see! He looks up to see Castiel standing over him. HOMELESS Man: Your face.. What's wrong with you? EX: BATHROOM- DAY Castiel is looking at himself in front of a mirror. His face is breaking out in blisters. CREEPY Voice: A mistake. Too late. Let us out. Castiel unbuttons his shirt and the MONSTER souls, in the form of two hands under his skin, are trying to bust their way out of his VESSEL. CREEPY Voice: Let us out. Let us out! Castiel: No. INT: Bobby's HOUSE- DAY Bobby is walking down the stairs while flipping through his mail. He looks down in time to see a piece of paper pass under the front door. Bobby picks the paper up, and walks OUTSIDE to see who left it. Bobby: Hello? Bobby looks at the paper to see that it's the SPELL they had asked for. Bobby: It's from Crowley. Dean: Well, Who feels like hog tying death tonight? Bobby: Old age is over-rated anyhow. EX: Bobby's LIVING ROOM- DAY Bobby: Well, we've got most of this stuff, but we're going to have to make a run for a few things. Dean: Like? Bobby: Like an act of God crystallised forever. Sam: What's that supposed to mean? Bobby: That can means an actual crystal. See, lightning strikes sand at the right angle - it crystallises into the perfect shape of itself. Sam: Lightning. Act of God. Bobby: Jinga. You got yourself a fulgurate and we're gonna need a biggie. Dean: And let me guess... rare. Bobby: I found records of an auction. Winning bidder lives about nine hours from here. SECURITY Guard: Hey! Dean: Excuse me. You got any Grey Poupon? Sam: Grey Poupon? Seriously? Dean: It's what popped in my head. Dean: Hi. Uh... I don't want to hurt you. Really. Dr. WEISS: I'm the one with the firearm, son. Dean: I get that. Dean: Okay. Yeah. Good. Hey, guys. Uh, so this is Dr. and Mrs. Weiss. Sam: Hi. Sorry. Dean: I found the God thingy. Bobby: Well, let's light this candle. Dean: You're welcome. Bobby: Te nunc invoco, mortem. Te in mea potestate defixi. Nunc et in aeternum! Dean: Um... Hello? Death? DEATH: You're joking. Dean: I'm sorry, Death. This isn't what it seems. DEATH: Seems like you bound me. Dean: For good reason, okay? Just, uh, hear us out. Um... Fried pickle chip? They're the best in the state. DEATH: That easy to soothe me, you think? This is about Sam's hallucinations, I assume? Dean: What? DEATH: Sorry, Sam. One wall per customer. Now unbind me. Sam: We can't. Y-yet. DEATH: This isn't going to end well. Dean: We need you to k*ll God. DEATH: Pardon? Bobby: k*ll God. You heard right. Your... Honor. DEATH: What makes you think I can do that? Dean: You told me. DEATH: Why should I? Dean: Because... We said so, and we're the boss of you. I mean... Respectfully. Castiel: Amazing. Sam: Cas. Castiel: I didn't want to k*ll you, but now... Dean: You can't k*ll us. Castiel: You've erased any nostalgia I had for you, Dean. Dean: Death is our bitch. We ain't gonna die, even if God pulls the trigger. DEATH: Annoying little protozoa, aren't they? "God"? You look awfully like a mutated angel to me. Your vessel's melting. You're going to explode. Castiel: No, I'm not. When I've finished my work, I'll repair myself. DEATH: You think you can because you think you're simply under the weight of all those souls, yes? But that's not the worst problem. There are things much older than souls in Purgatory, and you gulped those in, too. Castiel: Irrelevant. I control them. DEATH: For the moment. Dean: Wait -- uh, what older things? DEATH: Long before God created Angel and man, he made the first beasts -- the Leviathans. Dean: Leviathans? DEATH: I personally found them entertaining, but he was concerned they'd chomp the entire petri dish, so he locked them away. Why do you think he created Purgatory? To keep those clever, poisonous things out. Now Castiel has swallowed them. He's the one thin membrane between the old ones and your home. Castiel: Enough. DEATH: Stupid little soldier you are. Castiel: Why? Because I dared open a door that he shut? Where is he? I did a service, taking his place. DEATH: Service? Settling petty vendettas? Castiel: No. I'm cleaning up one mess after another -- selflessly. DEATH: Quite the humanitarian. Castiel: And how would you know? What are you, really? A flyswatter? DEATH: Destined to swat you, I think. Castiel: Unless I take you first. DEATH: Really bought his own press, this one. Please, Cas. I know God, and you, sir, are no God. Dean: All right, put your junk away, both of you. Look, call him what you want. Just k*ll him now! DEATH: All right. Fine. Thank you. Shall we kickbox now? I had a tingle I'd be reaping someone very, very soon. Don't worry -- not you. Well, he was in a hurry. SENATOR MICHELLE WALKER: Yes, that's exactly why I'm running again -- to save my constituents from the godless policies of my opponents. Couldn't have said it better myself. SENATOR's AIDE: Sir? Can I help you? Castiel: I'm here to see the Senator. SENATOR's AIDE: Um, regarding? Castiel: Abuse of power. SENATOR's AIDE: Excuse me? Castiel: I am not petty. I'm punishing a woman who causes poverty and despair in my name. I put your needs first. Don't you understand? The AIDE doesn't reply, staring at him confusedly. Castiel turns to the other staff members at the desk. Castiel: All of you. I am a better God than my father. How can I make you understand? Castiel hears menacing voices call his name, and he starts laughing manically. DEATH: Ahh. Dean: Um... DEATH: Shut up, Dean. I'm not here to tie your shoes every time you trip. I warned you about those souls how long ago? Long enough to stop that fool. And here we are again, with your little planet on the edge of immolation. Dean: Well, I'm sorry. All right? I've been trying to save this planet, so maybe you should find somebody better to tip off. DEATH: Maybe I should spend my effort on a better planet. Well, it's been amusing. Sam: Wait, h-hold on, hold on. Just -- can you give us something? You -- you have to care a little bit about what happens to us. DEATH: You know, I really don't. But I do find that little angel arrogant. Dean: Great. Let's go with that. DEATH: Your only hope is to have him return it all to Purgatory. Quickly. Sam: We need a door. DEATH: You have everything you need at that lab. Get him to return there and compel him to give up the power. Dean: Compel? DEATH: Figure it out. Bobby: But that door only opens in the eclipse, and that's over. DEATH: I'll make another. 3:59 Sunday morning, just before dawn. Be punctual. Don't thank me. Clean up your mess. Try to bind me again, you'll die before you start. Nice pickle chips, by the way. Castiel: No. No. No. Sam: You want some coffee with that? Dean: It's 6:00 p.m. somewhere. Sam: We got to h*t the road. I mean, how are we supposed to get Cas to that lab by friggin' 3:59 a.m.? Dean: We don't. Sam: What do you mean, "We don't"? Dean: I mean, we can't bring the horse to water, and we can't make it drink. Why fool ourselves? Sam: Dean, look, I know you think that Cas is gone -- Dean: It's 'cause he is. Sam: He's not! He's in there somewhere, Dean. I know it. Dean: No, you don't. Sam: No, I don't. But, look, I was pretty far gone sometimes myself, and never gave up on me. Dean: Yeah, and it turns out that you're about the Same open book as you've always been. Hallucinations? Really? I got to find out from Death? Sam: What was I supposed to do? Dean: How about not lie? How about tell me that you've got crazy crap climbing those walls? Sam: Why? You can't help. You got a lot of pretty severe crap swinging your way lately, and -- and I thought --what? I thought why burst the one good bubble you had left? It's under control. Dean: What? What, exactly, is under control? Sam: I know what's real and what's not. Dean: Sam -- Sam: Dean, look, we can debate this once we deal with Cas. Dean: Yeah, you know how I'm gonna deal? I'm gonna stuff my piehole, I'm gonna drink, and I'm gonna watch some Asian cartoon p*rn and act like the world's about to explode because it is. Hey. You got to be kidding me. "m*ssacre at the campaign office of an incumbent Senator by a trench-coated man." There's security footage. Well, I think reaching Cas is, uh... out of the cards. Sam: Hey, Castiel. Um... Maybe this is pointless. Look... I don't know if any part of you even cares, but, um, I still think you're one of us, deep down. I mean, way, way, way off the reservation, but... Look, we still have till dawn to stop this. Let us help. Please. Sam: Only if you turn that off. Castiel: Sam? Sam: Cas. Castiel: I heard your call. I need help. Castiel: We need the right blood. There's a small jar -- end of the hall, s-supply closet. Sam: Got it. Castiel: Dean? Dean: What, you need something else? Castiel: No. I feel regret, about you and what I did to Sam. Dean: Yeah, well, you should. Castiel: If there was time, if I was strong enough, I'd -- I'd fix him now. I just wanted to make amends before I die. Dean: Okay. Castiel: Is it working? Dean: Does it make you feel better? Castiel: No. You? Dean: Not a bit. Lucifer: I know. It all seems so silly, doesn't it? Hi, Sam. Long time, no spooning. Sam: You're not here. You're in Hell. Lucifer: Now, that you're right on. Sam: Meat hooks... Chains... You. It's not real. It's just my brain leaking memories from the cage 'cause of the wall breaking down. That's all. Lucifer: Hmm. That's very good, your little theory. It's wrong. Sam, this isn't you going guano. Everything else is. Sam: What? Lucifer: Everything... From the second you sprung out of that lock box. Sam: That's impossible. Lucifer: No. Escaping was impossible. I have to say, I think this is my best t*rture yet -- make you believe that you're free and then... Yank the wool off of your eyes. You never left, Sam. You're still in the cage... With me. Bobby: Hang in there. Just a couple of minutes. Where's Sam? It's go time. Dean: Sam?! Damn it. Bobby: That's good enough. Okay, step right up, Cas. Bobby: Ianua magna purgatorii, clausa est ob nos lumine eius ab oculis nostris retento sed nunc stamus ad limen huius ianuae magnae et demisse fideliter perhonorifice paramus aperire eam. Castiel: I'm sorry, Dean. Bobby: Creaturae terrificae quarum ungulae et dentes nunquam tetigerunt carnem eius ad mundum nostrum nunc ianua magna, aperta tandem! Dean: Cas? Bobby: He's cold. Dean: Is he breathing? Bobby: No. Dean: Maybe angels don't need to breathe. Bobby: He's gone, Dean. Dean: Damn it. Cas, you child. Why didn't you listen to me? Cas?! Hey! Hey! Okay. All right. Castiel: That was unpleasant. Dean: Let's get him up. Easy, there. Castiel: I'm alive. Bobby: Looks like. Castiel: I'm astonished. Thank you -- both of you. Bobby: We were mostly... just trying to save the world. Castiel: I'm ashamed. I really overreached. Dean: You think? Castiel: I'm gonna find some way to redeem myself to you. Dean: All right, well, one thing at a time. Come on. Let's get you out of here. Come on. Castiel: I mean it, Dean. Dean: Okay. All right. But let's go find Sam, okay? Castiel: You need to run now! I-I can't hold them back! Dean: Hold who back? Castiel: They held on inside me. Dean, they're so strong. Dean: Who the hell --? Castiel: Leviathan! I can't fight them. Run! Dean: Go! Go get Sam! Go get Sam! LEVIATHAN: Too late. Dean: Cas? LEVIATHAN: Cas is -- he's gone. He's d*ad. We run the show now. Ah. Oh, this is going to be so much fun.
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "07x01 - Meet the New Boss"}
Air Date: 21 Oct 2011 INT. HAIR SALON – DAY A Woman with foils in her hair is following a STYLIST through electric sliding doors to the back of a hair salon while talking on a cell phone. Woman (on phone): Karen, don't second-guess yourself. Yes, your house is beautiful, but didn't you tell me a million times that it's Rick's dream house? Selling it is how you punish his ass, Karen, and after what you've been through, don't you deserve that? The STYLIST places a plastic cap over the WOMAN's foils. Woman (on phone): You do, honey. I'll have the papers ready tomorrow. Yay! I'm proud of you. Bye. Woman (to STYLIST): I'm not good. I'm very good. The STYLIST Chuckles and hands her a magazine. STYLIST: There you are. Woman (to STYLIST): Thank you. STYLIST: All right. The STYLIST lowers a beehive hairdryer over the WOMAN's head and turns it on. STYLIST: 10 minutes. Holler if you need anything. The Woman flips through the magazine for a few moments, then starts to look uncomfortable and tugs at her clothing. She tries to lift the hairdryer off her head. Woman: Chris! The Woman tries to slide out from under the hairdryer, but is somehow pulled back up. She tries to lift the hairdryer again, but it is now too hot to comfortably hold. She jerks her hands away and shakes them. Woman: Ow. Chri-- Ow. The Woman continues to try to get away. Smoke starts to come out of the hairdryer. Woman: Ow. Chris, get back here! Light flashes from the hairdryer. Woman: [screaming]Chr-i-i-i-is! Chris! The Woman continues to scream and struggle as light and smoke continue to come from the hairdryer. She is then lifted up from her seat further into the hairdryer and goes still. The hairdryer beeps and turns off. CHRIS walks back through the sliding doors. STYLIST: Oh, my God. Somebody, help! CHRIS lifts the hairdryer from the WOMAN's head and screams at what he sees. CHRIS: Aaaagh! SUPERNATURAL INT. MOTEL ROOM – DAY Dean is asleep fully dressed on a bed with a beer bottle next to him on the bedside table. He is having a nightmare. FLASHBACKS: Sam: Leave me alone! I said shut up! Just stop! Stop! Dean: You are what you are. You will k*ll again. Amy: I won't. I swear. Dean wakes in alarm and raises himself up onto one elbow, breathing heavily. He looks over at the other bed, which is empty. He lies back down and reaches out for the beer bottle, which is also empty. LAPTOP SCREEN: PROSPERITY MUNICIPAL ARCHIVES Your search for FREAKY ACCIDENTS produced 1 results There is a picture of WENDY GOODSON, the woman from the hair salon. 1. 3:30pm Today – SECOND OF TWO FREAKY DEATHS IN TWO WEEKS PROSPERITY, INDIANA Wendy Goodson, 36, resident of Prosperity, IN was burnt alive while having her hair done at her local hair dresser. Her charred remains indicate electrocution, yet investigators state there were no malfunctions to be found in the dryer or the electrical system of the salon. The electrical system was brand new and inspected recently by the city's building inspectors. Police is [sic]listing Goodson's death as accidental electricution [sic], however, there remains [sic]many questions to be answered. Goodwin's family is bereft and remains vigilent [sic]in demanding answers to her untimely death. Wendy Goodson has an established Real Estate business on Main Street in Prosperity, Indiana. She was known as the golden girl by her many friends. Goodwin was a well known and well loved person as she was involved in many community events and was very active in charity events. She volunteered at the hospice for many years and will be fondly remembered by her friends and colleagues. Dean is drinking a glass of whiskey as he reads and pours himself another, emptying the bottle. Sam jogs past the window and enters the room. Dean: Somebody better be chasing you. Sam: It's good for you. Dean: No. No, it's not good for you. Look at you. You're, you're a mess, and you stink. Well, while you were out being Lance Armstrong... Sam takes a sports drink out of the refrigerator. Sam: That would be biking. Dean: ...I was working. You ever heard of a town called Prosperity, Indiana? Sam: Has anybody? Dean: Two of their fine citizens died over the past two weeks. Uh, this one chick, she, uh, roasted underneath one of those beehive hair dryers at the hair salon... The laptop screen shows the Wendy Goodson article. Dean hits a key and a new page appears: newsstatsearch.com THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE SUBSCRIBER NEWS BROADCSATING [sic]AND ARCHIVAL SERVICES US NATIONAL – INTERNATIONAL – REGIONAL – LOCAL Members Log in PURENEGATIVE Pass Word ******** PROSPERITY, INDIANA Mary Ann Liu, Staff Reporter FREAKY DEATH IN SMALL TOWN Residents of Prosperity Indiana are shocked at the deaths [sic]of one of their residents. Carl Dunlop, 42, of Prosperity IN, died in a hot tub from hypothalmia. For unknown reasons, Carl was unable to get out of the seemingly normally functioning hot tub and was essentially cook [sic]alive inside the hot tub. Investigators having scoured the crime scene could find no mechanical failure or other causes for the bizarre accident. Carls' [sic]body indicated severe temperature rises but there was no mechanical justification for the death. Police concluded that there were no indications of foul play. Dunlop was a local architect who designed small to medium sized projects. Of note, his city hall design won the Indiana Architecture Prize two years ago. He is survived by his sister and brother in law [?]with three nephews and a niece. Dean: ...and this other guy boiled in a hot tub. Sam: You don't see a lot of that. Dean: No, you don't. Sam: It's worth checking out. Dean: Yeah. Sam: You know, one more thing. What's going on with you? Dean: We have had this conversation, Sam. Sam: No, we haven't. See, to do that, you'd have to, uh, sort of...speak. Dean: Okay, let's see if you can get this straight. See you're -- you're new Sam, right, Lance Armstrong. Sam: Biking. Dean: And, uh -- and I'm still me, okay? All right, so -- so, you might see things different now, uh -- call it a runner's high or some crap -- but that doesn't mean that something's going on with me, okay? Sam: Yeah, okay. Dean: No, don't say, "yeah, okay," like, "yeah, okay." Sam walks away. Sam: Yeah, okay. EXT. JACK's GROCERY PARKING LOT – DAY CHET is walking towards his car, carrying a shopping bag and talking on his cell phone. CHET (on phone): Yes, sir, I understand. Yeah, I definitely do realize this Winchester thing is taking far too long, and I'm sorry about that. No worries. I can be there in a day and a half. Yeah, I'll h*t the road now. CHET puts the shopping bag into the trunk of his car, which contains a d*ad man. CHET (on phone): Just stopped for a quick refuel. Thanks. It'll be my pleasure. EXT. PROSPERITY, INDIANA – DAY Sam and Dean in the Impala drive down a main street. Wendy Goodwin's picture is on the back of a bench. EXT. PROSPERITY MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING – DAY Sam: I'm very sorry. I-I know this is a tough time to have to talk about all this. Woman: I've already been through it so many times with the Lawyers, the police, the insurance guys. Sam: Right. I know. I know. We just -- we have to conduct our own separate investigation. I'm sorry. I know it's tough. Can I ask you -- did your sister have any enemies? WENDY's SISTER: Why do you ask that? You think her death wasn't accidental? Sam: No. No, no, no. We just have to consider every possibility. Is there anyone who might have wanted to harm her? WENDY's SISTER: You don't live here, so you don't know. Everyone...loved Wendy. She volunteered at the church. She ran a group for kids. I was the big sister, and I looked up to her. Sam: What about this man who died -- Carl Dunlap? Did she know him? WENDY's SISTER: I don't think so. Sam: Well, Wendy was in real estate, right? Carl was an architect. Maybe they had some business dealings? WENDY's SISTER: If they had worked together, I would've heard the name. Agent Sambora... If someone did this to my sister, find out who. INT. JosephINE's HAIR SALON – DAY Dean: And nobody was back here but Wendy. CHRIS: No. But I was only gone for a minute. Dean: You can't even crank these things past a certain temperature -- am I wrong? CHRIS: If it started to blow a fuse or something, it would have shut down. Dean: Oh. Basically, you're saying that this couldn't have happened. CHRIS: Basically, I'm saying it couldn't have happened. Dean looks behind the hairdryer frame. CHRIS: The insurance adjusters already did that. Dean: Thanks for the heads-up. Dean finds a coin. EXT. PROSPERITY, INDIANA STREETS – DAY Sam and Dean are walking on separate streets and talking on their cell phones. Sam (on phone): Wait. What kind of a coin? Dean (on phone): It's not American. I don't know where it's from. It was wedged back behind one of those machines. Somebody could have dropped it. Of course, they don't have pockets in those robe thingies that they make you wear. Sam (on phone): [laughs]I didn't realize you were such a spa expert. Dean pauses next to a bench with an advertisement for Wendy Goodson Real Estate. The plants in planters on either side of the bench are d*ad. Dean (on phone): Shut up. I observe with my eyes. Sam (on phone): Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever you say. So, you thinking it must be some kind of hex talisman? Dean (on phone): Uh, maybe. Sam (on phone): All right. Pick me up. Dean (on phone): Why don't you just run home, Lance? Sam (on phone): Dean -- Dean (on phone): Yeah, I'll be there in a bit. Dean goes inside Van's Liquor. EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE – DAY A Man says goodbye to another man, who leaves in a pickup. The Man puts some items in his own vehicle and enters a portable toilet. While he is urinating, a pump in the back of his vehicle starts and a nail g*n rises and moves through the air, coming to a stop outside the portable toilet. As the Man zips up, the toilet door springs open. Man: Oh, come on! The Man turns around and sees the nail g*n in mid-air, pointing at his face. The nail g*n fires multiple times. Bloody nails protrude through the back wall of the portable toilet. The Man has been sh*t many times, including once to the face. The nail g*n moves in closer and sh**t twice more. The pump then stops and the nail g*n drops to the ground. EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE – DAY Sam and Dean show ID badges. Sam goes inside a portable building and Dean talks to a policeman outside. Dean: So, what do we know about the vic? POLICEMAN: Dewey Stevens -- owner, Dewey Stevens Construction, biggest outfit in town. Rotarian, Methodist, tenor, blue-ribbon pecan pie champ, asthmatic. Dean stares at the POLICEMAN. POLICEMAN: We're a close-knit community. Dean: So, this, um, pillar of the community -- he was taking a leak before he, uh, sprung a few? POLICEMAN: The crew had gone for the day. Site was shut down. Dean looks inside the portable toilet and uncovers DEWEY STEVENS' body. Dean: Anything unusual besides the nails in the eyes? POLICEMAN: Well, we're still trying to figure out where they plugged in the nail g*n, seeing as there's no generator on the truck. Dean: Well, when you figure that out, let me know. Dean looks inside the portable toilet again and finds a coin. He then enters the portable building where Sam is using a laptop. Dean: So, another victim everybody likes. Sam: Not everybody. Dean: Another physically impossible death. You got any ideas? Sam: Cirque du Soleil? Dean: Oh, I, uh, found another one of these, just like at the, uh, the hair-dryer/brain-roast. Dean hands Sam the coin. Sam: And I found a connection with all the vics. Um, these e-mail logs show Wendy, the real-estate chick, uh, Carl, the architect, and this Dewey guy were all working on a shopping center project together. Dean: Why didn't we know about that? Sam: I- Well, it all fell apart for some reason. I mean, there are these e-mails back and forth, pretty hot and heavy, and suddenly they just stopped. Dean: So, everybody working on this project has died? Sam: Well, not yet. Um, they were working with a developer, a guy named Don Stark. Dean: Don Stark? Why do I know that name? EXT. LARGE TOWN BUILDING – DAY A bust of a man stands outside the building with a plaque reading "DON STARK Founder of the Prosperity Charity Foundation". Posters on the building advertise an art auction run by The Margaret Stark Charity Foundation. Sam: Man, this Stark guy is really plugged in, huh? Dean: So, all the players in this -- this shopping-center project have either fried, boiled, or kebabbed. He could be next. Dean takes out his flask and unscrews the lid. Sam: Really? From a freaking flask? What are you, bad Santa? On the job? Dean: We're always on the job. Sam's phone beeps. Dean takes a drink and Sam reads his phone message. Sam: All right. Bobby e-mailed back. I sent him a few pics of those coins you found. He says the writing is Romanian Cyrillic, used only in the mid-15th to the 19th century. Apparently, it's an antique Wallachian ducat. Dean: So, we're looking for an old Romanian? Sam: You know, is it just me, or is this really weird? Sam looks at the d*ad plants around the base of the Don Stark bust. Dean: Huh. I've seen this once before, where t-the plants are all d*ad in one spot. Sam: Where? Dean: A bus bench with Wendy Goodson's picture on it. I mean, I'm no expert, but I don't think plants are supposed to act like this. CHET's CAR – DAY MUSIC: See the Funny Little Clown by Bobby Goldsboro ♪ No one knows he's crying ♪ ♪ no one knows he's dying on the inside ♪ ♪ 'cause he's laughing on the outside ♪ ♪ mm, no one knows ♪ INT. DON STARK's HOUSE – DAY DON STARK: If the bureau's involved, I assume you think all three were m*rder. Dean: It's looking that way, yes. Sam: Now, Mr. Stark, you had a relationship with all three victims, correct? DON STARK: Oh, I knew them in business circles, I guess, sure. Dean: And you were all involved in a, uh, a-a shopping-center project. Why'd that fall through? DON STARK: Uh, t-these things happen. A blonde young woman appears and knocks on the doorway. DON STARK: Oh. Jenny. These gentlemen are from the FBI. Jenny Klein, my assistant. JENNY: Hi, there. Okay, Don, I'm off to the cleaner's, and then I'm gonna stop at Beaman, Beaman, and Beaman for the revised contracts. DON STARK: Hurry on back. You know how things fall apart without you. JENNY: [laughs]Oh, I baked you some cupcakes -- coconut. DON STARK: Coconut -- you're too good to me, Jenny. JENNY: I'll see you soon. JENNY leaves. Sam and Dean are staring at DON. DON STARK: She bakes cupcakes. Dean: Yummy. Sam: You know, could you point me to the restroom? I had a little bit too much java. DON STARK: Yeah, around the corner, down the hall. Sam: Thanks. Sam leaves the room. Dean: So, uh, usually in cases like these – Sam runs up a staircase. DON STARK (V-O): Are there cases like these? Dean (V-O): Oh, you'd be surprised. Uh, we start out with the basics. Dean: You have any business rivals? DON STARK: Sure, tons. You know, real estate's brutal. Dean: Well, that was easy. DON STARK: On the other hand, I've demonstrated my love for this town, and I think it's safe to say I'm respected for what I've done here. Sam enters a bedroom and then the walk-in closet. He discovers a high-heeled shoe with a broken heel, a necklace with a five-pointed star pendant, and a box containing witchcraft materials and papers with strange symbols. DON STARK and Dean are looking at a framed award which says: CITIZEN OF THE YEAR Presented to DON STARK in recognition of your outstanding contribution to the community. Your efforts and generous donations have provided tremendous benefits to the citizens of Prosperity and will for generations of the future. On behalf of the state of Indiana. In a logo: Citizen of the Year Award – The Year of 2010 – State of Indiana. DON STARK: Yeah, one of my real treasures. Dean looks at framed picture of an office tower and reads the inscription. Dean: "To Don -- take no prisoners. D. Trump." The Trumpster! Wow. DON STARK: Like I said, success breeds fierce competition... Sam reappears. DON STARK: ... but in the end, everyone here respects and admires me. Sam: Including your wife? Dean and DON STARK look at Sam. Sam: Sorry. It's just, we heard the two of you were splitting up, right? Dean: Yeah, that's, uh -- that's what we heard. DON STARK: Yeah, Maggie and I are going through a tough time. It's a separation -- temporary. Sometimes, you know, you grow apart. It's no one's fault. Sam: And how would you describe the, uh -- the issues between you and your wife? DON STARK: It's just one of those marital misunderstandings, you know. Sam: No, I'm sorry. I don't. DON STARK: It's one of those vague, hard-to-define passages. Dean: She caught you cheating, huh? I couldn't help but notice, uh, things were kind of cordial between you and your assistant. Pretty good with the ladies there, Mr. Stark? It's a blessing and a curse, isn't it? DON STARK: Guys, I'm a people person, and I admire dynamic, confident women. Sam: "Admire"? DON STARK: Okay, look -- it's true I had a recent... little thing with a business associate, but that's all it was. Dean: A "thing"? DON STARK: Yeah. Sam: Like a -- like a shoe or a golf club. Dean: Right. Like a waffle iron. Sam: Yeah. Dean: Yeah. No, see, Don, uh, wives generally think of an affair as something more than a thing. DON STARK: Yes, and when Maggie found out about it, she needed some time off, temporarily. Dean: Hmm. Now, if we were to guess that the, uh, uh, business associate was Wendy Goodson, would we win the weekend trip to Maui? DON STARK: No, her death had nothing to do with the affair. It was over long before her accident. Dean: If it was an accident. DON STARK: You're not implying that Maggie was behind this. Sam: No, we're not implying anything. We're just saying... you should be careful. And take her to dinner and apologize. Dean: Yeah, and, uh, grovel. Wouldn't hurt. Sam and Dean leave the STARKS' house. Sam: Found a bunch of hex junk in their stuff -- clearly her thing. And the empty closet didn't seem like she was coming back anytime soon. Sam notices more d*ad plants near the front door of the house. Dean: So, Don admires Wendy, biblically, Wendy dies weird, and the scorned wife is into the dark stuff. Sam: While Don's just in the dark. Dean: Hmm. It's kind of like "Bewitched." You know, Don's Darrin, doesn't even know it. A lot of laughs until, uh, you cheat on your wife. Sam: A "Bewitched" reference. Really? Dean: Dude, Nicole Kidman was in the remake. Redhead. Hello! Sam: Look at all these d*ad plants. Dean: Huh. It's kind of like the real-estate lady's place and Don's statue thing. Sam: You know, if she's strong enough, just being pissed off is enough to send some pretty bad vibes their way. Dean makes a call on his cell phone. Dean: Literally k*ll off everything around her just by pms-ing at it. Eeh. That's not creepy at all. Dean (on phone): Bobby, hey, it's Dean. Listen -- Winchester. Yeah, very funny. So, we need our kind of Terminix. A witch. Yeah, we're headed over to her place to get you some more specifics, so if you could just, uh -- y-- thank y-- Dean hangs up. Dean: He's on it. They get in the Impala and drive away. EXT. LEASED HOUSE – DAY Sam opens the trunk of the Impala. A sign outside the house says "For Lease: Furnished Executive Home". Above it, another sign says "Leased". Sam takes out his cell phone and makes a call. INT. LEASED HOUSE – DAY Dean lets himself into the house, which is full of moving boxes. He goes up a stairway. In a bedroom closet, he discovers an altar with witchcraft materials and photographs of Carl Dunlop, Dewey Stevens and Wendy Goodson that have been marked with a symbol in blood. An unmarked picture of JENNY with the name Jennifer Klein and her library member number below it is in the center of the display. Dean takes down the picture of JENNY and picks up her library card. Dean: Don, keep it in your pants, man. EXT. LEASED HOUSE – DAY A car with the license plate STARK 2 pulls into the driveway. Sam tries to make a call. RECORDED MESSAGE: All circuits are busy. Sam closes the trunk of the Impala and runs to intercept Maggie STARK. Sam: Mrs. Stark. Sam holds up a badge. Sam: Could I have a moment? Maggie STARK: Of course. Um, would you mind coming back in, say, a half an hour? It's just a really bad time right now. Sam: It's very important that I talk to you. Maggie STARK: Of course, and I'm happy to. I'm just in the middle of an emergency, so please come back. Thank you! Sam pushes hard on Maggie STARK's car and sets off the alarm. Maggie STARK turns to look at the car. In the house, Dean hears the alarm and closes the closet door. Maggie STARK uses her remote to turn off the alarm. Dean appears in the window. Sam moves his leg several times to create a further distraction. Sam: I'm sorry -- uh... restless leg syndrome. Maggie STARK enters the house as Dean hides behind a wall. As she walks into another room, Dean leaves the house by the front door. Sam is waiting for Dean near the front gates. Dean: Spoiler alert. Dean hands Sam the picture of JENNY and library card he took from the house. Dean: Jenny Klein's next. Swiped her photo off a hex deck, but Maggie's gonna notice it's gone eventually. We got to get over to Jenny's. Sam and Dean get into the Impala and drive away. INT. Maggie STARK's LEASED HOUSE – DAY Maggie STARK enters the bedroom and takes off her coat. She opens the closet door and sees that the photo of JENNY is missing. INT. JENNY's APARTMENT – DAY Frosted cupcakes are sitting on a tray. JENNY is taking more cupcakes out of the oven. INT. Maggie STARK's LEASED HOUSE – DAY Maggie STARK takes another photograph of Jenny from a box. She pricks her finger with a tack to draw blood and draws a symbol on the photograph. INT. JENNY's APARTMENT – DAY Jenny picks up one of the frosted cupcakes. INT. Maggie STARK's LEASED HOUSE – DAY Maggie STARK: Puterea magiei negre te condamna la suferinta si moarte. INT. JENNY's APARTMENT – DAY JENNY takes a bite of the frosted cupcake. Blood appears on her lips and runs down her arm from the cupcake she is holding. A bleeding heart is beating inside the cupcake. JENNY chokes and drops the cupcake. The heart inside the cupcake continues to b*at. JENNY spits blood into the sink. There is knocking the door. Dean breaks through the door and he and Sam enter. Dean: Find the coin, now! Dean helps JENNY sit on the floor while Sam looks through cupboards. Dean: Come on, Sam! Sam finds the coin on top of the cupboards. He places it on the counter, takes out his g*n and sh**t it as Dean shields JENNY. INT. JENNY's APARTMENT – DAY JENNY is on the sofa. Sam and Dean watch her from near the kitchen. JENNY: There were tiny beating hearts in my cupcakes. There were hearts in my cupcakes, hearts in my cupcakes! [becoming hysterical]That's never happened before! Hearts in my cupcakes! Dean: Should I slug her? Sam: Give it a second. JENNY: Oh, my God. What just happened? Sam: You were hexed. JENNY: Hexed? Who are you people? What the hell do I do? Dean: What you do is you go in there and you pack a bag, you get in your car, and you go. JENNY: Go where? Sam: It doesn't matter. Look, 500 or 600 miles ought to do it. You got someone real powerful real pissed, and they're trying to get rid of you now. In line with that, you might want to cool things with Don Stark. JENNY: Don Stark? What are you talking about? Dean: You and Don. You know. JENNY: "You know"? There's no "you know." Sam: No? JENNY: Don Stark is my boss. That's it. He's married, for God sakes. Dean: Yeah, well... JENNY: Me and Don Stark. Ew. INT. TOWN BUILDING HOUSING ART AUCTION – DAY Maggie STARK: What are you doing? Bunch these tables more in the middle. Give me a more air between paintings. Woman: Hey. Maggie, can you sign for the flowers? I've checked them. They're fine. Maggie STARK: Thank you, Sue. What would I do without you? SUE: Oh, please, I like helping. What are best friends for? Maggie STARK: It's just been so tough to focus with Don, the whole mess. SUE: It's like he put a Kn*fe right in your heart, isn't it? Maggie STARK: Yes. SUE: Was I wrong to tell you about him and Wendy? Maggie STARK: No. No. You think I'd want you to stand by and watch him make a fool of me? I love you for what you did. SUE: I love you, too. Maggie STARK: No, no, no. The still life doesn't go there. It goes on the left side. Maggie STARK walks off. SUE (to Man): So, uh, we're gonna need, uh, one centerpiece on each of the tables and two at the back. DON STARK enters. SUE: Don. DON STARK: Where's my wife? SUE: You mean the one who's divorcing you? DON STARK: Sue, I know you can hardly wait until I'm out of the picture... Maggie STARK walks into earshot. DON STARK: ... and I know it's been a thrill whispering lies into Maggie's ear -- SUE: Oh, but they weren't lies, were they, Don? DON STARK: I made one mistake -- one. SUE: I sincerely doubt that. DON STARK: This is between Maggie and me. It has nothing to do with you. Maggie STARK: What do you want, Don? DON STARK: I'd like to speak with you. Maggie STARK nods to SUE, who walks away. Maggie STARK: Make it quick. DON STARK: Okay. You know what, Maggie? I think I've been patient. And you've had your fun. It was very creative, the thing with Wendy, but, you know, enough is enough. Maggie STARK: No, Don, enough is not enough, not even close. DON STARK: What do you want, my oysters on a tray? Maggie STARK: Well, now that you mention it -- DON STARK: The fact is, none of this was my fault! Maybe if you'd been around a little more. But between the art and the charity and that evil bitch Sue, I was edged right out of your life. Maggie STARK: Oh, boo-hoo, Mr. Big sh*t, Mr. "I got to put my name on every public works in town." DON STARK makes a protesting noise. Maggie STARK: There was three of us in this marriage -- me, you, and your ego. That was the problem, Don. So, excuse me. I have a charity event to arrange. DON STARK: Two FBI agents came by, asking questions. Maggie STARK: Hunters, sweetheart -- that's what they are. Oh, I can see you're terribly concerned for my safety, but don't worry -- I'll take care of it. DON STARK: Maggie, this stops. You hear me? As of now. DON STARK leaves. Maggie STARK: You're so cute when you try to tell me what to do. EXT. TOWN BUILDING HOUSING ART AUCTION – DAY DON STARK exits the building and looks at the d*ad plants around the base of the bust. As he watches and the Impala pulls up, the bust starts to shake and the head cracks in two, the face falling to the ground. Maggie STARK watches from a window. DON STARK gets into his car. Dean: Now she's just getting nasty. k*lling the girlfriend is one thing, but his commemorative bust? That's got to hurt. Sam: She'll take the whole town out, Dean. She don't care who gets in the way. Dean's phone rings. Dean (on phone): Hey, Bobby. What do you got? Yeah? You think it'll take her out? All right. No, I don't need to write it down. I'll remember. Go ahead. Mm-hmm. The -- wait. Hang on. Hang on. Dean gestures to Sam. Dean (on phone): Yeah? Wait. Wa-- ho-- ho-- hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Sam hands over a diner menu and a pen. Dean (on phone): Okay, what was the, uh -- what was that last one? Right. Uh-huh. I'll remember. It's fine. INT. TOWN BUILDING HOUSING ART AUCTION – NIGHT Maggie STARK is at the podium in evening dress. Maggie STARK: Hello, everyone, and thanks for coming. Most of you know that philanthropy and art are my two passions, but what we've -- not there! Where is the ice? People will be here in seconds. What we've assembled here tonight may be my crowning achievement, not to be immodest. SUE claps. SUE: See? I told you. Everything's perfect. Maggie STARK: Yeah, you -- you just reminded me. I have to check on the finger sandwiches. INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Dean is sitting at the table, about to take a bite from a pie. Sam enters. Dean: Dude. Pie. Sam sets a plastic bag down right next to the pie. Dean: Ugh. That is -- Sam: Chicken feet, just like the recipe calls for. Butcher's fridge is down. Dean: I can smell that. Sam: Uh, says the power's been wonky and that he's lost so much product, he probably won't make rent. Ditto every shop on the block -- nothing but burst pipes and blackouts. Dean: Huh. Sam: He says it's like all of a sudden, the town ran out of luck. Dean: So, coincidence, right? Dean picks up the bag of chicken feet and walks over to Sam. Sam: Uh...yeah. We're past the point of d*ad flowers. Dean: What can I say? I guess the witch is pissed. All right, let's, uh -- we better get a move on here. Why don't you just... Dean holds the bag out at arm's length. Dean: C-can you take the feet? Sam holds out a bowl and Dean drops the bag into it. Sam: Ugh. EXT. TOWN BUILDING HOUSING ART AUCTION – NIGHT DON STARK pulls up in front of the building in his car. INT. TOWN BUILDING HOUSING ART AUCTION – NIGHT Maggie STARK walks up to SUE, holding drinks. Maggie STARK: To us. I couldn't have done it without you. They clink glasses. SUE: To us. SUE takes the skewer out of her drink. On it is an olive and an eyeball. She screams and drops her glass. EXT. OUTSIDE TOWN BUILDING HOUSING ART AUCTION – NIGHT DON STARK, who is sitting in his car, smiles. INT. TOWN BUILDING HOUSING ART AUCTION – NIGHT SUE: That is disgusting! Maggie STARK looks around. Maggie STARK: No. The paint on the paintings hung around the room starts to run. Maggie STARK: No. Not my paintings. SUE: Maggie? What is going on? Maggie STARK: He did this. How could he? He knew what this meant to me. SUE: Do you mean Don? Don rigged all this? Maggie STARK: Yes! SUE: But how? Maggie STARK: Just trust me. He wants to hurt me. SUE: I told you -- he's a dick. But we'll get through this because you have people who love you, and he can't take that away from you. A silver platter rises from a table, sails through the air and decapitates SUE. EXT. OUTSIDE TOWN BUILDING HOUSING ART AUCTION – NIGHT DON STARK smiles again and drives away. INT. TOWN BUILDING HOUSING ART AUCTION – NIGHT Maggie STARK: Fine, Donald. It's w*r. EXT. OUTSIDE TOWN BUILDING HOUSING ART AUCTION – NIGHT Sam and Dean pull up in the Impala and see flashing police and ambulance lights. Dean: What the hell? INT. TOWN BUILDING HOUSING ART AUCTION – NIGHT Sam and Dean show badges to a policeman at the door and enter the art auction room. They see a pool of blood and SUE's covered body. Dean: Whoa. Clean-up on aisle 7. Sam: Okay, I don't guess she'd do this to her own auction. Dean: No, obviously it was someone who hated her guts and wanted her party trashed. Sam: Don Stark. EXT. TOWN BUILDING HOUSING ART AUCTION – NIGHT Sam and Dean exit the building. Dean: So, the mister's a witch, himself. That means we got not just one pissed-off witch. We've got two. It's full-on "w*r of the Roses." Sam: "Bewitched" just got a lot less funny. Dean: It's like when they switched Darrins. Sam and Dean get into the Impala and drive off. CHET watches them from a parked vehicle. EXT. OUTSIDE THE STARK HOUSE – NIGHT Sam and Dean are sitting in the Impala. Sam: Where is she? Dean: She'll be here. They've been throwing thunderbolts at each other's favorite toys. There's nothing left to desTroy but each other. This is basically ground zero. Sam: I hope so. We're gonna need them both in the Same place if we're gonna take them down. Maggie STARK's vehicle approaches. Dean: Screens up, Captain. Sam and Dean lean down in their seats so as not to be seen. INT. STARK HOUSE – NIGHT Maggie STARK enters. DON STARK is sitting in an armchair with a drink. DON STARK: Want one, sweetie? Maggie STARK: Shove it. We are so having it out right now. The door opens and Sam and Dean enter. Dean is carrying a bowl. Dean: Furor divina virtute in infernum eam detrude! Sam strikes a match and lights the contents of the bowl. White smoke and steam rise. Maggie STARK: Let me guess -- chicken feet? Not chilled? DON STARK: For obvious reasons, you won't be leaving this room. DON STARK puts down his glass and rises to stand next to Maggie STARK. DON STARK: Well, you will be leaving -- just not alive. Maggie? DON STARK and Maggie STARK raise their arms and speak in unison. DON STARK and Maggie STARK: Puterea magiei negre... Sam: Okay, plan B. Dean: What's plan B? Sam: Talking. DON STARK and Maggie STARK: ...La suferinta... Dean: Now? Really? Sam: This is obviously a domestic dispute. So if you can't k*ll them, counsel them. Dean: Yeah. You know what? Not my area! DON STARK and Maggie STARK: Supune-te ordinelor mele -- Dean: Okay, okay, okay. Uh... Dean puts the bowl down on a chair. Dean: Look -- obviously, you two are capable of wiping each other out, right? But you haven't, huh? Which means that you two -- you still value whatever it is you got. A-and you want keep that dance going. Maybe it's -- maybe it's punishment. Maybe it's -- it's sick, messed-up, erotic, kinky, clamps and feathers kind of love. Sam: Okay, okay, t-that's -- that's going way too deep, there, cowboy. Look, what he's trying to say is that -- is that you two -- whatever it is you have, you're bonded. Maggie STARK: Are you out of your mind? He cheated on me, humiliated me. Sam: We're not trying to say what Don did was right. When a relationship cracks, usually both parties have a hand in it. DON STARK: Indeed. Maggie STARK: You're defending him? Maggie STARK reaches out an arm towards Sam, who falls to the ground in pain. Sam: Ugh! Dean: Whoa! Okay, okay! Okay, look -- n-nobody can defend Don. Right? Uh, totally. But, uh, we get that you feel betrayed...because you were. DON STARK: Don't suck up to her. DON STARK puts out an arm and sends Dean flying backwards into a glass door. Maggie STARK: I was betrayed by all of them. Carl introduced you to Wendy. Dewey covered for you. Wendy did you! Sam: Okay, okay, look -- Sam rises to his feet. Sam: I got to say I-I don't think Don was lying when he said he regrets the whole Wendy thing. Maggie STARK: "Thing"? Sit down. Maggie STARK makes a hand motion and Sam falls to the ground again. Sam: Aagh! Ugh! Yeah, affair -- that's right, terrible. Sam rolls around on the floor in pain. Maggie STARK: I think the only thing he regrets is getting caught. DON STARK: Wendy was nothing to me. It was over as soon as it started. Maggie STARK: She was part of a pattern, okay? I've had 800 years of this. Do not make me bring up the Renaissance! DON STARK: Oh! Oh! You're one to talk. 1492 ring any bells? Maggie STARK: The man was about to set sail! He could possibly fall off of the edge of the earth. I took pity. So, what's your excuse? DON STARK: I told you -- nothing happened with the Medici chick! You've always been insanely jealous. Maggie STARK: Oh, I wonder why! Jenny. Wendy. DON STARK: Jenny? Nothing happened with Jenny. She's just my assistant. Dean gets to his feet and stands in the doorway. Dean: That's true. She, uh -- she told us -- just an assistant. Maggie STARK flings out an arm towards Dean and he falls backwards again. Dean: Whoa! Maggie STARK: Is that true? DON STARK: Yes, I swear it, babe. I would never. I made a mistake. I'm sorry, Maggie. Sam gets to his feet again. Sam: See? See? Guys, guys... You're talking. Dean gets up and stands in the doorway again. Sam: All these years, you – you -- you buried your anger and your disappointment till it tore you apart. All you needed to do was talk. Dean: And I would have missed the nuking that my melon just took. Well, who wants that? Maggie STARK flings out an arm and slams Dean into the other side of the doorway. DON STARK raises an arm and surrounds Dean's head with bees. Maggie STARK: Nice touch. DON STARK: Thank you. Dean inhales and spits out a bee. Maggie STARK laughs. DON STARK: He's right. I couldn't k*ll you. All I ever wanted is you, Mags. I've been crushing on you since forever. You're the woman that I want to never grow old with. Maggie STARK: I could never m*rder you either, Don. It's crazy... But true. Maggie STARK smiles and they kiss. Dean: Somebody want to call these things off? Ex-- excuse me! INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Sam and Dean enter. Dean takes out his flask and drinks from it. Sam raises his eyebrows. Dean: Oh, give me a break. Sam: I didn't say anything. Dean: It's been a long day. CHET: And it's not over yet. Sam and Dean spin around and Dean pulls out his g*n. CHET: Hi, Sam. Hi, Dean. Sam: Do we know you? CHET: Well, I definitely know you. You're the d*ad guys. Well, you will be in a minute. Dean sh**t CHET. Black liquid runs from CHET's chest and the b*llet pops out. CHET: Sorry. You're a bit outmatched. CHET punches Dean, sending him sprawling to the floor, and grabs Sam by the throat. CHET then falls to the floor himself, electrocuted. DON STARK stands in the doorway. Sam and Dean get up. Dean: Don. Well, thank you. We owe you. DON STARK: Good God. What is that thing? Sam: I guess we should be figuring that out. Dean: It is on our to-do list. DON STARK: You know, find a bottomless pit and drop it in. Spell only lasts for a few days. DON STARK walks to the beds and feels around under a mattress. Sam: Uh, what are you even doing here? DON STARK: Apparently, saving your lives -- twice. DON STARK holds up a coin. DON STARK: Got it. Sam: Maggie? Seriously? DON STARK feels around under the other mattress. Dean: She was gonna k*ll us? We just saved your damn marriage. DON STARK holds up a second coin. DON STARK: Yeah, but to be fair, you also tried to k*ll her. You know how she is when she gets a bug up her ass. Got to love her, right? Right. Bottomless pit. Ciao! DON STARK leaves and closes the door behind him. EXT. MOTEL CAR PARK – NIGHT Sam closes the rear passenger-side door of the Impala. A chained CHET is in the back seat. Dean (on phone): Yeah, he's ready for transport. I just hope you got someplace you can put him, Bobby. All right. Dean hangs up and puts a bag into the trunk. Dean: We should h*t the road. You ready? Dean walks to the driver's door of the Impala. Sam is standing at the passenger side. Sam: Hey, were you, um, were you listening to the Starks tonight? Dean: Uh, a little, when I wasn't getting slammed into a wall or stung by bees. Sam: You notice how they, uh, you know, how they -- how they opened up, got everything off their chest? Dean: Yeah. Kudos on selling them that crap. Sam: It wasn't crap, Dean. It worked. Dean: Sam, I am so very, very, very, very...very, very tired -- Sam: Dean, like it or not, the stuff you don't talk about doesn't just go away. It builds up, like whatever's eating at you right now. Dean: There's always something eating at me. That's who I am. Something happens, I feel responsible, all right? The Lindbergh baby -- that's on me. Unemployment -- my bad. Sam: That's not what I'm talking about. Dean: Well, then what the hell are you talking about? Sam: I'm talking about whatever you're not telling me about. Look, Dean, it's fine. You can unload. That's kind of what I'm here for. Dean just looks at Sam. Sam: I mean... we're good, right? Dean: We're good. Dean gets into the car. Sam stands for a moment looking somewhat hurt and frustrated. They drive away. END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "07x05 - Shut Up, Dr. Phil"}
Air Date: 28 Oct 2011 INT. FIRST BANK OF JERICHO – DAY Sam: You sure about this? Dean: Trust me. Dean walks up to a teller and Sam stands near the front door. Dean: Good morning... Megan. That is a really, really pretty dress. MEGAN: Oh! Dean makes a hand signal below the counter to Sam. MEGAN: Thank you. It's vintage. Dean: Well, it looks new on you. MEGAN: Aren't you sweet, sir? Dean: Call me Dean. Sam closes and locks the front door. MEGAN: How can I help you today, Dean? Dean: Um, well, I don't actually have an account at this bank, but I was wondering if there was any way... Dean slides a bill across the counter. Dean: ...I could get change for that? MEGAN: I think I can make an exception... just for you. Dean: Thanks. Dean looks at Sam, who nods. MEGAN: How do you want it, Dean? Dean: [laughs]Well, I'm gonna have to take a rain check... and all your money. Dean points a semi-a*t*matic r*fle at MEGAN, then he and Sam f*re at the ceiling. Sam: Hands in the air! Hands in the air! Your money's insured, so no heroes, okay? Dean pushes MEGAN into a bank box room containing at least a dozen other bank customers and staff. Dean: Get in there! Sam: You ready? Dean: Yep. A security camera shows Sam and Dean standing outside the room with their g*n. Dean looks up at the camera. Sam and Dean lift their g*n and f*re many rounds into the room as the people inside scream. The security camera records this. SUPERNATURAL EXT. RUFUS' CABIN – DAY INT. RUFUS' CABIN – DOWNSTAIRS – DAY CHET is chained to a chair. Bobby is filling a syringe. Bobby: Okay, Chet. Let's see how you like a little fruit of the poison tree. CHET: Isn't that just a legal expression? Bobby: You're gonna wish it was. Bobby jabs the syringe into CHET's thigh. CHET: Hmm. CHET smacks his lips. CHET: Okay. Similar finish to holy water, not as bitter as rock salt. Sam and Dean come down the stairs. CHET: And how are my two favorite meat-sicles? Dean: Is he still sucking air? Bobby: Greatest hits didn't do the trick. I'm down to B-sides and deep cuts. Dean: Well, you better figure out something quick. That whammy that witch dude put on him is only gonna last for a few days. He gets his spinach back, we're gonna end up having to drop a car on him just to stop him. CHET: Actually... Edgar walked away from that car. He's fine. Well, he is a little pissed at you, but -- Oh. You didn't know? Dean: Why don't you shut your cake-trap? CHET: Ooh. Sam: Bobby... You've been using all this stuff and he still won't talk? Bobby shakes his head. Dean pulls up a stool and sits close to CHET. CHET: Huddle over, coach? Dean: How'd you find us? CHET: It was easy. I used pattern-recognition software and a basic heuristic algorithm to track your known aliases. Bobby: Great. Just what we need -- a Mensa monster. Dean gets up and walks over to stand near Sam. Sam: All right. Let's just start with the start. Where'd you get our aliases? CHET: From your trench-coated friend, obviously. When we were all nestled in at Camp Cas, kind of got the full download. That's just how we do. Bobby: So why are you talking to us, Chet? You're not dumb. Why you spilling state secrets? CHET: 'Cause I'm not scared of you. You can't stop me. You can't stop any of us. We can't be k*lled, you stupid little chewtoys. You are aware that I'm the least of your concerns, right? Oh. You haven't watched the news today, have you? INT. RUFUS' CABIN – GROUND LEVEL – DAY Sam, Dean and Bobby are watching the news on television. Reporter ON TV: The two men, who up until today were presumed d*ad, locked the doors and opened f*re, leaving no survivors. Sam and Dean Winchester are now the subjects of a manhunt throughout the state of California. [TELEVISION SCREEN: A male Reporter in a suit and tie speaks into a microphone. Caption: BREAKING NEWS – FUGITIVES STILL AT LARGE Logo: KZPZ NEWS The security camera footage of LEVIATHAN!Sam and LEVIATHAN!Dean appears in the top right-hand corner of the screen.] Bobby turns off the television. Bobby: Busy morning, you two? Dean: Those sons of bitches xeroxed us. Sam: But I don't understand how. Bobby: I don't know. Bobby takes a beer out of the refrigerator. Bobby: Maybe one of 'em touched you at the hospital. CHET (V-O): It was the hair! INT. RUFUS' CABIN – DOWNSTAIRS – DAY CHET: Not too hard to lift some DNA out of a motel shower drain, guys! INT. RUFUS' CABIN – GROUND LEVEL – DAY Dean: You can copy people like that? Bobby shrugs. Dean: Awesome. Well, what is their plan, exactly? Sam: Squeeze us. Turn us into the most wanted men in America. Dean: All right. Well, that settles it. We find these ass monkeys, and we k*ll them ourselves. Bobby: Wait a sec. Every form of law enforcement in the country has seen your ugly mugs this morning. Dean: Exactly. So what's the point in trying to hide? Bobby: Better than sticking your fool neck out. These things are smarter than you. INT. RUFUS' CABIN – DOWNSTAIRS – DAY CHET laughs. Sam (V-O): Geez, Bobby, don't sugarcoat it. INT. RUFUS' CABIN – GROUND LEVEL – DAY Bobby: You don't have a clue how to k*ll 'em or slow 'em down, and your plan is, what? Go right at 'em? Genius. Dean: They're wearing our faces, Bobby. This is personal. Sam: Yeah, I'm with Dean here. Bobby: Well, if you're gonna be stupid, you might as well be smart about it. You need to see a fella named Frank Devereaux. Sam: Who's he? Bobby: He's a jackass and a lunatic, but he owes me one, from back in Port Huron. Bobby hands Dean a piece of paper with the address. Bobby: In the meantime, I'll keep working on Chatty Cathy here, see if I can figure out what makes him die. EXT. SERVICE STATION – NIGHT The Impala pulls up to the pumps and Dean and Sam get out. Sam: The usual? Dean: Rhymes with sing-songs. INT. SERVICE STATION COVENIENCE STORE – NIGHT Sam puts a box of "Bing Bongs" chocolate cupcakes with vanilla filling, two bottles of water and some other items on the counter. Sam: You guys sell protein bars? CLERK: Yeah. The CLERK takes a long look at Sam's face. CLERK: But it's in -- it's in the back, though. Just, uh, give me a second. Sam: Sure. Thanks. The CLERK takes out his cell phone as he walks to the back room. Sam sees security footage of himself and Dean playing on a television behind the counter. EXT. SERVICE STATION – NIGHT Sam walks out of the convenience store. Dean is filling the Impala. Sam: Pretty sure the cashier just made me. Drive. Dean replaces the pump and they leave, tires squealing. EXT. CRIME SCENE – DAY Two FBI agents get out of their vehicle and hold up badges to a Sheriff. SPECIAL Agent MORRIS: Special Agent Morris. This is Special Agent Valente. Sheriff: Gentlemen. These Winchester boys are keeping busy, I hear. What is this, some type of psycho road trip? The camera shifts and we see that the AGENTS and Sheriff are standing outside the Manitoc Savings & Loan. Sheriff: The second bank, plus that convenience store? SPECIAL Agent MORRIS: Couple of days ago, they were d*ad. We know about what you know. Sheriff: Excuse me. The Sheriff walks away. SPECIAL Agent VALENTE: Actual serial K*llers. SPECIAL Agent MORRIS: Crime spree means paperwork. Lots of it. Which you'll be doing. SPECIAL Agent VALENTE's cell phone beeps and he reads a message. SPECIAL Agent VALENTE: We gotta go. Winchesters spotted at a Gas n' Sip. It's about a thousand miles from here. That's fast. Must have flown. SPECIAL Agent MORRIS: That or Batmobile. EXT. UNLIT HOUSE ON NARROW ROAD – NIGHT Sam and Dean drive up in the Impala and get out. Dean: You sure this is the right place? Sam: Yeah. They go to the front door and Sam knocks. Sam: Frank, you in there? Frank? They open the door. Sam: Frank? INT. Frank's HOUSE – NIGHT Sam and Dean go inside and walk through the house in the dark. Sam: Frank? Frank, anybody here? Hello? Anybody home? Someone turns on a lamp. Sam and Dean turn to find Frank sitting in an armchair, pointing a g*n at them. Frank: Well, well. Spider caught some flies. INT. Frank's HOUSE – NIGHT Frank: Well, I'll be darned. Psycho Butch and Sundance. You're on CNN right now. Sam: No, no, t-that's not us. Frank: I know. Can't be. Unless you had a teleporter. Do you have a teleporter? Dean shakes his head. Sam: No, sir. We don't. Frank: Well, my condolences on the doppelgangers. Now, who sent you? NSA? The Feeb? March of Dimes? Dean: Uh, Bobby Singer sent us. Frank growls, gets to his feet and cocks his w*apon. Dean: Or not. Who? Dean holds out his hands placatingly. Sam: H-he said you could help. He said you owed him, from Port Huron. After a pause, Frank lowers his w*apon. Frank: Guy saves your life onetime, and, what, you owe him the rest of yours? Dean: That's usually how it works, yeah. Frank points his w*apon at Dean again, then lowers it while making an exasperated noise. Frank feeds ID cards into a shredder. Sam and Dean look at security footage of their Leviathan doubles, which is playing on several screens. Frank: Oh, yeah. I know that Bobby's into that magic hooey, but truth is, the government have been cloning people for years. Guess it was just your turn in the barrel. Sam: Well, actually -- Dean: Forget it. He's rolling. Frank: Yours have been busy beavers. You're number two on the most wanted list. Quickest climb up the charts since Donna Summer. Sam: So, what do you think we should do? Frank: Cuba's nice this time of year. Dean: No, we're not hiding. Frank (to Sam): Is he always this stupid? Dean: Look, we, uh – Frank turns on some classical music. Dean: We go to stick around and kick a couple asses. So, we just need you to get us further off the grid, but keep us on the board. Frank: Well, first thing we got to do is wipe all your old aliases. No more rock shoutouts. It's Tom and John Smith from now on. And no plastic. Cash only. And change your phones on a... Frank tosses Sam and Dean cell phones. Frank: ...very frequent non-schedule schedule, you understand? Oh, and try to stay out of view of the 200 million cameras that the government has access to, 'kay? Dean: 200 million? Frank: Big Brother, he has many eyeballs, my friend. You see a place that even looks like it can afford security... Frank takes a laptop out of a bag. Frank: you just ease on down the road. This... this is your laptop, right? Sam: Yeah. That's mine. Frank smashes the laptop against the desk many times. Sam: What -- gee -- hey -- what are you -- what was that?! Frank hands Sam a new laptop. Sam: Uh... Thank you, I guess. Frank: No problem. You owe me five grand, cash. Sam: What? Dean: What? Frank: Unless you wanna go comparison shop at the mall, sweet cheeks. Say hi to the cops for me. Okay. Frank grabs Dean by the jacket and pushes him against the wall. Frank: Let's Blue Steel you up some new I.D., Mr... Frank takes a picture of Dean. Frank: ...and Mr... Frank takes a picture of Sam. Frank: ...Smith. INT. RUFUS' CABIN – DOWNSTAIRS – NIGHT Bobby sh**t CHET with a g*n. CHET: Whoo! Do it again! Come on, do it again! Bobby puts the g*n down. CHET: So you're just gonna touch me in the morning, then just walk away? Bobby: Are you still talkin'? CHET: Aren't you sick of this yet? Bobby: You bleed. Black...snot, sure, but you bleed, you can die. CHET: Sure, sport, whatever you say. Try the acid again, why don't you? Poor sap. You're stumped. Bobby: Give it a rest, mouthy. CHET: How long you think these'll hold once the spell wears off, hmm? Tick tock, old man. I'm gonna really enjoy eating you, right down to that hat. Bobby: I said shut up. CHET: And then I'm gonna eat everyone you ever said hello to. Bobby picks up a machete and cuts off CHET's head. Bobby: Hot damn. Well, that's somethin'. INT. Frank's HOUSE – NIGHT Frank tosses passports and ID in the names of Thomas and John Smith into a cigar box that Dean is holding. He hands Sam a map. Frank: I marked all the towns your stunt doubles h*t so you can see the pattern. Sam: All right, great. Um, so, what is the pattern? Frank: No clue, man. I can't see it. Sam: Seems random. Frank: Little tip from a pro -- there is no such thing as a random series of robbery m*rder by your evil twins. Well, have yourself some uppers and look at that some more. Frank pats Sam on the shoulder. Frank: Good luck. Sam: Thanks, Frank. Frank: For what? Sending you to your death? Your doubles want to be on candid camera, put you in the line of f*re. Now, I'd lay low, 'cause I love life and its infinite mysteries. But you two want to be dumb, that's fine. At least have the common sense to ditch your car. Dean: Wh -- uh, excuse me -- what? Frank: Your doublemints -- they're using a car just like the one outside. [NEWSPAPER: USA TIMES WEEKY [sic] Headline: k*ller duo still at large Photographs of Sam and Dean above the caption "#2, FBI's MOST WANTED LIST" Map of the US with five locations marked] The camera pans out and we see that the newspaper is at Rufus' cabin. INT. RUFUS' CABIN – GROUND LEVEL – DAY Bobby is taking a bottle out of a brown paper shopping bag. There is a knock at the door. He picks up his g*n, looks through the peephole, smooths his beard and opens the door. JODY MILLS is on the other side. Bobby: What the... What the hell are you doing here? JODY MILLS: You're all charm, Bobby. Bobby: So my therapist keeps telling me. How'd you find me? JODY MILLS: I'm a cop, remember? JODY MILLS holds up a plastic bag and a six-pack. JODY MILLS: You gonna invite me in? Bobby: Well, you may not want me to. I got one of the big mouths downstairs. JODY MILLS: So I won't go downstairs. JODY MILLS enters and looks around. JODY MILLS: Mm. I, uh... She puts the bag and six-pack on the table. JODY MILLS: I wanted to come thank you. Bobby: Thank me? JODY MILLS: Well, yeah... Seeing as they were fresh out of "thanks for saving me from liver-eating surgeon" cards at the store. Bobby: Oh, that. Just doing my job, which nobody pays me for. JODY MILLS: Right. How you doing, Bobby? Bobby: I'm fine. Every day is a gift. JODY MILLS: Your house just b*rned down. Bobby: As you can see, I got a roof over me. JODY MILLS: Bobby! Let someone be nice to you for five minutes? Bobby: Okay. But not toonice. I can't be going soft. JODY MILLS: 'Course not. I can cook. Ish. You know? Why don't you let me make you something? Maybe put this new place of yours in some kind of order. Come on. I owe you that much. Bobby: Okay. Thanks, Sheriff. JODY MILLS: Jody. INT. RUFUS' CABIN – DOWNSTAIRS – DAY Bobby walks downstairs and turns on a light. CHET's head has reattached to his body. CHET: Did you think it would be that easy? Bobby: No. But it's a start. Bobby picks up the machete. CHET: Ugh. Bobby cuts off CHET's head again. EXT. ROAD – NIGHT A small, old hatchback is driving down the road. INT. HATCHBACK – NIGHT A yellow My Little Pony is dangling from the rear-vision mirror. Dean squeezes it and it squeaks. He takes out a Kn*fe, cuts it down and tosses it into the back seat. It squeaks again as it lands. Sam: You okay? Dean: You know, it's bad enough that they're ganking people, wearing our mugs, but now this? Have us driving around in this... this caboodle while Baby's on lockdown. Sam: It's temporary, Dean. Dean: Nobody puts Baby in a corner. Sam: Y-you know that's a line from -- Dean: Swayze movie. Swayze always gets a pass! Sam: Right. Uh, well, you want some tunes or something? Here. Sam turns on the car radio. MUSIC: Air Supply's "All Out Of Love" ♪ And what would you say if I called on you now ♪ ♪ and said that I can't hold on ♪ Sam looks at Dean. Sam: Sorry, man, I-I... Dean: Just leave it. Probably gonna be the only thing on. ♪ There's no easy way, it gets harder each day ♪ ♪ Please love me or I'll be gone ♪ ♪ I'll be gone ♪ Sam looks at the map Frank gave him and Dean starts to lip-sync along to the music. ♪ I'm all out of love ♪ ♪ I'm so lost without you ♪ Sam looks over at Dean. ♪ I know you were right ♪ ♪ believing for so long ♪ ♪ I'm all out of love ♪ Dean notices that Sam is watching him and stops singing. ♪ What am I without you? ♪ Dean looks away out the driver's side window. ♪ I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ Dean starts to lip-sync again. ♪ What are... ♪ Sam looks at him and he stops again. ♪...you thinking of? ♪ Dean moves his head in time with the music. ♪ What are you -- ♪ Sam: Here. Sam switches off the radio and they sit in silence. Sam studies the map. Jericho is circled. Sam: Dean. Dean: What? Sam: Jericho -- the lady in white. Black Water Ridge is circled on the map. Sam: Blackwater -- wendigo. Lake Manitoc -- the kid in the lake. Dean: They're hitting towns we've worked jobs in. Sam: In order. Since the day I left Stanford with you. Dean: So, what, they want us to find them? Sam: Well, one way to find out -- next case would be in...St. Louis. Dean: Perfect. Connor's Diner. Best burgers in St. Louis. Oh, I deserve something good in my life right now. INT. DINER – NIGHT Dean and Sam appear to be eating at a diner. When Dean speaks, however, it is apparent that they are Dean and Sam's Leviathan doubles. LEVIATHAN!Dean: You know, he has one of these... LEVIATHAN!Dean indicates the burger he is eating. LEVIATHAN!Dean: ...every day. And in his heart, he thinks they're almost as good as sex. This... LEVIATHAN!Dean puts the burger down on the plate. LEVIATHAN!Dean: ...is disgusting. LEVIATHAN!Sam pushes a plate of salad away from him. LEVIATHAN!Sam: d*ad plants with creAmy goo. It's like eating self-righteousness. I mean, you tell me which is worse. LEVIATHAN!Dean: I mean, honestly, I just... You know what? I can't stand the guy. Talk about a hero complex. And he doesn't have relationships. No, he has applications for sainthood. Oh, and he thinks he's funny. He thinks he's a damn comedian. LEVIATHAN!Sam: Who has two thumbs and full-blown bats in the belfry? LEVIATHAN!Dean points at LEVIATHAN!Sam and LEVIATHAN!Sam points at himself with both thumbs. LEVIATHAN!Sam: I'm serious. It's nothing but Satan-vision on the inside. I mean, how he's walking around in a jacket with detachable arms is beyond me. You know, I had a brother with this many issues once. LEVIATHAN!Dean: Yeah? LEVIATHAN!Sam: Know what I did? LEVIATHAN!Dean: Hmm? LEVIATHAN!Sam: I ate him. LEVIATHAN!Dean: Of course you did. LEVIATHAN!Sam: How are these guys even a thr*at? LEVIATHAN!Dean: Boss says they gotta go, they gotta go. LEVIATHAN!Sam: Right. Idea. You wanna trade? I mean, I'll take Chuckles over Schizo. LEVIATHAN!Dean: No, I like this one's hair better. You can stay in the big one. LEVIATHAN!Sam: All right. In that case, let's turn up the heat. The sooner I get out of this and into something more s*ab, the better. LEVIATHAN!Dean and LEVIATHAN!Sam start to take out their g*n. LEVIATHAN!Dean: Hold on. LEVIATHAN!Dean turns and looks at a TEENAGER who is sitting in a booth behind him. LEVIATHAN!Dean: Hey, kid. Hey. Why don't you f*re up the camera on that thing? LEVIATHAN!Dean points his g*n at the TEENAGER. LEVIATHAN!Dean: Point it over here. The TEENAGER picks up his smart phone and aims it at LEVIATHAN!Dean. LEVIATHAN!Dean: Shall we? LEVIATHAN!Sam stands up, raises his g*n and points it at the ceiling. LEVIATHAN!Sam: All right, everybody be cool! This is a robbery! The TEENAGER's phone camera records LEVIATHAN!Sam. LEVIATHAN!Dean gets up onto the counter as LEVIATHAN!Sam points his g*n at various diner patrons. LEVIATHAN!Dean: Anybody moves, and I'll execute every last one of you! The TEENAGER's phone camera records LEVIATHAN!Sam and LEVIATHAN!Dean. EXT. ROAD – NIGHT The hatchback is driving down the road. INT. HATCHBACK – NIGHT Sam is holding a cell phone that is set to speaker. Bobby (on phone, V-O): Choppin' their heads off won't k*ll 'em, but it'll slow 'em down pretty good. Till they fuse back up, anyhow. Sam (into phone): Well, that's something, I guess. I mean, assuming we can even get close to them. INT. RUFUS' CABIN – GROUND LEVEL – NIGHT Bobby (on phone): Believe me, I don't want you walking right up to 'em, either. I'm still looking for something you can sh**t at 'em. INT. HATCHBACK – NIGHT Dean (into phone, V-O): Good times. All right, thanks, Bobby. INT. RUFUS' CABIN – GROUND LEVEL – NIGHT JODY MILLS is making sandwiches. JODY MILLS: Hey, you take mayo, right, Bobby? Bobby nods. INT. HATCHBACK – NIGHT Dean (into phone): You got a chick over there? Bobby (on phone, V-O): What? INT. RUFUS' CABIN – GROUND LEVEL – NIGHT Bobby (on phone): No. INT. HATCHBACK – NIGHT Dean (into phone): Are you even working, Richard Gere? INT. RUFUS' CABIN – GROUND LEVEL – NIGHT Bobby (on phone): Shut up, you idjit. INT. HATCHBACK – NIGHT Dean and Sam smile at each other. INT. RUFUS' CABIN – GROUND LEVEL – NIGHT Bobby (on phone): Where are you boys off to next? INT. HATCHBACK – NIGHT Sam (into phone): Uh, St. Louis. That's where we -- Bobby (on phone, V-O): It's too late. INT. RUFUS' CABIN – GROUND LEVEL – NIGHT Bobby (on phone): They h*t St. Louis. Pumpkin-and-Honeybunny'd a diner there. INT. HATCHBACK – NIGHT Dean (into phone): Connor's Diner? Bobby (on phone, V-O): Yeah. How'd you know? Dean (into phone): Lucky guess. All right, so much for that. Sam (into phone): I guess we're off to, uh... to Ankeny, Iowa. Call us if you get anything else. Bobby (on phone, V-O): You got it. Sam hangs up. INT. CONNOR's DINER – DAY SPECIAL AGENTS MORRIS and VALENTE enter. Police are investigating the scene and removing bodies. SPECIAL AGENTS MORRIS and VALENTE hold up their badges to a Police Officer who is sitting at a booth watching the recording on the TEENAGER's phone. SPECIAL Agent MORRIS: Special Agents Morris, Valente. You were first on the scene? Police Officer: Unfortunately. SPECIAL Agent VALENTE: Wanna tell us what happened? The Police Officer hands the phone to SPECIAL Agent MORRIS, who takes a glove out of his pocket with which to hold it. The Police Officer presses a button to play the recording. [RECORDING: DINER CUSTOMERS: No! No! [screaming] LEVIATHAN!Dean, who is standing on the counter, raises his g*n and fires. DINER CUSTOMERS cower on the floor. LEVIATHAN!Sam approaches the camera. LEVIATHAN!Sam: Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey! Keep that up! I didn't say you could put that down! I want the whole world to know what Sam and Dean Winchester are capable of. LEVIATHAN!Sam points his g*n at a DINER CUSTOMER. DINER CUSTOMER: No! There is more g*n. LEVIATHAN!Dean: That all of 'em? TEENAGER (V-O): No! LEVIATHAN!Sam: All but one. TEENAGER (V-O): No, please, no. LEVIATHAN!Sam raises his g*n and sh**t the TEENAGER. LEVIATHAN!Sam and LEVIATHAN!Dean get very close to the camera and smile. LEVIATHAN!Dean: Well, goodnight, St. Louis. You've been a wonderful crowd. Grab your socks and hose, Iowa, 'cause we're headed to you next. LEVIATHAN!Dean and LEVIATHAN!Sam wink.] SPECIAL Agent MORRIS: We need to alert – SPECIAL Agent VALENTE: Federal, state, local -- I'm on it. INT. RUFUS' CABIN – DOWNSTAIRS – DAY Bobby is preparing to electrocute CHET. CHET: Ooh. Bobby touches the skin of CHET's arm with his own as he attaches jumper cables to CHET's chains. CHET (in Bobby's voice): Does this skin make me look fat? CHET has transformed into a doppelganger of Bobby. Bobby: Balls. CHET: It's pretty dark in here. High-school dropout. A drunk like your daddy before you. Oh. You and Dad. Now, that's a can of scorpions. Your favorite singer is Joni frickin' Mitchell? Oh, Bobby. You are 10 pounds of sad in a 5-pound bag. EXT. STREET IN ANKENY – DAY Dean and Sam are walking along the street as a black Impala passes them. Dean: Sam, Sam. Hold up. Don't move. Don't move. The Impala, which contains LEVIATHAN!Dean and LEVIATHAN!Sam, does a U-turn and parks on the other side of the street. LEVIATHAN!Dean and LEVIATHAN!Sam get out. Sam: Oh, no. This is all sorts of wrong. Dean: Those are nice wheels. Tell you what, when this is over, I'm stealing those rims. Dean takes out his phone and makes a call. INT. RUFUS' CABIN – DOWNSTAIRS – DAY CHET is still chained to the chair in Bobby's form. CHET: Tell the kids I said hi. Bobby (on phone): Yeah. EXT. STREET IN ANKENY – DAY Dean (on phone): Bobby, we got eyes on them. Bobby (on phone, V-O): What? LEVIATHAN!Dean opens the trunk of the Impala. Dean (on phone): It's like looking at a funhouse mirror. INT. RUFUS' CABIN – DOWNSTAIRS – DAY Bobby (on phone): Yeah, I know the feeling. Dean (on phone, V-O): All right, well, tell me... EXT. STREET IN ANKENY – DAY Dean (on phone): ...you got something. Otherwise, we're gonna have to get in close. Dean and Sam walk along the street closer to where the Impala is parked on the other side. Bobby (V-O): Look, just hang back for now. Dean (on phone): It's too late. We gotta – A police car pulls up, siren going. Dean (on phone): Hang on. A Sheriff and another officer get out of the police car and the Sheriff points a g*n at Dean. Sheriff: Hands in the air! Another siren blares. Dean: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. A second police car pulls up. Dean: Big misunderstanding. The DEPUTIES from the second vehicle are now pointing their g*n at Dean and Sam from behind them. Dean: Look, the guys you want -- Sheriff: Shut up! Dean: They're right there. Sheriff: Shut up! Drop the phone. Put your hands in the air. INT. RUFUS' CABIN – DOWNSTAIRS – DAY Bobby (on phone): Dean? EXT. STREET IN ANKENY – DAY Dean puts the phone down. Bobby (V-O): Dean! Sheriff: Cuff 'em. The DEPUTIES behind Dean and Sam put them in handcuffs. Dean looks at LEVIATHAN!Dean, who is back in the driver's seat of the Impala. LEVIATHAN!Dean winks. EXT. RUFUS' CABIN – DAY INT. RUFUS' CABIN – DOWNSTAIRS – DAY CHET is still chained to the chair in Bobby's form. Bobby is pacing the room with a book. CHET: You know the thing about you, Bobby... Bobby: Save it. I already know me, handsome. CHET: You got the gruff thing down. Seen more death than an electric chair. Ready to die with your boots on. But, you know, deep down inside... you're no cynic. You still hope. You even got a thing for that lady upstairs. Tiny part of you thinks, maybe... after this is all done, you and Miss Sheriff can make your own little cabin in the woods. Bobby closes the book and puts it down. CHET laughs. CHET: That's hilarious. You're not getting any older than tomorrow, Bobby. Why do you bother? Bobby picks up the machete. Bobby: You a Browning fan? CHET: Come again? Bobby: Robert Browning. Poet. You got that name rattling around up there with the rest of my thoughts and feelings? CHET: It's kind of hard to sift through all the drunken blackouts, but -- Bobby: "A man's reach should exceed his grasp." CHET: I like that. That's actually lovely. Browning? After I eat you, I'm definitely gonna h*t the library. Bobby raises the machete. A several drops of a liquid fall from the ceiling onto CHET's arm and burn his skin. CHET: What the hell is that? The skin on CHET's arm turns yellow, then black, and black steam rises. Another drop falls and CHET's arm continues to burn. CHET: Get it off. Get it off! Get it off! Another drop falls. CHET: Get it off of me! Another drop falls. CHET's face is now also burning and a large patch on his arm is black. CHET: Aaargh! Get it off me! INT. RUFUS' CABIN – GROUND LEVEL – DAY JODY MILLS is on her knees wringing out a cloth into a bucket. She sees Bobby and gets up. JODY MILLS: Oh, sorry. Little snafu here. Bobby grabs her face in both hands and kisses her. JODY MILLS: Mm! Okay, wasn't expecting that reaction. Bobby: What the hell was in that bucket? INT. ANKENY Sheriff's OFFICE – NIGHT Sam and Dean are being escorted in. Sam: Look, you're making a mistake. The real K*llers are back at the diner, okay? Sheriff: Is that the best you can do? Dean: I want my phone call. Sheriff: Oh, there'll be a call, to the FBI. Take him [indicates Dean]to cell number one. Take that one [indicates Sam]to the interview room. Once they're separate and secure, you boys call it a night. Sam: You're making a mistake! EXT. ANKENY Sheriff's OFFICE – NIGHT The two DEPUTIES who handcuffed Sam and Dean leave the building. LEVIATHAN!Dean and LEVIATHAN!Sam watch from their Impala, which is parked across the street. As the officers walk closer, LEVIATHAN!Dean and LEVIATHAN!Sam get out of the Impala. INT. ANKENY Sheriff's OFFICE – NIGHT The two DEPUTIES who handcuffed Sam and Dean walk back into the police station. A third Deputy is there. Deputy 3: What, did you guys forget something or what? Deputy 1, who handcuffed Sam, walks up behind Deputy 3 and snaps his neck. His face transforms: his mouth enlarges, his teeth become long and jagged, and a long, two-pronged tongue unfurls. EXT. ANKENY Sheriff's OFFICE – NIGHT INT. ANKENY Sheriff's OFFICE – NIGHT The Sheriff walks towards Dean's cell. Dean: Hey. I have a right to my phone call. Sheriff: A right? You k*lled how many people last couple days, and you want me to hop-to on your rights? Dean: I didn't -- please -- just give me one -- one phone call. INT. RUFUS' CABIN – DOWNSTAIRS – DAY Bobby is leaning over CHET's headless, b*rned body, which is still chained to the chair. Bobby's phone rings. Bobby (on phone): Boys? INT. ANKENY Sheriff's OFFICE – NIGHT The Sheriff is holding out a phone outside the cell. Dean speaks into it. Dean (into phone): Bobby, we got popped. INT. RUFUS' CABIN – DOWNSTAIRS – DAY Bobby (on phone): Okay. I'll be there as soon as -- Dean (on phone, V-O): No, no, there's no time. Look, we saw them... INT. ANKENY Sheriff's OFFICE – NIGHT Dean (into phone): They saw us. So, we are coming to get us. You read me? Tell me you got something. Bobby (on phone, V-O): There's a chemical... INT. RUFUS' CABIN – DOWNSTAIRS – DAY Close-up of an empty bottle of "Power Clean" containing Borax. Bobby (on phone): -- sodium borate. Dean (on phone, V-O): Okay, let me get Mr. Wizard on speed dial. Bobby (on phone): No, no, it ain't as weird as it sounds. INT. ANKENY Sheriff's OFFICE – NIGHT Bobby (on phone, V-O): It's found in industrial cleaners... INT. RUFUS' CABIN – DOWNSTAIRS – DAY Bobby (on phone): ...and soaps and laundry powder. Just look for anything with the word Borax on it. INT. ANKENY Sheriff's OFFICE – NIGHT Dean (into phone): You want me to "Desperate Housewife" these mothers? INT. RUFUS' CABIN – DOWNSTAIRS – DAY Bobby (on phone): No, just trust me. It burns 'em bad enough to slow 'em down. So get the... INT. ANKENY Sheriff's OFFICE – NIGHT Bobby (on phone, V-O): ...strongest you can find. Hear me? Dean (on phone): Borax. Burns. Got it. Bobby (on phone, V-O): Then douse 'em... INT. RUFUS' CABIN – DOWNSTAIRS – DAY Close-up of CHET's severed, b*rned head. Bobby (on phone): ...then get close, and then chop the heads off. Bobby puts CHET's head into a cardboard box. Dean (on phone, V-O): Got it. Bobby (on phone): And keep the heads separate! INT. ANKENY Sheriff's OFFICE – NIGHT Dean (into phone): Bobby, you're a genius. Thanks. I -- The Sheriff snaps the phone closed. Dean: What'd you do that for? Sheriff: Borax? Decapitation? What kind of sickos are you and your friends? The Sheriff starts to walk away. Dean: Hey, you listen to me. The Sheriff pauses and turns back to Dean. Dean: If you don't go get every ounce, every drop of whatever that stuff is in this place right now, we're all gonna die! Sheriff: Well, you're crazier than I thought. The Sheriff leaves. Dean: Hey! The Sheriff walks towards the office area and sees Deputy 1 leaning over a desk eating Deputy 3. Deputy 2 walks into the room. Deputy 2: What are you doing? Deputy 1 straightens up. His face is covered in blood and he is holding a strip of flesh. Deputy 2: What is your problem? We don't have time for lunch right now. Deputy 1: I was hungry. Deputy 2: Later. Let's go. Deputy 1 transforms into Sam's shape and Deputy 2 transforms into Dean's, and they leave the room. Dean is sitting in his cell. The Sheriff walks towards the cell. Dean: What is it? What happened? Sheriff: I...It's just... I don't know what I just saw. Dean: Let me out of here. Okay, you listen to me, and we'll live. All right, keep your head down, get to the supply closet. Get anything that says Borax on it -- bring it here. Now. Go. INT. ANKENY Sheriff's OFFICE INTERVIEW ROOM – NIGHT Sam is handcuffed to the table. Dean enters. Sam: Dean! Sam holds out his handcuffed wrists. LEVIATHAN!Dean: I'm not your brother. But I am Dean adjacent. INT. ANKENY Sheriff's OFFICE MAIN OFFICE AREA – NIGHT Dean takes the g*n belonging to partially-eaten Deputy 3. Dean: Sorry. Dean sees what appears to be Sam. Dean: Sammy. Dean realizes from Sam's expression that it is LEVIATHAN!Sam. Dean: Not Sammy. Dean raises his g*n and sh**t. LEVIATHAN!Sam knocks the g*n out of Dean's hand and throws him into a trophy cabinet. INT. ANKENY Sheriff's OFFICE INTERVIEW ROOM – NIGHT LEVIATHAN!Dean: I just want to let you know how much I've really grown to hate you and your brother since we've been wearing you. I just don't get it. You could be anything. You're strong, you're uninhibited. You're smart enough, believe it or not. But you're so caught up in being good and taking care of each other. Sam: What do you care? LEVIATHAN!Dean: Because it pisses me off! You're wasting a perfectly good opportunity to subjugate the weak. INT. ANKENY Sheriff's OFFICE MAIN OFFICE AREA – NIGHT Dean gets to his feet and uses his elbow to break the glass on a cabinet containing an emergency axe. LEVIATHAN!Sam: Cute. Really think you can get close enough to use it? Dean: Not until you're burning. The Sheriff tosses liquid from a bucket onto LEVIATHAN!Sam, who starts to sizzle. Black smoke rises from his skin. LEVIATHAN!Sam: Aargh! Aargh! Dean cuts off LEVIATHAN!Sam's head. Black liquid spills from his neck. LEVIATHAN!Dean (V-O): Here's the deal. INT. ANKENY Sheriff's OFFICE INTERVIEW ROOM – NIGHT LEVIATHAN!Dean: Dean... thinks you're nutballs. He thinks you're off your game. Sam: You gonna k*ll me, or is this some sort of "play with your food" bull? LEVIATHAN!Dean: All right. All right. You know, I guess that's why Dean never told you that he k*lled Amy. Sam looks at LEVIATHAN!Dean in shock and alarm. LEVIATHAN!Dean: There it is. The look on your face. That is priceless! That's what I've been waiting for. Now I can eat you. 'Cause, you see, I like my meat a little bitter. Dean bursts into the room, flings liquid at LEVIATHAN!Dean and cuts off his head with the axe. Dean: Well, that felt good. The Sheriff unlocks Sam's handcuffs. Sheriff: So... the FBI is on the way. Dean: Yeah, listen, about that... Sheriff: Whatever I can do... Especially if it involves lying about everything I just saw. Dean: Good. I was hoping you could help us kind of...be d*ad. You know, quote unquote. Sheriff: Yeah. Yeah, I should be able to swing that. All right. Dean: Come on, let's grab a mop. Dean starts to leave the room, but pauses when he sees that Sam hasn't moved. Dean: Sammy? You okay? Sam looks at Dean briefly and nods, then looks away. Sam: Yeah, I'm fine. Dean: Let's go. Dean leaves as Sam continues to sit at the table. INT. CORONER's OFFICE – DAY Sheriff: That's when I got the drop on them and sh*t them both. SPECIAL Agent VALENTE: You did good, Sheriff. CORONER: Here's the files. Cause of death -- multiple g*n wounds. I fingerprinted them first, of course, for your records. SPECIAL Agent VALENTE: Mind if we take a look at the bodies? Sheriff: Their bodies were sent to the funeral home for cremation, as per their living wills and religious requirements. SPECIAL Agent VALENTE: Wow. That must be some kind of record. They died last night. Sheriff: You can contact the funeral home. They might still have the bodies. As you know, once we do the autopsy, we're obliged to release -- SPECIAL Agent MORRIS: You had the bodies desTroyed? What kind of backwater operation is this? SPECIAL Agent VALENTE: Hey! Easy. Forget about it. No bodies, no paperwork, right? Someone once told me that was a good thing. The good news still stands. This case is closed. Sam and Dean Winchester are d*ad. SPECIAL Agent MORRIS hands the files back to the CORONER and the AGENTS leave. INT. RUFUS' CABIN – GROUND LEVEL – DAY Reporter ON TELEVISION: The Winchester crime spree has come to a violent end in Iowa, where they were g*n down. Bobby turns off the television. JODY MILLS is putting on her jacket. JODY MILLS: That should take the heat off. Bobby: For now. Thanks, Jody. Couldn't have done it without you. SPECIAL Agent VALENTE: Anytime you need me to spill something else, you give me a call. Bobby: Actually, there is one more thing. Bobby steps very close to JODY MILLS, who smiles at him. After a pause, he holds up a finger and goes to get the cardboard box. JODY MILLS picks up her purse. Bobby hands the box to JODY MILLS. Bobby: Don't open it. Even if it starts talking. Especially if it starts talking. When you cross over Underhill Bridge, just toss it in the drink. If you'll excuse me, I, um...I got a body to bury in cement. Bobby kisses JODY MILLS on the cheek. INT. CORONER's OFFICE – DAY The CORONER is taking a Sample from one of the Leviathan bodies. CORONER: Dad, seriously? Lying to the FBI, incinerating bodies, and this stuff? What the hell is it? 'Cause it sure isn't blood. SPECIAL Agent VALENTE appears in the doorway. SPECIAL Agent VALENTE: You're right about that, sweetie. It's much more than blood. Sheriff: I can explain. SPECIAL Agent VALENTE: Don't bother. SPECIAL Agent VALENTE's face transforms and he rushes at the Sheriff and CORONER. Blood splatters the walls. INT. CORONER's OFFICE – DAY LEVIATHAN!SPECIAL Agent VALENTE, whose face is covered with blood, unzips one of the body bags containing the Leviathans. He sighs, takes out his phone and makes a call. LEVIATHAN!SPECIAL Agent VALENTE (on phone): It's Valente. Yes, sir, I'm with them now. Well, unfortunately, their heads are... missing. EXT. OUTSIDE OFFICE BUILDING – DAY A Man IN SUIT, who is speaking on his phone, leaves the building. Man IN SUIT (on phone): Huh! But the actual Winchesters are d*ad, yes? INT. CORONER's OFFICE – DAY LEVIATHAN!SPECIAL Agent VALENTE (on phone): No, sir. They're in the wind. EXT. OUTSIDE OFFICE BUILDING – DAY Man IN SUIT (on phone): So, all that brainpower, all those resources, and those two field mice are still on my to-do list? INT. CORONER's OFFICE – DAY LEVIATHAN!SPECIAL Agent VALENTE (on phone): I'm sorry, sir. We could grab some more DNA and double them again. Man IN SUIT (on phone, V-O): I like where your head's at... EXT. OUTSIDE OFFICE BUILDING – DAY The Man IN SUIT is walking towards a limousine. Man IN SUIT (on phone): ...but sometimes less is more. Those boys coming back from the d*ad again starts to strain credulity... INT. CORONER's OFFICE – DAY Man IN SUIT (on phone, V-O): ...even for the American media, am I right? LEVIATHAN!SPECIAL Agent VALENTE (on phone): Yes, sir. EXT. OUTSIDE OFFICE BUILDING – DAY Man IN SUIT (on phone): I like a subtler approach. Back to the vision board on this one. INT. CORONER's OFFICE – DAY LEVIATHAN!SPECIAL Agent VALENTE (on phone): Of course. Man IN SUIT (on phone, V-O): Just secure the bodies and... EXT. OUTSIDE OFFICE BUILDING – DAY The Man IN SUIT is now standing next to the limousine. Man IN SUIT (on phone): ...get back to the FBI, and we'll give this Winchester situation a good think. INT. CORONER's OFFICE – DAY LEVIATHAN!SPECIAL Agent VALENTE (on phone): Definitely. Thanks, sir. Man IN SUIT (on phone, V-O): And, Valente? EXT. OUTSIDE OFFICE BUILDING – DAY Man IN SUIT (on phone): Next time, call me with a win. For your sake. Please don't make me bib you. INT. CORONER's OFFICE – DAY LEVIATHAN!SPECIAL Agent VALENTE (on phone): Yes, sir. The Man IN SUIT nods to the LIMOUSINE DRIVER. Man IN SUIT: I'm craving a latte. You mind running across the street before we h*t the trail? Decaf, two pumps of vanilla... The Man IN SUIT hands the LIMOUSINE DRIVER some bills. Man IN SUIT: ...and grab yourself whatever you want -- my treat. INT. LIMOUSINE – DAY The Man IN SUIT gets into the limousine and picks up a newspaper. CROWLEY: Mr. Roman. CROWLEY has materialized inside the limousine. He is holding something covered with a towel on his lap. CROWLEY: I felt it was time we met in person. I'm Crowley. I run Hell. MR ROMAN: Yes, yes. Of course. I agree, 100%. High time we met. CROWLEY uncovers the basket he is holding. It contains muffins. CROWLEY: A token. MR ROMAN: You shouldn't have. I love a muffin. CROWLEY: 100% organic baby uvulas -- gluten free. MR ROMAN: So considerate. CROWLEY slides the muffins over to MR ROMAN. CROWLEY: I'll cut to the chase, Mr. Roman. MR ROMAN: Please. Dick. CROWLEY: Dick. You and I control large interests that I feel strongly could meld, to the benefit of all. DICK ROMAN: You think? CROWLEY: I know. Straight talk -- we should be friends, you and I. DICK ROMAN: Why? Why in the world would we be? CROWLEY: Well, I brought you here... Dick. I found the way to open the door to Purgatory. DICK ROMAN: To steal every last soul, you mean. You and that angel friend of yours. Don't roofie me and call it romance. CROWLEY: I think you've got me wrong. DICK ROMAN: Now it's your turn to listen. I'd sooner swim through hot garbage than shake hands with a bottom-feeding mutation like you. You demons are ugly, lazy, gold-digging whores. You're less than humans, and they're not good for much till you dip 'em in garlic sauce. I'd never work with you, Crowley. In fact, if I wasn't busy with better things, I might actively wipe your kind from the face of the Universe. And you'd deserve it. Are we clear? CROWLEY: Keep the muffins. CROWLEY vanishes. EXT. PIER – DAY Dean opens the trunk of the hatchback, in which is a canvas bag and the My Little Pony. He unzips the bag, which contains the two Leviathan heads wrapped in plastic. Dean sighs. Dean: Are you sure you want to dump these things? I'm thinking they might actually come in handy down the road. What do you think? Sam, who is leaning with his arms on the roof of the hatchback, doesn't reply. Dean: Hey. What? What is it? Talk. Sam: Nothing. Dean: Well, that's convincing. Did monster-us give you the jeebs, huh? 'Cause I gotta be honest -- I ain't looking in the mirror for -- for a while myself. Sam straightens up and turns to face Dean. Sam: Okay. You really want to know what's wrong? Dean: Yeah. Yeah, you know my motto -- here to help. Sam: "Here to help." Kind of like you helped Amy? Dean: Listen, Sam... Sam: Don't -- don't lie to me again. No, don't even talk to me. Yeah, I can't. Sam opens the rear passenger door of the hatchback and takes something out. Sam: You know what, Dean? Sam starts to walk away. Sam: I can't. Dean takes a few steps towards Sam. Dean: You can't what? Sam: I can't talk to you right now! Dean... Sam turns to face Dean. He is carrying two bags. Sam: I can't even be around you right now! Dean: Okay, so -- Sam: I think you should just go on without me. There is a long pause. Dean nods. Sam: Go. Dean: All right. Sorry, Sam. Dean turns back to the car and Sam walks away. END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "07x06 - Slash Fiction"}
Air Date: 4 November 2011 INT. HOUSE – NIGHT A MEDIUM, a Man and a Woman hold hands around a Ouija board. MEDIUM: Yes. A spirit has gathered around us. Are you with us, spirit? The Man rolls his eyes. The curtains move and the Woman smiles. Woman: I feel something. I have goose bumps. Uncle Danny? MEDIUM: We're going to make contact now. Rest your hands on the planchette. The MEDIUM and the Woman place their fingers on the planchette in the middle of the Ouija board. MEDIUM: Let the spirit guide our hands. The MEDIUM closes her eyes and tilts her head upwards. MEDIUM: O spirit, are you the one we seek? Are you... Uncle Danny? The planchette moves towards "Yes" on the Ouija board. Woman: I'm not doing that. Man: Yeah. She's pushing it. The MEDIUM takes her hands away from the Ouija board and the Woman follows suit. MEDIUM: It's okay to be skeptical. MEDIUM: Danny, if you're with us, knock twice for yes. There are two knocks. The Woman smiles happily. Woman: Danny? Can you ask him, is he happy? The MEDIUM closes her eyes and tilts her head upwards again. There are two knocks. MEDIUM: He is. He's happy. Woman: Is Sadie with him? Man: Now you're being ridiculous, Cynthia. Who cares about Sadie? The MEDIUM raises her hands to her eyes. MEDIUM: Ah, yes. I see... A family pet. CYNTHIA: That's her. Sadie was a Schnauzer. MEDIUM: She's with Danny, chasing tennis balls in the afterlife. CYNTHIA: Sadie loved tennis balls. Man: There were important papers. No one can find them. They weren't in the safe. Can you just ask him... MEDIUM: Of course. I'll need you to place your hands with me on the planchette. The Man reaches out for the planchette, but as he does so the lights flicker and electricity crackles. MEDIUM: Maybe -- maybe Danny didn't like the question. Man: Tell him to quit fooling around. He knows darn well that's my money. The f*re in the fireplace roars, then dies out. CYNTHIA: Can't you two stop squabbling? For Pete's sake, he's d*ad. Tell him we're sorry. Maybe if we're nice, he'll – The planchette starts to move. CYNTHIA: Oh, my God. Danny? The planchette darts across the board to "No". When the MEDIUM and Woman exhale, their breath is visible. The MEDIUM stands up. CYNTHIA: What's going on? The planchette rises into the air, turns, and s*ab the MEDIUM in the throat. Blood splatters the Man. He and CYNTHIA gasp and scream as the MEDIUM falls d*ad on the floor. SUPERNATURAL EXT. STREET – DAY Dean is walking along a street carrying a bag from Fat Mack's Bar-B-Q Rib Shack. He checks his cell phone, which says NO MESSAGES. He stops next to a blue and gray Dodge Challenger, looks around, then uses a hook to break in. He looks in disgust at a pile of garbage on the passenger seat. Dean: Geez. Have some pride. Dean sweeps the garbage onto the floor and hot-wires the car. Dean: Yeah. Radio: Ooh! That make me hungry. You're listening to... Dean pulls down fluffy dice that were hanging from the rear-vision mirror. Radio: ... the morning chaos with me, Bananas Foster. Dean: The hell I am, ass-hat. Dean moves to change the channel, but then pauses. Radio: And now for the news of the weird -- two very odd m*rder, to be exact. Mediums are dying in Lily Dale, the most psychic town in America. So if you want to know your future... Dean reverses out of the parking spot and drives off. Radio: ...stick to that 900 line, 'cause is it me, or should those guys have seen it coming? EXT. LILY DALE, NEW YORK – DAY INT. MEDIUM's HOUSE – DAY Dean shows his badge to a police officer and looks around the room where the séance was held. He discovers a tape recorder under the table and plays the recording, which is of rustling noises. He moves a lever on the floor and there are mumbled voices. He presses a switch on a chair and the curtains move. Dean: O spirits of the further... am I going to win the Powerball? Dean presses a large lever under the table and there is a knock. Dean: I'm gonna be rich! EXT. STREET – DAY Shop signs advertise psychic, palm and tarot readings. Dean walks along the street. He stops at a poster for the Annual Lily Dale Psychic Festival featuring Imelda Graven (Crystal Ball), Grandma Goldy (Talking Board) and Nikolai Lishin (Kinetic Mind). He enters the Good Graces Cafe. A blackboard at the back says "Special of the Day: You!" and "Soup of the Day: A State of Bliss". WAITER: Hello! First time at Good Graces? Dean: Yes. WAITER: Well, we're 100% locally sourced, biodynamic, and you get a free affirmation with every order. Dean: Think I'll source a taco joint. WAITER: All right. Dean turns to leave, but hears Sam's voice. Sam: Just coffee, black, extra sh*t. Sam is sitting at a table, reading a case file. Dean: You always wear a suit to get your palm read? Sam doesn't reply or smile. Dean: Yeah. Not surprised you caught this one. It's on every morning zoo in America. You mind? Sam moves his hands noncommittally. Dean takes a seat across the table. Sam moves his case file to his lap. Dean: So, I, uh, I went to the scene. Wires, speakers, enough E.M.F. to make your hair stand up. Don't even think about getting a reading. Oh, and, uh, if this hadn't have been two psychics that bit it... I would have just chalked this up as being, uh, dumb and accidental. And I know, I know. This whole town's supposedly calling ghosts. But that takes some serious spellwork and some serious mojo. The only books this lady had were Oprah crap. When was the last time you actually saw a real psychic? Huh? Pamela? Missouri? Anyway, this [Dean gestures towards Sam]is good. And, uh, how you been? WAITER: And what can I get for you? Dean: Uh, pancakes, side of pig. Coffee, black. WAITER: Fantastic. You are a virile manifestation of the divine. The WAITER smiles broadly and leaves. Dean: What the hell did he say to me? Sam scoffs, shakes his head and looks away. Dean: Oh, it's funny? Yeah, no. Go ahead. Laugh it up, Sam. Hilarious. Sam: Dean... Dean: Oh, he speaks. Sam: Look... Dean: Sam. Look, we're both here. All right, the chance of either one of us leaving while people are still dying out there -- Dean makes a "zero" sign with his hand and clicks his tongue. Dean: You might as well bite the b*llet and work with me on this one. Sam: I don't know if I can. Dean: I'm not asking you to open up a can of worms, okay, I'm not even asking you where the hell you've been for the past week and a half. Sam: Good. Dean: I'm just saying, let's try and stop the killings. That's it. Sam: Okay. Dean: Okay? Good. A Woman stops at their table and stares at Sam and Dean. Dean: Can I help you? Woman: You're the brothers from the -- Sam: Oh, no, no, no, no. The Winchester guys on the news a couple weeks back? No -- we get that a lot. Dean: Yeah, no. Those depraved K*llers got put down like the dogs that they were. Us on the other hand, we're completely harmless. The Woman laughs. Woman: Oh, yeah! I'm sorry. Silly me. And I can see by your energies, you're completely gentle. A Man walks up and puts his arm around the Woman. Man: Excuse my friend. She's excitable. Sweetheart, look at them, hmm? They're FBI. Woman: Oh! Man: I'm Russian. We can spot the law. You must be here about the tragedies. Woman: Oh, we're just beside ourselves about what happened. Dean: Yeah. And so close to festival season, huh? Woman: Yeah -- no -- Man: Of course we are worried. We have no idea what's going on, huh? The Man takes out a business card and hands it to Sam. Man: Nikolai. Let me know if I can help you. I'm highly intuitive. Sam: Nikolai Lishin, spoon bender? NIKOLAI: Mm. World famous. NIKOLAI picks up Sam's spoon. NIKOLAI: Come to my demonstration at the festival, huh? NIKOLAI makes a hand motion over the spoon and grunts. NIKOLAI: I teach you to harness the power of your mind. NIKOLAI puts down the spoon. NIKOLAI: Come, let's leave them be. NIKOLAI and the Woman walk to their table. Dean: So glad we decided to vacation here, huh? Right? Sam puts his case file back on the table. Sam: All right. Here we go. First death... second death. Sam slides the file over to Dean. It is open at a photograph. Dean: What am I looking at? Sam: Well, see this? Now, this is Imelda Graven, death number one. She was brained by her own crystal ball. Dean: Bummer, and ironic. Dean turns over a page. The next photograph is of the MEDIUM who was s*ab by the planchette. Dean looks back at the first photograph. Dean: Same necklace? Sam: Yeah. See, Imelda gave it to Goldy in her will. Dean: Okay, so, cursed object, maybe? Sam: Worth looking into. Goldy's next of kin lives in town, also a psychic. Dean: Oh, good. I haven't had my fill. Sam pours sugar into his coffee. The spoon in his other hand bends. Sam: He broke my spoon. EXT. HOUSE – DAY Dean and Sam walk towards the front door. The door opens and two women come out. Dean: Melanie Golden? Hi. Uh...Got a minute? Dean and Sam hold up FBI badges. MELANIE's Friend: You want me to stay? MELANIE: No, that's okay. MELANIE's Friend: Okay. MELANIE embraces MELANIE's Friend. MELANIE: Thanks for stopping by, hon. MELANIE's Friend: Of course. MELANIE's Friend leaves. MELANIE: A friend. She just heard about my grandmother... which is, I guess, why you guys are here, so come on in. INT. MELANIE GOLDEN's HOUSE – DAY MELANIE: Sorry. I just got back. Dean: You were out of town? MELANIE: Yeah, I work the circuit -- hotels, conventions, you know. Dean: Oh. Wait. No offense, but... you don't seem all that psychic. MELANIE: Why do you say that? Dean: Well, I mean, just, you know, where's all the... crystals and pyramids? MELANIE: I'm off the clock. Also not psychic. What? It's an honest living. Dean: Interesting definition of "honest." MELANIE: Well, I honestly read people. It's just less whoo-whoo, more body language. Like you two – long-time partners, but, um... a lot of tension. [Gestures to Sam.]You're pissed. [Gestures to Dean.]And you're stressed. It's not brain surgery. It's kind of why my grandma and me didn't get along. I mean, she'd go full smoke-machine, but she still actually believed in all that stuff, so... Dean: You don't? MELANIE: You do? Dean: I've got an open mind. You'd be surprised. MELANIE: Hmm. Sam: I'm sorry to have to ask, b-but there's a necklace of your grandmother's. MELANIE: Don't have it. Everything went straight to the emporium. She had a deal with the owner. Sam: The emporium? INT. EMPORIUM – DAY Dean and Sam walk up to the counter. The Man behind the counter puts down his coffee. Man: Mmm. Mmm. You're looking... for something. Dean: You're good. Sam: You Jimmy Tomorrow? JIMMY: Mm-hmm. Sam: We're looking for a necklace. JIMMY: Oh. Romantic. Sam: It would have come in with Grandma Goldy's effects. Sam puts a photo of Imelda Goldy on the counter and points to the necklace she is wearing. JIMMY: Oh. Yes, yes. Now, you do know that this is the Orb of Thessaly. Dean: We did not know. JIMMY picks up a large metal box and puts it on the counter. JIMMY: Very powerful, very rare. Dean: Let me guess. Very expensive. JIMMY: Worth every penny. JIMMY takes out the necklace. Dean: Well, in that case... Dean and Sam hold up their FBI badges. Dean: ...we'll be taking the state's-evidence discount. JIMMY: What's going on? Sam: A m*rder investigation that we'd like to personally thank you for not obstructing. Sam reaches out to take the necklace. JIMMY grabs Sam's wrist. JIMMY: You know, I give private energetic readings. Sam: No, thanks. JIMMY: A loss weighs on you. You're angry. It's complicated. Come see me, Agent. JIMMY holds out his business card to Sam. It reads: Jimmy Tomorrow Private Readings NO FUTURE TOO GRIM 809 1/2 Main Street Lily Dale, N.Y. U.S.A. 14752 Sam takes the card with an annoyed look. Dean: Thanks, Jimmy. We'll see you. Sam and Dean walk away. JIMMY calls after them. JIMMY: The bureau's gonna reimburse me for the necklace, right? Dean: Oh, we'll send you a check. JIMMY: Right. EXT. STREET OUTSIDE EMPORIUM – DAY Sam is examining the necklace. Dean: Went a little "Mentalist" on you there, didn't he? Sam glances at Dean but doesn't answer. Dean: All right. Next question. What's an Orb of Thessaly? Sam: I know one thing -- it's made in Taiwan. Sam tosses the necklace to Dean. Dean: Oh, a fake, around here. Imagine that. 'Course, that means that whatever's k*lling mediums is still out there. Dean and Sam get into the Dodge. INT. NIKOLAI LISHIN's HOUSE – DAY NIKOLAI sits on the couch with a beer and empties a bag of silverware onto the coffee table. He holds out his fingers and waves them, then picks up a fork, rubs it and forcibly bends it with his hands. It unbends. NIKOLAI looks surprised and concerned. The lights flicker, electricity crackles, voices murmur and there are clattering noises. NIKOLAI looks down at the coffee table in alarm: all of the silverware is standing straight up. He stands up and takes a few steps away from the table. When he exhales, his breath is visible. He is lifted off the ground by an invisible force and hovers above the coffee table, before dropping down onto it. He is impaled by the silverware. INT. NIKOLAI LISHIN's HOUSE – DAY Dean and Sam look at the bloodstained coffee table and scattered silverware. Dean: He probably should have bent those with the power of his mind. Sam: Chief. We met at the station. Police CHIEF: Right. Morning, Agent. Sam: Morning. Uh, this is Agent Borne. So, what happened? Police CHIEF: It's a weird one. Chest full of cutlery. Dean: All right. We're gonna take a look around. Let us know if you get any leads. Police CHIEF: Oh, I got leads coming out of my ass. As of 9 o'clock, our tip line had 46 calls, all from clairvoyants that know what reallyhappened. Dean: What's the popular theory? Police CHIEF: It's a toss-up between a ghost and some sort of ogre that only att*cks Russians. Dean: Policing Lily Dale sounds fun. Police CHIEF: It was either this or Los Angeles. Sam: So, these clairvoyants, did they give any details as to why they thought it was a ghost? Or a... Russian ogre? Police CHIEF: Their spirit monkey said so. Plus, apparently, this guy claims he had a vision of his own death, cutlery and all. Dean's phone rings. Dean: Excuse me. Dean (on phone): Hello? INT. MELANIE GOLDY's HOUSE – DAY MELANIE (on phone): Agent Borne? It's Melanie Golden. INT. NIKOLAI LISHIN's HOUSE – DAY Dean (on phone): Everything okay? INT. MELANIE GOLDY's HOUSE – DAY MELANIE (on phone): Did you mean it when you said you had an open mind? INT. NIKOLAI LISHIN's HOUSE – DAY INT. MELANIE GOLDY's HOUSE – DAY MELANIE is holding a landline phone. MELANIE: I hadn't checked it until today. I mean, the only person who ever called my landline was my grandma. Sam: That's okay. Go on. MELANIE: Look, I wouldn't put any stock in it. I mean, she was always calling me with some crazy dream she was sure was a sign, that kind of thing, but...uh, is it true Nikolai had a real vision of his death? Dean: That's what we were told. MELANIE: Well, so did she -- the day she died. Dean: What'd she say? MELANIE: Well, you can listen to it if you want. She said she was in a séance, then the lights go, it's freezing. Sam: Wait, she said that? That the room got cold? MELANIE: Yeah. Why? Is that important? Sam and Dean look at each other. MELANIE: What? What is it? Dean: A ghost. The real deal. MELANIE: Come on. You're serious. Dean: Yeah. See, there's, uh, fake whoo-whoo crap, and there's real whoo-whoo crap. MELANIE: Well, yeah, but... ghosts? Dean: Oh, trust me. There's a lot weirder out there than that. MELANIE: So "The X-files" is real, or you just stopped talking like an FBI agent. Sam: Well, um... we're not FBI agents. MELANIE: I need a drink. Dean: I support that. EXT. MELANIE GOLDY's HOUSE – DAY Dean: You know, if this is a spirit, it ain't your average spook tied to a house. I mean, this thing is boogieing all over town. Sam: Not surprised. The camera pans to two "psychic" signs outside nearby houses. Sam: I mean, how many crystal balls do you figure there are in Lily Dale? Dean: Somewhere between 50 and, uh, all of them. Dean and Sam walk to the Dodge. Sam: Well, I mean, quartz can act as an antenna for spirits, right? I mean, that's why mediums started using crystal balls in the first place. Dean: Well, that means that every storefront in town has got a ghost satellite dish. Sam: Exactly. And this place is packed with people summoning spirits. Dean: Yeah, but, dude, most of these guys can't even call a taxi. Sam: All it takes is one. Dean: That's gonna be like looking for a needle in a stack of fake needles. Sam: It's worse. I mean, I'll bet you anything some of these guys got real juice. I'm not talking k*ll-people level. I'm just saying, enough to make it complicated. Dean: I hate this town. All right, so... Dean opens the driver's door of the Dodge. Dean: ... what? Start hitting up the Miss Cleos? Sam: I was thinking split up and canvass. It's faster. Sam walks away. Dean: Right. 'Course you were. INT. HOUSE – DAY MELANIE's Friend, dressed in costume, tips a container of bones onto a table, whispers over them and raises one to her forehead. She inhales deeply. A woman CUSTOMER is seated across from her. CUSTOMER: What is it? My brother? Is he going back to prison? MELANIE's Friend: [In a dramatic voice]Stay away. His curse will drag you down. Folks do turn jail into a habit, you know? The CUSTOMER looks disappointed and exasperated. MELANIE's Friend: [In a dramatic voice]Oh, no, no. Don't fret. I's always say, family... is a pain in the ass anyhow! CUSTOMER: Thank you, Sister Thibodeaux. MELANIE's Friend: [In a dramatic voice]No, child. Thank the spirits. Now, will that be cash or credit? MELANIE's Friend counts money and puts it in a metal box. She picks up the box and walks a few steps across the room. Her eyes turn white and she has a vision of f*re, a cuckoo clock chiming 2 o'clock, and herself being strangled. A doorbell rings. Dean and MELANIE are outside. MELANIE's Friend opens the door. MELANIE: It's okay. Like I said on the phone, he can help. MELANIE's Friend: [In a normal voice]Phony lawman, huh? Dean: Yeah, 'cause nobody can relate to phony around here. MELANIE's Friend: Well, if you can do something, I don't care if you call yourself the Pope. Dean: All right. What happened, exactly? MELANIE's Friend: What happened is, I had a friggin' vision. Something is coming for me. Dean: What's coming? Did you get a look? MELANIE's Friend: No. But I sure felt it when it started breaking my bones. I don't want to die. Dean: Okay. We'll figure it out. The vision happened in here? MELANIE's Friend: Yeah, by the cash box. Dean notices a camera in a mask on the wall. Dean: There any chance good-lookin' was watching? Dean, MELANIE and MELANIE's Friend watch the video footage on a computer. It shows MELANIE's Friend walking across the room with the cash box when the picture cuts out. MELANIE's Friend: What was that? Dean replays the footage. A ghost of a woman can be seen behind MELANIE's Friend. MELANIE's Friend gasps. MELANIE: What the hell?! The ghost on the video footage walks up behind MELANIE's Friend and puts her hands on her head. MELANIE: Oh, my God. MELANIE's Friend: Oh, my God! MELANIE: W-was that, I mean, an actual -- Dean: Bona fide. Yeah. Well, no offense, but nobody's having psychic visions around here. This, uh, spirit, whoever she is, is giving them out. MELANIE's Friend: And then k*lling people? Dean: Until we stop her. Well, the good news is you said you saw a clock and it read 2 a.m., so that gives us a little time. Now, does anybody recognize this chick? MELANIE: You know, I swear I've seen her, like in a painting or something. Dean: A painting? Like, a -- MELANIE: No, not a painting. In one of those old photos in the museum. EXT. LILY DALE MUSEUM OF CURIOSITIES – DAY INT. LILY DALE MUSEUM OF CURIOSITIES – DAY A MUSEUM GUIDE is leading a group into a room in which Sam and Dean are standing at opposite ends. MUSEUM GUIDE: Lily Dale has long been a haven for the psychically gifted. Tortured elsewhere, they're embraced here. My own family has a modest natural gift. We also celebrate our long and colorful history of... embellishers. People in the group laugh. The MUSEUM GUIDE gestures towards a display. MUSEUM GUIDE: Ectoplasm illusion, circa 1890. Sam rolls his eyes and walks out of the room. Dean follows him. MUSEUM GUIDE: Walking, walking. Now as you may know, ectoplasm... Dean walks past a historical poster advertising "Sibling Acts". MUSEUM GUIDE: ...comes from the Greek "ecto"... Sam and Dean are in a room with many photographs of people on the wall. The camera pans in on "The Mystifying Campbell Brothers". Sam sighs. MUSEUM GUIDE: Never ended well for the siblings. Dean: Why is that? MUSEUM GUIDE: Mm, the strain of working together, or maybe just being around each other all their lives. Those two were the exception, actually -- the Campbells. Got along famously. Of course, that was just a stage name. They weren't actually brothers. That was a cover for their, um... alternative lifestyle. Any other questions I can answer? Sam: Yes. Who are they? MUSEUM GUIDE: Oh, the Fox sisters -- among the founders of Lily Dale. Kate Fox -- quite troubled, apparently, but mesmerizing onstage. She's said to be able to levitate objects and foretell one's death. Dean (to Sam): That's her. MUSEUM GUIDE: Her older sister, Margaret -- perhaps not a natural psychic. Dean: So, full of crap. MUSEUM GUIDE: Yes, well... she didn't have her sister's charisma, but she looked after Kate. Sometimes, one's true gift is taking care of others. Dean: So, what happened to them? MUSEUM GUIDE: Lived here all their lives. Sam: Lived here and died here? MUSEUM GUIDE: Yes, well... buried in the cemetery. Sam: Great. That was very educational. Thank you. Dean. Sam walks away. The MUSEUM GUIDE grabs Dean's arm. MUSEUM GUIDE: I'm sorry, I don't normally do this during business hours, but do you know an Eleanor... or an Ellen? She seems quite concerned about you. She wants to tell you -- pardon me -- if you don't tell someone how bad it really is, she'll kick your ass from beyond. You have to trust someone again eventually. The MUSEUM GUIDE lets go of Dean. MUSEUM GUIDE: Anyway, don't forget to visit the gift shop. EXT. LILY DALE MUSEUM OF CURIOSITIES – DAY Dean walks down the museum steps to where Sam is waiting for him and they start walking away. Sam: All right. h*t up the graveyard, dig up Kate? Dean: All right. Wait a second. Sam: All signs point to her, Dean. Dean: No. Just hold on a damn minute. Sam stops and turns to face Dean. Dean: Enough with "just the facts." Sam: We agreed -- Dean: No, we agreed to work the case. We didn't agree for you to be a dick the whole time. Sam: What? Dean: You're pissed, okay? And you've got a right. Sam: Yeah, damn straight. Dean: But enough's enough. Sam: Says who? Look, I'll work this damn case, but you lied to me, and you k*lled my friend. Sam turns and walks away. Dean walks after him. Dean: No, I put down a monster who k*lled four people, and if you didn't know her, you'd have done the Same thing. Sam: I didknow her, Dean. Dean: Yeah, which is why you couldn't do it. Sam stops. Dean: Look, I get it. There are certain people in this world, no matter how dangerous they are, you just can't. Sam turns to face Dean. Sam: Don't pull that card! That's bull. Look, if I've learned one thing, it's that if something feels wrong, it probably is! Dean: Usually, yeah. But k*lling Amy was not wrong. You couldn't do it, so I did. That's what family does -- the dirty work. And I woulda told you, eventually, once I knew that this whole "waving a g*n at Satan" thing was a one-time show. I think it's reasonable to want to know that you're off the friggin' high dive, Sam. You almost got us both k*lled, so you can be pissed all you want, but quit being a bitch. Dean walks past Sam towards the Dodge. Sam stands still and watches him. EXT. GRAVEYARD – NIGHT Sam is digging a grave while Dean holds a flashlight. Sam: I get why she's k*lling people. I don't get why she's warning them. Dean: Give them a taste of the curse, maybe? It couldn't have been a joyride. Sam finishes digging. Sam: Here we go. Dean pours lighter fluid and Sam pours salt onto the bones in the coffin. A woman GHOST materializes and rushes at Sam, sending him sprawling. Dean: Sam! Back off, crazy eyes. GHOST: Listen to me. Why isn't anybody listening? Dean holds out his lighter and flicks it, but it doesn't catch. GHOST: No. Dean: You don't get a vote. GHOST: No! Stop! Dean flicks his lighter ineffectually and Sam flings a lit match into the grave. GHOST: No! The GHOST burns up and vanishes. Dean: Nice timing. INT. RESTAURANT – NIGHT MELANIE (on phone): Got it. And, Dean, thanks. MELANIE hangs up. MELANIE: They took care of it. MELANIE's Friend smiles broadly. MELANIE's Friend: Okay, so... what -- just go home? MELANIE: I guess. MELANIE's Friend looks worried. MELANIE: Hey, why don't you come stay with me a couple days? MELANIE's Friend: Thanks. INT. MELANIE's Friend's HOUSE – NIGHT MELANIE's Friend is gathering things to take with her. MELANIE's Friend: Just one more minute. MELANIE: It's fine, hon. MELANIE's Friend: Oh, if you had that vision, you wouldn't want to be here either. The cuckoo clock chimes 2 o'clock. MELANIE: Camille, it's okay. Let's just go. CAMILLE relives her vision. MELANIE: What is it? The f*re roars to life in the fireplace, the lights flicker and electricity crackles. CAMILLE: Call them back! Now! EXT. STREET – NIGHT Dean and Sam are driving in the Dodge. Dean's phone rings. Dean (on phone): Melanie? The scene moves between the Dodge and CAMILLE's house during the conversation. MELANIE (on phone): Dean, you have to come back. Dean (on phone): What's going on? MELANIE (on phone): It's still happening! Dean (on phone): Wait, what do you mean it's -- MELANIE (on phone): She's still coming! Just tell me what the hell to do! Dean (on phone): All right. Listen to me. Calm down. Sam [taking the phone from Dean]: Dean, just give me the phone and drive. Sam (on phone): Melanie? Hey. Get to the kitchen. MELANIE (on phone): Okay. The GHOST appears in front of CAMILLE, who screams. MELANIE (on phone): She's here! Sam (on phone): All right, just go. Get salt. The GHOST hits CAMILLE, who screams again. The GHOST grabs CAMILLE by the throat. MELANIE flings salt at the GHOST, who disappears. MELANIE (on phone): It worked. She's gone! CAMILLE is struggling for breath. The GHOST appears again behind her. MELANIE (on phone): No, she's back! CAMILLE screams. MELANIE (on phone): I'm out of salt! Sam (on phone): Find iron. Is there a fireplace? Melanie! MELANIE and CAMILLE are standing back-to-back. MELANIE is holding a f*re poker. A chest of drawers crashes into MELANIE, who is flung into a wall and falls to the floor. CAMILLE screams. CAMILLE: Mel! The GHOST appears behind CAMILLE and drags her backwards. MELANIE: Camille! Camille! There is a sound of flesh tearing. MELANIE: Camille! No! EXT. CAMILLE's HOUSE – NIGHT Dean and Sam pull up in the Dodge. MELANIE is outside on the steps crying. Dean puts his arms around MELANIE and holds her. EXT. MELANIE GOLDY's HOUSE – DAY INT. MELANIE GOLDY's HOUSE – DAY Dean: Should have known that whole "good sis, bad sis" story was just showmanship crap. Oh, and it turns out that Kate was just trying to warn people about her evil bitch sister. And we b*rned her bones, so that's gone. Sam: Dean. Dean: What? Sam: All we can do now is go stop her. Dean: That's not good enough, by a mile. Sam: I know. Believe me. But -- can we talk about this later? MELANIE comes down the stairs in a bath robe. She is still crying. Dean: Hey. How you holding up? MELANIE: Been better. Dean: Listen, if you need for us to leave -- MELANIE: I need you guys to leave. Sam: Sam: Okay, we will. It's just that... Look -- Margaret is still out there. MELANIE sobs. MELANIE: What do you guys need to know? Sam: Is there anything that stood out? MELANIE: Well, um... she barely gave a crap about me. I mean, I was just in the way. She was all about getting Camille. Dean: Okay. That's something. MELANIE: One other thing. Um... she enjoyed it. She was smiling. EXT. GRAVEYARD – DAY A headstone reads: MARGARET FOX BORN OCTOBER 7TH 1833 DIED MARCH 8TH 1893 Dean is digging the grave. Sam is crouching with a shovel. Dean: I feel naked doing this in daylight. Sam: Yeah. Let's just hurry up. Sam is now digging while Dean stands watch. Sam crashes the shovel down onto the coffin to break it open. Dean: All right, Mags. My lighter's juiced this time. Sam lifts the top of the coffin out of the grave. He and Dean look at each other. The coffin is empty. Dean and Sam walk through the cemetery to the Dodge. Dean: Geraldo'd. Sam: Not good. Dean: Never good. Sam: Dean, if someone knew enough to take Margaret's bones, they're not kidding around. That's serious binding magic. Dean: Great. Dean puts his shovel and bag into the trunk of the Dodge. Dean: Psychic ghost bitch on a leash. Sam: We got to find those bones. Dean: So we got to find the bonehead. Dean takes a folded piece of paper out of his pocket and tosses it into the trunk. Sam: So, what? We call Bobby, see what it take to harness the power of a ghost? Dean: Yeah. Dean looks at the piece of paper he's just tossed into the trunk, picks it up and unfolds it. It is a flyer for the Annual Lily Dale Psychic Festival. Dean: Hey, Sam, you know why I'm not going to spend my money at the annual Lily Dale E.S.P. Festival and hot-dog-eating contest this year? Dean holds the flyer out for Sam to see. The featured acts were to be Imelda Graven, Grandma Goldy and Nikolai Lishin. Sam: Can't imagine. Dean: Because all the headliners are d*ad. INT. MELANIE GOLDY's HOUSE – DAY MELANIE is looking at the flyer. MELANIE: You know, after Nikolai... They asked Camille to take his spot. I mean, she's so popular. Was so popular. Dean: Okay, uh, all these people -- would you say that they're the, uh, you know, top dogs in town? MELANIE: Well, it's not really like that. Dean: But they were all doing well. I mean, your grandma? MELANIE: She wrote a few books. Yeah, and Imelda was on "The Nate Berkus Show" twice, so, yeah, I guess they were doing pretty well. You think that's why she went after them? Dean: I mean, if you had to guess, who do you think would be next in line? MELANIE: I mean, I don't know. Dean: Well, your grandma was headlining at the big hall, so who do you think they would ask to fill in for her? MELANIE: Probably... me. INT. EMPORIUM – DAY Sam: Hey. JIMMY: Agent. Are you here with my check? Sam: I'm looking for someone who bought some things from you. Sam puts a piece of paper down on the counter. JIMMY: How do you know from me? Sam: I'm kind of doubting they sell ash-wood altars at the Gas 'n Sip. JIMMY: Valid. Let me see the list. JIMMY takes out some record books. JIMMY: Ah. Here we go. Credit-card receipt. I assume you want the address? Sam: That'd be great. Thanks. JIMMY: It's the least I can do. I just heard about Camille Thibodeaux. JIMMY hands a piece of paper on which he's written an address to Sam. Sam: Thanks a lot. Sam leaves. JIMMY: You're welcome. INT. MELANIE GOLDY's HOUSE – DAY Dean is making a salt circle around himself and MELANIE. MELANIE: You sure that'll work? Dean: That should hold her off long enough for Sam to find the bones and burn them. Hopefully. MELANIE: Hopefully? Does it hurt 'em? Burning their bones? Dean: I never really thought about it. Probably, yeah. MELANIE: Good. EXT. STREET – NIGHT Sam is driving a station wagon. He stops outside a house and checks the address on the piece of paper JIMMY TOMORROW gave him. INT. HOUSE – NIGHT Sam bursts through the door with his g*n drawn. People scream. Sam: Where's the altar? The room contains pregnant women and their partners and an INSTRUCTOR, all seated on cushions on the floor. INSTRUCTOR: It's there! Sam turns around to look at the altar. Sam: You're... not a necromancer. INSTRUCTOR: This is a Lamaze class, I swear. Sam: I-I believe you. Sorry. Sam leaves. The INSTRUCTOR strikes the bowl she is holding to make a ringing noise and starts chanting. INSTRUCTOR: Omm... EXT. LAMAZE INSTRUCTOR's HOUSE – NIGHT Sam (on phone): Dean, it's the pawn-shop guy. INT. MELANIE GOLDY's HOUSE – NIGHT Dean (on phone): How do you know? Sam (on phone, V-O): He goose-chased me to a friggin'... EXT. LAMAZE INSTRUCTOR's HOUSE – NIGHT Sam (on phone): ...pregnant yoga class. INT. MELANIE GOLDY's HOUSE – NIGHT Dean (on phone): All right, well, figure out where he put her bones. MELANIE gasps. Sam (on phone, V-O): I will. MARGARET's GHOST is at the window. Dean (on phone): Fast, Sam. EXT. STREET OUTSIDE EMPORIUM – NIGHT Sam shuts the door of the station wagon and walks to the Emporium, which is closed. He takes out JIMMY TOMORROW's business card: Jimmy Tomorrow Private Readings NO FUTURE TOO GRIM 809 Main Street Lily Dale, N.Y. U.S.A. 14752 and walks along the street looking at the street numbers. He sees 811, turns around and finds 809 ½. INT. 809 ½ MAIN STREET – NIGHT Sam opens the door and enters with his g*n drawn. He looks around the dark room and walks over to a table on which there is a skull, a lit candle and some other objects. Sam picks up the skull. There is the sound of a g*n being cocked and the g*n appears at the back of Sam's neck. JIMMY: Somehow, I just knew you'd be back. INT. 809 ½ MAIN STREET – NIGHT JIMMY: Hi, Agent. Put the skull down. Sam: Okay, okay. Take it easy. Here. Sam raises the skull so JIMMY can take it from him. As JIMMY does, Sam turns, takes the g*n from JIMMY and shoves him backwards. Sam: All right. That's enough. INT. MELANIE GOLDY's HOUSE – NIGHT Dean and MELANIE are inside the salt circle, looking at the window. MELANIE: Is she gone? Dean: I doubt it. MELANIE: But she can't get past the line, right? Dean: Right. The window glass bursts inwards and wind howls in. INT. 809 ½ MAIN STREET – NIGHT Sam knocks over the table that the skull and other objects were on. Sam: Nice binding spell. JIMMY: It doesn't matter. She helps me because she wants to. Sam: What? INT. MELANIE GOLDY's HOUSE – NIGHT Dean is pointing a g*n at the broken window. The wind breaks the salt circle. Dean: Oh. Damn it. I hate when they do that. Get the salt. Go. MELANIE: Dean! Dean turns around. MARGARET's GHOST is in what remains of the salt circle. She holds up a hand and flings Dean backwards. MARGARET's GHOST turns to MELANIE, who is holding a f*re poker. JIMMY (V-O): Margaret and me... INT. 809 ½ MAIN STREET – NIGHT JIMMY: ...are the Same. We're the real thing. INT. MELANIE GOLDY's HOUSE – NIGHT MARGARET's GHOST is advancing on MELANIE, who walks backwards. JIMMY (V-O): But guess what -- sometimes the real thing just isn't... INT. 809 ½ MAIN STREET – NIGHT JIMMY: ...pretty or entertaining enough. INT. MELANIE GOLDY's HOUSE – NIGHT MARGARET's GHOST raises a hand towards MELANIE, then disappears. Dean has sh*t her. INT. 809 ½ MAIN STREET – NIGHT JIMMY: When I show people what I'm capable of, it scares them. I can't pay my rent! INT. MELANIE GOLDY's HOUSE – NIGHT MELANIE is pouring salt. She gasps: MARGARET's GHOST has reappeared. Dean: Get behind me. Dean steps in front of MELANIE and raises his g*n. Dean: That's as far as you go, bitch. INT. 809 ½ MAIN STREET – NIGHT JIMMY: Margaret's happy to k*ll for me. She likes the leash. Sam: You're sick. JIMMY: You know what else I am? A real psychic, you dick-bag. JIMMY raises a hand. Sam's g*n flies out of Sam's hand to the floor and JIMMY picks it up. JIMMY: Surprise. INT. MELANIE GOLDY's HOUSE – NIGHT MARGARET's GHOST smiles as the room starts to shake and lights flicker. The salt line breaks again as the floor splits. MARGARET's GHOST: Aw. Sorry, handsome. Dean sh**t and MARGARET's GHOST disappears. INT. 809 ½ MAIN STREET – NIGHT Sam: Where are the rest of the bones? INT. MELANIE GOLDY's HOUSE – NIGHT MARGARET's GHOST appears again. Dean tries to sh**t, but his g*n doesn't f*re. He picks up a metal chain from his bag and flings it at her. MARGARET's GHOST disappears. INT. 809 ½ MAIN STREET – NIGHT Sam: These people don't deserve to die. JIMMY: Oh, come on! Are you kidding me? I live in squalor 'cause I can't put on a show like them? Sam: Don't do this. They're in the bedroom, aren't they? JIMMY: No. JIMMY sh**t at Sam, but doesn't h*t him. JIMMY: You're not getting in there. JIMMY looks behind him. As he does, Sam takes out another g*n and sh**t him d*ad. Sam sighs. INT. MELANIE GOLDY's HOUSE – NIGHT MARGARET's GHOST sends Dean sprawling onto the floor. INT. 809 ½ MAIN STREET – NIGHT Sam picks up the skull and hurries through the house. INT. MELANIE GOLDY's HOUSE – NIGHT MARGARET's GHOST punches Dean and he falls backwards. MELANIE is holding the f*re poker. MELANIE: Dean! INT. 809 ½ MAIN STREET – NIGHT Sam enters the bedroom and pulls back the covers on the bed. INT. MELANIE GOLDY's HOUSE – NIGHT MARGARET's GHOST turns to MELANIE. MARGARET's GHOST: Too bad. INT. 809 ½ MAIN STREET – NIGHT There is a pile of bones on the bed. INT. MELANIE GOLDY's HOUSE – NIGHT MARGARET's GHOST appears right in front of MELANIE and starts to choke her. Dean stirs on the floor. INT. 809 ½ MAIN STREET – NIGHT Sam pours lighter fluid and salt onto the bones. INT. MELANIE GOLDY's HOUSE – NIGHT MARGARET's GHOST smiles as she continues to choke MELANIE. INT. 809 ½ MAIN STREET – NIGHT Sam sets the bones on f*re. INT. MELANIE GOLDY's HOUSE – NIGHT MELANIE sinks down with her hands to her throat. MARGARET's GHOST inhales sharply and steps back. INT. 809 ½ MAIN STREET – NIGHT Sam watches the bones burn. INT. MELANIE GOLDY's HOUSE – NIGHT MARGARET's GHOST burns up as MELANIE and Dean watch. INT. GOOD GRACES CAFE – DAY Dean and Sam are at a table. Dean: In the bed? They were inthe bed? Sam: Yeah. Dean: Ugh. I can't believe he was boningher. Sam: Dean. WAITER: Can I get you anything else? Dean: Uh, just a refill. And if you affirmate me, I'm gonna punch you in the face. Sam looks away and smiles. WAITER: All righty then. Coffee, coming up. Dean: I can't wait to get out of this frickin' fortune cookie. Sam sees MELANIE enter the cafe. Sam: Dean. MELANIE looks around the cafe. Dean raises a hand to catch her attention. Sam: I'm gonna go, um... do something outside. Sam heads for the door. MELANIE (to Sam as she passes him): Hi. Dean stands up as MELANIE comes to the table. Dean: Hi. MELANIE: Hi. Dean: Have a seat. MELANIE: Oh, thank you. Dean: Yeah. MELANIE: You didn't stick around so I could say thank you. Dean: No reason to thank me. MELANIE: You saved my life. Dean: Yeah, but not your friend's. MELANIE: Well... you didn't send that ghost, so... thank you for coming to k*ll it. You and Sam seem a little better. Dean: You could tell that from the walk up? MELANIE: [smiling]Take it or leave it. Also guessing you're not so keen to come visit here again, so...this is goodbye. Wish we'd met on a better week. Dean: I wish I had better weeks. MELANIE: Oh. Dean: But, uh, hey. You never know. It's not like you can tell the future, right? MELANIE: Hmm. MELANIE takes Dean's hand, turns it over and looks at his palm. MELANIE: Well, answer's hazy. Try again later. Dean: Right. EXT. STREET – DAY Sam is putting his bag into the trunk of the Dodge. Dean walks up. Dean: Hey. Sam: Hey. Dean: That's your stuff. Sam: Yeah. Yeah. I figured we'd take one car. Dean: Works for me. You still want to break my face? Sam smiles. Sam: No. Uh, not at this moment. Look, you know what? Um... You were right. About Amy. If she was... just any monster, I'm not sure I could have let her walk away. I don't know. I mean, I'll never know. Dean: So, what are you saying? Sam: What I'm saying is... I get why you did it. You were just trying to make sure no one else got hurt. But here's the thing. You can't just look me in the face and tell me you're fine. I mean, you're not sleeping, you drink for the record -- Dean: Oh, here we go. Sam: Look, whatever. Last one to preach, I know. But... Just be honest with me. How are those the actions of someone who knows they did the right thing? Dean: You want me to be honest? Sam: Yeah. Dean: I went with my gut. And that felt right. I didn't trust her, Sam. Of course, ever since Cas, I'm having a hard time trusting anybody. And as far as how I been acting... I don't know. Maybe it's 'cause I don't like lying to you. You know, it doesn't feel right. So, yeah, you got me there. I been climbing the walls. Sam: I know how that is. But, hey... If I learned one thing from that museum, sibling acts are tough. Dean: Oh, don't compare us to that hall of crazy. Dean walks around to the driver's door and Sam to the passenger door. Dean: We're like poster kids of functional family life compared to them. Sam: It's a low bar. Dean: Well, hey... grading on a curve has got me past everything since kindergarten, so don't knock it. Sam: Whatever you say. They get into the car. Sam: I still want to know how that guy bent my spoon. Dean: Forget it, Sam. It's Lily Dale. They drive away. END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "07x07 - The Mentalists"}
Air Date: 11 November 2011 INT. CLUB IN LAS VEGAS – NIGHT Dean is drinking beer with a Waitress while sitting at a table with his back to the dancers on stage. Waitress: Okay, you won't believe it. People think I just say it to get a bigger tip. Dean: Try me. Waitress: Fine. I'm in grad school. See? Okay? There's a look. [laughs]Okay? Stop. Dean: No, this is my "I dig smart chicks" look. Now, if they, uh, if they wore that, I... I wouldn't have dropped out of school. Waitress: So, what's your deal? Dean: My deal? Waitress: Yeah, okay. You came in here looking like somebody sh*t your puppy. Dean: Well, things are looking up now that your shift's over. All right. Uh, here's the deal. I have this friend. He's got this younger brother. Right? Cannon's a little loose. You know, his reactor blew a while back. It's not good. Um... My friend -- he's, uh... He's kind of been sitting, waiting to see if he goes guano again. Waitress: And I assume it just h*t the fan? Dean: Well, that's the thing. It didn't. The kid's all reasonable now, considering he's crazy. Well, he's -- I mean, he's not crazy. He -- he's starting to seem like things might be getting a little better. Waitress: Well, that's a good thing, right? Dean: It's a freakin' miracle. Except... when it happens during their, uh... their sacred annual pilgrimage to Vegas... and he goes off on some granola-munching hike in the desert by himself. Waitress: Well, maybe he just needs some time alone. Dean: Yeah. Waitress: We all need to face ourselves sometime. Dean: Maybe he does. Waitress: Wasn't talking about him. Dean's phone beeps. Dean: Excuse me. Dean's phone reads: 10:23pm From: Sammy 348 Twain Ave WEAR FED SUIT! Dean: Speak of the devil. He's four blocks away? Waitress: See? Baby bro needs you after all. EXT. "A Little WHITE CHAPEL" – NIGHT INT. "A Little WHITE CHAPEL" – NIGHT Dean, dressed in a suit, walks down the hallway. A light flickers above him and he draws his g*n. As he moves to open the double doors at the end of the hallway, Sam opens the doors from the inside. Sam is wearing a suit and a pink boutonniere. Dean points his g*n at Sam. Sam: Dean. It's okay. You won't need that. Come on. Sam puts a hand on Dean's shoulder and leads him into the chapel. A Woman and a Man are sitting against the wall. The Woman is reading a book and the Man doing a crossword from a newspaper. Dean: I thought you were out, uh, becoming one with the land or some crap. Sam: You got to -- come here. Sam moves Dean into position. Sam: All right. Now... Dean [to the Woman and Man]: Hi. Sam pins a pink carnation boutonniere on Dean. Dean: What is this? Sam: Uh, apparently, uh, pink is for loyalty. Dean: All right, so, what's the pretext? What are we -- uh, wedding crashers, huh? We lookin' for some kind of siren or what? Sam: No. Nothing like that. All right, um... So, a little sudden. But life is short, so I'll keep this shorter. Sam puts a hand on Dean's shoulder. Sam: I'm in love. And I'm getting married. Dean stares at Sam. Sam: Say something, like, uh, like, "congratulations," for example. Dean: What? Wagner's "Bridal Chorus" plays and a woman in a wedding dress and veil enters the room. Dean: What the hell? The woman in the wedding dress stops in front of Sam and Dean. Sam lifts her veil. Dean: Becky? Becky: Dean. I'm so glad you're here. A black and white three-tiered wedding cake with "Time For A Wedding" written on it explodes into: SUPERNATURAL The bride and groom that were atop the wedding cake fall over the title card. INT. CHAPEL – NIGHT Dean: Shouldn't she ask for my permission or something? Sam: Y-you want her to ask for my hand? Dean: How in the -- How did this happen? Sam: Short version? We -- we -- we met. We ate and -- and talked and fell in love. And, you know, here we are. Dean: Yeah, I-I guess I'm all caught up. That's -- okay. You know what? Ignoring everything, have you forgotten the average life-span of your hookups? Sam: Yeah, but -- Becky: But if anyone knows that, it's me. I mean, I read every book. So, open eyes, you know? Open eyes. Dean: I'm gonna be sick. Sam: Dean, look, it's simple. If- if something good's happening, I-I got to jump on it -- now, today, uh, period. Dean: Okay, "d*ad Poets Society." Fine. [to Becky]No offense. [to Sam]Did you make sure she's even really -- Becky: Salt, holy water, everything. See? Becky holds out her arm, which has a cut. Becky: Not a monster. Just the right girl for your brother. Dean: Ah. Becky: That's it. A Man walks up and hands a folder to Sam and Becky. Becky takes it. Man: The bill. Becky: I got it. You two do your brother thing. Becky walks away. Becky (offscreen): Um, do you take traveler's checks? Dean: Really?! Superfan ninety-nine?! Sam: Dean, look. Honest to God, I-I had the exact Same opinion of her as you do. But when we got past the whole book thing, I found out t-that she's great and I was the dick. Dean: Yeah, you know, speaking of the whole, uh, book thing... Becky randomly shows up during Vegas week? Sam: Yeah. Dean: Yeah. Sam: Okay, um, what are you trying to say? Dean: I'm saying maybe she knew you were gonna be here. Maybe, uh, uh, uh, Chuck wrote about it. Sam: Dean, you're paranoid. Dean: And you're in love?! It's been four days, man! Sam: You know what, Dean? You know what? Um, how about this? Becky and I are gonna go up to her place in Delaware. Um, why don't you try and wrap your dome around this, get a little supportive, then give us a call? Sam claps Dean on the shoulder and walks over to Becky, who Tweeting on her phone. Becky: "First official Tweet as Mrs. Becky Rosen-Winchester!" EXT. OUTSIDE "THE STETSON" – NIGHT Dean is walking to the Dodge. Dean (on phone): Bobby. Hey, I know you're, uh, beard-deep in that Oregon nest. I'm headed to Delaware to do a little snoopin' around. Sam is there with his wife. That's right. You heard me. His wife. Call me. EXT. CAR PARK OUTSIDE "UNCLE DIETZ's ALPEN HAUS RESTAURANT" – DAY A car with "Just Hitched" written on the rear window pulls into the car park. A sign reads: Welcome Class of 2001 10 Year Reunion Sam: I thought we just ate. Becky: Quick stop. INT. RESTAURANT – DAY A woman is talking on the phone near a sign that reads: WELCOME Class OF 2001 MONTGOMERY HIGH 10 YEAR REUNION Special Thanks to Mrs Jocelyn Carver 2011 Class President Woman (on phone): Well, is that my fault? I told you we had tickets 11 times. Becky: Hi, Jocelyn. JOCELYN (on phone): Let me call you back. Just get a sitter. It's not calculus. JOCELYN: Yes. Can I help you? Becky: It's Becky. Becky Rosen. JOCELYN: Ohh! "Yechie Becky." Becky: Ha. Long time ago. JOCELYN: Yechie Becky! Oh! Well, you look just the Same, don't you? Becky: I'm here to RSVP for the reunion, if it's not too late. JOCELYN: No, no, there is always room for one more. Becky: Actually... Sam steps up behind Becky and puts his hands on her shoulders. Becky: It's Rosen-Winchester. So mark me down "plus one." EXT. RESTAURANT – DAY As Sam and Becky leave the restaurant, Becky is Tweeting on her phone. Becky: "Jocelyn Caruso roasted." Becky sees someone she knows in the car park and hurries over to him. Becky: Hi, Guy! Becky and GUY hug. GUY: You're back! How was Vegas? Becky: It was awesome! Becky holds up her left hand to show her ring. GUY: Really? Really? Becky: Guy, meet my husband, Sam. GUY: Hey. It's an honor to meet you, Sam. Sam: Thanks. You too. Becky: Guy's a really good friend. We met in the erotic horror section at the novel hovel. GUY: Oh, my God, Becky. Come on! TMI! Poor guy's just met me. Sam: No, it's okay. Nice to meet you. Look, any friend of Becky's... GUY: Anyway, I should, uh, get back to it, or this party's not gonna happen, right? Sam: Sure. GUY walks away. Becky: Guy's an event planner. Reunion season is very busy for him. Hold on one sec? Becky runs over to GUY and grabs his arm. Becky: One more thing. You get my message? GUY: Of course. I thought you'd never ask. Give me a hug. As Becky and GUY hug, he hands her a vial. Becky: I swear, if everyone had a Wiccan in their pocket, the world would be a happier place. GUY: It is nothing. Blessed be, sweetie. Dean in the Dodge arrives at the car park as Sam is getting into the "Just Married" car. Sam and Becky drive away. INT. RESTAURANT – DAY Dean takes a seat at the bar and takes out John's journal. He notices an article in the Pike Creek Chronicle newspaper with the headline "Truck kills pedestrian in freak accident. Victim a recent lottery winner." INT. Becky's APARTMENT – NIGHT Sam is seated at a table which is set for a candlelit dinner. Becky comes into the room wearing a black and white negligee dress. The Association's "Cherish" plays. Sam: Wow. Y-you look n-nice. Becky: Thanks! I was, you know... saving it. Becky lifts her glass of champagne in a toast. Becky: To us. Sam: To us. Sam winces and holds his hands to his head in pain. Sam: Umm! Becky: Sam? Are you okay? Sammy, honey, what's wrong? Becky's words echo in Sam's mind and his vision blurs. Sam: Becky? W-why am I... What am I doing here? Becky sits on Sam's lap and kisses him. He grunts in pain and puts a hand to his head again. Becky pours purple liquid from the vial that GUY gave her into a champagne glass and holds it to Sam's mouth. Becky: We're celebrating, dear. Remember? Sam: Uh... yeah, yeah, of course. To us. Becky: Feeling better, honey? Sam: Now that I'm with you. EXT. BALL PARK – DAY A Man is practicing batting using an a*t*matic pitching machine. Another man watches him from the stands. The man in the stands makes a twisting motion with his hands and the dial on the a*t*matic pitching machine moves from 2 to the maximum speed of 11. The next ball breaks the MAN's bat. The man in the stands makes another hand movement and the direction of the pitching machine changes so that the next ball hits the Man in the chest. The following ball knocks him to the ground. The Man gets to his knees, but another ball hits him in the face and blood splatters. The man falls to the ground and blood pools out from his head. INT. Becky's APARTMENT BUILDING – DAY Dean rings the doorbell. He is holding a box containing a waffle iron. The box is unwrapped but is tied with a red ribbon. Sam opens the door. Dean: Me being supportive. Congratulations to you and the missus. Sam: Thanks. Dean: It's a waffle iron. Nonstick. Yeah, you just, uh... Dean mimes closing the waffle iron and turning a dial. Dean: I actually don't know how to use it. Are we good? Sam shrugs and smiles briefly. Dean: Good, 'cause I'm sniffing a case in this town. The score is... Guy wins Powerball, gets squished by a truck. Second guy went from the bench to the Majors. Oh, and one week later, his facewas the catcher's mitt, huh? Becky: Our first thought was crossroads demons, but there's that 10-year time frame on collecting souls. Sam leads the way into the bedroom, where Becky is standing in front of a wall headed "Sam and Becky's Investigation." Below the sign is their research. Becky: Then there's cursed object, like in "Bad Day at Black Rock," but we haven't been able to connect the vics yet. Dean: You're working this case... together? Sam: Yeah. I know. Right? I mean, I guess all those Chuck Shurley books paid off. Dean: All right, listen, Cookie, I don't know what kind of mojo you're working, but, believe me, I will find out. Sam: Dean, that's...my wife you're talking to. Dean: You're not even acting like yourself, Sam! Sam: How am I not? Dean: You married Becky Rosen! Becky: What are you saying? I'm a witch? Or maybe I'm a siren. Ever occur to you we're just -- I don't know -- happy? Dean: Come on, Sam! Guy wins the lotto, guy hits the bigs. All right, obviously, uh, people's dreams are coming true in this town. Don't you think this is a little bit of a coincidence? Sam: You know what, Dean? What Becky and I have is real. And if you can't accept that, that's your problem, not ours. Dean: Or maybe she's part of it. Because for whatever reason, you're her dream. If you really do care about her, I'd be worried. Because people who do get their little fantasies or whatever seem to end up d*ad pretty quick. Sam: You know, I went after her, Dean. Maybe that's what's bugging you -- that I'm moving on with my life. I mean, you took care of me, and that's great. But I don't need you anymore. Dean leaves the apartment. EXT. CAR PARK – DAY Dean is walking towards the Dodge. Dean (on phone): I don't want another hunter, Bobby. Why can't youdo it? Dean gets into the car. Dean (on phone): Ugh! Fine. What's his name? INT. Becky's APARTMENT – DAY Becky is sitting on the edge of the bed and drawing a love heart in a journal in which "Sam loves Becky" has been written over and over. She raises the journal to her face and inhales deeply. This leaves red ink on her nose. Sam: Hey. Uh... Becky closes the journal and stands up. Sam is leaning against the doorway holding a newspaper. He walks over to Becky, wets his thumb and rubs the ink off her nose. Sam: I got you a present. Becky: His and hers fake IDs? Oh! They sit down on the bed and Sam hands Becky the newspaper. Sam: Here. Check this out. Becky: Junior salesman leapfrogs to CEO at Mutual Freedom Insurance. You think the CEO is a lead? Sam: Uh, Becky? Sam is looking at the journal. Sam: This is...beautiful. Sam closes the journal and holds it to his chest. Sam: So, what do you think about the CEO? Becky: Let's go pretext him! INT. RESTAURANT – DAY Dean is walking through the restaurant looking for someone. GARTH: Hey. You Dean? A short man is sitting at a table slurping a milkshake. GARTH: Hmm. I thought you'd be taller. Dean sits down opposite GARTH. Dean: I assume Bobby filled you in on the road. GARTH: He told me two things. One, he's tangling with a major-league nest up in Oregon territory. Numero dos, he said you'd be all, uh, surly and premenstrual working with me. But, hey, man, sticks and stones. Dean puts a newspaper down on the table. Dean: Think I found a case. Check the headline. GARTH: First things first. GARTH flips through the newspaper, finds what he's looking for and laughs. GARTH: Oh, Marmaduke, you're crazy! INT. MUTUAL FREEDOM INSURANCE – DAY MARSHA is standing next to a SECRETARY's desk. Dean and GARTH are sitting on a sofa in front of the desk. MARSHA: Are you trying to humiliate me? It's Marsha with an "s-h-a," not a "c-i-a." MARSHA walks away. Sam and Becky leave the office behind the SECRETARY's desk. Becky is taking notes. Sam [to SECRETARY]: Thanks again. GARTH: Hey, is that your -- Dean: Yes. GARTH: Awkward. Dean walks over to Sam and Becky. Dean: Hi. Becky makes an unfriendly face at Dean and walks away. Dean: Okay. So... Sam: So, uh, no point in going in. Guy's clean. Dean: You sure? Sam: Yeah. Positive. Becky grilled him like a pro. She's a real natural. Dean: Huh. Sam: What's with the scrawny guy? Dean: Temp. INT. CEO's OFFICE, MUTUAL FREEDOM INSURANCE – DAY CEO: Throw a rock, h*t a reporter these days, eh? Dean: Well, your story's a big deal over at the, uh, the Actuarial Insider. CEO: Go ahead. sh**t. Dean: All right. Uh... how'd you get the gig? CEO: Board came to me, asked. Said yes. Dean: Just out of the blue? CEO: Pretty much. Dean: Huh. And, uh, any idea how the board landed on you over your supervisors? CEO: Um, they didn't say. Dean: Could you tell us what specifically excited the board about your actual qualifications? CEO: Say, fellas, what's with the third degree? GARTH: Oh, uh, no offense. We were just wondering if you got here by nefarious means. Dean: Whoa! Garth! GARTH: Oh. Uh, I-I didn't mean, of course, uh, corporate backstabbing -- I'm sorry. I meant more like, uh, you know, black magic or hoodoo. Dean: Ha ha ha ha! Oh! He jokes. He's a -- he's a jokester. Let's, uh, rewind. Why don't, uh, why don't you tell us what it felt like when your big dream came true? CEO: Look, on the record, it's great. Dean: Off the record? CEO: It's not my big dream. GARTH: Wait. You didn't want this job? CEO: Hell, no. I'm a sales guy. I was good in sales. MARSHA appears in the doorway. MARSHA: Your secretary's an idiot. I'll be at the printers this afternoon. CEO: All right, dear. See you at dinner. MARSHA: Just have the idiot make a reservation. Here's a tip -- remind her she works for the CEO. One more screw-up, she's fired. GARTH: Your, uh, wife seems pretty stoked on the promotion, don't she? CEO: Honestly, I've never seen her happier. I have no idea how I'm gonna tell her I have to resign. The news is just gonna -- GARTH: k*ll her? INT. STAIRCASE, MUTUAL FREEDOM INSURANCE – DAY Dean: Mrs. Burrows? Hi. MARSHA: Can I help you? Dean: Yes, we're, uh, we're doing a story on your husband's promotion. Wanted to ask you a few questions. MARSHA: I'm sorry. I can't today. If you schedule it with his girl... MARSHA turns to leave and Dean puts a hand on her shoulder to stop her. Dean: Okay, you know what? I'm trying to save you from a really bad accident. MARSHA: Are you thr*at me? Dean: No. Dean removes his hand from MARSHA's shoulder. Dean: No, I-I-I'm pointing out a pattern. Why do people keep thinking I'm thr*at them? GARTH: Because it sounded exactly like a thr*at, dude. Dean: Look, for your own good, what did you do to get him promoted? MARSHA: I have no idea what you're talking about. Now leave me alone. Or do I have to call security? MARSHA leaves. INT. Becky's APARTMENT – DAY Sam is standing in front of the wall studying his and Becky's research. Sam: No, no, no, something's not adding up. Becky: I'm sure we'll get a break. Becky types out a Twitter update on her phone: Becky: "As soon as we're done working, romantic honeymoon getaway." Sam groans in pain and holds his hands to his head. Becky goes to her handbag for the vial. It has leaked and is empty. INT. FOYER, MUTUAL FREEDOM INSURANCE – DAY MARSHA (on phone): Bring the damn car around. I'm not walking five blocks in my heels. MARSHA stops under a large light fixture. The man who was in the stands at the ball park is standing at the railings on the next floor. He twists his hand and the chain holding the light fixture breaks. MARSHA screams. At the last moment, Dean grabs MARSHA and they both fall to the floor out of harm's way. Dean: You okay? MARSHA: How did you know? Dean: 'Cause you're not the first. Come on. GARTH: You want to tell us what's up here? MARSHA: I was having lunch with friends. This guy heard me bitching. Next thing I know, he's making me an offer. Dean: An offer? MARSHA: Craig's job for my soul. I know. Hilarious. I mean, what have I got to lose? GARTH: Well, there's your soul. What kind of demon deal is this? Timeline's whack. MARSHA: What are you talking about? Demon? GARTH: Let me back up here. You made a deal with a demon in exchange for your everlasting. Except those are 10-year contracts. Why's the bill coming due so fast? Dean: I don't know, but I got a bad feeling about who's next. We got to find Sam, pronto. GARTH: All right, all right, all right. Uh, here's the plan. I drop this lady at my cousin's. He'll stop anything trying to get her. We, uh, find Sam, hopefully fix this, everybody's home in time for "America's Got Talent." Now, you -- you'll be living with a tri-racial paraplegic sn*per until this all blows over, okay? INT. Becky's APARTMENT – DAY Becky (on phone): Guy, where are you? We need to meet up, fast! Sam is groaning with a hand to his head. Becky (on phone): I'm losing Sam. Sam: Becky... W-what's -- what's happening? Becky: Don't you remember? We're married. Sam: Oh, g-- I'm calling Dean. Becky hits Sam over the head from behind with the waffle iron. He falls to the ground. EXT. CABIN – DAY INT. CABIN – DAY Sam wakes. He is tied to a bed. Becky: Sam, do you feel concussion-y? How many fingers am I holding up? Sam: Where am I? What the hell's going on? Becky: Sam... Just calm down. Sam: Calm down?! You hogtied me t-- Becky, why -- why am I not wearing any pants? Becky: They're very constricting. Sam groans. Becky: Don't worry. I didn't do anything weird. I was helping. Sam: Let me go. Now! Becky: Are you thirsty? Or do you need a bottle... to, you know, tinkle? It's okay if you do. I can help. Sam groans again. Something beeps. Becky: Finally! Becky hurries to her laptop in the next room. Sam: Wait. What? Wait. Becky? Becky. Hey, hey, don't! Don't! Becky! The laptop says "Establishing Connection" and then GUY's face appears on the screen. Becky: Where have you been? GUY (on screen): I got your messages. Problem? Sam can see the screen and hear the conversation from the bed. Becky: Big problem. I'm at my parents' cabin. I've got Sam tied to a bed. I'm out of elixir. I need a refill, okay? This isn't the honeymoon I had in mind. Well, some of it is, but not in this context. And is it just me, or is this stuff wearing off faster and faster? GUY (on screen): Becky...breathe. Becky: Do you know we haven't even consummated our marriage? We were taking it slow 'cause true love is forever, but everything just feels weird now. GUY (on screen): All right. Meet me in an hour. Becky ends the call and goes back into the bedroom. Sam: So you dosed me with a love potion. Becky: How -- Sam: Thin walls. Becky: Look... Yes, I used a social lubricant to -- Sam: You roofied me! Becky: A roofie? I'd never. We had a great time together. You were happy. Sam: Oh, yeah. Sam tugs at one of the ropes binding his wrists. Sam: I'm thrilled. Becky: I have to go. Sam: You know your pal Guy is the one icing all those people, right? Becky: No, he's not. Sam: Oh, so he's not a witch? Becky: No. He's just a Wiccan. Wiccans are good, like Glinda of Oz. Sam: You're not this stupid, Becky. Becky: Whatever is k*lling people... it's something else. Sam: It's never something else. When are there ever two crazy things in town at the Same time? Guy's the creep, and you're on his list. Becky: No. He's my friend. Sam: No, he's your dealer. Look, I don't know how much he's charging you for that Spanish Fly -- Becky: Nothing! He gives it to me. And he said it wouldn't even work unless you already loved me, deep down. It just activates it. Sam: So you think I love you? Becky: Deep, deepdown? Sam: Then untie me. Becky stuffs a handkerchief in Sam's mouth. Sam: [muffled]No. No! Becky: You're still working through your emotions. Sam: [muffled]Becky! Becky: I love you, too! Becky waves and leaves. EXT. "UNCLE DIETZ's ALPEN HAUS RESTAURANT" – DAY The sign outside the restaurant reads: Welcome Class of 2001 Reunion Tonight! INT. RESTAURANT – DAY GUY is on a ladder adjusting decorations. GUY: [to waiter]On the table, next to the nametags. Becky: Guy. GUY: Why don't you take a seat? GUY waves a bottle, but Becky shakes her head. GUY: Tough day? Okay. We can cut right to it if you like. GUY takes out a vial of elixir and slides it across the table. Becky reaches for it, but GUY closes his hand around it. GUY: Ah. Let's talk price. Becky: What? GUY: Well, we're a little past the freebie stage, don't you think? Becky: But I thought we were besties. GUY: Ohh, honey. That is so depressingly "Becky." I mean, it's -- you're so pathetic, it actually loops back around again to cute. Becky: Okay. You want me to pay, fine. Do you accept personal checks? GUY: No. But I will take your soul. GUY's eyes turn red. Becky: You're a crossroads demon. GUY's eyes change back to normal. GUY: Bingo, bango! I love reunions. The desperation! These schlubs will sign on the dotted line for money, power, hair -- whatever it takes to impress the nostalgically bangable head cheerleader. Becky: Sam was right. You k*lled those people. GUY: But for legal reasons, let's just say they had... unfortunate accidents. Becky: So, what, I hand over my soul, and the next day a piano falls on my head? GUY: No, I'd never do that to you. I promise. Becky: I'm not stupid. GUY: But you are special. Becky: I am? GUY: Hey. I wasn't thrilled to see your new hubby was Sam freakin' Winchester. I mean, if he knew that I was here talking to you, I mean, he'd probably -- Becky: Gank your ass. GUY: Yes! And I'm very protective of my ass. It's one of my best features. Becky, I'm prepared to offer you a one-time-only deal. Not ten years. Twenty-five. No pianos, guaranteed. Just Sam. Becky: For my soul. GUY: And your promise to not breathe a word about this to the Winchesters, and I'll be on my merry way. No one gets a deal like this, Becky. Not kings, not popes. I snap my fingers, and Sam will love you for the rest of your life. Becky: I think I'll have that drink now. GUY holds out the vial. INT. Becky's APARTMENT – DAY Dean and GARTH enter, g*n drawn. GARTH walks through the apartment into the bedroom. Dean shakes his head at a framed wedding picture of Sam and Becky and flips through Becky's mail. Dean: Anything? GARTH is looking at Becky's laptop, which shows her Twitter page: Becky Rosen @superBeckyRosen Delaware The three Tweets she has made are listed. GARTH: Uh, she's got 11 Twitter...ers. Last post -- "Going on romantic trip with hubster!" Three exclamation points. I guess she got excited. Dean holds up a picture of Becky standing outside her parents' cabin with a fishing rod and a fish. Dean: That look romantic to you? GARTH: Oh, hell, no. But I got this thing about fish. d*ad eyes, man. Dean removes the back from the photo frame and takes out the photo. On the back is written: Becky's 1ST FISH! LOON LAKE FAMILY CABIN 1994 Dean: Huh. INT. CABIN – DAY Becky: Well... this is not how I imagined spending my reunion. Sam says something that is muffled by the handkerchief in his mouth. Becky: I was gonna show you off -- not that anyone actually knows who you are. "Supernatural" is not exactly popular, but... you're tall... and nice and... they'd all think I was happy. Sam mutters something. Becky: You're mad. I get it. But... Becky lies down on the bed and puts her head on Sam's chest. Becky: Can we talk? Sam: [muffled]Oh, God. Becky: I know you don't love me. Sam: [muffled]Yeah, you got that right. Becky: I know what I am, okay? I'm a loser. In school, in life. Guess that's why I like youso much. Sam: What? Becky leans up on one elbow and looks at Sam. Becky: I mean, not that you're a loser, but you had that whole character arc about being a freak, and... I can relate. Sam: [muffled]Oh, my God. Becky sits up on the bed. Becky: Honestly... The only place people understood me was the message boards. They were grumpy and overly literal, but at least we shared a common passion. And I'll take it, you know? Then I met you guys -- the real Sam and Dean. And I started dating Chuck. Becky rubs a hand over Sam's chest. Becky: And everything was... amazing. But you left, and Chuck dumped me. I think I intimidated him with my vibrant sexuality. Sam says something indistinct. Becky: I just want someone who loves me for me! Is that too much to ask? Sam says something muffled. Becky snatches the handkerchief out of his mouth. Becky: What? Sam: If you want somebody to love you for you, maybe don't drug them. Becky: But I want you! And this is the only way! Becky takes the vial out of her pocket. Sam: Becky. Becky, you're better than this. Becky: That's sweet, but... I'm not so sure. INT. RESTAURANT – NIGHT Becky is sitting at a table alone with a drink. GUY: Becks! You missed the party. Becky: Yeah. Well... weird night. GUY: So, what are we thinking? Becky: Okay. I'm in. INT. RESTAURANT – NIGHT Becky gets up from the table and stands in front of GUY. GUY: You're making the right choice. Becky: I know. So... we seal the deal with a kiss? GUY: Exactly. Pucker up, sweetheart. Becky strikes a cigarette lighter and drops it to the ground. Flames sh**t around a devil's trap. GUY is in the middle. Becky steps back. Becky: I'm not your sweetheart! GARTH, Dean and Sam appear from the next room. GARTH is holding up a bottle. GARTH: Blueberry vodka. The answer to all of life's problems. Becky: You see that, Sam? I did it just like we said! I am awesome! I -- I'll be over here. GUY: Dean Winchester. This is really thrilling. Hey, can I have your autograph? Dean takes out a Kn*fe. Dean: Sure. Yeah, I'll, uh, carve it into your spleen. So, how you running your little scam? GUY: Well, how do you mean, Dean? Sam: Signing 10-year deals, snuffing 'em that week. GUY: Well, I would never. No. Rules of the road -- can't lay a hair on any of my clients. Dean: Right. So how you cheating it? GUY: I'm not a cheater. I'm an innovator. It's called a loophole, you moron. Yes, when a person bargains away his soul, he gets a decade, technically. But accidents happen. Sam: So you're arranging "accidents" and collecting early? GUY: Oh, please. White gloves. I don't get my hands dirty. That's why it's important to have a capable intern. GUY's ‘INTERN', the man who caused the ball park and light fixture "accidents", appears behind GUY with an arm raised. Dean, Sam and GARTH go flying backwards and crash into tables and walls. Dean's Kn*fe ends up on the floor some distance from him. GUY: What time did I ask you to be here? What time did I ask you to be here?! GUY's INTERN breaks the devil's trap with his foot. Sam is unconscious. GUY appears in front of Dean, who gets to his feet and throws holy water at GUY. GUY recoils. Dean: Exorcizamus te, omnis -- GUY grabs Dean by the throat. Sam wakes to find GUY's INTERN advancing on him. Sam: Becky...run! GARTH gets to his knees, but GUY's INTERN sends him sprawling back to the ground with a downwards movement of his arm. GUY's INTERN makes a twisting movement with his hand and Sam starts to choke. Then a Kn*fe protrudes through GUY's INTERN's chest: Becky has s*ab him from behind. GUY's INTERN falls to the ground. Becky: Whoa. Sam pulls the Kn*fe out of GUY's INTERN and tosses it to Dean, who holds it against GUY's throat. GUY releases Dean. Dean: How many deals you got cooking in this town, Madoff? GUY: Fifteen. Dean: Yeah, well, call them off, or I'll cut my own loophole in your throat. GUY: Oh, crap. Dean: Yeah, you said it. You're in a world -- CROWLEY: Hello, boys. Dean glances behind him. Dean: Oh, crap. Dean moves around GUY and holds the Kn*fe against his throat from behind. CROWLEY: Sam, mazel tov. Who's the lucky lady? Becky: You're Crowley! CROWLEY: And you're -- well, I'm sure you have a wonderful personality, dear. Dean: Ah, another step, and I'll Colombian necktie your little friend here. CROWLEY: Please, don't let him get off that easy. GUY: Sir, I don't think that you -- CROWLEY: I know exactly what you've been doing. A little birdie named Jackson [GUY glances at GUY's INTERN, d*ad on the floor]sold you out, e-mailed all the juicy deets to my suggestion box. CROWLY looks at JACKSON/GUY's INTERN. CROWLEY: I assume... That's my whistle-blower? Shame. Had a future. Unfortunately, you don't. GUY: I was just -- CROWLEY: There's only one rule -- make a deal, keep it. GUY: Well, technically, I didn't -- CROWLEY: There's a reason we don't call our chits in early -- consumer confidence. This isn't Wall Street! This is Hell! We have a little something called integrity. This gets out, who'll deal with us? Nobody! Then where are we? GUY: I don't know. CROWLEY: That's right. You don't. Because you're a stupid, shortsighted little prat. Now, hand the jackass over. I'll cancel every deal he's made. Dean: What are you gonna do with him? CROWLEY: Make an example of him. Fair trade, right? We all go our separate ways. No harm done. Sam: What, out of the goodness of your heart? CROWLEY: Years of demons nipping at your heels, haven't seen one for months. Wonder why? Dean: We've been a little busy. CROWLEY: Hunting Leviathan -- yes, I know. That's why I told my lads to stay clear of you meatheads. Sam: So, what do you know about -- CROWLEY: Too much. You met that dick yet? Smuggest tub of goo since Mussolini. I hate the bastards. Squash 'em all, please. I'll stay clear. Dean: Rip up the contracts first. CROWLEY snaps his fingers. CROWLEY: Done... and done. Your turn. GUY: No, no, no, no. Let -- Dean shoves GUY towards CROWLEY. CROWLEY: Pleasure, gentlemen. CROWLEY and GUY disappear. GARTH gets to his feet. GARTH: What'd I miss? INT. Becky's APARTMENT – DAY Sam is signing an annulment. He slides it across the table to Becky. Becky: It... it wasn't all bad, right? Sam looks at Becky unsmilingly. Sam: Okay, y-you did save my life, and for that, thanks. Becky: So, I'll see you again? Sam: Yeah, probably not. Becky's face falls and she signs the annulment as Dean and GARTH look on. Sam: Becky, look. You're not a loser, okay? You're a good person, a-and you've got... a lot of... e-energy. So, you know, just do your thing, whatever that is, and the right guy will find you. GARTH is looking hopefully at Becky. Dean (to GARTH): No. No. EXT. ALLEYWAY – DAY Dean and Sam are leaning on the back of the Dodge and GARTH is standing next to his vehicle. Dean: Well, buddy, I got to say, man -- you, uh... you don't suck. Dean reaches out and pats GARTH on the arm. GARTH: Thank you. That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. Well... GARTH envelopes Dean in a hug. Dean awkwardly pats him on the back. Dean: Oh. Yeah. All right, that's -- thank you. GARTH steps back and waves goodbye. Dean: Take care. (to Sam) Wow. Sam: Aww, you made a fwiend. Dean: Uh-uh. Sam: Look, man, uh... When I was all dosed up, I-I said some crap. Dean: Oh, you mean, she -- she wasn't your soulmate? Sam: Shut up. I mean, I do need you watching my back. Obviously. Dean: Yeah, when, uh, crazy groupies att*ck. Sam: You know what I mean. Dean: You know, I got to say, man... For a whack-job, you really pulled it together. Sam: That's the nicest thing anyone's said to me. Look, don't be too impressed, man. It's still a Denver scramble up here. I just know my way around the plate now. Dean: I'm just saying. It's stupid to think that you need me around all the time. You're a grown-up. Sam: Right. Dean: You're a hike-in-the-desert, hippie-douche grown-up. Sam: Dude, I was camping. You camp. Dean: Yeah, whatever. Hippie. Dean walks to the driver's door and Sam to the passenger door of the Dodge. Sam: You know what, though? Seriously? It might be nice. Dean: What? Sam: I mean, you basically have been looking out for me your whole life. Now you finally get to take care of yourself. About time, huh? Dean: Yeah. Sam gets into the car. Dean stands a moment longer. Dean: Right. They drive away. END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "07x08 - Season 7, Time for a Wedding!"}
Air Date: 18 November 2011 EXT. WHARTON STate FOREST - THE PINE BARRENS, NEW JERSEY – NIGHT Something is running through the forest towards an SUV and large tent. A generator is supplying power to the tent. Inside the tent, a Man and Woman in sleeping bags on a double bed are watching television. The Woman uses the remote to turn the television off. Man: Good night, sweetie. The Man turns off his bedside lamp and turns on his iPod. Recording on iPod: This is Nature Sounds' "Sounds of Nature," Volume 4, "Soothing Seas." The Man, still asleep in his sleeping bag, is now hanging upside down high up in a tree. Man: What the hell? Leanne! The Man sees something moving in the tree above him. Man: No. No. Stay away. Leanne! The Man screams as something begins to eat him alive. Bits of flesh, clothing and his iPod drop to the ground. Recording on iPod: This is Nature Sounds' "The Sounds of Nature." SUPERNATURAL INT. OLD HOUSE - HAMMONTON, NEW JERSEY – NIGHT Sam comes down the stairs. Dean is standing at a fuse box. Sam: Did you strip enough wire? Dean: Yes, I stripped enough wire. Sam: All right. Sam attaches cables to the stripped wires. Electricity crackles and the lights come on. Dean: See? Told you. Bobby enters the house. Sam takes a seat at a table, Dean and Bobby stand around it. Bobby: Well, isn't this cozy? Sam: Yeah. Well, Motel 6 just ain't leaving the light on anymore. Bobby: Well, I'm taking a page out of Frank Devereaux's Bible on this. Everybody's out to get you -- paranoia is just plain common sense. Dean: Weeks, guys. Weeks. We've been living with cold showers, cold Hot Pockets, cold freaking everything. I mean, this is the bottom that we're living in. You guys get that, right? Bobby: How many big mouths are out there, running card traces, like Chet, or hunting us down God knows what ways? No, now's not the time to be laying our bed rolls out on the grid. Not if we can help it. The lights go off. Sam turns on a battery-powered lamp. Dean: That's just great. This is stupid. Our quality of life is crap. We got Purgatory's least wanted everywhere, and we're on our third "The World's Screwed" issue in, what, three years? We've steered the bus away from the cliff twice already. Sam: Someone's got to do it. Dean: What if the bus wants to go over the cliff? Sam: You think the world wants to end? Dean: I think that if we didn't take its belt and all its pens away each year that, yeah, the whole enchilada woulda offed itself already. Bobby: Stop trying to wrestle with the big picture, son. You're gonna hurt your head. Dean takes a beer out of a cooler and lies down on a sofa. Bobby: So, what's the guff? Bobby sits down at the table with Sam. Sam: Well, uh, there've been a rash of sightings all over the southern pine barrens -- a strange, fast-moving, human-like creature. Locals even have a name for it. Sam passes a print-out of an internet search to Bobby. It reads "JERSEY Devil REPORTED!" and there is a picture of a creature with wings and webbed feet standing upright on two legs. Bobby: The Jersey Devil? I thought that was just local tall-tale crap. Sam: The area's history of sightings goes back more than two centuries. Some accounts gave it bat wings, others horns, a...a tail. Sam shows Bobby another print-out: KNOWLEGE FOR A[LL?] APPARARITIONS CREATURES CROP CIRCLES ALIENS Members Log In: quester Pass Word: ******** JERSEY Devil SIGHTED AGAIN! Dr Kara Schwandt Phd. Science Journal Report Article The Jersey Devil is a legendary creature or cryptid said to inhabit the Pine Barrens of Southern New Jersey. The creature is often described as a flying biped with hooves, but there are many variations. To date the most raucous reports of the Jersey Devil was [sic]in 1909 where hundred [sic]of people had testified to the sightings. There had been many sightings of the creature since 1909. Recently a farmer in Jersey had reported disturbances and k*lling of his livestock. [etc] Sam: And, uh, oh yeah, a horse's head. Sam shows Bobby another print-out: OPEN MINDS DEEPER KNOWLEDGE Members Log In: quester Pass Word: ******** JERSEY Devil SPOTTED IN WOODS There is a short, indistinct article and a drawing of a winged creature with a horse's head standing on two legs. Dean: Of course, the sketch looks more like a Chewbacca head. Bobby: Sounds kind of mixed up. Dean: Yeah, kind of like it should be fighting a Japanese robot. Sam: Well, mixed up or not, it sounds like it might just have a body count. Sam passes Bobby a newspaper article. Bobby: "Camping high season harshed by human burrito"? Sam: Yeah. Something hung a camper up in a tree, then ate him alive right through his sleeping bag. His wife hasn't been seen, either. Plus, there have been four other missing persons reported in the last three weeks. State troopers -- get this -- are saying it's a rogue bear. Dean: Yeah, of course, when was the last time you saw a bear string up its own piñata? Bobby: Something's out there in the woods. Hey, we're going honest to goodness wilderness hunting. I haven't used my .30-30 in a while. Dean: Okay, Davey Crockett, well, safari's gonna have to wait till tomorrow and after our suit-and-tie dance. We'll make sure this is not just some backwoods crackhead who likes to roll glampers. Bobby: What the hell's a glamper? Dean: Sam? Sam: High-end camper. TV, A.C., Wi-Fi. Back to nature, zero inconvenience. Bobby: That's idiotic. Sam: Yeah. Some people just don't know how to live. EXT. BIGGERSON's SIZZLIN' GRILL & BAR – DAY INT. BIGGERSON's SIZZLIN' GRILL & BAR – DAY A poster on the wall advertises the new, limited time only "Pepperjack Turdunken Slammer" from $4.99. Sam and Dean are at a table with a RANGER, who is eating a sandwich. Dean: So, Ranger Evans – RANGER: Oh, uh, you can call me Rick. Ranger Rick. Dean: Uh, you were the one who found Mitchell Rayburn, correct? RANGER Rick: The human burrito. Sam: State police have it down as a bear att*ck. RANGER Rick: [laughs]Yeah, I read what the state police says. That was no rogue brown. Dean: Apparently, some others reported seeing something a little, you know, weirder. RANGER Rick: You know, I've been a ranger for 12 years. Tell you the truth, we have no idea what's out there. Big. Lot of trees and whatnot. Tell you this, though. You got to respect Mother Nature. You respect her, or she's gonna string you up, and she'll eat your ass right through the Gore-Tex. Dean: So you're thinking it's Mother Nature? RANGER Rick: See, me and Phil, we've been finding, uh, something's leftovers for weeks -- deer remains, badger, missing pets. Sam: Who's Phil? RANGER Rick: AssistantChief Ranger. Come to think of it, I haven't seen Phil in a couple of days. He's supposed to call from whatever station he's checking off. Sam: But you think maybe your assistant chief ranger might be missing? RANGER Rick: I should probably report that. Sam and Dean notice that Bobby has entered the restaurant. Dean: Oh. Excuse us. Well, you, uh... enjoy your lunch... Ranger Rick. Sam and Dean walk over to Bobby. Dean: So? Bobby: Well, I took a look at the cadaver -- what's left of it. Not a happy camper. Don't have any stats on a Jersey Devil, but the bite radius on the vic's wounds -- it's too small for a Leviathan. And he's still got a ventricle and some change, so I doubt we're talking werewolf. And a wendigo don't leave no scraps. Dean: Hmm. Lunch? Bobby: Starving. Dean hails a passing waiter. Dean: Hey! Uh, Brandon. We grab a booth? BRANDON: Hey, uh, douchewad, a hostess will seat you. Do I look like a freaking hostess? Dean: Do you want to look like a hostess? BRANDON walks away. Sam: That didn't really make sense, what you... said. Dean: What was that? Bobby: I sure hope we don't get Brandon's section. BRANDON puts a plate down in front of Sam. BRANDON: Sidewinder soup and salad combo goes to Big Bird. BRANDON puts another plate in front of Dean. BRANDON: TDK slammer to Ken Doll. BRANDON puts a plate in front of Bobby. BRANDON: And a little heart-smart for creepy uncle. Dean: What is your problem? BRANDON: You are my problem! Bobby: Oh, Brandon's got his flare all up in a bunch. Sam: Yeah. There goes his18%. Dean: Anyway, chief ranger -- I don't think he believes in the Jersey Devil. Sam: Oh, oh, by the way, did he seem a little, uh, stoned to you? Dean: Ranger Rick? Yeah. Definitely growing his own on the back 40 and smoking all the profits. Sam: He did seem to think that there was something -- Dean: [talking with mouth full]Oh, that is good sandwich. Bobby: What the hell did you get? Dean turns a card on the table advertising the special towards Bobby. Dean: New Pepperjack Turducken Slammer -- limited time only. Bobby: Bunch of birds shoved up inside each other. Shouldn't play God like that. Dean: Hey, don't look at me sideways from that -- that Chinese chicken geezer salad there, okay? This is awesome. Like the perfect storm of your top-three edible birds. Sam: All right, anyways, um... The ranger did seem to think there was something out in Wharton Forest. Bobby: Well, then I'd say it's safari time. Man: She's big-boned! BRANDON: Look at her! You're telling me she's not fat? WAITER: Hey. BRANDON: Up yours, Mike. Shove it right up yours! BRANDON takes off his apron and leaves the restaurant. Dean: Well, anyway, back to bigger and better things. Dean continues eating his sandwich. EXT. FOREST – DAY Bobby, Dean and Sam are walking through the forest. Bobby and Dean are carrying packs and all three have r*fles. Bobby stops to look at a tuft of hair on a bush. Bobby: Couple of bucks. Head-butting over turf probably. Pretty sure the other fella won. Sam: I guess I forgot. Before you were a hunter, you were actually a...hunter. Bobby: Yeah, well, we sh*t our dinner when I was a kid. Dean: You used to take us hunting. Remember? Dad had a case, he'd just dump us on you. sh**t, you must have taught us most of the outdoor tracking we know. Bobby: Yeah, what I could get to stick. I never could get you little grubs to pull a trigger on a single deer. Dean: You're talking about Bambi, man. Bobby: You don't sh**t Bambi, jackass. You sh**t Bambi's mother. They look up at a bloodied arm hanging from a tree. Dean: Well, looks like we found Phil. EXT. FOREST – NIGHT RANGER Rick arrives in his vehicle. RANGER Rick: Special agents. Listen, I got your call. But I'm not sure I got what you were saying. Dean points upwards at the arm. RANGER Rick: Hey. I think we found Phil. Dean: That's what I said. RANGER Rick: Uh, I should probably call this in. Sam: Yeah, yeah. Solid move, Rick. As RANGER Rick goes to his vehicle, there is the sound of a creature moving and breathing heavily. RANGER Rick (on radio): Uh, this is Ranger Evans up at Acher's Point. Come in. Uh, repeat. This is ChiefRanger Evans. Woman (on radio): Chief Ranger, go ahead. RANGER Rick (on radio): I have a situation out at Acher's Point. Bobby: Ranger, I think we've got company. RANGER Rick: Yeah? Who's that? Something drags RANGER Rick off into the trees. Sam: Ranger! EXT. FOREST – NIGHT Sam: Ranger Evans! Ranger! Bobby: It's got him up in the trees. Lights off. Bobby, Dean and Sam point their r*fles upwards. Bobby turns off the spotlight on his r*fle. Dean: What? Dean lowers his r*fle. Sam: Wait, Bobby, you think that's really a good idea? Bobby: Shut up, shut off, and listen. Sam lowers his r*fle and turns off the spotlight. Dean has already turned off the light on his. Bobby: Damn thing's eating Rick. Dean: Man, I liked Rick. Sam and Bobby look at Dean. Bobby closes his eyes and fires up into the tree. A humanoid creature holding one of RANGER RICK's arms falls to the ground. Dean: Wow. Nice sh*t, Bobby. Sam: Seriously. Bobby: We all got our gifts. Dean: What about the rest of Ranger Rick? Bobby: Ranger called in his 10-20. His own will find him. We got crap to do. INT. OLD HOUSE – NIGHT Dean and Sam lay the creature on the table. Bobby: Built like a supermodel, but the thing was strong. That's for damn sure. Carried a full-grown man up a tree in nothing flat. Sam: But, it only took one b*llet to bring it down. Dean: And not even a silver b*llet, just a b*llet-b*llet. The creature sits bolt upright and then stands up on the table. Dean, Sam and Bobby f*re at it repeatedly. It falls back down on the table. Dean and Sam exhale loudly. Bobby: First one must have just stunned it. Dean: All right, well, let's check its hulk pants for some ID. Dean takes a wallet out of the creature's pants. Dean: Oh, that is just gonna ruin the leather. Sam takes the wallet from Dean. Bobby: Are you feeling okay? Dean: Yeah, I feel great. Sam: Gerald Browder, uh, lived here in town, 5'9", brown hair and blue eyes... 235 pounds. Dean: Whoa. They all look at the creature, which clearly does not weigh 235 pounds. Bobby: Well, apparently, he's lost a little pudge. Dean: Maybe it's a-a lap-band side effect. Dean laughs, Sam and Bobby do not. Bobby pokes a stick inside one of the b*llet wounds in the creature. It drips gray goo. Bobby: What the hell? I think we better have a look under Gerald's hood. Bobby and Sam are examining the creature's open chest cavity using forceps. Bobby: God! Its organs are swimming in the stuff. Dean comes into the room, pouring himself a glass of whiskey. Dean: You guys getting hungry? I'm hungry. Sam: What's that? Bobby: His stomach. For a guy on a diet, Gerry here packed it in pretty good. Sam: That's human right there. Bobby: That's fresh Rick. Let's see. Plus... a pine cone? Pack of gum in the wrapper. Sam: That's -- that's older. Maybe like a -- maybe Ranger Phil or the camper. Bobby: What's that? Sam: Looks like a -- yeah, that's a -- that's a cat's head. Bobby: A glamper or two is one thing, but you got to be damn hungry to eat a cat's head. Sam: Mm-hmm. Bobby: Well, lookit here. I'm no Dr. Oz, but... Bobby takes a large, lumpy, black object out of the creature's body. Bobby: I think that's his adrenal glands. Sam: Okay. And? Bobby: Meant to be the size of hotel bar soap... and bright orange. Bobby and Sam wince at the smell. Sam: Ooh! All right, that might help explain the strength. Um, but whatever this thing is, it's not the Jersey Devil, but it sure as hell ain't Gerald Browder anymore. Dean: Okay, guys, seriously. It's time for dinner? INT. BIGGERSON's RESTAURANT – NIGHT Dean is eating a sandwich. Bobby and Sam have only cups of coffee. Sam is reading from the New Jersey Police Missing Persons Agency website on his laptop. Sam: Gerald Browder, 35, self-employed. Air-conditioning repairman. Sam is now looking at a website for Browder Airconditioning. Gerald Browder was the owner/operator. Sam: Missing person number three. Disappeared eight days ago. Bobby: Well, that explains all the people who got eaten in the last eight days. Sam: Yeah. Question is, what happened to him? Dean is groaning as he eats his sandwich with large bites. Sam: Dean. Uh, so, what do you think? Dean: [talking with his mouth full]I'm not that worried about it. Bobby: Excuse me? Dean: That's funny, right? I could give two shakes of a rat's ass. Is that right? Do rats shake their ass, or is it something else? Eh. Sam looks around the restaurant at the many customers eating the Same sandwich. Sam: Give me that. Sam snatches the sandwich away from Dean. Dean: Whoa, whoa! Why?! Bobby: There's some funky chicken in the TDK Slammer, ain't there? Sam: Yeah. Sam sniffs the sandwich and recoils. INT. OLD HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby sets the sandwich, wrapped in foil in the shape of a swan, down on a plate on the table. Dean: This is stupid. My sandwich didn't do anything. I don't know what you think you're gonna find. Sam unwraps the sandwich. Bobby: There's something wrong with you, Dean. Dean: Are you kidding? I'm fine! I -- I actually feel great. The best I've felt in a couple months. Cas? Black goo? I don't even care anymore. And you know what's even better? I don't care that I don't care. I just want my damn slammer back. Sam: Dude, you are completely stoned, just like Ranger Rick was. Bobby: Just like the dinner rush back at Biggerson's. And everybody's loving the Turducken. Gray goo bubbles out from the sandwich. Dean: I think you pissed off my sandwich. More goo bubbles out. Dean: That -- that's in me? Sam: O-only half of it. Bobby: Does that snot look familiar? Sam: Okay, so whatever turned Gerry Browder into a pumpkin head... and is currently turning Dean into an idiot -- Dean: I'm right here. Right here. Bobby: Is in the Turducken Slammer at Biggerson's. Sam: Yeah. Bobby: It's in the meat. Dean: If I wasn't so chilled out right now, I would puke. EXT. BIGGERSON's RESTAURANT - RECEIVING ENTRANCE – NIGHT Sam: How's he doing? Bobby is in the driver's seat and Sam in the passenger seat of a vehicle. Dean is in the back seat, asleep. Bobby: He's sleeping it off. Tryptophan coma. Sam: So, you think he's okay? Bobby: Yeah, he's all right. Sam: Good. So you don't worry about him? Bobby: What do you mean? Before the Turducken? Sam: Yeah. Yeah, I kind of mean more like, uh... more like ever since my head broke... and we lost Cas. I mean, you ever feel like he's -- he's going through the Same motions but he's not the Same Dean, you know? Bobby: How could he be? Sam: Right, yeah, but what if -- Bobby: What if what, Sam? You know, you worry about him. All he does is worry about you. Who's left to live their own life here? The two of you -- aren't you full up just playing Snuffleupagus with the Devil all the live long? Sam: I don't know, Bobby. Seeing Lucifer's fine with me. Bobby: Come again? Sam: Look, I'm not saying it's fun. I mean, to be honest with you, I-I kind of see it as the best-case scenario. I mean... Sam: ...at least all my crazy's under one umbrella, you know? I kind of know what I'm dealing with. A lot of people got it worse. Bobby: You always were one deep little son of a bitch. Sam: Wait, wait, wait. Here we go. A delivery truck is backing up to the Biggerson's receiving entrance. The TRUCK DRIVER gets out of the truck and wheels cartons from the truck into the restaurant, then gets back into the truck and drives away. The truck reads "MIDWEST MEAT AND POULTRY WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTION." Bobby: Well, I guess we follow him. EXT. CAR PARK OUTSIDE N.E. LAW CENTER – NIGHT A Woman is walking to her car. She screams as BRANDON runs out from some trees and tackles her to the ground. A car pulls up and a Man visible only from the chest down gets out, walks over to BRANDON and knocks him away from the Woman. EXT. WAREHOUSE – NIGHT The Midwest Meat truck pulls up to the warehouse and parks. Sam, Bobby and Dean are watching from their vehicle. Sam has binoculars. Sam: That's weird, right? I mean, national franchise like Biggerson's getting meat from a place that looks like it wholesales Hong Kong knockoffs. Dean: Okay. Yeah. It's a little weird. The TRUCK DRIVER enters the warehouse. Sam: All right, well, I guess we wait till they close up shop, go take a look around? Bobby: Hang on. A car pulls up to the warehouse and EDGAR gets out. The TRUCK DRIVER comes back out of the warehouse. Sam: No. Sam: Edgar. Dean: Leviathans. EDGAR opens the trunk and helps out BRANDON, whose head is covered with a hood. The TRUCK DRIVER takes BRANDON by the arm and leads him into the warehouse. Dean: Son of a bitch. Bobby: What the hell is going on? INT. WAREHOUSE – NIGHT The TRUCK DRIVER is leading a hooded BRANDON into the warehouse. EDGAR: Put him with the others, if you don't mind. Dr. GAINES: Edgar. Follow me. I've been so busy with this experiment, I didn't even realize you were back. It's, uh, big stuff. EDGAR: I'm back because of the experiment. What's happening? You said you were refining the formula. Dr. GAINES: Yes. Absolutely. And it's going great. The absorption rate is up in lower concentrations. EDGAR: But it didn't solve our little issue with adverse reactions. Dr. GAINES: Well, no. Not 100%. The TRUCK DRIVER puts BRANDON into a cage next to other cages containing people and removes his hood. EDGAR looks at the cages. EDGAR: Burn them. Dr. GAINES: What? But they represent crucial test data. Where the additive formula went wrong, where my initial projections failed. EDGAR: Dick is coming. Dr. GAINES (to TRUCK DRIVER): Burn them. EXT. WAREHOUSE – DAY Dean and Bobby are sitting in their vehicle outside the warehouse. Bobby is holding a cell phone which is on speaker. Sam (on phone, V-O): There's nothing happening back here at all. Bobby (into phone): Yeah, okay, Sam. Well, they're pretty dug in, so why don't you finish circling and head on back? Sam (on phone, V-O): Right. Bobby hangs up. Bobby: How's your head? Dean: Well, I think the slammer's pretty much wore off. In between that and the 20 cups of coffee, I'm nicely tense and alarmed. Bobby: I wasn't talking about that. Dean: Oh, Bobby, don't -- don't go all Sigmund Freud on me right now, okay? I just got drugged by a sandwich. Bobby: I want to talk about your new party line. Dean: Party? What are you talking about? I don't even vote. Bobby: "The world's a su1c1de case. We save it, it just steals more pills"? Dean: Bobby, I'm here, okay? I'm on the case. What's the problem? Bobby: I've seen a lot of hunters live and die. You're starting to talk like one of the d*ad ones, Dean. Dean: No, I'm talking the way a person talks when they've had it, when they can't figure out why they used to think all this mattered. Bobby: Oh, you poor, sorry... You're not a person. Dean: Thanks. Bobby: Come on, now. You tried to hang it up and be a person with Lisa and Ben. And now here you are with a mean old coot and a van full of g*n. That ain't person behavior, son. You're a hunter, meaning you're whatever the job you're doing today. Now, you get a case of the Anne Sextons, something's gonna come up behind you and rip your fool head off. Now, you find your reasons to get back in the game. I don't care if it's love or spite or a ten-dollar bet. I've been to enough funerals. I mean it. You die before me, and I'll k*ll you. Dean: We need to scrape some money together, get you a condo or something. Sam gets into the back seat of the vehicle. Sam: Hey. Something's up. Two black vehicles pull up as EDGAR and Dr. GAINES come out of the building. DICK ROMAN gets out of the second vehicle. Bobby: Well, I'll be a squirrel in a skirt. It's Dick frigging Roman. Dean: What? Who the hell is Dick frigging Roman? TELEVISION CLIP: Reporter: Billionaire Dick Roman, seen here at a recent press conference, has been on the corporate-takeover warpath in the last several months and shows no signs of relenting. At the bottom of the screen, a large headline reading "THE RISE OF DICK" appears throughout the clip. DICK ROMAN (during press conference): I believe in good old American values, like unlimited growth. But it's like I always say -- if you want to win, then you got to be the shark. And a shark's got to eat. Well, that's a great question. Yes, we have made new acquisitions. I don't believe in hostile takeovers. I believe in merging... and coming out on top. Reporter: Whether at the helm of his America's cup-winning yacht or one of his Fortune 500 companies, Roman has never shied away from the spotlight. Roman's record-breaking series of motivational seminars, "When in Rome," have outsold every other money-making program on the market. A vocal member of the NRA and a steadfast supporter of the second amendment, Roman has started attracting some conservative political attention, as well. POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Roman is ruthless, but good-looking. I think he'll make a great candidate. DICK ROMAN (being interviewed): Another great question. No, I am not running for political office at this time. But I do have a number-one bestseller. The camera pans out and we see that the television clip was playing on Sam's laptop. Sam is now in the driver's seat and Bobby in the back. Dean: Holy crap. What the hell is that? Sam: That's one of the top 50 most powerful men in America, Dean. Dean: Says here top 35 as of last month. Now it's all making sense. Remember when Crowley kept going on about hating Dick? I thought he was just being general. Pfft! Bobby: Well, if the Leviathan got to him, then that means they're playing on a much bigger board than we were thinking. Sam: So what, then? I mean, we can't exactly g*n them. Bobby: No, but we got the drop on them. Means we got a chance to figure out what these guys are really doing here. Dean looks at some surveillance equipment Bobby is assembling. Dean: Whoa. Where'd you get that mother? Bobby: It's on loan from Frank's big brother collection. It'll pick up vocal vibrations from window glass at half a mile. It's time to find out what these ugly bastards are up to. INT. ROOM – DAY A woman, boy and man are placidly eating Biggerson's sandwiches in front of the television. TELEVISION: The patient is put under general anesthesia. The eye is immobilized, then a scalpel is used to sever the optic nerve. DICK ROMAN, Dr. GAINES and a Woman appear at an observation window. TELEVISION: When a macular detachment occurs, ? is superimposed on... The camera angle changes and we see that there is another woman in the room, who is leaning back in an armchair with her eyes closed. Dr. GAINES: The food additive that I've introduced into the Turducken has a near-100% rate of effectiveness. Once the subject tries it, they crave more within a few hours. With the very first dose, it starts to work on their DNA, slowing their metabolism, causing weight gain, and dampening their emotional range, which makes them perfectly complacent. As you can see, they have yet to notice that grandma is no longer with us. True, if you leave out a cooked patty for more than an hour, it reverts back to a somewhat, uh, unappealing state, but I have yet to have a case of leftovers. DICK ROMAN: You know what I love? I mean, besides handball and a really crisp Chardonnay. I love progress. And I know that progress comes from collaboration, which is what makes moments like this so thrilling. Dr. GAINES: I am so glad to hear you say that. DICK ROMAN: Now, what can you tell me about your failures? Dr. GAINES: Hmm? My... DICK ROMAN: The ones that went off the rails after they ate your little treats. Dr. GAINES: I, um... They're, uh... They've been very instructive. DICK ROMAN: No. See, I asked for complacency. Not complacency and a 0.03% margin of hyperadrenalized cannibalism. Dr. GAINES: I will have this under control. The Woman holds up a newspaper. DICK ROMAN: "Camping high season harshed by human burrito"? Have I ever mentioned how I feel about our little forays making the papers? But, again, collaboration. Progress. I want to turn this little mistake into a big fat teachable moment. Will you help me with that? Dr. GAINES: Well... yes. Of course. EXT. WAREHOUSE – DAY Sam and Dean are in the vehicle. Dean is holding a cell phone that is on speaker. Dean (into phone): Our side's still d*ad, Bobby. Anything with you? Bobby is outside with his surveillance equipment and binoculars. Bobby (on phone): Yeah, Same here. I got -- hold on. Yeah, I got movement -- my side, second floor, meeting room. INT. SECOND FLOOR MEETING ROOM – DAY DICK ROMAN enters the room, followed by the Woman, Dr. GAINES and EDGAR. Woman: And I'll reschedule with the Senator for lunch Tuesday. You can deal with the archdiocese in the afternoon. DICK ROMAN: Fine. Bobby is able to hear the conversation via his surveillance equipment. The scene shifts between the meeting room and Bobby outside. Dr. GAINES: Dick, please, let me explain to you what our program has to offer. DICK ROMAN: No. Let me explain why we're shutting your program down. Dr. GAINES: We're shutting it down? No, you can't -- DICK ROMAN: I'm shutting it down because of the one golden rule. Do you know it? Dr. GAINES: Yes. "Don't make the papers." And I promise that -- DICK ROMAN: No, the golden rule is there's no such thing as monsters. Anything stirs their little pots to the contrary -- very bad for our plans. So, how can I use your mistake to communicate this to all your coworkers? Dr. GAINES: Listen, sir, I will do anything. I will give anything to make this right. DICK ROMAN: I know you will. The Woman opens a briefcase and takes out a folded paper item. Dr. GAINES looks at EDGAR, who shrugs. Dr. GAINES: You're bibbing me? Dr. GAINES sits down. The Woman unfolds the item – a bib – and ties it around Dr. GAINES' neck. DICK ROMAN: Do you know what you can give us, Doctor? Your example. Dr. GAINES holds his hand up to his face with his fingers pointing towards his mouth. Dean (into phone, V-O): What's happening now? Bobby (on phone): Wait. DICK ROMAN: Now, Doc. It's time. Dr. GAINES' mouth transforms. Bobby (on phone): Now I have officially seen it all. Sam (into phone): Bobby, what is it? Bobby (on phone): He's making the Doctor eat himself. Dean (into phone): What? Bobby (on phone): He's -- The TRUCK DRIVER appears in front of Bobby and punches him. Dean and Sam find Bobby's broken surveillance equipment on the roof. Dean: They got him. Sam: Dean, there are at least four Leviathans out there. We don't even know how to k*ll one. A van pulls up: ACME INDUSTRIAL CLEANING. Dean: Well, it'll be quite a shock when we walk in through the front door, won't it? INT. SECOND FLOOR MEETING ROOM – NIGHT DICK ROMAN is signing papers at a desk. A sign on the wall behind him reads "RICHARD ROMAN ENTERPRISES." Woman: We'll have the jet on standby at O'Hare. Thursday morning, you close on the land acquisition in Gleason. DICK ROMAN: Fine. Woman: And this came this afternoon. The Woman hands DICK ROMAN a wooden box. Woman: Sotheby's. Bobby is sitting in an armchair near the desk. DICK ROMAN: Outstanding! Thank you, Susan. Oh, and, Susan? Susan: Hmm? DICK ROMAN: Uh, tuh-tuh. Susan picks up the bib, which is stained with black goo. She leaves the room. DICK ROMAN: No, you're not tied up. Why waste the effort? We both know that you're not gonna get past me. How's your head? Bobby: So you got Dick Roman. DICK ROMAN: We can have whoever we want. We could have you, for example. If you were worth the effort. Bobby: Oh, you're hurting my feelings. DICK ROMAN: Well, it's a hard world, Bob. It's an us-eat-dog world. Bobby: What do you got there? DICK ROMAN takes a g*n out of the box from Sotheby's. DICK ROMAN: Winning bid at auction. Beautiful. Known for their peerless sighting. I imagine you appreciate g*n. Bobby: I'd appreciate one right about now. DICK ROMAN loads the g*n with b*ll*ts from the case. DICK ROMAN: Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo. But I mean the machine, the idea. Just one of your species' most inspired inventions. I mean it. I really think you guys have spunk. You're like a planet of just the cutest little engines that could. But... Like the late, great, actual Dick Roman used to say to the whores he'd kick out of the presidential suite... "cute don't quite hack it, sugar." DICK ROMAN points the g*n at Bobby. Bobby: Oh, let's just cut to the chase. I clearly ain't worth the extra time I'm getting here. DICK ROMAN: I'm gonna eat you, Bob. Yes. But I like my meals prepared. Besides, holding on to you could pay big dividends. I bet your friends are on their way to rescue the damsel. Bobby: Nah, they're too smart. They know they don't have the numbers. It'd be su1c1de. I've run my race. Could die worse. INT. WAREHOUSE – NIGHT EDGAR and the TRUCK DRIVER are walking towards two men in suits who appear to be bodyguards. Dean and Sam enter carrying pressure sprayers. They spray the bodyguards, EDGAR and the TRUCK DRIVER, all of whom start to scream and moan as their skin burns. Sam's pressure sprayer reads "POWER CLEAN." INT. SECOND FLOOR MEETING ROOM – NIGHT DICK ROMAN and Bobby hear screaming. DICK ROMAN: I'd stay in the chair. DICK ROMAN tucks the g*n into his pants and leaves the room. Bobby looks at folders, plans and maps from a briefcase on DICK ROMAN's desk and loads the second g*n from the box from Sotheby's. Bobby: Okay, sons of bitches. See what you're up to now. You're coming with me. Bobby takes the folders and g*n. As he gets to the door, Susan opens it and knocks him down. Bobby loses hold of the folders and g*n, but is able to grab the g*n and sh**t Susan in the face. Bobby runs out of the office. Susan straightens up. There is a gob of black goo on her forehead. INT. WAREHOUSE – NIGHT DICK ROMAN is wiping his burning face with a handkerchief. Sam drops his empty pressure sprayer and backs into a corner. DICK ROMAN advances on him, his face healing. DICK ROMAN: Sam... That is not how we communicate from a place of yes. That was bracing. Where'd you kids find this stuff? Bobby sh**t DICK ROMAN in the back twice. DICK ROMAN: Hey! That's mine. Dean throws more cleaning liquid onto DICK ROMAN from behind. DICK ROMAN starts to sizzle and burn. Dean: Go! Go! Dean and Sam run out of the room. DICK ROMAN: Would you stop it with that stuff? Bobby follows Dean and Sam, but a large BODYGUARD blocks his way. EXT. WAREHOUSE – NIGHT Dean and Sam pull up to the warehouse in their vehicle. Sam: Damn it, where's Bobby? INT. WAREHOUSE – NIGHT Bobby grabs a hook and swings it at the BODYGUARD. Black goo splatters the wall. EXT. WAREHOUSE – NIGHT Bobby runs out of the warehouse towards the vehicle. Sam: Bobby! Come on! Come on! Come on! Bobby opens the sliding door of the vehicle. DICK ROMAN comes out of the warehouse and draws his g*n. Bobby gets into the vehicle. Bobby: Go! Go! DICK ROMAN sh**t. Bobby closes the door. DICK ROMAN sh**t twice more as Dean drives away. Dean: Son of a bitch! I'm glad you got in. He almost took your freaking head off. Sam: Hey, Bobby, your hat. Sam holds out Bobby's cap. Bobby doesn't respond. Sam notices that there is a b*llet hole in the hat. He and Dean look at the back seat. Sam: Bobby? Oh, God. Bobby? Bobby? Dean: Bobby?! END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "07x09 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters"}
Air Date: 2 December 2011 We see an internal, moving to external, sh*t of a b*llet hole in Bobby's temple. VEHICLE – NIGHT Sam: Bobby? Bobby? Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hold on. Dean: Sam, is he d*ad? Sam: I'm checking. Sam feels Bobby's neck for a pulse. Dean: Is he d*ad?! Sam: Just drive, Dean! Bobby! Dean: You gotta talk to me, Sam! Sam: All right, he's breathing. There's a pulse. Dean enters numbers on his cell phone. Dean: Keep him upright. Stop the bleeding. Sam: I'm not an idiot, Dean! I know first aid for a friggin' b*llet to the head! Dean (on phone): I need the nearest trauma center. Sam: Hold on. Hold on. Dean (on phone): What's the address?! Dean: All right, Bobby, hang in there. The vehicle skids as Dean accelerates. SUPERNATURAL We see an external, moving to internal, sh*t of the b*llet hole in Bobby's temple. Sam: Bobby! Just hold on! EXT. FOREST – DAY Dean: Well, I guess we found Phil. Bobby: Wait a minute. Something's not right here. Dean: Yeah, no kidding, Bobby. There's a corpse in a tree. Bobby: Something bad's about to happen. Dean: Yeah, well danger's kinda on the W2 – that's why we got the g*n. Blood drips onto Bobby's hand. There is now a bloodstain on Bobby's cap. He puts his fingers to his head and sees more blood on his fingertips when he lowers his hand. Bobby: Or something bad's happened already. INT. OLD HOUSE – DAY Bobby, Dean and Sam enter. Bobby removes his cap and touches his head. There is a small amount of blood on his forehead. Bobby: Balls. Sam: Y-you want to tell us what's going on? Dean: Yeah, what's going on with your head? Bobby: I got sh*t in it! Dean: You what? Sam: Bobby, we've been with you all day. Dean: Yeah, I think we would have noticed if you took a b*llet. Bobby: I didn't take one here. I-I took one out there, i-i-in the real world. Dean: You lost us. Sam: Look, Bobby, you – you want to sit down, seriously? Bobby: No, there's something I gotta tell you. I-I... Dammit, I can't get at it. Sam: Well, it – it's okay, take your time. We're – we're right here. Bobby: No, no, not you, you. Real you. Out – out there, in the waking world. Numbers. Numbers. Where's paper? Bobby walks over to the table, on which there is a pen and notebook, and writes Bobby: I didn't have time before to tell you what... Bobby writes "454895" in the notebook. Bobby: ...they're cookin' up. You need to know. Bobby puts the piece of paper from the notebook in his jacket pocket. Karen: Well... INT. BEDROOM – DAY Karen is sitting on the bed in a nightgown. There are candles on the bedside tables. Bobby is standing in the doorway holding a glass of red wine. Karen: ... you just gonna stand there or hand it over, Bobby? Bobby: What the hell? Karen? Karen: You were expecting Farrah Fawcett? Bobby: No. She always calls first. [pause]That's what I said the first time this happened. Karen: What are you talking about? Gimme! Karen holds out her hand. Bobby looks down and notices the glass of wine. Bobby: Oh. Bobby gives Karen the glass of wine. Bobby: This – this is just like it was. You're beautiful. Karen: Quit sweet-talkin' and come here. Karen takes Bobby's hand. Karen: I feel like we haven't talked in ages. Bobby: I know just how you feel. Karen: Listen, I have something I want to say to you. No excuses this time, okay? Just sit, Bobby. Bobby sits down on the bed. Bobby: I know what night this is. I remember this. Karen: I've thought about this a lot. I really... Karen and Bobby simultaneously: ...sat with this... Karen hits Bobby lightly. Karen: Don't make fun of me. Bobby: I wouldn't. But right now I gotta... There is the sound of thunder. Bobby: I don't remember a storm coming in the night this happened. Bobby goes to the window and sees a full moon and a sky full of stars. The stars all disappear and the reflection of the moon in the window fades. Bobby sees a Young Boy running from behind a shed towards the house. Bobby: Mother Mary. I've got a messed-up fruitcake. Karen: What, Bobby? Bobby: Nuthin'. I gotta go. I'm sorry, darling. Karen: Bobby, wait! Don't go. EXT. STREET – NIGHT Bobby looks around at lightening and hears thunder. He is behind Rufus, who is standing outside a building wearing a pest control uniform. Bobby is wearing the Same uniform. Rufus: Number-one trick, is act like you know what you're doing, Bobby. Bobby: Rufus? Rufus: What, I can't give you advice now? All of a sudden you know everything? You know, I can always go wait in the car. Bobby: No, wait. I – I need your help. Bad. Rufus: Yeah, damn straight you do. Bobby: No, listen to me, Rufus. I'm gonna die! Rufus: Oh, now that's a realistic view of the mortality rate on a ghost hunt. Rufus is holding an EMF reader, which lights up and makes noises. Rufus: Whoa, whoa, Nellie, red line. All right, baby boy, here we go. Bobby: No, Rufus! Rufus enters the building. Bobby looks around. It is now raining. The camera pans out and we see that the building is a church. The Young Boy from the previous scene runs down the street. Rufus opens the door of the church again. Rufus: Are you coming, Bobby? I mean, we're not getting any younger here! Bobby: Coming. Bobby looks down to see the Young Boy in front of him. The Young Boy clasps Bobby's arm. Young Boy: God's gonna punish you. Bobby hears the sound of breaking glass and looks behind him to see a broken glass of milk on a tiled floor. When he turns back, the Young Boy is gone. Bobby enters the church. INT. CHURCH – NIGHT Six people in red robes are standing at the front of the church. Rufus walks towards a door at the side. The six people form a line and hold hymn books as if they are about to sing. There is thunder, the ground shakes and Bibles fall out of the pews. As Bobby watches, the members of the choir disappear. The lights go off. A man holding an old-fashioned watch on a chain walks up behind Bobby. Man: Hello, Mr. Singer. Bobby turns and sees that the man is dressed in a dark suit. There is a flash of lightening. The man swings the watch on its chain and catches it in his hand. Man: Your time's up. INT. CHURCH – NIGHT Bobby: So you're my reaper, huh? You know, I've heard of you guy grabbing reapees in broad daylight and in their sleep, but I never heard of a reaper showing up inside a guy's custard. Reaper: You're in a coma, genius. This is what happens. I climb in your "custard" and fish you out. The Reaper takes a step towards Bobby and holds out his hand. Bobby takes a step back. Reaper: Oh, you think you can lose me. Bobby: Gonna try. Reaper: I've got places to be, Singer, don't waste my time. Bobby: Might as well – while I got it. Reaper: You're prolonging the inevitable. The Reaper flips open his watch, which is ticking. He flips it closed again and the ticking sound stops. Bobby runs for the door Rufus went through. Reaper: I can find you anywhere! Even in this gin-soaked rat maze. Bobby walks around a corner. He is dressed in his usual clothes. Someone tosses two DVDs onto a coffee table: "Chuck Norris American Hero Collection" and "The Delta Force". Sam: I'm just saying – look, you can't really compare. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Sam and Dean are sitting on a couch. Dean: I don't even know you right now. There's not even a contest. Sam: It depends on the criteria. Dean: Survival is the only criteria, all right? Dean grabs one of the DVDs and gets up. Dean: And when the crap hits the fan, it's not about who has skill. It's about who's the bigger badass. Bobby, will you please tell Sam that Chuck Norris could kick Jet Li's ass? Bobby looks around the room and then walks towards the kitchen. Dean: You grab me a beer while you're in there? Bobby opens the sliding doors to the kitchen. Woman: Bobby? A woman is setting plates on the table. Woman: Bobby Singer, you had better be washed up when you come down. The Woman, Bobby's MOTHER, looks at Bobby. Behind Bobby, Dean is standing near the TV, opening the DVD case. Bobby's MOTHER: You're filthy. God, what is wrong with you? It's like you want him to get mad. Bobby slides the kitchen doors shut. INT. CHURCH – NIGHT Rufus tosses Bobby a g*n. Rufus: Bobby, heads-up! Whew! Poor thing. Gets left at the altar, kills herself, and then gets buried in the crypt. Now she's going after men who break their girls' hearts. Poignant, am I wrong? Rufus hands Bobby a flashlight. Rufus: Why you out of breath? Did you go for a jog up there, man? Bobby: I need your help, Rufus. Rufus: Yeah, clearly. Bobby: No, listen to me. Rufus: I want you to grab a torch, man. As soon as I open up her coffin, showtime's coming pretty quick. Bobby: No. Will you listen to me, you son of a bitch? There's a damn reaper coming for me. Rufus: There's a damn reaper coming for all of us, Bobby. Rufus looks at names on the crypt and stops at Lara Coggins, 1925 - 1954. Rufus: All right, let's put this damn ghost to bed. I got plans for Purim. Rufus hits the crypt with a sledgehammer. INT. HOSPITAL – NIGHT Bobby is being wheeled on a hospital bed. Doctor: Page the neurosurgeon on call. Tell OR to put electives on hold. Sam and Dean are following behind Bobby's bed. Doctor: Move trauma 2 to bed 7 as soon as it's clean. INT. HOSPITAL TRAUMA ROOM – NIGHT Nurse: g*n wound to the right frontal area, no exit wound found. Breathing spontaneously. Respiratory rate 18 and shallow. RST at 120. BP 90 over 60. GCS 5. Doctor: Push 80 grams of Mannitol over 30. Prep for intubation. Nurse: Air entry clear to bases. Doctor: Let's get a central line in here now. Sam: What's happening? Please just tell us – Doctor: Get them out of here. Nurse: Sorry. You need to stay out of their way. Another nurse is cutting open Bobby's shirt. Dean: That's our uncle. Nurse: You got to stay back. Sam: What are they doing? Nurse: We need to get him s*ab. Dean: Okay, when are you gonna take the b*llet out? Nurse: If we can get the swelling down, if it's in a place we can get to, if – Sam: If he even lives that long. The Nurse pulls a curtain shut across the door to the trauma room. INT. CHURCH – NIGHT Rufus opens a coffin. Bobby: Forget it. I got to keep moving. Bobby turns to leave, but a GHOST appears in front of him. She is bleeding from a wound across her throat. GHOST: Heartbreaker. The GHOST snatches Bobby's g*n and puts her arm into his chest. Bobby grimaces in pain. INT. HOSPITAL – NIGHT Sam and Dean are standing outside Bobby's trauma room. Doctor: Push 30 more of Mannitol over 10. CBC and 'lytes. Bolus him with 500 saline. Nurse: The vitals were s*ab two minutes ago. Doctor: Well, he's crashing now. INT. CHURCH – NIGHT The GHOST's arm is still inside Bobby's chest. GHOST: I'll break yourheart. Rufus slashes through the GHOST with iron and she disappears. Bobby falls to the ground. Rufus: Bobby... Come on. You okay? Say something. Bobby raises his head. Bobby: Look out! The GHOST has reappeared behind Rufus. She grabs him and throws him to the ground. Blood pools out from underneath his head. Bobby torches the GHOST's bones. She screams as she burns up and vanishes. INT. HOSPITAL TRAUMA ROOM – NIGHT Nurse: Blood pressure 130 over 90. Bobby appears to have been s*ab. His head is bandaged, he is now wearing a hospital gown and there is a tube in his mouth. INT. CHURCH – NIGHT Rufus is still lying where he fell. Bobby: Okay, Rufus, I need you – Oh, balls. This would be the one job you damn near got yourself k*lled on. Well, you're gonna be useful, even if I have to carry you. INT. HOSPITAL – NIGHT The Doctor opens the curtain and walks over to Dean. Sam is leaning on the wall nearby. Doctor: He's, uh, s*ab for the moment. Just have to see. Dean looks at Bobby in the trauma room, then turns slowly and looks at Sam. They both appear very distressed. Close-up of Bobby unconscious in the hospital bed. Bobby: Rufus... EXT. OUTSIDE HOSPITAL – DAY Bobby: Where the hell did you go? Bobby sees the Young Boy standing nearby. Bobby: Yeah, you! You, kid! Hey, what are you making like a white rabbit all over the place for, you grubby little – enough with the jump scares, kid. Who are you running from? The Young Boy says nothing. Bobby: Wait a minute. I know you. Rufus: Did you think I was d*ad? Bobby turns and sees Rufus being wheeled out of a hospital by a nurse. Rufus laughs and hands the nurse a piece of paper. Rufus: Call me, all right? Rufus gets out of the wheelchair. Rufus: Don't sit Shiva for me yet, Bobby. Bobby looks behind him, but the Young Boy is gone. Bobby: Listen – after Bridezilla took you out, do you remember what you told me about your near-death experience? Rufus: I haven't told you nuthin' yet. But now that you mention it, pretty sure I almost crossed over. Bobby: And what did you see? Rufus: What did I see? What are you so riled up about, paco? All right, all right. I saw a hallway, uh, plaid carpet, uh, the apartment building from when I was a kid. Bobby: And? Rufus: And I wanted out. I'm not dying on no damn plaid carpet. No, thank you. Bobby: So, what did you do? Rufus: Well, obviously, Bobby, not being stupid, I started looking for the damn exit door. Y-you know, I swear that's what they mean about your life flashing before your eyes, 'cause every time I opened the door, there was another chapter inside – the good, the bad, the bloody. Bobby: So, how did you get out? Rufus: Found the right door, obviously. Bobby: Well, how did you find it? Rufus: Oh, simple – I went deep. Bobby: Deep. Like old? Rufus: No, deep like... Crap you do not want to think about, so you bury it, you shove other crap over it, and you don't go there, ever. Bobby: So, you're telling me that the way out was through your worst memory? Rufus: It's an important door, Bobby. Bobby: Okay, this is good. Rufus: What the hell are you going on about, anyway? Bobby takes the piece of paper out of his jacket pocket. Bobby: This. I got to find the right door to get this to Sam and Dean. I'm in a coma, Rufus, right now. Rufus: [laughs]Get out. Bobby: I got sh*t in the dunce cap, Rufus. I'm – I'm dying. Rufus: You sure? Bobby: Unfortunately. Rufus: I'll be a prima ballerina. Wait, wait, Bobby. Are you trying to tell me I'm just one of your better memories? Bobby: Would I make this up? There is thunder and the ground shakes. Bobby: Okay. I got to go. Rufus: What? Bobby: You're coming with me, Rufus. Rufus: What? Bobby: I need my partner on this. Please. The thunder and shaking stop. Bobby and Rufus walk along outside the hospital, past signs saying Lincoln Memorial Hospital. Rufus: Aim for your worst memory. Think. Focus. You got it? The worst, okay? Bobby: I got a metric ton of worst. Rufus: Just take a sh*t. By the way, k*ller bride – how come she call you a heartbreaker, anyway? I mean, you a family man if I ever saw one. Bobby: Thanks for narrowing things down. The ground shakes again. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Bobby and Rufus enter the bedroom. There is a broken glass of red wine on the floor. Karen is standing barefoot next to it, dressed in a blue robe. Karen: I can't believe you. I hate you. Everything's a lie. Our whole life, our vows... everything. You knew I wanted kids. Why didn't you just sit me down and say... I don't understand. You're a good man. You'd be a good dad. What does that even mean, you break everything you touch?! What kind of excuse is that?! Karen steps on the broken glass. Karen: Aah! Karen sits down on the bed. Her foot is bleeding. Karen: Just stay away from me! You broke my heart, Bobby! You happy? Just go away! Karen starts to cry. Bobby: Just so you know... I'm sorry. I never stopped being sorry. Rufus: Bobby, I thought you'd want a g*ng of rugrats. Bobby shakes his head. Rufus: So, how long after this... Bobby: ...did she get possessed? Three days. Biggest regret of my life, this fight. You'd think it was when I had to s*ab her to death, but... no. All through that... I was thinking we never got to get past this. If I'd have known, I'd have said anything she wanted to hear. Karen is still crying on the bed. Rufus: Bobby? Hey. Try the door. Now. Bobby: Thanks, Rufus. Bobby opens the door and steps out into the light. EXT. PARK – DAY Bobby: Balls. Rufus: What year is this? '89-ish? Bobby: What's it matter? I'm still stuck in eternal friggin' sunshine. Rufus: No, I was just thinking, man – you look pretty good there. Must've drank less. Bobby and Rufus watch YOUNGER Bobby and Young Dean walk across the park. Young Dean: Hey, Bobby, where are we going? YOUNGER Bobby: Well, Dean, where's it look like? Young Dean: Dad says I'm supposed to practice with the double-barrel. YOUNGER Bobby: Well, we're gonna skip the g*n today. Here. YOUNGER Bobby gives Young Dean a catcher's mitt. YOUNGER Bobby: Here. Today... you're gonna throw a ball around, just like a regular snot-nosed little jerk. Rufus: You know, for a guy who'd rather break his wife's heart than give her a baby, you make a hell of a nanny. Bobby: Shut up, Rufus. We need another door. They look around and see a shed behind them. Bobby: Let's go. Rufus: Seriously, though, Bobby, how come – Bobby: Dog with a bone, Rufus. Rufus: No, I really want to know, man – why no kids? Bobby: Ain't that deep. Dad was a mean drunk. I figured I'd be just like him. And, hey, look – I was right. No sense passing on the legacy. Rufus: Man, you're too hard on yourself. You're more of a cranky drunk. You do know that whatever you're trying to avoid with the eye rolls and the grump-a-lumping – that's exactly where you need to go. Bobby: I ain't avoiding nothing. Rufus: Yeah, sure. Bobby: Get off my ass, Rufus. Rufus: Hey, Bobby, I'm trying to help you here, okay? You want to get out of here, or you want to die? Bobby: I'm trying. How am I supposed to know what I don't want me to know? Bobby opens the shed doors. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby's MOTHER is serving dinner. Bobby's Father sits at the kitchen table reading a newspaper. The Young Boy, who we now know is Young Bobby, runs into the room and sits down at the table. Bobby's Father: Hey, look. The crown prince decided to drop by for a late bite. Bobby's MOTHER: Oh, he – he was just washing up. So, w-who would like to say grace? Bobby's Father: Hell with grace. Pass me the biscuits. Young Bobby reaches for the biscuits and knocks over a glass of milk. The glass falls to the floor in slow motion and breaks. Young Bobby: I'm sorry. Bobby's Father: What is the matter with you? Young Bobby: I don't know. I'm sorry. Bobby's Father: You break everything you touch! Bobby's MOTHER is on her knees cleaning up the glass. Bobby's MOTHER: Let's just have a nice supper. Bobby's Father: A nice supper? Bobby's MOTHER: Mm-hmm. Bobby's Father sweeps his plate onto the floor. Bobby's Father: There's your nice supper. Bobby's Father drinks from a glass of whiskey. Bobby's Father: I get no respect in this house. Bobby and Rufus look at each other. Bobby slides the kitchen doors closed. Rufus: What? Now, you can't tell me that wasn't gnarly enough to go spelunking in. Bobby: That was any given Tuesday night. Believe me – it was nothing special. Rufus: No, no, no. You're scared. Bobby: No, I ain't. I just know we're in the wrong place, Rufus. There is thunder and the ground shakes. Rufus: You – Okay, Bobby, you don't have time. That sound was not the weather, and you know it. We can't keep bopping through your greatest hits forever. That reaper's gonna catch up. I mean, if there was some way to stop the damn thing... But it's a reaper, Bobby. You're screwed. Bobby: I know what we're gonna do. Rufus: What? Bobby: We're gonna stop the damn reaper. Sam (V-O): So, there's nothing else we can do? INT. HOSPITAL – DAY Doctor: I'm sorry. We just have to wait. We'll see if the swelling goes down. Dean: How long? Doctor: It's hard to say in cases like this. Dean: Well, he's lasted this long. That's something, right? Doctor: Well, yes. Listen – the b*llet didn't shatter. Only one hemisphere of his brain was injured. These are all positive things. But...I don't want to give you false hope here. He's far from out of the woods. Most of the time, cases like this... Sam: They die. Doctor: Right now it comes down to him. I'll keep you updated. The Doctor leaves and a Man walks up behind Sam and Dean. Man: Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt. Is one of you Robert Singer's next of kin? INT. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR – DAY The Man is talking to Dean. Man: We know this is a stressful time. Dean: Yeah, okay. No offense – you can skip the garnish. What, did his insurance lapse, or what? Man: We're sorry to ask, but, um, did your uncle ever make his wishes known i-in regards to organ donation? Organs are only viable for a very limited window – Dean: "Viable"? Man: We're just hoping some good can come of this tragic – Dean: Listen to me. I'm gonna say this once. He's not gonna die. It's one b*llet. He's gonna be fine because he's always fine. Man: I apologize. Dean: Why are you talking to me like he's gonna die, huh? I do my job! Do your jobs! Save him! Man: Of course they're doing everything they can. Dean punches the glass covering a sign next to the MAN's head. Dean: Walk away from me. Now! The Man walks away. Dean walks in the other direction and goes outside. EXT. HOSPITAL – DAY The sign outside the hospital reads "Hammonton Regional Hospital". Dean walks down the steps and shakes his hand. He sees a black car parked diagonally across two parking spaces directly in front of the hospital. Dean: Dick! I know you're in there. Come on out... Dean pounds on the heavily tinted closed rear window. Dean: ...you dick. The window lowers, revealing DICK ROMAN. Dean: What, did you come here to finish the job? DICK ROMAN smiles. Dean: Yeah? Well, come on. Right here, right now, out in the open, you and me, Dick Roman. Bystanders are using their mobile phones to record the confrontation. Dean: See? Deciding to jump a famous guy ain't all upside. You can k*ll me right now – you want to see it online. DICK ROMAN: Maybe you should go check on that friend of yours. He can't be feeling too frisky right about now. I'm a very good sh*t. Dean: We're coming for you, and not just to hurt you – to k*ll you. You understand me? DICK ROMAN: Come on, Dean. I can't be k*lled. Dean: You're gonna wish you could, then. DICK ROMAN: [laughs]That's some conviction. You'd really crush it on the motivational circuit. Dean: You're either laughing because you're scared or you're laughing because you're stupid. I'll see you soon, Dick. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby: It's in an old King James Bible. Bobby takes a Bible from the bookshelf and leafs through it. The pages all appear to be blank. Rufus: So, what exactly are we doing now, Bobby? Bobby puts the Bible down on a table. Bobby: Well, technically, you're correct. You can't stop a reaper, not permanently. Only their boss can do that, and we don't want him involved. Bobby takes out another book. Bobby: Ah. Now we're cooking with gas. Bobby puts the second Bible down on the table and opens it. The pages have been cut to hide a large cross. Rufus: What is that? Bobby picks up the cross. Bobby: Well, Sam and Dean have run up against these suckers a couple, three times. Picked up a few tricks – enough to slow them down a hair, at least. Rufus: All right. Let's work some mojo. INT. HOSPITAL – DAY Dean is getting a coffee from a machine. He walks over to Sam, who is still leaning on the wall outside Bobby's room. Sam: What did that guy want? Dean: Uh, nothing. Just some insurance mook. Dick Roman was out there. Sam: What? What happened? Dean: Nothing...For now. It was just a friggin' staring contest. That was about it. What's the update? Sam: The swelling's down a little. They took him off sedation. Apparently, he – he started fighting his tube. So they pulled them out, and he's breathing on his own. Dean: That's good, right? Is that good? Sam: Yeah. Well, Doctor said best-case scenario. Dean: All right, so when they gonna take the b*llet out? Sam: Dean, t-they're not even – they're not even gonna try that, not yet. Dean: What does that mean? Sam: The word's "abrading," I think. Dean: English. Sam: Cutting out the d*ad brain tissue. Man: I don't know, Alex. I-I don't know. A Man and Woman in the middle of a conversation stop near Sam and Dean. Sam: That's if the Doctor even thinks it's worth the risk. Woman: You know, I, uh... You're working... Man: I don't know. Woman: I'm – I'm... Sam: Can I talk to you? Sam and Dean walk away from the Man and Woman. Dean: What? Talk about what? Sam: You know what. Dean: No, we're not gonna have that conversation. Sam: Well, we need to. Dean: He's not gonna die. Sam: He might. Dean: Sam. Sam: Dean, listen – we need to brace ourselves. Dean: Why? Sam: Because it's real. Dean: What do you want to do? You want to hug and – and say we made it through it when Dad died? We've been through enough. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY Rufus is putting ingredients into a bowl on Bobby's desk. Bobby opens a closet, which seems to be empty. Bobby: We still need gold ore, hemlock, and mace. Rufus: Mm. So, pretty basic, then, huh? As Bobby walks through the house, the light goes out in the windows as he passes. He opens a kitchen drawer, which is full of odds and ends. Looking over his shoulder, he sees a younger version of himself talking on the phone in the main room. Bobby (on phone): No, we didn't sh**t r*fles, as a matter of fact. We threw a ball around. He's a kid, John. They both are. They're entitled. Yeah, I know I ain't their dad. YOUNGER Bobby hangs up and throws the phone down. Bobby looks down at the kitchen drawer, which is now empty. Bobby: What the hell? Bobby opens the refrigerator and takes out a half-full jar of blood. Bobby is finishing painting a symbol on the wooden floor in front of his desk. He joins Rufus behind the desk and picks up the cross. Bobby: O theristes, kaleo se Kai deo. Rufus lights a match and drops it into the bowl. There is a flash of f*re and the Reaper appears. Reaper: Cute. Got to admit – first time anyone's pulled one on me while actually unconscious. Bobby: Well, get comfy. Reaper: Not so fast. Bobby: Yeah? Sorry. Other business. Reaper: I'm trying to help you, Bobby. You're going to die. Think you can stop it by pinning me like a bug? Bobby: Well – Reaper: You've seen the dark coming – people disappearing, things going blank. Look around. Cell by cell... Bobby looks around at photographs on the bookshelves. While Bobby's face in the photographs is clear, the faces of the other people are blurry and indistinct. Reaper: ...that b*llet's k*lling your brain. You're running out of places to hide. So, understand – this trap won't hold forever, because this room won't hold, because you are going to die. Bobby: You think. Reaper: Come with me. Be done. You've earned it. Or fight me. Stay here. And you know the drill. Rufus: I don't know, Bobby. I mean, you really want to get stuck, turn into some ghost? Bobby: I know what I'm doing, Rufus. Rufus: Yeah, yeah, you're thinking you can help those boys. But how many spirits you meet in their right mind? Some hunter's gonna cut you down. Bobby: Whose side are you on? Reaper: Bobby... You've helped. You got handed a small, unremarkable life, and you did something with it. Most men like you die of liver disease, watching "Barney Miller" reruns. You've done enough. Believe me. Bobby: I don't care. Reaper: Why? Bobby: Because they're my boys. Bobby sees Young Bobby standing nearby. Bobby: All right. The only way out is through. Bobby (to Young Bobby): So lead the way. Bobby (to Rufus): Nice seeing you again, old friend. Bobby (to the Reaper): Thanks for the chat. Young Bobby walks away and Bobby follows him. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby's MOTHER is on her knees cleaning up the plate that Bobby's Father knocked to the floor. Bobby's MOTHER: It's fine. It'll just take a second. Bobby's Father pours another glass of whiskey. Bobby's Father: You just gonna sit there? Get a broom or somethin'. Young Bobby leaves the room. Bobby's Father stands up. Bobby's Father: You know why he's like that? Because you let him do whatever he wants. Bobby's MOTHER: It's okay. See? I'm almost done. You just relax a-and have another drink. Bobby sighs. Bobby's Father: Don't tell me what to do. Young Bobby is watching from the doorway. Bobby's MOTHER: No. Wait. Wait. Bobby's Father strikes Bobby's MOTHER across the face, knocking her down. When she looks up, there is blood at the corner of her mouth. Bobby's MOTHER: I– no! Why do you always provoke him? Bobby's Father: Because he's a bad kid – that's why. Bobby: Well, that's a load of crap. Who the hell were you to say? Bobby's Father: I'm your father. And you show your father respect. Bobby: The day he deserves it, you drunken... Bobby's MOTHER: [quietly]Shhh... Bobby: ... bully. Punching women and kids – is that what they call fatherhood in your day? Bobby's Father: Oh, you deserved it. Believe me. You were nothing but ungrateful. Bobby: I was a kid! Kids ain't supposed to be grateful! They're supposed to eat your food and break your heart, you selfish dick! You died, and I was still so afraid I'd turn into you I never even had kids of my own. Bobby's Father: Good. You break everything you touch. Bobby's MOTHER starts to cry. Bobby: Uh-huh. Well, as fate would have it, I adopted two boys, and they grew up great. They grew up heroes. So you can go to hell! INT. HOSPITAL – DAY The Nurse and a second nurse are walking towards Bobby's room. Nurse: Keep the head of the bed up for transport. IV can run off the pump. Just run a TKVO. We'll have to wait for respiratory. Sam: Wait, wait, wait, wait. What's happening? Nurse: He's showing signs of responsiveness. We're taking him up for surgery. If you want to see him, I'd squeeze in there quick. Sam and Dean walk towards Bobby's room. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby's MOTHER is still on the floor and there is now blood coming from her nose as well as her mouth. Bobby's MOTHER: I'm sorry. I said that I'm – I'm sorry. Bobby's Father: Yeah, yeah, you say that every time. Bobby's MOTHER: Please just stop. Bobby's Father: [shouting]No! This time, you listen! Young Bobby: Stop it. Young Bobby is standing in the doorway with a r*fle. As his parents watch, he cocks the r*fle. Bobby's Father laughs. Bobby's Father: You're kidding, right? You're not half enough man to use that thing. You leave the adults to sort this out... and I will deal with you later. Bobby's Father grabs Bobby's MOTHER by her hair and drags her partway to her feet. Bobby's MOTHER: Ohh! Aah! Bobby, just go. Do what he says. Just go. Young Bobby: No. Young Bobby points the r*fle at his father. Young Bobby: Leave her alone. Young Bobby sh**t his father in the head. Bobby's MOTHER: Aah! Bobby's Father falls to the ground d*ad. Bobby's MOTHER: Bobby, what did you do? God is gonna punish you. Bobby: Hey. Bobby walks over to Young Bobby. Bobby: You did what you had to do. This is where you learn that... they pretty much never say thanks when you save 'em. Now go get a shovel. Bury the old man out behind the woodshed. Young Bobby leaves. Reaper: You got the only genetic case of b*llet in the brain I've ever seen. Bright light appears in the kitchen window. Reaper: Not so fast, Singer. Bobby hurries to the kitchen door, opens it and looks out into the bright light. INT. Bobby's ROOM IN THE HOSPITAL – DAY Sam and Dean are at Bobby's bedside. Nurse: Sorry. We need to get moving. Sam: Right. Yeah. Sam looks at Dean, and then down at Bobby. Sam: Hey, um... Bobby, um, hey... Sam takes Bobby's hand. Sam: Just... thanks... for everything. Sam lets go of Bobby's hand and gives it a pat. Nurse: All right. Please step back. Dean: Yeah. Bobby raises his hand and opens his eyes. Sam: Wait, wait, wait, wait, stop. His eyes are open. Dean: Bobby? Sam: Hey. Sam puts a hand on Bobby's shoulder. Bobby removes the respirator covering his mouth and nose. Sam takes Bobby's hands. Dean: What – don't talk. Don't talk. A pen – I – Dean grabs the pen and chart at the end of the bed. Dean: Here. Here, here, here. Dean hands the pen to Sam, who hands it to Bobby. Dean: What is it? Bobby writes "45489" (one number less than he wrote on the piece of paper earlier) on Sam's hand while breathing heavily with the effort. He smiles slightly at Sam and Dean, who lean closer to him. Bobby: Idjits. Bobby's head falls back onto the pillow and his eyes close. The monitor he is attached to starts to beep. Dean: Bobby? Hey! The monitor shows flat lines. INT. HOSPITAL – DAY Nurse: Call a code – trauma room. Sam and Dean are standing outside Bobby's room as medical staff hurry towards the room and attempt to revive Bobby. We see a long close-up of Dean's face. INT. Bobby's HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby is walking through the house. Dean: You microbrewing in there, or what? Come on – we got a lot of Chuck Norris to get through. Let's go. Bobby opens the refrigerator and takes out two beers. Reaper: Nice move, waking up like that. Bobby: Motivation's a mother. Reaper: You know why it's dark out there, don't you? This house – it's your last island, everything else melted by that b*llet – gone. This is your last chance to come with me and move on. For your own good, Bobby, let go. They'll be okay without you. Bobby: Last memory, huh? The Reaper nods. Bobby: Glad I saved the best for last. Bobby walks away. Dean, who is holding a remote, sits down on the two-person couch next to Sam, who is eating popcorn. Dean: All right, scoot, jerkface. Show your elders some respect. Sam: You scoot, ass-hat. Sam flips a piece of popcorn at Dean. Bobby walks in and hands the beers to Sam. Sam: Mm. Sam sets one of the beers on the table in front of Dean. Dean is taking more snacks out of a plastic bag. Dean: Did we get licorice? Bobby sits down and watches Sam and Dean. Sam: [with a mouth full of popcorn]: No, we did not get licorice. We got goodsnacks. Licorice is disgusting. Bobby is smiling slightly. Dean: I'm sorry. I didn't quite understand that, uh, Mr. Peanut-Butter-and-Banana Sandwiches? Sam: You know what? I stand by that sandwich. Nobody likes licorice. I-it's – it's made of dirt. Dean: It is a classic movie food. It's right up there with popcorn. Sam: Popcorn? Really? Dean: Yes. Sam: You're out of your mind. Sam and Dean are fading. Dean: What – it's like little chewy... Sam and Dean disappear. Dean (V-O): ... pieces of heaven. Sam (V-O): Oh, chewy pieces of heaven if you're a girl. Reaper: Well, Bobby? Stay or go – what's it gonna be? The REAPER's watch is open and ticking. END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "07x10 - Death's Door"}
Air Date: 6 January 2012 INT. DINER – NIGHT A Man is sitting at a table, watching a suggestively-dressed Woman talking to a man outside. A waitress, MARLENE, tops up his coffee. Man: Thank you. MARLENE: Sure. You've been here a couple nights in a row now. Man: What can I say? I like the ambience. MARLENE: Get you anything else? The Man sees the Woman outside lead the man away with her arms hooked around one of his. Man: No, thanks. The Man takes money from his pocket and we see that he is carrying a Kn*fe. MARLENE: Thanks. Keep safe out there. The Woman and the man she is with walk between trucks parked outside the diner. The Man with the Kn*fe follows them, Kn*fe drawn. As he walks slowly between the trucks, MARLENE appears behind him. MARLENE: Hey, there. You lost? Man: What? The MAN's vision is blurry. Man: Excuse me... MARLENE: Ooh-hoo. You're looking a little Cabo Wabo, there. Man: No. No, I'm fine. MARLENE: No. You're not. I slipped a little special sauce into your coffee while you were watching the skirt. You do know we're venomous, right? MARLENE's pupils become almost vertical. MARLENE: Looks like I didn't dose you quite hard enough. That's okay. There's more where that came from. MARLENE smiles, revealing pointed, snake-like teeth. She throws the Man against a truck. He falls to the ground, dropping the Kn*fe. MARLENE: That's for the crappy tip. Week One INT. Rufus's CABIN – DAY Sam and Dean are sitting silently in dim light in Rufus' cabin, Sam in a chair and Dean on the couch. They both have their hands in their laps and Sam is clenching his hands together. Sam looks over at Dean, then away. When Sam is no longer looking directly at him, Dean looks at Sam, then away. Week Two INT. Rufus's CABIN – DAY Sam takes an address book out of a drawer and opens it. Dean has added a list below the number: Zip Code Sec [?] Lock V-Mail Password Bank # Each item is crossed out. Week Three INT. Rufus's CABIN – DAY Dean pins an article titled "Biggerson's Recalls Contaminated Meat: Customers Report Illness After Eating Turducken Slammers" to a board holding their research. Also on the board are several articles about Dick Roman. Sam puts two duffel bags on a table and takes a beer out of the refrigerator. Sam: Dean, you know, um... I wonder if – if we... I mean, should we be telling people? I mean, people he knew. Dean: How long ago did I give Frank these numbers? It's been a few weeks, right? What, is he nuts, or is he just being rude? Sam: Probably both. Dean, I-I got to ask you a question. Dean: Unless, of course, something happened to him. He can't get to the phone because a Leviathan ate his face. Sam: Yeah, also a possibility. Dean: We should go check on him. Sam: Dean, do you want to call Bobby's people or not? Dean: W-why is – why is that our job? Sam: Because who else is gonna do it? Dean: I'm not calling anybody. If you want to, you go right ahead. Sam: I don't want to call anybody. You kidding me? A phone in one of the duffel bags rings. Dean: Well, I'm not getting it. Sam takes out the phone. Sam: Hello? Girl (V-O): Is Bobby Singer there? Sam: Uh, no. He's, uh... I-I-it's not, but I'm a friend of his. Dean picks up a flask that was in the duffel bag, sniffs it and puts the lid back on. Girl (V-O): My dad asked me to call Bobby Singer specifically. Sam: He's... not here, but, look, if you need s– The Girl hangs up. Dean: Who was it? Sam: Just some kid. Dean: For Bobby? Girl scout cookies? Sam: I think maybe... Dean picks up a full bottle of beer from the table. Sam: Maybe a-a hunter's kid? I mean, she sounded pretty scared. You know, I have a caller ID. Maybe we should go find her. We – we can check on her. Dean: What about Frank? Sam: Well, Dean, I think we should go find this girl first. Dean: Sam, Frank's been working on the numbers that Bobby spent his last breath on, and you want to back-burner that? Sam looks silently at Dean. Dean: Fine. You go check out girl scout. I'll find Frank. Sam: Fine. But you know what? On one condition – if Frank is just spinning his wheels, then you bail out on crazy and come meet me. Dean looks at the beer bottle in his hand, which is now empty. Dean: And thanks for drinking my entire beer. Sam: I didn't touch your beer. Mine's right there. You probably drank it without noticing. Dean: Right. EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING – DAY A sign reads "Clarke Manor Furnished Apartments – Month to Month Rentals". INT. APARTMENT BUILDING – DAY Sam knocks on an apartment door. Sam: Hello? Um, we...spoke on the phone earlier? The door opens to the length of a chain lock. Sam: Hi. Uh...I'm Sam. You sounded like you needed help, and I was in the area. Girl: How'd you find me? Sam: Your dad is in Bobby's address book. Girl: So where is he? Sam: Bobby? He, uh... He's passed away. Look, um – Girl: Krissy. Sam: Krissy. I get it. You don't let strangers in. But if your dad said you could trust Bobby, then you can trust me, too. KRISSY shuts the door, undoes the chain and opens the door again. KRISSY: Just so you know, 911's on speed-dial. One button. Sam: Yeah, sure. Note taken. KRISSY: So... you're a salesman, too? Sam: Yep. So your dad's on the road right now? Been gone a while? KRISSY: He usually calls every night. Sam: How long has it been? KRISSY: Five days. Sam: It's just you and him, huh? I know how that is. Look, um... Sometimes on the road, crap happens. So I'll help you track him down. KRISSY: Really? Sam: 'Course. Did he happen to say where he was going? KRISSY: Said he had a couple leads near Dodge City. Sam: And does he have a desk or something where he keeps his stuff? KRISSY leads Sam into another room. Sam: Do you mind making some coffee? Thanks. Sam looks through the desk and then inside a closet. Behind the hanging clothes, he finds a research board with missing person notices and an article titled "Monsters In Our Midst" and "Trucker Missing, Rig Found In Ditch". Sam: Krissy. Sam walks towards the kitchen. Sam: Hey, listen, so I think I got an idea where to start. So I'm gonna go. Um...Can I borrow this? Sam holds up a framed photograph of KRISSY and her dad. KRISSY: Yeah. Sam: Thanks. Here. Here's a number, in case you don't hear from me in the next couple days. Don't worry. I promise I'll check in. KRISSY: Don't say that. That's what my dad said. EXT. Frank's HOUSE – DAY Dean drives up and gets out of the car. INT. Frank's HOUSE – DAY Dean walks through the mostly empty house with his g*n drawn. Dean: This can't be good. Dean turns to the sound of a g*n cocking and raises his own g*n. Frank is pointing a g*n at him. Dean: Well... hi. Frank doesn't lower his g*n. Dean: Frank... we're amongst friends here. Okay, acquaintances. Frank: That's just what a Leviathan would say. INT. Frank's HOUSE – DAY Dean: Frank. I'm not a Leviathan. Frank: Oh, sure. You're not a Leviathan. Dick Roman's not a Leviathan. Gwyneth Paltrow is not a Leviathan. Dean: Yeah? Frank: Trust me. Dean: Okay. You know what, Frank? I think you've been doing a littletoo much research. Frank: They're anywhere, anyone. Who's to say this ain't the day they come for old Frank who knew too much? Dean: They bleed black goo, right? You want to see what I bleed? Frank points his g*n at Dean's foot. Dean: Oh! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Let's take the g*n out of it, okay? Frank: Okay. Dean puts his g*n on the table, takes a switchknife out of his back pocket and makes a cut on his forearm. Frank finally lowers his g*n. Dean: See? Red-blooded American. Dean wipes his Kn*fe on his sleeve. Dean: Now... Dean holds out the Kn*fe to Frank. Dean: Your turn. Frank: Oh! Whoa. Look, I'm obviously not – Dean: Fair's fair, douchebag. Frank takes the Kn*fe, makes a cut on his palm and hands the Kn*fe back to Dean. Dean: Yeah. Dean wipes the Kn*fe on his sleeve again. Dean: I'm glad we could share that together. Frank: Grab your g*n, come with me. For God's sake, don't make any noise. EXT. – DAY Dean and Frank pull up at a barn containing a trailer. INT. Frank's TRAILER – DAY Dean: Why the downsize? Frank: You! "Hey, Frank, go dig up some dirt on Richard Roman." That night, I was b*rned off every IP I had. Ears on my phones, eyes on my house... Dean: Wait – Dick's got people watching you? Frank: Do I look like I know? You think it's easy to see this deep into what's real and also be bipolar with delusional ideation? There is no pill for my situation, sweetiepop, so, yeah, best guess – the bigmouths are onto me. Next question. Dean: All right. Well, what's the word on the bigmouths? Frank: Their tentacles are everywhere. I-I'm looking at bankers, military high-ups... Dean: This is why you didn't call me back. Frank: Hey, cut me some slack. You called me like four days ago. Dean: I called you four weeksago, Frank. Frank: What? No. Really? Days, weeks – quit busting my chops. Dean: What, are you kidding me? Frank: You cool your heels, Buster Brown. Dean: Frank, I paid you fifteen grand for this. Frank: Yeah, I get that – Dean: No, you don'tget that! Dick Roman is every card in my h*t deck. You understand that? Those numbers, they got something to do with him, okay? Bobby diedfor those numbers. Frank: Look, I'm sorry about Bobby. I really am. You know, this one time, we were in Fresno, and we got stuck – Dean: No. No, no, no. I'm not gonna play "this one time with Bobby" crap, all right? I'm not gonna get all warm and fuzzy with somebody else who barely knew him. Frank: Just trying to make friendly conversation. Dean: This is not a friendship, Frank. I'm paying you! Frank: Hey. You know what you need? A little LSD, a little shiatsu – Dean: I'm out of here. Frank: Hey, you want to know what those numbers are? Bupkis. They're not lottery numbers, license – Dean: I know that, Frank. Thank you. Frank: Which leaves us little else to do but probability generate. Dean: Come again? Frank sits down at a computer. Frank: You run most reasonable possibilities for a Levi-related five-digit number written by a dying drunk, you come up flat. Know what you start to wonder? "Hey, maybe I'm missing a number." Dean: Well, how do you figure? Frank: Oh, I don't know. Because Bobby was dying of brain trauma. I just had a tickle there was a reason nothing was popping out at us, so I set up a program to run possibilities for six numbers, seven, eight. But good news. Dean: Good news? Frank: Never had to go past six, because this... Frank: ...my little lamb, is coordinates. Dean: You sure? To what? Frank: A field in Wisconsin. Dean: No. No, Bobby didn't give us coordinates to some patch of weeds in Cheeseville. Frank: No, he gave you coordinates to a parcel recently purchased by Willman, Inc., a subsidiary of [Frank makes a trumpeting noise]Richard Roman Enterprises. Dean: So what do we do? Frank: Stay away. Or, if we're stupid... we go there and set up surveillance. INT. MORGUE – DAY MORGUE ATTENDANT: Matthew Havlena – found in a ditch off the interstate. Sam: Cause of death? MORGUE ATTENDANT: Missing five pints of blood can't have helped. Puncture wounds – femoral arteries and carotid. Sam: So, what? Some kind of animal att*ck? MORGUE ATTENDANT: Or a vampire. Sam looks at the MORGUE ATTENDANT without smiling. MORGUE ATTENDANT: Huh. That... usually gets at least a Chuckle. EXT. TOWN – DAY(Sam) [i]INT. BARN CONTAINING Frank's TRAILER – DAY[i](Dean) (Scene switches between the above locations) Sam (on phone): Find Frank? Dean (on phone): Yeah. Those numbers? Coordinates. Dick bought some land. We're headed there now. Sam (on phone): Wait, wait, wait. You're just gonna drive right up to – Dean (on phone): Relax. It's a field, not the Death Star. Dick's at a TED Conference. It's all over The Huffington Post. Sam (on phone): Wait, wait, wait. Since when do you read? Dean (on phone): Know your enemy, Sam. What's going on with the girl? Sam (on phone): I don't think she even knows her dad's in the life. So far, I got three missing truckers and one blood-free body. Dean (on phone): Good times. All right, well, keep me posted. [i]INT. BARN CONTAINING Frank's TRAILER – DAY Frank opens the trailer door. Frank: Got the equipment arranged. Come and get your costume on. We can scoot. Dean: "Costume"? What? EXT. FIELD – DAY[i] Dean: What the hell's so special about this place? Frank: I love a mystery. Now get up in that cherry picker and act like you're fixing something. Dean and Frank are wearing gray overall uniforms and hard hats. Dean: I don't know how to drive that thing. Frank: You think I do? Dean: Well, why do I got to be the sap that – Frank points to his own uniform, then to Dean's. Frank: This one says "manager." That one says "technician." Sometime this month? Dean climbs up into the cherry picker. Dean: Come on. Yah! Whoo! Dean clips a carabiner from his safety harness onto the cherry picker and puts the cherry picker in motion. Dean: Okay... aaah! Up. Moving. Aah. Frank is looking through binoculars and sees several surveillance cameras. Frank: Oh, crap. Come on down, Tarzan! Dean: What? Frank: Get down here. We need to move. They got this place wired up the wazoo. Dean: They're watching us right now? Frank: Nah, nah, they're just watching Cheech and Ed from Ma Bell. Dean: You know, it's gonna be a little difficult to set up surveillance if there's, uh, [i]surveillance[i]everywhere. Frank: Right. So we need to tap into theirs instead. [i]INT. Frank's TRAILER – NIGHT Frank taps some keys and the computer screen shows the field. Dean: All right, now what? Frank: You look horrific. When was the last time you really slept a night? Dean: Let's just work, all right? Frank: This is it. We watch the screens. I can take the first shift. You're no use if you can't even... Dean falls asleep. Frank: Keep your eyes open. Dean's phone vibrates in his pocket, but he doesn't wake. INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Sam is looking at John's journal while talking on the phone. Sam (on phone): Dean, hey. So I think this guy was hunting a Vetala. Um, Dad took one down back in the day. Silver Kn*fe to the heart, twist, they're done. He says they're maladjusted loner types – like to knock a guy out, drag him home, feed slow. So, if Krissy's dad got grabbed, there's a chance he might still be alive. Be nice to get this girl's dad back home to her, you know? All right, I could use your help. Call me. INT. DINER – NIGHT Sam: Excuse me. Your manager said that you might be able to help me. MARLENE: Sure. What can I do for you? Sam holds up a picture of KRISSY's Father. Sam: You ever see this man? MARLENE: I...might have served him the other day. I think he may have gone to talk to that girl out there. MARLENE indicates the suggestively-dressed Woman who KRISSY's Father followed. Sam: Thanks. EXT. DINER – NIGHT Sam: Hey! Can I talk to you for a second, uh... Sam reads the name on the necklace the Woman is wearing. Sam: Sally? You ever see this man? Sam holds up the picture of KRISSY's Father. SALLY: No. Sam: You sure? SALLY: It's not safe here. Somewhere private. SALLY walks between parked trucks and Sam follows. SALLY: Something's happening around here. I'm afraid I'll be next. Sam: Tell me what you saw. SALLY: I don't know what I saw. Sam draws his Kn*fe as he hears someone approaching behind him. It is MARLENE. MARLENE grabs Sam by the wrist and throat and shoves him against a truck. Sam drops his Kn*fe. Sam: Sally, run! SALLY's pupils have become almost vertical and her teeth have become pointed. She kicks Sam's legs and he drops to his knees. MARLENE holds Sam's head as SALLY bites his neck. MARLENE's pupils and teeth have also transformed. As MARLENE and SALLY drop Sam and step back, Sam falls unconscious on the ground. INT. Frank's HOUSE – DAY Dean wakes in his chair. Frank is monitoring the field on four computer screens. Dean: How long was I out? Frank: 'Bout 36 hours. Dean: What? Why didn't you wake me? Frank: Not your butler. Come see this. Dean: What? Frank: This is where it gets good. Frank zooms in on a parked car in which two people are kissing. Dean: Frank, you need to get out more. Frank: Not that. The screen shows a woman walking across the field. Frank zooms in on her. She is carrying documents and a walkie-talkie. Frank: Check out Sarah Palin. Dean: Who is she? Frank: Amanda Willer. Frank hits a key. AMANDA's California driver's license, Richard Roman Enterprises security pass and a close-up photo appear on the screen. Frank: Surprise, surprise – works for Richard Roman. Frank hits another key. The screen shows three men in uniforms walking towards Amanda. Dean: What was she doing? Frank: Being a naughty, bossy little girl. Dean: Well, I hate to ask for that in the non-p*rn version. Frank: They're surveying. They're getting ready to build something. Dean: Build what? Frank: Exactly. What? No idea. Dean: Well, how do we find out? On the screen the men are taking up positions on the field. Frank: We watch. Patience, grasshopper. Dean: Yeah, patience and me aren't exactly on terms. Frank: Well, then go out and k*ll something or whatever you kids do to blow off steam. What, you don't like my suggestion? Dean: I don't think you're in a position to be giving suggestions, all right? I think you're one tinfoil hat away from a rubber room. Frank: Did I mention you look awful? Dean: Yes. Maybe because somebody I cared about just got sh*t in the head. And this is like shoving a rock up a hill. And – screw you. Frank: Here's my advice you didn't ask for – quit. Dean: What?! Frank: You want to keep going? Dean: I want Dick Roman on a spit. Frank: But you're gonna drive yourself into the ground first. Good plan. Dean: [after a pause]I'm not gonna quit. It's not even an option. I'm not gonna walk out on my brother. Frank: Okay, then, fine. Do what I did. Dean: What? Go native? Stock up on C-rations? Frank: No, cupcake. What I did when I was 26 and came home to find my wife and two kids gutted on the floor. Decide to be fine till the end of the week. Make yourself smile because you're alive and that's your job. Then do it again the next week. Dean: So fake it? Frank: I call it being professional. Do it right, with a smile, or don't do it. Dean's phone buzzes. He listens to the message Sam left him. Sam (recorded message): Dean, hey. So I think this guy was hunting a Vetala. Um, Dad took one down back in the day. Dean: No, no, no. Sam, that's notright. Frank: What's the guff? Dean: He – Sam (recorded message): ...says they're maladjusted loner types – like to knock a guy out, drag him home – Dean presses a button on his phone to take a call. Dean (on phone): Sam. INT. KRISSY's APARTMENT – DAY KRISSY (on phone): No. Who's this? Dean (on phone, V-O): Who's this? KRISSY (on phone): Sam told me to call if I didn't hear anything back from him. INT. Frank's TRAILER – DAY Dean looks very worried. INT. ABANDONED BUILDING – DAY Sam wakes, tied to a chair. Two d*ad men are in the room. KRISSY's Father is tied to a chair near Sam. KRISSY's Father: That ringing in your ears – it's from the venom. Sam: Venom? KRISSY's Father: Yeah. They h*t you with some kind of knockout juice. You seem to be handling this pretty well. Sam: Yeah. Well, um... I was out there looking for you. Lee Chambers? KRISSY's Father nods. Sam: I'm a friend of Bobby Singer's. Krissy called. She – she's fine. She is. She's just worried about you. So how do we get out of here? Lee: I don't know. They'll be back pretty quick here. Sam: Just the two of them? Lee: Yeah, they're a tag team. One of them knocks you out. The other one dumps your rig or your ride or whatever miles down the road. It's a pretty nice system they got. Sam: They've been draining you. Lee: Yeah. They tap you three, four times, you're d*ad. And let me tell you... you can't see... you can't walk. I thought they'd k*ll me right off, but they don't have to. They got nothing to worry about. Sam: How many times they fed on you? Lee: Three. INT. CHAMBERS' APARTMENT – DAY KRISSY: Did Sam tell you where he was going? Dean: That's what I'm trying to figure out. What did you tell him? KRISSY: Uh...He checked my dad's room. Dean: There? KRISSY: Yeah. Dean looks around LEE's room and turns to KRISSY, who is standing in the doorway. Dean: Look, I really don't have time to hold your hand here, so – KRISSY: What are you saying? Dean: I'm saying go wait in the living room. Your dad may not want you to know every single thing about him. KRISSY leans on the doorway and puts a hand on her hip. Dean opens LEE's closet and looks behind the hanging clothes. Only the corner of a map is still pinned to the board. Dean pulls it down. Dean: Where is it? KRISSY: You mean everything about the job my dad was working? Dean: Sam said you didn't know. KRISSY: Samseemed competent, so I figured, fine – I'll do what my dad always tells me to. "Be a regular kid, don't say anything, stay out of the line of f*re. Let the adults work it out." So much for that. Dean: All right. Hand it over. Okay? I have had a long, longweek. KRISSY pulls out a g*n and points it at Dean. Dean: All right, I get it. You're a tough kid. But I'm trying to get Sam and your dad back. KRISSY: My dad left, and he didn't come back. Sam left, and hedidn't come back. I give you the info, you leave, youdon't come back. Dean: I'm coming back. KRISSY: I'm coming with you. Dean: N-no. No. Hell, no. KRISSY: I'm coming! Or you're not going. Dean snatches the g*n out of KRISSY's hand. KRISSY: Ow! Dean: Now hand it over. KRISSY: I can't. I b*rned it. Dean: You what? KRISSY: But lucky for you, I memorized it all first. [i]EXT. ROAD – NIGHT Dean and KRISSY are driving in the car. KRISSY: Hey, I have a question. Dean: All right, here's the deal. I'm a fun guy. I'm actually awesome. Okay? But right now, I'm not in the mood. I'm neck deep in some serious crap, and if this wasn't an emergency, I would drop your ass off at the nearest mall. KRISSY: What serious crap? Dean: Revenge crap, all right? Now shut up. Eat a cookie or something. KRISSY puts headphones in her ears, then takes them out again. KRISSY: One thing doesn't make sense, though. My dad's a pretty great hunter, and your brother's the size of a car, so... So how'd this thing get 'em both? Dean: Vetalas usually hunt in pairs. Sam and your dad both assumed it was one thing hunting solo. KRISSY: Why'd they think that? Dean: Because they had the wrong info. Or, best available. Our dad took down a loner years ago. Sam has his journal. Your dad must've been going on the Same facts. KRISSY: And you know different 'cause...? Dean: Because I hunted one that turned out to be two[i]a couple years back. KRISSY: And you never told Sam? Wow, thanks. How 'bout sharing [i]that[i]with the rest of the class so we don't all get k*lled? Dean: Sam was away at Stanford, smartass. KRISSY: Sam went to college? I thought you said your dad was a hunter. Dean: He [i]was.[i]We [i]were.[i]Sam quit, went to college. There is a pause as KRISSY processes this information. Dean: You could, too, you know – go to college. Be a hunter/pediatrician. [i]INT. ABANDONED BUILDING – NIGHT SALLY enters and walks over to Sam and Lee, who are still tied to chairs. SALLY: Hunter day at the all-you-can-eat. How's everyone feeling? Good? Sam and Lee don't respond. SALLY: Strong silent. Fine. I don't need much entertainment with my meal. SALLY walks over to Lee and leans down to feed on his neck. Sam: Hey, Sally, uh, did I tell you about the Vetalas I took down in Utah? Yeah. You remind me of them. Except they were so much...younger. SALLY walks over to Sam. Sam: I tied 'em up. Not because I had to. More so... I could take my time. SALLY: You're lying. Sam: No. I just want you to know how much I enjoyed cutting up your sisters. SALLY: Shut up! SALLY grabs Sam's hair and bites into his neck. Sam: Aah! Sam's eyes roll back in his head and his eyes close. EXT. DINER – NIGHT Dean and KRISSY are in the car, which is parked outside the diner. Dean: You ever actually work with your dad? KRISSY: Sure. 'Course. Dean: No, I mean work, not sh**t cans in the woods. KRISSY: I mean, I help all the time. Dean: So, no. Well, right about now, your stomach should be pretty knotted up. KRISSY: Not really. Look, maybe this was a lot harder for you when you were my age. Dean: Oh, you think you're a good actress. You're not. KRISSY: What are you talking about? Dean: Well, I hate to break it to you, but it's all over your face – you're scared. KRISSY: Quit treating me like I'm some girl. I've been prepping for this my entire life. Dean: Training's one thing. Doing – whole 'nother beast. KRISSY: Wow. You really scared me straight. Thanks, Dean. MARLENE walks across the parking lot and gets into the cab of a truck. KRISSY: Why is that waitress getting into that truck? Dean: I'm not explaining the R-rated crap to you. KRISSY: The front[i]of the truck, not the back, Dean. MARLENE drives the truck away. [i]EXT. ROAD – NIGHT Dean and KRISSY have followed the truck, which is now parked by the side of a road near a building. Dean: All right. Dean holds out his fist to KRISSY. KRISSY: What century is this? No one fist-bumps anymore. Dean: Come on. Give it up. Good work. Dean wiggles his fist. KRISSY: You're a dweeb. Dean wiggles his fist again. KRISSY finally puts out her hand. Dean grabs it and puts handcuffs on her. KRISSY: What the hell? Dean: I got an idea. Dean attaches the handcuffs to the steering wheel. Dean: How 'bout you stay here? KRISSY: Oh, you jackass. Dean: Yeah, well, I'm the jackass who ain't bringing a kid in there, period. KRISSY: Why? I can do everything you can do. Dean: I'll bring them back. Trust me. KRISSY: Please, they're probably d*ad. Dean: You don't know that. KRISSY: It's been days. Probably just a pile of meat. I've seen it. People die, Dean. I watched my mom get torn to shreds. Let me go in there and k*ll them. Dean: No. Sorry. KRISSY: You're such a hypocrite. How come you get to do it and I don't? Dean: Because I'm the grown-up! Dean holds out a hand. Dean: Give it to me. KRISSY: What? Dean: Your lock pick. I will[i]frisk you. KRISSY hands something over to Dean. Dean: Thank you. Dean gets out of the car and walks away. [i]EXT. ABANDONED BUILDING – NIGHT Dean picks the lock and enters. INT. ABANDONED BUILDING – NIGHT Dean sees one of the d*ad men, then sees Sam, Lee and a third man tied to chairs. SALLY is standing next to the third man and MARLENE next to Lee. Sam is still unconscious. MARLENE: Good thing we picked up a new one. This one's about tapped out. You want to finish him together? SALLY: Sure. Love to. Dean grabs a metal bar and hits SALLY, who falls to the ground. He draws his Kn*fe as MARLENE advances on him. MARLENE: Not so fast. Dean swings at MARLENE, but she hits him and he drops his Kn*fe. She slams him against a metal cage and grabs him by the throat. Sam wakes. Dean grabs another metal bar and hits MARLENE. She falls to the ground. Dean picks up his Kn*fe. KRISSY: Dad, hold on – I got you! KRISSY runs across the room, but SALLY grabs her leg. Lee: No! SALLY gets up, pulls KRISSY behind Lee and Sam, and holds KRISSY from behind. Dean is holding his Kn*fe to MARLENE's throat. SALLY: Let her go... or Little Miss Sunshine here gets it. SALLY's eyes and teeth transform. Dean takes his Kn*fe away from MARLENE's throat. She hurries over to stand behind Lee. SALLY's eyes and teeth return to normal. INT. ABANDONED BUILDING – NIGHT Lee: What were you thinking, bringing her here? Dean walks towards SALLY and KRISSY. SALLY: Now drop the Kn*fe! Dean puts the Kn*fe on the floor. Dean: She's just a child. Let her go. SALLY: Yeah, I don't think we'll be letting anyone go. KRISSY: Daddy... Lee: It's okay, baby. Everything's gonna be fine. MARLENE: All right. Enough with the family bonding. It's time for you to shut up. MARLENE bites into LEE's neck. KRISSY: Daddy, no! Dean! SALLY: He can't help you. No one can. KRISSY pulls a Kn*fe out of her sleeve, spins around and s*ab SALLY. KRISSY: I guess I'll have to help myself, then. KRISSY twists the Kn*fe. SALLY's body turns grey and her teeth transform. She falls to the floor d*ad. MARLENE advances on Dean, who picks up his Kn*fe. KRISSY cuts the ropes binding Sam. Sam takes KRISSY's Kn*fe and s*ab MARLENE as she turns from Dean to him. He twists the Kn*fe. MARLENE's teeth transform and her body turns black as she dies. KRISSY works on the ropes binding Lee, who is unconscious. KRISSY: Bad actress, huh? Dean: Yeah, I take it back. EXT. HOSPITAL – DAY INT. HOSPITAL – DAY Sam and Dean are walking down a hallway. They enter a room that KRISSY is sitting outside. Lee is in a hospital bed in the room. Lee: Yeah, I was hoping you'd stop by. I wanted to thank you. Sam: It's no problem. Lee: No, you saved my life. Krissy's, too. Sam: Actually, uh, she kind of saved ours. Dean: Don't thank us. Quit. Your daughter's 14 years old. She's already a hunter with a-a k*ll under her belt. I'm not trying to be a dick, but what do you think that does to her life span? She could still be a regular kid. Lee: You know, I got into this for a reason. Dean: I know. Your family. That's the Same reason you should get out now. Lee: I can't. You ever know anyone who left the life? Dean: No. They all get k*lled first. Sam: Well, uh... we should probably let you get some rest. Lee: Yeah. Lee raises a hand in farewell. EXT. HOSPITAL – DAY Sam and Dean exit the hospital, followed by KRISSY. KRISSY: Dean! Thanks for saying bye, asshat. Sam walks over to the car, leaving Dean and KRISSY to talk. Dean: Oh, what? Now you're sentimental? KRISSY: No. Just wanted to tell you that you're kind of amusing for an old man. Dean: How'd you get out of them cuffs, anyway? KRISSY: Girl's got to have her secrets. Dean: Bobby pin. You know, you could've gotten yourself k*lled. KRISSY: I saved your bacon. Dean: My point stands. But yes. KRISSY: So... Guess I'm retiring – one and done. Dean: Really? How you feel about that? KRISSY: Who knows? Maybe I'll go to Stanford like Sam. KRISSY holds out her fist to Dean, who bumps it. KRISSY: We're so lame. Dean: Yeah, we are. Take care of yourself. Dean walks over to the car, where Sam is waiting by the passenger side. KRISSY goes back into the hospital. EXT. ROAD – NIGHT Dean and Sam are driving in the car. Sam: You know what? Good for them. Dean: Yeah. It's nice to walk away from someone and feel like they could be okay. How about you? How you doing? You all right? Sam: No. I'm definitely not. But, you know, I mean, um, I think, maybe... I just want to work. Dean nods. Sam: Should I even ask? Dean: I'm fine. Sam: "Fine," meaning...? Dean: You're right. We should just... work, right? And figure out a way to kick Dick Roman's ass. Well, hey, we are the professionals. Sam turns on music and leans against the passenger door to sleep. Dean smiles sadly as he drives. END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "07x11 - Adventures in Babysitting"}
Air Date: 13 January 2012 EXT. STREET – NIGHT A Man wearing a fedora hat and long coat walks along a sidewalk in front of a house, and then turns down an alley along the side of the house. Dean and Sam are in a parked car on the opposite side of the street. Dean: All right, let's do this. Move fast. Dean cocks his g*n. Sam: Wait, wait, wait. What's the plan exactly? Dean: Don't die. Dean and Sam get out of the car and hurry after the FEDORA Man. Dean: He's heading downtown. All right, you take the street. I'll take the alley. I'll meet you in the middle. Dean turns an alleyway corner and sees the FEDORA Man kneeling over and holding the head of another man, who is on his back on the ground. There is a red light above the prone man's face which seems to be being absorbed by the FEDORA Man. Dean: Son of a... Dean runs towards the men. As the red light from the prone man is completely absorbed by the FEDORA Man, the FEDORA Man lets the prone man's head fall to the ground and stands up. Sam comes around the corner and sees Dean tackle the FEDORA Man. Dean and the FEDORA Man disappear in an expl*si*n of red and white light. Sam: Dean? Sam holds his arms out in front of his face as the force of the expl*si*n reaches him at the other end of the alley. The light then disappears and everything is still. Dean and the FEDORA Man are gone. Sam: Dean?! SUPERNATURAL Two Days Earlier INT. HOUSE – NIGHT Dean is sitting at a table with a bottle of whiskey and laptop, looking at websites related to DICK ROMAN: Global Economic Report: RRE, a search engine page, Financial Market Watch: Richard Roman Enterprises stock soars. A cell phone rings. Sam, who was asleep on a bed in the Same room, sits up and groans. Dean: Don't give me that dirty-diaper look. I ain't calling you. Sam answers the phone. Sam (on phone): Hello? CAR – NIGHT JODY MILLS is driving. JODY MILLS (on phone): Sam, it's Jody Mills. I wake you? Sam (on phone, V-O): The Sheriff? Uh... INT. HOUSE – NIGHT Sam turns on a lamp. Sam (on phone): Yeah. Uh, I mean, uh – JODY MILLS (on phone, V-O): Listen, I got something that smells like you boys. CAR – NIGHT JODY MILLS (on phone): A body turned up in Canton, Ohio. Local P.D.'s trying to bury the story and the body. (The scene continues to switch between the HOUSE and CAR.) Sam (on phone): Okay, um, so, uh, what's up with the body? JODY MILLS (on phone): Well, when it went missing, it was a perfectly normal grad student named Charles Durbin. When it turned up, the thing was mummified minus the wrapping. This is actually the second body found like this in the last couple weeks. Sound like a song you boys tap to? Sam (on phone): Yeah, yeah, that's, that's um... that's our kind of number. Hey, question – how does a Sheriff in Sioux Falls get wind of a case in Ohio? JODY MILLS (on phone): I'm just that nosy. Look, after everything I've been through with you boys and... with Bobby, you know, something like this pops up on the wire, it catches my ear. What can I say? Sam (on phone): Well, we'll look into it. Thanks, Sheriff. JODY MILLS (on phone): Call me after, okay? Sam (on phone): Yeah. INT. HOUSE – NIGHT Sam hangs up. Sam: That was Sheriff Mills. She caught us one. Dean: Oh, I feel bad. We didn't get her anything. Sam: I can't believe I'm about to say this but I hope you're watching cartoon smut, 'cause reading Dick Roman crap over and over again is just self-punishment. After a pause, Dean closes the laptop. Dean: It's called anime, and it's an art form. Canton, Ohio EXT. ABANDONED HOUSE – DAY Signs saying "For Auction" and "No Trespassing" are hung on a security fence around the house. Dean and Sam, dressed in suits, pull up in a car outside the house. Dean: Well, this looks nice. Check around back? They drive off. INT. ABANDONED HOUSE, DOWNSTAIRS ROOM – DAY Dean carries a table into an empty downstairs room. Sam comes down the stairs carrying a chair. Sam: Well, there's a... semi-functioning bathroom and one un-rancid bedroom. Dean: Define semi-functioning, and do not use the words "hole in the floor." Sam holds out his right fist on his left palm and nods meaningfully to Dean. Dean takes up the Same position with a bit of a flourish. We see them h*t their palms with their fists twice. INT. ABANDONED HOUSE, UPSTAIRS BEDROOM – DAY Sam rolls out a bedroll in an empty bedroom. Dean enters the room and stands near the door. Dean: How does paper b*at a rock? It's stupid. Sam doesn't respond and Dean leaves the room. We see a close-up of a police file containing a picture of Charles Darbis and an autopsy report. EXT. RESIDENTIAL STREET – DAY Dean and Sam are dressed in suits. Dean is holding the police file. Sam: Kids playing hide-and-seek found the body. Dean: Wow. Very King Tut. Sam: Yeah, so, uh, this is where the eyewitness to the as*ault lives, but the cops are calling him an unreliable witness. Dean: Because? Sam: Let's find out. Dean and Sam knock at the door of a house and hold out their I.D. A Man opens the door. Dean: Special Agent Smith. This is, uh, Special Agent Smith. No relation. Man: Whoa. Do you mind if we, uh... My mom's sleeping in there. The Man steps outside and closes the door. Man: S-so, how can I...? Sam: Oh, we, uh – we had a few questions about the incident you witnessed in the alley. Man: You just gonna laugh at my story like the rest of the suits? Dean: We're not gonna laugh at you. Man: All right, well, I'm on the steps... medicating... when I hear fighting. So I look. There's my neighbor Durbin, and some dude dressed like my grandpa's got him by the neck, right? Dean: What do you mean he looks like your grandpa? Man: Uh... Snappy shoes, suit, one of those, um, Justin Timberlake hats. Sam: Y-you mean a – a fedora? Man: Aha! Sam: Did you see anything else? Man: This red, like, energy passed through Durbin to hat guy. Even my watch stopped. Durbs... he aged before my eyes. He looked like a raisin. Sam: Well, we believe you. The Man nods appreciatively. Man: Oh! Dean: Thanks for your help. Man: Thank you, officer – officers. Dean and Sam turn to leave. Dean: Wow. INT. ABANDONED HOUSE, DOWNSTAIRS ROOM – DAY Dean and Sam, still in their white shirts, ties and suit pants, are working at the table. Sam is using the laptop. Dean leafs through John's journal, then closes it and puts it down. Dean: Yep. Nothing that turns a dude into a Cryptkeeper. You? Dean checks to see that a beer can next to him on the table is empty and takes two fresh beers out of a cooler. Sam: Uh, well, greater Canton turns out kind of a hot spot for weird d*ad bodies. Dean: Hmm. You don't say. Sam: Yeah. News archives. Sam turns the laptop towards Dean. Sam: They're not exactly reporting, uh, mummifies. But still, uh – 1928... The laptop screen shows articles titled "Another Shriveled Body Found" and "Spontaneous Combustion Claims Life of Young Man" and a page of search engine results for "Canton Ohio mysterious deaths". Sam: ...three deaths cited as spontaneous combustion. Bodies, quote, "shriveled despite no signs of f*re." Dean: Little stretch, but okay. Sam: '74... Sam hits a button on the keyboard. Sam: ...three bodies found with leathery decay. Uh, '57... Sam hits a button on the keyboard. Sam: ...three more – The laptop screen shows articles titled "Strange Body Found", "Mummy Found By Boys" and "Bartender Falls Victim to Dehydration". Sam: Severe dehydration. This time one made the front page. Sam hits a button and an old newspaper photograph appears on the screen. In it, a young girl standing next to a policeman points at a corpse. In the background are a woman talking to another policeman and two men, one of whom is wearing a fedora and long coat. Sam: Girl named Terry Cervantes found a corpse near her church. Dean: Any pattern here other than the location? Sam: Random vics, random years. But they seem to drop in threes. Dean: That's two down, one to go. All right, let me drive for a sec. Sam: What, are you gonna look up more anime, or are you strictly into Dick now? Dean types "Canton web cams" into a search engine and brings up "Securi-Net Webcams," which shows ten images from security cameras. Dean: Hmm. Sam: Are those local feeds? Dean: Yeah. Sam: How did you do that so fast? Dean: A little tutorial from Frank. Don't worry. We'll pretend this never happened. Now, mummy numero dos was, uh, found at the Gas n' Sip near Main Street, correct? Sam: Yeah. Dean enters "gas+main+st" into a search box on the Securi-Net Webcams site and brings up four security camera feeds. Dean: All right, well, here's all the cameras around that store. Sam: You need to teach me that trick. A Man wearing a fedora and long coat appears in one of the feeds. Dean: Hey, check it out – Timberlake. Sam: Wait a sec. Sam takes back the laptop. Dean: You can't let me bask in the glory for one second, can you? Sam: Shut up. Look. The laptop screen now shows a close-up of the man from the security camera feed, and a close-up of the man in the fedora and coat in the old newspaper photograph. Dean: He hasn't aged a day, has he? All right, well, if he's been popping up for decades now, then somebody's bound to know who he is, right? Is there any chance that, uh, Terry's still local? Close-up of the old newspaper photograph under the headline "Strange Body Found" from a copy of the front page of the Canton Post, Friday Morning, May 10, 1957. As the camera pans out, we see that a woman in a white coat is holding the article. INT. HOSPITAL – DAY TERRY: You know it's so pretty in the spring. Everything's blooming. That's why I walked home that way – to see the flowers. Instead, I found that body. I still have no idea what could have done that to a person. Dean: Do you recognize that man? TERRY: Yeah. I mean, he lived on my parents' street. Mr. Snider. Dean: Where'd you say your parents live? EXT. STREET – NIGHT Dean and Sam are eating take-out in the car, which is parked where it was at the beginning of the episode, across the street from a house. Dean: So, what exactly is this thing? Some sort of vampire who got too sucky? Sam: Nope. Coroner's reports said there was blood in both bodies. 300-year-old blood, but blood. The FEDORA Man comes out of the house. Dean: Dude, dude. Uh, fedora dude. The FEDORA Man walks along the sidewalk and turns down the alley. Dean: All right, let's do this. Let's move fast. Dean cocks his g*n. Sam: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's the plan here, exactly? Dean: Don't die. Dean and Sam get out of the car and hurry after the FEDORA Man. Dean: He's heading downtown. All right, you take the street. I'll take the alley. I'll meet you in the middle. Dean turns an alleyway corner and sees the FEDORA Man kneeling over and holding the head of another man, who is on his back on the ground. There is a red light above the prone man's face which seems to be being absorbed by the FEDORA Man. Dean: Son of a... Dean runs towards the men. As the red light from the prone man is completely absorbed by the FEDORA Man, the FEDORA Man lets the prone man's head fall to the ground and stands up. Sam comes around the corner and sees Dean tackle the FEDORA Man. Dean and the FEDORA Man disappear in an expl*si*n of red and white light. Dean and the FEDORA Man are tussling on the ground. Dean grabs the FEDORA MAN's hand and sees that he is wearing a ring with an hourglass symbol. The FEDORA Man breaks away and runs off. Dean: Hey! Dean gets to his feet and hurries after the FEDORA Man. He is in an alley. Dean: Hey! Dean draws his g*n. Dean: Hey! Dean reaches the street, stops and looks around. Judging by the cars and clothes, he is in the 1940s. Two policemen get out of a police car and point g*n at Dean. POLICEMAN: Hey, you! Drop the g*n! Put it down! Drop the g*n! Dean: All right. Dean drops his g*n to the ground. The policemen advance on him. INT. Police STATION INTERVIEW ROOM – DAY A POLICEMAN is examining Dean's possessions. Dean is sitting at the table in handcuffs. Dean: Okay, can I just – POLICEMAN: Don't. Listen to me. Hey, if you tell me you're from the Bureau one more time, I'm gonna air you out myself. Got it? The POLICEMAN turns on Dean's cell phone. POLICEMAN: "No signal." Are you some kind of Jerry spy? Dean: Jerry who? POLICEMAN: And a terrible one at that. The POLICEMAN picks up Dean's FBI ID. POLICEMAN: This badge was issued 68 years from now. Ace work, kraut-muncher. Dean calculates the date. Dean: '44? I'm stuck in 1944?! POLICEMAN: We're all stuck in 1944, ya bunny. A Man enters the room. The POLICEMAN gets up from the table and walks over to him. Man: Take a powder. POLICEMAN: Yes, sir. The POLICEMAN leaves the room. Dean: Look I don't even like frigging sauerkraut, okay, so you can just skip the – Man: What happened in the alley? And paint me a real picture. Dean: All right, well, I'm "twelve monkeyed" no matter what I say, so here goes. I was chasing this dude. Uh, I'd just seen him mummify a guy. Yeah. So, I jumped him. He lights up red. Poof, we're in 1944. The Man tosses a folder onto the table and sits down across from Dean. Man: Tell me more about the red light. Dean: Are you seriously asking – Man: You want out of this jail, you're gonna tell me everything you can about that man and the so-called light. Dean: Okay. I saw it, and then we were here. Man: Would you say that, uh... it was all around you or that more that it came from inside this fella? Dean: You believe me. Are you...? You're a hunter. Man: I don't know what you're talking about. Dean: Demons, ghosts, shifters. Hey, I've k*lled 'em all. And you're the Same. Just 68 years before me, huh? The Man exhales sharply and holds out a hand. Man: And your name is...? Dean, who is still in handcuffs, shakes his hand. Dean: Dean...Winchester. Man: Ness. Eliot Ness. INT. ABANDONED HOUSE, DOWNSTAIRS ROOM – NIGHT Sam is adding to research that is taped to a wall. His phone rings. Sam (on phone): Dean? CAR – NIGHT JODY MILLS (on phone): No. Why? Where's Dean? (The scene switches between the HOUSE and CAR.) Sam (on phone): The thing that's been mummifying people took him in a frigging ball of light and disappeared. JODY MILLS (on phone): You guys get that a lot? Sam (on phone): Yeah, more than most people. JODY MILLS (on phone): Well, I got you into this, so – Sam (on phone): No, no, no, you didn't. A-all you did was just – JODY MILLS (on phone): Shut up, Sam. How I can help? Sam (on phone): Well, um... How do you feel about driving and lifting boxes? INT. Police STATION INTERVIEW ROOM – DAY Dean is standing, no longer in handcuffs. ELIOT NESS enters the room. Dean: I-I got to tell you, I mean, "Untouchables" is, like, one of my most favorite movies ever. ELIOT NESS: What? Dean: I must have seen that thing, like, 50 times. ELIOT NESS: "Seen it?" What, like, I'm in the – Dean: Oh, yeah, yeah! You don't even know! Oh, you are – pbht! ELIOT NESS: Look, hey, wait, wait, wait. Let's just... slow it down. Okay? Now, time travel. Is that something you find up a lot of sleeves in the future or...? Dean: No, no, no. It's, uh, not normally on the menu. Trust me. I'm as surprised as you are that I'm here. ELIOT NESS: So we're hunting the Same thing, just in different centuries. ELIOT NESS pushes a folder towards Dean and opens a second one. ELIOT NESS: Two bodies. A few days apart just a little over a month ago. One witness said that she saw an assailant light up red after sucking the life out of a man. Dean: Awesome. ELIOT NESS: How does that fill you with awe? Look, Dean, this thing, it kills – Dean: In threes. ELIOT NESS: In threes. Dean: But you already know that. ELIOT NESS: He's two down. You're coming with me. We've got to get this thing before it grabs the last one. Dean: Okay, so, so, wait, uh... Does... does this mean that I'm an Untouchable now? ELIOT NESS: It means we got to get you into some new clothes. You look like some kind of bindlestiff. Dean: Stiff your br – bin – what? INT. TAILOR's SHOP – DAY A Woman is measuring and pinning trousers at a table. ELIOT NESS and Dean pull up in a car outside. Dean gets out of the car and smiles after a passing serviceman. ELIOT NESS grabs Dean's arm and pulls him into the shop. Woman: What's the rumpus, Eliot? ELIOT NESS: Ezra Moore. Dean Winchester. Dean: Hey. EZRA: Who's he? Some farmer clown? ELIOT NESS: He's, uh, from the future. Dean: Yeah. Gas costs four bucks. You can get cheese out of a spray can. And... the President, he's a black guy. I could go on. EZRA: Paint me impressed. I assume you need some clothes. Come on. INT. ABANDONED HOUSE – DAY Sam opens the door and JODY MILLS enters, carrying boxes. Sam: Hey, let me, uh – let me help you with those. JODY MILLS: No, I got these. You go get the other 20 in my truck. Sam: Seriously? JODY MILLS: Yeah. I think Bobby may have had a slight hoarding issue. I could barely get the door open on that storage locker. And, um, I'm pretty sure something's alive in at least three of those boxes. Sam leaves. INT. TAILOR's SHOP – DAY Dean is dressing in brown clothes, then comes out of a fitting room wearing a dark suit. His hair is parted on the side. ELIOT NESS smiles and whistles. Dean looks at himself in the mirror as EZRA smooths the suit jacket from behind. Dean: Awesome. EZRA: "Awesome"? You some religious kook? ELIOT NESS: No, he just likes saying that. EZRA: So, spill already. What bucket of syrup did you two idjits step into? Dean Chuckles. EZRA: Something funny, sweetheart? Dean: No, you, uh... You just kind of remind me of someone. ELIOT NESS: Okay, Ezra... we need your help. It seems we're hunting a time traveler. EZRA: Delightful. INT. ABANDONED HOUSE, DOWNSTAIRS ROOM – DAY Sam is studying the research hanging on the wall. JODY MILLS is using a laptop to search the Federal Criminal Database Secure Server for "Fedora, Man, Suit". JODY MILLS: Got it. JODY MILLS brings up an old photograph that includes the FEDORA Man. Sam: Is that a – is that a ring on his finger? JODY MILLS: Um... JODY MILLS zooms in on the FEDORA MAN's hand. JODY MILLS: Yeah. Sam frowns, then gets up to get a binder, which he brings back to the table. Sam: I know that symbol. INT. TAILOR's SHOP – DAY Close-up of a book with the hourglass symbol. EZRA: It's the infinite hourglass. Dean: That's the symbol I saw on his ring. EZRA: Yeah, that's the mark of Chronos. Dean: Who? INT. ABANDONED HOUSE, DOWNSTAIRS ROOM – DAY Sam: The God of time. JODY MILLS: That's crazy. Sam: The thing is, with the Old Gods, once upon a time they were – they were just short of invincible. But they got a lot of their mojo from worshippers, from people feeding them. JODY MILLS: These days, not so much. Sam: Right, they're not what they used to be. But they make up for lack of power with being twice as pissed and a lot more hands-on. JODY MILLS: Okay. So why's this God k*lling people? INT. TAILOR's SHOP – DAY EZRA: Could be he's k*lling folks for his time juice. EZRA puts a g*n into a holster. Dean puts a flask into his jacket pocket. Dean: All right, well, how the hell am I gonna ride him back to 2012? EZRA: Well, you could let him grab you, if you don't mind him using you for gasoline. INT. ABANDONED HOUSE, DOWNSTAIRS ROOM – DAY JODY MILLS: So, how do we get Dean back? How do we even find this Chronos? Sam: Best s*ab? We find a way to summon a God. INT. TAILOR's SHOP – DAY ELIOT NESS: Look, let's just stick with what we know. Ezra, see if you can find something in all this junk that will k*ll a God. EZRA: No trouble at all. Come in a few hours, see what I can scrounge up. ELIOT NESS: You said you fellas found his house? Well, let's go see if it's been built yet. And then let's k*ll that bastard, because that – Dean puts on a fedora. Dean: Is the Chicago way. EZRA: "Chicago way?" ELIOT NESS: Who talks like that? Dean: Sean Connery. EZRA: Come on. EZRA helps Dean into a coat. Dean: Never watch that movie again. Dean picks up the g*n EZRA put in a holster and leaves. INT. HOUSE – DAY Dean and ELIOT NESS are outside the front door. Dean: It looks empty. You got a lock pick? ELIOT NESS: Sure. ELIOT NESS kicks in the door and enters with his g*n drawn. Dean follows. ELIOT NESS: Take a look around. Where's he getting all the lettuce to support this? Dean picks up a large journal and opens it. It contains horse racing results. Dean: He's using the "Biff strategy." ELIOT NESS: Using what? Dean: He's – Chronos is betting on races he already knows the outcome of. Dean: Look at this. ELIOT NESS: He's spent a lot of time in '44. Dean: Yeah. Dean points to initials in the journal. Dean: What's L.Y.? ELIOT NESS: It's not a what. It's a who. Lester Young. He lays bets for a lot of the flunkies in town. Let's say we go pay him a visit. INT. Police STATION INTERVIEW ROOM – DAY Dean pushes LESTER down the stairs and into a chair. LESTER: Hey! W-whoa! Hey! Hey! Easy with the jacket! Yeah, I ain't talking. I'm no stoolie. Dean punches LESTER, who falls backwards in the chair. ELIOT NESS looks at Dean. Dean: I learned it from watching you. Dean pushes the chair and LESTER upright. ELIOT NESS: Look, you seem like a swell guy, Lester. Dean takes off his jacket. ELIOT NESS: And I want to help you out. I do, but my partner here? He just back from the w*r. And he's spent the last two years kicking in n*zi skulls. If he doesn't kick in a skull every couple days, he gets real touchy. Dean: Lester. That a German name? LESTER: Hey, okay, okay. There's no need to snap your cap. W-who you looking for? ELIOT NESS: Fella by the name of Snider. LESTER: What, that guy? I mean, bum never missed a bet, but he gave me the heebie-jeebies, so I cut him off. ELIOT NESS: Where would you meet him for the payoff? LESTER hesitates. Dean raises an arm and steps closer. LESTER: T-the Early Bird! It's a dive on Haggerty. Practically lives in the joint. INT. ABANDONED HOUSE, DOWNSTAIRS ROOM – NIGHT Sam and JODY MILLS are researching, Sam at the table and JODY MILLS near a pile of boxes. They speak almost simultaneously. Sam: Damn it. JODY MILLS: That's it! Sam: Okay, yours sounds better. You first. JODY MILLS: It says here that people could summon Chronos "to compel him to tell them their futures." Sam: And I've got the spell to do it right here. JODY MILLS: So why the "damn it"? Sam: 'Cause calling Chronos isn't the problem. It's making sure we summon him when Dean is right there... Literally with his hands on the guy, so he can surf him back. JODY MILLS: That's not a*t*matic? Sam: No, it's more like we need to get the time on their end right to the exact second. JODY MILLS: Or we get an angry God but no big brother? Sam: And he's trapped there forever. JODY MILLS picks up a bottle with a handwritten note attached. JODY MILLS: "Fine, you ass. You win for once. Enjoy. R." Who's "R"? Sam: Rufus, a family friend. JODY MILLS: Ah, right. Sam: Wonder what they were betting over? JODY MILLS: Well, whatever it was, Rufus sure was a sore loser. Sam smiles. Sam: Yeah. JODY MILLS: It's weird, huh? It's like their life's a big puzzle. You just keep finding pieces of it scattered all over the place. We should drink this. He'd want us to. Am I wrong? Sam: It'd be rude not to. EXT. STREET – NIGHT ELIOT NESS and Dean are in a parked car on the street near the alley where Dean and CHRONOS appeared in 1944. CHRONOS is sitting in a diner with a cup of coffee. Dean: That's him. ELIOT NESS: Kind of puny for a God. ELIOT NESS drinks from a flask. He then holds the flask out to Dean, who doesn't take it. Dean: Thought you were, uh – thought you were Mr. Boy Scout. ELIOT NESS: Why do you think I went after Capone in the first place? The guy had the best hooch in Chicago. ELIOT NESS puts the flask back in his jacket pocket, but immediately takes it out again. Dean: So, now, w-who died in your life and made you a hunter? ELIOT NESS: Who died? Nobody died, you morbid son of a bitch. I started doing this 'cause vampires were turning folks in Cleveland. Dean: And you got the bug. ELIOT NESS: That's when I got the bug. ELIOT NESS drinks from his flask again. ELIOT NESS: Sometimes you just want to punch through the red tape with a silver b*llet. Yeah, hunting sets me free. Isn't that why you hunt? Dean: I used to do it 'cause that's what my family did. ELIOT NESS: Hmm. Dean: But they just seem to keep dying. To tell you the truth, I don't know why I'm doing much of anything anymore. ELIOT NESS: Boo-hoo. Cry me a river, ya nancy. Tell me, are all hunters as soft as you in the future? Everybody loses everybody. And then one day, boom. Your number's up, but at least you're making a difference. So enjoy it while it lasts, kid, 'cause hunting's the only clarity you're gonna find in this life. And that makes you luckier than most. A Young Woman with long blonde hair leaves the diner and walks past ELIOT NESS's car. ELIOT NESS: Hello, nurse. The Young Woman walks down an alley. Dean: Hey. CHRONOS leaves the diner and follows the Young Woman. ELIOT NESS and Dean get out the car. ELIOT NESS opens the trunk, which contains many w*apon. Dean: Sweet merciful awesome. ELIOT NESS hands Dean a g*n. CHRONOS is gaining on the Young Woman. ELIOT NESS and Dean run after them and raise their g*n. CHRONOS grabs the Young WOMAN's arm and turns her to face him. They kiss. Dean and ELIOT NESS look at each other in confusion. EXT. – NIGHT Clouds move across a full moon. ELIOT NESS is talking to someone in a small truck loaded with hay bales, as Dean looks on from the car. They appear to be in a rural area. ELIOT NESS walks back to the car. A house is visible across a field. ELIOT NESS talks to Dean through the open car window. ELIOT NESS: Well, everything's coming up us, kid. Dean: Talk to me. ELIOT NESS: I am. The owner of the house, Miss Lila Taylor, age 20, lives alone. Take the car, head back to Ezra, see what she's got. I'm gonna stay here and keep my peepers on the Sheik and the Sheba. Dean hands ELIOT NESS his r*fle, then drives away. ELIOT NESS walks towards the house. INT. TAILOR's SHOP – DAY A stake fashioned from a branch is lying on the table. The pointed end is red. Dean: That's it? EZRA: That is a 1,000-year-old olive carved by vestal virgins and dipped in the blood of – you don't want to know. Pulling this together wasn't easy. You and Ness both owe me, smoothie. Dean: You can have whatever you want... Dean picks up the stake. Dean: ...soon as we gank this thing. EZRA: Yeah, yeah. Take your twig, wise guy. Dean: Well, now, how's it work? EZRA walks over to Dean and indicates the pointed end of the stake. EZRA: You stick this end in his heart. Miss, he has you for supper. Make sense? Dean: Wait, if I – if I k*ll Chronos... I'm stuck here. EZRA: You just now realized? Oh, come on. 1944 ain't so bad. Dean: Yeah, I could head over to Europe, punch h*tler in the neck. EZRA: Oh, there's lots of ways to pass the time, sugar. EZRA puts her hands on Dean's lapels and draws him in for a kiss. EZRA: That's for luck. EZRA smooths her thumb over Dean's lips. EZRA: 'Cause I'm lucky. Dean: Thanks. Dean turns away and wipes his lips. He sees three addressed envelopes, picks them up and smiles. Dean: "Back to the Future III." Dean turns back to EZRA. Dean: I need to borrow some paper. EXT. LILA's HOUSE – NIGHT ELIOT NESS is behind a car parked in front of LILA's house. CHRONOS: Mr. Ness, I presume? CHRONOS grabs onto the r*fle ELIOT NESS is holding and shoves it in his face. CHRONOS: You know, I stopped by the police station to take care of that hunter who rode me here. I heard you took him out of jail. I thought I might see you again. ELIOT NESS headbutts CHRONOS. They struggle and CHRONOS takes the r*fle. ELIOT NESS punches CHRONOS in the face twice. CHRONOS punches ELIOT NESS twice. The second punch sends ELIOT NESS crashing through the door of a shed, where he lies unmoving. LILA: Ethan? LILA comes out of the house and stands on the porch. She is holding a bag. LILA: There you are. Can't take the trash out without the trash, silly. CHRONOS: Sorry, honey. I don't know where I left my head. Be right there. LILA sets the trash down on the porch and goes back inside. CHRONOS turns back to the shed. ELIOT NESS is no longer there. Someone is adjusting a grandfather clock. As the camera pans out, we see that it is LILA. INT. LILA's HOUSE – NIGHT CHRONOS: Sweetie, I want you to pack a bag. LILA: Excuse me? CHRONOS: Well, you're always asking me where I go. Come with me tonight. LILA: Is...is everything okay? CHRONOS: Yeah, everything's perfect. You're perfect. I just need you to pack a bag and I'll explain why on the way, okay? LILA: But the diner – CHRONOS: [raising his voice]Forget about them! [in a more normal tone]We'll call them tomorrow, okay? Just go. Pack. EXT. HOUSE – NIGHT Dean drives up and parks outside the house that in the present day Sam and JODY MILLS are staying in. Lights are on. Dean Chuckles and drums his hands on the steering wheel. Dean: Jackpot. INT. HOUSE – NIGHT Dean walks up to the front door. An Old Man is reading a newspaper inside and listening to the radio. Dean knocks. Old Man: Can I help you, son? Dean: Yes, sir. I am, uh, Special Agent Costner with the, uh... Dean holds out his FBI ID. Dean: ...Department of Homeland Termite Invasion. Old Man: Termites? Dean: Yes, sir. There's been an outbreak all over this area, and I just want to do an inspection, make sure that the, uh, perimeter's secure. Old Man: Yes. Yes, of course. Um, you'd better come in. Dean: Okay. Dean walks up the stairs as the Old Man looks on. Dean turns a light on in a bedroom and moves the bed away from the wall. He puts a pillow from the bed on the floor next to the wall and lies down. The Old Man comes into the room. Old Man: Is everything okay up here? Dean leans up on an elbow. Dean: What?! Oh, yeah – no! No, no. Not to worry, because I'm going to install something that will protect this house forever. The Old Man nods. Dean gives him a thumbs-up. The Old Man leaves the room and Dean lies back down. Dean looks up and then to his right, and sees the bottom of a door frame on the other side of the room. He gets up, walks over to the door frame, and takes out his switchknife. Dean: Yeah. INT. ABANDONED HOUSE, DOWNSTAIRS ROOM – NIGHT JODY MILLS enters carrying a bag of food and coffee. She sees Sam with his head down at the table. JODY MILLS: You are toast. Sam raises his head with a start. JODY MILLS: I'll keep pushing. You go get some shut-eye. Sam: Uh, that's okay. I can, uh... Sam takes a coffee and JODY MILLS immediately takes it back from him. JODY MILLS: Do I have to use my mom voice? INT. ABANDONED HOUSE, BEDROOM – NIGHT Sam crashes face down on his bedroll with his eyes closed. He puts his hands under the bedroll to use as a pillow and moves his head several times to get comfortable. We see the base of the door frame on the other side of the room. Sam turns his head towards the wall next to him, then suddenly snaps his head around to look at the other side of the room. "Sam" is written at the base of the door frame. Sam turns on a portable lamp, takes it across the room and uses his Kn*fe to break away the piece of the frame on which his name is written. Behind it is a piece of paper, which he unfolds and reads. INT. ABANDONED HOUSE, DOWNSTAIRS ROOM – NIGHT Sam hurries down the stairs. JODY MILLS gets up from the table. JODY MILLS: All right. You asked for it. Young man – Sam holds out the piece of paper. JODY MILLS takes it and reads what is written aloud. JODY MILLS: "Sammy, turns out Snider is Chronos." Wait, this is from Dean? How – Sam: Just read! JODY MILLS: "I rode him to 1944. Am working with Eliot Ness – yes, that one." JODY MILLS looks up at Sam. He smiles. JODY MILLS: "Tracked down Chronos. He's banging some chick named Lila Taylor, and we got a w*apon. We're going after him. Take care of yourself, Sam." Sam: Look at the top. JODY MILLS: November 5, '44. Sam: So, now we know the exact date Dean had hands on Chronos. All we need is the exact time. JODY MILLS: Which we get how? Sam: Hoping... Sam takes back the letter. Sam: ...we ask someone who was there. The camera pans in on "Lila Taylor" in the letter. INT. RETIREMENT HOME – NIGHT An older woman is standing, holding a TV remote. JODY MILLS puts a hand on her shoulder. JODY MILLS: Miss Lila Taylor? LILA: Oh, can you get "The Sullivan Show"? I want to watch that Frankie Valli. JODY MILLS: Um, actually... JODY MILLS holds up her badge. JODY MILLS: ...we're with the police. LILA: Oh. Is Michael in trouble again? LILA turns and starts when she sees Sam. LILA sits down on a couch. JODY MILLS and Sam sit on footrests nearby. LILA: I told him not to read those comic books. JODY MILLS: Uh, no, no, no, no. He's, uh – he's fine. We'd wanted to ask you some questions about this man. JODY MILLS gives LILA an old newspaper photograph of CRONOS. LILA: Ethan. That's Ethan. JODY MILLS: Do you remember the last time you saw Ethan? LILA: Of course. November 1944 – the night the clocks stopped. Sam: Th-the clocks stopped? LILA: 11:34. Every clock in the house. Sam: Ma'am, can you tell us anything else you remember? LILA: Ethan... said awful things. And then... and then he strangled that poor man. Sam: What poor man? LILA: Two policemen came to arrest Ethan. Sam holds up an ID card with a picture of Dean. Sam: Ma'am, was this one of them? LILA: Ethan choked the life out of that man. EXT. LILA Taylor's HOUSE – NIGHT Dean is walking towards the house carrying a g*n, then breaks into a jog. He stands behind the car parked in front of the house. Dean: Ness! Ness! Dean sees the shed with the broken door. He shines a flashlight inside and sees broken glass and splintered wood. Dean walks quietly up the stairs to the house and tries the front door. He puts his g*n in his coat. INT. LILA Taylor's HOUSE – NIGHT Dean picks the lock and enters. He walks into the sitting room and sees light and movement in the gap under a closed door. As he is reaching for his g*n, CHRONOS tackles him and they crash to the floor. They get to their feet, Dean punches CHRONOS and CHRONOS punches Dean, sending Dean sprawling into a chair. CHRONOS prepares to h*t Dean again. LILA: Ethan! CHRONOS turns. ELIOT NESS is holding LILA from behind and pointing a g*n at her stomach. ELIOT NESS: Let's talk. INT. ABANDONED HOUSE, DOWNSTAIRS ROOM – NIGHT Sam and JODY MILLS enter and set items for a spell on the table: bowl, candles, matches. Sam takes an hourglass out of a paper bag and puts it in the bowl. Sam: Here, break this. JODY MILLS covers the hourglass with cloth and smashes it with her g*n. INT. LILA Taylor's HOUSE – NIGHT CHRONOS: Please don't hurt her. LILA: Ethan, what's happening? Dean: Yeah, Ethan. What the hell? CHRONOS: Lila, I'm sorry, but, you just – everything I said to you is true – Dean: Oh, he might have left out a few details. He tell you he's a monster who jumps through time? CHRONOS: [shouting at Dean]I'm a God! [speaking to LILA]Look, I'm not a monster. Listen. I'm the opposite. ELIOT NESS: Well, don't forget to tell her about all the people you m*rder along the way, boy scout. LILA: What? CHRONOS: It's not like that. I do it for you, Lila. LILA: I don't understand. INT. ABANDONED HOUSE, DOWNSTAIRS ROOM – NIGHT Sam unfolds a piece of paper and sets it on the table. JODY MILLS empties ingredients from plastic bags into the bowl. Sam slices his left palm with a Kn*fe and writes "11:34" with his blood on a piece of paper, which he then puts in the bowl. INT. LILA Taylor's HOUSE – NIGHT The grandfather clock reads 11:32. Dean: Well, he's not as strong as he used to be. Isn't that right, Ethan? Now you got to suck people dry. Wild guess – it takes three kills to juice you up. CHRONOS: Sacrifices. Three sacrifices, and I can control when and where I land. But once I get there, it's never for long before I'm tossed through time again. That's my life, Lila. And all I want is to get back here. ELIOT NESS: Because you just love the clean Canton air? CHRONOS: Because I love her! Because I lived the worst existence you can imagine, and then I found you. ELIOT NESS: After you k*lled Tyler Crosby and Cathy Porter? Lila here was gonna be victim number three. Am I right? Don't act like you never k*lled a soul before you met her, pal. Something tells me you used to k*ll three saps just for a change of scenery. CHRONOS: Yes, I did. CHRONOS steps towards LILA and ELIOT NESS. ELIOT NESS: Back down. CHRONOS: I-I used to wander, but now I have you. LILA: I knew Cathy. She used to come into the diner every day. Behind CRONOS, Dean takes something out of his back pocket. CHRONOS: Lila, please. LILA: You are a monster. CHRONOS: No, Lila, please! Dean prepares to s*ab CHRONOS. CHRONOS sees LILA's eyes move to Dean and turns to grapple with Dean. CHRONOS breaks Dean's hold on the stake and it falls to the floor. ELIOT NESS sh**t CHRONOS twice in the back, but this doesn't stop CHRONOS from gripping Dean by the throat. INT. ABANDONED HOUSE, DOWNSTAIRS ROOM – NIGHT Sam: O khrone parakaloumen se thespizein... JODY MILLS strikes a match and lights the piece of paper with "11:34" written on it. Sam: ...hemin khronon ton mellonta. Flames rise from the bowl. INT. LILA Taylor's HOUSE – NIGHT A red light glows in CHRONOS's chest. ELIOT NESS looks at the stake on the floor. CHRONOS: No! CHRONOS grabs Dean from behind with an arm around his neck. The grandfather clock strikes 11:34. ELIOT NESS picks up the stake and prepares to throw it to Dean. ELIOT NESS: Hey, Untouchable! ELIOT NESS throws the stake and Dean catches it. There is an expl*si*n of red and white light. When it fades, CHRONOS and Dean are gone. INT. ABANDONED HOUSE, DOWNSTAIRS ROOM – NIGHT The room is lit with red light. There is a crashing sound. CHRONOS and Dean appear and fall to the floor. The stake slides across the floor. JODY MILLS: Dean! JODY MILLS runs to Dean. CHRONOS stands up. Sam: Hey! CHRONOS turns towards Sam, blocks his punch and sends Sam sprawling. CHRONOS: [shouting]No! [to Dean, who is still on the floor, with JODY MILLS behind him supporting his head]You! DesTroyed everything! Sam: Hey, Chronos?! CHRONOS turns towards Sam and Sam s*ab him in the chest with the stake. Sam: Was that the best you got? White light pulses in CHRONOS's chest and flickers up his neck. CHRONOS drops to his knees. He looks up at Sam. CHRONOS: You want to know your future? I know your future. CHRONOS looks at Dean. CHRONOS: It's covered in thick black ooze. Dean looks over CHRONOS's head to Sam. CHRONOS: It's everywhere. CHRONOS looks back to Sam. CHRONOS: They're everywhere. CHRONOS laughs. CHRONOS: Enjoy oblivion. CHRONOS falls d*ad. Dean and Sam look at each other, then Dean drops his head down. END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "07x12 - Time After Time"}
Air Date: 3 February 2012 INT. HOUSE – NIGHT A Man carrying a cup of coffee walks over to the sofa, sits down, hits a button on a laptop on the coffee table and picks up a piece of paper. A door opens and an INTRUDER, visible only from the legs downwards and wearing black boots with rubber soles, steps through the doorway. The Man looks behind him. Man: Barb, that you? The Man goes back to his work. The INTRUDER, who is holding a Kn*fe and is still visible only from the legs downwards, approaches. The Man turns off music that was playing and gets up to close an open window. He sits back down on the sofa and continues to work. Something grabs him from behind and he goes flying with a yell into a framed picture on the wall. The glass shatters and he falls to the ground. The INTRUDER swings the Kn*fe at the Man, he screams and blood splatters over his face. The INTRUDER continues to use the Kn*fe on the Man as he screams, then rips open the MAN's shirt and cuts him repeatedly. The INTRUDER's face is indistinct. We see that a large design has been carved into the MAN's chest. The camera pans out and we see that the Man is d*ad and that his hands and feet have been cut off. SUPERNATURAL EXT. ROAD – NIGHT A car is being driven down the road. Dean is asleep in the passenger seat and Sam is driving. Sam sighs. Dean wakes. Sam: Morning. Dean: Hey. Dean takes a flask out of his jacket, shakes it and unscrews the lid. Sam: Is that Bobby's? Dean takes a drink. Sam: I didn't know you kept that. Dean: Yeah, mine sprung a leak. Sam: You know, most people would just carry a – a photo or something for a memento. Dean: Shut up, man. I'm – I'm – I'm honoring the guy, all right? This is, uh, grief therapy, kind of like you and your wild-goose chase. Sam: Wild-goose chase? Dean: Yeah. Sam: Four guys m*rder in two weeks, hands and feet cut off. Dean: Yeah, well, some guy with a foot fetish run amuck. Sam: Grown men thrown so hard they went through walls. Did you – did you even read the article? Sam pushes a newspaper at Dean. Dean: No, I was napping. Sam: Well, anyway, what else you got going on? Dick Roman's a d*ad end for now, you might as well – Dean: Stay busy. Sam: Exactly. Dean: Yeah. INT. Police MORGUE – NIGHT A FORENSICS Officer wheels the Man from the beginning of the episode out of a locker. Dean and Sam are wearing their FBI suits. Dean, Sam and the FORENSICS Officer lean over the body. FORENSICS Officer: The latest, but probably not the last. You guys always work this late? Dean: Ugh, hours suck. But, uh, great benefits package. FORENSICS Officer: Oh yeah? Dean: Yeah. 10% co-pay on all drugs. FORENSICS Officer: Seriously? Dean smiles and nods. FORENSICS Officer: Oh, but just generic, right? Dean: No, no. Name brands are cool. FORENSICS Officer: Oh. Dean: Yeah. Sam clears his throat. Sam: So. What's our boy here weigh? FORENSICS Officer: Uh. A buck ninety. Thrown against a wall so hard it buckled. Based on the blood flow at the crime scene, the hands and feet were cut off while he was still alive, just like the others. The k*ller wanted him to suffer. Dean: And all vics are male, right, with the Same kind of, uh, artwork as this? FORENSICS Officer: Yeah. Identical. Sam takes a picture of the design carved in the MAN's chest on his phone. Sam: So, uh, DNA left at any of the scenes? FORENSICS Officer: All of them. One before this, the guy bit the attacker. Still had a chunk of flesh in his teeth when he came in. That's about as good as it gets. Dean: Right. Sam: So, we have a match? FORENSICS Officer: We do not. The FORENSICS Officer hits a button on a computer keyboard and a window that says "Sample Rejected. No Known Genetic Markers" pops up on the screen. FORENSICS Officer: The Samples were rejected. The genetic markers don't match anything we've ever seen. Dean: Didn't match any person in the database? FORENSICS Officer: No, I mean they don't match anything human. Dean: Hmm. Sam and Dean walk towards the exit doors of the building, which say "SEATTLE Police FORENSICS". Sam is looking at his phone. Dean: I'll admit it could be in the general vicinity... They exit the building. EXT. SEATTLE Police BUILDING – NIGHT Dean: ...of the ballpark of our kind of thing. Sam: Yeah, uh, "didn't match anything human" usually seals the deal for me. I don't know, I've never seen this symbol before. Sam touches Dean on the shoulder and Dean turns to look at him. Sam: Let's get a bite to eat, go back to the motel, haul out the laptop. Dean: That's a great idea. Actually, that's a brilliant idea. Here's my counter. You do that, I'll go undercover, go mingle amongst the locals and see, uh, what kind of clues bubble to the surface. Sam: You're going to a bar. Dean: Wow. If you want to oversimplify it. Dean walks off. INT. COBALT ROOM BAR – NIGHT Dean and a Woman are at a table. They are almost finished with their drinks. Woman: Uh, dinner and a movie, which sounded fine, except the movie was "Human Centipede." Dean laughs. Dean: What, so wait, uh, so you had a problem with that? Woman: The date from hell. Dean: Dating, right? Ugh. Woman: But what's the option? I don't see settling down any time soon. Dean: Well, that's something you don't hear every day. Woman: [Laughs]Oh, what, are you ready for the big commit? Dean: Me? [Chuckles]Not exactly. Woman: Nice suit, by the way. Guys don't dress up much. I like it. Dean: Yeah, well, it's, uh, a conservative line of work. Dean finishes his whiskey. A waitress has given the Woman a new cocktail. Woman: What line is that? Dean: Investment banking. The waitress gives Dean another whiskey. Woman: Oh, God. Dean: [to waitress]Thanks. Woman: I hear the hours are ridic. Dean: Yeah. Woman: But there's money to be made. Dean: I've had a fortunate year. Woman: Well. The Woman raises her glass in a toast. Woman: May you have many more. They clink glasses. Dean: Arigatou. Woman: You speak Japanese? Dean: Ah, enough to get by. Woman: Well, look at you. Dean: Yeah, look at me. Dean looks down at the table, then back at the Woman. Woman: You want to move this conversation elsewhere? INT. Woman's HOUSE – NIGHT Dean and the Woman enter while kissing. The Woman helps Dean out of his jacket as they continue to kiss. INT. Man's APARTMENT – NIGHT A Man is watching television while eating popcorn and drinking a beer. There is a knock at the door. INT. Woman's HOUSE – NIGHT Dean and the Woman are still kissing. The Woman pulls off Dean's tie. INT. Man's APARTMENT – NIGHT The Man goes to the door and looks through the peephole. INT. Woman's HOUSE – NIGHT Dean and the Woman are still kissing. The Woman undoes buttons on Dean's shirt. INT. Man's APARTMENT – NIGHT The Man opens the door with a smile. Man: Hi. What can I do for you? INT. Woman's HOUSE – NIGHT The Woman pushes Dean backwards. INT. Man's APARTMENT – NIGHT The Man goes flying across the room into a wall. INT. Woman's HOUSE – NIGHT The Woman takes off her shirt and kisses Dean, who is backed up against French doors. She pushes his shirt off his shoulders and pushes him backwards through the doors into the bedroom. She takes off her pants and Dean pushes his down. Dean falls backwards onto the bed with a grunt. The Woman gets on top of Dean, interlocks their fingers on one hand, then kisses him. Dean rolls them over. INT. Man's APARTMENT – NIGHT The Man rolls over on the floor. There is blood on his back, front, face and the floor. INT. Woman's HOUSE – NIGHT The Woman rolls herself and Dean over so that she is again on top. INT. Man's APARTMENT – NIGHT We see a close-up of a Kn*fe being lifted. The Man lifts his head from the floor and raises an arm. There is a slashing sound and the sound of flesh tearing. The Man screams and his face is splattered with blood. INT. Woman's HOUSE – NIGHT The Woman is straddling Dean and they are kissing. He lifts up his head to meet her and then lays his head back on the pillow. She sits back and tosses her hair, then slides her bra straps off her shoulders. INT. Man's APARTMENT – NIGHT Someone takes photographs of the design carved into the MAN's chest. INT. Woman's HOUSE – NIGHT The Woman unhooks and removes her bra. Dean slides his hands up her body and she leans down to kiss him. INT. Man's APARTMENT – NIGHT Someone takes photographs of the MAN's blood-splattered face. INT. Woman's HOUSE – NIGHT The Woman and Dean kiss. INT. Man's APARTMENT – NIGHT Someone takes photographs of the stump at the end of one of the MAN's arms. INT. Woman's HOUSE – NIGHT The Woman and Dean kiss. INT. Man's APARTMENT – NIGHT Someone takes photographs of the blood-splattered crime scene, the MAN's body, and the stump of one of his legs. INT. Woman's HOUSE – NIGHT The Woman moves on top of Dean in bed. INT. Man's APARTMENT – NIGHT We see more photographs from the crime scene, ending with the design carved into the MAN's chest. INT. Woman's HOUSE – NIGHT The Woman sits up. Dean lies on his back in the bed with his eyes closed, then opens them and looks at the ceiling. He exhales audibly. EXT. STREET OUTSIDE APARTMENT BUILDINGS – DAY A police officer is making notes next to a police car. Sam and Dean are walking across the street. Dean: Ugh. Sam: You look like crap. Dean: Yeah, well, I feel worse than I look. I do recommend the Cobalt Room, by the way. Awesome night. Although I think I'm getting too old for this. Sam Chuckles. Dean: Did you, uh, figure out that symbol? Sam: No. Um, we're gonna need an expert. Dean: Expert? Our expert's d*ad. Sam and Dean hold up their FBI badges to a Police Officer standing outside an apartment building. Police Officer: All right. INT. Man's APARTMENT – DAY The MAN's body is on the floor. The FORENSICS Officer and a Woman Officer are crouched next to it. FORENSICS Officer: Comes off the wall down here... Dean and Sam enter and look around at the blood-splattered room. Dean: Well, nice decor. Very early slaughterhouse. FORENSICS Officer: [to the Woman Officer]FBI. [to Sam and Dean]Guys, this is Charlene Penn. She's the lead on the case. CHARLENE: More of the Same. Uh, no forced entry. Thrown across the room. Made to suffer. Both hands and feet cut off. Sam: Same symbol in the chest. FORENSICS Officer: Mm. Whoever the k*ller is, the guy's a monster. CHARLENE: Excuse me. Dean: This guy's just like the last one. Early 30s, decent-looking? FORENSICS Officer: Yeah. Just like the first three, you know? Fairly successful, no known enemies. Dean: Hmm. FORENSICS Officer: Here. The FORENSICS Officer points towards the kitchen and Dean follows him. Sam walks to the front door, where a Police Officer is speaking to a NEIGHBOR. Sam: [to the Police Officer]Excuse me. I got it. [to the NEIGHBOR]How can I help you? NEIGHBOR: I was just trying to find out what happened. Jerry was a friend. Sam: I'm very sorry. Jerry was k*lled sometime last night. Do you live nearby? NEIGHBOR: Yeah. Two doors down. Sam: You, uh, you know anyone who would want to harm Jerry? NEIGHBOR: No. He was the nicest guy in the world. Well, his – his wife wasn't real happy with him. Sam: Why's that? NEIGHBOR: A few nights ago, he has a little one-night fling. Ann found out, took off. But... she would never do anything like... Sam: Yeah. Of course. Thanks. The NEIGHBOR leaves. Dean and Sam duck under a police line. Dean: Who was that? Sam: Neighbor. Said the vic's wife caught him cheating. Dean: Yeah, but we're not thinking it's the wife. Sam: Not unless she benches 350 and did the other guys as a warm-up. Dean reaches for his flask. Dean: sh**t. I left Bobby's flask over at Lydia's. Sam: Lydia? Dean: My workout partner from last night. Dean takes out his cell phone. Dean: Now I've got to go get it. Sam: So, not only do you know her name, you're actually gonna call her? Dean: Bite me. Sam: Oh, how sweet – she gave you her number. Dean: They always give you their number. INT. LYDIA's HOUSE – DAY LYDIA (on phone): Hello? Dean (on phone, V-O): Lydia. INT. Man's APARTMENT – DAY Dean (on phone): Hey, it's, uh, Dean from last night. INT. LYDIA's HOUSE – DAY LYDIA (on phone): Uh-huh. Dean (on phone, V-O): Uh, listen, I think I left something over at your... INT. Man's APARTMENT – DAY Dean (on phone): ...place. It was an old flask. It doesn't look like much, but it has sentimental value. So, uh, have you seen it? INT. LYDIA's HOUSE – DAY LYDIA (on phone): No. But if I do, I'll call. INT. Man's APARTMENT – DAY Dean (on phone): You want my number? INT. LYDIA's HOUSE – DAY LYDIA (on phone): My cell grabbed it. Uh...Sorry. I gotta go. INT. Man's APARTMENT – DAY LYDIA (on phone, V-O): Just real busy at the moment. Dean (on phone): Oh. Dean hears a dial tone as LYDIA hangs up. Dean: She's real busy. Sam smiles. INT. LYDIA's HOUSE – DAY We see that LYDIA is heavily pregnant. INT. LARGE ROOM – NIGHT The room lit by chandeliers and candles. LYDIA, dressed in a white nightgown, is giving birth surrounded by women. A Woman in a dark jacket is instructing LYDIA. Woman: Breathe. LYDIA: Aah! Woman: Control, Lydia. As in all things. LYDIA nods and regulates her breathing. Woman: One final push. LYDIA: Aah! Woman: The pain is an honor. A baby cries. Another woman hands the baby to LYDIA. LYDIA: What will we call her? Woman: You'll call her Emma. Next. EXT. DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY BUILDING – DAY PROFESSOR (V-O): Fascinating. Truly. INT. PROFESSOR's OFFICE – DAY PROFESSOR: And actually, rather accomplished draftsmanship. Dean: Yeah, if you get past the fact that it was carved into a guy's body. Sam: Professor Morrison, we're hoping you can tell us what the symbol means. PROFESSOR: Ah, maybe. Sam: Maybe? PROFESSOR: It's possible I could, even likely. Is the FBI offering suitable remuneration? Dean looks at Sam. Sam: The respect of a grateful nation. Dean: And a good word with the I.R.S. PROFESSOR: Ah. Well, it appears quite ancient. Dean: Well, that narrows it down. PROFESSOR: A corrupted version of symbology associated with worship. Definitely an obscure regional script. Oh, this will require some research. Sam: All right. Great. Well, uh, I guess we'll be seeing you tomorrow. PROFESSOR: Tomorrow? [laughs]I've spent entire sabbaticals on a project like this. Dean: Professor! We have a serial k*ller on our hands. Sam: Your government needs you, sir. PROFESSOR: Gentlemen. My housekeeper needs a green card. INT. DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY BUILDING HALLWAY – DAY Sam and Dean leave the PROFESSOR's office and walk down the hallway. Dean: Good God, where'd you find this guy? Sam: He's supposed to be a top expert in his field. Dean: Yeah, well, when his field includes things that go bump in the night, he's gonna be worth the breath we just wasted. Sam: So, what are we supposed to do, Dean? Spin our wheels? Dean: Sam, this isus spinning our wheels, okay?! Sam stops walking and turns to face Dean. Sam: Dean, you know what? I want to call him, too, okay? Believe me. But Bobby's not here. So we're settling. Dean: Yeah. We sure are. Dean looks at his phone. Dean: Damn it, why hasn't she called? Sam: Who? Lydia? Wait, so some girl's actually dumping youthe morning after? Dean: I think you're enjoying this a little more than you need to. Screw it. I'm going over there and getting the flask. Dean walks off. EXT. LYDIA's HOUSE – DAY Dean rings the doorbell. LYDIA opens the door. LYDIA: Don. Dean: Dean. I guess you didn't get my messages. LYDIA: No, I did. I've been busy. Dean: Oh. Anyway, I, uh, left that flask over here the other night. LYDIA: Yes. I found it. It was so b*at up and old, I almost tossed it. Dean: Yeah, well, guy it belonged to was b*at up and old, too. But I was very close with him, and I'd, uh, I'd hate to lose it. LYDIA: I'll get it for you. INT. LYDIA's HOUSE – DAY Dean follows LYDIA into the house. Dean: So, how you been? Other than "busy." LYDIA opens a drawer in the main room and takes out the flask. A child perhaps a year old is standing up in a crib in the bedroom. LYDIA: Just that. Really busy. Here you go. LYDIA gives the flask to Dean. Dean: Oh, wow. I can see why you're busy. You've been babysitting, huh? LYDIA: No. Dean: Yours? LYDIA: Uh-huh. Dean walks into the bedroom Dean: You didn't tell me you had a little girl. LYDIA: There's probably all kinds of things we didn't tell each other. Dean: What's her name? LYDIA: Emma. Dean: Hi, Emma. Your first? LYDIA: Yes. Dean: Well, I hear they grow like weeds. LYDIA: You have no idea. Dean's phone rings. Dean: Oh. Sorry. I got to take this. Dean walks into the main room. Dean (on phone): Hello. INT. Hotel ROOM – DAY Sam swallows and puts down a cup of coffee. Sam (on phone): Mm. Hey. Where are you? It's a flask, not the holy grail. INT. LYDIA's HOUSE – DAY Dean (on phone): Hey, man, I'm a people person, all right? I'm engaging in some social skills. INT. Hotel ROOM – DAY Dean (on phone, V-O): You get anything out of Morrison? Sam (on phone): No. Not yet. Look, would you get back here? INT. LYDIA's HOUSE – DAY Sam (on phone, V-O): Uh, we're due at the crime lab. EMMA: Mom, get me out! [?] LYDIA: Shh. Just a minute. [?] Sam (on phone, V-O): Dean? Dean (on phone): Hang on. Dean lowers the phone and steps closer to the bedroom, where LYDIA is leaning down close to EMMA. Sam (on phone, V-O): Hey, look, why don't you just... EMMA: Who's that guy in the other room? LYDIA: Shh. EMMA: Who is that? Sam (on phone, V-O): You there? LYDIA: Shh! Don't talk. We'll discuss it later. Sam (on phone, V-O): Hello! Dean (on phone): Let me call you back. Dean hangs up. INT. Hotel ROOM – DAY Sam sighs, hangs up and grabs his jacket. INT. Police MORGUE – DAY Sam and the FORENSICS Officer are standing on either side of a body that is mostly covered by a sheet. Its severed legs are visible. They flip the sheet over the legs and walk across the room. FORENSICS Officer: So, again, we got a guy weighing about two bills, thrown into a wall so hard, he's got pieces of plaster lodged in his skull. CHARLENE: What triggered the Feds' involvement in this case? I always think you boys have bigger fish to fry. Sam: No. Actually, we – we – it's – FORENSICS Officer: I just figured it was the similarity to the other cold cases? If it's the Same k*ller, then he crossed state lines – that would bring you guys in. Sam: Well, that's exactly right. Uh, what he said. CHARLENE: Yeah. Whatever. You're gonna have to wrap this up. Your case isn't the only one we're working on. Sam nods and CHARLENE leaves. FORENSICS Officer: You get used to her. Sam: Uh, so, Eddie, by the way, I didn't bring the cold-case files with me. Is there a chance you have a copy? Eddie: Yeah. Sam: Great. Sam picks up a receipt in an evidence bag. Sam: The Cobalt Room. Eddie: Mm! Yeah, it's pretty well known. Looking to hook up, it's a pretty good place to go. Sam: I've heard. Eddie: Vic number two was there. Sam takes a file Eddie is holding. Eddie: And according to his security guard, he left with a hot girl. Two days later, he's an obituary. Sam is reading the file. Sam: Same with Jerry Price. Eddie: Mm-hmm. And, uh, as far as we can tell, at least a couple of those in there. Sam: Same thing in Chicago. Eddie: Yep. A lot of busted marriages, flings with unknown women, that kind of thing, all just before they got offed. Sam: Thanks. EXT. STREET OUTSIDE LYDIA's HOUSE – DAY Dean is watching from his car on a cross street. A car containing three women, one of whom is the Woman who instructed LYDIA while she gave birth, pulls up and parks. The driver remains in the car while the other women walk to LYDIA's door and ring the bell. LYDIA opens the door. Woman: Is Emma ready? LYDIA: Yes. Come in. Woman: Thank you. Dean's phone rings. Dean (on phone): Yeah. Sam (on phone, V-O): Dude. INT. Police STATION – DAY Sam (on phone): You never showed. Dean (on phone, V-O): I'm outside Lydia's. Sam (on phone): Oh, come on, man. What, are you obsessed or something? EXT. STREET NEAR LYDIA's HOUSE – DAY Dean (on phone): No, I'm telling you. I have been eating at the buffet of strange all afternoon. Sam (on phone, V-O): Meaning what? Dean (on phone): I'll tell you the second I know. But something ain't right. INT. Police STATION – DAY Sam (on phone): Or you're obsessed. EXT. STREET NEAR LYDIA's HOUSE – DAY Dean (on phone): Shut up. I'm serious. INT. Police STATION – DAY Sam (on phone): Okay, uh, you – you need backup or... EXT. STREET NEAR LYDIA's HOUSE – DAY Dean (on phone): No, not yet. What's up on your end? INT. Police STATION – DAY Sam (on phone): Apparently, there was an identical m*rder fest two years ago in Chicago, and again in Miami... EXT. STREET NEAR LYDIA's HOUSE – DAY Sam (on phone, V-O): ...two years before that. All the victims were young, successful... INT. Police STATION – DAY Sam (on phone): ...a lot of them went to the Same bar. It lines up. The trails always went cold fast. EXT. STREET NEAR LYDIA's HOUSE – DAY Dean (on phone): Yeah? Sam (on phone, V-O): Yeah. Oh, and by the way... INT. Police STATION – DAY Sam (on phone): As a personal kicker, here, at least some of the vics hooked up in that bar you went to, the, uh, the Cobalt Room. EXT. STREET NEAR LYDIA's HOUSE – DAY Sam (on phone, V-O): So, just saying, man, you – you dodged a b*llet. The door to LYDIA's house opens. The Woman is leaving the house with someone behind her. Dean (on phone): Got to go. Dean hangs up. INT. Police STATION – DAY Sam: Nice talk. EXT. STREET OUTSIDE LYDIA's HOUSE – DAY Dean watches with binoculars as the two women who called at LYDIA's house leave with LYDIA following them. The second woman is carrying a pink case. LYDIA: Emma, hurry up. Come on, Emma. Time to go. A little girl about five years old runs out of the house. LYDIA takes off her own necklace, kneels down in front of the little girl and puts the necklace around her neck. LYDIA: Emma. You be a good girl. Make us proud. EMMA: I will, momma. EMMA gets into the car with the two women. LYDIA: Bye, Emma. The car drives away and LYDIA goes back inside. Dean starts his car. Dean: I hate when this happens. Dean follows the other car to an alleyway. The two women and EMMA get out and enter a building. EMMA's door was opened by a third woman who was presumably waiting for them. The car drives away. INT. Hotel ROOM – NIGHT Sam: So what? I mean, so maybe she has another kid she didn't tell you about. Dean: Nope, just the one. Emma. But that night, when I was with her, she didn't have any. And I was at her place, man. There was no playpens, no blankets, no rubber ducks. Sam: Right. Like you would have been focused on that kind of thing. Dean: Hey, dude, that's the firstthing you notice. Red flags. Sam scoffs. Dean takes two beers out of the fridge. Dean: Then, all of a sudden, boom – baby. Sam opens the laptop. Sam: Yeah, the one you thought talked. Dean: Oh, it talked. And not baby talk, either. Dean hands Sam a beer. Sam: Now you know so much about child development? Dean: I know enough to know that they don't say, "Hey, Mom. Who's thatguy?" So, cut to... Dean closes the laptop and sits down at the table across from Sam. Dean: Lydia's handing this kid who's calling her mommy over to these two women, right? But this is not a baby. No, no, this kid's got to be five. And Same name – Emma. Sam: You know, George Foreman named all his sons George. Dean: Are you deliberately messing with me? Sam shrugs with an upside-down smile. Dean: Dude, I know weird. Okay? There is no non-weird explanation for this. This morning, Emma was a baby. By sunset, she's Hannah Montana. Early years. Sam's phone rings. Sam: It's the Professor. Dean: Oh. Good. The Professor. Yeah, I'm sure he'll crack this wide open. Sam: Shh! INT. WOMEN's HOUSE – NIGHT EMMA, looking older than she did in the afternoon, is wearing a white dress. The Woman in a black jacket addresses her and other girls. Woman: On this special night, you join an exceptional family. You are ready to take your places alongside us and learn our traditions. Another woman holds a tray with pieces of flesh out to the first girl in line. Another woman behind her holds a tray with glasses of milk. Woman: This is a tribute to the one who created and protects us. The women carrying trays move down the line of five girls. Woman: We hunt for her. We k*ll for her. And now we consume that k*ll as a symbol of unity with those who have completed their blood missions and furthered the life of the tribe. EMMA is still holding her piece of flesh. The other girls have all eaten theirs. Woman: Go ahead, Emma. You need to eat. INT. UNIVERSITY LECTURE THEATER – DAY The PROFESSOR is standing at the front of the room next to a projector screen, on which is the carved into the mens' chests. Sam and Dean are in seats on opposite sides of the aisle, one row apart. PROFESSOR: You know, identifying the scroll was no day at the beach. Lesser scholars would have crumbled. Sam: Professor... the symbol? PROFESSOR: Yeah. Yeah. It's ancient, regional. Verydifficult to identify. But I managed to find a match. The picture on the projector screen changes to one of an ancient Greek building. PROFESSOR: It's a variation of a symbol associated with the Greek Pantheon, the temple of the goddess Harmonia. According to myth, the coupling of Harmonia and Ares, the God of w*r, produced the Amazons. Sam: The Amazons? Dean: Like Wonder Woman? PROFESSOR: No, like – like a tribe of warriors. They actually existed. The comic books – they're just silly perversions. The symbol – The screen now shows a symbol of two women kneeling around a large urn, below someone on horseback. PROFESSOR: I believe it originated with the Amazons. Pictographs meant to pay homage to Harmonia – occult talismans, if you will. They had an exclusively female culture. No use for men whatsoever, except procreation. Sam: All the vics were male. PROFESSOR: So you said – with this symbol carved in their chests. The screen now shows a diagram of two composite parts of the symbol that was carved into the men's chests, added together to give the symbol itself. Sam: And their hands and feet cut off. PROFESSOR: Now, thatis interesting. Dean: Got our attention. The screen now shows naked women hunters with crossbows pointing arrows at men hung upside down over a f*re. PROFESSOR: After they were impregnated, they k*lled the male – first cutting off certain body parts. INT. Police STATION – DAY CHARLENE (on phone): I couldn't check their I.D.s because everything they have is fake. I've been digging for hours. And one thing's for sure – they ain't FBI. INT. AMAZON LEADER's OFFICE – DAY AMAZON LEADER (Woman in black jacket) (on phone): And who are they? CHARLENE (on phone, V-O): They're after us, is what they are. INT. Police STATION – DAY Sam and Dean's pictures are on CHARLENE's computer screen, overlaying a map of the US with several locations marked. CHARLENE (on phone): Remember that cross-country m*rder spree those crazy brothers went on a couple months ago? AMAZON LEADER (on phone): That's them? CHARLENE (on phone): Barely scratches the surface. They're thugs. CHARLENE presses a button and Sam and Dean's pictures enlarge. CHARLENE (on phone): Vigilantes. But, look, we've dealt with hunters like this before. AMAZON LEADER (on phone, V-O): Well... INT. AMAZON LEADER's OFFICE – DAY AMAZON LEADER (on phone): The one is already scheduled to be taken care of. We'll just simply add the other one to the agenda. INT. Hotel ROOM – DAY Dean is looking through boxes of books. Dean: I know Bobby's got a Grecian encyclopedia of weird in here. I saw it last time I was looking through this stupid... Would it k*ll him to have a system? Sam is at the table using the laptop and drinking a cup of coffee. Sam: He hasa system. His files are set up like his brain. Dean takes his flask out of his back pocket and drinks from it. Dean: You got anything? Sam: Uh, yeah. Sam presses a button and brings up a website titled "Greek Mythology – The Amazons" from a search engine. Sam: There's this whole crazy side to Amazon lore that Professor Morrison didn't even mention. Dean: That's 'cause he doesn't believe in it, which is a real handicap when you're trying to deal with it. Dean sits down on a bed and opens the book he's holding. Sam: [after a pause]Right. Um, apparently, there was this long, bloody w*r. The Amazon population was decimated, so they made a bargain with Harmonia to replenish their ranks and make them stronger. Dean: Well, I'd say throwing grown men through walls was stronger. Sam: Yeah. Well, basically, they became more than human. Harmonia turned them into monsters. Dean: Can you k*ll them like humans? Or is there some kind of trick? Sam: Uh, doesn't say. No idea. I guess it could go either way. Dean: Well, that's helpful. What else? Sam: The lore says they reproduced quickly – as in, after mating, they gave birth within 36 hours. Dean stops turning the pages of the book and listens intently. Sam: The babies grew incredibly fast, then the aging process became normal. Which is one way to make an army, I guess. The mating cycle is every two years. They send out all the women who have reached child-bearing age. Dean: Which lines up, 'cause this happens every couple of years in different towns, right? Sam: Yeah. And we know for sure that at least some of the vics hooked up with strange women days before being k*lled Amazon style. Dean closes his book and puts it down. Dean: Hooked up in the Same bar I met Lydia, right? Sam: Yeah. Dean: And then suddenly... Dean gets up and walks towards Sam. Dean: ...she's got a little baby in like fruit-fly time. That baby turns into a little girl just as fast. Sam: Wow. So maybe you're – you're, uh... Dean: Don't say it. Sam: Look, if that kid's yours – Dean: I said don't say it! Sam: Fine. I won't. But, Dean... Dude, seriously, a one-night stand, you're just gonna... roll the dice? You don't even – Dean: Of course not... Sam. What, do you think I'm brain-d*ad? Accidents happen. If one even did, which I-I-I don't think... Dean pauses and seems to be considering what happened. He gives a little smile. Dean: No. You know what? We're – stop. We're not gonna talk about this anymore because my skin's starting to crawl! Sam: All right, fine. But if it's true, if it happened... Dean: I know. I got to hang on to my hands and feet. Dean takes another drink from his flask. INT. AMAZON BUILDING – NIGHT The AMAZON LEADER is standing in front of a cauldron in which a flame is burning. She is wearing a necklace with the design that was carved into the men's chests. AMAZON LEADER: We are so pleased with your progress. Five girls, now teenagers, are lined up in front of her. AMAZON LEADER: You are absorbing the traditions of our mothers... The AMAZON LEADER takes a branding iron out of the cauldron. AMAZON LEADER: ...and you are close to fulfilling your tribal destiny, and taking your place alongside your sisters. Today, you are a warrior. The AMAZON LEADER presses the brand to the inside of the first girl's right wrist. AMAZON LEADER: Though you may walk among others, your heart is only with the tribe. The AMAZON LEADER brands the second girl. AMAZON LEADER: Soon, you will take the final, glorious step into adulthood. The brand is the Same design that was carved into the men's chests. AMAZON LEADER: Today, you will learn how to endure pain and how to inflict it. The AMAZON LEADER brands the third girl, who makes a small noise. AMAZON LEADER: Fight it, Emma. As with all you do, courage is everything. EXT. Hotel – NIGHT INT. Hotel ROOM – NIGHT Dean and Sam are standing next to a bed covered with research. Dean: Looking through Bobby's files is like dumpster diving. Sam: Yeah, tell me about it. So, it makes sense why, uh, why... Dean puts a picture of part of a Greek building down on a large leather-bound book on the bed, on top of a picture of an Amazon woman on horseback. Sam: ... the Amazons all want to hook up with decent-looking, successful guys. Dean: Oh, they're picky about the gene pool? Sam pins a newspaper article to a wall alongside other research. Sam: Right. So... Sam turns to face Dean. Sam: ...what was Lydia doing with you? Dean: Well, she may or may not have thought I was a rich investment banker. Dean takes a drink from his flask. Sam spreads his arms in mild exasperation, rubs a hand over his face and turns back to the wall. Dean looks down at the research on the bed. The pictures of the Greek building and Amazon woman have moved, and the only thing now on top of the leather-bound book is a piece of parchment with writing. Dean: Sam. Sam: Yeah. Dean: These papers just moved. Sam: What? Dean: I didn't touch them. Sam gets out the EMF reader, which immediately starts to flash red and make noise. Sam: It's all over the place. Sam walks over to the bed. Sam: Redline. Redline. Sam walks towards the window. Sam: Oh, and... power linesby the open window,where there's a [i]breeze...[i] Sam turns off the EMF reader. Sam: ...that could have moved the papers. Dean: Did you feel a breeze? Sam: It doesn't matter, Dean. The readings are useless. Dean: Hey. Maybe, uh... Dean holds up his flask. Sam: We b*rned him, Dean. Dean: So what? Sam: So, what are you suggesting? Dean: I don't know. What are you? Sam: Concentrate on something else. Dean: Why? Sam: Because it's [raising his voice and stepping close to Dean]not Bobby! Dean: Could be. Sam: No, it [i]couldn't[i]be. Dean: Why not? Sam: [loudly, very close to Dean]Because we [i]want[i]it to be. Sam snatches the piece of parchment from the bed. Dean: Maybe it's useful. Sam: It's in a pile of "maybe it's useful." Besides, it's in Greek. Nobody reads Greek. Dean: Yeah, except Greeks. Oh, and Bobby. Sam: And Professor Morrison. Dean: Really? Sam: I'm going, Dean. You stay here, keep the door locked. Don't go anywhere. I mean it. Dean: Fine. Sam leaves the room. [i]EXT. UNIVERSITY – NIGHT Sam walks towards the doors of a large university building. INT. PROFESSOR MORRISON's OFFICE – NIGHT Sam enters. PROFESSOR: Oh, you have got to be kidding. The clock on the wall reads 11:25 p.m. PROFESSOR: I have office hours tomorrow – Sam: I'm sorry, Professor. I need your help. Sam puts the parchment down in front of the PROFESSOR. PROFESSOR: The FBI isn't paying me enough for this. The PROFESSOR picks up the parchment and starts to read. Sam: All right. I'll sweeten the deal. We'll remove your wiretap. The PROFESSOR looks up in alarm. INT. Hotel ROOM – NIGHT Dean is using the laptop. Someone knocks three times on the door. Dean closes the laptop, and picks up and cocks his g*n. Someone knocks on the door three times again. After a moment of indecision, Dean removes the safety chain and opens the door. EMMA is outside. EMMA: Hi. You don't know me, but my name is Emma. I need your help. I think I'm in trouble, and you're the only person I can trust. Dean: Why? EMMA: Because you're my father. INT. Hotel ROOM – NIGHT Dean is still holding the door open and EMMA is standing outside. Dean: How'd you find me? EMMA: They've been watching you, ever since Mom got pregnant. Dean: Well, if you're such a prisoner, you mind telling me how you escaped? EMMA: I waited until lights out. The women who watch over us change shifts a little after 10:00. Dean: Uh-huh. And you left because...? EMMA: They stick you in there, and you trust them. It's all you know. And you don't question what they want you to do – terrible things. That's why I had to leave. They tortured me. EMMA holds up her branded wrist. EMMA: They told me I had to endure pain so I could be strong like them. But I don't want to be like them. Dean: Okay. Come on in. EMMA enters the room. Dean closes the door, replaces the security chain and puts his g*n in the back of his jeans. Dean: Have a seat. EMMA sits down on a bed. Dean: Okay. Let's assume that you're not... like them. Yet. Dean leans against the table. Dean: What do you want me to do? EMMA: Get me away from here. You're a good man. My mother told me that. Dean: I seriously doubt she said that. And if you knew me, you would seriously doubt it's true. EMMA: They told me you're a hunter. So maybe you'll understand about me. Maybe you can protect me. Just long enough so I can get away. Then I'll leave you alone. I know you don't want me. Dean: All right, let's not... go there, okay? This isn't a matter of... Dean gestures between them. Dean: You get this isn't a normal situation, right? EMMA: How would I know? Three days ago, I wasn't even alive. Now here I am. My mother threw me into that place. And my father... well... You get this is my last chance to have anything normal ever, right? INT. PROFESSOR MORRISON's OFFICE – NIGHT The PROFESSOR is reading the parchment. Sam is sitting on the other side of his desk. PROFESSOR: It's fascinating. Sam: What's it say? PROFESSOR: Oh, I haven't gotten there yet. The paper is handmade. A cellulose, rather like papyrus, which would explain its durability. Sam: Professor – PROFESSOR: Wherever did you get it? Sam: Uh... a – a crazy, drunk, old genius. PROFESSOR: Yeah. They always have the good stuff. Well, it's in Greek. Sam: Yeah, yeah. I-I know that. PROFESSOR: Not a common dialect. My God, what is it with you and Amazons? Sam: Professor, it's important. PROFESSOR: At 11:30 at night, it better be. Oh, here's a new twist. It repeats the conventional lore. Amazon warriors mate with males. The males are m*rder. Yada, yada. But according to this... It's not the women who do the k*lling. Instead, a ritual of initiation requires that the child born of the mating process must k*ll her own father. Sam: What? INT. Hotel ROOM – NIGHT Dean is standing at the window. He walks across the room in front of EMMA. Dean: You look exhausted. EMMA: And starving. It's been a tough sweet 16. So you believe me? Dean crosses him arms and nods. EMMA: You'll help me? Dean: If you really want help. INT. UNIVERSITY ANTHROPOLOGY BUILDING HALLWAY – NIGHT Sam is walking fast while looking at his phone. CHARLENE PENN steps out in front of him. Sam: Detective. CHARLENE: Agent. You're here late. Sam: Yeah. Listen, could we talk in the morning? Sam starts to walk past CHARLENE, but she grabs his arm. CHARLENE: What's your hurry... Sam looks down and sees the Amazon brand on CHARLENE's wrist. CHARLENE: ...Sam? Sam Winchester. Let's see. I could run you in for impersonating a federal agent. The skin around CHARLENE's eyes turns red. She grabs Sam and hurls him down a short flight of stairs and into the exit doors. Sam lies unmoving on the ground, facing the doors. CHARLENE holds a Kn*fe that had been concealed in her sleeve. As she raises the Kn*fe, Sam turns over and sh**t her in the chest. Sam gets up with a groan. CHARLENE is lying on her back, d*ad. Sam picks up his phone from the stairs. The screen is smashed. INT. Hotel ROOM – NIGHT Dean is still standing in front of EMMA with his arms crossed. Dean: Well, now, what happens when they find out you're missing? EMMA: They may have already found out. And they'll hunt me down. Dean nods and walks across the room. EMMA: Look, I know this is gonna be hard, but if I'm gonna get out, I have to do it now. Dean opens the refrigerator. Dean: We got cheese and a leftover burrito. EMMA stands up. EMMA: Doesn't make a difference. A Kn*fe drops into EMMA's hand from her sleeve. Dean closes the refrigerator and points his g*n at EMMA. Dean: You were asking if I believed you. CAR – NIGHT Sam is driving fast. He swerves around a car in front of him and the driver honks the horn. INT. Hotel ROOM – NIGHT EMMA: I was told you'd be a challenge. Dean: I figured you'd chat me up... try and catch me off guard. Almost worked. I was expecting your mother. CAR – NIGHT Sam runs a red light. INT. Hotel ROOM – NIGHT EMMA: It's not her place. I[i]have to k*ll you. Dean: Is that what they told you? EMMA: It's what I am. Dean: Well, then, I should just k*ll you right now. EMMA: Sure. But you could have done that 30 seconds ago. [i]CAR – NIGHT Sam rounds the corner in front of the hotel, stops the car and runs into the building. INT. Hotel – NIGHT Sam runs up the stairs. INT. Hotel ROOM – NIGHT EMMA: It's weirdly hard, isn't it? It is for me. Dean: Knock it off. EMMA: How could it not be? You're my father. Dean: Hey! We're not gonna do that. EMMA: But it's true. INT. Hotel HALLWAY OUTSIDE Sam AND Dean's ROOM – NIGHT Sam approaches the room. EMMA (V-O): You're the reason that we're standing here. Sam leans close to the door. INT. Hotel ROOM – NIGHT EMMA: I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. So now someone has to k*ll someone. Sam opens the door a fraction and sees Dean with his g*n pointed at EMMA. EMMA: You know what? So far, my childhood's been kind of disappointing. Dean: You haven't k*lled anybody yet, Emma. Walk away. INT. Hotel HALLWAY – NIGHT Sam is leaning against the door. Dean (V-O): Right now. I won't go after you. INT. Hotel ROOM – NIGHT EMMA: I can't. I don't have a choice. Sam bursts into the room, g*n drawn. EMMA spins around to face him. The skin around her eyes has turned red. EMMA turns back to Dean, her eyes normal. EMMA: Please don't let him hurt me. EMMA turns back to Sam, who sh**t her in the chest. She gasps and falls to the ground. Sam lowers his g*n. EMMA is d*ad. Dean and Sam look at each other. Dean nods slightly and looks down. EXT. ALLEYWAY OUTSIDE AMAZON BUILDING – NIGHT Dean and Sam drive up and get out of the car. INT. AMAZON BUILDING – NIGHT Dean and Sam walk up to the front door, which is ajar. Dean pushes the door the rest of the way open. Dean: Here's the mother ship. Sam cocks his g*n. Sam: Let's get this done. Sam follows Dean into the building. It is deserted. Dean: They're gone. CAR – NIGHT Sam is driving with a fixed expression. Dean: Hey, you know what? I don't like it, either. I wanted to torch 'em just as much as you. Yeah, but, hey... next time they surface, we'll be ready. If we live that long. Sam doesn't reply. Dean: All right, fine. Just sit there and be pissed. Sam: What did you say to me... when I[i]was the one who choked? What did you say about Amy? "You k*ll the monster!" Dean: I was [i]going[i]to! Sam: Oh, the hell you were! You think I'm an idiot? Dean: What, you think [i]I[i]am? Sam: Dean, you were gonna let her walk! Dean: No, I wasn't. That's ridiculous! Sam: Look, man, she was not yours. Not really. Dean: Actually, she, uh, she [i]was,[i]really. She just also happened to be a crazy man-k*lling monster. But, uh, hey. Sam: You know what? Bobby was right. Your head's not in it, man. When Cas died, you were wobbly, but now... Dean: Now [i]what?[i]Oh, what, you're dealing with it so perfect? Yeah, news flash, pal – you're just as screwed up as I am! You're just... bigger. Sam: What?! Dean: I don't know. Sam: Look... Dean, the thing is, tonight... It almost got you k*lled. Now, I don't care how you deal. I really, really don't. But just don't – don't get k*lled. Dean: I'll do what I can. Sam: Well, what's that supposed to mean? Dean: It means I'll do what I can. All right? You can shut up about it. END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "07x13 - The Slice Girls"}
Air Date: 10 February 2012 EXT. – NIGHT Sam runs around a corner and hides behind a vehicle in a deserted light industrial area. Sam: [out loud to himself]It's okay. They can't hurt you. They can't hurt you. "If it bleeds, you can k*ll it." Yeah. "If it bleeds, you can k*ll it." Sam looks over the vehicle and sees a clown with green hair, yellow pants and a red jacket standing a short distance away. The clown laughs and runs towards Sam, who runs first towards a high fence and then to a door. The clown runs after him, raising its knees exaggeratedly high with each stride. Sam breaks open the door and bolts it behind him. INT. GARAGE – NIGHT Sam moves some metal objects in front of the door and looks around the building, which is a large garage or workshop. He hears a crash behind him and turns to see the clown coming through the door, laughing. Sam starts to walk away from the first clown, but another clown, which is also laughing, has appeared in front of him. Sam stops and the second clown zooms closer. Splotches of red, blue and green morph into the: SUPERNATURAL Colored glitter falls from the title. EXT. PARK OR REST AREA PARKING LOT – DAY Sam is leaning against a Jeep reading a newspaper. Timestamp on screen: 60:00:00 Earlier 59:59:59 Earlier 59:59:58 Earlier 59:59:57 Earlier The phone in a nearby phone booth rings. Dean answers the phone. Dean (on phone): Hello? "I am the eggman." Sam smiles briefly. Dean rolls his eyes. Dean (on phone): Seriously, Frank, pay phones? I mean, come on. I – I'm getting the clap off this thing just touching it. Fred Savage? Really? Yeah, no, I know, big mouths are everywhere. Uh, well, since you asked, some actual intel on the Dick Roman guy would be nice. Fine. All right. Yeah, good looking out. The phone clicks as Frank ends the call. Dean hangs up, scowls at his hand and walks over to Sam. Dean: I hope he finds something quick. This whole protocol du jour thing's really creeping my cheese. Sam: So, we got dick on Dick? Dean: That's a vivid way of putting it. You find anything on Wonder Woman? Sam: No. And there probably won't be. They are definitely gone. But... Sam holds up the Wichita Sun. The headline is "Peculiar death baffles authorities." Sam: ...I might have found something over in Kansas. Dean: All right, well, let's do it. But, uh, a few simple rules, okay? No babies. Sam smiles. Dean: In fact, no baby mamas. No bars. No booze – no hot chicks of any kind. Sam: Wait, wait, wait. Did you just say – Dean: Hey. Youspawn a monster baby, see how quick youwant to dive back in the pool. Dean walks over to another car. A sign on a nearby building reads "Welcome to Idaho." INT. MORGUE – DAY A Doctor pulls back a sheet from the body of a middle-aged man. The body is covered in circular raised sores of various sizes that appear to have been made by tentacles. Dean and Sam are wearing their FBI suits. Dean: Ohh. Those are not the fun kind of hickeys. Sam: You're – you're saying an octopusdid this? Doctor: Not just any octopus. Based on welt diameter, enteroctopus dofleini. Dean: And for those of us who skipped the enteroctopus class? Doctor: Giant Pacific octopus. Dean: How giant we talking, Doc? Doctor: Approximately 30 feet. Sam laughs briefly. Sam: I mean, aren't... giant octopi rare around here? Doctor: Yet here we are. Dean: All right, so what happens? Guy comes home, cracks a beer, and gets... suckered to death? Doctor: Obviously, this was some kind of freak fetish att*ck. Someone created those hickey marks, then bled the man out. The Doctor turns the d*ad man's head to expose a wound on the side of his throat. Sam and Dean walk through the hallways. Dean: That bite look a little vamp-y to you? Sam: Yeah, no question. Dean: So what are we looking for? An octovamp? A vamptopus? Sam: That's crazy even for us, right? Dean: It does push the envelope. Let's go chat up the widow. INT. WIDOW's HOUSE – DAY Sam: We're very sorry for your loss, ma'am. Dean: Mrs. Harper, we know this is, uh, bad timing. But we just have a few routine questions that we need to ask you – is that okay? Mrs HARPER, Sam and Dean are seated around a coffee table. Mrs HARPER is holding a Kleenex. Sam and Dean have cups of coffee. Mrs HARPER: Yeah. Sam: Did the house feel any different lately? Mrs HARPER: Different...? Dean: Anything strange. Cold spots. Uh, did you smell anything weird? Maybe sulfury? Mrs HARPER: No. Not that I can remember. Dean: Okay, we're just ticking all the boxes here. Um, what about any skeletons in your husband's closet? Mrs HARPER: Skeletons? What do you mean? Dean: Can you think of anybody who would want to do him harm? A colleague, an old flame. Sam: The tiniest detail could really help. Mrs HARPER: You want to know what he was up to lately? Ask Stacey. She was here the night he died. Sam: Um... Stacey? Mrs HARPER: Our nanny. Any other questions? Dean: No, that's... Thank you. You've been a big help. Dean and Sam get up to leave. Sam: Really appreciate the hospitality, ma'am. A little girl watches from the top of the stairs as Dean and Sam leave the house. EXT. Mrs HARPER's HOUSE – DAY Dean: Mom, dad, nanny – boy, that is a love triangle right out of Casa Erotica. 'Course, in those, the jealous wife tends to channel her feelings more productively. Sam: The only thing I can't wrap my mind around is – Dean: What, how wife lady summoned an octovamp? Sam: More like "why?" I mean, kind of impractical, right? Dean: Yeah. All right, one of us needs to go talk to the naughty nanny. Dean walks around to the driver's side of the car. Dean: The other one stay here, shake down the place when the wife leaves – see what we're dealing with. Sam: All right. I'm on the nanny. Dean: I'm on the nanny. Sam: I thought you said no hot chicks. Dean: We don't know that she's hot. Sam gives Dean a look and walks off. INT. HOUSE – DAY Dean: Now, uh, how would you describe your relationship with the deceased? NANNY: I don't know. Normal, I guess. Dean: Normal? NANNY: Well, I mostly dealt with Debra. There was nothing going on, if that's what you mean. Dean: Debra said that you were at the house late the night that, uh, that Brian died. NANNY: Yeah. Brian was working late, so I stayed with Kelly. She was pretty upset. Dean: Why's that? NANNY: Well, it was her birthday. We had a party at Plucky's. Dean: Plucky's. Why does that sound familiar? NANNY: Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie? Pizza chain for kids. Actually, more for lazy parents. Anyway, her dad showed up for five minutes, then he went back to work. And, of course, her mom was out of town. This stupid kid told Kelly her folks didn't really love her. She freaked. I was calming her down for hours. Dean: Uh, did you...notice anything weird at the house? NANNY: Weird like...? Dean: Anything. Even a bad feeling. NANNY: No, nothing like that. Actually, Kelly does have a weird thing about closets. But it's just kid stuff. Dean: Try me. NANNY: She thinks there's a monster in her closet. It drives everyone crazy. EXT. STREET – DAY Dean (on phone): Hey, we talked to the wrong person. Sam (on phone, V-O): What? Dean (on phone): Yeah, forget the mom. Talk to the daughter. She's mad at her dad for ditching her birthday. Sam (on phone, V-O): So, what do you think? A birthday wish gone wrong, something like that? Dean (on phone): I don't know. It could be. EXT. STREET OUTSIDE Mrs HARPER's HOUSE – DAY Sam is in the Jeep watching KELLY draw in chalk on the footpath outside the house. Sam (on phone): I got a 20 on her right now. Dean (on phone, V-O): Can you get to her without tripping the AMBER Alert? Sam (on phone): I'll try. EXT. STREET – DAY Dean is about to get in the car. Dean (on phone): All right, see what you can find out. EXT. OUTSIDE Mrs HARPER's HOUSE – DAY KELLY is drawing what appears to be an octopus on the footpath outside the house. Sam: Whatcha working on there? KELLY: I know who you are. Sam: You do? KELLY: Mm-hmm. You're the guy that talked to my mom. Sam: That's right. I did. Mrs HARPER: [from inside house]Kelly! Where are you, honey? Sam: Something wrong? KELLY: My mom will get mad if I talk to you. Sam crouches down in front of KELLY. Sam: Um... How come? KELLY: Because of what I told the police. Sam: And what did you tell the police? KELLY: I told them that I tried to warn my dad. That the monster would get him. Mrs HARPER opens the front door. Mrs HARPER: Kelly. Come here! Now! Kelly! KELLY runs into the house. Mrs HARPER looks unsmilingly at Sam and closes the door. Sam looks at the picture KELLY drew: an octopus with sharp teeth and an unfriendly expression. The camera pans in on the octopus's face. EXT. PARK – NIGHT A man wearing a bathrobe is running through the park, looking over his shoulder. He is being chased by a small white horse or pony. We see only its body, legs and the lower half of its head. It neighs. The man scales a fence and stands panting on the other side. After a moment, he leans close to the fence to listen for hoofbeats and then presses his back against the fence. He is impaled through the chest by what appears to be a horn. The horn withdraws and the man falls to the ground, d*ad. Over the fence, we see that the pony has a horn: it is a unicorn. A light runs up the horn from the base to the tip and there is a twinkling sound. The unicorn paws, rears, neighs and then canters away, with rainbows sh**ting from its tail. INT. GARAGE – NIGHT Timestamp: NOW The second clown approaches Sam, clapping its hands once. CLOWN: Aah! Ha! Sam punches the second clown, then does a backwards kick at the first clown. Sam: "If it bleeds, you can k*ll it." Sam points his g*n at the second clown as it laughs. He sh**t the clown twice, sending glitter flying. The clown appears uninjured. Both clowns laugh. The second clown knocks the g*n out of Sam's hand and punches him three times, sending Sam reeling towards the first clown. The first clown pushes Sam at the second clown, which catches Sam and holds him for the first clown to headbutt. Both clowns laugh maniacally. EXT. PARK – DAY Dean, wearing his FBI suit, examines the hole made in the fence by the unicorn's horn. An ambulance and a CSI officer are at the scene, and police siren wails. Timestamp: 36:36:08 Earlier 36:36:07 Earlier 36:36:06 Earlier 36:36:05 Earlier 36:36:04 Earlier Dean: Huh. [to Police Officer]Hey. Um... Okay, so, the horse I get. The hoofprints, the jumping over the fence. But, uh, what ran him through? Police Officer: Best thing I could tell you is something big. Dean: So, what, like a lance? The Police Officer shrugs. The deceased man's body, covered with a sheet, is rolled towards the ambulance on a stretcher. A woman is standing next to the ambulance. Police Officer: It's sad. Lady's got to pull her friggin' 8-year-old out of school and tell him his dad's d*ad. Dean: Excuse me. Dean walks towards the woman, who is being escorted away by another officer, and holds up his FBI badge. Dean: Excuse me, ma'am? Agent Jones, FBI. WIDOW: I'm sorry. I - I really need to go. Dean: Okay. Uh, just one quick question, if you don't mind. Um, was yesterday your son's birthday? WIDOW: Billy's birthday? No. Why would you ask that? Dean: Nothing. Never mind. WIDOW: Oh. But... his father did take him to a friend's birthday party yesterday. INT. MOTEL ROOM – DAY Sam's phone rings. Sam (on phone): Hey. Dean (on phone, V-O): Hey. You remember a chain called Plucky Pennywhistle's? Sam (on phone): [after a pause]No. EXT. PARK – DAY Dean (on phone): Really? Could have swore you loved those places. Sam (on phone, V-O): No, dude, I hated them. INT. MOTEL ROOM – DAY Sam (on phone): Uh, you would dump me and go trolling for chicks. EXT. PARK – DAY Dean (on phone): It's not like I left you in jail. I mean, those places are supposed to be fun. INT. MOTEL ROOM – DAY Sam (on phone): Fun? Uh, they're lame. And they smell like puke. And the ice cream is all grainy. Dean (on phone, V-O): All right, don't have one of your episodes, okay? EXT. PARK – DAY Dean (on phone): I'm just saying I h*t a d*ad end with this whole wishes-gone-wild thing, but both kids were at Plucky's day of. Look, why don't you go check out the local Plucky's... INT. MOTEL ROOM – DAY Dean (on phone, V-O): ...and ask about this Billy kid? Sam (on phone): Look, man, w-why don't I just... why don't I just wait for you to get back? EXT. PARK – DAY Dean (on phone): No can do, Hermano. I'm on my way to talk to little Billy. INT. MOTEL ROOM – DAY Sam (on phone): Why – why – why don't I talk to Billy right now? EXT. PARK – DAY Dean (on phone): [laughs]Wait, wait, wait. This isn't about your, uh, your clown thing, is it? INT. MOTEL ROOM – DAY Sam (on phone): What?! EXT. PARK – DAY Sam (on phone, V-O): No! Dean (on phone): Sammy? INT. MOTEL ROOM – DAY Sam (on phone): No. EXT. PARK – DAY Dean (on phone): Yeah, what in the world did they do to you? INT. MOTEL ROOM – DAY Dean (on phone, V-O): All right, you know what? Never mind. Just know that 99.99%... EXT. PARK – DAY Dean (on phone): ...of all clowns can't hurt you. INT. MOTEL ROOM – DAY Dean (on phone, V-O): Okay? And if it bleeds... EXT. PARK – DAY Dean (on phone): ...you can k*ll it. Dean shakes his head and hangs up. INT. MOTEL ROOM – DAY Sam: [whispering to himself]"If it bleeds, you can k*ll it." EXT. PLUCKY PENNYWHISTLE's MAGICAL MENAGERIE – DAY A sign on the awning of the building reads "Where all your dreams are good!" Sam is sitting in the Jeep. Sam: I'm too old for this. INT. PLUCKY PENNYWHISTLE's MAGICAL MENAGERIE – DAY Sam enters. A recorded message says "Welcome to Plucky Pennywhistle's! Have fun!" Sam flinches at a large picture of a clown on a wall and exhales sharply. He walks to the ticket counter, which is manned by a staff member, HOWARD. He passes a mechanical clown that laughs and says "Welcome to Plucky Pennywhistle's!" as its jaw moves. Sam eyes it several times. HOWARD: Welcome to Plucky's, where all your dreams are good. Sam: Could you just, uh, maybe... Sam holds up his FBI badge. Sam: ...just get the manager for me? HOWARD nods and walks off. Sam: Okay. Sam walks further into the room, past the mechanical clown and a clown-shaped sign that says "You must be THIS TALL to play here." He appears very uncomfortable. He looks up at a large clown head mounted on a pillar and blinks. A person in a lion costume poses for a photograph. A young Woman employee crouches down next to a Young Boy who is seated at a child-sized table. Woman: I just need you to stay sane for three more hours. Okay? Here. Finish your homework. The Woman walks away. Her name tag reads LIBBY. Young Boy: Like I can concentrate in here. LIBBY pauses, but doesn't turn around. Sam looks at a wall hung with paper placemats that say "Draw your worst fear... Plucky will make your fear disappear." The drawings include a shark and various monsters. A name tag on the wall says "Kelly Harper." Manager: Real beauties, huh? We rotate them out once a week. Kids love having their art on the wall. Sam: "Draw your worst fear"? The MANAGER's name tag reads JEAN. JEAN: I know. But we don't post the truly evil stuff – just the standard crap like sharks and ghosts. JEAN holds out a hand to Sam. JEAN: Jean Holiday, shift manager. They shake hands. Sam: Johnson, FBI. So tell me – why even ask the kids to draw creepy stuff to begin with? JEAN: It's just an exercise... some pop psychologist came up with. Plus, the owner's obsessed with "aiding children's development." So, the place mat is a safe way to get kids to talk about their fears. You know, we get them to sketch it in a little box, and – voila! – Plucky magically transforms it into rainbows and candy. Personally, I think it's a load of hooey, but they say that if these fears run wild, then it affects kids long into their adulthood. A laughing clown walks between JEAN and Sam and gets very close to Sam's face. Sam leans back. Sam: Yeah, I've – I've – I've heard that. Um... so, I – I don't know if you'll remember, but there was a – a kid in here yesterday named Billy Pogue for a party? JEAN: Oh, the conniption kid. Sam: Conniption? He – he had – JEAN: No, no, no, not him. He was fine. It was his dad. He pulls the kid away before cake and presents, and I guess the kid asked to stay for another five minutes. The dad pulls a full-frontal douchebag, starts screaming. Just embarrassed for the kid. Sam makes a call on his phone. As he is waiting for it to be answered, a JANITOR whistles to attract his attention. JANITOR: Hey. [whistles again]Hey. The JANITOR looks around to see who is watching. Sam pushes a button to end the call and walks over to the JANITOR. JANITOR: You a cop? Sam: Uh, yeah. I'm a Fed. JANITOR: Uh, what are you investigating? Sam: Couple of crazy deaths. Why, is there something you want to share? JANITOR: Look – not now. Too many eyes. Come back after closing. INT. MOTEL ROOM – DAY Dean is taking food in paper boxes out of a bag. The boxes have chopsticks attached. Sam enters. Dean: Hey. So, what's the lowdown with trauma town? Sam makes a face and Dean smiles. Sam: I can tell you this much. Neither vic was up for parent of the year. Kelly's dad skipped her birthday, and Billy's dad pulled one of those Dick Parent scenes that makes everyone cringe. Sam puts some of the placemats from Plucky Pennywhistle's down in front of Dean. Dean: What the hell are these? Sam: Kid therapy. Um, you draw your worst nightmare – poof! – Plucky fixes it. Um, they hang them up on this big wall. Dean: Well, can't argue with this. Leprechauns aredeadly. Sam snorts. Dean: Okay, so, Kelly draws a monster, and then that goes after her father? That's what we're saying? Sam: Well, here's the thing. They label those. And guess which two were missing. Well, name tag was there – no place mat. Dean: Little Miss Octovamp. Sam: Yeah. And... Billy. So... somehow, whatever he drew came to life and k*lled his dad, riding a horse. Sam pokes at his food with chopsticks. Dean: Close, but no Seabiscuit. See, I went and had a little chat with Billy. And he drew me this. Dean unfolds a piece of paper on which is drawn a unicorn with a rainbow-colored tail. A person is impaled on the unicorn's horn. Sam: Wait. So now unicorns are evil? Dean: Yeah. Obviously. Sam: Great. Well, now the question is, how did a unicorn come off a sketch and k*ll Billy's dad? How's any of this happening? Dean rubs his chopsticks together and prepares to eat. INT. PLUCKY PENNYWHISTLE's MAGICAL MENAGERIE – NIGHT JEAN is counting money behind the ticket counter. The JANITOR walks past carrying a backpack. JANITOR: Well, that's it for me. Guess I'll head out. JEAN: Uh, one more thing. Some kid puked in the ball pit. It's gonna need a full sanitization. Do that, and then you can clock out. INT. PLUCKY PENNYWHISTLE's MAGICAL MENAGERIE BALL PIT – NIGHT The JANITOR is knee-deep in balls in the ball pit, using a large suction tube to suck up the balls. Something appears to be moving under the balls behind him. JANITOR: Aah! Aah. The JANITOR reaches a hand down to one leg. When he takes his hand away, it is covered with blood. He looks around the ball pit. Something grabs him from behind and pulls him down as he yells. He gets back to his feet. Something moves under the balls in front of him. He flails for the side of the pit, but is dragged back. He tries again to get out and is dragged under the balls. All is still for a few moments, then the JANITOR reappears. He looks frantically in all directions, then is pulled under the balls again. A moment later, blood splashes against the glass wall of the ball pit. EXT. PLUCKY PENNYWHISTLE's MAGICAL MENAGERIE – NIGHT Dean and Sam, wearing casual clothes, arrive in the car Dean has been driving. Two police cars and an ambulance are outside the building. EMTs wheel the JANITOR's body, covered with a sheet, out of the building on a stretcher. Dean holds up his FBI badge. Dean: Hold on one second there, guys. Sam is talking to JEAN in the background. Sam: Keep in touch. Dean looks under the sheet. Sam: Uh, thank you. Sam walks over to Dean. Dean: So? Sam: The manager found the body in the ball pit. Blood everywhere. Dean: Cops have a theory? Sam: Yeah, they think the ball washer did it. Dean: The what? Sam: The... ball washer. Dean: [smiling]The what? Sam: The ball – Sam holds up his hands in frustration. Dean: Look at this. Dean lifts the sheet covering the body. Sam raises his eyebrows and inhales. Dean: Thank you, gentlemen. The EMTs wheel the body away. Dean: That's a shark bite. Sam: Yeah. Dean: And, uh, judging from the radius, I'd say a 20-footer, at least. Sam looks skeptical. Dean: "Shark Week," man. How do you not watch that? Sam walks away. Dean: Whole week of sharks. INT. PLUCKY PENNYWHISTLE's MAGICAL MENAGERIE – NIGHT Sam and Dean are looking at the wall of placemats, using flashlights. Sam removes a name tag from the wall. Sam: Omar Cooper. How much you want to bet little Omar here was scared of sharks? Dean: Saul the janitor is connected how? I mean, he's not related to Omar. Sam: No. But Saul had something he wanted to tell me. Dean: So this isn't about ganking some dickweed parent. Sam: More like, uh, silencing a whistle-blower? Dean: Great, so whatever we're looking for can literally f*re off childhood fears at will. Wow. Watch out for evil lunch ladies. Sam is holding an EMF reader. Sam: All right. Let's comb this place. Sam walks off. Dean takes an EMF reader out of his jacket pocket. Dean: Seriously. Dractopus. Seabiscuit the impaler. Land shark – what's next? EXT. PLUCKY PENNYWHISTLE's MAGICAL MENAGERIE – DAY A hatchback pulls up outside the building. LIBBY is driving. The Young Boy is drawing in the passenger seat. LIBBY: Okay, Tyler, that's it. You got to take the bus from here. Tyler: But I thought – LIBBY: I can't. I'm sorry. I'm late. LIBBY takes some coins from her purse and gives them to Tyler. LIBBY: Here. Tyler gets out of the car. LIBBY: Stay out of trouble. LIBBY gets out of the car. The camera pans in on Tyler's drawing on the passenger seat. It is of a giant robot with red beams coming from its eyes standing in front of a city backdrop. Two people are fleeing and a car is upside down. INT. GARAGE – NIGHT Timestamp: NOW Sam goes flying through the air and lands on a large pickup, breaking the windshield. The clowns whoop and cackle. One clown pulls Sam off the hood of the pickup. The other kicks Sam in the stomach. The first clown catches him, turns him around and kicks him back towards the second clown. Sam grabs a tire iron from the pickup in his right hand and raises his left arm to deliver a backwards h*t to the second clown. It falls down. Sam hits the first clown with the tire iron. The clown takes a step back, but then points with a flourish behind Sam to the second clown. The second clown is juggling some stakes [?]. It lunges at Sam with one of them. INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Dean is turning pages of John's journal at the table. Timestamp: 4:34:12 Earlier 4:34:11 Earlier 4:34:10 Earlier 4:34:09 Earlier 4:34:08 Earlier Sam is sitting across from Dean at the table, using the laptop. Sam: Maybe a... Tulpa? Dean: No, killings are too spread out. Sam: True. Um... angel? Dean: It's a little imaginative for the God squad, don't you think? Sam sighs. Sam: All right. So... what? Dean: Yeah, I don't know. I'm tapped out. Sam and Dean are both drinking coffee. Sam: Well, whatever it is, at least we know where it is. Dean: Plucky's! Sam: That's where the victims are getting picked up. Dean: Yeah, but we swept the place last night, and nada. Sam: I can go back. Go to the employees, maybe dig up some dirt. Dean: What good's that gonna do? They think you're a Fed. The one guy who was gonna rat, he got Bruce'd. If anybody knows anything, they're not gonna tell you. Sam: All right. Sam claps his hands once. Sam: Yep. That's the plan. Sam stands up. Sam: I'll go back, play bad cop, really lean into them. Sam walks towards the bathroom. Dean: And...? Sam: And... when I'm done, then you watch them. Dean: So if somebody freaks out, then that's our creep. Sam: Or he'll lead us closer, and you can track him. Dean: Well, what's my cover? Sam: I don't know. Just hang back. Act normal. Sam goes into the bathroom and closes the door. Dean: Yeah, yeah. Guy in his thirties hanging out at Plucky's alone – that's normal. That's not pervy at all. INT. PLUCKY PENNYWHISTLE's MAGICAL MENAGERIE – DAY JEAN is talking to another employee. JEAN: So, it doesn't matter what people say. We've roped it off. I've notified the powers that be. Everyone's aware. Sam walks up and clears his throat loudly. JEAN: Just no one goes in the... Sam: Hi. JEAN: Agent. I bet I know why you're here. Sam: How's business? JEAN: Turns out not even grim flippin' death can slow down the birthday fun. Sam: Oh. JEAN: We roped off the ball pit, though, until corporate can get here. I just can't believe the machine fritzed and did Saul in like that. Sam: Yeah, that makes two of us. I'm gonna need to talk to some of your employees. JEAN: Like who? Sam: [somewhat menacingly]Like you. JEAN leads the way to the back. Dean is sitting at a table in the restaurant area watching. A girl walks past him carrying a large rainbow-colored slinky. Dean looks around and gets up. HOWARD is behind a counter. Behind him are shelves stocked with novelty items, including the giant slinky. Below it is a sign that reads "1000". HOWARD: Howdy, friend. Dean raises a hand towards the giant slinky. Dean: Giant slinky. Would have k*lled for one of those when I was a kid. How much? HOWARD: 1,000 tickets. Dean: American dinero. How much? HOWARD: Oh, we don't take cash here at Plucky Pennywhistle's. Only tickets won through hard work and determination. Dean: You mainlined the kool-aid, huh? HOWARD laughs. Dean looks unamused. HOWARD: It's double-ticket Tuesday if you play skeeball. A boy walks up to the counter holding up a string of tickets. HOWARD: Howdy, friend! INT. PLUCKY PENNYWHISTLE's MAGICAL MENAGERIE STAFF BREAK ROOM – DAY JEAN is seated at a table. Sam stays on his feet. Sam: So, where were you last night? JEAN: Well, here. Obviously. I found him. But I was by the cash register the whole time. There's a security camera pointed right at the counter. The cops already looked at it. Sam: Uh-huh. And you heard nothing? JEAN: I heard the ball blaster. I didn'thear him. If I did, I would have run in, of course. Sam: Yeah, right, right. So that's your excuse. JEAN: My what?Look, I know I'm new to this job, but I'm – Sam: What? How new? JEAN: Couple weeks. I just got promoted. Sam: Hmm. So, uh, was there a lot of competition for the gig? JEAN: I guess. It comes with benefits. The bosses had us all write essays about how we would do our best for the kids, and they picked me. Don't be shocked, but I actually did two semesters at college, so... I'm not in any kind of trouble, am I? Sam: I don't know. Why don't you tell me? JEAN: Look, I knowI'm not perfect, but I'm trying. And, I mean, it's not as if I'd ever do anything illegal. Sam slams a hand on the table and leans over close to JEAN. Sam: Sure you wouldn't. INT. PLUCKY PENNYWHISTLE's MAGICAL MENAGERIE GAMES AREA – DAY A ball hits the "30" ring of the skeeball machine. Dean beams. He tears off the three tickets that come out of the machine and looks less pleased. JEAN comes out of the break room. Dean tosses another ball, which goes into a "100" ring, but doesn't wait to collect the tickets. He follows JEAN as she grabs a jacket and goes outside through an "Employees Only" door. He watches as she lights a joint. INT. PLUCKY PENNYWHISTLE's MAGICAL MENAGERIE STAFF BREAK ROOM – DAY Sam receives a text from "Dean Cell": "High Times not our gal." HOWARD is reading Sam's FBI business card. HOWARD: SpecialAgent? Wow! [laughs]I want you to know, sir, that I really appreciate what you do, and – Sam: Quiet. INT. PLUCKY PENNYWHISTLE's MAGICAL MENAGERIE GAMES AREA – DAY A chubby boy is kneeling on the skeeball machine putting the balls directly into the rings. Tyler: Hey! Stop cheating! The boy looks at Tyler and goes back to what he was doing. Dean: You heard him. Knock it off! The boy gets off the machine and runs away. Tyler and Dean (together): Jackass. Tyler and Dean look at each other. Dean smiles. LIBBY walks towards Tyler carrying a piece of pizza on a plate. LIBBY: Tyler, soup's on. Tyler walks over to a child-sized table and sits down. LIBBY has put the plate down in front of his seat. Dean takes the tickets from the skeeball machine left by the boy who was cheating. Tyler: But, Mom, I don't want – LIBBY: Just eat it. Tyler: But it sucks! LIBBY sighs and walks away. Tyler moves the plate to one side, pulls a placemat on which he is drawing a picture closer to him, and picks up a pencil. Dean: Hey, why don't you cut her some slack? Tyler: What do you care? Dean: Because I've been where you are. Tyler: Your mom made you camp at a stupid Plucky's after school? Dean: Y– no. No, but my dad, he... hauled me places. Besides, she's working a tough gig. Dean nods towards LIBBY, who is cleaning up a spill in the restaurant area. Dean: You know? She's exhausted. You should take pity on the old. And, hey, free grub. Tyler: That stuff tastes like butt. Dean: What? Come on, it can't be that bad. Dean picks up Tyler's plate. Dean: Let's see here. Dean takes a bit of the pizza and chews. Dean: [with an "it's not so bad" expression]Ah... Dean spits the pizza out. Dean: That isbutt. Dean puts the plate down. Tyler smiles. Dean looks at Tyler's drawing, which is of a robot with red beams coming from its eyes. Dean: You scared of robots? Tyler: They have laser eyes. Dean: Yes. HOWARD walks past from the break room. A CHILD tugs on his vest from behind. CHILD: Excuse me. HOWARD: Howdy, friend! What's your name? HOWARD and the CHILD shake hands. CHILD: Evan. HOWARD: Hi. Dean takes out his phone. [i]INT. PLUCKY PENNYWHISTLE's MAGICAL MENAGERIE STAFF BREAK ROOM – DAY Sam receives a text from "Dean Cell": "Nope." Someone is a lion costume is seated at the table. Sam is standing. Sam: Lose the head. A Young Man lifts off the head of the costume. Sam: Why'd you do it? Young Man: Do... what? Sam: I think you know. Young Man: I... I got rights. You can't – Sam shoves the chair on the other side of the table out of the way and leans over with his hands on the table. Sam: I'm the federal government, pal. I can do whatever I want. The Young Man holds up his hands. Young Man: Okay. I'll talk. Sam takes a step back from the table. The Young Man throws the lion head at him and runs for the door. Sam: Dean! INT. PLUCKY PENNYWHISTLE's MAGICAL MENAGERIE GAMES AREA – DAY The Young Man runs past Dean. Dean and Sam follow. Sam comes to a halt for a moment when his path is blocked by a clown. EXT. PLUCKY PENNYWHISTLE's MAGICAL MENAGERIE – DAY The Young Man runs out the Employees Only door, followed by Dean and then Sam. CLIFF rounds a corner as Dean gets closer. Dean: Hey! Hey! Come here! Dean grabs the tail of the lion costume. It comes off in his hand and he throws it away. Dean: Hey! Dean tackles the Young Man into a pile of tires. He rolls the Young Man over onto his back and holds him down. Young Man: If this is about the meth lab that fireballed up in Butte, it wasn't me. Okay, it was my brother, but, um, we got the Same fingerprints, and... Please. This is the best job I ever had. Dean: All right, look, uh... Young Man: Cliff. Dean: Cliff. You're not using kids' nightmares to smoke people, are you, Cliff? CLIFF: I don't...think so. Dean looks up at Sam. Dean: Get up. Dean hauls CLIFF to his feet. CLIFF: What's going on? Dean: All right, cards up. Yeah, we don't care that you, you know, broke bad or whatever. But there is some seriously weird going on in there. CLIFF: You mean the sub-basement. Sam: This place has a sub-basement? CLIFF: Sure. Door's out back. Easy to miss if you don't know. Dean: What's in there? CLIFF: Alls I know is... Me and Saul used to come in after hours sometimes and... [laughs]You ever shroom in a ball pit? CLIFF, still laughing, turns to look at Sam. He wipes the smile off his face. CLIFF: Not that I...would, agents. It was Saul. Just Saul. All alone. Anyway... Sometimes we'd hear, like, spooky stuff, through the vents... Coming up from the boiler room. INT. PLUCKY PENNYWHISTLE's MAGICAL MENAGERIE GAMES AREA – DAY LIBBY, carrying a bag, walks towards Tyler's table. She puts an arm around Tyler's shoulders and they walk together. LIBBY: Okay, kiddo. Let's go. Tyler: But somebody stole it! LIBBY stops and takes Tyler's face in her hands. Sam and Dean are watching. LIBBY: [sharply]So, draw another one! Okay? We gotta go. LIBBY takes Tyler's hand. Tyler sees Dean, who gives Tyler a look. Tyler: Okay. I'm sorry. LIBBY: Thank you. Tyler: That place mat sucked anyway. LIBBY and Tyler walk off. Dean walks over to Tyler's table and looks at the blank placemats on it. Sam: Dean. What? What is it? Dean: While you were out being Dirty Harry, uh, Tyler's mom got pissy with him, and now his place mat's missing. Sam: So, what do you think? Dean: I think the bitchy mom plus, uh, sad kid plus place mat with something nuts written on it... equals wacky corpse. Sam: So you think she's next on the list? All right, I'll tail them just to be safe. You – Dean: Check the boiler room. I know. Sam: Right. Sam walks off, then turns back. Sam: Oh. Oh. Uh, Dean, hey, uh, any idea what he drew? Dean: Robot. Sam: Robot? Dean: Yeah, about the size of a house. sh**t destructo beams out of its eyes. Sam: At least I'll see it coming. Dean: Yeah. INT. PLUCKY PENNYWHISTLE's MAGICAL MENAGERIE BOILER ROOM – NIGHT Dean enters and looks around using a flashlight. There is a large pot with a flame burning in the center of the room. Dean: Now, that's perfectly normal. Dean continues to look around and sees children's drawings on the wall. One is of a boy under water. Next to it is a photograph of two young boys with a birthday cake. The decorations read "Happy Birthday Howard." Three dolls are on a table next to an open spell book. Dean closes the book. Under it is Tyler's placemat with the drawing of the robot. HOWARD: Drop it. Dean turns and sees HOWARD holding a g*n. HOWARD: Drop it! Dean sets his g*n on the floor. HOWARD: Mm-hmm. Now kick it over. Dean slides the g*n towards HOWARD with his foot. Dean: Some pretty heavy hoodoo you got here. I gotta say, as far as I know, none of these things, uh, can poop out a Unicorn. HOWARD walks closer. He and Dean are on opposite sides of the pot with the flames. HOWARD: There's power in fear. And when a child draws what he's afraid of, a little of that mojo ends up on the page. Dean: So, what, you toss it in the f*re, and some bed-wetter's horror show comes to life? HOWARD: I got to get something off the parent, too. Something they own. That bit gets tricky. Dean: Well, it hasn't seemed to slow you down. HOWARD: I'm just doing what I need to! Dean: Okay. Okay. I get it. Okay? Dean throws the book from the table at HOWARD. HOWARD spins out of the way, but doesn't drop his g*n. Dean rips the placemat with the drawing of the robot in half. Dean: No drawing... No Iron Giant! Dean crumples the two halves of the drawing and tosses them away. HOWARD: Oh, that b-word is still on the list! But not tonight. Bigger fish. Dean: What, are you gonna sh**t me, Howard? You really want a body on your hands? Blood everywhere? HOWARD: I'd shut up! 'Cause I got lots of ways to take care of bullies. Don't you worry. Like that FBI guy. He's your pal, right? I saw you chase Cliff down. Five minutes ago, his business card was torched. Along with something from my... personal collection. HOWARD picks up several placemats with children's drawings. HOWARD: I – I – I picked it out real special for him, too. EXT. STREET OUTSIDE LIBBY's HOUSE – NIGHT LIBBY gets out of her car. Sam is watching from the Jeep nearby. HOWARD (V-O): Soon as I saw him, I noticed. He was staring at every little Plucky like it was gonna s*ab him or something. Sam gets out of the Jeep. A clown appears in front of him. Sam gasps. INT. PLUCKY PENNYWHISTLE's MAGICAL MENAGERIE BOILER ROOM – NIGHT HOWARD: Guy's got a real thing about clowns. EXT. STREET NEAR LIBBY's HOUSE – NIGHT The clown steps towards Sam, laughing. INT. GARAGE – NIGHT Sam bursts in the door. Timestamp: RIGHT FRIGGIN' NOW Sam slams the door behind him and moves the metal objects in front of it. He hears a crash and turns to see that the clown has followed him in. It laughs maniacally. Sam starts to walk away from the clown, but the second clown, which is also laughing, has appeared in front of him. Sam stops and the second clown zooms closer. Sam sh**t the second clown and glitter flies. The second clown punches Sam twice. INT. PLUCKY PENNYWHISTLE's MAGICAL MENAGERIE BOILER ROOM – NIGHT Dean: Well, hey, these are, uh, really nice dolls. Did you... Dean picks up a clown doll. Dean: ...paint them yourself? HOWARD doesn't respond. Dean: Oh. Uh, friggin' Plucky. HOWARD: Plucky helps kids. It's all I ever wanted to do. And when the management slot opened up, I... but they passed me over. Dean: Shocker. HOWARD: No, I told them, "No one cares more than me." Dean sets the clown doll back on the table. HOWARD: But suits never listen. Dean slips the doll into the back pocket of his jeans. HOWARD: So, I'm doing it my way. Dean: So let me get this straight. You didn't get the good parking space, so you start dropping bodies? HOWARD: Those parents were horrible. They deserved what they got. Dean: What about Saul? HOWARD: Saul had a big mouth! INT. GARAGE – NIGHT The second clown is holding Sam from behind. Sam headbutts it. The first clown sprays Sam with seltzer from a flower on its jacket. INT. PLUCKY PENNYWHISTLE's MAGICAL MENAGERIE BOILER ROOM – NIGHT Dean: Some guy hits on the babysitter, all of a sudden he's the world's worst dad? HOWARD: A good parent puts his kids first. Dean: And having a little girl watch her pop get ganked by the closet monster – that's putting her first? HOWARD: In the long run, they'll all be better off. Dean: You think so? Really? HOWARD: I would have been. Dean turns to look at the pictures on the wall. In the first, a stick figure is below the surface of the water, while a second stick figure swims on the surface. In the second, a person is well below the surface and is surrounded by fish. The camera then pans in on the photograph of the two little boys with the birthday cake. Dean: So, your brother. What happened to him? HOWARD: It's not my fault! It's theirs! INT. GARAGE – NIGHT Sam hits the windshield of the pickup. One clown pulls Sam off the hood of the pickup. The other kicks Sam in the stomach. Sam raises his left arm to deliver a backwards h*t to the second clown and Sam hits the first clown with the tire iron. INT. PLUCKY PENNYWHISTLE's MAGICAL MENAGERIE BOILER ROOM – NIGHT The camera pans in on the stick figure swimming on the surface of the water in the first drawing, then on the stick figure under the water. Dean: Looks to me like he drowned. HOWARD: I was screaming... But my folks... They didn't listen. They never listened. Dean: It was an accident. HOWARD: They let him die! INT. GARAGE – NIGHT Sam ducks as the second clown takes a swing at him, then hits that clown with the tire iron. The second clown tosses the wrench it is holding to the first clown and the first clown hits Sam with it. Sam goes down, but gets back to his feet and hits the first clown in the groin with the tire iron. He turns and hits the second clown across the face with the tire iron. A large tooth flies from its mouth with a sprinkling of glitter. INT. PLUCKY PENNYWHISTLE's MAGICAL MENAGERIE BOILER ROOM – NIGHT Dean takes the picture of the person under water with fish off the wall and holds it up to HOWARD. Dean: I'll bet you still have nightmares. In fact, I'll bet you haven't been in the water since. HOWARD: Shut up! Dean: Because you're afraid. Dean takes the clown doll out of the back pocket of his jeans, then puts both the drawing and the doll in the f*re. HOWARD: No! HOWARD moves towards the f*re, but the flames leap up and both he and Dean lean back. HOWARD sh**t three times as Dean drops to the floor and draws his g*n. He and HOWARD both freeze. A young boy with three b*llet holes in his shirt has appeared. The b*llet holes close up and the young boy moves towards HOWARD. HOWARD: It wasn't my fault. The young boy continues to walk towards HOWARD. HOWARD: I'm sorry. Dean gets to his feet. The young boy reaches for HOWARD's right hand, which is holding his g*n. HOWARD falls to his knees and makes choking sounds. We see the paper and doll in the f*re. HOWARD begins to splutter water. We again see the paper and doll in the f*re. Water continues to come from HOWARD's mouth and the paper and doll continue to burn. INT. GARAGE – NIGHT The first clown runs at Sam brandishing a large metal bar. Sam raises a wrench to defend himself. The second clown moves towards Sam from behind. As the clowns reach Sam, they vanish in an expl*si*n of glitter. Sam looks around and spits glitter out of his mouth. INT. PLUCKY PENNYWHISTLE's MAGICAL MENAGERIE – NIGHT Dean is leaning against his car. Sam pulls up in the Jeep and gets out. He is still covered in glitter. Dean walks a few steps towards him. Sam raises an arm and makes a circular motion with a finger. Sam: Let's roll. Sam spreads his arms wide, inviting Dean's reaction. Sam: Go ahead. Say it. Dean laughs. Dean: I'm sorry. Sam starts to smile. Dean: You look like you got att*cked by some PCP-crazed strippers. Sam smiles wider. Sam: Dude, one of them sprayed me with seltzer from his flower. Dean laughs even louder. Sam looks surprised at Dean's reaction. Dean: I'm s– whew. What? Sam: Nothing. Carry on. Dean: Ohh. That's... Sam... I'm sorry for... psychologically scarring you. Sam: Which time? Dean: Shut up. Seriously. You know, me – me ditching you when we were kids, that was a dick move. You know, the whole clown thing– Sam: You know what, man? Honestly... getting my ass kicked by those juggalos tonight was, uh... it was therapeutic. Dean: You faced your fear. Sam: Exactly. And now what else could a clown possibly ever do to me? I feel good. Dean: Well, congrats. Sam: By the way, to celebrate... Dean: What? Sam takes a giant slinky out of the Jeep and walks towards Dean. Dean: No! Sam: Yes. Sam gives the giant slinky to Dean and walks to the passenger door of the car. Dean: Did you win this? Sam: We earned that. Dean: Ha ha! Dean walks to the driver's side of the car. Dean: Hey. I got you a little something, too, actually. Dean puts the giant slinky on the roof of the car, and reaches into the car for a clown doll, which he tosses to Sam. Sam shudders and holds it up. Dean: What? You said you were over it. You can think of it as a... clown phobia sobriety chip. The car drives away. The clown doll is lying on the road with the head broken away from the body. It winks and we hear the sound of a clown laughing quietly. END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "07x14 - Plucky Pennywhistle'sMagical Menagerie"}
Air Date: 17 February 2012 Four Years Ago EXT. – NIGHT A woman driving a station wagon pulls up behind the Impala, which is parked in a wooded area. Coeur D'Alene, Idaho The woman walks to the front door of a house. Sam opens it. Sam: Ms Havelock, you shouldn't have come. INT. HOUSE – NIGHT Ms. HAVELOCK enters and Sam closes the door behind her. Ms. HAVELOCK: I needed to see it for myself – after all that tracking, all those hours we spent. I mean, it's one thing to study them in books. It's... Dean is sharpening a Kn*fe. A POSSESSED Man with blood on his hands, arms and face is tied to a chair with leather cuffs. POSSESSED Man: Do I smell menopause? Sam and Ms. HAVELOCK are standing in the doorway. POSSESSED Man: Well, if it isn't the Wiccan bitch of the west. Ms Havelock, I know you're the one that helped them find me. The camera pans to the body of a woman, covered with a tablecloth, on the kitchen table. Ms. HAVELOCK: My God... POSSESSED Man: Not in time to save our big girl here, but still, you get a merit badge. The chair in which the POSSESSED Man is tied is in a devil's trap on the floor. Ms. HAVELOCK walks over to the POSSESSED Man and speaks close to his face. Ms. HAVELOCK: They caught you, you son of a bitch! No more m*rder! And you're going back to Hell. POSSESSED Man: Oh, Nora, Nora... I'm gonna scoop you out like a pumpkin. You know that? The POSSESSED MAN's eyes turn black and he growls thr*at. NORA HAVELOCK jumps back and leaves the room with a shriek. The POSSESSED Man laughs. Dean: Yeah, your, uh, scooping days are over, Gomer. All you got to worry about now... is us. Sam watches from the window as NORA HAVELOCK drives away. Dean: You ain't the first demon we've tracked down on this safari. Sam: That's right. As a matter of fact, I think you put us over half a dozen. POSSESSED Man: Looking for Lilith in all the wrong places. Dean: Well, you're gonna help us with that. POSSESSED Man: If things are about to get messy, maybe you should meet the owner of this fleshy temple. A puppy of a man. You'll like him. The POSSESSED Man looks down, groans and then looks up with a grimace. Sam: Jeffrey? Jeffrey, is that you? Sam crouches down in front of the POSSESSED Man, JEFFREY. JEFFREY sees the body of the woman on the table. JEFFREY: Oh God. No. You have to stop him. Sam: We will. We're going to, okay? We're gonna send that demon back to Hell. JEFFREY: Okay. Please don't hurt me. Sam: Jeffrey, before we can let him go... Look, the demon knows where we can find more of his kind, okay? Dean: See, we're hunting them – all of them. He's not gonna give up his Rolodex easy. Jeffrey, we're gonna have to cut in to him. That means you. JEFFREY: Oh, the things he made me do to those women. Whatever you have to do... You have to do it. Please just stop this evil piece of... JEFFREY chokes as the demon takes control of his body again. His eyes turn black. JEFFREY, POSSESSED: And on and on and on. Sam stands up. JEFFREY, POSSESSED: Frankly, he can get tedious with this whole "good and evil" thing. Dean: You know, you were right. I like Jeffrey. He's a decent guy. In fact, he just signed off on his temple. Dean pours holy water on his Kn*fe. JEFFREY, POSSESSED: Uh... Dean s*ab at JEFFREY with the Kn*fe. JEFFREY cries out and sizzles from the holy water. Dean throws more holy water at JEFFREY, then punches him. Sam also punches JEFFREY, then empties holy water from a flask onto his head. Dean slashes at JEFFREY with the Kn*fe. Dean: She's got other lieutenants. We already know that. Sam: We want names. Sam and then Dean punch JEFFREY again. Sam pours more holy water onto JEFFREY's head. JEFFREY screams. Dean holds up a branding iron. JEFFREY, POSSESSED: All right! All right! His name is Merrick! I swear! You'll find him in New Orleans! Dean (reading from a book): Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis! Black smoke pours from JEFFREY's mouth and becomes the: SUPERNATURAL CAR – NIGHT Dean: Jeffrey? Jeffrey, you awake? Dean is driving the Impala. JEFFREY is lying down in the back seat. JEFFREY coughs and splutters. Dean: Hey, you passed out. You're in shock. JEFFREY: He's – he's gone? Dean: We exorcised him. Try not to move, okay? We're almost to the hospital. JEFFREY moans. JEFFREY: Your... your brother? Dean: My brother stayed back to clean us out of that crime scene. There's no reason to go down for a demon's m*rder, you know what I mean? The Impala pulls up outside the CDA Regional Hospital emergency entrance. Dean helps JEFFREY out of the car and holds him upright. Dean: All right. All right, take it easy. All right, you're good to make it from here, right? JEFFREY nods. Dean: Okay, Jeffrey, no demon talk in the E.R., you understand me? You were mugged. JEFFREY: Okay. Dean: Okay. Dean takes his hands away and gets back in the car. JEFFREY: All right. Um, uh, thank you. JEFFREY gives a brief wave and stumbles forward. Coeur D'Alene, Idaho Present Day INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Dean and Sam open the door and look inside. Dean turns on the light. They go inside. Dean's phone rings. Dean: "Classified server"? Got to be Devereaux, right? Dean (on phone): Hello? Thank God. Frank... Dean takes a radio receiver from Sam. Dean (on phone): Frank, what do you got for me? Sam's hallucination of Lucifer, HALLUCIFER, is in the room. HALLUCIFER: It's nice. Dean (on phone): Frank, you're breaking up. HALLUCIFER: Kind of like a men's room with beds. Sam takes folders out of his bag. HALLUCIFER peels a green mark off the wall. HALLUCIFER: Hmm, avocado grime. Sam opens a folder, which contains a bloody photo of flesh and autopsy report, and puts it on top of another open folder on a bed. HALLUCIFER: Takes years to build up a patina like this. HALLUCIFER puts the grime in his mouth. Sam presses hard on his left palm with his right hand and HALLUCIFER flickers and disappears. Dean (on phone): What do you mean you can't find him? It's Dick Roman. Turn on CNN. Didn't you see him at that, uh, press conference in Phoenix? The bastard's everywhere. You sure? No, I-I-I don't... Sam continues to lay out folders on the bed. Dean (on phone): I don't care that they've infiltrated the luxury boat industry, Frank. Great. Call Kanye. Dean hangs up. Sam: Frank's still stumped on Roman? Dean: Yeah. All right, let's do this. Sam: Okay, um, look at the victim profiles. We see crime scene photos from the folders of two bloodstained women's bodies. Sam: Same age, Same hair color, body type. The ritual mutilations line up exactly. Dean: Who down there would've let our demon out of the can? He squealed on his superiors. We made sure of that. I mean, he should be down under until, uh, trumpet day. Sam: But two women k*lled in the last two weeks, Same parts missing, I mean, Same old hunting grounds, even. Dean: All right, well, we can take a swing at it. But you know it's all about the Leviathans now, okay? They're the ones we need to be hunting. Sam: Yeah, but, no – I mean, not right now. This one's ours, Dean. It's unfinished business, apparently. Dean: All right. We see a close-up of a radio receiver. The screen lights up. MALE Voice ON Radio: This is Unit 32. Repeat, Unit 32. The camera pans out. The radio receiver is on the desk in the motel room, and Sam and Dean are asleep under the covers in the beds. MALE Voice ON Radio: We've got another one. Sam opens his eyes. MALE Voice ON Radio: That's a 187. Female Caucasian... Dean opens his eyes. MALE Voice ON Radio: ...maybe late 30s, at the Henley Auto-Wash. Female Voice ON Radio: Unit 32, assistance is en route. Sam turns on the light between the beds. MALE Voice ON Radio: We got a real mess here, dispatch. EXT. CRIME SCENE – DAY A body mostly covered with a bloodstained sheet lies on the ground and a police team works around it. Sam and Dean, dressed in their FBI suits, hold up their badges and an officer lifts the "Do Not Cross" line for them to duck under. Sam: Thanks. Dean: You know, every time we do this, I wonder if today's the day. We walk up, flash our tin to a bunch of chompers pretending to be policemen. Sam: I hear you. A Detective grabs Sam by the shoulder and Sam turns to face him. HALLUCIFER is leaning against a coroner's vehicle behind the Detective. Detective: Thought you guys might show up. It's the drummer boys: agents, uh, Bonham... and Watts, right? Sam: Yeah. Dean: Yeah, absolutely. Sam: Uh, it's a pleasure to see you again, Detective... HALLUCIFER: Sutton. Sam: You know what? Pardon me. Uh, what was it, Detective... HALLUCIFER: [enunciating clearly]Sutton. Detective: Oh, no problemo – Detective Sutton. Detective SUTTON and Sam shake hands. Sam: Sutton. Dean: Sutton, yeah. Detective SUTTON and Dean shake hands. Dean: Hi. A police photographer takes a picture of broken glass in the back of a 4WD vehicle near the victim's body. Detective SUTTON: Sad to say, case looks to be open again. Dean: Are you sure? Detective SUTTON, Dean and Sam walk towards the body. Detective SUTTON: Same tools. Behind them, HALLUCIFER pokes out a forked tongue. Detective SUTTON: Same cuts. Same crazy. The victim's face is cut and the little finger on her left hand and part of her palm are missing. Sam walks to the front of the vehicle. Detective SUTTON: Makes sense. I mean, we didn't catch the critter last time, did we? Dean: And no suspects? Detective SUTTON: Same as before. Very thorough. We see blood and broken glass in the back of the 4WD vehicle. Detective SUTTON: Cold-blooded. Sam looks in the driver's side window of the vehicle. Dean: Thank you, Detective. Detective SUTTON: Any time. Sam nods to Dean as he rejoins him and they look in the back of the vehicle. Along with the blood and broken glass, there is yellow powder. Sam: Hey. Sam touches a finger to the yellow powder and smells it. Sam: Sulfur. Dean: Damn it. Better go check on Havelock. INT. WICCAN's WEB STORE – DAY A large sign in the store reads "WICCAN's WEB" with a devil's trap between the two words. Below the name is the website: www.wiccansweb.com. NORA HAVELOCK: This is it. NORA HAVELOCK opens the door from the outside and she, Sam and Dean enter. Sam: Wiccansweb dot com. NORA HAVELOCK: Internet mail order. White magic only – herbs and talismans. NORA HAVELOCK opens the doors to another room. A devil's trap is painted on the floor in the doorway. NORA HAVELOCK walks around it. Sam: You sure about that? NORA HAVELOCK: Careful, it's still drying. I have a friend at the Sheriff's office. I know about all the new m*rder. I'm doing what I can to protect myself. Sam and Dean skirt the devil's trap. NORA HAVELOCK walks behind a desk and hands Sam some pieces of paper. NORA HAVELOCK: I'm also translating some very old banishments. We see a close-up of the banishments, with Latin above and English below. The English section begins "Recite the following invocation aloud." Sam: Wow, uh, these are – these are good. NORA HAVELOCK: Thanks. I've got an affinity. But back then, that night in that farmhouse, I was in over my head. I know that now, believe me. I will leave all that to the pros. Dean: Well, you helped track it down. I mean, it was some solid legwork. NORA HAVELOCK: When it came down to it, all I really knew was somebody who knew somebody who knew the right number to call. And your number is not working, by the way. Sam: Right, we, uh, we've had some technical difficulties – phone issues. Dean: It's a monster problem, really. Sam gives Dean a look. Sam: So, uh, you haven't had any contact? NORA HAVELOCK: With the demon? No, thank God. I have one or two things to finish in town, and then I'm leaving. Dean: Good choice. NORA HAVELOCK: Have you found Jeffrey yet? Dean: Who? NORA HAVELOCK: The man who the demon possessed. The one you almost b*at to death. Dean: Yeah, Jeffrey. That poor bastard. NORA HAVELOCK: Some demons tend to be sentimental, don't they? Always go back to the Same host if they can. Sam: It's a start. INT. GROUP THERAPY ROOM – DAY Nine men are seated in a circle. One man raises his hand. Man 1: I want to talk about Cinemax. We're grown men. We pay rent. Why can't we get Cinemax? Others laugh and voice agreement. Man 2: Skinemax. FACILITATOR: The halfway program advisers have already weighed in on that, Carl. CARL (Man 1): Fine, fine. FACILITATOR: Bringing it up in group is not going – CARL: [loudly]I said fine! FACILITATOR: Jeffrey, you have something pretty big going down later this morning. JEFFREY: That's right, I guess. Um, I'm picking her up today. I'm getting a dog – a rescue. I had to get her spayed and sh*ts and stuff, but they said she's ready. FACILITATOR: Jeffrey and I talked about this. He understands that pet ownership is a privilege, not a right. He's gonna have to show the whole house that he can handle the responsibility. JEFFREY: And that's what it's all about, right, Alan? Handling it. EXT. IDAHO REGIONAL ANIMAL SHELTER – DAY Woman: Bye. JEFFREY exits the building carrying a small dog with a cone around its neck. JEFFREY: You okay there? Huh? Surgery's a bucket of laughs, huh? You look good. I'm sorry for the cone of shame, but we got to keep these stitches in. JEFFREY sets the dog down on the ground. JEFFREY: Okay. Okay. Come on. Come on. JEFFREY walks along the street, leading the dog on a leash. JEFFREY has a limp. He pauses and looks down an alleyway. He sees no one and walks down it. Dean grabs JEFFREY from behind and holds a Kn*fe to his throat. Sam holds up a flask in front of him. EXT. ALLEYWAY – DAY JEFFREY gasps and struggles in Dean's hold. Sam: Jeffrey? Dean: Jeffrey? Dean lets JEFFREY go. Sam: Okay. Look, it's okay. You're okay, you're okay. Dean: Sorry. Just had to make sure. Dean puts his Kn*fe away. JEFFREY: Make sure of what – that I peed my pants today? The dog whimpers. JEFFREY: Aw, you scared my dog. JEFFREY crouches down and strokes the dog. Sam: Uh, we did not want to do that. Dean: Listen, Jeff, we got to, uh, we got to talk. EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING – DAY INT. APARTMENT – DAY JEFFREY sits down on a sofa in a sparsely-furnished, run-down room. HALLUCIFER is sitting on one arm of the sofa. Dean: Well, this is, uh... Sam sits on a chair near the sofa. JEFFREY: I know what it is. Dean takes a seat next to JEFFREY. Sam: Look, I know it must've been, um, hard. HALLUCIFER: Do you even listen to yourself? Sam presses on his left palm. HALLUCIFER: Oh, don't bother. HALLUCIFER flickers and disappears. JEFFREY: What do you guys want from me? Dean: Well, um, we're pretty sure the demon that possessed you... is back. JEFFREY: What? What do you mean? You exorcised him, right? He's... JEFFREY stands up, as does Sam. JEFFREY: ...he's supposed to be in Hell. Sam: Jeffrey, look, please just calm down. Just have a seat, please. JEFFREY and Sam sit down again. JEFFREY: I don't understand. Dean: Three more women have been m*rder over the past two weeks. JEFFREY: No, no. Dean: Same vic profiles, Same forensics, crime scene dusted with sulfur. We've got to assume that it's him. Sam: But we're here now, okay? So if he comes after you, we'll nail him just like we did last time. JEFFREY: What was her name? Dean: What? JEFFREY: The last one he k*lled. Dean: Uh, Anna? Sam: Anna Paxton. JEFFREY: Marjorie Willis. She's the next one on the list. Sam: List? What list? JEFFREY: The demon used to recite it all the time, like a grocery list. He b*rned it in my head – the names of all the women he was gonna k*ll. Sam: He already had his victims chosen? JEFFREY: And put in a line in an order. Dean: Wait. Why? Demons aren't usually into the obsessive serial-k*ller crap. You know, they're more just kind of all-around evil. Why would he do this? Dean looks at Sam, who shrugs. JEFFREY: He said it was his job. There is a knock at the door. JEFFREY holds a finger to his lips and gets up to open the door. ALAN: Jeffrey, did your, uh, guests sign in? JEFFREY: I'm really sorry, Alan. They're friends of mine from my days back at the Post Office. I didn't know they were coming. Sam: So, what do you think? Dean: I think we really helped mess this poor son of a bitch up. Look at him. He's got a state-assigned dad. ALAN: Okay, just get them to sign in when they sign out. JEFFREY nods and closes the door. Sam and Dean stand up. Sam: Uh, Jeffrey, look, I'm gonna go, uh, I'm gonna go find Marjorie Willis, keep her on watch, okay? Dean: Don't worry. I'm gonna stay here just in case. INT. LIBRARY – DAY Sam enters the library. Woman: Excuse me. A Woman smiles at Sam as she pushes a trolley of books. HALLUCIFER appears behind Sam. HALLUCIFER: You're right. We just don't read anymore. Sam walks with HALLUCIFER right behind him. HALLUCIFER points to the Woman. HALLUCIFER: Marjorie Willis. Librarian, indoor gardening enthusiast, our demon's next organ donor. MARJORIE WILLIS takes a seat at a desk. Sam and HALLUCIFER sit down at a table. Sam should have a direct line of sight to MARJORIE WILLIS, but HALLUCIFER blocks his view. Sam shifts a little to try to see around him. Sam shifts again. HALLUCIFER crosses his arms and stares at Sam. HALLUCIFER: Come on, Sam, talk to me. It's been months. JEFFREY (V-O): When you left me at the E.R... INT. JEFFREY's APARTMENT – DAY JEFFREY is sitting on one side of the sofa, stroking the dog. Dean is perched on the other arm of the sofa. JEFFREY: ...I had three smashed fingers, five teeth out, a broken wrist, nose, cheekbone, collarbone. I had to get 160 stitches. [He exhales and smiles.]Mugged. The Doctor on duty said it looked like I got caught in the Spanish Inquisition. Dean: And we're the good guys. JEFFREY: They patched me up, mostly. But I lost my job, my health insurance. I just started to drink and drift, and I got lost. Had some kind of mental break. And I started to talk... about what happened. Dean: Aw, man. Never tell. Never... never. JEFFREY: I know that now, believe me. Dean: So, let me guess. Drunk t*nk to psych eval to 72-hour forced hold to a nice long stay at an institution of their choice. JEFFREY: Yes. Dean: It's happened to friends of mine. JEFFREY: For a long time, I didn't care. The truth was more important than where I was. I was in no shape to cope with the outside world. Dean: Well, hey, you got out, you know? Holding it together. JEFFREY: And now the demon is back. Dean: Yeah. I'm sorry, man. I mean it – about all of it, you know? JEFFREY: You saved my life. I owe you for it. I know that. I owe a lot of people for getting even this far. I... crap. Dean: What? JEFFREY: If he isn't already circling the next woman, Marjorie, then I-I think I might know where he is. He had this special place where he kept souvenirs where he nested. Dean: Why didn't you tell us this? JEFFREY: I didn't want to go. Dean: You don't have to go. We'll handle it. JEFFREY: I do. I have to. INT. LIBRARY – DAY HALLUCIFER is reading from a book. HALLUCIFER: "Average annual rainfall – Hackberry, Texas"... HALLUCIFER rolls his eyes and tosses the book down on the table. Sam is reading autopsy files. MAJORIE WILLIS pushes a trolley of books. There is a loud noise that only Sam appears to hear and he jumps. A man and a woman at the next table start to bang their heads against the table, their bodies apparently controlled against their will. Other people at nearby tables do the Same and their faces run with blood. The woman at the first table appears to have knocked out a tooth. Sam presses on his left palm and HALLUCIFER flickers and disappears. Sam looks over at the next table. The man and woman are both uninjured. Sam exhales sharply. HALLUCIFER is again sitting across from him. HALLUCIFER: Come on, Sam, pay attention to me. I'm bored. Sam looks left and then right, not making eye contact with HALLUCIFER. He narrows his eyes as a man in a black jacket walks in the direction MARJORIE WILLIS went. HALLUCIFER: Civil w*r buff? Sam gets up to follow the man. EXT. STREET – NIGHT Dean and JEFFREY pull up alongside a graffitied fence. Dean checks his phone. Dean: Damn it – no service. JEFFREY: [to the dog in the back seat]Good girl. You stay. Here's some jerky. Stay. Dean: Thing's not gonna pee in here, is it? JEFFREY: Um, I don't know. Dean and JEFFREY get out of the car. Dean: So, he'd get you this far, and then he'd shut your lights out, yeah? JEFFREY: For some reason, he was very secretive about this place. But after a while, he'd only really sort of cover my eyes when we walked in. Dean: Okay, you think you can get us back there? INT. LIBRARY – NIGHT Sam walks along and looks through shelves of books. Woman's Voice: Oh! Oh! Sam looks around a bookshelf and sees MARJORIE WILLIS and the man in the black jacket are pressing against each other and kissing. MARJORIE WILLIS: Right here in my discontinued periodicals. Oh. Oh, that's it. INT. ABANDONED BUILDING – NIGHT Dean bursts open the door and he and JEFFREY enter. Dean is carrying a flashlight. JEFFREY has his eyes closed and a hand on Dean's shoulder. JEFFREY: Red door down the hallway. Dean: Yeah, there is. Dean takes out his Kn*fe and leads JEFFREY down the hallway. They pause outside the door and JEFFREY opens his eyes. JEFFREY: This must be it. Dean and JEFFREY look around a large room. Symbols are painted on the windows. Dean: All right, stay over here. Okay? You just stay here. Don't move. Dean continues to look around the room. Dean: What the hell? Dean shines the flashlight back at JEFFREY, then at a man chained to a chair in the room. Dean slowly approaches the man in the chair. Dean: Hey. The man's mouth is taped shut. Dean: Hey. Hey, all right. Dean puts down the flashlight and his Kn*fe. Dean: We're gonna get you out of here. Dean starts to work on the man's chains. The man opens his eyes and tries to say something. Dean: Hey, hey, I'm not gonna hurt you, okay? But you got to stay still. The man struggles and makes frantic noises. JEFFREY plunges a syringe into Dean's neck. INT. LIBRARY – NIGHT MARJORIE WILLIS is sitting at her desk and the man in the black jacket is leaning over to kiss her. Sam watches from his seat at a table nearby. HALLUCIFER leans against a bookshelf behind him. HALLUCIFER: I'm pretty sure this guy's the boring sort of chubby chaser. Sam dials a number on his phone. Dean's RECORDED MESSAGE: Leave your name, number and nightmare at the tone. Sam (on phone): Dean, where are you? I'm scoping zero out here. Sam hangs up. HALLUCIFER: Not a good sign. Sam reads autopsy reports. HALLUCIFER: Hmm. Surprised you haven't picked up on that yet. It's right... there in the coroner's report. HALLUCIFER sits down opposite Sam. We see a close-up of drug test results. HALLUCIFER: Yeah. Uh-huh. In this latest round of killings, our big girls had traces of heavy tranquilizers in their blood. Yeah? But our demon's strong enough to make fat Betty do whatever he wants to, right? So, why does he need the tranqs? Think he's got a bad back? Yeah, whatever is going on here, you know that demon's not coming back to k*ll anybody. Sam dials a number on his phone. Dean's RECORDED MESSAGE: This is Special Agent Smith. Please leave your name, number and a detailed – Sam hangs up. HALLUCIFER: Oh, no. That's every cellphone Dean's got. One of them should've picked up, right? Big brother's probably d*ad. Sam: Shut up. Sam grabs the reports and leaves. HALLUCIFER: He said "shut up" to me. INT. JEFFREY's APARTMENT – NIGHT Sam picks the lock and enters, with HALLUCIFER behind him. HALLUCIFER: That's what I'm talking about, Sam – real interaction again. I miss that. The rapier wit, the wittier r*pe. Come on. I'll be good. Sam looks under JEFFREY's mattress. HALLUCIFER: I'll even help you solve your little Nancy Drew mystery or whatever. Sam looks through the things on JEFFREY's desk. HALLUCIFER: No note. Sam unlocks the top drawer of JEFFREY's desk and discovers a cell phone signal scrambler. HALLUCIFER: Hmm, a cell phone scrambler. But, Luci, those are illegal. Think, Sam. Maybe this has something to do with Dean's telephone blackout. Sam looks in the other desk drawers, then in the dresser drawers. He taps the bottom of the top dresser drawer, takes out the drawer and turns it over, and discovers a metal box strapped underneath it. He opens the box and takes out several pieces of paper. HALLUCIFER: Hmm. Latin – not suspicious at all. Sam (V-O): I've never seen this spell before. EXT. ALLEYWAY – NIGHT Sam is walking and reading the papers he took from JEFFREY's apartment. HALLUCIFER is beside him. HALLUCIFER: No. But you've seen this type. Sam: A demon summoning – why? HALLUCIFER: Why? To summon a demon, jackass. Start looking at who. Sam: Okay, what do you mean? HALLUCIFER: Look at the page. HALLUCIFER and Sam speak simultaneously: HALLUCIFER: You know this handwriting. Sam: I know this handwriting. INT. BUILDING – NIGHT Sam picks a lock and opens a door. INT. WICCAN's WEB STORE – NIGHT Sam enters with his g*n drawn. He opens the door to the office. HALLUCIFER is seated at the desk and shakes his head. Sam looks around and puts away his g*n. NORA HAVELOCK hits him over the head from behind with a wooden object. Sam falls to the floor. HALLUCIFER winces. HALLUCIFER: Iay, caramba! Imi cabeza! Sam gets up. NORA HAVELOCK swings at him, but Sam catches her and takes the object away from her. Sam: Nora, stop it! Calm down! Sam holds up the paper from JEFFREY's apartment. Sam: What is this? What is this? Why did Jeffrey have a demon summoning in your handwriting? NORA HAVELOCK: Everything's happening the way he said, the way he planned it. Sam: What plan?! NORA HAVELOCK: You can't help – you can't change it. HALLUCIFER: h*t her. NORA HAVELOCK sits down on a sofa. Sam: Nora, tell me what is going on. HALLUCIFER: Sam, shake her up. She knows what happened to Dean. Get this stupid cow to focus, will you? Sam crouches down and speaks very close to NORA HAVELOCK's face. Sam: Nora, listen to me! Whatever it is, you should be a lot more scared of me right now because I'm two inches away from you, and I can make you talk. Do you understand me? HALLUCIFER nods approvingly. NORA HAVELOCK starts to cry. NORA HAVELOCK: It's my son. He has my son! Sam: What were you thinking? I mean, why would you even help bring back a demon in the first place? NORA HAVELOCK: Not the demon. Jeffrey! Sam: Jeffrey? INT. ABANDONED BUILDING – NIGHT The man chained to a chair, NORA HAVELOCK's SON, is unconscious. He is bleeding heavily from the side of his head. Dean is tied to another chair. Dean: Jeffrey? JEFFREY is stroking the dog, which is drinking from a bowl of water. JEFFREY: Good. You're up. Dean: What happened? What's going on? JEFFREY: No one asked you to get involved, to save me, to save anyone. Dean: What? JEFFREY: Did you ever think that maybe I loved being possessed? JEFFREY pulls a wheeled table holding ingredients for a spell towards Dean. JEFFREY: Did you? I loved the connection, the power. And I loved him. Love of my life, actually. Dean: Oh, you got to be kidding me. JEFFREY: He liberated me. JEFFREY pours lighter fluid into a bowl full of coals on the table. JEFFREY: Started me on my true life mission. Dean: So you're the one with the thing for all those women. Aren't you, Jeffrey? You're a serial k*ller. JEFFREY: I was nothing before he found me – a shadow too scared to do what I was brought here to do. Too timid to live up to my true potential. JEFFREY throws a lit match into the bowl and the coals burst into flame. Dean: So, what happened – redheaded mommy make you stuff birds, put on dresses? JEFFREY: You shouldn't trivialize other people's pain. Dean: So, demon comes along, rides co-pilot in your skull... Teaches you how to k*ll. The list... that's yours. JEFFREY: For years, it was just a game I would play. Every time I'd walk by one of them in the street or see one on my mail route... There's a sound that comes from their brains. You know that? Only I can hear it, like an evil, little steam whistle. Every time I saw one, I'd follow her, take down her address. JEFFREY picks up Dean's Kn*fe from the table. JEFFREY: But I was never gonna do anything, not till he came along. He's the one who saved me. And you sent him to Hell. INT. WICCAN's WEB STORE – NIGHT NORA HAVELOCK is sitting on the sofa. Sam is leaning against the desk with a hand to his head where NORA h*t him. NORA HAVELOCK: I kept tabs on Jeffrey after the exorcism. I even sent him care packages in the hospital, but he never responded. And then not long ago, he came to me. HALLUCIFER is standing behind Sam. NORA HAVELOCK: He seemed healthy, put together, except he wanted to know if there was a way to summon the demon back. He said he'd been doing some research. It was mostly nonsense, but he was convinced it was possible. HALLUCIFER: You really knocked the cork out of her piehole. NORA HAVELOCK: I sent him away. I told him to get some more help. The next day he called me. He put my son on the phone. He had taken him from his dorm room. NORA gets up and walks behind the desk. NORA HAVELOCK: I gave him everything – the ritual, the sigils. But he kept my boy. NORA takes a wooden box out of the top desk drawer. NORA HAVELOCK: And then he sent me this. NORA hands the box to Sam, who opens it. It contains an ear. NORA HAVELOCK: My baby's ear. He cut it off because the ritual didn't work. Sam: Well... that demon gave up some serious state secrets – would've gone into big lockdown in Hell. Not so easy to bring him back up. NORA HAVELOCK: Jeffrey didn't care. He told me to find out what went wrong or else. Finally, I found a summoning spell that would work for sure. NORA opens a book and hands it to Sam. NORA HAVELOCK: And that's when he said I had another job to do. Sam: Which was what? NORA HAVELOCK: When you came, I was supposed to send you to Jeffrey. He left a trail of bodies to make sure of it. Sam reads from the book. Sam: "Blood of the exorcist"? NORA HAVELOCK: Strongest summoning I've ever seen. Requires the blood of the exorcist who banished him – your brother. You see? It is all part of Jeffrey's plan. Sam: Yeah. Well... New plan. Sam thumps the book and puts it down in front of NORA HAVELOCK. Sam: Tracking spell – Bavarian, Egyptian. I don't care – dealer's choice. Use the flesh of the body to find the body and Dean. Do you want the ear or the kid? HALLUCIFER: You're giving me the chills. Sam glances at HALLUCIFER and then looks away. INT. ABANDONED BUILDING – NIGHT A small bowl containing blood is on the ground behind Dean's chair. JEFFREY is using Dean's Kn*fe to cut Dean's arm near the ropes binding his wrists. JEFFREY: I like to think I know you pretty well. Dean: Yeah, how do you figure? JEFFREY: I watched you t*rture an innocent man to get out a demon. Pretty charged situation... revealing. You guys talked about a lot, showed a lot of character. God... you were so desperate to fix the world back then. It kills you... JEFFREY picks up the bowl. JEFFREY: ...that people keep getting hurt... and you just can't stop it. Or I should say... JEFFREY puts the bowl on the table. JEFFREY: ...it's k*lled you, shouldn't I? JEFFREY puts the Kn*fe into a jar containing a liquid. Dean: You know what? Screw you. JEFFREY: Hey. I was there. I was depressed, Dean, because he was gone. JEFFREY picks up the jar and stirs the contents with the Kn*fe. JEFFREY: I was a wreck, an emotional shell, a drunk. I was suicidal. Dean: I don't usually endorse su1c1de, but, man, what stopped you? JEFFREY: It was Alan JEFFREY puts the jar back on the table. JEFFREY: At the house. Dean: You're kidding me. JEFFREY: He's a really good rehab therapist. Really helped me focus on my goals... JEFFREY takes the Kn*fe out of the jar and wipes it on a towel. JEFFREY: ...my attitude. I have to say, I really benefited from the whole program. Dean: Yeah. JEFFREY: A life well-lived comes from the structured pursuit of meaningful happiness. JEFFREY walks towards Dean with the Kn*fe and a large bowl. JEFFREY: I realized I was nothing without my demon. Then I decided I have to get him back. [pause]I'll be right back. JEFFREY walks away from Dean. JEFFREY (to the dog): Hey, there, honey. Come on. JEFFREY (over his shoulder to Dean): It's a bitch of a recipe, I must admit. The dog trots after JEFFREY carrying the plastic cone. Dean: No. JEFFREY walks out of sight, but his shadow is visible as he raises an arm. The dog whimpers. Dean: Oh, you sick son of a bitch. The dog yelps. The plastic cone rolls into sight. JEFFREY places the bowl, which now contains one of the dog's organs, on the coals, then adds Dean's blood. He reads a Latin invocation. The room shakes and dust falls from the ceiling. JEFFREY raises his arms as he continues the invocation. At its conclusion, everything goes still. It appears that the summoning has not worked, since JEFFREY has not been possessed. NORA HAVELOCK's SON then breaks his chains. His eyes have turned black. He has been possessed by the Demon. He removes the tape from his mouth. Demon: Hello, Jeffrey. INT. ABANDONED BUILDING – NIGHT The Demon gets up from the chair. Demon: Dean Winchester. As I live and breathe... The DEMON's eyes turn back to normal and he walks towards JEFFREY. Demon: Again. JEFFREY: Wh – wh– The Demon embraces JEFFREY. JEFFREY: Oh! What are you doing? Demon: I'm thanking you, Jeffrey. The Demon waltzes around the room with JEFFREY in his arms. JEFFREY: What are you doing with this half-d*ad piece of crap? Come into me. Demon: We had a very special time together, didn't we, Jeffrey? It warms my heart to see you haven't forgotten what I taught you. You built on it. The Demon releases JEFFREY and takes hold of his jacket. Demon: You captured a Winchester. You, Jeffrey... my pupil. JEFFREY: I don't want to be your pupil. I want to be yours. The Demon takes a step back. Demon: But I'm done with you. My work is finished. You can do everything now, all on your beautiful own. JEFFREY: No. Demon: No? JEFFREY shakes his head. The Demon backhands him sharply across the face and JEFFREY falls down. The Demon crouches down next to him. Demon: We don't do "no." Remember, Jeffrey? Dean works the ropes binding him to the chair. The Demon stands and takes a few steps towards him. Demon: Keep sawing away at your ropes, Penelope Pitstop. We can dance standing up if you want. Dean: So, is this what you do – find postal workers, make 'em go postal? Demon: I talent scout. That's all. Looking for the next generation of superstars... Before they get to Hell, like Jeffrey here. The Demon crouches down next to JEFFREY again and touches his chest. Demon: He had all the raw material... just bubbling in there. All I had to do was loosen the lid on his jar, show him some practical know-how. Dean: Yeah, what about the kid? The Demon stands up. Demon: This one? I don't think. Not much to work with. No natural gift. I'll probably burn this meat off on my way to Vegas. The Demon turns and sees Sam, who hits him and continues to fight with him while Dean escapes from the ropes. The Demon sends Sam flying across the room. Sam gets to his feet and the Demon starts towards him, only to be brought up short: he has walked under a devil's trap painted on the ceiling. Demon: You've got to be kidding me! NORA HAVELOCK walks up next to Sam. NORA HAVELOCK: You let go of my son! The Demon laughs as Dean walks over to stand near NORA HAVELOCK. Demon: Where do you keep coming from? JEFFREY picks up the Kn*fe and walks purposefully towards the Demon. Dean sh**t JEFFREY twice and he drops to the floor. The Demon growls, but is held by the devil's trap. NORA HAVELOCK: Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus. Demon: [laughs]He'll be back, you know. Back in black. Dean: Go to hell. The Demon groans as NORA HAVELOCK continues the exorcism. NORA HAVELOCK: Omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, ergo, draco maledicte, ecclesiam tuam, secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos! The Demon drops to his knees and black smoke pours from his mouth. NORA HAVELOCK's SON then falls backwards and NORA HAVELOCK rushes to support him. NORA HAVELOCK's SON: Mom? NORA HAVELOCK: I got you. I got you, baby. INT. MOTEL ROOM – DAY Dean and Sam enter. Dean runs a hand over his face. Dean: God. Oh. Dean lies face-down on one of the beds. Sam: So, Jeffrey was just pretending to be the victim. Way back in that farmhouse during the exorcism... Sam sits on the other bed. Sam: ...h-he was just... acting. Dean: He was a psychopath, Sam. That's what they do all the time, is act. Act like they're normal, act like they're not balls-to-the-wall crazy. Sam: You going to sleep? Dean: Damn straight. Screw consciousness – that's what I say. HALLUCIFER has appeared, leaning over next to Sam. HALLUCIFER: No, no, Sam. No nap for you, Sammy. Sam presses on his left palm. HALLUCIFER: Oh, come on, don't do that. HALLUCIFER straightens up. Let's talk, Sam. I always enjoyed our special little chats. Don't you want to talk? Sam presses harder on his left palm. HALLUCIFER: Yeah, look at that. Something's definitely different now, isn't it? You let me in. You wanted me, partner. So you think you can use your little tricks to banish me again... HALLUCIFER snaps his fingers. HALLUCIFER: ...like that? No. I do believe I've got you, bunk buddy. HALLUCIFER wiggles an index finger. HALLUCIFER: Got my finger wiggling around in your brainpan. Flames leap up on the bed around Sam. He flinches and twitches. HALLUCIFER laughs. HALLUCIFER: Come on, Sammy! Come on! Say it with me now. [shouts]Good morning, Vietnam! HALLUCIFER laughs. END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "07x15 - Repo Man"}
Air Date: 23 March 2012 EXT. RAILWAY – NIGHT Someone we can see only from the legs downwards is breathing heavily as they run slowly along the railway track. The person leaves the track and bumps into a Man walking alongside it. Man: Hey! Dick! The person who was running turns around and we see that it is Sam. Sam then starts to run again, goes through a gate, and walks along a heavily-graffitied alleyway. A woman is buying drugs from a DEALER. The woman leaves and Sam walks closer to the DEALER. DEALER Dude. Get the hell away from me. Sam rubs a hand over his face. He looks exhausted. DEALER You speak friggin' English? Go away! Sam: It's okay. No one's after me. DEALER Why are you running up in here like that? Sam: Just... Just leave me alone. Sam slides down to the ground with his back against a post. DEALER What the hell did you take, anyway? Sam: Nothing. DEALER Shut up. HALLUCIFER No, he's telling the truth. b*rned through that last beer hours ago. Right about the time Dean passed out. Come on, Sam. Tell the nice tweaker. You'd be sleeping by now if the devil would just leave you alone for five seconds. Stupid Satan. Chasing you all the way to... Where the hell are we? Sam: [Holding his face in his hands]Gah! I just need some rest. HALLUCIFER Hey. Sam. Try the hand scar. Sam: Ugh! DEALER How many days you been up, anyway? HALLUCIFER Four. Oh. Wait. [Looks at his watch]Scratch that. Five. Sam gets to his feet and starts to walk away. DEALER Hey, hold up! Wait! Hold up! Sam turns around. DEALER You want to knock out? I can knock you out. CUT TO: Sam and the DEALER are asleep in the front seats of a car. Something shatters the windshield, spraying glass over Sam. Sam gets out. A bar is protruding through the shattered windshield, but when Sam looks again, the windshield is intact. HALLUCIFER appears behind Sam. HALLUCIFER [singing and making hand motions]Good morning to you, good morning to you… Sam walks away. HALLUCIFER [singing and making hand motions]…our day is beginning, so good morning to you. [calls after Sam]I thought you liked my singing! CUT TO: HALLUCIFER walking just behind Sam. Sam is breathing heavily and blinking rapidly. HALLUCIFER Pills? You do get that you're just bringing free drugs to the party, right? I am insideyou, Sam. Hey. Sam. What's the longest a normal human being has ever gone without sleep? 11 days. [Chuckles]Hey. You always wanted to be normal, Sam! CUT TO: Sam running away from HALLUCIFER. HALLUCIFER If you are, you'll be d*ad in a week! Sam runs in front of a car, which hits him and sends him up onto the windshield, over the car and to the ground. SUPERNATURAL INT. HOSPITAL – DAY A Doctor is working at his desk. Dean opens the door and enters, followed by a Nurse. Nurse: Okay, sir? You can't just barge in here without an appointment! Dean: They said, "Talk to Kadinsky." You Kadinsky? Nurse: You need to be scheduled! Dean: Well, then, schedule me! He was in a car crash. Why the hell can't I see him? Dr. KADINSKY You're Sam Smith's brother. Dean: Yeah, what's going on? Dr. KADINSKY [to the Nurse]It – it's fine. Thank you. Really. The Nurse leaves. Dr. KADINSKY Sam was admitted. He was treated for a broken rib and lacerations. Dean: Okay. That's not too bad. And? Dr. KADINSKY And... he's on our locked psychiatric floor. Dean looks surprised. Dean: I mean, he's had some trouble... Dr. KADINSKY So you're aware that Sam is experiencing a full-blown psychotic episode? Dean: Psychotic? Come on. I mean, the guy's... It's not like the guy's freakin' Norman Bates. Dr. KADINSKY No, I'm sure he isn't. We need to determine whether his state was brought on by the insomnia or whether the insomnia is a symptom of his condition. Do you understand? So that we can figure out how to treat him. Dean: Well, all I can say is that the sleep thing is – is kind of new. Dr. KADINSKY Right. Well... we've pumped him about as full of sedatives as we safely can. So far, he won't go under. I've never seen anything like it. CUT TO: Dr. KADINSKY pushing a button to enter Ward D2. A sign on the wall and the door read "High Security Area". He and Dean walk down the hallway in the ward. CUT TO: Sam's hospital room. HALLUCIFER is sitting on a desk, playing with a piece of string. Sam is on the bed, dressed in a white T-shirt and white hospital pants. HALLUCIFER I'm just sayin'. Back when you had no soul... Dr. KADINSY and Dean appear at the door. HALLUCIFER ...you never had to sleep. Dean enters the room. HALLUCIFER Ah, Mr. Helpless. Pull up a six-pack, buddy. Dean: How are you feeling? Sam: Maybe you should cancel my UFC fight. HALLUCIFER Yeah. Keep that sense of humor, Sam. It'll get you through this. Dean sits down on the end of Sam's bed. Dean: Sam, I'm gonna find you help. Sam exhales and looks away. HALLUCIFER Now, that sounded a little cynical. Sam: I don't think it's out there, Dean. Dean: We don't know that. Sam: We know better than most. It's all snake oil. Last faith healer we hooked up with had a reaper on a leash. Remember? Dean stands up. Dean: Yeah, Sam, I remember. Sam: I'm just saying... Dean: What? That you don't want my help? Sam: No, I'm just saying… don't do this to yourself. Dean: Sam, if I don't find something – Sam: Then I'll die. HALLUCIFER Oh, you're upsetting me. Sam: Dean, we knew this was coming. Dean: No. Sam: When you put my soul back... Dean: No. Sam: ...Cas warned you about all the crap it would – Dean: Screw Cas! Quit being Dalai frickin' Yoda about this, okay? [punches his hand with his fist]Get pissed! Sam: [sighs]I'm too tired. This is what happens when you throw a soul into Lucifer's dog bowl. And you think there's just gonna be some cure out there? Sam looks at Dean sadly. Dean nods and bites his lip. HALLUCIFER Oh, you guys are having a moment. Dean leaves the room. INT. HOUSE – DAY Dean is looking through a journal and talking on the phone. Dean (on phone): I'm a friend of Bobby Singer's. I'm looking for some info. If you could, uh, call me back. 785-555-0128. Thanks. He hangs up and crosses a name off a list. INT. HOSPITAL – DAY The Nurse is taking Sam's blood pressure and temperature as HALLUCIFER looks on. INT. HOUSE – DAY Dean (on phone): [sarcastically]I am so sorry to have bothered you. Dean crosses another name off his list. Eight names are now crossed off. INT. HOSPITAL – DAY HALLUCIFER is reading from a large book. Sam is sitting on the edge of the bed, facing away from HALLUCIFER. HALLUCIFER Narcissistic personality disorder. Okay, now, this one I could have. The Nurse enters. Nurse: Time for meds, Sam. HALLUCIFER Sets unrealistic goals. Check. Buttrouble keeping healthy relationships? Not so sure about that one. Thoughts? INT. HOUSE – DAY Dean (on phone): Yeah. Thanks. Dean hangs up, crosses out another name, closes the journal and picks up a smaller journal. He tosses the smaller journal onto a table as he walks to the refrigerator. As he is taking out a can, the journal falls to the ground. Dean picks it up. A business card for Mackey's Taxidermy has fallen out. On the back is a cell phone number. Dean (on phone): Yeah, hi. Uh... my name's Dean. I'm a friend of Bobby Singer's. I'm, uh, looking for some info. If you could call me back at 785-555-0128. Thanks. Dean hangs up. INT. HOSPITAL – DAY Sam is sitting on the edge of his bed with his eyes closed. Dr. KADINSKY enters. Dr. KADINSKY Sam, how are we feeling today? Rib pain – scale of 1 to 10? Sam: It's – it's not bad. Um [clears throat]Three. Dr. KADINSKY You don't have to lie, Sam. Sam: I'm – I'm not. Dr. KADINSKY You've suffered terrible agony. I mean, your 10 must be astronomical. Sam: Yeah. I-I guess I have a high threshold. Dr. KADINSKY Yeah. But the worst is knowing that there's always a new 10. Sam: What are you talking about? Dr. KADINSKY Well, I'm talking about the truly elegant t*rture I have prepared for you today… Dr. KADINSKY morphs into HALLUCIFER. HALLUCIFER …Sam. Sam gets up and turns away from HALLUCIFER. Sam: Just stay the hell away from me. HALLUCIFER But it's – it's so nice chatting. Sam, I hate these one-sided conversations. Come on, buddy. [raises fists]Engage. Sam? You... me... locked ward. Is it me, or is this just like the Cage? EXT. HOSPITAL – NIGHT INT. HOSPITAL – NIGHT Sam is sitting on the bed, yawning. An orderly brings in a tray. Sam picks up a plate holding a sandwich and sits down on the bed again. He takes a bite, then looks down at the sandwich and sees that it is crawling with maggots. He drops the sandwich to the floor and moves further up the bed. A Girl wearing white hospital clothes with a bandage on her neck is watching from the doorway. INT. HOUSE – NIGHT Dean is doing a search on the laptop. He brings up the "Amazing Grace Helping Friends" website. His phone rings. The scene alternates between Dean in the house and MACKEY standing next to his truck. Dean: This is Dean. MACKEY Mackey. Calling you back. Hey. Real sorry about Bobby. Dean: Yeah, me too. MACKEY Look, what you called about – I might have something for you. There's this guy. He goes by "Emmanuel." He kind of roams. First started hearing about him a couple of months back. How he was healing the sick, curing the crazy. Dean: Uh-huh. MACKEY Naturally, I think something in the milk ain't clean. Find this sucker, punch his clock. Right? Dean: Right. MACKEY Heard the best way to get to him is through his wife, Daphne, out in Colorado? So, I go. Tell her I'm going blind. It's true. My right eye's burnt out. She says, "Go home. He'll come." So, I go. I set every trap, every test in the book. Dean: That's what I would have done. MACKEY Emmanuel shows. He passes every one. There ain't nothing weird about this guy. Except... he's the real deal. Dean: What do you mean? MACKEY He touched me, and my eye was fixed. Look – I don't believe in much that don't suck your blood. But I wouldn't call you on a maybe. INT. HOSPITAL – NIGHT Sam is sitting on the edge of his bed, covering his ears and facing away from HALLUCIFER, who is talking through a loudspeaker. HALLUCIFER "Oh, my head hurts. Make it stop!" Girl: Hello? The Girl who watched Sam from the doorway earlier is standing in the room. She holds out a chocolate bar to Sam. Girl: You want this or not? I saw you yesterday. Sam takes the chocolate bar. Girl: You didn't look too happy with your in-flight meal. Sam: Thanks. Uh... Girl: Marin. No problem. Sam. Right? The loudspeaker blares and Sam winces. HALLUCIFER "I'm Sam." Sam covers his face and MARIN leaves. HALLUCIFER "Hello, Sam. Hi." EXT. HOUSE – DAY Dean walks up the stairs to the front door and knocks. A Man opens the door. Dean: Hi. Uh, is this, uh, Daphne Allen's house? I'm looking for Emmanuel. Man: Well, you found him. Daphne's resting. If you don't mind. Dean: Oh, yeah, sure. EMMANUEL steps outside and closes the door. Dean: Um… So, I was hoping, uh… Through the window, Dean sees a Woman who is bound to a chair and gagged. He looks back at EMMANUEL, whose eyes turn black: he is a Demon. The Demon grabs Dean and throws him against the door. Demon: You were saying, Dean? Dean: You know, I'd think twice. Or don't you know that your boss issued a hands-off memo? Demon: [laughs]Please. What have you done for him lately? Roman's head on a plate? No? Whatever Emmanuel is, Crowley's gonna want him – a lot more than he wants you these days. So... The Demon starts towards Dean, who s*ab it with his Kn*fe. The Demon yells and light flashes from his eyes and mouth as it dies. Dean pushes the Demon down the stairs as he withdraws his Kn*fe. A man is standing at the bottom of the stairs. Dean stares: it is the body of Jimmy Novak, Castiel's former vessel. EMMANUEL/Castiel What was that? INT. DAPHNE ALLEN's HOUSE – DAY EMMANUEL/Castiel is removing the gag and ropes binding DAPHNE. EMMANUEL/Castiel That creature hurt you. DAPHNE I'm okay. But, Emmanuel... They were looking for you. EMMANUEL/Castiel It's okay. [to Dean]I'm Emmanuel. EMMANUEL/Castiel holds out his hand and Dean shakes it. Dean: Dean. I'm...Dean. EMMANUEL/Castiel Thank you for protecting my wife. Dean: Your wife. Right. EMMANUEL/Castiel I saw his face. His realface. Dean: He was a demon. EMMANUEL/Castiel A demon walked the Earth. Dean: Demons.Whackloads of them. You don't know about...? DAPHNE [to EMMANUEL/Castiel]You saw the demon's true face. [to Dean]Emmanuel has very special gifts. Dean: Yeah. I-I've heard that about... Emmanuel. That you can heal people up. EMMANUEL/Castiel I seem to be able to help to a certain degree. What's your issue? Dean: My brother. INT. HOSPITAL – DAY Sam is lying on the bed with his eyes closed. A firecracker pops and Sam starts. "Wake Up Little Susie" by the Everly Brothers plays. ♪ Wake up, little Susie♪ ♪ [i]Wake up[i]♪ ♪ [i]Wake up, little Susie[i]♪ ♪ [i]Wake up[i]♪ HALLUCIFER lights a firecracker and tosses it to the floor. ♪ [i]We've both been sound asleep[i]♪ ♪ [i]Wake up, little Susie and weep[i]♪ HALLUCIFER You know, you're actually keeping it together better than I thought. Kind of... the way someone pinned under a bus keeps it together. Sam: None of this is real. HALLUCIFER And yet... you know what really sucks? [Tosses another firecracker]It doesn't really matter. [Turns off the music]Because I won. Your madness won. I mean, look at you. It's hard to believe you were the guy that saved the world once. An Orderly, MARCUS brings in a tray of food. HALLUCIFER Mmm! Sammy. What'll be today? Maggots again... Or, uh, tapeworm? Sam: Thanks. MARCUS Yeah, no problem. How you doing? Sam: Uh... little better. That girl, uh, Marin... MARCUS Look, I'm not really supposed to talk about it. Let's just say, unlike you, she didn't get here 'cause of no accident. Sam lies back down on the bed. HALLUCIFER lights another firecracker and laughs as Sam flinches. [i]CAR – NIGHT Dean is driving with EMMANUEL/Castiel in the passenger seat. Dean: So, Daphne – is that, uh, your wife? EMMANUEL/Castiel She found me and cared for me. Dean: Meaning? EMMANUEL/Castiel Oh, it's a...strange story. You may not like it. Dean: Believe me, I will. EMMANUEL/Castiel A few months ago, she was hiking by the river, and I wandered into her path, drenched and confused, and... unclothed. I had no memory. She said... God wanted her to find me. Dean: So who named you Emmanuel? EMMANUEL/Castiel Bouncybabynames.com. Dean: Well, it's working for you. Must be weird not knowing who you are. EMMANUEL/Castiel Well, it's my life. And it's a good life. Dean: Yeah, well, what if you were some kind of... I don't know...bad guy? EMMANUEL/Castiel Oh, I... don't feel like a bad person. INT. HOSPITAL – DAY Sam gets up from the bed and stands at the window in his room MARIN Man, you must be really determined to wait out nap time. MARIN holds up a chocolate bar. MARIN Here. She tosses the chocolate bar onto the bed and turns to leave. Sam: Wait. Uh... share this with me. MARIN Thanks. I don't know why I'm thanking you for a candy bar I stole. Sam tries to tear the wrapper and can't. Sam: So, how long you been here? MARIN Five weeks and counting. Going for the record. Sam: How come? MARIN It doesn't matter. Sam: That's a lot of bandages for "it doesn't matter". MARIN You want the Doctor answer? I'm psychotically depressed to a suicidal ideation. Sam: And the not-Doctor answer? MARIN I feel like crap. I just... want it to be over. Sam: What? MARIN Everything. Come on. Tell me I'm young and have everything to live for. Sam: Why would you believe me? MARIN True. I heard you're here because the voices won't let you sleep. Sam: Just one, really. MARIN Who is it? Like Charlie Manson or the devil? Sam: Kind of. Yeah. MARIN Me too. I...hear a voice. Sam: Is that why you set the f*re? MARIN Who told you that? Sam: No one. The – they're burns, right? MARIN I didn't set the f*re, o– he[i]did! You know what? I don't even know why I'm talking. Sam: Marin, it's okay. MARIN No, it's not! You are crazier than I am! Charles Manson tells you what to do. At least it's my own brother – Sam: It's your brother? MARIN Yes. It sucks... when it's your d*ad brother saying... k*ll yourself to be with him... or he'll do it for you. MARIN leaves the room. [i]CAR – NIGHT EMMANUEL/Castiel So, your brother... Dean: Sam. EMMANUEL/Castiel Sam. What's his diagnosis? Dean: Well, it's not exactly medical. EMMANUEL/Castiel That should be fine. I can cure illness of a spiritual origin. Dean: Spiritual? Okay. Someone did this to him. EMMANUEL/Castiel You're angry. Dean: Well, yeah. Dude broke my brother's head. EMMANUEL/Castiel He betrayed you, this dude. He was your friend? Dean: Yeah, well, he's gone. EMMANUEL/Castiel Did you k*ll him? I sense that you k*ll a lot of people. Dean: Honestly, I-I-I don't know if he is d*ad. I just know that this... whole thing couldn't be messier. You know, I used to be able to just shake this stuff off. You know, whatever it was. It might take me some time, but... I always could. What Cas did... I just can't – I don't know why. EMMANUEL/Castiel Well, it doesn't matter why. Dean: Of course it matters. EMMANUEL/Castiel No. You're not a machine, Dean. You're human. Your friend's name was Cas? That's an odd name. EXT. STREET – DAY Dean parks the car and gets out. Dean: Oh, hey, hey. Just, uh, sit tight. I'll be right out, okay? INT. CONVENIENCE STORE – DAY Dean takes out his phone. He hears the door open, and looks up at a mirror to see a man walking towards him. He takes out his Kn*fe. The man shoves Dean into a wall and Dean pushes the man into a refrigerator, shattering its glass door. As the man stands up, Dean s*ab him with his Kn*fe. Light flashes from the man's face as he dies. Dean picks up his phone and sees that the screen is broken. Dean: Oh, come on. Dean walks to the next aisle of the store and finds two more demons waiting for him. He raises the Kn*fe and swings at one of them, but the demon blocks his arm and the Kn*fe goes flying to the floor. Dean punches the demon and it throws him into some shelves. While Dean is still on the floor, someone s*ab the demon from behind. Light flashes from its face. Black smoke pours from the mouth of the other demon as it leaves the body it was possessing. Dean: Emmanuel, you son of a bitch. The first demon falls to the ground, revealing Meg, who is holding Dean's Kn*fe. Meg: Emmanuel. Yeah, not so much. Dean: Meg. Meg: Dean, Dean, Dean. You got some 'splainin' to do. INT. CONVENIENCE STORE – DAY Dean turns the sign on the door around so it reads "Closed" and pulls down the blind. Meg: Rumors are really starting to fly about this Emmanuel fellow. My curiosity sure got revved up. Dean: Just tell me what you want, Meg. Meg: Imagine my surprise when I track him down, and he's snuggled up with you.And he's the spitting image of poor, d*ad Castiel. So, Dean, what's poor, d*ad Castiel doing in that junker out there? Dean: Christmas caroling. Meg: Fun. But how's he alive? Last I heard, he played God, went poof. Dean: I don't know. And neither does he, so you got to keep it shut. Meg: Oh, I do? Dean: He doesn't know he's Cas. Meg: I know. Been watching you for hours. So here's the deal. You might remember Crowley and me were frosty back in the day? Well, times haven't changed. Dean: Good. Meg: That hurts my feelings. I've been good to you, Dean. Dean: No, you've been good to you,sweetheart. Meg: Look. Right now… Dean takes some items from the shelves and puts them in his jacket. Meg: …rumors of this wandering healer are strictly low-level. But body count's getting high enough to change that. Folks start poking, they sniff angel dust. Dean: Yeah, they start falling all over each other trying to tell Crowley. Meg: Now picture Crowley with his hands on harmless little amnesia-Cas. Don't get me wrong. I'm gonna burn that smarmy dick. My time's coming. But right about now, my army-of-one situation is not cutting it. It's cold out here, there's a price on my ass, and I need friends. Dean: Yeah. I get that. But I ain't it. Meg: That's where you're wrong, Dean. 'Cause I'm here to help you, and that makes us friends. Dean: Help, huh? You mean see if you can't turn harmless little Cas out there into an angel-sized w*apon? Meg: Like you're taking him caroling. And by the way, you really want to keep going with no backup? Hey, I don't trust you, either. But I could really use Emmanuel. And he trusts you. So for now, it's in everyone's best interests to hold hands and cross the street together, okay? Dean: We go straight to Sam. No detours. Meg: I love it. Dean: And one more thing. My Kn*fe. Meg holds up the bloody Kn*fe and Dean takes it. Meg: You sure we wouldn't be safer traveling with a full-throttle angel? I could jog his memory. Kidding! We wouldn't want to upset the poor guy. EXT. STREET – DAY Dean and Meg walk up to EMMANUEL/Castiel. EMMANUEL/Castiel Her face! She's one of – Meg: It's okay. We come in different flavors. Dean: She's, uh... a friend. Meg: Meg. Just here for moral support. I mean, after all, we go way back. Dean and me. Just met you, of course. But I think we're gonna be good friends, too. Dean: All right. Can we go? INT. HOSPITAL – DAY MARIN walks down the hallway. Sam comes to his doorway. Sam: Marin. Marin, hey. Hold on. Um...I'm sorry I upset you. MARIN It's okay. Sam: Can I ask you something? MARIN About? Sam: The f*re. MARIN Look. You mean well, but you have no idea – Sam: You said you didn't start it. I believe you. I can help you, Marin, before he tries to hurt you again. They go into Sam's room. HALLUCIFER is leaning against the wall. MARIN You're worse. Your organs need sleep, you know. Your hair and nails are gonna fall out, and your kidneys are gonna shut down. I saw it in a movie. Sorry. HALLUCIFER laughs. Sam: So, um, your brother – when did he pass? MARIN Uh, last year. Sam: Do you see him? MARIN shakes her head. Sam: So... he just talks to you. I bet at first it wasn't so bad. You must have missed him. Did you just hear him at the house? MARIN Here too. Whenever I'm alone. I can always tell he's coming because I get these chills. Sam: You feel cold. MARIN Yeah. I mean, you're right. At first it's like... I knew I was crazy, but... I didn't really care. I did miss him. But then... he started saying he was lonely. And he started to get mad. And one day he started yelling, and I tried to run but the door was locked. And when I turned around, the whole room was on f*re. I barely got out. How can you help me? Sam: I can put your brother to rest. He's, um... He's stuck here. MARIN For real? Like – Sam: Like he's a ghost. MARIN Why should I trust you? Sam: Because it's your only sh*t. MARIN Okay. Sam: Okay. So, your brother – was he cremated? Buried? MARIN We cremated him. Sam: And do you have anything of his? MARIN touches a bracelet she is wearing. MARIN This. He made it for me. With a busted hand, too. Sliced it open doing stupid archery. Sam: He bled on it? MARIN Probably. Sam: Good. That's – that's good. MARIN Why is that good? Sam: One more question. Is there any chance in hell you got a lighter? CAR – NIGHT Dean is driving, EMMANUEL/Castiel is in the passenger seat and Meg is in the back seat. EMMANUEL/Castiel This silence is very uncomfortable. Is there something I should know? Meg: I don't know. Dean? Dean: No. Meg has that effect. Awkward. You know? EMMANUEL/Castiel That must be difficult for you. Meg: Dean's making a joke, Emmanuel. EMMANUEL/Castiel Oh. INT. HOSPITAL – DAY MARIN comes into Sam's room holding up a cigarette lighter. Sam: Nice. Where'd you score that? MARIN Grabbed it out of Marcus' pocket. Being locked up is really turning me into a decent criminal. Sam closes the door and barricades it with a chair. Sam: We're laying down a circle. Help me open these, okay? They use small containers of salt to make a salt circle. Sam looks up and sees HALLUCIFER bl*wing on the salt. Sam leans back against the wall. Sam: You're gonna have to do this on your own. It's okay. I'm okay. I'm just having a little... HALLUCIFER Brown acid moment. Sam: Dizzy thing. It'll pass. HALLUCIFER Definitely. When your heart stops. Sam and MARIN are standing in a small salt circle. Sam: Great. Now, um... stay with me in the circle. No matter what. No matter what happens, okay? MARIN What's gonna happen? Sam: Give me the bracelet. The lights flicker and Sam and MARIN's breath becomes visible. The GHOST of MARIN's brother appears. GHOST Marin, don't do this. Please. Sam: Marin, give me the bracelet. MARIN I'm so sorry. I have to. She breaks the bracelet from her wrist and gives it to Sam. The room shakes, the door flies open and the lights explode. Sam lights the bracelet and the GHOST burns up. GHOST Noooo! Sam: Y-you got to go. Go. MARIN Thank you. MARIN leaves. Two orderlies enter and grab Sam. We see white light, which becomes Dr. KADINSKY shining a flashlight in Sam's face. HALLUCIFER is standing behind Dr. KADINSKY. Dr. KADINSKY Sam? How you feeling now? HALLUCIFER His soul is broken, Doc. Can you give him a pill? Dr. KADINSKY I can't give you any more medication. The potential for overdose is too great. Sam looks at his fingernails, which are bloody. Dr. KADINSKY We need to talk about surgical solutions. Sam: Surgical? HALLUCIFER Ooh. Lobotomy? Dr. KADINSKY It's okay. We're not talking lobotomy here. HALLUCIFER Darn. Dr. KADINSKY Sam. Are you with me? Sam? We see nothing but white light again. EXT. HOSPITAL – NIGHT Dean turns off the engine and gets out of the car. A number of people are standing around the emergency entrance to the hospital. Dean walks around the car and joins EMMANUEL/Castiel and Meg. EMMANUEL/Castiel Oh, gracious. Dean looks through binoculars at the people outside the emergency entrance. Meg: Damn it. Demons. Dean: All of them? Meg: No grass growing under yourfeet. EMMANUEL/Castiel How many of those knives do you have? Dean: Just the one. EMMANUEL/Castiel Well, then, forgive me, but what do we do? Meg: Yeah, Dean. Got any other ideas how we could blast through that? Dean: Excuse us. Meg? Meg: Oh, for the love of... Dean and Meg walk a short distance away. Meg: Sam's in there. I know you're enjoying the double dip with your old pal, but – Dean: You think it's that cut and dry? Really? You know what he did. And you want to tell him and just hope that he takes it in stride? He could snap. He could... disappear. Who knows? EMMANUEL/Castiel I gather we know each other. Meg: Just a dollop. EMMANUEL/Castiel You can tell me. I'll be fine. Dean: How do you know? You just met yourself. I've known you for years. Meg: You're an angel. EMMANUEL/Castiel I'm sorry? Is that a flirtation? Meg: No, it's a species. A very powerful one. Dean: She's not lying. Okay? That's why you heal people. You don't eat. I'm sure there's more. EMMANUEL/Castiel Why wouldn't you tell me? Being an angel – it sounds pleasant. Dean: It's not, trust me. It's bloody, it's corrupt. It's not pleasant. Meg: He would know. You used to fight together. Bestest friends, actually. EMMANUEL/Castiel We're... friends? Am I Cas? I-I had no idea. I don't remember you. I'm sorry. Meg: Look. You got the juice. You can smite every demon in that lot. EMMANUEL/Castiel But I don't remember how. Dean: It's in there. I'm sure it's just like riding a bike. EMMANUEL/Castiel I don't know how to do that, either. [pause]All right, I'll try. Dean: This ain't gonna go well. Meg: I don't know. I believe in the little tree topper. Music plays as EMMANUEL/Castiel walks towards the hospital emergency entrance. Demon: Hey, I know you. You're d*ad. EMMANUEL/Castiel Yes, I've heard. Castiel: Meg That's my boy. One of the DEMONS tries to run away, but EMMANUEL/Castiel appears right in front of him. EMMANUEL/Castiel I don't think running will save you. EMMANUEL/Castiel puts a hand to the Demon's head and smites him. Dean and Meg walk up behind EMMANUEL/Castiel. Meg: That was beautiful, Clarence. Dean: Cas? Castiel: I remember you. Castiel turns to face Dean. Castiel: I remember everything. EXT. HOSPITAL – NIGHT Castiel: What I did. What I became. Why didn't you tell me? Dean: Because Sam is dying in there. Castiel: Because of me. Everything. All these people. I shouldn't be here. Castiel walks away. Dean: Cas. Cas! [to Meg]You stay here. [calls after Castiel]Cas! INT. HOSPITAL – NIGHT Sam is being wheeled down a hallway on a hospital bed by the orderly MARCUS. They enter a room. Sam: Where... Where – where are we? MARCUS Electroshock therapy. Let's just get you settled. Don't be freaked. I've seen this help a lot of people. Sam: Umm, umm – my brother. MARCUS puts a mouth guard in Sam's mouth. MARCUS Bite down. MARCUS turns on the machine. MARCUS Ordinarily, they keep this thing set on low. But I was thinking we could experiment a little. What do you say, Sam? MARCUS puts the electrodes on Sam's head. MARCUS Let's get that head strapped in. MARCUS' eyes turn black. EXT. HOSPITAL – NIGHT Castiel is walking away from the hospital, with Dean close behind him. Dean: If you remember, then you know you did the best you could at the time. Castiel: Don't defend me. Do you have any idea the death toll in Heaven? On Earth? Castiel stops and turns to face Dean. Castiel: We didn't part friends, Dean. Dean: So what? Castiel: I deservedto die. Now, I can't possibly fix it... So why did I even walk out of that river? Dean: Maybe to fix it. Wait. Dean opens the trunk of the car and takes out Castiel's trenchcoat. He holds it out to Castiel. INT. HOSPITAL – NIGHT Sam is strapped to the bed and shaking from electric shocks. MARCUS Amazing. You just take those lickin's, don't you, kid? Well, if it's meat, you can cook it. You just got to turn up the heat. MARCUS turns towards the electroshock machine, but Castiel is there. Castiel puts a hand on MARCUS' head to smite him. MARCUS falls to the ground with his eyes burnt out. Castiel turns off the electroshock machine and takes away the electrodes on Sam's head and the mouth guard. Castiel: I should never have broken your wall, Sam. I'm here to make it right. Castiel touches Sam's head, but Sam doesn't look better. Sam sees HALLUCIFER in Castiel's place. Sam: You're not real. Castiel: Oh, Sam... I'm so sorry. INT. HOSPITAL – DAY HALLUCIFER is sitting in a chair next to Sam's bed, holding the book "Three Little Pigs". HALLUCIFER I see that third little pig was smart. Went out and got some bricks. Dean and Castiel are standing in the room. The chair next to Sam's bed is empty. Dean: What the hell do you mean you can't? Castiel: I mean there's nothing left to rebuild. Dean: Why not? Castiel: Because it crumbled. The pieces got crushed to dust by whatever's happening inside his head right now. Dean: So you're saying there's nothing? That he's gonna be like this until his candle blows out? Castiel: I'm sorry. This isn't a problem I can make disappear. And you know that. [pause]But I may be able to shift it. Dean: Shift? Castiel: Yeah, it would get Sam back on his feet. Castiel sits on the bed close to Sam. Castiel: It's better this way. I'll be fine. Sam flinches. Dean: Wait, Cas, what are you doing? Castiel: Now, Sam... HALLUCIFER This may hurt. And if I can't tell you again... Castiel: ...I'm sorry I ever did this to you. Castiel puts a hand on Sam's head. Sam groans in pain and his face and eyes glow red. The red travels up Castiel's arm and face and his eyes turn red. Sam groans and gasps for breath. Dean: Sam? Dean walks around the bed to the other side. Sam: Dean! Dean: Sam! Sam: Cas? Cas, is that you? Castiel sees HALLUCIFER on the bed in Sam's place. HALLUCIFER Hello... brother. Castiel stands up and backs away in horror. Sam and Dean look at each other. HALLUCIFER laughs. EXT. HOSPITAL – DAY Sam and Dean leave the building. Sam: I don't know. I mean, we can't just leave him. INT. HOSPITAL – DAY Dean (V.O): Well, we can't bring him with us. Everything on the planet's out for us, okay? Castiel is sitting sadly on the edge of a bed, dressed in white hospital clothes. Dean (V.O): Word gets out, we can't protect him. Not really. EXT. HOSPITAL – DAY Dean: This is safer. Dean and Sam stop at the driver's and passenger doors of the car and talk over the car. Dean: Every demon who knows about Cas is d*ad. Sam: Not everyone. Look, Dean, this whole "enemy of my enemy is my friend" thing feels kind of like a demon deal. Dean: It's not a deal. It's – Sam: It's what? Dean: Mutually assured destruction. Look, man, I get it. She's not our friend. We don't even have friends. All our friends are d*ad. Dean gets into the car. INT. HOSPITAL – DAY Dr. KADINSKY is sitting at his desk reading a piece of paper. Dr. KADINSKY Well, you certainly have experience. I'm impressed. Tell me – why do you want to join our staff? Meg: I really just want to help the patients. Watch over them. Not to be immodest, but I feel like I'd make a great fit. Dr. KADINSKY I can't argue with that. Dr. KADINSKY stands up and offers Meg his hand. Dr. KADINSKY Welcome to the team... Nurse Masters. END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "07x17 - The Born-Again Identity"}
Air Date: 30 March 2012 EXT. WOODS – NIGHT A teenage boy, CHRIS, is telling a story to people around a campfire. CHRIS Long ago, in these very woods, lived an old woman by the name… of Jenny Greentree. CHRIS shines the flashlight onto his face from under his chin. Girl: Whooo! The camera pans out and we see there are four people around the campfire – CHRIS, the Girl sitting next to him, and another teenage boy, RAY, and girl, CHLOE, sitting close together on the other side of the f*re. CHRIS Forced out after her family was k*lled in a f*re. She lost everything. Some say, even her humanity. RAY That is sosad. CHLOE Shut up! CHRIS It's a true story, Ray. Look. CHRIS shines a flashlight onto the letters "JG" carved into a nearby tree. CHRIS She carved her initials into that tree… right before she died. Girl: Those are not her initials. We see the scene from a distance, as if through someone else's eyes. CHLOE So, how'd she die? CHRIS One night, a blizzard h*t. She's cold, she's hungry, nowhere to go, no one to turn to. Jenny Greentree froze to death… right beneath that tree. And her evil spirit has haunted these woods ever since. CHRIS shines the flashlight onto his face from under his chin and grins creepily. RAY gooses CHLOE and she jumps. RAY laughs. CHLOE Don't do that! Suddenly a bottle smashes against the tree. The Girl screams and everybody jumps. Another teenage boy, TREVOR, staggers up, laughing drunkenly. CHRIS rolls his eyes. TREVOR You guys should have seen your faces! CHRIS What the hell, Trevor? That's not funny, man! TREVOR To you! RAY [Stands up]Yo. You drive here, man? TREVOR Oh, please. Look, why – why don't you take – take my phone, okay? Call Dad and bust me, why don't you? RAY No, I'm just saying, you're wasted. You can't just drive… TREVOR Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I heard ya. [Laughs uneasily]What was that? RAY What? No. Trevor, let's just sit down, okay, we'll – TREVOR Shhh. You – you don't hear that? We see the scene from a distance again. RAY Trevor, there's nothing there, all right? Let's just sit down, and we'll… TREVOR What the…? You gotta run. You gotta run! TREVOR runs away. RAY Trevor! CHLOE I'm sorry, but what is your brother on? There is a scream in the distance. RAY Trevor! RAY runs after TREVOR. CUT TO: RAY walking in the woods, looking for TREVOR. RAY Trevor! Trev, come on! Stop being a tool! RAY sees TREVOR sitting against a tree. RAY Come on, Trevor, let's head back. Dude. TREVOR is d*ad. His face is cut and bleeding and there is a large hole in his abdomen. SUPERNATURAL EXT. STREET – DAY Bell Biv DeVoe's "Poison" plays as a vehicle pulls up outside "Burger Heaven." GARTH gets out, wearing sunglasses, and walks slowly to the restaurant. ♪ Poison ♪ ♪ Yeah, Spiderman and Freeze in full effect ♪ ♪ Poison ♪ ♪ Uh-huh, you ready, Ron? ♪ ♪ Poison ♪ ♪ I'm ready – you ready, Biv? ♪ ♪ I'm ready, slick, are you? ♪ ♪ Oh, yeah, break it down ♪ CHLOE and the teenage Girl are talking outside the restaurant. GARTH Ladies. Girl: What do you want, Top g*n? [Laughs] GARTH For starters, I'd like a little respect. [Holds up a badge] CHLOE Sorry, Officer. We didn't realize. GARTH All's forgiven. Take a seat. Tell me about Trevor McAnn. Other night up at Widow's Peak. The girls speak simultaneously: Girl: Okay. Well, at first it was just like he was super-drunk. CHLOE All right. It was weird 'cause he was super-drunk. GARTH Whoa. You. [Points to the Girl]Go. Girl: It was Jenny Greentree. CHLOE Shut up! Okay? She's just a dumb legend. GARTH Hold up. Who? Girl: Jenny Greentree. My dad says she really died in the woods. And she's buried in the town cemetery. EXT. CEMETERY – NIGHT GARTH is digging in front of Jennifer Greentree's headstone. GARTH All right, Jenny G. [He pours salt into the grave.]Your ganking days are over. [He lights a match and tosses it into the grave.]You've been Garthed. GARTH walks back to his vehicle in slow motion as "Poison" plays. ♪ I was at the bar, shake, breakin', and taking 'em all ♪ ♪ And that night, I played the wall ♪ ♪ Checkin' out the fellas, the highs, the lows ♪ ♪ Keepin' one eye open, still clockin' the hoes ♪ ♪ There was one particular girl that stood out from the rest ♪ ♪ Poison as can be, the high power chest ♪ ♪ Michael Bivins here, and I'm runnin' the show ♪ ♪ Bell, Biv, DeVoe ♪ ♪ ha ha ha ♪ CAR – NIGHT RAY is sitting in a car with a bottle of alcohol beside him. He pushes a button on his cell phone. CHLOE (voice message) Ray, where are you? [RAY drinks from another bottle.]You should be with your family right now. Don't do anything stupid. Please. RAY hits a button to stop the message and takes another drink. He gets out of the car, carrying a r*fle. EXT. WOODS – NIGHT RAY walks through the woods with his r*fle. He sees a long-haired woman in a white dress through the trees and runs towards her. He pauses and looks around, then screams as he is dragged upwards. His legs shake and there is the sound of flesh tearing. Blood runs down his legs and onto his boots and the ground. RAY goes still. EXT. NIGHT GARTH is talking on his phone in front of a food van that reads "Guanaco Salvadoran Cuisine." GARTH (on phone): Yeah, I clocked out. Put it to bed. Problem solved. And I'm headed your way, so, uh... f*re up that hot tub. [Chuckles]No, I heart youmore. GARTH gets into his vehicle and opens a take-out container. Voice ON Police Radio Abandoned vehicle out by Widow's Peak. Uh, we got another body up here. Guy's torn to shreds. GARTH What?! No way. How is that possible? I Garthed her! CAR – NIGHT Dean is talking on the phone in the passenger seat. Sam is driving. Dean (on phone): All right, well, call us if he wakes up or, you know, anything. Yeah, fine. Thanks for your help, Meg. Dean hangs up. Dean: What a bitch. Sam: So, Cas is the Same, then? Dean: Yeah, down to the drool. Sam: Huh. Dean: By the way, how is your custard? Sam: It's all right. It's getting better. Just wish it wasn't like the damn tape from "The Ring." I mean, I feel like I'm okay 'cause I passed on the crazy. Dean: No, you didn't. You heard what Cas said. Dean's phone rings. Sam: Let's – let's not. You know what? Dean answers the phone. The scene alternates between Dean and Sam in the car and GARTH sitting in his vehicle. Dean (on phone): Hello. GARTH (on phone): Hey, Dean. It's Garth. Dean (on phone): Wait. W-who is this? GARTH (on phone): Garth. Garth Fitzgerald the Fourth. We worked together on that demon thing? You owe me one? Dean (on phone): Oh, yeah. Yeah, how you doing, Garth? GARTH (on phone): I'm ready to cash in that chip, Bra. There's something brewing in Junction City, Kansas. INT. MORGUE – DAY A CORONER leads Dean and Sam in their FBI suits into the room. CORONER Well, this is it. Gentlemen... this is Corporal Brown. GARTH, wearing an Army uniform, is standing next to the body. GARTH Corporal James Brown. I'm shipping off to the AF mañana. I'm here to pay respects to my cousin as I will not be able to attend the funeral. CORONER That must be terrible for your family. Losing two brothers so fast. Dean looks at Sam and Sam looks at GARTH, to whom this is obviously news. GARTH Yeah. Yeah. My aunt – she's, uh... she's real broken up about it. Sam: Hey, Doc, can we see both files, please? CORONER Mm-hmm. The CORONER's phone rings. CORONER Ah. [Hands Sam a file]My wife. I'll, uh, be in my office. Dean: Great. The CORONER leaves the room. Sam: You didn't say they were brothers. GARTH Dude, I just found out about the other corpse, and... started moving quick. I'm sucking up info as I go. Dean: What, are you allergic to a suit? GARTH No. I just... look good in a uniform. Sam reads the file. Sam: Yep. Same cause of death. Sam walks over to a computer. GARTH Right, uh, gutted at night in the woods, where legend says that the ghost of Jenny Greentree roams. Dean takes out an EMF meter. GARTH Oh, uh, I already scanned for EM... [The EMF reader makes noise.]F. Oh. Um... I guess mine must be broken again. Dean: All right. I'm reading your mail. Uh, ghost of Jenny... whatever? GARTH Greentree. That's just it. I torched her bones. Dean: Yeah, well, maybe she's got something still laying around. Sam is searching online for "Junction City, Ray, Trevor McAnn." He opens a web page for the Midwestern Brewing Company, which lists Thighslapper Ale, Headspinner Amber Ale and Hardhead Imperial Stout. GARTH Highly doubtful. Chick was homeless. Dean looks under the sheet at the body and makes a face. GARTH Plus, is it me, or is this less evil spirit, more monster chow? Dean: A werewolf? GARTH Except, uh, the witness said that whatever was chasing victim numero uno was invisible. Dean: Uh… [Chuckles]So, invisible ghost werewolf? GARTH Why'd you think I called for backup? Sam: Hey. Either of you ever heard of Thighslapper Ale? GARTH Is that a stripper or a beverage? Dean: Beverage for douchebags. Sam: Uh, number one microbrew in the Pacific Northwest. GARTH But we're in Kansas. Dean: Yeah, I rest my case. What's your point? Sam: The owner is the dad to the d*ad brothers. GARTH Right. I'll can the uniform, go Fed. See you at the brewery in 40. GARTH leaves. Dean: He grows on you. INT. MIDWESTERN BREWING COMPANY – DAY A Woman walks through the brewery and opens the door for Sam, Dean and GARTH, who are all wearing suits. Woman: Agents. I'm Marie. I'm a manager. Dean: Thanks for coming in on a Sunday. MARIE We want to help. Anything we can do. MARIE leads them inside. Dean: Oh. So all this is your dad's, huh? MARIE And his friend – Randy Baxter. They own the place together now. Sam: Uh..."now"? MARIE Well, since Dale died. Man (V.O): Hold on, hold on, hold on. You think I just come in late… The Man is standing in an office, lecturing a TEENAGE Boy. Another man is leaning against the wall. Man: …whenever I want? TEENAGE Boy I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again. MARIE The, uh, "charming" Randy Baxter. Dean: Mm. RANDY BAXTER Tell you what – congratulations. You're headed for the graveyard shift. Be one second late, and you're fired. TEENAGE Boy Yes, sir. MARIE He's actually a really nice guy. It's just not easy being the axman. Dean: So true. GARTH My comrades got you covered, so if you'll excuse me. Sam: Uh, yeah, I'll go with you. Sam and GARTH walk into the office. Sam: Mr. McAnn? Uh, we'll be brief. I promise. GARTH Mr. McAnn, is there any reason to believe your sons may have had enemies? Mr. MCANN We were told they were animal att*cks. Sam: We just need to explore every possibility. Mr. MCANN They got lots of friends. No. Sam: Well, do they work here with you? Like Marie does. Uh, could someone have been jealous? Mr. MCANN N-no. Marie's the only one. Oh – no. Th– there's no... Uh... RANDY BAXTER Jim. It's okay. It's okay. [to Sam and GARTH]Let him get some rest. I'll answer your questions. Sam: Of course. JIM MCANN leaves the room. CUT TO: MARIE and Dean walking through the brewery. MARIE He blamed himself when Dale died, and now this. Dean: Why did he blame himself? MARIE Well, Dale was sensitive. But what do you do – watch them 24/7? You can't blame Dale's friends. Dean: But your dad still feels bad. MARIE And it doesn't help Dale's wife is suing us. Dean: Really? Why? MARIE She's angry and grieving, and this is America? CUT TO: Sam and GARTH talking to RANDY BAXTER in the office. RANDY BAXTER I knew Ray and Trevor. Hell, I'm godfather to all four of Jim's kids. Ray and Trevor loved their fun, but they'd never do anything crazy. GARTH No rugrats of your own? RANDY BAXTER Just Jim's. They'd borrow my car, raid my fridge. Sam: Now, the two of you started this company with a third partner. Right? RANDY BAXTER Yeah. Dale. [The camera pans in on two framed photographs of the three men.]He passed away a few months ago. GARTH Passed away in the woods or...? RANDY BAXTER He took his own life. GARTH Oh. Sorry. RANDY BAXTER Well, he had problems for a long time. Look, this is just a nightmare. Sam notices a wooden box with Japanese characters written on it next to a tray of drinks behind the desk. RANDY BAXTER First Dale, now this. This was gonna be our big year. We're selling Thighslapper to one of the largest distributors in the US. It's been in the works for months. News is gonna h*t public pretty soon. GARTH Well, that's the brass ring, huh? RANDY BAXTER Given other circumstances, yeah, we'd be celebrating right about now. INT. HOUSE – DAY We see a close-up of a family photo of JIM MCANN, RAY, TREVOR, MARIE, another woman, LILLIAN, and a Young Girl on LILLIAN's lap. LILLIAN is carrying a bottle of vodka in the kitchen. She pours some into one of two glasses of orange juice and takes a sip, then carries both glasses to the next room, where the Young Girl is drawing at a table. LILLIAN That looks great, sweetie. LILLIAN sets both glasses on the table. There is a knock at the door. JIM MCANN Hello? Woman: There's Grandpa. Hi. LILLIAN walks to the entryway and hugs JIM MCANN. The Young Girl picks up one of the glasses of orange juice and takes a drink. From her face it is clear that she picked up the glass with the vodka. Young Girl Oops. LILLIAN I'll get some snacks. You should eat. JIM MCANN Yeah. LILLIAN Sit, Dad. The Young Girl giggles. JIM MCANN Hey, what you drawing? Young Girl My world. The Young Girl giggles as she draws. She looks up and sees something move through the air and then a long-haired woman in a white dress walk into the entryway. The Young Girl gets up and looks around the entryway, then walks into the kitchen. LILLIAN is making sandwiches. The Young Girl can see the long-haired woman in the white dress standing behind LILLIAN. JIM MCANN walks into the kitchen. JIM MCANN What is it, sweetie? The Young Girl points. JIM MCANN can see only LILLIAN behind the counter. Woman: What is it? The Young Girl continues to point. LILLIAN turns and gasps as she sees the woman in the white dress. The Young Girl screams as LILLIAN turns to try to get away. The woman in the white dress puts her fist through LILLIAN's back. JIM MCANN grabs the Young Girl and turns her face away. JIM MCANN Lillian! JIM MCANN can only see LILLIAN, with her back arched and her arms outstretched. The camera angle changes to show LILLIAN from the front with the woman in the white dress behind her. LILLIAN looks down to see a hand protruding through her body beneath her shirt. She falls to the floor. INT. MOTEL – NIGHT GARTH is working on an EMF reader. Dean is sitting on a sofa reading a journal. Dean: There's a million things with claws go bump in the night. Sam is sitting at the table using the laptop. Dean: Once you throw in "invisible," the number goes down. Dean picks up a motel card on the table next to him. Dean: "Afternoon Delights"? Really, Garth? Don't you think this place is a little, uh... GARTH Uh, you want a nice hot tub after a day at the office. It's the little things. I feel sad for those brewery dudes. Spend your life beautifying the world through beer. First a partner offs himself. Dean drinks from his flask. GARTH Now two kids get ganked by unknown freakadeek. Sam: According to this, Dale wasn't just a partner. [The laptop screen shows an article on the Midwestern Brewing Company.]He was also the brewmaster. Dean: "Brewmaster"? Sam: He was widely considered a genius. Dean: All right, that's it. [He gets up.]No microbrew is worth… [He puts his flask down on the counter near GARTH and the EMF reader starts to make noise.]...what was it – eight Food Magazineawards? [He takes beer bottles out of the fridge.]Beer's not food. It's... [He puts a bottle down for GARTH.]...whatever water is. Dean gives Sam a bottle and inspects the label on his own bottle. Dean: Hmm. Thighslapper. [He takes a drink.]Wow, that's actually awesome. Damn it, I'm not even mad anymore. Dean and Sam watch GARTH drink the entire contents of his bottle and shake the last few drops into his mouth. GARTH belches. Dean: Wow. Party on, Garth. GARTH I don't even usually drink beer. It messes with my depth perception. [He belches again and hiccups.]Especially when I skinny-dip. [Sam and Dean look at each other.]Hey, you guys want to hear a joke? Sam: Listen to this. This is something interesting. GARTH laughs. Sam: Garth, are you drunk? GARTH Dude, I just... drank a whole beer. Of course I'm drunk. [He belches again.] Dean: Something interesting? Sam: Right. Uh... GARTH Hey, can I have some more Thighslapper? Sam: No. Dean: No. Coffee for you, Tara Reid. GARTH Coffee with kalhúa in it? Sam: So, it says that Dale actually left the company two weeks before he died. Or... maybe he got pushed out 'cause he didn't want to sell. I mean, Baxter said the deal's been in the works for months. Dean: That would explain the widow. She's suing. Maybe Dale had a bone to pick, and he's still picking it. GARTH Right. So, maybe he's a spirito malo. Voice ON Police Radio Unit to McAnn residence. 698 Washburn. Sam: "McAnn residence," as in Jim McAnn? GARTH As in, let's hope for their sake our spirito ain't made it out of the woods. All right. Let's go check it. Sam: Uh, you two go. I'm gonna visit the widow. Dean looks at Sam, who smiles at him. EXT. MCANN HOUSE – NIGHT Dean (V.O): Well? GARTH (V.O): Place is clean. INT. MCANN HOUSE – NIGHT GARTH and Dean are standing in the entryway of the house. GARTH My EMF is a nada. [He takes another EMF reader out of his jacket pocket.]So is this one. Dean Is that mine? GARTH Yeah. I borrowed it in case mine's broke. Dean Oh. GARTH So, uh... we still on invisible werewolf? Dean Maybe, maybe not. I can't get Tess to talk, but I get the feeling she saw something. We see the Young Girl, TESS, sitting on a sofa with JIM MCANN and MARIE on either side of her. GARTH I'm gonna take a run at her. Dean A what? GARTH Trust me. My special lady has twins. [Goes into the living room]Mr. McAnn? Dean "Special lady?" [He follows GARTH.] GARTH Do you mind if we speak to Tess alone for just a sec? It would really help. JIM MCANN Honey, we'll... we'll be right out there, okay? GARTH Thanks. JIM MCANN and MARIE leave the room. GARTH Hi, Tess. [He sits down on the coffee table in front of TESS.]You want to tell me what you saw tonight? TESS shakes her head. GARTH Or maybe you'll talk to... [Raises a hand in a sock puppet and speaks in a high-pitched voice]…Mr. Fizzles! [Waves the puppet around]I'm your friend! Yay! Dean Garth. Why don't we put the sock away? GARTH [in his Mr Fizzles voice]Mr. Fizzles wants to help Tess. He wants to listen. Dean Mr. Fizzles is gonna go where the sun don't shine. TESS It was a monster. GARTH [in his Mr Fizzles voice]I believe you, Tess. Did it have claws? TESS nods. Dean How come you were the only one that could see it, Tess? TESS shrugs. GARTH [in his Mr Fizzles voice]What else, Tess? TESS shrugs. GARTH [in his Mr Fizzles voice]You sure? 'Cause Mr. Fizzles can sense when you're being a... [deep voice]liar. Dean All right. That's – that's enough... Mr. Fizzles. TESS I drank a grown-up drink. Dean Uh, grown-up like, uh, coffee? [TESS shakes her head.]Well, you mean alcohol? TESS It was an accident. Don't let them arrest me, Mr. Fizzles. GARTH looks at Dean and points Mr Fizzles at him. GARTH and Mr Fizzles nod. INT. DALE's WIDOW's HOUSE – NIGHT Sam: Your husband did a lot of traveling, huh? DALE's WIDOW He went to all kinds of exotic places for the best ingredients. Sam: Right. I've tried his work. It's – it's great. Um, I hear you're not exactly on the best of terms with Dale's old partners. DALE's WIDOW Well, they sold his company right out from under him. It's not about money. It's about... It was his baby, you know? Sam: You sound pretty upset about it. DALE's WIDOW I'm furious. I hate them. But then I think how Dale was. Sam: What do you mean? DALE's WIDOW His friends left him behind, but you know what he said? "I'm gonna send them a gift that shows I forgive them." Sam: Do you have any idea what he sent them? DALE's WIDOW Bottle of sake. From one of his trips. In a... gorgeous box with writing. He was so careful with it. Wouldn't let me touch it. CAR – NIGHT GARTH is driving. Dean So, kid in the woods sees something that nobody else does. Then Tess sees a monster, and Jim doesn't. What's the thread? GARTH Hmm. Well, certain mutants see infrared. Dean "Grown-up drinks." Tess chugged her mom's, and vic number one was plastered. GARTH Right. So... Whoa. Monster you got to be drunk to see. Cool! Also... hard to fight. Dean takes a drink from his flask. Dean Ahh. Just getting in the zone. You are strictly on wine coolers. GARTH Hey, I love those. Anything sweet. [Chuckles]Whoo! [Chuckles] Dean takes another drink. GARTH So, uh, what's with the Grody flask anyway? Lucky charm? Dean It's Bobby's. FLASHBACK to Dean putting the flask down on the counter at the motel and the EMF reader reacting. Dean (in flashback) No microbrew is worth – what was it – eight... GARTH Hmm. Really? 'Cause, um... You think there's a possibility that Bobby's riding your wave? Dean No, we gave him a hunter's wake. GARTH Yeah, I-I b*rned my cousin Brandon, and he stayed stuck. And – and – and they got ghosts in India, and they cremate everybody over there. It's just instinct, but maybe there isEMF around here. It just ain't the job. Dean All right, we're not gonna talk about this, okay? Not in the middle of work. GARTH Sorry. Dean's phone rings. GARTH Just hope that f*re did the trick. Dean (on phone): Hey, Sam. Yeah. Got it. We're on our way. [i]EXT. BREWERY – NIGHT GARTH is in the car, which is parked outside the brewery. Sam picks the lock on the brewery door and he and Dean enter. INT. BREWERY – NIGHT Sam and Dean walk through the brewery to the office. Sam: Here it is. Sam picks up the wooden box with Japanese writing, sets it on the desk and opens it. Inside is a fancy box decorated with a face and more Japanese characters, and inside that box is the bottle of saki. The seal is broken. Sam: Oh. [He shakes the bottle.]Wait a second. Someone's been Sampling the goods. Dean Oh, you don't say? [He looks up.]Hey, check it out. God, I love paranoid people. The camera angle changes as if the scene was being recorded by a security camera. Dean [Motioning towards the computer]See if you can get on. Sam: Okay. Uh... Sam brings up an image of himself and Dean behind the desk. Sam: Huh! Dean and Sam wave at the camera. Sam: All right, so, first death was, what, uh, four months ago? Yeah? Dean Mm-hmm, and, uh, Trevor McAnn. Patient zero. Sam: So, what did he let out of that bottle? Sam plays the security footage, which shows JIM MCANN and RANDY BAXTER in the office, the cleaner, and TREVOR. Sam: Nothing there. Dean That we can see. The security footage shows TREVOR taking some bottles from the office. Dean puts a bottle and a glass on the desk and claps Sam on the shoulder. Sam: What, are you kidding me? Sam: Tick-tock. Sam pours himself a glass of whiskey. Dean Ugh. [He puts the cap back on a bottle.] Sam: I mean, can you even get drunk anymore? It's kind of like, uh, drinking a vitamin for you, right? Dean Shut up. [He sniffs another bottle.]Holy... [He drinks from the bottle and coughs.] Dean pours himself a glass of a clear liqueur and clinks glasses with Sam. They both drink. Sam pours himself another glass of whiskey. They both drain their glasses. Dean All right. Party time. Sam: Okay. Dean Rewind and go. Sam plays the footage of TREVOR. They can now see the long-haired woman in the white dress standing in the office. Sam: So, he – he let that thing out of the box, and it must have just followed him to the place with all the thingies. Dean Yes. Yes. That's smart. I'm actually kind of drunk. [Looks at his empty glass]What is this? [Pours himself another glass]Me likey. I miss these talks. Dean takes a drink, but spits it out again as RANDY BAXTER comes into the office. RANDY BAXTER What the hell?! Dean Oh, man. Sam: Uh... Dean Turn it off. Turn it off. RANDY BAXTER FBI, huh? You know what? [Pushes buttons on his phone]You can save it for the cops. Sam: Whoa, whoa, Mr. Baxter, listen. If – if you just let us explain, you might not – RANDY BAXTER Aah! RANDY BAXTER falls to the floor. GARTH has Tasered him. Voice ON RANDY BAXTER's PHONE 911. What is your emergency? Hello? Do you need assistance? EXT. STREET OUTSIDE JAPANESE RESTAURANT – NIGHT A JAPANESE Man in a restaurant uniform is reading the Japanese writing on the saki box. Sam and Dean are holding coffees. JAPANESE Man Anata ga marou mono... Wa anata ka ra mo morau. It says, "what you took will be taken from you." Like, eye for an eye. You with me? Sam nods. JAPANESE Man Kono bin niwa syoujou zuke no sake ga hu-in sarete iru. Where'd you guys get this anyway? Sam: Why? Is – is there, uh, something the matter? JAPANESE Man Well, you're not superstitious, are you? [He gives the box to Sam.] Dean: Not at all. Sam: No, no. JAPANESE Man Because...this says the bottle inside contains a Shojo. Dean: What's a... Shojo? JAPANESE Man An alcohol spirit. Look, it's just an old myth. I wouldn't worry about it. But they are not known for being friendly. Someone inside the restaurant shouts in Japanese and the JAPANESE Man shouts in return. JAPANESE Man I got to go. Dean: Oh. Uh, hey, uh... There you go. [He hands the JAPANESE Man some money.]Thank you. JAPANESE Man Thank you. Dean: Yeah. JAPANESE Man Take care. INT. MOTEL – NIGHT Dean and Sam enter. GARTH is performing some sort of martial art exercises in the courtyard to the rear of the room. Sam: Garth. Where's Baxter? GARTH comes into the room and points. GARTH Dude's a lot heavier than he looks, FYI. RANDY BAXTER is in the hot tub with a pillowcase over his head. GARTH But here. [Indicates Dean's EMF reader]Thought you might want this back. Dean: You have the CEO of the douchiest microbrew in the US gagged in your hot tub? You really think that's gonna end well? GARTH I'm not feeling the love. Sam: All right. Shojo. Uh, let's see what we can see. [He sits down at the table to use the laptop.] GARTH What's Shojo? Dean: Japanese booze monster. GARTH I guess that would explain why you got to be drunk to see it. Very poetic. Sam does a search for "Shojo" and clicks on the first link, which is to the page "Open Minds to Deeper Knowledge." The text is in Japanese and there is a black-and-white drawing. GARTH looks over Sam's shoulder. GARTH Ooh. Creepy. A message box that says "Translating Japanese text to English" pops up on screen and then the page appears in English. It reads: A Shojo (Heavy drinker or Orangutan) is a kind of Japanese sea spirit with a red face and hair and a fondness for alcohol. Legend has it, that workers at the breweries in Japan have seen a Shojo lurking about after indulging in their products. With the right Spell Box you can harness a Shojo to your will. The legend is the subject of a Noh play of the Same name. There is a Noh mask for this character, as well as a type of Kabuki stage makeup, that bares [sic]the name. The Chinese and Japanese characters for Orangutan are the Same, and can also be used in Japanese to refer to someone who is particularly fond of alcohol. Fatal weakness: Samurai sword consecrated with a Shinto blessing. Sam: Okay. So, a Shojo is said to roam where there's lots of alcohol. There's lore saying that, back in the old day, if you were plastered enough, you could see one skulking around the breweries in Japan. Dean is refilling his flask with whiskey. Dean: Yeah, but why is this one shredding brewers' kids? Sam: Apparently, you can harness the will of a Shojo with the right spell box. Then you basically have an att*ck dog that you can sic on whatever sort of personal revenge mission you want. Dean: So Dale nabs one to punish his pals. Sam: Send the bottle, sooner or later it's popped open. Then you have a Shojo that will do whatever Dale compelled it to do right here on the box. GARTH Wait. Except it's not k*lling the people that screwed him over. Sam: Well, Dale's widow said the company was his baby. So, if he really wanted his friends to feel what he felt... Dean: He would take theirs. Well, their kids. Jim's, anyways. Sam: And Baxter was the godfather. Dean: All right, skip to how do we gank it. Sam: Good news. It iskillable. Dean: But... Sam: But only with a Samurai sword consecrated with a Shinto blessing. Dean: Well... that's not a silver lining. All right, the Shojo already cleaned house, right? I mean, Marie's the last target standing, so... I'll h*t the pawn shops and, uh, look for the sword, and you babysit Marie. GARTH drops and catches an EMF reader, which starts to make noise. GARTH Yikes. Sorry. Dean grabs the EMF reader from GARTH. Dean: Don't worry about it. Dean turns the EMF reader off. GARTH Unless I've got nothing to be sorry for. Dean: Garth. Sam: What's he talking about? GARTH I'm concerned that Bobby might be haunting you. I-I brought it up to Dean, and he sh*t me down. Dean: Garth! Leave it alone. Sam: It's okay. Dean: No, it's far from okay. Sam: I've already tried contacting Bobby. [Dean looks surprised.]When that beer disappeared, I pulled out a talking board. Dean: Without me? Sam: You know, I figured, why drag you in... when it's something I could just put to bed myself. Dean: And? Sam: And if he was there, I'd have told you. RANDY BAXTER groans. Dean: Talk about this later. You follow Marie. Let me borrow your keys. CUT TO: GARTH removes the pillowcase from RANDY BAXTER's head. GARTH I'm trying to help you, Mr. Baxter. RANDY BAXTER And who the hell are you? GARTH Now, I'm confused. Dale goes to get you all where it hurts – the kids. Only, you don't have any kids. RANDY BAXTER It still affects me. Believe me. GARTH Nah. You want to tell me what you're hiding? RANDY BAXTER Hiding? I – GARTH Tell me this. When was the last time you gave an employee three chances? RANDY BAXTER Probably never. GARTH Exactly. You're the axman, right? Tough job, but, hey, somebody's got to. So, how come you cut that slacker janitor so many breaks? RANDY BAXTER I-I-I-I don't know. GARTH Yeah. Well, I Googled. Come to find his mother... was your secretary way back in the day. Of course, you were married to Mrs. B., so, uh... No way there's anything naughty there, right? What do you need to get? It don't matter what Dale knows about you, 'cause that thing out there k*lling the kids – itknows! RANDY BAXTER It didn't end well with his mom. She made me swear never to tell him. GARTH Oh. So much for that. Where is he? RANDY BAXTER He's, uh – he's at the brewery. GARTH takes a bunch of miniature bottles of alcohol from under the counter. RANDY BAXTER Working the graveyard shift. GARTH Here. [He tosses RANDY BAXTER the keys to the handcuffs chaining him to the hot tub rail.]If you care about that kid at all, don't call the cops on me just yet. INT. BREWERY – NIGHT RANDY BAXTER's SON sprays window cleaner all over the inside of the glass door. When he wipes it off, we see that the Shojo is standing on the other side of the door, but it appears that he can't see her. EXT. STREET OUTSIDE JAPANESE RESTAURANT – NIGHT Dean takes a sword out of its scabbard and lays it down on a wooden box. The JAPANESE Man is reading from a piece of paper. JAPANESE Man It says it's best to do this in a running spring. Dean: Uh, yeah. I, uh… [Takes a bottle of spring water out of his jacket]I got it. Okay. We good? JAPANESE Man I'll do my best. Dean: All right. Dean picks up the sword and prepares to pour water over it. JAPANESE Man Shichihukujin... [In English]Go. Dean: Oh. [He pours water over the sword.] JAPANESE Man Hito no teni rori korekara seitoun yakuwari wo hatasu kono ken wo tataer. Dean continues pouring water onto the sword. JAPANESE Man That's it. Dean: Oh. [He stops pouring.]All right. Uh, thanks. [He hands over some money.]There. JAPANESE Man Thank you. Dean: Yeah. Dean's phone rings as he is putting the sword back into its scabbard. Dean: Aah. Dean (on phone): Hey, Garth. EXT. BREWERY – NIGHT GARTH is hurrying towards the brewery. He drops an empty miniature bottle of alcohol. The scene alternates between GARTH at the brewery and Dean outside the Japanese restaurant. GARTH (on phone): Dean, Baxter's got a secret love child! The Shojo might come for him first! Dean (on phone): Whoa, slow down! GARTH (on phone): I'm trying to save lives here! GARTH fumbles for tools to break into the brewery. Dean (on phone): Are you drunk? GARTH drops his phone. GARTH Damn it! Damn it. Dean (on phone): Garth? GARTH gets the door open and enters the brewery. Dean (on phone): You dropped the phone, didn't you? Hello? Garth! GARTH (on phone): [Going up the stairs in the brewery]Sorry, sorry, sorry. I'm here. Dean (on phone): Where the hell are you? GARTH (on phone): I'm in the brewery. INT. BAR – NIGHT Sam is at the bar drinking whiskey. Behind him, MARIE is at a table. Sam signals the bartender for another drink. INT. BREWERY – NIGHT GARTH can see the Shojo watching RANDY BAXTER's SON. Dean (on phone): Garth? GARTH (on phone): [whispering]Dean. It's here. EXT. STREET OUTSIDE JAPANESE RESTAURANT – NIGHT Dean gets into GARTH's vehicle. INT. BREWERY – NIGHT GARTH grabs RANDY BAXTER's SON by the arm. RANDY BAXTER's SON Whoa, whoa, hey! What the hell?! GARTH Come with me if you want to live! RANDY BAXTER's SON Hey! INT. BAR – NIGHT Sam's phone rings. Sam (on phone) Yeah. Dean (on phone) Hey, you good to drive? [Sam is drinking his whiskey.] Sam (on phone) Uh... Dean (on phone) Well, get a ride. It's at the brewery. Sam (on phone) What? Dean (on phone) There's another kid. Don't think – move. EXT. BAR – NIGHT Sam leaves the bar. A valet is helping a couple into a taxi. Sam: Wait! Wait, wait, wait! Taxi! Hey, hey, hey! Hey, hey, hey! Stop! Hold on, hold on. National security! [He holds up a badge.]Please! [The woman who was about to get into the taxi steps back.]Thank you, ma'am. Sorry. Thanks, guys. [He gets into the taxi.]Okay. Brewery. Step on it! TAXI DRIVER What? Sam: The brewery! Hurry! Hurry. Hurry, hurry. Please? TAXI DRIVER Yeah, but I like to drive safe, you know. INT. BREWERY – NIGHT GARTH is leading RANDY BAXTER's SON by the arm. RANDY BAXTER's SON Dude, what's going on? Who are you? GARTH I'm the law, son. Now, follow me. RANDY BAXTER's SON Are you drunk, dude? [He breaks away from GARTH.]Get away from me! GARTH All right. I'll just sh**t. Baxter is your father. Baxter screwed Dale. Dale roped this Japanese monster you can only see when you're drunk, and now it's here to k*ll you. RANDY BAXTER's SON Whoa, wait a minute. Baxter is my father? GARTH looks past RANDY BAXTER's SON and sees the Shojo approaching. He grabs RANDY BAXTER's SON and tries to drag him away. RANDY BAXTER's SON looks from GARTH to the direction of the Shojo. RANDY BAXTER's SON What are you looking at? GARTH [Pulls RANDY BAXTER's SON by the arm]Damn it, run! RANDY BAXTER's SON [Breaks away from GARTH again]Dude, there's nothing there! The Shojo appears right in front of GARTH. GARTH smiles at it. The Shojo sends GARTH flying into a wall of glass windows. RANDY BAXTER's SON runs. He rounds a corner and stands with his back to the wall. As he starts to run for an open door, it slams shut. Large scratches appear on the wall in front of him. He opens the door and continues to run through the brewery. Sam appears from the other direction. Sam: Whoa. Whoa. Easy! RANDY BAXTER's SON We got to get out of here, man. [He pushes past Sam, who follows him.]It's here! Sam: Where's Garth? RANDY BAXTER's SON Who?! Sam: Garth! RANDY BAXTER's SON I-I – There was a guy – he got knocked out! Sam: Oh. Oh, okay. Sam can see the Shojo approaching. Sam: Stay behind me. Stay behind me. RANDY BAXTER's SON Okay, okay. What, you can – you can see it? Sam: Yeah. I'm – I'm skunked. Just, uh... [Sam looks to his right and sees an open door.]f*re exit. On three. RANDY BAXTER's SON Okay. Sam: All right? The door slams shut. Sam: Okay. So much for that. The Shojo appears right in front of Sam and throws him into the wall hard enough to crack it. Sam falls to the ground, unconscious. Dean appears and puts a hand on RANDY BAXTER's SON's shoulder. RANDY BAXTER's SON Aah! Dean Get back! Dean pushes RANDY BAXTER's SON behind him and slashes with the sword. The Shojo hits him and he falls to the ground. The sword skids along the flood. Dean sits up and looks at Sam, who is still unconscious. He then looks for the sword, which slides back along the floor towards him. Sam wakes. Dean gets to his feet. Dean Where is it?! Sam: Uh, s-s-swing right! Dean slashes to his left with the sword. Sam: Myright. Dean slashes again as the Shojo ducks. Sam: 3 o'clock, Dean! [Dean slashes again.]6 o'clock! RANDY BAXTER's SON ducks as Dean swings the sword. Dean then plunges the sword into the Shojo and takes his hand from the hilt of the sword. The Shojo materializes, screams and falls backwards as it disappears. Dean picks up the sword. Dean You okay? RANDY BAXTER's SON I'm alive. Yeah. Dean Sam? Sam: Yeah. [He gives a thumb's-up.] Dean Where's Garth? RANDY BAXTER's SON Well, he's – he's over this way. Dean Would you go get him? RANDY BAXTER's SON All right. Sam gets up and follows RANDY BAXTER's SON. Dean looks at the sword, and then in the direction from which it moved towards him. CUT TO: GARTH sits up with a hand to his head as Sam and RANDY BAXTER's SON approach. GARTH What'd I miss? CUT TO: Dean standing with the sword. Dean This moved. Bobby? Are you here? Come on, do something. Sam is watching from behind a corner. EXT. MOTEL – DAY GARTH is walking to his vehicle, carrying a bag. GARTH You sure you guys don't want to hang out? Grab some brunch, maybe some brews? Dean: Tempting, but, uh, we better roll. GARTH All right, well… GARTH hugs Dean. Dean: Oh. Yeah. Dean and Sam raise their eyebrows at each other. GARTH Call me anytime. Dean: All right. GARTH And you, Sam. GARTH and Sam shake hands. Sam: Yeah. GARTH Aw, come here. GARTH hugs Sam. Sam: Uh, yeah. Thanks, Garth. GARTH GARTH gets into his vehicle and starts the engine. Sam: You're right. He has grown on me. GARTH drives away, loud music playing. ♪ Poison ♪ ♪ Poison ♪ ♪ Poison ♪ Dean raises a hand in farewell. Sam: All right, um… So, let's talk about it. Dean: About what? Oh. The, uh, talking board? That's fine. I get it, I guess. Sam: No, not that. Look, I heard you. Dean: Heard me what? Sam: What happened in the brewery, Dean? Dean: Nothing. It was, uh – it was just my imagination. Dean turns to go inside the motel room and Sam follows him. Sam: Dean, look, I know something happened. INT. MOTEL – DAY Sam: I just want you to be straight with me. Dean: Sam: Clearly. Dean: Well then what, Sam? Is Bobby here, or not? Sam: You know what I think, Dean? I think that regular people, they see ones they lost everywhere too. Dean: Yeah, freakin' ghosts! Sam: Or they just miss ‘em a lot. I mean, they see a face in a crowd, we see a book falling off the table. Same thing, Dean. I did the talking board, I ran plenty of EMF. When that beer when poof – I went a little nuts. Dean: Yeah, why didn't you tell me? Sam: Like I said, little nuts at the time. Dean: All right, well, if it wasn't Bobby, then what Jedi'd that sword into my hand? Sam: The Shojo slammed the door from across the room. Maybe it was trying to grab the sword, too. Dean: [clears throat]Right. Right, I mean if it was Bobby, he would let us know. I mean, who knows more about being a ghost than Bobby? Instant Swayze, right? Sam: Exactly. Dean: Okay. Okay, you – so your theory is that – that we're practically regular people about something for once. All right. [They pick up their bags.]Well, you want to grab some brunch and some brews? Sam: Ugh, no. I'm so hung over. Let's just h*t the road. Dean: All right. Dean opens the door and motions Sam out. They leave the room. The camera pans out and we see Bobby's GHOST standing in the room looking after them. Bobby's GHOST sighs. EXT. MOTEL – DAY Dean and Sam get into the car. Dean starts the engine. Dean: Hang on. Dean gets out of the car and goes back inside the motel. INT. MOTEL – DAY Dean looks around the room. Bobby's GHOST is looking back at him. Dean: There you are. Bobby's GHOST smiles. Dean walks towards him and picks up his flask. Bobby's GHOST I'm right here, you idjit! Dean pauses on his way out the door, but then closes the door behind him. Bobby's GHOST Balls! Bobby's GHOST flickers and disappears. EXT. MOTEL – DAY Dean gets back into the car and he and Sam drive away. END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "07x18 - Party On, Garth"}
Air Date: 20 April 2012 EXT. DESERTED STREET – NIGHT Sam is leaning against the hood of a car. Dean carries a tray of take-out food. Dean: All right, here we go. Dean sits down next to Sam and puts the tray down on the hood between them. Dean: You know... even though the world is going to crap, there's one thing that I can always count on – these things tasting the Same in every drive-through in every state in our great nation. Dean takes a bite of a taco. Dean: Mmm. A phone rings. Sam pats his pockets and Dean takes out his cell. Dean: Annie. ANNIE (V.O): Hey, Dean. Dean: A nice surprise. How you been? CAR – NIGHT ANNIE, who appears to be in her late 30s, is driving. The scene alternates between Dean on the hood of his car and ANNIE driving. ANNIE Oh, I'm still kicking. So, good, I guess. Heard about Bobby. I'm sorry. Dean: Yeah. Us too. What's up? ANNIE Well, I got some of his old books. I thought maybe you'd want 'em. Dean: Yeah. Sure. Where you at? ANNIE Bodega Bay. Crow's Nest Inn. Dean: You working? ANNIE Always. You guys anywhere nearby? Dean: Near enough. ANNIE Cool. Why don't we meet at the Pier Front Restaurant – lunch? Dean: 1 o'clock? ANNIE Yeah. Bye. EXT. HOUSE – NIGHT INT. HOUSE – NIGHT Two TEENAGERS are kissing on a sofa. The room is lit by candles. Girl: We shouldn't be here. Boy: Yeah. I know. CAR – NIGHT ANNIE is driving. She pulls up to the house. INT. HOUSE – NIGHT The Girl sits up at the sound of ANNIE's vehicle. Girl: Cops? ANNIE's car door slams. The TEENAGERS grab flashlights and get up from the sofa. EXT. HOUSE – NIGHT ANNIE walks towards the front door, shining a flashlight. INT. HOUSE – NIGHT The TEENAGERS hurry through the house. Their flashlights flicker and go out. A large Man is standing in the doorway. Man: You shouldn't have come here. The Man runs towards the TEENAGERS. CUT TO: ANNIE enters the house, shining a flashlight. She discovers the teenagers' bodies on the floor. There is blood on their faces and blood pooled underneath them. ANNIE's flashlight flickers and goes out. The front door slams. SUPERNATURAL INT. PIER FRONT RESTAURANT – DAY Sam and Dean are sitting at a table overlooking the pier. Sam is looking at the menu and Dean is reading a newspaper. Dean: Hey, get this. Dick Roman is funding another archaeological dig. Guy moves more dirt than "The Drudge Report." Sam: Well, any – anything on what he's digging for? Dean: Don't you think I would have led with that? Sam sighs and looks at his watch. Sam: Annie's not usually this late, is she? Dean: No, never. She's totally compulsive. I'll try her cell. Sam: You know, uh, you know she and Bobby had a thing, right? Dean: Yeah. Yeah, I knew that. Really? Sam: Yeah. Kind of a foxhole thing – very Hemingway. Dean: Huh. She and I kind of went Hemingway this one time, too. Sam: All right, well... that happens. Sam makes a face. Dean: What, you too? Sam: Look, it was a while back. We ended up on the Same case. She was stressed. I-I-I... I didn't... have a soul. Dean: That's a lot of foxholes. She's not answering. Well, here's to ghosts that aren't there. Dean pours some whiskey from his flask into his coffee mug. Sam: You sound kind of disappointed. Dean: Ah, it's better this way. I mean, even though I wish we could see him again doesn't mean that we should. They clink their coffee mugs together and drink. Dean: Ahh. Are we being stood up? Sam: Yeah, let's hope that's all this is. The flask rocks slightly on the table. Neither Dean nor Sam notice. EXT. PIER FRONT RESTAURANT – DAY Sam and Dean are walking towards their car. Dean is holding his phone to his ear. Sam: Nothing? Dean: Straight to voicemail. Something's not right. Sam: What's she doing on Bodega Bay? Dean: She's working some kind of job. She didn't really say. Dean takes out his flask, unscrews the lid and tips it upside down – it's empty. Dean: I got to get a refill. Sam: You know what, man? Why don't you, uh, just pack it away for a while? All it does is remind us of him, you know? Dean: Yeah, I thought about that, but, uh... not yet. Dean walks around the car to the driver's side. Bobby is sitting in the back seat of the car, but Sam and Dean don't appear to see him. Dean: Let's go check out Annie's hotel room. INT. MOTEL – DAY Dean is sitting on the bed looking at some of Annie's research. Sam: These go back years – disappearances never solved. Sam is at the table looking at more papers. Sam: They stop a few decades back, then pick up again just recently. All teenagers. Dean: Looks like Annie found a spot a lot of them liked to poke around just before they went missing. Sam: Yeah? Dean: Yeah. Old Van Ness house. Dean gets up to show the information about the house to Sam. Bobby is now sitting at the table across from Sam, but Sam and Dean don't appear to see him. Dean: It's, uh, cheery. Sam: Well, the police combed the place. They always come up dry. The curtain next to Sam moves, but Sam and Dean are both looking in the other direction. Dean: Yeah, local law. Always on the ball. Bobby: Guys... Sam and Dean don't hear him. Sam: So, built in 1862 by the Van Ness family... Bobby: I just made that curtain shimmy. Sam: ...who lost it in the early 1900s. Bobby: Could you look in the right place at the right time? Sam: Put up for sale a few years back. No takers. Dean: Probably 'cause it creeps their queso. Bobby: Balls, this is exhausting. Sam: It's just been sitting there, boarded up, for ages. Oh. Get this. I guess a couple months back, someone put it on one of those, uh, "most haunted houses in America" lists. Dean: Let me guess – that's when the, uh, teenagers started to go missing. Sam: Yep. Bobby: Okay. Now let's get rolling. Dean: Ah, I say we get rolling. Sam and Dean leave the room. Bobby stands up and looks at the closed door. Bobby: Idjits. Dean's jacket, with the flask in the pocket, is hanging over a chair. The door opens and Dean reaches in to get his jacket. Bobby: Thank you. Bobby flickers and disappears. INT. DESERTED HOUSE – DAY Dean and Sam enter the house, shining flashlights. Bobby is behind them. Dean: Honey, I'm home. Bobby: Geez. My people. Bobby can see other ghosts in the room, which are not visible to Dean and Sam. Dean: All right, let's go. Dean and Sam go upstairs. Bobby: Hi. I'm Bobby, and I'm a ghost. Hoping for a little ghost orientation here. Je m'appelle Bobby. None of the ghosts respond. Bobby: Chilly. CUT TO: Dean and Sam entering an upstairs room. Dean: Annie? Dean dials a number and holds his phone to his ear. Sam is holding an EMF reader, which is flashing and making noise. Sam: There's a whole lot of something going on. A phone rings somewhere nearby. Dean and Sam walk in the direction of the sound and find a phone on the floor. CUT TO: Bobby watching the TEENAGERS walk slowly past him. On the stairs, a Man IN A SUIT is admonishing the LARGE Man who ran towards the TEENAGERS. Man IN A SUIT I know what you did last night, and you know it was forbidden! I don't brook that sort of thing in my home. Don't do it again, Dexter, or there will be consequences. CUT TO: Dean and Sam walking through the house. They go up the stairs as Bobby watches. Dean: The call to me was the last one she made. So where the hell is she? ANNIE Bobby? Bobby: Annie! We've been looking for you. ANNIE I can't believe you're here. Bobby: Yeah. I'm a doornail. Bad news here. If you can see me, you are, too. INT. DESERTED HOUSE – NIGHT ANNIE and Bobby are sitting on a sofa. ANNIE Wow. d*ad. Ghost. Me. Three words you never want to use in a sentence. I feel like I was drugged. Bobby: I get it. I figure it was a month before I even knew I was still here. You're doing well. ANNIE Terrific. Bobby: So, uh... So, you duck your reaper, too? ANNIE What? No. I never even saw one. You – Bobby. You ran away from your reaper? On purpose? That's why you're still here? You stupid, crazy old – Bobby: Hey. I remember a time when you liked how crazy I was. ANNIE Oh, shut up! I can't believe you. You know what? As a regular ghost with no choice in the matter, screw you. Bobby: Hey. I got unfinished business here, Same as you. ANNIE Uh-huh. And there's my unfinished business right now. The TEENAGERS are walking slowly through the room. ANNIE Kids! Hello? You're d*ad. Bobby: Well, they're not the brightest bulbs on the string. ANNIE I came in, they were roadkill. Then this big guy charges me. And now I'm... Crap. Is there a fun aspect to this? Bobby: Not really. And so far, I can't crack the code on any of it. I mean, I've seen poltergeists bench a piano as a warm-up. I tried to help the boys out once by knocking a book off the table and blacked out for two weeks. ANNIE So, Sam and Dean don't even know you're here? Wow. That is messed up. CUT TO: Dean and Sam walking through the house. Dean is listening to ANNIE's phone messages. Sam's EMF reader is flashing and making noises. Woman's Voice ON ANNIE's Voice MAIL Hey, Annie, I'm e-mailing you those news clippings that you asked for. I… Sam: We're redlining all over the place. Assume the worst? Dean: Yeah, I always do. Sam: Okay. Vengeful spirit, maybe lots of them. k*lling kids. Look around. No blood. No anything. Certainly no bodies. Dean: Well, if evil is partying here, it's got a hell of a cleanup crew. Wait, wait, wait. Sam: What? Dean: Here's something. Dean pushes buttons on ANNIE's phone. Dean: From earlier this week. Sam: Okay. Woman's Voice ON ANNIE's Voice MAIL Free me. Free me. Sam: Where'd that come from? The display on the phone reads "(…)…-…." Dean: You ever seen a phone number look like that? CUT TO: ANNIE and Bobby sitting on the sofa. A ghost, HASKEL CRANE, materializes through a wall in front of them and moves a chair closer to a bar. ANNIE All right, that's cool. Bobby: Excuse me. Hey! Boss! HASKEL CRANE ignores them. He sits down and opens a book. ANNIE Dick. Bobby: Yeah, well... Ghosts ain't the most sociable type to come down the pike. But if he can do it... Bobby tries to move the table in front of him, but falls through it onto the floor. HASKEL CRANE laughs. Bobby: Balls. ANNIE Graceful. HASKEL CRANE Novices. You all make the Same mistakes. Bobby and ANNIE walk over to HASKEL CRANE. Bobby: I suppose you know all about it. HASKEL CRANE Well, I've been at it 80 years. ANNIE Yo, uh, fresh meat here. Not even sure what happened. HASKEL CRANE Really? Bobby: I got sh*t right in the melon, never felt a thing. You? HASKEL CRANE I was s*ab, brutally, right here at this bar, April 17, 1932. Bobby: Who done ya? HASKEL CRANE I'm really very busy. Bobby: How come there's so many d*ad folk in this place, anyway? You know anything about that? ANNIE I guess we're not supposed to talk about that. HASKEL CRANE starts to stand up. ANNIE I'm sorry. I'm sorry. [HASKEL CRANE sits back in his chair.]Uh, my friend is a little nosy, mister...? HASKEL CRANE Crane – Haskel Crane. ANNIE Haskel... you're right. We arenovices, so, could you do me a solid and show me how to move that chair? It's one stupid chair. HASKEL CRANE Baby steps, gorgeous. Try this first. HASKEL CRANE pushes a candle across the bar towards ANNIE. She tries to grab it, but her hand passes straight through. Bobby tries and the Same thing happens. HASKEL CRANE You're angsting at it. You know what getting frustrated will get you? [Chuckles]Nothing. You've got two ways to move things. What I did – which you obviously must – is calm yourself. Bobby: You're saying we should move crap with the power of Zen. HASKEL CRANE I'm telling you to let go of all that.Calmly tell the thing what to do. Bobby reaches a hand towards the candle. HASKEL CRANE You're getting tense. Bobby: You're not helpful. Bobby tries to grab the candle, but his hand passes through it again. Bobby: What's option two? You said there were two ways. HASKEL CRANE Oh, you could use expl*sive anger and pure, red-hot rage, but that's impossible to manufacture. Sorry. ANNIE Makes sense. Like poltergeists – vengeful spirits. Bobby: I amvengeful. You think I don't have red-hot rage? HASKEL CRANE I think you're a sad excuse for one of us, and I'm unsurprised that you're failing. Take my help or don't, but if you want to move a flea, surrender. Bobby: For the record, I hated that Swayze flick – romantic bullcrap. Bobby reaches a hand towards the candle again. A woman screams. Bobby and ANNIE turn and see that the screaming is coming from one of the ghosts in the room. The ghost then rushes towards them, before turning into dust and vanishing. Bobby: What in cold hell was that? HASKEL CRANE That's youone day. That's all of us. We deteriorate at different rates – some sooner, some later. And eventually all... like that. HASKEL CRANE looks towards a female ghost with gray hair and a partly decomposing face. HASKEL CRANE Nothing left at all. Bobby: Ghost Alzheimer's. ANNIE I'm liking this less. Dean and Sam walk into the room. Dean: Well, that is every square inch of this place. No bodies, no pieces of bodies – no Annie. A whole lot of sizzle and no steak. Sam: Well, maybe no news is good news. Dean: Meaning? Sam: Meaning maybe she's just not here. Maybe she's still okay. Dean: Yeah, and what does your gut say? Sam: Let's just see if there's anything else in her research. ANNIE Sam! Dean! Bobby: Honey, don't you think I've tried that? I shouted myself hoarse. ANNIE But I'm right here! Bobby: Well, now you know how all the ghosts who have ever tried to talk to usfeel. You just have to wait until they find you. ANNIE But I don't even know where I'm at. And I've searched every room five times. No wonder they're walking away. Bobby: Is it me, or am I being checked out? A female GHOST in a red dress is looking at Bobby and ANNIE. ANNIE No, stud. I'm being checked out. ANNIE and Bobby walk over to the GHOST. ANNIE Can I help you? GHOST I'm Victoria. ANNIE Annie. VICTORIA I saw you here the other day. I know the kind of work you do. Did. ANNIE Hey, I'm still doing it. I mean, other-dimensionally speaking. Bobby: Atta girl. ANNIE Wait. Your voice. You're the one on my phone. VICTORIA When you were here, I was able to call out to you that way. ANNIE Ah, spectral voice transference. Bobby: Right. Ghost juju. ANNIE Sure. So... W-what exactly did you mean when you said, "free me"? Victoria, free you from what? Bobby vanishes and VICTORIA gasps. ANNIE Bobby! [i]CAR – NIGHT Dean and Sam are sitting in the car outside the deserted house. Dean: Where'd Annie get her intel? Do we know? Dean drinks from the flask. Bobby is in the back seat. Bobby: Stupid flask. Sam: Bodega Bay Heritage Society. Sam holds up a Bodega Bay Heritage Society booklet. Bobby: Boys, come on. All the action's back in the pool. Let's go! Dean starts the engine. Bobby: Damn it. INT. BODEGA BAY HERITAGE SOCIETY – NIGHT We see a large black-and-white photograph of the Van Ness house and information about early residents of Bodega Bay. HISTORIAN The house dates back to the mid-19th century. Miles Van Ness made his fortune in the gold rush, eventually settling his family in Bodega Bay. Sam: Anything...unusual ever happen in the house? HISTORIAN Oh, over the course of a century, things are going to happen in a house. Bobby is looking at a hanging lamp. Bobby: "Tell it what to do." HISTORIAN Some locals swear it's haunted. Bobby takes a deep breath and tries to touch the lamp with a finger. Bobby: Move. Bobby's finger passes right through the lamp. HISTORIAN Every village has its idiots. Dean: We only want the real scoop, of course. Bobby: Balls! HISTORIAN Whitman Van Ness. Son and heir. Handsome, charming, dogged by tragedy all his life. He lost the family fortune, then the house. It became a bordello. He lived in isolation till his death at age 40. Bobby: He's still there. Dean: Who's the, uh, the bruiser there? The HISTORIAN points to a photograph of DEXTER standing next to VAN NESS. HISTORIAN Dexter O'Connell. A convict. An extremely violent man. Bobby: He's there, too. HISTORIAN Mr. Van Ness was socially progressive and took pity on him. He worked as grounds keeper. Dexter was convicted for m*rder Whitman's fiancée on the eve of their wedding. Another calamitous event in the poor man's life. Sam: Hmm. Dean: Well, thank you. HISTORIAN The house is[i]popular this week. Sam: What do you mean? HISTORIAN A lady came by the other day asking all sorts of questions. Dean: Uh, 30s, red hair, good-looking? HISTORIAN Mm. I gave her the Same advice I'll give to you. Stay away from the place. It's extremely unsafe. Sam and Dean nod and leave. CUT TO: Bobby trying unsuccessfully to move coins on a table. [i]INT. MOTEL – NIGHT Bobby looks exasperated. Sam: So, besides Whitman's fiancée… Sam is reading a photocopy of a newspaper near the open bathroom door. The shower is running. Sam: …Dexter O'Connell was also convicted of k*lling a bunch of hookers who worked at the brothel. The newspaper headline reads "Woman slain on eve of wedding was fiancée of Whitman Van Ness." Sam: He escaped before they could hang him. But then he returned to the house, where he was found sh*t to death. Why would he escape and then go right back to the house where he got arrested? Bobby tries again to move a coin. Dean: [from the shower]I don't know. Add that to a list of things don't know. Sam: So what's the next move? Bobby: You know, if I could, I'd be getting old waiting on you two to figure this out. Dean partly opens the shower curtain and grabs a towel, then closes the curtain again. Bobby is looking at the steamed-up bathroom mirror. Bobby: All right, now. I can k*ll werewolves, fix a Pinto, and bake cornbread. I will be damned if I can't get Zen. EXT. VAN NESS HOUSE – NIGHT Two TEENAGE BOYS are standing outside the house. One holds a video camera and is recording himself. TEENAGE Boy 1 We're posting this video as a warning about... TEENAGE Boy 2 Or possibly a memorial to... TEENAGE Boy 1 Our friends Debbie Tellen and Dudley Scott, last known whereabouts... TEENAGE Boy 2 The Van Ness house... TEENAGE Boy 1 Since the cops haven't done crap... TEENAGE Boy 2 In what may be the final moments of their love story. TEENAGE Boy 1 They've been together since like eighth grade. TEENAGE Boy 2 Yeah. They entered this house and texted us. TEENAGE Boy 1 We're going in. TEENAGE Boy 2 Ooh-ooh-ooh. INT. MOTEL – NIGHT Dean runs his hands through his wet hair. He looks at the mirror. Dean: Sam? Sam: What? Dean: Tell me you wrote that. "Annie trapped in house" is written in the condensation on the mirror. Sam: Uh... No. No, I didn't. INT. VAN NESS HOUSE – NIGHT The TEENAGE BOYS enter the house. TEENAGE Boy They came into the house... ANNIE watches them. Dean (V.O): Well, then, who's there? INT. MOTEL – NIGHT Dean: I said, who's there?! The hot water faucet on the sink turns and steam rises. An invisible Bobby writes "B" and then "o" on the mirror. Dean: Bobby? INT. VAN NESS HOUSE – NIGHT TEENAGE Boy 1 They walked through... these halls... TEENAGE Boy 2 Seeking a grotto of love. TEENAGE Boy 1 Seriously? TEENAGE Boy 2 What? The front door slams and the TEENAGE BOYS jump. INT. MOTEL – NIGHT Dean: Bobby? "Bobby" is now written in full on the mirror. Bobby is standing next to the mirror. Bobby: Yes. Dean and Sam can't hear him. Dean: This whole time, we've been trying to talk ourselves out of it, he's been – what's he doing here? Sam picks up the flask and holds it out to Dean. Sam: Dude. Bobby: We don't have time for this! Get your asses back to that house! Dean: We got to get back to that house, stat. INT. VAN NESS HOUSE – NIGHT TEENAGE Boy 2 What happened? DEXTER is standing in the next room. TEENAGE Boy 1 Hello? DEXTER walks purposefully towards the TEENAGE BOYS. DEXTER You shouldn't have come here! The TEENAGE BOYS start to run from DEXTER, but stop as VAN NESS is now in front of them. VAN NESS Dexter. I expressly forbid you! Enough! TEENAGE Boy 1 Thank you. VAN NESS plunges a hand into each of the TEENAGE BOYS' chests. They gurgle blood as ANNIE watches. VAN NESS withdraws his hands and the TEENAGE BOYS fall to the floor. VAN NESS Dexter, you tried to warn them away. DEXTER You have enough of us. They're just children, Whitman. I can't watch this happen all over again. DEXTER turns to leave, but VAN NESS appears in front of him and plunges a hand into his chest. White light flares as ANNIE watches. VAN NESS Shut up. DEXTER appears to burn up in white light, which also appears in VAN NESS's eyes. DEXTER disappears and the light is absorbed into VAN NESS's hand. ANNIE presses her back against the wall. INT. VAN NESS HOUSE – NIGHT ANNIE walks over to the TEENAGE BOYS' bodies and tries to take the camera from TEENAGE Boy 1, but ANNIE's hand passes right through it. She stands up and gasps: VICTORIA is standing right next to her. ANNIE Ah, Victoria. Grab the camera. VICTORIA No. I can't. We don't meddle in Whitman's affairs. ANNIE Hold it. Let's get real. You sent me the S.O.S., and now I'm here. So, give me a hand. VICTORIA But now he can get you, too. ANNIE Get me how? I'm already d*ad. Okay, you want to help me understand? Exactly what did he do to Dexter? VICTORIA Punished him. He was trying to warn them. He tried to warn you, too. He drained him. ANNIE Drained? What does that mean? VICTORIA That's why he's so strong and why you should stay out of sight. We're merely food to him – food and perverse entertainment. ANNIE So, when he does that, what happens? Just... poof? VICTORIA Forever. ANNIE See, I thought that Whitman was some poor guy, and Dexter k*lled his fiancée. VICTORIA No. Whitman framed him. Whitman k*lled all of us. When this house was a brothel, I worked here as a fancy lady. He slit my throat. ANNIE "Fancy lady"? A hooker? VICTORIA Please. And now, even in death, every soul he traps here makes him stronger. ANNIE Okay, so, where does he keep the bodies? VICTORIA I don't know. ANNIE Victoria, you've been here forever. VICTORIA You don't follow him around. ANNIE Listen, we are going to pull the plug on this bastard. Now grab the damn camera. VICTORIA Oh, dear. VICTORIA takes the camera from TEENAGE Boy 1's hand. VICTORIA [Gasps]It's him! VICTORIA and ANNIE hide as VAN NESS drags the TEENAGE BOYS' bodies away. VAN NESS pulls a lever and a bookcase opens, revealing a hidden door. VAN NESS drags the bodies into the concealed room. EXT. VAN NESS HOUSE – NIGHT Dean and Sam are taking g*n out of the trunk. Dean: We combed the crap out of this place. If Annie's in there and we didn't find her... Sam: It's 'cause something didn't want us to. Dean: Awesome. Well, let's walk right into that. They go inside the house. INT. VAN NESS HOUSE – NIGHT Dean and Sam look around using flashlights. Bobby is behind them. Sam: All right, I'll check upstairs. Dean: Yeah. Bobby takes the flask out of Dean's jacket pocket. Dean: Annie? Bobby: Sorry, boys. I'm leaving the pack. Dean: Annie! It's Dean! And Sam. Sam: [in the distance]Annie? The camera falls to the ground at Dean's feet. Dean: That's not odd. Dean picks up the camera. Bobby puts the flask in a drawer. Dean: Sam, get back down here! Annie? Sam comes down the stairs. ANNIE and VICTORIA are standing behind Dean. Dean: Slimer? Sam: What? Dean: Check it out. Dean plays the recording on the video camera. TEENAGE Boy 2 The final moments of their love story. TEENAGE Boy 1 They've been together since like eighth grade. TEENAGE Boy 2 Yeah. They entered this house and texted us. Dean: Oh, I hate these indie films. Nothing ever happens. TEENAGE Boy 1 They came into the house. They walked through these halls. Sam: Wait, wait. Pause it. Frame back a little bit. Stop. ANNIE is visible on the recording. Dean: She's here, and not in a good way. Bobby is now standing next to ANNIE and VICTORIA. Bobby: Give them a moment. They've got a little slower since I left. Dean: Annie? ANNIE Got to let them know that I'm here. Sam: Anything? ANNIE [to VICTORIA]You have to do it. Sam: Annie! ANNIE We can't. Dean: Annie! VICTORIA It's too dangerous. ANNIE These guys can help. They just need to know that we're here. Sam: Annie! VICTORIA appears behind Sam and Dean. They turn, see her and raise their g*n. Sam: Whoa! VICTORIA Please. I'm Victoria – Victoria Dodd. Sam: Where'd you come from? VICTORIA Here. I was a fancy lady. Dean: A hooker? Sam: Uh, is Annie here? VICTORIA Yes. You can't see her. No, you're not standing on her. ANNIE You want to just tell them? VICTORIA I will. In my day, we believed in polite conversation. Annie's in terrible danger. We all are. Sam: From? VICTORIA Whitman Van Ness. VAN NESS is watching from upstairs. Dean: But he's d*ad. VICTORIA I thought you said they were good. Dean: Hey, I'm just processing, okay, lady? He's d*ad. You're d*ad. VAN NESS flickers and disappears. Dean: Define "terrible danger." VICTORIA Whitman has great power over all of us in the house. He k*lled Annie. She says you can free us. Please, you must – VICTORIA screams and burns up in flames. Sam: Victoria? Dean: I'm gonna say she was telling the truth, considering that she just... got ghost-k*lled. Sam: So, what? Whitman Van Ness? Dean: Now we know whose bones to salt and burn. Let's go. Dean walks away. Sam adjusts his g*n. VAN NESS slips a key into Sam's pocket. Sam then follows Dean and VAN NESS disappears. EXT. VAN NESS HOUSE – NIGHT Dean and Sam get into their car. Bobby and ANNIE watch from the window. VAN NESS is in the back seat. Bobby: Aw, hell no. Dean, Sam and VAN NESS drive away. EXT. VAN NESS HOUSE – NIGHT INT. VAN NESS HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby and ANNIE are walking up the stairs. Bobby: If I hadn't stashed that flask here, I'd still be glued to Sam and Dean. Real clever. ANNIE Actually was. Bobby: Son of a bitch. I figured our one ace was that bastard Whitman couldn't leave the house either. ANNIE Must have pulled a number like you and the flask. Probably planted something on the boys. Bobby: Terrific. ANNIE Hey, listen, sweetie – you could b*at yourself up all day about this, or we could take advantage of the fact that Whitman's gone, do what we're supposed to do. Let's go figure this out. Coming, Robert? ANNIE and Bobby walk down a hallway and stand in front of a door. Bobby: Well, we searched everywhere else. ANNIE I'm telling you, Whitman guards his room like Fort Knox. ANNIE and Bobby walk through the door into a sitting room. There is a f*re burning in the fireplace. Bobby: Last time I checked, ghosts didn't get cold. A skeleton and the remains of a red dress are in the f*re. ANNIE Yeah. That's Victoria. That is how he took her out. But where did he get her corpse? Bobby: Well, you said he dragged those two d*ad kids away. Where'd he take them? ANNIE Yeah, I don't know. I couldn't risk following him. Bobby: What else did you say this place was, other than a whorehouse? ANNIE It was a lot of things. It was a boarding house, a school... a speakeasy. Bobby: Yeah, well, thing about speakeasies – hell of a lot to hide. Bobby and ANNIE search the room. Bobby pulls the lever that VAN NESS used to open the bookcase, and it swings open. Bobby: I still got it. Bobby and ANNIE enter the room behind the bookcase. It contains skeletons and corpses in various stages of decomposition, ANNIE's body and the TEENAGE BOYS' bodies. ANNIE looks stricken upon seeing her body. Bobby: Well, this pretty much tells the story, don't it? You know, you and me – we b*rned our fair share of bones, sent a lot of ghosts packing. ANNIE It's a little different when you're on the receiving end. So, uh... what do you think happens to 'em – Heaven, Hell, or... none of the above? Bobby: I don't know. Just... gone, most likely. ANNIE Yeah, that's what I think, too. That's what I want. I want a hunter's funeral. Oh, come on. It's better than this – stuck to this house, somewhere between existing and not. No, I'm... ready for some peace. Wasn't much of a life. It was lonely, what we do. Bobby: Yeah, well, the life I had is the one I picked. ANNIE Yeah, but you had the boys. All I had was work. It's gone now. Bobby: Yeah, well, I ain'tdone. ANNIE Okay, fine, but I am. You're stronger than I am now, Bobby, so, uh, you got to do this for me. CAR – NIGHT Dean is driving while Sam is online. Sam: All right. Here we go – cemetery, edge of town. The Van Ness family has its own mausoleum. Dean: All right, we light up the bastard and finish him off. The car accelerates from about 50 miles an hour to about 80. Sam: Take it easy. We'll get there. Dean: Uh, that's not me. Dean struggles to hold onto the steering wheel as it moves. VAN NESS appears next to Dean and tries to turn the wheel, causing the car to swerve. Dean manages to bring the car to a stop and he and Sam get out. EXT. STREET – NIGHT Sam: Why's he with us?! Dean: I don't know. There's got to be something on us! Dean and Sam pat down their clothing. Sam: Hey, hey. Sam takes out the key that VAN NESS put in his jacket pocket. VAN NESS appears behind Sam and plunges a hand into his back. Sam: Ugh! Dean: Sam! Dean grabs the key from Sam, tosses it onto the ground and sh**t it. VAN NESS vanishes in a cloud of dust. Sam gasps and Dean puts out a hand to steady him. Sam: Did that do it? Did that get rid of him? Dean: I don't know. I got a bad idea we just snapped him back to his favorite house. Sam: Where Annie's a sitting duck. Dean: We got to find those bones. Come on. INT. VAN NESS HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby: Let's build up the f*re. We can put some of these poor bastards to rest, at least. EXT. CEMETERY – NIGHT Dean and Sam are walking through the cemetery with flashlights. They find the Van Ness mausoleum. INT. VAN NESS HOUSE – NIGHT VAN NESS runs up the stairs. Bobby and ANNIE are standing in front of the fireplace in VAN NESS' room. Bobby: Well, let's get to cremating. We ain't got all day. VAN NESS strides down the hallway and walks through the door to his room. Bobby and ANNIE are hiding around a corner. When VAN NESS looks around the corner, they are gone. INT. VAN NESS MAUSOLEUM – NIGHT Dean uses a hammer and chisel on a plaque that reads "Whitman Van Ness – October 16th 1895 - November 14th 1935". INT. VAN NESS HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby and ANNIE hurry down the stairs to the ground floor. VAN NESS appears in front of them. VAN NESS Enjoy the view from my room? Planning to thin out the population? Is this how you repay my hospitality?! VAN NESS plunges a hand into Bobby's chest. Bobby starts to burn up in white light, which also appears in VAN NESS' eyes. INT. VAN NESS MAUSOLEUM – NIGHT Dean lights a match and throws it into VAN NESS' coffin. INT. VAN NESS HOUSE – NIGHT VAN NESS jumps and the white light retreats from Bobby. Flames start to appear on VAN NESS' clothing. VAN NESS No! I will not be taken! Flames engulf VAN NESS and he vanishes. Bobby falls to the ground with a thud. INT. VAN NESS MAUSOLEUM – NIGHT Sam and Dean watch VAN NESS' skeleton burn. INT. VAN NESS HOUSE – NIGHT ANNIE is kneeling next to Bobby, who is unconscious on the floor in the entryway of the house. Bobby: How long was I out? ANNIE A while. Are you okay? Bobby: Sure. [He sits up.]I mean... I'm d*ad, I'm a ghost... but, basically, swell. Dean and Sam enter the house. ANNIE is no longer visible next to Bobby. Bobby: Hi, boys. Dean and Sam stare at Bobby. Dean: Bobby? Bobby: Wait. You can see me? INT. VAN NESS HOUSE – NIGHT Dean and Sam continue to stare at Bobby, who is now standing. Bobby: You're staring, you know. Annie's here, too, by the way. Dean: Hi, Annie. Sam: H-hi, Annie. ANNIE is now visible again, standing behind Bobby. ANNIE Hi, guys. Bobby points a thumb in ANNIE's direction. Sam and Dean look around, but can't see her. Bobby: She says you both look uglier than she remembered. ANNIE hits Bobby lightly on the back. The camera shifts to Sam and Dean, and when it returns to Bobby, ANNIE is no longer visible beside him. Sam: Bobby, h-how'd you stay here? Bobby: Yeah, well, uh... Bobby walks to the drawer and takes out the flask. He tosses it to Dean. Bobby: Suck on that, Swayze. Sam: That's why you never answered me. I tried calling you – the, uh, talking board, the works – but I was always alone. Dean always had that thing in his pocket. That's why the EMF only went off half the time. We thought we were going crazy. Dean: S-so, what happened? Did you get stuck or – or what? Bobby: I wantedto stay. Dean: Bobby. Bobby: I need to help. Sam: Not if it means you have to... be this. Bobby: Well, life wasn't comfy. Why should death be? Now, come on. ANNIE is visible behind Bobby again. Bobby: Annie and I found all the bodies. Let's put 'em to rest. And keep my damn flask away from the f*re... obviously. Bobby heads for the stairs. ANNIE is no longer visible. Bobby: Well, you coming? EXT. VAN NESS HOUSE – NIGHT Dean and Sam are putting their things in the trunk of the car. Bobby looks at the front door of the house and then walks over to them. Bobby: I'll miss her. Dean: Me too. Sam: Yeah. Bobby: Well, you didn't know her like I did. Dean laughs briefly and Sam clears his throat. Dean: Well, uh… [He takes out the flask.]Here's to Annie. She got the hunter's funeral she wanted. [He takes a drink.]Kind of like the one we thought we gave you. Sam: Dean. Dean: What were you thinking, Bobby? You could be in Heaven right now, drinking beer at Harvelle's, not – not stuck… Bobby: Stuck here with you? We still have work to do. I just thought that was kind of important, Dean. Dean: It's not right, and you know that. Bobby: Sorry. You're right. What was I thinking? Bobby vanishes. Dean and Sam look at each other and Dean tosses the flask into the trunk. CAR – NIGHT Sam: So, what do you think we should do? Dean: We didwhat we should do. Now I don't know. Sam: I mean, do you think it's possible we could – I don't know – make it all work somehow? Dean: I have no idea. Maybe. I've never heard of it. But you know what I do know? It ain't the natural order of things. Everything is supposed to end. You know, he was supposed… And now... What are the odds this ends well? Bobby is in the back seat. Dean: What are the odds? END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "07x19 - Of Grave Importance"}
Air Date: 27 April 2012 EXT. CABIN – DAY INT. CABIN – DAY Sam is talking on his cell phone. The wall behind him is covered with research. Sam: Yeah, I hear you. All right. Well, thanks for looking. Yep. Bye. Sam hangs up. Sam: So, Nora didn't see any pattern to the dig sites either. Sam sits down on the sofa. Dean: Yeah, 'cause they got nothing in common. Dean sits on the arm of the sofa. Dean: And I got nothing from local lore 50 miles in every direction of all of them. I mean, it's like they're just... old dirt. What's Dick looking for? Dean takes a drink from his flask. The lights flicker. Sam and Dean both stand up and take g*n out of their jeans. Bobby appears and they point their g*n at him. Bobby: Hey, hey, go easy, you idjits. Sorry for the jump scare. Dean: So how does this work, huh? I leave the cap off and you just genie your way out? Bobby: I wish it were that easy. The thing – Bobby flickers and vanishes. Sam: Bobby? Bobby reappears. Bobby: Damn it. It's hard to stay focused. I'm still kind of worn out. Dean: You've been pretty busy for a d*ad guy. Bobby: All right. Listen. I-I don't know how long before my next ghost nap, so let's just skip to the skinny – those numbers I gave you. Dean: The empty lot in Cheeseville? Bobby: Yeah, well, it ain't gonna be empty for long. Bobby: I got a gander at Dick's big plan, right before he Lincolned me. Bobby: They're breaking ground – what month is this? Sam: Uh – uh, April. Bobby sighs. Bobby: Ground's broke. Frank They're surveying. They're getting ready to build something. Dean: Build what? Frank: Exactly. What?] Bobby: They're building as we're yammering. Check it out yourself. It's all right. I mean, you guys missed it because you've been kind of busy [Sam opens the laptop]k*lling ghosts the past few days. But Dick is about to get into the Soylent Green business. Bobby: That site'll show you they're building a biotech lab, right? The laptop screen shows Geothrive's "Standard plans for an efficient slaughterhouse". Bobby: Biotech my ass. Bobby: That sucker is a state-of-the-art slaughterhouse. And we're the beef. Dean: Don't you think that's a little bold, even for Dick? Bobby: I bet you no one will even notice… Bobby: … 'cause first, he's gonna dumb us all down with Turducken-style munchies. Bobby: Make us docile. Bobby It's in the meat.] Dean: Yeah, we haven't been to Biggerson's since that whole fiasco. Bobby: Biggerson's? He's bought a list of joints 10 pages long. Dean: Ah. Bobby: Next, he's gonna cure us. Sam: Cure us of what? Bobby: All the biggies – cancer, AIDS, heart disease. Let's just say they got an affinity for stem-cell research. Dean: The, uh, Leviathan real-estate mooks building that cancer center. George It's going to be a research center. Dean: Research for what?] Bobby: They're not hunting anymore. They're engineering the perfect herd. DICK ROMAN With the very first dose, it starts to work on their DNA, slowing their metabolism, causing weight gain, and dampening their emotional range, which makes them perfectly complacent.] Bobby: Now, we've gone up against plenty liked to eat a few folk in the woods. This ain't that. This is about knocking us off the top of the food chain. This is about them Levis living here forever, one-percenter style, while we march our dopey, fat asses down to the shiny new death camps at every corner. CUT TO: A Woman plugging a hard drive into a computer. She drags the "external volume" icon on her screen across to a box that says "Drop harddrive here to decrypt" and types rapidly. CUT TO: Sam's laptop beeps. His email program reads "You have 1 new message." The top email is from Frank and is titled "I'm probably d*ad…" Sam: It's an e-mail... [He opens the email.]From Frank. Dean: Frank's alive? Bobby: That jackass, always stealing my thunder. Sam: "Sam and Dean, if you're reading this, I'm d*ad... or worse. This e-mail was sent because some prince is trying to hack into my hard drive right this second. So unless it's you, you got trouble." CUT TO: the Woman trying to access the hard drive. Sam: Um, okay. "My drive is full of compromising info. Your new aliases, hangouts, where you stored your car..." Dean: Baby? Sam: Even though he encrypted the crap out of his drive, he says we should assume that someone can hack into it eventually. He did put a tracking device in it. Sam clicks on a link in Frank's email and a "Hard Drive Tracker" application appears on the laptop screen. Sam: All right, let's see where Frank's drive is. A box appears on the screen saying that the hard drive is at Richard Roman Enterprises. Dean: Perfect. It's in the middle of the Death Star. SUPERNATURAL EXT. RICHARD ROMAN ENTERPRISES – DAY The Woman who attempted to hack into Frank's hard drive pulls up on a yellow scooter in front of the building. She removes her goggles and helmet, puts on headphones and plays Katrina and the Waves' "Walking on Sunshine" as she walks towards the building. ♪ I used to think maybe you loved me ♪ INT. RICHARD ROMAN ENTERPRISES – DAY ♪ Now, baby, I'm sure ♪ The Woman enters the building and swipes her pass card. ♪ And I just can't wait till the day ♪ ♪ When you knock on my door ♪ The Woman walks bouncily across the foyer in time to the music. A security guard's computer screen shows her picture and name – Charlie Bradbury – and reads "Access Granted". ♪ Now every time I go for the mailbox ♪ ♪ Gotta hold myself down ♪ CHARLIE swipes her pass card in the elevator and presses a button for the fourth floor. ♪ 'Cause I just can't wait ♪ ♪ Till you write me you're coming around ♪ CHARLIE looks around, smiles and starts to dance vigorously. ♪ Now, I'm walking on sunshine ♪ ♪ Whoa ♪ ♪ I'm walking on sunshine ♪ ♪ Whoa ♪ The elevator arrives at CHARLIE's floor. She composes herself and walks out. ♪ I'm walking on sunshine ♪ ♪ Whoa ♪ ♪ And don't it feel good? ♪ ♪ Hey ♪ CHARLIE turns off the music and removes her headphones as she walks to her desk. Her workspace is decorated with figurines and pictures from Star Wars, Harry Potter, Wonder Woman, etc. Next to her computer is a Hermione Granger figurine. CHARLIE brings up a website for "The U.S. Conservatives – Keep America Strong" and transfers $10,000 from their account to "Animal Lovers & Lovers of the Planet". CO-WORKER How'd it go last night? Charlie, it's a moral imperative you let me live vicariously through you. CHARLIE Pictures or it didn't happen, right? CHARLIE hands her CO-WORKER her phone. Her computer screen now shows the "Animal Lovers" website online donations page. A message appears saying that the $10,000 funds transfer is complete. CO-WORKER You hooked up at a charity benefit? CHARLIE If you can't score at a reproductive rights function, then you simply cannot score. CO-WORKER Wait. Is that legal? CHARLIE We were two consenting adults. The CO-WORKER rolls his chair over to look at CHARLIE's computer screen. CO-WORKER No. That.Why do you insist on breaking the law on company property? CHARLIE Mmm, faster Internet connection here. CO-WORKER Oh, well, if Pete finds out, he's gonna f*re you... or get you arrested. CHARLIE Teddy Bear Pete? Please. You know I've been doing this for like a month. I can cover my tracks, Harry. Trust me. PETE Charlie! CHARLIE and Harry stand up and look over the cubicle divider at PETE. PETE My office. Now. Harry: I love you. CHARLIE I know. CHARLIE walks into PETE's office. DICK ROMAN is there. DICK ROMAN Charlie Bradbury? Dick. Sit. CHARLIE looks very nervous. DICK ROMAN Charlie, I've been running things for, well, feels like since before the dawn of man. Always had a vision. I'm close to realizing that dream. I don't want to brag, but the world is my dinner plate. And I don't want anything to jeopardize that – definitely not the actions of one tiny, little person. CHARLIE Sir, sir, I can fix this. Please – please don't f*re me. DICK ROMAN What's she talking about? PETE I – I – DICK ROMAN Is that about hacking those Super PACs? 'Cause thatwas adorable. Tell me, how does a high-school dropout become one of the brightest minds at Roman, Inc.? CHARLIE Um... Honestly... Historically, I've had this problem with – with authority – no offense – so I realized the only way to get away with being me was to be as indispensable as possible. Sorry. DICK ROMAN You're kind of completing me right now, Charlie. You have that spark, that thing that makes humans so special. Not everyone has it, you know. Those people – they can be replaced. But people like you... are impossible to copy. CHARLIE C-copy? DICK ROMAN Take the compliment. DICK ROMAN picks up a hard drive. DICK ROMAN This belonged to one Frank Devereaux. Thought he could bring down the whole company. He was wrong. Let's keep him wrong. It's encrypted [He gives the hard drive to CHARLIE], or whatever you crazy kids say these days. Break it open and bring it to me. CHARLIE Yeah, I'm on it. And – and thank you. DICK ROMAN You're welcome. You have three days or you're fired. Good talk. DICK ROMAN leaves the office. CHARLIE Is this real life? PETE stares at her with his mouth open. CHARLIE walks past HARRY's desk holding up the hard drive. CHARLIE Dick Roman gave me an assignment. Harry: Is that... good? CHARLIE It means the Eye of Sauron is on me. Harry: Well, if you need anything, I'll be back in the Shire. CHARLIE plugs in the hard drive and looks at her Hermione figurine. CHARLIE All right, H. It's just you and me now. CHARLIE drags the "external volume" icon on her screen across to a box that says "Drop harddrive here to decrypt" and types rapidly. A message appears: LOGON: error. Access denied. CHARLIE types more and gets the Same "access denied" message several times. Her screen reads: ‘Games' refers to models, simulations and games which have tactical and strategic applications. List Games Falken's Maze Black Jack Gin Rummy Hearts Bridge Checkers Chess Poker ELECTRONIC Voice How about a nice game of chess? More games appear on the list on CHARLIE's screen: Fighter Combat Guerrilla Engagement Desert Warfare Air-to-ground Actions Theaterwide Tactical Warfare Theaterwide Biotoxic and Chemical Warfare Global Thermonuclear w*r CHARLIE Wait a second. Seriously? "Wargames"? CHARLIE types "Joshua" to log on. The screen reads "Greetings Professor Falken." CHARLIE smiles. CHARLIE Shall we play a game, bitches? [To her Hermione figurine]That was hardly the Chamber of Secrets, right? [She mock-fistbumps the Hermione figurine]Booyah. The computer screen flickers. ELECTRONIC Voice Shall – we – play – a – game? A system alert appears on the screen: NICE TRY ZERO CHARISMA. Frank's Voice Nice try, Zero Charisma. CHARLIE sighs and addresses the Hermione figurine. CHARLIE And back to square one. Sam (V.O): Let's see where Frank's drive is. INT. CABIN – DAY Sam's laptop shows the location of Frank's hard drive at Richard Roman Enterprises. Dean: Perfect. It's in the middle of the Death Star. All right, well, off to Chicago. Dean stands up. Bobby: No, wait, boys, you can't just break in. They know your mugs. What if we mailed in the flask? Then I could ghost through the joint. I mean, it's not like Dick can k*ll me twice. What, you got a better plan? Come on. Just because I'm d*ad doesn't mean I don't know how to do my damn job. Sam: Bobby, that's Dick's office. Dean: I think what Sam's trying to say is, what happens if you run into Dick and, you know... go vengeful. You know it's not something you can just shake off. Bobby: Come on. Give me some credit. What, I'm supposed to just ride the pine? Sam: Sorry, Bobby. Sam shuts the laptop and walks away. Dean follows him. EXT. RICHARD ROMAN ENTERPRISES – DAY INT. RICHARD ROMAN ENTERPRISES – DAY CHARLIE is asleep at her desk. Harry: Did you go home last night? CHARLIE shakes her head. Harry: I'll get us some coffee. I assume you want some crack in yours. CHARLIE Yes, please. CHARLIE's computer screen is still running through the decryption process. There is a beep and CHARLIE looks up. The screen reads Access granted! CHARLIE Finally. FRANK's folders appear on the screen: March of Dimes Clones Known Facts Monsters CHARLIE Who is this d-bag? One of the folders is labeled "Richard Roman Enterprises". CHARLIE Don't do it. Roman said to bring it right to him. [She looks at the Hermione figurine]You're right, H. You're always right. CHARLIE What the frak's a Leviathan? Frank's Voice The thing to know about Leviathan is these monsters are as old as time, and strong as all get-out.Sodium borate – commonly known as Borax.Decapitation… [i]Splash them liberally. Repeat.[i][i]…is the key.[i][i]Then put that head in a box.[i][i]These are the Superman of monsters. [i][i]But don't use…[i][i]...from the black hole of Purgatory.[i][i]Send it to the moon if you can.[i][i]They die. [i][i]They can shapeshift…[i][i]They don't die easy.[i][i]Take your face, your memory – the works.[i][i]The top boss is Mr. Dick Roman. He runs the show. CHARLIE hits a button and shakes her head, then hits another button. Frank's Voice Cut one, you see black goo.[i][i]We're through the looking glass.[i][i]Blood is black, and black is blood.[i][i]Don't turn your back.[i][i]Get out of the building. Get out of the county. CHARLIE hits a button and all of the open documents close. She gets up and looks in PETE's office, which is empty. Harry: How goes it? Harry hands CHARLIE a cup of coffee. CHARLIE Pretty sure I spent the last 24 hours hacking into a loony bin. Where's Pete? Harry: Uh, probably snuck down to the garage for a smoky treat. INT. RICHARD ROMAN ENTERPRISES GARAGE – DAY PETE is walking to his car. He takes a packet of cigarettes from the driver's seat, then turns to find DICK ROMAN and another Man waiting for him. DICK ROMAN How's it going with that drive? PETE Uh, great. Charlie was here all night. DICK ROMAN You know, that drive's very important to me. I'm gonna want a watchful eye kept. PETE Well, I will do just that. DICK ROMAN No. You[i]won't. Bruce Springsteen, Eli Manning, our own little Charlie – you know what they are? Irreplaceable. You're more of a Tim Tebow, Joe Biden type. You got no spark in you. In fact, there's nothing in you... except Tarrell's dinner. DARYL grabs PETE's arm and takes on PETE's form. TARRELL's his face transforms and he lunges at PETE. Blood splatters PETE's car. CHARLIE, who was watching from some distance away, gasps and turns around. [i]INT. CHARLIE's APARTMENT – DAY CHARLIE enters, takes a bag from a cupboard and starts to pack. She pauses and looks around, then shakes her head and continues packing. Her phone rings. CHARLIE Hey, Pete, sorry I left without telling you. No, I just wasn't... feeling well. It's a... lady thing. I will be in first thing. Got to go – cramps. CHARLIE looks at Star Wars figurines on a shelf. The head of the Darth Vader figurine is moving. CHARLIE hurries for the door. As she opens it, Dean slams it shut. Dean: It's all right. I'm not gonna hurt you. CHARLIE Get away from me, you... [She picks up a plastic sword]shapeshifter! Sam: Look, we're not shapeshifters. CHARLIE slashes at Sam with the sword, breaking it. Sam: Geez! Dean takes the broken sword away from CHARLIE. Dean: Look, we're not Leviathans, okay? You want us to prove it? You know what borax does to them? CHARLIE Yeah. Dean: Sam? Sam holds out his hand and Dean pours borax over it, then pours some over his own hand. He holds his hand up to show CHARLIE. Dean: Huh? Your turn. Dean gives CHARLIE the borax and she splashes some over one hand. Dean: Good. Dean takes back the borax. CHARLIE Who the hell are you guys? A commercial plays, with images of a farm, the Statue of Liberty, the Lincoln Memorial, the Capitol building, a city, a shoreline, laboratory workers, farmers, a warehouse, a shipping wharf, an office tower, people eating at an outdoor table, two people eating corn on the cob, an American flag, and the "Sucrocorp" logo. Voice ON COMMERCIAL America – a nation of greatness… a nation of hardworking individuals. And, rest assured, no one works harder for you than Sucrocorp. Here at Sucrocorp, your well-being is our number-one priority. Sucrocorp – eat well, live well. INT. CHARLIE's APARTMENT – DAY Sam and Dean are sitting in CHARLIE's living room. CHARLIE So you're saying, you guys are monster hunters. So, there are other monsters? Stop. Never mind. Just shh. Okay, I get how you tracked the drive – straight GPS – but it's still at the office. How did you find me? Sam clears his throat and opens his laptop. He shows CHARLIE video footage of herself. CHARLIE Aw! Son of a g*n jacked my webcam?! Dean: Welcome to Frank. CHARLIE It's creepy, but I'll give it to him. So you're telling me everything he had on his drive is true. Dean: That and more. Sam: Wait. How long did it take you to crack into Frank's drive? CHARLIE A day or so. Sam: Is there anything you can't[i]hack into? CHARLIE Not yet. Sam: How about Dick Roman's e-mail? CHARLIE Why would I... Oh. He's one of them. Sam: No. Uh, he's their leader. CHARLIE So what's the end game – steal our resources, make us some slaves? Dean: Planet-wide value meal. We're the meat. CHARLIE You can't be... serious. Okay. All right. Let's do this. What am I looking for? CHARLIE sits down at the table and opens her laptop. The desktop background is Arwen from The Lord of the Rings. Dean: Well, for starters, uh, anything about archaeological dig sites. CHARLIE Like Indiana Jones stuff? Dean: All we know is that Dick has been digging all over the world, and we need to know what he's looking for. CHARLIE You know, I was having a really good week. I met someone, downloaded the new Robyn album. Everything was coming up me. Oh, crap. Sam: Look, we get it sucks. CHARLIE No, not that. This. Dick's e-mail isn't on the company server. It's on a private one, in his office. Dean: Meaning? CHARLIE Can't get in it unless you have his phone or you're at his desk. Dean: So you're saying that if we're inside Dick's office, then we can hack into his e-mail? CHARLIE You can't. Only someone like... But I sure as hell ain't doing it. I am doing my job and... What are the chances I see everything on that drive and Dick lets me live anyway? Sam: I think you know. CHARLIE So I erase the drive first, protect me and you. Then I go back to my old life, right? What? Dean: It's not that easy. You're on Dick's radar, which means you don't have an old life anymore. CHARLIE I'm gonna die. I should have taken that job at Google. Sam: Look, Charlie, it's okay if you can't do it. I mean, you didn't volunteer for this. CHARLIE Totally. Exactly. But now I volunteer. Sam: What? CHARLIE I got to go back in anyways to wipe Frank's drive. Might as well break into Dick's office, too. Sam: Are you sure? CHARLIE No. But these things are gonna eat everyone I know. What kind of douchebag stands by for that? However, I have never broken into anything in real life before, so... plan? Dean: You got a Bluetooth? CHARLIE Yeah. Dean and Sam join CHARLIE at the table. Dean: Security system – can you get into that? CHARLIE I can reroute any surveillance cameras we need. Dean: All right. Let's start with that. Bobby is watching them. Sam: Do you have a key card to get in the building? CHARLIE Uh, yeah. I can't duplicate it, but I can make a fake backing, so that… [i]EXT. RICHARD ROMAN ENTERPRISES – NIGHT A black van is parked outside. VAN – NIGHT Dean joins Sam inside the van. Dean: How's it going? Sam: Great, since she set all this up. Um, look. Sam uses CHARLIE's laptop, with its Arwen desktop, to show Dean security footage. Sam: See this? I can put each camera on a prerecorded loop. Once I do that, she'll have 15 minutes. Dean: 15 minutes ain't a lot of time. Sam: No. She said if it took longer to hack his desktop, then she deserved to be eaten. Dean: I like her. The security footage shows CHARLIE standing outside the building. Dean: Wait. Is that... Son of a bitch. Sam: What? Dean: Look at her bag. A close-up of CHARLIE's bag shows Dean's flask in a side pocket. Sam: Bobby. Wait. Y-you think he, uh – Dean: Hitched a ride after we told him to cool his jets? Yeah. What the hell's he thinking? Sam: He's not. So what do we do – call the whole thing off? Dean: We've only got one sh*t at this. EXT. RICHARD ROMAN ENTERPRISES – NIGHT CHARLIE is outside the building, looking nervous. CHARLIE [singing]I used to think maybe you loved me… Dean (V.O): Charlie, it's Dean. The scene alternates between CHARLIE outside the building and Dean and Sam in the van. Dean: Are you singing? CHARLIE I sing when I'm nervous. Don't judge me. Dean: Judgment-free zone. Listen, uh, check the side pocket in your bag. CHARLIE Oh. Thank you. [She takes a drink from the flask.]Mmm. Good idea. Dean: Yeah, no problem. Look, that's, uh, kind of a family heirloom. It's a good-luck charm, okay, so don't lose it. CHARLIE Copy that. Okay. Let's do this. CHARLIE doesn't move. Dean: Uh, Charlie? Uh, Charlie? CHARLIE I'm having a hard time moving. Dean: You can do this. CHARLIE Uh, I'm not – I'm not a spy. No, I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't. Sam takes the phone from Dean. Sam: Charlie, hey, it's Sam. CHARLIE I'm sorry, Sam. I'm sorry. I-I just – Sam: It's okay. Uh, listen, w-who's your favorite "Harry Potter" character? CHARLIE Uh, Hermione. Sam: Hermione. Well, uh, all right, did Hermione run when Sirius Black was in trouble or when Voldemort att*cked Hogwarts? Dean: Seriously? Sam: Shut up. CHARLIE No, of course not. Sam: What did she do? CHARLIE She kicked ass. She actually saves Harry in practically every book. And then she ends up with the wrong – Sam: Uh, stay on track. Okay, so she kicked ass, right? So, then, what are you gonna do? CHARLIE I'm gonna kick it in the ass. Sam: Good girl. Dean: Oh, you go, dumble-dork. INT. RICHARD ROMAN ENTERPRISES – NIGHT CHARLIE enters the building and walks past a security guard. Her picture comes up on the security guard's computer screen. CHARLIE enters the elevator, swipes her pass and hits the button for level 4. VAN – NIGHT Sam and Dean watch the security footage. INT. RICHARD ROMAN ENTERPRISES – NIGHT CHARLIE is in the elevator. VAN – NIGHT Sam and Dean watch the security footage. INT. RICHARD ROMAN ENTERPRISES – NIGHT CHARLIE gets off at level 4. VAN – NIGHT Sam hits a button on the laptop so that the footage of the empty elevator will play on a loop. INT. RICHARD ROMAN ENTERPRISES – NIGHT The security guard in the foyer looks at security footage. The sh*t of the elevator flickers and he taps the screen. CHARLIE gets back into the elevator, takes the strip off her security pass, puts it onto another one pass she is wearing and hits the button for level 11. The security guard sits back, apparently happy with the footage. CHARLIE rides up in the elevator. CHARLIE I'm in. I've always wanted to say that. VAN – NIGHT Dean: You're on the clock. Move. INT. RICHARD ROMAN ENTERPRISES – NIGHT Bobby is riding up in the elevator with CHARLIE. CHARLIE gets off on the 11th floor. She flattens herself behind a wall when she sees a SECURITY Guard. CHARLIE Hey, there's a big-ass guard up here, blocking the door. What do I do? The scene alternates between CHARLIE in the building and Dean and Sam in the van. Dean: Just wait him out. The SECURITY Guard sits down and starts reading a magazine. CHARLIE He's not going anywhere. Dean: Okay, uh, you work there every day. Do you know the guy? CHARLIE I guess. I mean, I've seen him. I've never talked to him. Dean: Okay, when you've seen him, does he look at you, or does he just kind of slide his eyes by? CHARLIE Um... eye contact? I don't know. He always kind of smiles a bit. I don't really – Dean: Good. What you're gonna do is you're gonna walk right up to him, and you're gonna flirt your way past. CHARLIE I can't. He's not my type. Dean: You're gonna have to play through that. CHARLIE As in he's not a girl. Dean: Oh, oh. Pretend he has boobs. CHARLIE Worse. Dean: Well, I don't know. Um... Do you have any tattoos? Give him a little sneak peek there. All tattoos are sexy. CHARLIE Mine is Princess Leia in a sl*ve bikini straddling a 20-sided die. [Dean looks at Sam.]I was drunk. It was Comic-Con. Dean: We've all been there. Okay, I'm gonna walk you through this. CHARLIE takes a deep breath and walks into the room with the SECURITY Guard. Dean: Start with a smile. CHARLIE pastes on a large, fixed smile. The screen briefly splits so that we can see both CHARLIE and Dean. Dean: Relax, Charlie. You just got home, and Scarlett Johansson's waiting for you. CHARLIE smiles more naturally and makes a pleased sound. The SECURITY Guard stands up as CHARLIE approaches. SECURITY Guard Can I help you, miss? CHARLIE Hey... [She reads his name tag]Bill. [She holds up her I.D. card]Charlie from I.T. BILL Oh. Burning the midnight oil, huh? CHARLIE Just like you – I mean, when you're not at the gym. What, do you work out with all your free time? BILL I try to get to the gym at least three days a week. The screen splits so that we see BILL, Dean and CHARLIE. BILL Just trying to get back to my fighting weight, you know? Dean: It shows. You look amazing. [Sam looks at Dean.] CHARLIE It shows. You look amazing. Dean: [to Sam]This never happened. [to CHARLIE]Do you ever do anything else with your free time, like take a girl out for a drink? CHARLIE You do anything else with your free time, like [Sam starts to laugh]take a girl out for a drink? Dean: Stop laughing, Sammy. CHARLIE Stop laughing, Sammy. Um...Y-you don't know that bar – Stop Laughing Sammy? [Sam stifles his laughter with his hand.]That place is bringing sexy back. Which is easy… Dean: Stop talking, Charlie! CHARLIE … 'cause they kept the receipt. Stop talking, Charlie. Right. So, um, y-you were saying about going out, [CHARLIE plays with her hair]drinks? BILL Um... Yeah, yeah. That'd be great. CHARLIE Cool. Pencil that in. Hey, can I ask you a favor? The ladies' room downstairs is nasty. Can I use the exec washroom to powder my nose? BILL Yeah, yeah. Why not? Um, it's right down the hall. It's the first door on the right. CHARLIE smiles and winks at BILL. After she walks away, BILL covers his mouth with his hand to check his breath. CHARLIE walks past the ladies' room. CHARLIE I feel dirty. Dean: You and me both, sister. CHARLIE The eagle is landing. Going radio-silent. Dean: Let us know when you're out. The screen briefly splits so that we can see both Dean and Sam in the van, and CHARLIE entering DICK ROMAN's office. Sam: So, guess we just wait? Dean: Yeah. CHARLIE puts on gloves and sits down at DICK ROMAN's desk. She plugs in a thumb drive and runs a password generator. CHARLIE Your password is "winning" with two 1's? Ew! The screen briefly splits so we can see both CHARLIE at DICK ROMAN's desk and BILL looking up from reading a magazine. The screen returns to full size. CHARLIE starts to copy DICK ROMAN's files. BILL looks at his watch, then gets up. CHARLIE's file transfer is up to 20%. VAN – NIGHT Sam is filling jars with Power Clean. Dean watches the security footage. INT. RICHARD ROMAN ENTERPRISES – NIGHT BILL knocks on the door of the ladies' room. Bobby watches. Bobby: Okay. Let's Yoda this. The screen splits so that we can see BILL in the hallway, and CHARLIE in DICK ROMAN's office. The door to DICK ROMAN's office closes and locks. BILL and CHARLIE both look towards the sound. VAN – NIGHT Dean watches the security footage. INT. RICHARD ROMAN ENTERPRISES – NIGHT BILL tries to open to the door to DICK ROMAN's office. CHARLIE's download is up to 65%. BILL uses his key to unlock the door. CHARLIE's download is up to 70%. The screen splits so that we can see both BILL looking around in DICK ROMAN's office and Dean in the van. BILL is about to leave the office when he notices CHARLIE's bag on DICK ROMAN's desk. BILL walks to the desk as CHARLIE comes out of an adjoining room wiping her hands on her clothes. CHARLIE Hey, you! BILL What are you doing in here? CHARLIE You said first door on the left, right? CHARLIE walks over to stand between BILL and DICK ROMAN's computer. BILL No, I said first door on the right. CHARLIE Oh! Silly me. I am always forgetting things. Do you know what else I forgot to do? CHARLIE picks up a pen from the desk. Her file download progress message, which is reflected in the window, reads 93%. CHARLIE Give you my phone number. CHARLIE takes BILL's hand to write the number on it. BILL Uh, we really shouldn't be in here. Mr. Roman doesn't like people in his office. CHARLIE I'm sure. Have you seen his bathroom? CHARLIE puts the pen back on the desk. The file download message now reads 100%. She grabs her thumb drive from the computer. CHARLIE Got to go. Call me. VAN – NIGHT Dean: Well, this is awesome. Sam is still filling jars with Power Clean. Dean: You know what? New plan. From now on, we just stay in the van and send in the 90-pound girl. Sam: Dean, every chomper on earth knows our face. How many do you think are in that building? We wouldn't make it past the lobby. Sam rolls his chair over close to Dean. Dean: Yeah, I know. Doesn't mean I got to be happy about sending in freaking Veronica Mars. Sam: She'll be fine... or we'll go in. Dean: And get as far as we can. Damn right. INT. RICHARD ROMAN ENTERPRISES – NIGHT CHARLIE plugs the thumb drive into her computer and takes another drink from the flask. She starts to transfer the contents of the thumb drive to a WiFi I.P. address. VAN – NIGHT CHARLIE (V.O): Hey, guys. Dean: Hey. The scene alternates between CHARLIE at her desk and Dean and Sam in the van. CHARLIE Sending you all the flagged dig files now. Sam: Charlie, you are a genius! CHARLIE I know. It's a problem. A door opens and PETE enters. CHARLIE Damn it. Hey, Pete! Guess we're both on deadline, huh? PETE How's it going? CHARLIE Good, good. I'll give you a full progress report in a few hours. PETE Great. h*t that deadline, right? [He reaches out to squeeze CHARLIE's arm.]Well, holler if you need anything. CHARLIE Hey, guys, you still there? Dean: Yeah. What the hell was that? CHARLIE Oh, just my manager, the monster. Dean: Leave. CHARLIE I can't. I got to act normal. I told him I was working. Let's just finish this. CHARLIE opens a number of DICK ROMAN's emails concerning a package leaving Iran and the suspension of the digs. CHARLIE Are you seeing this? Sam: It looks like Dick stopped digging days ago. CHARLIE Why? Dean: Guess he found what he was looking for. Can you check? CHARLIE Way ahead of you. Looking at travel reports, expenses... Here we go. Something in his suitcase left Iran last week. Spent the last 72 hours in armored cars and private planes. Whatever it is, it's coming here for Dick tonight. So, w-what the hell is it? Dean: I don't know. Whatever it is, he wants it bad, which means we got to grab it, end of story. CHARLIE Well, it's landing at a private airport near here – crap – right about now. A courier's set to pick it up. Dean: What's the exact landing time? CHARLIE 42 minutes. Can you make it? Sam looks at Richard Roman Enterprises and Downey Airport on an online map. Dean: We can try. Uh, all right, Charlie, one more favor, and then get the hell out of there. CUT TO: DICK ROMAN talking on his cell phone. DICK ROMAN Outstanding. And you'll call as soon as the package is in hand? EXT. AIRPORT – NIGHT A LEVIATHAN is waiting outside the cargo depot. LEVIATHAN Absolutely. I'm here waiting. In fact, I've got time for a light snack. INT. RICHARD ROMAN ENTERPRISES – NIGHT CHARLIE removes the thumb drive from her computer. She gets up to leave, then gasps: DICK ROMAN is standing right in front of her. DICK ROMAN Hey, Charlie. I was hoping I'd find you here. EXT. NIGHT An airplane is in the sky. EXT. AIRPORT – NIGHT The plane lands. A suitcase slides along the ground and one of the pilots picks it up. A BAGGAGE HANDLER pulling a cart full of suitcases almost runs into the LEVIATHAN, who is standing near the plane. LEVIATHAN Hey. BAGGAGE HANDLER Sorry. LEVIATHAN Watch it. The BAGGAGE HANDLER puts a blue case on the ground. The LEVIATHAN points to it and looks at the pilots, then nods and picks up the case. He shakes hands with the pilots. CUT TO: the LEVIATHAN leaves the airport building and gets into a waiting black vehicle, which then drives away. Sam and Dean are standing next to the open trunk of their car. Sam: So now what? INT. RICHARD ROMAN ENTERPRISES – NIGHT The LEVIATHAN carries the case into DICK ROMAN's office. DICK ROMAN I've been looking for this for a very, very long time. The LEVIATHAN opens the case. Inside is a bottle of Power Clean, hooked up to a b*mb. DICK ROMAN Now, who could have done that? The b*mb ticks and goes off. CUT TO: CHARLIE at her desk. The scene alternates between CHARLIE at her desk and Dean and Sam in the van. CHARLIE A courier's set to pick it up. Dean: What's the exact landing time? CHARLIE 42 minutes. Can you make it? Dean: We can try. Uh, all right, Charlie, one more favor, and then get the hell out of there. CHARLIE What do you need? Dean: More time. CHARLIE Then let's get you some. CHARLIE types an email to DICK ROMAN from the travel department. CHARLIE Travel department's e-mailing Dick. Suitcase still en route, but diverted by weather and will be 30 minutes late. [She stands up and looks around the office.]I'll finish mopping you guys off the drive and get the hell out of Dodge. Dean: Call us when you're clear. CHARLIE Text you from the border, bro. EXT. AIRPORT – NIGHT A suitcase slides along the ground and one of the pilots picks it up. A BAGGAGE HANDLER pulling a cart full of suitcases almost runs into the LEVIATHAN, who is standing near the plane. LEVIATHAN Hey. BAGGAGE HANDLER Sorry. LEVIATHAN Watch it. The BAGGAGE HANDLER puts a blue case on the ground. This time we see a close-up of his face: it is Sam. The scene repeats again: LEVIATHAN Hey. Sam, crouching down and hiding his face, takes a gray case from the plane. LEVIATHAN Watch it. Sam takes a blue case from the baggage cart and puts it on the ground, and puts the gray case on the baggage cart. The LEVIATHAN picks up the blue case. Sam takes the gray case off the baggage cart and walks away with it. He is joined by Dean. INT. RICHARD ROMAN ENTERPRISES – NIGHT CHARLIE removes the thumb drive from her computer. She gets up to leave, then gasps: DICK ROMAN is standing behind her desk. DICK ROMAN Hey, Charlie. I was hoping I'd find you here. CHARLIE Um, hey, Mr. Roman. DICK ROMAN Please. Dick. PETE walks up. DICK ROMAN Pete, we're good here. Why don't you go grab a bite? PETE leaves. DICK ROMAN Show me what you found. EXT. AIRPORT – NIGHT Sam and Dean are standing next to the open trunk of their car. Sam: So now what? Dean: See what we've won. Dean opens the gray case. Inside is something wrapped in cloth, which Dean uncovers. Sam: Did we just... steal a – a hunk of red clay? Dean: That's a good question. Why don't we answer that a few thousand miles away from here, though? Now where is Charlie? INT. RICHARD ROMAN ENTERPRISES – NIGHT CHARLIE's phone rings. She looks at it, but doesn't answer. DICK ROMAN is standing over her as she sits at her desk. DICK ROMAN So there's nothing about my company? CHARLIE shakes her head. DICK ROMAN Ah. How about a Sam or a Dean? CHARLIE I'm sorry, who? DICK ROMAN Sam and Dean Winchester. Give it a little peek, would you? CHARLIE searches for "Sam + Dean + Winchester". Bobby is standing behind DICK ROMAN. Bobby: Dick Roman. Come on. The girl's right there. Worry about her. DICK ROMAN Is it me, or did it just drop 10 degrees in here? CHARLIE It's a bit nippy, yeah. DICK ROMAN I'll have maintenance check the A.C. I can't have you cold, now, can I? Bobby: You miserable... Damn it, Bobby, come on. "NO RESULTS FOUND" flashes up on CHARLIE's screen. CHARLIE Nothing about those Winchesters. DICK ROMAN If items were deleted from the drive, would you be able to tell? CHARLIE Not if they were deleted properly. DICK ROMAN Well, they're crafty. Have all the data sent to me. CHARLIE Of course. DICK ROMAN So, really, how did you do it? CHARLIE Uh, do what? DICK ROMAN You broke the unbreakable. What's the thought process? Walk me through it, and ix-nay the jargon. CHARLIE Um... nothing's unbreakable, really. Nothing's safe if you poke at it long enough. DICK ROMAN Nothing's safe. I like that. But that isn't what I'm asking, Charlie. Your spark – it's one in a million. Believe me, but when you got it, you invent g*n and iPads and viruses, and, holy crap, you can be crafty. What is that, Charlie? CHARLIE Um – DICK ROMAN 'Cause I can feed every fact in your brain to someone else, they still wouldn't be able to be you. CHARLIE I guess you can't clone me. DICK ROMAN Don't think that doesn't piss me off. DICK ROMAN's phone rings and he answers it. DICK ROMAN Yes. Fantastic. Bring it up to my office. I'll be right there. [He hangs up.]I think we're on to something here. Stay here, will you? I'll be back in two shakes. CHARLIE grabs her bag and hurries down the stairs. CUT TO: The LEVIATHAN carrying the case into DICK ROMAN's office. CUT TO: CHARLIE hurrying down the stairs. CUT TO: The LEVIATHAN opening the case. Inside is a bottle of Power Clean, hooked up to a b*mb. The b*mb ticks and goes off. CUT TO: CHARLIE sprinting for the door to the building. CUT TO: The LEVIATHAN lying on the floor with a b*rned face. DICK ROMAN takes out a handkerchief and uses it to pick up the receiver of the telephone on the desk. His face is also b*rned. DICK ROMAN Nothing issafe, apparently. Lock the building down now! INT. RICHARD ROMAN ENTERPRISES – NIGHT CHARLIE is sprinting for the doors. She reaches them to find them locked. DICK ROMAN, whose face has healed, is riding down in the elevator. Bobby puts his hands against the doors. DICK ROMAN and PETE continue down in the elevator. The glass of the doors shatters around Bobby's hands, but stays in place. DICK ROMAN and PETE reach the ground floor. PETE heads for CHARLIE. PETE Hold on there, Charlie. Bobby shoves PETE, who crashes into CHARLIE, knocking her into a pillar and then onto the ground. Bobby pushes DICK ROMAN into a cabinet. CHARLIE lies on the floor holding her arm and groaning. Sam and Dean crash through the glass doors. The security guard from the foyer approaches. CHARLIE Dean, he's one of them! Dean tosses borax onto PETE. PETE yells and brown smoke rises from his face. Sam punches the security guard. PETE continues to sizzle and scream. Sam picks up CHARLIE. DICK ROMAN That would explain it. You're hanging with the wrong crowd, kiddo. DICK ROMAN starts forward as Sam and Dean move towards the door. Bobby appears in front of DICK ROMAN. Bobby: Not so fast, Dick. Bobby shoves DICK ROMAN hard. DICK ROMAN flies through the air into a large display picture of the Richard Roman Enterprises building and falls to the ground. Dean and Sam watch as Bobby flickers, then reappears and looks back at them before disappearing again. DICK ROMAN growls and sits up. DICK ROMAN All right, enough! Show yourself. Let's do this like real monsters. DICK ROMAN tries to get up, but is shoved back down. DICK ROMAN Ha, ha, ha! You got to do that again. That tickled. Sam: Dean, come on. Come on! Sam, carrying CHARLIE, and Dean leave the building. DICK ROMAN stands up. CAR – NIGHT Dean is driving, Sam is in the passenger seat and CHARLIE is in the back seat. Dean: Charlie, talk to us. You okay? CHARLIE No. Why didn't you k*ll him? Sam: 'Cause we can't yet. But we will. CHARLIE The really evil ones always need a special sword. Oh, okay. I'm gonna pass out now. Bobby is now also visible in the back seat. INT. RICHARD ROMAN ENTERPRISES – NIGHT DICK ROMAN walks into his office, talking angrily on his cell phone. The LEVIATHAN who picked up the case is getting to his feet. DICK ROMAN Because they have it! Now get it back, before they figure the damn thing out! DICK ROMAN tosses his phone down. The LEVIATHAN's face is now healed. LEVIATHAN Please, sir, d-don't bib me. DICK ROMAN Bib you?! Why would I waste a perfectly good meal? DICK ROMAN puts his hands on the LEVIATHAN's shoulders. His face transforms and he lunges at the LEVIATHAN's head. EXT. BUS TERMINAL – DAY A man entering the terminal holds the door open for CHARLIE, Dean and Sam, who are coming out. CHARLIE's arm is in a sling. CHARLIE Thank you. Dean: Thanks. CHARLIE I left your dumb flask on the back seat, by the way. Worst good-luck charm ever. Dean hands CHARLIE her bag. Dean: Here you go. CHARLIE Thanks. Sam: So listen, um, we can't thank you enough. CHARLIE Actually, you can. Never contact me again, like, ever. Deal? CHARLIE holds out her hand and Sam shakes it. Sam: Deal. CHARLIE shakes hands with Dean. Dean: Keep your head down out there, okay? CHARLIE This ain't the first time I've disappeared. You think my name is really Charlie Bradbury? Please. So, good luck saving the world. [She raises a hand in a Vulcan salute.]Peace out, bitches. CHARLIE hands her bag to the bus driver to stow. CHARLIE Thanks a lot. Dean: She's kind of like the little sister I never wanted. Sam: We got to talk. They start to walk. Dean: What, you mean before we get back to the car and the flask? Sam: Exactly. So, what the hell happened back in the lobby, Dean? Dean: Man, if I had a free sh*t, I'd have bitch-slapped the hell out of Dick. Sam: Yeah, but, I mean [He stops and turns to face Dean], Charlie got her freaking arm broken. Dean: He didn't mean to do it. Sam: Exactly. He's not in control, not about Dick. That was vengeful-spirit crap. Dean: I know. But it's still Bobby. Sam: But if he really goes there, he won't be anymore, and then we won't be able to pull him back. And then what are we supposed to do? Dean: I know. Look, let's just figure out what that thing we stole is, and then we'll figure out what the hell to do with Bobby. Dean raises his eyebrows at Sam, then walks off. After a moment, Sam follows him. END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "07x20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo"}
Air Date: 11 May 2012 INT. TELEVISION STUDIO – DAY A hand in front of the camera is counting down. A woman wearing a suit sits in a chair facing the camera. Voice-OVER …Business Watch, with our own Gloria Jane. Gloria: Thanks, Phil. And now we turn our attention to agriculture, where an unlikely personality has now come on to the scene in a major way. We see several video camera views of the scene: Gloria facing the camera, Gloria and DICK ROMAN sitting opposite each other, and DICK ROMAN facing the camera. Gloria: Richard Roman, a CEO whose company dominates the defense and aviation sectors, not to mention being a giant in the motivational-speaking world. DICK ROMAN What can I say, Gloria? I'm a multitasker. Gloria: Clearly. And now you've recently purchased controlling stock in Sucrocorp – among the world's leading manufacturers in high-fructose corn syrup. It's a pleasure to have you with us, Richard. DICK ROMAN Please. "Dick." Gloria: So, tell us, Dick, why the recent fascination with big foods? DICK ROMAN Well, it's no secret we all love to eat, but now Sucrocorp will focus on eating well. Gloria: Help me connect the dots. How will pumping sweeteners into our system make us healthier? DICK ROMAN One word – purity. We're dialing back the additives to deliver the highest quality all-American product you people deserve. America is for go-getters, folks who get off their butts and make it happen. And we need you just as healthy as you can be. Which is why we are diving whole hog into what keeps Americans living longer... and tasting better. [While DICK ROMAN speaks, we see: Gloria You do, of course, mean to say the foodwill be tasting better. DICK ROMAN That's exactly what I mean. SUPERNATURAL INT. TELEVISION STUDIO – DAY Gloria is looking at the video screens with a producer. Gloria: Yeah, very good. DICK ROMAN hands his microphone to an assistant. Susan walks up to DICK ROMAN and puts a briefcase on the desk in front of him. Susan: Your 11 a.m. is waiting in the conference room. DICK ROMAN Thank you, Susan. DICK ROMAN Susan... Are we still looking for a rep in mainstream media? Susan: Yes, we are. DICK ROMAN Wunderbar. Put a replace order on Gloria there. Susan: And with the corpse? DICK ROMAN Call Chef Fieri. I feel like barbecue. INT. OFFICE – DAY EDGAR is seated at a table opposite someone. DICK ROMAN enters. DICK ROMAN Kevin. Dick. I'm very excited to meet you. KEVIN, with his mouth taped shut and his hands tied behind his back, is seated across the table from EDGAR. DICK ROMAN You nervous? Don't be. I'm your biggest fan. [He rips the tape off KEVIN's mouth.]I brought you a present. [He opens his briefcase and takes out the Word of God.]What's that say, Kev? KEVIN I don't know. DICK ROMAN Cute. Edgar? EDGAR takes out a Kn*fe and walks over to KEVIN. KEVIN whimpers. DICK ROMAN Easy, Edgar. Don't scare the boy. EDGAR cuts the binding on KEVIN's hands. DICK ROMAN You know, I've checked, Kevin. Number one in your class, winner of the Chad Kennedy top young scientist prize – all that on top of being Keeper of the Word. You're a clever young man. [He takes a laptop out of his briefcase, opens it and slides it towards KEVIN.]I'm confident you'll make the right choice here. But I see this is a negotiation. [He takes an envelope out of his briefcase.]Well, I will sweeten... the pot. KEVIN What is it? KEVIN picks up the envelope and opens it. DICK ROMAN My sources tell me you're applying to Princeton. Letter of recommendation like that from a man like me – done. KEVIN I can't do it. DICK ROMAN I admire your gumption, kid. But I still think there's some wiggle room here. I tell you what – let's kick it up a notch. See if I can't change your mind. Edgar, that live feed up yet? EDGAR 'Course. EDGAR hits a button on a remote and footage of someone holding a Kn*fe to Mrs TRAN's throat appears on a large screen. KEVIN Ma? Mom?! DICK ROMAN Well, I think this negotiation is concluded. KEVIN whimpers in distress. DICK ROMAN You drive a hard bargain, kid. EXT. RUFUS' CABIN – DAY A red car is parked outside. INT. RUFUS' CABIN – DAY Sam is typing on his laptop at the table. Dean is sitting on the sofa reading the notebook in which KEVIN translated the Word of God. Dean: Okay, man, I have read this more times than the Playboy I found in Dad's duffel. Sam: Anna Nicole? Dean: Anna Nicole. Oh, the good – they die young, huh? Sam exhales and smiles/grimaces. Dean: Look, we can read this till our eyes bleed. It ain't getting any clearer. Sam: Okay. Then what does it mean? Dean: Uh… Cut off the head, and the body will flounder. Sam: Yeah. Dean: Okay. Well, I think we both agree that, uh, the head is Dick. Right? Sam: Right. Dean: So, bottom line is, we go grab the stuff, and we mix ourselves a w*apon. End of story. [He takes a drink from a beer bottle.] Sam: Look, I'm all for k*lling Dick. I'm just saying, what then? I mean, what about the rest of the Leviathan? What, are they gonna just... drop d*ad? Dean: I don't know. Maybe. Sam: Maybe? "Maybe" is good enough for you right now? Dean: One problem at a time, all right? Sam: Okay. But it's not a crazy idea to try and figure out what the catch is before we go crashing the gate. Dean: Maybe this is the catch. God's not telling us every detail. You know? The word isfrom God. I don't know how much better it's gonna get. Bobby is standing behind the sofa. CUT TO: Dean brushing his teeth in the bathroom. As he spits into the sink, the mirror above him mists over. When Dean exhales, his breath is visible. He turns around. Dean: Hey, Bobby. How you feeling? Bobby: Stronger than ever. Now, while you two have been chasing your tails, I've been thinking on that w*apon. Dean: Wait a second. Don't you think you should be saving your strength? Bobby: For what? Dean: I'm just saying you might want to slow down. You don't look so hot. Bobby: I'm in the Veil. My Brad Pitt days are over. Now, the kid says that the only way to k*ll Leviathan is with a bone washed in the three bloods of the fallen. It's got to be from a human as light and good as the Leviathan are hungry and dark. Dean: Yeah. Good luck with that. Bobby: The rest is doable, and doable now. You've already got the fallen angel blood. Now, next up is blood from the ruler of fallen humanity. Now, the best I can tell, that's Crowley. Numero tres is the father of fallen beasts. Dean: Which means...? Bobby: You got to bleed an Alpha. Dean: But they're all d*ad. I mean, every one we found, we rounded up for Crowley, and then Cas whammied them all. Bobby: Well, then, make this Cas' problem, too. Dean: Cas ain't exactly in the problem-solving mode, Bobby. Bobby: Then Crowley! Dean: All right, I get it. I get it. Bobby: Do you?! The mirror behind Dean cracks. Bobby: I'm just sayin'. I have faith that you boys will figure it out. Relax. I'm fine. Just got a little carried away. CUT TO: Sam watching a Sucrocorp video on his laptop. Voice-OVER Here at Sucrocorp, your well-being is our number-one priority. Dean pours himself a whiskey. Voice-OVER Sucrocorp – eat well, live well. Dean: Little FYI. Bobby's officing out of the John these days. Sam: Uh... awkward. Dean sits down at the table opposite Sam. Dean: Yeah, you're telling me. Uh, he does have some ideas about the w*apon, though. Sam: Really? Well, uh, he may be just in time. Sam turns the laptop around to show Dean an article titled "Roman Acquires Sucrocorp." Dean: "Roman acquires..." What's Sucrocorp? Sam: They make food additives, namely high-fructose corn syrup. That crap is in – well, it's in just about everything – um, soda, sauces, bread. Dean: Don't say "pie." Sam: Definitely pie. Dean: Bastards. So now what? Roman's moved past restaurants? Sam: And into grocery stores, Gas n' Sips, vending machines. Dean: What can we do about it? Sam: Short of going Al Qaeda on their trucks and plants, there's nothing we can do about it. The laptop closes and Sam and Dean jump. Dean: Like I said, uh, Bobby's got some ideas. CUT TO: Dean putting a bowl down on a table that is set up with chalk symbols, a bottle of blood and candles. He slices his hand with a pocketknife and drips his blood into the bowl. Sam: Et ad congregandum eos coram me. Sam lights a match and tosses it into the bowl. Flames rise up from the bowl and CROWLEY appears. CROWLEY Hello, boys. INT. OFFICE – DAY KEVIN is typing on the laptop, next to which are the Word of God and DICK ROMAN's recommendation letter. DICK ROMAN stands behind him. DICK ROMAN That's some bracing pRose you're putting down there, Kevin. You all done? KEVIN [nods]Um-hmm. DICK ROMAN You've done well. Princeton will be lucky to have you. KEVIN What about my mom? DICK ROMAN [to EDGAR]Make the call. EDGAR takes out his phone and makes a call. EDGAR Release her. But stress the consequences of talking. DICK ROMAN Kevin, I'm gonna request the pleasure of your company a tad longer. [to EDGAR]You, on the other hand, I need to drop in on an old friend. INT. RUFUS' CABIN – DAY CROWLEY So, that's what all the "rumble, rumble" was about. Dean: Who translated it for you? Never mind. You gonna give us the blood or not? CROWLEY Happily. But not quite yet. I'm all for chopping Dick, but I can't have you running around with a vial of my blood, now, can I? You know the sheer number of nefarious spells my enemies can use that blood for? Dean: Well, then when? CROWLEY Last. After you've got all the other components. Most difficult, the angel part, I'm assuming. Given your role in their little apocalypse, I can't imagine the choirboys upstairs are wetting their vestments to do you – what's the word? – a solid. Unless, of course, you have an angel up your sleeve. Dean: Well, that'd be convenient, but, uh, no. Sam: Don't worry about it. We'll get the angel blood one way or another. We just need you to be ready next time we call. CROWLEY Fine. Oh, here's a tip. I have it on good authority there's one Alpha still among us. Dean: Whose authority? CROWLEY Mine. Wily character, that Alpha vampire. Somehow made good his prison break before Cas went nuclear on the place. Dean: And you know this how? CROWLEY Keep your friends close, your enemies, blah blah. Needless to say, I keep tabs. He moves around quite a bit. But I have an inkling I know where to start the Easter-egg hunt. Happy trails. CROWLEY disappears. Dean: Okay. Where, jackass?! Flames rise on the table. As they die down, we see that words have been carved into the table. Sam: Hoople, North Dakota. Dean: Piece of paper would have worked. EXT. HOOPLE GAS N' SIP – DAY Dean is leaning next to the trunk of the car as it fills with gas. Sam is leaning against the passenger side. Sam: Hey. Sam makes a motion with his hand to indicate drinking from a flask. Dean takes the flask out of his jacket pocket and puts it in the car. Dean then hangs up the gas pump and he and Sam walk towards the store. Sam: He seem angry? Dean: Angry? Of course he's angry. If you were Bobby, wouldn't you be? Sam: But was he showing signs of fatigue, like – like fritzing? Dean: No, actually, it was just the opposite. He said he never felt stronger. Sam: That's what I was afraid of. INT. HOOPLE GAS N' SIP – DAY Sam: The stronger he gets, the closer he comes to going full vengeful spirit. That's reality. We need to talk about what we're going to do with him. Dean: Do with him? Sam: Yeah. Dean: Three weeks ago, you were – you were talking how this could work. And now – now you want to go Kevorkian on his ass? Sam: I'm just saying that the lore doesn't have a single real-life example of Casper the Friendly Ghost. It's all basically poltergeists until a hunter comes along... Dean: Yeah, well, the lore sucks. Sam: I'm talking pure hatred, Dean. No humanity. I mean, he could... k*ll... possess people. I mean, Bobby could burn this friggin' building down. Look, if he goes off the rails – Dean: Hey. Sam: What? Dean: Check out that guy over there. He seem a little out of it to you? They look at a man who is pumping mustard onto a hot dog. Sam: I-I don't know. Maybe. Dean: What about Paula Deen over here? They look at a woman who is staring at a refrigerator containing beer. Sam: Yeah, they – they look like, uh... The man is still pumping mustard onto his hot dog. Another man is slurping a giant slushie through a straw. Sam: …like those Turducken people. It's starting. [He picks up a can and reads the ingredients.]It's the corn syrup. Everything in the store is laced with it. Dean: Everything? The first man continues to pump mustard onto his hot dog. Dean: Hey, man, I'm gonna go into toxic shock, okay? I-I... I need my road food. Sam: That's what Roman is banking on. Dean: Hey. Hey. [He holds up a pie in a plastic container.]This one says "natural." Th-th-that means it's safe. Right? Sam puts the pie back on the shelf. Sam: I hate to break it to you, but corn syrup isnatural, technically. Sam holds up a basket containing bananas and bottled water. Dean: Well, then what the hell are we supposed to eat? EXT. LARGE HOUSE – NIGHT Dean is looking through binoculars from the driver's seat of the parked car. Dean: It's totally dark. I can't see inside. Sam is in the passenger seat and Bobby in the back seat. Sam: Well, should we wait for daylight? Bobby: Hell no, we're not waiting. I'll scout it. See if we need to bring in the big g*n. Sam: I don't know. Bobby flickers and disappears. Sam: Look, Bobby... Sam and Dean look at the empty back seat. Dean looks at the house through binoculars again. Bobby reappears. Bobby: Okay. Place is clear. But there's something you're gonna want to see. INT. LARGE HOUSE – NIGHT Bobby, Dean and Sam enter a large room. Dean and Sam are carrying machetes. Three bodies are laid out on a table. Dean: Careful. Dean leans over to look at one of the bodies, which has pointed teeth and is badly b*rned around the mouth and neck. The next body is also badly b*rned in the lower half of its face. INT. LARGE HOUSE – NIGHT Dean: You know a way to k*ll vamps with battery acid? Bobby: Only way I know is beheading. Sam: Well, something didn't agree with them. Hey. Check out that wall. Something seem weird to you? Dean: Yeah, see if you can find a switch or a lever or something. Bobby: Don't need one. Bobby walks through the wall into a pink bedroom. A young Woman is sitting on the floor leaning against the bed with her back to Bobby. On the other side of the wall, Sam moves books on a bookcase. He picks up one titled "How To Serve Man." Sam: Hey. Sam holds up the book for Dean to see and then presses a button that was behind the book on the bookcase. Concealed doors in front of Dean spring open, revealing Bobby and the Young Woman, who gets to her feet. Dean and Sam enter the room. The Young Woman, who is wearing a floral pink dress or nightgown and holding a teddy bear, takes a step back against the mantelpiece. Sam: Dean. Machete. Sam and Dean sheathe their machetes. Dean: Hey. Look. We're not gonna hurt you. Okay? [He shows his teeth.]No fangs. See? Sam: We just want to talk. CUT TO: the Young Woman sitting in a chair, holding a cup of tea. Dean's jacket is around her shoulders. Young Woman: I was 8. My mom left me at the playground while she ran to the store. A man approached me and said I was the prettiest girl there. And I've been living with these... things... ever since. At least until now. Sam: Do you have any idea why? Young Woman: I'm one of his special girls. All the others, it was their job to make sure I was ready for the Alpha, whenever he came. Wash me... give me my IV bags every day. It's my only food. So my blood's pure. Dean: They've been doing this for, what, 12 years? Young Woman: Virgins are a delicacy. He always has at least one of us on hand. Sam: Well, don't worry, okay? We're gonna get you back to your mother. Young Woman: Think she remembers me? Sam: Of course she does. Don't you remember her? The Young Woman shakes her head. Dean: Hey, these, uh... these guys [he turns towards the d*ad vampires on the table]– they, uh, friends of yours? Young Woman: They take care of the Alpha when he's here. Or did. Sam: What happened to them? Young Woman: A week ago, they came back from what they said was an easy hunt. Three humans just came, didn't put up any fight. But when they started on them, the vampires screamed in pain. The ones who ate died immediately. Sam: And the ones who didn't? Young Woman: There was only one. When he saw what happened, he moved to animals. He's out hunting as we speak. Dean: Never heard of vamps being allergic to humans before. Sam: You think maybe it's the corn syrup? I mean, think about it. The Gas n' Sip was lousy with stoners. All ripe for the picking. Dean: She did say it was an easy hunt. Sam: Do you know where the Alpha is now? Young Woman: I don't know. Maybe. He has a place he goes when something's wrong. He calls it his retreat. Sam takes out his phone. Sam: All right. Young Woman: What is that? Dean: That's, uh, that's Sam's douche tracker. Helps us find the Alpha. All we need's an address. Young Woman: I don't know. But I remember things that maybe can help. Sam: That's okay. Just do the best you can. INT. LARGE HOUSE – NIGHT A VAMPIRE with blood around his mouth enters. He sees the open doors to the Young WOMAN's room, walks into the room and looks around. He appears alarmed at finding it empty. A Man speaks from the large room behind him. Man: Finally. The VAMPIRE's teeth descend and he turns around. We see that the Man is EDGAR. EDGAR I'd run out of magazines. Quick question. Where's your boss? The VAMPIRE rushes at EDGAR and raises an arm to strike him. EDGAR catches his hand and squeezes it. We hear the sound of bones breaking. The VAMPIRE groans and drops to his knees in pain. EDGAR Let's try that again. Where is he? VAMPIRE Go to hell. EDGAR No. My neighborhood is worse than that. EDGAR's teeth transform into those of a vampire. He then takes on the rest of the VAMPIRE's form. EDGAR [in a deep, distorted voice]Missoula, Montana. [in a normal voice]Was that so hard? EDGAR backhands the VAMPIRE and there is the sound of flesh tearing. EXT. SUPERMARKET – DAY Dean and Sam leave the store. Sam is carrying a bag of fresh vegetables and fruit. Dean: I can't do this, man. I can't live on rabbit food. I'm – I'm a warrior. Sam: Dean, you'll be fine. Dean: You don't know that. Sam: So what's next on the list? Dean: Well, if we're bum-rushing the Alpha, then we're gonna need d*ad man's blood, which means a morgue. Or... Sam: Or what? Sam follows Dean's gaze to a Man sitting on a nearby bench, drinking from a large takeout cup through a straw. Dean: Dude, forget the morgue. We are swimming in vamp poison. Sam: Excuse me, sir. Hi. We, uh, we're with the... Red Cross? See, we have an emergency shortage. [He holds up his FBI badge.]And we're gonna need you to... The Man looks vacantly at Sam. Sam: You're not getting a word I'm saying, are you? Dean: Hey. [He snaps his fingers in front of the MAN's face and sits down next to him.]Hold out your arm. We need your blood. Sam: Dude! The Man holds out his arm. Dean: All right, Sam. [He takes a syringe out of his jacket pocket and hands it to Sam.]Tap the keg. Sam: Here? Dean: Yeah, Sam, look around. It's friggin' Woodstock. Everybody's hopped up on the brown acid. We don't need the song and dance. Give him a little prick. Sam takes the syringe. Dean puts an arm along the bench behind the Man, who smiles at him. Sam sits down on the bench on the other side of the Man and pushes the needle into the back of the MAN's hand. Man: Oww! That hurts. [Sam draws blood.]This is for Hurricane Katrina, you said? Dean: Yes. Yes, I did. Sam: So, look, uh... When we get there... Dean: Yeah? Sam looks at their car. The Young Woman is in the back seat. Sam: Bobby's gonna have to hang back. Do you disagree? Dean: He ain't gonna like it. I mean, he helped us in getting Emily. Sam: Look, I'm Team Bobby, too. Okay? But there's a reason we left him in the car with Emily. You know that. The more action he sees, the more chance he gets to spin out. Dean: All right, fine. So, we'll keep him off the front lines, and he can just, you know, keep calm and carry on, right? A police car drives slowly behind them. w*r's "Why Can't We Be Friends?" plays. ♪ I seen you walkin' down in Chinatown ♪ Sam: Well, and if he can't? The police car siren blares. Sam hurriedly puts the syringe away. ♪ I called you but you could not look around ♪ ♪ Why can't we be friends? ♪ ♪ Why can't we be friends? ♪ The police car drives off. The Man continues to slurp on his drink. CAR – NIGHT Dean: When they hauled you off to vamp camp, do you remember how long the drive was? EMILY We left at night. Got in before dawn. Sam: So, six, seven hours? EMILY I think so, yes. Sam: Do you remember any highways? EMILY No. We only took back roads. Sam: Okay. So, figure they averaged 45 miles per – Dean: Couldn't have been more than 300 miles. Sam: Right. Dean: What direction were you going? EMILY I don't know. I'm sorry. Sam: Oh, that's okay. Em, you're doing great. Um...is there anything else you remember? EMILY Bells. As we pulled up, I heard these loud bells. Sam: It was still dark out? Dean: You thinking church? Sam: No, that's too early. It could have been a monastery. Monks get up at 4 a.m. to pray. Dean: Ugh. Can't get laid. Can't sleep in. A friggin' tragedy. Sam looks something up on his phone. Dean: Okay, so, Alpha's camping next to a, uh, monkey house. [He looks at Sam for his reaction.]How many we got in range? Sam: Looks like one. Just outside, uh... They drive past a sign that says "Welcome to Missoula, Mt." EXT. MONASTERY – NIGHT Dean and Sam's car is parked outside the monastery gates. EMILY This is where he took me. Someone appears to be patrolling the monastery grounds and another person is on the roof. Sam: Are you sure? EMILY [nods]What now? Dean: We'll get you someplace safe. Circle back and Ginsu these leeches. INT. MOTEL – DAY Voice ON TELEVISION 1 ...[indistinct]but she couldn't get it. Voice ON TELEVISION 2 Yes, the famous Fleur-de-lis mansion. $125 million estate... EMILY is sitting on the bed watching television. Dean is packing a duffel bag. Dean walks over to Sam and holds out a syringe. Dean: All right, here we go. 10 ccs of Vamptonite. [Sam gives him a look.]It's a thing. EMILY What's a Kardashian? Dean: Oh, that's, uh... just another bloodsucker. [EMILY looks worried.]No, it – it's... a joke. Dean walks over to the safe. Sam: Here. If we're not back by dawn, call this number – Jody Mills. She's a friend. [He gives EMILY a piece of paper.]She'll take care of you. Here, use this phone. Dean: You gotta hang here. [He puts the flask in the safe.]For your own good. Capiche? EMILY Sam? Thank you. Sam: You bet. Dean opens the door and it slams shut. He and Sam look at EMILY. Dean: It was the wind. [quietly]Chill out, Bobby. We'll be back soon. Dean opens the door again and he and Sam leave the room. Bobby is standing near the door inside the room. CUT TO: Sam and Dean in the motel hallway. Sam: Well, he didn't take thatvery well. Dean: How'd you think he was gonna take it? Sam runs into a cart being pushed by a maid. Maid: Excuse me. Sam: Sorry. CUT TO: EMILY watching TV in the motel room. Bobby is standing behind her. Voice ON TELEVISION 3 …right our way, and it's bringing anywhere from, we're going to say, about half an inch to an inch of rain before it's finished, and, uh, and some pretty breezy conditions as well. So, tomorrow, we're going to start off pretty much like we did today. We're going to enjoy another stunning morning… EMILY crumples up the piece of paper Sam gave her and makes a call. Voice ON TELEVISION 3 …but don't forget to grab that umbrella before you head out the door, because that rain is going to be coming down just in time I guess for your afternoon and evening. EMILY Hi, daddy. Voice ON TELEVISION 4 Now Gloria's got something that'll take our minds off … Bobby: Why, you little schemer. EMILY No, I'm close by. Sending you a present. Gloria appears on the TV next to a Sucrocorp logo. Gloria: And that's Dick Roman. EMILY leaves the room. Gloria: Yesterday I introduced you to this rising star in American business. In this hour, we'll go behind the scenes and answer the question everyone's been asking for months – what makes Dick so hard to b*at? Voice ON TELEVISION 5 Well thank you, Gloria… Bobby: You son of a bitch. EXT. MONASTERY – DAY Dean and Sam are sitting in the car outside the monastery gates. Dean: Well, this time of day, most of them would be catching z's. They won't know what h*t them. [Sam doesn't respond.]Hey. You with me? Sam: Yeah. Dean: But? Sam: Are you sure you just want to charge in there, machetes blazing? Last time, it took a dozen hunters to take down the Alpha. And most of them didn't make it out. Dean: Yeah, well, you got a better idea? CUT TO: Sam and Dean walking up to the front door of the monastery. Dean: Stupid, stupid, stupid. Sam holds up a finger. They climb the stairs and Sam pushes on the front door, which is unlatched. Sam: Dean. Dean: Maybe we're too late. As Sam steps inside, someone grabs him from just inside the door. Dean: Sam! Dean lunges after Sam. A vampire waiting behind the door grabs him. INT. MOTEL – DAY DICK ROMAN is speaking on television. DICK ROMAN You know, where I'm from, you have to bite and claw your way to the top. Once you get there, trust me, the view's incredible. Bobby is trying to open the safe. DICK ROMAN I've got a lot to show the American people. Bobby: Okay, Dean's birthday. DICK ROMAN …Gloria, that will really put what we're talking about in perspective… Bobby: Sam's birthday. DICK ROMAN I'm making some very big moves right now, risking... The television shows DICK ROMAN and Susan walking past a sign that says "We're in everything." Bobby: Damn it! A lamp flies off the bedside table, a drawer opens, the light bulb in another lamp shatters, the mirror cracks and a f*re roars in the fireplace and the bathroom door slams. Someone knocks at the door. Bobby: Son of a bitch. Maid: Everything okay in there? Bobby: Mybirthday. The MAID enters. Maid: Hello? The MAID crosses her arms, looking cold. Her breath is visible. She turns and jumps as Bobby materializes. Bobby: I need your help. Maid: Get away from me. She turns in the other direction, but Bobby materializes in front of her again. Bobby: Listen, I need out of here. Maid: Please! The MAID runs for the door. Bobby lunges after her and possesses her. The MAID falls to the ground. She sits up slowly and brushes away dark liquid which runs from one of her eyes. Maid: [in a deep voice]Just need you a little while. The MAID gets up and walks across the room. Reflected in the broken mirror, we see Bobby opening the safe. The camera angle then changes to the MAID opening the safe, then back to Bobby reflected in the mirror removing the flask, then back to the MAID. The MAID leaves the room. Maid: [in a deep voice]Just till I get the bastard. INT. MONASTERY – DAY We see a close-up of a man's hand with very long fingernails. It belongs to the ALPHA VAMPIRE, who is sitting at the head of a dining table. Sam and Dean are brought into the room by two VAMPIRES and stand at the other end of the table with the VAMPIRES behind them. ALPHA VAMPIRE The Winchesters. I'm intrigued. EMILY enters the room. Sam: Emily. EMILY walks over to lean on the ALPHA VAMPIRE's chair. EMILY Hi, Sam. Dean: Wow. For a girl raised in a basement, you're a hell of an actress. EMILY You were gonna hurt my daddy. ALPHA VAMPIRE Hmm. Dean: Wow. You get a trophy in Stockholm Syndrome. And sorry to burst your bubble, but, uh... we weren't. Sam here had a better idea. Sam: We're here to talk. That's it. ALPHA VAMPIRE [laughs]Now that my guys have taken your blades and your syringes of tainted blood. Is that what you mean? Dean: Well, we, uh... figured you might hold a grudge. ALPHA VAMPIRE And why would I? Because you captured me, tortured me, sold me to the king of Hell? Dean: That was more our grandpa. The VAMPIRE standing behind Dean grabs Dean and slams his head against the table. Dean falls to his knees and grunts as he gets back up. Dean: Thank you. That was awesome. ALPHA VAMPIRE I'm going to peel off your faces and drink you slowly. Sam: Just listen. You needus. ALPHA VAMPIRE Oh, yes. I am thirsty! Sam: The plague! We know what it is! What do you know about Leviathan? ALPHA VAMPIRE A bit. Sam: You know they're poisoning the food supply? ALPHA VAMPIRE Roman didn't mention that when we met for dinner last fall. We made lots of plans. We are on excellent terms, he and I. Dean: You sure about that? Did he mention that he was going to... Maui wowie the human population? ALPHA VAMPIRE Oh, of course. He said grabbing a snack would be easier than ever. Sam: He said you'd all live together, didn't he? You really believe him? You think your children are dying by accident? There is pesticide in the formula! ALPHA VAMPIRE It suits you to think so. You need me on your side. Sam: Look, we're not the ones burning from the inside out. Think about it. Whatever deal he made with you was crap! Trust us! ALPHA VAMPIRE Why are you telling me this? Sam: Because we can stop Dick. Stop all of it. We just... We need your blood – for the w*apon. ALPHA VAMPIRE [laughs]So now you want to prevent the extermination of the vampire race. Dean: No. But it beats going down with you. There is the sound of a door opening. ALPHA VAMPIRE Allan, darling... A young boy walks towards the ALPHA VAMPIRE. ALPHA VAMPIRE Come. ALLAN stands on the other side of the ALPHA VAMPIRE's chair to EMILY. Dean: Well, the creep gets creepier. ALPHA VAMPIRE What's wrong? ALLAN Edgar's here. Dean and Sam look at each other. The ALPHA VAMPIRE touches ALLAN's jacket in dismissal and ALLAN leaves. Dean: Wow, what a funny coincidence. All right, we need soap, uh, cleanser, anything with borax in it. We need knives. ALPHA VAMPIRE Put them in the study. Sam: What? No. No, wait. ALPHA VAMPIRE Word of advice, boys. You do not live through centuries of f*re and ice and continental divide... by jumping to conclusions. The VAMPIRES push Dean and Sam towards the door. Dean: Okay. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Sam: You're making a mistake! Listen! Wait! ALPHA VAMPIRE [to EMILY]Never hurts to get the story first. CUT TO: Sam and Dean being pushed into the study. Dean: Hey. Hey! A vampire closes the door. Dean and Sam look around the study. Bags of blood are in a refrigerated cabinet. Empty bags hang from medical stands. CUT TO: A vampire placing a bottle of wine in a chilling bowl on the dining table, which is now set for dinner. EMILY is standing next to the ALPHA VAMPIRE at the head of the table. EDGAR walks into the room and stands at the foot of the table near several drops of Dean's blood. ALPHA VAMPIRE Edgar. I would've whipped you up a meal. Please, sit. I'm dying to know why you're here. EDGAR I think you know. ALPHA VAMPIRE And how is that? EDGAR I smell Sam and Dean Winchester. INT. MONASTERY – DAY Dean tries to open the locked door of the study. Dean: Anything? Sam: Nothing. Sam is looking at the windows. Sam: You think Edgar's here for the Same reason we are? I mean, look, if they figured out that we're here to get Alpha blood for a w*apon... Dean: I think any way you slice it, you got Pac Man and True Blood in the Same room and that's bad news. I mean, he's not stupid. Why the hell do you think he locked us in here? Sam: Dean, we're his enemy. I mean, they're like monster cousins or something. Who would you give the benefit of the doubt to? Man, you know what? Maybe the Sucro ispoisoning the vamps on accident. Maybe they'll fix it. Dean: I think you got the oldest monster on earth thinking that he can hold his own because he always has. Sam: Edgar's gonna eat him alive. Dean: Yeah. Hey. [He holds up a needle that's attached to one of the empty blood bags.]You think you could pick a lock with this? Sam takes the needle. Sam: But, Dean... We gave up all our Vamptonite. Dean: Did we? Dean takes a syringe out of his boot. CUT TO: the dining room. ALPHA VAMPIRE Do you want the boys? Yes? You're welcome to them. I'll have them sent out. EDGAR How kind of you. ALPHA VAMPIRE Oh, Edgar... You do know why Sam and Dean are here, don't you? They insist that you're exterminating us, and I thought, well, that's... impossible. Must be a mistake. EDGAR You're right. Of course. CUT TO: Dean and Sam coming down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, a VAMPIRE grabs Sam from behind. Dean plunges the syringe into the VAMPIRE's neck. The VAMPIRE screams and his flesh starts to burn. He falls to the ground and dies. Dean: Wow. Sam: Vamptonite. Dean: Friggin' vamptonite. All right, we need knives. There's got to be a prep room or a kitchen somewhere. Come on. CUT TO: the dining room. ALPHA VAMPIRE Here's what I don't understand, Edgar. You are aware that your little additive has side effects, yes? EDGAR Dick warned you there might be kinks. ALPHA VAMPIRE Yes. He also said he'd be in touch. My children are in a panic. You don't call, you don't write, you don't send cookies. Where exactly on the list is fixing our plague? EDGAR My dear friend... nowhere. We wantyou to burn like the little roaches you are. EDGAR puts a hand on the ALPHA VAMPIRE's shoulder. The ALPHA VAMPIRE pushes him backwards. ALPHA VAMPIRE Roman said if I kept quiet, I would get my reward. EDGAR And now you get to lay down and die. Nothing personal. Our additive kills the wolves, too... the shifters, and those disgusting little things that eat corpses. Anything with a taste for human. Except us. Mankind's a limited resource, after all. ALPHA VAMPIRE [advancing on EDGAR]There are seven [i]billion...[i]of them. EDGAR Only seven. EDGAR pushes the ALPHA VAMPIRE so that he falls against the table. EMILY screams. The ALPHA VAMPIRE stands up. ALPHA VAMPIRE We come from you. EDGAR Barely. ALPHA VAMPIRE I am the son of Eve! EDGAR A pathetic mutt. Hardly one of us. I knew Eve, and honestly... your mommy was a whore. The ALPHA VAMPIRE's teeth transform and he lunges at EDGAR, pushing him into the wall. He grabs the chilling bucket from the table and tosses the contents at EDGAR. EDGAR's skin starts to sizzle and burn, but he straightens up and punches the ALPHA VAMPIRE. EDGAR Don't squirm. I need every last drop. EDGAR's face transforms. Dean advances on him from behind. EDGAR turns to face Dean, his face returning to normal. He catches Dean's arm, knocking the machete Dean was holding to the ground. EDGAR grabs Dean's lapels. Sam cuts off EDGAR's head from behind. Dean: Grab a glass. We're juicing this freak. EMILY No! Dean: Stay back! The ALPHA VAMPIRE sends Dean flying over the table. ALPHA VAMPIRE Leave her alone. She's been through quite enough. Sam: Now, that's rich... coming from the guy who took her off the swing-set. ALPHA VAMPIRE Do you want to do this fight? Or do you want my blood? The ALPHA VAMPIRE sits down at the head of the table and slices his wrist with one of his long fingernails. He lets his blood drip into a glass, then rises and offers the glass to Sam. ALPHA VAMPIRE For taking care of Edgar. Now go. Sam: What about the little boy? ALPHA VAMPIRE Are you joking? Dean: Do we look like we're joking? How many other kids you got in here, you freak? ALPHA VAMPIRE At the moment, just him. Emily... help Allan with his coat. He's leaving with Sam and Dean. Now, take it. Sam takes the glass and he and Dean walk towards the door. ALPHA VAMPIRE What? No "thank you"? Oh, right, right. Your flesh is crawling. All you really want to do is k*ll me now. You hate having to wait and come back and try again. Dean: Pretty much. I wouldn't leave that head too close to that body for too long. ALPHA VAMPIRE See you next season. Dean: Looking forward to it. [i]INT. MOTEL – DAY Dean and Sam are walking down the hallway. Dean: Let's never do that again. Cops thought we took that kid. Sam: Long as he gets back to his folks, I don't care what they thought. Dean: We had to jump out a freakin' window, man. Dean sees that the door to their room is ajar. He and Sam take out their g*n. Dean opens the door and turns on the light. He sees the cracked mirror. Dean: Bobby. Bobby? Sam: Dean? [He shows Dean the open door of the safe.]He's gone. INT. MOTEL – DAY Sam: I'm getting trace bits of EMF, but it's fading fast. And Bobby's probably been gone three or four hours. He's got the flask, Dean. How the hell are we supposed to track him? Look, I hate to say this... Dean: Well, then don't. He's gone. [He laughs briefly and sighs.]How could he do this... now? I mean, we've got half the freakin' w*apon, we're almost there. Sam: It's not him. I mean, he's not thinking. Dean: So, what, we just keep going while he's out there like this? Sam: Do we have any other option? I mean, it's what he'd want us to do. Right? Dean: Yeah. Yeah, him and Frank and Cas, if his marbles were in the bag. It's a good thing we got Crowley in our corner. Right? Seeing as how it all comes down to him. What could possibly go wrong? INT. SUCROCORP OFFICE – DAY DICK ROMAN tosses a lit match into a bowl with candles on either side. CROWLEY appears. CROWLEY Hello... [He looks up and the large light fixture above him changes to a devil's trap]Dick. DICK ROMAN Mr. Crowley, we have so much to talk about. Take a seat. END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "07x22 - There Will Be Blood"}
Air Date: 18 May 2012 The episode opens with a montage of the season's events to Kansas's "Carry on Wayward Son." INT. SUCROCORP OFFICE – DAY DICK ROMAN How do you take it? CROWLEY Alcoholic. Shall we get on with this, then? DICK ROMAN Just extending the hand of hospitality. CROWLEY To a mutation like me? Tired of swimming in hot garbage, are we? DICK ROMAN [laughs]That was a little colorful, huh? Well... didn't mean to [he hands CROWLEY a glass]offend. CROWLEY Of course you did. So, if you're suddenly calling, I guess you're up to speed on the Winchesters, which means you intercepted the Prophet. And the Prophet told you that my blood is the key to everything. [He drains his drink.]You know what I like about you? DICK ROMAN Lack of pretension? CROWLEY You're smarter than you look. DICK ROMAN Oh, well, now you're just flirting. DICK ROMAN gets up to pour more drinks. CROWLEY Not easy... to k*ll me, but doable. Especially for you lot. You k*ll angels. You can certainly wipe a demon off the board. And yet, here we are, negotiating like proper psychopaths. DICK ROMAN Well, I assume you have a vial of your blood stashed somewhere, and in the event of your death, it goes directly to Sam and Dean. [He hands CROWLEY another drink.] CROWLEY See? Smart assumption. DICK ROMAN One can't live on looks alone. Here's my offer. CROWLEY All ears. DICK ROMAN Full immunity for you and your constituency. I'm talking free-range grazing for all demonkind. I'm willing to cordon off, say, Canada. You and your crew can work your little deals, have your way with the locals. CROWLEY Allof Canada? DICK ROMAN Have it. CROWLEY Fair. And down here? DICK ROMAN America's ours. Your sales team stays out – period. That's not up for negotiation. We need America. They're so fat. CROWLEY And in exchange? DICK ROMAN takes a vial out of his jacket pocket. DICK ROMAN The blood of one sadly unimpressive demon in New Jersey. All I ask is that you give it to Frick and Frack, tell them it's yours, stand back, and let them come to me. [He gives the vial to CROWLEY.] CROWLEY I can't deny I long to see those two digested once and for all. You have a deal. I suppose you want it in writing? DICK ROMAN I don't kiss on the mouth. CROWLEY Your loss. I just so happen to have a standard rider... [he takes a scroll out of his jacket]right here. CROWLEY unfurls the scroll, which is very long. DICK ROMAN grimaces. CROWLEY holds up a magnifying glass. CROWLEY I do so like this part. Don't you? SUPERNATURAL CAR – NIGHT Sam: All right. Exit's in 3 miles. Dean: I still say this is a bad idea. Sam: Dean, it was your idea, and it was the best one either of us had. Dean: I said it as a joke. Sam: It was a bad joke – good idea. Dean: Yeah, only because we got no magic spell, no book – nothing on how to find a freakin' righteous bone. Sam: We can call Castiel again. Dean: Dude, on my car, he showed up naked... covered in bees. Sam: Yeah, I'm not really sorry I missed that. Dean turns on the radio. Man's Voice ON Radio ...The price of stock h*t an all-time high following Roman's acquisition of Sucrocorp. I say Roman's a buy. Woman's Voice ON Radio Got to disagree with you there. I'm gonna call him a "wait and watch." Man's Voice ON Radio Come on, Lawshe. You're k*lling me. Woman's Voice ON Radio Hear me out. This is a new sector for Roman. Man's Voice ON Radio That's right. He's holed up at Sucrocorp headquarters right now. Woman's Voice ON Radio So sit tight. This – Dean switches off the radio. Dean: Holed up at Sucrocorp, huh? Dean and Sam look at each other. EXT. STREET – NIGHT INT. SUCROCORP OFFICE – NIGHT We see a close-up of the large devil's trap in the light fixture. CROWLEY is reading from his scroll. CROWLEY "Should the party of the first part…" We see a close-up of the scroll. It appears to be written in Latin and mentions Sam and Dean Winchester. CROWLEY "…fail to inform the party of the second part of his intent…" DICK ROMAN Pause right there. Correct me – that should be "party of the second part vis-a-vis party of the first part," 'cause we just amended clause [CROWLEY mouths the words along with him]314-sub-a. That's right. You should do this professionally. CROWLEY Splendid. So, "Should the party of the second part…" INT. CRYPT – NIGHT Dean: Well, I guess if we can't find a righteous bone in a friggin' nunnery crypt. Sam: All right. Here – listen to this. Sister Mary Benedict, uh, taught the learning-impaired and died at age 23. Dean: Eh, it's a little young. Find someone who's had time to cook. Sam is reading from a large book. Sam: Okay, well, there was, uh... here – Sister Mary Eunice. Uh, fed the poor, became Mother Superior at age 60. Dean: Sounds political. Power corrupts. Sam: Right. Um... listen to this – Sister Mary Constant, 83 years of quiet, humble nun-like goodness. What do you think? Dean: Wow. I want to be more righteous just reading this. Sam: Exactly. Dean: All right, well, I lay odds on her. Here we go. [He walks over to a plaque bearing the name of Sister Mary Constant.]Well... let's bone this nun. [Sam makes a face.]Sorry. Dean smashes the coffin with a mallet. INT. SUCROCORP OFFICE – DAY CROWLEY "...in which case, the party of the second part forfeits all rights to Canada ad infinitum." I think we're done here. DICK ROMAN Susan! Susan enters. Susan: Yes, sir. DICK ROMAN Take this from Mr. Crowley, make triplicates, get pens and a notary. We're ready to sign this puppy. INT. Rufus's CABIN – DAY Dean tosses a lit match into a bowl. Flames rise and then die down. Dean and Sam look around. Dean: Is he trying to make a grand entrance or...? Sam: I don't know... Dean: Son of a bitch. He's standing us up. Sam: Well, we summoned him. Doesn't he kind of have to – Dean: If Crowley wants to screw you, he'll screw you. Sam: Or... he can'tcome 'cause something went wrong. Dean: Maybe. There is a knock at the door. Sam takes out his g*n. Dean: Maybe it's good news. Sam looks through a hole in the door, then opens the door to let in Meg. Meg: You deal with him. I can't anymore. Dean: You might want to be more specific. Meg: I was laying low halfway across the world when emo boy pops up out of nowhere and zaps me right back here. Dean: Why? Meg: Go ask him. He was your boyfriend first. EXT. Rufus's CABIN – DAY "Vincent" by Don Maclean plays. ♪ Look out on a summer's day ♪ ♪ with eyes that know the darkness in my soul ♪ ♪ Shadows on the hills ♪ Dean walks over to a vehicle parked in front of the cabin. Castiel is sitting in the driver's seat. ♪ Sketch the trees... ♪ Dean leans in the open passenger window. Dean: Hey, there. Castiel raises a hand in greeting. ♪ ...and the daffodils ♪ ♪ Catch the breeze and the winter chills ♪ Dean straightens up, closes his eyes, shakes his head and sighs before leaning in the passenger window again. ♪ in colors on the snowy linen land ♪ Dean: So, Cas, what's, uh, what's, uh, what's the word? ♪ Now I understand ♪ Castiel: Well, Dean, I've been thinking. Monkeys are so... clever, and they're sensible in that they leave the skins on the bananas that they eat. Is it really necessary to test cosmetics on them? I mean, how important is lipstick to you, Dean? ♪ Perhaps they'll listen now ♪ Dean: Not very. You want to come inside and, uh, tell us what's going on? INT. Rufus's CABIN – DAY Castiel: Now, you understand I don't participate in aggressive activity. Castiel picks up a bone and sniffs it. Castiel: Mm. Sister Mary Constant. Good choice. Dean: Why'd you go to Meg, Cas? Castiel: When I left, I wanted to observe the flowers – and fruit. Flowers come first, obviously. But I heard nothing from them. Sam: You heard nothing from who? Castiel: The Garrison. Sam: What happened to the Garrison? Castiel: Well, finally, the silence was deafening, so I went to look... to the home of the Prophet. You know, Leviathan can k*ll angels. There's a reason why Father locked them in Purgatory. They're the Piranha that would eat the whole aquarium. They're gone. The entire Garrison – d*ad. If there's anyone left at all, they're in hiding. Dean: Um, I'm sorry. If the angels are d*ad, where's Kevin? Castiel: I could steal them from their cages, the monkeys. But where would I put them all? Dean: Hey! [He claps his hands.]Focus. Is Kevin alive? Castiel: I don't want to fight. Dean: No, I'm not – [very calmly]we're worried. Castiel: They took him. He's alive. I felt such responsibility, but it's in your hands now. Dean: Wait. Hold on a freakin' minute. Castiel: I feel much better. Meg: Guys, what's all that? Meg looks at Sam and Dean's spell paraphernalia. Sam: We called Crowley. Meg: You what? Dean: Don't worry. He never showed. Meg: What do you mean never – Dean: Do you see him anywhere? He stood us up. Meg: Well, I'm sorry about that, but I'm outie. He could still sh– CROWLEY Show up at any time. Hello, boys. Sorry I'm late. This isan embarrassment of riches. INT. Rufus's CABIN – DAY CROWLEY [to Meg]Stay, won't you. There's really nowhere to run. Meg runs for the door, but CROWLEY appears in front of her, blocking her exit. CROWLEY Don't even think of smoking out, pussycat. I've got eyes all over the place. Castiel: Leave her be. CROWLEY Castiel. When last we spoke, you – well, enslaved me. I'm confused. Why aren't you d*ad? Castiel: I... don't know. CROWLEY Well, do you want> to be? 'Cause I can help with that. Dean: All right, enough. CROWLEY It's enough when I say. I came here to help you. I find out you've been lying to me, harboring an angel, and not just any angel – the one angel I most want to crush between my teeth. Meg: Oh, so you can crush angels now, huh? CROWLEY You bore me. You know that? You have no sense of poetry. [to Castiel]Now, what do you have to say for yourself? Castiel: Well, I'm still, uh, honing my communication strategy. I haven't even been back to Heaven. I-I keep thinking there are no insects up there, but here we have... [Dean exchanges a look with CROWLEY]trillions. You know, they're making honey and silk and... miracles, really. CROWLEY What are you talking about? Castiel: Um, preferring insects to angels, I guess. Here. I can offer a token, if you like. [He holds up a plastic bag containing a yellow substance.]It's honey. I-I collected it myself. CROWLEY and Dean exchange another look. CROWLEY You're off your rocker. He's off his rocker – is that it? Karma's a bitch, isn't it? CROWLEY helps himself to a glass of whiskey on the table. Dean: Look, did you come here to, uh, donkey-punch [CROWLEY sniffs the whiskey and puts the glass back down]your old grudges or to help us end Dick? Pick a battle. CROWLEY Well, I'm vexed. I'd like to do both. But where's the fun in clobbering a ball of wet fur? Text me when Sparkles here retrieves his marbles, I suppose. Meanwhile... [he takes a vial of blood out of his jacket pocket]a prezzie. Sam: Really? Just boxed-up and ready to go? CROWLEY I'm a model of efficiency. Sam: Is that right? Then why were you late? CROWLEY Dick had me in a devil trap. He's not an idiot. He knows what you two are after. Sam: So what did he offer you? CROWLEY A fair deal. In exchange for giving you the wrong blood. It's demon, but is it mine? [pause]It's my blood. Real deal. Dean: And why should we trust you? CROWLEY Good God, don't. Never trust anyone. A lesson I learned from my last business partner. [He looks at Castiel.] Dean: All right. Give us the blood. CROWLEY Certainly. Oh, bonus. Meg, I'm gonna scoop you up, take you home, and roast you till you're jerky. [Castiel starts to move towards CROWLEY.]But not... yet. Cas can have you for now. Hilariously, it seems he'd be upset at losing you. And the boys need Cas to get Dick. Don't they, Cas? Castiel: Oh, I – I don't fight anymore. CROWLEY Come on. Given the particulars of your enemy, sadly, you're vital. CROWLEY tosses the vial of blood to Sam. EXT. STREET – NIGHT The MAID is walking down the street carrying a newspaper with an article about DICK ROMAN. She tries to open the passenger door of a pick-up. We see Bobby's reflection in the window. The MAID reaches for a mallet in the back of the pick-up. There is a sizzling noise, the MAID flies backwards with a yell and Bobby emerges. Bobby: Son of a bitch! Pure iron. Damn it. [He looks at the MAID.]All right. My mistake. Let's go. Maid: No! [She gets to her feet.]You stay away from me. Will you please let me go home? Bobby looks at the newspaper on the ground. The headline reads "Dick Roman nominated for Man of Year." Bobby: I need you. Maid: No. The MAID turns to run away, but Bobby engulfs her and possesses her again. INT. SUCROCORP OFFICE – DAY DICK ROMAN and Susan are walking down a hallway, both looking at their phones. Susan: Powerpoint presentation's on your desk for approval, sir. DICK ROMAN Great. Susan, do I look like a fool? Susan: Not in that particular body, no. DICK ROMAN Good. Have I told you there are three rules to contract negotiation? Bring breath mints, get it in writing, and have a plan for when they screw you. Go to the freezer. Susan: The arm? DICK ROMAN Yep, the arm. Thatagirl. DICK ROMAN enters an office. CUT TO: KEVIN trying to open a locked door. He gives up and walks away from the door. Behind him, a LEVIATHAN opens the door and a Girl, who is chewing gum, enters. LEVIATHAN Sit. Stay. The Girl sits down in a chair and the LEVIATHAN leaves and closes the door. KEVIN I'm Kevin. Girl: Polly. KEVIN What are you doing here? POLLY Sitting. I guess. KEVIN Are you a prophet? POLLY takes a bite of a stick of red licorice and doesn't answer. KEVIN So... basically, I'm on my own, then. INT. Rufus's CABIN – DAY Dean: Well, one thing's for sure – we only get one sh*t. Sam is holding the vial of blood that CROWLEY gave them above a table holding a bowl of blood, other containers of blood and candles. Dean: This thing don't reload. Sam: You think Crowley's, uh... Dean: Double-crossing us? Sam: Yeah. Dean: You've got to figure who he wants d*ad more – us or Dick. Sam: Depends what Dick offered. Here we go. [He pours the blood from the vial into the bowl.]Okay. Um… [He picks up the bowl]so do we, uh... Dean: Uh, there's no magic words – nothing. We just... just go. Sam: All right, then. Sam pours the blood from the bowl onto the Sister Mary Constant's bone, which is in another bowl. He and Dean wait, but nothing happens. Dean: Where's all the thunder and lightning? Sam: Uh... maybeit worked? Dean: Awesome. We hear the sound of angel wings and a hand appears on Dean's shoulder. The hand belongs to Castiel, who is holding plates of sandwiches. Castiel: So, none of this should cause you any ill effect. I went to a little farm in Normandy for the wheat and the lettuce and tomato and – and I thoroughly examined and comforted the pig before I... slaughtered it for the ham. Here. [He holds a plate out to Dean.]You need your strength. Dean takes the plate. Dean: Thanks, Cas. Castiel holds the other plate out to Sam, but Sam doesn't take it. Sam: And Cas, why was Crowley so certain that you need to come with us? Castiel: Crowley's wrong. I'll be waiting right here. But please – accept this sandwich as a gesture of solidarity. INT. SUCROCORP OFFICE – DAY DICK ROMAN is adjusting his tie. Susan: Morning, sir. [She places a large container on his desk.]Delegates are on their way. DICK ROMAN Perfect. We're gonna want everything in place before they get here. Send in the security detail, would you? Susan leaves and DICK ROMAN opens the container. Inside is a hand and forearm, on which is a watch. DICK ROMAN Hello Mr. Roman. Nice watch. CUT TO: the office in which KEVIN and POLLY are being held. The LEVIATHAN enters and hangs a suit bag on the wall. LEVIATHAN Get dressed. The LEVIATHAN leaves. POLLY stands up and starts unbuttoning her blouse. KEVIN Why does he want you to...? KEVIN looks at hair pins in a clear plastic bag attached to the suit bag. EXT. SUCROCORP OFFICE – DAY DICK ROMAN and Susan are walking towards three black vehicles that are pulling up outside the building. The driver of each vehicle gets out and opens the rear door for men in suits to get out. The first man shakes hands with DICK ROMAN and Susan. INT. SUCROCORP OFFICE – DAY POLLY is standing in the middle of the room wearing a gray dress. KEVIN is sitting at a desk. The LEVIATHAN enters, carrying a tray containing a burger, fries and a bottle of water. He puts the tray down in front of KEVIN. KEVIN I'm a vegan. LEVIATHAN You ready, Polly? POLLYS murmurs an assent. The LEVIATHAN leads her from the room. KEVIN takes a drink from his water bottle. After the LEVIATHAN closes the door, KEVIN uses a hair pin to try to open it. CUT TO: the board room. Men and women in suits are sitting around the table. DICK ROMAN stands at the head of the table. DICK ROMAN Well, I'm pleased as punch to see you all here. Last time we were in one room, it was inside that angel. [The leviathans around the table laugh.]Now, as key players, I need you up to speed on every aspect of the program, not just the sudden influx of happy, delicious stoners in your neighborhood. [DICK ROMAN takes a piece of sushi from a platter on the table.]Oh. Eat up. The sushi's made of fresh orphan. Woman LEVIATHAN [with a pleased expression, softly]Oh! DICK ROMAN All righty. The slaughterhouses – cutting-edge, humane, efficient. First one goes online next month. We see POLLY sitting in a chair in a corner of the room. MALE LEVIATHAN What's the crowd-control strategy? DICK ROMAN Glad you asked. We've laid employees at key junctures of law enforcement, starting with the 911 call. Everyone feels taken care of… KEVIN is listening outside the door. DICK ROMAN …everyone stays calm. We'll up the dose just before harvest time. They won't feel a thing. DICK ROMAN presses a button on a remote and a map of the United States appears on a screen. The map is divided into regions labeled Labor, Testing and Livestock. DICK ROMAN We're taking a regional approach. Ohio: beta-testing. Wisconsin: processing. Florida: breeding program. Outside the door, KEVIN flinches and turns to leave. DICK ROMAN If you'll flip to page 10, you'll see we're having a ball buying fertility clinics. Real juicy stuff. KEVIN walks down the hallway towards the exit. Susan appears in front of him. Susan: Why are you out of your cage, mouse? DICK ROMAN But now I want to talk to you about something I'm really excited about. [He nods to the LEVIATHAN standing next to POLLY, who then guides POLLY to the front of the room.]Everyone... meet Polly. EXT. SUCROCORP OFFICE – NIGHT Dean and Sam pull up outside the Sucrocorp building. Sam is typing on his laptop. Dean: You got it yet? Sam: Here we go. The laptop screen shows footage from the board room, where the meeting is still in progress. Sam: Thank you, Charlie, wherever you are. Dean: Got you, Dick. Sam: Yeah, that's, uh, the second floor [The laptop screen changes to footage of DICK ROMAN alone at his desk], and – and then – what's that? Dean: What the hell? Is that Dick? The laptop screen now shows footage of DICK ROMAN walking along a hallway. Sam: And that'sDick. Dean: Son of a bitch. [i]INT. SUCROCORP OFFICE – NIGHT DICK ROMAN, POLLY, and the LEVIATHAN minding her are standing at the front of the board room. DICK ROMAN So, genetic propensity for these three cancers – zapped. She's too stoned to care. Polly, take off your dress. [She does so.]She's a slip of a thing, isn't she? And she eats like a linebacker. Bottom line – we're not making art. We want to engineer the perfect beast. We want meat, and these zippy little hummingbirds have to be bred out fast. The LEVIATHAN next to POLLY holds a syringe containing white liquid. DICK ROMAN Additive 3.0. [The LEVIATHAN hands the syringe to DICK ROMAN.]Keep in mind, the stuff we're shipping – a little diluted, longer-acting. DICK ROMAN inject the liquid into POLLY's arm. She makes only a soft noise of pain. After a few moments, she starts to gurgle and white liquid spills from her mouth. Her eyes roll back in her head and she falls to the ground. She convulses and then lies still. DICK ROMAN Additive 3.0 targets only the characteristics we want to breed out. DICK ROMAN shows a slide: Liquidation Index • Low body mass • Vertically challenged • Hemophilia • IQ > 150 DICK ROMAN It'll be added in nondairy creamer and multivitamins. First shipment heads to Los Angeles tomorrow. So watch those dysentery reports. And stop by the lab before you go, 'cause those creamer cups are just adorable. EXT. SUCROCORP OFFICE – NIGHT Dean and Sam are still sitting in their car. Dean: Cycle through again. Sam: That's the maid from the motel. Dean: What motel? Sam watches through binoculars as the MAID heads for the Sucrocorp building. Sam: Oh, no. Oh, Bobby, what are you doing? Dean: Wait. Are you saying that Bobby – Sam: Look, just, uh, wait here. Dean: Are you out of your mind? Sam: You got the w*apon, and – and eyes on Dick, plural. I'll take care of Bobby. [He gets out of the car.] Dean: Sam! Hey! Sam: Shut up. Sam runs after the MAID. EXT. SUCROCORP OFFICE – NIGHT The MAID walks around the back of the building. Sam appears in front of her. Sam: Bobby? I know you're in there. Listen to me. There are cameras everywhere. [He points to a security camera.]There's one right there. Stop, okay? You're gonna get her k*lled. The MAID pushes Sam and he falls backwards onto the ground. We see the security footage of the parking area behind the building in black and white. Sam: Bobby! Damn it! [Sam scrambles to his feet.]How are you gonna k*ll Dick, huh? You can't! The MAID takes out a large Kn*fe. Maid: Good enough for me. The MAID slashes at Sam with the Kn*fe. He glances up at the moving security camera, grabs the MAID and ducks behind a parked vehicle. Sam: No! I'm not letting you go. Maid: Get out of here, Sam. Sam: No. The MAID slams Sam against the vehicle and grips him by the throat. Sam chokes and the MAID's face contorts with the effort of strangling him. Sam: Bobby, stop. Stop. Bobby sees his reflection in the vehicle's window. Bobby: No! The MAID lets Sam go. Bobby leaves her body and disappears. The MAID falls to the ground. Sam gasps for a moment, then picks her up. INT. Rufus's CABIN – DAY Dean is sitting with his hands clasped, looking at the flask. Sam is on the phone. Sam: Okay, thanks. Sam hangs up. Meg is drinking a beer. Sam: She's fine. Checking out of the hospital tonight. Castiel: Well, that's positive. [He holds out a plate containing a sandwich to Sam.] Meg: Tell me again why you turned tail for some maid. [Castiel puts a sandwich in front of Dean.]You were right there. Dean: Shut up, Meg. Sam: Because Dick made more Dicks. [Castiel and Dean look at him.]He must've kept a chunk of the original Dick Roman somewhere. Uh, they'd all have to touch it. Castiel is drying dishes. Dean: Hey, shifty, what's your problem? Castiel: Do we need a cat? Doesn't this place feel one species short? Dean: You got anything to say on the topic of Dicks? Crowley was pretty sure that you could help. Castiel: I can't help. You understand? I can't. I desTroyed... everything, and I will desTroy everything again. Can we please just leave it at that? Dean: No. [He gets up.]No, we can't. Sam: Dean... Dean: We can't leave it. You let these friggin' things in. So you don't get to make a sandwich. You don't get a damned cat. Nobody cares that you're broken, Cas. Clean up your mess! Castiel puts down the dish he is holding and walks over to Dean. Castiel: You know... we should play Twister. Sam and Dean look at each other. Castiel disappears. Meg: Nice. You scared off the Empire's only hope. Dean: Meaning? Meg: It occur to you every one of those things was in Cas? He knows them. He can see past the meat suits. Sam: So, he'll be able to spot the real... fake Dick Roman. Meg: Gold star, sugarpants. Too bad he's Fruit Loops. You might've had a chance. Dean hears a noise behind him and turns. Castiel is playing Twister on the floor. EXT. Rufus's CABIN – NIGHT INT. Rufus's CABIN – NIGHT Dean is looking at footage from the Sucrocorp office on the laptop. Dean: There's no real point in looking for a tell. They all downloaded Dick's brain. They've all got the Same tells. Sam: All right, then maybe the question is, what would the real Dick be doing? Bobby appears. Bobby: Is that the best you can do? Idjits. Sam: Bobby. We didn't know if you'd, uh – Bobby: Well, you should've. You got the flask. Dumb. You should've b*rned it right off. Dean: Bobby – Bobby: I'm still jonesing to go back... grab some poor bastard, kamikaze 'em going after Dick. It's bad. The laptop plays a news interview with DICK ROMAN. DICK ROMAN America is for go-getters. Folks who get off their butts and make it happen. Dean closes the laptop. Bobby: Let's be real. [to Sam]I damn near k*lled you. And that woman. Sam: It wasn't your fault, Bobby – not really. Bobby: Right. That's just what ghosts turn into. I really bet the farm I could outsmart that. Dean: So, what's it feel like? Bobby: What? Going vengeful? It's an itch you can't scratch out. Look... I'm done. Go get Dick. But don't do it 'cause you think it'll scratch the itch. Do it 'cause it's the job. And when it's your time... go. Sam and Dean look sadly at Bobby. CUT TO: a close-up of burning coals. Sam and Dean share a long look with Bobby. Bobby: Here's to... running into you guys on the other side. Only... not too soon. All right? Dean tosses the flask (minus its leather cover) onto the coals. It slowly melts. We see the light from Bobby burning up reflected on Dean and Sam's faces. The flask continues to melt and the light goes out. Dean and Sam look sadly at each other. Castiel watches from the stairs. INT. Rufus's CABIN – DAY Castiel is playing Uno at the table. Dean walks over to him. Dean: Cas, I need a wingman. Castiel: Dean... Dean: You don't want to jump into the jaws of death, that's... fine. How about we run a little errand? INT. BARN – DAY Inside the barn we can see a boat and a vehicle is covered with a tarp. We hear the sound of angel wings and then see Dean and Castiel standing near the covered vehicle. Dean: Thanks for the lift. Castiel: My pleasure. [Dean starts towards the vehicle.]Dean... Dean: [turning back to Castiel]Cas, we've been over it. I get it – you can't help. Castiel: If we att*ck Dick and fail, then you and Sam die heroically, correct? Dean: I don't know. I guess. Castiel: And at best, I die trying to fix my own stupid mistake. Or... I don'tdie – I'm brought back again. I see now. It's a punishment resurrection. It's worse every time. Dean: I'm sorry. Uh, we're talking about God crap, right? Castiel: I'm not good luck, Dean. Dean: Yeah, but you know what? Bottom of the ninth, and you're the only guy left on the bench... Sorry, but I'd rather have you, cursed or not. And anyway, nut up, all right? We're all cursed. I seem like good luck to you? [Castiel stares at Dean.]What? Castiel: Well, I don't want to make you uncomfortable, but I detect a note of forgiveness. Dean: Yeah, well, I'm probably gonna die tomorrow, so... Castiel: Well, I'll go with you. And I'll do my best. Dean smiles slightly and nods. Dean: Thanks. Castiel: So... can I ask the plan? Dean: Well, according to Crowley, Dick knows we're coming, so we're gonna announce ourselves – big. EXT. ROAD – DAY A vehicle approaches from a distance. As it gets closer, we see that it is the Impala. Steppenwolf's "Born to be Wild" begins to play. We see close-ups of various parts of the car. ♪ Get your motor runnin' ♪ The Impala skids slightly after taking a corner. ♪ Head out on the highway ♪ ♪ Lookin' for adventure ♪ The Impala skids again rounding the corner towards security boom gates. ♪ in whatever comes our way ♪ The Impala crashes through the security boom gates and skids again. ♪ Yeah, darlin', go and make it happen ♪ ♪ Take the world in a love embrace ♪ ♪ f*re all your g*n at once ♪ The Impala heads directly for Sucrocorp's main sign. ♪ and explode into space ♪ The Impala crashes through the sign, coming to a stop in a shower of breaking glass. Three LEVIATHANS with g*n come out of the Sucrocorp building. Meg gets out of the driver's seat of the Impala. The LEVIATHANS sh**t at the Impala, breaking the driver's side window, and at Meg. Meg carries a bottle of Power Clean and a long Kn*fe. INT. SUCROCORP OFFICE – DAY Sam enters the building through a door marked "Exit." EXT. SUCROCORP OFFICE – DAY Meg grunts as b*ll*ts h*t her in the chest. INT. SUCROCORP OFFICE – DAY Dean and Castiel look around a corner in the building and then walk down a hallway. CUT TO: Sam opening a door to Room 427. EXT. SUCROCORP OFFICE – DAY Meg throws Power Clean onto the face of one of the LEVIATHANS. He screams in pain. INT. SUCROCORP OFFICE – DAY Sam comes out of Room 427 and walks down the hallway. EXT. SUCROCORP OFFICE – DAY Two LEVIATHANS are lying decapitated on the ground. Meg is splattered with black goo. Meg watches as a third LEVIATHAN's face burns, then cuts off his head. Meg: Later, ho nuggets. INT. SUCROCORP OFFICE – DAY Dean looks around a corner at DICK ROMAN sitting at the head of the board room table. He motions for Castiel, who is behind him, to look. Castiel does so and shakes his head. EXT. SUCROCORP OFFICE – DAY Meg is walking outside the building. Two DEMONS appear behind her. One of the DEMONS flings out an arm and Meg flies backwards and slides along the ground. She sits up. Demon: The King of Hell will see you now. INT. SUCROCORP OFFICE – DAY Sam bursts open a closed office door. KEVIN is bound to a chair and gagged. Sam: Kevin. Hey, buddy. We got to hustle, okay? Sam cuts KEVIN free and KEVIN removes the tape over his mouth. KEVIN Wait. We can't leave yet. Sam: Uh, yeah, we can. It's okay. We got to go. KEVIN You don't understand. Dick's got creamer in his lab. He's gonna k*ll all the skinny people. Sam: Wait. What? Slow down. KEVIN We have to blow up the lab, Sam. Please. Sam looks around in indecision. Sam: Yeah, fine. Let's go. CUT TO: DICK ROMAN holding up a creamer in the lab. DICK ROMAN You know, I think this might end up the slickest little genocide in history. A LEVIATHAN next to him is packing creamers into a box. LEVIATHAN Thank you, sir. DICK ROMAN Just sayin'. I smell "promotion." DICK ROMAN takes a few steps across the room and drinks the creamer. There is a noise behind him and he turns. The LEVIATHAN is lying decapitated on the floor. Dean and Castiel stand over him, Castiel carrying a bottle of Power Clean and Dean a machete. DICK ROMAN Little abrupt... but okay. Dean sheathes the machete. DICK ROMAN Castiel. Good to see you again. Thanks for the ride into paradise. Dean takes out a bloodstained bone that is sharpened to a point at one end. DICK ROMAN And good on you! Pulling that together – A-plus. Dean: Oh, you don't think this'll work, do you? You trust that demon? DICK ROMAN You sure I'm even me, Dean? Dean: No. But he is. [DICK ROMAN looks at Castiel.]See, here's the thing when dealing with Crowley – he will alwaysfind a way to bone you. DICK ROMAN This meeting's over. Castiel moves towards DICK ROMAN, but DICK ROMAN grabs him and flings him into a wall. Dean plunges the bone into DICK ROMAN's chest. DICK ROMAN gasps, but then pulls the bone out and snaps it in two. DICK ROMAN Did you really think you could trump me? Dean: Honestly? [He takes another bone out of his jacket.]No. Castiel pulls DICK ROMAN's head back. Dean plunges the bone sideways through DICK ROMAN's neck. DICK ROMAN yells. Sam and KEVIN run into the room. DICK ROMAN continues to yell and gurgle. Dean: Figured we'd have to catch you off guard. DICK ROMAN's face transforms into the Leviathan enormous mouth with long pointed teeth and a protruding tongue. He roars briefly before his face returns to normal. He grunts and black goo starts to run from his nose. Waves of energy begin to pulsate from his body in time with a loud, accelerating heartbeat. The energy then appears to concentrate back in his body. Sam flings up an arm to cover his face and KEVIN as DICK ROMAN explodes into black goo. INT. SUCROCORP LAB – DAY Sam is still sheltering KEVIN. He straightens up and looks around the room, which is splattered with black goo. KEVIN Sam, we should go. Sam: What the hell? KEVIN More chompers any second, Sam. CROWLEY Not to worry. I have a small army of demons outside. Cut off the head, and the body will flounder, after all. Think if you'd had just one king since before the first sunrise. You'd be in a kerfuffle, too. Sam: Which is exactly what you wanted. CROWLEY So did you. Without a master plan, the Levis are just another monster. Hard to stomp, sure, but you love a challenge. Your job is to keep them from organizing. Sam: Where's Dean? CROWLEY That bone... has a bit of a kick. God w*apon often do. They should put a warning on the box. Sam: Where are they, Crowley?! CROWLEY Can't help you, Sam. CROWLEY snaps his fingers and the two DEMONS who accosted Meg appear on either side of KEVIN. CROWLEY Sorry, Sam. Prophet's mine. CROWLEY snaps his fingers and KEVIN and the DEMONS disappear. CROWLEY You got what you wanted – Dick's d*ad, saved the world. So I want one little prophet. Sorry, moose. Wish I could help. You certainly got a lot on your plate right now. It looks like you are well and truly... on your own. We hear another snap of fingers. Sam looks around the empty room in distress. EXT. FOREST – NIGHT Dean is lying on the ground. Castiel: Wake up. [Dean opens his eyes and sits up.]Good. We need to get out of here. Dean stands up. Dean: Where are we? Castiel: You don't know? Dean: Last I remember, we ganked Dick. Castiel: And where would he go in death? Dean: Wait. Are you telling me...? Castiel: Every soul here is a monster. [There is a rustling in the trees.]This is where they come to prey upon each other for all eternity. Dean: We're in Purgatory? How do we get out? Castiel: I'm afraid we're much more likely to be ripped to shreds. Dean turns and sees two large creatures with red eyes watching him. Dean: Cas, I think we better – Castiel has disappeared. Dean: Cas? Dean looks around the dark, desolate forest and hears the rustling of the watching monsters. END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "07x23 - Survival of the Fittest"}
Air Date: 3 October 2012 Jethro Tull's Locomotive Breathplays during "The Road So Far" montage. EXT. WOODS – NIGHT 100 Mile Wilderness, Maine One Year Later A young Man and Woman are asleep in a tent. A bright light appears outside. The woman sits up in alarm and shakes the Man. Woman: Will, get up. Something just happened. The light outside disappears. Footsteps approach the tent and a figure walks past. Woman: Go. Go do something. WILL W-what are we supposed to... WILL grabs a flashlight and goes outside the tent. WILL Hello? Hello? [He stands for a moment pointing his flashlight into the darkness.]It was a deer. [He turns back to the tent door.]I don't know. It was like – it was a deer or something – [He hears a noise, turns around again and gasps.]Oh! Dean, bloodstained and dirty and holding an axe-like w*apon, is standing in front of him. Dean: Where am I? WILL What? The Woman comes out of the tent. Dean cocks a g*n and points it at her and WILL. WILL W– hey, hey. Dean: Where's the road? WILL [pointing]Twelve miles, that way. Keeping his g*n pointed at the couple, Dean picks up a backpack from the ground and runs off. EXT. COUNTRY ROAD – DAY Styx's Man in the Wildernessplays. Clayton, Louisiana Four Days Later An orange pick-up comes to a stop. ♪ Another year has passed me by ♪ ♪ Still I look at myself and cry ♪ Dean gets out and the driver points directions. ♪ What kind of man have I become? ♪ Dean walks down the road. ♪ All of the years I've spent in search of myself ♪ ♪ And I'm still in the dark ♪ Dean holds his left arm while walking. ♪ 'Cause I can't seem to find the light alone ♪ Dean holds his left arm again. ♪ Sometimes I feel ♪ ♪ Like a man in the wilderness ♪ EXT. NIGHT A sign on a stone pillar marking someone's land reads "Lafitte". ♪ I'm a lonely soldier off to w*r ♪ Dean reads the sign and walks onto the land. ♪ Sent away to die ♪ ♪ Never quite knowing why ♪ ♪ Sometimes it makes no sense at all ♪ Dean, carrying a shovel and holding his left arm, paces slowly and deliberately from a windmill. ♪ It makes no sense at all ♪ Dean: This better be you, you son of a bitch. He starts to dig, grunting as if in pain. The scene then cuts to him throwing the shovel down and hoisting himself up to sit on the edge of the grave he has dug. He holds his left arm. Dean: All right. Dean stands up and the camera pans to uncovered bones in the grave. Dean: Hold on, you bastard. [He rolls up his left sleeve. His forearm is glowing red and pulsing.]Hold on! Dean cuts his left arm with a large Kn*fe. Dean: Anima corpori... [He holds his arm out over the grave and red glowing liquid drips from his arm onto the bones.]Fuerit corpus... totem resurgent. Dean groans in pain as light plays over the bones. As the light vanishes, he drops to the ground. Dean: Wow. Dean rolls down his sleeve, still gasping in pain. A Man appears behind him. Dean: Wow. That was fast. Man: No thanks to you. The hell took you so long? Dean gets to his feet, holding his arm. Dean: You're welcome. The Man cracks his neck. Dean: Everything working? Man: Good enough. [He opens his mouth wide and vampire teeth descend, then retract as he closes his mouth.] Man: So... what now? Dean: Like we talked about, I guess. Man: [nods]Then this is goodbye. Dean: Keep your nose clean, Benny. You hear me? BENNY walks towards Dean, holding out his hand. They shake. BENNY We made it, brother. I can't believe it. BENNY laughs and pulls Dean into a hug. Dean: You and me both. SUPERNATURAL EXT. HOUSE – NIGHT Kermit, Texas INT. HOUSE – NIGHT Sam is packing a bag in a dark bedroom. He pats a dog that is lying on the bed. A woman in the bed opens her eyes and watches Sam leave. Sam pauses briefly in the doorway, then walks on. We hear the front door close. EXT. HOUSE – NIGHT The Impala pulls out of the driveway. Someone watches from the shadows across the street. CUT TO: the Impala driving down a road. EXT. Rufus's CABIN – DAY The Impala pulls up outside the cabin and Sam gets out. INT. Rufus's CABIN – DAY Sam opens the front door and takes a few steps inside. Dean pushes Sam to the ground and douses him with holy water. Sam: What the –? I'm not a demon. Dean pours Borax over Sam. Sam: Or a Leviathan. What – Dean grabs Sam's arm and cuts it with a Kn*fe. Sam gasps in pain. Dean: Or a shifter. Good. [He stands up.]My turn. Come on. Let's go. [He holds out the bottles to Sam.] Sam: I don't need to. I know it's you. Dean: Damn it, Sammy! [He splashes the holy water and Borax over himself and holds out a Kn*fe to Sam, who has stood up.]Come on! Sam: No! Dean, can I just say hello? Dean rolls up his sleeve and cuts his own arm. Dean: All right. [He smiles as he binds his arm.]Well... let's do this. Sam: I don't know whether to give you a hug or take a shower. Dean: [laughs]Come here. Dean holds out his arms and they hug. Sam: Dude. You're... freakin' alive. [He walks a few steps away with his hands in his hair.]I mean, what the hell happened? Dean: Well, I guess standing too close to exploding Dick sends your ass straight to Purgatory. Sam: You were in Purgatory? For the whole year? Dean: Yeah, time flies when you're running for your life. Sam: Well, how'd you get out? Dean: I guess whoever built that box didn't want me in there any more than I did. Sam: What does that mean? Dean: I'm here, okay? Sam: What about Cas? Was he there? Dean walks a few steps away and speaks with his back to Sam. Dean: Yeah, Cas didn't make it. Sam: What exactly does that mean? Dean: Something happened to him down there. Things got pretty hairy towards the end, and he... just let go. Sam: So Cas is d*ad? You saw him die? Dean: I saw enough. Sam: So, then what, you're not sure? Dean: [turning back to Sam]I said I saw enough, Sam. Sam: Right. Dean, I'm sorry. Dean: Me too. So you – I can't believe you're actually here. [He takes two beers out of the refrigerator.]You know that half your numbers are out of service? Felt like I was leaving messages in the wind. [He sits down at the table and sets a beer down for Sam. Sam remains standing.] Sam: Yeah, I-I-I didn't get your messages. Dean: How come? Sam: Probably because I ditched the phones. Dean: Because...? Sam: I guess, um... I guess something happened to me this year, too.[He shrugs.]I don't hunt anymore. [He smiles tentatively.] Dean: Yeah. And Sasha Grey's gone legit. [Sam exhales.]What? Sam: Nothing. Um, she did a Soderbergh movie. Dean: What? Sam: She did a Soderbergh – Dean: No. You,Sam. You quit? Sam: Yeah. Yeah, I – you were gone... Dean. Cas was gone, Bobby was d*ad. I mean, Crowley even shipped off Kevin and Meg to parts unknown. Dean: So you just turned tail on the family business. Sam: Nothing says "family" quite like the whole family being d*ad. Dean: I wasn't d*ad. [He stands up and walks around Sam.]In fact, I was knee-deep in God's armpit k*lling monsters, which, I thought, is what we actually do. Sam: Yes, Dean. And far as I knew, what we do is the thing that got every single member of my family k*lled. I had no one – no one. And for the first time in my life, I was completely alone. And, honestly, I-I didn't exactly have a roadmap. So, yeah, I-I fixed up the Impala, and I just... drove. Dean: After you looked for me. [Sam says nothing.]Did you look for me, Sam? [Sam looks away.]Good. That's good. Now, we – we... always told each other notto look for each other. That's smart. Good for you. Of course, we always ignored that because of our deep, abiding love for each another, but not this time, right, Sammy? Sam: Look, I'm still the Same guy, Dean. Dean: Well, bully for you. I'm not. Dean walks away and we hear the door close. Sam: Welcome back. INT. Rufus's CABIN – NIGHT Dean is going through a box containing phones. Sam: You want some dinner? Dean: Pass. [He puts an earphone into his ear.] Sam: Okay. [He stirs something on the stove.] CUT TO: Sam is at the table eating. Dean, who had been listening to phone messages through the headset, turns to look hard at him. Sam: What? Dean takes out the earphone and puts the phone on speaker. PHONE MESSAGE – KEVIN Sam Winchester, it's Kevin Tran. Crowley had me in this warehouse, and I just escaped. I don't know where I am. And I don't know if he or – or any other demons are still after me. I need your help. Call me back. It's Kevin Tran. Sam: When was that? Dean plays another message. PHONE MESSAGE – KEVIN Sam Winchester. It's Kevin Tran. I called you a week ago. Call me, please. I don't know what the hell I'm doing out here, man. Sam puts down his spoon. Sam: Okay. [He stands up.]I get it. So, what, you want to... strategize or something? Dean plays another message. PHONE MESSAGE – KEVIN Sam, it's Kevin. I'm... Whoo! I'm so good. Sam: Is he...drunk? PHONE MESSAGE – KEVIN Three months since you ditched my ass. Haven't slept for more than four hours a night. It's all good in the hood. [clears throat]Uh, if you're still alive, eat me. Dean plays another message. PHONE MESSAGE – KEVIN Eat me! Dean plays another message. PHONE MESSAGE – KEVIN Sam, it's been six months. I can only assume you're d*ad. If not, don't try and reach me. You won't be able to. I won't be calling this number anymore. Dean stands up. Dean: He was our responsibility. [He tosses the phone at Sam's chest.]And you couldn't answer the damn phone. CUT TO: Dean is reading on the couch. Sam is using his laptop at the table. Sam: All right, listen to this – Kevin's last message. Listen to the background. PHONE MESSAGE – KEVIN If not, don't try and reach me. You won't be able to. I won't be calling this number anymore. Sam: Hear that? Dean: What is it? Sam: I think he was on a bus. Listen again. PHONE MESSAGE – KEVIN If not, don't try and reach me. PHONE MESSAGE – Woman's Voice Last stop – Centreville. PHONE MESSAGE – KEVIN ...won't be calling this number – Dean stands up and walks over to Sam. Dean: Centreville? Centreville, where? Sam: Michigan. Dean: And why would Kevin be in Centreville, Michigan? Sam: Because... [He does an internet search for "Kevin Tran BFF Link"]his high-school girlfriend... [He turns the laptop around to show Dean a page for CHANNING NGO]goes to college there. Dean: That's thin. Sam: It's the best lead we got. Dean: "We"? Sam: You were right. He was our responsibility. So... let's find him, okay? EXT. Rufus's CABIN – DAY Dean and Sam put w*apon and their bags into the trunk of the Impala. Sam: Hey. [He tosses Dean the keys.] Dean looks the Impala over. Dean: Well... no visible signs of douchery – I'll give you that. [He and Sam get in. Dean pauses and looks at the back seat.]Smell like dog to you? Sam: [inhales]In the car? Dean: You tell me. [Sam shrugs.]Hmm. Dean starts the engine and they drive away. EXT. PALM MOTEL – DAY Dean is standing in front of a vending machine. Sam unloads the car and pauses to look at Dean before he heads towards the room. Two young boys run across the parking lot sh**ting at each other with toy g*n. Boy 1: Come on, I got you! Boy 2: No way. Boy 1: You're d*ad! Boy 2: No way, I'm not d*ad at all! Dean continues to stand in front of the vending machine. FLASHBACK Dean is chasing someone in Purgatory. He loses the trail and stops, then hears a rustling noise and sets off again. The Man he is chasing stops running and Dean comes up behind him. The Man turns with a yell and grapples with Dean. Dean hits the MAN's arm, making him drop his w*apon, then pushes him hard against a tree and holds a Kn*fe to his throat. The MAN's teeth descend, revealing that he is a VAMPIRE. Dean: Take a breath. Calm down. Where's the angel? VAMPIRE You're him. The human. Dean: [forcefully]Where's the angel? VAMPIRE I don't know. Dean: Hmm. Dean plunges his Kn*fe into the VAMPIRE's arm, pinning him to the tree. Dean then picks up the VAMPIRE's w*apon and beheads him with it. With a yell, a SECOND VAMPIRE tackles Dean to the ground. Dean reaches unsuccessfully for the w*apon as the SECOND VAMPIRE holds him down. BENNY appears, flings himself at the SECOND VAMPIRE and beheads him. BENNY turns to look at Dean with his vampire teeth descended. The flashback ends and we return to the present, where Dean is still standing in front of the vending machine. INT. PALM MOTEL – DAY Dean is sitting on the edge of a bed, rubbing his hands together. Sam comes out of the bathroom and leans on the door frame. Sam: You okay? Dean: [looking tense and nervous]Yeah. Yeah, hey, what do you say we blow this joint, h*t the road? Sam: Now? Dean: Yeah, Kevin's not getting any more found. Sam: The kid survived a year without us. He'll be okay for another twelve hours. Besides, when's the last time you slept? Dean: Hmm. Sam: What? Dean: Nothing. Is that, uh, that how you rationalized taking a year off? People will be okay? Sam: People wereokay, Dean. You're okay. Dean: Wow. Sam: Look, I did what we promised we'd do. I moved on. I lived my life. Dean: Yeah, no, I'm getting that. Sam: Look, it wasn't like I was... just oblivious. I mean, I read the paper every day. I saw the weird stories… [He sits down on the other bed facing Dean]…the kind of stuff we used to chase. Dean: And you said what? "Not my problem"? Sam: Yes. And you know what? The world went on. Dean: People died, Sam. Sam: People will always die, Dean. Or maybe another hunter took care of it. I don't know, but the point is, for the first time, I realized that it wasn't only up to me to stop it. Dean: Hmm. So what was it, hmm? What could possibly make you stop just like that? A girl? Was there a girl? Sam: The girl had nothing to do with it. Dean: There [i]was[i]a girl. Sam: Yeah. There was. And then there wasn't. Any more questions? [i]EXT. PALM MOTEL – NIGHT INT. PALM MOTEL – NIGHT Sam is sitting on the edge of one of the beds. Sam: Listen, I know this is gonna sound crazy to you. I don't even necessarily need you to understand. But...you need to know. I didn't just drop out, Dean. I found something. Something I've... never had all my life. Dean is on the floor leaning against the other bed, with his back to Sam. Dean: Yeah, what was her name? Sam: Amelia. Dean: So, what, you, uh, you dropped your peanut butter in her chocolate? How'd it happen? Sam: I h*t a dog. Dean turns to look at Sam and points a finger at him. Dean: I knew I smelled dog. Sam: And I knew you'd throw a bitch fit. Dean: Hey, the rules are simple, Sam. You don't take a joint from a guy named Don, and there's no dogs in the car! Sam: All right, what about you? Dean: What about me? Sam: Look at you. You've still got that look. You're shaky. You're on edge. What was it like? Dean: You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Sam: Try me. Dean: It was bloody. Messy. 31 flavors of bottom-dwelling nasties. Hell, most days felt like 360-degree combat. But there was something about being there. FLASHBACK – PURGATORY Dean is standing, holding the VAMPIRE's w*apon. Dean (V.O): It felt pure. BENNY retracts his teeth. BENNY What, no thanks for saving your hide? Dean: Sure. I won't shove this up your ass. BENNY Mm. Awful strange way to punch your meal ticket, friend. I got something you need. Dean: Yeah, what's that? BENNY A way out. Dean: [laughs]Even a dental apocalypse [?]like you knows there's no such thing. BENNY There is if you're human. God has made it so. At least, that's the rumor. Dean: Bull. BENNY Suit yourself. Maybe you've gone native. Maybe you like being man meat for every Tom, Dick, and Harry. Dean: Prove it. BENNY Nah. You're either in or you're out. Dean: So you just want to guide me out of Purgatory out of the goodness of your undead heart? BENNY More or less. Dean: What's in it for you? BENNY I'm hopping a ride. Dean: What? BENNY It's a human portal, jackass. Only humans can pass through. I show you the door, you hump my soul to the other side. Dean: So you're looking for a soul train. BENNY Sure. If that's what you're into. Dean: And how do I know this isn't a set-up? How do I know I ain't gonna end up like your friend over there? BENNY He was[i]my friend. Now [i]you[i]are. First rule of Purgatory, kid. You can't trust nobody. Dean: You just asked me to trust you. BENNY You see? You're getting it now. Dean: Hmm. First we find the angel. BENNY Mm, three's a crowd, chief. Dean: Well, hey. Either you're in or you're out. [i]INT. PALM MOTEL – NIGHT The flashback ends and we return to a close-up of Dean's face in the motel room. EXT. COLLEGE CAMPUS – DAY INT. COLLEGE ROOM – DAY A Girl is using a laptop. CHANNING NGO is standing. CHANNING The last time I saw Kevin was, like, a year ago. Sam: When he disappeared? CHANNING Mm-hmm. He stole his mother's car because he thought he was on a mission from God or something? Sam and Dean are wearing suits. CHANNING It was crazy. Girl: Shut up! My friend Adam – who got addicted to Adderall but got a perfs on his SATs, so it was totally worth it – Same thing. CHANNING Shut up! Girl: Serious. Mission from God. Sam: [Clears throat]Look, Channing, we know Kevin was here. CHANNING No, he wasn't. Sam: And we understand if you're trying to protect him. But nobody can protect Kevin better than we can. CHANNING I hate Kevin. I wouldn't protect him. Dean: I thought you two had a thing. CHANNING Yeah, when he was going to Princeton. Dean: Wow. Just like that? Girl: Yeah. CHANNING Mm-hmm. EXT. COLLEGE CAMPUS – DAY Dean: So why would Kevin come sniffing around here if not to see her? Sam: No idea. Maybe we should split up, ask around, see if anybody's seen him? Dean: Yeah, Asian kid, yea high, at a university. That should be easy. INT. COLLEGE ROOM – DAY The Girl is still using her laptop. CHANNING is sitting at a desk taking something out of a bag. Girl: Okay. Are you ready to forget all about what's-his-name? Okay, this guy's name is Kyle, he's Jewish, um, I'm pretty sure he has an Asian thing. Perfs, right? CHANNING turns around. She is holding a bowl and a dagger. Her eyes turn black. CHANNING Shut up, bitch. Girl: What? CHANNING cuts the GIRL's throat and fills the bowl with her blood. CHANNING Inferni clamavi ad te regem sermonos meos. [The blood bubbles and boils.]The Prophet still has not yet shown his face to me. But you should know Dean Winchester is back. EXT. COLLEGE CAMPUS – DAY Sam is sitting at an outdoor table using his laptop. A dog barks and Sam looks up to see a woman walking a large brown dog on a leash. FLASHBACK INT. RIVER BLUFF VETERINARY HOSPITAL – NIGHT Sam enters, carrying a dog covered with a bloodstained blanket. Sam: Help. I need help. The dog needs help. A nurse, ROBERTA, points to a treatment room. ROBERTA That way! Sam: He just – he just came out of nowhere, right in front of my car. [He lays the dog on the table.]We need a Doctor. Are you a Doctor? ROBERTA The Doctor's coming, sir. But I'm not sure – Sam: You're not sure what? [shouting]This is an animal hospital. You save animals. ROBERTA Sir. Sam: Save this animal! VET Roberta, can you escort this gentleman out, please? The VET is a young woman with long dark hair. ROBERTA Yes. Sam: I did this. ROBERTA Come on. ROBERTA and Sam leave the room. The VET lifts the blanket covering the dog. EXT. COLLEGE CAMPUS – DAY The flashback ends and we return to Sam sitting at the outdoor table and staring into space. Dean sits down opposite him. Dean: Don't judge me. I got bubkis. Sam: Well... A Waitress puts a plate of food in front of Sam. Waitress: And here you go. Sam: Ah, thank you. Sam pushes the plate towards Dean. Dean: Sweet mother of God. It's for me? Seriously? [He looks very pleased.] Sam: Check this out. So, I went through campus security archives around the time Kevin should have been here. [Dean takes a bite of a burger.]Anyone look familiar? Sam turns the laptop towards Dean, who is chewing with his eyes closed. The laptop shows security footage of KEVIN wearing a baseball cap. Sam: Dude. It's a burger. Dean: It's a treasure. All right, so, what, Kevin comes all the way to campus and doesn't see his girlfriend? Sam: I don't know... but I went to the computer lab and found the computer he was on. Dean: And? Sam: And I found the website he was visiting, found his account username, hacked in to the website, found when else this username logged in, and then I reverse-tracked the IP address back to the original user, Kevin, who has apparently been using the Same wireless router for the past two months. Dean: That is spectacular work. Any chance I can get that in English? Sam: Yeah. I think he's in Iowa – at a coffee shop. [He shows Dean the laptop again, this time with a map on the screen.] EXT. CHURCH – DAY Fairfield, Iowa We hear car doors close and Sam and Dean walk from the Impala to the church. Dean: A church? You sure this is right? Sam: Barista at the coffee shop swears he's seen Kevin ducking in here for the past few months. [He tries the door, then knocks.]Kevin. It's Sam and Dean Winchester. Open up. Sam shakes his head at Dean and Dean picks the lock. INT. CHURCH – DAY Sam and Dean enter. KEVIN sprays them with Borax from a large water g*n. Dean: Stop! Stop! Not Leviathans. It's us. KEVIN What the hell happened to you guys? Dean: Cliff Notes? I went to Purgatory. Sam h*t a dog. KEVIN For real? [Dean wipes his face with his sleeve.]You want some towels? KEVIN leads the way into the room. Symbols are painted on the floor. Dean: Who taught you all this? KEVIN I guess... God. Sam: Godtaught you how to trap demons? KEVIN Technically, yeah. Sam: Wait, wait, hold on. Crowley kidnapped you. I saw that. But then you left a message saying you escaped. How? KEVIN Well... FLASHBACK INT.WAREHOUSE – DAY KEVIN walks up a flight of stairs with a Demon. KEVIN (V.O): First, he took me to a warehouse. CROWLEY is waiting for them. CROWLEY Look at you. Haircut, manicure, pedicure. Like a new penny. KEVIN Will there be t*rture now? CROWLEY t*rture? Heavens, no. No. Quite the opposite, my young prince. Sky's the limit for you and I. CROWLEY puts a hand on KEVIN's shoulder and leads him across the room. KEVIN (V.O): There was a tablet there, like the last one. CROWLEY motions KEVIN into a chair in front of a stone tablet. CROWLEY There we go. Now, remember – feel like a winner, be a winner. Okay? Interpret. INT. CHURCH – DAY Dean: Wait, there's another tablet? So another Word of God. KEVIN [nods]Yes. Dean: How many Words of God are there? KEVIN I just became a Prophet, like, a year ago. Sam: Well, did this tablet have a name? KEVIN "Demons." Dean: What about demons? KEVIN As far as I could tell... everything. FLASHBACK INT.WAREHOUSE – DAY CROWLEY What are we looking at? KEVIN It's all just fragments. Bits and pieces. This is hard. CROWLEY Throw me a bone here, Kev. KEVIN Wait... CROWLEY Yes? The tablet seems to shake and blur in KEVIN's hands. KEVIN I'm sorry. Is it just me, or is it hot in here? CROWLEY Is it? Our mistake. [He mouths "Turn it up" to the Demon, who nods and leaves.] KEVIN Okay. I see something. Hell Gates. CROWLEY Talk to me. INT. CHURCH – DAY Sam: What about Hell Gates? KEVIN There's one in Wisconsin. The tablet told me how to open it. There were ingredients for a spell. FLASHBACK INT.WAREHOUSE – DAY KEVIN is using a mortar and pestle. He adds something to a large bowl. DEMONS bring other ingredients to the table and KEVIN continues to prepare the spell. He looks up and nods to one of the DEMONS, who is on his cell phone. Demon (on phone): Right away. Demon (to KEVIN) Mr. Crowley would like you to proceed. KEVIN Where is Mr. Crowley? Demon: Where do you think, dumbass? Wisconsin. KEVIN lights a match and holds it above the bowl. Demon: Go. KEVIN smiles and drops the match. INT. CHURCH – DAY Dean: You showed the King of Hell how to open a Hell Gate? So that all the demons in Hell could come out all at the Same time? KEVIN What? No. FLASHBACK INT.WAREHOUSE – DAY The match falls into the bowl. Flames flare up and light engulfs the DEMONS, who burn up while being flung backwards into the wall. EXT.WISCONSON FIELD – DAY CROWLEY (on phone): Men? INT.WAREHOUSE – DAY KEVIN takes the tablet and runs. EXT.WISCONSON FIELD – DAY CROWLEY (on phone): Kevin? Kevin? The camera pans out and we see that CROWLEY is surrounded by goats. INT. CHURCH – DAY KEVIN [smiling]I told Crowley I was opening a Hell Gate, but I was reading from another chapter – how to desTroy demons. Dean: You son of a bitch. Sam: Wait. Kevin? Where's the tablet now? KEVIN Safe. Sam: Safe where? Dean: Hey. As long as it's safe, okay? Were you able to read anything else off the tablet before you stashed it? KEVIN Only the stuff about closing the gates of Hell. Forever. Dean: Come again? KEVIN Banish all demons off the face of the Earth, lock them away forever. That could be important, right? Sam and Dean look at each other. Dean: Closing the gates of Hell forever? Yeah. Yeah, that could be important. EXT. CHURCH – DAY Dean and Sam exit the church and stand talking outside it. Dean: Okay, if this kid is right, he's sitting on a b*mb. Hell, he isthe b*mb. [Sam looks away.]What? Sam: That. I mean, there's no way that Kevin's getting out of this intact, is there? Dean: Well, he's doing pretty well for himself so far. Sam: Yeah, he got out. Dean: And now he's in it... whether he likes it or not. Sam: So...free will, that's only for you? Dean: I can't believe what I'm hearing. Sam, we have an opportunity to wipe the slate clean. We take Kevin to the tablet, he tells us the spell, we send every demon back to hell – forever. Every single bastard that desTroyed our lives, k*lled our mother, k*lled Jess. And you're not sure? INT. CHURCH – NIGHT Sam walks in and sits in a pew behind KEVIN. Sam: Kevin, I, uh... I owe you an apology. Um... look, when you disappeared and Dean disappeared, I...needed to clear my head, and... I'm thinking maybe you were one of the pieces that I should have been there to pick up. KEVIN You've been a hunter since you were a kid, right? Sam: Yeah, mostly. Yeah. KEVIN Ever since I realized I was a prophet... It's just hard to believe this is actually my life. Sam: Yeah. It sucks right now. I know that. Um, it might suck for a lot longer, but... trust me on this – it gets better. KEVIN [turns to look at Sam]You know I'm not gay, right? Sam: If we can do this, get the tablet, get you everything you need to close the gates of Hell, there's a world out there where nobody – not Crowley, no demon – is chasing you anymore. KEVIN I guess I just don't see how I get from here to there. Sam: I used to not be able to see it, either. But there is a way. KEVIN Just give me five minutes. KEVIN walks off. Dean stands in the doorway watching Sam. FLASHBACK INT. RIVER BLUFF VETERINARY HOSPITAL – NIGHT Sam sits in the waiting room, looking down with his hands clasped and jiggling his feet. ROBERTA is behind the counter. The VET comes into the room to talk to him. Sam stands up. VET He's sustained some serious internal bleeding. There's at least two leg fractures that I can see right now. But with some TLC, he should pull through for you. Sam: [sighs in relief]Thanks, Doctor. VET You're gonna take the dog? Sam: Look, I-I would. He's... not mine. VET He's not anybody's. Sam: I-I spend a lot of the time on the road. VET Don't you think you're responsible? Sam: Why do you think I brought him here? VET Roberta, could you hand this man his trophy on his way out, please? Well, maybe if you were such an upstanding guy, you wouldn't have h*t him in the first place? Sam: Fine. I'll take him. VET There's my hero. INT. CHURCH – NIGHT Sam is still sitting in the pew. EXT. CHURCH – NIGHT INT. CHURCH – NIGHT KEVIN is walking into the room to join Sam and Dean when the church starts to shake. Sam draws Dean's attention to the floorboards breaking. Dean: We got company. Sam. [He hands Sam a Kn*fe and picks up his w*apon from Purgatory.] Sam: What the hell is that? Dean: It's Purgatory. The doors fly open and two DEMONS enter. Demon: Dean Winchester. Back from Purgatory. Dean: Spanky the demon. [Sam moves to stand in front of KEVIN.]Yeah, I heard about you. You're the one who uses too much teeth, right? The DEMONS rush for Dean and Sam and they fight. KEVIN squirts one of the DEMONS with holy water from a squeeze bottle. Sam kills one of the demons with the Kn*fe. Sam: Dean! Sam passes the Kn*fe to Dean, who is struggling with the other Demon. Dean kills the Demon with the Kn*fe. CROWLEY Hello, boys. CROWLEY and CHANNING are standing in the doorway. CROWLEY Dean. You're looking... well, let's just say Purgatory didn't do you any favors. Where's your angel? Dean: Ask your mother. CROWLEY There's that grade-school zip. Missed it. I really did. [to Sam]Moose. Still with the pork chops. I admire that. KEVIN Let Channing go. Dean: That's not Channing, Kevin. Not anymore. CROWLEY What an awful thing to say to the boy. Of course it's Channing. Kev. Last time we danced, you stole my tablet and k*lled my men. Tell you what. Come with me now, bygones. And I'll let the girl go back to... What's-the-Point U. Dean: He's lying. You won't get Channing back. She's probably d*ad already. CROWLEY [sighs]Will you please stop saying that? Let the girl speak. [He snaps his fingers.] CHANNING Kevin? KEVIN Channing? CHANNING What's going on? KEVIN There's a demon in you, and you're going to your safety school. CHANNING What?! KEVIN But it's gonna be okay. CROWLEY I-I-I-I just – I can't. KEVIN No, no, wait. CROWLEY snaps his fingers again and CHANNING's eyes turn black. KEVIN Okay. I'll do it. Sam: Kevin. KEVIN Myself for the girl. But this ends. All right? No fighting, no nothing. It ends. Dean: Can't let you do that, buddy. KEVIN Or what? You'll k*ll me? [to CROWLEY]I'll grab my stuff. [He leaves.] CROWLEY Chin up, gentlemen. I'm a professional. Dean: This ain't over by a long sh*t, Crowley. CROWLEY Really, Dean, who writes your stuff? A marshmallow? [calls out]Come on, Kevin. Chop, chop. [pause]Kevin? CROWLEY takes a step forward and Dean raises the Kn*fe. CROWLEY snaps his fingers and the Kn*fe glows red. Dean drops it. Dean: Aah! CROWLEY Ready, boys? CROWLEY walks past Sam and Dean. CROWLEY Kevin! Dean picks up the Kn*fe. CUT TO: CROWLEY, with CHANNING behind him, opens another door in the church. KEVIN is standing in the room holding the end of a cord. CROWLEY Kevin. KEVIN pulls the cord and holy water drops onto CROWLEY and CHANNING. They yell. KEVIN [shouting]Sam, Dean, run! CROWLEY and CHANNING continue to yell and sizzle. Sam, Dean and KEVIN run for the Impala. CROWLEY and CHANNING come outside the church. CROWLEY Find another meatsuit. Black smoke pours from CHANNING's mouth. We see the Impala drive past the church in slow motion. As KEVIN and Sam watch, CROWLEY makes a hand motion and CHANNING's neck snaps. She falls to the ground. The Impala speeds away and CROWLEY wipes his face with a handkerchief. EXT. GAS STATION – DAY The Impala pulls up to the pumps. Dean's phone rings. Dean (on phone): Hello? [He listens.]Wrong number. [He hangs up.] Dean: Automated jackass. All right, anybody want anything? Sam: I'm good. Dean turns to look at KEVIN in the back seat. KEVIN doesn't respond. Dean looks at Sam. Sam: Kevin? How you holding up? KEVIN Awesome. The king of Hell just snapped my girlfriend's neck. How about you? Sam and Dean look at each other. Dean: All right, listen to me. I'm sorry about your girlfriend, okay? I am. But the sooner you get this, the better. You're in it now, whether you like it or not. That means you do what you got to do. I'm hitting the head. Dean gets out of the Impala and walks towards the men's room. He stops and makes a call on his cell phone. BENNY (on phone, V-O) There he is. Dean (on phone): How did you get a phone? EXT. CEMETERY – DAY BENNY is wearing a dark cap and dark sunglasses. A funeral is in progress around a gravesite behind him. The remainder of the scene alternates between Dean at the gas station and BENNY in the cemetery. BENNY (on phone): Would you believe they sell these things in convenience stores now? A lot's changed in 50 years. Dean (on phone): Must be a hell of a lot to take in. BENNY (on phone): Mostly it's the choices, you know? So many choices. [He turns to look at the funeral party.] Dean (on phone): Yeah, I hear that. Listen, Benny, not to b*at a d*ad horse. What we did down there is what we had to do. Now, I don't regret it for a second. But... you know, maybe until we both adjust, it's best we don't talk for a while. BENNY (on phone): There it is. Dean (on phone): One day at a time, just like we talked about, right? BENNY (on phone): I think you had it right, bud. Dean (on phone): What's that? BENNY (on phone): Purgatory waspure. I'm kind of wishin' I had appreciated it more. You know? Like you. Dean (on phone): Listen, you got an emergency, you call me, you understand? BENNY (on phone): I hear you. You keep your nose clean, too, brother. Dean (on phone): Yeah. END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "08x01 - We Need to Talk about Kevin"}
Air Date: 10 October 2012 EXT. DOWNTOWN CHICAGO – DAY Chicago, Illinois INT. BANK – DAY A Woman bank employee is leading a man towards the safety deposit vaults. Woman: So sorry to have kept you waiting, Mr. Vili. It's just...it's been so long since you checked in with us. We had to dig through our archives. MR VILI Don't worry about me, dear. I've got plenty of time. Woman: Which box is it again? MR VILI One. Woman: I'm... sorry. Did you say one, as in box number one? MR VILI If memory serves. The Woman unlocks a safety deposit box and carries it to a table. Woman: During our last renovation, we had to replace the safe boxes, and we put yours inside a new one. MR VILI Ah... MR VILI lifts his box out of the one the Woman opened. He unlocks it and smiles. The Woman gasps. MR VILI lifts a bone, which shines with light for a moment, out of the box. Woman: I'm...sorry, sir, but... is that a bone? MR VILI Not just any bone, my dear. An extremely valuable one. Woman: Well, I'm happy we were able to keep it safe for you all these years. MR VILI Hmm. Woman: Is there anything else I can help you with today? MR VILI Why, yes, now that I think about it. I'd like to make a withdrawal. The Woman screams. Blood splatters the wall lined with safety deposit boxes. SUPERNATURAL EXT. RESTAURANT – DAY Dean is eating a hamburger at an outdoor table. Dean: [mouth full]Are you kidding me? You're kidding me. KEVIN What? Is it too much to ask if we can swing by and check on my mom? Dean: "Swing by?" It's a day's drive in the opposite direction. You know that, right? KEVIN Yes. I understand we're in a hurry. Dean: Okay, well, then, what's the problem? KEVIN Channing's broken neck is my problem! As in I'd rather not see my mom twisted into a corkscrew. Sam: Kid's got a point, Dean. Dean: Stay out of this. [Sam smiles.]Kevin, your mom is fine. A waitress brings more food. KEVIN How can you possibly know that? Dean: Because Crowley needs her to be, okay? In fact, he's probably got the place stacked with bodyguards right now, protecting her so that when you do show up, they'll pounce on you both. KEVIN Is that supposed to make me feel better? Dean: She's bait, man, plain and simple. And you want to swim right up and bite the hook? Look, we have got Crowley by the short and curlies, okay? All we need to do is find the tablet, whip up the spell, and – boom! – sunshine and sandy beaches. KEVIN Dean, my mom's all alone. She's surrounded by demons. Can you really not understand why I want to make sure she's okay? Dean looks at Sam, who shrugs. Dean: Son of a bitch. [He puts down his hamburger and throws his hands in the air.]Fine. Let's go. EXT. ROAD – DAY The Impala drives down a road. EXT. TOWN STREET – DAY Neighbor, Michigan The Impala is parked across the street from a blue house. Dean, Sam and KEVIN are all looking at the house, Sam through binoculars. Sam: Tiger mom, 9 o'clock. KEVIN grabs the binoculars from Sam. KEVIN Where? Sam: Left window. Mrs TRAN can be seen at the window. KEVIN She seems okay. Sad... but okay. Dean: Check out the mailman. KEVIN looks through the binoculars at a MAILMAN putting letters into the mailbox. KEVIN Yeah, that's Carl. So what? Dean: Yeah, well, Carl's filled your mom's mailbox three times since we've been sitting here. KEVIN He's a demon? Dean: And see the gardener? [A GARDENER is watering plants in front of the house.]Think that plant needs any more water? [Water is running onto a path and down stairs in front of the house.] CUT TO: The GARDENER is still watering plants with a hose. The water stops flowing and he walks around the side of the house to investigate. Dean s*ab him with Ruby's demon-k*lling Kn*fe. The GARDENER screams and falls down d*ad. CUT TO: The MAILMAN is walking along the street in front of the house when he hears a noise from near the house. His eyes turn black as he goes to investigate. He walks through the unlatched gate to the back yard and finds Dean standing there. Dean waves as Sam steps out from behind the gate and s*ab the MAILMAN with the Kn*fe. The MAILMAN drops to the ground d*ad. INT. TRAN RESIDENCE – DAY Mrs TRAN and a Woman are sitting at a table playing cards. Woman: He'll be back. You just have to believe. Mrs TRAN Thanks, Eunis. And I do believe. I just... wish I could do more. EUNIS Linda, you're doing all you should by staying here. He needs to know he has a home to come back to. There is a knock at the door. Mrs TRAN opens it to find KEVIN standing there. KEVIN Hi, Mom. Mrs TRAN Oh! Kev– Kevin! Dean and Sam step forward from either side of KEVIN and throw liquid on Mrs TRAN. Mrs TRAN Ah! Oh! What... Dean: She's clean. KEVIN hugs Mrs TRAN, who cries with happiness in his arms. Sam: You smell that? Sam and Dean walk into the house. As Sam enters the kitchen, black smoke pours from EUNIS's mouth. Sam: Et secta diabolica, omnis congregatio, omnis legio, omnis incursion...[The black smoke flows back into EUNIS.]...infernalis adversarii, omnis spiritus exorcizamus! KEVIN puts his arms around Mrs TRAN as she watches in horror. Dean s*ab EUNIS with the Kn*fe. Mrs TRAN Aah! EUNIS screams as her body flashes with light, then falls to the ground d*ad. Mrs TRAN Eunis! Dean: That's not Eunis. CUT TO: Mrs TRAN is sitting on a sofa. KEVIN sits down next to her. Sam: Mrs. Tran, your friend was possessed by a demon. KEVIN Have you ever seen "The Exorcist"? Mrs TRAN Is that what you've been doing all year – watching television? Did you really have to k*ll her? Dean: The demon would have warned Crowley where Kevin was if we didn't. Mrs TRAN And Crowley is the one who kidnapped you? KEVIN Yeah. He needs me to translate his stupid tablet so he can take over the universe or something. Dean: Which is why we need to get it so that we can slam the gates of Hell forever with Crowley inside. Sam: So that things like thatdon't ever happen again. Mrs TRAN Prophet of the Lord, huh? It does have a nice ring to it. I'll get packed. [She gets up.] Dean: We're gonna need a safe house since Crowley's been to the cabin, so – Mrs TRAN Safe house? I thought we were going to get the tablet. Dean: Uh, weare. You're taking a trip to a demon-free zone. Mrs TRAN And risk letting Kevin fall into the hands of this Crowley again? I don't think so. Sam: Ms. Tran, all due respect, Dean's right. Crowley – he's not just a k*ller. He trades in torment. And if he can find a way to separate your soul from you, he'll take that soul to Hell and – and roast it till there's nothing left but black smoke. Look, it's best if you let us handle this. Mrs TRAN I understand. But it's not my soul I'm worried about. It's my son's. [She stands with her arms folded.] Dean: Kevin, you want to back us up here? Came all the way down here to pull her out of the f*re, and now she wants to jump right back in. KEVIN Like I can tell her what to do? Dean and Mrs TRAN look at each other. He finally Chuckles and shrugs. Dean: All right. Coming with us has conditions – uh, hex bags to stay off the bad guys' radar and, uh, you're gonna have to get inked up. KEVIN Do what, now? Sam: Yeah, uh... [He pulls his shirt open to reveal his tattoo.]You, too, shortstop. Keeps the demons out. Mrs TRAN Fine. Dean: Really? Mrs TRAN What, like it's my first tattoo? Mrs TRAN walks out of the room. KEVIN stares after her. Dean smiles, somewhat admiringly. [The Reverend Horton Heat's "The Devil's Chasing Me" plays.] INT. TATTOO PARLOR – DAY KEVIN whimpers as the tattoo artist works on his arm. Next to him, Mrs TRAN sits impassively as another tattoo artist works on her arm. She reaches out her hand for KEVIN to hold. They both hold hex bags in their other hands. ♪ Black clouds in the east ♪ ♪ The devil's chasing me ♪ Dean and Sam stand at the front of the tattoo parlor watching. Dean: You smell it, Sammy? Sam: Burning flesh? Dean: Revenge. So close. Hey, how'd you do that reverse-exorcism thing? Sam: Just said the verse backwards. ♪ The devil's chasing me ♪ KEVIN squeals in pain as the tattooing continues. EXT. BUS STATION – DAY Laramie, Wyoming INT. BUS STATION – DAY Sam and Dean walk separately through the bus station. KEVIN and Mrs TRAN sit on a bench waiting for them. Sam: So, place is clean, far as I can tell. KEVIN hands a key to Dean. Dean: All right. Positive thoughts. Dean opens a locker. He and Sam look inside it and Dean takes out a bag. Dean: You hid the Word of God in a diaper bag? KEVIN No. Dean looks through the bag, which seems to be empty. Sam smirks. Dean: Shut up. Dean tosses the bag back into the locker and slams the door. INT. BUS STATION – DAY KEVIN and Mrs TRAN are sitting on a bench. Sam and Dean, now wearing suits, are standing with a Guard in front of the lockers. Guard: Been nothing but trouble with these lockers. Got broke into damn near every day for a while. Could never figure out who it was till yesterday. Sam: Oh, so you know who did it? Guard: Sure. Was Clem Smedley, a guy who worked the desk before me. Dean: Please tell me he's down at County right now. Guard: Yep, waiting for arraignment. Sam: Thanks. INT. Police STATION INTERVIEW ROOM – DAY CLEM SMEDLEY and Sam are sitting at the table. Dean slowly paces near the table. CLEM SMEDLEY Should have known they'd plant a LoJack in one of them bags. Sharp guy, that Jerry. He'll be a fine replacement for me. Sam: Right. Well, in one of those lockers, there was a tablet. Do you know where it is? CLEM SMEDLEY Can I even acknowledge that without my Lawyer here? Sam: Uh, look, I'm sure we can work out a little, uh, something-something with the locals if you just cooperate. CLEM SMEDLEY What kind of [voice fading out as the camera focuses on Dean's face and the scene blurs]something-something? FLASHBACK EXT. PURGATORY Dean turns a slow circle with his axe w*apon in his hand. BENNY is standing in front of a humanoid MONSTER that is sprawled with its back to a tree. BENNY I don't think he knows, man. INT. Police STATION INTERVIEW ROOM – DAY The camera stays on a close-up of Dean's face. Sam (V.O): Leniency? FLASHBACK EXT. PURGATORY Dean leans over and puts a hand on the MONSTER's shoulder. Dean: Oh, he knows. Where's the angel? We see a close-up of the MONSTER's face, then Dean's. INT. Police STATION INTERVIEW ROOM – DAY The close-up of Dean's face in PURGATORY segues to a close-up of Dean's face in the present. CLEM SMEDLEY So, here's what I'm thinking – full immunity from all charges… [Dean removes his tie]…both past, present, and future. Dean walks behind CLEM SMEDLEY and puts his tie around his neck. He pulls CLEM SMEDLEY to his feet, pushes him against a wall and holds a Kn*fe to his throat. Sam: Hey! [He raps his hand on the table.]Dean. Come on. Dean: You… FLASHBACK EXT. PURGATORY The scene of Dean menacing CLEM SMEDLEY segues into a scene of Dean menacing the MONSTER, which is chained to the tree. Dean: …feel that? MONSTER There's a stream. Dean: Go on. MONSTER It runs through a clearing not far from here. I'll show you. Dean holds the tip of his Kn*fe against the MONSTER's throat under its chin. Dean: How about you just tell me? Sam (V.O): Hey. INT. Police STATION INTERVIEW ROOM – DAY Dean still holds his Kn*fe to CLEM SMEDLEY's throat. Sam: Dean! CLEM SMEDLEY Pawn shop, First and Main. FLASHBACK EXT. PURGATORY Dean: Go on. MONSTER Three days' journey. Follow the stream. There's a clearing. You'll find your angel there. Dean looks behind him at BENNY, who raises an eyebrow. Dean: You know what, Mutt? I believe you. Dean pushes his Kn*fe into the MONSTER's skull from under its chin. We can see the Kn*fe blade in its open mouth. The MONSTER chokes and gurgles. Dean pulls out his Kn*fe and the MONSTER's head falls forward. INT. Police STATION INTERVIEW ROOM – DAY Sam: Dean? Dean removes the tie from CLEM SMEDLEY's neck. FLASHBACK EXT. PURGATORY Dean walks away from the MONSTER and past BENNY, who follows him. INT. Police STATION INTERVIEW ROOM – DAY Sam: Come on. Sam and Dean leave the interview room. EXT. STREET – DAY A red Ferrari is parked on the side of the street. The Impala pulls up and Dean, Sam, KEVIN and Mrs TRAN get out. KEVIN [looking at the Ferrari]Whoa. Mrs TRAN Hey. INT. PAWN SHOP – DAY Sam: Hello, sir. Agents Neil and Sixx, FBI. [He holds up a badge.]Uh, we're looking for a tablet. Dean: About, uh, yea big, got some hieroglyphic crap on it. Sam: Sold to you by a thief named Clem. Ring a bell? Clerk: Nope. Dean looks at the CLERK's name tag. Dean: Hey, Lyle, I've had a really, really bad day today, so I'm not in the mood to dillydally. If you want to do this the rough way, I am happy to oblige. LYLE Sure. We can do it that way, if you want to get famous. [He gestures to security cameras and we see the scene in black and white.] Mrs TRAN That your car outside? LYLE What's it to you, mail-order? Dean: Hey! [He slams his hand on the counter.]Pal! Mrs TRAN I got it. I notice you're driving with expired tags, maybe because you just acquired it in a trade, and I'm guessing that means you haven't registered it yet, which means you haven't paid the tax. Is that correct? LYLE None of your business. Mrs TRAN Kevin, average blue book on a 2010 Ferrari F430 Spider? KEVIN $217,000. Mrs TRAN And the 5% Wyoming tax? Sam: $10,850. Mrs TRAN $10,000. Something tells me you're the type who might balk at a tax bill that big. LYLE W-what is this, an FBI audit? Mrs TRAN No. But my brother, who happens to work for the Wyoming tax assessor's office could arrange that if he thought something untoward was happening here. So what's it going to be – the tablet or that piece of Eurotrash crap you call a car? EXT. PAWN SHOP – DAY The Impala drives away. EXT. MOTEL – DAY Sam knocks on the door of Room 126. Sam: Sure this is the right place? Dean: It's what the pawn slip says. A Man calls out and Sam, Dean, KEVIN and Mrs TRAN all turn. Man: Kevin? The Man is dapperly dressed and is holding a cane. Dean: Who wants to know? Man: Oh, relax, Dean. I'm not going to steal your Prophet. [to Mrs TRAN]Ah. And you must be Kevin's mother. Um... Beau. And it is my absolute pleasure. [He kisses Mrs TRAN's hand and she smiles.]And, um, Kevin. Imagine my luck. Here I was, working so hard looking for you that I never stopped to think you might be looking for me. I have something for you. Man: What is it? BEAU [holding up an envelope with Kevin's name on it]An invitation, dear man, to a very exclusive auction. Dean: Let me guess – where you'll be selling the tablet? BEAU Well, when we acquire an item as hot as the Word of God, it's smart to unload it as fast as possible. And we are in such desperate need of a headliner for tonight's gala. Dean: Well, I hope you have three extra tickets to your little eBay party, 'cause the Prophet's with us. BEAU Oh, if you're worried about the safety of the Prophet, rest assured that we have a strict "no casting, no cursing, no supernaturally flicking the two of you against the wall just for the fun of it" policy. Sam: Is that right? How'd you manage that? BEAU Well, I amthe right hand of a God, after all – Plutus, specifically. Dean: Is that even a planet anymore? BEAU It's the God of greed. And my liege has warded these premises against Hell, Heaven, and beyond – quite necessary with some of the players we see. And incidentally, quite possibly the safest place your precious Prophet could be. Mmm. Well, since time is of the essence, perhaps I'll just go ahead and add a plus-three to the Prophet's invitation. Copacetic? BEAU tosses the envelope into the air and disappears. Dean: Well, thank you, Mr. Peanut! All right. What do we have to bid? [Sam scoffs.]What? We can't just show up there empty-handed. Sam: Dean, all we have to our names is a few hacked gold cards. Dean: All right. Well, then, we're gonna have to get creative. Sam: Huh. [He looks at the Impala.]Well... Dean: No. Mnh-mnh. Say it and I will k*ll you, your children, and your grandchildren. Sam: Okay, okay. Uh... Wait a second. They – these auctions – they display the items to the bidders beforehand, right? Dean: Yeah, so? Sam: So all we got to do is get Kevin close enough to memorize the spell. Dean: What do you think, brainiac? Think you can swing it? Mrs TRAN Of course he can swing it... if the bumper stickers on my Previa mean anything. Dean: [to the Impala]They didn't mean it, baby. INT. WAREHOUSE – NIGHT A man opens the door to admit KEVIN, Sam, Mrs TRAN and Dean. They each walk through a metal detector, which sounds an alarm for Dean. BEAU Now, now, Dean. The system only works when everyone participates. CUT TO: Dean puts his g*n into a box holding other w*apon. He holds up Ruby's demon-k*lling Kn*fe. Dean: I'll be back for this. [He puts the Kn*fe in the box.] CUT TO: Auction attendees look at items on display in glass cases. The items include a sword, a manuscript and a large hammer. Dean: How the hell are we supposed to know who's who? Sam: It's pretty simple, Dean. They're all monsters. Dean: Hey, hey. Dean and the others walk over to a display case containing the Word of God. A piece of metal has been affixed in front of the tablet so it cannot be read. Dean: Great. KEVIN I guess we're not as original as we thought. Sam: It's okay. It's okay. We just got to come up with a plan "B." CROWLEY And what, pray tell, could possibly have been plan "A"? Bring the Prophet to the most dangerous place on Earth, memorize the tablet, and then vamoose? Hello, boys. INT. WAREHOUSE – NIGHT Dean: Crowley. CROWLEY Kevin. What a pleasure to see you. Sorry about your little playdate. Her name? Ah. Well, if you're gonna make an omelet, sometimes you have to break some spines. And who is this lovely young thing? Must be your sister. Mrs TRAN slaps CROWLEY hard across the face. CROWLEY Ah! Mrs TRAN Stay away from my son. CROWLEY Charming. Defiling her corpse has just made number one on my to-do list. [Dean steps forward and Sam moves to stop him.]Unh, unh, unh, unh. Don't mind a little love tap, but anything more, and our mookie pals here may just throw you out, and that would be a shame. Sam: He's right, Dean. It's not worth it. CROWLEY Listen to Moose, Squirrel. A BALD Man enters the room. CROWLEY Ah. Here comes our host. Man's Voice: Honored guests, please take your seats. Dean: That's Plutus? What is he, God of the candy aisle? BEAU Gentlemen, the auction is starting. CROWLEY Good luck with the bidding. Sam: [to Mrs TRAN, as they walk towards their seats]Nice right hook. A Young Man in a fast-food employee's uniform walks up to Dean. Young Man Dean Winchester? Dean: Do I know you? Young Man Uh, no, but, uh, I knew Castiel. Dean: You're an angel? Young Man This – this was the nearest vessel on short notice. We don't usually come to things like this, but, uh... Dean: You're chasing the magic rock? Young Man We protect the word of God. Dean: Well, awesome job so far, uh... [He reads the Young MAN's name tag.]Alfie. Young Man Actually, my name is Samandiriel. Dean: Let's just stick with Alfie. SamANDIRIEL I wanted to ask you about Castiel. What happened to him? Dean: Well, me and Cas – we, uh – we iced Dick Roman and got a one-way rocket ride to Purgatory for our trouble. SamANDIRIEL But you escaped. Did – did Castiel? [Dean doesn't respond.]You know, there are some in Heaven who still believe, despite his mistakes, that Castiel's heart was always in the right place. Dean: Are you one of them? SamANDIRIEL I think too much heart was always Castiel's problem. SamANDIRIEL walks away. FLASHBACK EXT. PURGATORY Castiel is washing his hands and face at a stream. Dean and BENNY approach. Dean: Cas! Castiel: Dean. [He stands up as Dean and BENNY walk closer.] Dean: Cas. Dean laughs and hugs Castiel. Dean: Damn, it's good to see you. Nice peach fuzz. Castiel: Thank you. Dean: You should meet somebody. This is Benny. Benny, this is Cas. BENNY Hola. Castiel: How did you find me? Dean: The bloody way. You feeling okay? Castiel: You mean am I still... [He points to his head and makes circles with his finger.] Dean: Yeah, if you want to be on the nose about it, sure. Castiel: No. I'm perfectly sane. But, then, 94% of psychotics think they're perfectly sane, so I guess we'd have to ask ourselves, "what is sane?" Dean: That's a good question. BENNY Why'd you bail on Dean? Dean: Dude – BENNY The way I hear it, you two h*t monster land, and hot wings here took off. I figure he owes you some backstory. Dean: Look, we were surrounded, okay? Some freak jumped Cas. Obviously, he kicked its ass, right? Castiel: No. Dean: What? Castiel: I ran away. Dean: You ran away? Castiel: I had to. Dean: That's your excuse for leaving me with those gorilla-wolves? Castiel: Dean – Dean: You bailed out and, what, went camping? I prayed to you, Cas, every night. Castiel: I know. Dean: You know and you didn't... What the hell's wrong with you? Castiel: I am an angel in a land of abominations. There have been things hunting me from the moment we arrived. Dean: Join the club! Castiel: These are not just monsters, Dean. They're Leviathan. I have a price on my head, and I've been trying to stay one step ahead of them, to – to keep them away from you. That's why I ran. Just leave me, please. BENNY Sounds like a plan. Let's roll. Dean: Hold on, hold on. Cas, we're getting out of here. We're going home. Castiel: Dean, I can't. Dean: You can. Benny, tell him. BENNY Purgatory has an escape hatch, but I got no idea if it's angel-friendly. Dean: We'll figure it out. Cas, buddy, I need you. Castiel: Dean... Dean: And if Leviathan want to take a sh*t at us, let ‘em. We ganked those bitches once before. We can do it again. Castiel: It's too dangerous. Dean: Let me bottom-line it for you. I'm not leaving here without you. Understand? Castiel: I understand. INT. WAREHOUSE – NIGHT We see a close-up of Dean's face as the flashback ends. Someone raps a gavel to begin the auction. BEAU Ladies, gentlemen, and...other, welcome to this once-in-a-lifetime event. Dean takes a seat next to Sam. CROWLEY Samandiriel. Slumming it, are we? BEAU The first name in magical and alchemical esoterica. [Sam, Dean, Mrs TRAN and KEVIN take out their wallets. The others pass their cash to Dean.]Our prices may be high, but our quality is unmatched, and we stand by our products. CROWLEY Don't know why you're so keen on that hunk of dirt. So it tells you how to blast back a few demons? I'll just make more. Can't get rid of all of my black-eyed boys, Samantha. Sam: Yeah, we'll see. BEAU And across the plane... Sam: All right. So, how much we got for plan "B"? Dean: Uh, well, we got our hacked credit cards, $2,000, and a, uh, Costco membership. BEAU Our first item, the amulet of Hesperus. Let's start the bidding with, um, three tons of dwarven gold? [Dean raises his eyebrows and looks at Sam.]Ah. This lady. I have three. Do I have, uh, four? Ah. Four, gentlemen here. Four. Going for five. Five? [CROWLEY smiles.]Five to this lady. Do we have an advance on five tons? Sam: Plan "C"? Dean: Big time. BEAU Any other bids? Any other bids? Dean: I'm gonna use the restroom. BEAU Sold. Dean follows an AUCTION STAFF MEMBER who wheels away a trolley containing auction items. The AUCTION STAFF MEMBER unlocks a room with a metal door and pushes the trolley inside, then locks the room again and walks back towards the auction. Dean bumps into him. Dean: Oh, sorry. Dean waits until the AUCTION STAFF MEMBER has gone, then looks at a key which he apparently took from him. He uses the key to unlock the metal door. Two men are inside. Dean: This isn't the men's room. We see a close-up of the Word of God on a table in the room. Dean: Okay. Dean closes the door and heads back towards the auction. BEAU Our next item up for bid, the hammer of Thor, Mjoelnir. MR VILI A finger bone from the frost giant Ymir. BEAU looks at PLUTUS, who shakes his head. MR VILI Uh... the bone and, uh… [He holds up a bloodstained brown paper bag.]…5/8 of a virgin. Sam recoils slightly. Dean walks back into the room. PLUTUS nods. BEAU Ah. Sold. Dean hits Sam on the arm to get him to move one seat over and sits down next to him. Dean: Plan "C" t*nk. CROWLEY Maybe you should try plan "D" for dumbass. BEAU Our next lot, the Word of God… [He holds up the tablet.]…capital "G" – very old, very rare. CROWLEY [standing]Three billion dollars. Dean and Sam [simultaneously]Whoa. SamANDIRIEL [standing]The "Mona Lisa." CROWLEY The real"Mona Lisa," where she's topless. SamANDIRIEL Vatican City. CROWLEY Alaska. BEAU Palin and a bridge to nowhere? No, thanks. CROWLEY All right. The moon. You're bidding the moon? CROWLEY Yeah. Claimed it for Hell. Think a man named Buzz gets to go into space without making a deal? BEAU Ah. I'm sorry, gentlemen. It seems that our reserve price has not been met. So in order to stimulate the bidding, we're going to add an item to this lot… [He points]…Kevin Tran, Prophet of the Lord. Mrs TRAN gasps. KEVIN disappears. Mrs TRAN [standing]No! KEVIN reappears, chained near PLUTUS. Sam and Dean stand up, but an AUCTION EMPLOYEE behind them forces them back into their seats with a hand on their shoulders. BEAU Mr. Tran is the only person on Earth who can read this tablet, which makes them a perfect matching set. CROWLEY So out of your league. BEAU So, do I hear a bid of, um – Mrs TRAN No, stop! I'll give you whatever you want. I have a 401(K), my house. PLUTUS Chuckles. BEAU Good effort, Ms. Tran, but I'm afraid this is a little out of your price range. Mrs TRAN My soul. KEVIN Mom, don't! Mrs TRAN I bid my soul! Dean: Are you sure? That's a big move. PLUTUS Interesting. CROWLEY If it's souls that you're after, I can give you a million souls. Dean: Hey, flyboy, are you gonna get in on this? SamANDIRIEL We guard the souls in Heaven. We don't horse-trade them. CROWLEY So we have a deal. PLUTUS It's not about the quantity, chief. It's about the sacrifice. This little lady's soul is the most valuable thing she has. It's everything. Are you willing to offer everything, Mr. Crowley? Dean: Tick-tock. CROWLEY Fine. You win. I bid... my own soul! PLUTUS [laughs]Mr. Crowley, you don't have a soul. [to Mrs TRAN]Congrats, sweetheart. Mrs TRAN Thank you. Thank you. CROWLEY leaves the room. KEVIN looks distressed and Mrs TRAN afraid. INT. WAREHOUSE – NIGHT Sam and Dean are sitting with Mrs TRAN in the room where the auction was held. Mrs TRAN Losing my soul – is it going to hurt? Dean: Probably. Mrs TRAN Will I die? Sam: No. You'll just wish you were d*ad. Mrs TRAN [whispering]Okay. BEAU enters the room. BEAU It's time. Dean and Sam stand up. Mrs TRAN remains seated. Dean: You all right? Mrs TRAN [on the verge of tears]Yeah. Can I – can I just have a minute? Dean and Sam walk a few steps away. Sam: Dean, this sucks. Dean: Are you kidding me? We're about to close the gates of Hell forever. If you ask me, we got off cheap. Dean and Sam leave the room. Mrs TRAN stands up. SamANDIRIEL approaches her. SamANDIRIEL Excuse me, miss. Hi. My name is Sam– Alfie. I'm an angel. Mrs TRAN Who works at Wiener Hut? SamANDIRIEL No. This is, uh – it doesn't matter. Uh, what you did in here was amazing, and I want you to know that my friends and I can protect your son. The Winchesters are exceptional men, but... they're just men. If Kevin comes with us – Mrs TRAN Oh, no, no. The last time that angels tried to help my son, I watched them die, and Kevin went missing for a year. So, no offense, but… [She has tears in her eyes.]…I'm gonna take my chances with them. SamANDIRIEL nods. CUT TO: MR VILI picks up Thor's hammer. MR VILI Mjoelnir, I've missed you. He cradles the hammer to his chest and walks off. BEAU and Mrs TRAN walk up to Sam and Dean. Dean: Where's the kid? PLUTUS snaps his fingers and KEVIN appears. Sam: What are you gonna do with her soul? PLUTUS Whatever I want. I might sell it, or maybe I'll just tuck it away with my other precious objects, let them keep me warm at night. Mm. [He Chuckles. Mrs TRAN looks afraid, but lifts her chin and straightens her shoulders. PLUTUS holds out his hands.]Whenever you're ready, dear. After a pause, Mrs TRAN holds out a hand and steps forward. Dean: Wait! Dean grabs Mrs TRAN's outstretched arm and pushes up her sleeve. Her demon-proofing tattoo has been b*rned off. Mrs TRAN [in CROWLEY's voice]Hello, boys. [Her eyes turn red.] Sam: Crowley. Mrs TRAN flings out her arms and sends Sam and Dean flying. PLUTUS No. You can't. My warding spells. Mrs TRAN Your girl Friday showed me a few loopholes. PLUTUS looks at BEAU, who smiles and shrugs. FLASHBACK to the earlier conversation between Mrs TRAN and SamANDIRIEL BEAU is watching Mrs TRAN and SamANDIRIEL talk. Mrs TRAN No offense, but I'm going to take my chances with them. SamANDIRIEL leaves. BEAU closes the door in Mrs TRAN's face. BEAU Now, that... was very, very stupid! BEAU grabs Mrs TRAN's arms and forces her against the wall. She screams as he holds up a cigarette lighter to burn off her tattoo. The flashback ends. Mrs TRAN And all it cost me was an island in the South Pacific. I love a bargain. BEAU s*ab PLUTUS from behind. Mrs TRAN pulls out the stake from PLUTUS's chest and hurls it at a Man who was guarding KEVIN. Mrs TRAN Can't do all my tricks, but I can do enough. KEVIN Get out of her! Dean reaches into the box of confiscated w*apon and takes out the demon-k*lling Kn*fe. Mrs TRAN picks up the Word of God. Mrs TRAN If I had a nickel for every time someone screamed thatat me... Sam tackles Mrs TRAN to the ground, then gets up and stands next to Dean in front of KEVIN. Mrs TRAN also stands up. Dean: Getting in touch with your feminine side, huh, Crowley? Mrs TRAN Something like that. Dean: Well, come and get him. Mrs TRAN looks behind Sam and Dean at KEVIN. Mrs TRAN One out of two ain't bad. [She runs from the room carrying the Word of God.] Dean: [to Sam]Watch the kid! [He runs after Mrs TRAN.] Sam: Kevin, don't! Let Dean take care of it. BEAU points a g*n at Sam's back. KEVIN Sam, move! KEVIN pushes Sam away. BEAU sh**t, but misses as Sam ducks for cover. CUT TO: Mrs TRAN runs through the warehouse with Dean following. CUT TO: BEAU continues to sh**t at Sam, who is behind an upturned table with MR VILI. KEVIN heads for the exit. BEAU Don't! [KEVIN stops.]You know what's better than one private island? Twoprivate islands. Sam comes up behind BEAU and swings Thor's hammer at the back of BEAU's head. Lightening crackles as BEAU falls. KEVIN runs out of the room. MR VILI Okay. Give it back. Give it back. Sam holds out Thor's hammer to MR VILI, then stops. Sam: Where'd you get the 5/8 of a virgin? MR VILI smiles and shrugs. MR VILI Oh, no. Sam swings the hammer at MR VILI. Lightening crackles. The hammer falls onto a pile of MR VILI's clothes. CUT TO: Mrs TRAN is running through the warehouse. Dean catches her and pushes her against a wall. The Word of God goes flying along the ground. Dean holds his Kn*fe to Mrs TRAN's throat. KEVIN runs up. KEVIN Mom! Mrs TRAN pushes Dean away. Red smoke pours from her mouth. CUT TO: A door opens and CROWLEY steps out, brushing off his coat. CROWLEY Well, that was exciting. Good luck closing the gates to Hell... [He picks up the Word of God.]…without this. KEVIN is crouching down by Mrs TRAN, who is on the floor leaning against the wall. CROWLEY Surprising what mommy dearest has rattling around in her head. Want to know who your real father is? Scandalous. Dean: Crowley! CROWLEY I know we're not mates, Kevin, but one word of advice – run. Run far and run fast. 'Cause the Winchesters – well, they have a habit of using people up and watching them die bloody. Toodles. CROWLEY waves and leaves the room. INT. WAREHOUSE – NIGHT Dean, Sam, KEVIN and Mrs TRAN are in the room where the auction was held. Mrs TRAN sits unmoving in a chair. KEVIN sits in front of her with a hand on her knee. Sam: Has she said anything? [KEVIN shakes his head.] Dean: Listen, Kev, what your mom went through – it's hell. Trust me, I know. But she seems tough. She'll pull it together. KEVIN You tried to k*ll her. Dean: Kid, in this life – KEVIN Shut up! I don't want to hear any more of your crappy speeches. I just want to talk to my mom alone. Sam: Sure. Five minutes. KEVIN Mom... Mrs TRAN's face is blank. CUT TO: Sam and Dean are waiting in the next room. Sam: Dean, were you really going to, uh... Dean: What? Slit soccer mom's throat? Yeah, I was. I wish I had. Sam: Dean – Dean: It was Crowley, Sam. No matter what meat suit he's in, I should have knifed him. I mean, yeah, it would have sucked, and I would have hated myself, but what's one more nightmare, right? [Pause]It seem a little quiet in there to you? Sam opens the door to the room where the auction was held. KEVIN and Mrs TRAN are gone. Sam: Kevin? Kevin! Dean: You've got to be kidding me! [He sees a folded piece of paper on a chair.]Hey. Sam: What? [Dean unfolds the note.]What's it say? Dean: Uh, that they bolted, that we shouldn't come looking, and since we lost the tablet, Kevin figures we don't need him. Sam: Yeah, but Crowley still does. What's that kid thinking?! Dean: He thinks people I don't need anymore – they end up d*ad. Sam: Dean, that – that – that's not true. You know that. FLASHBACK EXT. PURGATORY Castiel is hanging over the edge of a drop. A hand grips his arm, preventing him from falling. Castiel: Dean! Dean! The hand lets go and Castiel falls a short distance. Castiel: Aah! Dean! END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "08x02 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?"}
Air Date: 17 October 2012 EXT. PARK – NIGHT Minneapolis, Minnesota A young male JOGGER is jogging along a path. A HEAVYSET Man running faster catches up to him, jogs near him for a few moments as they look at each other, then sprints off. The JOGGER stops to catch his breath before jogging on. Further down the path, the JOGGER comes to a stop in front of the HEAVYSET Man, who seems to be waiting for him. JOGGER [holding out his hand]Congratulations. You're fast. The HEAVYSET Man grabs the JOGGER's outstretched right arm with his left hand. HEAVYSET Man I do a lot of cardio. The HEAVYSET Man plunges his right hand into the JOGGER's chest and withdraws his heart. The JOGGER falls to the ground. SUPERNATURAL EXT. FARMERS' MARKET – DAY Sam picks up a red apple from a basket and takes a bite. Dean is looking at his phone. Dean: Wow. Guy goes to Purgatory for a year, all hell breaks loose. Check this out. A jogger in Minneapolis gets his heart ripped out. Sam: I'm guessing literally? Dean: Only way that interests me. And then, there's another article from six months ago. [Sam puts tomatoes into a canvas bag.]Same thing happens, also in Minneapolis. What does that tell us? Sam: Stay out of Minneapolis. Dean: Two hearts ganked, Same city, six months apart. [Sam hands over money for his purchases.]I mean, that's got to be a ritual, man. Or at least some sort of a heart-sucking, possessed, satanic, crack-whore bat. Sam: A what? Dean: It's a case. Look, I say we hang out the shingle again and ride. Sam: We're on a case, Dean. Kevin and the demon tablet need to be found, so heart guy takes a number. Dean: Uh, we just spent a week chasing our asses trying to lock Kevin down, okay? And look at us. We're – [He looks around at their surroundings.]Where the hell are we? Sam: [slowly]Farmers' market. [He holds up the apple.]Organic. What? I had a year off. I took the time to enjoy the good things. Dean: While avoiding doing what we actually do. Sam: Wow, Dean, does it make you feel that much better every time you say it? Dean: All right, man, look, I get it. You took a year off to do yoga and play the lute, whatever, but I'm back. Okay, we're back, which means that we walk and k*ll monsters at the Same time. We'll find Kevin. But in the meantime, do we ignore stuff like this? Or are innocent people supposed to die so that you can shop for produce? INT. Police STATION – DAY Someone drops a folder with photos of the d*ad JOGGER onto a desk. As the camera pans out, we see that Dean and Sam in suits are talking to a Detective. Detective: Here's what's odd about this thing – the guy wasn't chopped or cut into, no incision. But his heart was ripped out of him like a peach pit. Sam: Was he robbed? Detective: Phone, watch, money all still on him. Dean: What about enemies? Detective: He was in town for a conference. No local connections. Dean: You guys had another one of these about, uh, six months ago? Detective: Yeah, and we h*t a brick wall. We had nothing to go on, really. Thought maybe we got lucky here. [He walks over to a TV.]A park surveillance camera picked up something. They watch the HEAVYSET Man overtake the JOGGER on the security camera footage. Dean: Huh. That chubby guy the last person to see the vic alive? Detective: Other than the k*ller. Name's Paul Hayes. We, uh, pulled him in for questioning. Sam: So what makes you think he's clean? Detective: Well, so far, no reason not to. I mean, he said he briefly saw the victim, he ran out ahead, that was it. Dean: What, you mean he didn't fall to his knees and confess to gutting the guy? Detective: No. I mean we did a thorough check on the guy, not so much as a parking ticket came up. I mean, look at him. I mean, sure, he can run a little bit, but Thor he ain't. You think he's gonna grab Freddy fitness here and throw him down and rip out his heart? I don't think so. Forgive me if I didn't take him out back and sh**t him. Sam: Okay, uh, so... any idea where we can find this guy? INT. PAUL HAYES' HOUSE – DAY PAUL HAYES is mixing a smoothie in a blender as Sam waits. PAUL HAYES Sorry. I kind of try to stick to a nutrition and workout schedule. Do you want a h*t? Sam: I'm good. Thanks. PAUL HAYES Oh. Sam: So, Paul, you passed a runner who was later k*lled. Did you speak with him at all? PAUL HAYES Yeah, I went over this with the cops. I-I–I didn't know him. I had never spoken to him. I ran past him. I never saw him again. The end. A toilet flushes offscreen and Dean walks into the room PAUL HAYES Mm, oh. It's disgusting. It tastes like crap, but it keeps you young. Dean: Thanks, uh – uh... too much fiber. PAUL HAYES No such thing. Sam: Thank you. [to Dean]See? Now, Paul, we couldn't help but notice that the jogger you outraced was a good deal younger than you. Dean: Yeah, and less, uh... PAUL HAYES Uh, full-figured? You should've seen me before. Yeah, hugging a desk all day and watching TV all night, eating fried everything was k*lling me. I had a health scare about a year ago. Sam: I'm sorry to hear that. PAUL HAYES No, it changed my life. I mean, I started taking care of myself. Dean: Now your body's a temple, huh? PAUL HAYES Where I worship every day. [He drinks some of his smoothie.]Ah. INT. CAFE – DAY Sam walks through the café and joins Dean. Sam: All right, so... what's the word? What did you find poking around at Paul's? Dean: Ah, just the usual – condoms, hair gel. No hex bags, nothing satanic, nothing spooky. Dean is using a laptop. Sam flips through papers. Sam: So, he didn't seem like a guy who would be voted most likely to disembowel? Dean: No, they never do. [Sam sighs.]Wait a minute. Here's another one. Sam: What, m*rder? Dean: And a do-it-yourself heart bypass. Two days after this one. Sam: What part of Minneapolis? Dean: The Iowa part. Ames. Sam: Well, Paul was here being questioned. There's no way that could have been him. Dean: This guy was a cop. [Dean is looking at the Des Moines Herald online. The headline reads "Ames Police Officer Arrested in m*rder".]This is exactly what happened six months ago. Minneapolis, then Ames. Guess you missed that one. I'm just saying. We see a close-up of the photo in the online article. The description reads "Officer Arthur Swensen, resident of Ames, now in Police Custody." INT. AMES Police STATION – DAY Officer LEVITT Arthur Swenson. Real top-shelf officer. 20 years on the force. He'd ordered a pizza, which the vic delivered. Sam: And then? Officer LEVITT The vic didn't make his next drop-off. His body was found on the walk in front of Swenson's. Dean: And he wasn't wearing a heart? Officer LEVITT No. Heartless. Sam: And, uh, what about Swenson? Officer LEVITT Crumpled on the front stoop. Covered in blood, crying like a baby. Ironically, he had been in court all week, testifying. A phone rings. Officer Hey, Levitt, line two. Officer LEVITT Excuse me. (on phone) Go ahead. Sam: So that couldn't have been him in Minneapolis. Dean: I hate when this happens. Officer LEVITT hangs up the phone. Dean: So, this Arthur guy, what does – what does he have to say? Officer LEVITT Uh... it's not real helpful. CUT TO: Police STATION / JAIL INTERVIEW ROOM ARTHUR SWENSEN is sitting at a table clasping and unclasping his hands and repeating the Same words over and over. ARTHUR SWENSEN [repeating]K'uhul ajaw, Cacao, shi-jiiy. K'uhul ajaw, Cacao, shi-jiiy. Dean: So, you getting his statement? Sam: Uh, yeah, k-kind of. Probably not. Dean: It's too bad I dropped out of Lunatic 101. Sam: Whatever it is, it sounds like he's repeating it. Dean: Look at his eyes. Hey, Arthur... did you do this alone? Sam: Arthur, did some invisible voice tell you you had to k*ll? ARTHUR SWENSEN bangs his hands on the table. ARTHUR SWENSEN K'uhul ajaw, Cacao, shi-jiiy! [more softly, repeating]K'uhul ajaw, Cacao, shi-jiiy. Dean: Oh, now you've pissed him off. Hey, Art. Can I call you Art? Listen, I'm gonna sprinkle your arm with holy water [He takes out a flask]and it's gonna steam and burn if you're possessed by a demon. [to Sam]He's a mushroom. Dean pours holy water on ARTHUR SWENSEN's arm. Nothing happens. Sam: Okay, not possessed. Dean: Arthur, you want to tell us why you did this? ARTHUR SWENSEN [repeating]K'uhul ajaw, Cacao, shi-jiiy. Dean: Okay. Dean walks towards the door. EXT. STORY COUNTY Police DEPARTMENT – NIGHT INT. STORY COUNTY Police DEPARTMENT – NIGHT ARTHUR SWENSEN is sitting on the edge of his bed, rocking back and forth and repeating the Same words over and over. ARTHUR SWENSEN [repeating]K'uhul ajaw, Cacao, shi-jiiy. He pulls a metal bar from the bed frame and points it at his eye. The scene shifts to the hallway outside his cell. We hear a s*ab noise and screaming. INT. MOTEL – DAY Sam is playing a recording of ARTHUR SWENSEN repeating "K'uhul ajaw, Cacao, shi-jiiy." He and Dean are still wearing their dress shirts and pants. Sam: So, what do you think? Dean: Personally, I prefer the Keith Richards version. Sam: Can you actually understand any of the words? Dean: If they arewords. Sounds like babble to me. Wait a second. Sam: What? Dean: I bought a translation app. Sam: You bought an app. Dean: Yeah. Here, play it. Dean holds out his phone and Sam plays the recording again. Dean: And babble wins. "Language unknown." [He holds up his phone for Sam to read.] Sam's phone rings. Sam: Mm. (on phone) Agent Sambora. What? INT. HOSPITAL – DAY ARTHUR SWENSEN is lying in a hospital bed with a bandage around his head. Dean is talking to Dr. KASHI outside the room. Dean: So, Dr Kashi, what are we looking at here, some kind of psychotic break? Dr. KASHI Oh, definitely. He was very thorough. Severed the optic nerve. He was determined to remove the eye. Dean: And he used, uh, what to cut with? Dr. KASHI He doesn't look strong enough, but he broke off part of the bed frame and used it as a Kn*fe. [to a Nurse who handed her a file]Thank you. Dean: Wow. They should put warning labels on those beds. Dr. KASHI Like I said – determined. Dean: I noticed that he had two different-colored eyes. Dr. KASHI Yes. Apparently, he was in an accident where much of one eye was shattered. His vision was saved with a transplant. Dean: When was this? Dr. KASHI looks at the file. Dr. KASHI A year ago, almost to the date. And, interestingly, it's the transplanted eye he chose to cut out. Dean: Really? Hey, let me ask you something, doc. Is it possible to trace the donor of a transplanted organ? Dr. KASHI Difficult. Dean: But possible? [Dr. KASHI smiles at him.]Hmm. INT. MOTEL – DAY Sam is using his laptop on the bed. Dean enters carrying a drink and take-out food. They are both now in casual clothes. Dean: Hey. Sam: Hey. Arthur Swenson had an eye transplant a year ago, right? Dean: Yeah. Sam: Well, I remembered that Paul Hayes was talking about a health scare he had a year ago that changed his life, so I pulled up his medical records from Minneapolis. There is a long pause as Dean looks at Sam. Sam: You want me on board, I'm on board. Anyways, you want to guess who else, other than Arthur Swenson, had a transplant in the last year? Dean: Paul Hayes? Sam: I gave it away, didn't I? Dean: Okay, so we've got two suspects in two identical m*rder in two different cities that both had organ transplants a year ago. Sam: Yeah. Also... Dean: I love when there's an "also." Sam: I got to thinking about all that stuff Arthur Swenson was talking about. Maybe your translation app called it "language unknown" because it's a d*ad language, like ancient Greek or Manx. Dean: Manx? Sam: So I e-mailed an audio file of Arthur's mumbling to Dr Morrison. Dean: Who? Sam: Dr Morrison, the anthropology Professor who helped us out with the Amazons. Dean: Yes, okay. Okay. Well, let's get our asses on the road. Sam: Headed to...? Dean: Well, if we are in a repeat of a cycle from six months ago, then, after the m*rder in Minneapolis and in Ames, the next heart att*ck was in Boulder, Colorado. EXT. STRIP CLUB – NIGHT A Man is leaning against a wall in an alley outside a strip club. A Woman in high platform heels and a tight black dress comes outside. Man: Randa? RANDA Chick, right? CHICK Loved your performance tonight. Must take, uh, must take years of training. RANDA [laughs briefly]Actually, uh... I'm kind of a natural. RANDA takes CHICK's arm and they walk. CHICK Um... You know, I don't normally do this kind of thing. RANDA Mm-hmm. CHICK Um, there's just… [RANDA pushes CHICK around a corner]…just something about you. RANDA pushes CHICK against the wall. She pulls his shirt back, bends her knees and presses herself against his body as she straightens up, then plunges a hand into his chest. With her other hand, she puts a finger to his lips. RANDA Shh. RANDA pulls out CHICK's heart. He drops to the ground. Impala – NIGHT Dean is driving and Sam is in the passenger seat. Dean: All right, case is coming together. Things are coming together, man. You and me. It is all good. [Sam doesn't respond.]Hey. Sam: What? Dean: What are you thinking about, organic tomatoes? Sam: Uh, I'm not thinking about anything. Dean: I don't know about you, but this last year has given me a new perspective. Sam: I hear you. Believe me. Dean: I know where I'm at my best, and that is right here, driving down crazy street next to you. Sam: Makes sense. Dean: Yes, it does. Sam: Or... maybe you don't need me. I mean, maybe you're at your best hacking and slicing your way through all the world's crap alone, not having to explain yourself to anybody. Dean: Yeah, that makes sense, seeing as I have so many other brothers I can talk to about this stuff. Sam: Look, I'm not saying I'm bailing on you. I'm just saying make room for the possibility that we want different things. I mean, I want my time to count for something. Dean: So, what we do doesn't count? Dean's phone rings. Dean (on phone): Yeah? Hey, Dr. Kashi. Okay. Thank you. Uh, could you run one more name for me? Yeah – Hayes, Paul. Uh-huh. And the donor? Seriously? How many others? Did anybody from Boulder, Colorado, receive any of those organs? Okay, thank you. Dean hangs up. Dean: Well, this is gonna singe your axons. She says that both Paul Hayes' kidney and Arthur Swenson's new eye came from – you ready for this? – Brick Holmes. Sam: You don't mean theBrick Holmes. Dean: I do. Sam: The all-pro quarterback? Dean: Indeed. Yeah, the guy played at the top of his game for like a million years, didn't he? Sam: Yeah, he – he bought it in a car crash last year. Dean: Yeah. Sam: Nose-dived off a bridge or something. He must've signed a donor card. Did the doc say how many organs he donated? Dean: Including our two suspects? Eight. Sam: Eight? Dean: Eight. Sam: Okay, um, and one of them's in Boulder, am I right? Dean: You would be wrong. That's the bad news. Good news is, Brick lived just outside of Boulder. Sam: Well, Brick's d*ad. Dean: Yeah, but he's all we got, so we are going to Boulder. INT. CANDLELIT ROOM – NIGHT RANDA dips her fingers into a bowl of blood and paints streaks on her face. RANDA K'uhul ajaw, Cacao, shi-jiiy. K'uhul ajaw, Cacao, shi-jiiy. K'uhul ajaw, Cacao, shi-jiiy. K'uhul ajaw, Cacao, shi-jiiy. RANDA takes a bite of CHICK's heart. She breathes deeply and closes her eyes as energy seems to shimmer in the room and then enter her body. Her chest glows with red light for few moments. When she opens her eyes, they also glow with red light. INT. Holmes RESIDENCE – DAY Mrs Holmes is sitting on a sofa. Sam and Dean are in chairs opposite her. Dean: I just want to say how sorry we are for your loss, Mrs. Holmes. Mrs Holmes Thank you. Sam: You know, Brick Holmes was my idol back in high school. Amazing career. Uh, 18 pro seasons, 7 division championships, 4 Super Bowls – never slowed down a day. Mrs Holmes Brick lived for competition and athletic perfection. I don't think it occurred to his fans that he was human, like the rest of us. Sam: Do you know your son was an organ donor? Mrs Holmes Does that make this a matter for the FBI? Dean: Like we explained earlier, we're mostly here, uh, to dot some I's on a different matter. Mrs Holmes There was a public-awareness thing a few years ago. A lot of star athletes signed on. I'm sure Brick didn't think twice about it, since he never thought he was going to die. Dean: A lot of jocks are like that, I guess. You know, I-I can't help wonder what happened that night on that bridge. There was light traffic, no alcohol involved, no skid marks. Big-time athlete, reflexes like a cat, how is it that he just drives off the side of a bridge? Mrs Holmes When things happen that aren't supposed to happen, they're called accidents, I believe. Sam: So, everybody knows about Brick's football career, obviously, but no one knows much about his personal life. Was he ever married? Mrs Holmes Just to the game. He gave it everything he had. It's a difficult life. Dean: Did you notice any changes in Brick before he died – you know, anyone, anything new in his life? Mrs Holmes No, no. I don't think so. Dean: So, no new interests? Fly fishing, stamp collecting, the occult? Mrs Holmes The occult? Dean: As a "for instance." Mrs Holmes No. Everything was just as it had been. I'm sorry, but I'm afraid my time is up. [She stands up.]The university is naming a new athletic building after Brick. I can't be late. Sam: Of course. Just one more question. Mrs Holmes There is always one more question in life, isn't there? That's what I find. [She heads for the door.] EXT. Holmes RESIDENCE – DAY Sam: Oh, she didn't want to say much, did she? Dean: [Checking his phone]Son of a bitch. Sam: What? Dean: There it is. It happened. Sam: Come on, don't tell me someone had their heart ripped out here in Boulder. Dean: All right, then I won't tell you. [He heads for the driver's door of the Impala.] INT. Holmes RESIDENCE – DAY Mrs Holmes watches the Impala drive away. She walks to the staircase and looks up to find RANDA standing at the top of the stairs. Mrs Holmes What are you doing here, Randa? RANDA You know I like to stay close to the mother ship. I saw a car out front, so I came in the back. Cops? Mrs Holmes I suppose Brick's death continues to fascinate. RANDA So we're clear... You're still being very careful about what you say? Mrs Holmes I'm old, Randa, not an idiot. RANDA I'm just trying to protect Brick. Mrs Holmes And so am I. RANDA Brick's heart beats inside here now. Brick gave me new life. I can feel him. It's why I moved to Boulder... to be near here. And I'll watch out for you like Brick did. Mrs Holmes I don't need your concern. RANDA We need each other, and Brick needs us. You keep our little secret safe, and the three of us will be just fine. INT. MOTEL – DAY Sam is sitting on a bed talking on the phone and taking notes. Dean is using the laptop at the table. Sam (on phone): All right, Professor Morrison, that does it. The FBI thanks you. Yes, I am totally looking into adding you as a technical advisor. Yeah, it – it comes with a medical plan. All right, goodbye. [He hangs up.] Dean: He come through? Sam: Yeah, he did. All right, so, here's what crazy Arthur Swenson was babbling over and over. [He takes a seat opposite Dean at the table.]Um, first, it isa d*ad language – ancient Mayan. Dean: Doesn't get much deader than that. Sam: So, what Arthur was saying was "The divine god Cacao is born." Dean: Cacao? Sam: Cacao. Yeah, the Mayan God of maize – corn, the big crop. See, Cacao was the most powerful god because maize was the most important thing to the Mayans. Well, that and torturing and k*lling everyone in sight. Dean: So, this is what we're looking for, is a thousand-year-old culture's god of corn? Sam: Uh, I guess. Dean: Well, whatever it is, we better cap it quick, or somebody in Phoenix is next up to get their heart yanked. Sam: Someone in Phoenix got a piece of Brick? Dean: Yeah, I got a name. Just e-mailed the cops. We see a close-up of The Phoenix Presson the laptop screen. The relevant headline is "Phoenix Police Asking For Public's Assistance to Find Missing Man." Dean zooms in on the article. There is a photo of the missing man with the caption "Missing – Jimmy Tong." Dean: Just heard back from them. They haven't seen the guy in days. Uh, oh, got another e-mail here, too. This one is for you. From a university. Answering questions about admissions. Sam: Just something I'm looking into. An option. Dean: You're seriously talking about hanging it up? Sam: I'm not talking about anything, Dean. I'm just looking at options. [Dean stares at him.]So, what, should we just go to Phoenix and chase our tails until this guy shows his face? Dean: No. Uh, Brick Holmes is the way into this. [He stands up and walks across the room.]Eleanor Holmes was doing her damndest not to tell us a thing. Nice job on changing the subject, though. EXT. Holmes RESIDENCE – NIGHT INT. Holmes RESIDENCE – NIGHT Dean and Sam walk up the stairs, using flashlights. Dean: All right, naming ceremony's over at 10. We got to get in and out. Sam: Master bedroom. Dean: Yeah. They enter a large bedroom. Dean: Closets. Dean enters one walk-in closet and Sam another. They turn on the closet lights. Dean: Brick's closet. Looks like the stuff hasn't been touched in a year. Man, what this stuff would go for on eBay. [He finds a bottle of peroxide in a drawer.]Hey, Sammy, would it totally crush you to know that your boy Brick wasn't a natural blond? Sam: Dean, this is really weird. Dean: What do you got? Sam: I don't know. Is this Eleanor'scloset? Dean: Why would his mother's closet be in here? Are you sure? Sam takes a jacket and scarf off the hanging rack. Sam: Check this out. [He steps outside the closet and holds the clothes up for Dean to see.]This is what she was wearing today when we talked to her. Dean: Maybe she moved into Brick's room after he died. Or... Dean looks at the bed. Sam: Oh. Thanks, Dean. Now that image is permanently etched into my retinas. They go back into their respective closets. Dean finds another door hidden behind hanging clothes. Dean: That's what I'm talking about. Sam follows Dean into the hidden room. It is filled with sports trophies and memorabilia. Sam: Wow. [He pushes past Dean.]I knew he'd have something like this in his house. Dean: This is a lot of hardware. Okay, the football trophies I get, but there's a lot of other stuff here – I mean, baseball, boxing, race-car driving. Sam: He was a fan. Any kind of athlete – he respected them. I mean, look at all the old stuff he's got – a cricket mallet, golf clubs, a Kendo sword, archery equipment. Dean takes a box from a cupboard and opens it. Dean: Hey, look at this. He puts the box down on a table and takes out one of many letters. CUT TO: Dean and Sam are sitting at the table reading the letters. Sam: They're all the Same. "Dearest Betsy..." Blah blah blah. Who's Betsy? Dean: I don't know. Girlfriend? Eleanor didn't mention a Betsy. Sam: This one looks old. Uh, "Dearest Betsy, third day of training camp. Roadwork improving. Working on my left jab. They say this kid Sugar Ray is gonna be tough." Dean: Sugar Ray? As in Robinson? Didn't he box in, like, the '40s? Is it signed the Same? Sam: Yeah. "Love, me." Dean: Here. "Dearest Betsy, on the road again. So hard to be away from you, honey. Will give the Red Sox hell and get back to you." Sam: "Dearest Betsy..." Dean: "Dearest Betsy, Le Mans will be a bitch this year with all the rain..." Sam: "...the Phillies are tough, but we're looking to be tougher..." Dean: "...them Dodgers will wish they never left Brooklyn..." Sam: "...looking for my best gal Friday night at the Garden..." Dean: "...our o-line hung tough. I had all day back there..." Sam: "...Alain Prost is a monster in the straightaway..." Dean: "Dearest Betsy..." Sam: "Dearest Betsy..." Dean: "Love, me." Sam: Wait, this one looks recent. "Dearest Betsy... So tired of it all." INT. MOTEL – NIGHT Sam is using the laptop at the table. Dean is reading from a clipboard while sitting on a chair pulled up to one of the beds, which is covered with papers and files. Sam: Hey. I pulled up the names on those trophies. Check it out. Dean moves his chair over to sit next to Sam. Sam: All right, Brick Holmes – football player. [He brings up photos on the laptop.]Charlie Karnes – race-car driver. Davey Samuelson – baseball player. Kelly Duran – boxer. Four different guys, right? Dean: Okay. Sam: Check this out. [He arranges the photos so that head sh*ts of the four athletes appear on the page.]Same dark eyes, Same cheekbones, nose, mouth. Dean: Wait, are you saying that these four guys who all look to be in their mid-20s and go back 70 years could be the Same guy? Wow. For a 95-year-old, Brick Holmes could take a h*t. INT. MOTEL – NIGHT Sam is typing on the laptop. Dean is looking at some of the papers that are spread out on the bed. Sam: So, if all those athletes were the Same guy, how'd he pull it off? Appear, then go away and come back with a new look? Dean: Cacao, the, uh, the – the maize God – was Mayan, right? Sam: Yeah. Dean: The Maya were all about w*r and t*rture and conquest... and sports. It says, "Their athletes were treated like kings." The Mayan jocks made sacrifices to Cacao by – ready for this? – k*lling a victim, pulling out his heart, and eating it. They believed the rituals gave them super-charged power over their opponents. Sam: Yeah, but they didn't stay young forever. So, what? Maybe Brick just made some kind of deal with this Cacao? Dean: Well, we've seen it before – people making deals with demons, gods. I mean, maybe he stayed young and strong so long as the sacrifices kept coming. Remember all that antique sports equipment he had? This guy could go back to the Mayan days. Sam: Wow. So, one of the greatest QBs to ever play the game was over 900 years old. Dean: Well, that explains Brick, but what about the mooks carrying his spare parts? Sam: Maybe the spell went along for the ride and infected the people who got his organs. Remember how Paul Hayes said he had a health scare that changed his life? I mean, maybe the spell could compel him to keep carrying out the ritual. Dean: Sort of like getting bit by a werewolf. I mean, once you're infected, you do what you got to do, especially if you like the results. Sam: Right, except old Arthur, the dedicated cop, couldn't handle it and went nuts. [He sighs.]Brick Holmes, a heart eater. Who knew? Dean: Yeah, sorry, buddy. The mighty – they fall hard, huh? Sam reads something on the laptop. Sam: Well, at least he wasn't sleeping with his mother. Dean: Yeah, good, Sam. Find the silver lining. Sam: No, seriously. Look. Dean moves over to look at the laptop, which shows a photo of a woman with a boxer. Dean: "Fighter Kelly Duran is congratulated on a second-round knockout by wife Betsy." "Dearest Betsy." EXT. Holmes RESIDENCE – DAY Mrs Holmes opens the door. Sam and Dean are on the doorstep in casual clothes. Sam: Hello, Eleanor. Dean: Or would you rather us call you Betsy? Sam (V.O): Look, Eleanor, innocent people are dying. INT. Holmes RESIDENCE – DAY Sam and Dean are in the chairs opposite the sofa as before. Sam: And they're gonna continue to die until we stop it. Mrs Holmes sits down on the sofa. Dean: Did you know about the m*rder over the past year? Mrs Holmes No. I didn't. I swear. I thought when – when Brick died, it would be over. Dean: Help us. Betsy, this is not what you want Brick's legacy to be. Mrs Holmes His Mayan name was Inyo. He was a proud young athlete nearly 1,000 years ago. He lived for sport and never wanted his days in the sun to end. So he arranged a bargain with the god Cacao through a high priest. Dean: Stay young forever. Mrs Holmes As long as the sacrifices continued, twice a year – once for the planting, once for harvest. Sam: When did you find out about this? Mrs Holmes Not until I began to age and – and Brick – Kelly, as he was when I met him – did not. But by that time, Brick himself had changed... inside. He wasn't just the warrior whose only reason for living was combat. He – we were deeply, deeply in love. So in love, I'm ashamed to say, that when I found out that – how my husband stayed young and strong, I chose to ignore it. Sam: You and Brick had to go underground from time to time to hide your secret, right? Mrs Holmes Every ten years or so, he would, uh, re-emerge with a new look, a new name. And me, I was the wife, and I was the woman in hiding, and then, when I got into my forties, I became Brick's mother. Eleanor. I am so tired. You can't imagine the burden of it all. I think even Brick was through. He could see the end of my days were at hand, and... He had lived centuries all alone, but I don't think he could bear the thought of life without me. That's why he drove off that bridge. You must think I'm a monster. Dean: No. No, just that you married one. Well, see, here's the deal. Now there are eight K*llers out there that we have to deal with, not just one. Mrs Holmes I don't think so. Sam: What? Why not? Mrs Holmes Brick used to say the heart was key. That was the focus of the sacrifice. Dean: Are you saying that if we stop Brick's beating heart, then we could stop the whole thing? Mrs Holmes nods. Sam: Do you know where the person is who has the heart? Do you know? EXT. THE BUNNY HOLE STRIP CLUB – DAY The Impala pulls up. Dean parks across the street from the strip club. Dean: Really? Our king daddy monster is a stripper? Sam: We're pretty sure this is gonna work, right? Dean: Well, as long as Eleanor knows what she's talking about. Dean takes a large Kn*fe from a bag and hands it to Sam. Sam: You think Brick thought maybe he'd burn to nothing when he crashed that car? Dean: Yeah, but he didn't, which brings us here. They get out of the Impala and walk towards the club. CUT TO: Sam and Dean walk around a corner to the rear door of the club. Neon signs advertise nude dancers, exotic dancers and, pointing to the door, "Rear Entry". Dean picks the lock. INT. THE BUNNY HOLE STRIP CLUB – DAY Using flashlights, Dean and Sam walk upstairs and look around the club's locker room. Dean inhales. Dean: [smiling]Smell that? Sam: You're gross. Sam and Dean walk up more stairs to the main room of the club. The lights come on and RANDA walks out onto the stage. RANDA Eleanor sent you, right? I figured she'd probably break and give me up. This won't end well for her, of course. Not that it's gonna end well for you. Sam takes out the Kn*fe. RANDA Oh, now, you don't think we're gonna let you do that, do you? Dean: "We"? RANDA raises her eyebrows as two men att*ck Sam and Dean from either side. PAUL HAYES punches Dean into JIMMY TONG. JIMMY TONG I'm the guy from Phoenix you were looking for. JIMMY TONG throws Dean onto the stage at RANDA's feet. JIMMY TONG and PAUL HAYES hold down Dean's arms. Dean: Oh, you guys are stronger than you look. PAUL HAYES Comes with the package. Plus, I work out a lot. RANDA You can't imagine who I was before. This shy, awkward little thing from Georgia with a heart condition. Then I had the surgery. [She puts a high-heeled foot on Dean's chest.]I became freaking Xena, Warrior Princess. [She sits astride Dean.]I couldn't dissect a frog in high school. But sacrificing to Cacao? [She strokes Dean's face.]Better than sex. [She pulls aside Dean's overshirt.]So, if I go real slow [she runs a finger over Dean's chest]and take my time and enjoy this, I can actually show you your own beating heart before you die. RANDA presses the fingers of one hand hard into Dean's chest, breaking the skin. Dean: Aah! Aah! Aah! Sam smashes a bottle over PAUL HAYES' head. As Sam and PAUL HAYES grapple, Dean plunges a Kn*fe into RANDA's stomach. Her eyes and her body around the Kn*fe wound burn with red light. JIMMY TONG lets go of Dean and steps back, and PAUL HAYES and Sam turn to watch RANDA. Dean gasps in pain. RANDA stands up, her midsection burning with red flames. Milder red light emanates from the chests of JIMMY TONG and PAUL HAYES and they fall to the ground d*ad. RANDA moans as she continues to burn, then bright white light flares from her midsection, the red light goes out, and she drops to the ground d*ad. Dean, still gasping, looks around at Sam, then drops his head back onto the stage. INT. Holmes RESIDENCE – DAY Dean and Sam are standing in Mrs HOLMES' kitchen. Dean: Well, we better get going, uh... [He puts down a coffee cup.]We just wanted you to know that it really is over now. [Sam puts down his coffee cup.] Mrs Holmes Well, it had to be, one way or the other. I half thought you might fail and Randa would come after me. Either way, I'd finally be at peace. You take care of yourself, Eleanor. Dean and Sam leave. Impala – NIGHT Dean: Wow. Back in business. Got the win. Admit it – feels good, huh? You know, I was thinking about what Randa said about, uh, you know, what it feels like to be a warrior. I get it, man, I do. Sam: I know. I know you do. I don't. Not anymore. Hell, maybe I never did. Dean: Come on, Sam, don't ruin my buzz, would you? Sam: Dean, listen, when this is over – when we close up shop on Kevin and the tablet – I'm done. I mean that. Dean: No, you don't. Sam: Dean, the year that I took off, I had something I've never had. A normal life. I mean, I got to see what that felt like. I want that. I had that. Dean: I think that's just how you feel right now. FLASHBACK EXT. PARK – DAY Sam: Amelia! Amelia, this isn't funny. [He stops in the middle of the bridge and looks around.]Amelia! [The dog runs off.]Riot? Riot! Sam runs after RIOT and finds him sitting on a picnic blanket with Amelia. Amelia: [raising her arms]Happy birthday! Sam: What is this? Amelia: You've never seen a birthday cake before? Sit. Eat. Impala – NIGHT The flashback ends. Sam smiles a little at the memory, then glances at Dean and looks sad. END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "08x03 - Heartache"}
Air Date: October 24, 2012 INT. HOUSE – DAY "What's the Matter" by Milo Greene plays. Blood is splattered over the walls and furnishings. A body with a badly wounded leg lies on the ground and another body is covered with a sheet. ♪ Oh♪ ♪ What's the matter?♪ ♪ What's the matter with you lately?♪ ♪ What's the matter?♪ ♪ What's the matter with you lately?♪ Sam and Dean enter, g*n drawn. ♪ [i]Oh, your love is never good enough[i]♪ Sam checks the body under the sheet and Dean goes upstairs. ♪ [i]Oh, your love is lost on me[i]♪ Dean removes an iPod from its docking station, stopping the music. Dean: Rest of the place is clear. Sam: Yeah. Uh... no ID on this one. Um... and no clue who is painted on the walls. Dean: Well, whatever happened, looks like we missed it. Sam: Yeah. Great. Wait a second. Sam points to a half-open laptop with a post-it note that says "Play me" stuck to the lid. Dean: What the hell? Dean fully opens the lid of the laptop, and he and Sam sit down in front of it. Dean clicks on an icon that says "Play Me." An application opens and "This should never have ended this way" appears on the screen. SUPERNATURAL [In a departure from the usual format, the credits are not shown at the start of Act One.] [i]INT. HOUSE – DAY Sam and Dean are sitting in front of the laptop. The screen still reads "This should never have ended this way." The screen goes blank and the camera zooms in on the screen. Man 1 (V.O): Hey, Christopher Nolan. Man 2 (V.O): Yeah? Man 1 (V.O): Lens cap. Man 2 (V.O): Oh… INT. CAFÉ – DAY Through a hand-held camera, we see a young man (Michael - Man 1) sitting at a table in a café. The camera then turns on the face of a second young man (BRIAN - Man 2), who appears to be holding the camera. BRIAN …crap. Damn. BRIAN points the camera back at Michael. Michael: Strong work, genius. BRIAN Dude, I have no idea what to make this movie about. And I'm, like – I'm A/V Club President, so, you know, it's got to be good. Michael: Here. Give me that. The screen goes black for a moment as Michael grabs the camera. He then points the camera at BRIAN. Michael: I'll tell you what... BRIAN You're gonna make it? Michael: ...you're gonna make it about. BRIAN Okay. Michael points the camera at himself. Michael: In a world where nothing is what it seems... [BRIAN laughs]...one brave, shockingly handsome, virile young man [He points the camera at BRIAN]and his faithful, learning-disabled... BRIAN Oh, no. Michael: ... robotic manservant must battle through waves [He points the camera at other male students in the café]of cybernetic asshats in order to sexually liberate [He points the camera at a group of female students]the women of – BRIAN [smiling]Okay. Give me that. Give me that. Michael: Oh, please. I bet at least one of these girls would let you partake in their awkward-guy experimental phase. BRIAN What? These girls? Michael: Yep. BRIAN Okay. [He zooms the camera in on the female students.]Hashtag fails. [He moves the focus from one girl to another.]Homeschooled. Secretly in love with her roommate. Listens to country music. Oh, dude, dude. 12:00, blonde. Wait. [The blonde girl, KATE, gets up.]Is she – oh, crap, crap. Dude, take it, take it. Just take it. Michael: [quietly]I don't want to take it. KATE walks over to BRIAN and Michael. Michael is holding the camera. KATE Were you just filming me? Michael: No. Uh, I wouldn't do that. KATE is holding another camera and filming Michael. KATE Does it have the new firmware? Michael: Uh, yes. Yes, it does. KATE How's it handle? Michael and KATE exchange cameras. Michael: You tell me. KATE Well, your settings are way off. BRIAN Oh, I-I like the way the colors – you probably don't care about that. KATE [filming Michael]Yeah, so, you weren't[i]checking me out? Michael: [filming KATE]Well, I do have a thing for beautiful women who respect their privacy. Uh, dick move on my part. I'm sorry. KATE Don't be. I have a thing for guys with cool cameras. [i]INT. HOUSE – NIGHT BRIAN is sitting at a desk in front of several computers. Giggling can be heard behind closed doors in another room. KATE, wearing only a T-shirt, enters and walks through to the bathroom. INT. CAFÉ – DAY KATE No, no, no. Look, it's a great movie, but of the two, I-I prefer "Last Year at Marienbad." You know? BRIAN Yeah. It's a classic. BRIAN is filming KATE. KATE How do you like that lens? BRIAN It's good. Yeah, yeah. It's lighter for sure. KATE That's good. BRIAN You know, uh, Michael knows nothing about cameras, right? KATE Yeah. But, uh, I'm teaching him. Michael walks up to the table carrying a coffee. Michael: Teaching who? KATE Oh, my boyfriend. [Michael sits down next to KATE.]He's, uh, big, tall, and handsome. Michael: Mm. Sounds delish. KATE Yeah, you should totally meet him. Michael: Yeah? KATE Mm-hmm. Michael and KATE kiss. INT. HOUSE – DAY BRIAN is sitting at the desk. KATE Let's see. Five years from now? Hopefully passed the bar exam, practicing law. [BRIAN turns a camera around to film KATE and Michael, who are on the sofa. Michael is lying down with his head in KATE's lap.]Nothing corporate, something, uh... something green, you know? BRIAN Green is good. Michael: Hippie. KATE Oh, shut up. CUT TO: KATE is filming BRIAN. BRIAN Oh, geez. Uh, maybe, like, working for HBO or – or, like, Michael Moore. That'd be cool. KATE Yeah. Michael: Double hippie. BRIAN Whatever. Michael: I will be on a boat in the middle of the ocean with my beautiful girl by my side. KATE Aww... sap. Michael: And you can come, too. KATE Nice. See what you just did there? Michael and KATE kiss. INT. COLLEGE LECTURE ROOM – DAY PROFESSOR ...display of that, let's make sure we put our hand up first next time. Michael appears to be asleep in the audience. KATE, who is sitting in the row behind him, fondles MICHAEL's hair. PROFESSOR All right, brains, let's get our pens and pencils out. It's time for notes. So, let's turn our attention to our cruelly nicknamed friend Piggy. [We see a close-up of a pin on the PROFESSOR's jacket.]He uses his glasses to create f*re, the sun dial. [A slide on the screen at the front of the room reads "Lord of the Flies, 1st Year Eng Lit."]He's also rational. He inhabits rational thought on the island. EXT. COLLEGE CAMPUS – DAY BRIAN is filming himself, Michael and KATE. Michael: What'd I miss? KATE Just another pitch-perfect lecture from Professor Ludensky. BRIAN Yeah. KATE Do you know Simon was a Christ figure? Michael: Yeah. No. [to BRIAN]Please tell me you taped it. BRIAN Come on. Who loves you? Michael: Aww. I wish I could quit you. BRIAN Yeah, right. Yeah. Another student, Scott, walks between them and knocks the camera to the ground. KATE Oh, hey. Michael: Watch it, asshat! Scott: What'd you call me? Scott's Friend Come on. Let's move. I want to see it. BRIAN [Looking at the camera]Oh, man. CUT TO: Michael, KATE and BRIAN are walking. We hear police sirens. BRIAN Hey, can you sh**t some of this for my movie? KATE Is that legal? Michael: Who cares? A body covered with a bloodstained sheet lies behind a police line. The Impala pulls up. BRIAN Yeah, that's not good. KATE Someone got m*rder on campus? You guys live two blocks from here. Sam and Dean, dressed in suits, get out of the Impala. BRIAN Look, look, look. Starsky and Hutch. [He laughs.] Michael: Rizzoli and Isles. Sam: Special Agent Rose, and this is Special Agent Hudson. [Sam and Dean show their badges.] Detective: What the hell are you guys doing here? Dean: Our jobs. You want to tell us what's going on? Detective: Whatever you say, boss. Got a call from a woman that lives upstairs. Said, uh, she heard an att*ck, came down, found her neighbor here. Jacob Carter. BRIAN Who'd he say? KATE Uh, Jacob Carter? I don't know. Sam: Well, is the witness still home? Detective: Sure is. She's not the most reliable type. She said she heard some kind of growl, like there was a coyote down here. Dean: Awesome. INT. HOUSE – DAY KATE is on the sofa filming with the camera. KATE So, the FBI is here. Your neighbor got m*rder, but you're totally cool. BRIAN No. It's not – it's not that I'm cool. It's just that, like... [He comes out of the bathroom with a toothbrush in his mouth, holding another camera.]I mean, then it's good that the FBI are here, right? KATE That – that is so annoyingly logical. Michael: Hey, baby. Listen. Michael puts an iPod into a docking station. "What's the Matter" by Milo Greene plays. ♪ Oh, your love is lost on me[i]♪ KATE Oh. It's pretty. What is it? Michael: It's the song that was playing when we first met. ♪ [i]What's the matter?[i]♪ KATE Aww. You are so disgustingly sweet. ♪ [i]What's the matter with you lately?[i]♪ Michael and KATE kiss. BRIAN You ready? Michael: Yeah. BRIAN Cool. Michael: I got to go. ♪ [i]What's the matter with you lately?[i]♪ KATE What? So, you just foam the runway with our song and then you got to head out the door? Michael: [filming KATE with a camera]I promised I'd help him test the new cameras. KATE Don't give me that crap. I know you two idiots are gonna go sh**t cut scenes for "Jackass." Michael: Come on. We both know he has nobody else to do this with. Rain check. KATE Whatever. You're d*ad to me. Michael and KATE kiss. ♪ [i]Oh, your love is lost on me[i]♪ [i]EXT. COLLEGE CAMPUS – NIGHT Michael and BRIAN are filming near a sports field. Michael: Do something cool. BRIAN Dude, this tree is awesome. Hang on. [He climbs up into the tree.]Maybe I could – maybe I could... get upside down and – Michael: No, no, I said cool. BRIAN Ha ha. Michael: This is stupid. BRIAN Can you get – can you see me? Gonna try and get – is this cool? [He hangs upside down.]'Cause, man, it feels pretty cool. Michael: It's like "Dumb & Dumber 3." Ha ha ha. Okay. BRIAN Wait, dude, dude, dude, dude. Sam and Dean, in their FBI suits, are interviewing a couple on the street nearby. Michael: What? BRIAN Turn around. Turn around. Michael: What? BRIAN Turn. It's those FBI guys. Michael: What? BRIAN Help – help me down this tree. Help me out of the tree. Sam: Oh, all right. Well, thank you, guys, very much for your help. You're free to go. The couple leaves and Michael or BRIAN's camera zooms in on Sam and Dean. Sam: All right. There is not a case here. Dean: There is[i]a case here. You're rusty. We just got to dig a little deeper. Come on. Dean walks towards the Impala and after a moment Sam follows him. BRIAN Dude, it's so crazy. Michael: Is it just me or are you getting a workplace-romance vibe from those two? BRIAN Let's go. Michael: Yeah. Michael and BRIAN walk along the outside of the sports field. Two people are kissing near the bleachers. Michael: Come here, come here. Look, look, look, look, look, look. BRIAN [whispering]What? [He sees the people kissing. One of them is Scott, who knocked into them earlier.]Oh, no. Yes. Michael: D-bags mating in the wild. [They laugh.] BRIAN Okay, go, go, go, go, go. Michael: Yeah. They move closer and keep filming. The Girl whom Scott is kissing pushes his arms away. Girl: Oh! Stop. Stop! [She shoves him and leaves.] Scott: Hey! BRIAN Oh, ho, ho. Strike three. Scott: Come on! BRIAN You're a dick. Scott: What's your problem?! BRIAN This is gonna look great on YouTube. BRIAN drops his camera. BRIAN Oh. Oh, crap. Michael: Oh, crap. Scott: Hey! What the hell?! BRIAN Oh, crap, crap. Oh, God. [He runs and the Scott runs after him.] Michael: Hey, Brian, Brian! Meet me at Scott's mother's house! [The Scott turns and runs after Michael instead.]Oh, God. Scott: Oh, come on. I paid her fair and square, man! Michael runs down a park path. He turns his camera on himself, breathing heavily. Michael: [into the camera]Thanks for a great night out, Bri. A growling noise comes from the trees. Michael: Hello? Hello? Scott, cut it out, man! [There is more growling.]Oh, God. Oh, God. [He screams and climbs a tree. There is more growling and more screaming.] BRIAN Hey, Michael. You can come out now, dude. Scott looked for us for a while but bailed. [He finds MICHAEL's camera on the ground.]Mike? [He hears heavy breathing nearby.]Mike? [He finds Michael lying on the ground.]Dude. Oh, my God. Dude. Michael. You okay, man? Michael: I'm okay. BRIAN What happened? Michael: I don't know. I don't know. [He has a shoulder wound.] BRIAN Oh, God. [i]INT. HOUSE – NIGHT BRIAN Kate! BRIAN helps Michael onto the sofa. KATE Oh, my God! Baby, baby, baby, baby! BRIAN Something bit Michael. KATE Oh baby. Okay. BRIAN Oh, my God. Michael: What is it? Is it bad? Brian. Kate. Is it bad? BRIAN The bite – the bite's gone. KATE phones for help. Woman's Voice ON PHONE 911. What's your emergency? KATE Did – did you dicks just punk me? Woman's Voice ON PHONE Is anybody there? Hello? KATE hangs up. BRIAN It's completely gone. KATE Baby, it's okay. Hey, hey, hey. Honey, it's okay. It's okay. Babe. INT. HOUSE – DAY BRIAN and KATE are sitting at the table. BRIAN [whispering]The Doctor said he's gonna be fine. You heard him. Literally not a scratch on the kid. BRIAN is asleep on the sofa. KATE If anything happens to Michael, I-I don't know what I would do. BRIAN Shh. It's okay. Michael wakes. BRIAN and KATE put their heads down on the table and pretend to be asleep. Michael walks through the room to the bathroom and pulls the door off its hinges. BRIAN and KATE jump. KATE What? Baby. Michael: Uh... BRIAN Did you just pull that off? KATE Whoa. Whoa. BRIAN films Michael holding something over his head and laughing. BRIAN Okay. Okay, okay. Now – now one-handed. The camera pans out and we see that he is holding KATE horizontally over his head, now with one hand. KATE giggles and shrieks. BRIAN Oh, my God! Michael: Stay still, stay still, stay still. BRIAN Dude, whoa! Michael drops KATE into his arms and they laugh and kiss. CUT TO: BRIAN is using a computer. KATE Maybe you got bit by an alien. That would explain the FBI. BRIAN Or maybe a mutant bit you. Michael: Am I a superhero now? KATE Baby. INT. HOUSE – NIGHT BRIAN appears to be setting up equipment in various places in the house. KATE What are you doing? BRIAN What do you think I'm doing? I finally found my movie. KATE What? Michael? Michael is not your movie. We don't even know what happened to him. BRIAN Exactly. I'm gonna get Michael's origin story on-camera. CUT TO: Michael is sitting at the kitchen table putting peanut butter on a bagel. Michael: You're kind of creeping me out, man. Seriously, nothing superheroic to see here. Just a delicious bagel. BRIAN Hey, man, I have this idea. It's gonna sound really weird, but don't laugh, okay? Michael: No promises. BRIAN I, um... I really want to be able to do what you do. So I-I think maybe we could go back out there and get that thing to bite me, and then we could both be superheroes. Michael: Stop! What? Are you serious? BRIAN Michael, you can't keep this to yourself. Michael: Keep what to myself? We don't even know what this thing is. Why the hell would you want it? BRIAN Michael... I don't – I don't want to be Piggy anymore, man. Michael: You're – you're not a pig, man. Brian, listen to me. There's nothing wrong with you. You've just got to figure out what it is you want and go after it. I'm telling you – you don't want this. BRIAN Right, 'cause I don't want to be super-strong or have a prayer of getting any ass this year or... Please, please. Michael: No, man! No. CUT TO: BRIAN is using the computer at the desk. There is a knock at the door. Michael and KATE are on the sofa. Michael: Not it. KATE Not it. BRIAN Children. [He goes to the front door.]Dudes, dudes, dudes. It's the FBI. Michael: What? BRIAN It's the FBI. Michael: No. What? Oh. Michael picks up a bong and starts to put it behind the sofa. KATE Baby, what are you doing? Michael runs out of the room with the bong. KATE picks up a camera. BRIAN opens the door. Sam and Dean hold up their badges. Sam: Hi, there. BRIAN Hi. Sam: Special Agents Rose and Hudson. We wanted to ask you a few questions about the m*rder that occurred a few blocks from here. [KATE is filming Sam and Dean via a window.]First off, did you know the victim, Jacob Carter? BRIAN Um, no, not really. Dean: Do you remember anything unusual about that night? BRIAN Not that I recall. Sam: Right. Well, uh, heard about anyone in the neighborhood getting, uh – getting bit? Humor me. BRIAN No, I-I don't think so. Sam: All right. Well, no worries. How about this? If you hear anything strange... call us. [He hands BRIAN a card.]No matter how late. [BRIAN nods.]Thanks. BRIAN Thank you. [He closes the door.] Dean: So, what do you think? Sam: Well, based on what we've got so far, we could be dealing with another Mayan god. Dean: Ah, that's fantastic, 'cause the other one was such a joy. Sam: Yeah. Campus dormitories? Dean: Yeah. Sam and Dean walk down the porch stairs towards the Impala. CUT TO: Michael comes back into the main room carrying the bong. BRIAN The FBI are looking for what bit you. Are you an X-file? KATE No. He's not an X-file. Listen. KATE plays back the film she took of Sam and Dean. Sam: ...So far, we could be dealing with another Mayan god. Michael: I'm a golden god. [They all laugh.]I am a golden god! Ha ha, whoo! KATE You guys are ridiculous. INT. HOUSE – NIGHT KATE is asleep in bed. Michael gets up and goes into the bathroom. He films himself looking at his reflection in the mirror. Michael: I am a golden god. I am a god. MICHAEL's irises and pupils enlarge and then go back to normal. Michael: Huh? Michael groans as he develops long canine teeth. He groans again as his fingernails lengthen into claws. He growls and punches the mirror. CUT TO: Michael returns to the bedroom and gently strokes KATE's cheek with his clawed hand. CUT TO: In the kitchen, Michael takes an Asian food take-out box from the fridge and eats with chopsticks at the table. CUT TO: More take-out containers and wrappers are on the table. Michael opens a beer. He takes a bite of a burger and knocks over his beer. CUT TO: Even more take-out containers and wrappers litter the table and floor. Michael grabs a jacket and heads for the door. EXT. COLLEGE CAMPUS – NIGHT Three students are at the edge of the sports field, being filmed by a fourth. Scott: What's up, BVC? [He films himself.]It's Scotty P. patrolling with the Oak Hill crew – Doug... [He points the camera at a student who holds a hockey stick]Evan... [who holds a cricket bat]Tucker [who holds a baseball bat]. See, some animal k*lled a local citizen, so we're out here tonight making sure these streets are safe for all you fine honeys out there, all right? Let's fan out, boys. Evan (?) All right. DOUG (?) Let's go. SCOTT's camera films Michael, who is carrying two full plastic bags. Scott: Yo! Michael: Back off, douche-wheel. Not tonight. Scott: [filming himself]Ooh. Oh. Ooh, I'm so scared. Listen... We hear the plastic bags h*t the ground and Scott films them. Scott: What... what the...? Michael is running away down a tree-lined path. Scott: Yeah, I got you now, you piece of... Scott runs after Michael. Scott: Why don't you come take your beating like a man? Scott looks for Michael among trees and bushes in a park. Scott: If you won't come out and play, I'll go visit that little piece of yours. Kate? Yeah, I'll go visit Katie, show her what a real man – [He hears a strange noise.]Michael? [He hears loud breathing.]Dude, do you think this is funny?! Come on! Cut it out. With a growl, Michael bursts from some nearby foliage. He has long teeth and claws. The screen goes black as Scott screams. INT. HOUSE – DAY BRIAN and KATE are on the sofa. BRIAN is filming. BRIAN Can I ask you something about him? With everything that's happened, are you afraid of him? KATE At first, yeah. I mean, it was pretty scary. But... then, to be totally honest, it's actually been pretty hot. BRIAN O...M... KATE screams as Michael appears. His face and chest are covered with blood. CUT TO: Michael is in the shower. KATE Baby? Just... Can you tell us what happened? Michael: I, uh – I ran into Scott. He chased me, and I think I k*lled him. KATE What? [to BRIAN]Turn it off. Off! CUT TO: Michael is sitting on a chair in the main room with a towel around his neck. KATE paces the room. BRIAN is filming. Michael: He started talking about you, and I saw red. The next thing I remember, I was running home. BRIAN On the video... what were those things on your hands? Claws? KATE Did anybody see you? BRIAN Kate, you're not... Michael: No. BRIAN ...trying to justify – KATE We don't know what happened, Brian. What? He can't defend himself? [She grabs the camera.]Give me that. EXT. PARK – DAY KATE runs past the Impala and several police cars, which are parked outside a police line in the park. Officer: Hey, whoa, whoa. Take it easy. KATE films Sam and Dean, who are behind the police line in their FBI suits. Detective: Figured I'd see you guys again. Dean: Well, if you did your job right, we wouldn't be here, would we? Sam: Easy. Uh, so, what do you got? Detective: Vic's name was Scott Parker. [SCOTT's body is in an open body bag on the ground.]Looks like the Same thing that k*lled the Carter kid got Mr. Parker here. Sam: Wait. Same thing? Detective: Look, I-I'm only the local yokel, but this kid was shredded by an animal. Dean: Where's his heart? Detective: Patrolman found it up the way there. Eaten mostly. Dean: Show us. BRIAN is also filming the scene. INT. HOUSE – DAY KATE enters. KATE Brian, wait. Michael is asleep on the sofa. BRIAN shakes him. BRIAN Did you eat a human heart? [Michael sits up and moves away from BRIAN.]Did you? Michael: What are you talking about? [standing up]What is he talking about? BRIAN [grabbing MICHAEL's arm]Scott's d*ad. He was shredded, and his heart's gone. KATE That doesn't mean that Michael – BRIAN What do you think happened to it? Where's his heart, Michael? Michael: I don't remember what happened. BRIAN [shoving Michael]Don't lie to me! KATE Hey, Brian, calm down! Look, I mean, there's got to be an explanation for this. BRIAN Really? KATE It was... self-defense. BRIAN Eating a heart is self-defense? Kate, who are you trying to convince? Me or yourself? Michael: [pushing BRIAN away from KATE]You need to back off. BRIAN Why? You gonna eat my heart, too? Michael punches BRIAN, who sails through the air and lands on the kitchen table. KATE Michael! CUT TO: Michael is lying on the bed with his head in KATE's lap. Michael: I don't know what's happening to me. I don't know who I am anymore. KATE You're Michael Wheeler. And you're mine, okay? You hear me? BRIAN's face is reflected in a mirror. CUT TO: BRIAN and KATE are in the main room. BRIAN We have to call the police. KATE Brian. BRIAN films KATE. BRIAN Kate, how – how can you? You have to see what's really going on here. Whatever he is, it's not good – it's not good for you. KATE Michael didn't mean to hurt you. BRIAN Obviously he did, Kate. KATE You just don't get it, do you? BRIAN What? What don't I understand? KATE You've never been in love. [BRIAN puts down the camera.]What we need are answers. EXT. Police STATION – DAY KATE is filming Dean talking to a CORONER outside the police station. KATE I can't hear them. Michael: Seriously, Kate, what are we doing? KATE What are we doing? Seriously? Michael: Wait. Kate, don't. CORONER Cut marks on both vics are clean but have the curvature of animal claws. I don't know. I mean, maybe there's a wild animal on the loose? Biggest animal in the county is a raccoon. Dean: Hmm. Thank you for your time. CORONER You bet. Dean: Appreciate it. Okay. Sam walks up to Dean. Sam: Hey. Dean: Hey. Michael: No, no. Sam: So, what did I miss? Anything? Dean: Not unless you want to put an A.P.B. out on Rocky Raccoon. Sam: Great. Um, the local police files are not online, so I had to dig through the county records. Um, 10 years ago, there was a similar unsolved m*rder. Check it out. [He hands Dean a file.] Dean: Death by claws and, uh, lack of heart? So we're talking a – Sam: No. Not that time of the month. Dean: Awesome. Sam: Yeah. Dean: Time to h*t the books and feed the monster. [He claps a hand to his stomach.] CUT TO: Michael is sitting on the tailboard of an ambulance outside the police station. KATE They know something. We got to follow them. Michael. Come on. Michael. Geez. There is a rustling as someone steps out from some trees. Michael: How'd you find us? BRIAN GPS in your phones. Duh. Michael: You know, you're starting to creep me out, man. BRIAN The feeling's mutual, dude. KATE What else can you hack into, Brian? BRIAN Anything. INT. RESTAURANT – NIGHT We see black-and-white footage of Sam and Dean sitting at a table reading notes and a journal. KATE (V.O): Test, test. Can you hear me? CAR ACROSS THE STREET FROM RESTAURANT – NIGHT BRIAN Copy that. Yeah, the feed is looping to my laptop right now. Head in, make sure you're within spitting distance, and we should be in business. Um, and don't get arrested. Michael: I'll do it. KATE You sure? Michael: Yeah. Give me the bag. INT. RESTAURANT – NIGHT Michael sits down at a table near Sam and Dean. Michael: We good? CAR ACROSS THE STREET FROM RESTAURANT – NIGHT BRIAN Uh... a little left. INT. RESTAURANT – NIGHT Michael adjusts a camera that is filming Sam and Dean. Michael: How's that? A waitress brings Dean a plate with two burgers and Sam a salad. Dean: Awesome. Thank you. Sam: Thanks. Dude, two burgers? Dean: Hey, I didn't eat at Big P's for like a year, okay? Clear eyes and clogged arteries – can't lose. CUT TO: Sam and Dean's plates have been cleared and they are reading from large books and a journal. Dean: Hey, check this out. "Werewolves that are turned up to four generations from pureblood..." Think he means Alpha? [Sam gestures noncommittally.]"...are less feral and can transform before, during, and after the lunar cycle." Boom. Sam: [reaching for the journal]Let me see that. CAR ACROSS THE STREET FROM RESTAURANT – NIGHT Sam (V.O): Purebloods don't black out during the transformation. They can control themselves. INT. RESTAURANT – NIGHT Sam: Some have been able to subsist off of animal hearts. So – so, what? We're hunting a-a werewolf with a pedigree? Dean: Awesome. Let's hope he has his papers. Sam: Yeah, and that silver can k*ll him. So... what? Best in show comes here 10 years ago, ganked some poor woman. Then when the dust settles and everything's in the clear, he just sets up shop? Dean: Yeah, comes for the human hearts, stays for the co-eds. Sam: Right. And then everything's wine and Roses – and animal tickers – until he gets the hankering for human again. INT. HOUSE – NIGHT Michael, BRIAN and KATE are watching the footage of Sam and Dean from the restaurant. Dean: Told you there was a case here. Now we just got to find it and k*ll it. Michael: I'm a werewolf. A werewolf. KATE Michael, come on. Baby, you need to calm down. Michael: Calm down? I'm a werewolf! BRIAN Hey, we need to find – Michael: The FBI is trying to k*ll me. KATE Shut up! Everybody, shut up, okay? First things first, those guys – those guys aren't FBI, all right? I'm pretty sure that FBI agents don't say "awesome" that much. You know? And – and they definitely don't hunt and k*ll college kids. Michael: Did – did they say anything else? BRIAN Dude, they just sat and talked about how they have been apart for a year. You were probably right about that whole office-romance thing. Michael: I'm screwed. I'm screwed. BRIAN Kate, come on. What are we supposed to do? KATE Okay, you know what? You guys, you're missing the big picture, okay? They – they don't know about you, Michael. They're looking for whoever, whatever bit you in the first place, the pureblood. That... that gives us some time... to figure it out, you know? Michael: So, what's the plan? What, eat chicken hearts for the rest of my life? Michael angrily goes into the bedroom. KATE follows him. KATE Michael. Baby. KATE and Michael talk indistinctly in the bedroom. BRIAN watches footage from MICHAEL's camera in the park. He replays part of it and prints a screen capture. BRIAN Hey, guys. I think I found something. KATE pulls the bedroom door closed. BRIAN grabs his keys and goes out. EXT. PARK – NIGHT BRIAN searches with a flashlight. He spots a pin on the ground and sets the print of the screen capture down next to it. The screen capture is a picture of the Same spot. The pin matches the one the PROFESSOR wore on his jacket. He picks up the pin and compares it to the screen capture. INT. PROFESSOR's OFFICE – DAY BRIAN opens a cupboard high on a wall in the PROFESSOR's office. He films the items on the PROFESSOR's desk. The PROFESSOR comes into the room. PROFESSOR A little early for office hours, Brian. What can I help you with? BRIAN I know what you are. INT. HOUSE – NIGHT KATE is crying in the bedroom. She starts packing. CUT TO: KATE is packing a bag in the main room. BRIAN enters. BRIAN Hey. What are you doing? KATE We're leaving in the morning. BRIAN What? Why? KATE Those guys – look, they might find Michael, and – BRIAN No, Kate, you don't have to worry about that. You don't have to worry about anything. I took care of it. Michael: You took care of what? KATE Brian, what did you do? INT. PROFESSOR's OFFICE – DAY BRIAN holds up the pin and laughs. BRIAN I know what you are. [He films the PROFESSOR with his camera.] PROFESSOR Yeah, I'm your professor. And thanks. I've been looking for that. Where'd you find it? BRIAN Where you left it... after you bit my friend. PROFESSOR I'm sorry. What are you – BRIAN Stop, stop, stop. Stop trying to cover. Just listen to me very carefully. I'm filming all this. And I've got a hidden camera in here, too. It's feeding back to my laptop at home, so if anything happens to me – PROFESSOR Nothing is going to happen to you, Brian. But you know what? You need to calm down. BRIAN I want you to turn me into a werewolf. PROFESSOR Brian, I-I don't know where you – BRIAN You don't know? Really? [He puts the camera down on the desk.]Well, how about I, uh... [he takes out a Kn*fe]...cut you with this. PROFESSOR Brian, listen to me. BRIAN This thing's made of silver, you know. BRIAN pushes the PROFESSOR into a chair and leans over him with the Kn*fe. PROFESSOR Look, I'm not – please, I'm not what you think that I am. BRIAN I don't care what you are. I just want you to turn me. We hear the sound of the PROFESSOR transforming. PROFESSOR [growling]I don't want to hurt you. BRIAN You're not going to, 'cause if you do, all of this winds up on CNN. CUT TO: BRIAN puts the Kn*fe down on the desk and picks up his camera. The PROFESSOR is sitting on the other side of the desk. BRIAN So, you stumbled on Carter, wolfed out, and then what? Got a taste for hearts again? PROFESSOR You never lose the taste, if you're stupid enough to have one. Once you have a human heart, it's almost impossible to control the monster inside. But I did, until last week when I, uh... fell off the wagon, as they say. You have no idea – no idea – how hard it is. I've trained myself not to hurt anyone. I have – I have trained myself to... choke down those other hearts. BRIAN Animal hearts. PROFESSOR And I have been clean... BRIAN Until last week? PROFESSOR And then I saw Carter alone, and he was... he looked so weak. It's harder to cover things up nowadays. I knew a hunter would catch wind of this sooner or later. BRIAN They did. They're here. [He is no longer filming with the hand-held camera.]You needed a patsy. Michael. PROFESSOR Yes. The young man who sleeps through most of my lectures. I mean, who would miss him? BRIAN Me. PROFESSOR Why are you doing this? BRIAN I want to see what you guys see... do what you do. I'm sick of being Piggy. I want to be Ralph. PROFESSOR We don't get to choose who we are. BRIAN pushes up his sleeve to reveal a bloodstained bandage. He removes the bandage, which was covering a bite. BRIAN I did. INT. HOUSE – NIGHT KATE Oh, my God. Michael: Brian. KATE Oh, my God. Michael: What are you? Insane? BRIAN You're welcome for saving your ass. Look, watch. BRIAN plays footage from the PROFESSOR's office on the computer. The PROFESSOR growls and throws a chair. He holds his hands to his head and then reaches up to remove the hidden camera from the cupboard. The screen goes mostly black. Dean: Hey! Sam and Dean throw the PROFESSOR onto and over his desk. Sam has a large Kn*fe in his belt. The PROFESSOR gets up and wolfs out. Sam lunges at the PROFESSOR with his Kn*fe and the PROFESSOR grapples with him. Dean sh**t the PROFESSOR. PROFESSOR Thank you. The PROFESSOR falls to the floor d*ad. Dean: I've never k*lled a pureblood before. Sam: What was he looking at? [They walk towards the cupboard with the hidden camera.]What the hell? [The screen goes gray and the footage ends.] BRIAN See? [He snaps his fingers.]Problem solved. They k*lled the pureblood, they're moving on, and we're in the clear, just like you said. KATE I never said – BRIAN Kate, I, uh... I did this to protect you. I did what you couldn't. Michael: They saw the camera, Brian. You don't think they'll trace that back to you? What the hell's wrong with you? BRIAN Nothing's wrong with me. [He picks up his camera and films Michael.]Youtold me that. I just... finally figured out what I want, and now I'm going after it. You thought I was hiding behind this?I was hiding behind you. I am done living in your shadow. I've always lived in your shadow. But now – now we're equals. Anything youcan do, right? Michael: What? You think this is a game? Do you have any idea what you've done to yourself? BRIAN Well, you wouldn't bite me, so I had to – KATE You asked him to? [to Michael]He asked you to bite him? Michael: I didn't, okay? [to BRIAN]I didn't want to hurt you. I would never hurt you, Brian. [BRIAN laughs.]This thing inside of me – you don't want this. BRIAN Oh, well, it's too late for that now. Michael: I remember attacking Scott. I remember ripping his beating heart out of his chest. I remember the look in his d*ad eyes when I bit into that heart, Brian. And above all, I remember how sweet, how delicious it tasted, and ever since I've tasted it, I've felt more powerful and more out of control. BRIAN grabs KATE. BRIAN More weak. You don't need someone like Michael. You need someone that can take care of you. KATE I can take care of myself. BRIAN holds KATE in front of him. Michael: Let her go. BRIAN Or what? You gonna cry some more? Michael wolfs out and lunges for BRIAN as KATE screams. KATE No! No! Michael and BRIAN fight. Michael pushes KATE back when she tries to intervene. Michael and BRIAN crash through the glass doors to the bedroom and then come back into the main room. Michael kneels over BRIAN and knocks him against the floor. BRIAN yells. Michael rolls onto his back with a Kn*fe in his stomach. KATE Oh, baby. Oh, baby. Oh, please don't die. Please don't die. Please don't die. Michael: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. BRIAN crawls to a corner of the room. Michael: I love you, baby. KATE I love you. Michael goes still. KATE Michael? Michael! INT. HOUSE – NIGHT KATE is crying over MICHAEL's body. She pulls out the Kn*fe in his stomach and crosses the room to where BRIAN is sitting against a wall. She slashes at his arm with the Kn*fe. BRIAN grabs KATE's wrist and holds her still. BRIAN Kate, listen to me. I love you. I love you. You'll understand. You just need to see what I see. After I bite you, you'll understand. KATE cuts BRIAN, breaks away from his grip and runs into the kitchen. BRIAN, wolfed out, is waiting for her there. She screams and runs back into the main room. BRIAN is waiting for her there also and catches her in his arms. He picks her up and growls. CUT TO: KATE is looking at herself in the cracked bathroom mirror and crying. BRIAN knocks on the door. BRIAN Kate? [KATE is filming herself with a camera.]Let me in. KATE has a bite mark on her shoulder. BRIAN I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. [KATE's bite mark heals as she watches it in the mirror.]We can fix this. We can... [BRIAN knocks again.]Just let me in, okay? KATE screams and pushes out the shower screen, throws things and breaks the sink. She then stops screaming, picks up her camera and films herself looking in the mirror. She smiles. KATE Brian? Brian, I'm coming out. I see it now. I understand. KATE opens the door. BRIAN is waiting on the other side. BRIAN I told you it would be all right. KATE Yeah. It will be. Here. KATE hands BRIAN the camera. As he films her, she smiles and looks down, then looks up again with a growl as she wolfs out. She lunges at BRIAN and the camera swings wildly. BRIAN No, no! There is a loud roar as blood splatters the walls. CUT TO: A bloodstained KATE is crying over MICHAEL's body. CUT TO: KATE covers MICHAEL's body with a sheet. CUT TO: KATE, now clean, types on the computer keyboard and speaks into a camera. KATE I didn't finish Brian's movie to justify what happened. To be totally honest, I'm not really even sure if I understand it at all. I just wanted you to know that – that Michael wasn't always a monster. None of us were. We see footage from Michael and BRIAN's first meeting with KATE in the café and other early scenes from the episode. KATE's Voice ON FILM Five years from now? Hopefully passed the bar exam, practicing law. Nothing corporate, something green, you know? BRIAN's Voice ON FILM Oh, geez. Uh, maybe, like, working for HBO or – or, like, Michael Moore. That'd be cool. Michael's Voice ON FILM I will be on a boat in the middle of the ocean with my beautiful girl by my side. KATE's Voice ON FILM Aww. We return to KATE speaking into the camera. ♪ What's the matter?♪ ♪ what's the matter with you lately?♪ KATE I'm leaving. And you'll never hear from me ever again. Look, I know that there's another way. I can eat animal hearts. [A tear rolls down her face.]I've never hurt anyone. Nobody human, anyway. I didn't choose this. Please... please give me a chance. The camera pans out and we see that KATE is speaking on the film she left for Sam and Dean on the laptop. They sit silently for a few moments after the film ends. [i]INT. HOUSE – DAY [The credits play.] Dean: Okay, so, uh... this... [he looks under the sheet]– yeah – is Michael, which means that that is... Sam: Brian Wilcox, our friendly neighborhood cameraman. Dean: Right. Sam: Mm. [He sighs.]All right, so... [He looks at his watch.]What, she's got about a half-day jump on us? Dean: [quietly]Mm-hmm. Sam: You all right? Dean: [quietly]Mm-hmm. Sam: Look, Kate's right. She hasn't hurt anybody – well, anybody human at least. Dean: Yeah, she didn't – she didn't choose this. Let's give her a sh*t. Sam: Seriously? Dean: Yeah, yeah. Sam: And, look, if Kate pops back up, I mean, if she strays, then no questions asked. [He unplugs the hard drive and laptop on the desk and picks them up.]We do what we got to do and, um, we take her down. Dean: Hey, Sam? Sam: Yeah? Dean: Do I really say "awesome" a lot? Sam: No. No, no. No. [He heads for the door.] Dean: Mm. [He follow Sam and clears his throat.]Huh. [He pauses to look at a picture of KATE pinned on a board on the wall.]Awesome. Sam smiles and goes out the door. Dean puts the iPod back into the docking station before he follows. ♪ ...with you lately?[i]♪ ♪ [i]What's the matter?[i]♪ [i]EXT. OUTSKIRTS OF A TOWN – DAY KATE stands next to train tracks. A small backpack is on the ground next to her. A large truck crosses the tracks and drives away. ♪ What's the matter with you lately?[i]♪ KATE picks up the backpack and waves to the truck driver. ♪ [i]Dreamer, you will waste your time[i]♪ KATE walks down the train tracks into the setting sun. ♪ [i]Do you ever wonder why we go on and on and on?[i]♪ ♪ [i]Love is gone and gone and gone[i]♪ ♪ [i]What's the matter?[i]♪ ♪ [i]What's the matter with you lately?[i]♪ END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "08x04 - Bitten"}
Air Date: November 14, 2012 EXT. RANDY RACCOON PRE-SCHOOL – DAY Children play in a playground. A Boy finger-paints at an outdoor table. Young Woman: It's finger painting, Aaron, not body painting. Let's get you cleaned up. The Young Woman walks with the Boy to an outdoor toilet block and holds the door of the boys' room open for him. Young Woman: There you go. The Young Woman's eyes change to black as she looks around before following the Boy inside and closing the door. Bright light shines around the door frame and dark clouds appear in the sky. Strong wind blows through the playground. The bright light behind the door of the boys' room goes out and the door partly opens and then closes again. Children scream and run for cover. The door of the boys' room partly opens and then closes again. A twister appears in the playground and fierce wind knocks over easels and chairs. The door of the boys' room blows open. No one is inside. SUPERNATURAL EXT. FOREST ROAD – DAY The Animals' "We Gotta Get Out of This Place" plays. ♪ We got to get out of this place ♪ The Impala drives down the road. ♪ If it's the last thing we ever do ♪ ♪ We got to get out of this place ♪ Dean is driving while eating a bag of potato chips. ♪ Girl, there's a better life for me and you ♪ ♪ mm, yeah ♪ A man in a trenchcoat is walking along the road. ♪ My little girl, you're so young and pretty ♪ As Dean overtakes the man, we see that it is Castiel, who has a beard and is wearing pajamas underneath the trenchcoat. ♪ and one thing I know ♪ Dean turns around to look at Castiel and brakes. He looks in the rear vision mirror as he stops the car, then reverses down the road. He leaves the car running on the road next to a sign for the Twin Pines Resort, gets out and looks around. There is no sign of Castiel. INT. CABIN – DAY Sam is using the laptop and drinking a beer. Sam: Hey. Dean: Hey. Dean stands in the middle of the room holding a six-pack and a paper bag. Sam: You look like you've s– well, I was gonna say, "You look like you've seen a ghost," but you'd probably be stoked. Uh, you okay? Dean: [somewhat uncertainly]Yeah, I'm cool. What's up? Sam: Well, this kid went missing from a preschool. Dean: That sucks. And? Sam: And at the Same time he vanished, a surprise tornado h*t, lasted maybe 20 seconds, then, uh... shazam! Back to perfect weather. Dean: Hmm. And they pooh-pooh climate change. Sam: [Chuckling]Yeah. Dean puts the beer into the fridge. Sam: Well, similar wackiness has happened over the past few weeks in other places – uh, Tulsa, a bus driver vanishes and a river gets overrun with frogs. New Mexico – a mailman disappears, the earth splits open. Dean: All right. So, uh, you thinking demons? Dean walks over to stand next to Sam and looks at the laptop. Sam: Yeah, possibly, but... I mean, this stuff was major. [The laptop screen shows articles about missing persons.]These folks have nothing in common – no religious affiliations, different hometowns, all ages. Why would demons want them? Dean: Why do demons want anything? [He slaps Sam lightly on the shoulder.]Uh, so, we on this? Sam: Yep. INT. WAREHOUSE/FACTORY – DAY Screams come from behind a closed door. CROWLEY is torturing SamANDIRIEL with an angel-k*lling Kn*fe. SamANDIRIEL What do you want?! I've given you all the names. CROWLEY No. No. No. And no. That's not what I want to hear. [He cuts SamANDIRIEL again and SamANDIRIEL screams.]This hurts you more than it hurts me, so I can go on forever. Which, in your case, forever means... well, forever. SamANDIRIEL When the angels find out what you're doing... CROWLEY They'll be what – put out? I'm quaking, really. The power grid is so whacked out in Heaven, they don't even know you're not there. So, on the count of thee... one, two... [He plunges the Kn*fe into SamANDIRIEL, who screams.] SamANDIRIEL What happened to three? CROWLEY I lied. I do that. Just give me the other names. SamANDIRIEL There are no other names! The next generation isn't born yet. CROWLEY Truth? SamANDIRIEL Truth. CROWLEY Well, I suppose there's no reason to keep torturing you, then. [He plunges the Kn*fe into SamANDIRIEL again.]Sorry. Once you get going, it's really hard to stop. CROWLEY puts down the Kn*fe and takes off the apron he is wearing. CROWLEY [to a Demon standing next to the door]Keep him on ice. We've only just scratched the surface with this one. CUT TO: AARON, the boy who was finger-painting in the playground, runs away as CROWLEY enters the room. CROWLEY I hope the ruckus down the hall wasn't too off-putting. [He walks to an octagonal table, around which six people are sitting, and sets a stone tablet on the table.]Construction standards aren't what they were during the Inquisition. [The six people are silent.]I see. No niceties. All right, then. I suppose you're wondering why I convened this motley group. INT. ABANDONED BAR – DAY KEVIN enters. Water pours down on him from above, breaking a salt line. KEVIN Mom! You've got to stop drowning me in holy water every time I go out! Mrs TRAN stands up from behind the bar. She is holding a cord. KEVIN fixes the salt line. KEVIN I'm not possessed! Mrs TRAN Not yet. Not now. They got to me, remember? KEVIN We've got hex bags that make us invisible to demons. We've got demon traps painted everywhere! I've got a sigil tattooed on my arm! If we just keep moving, we'll be fine! [He puts a plastic bag down on the counter.] Mrs TRAN What, and keep living in rat-infested hovels and running from cursed creatures? This is no life! KEVIN It's my life. I'm the one dragging the prophet load. I'm sorry I pulled you into it. Mrs TRAN Don't be sorry. Be ready. We've got to stop running and start taking a stand. [She unpacks food from the plastic bag.] KEVIN Okay, you know that's crazy. Mrs TRAN No, it's not! Not if we have the b*mb you used on Crowley's demons. KEVIN The thing I made had ingredients from all over the world. All right? Demons had to get the stuff. Mrs TRAN That's why I went to an expert. KEVIN What? Who? Mrs TRAN I hired a witch. KEVIN A witch? Mrs TRAN Off of Craigslist. Her name is Delta Mendota, and she is a smart cookie. She's scrappy, reliable, and she's willing to k*ll. Look, I'm your mother, and I did this for you. KEVIN What makes you think you can trust her? Mrs TRAN I don't. That's why I didn't give her the exact quantities or tell her how to blend them. She's in the dark. KEVIN You told her we were making demon b*mb! Mrs TRAN Yeah, and that got her super motivated. Oh! Time for Delta to check in. KEVIN Oh, my God. Mrs TRAN opens a laptop. A message says "Connecting to Delta Mendota..." DELTA appears on the screen. DELTA Hi, Mrs. Tran. Is that your son? Hi, Kevin. Mrs TRAN Hi, Delta. Bring us up to speed. You've got all the stuff? DELTA Almost. I don't suppose you'd tell me the recipe for these b*mb? Mrs TRAN You know the rules. Casual encounters. That means no questions asked. KEVIN No, Mom, that's another part of Craigslist. How long have you been a witch? DELTA A full witch? Since the band broke up. KEVIN You were in a band? DELTA Look, guys. I take my witch business real serious. I'm on it, and it's gonna be wicked awesome. Okay? Mrs TRAN smiles brightly. EXT. HOUSE – NIGHT Sam and Dean in their FBI suits walk up the steps to the front door. Sam knocks. The Young Woman from the playground appears in the entryway. Sam holds up his FBI badge so she can see it through the glass pane in the door. The Young Woman opens the door, but doesn't undo the chain. Dean: Mrs. Hagar? Agents Roth and Malloy. We want to speak to you about Aaron Webber's abduction. Mrs HAGAR Like I told the police, one minute I was taking Aaron to get cleaned up, and the next minute... I woke up in a park three blocks away. Sam: And you have no memory of what happened? Mrs HAGAR No. He was just gone. Dean: Can you think any reason why somebody would want to harm him? Um, any enemies? Mrs HAGAR Enemies? He's five. Sam: [speaking quietly into his phone]Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus... Mrs HAGAR Excuse me? Dean: It's, uh, code for your own safety so that you can't reveal anything under enhanced interrogation. Now, when you woke up on the floor, were there any signs of struggle? Mrs HAGAR No. Sam: Smell like sulfur? Mrs HAGAR How did you know that? Sam: Lucky guess. Thanks for your time. Mrs HAGAR closes the door and Sam and Dean walk down the steps. Dean: No reaction to the exorcism. Sam: Yeah, not possessed at the moment. But I'm willing to bet a demon got ahold of Aaron Webber. INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Sam is asleep in bed. Dean is sitting on the other bed reading articles about the missing persons on the laptop. Lightning flashes. Dean looks up to see Castiel standing at the window. INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Dean closes the laptop and walks to the window. No one is there. Sam wakes. Sam: Dean? What's going on? Are you all right? [He throws back the covers and sits on the edge of the bed.] Dean: I don't know. I just saw something. Sam: Uh, you saw what? [He stands up and walks over to Dean.] Dean: Cas. Sam: Cas? Where? Dean: Right there. And – and – and earlier, on the road. I feel like I'm seeing him. Sam: That's... not possible. I mean, you said it yourself. You made it out and he didn't, right? Dean: I tried so damn hard to get us the hell out of there. [He turns away from the window and walks a few steps away.] Sam: I know you did. Dean: [with his back to Sam]You know, I could have pulled him out. I just don't understand why he didn't try harder. Sam: Dean. [He walks over to Dean, who turns to face him.]You did everything you could. Dean: Yeah, but why do I feel like crap? Sam: Survivor's guilt? Dean: Hmm. Sam: If you let it, this is gonna keep messing with you. You got to walk past it. Sam claps Dean on the shoulder and walks to the bathroom. FLASHBACK – PURGATORY BENNY, Dean and Castiel are walking through the forest. BENNY We're getting close. Dean: Really? I don't see crap. I mean, what the hell is this escape hatch supposed to look like? Castiel: He doesn't know. Dean: Hey, you just drug me into the f*re. Please tell me you know. BENNY It's here. They promised. Dean: Oh, they?Well, that's comforting. Castiel: Well, even if it does exist... BENNY Broken record, Cas. Castiel: Dean, it's a human portal. There's still no proof that an angel can pass – Dean: Stow it, Cas. You're coming. That's final. Castiel: I'm just saying... [He puts a hand on Dean's shoulder. Dean stops and looks at him.]...if it doesn't work... thank you for everything. Dean: Save the Hallmark. Okay? It's gonna work. Nobody gets left behind. Dean walks off and Castiel follows him. INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Dean is still standing where he was prior to the flashback. We see a close-up of his face. INT. WAREHOUSE/FACTORY – DAY CROWLEY addresses the six people who are sitting around the octagonal table. CROWLEY Hope you enjoyed our orange juice and pancakes. Best to pack in those carbs in the morning, you know. JUSTIN HURST (man from first missing persons article) Are we on a spaceship? CROWLEY Sorry? Woman: Snapping us up from our homes, our families, teleporting us to this m-mother ship. CROWLEY Mother ship? JUSTIN HURST You're aliens, right? CROWLEY Possibly a long sh*t. [He holds up the stone tablet.]Does this mean anything to you? JUSTIN HURST I don't read Chinese. CROWLEY Talk about the dumbing down of America. Anyone? Come on. It's fun. Give it a go. You hapless toads are utterly clueless, aren't you? Dennis ADAMS (man from second missing persons article) I-I-I got a wife and kids. I-I got bills. I can't miss work. CROWLEY Sir. Dennis ADAMS I got rights! Where's my one phone call? CROWLEY makes a hand motion and Dennis ADAMS doubles over. Blood runs from his mouth. He slides to the floor against a wall. CROWLEY Anyone else want to complain? Hmm? Woman: Um... [She stands up and picks up the stone tablet.]We hold this... Um, maybe "these" ...truths to be... CROWLEY turns the stone table 90 degrees. Woman: Oh. [She smiles and laughs.]Oh, right. That's – that's better, yeah. INT. ABANDONED BAR – DAY KEVIN opens the door and DELTA enters. DELTA Hi. Kevin, right? [KEVIN nods.]Hmm. So, I was – ohh! [Mrs TRAN squirts DELTA in the face with holy water.]What the hell? KEVIN And my mother, you've met. [He hands DELTA a towel.] DELTA Yeah. Mrs TRAN You have everything? DELTA You bet. [She hands Mrs TRAN a bag.]It was a bitch, but so worth it. Honestly, I am sick of being treated like dirt by those demons. Like, who died and made them boss? [Mrs TRAN takes spell ingredients out of the bag.]Well, probably somebody did. But they could use a serious attitude reduction. Kev, where's the ladies room? Long drive, and, you know... KEVIN Over there. DELTA Cool. Mrs TRAN Delta, what is this?! I was clear. I need to build an arsenal. This maybe gets me one w*apon! DELTA It's just a little taste of what you'll get when I get paid in full. Mrs TRAN That was not the agreement! DELTA It is now. DELTA walks towards the bathroom. KEVIN watches her go. She is wearing a short skirt. Mrs TRAN Kevin! Forget it! INT. MOTEL ROOM – DAY Sam is using the laptop. Sam: Hey, so it's not just Americans who are vanishing. Uh, this guy, Luigi Ponzi disappeared walking between two subway cars in Rome. And right above ground, there was a freak hail storm. Dean: [washing his face in the bathroom]So, we going to Rome? Wouldn't be too shabby. Castiel appears in the mirror in the bathroom. Dean straightens up, sees Castiel in the mirror and turns around. Castiel: Hello, Dean. CUT TO: Sam and Castiel are sitting at the table. Dean leans on the kitchenette counter. Sam: Unbelievable, man. I-I cannot believe it. You're actually here. Castiel: Yeah, I've been trying to reach out, but for whatever reason, I wasn't at full power. So I couldn't connect with you. Sam: That must have been why you kept seeing him. I mean, you think? Dean: Yeah. Yeah, uh, I got to be honest. I-I-I'm thinking, how the hell did you make it out? I mean, I – I was there. I-I-I know that place. I know how we had to scratch and claw and k*ll and bleed to find that portal and make it through it, and it almost finished me. So, uh... so how exactly are you sitting here with us right now? Castiel: Dean, everything you just said is completely true. And that's the strange part. I... have no idea. I remember endlessly running and hiding from Leviathan, and then I was on the side of the road in Illinois. And... that was it. Dean: And that – that was it? Castiel: Yes. [There is a long pause.]Oh. I'm dirty. Dean: Yeah, well, Purgatory will do that to you. Castiel walks towards the bathroom. The camera focuses on Dean's face. FLASHBACK – PURGATORY BENNY, Castiel and Dean are walking through the forest. Castiel: Maybe you were lied to. Maybe there is no seam. BENNY I lie. I don't get lied to. Aren't you guys all about faith? Castiel: Not particularly. They watch a leaf which seems to be borne upwards by an air current. At the top of a cliff far above them, a patch of blue light shimmers and changes shape. BENNY Oh, ye of frigging little faith. Dean: What the hell? Castiel: There it is. [to Dean]It's reacting to you. BENNY nods to Dean. BENNY All right. Ready? Dean: Just like we talked about. [Dean cuts his left forearm with a large Kn*fe.] BENNY Putting a lot of trust in you, brother. Dean: You earned it. [He cuts BENNY's left forearm and they grip each other's left arms with their left hands.] BENNY I'll see you on the other side. Dean: Conjunti sumus, unum sumus. BENNY looks upwards as his body stiffens. His left hand, which grips Dean's arm, glows with red and white light. BENNY then appears to be consumed by red and white light that flows into Dean's arm. Dean grimaces. Dean: Let's go. CUT TO: Dean and Castiel hurry along the top of a cliff and upwards through the forest. Castiel: Dean, wait. Something hits the ground in clouds of black smoke in front of them. As the smoke clears, two balls of black goo become LEVIATHANS. INT. MOTEL ROOM – DAY Sam: Dean? Dean: Huh? Sam: You all right? Dean: You do see something... [he sits down at the table opposite Sam]...severely wrong here, right? Sammy, I remember every second of leaving that place. I mean, I remember the – the heat, the stink, the pain, the fear. I have that whole ugly mess... [he taps his head]...right here, and he says he has no idea how he got out? I – I'm just not buying it. Sam: So what, you think he's lying? Dean: I'm saying something else happened. I saw the shape that he was in. I mean, there was no way he was fighting his ass out alone. No way. Sam: All right. So, who... or what got him out? Dean: Exactly. Castiel walks out of the bathroom. He is now wearing a suit and tie under the trenchcoat, which is clean, and is freshly shaved. Castiel: Better. INT. ABANDONED BAR – DAY Mrs TRAN Listen, you little skank. In the service industry, you always deliver the goods, thenyou get paid. Even hookers know that. DELTA Hmm. Says you. See, my sister's a hooker. So hookers get paid first, and then you get the goods. Look, I'm not the one with demons on my ass. You want to renege on our deal, it's fine by me. Mrs TRAN Kevin, bring me my purse. [KEVIN walks off.]Your mother must be so proud. DELTA She is. Of course, with my sister, the bar ain't real high. KEVIN opens a door and walks into another room. The salt line along the windowsill is broken. He hurries back to Mrs TRAN. KEVIN Mom! Did you break the salt line by the store-room window? Mrs TRAN What?! Of course not! CROWLEY clears his throat and KEVIN turns. Beside CROWLEY is another Demon. CROWLEY I wouldn't bother, Kevin. There's no rush. Hello, Delta. DELTA Hiya. Mrs TRAN You betrayed us? KEVIN How could you? DELTA I'm mercurial. CROWLEY I'm afraid Delta found you to be a difficult and ungrateful employer, Mrs. Tran. She felt she'd gain far more leverage by negotiating with me. I am, after all, the King of Hell. And you are a mom. DELTA I did good, didn't I, your majesty? CROWLEY Yes, very. [He snaps his fingers and DELTA disappears.]Presumptuous twit. Mrs TRAN Please. Take me. Leave my son alone. CROWLEY You? What would I do with you? [to the Demon]k*ll her. DesTroy the makings for the spell. KEVIN No! CROWLEY Yes. Say goodbye to Mommy. CROWLEY snaps his fingers again. He and KEVIN disappear, leaving Mrs TRAN and the Demon alone in the room. Mrs TRAN grabs a Super-Soaker and sprays the Demon with holy water. He screams as his skin burns. INT. MOTEL ROOM – DAY Castiel is watching television. Sam is using the laptop at the table. Dean enters, carrying a six-pack of beer. Dean: What's the latest? Sam: The latest is... nothing. It's like it all stopped. No freak disappearances linked to any freak natural events. Dean sets a beer down on the table for Sam and leans over Sam's shoulder to look at the laptop. Dean: So how many have we got, seven? Sam: Yeah, uh, Luigi, Justin, Aaron, Maria – Castiel: Maria, Dennis, Krista, Sven. [Dean and Sam look at him.]I missed television. Sam: Wait, Cas. How did you know those are the names? Castiel: Well, they're prophets. Dean: Prophets? Castiel: Yeah, angels instinctively know the names of every prophet – past, present, and future. Dean: So this list is the name of every one of 'em that exists? Castiel: Yes, until the next generation is born. Plus Kevin Tran, of course. The other seven are future prophets, since, uh, only one can exist at a time. Sam: Uh, how is Kevin a prophet if Chuck is a prophet? Castiel: I'm not sure what happened to Chuck, but, um... he must be d*ad. Dean: So, the next one comes off the bench if Kevin goes down? Castiel: Exactly. And they have no idea who they are, of course. Sam: Crowley. Dean: Insurance. Boy, he's getting desperate. Sam: Explains all the weird phenomena. Lower-level demons nabbing heavy-duty cargo. The vessels of God's Word – boom. Castiel: I get the feeling something's going on. Sam's phone rings. Sam (on phone): Hello. Mrs. Tran? Well, where the hell have you... What? [He stands up and takes the phone away from his ear.]Crowley's got Kevin. INT. WAREHOUSE/FACTORY – DAY KEVIN is sitting at the octagonal table with the stone tablet in front of him. CROWLEY So, Kevin, as you can see, our relationship is much simpler now. You either help me, or you die and one of these fine specimens takes your place. I don't quite understand your hesitation. KEVIN You just k*lled my mother. CROWLEY Very unfortunate. But to be fair, she wasplotting to k*ll me and my kind. Kevin. Kev. I can do a great deal for a plucky lad like you. KEVIN You'll just k*ll me as soon as I read the tablet. CROWLEY Are all young people so horribly cynical? It depresses me, Kevin. Here's the thing. I really want you to read the tablet because, frankly, this lot fail to inspire. However, better a stupid prophet than a stubborn prophet, as the saying goes. So what's it gonna be? Perhaps you doubt that I'm serious? CROWLEY makes a hand motion and one of the women at the table floats up into the air, gasping. CROWLEY snaps his fingers. KEVIN and the others around the table gasp as they are splattered with the woman's blood. CROWLEY takes out a handkerchief that is monogrammed with the letter "C" and dabs his mouth. CROWLEY So... read any good tablets lately? EXT. ROAD – NIGHT Dean, Sam and Castiel are sitting in the Impala, which is parked by the side of a road. Dean: Where the hell is she? Sam: She'll be here. Uh, mile marker 96 was kind of the halfway point. The camera focuses on Dean's face. FLASHBACK – PURGATORY The portal shimmers with moving blue light. Dean swings at the first LEVIATHAN, who ducks and hurls him to the ground. Dean rolls downhill. Castiel attempts to put a hand on the LEVIATHAN's head, but the SECOND LEVIATHAN kicks the back of Castiel's legs and punches him as he falls to his knees. The LEVIATHANS continue to punch and kick Castiel, who falls heavily to the ground. The SECOND LEVIATHAN drags Castiel to his feet. Castiel hits her, sending her reeling backwards. The first LEVIATHAN grabs Castiel and his mouth transforms. Dean appears behind the first LEVIATHAN and decapitates him. Castiel pushes the SECOND LEVIATHAN forward so that she is bent over and Dean decapitates her. Dean pulls Castiel, who is kneeling, to his feet. Dean: We got to move! The portal's closing! [They climb upwards towards the portal. Castiel stumbles.]Cas! Damn it! Come on! Dean reaches the portal and steps into it. He stretches out a hand to Castiel. Dean: Come on! Castiel grabs Dean's hand. Dean: I got you! Hold on! Castiel: Dean! Dean: Hold on! Castiel loses his grip on Dean's hand and slides down. Castiel: Dean! The portal closes, taking Dean with it. EXT. ROAD – NIGHT Dean: Cas, can I talk to you outside? Dean and Castiel get out of the Impala. Castiel: What? Dean: Exactly. What? What the hell happened? Back there. Purgatory. I told you I would get you out. We were there! It was like you just gave up. It's like you didn't believe we could do it. I mean, you kept saying that you didn't think it would work. Did you not trust me? Castiel: Dean... Dean: I did everything I could to get you out – everything! I did not leave you. Castiel: So you think this was your fault? A car drives up. Sam gets out of the Impala. Mrs TRAN parks next to the Impala and gets out of her car. Mrs TRAN You can do this, can't you? You can get him back? Dean: How did Crowley find you? Mrs TRAN Oh, I hired a witch, and she ratted us out. Sam: A witch? Why'd you hire a witch? Mrs TRAN To make demon b*mb, of course! These are Kevin's notes. [She gives Sam a notebook.] Dean: You have any idea where Crowley took him? Mrs TRAN No. But, uh... [she unlocks the trunk of her car]...this guy might. The Demon she blasted with the Super-Soaker is inside the trunk bound by a Devil's Trap on the trunk lid. Dean: Oh. [He takes out his demon-k*lling Kn*fe.]Let's talk. INT. WAREHOUSE/FACTORY – NIGHT KEVIN is strapped to a chair in the room where CROWLEY tortured SamANDIRIEL. A bloodstained table holds t*rture implements. CROWLEY I thought privacy might make it easier to chat. Decision time, Kevin. How's this going to go? Don't be recalcitrant, Kevin. You know it brings out the worst in me. CROWLEY grabs a Kn*fe and cuts off one of KEVIN's little fingers. KEVIN screams. KEVIN All right! Enough! I'll do it! INT. WAREHOUSE/FACTORY – NIGHT KEVIN is reading the stone tablet. His left hand is wrapped in a bloodstained bandage. KEVIN The next is... "The demonic influence on the collective tapestry of the soul." CROWLEY Blah, blah, blah. Doesn't anyone ever edit this stuff? So far, as a writer, God's a snooze. No fun at parties, I hear. KEVIN Um, "Demonic transport to the regions of Hell." CROWLEY Tell me something I don't know! Think macro. This is stupefyingly micro. KEVIN How macro? CROWLEY Game changing. EXT. WAREHOUSE/FACTORY – DAY Atlantic, Iowa The Impala and Mrs TRAN's car drive along the fence outside the factory. Dean and Castiel are in the Impala. As Mrs TRAN goes to get out of her car, Sam handcuffs her to the steering wheel. Sam: Sorry, Mrs. Tran. Mrs TRAN Wait! What?! Dean opens the trunk of Mrs TRAN's car. Dean: This it? Demon: Yes. Mrs TRAN My son is in there! Sam: Which means Crowley already has leverage. He doesn't need another hostage. Dean s*ab the Demon with his demon-k*lling Kn*fe. The DEMON's eyes and mouth glow with bright orange light as he screams. Dean closes the trunk. Sam gets out of Mrs TRAN's car. Mrs TRAN Oh, come on! INT. WAREHOUSE/FACTORY – DAY CROWLEY Yes? [He blows on a pinwheel to make it spin.] KEVIN Well... CROWLEY Don't provoke me, Kevin. You still have nine fingers. [He blows on the pinwheel again.] KEVIN This section has to do with building defensive w*apon against demons. CROWLEY Mm-hmm. You're familiar with that one, I believe. [He blows on the pinwheel.] KEVIN And this one... describes, uh... sealing the gates of Hell. CROWLEY So it's true. It's there. Clearly, humans cannot possess this thing. What was God thinking? We'll get back to that. We're just getting to the sexy part. EXT. WAREHOUSE/FACTORY – DAY Dean, Sam and Castiel walk down stairs and under pipes. They pass a sign that reads "Beware: Sharp Edges - Keep Fingers Clear." At a sign from Dean, they step back out of sight as a Demon approaches. Dean s*ab the Demon in the back with his demon-k*lling Kn*fe. Its head glows with yellow light as it dies. Sam: All right. I'll check that way. Sam goes to the left. Dean nods to Castiel and they go to the right. INT. WAREHOUSE/FACTORY – DAY The stone tablet seems to shake in KEVIN's hands. KEVIN Hold on. This is different. It's – it's not text. It's like a personal note? CROWLEY A personal note from God? KEVIN From... the archangel... Metatron. CROWLEY The scribe... and suck-up. Took down God's word, picked up his cleaning. KEVIN It's like a – a farewell note. CROWLEY Go on. CUT TO: Sam walks down a flight of stairs. He sees four DEMONS in a room below him. CUT TO: KEVIN "Upon completion of this task, I take my leave of my master in this world." CUT TO: Sam walks inside the factory. Four DEMONS block his way. Demon: Winchester. Sam: Looks like you guys got me. As the DEMONS approach him, Sam takes out a bottle and throws it at the ground at the DEMONS' feet. Sam covers his face as bright light flares and the DEMONS burn up and disappear. The DEMONS' shadows are burnt into the wall behind them. CUT TO: Dean and Castiel are walking through the factory. Castiel: We're very near Kevin. CUT TO: Sam kicks a door open. He enters the room and sees the bloodstained octagonal table. Sam: Oh, no. The future prophets surface from underneath the table. The boy AARON WEBBER peers around a concrete block. Sam: Hey. Uh... I'm here to help. CUT TO: Castiel and Dean are walking through the factory. Dean turns to find a Demon behind him. He prepares to strike the Demon with his Kn*fe, but the Demon sends him flying into chains hanging from the ceiling in front of a window. The Demon stretches out a hand towards Castiel. Castiel takes a couple of steps backwards before placing a hand on the DEMON's head and smiting him. Yellow light flows from the DEMON's eyes and mouth before he drops to the ground. Castiel steadies himself on the wall. Dean picks himself up and puts a hand on Castiel's shoulder. Dean: What the hell's going on? You're not all the way back, are you? CUT TO: KEVIN "So ends the transcription of the sacred word for the defense of mankind. Into the hands of God's children thus passes the compendium of tablets." CROWLEY Compendium? KEVIN It's a collection of things, especially one systematically organized. CROWLEY I know what a "compendium" is, Kevin. What does Metatron mean? CUT TO: Dean picks a lock. Dean: It's not working. Castiel: Dean, I'm going in. Dean: Cas, no. You're not strong enough. CUT TO: CROWLEY There are more tablets? More than "Leviathan" and "Demon"? Castiel appears in the room with CROWLEY and KEVIN. CROWLEY Castiel. Fresh from Purgatory. I wish you'd called first. Castiel: Crowley. CROWLEY Which Castiel is it this time? I'm never sure. Madman or megalomaniac? Castiel: Kevin is coming with me. CROWLEY I think not. The Prophet's playing on myteam now. Castiel's Kn*fe drops into his hand and he holds it up. CROWLEY holds up his hand and his own Kn*fe materializes in it. KEVIN stand up and backs a few paces away. Castiel: So this is how it's gonna be? CROWLEY It's all very West Side Story, but let's be logical. You look like hell, and I should know. You're not up for this. Light shines from Castiel. His eyes appear very blue and lit from within. CROWLEY Maybe you can get it up, but you can't keep it up. The light coming from Castiel intensifies. Shadows of Castiel's unfurling wings appear on the wall behind him. CROWLEY You're bluffing! Castiel: Do you want to take that chance? Castiel stretches out a hand to CROWLEY. CROWLEY reaches for the stone tablet on the table. Castiel smashes the tablet and the table. CROWLEY disappears while holding half the tablet. Dean bursts into the room and goes to Castiel, who is lying on the floor. The light that was emanating from Castiel is gone. KEVIN picks up the remaining half of the stone tablet. EXT. WAREHOUSE/FACTORY – DAY Mrs TRAN is wiping blood from KEVIN's face. Sam: Cops are on their way. They're gonna pick up the prophets. Um, they'll all be heading home. Mrs TRAN What about us? Sam: I called a friend of ours, Garth. He does what we do. Well... in his own way. He'll keep an eye on you guys. No more going off on your own. [Mrs TRAN rolls her eyes.]You get that it was hiring that witch that got you into all this, right? How you holding up, Kev? KEVIN You kidding? I want to seal those bastards up forever. [He holds up his bandaged hand.]Took my finger. Sam: Cas thinks he might be able to fix that. In the meantime, just lay low till we get back to you, okay? CUT TO: Castiel is standing next to Dean, who is putting things in the trunk of the Impala. Dean: That was a bonehead move back there. You could have gotten yourself k*lled. Why didn't you wait for me? Castiel: Well, I didn't get k*lled. And it worked. Dean: And if it didn't? Castiel: It would have been my problem. Dean: Well, that's not the way I see it. Castiel: Hey, everything isn't your responsibility. Getting me out of Purgatory wasn't your responsibility. Dean: You didn't get out. So whose fault was it? Castiel: It's not about fault. It's about will. Dean, do you really not remember? Dean: [laughs shortly]I lived it, Cas. Okay, I know what happened. Castiel: No. No, you think you know. You remembered it the way you needed to. Dean: Look, I don't need to feel like hell for failing you, okay? For failing you like I've failed every other godforsaken thing that I care about! I don't need it! Castiel: Dean. Just look at it. Really look at it. [He touches Dean on the forehead.] FLASHBACK – PURGATORY Dean and Castiel are running uphill towards the portal. Castiel stumbles. Dean: Cas! Damn it! Come on! Dean reaches the portal and steps into it. He stretches out a hand to Castiel. Dean: Come on! Castiel grabs Dean's hand. Dean: I got you! Hold on! Castiel: Dean! Dean: Hold on! Castiel: Dean! Castiel breaks Dean's grip. Castiel: Go! The portal closes, taking Dean with it. EXT. WAREHOUSE/FACTORY – DAY Castiel removes his fingers from Dean's forehead. Castiel: See, it wasn't that I was weak. I was stronger than you. I pulled away. Nothing you could have done would have saved me, because I didn't want to be saved. Dean: What the hell are you talking about? Castiel: It's where I belonged. I needed to do penance. After the things I did on earth and in heaven, I didn't deserve to be out. And I saw that clearly when I was there. I... I planned to stay all along. I just didn't know how to tell you. You can't save everyone, my friend... though, you try. Sam joins Dean and Castiel. Sam: Hey. Everything okay? Castiel: Yeah. Just, uh... setting a few things straight. Sam: Good. Garth is gonna lay low with the Tra... INT. OFFICE The scene abruptly changes to Castiel standing in a brightly lit room, looking confused. Woman: Hello, Castiel. A Woman wearing a suit sits behind a desk. Castiel: Where am I? Woman: You don't know? You're home, Castiel. Castiel: Heaven? I've never been here before. Woman: Not many have. My name is Naomi. We rescued you. Castiel: Purgatory. Naomi: An incursion of angels, which cost us many lives. Consider these chats your repayment. Castiel: I don't understand. Naomi: Tell me about Sam and Dean. Castiel: The Prophet is being kept safe. The tablet has split in two and the Winchesters are trying to recover the missing piece. Why am I telling you any of this? Naomi: It's not your concern. Help the Winchesters, come when they call. You will report in to me regularly, and you will never remember having done so. Castiel: No. I won't do that. Naomi: [smiling]Now, as you were. They won't even notice you were gone. EXT. WAREHOUSE/FACTORY – DAY Sam: ...track down the other piece. You're with us on this one, right, Cas? Cas, you okay? Castiel: I'm – I'm fine. And, yes, I'm with you – if that's all right. Dean nods. Castiel walks away. Sam: It is, right? You two are good? Dean: [looking down]Yeah. END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "08x07 - A Little Slice of Kevin"}
Air Date: 28 November 2012 EXT. PARK – DAY Oklahoma City, Oklahoma A Man wearing a suit and a wedding ring sits at a park picnic table and sends a text message on his cell phone. Message sent, he sets the phone down and fingers his wedding ring. Young Woman: Gary? A Young Woman walks up behind him. Gary stands up and faces her. Gary: Olivia. After last time I – I didn't think that you would come. Olivia: I wasn't going to, but... Gary: I'm glad you did. Olivia: So am I. Olivia takes Gary's hands and they smile at each other. We hear a muted thumping noise. Olivia: Do you hear that? Gary: What? Olivia: The thumping noise. Is – is that you? Gary: You can hear that? Gary groans and bends over slightly, in pain. Olivia: Gary! Gary puts a hand to his chest. Gary: Aah! Olivia: Gary! Gary falls back towards the picnic table, gasping in pain. Olivia: Gary, what is it? Gary sits on the bench and pulls his shirt open. Olivia: Gary! Gary! Gary's heart is thumping dramatically in his chest, pulling his skin upwards in a cookie-cutter heart shape. Gary groans and Olivia screams. Olivia is splattered with blood. SUPERNATURAL EXT. GAS 'N SIP – DAY Sam is talking on the phone while filling the Impala. Castiel is leaning against the front of the car. Sam (on phone): Right, yeah. No, just, uh – just call us whenever you find something. [Dean walks out of the store.]Yeah. Yeah, course. [Dean removes the tops from two bottles of beer.]Right. No, I – I, uh... [Dean hands Sam a beer.]Yeah, hey, you know what? Uh, Dean's here. He really wants to talk to you. Sam hands the phone to Dean. Dean (on phone): Ms. Tran, yeah, hi, uh... [He hangs up and tosses the phone back to Sam.] Dean: Tunnel. What's going on in Tran-land? Sam: Well, uh, Garth finally got them to his houseboat, but Kevin's having a lot of trouble reading their half of the tablet. So far, bits and pieces. Nothing about boarding up Hell. Dean: Garth has a safe-houseboat? Sam: Dude, I don't even ask questions anymore. Sam takes the gas pump out of the Impala. Dean walks to the front of the car, where Castiel is reading a newspaper. Dean: What's the word, Cas? Castiel: It's a shortened version of my name. Dean: Yes, it is. I meant what's the word on the Word? Any, uh, tablet chatter on angel radio? Castiel: Oh, I couldn't say. I turned that off. Sam: You can do that? Castiel: Yeah, it's a simple matter of blocking out certain subsonic frequencies. I could draw you a diagram if you want. Dean: No, that's – we're good. Why'd you flip the switch? Castiel: Because it's a direct link to Heaven. And I don't want anything to do with that place – not anymore. Dean: So what now? Move to Vermont, open up a charming B&B? Castiel: No. I still want – I still need to help people. So... [smiles]I'm gonna become a hunter. Sam: Really? Castiel: Yeah. I could be your third wheel. Dean: You know that's not a good thing, right? Castiel: Of course it is. A third wheel adds extra grip, greater s*ab. I even found a case. Oklahoma City – a man's heart jumped 10 feet out of his chest. It sounds like our kind of thing, right? Sam: He's got a point. Castiel: Excellent. [He raps the car and turns away.]I'll see you there. Dean: Wait, Cas, Cas! If you want to play cowboys and bloodsuckers, that's fine. But you're gonna stick with us, okay? None of this zapping around crap. Capiche? Castiel: Yeah, I capiche. Dean: All right, then. [He walks to the driver's door.] Castiel: Can I, uh, at least ride in the front seat? Dean and Sam simultaneously [Sam while shouldering Castiel out of the way]No. Dean and Sam get into the front seats. Castiel opens the door behind Sam. INT. Police MORGUE – DAY A body covered with a sheet lies on a table. Detective: Coroner said his heart was ejected from his body. Got some air, too. Found it in a sandbox. Sam and Dean are wearing their FBI suits, Castiel his trenchcoat. Sam: Any idea what happened, Detective? Detective: A lot of people are thinking drugs, Agent Nash – an assload of drugs. Castiel: [to Dean]There are no narcotics in that man's system. His molecules are all wrong. Sam: But you don't think that, huh? Detective: Never seen an eightball do that. The Detective pulls back the sheet to reveal the cookie-cutter heart-shaped hole in Gary's chest. Sam: Wow. And who called this in? Detective: Friend of his named Olivia Kopple. She saw the whole thing. [She pulls the sheet back up. Her phone rings.]Oh. [She looks at the caller ID.]Ah, crap. I have – I have to take this. Here's everything we got. [She hands Sam a file.]Knock yourself out. Sam: Thanks. Dean: Listen, you see anything weird, anything out of the box, you give us a call. [He hands the Detective a card.] Detective: Whatever you say, Scully. Detective (on phone): Detective Glass. On my way. Sam reads the file. Castiel: I can't sense any EMF or sulfur. Mr. Freling's arterial health is, uh, excellent. [He leans over the corpse and sniffs.]Mm. He did recently suffer from a... [sniffs]...mild, uh... [sniffs]What is that? ...bladder infection. Dean: Cas, stop smelling the d*ad guy. Castiel: Why? Now I know everything about this man. So we can – Sam: Do you know he was having an affair? Castiel: What? Dean: Strike one, Sherlock. Sam: According to Olivia, they would meet at the park every Thursday at 12:45, walk to the Moonlight diner, where she always ordered a Caesar salad, dressing on the side. They would chat about everything, and she'd be back on the road by 1:30. Castiel: You don't think she's telling the truth. Dean: Too much detail. Sounds rehearsed. Sam: Plus, we drove past the Moonlight diner on the way into town. It's attached to the Moonlight motel. Dean: Okay, well, let's say that, uh, Gary here's on the prowl, but he's playing it safe because... [he lifts Gary's left hand out from under the sheet and sees his wedding ring]...dude's married. Doesn't want anyone to see his ride parked out in front of a by-the-hour fleabag. Sam: So he stashes his car at the park across the street, meets Olivia there. Dean: His wife probably found out about it, and it broke her heart. Sam: So she breaks his. Sounds witchy. Dean: Yes, it does. Guy was living a lie, and it came back to bite him in the ticker. But nice job on the bladder infection. Dean walks away, and Castiel follows him. The camera zooms in on Sam's face. FLASHBACK INT. HOUSE – DAY Sam is sitting on the couch next to RIOT, unpacking a box of books. He takes out an album titled "Amelia and Don Forever" and is about to open it when Amelia comes into the room. Amelia: He said he'd be here by 5:00. Sam: [stands up and walks over to Amelia]Uh, just, deep breath. It's gonna be okay. [He smiles at her.] Amelia: I know. It's just this house, you – he's gonna think we're moving too fast. Are we moving too fast? Sam: [pause]We're making up for lost time. Sam kisses Amelia. There is a knock at the door. Amelia exhales sharply. Amelia: Don't talk politics. Don't say anything bad about the Cowboys. And whatever you do, don't – do not use the words "moist" or "irregardless." Sam: There goes my opener. Amelia opens the door. Amelia: Hi, Dad! Amelia's Father: [laughs and hugs her]Ohh, munchkin! Amelia: Okay, embarrassing. Amelia's Father: That is my job, kiddo. [He looks at Sam, then away.]So, who's this handsome fella? [Sam smiles, but Amelia's Father walks over to RIOT.]Yeah, he's a good boy! How you doing there? You're beautiful. Amelia: That good boy belongs to this good boy. Stan Thompson, this is Sam Winchester. Stan: Hi. [They shake hands.]I heard a lot about you. Sam: Not all bad, I hope. Stan: [laughs]So, this is a nice place. Lawn could use a mow. Amelia: Sam found it. I've been so busy lately. He's had to move us in by himself, pretty much. Stan: Huh. Job almost well done. Amelia: Do you want a drink, Dad? We have beer, iced tea – Stan: Anything cold will be fantastic. Thank you, sweetheart. Amelia: Okay. Sam: Mr. Thompson, um, I just – I know this must be weird. Uh, you haven't seen Amelia in months, and now she's living with a guy you've never met. Stan: Ame said you went to Stanford. Sam: I did. Stan: It's a good school. Sam: It is. Stan: So what do you do now? Sam: I work at a motel in town. Stan: Ah. Balancing the books? Sam: Uh, no. Maintenance, mostly. Stan: Ah. Well, that makes sense. 'Cause I got to say, Sam, you look like a real fixer-upper to me. Sam looks taken aback and uncomfortable. The flashback ends. EXT. HOUSE – DAY The Impala is parked outside a suburban house. Woman (V.O): I – I don't understand. INT. Freling HOUSE – DAY Mrs Freling, wearing black, is sitting at the table in front of a box of Kleenex. Mrs Freling: Gary had a heart att*ck. Why would the FBI – Dean: The parks are government property. We just got a few questions for you. Castiel: [to Dean and Sam]I'll, uh... I'll handle this. I've done research. I can crack her. [leaning over next to Mrs Freling]Now, Ms. Freling, I don't want to bother you. I – I really don't. But I – I do have just one question for you. [slams table]Why did you k*ll your husband?! Dean: Agent Stills. A word, please. Mrs Freling sobs. Castiel walks over to Dean. Castiel: What? I was being bad cop. Dean: No, you were being bad everything. Sam: Please, forgive my partner. [He sits down at the table opposite Mrs Freling.]He's, uh – he's going through some stuff. Dean: [to Castiel]Listen to Sam. Sam: What he was trying to ask – is – is there any way Gary might have had secrets – something he was hiding? Mrs Freling: Hiding? Like what? There is a knock at the door and someone lets themself in. Olivia: Deb? Olivia enters, carrying a casserole. Mrs Freling walks towards her. Mrs Freling: Olivia. Olivia: Hey. Mrs Freling and Olivia hug, both crying. Olivia: Are you okay? Dean: As in mistress Olivia? Castiel: This is awkward. Mrs Freling: [with an arm around Olivia]I'm sorry. W-what did you think Gary was hiding? Castiel: That he was sleeping with her. Mrs Freling I know. Sam: You know? Mrs Freling Gary and I – we... had an arrangement. He was seeing Olivia, and I was spending some time with our neighbor P.J. Olivia I'll, uh – I'll put this in the kitchen. Mrs Freling I'll help. Olivia Yeah. Mrs Freling Okay. Mrs Freling and Olivia leave the room. Dean: Frigging suburbs, man. Castiel: So she's not a witch. Dean: Just the best wife ever. Castiel: Then what k*lled her husband? Dean: Who gives a... EXT. TOP OF CITY BUILDING – DAY A car horn blares. The camera looks down from the top of a building. A Man is standing on the edge of the building, looking down at the street below. He starts to cry and taps his feet. He takes a deep breath, closes his eyes and steps off the building. Instead of falling, he is suspended in mid-air as if he were standing on an invisible platform. The Man opens his eyes and looks around in shock. Man: It's a miracle! God wants me to live! The Man laughs joyfully, looking up at the sky. He then looks down and falls. We hear a screech of brakes and a siren. EXT. TOP OF CITY BUILDING – DAY Sam looks over the edge of the building to the street below, then walks over to Detective Glass and Dean. Castiel is standing some distance away. Sam: Looks like su1c1de. Detective Glass: It was. Guy left a note. He invested everything in Roman Industries and lost it all when they crashed and b*rned last year. Dean: So why call us? Detective Glass: Because I have two witnesses who swear that Madoff here floated in mid-air for a good 10 seconds, then he looked down, and splat. Not sure I buy that, but the way they're talking, it sounds like something straight out of a – Dean: Cartoon. Man: Hey, Detective. Detective Glass: You said you wanted weird. Dean: Thanks. Detective Glass walks away and Castiel joins Dean and Sam. Detective Glass: Yeah, what do you got? Dean: She's right, you know. I mean, the whole heart jumping out of the guy's chest, the – the – the delayed fall – that's straight-up Bugs Bunny. Castiel: So we're looking for some sort of insect-rabbit hybrid? How do we k*ll it? Sam: No, we don't, Cas. That's a character, like, uh – like Woody Woodpecker or Daffy Duck. Dean: They're little animated movies. You know, uh, the coyote chases a roadrunner, and then the – [laughs]the anvil gets dropped on his head. [Sam smiles.] Castiel: Is it supposed to be funny? Dean: [unsmiling]No. It's hilarious. INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Castiel is sitting on the edge of a bed watching a cartoon on television. Voice ON TV Stay tuned, kids! We'll be right back! Castiel laughs and turns off the television. Sam and Dean are sitting at the table, Sam using the laptop and Dean reading. Castiel: I understand. The bird represents God. And coyote is man, endlessly chasing the divine, yet never able to catch him. It's... It's hilarious. Dean: I got no idea what we're hunting. Maybe it's a Tulpa. Maybe it's some – some crazy god who watched too much "Robot Chicken." I – I – I mean, is there a link between "Heartbreak Hotel" and "Free Fallin'"? Sam: Not that I can find. Dean: All right, well, I'm gonna call it. [He closes the journal he was reading.]Cas, you gonna book a room or what? Castiel: No, I'll stay here. Dean: Oh, okay. Yeah. We'll have a slumber party, braid Sam's hair. Where are you gonna sleep? Castiel: I don't sleep. Dean: Okay, well, I need my four hours, so... Castiel: I'll watch over you. Dean: That's not gonna happen. Castiel stands up and puts a hand to his temple. Castiel: Something's coming across the police band. Sam: Wait, you can hear that? Castiel: It's all waves. A bank has been robbed. It sounds loony. Dean: Define "loony." INT. BANK – NIGHT A 1-ton anvil stands in the middle of the bank. Underneath it is a bloody mass. Sam: That's loony, all right. Castiel is inspecting a card machine at the personal teller desk. Detective Glass walks over to Sam and Dean. Detective Glass: Agents. I was just about to give you a ring. Got to ask – do you boys chase the crazy, or does the crazy chase you? Sam: Depends on the day. Dean: Who's the pancake? Detective Glass: Security guard. He called in reporting a robbery, but by the time we got here – Sam: A robbery? Detective Glass: Looks like the "Black Hole" was trying to jimmy open a safe-deposit box when Mr. Rent-A-Cop found him. And, well... [a crime scene investigator takes a picture of a large black circle on a wall]...you know how thatstory ends. Castiel: Black hole? Detective Glass: It's our name for a burglar that's been running us ragged. He's a pro – no fingerprints, never any sign of forced entry – just a pair of those every time... [the camera pans to one of the large black circles]...like he's signing his work. Perp's never done anything like this before, though... obviously. Sam: You mind if I take a look at your files on those other break-ins? Detective Glass: No skin off my nose. I'm headed to the station now if you want a ride. Sam: Perfect. Sam follows Detective Glass out of the bank. Dean: Hey. Can you lift this? Castiel moves the anvil. An "X" is marked on the floor underneath it. Dean: "X" marks the spot. Well, whoever's doing this is playing by cartoon rules. Castiel: Animation doesn't have rules. Dean: Sure it does. In Toontown, a – a pretty girl can make your heart leap out of your chest, anvils fall from the sky, and if you draw a door or a black hole on the wall, you can stroll right through it. They walk over to one of the black circles on the wall. Castiel: So this is how the thief got in. Dean: And out. And cracked the vault. Castiel touches the black circle. The wall behind it is solid. Castiel: Then why isn't it working now? Dean: I got no clue. INT. MOTEL ROOM – NIGHT Dean is using the laptop at the table. Castiel is sitting on one of the beds, looking at John's journal. Castiel: Your father... Beautiful handwriting. Dean: How you feeling, Cas? Castiel: I'm fine. Dean: Well, I just – I – I know that when... I got puked out of Purgatory, it took me a few weeks to... find my sea legs. Castiel: I'm fine. Dean: Don't get me wrong. I'm – I'm happy you're back. I'm – I'm freaking thrilled. It's just this whole mysterious-resurrection thing – it always has one mother of a downside. Castiel: [closes the journal]So, what do you want me to do? Dean: Maybe take a trip upstairs. Castiel: To Heaven? Dean: Yeah, poke around, see if the God squad can't tell us how you got out. Castiel: No. Dean: Look, man, I – I hate those flying-ass monkeys just as much as you do, but – Castiel: [forcefully]Dean! I said no! After a pause, Dean closes the laptop, walks over and sits on the edge of the other bed, facing Castiel. Dean: Talk to me. Castiel: Dean, I... When I was... bad... and I had all those things – the... the leviathans... writhing inside me... I caused a lot of suffering on earth, but I devastatedHeaven. I vaporized thousands of my own kind, and I – I – I can't go back. Dean: 'Cause if you do, the angels will k*ll you. Castiel: Because if I see what Heaven's become – what I – [sighs]what I made of it... I'm afraid I might k*ll myself. Sam enters the room. Sam: Hey. Got something. Castiel: Good. [He stands up. Dean stays sitting on the bed a few moments longer.]Excellent. What? Sam: So this black-hole guy – before he tried the bank, he robbed a house across from the park where Gary blew a gasket. Dean: So, uh, what – you think the house heist and Gary's corpse are connected? Sam: According to the file, they happened at pretty much the exact Same time. Here. Check this out. Okay. [He spreads out a map on which "X"'s are marked in three clusters.]Here's the house, and Gary died across the street here. And that building from this morning – right there. The black hole h*t that, too. Dean: Let me guess – where, uh, what's his name took a swan dive. [Sam nods.]All right. I'll bite. What about the others? Sam: Well, those are the places that stuff got stolen. But nobody got d*ad. Take away the graffiti, and these all look like just normal smash-and-grabs. But I made a few phone calls... [He holds out a police file, which Castiel takes]...talked to some people who are nearby – neighbors and whatnot – and they reported a whole lot of crazy. Dean: Like? Sam: Like a jogger bumping his head and sprouting a four-inch lump. Or a kid walking into a wall and hearing birdies. Basically, for 50 yards around each robbery, people were living in a cartoon. But it didn't last long – I mean 5, 10 minutes at each place. Castiel: About the length of time it would take a thief to get in and out. Sam: Exactly. But whatever power he's using, it's – it's – it's not targeted. I mean, it's – it's kind of like an area of effect. I mean, picture him in a – in a bubble of weird, and anything that touches it gets daffy. Dean: So this Animaniac can step through walls, can toss an anvil? Sam: Yeah, but he's warping reality to do it. So if someone happens to be nearby meeting the girl of his dreams... Dean: His heart makes a break for it. [Sam raises a hand in agreement.]Okay, so smashing the, uh – the rent-a-cop – that – that was on purpose, but the rest of them – what, is that just collateral weird? Sam: Maybe. Castiel: So we're looking for a thief. Sam: And the deposit box he was after. Now, the house, the office – every place he's h*t belonged to someone living at the Sunset Fields retirement home. Dean: So you think our guy's there. Sam: Worth a sh*t. Dean: All right. Well, let's gear up. It's wabbit season. Sam smiles. Castiel: I don't think you pronounced that correctly. INT. SUNSET FIELDS RETIREMENT HOME – DAY Dean, Sam and Castiel walk into a large room in which residents are sitting at tables. They pass an old man using a walker and wearing a breathing mask, who nods to them. Dean makes a face after the old man has gone by. Sam: Come on. It's not that bad. Dean: You can't tell me this joint doesn't give you the heebs and/or jeebs. Sam smiles. A Man in a suit walks up to them. Man: Hello. Dean: Hi. Man: Can I help you? Dean: Yeah. [Sam and Dean hold up their FBI badges.]Agent Crosby. FBI. Man: Sorry, I'm Dr. Dwight Mahoney. I run Sunset Fields. Castiel: We need to question your residents. Dr. Mahoney: Well... why? About what? Sam: Grand larceny, mostly. Dean looks around Dr. Mahoney at placid-looking residents playing chess. Dr. Mahoney: Of course. Um, by all means, ask away. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know. Sam: Appreciate it. Dean: Great. Dean: All right, let's do this. No flirting, you two. CUT TO: Old Woman: You are so pretty, Charles. Dean and Castiel are at a table talking to an Old Woman. Dean notices an attractive female CARER walk by. Castiel: That's not my name. Old Woman: Oh! You look so much like my third husband. Dean: We're here to talk about the robbery, ma'am. Old Woman: Robbery? Dean: Mm-hmm. The one the police talked to you about a few days ago. Someone broke into your old house and, uh, stole a stack of bearer bonds and, uh, some jewelry that you stashed under your floorboards. Old Woman: Oh, my diamonds, yes. I hid them there. [to Castiel]I'm sorry, Charles. I didn't trust you. You were quite the bounder. Dean smiles at Castiel, amused. Dean: Did you tell anyone where your valuables were, Mrs. Tate? Mrs Tate: I don't think so. But then I get a little fuzzy sometimes. Dean: Have you noticed anything strange lately – uh, cold spots, smells? Mrs Tate: Well, there's the cat. [She points.] Dean: The cat? A ginger CAT is on a nearby couch, being stroked by another resident. Mrs Tate: He talks sometimes. Really hates that mouse. Castiel: I'll interrogate the cat. Castiel leaves the table. Mrs Tate smiles at Dean. CUT TO: An Old Man is sitting at a table in front of a tray of food, staring vacantly. Orderly: You all done here? [The Old Man doesn't respond.]All right. The Orderly takes the tray and walks over to Sam, who is standing nearby. Orderly: It's creepy, right? A lot of these people – they just tune out and live in their own heads. It's like maybe the real world is too much for them, and they just run and hide, you know? Sam: Hmm. We see a close-up of Sam's face, which fades into a flashback. FLASHBACK INT. Sam AND Amelia's HOUSE – DAY (late afternoon / early evening) Sam and Stan are sitting at the table, which is set for dinner. Amelia walks to the table carrying a large bowl. Amelia: Soup's on... and semi-edible. Amelia sets the bowl down. It contains spaghetti and sliced hotdogs. Stan: [laughs]You remembered. Amelia: Dad was in the army, so we moved around a lot when I was a kid. Having spaghetti and hot dogs our first night in a new house was sort of a tradition. Sam: All right. Got it. Uh, my father was in the Marines. Stan: Jarhead, huh? Sam: That's right. Uh, 2nd battalion, First Marines, Echo company. Stan: I always thought they were a little puffed up, myself. But, hey. What do I know? I'm just an old grunt. Amelia: You're my old grunt. Amelia puts a hand on Stan's shoulder and then walks back to the kitchen. Stan: So, Ame tells me you never served. Sam: No. Stan: See, I find that hard to believe, 'cause I got to say, Sam, you got the look. Sam: The look? Stan: The one a lot of guys get after they've been through the meat grinder – the one that lets you know they've seen a lot of crap they can't forget. The second their feet h*t solid ground, they start running, and they don't stop – not till they find something to hold on to. Sam: You think that's what I'm doing here? Just holding on? Stan: I think the two of you are holding on to each other, yeah. 'Cause I know she's scared. After what happened to Don, I don't blame her for taking off. Needing to run away and hide – I know why she did it. The question is – what are yourunning from, Sam? The flashback ends. INT. SUNSET FIELDS RETIREMENT HOME – DAY Dean walks up to Sam. Dean: Hey, what do you got? Sam: Hey, um, nothing. Uh, no hex bags, no EMF. You? Dean: Nada. Half the folks I talked to don't even remember being robbed. Sam looks at photographs of Sunset Fields residents on the wall. The camera focuses on a picture of Fred JONES. Sam: Dean, um... You remember a guy named Fred Jones? I think he was a contact of Dad's, lived outside of Salt Lake. Dean: Yeah, that guy gave me my first beer. I don't even think I was double digits. Sam: Right, yeah. Me, too. Um, he was psychic, right? Dean: Psychokinetic. Why? Sam: 'Cause he's in room 114. [He points to Fred's picture.] Dean: Cas. Let's go. Castiel is crouched down in front of the CAT, which is now lying on a coffee table. Castiel: I've almost cracked him. Dean: Now. [He and Sam walk away.] Castiel: Hey. [He holds up a finger to the cat.]I'm not through with you. Castiel follows Dean and Sam. CAT Dumbass. CUT TO: A cartoon plays on television. The character draws an "X" on the floor. Fred is watching. There is a knock at the door, which Fred doesn't respond to. The camera pans out and we see that Fred is sitting in a wheelchair in his room, watching a television mounted high on the wall. Sam and Dean enter. Sam: Mr. Jones? Hey, it's, uh, Sam Winchester. [He crouches down next to Fred's wheelchair.] Dean: Fred? CARTOON ON TELEVISION My nerves! Get me a Doctor! Dean switches off the television. Dean: Fred! Hey! [He claps his hands twice.] Fred continues staring up at the television. Castiel: So, you really think this one man is causing all of these... shenanigans? Dean: Well, if he is, he'd be surrounded by a circle of crazy, right? Hang on. Dean picks up a large book and hits himself in the head with it. There is a loud clanging sound, then the sound of birds chirping. Dean then shakes his head rapidly from side to side. Dean: [cartoon voice]Brrrr. [normal voice]Bingo. Castiel: But how? Sam: Fred's got juice. I mean, an average psychokinetic can move things with his mind, but a guy like Fred – you get him worked up, he can reshape reality. Dean: All right, so where's his "off" switch? Sam: I don't know. I'm not even certain if he knows we're here. Fred is still staring up at the turned-off television. Castiel: Do we... k*ll him? Dr. Mahoney: Excuse me, Agents. [Dr. Mahoney is now standing in the room, with the Orderly.]Did he just thr*at to m*rder one of my patients? CUT TO: Sam, Dean and Castiel walk down the hallway. Dean: Real freaking smooth. Castiel: Well, we don't have to leave him. I could teleport him. Sam: Fred's radioactive, Cas. You zap him – no telling what will happen. Dean: Me and Sam will circle back tonight, get Fred nice and clean. You go "Invisible Girl" and keep an eye on him. You hear me? Castiel disappears. Sam and Dean turn to look behind them. Dean: Good. INT. SUNSET FIELDS RETIREMENT HOME – DAY Someone wearing a diamond bracelet lights a sparkler candle with a cigarette lighter. Mrs Tate smiles excitedly. The camera pans out and we see that the person lighting the candle is the CARER and that residents of the retirement home are gathered around a birthday cake. Fred sits nearby in his wheelchair, staring vacantly and tapping one finger on his thigh. Each time he taps, the program playing on the television in front of him changes. We see brief clips of a cooking program, scuba divers and elephants. Woman's Voice: The birthday girl! Carer: Happy Birthday, Sheila. The residents gathered around the birthday cake are wearing party hats and chatting happily. Man's Voice: The birthday girl! Fred taps his finger again and the television program changes to a cartoon in which Woody Woodpecker lights a large candle-shaped fuse. Female Resident: Ha. Good. On the television, Woody Woodpecker hands the fuse to an ape wearing a bonnet, who licks it. Carer: Get ready. Big breath. Ready? Mrs Tate stands up and takes a deep breath. She blows out the candle. People scream as the cake explodes. Frosting covers the television and the wall. INT. SUNSET FIELDS RETIREMENT HOME – DAY Castiel stands near the exploded cake. The CARER wipes Mrs Tate's face with a towel. Carer: I'm just gonna wipe this off your face, okay? [She picks up a breathing mask.]I'm just gonna put this on. Dean arrives. Castiel: Oh. You got my message. Good. Dean: What the hell happened? Castiel: There was a pastry mishap. Dean: Okay, and? Castiel: And the frosting reached near-supersonic speeds. I thought – Sam joins Castiel and Dean. Sam: Hey. Dean: Hey. Sam: Fred's gone. Castiel: What? Dean: Oh, fan-freaking-tastic. [to Castiel]Way to take your eye off the ball. The CARER pushes Mrs Tate in her wheelchair towards Dean, Sam and Castiel. Carer: You're not supposed to be here. Dean: Well, trust me, sweetheart, you got bigger fish. Mrs Tate: [removing her breathing mask, to Castiel]Charles, she's wearing my diamonds. The CARER tries to push Mrs Tate past Dean, Sam and Castiel, but Castiel stops her. Castiel: Wait. Carer: What? What's wrong? Castiel: [holding the CARER's wrist]This is Mrs. Tate's bracelet. [Mrs Tate smiles.]Where did you get it? Dean: Answer the question. Carer: My boyfriend gave it to me. INT. HOUSE – NIGHT Dean and Sam enter and look around with flashlights. Castiel is behind them. Dean: Hey. [He picks up a piece of paper.]Bearer bonds. Maybe these belonged to Sheila Tate. Castiel: So this man is our thief. Sam: Yeah. [He sees someone lying on the floor behind an upturned table, and points his g*n.]Dean. The person on the floor is the Orderly. He has blood on his face and is holding his hands over a stomach wound. Dean turns on the light and the Orderly lifts his head. Dean moves the table. The Orderly coughs. Dean: Cas. Castiel crouches down next to the Orderly. Castiel: Stay still. Move your hands. Castiel holds a hand out over the Orderly's stomach. White light emanates from his hand. He presses on Orderly's stomach and the Orderly gasps and moves as if in pain. Castiel stands up. The Orderly lifts his shirt. Blood remains on his hands and stomach, but his wound is healed. Orderly: How did you... Dean: Guy eats his Wheaties. Sam, come on. Orderly: What did you... Dean: Get up. [He and Sam lift the Orderly and push him into a chair.]Come on. Sit down. Orderly: Wait a second! What did you just do to me?! Dean: Hey, hey, hey! Listen to me. Where is Fred Jones? Orderly: I – he – he took him. Dean: Who? VEHICLE – NIGHT A cartoon featuring a Doctor plays on a tablet computer. The cartoon Doctor hangs a sign that reads "Doctor Is In" on a door. Orderly (V.O): Dr. Mahoney. That guy's evil, man, okay? The camera pans out and we see that Fred is holding the computer tablet in a vehicle driven by Dr. Mahoney. Orderly (V.O): He's using Mr. Jones. Sam (V.O): How? INT. HOUSE – NIGHT Orderly: Look, all Fred does is watch cartoons, but he is magic, okay? A few weeks ago, I – I slammed my foot in his door. I smashed it flat – and I mean flat. And then when I shook the thing, it popped back up, like something out of a cartoon or whatever. Dean: Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know. Orderly: So I told Dr. Mahoney, and then he started doing experiments. Just – we just wanted to see what he could do. Sam: What about the robberies? Orderly: Oh, Mahoney's been skimming off Sunset Fields for years. A lot of those folks – they got stuff stashed away, like, off the books, like. So Mahoney would track down the loot, and then we would take Fred for a drive. Dean: Right, and use his bubble of weird to rip people off. How did you end up gut-sh*t? Orderly: Mahoney – after – after he anviled that guard, he started freaking out, and then – then you showed up, and then the cake blew in the day room, and then he lost it. Sam: What does that mean, "he lost it"? Orderly: I mean he's on his way back to the bank right now for one last score. Doc's bl*wing town. I mean, he said that Fred was a loose end. He was gonna k*ll him. And then, I – I like Fred, so I said that if he hurt the guy, I'd go to the cops. And I didn't know that he had a g*n. Dean: Okay. EXT. STREET – NIGHT Dean, Castiel and Sam walk to the Impala. Castiel: Do you think Mr. Jones knows what's happening? Dean: I don't know. Seems to me like the dude's living in a dream world. They get into the Impala. We see a close-up of Sam's face. FLASHBACK INT. Sam AND Amelia's HOUSE – NIGHT Sam is washing dishes in the kitchen. Stan and Amelia are talking quietly in the adjoining main room as Amelia clears dishes from the table. Stan: Look, I am trying to help. Boy, I'll tell you, if Don could see you... Amelia: [looks over her shoulder at Sam]Don't. Just don't. Stan: [looks over his shoulder at Sam]You can't – you need to come home. Sam watches them from the kitchen. Amelia: Is that why you're here – to drag me back? This is my life. Stan: This – it won't last. You are living in a dream world. Sam turns back to the sink. Amelia: I like it here. I like this house. I like Sam. Stan: Sam is a mess. Amelia: I'm a mess. But when I'm with Sam, I'm happy, Dad. And I haven't been happy in a really long time. So please, just... let us be messes together. Give us a chance. Amelia brings dishes into the kitchen and smiles at Sam before going back out to the dining table. Stan carries wine glasses into the kitchen and goes to the sink to stand next to Sam. Stan: I'll dry. Is that your car outside – the Impala? Sam: Yeah, it was my dad's. Stan: Guy had good taste... for a jarhead. EXT. ALLEYWAY – NIGHT Dean, Sam and Castiel get out of the Impala and walk down the alleyway. Dean: All right. Jones has got to be close. I'll h*t the bank. You see if you can find him. Dean stops in front of a large black circle on the wall of a building. He lifts a hand and tentatively reaches out towards the circle. His fingers penetrate the wall and he quickly pulls them back. He looks at his hand and reaches into the circle again, inserting his arm up to his elbow. He laughs and pulls him arm out of the circle. Dean: Awesome. EXT. STREET – NIGHT Sam and Castiel hurry along the street. Sam pauses to look behind a parked car, then continues on. Castiel: Can you feel that, Sam? The power. They look inside a parked van. Fred is inside, watching a cartoon on the tablet computer. Cartoon Voice: Calamity Jane for you! Sam gets in the back of the van with Fred. Sam: Fred, hey. Fred, hey, buddy. Hey. [He grabs Fred's hand.]Hey, Fred? Listen to me. Can you hear me? Fred! [to Castiel]If we could just talk to him. Hey, buddy. Hey, wake up. Wake up. Castiel puts his hands on Fred's hand and arm. Sam: Cas? White light emanates from Castiel's hands. Sam: Wait. Wait! The white light becomes blinding. Sam grimaces and closes his eyes before the entire screen turns white. EXT. DAY We see a close-up of Sam's head and upper body against a light blue sky. He looks around, confused, as accordion music plays. Cartoon Voice: Aha! The camera pans out and we see that Sam and Castiel are standing in a cartoon desert landscape. A cartoon creature runs along a dirt track between Sam and Castiel and continues off into the distance. Just after the creature disappears, there is an expl*si*n over the horizon. Sam: Cas, uh, where are we? Castiel: Inside Mr. Jones' mind. You said you wanted to talk to him. Fred is standing with his arms crossed near Castiel and Sam. Fred: Who the hell are you? The sky shatters into pieces and falls. The desert landscape now appears in overexposed, moving gray and white and there is a loud static noise. Sam: Fred. Fred. Um, hey, it's – it's – it's me. I'm, uh – I'm Sam – Sam Winchester. Fred: John's boy? Sam: That's right. Fred: The scrawny one? It's only been... [bright color starts to return to the landscape]...three, four years since I've seen you. [The colors return to mostly gray and white.] Sam: More like, uh, 20. Uh, listen, Fred, I'm gonna need you to focus. Fred: How did you... Why are you here, Sam? INT. BANK – NIGHT Dr. Mahoney removes a safe deposit box via a small black hole. Many other black circles dot the safe deposit box wall and many other deposit boxes are on a table in the vault. Dr. Mahoney sets the deposit box down on the table next to an open bag containing jewelry and cash. He opens the box and adds more cash to the bag. Dean appears and points a g*n at him. Dean: What's up, Doc? Fred (V.O): No, no, no, no, no... INT. Fred's MIND – NIGHT Fred, Sam and Castiel are standing in the gray and white desert landscape. Fred: ...no. You're lying! They now appear to be inside a large, bare room. The light is gray and white as before. Castiel: This is happening, Mr. Jones. They're using you. Fred: As what – some kind of a damn psychic CopperTop? You plug me in, and the whole world goes wacky? It doesn't work that way. Sam: How would you know? No offense, but it seems to me like you've been spending more time in here than you have... out there. Fred: You want to know what's the worst thing that can happen to a guy that's got a mind like I got? Losing it. INT. BANK – NIGHT Dr. Mahoney: You let me walk, and half of this is yours. Dean looks at the bag on the table. Dean: I think I'm gonna pass. I'm not really into stealing from sweet old ladies. Dr. Mahoney: I'm not stealing from them. I'm stealing from their children. Little bastards think they can drop their folks off at a home and visit twice a year, maybe. I took care of all these old geezers. I think I deserve – Dean: I don't care! Dr. Mahoney: Fine. Have it your way. Dean lowers his g*n a few inches. Dr. Mahoney flings papers at Dean and pushes him back against the wall. Dean falls to the ground and Dr. Mahoney grabs the bag and runs. Dean fires. A red and yellow flag with "BANG" written on it pops out of his g*n. Dr. Mahoney pauses and turns. Dr. Mahoney: Welcome to the fun house. Dean stares at the flag for a moment. Dr. Mahoney runs off and Dean follows him. INT. Fred's MIND – NIGHT The background is still the large, bare room with gray and white flickering light. Fred: Cartoons – yeah, yeah, I always loved them when I was a kid. [The background changes to black and white circles and patterns on the walls.]They made me feel... happy – safe. They were... The black and white patterns become the gray and white flickering light of before. Sam: Something to hold on to. Fred: Yeah. INT. BANK – NIGHT Dean chases Dr. Mahoney through the bank. Dean tackles Dr. Mahoney and the frame freezes with Dean in mid-air, his hands on Dr. Mahoney's shoulders. Captions appear on the screen: Dean Winchester (HUNTERUS HEROICUS) Dr. MAHONEY (GROTESQUES VILLAINUS) Dean and Dr. Mahoney crash to the ground. They get up and Dr. Mahoney produces a large frying pan from his jacket. He hits Dean across the face with it three times, then presses it into Dean's face. Dean yells as the image of his face appears in the frying pan. Dr. Mahoney lowers the frying pan. Dean looks dazed. We hear a cuckoo noise, a falling noise and chirping birds as Dean falls to the ground. Dr. Mahoney: Give up! I've been dealing with this crazy for months! And you – idiot – bring a g*n to a gag fight. Dean: Yeah, well, I did bring this. [He holds up a can of spray paint.]And "X" marks the spot. Dr. Mahoney looks down and sees that he is standing over an "X" marked on the floor. He looks up and we hear the loud noise of something falling. Dr. Mahoney gets out of the way before a large anvil hits the "X". Sam (V.O): I need you to stop this... INT. Fred's MIND The background is the large, bare room with gray and white flickering light. Sam: ...take control. Fred: It's too hard! Sam: Look, it can be nice living in a dream world. It can be great. I know that. And you can hide, and you can pretend... [the background is now brightly colored rectangles]...all the crap out there doesn't exist, but you can't do it forever because... eventually, whatever it is you're running from – it'll find you. [Castiel appears to be taking Sam's words to heart.]It'll come along, and it'll punch you in the gut. And then... then you got to wake up, because if you don't, then trying to keep that dream alive will desTroy you! It'll desTroy everything! The background changes to bright white light. We see a close-up of Castiel, who disappears into the light. INT. BANK – NIGHT Dean gets up off the floor. Dr. Mahoney grabs the bag and runs for a large black circle on the wall. He yells as he runs into the wall and falls to the ground. Dean: Looks like somebody turned off the boob tube. Dr. Mahoney: Good. [He pulls out a g*n and cocks it.]Means I can use this. Fred: No! [Fred, Sam and Castiel are now standing in the bank. Fred is pointing at Dr. Mahoney.]You are never going to hurt anyone again! Dr. Mahoney gasps and the arm with which he is holding the g*n with his other hand. Against his will, he points the g*n at his own head and fires. Sam and Dean flinch. Dean: Now that's all, folks. INT. BANK – NIGHT Fred: My God. Sam: Fred. You good? Fred: Now I'm good. In a month, year... [sighs] Nobody gets sharper with age. I'm gonna lose control again, and somebody's gonna get hurt... again. [sighs]You got to make it stop. Castiel: There might be a way. The procedure will be painful, and... when it's over, I'm not sure how much of you will be left. Fred: [takes a deep breath and then speaks decisively]Well, what are you waiting for? INT. SUNSET FIELDS RETIREMENT HOME – DAY Fred is sitting in his wheelchair in the day room. Sam, Dean and Castiel stand nearby. Sam: Is he, uh – is he okay? Castiel: He's listening to "Ode to Joy." [Fred closes his eyes and smiles slightly before opening his eyes again.]He's happy. Dean: [small smile]All right, well, let's blow this termite terrace. Cas, you get to ride g*n. You done good. Castiel: Thanks, but I, uh... I can't come. I, uh... We hear a siren in the distance and the scene abruptly changes. INT. Naomi's OFFICE IN HEAVEN Naomi: Hello, Castiel. And, no. Castiel: No? Naomi: I can see what you're thinking, and I won't allow it. Castiel: You don't understand. I have been trying to pretend that I can escape what I did in Heaven, but I can't. All that pain that I caused – I – I have to come back, to make things right. Naomi: And you are... by doing what you're told. Bottom line – unless I ring my bell, you stay out of Heaven, Castiel. Castiel: Well, then, what should I do? Naomi: What do you want to do? INT. SUNSET FIELDS RETIREMENT HOME – DAY Sam: You – you what, Cas? W-why can't you come with us? Castiel: I, um... I want to stay with Mr. Jones. Someone should watch over him for a few days just to be safe. Dean: Okay, and then what? Castiel: Then I'm not sure. But I know I can't run anymore. We see a close-up of Sam's face that fades into a flashback. FLASHBACK INT. Sam AND Amelia's HOUSE – NIGHT Sam, Amelia and Stan are sitting at the table drinking beer. Stan: So, Ame is playing the Sugarplum fairy, right? [Amelia groans and Sam puts a hand on her arm.]Right? Now, this is her big moment, you understand, and she waddles up onto the stage – Amelia: Waddles? Stan: What? You were a chubby kid. It was adorable. Anyway, she waddles up onto the stage, and she is dragging two feet of toilet paper behind her. Sam: No. Everybody laughs and Amelia covers her face. Stan: You remember that? Amelia: Yeah. The phone rings. Stan: Officially the end of her career. [Amelia gets up to answer the phone. Stan indicates an unopened beer on the table.]You want one of these? Sam: Please, yeah. [Stan opens the beer and hands it to Sam.]Thanks. [Stan opens another beer for himself.]My, uh – my brother used to do that. Stan: Yeah? Sam: Yeah. Stan: He a good guy? Sam: Yeah. Yeah, uh, he – he was... the best. Uh, I, uh... I lost him, and, uh, I ran. Stan: I'm sorry to hear about that. Amelia (on phone): What? A-are you sure? Oh, God. Sam and Stan look at Amelia, who is standing in the kitchen with her back to them. Amelia comes slowly back into the main room holding the phone. Stan: Amelia? Baby? You okay? Amelia: It's Don. He's alive. The flashback ends on a close-up of Sam's face. INT. SUNSET FIELDS RETIREMENT HOME – DAY Dean: [turning to leave and clapping Sam on the arm]Sam, you with me? Sam follows Dean. Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" plays as Fred smiles. Castiel pulls up a chair and sits down next to Fred. The scene goes to black in a diminishing circle, cartoon-style. END
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "08x08 - Hunteri Heroici"}
[ Abandonned House] (A man, Jason, drags a body bag through the house into the bathroom. He unzips the bag to reveal a charred body) [ A Park] (Dean is lying on a picnic table. Sam sits down next to him) Sam: So, what, Cas is human? Dean: (sitting up) Ish. I mean, he's got no Grace, no wings, no... harp, whatever the hell else he had. Sam: Okay. Where'd he crash-land? Dean: Called me from a pay phone from Longmont, Colorado. I told him just to make for the bunker. Sam: Well, you think he can handle a road trip like that? Dean: Well, Cas is a big boy. Things go Breaking Bad, he knows our number. Right now we got bigger worries. Sam: The fallen angels? Dean: Yeah. I mean, thanks to Metatron, we now have a couple of thousand confused loose nukes walking around down here. Sam: What do you think they're gonna do? Dean: I got no damn clue. Sam: What about Crowley? You, uh... (mimes slicing throat) Dean: I would've loved nothing better than to ice that limey bitch. But then I thought to myself, what would Sam Winchester do? Sam: I'd've s*ab him in the brain. Dean: Oh.Well, I figured the King of Hell might know a few things, so why not Zero Dark Thirty his ass? (They get up off the table and went to the car) Sam: Wait, so Crowley is... alive? (Dean opens the Impala's trunk to reveal Crowley). Dean: Oh yeah. He's the junk in my trunk. (A Devil's Trap has been painted on the inside of the trunk to keep him there) Sam: Huh. [ Abandoned House] (Sigils have been drawn on the bathroom's walls in blood. Black Demon Smoke swirls around just below the ceiling. JASON takes out a Kn*fe and flips it open. His eyes turn black. He cuts open his wrist and allows the blood to pour into the bathtub. Bright light starts to emanate from it, and the Demon Smoke flies down into the tub. The light pulsates and dies out with a small shockwave. Abaddon emerges from the bathtub) [ Bunker - Control Room] (Dean enters the bunker. An arrow comes flying in his general direction, getting stuck in the handrail a few feet in front) Dean: The hell? (Kevin stands up from behind his barricade of books and a flipped-over table, holding a crossbow.) Kevin: Dean? You're alive! Dean: Yeah, 'cause you're a crappy sh*t, Katniss. Kevin: Sorry. It's been a bad couple of days. I-I haven't slept, or eaten, I'm pretty backed up. Dean: Okay, overshare. Kevin: After we talked, this place went nuts, alright? Th-there was some alarm, and all the machines were freaking out, and the bunker just locked down. I couldn't open the door, my cellphone stopped working, I thought the world was ending. Dean: Close. The angels fell. Kevin: The... what does that mean? Dean: Nothing good. (he takes the crossbow from Kevin) Listen, next time the world's ending, grab a g*n. (Dean puts the crossbow down on the table and starts to walk away, taking out his cellphone) Dean: I got service. (Kevin flips a switch on the bunker's control panel. Lights turn on and there's a sound of mechanics whirring into action) Kevin: It's back online. Maybe when you opened the door from the outside door, it reset the system. Dean: Yeah, okay, let's go with that. (Sam enters with Crowley, handcuffed, blindfolded and with earmuffs on) Sam: Hey. All good? Dean: Is it ever. Come on. (Sam and Dean leave with Crowley as Kevin looks on) Kevin: No. [Bunker - Dungeaon] (Crowley has been chained to a chair in the center of a Devil's Trap. Dean pulls off his hood and tears the duct tape off his mouth) Crowley: Ahh! Hello. (Dean punches him in the face) Dean: Never get tired of doing that. (Crowley grunts and looks at the wall full of t*rture implements) Crowley: Homey. Where did you get this fantastic little treehouse? Sam: Alright, here's how it's gonna go. You're giving us the name of every demon on earth, and the people they're possessing. Crowley: Am I? Doesn't sound like me. Sam: I saw you break down, Crowley. When I was trying to cure you, I know a part of you was human again, maybe still is. Crowley: Blah blah, boohoo. Done? Good. 'Cause this is what I know. I'm not giving you anything. Why would I? You have no leverage, darlings. You're not gonna close the gates of Hell, because you didn't, you're not gonna k*ll me, because you haven't. So what's left? Dean: We have a few ideas. Crowley: t*rture. Brilliant. Can't wait to see Sam in stilettos and a leather bustier, really putting the S-A-M into S&M. Honestly, boys. What are you gonna do to me that I don't do to myself just for kicks every Friday night? (Sam and Dean exchange a look, then turn and leave, locking the dungeon's doors behind them) Dean:Have fun. (They turn off the lights, leaving CROWLEY alone in the dark) [ Bunker- Control Room] Kevin: What's Crowley doing here?! Why isn't he d*ad? Why aren't you s*ab him right now?! Dean: Alright, alright, chill out, Kevin, okay? We need him. Kevin: What?! Sam: Kevin, look. If we can get Crowley to give us the name of every demon he's got topside, we can hunt them down. All of 'em. Dean: He will break, okay. When he does, we'll hold him down while you Kn*fe him. Then we all go out for ice cream and strippers. Sam: Just stay away from him, alright? Kevin: So now what? Dean: I gotta make some phone calls. You need to h*t the Angel tablet, see if you can find anything on the spell that Metatron used to empty out Heaven. Sam: Yeah, maybe we can reverse it before the God Squad does too much damage. Dean: Yeah, if we're lucky. Alright, check the net for anything angely. Sam: Or demony. Dean: Or monstery. Or ghosty, or... it's gonna be a busy year. [ Abandoned House] ( Abaddon addresses Jason plus three other Demons) Abaddon: My name is Abaddon. But enough about me, let's talk you. Jason tells me you're all violent, power-hungry opportunists. So maybe you can tell me what the hell happened to Hell. And demons, I mean, (mocking laughter) you call that a meatsuit? Old Demon Lady: I closed 72 deals last year. Kids love Grandma. Abaddon: And that's the problem. Deals. We're paying for what we should be taking. Who put Crowley in charge? What's the matter, Hellhound got your tongue? You took orders from him! Old Demon Lady: He's the King! Abaddon: He's a salesman. A king fights. A king conquers. A king does more than sit around reading contracts. But the King's d*ad. Long live the Queen. I can train you. I can get you new bodies. And we will march into Hell, where we will be greeted as liberators. And Demonkind will rise up and sweep over the earth. And all the humans, and all the angels with their clipped wings will bow to me! Or they will burn. Old Demon Lady: What about Crowley? Abaddon: Crowley's d*ad. Old Demon Lady: Uhuh. Well, no offense, honey, but we all thought you were d*ad until, like, a week ago. And what if Crowley does come back? Look, a lot of us were scared of him, a lot of us still are. Prove that Crowley's really gone, and then maybe this scheme of yours will work. Or not. Honestly, I always thought you Knights were overrated. (Abaddon grabs her by the throat and smokes her out) Abaddon: You go to hell. And you tell them... I'm coming. [ Bunker - Library] (Dean's on the phone while Sam and Kevin do research) Dean: Yeah, Irv, fallen angels. Irv: Huh. That's a wrinkle. Dean: Well, trust me, they're just monsters with good PR. So, if you run into one, torch his ass with holy oil. Oh, and if they drop, uh, like, a silver sword, grab it. Those pigstickers come in handy. [ Road] Irv: Okay. Criminy. [ Bunker - Library] Dean: Hey, look, I know this is weird, but— Irv: Well, Dean-o, weird's what we do. [ Road] Irv: I remember this case me and Bobby worked up in Saskatoon, had these two— [ Bunker - Library] Dean: Werewolf siamese twins. [ Road] Irv: He told you about that? [ Bunker - Library] Dean: Every time he drank Labatt's. So if you run into any problems, give a call, okay? The more hunter that know, the better. [ Road] Irv: Roger-Dodger. [ Naval Base] (Three Navy Soldiers leave the base) Soldier1: So, this is your first weekend pass into town, right? So I set it all up. Jamie's waiting at the bar and has a thing for men in uniform. So, you just start buying sh*ts, then you can thank me in the morning. Soldier2: Cool. ( A bus pulls up and the three get in) [ Bus] ( The Demons from before (minus the one possessing the old lady) are waiting on the bus. Their eyes turn black. The doors snap shut and the Demons smoke out, then possess the Soldiers. Abaddon, in the driver's seat dressed in a bus driver's uniform, turns to look) Abaddon: Now that is more like it. [ Road] ( A young woman, Tracy, is looking under the hood of her car. A van pulls up) Driver: Need some help? Tracy: Um, yeah, I-I don't know, I think the thingy broke. Driver: Well, I can give you a lift into town. Tracy: That would be amazing. Thanks. ( She grabs her bag from the car while the van's Driver leers at her. He grins wolfishly as she gets in, revealing a set of vampire fangs) [ Road- Moments Later] ( The van rocks up and down. After a few moments, blood splashes against the window from the inside. The van's doors open and the Vampire comes falling out, headless. Tracy jumps out after and comes face to face with the possessed Soldiers) Jason (now in Soldier1): Nice hunting. (Demon Soldier2 grabs her from behind and pulls a bag over her head) [ Parking Lot] (The bus has been abandoned in a parking lot. The area has been marked off with yellow tape and there are multiple police officers and army personnel present. Sam and Dean pull up in the Impala) Sam: Oh, God. This place reeks of sulfur. Dean: Between the stink, with the freak thunderstorms, and every cow d*ad within three miles, I'll take demons for $1000, Alex. (to the Sergeant that walks up) Hey. Agents Stark and Banner, FBI. Just need to have a look around. Sergeant: Why? This is a military case, not a federal one. Sam: Well, that's not what our supervisor said. Sergeant: That so? Then maybe him and I oughta have a chat. Dean: Okay. (He takes out his phone and dials) [ Bunker - Library] (Kevin's phone rings) Kevin: Hey? [ Parking Lot] Dean: Hey, boss, uh... we got a little problem here. [ Bunker - Library] Kevin: "Boss"? [ Parking Lot] Dean: Yeah, just a local badge needs confirmation we're supposed to be here. How the word came down from FBI headquarters in DC. [ Bunker - Library] Kevin: Wait, w-what? [ Parking Lot] Dean: Yeah. (He hands his phone to the Sergeant) Sergeant: This is Sgt Miranda Bates, who am I talking to? [ Bunker - Library] Kevin: Uh... Kevin. Solo. [ Parking Lot] Sergeant: How old are you? [ Bunker - Library] Kevin: Old enough. And I'm with the FBI, so you have to do what I say, or... Sergeant: Listen, kid, I don't have to do anything. And I don't take orders from the Feeb. (Kevin pulls his laptop towards him and starts typing) [ Parking Lot] Sergeant: So unless you can give me one good reason you got a couple of pretty-boy agents poking around my crime scene, I'm gonna put them in cuffs and spank your ass raw, understand? [ Bunker - Library] Kevin: Cabo, last June. [ Parking Lot] Sergeant: What? [ Bunker - Library] Kevin: That's my reason. My favourite is you in a sombrero doing a body sh*t off some naked guy in a Luchador mask. Super classy. [ Parking Lot] Sergeant: How did you find that? [ Bunker - Library] Kevin: 'Cause I'm Kevin freaking Solo. So unless you want this forwarded to your commanding officer, Major Velasquez... [ Parking Lot] Kevin: I suggest you give my guys anything they want. Understand? Sergeant: Yes. [ Bunker - Library] Kevin: "Yes, sir." [ Parking Lot] Sergeant: Yes, sir. (She hands the phone back to Dean and stalks off) Dean: Kevin? What the hell did you just do? [ Bunker - Library] Kevin: All military computers are linked to the same network. [ Parking Lot] (Sam motions "are we good?" to Dean, who nods. Sam walks off towards the bus) Dean: And? [ Bunker - Library] Kevin: I hacked it. [ Parking Lot] Dean: Hey, Kevin? Good job, buddy. (He hangs up and joins Sam) [ In The Bus] Dean: Hey. Anything? Sam: Yeah, this guy was sh*t in the heart. Dean: That what k*lled him? Sam: Maybe—fifteen, twenty years ago. Every one of these bodies has a fatal wound, or two, or three, but they're all old. Dean: So we're looking at meatsuits? The bodies took a licking, and the demons inside kept them ticking. Sam: Probably. I think they were possessed. And now those soldiers are. (The Sergeant enters) Sergeant: Excuse me, agents? We pulled this off a security camera. You might wanna take a look. (She hands Sam a touchscreen tablet with video footage that shows the possessed soldiers and bus driver exiting the bus. SAM zooms in on the driver) [ Parking Lot] Dean: Abaddon? Seriously?! I thought you Kentucky fried that meatsuit. Sam: I did, Dean. Dean: You—well, then how'd she get it back? (to the police officer holding up the crime scene tape) Thank you. (to Sam) And why's she playing G.I. Joe? Sam: No clue. Why don't you ask her when we find her? Dean: Oh, I will. And then I'm gonna chop her freaking head off. Again. [ Contaminated Ghost Town] ( The Demons are beating up a hunter, Pete) Jason: Alright, Pete. The Winchesters, where are they? Pete: Bite me. (Jason punches him again) Jason: I said, where are the Winchesters? Pete: And I said, bite me, crewcut. (Jason punches him again) Abaddon: Let me show you how it's done, boys. ( She grabs a noose and slips it around Pete's neck) Pete: Help me! (He screams as Abaddon tightens the noose and pulls on the rope to lift him off the ground) Abaddon: You can scream all you want to. No one's gonna hear you! Now let's talk Sam and Dean. [ Bunker-Library] (A cellphone (in a box full of them) starts ringing. Kevin picks it up) Kevin: Hello? [ Contaminated Ghost Town] Abaddon: This is Dean's number, but you're not a Winchester. Who are you? [ Bunker - Library] Kevin: I'm... nobody. [ Abandoned Diner] (Abaddon enters the diner) Abaddon: Well, nobody, I need you to give those boys a message for me. (She walks over to Tracy and Irv, both tied up and gagged) Abaddon: I have something they might want. [ Impala - Nightime] Sam: (on phone) Kevin, wait wait wait. Slow down. Kevin: She gave me these coordinates. 44.053051 by -123.127860, and two names. Irv Franklin and Tracy Bell. Dean: Irv's a friend, don't know Tracy. [ Bunker - Library] Kevin: Alright, the lady said they were hunters, and that if you didn't go save them, that she would k*ll them. [ Impala] Dean: Yeah, I've heard that song before. [ Bunker - Library] Kevin: Dean, who was she? [ Impala] Dean: She's the bad guy. Alright, new job, dig up everything the Men of Letters have on Knights of Hell. [ Bunker - Library] Kevin: "Knights of Hell"? Sure. [ Impala] Dean: You find a way to k*ll one, I mean permanently, drop a dime. Sam: Thanks, Kevin. (he hangs up) The numbers point to a spot on the outskirts of Eugene, Oregon. You know this is a trap, right? Dean: Yep. Sam: And we're just gonna walk right into it? Dean: g*n blazing. You with me? Sam: You know it. [ Bunker – Dungeon] (Crowley still sits in the dark, flashing back to the night of the third trial) Sam: You're the third trial, Crowley. Crowley: Where do I start... Dean: You're our bitch. Crowley: ...to even look for forgiveness? Dean: Your demon ass is going to be a mortal ass pretty damn quick. Crowley: None of this means anything to you? You're my Marnie, moose. A-and Hannah, she just, she needs to be loved. [ Chapel – Nightime - Flashback] Crowley: She deserves it. [ Bunker - Dungeon] Crowley: She deserves to be loved. [ Chapel – Nightime - Flashback] Crowley: I deserve to be loved! I just wanna be loved. [ Bunker - Dungeon] Crowley: I just wanna be loved. (Present-day Crowley gasps, distraught. Suddenly, the lights come on) Crowley: Kevin? [ Bunker - Archives] Crowley: Kevin, I know it's you. I'd recognise the pitter-patter of those little feet anywhere. (Kevin makes his way to one of the shelves and r*fles through a box) [ Bunker - Dungeon] Crowley: That's right, run. It's what you do. [ Bunker - Archives] (Kevin pulls a file from the box and starts to walk away) Crowley: I understand, I do. You're, what's the word? [ Bunker - Dungeon] Crowley: Weak. (Kevin yanks open the dungeon's doors) Crowley: Hiya, Kev. [ Contaminated Ghosth Town] Dean: The hell happened here? Sam: Local chemical plant sprung a leak, years ago. They evacuated three square blocks. Guess it's still contaminated. Dean: Wait, so this whole place is poison? Sam: Yeah. (Dean shields his crotch with his hand protectively) Sam: That's not gonna help. Dean: Doesn't hurt. (They locate the diner) [ Abandoned Diner] (Sam and Dean enter the diner) Sam: Dean. (Dean removes the gag from IRV's mouth) Dean: Irv? Hey. Where's Abaddon? Irv: Abaddon's been torturing hunters. She's trying to get intel on you boys. Sam: Do you know why? Irv: I seriously doubt she wants to add you to her Christmas card list. Now, d'you wanna make with the rescue or what? Dean: Right after you take a sh*t of holy water, huh? (Sam and Dean both unscrew flasks of holy water, and make Tracy and Irv drink some, respectively) Tracy: Happy? Dean: Sorry about that. Irv: Don't worry about it. Last night you need is us popping black eyes. Sam: You're Tracy, right? I'm Sam Winchester. Tracy: Good for you. Irv: She's new. We did a shifter job in Sacramento together. Smart, but got a mouth on her. Dean: Let's gear up. [ Bunker - Dungeon] Crowley: So, what brings you to my boudoir, handsome? Kevin: You're gonna tell me how to k*ll a Knight of Hell. Crowley: Abaddon giving you trouble, eh? Tell you what, you let me go, and I'll spit-roast the little whore for you. Sound good? Kevin: You're bluffing. You don't know. Crowley: Oh, I know plenty. For example, I know she'd love you. Skinny, submissive... you're just her type. Kevin: Shut up. Crowley: Fine. That's not what you came for, anyway, not really. What's on your mind, Kevin? You can tell me. We're friends! Kevin: You tortured me. Crowley: I t*rture all my friends. It's how I show love. I was raised in a dysfunctional home environment. Kevin: You k*lled my mom! Crowley: Did I? I mean, are you sure? Did you ever see her body? I mean, how can you be sure she's d*ad? (Kevin screams and punches Crowley) Crowley: You can do better than that, little man. (Kevin glances at the wall full of blades and other equipment) Crowley: That's right. Let it all out. [ Abandoned Diner] (Dean is busy checking their supplies) Dean: Alright, we got Jesus juice, g*n loaded with Devil's Trapped b*ll*ts—sh**t a demon, you put 'em on lockdown. The angel blade works... (There's a noise outside and Sam moves over to the window to investigate) Sam: They're coming. Dean: Good. Sam: And they've got as*ault r*fles. Dean: Okay, less good. Irv: So, what's the play? [ Abandoned Diner - Later] (The Demons approach the diner. Dean's voice can be heard from inside) Dean: Come and get it, you dicks! (Jason kicks open the door and enters together with Demon Soldier2) Jason: Down, now! (Close-up on Dean's phone playing a pre-recorded clip on repeat) Dean: Come and get it, you dicks! Come and get it, you dicks! Jason: Damn it. [ Contaminated Ghost Town] Dean: Alright. We gotta flank SEAL team douche in there, so, uh, Irv, you and me will go left, and Sam, you and Tracy go right. Sam: Okay. Let's move. (He lays a hand on Tracy's shoulder, who promptly shoves him away) Tracy: Don't touch me. Dean: Whoa. What's the problem? Tracy: My family's d*ad because of him. Sam: What? Tracy: I watched a demon slaughter my parents. And the whole time it talked about how it was celebrating. Some dumb kid let Lucifer out of his cage. Dean: ...okay, alright, we gotta move. Girl's with me, Irv... Irv: (to Sam) Okay. Let's go, son. [ Bunker - Dungeon] (Kevin drops a bloodied hammer to the ground) Crowley: There. Now that you've felt your feels, maybe we can talk. Kevin: No. Crowley: Gonna make this simple, Kevin. Let me go, and I'll give you back your mother. Kevin: She's d*ad. Crowley: Oh, she wishes she was. After what I had my heavies do to her, she's begging for it. But when have you ever known me to let anyone off easy? You think Sam and Dean care about her? Huh? You think they care about you? You are just here to serve their needs. Nothing more. You're gonna lose, Kevin. Everything. It's just a matter of time. When the Winchesters are done with you, they'll toss you aside without a second thought because they can. Because they think they're special. And because, well, there's always another prophet waiting in the wings. I'm the one in chains, but we're both prisoners here. What say, you let me go, and we walk out those doors together? What say we both win? [ Abandoned Diner – Ext.] Dean: Okay, I think they're still inside. We wait till they come out, and we pick them off one by one. (b*at) Listen, for the record, Sam's not the only guy who thought he was doing right and watched it all go to crap, okay? That's just part of being— Tracy: Being a hunter. Dean: Being human. Look, you wanna be pissed off at Sam, that's fine, I get it. But if you wanna go after somebody, you make sure that they got black eyes. Gotta know who the real monsters are in this world, kid. [ Other Side of the Diner – Ext.] Irv: Sam, you copacetic? Sam: Yeah. Irv: Good. Now, hand me that toothpick and you and Dean and Tracy, you b*at feet outta here. Sam: What? Irv: I'm going in there alone. I'll buy you as much time as I can. Sam: Irv, that's death. Irv: Yeah, well, it's what I've got coming. It's my fault, Sam. I was... in some dive and I was sloppy, and lonely, and I met some girl. And next thing I know, I'm strapped to some bed, and she's twisting things that ain't supposed to be twisted. Sam: "She" who? Irv: Abaddon. (starts tearing up) I gave 'em up. Pete, Tracy, I Gave 'em all up. So you hand me that blade, and you let me do what I gotta do, or so help me— (Irv is sh*t through the heart and drops to the ground, d*ad. sh**t at the sn*per on the rooftop and makes a break for the diner, diving inside) [ Abandoned Diner] (Sam slides in and comes to a stop on the floor in front of Jason, who traps Sam's wrist under his boot) Jason: Boo. [ Abandoned Diner – Ext.] (Abaddon emerges and punches Dean to the floor. Tracy sh**t her in the chest repeatedly, but Abaddon barely flinches) Abaddon: Nice grouping. (She lifts up her shirt to reveal a bulletproof vest) Abaddon: Kevlar. Beats magic b*ll*ts. I love the future. (Dean flings holy water up at Abaddon, and she staggers backwards, smoke rising from her face. Dean crawls up and hands Tracy his keys) Dean: Listen, my car is three blocks over. Go get more b*ll*ts, more holy water, get everything. Tracy: No, n-no, but what about you? Dean: Just go! Go! Now! (Tracy runs off. Behind Dean, Abaddon has recovered from the holy water att*ck) Abaddon: Alone at last. (Dean pulls out an angel blade and attempts to s*ab Abaddon, but she blocks the swing and twists his arm, sending the blade flying) Abaddon: I missed you. Did you miss me? (She grabs Dean by the shoulder, dislocating it and forcing him to his knees) [ Abandoned Diner – Int.] (Sam is fighting both Jason and Demon Soldier2, getting thrown over the counter as they overpower him. He scrambles back up as Demon Soldier3 enters) Demon Soldier3: Cool, I didn't miss the best part. [ Abandoned Diner – Ext.] Abaddon: So appreciate you boys coming when I call. I think that's what I like most about you Winchesters. You're so obedient. And suicidally stupid. I like that, too. Dean: Are we gonna fight or make out? 'Cause I'm getting some real mixed signals here. Abaddon: I want Crowley. Or what's left of him. Dean: Yeah? What's in it for me? Abaddon: I let you die. You give me Crowley's head, and I will snap your neck, quick and clean. You won't feel a thing, trust me. Dean: And if I tell you to get bent? Abaddon: Oh. Well... you know, I've loved this body since the moment I first saw it. You're the perfect vessel, Dean. You give a girl all sorts of nasty ideas. So go ahead and play hard to get, and I'll peel off this "no demons allowed" tattoo and blow smoke up your ass. Dean: Oh, well, I gotta tell you, between you and me, it is a horrow show up there. Abaddon: It can get worse. Trust me. 'Cause once I'm on top, I'll make you watch. And I'll use your body. Have you ever felt an infant's blood drip down your chin? Or listened to a girl scream as you rip her guts out? Because you will. You and me, lover. We'll have a grand old time. [ Abandoned Diner – Int.] (Sam gets thrown into a wall and falls down, unconscious) Jason: And here I thought all you Winchesters were supposed to be tough. (Sam's eyes open and flash blue. Zeke/Sam sends Jason flying across the diner with a flick of his hand and stands up. He starts radiating white light and on his shadow on the wall behind him, tattered, broken wings unfold) [ Abandoned Diner – Ext.] (There's a bright flash of white light from within the diner, blasting out all the windows) Abaddon: An angel?! Dean: What, you think we'd roll up to this mouse trap without some backup? (Abaddon grabs Dean by the throat and throws him aside, then disappears) [ Abandoned Diner – Int.] (Zeke/Sam pulls the demon Kn*fe out of Demon Soldier3's body. Dean enters) Zeke/Sam: They were going to k*ll him, Dean. Dean: Ezekiel? The hell did you do? Zeke/Sam: I was protecting your brother. I thought that was what you wanted. Dean: Right, yeah, no, I-I... sorry, I'm just still getting used to this whole thing. Zeke/Sam: As am I. Dean: But Sam's okay? Zeke/Sam: He was knocked unconscious. In a way he still is. Sam will not remember any of this. Dean: So what the hell am I supposed to tell him when he comes to? Zeke/Sam: That's why I used the Kn*fe. Dean: Right. (he takes the Kn*fe back) Smart. Zeke/Sam: You are troubled, still. Dean: Yeah, it's just that, uh... this is on me. I was the one who talked Sam out of boarding up Hell. Okay? So every demon deal, every k*ll that they make... well, you're looking at the person who let it happen. Zeke/Sam: You were protecting your brother. I am in Sam's head. Everything he knows, I know. And I know that what you did, you did out of love. Dean: Yeah, uh, look, Zeke—I'm gonna call you Zeke—I'm not really with the whole, uh, love, and... love. Zeke/Sam: But it is why I said yes. Dean: Yeah, and if that goes sideways, that's on me too. Zeke/Sam: That's not going to happen. Dean: This is nuts. I mean, you're Sam, but you're not Sam, and normally he's the one I'm talking to about all this stuff. I'm trusting you, Zeke. I just gotta hope that you're one of the good guys. Zeke/Sam: I am. But I suppose that is what a bad guy would say. Dean Winchester, you are doing the right thing. [ Abandoned Diner – Later] (Dean packs their supplies back into the duffle bag. On the other end of the diner, Sam wakes up and groans) Dean: Sam? Sammy? Hey, whoa. Sam: Dean? What the hell happened? Dean: You took a sh*t to the head, and I came in and saved your ass, like usual. Sam: You k*lled three demons? Alone? Dean: I took 'em by surprise. Got a little messy, I got a little lucky. (he helps Sam up off the floor) Oh, and, uh, I'm awesome, so there's that. Sam: Jeez. You are pretty damn awesome. (A car pulls up outside, and Sam and Dean head for the diner's exit) (Tracy pulls up in the Impala) Sam: Hey. You okay? Tracy: Yeah. You? Sam: More or less, yeah. Tracy: Good. (throws the keys to Dean) I got everything, but guess I'm late to the party. Dean: Lucky you. Let's blow this toxic waste dump. Burgers and Silkwood showers on me. [ Bunker – Control Room] (Sam and Dean enter, Dean holding a bucket of chicken and a bottle of prune juice) Dean: Kevin?! Sam: Kevin? (The main level of the bunker is deserted. Sam and Dean exchange a look. Dean puts down the food and they both run downstairs) [ Bunker - Dungeon] Dean: Who worked you over? Crowley: Martin Hayward and Brandon Favors. Sam: They did this to you? Crowley: No. They're demons. You asked for names, I'm giving you names. They're underperformers. Spike them, you'll do me a favour. Dean: Wow. You break easy. Crowley: Please. Your little plan to have me stew in my own delicious juices... pathetic. You want intel. I want things, too. Maybe we can come to some kind of arrangement. Quid pro quo, gentlemen. Sam: So these are what, then, freebies? Crowley: Not at all. You can consider them fair trade for the enjoyment that Kevin gave me. Dean: What the hell is that supposed to mean? Crowley: He's my new favourite toy. Wind him up, watch him go. Dean: (to Sam) You check the names, I'll go find the kid. (They leave, locking Crowley in the dark again) [ Bunker – Control Room] (Kevin heads towards the exit, carrying a backpack) Dean: Where d'you think you're going? (Kevin walks past, ignoring him) Hey, hey. Hey hey hey, whoa. Talk to me. Kevin: You can't keep me locked in here. I'm leaving. Dean: Like hell! Man, we told you not to talk to Crowley, okay? He messes with your head. Kevin: He said my mom's alive. Crowley said if I let him go, he'd give her back to me. Dean: And you believed him. Kevin: He's still in there, isn't he?! Dean: Crowley's lying. Kevin: And if he's not? Dean: Well... if she is alive, then she's d*ad. In every way that matters, she's d*ad, Kevin, I'm sorry. I know you're dying to bolt, man. I get it. But out that door, it's demons, and it's angels, and they would all love to get their hands on a prophet. So even with Crowley here, this is still the safest place for you. It just is. And we need you, man. Kevin:Because I'm useful. Dean: Because you're family. After all the crap we've been through, after all the good that you've done... man, if you don't think that we would die for you... I don't know what to tell you. (Kevin starts crying) Because you, me, Sam and Cas, we are all we've got. But hey, if none of that matters to you, then I won't stop you. [ Bunker - Library] (Sam is doing research when Dean enters) Dean: Kevin's passed out in one of the back rooms. He's a tough kid. He'll bounce back. (he pours a drink for Sam and himself) What's up with you? Sam: Nothing. It's just... what Tracy said about me, she wasn't wrong. (Dean puts the glasses down on the table and sits down across from Sam) Dean: Sam, listen to me. You have helped a hell of a lot more people than you have hurt. So all of that... that was then. Okay? Here's to now. (They clink glasses) Sam: So, you ready for it? Dean: Hmm? Sam: The fallen angels? Abaddon? Cas, losing his halo, Crowley in our basement? Dean: Crap. We're living in a freaking sitcom. What about you, how's the uh, the engine running? Sam: Honestly, um, I feel better than I have in a long time. I mean, I realise it's crazy out there, and we have trouble coming for us, but I look around and I see friends, and family. I am happy with my life, for the first time in... forever. I-I am, I really am. It's just, things are... things are good. Dean: Never better. (Sam turns back to his research. Dean's smile falters and he knocks back the remainder of his drink in one gulp)
{"type": "series", "show": "Supernatural", "episode": "09x02 - Devil May Care"}
Last Season on "The Secret Life Of The American Teenager" GRACE: Having sex ruined everything for us. JACK: Not continuing to have sex ruined everything for us. GEORGE: I made the mistake of asking Anne if there was any possibility that the baby might not be mine, so Anne took the baby and went to see her mother. RUBEN: But they're coming back. BEN: I do love Amy, but I want to be with other girls. I want to have sex. ASHLEY: Dad, if you want Mom back, you better get on the phone right now. She's seeing her old high-school boyfriend. RICKY: I'm going to get some kind of legal agreement so that John doesn't just disappear anytime you feel like taking off. AMY: This is Jimmy. JIMMY: Can I call you? GEORGES: Want to go back with me? ANNE: We haven't resolved anything. AMY: We are a family even though you and I aren't a couple. MADISON: Jack and I are just friends and nothing more. BEN: Even though we're just friends now, I still wouldn't want you to have sex with any other guy. GRIFFIN: You need a boyfriend. We have to get you a boyfriend. GRANT: Wow. ASHLEY: Wow what? Griffin was right. I think I might like you. LEO: I want to get married. BETTY: Me, too. RUBEN: We're getting married. ADRIAN: Oh, my God, Mom! ADIVSER: Did your dad remarry? MADISON: She's not my mother. Yeah, I don't do anything with her. GRACE: I think Ricky's in love win you, too. ADRIAN: If Amy's having sex with Ricky, I'm having sex with Ben. RICKY: Somebody told you? ADIRAN: You slept with Amy, and I slept with Ben. BEN: I had sex with Adrian, and now Ricky is going to pummel me. GRACE: We hope you get married soon and be together and happy for the rest of your lives. JEFF: How about tonight? ANNA: If you're tired of sleeping on the couch and you want to sleep in the bedroom, you can. Take off the baseball cap. RICKY: I want to take John on weekends. AMY: No. Ricky's not going to get John. ADRIAN: If we don't give Ricky what he wants, he'll go to court. RUBEN: Probably the best thing is for you to get a mediation. ADRIAN: You have to be on the pill for at least a month. I hope that's why I'm late. ASHLEY: Do you mind if I go on the pill? GEORGE: For what? AMY: I know what we worked out was fair, but just it seems so unfair still. RUBEN: I only wish that I had married your mother when I should have. ADRIAN: I think the person that I should have with me when I take this test is Ben. BEN: I am proud to present Mr. and Mrs. Leo Boykewich. AMY: Ben called me last night. He left a message for me, told me that he loves me. JACK: Adrian tell Ben yet? GRACE: I think she's telling him right now. HIGH SCHOOL Ben waits Adrian leaves to her class. BEN: I got your call. What's going on? ADRIAN: Don't panic. It's good news. I started my period. I'm not pregnant. BEN: Oh, thank God. Really? ADRIAN: Really. So you're off the hook. BEN: Adrian, I never thought of it as being on the hook, but this is good news for both of us. ADRIAN: Yeah, it is. I'll talk to you later, okay? BEN: Sure. Oh... Adrian leaves, Henry and Alice come to talk with Ben. ALICE: We've been trying to get in touch with you for over 24 hours. What the heck is going on? HENRY: At least he's smiling. Last time we saw you, you weren't smiling. You look like you've been run over by a truck. We just figured you had sex with Adrian again. ALICE: You better not have. BEN: I didn't. ALICE: So what is going on? BEN: Nothing. Okay, I guess I was going to tell you sooner or later. Adrian thought that she was pregnant. ALICE: Wait, you and Adrian thought you were pregnant? BEN: Yeah, but we're not. ALICE: What made you think you were pregnant? BEN: She took an early pregnancy test, and it was positive. ALICE: You know positive means she is pregnant, don't you? BEN: Evidently the test was wrong. She's not pregnant. She started her period this morning. HENRY: Oh, congratulations. ALICE: Hold your congratulations. Are you sure? BEN: I didn't verify it, but she just told me she did, and there would be no reason for her to lie. ALICE: Oh, I don't know about that. Adrian meets Grace in the hall. GRACE: So? ADRIAN: So, nothing. I guess I was just late, and then I got anxious, and then I got my period. GRACE: Thank God. ADRIAN: Yeah, whatever. Look, I don't want to talk about this, and I don't want you to talk about this. I don't want anyone to know that I even thought there was a problem. GRACE: I completely understand. ADRIAN: I don't care if you completely understand. What I care about is that you don't say anything to anyone. Make that to anyone else. GRACE: You don't want me to tell Jack that everything's okay? ADRIAN: Okay, tell him that, and then just leave it at that. GRACE: What about Madison? Can I tell Madison? Because I know he told her. ADRIAN: He said he didn't. GRACE: It's Jack. He lies. ADRIAN: No, you just tell him everything is okay, and we told Madison, and he'll just tell her everything is okay on his own. You don't have to tell her. The less said about everything, the better. GRACE: What if Madison told Amy? ADRIAN: She better not have. I have to go. Adrian goes to talk with Ashley. ADRIAN: Hey, wait up. ASHLEY: Hi. How are you? ADRIAN: I'm fine, so I wanted to let you know that. I'm fine. ASHLEY: Okay. ADRIAN: What I thought might've happened didn't happen. ASHLEY: All right. ADRIAN: You didn't tell anyone, did you? ASHLEY: Who would I tell? ADRIAN: That's not a no. ASHLEY: There's nothing to tell. ADRIAN: That's still not a no. ASHLEY: I told my dad. ADRIAN: What? Why would you do that? You used me as an excuse so you can get birth control pills? I've got to go, and you, you talk to your dad and don't talk to anyone else. Adrian leaves, Ricky comes in. RICKY: You don't want to be friends with her. She's a bad influence. ASHLEY: Then who should I be friends with? You? You're a good influence? RICKY: I didn't say that. ASHLEY: Don't worry about me. I've got a mind of my own. RICKY: I know. That's what I like about you. ASHLEY: My mind? RICKY: Yeah. ASHLEY: All right. RICKY: Did Ben call Amy yesterday? ASHLEY: No, but he will. RICKY: He better. ASHLEY: Why? RICKY: Because she wants him to call her. ASHLEY: And Amy's supposed to get whatever she wants? RICKY: I think she's been through enough that she should get something she wants. ASHLEY: Yeah, I guess. If she's busy with Ben, hey, she pays less attention to me. RICKY: And what don't you want Amy to pay attention to? ASHLEY: My sex life. RICKY: You have a sex life? With who, Grant? ASHLEY: Wouldn't you like to know? RICKY: Yeah, maybe I would like to know. Amy, Madison and Lauren walk in the hall. AMY: Why would he tell me he loves me and then not return any of my calls? LAUREN: I don't know. MADISON: Well, don't look at me. I don't know either. AMY: Just I think it's weird. Don't you think it's weird? MADISON: I don't know what weird is anymore. (Madison leaves) AMY: Jack problems? LAUREN: Probably. She and Jack were supposed to, you know, do it after the wedding. AMY: And did they? LAUREN: Let's hope not because she is not in a very good mood. If they did do it, they probably don't feel very good about it. AMY: I know that feeling. Wait. Did you and Jesse do it? LAUREN: Why would you say that? AMY: Because if Madison and Jack were going to do it, then you two are probably going to do it, too, since that's how you and Madison are. LAUREN: I beg your pardon? AMY: Am I right? LAUREN: I would tell you if I had sex. I did not have sex. AMY: The three of us should just swear off on boys. LAUREN: Uh-huh. Unless, of course, Ben calls. AMY: Why wouldn't he call me back? And after telling me he loved me, why did he avoid me at the wedding? It just doesn't make any sense. (They see Ben but he pretends not to see them) AMY: Did you just see that? He's still avoiding me. LAUREN: I saw that. Ben falls on Jack. JACK: Hey, Grace just told me. Congratulations, you dodged a b*llet, or Adrian dodged a b*llet. You knew I knew, right? BEN: No. Knew what? JACK: About Adrian, how she might've been, you know, but she's not. Um, all right, sorry I said anything. Grace said not to say anything, but I didn't know she meant not to say anything to you. It's all good, buddy. THE SECRET LIFE OF THE AMERICAN TEENAGER – OPEN CREDITS GYNAECOLOGIST George and Ashley are a meeting. GEORGE: Anne and I are divorced, and, well, Ashley's always been closer to me. She and I have an excellent relationship, so if she feels she wants to go on the pill, then I feel she should be on the pill. Although she's not having sex right now, and she would tell me if she was, and I want her to wait until she's 18, but what if she doesn't and ends up like...my other daughter, you know, Amy, or just gets herself into some kind of messy situation like our next-door neighbor, who thought she was pregnant, but isn't. I just don't want any mishaps, so I said okay to her going on the pill even though you don't need my okay, but I'm just trying to be prudent. ASHLEY: Prudent? GEORGE: What? GYNAECOLOGIST:1 You know I'm the pediatrician for both John and Robbie, don't you? GEORGE: Are you? ASHLEY: So what? Isn't this all confidential? GYNAECOLOGIST: Of course, Ashley. It's just that, George, aren't you and Anne back together? That's what Anne said, and Amy. GEORGE: Poor Anne. She still can't deal with the breakup. Neither can Amy. That's why Ashley and I don't tell them everything. For example, we don't plan on telling them about this. By the way, I never realized how blue your eyes are. ASHLEY: Dad, please don't. GYNAECOLOGIST: Ashley, why don't we let your dad step outside so we can talk. ASHLEY: Thank you. GYNAECOLOGIST: And George, why don't you have a nurse take a look at your scalp. I think your hair might be infected. GEORGE: Yeah, I was thinking that, too. My head's been kind of burning for a couple of days. Okay, thanks. I'll be outside. GYNAECOLOGIST: You know, Ashley, given your family history, I think birth control of some sort is a good decision. ASHLEY: No kidding. JUERGUES' HOUSE Anne is in the kitchen, Amy enters. ANNE: Is John sick? AMY: No, but every other kid in the nursery is, so they encouraged me to bring them home. ANNE: That's probably a good idea. AMY: It's a great idea. Now I can spend the entire afternoon with nothing to distract me from the fact that I still have heard nothing, absolutely nothing from that stupid Ben. Can you believe that? ANNE: Are you sure you want to get back with Ben... even after he and Adrian were together? Maybe you should just leave it alone. Just think about something other than Ben. AMY: Like? ANNE: There's a whole world out there beyond Ben. AMY: Mom, Ben is... Ben. He's the first guy I ever loved, and I still love him, no matter what he did, and you know he still loves me. ANNE: Well, then, I guess I'll call him. Oh, hey, wait a minute. Did Ashley say anything to you about going out for track? AMY: What? ANNE: Yeah, your dad said that Ashley's going out for track. AMY: Mom, come on. No, she's not. ANNE: Apparently she is. AMY: Ashley running? Think about it. ANNE: Yeah, I was surprised, too, but your dad said that he's taking off work today so he can be with her at tryouts. AMY: Uh-huh, sure. ANNE: He did. AMY: If you say so. ANNE: Well, why don't you think so? AMY: Mom, it's a lie. It's got to be a lie. ANNE: Well, why would your dad and Ashley lie about her going out for track? Why would they lie about that? AMY: I don't know. It's not even a good lie. ANNE: You're right. It's not. I just don't understand why they keep lying to me. AMY: Well, I know why. Because you don't agree with them, and they just do what they always want to do anyway. ANNE: What have I not agreed with them on lately? AMY: Birth control pills? BOYKEWICH'S HOUSE Ben calls Adrian. Grace comes in. BEN(at phone): Hey, Adrian, I want to talk to you. I tried to find you at school, so call me back, please. We really need to talk. GRACE: Hi. BEN: Oh. Grace, hi. GRACE: Your butler let me in. A live-in butler, that's so cool. BEN: And I'm sure the butler enjoyed it as well. GRACE: And guess what? I got my license, and I thought since you came over to my house the day you got your license, I would come over to your house the day I got my license, which is today. BEN: Oh, yeah, and, uh, thanks for dropping by, Grace, and congratulations. It's really great being able to drive a car. You're going to love it, but I have to go to work. GRACE: Oh, right, work. I wasn't really sure if you had to go to work every day after school. BEN: I do. GRACE: I saw your car in the driveway. BEN: Oh, I came home to change and just got delayed. GRACE: Well, you sure you can't stay home just this one time? I brought cookies. I thought maybe we could celebrate my good news and your good news. BEN: My good news? GRACE: Well, it's Adrian's good news. You knew that I knew what was going on, right? I mean, she must've told you that she told me, or you must've figured it out. Adrian and I are friends, so I know what was going on at the wedding and everything. BEN: What was going on? GRACE: Adrian thought she was pregnant. BEN: Oh, my. Did she? GRACE: Yeah, but it's okay, Ben. I mean, she's not, but even if she were, I would still be there for you because we're friends, too, and maybe at some point we can be more than friends. BEN: Grace, I...I really can't do this right now. I have to go to work. GRACE: All right. I hope I didn't make things uncomfortable for you. I just thought we could talk about anything. BEN: We can. I just...I have to go. I apologize. GRACE: Okay, but can we walk out together? BEN: I really want to show you my car. And I'd love to see your car, but my dad asked me to call him when I was leaving and... GRACE: I understand. I shouldn't have dropped by without calling first. BEN: Oh, no, that's okay, and I'm really happy for you. This is just, uh, it's bad timing. GRACE: Okay. Well... Bye. ADRIAN'S RESPONDER: Hi, this is Adrian. Please leave a message. BUTCHERY Ben calls Bunny in the butchery. BUNNY(at phone): Where are you? BEN(at phone): I have some personal business that I have to take care of. BUNNY(at phone): You have some professional business you better take care of first unless you want to lose your job. BEN(at phone): Bunny, please, I just need the afternoon off. BUNNY(at phone): For what? BEN(at phone): It's personal. BUNNY(at phone): Yeah, I've got a lot of personal things I'd like to be doing. I need a mani-pedi, but I don't have time to get one because I'm working. BEN(at phone): It's more important than that and more personal. BUNNY(at phone): Like what? BEN(at phone): Please. BUNNY(at phone): All right, all right, but get your butt back here tomorrow. BEN(at phone): And just one more favor. BUNNY(at phone): No. BEN(at phone): If you could just not mention this to my dad. BUNNY(at phone): Are you in some kind of trouble? BEN(at phone): No-no, I'm not in any kind of trouble. BUNNY(at phone): Is someone else in trouble? BEN(at phone): Someone like? BUNNY(at phone): Adrian. BEN(at phone): Why would you say that? BUNNY(at phone): Because I know Adrian. Hell, it was Adrian. BEN(at phone): I have to go. Ricky wants to know more about this. RICKY: Was that Ben? Is he coming in? BUNNY: He needs some "me" time. RICKY: What does that mean? BUNNY: It means you're the only one working, the key word being... working. RICKY: Something's going on with him, with him and Adrian. BUNNY: I think we knew that already, didn't we? RICKY: I'm not talking about what happened in his car. I'm talking about what happened since they got out of the car. The guy's confused. I think I'm going to go talk to him after work. BUNNY: Oh, you're going to go help someone with their love life, you. RICKY: Yeah, me. I care about Ben, and I care about Amy, and I don't care about Adrian. BUNNY: Oh, well, let me ask you this. Do you care about your job? RICKY: Of course. BUNNY: Then stop gossiping and get back to work. JACK'S CAR Madison and Jack kiss. MADISON: You know, I...I really don't care if Adrian's not pregnant. I feel like she was almost pregnant, and, you know, if Amy ever finds out that I knew and I didn't tell her, she'd hate me, so I just-- I can't really think about doing anything more with you right now. I mean, on one hand I'm kind of proud of myself for not telling Amy or Lauren or anybody else, but on the other hand I kind of feel like maybe I should tell Amy and Lauren, especially since there's nothing really to tell. JACK: No, don't say anything. You can't. Just forget it. MADISON: I don't know if I can forget it. I mean, how do you forget that your best friend's ex-boyfriend called her up the night before he found out that he wasn't having a baby and told her that he loved her? JACK: Maybe this will help. MADISON: I...I thought we weren't going to do anything. I thought we were just going to talk. JACK: We're not doing anything. Not doing anything doesn't mean not making out. Not doing anything just means we're not going to have sex...if you don't want. MADISON: Well, no, I don't want, but just so you know, I am open to having the same kind of sex we were having before. JACK: If you insist. I love you. MADISON: Okay, um, this is not going to work. I'm not going to do my stuff just because you said that you love me. Oh, my God. Do you really love me? JACK: Yeah, I really do, Madison, and I'm not just saying that to get you to do something that you don't want to do. I-- I just felt like saying it. MADISON: I can't believe you're saying this to me. I didn't think you were ever going to say it. I mean, I wanted you to say it. Well, so do I get, like, a promise ring or, like, a necklace or pin or something? JACK: What? I didn't know gifts were involved. MADISON: Well, I can't just tell people that you told me that you love me. You have to give me something, so when people say, "Oh, where did you get that?" I can be like, "Oh, Jack gave it to me when he told me that he loves me." JACK: I don't have a gift. I was just trying to be spontaneous, and you know what? You kind of ruined it. MADISON: I'm sorry. It's just I can't really think about you or us while all I can think about is poor Amy when she finds out that Adrian thought she was pregnant with Ben's baby. JACK: How is she going to find out? Don't do it, Madison. MADISON: Or what? You won't love me anymore? ADRIAN'S HOUSE Ben calls Adrian. He is in his car in front of her garage. ADRIAN: What? BEN: Adrian? ADRIAN: Yeah, Ben, it's me. What do you want? BEN: Open your garage door. - ADRIAN: What? BEN: I want to talk to you. ADRIAN: Talk. BEN: In person. ADRIAN: In the garage? BEN: Amy came home early. I can't park on the street. ADRIAN: You're right. Never park on the street again. The last time was a disaster. Look, just tell me what you want. BEN: I don't know if I believe you or not, that you're not pregnant. Adrian serves a drink to Ben. ADRIAN: Sometimes the tests are wrong. BEN: Not thatften. They're almost a hundred percent accurate. ADRIAN: Right, that's what I said. Sometimes they're wrong. BEN: If you found out that you weren't pregnant, why didn't you call and tell me, uh, immediately? ADRIAN: I told you as soon as I saw you. It's not the kind of thing you put in a text. I have a legal mind, you know. BEN: Adrian, I have to ask you this. Did you... terminate the pregnancy? ADRIAN: Did I have an abortion? BEN: Did you? ADRIAN: No, I did not, but if I had been pregnant and I decided to have an abortion, then that would be my decision, not your decision. BEN: I disagree. ADRIAN: Fine, you disagree. Fortunately it doesn't matter if we agree or disagree because we don't have to make a decision. BEN: I just-- I just get the feeling that you were lying to me. I mean, I saw the test results. I saw the look on your face. ADRIAN: Yeah, I had that look on my face because I thought I was pregnant. I'm not, and I didn't get an abortion, okay? I didn't. Jeez. BEN: I admit that I just wanted the problem to go away, but if you made the problem go away, I would feel really guilty, really, really guilty. ADRIAN: Did you want to have a baby with me? BEN: No. I mean... ADRIAN: You mean no, so let's just forget that this ever happened. Put that incident in the car behind us and just move on, okay? Can we do that? We made a mistake, but we're friends, Ben, and we'll go on being friends... I hope. BEN: I hope so, too, Adrian. ADRIAN: I'm sorry about this. I really am. BEN: Me, too. ADRIAN: Live and learn, huh? BEN: Yeah, I'll say. ADRIAN: Look, Ben, I feel really badly about even trying to get back at Amy. I got a whole new level of understanding of what she went through and is going through. You guys are really good together. I really hope things work out between the two of you. BEN: Me, too. And you and Ricky? ADRIAN: No. No, I don't think so. I know Ricky's never going to forgive me. BEN: Some day. Some day he will. ADRIAN: And maybe some day I won't care. BEN: Goodbye. ADRIAN: Bye. BEN: Thank you. JUERGUES' HOUSE George and Ashley go home. GEORGE: Hey, Buddy, where you going? Maybe I should take him for a walk. ANNE: No, Moose can wait. Tell me what happened? You made the team? ASHLEY: They don't give you a uniform unless you make the team. ANNE: Ashley. I'm so proud of you. Which event? ASHLEY: Track. ANNE: The mile? The 50-yard dash? The 100-yard dash? Any dash? ASHLEY: Uh, the mile. ANNE: No kidding. ASHLEY: Yeah, and it's a really long way, and I had to do it over and over again, so I'm just going to go get some rest. Go team. GEORGE: Amy's home? I saw her car. ANNE: Yeah, the woman that she works with encouraged her not to bring John in today because apparently a bunch of the babies were sick. George, I really hope that you're not lying to me, you and Ashley, about her making the team. GEORGE: Why would we lie to you about that? ANNE: I don't know. Why would you lie to me about that? GEORGE: We wouldn't. Yeah, she's a really good runner. ANNE: Really? Because she never has been. GEORGE: Well, she is now. Boy, you should see her go. ANNE: What happened to your hair... things? GEORGE: Oh, I should've gone to a legitimate guy. They got infected. I had to have them taken out. Dr. Hightower's nurse did it for free. ANNE: Dr. Hightower's nurse? GEORGE:Yeah. ANNE: Why would you go to our pediatrician for something like that? Why didn't you go back to that dermatologist or whoever put the plugs in? GEORGE: What, am I on trial here? He moved. I don't know where he is. My head's been hurting for days. I couldn't take it anymore. Sorry. No new hair. BOWMAN'S HOUSE Kathleen and Tom prepares the diner. Grace goes home. KATHLEEN: Ah, you're back already? GRACE: I went over to Ben's, but he had to work. KATHLEEN: You didn't want to go over to Adrian's or one of your other friends? TOM: She don't have any other friends. GRACE: Yes, I do. I could've gone over to show Jack or Madison. TOM: He is your ex-boyfriend, and she is his new girlfriend. GRACE: They're still my friends. Brand new car and no place to go. Poor Grace. KATHLEEN: Tom. GRACE: Yeah, Tom. KATHLEEN: Hey, Grace, maybe you should take Tom for a ride. TOM: I don't think so. See you. KATHLEEN: He's just not happy because I don't think he should drive. I mean, even if he passed the test, I don't think he always uses the best judgment. GRACE: And he has road rage when he's not even driving. KATHLEEN: Yeah, sometimes he does. Honey, you seem sad. What's going on? GRACE: Nothing. I was just hoping to spend a little bit more time with Ben. That's all. KATHLEEN: Are you sure that's all that's going on? You don't want to spend some time with Adrian? Did the two of you get in a fight? GRACE: No. KATHLEEN: There were a lot of lat e-night phone calls last week, a lot of whispering going on. GRACE: I don't know what you're talking about. KATHLEEN: I could hear you every time I walked past your door. GRACE: Did you hear what I was saying? KATHLEEN: I didn't stop to listen to what you were saying. I wasn't eavesdropping. GRACE: Sorry. KATHLEEN: And you know I don't read your emails or your text messages, but when you were taking the driving test today and you asked me to hold your phone, I did see a text from Adrian, and it said, "Remember, not a word to anyone. I'm serious." GRACE: Mom. KATHLEEN: Honey, I couldn't help but see it. It was just right there on the screen, and I can't help but wonder what it means. What does it mean? GRACE: It means she's not pregnant. She thought she was, but she's not. KATHLEEN: Ricky? GRACE: No, Ben. KATHLEEN: I thought you and Ben were interested in each other. GRACE:Yeah, but I wasn't offering him the same thing Adrian was offering him the night Amy shut him out, so there you go. I mean, he and Adrian did something they shouldn't have, and things went wrong, and she thought she was pregnant, and her mom was getting married last week, so she didn't want to bother her, and that's what I was talking to her about all last week. KATHLEEN: Wow. But she's not pregnant? GRACE: No, she's not. KATHLEEN: Well, how is it she thought she was and then she's not? GRACE: I don't know. She was just late. KATHLEEN: Honey, it's really sweet that you want to help people with their problems, but maybe you should encourage Adrian to talk to her mom about this. GRACE: I know, but I still think she wants to talk about it now that it's over with. I wasn't even supposed to tell anyone this happened, mom. I mean, she told me not to tell anyone this happened. KATHLEEN: I'm your mom. Hey, it's just between us. Maybe that doesn't count. Oh, Grace. You are a really forgiving person, and I think it's nice that you want to still go out with Ben after all this, but, I don't know, maybe you wight to get out there and meet some new guys. GRACE: I don't want to. BOYKEWICH'S HOUSE Ricky comes in to talk with Ben. BEN: See you later, boys. RICKY: You stayed home from work to organize your socks? BEN: No, I stayed home because I felt like staying home. RICKY: I don't think so. Why weren't you at work? BEN: Because I wasn't, so there. RICKY: Why are you so happy? BEN: I don't know. I just am. RICKY: Yeah. I know you were over at Adrian's. BEN: Adrian told you? RICKY: No, Adrian didn't tell me. I just guessed, and then you just told me. What are you thinking? You tell Amy you love her, and then you go have sex with Adrian again? BEN: Hey, no one's having sex with Adrian, at least I'm not. RICKY: Then what were you doing over there? BEN: Just talking. RICKY: About what? BEN: About not being anything more than friends. RICKY: Why did you have to go over there to talk to her about that? BEN: Because that's how I do things. RICKY: Oh, is it? BEN: Yes, I prefer to talk to people fac e-to-face whenever possible. RICKY: Then don't you think it's about time to talk to Amy face-to-face? BEN: I've been thinking about it. RICKY: You called Amy and told her you loved her. She was at my apartment when she got the message. I heard it. Were you lying? BEN: No, I was not lying. RICKY: Why would you tell Amy you love her and then spend half the wedding reception upstairs in your bedroom with Adrian? BEN: I don't have an answer for that, but we weren't doing anything. We were just talking. RICKY: Just talking with Adrian. Really? About? BEN: Love, life, marriage. It was a very emotional day. RICKY: Does Adrian know that you called Amy and told her you love her? BEN: As a matter of fact, she does. RICKY: Does Grace? BEN: Nope. RICKY: So you're in love with Amy, but you had sex with Adrian, and you're friends with Grace, but Grace thinks you could be more than friends, so you don't want to screw that up by telling her you're in love with Amy. BEN: I'm in love with Amy. That doesn't mean that Amy's in love with me, and even if she is, being in love doesn't mean she'd ever want to be in a relationship with me again. RICKY: Well, let's go find out. I want to go say goodnight to John. You go with me. You talk to Amy. BEN: Uh, no, now's really not a good time, and, besides, that's something I should do on my own. RICKY: Well, you haven't, and this is as good a time as any, so let's go. JACK'S HOUSE Jack is on his bed. His parents want to talk with him. MOM: Jack, the first thing we want you to know is that we love you very, very much. FATHER: And secondly, we would never make a huge decision like this without involving you because we do love you, and we're a family, and families communicate with each other, and that's what we're here to do. JACK: Huh? FATHER: We have to talk. JACK: Do we have to? Can it wait? MOM: No, it can't wait. JACK: Madison and I got into a fight, and I just don't really feel like talking right now. MOM: I'm sure you two will enjoy making up later, but right now we need to talk to you. JACK: I told her I loved her for the first time, and she somehow thought that I should also give her a gift. FATHER: Well, I gave your mother this necklace she's wearing first time I said "I love you" to her. MOM: And I get to tell people that every time someone compliments me on it. FATHER: Not that giving someone a gift is necessary. It's just romantic. Girls like romance, Jack. JACK: I thought they like spontaneity. MOM: That, too. Jack, we have something to tell you. FATHER: And we hope you're going to be as happy about it as we are. JACK: Oh, jeez, please don't tell me you're having a baby. MOM: No. FATHER: No. MOM: No, we're not having a baby. JACK: Oh, good. MOM: We're moving. FATHER: We want to move, that is. JACK: I like this place, but, all right. FATHER: To Phoenix. I've been asked to take over as the head of the philosophy department at my alma mater. It's quite an honor. MOM: And it means no church, not that I haven't loved being part of the church. I just think I'd love being part of the school even more. JACK: What is that, like, six hours from here? I'm going to have to drive six hours back and forth to school? FATHER: No, Jack, you wouldn't be able to do that. JACK: I can't miss my senior year playing football. FATHER: Of course not, and we want to drive back for as many of your games as we possibly can. JACK: So I'd be living here by myself? MOM: It's not our house. It's the church's house. JACK: Right. I forgot. FATHER: But we were wondering, is there any possibility you could stay with a friend your senior year of high school? JACK: Yeah, sure. I have plenty of friends. MOM: Which friend would let you live with them? JACK: I don't know. I'll ask around. MOM: Jack, really, as much as we want to do this, we love you, and we would really miss you, and unless you can find the right friend to stay with... FATHER: Then I couldn't possibly take the job. JACK: Are you kidding? Why would you pass it up? I'm going to be out of school in a year anyway, and I'm telling you, finding a place to hang out for a year won't be a problem. Take the job. I don't want to mess up an opportunity for you like that. MOM: Are you sure? JACK: Yeah. I'll start asking around tomorrow, but take the job. I'll be fine. I swear. FATHER: I love you, son. Thank you. Thank you. (Parents leave and Jack calls Madison) JACK(at phone): Madison, hey. You were right, and I was wrong, and I'm going to give you something before I tell you I love you again. By the way, quick question. Do you think your mom and dad would let me live over there? ASHLEY'S BEDROOM Ricky comes to talk with Ashley. ASHLEY: What are you doing here? RICKY: Came over to see John, and I brought Ben with me so he and Amy could just cut out all the drama and go back with each other. ASHLEY: You didn't do that so you'd feel free to go back to Adrian, did you? RICKY: If I wanted to go back to Adrian, I could just go back to Adrian. I don't want to go back to Adrian. ASHLEY: Because? RICKY: Because Ben did what he did with Adrian because he was hurt and confused, but Adrian did what she did with Ben because she wanted to hurt me and hurt Amy, and I've had a lifetime of people hurting me, and I don't want that anymore. ASHLEY: Sounds like you've given this a lot of thought. RICKY: If you're asking if I've been talking about that in therapy, then, yes, I have. ASHLEY: So without Adrian, what are you doing for companionship? RICKY: I don't have to have companionship. ASHLEY: Since when? RICKY: I didn't say I didn't have companionship. I said I don't have to have it. ASHLEY: Then so why do you? RICKY: Still figuring that out. I mean, I know I don't have to have a companion or companions, but I still want to. ASHLEY: And so you do have a companion or companions. RICKY: I said I do, okay? Can we change the subject? You're too young to talk about this. ASHLEY: Oh, please, I'm the same age as Amy when you met her at band camp. RICKY: Well, you do seem older than that. ASHLEY: And wiser. RICKY: So how are things with that guy? ASHLEY: You know his name. RICKY: Grant. ASHLEY: Things are fine. RICKY: Is he your companion? ASHLEY: He might be. RICKY. Want some advice? ASHLEY: No. RICKY: I'm going to give it to you anyway. Don't have sex in high school. ASHLEY: Oh, you mean, like you and Amy and Adrian and Grace and Ben and Jack and Madison? RICKY: Yeah, don't be like everybody else. ASHLEY: I'm not. RICKY: I hope not. ASHLEY: And why is that? RICKY: I'm just going to leave it at that, all right? ASHLEY: All right. JUERGUES'S HOUSE Amy discusses to Ben in the hall. AMY: John was so happy to see you. BEN: Yeah, it's good seeing him. I love that little guy. AMY: Really glad you came over. BEN: Me, too. AMY: I got your message. BEN: Oh, yeah, I did leave a message, didn't I. AMY: So you remember? BEN: I remember. I'm...I'm sorry I didn't call you back. I just kind of scared myself. I do love you, Amy. I really do, but we've been back and forth so much, how do we make this work? How do you even start to forgive me for Adrian? AMY: Adrian and Grace and Maria and... BEN: I... get your point. It's not just Adrian. It's pretty much the last two years. AMY: It's been really painful for both of us. BEN: Yeah, it has. AMY: Why continue to make it painful? Why not just forget everything but how much we loved each other, how much we still do? At least I hope we still do. (They kiss) BEN: I swear to you, Amy Juergens, I will never do anything again to hurt you. AMY: I will never do anything again to hurt you. I love you. BEN: And I love you. But you know that. AMY: Yeah, still have your message on my phone. (Ricky comes in) RICKY: All right, let's go. AMY: Wait. Thank you, Ricky. RICKY: No problem. I owe you. BEN: I'll call you. AMY: I hope so. MADISON'S HOUSE Madison asked if Jack could live here. FATHER: Live here? You want Jack to live here? MADISON: Why not? FATHER: Why not? MOTHER IN LAW: You know why not. MADISON: No, I don't. FATHER: Why not? MOTHER IN LAW: Well, I guess, uh, there's no reason why not. FATHER: Are you kidding? Yes, there is. There are many reasons. MADISON: Well, he loves me. FATHER: There's one reason right there. MOTHER IN LAW: Did he give you something? MADISON: Well, no, but he's going to get me something. FATHER: What kind of idiot parents would let a kid stay with another family for a whole year? MADISON: His dad is a minister. MOTHER IN LAW: Of a church? MADISON: Yes. MOTHER IN LAW: I mean, well, I thought you said he was teaching philosophy. MADISON: He's going to if Jack can find a place to live, and I'm his first choice. FATHER: Sorry, Madison, it's not going to happen. MADISON: It's my room. FATHER: You thought that he'd live in your room? MADISON: Well, it's better than doing drugs. FATHER: That's your argument, that your boyfriend should live in your room because it's better than doing drugs? MADISON: We're going to be at school most of the time. We would just be sleeping here. FATHER: No. MOTHER IN LAW: Oh, Madison...I can't help you here. Sorry. MADISON: Great. ASHLEY'S BEDROOM Anne is ready to run with a daughter. ANNE: Hey, what are you doing? You're not going to bed, are you? ASHLEY: Well, I was just going to read a little bit first. ANNE: Read? Don't read. Let's go for a run. ASHLEY: A run? (George joins them) GEORGE: What's going on? ANNE: I'm trying to talk Ashley into going for a run with me. You know, if you're going to be on the track team, you need to train, and I'm going to train with you. In fact I'm going to be spending lots and lots of time with you, Ashley. You know why? Because I love you, and I've been so distracted by everyone else in this family lately by your dad, by Amy, by Robbie and John at I haven't made the time for you, and I'm going to make time for you whether it's going to your meets or running or working out or just hanging out and talking. ASHLEY: I'm on the pill. GEORGE: What? You're on the pill? I told you I do not want you on the pill. ANNE: No, you didn't. You two sneaked off to go to the doctor to get Ashley what she wanted because of the way that I reacted. Okay, maybe I reacted a little strongly. Maybe I should have made the time to corner you yesterday to talk about this with Ashley because we really need to talk about this. (Amy comes in too) AMY: What am I missing? GEORGE: Ashley isn't on the track team. AMY: No kidding. Was I right? Were they off to the doctor's office getting Ashley the pill? ASHLEY: You knew? AMY: I'm not an idiot. ASHLEY: Yes, you are. GEORGE: All right, knock it off. My head still hurts from being de-plugged, and if anyone's to blame for this, it's me, and a little you. You couldn't just go for a run? You have to commit to these things. Okay, we were wrong to do what we did, me especially, but I think that girls need to make these decisions for themselves. ANNE: Girls need guidance in making these decisions. AMY: Uh, I don't like being referred to as a girl. I have a 1-year-old son, you know. ASHLEY: Yeah, we know. I know anyway, and I don't want a baby. Hence the pills. ANNE: Are you having sex? ASHLEY: No, and I don't plan on having sex in high school, but we all know that plans can change, and if for any reason my plan fails, I want to have a backup plan. You know, I want to be protected. ANNE: Okay. AMY: Okay? It's okay with you if she's on the pill if that's her backup plan? ASHLEY: Obviously it's okay with her if you are on the pill. Why can't I be on the pill if you're on the pill? You knew that, right? AMY: No, they didn't know that, so thanks. ANNE: How did you know that? ASHLEY: When I was getting the prescription filled, there was a little mix-up because Amy's name was already in the computer for a similar prescription. AMY: I should sue that pharmacy. ANNE: So you're on the pill? GEORGE: Didn't you learn anything from having a baby at 15? You'd have sex again? AMY: I don't know, but if I do... GEORGE: Don't. AMY: I thought it was up to girls to make decisions for ourselves, and you know what? You and Mom and Ashley never let me forget that I made a mistake, and I'm tired of it. The only person who really loves me is Ben. ANNE: Okay, we're going to talk about this more tomorrow and the next day and the day after that because we have to start talking and keep talking, or this family is just going to fall apart. ASHLEY: Didn't it already fall apart? GEORGE: I thought it was on the mend. BOYKEWICH'S HOUSE/HOTEL ROOM Leo calls his son to have news. LEO(at phone): We just got a massage. BETTY(at phone): Mm, it was deep tissue. LEO(at phone): Everything okay over there? BEN(at phone): Better than okay. I just got back from Amy's. LEO(at phone): No kidding. He just got home from Amy's. BETTY(at phone): Oh, we love little Amy. BEN(at phone): Dad, I really think this time is it. LEO(at phone): Listen to me, Take it slowly. You got plenty of time. Rest of your lives, just like me and my bride here. BEN(at phone): You think? You think that some day Amy and I will get married and be as happy as you and Betty? LEO(at phone): I don't think anybody will ever be as happy as Betty and me but it'll give you something to sh**t for, kid. BEN(at phone): Yeah, it will. Okay, good night. ADRIAN'S HOUSE Adrian is in her bedroom. Her father comes in. RUBEN: Oh, good, you're up. Took one day off, and now it's like I'm a week behind with my cases. How are you? ADRIAN: Good. How are you? How's the married life this time around? RUBEN: Lonely. I wish your mom didn't have to travel so much. ADRIAN: I've been saying that my whole life. RUBEN: Well, I love your mom very much, Adrian, and you, too. I love you. You know, I'm really happy you decided to track me down. You changed my life for the better. We wouldn't be a family if not for you. ADRIAN: Oh, thanks, Dad. RUBEN: You're welcome. ADRIAN: Good night. RUBEN: Good night, Adrian. Is everything okay? ADRIAN: Yeah, everything's fine. RUBEN: Are you and Ricky... ADRIAN: No, we're not even speaking, but that's okay. Everything that happened with Ben was a good lesson for me. Casual sex is really not all that casual. Next time I have sex, I want it to be with a guy that I love, a guy that means something to me. That's what I wanted in the first place. I just got off on the wrong track, so I'm going to do things differently from now on. I like what I'm hearing, but change isn't easy, so if you need some help or want to talk, I'm there for you, Adrian... Always. ADRIAN: Thanks. (Adrian calls a bring clinic) End of the episode.
{"type": "series", "show": "The Secret Life of an American Teenager", "episode": "03x01 - Do Over"}
Previously on "The Secret Life Of The American Teenager" BEN: What's going on? ADRIAN: It's good news. I started my period. I'm not pregnant. BEN: Oh, thank God. Really? ADRIAN: Really. So you're off the hook. ANNE: Are you sure you want to get back with Ben even after he and Adrian were together? AMY: I still love him no matter what he did. GRACE: I got my license. BEN: Congratulations. GRACE: I really want to show you my car. MADISON: Do you really love me? JACK: Yeah. ADRIAN: Did you want to have a baby with me? BEN: No. ADRIAN: So let's just forget that this ever happened. GRACE: He and Adrian did something they shouldn't have, and she thought she was pregnant. KATHLEEN: How is it she thought she was and then she's not? JACK'S MOTHER: We're moving. JACK'S FATHER: Is there any possibility you could stay with a friend you're senior year of high school? JACK: Sure, I have plenty of friends. RICKY: How are things with that guy? ASHLEY: You know his name. RICKY: Grant. BEN: I swear to you, Amy Juergens, I will never do anything again to hurt you. ASHLEY: I'm on the pill. ANNE: Are you having sex? AMY: You're okay if she's on the pill? ASHLEY: Obviously it's okay with her if you're on the pill. RUBEN: If you need some help or want to talk, I'm there for you, Adrian. RECORDED FEMALE VOICE: You have reached the Women's Free Clinic. If you'd like to make an appointment, please call back during business hours. BOYKEWICH'S HOUSE Ben calls to Ricky. His friends come in. BEN(at phone): Hey, Ricky. Hey, I just wanted to thank you again for last night, for making me go talk to Amy. You have no idea how happy I am being back together with her, so thanks again. ALICE: Here's the research. BEN: What research? ALICE: On early pregnancy tests. BEN: I don't need it. Adrian's not pregnant. I went over there and talked to her. HENRY: That would be good enough for me. ALICE: It's not good enough for me. Ben, did you or did you not see the stick, the results of the test. BEN: I saw the results, and they were wrong. ALICE: Those tests are very accurate. They're not wrong. BEN: What, do you want it to be right? You want Adrian to be having my baby? ALICE: I want you to not be duped into thinking she's not having your baby if she is, and if she is, the sooner you find out, the better because the earlier the better when it comes to making a decision about terminating pregnancy or even when it comes to taking care of a pregnancy. You need to know. BEN: I do know. ALICE: You're only going by what she told you. BEN: Well, what else can I go by? ALICE: The test. BEN: And what, do you want me to ask her to take a second test? ALICE: Good idea. BEN: I can't do that? I'm not going to do that. As far as I'm concerned, this chapter in my life is closed, and I'm opening a new chapter with Amy. I saw her last night. We're back together, and tonight we're celebrating. HENRY: Then I really hope Adrian is not pregnant. BEN: She's not. Come on, let's go. This is the first day of the rest of my life with Amy Juergens, and we're going to be a family, the family we should've been all along. ALICE: Unless he has another family. ADRIAN'S HOUSE Adrian comes to the kitchen, Ruben is already here. RUBEN: Hey, coffee? ADRIAN: Oh, thanks. I guess I've got time. RUBEN: Got another long day today so I won't be home until late. What are you going to do for dinner? ADRIAN: I don't know, pick something up. Uh, do you know when Mom's coming home? RUBEN: End of the week. You need something? Anything I can do? ADRIAN: No, I was just wondering. RUBEN: If you're wondering because neither of us every goes to the grocery store, let me give you some money in case you want to pick up some real food. I might want something other than pizza for breakfast tomorrow. ADRIAN: What's wrong with pizza for breakfast? I think it's better the next day. RUBEN: Hmm, well... enjoy. Have a good day. ADRIAN: Bye. Mmm. Oh, no. 96 00:03:19,568 --> 00:03:21,569 [deep breath] RICKY'S APARTMENT Ricky listens his message. VOICE MAIL: One new message. (Ben)Hey, Ricky. Just wanted to thank you again for last night, for making me go talk to Amy. You have no idea how happy I am being back together with her, so thanks again. (Alice)Here's the research. (Ben)What research? (Alice)On early pregnancy tests. (Ben)I don't need it. Adrian's not pregnant. I went over there and talked to her. THE SECRET LIFE OF THE AMERICAN TEENAGER – OPEN CREDITS JUERGUES' HOUSE Amy isn't ready, Ashley enters in her bedroom. ASHLEY: Mom says we're going to be late. AMY: I'm not speaking to you. ASHLEY: You just did, but I'm not speaking to you either. That's why I said, "Mom said we're going to be late" as opposed to just, "We're going to be late." AMY: Why did you have to tell them I'm on birth control pills? ASHLEY: You know, it just sounded as if you spoke to me although you just said you're not speaking to me. AMY: Now they're going to suspect that I'm having sex with Ben. ASHLEY: So what? If you're going to have sex, why don't you just tell the truth for once and say, "Mom, Dad, I'm having sex with Ben." AMY: Because I'm not. ASHLEY: Then what do you want the pills for? AMY: In case I change my mind. What do you want the pills for? ASHLEY: Same reason. Now let's just go back to not talking. Mom said we're going to be late. Ashley meets her father in the hall. GEORGE: Hey, did you make up with your sister like I asked? ASHLEY: We're talking. GEORGE: Good. ASHLEY: What's so good about it? GEORGE: It gives us the illusion that we're all still a family, a happy family. ASHLEY: No one's going to believe that, not with Mom refusing to marry you again. Can we just move out again? GEORGE: No, we're not going anywhere. We're going to make this work. ASHLEY: Yeah, okay. Well, do you mind if I move out? You can have the garage again. You can have my room. GEORGE: And just where do you think you would go? ASHLEY: I think I would go back next door. In fact I think I'm going to go over there right now and get a ride to school, because Amy's still trying to figure out what she's wearing, you know, because she's back with Ben now so she wants to look good. GEORGE: Why? So he'll want to have sex with her? ASHLEY: That would be my guess. George enters in the Amy's bedroom. GEORGE: Hey, you dressed? I want to talk to you. AMY: I'm dressed. I'm dressed! GEORGE: You're not dressed enough. Your shirt's too low, and your skirt's too high. Try again. AMY: Mom said we were going to be late. GEORGE: Mom's not even here. She's at the gym. AMY: Ashley said...She is such a liar. She lies, lies, lies. GEORGE: And so do you. AMY: And so do you. GEORGE: So does your mother, but you know what? We're all going to stop lying. We're a family. AMY: Yeah, a family of liars. GEORGE: Well, that's going to stop. Your mother and I have decided we're all going to start having dinner together again every night. We're all going to work our way through this by talking to each other with honesty and respect. Just come straight home from the nursery with John tonight. Dinner's at 6:00. Conversation starts at 6:02. AMY: I was going to have dinner with Ben tonight. It's our first night back together. He's taking me to dinner, a nice dinner, where people aren't forced to talk to each other. GEORGE: Invite him over. AMY: Here? Dad. GEORGE: Amy. ADRIAN'S HOUSE Ashley enters in the house. Adrian isn't ready to go to school. ASHLEY: Hey, will you mind having me ride to school with you? ADRIAN: Uh... ASHLEY: Wait, is that vomit? Who puked? ADRIAN: I did. ASHLEY: Oh, no. ADRIAN: Yeah. Oh, no. Ashley... ASHLEY: Where are the trash bags? ADRIAN: Under the sink. ASHLEY: I'm going to get the pizza out of here. ADRIAN: Thank you. ASHLEY: Too bad we don't have any of that stuff the school janitor uses. ADRIAN: Yeah, I think I'm going to be needing some of that. ASHLEY: You know, if you want to stay home, I could stay with you. ADRIAN: Why would you do that? ASHLEY: Why would I miss school? Are you kidding? ADRIAN: No, I should go. We should go. We have to go. ASHLEY: Not if you have the flu. And even if you don't have the flu and you just want to talk, remember I've been through this before with someone else who didn't have the flu. GRACE'S HOUSE Grace talks with Jeff. JEFF: Taken properly, the tests are 99% accurate. GRACE: That means they're wrong 1% of the time. JEFF: When the tests are wrong, it usually goes the other way, and the tests come up negative because they haven't picked up an indication of pregnancy from the HCG hormone levels because it's just too early. Look, I'm just telling you this because your mom told me to tell you this. The tests are accurate. GRACE: Maybe Adrian read it wrong. JEFF: Hmm, Adrian's a smart girl. I doubt it. Maybe she's not pregnant because she had an abortion. GRACE: I can't believe you would say that about Adrian. JEFF: Because? GRACE: Because I told her not to do that, and I don't think she would do that. I don't like you for saying that about her. JEFF: Wow. (Grace leaves, Tommy comes in) TOM: I took out the garbage cans to the curb. Doctor, next time your turn. JEFF: I don't mind taking turns doing that, although I do have a job to get to. TOM: Yeah, yeah. JEFF: Hey, you know what I was thinking? You should think about getting a job. TOM: In this economy? JEFF: You did have a job at one point, right? TOM: I did. JEFF: And? (Kathleen enters in the kitchen) TOM: You tell him. KATHLEEN: What? JEFF: What happened to his job? KATHLEEN: Oh, they don't provide anger management classes to part-time employees. Yeah, some guy made some rude comment to some woman they were working with, and Tom punched him. It was a really rude comment. JEFF: Well, then, good for Tom for punching people at work. KATHLEEN: You think? JEFF: No. KATHLEEN: Oh, how did it go with Grace? JEFF: Do you want her to hate me? KATHLEEN: No. JEFF: All right, then from now on, you talk to her. Okay? I'll see you later. KATHLEEN: Okay. HIGH SCHOOL Ben, Alice and Henry arrive in the high school. BEN: So where should I take Amy for dinner? HENRY: Wings, dude. That's where it all began. BEN: No, I want to take her to some place nicer than that. ALICE: I hate to bring this up now, but before you go there tonight, I think maybe you should tell Grace that you and Amy are back together. BEN: I thought about telling her, but I was having such a good day yesterday. 257 00:09:42,499 --> 00:09:43,666 I didn't want to ruin it. ALICE: You mean with something like the truth? BEN: Yeah. Look, I thought about it, but why put myself through that and put her through that? We weren't together anyway, so I'd just be calling her to say that we're never going to be together. That seems wrong. ALICE: No, it doesn't. You know Grace wants you to be more than a friend. HENRY: Yeah, but with Grace Bowman that doesn't necessarily mean sex. With her it's friends with limited benefits. ALICE: Are you finished, Hank? I suggest you do right by Grace because I think that you and Adrian might still have a problem, a kind of problem that Amy is not going to overlook. BEN: Would you drop it? Adrian and I have been friends for a long time, and she didn't hide anything from me before, so why would she try to hide anything from me now? And don't answer that because this is the end of the discussion. Ben goes away and meets Grace in the hall. BEN: Just the person I was looking for. GRACE: Uh-huh. Were you going to tell me that you were over at Amy's last night? Adrian saw you, you and Ricky. BEN: Why don't we go out and see your car? I have something I need to tell you. GRACE: Is it worth going out to my car for? BEN: Well, no, I guess I can tell you here. GRACE: You and Amy are back together, and it's going to be better than ever. BEN: I'm sorry. I really do like you, Grace, but Amy and I have so much history together, and I really want our relationship to be better than ever so I hope we can make it work this time. And as stupid as it sounds, I hope that you and I can still be friends. GRACE: I understand. I'm disappointed, but I understand. And you know what? We are friends, and as your friend I really do want you to be happy because you deserve to be happy, especially after everything Adrian put you through, and I really think she should've found out what the situation was first before she scared you like that. BEN: No, I think she did the right thing in coming to me. If she was scared, I deserve to be scared, too. GRACE: See, you're such a nice guy. Nice guys are so hard to find. Amy's really lucky, you know, other than getting pregnant. Anyway, have you seen Adrian this morning? Because I called her and texted her and nothing. Do you have any idea where she is or what's going on with her? I hope she's okay. BEN: No, I haven't seen her, but I hope she's okay, too. GRACE: If she's not okay and you want to talk, feel free to call me, OK? Bye. Ricky enters in the high school, Jack comes to him. JACK: Who you looking for? RICKY: Why do you want to know? JACK: Just making conversation. RICKY: Why? JACK: Here's the thing. RICKY: Oh, no. JACK: My dad got a new job. He and my mom are moving. We live in a house that belongs to the church so I kind of need a place to... RICKY: No. I have my kid, and I don't need another one. JACK: It would just be for a year, and I'm not a kid. All right? I'm a responsible guy. I could help out around the house. It's not like you'd be looking out for me or anything. RICKY: I don't want a roommate, and even if I did, I can't have a roommate. I just got shared custody. I had to to fight for that. I'm not going to screw that up. JACK: All right, well, can I just say you said that I could live there? RICKY: What good would that do? JACK: If my parents think I have a place to stay, then my dad can accept the job, and they'll take off. RICKY: Yeah, I guess you could do that. JACK: All right. RICKY: Where are you really going to stay? JACK: I don't know. I'll find some place. I'm not worried. Thanks. Grant and Griffin are here. GRANT: Hey, look who's here. Me. RICKY: You're going to school here now? GRANT: Not now. Next fall. Have you seen Ashley? RICKY: No. But you stay away from her. (Ricky leaves) GRIFFIN: Ouch. GRANT: Told you he has a thing for her. GRIFFIN: No, he doesn't, and even if he does, she doesn't have a thing for him, and you know what? She doesn't have a thing for you either, so transferring her would be a big mistake. I'm telling you, Ashley's not going to be happy about this, and she really hates surprises. GRANT: We can get past that, and what choice do I have? If I ask, she'll just say no. She's got a whole summer to get used to the idea, so if she's not happy now, she'll be happy later, and I don't mean that in a stalker kind of way. Ashley needs me. GRIFFIN: She doesn't need you. She doesn't need anyone, and that's both her strength and her weakness, and you can't be hanging around me all the time because people are going to start thinking that we're not just cousins, that we're kissing cousins, and I'm trying to get a boyfriend. GRANT: How you gonna get a boyfriend hanging out with my future girlfriend? GRIFFIN: She's not your future girlfriend, but she is my current friend, and if you come here, you're going to have to make some friends of your own. GRANT: Thought you had a boyfriend. Who was the guy at the wedding? GRIFFIN: Oh, no, he's just a friend, a friend with a lot of tough stuff going on in his life, and he needed to get out. GRANT: He's not out? GRIFFIN: Outside. GRANT: Oh. GRIFFIN: Why can't you just stay at your school? GRANT: Because my school doesn't have Ashley. GRIFFIN: Why did I do this to myself? HIGH SCHOOL/ADRIAN'S HOUSE Ricky calls Ashley. RICKY(at phone): Where are you? Why aren't you at school? ASHLEY(at phone): Because I didn't feel like coming in today. RICKY(at phone): Why not? ASHLEY(at phone): Because I felt like taking the day off. RICKY(at phone): Why is that? Why today? ASHLEY(at phone): Why not today? RICKY(at phone): Don't you want to see your boyfriend? Your boyfriend's here. ASHLEY(at phone): Boyfriend? What boyfriend? RICKY(at phone): Oh, I'm sorry, not boyfriend. Companion. ASHLEY(at phone): Who are you talking about? RICKY(at phone): That Grant guy. ASHLEY(at phone): He's at school? RICKY(at phone):Yeah, this school. ASHLEY(at phone): Well, this is the first I've heard of this. RICKY(at phone): Where are you anyway? ADRIAN'S HOUSE Adrian comes back the toilets, she enters in her bedroom. ADRIAN: Ashley. Who was that? ASHLEY: It was Ricky. He was just letting me know Amy's looking for me. ADRIAN: Why would Ricky call you? Why didn't Amy call you? ASHLEY: I told you we're not speaking to each other. ADRIAN: Oh, yeah, I forgot. ASHLEY: You're still in love with Ricky, aren't you? ADRIAN: No, I'm really not. I can't let myself be in love with Ricky anymore. Being in love with Ricky is what got me where I am today. Might even hate Ricky. HIGH SCHOOL Amy enters in the office of the adviser. AMY: You wanted to see me? COUNSELLOR: Sit down, Miss Juergens. AMY: If this is about Ashley, I don't know where she is. She said she was going to get a ride in with Adrian. COUNSELLOR: She called. Adrian's car is on the fritz, and they're waiting for AAA, but that's not what this is about. Have a seat. I have something very exciting to tell you, some life-changing news. You don't get it, do you? AMY: No. COUNSELLOR: “It's up to you, New York, New York” AMY: I just really need to talk to Ben, Ben Boykewich. We're supposed to go out tonight. It's our first time going out in a really, really long time, and my dad won't let me go. He wants Ben to come over for dinner instead. COUNSELLOR: Oh , that is really important. Do you want me to announce that over the P.A.? Uh...Ben Boykewich, Amy Juergens cannot go to dinner, but you can come to her house for dinner. Please contact her immediately. Then your personal life will be taken care of, and we can get back to school business. AMY: What does New York have to do with school business? COUNSELLOR: You, Amy Juergens, have been invited to attend a four-week, all expenses paid, program for young musicians at the Nabokoff School For Music this summer in New York Can you believe it? I saw this summer program for young women, and I know you really want to go to Juilliard some day, and, well, this is the first step. You can go to Nabokoff...this summer for four weeks. New York, whoo! AMY: This some kind of, like, cruel joke or something? You know I can't go to New York. I have a baby. COUNSELLOR: And that baby has a daddy and a grandfather and a grandmother, two grandfathers, two grandmothers, and an aunt. AMY: It doesn't matter. COUNSELLOR: It does matter, Amy. It totally matters. This is four weeks that could change your life. AMY: I can't change my life. Maybe I don't even want to change my life. Maybe I want to stay right here this summer and try to make things work out with Ben. I love Ben. Oh, my God. New York? Amy announces the news to her friends. MADISON How did you get that? AMY: How did I get that? It's not easy to play a French horn. I've been practicing for years. Dr. Bink heard about the program, and Mr. Sedlack gave her a DVD of my solo I'm learning. LAUREN: Are those two, Sedlack and Bink, You know? AMY: No. No, I don't think so. Doesn't matter. This is really amazing. I mean, of course I can't go, but still, just to even get the offer. LAUREN: Why can't you go? AMY: Uh, John. LAUREN: Take him with you? You were going to take him to Italy when you wanted to go with Ben. AMY: I was an idiot then. MADISON: That was last summer. AMY: Yeah, I know, but still...I mean, I'm a responsible mother now. I can't just take John with me to New York. I'd be living in a dorm, going to school all day, and I have a job here. I can't go. (Ricky joins girls) RICKY: Can't go where? AMY: Hi, Ricky. LAUREN: Bye. MADISON: Bye. (Madison and Lauren go away) RICKY: Where you going? AMY: I'm not going anywhere, but I did get an offer to go to a summer music program in New York, which would lead to Juilliard, It's the Nabokoff School Of Music. RICKY: No kidding. That's pretty impressive. AMY: Yeah. RICKY: I guess I could keep John, but I just pushed Ben to go back with you, so you probably shouldn't just take off. AMY: You pushed Ben? What does that mean? RICKY: Well, I mean, he was hesitating for whatever reason, and I encouraged him to go back with you, and if it doesn't work out, feel free to blame it on me. AMY: This time it'll work out. RICKY: Well, if it doesn't. AMY: It will. RICKY: I hope so. AMY: Why change since last night? RICKY: No. Congratulations on getting the offer, and my condolences on not being able to accept. What time am I picking up John tonight? AMY: Ben and I aren't going out tonight. My dad won't let me, so I'm going to ask Ben to have dinner with my stupid family. Why can't I just take off? Ben took off last summer. RICKY: And how did that turn out? AMY: It's not Bologna. It's New York. Doesn't matter. I'm not going. I'm not even going to dinner tonight. I just have to find Ben and tell him. RICKY: You looking for Ben? AMY: I'm looking for Ben. Ben comes and Ricky leaves. RICKY: Don't be late for work. BEN: I've been looking for you everywhere. AMY: I'm sorry. I found out I got into the summer music program in New York. I was in the counselor's office and then I had to go see Mr. Sedlack and then-- BEN: Summer music program in New York? Wow. Congratulations. AMY: Of course I'm not going. I can't, but... BEN: I'm sorry. I know how tough it must be for you to keep having to pass up opportunities, but you're such a good mother. AMY: Yeah, um, about that, about being a mother and part of a family, my dad won't let us go out tonight. He and my mother have this stupid idea that we're all going to start eating together again every night so we can, like, bond or something, but you're invited. BEN: I'd love to come. AMY: You don't have to. Really, it's going to be awful. Ashley and I aren't even speaking to each other. BEN: What's new? Amy, I love your family, and I want to be a part of your family just like I want you to be a part of my family because some day I hope that you and I are a family. AMY: Me, too. Some day. BEN: So what time's dinner? AMY: 6:00. BEN: I'll come straight after work. AMY: Me, too. See you then. GRACE'S HOUSE Grace backs home. Her mother is here. KATHLEEN: Hi. GRACE: Ben broke up with me. KATHLEEN: Broke up with you? GRACE: Yeah, today at school. Are those my jeans? KATHLEEN: No. GRACE: Those look like my jeans. KATHLEEN: They're not your jeans. Now, go back to Ben. Honey, what happened with Ben? I didn't know you considered the two of you to be together. I thought you were just friends. GRACE: You knew we wanted to be more than friends. KATHLEEN: No, I really didn't. I thought that maybe you might want to find a guy who, well, I don't know, didn't have any possibility of being pregnant with your best friend. GRACE: There's no possibility. Just because your stupid husband's a doctor and a gynecologist doesn't mean he knows everything about pregnancy. He doesn't know anything about Adrian or her womb. (Jack knocks on door) GRACE: What is he doing here? KATHLEEN: Grace Bowman. (Grace opens the door) GRACE: Just because Ben broke up with me does not mean I'm every going to go out with you again. JACK: Of course not. May I come in? Hi, Mrs. Bowman. Is it still Mrs. Bowman? KATHLEEN: Zegay, Mrs. Zegay. GRACE: When did that happen? KATHLEEN: When I got married. JACK: Congratulations on that. KATHLEEN: Thank you, Jack. JACK: So how are the cabinets working? Do you need me to tighten them up or anything? KATHLEEN: No. They're working just fine. Thank you. Jack, why don't you sit down? And Grace will get you something to drink, and I'll let the two of you guys talk. JACK: Actually I wanted to talk to you. GRACE: To her? About what? KATHLEEN: Grace is upset because I'm wearing her jeans. GRACE: I knew those were my jeans. KATHLEEN: You gave them away. I kept them. Sorry, Jack. So what was it? What was going on? JACK: My dad's leaving the church. KATHLEEN: On his own will? JACK: Yeah, yeah. GRACE: Why? JACK: He got offered a job teaching philosophy at his alma mater, so he and my mom want to move to Phoenix, but they can't unless I find a place to live my senior year. GRACE: You can't live here. KATHLEEN: Grace. Well, you can't, but she shouldn't say it like that. It's just that, well, you know I'm a newlywed, and we're trying to bond here as a family right now. I don't really think it will work out and oh, and you had sex with Grace, and Tom hates you. JACK: I guess that about covers it. KATHLEEN: Yeah, but, well, you're more than welcome to stay for dinner. GRACE: Thank you. ADRIAN'S HOUSE Ashley talks with Adrian in the kitchen. ASHLEY: Oh, I love this. My mom's next door cooking and cleaning house and looking after Robbie, and I'm right over the fence skipping school and eating ice cream. This is the best school day I've ever had in my life. ADRIAN: You know you're going to get in trouble. ASHLEY: Yeah, I know. I don't care. I think it's worth it. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. And, besides, if I get busted, then that'll give us something to talk about at that family dinner. If the dinner's unpleasant enough, then maybe we won't have to have dinner together every night. ADRIAN: You know what, Ashley? You're fearless. ASHLEY: Yeah, so are you. ADRIAN: No, I'm more dangerous than fearless, but the thing we have in common is that neither of us really cares what anyone thinks. ASHLEY: Yeah, that's true. I really don't care what anyone thinks as long as I feel like I'm doing the right thing. ADRIAN: Yeah. Yeah, that's right. You know what? If people find out that I was pregnant or later find out that I had an abortion, I can live with that. Maybe that's what I have to do. That's what's best for me. I have to do what's best for me. ASHLEY: And it's really no one else's business except for maybe Ben's. Should you tell Ben? ADRIAN: Ben doesn't want to know. Ben just wants to be with your sister. And you know what? That's what's best for Ben, so I'm not going to get in his way. Besides, Ben doesn't know about things like this. He's a rich kid. He's been totally protected his whole life from anything messy like this. I mean, he's a nice guy. He's a romantic guy, but I don't think he can deal with reality, not this kind of reality, not without suffering the rest of his life. When I saw how heartbroken he was, when that test was positive, I knew that I couldn't just continue to include him in this nightmare. He can't handle it. It would break him. ASHLEY: I don't know. I mean, he went to the clinic with Amy when you drove them, when she was thinking about abortion. ADRIAN: That wasn't his baby. ASHLEY: Oh, right. ADRIAN: And I don't need him to go with me. I'm going to tell my mother. My mother will go with me. I dread telling her. I know she'll be upset. I don't know if she'll understand. Thanks, Ashley. Thanks for being here with me today. (Ricky knocks on door) ADRIAN: Uh-oh. ASHLEY: You want me to get rid of him? ADRIAN: Oh, God. No, I'll get rid of him. You mind waiting for me upstairs? (Adrian opens the door to Ricky) RICKY: Are you pregnant? (Adrian shakes her head) BUTCHERY Ben tidies pasta. MAN: Thank you. BUNNY: What are you doing? BEN: Alphabetizing the pasta, from angel hair to ziti. BUNNY: That screams busy work. If you need busy work, I'll give you busy work. BEN: I'm just trying to make time go by quickly because I'm going to Amy's tonight. I've never been to Amy's house for dinner, so it's kind of like I'm... part of the family. BUNNY: In that case, let me help you with that. Put them back how they were for the last 50 years, in size order, from risotto to lasagna. BEN: Oh, I didn't realize. Ricky joins Ben. RICKY: That's what you're doing? Trying to make the time go fast till you can get to Amy's? Or do you have something on your mind that you're trying to forget? BEN: Like? RICKY: I don't know. You tell me. BEN: I don't know. RICKY: You want to tell me anything? BEN: Uh, I don't think so. RICKY: Are you sure? BEN: No. Do you want to tell me anything? Because I'm sensing that there's something on your mind. RICKY: What's going on with you and Adrian? BEN: All right, you know. I don't know how you know, but you know. We thought she was pregnant, but she's not. I guess I should've told you, but it didn't seem like it was really any of your business or anyone's business except mine and Adrian's. RICKY: Shouldn't you have told me when I was trying to get you and Amy back together? BEN: You did get us back together, and no because I wanted to get back with Amy, and Adrian's not pregnant, so why shouldn't Amy and I get back together? RICKY: Ben, Adrian is pregnant. BEN: No, she's not. RICKY: Yes, she is, and if she told you she isn't, she lied. BEN: Shut up. You don't know anything. RICKY: Ben, I know Adrian. BEN: No. RICKY: Yes, I do, and Adrian is pregnant, Ben. She is. Neither you nor Adrian may want that to be true, but it is true. BEN: She's not. RICKY: I'm your friend, Ben. Listen to me. BEN: No. RICKY: All right. Maybe you can't hear me right now, but if you need me, let me know. BEN: Jerk. JUERGUES' HOUSE George comes back. GEORGE: Hey, what's for dinner? ANNE: Butternut squash. You want some? GEORGE: No, I mean for us, the family. ANNE: Oh, I don't know. Chinese? GEORGE: What happened to the family dinner? I thought we were going to start having family dinners again? ANNE: Not tonight. GEORGE: Well, tonight. I told Amy she can't go to dinner with Ben tonight because we're having dinner tonight, together as a family. ANNE: Well, then you should've said something to me. GEORGE: Should've said something to you? You're the one who said we're going to start having family dinners. ANNE: You said that. I didn't mean tonight. GEORGE: Yeah, but you didn't specify that it wasn't tonight either, so I took control. You never think I do anything to try to make us more of a family so I made a decision. ANNE: Well, then you should've let me in on the decision, especially if you expected me to cook the dinner, so that way in between doing laundry and housekeeping and running to the bank and changing diapers and walking your dog, then I could've gone to the market as well. You know, if you want us to be more of a family, then you cook the dinner or make the call. You order in Chinese. GEORGE: Why don't I order in English? It'll get here faster. ANNE: Very funny. Just order the food, and we'll all eat Chinese in the dining room together, one big happy family. GEORGE: Fine. ANNE: Fine. GEORGE: I told Amy she could invite Ben. ANNE: Well, he's not part of the family, not yet anyway. I mean, I don't are if he comes over, but I thought the whole idea of a family dinner is that we all bond together as a family. GEORGE: Well, I invited him, so we'll bond around him. I'll call China Palace. Ashley is back too. ANNE: Hello, Ashley. How was school today? GEORGE: How did you get home? ASHLEY: I walked. GEORGE: Your mother asked you how school was. ASHLEY: Awesome. I learned so much I feel like my head's going to explode. ANNE: Mm-hmm. I know. I saw you over at Adrian's. GEORGE: Yeah, she went over there to get a ride. She and Amy aren't speaking. ANNE: Yeah, I know that, but did you also know that she and Adrian did not go to school today? ASHLEY: What? We didn't go to school? GEORGE: Huh? ANNE: Yeah, I saw you over at Adrian's all day long, Ashley. ASHLEY: Really? You didn't come and get me? ANNE: Nope, and you want to know why? ASHLEY: I don't know if I care. GEORGE: Why? ANNE: Because Ashley thinks that she's all grown up. She thinks that she's old enough to make all of her own decisions about boys and sex and birth control, so you know what? That means that she's old enough to be responsible for everything else in her life, school included, so if she doesn't go to school and she gets in trouble, we're not bailing her out, and if she doesn't make good grades and doesn't get into college, it's her problem. ASHLEY: She's my new favorite. (Ashley leaves) GEORGE: What the hell are you doing? You trying to be the cool mom now? ANNE: I'm trying to be a better mom. GEORGE: Well, it doesn't sound as if you're being a mom at all. She doesn't have to go to school? ANNE: She'll go. GEORGE: Have you lost your mind? George catches Ashley. GEORGE: Hey, stop right there, young lady. I'm not talking to your back. I don't care who your favorite is. ASHLEY: Sorry. GEORGE: I'm not your favorite? Really? Fine, I don't care. Be that way, but you not get to make decisions, like whether or not you're going to school, at 15. Birth control is one thing. Education is another. Birth control is an option. School is not an option. You got that? ASHLEY: But mom just said I could decide. GEORGE: You can't just split up the parents and go with whichever one tells you the thing you want to hear. ASHLEY: Then you should've let me know that years ago. GEORGE: I'm letting you know that right now. ASHLEY: Maybe you should let Mom know that. GEORGE: You're not the boss of me or your mother or anyone. ASHLEY: I'm the boss of me. Mom just said so. Jeez. GRACE'S HOUSE The family diners. KATHLEEN: That was Jeff. He's still at the hospital, so I guess we can just eat in here. JACK: Thank you for letting me stay. KATHLEEN: For dinner. JACK: For dinner. TOM: Well, well, well, well, Parents move off and leave you, huh? JACK: Not yet. KATHLEEN: Hey, Tom, can you run up and tell your sister Jeff's going to be late so we can go ahead and eat now? TOM: Make yourself useful. You know the way. JACK: All right. (Jack leaves) KATHLEEN: Would you be nice, please? TOM: Who's not being nice? Not me. Jack joins Grace in her bedroom. JACK: Your mom says we can eat now. GRACE: Can you come in? I want to ask you something. JACK: All right. GRACE: Do you think there's any chance that Adrian could be lying, and do you think she could be pregnant? JACK: Is there any chance that Adrian would lie? Is that what you're asking? If Adrian is capable of telling a lie? GRACE: No, I know she's capable of telling a lie, but why would she tell me she's pregnant and then lie about not being pregnant? JACK: I would assume because she plans to get an abortion, and she knows from past conversations that you wouldn't be supportive of that. GRACE: She wasn't at school today. JACK: Can I sit next to you on this-- this bed? GRACE: Yeah, I guess. JACK: Grace, I heard Adrian wasn't at school, but no one is thinking she's pregnant or off getting an abortion. People don't know. Maybe people shouldn't know. Maybe we shouldn't know. If that's what Adrian did today, then it's over. It's between her and God. It's not for us to judge. I really believe that. GRACE: So we're too late? JACK: Maybe. I mean, if she did lie and she was pregnant and she did get an abortion, but we don't know that that's what happened, and if she wants to tell us that that's what happened, then she'll tell us, and if she doesn't tell us, then we leave it at that. Maybe some day she will. I think, in the meantime, all we can do is be there for her and not be judgmental so that if one day she wants to talk about it, she'll talk about it, and if she doesn't, she doesn't. I think that's the best way to be a friend to her now. This okay? GRACE: Yeah, I guess. JUERGUES' HOUSE Anne and George prepares diner. ANNE: Look, even if you and I want to argue about everything else in our lives, we still need to be on the same page when it comes to Amy and Ashley. GEORGE: And Robbie. ANNE: And Robbie. GEORGE: You forgot about Robbie. ANNE: No, I did not forget about Robbie. GEORGE: And the dog. You forgot about Moose. ANNE: Don't be ridiculous. GEORGE: Who's being ridiculous? You told Ashley she doesn't have to go to school. ANNE: No, I told her that it was her responsibility to go to school. It's against the law for her not to go to school. GEORGE: And who do you think would get in trouble for breaking that law, her or us? ANNE: She's going to go to school. (Ashley heart) ASHLEY: What's the penalty? GEORGE: You don't want to find out, young lady. What is the penalty? ANNE: I don't know. I think they just make you go to school. GEORGE: That's our job. She was next door all day, and you saw her and you just let her stay over there with Adrian. Adrian's a bad influence. ANNE: You're the one that sold the house to her parents. Oh, I get it. You're doing this to get back at me. You're still mad about Cindy. ANNE: No, I'm not... or I wasn't. Thanks for bringing it up. (Amy is back too with John) AMY: Guess what. ANNE: What? GEORGE: What? AMY: Something going on? ASHLEY: You might want to take John in the nursery unless you want him to learn some new words. AMY: Where were you today? ASHLEY: Apparently that's no one's business but mine. AMY: What's she talking about? ANNE: Nothing, Amy. What is it that you want to tell us? AMY: Chinese food? Takeout? I invited Ben. GEORGE: Maybe you should un-invite him. AMY: I'll be right back. (She leaves) GEORGE: Maybe we should move out again, Ashley and me. ASHLEY: No thanks. ANNE: Why would she want to move out? She's practically got her own apartment here. It's a great place to have sex, don't you think? GEORGE: It's my fault she wants to have sex because I turned the garage into a room for her? ANNE: Oh, and you got her birth control pills. Don't forget the birth control pills. AMY: Would you two please stop fighting. It's my first night back with Ben, and I want it to be special, the dinner I would've had if I went out with Ben. GEORGE: Isn't this a school night? Why is your first concern dinner and Ben? Don't you have any homework? ASHLEY: Oh, and if you do, Amy, it's up to you whether or not you do it. Those are the new rules. AMY: What? ANNE: Those are not the new rules. (knock on door) BEN: Hi, Amy. AMY: Hi. BEN: Hi. GEORGE: Yeah. ANNE: Hi. ASHLEY: And so it begins. Everybody are in the table but nobody talks. BEN: Can it keep track of your mileage, running times, Oh, goodness, look at the time... 6:15. I better get going. AMY: I'll walk you out. BEN: Thanks. The dinner was delicious. I loved the General So's chicken GEORGE: We'll let him know. BEN: Good night. ANNE: Good night. Amy accompanies back Ben to the door. AMY: I'm so sorry. BEN: Oh, no-no, that's okay. I don't mind eating in silence, especially after all the screaming. AMY: This is so embarrassing. BEN: Hey, this is something we'll probably laugh about in years to come. And you know what, Amy? All families argue, maybe not as enthusiastically as this one, but families argue, my family, too, and we will, too, because all families have problems, and all families find a way of working through their problems, and that's how they stay together. They find a way, and there's always a way, always. AMY: Do we have a problem? BEN: Do we have a problem? What? AMY: I don't know. Just something about the way you said that, like you wanted me to know something. BEN: No, I just want you to know that I love you. AMY: I love you, too. BEN: And I'll always love you no matter what. AMY: Okay, what does that mean? Why are you saying that? BEN: Well, just because that's what people say, but I will always love you. Good night, Amy. AMY: Good night. Amy goes back in the living room. Only Ashley is here. AMY: I...I got accepted into a summer program at the Nabokoff School Of Music in New York. Help me get into Juilliard. ASHLEY: You should go. BOYKEWICH'S HOUSE Ben goes home. LEO: Hey, there you are. I was just leaving you a note. The flight got in early, and Betty and I want to have dinner with you. BEN: Oh, uh, well, welcome back, but I just had dinner with Amy and her family at their house. LEO: And you're back at 6:30? BEN: Yeah, they eat early. LEO: I'll say. Something bad happen at dinner? BEN: Huh? LEO: You look like there's something wrong. BEN: Well, kind of, but you go to dinner with Betty, and we can talk when you get back. This can wait. LEO: Oh, I've got time. Tell me what's going on. Oh, come on. How bad can it be? BEN: Bad. LEO: Ben, whatever it is, you can tell me. I'm your dad. I love you. You wrecked the car? You had a little party? Somebody broke a lamp? Oh, come on, Ben. I can't picture you ever doing anything so bad you couldn't tell me. There's nothing you can do that can't be fixed somehow, someway. BEN: It's funny you say that because that's...that's kind of what I'm afraid of. That this is going to get fixed somehow, someday. Adrian's pregnant...and it's my baby. End of the episode.
{"type": "series", "show": "The Secret Life of an American Teenager", "episode": "03x02 - Accentuate the Positive"}
Previously on “The Secret Life Of The American Teenager” BEN: Adrian's not pregnant. I saw the results, and they were wrong. JEFF: The tests are accurate. GRACE: Well, maybe Adrian read it wrong. JEFF: Maybe she's not pregnant because she had an abortion. GRACE: I told her not to do that, and I don't think she would do that. JACK: If my parents think I have a place to live, then my dad can accept the job, and they'll take off. RICKY: Where are you really gonna stay? JACK: I don't know. I'll find someplace. ADVISER: You, Amy Juergens, have been invited to attend a four-week, all-expenses paid program for young musicians this summer in New York. RICKY: Congratulations on getting the offer, and my condolences on not being able to accept. ADRIAN: If people find out that I was pregnant, or later, find out that I had an abortion, I can live with that. I'm gonna tell my mother. My mother will go with me. RICKY: Ben, Adrian is pregnant. BEN: No, she's not. RICKY: Yes, she is. And if she told you she isn't, she lied. AMY: I got accepted into a summer program at the Nomkomf School of Music in New York. ASHLEY: You should go. LEO: Ben, whatever it is, you can tell me. I'm your dad. I love you. BEN: Adrian's pregnant, and it's my baby. BOYKEWICH’S HOUSE Leo and Ben are sitting on the couch. Betty comes in. BETTY: Wow. It's really getting kind of late. Why don't you two get some sleep? Ben, you didn't even touch your dinner. You want me to make you a sandwich or something? BEN: Thank you, Betty, but, uh, I'm still not hungry. BETTY: Well, all right, then. How about everybody just says good night? LEO: Good night. BEN: Good night. BETTY: Leo, come on, honey. It's not so bad. I mean, there are worse problems than...than Ben and Adrian. I mean, it's all gonna work itself out. You'll see. All right. Well, I'm gonna say good night. Good night. And I just wanna say that I love you both, and I don't want either of you to say, "I love you, too, Betty," because if you love me, you would take my advice and you would sleep on it. Good night. (Betty leaves to sleep) LEO: I remember when I said that to George when you and Amy wanted to get married. I told them there were worse problems than two teenagers getting married and having a baby. I'm glad Betty reminded me of that. There are worse problems. You're not sick. I'm not sick. Betty's not sick. No one's sick. You're not on drugs. You don't have a problem with alcohol. You're not flunking out of school. You didn't wreck the car and get hurt or hurt someone else. Business is good. The company's doing well. And I have a lovely bride upstairs who's waiting for me. And I do love her. So let's take Betty's advice and sleep on this. And tomorrow, you talk to Adrian. BEN: About what? Dad, I already told you. She doesn't want me to know. LEO: But you do know. BEN: I do, but I don't. LEO: No. You do, but you don't want to. BEN: No, I don't. And that's Adrian's decision for me not to know. And whatever she decides to do about...this is her decision. LEO: And that way, you don't have to be involved. I know that's what you're thinking. BEN: I admitted that's what I'm thinking. I don't wanna be involved. LEO: And what happens if Adrian decides to have the baby? You gonna get involved then? BEN: She's not going to do that. LEO: You never know, son. What if she does? BEN: She won't. LEO: She might. So do like I told you and talk to her tomorrow. And keep talking to her. And keep talking to me, and I'll keep talking to you. I love you, Ben, and I feel for you and Adrian, but... I'm not gonna say it. BEN: You mean you're not gonna say it again. LEO: You're just as responsible as Adrian is for what happened. BEN: I may be just as responsible as Adrian for what happened, but what she does about what happened is up to her. LEO: And you're gonna go running off to Amy and leave Adrian to held this all by herself because you're not supposed to know anything? BEN: Yep. LEO: Are you gonna let Amy find out from someone else? Are you? Are you gonna tell her? BEN: I don't know if she has to find out. I mean, you wouldn't have found out if I hadn't told you. What do you want from me? LEO: I want you to tell Amy, and I want you to be as kind to Adrian as you were to Amy when she was in this situation. That's what I want. BEN: Oh, no, no, no, no. You don't want me to be so kind to Adrian as to offer to marry her like I did Amy, do you? I mean, you can't possibly think that. LEO: Yeah, well, maybe I do think that. Good night. BEN: This can't be happening. THE SECRET LIFE OF THE AMERICAN TEENAGER – OPEN CREDITS ADRIAN’S HOUSE/HOTEL ROOM Adrian takes some food in the middle of the night. She calls her mother. CINDY(at phone): Hey. It's late. You should be in bed. ADRIAN(at phone): I know. CINDY(at phone): Did you call to say good night? ADRIAN(at phone): Yeah. Kind of. CINDY(at phone): Is everything okay? ADRIAN(at phone): Of course everything is okay. I'm just anxious for you to get home. CINDY(at phone): Because? ADRIAN(at phone): Because my mom and my dad are married now, and the three of us have yet to be together at the same time in our house. CINDY(at phone): Yeah. And? ADRIAN(at phone): And so I'm just checking to see if you're coming home tomorrow night. Definitely coming home tomorrow night. CINDY(at phone): I'm definitely coming home tomorrow night. ADRIAN(at phone): What time? Maybe I can make dinner for all of us. CINDY(at phone): Uh, a home-cooked meal with you and Ruben sounds great. But I'm flying in around 11:30, so I won't be there until after midnight. ADRIAN(at phone): After midnight, huh? CINDY(at phone): Yeah. But we can all have breakfast together the next morning, before you go to school. ADRIAN(at phone): Yeah, I guess. CINDY(at phone): Are you sure everything's okay? ADRIAN(at phone): Yeah. CINDY(at phone): You didn't sleep with Ben again, did you? ADRIAN(at phone): No, I'm never sleeping with Ben again. CINDY(at phone): Okay. Ricky? Did you go back with Ricky? Did you try to go back with Ricky? Is it Ricky? ADRIAN(at phone): Mom, really, it's just you. I miss you, and I'm just really looking forward to seeing you, and so is Ruben. CINDY(at phone): You're sure it's not something else? Why do I feel like there's something else? You're not trying to tell me he's already cheating on me, are you? ADRIAN(at phone): The first week you're married? Mom, no. Ruben wouldn't do that. He would never do that. CINDY(at phone): Well, there's something you're not telling me. I can tell, Adrian. Come on. What is it? ADRIAN(at phone): I've never heard anyone so paranoid. I just love you, okay? I love you and I miss you, and so does Dad. CINDY(at phone): All right. I love you, and I miss you, too. ADRIAN(at phone): Good night. CINDY(at phone): Good night, Adrian. ADRIAN’S HOUSE Ruben joins Adrian in the kitchen. ADRIAN: Where are you going in such a hurry? RUBEN: Nowhere. You want me to help you out there? ADRIAN: No. I can do it. I'm just making a sandwich. RUBEN: Well, you had dinner, like, four hours ago. Okay, it was four hours ago. So, I can make you a sandwich. Let me make you a sandwich. ADRIAN: I know you can make me a sandwich. But it's late. Go back to bed. Oh, I get it. Mom hung up and called you and told you to run down here and see if I'm okay. RUBEN: Yeah. So I did. I had to. So, are you okay? ADRIAN: I'm okay. What are you looking for? RUBEN: I don't know. But your mother's sure that you're not okay. ADRIAN: But I am okay. RUBEN: All right. What do you want me to tell her when I call her back? ADRIAN: Okay. ADRIAN’S HOUSE/HOTEL ROOM Adrian calls her mother with her father’s phone. CINDY(at phone): What did she say? ADRIAN(at phone): She said to stop worrying, she's fine, and she loves her crazy mama. CINDY(at phone): All right. Then you're fine. And I love you, too. ADRIAN(at phone): Good night, again. CINDY(at phone): Good night again to you, sweetie. ADRIAN’S HOUSE RUBEN: You don't want some help? ADRIAN: I don't want some help. RUBEN: All right. Good night. I love you, Adrian. ADRIAN: I love you, too. ADRIAN’S HOUSE/ BOYKEWICH’S HOUSE Ben calls Adrian. BEN(at phone): Hello? ADRIAN(at phone): What's up? BEN(at phone): I've been texting you for an hour. So you're still up? ADRIAN(at phone): I was sleeping, but I got hungry and came down to make a sandwich. What are you doing up? BEN(at phone): Can't sleep. ADRIAN(at phone): Why not? BEN(at phone): Adrian, I think we have to talk. ADRIAN(at phone): Okay. But not tonight. Maybe tomorrow or the next day or whenever. But at some point, we'll talk. BEN(at phone): "Or whenever"? Whenever what? ADRIAN(at phone): Ben, I asked you to give me a few days. BEN(at phone): I know. ADRIAN(at phone): Didn't I see you over at Amy's tonight? You and Amy getting back together. That's a good thing, right? You and Amy? BEN(at phone): Yeah. ADRIAN(at phone): So just leave things like they are, Ben. All right? Go and be with Amy and don't even think about me. BEN(at phone): So, are you still...pregnant? ADRIAN(at phone): Leave it alone, Ben. Just leave it alone, please. BEN(at phone): I can't. ADRIAN(at phone): You can. Did someone say something to you? BEN(at phone): No one said anything to me. Who would say anything to me? ADRIAN(at phone): Ricky. And it's none of his business. And it's none of your business. It's no one's business. BEN(at phone): Adrian, I hate to tell you this, but I told my dad. ADRIAN(at phone): You told me you wouldn't do that. You promised me you wouldn't do that. You promised me you'd give me a couple of days. BEN(at phone): I couldn't help it. My dad and I are very close. I had to tell him, Adrian. I can't hide this from him. ADRIAN(at phone): There's not going to be anything to hide. I'm just waiting until my mother gets back, and then I'll tell her, and I'll take care of it. BEN(at phone): You sure you wanna do that? ADRIAN(at phone): Yeah, I'm sure I don't wanna have a baby. And I'm even more sure you don't wanna have a baby. So just leave me alone, all right? Let me do what I wanna do, what I have to do. Good night, Ben. [beeps] ASHLEY’S BEDROOM/RICKY'S APARTMENT Ashley calls Ricky. RICKY(at phone): Hold on a second. How'd I know who it is? ASHLEY(at phone): Well, who else would it be? It's Adrian. RICKY(at phone): Yeah. All right. I don't care if it's Adrian. ASHLEY(at phone): Well, you cared enough to go over to her house today. RICKY(at phone): I wanted her to tell me. I wanted to hear it from her. I wanted to see the look on her face so I'd know it's true. ASHLEY(at phone): Why? RICKY(at phone): Why? ASHLEY(at phone): Yeah. Why? Why do you wanna know the truth? It's not your baby. She's not pregnant with your baby, so why do you wanna know? RICKY(at phone): Because I think Ben should know. ASHLEY(at phone): Oh, come on. He knows. He's just pretending not to know. RICKY(at phone): He's not exactly pretending. It's more like insisting on not knowing. I tried to talk to him about it. He doesn't wanna hear it. He doesn't wanna know. ASHLEY(at phone): Yeah. He and Adrian have agreed that he shouldn't know anything. So why are you getting in the middle of their business? RICKY(at phone): Because Ben's my friend, because I've been through this, and because I think he should know, and he should be responsible for whatever happens, too. ASHLEY(at phone): Well, isn't he really better off not knowing? RICKY(at phone): What guy's better off not knowing, huh? Tell me that. ASHLEY(at phone): Ben. That's who's better off not knowing. And that's what he and Adrian have agreed to, so why don't you just leave it alone? Jeez, you need to get a hobby, or go back to having stupid indiscriminate sex or something. This isn't like you getting into everyone's business. RICKY(at phone): What-- I'm not in everyone's business. This is my business. ASHLEY(at phone): No, it's not. But you know what is? Amy and John. And if Amy wants to go to a music program in New York for four weeks, you should encourage her to do that. You should do whatever you have to do and say whatever you have to say to get her to go away this summer. RICKY(at phone): Why? So she won't find out? She'll find out. Someone will tell her. That's why Ben should tell her. And how's he gonna do that if he doesn't admit that he knows? ASHLEY(at phone): She doesn't have to find out. RICKY(at phone): Come on, Ashley. She's gonna find out. She is. ASHLEY(at phone): You're not gonna tell her. RICKY(at phone): No, I'm not. But believe me, someone will and it should be Ben. ASHLEY(at phone): No, it should be Adrian, and only if Adrian wants her to know. And she doesn't want her or anyone else to know, so why don't you just leave it alone? Please, just leave it alone. RICKY(at phone): Good night. JUERGUES’ HOUSE Anne and George talk together in the bed. ANNE: I have a job interview tomorrow. I asked Amy to drop Robbie off at the church nursery with John. GEOREGE: What? ANNE: What part of that do you want me to repeat? GEORGE: You're just gonna pawn our son off at the church nursery so you can go look for a job you don't need? ANNE: I'm paying the nursery. It's not like I asked them to watch Robbie for free. GEORGE: My son is not staying at the church nursery. We're not Amy and Ricky. We're adults. We can take care of our own baby. ANNE: You have to work, and I need to find work. GEORGE: Why? I'm happy to share whatever I have with you. Don't I share whatever I have with you? ANNE: And don't I share the house with you? It's my house. I got it in the settlement. GEORGE: Yeah, and it's my store and my money, and I got that in the settlement, but I never point that out to you. I just keep money in both bank accounts just like I did when there was only one bank account. ANNE: Yes, you do, and that's why I don't ask you to pay rent. But I would just feel more comfortable earning my own money than taking money from you. They listen a noise for the kitchen, they go to happen. GEORGE: The baby's sleeping. What are you doing up so late? ANNE: It's 1:00 in the morning. Why are you up so late? ASHLEY: I-I'm studying. ANNE: You are? ASHLEY: I cannot tell a lie. GEORGE: Since when? ASHLEY: I can't sleep. I'm worried about Amy. GEORGE/ANNE: Why? ASHLEY: Well, she really wants to go to this summer music program in New York. ANNE: What summer music program in New York? GEORGE: Yeah, what program? Why didn't she tell us? ASHLEY: I don't know, but I thought I should tell you. I told her she should go, but she said she can't because of John. ANNE: Well, what kind of program? GEORGE: The kind of program where she can't go because she has a baby, like all other programs, any one she wants to go to. ASHLEY: Only Amy has a full scholarship and housing if she can take part in this program with students from all over the country. ANNE: What? ASHLEY: Yeah. It's a huge honor. ANNE: Well, then, she has to go. We have to figure out some way so she can go. GEORGE: Yeah, let's send her off to band camp in New York where there will be millions of Rickys. Maybe she'll have another baby. ANNE: She's on the pill, remember? Anyway, I'll talk to Amy about it in the morning. GEORGE: Yeah. So will I. ANNE: Well, maybe you and I should talk about it first. GEORGE: Maybe we should. ANNE: I said we should. Good night, Ashley. You need to get some sleep. You have school in the morning. ASHLEY: Good night, Mom. ANNE: Good night. ASHLEY: Oh, and thanks again for trusting me to make my own decisions about school tomorrow and every day. ANNE: Well, I just hope that you don't find yourself dealing with any unpleasant consequences as a result of making your own decisions. ASHLEY: Like? ANNE: Like getting arrested for truancy. But thanks for letting us know about Amy. I don't know why Amy didn't let us know herself. But thank you. GEORGE; And just why would you think your sister should be away all summer in New York, of all places? ASHLEY: It's just for four weeks. And it's a good thing for Amy. Jeez, excuse me for being a good sister. GRACE'S HOUSE Grace enters in the kitchen, Jeff is here. GRACE: Hi. You're home late. Long day? JEFF: Yeah. Very long. GRACE: We missed you at dinner. JEFF: Complicated delivery. GRACE: Everything turn out okay? Is the mom okay? Is the baby okay? JEFF: Mother's fine. Baby's fine. Dad's a little stressed out. But, uh, what's going on? GRACE: "What's going on?" JEFF: You seem...I don't know...a little extra-special friendly, especially for this late hour. GRACE: You noticed? JEFF: I did. All right. Well, I was just thinking that maybe you were right and I was wrong...about Adrian. JEFF: Oh. GRACE: And if you are right about Adrian, do you know any couples that are looking to adopt a baby? JEFF: Why do you ask? GRACE: I wanna offer Adrian my help by offering her some options. Real options like names and phone numbers. JEFF: Ah. Yeah. See, that would be offering Adrian my help. Did Adrian ask you to give her some options? GRACE: No, but that's only because she hasn't told me she's pregnant yet. I'm her best friend. She'll ask. I know she will. I mean, if you're right, and there really is a baby. JEFF: You mean, if there really is a pregnancy? GRACE: Baby. JEFF: Why are you making this your concern? GRACE: It is my concern. I don't want it to be, but it is. JEFF: No, it's not. GRACE: Yes, it is. That's why I can't sleep. I wanna get to her right away with some options. She needs options. JEFF: Can I make a suggestion? Why don't you just focus on you and your own life? GRACE: I don't know what you mean. JEFF: You know what, Grace? I'm not sure you do know what I mean. What I mean is, why don't you let Adrian deal with her problems, and why don't you do just whatever it is you need to do to worry about you right now? Are you all set to go to med camp this summer? GRACE: I was, but now I think I'm just gonna hang around here this summer. JEFF: I see. GRACE: No, you don't. You don't see. You don't see that my best friend is pregnant and having a baby. I wanna be there for him...her. JEFF: Him? GRACE: Just say what you wanna say, Jeff. JEFF: All right, Grace. Look, you have what it takes to become a doctor. I really believe that. But the sooner you start focusing on that goal, the better. Go to med camp. Start zeroing in on the colleges you wanna get into and give yourself some real options, okay? Why don't you do that? Why don't you get involved in your own life and start focusing on yourself for a change? GRACE: Because I don't want to. (Grace leaves, Tom comes in) TOM: So, Adrian's pregnant. JEFF: Well, I don't know, Tom. But whether she is or not, that's nobody's business but Adrian's. Tom is already for day, Kathleen comes in the kitchen. KATHLEEN: Good morning. TOM: Yeah. Good morning. KATHLEEN: Why are you wearing a suit? Are you going somewhere? TOM: I hope so. It's time for me to get a job. KATHLEEN: In this economy? I'm just kidding. I was just repeating your little joke that you made to Jeff. Jeff told me. Actually, I thought it was kind of funny, but I'm sure it was much funnier when you said it. Okay, you know, I think it's great. You should get a job. TOM: I will. First, I will get a job, and then I will find a place to live. KATHLEEN: You don't need a place to live. You have a place to live. You can live right here. And, Tom, why are you suddenly thinking about getting a job? TOM: I'm thinking I might get married. KATHLEEN: Oh. TOM: Are you okay with that? KATHLEEN: Uh, well, yeah, I guess I'm okay with that. But, uh, yeah, first, you need to get a job. TOM: And then I get my own apartment. KATHLEEN: Well, I don't know about that. But, um, you know, actually, you can live in the guest house, you know, eventually. It's kind of like an apartment. TOM: The guest house? You mean, the haunted house? KATHLEEN: Come on, honey. It's not haunted. TOM: Yes, it is. KATHLEEN: No, it's not. TOM: That's where Dad went when he wanted to be alone. He's in there. I know he's in there. KATHLEEN: Come on, honey. He's not in there. And we don't believe in ghosts around here. TOM: I do. But I will live in a haunted house if I have to. I am getting a job, and I am getting married. KATHLEEN: Okay. Well, we can think about all that, but, well, one thing at a time, okay? We don't need to rush into anything. TOM: Oh, no, I don't wanna live with you. Accept it. KATHLEEN: Tom, when you say you wanna get married, you do mean to Tammy, don't you? TOM: I'll let you know. JACK'S HOUSE Jack talks with his mother. MOTHER: You're absolutely sure you can find a place. JACK: I'm sure. I have a couple offers, but they're just guys from the team, and I don't really wanna live in a party atmosphere, you know? I gotta think about my grades and getting into college. MOTHER: So you have no prospects. JACK: No. I do. MOTHER: No pressure, but we're running out of time. JACK: Time's up. Go. I'll settle on someplace today. MOTHER: Jack... JACK: Mom, I promise, I will. If nothing else, Ricky said I could stay there. MOTHER: At Ricky's apartment? I don't think that's a good idea. I think you need parents around. JACK: All right. Then I'll stay with Coach. MOTHER: The school allows that? JACK: Yeah. Other guys have stayed there temporarily. MOTHER: Really? Because that would be great. I love Coach Carter, and he would definitely keep you in line. Ah. So that's why you're still looking for someplace other than Coach Carter's. JACK: Yeah. MOTHER: All right. Well, if you don't find something by the end of the week, I suggest you take advantage of that offer. JACK: All right. MOTHER: I feel so guilty about this. JACK: You don't look guilty. You look happy. And you deserve some happiness, Mom. It's okay, really. I'm practically a grown man. MOTHER: But you'll always be my baby. JACK: Aw, Mom. MOTHER: By the way, how's Madison? JACK: She's good. MOTHER: I like Madison. JACK: I know. So do I. MOTHER: But you had dinner over at Grace's house last night. JACK: We're just friends. MOTHER: Friends who have had sex. JACK: But we're just friends now. MOTHER: Don't do anything stupid with your friend. JACK: Believe me, we won't. I'm surrounded by stupid. MOTHER: What's that mean? JACK: That means I think Adrian and Ben did something stupid. MOTHER: Something stupid like... JACK: Something stupid like Ricky and Amy did. MOTHER: Adrian's having a baby? JACK: I don't know if she's having it. MOTHER: Oh, boy. I feel for Adrian and Ben, but I am glad it's not you. I am really, really glad it's not you. So you bring this up because... JACK: Because Grace thinks we need to gather around Adrian and support her and encourage her to have the baby. MOTHER: And what do you think? JACK: I think we should stay out of it. It's a really personal decision. The most personal. What do you think? MOTHER: I think what I've always thought. Stay away from Grace. I like Madison. I hate to hear this about Adrian and Ben. Sex can be fun and very complicated, especially at your age. I know I had a lot of fun with your father when we were younger, but we were careful. We took every precaution possible. I was on the pill. We used a condom. JACK: So did Adrian and Ben, and yet... MOTHER: And yet it can still happen. JACK: Yeah. MOTHER: Be careful out there, okay? Promise? JACK: Promise. HIGH SCHOOL Ben talks with Adrian in the hall. BEN: How are you feeling? ADRIAN: I'm feeling fine. I don't wanna talk about how I'm feeling because I don't wanna think about it, okay? I think about it, I get sick. BEN: Sorry. ADRIAN: Ben, I know you mean well, but... BEN: I don't mean well. I just asked you to meet me here early because my dad wants us to talk. ADRIAN: And I met you here early because I'm hiding from my dad, because I don't wanna talk to him or to you or to Grace. I'm avoiding her. Or I'm trying to. And if you wanna do something for me, go around the corner and see if she's there. And if she is, talk to her. That's who you can talk to. And tell her to leave me alone. BEN: I don't know. ADRIAN: You don't know what? Just do it. Please? BEN: Okay. Ben joins Grace in an other hall. BEN: You looking for Adrian? GRACE: Hi, Ben. Yeah, I'm looking for Adrian. BEN: I didn't even say good morning. Good morning. GRACE: Good morning, Ben. BEN: You're my friend, right, Grace? GRACE: Of course I'm your friend. I'm friends with Adrian, too. BEN: And as our friend, you wouldn't do anything to hurt either one of us, right? GRACE: No, of course not. BEN: Grace, please, please just leave this to Adrian. Let Adrian do whatever Adrian wants to do. GRACE: I want to, Ben. I just don't know if I can. Amy enters in the high school, Ben joins her. AMY: I'm so sorry about last night. BEN: Me, too. AMY: This. This is what I was talking about. Something is going on. BEN: Not really. AMY: Well, something's going on with me. BEN: Really? AMY: Yeah. That's why I'm here early. Because of that summer music program in New York I told you about yesterday, the one that offered me the scholarship and housing and living expenses and everything. I really wanna go. I just don't want to leave you and John, but I wanna go. Ben, say something. Please? (The adviser wants to discuss with Amy) COUNSELLOR: Ah, Amy. Bye-bye, Ben. Catch you later. Did you have a good time last night with Ben? I hope so. And I hope you got a lot of sleep because, unfortunately, we're gonna need to make this decision a little bit quicker than I thought. Okay? Come on. They speaks in the office of the counsellor. COUNSELLOR:This is my opinion, my professional opinion as a trained counsellor with a doctorate in educational counselling but no children...Go. AMY: John just turned one. COUNSELLOR: All right. I hate to brag, but my master's thesis was on the hormones of attachment. Secure attachment is typically solidified by one year. Now, there may be a short adjustment, but as long as another caregiver gives John adequate attention, he'll be just fine. AMY: Really? Because I wanna go, I just don't know how I can. COUNSELLOR: Amy, it's not like you're a single mom living on your own with no one to help you. You've got your mom and dad, you live at home, and Ricky, John's dad, is very much involved in his life. AMY: I really wanna go, but you know me. Or you don't know me. But I just want everyone to be okay with it. I want everyone's approval. COUNSELLOR: Oh, Amy, don't get so caught up in, you know, public opinion and approval and attention. Just do it, with your parents' approval, of course, and Ricky's. AMY: I slipped out of the house this morning before anyone else was up. I wanted to spend some time alone with John before I took him to daycare. I just wanted to see if I really thought I could leave him for four weeks. It's four whole weeks. I love John more than I love anyone or anything else in the world. COUNSELLOR: Then I guess you're gonna have to do this for John's mother, aren't you? Go forth. Gather your troops. Get their blessings. I kind of have to tell the school your decision first thing in the morning. AMY: What? COUNSELLOR: Yeah. I, uh, sort of missed that in the fine print yesterday. You have to leave tomorrow. AMY: Well, and then I come back. COUNSELLOR: No. Mm-mm. No. AMY: But school's not even out. COUNSELLOR: Yeah. That. I'll take care of that, too. With all the earthquakes and the fires and the mudslides and all that, our school year is running a little bit behind the rest of the country. So I kind of got you into this program because someone else canceled, and you were kind of on reserve. But you made it. So get out there. Talk to your friends and family and make up your mind. We don't have much time. VIDEO Friends make a video which incite Amy to go in New York. RICKY: I was wrong. You should go. And you can go, so go. If you stay here, you're just gonna be unhappy, believe me. If you pass this up for John, you're gonna resent him. So go. He'll be fine. I'll take care of him. I'll even stay at your house with him Monday through Friday so he'll be on the same schedule. I mean, I don't wanna stay there, but I will. ASHLEY: Well, I said you should go. GRIFFIN: The question is, why she said you should go. Not that it isn't a good idea. It's a good idea. I'd love to go to New York. MADISON: Well, I feel like if anybody's gonna visit you, it should be Lauren and me. Maybe we could audition for something while we're out there. And then, like, in a couple years, we could all go to school together, and we could get, like, a cute little apartment on the West Side, and we could just hang out and meet guys. It would be just like Sex and the City. LAUREN: I think you should go. And don't let Ben stop you from going. Ben will wait for you. He loves you. But he shouldn't keep you from having a good time. You deserve to have a good time. Remember, you're a teenage mother. This could be your last chance to have a good time. Go. HENRY: What, are you afraid to go to New York and compete? Huh? Afraid you don't have what it takes? Afraid of failing? I would be. But you should go. ALICE: I've never actually heard you play the French horn. But I know you've got chutzpah. You know how I know? You came to school pregnant, had the baby, you came back to school. This could not be harder than that, no matter what Hank just said. GRACE: This is great news. I mean, for you. I'm so happy. For you. Wow. It's gonna be a great summer. For you. You definitely should go. JACK: Definitely. Hey, your room's not gonna be...Nah, I don't guess that would work. You should go. Don't worry about me. I'm gonna be fine. BEN: I love you, Amy. You know that, right, that I love you? And if I can help out with John, I'd be more than happy to do anything that Ricky or your family needs me to do. I love John, too. I'm making too big a deal out of this. It's four weeks. It's not that big a deal. What can happen in four weeks? ADRIAN: I am not in love with your Ben, so go. He'll be here when you get back. Go to New York. GIRL1: I heard you were asking around about New York. GIRL2: And everyone thinks you should go. Everyone. GIRL3: Maybe people will quit talking about you. MAN: I went to New York once. It was great. But I got mugged. MAN2: Will you bring me one of those snow globes one with the Chrysler Building? I have a collection. GIRL4: Your parents are letting you do that? You? ANNE: You have to go, Amy. It's always been your dream to go to New York and study music. You can live your dreams. You can. You just can't quit dreaming. GEORGE: You really wanna play the French horn that badly? Isn't that how you got in trouble in the first place? All right. Go. You should go. You should. I mean, it's not costing me anything, right? JUERGUES' HOUSE Amy packs her bag, her parents speak about the voyage. GEORGE: So we're just gonna let her go to New York just like that? ANNE: Just like that. GEORGE: I don't really think we have a choice. We have a choice. We can tell her no. ANNE: Do you really wanna tell Amy no? GEORGE: No, not really. I'm kind of proud of her. ANNE: More importantly, I think she's kind of proud of herself. GEORGE: I'm kind of proud of us, too, what with being divorced and not liking each other so much right now and not agreeing on almost everything, we're still able to come together and do something nice for our daughter. ANNE: Yeah. GEORGE: You wouldn't wanna maybe do something nice for each other? ANNE: You mean... GEORGE: I mean, it's been a long time. ANNE: Yeah, it has been a long time. Yeah, I think I can go for that. GEORGE: Hand me that boy. I'll be right back. Come on, my man. ANNE: Moose, out. RESTAURANT Leo and Ruben talk. RUBEN: Her mother kept saying something was wrong. I just...I didn't... Oh, God. A baby? LEO: Well... RUBEN: "Well"? LEO: I guess it's not the worst thing that can happen. RUBEN: What? Yes, it is the worst thing that can happen. LEO: I'm sorry. I don't know what to say. Ben and Adrian, the two of them took every precaution possible. It just happened. RUBEN: How? LEO: I think there was some technical problems. New pill. Condom broke. RUBEN: We just became a family. We're just starting out, the three of us. Cindy hasn't even spent a night in the house yet as my wife. She left to go to work. Now she's coming back tonight, and... She kept saying that something was wrong. I said that already. I don't know what to say. I just...I didn't...Oh, God. A baby? LEO: Look, I know it has to be Adrian's decision, but... RUBEN: Whoa, whoa. Stop right there. Don't even think about it. She's not doing that. She's not... terminating the pregnancy. I won't allow it. LEO: Well, I guess that's something the three of you have to talk about. RUBEN: Oh. Is that what you want? You want her to terminate the pregnancy? Are you here to offer me money for her to terminate the pregnancy? LEO: Hey, that's not what I'm here for. That's not what I'm her for at all. I'm not thinking that at all. I'm not here to offer you money. I'm just here to tell you that I'll see to it that my son steps up to the plate here and supports your daughter in whatever she wants to do. RUBEN: I'm sorry. I'm sorry I said that. I don't know what I'm saying. Oh, God. A baby. LEO: I'm sorry to be the one to have to tell you this. I was hoping you knew already. But I just felt I needed to talk to you because time is of the essence. And please, please, don't go I told you. Please, let her tell you. Maybe since you know already, it'll be easier to handle. Okay, not easier. Look, Ruben, I'm sorry. I'm sorry this happened to Ben, to Adrian, to all of us. ADRIAN'S HOUSE Adrian makes homework in the kitchen, Ruben speaks her. RUBEN: How was school today? ADRIAN: You asked me that already. School was school. RUBEN: Anything going on at school? ADRIAN: No. RUBEN: Anything going on in life? ADRIAN: What? RUBEN: Well, I just wanna know if there's anything going on with Ricky or Ben...or any other guy or any of your friends...Grace or, um... ADRIAN: Or Grace. That's my only friend. And she's getting on my nerves right now, but so are you. I have a test tomorrow. I'm trying to study here. RUBEN: Oh, a test, huh? Anything I can help you with? ADRIAN: Nope. RUBEN: It's almost time for your mom to get home. ADRIAN: It's two hours until she gets home. And I'm not gonna stay up two hours, because you know her. It'll probably be past the time she says she'll get here. Good night. RUBEN: Wait. ADRIAN: Yeah? RUBEN: I just, uh...I just wanna tell you that I love you, Adrian, and that I'm really happy that you're my daughter, and that I married your mother. We're a family, and we're a family in sickness and in health, whether we're richer or poorer or... ADRIAN: Have you been drinking? RUBEN: No. No, I haven't. ADRIAN: Well, maybe you should go to bed, get some rest. You seem a little odd. Good night. RUBEN: Good night. I love you, Adrian. ADRIAN: I love you. BOYKEWICH’S HOUSE Leo goes to talks with Ben in his bedroom. LEO: Hey, how was your day today? How'd it go? BEN: Amy's going to a music program in New York, and she's leaving. And I can't, Dad. I can't tell her. Not before she takes off. LEO: Which is when? BEN: Tomorrow. LEO: Oh, jeez, Ben. BEN: It's an honors music program. It's the first good thing that's happened to Amy in a long time. Everyone's so excited for her. Really, Dad, I can't tell her. Not now. LEO: Yeah, I guess not. BEN: Oh, thank heavens you said that, because I cannot take the pressure of telling her and ruining her life yet again before she goes off for the summer. LEO: How's it going with Adrian? You talk to her? BEN: I talked to her. Her mom's getting home tonight, and she's talking to her tomorrow morning. And then she said that we'll talk. Although I don't know why. I'm sure that when she talks to her mom, they'll make the decision, and I'll have very little to do with it. Even though I told her that I do wanna be involved, per your request. LEO: Good. Good. You talked to her. That's good. BEN: Honestly, Dad, I wanna be okay with whatever decision Adrian makes, but I'm not so sure. I'm getting really nervous that she's gonna go and do something tomorrow that I'll regret or that she'll regret. I don't know. LEO: I don't know either. But I, uh... Listen, uh, here's the thing. BEN: Dad, you don't look so good. LEO: I have to tell you something, Ben. It's probably gonna make you angry, but you and I are gonna be angry off and on with each other. I mean, that happens, especially with these situations. BEN: What? LEO: I wasn't at a business dinner. I had dinner with Adrian's dad. I told him. And I told him we'll whatever they needed us to do. BEN: "Us"? This isn't about us. This is about me and Adrian and Amy and... Dad, how could you do that? LEO: I had to. I thought it was the right thing to do, and it was. JUERGUES' HOUSE Ricky joins Amy in her bedroom. RICKY: It's late. It's almost midnight. I've gotta go. AMY: I know. I just wanna make sure you know where everything is. RICKY: I know where everything is. I'm here almost every day. AMY: I can't believe that you'd stay here for a month. It is so nice of you, especially with my crazy family. RICKY: John'll miss you. But he'll be fine. But I am taking him to my apartment on the weekends and over to my family's house just like we said I could do, just like we agreed to. AMY: I know. But... Okay. But if you decide that you wanna stay here on the weekends and not start taking him to your place on the weekends until after I get back, you could do that. RICKY: I could do that. AMY: Please do that. RICKY: Stay here for a month with your dad and your mom and Robbie and Ashley? AMY: It's just a month. You'll go to school, and when you're out of school, you'll go to work. It won't be so bad. It's what I do every day. RICKY: I'll think about it. We'll see how it goes. AMY: Please? RICKY: Okay, Amy. If it means that much to you, okay. I'll try. No promises. AMY: Thank you. Thank you, thank you. I love you. RICKY: You what? AMY: Like a brother. Like the father of my baby that I don't wanna be with. RICKY: Gee, thanks. AMY: You know what I mean. And I love Ben. You know that. I do. He's driving me to the airport tomorrow. Well, his driver's driving us to the airport tomorrow afternoon. And then, tomorrow night, I'll be in New York! I'm really scared but mostly excited. I can't believe this is happening to me. Something good finally happened to me. ADRIAN'S HOUSE Cindy is back. CINDY: Hi, husband. I'm home. RUBEN: Hey, wife. I'm happy to have you home. CINDY: What's the matter? RUBEN: Adrian's pregnant. End of the episode.
{"type": "series", "show": "The Secret Life of an American Teenager", "episode": "03x03 - Get out of Town"}
Previously on The Secret life of the American teenager LEO: And tomorrow, you talk to Adrian. BEN: Whatever she decides to do about...this is her decision. LEO: I want you to tell Amy, and I want you to be as kind to Adrian as you were to Amy when she was in this situation. CINDY: Are you sure everything's okay? BEN: I told my dad. ADRIAN: You promised me you'd give me a couple of days. ASHLEY: If Amy wants to go to a music program in New York, you should encourage her to do that. RICKY: Why? So she won't find out? GRACE: I want to offer Adrian my help by offering her some options. JEFF: Why don't you just focus on you and your own life? TOM: I'm thinking I might get married. KATHLEEN: When you say you want to get married, you do mean to Tammy, don't you? JACK'S MOTHER: You're absolutely sure you can find a place? JACK: If nothing else, Ricky said I could stay there. JACK'S MOTHER: I think you need parents around. JACK: Then I'll stay with Coach. AMY: Something is going on. BEN: Not really. AMY: Something's going on with me. GEORGE: We're just gonna let her go to New York? ANNE: I don't think we have a choice. BEN: I can't tell her, not before she takes off. LEO: Which is when? BEN: Tomorrow. CINDY: What's the matter? RUBEN: Adrian's pregnant. BUTCHER SHOP Ben enters in the shop. Ha calls Ricky. BEN (at phone): Hey, I'm downstairs. Can you come down here? It's an emergency. (Ricky comes in) BEN: I want to talk. I have to talk to you about Adrian. RICKY: What? That's the emergency? BEN: My dad told her dad that she's pregnant. And her mother got home last night, so I know they're all gonna be talking about it. RICKY: Not at 5:00 in the morning. What are you doing here? BEN: You said if I needed to talk... RICKY: Why didn't you come up? BEN: Because I don't know who you're with these days, if you're with anyone. RICKY: I'm not, so talk. Two minutes ago I was asleep, so I don't know how much help I can be. BEN: Okay. Here's the thing. I'm in a classic no-win situation. If Adrian has the baby, that's not good. If Adrian doesn't have the baby, that's even horrible. And I have to take Amy to the airport, which is a classic no-win situation with a twist, now that I think about it. RICKY: Don't think about it. BEN: If I don't talk about this and get my head straightened out, I'm gonna implode. Or is it explode? Wait. What is it? RICKY: I don't know. But you're already a mess, whether you implode or explode. Do you want Adrian to have the baby? BEN: I don't. No. I don't want her to go through with this. I mean, what are we gonna do with a baby? And if we have a baby, Amy and I are never gonna be able to get back together. RICKY: That's not a good enough reason not to have the baby. You and Amy might not stay together baby or not. BEN: No, because she's gonna find out that Adrian is pregnant or that she terminated the pregnancy, and either way I lose, hence again, the classic no-win situation. RICKY: Have you talked to Adrian? BEN: I tried. She doesn't want to talk. She's been pushing me away, putting it off until her mother gets back so that she can talk to her. I'm sure they're talking about abortion. I don't want an abortion, but I don't want a baby, hence, again, the-- RICKY: Don't say it. BEN: What do I do? I mean, what do I do? I've been talking to my dad. I'm talking to you now. I've been talking to myself for days, and still I don't know what to do, or if there really is anything to do, other than do what Adrian says and just stay out of it. But if I stay out of it... RICKY: You're on a loop now. You're like a cartoon character chasing his tail, spinning around until he burrows himself into the center of the earth. Stop. BEN: What cartoon character? RICKY: I don't know. Ben, I can't decide this for you. You can't even decide this for you. You're gonna have to let Adrian decide this. And whatever she decides, you go along with her. If I know Adrian, she's not gonna have a baby. BEN: That's just the thing. Maybe I should go over there and try to talk her out of not having the baby. But then if I do that, then I have a baby. RICKY: You're still spinning. Look, there's nothing you can do. Stay out of it. BEN: My dad told me to get involved. RICKY: Oh, then do what he said, and leave me out of it. BEN: You said I could talk to you. RICKY: Talk to me after the decision's been made. This sucks. (Zoe appears) ZOE: Hey, what's going on? BEN: Will you ever learn? Will I? (Ben leaves) ZOE: What was that? RICKY: That was a guy in a no-win situation. ZOE: Ben Boykewich in a no-win situation? What could that be? What can't Ben Boykewich buy his way out of? RICKY: Come on, it's freezing down here. Let's go back to bed. ZOE: Tell me. RICKY: It's nothing. ZOE: You ever done it in a butcher shop? RICKY: There are security cameras. ZOE: That could be fun. RICKY: Back upstairs. THE SECRET LIFE OF THE AMERICAN TEENAGER – OPEN CREDITS ADRIAN'S HOUSE Cindy comes in the daughter' bedroom. CINDY: Adrian? Good morning. ADRIAN: Good morning. ADRIAN: What time did you get home? CINDY: I don't know. It was really late after midnight. ADRIAN: I'm glad you're here. I have to talk to you. I really have to talk to you. CINDY: All right. You want something for breakfast? ADRIAN: Yeah, maybe, I think so. CINDY: Come on. I'll make you whatever you want. ADRIAN: Okay. They comes to the kitchen. ADRIAN: You're not going to like this. CINDY: No? ADRIAN: No. CINDY: Okay, so what can I get for you? Pancakes or eggs or something? ADRIAN: I think we're out of eggs. CINDY: Oh. Well... how about some toast and some blackberry jam. ADRIAN: Yeah, that sounds good. You stole blackberry jam for me? You haven't done that in ages. CINDY: I didn't steal it, Adrian. It's on the flight, and I get it just like the passengers. ADRIAN: Whatever you say. Mom... CINDY: It's okay, Adrian. I know. ADRIAN: You know what? CINDY: That you're pregnant. ADRIAN: How do you know that? CINDY: Leo told Ruben, and Ruben told me. ADRIAN: I knew that sausage king would do that. I knew it. So these stupid men go out to dinner to handle my business? Is that where he was last night? Ruben? Who are they to think that everything is their business? It's none of their business. It's my business and only my business. CINDY: I completely agree with you. ADRIAN: Really? CINDY: Really. Adrian, I'm okay with whatever you want to do. It's a tough decision, the toughest, and I'm so sorry you find yourself in this position and having to make this decision. ADRIAN: It's my fault. I did this. Me and my stupid plan to get back at Amy and Ricky. CINDY: How far along are you? ADRIAN: I don't know. I think about five weeks, maybe six. CINDY: Do you want to go through with this pregnancy? ADRIAN: I-- I don't think so. Mom, I talked to a counselor at the clinic. I think I want to have an abortion. What do you think I should do? CINDY: You want to know what I think? ADRIAN: Yeah, I do, even if it's not what I think. CINDY: When I got pregnant with you, I was scared to death to even think about what you're thinking about. I wouldn't even consider the idea of an abortion. I thought I'd go straight to hell... but soon I realized that I was already there. My mother wouldn't let me out of the house. She said I had shamed the family. My father wouldn't even be with me in the same room. We quit eating together as a family. They let me stay there, but it was horrible. It was absolutely horrible, and I had to live with their judgment and their comments the whole pregnancy, but after eight weeks... yeah, eight weeks after you were born, I found a job, the best job I could find, and that's when I started working with the airlines. It was the most money I could make, and I was thrilled, but that meant that when I had to fly, I had to leave you with my mother, and we would fight all the time. But eventually when I could afford it, we moved out, you and me. ADRIAN: The apartment with the green and yellow tile and the built-in bookcase in the halfway. CINDY: Yeah, that one. And I went from asking my mother to help me with you to ask my friends and neighbors to watch you ADRIAN: Mrs. Vasquez? Evelyn? CINDY: And as you grew up, I... I missed the birthdays and the holidays and the first times and the first time you took a step. The first day of school. Your first date. ADRIAN: It's okay. You had to. CINDY: No--no, it's not okay, and I felt guilty my whole life. I've always felt that I wasn't the best mother. I know I wasn't, and I've always felt that you deserve better. And sometimes I've questioned myself, if you would have been better off if I had allowed a wonderful couple to adopt you. ADRIAN: Why are you telling me this? You want me to actually go through with this? Have the baby and then put the baby up for adoption? CINDY: No, Adrian, I'm not trying to tell you to do that. I'm not trying to tell you to do anything at all. I'm just trying to be there for you for once in my life. ADRIAN: You've been there for me as much as you could be there for me. CINDY: No, I haven't. Not until recently I could tell myself the truth, and I want to tell you the truth. I could've given up that job. I could've done something else. But when I was away, I loved being a single woman with no responsibilities. And the men I brought home, Adrian-- ADRIAN: Yeah. Some of them were... less than you deserved. CINDY: And I know you resented them, and you resented me, and I resented you, too, but somehow, some way thanks to some miracle, we grew up. And now we're here in this house with this wonderful man, your father and my husband Ruben. And I'm not going to fail you now. You need me now more than ever. And no matter what your decision is, I'm here. ADRIAN: How is it that the worst day in my life also feels like the best day in my life? CINDY: Because everything is so much easier when you have someone to love you, and I love you, Adrian, I love you so much, but no matter what you decide, it's not going to be easy. ADRIAN: Mom, I don't want to have a baby. CINDY: You don't have to. It's a choice. ADRIAN: And it's not because you weren't a good mother or anything like that. It's just... I can't. I can't have a baby. I did everything I was supposed to do and I still got pregnant, and I don't want to be pregnant. CINDY: It's okay, Adrian. It's okay. But if you want to take another day or two to think this over, I think you should, Take another day or two. JUERGENS' HOUSE Ashley is ready to go to school. GEORGE: So you are going to school? ASHLEY: Isn't that the point of Mom telling me I don't have to go to school, that I'm empowered and I come to the correct conclusion she wanted me to come to in the first place? GEORGE: I'm not going to work, and your mom's not going anywhere, and you don't have to go to school because Amy's leaving at noon for the airport with Ben. We're all going to be here to say good-bye. ASHLEY: All but me. I'm going to school. I hate good-byes. GEORGE: So do I. I've got to be here and I don't want to drive you to school. ASHLEY: Great. Give me the keys. GEORGE: Oh. Just stay home. ASHLEY: I can't. I was home the day before yesterday. I'll say good-bye to Amy right now. GEORGE: She left to take John to the nursery. ASHLEY: What, so John's not going to be here? GEORGE: She wants to keep him on the schedule he's always on, and she doesn't want him to be upset when she goes out the door with her suitcase, so Ricky's going to pick him up after work and bring him home, and then he's going to be staying here for a month, and while he's here, I don't want you and Ricky to be near each other. I see the way he looks at you, and I see the way you look at him. You to aren't fooling me or anyone else. ASHLEY: I have a boyfriend... kind of. GEORGE: Who? ASHLEY: Grant. (Ashley receives a call) ASHLEY: And there he is now. (She answers) ASHLEY(at phone): Hi, Grant. GRANT(at phone): Wow, you finally picked up. Where've you been? ASHLEY(at phone): Around. Look, you can't transfer to my school. That's a bad, bad idea. GRANT(at phone): Oh, yeah? Yeah. Somebody's got to keep an eye on you. Might as well be someone who loves you. ASHLEY(at phone): Oh, please. We are not in love. You don't love me, and I don't ne a handler, so just stay at your own school and worship me from afar. GRANT(at phone): You can't go out with your nephew's father who'd ordinarily be your brother-in-law. ASHLEY(at phone): Who, Ricky? We're friends. GRANT(at phone): Friends, huh? Trust me, that guy wants to be more than friends. ASHLEY(at phone): Well, so do you. GRANT(at phone): Come on, Ashley, just give me a sh*t. Go out with me, please. ASHLEY(at phone): I can't go out. Amy's leaving for four weeks, and I have to help take care of John, and Ricky's going to be here helping to take care of him, so it would just be awkward. GRANT(at phone): He's going to be there? Like living there? ASHLEY(at phone): Yeah, he is. GRACE'S HOUSE Tom joins Grace. TOM: I need a ride. 357 00:16:01,604 --> 00:16:02,938GRACE: I thought I just overheard 358 00:16:03,005 --> 00:16:04,706 Mom telling you you could take the bus. 359 00:16:04,774 --> 00:16:06,408TOM: I can't take a bus. 360 00:16:06,476 --> 00:16:09,111 I know how to take the bus, 361 00:16:09,178 --> 00:16:12,314 but I would prefer to ride in a car. 362 00:16:12,381 --> 00:16:14,516GRACE: Where's your job interview? 363 00:16:14,584 --> 00:16:16,118TOM: Decor House. 364 00:16:16,185 --> 00:16:17,385GRACE: Really? What's the job? 365 00:16:17,453 --> 00:16:18,553TOM: Bailiff. 366 00:16:18,621 --> 00:16:19,888GRACE: Bailiff? 367 00:16:19,956 --> 00:16:21,857TOM: The mail room. 368 00:16:21,924 --> 00:16:23,458GRACE: Well, I would give you a ride, Tom, but I really need to get to school. Want to talk to Adrian 371 00:16:27,230 --> 00:16:28,864 because she's not returning my text 372 00:16:28,931 --> 00:16:29,865 or my phone calls, 373 00:16:29,932 --> 00:16:31,666 and it's just really hurtful 374 00:16:31,734 --> 00:16:33,135 because she's my best friend. 375 00:16:33,202 --> 00:16:34,469TOM: How is Adrian? 376 00:16:34,537 --> 00:16:36,705GRACE: I don't know, but I do know that you overheard what I was saying the other night, 378 00:16:39,942 --> 00:16:41,943 and I really hope you don't say anything to anyone. 379 00:16:42,011 --> 00:16:45,247TOM: Who would I say something to? GRACE: Tammy? 380 00:16:45,314 --> 00:16:49,017TOM: I don't think Tammy would want to know about that. 381 00:16:49,085 --> 00:16:51,820GRACE: Okay, just promise me you won't say anything, and then I'll give you a ride. 382 00:16:51,888 --> 00:16:53,655 I can drop you off and then you can just take the bus home. 383 00:16:53,723 --> 00:16:55,157TOM: Promise. 384 00:16:55,224 --> 00:16:56,491GRACE: I really hope you get the job. 385 00:16:56,559 --> 00:16:58,126 I think it'll be good for you to have a job 386 00:16:58,194 --> 00:17:01,062 and save up some money and then maybe get married some day. 387 00:17:01,130 --> 00:17:03,231TOM: Me, too. GRACE: All right, come on. HIGH SCHOOL Lauren and Madison talks. MADISON: She's leaving at noon. LAUREN: Noon our time or New York time? MADISON: Uh, she's leaving from here, our time, noon our time. LAUREN: OH, so last night's good-bye was good-bye. MADISON: Yeah, and now that she's almost gone, I can tell you something that I've been wanting to tell you but I couldn't really tell you. LAUREN: All right. Oh, but first I want to tell you that I talked to my mom and my step dad about Jack, and he can live at our house. MADISON: What? LAUREN: He and Jason are friends, and we have a guest room, and they don't really care. MADISON: Well, I care. LAUREN: What do you mean? MADISON: My boyfriend's not going to live at my best friend's house. LAUREN: Why not? MADISON: Look, okay, you're my best friend. I trust you more than anybody, but this is just a bad idea. In fact it stinks. LAUREN: So, in other words, you don't trust me. MADISON: No, I... I just... I don't trust Jack. He's got a very high testosterone level, off the charts. I mean, he could be, like, genius level for testosterone, and he's also a liar, and that's just a lethal combination. He's going to just show up in your room and say that he's a somnambulist or a narcoleptic or that he's got, like, sleep apnea or something, and just thanks, but no, thanks. LAUREN: Fine, whatever. What was it that you wanted to tell me? MADISON: Oh, I think Adrian's pregnant with Ben's baby. LAUREN: How long have you known about this, that Adrian is pregnant with Ben's baby? MADISON: Well, I don't know this, not for sure, but I think she slept maybe for, like, a week now. LAUREN: Did you tell Amy? MADISON: Are you kidding? I couldn't. Jack told me not to tell anyone. LAUREN: And since when is Jack more important than me, your best friend and Amy, your other best friend? MADISON: Well, since Jack and I started doing what we're doing. LAUREN: Jesse and I are doing that, too, and I still treat you like you're more important than Jesse. MADISON: You and Jesse? No, you're not. You told Jack you're not. LAUREN: All right, then we're not, but if I would have known something like this, I would've told you. Is she going to have the baby? MADISON: I don't think so, but you never know. LAUREN: Do you think Ben's going to tell Amy before she leaves for New York? MADISON: I doubt it. I mean, I didn't tell her, and I'm her best friend and yours. LAUREN: Mm. Jack joins the girls. JACK: Hey, Madison, Lauren. I was just talking to Jason, and he said I could stay in your guest room. MADISON/LAUREN: No, you can't. JACK: Oh. Jack sees the coach. JACK: Hey, Coach. COACH: What's up, Pappas? JACK: My dad got a job in Arizona. He and my mom have to move out of state, so I was wondering if I could live at your house, you know, just for my senior year. COACH: What? JACK: I need a place to live my senior year so I can stay in the district, so I was wondering if I could live with you. COACH: Let me ask you a question. JACK: sh**t. COACH: Are you on crack? JACK: Huh? COACH: You can't live at my house. JACK: Why not? COACH: Because it's totally inappropriate for a student to live at a teacher's house. JACK: I think you misunderstood me. It's nothing inappropriate. It's not like I'm asking to sleep with you or something. I'm not hitting on you. COACH: What? JACK: I mean, you're a good-looking guy and everything, but you're the coach, and I'm not into guys, not that I have an issue with guys that are. I'm just not. COACH: My wife of 17 years and I have four children, and I depend on this job to support my family, and I am not interested in you living at our house or in continuing this conversation, but you find a place to live, better sooner than later. Can he live with me? What the heck is wrong with these kids today? Adrian arrives at school, Zoe comes with her. ZOE: Hi, Adrian. You know, I was over at Ricky's this morning. I'm sorry. I was over there all night long, and this morning Ben came by to see him. You know, Ben seems to be having a problem, a big problem. I mean, I couldn't really hear exactly what they were saying, but then I remember that the two of you had sex in his car. It was all over school, and so I was just wondering if maybe that little incident resulted in an unwanted... Ow! (Grace joins them) GRACE: Don't say another word. ZOE: Don't worry. I won't have to. Everyone will know soon enough, and you know what? It couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. ADRIAN: I guess she's assuming I'm going to have a baby. GRACE: And? ADRIAN: And I'm not. JUERGENS' HOUSE George is sad that Amy goes to New York. ANNE: She'll be fine, George. Amy will be fine. She has to do this. We have to let her go. It's important that she do this. GEORGE: It's New York, and she's 16, and she's just incredibly naive. ANNE: She's not that naive, George. She's almost 17, and she's a mother. New York is going to be a great experience for her. It'll be so wonderful to be able to focus on her music again for a change. GEORGE: So she's just going to get off at Kennedy Airport and get her luggage and get into a taxi all by herself. ANNE: Yes, and when she gets to the dorm, there will be somebody there waiting to help her, and she has a whole list of phone numbers in case she has a problem. They've written out very specific directions for her. She'll be fine. GEORGE: How could she leave John for four weeks? It's four weeks, Anne. ANNE: He might be a little bit fussy at first, but he'll adjust, and if he's really upset and unhappy, then, hey, it's just a plane ride away. Someone can take him to go see Amy, or Amy can come here on the weekend, but I really think that John and Amy are going to be fine. She's a lot more mature than you give her credit for. GEORGE: So are you. ANNE: Thanks. HIGH SCHOOL Jack receives a call. JACK(at phone): What's up, Tom? TOM(at phone): Hey, buddy of mine, I need some help. JACK(at phone): Oh, we're buddies again? TOM(at phone): Of course. JACK(at phone): All right, what do you need? TOM(at phone): I need a ride. I'm lost. JACK(at phone): All right, don't panic, Tom. Just find an address on a door or something, and I'll find you. Griffin and Ashley talk. GRIFFIN: So your dad called me this morning. ASHLEY: What? Again? GRIFFIN: He wants to know if you're interested in Grant. Specifically he asked if you two are up to something or up to nothing. What did you tell him? ASHLEY: I don't remember. GRIFFIN: Did you tell him you might be interested in Grant? Because Grant would be really thrilled to hear that. ASHLEY: Look, Grant knows I'm not really interested in him, and Grant knows I don't really want him to transfer here. GRIFFIN: Which is not going to stop him. Grant thinks you're interested in Ricky, and so does your dad. Are you interested in Ricky? I find that a little hard to believe. ASHLEY: He's delusional and insanely jealous. GRIFFIN: I'm your best friend. You can tell me. (Ricky joins them) RICKY: Hey, Griffin. GRIFFIN: Hey. RICKY: Ashley. So Amy get off all right? ASHLEY: Yeah, I guess. Ben was supposed to be picking her up at noon, and they should be at the airport by now. RICKY: All right. I'll pick up John after work, and I'll see you tonight. ASHLEY: Okay. (Ricky leaves) GRIFFIN: Oh, no. Oh, come on, that's not right. ASHLEY: What's not right? GRIFFIN: Look, Grant is the marrying kind. Ricky's the father of your sister's baby kind. I mean, don't be stupid here. Do the right thing for yourself. ASHLEY: Which would be? GRIFFIN: Do not get involved with Ricky. And come on, at least give Grant a chance. He's a really nice guy, and you're a really nice girl, Ashley. You two could be good together. ASHLEY: I know. I'm just...afraid of getting involved with anyone in high school, and Ricky and I are just friends, family, really and I like him, but I like him because he's the father of my sister's baby, and he's a good father. I admire him really. And, true, maybe I should give Grant a chance, but Grant could actually break my heart if I chose to care for him. GRIFFIN: Oh, you're good. You are really good, and you may play your dad, but not me, honey. I do not believe a word of that. AIRPORT Ben and Amy still are in the car of Ben's father. BEN: I'm going to miss you so much. AMY: I'm going to miss you, too, Ben. LEO: Hey, you two, the airline escort's waiting to take Amy through security, so finish up your good-byes and...Benjamin! AMY: Bye, Ben. I love you. BEN: I love you, too, Amy. MAN: I'll take that. AMY: Thank you. Thanks again, Mr. Boykewich, for everything. Take good care of Ben. LEO: I will, Amy. I will. See you soon. (Amy leaves) LEO: What the hell was that? BEN: What? I was just saying good-bye, and it might be my last chance to make out with Amy, so I want to make the most of it. Look, it's my future that's walking away from this car and getting on that plane. I'm going to marry that girl, and no one's going to get in the way of my life with Amy and John. LEO: Unless Adrian has your baby. BEN: Adrian is not going to have my baby, and you stop trying to make her have a baby. She's too selfish to have a baby. So am I. Yet I'm too scared of her having an abortion. Help me, Dad. Help me fix this. Make this all go away, please. You're good at this. You're a problem solver. Solve this problem for me. LEO: I can't, Ben. I can't. GRACE'S HOUSE Jack and Tom arrive at his house. TOM: Thanks. JACK: Hey, you know there's an app on your phone so you can map out where you are and where you need to get to? That way you won't get lost. TOM: I wasn't lost. JACK: What? TOM: I hate taking the bus. See ya, sucker. JACK: You were lost. TOM: I was not lost. JACK: Well, I need to get back to school. Should I tell Grace that you got the job if I see her? TOM: If you want, and tell her I am moving soon as I can because I am getting married. JACK: No kidding, you're moving? Where you moving? TOM: Maybe the guest house, even if it's haunted. I need a priest quick. JACK: The guest house, huh? Hey, if you're too scare to stay out there by yourself, maybe I could crash with you. TOM: Mom said no. They told you no already. JACK: Yeah. BUTCHER SHOP Ben comes to the shop. BEN: Hi. BUNNY: Oh, look who's at work early. BEN: Yeah, I decided not to go back to school. Just another hour anyway. BUNNY: Did you tell Amy? BEN: Did I tell Amy... BUNNY: About Adrian? BEN: Uh, what? BUNNY: Ben, I'd yell at you, but I feel so bad for you, I just can't yell. BEN: Did my dad tell you? BUNNY: You told me, you and Ricky. Security tapes. I watch the tapes every morning. Quite a scene today. Cute girl Ricky's seeing. Two of them violate any health code, someone's going to lose a job and maybe an appendage. BEN: But just because you saw us doesn't mean you heard us. BUNNY: Your dad's not a cheap man. It's a state-of-the-art system. I heard everything. Sorry to say, even your heart thump, thump, thumping. BEN: Okay. You made your point, and you know. So what should I do? BUNNY: Can't help you there. The only thing I can do is... ADRIAN'S HOUSE Ruben comes home, Cindy is here. RUBEN: Hey, thought I'd come home early. Thought you might need me. CINDY: I made arroz con pollo. Thought we could have nice family dinner. RUBEN: So how did it go? CINDY: Good. We had a nice, long talk, and she went to school. RUBEN: I'm glad she went to school. I hope she plans to stay in school. Amy set a good example for that. CINDY: Okay, don't bring that up. Don't bring up Amy. And I don't think she's having the baby. RUBEN: What do you mean? CINDY: The obvious. RUBEN: What? CINDY: Ruben, I don't think Adrian wants to have a baby. RUBEN: Well, it's too late for that. She is having a baby. CINDY: Not unless she's going forward with this pregnancy, which I don't think she's going to do. RUBEN: She's not going to have an abortion. CINDY: She is if she wants to. RUBEN: No, she's not. We're not going to let her. CINDY: I'm letting her. RUBEN: I'm not. CINDY: We're not voting. It's her decision and whatever she decides. We're supporting her decision. RUBEN: I'm not. CINDY: Then stay out of this. RUBEN: I'm her father. CINDY: Okay, Ruben, I have a feeling we're getting into a very dangerous territory, so why don't you step out of this and leave this to me and my daughter? RUBEN: Because she's not just your daughter, and she's a child. CINDY: A pregnant child? I don't think so. She's a woman. RUBEN: Yeah-- a young woman, and she needs us to steer her in the right direction. CINDY: And you think you know what the right direction is? RUBEN: I do. CINDY: You want her to have a baby at 17. RUBEN: You did. CINDY: Yeah, and where were you? RUBEN: I offered to marry you. CINDY: "Offer." I hate that word "offer." What does that mean? Offer? I'll tell you what it means. I means you didn't want to marry me, which is why I didn't marry you, so you just took off and had a baby with someone else. RUBEN: Yeah, well, I paid child support. CINDY: As we agreed. RUBEN: As we agreed because that's what you wanted, to not marry me, to never see me again, to never let me see my daughter yet still pay child support. CINDY: And we did just fine without you. RUBEN: Oh, no you didn't, and you know how we know that? Adrian's pregnant. HIGH SCHOOL Grace shows to Adrian her car. GRACE: That's it. What do you think? ADRIAN: It, uh, looks very safe. GRACE: It is, and I own it out right because I paid for it with some money my dad left for me. I hope I can just keep it for the rest of my life. ADRIAN: Oh, I don't know, Grace. It's nice, but no one keeps a car for life. GRACE: Well, that's just the type of person I am. When I find something I love, I really hate to let go of it. For example, I love you, and I love our friendship, and I would really hate to let go of it, and I wouldn't let go of it no matter what you do, Adrian. ADRIAN: Grace, please... GRACE: No, I mean it. I know you don't want to have a baby, but... ADRIAN: I knew a but was coming, and I knew I should've have come out here to see this stupid car. GRACE: Adrian, you act all tough, but I know you. I know that deep down you have a really big heart and a good conscience and you want to do the right thing. ADRIAN: And what is the right thing? Is it right to go ahead with something that was a mistake? Is it right to bring when I don't want that baby and Ben doesn't want that baby? Are we actually supposed to ruin two lives just because a stupid condom broke and my birth control failed? That's ridiculous, Grace, and I believe a baby is a baby when the baby is born. Oh, and you know what else? If you wanted to do the right thing, you should've bought a hybrid. JACK'S HOUSE Madison visits Jack. MADISON: Hi. I just saw your parents. I said good-bye to them. JACK: Good. They really wanted to see you. MADISON: Yeah, they really want to see me again on the way out, so we probably shouldn't do anything. It might be kind of awkward. JACK: We'll see. So I just wanted to tell you something. MADISON: Oh? JACK: I didn't do this right the first time, so I wanted to do it again. MADISON: Jack, I just told you. I can't do anything. I have to go back out there. JACK: Madison, our relationship isn't just about sex. I love you. I really do.MADISON: What did you get me? What did you get me? JACK: Madison, Madison, Madison. MADISON: Oh, I'm sorry. I did it again. JACK: It's okay because this time I did get you something. It's the necklace my stepfather gave my mother the first time he told her he loved her. MADISON: Huh. JACK: Do you like it? MADISON: I love it. What is it? I mean, it looks like some kind of bird? JACK: It's a seagull. MADISON: Oh, it's a seagull. Kind of looks like an albatross. I think that's kind of a bad-luck bird. JACK: No, it's a seagull. I swear. My mom told me, and she would know. She's been wearing it for, like, a decade. MADISON: Wow. Well, if she's had it that long, then maybe she should keep it. JACK: No, she wants you to have it. Then when people ask you where you got it from, you can tell them you got it from me the second time I told you I love you. MADISON: But it's just so special, you know? I'm almost afraid to wear it. I mean, it's practically an heirloom. It means so much to your mother, and if something happened to it, I'd just die. JACK: Nothing's going to happen to it. She never took it off, so... MADISON: Wow. Really? Never. JACK: Never. MADISON: Oh. Okay. Well, I guess I'll put it on and never take it off then. JACK: Here, let me help you. MADISON: Okay. JUERGENS' HOUSE Ricky give food to John, Ashley makes the kitchen. ASHLEY: So how was your night last night? RICKY: My night? What do you mean? ASHLEY: I mean, how was Zoe? RICKY: That's none of your business. ASHLEY: No judgment. Just asking. RICKY: If you have no judgment, why are you asking? How did you find out about that anyway? ASHLEY: How did I find out? Everyone at school knows. Zoe told everyone. She wanted everyone to know. RICKY: It's nobody's business. You shouldn't listen to that stuff. ASHLEY: Well, why aren't y telling me that stuff? We're friends, aren't we? RICKY: Yeah, we're friends, but we're not going to talk about that stuff. ASHLEY: We used to talk about that stuff. RICKY: Well, we're not now. ASHLEY: Why not? RICKY: You know why. ASHLEY: No, I don't know why. RICKY: Hey, you're the one who suggested I go out and have how did you put it? Indiscriminate, meaningless sex. ASHLEY: Yeah, but you didn't have to if you didn't want to. RICKY: Oh, jeez, you're jealous. Jealousy's not a good feeling, is it? ASHLEY: No, it's really not. (Knock on door, Grant comes in) ASHLEY: Oh, look who's here. GRANT: Hi. ASHLEY: Hi. GRANT: Hey. RICKY: Yeah. GRANT: So... ASHLEY: So? (Ricky leaves) GRANT: So he's going to be living here for the next month? ASHLEY: Yeah, but he has nothing to do with us. I said I'll give you a sh*t, so I'll give you a sh*t. GRANT: Why the sudden change, if you don't mind my asking? Never mind. I don't care. JUERGENS' HOUSE/APARTMENT IN NEW YORK Amy calls her dad. GEORGE(at phone): Ames? AMY(at phone): Hey, I just want to let you know that I got here without a single, solitary problem, all on my own. I met this really nice taxi driver Rajisan. He has three sons. How's John? GEORGE(at phone): Don't talk to taxi drivers. Just give them the address, and that's it. John's fine. Ricky's putting him to bed, and your mother's putting Robbie down. How's the dorm? How's the roommate? AMY(at phone): It's not like a dorm room at all. It's like it's my first apartment. I don't have a roommate. GEORGE(at phone): What? AMY(at phone): Yeah, it's really an apartment. It's got, like, a kitchen and a bathroom and everything, and it's all mine. GEORGE(at phone): But it's a dorm room. There are other girls in the building, right? AMY(at phone): I guess, but, Dad, it's an apartment. It's what they call a studio apartment, but it's an apartment. I can't believe I have my own apartment in New York. GEORGE(at phone): Dorm room. Well, I'm glad you got there okay. Did you lock the door? AMY(at phone): Uh, yeah, I locked the door. GEORGE(at phone): I love you, sweetie. AMY(at phone): I love you, too. Thanks for letting me do this. Thank you so much. Can't wait to get out there tomorrow and see the city and my school and everything. It's like a whole new life for me. GEORGE(at phone): Well, don't forget it's a four week life. We'll need you back here after four weeks. All right? AMY(at phone): All right. Love you. GEORGE(at phone): Love you. AMY(at phone): Good night. ADRIAN'S HOUSE Ruben comes home. Adrian is waiting for his. ADRIAN: Hi. RUBEN: Hi. Waiting for me? ADRIAN: We were both waiting for you. Where have you been? Mom made dinner. It's our first night as a family in this house. RUBEN: Your mother and I had an argument. ADRIAN: I know that. She told me. She also told me what it's about. RUBEN: [sighs] Sit down, Adrian. Let's both sit. I want to talk to you, and I don't want to argue. This is not an argument. It's okay if you and your mother talked without me this morning. I wanted you two to talk without me, but I do have an opinion about this, about you, about the baby. ADRIAN: I don't want to have a baby. RUBEN: But, Adrian, you are having a baby. ADRIAN: You can't decide that. RUBEN: Look, I'm your father, and you have to have some respect for me, whether you agree with my opinion or not. ADRIAN: I respectfully disagree with your opinion, and I didn't ask for your opinion. RUBEN: I don't care if you didn't ask for my opinion. You're my daughter, and I don't want you to terminate the pregnancy. In fact, I'm not going to let you terminate the pregnancy. ADRIAN: How's that going to work? How are you going to stop me? RUBEN: By convincing you that you're doing the wrong thing. ADRIAN: In your opinion, which is based on what? RUBEN: I was raised in the Catholic Church. ADRIAN: You've been married three times. You're on your fourth. How Catholic is that? RUBEN: One of those was an annulment. ADRIAN: Whatever. RUBEN: Look, in every case, both parties were adults, and you're not an adult. ADRIAN: You meant me, right? I'm an adult. I may not be 18, but I'm an adult. RUBEN: No, you're not, but I am. ADRIAN: So is my mother. She's an adult, and she's totally supportive of whatever I want to do. RUBEN: Well, Adrian, then maybe we really shouldn't be a family because this is a fundamental difference between your mother and me that we never realized we had until now, and now I don't know if we can get past this. Tom arrive at Adrian's house. PHONE: You've arrived at your destination. TOM: Yes, I have. Adrian. Hello. ADRIAN: Hi, Tom. Why are you all dressed up? TOM: It is a very speeial night, my love. ADRIAN: Oh, no. TOM: How are you this fine evening? ADRIAN: It's not a fine evening for me, Tom. TOM: You should just go home. I know something that could make it a lot better. ADRIAN: And what would that be? TOM: Here, hold my hat and my cane. You are so beautiful, Adrian. I want to take care of you for the rest of my life. Will you marry me? ADRIAN: No, Tom. TOM: You can think about it. MAN ON CELL PHONE): “You are so beautiful yo me, you are so beautiful to me...” (Tom and Adrian dance) End of the episode.
{"type": "series", "show": "The Secret Life of an American Teenager", "episode": "03x04 - Goodbye, Amy Juergens"}
Previously on “The Secret Life of The American Teenager” RICKY: Do you want Adrian to have the baby? BEN: What are we gonna do with a baby? CINDY: I'm okay with whatever you wanna do. ADRIAN: I don't wanna have a baby. CINDY: You don't have to. GEORGE: I don't want you and Ricky to be anywhere near each other. I see the way he looks at you, and I see the way you look at him. COACH: I am not interested in you living at our house. But you find a place to live. BEN: No one's gonna get in the way of my life with Amy and John. LEO: Unless Adrian has your baby. TOM: I am... mov-ing. JACK: Where you moving? TOM: Maybe the guest house. JACK: If you're too scared to stay out there by yourself, maybe I could crash with you. GRACE: Deep down, you have a really big heart and a good conscience, and you wanna do the right thing. ADRIAN: Is it right to bring a baby into the world when I don't want that baby and Ben doesn't want that baby? RICKY: You're the one who suggested I go out and have indiscriminate, meaningless sex. ASHLEY: You didn't have to if you didn't want to. RICKY: You're jealous. AMY: I can't believe I have my own apartment in New York. GEORGE: Don't forget, it's a four-week life. We'll need you back here after four weeks. RUBEN: You're my daughter, and I don't want you to terminate the pregnancy. ADRIAN: You can't decide that. RUBEN: Then maybe we really shouldn't be a family. TOM: I want to take care of you. Will you marry me? JUERGENS' HOUSE It's the night. Phone rings. GEORGE(at phone): Hello. AMY(at phone): Dad, it's me. GEORGE(at phone): What's up? It's Amy. ANNE(at phone): What's wrong? Amy, what time is it? AMY(at phone): Uh, it's 7 here. ANNE(at phone): Amy, it's 4:00 in the morning. AMY(at phone): I know, but I don't know how to get to where I'm going. ANNE(at phone): Get a taxi. AMY(at phone): I don't think we're supposed to do that. The instructions say to take a subway, but I don't know where I can find a subway. ANNE(at phone): Oh, I'm sure you can find it, but you need to leave your apartment and go outside. AMY(at phone): I know. But it's so nice in here. Did I tell you I have a kitchen? ANNE(at phone): Your dad told me. Do you need to be somewhere at a certain time, Amy? AMY(at phone): I just have to register today. How do I pay for the subway? ANNE(at phone): You buy a MetroCard. AMY(at phone): Where do I buy that? ANNE(at phone): Amy, we went over all this before you left. You buy MetroCards in the subway station. Do you have your map? The subway stations are marked on the map. It's really easy to find your way around there. It's on a grid. AMY(at phone): All right. Well, wish me luck. ANNE(at phone): Good luck, Amy. Are you okay? AMY(at phone): I guess. I mean, I love my apartment. ANNE(at phone): Dorm room. Your dad wants you to call it a dorm room, so call it that. He'll sleep a lot easier and so will I, especially if you don't call at 4 in the morning, okay? AMY(at phone): All right. Have a nice day. ANNE(at phone): You, too, Amy. You have a good first day in New York. And you'll be fine. New Yorkers are really friendly, and they're used to seeing people lost. They'll help you if you need help. You can help yourself just by looking at a map. AMY(at phone): All right. Bye, Mom. ANNE(at phone): Bye, honey. (She hangs up) ANNE: I should've gone with her. GEORGE: I would've gone with her if I'd known she was getting an apartment. ANNE: Well, I'm wide awake now. GEORGE: Me, too. Really? THE SECRET LIDE OF THE AMERICAN TEENAGER – OPEN CREDITS HIGH SCHOOL Students talks about Amy's travel. BOY: I've heard Amy Juergens play the French horn. She's good, but she's not that good. BOY2: She's first chair, and she's a h*m*. BOY: Have you heard the second and third chair? Of course she's a first chair. BOY2: So what are you getting at? BOY: I'll tell you what I'm getting at. There are two weeks of school left, and she's not here. You know why? She's already showing. BOY2: Showing what? BOY: Hello! She's pregnant, again. Madison and Lauren heard the conversation. MADISON: Uh, you better shut up. Amy Juergens is not pregnant again. BOY: What'd I tell you? Covering. Now we know she's pregnant. BOY3: Hey, so it's all over school. Juergens is pregnant again. I need a confirmation. LAUREN: Amy Juergens is not pregnant again. She's in New York at a music program for great musicians. MADISON: Because she is a great musician. BOY3: Oh, I see. Oh, hey, hey. What are the stats on teen mothers getting pregnant a second time? ALICE: 1 in 4 teenage mothers has a second child within two years of having their first. Why? BOY3: I have to make the odds. ALICE: Who is pregnant again? MADISON: Amy. Only she's not. HENRY: I thought she went to New York. She did go to New York. Ben took her to the airport yesterday. MADISON: Yeah. She's in New York. LAUREN: Yeah, she is. ALICE: But she's not pregnant, is she? LAUREN: No, she is not, I don't think. MADISON: She's not. HENRY: Maybe she didn't tell you because you told everyone last time. MADISON: This time, I didn't say anything because there's nothing to say. She is at a music program. ALICE: So she's not pregnant again? MADISON: No. LAUREN: No one's pregnant again. HENRY: Is there anyone pregnant for the first time? MADISON: I don't think so. LAUREN: Like who? ALICE: No one. HENRY: No one. Ashley and Ricky arrive in school. ASHLEY: Are we going out for breakfast every morning? RICKY: No, because I don't think we'll be leaving for school an hour early every morning. ASHLEY: Well, I told you it wouldn't take an hour to drop off John. I mean, Amy practically throws him from the car and then speeds away. RICKY: She does not. Well, I'm not gonna do that. I'm gonna go in every morning. I wanna make sure he's okay first before I just walk off and leave him with strangers. ASHLEY: Those strangers are his family during school hours, and he's always okay. John loves those two nursery ladies more than he loves Amy or you or me. RICKY: No, he doesn't. ASHLEY: Yeah, he does. RICKY: Would you stop? Be nice. Amy's a good mother. She's made him feel really secure, and that's why John is happy, no matter who he's with. (Boy and girl pass in front of them) GIRL: Amy Juergens is pregnant again? RICKY: Hey, you, what did you just say? ASHLEY: Did you just say Amy Juergens is pregnant again? BOY: I didn't say it, but other people are saying it. Everyone knows it. It's all over school. RICKY: Why do people think that Amy's pregnant? BOY2: Because she's not here. One quarter of all high school students who have babies have another within two years. RICKY: So what? BOY2: So it makes sense. Think about it. We only have a couple of weeks of school left, and Amy just blasted outta here. Why would she do that if she's not pregnant? ASHLEY: She's at a music program that could help get her into Juilliard. BOY2: When my aunt was in high school, she got into a music program, and, uh, she stayed there for...nine months. ASHLEY: This is crazy. Wait. You don't think that Amy's pregnant again, do you? RICKY: No, Ashley, I don't. ASHLEY: Well, I hope not. There's no more room at the inn. I'll see you at home. Bye. Ashley leaves, Grace comes to Ricky. GRACE: Hi. How are you? RICKY: I'm annoyed. That's how I am. Who started the rumor that Amy's pregnant again? She's not. GRACE: Oh, thank God. Can you imagine if there was two of them? I mean, two babies from the same mother, Amy. That would be really bad. RICKY: Yeah. It would. See you, Grace. GRACE: Wait. Just because you and Adrian aren't talking doesn't mean we can't be friends. RICKY: Yes, it does. Ricky leaves, Adrian joins Grace. GRACE: Does he know? ADRIAN: Yeah, he knows. We're not gonna have this conversation again if you wanna be friends. GRACE: I wanna be friends. I really do. ADRIAN: All right. GRACE: Cute boots. Did you hear Amy's pregnant again? ADRIAN: Did I hear? Yeah, I heard. It's all over school. But better her than me, so remember... GRACE: I know, I know. Ix-nay on the fetus-fay. ADRIAN: Bye. Adrian leaves, she sees Ben in the hallway. ADRIAN: Stop that. BEN: Stop what? ADRIAN: Looking at me like that. Did you hear that Amy's pregnant again? BEN: Yeah, I know. Isn't that ridiculous? ADRIAN: Yeah, it is. We need to talk. I said stop looking at me like that. You wanna meet me after school, or do you wanna go someplace now? BEN: Someplace now. Coach wants to talks with Jack. COACH: Pappas. JACK: Yeah, Coach? COACH: Amy Juergens is pregnant again? JACK: I don't think so. I think she's really at a music program in New York. COACH: Amy Juergens really got into a national program for musicians? JACK: Yeah. COACH: Huh. I guess talent really is subjective. JACK: I guess so. COACH: You find a place to live yet? JACK: Matter of fact, I did. COACH: Great. Oh. Excuse me. Grace joins Jack. GRACE: So you found a place to live? JACK: Kind of. GRACE: Where? JACK: A buddy's house. GRACE: You have a buddy? JACK: I have lots of buddies. GRACE: Since when? JACK: I'm on the football team. I got friends. GRACE: You have teammates. Whatever. That's not what I wanted to talk to you about. Do you remember the other night when we had that conversation about Adrian? JACK: The one where we agreed not to talk about Adrian anymore? GRACE: Yes. But we have to talk about her, and to her. We don't have to try to convince her not to do anything. We just need to tell her that we care about her and the baby. JACK: We said we weren't gonna do that. You and I both said we weren't gonna do that. We said we were gonna stay out of it, and I'm gonna stay out of it. GRACE: No, I know I said that, but that was before when I thought I could buy into the whee idea like, it's not always wrong, it's an individual decision. But I can't do it. JACK: When it comes to moral issues, Grace, you never seem to be able to make up your mind. You know, like with sex. GRACE: I know. But if we don't talk to her... JACK: Even if we talk to her, it's still her decision and none of our business. Adrian and Ben have a conversation. ADRIAN: Tomorrow. And it's not a consultation. I've already had the consultation. Tomorrow I'm going to have the abortion. Adrian and Grace leaves school together. GRACE: You know, you still haven't been for a ride in my car. Wanna go for a ride in my car? ADRIAN: I don't think so, Grace. It feels like I've been at school for about 36 hours, and I just wanna go home. I'll see you Monday. GRACE: We can hang out tomorrow. ADRIAN: No, I have something I have to do with my mother. GRACE: You know, Amy's not at work, and they can probably use some help in the nursery. Maybe the two of us could go over there and help out. I mean, we did talk Amy into keeping John, and we told her we'd help her, and we haven't yet. So now's the perfect chance. Maybe the two of us could go over there and volunteer at the nursery this afternoon. ADRIAN: What? I know what a baby looks like. I don't need to see a bunch of them in the church nursery. I can't have this baby, okay? I just can't, Grace. And this wasn't an easy decision for me, but I've me the decision, so leave me alone. Bye. Alice and Henry join Madison and Lauren. ALICE: All right, you two. Let's just get our cards out on the table. We know that Adrian is pregnant. LAUREN: Okay. MADISON: So she's pregnant. ALICE/HENRY: Oh, no! ALICE: I told you. HENRY: I can't believe it. LAUREN: You tricked us. ALICE: Is she having the baby. MADISON: We can't tell you that. HENRY: You told us the other part. MADISON: No, we didn't. LAUREN: No, we did. We just did. Well, you did anyway. MADISON: Oh, this can't be happening. I promised Jack I wouldn't say anything. I thought you knew, I thought you knew, I thought you knew. LAUREN: You should've known. You're his best friends. ALICE: I guess he considered it private, personal business. She's not having the baby, is she? MADISON: No. LAUREN: Madison. MADISON: Well, if I told them that she's having the baby, they'd be expecting her to have the baby. HENRY: All right. I'm cutting everyone off right here, right now. We're not talking about this ever again. ALICE: Oh, no. Poor Ben. HENRY: Poor Ben? Poor Adrian. ALICE: Yeah, poor Adrian, too. HENRY: Poorer Adrian. ALICE: Everyone is poorer than Ben. HENRY: You know what I mean. ALICE: Yeah, I know what you mean. And I know why he didn't tell us, and I have to say I completely understand, and I respect his decision not to tell us. If something like that ever happened to us, and I decided not to go through with having the baby, I wouldn't want you to tell Ben or anyone else. HENRY: Two minutes ago, you were asking. Two minutes ago, you were all for finding out. ALICE: Well, I made a mistake, all right? I wanted to know, and now I wish I didn't know. HENRY: So what do we do? ALICE: We stay out of it. If he wants to tell us, he'll tell us, and we'll be there for him. But if he doesn't wanna tell us, we're never gonna bring it up again. HENRY: Not even between the two of us? 'Cause I may need to talk about this, Alice. ALICE: Why is that? HENRY: If this ever happened to you, you'd tell me, right? ALICE: Truthfully, I'm not sure. And don't take that the wrong way. If you know, you'd tell Ben, and he'd tell Grace, and she'd tell Jack, and he'd tell Madison, and even though she wouldn't mean to, she'd tell everyone. HERNY: Then we're just not going to have sex again until we're married. ALICE: I would tell you, all right? HENRY: All right. ALICE: Don't thr*at me again, especially for just being honest. HENRY: And I'm being honest when I tell you I'd want to know. ALICE: Let's not get into any fights about a hypothetical situation. HENRY: Okay, but maybe we should talk about these hypothetical situations some more. ALICE: Odds are, as careful as we are, it's never gonna happen. HENRY: If it does happen, I want you to have the baby, and I wanna get married. ALICE: Let's just see that it doesn't happen. OFFICE Tom waits for an interview. TOM: I'm here for a job interview. MAN: Yes. So am I. TOM: What kind of work do you do? MAN: I was a vice president of a company that was basically bribing congressional members to vote in such a way that would increase our profit margin. TOM: Interesting. Don't know what it means, but interesting. MAN: I was there for 28 years till a scandal shut down the company, leaving me unemployed, which is basically why my wife left me. TOM: Did you go to jail? MAN: No. No. I wasn't even remotely involved. Maybe remotely. Uh, what, uh... What job are you applying for? TOM: Mail room. MAN: Ah. Me, too. TOM: My girlfriend is pregnant. I need this job. MAN: So is mine. Look, kid, you're not gonna get the sympathy vote from me, okay? 'Cause I can match you trouble for trouble. TOM: Then may the best man win. MAN: Let's go. TOM: Bring it on, dawg. BUTCHER SHOP Ben talks with Ricky. BEN: I think I just need to go home. My mind is really not on my work today. RICKY: You can't. I've covered for you enough lately. Besides, what are you gonna do at home? There's nothing you can do. BEN: I know, but...I don't wanna be here. I don't wanna be at home. I don't know what I want... other than for Amy never to find out. RICKY: Is that why you're going along with this? Because you think you can hide this from Amy? You can't hide this from Amy. I mean, for all you know, one day, when Adrian's temper gets the best of her again, she'll tell Amy. Hey, if you're just agreeing to an abortion because you don't want anyone to ever find out Adrian was pregnant, think again, my friend. It's not gonna happen. BEN: I'm not agreeing to anything, I don't think. But you're for abortion, right? RICKY: "For"? I'm not for abortion. But I'm not against abortion. And what I'm really for is the mom and the dad deciding before the baby is born. It's better to decide before you have the kid than after. My parents pretty much decided I shouldn't have been born after I was born. Look, Ben, if you and Adrian don't want Adrian to have the baby because you don't want Amy to find out, then that's probably not a good reason, if you're looking for a reason. BEN: We don't have a reason. We just don't want a baby. Neither of us wants a baby. But I don't know if Adrian having an abortion is the right thing or the wrong thing. I honestly don't. RICKY: Stop judging, okay? Just go with what is and stop judging. You don't know if something bad will come of this, or something good will come of not going through with the pregnancy. I mean, maybe it's a future Mother Teresa that's not gonna be born, or maybe it's a future h*tler that's not gonna be born. No one knows. You can't know. BEN: Well, what's the right thing to do? Support her decision not to have the baby, or try to talk her out of it? RICKY: Try to live with whatever decision she makes. All right? Whatever is, is, and life goes on. BEN: Or it doesn't. GUEST'S HOUSE Tom arrives. Jack is here. JACK: Hey, let me help you with that. TOM: Big help. I carry it from upstairs. JACK: I think we should just tell your mom I'm living out here in the guest house with you until I find somewhere else. And that way, I can help you out. TOM: That way, she will get mad, and you will get kicked out of here, buddy. JACK: Well, we're gonna have to tell her I'm living out here at some point. You can't hide me forever. TOM: Too soon. JACK: My truck is parked a block away in front of someone else's house. What if I get towed? TOM: Don't worry. I working at the courthouse. JACK: Did you get the job? Is it definite? TOM: I just have to take a test. An easy one. JUERGENS' HOUSE Ricky cleans up the vaisselle, Anne helps him. ANNE: Hey, I can do that. I just put the boys to bed. RICKY: I got it. You cooked. I'm happy to clean up. No. ANNE: I really appreciate you staying here. RICKY: It's what Amy wants, so I'm happy to do it. ANNE: It's really nice of you. I really appreciate you being here. I think getting away for a few weeks is gonna be really great for Amy. RICKY: I didn't hear from her today. ANNE: I'm sure she's busy with her first day of school and finding her way around New York. RICKY: I hope she's okay. ANNE: I'm sure she's fine. Who knows? This might lead to her going to Juilliard or maybe playing for the New York Philharmonic. RICKY: I guess. ANNE: It's good, right? RICKY: You'd have to ask a French horn player. I just know sticks. ANNE: I don't even know why she picked the French horn in the first place. RICKY: I know. ANNE: You know why she picked the French horn? RICKY: I hate to bring up band camp, but she told me the story at band camp. ANNE: Well, John's over a year old. I think we've gotten past any resentment from band camp. RICKY: It was Peter and the Wolf. You played Peter and the Wolf to her over and over again, right? ANNE: Yeah, I did. The French horn plays the part of the wolf. RICKY: Yeah. She was scared of the wolf. She thought if she became the wolf, she wouldn't be afraid anymore. ANNE: She thought that in the third grade? RICKY: She thought that in the third grade. And she thought that you loved the wolf part of Peter and the Wolf best. And she just wanted you to love her. ANNE: But I do love her. I've always loved her. RICKY: She knows that. Well, she knows that now. GUEST'S HOUSE Jack eat something, Tom joins him. TOM: What are you eating? JACK: I'm not sure. Too frozen to tell, but I think they're brownies. TOM: So, you eating brownies. I am doing alt the heavy lifting. Give me one of those. JACK: Good, huh? TOM: Mm-hmm. BOYKEWICH'S HOUSE/ADRIAN'S HOUSE Ben calls Adrian. BEN(at phone): I just wanted to offer to go with you. ADRIAN(at phone): My mother's going with me. BEN(at phone):I could drive us. ADRIAN(at phone):Actually, you can't. You have a provisional license. BEN(at phone): My driver could drive us. Um, all three of us or four, if my dad goes. ADRIAN(at phone): Dads aren't going mine or yours. This is very private. And I would hate for everyone to see your dad's car and driver outside the clinic. But thanks, Ben. Thanks for offering. BEN(at phone): Adrian, I don't know what to do here. I wanna do something. ADRIAN(at phone): There's nothing you can do except maybe be my friend. Maybe you can come by on Sunday and we can just hang out or something. BEN(at phone): I can't go with you? I mean, shouldn't I be there with you? ADRIAN(at phone): No, it's better if you're not. I'll talk to you Sunday, okay? BEN(at phone): Okay, Adrian. Um, I'm sorry. ADRIAN(at phone): I know, Ben. Me, too. Good night. BEN(at phone): Good night. ADRIAN'S HOUSE Cindy and Ruben argue. RUBEN: No means no. I said no. CINDY: You can say no all you want, but Adrian already made her decision, and I'm supporting her. RUBEN: Well, I'm not. And I'm her father. And I didn't come back into this family to be excluded and disrespected. CINDY: This is not about you. This is about Adrian. RUBEN: Of course it's about Adrian. I love Adrian. And I don't want her to do this. I think she'll regret this for the rest of her life. CINDY: This was not an easy decision. RUBEN: It was not easy, but it was made easier because you agreed with her. CINDY: That's not true. I would support her decision either way. RUBEN: Did you let her know that? CINDY: Of course I did. ASHLEY'S BEDROOM George enters. GEORGE: What the heck is going on next door? People are yelling. People are saying things, things that I could hear. ASHLEY: Oh? GEORGE: Ashley, Adrian is pregnant, isn't she? ASHLEY: I don't know. Well, I don't know if she's still pregnant. GEORGE: Oh, God. Does Ben know? ASHLEY: I don't think so. I don't think she wanted him to know anything about it. But he might. GEORGE: He might? ASHLEY: He might. GEORGE: Did you know about this when you encouraged your sister to go to New York? ASHLEY: I don't really know anything about it. I don't wanna know anything about it. It's... You know, it's none of my business. It's no one's business. No one's but Adrian's. GEORGE: This is not good. ASHLEY: Just forget you heard anything. GEORGE: How? ASHLEY: Okay, don't forget, but don't say anything to Mom. You can't. We can't. We made a promise that our lying days are over. You know, what good is it gonna do to tell Mom that Adrian's having an abortion or had an abortion? It's really not right to talk about it at all. To anyone. (Ricky joins them) RICKY: Hi. Sorry to interrupt, but the little fella's awake, and I think Mrs. Juergens is in the shower or something. GEORGE: Thanks, Ricky. I'll take him. Hey, buddy. Whoa. RICKY: What's going on? ASHLEY: I don't know. RICKY: Yeah, you do. ASHLEY: Yeah, I do. Um... but I don't want to talk about it. RICKY: All right. Well, I guess I'll just say good night. Should I say good night? Tell me what's wrong. ASHLEY: Does it ever go right? Does the right girl ever find the right guy? RICKY: Sure. ASHLEY: Sure? RICKY: Yeah. Sure. It can happen. No, we can't. We can't, Ashley. ASHLEY: We can if we want. RICKY: No, we can't. (They kiss) ADRIAN'S HOUSE Cindy enters in the Adrian's bedroom and finds a letter. Ruben enters too. RUBEN: Where is she? CINDY: I don't know. She said she had to get out. She couldn't take us arguing anymore. She'll be home tomorrow. Tomorrow! She's probably gonna try and take care of this on her own. This is your fault, you know that? So you find her. GUEST'S HOUSE Jack and Tom are here. Phone rings. JACK: It's Grace. TOM: Hang up. JACK: I haven't answered yet. TOM: Answer it, then hang up. JACK(at phone): Hello. GRACE(at phone): Hi. Hope I'm not bothering you. Are you with Madison? JACK(at phone): Am I with Madison? No, I'm not with Madison. Are you with Madison? GRACE(at phone): No. Why would I ask you if you're with Madison if I was with Madison? JACK(at phone): I don't know. GRACE(at phone): I'm really worried about Adrian, and I'm worried that if I don't say something, I'm going to hell, and you're going with me. JACK(at phone): All right. GRACE(at phone): "All right"? What is wrong with you? JACK(at phone): I'm not sure. I'll call you back. (He hangs up) JACK: Tom, who was the last guest to stay in this guest house? TOM: Gut house. Guest house. Guest of the guest house. Guest of the guest house. Shoo, fly, shoo. Ow. My darlin'. JACK: Tom, I think we're high. I think these are marijuana brownies. TOM: Better not be. I have a drug test on Monday at the courthouse. JACK: That was the test, the easy test? It's not gonna be so easy anymore. I don't feel so well. TOM: I don't feel well either. Worst news for you, there's only one bathroom. JUERGENS' HOUSE George is ready to go out. ANNE: Where you going? GEORGE: To take Moose for a walk. ANNE: He already had a walk. GEORGE: I think he needs to go out again. ANNE: You sure? GEORGE: Well, not totally sure. ANNE: Well, you could either take Moose for a walk or we could just go to bed. GEORGE: But we were in bed just this morning. ANNE: Uh-huh. GEORGE: It's either feast or famine with you. ANNE: Are you complaining? GEORGE: No, no, no, no, no. Not complaining. ADRIAN'S HOUSE/ASHLEY'S BEDROOM Ruben calls Ashley by Adrian's phone. ASHLEY(at phone): Hey, are you okay? RUBEN(at phone): It's not Adrian. It's me, Ruben. Have you seen Adrian? ASHLEY(at phone): What do you mean? I mean, is she over there? ASHLEY(at phone): No, she's not over here. RUBEN(at phone): You'd tell me if she was over there, right? Even if she told you not to tell me she was over there? ASHLEY(at phone): She's not over here, I swear. RUBEN(at phone): Okay. Well, if you see her, tell her to call me. Or tell her to call her mother. ASHLEY(at phone): All right. (They hang up but Ashley calls back) RUBEN(at phone): Hello? Adrian? ASHLEY(at phone): Um, no. It's just me. I was trying to call Adrian. RUBEN(at phone): She left her phone at home. I have her phone. ASHLEY(at phone): Oh, right. Um, well, that makes sense. Okay, well, um, I'm sorry. I hope you find her. RUBEN(at phone): Me, too, Ashley. Good night. ADRIAN'S HOUSE/GRACE'S HOUSE Ruben calls Grace. GRACE(at phone): Hello? RUBEN(at phone): Oh. Hi, Grace. It's me, Ruben, Adrian's dad. GRACE(at phone): Is everything okay? RUBEN(at phone): No, not really. Adrian left us a note saying she'd be back tomorrow, and we don't know where she is. And we're really worried about her. Is she there? GRACE(at phone): No. But maybe she'll come here. And if she does come here, I'll have her call you right away. I promise. RUBEN(at phone): All right. Thanks, Grace. She left her phone at home. That's how I have your number. GRACE(at phone): Okay. I'm sorry. RUBEN(at phone): That's okay. Good night. GRACE(at phone): Good night. GRACE'S HOUSE Tom comes to see a sister. TOM: I need help. GRACE: You haven't seen Adrian, have you? TOM: No. GRACE: I have a bad feeling about this. TOM: I have bad stomach. Where's our new doctor dad? GRACE: He and Mom already went to bed. TOM: Of course. GRACE: What's wrong with your stomach? TOM: You're not a doctor. Don't try doctor me. Ahh! GUEST'S HOUSE Tom comes back in the house. TOM: I got cookies. JACK: Cookies? TOM: I got cookies. (Grace follows him) GRACE: Who are you talking to? TOM: The gho-o-ost. GRACE: Is that Jack's bag? That's Jack's gym bag, isn't it? TOM: No-o-o-o-o. GRACE: Is this where Jack is living? In the guest house with you? TOM: He's not here. GRACE: Are you sure about that? TOM: He gave me a ride. That his bag. He leave it here, but he's not here. GRACE: What's that? TOM: Brownies. Have one. Trick or treat. GRACE: What? TOM: Go ahead. GRACE: Where did you get these? TOM: The freezer. GRACE: Ohhh. I bet that homeless guy left them here. Remember that homeless guy that Dad used to let stay here? The one who was an alcoholic, and he wouldn't go to AA or anywhere else for help? It's actually kind of nice in here. TOM: Why don't you sta-a-ay? GRACE: Maybe I wi-i-ill. Maybe I'll just sleep here. I don't really feel like being alone. And I can't quit thinking about Adrian. Hey, can you give me your phone? GUEST'S HOUSE/ADRIAN'S HOUSE Grace calls Adrian with Tom's phone. RUBEN(at phone): Tom? GRACE(at phone): It's Grace. Who's this? RUBEN(at phone): Ruben. GRACE(at phone): Oh. Right. Sorry. I thought Adrian might answer if Tom called, so I called using Tom's phone, but you have Adrian's phone. I hate when other people use other people's phones to call. But anyway, I've been praying about this about Adrian and I have to believe that everything will be fine. No matter where she is, everything will be fine. It has to be, Mr. Ruben. RUBEN(at phone): Enriquez. GRACE(at phone): And Enriquez to you. Good night. MADISON'S CAR Madison and Lauren waits in front of a house. MADISON: Whose house is this? Who is he cheating with? LAUREN: I don't know. But it's curfew. We can't stay out here all night. MADISON: How could he do this to me? LAUREN: Again, I don't know. MADISON: I shouldn't have given him the cow for free. LAUREN: I beg your pardon? MADISON: I thought he liked getting the cow for free. LAUREN: Okay, snap out of it. You're not a cow. You're a willing participant in whatever it is you're doing, and you are enjoying it just as much as he is. MADISON: He's obviously not enjoying it as much as I am, or he wouldn't be cheating on me. ADRIAN'S HOUSE/BOYKEWICH'S HOUSE Ruben receives a call, it's Leo. RUBEN(at phone): Hello? LEO(at phone): Ruben? RUBEN(at phone): Yeah? LEO(at phone): Leo Boykewich. I just wanted to let you know that Adrian's over here. I talked to her, and I told her to call you, but I got a feeling she's not going to. RUBEN(at phone): She left us a note that said she'd be back in the morning. Cindy and I are fighting, and she got upset. I don't want her to have an abortion, Leo. I don't know what you're thinking. I don't even care what you're thinking, or Cindy. I don't want her to do this. Can't you talk to Ben? Can't he talk her out of it? Wait. I forgot who I'm talking to. Why would he talk her out of it? He doesn't want that baby. LEO(at phone): It's not a matter of what he wants, it's a matter of what she wants. RUBEN(at phone): I know that's how it should be. But, Leo, please. Do something. Somebody do something. LEO(at phone): Look, I'll see to it she gets back to you safely tomorrow, and that she goes from here to there, all right? Unless you want her to come home right now. Let her stay here. She's with Ben. I think it's good for them to have some time together. RUBEN(at phone): Haven't they spent enough time together? LEO(at phone): Come on, Ruben. She's fine here. RUBEN(at phone): All right. I'm just happy she's safe. LEO(at phone): - Me, too. Good night. RUBEN(at phone): Thanks. Good night. What kind of a father am I? (Adrian is with Ben. They try to support them) NEW YORK We have seen full pictures of Amy in the streets. AMY'S APARTMENT IN NEW YORK Someone knocks on the door. AMY: Who is it? BRISTOL: It's your buddy, Bristol. AMY: Who? BRISTOL: We're on a buddy system here. We're buddies. Open the door. AMY: I don't know anything about that. BRISTOL: Are you Amy Juergens? We have to get to class. You missed orientation yesterday. AMY: Uh... I couldn't find the school. BRISTOL: I came by yesterday morning at 9 to go with you. AMY: Oh, I was out by 7. BRISTOL: I left you a note on the door last night, but I see it's still there. AMY: Yeah. I went to bed early. I was lost all day. BRISTOL: Sorry. AMY: All right. Well, I'm just gonna turn off my computer. I was just gonna send something to my family. BRISTOL: Do you have a son or a daughter? AMY: I have a son. BRISTOL: Me, too. AMY: Um, how did you know I had a baby? And you have a son? BRISTOL: We're all teen moms and musicians. AMY: Everyone in this program? BRISTOL: The program-- it's for teen moms. AMY: So I didn't get here on my own? BRISTOL: Of course you did. You're the world's greatest French horn player, and I'm Yo-Yo Ma. Come on. We have to get going. AMY: Bink. JUERGENS' HOUSE George and Anne are lied in bed. ANNE: You know what? GEORGE: It's too early to talk. ANNE: Last night, Ricky told me why Amy plays the French horn. Because of Peter and the Wolf. Remember Peter and the Wolf? GEORGE: Yeah, I remember. Kind of. ANNE: Well, that's why Amy picked the French horn. It's because she wanted to get over being scared of the wolf, and she wanted me to love her. GEORGE: What time is it? ANNE: George, are you listening? GEORGE: Yeah. ANNE: I'm really happy that Ricky decided to stay here. It'll give us a chance to get to know him better. I think he might be a nice guy after all. I know that Amy's in love with Ben right now. But you never know. They're young. Things might change. GEORGE: Yeah. Things may change, all right. GUEST'S HOUSE Jack, who is in the shower, receives a call. JACK(at phone): Hello. MADISON(at phone): Where are you? JACK(at phone): Um, in the shower. Can I call you back? MADISON(at phone): No. And I don't hear any water running. JACK(at phone): I'll call you back. MADISON(at phone): I was parked behind your stupid truck for two hours last night. JACK(at phone): Why? MADISON(at phone): Well, because I was driving over to Lauren's house, and I saw your car parked in front of some girl's house. JACK(at phone): What girl? MADISON(at phone): What do you mean, "What girl?" JACK(at phone): Look, you're not gonna be happy with this. MADISON(at phone): Oh, no. JACK(at phone): Madison, I'm living with Tom at the Bowman's guest house. Grace heard that. GRACE: No, you're not. MADISON(at phone): What? JACK(at phone): I'll call you back. (He hangs up) JACK: Oh, my head. GRACE: You can't live here. JACK: Why not? GRACE: Because my mom already said you can't live with us, and when she finds out you gave Tom pot brownies,she's probably gonna have you arrested. JACK: I didn't know, all right? They were in the freezer. GRACE: So was the ice. You didn't eat that. JACK: What? GRACE: Just get up, okay? Get out. You cannot stay here. JACK: I have to stay here, Grace. I have no place else to go. GRACE: You're pathetic, do you know that? JACK: Yeah, I know that. Come on. I really need somewhere to live. And Tom needs someone to live with and... So will you just help me out and not say anything for a few more days? GRACE: Well, I guess. I mean, this was kind of my dad's hideout, and I know he would want this for Tom, so I won't say anything to my mom for a few days. But no more pot brownies or any other illegal substance. JACK: Got it. JUERGENS' HOUSE Ricky enters in the kitchen. ASHLEY: Let's just forget that happened. RICKY: Let's not. ASHLEY: All right. BOYKEWICH'S HOUSE Ben breakfast with Alice and Henry. ALICE: You could've told us before now. BEN: I wouldn't have told you now, but I need to talk to someone. I can't talk to my dad anymore. I just can't. ALICE: You must be going through hell, and Adrian, too. HENRY: I'm really sorry you're going through this. BEN: It's more Adrian. Adrian's going through this. ALICE: Are you gonna go with her? BEN: She doesn't want me to be there. (Leo comes in) LEO: She probably just doesn't wanna ask you to be there. And you two, this is not something that goes beyond this room. Got it? ALICE/HENRY: Got it. LEO: I'm gonna go hang out with Ruben. Well, he's by himself with no one to talk to. Wanna come with me? BEN: Me? No. LEO: You want me to tell you again where I think you should be today? BEN: Please don't. I think I'm doing the right thing by just staying here. LEO: All right. I'll be back later. You know when. (Leo leaves) HENRY: Whoa, dude. Bad move calling us over here. You better get to wherever Adrian and her mom are. ALICE: I don't know about that. I don't know that I'd want company. HENRY: That could be part of our hypothetical discussion. But, Ben, my friend, this is not hypothetical. If Adrian's dad's not going and her mom's just sitting there by herself I don't know shouldn't you go? BEN: There is no good decision. Neither choice is a good choice. ALICE: You're right. And that's where Adrian is. She had to make a choice, and neither one probably felt like a good one. BEN: All I could do is just be there. ALICE: Exactly. ADRIAN'S HOUSE Cindy and Adrian are ready to go. CINDY: Okay, Ruben, we'll see you later. RUBEN: All right. I'll see you later, Adrian. I love you. ADRIAN: Really? RUBEN: Of course. I'm your dad. And even though I don't want you to do this, you and your mother are right. This is your decision. Just...feel free to change your mind. I had to say it. And I have to say this, too. I love you, Cindy, and you've been a really good mother to Adrian. So, if I said anything that implied otherwise, I'm really sorry. And I guess being a family doesn't necessarily mean we have to agree on everything, not even the most basic fundamental things. And, uh, do you want me to come with you? ADRIAN: No, but thanks, Dad. CINDY: I love you, too. You okay? ADRIAN: Bye. End of the episode.
{"type": "series", "show": "The Secret Life of an American Teenager", "episode": "03x05 - Which Way Did She Go"}
Previously on “The Secret Life of the American Teenager” ADRIAN: I'm getting our things ready for the hospital. BEN: Do you think that this... This could be it? ADRIAN: Could be. JEFF: Everything about Africa, it just makes me feel so alive. That's why I want to go back, Kathleen. Obviously I want you to come with me. Tom and Grace can come too. I mean, that's an amazing opportunity for them to see the world. DR ATTAVI: Did you feel the baby move? ADRIAN: No. But I'm thinking maybe she's just getting into position to, you know, make her way out. DR ATTAVI: Let's see what's going on. GEORGE: You tested out of high school? TOBY: We were thinking about driving across America. LEO: That was Ben. CAMIEL: Is everything okay? LEO: No, everything's not okay. I'll call you as soon as I know how serious this is, all right? CAMIEL: I love you, Leo. KATHLEEN: Who is this woman with two children that wants to marry Tom? I mean, is she after his money or something? ASHLEY: I don't want to be in a situation where I'm forced to run away from home. Let me do what I wanna do. LEO: I've got some bad news for all of you. The baby passed away. RICKY'S APARTMENT Amy makes stuff, Ricky wants to sleep with her. AMY: Okay, okay, okay, stop it! John's in there. RICKY: And? AMY: And I have to get home and change, and shower and, uh, get him cleaned up and to the nursery and... (John is here) JOHN: Bye, bye, Mommy. Come, Mommy. RICKY: Daddy will take you. Daddy will take you to the nursery. (John leaves) AMY: I can't believe we slept over here again. RICKY: Why not? John likes sleeping over here. And so do you. AMY: No, I love sleeping over here. That's why I plan to sleep over here all summer. But during the week, it makes the mornings a little crazy. Or crazier. RICKY: And it makes the nights crazy too. AMY: Yeah. RICKY: You know it would be easier if you actually moved here. Brought the rest of your things and John's things. You're practically living here anyway. You're here all the time. AMY: I'm not here all the time. Most of the time. RICKY: For the past couple of months, most of the time. AMY: Most of the time is not all of the time. There's a big difference. I don't know. Ashley is taking off with Toby today and... RICKY: And you can't leave your dad for the father of your son? AMY: Yeah, that doesn't sound right, does it? RICKY: No, it doesn't. And you can't let him tell you that you have to stay there when he and your mom are letting Ashley travel cross-country with her boyfriend at 16. AMY: Yeah. She is. But, I mean, she graduated from high school, technically. And she's too young to go to college, even if she could get in. My mom thinks that it will teach her the value of education, and that she'll learn more about the United States seeing it than reading about it. RICKY: I can't believe they're buying that. It's better for two sixteen-year-old to drive across the country than go to school? AMY: Well, not all sixteen-year-olds, just those two. I mean, maybe it sounds little crazy, but, hey, so are we. I mean, I'm a junior in high school and I'm actually thinking about the three of us living together. Me and my baby and the father of my baby. It's kind of surreal. I don't know. I feel as if we're playing house more than I feel that this is our house, and our family. I mean, if you want to make it our house and our family. RICKY: I do. I want you and John to live here. The three of us together. It feels right. It feels good even. We've been talking about this long enough. Let's just do it. Move in. AMY: All right, what we've been talking about is waiting until summer. Waiting until school is out and then moving in together. RICKY: I know, but it just hasn't worked out that way. We're pretty much living together now. The three of us. AMY: Okay. RICKY: Now. Right now. Today. AMY: I said okay! As of today, I live here. We live here. John and me and you. RICKY: Are you going to say anything to your mom and dad? 'Cause if you say anything to either of them, you make a big announcement or something, it's not going to happen. You know that. AMY: You can't really expect them to tell me that it's okay. Because it just wouldn't be right for two parents to tell their teenage daughter that she can live with her boyfriend. RICKY: I think I'm a little more than a boyfriend. AMY: Yeah, little more than a boyfriend and a little less than a husband. So, I don't think we're going to get their approval. But we do have a son and I do love you. And like you said, we've been practically living here for the past few months anyway. So... RICKY: So, what's the hesitation about? AMY: Just hope it doesn't seem insensitive to other people. RICKY: Insensitive, how? To what other people? AMY: Adrian is going through hell, and I'm not. I just feel a little guilty that things worked out so badly for them and not so badly for us. RICKY: No, no, no. You can't not move in with me because you feel guilty about being happy, Amy. Whatever happens with Ben and Adrian happens. Whatever that is, it shouldn't affect us. I feel badly for both of them, but I'm happy for us. The three of us, we're a family. AMY: Yeah, we are a family, aren't we? RICKY: Yeah. We are, Amy. And I'm not going to let anyone change that. And I'm not going to do anything that would jeopardize that. AMY: Yeah, I know that. Well, I will see you tonight, and I guess every night. RICKY: Yeah, you will, Amy. THE SECRET LIFE OF THE AMERICAN TEENAGER – OPEN CREDITS CONDO Ben is ready to go out, Adrian not. BEN: You sure you don't want to go with me? Okay, well, there are just a few months left anyway, so, uh, next year. ADRIAN: No, really, like I said, maybe I'll just take the GED, like Ashley. BEN: The "good enough" diploma? That's not good enough for my wife. You and me, we're going to graduate together. If you don't want to go back to our high school, we can find another one. ADRIAN: No. I decided I'll go with the GED or something. Okay, I don't know, I don't really care. Just tell Amy I said hello. Oh, and Grace, too. Well, if you see Grant, tell him to tell her. BEN: She's going to be back in a week and she's going to want to see you. And Amy wants to see you right now, any time you'll let her come over here. Aren't you getting just a little tired of communicating through texts and emails? And don't you want to see your friends? Well, um, I'm going to go to school, and then I'm going to go to work, and then I'm going to go over to my dad's tonight for dinner after work. ADRIAN: I know. You told me. Three times. It's okay. Just go have a good time. Try and have a good time. BEN: I wish you'd go with me. I'll get dinner for you. ADRIAN: It's okay. I'll order in. BEN: Adrian... ADRIAN: No. You do what you have to do, and I'm going to do what I have to do. And right now, this is what I have to do. BEN: You don't have to. It's not going to do you any good or me any good. It's not going to bring her back, hiding here in the condo. It's not, Adrian. And it's been two months. ADRIAN: She would have been eight weeks old today. BEN: I know that. I know, Adrian. She was my daughter, too. I know how old she would have been. But... Adrian, I can't just lock myself away. I need to be around people. I need to stay busy with school or work, or be with my dad or with you, Adrian. Please, let's just go back to counseling. We can see someone other than Dr. Fields. ADRIAN: But you like Dr. Fields, and he's probably the best person for you to talk to. It's just that, he was no help to me, and that's probably because there's nothing anyone can say that's going to make this okay. Nothing. BEN: I don't think the point is for it to be okay, or for us to get over it. The point is for us to live with it. You talked to Dr. Ottavi? ADRIAN: About? BEN: About maybe getting something that could help you feel better? ADRIAN: Yeah, I know you called her. She told me. And I don't want any pills to make me feel better, all right? And by the way, she's not really my doctor. Her son is. So deal with it. BEN: I just called her because she was the one that was here that day, and I just, I feel I know her better. I don't know what to do here. ADRIAN: Just stop trying to do anything, okay? It's like I keep saying it but it's like you're not listening. You do what you need to do and I'm going to do what I need to do. And this, this is what I need to do. I need to stay home and watch the last year of Oprah and eat whatever I feel like eating. I need to walk in the nursery and look in the baby's crib and imagine what she would look like, what she'd be wearing, what she'd be doing. That's what I need to do. BEN: I don't think it's healthy hanging out in the nursery. ADRIAN: What are you saying? I'm fat? BEN: I'm saying you're beautiful. And I love you. I'll call you tonight, okay? See you. ADRIAN'S HOUSE Ruben talks with Cindy after her start. RUBEN: I don't see why it's such a horrible idea. It would get her out of the house. CINDY: First time out of the house would be to go to the baby's grave? RUBEN: Maybe she needs that. To go there, to grieve. Maybe she needs to bring all that grief to the surface, you know? Let it all out. CINDY: Run it by Dr. Fields. See what he says. RUBEN: I don't care what he says. He really wasn't that much help. CINDY: Well, that's because both you and Adrian decided that you don't want any help. I found the guy very helpful and so did Ben. You could have been more supportive of the family therapy, you know. RUBEN: Why can't you help her? CINDY: I tried, Ruben. RUBEN: Well, try harder. She talked to you for the first couple of weeks. Maybe you said something that made her feel bad. CINDY: No, I didn't. Did you say something that made her feel bad? Because she's not talking to you either. RUBEN: I'm her father. You're her mother. This is a mother-daughter thing. CINDY: You don't believe that. You just don't know what to say to her either. RUBEN: No, I don't. I just want to make her feel better. CINDY: Well, I don't think we can do that. We both want her to feel better but it's out of our control. And all we can do is just tell her that we love her and that we're there if she needs us. She just nee more time. RUBEN: Time to do what? Sit at home and watch TV and stuff her face until she's more depressed? CINDY: For now, yes. RUBEN: And you're just going to go to work? CINDY: I stayed home for a month. I took a month off. I worked hard so I could take a month off. So, I have to go to work. RUBEN: You could quit. CINDY: I'll see you at the end of the week. If you're still here. I'm not going anywhere. RUBEN: It's my house, why would I go anywhere? ADRIAN'S HOUSE/CONDO Ruben calls her daughter. ADRIAN(at phone): I told you, I don't want to talk to anyone. I'm fine, okay? Just leave me alone. I'm fine. RUBEN(at phone): Can I bring lunch over today? ADRIAN(at phone): No. Look, just please don't. I don't feel like having lunch with you. No offense. RUBEN(at phone): None taken. But if you need me... ADRIAN(at phone): Dad, I love you, but I don't need you. I need to be alone. RUBEN(at phone): Okay, Adrian. Love you, too. Bye. CONDO Ben comes back. BEN: I'm sorry about the way I left just now. It's just that I'm worried about you. ADRIAN: Who called you? My mom? BEN: She texted me. But I was on my way back in. ADRIAN: I don't like everyone worrying about me. It's a burden. And I don't need the burden of everyone worrying about me on top of losing my baby. BEN: Well, maybe, everyone wouldn't worry about you so much if you could just give us some indication that you're feeling any better... ADRIAN: I don't want to feel better! BEN: Okay, well, then we're right back to where we started, so I'll just say goodbye. ADRIAN: Goodbye. Love you. BEN: Love you, Adrian. GRACE'S HOUSE Tom talks with his mother before to go at work. TOM: You're treating me like a baby. KATHLEEN: Because I won't let your girlfriend, that I know nothing about, move into the guest house with you? Tom, she's on welfare, she has two children, and she's too old for you. TOM: It's not about how old I am or how old she is. You think I'm not smart enough to be with a girl like her. KATHLEEN: No, honey, that's not it. I think you're smart. I just, I don't think you think things through sometimes, and this is one of those times. TOM: Think it through for me. Please. Go ahead. KATHLEEN: Let's just say the two of you do end up getting married, and then she changes her mind and wants a divorce. She would get half your money, Tom. The money your birth mother left you, the money you've earned and saved. Half of that would be gone. TOM: Then I have half my money left. KATHLEEN: And she has the other half! TOM: I'd say it, "It was worth it." KATHLEEN: Tom, you would give half of all you have to this woman just to be close with her? TOM: Yes! It's not about sex. We are not going to have sex. KATHLEEN: You would wanna be with someone that didn't want to have sex with you? TOM: I heard that happens a lot. Even right here in this house. KATHLEEN: Because Jeff's not here. He's in Africa. He's working in Africa because that's what he wants to do, and I'm staying here because that's what I want to do. TOM: And Rachel and I are going to live together and that's what we want to do. I have to go to work. (Tom leaves, Jack comes in) JACK: Bye, Tom. Hey, do you want me to drive Tom in today? I've got time. KATHLEEN: No, I'm sure he wants to take the bus so he can see Rachel. JACK: Yeah. KATHLEEN: I don't know what is wrong with this woman. JACK: Does something have to be wrong with her? KATHLEEN: Oh, you've been around her more than I have. Is something wrong with her? JACK: I don't know. KATHLEEN: Fine. I'll find out for myself. JACK: I can find another place to stay. We only have a few more months left of school. KATHLEEN: Jack, you can stay in the house if you need to, don't be silly. JACK: Who's being silly? Grace would definitely not want me to live in the house. Neither would Grant. KATHLEEN: Grace isn't even in the house. And Grant doesn't count. JACK: I never thought she'd actually go to Zimbabwe, even just to volunteer for two weeks. KATHLEEN: Hmm, Jeff convinced her it would be good for her resume. JACK: Yeah, but she's afraid of bugs, they got parasites over there. They get into your eyes and make you go blind or lay eggs in your brain that cause seizures and... I'm sorry. I'm sure she'll be fine. And Jeff, he'll be fine. And you and Jeff will be fine. KATHLEEN: Yeah, well, we'll give it some time, see if he really wants to live over there. JACK: Or if you really want to live over there. KATHLEEN: I don't. JACK: I thought you agreed to think about it. KATHLEEN: Oh, I am thinking about it. When I'm not thinking about who's living or not living in the guest house. JACK: Right. JUERGENS' HOUSE Amy sees for the last time her sister. AMY: Bye, Ashley. Have a nice trip. ASHLEY: Yeah, don't let the door h*t you in the butt on your way out. AMY: I said goodbye already. What do you want, a hug? ASHLEY: You know, this might be the last time you ever see me. AMY: You're right. I'm sorry. Here... ASHLEY: I don't need a hug. AMY: That's not very nice. And you know, I'm a little sensitive to statements like, "This might be the last time you ever see me," considering everything that's happened. ASHLEY: Oh, you're not that sensitive. You and Ricky are having the time of your lives while Ben and Adrian are going through hell. AMY: You think that's wrong? ASHLEY: Do you care what I think? AMY: Yeah, kind of. ASHLEY: I think it's a little weird for you and Ricky to get together during this period of mourning. I mean, you've waited all this time, why now? AMY: 'Cause I realized how much I loved him. ASHLEY: But you didn't before? AMY: What is it? What are you getting at? ASHLEY: The truth. No matter how dark it is. AMY: And what dark truth would that be? ASHLEY: Adrian and Ben could split up and if they do, you know she'll come back for Ricky. AMY: Adrian and Ben are not going to split up. If anything, they're closer than ever, having been through what they've been through. They are. And I'm not with Ricky to keep him away from Adrian. I'm with Ricky because I love him and he loves me and we want to be together. And the two of us and what we do has nothing to do with the two of them and what they do. Whether they stay together or they split up. ASHLEY: So, now it's whether Adrian and Ben stay together or split up, when just seconds ago they were not splitting up, and they're closer than ever? AMY: I swear to you, Ashley. I am not moving in with Ricky to keep him away from Adrian. ASHLEY: Well, what about Ricky? Is he letting you move in to keep himself from Adrian? AMY: No, he's not! I know he's not. He loves me. And I love him. And I love being with him and our son in that little apartment over the butcher shop. He makes me happy. Why shouldn't I be happy? ASHLEY: Okay, well, I hope you stay happy. And I mean that, Amy. AMY: I hope you get happy. I mean that, Ashley. Safe travels. ASHLEY: Safe sex. HIGH SCHOOL Ricky sees Amy, he comes to her. RICKY: So? AMY: I picked up a few more things but my dad wasn't even there. He went up to see Robbie. RICKY: Good, no big exit. I like that. It's not like you won't see him again. We'll go over there, we'll have him over. We'll see him, and your mom. AMY: Yeah, I'm not worried about it. RICKY: Good. AMY: Here's what I am worried about. RICKY: Oh, jeez. Don't worry about anything. AMY: It's just that it's going to be very obvious to Ben that I'm living with you. RICKY: He knows you stay over there. And it doesn't matter, it's none of his business. AMY: Yeah, but he'll say something to Adrian. Even though I know we don't want to make any big announcement or anything, I still think I should let her know. RICKY: Why? We just talked about this morning. What we do has nothing to do with what they do. AMY: I know, but I still would rather tell her myself than have someone else tell her. You think she'd be upset that we're living together for some reason? RICKY: Do you think she'd be upset that we're living together for some reason? AMY: No. RICKY: Neither do I. AMY: So then what difference does it make if she knows? RICKY: What difference does it make if she doesn't know? If the two of them don't know? Ben and Adrian don't need to know everything we're doing. No one does. AMY: Okay, okay. I won't say anything. I just hope Ben doesn't say anything. RICKY: He's not going to say anything. He doesn't know anything. AMY: I think he's going to know. But whatever. RICKY: Does she know about us? That the two of us are together, that we're sleeping together? AMY: Um, yeah. I think I might have mentioned it. RICKY: Why did you want her to know that? AMY: It's not that I wanted her to know, or didn't want her to know. I think it just came up in conversation. RICKY: How does whether or not we're having sex just come up in conversation? AMY: You're kidding, right? We're friends, Adrian and me. RICKY: I don't care if you're friends with Adrian. It's nice that you're friends with her. But don't get too close, huh? AMY: Ricky, Adrian needs friends right now. And so does Ben. RICKY: I know, but I don't want you and me and Ben and Adrian to be some kind of weird foursome. We have our lives together, and they have their lives together. AMY: I get it. I totally get it. But now that you understand that Adrian already knows that we're sleeping together, don't you think I should just tell her that we're living together? RICKY: No. Wait till she asks. AMY: Okay. Well, I'll see you after work. Should I pick up something for dinner? RICKY: Do you ever pick up anything for dinner? AMY: No, but I could. I could even cook. RICKY: I'll take care of dinner. You just bring John home. AMY: Home. Yeah. Okay. Um, I like the sound of that. See you, um, at home. Amy goes to class and Ben comes to her. AMY: Hey. Good morning. How are you? BEN: I'm fine. But I wish you'd stop asking me that every morning because I'm never going to say anything other than "fine" when I'm not. AMY: Okay, I'll stop asking. And I'm sorry. I just don't know what to say that I haven't said before. I'm just really sorry about everything that happened, Ben. Ugh. And I know I say that every day, too. I'm sorry again. BEN: It's okay. And I didn't mean to snap at you. Look, is there any way you could drop by our condo today and see if Adrian will let you in to talk to her? AMY: I don't know. I tried that before and... If she's not ready to see me then... BEN: She has to talk to someone other than me. I don't seem to be able to say or do the right thing, no matter what I say or do. Maybe you could just try it one more time. I mean, somebody's got to get to her. AMY: And do what? BEN: Help her feel better. Or tell her to see a doctor or a therapist or someone who can help her feel better. AMY: I try not to give her any advice. I just email her and text her stuff that's going on at school or with me. I'm afraid that if I try to get her to get some help, that she might get offended. BEN: Please. I don't have anyone else to turn to. You and Grace are her closest friends and Grace isn't around. AMY: Okay. I mean, it wouldn't hurt to try. Um, but I'm going to send her a text or call her first. BEN: Fine, fine, but she's not going to tell you to go over there, so, just go anyway. Okay? Even if you haven't heard back from her. Please. AMY: Okay. BEN: Thank you, really. I... I think this might help somehow. I don't know how but I think it might. (Ricky joins them) BEN: Hey, Ricky. AMY: Um, Ben just asked if I could go talk to Adrian. RICKY: What a coincidence. AMY: Yeah, um, I was just telling Ricky that I wanted to go talk to Adrian, but I don't know. I'll see what I can do. I'll see if the counselor will give me a note so I can leave at lunch. See you later. (Amy leaves) BEN: What's going on? Do you mind if Amy goes over there? RICKY: No, I don't mind. I just don't want her going over there and talking about us. Amy and me. BEN: I know what you're thinking and don't be ridiculous, okay? Adrian does not care about you anymore. RICKY: I'm sure she doesn't. Ben, wait. Let's talk. BEN: I don't want to talk! I've had a bad morning. For the past eight weeks, I've had a bad morning followed by a bad night. I can't talk any more today, okay? Just leave me alone. She would have been eight weeks old today. RICKY: I'm sorry, Ben. It sucks. BEN: Well put. It does suck. Life sucks. Just not for you and Amy. BOYKEWICH’S COMPANY Leo comes to his office, Camille is here. CAMILLE: Good afternoon. How'd your meeting with the new inspector go? LEO: Well, he looks 12, and thanks but I don't need any more coffee. I had to drink plenty just to stay awake listening to that guy. He tweets. He thinks I should tweet. CAMILLE: You definitely shouldn't. How's Ben? Did you talk to Ben today? LEO: Every day. He's doing okay, Adrian not so much. They had a rough morning. The baby would have been eight weeks old today. It's not that I'm keeping track. I mean, Ben is and Adrian. I don't think that's a good idea, but what do I know? And how are you? CAMILLE: I'm fine, thanks. But I want to talk to you about something. LEO: What's that? CAMILLE: Well, it's something personal. Let's talk in your office. LEO: Something personal like what? CAMILLE: Security cameras. LEO: Yeah, so? Who's listening besides, uh, me and the guys who work for me? CAMILLE: All right. Well, um, I just, I want you to know that I'm looking for another job. LEO: That's not personal, that's business. Why would you be looking for another job? CAMILLE: I just think it would be best. LEO: Best for who? That wouldn't be best for me. Why would you leave your job? Do you want a raise? CAMILLE: No. LEO: I just gave you a raise. Or I could give you another raise. Or a promotion. Well, not a promotion, I want you right here, but we could call you a vice president or something. I mean, what do you want? CAMILLE: Leo, I don't want another raise or to become vice president or something. I just, I don't know. I've thought seriously about this and I think I need a change. LEO: Since when? Since when do you think you need to make the change? CAMILLE: Look, your wife's home, and she can take care of you now. LEO: More like I'll take care of her. But that has nothing to do with anything. I thought things were going fine here. I mean, after all we've been through the last few months, you'd think of leaving? And never mind the past few months, what about the past 25 years? CAMILLE: Yeah, well, um, about the past 25 years... I...I just think it's time to make a change in my life. That's all. I'm sorry to h*t you with this as soon as you walked in, but I'd have lost my nerve if I had waited. LEO: You should have waited. You know what our policy is here. If you're looking for a job, you're looking from home. CAMILLE: Leo, it's your company. You set the policies. LEO: Yes, I do. For a reason. CAMILLE: I'm not going to reveal any of your trade secrets or personal secrets or anything else to anyone. You know me better than that. LEO: Well, I thought I did, but I guess not. If you wanna leave, leave. CAMILLE: Leo, you're just angry. All right. Just take some time to think about this. I've been thinking about this for weeks, and it wasn't easy to come to this decision. LEO: Yeah. Goodbye, Camille. CAMILLE: Fine. You want me to call the guy to have the locks changed before I leave? LEO: No, you've done enough. You could go. CAMILLE: Leo. LEO: I'm not good at goodbyes. You know that. CONDO Adrian watches the TV, Amy visits her. AMY: Adrian! Adrian, it's me. Adrian, it's me. It's Amy. I don't have a lot of time. (Adrian opens the door) AMY: Adrian, hi. Thanks for letting me come by. ADRIAN: I didn't let you, you just came over here. AMY: Oh, I didn't know if you got my text. ADRIAN: Yeah, I did. AMY: Can I come in? ADRIAN: Want something to eat? AMY: No, I'm okay. ADRIAN: Yeah, you probably don't need food. AMY: Me? ADRIAN: I need food right now. And lots of it. AMY: Okay, well, I mean, maybe, I could, uh, join you for... ADRIAN: Churro? AMY: Yeah, okay. I, uh, could eat a churro. Hey, have you heard from Grace? ADRIAN: Yeah, I've heard from her. AMY: She's really enjoying her trip over there… We all miss you in school. No, we do. Everyone always asks about you. ADRIAN: Everyone like who? AMY: Everyone like all your friends. ADRIAN: What friends? AMY: Well, your friends. You know you have friends. All the girls who... ADRIAN: Came to the baby shower? AMY: I'm sorry. ADRIAN: I don't want to see them. AMY: Yeah. Okay, I... I guess not. Have you talked to the counselor? Do you want to try and finish the year? Could I bring your books home to you? Or, um, get your assignments for you? ADRIAN: No. I don't feel like doing school work. I don't care about school right now. AMY: Understandable. I mean, I don't know what it feels like to be in your situation, but I know it must be really tough, Adrian. ADRIAN: Yeah, it is. AMY: I'm sorry. ADRIAN: Let's change the subject. AMY: All right. ADRIAN: You can talk to me about Ricky. You know, it's not going to bother me. I wasn't avoiding talking about Ricky. AMY: I just, I didn't know what to say about Ricky or Ricky and me. ADRIAN: You can say anything you want. Amy, I love Ben. I really love him. And he loves me. I mean, I can't believe he's still here after what happened. I mean, he obviously doesn't have to be here. The only good thing that's come out of losing Mercy is that I know I can count on Ben for the rest of my life. AMY: I didn't know her name. ADRIAN: Yeah. If we're going to be friends, Amy, we're going to have to be honest with each other. So, I've been honest with you, you be honest with me. How are things with Ricky, really? Has the sex changed anything? AMY: I don't know. Maybe. ADRIAN: Maybe how? AMY: I don't know, um... I'm just, I'm happy. Maybe for the first time in my life. I'm just, I'm really happy being with Ricky and staying at his apartment with John, and I've been doing that a lot lately. So... ADRIAN: That's good. AMY: Uh-huh. ADRIAN: Yeah. AMY: So, we decided we'd just move in together. ADRIAN: Now? AMY: Mmm-hmm. Yeah. We were going to wait until summer, but we decided not to. ADRIAN: Why's that? Why now? AMY: We just want to. ADRIAN: Well, good for you. And thanks for telling me. Now this conversation feels real. Not like you're tiptoeing around my feelings or something. I'm really sick of that. Thanks, Amy. COUNSELOR’S OFFICE Ricky was in a séance. COUNSELOR: If you think having Amy move in with you is going to keep you from doing something stupid in the future with Adrian, or any other woman, you're wrong. Only you can keep you from doing something stupid. Is that why you're doing this? Is that why you want Amy and John to move in with you? As some kind of anti-cheat insurance? RICKY: No. COUNSELOR: Do you still have feelings for Adrian? RICKY: Not those kind of feelings. I don't want to have sex with her. But I can't help but feel sorry for her. Feeling sorry for her is dangerous. COUNSELOR: Why's that? RICKY: Because it could lead to saying something stupid or doing something stupid. COUNSELOR: You're not going to do something stupid. RICKY: I hope not. COUNSELOR: You hope not? Hope? I know you can make this relationship work because you made up your mind that it will work. And that's what it takes, making up your mind. At least, I thought your mind was made up. RICKY: No, it is. That is what I want, and I have made up my mind, but... COUNSELOR: But nothing. Ricky, love changes people. Having a monogamous relationship may always be a challenge for you, but you love Amy, you love John, and you are surrounded by people who love you. RICKY: Yeah, but Adrian isn't. Sooner or later, Ben is gonna leave her. COUNSELOR: I can't share information about other clients with you. You know that. RICKY: I think you just did. SHOP Kathleen comes to see Rachel. KATHLEEN: Hi. I was in the neighborhood. I ought I'd drop by and see if you'd like to grab a cup of coffee or get a bite to eat? RACHEL: I don't like to have disagreements over food. Food is really expensive and a luxury. So, when I eat, I just like to eat. So, no, thank you. KATHLEEN: Hmm. Well, I don't have your phone number. I had heard Tom say that you work here. RACHEL: Yeah, it's the only job I could get right now. It's a thrift shop run by my church. KATHLEEN: Oh, well, that's nice. That your church is helping you out with a job, any job, right? What else would you rather be doing? RACHEL: Just about anything other than talking to you, to tell you the truth. KATHLEEN: I like that. The truth. I can deal with the truth. I just can't deal with not knowing the truth. Now, there must be some reason why you would want to be involved with a man with limitations. RACHEL: Limitations. I see. You know, Tom's heart doesn't have any limitations. I know he really cares about me and my children, and I know I can trust him. And he's funny and he's sweet. Ugh, okay, look, I might as well tell you. Surprised Tom didn't and eventually someone's going to. KATHLEEN: (Sighs) Hmm. RACHEL: I divorced my husband because he b*at me up. Really b*at me up. In front of the children. He completely humiliated me, and he terrified them. And then he took them and he put them in a car and drove away. It took me three months to find them. He went to prison and during all of this, I lost everything. I spent everything I had trying to find them. Tom is the first guy that they've been comfortable around since that happened. Tom makes me laugh. And he makes me happy. And, yes, I can see that he has Down's syndrome and so can the children. It's just, we see so much more than that. Oh, this used to be mine. I gave it away. But I have a job. I can buy it back. (Phone ringing) KATHLEEN: Hmm. Right. I'm so sorry. I need to get this. Oh, it's Grace. (She answers) KATHLEEN (at phone): Hi, sweetie. Oh, actually, I'm here with Rachel, Tom's girlfriend. We were just discussing her moving into the guest house. HIGH SCHOOL Ben wants information. BEN: So, did you see her? AMY: Um, yeah. I saw her. She let me in. We talked, it was okay. I don't really know if I helped her or cheered her up or anything. She seems to be kind of sad, and I hadn't really picked this up in her texts, but I guess she's also justifiably kind of angry. BEN: Yeah. I know. Are you okay? AMY: Me? Yeah, sure. I'm fine. BEN: Was the place a mess? I mean, it's a mess when I get home every night, but I left it clean this morning. AMY: Ben, none of that stuff matters right now. It just doesn't matter that... BEN: That there was food all over the place. I should have warned you. She's not really taking care of things, right now. Not just things, herself. She's kind of a mess. She... I just... I feel so badly for her. I love her, Amy, and I know I said something to you one day about not wanting to be married and not wanting to be a father but... I just, I wish I could take it all back. I feel that somehow life betrayed her because I betrayed her by saying what I said, and I just want you to know that, that... I want to take it all back. AMY: Ben, come on. You did not betray her. In that single moment in time, you were scared. And that doesn't mean that you really felt that way, all the time. But even if you did, having a baby and getting married in high school is scary. BEN: Not as scary as holding your stillborn daughter in your arms. AMY: Hey, it wasn't your fault. It wasn't. It wasn't because you said anything wrong or did anything wrong, you know that. (Ricky joins them) RICKY: You really are having a bad day, huh? BEN: Yeah. AMY: He is. Having a bad day. I think everyone is staring at us. RICKY: Yeah. I think they are. AMY: What should we do? RICKY: I think we should get used to it. Everyone is going to be watching every move the four of us make. See you at home. BOYKEWICH’S HOUSE Leo and Ben take a drink. BEN: How's that Chianti? LEO: I like a good Chianti. Especially with a nice steak like that. BEN: That's your second bottle. LEO: Well, the first bottle I shared with Betty. I just felt like having another drink. I'm a big guy. I could drink a lot of wine before I feel it. BEN: I wouldn't mind drinking a little myself. LEO: You know, I don't believe in that. In underage kids drinking so they can get used to it, and become better drinkers or something when they can legally drink. BEN: Yeah, I know. I just don't feel like going home. LEO: Well, you have to go home. And I have to go upstairs. BEN: You don't want to go upstairs and be with Betty? LEO: I don't believe in discussing my wife with my son either. BEN: I'm your grown son. And after the past few months, I thought we could discuss anything. I'm sorry. LEO: No. I'm sorry, Ben. Sit down. Don't say it out loud. BEN: I don't want to be married. LEO: Me neither. But we can't do anything about it. End of the episode.
{"type": "series", "show": "The Secret Life of an American Teenager", "episode": "04x01 - When One Door Opens"}
Previously on “The Secret Life of the American Teenager” AMY: I love sleeping over here. RICKY: I want you and John to live here. BEN: It's not going to bring her back, hiding here in the condo. JACK: I can find another place to stay. KATHLEEN: Grace isn't even in the house. I never thought she'd actually go to Zimbabwe. AMY: Adrian and Ben are not going to split up. If anything, they're closer than ever, having been through what they've been through. ASHLEY: Well, what about Ricky? Is he letting you move in to keep himself from Adrian? BEN: Is there any way you could drop by our condo today and see if Adrian will let you in to talk to her? She has to talk to someone other than me. CAMILLE: I want to talk to you about something. LEO: Why would you be looking for another job? CAMILLE: It's time to make I just think a change in my life. AMY: I know it must be really tough, Adrian. ADRIAN: Yeah, it is. COUNSELOR: Do you still have feelings for Adrian? RICKY: Feeling sorry for her is dangerous. KATHLEEN: I'm here with Rachel. We were just discussing her moving into the guest house. AMY: Being married and having a baby in high school is scary. BEN: Not as scary as holding your stillborn daughter in your arms. LEO: Don't say it out loud. BEN: I don't want to be married. LEO: Me neither. But we can't do anything about it. BOYKEWICH’S HOUSE Leo is in his office, he looks at a picture of a ex-wife and him. Betty comes in. BETTY: Leo. I know you still miss her. LEO: It's just, uh... BETTY: It's okay. And losing that baby must be so difficult for you and Ben. It's got to be so painful. I just feel so terrible for you both. But I gotta say, I feel even worse for Adrian. LEO: It's just that I think about Sarah when I see Ben like he is. He's in a really bad place. Which is not to say I don't feel terrible for Adrian, too, who I guess is in a worse place. I don't know. BETTY: Maybe I could go over there again tomorrow and see if there was something I could do for her, to bring her mood up. LEO: All right, well, you better get to bed. I'll, uh... I'll be up in a minute. BETTY: Don't you want to come upstairs with me now? I bet you I could get your mood up. LEO: I'm sure, but I've got a lot on my mind. Camille quit today and I gotta go over my schedule for tomorrow and the rest of the week. I gotta take care of some business. BETTY: What? Camille quit? Why didn't you tell me? I mean, when did that happen? LEO: I got home and Ben was here, and I didn't get a chance to tell you. Tomorrow, I'll get an assistant from marketing or I'll get a temp or something until I can find someone. BETTY: Oh, no, you won't! No, cause I'm going to get up bright and early. And I'm going to go in with you. I can do anything that Camille can do, if not more. You won't believe how smart I am. What time do we leave? I mean, I've always wanted to do something like this, be an assistant to a big, important man like yourself. What time did you say? LEO: That's really nice of you to offer, great at the job, Betty, and I'm sure you'd be hey, how great Would it be that I get and to work with my wife, huh? But the most important thing you could do for me tomorrow, is to take care of Ben. And if you want to go by the condo and visit with Adrian, I know he'll appreciate it. And so would I. BETTY: Okay, well, if that's what you want, consider it done. Good night. CONDO Ben comes home, Adrian looks at the sky. ADRIAN: Where do you think she is? BEN: It's a little cold out here, don't you think? ADRIAN: I'm okay. BEN: I don't know where she is, Adrian. I don't think there's any way of knowing. ADRIAN: Do you think she exists in some way, or something? In some other dimension BEN: I like to think so, yeah. I like to think that the people we've known are all somewhere that's nice and safe and, uh, warm. And that maybe they're looking down on us, we don't know about, in some way that taking care of us can't know about. ADRIAN: She's just a baby, Who's taking care of her? An innocent, little baby. I can't stand to think that she has no one, That she's alone or crying or something. BEN: Yeah. I know, Adrian. I have those horrible thoughts sometimes, too, taking care of her. That my mom is but I like to think you're my wife And you know what, And I have to take care of you, too. What do you say? Let's go inside. ADRIAN: I love you, Ben. BEN: I love you too, Adrian. ADRIAN: Amy moved in with Ricky, you know. BEN: I didn't know. ADRIAN: Yeah, she told me, today. BEN: Is that what upset you? ADRIAN: No, Ben. Losing the baby, that's what upset me. THE SECRET LIFE OF THE AMERICAN TEENAGER – OPEN CREDITS JUERGENS' HOUSE George makes work, Anne comes in. ANNE: Hi. What are you doing? GEORGE: Eh, I needed a project, thought I'd do some updating. ANNE: You're gonna update my house? This is my house. GEORGE: Is it? ANNE: Yeah, you got the business, I got the house. You gave me the house. I own the house, you're just living here. GEORGE: Yeah, well, while I'm living here, alone, I thought I'd make the house better, just like I made the business better. The store has never done this well. ANNE: Yeah, I know. I'm giving you a lot of business. Or Donovan, anyway. He has this upholsterer who's a genius... Yeah, you can thank me later. And you know, you can't update in here without showing me what you're doing. GEORGE: I'll show you when I figure it out. ANNE: You haven't figured it out, yet? It looks like you might be doing some demolition. GEORGE: I might be. ANNE: No, George, no demolition. Not without a plan. A plan that I've seen and approved. And even then, not while you're watching Robbie. You said that I could bring Robbie by. Did you forget? GEORGE: Did you forget? No, I didn't forget. I thought it could be a father and son thing. Come here, my man. Yay! ANNE: Well, it'll have to be a father, son and mother thing because I have to know what you two are doing. Okay, I gotta go. I'm gonna be back by three. I wanna miss all the traffic. I don't want to turn a two-hour drive into a four. Hey, are you okay? You seem a little off. GEORGE: I'm fine. ANNE: Well, you don't seem fine. Are you angry at someone? At me? GEORGE: I'm annoyed with Amy. She moved in with Ricky. ANNE: Well, I think we knew that that was gonna happen. GEORGE: No, we didn't. We knew it might happen, we hoped it wouldn't happen, didn't we? ANNE: Well, I guess we're just going to have to see if it's a good thing or a bad thing. I don't know. GEORGE: Did she tell you she was moving in? ANNE: No. But she told me that she was spending practically every night there. You know, they were already having sex, if that's what was bothering you. GEORGE: I realize that, but they were not living together, and now they are. I found this out when Ruben came over for a drink last night. I saw him when I pulled up in the driveway and made the mistake of... Did you just look at your watch? ANNE: I have to go, George. I'm sorry. Look, I don't know what you're so upset about. We knew that this was happening, it was just a matter of time. GEORGE: A matter of not enough time. Go, just go. ANNE: Hey, did you hear from Ashley last night? GEORGE: No, did you? ANNE: I got a text from her. And that was not our agreement. GEORGE: Yeah, I know that. ANNE: Okay, bye, Robbie. I'll see you boys later. Don't do anything without a plan, a plan that I've seen and approved. Bye. (Anne leaves) GEORGE: Don't listen to her. You listen to me. I'm a grown man and I say, "We can do whatever we want." ROBBIE: Yeah. GEORGE: Yeah. So what do you wanna bust up first? JUERGENS' HOUSE/GASOLINE STATION George receives a call. GEORGE(at phone): Oh. ASHLEY(at phone): Hey, I'm reporting in. GEORGE(at phone): You were supposed to report in last night. ASHLEY(at phone): But we drove 12 hours yesterday and it was late when we stopped. GEORGE(at phone): What are the rules, Ashley? ASHLEY(at phone): I have to call you every night. GEORGE(at phone): Day one and you broke the rules. ASHLEY(at phone): I told you it was late. I didn't want to wake you up. GEORGE(at phone): There's nothing in the rules that says if it's too late, you don't call. You call every night, all right? No matter how early or late it is, you got that? ASHLEY(at phone): I got that. GEORGE(at phone): What are the other rules? Are you breaking any of the other rules? ASHLEY(at phone): The rules are we have to stay in the same room, separate beds, no sex. No drugs. No alcohol. No driving after 9:00. Don't let the gas t*nk get below a half a t*nk. No speeding. No tornado chasing. No hanging my arms or feet out the windows. Uh, Toby is not allowed to pee on the side of the road. And I'm not allowed to go to the restroom at truck stops. Should I keep going? GEORGE(at phone): No. So, how far did you get? What city you in? ASHLEY(at phone): I don't know. I think it's called Kingman. GEORGE(at phone): Kingman? Kingman is like a couple of hours away. ASHLEY(at phone): Well, we didn't go on the freeway. GEORGE(at phone): Still. You can't be in Kingman. ASHLEY: It doesn't take a whole day to get to Kingman. Oh, we stopped at this town and fed donkeys. GEORGE(at phone): Yeah, and? ASHLEY(at phone): It was educational. GEORGE(at phone): You fed donkeys all day, and that was educational? ASHLEY(at phone): Yeah. GEORGE(at phone): How is that educational, Ashley? ASHLEY(at phone): Clark Gable and Carole Lombard stayed in the hotel there on their honeymoon. GEORGE(at phone): Are you talking about Oatman? Oatman is where Olive Oatman was given back to the US Army by the Mojave Indians. ASHLEY(at phone): Oh, I didn't know. GEORGE(at phone): She was taken by the Yavapai and held c*ptive, and then traded to the Mojave. ASHLEY(at phone): I had no idea. GEORGE(at phone): Well, now you do. ASHLEY(at phone): Well, we're not going back there, so what difference does it make? GEORGE(at phone): You're supposed to be learning something. ASHLEY(at phone): I did. I learned where Clark Gable and Carol Lombard went on their honeymoon. And I have to go now. Sorry. GEORGE(at phone): Okay, well, call me tonight, and tell Toby to drive safely today, and you two pay more attention to where you are and what you're seeing. ASHLEY(at phone): All right. Bye, Dad. GEORGE(at phone): I love you, Ashley. ASHLEY(at phone): Love you, too. GASOLINE STATION Toby joins Ashley. TOBY: Your dad wasn't too happy, was he? ASHLEY: Apparently Donkey Town had some historical significance that we missed. Come on. Let's get on the freeway. TOBY: Freeway? I thought we were taking old Route 66. That's what I mapped out, old Route 66. That's not the freeway. I don't even know where the freeway is. ASHLEY: It's the red line that goes from the West Coast to the East Coast. TOBY: Yeah, I don't know how to get to the red line. That's the 10. We're nowhere near the 10 freeway. ASHLEY: We'll just figure it out. My dad thinks we're moving too slow. TOBY: So do I. ASHLEY: Oh, another day of cheap sexual innuendo? TOBY: Sorry, couldn't help myself. We're going to miss a lot of good stuff if we get on the freeway, you know. ASHLEY: All right. Well, you're driving, you decide. JUERGENS' HOUSE Amy visits her dad. AMY: Dad? GEORGE: Hey. AMY: Hey, you needed something? GEORGE: Yeah, I needed something. AMY: What do you need? I have school. GEORGE: Where were you last night? I came home and no one was here. AMY: Oh, I was over at uh, you know, the apartment. GEORGE: So, it's gone from Ricky's apartment to the apartment? AMY: No, no, it's still Ricky's apartment. I was just using a more neutral term, I guess, "The apartment." GEORGE: More neutral than what? AMY: Well, Ricky calls it "Our apartment," Not that it's our apartment, 'cause it's really "His apartment." GEORGE: But you're living there, at his apartment? AMY: I don't know if I would say living there. Who said I was living there? Ashley? GEORGE: I heard from the neighbors. AMY: Sure you did. What neighbors? GEORGE: Ruben. Who heard it from his wife. Who heard it from their daughter. AMY: Oh. GEORGE: Yeah, "Oh." AMY: Well, I have been staying over there. But you knew that. GEORGE: But now you're not just staying over there, you're living over there. AMY: Well, "Staying" Sounds so, like, low class, so, yeah, I prefer to say "Living." GEORGE: No matter what you call it, living together unmarried, that is low class. You're the one who said it and you're right, it's low class. AMY: Weren't you and Mom just living together and not married just a short time ago? GEORGE: We were. And you see how that worked out? AMY: Yeah, I'm sorry that it didn't work out. I had hoped that it would. Do you hope things will work out with Ricky and me? GEORGE: I've told you more than once that it won't work out if you just move in there without any kind of commitment. But I guess I lost that argument long time ago when you started staying over there. AMY: So I guess I don't understand why you're so upset then. GEORGE: I'm upset because of the way I heard about this. If you and Ricky make any more bad decisions, I'd like to know first. I don't like getting bad news from the neighbours, especially Ruben. AMY: I can't believe he'd be so concerned with my personal life. Why would he tell you that I'm living over there? GEORGE: Why not? You are, aren't you? And he just assumed I knew, you know, since I'm your father, and you were living here before you were living there. AMY: Do we have to make such a big deal out of this? GEORGE: It's really not that big of a deal. Do we have to make a big deal out of you and my grandson living with your boyfriend? Are you kidding? AMY: No? And Ricky's not just my boyfriend, he's John's father. GEORGE: I thought maybe if the two of you like being with each other so much, that maybe you'd get engaged. And you'd stay engaged through college, and then after you graduate college, then you'd get married, and then you'd actually move in with each other. AMY: Really? GEORGE: Really. You're just not old enough or mature enough to be living together on your own. AMY: We're not old enough or mature enough to have a two-year-old son either. GEORGE: No, you're not, but just because you have John doesn't mean you have to raise him together, unmarried, in the same apartment. AMY: I know that but that's what we want to do. Dad, Ricky's going to be in college next year, and I'm going to be a senior. GEORGE: So? AMY: So? So we're young, but we're very mature. GEORGE: Yeah, sure you are. AMY: Okay, fine, I don't know. Maybe, we're not. But like I told Ashley yesterday, I'm happy. I'm really happy, okay? So, please, just let me be happy. Please. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you, Dad. GEORGE: Well, Amy, the door is always open. You know that. When it doesn't work out, the door is always open. You can always come home. AMY: If it does work out, will the door be open? I love you, Dad. GEORGE: I love you too, Amy. In the blink of an eye. AFRICA/CONDO Grace talks with Adrian by web-cam. GRACE: How you feel about that? Are you okay? ADRIAN: How lousy I feel right now has nothing to do with what's going on with Ricky and Amy. I mean, so they're living together? So what? That has nothing to do with Ben and me and what happened to us. GRACE: I know, but it must be hard. I mean, you and Ricky were really close and Amy knows that and Amy knows how hard everything is for you now. ADRIAN: I just don't know why it happened. I can't figure out why it happened, Grace. GRACE: Oh, Adrian, I don't think there's a why. I mean, there's no why. It just happened, things just happen. I wish I was there to give you a hug. I mean, it'll be okay, you just need time. ADRIAN: Thank you. Thank you for saying that. No one seems to understand that. I mean, everyone's in such a hurry for me to just go back to the way things were and just do the same things I was doing before this happened. But going back to the way things were seems like, I don't know, like, like I'm not honoring my little girl. GRACE: Adrian, that's sad. But maybe the best way to honor her is to just get back out there and live your life in a way that honors her. Maybe you could do something like a good deed in her name or something. ADRIAN: You mean like volunteering to help in Africa? I have to go. (Adrian cuts off, Ben joins her) BEN: How was Grace? ADRIAN: Grace was Grace. Have a good day at school. BEN: What'd she say? ADRIAN: Nothing. BEN: She said something that upset you. I can tell. You know, your two best friends don't seem to know how to be your best friends. ADRIAN: It's not just them, it's everyone. BEN: Including me? ADRIAN: No, Ben, not including you. Bye. CONDO/BOYKEWICH'S HOUSE Ben starts to go, his phone rings. BEN(at phone): Dad? LEO(at phone): How are you this morning? BEN(at phone): Why? LEO(at phone): Why? BEN(at phone): What's going on? LEO(at phone): What do you mean what's going on? I'm just calling to see how you're doing. BEN(at phone): Oh, okay, sorry. I misread something in your voice. LEO(at phone): Okay, there is something going on. Look, yesterday I didn't get a chance to tell you this, and there's really no reason I would tell you this, but Camille quit. BEN(at phone): Are you kidding? Why would she quit? LEO(at phone): I guess after 25 years of me, she's had enough. But that's not the problem. BEN(at phone): Well, no, that's a huge problem. She was like your second wife. LEO(at phone): No she's not. I can replace her. She can be replaced. BEN(at phone): And you're calling to tell me this? LEO(at phone): Not exactly. The thing is, Betty has offered to come in and work with me today. BEN(at phone): That's funny. LEO(at phone): No, that's not funny. But that can't happen. BEN: It could happen. LEO(at phone): It's not going to because she'd rather come over there and visit with Adrian today. BEN(at phone): Bad idea. LEO(at phone): We don't know that. BEN(at phone): No, we do know that. Did you send her over here instead of going over to your office? LEO(at phone): Look, all she just wants to do is drop by there this afternoon, and that's better than her spending all day at the office with me. I have a business to run. BEN(at phone): Well, yeah, I have a wife that's a little depressed. My life isn't easy either. LEO(at phone): Look, maybe those two could have a bite to eat, an early dinner. And then you and I will go out, have an early dinner too and we'll talk. BEN(at phone): I don't know if Adrian will let Betty come over. LEO(at phone): Then let Betty handle it. Betty's going to call her and ask her if she can come over. Ben? BEN(at phone): Amy moved in with Ricky. LEO(at phone): So? AFRICA/GRACE'S HOUSE Grace talks with her mother by webcam. GRACE: It was such a stupid thing to say to her, and I try to be so careful of what I say, but I just said the wrong thing anyway. So, could you just go by there and make sure she's okay? KATHLEEN: Grace, I don't think Adrian would want me to just drop by there. And I don't think what you said is totally unreasonable. In fact, I think it was pretty good advice. I just, I don't think Adrian wants to hear any advice, right now. You can go see her as soon as you get back. GRACE: About that. Here's what I'm thinking. This is a really long way to come for just two weeks. KATHLEEN: That's why I told you doing something like this would be better in the summer when school's out. GRACE: Yeah, but the opportunity presented itself now, and I'm really glad that I came here. It's amazing. I just, I hate to leave so soon. KATHLEEN: Yet, you're going to have to because you have to finish the school year. The counselor said,"Two weeks," And I agree. So it's two weeks, honey. And besides, Jeff is only helping out that group for a couple of more weeks and then he's moving on to his new job and you can't just go with him. GRACE: But he said I could if I wanted. KATHLEEN: Well, why don't you tell him to call me about that when he gets a chance. And... Don't you miss me? Honey, don't you miss your family here? (Jack joins the conversation) JACK: Hey, Grace. GRACE: Hi, Jack. JACK: Hey, I'm sorry about the move, but I talked to Grant and he's cool with it, so I don't think it's gonna be a problem. You hadn't told her? KATHLEEN: No. JACK: I'll be back. I was just making my lunch, and I need to grab some mayonnaise. GRACE: What move? Where's he moving? And why's he moving? Mom, please do not tell me it's because you're letting Tom's girlfriend move into the guest house. Mom, you can't be serious about that. KATHLEEN: Grace, when she explained her situation to me, I just couldn't say no. And, honey, Tom is so happy. He really is. So I told Jack he could move into the house and take Tom's old room until school's out. Don't do that face. That's not attractive, Grace. (Grace cuts off) KATHLEEN: Grace! HIGH SCHOOL Ricky wants to Amy explications. RICKY: Who told your dad you moved in? AMY: Who do you think? RICKY: I think Ashley. AMY: Well, we don't know that for sure. RICKY: Yeah, we do. AMY: He didn't say that. RICKY: He wouldn't say that. I'm going to talk to her the next time she calls. AMY: Uh, she probably won't call us. RICKY: She'll call. Or I'll call her. You and I will call her. You want me to talk to your dad? AMY: No, I do not want you to talk to my dad. Just let it alone. He'll get over it. RICKY: I knew when you told me you told her that she was going to say something. That's why I don't want you saying anything to Adrian. AMY: I know that. I know that you don't want me to say anything to Adrian. Although, you know, uh, my dad could say something to Ruben, because, you know, they're friends, and then Ruben could say something and... I have to go. I'll see you at home. Ricky walks in the hallway, Ben meets him. BEN: Hey, Ricky! RICKY: Yeah. Good morning. BEN: Have you seen Amy? I need to talk to her. Unless you have some objection. I'm not too happy with her. RICKY: Because? BEN: I'll just take that up with Amy. RICKY: Why do you always do that? Ask if you can speak to Amy, like she's my property or something. You want to speak to Amy, speak to Amy. But right now, you're talking to me. We're just talking here. What's going on? BEN: I just don't think that Amy should have said anything about you two living together to Adrian. It's a little soon to be rubbing your cohabiting bliss in her face, don't you think? RICKY: You know Amy stays at the apartment, so does Adrian. BEN: Yeah, but that's different, staying over there and living over there. RICKY: That seems to be the general opinion. Either way, it's not really anyone's business. BEN: Amy made it Adrian's business. She told her. Look, I sent her over there to try to cheer Adrian up. You know, to bring a little bit of light to her dark day and instead she tells her about you two living together. RICKY: Why would Adrian care? BEN: You think at a time like this Adrian wants to hear about you and Amy and John all living happily ever after in the little apartment above my family's butcher shop like it's some sort of freaking fairy tale? Look, no wonder Adrian doesn't want anyone to come over and visit. Everyone's completely insensitive and just oblivious to the fact that she's heartbroken and in a lot of pain. RICKY: Let's walk outside, out of earshot from the entire school, all right? They walks to outside. RICKY: I'm going to be straight with you. I think you're the one who's upset about Amy moving in with me, not Adrian, because I think you want out of that relationship. And before you say anything, I'm going to give you some advice whether you want it or not. You've been trying to get everyone to give Adrian advice, you take some advice. From a guy who's been there. I did not want to be with Amy when I found out she was pregnant, I didn't even want to be with her when she had John. It took a long time, a very long time to get to know her, and for things to change between us. I wanted to run. And I know you want to run. But you can't. You can't right now. And you know that. Just wait it out, Ben. Just wait it out. You might feel differently in another year or two. Things might get better between you and Adrian. You got married for the wrong reasons, maybe you'll stay together for the right reasons. But even if things don't get better, even if you and Adrian split up, you and Amy, that's over. Me and Adrian, that's over. I'm in love with Amy, and I'm gonna be with her for the rest of my life. And only with her. BEN: If I do leave Adrian, you'll feel even sorrier for her than you do now. Way too sorry for her not to sleep with her. You've changed, but you haven't changed that much. Yeah, we know each other a little too well at this point, don't we? Jack and Madison have a conversation. MADISON: Excuse me? JACK: Madison, you felt the same way when I moved into the guest house, and nothing happened. We're not going to get back together. I'm going to live in Tom's old room until graduation, and then I'm going to Arizona to stay with my parents and then I'm going off to school. MADISON: Where are you going to school? Have you decided yet? JACK: I want to be near my parents. I'll probably go to Arizona. MADISON: I see. Even if you get a full scholarship to a school that's right here. JACK: I miss my parents. I want to live at home and go to school. I miss them. MADISON: You miss them? Aren't you going to miss me? JACK: You're one year behind me. You can come to Arizona next year. It'll be one year of us driving back and forth and then we'll be at the same school again. MADISON: Oh. Okay. I still don't like your living in the house in the bedroom next to Grace. But if in the end, I win, I'm okay with that. Amy says she feels to Lauren. AMY: I'm an idiot. I completely lied to him. I can't believe I did that. It just happened so quickly, and then I realized it was wrong, and I couldn't stop myself and... LAUREN: So go find him right now and say you didn't want him to be upset with you, you panicked, you lied and you're sorry you told Adrian and you should have told him. AMY: Why did I do that? You know, even if I admit to lying, it's still not going to change the fact that I lied. I don't want to mess anything up. I just moved in there. I love living there. I love Ricky and John and me as a family. LAUREN: Then get out there and do what you got to do. And do it quickly, don't wait. (Ricky joins the girls) RICKY: Amy, I need to talk to you. LAUREN:Do it. (Lauren leaves) RICKY: I'm going to call Bunny and tell her I'm going to be late for work today. I wanna go over and talk to your dad. I don't want him to be upset with me and I think I should just go over there and face him. AMY: Look, Ricky... RICKY: Yeah? AMY: I asked you to just leave it alone and I want you to just leave it alone, okay? He's my dad and I think I know better than you what to do here. RICKY: All right, I gave you a chance to tell me and you didn't take it. I know you're lying. Ben told me you told Adrian you moved in. You said you weren't going to do that. And I said if you did do that, it would be a problem. Now it's a problem. BUTCHER SHOP Amy and John come to the shop. RICKY: Hey Amy. Hey there, John. Come here. How was your day, buddy? Hmm. My day wasn't that great either. I asked your mom not to do something and she did it anyway. Then she lied about it. AMY: Don't tell him bad stuff about me. I don't tell him bad stuff about you. RICKY: No? AMY: No, I don't. RICKY: Sorry, that was my way of trying to get an apology. AMY: You baited me, Ricky. You knew I lied and then you set me up to lie again. RICKY: Oh, so it's my fault? AMY: No. No, it's my fault. And if you don't want to live with a liar, then I'll go home. I'm sure my dad would be very happy for John and me to be home again. RICKY: This is your home. AMY: Oh. I wasn't sure. RICKY: Come on, you're sure. AMY: I'm sorry, okay? I don't know why I told her. I just told her. RICKY: Okay. I'm sorry, too. About baiting you. Let's go home. AMY: Just like that? RICKY: Yeah, let's go home. AMY: You're not even upset with me? RICKY: It's over, okay? BOYKEWICH'S HOUSE Ben is in his bedroom with Alice and Henry. BEN: It's not going to work. I don't care how happy they are right now, it's not going to work. He got what he wanted, he's having sex with her and he didn't even have to marry her to get it. ALICE: You think they should have gotten married first? BEN: Yeah, Alice, I do. You know why? HENRY: Why? BEN: Because all he wants to do is have sex with her. He doesn't want to marry her. He's not going to marry her. He's not going to marry anyone. He can't make a commitment to just be with Amy for the rest of his life. That's ridiculous! I mean, I'm sure Amy thinks, oh, it'll just going to be the two of them from now until eternity. Isn't this great? You know, just hanging out in my room. It's like old times, isn't it? HENRY: Yeah, just like old times. ALICE: Old times. HENRY: Um, Ben, you know, Alice and I were wondering, is it too soon to ask if... BEN: If Adrian and I are going to stay together? You know, yesterday, I wouldn't have had an answer for you, but today, I do. Look, I got married because I had to get married. And no, I do not want to be married. I just can't get out of it. Not right now, anyway. You know, I want to, but it wouldn't be right, right now. Adrian is in a very bad place, and I'm not in a much better place, but as soon as anything changes, I'm running for the door. I just admitted that to my dad last night and now that the floodgates are open, I feel like I'm having a hard time shutting them again. Boy, does that feel good. I mean, I know it's just a horrible, horrible thing to admit, and I feel guilty admitting it, but boy, I mean, phew, just a relief to say it out loud again. ALICE: We weren't going to ask if you two are staying together. We just wanted to know if it was too soon to ask if we could visit Adrian. BEN: Oh. Uh, no, I don't think she's ready quite yet. ALICE: You know, Ben, I don't think I'd say anything about this stuff to anyone else. Things could change. BEN: Not fast enough. I want out. And every time I say it, I feel less guilty about it. CONDO Betty visits Adrian. BETTY: I hate to see you like this. ADRIAN: Like what? BETTY: Well, you're not Jewish, are you? You haven't covered up all your mirrors, have you? ADRIAN: No. I haven't covered the mirrors. BETTY: Well, good, 'cause Adrian, I just don't want you to settle for looking like a tomato. When you used to be such a hot tomato. Is it tamale? Is it hot tamale? I don't think it could be tamale because tamales are thin. I just think you should go to the gym. I think you should just go out and go for a walk and get some of those new shoes that can make your butt tight. There's a great salon in the neighbourhood. You could walk down there and have them do something with your hair. Or go out and buy some clothes that fit. If you want I can take you out on a big girl day? We could give you just a big makeover. ADRIAN: Um, Betty, I'm in mourning. And Ben doesn't care what I look like. BETTY: Take it from a former pro, honey, he does care. And so do you. I don't want to hurt your feelings, but you got to do something. I mean, you can mourn and still look good. Just think Jackie Kennedy. ADRIAN: What? BETTY: Yeah. She was married to President Kennedy. ADRIAN: Yeah, I know who she is, Betty. BETTY: Do you? Well, good, 'cause you're a big mess. You're a big hot mess. ADRIAN: What are you saying, I'm fat? BETTY: Yeah, that too. But go back to the times when you were smiling. You have such a beautiful smile. ADRIAN: I don't want to smile. I don't feel like smiling. BETTY: Well, do it anyway. ADRIAN: What? BETTY: You're going to be okay, Adrian. ADRIAN: No, I'm not. BETTY: Yes, you are. Smile. Oh, you got something in your teeth. See, you got it. ADRIAN: You're the first person who hasn't treated me like I'm going to break. BETTY: Honey, you're already broken. What you went through, I mean it shatters people, and you just have to put all the pieces back together again. ADRIAN: I don't think I can, Betty. I don't think I can. BETTY: You can and you will. You have to. And you have to take a bath. ADRIAN: I stink, don't I? BETTY: Yeah. ADRIAN: I'm afraid he's going to leave me. Ben. I keep telling everyone he won't, but... But I'm afraid he will, and I wouldn't blame him. BETTY: I would. That would be a horrible thing if he just went out and did that. I mean, when you're married, you're married. And he was in it for better and now he's in it for worse. Look, Adrian, if you really want to stay with Ben, there's a way you can get Ben to stay with you. ADRIAN: Thanks, Betty. BETTY: Oh, yeah, my pleasure. Us Boykewich girls gotta stick together. GUEST'S HOUSE Kathleen comes to see if everything is okay. KATHLEEN: Well, looks like everyone is getting settled in, but I was going to have you over to eat with us, Rachel. RACHEL: Oh, that's nice of you, Kathleen, but I promise, We're not going to cause you to do any extra work. Definitely don't want that. Say hi to Grandma. RONNIE: Hi, Grandma. BONNIE: Hi, Grandma. You're our first grandma. Our other one died of being old. RONNIE: No chance of that with this one. RACHEL: Uh, Tom, maybe Ronnie and Bonnie should just call your mom Kathleen. TOM: No, come on. You always wanted to be a grandma, didn't you? KATHLEEN: Well... I do love children. RACHEL: Or Mrs. Tsegaye? Is it Kathleen? KATHLEEN: Kathleen. Thank you. RACHEL: So we're calling Tom's mother Kathleen. BONNIE: Or just Kathleen? So, is it Grandma Kathleen? KATHLEEN: Just Kathleen. BONNIE: Okay. KATHLEEN: Good night. GRACE'S HOUSE Kathleen comes back to the kitchen. KATHLEEN: Well, it's just the two of us, so we can just eat in here. JACK: Everything okay? KATHLEEN: Yeah. Everything's fine. JACK: Tom is so happy, isn't he? KATHLEEN: He is. For now. Yes, he is. JACK: And thank you for letting me stay here. I'm sure things will be fine with Grace and Grant and me and all that. KATHLEEN: And if things aren't so fine, then that's that. Yeah. JACK: That's what? KATHLEEN: Well, that's how it goes. JACK: So you'd be okay if they broke up? KATHLEEN: Yeah, well, I like Grant, They're really great. I do, and I love his parents. I just, I think all of you guys are so serious about each other. A little too young to be out of high school. I mean, you're not even do love Madison. JACK: Yeah, but I really so in love with Madison KATHLEEN: Are you still going to be with Madison if Grace taps on your door One night and says she wants to get back together? JACK: Did she say something? KATHLEEN: No. She didn't. JACK: Oh. Well, then, no. KATHLEEN: "No," What? JACK: I wouldn't want to get back together with Grace. KATHLEEN: Grab the salad. BOYKEWICH'S HOUSE Leo sees Ben. LEO: Hey, give me a minute to change, and we're on our way. BEN: Take your time. LEO: You know, uh, don't get too used to that. You're not coming home, you know that? BEN: I know that. Unless... LEO: Don't go down that road. BEN: No, it's just that... what if she leaves me? I was thinking, I've already realized, Adrian realizes what I mean, what if for all the wrong reasons which is that we got married to go back home? And what if she decides she's a very smart woman, I mean, very independent, and she was always and that could happen. LEO: It could, but I doubt it. And don't even think about trying to make it happen. Is this why you're so bothered with Ricky and Amy moving in together? Would leave you for Ricky You were hoping that Adrian and now he's not available? BEN: Honestly, I just... I don't like Amy living with him. LEO: You need to give up the idea of ever getting back together with Amy, all right? There's more than two girls in the universe, you know. BEN: Yeah, I know. Do you know? LEO: Do I know what? BEN: That there are more women out there in the universe for you, too. LEO: I'm married to Betty. I'm taken. Betty is it. BEN: And what about Camille? LEO: What about Camille? BEN: You're not in love with Camille? LEO: What are you talking about, you knuckle-head? I'm not in love with Camille. BEN: Well, apparently Camille is in love with you. LEO: What? BEN: That's why she quit. Dad, of course she is. LEO: She quit because she quit. BEN: No, she quit because Betty came back and she's giving up. LEO: Ridiculous. You know that? You're ridiculous, You think? RICKY'S APARTMENT Ricky joins Amy in the bedroom. AMY: You could not have possibly got him down that quickly. RICKY: He doesn't give me any problems going to bed. AMY: Good, you can put him to bed every night. RICKY: I'm happy to put him to bed every night. AMY: What bed? RICKY: I put the mattress on the floor for him. He's getting too old for that. He doesn't like the baby bed. AMY: But he can just walk right into the kitchen. RICKY: I blocked it all off and No, he can't. I'll go to sleep on the couch I'll watch him. To go to sleep. When we're ready. AMY: I can't believe he's two. RICKY: Me, neither. AMY: Why are you being so nice to me after I lied to you? RICKY: I'm just happy, happy you're here. And I know you're happy you're here. That's why you lied to me. So it's probably not going to be the worst thing you ever do or the biggest fight we'll ever have. But... AMY: Ah, yeah, I knew there would be a "But." RICKY: But I want you to be honest with me and not keep anything from me, and I want to be free to be honest with you and not keep anything from you, even if I do something stupid. AMY: What'd you do? RICKY: Nothing. AMY: Nothing yet? RICKY: Just nothing. Nothing, Amy. I haven't done anything I can't tell you about. AMY: Okay. RICKY: Look, it's still early, John's in bed and I really would like to go talk to your dad. I don't want your family to be upset with us. AMY: That's really nice of you. RICKY: Or I could talk to him another night. AMY: Yeah. Do that. JUERGENS' HOUSE Anne picks up Robbie. ANNE: Oh, I'm sorry, I really am. Everything took twice as long as it should have. It took me a whole hour to get from the Design Center to here. Hate the traffic here. And I'm starving. Did you take out the counter-tops? GEORGE: Yeah, but don't worry, I'm going to put in a new one. And Robbie's going to help. It'll look good, stop worrying. I'm going to look at some granite. ANNE: I asked you not to do that. GEORGE: Jeez, It'll be fine. It's going you'd think you'd thank me. To look better. You liked that, didn't you? I did a great job in Ashley's room, converting the garage. ANNE: But I didn't care about the garage. I didn't want anything in here to change. GEORGE: You change things in people's houses all the time. Why wouldn't you want to change things here? ANNE: Because. GEORGE: Because why? ANNE: Because I have some really good memories in this kitchen, that's why. GEORGE: The same kitchen, It's still going to be just different counter-tops. ANNE: Thanks for taking care of Robbie. GEORGE: You don't have to thank me, he's my son too. ANNE: Come here. Goodnight, George. (Anne goes out and George leaves in the living room. Anne comes back and George too) GEORGE: Forgot to lock the door. ANNE: I forgot my purse. GEORGE: I guess we do have a lot of good memories in this kitchen. I can put the counter-tops back in, if you want. ANNE: No, that's okay. They were kind of outdated. GEORGE: Still seeing your boyfriend? ANNE: No. But that doesn't make any difference when it comes to us. Has nothing to do with us. End of the episode.
{"type": "series", "show": "The Secret Life of an American Teenager", "episode": "04x02 - Another One Closes"}
Previously on “The secret life of the American Teenager” LEO: I guess after 25 years of me, she's had enough. AMY: Do you hope things will work out with Ricky and me? GEORGE: I've told you more than once that it won't work out if you just move in there without any kind of commitment. JACK: Hey, I'm sorry about the move, but I talked to Grant and he's cool with it. GRACE: What move? KATHLEEN: I told Jack he could move into the house and take Tom's old room until school's out. JACK: You felt the same way when I moved into the guest house, and nothing happened. MADISON: I still don't like your living in the house in the bedroom next to Grace. BEN: I got married because I had to get married. And no, I do not want to be married. ALICE: I don't think I'd say anything about this stuff to anyone else. BEN: I want out. ADRIAN: I'm afraid he's going to leave me. I keep telling everyone he won't... But I'm afraid he will. BEN: Apparently Camille is in love with you. That's why she quit. LEO: What? RICKY: I want you to be honest with me and not keep anything from me, and I want to be free to be honest with you and not keep anything from you. I really would like to go and talk to your dad. I don't want your family to be upset with us. BUTCHER SHOP Ricky, Amy and John are ready to go but Nora and Margaret waits them. RICKY: Come on, John, Grandma's here. Why is Grandma here so early? We don't know. Oh, that's Grandmas. Two of them. NORA: Looks like you were right, Margaret. Good morning. AMY: Good morning. What's going on? Is everything okay? RICKY: Oh, no. MARGARET: "Oh, no" is right. Ricky, don't you think it'd be appropriate to tell your mothers when you decide to make a big decision like this? And your father? RICKY: Big decision like what? NORA: Uh, like you two are cohabitating. RICKY: Not us two. Us three. It's the three of us. AMY: Yeah, we decided we didn't want to make any big announcement. We didn't want it to be a big deal. RICKY: Because it's not a big deal. NORA: Yeah? So, if it's not such a big deal, why couldn't you just tell us that you three were living together? MARGARET: What she said. RICKY: How'd you find out? MARGARET: Same way I find everything out. People tell me things. Not people like you two, but other people. RICKY: What people? We haven't told anyone. AMY: Actually, some of us have. RICKY: Adrian told you? MARGARET: I don't disclose my sources. Just one of the reasons people are comfortable talking to me. And it doesn't matter who told me. I heard it from someone other than you, and that doesn't make me too happy. NORA: And let me tell you something, your father isn't very happy about this either. In fact, he was gonna come with us, but he had a surgery to perform this morning. RICKY: You're not married to him, she's married to him. Shouldn't she me that? NORA: I'm telling you that. RICKY: Has Ollie weighed in on this? How's your girlfriend or fiancee or whatever she is... How does she feel about it? NORA: I haven't mentioned this to Ollie. I don't know how she's going feel about it. RICKY: I don't care how she feels about it. And as much as I love you both and my dad, I don't care how you feel about it either because this is what we want to do, so this what we're doing. AMY: Uh... I care. I care what you think. I also care what my dad thinks and he's not too happy about it either, and I feel terrible about that, but... I really love being here. I mean, I love Ricky and we both love John and we both love you... RICKY: And we both have to get to school. Bye. AMY: Say "bye," John. JOHN: Bye-bye. MARGARET: Bye-bye. Bye-bye. NORA: Bye, John. MARGARET: Bye. JOHN: Bye-bye. (Ricky, Amy and John leaves) NORA: He's so cute. MARGARET: He is. NORA: Ricky. MARGARET: John. NORA: But Ricky's cute too. MARGARET: Oh! And you know, you're right, Amy does look like you. NORA: I know. It's kind of sick, isn't it? MARGARET: Oh, a little. So, what do you think? NORA: I think I hope Ricky doesn't mess this up. MARGARET: Ricky? Hope Ricky doesn't mess it up? What about Amy? NORA: Oh, Amy's not going to mess this up. No. Unless, of course, at some point she wants a real commitment. At which point, it could all fall apart. MARGARET: Well, after they've lived together for a while, maybe they'll want to make a commitment to each other. I mean, I don't think this is the worst idea. I wish I had known, but... Maybe this is the right thing for them. NORA: You know Ricky has issues. Especially with commitment. I don't know if he can be with just one girl. MARGARET: I think Ricky can make a commitment. I think what he's doing here is a commitment. Seems to me you're the one that is... NORA: I told you I do not want to talk about that. MARGARET: Unable to make a commitment. I don't know why you can't just work something out so that Ollie is... NORA: Not going to talk about it. MARGARET: She loves you. All right. I got to go. Oh, when you see Ricky this afternoon, don't give him any ideas about Amy wanting a commitment, because maybe she does and maybe she doesn't. Just let that be between the two of them and don't let your own issues cross over into their lives. NORA: Or what? MARGARET: Or this little arrangement he has with Amy could be the beginning of the end instead of the beginning of the beginning. NORA: Bye, Mom. THE SECRET LIFE OF THE AMERICAN TEENAGER – OPEN CREDITS HIGH SCHOOL Leo wants to see his son but he is in class. Katelyn sees him. KATELYN: Hi. LEO: Hi. KATELYN: Katelyn O'Malley. LEO: Okay. KATELYN: I'm the school counselor. LEO: Oh. I'm sorry. I thought you were a student. Excuse me. Leo Boykewich, nice to meet you. KATELYN: Could I talk to you? LEO: I only have a few minutes. MARGARET: In my office? Please, sit down. LEO: I don't really have time to sit down. KATELYN: I'm a little concerned about Ben. LEO: We've all been a little concerned about Ben. But he's doing all right in school, isn't he? KATELYN: He is, he's making a real effort to make up for the time he lost. LEO: Good, good to hear. KATELYN: He's done really well, considering what he and Adrian went through, but it just seems that he's increasingly agitated. LEO: Considering what happened to them, it seems normal he'd be agitated, don't you think, Katelyn? KATELYN: I suppose so, yes. But he's getting more and more agitated. Kind of building up steam like he might, I don't know, lose control or something. I just wondered if there's anything I can do. LEO: No, I don't think so. He's been getting some help. And that's confidential between you and me. KATELYN: Of course. And that's good to hear. So, is Adrian also getting some help? Because I would love to get her back in school by end of the year. I mean, if she came back now and she went to summer school, she might still be able to graduate this summer. LEO: I can't really answer for Adrian. You'll have to ask Adrian or her parents. Or Ben even. KATELYN: I talked to Ben, he told me to call her, but she won't return any of my phone calls. And I don't want to just show up. LEO: You might have to. My wife, Betty, did that last week. She went over there and talked to her, and I think she made Adrian feel a little better. So you want to show up, show up. It's up to you. I've never been one to just show up somewhere myself, but sometimes maybe it's the only thing to do. (Ben joins them) LEO: Hey, there he is. BEN: Yeah. Here I am. LEO: Could we use your office for a moment? You mind? KATELYN: I...I guess not. Hi, Ben. (Katelyn goes out of the office) BEN: What are you doing here? LEO: I thought I'd come by and see if you wanted to get out for the day. It's Friday, the end of week. Maybe you wanted to take the rest of the day off, like me. BEN: No. I don't want to take the day off. I don't want to get out for the rest of the day. I can't get out for the rest of the day. I've already missed a lot of school and I'm still catching up. LEO: Your counselor just told me that you were pretty much caught up. I just thought we could hang out. BEN: I'm not caught up. You want out of your office so badly that you'd come over here and try to get me out of class so you'd have someone to hang out with? LEO: It's just that I can't go through another weekend without asking you something. BEN: Something you couldn't just call me about? LEO: I called you. BEN: I didn't get any messages that called me. LEO: Well, I didn't want to leave a message. BEN: What? LEO: I never know who you're around when I call. Most of the time you're at your condo and Adrian's there, and at the shop, Bunny's there, and Ricky. BEN: So next time just text me. No one's reading my text messages, and I erase them as soon as I get them. LEO: It's good to know. Still, I don't want any record of anything regarding this. BEN: Regarding what? LEO: You know what. BEN: Camille? You still want to talk about Camille? Did you come all the way over here to my high school and drag me out of class to find out if a girl really likes you? LEO: I can't get our conversation out of my mind. I mean, are you sure about this theory regarding Camille? BEN: Dad, I just rushed through a test and lied to my teacher and told her I wasn't feeling well so I could come out here and talk to you. And I don't even think she believes me, but no one is saying no to me right now because everyone feels so sorry for me. LEO: And because they think you're increasingly agitated. HIGH SCHOOL/CONDO Grant is at phone with someone. It's Grace. GRANT(at phone): I thought you weren't coming in until tomorrow. Why didn't you call me? GRACE(at phone): I can't wait to see you. GRANT(at phone): I'll leave right now, I'll come over there. GRACE(at phone): Oh. I'm not home. I wanted to see Adrian. GRANT(at phone): Okay, well, when are you leaving there? GRACE(at phone): I don't know, but... It's my first day back, so it's been a little crazy. GRANT(at phone): Still, you want to see me, right? It's been two weeks. GRACE(at phone): I know, a long two weeks, but I'm just completely jet-lagged, so when I leave here, I'll probably just go home and crash. GRANT(at phone): I'll crash with you. GRACE(at phone): Grant, I want to see you, I do, but I just need a day, okay? I just need to go home and sleep and clean up and I need to see my mom. So let's just see each other tomorrow. HIGH SCHOOL Ben and Leo go out of the office. BEN: You said there was nothing we could do about it! We! That includes you. And by the way, do you think doing nothing is not just going to make me increasingly agitated? Look, I couldn't do anything about losing Mercy, but I can do something about losing me. (Katelyn joins) KATELYN: You told him I said that? LEO: I didn't say it was you, no, course not. But he may be right. HIGH SCHOOL/CONDO GRANT(at phone): Grace, I don't want to wait till tomorrow to see you. GRACE(at phone): Well, I wasn't going to be back until tomorrow anyway. GRANT(at phone): Yeah, when were you going to let me know you got in early? If Jack hadn't said anything, I wouldn't even know that you're back. GRACE(at phone): Well, I am, and tomorrow night, when you had planned to see me, you will see me, okay? I have to go, I'm at Adrian's. I'll talk to you later, okay? CONDO Grace talks with Adrian. GRACE: He hung up on me. ADRIAN: Finally. GRACE: I mean, I feel badly, but I really wanted to see you first. ADRIAN: Here I am. GRACE: Here you are. ADRIAN: Yeah. Thanks for coming over, Grace, but it's hard for me to see you or to see anyone when I look this. GRACE: When you look like what? ADRIAN: Fat. GRACE: Adrian, you just... ADRIAN: Yeah, I just had a baby. GRACE: Sorry. ADRIAN: In a weird way, I like being fat. It makes me feel like I'm still pregnant. I loved being pregnant. GRACE: I know. And again, I'm so sorry... ADRIAN: You don't have to keep saying you're sorry. GRACE: I just... I feel helpless to help you, and I can see that you're still hurting. ADRIAN: I don't want any help! Don't help! I don't want people feeling sorry for me. I can't stand being pitied. And I don't want to talk about the baby, Grace. It's really hard for me and it honestly doesn't seem to do me any good to talk about it. GRACE: Okay. Let's talk about something else, anything else. It's really great to see you. I missed you. I missed being able to talk to you anytime I wanted, anytime I needed. I mean, that's what's so great about having a best friend, right? You can tell your best friend anything. ADRIAN: Would you stop? I don't need to talk about what happened. GRACE: I totally understand what you're saying about that. But maybe I need to talk to you. Really. I can tell you things I would never tell anyone else. ADRIAN: What can you tell me that you can't tell anyone else? GRACE: About my trip to Zimbabwe. ADRIAN: What about it? GRACE: Well... It was an amazing experience. You know, Jeff really let me do a lot. He let me watch him operate and I got to hold the... ADRIAN: The babies? It's not like people can stop saying the word "baby" or "babies." I'm just going to have to get used to it. So, get back to what you were saying about the babies. GRACE: That's just what the volunteers mostly do. Hold the little patients. ADRIAN: You can tell anyone that. GRACE: Yeah, I know. ADRIAN: Get to the part that you can only tell me. Is there a part that you can only tell me or were you just trying to make me feel special or something to make me feel better? You can't make me feel better, all right? So don't do that. Just be honest, say what you're thinking. Geez, I wish more people could be like Betty. GRACE: I... I am like Betty. The old Betty. ADRIAN: If all the guys look like that over there, I might volunteer. GRACE: He's not from over there, he's from over here. He's from California. He was over there with his dad. His dad was one of the doctors. ADRIAN: Wait... You and this guy... GRACE: Yep. I didn't mean for it to happen, but I'm really happy that it did. BUTCHER SHOP Ricky and Nora talk together. NORA: Why not Bunny? RICKY: Because she's Bunny. NORA: Yeah. She is Bunny. She knows everything there is to know about the business and she knows Leo. Who better than Bunny? RICKY: Probably anyone. Even you. NORA: Oh? RICKY: I didn't mean that like it sounded. NORA: How did you mean it? RICKY: I meant it in a good way. I meant, he could have asked you. I guess. NORA: Yeah, I guess, but who wants it? I'm happy right here, right now, you know. I'm sober, I have a safe place to live, I have an honest job. I have my son back in my life and my grandson and... What do I call Amy now that you two are living together? RICKY: Amy. NORA: Oh. Okay. RICKY: Don't forget about Ollie. You've got Ollie. What do I call Ollie? NORA: We broke up, like a few weeks ago. RICKY: What happened? NORA: I'll tell you what happened. I couldn't make a commitment either, not real commitment. She wanted a wedding and a marriage and she wanted to invite friends and family and I didn't. RICKY: Wait, "either"? What do you mean by "either"? NORA: Oh, so you're going to marry Amy someday? RICKY: I don't think we want to get married. We like things just like they are. NORA: You've been living together for like what, a week now? You think Amy is going to be happy with just living together? Don't kid yourself. And don't tell Margaret I said anything about this, okay? Hey, Mr. Petersen! How are you? Ben arrives at work. BEN: What's going on? RICKY: Nothing. Bunny's filling in at your dad's office. BEN: Oh, geez. No wonder he's out running loose today. He didn't mention that. RICKY: What happened to his assistant? BEN: Who knows? RICKY: You know. Wouldn't you know? BEN: How would I know? RICKY: I know you know something 'cause you're answering questions with questions. BEN: Maybe she got tired of working for him after 25 years. I mean, think about it. About 25 years. That's 300 months. That's thousands of weeks. 1,300. BEN: How many days? RICKY: 365 times 25, plus six for leap year... BEN: How many? RICKY: 9,131. BEN: Can you imagine spending 9,131 days with anyone? I can't. Can you? I can't even stand to think about it. It's like staring into a giant black hole in the universe and watching your entire life get sucked through it before you can even grab on to it for the ride. RICKY: Maybe you're thinking a little too much, you know? Just don't think about it. BEN: I can't quit thinking about it. You'll see. Once you start thinking about it, about the hours and the days and the months and the years you're going to spend with Amy, things will change. And not for the better. I don't care how happy you are. I want out. I don't care if you know, I don't care if everyone knows, I want out. RICKY: Do you care if Adrian knows? Stop saying that out loud or someone is going to tell her. BEN: Maybe it's better that way. Because I can't. I can't tell her I want to go. And I can't stay. It's k*lling me. You tell her. You know her best, or you think you do. You tell her. RICKY: I don't even talk to her. If and when I do talk to her, it's not going to be to tell her that you want out of your marriage. Geez, she just lost a baby. BEN: So did I. Bunny enters in the shop. NORA: Wow. That's a little change from the apron, huh? You look nice, Bunny. You look very, um, professional. BUNNY: What's your problem? NORA: Mr. Petersen is just waiting on his steaks. Here you go. Tell Teresa I already put the marinade she doesn't have to do a thing, just throw them on the grill. PETERSEN: Thanks, sweetheart. Bunny. BUNNY: I prefer d*ad cows to people any day. NORA: So, is Leo okay? BUNNY: No, he is not okay. He is short-tempered and cranky. But, for the exception of Camille, I guess, everybody understands. BEN: Understands what? BUNNY: That you all had a rough year. And right now your dad is a sensitive guy with a short temper but a big heart. BEN: Yeah, a big heart and yet not big enough. We have that in common. CAMILLE'S HOUSE Leo visits Camille. CAMILLE: Leo, what are you doing here? LEO: I'm here to ask you if you could please come back to work. CAMILLE: I took another job. I start Monday. LEO: Come on, Camille. Don't go to a new job. It's not too late for you to change your mind. CAMILLE: I'm afraid it is, Leo. It is too late. Thanks for coming by, but let's not make this any harder on me than it already has been. LEO: Well, if it's so difficult, why did you leave? CAMILLE: Why not? LEO: Why not? Because you're important to the company. The company needs you. Okay, I need you. Please. Come back. CAMILLE: No. Sorry, Leo, I've made up my mind. I don't want to be there. I don't want to work for you. LEO: To be blunt. CAMILLE: To be honest. LEO: Is that honest? CAMILLE: That's as honest as I can get. LEO: Why don't you want to work for me all of a sudden? CAMILLE: I just don't. LEO: There has to be a reason. CAMILLE: No, there doesn't. LEO: There's no reason? CAMILLE: I think you know the reason, Leo. LEO: I think I don't. CAMILLE: You want to take a guess? LEO: No. But you know I'd like to come back, so if you go to the new job and you don't like it and you change your mind... CAMILLE: I won't, and going back to what you just said, I don't know how you feel. LEO: All right. Well, I feel that people make mistakes sometimes, and then, unfortunately, they have to live with those mistakes and make the best of it. CAMILLE: Yes. Even you. LEO: I just said that. CAMILLE: You said "people." LEO: You know I meant me. CAMILLE: I guess what I'm saying is I can't live with your mistakes. And I don't want to be a part of your "making the best of it," whatever that means. So, thank you for dropping by, but don't drop by again. LEO: All right. I won't drop by again and I'll stop asking you to come back to work. So I guess this is it. CAMILLE: This is it. LEO: You always did have to have the last word. MARGARET'S APARTMENT Margaret have visits. SHAKUR: See for yourself. MARGARET: Hi, John. Hi. AMY: Hi. I hope you don't mind if we drop by. I stopped by the bakery to pick up some things for dinner and I thought I'd drop off a cake for you guys. MARGARET: That is so sweet. SHAKUR: Yeah. Would you like to sit down? AMY: Oh, no, we can't stay. I'm cooking spaghetti tonight. SHAKUR: I didn't know you cook. AMY: Well, Ricky does most of the cooking. I don't know how to cook very many things other than spaghetti, huh? So, this is a little more awkward than I thought it might be. Look, I just feel really badly that you don't like that I'm living with Ricky. Or that John and I are living with Ricky. And I know he says he doesn't care, but he does care. We both do. MARGARET: Oh, no, honey. I don't think it's the worst thing that the two of you are living together. SHAKUR: No, we don't approve but we don't not approve. It may work out, it may not. MARGARET: I just didn't like hearing about it from somebody else. SHAKUR: But we're over that now. AMY: Are you? MARGARET: Amy, we've all just got to stay focused on what is best for this little man right there. And if you and Ricky can work things out so that you can raise your son together, I'm all for it. And I'm all for Ricky having a, uh... SHAKUR: s*ab, loving relationship. MARGARET: Even if you're not married. SHAKUR: Amy, are you okay with not being married? With living with Ricky without any kind of commitment? MARGARET: Shakur, that's a little personal, don't you think? SHAKUR: Sorry. MARGARET: But as long as the question is out there, are you? AMY: I really am. I am. I think that being married can make Ricky feel trapped. And I think being married is a good thing for a lot of people, but I don't think it would be a good thing for Ricky and me. MARGARET: You know what? You are a smart cookie. I like you, Amy, I really do. And I'm glad that you stopped by here. You're always welcome here. And it's nice to see you and John in my kitchen, feels like family. AMY: Thanks. JUERGENS' HOUSE/HOUSE IN FLORIDA George receives a call. GEORGE: No French fries. (at phone)Hey, Ash, how's the road? ASHLEY(at phone): Good. That's great. GEORGE(at phone): Where are you now, the middle of Texas? You must be around the middle of Texas. Are you to San Antonio yet? You've got to stop and visit the Alamo. It's amazing. ASHLEY(at phone): We're kind of past San Antonio. GEORGE(at phone): Yeah, well, turn around and go back. Believe me, it's worth it. ASHLEY(at phone): Well, we're not just past San Antonio. We're way past it. GEORGE(at phone): You can't be way past it yet. Last time you called me, you were in El Paso. ASHLEY(at phone): Yeah, but we just had a couple of cappuccinos and kept driving. GEORGE(at phone): Where are you? ASHLEY(at phone): We're here. GEORGE(at phone): You're where? ASHLEY(at phone): In Florida. GEORGE(at phone): You can't be in Florida already. ASHLEY(at phone): Oh, I can, because I am. GEORGE(at phone): What? ASHLEY(at phone): We're at the house already. Toby's grandmother's house. It's nice. GEORGE(at phone): But you just left, like, yesterday. ASHLEY(at phone): We left a week ago. GEORGE(at phone): So you're there with Toby's grandmother? ASHLEY(at phone): Uh, we're at Toby's grandmother's house, yeah. GEORGE(at phone): With his grandmother? ASHLEY(at phone): Uh...No. But she's coming. We got here a couple of weeks early and she's still in New York, but she's coming. GEORGE(at phone): All right, Ashley. Well, I'm happy you made it. And there's a lot you can learn in Florida. A lot of history there. I miss you. ASHLEY(at phone): Yeah, I miss you, too, Dad. And, um... Thanks for letting me do this. It really is kind of fun. I love you. Good night. GEORGE(at phone): Good night, Ashley. JUERGENS' HOUSE Ricky visits George. GEORGE: Pass the ketchup. RICKY: Hey, I was hoping you'd be here. GEORGE: Yeah, I'm here. RICKY: I haven't seen you in a while, so I thought I'd drop by and say hello. GEORGE: Your mothers tell you to come and talk to me? RICKY: No. You're the one who told them? GEORGE: They didn't tell you I told them? RICKY: No. GEORGE: Tell them what? RICKY: You told them Amy and I are living together. GEORGE: The whole thing is ridiculous. You're not old enough to have your own apartment, much less your own family. RICKY: Yeah, maybe, but we do have our own apartment and our own family, and that's how it is. GEORGE: That place is too small to raise your son in that tiny apartment with him right next to you. RICKY: People live in tinier apartments with more than one kid. GEORGE: I hope you're not here to tell me you're having another kid. RICKY: No, no, I'm not. I'm just here because you're Amy's dad and I want to be on good terms with you and the rest of the family. And I'd like you to come over and visit us sometime, and I know Amy would like that. GEORGE: I'm not going to do that, so you don't have to worry about that. RICKY: I'm not worried about that. Why wouldn't you? GEORGE: 'Cause I don't want to see where you're sleeping with my daughter. RICKY: You've seen my apartment before. GEORGE: Not with the two of you in it. RICKY: The three of us. And the three of us are really happy there. GEORGE: Yeah? Well, sooner or later the honeymoon is going to be over and then we'll see how happy the three of you are. RICKY: I guess there's a honeymoon period with all relationships, whether you're married or just living together. GEORGE: That's what the marriage is for. That's why you make a legally binding commitment. To keep you together after the honeymoon is over. To keep you together long after you want to be there. RICKY: If there comes a time when Amy doesn't want to be there, she can just walk away. GEORGE: And so can you. That's why this whole living-together thing doesn't work. RICKY: It works for us. For right now. GEORGE: You crazy teenagers think that that's what life is all about. The right now. RICKY: I think that's what Buddhists think life is all about. The right now. GEORGE: So now you're a communist? RICKY: What? No. I'm not a communist or a Buddhist or anything but in love with Amy. Why can't I just be in love with Amy? GEORGE: Because that's not enough. RICKY: It is for Amy. GEORGE: It's not for me. RICKY: All right, well, Amy wanted you to come over and have dinner with us. She's making spaghetti. GEORGE: She makes the worst spaghetti in the world. RICKY: I know. GEORGE: It doesn't even have real meat in it. RICKY: I know. GEORGE: You want to eat meatless spaghetti the rest of your life? RICKY: We could bring Moose with us. She just wants to feel like what we're doing is okay with you. She doesn't have to have your approval, but she wants it. GEORGE: Actually, she does need my approval. You're 18, she's not. If I want to stop the two of you from living together, legally, I could. RICKY: But you're not going to, are you? GEORGE: No, I'm not. RICKY: She loves you. GEORGE: She loves you more. RICKY: Yeah. But isn't that the way life's supposed to be? GEORGE: No. RICKY: Come on. GEORGE: Tell you what, I'll have dinner over there when you put a ring on her finger, and I don't even want to see that happen until she's graduated from college. RICKY: That's a really, really long time. GEORGE: Yeah. So is the rest of your life. RESTAURANT Griffin and Grant talk together. GRIFFIN: I honestly think it's good for Ashley to go off on this adventure, to get away from her house for a while. GRANT: Yeah, well, look where that got me. Telling Grace to go off on her adventure. She doesn't even want to see me her first night home. GRIFFIN: Yeah, I know. I'd feel that way if Peter went off and didn't call me when he got back, but of course, Ashley's not my girlfriend, she's just a friend, a good friend. GRANT: Your best friend. GRIFFIN: She was my best friend. But hey, I've got a new best friend. GRANT: Who's that? GRIFFIN: Peter. GRANT: He's not your best friend, he's your boyfriend. GRIFFIN: Yeah, that too. Oh, here he is. (Peter comes in) PETER: Sorry I'm late. Griffin didn't tell you I was coming, did he? GRANT: I don't care. GRIFFIN: I assumed he was bringing Grace since you said she was back. PETER: So where is Grace? GRANT: She wanted to see her family. I mean, that's understandable, right? She did just get back in last night. GRIFFIN: Right. PETER: Right. I don't know, but if Griffin went away for a couple of weeks and on his first night back he didn't see me, I think I'd be accusing someone of cheating. GRIFFIN: Ooh. Whoa! We're talking about Grace here. And I would never cheat on you. GRANT: Grace would never cheat on me. And I would never cheat on her. You think she cheated on me? She's on a medical mission. Who would she cheat with? GRACE'S HOUSE Grace prepares diner with her mother. KATHLEEN: Yummy. GRACE: Is Jack eating with us or is it just the two of us? KATHLEEN: Oh, let's see, it's the four, five, seven of us. GRACE: Tom and Rachel and the kids and Jack? KATHLEEN: Yes. And Jack. So, can you set the dining room table, please? GRACE: Okay, I think I'm just gonna eat in my room, in bed. I'm so jet-lagged. I don't think I could stay awake through a meal. KATHLEEN: Oh. Well, you should have slept in this morning. GRACE: I needed to see Adrian. KATHLEEN: You could have seen her tomorrow. I'm surprised you didn't need to see Grant. He's not coming over tonight? GRACE: No, I'm too tired to see Grant. Really, can't I just take a plate of food upstairs and eat? KATHLEEN: Honey, no. You need to get back on your normal schedule as soon as possible. I mean, you have to be back at school on Monday. Okay? So, why don't you just eat with all of us, stay awake as long as you can, and then go to bed, and then wake up at your usual time tomorrow? GRACE: I'll try, but I don't know, I don't know if I'm going to make it. (CELL PHONE BEEPS) GRACE: It's Grant. KATHLEEN: Oh, well, tell him he's welcome to come over and eat with the rest of us. Although, I prefer the two of you not spend the night together. You know, just take it one night... Grace, what's going on? GRACE: Nothing. I just told GrantI'd see him tomorrow. I just don't feel comfortable with having him here when Jack's in the next room. Which is probably the real reason you let that woman and her two children move into the guest house and you put Jack right next door to me. (CELL PHONE BEEPS) KATHLEEN: So, who are you texting? It's not Grant. I can tell it's not Grant. GRACE: No, you can't. KATHLEEN: Is it that guy you met on your trip? GRACE: What? What guy did I meet on my trip? Mom, please. I did not meet a guy on my trip. KATHLEEN: Jeff sends pictures, you know. GRACE: Jeff can send all the pictures he wants, it doesn't mean I met somebody. I mean, I met people, but not any special guy kind of people. KATHLEEN: Who's that? GRACE: Oh. That guy? I resuscitated him. KATHLEEN: Standing up? GRACE: Yeah, that's how they like to do it over there. You know, it's better for the lungs to be upright. KATHLEEN: Honey, Jeff already told me. GRACE: That I slept with that guy? KATHLEEN: You did what? GRACE: Okay, don't get upset. Please don't get upset. I'm already upset enough. I don't know what I was thinking. KATHLEEN: Grace, this is why you don't have sex in high school. GRACE: Well, this is why you do. KATHLEEN: Grace! You can't just sleep with every guy you meet. GRACE: This is going to be the last one. KATHLEEN: Honey, you said that Jack was going to be the only one for the rest of your life. And I know you believed it, even though I didn't. And then Grant, you said you were in love with Grant. GRACE: I am! Or I was. I love him. I never said Grant was going be the last one. I think I'm in love with Daniel, Mom. And not in the same way I was in love with Jack. Or Grant. KATHLEEN: And the way you're in love with Daniel is not the way you're gonna be in love with the next guy, or the next guy after that. GRACE: Probably not. KATHLEEN: Probably not? Ugh, Grace, I was just trying to make a point. GRACE: Well, can you hurry up and make it? Because he's on his way over here. (Jack comes in) JACK: Who's on his way over here? GRACE: Oh, God. JACK: I'm sorry, but I live here. I couldn't help but hear you coming down the stairs. New boyfriend, huh? GRACE: If you say a word to Madison or to your new friend Grant, or to anybody, anybody, I will... KATHLEEN: Grace, stop. JACK: I'm not going to say anything to anyone. But I can't wait to meet him. So, you cheated, huh? GRACE: Hmm. JACK: See, it's easier than you thought, isn't it? I used to be like that. But then I met someone I really love. GRACE: You'd cheat with me if I let you. JACK: Actually I wouldn't. GRACE: Oh, yeah? JACK: Yeah. GRACE: Hmm. KATHLEEN: Okay, I am just gonna go eat in the guest house with Tom and Rachel and the kids, and so will you. JACK: Don't you want to meet this guy, see if you like him? KATHLEEN: Oh, I like him. I mean, I like you, I like Grant, I liked Ricky and Ben. I've liked all the guys Grace has been out with. But I think she's gonna be going out with a lot more guys after this. So, I just wish she would stop having sex until she's a little older and ready to make a commitment. And you too. JACK: I'm not having sex. KATHLEEN: Well, as Grace pointed out, how long is that gonna last? JACK: I hope not much longer. Doorbell rings, Jack opens the door. DANIEL: Hi. Uh, is Grace home? Are you Jack? JACK: Are you Daniel? MADISON'S HOUSE Lauren and Madison talk together. LAUREN: It's a family diner. He was asked to be at the family dinner, he's living with the family. That doesn't mean he's cheating on you with Grace. MADISON: Well, it's her first night home and it's the first time he's ever broken a date with me. It's step one to cheating. It's step one to him breaking up with me. LAUREN: Well, I say let go and let God. If you really want to know if he loves you, set him free and see if he comes back to you. MADISON: Oh, like Jesse or... What was that other guy? LAUREN: Yeah. Like that. MADISON: Yeah, you'd like that, wouldn't you? If I didn't have a boyfriend, too. LAUREN: I'd love that. I'm sick of Jack. I want to go out and have some fun. Some girlfriend fun. I want to go to the mall and hang out at some hangout. I want to meet some new guys and have some new experiences. MADISON: Well, I don't! LAUREN: Oh, don't call him. MADISON'S HOUSE/ HOUSE Madison calls Jack's father. STONE(at phone): Hello. MADISON(at phone): Reverend Stone? LAUREN(at phone): Reverend Stone? STONE(at phone): Madison? Honey, it's Madison. JACK'S MOTHER: Hi, Madison. MADISON(at phone): I just want to tell you something that I feel that Jack is never gonna tell you. STONE(at phone): Should you do that? LAUREN: No, you shouldn't. STONE(at phone): Is that Lauren? Lauren's with Madison. JACK'S MOTHER: Hi, Lauren. MADISON(at phone): Jack is having a bit of an emotional breakdown. STONE(at phone): I just talked to him. He sounded okay to me, happy even. MADISON(at phone): He would never tell you this, but Jack really doesn't want to go to Arizona to school. He really wants you guys to move back and to take your old job back. You know, he just wants to live with you guys and make up for this last year. He hates living with the Bowmans and he just... He wants to live here and just go to school here. JACK'S MOTHER: Javelina. STONE(at phone): Well, thank you for letting me know, Madison. I really appreciate it. I'll be back in touch. Good night. JACK'S MOTHER: Yeah, right there. STONE: Oh! Madison wants us to move back. Okay, you are in so much trouble. GRACE'S HOUSE Jack and Daniel waits Grace to wake up. JACK: You might as well go home. I don't think she's going to wake up. DANIEL: She'll wake up. JACK: All right, suit yourself. GRANT: Hey, where is everyone? How come no one is in the kitchen? Who are you? JACK: Grant, this is Daniel. Daniel, this is Grant. GRANT: Nice to meet you. What happened to Grace? DANIEL: You know, that's a very good question. JACK: Maybe she fell apart when our church fell apart. You know, one minister after another, one guy... Ah, never mind. I don't know if you know this or not, but Grace used to be a Christian. DANIEL: So what? I'm a Christian. JACK: Me, too. GRANT: I've never even been to church and I'm betting I'm the only Christian here. (Grace wakes up) GRACE: I have to talk to Grant. DANIEL: I'll call you tomorrow? JACK: I'll probably see you later, 'cause I'll be right upstairs. (Jack leaves) GRACE: Hi. Good night. Grant, I'm really sorry, but I...I met somebody else. GRANT: Obviously. GRACE: I'm really sorry. GRANT: Me, too. But hey, things happen, and I hope we can be friends, Grace. GRACE: You do? Okay, that's not what I was expecting, but that's so nice. Wait a minute. That's a little bit too nice. What'd you do? GRANT: Good night, Grace. CONDO Ben comes home. BEN: Adrian? ADRIAN: I've been waiting for you. BEN/ADRIAN: I need to talk to you. ADRIAN: I know what you're going to say, Ben. BEN: No. No, I don't think you do know what I'm going to say. ADRIAN: Okay, maybe I don't, but here's what I want to say to you. I don't blame you if you want to run away from home. I don't blame you if you can't take this anymore, if you don't want to be with me. I've been horrible these past two months, really horrible. I've just been so hurt, Ben. Losing Mercy hurt me more than I knew I could be hurt. And a tough girl like me doesn't know how to be hurt. I stopped allowing myself to be hurt years ago. But this, what happened to us, that went right through that wall that I always put up, and it crushed me. And I've been trying to pick up the pieces, but there are just so many pieces, it was overwhelming and terrifying and just exhausting. But I don't want to lose you, Ben. I really don't. I love you more than you know. And I'm just asking for some time, just a little more of your time. Stay with me. Be with me. Heal me, Ben. BEN: I can't. I can't heal you. I can't stay with you. I can't be with you. I'm sorry. I can't. ADRIAN: Of course you can. And I'll make it all worth it. Was that a maybe? RICKY'S APARTMENT Amy and Ricky finish to eat. George was with them. AMY: I just feel so healthy when we eat like that. With the whole wheat pasta and that sauce. When we eat like that, then I feel like we can have a dessert like this. RICKY: Thanks. Yeah, that sauce. What's in that sauce exactly? AMY: It's a meat substitute. It's made from vegetables and soy products. RICKY: I don't know how to cook with those things. I'll have to learn to cook healthier. AMY: Well, maybe I could cook that once a week. We could make every Friday night spaghetti night. (George sees them) GEORGE: Trying to get the taste of that sauce out of your mouth? AMY: Dad, stop teasing me. I know you like my spaghetti. You had a huge plateful. RICKY: Amy wants to make every Friday night spaghetti night. Maybe you can come over every Friday night. GEORGE: I'll take Thursdays. I'll see you two. AMY: Thanks for coming over. GEORGE: Good night. Good night. RICKY: Good night. (They kiss) End of the episode.
{"type": "series", "show": "The Secret Life of an American Teenager", "episode": "04x03 - When Opportunity Knocks"}
Previously on “The Secret Life of the American Teenager” MARGARET: You don’t think that is appropriate to tell your mothers when you decide to make a big decision like this? RICKY: Big decision like what? NORA: That you three were living together? BEN: I can't tell her I want to go. And I can't stay. RICKY: Geez, she just lost a baby. BEN: So did I. LEO: I'm here to ask you if you could please come back to work. CAMILLE: It is too late. LEO: I need you. CAMILLE: I can't live with your mistakes. LEO: I guess this is it. GEORGE: You can't be in Florida already. ASHLEY: We're at Toby's grandmother's house. GRANT: Grace would never cheat on me. And I would never cheat on her. She's on a medical mission. Who would she cheat with? GRACE: I don't know what I was thinking. KATHLEEN: You can't just sleep with every guy you meet. DANIEL: Is Grace home? JACK: Are you Daniel? MADISON: Jack really doesn't want to go to Arizona to school. JACK'S FATHER: Well, thank you for letting me know, Madison. GRACE: I met somebody else. GRANT: Obviously. ADRIAN: Stay with me. BEN: I can't. ADRIAN: Of course you can. AMY: Thanks for coming over. GEORGE: I'll see you two. RICKY'S APARTMENT Amy arrive with John. He is not good. JOHN: Daddy! RICKY: Hey, little man, you want to help Daddy cook? Hi, Amy. AMY: Hi. I think your little man may have a fever. I hope not, but I'm going to call the doctor's office just to see if they're still open. He just seemed cranky at the nursery. I didn't realize that he might not have been feeling well. RICKY: He's probably just teething. I don't think he has a fever. He doesn't feel warm to me. AMY: He felt warm to me. Ugh, I'm getting a recording. They've already closed. RICKY: So take him in the morning. If he's sick. AMY: He is sick, the question is just how sick. We should probably just take him to the emergency room now because the later it gets, the worse it gets. RICKY: What, are you one of those Munchausen mothers? He's fine. Aren't you, John? AMY: I don't think he's fine. RICKY: Look at him. This is not an emergency. This does not require an emergency room. AMY: Do you have a thermometer? I don't know if I brought the thermometer over here, did I? RICKY: I don't have one, no. AMY: Well, I could go get one or go get it from my house, but... I know he has a fever, just a slight fever, but he has a fever. I can feel it. RICKY: Maybe, but I really don't think he's all that sick, Amy. He'll be fine. I'm going to finish dinner. You want me to go get a thermometer? I can go get a thermometer. I'll go over to your dad's house after we eat. AMY: It's just that if he has an ear infection, it could get worse really quickly. RICKY: Has he ever had an ear infection? AMY: Yes. RICKY: You never told me anything about an ear infection. When did he have an ear infection? AMY: I'm sure I mentioned it. RICKY: I don't think so. AMY: I think so. RICKY: If you had mentioned it to me, I would have gone with you to the doctor or emergency room or whatever. AMY: Okay, the first year, no, you wouldn't have, and then last year, maybe. But I wouldn't have wanted to take you with me because I get stared at enough at those places. RICKY: Why? AMY: Why? Because I'm not married and obviously I'm a teenager and I have a baby and people don't think teenagers can take care of sick babies. People stare at me and ask me stupid questions and... You know how it is. People do that anyway. RICKY: No, I don't know how it is. They don't stare at me or ask me stupid questions. Of course, I've never been to the emergency room as a parent. I'm going to finish dinner. Is it possible that they're staring at you and asking you stupid questions like, "Is the kid really sick?" AMY: I'll go get the thermometer. RICKY: And if he doesn't have a temperature, are we still going to the emergency room? AMY: No. RICKY: He's fine. AMY: Fine, then if he gets worse, you can take him to the emergency room. RICKY: Fine, I'll be happy to do that. Not happy, but I'll do that. AMY: You can take him all by yourself if you want. RICKY: If he needs to be taken to the emergency room, I will take him. All by myself. AMY: Have fun. JOHN: Ow. AMY: Come on, Ricky. I'll go with you. RICKY: "Ow" does not mean we need to go to the emergency room. I'll handle it. What's the doctor's name? Dr. Hightower? AMY: Yes. I've already called her. That's why you're getting the message, because they've already closed for the night. RICKY(at phone): Hi. This is Ricky Underwood, my son might have an ear infection and I'm wondering if you can call in a prescription for him or something. My number is 555-0199. AMY: I don't know if they know who you are. I think you have to call back and say John's name. And maybe my name. RICKY: You don't have my name on his medical records? AMY: Yes, Ricky, your name is on his... RICKY(at phone): Hi. This is Ricky Underwood. My son's name is John and he's also my wife Amy's son, Amy Juergens, so... I don't think he's all that sick, but she thinks he has an ear infection, so I'm trying... I got cut off. You can't leave a long message at this doctor's office? AMY: Um, I think they leave a number for the service you're supposed to call if you have an emergency. RICKY: I'll call back and get that. AMY: And... RICKY: And what? I'll call back. What? AMY: You said, "My wife Amy's son." RICKY: No, I don't think so. AMY: Uh-huh. RICKY: I did not call you my wife. You're not my wife. We have an agreement that no one here is going to be husband and wife. JOHN: Ow. RICKY: Yeah. Ow. THE SECRET LIFE OF THE AMERICAN TEENAGER – OPEN CREDITS RICKY'S APARTEMNT Ricky comes back to the shop. RICKY: He sleeping. I got a thermometer. Come on, talk to me. AMY: I'm studying. RICKY: Take a break. Talk to me. AMY: I'm studying. RICKY: I brought you a candy bar. Amy, I didn't mean anything when I said that. AMY: Yeah, I know. RICKY: Well, good. Then if you know, why are you so upset? AMY: I don't care if you don't marry me. I don't want to marry you either. RICKY: Then why are you so upset? AMY: Because I'm upset. JOHN ON BABY MONITOR: Ow! RICKY: I'll get him. AMY: Yeah, you will get him, and if he has a temperature, you will take him to the emergency room. RICKY: If his temperature is so high that he needs to go to the emergency room. RESTAURANT Ben eat with his dad. LEO: Thank you. MAN: Sure. LEO: I thought you'd come by the house this weekend. BEN: I couldn't. LEO: You could. You just didn't. BEN: I didn't because I couldn't. LEO: Well, why couldn't you? BEN: We had a very busy weekend. LEO: Oh, yeah? What'd you do? BEN: Things that we probably shouldn't have. Or I shouldn't have, anyway. LEO: Then I guess things aren't so bad after all. Good. That's good news. BEN: No, that's not good news. Things are worse than ever. LEO: Worse how? BEN: Dad, I haven't changed my mind. I still want out. LEO: Doesn't sound like you want out. If you wanted out you wouldn't have done whatever you did all weekend. BEN: I couldn't say no. LEO: You could. You just didn't. If you want to add to the list of reasons why you can't get out of your marriage, add this weekend. You're really not going anywhere now. BEN: Why not? LEO: Did you not understand the vows you took when you got married? BEN: That was then. This is now. LEO: That was forever. BEN: I do not want to be married. I don't have to be married. I don't. LEO: Yeah, you do. BEN: Dad, don't you understand? I'm just so unhappy. LEO: I understand. Believe me. But you have some control over that. You just choose to be happy. BEN: Choosing to be happy is choosing to leave Adrian. It's one and the same. LEO: Choosing to be happy has nothing to do with leaving or not leaving Adrian. You are not going to leave Adrian. I'm not gonna let you. BEN: I can't be married to Adrian and be happy. I disagree. It's just a matter of making up your mind you're going to be happy no matter what. BEN: That's insane. And what is this? You're not happy. You don't want to be married either. LEO: No, I'm happy. I'm a happy man. Now, would I be happier if Betty suddenly decided that she didn't want to be married to me anymore? Yes. Is she going to do that? No. So am I going to be unhappy the rest of my life? BEN: Yes. LEO: No. It's just mind over matter. I'm not going to make myself miserable, or more miserable, by being unhappy. BEN: Would you have married Betty if you had realized Camille was in love with you? LEO: You live in some fantasy world. I talked to Camille. Camille is definitely not in love with me. BEN: I don't believe that. Did she say that? LEO: Yeah. Pretty much. BEN: Did you call her or did you go see her? LEO: I talked to her. BEN: On the phone or in person? LEO: None of your business. BEN: So you went to go see her? LEO: I can't believe I ever listened to you. I could have made a complete idiot out of myself. Camille is not in love with me and I'm not in love with anyone but my wife. BEN: Me neither. But that doesn't mean I want to be married and neither do you. LEO: You may not want to be, but you are and so am I. BEN: I don't want to be married, okay? I don't have to be married. I can get a divorce. LEO: No, you can't. BEN: What about an annulment? LEO: After last week? I seriously doubt it. RICKY'S APARTMENT Amy are ready to go John in emergency room. RICKY: Do we have to do this? He barely, barely has any fever at all. AMY: He obviously has an ear infection. He keeps holding his ears and saying, "Ow." RICKY: So we can take him to the doctor tomorrow. The doctor who hasn't bothered calling me back. AMY: You never called back and got the number for the service that you have to call if there's an emergency. RICKY: Oh, yeah, well, there's not an emergency. AMY: There will be if we wait. RICKY: I never knew you were so nervous about this stuff. Are you just insisting on doing this because I said I didn't want to marry you? I take it back. I do want to marry you. Not now. Not any time soon. But I want to want to some day. Maybe some day after we've both finished college. AMY: Yeah, well, maybe when we've both finished college, you can ask me then and I'll see if I want to or not. JOHN: Ow. AMY: Let's go. RICKY: What have I gotten myself into? CONDO Adrian and Grace talk together. ADRIAN: Look, Grace, you have to stop justifying having sex by saying that you're going to marry every guy you meet. GRACE: I can't. I can't stop thinking that. If I stop thinking that, I'm gonna feel too guilty to have sex. ADRIAN: Then stop having sex. Or start telling yourself the truth. You just like having sex with guys you're attracted to that you care about. GRACE: That doesn't sound as good. I mean, it might be true but it doesn't sound as good. And I like to believe that any guy I sleep with is gonna stick around. Even though I know it's wrong to sleep with a guy to get him to stick around. ADRIAN: Mmm, I don't know. I had sex with Ben this weekend. All weekend, 'cause I wanted to make sure he was gonna stick around. And I still don't know that's gonna do it. I may have to come up with something else. GRACE: Do you have any reason to doubt that he won't stick around? ADRIAN: It's my gut feeling that he's having some doubts about this marriage, even though he swears he's not going anywhere. So... I think maybe I should do what you did and just tell Ben I'm thinking about going away. GRACE: To Africa? ADRIAN: No. To New York. To cosmetology school. GRACE: What? Why would you do that? Why would you go to cosmetology school? ADRIAN: I'm not really gonna go. I'm just gonna see what his reaction is to my going away and doing something stupid that wouldn't be good for me. GRACE: Okay, wait a minute. That's not what I did. I went away and I did something that was good for me and helped others. ADRIAN: Well, you certainly helped Daniel, didn't you? GRACE: Daniel. Oh, geez, I have to go. I told him I'd meet him for coffee. Adrian, I think maybe you've been watching too much daytime TV. I don't think you should intentionally try to trick Ben into telling you how he really feels about you. ADRIAN: I think I'm gonna have to. Because after all that sex last weekend, I'm still not sure. GRACE: What if he tells you to go to New York and study cosmetology? ADRIAN: Then I'll know I have to come up with something better than sex to keep him here. GRACE: Should I ask what that would be? ADRIAN: No. GRACE: No. EMERGENCY ROOM Ricky talk with a nurse. NURSE: You're the father. She's the mother. It's her insurance. RICKY: Yeah. NURSE: We don't have you on record. You're not on the paperwork that was filled out when the baby was born. You know there's paperwork that's filled out ahead of time so if John comes in with an emergency, no one has to stop and fill this stuff out. RICKY: I don't even think it is an emergency. And why am I filling out all these forms if I don't have to? NURSE: 'Cause you didn't check "preregistered." RICKY: 'Cause my wife didn't tell me we were preregistered. NURSE: So now she's your wife? RICKY: Oh, geez, did I say wife again? NURSE: You said wife. RICKY: She's not my wife. We just... We're both his parents. I don't know what's wrong with me. NURSE: I've got a few guesses. JUERGENS' HOUSE/GRANDMA'S TOBY'S HOUSE George receives a call for Ashley. GEORGE: It's your sister. ASHLEY(at phone): Hey, Dad, I just wanted to let you know that Toby's grandmother sprained her ankle in some belly dancing class. GEORGE(at phone): Hmm. Well, I guess it's good that you and Toby are there to help her out. It's good for you to do something useful. It's good to be needed. ASHLEY(at phone): Yeah, about that... She's not here. She's there, which means she's probably not going to be here for a while. GEORGE(at phone): How long is a while? And you better not be lying to me about this. ASHLEY(at phone): I'm not. I'm not lying. And I called you as soon as I found out. GEORGE(at phone): So what's the plan now? ASHLEY(at phone): Well, I think we're just going to hang around for a while. GEORGE(at phone): Hang around and do what? ASHLEY(at phone): Well, there's lots to do. There's a pool and there's a big multiplex near here. That's great. And I have my own room and my own TV. There's lots to do here. GEORGE(at phone): Uh-huh. This is getting less educational day by day. I tell you what. I think the best way for you to learn something is to get a job, so get a job. ASHLEY(at phone): But we're minors. GEORGE(at phone): You can work there. I looked it up. You can use your real Ids and get a job at 16 in that state. You might need a copy of your GED though. You got a copy of that? Of your phony diplomey? ASHLEY(at phone): Yeah, but... You agreed to put money into my account every week. GEORGE(at phone): Yeah. That's when I thought you were seeing America. But now that you've retired to the Sunshine State, I'm not doing that. So if you and Toby want to stay at his Grandma's house without his Grandma there, which I'm none too happy about, then get a job. ASHLEY(at phone): Doing what? GEORGE(at phone): I don't know, but you send me a picture or a video of you working, or a copy of your pay stub and I'll let you continue down this d*ad-end road. If not, you're coming home. Hopefully with an education in how an education helps you to get a better job and more opportunities in life. ASHLEY(at phone): All right, all right. We'll get jobs, geez. Goodnight. TOBY: We're going to get jobs? We have an allowance. We have a free house. What do we need jobs for? Eh, it's boring here. Let's just go back on the road. ASHLEY: No, we're lucky we didn't get arrested driving out here. Our parents are idiots. TOBY: Well, they must really be idiots if they think we can get jobs. I mean... Especially you. GRACE'S HOUSE Jack talks with his father. JACK: Why would you come back to live here? You love Arizona. JACK'S FATHER: I have a job opportunity here. They've never found anyone to take my job at the church, and I do miss that, pontificating to the masses. But I've also been asked to come into a high school where there's been a lot of trouble and teach a class in philosophy. Sort of like the one I've been teaching at the university. At first, I didn't even consider it but then the more I thought about it, that kind of teaching really interests me. It has such an immediate and practical purpose. It's not about pie in the sky. It's not about life after death. It's about the here and now. JACK: What school? JACK'S FATHER: Mt. Xavier. JACK: Yeah, here and now, you'll get b*at up or mugged or sh*t in the hallways or the parking lot. JACK'S FATHER: I could be b*at up or mugged or sh*t in any hallway or parking lot. JACK: Yeah, but the chances are better at Mt. Xavier. You don't want to do that, Dad. Don't move back here to do that. I'm looking forward to moving to Arizona and going to school and living closer to you and Mom. (Grace and Daniel enters in the kitchen) GRACE: You can't stay late. I told my mom we were... Reverend Stone, hi. What are you doing here? JACK'S FATHER: I missed my son so much I couldn't stay away. Hi there, young fella. JACK: Dad, this is Daniel. Daniel, this is my dad, Reverend Stone. DANIEL: Hi. Nice to meet you. JACK'S FATHER: Hi. Nice to meet you. DANIEL: Jack. Good to see you again. JACK: Yeah. JACK'S FATHER: Oh, my. Yes. Now I get it. GRACE: Get what? JACK'S FATHER: Nothing. Nothing at all. So very nice to meet your new, uh, friend. DANIEL: Boyfriend. GRACE: Oh, I didn't know if it was... DANIEL: If I'm your boyfriend? GRACE: We'll just be in the living room. Bye. (Grace and Daniel leave) JACK: What do you get? What's going on? JACK'S FATHER: A little bird told me you were unhappy here and you wanted me and your mother to move back here because you didn't want to go to school in Arizona and you wanted to live at home with us next year and go to school here. JACK: A little red bird? JACK'S FATHER: This is why we love Madison. She's so unpredictable. But it's obvious she cares a lot about you. And I suspect she senses that you still care about Grace. JACK: Yeah, well, Grace has a new boyfriend. JACK'S FATHER: Has it ever occurred to you that Grace is a very fickle girl? JACK: Yes. It has. Grace and Daniel are kissing in the couch. GRACE: I didn't know you were my boyfriend. DANIEL: No? GRACE: Well, I didn't know if now that you were back home you were seeing other girls or not. DANIEL: You mean, if I'm having sex with other girls? You and other girls? No. I don't do that. Do you do that? GRACE: No. DANIEL: How'd things go today at school with your old boyfriend, with Grant? GRACE: It was fine. We're just friends. DANIEL: Yeah, I know how that works. GRACE: Wait, how does that work? DANIEL: He doesn't want to be just friends. He's just giving you a little sh*t of rejection with that, hoping you'll come back. GRACE: You think? DANIEL: You look a little too happy about that. GRACE: No, I just... I did feel kind of rejected but I should feel rejected after what we did, I guess. DANIEL: I don't think that what we did has anything to do with you and Grant. It has to do with you and me. GRACE: Yeah, but I did have a boyfriend at the time, so... DANIEL: Yeah, and? GRACE: When do you think we are going to have the chance to be alone again? DANIEL: I don't know. I don't think we need to rush back into anything. I think we should get to know each other better. GRACE: Do we have to? DANIEL: No. GRACE: Daniel, do you think our relationship is gonna last? DANIEL: What, will I marry you? GRACE: No! God no, no, I was not asking you that. No. DANIEL: What were you asking? GRACE: I don't know! I was not asking you that! DANIEL: I think it's a little too early for us to be making any plans together. We've got a lot more talking to do. GRACE: Yeah. Don't be ridiculous. I did not just ask you if you wanted to marry me. DANIEL: I think you did. GRACE: Just shut up and kiss me. RESTAURANT Ben is still with his dad. LEO: Why don't you try worrying about something else for a change? Something other than getting out of your marriage. Like where you're going to go to college, how you're going to earn a living. BEN: College. Why didn't I think of that? I can get into college out of state. Or maybe even out of the country. LEO: You're married. She'll go with you. BEN: Yeah. Probably. LEO: So, how'd things go at work today? How's the butcher shop? How's business? BEN: It's okay. LEO: You know, if you wanted, you could work at the office, get more into the business side of things. BEN: Oh, you mean work as your assistant after school? No thanks. LEO: It wouldn't hurt for you to see what things look like from the top down. You might like the view. BEN: Dad, honestly, I just don't want that kind of responsibility. I don't want to be the head of a large corporation. Sausage or no sausage. LEO: Are you hoping to just inherit my money instead of earning your own? BEN: No. LEO: Then what are you interested in? BEN: Getting out of my marriage. LEO: Ben, if Mercy had lived, would you still be trying to get out of your marriage? BEN: No. LEO: You'd have stayed married for her, right? For your daughter? BEN: Yeah. That's the reason I got married. LEO: Then stay married a while longer. For you and for Adrian. Just stick it out until maybe after high school. Give the mother of your child that much respect. I understand you don't want to be there, but we all gotta do what we gotta do. And I'm serious here. EMERGENCY ROOM Ricky is boring. RICKY: You could have told me to bring my books. AMY: Some things you just have to learn on your own. RICKY: Really, Amy? He's tired. Once he goes to sleep, we're gonna take him in there and have a doctor poke around in him just so you know he's okay? He's okay. He's obviously okay. JOHN: Ow. AMY: I'm going to use the restroom. Keep an eye on him. RICKY: Fine. (A woman sit down near Ricky) WOMAN: Is that your son? RICKY: Why? WOMAN: Oh, you're such a cute family. Is that your wife? RICKY: Just mind your own business, all right? EMERGENCY ROOM/ANNE'S HOUSE Amy calls her mom. AMY(at phone): He's holding both his ears, saying, "Ow," so yeah, I'm sure it's an ear infection. ANNE(at phone): What's his temperature? AMY(at phone): It's not that bad. ANNE(at phone): Well, what is it? AMY(at phone): 99.9. ANNE(at phone): Oh. Well. So, maybe it's not an emergency. AMY(at phone): Don't say that. We've been down here all night. ANNE(at phone): Yeah, but Amy, the emergency room is for emergencies. Have you called the doctor? AMY(at phone): Ricky tried to call her and... Oh. They're calling us. I have to go. EMERGENCY ROOM Amy joins Ricky and John. RICKY: Dr. Hightower tracked me down. She said we could bring him in tomorrow morning if we want. Or, as long as we're here, we could get him checked out, but it doesn't sound like anything serious. AMY: Yeah, well maybe I should have talked to her. RICKY: Maybe. AMY: What'd that woman over there want? I saw her come over and sit next to you. RICKY: She wanted to know if this was my son and if you're my wife. I told her we're never getting married, so now she's not speaking to me. AMY: Not funny. ANNE'S HOUSE/JUERGENS' HOUSE Anne calls George. ANNE(at phone): Do you know that Amy's at the hospital with John? She thinks he might have an ear infection, but I think she might have just panicked because we weren't there. GEORGE(at phone): No, I didn't know. You want me to go down there? ANNE(at phone): No. GEORGE(at phone): Did you know that Toby's grandmother is still in New York and not with Toby and Ashley because she sprained her ankle belly dancing? ANNE(at phone): No. GEORGE(at phone): You sure I shouldn't go down to the hospital and check on Amy? ANNE(at phone): Ricky's with her. GEORGE(at phone): Oh. Good. Good for Ricky. Maybe he'll learn there's a lot more to being a parent than sleeping with the baby's mother. ANNE(at phone): Okay, well, I just wanted you to know. GEORGE(at phone): 'Cause of course you knew and I didn't. ANNE(at phone): Well, you knew about Ashley and I didn't. GEORGE(at phone): Do you ever think those two could be the reason our marriage didn't work out? ANNE(at phone): Did you ever think that maybe we just never really loved each other and that's why our marriage didn't work out? GEORGE(at phone): No. We did. At one time, we loved each other. We absolutely did. ANNE(at phone): Yeah, I guess you're right. I was just reacting to what you said. It sounded like you were blaming the girls and not us. GEORGE(at phone): You mean not me. ANNE(at phone): No. I blame myself, too. Goodnight, George. GEORGE(at phone): Goodnight, Anne. Darn it, Moose. I wish I had it all to do over again. GRACE'S HOUSE Grace and Jack meet in the hallway. JACK: Oh. Sorry. I was just going to brush my teeth. You go ahead. GRACE: Thank you. I will. I mean, it's my house. JACK: Please do. Still got company, or... GRACE: You know Daniel went home. JACK: Yeah, that's right. I like your pajamas, or whatever that's called. GRACE: Whatever that's called is none of your business. But thank you, I guess. So, what was your dad really doing here? JACK: They're thinking of moving back. GRACE: Excellent. You won't be needing the room for that much longer. JACK: It won't be any time soon, if they do that, if they move back. And I doubt they'll move back. He got offered a job at Mt. Xavier. GRACE: What, do they need someone there for last rites? JACK: Funny, even if he doesn't do last rites. GRACE: I know. I was just making a joke. You know, we went to the same church, your dad's church. JACK: I remember. I remember a lot of things. GRACE: Goodnight, Jack. Kathleen heard the scene for downstairs, she goes to the kitchen and Tom comes in. TOM: Hi there. KATHLEEN: Oh, hi there. You're up late. TOM: Not really. It's 9:30. I like to stay up until 11:30. Or 12:30. Sometimes, I like to watch the news, sometimes I like to stay up for Letterman. KATHLEEN: I know. I remember. TOM: I cannot do that anymore. KATHLEN: No, you have responsibilities. Tom, is anything wrong? TOM: Not anything wrong. Anything wrong over here? KATHLEEN: No. You and Rachel didn't have an argument, did you? TOM: I want to watch TV! KATHLEEN: Well, honey, the children have school tomorrow. I mean, they need to get their sleep. TOM: They can sleep with the damn TV on. KATHLEEN: Tom! TOM: What? KATHLEEN: You asked for Rachel and Ronnie and Bonnie to move in with you. Okay, now you need to be a grown-up and realize you can't do everything you want to do. You have to think about this little family that you brought into your life and do what's best for the kids. TOM: I thought it was going to be fun. But it's not that fun. KATHLEEN: Not always, no. It isn't. But sometimes it can be very rewarding, honey. And sometimes rewarding trumps just having fun. TOM: I don't think so. BOYKEWICH'S HOUSE Leo comes to see Betty in the bedroom. LEO: Hey, that's okay. You can watch whatever that was. BETTY: No, I want to hear all about Ben. How is he? And how's Adrian? LEO: He's all right. You want a drink? I'm think I'm gonna have a cognac. BETTY: Oh, I thought cognac season was over. LEO: You're right. I usually leave that stuff to the winter months, but it's a little nippy out, so maybe a short one. BETTY: Sure. Why not? LEO: Yeah. Why not? BETTY: Is it me or have you been drinking a little more lately? LEO: I don't think so. Do you think so? BETTY: Maybe. Maybe just a little. But you've had so much going on lately, with Ben and Adrian and Camille. LEO: There's nothing going on with Camille. BETTY: Well, cheers. LEO: Yeah. Cheers. BETTY: Can I ask you something? LEO: Sure, Betty, you can ask me anything you want. BETTY: Are you happy, Leo? LEO: I'm happy. I was just saying that to Ben tonight. I'm a happy man. BETTY: Good. Are you happy you married me? LEO: Of course, Betty. Of course I am. Why? BETTY: I don't know. LEO: Are you happy you married me? BETTY: Marrying you was the best thing that ever happened to me. LEO: If something even better could have happened to you, what do you think that would have been? Just imagine that something even better could have happened. What would that be? BETTY: I can't imagine something better. This is like a fairy tale come true. LEO: That's nice. That's nice you feel like that. It makes me feel good. BETTY: Of course, I do have some regrets in my life. LEO: Oh? BETTY: Yeah, I... I regret leaving my parents for my boyfriend. I wish I'd listened to them. He was the biggest mistake of my life. I didn't get to go to high school or college and then, as you know, I ended up doing what I felt like I had to do. Although I really didn't even have to do it. I just couldn't think of any other options. LEO: Yeah, I feel bad that that's what happened, but things happen. And what you did then has nothing to do with who you are now. BETTY: You see? That's why I love you so much, Leo, and I'm going to love you for the rest of my life. And I'm going to start by loving you all night long. LEO: Or we could just talk. BETTY: No! CONDO Ben comes home, Adrian cleans up the condo. BEN: Let me help you with that. ADRIAN: No, I'll get it. I made the mess, or Grace and I did. I'll clean it up. BEN: No, let me help you. ADRIAN: I've got it. BEN: Did you and Grace have a good time? You look like you're in a good mood. ADRIAN: I'm in a pretty good mood. Yeah, I guess I am. I must be hungover from our weekend together. BEN: Yeah, me too. Look, while you're still in a good mood, I'd like to talk to you about something. ADRIAN: All right, well, let me finish up here and then we can go sit on the patio and talk. I'd like that. EMERGERCY ROOM Ricky and Amy are called. NURSE: Ms. Juergens and Mr. Underwood with John Juergens? AMY: She did that on purpose. RICKY: You're right. It's a hostile environment. We can still leave. We don't have to go in there. AMY: Are you kidding me? After waiting here all night? We're going in there. Get your son. CONDO Adrian and Ben talks in the balcony. ADRIAN: I made you brownies. Well, you and me. BEN: That was very nice of you. Thank you. ADRIAN: You're welcome. So, what'd you want to talk to me about? BEN: Uh... Let me just eat this brownie first. It looks really good. ADRIAN: Okay. Well, while I'm waiting to hear what you have to talk to me about, there's actually something that I wanted to talk to you about. I was wondering if I could tell you about my plans to go to school next year. BEN: So you are gonna wait until the fall to go back to school? ADRIAN: Let me finish. I don't want to go back to school with you and Amy and Grace. I want to go to another school. I want to do something useful and practical and fun. I want to go to cosmetology school. So, what do you think? BEN: I think that's a lot different from law school, isn't it? ADRIAN: That doesn't mean that I can't always go back to high school and finish later. College later, law school later. BEN: Yeah, but you probably wouldn't. You'd probably end up doing what? Hair and makeup? Working in Hollywood? In the TV or film industry? Or cosmetics. Maybe even being a representative for some cosmetics firm... Or coming up with your own line of cosmetics. ADRIAN: Or doing nails. What? BEN: Just, you never cease to amaze me. I mean, just when I thought that you couldn't get past what we've been through, you come up with this new and very creative plan. Wow, I'm... I'm totally for it. Yeah, if that's what you want to do. Go into cosmetology. ADRIAN: Are you? BEN: Again, if that's what you want to do. If that's what you want to do, I totally support you. ADRIAN: And... What if I would need to go to New York to study? BEN: New York? Are you kidding me? That'd be great. I mean, of course, it wouldn't be for very long, right? It would be for just what, a year? Two years? ADRIAN: I don't know. I'm just starting to look into it. I could start here and then maybe if you get into a college in New York, we could both go together to New York to study. BEN: Yeah. But I mean, you wouldn't want to start here and then change schools or anything. Maybe you should just start there, you know? Get out of here. We could sell this place and just buy you something over there. ADRIAN: Buy me... Buy me a place? Don't you mean buy us a place? BEN: Yeah. I was just so excited thinking about the future. Isn't it great? It's just so... It's so freeing. You know, I think I'm gonna have another brownie. ADRIAN: Oh, no, no, don't get up. I'll get it for you, Benny. (Adrian goes away) ADRIAN: Buy me a place, huh? BEN: Education is the way out. ADRIAN: Did you say something? BEN: No, nothing! No, I said nothing at all. MAN: Hey, shut up down there! BEN: I'm going to miss that. ADRIAN: So he wouldn't mind if I went to New York. GRACE'S HOUSE/MADISON'S HOUSE Jack calls Madison. JACK(at phone): I came down to the kitchen where no one can hear me. MADISON(at phone): Fine. I don't care if you're upset with me or not. I know you, Jack. I know what you're thinking even before you're thinking it. And you're thinking if Grace dropped Grant, then she'll drop this guy too. And then finally, at long last, she'll be free and you'll be in the house with her. JACK(at phone): Madison, look, I am tired of being accused of always trying to be with Grace. If I wanted to be with Grace, I could be with Grace. But I don't want to be with Grace. (Grace heard) GRACE: Yeah, right. JACK(at phone): (SIGHS) Look, she just came into the kitchen. Can I call you back? MADISON(at phone): No. You can talk to her anytime. We have a phone curfew, in case you've forgotten. JACK(at phone): Well, then, I'll talk to you at school tomorrow. MADISON(at phone): No! JACK(at phone): Look, Madison, I love you. And I love that we don't have to have sex to prove our love to each other. I'll talk to you at school tomorrow. MADISON(at phone): I wish we'd never had sex! JACK(at phone): Goodnight, Madison. GRACE: Ditto. I wish we'd never had sex. JACK: I know what ditto means. Do you wish you'd never had sex with Grant, too? GRACE: Yeah. JACK: And you wish you'd never had sex with Daniel too? Or do you just wait to wish that until the next guy comes along? GRACE: I wait until the next guy comes along. I just came down to get my book, so... JACK: That's not your book. EMERGERCY Amy and Ricky are with a resident. AMY: How do you know? You don't even look like a doctor. Maybe you're not a doctor. RESIDENT: Got me. I'm just a resident. Which means, legally, I am a doctor. But hey, kids don't like doctors who look like doctors, so there you go. There's no ear infection. AMY: But he's holding his ears and saying, "Ow" and he has a fever. RICKY: No, he doesn't. He only had a fever when you took his temperature. Maybe you didn't read it right. AMY: I read it right. I know how to take his temperature. JOHN: Ow. AMY: See! I told you! RICKY: He doesn't have an ear infection. AMY: He has to! Why would he be doing that? RESIDENT: Um... I'm going to take a guess. Because the two of you can't quit arguing? You haven't noticed that when you raise your voices, he doesn't like it? Yeah. You two better get a handle on that. Especially if you're going to live together. Bye, John. JOHN: Bye. HIGH SCHOOL Grace joins Grant to talks to him. GRACE: You know, I have some things of yours I should return. GRANT: That's all right. We're friends. I'm not worried about you having any of my things. GRACE: I have your hospital bracelet from med camp. GRANT: Really? I thought you would have thrown that away by now. I threw yours away. GRACE: Maybe I would have wanted that. GRANT: We'll be back at med camp this summer. You can get another one. Hey, is your new boyfriend, what's-his-name, going to med camp? GRACE: What's-his-name is Daniel. And I know you know that. And no, he is not going to med camp. You know why? GRANT: No. Why? GRACE: Because he's already in college. He started in January. He's a year older so he got into college early. He was on spring break when I met him. He's a freshman in college. He's not in high school. He's an adult. (Jack heard) JACK: Does your mother know this? GRACE: No, she doesn't, and neither one of you are going to tell her, and you know why? GRANT: Why? JACK: Why? GRACE: Because we're friends and friends don't rat each other out, do they? Do they? You know what, never mind. We're not really friends. You just said that because you wanted me to feel rejected and so I would come crawling back to you. But guess what? It's not going to happen. (Grace leaves) GRANT: It might. JACK: She's a very fickle girl. Lauren talks with Jack. LAUREN: Hey, Madison's out sick today. She wanted you to know that she was up all night crying. JACK: About what? LAUREN: About everything. Basically, she wishes she had never had sex with you, never dated you, never met you. JACK: Is she breaking up with me? LAUREN: You wish. You're not getting off that easy. If you want to break up with her and go chasing after your old girlfriend, then you're going to have to do the breaking up yourself. JACK: I'm not breaking up with her. LAUREN: Yeah, she knows that. But you and I know that you want her to. And you're a little weasel. Amy and Ricky are in school. AMY: We're just going to have to find a way to argue without arguing or we're going to scar John for the rest of his life. RICKY: Do you have to be dramatic? Isn't that how we got into that argument in the first place? AMY: You're raising your voice already. RICKY: No, I'm not. I'm not raising my voice. I know what raising my voice sounds like. This isn't raising my voice. AMY: You are raising your voice. I know what not raising your voice sounds like. This is not raising your voice. What I'm doing. RICKY: Yeah, well John's smart enough to figure out that even if you're talking like that that you're still angry. AMY: He's not a dog. Maybe we just need a bigger place. Maybe we just need to move back to my house. RICKY: The three of us? AMY: No, John and me. RICKY: You can't do that. And I wish you'd stop thr*at that every time we have an argument. AMY: I'm not thr*at. I'm just saying that maybe our place is just too small, and your voice is just too loud. RICKY: After having been raised the way I was raised, I've worked really hard to know what the line is when it comes to expressing my anger or frustration or emotions. I don't think it's healthy to not express emotions in front of John. What's he supposed to think, that we're all happy all the time? AMY: Yes. RICKY: No. It's normal to get upset and have arguments. It's healthy. If you don't let things go too far. And I'm not going to let things go too far. AMY: Oh, so it's up to you? RICKY: No. I know what my "too far" is. You have to know what your "too far" is. But I think thr*at to go back home to your mommy and daddy is going too far. AMY: Ow. I was just joking. I hear what you're saying. And I guess I have to quit doing that, thr*at to go home. RICKY: Thanks. AMY: And I have to start giving you more credit for knowing a little bit more about raising John. You really have given parenting a lot of thought. RICKY: Thanks, Amy. AMY: And you're really a good dad. And some day, you're going to make someone a really great husband. RICKY: Someone? AMY: Well, me. Which is why you keep calling me your wife. And you know it. Ben explains to Henry and Alice Adrian's plans. BEN: I think I may have found a way out. ALICE: I don't want to hear about this. I don't think you should get out. It's too soon and she's too fragile. HENRY: Yeah, don't you think it's a little insensitive, Ben, to be talking like this? BEN: But it was her idea. ALICE: Whatever it is, you don't have to be so happy about it. HENRY: Unless... ALICE: Unless what? HENRY: Unless this is her way of getting out. BEN: Yeah. Maybe it is. Maybe she wants out as much as I do. Maybe the feeling is mutual. HENRY: Okay, so what's the story? What's your way out that was her idea? BEN: She wants to go to cosmetology school. ALICE: Adrian? Adrian, who had a 4.0 average and wanted to become a lawyer,now wants to go to cosmetology school? HENRY: And how does that get you out? BEN: Because she could possibly go to cosmetology school in New York. ALICE: Uh, no. This is a lie. I'm not buying it. HENRY: Me neither. BEN: Look, she does not want to come back here and without a high school diploma, her options are limited. So this is what she chose. And by the way, I think it's entirely possible that this way she gets away from me and I get away from her and once we get away from each other, there's no going back. CONDO Adrian calls her doctor. ADRIAN(at phone): Dr. Ottavi, thank you for taking my call. I just got nervous that maybe Ben and I should have waited a while longer. Yeah, I'm feeling much better. In fact, I have another question I want to ask you. Is it too soon for me to try to get pregnant again? End of the episode.
{"type": "series", "show": "The Secret Life of an American Teenager", "episode": "04x04 - One Foot Out The Door"}
Previously on « The Secret life of the American teenager » BEN: I don't want to be married. I don't have to be married, LEO: You are not going to leave Adrian. I'm not gonna let you. ADRIAN: I think maybe I should do what you did and just tell Ben I'm thinking about going away. GRACE: What? ADRIAN: To New York. To cosmetology school. GEORGE: The best way for you to learn something is to get a job. ASHLEY: You agreed to put money into my account every week. GEORGE: Yeah, that's when I thought you were seeing America. GRACE: Daniel, do you think our relationship is gonna last? DANIEL: I think it's a little too early for us to be making any plans together. ADRIAN: I want to go to cosmetology school. BEN: I'm totally for it. ADRIAN: What if I would need to go to New York to study? BEN: That'd be great. MADISON: And you're thinking if Grace dropped Grant, then she'll drop this guy too. And then finally, at long last, she'll be free and you'll be in the house with her. JACK: But I don't want to be with Grace. AMY: Maybe we just need a bigger place. Maybe we just need to move back to my house. RICKY: The three of us? AMY: No, John and me. HENRY: So what's the story? What's your way out that was her idea? BEN: She could possibly go to cosmetology school in New York. ALICE: No. This is a lie. I'm not buying it. ADRIAN: Is it too soon for me to try to get pregnant again? RICKY’S APARTMENT Ricky wakes up in the couch and sees John isno’t in front of him. He goes to the bedroom and sees Amy with John. RICKY: Good morning. JOHN: Daddy! AMY: What time is it? RICKY: 6:30. AMY: Do we have to get up? RICKY: Yeah, we do. What's John doing in here? AMY: He came in the middle of the night. Isn't that cute? RICKY: Not really, no. I'm sleeping on the couch so I can keep an eye on him and he's in here sleeping with you. AMY: Wants to be with his mommy, don't you, John? RICKY: Yeah, well, Daddy wants to be with his mommy. AMY: Oh, come on, you can be with me any time you want. RICKY: Hmm, I think we have to do something about this. About the sleeping arrangements. AMY: Okay, what do you wanna do? RICKY: I wanna put his bed in here and our bed out there. AMY Our bed in the living room like I suggested before? RICKY: Yeah. Or get a couch that pulls out or something. AMY: All right, well...If that's what you want to do, then let's do it. RICKY: That's what I wanna do. And I wanna get all the toys and the baby stuff into this room, keep it out of the living room. AMY: Okay, that sounds like a good idea, too. RICKY: He has too much stuff. We need to either get rid of some of his toys and things or find some better way to store them. AMY: Okay. I've been leaving most of his toys at my parents' house and then swapping them out. But... I'll take some of what I brought over here this weekend back. RICKY: Really, I like to keep everything kind of clean and organized. AMY: Okay. RICKY: So... AMY: So, it's 6:30 in the morning. Just give me a few minutes to wake up, Ricky, and then I'll get right on it. RICKY: I just don't like him sleeping in here and me in there. AMY: Yeah, I got that. Ricky, do you need a little space, some time for yourself? Want me to go over to my dad's tonight and do laundry and then just fall asleep over there and then you can have your apartment just for you for the night? I don't mind doing that if you want. RICKY: No, I don't want... I just want us to make this work, all right? For the most part it's working, but this, this is not working. Someone's not in a good mood this morning. RICKY: I heard that. AMY: I meant for you to hear that. I love you. RICKY: I'm sorry. AMY: Me, too. RICKY: I love you. It's just that... AMY: It's just that you're not in a good mood this morning, so you're annoyed with me whether you love me or not. RICKY: You know I love you, Amy. AMY: Did something else happen other than I let John come in here to sleep? RICKY: Um, no. Not really. AMY: Adrian? RICKY: Adrian? AMY: I don't buy that whole story of her going to cosmetology school. I think she's just looking to get out of the marriage. And if she's looking to get out of the marriage, then...Did she call you or anything? RICKY: Why would she call me? AMY: I don't know, did she? RICKY: I h*t "ignore." I didn't talk to her. AMY: Okay, well, now I'm not in a good mood, either. STREET Adrian does her footing with listening to music. THE SECRET LIFE OF THE AMERICAN TEENAGER – OPEN CREDITS CONDO Adrian is in the nursery. Ben joins her. BEN: Good morning. ADRIAN: Hi. Good morning, husband. Uh, do you want me to make you some breakfast? BEN: No, I'm going to head out, if you don't need me here. ADRIAN: No, I don't need you here. I'm okay. I'm feeling better. BEN: Okay. Do you really need to do this? To sit in this room? ADRIAN: Does it make you sad to be in this room? BEN: I don't come in this room. ADRIAN: It made me really sad at first, but now I find it kind of comforting. BEN: Comforting how? ADRIAN: I don't know. I guess I'm coming to accept that... Mercy was just not meant to be here, for reasons we'll never know, and we have to go on with our lives. BEN: You're still thinking about going away to school? ADRIAN: Yeah. Are you still thinking that it would be okay for me to go away to school? You wouldn't mind if I left for a while? BEN: No. Not if that's what you want to do. If that's what you need to do. ADRIAN: I went for a walk this morning. A long walk. And I'm going to start walking every morning. I'm going to get myself together. It's time. I'm sure it's not gonna be easy, but... I'm gonna do it. BEN: I'm really happy to hear you say that. HIGH SCHOOL Ben joins Grace and Amy. BEN: Morning, best friends of Adrian. And I'm sure I know what you're talking about. Adrian. AMY: Yeah, we were. I'm surprised that she wants to go to cosmetology school or that she'd think about leaving you to go to New York. BEN: Why? You left me and went to New York. Why shouldn't Adrian? AMY: That was different. BEN: How was that different? You went for you, and she's going for her. GRACE: Ben, you told Adrian to go to New York? You told her that was okay? BEN: Why not? It's better than sitting at home, right? GRACE: Well, don't you think it would be better for her to come back to school here and finish high school before she does anything else? BEN: No. I do not. She does not want to come back to high school here. She said that over and over and over again and I finally heard her. AMY: I'm sure it wouldn't be easy, but I think she can do it. GRACE: I'm sure she can do it. She needs to do it. She needs to finish high school before she can do anything else. BEN: Look, neither of you should discourage her from going to cosmetology school. In fact, I want both of you to promise you won't discourage her. Promise. GRACE: Okay, I promise. AMY: I don't promise. BEN: Thank you, Grace. I knew I could count on you. (Ben leaves) AMY: Why would you make a promise like that? GRACE: It wasn't a real promise. AMY: You said you promise. How is that not a real promise? You lied? GRACE: This whole thing is a lie. Adrian just said to Ben that she wanted to go to cosmetology school to see if he would tell her to go. It was a test. And he failed. He told her to go. Which means he wants her to go. He wants her to leave. He wants out. I mean, she must be heartbroken. AMY: Or she must be very angry. And you know how she is when she's angry. GRACE: Yeah. AMY: She called Ricky. GRACE: What? AMY: Yeah, I knew that she would, sooner or later. GRACE: What did she want? AMY: I don't know. But I think we can both make a good guess. HIGH SCHOOL/CONDO Amy receives a call. AMY(at phone): Hello. Yeah. Hi, Adrian. ADRIAN(at phone): I want you to know that I called Ricky. AMY(at phone): Yeah, he already told me. ADRIAN(at phone): Oh, okay. Good. Um, it's not that big of a deal. I just, I didn't talk to him in a long time. And, well, for the record, he never called me back. AMY(at phone): He can call you back if he wants. I don't care if the two of you talk to each other. ADRIAN(at phone): Good. I just... I wanna start getting things back to normal. Well, I'm ready to start trying getting things back to normal anyway. So, um, look, I need you and Grace to help me with something. AMY(at phone): What's that? ADRIAN(at phone): I need you to help me get rid of everything in this nursery. It's making me depressed and Ben depressed and... Well, it's time. AMY(at phone): What do you wanna do with all that stuff? ADRIAN(at phone): I don't know. You got any ideas? AMY(at phone): Well, I mean, I'm sure that the church nursery would appreciate anything that you would want to give to them. ADRIAN(at phone): Okay. Yeah, they can have it all. I really don't care. 636 Just as long as it goes to good use. Can you guys do this today? I really wanna get rid of this stuff today or I might lose my nerve. AMY(at phone): Don't get rid of anything unless you are absolutely certain that's what you wanna do. And maybe you ought to think about it for a few more days. ADRIAN(at phone): No, I want to do it today. AMY(at phone): Okay, well, um, we'll figure it out and then we'll call you back. And is Ben is okay with this? ADRIAN(at phone): Ben would have done this before I came home from the hospital, but I wouldn't let him. So, yeah, he's fine with it. AMY(at phone): Okay. Well, if you want our help, Adrian, then you've got it. ADRIAN(at phone): Thanks, Amy. BOYKEWICH’S COMPANY Leo comes in, Nora is here as secretary. NORA: Good morning, sir. LEO: Good morning to you. NORA: Here's your coffee, black, and the Wall Street Journal.All articles pertaining to anything meat-related have been highlighted. LEO: Oh, thank you, Nora. That's very nice of you. But what are you doing here? How come you're not at the butcher shop? NORA: Oh, um, whoever is running your human resources department called Bunny and said they've run out of resources. They wanted Bunny, she sent me. LEO: Fine. I don't know why everybody thinks I'm so difficult to work for. NORA; Apparently, you scare people. LEO: Scare people how? NORA: I don't know. I heard you're a screamer. LEO: Once in a while, I might raise my voice. People just have to do their job, that's all. We're making sausage, we're not making lollipops. NORA: Hey, I get it. I totally get it. Oh, one question. How do you make that sausage? LEO: I think you're the first person who's been at that desk who's asked me that question. Other than Camille. And that was a long, long time ago. You really want to know? NORA: Yeah, I've been thinking about it. Wondering how you got to be the king. LEO: If I didn't know you better, I'd say you were hitting on me. NORA: No, I'm really interested. (Phone rings) NORA: First call of the day. (at phone) Good morning, you've reached Boykewich Headquarters. How may I help you? Hey, Ben. It's me. BEN(at phone): "Me," who? NORA(at phone): Me, Ricky's mom, Nora. BEN(at phone): Oh, jeez, my dad's got you working for him today? NORA(at phone): Honored to be here. Hey, I take it you're looking for him? BEN(at phone): Yeah, I am. NORA(at phone): Uh, he just... LEO: Stepped into a meeting. NORA(at phone): Stepped into a meeting. BEN(at phone): Oh, I'm getting the "stepped into a meeting" runaround, huh? Just tell him that I can't make it for dinner tonight. LEO(at phone): And why not? BEN(at phone): Oh, I thought you just stepped into a meeting. LEO(at phone): I want to talk to you. BEN(at phone): I have a paper due tomorrow. LEO(at phone): Then you better get started on it 'cause you're meeting me for dinner and don't be trying to back out. I want to talk to you. Betty told me about Adrian. You are not shipping her off to New York. HIGH SCHOOL Katelyn joins him outside. BEN: Hi. KATELYN: Yeah. Hi. Shouldn't you be in class? BEN: I was just, uh, checking on things. KATELYN: Things or people? Adrian? BEN: My dad. My dad's been having a tough time. You saw him when he was here. So I just felt like I needed to call him. KATELYN: And how are you? BEN: I'm fine. Thanks for asking. Better get back to class. KATELYN: Um, I was hoping to talk to you about a rumor that's going around school. BEN: I don't want to talk about any rumors. And whatever they are, they're probably not true. KATELYN: Yeah. Ben, look, there are only a couple of months of school left. And I know you've been through a horrible time. But I also know that you're an honorable man, and you don't want to do anything dishonorable. BEN: This is none of your business. KATELYN: Excuse me? BEN: None of your business. This is personal. KATELYN: You're my business. You're a student here and so is Adrian. BEN: No. No, she's not. She was a student here. She's not a student here anymore. And she's not gonna come back to school here. And whatever Adrian decides is her business, not your business. KATELYN: Look, Ben, I really care about the students here. And I especially care about you and Adrian. BEN: Well, don't. Who asked you to? KATELYN: No one asked me to. It's just that... This is my first job back after... After I lost a baby. So, yeah, you know what, maybe I have crossed some line here without realizing it. May be this has become too personal. It's been two years for me and I'm still having a difficult time with the loss. SIDS. My baby died of SIDS. And then my husband left me 18 months later. BEN: 18 months? KATELYN: Yeah. I was the one who was inconsolable at first. Then I was depressed for almost a year, and then when I finally got myself together, he fell apart. And his way of dealing with it was staying drunk all the time. BEN: Well, I've dealt with it. Sober. And Adrian can't deal with it. And maybe she needs to go to cosmetology school to start dealing with it. So, please, just stay out of it. KATELYN: Are you sure you're okay, Ben? Because this doesn't seem like you, to encourage Adrian to do the wrong thing and to go away and study something that she's never been interested in before just so you can get out of your marriage. BEN: Get out of my marriage? Who said anything about getting out of my marriage? KATELYN: Why else would you encourage her to do something like this? I mean, Adrian is smart enough to finish high school and to go to college and get into law school. If her husband doesn't take away her courage and her strength and her determination. BEN: I didn't take those away things from her, losing the baby did. Are you done now? KATELYN: Finished. I'm finished now. Yes. Ben enters in the school. BEN: Does the whole school know that Adrian wants to further her education in New York? ALICE: Now that's a positive spin on things if I've ever heard one. HENRY: And the answer to your question is yes. MAN: Oh, uh, I guess that enough time has passed that I can, I can tell you this. Half the student body thinks you're pushing Adrian out the door, the other half thinks you're running, so it's evenly divided between jerk and coward. So I think that the only way your reputation of a good guy can survive this is if you stick around. Just my advice. BEN: I don't care what people think. Who would have thought my freshman year in high school would have been my best year? Amy and Ricky talks in the hallway. RICKY: You're gonna put the bed from their nursery in the church nursery 595 where John sleeps? Are you kidding? That's just creepy. AMY: First of all, John doesn't sleep in a baby bed anymore so he won't be sleeping in it, and it's not creepy. Or it wasn't until you said that. Where was I? RICKY: Secondly? AMY: Secondly, the church really needs that stuff. There are a lot of mothers who'd be very grateful to have the things that Adrian wants to donate. Clothes, the, the blankets, diapers. You know how expensive that stuff is. Okay, I told you what Adrian called me about, now you tell me what Adrian called you about. RICKY: I don't know. I erased the message. AMY: Without listening to it? RICKY: Without listening to it. AMY: That wasn't very nice. I want to know what she said! RICKY: I don't even know what she said. Ask her if you're so curious. She told you she called me. Ask her what she wanted. AMY: I think we both know what she wanted. She is obviously getting ready to leave Ben and she wants you. RICKY: And yet you're helping her leave Ben. AMY: Because that's the kind of person I am, Ricky. RICKY: I'm telling you, she knows what she's doing. She's feeling better. She's got some crazy plan she's come up with and you're playing right into it and I'm not. BUTCHER SHOP/BOYKEWICH’S COMPANY Ben is at phone with Nora. BEN(at phone): Just tell them I'm not gonna do it. NORA(at phone): Ben, Ben, Ben. You know everyone who has had this job has been fired. Don't want to get fired, so I cannot give your dad that message. BEN(at phone): Don't you think you'll get fired if I don't show up, and you don't tell him I wasn't gonna be there? NORA(at phone): I have the physical ability to take you down, little mister. So you get yourself to that restaurant on time... Ben? BEN(at phone): I can't. I can't do it. I can't listen to another lecture today. had one person after another today, telling me what they... RICKY: I need to talk to you. BEN(at phone): Everyone needs to talk to me. Do you mind? RICKY: When you get off the phone. NORA(at phone): Telling you what? What are people telling you? BEN(at phone): Same thing that my dad's gonna to tell me and I can't...I can't hear it from him. I don't want to hear it from him. I can't take it. NORA(at phone): Of course, you can. All you have to do is listen to him. That doesn't mean you have to do what he says. You just give the man some respect, you listen to him and then do what you want. BEN(at phone): You don't know my dad. NORA(at phone): What, he's a pussycat. Oh, meow. What’s up, pussycat? He's right here. LEO: And we were getting along so well. CHURCH NURSERY/ANNE’S HOUSE Amy calls her father. AMY(at phone): Hey, Dad. GEORGE(at phone): Hey, what's up? AMY(at phone): You sound like you're in a good mood. What are you in such a good mood about? GEORGE(at phone): I'm just sitting here with Robbie, right next to my favorite gal. AMY(at phone): Mom? GEORGE(at phone): Mom? No, Mimsy. AMY(at phone): You're over at Mimsy's? GEORGE(at phone): We're over at your mom's condo. Just making ourselves at home like we own the place. MIMSY: Isn't this the place I own? GEORGE(at phone): Could be. What do you need, Ames? AMY(at phone): I was just wanted to ask you if I could go over and do laundry at your house tonight. GEORGE(at phone): Yeah, sure, just leave some quarters on the washer. AMY(at phone): Very funny. You're a funny man. GEORGE(at phone): Uh-oh, what else do you need? AMY(at phone): It's really easy. GEORGE(at phone): How easy? AMY(at phone): Easy, um...I just need some sort of a sleeper couch. Um, Ricky and I want to put John in the bedroom, and then we're going to sleep in the living room. It's for John's safety. GEORGE(at phone): I'm sure. What happened to Ricky sleeping on the couch? AMY(at phone): He's just tired of sleeping on the couch. GEORGE(at phone): Yeah, I knew that wouldn't last. AMY(at phone): So you'll do it? GEORGE(at phone): No. You give Ricky back his bedroom, you come home to your bedroom, and John goes back to the little nursery. It's a win-win-win situation. AMY(at phone): Okay. You're right. Um... 190 If we need a sofa bed, then we should just get a sofa bed by ourselves. GEORGE(at phone): All right, I'll have Donovan email you some pictures, and you can pick something out. AMY(at phone): Thanks. Um, thank you so much. I love you. And, and tell Mimsy that I love her, and Mom too, and Robbie. GEORGE(at phone): All right, Amy. MIMSY: Who was that, sweetie pie? GEORGE: It's me, Mims. It's George, your daughter's husband. MIMSY: I don't have a daughter. GEORGE: That woman, Anne, the redhead. MIMSY: That crazy lady who started the f*re in my apartment? GEORGE: Yes. MIMSY: Oh. GEORGE: She has a temper. We better watch out. MIMSY: I'm not afraid of her. GEORGE: I am. CONDO Daniel takes stuff if the baby, Grace is here. DANIEL: Hey, what's going on with your friend? GRACE: I don't know. DANIEL: She doesn't look upset at all. It's kind of strange. GRACE: Well, I told you it wouldn't be a problem. I mean, she's ready to let go and move on, which I think is a really good thing. DANIEL: Okay, well... I'll be back. GRACE: Okay. Adrian enters in the nursery. ADRIAN: That Daniel is really hot. GRACE: Yeah, he is. ADRIAN: I almost wish I was single. GRACE: You do not and stay away, that's my boyfriend. ADRIAN: Well, this week. GRACE: Yes, this week and next week and who knows how many weeks. I'm not going to think about it. I'm just going to enjoy it. ADRIAN: Well, yeah, I would. GRACE: So are you really, really okay with all this? You seem okay. ADRIAN: Yeah. I am. You know, I thought I might break down once I saw Daniel 414 actually taking things out of the room, but... Yeah, I kind of can't take my eyes off of him. He's the perfect distraction. GRACE: Adrian. ADRIAN: What? GRACE: So, what made you decide to do this today? ADRIAN: I went for a walk this morning, and I decided that this is what I wanted to do. And I decided that I was gonna be okay with it. And I'm going to be. I mean, I'm sure it'll make me sad to pass by this room for a while, but it won't be that long before... GRACE: Before? ADRIAN: I can't tell you. I haven't even told Ben. I'm gonna have another baby. That's what's made me able to do this. I mean, that's why I can move on. Because we will have another baby. By this time next year. Just promise not to tell. GRACE: Promise. ADRIAN: Thanks. BUTCHER SHOP Ricky and Ben have a conversation. RICKY: You thought the meat locker would be a good place to avoid me? BEN: I'm not avoiding, I'm working. And you should be working, too. RICKY: Look, Ben, I don't know what's going on with this school223 that Adrian wants to go to, but something is going on. Are you upset that she's giving away everything in the nursery? BEN: She's not doing that. She's sitting in there and staring at the walls all day, every day. RICKY: You don't know she's cleaning out the baby nursery and giving everything to the church nursery? Grace and Amy are helping her, but they thought you knew. BEN: That can't be true. She would have told me. RICKY: You didn't want to get rid of that stuff? CONDO Ben runs into upset. ADRIAN: Hi, Ben. BEN: What the hell did you do? ADRIAN: What? BEN: You took everything out of here without even telling me? ADRIAN: I thought you'd be happy. BEN: How could you do this? ADRIAN: But you kept saying... BEN: She was my daughter, too! And this was my daughter's nursery! How could you take everything out of here without saying anything to me, Adrian? God, all this time I've been tiptoeing around you, and doing everything in my power to make sure that you get through this, and you haven't even thought about me for one minute. Not one minute! And now you do this! How could you? ADRIAN: Ben, I'm sorry, I didn't realize... BEN: Where's Mr. Bear? ADRIAN: Who? BEN: My Bear, Where's Mr. Bear? ADRIAN: I don't know, Grace was helping me pack and... BEN: My mother gave that bear to me. It's the only thing I have left from her. Where's my bear? ADRIAN: I guess it's with the other stuff. I guess it's at the church nursery. I... BEN: You are so selfish. Do you know that? I never even wanted to marry you. I never even wanted to have sex with you in the first place. Every single bit of pain that both of us have had has been because of you! Because of you! I can't take it anymore. I can't take it. I know I'm supposed to be the man, I'm not supposed to cry but I don't care. Losing that baby, it k*lled me something in me, Adrian. It k*lled my belief that something good could come from the bad thing we did. It was a bad thing. Cheating on Amy and Ricky. And we deserved to lose that baby. At least I did, anyway. Because Amy loved me. And I threw it all away for one night with you. And I still feel guilty about that. I'm always gonna feel guilty about that, but maybe I just got what I deserved. I'm gonna go get my bear. CHURCH NURSERY/RICKY’S APARTMENT Amy receives a call of Ricky. AMY(at phone): Hello? RICKY(at phone): Guess what we just got. AMY(at phone): Oh, yay! The couch is there. Yay! RICKY(at phone): You knew about this? AMY(at phone): Well, I didn't know that they'd be able to get it over there tonight. But I was going to show you pictures when I got home. RICKY(at phone): Did we buy this couch? We can't afford a couch. AMY(at phone): No, silly, it's from my dad's store. He's giving it to us. RICKY(at phone): No, he's not. We're paying for it. I don't want a free couch. In fact, I don't even want a couch. AMY(at phone): Well, it's a bed, too. You wanted a sofa bed, right? RICKY(at phone): When did I say that? AMY(at phone): This morning. RICKY(at phone): This morning was a million years ago, and I don't think I said I wanted a sofa bed from your father. He doesn't even like us sleeping together. You asked him for a bed for us to sleep on? AMY(at phone): Yes. I did. Because I wanted to make you happy. RICKY(at phone): Well, this doesn't make me happy. AMY(at phone): Okay, well, I'm sorry, but maybe we can just sleep on it? Get it? RICKY(at phone): I'm not laughing, Amy. We're supposed to be grown-ups. We have to pay our own way through life. I don't want your dad or your mom buying us whatever you think we need. AMY(at phone): Well, they don't mind helping us once in a while. RICKY(at phone): That's not the point. The point is we should mind. And every time we sleep on that bed, I'm going to be thinking of your father. AMY(at phone): I'm sure you'll get over it. Uh, I, I have to go. Um, Ben just pulled up. RICKY(at phone): Oh, by the way, I also called to tell you he didn't know anything about the nursery. He didn't know Adrian was giving everything away. CHURCH NURSERY Ben arrives. BEN: I hate to bother you, but, uh, is the nursery still open? AMY: Yeah, um, there's one lady that stays late. Do you want your things back? BEN: Yeah. There is one thing I'd like back. AMY: Mr. Bear? BEN: How'd you know? AMY: You told me about him. Your mom gave him to you. I knew that it was probably a mistake. That he ended up in the box with the other stuff. And, um, I can go get all your other things back, if you want. I'm really sorry, Ben. I didn't know that you didn't know. BEN: It doesn't matter. The other stuff doesn't matter. I'm not even sure that this matters. I'm not sure anything matters at all. AMY: Ben, don't. BEN: What happened to us, Amy? I really loved you. And John. AMY: And I loved you. But, Ben, it was never going to work. We just couldn't see it. BEN: Can't you see it's never gonna work with Ricky, either? He's not... He's not good enough for you, Amy. And sooner or later, he's going to hurt you. That's who he is. AMY: That's who he was. ANNE’S HOUSE George and Anne diner together. ANNE: Did she know who you were? GEORGE: Nah, I don't think so. But we had a good time, anyway. ANNE: It's so depressing, George. She can't move back to the little apartment that she was in. Even with the nurse full time. She has to move to the section of the homethat's just for Alzheimer's patients. Eugene hasn't wanted to do that, and I haven't either. But now we have to move her again. And each time, she has less space, less privacy, more Alzheimer's patients around her. A lot of more. And they're a lot worse than she is. But what can I do? She could get hurt, or she could hurt someone. GEORGE: I installed safety bolts at the top of your doors. So if you needed them, when she's over here... ANNE: Hmm, that was nice. Thank you. GEORGE: And you know you can put black mats in front of the door and she won't step across. Her perception is off, and she just sees a black hole.That's what I read anyway. ANNE: Yeah, they do that in the Alzheimer's area there she's in. And I read that too, but I don't totally trust that. GEORGE: It can't hurt. I can pick some up for you. ANNE: I don't know how much I can have her here, George. I can't have her spend the night here unless you're here. Because even with those mats and with the locks, she can still get out and wander around. GEORGE: Well, what if I were here more often? Maybe I could come up a few days a week? And nights. ANNE: Maybe. I'm gonna go check on Robbie. GEORGE: I could check on Robbie. ANNE: No, I haven't seen him all day. We like to spend time together after daycare. I want to see him. ANNE’S HOUSE/RICKY’S APARTMENT Ricky calls George. GEORGE(at phone): Everything okay? RICKY(at phone): No, everything is not okay. There's a very expensive couch in our apartment that I don't know how I'm going to pay for. GEORGE(at phone): You're welcome. RICKY(at phone): It's nice, but I wish Amy hadn't asked you to help us. GEORGE(at phone): Yeah, and I wish Amy didn't live there. But she does. And the two of you need somewhere to sleep. RICKY(at phone): I bought a new mattress before she started staying over here. GEORGE(at phone): Too much information. RICKY(at phone): And we could just put our bed in the living room. GEORGE(at phone): But it would look stupid. And it would advertise to anyone who comes over that you two are sleeping together. RICKY(at phone): We're not really hiding that from anyone. GEORGE(at phone): Well, until you're married, you should. RICKY(at phone): I don't think we're gonna get married. That's why I don't want you giving us anything, because I know you want us to get married and I don't want to feel obligated. GEORGE(at phone): Don't worry, I'm sure if you didn't feel obligated to marry her when she had the baby, you're not going to feel obligated to marry her when I give you a couch. RICKY(at phone): You might be right about that. GEORGE(at phone): I'm always right. And I'm right about this, too. Amy is never gonna be happy living with you and not married to you because she just doesn't feel secure with that arrangement. She's just doing that to make you happy. And as an adult, you have to start thinking about the other person, the woman you love. When you have a child, both of you have to start thinking about the child. You and Amy have to start thinking about John, and what's best for John. RICKY(at phone): I know that. Thanks for the couch. GEORGE(at phone): You're welcome. Goodnight. ANNE: You're welcome for what? GEORGE: I gave them a new couch. ANNE: Oh, yeah, I helped Amy pick it out. She forwarded me the pictures. GEORGE: Yeah, I told her to do that. ANNE: No, you didn't. Have you heard from Ashley tonight? GEORGE: Yeah. And she's still looking for a job. ANNE: 'Cause of course she hasn't found one yet. GEORGE: She likes her freedom too much. She'll get a job. ANNE: I'll believe it when I see it. GEORGE: Well, if she doesn't, hopefully, she'll learn a little something about the value of an education. ANNE: Well, I hope so. GEORGE: Yeah, me too. Well, with Mimsy in the guest room and Robie in his room, I guess there's really no place for me to sleep but your room. ANNE: That couch folds out, too. You know, I really just need for you to stay here for a few days until I get my mom settled. GEORGE: Whatever you need. STREET Ben is alone with his bear, he drinks alcohol. BEN: I don't know where to go. I don't know who to talk to. I was a bad guy already, before I said any of that to Adrian. Hand me another beer. Never mind, I'll get it myself. I wish I hadn't said any of to Adrian, but, hey, I did. And I'm gonna have to live with that and with all the other stuff I've done. GRACE’S HOUSE Daniel and Grace are in her bedroom. DANIEL: All right, Grace. It's getting late, I've gotta go. GRACE: No, you don't. My mom's gonna be out with Rachel for at least another hour. And Jack's still out at Madison's. DANIEL: What does Jack have to do with anything? GRACE: Well, his room is right next to ours. DANIEL: This isn't ours, this is yours. And I want you to come over to my apartment sometime, but I want your mom to know where you are, so you're gonna have to tell her I'm in college and I have my own place. GRACE: I'll tell her. Tomorrow. Promise. But tonight, tonight I want to thank you for helping me help my friend. DANIEL: Yeah, about your friend, or friends. You know, you've got one friend that just lost a baby and she's trying to have another one... GRACE: I promised I wouldn't tell anyone. DANIEL: But you did. And you've got another friend who has a two-year-old, and she's a junior in high school and she's living with the father of the baby. And they're not married? GRACE:Yeah? DANIEL: Well, you know they say your friends are a reflection of you. GRACE: Yeah. DANIEL: Yeah. GRACE: Oh.Well, what can I say? All three of us really like sex and one of us is more careful than the other two. DANIEL: Yeah, and I'm more careful than all of you. But you scare me a little bit. I don't want you to get any thoughts about having any babies. Because I don't want any babies. Not for a long time. GRACE: Neither do I. DANIEL: Good. So you're on the pill, right? GRACE: Yeah. And... I have condoms, and you have condoms, and we both agreed that you will use condoms. DANIEL: Yeah, well, well, good. So we have all the technical precautions in place. Now we just have to figure out how we feel about each other. GRACE: But we, we already... DANIEL: Yeah, we have. GRACE: So we know that we like each other. DANIEL: Yeah, I'm not sure that that's enough. Maybe I'd like to know that you feel a little more than friendship for me. GRACE: Why? DANIEL: Because you're a very fickle girl. Goodnight. GRACE: I'll walk you out. Daniel and Grace enter in the kitchen. DANIEL: Look, now don't be angry with me just because I think you're a little crazy. Right, that's what attracted me to you in the first place. GRACE: Well, I'm not crazy. And I'm not fickle. And for your information, I'm a Christian. DANIEL: You told me that already, when we were in Africa, I think right in the middle of us... GRACE: Will you shut up! DANIEL: Goodnight, Grace. (Jack enters) JACK: Oh. Am I interrupting? DANIEL: No. Goodnight. JACK: I broke up with Madison. GRACE: What? Why? JACK: Because she's right. I'm still in love with you. GRACE: Are you blind? Did you not just see that? JACK: I saw you had one eye open. GRACE: I have a boyfriend and I love him, okay? I love him! I'm in love with Daniel! DANIEL: Uh... Now that's more like it. Goodnight, Grace. RESTAURANT Ben enters in the restaurant drunk. BEN: Hmm. Hey, Dad! We're here! Good evening. Nice tie. Thank you. Um, I'm sorry we're late. We had to take a cab. LEO: From where? BEN: From the liquor store. LEO: You're drunk? BEN: No, I wouldn't say I'm drunk, but I'm celebrating, yes. LEO: Celebrating what? BEN: I finally found a way out of my marriage. LEO: And what was that? BEN: Honesty. Hmm. (He falls) LEO: He's in mourning. JUERGENS’ HOUSE Ricky is upset. BEN: Amy. AMY: In here. Oh, we're gonna do laundry? RICKY: Why else would you be over here? AMY: To get away from you. I was just trying to make you happy. RICKY: Don't try to make me happy. Do whatever makes you happy. AMY: I did. I got us a couch and then I came over here because I didn't want to sleep on it with you for the first time when you're angry with me. RICKY: You can't just call your dad to fix things. It's not me and you and your dad in this relationship. It's just me and you. AMY: I know that. But...I still need my parents. I think I'm always going to need my parents. RICKY: You're going in the wrong direction. AMY: Ricky, they're my parents! I need them for stuff. RICKY: That's not what parents are for, for stuff. I know what you're thinking. I'm not the best judge of what parents are for. AMY: I did not say that. RICKY: Look, this whole thing started when I woke up and found that John wasn't sleeping next to me. I don't like surprises. I didn't like having two guys show up from your dad's furniture store to deliver a couch when Bunny and everyone else was still around. I don't like surprises, I really don't. But I'm over it. Okay? I'm over it. But we had an agreement that you wouldn't run home when we have an argument and here you are. AMY: Yeah, I know. No one was here. So it's not really the same thing. RICKY: It's kind of the same thing. AMY: Ugh, I know. Okay, it's the same thing. I'm sorry. I just can't stand to see you when I've disappointed you. And I know I disappointed you. RICKY: Is that really it? Are you still angry about the phone call from Adrian? AMY: Did you listen to it? RICKY: I told you, I erased it. AMY: Ricky, please don't have anything to do with Adrian. Please. RICKY: Who has the time? Look at all this laundry. I won't. Promise. AMY: All right. Well, let's get John and go home. RICKY: What about all this stuff? AMY: It's too late, I'm tired. RICKY: Then you go to bed, and I'll do the laundry. When I'm finished, I'll get in bed with you. We've never done anything in your room. AMY: No, we haven't. And I will take you up on that. (Amy leaves in the bedroom) OPERATOR: You have one saved message. ADRIAN: Long time, no see. I've been thinking about you. And I know you've been thinking about me. Haven't you? Goodnight, Ricky. OPERATOR: Message saved. CONDO Adrian makes some holes in the hall. She is angry. End of the episode.
{"type": "series", "show": "The Secret Life of an American Teenager", "episode": "04x05 - Hole In The Wall"}
Previously on “The Secret Life of the American Teenager” RICKY: You know, I think we have to do something about these sleeping arrangements. AMY: Our bed in the living room like I suggested before? RICKY: Or get a couch that pulls out or something. ADRIAN: Does it make you sad to be in here? BEN: I don't come in this room. ADRIAN: I need you to help me get rid of everything in this nursery. AMY: What do you wanna do with all that stuff? BEN: My dad's got you working for him today? NORA: Honored to be here. KATELYN: This is my first job back. After I lost a baby. AMY: I told you what Adrian called me about, now you tell me what Adrian called you about. RICKY: She's got some crazy plan she's come up with and you're playing right into it. ADRIAN: I'm gonna have another baby. BEN: You took everything out of here without even telling me? ADRIAN: I thought you'd be happy. BEN: She was my daughter, too! DANIEL: I want you to come over to my apartment sometime, but I want your mom to know where you are. JACK: I broke up with Madison. I'm still in love with you. BEN: I'm sorry we're late. LEO: You're drunk? RICKY: You go to bed and I'll do the laundry. When I'm finished, I'll get in bed with you. ADRIAN: I've been thinking about you. And I know you've been thinking about me. Haven't you? BOYKEWICH'S HOUSE Ben is still drunk. LEO: Get up, get out, go home, apologize to Adrian and go to school! Now! BEN: Wouldn't it be great if the past three years just turned out to be a dream and today's the first day of high school? Yeah. JUERGENS' HOUSE Amy is awake. She joins Ricky in her bed. AMY: Good morning. RICKY: You already showered? I was hoping we could shower together. AMY: This house is having a crazy effect on you, you know that? RICKY: Is it? AMY: It must be all the space. RICKY: Maybe. But we better not get used to that. We better get used to no space and sleeping on our new couch in the living room. AMY: I can't wait to see it. RICKY: I can't wait to sleep on it. With you. AMY: Hmm. John fell back asleep. He was tired this morning. RICKY: I'm not. AMY: Come on, we have to get going. We have to get to school. And you have that interview today. RYCKY: We've got plenty of time. I'm not worried about the interview. Either they let me in to that school or they don't. AMY: If they don't, then you're going to be away at school while John and I are here. RICKY: I'll drive back and forth every day. AMY: You can't do that. RICKY: I can do anything I have to do. AMY: Okay, well, then you have to ace that interview because it's really too late to apply anywhere else. So, come on, let's get going. We have to get John fed before he goes to the nursery. And you still have to stop by the apartment to get your books and things. RICKY: My books and things are in the car. I actually thought I might get some studying done last night. AMY: But you didn't. RICKY: No, I didn't. And yet, I still managed to learn a little something. AMY: Stop! You're making me blush. RICKY: Are you sure we can't have just a few more minutes to ourselves? AMY: I'm sure. RICKY: I love you, Amy. AMY: I love you, too, Ricky. CONDO Ben enters in the condo and sees that Adrian isn't here. He takes some stuff. BEN: Adrian? Adrian? Adrian! Great. THE SECRET LIFE OF THE AMERICAN TEENAGER – OPEN CREDITS HIGH SCHOOL Ben isn't very well. Alice and Henry joins him. BEN: Oh, uh, good morning. ALICE: You look funny. HENRY: What's wrong with you? You're pale. BEN: No, no. Paler. I uh, got some pastries on my way to school. Pastries? BOTH: No, thanks. BEN: I just need a little something to settle my stomach. HENRY: Were you drunk at Geoff's last night? We heard you passed out on the floor and some waiter had to carry you out to your dad's car. BEN: Yes. Which brings me to, I need a place to stay. HENRY: So, that's true? You actually got drunk and passed out at Geoff's? BEN: Yeah, it is true. But where'd you hear that? HENRY: Some freshman was there with his parents. He got a picture on his phone and sent it around. BEN: Darn camera phones. I need a place to stay. ALICE: Why exactly do you need a place to stay? BEN: My dad kicked me out of my old room, and I don't really like my new room. HENRY: Since when? BEN: Since always. And besides, I can't go back there, anyway. I said some things to Adrian that I probably shouldn't have. But, hey, I mean if that's what it took to get me out, Then so be it. ALICE: What things? What did you say to Adrian? BEN: Oh, I'm not gonna repeat that stuff. It was ugly. Really ugly. And I'm sure it was very hurtful and for that, I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry I left. I definitely will apologize, but I am not going back there. HENRY: Did she say or do anything to you that made you say these things to her? BEN: Are you kidding? ALICE: Oh, Ben. At least you could have waited until school is out. This is not a good time to leave Adrian. BEN: You're right, Alice. It's not a good time to leave Adrian, but later would be a worse time. And it's not a debate. I left. I'm a free man. I'm a free man with no place to live, so how about it? Grace wants to talks with Ben. GRACE: Hey, can I talk to you? Alone? BEN: Did you, uh, talk to Adrian? GRACE: Yeah, I talked to her yesterday afternoon when we were taking everything out of the nursery. BEN: It's okay, Grace. GRACE: What's okay? BEN: I know that you didn't know that I didn't know about the nursery. GRACE: What! BEN: I didn't know that you and Amy helped Adrian take everything out of the nursery. Adrian didn't tell me. I didn't know. That's not what you wanted? GRACE: No, that's not what I wanted. BEN: Oh. And Adrian probably told you about all the horrible things I said. GRACE: What horrible things? BEN: I'll let Adrian tell you, then. But hopefully she won't. Have you talked to Adrian in the past hour? GRACE: No. Why? BEN: I moved out. GRACE: When? BEN: In the past hour. Yeah, I slept over at my dad's house last night and I went over to the condo this morning and got some of my stuff. And she can have anything else that's left there. I don't want any of that stuff. What? GRACE: I'm really sorry about the nursery. Jack comes to talk with Lauren. JACK: Hey. Hey, how's Madison this morning? LAUREN: I don't know. You tell me. JACK: I don't know. LAUREN: Why don't you know? JACK: Because we broke up last night. LAUREN: Oh. JACK: You didn't know we broke up last night? LAUREN: No, but I'm not surprised. JACK: Madison didn't call you or text you? LAUREN: Not about that, no. But she and I were expecting it so it's not that big a deal. JACK: I just got tired of her being paranoid. LAUREN: Paranoid, huh? JACK: Yeah. LAUREN: I don't think she's paranoid. JACK: Madison still insists I'm in love with Grace. LAUREN:You are in love with Grace. You're obsessed with Grace. You've even managed to get yourself a bedroom right next to Grace. You're like a stalker. JACK: No, I'm not. I'm like a boarder. I'm just living in Grace's house. (Grace joins them) GRACE: Hey, did you guys hear that Ben moved out? JACK: Moved out of where? GRACE: He and Adrian split up. He left her. LAUREN: Does Amy know about this? GRACE: I don't know. But Ben told me, so I know it's the truth. Would Amy be interested in knowing this for some reason? LAUREN: No. Oh, no. The rule of three. Break-ups come in threes. Jack and Madison is one. Adrian and Ben is two. Who's gonna be three? GRACE: No, no, forget it. It is not gonna be me and Daniel. (Lauren leaves) JACK: I was just wondering, uh, are you and Daniel exclusive? GRACE: Yeah. We are. Why? JACK: I don't know. Just, uh... It just looked like you were looking at me. GRACE: No, I was not looking at you. Grant joins Grace and Jack. GRANT: Hey, what's going on? GRACE: Hey, look who's here. Grant. My friend Grant. How are you, old buddy, old pal? GRANT: I'm good. I was wondering if I could get some advice from you. About something. GRACE: Why not? JACK: Why not? Because he really doesn't want your advice about anything. He's just butting in on our conversation. GRACE: Our conversation was over. Yeah? GRANT: You think Heidi Richmond would go out with me? GRACE: You wanna go out with that slut? JACK: Why do you care? GRACE: Because she's a slut. GRANT: I thought you hated that word. I thought you never wanted to hear that word. GRACE: I don't. But you can't go from me to a slut. It'll make people think that I'm a slut and that you're only after one thing. GRANT: That's why I asked. I don't know stuff like that. JACK: Oh, please. That is so lame. Lauren tells to Amy the new. AMY: When did Ben tell Grace that he left Adrian? LAUREN: This morning. Did you see the picture of Ben drunk and passed out at Geoff's? Mr. Boykewich is standing over him, and he looks like he's gonna k*ll him. AMY: Wait, what? No. Ben? Drunk? LAUREN: I'll forward it to you. AMY: No, no, no. Don't. I don't want it. Where did you get it from? LAUREN: From that kid I'm tutoring. He's a freshman. AMY: Lauren, that's terrible. Maybe it was photoshopped. Mr. Boykewich would never let Ben drink, and even if he did let him have a little taste of something, he would never let him keep drinking until he got drunk and passed out. LAUREN: The proof is in the picture. AMY: All right, well... Maybe Ben did go out and do something stupid. But I'm sure that he and Adrian will figure things out. LAUREN: Are you? Are you sure? AMY: Yes, I'm sure. LAUREN: Hmm. AMY: Although Ben did seem a little nostalgic last night. LAUREN: You saw him last night? AMY: Yeah, he came by the church nursery. A sentimental item of his got packed up with the rest of the stuff, so he came by to pick it up just as I was leaving. He wasn't drinking and he wasn't drunk. LAUREN: What sentimental item? AMY: Um, it was a teddy bear that his mother gave him. LAUREN: He's in the picture. The teddy bear. Oh. I almost forgot. Madison broke up with Jack. AMY: Finally. LAUREN: Yeah. Ricky comes to speaks with Ben. RICKY: So, what's going on? BEN: Why do you ask? RICKY: You just had to do it, didn't you? You just had to go and screw everything up. It's too soon to leave Adrian. You know it's too soon. You know how you know it's too soon? You had to get drunk to do it. You got drunk and passed out in public? BEN: Yes. But I was stone-cold sober when I packed up my bags and left this morning. RICKY: Well, go back home and unpack your bags. BEN: Because it'll create problems for you if I don't? RICKY: No, because it's the right thing to do. Adrian has been through enough without you doing something stupid like this. BEN: You know, that was the problem with Adrian and me. We were always doing something stupid. Getting pregnant, getting married, stuff like that. But we're not gonna be doing anything stupid again. Ever. By surprising, Adrian enters in the hallway of the high school. BEN: What the hell? RICKY: Just when you thought you were safe, huh? Be nice. Ben approaches to Adrian. BEN: Hi. What are you doing here? ADRIAN: Hi. I decided to come back to school. Just like you've been telling me to. BEN: No, I haven't. ADRIAN: Yes, you have. BEN: Adrian, I'm leaving you. No, I've left. I went by our place and got my things. ADRIAN: I know. BEN: Then what are you doing? ADRIAN: Well, I'm not letting you go. We're married. And I love you. Hi. Hi, Ricky. RICKY: Yeah. Hi. GUEST'S HOUSE Rachel leaves and wants Tom keeps the children. RACHEL: Are you sure about this? TOM: I'm sure. RACHEL: I still feel really nervous about leaving the children. TOM: Thanks a lot. RACHEL: Oh, no, what I meant was the children seem to be getting on your nerves lately. I wouldn't go, but they make all new employees go to this stupid orientation. TOM: I know. Go. We'll be fine. RACHEL: They're both really excited. They love you, Tom. Just try and be patient with them, all right? TOM: All right, already. Trust me, everything will be fine. RACHEL: Then that's what I'll do. I'll trust you. Bye. TOM: Bye-bye. GRACE'S HOUSE Rachel comes to say good-bye to Kathleen. RACHEL: Good morning. KATHLEEN: Good morning. Now, don't worry, I won't forget to pick up the kids. RACHEL: Thank you, Kathleen. But uh, do you think the kids will really be okay with Tom? KATHLEEN: Well, I'm picking them up from school, and they'll be here with me until Tom gets home. I'm sure it'll be fine. Rachel, don't feel guilty. You have to go to this orientation. You got a new job, and it's a great job. You should go and be excited about it and have fun. Don't worry about anything. I'll be right here. RACHEL: Thank you for everything. KATHLEEN: You're welcome. Bye. BOYKEWICH'S COMPANY Nora comes back to work. NORA: I didn't know I was supposed to be here. I thought you didn't want me here. Move. Get out of there. I'll take over now. I don't think this looks good. You, sitting there. You don't look good no matter where you're sitting now that I look at you. What's going on? LEO: Good morning. NORA: Yeah, only I have a feeling it's not. LEO: I like people to say "good morning" in the morning. NORA: Good morning. LEO: I know we have had a couple of problems. But the thing is, I gotta keep some personal business personal. I don't want it to get around everywhere, so, I thought maybe you could come back and we could try it again. NORA: Yeah, we'll see. LEO: Yeah, we'll see. NORA: It was a compliment. "Pussycat." LEO: I don't like it. NORA: Not gonna happen again. LEO: See that it doesn't. NORA: Hey, does this job pay more than the butcher shop? LEO: Probably. NORA: Probably? LEO: I'm sure it does, but you don't have the job yet. NORA: Well, I didn't say I'd take the job yet. LEO: I understand that. BOYKEWICH'S COMPANY/HIGH SCHOOL Ben calls the father's office. NORA(at phone): Boykewich International, how may I help you? BEN(at phone): He let you come back? NORA(at phone): Yeah. Would you like to speak with him? LEO: Ben? No. No. NORA: Huh. BEN(at phone): Dad? LEO(at phone):You better be at school. I am. I am at school. And you know who else is at school? Adrian. Adrian. LEO(at phone): Good. Good for Adrian. You two make up and let her finish the year and graduate. BEN(at phone): We've made up. But Dad, I moved out this morning. I'm not going back there tonight. LEO(at phone): Oh, yeah, you are. BEN(at phone): No. I'm not. LEO(at phone): What are you gonna do? Live in the park and drink every night? BEN(at phone): Unless you let me come home, that might be what I have to do. LEO(at phone): Excuse me? You are not going to take another drink again anytime soon. And you are not going to live in the park, and you are not going to live with me and Betty or one of your friends. You are going to live in the condo that I bought for you and your wife until you can afford to be on your own. And just to remind you, your car is in my name. You don't own the car. And you can't touch your trust fund for many, many years to come, so you don't have any money. BEN(at phone): I have some money, Dad. LEO(at phone): I have a checking account. With my name on it. I could transfer the funds out and shut down your credit cards. And I will if I hear that you've moved out or if you're drinking or smoking dope or doing anything else stupid. BOYKEWICH'S COMPANY NORA: I see what you mean about the personal business part. LEO: Do you? Because the last time you talked to my son, you told him he didn't have to do what I told him. And he went out and he got drunk and he showed up at the restaurant 20 seconds before he passed out. NORA: I don't like that. Okay, I don't like drinking. I'm in AA. LEO: Should I know that? Isn't it Alcoholics Anonymous? NORA: Well, yeah, but everyone knows I'm in AA. Look, I got my chip on a chain here, see? I can talk to him if you want. About the dangers of alcohol. About not getting started. LEO: He's already started, and he better damn well be finished. He's my son. I'll talk to him. HIGH SCHOOL Adrian talks with the counselor. ADRIAN: Ben just wouldn't let me do it. He tried to be supportive, but he really didn't want me to go to cosmetology school. He felt like it would be a waste of my time and if I did that, that I might not come back and finish high school and go to college. KATELYN:I am so relieved. And I'm so happy to see you. I mean, you look great. ADRIAN: Oh. Well, I still have a few pounds to lose. But I've just been so depressed and eating way too much of the wrong things. But Ben got me to start walking. He even walks with me sometimes. KATELYN: Oh, that's nice. ADRIAN: Yeah, it is. I like to walk alone, too, though. It gives me time to think about what's really important in life. Like family. I'm so blessed to be married to him. KATELYN: Uh-huh. You know, there's a picture going around from phone to phone of Ben passed out drunk last night at Geoff's. ADRIAN: Is that what people are saying? I can't believe it. I can't believe people would say that my Ben was drunk. He doesn't drink. Look, he ate ceviche, had a bad reaction to it and bam. On the floor. You know, I would have met them down at the emergency room, but, um, I just... I can't go near a hospital right now. KATELYN: I'm sure. And I am so sorry. But I am happy to see that you are back. And I have already met with two of your teachers, and it'll probably take me the rest of the day to meet with the rest of your teachers, but I want to see if we can still find a way for you to graduate this summer. ADRIAN: Wait, really? Uh, I would have to go to school this summer? Is there a way I could not go to summer school and still graduate on time? I'd really like to graduate with my class. KATELYN: I don't think that's possible, being that there's only six weeks of school left, but we should stay focused on the bigger picture, which is going to college in the fall. ADRIAN: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Gotta keep that bigger picture in mind. It would be nice to go to college in the fall. So, if, uh, summer school is what I have to do, then that's what I have to do. KATELYN: I am so proud of you. I really hope you're proud of yourself. ADRIAN: I am. I'm stronger than anyone knew. I'm even stronger than I knew. Stronger and crazier. Katelyn is leaving, Ricky enters in the counselor's office. Adrian is here. ADRIAN: Well, hello. Ricky? Are you okay? RICKY: I just wasn't expecting you. ADRIAN: No one was. Did you get my message? RICKY: No, I didn't exactly. I got it, but I erased it. I don't want any messages from you, Adrian. I'm sorry about what happened to you, but... ADRIAN: But what? RICKY: But we can't be friends. ADRIAN: Okay, then we won't be friends. We were never really friends. RICKY: No, we weren't. I just came in here to get a name from the counselor. I have an interview today. I'm trying to get into a local college so I can live at home with Amy and John. ADRIAN: Well, come on, then, sit and wait. Aw, I won't bite. RICKY: No, thanks, I'll just wait outside. ADRIAN: Okay, well, it was good to see you. RICKY: Yeah. You, too. Take care. I'm sorry about what happened. ADRIAN: Yeah, you said that. Ricky leaves and sees Katelyn in the hallway. KATELYN: Hi, Ricky, I didn't forget. I was rushing back to meet you. I was just trying to arrange Adrian's schedule for her. RICKY: I just need to know who I'm meeting with in Admissions. KATELYN: Yeah, I got the name for you this morning and I think you're gonna be really happy. It's someone you know. And I think she probably went through the stack of late applications, saw yours, pulled it and called me. RICKY: Who do I know in Admissions? KATELYN: Toby's stepsister? Toby, Ashley's study buddy? Karlee Carmichael? Do you know her? She used to teach at the community college, and then she got a job in Admissions. She's pursuing her PhD there. Well, I'm sure she's not gonna call you in just to turn you down. RICKY: No. Probably not. KATELYN: So, good luck! And get going. She's expecting you and you don't want to be late. Is everything okay? RICKY: I don't know. GRACE'S HOUSE Kathleen talks with Reverent Stone. STONE: I can't believe you baked me a cake! Chocolate is my favorite. KATHLEEN: I remember. STONE: I miss those Wednesday night potluck dinners. KATHLEEN: Oh, I know. So do I. And we tried to keep them going, but without you there, it just wasn't the same. The food was still good, but, no, not the conversation. You just had such a practical approach to things. STONE: W ell, thank you. I like to think so. KATHLEEN: So, any chance you'll come back? Now, I'm not asking because I want Jack out of the house. I'm okay with him here. I even like him here. You know, especially with my husband away. Oh! That didn't sound right. But I don't know, it's just nice having a man in the house. You know, with Tom in the guest house. Okay. That just made it worse. STONE: Well, you've been so generous to allow Jack to stay here. KATHLEEN: Oh, I think it's been good for Tom. You know, it made him feel more like a grown-up. Well, so grown-up he got himself a family. STONE: Think that'll last? KATHLEEN: Mmm-mmm. Not likely. Rachel just got a new job, a good job. So, she'll probably move out as soon as she can afford it. STONE: And Tom would go with them? KATHLEEN: Not likely. He's not as happy about being a parent as he thought he would be. STONE: Few people are, very few people are. KATHLEEN: So? STONE: So, yes. I am coming back to the church this summer. And next fall, I'm going to teach as well, at one of the local high schools. KATHLEEN: I am so happy to hear you say that. STONE: I hope you and your family will come back to the church. Especially... Especially Jack. KATHLEEN: You were going to say Grace. So, let's just go with especially Jack and Grace. STONE: So, Grace's new boyfriend is a college fella, I hear. HIGH SCHOOL Lauren waits Amy after her class. LAUREN: Hey! AMY: Oh, hey. Did you hear? LAUREN: Adrian's back. AMY: See, they're not splitting up. I had a feeling. LAUREN: No, she's not back with Ben. She's back at school. AMY: She came back to school? LAUREN: She came back to school. AMY: You know, she probably got angry with Ben for leaving and that's what motivated her to come back. Why does she always do everything out of anger instead of just doing things like everyone else does? Why can't she just go to summer school? (Adrian heard) ADRIAN: I can. I'm gonna finish the year and go to summer school. LAUREN: Hey, Adrian. Welcome back. Okay, I'll let you two talk. (Lauren leaves) AMY: Hi. Once again, I am...I don't really know what to say other than I'm sorry. ADRIAN: You know, when you came back to school, the entire girl student body met you at the door. And the high school band played while everyone walked you down the hall to your first class. AMY: Um, actually that was when I was pregnant. But when I came back after I had John... ADRIAN: Ben came with you and held your hand. Right. You know, I'm not angry with anyone. Other than maybe God, for not letting me keep the baby. AMY: I'm really embarrassed, Adrian. And again, I'm so sorry. ADRIAN: Oh, uh, I ran into Ricky while I was in the counselor's office. He has an interview today. AMY: Yeah. ADRIAN: And I found out from Miss O'Malley that it's at a college where I've been accepted. Isn't that great? AMY: Yeah. Yeah, that's great. Wouldn't it be great if we could all end up at the same college? ADRIAN: Yeah, wouldn't it? AMY: So, um, you were never really going to go to cosmetology school? ADRIAN: No, I was. But Ben didn't really want me to go. So, I changed my mind. AMY: Well, good decision on his part. And yours. COLLEGE Ricky comes to his interview. KARLEE: Come in. I've been expecting you. RICKY: Thanks. Thanks for the interview. I'd really like to go to school here. I'm living with Amy now, and my son, so... This would be really good for me. Not to mention that it's my first choice because it's a good school. And you've got a good business program. And I wanna major in business. KARLEE: Oh, come on, Ricky, cut the crap. It's not a real interview. RICKY: What is it? KARLEE: It's just the only way I could figure out how to see you again. I knew Amy and John were living with you. But you're not married. And I doubt you'll be getting married. And I'm guessing that by now, you have to be feeling a little restless, no? RICKY: No. KARLEE: So, you don't want to christen my new office? I haven't had the chance to do anything non-business related in my office. RICKY: Don't do this, all right? I'm not gonna do anything with you. And I really do need to get into school here. I know you have a lot of applicants, but I have high SAT scores, and I have a high grade point average... I can't, okay? I can't. KARLEE: You can if you want to get into school here. TOM'S OFFICE Tom calls Tammy. TOM: Tammy! TAMMY: You called? TOM: Did you have that on this morning? TAMMY: Yes. TOM: Hmm. I don't know if that's appropriate for the workplace. TAMMY: I could take it off. TOM: What! You're a married woman. Woman! TAMMY: I'm bored. TOM: I tell you what I'll do. I'll send you to a seminar on sexual harassment. TAMMY: I thought I was doing a good job of that. TOM: It is against the law. TAMMY: Sorry. I thought it was just human nature. TOM: I'll get back to you. TAMMY: You know where my cubicle is. HIGH SCHOOL Jack sees Grace in the hallway. JACK: Hey, hey, we need to talk. GRACE: I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to talk at home. JACK: No, we need to talk before you get home. My dad was at your house earlier today. GRACE: And? JACK: And he may have mentioned that you have a new boyfriend that's in college. GRACE: What? JACK: He didn't know your mom didn't know. GRACE: And how did he know? JACK: I mentioned it when I was telling him that I broke up with Madison. And he asked me if I was still trying to get back together with you and I said, no, you have a new boyfriend. GRACE: "Who's in college?" Jack! JACK: I'm sorry. I can talk to her if you want. GRACE: You've talked enough already. JACK: Well, I guess Adrian and Ben didn't break up. She's back at school... GRACE: No, they're still broken up. I just talked to Ben. JACK: I talked to Adrian. GRACE: Interesting. She must be avoiding me. JACK: Why's that? GRACE: None of your business. JACK: You know something. I can tell. GRACE: Yeah, and if I told you, you'd tell your dad and then the whole world would know! Grace goes away and finds Adrian. GRACE: Adrian, hi. I've been looking for you all day. ADRIAN: Oh, well, I've mostly been in the counselor's office. We're trying to set up my schedule. GRACE: Well, I'm really happy that you're back. ADRIAN: Hmm, yeah. I wish I could say I'm happy I'm back. But I'm just doing what I have to do. GRACE: Have to do? ADRIAN: To get Ben to... Well, you know. GRACE: Adrian, I heard that he left. He told me. ADRIAN: Yeah, well, um, he didn't come home last night, but he'll be back. GRACE: Adrian, you can't just... ADRIAN: Don't say it. I can and I will. And it's none of your business if I have another baby. GRACE: Well, I wish that you had never told me that. ADRIAN: Yeah, me, too. But I did. And I did because you're my best friend. And I know you won't tell Ben or anyone else. HIGH SCHOOL/COLLEGE Karlee calls the counselor. KATELYN(at phone): Counselor's office. KARLEE(at phone): Miss O'Malley, is that you? KATELYN(at phone): Yeah? KARLEE(at phone): This is Karlee Carmichael in Admissions. KATELYN(at phone): Karlee, I thought we were on a first name basis. How are you? How'd it go? KARLEE(at phone): I really don't know how to tell you this. KATELYN(at phone): Tell me what? KARLEE(at phone): I'm very sorry, but I just don't think Ricky Underwood is the type of student we want here on campus. HIGH SCHOOL Ben enters in the wall way. MAN: Hey, I heard you dumped the broad. Good for you. I almost got trapped the same way. Turned out she was lying. GIRL: He never should have married her in the first place. She probably got pregnant just to get his money. MAN: It probably wasn't even his baby. He's an idiot. GIRL: He drinks. No wonder they lost the baby. (Adrian heard, she takes his defense) ADRIAN: He does not drink. Ben Boykewich does not drink. He passed out from a bad reaction to shellfish, you idiot. And he didn't cause us to lose the baby, we just lost the baby, okay? It happens. And it happened to us. And you're an ass. And I would wish the same would happen to you when you have a baby, but I don't wish that on anyone. Adrian speaks with Adrian. ADRIAN: Eh, what are you gonna do? People talk. BEN: Yeah. They do talk. And there's not much we can do about that. Unfortunately. I apologize, Adrian, for all the things I said to you. ADRIAN: That's okay. It made me really angry, but what you said was true. BEN: No, it's not true. I'm as much to blame as you are, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I said and I'm sorry for what happened to us. But I really do want out. ADRIAN: You're out. I mean, you took your things. You're out. Of course, it would be nice if you would come back and wait until I was out of high school. If you could wait until I went off to college next fall. And, well, maybe between now and then, we could live in our condo. And not as husband and wife, but as friends. Well, because I hope we can at least be friends. I mean, we were friends before we were married and I need you to be my friend. I mean, I don't know if I can always be strong like today. But I'm going to try. And if being angry is what gets me through all this, then being angry works better for me than feeling sorry for myself. If you could just think about it. About living with me as a friend. And if, for today, you could just walk down the hall with me and out that door, holding my hand, the way you did for Amy when she came back to school after having John. GUEST'S HOUSE Children say goodnight at their mom. BONNIE(at phone): Goodnight, Mom. Love you. RONNIE(at phone): Goodnight. Love you! Miss you! Here's Tom. RACHEL(at phone): Thank you so much for staying with the children, Tom. They sound so happy. They're having such a nice time with you. TOM(at phone): We grilled hamburgers and made a fort in the backyard and played horseshoes. RACHEL(at phone): Oh, I wanna do that. I wanna eat a grilled hamburger and build a fort and play horseshoes. TOM(at phone): It's a lot of work. RACHEL(at phone): I'm sure, but thank you. Thank you for doing all that. Goodnight. RESTAURANT Rachel hangs up, a man comes near to her. MILTON: Hi. RACHEL: Hi. MILTON: Listen, okay, I know that this is going to sound like a come-on, but haven't I seen you somewhere before? RACHEL: You're right. That does sound like a come-on. MILTON: No, seriously, it's... Oh, my God, you're... Tom's desk! You are the photo on Tom Bowman's desk. RACHEL: Oh, God. You're Milton, aren't you? MILTON: What do you mean, "Oh, God"? Does my reputation precede me? RACHEL: You're Tom's boss. MILTON: Yes. RACHEL: You hired Tom to keep people from suing you. MILTON: Yes, because Tom is a... He's a human resource savant. He is. Do you mind if I sit down? RACHEL: Oh, I don't know. It's the first time I think I've ever been in a hotel bar. MILTON: Oh, don't worry about it. You're a natural. RACHEL: What? MILTON: I'm joking. I'm joking. Actually, you kind of look like a hooker sitting here all by yourself. RACHEL: I do? MILTON: Just a little. Would you like to have some dinner with me? Come on. I'm buying. Dinner. Not you. GRACE'S HOUSE Kathleen open the door, Daniel is here. DANIEL: Hi. KATHLEEN: Daniel. DANIEL: I am. And you must be Grace's mom. KATHLEEN: I am. I'm Kathleen. And Grace is upstairs. She's on restriction because she failed to let me know that you're in college. DANIEL: (CHUCKLES) Okay. KATHLEEN: What's so funny about that? DANIEL: I don't know. You'd rather her be out with a high school dropout, or Jack? KATHLEEN: Well, I don't like Grace dating a guy who has his own apartment and is in college. DANIEL: I'm only 18. KATHLEEN: I know that. Grace told me. But she should have told me that you're living alone in your own apartment and that you're not in high school. And this isn't about you. This is about Grace and trusting Grace. DANIEL: I told her to tell you, and she should have told you. So, I completely understand why she's on restriction. Although I have to say I haven't known a girl on restriction in years. KATHLEEN: Well, she's on restriction. DANIEL: Well, Grace just wanted me to stop by so that you could meet me. KATHLEEN: And you could see that I'm not a bad guy. I never said you were. However, I do think that you should know a girl a lot better before you sleep with her. DANIEL: Probably should know her family a lot better as well. KATHLEEN: All right. Do you wanna come in? DANIEL: Well, I think I just saw Grace sneak behind your back and go into the kitchen. Probably to go out the back door and down the driveway and get into my car. KATHLEEN: Is that what you two planned? DANIEL: No, ma'am. I'm just guessing. KATHLEEN: Okay, so, we're just gonna leave Grace sitting in your car out on the street? DANIEL: Don't you think that'd be funny? KATHLEEN: Yeah. Actually it would. Do you want a hamburger? We grilled hamburgers for dinner. We have a few left. DANIEL: Sure. KATHLEEN: This is better than restriction. DANIEL: Oh, is it? Or is it in addition to restriction? KATHLEEN: Yes. In addition. GRACE'S HOUSE/DANIEL'S CAR Grace calls Jack. JACK(at phone): Yeah? GRACE(at phone): What happened? I saw Daniel go in the house. JACK(at phone): Your mother's making him dinner. GRACE(at phone): What? JACK(at phone): She's making him dinner. GRACE(at phone): No! Shh, then be quiet! JACK(at phone): She offered him a hamburger. GRACE(at phone): (SIGHS) And he took her up on it? Maybe he didn't see me. Go down there and pull him aside and tell him I'm waiting in the car. JACK(at phone): All right. Should I do that or should I hand him a note? GRACE(at phone): No, just go down there, and quietly tell him I'm waiting for him. JACK: I don't think so. RICKY'S APARTMENT Amy and Ricky are ready to go to bed. AMY: That should be good. RICKY: I'm thinking we don't have to do anything just because we got a new bed. I know you said you're really tired. AMY: Yeah, so? RICKY: So, we've got the rest of our lives together. AMY: Okay. The interview didn't go that well, did it? You've been grouchy all night. RICKY: No, I haven't. No, it didn't go well. I don't wanna talk about it. AMY: Maybe it went better than you thought. (Cellphone vibrating) AMY: Is that your phone? I think someone's calling you. RICKY(at phone): Hi. KATELYN(at phone): Ricky? Katelyn. RICKY(at phone): Who? KATELYN(at phone): The school counselor? RICKY(at phone): Oh. KATELYN(at phone): I was gonna wait and tell you at school tomorrow, but I decided I shouldn't wait. I wanted to let you know that I did talk to Admissions, and, um... Unfortunately, they're not going to accept you. RICKY(at phone): Thanks for calling. KATELYN(at phone): Wait. Wait, uh, I wanted to ask you something. RICKY(at phone): Oh, God. KATELYN(at phone): Did you do anything that would make Karlee maybe... Possibly interpret it as flirting with her? RICKY(at phone): What? KATELYN(at phone): She said something to that effect. RICKY(at phone): What exactly did she say? KATELYN(at phone): She said you tried to have sex with her. Ricky? That's not true, is it? Just tell me that's not true. RICKY(at phone): What difference does it make? If that's what she said, then you're not gonna believe me. (He hangs up) AMY: Ricky! RICKY: I'll be back. AMY: What happened? RICKY: I'll be back, Amy. AMY: Ricky, don't shut me out. What happened? RICKY: I can't. CONDO Adrian sleeps, Ben comes to her. BEN: I thought about what you said. And I thought about all we've been through, and I'd like to be friends again. And I want to part friends, when the time is right. And maybe we can wait until the end of summer. But I'm gonna make a bedroom for myself where the nursery was. ADRIAN: Okay. BEN: And tonight I'm just gonna sleep on the couch. ADRIAN: You don't have to do that. The bed is big enough for the two of us. I won't touch you. BEN: I'm just gonna sleep on the couch. Goodnight, Adrian. ADRIAN: Goodnight, Ben. Ben, thank you. (He leaves) ADRIAN: Yes! End of the episode.
{"type": "series", "show": "The Secret Life of an American Teenager", "episode": "04x06 - Don't Go In There"}
Previously on “The Secret Life of the American Teenager” BEN: What are you doing here? ADRIAN: I decided to come back to school. BEN: I've left. ADRIAN: I'm not letting you go. LEO: You are not going to take another drink again anytime soon. BEN: Unless you let me come home, that might be what I have to do. NORA: I can talk to him if y want. About the dangers of alcohol. RICKY: I'm not gonna do anything with you. KARLEE: You can if you want to get into school here. ADRIAN: And it's none of your business if I have another baby. GRACE: Well, I wish that you had never told me that. ADRIAN: I know you won't tell Ben or anyone else. MILTON: You are the photo on Tom Bowman's desk. RACHEL: Oh, God. You're Milton, aren't you? KATHLEEN: Daniel. Grace is upstairs. She is on restriction. DANIEL: Well, I think I just saw Grace sneak behind your back. GRACE: I saw Daniel go in the house. Go down there and quietly tell him I'm waiting for him. JACK: I don't think so. KATELYN: I did talk to Admissions and unfortunately they're not going to accept you. She said you tried to have sex with her. AMY: Ricky! BEN: I thought about all we've been through and I want to part friends. Maybe, we can wait until the end of summer. ADRIAN: Yes! ANNE'S HOUSE George comes back to a walk. ANNE: You have a nice walk? GEORGE: Yeah, it's nice out today. I think I may take Robie and go down to the pool. ANNE: What, you're not going to take him to daycare? GEORGE: I am daycare. ANNE: You know we can't keep on doing this. GEORGE: What's wrong? Ready for me to go home? ANNE: No. Not really. I just think it's kind of unusual for us to be enjoying life this much. That's all. GEORGE: Yeah, it is. I don't really remember when we were this happy. ANNE: When the girls were babies, we were this happy, I think. GEORGE: Yeah. I like babies. They can't talk, they don't have opinions, they think parents are like magic or something, the way they look at you. Remember when Ashley and Amy used to look at us like that? ANNE: Yeah, I do. But... GEORGE: But Robbie's going to grow up and find out we don't know what we're doing either and then poof! The magic is gone. Luckily, he's a little more easygoing than the girls. He takes after me in that regard, don't you think? ANNE: I think that's a recessive gene, so I don't think it's either one of us. GEORGE: You're probably right. But I have mellowed a lot, haven't I? ANNE: Well, we'll see when Ashley calls. GEORGE: She better call. Unless she's too busy working. ANNE: Working? Where? GEORGE: Somewhere. She better be working somewhere. STREET IN FLORIDA Toby and Ashley work. TOBY: Come on, Ashley. You've got to put a little flair into it. See? See, it catches people's attention. ASHLEY: You're gonna cause an accident if you do that. People should concentrate on driving, not looking at your stupid sign. TOBY: If we're going to do this, we might as well do the best job we can. I mean, how many people can say they've done this? ASHLEY: I don't think I'd admit to it. TOBY: Not every job is going to be great. ASHLEY: And what would you rate this one? TOBY: I think it's great. We get to hang out, get a little sun, get a little exercise and we get paid for it. In cash. I'd give it an eight. ASHLEY: I don't want sun. Or exercise. TOBY: You want the cash? ASHLEY: Yeah. TOBY: Then work for it. RICKY'S APARTMENT Amy puts back the couch. RICKY: I told you I'd help you with that. AMY: I can do it. RICKY: I can do it. AMY: I want to know where you went the other night. RICKY: Why can't you just leave that alone? AMY: Because I can't. RICKY: You're going to have to. AMY: No, I don't have to. And I'm not going to. RICKY: All right, all right, sit down. You remember Toby's stepsister? The one that... AMY: That you slept with? Yes, I remember her. RICKY: That was a long time ago, and I didn't sleep with her the second time. I came and picked you up and we went to the golf course. AMY: I remember that, too. You went to see her? That's where you were? RICKY: No. I didn't go see her. I wanted to go see her. I wanted to go punch her. AMY: For what? RICKY: She's the admissions counselor. That's who my interview was with. She changed jobs, she saw my application, she called me in, but not for a real interview. She just wanted to get together. AMY: What? RICKY: Then she told our school counselor that I tried to sleep with her and that's why she wasn't going to let me go to school there. AMY: I'm going to punch her. RICKY: No one is gonna punch anyone. We're just going to leave it alone. AMY: Wait, then where did you go that night? RICKY: I just went for a walk. I just walked it off. I didn't go anywhere. I just didn't want to tell you about this. AMY: Because? RICKY: Because I know you won't leave it alone. AMY: It's not fair. She's lying. RICKY: Leave it alone. Leave it. THE SECRET LIFE OF THE AMERICAN TEENAGER – OPEN CREDITS HIGH SCHOOL Amy talks with the counselor. KATELYN:… AMY: Why? Because I'm not his wife? KATELYN: Because you're not Ricky. And he hasn't said a word to me about this. AMY: So you think because he didn't deny it, it's true? KATELYN: Um, well... AMY: I know Ricky, and he did not try to sleep with this woman. She's a skank. A straight-up skank. She should not be working in that kind of a job, where she can ask for favors. You know, she asked him if he would sleep with her, and then when he wouldn't, she made up that lame story that she told you. KATELYN: Or... AMY: Or Ricky made up a lame story? No. He would tell me if he did something stupid. KATELYN: I just think this is a conversation I should have with Ricky. If Ricky wants me to do something about it then he should come and see me. He's not going to come and see you. AMY: He knows you think he tried to sleep with this Karlee. What kind of name is that? Karlee with two "E's"? I'll tell you what kind of name it is. A skank name. KATELYN: Okay, Amy, I know you're upset, but this is a personal matter, and I just don't think I should get involved unless Ricky comes into my office and makes it a school matter. AMY: Fine. Thanks for your help. Grace sees Ben. GRACE: Good morning, Ben. BEN: Oh. Hi, Grace. Surprised you're speaking to me. GRACE: Why wouldn't I be speaking to you? BEN: Look, I know that Adrian told you that we're living together. As roommates. GRACE: Yes, she told me. BEN: That's the best I can do right now. GRACE: And that's the best you should do. For right now, I mean. BEN: Oh. Okay. I thought you might have some judgment about my not acting like a husband. GRACE: No. I don't. I think you definitely shouldn't act like a husband. In that husband way that husbands do. Just stay on the couch. BEN: I got the other room set up. I have my own room now. If I'm going to stay a few more months, through summer, then I want to be comfortable. GRACE: Not too comfortable. BEN: Too comfortable how? GRACE: Just don't have sex right now. I think that would be a bad, bad idea. Okay, I might as well just tell you. BEN: Yes, tell me. (Grace sees Adrian approchaes) GRACE: Oh, there she is! Hi, Adrian! ADRIAN: Hi, Grace. Hi, Ben. BEN: Hi. ADRIAN: Okay, what's going on? Something's going on. You both look funny. GRACE: We both are funny. See you later. (Grace leaves) ADRIAN: What did she say to you? BEN: Nothing. It seemed as if she wanted to, but she didn't, other than she doesn't think we should be having sex right now. Oh. Oh, I get it. ADRIAN: You do? BEN: I don't believe it. ADRIAN: Don't believe what? BEN: You're seeing someone? You're seeing someone! ADRIAN: Well, we're living together as friends. We're just friends. BEN: And as your friend, I'm pretending to be your husband. Which I am. We're married. ADRIAN: Yeah. But we both know you don't want to be married to me. BEN: That's beside the point. ADRIAN: Is it? BEN: Yes. It is. ADRIAN: I don't think it is. And I mean, at this point we're just pretending to be married, so I guess we can both do whatever we want to do. I gotta get to class. BEN: Adrian! Adrian leaves, Jack joins Ben. JACK: Trouble in paradise? BEN: Paradise? JACK: Well, I mean, you two are married. I was just referring to the fact that you two are married. BEN: What about just a "hello?" JACK: Sure. Hello. BEN: Wait. Wait. Wait. You know, too, don't you? JACK: I know what? BEN: You know whatever Grace was trying to tell me, don't you? JACK: I doubt it. She doesn't talk to me that much, and right now, she's not really speaking to me. See, I played a little practical... BEN: Did Grace say anything to you about Adrian seeing anyone? JACK: Like a psychiatrist or something? BEN: No, not like a psychiatrist, like a guy. JACK: What kind of guy? BEN: A guy kind a guy. JACK: A gay guy? BEN: A boyfriend! JACK: Whoa! Dude! That's insane! BEN: Yeah. You know what? It is insane. I'm going to have to go find Grace. Jack sends texts to Grace. JACK: “Ben is looking for you and he's crazy.” GRACE: “I'm not texting you I'm not speaking to you.” JACK: “It was a joke. A practical joke.” GRACE: “Not funny.” Grace enters in the toilet and finds Adrian. ADRIAN: What did you say to Ben? GRACE: There you are. I was looking everywhere for you. ADRIAN: Hmm. I have a feeling you weren't. GRACE: No, no, I was. I, um... I wanted to tell you that I didn't say anything about anything to him. ADRIAN: Oh, no? GRACE: I wanted to, but I didn't. You know, I'm practicing doctor-patient confidentiality. Uh-huh. Yeah, it's not easy. ADRIAN: You told him not to have sex with me. GRACE: Okay. But I did not tell him why. ADRIAN: And you're not gonna tell him why. GRACE: No. I'm not. ADRIAN: You better not. GRACE: I'm not. Ricky is in the counselor's office. KATELYN: You're sure there's nothing you want to tell me? I'm sure. You don't want to talk about your feelings about not getting accepted last week? RICKY: No. And I don't have any feelings about it. I didn't get in. That's that. End of story. KATELYN: You know, I doubt her story is true. RICKY: She's got the power. That's how it is. KATELYN: But if she's misusing her power... RICKY: Then what? I can sue her? We can all go into court, and I can list all the women I've slept with, including her, and then a jury will believe that I didn't try to sleep with her? No, thank you. KATELYN: But that's where you want to go to school. RICKY: I don't always get what I want. That's okay. It happens. I'll go to one of the other schools I got into. KATELYN: But with all those other schools, you'd have to commute. You'd be driving hours a day or you'd have to live on campus during the week and just go home on the weekends. RICKY: So? I'm going to do whatever I have to do to get a college degree, but I don't have to ever see that woman again and I do not want to go to school there now. KATELYN: Are you sure? Because you should fight for what's right. RICKY: It doesn't mean I'd get what's right. If you fight for something, it doesn't mean you're gonna win. KATELYN: But you might. I just want to help you. RICKY: No. Please. Do not help me. Just don't harm me. That's all I'm asking for. Remain harmless. Stay out of this and stay out of my personal life. I appreciate that you encouraged me to apply to school in the first place, but now that I've gotten in and I have some choices, that's as much as I need you to do. So forget about this one. Oh, no. Amy didn't come to see you about this, did she? KATELYN: Who? RICKY: Amy Juergens. Oh, you know who I'm talking about and now I know she came to see you. Amy talks with Lauren. AMY: I just don't think it's fair. LAUREN: Uh, I don't think you should be telling anyone this. Given Ricky's past, people might be prone to think he's lying. AMY: Do you think he's lying? LAUREN: Oh, no. No, I don't think so. But there is, say, a two percent chance that he could be lying, and you don't want anyone to know the story anyways because it's just another woman he's slept with. AMY: Well, a long time ago. He hasn't slept with any women since he slept with me. (Ricky joins them) LAUREN: Hi, Ricky. Amy and I were just rehearsing for a play that she's in.Good job, Amy. (Lauren leaves) RICKY: Is the play about my being accused of sleeping with someone in admissions at a college? AMY: She's my best friend. RICKY: Is the counselor your best friend, too? AMY: What counselor? The school counselor? Ricky, you have to get into that school! RICKY: Amy, I don't have to get into that school and I don't want to get into that school. So I'm asking you again to just leave it alone. Just leave it alone. Amy. AMY: I'll try. Ricky, if someone did something like that to me you would do something about it. I'm just trying to do what I think is right. RICKY: I'm a man. I do not need my girlfriend to come to my rescue. I don't need anyone to come to my rescue. All right, Amy? All right? AMY: All right. (SCOFFS) RICKY: What are you doing? AMY: Oh, nothing. RICKY: You're not crossing your fingers behind your back, are you? AMY: Mmm-mmm. RICKY: What are you, eight years old? You're cute when you're all wound up like this, you know that? AMY: I'll show you cute. TOM'S OFFICE Milton enters in the office. MILTON: Hey, tomyboy, It's almost a weekend! TOM: I thought it was Thursday. MILTON: Hey, wow, look at that photo. Is that your girl? TOM: I know you met her. She told me all about it. MILTON: And? TOM: And if you want to go out with her, you'll have to be a lot nicer. You're not that good with women. MILTON: I know. I've always been a player, Tom. What can I say? But Rachel, she is a really, really nice woman. TOM: I know that. The children are nice, too. Annoying, but nice. I'm not ready for a wife or two children. Are you? MILTON: I just might be. Listen, I would love to meet Bonnie and Ronnie. Do you think that I could maybe drop by this weekend? TOM: I don't know. Let me ask my mom if you can come over. MILTON: Your mom? TOM: It's her house. By the way, if the kids don't like you or they're uncomfortable with you, you are out. GRACE'S HOUSE Grace comes home and finds Daniel. GRACE: Hey! What are you doing here? DANIEL: I'm waiting for you. GRACE: Who asked you to do that? DANIEL: No one asked me to. I just wanted to see you. GRACE: I'm still on restriction. DANIEL: No, you're not. GRACE: How do you know? My mother told you? DANIEL: Yeah, your mother told me. You were off restriction while you were sitting in my car. GRACE: Why did you let me stay out there so long till I fell asleep? DANIEL: No one asked you to go out to my car, and by sneaking out like that, you put me on the spot with your mom. I figured it was better to side with her than you at the time. You know, I don't have to deal with moms at school. I have in the past, but that's one of the things that you don't have to do when you go off to college, deal with moms and dads and all that. GRACE: I know that. DANIEL: So, then... Make it easier for me, then, huh? I've gotta study tonight. You think we could study at my place together? GRACE: Really? Did you ask my mom if we can do that? DANIEL: You have to be home by 9:00 because it's a school night. I'll have you home by nine. GRACE: Are we really gonna study? DANIEL: I think we should, at least for part of the time. GRACE: Okay. Let me just go upstairs and change. DANIEL: You're fine like that. GRACE: Oh, this is totally high school. If I'm going over to your apartment, I'd like to look more like a woman. I'll be right back. DANIEL: Okay. GRACE'S HOUSE/BUTCHER SHOP Ben calls Grace. GRACE(at phone): Ben? BEN(at phone): I only have a second. Bunny doesn't let us make personal calls at work. Is Adrian seeing someone? Is that why you said I shouldn't have sex with her? GRACE(at phone): No. She's not seeing anyone. And you should just stay away from her. I can't talk to you about this right now. I can't. I have to go. Just don't be stupid. BEN(at phone): And by that, you mean...What? BOYKEWICH'S COMPANY Leo is ready to go out. LEO: Let's get out of here. NORA: Oh, you go ahead. I'm meeting someone for dinner. LEO: Oh? Ollie? Ollie back in the picture? NORA: No, it's not Ollie. LEO: All right, well, enjoy your dinner. NORA: Okay, thanks. Bye. All right, all right, I'm having dinner with Ben. LEO: Ben asked you to have dinner with him? NORA: I asked him to have dinner with me. LEO: So you could talk to him about drinking? NORA: I thought it might come up. LEO: All right, go ahead. I talked to him about it. He said it wouldn't happen again, and I don't think it will happen again. So go ahead. Have dinner with him. It seems as if he's back home, he's sober and everything's going well, but if you want to talk to him, talk to him. NORA: Thanks, Leo. LEO: Good night and good luck. BUTCHER SHOP Ricky talks with Ben. RICKY: She's not seeing me, if that's what you mean. 384 00:17:07,005 --> 00:17:08,805BEN: That's what I mean. RICKY: No. BEN: All right, well... I can't imagine she'd be seeing someone new, but maybe she met someone. Although, I don't know how. She hardly leaves the house. Except to walk. Maybe when she was on one of her walks. She's been walking a lot. RICKY: Where did you get this crazy idea? BEN: I don't want to say. And, oh! Just so you know, I'm seeing your mother for dinner. RICKY: Why? Why does everyone want to talk to my mother? BEN: Not that mother. The other mother. And I just need someone to talk to. RICKY: About Adrian? Adrian isn't seeing anyone. BEN: You don't know that. And I don't know that. And I just need someone to talk to. RICKY: You have friends. You have a family. BEN: Your mother is my friend, or she wants to be. RICKY: Why does she want to be your friend? BEN: I don't know. She just called me and said, "Let's have dinner. "We should be friends."And righ, I need a friend. RICKY: I'm your friend. BEN: Not really. RICKY: I am! BEN: No, you're not. (Bunny joins them) BUNNY: Are you two arguing about whether or not you're friends? That should tell you something. RICKY: He's going out with my mother tonight. With Nora. BUNNY: Aren't you still married to Adrian? BEN/RICKY: Not on a date. BEN: She just wants to be friends. I need a friend. BUNNY: I think "friend" might be the key word there. All right. Let's get out of here. It's closing time. Did you not drink and pass out in public? Is she not a friend of Bill's? RICKY: Have a nice time. BEN: Who? BUNNY: Enjoy your dinner. BEN: Wait. Bill. Is that who Adrian is seeing? BUNNY: I can guarantee you it is not. COLLEGE Amy wants to have a conversation with Karlee. AMY: Come on, John, we have to hurry, okay? We have to run, run, run, run. Okay? Hey. Hey. John, run. Karlee? Aren't you Karlee Carmichael? KARLEE: I'm sorry, do I know you? Are you a student here? AMY: You know me, all right. I'm Amy Juergens. This is my son, John. He's also Ricky Underwood's son. KARLEE: Who? AMY: Oh, you know who. You slept with him. KARLEE: Who I sleep with is none of your business. Now get away from me or I'm going to call security. AMY: Oh, go ahead. Call security. What do I care? You're the one who's going to get in trouble. I hope you lose your job, Karlee. In fact, I'm going to try to see to it that you lose your job. KARLEE: And how are you gonna do that? AMY: By telling everyone that you tried to sleep with Ricky and when he wasn't interested, you wouldn't let him into this school. He deserves to be at this school. KARLEE: Look, Amy, I don't know what Ricky told you but he did try to sleep with me.He's slept with me before, you know. AMY: Oh, I know. Doesn't mean he'd ever sleep with you again. KARLEE: He would if I said yes. He has a problem, you know. AMY: He's done something about his problem. You're the one with the problem. Don't forget I know people who know you. Look. We have a son. Okay? This is our son. How can you do this to a guy who's trying to do the best he can for his son? Come on, John. RICKY'S APARTMENT Ricky joins Amy in the kitchen. RICKY: He sleeps. He is really tired tonight. AMY: Huh? RICKY: Yeah. Busy day at the nursery? AMY: Yeah. RICKY: Is everything okay? AMY: Yeah, everything's fine. Why? RICKY: Are you upset with me? AMY: For calling me cute? No. It was kind of condescending, but I'm sure you didn't mean it that way. RICKY: No, I didn't. I just meant you were cute. Coming to my defense. All right, not cute, more... I don't know. I never really had someone on my side, I guess. So thanks. AMY: You're welcome. RICKY: Oh, come on. You can't really be upset that I called you cute, can you? AMY: I said that I wasn't. RICKY: Won't ever happen again. AMY: No, I hope not. I just don't understand why you won't stand up for yourself. RICKY: Because what good is it going to do? You have to choose your battles in life and this is not a battle I'm choosing. It's not worth the fight. AMY: Do you want to go away to school? RICKY: I don't want to, buI might have to, or I might have to wait another year and go when you go. AMY: Ricky, if you do that, then you might not get in next year. RICKY: I didn't get in this year. But it's okay. I can drive back and forth. AMY: No, it's too hard driving back and forth and working and taking care of me and John and going to college. RICKY: We'll figure it out. We don't have to figure it out tonight. AMY: I just wish... RICKY: Don't wish. Wishing is just wanting something not to be the way it is. his is the way it is. AMY: Well... RICKY: Well, I want to leave trouble alone. And more than that, I want you to leave trouble alone. RESTAURANT Nora diners with Ben. NORA: It's just that alcohol isn't the answer to your problems. It's not the answer to anyone's problems. It was never the answer to my problems and then it became my problem and I gotta say, Ben, you scare me, because you got drunk the very first time you drank. That's what I did. BEN: It's not the first time I had a drink. I've had a drink before. I drank wine the entire summer I was in Italy. NORA: And did you drink until you got drunk there, as well? BEN: No. And, if you don't mind my asking, who is Bill? Do you have a friend named Bill? NORA: I do. BEN: And? NORA: And what? BEN: And does he know Adrian? NORA: What? BEN: Adrian and I are working on being friends. Just being friends, and I have this sneaking suspicion that although that's what we both agreed to, it's not what she wanted and so... (Nora sees Ollie) OLLIE: Hi, Nora. NORA: Hi. You remember Ben? OLLIE: I don't think I've met Ben, but I know that Ruben is your father-in-law. Would you mind giving me a few minutes with Nora while you go talk to Ruben? Please? (Ben leaves) OLLIE: So? How are things going? What's new? I miss you, Nora. I was hoping you'd changed your mind, but I guess you haven't. NORA: I can't. Oh, I wish I could, but I can't. Ruben speaks with Ben. RUBEN: Can I buy you a drink? Joking. You're underage. And, uh, I heard what happened. BEN: How did you hear? RUBEN: I hope you don't do that again, but I can understand, I guess. You and Adrian have been through a lot and you're still going through a lot. Is she still not getting out? BEN: She's getting out. RUBEN: Meaning? BEN: She's back at school. RUBEN: Yeah, and? BEN: And nothing. RUBEN: You would never leave her after everything that's happened? You would never leave her after everything that's happened. No. BEN: I see you're out with Ollie. Is your wife out of town? RUBEN: She's always out of town. She's a flight attendant. Look. Everything you and Adrian have been through, we've all been through, we're all going through. So I felt like getting out and, well, Ollie is safe to be out with. Cindy's okay with it. You realize this has all been very stressful for everyone, but I'm sure it's most stressful for Adrian. So... BEN: So I get what you're saying. ANNE'S HOUSE Anne and George are going to diner. GEORGE: Hey, I'll do that. ANNE: What, did you just throw Robbie in the bed and leave him there? GEORGE: He's happy in there. Moose will keep him entertained. I'll check on him. I got the walkie-talkie. ANNE: It's a baby monitor. GEORGE: Whatever. ANNE: Look, George, I feel like I need to say this. GEORGE: No, no, no, don't say it. Whatever it is you have to say, don't say it now. It's been a perfect day, and I just wanna have a glass of wine, a nice dinner, hang out and watch some TV and go to bed and not have sex. Please don't screw it up by talking, please. Can't we just hide out here in the planned community and be happy? ANNE: I'm not hiding. You're hiding. I live here. And I live here because I'm single, and this is the best place for me to be. I can watch over my mother and our son and run my business from here. So I'm not hiding. But if you want to just stay and have a glass of wine and eat dinner and hang out and watch TV and not have sex, I guess we can do that, too. But I just don't know for how long. Cheers. RICKY'S APARTMENT Amy tells the truth to Ricky. AMY: I guess I should tell you that I went to see her. RICKY: I knew that, didn't I? You went to see the counselor. AMY: Not the counselor. RICKY: What? AMY: I couldn't help it. I just couldn't help it. RICKY: You couldn't help what? What are we talking about? AMY: Karlee. Don't forget how cute I am. GUEST'S HOUSE Rachel talks with Tom. TOM: What? RACHEL: How'd you like the chicken tonight? Did you like the chicken? TOM: I liked the chicken. Not as much as Dancing with the Stars. RACHEL: He still didn't say anything? TOM: Who? RACHEL: Milton. I was hoping he might say something to you about me. TOM: You really like that guy? RACHEL: Tom, I know it's ridiculous that I'd be thinking about another man while I'm living in the guest house with the most wonderful man in the whole world, but... TOM: But we both know we're just friends. Good friends. And I want you and the children to be happy. I'm sorry. I'm not ready for a family. I thought I was, but I'm not. RACHEL: It's okay. I understand. And I'm very grateful to you, Tom. For everything. And we'll get out just as soon as I can get my finances together. TOM: Take your time. RACHEL: I'm thinking it'll take about three months. Could be longer. TOM: I'll get Milton over to meet the children right away. RACHEL: So he did say something? TOM: Yes. RESTAURANT Nora and Ben talks about marriage. NORA: I don't see how people can stay married. You know? I mean, I'd like to, but I'm afraid to make a promise I don't think I can keep. I mean, right now, I've promised myself to take life one day at a time. That's a promise I feel as if I can keep. Now, if I could, say, be married one day at a time, then I'd do that. But it's... It's bigger than that. It's forever. BEN: Which is why I'm never gonna do this again. Never, never, never. When I get out, I'm going to stay out. I doubt I'll even live with anyone again. NORA: Being alone is so much easier. BEN: Yeah. NORA: I mean, things are always going to be changing. That's life. Things change. People change. How do you promise to be with someone for an eternity? BEN: Get them pregnant? Sorry, it's just... It's the eternity that sets me off. I can't stand to think about eternity, about things going on and on and on and on. But then again, that makes death comforting, that maybe things don't go on and on and on and on. SERVER: The Montrachet that you ordered? NORA: Oh, I don't think we ordered any wine, thank you. BEN: Hey, but if fate has intervened, I'll take it. NORA: Have you been listening to a word I've said? BEN: Yes. Have you been listening to a word I've said? NORA: Okay, you're not gonna touch that. And neither am I. Because this is not the answer. BEN: No, but it goes very well with not having the answer. NORA: I'm an alcoholic. BEN: I'm not. NORA: And you don't want to be. Ben, it's hell. Being addicted to anything is hell. BEN: So is being married. NORA: That's a very good wine. SERVER: May I pour that for you? NORA: Oh, yeah. Just a little. I'm an alcoholic. SERVER: Funny. NORA: Yeah. BEN: You're not really gonna drink that, are you? NORA: If it teaches you a lesson, yes. (She drinks) SERVER: I'm so sorry. This is not your wine. I had tables mixed up. NORA: It's ours now. And we're not gonna pay for it. Your mistake. BEN: Take it away. NORA: I'll pay for it. SERVER: A $300 bottle of wine. NORA: Why, yes it is. DANIEL'S CONDO Daniel and Grace are kissing. Girls knock on the door. GIRL: Daniel! Daniel! Open up! DANIEL: Ignore that. GIRL: Come on, Daniel! We know you're in there. DANIEL: My neighbors. I'll get rid of them. GRACE: Ugh. Good. DANIEL: Hey. What's going on? REGINA: There's some kind of protest on north campus. DAWN: And we wanna go. Do you wanna go? Do you wanna go? DANIEL: Grace, this is Dawn and Regina, my neighbors. Dawn and Regina, this is Grace. REGINA: Hi, Grace. DAWN: Yeah, hi. Haven't seen you around. Is this the girl that you... DANIEL: Yes. That I met when I was with my dad. GRACE: It's nice to meet you guys. We were just studying. DANIEL: Yeah, we were just studying. And Grace has to be home by nine so we can't go anywhere with you. Sorry. Bye. REGINA: All right. Well, whatever. We'll see you tomorrow. DAWN: Yeah, or maybe later tonight. Night, Grace. Nice meeting you. REGINA: Nice to meet you. GRACE: Goodnight. Nice to meet you, too. Oh, my God, I feel like such a loser. I'm in high school. I have a 9:00 curfew because it's a school night. And I live with my mom. DANIEL: And your old boyfriend. GRACE: I don't know, Daniel. Maybe this isn't gonna work. DANIEL: You knew that I was in college and you knew that I had my own apartment, and you know that there are neighbors. Neighbors that go to school here, so... GRACE: Knowing it and experiencing it are two different things. DANIEL: Don't panic. We'll ease you into college life, okay? Everything is gonna be fine. It's the first time you've been over here. GRACE: Okay. DANIEL: All right. GRACE: Mmm. Oh, wait, let me... It's 8:45. DANIEL: Then we can make out for five more minutes. GRACE: Okay. RICKY'S APARTMENT/HOUSE IN FLORIDA Amy has a conversation with Toby about Karlee. TOBY(at phone): You know there's a three-hour time difference, right? AMY(at phone): I know. I'm really sorry. But it's really important. I have to talk to you. TOBY(at phone): Me? You're not calling me to get Ashley to pick up her phone? That's what your parents do. Your dad, anyway. AMY(at phone): No, but how is Ashley? TOBY(at phone): She's exhausted. She worked almost an hour out in the hot sun today. AMY(at phone): Doing what? TOBY(at phone): We're sign twirlers. AMY(at phone): What? TOBY(at phone): You know, we stand on the corner twirling a big sign to point people to condos that are for sale. AMY(at phone): Really? Ashley is twirling a sign out in the hot sun? TOBY(at phone): Uh, she didn't exactly twirl, so we both got fired. But it's okay, we're pretty good at finding jobs now. This week alone, we've twirled signs, distributed flayers and sold fruit. AMY(at phone): That's great, I guess. TOBY(at phone): All right, it was nice talking to you. AMY(at phone): No, no, no, wait. I have to ask you about your sister, Karlee. TOBY(at phone): She's not my sister. She's my stepsister, and she's already called me asking about you. Did you tell her that I told you she has issues? AMY(at phone): No. TOBY(at phone): She thought you knew about her, and since you don't know about her, she's gonna file a complaint against you, and you better watch out for her because she's got issues. AMY(at phone): She's claiming that Ricky tried to get her to sleep with him so that he could get into that school. TOBY(at phone): What? AMY(at phone): She didn't tell you? TOBY(at phone): No. I doubt that's true. At least, not with Ricky. She's been in trouble a few times before. AMY(at phone): What kind of trouble? TOBY(at phone): Sleeping around with guys kind of trouble. AMY(at phone): What guys? TOBY(at phone): All kinds of guys. Guys she works with, guys she works for, any guy she meets. She's been in therapy since she was 13, but you know, you have to want the help. She doesn't want any help. AMY(at phone): She didn't sleep with my dad, did she? TOBY(at phone): I don't think so. AMY(at phone): All right. Well, thanks, this is all very helpful. TOBY(at phone): Unle she finds out I talked to you. Then it won't be so helpful. It'll be hurtful. For me. AMY(at phone): Thanks, Toby. And thanks for taking care of Ashley. TOBY(at phone): You're welcome. Good luck. You're gonna need it. AMY(at phone): Thanks. And good luck to you, I mean, surviving Ashley. TOBY(at phone): Thanks. Goodnight. AMY(at phone): Goodnight. RICKY'S APARTMENT Ricky wakes up, he enters in the kitchen. RICKY: Good morning. AMY: Yeah, good morning. RICKY: I wanted to talk to you last night, but you were pretending to be asleep. AMY: Was I? RICKY: You took my son with you? AMY: You still sound upset. How was your walk? RICKY: I think I could have walked to the moon, and I'd still be upset with you. I am upset with you. How did this happen? AMY: I googled your friend, I saw what she looked like, and I wanted to see her in person. So I left the nursery early and drove down to the school. I was walking towards the admission office when I passed her on the sidewalk. And then I just lost my mind. RICKY: She texted me. She told me to keep my girlfriend and my son away from her. She said that she's thinking about getting a restraining order. AMY: She won't do that. RICKY: She might do that. AMY: Ricky, she won't do that, okay? I talked to Toby. RICKY: Oh, God, Amy. What is wrong with you? Toby? Now Toby knows? Which means Ashley knows. That means your mom is gonna know and your dad is gonna know. And then my moms and my dad are going to know. The whole world is going to know. What is wrong with you? Did I not say leave it? AMY: I couldn't, okay? I still can't. GRACE'S HOUSE Grace breakfasts. KATHLEEN: You didn't say anything about your date last night. I was hoping you'd tell me how it went when you got home. GRACE: Mom, how good could it be? I had a 9:00 curfew like a big baby. KATHLEEN: Ooh, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. At least it was yours. Honey, just a little joke. Is everything okay? GRACE: Oh, yeah, everything is okay, except for the guy I love is surrounded by good-looking college girls who can do anything they want. KATHLEEN: Well, in just over another year, you'll be one of those girls. But right now, you're not. GRACE: No, I'm not. Grace upstairs, Tom enters. TOM: Good morning, beautiful lady. KATHLEEN: What do you want? TOM: Oh, it's not for me. It's for the children. Can Milton come over for a playdate this weekend? KATHLEEN: Milton? Your boss, Milton? What are you talking about? TOM: He wants Rachel. KATHLEEN: Well, he can't have Rachel. Rachel is your friend. And she and her children are living with you. TOM: I wish they were not. KATHLEEN: Tom, we've talked about this. You are responsible for them. You invited them into your life and into your home and you are responsible for them. TOM: I don't want to be responsible for them. I want my old life back. I'm going to let Milton go out with her. Maybe he wants to be responsible for the three of them. KATHLEEN: Does Rachel know about this? TOM: Yes. She met Milton. She likes Milton. And Milton likes her. Just now, we have to make the kids like Milton. Easy. KATHLEEN: Oh, honey, it's never easy to get out of a relationship. CONDO Adrian is ready to go out, she sees lie on the couch. BEN: Ow. ADRIAN: You have a bedroom. BEN: This is as far as I could get. ADRIAN: You weren't drinking again last night, were you? BEN: No. ADRIAN: You got home really late. BEN: Are you pointing that out as my wife or as my roommate? ADRIAN: The latter. You know, if you did get drunk again last night, your dad is going to k*ll you. BEN: I'm pretty sure he's gonna k*ll me anyway. Hmm. BEN'S BEDROOM Leo enters in the bedroom and finds Nora lies on the bed. LEO: Nora? Nora! NORA: Mmm. Boykewich International, how may I help you? LEO: You may help me by telling me what this is. NORA: Let me just regroup for a moment. I'm, uh, where? LEO: In my house, in Ben's bed. NORA: Okay, I know I didn't sleep with Ben. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. I really screwed up. I screwed up. I had a drink. LEO: From the looks of things, I'd say it was more than a drink. Are you okay? NORA: It's been almost two years. I had almost two years without a drink. Why would I have a drink? LEO: I don't know. Was it because Ben was drinking? NORA: No. Ben wasn't drinking. LEO: I'll have someone drive you to a meeting and then they'll drive you home. NORA: But I have to be at work in an hour. Don't I? Please. LEO: We'll talk. NORA: Okay. COUNSELOR'S OFFICE Katelyn has a conversation with Ricky. KATELYN: I appreciate Amy's help, but I had called the school about this yesterday, and the Dean was well aware of Ms. Carmichael having some issues. There have been several complaints, one from her colleague who has the office next to hers and can hear everything said in her office. RICKY: Ah, so I'm not that special. KATELYN: No, I guess not. And they don't need to talk to you in order to f*re her. They've talked to other applicants. She's officially terminated. And you're officially accepted. Congratulations. RICKY: And if I still don't wanna go to school there? KATELYN: Are you kidding me? After all the trouble Amy went to? RICKY: I am kidding. I couldn't help myself. It's not very often that something good happens to me. (Amy heards that) AMY: Thanks a lot. RICKY: I'll just be going now. Thank you. (Ricky and Amy kiss) End of the episode.
{"type": "series", "show": "The Secret Life of an American Teenager", "episode": "04x07 - Cute"}
Previously on “The secret life of the American teenager” RICKY: You remember Toby's stepsister? She's the admissions counselor. She told our school counselor that I tried to sleep with her and that's why she wasn't going to let me go to school there. BEN: I know that Adrian told you that we're living together. GRACE: I think you definitely shouldn't act like a husband. BEN: I have my own room now. ADRIAN: You told him not to have sex with me. GRACE: Okay. But I did not tell him why. RICKY: I'm going to do whatever I have to do to get a college degree. KATELYN: I just want to help you. TOM: I'm not ready for a wife or two children. Are you? MILTON: I just might be. RACHEL: He still didn't say anything? TOM: Who? RACHEL: Milton. BEN: You're not really gonna drink that, are you? NORA: If it teaches you a lesson, yes. KATHLEEN: You didn't say anything about your date last night. GRACE: I had a 9:00 curfew like a big baby. NORA: I screwed up. I had a drink. LEO: From the looks of things, I'd say it was more than a drink. NORA: I had almost two years without a drink. LEO: I'll have someone drive you to a meeting and then they'll drive you home. KATELYN: You're officially accepted. Congratulations. RICKY: It's not very often that something good happens to me. GRACE’S HOUSE Grace comes back in her bedroom with two glasses. JACK: Oh. Here, let me help you with that. He stayed over? GRACE: It's none of your business. JACK: All right, but I want to ask you about something later. GRACE: Just ask me now. JACK: I don't think now is the right time. (Daniel goes out to the bedroom) GRACE: Good morning. DANIEL: Good morning. GRACE: I'll be right there, Jack just wanted to ask me something. DANIEL: All right. Go ahead. JACK: She said she'd be right there. DANIEL: I heard. GRACE: Jack, just ask me what you wanted to ask me. JACK: Okay. But, now, it's a waste of time. Are you doing anything next Saturday night? GRACE: Yeah. DANIEL: Were you just going to ask Grace out while I'm standing right here in front of you? JACK: We're friends, right? DANIEL: Not really, no. I think that's you and Grant. JACK: I need someone to go to the senior dance with. I broke up with Madison, and I wouldn't go, but Coach says that all the athletes must attend, so... I must attend. GRACE: And you thought I'd attend with you. JACK: Yeah. Or maybe fix me up with someone. GRACE: I'll think about it. About fixing you up with someone. See ya. Daniel and Grace enter in the bedroom. DANIEL: Really? You're going to fix him up? GRACE: I don't know, that's why I said I'd think about it. Right now, all I can think about is you. DANIEL: We can't. I wouldn't be comfortable doing anything here. Let's stay over at my place tonight. GRACE: Okay. DANIEL: Okay. CONDO Adrian enters in the apartment, Ben watches cartoons. ADRIAN: Hey, good morning. BEN: Good morning. ADRIAN: How'd you sleep? BEN: I slept well, thank you. ADRIAN: I slept well as well, thank you. We are friends, right? BEN: Yes, ware friends. How'd you sleep? ADRIAN: I slept well as well. BEN: Oh, right, you just said that. How are you, Adrian? ADRIAN: I'm okay. I feel better since I've started walking, and since we made a plan. I feel more settled. And I'm excited about graduating this summer. BEN: That's good, I'm excited for you. ADRIAN: Yeah, and you're excited for you because then you can get out of this place, and this marriage. BEN: It's a little early in the day to talk about something so serious. Have some popcorn. Watch cartoons. We're young. It's the weekend. ADRIAN: Yeah. It is. BEN: Okay, what? ADRIAN: What? BEN: You've got something on your mind. ADRIAN: Okay. I just need one little favor. BEN: What is it? ADRIAN: Could we please just go to the senior dance together? I really want to go. Please? BEN: I guess, okay. ADRIAN: Really? BEN: Why not? From now until August we're married, so, if you want to go to the dance, let's go to the dance. It's not that big a deal. ADRIAN: Thank you. BEN: You're welcome. Oh, I love this one. RICKY’S APARTMENT Amy prepares breakfast. Ricky is ready to go to work. RICKY: I've got to go to work. AMY: Sorry. RICKY: That's okay. It's good to have work to go to. AMY: Before you go, did you want to ask me anything? RICKY: I don't think so. AMY: The senior dance is next weekend. RICKY: So? AMY: So you don't want to go? RICKY: No, I don't want to go. See you later. AMY: I want to go. THE SECRET LIFE OF THE AMERICAN TEENAGER - OPEN CREDITS BUTCHER SHOP Bunny talks with Ricky. BUNNY: Have any idea what's going on? I thought in Leo's office. RICKY: Maybe they are. the butcher shop. Maybe she just needs the extra cash. BUNNY: Maybe you don't have any idea. RICKY: Ask Ben. Where's Ben? BUNNY: Oh, he's coming, but not until later. I don't really need three of you here to open. (Nora is coming) BUNNY: I knew it. Something happened. RICKY: Whatever it was, to do with me anything so I'm staying out of it. (Amy arrives with John) AMY: Good morning, Bunny. BUNNY: Good morning. Who's the cute little boy you got with you? JOHN: Me. AMY: We're just going to go and do some laundry RICKY: I could help you off work until I'm AMY: That's okay, you help me all the time. You do everything, and you're working. Let me do something. Have a nice day. BUNNY! I wish you helped me that much. RICKY! I don't help her that much. She just wants to go and I don't want to go. I know what that's about. Nora is upset about a costumer. NORA: Because that's how much it costs! COSTUMER: Uh-huh? Then forget it. I'll go to the supermarket! NORA: Go. Go to the supermarket. You can't get anything the damn supermarket! (Bunny is coming) BUNNY: Here you go. On the house. COSTUMER: Thank you. I will. NORA: Ugh! Go ahead. f*re me work here either Bunny and Nora have a conversation. BUNNY: Did Leo f*re you? NORA: I quit. BUNNY: What happened? NORA: Nothing happened. It's just not the job for me, okay? And maybe this isn't the job for me either. RICKY: Bunny, could I have outside with Nora? NORA: Oh, so now it's Nora, huh? RICKY: Yeah. Nora and Ricky go out in front of the butcher shop. RICKY: Uh-uh. Not in front of the kids. If I see you smoking, I want to start smoking. NORA: Okay. RICKY: I take it you fell off the wagon? NORA: Did you expect that I wouldn't? RICKY: I hoped that you wouldn't. I try not to have any expectations so I don't have any disappointments. Are you okay? NORA: What do you care? RICKY: You're my mother. You haven't always been a mother to me, but you're my mother, and I care. Did this just happen last night? You get drunk? You got high? NORA: Hmm. I got drunk. last. RICKY: Night before last? Night before last with Ben out to dinner NORA: No, it wasn't his fault. Exactly. RICKY: Was he with you when you got drunk? NORA: Yeah. And when I passed out. He took me over to his dad's house and left me in his old bedroom with a note pinned on my shirt. RICKY: And then, Leo fired you? NORA: No, not right away. He had his driver drive me to a meeting, and then he told the driver to drive me back home, not to bring me into the office. I went to the office anyway, and he told me he thought it would be best if I just came back here. RICKY: All right, well, you just start over. You just take it one day at a time. NORA: Yeah. I don't think that's really working for me. I'm going to try something else. RICKY: No, that program was working for you. You just have to work the program. You've tried everything else. NORA: You don't know anything about it. Wait. RICKY: End of discussion. NORA: You can't tell me what to do. Just because you have a son doesn't mean you can tell me what to do. You don't know anything about it. RICKY: You said that. And you're right. And this isn't about me anyway, this is about you. You live your life, I'll live my life. Only, this is your last chance to be involved in my life. I swear. CONDO Someone knocks on the door. ADRIAN: Ben, someone's at the door. BEN: No! Don't answer it. ADRIAN: Why not? Hi, Mr. Boykewich. LEO: Hi, there. Good morning. ADRIAN: Good morning, come on in. LEO: Morning, Ben. I was wondering if I may speak with you. ADRIAN: Could I get you a cup of coffee or something? LEO: No, thank you, Adrian. Do you mind if I talk to Ben alone? ADRIAN: No, I don't mind. (Adrian leaves) BEN: I should have called you. LEO: Yeah, you should have. BEN: I didn't drink. I swear I didn't. LEO: She's an alcoholic, Ben. She'd been sober for almost two years, and she fell off the wagon when she was with you. What happened? BEN: Well... I'm not quite sure. She was lecturing me on the dangers of alcohol, and then her old girlfriend showed up with Ruben. They were at the bar, and then she came over to talk to Nora, and then... I don't know. A waiter got an order mixed up and brought over a bottle of wine to the table, and the next thing I know, she's drunk. And pretty belligerent. LEO: Why didn't you take her to her house? BEN: Because she lives with Ricky's mother. Ricky's other mother. I forget which one is the other mother and which one's the mother. Anyway, she refused to give me the address, and I didn't want to call Ricky, so, I just dumped her off where I thought she'd be safe. LEO: I had to let her go from the office. BEN: Had to? LEO: Too much information in that office about me and my business, and you even. I can't have someone getting drunk and going around talking to people and saying something stupid. I told her she could go back to the butcher shop. BEN: Is she going to be back at the butcher shop today, when I'm at the butcher shop, and Ricky's at the butcher shop? Maybe you should reconsider. I mean, she's in AA. I'm sure she'll just quit drinking again. LEO: We talked about this. It's not that easy to just quit drinking. Some people can't just quit drinking. And I'm afraid that if you start drinking, you could be one of those people. I'm not, but you could be. BEN: Dad, I'm probably going to have a drink once in a while. I'll be responsible when I drink, and not drink too much, and I won't drive when I've had a drink. But I'm probably going to drink. LEO: I told you, I don't think you should. Oh, geez. I wish you'd just do what I tell you to do, you know that? If you'd just do what I tell you, I wouldn't have to do this. I don't want to do this. BEN: You don't want to do what? LEO: Ruin your memories. Change the image that you've always had of your mother. BEN: What? LEO: Your mother was a lovely, lovely woman. She was sweet, she was funny. She was a good wife and a good mother. And she was an alcoholic. And so was her mother and her father. They died in a car accident before you were born, caused by her father. They were coming home from a party drunk. I know you knew about the car accident, but I never told you the other stuff because I didn't want you to think of them that. Anyway, your mom quit drinking after the accident, but she always struggled with it, Ben, she always did. So, I don't want you to have a drink. At all. And I'm sorry to have to tell you why. BEN: Me, too. GUEST’S HOUSE Tom says to children that Milton is going to come. BONNIE: Why is he coming over to meet us? TOM: Because he wants to. RACHEL: I've met him, he's really nice. TOM: Don't lie to them. He's not always nice, and you probably won't like him until you get to know him. RACHEL: Tom, don't make them hate the guy before he even gets here. It's really no big deal. I met Milton and I thought you might like him. He's a little gruff, like the Grinch who stole Christmas, before he got his heart. But he has a heart, he has a very big heart, and he's funny. (KNOCKING ON DOOR) TOM: I got it. Here he is. MILTON: Good morning! TOM: They're afraid of clowns. MILTON: Okay. Obviously a bad choice. JUERGENS’ HOUSE Ruben enters in the kitchen in short. Amy and Ruben are screaming. AMY: God! I think I just lost my voice. What are you doing here like that? RUBEN: Your dad didn't tell me that you were going to be here. AMY: My dad didn't tell me you were going to be here. What are you doing here? RUBEN: Oh, geez, this is really embarrassing. Uh, I'll be right back. AMY(at phone): Dad, it's me, I'm at the house and Ruben is over here. I was doing laundry and he just... RUBEN: Okay, well... We were just having a little problem last night over at our house and, uh... Well, I called your dad and he said that I could use this house. AMY: What kind of problem? RUBEN: Uh, well, uh... A house problem. AMY: What kind of house problem? RUBEN: I got locked out. AMY: Well, I think we have your extra key over here. RUBEN: The door was bolted from the inside by Cindy. My wife. Adrian's mother. AMY: I know who she is. RUBEN: I'll just be going now. AMY: Okay. RUBEN: Uh. I might be back. AMY: I hope not. I mean, I hope everything is okay. RUBEN: Yeah. Hey, do you mind if I just have a cup of coffee first? AMY: All right. You want me to make it for you? RUBEN: No, no, that's okay. I can do that. AMY: You know where everything is? RUBEN: Oh, yeah. It's... AMY: Not your first morning here. RUBEN: But everything's going to be fine. We're just... We've just... AMY: Look, I know how much stress you must be under with everything that's happened. And I hope you can work it out. RUBEN: Thanks, Amy. I think I'll go have coffee at my house. AMY: Okay, well, I should be out of here in another hour or so. RUBEN: Parents have problems. They're just people, you know? It's not a reflection on the children. The problems would happen regardless. ADRIAN’S HOUSE Ruben comes back home, Cindy talks with Adrian. ADRIAN: Senior dance. Oh, I can't wait. I wish I was graduating in June. But if I can graduate in August... RUBEN: Good morning. CINDY: Uh. Good morning. I thought you were at the office working on that case. ADRIAN: Morning, Dad. RUBEN: Hey, Adrian, it's good to see you. What's going on? ADRIAN: I just wanted to see if I had anything that I could wear to the senior dance. What's going on with you? CINDY: Nothing. RUBEN: Nothing. ADRIAN: Okay, well, something. I saw Amy's car in the driveway, so I think I'll just go see Amy. Are you two okay? CINDY: We're fine. RUBEN: We're fine. ADRIAN: Bye. (Adrian leaves) RUBEN: She looks good. CINDY: Yeah, she does. She's not going to fit into anything she has, but she looks a lot better and she feeling a lot better. She's walking every morning. RUBEN: Walking. That's good. CINDY: Hmm. RUBEN: I'm sorry, Cindy. I'm really sorry. About everything. CINDY: Me, too. RUBEN: I love you. CINDY: I love you, too. CINDY: Mmm! I remember your senior dance. RUBEN: Yeah. Me, too. Oh. She's not going to get pregnant a second time. Not right now, anyway. JUERGENS’ HOUSE Adrian talks with Amy. ADRIAN: You're not going to the senior dance? AMY: Oh, I don't know. I don't think so. I mean, we could, but it's just so expensive. I mean, I'd have to buy a dress, Ricky would have to buy a suit, and... What's the point? We live together. We can dance in our living room. ADRIAN: What's the point? The point is it's a rite of passage. It's the senior dance. It's the kick off to all the senior activities that are coming up. AMY: Yeah, but, I don't think Ricky's all that hooked into all that senior stuff. I mean, he's really focused on college, so I don't think he's making any of it too important. ADRIAN: He's so cute. I can't wait till Ben and I have a baby. Someday. GRACE’S HOUSE Kathleen prepares lunch, Daniel and Grace joins her. KATHLEEN: Hi, Daniel. DANIEL: Hi. Good morning. KATHLEEN: Yeah, I guess 11:30 is still morning. DANIEL: I was wondering if we could ask you something. (CELL PHONE RINGS) GRACE: Oh. It's Amy. I better take this, it might be important. (Grace upstairs) KATHLEEN: Are you sure she's mature enough for you to go out with? You seem slightly more mature than Grace. Which is why I like you and trust you. DANIEL: Can she sleep over at my place tonight? KATHLEEN: I would rather she didn't. But that's up to the two of you. DANIEL: Thank you. KATHLEEN: And just because she's sleeping over, doesn't mean you have to do anything. DANIEL: Okay. KATHLEEN: Okay, what? DANIEL: Okay, I heard you, and I don't know that we won't be doing anything, to be honest. KATHLEEN: Think about it. DANIEL: I will. GRACE’S HOUSE/JUERGENS’ HOUSE Amy explains to Grace that she has heard about Adrian. AMY(at phone): Grace, you have to talk to her. I saw this look in her eye when she was holding John, and I'm telling you, she's actually thinking about it. I know it sounds crazy, but... GRACE(at phone): It does, it sounds crazy. AMY(at phone): Why do you sound funny? I sound funny 'cause I have a frog in my throat, but, why do you sound funny? What do you know? GRACE(at phone): I know nothing, I told you, I know nothing. AMY(at phone): Yes, you do. You don't think she's actually trying to trick Ben into getting her pregnant or something crazy like that, do you? GRACE(at phone): Something like that. But you have to promise not to say anything. AMY(at phone): Grace! She told you she's trying to get pregnant again? GRACE(at phone): Yeah. AMY(at phone): No. No, she's not thinking straight. Talk to her. She's still depressed or something, and thinks this is the way out. She can't do this to herself, or to Ben, or their families. And everyone's still recovering. GRACE(at phone): I know that. But you can't tell her that and I can't tell her that, she won't hear any of it. The only person we can talk to is Ben. One of us should tell Ben. AMY(at phone): Well, that can't be me. GRACE(at phone): I tried, and Adrian caught me, and made me swear I wouldn't, so, it can't be me either. Maybe Ricky would do it. You should get Ricky to do it. Oh, and by the way, Jack is looking for someone to go to the senior dance with, so, if you or Ricky know anyone. AMY(at phone): What does that have to do with anything? GRACE(at phone): I don't know. It's just something else for you to talk to Ricky about. GRACE’S HOUSE Tom comes with Milton to see Kathleen. TOM: Do you have any make up remover? MILTON: Milton. KATHLEEN: You're not what I pictured. TOM: It wasn't my idea. BUTCHER SHOP Ben comes to work, he joins Nora. BEN: I'm sorry. NORA: It's not your fault. But you couldn't have grabbed the bottle or the glass or something? BEN: I didn't know what to do. NORA: We're never having dinner again. BEN: All right. Ricky joins them. RICKY: Could I speak to you? BEN: Not today, okay? Another day. RICKY: Now. BEN: You're not in charge here. BUNNY: Drop it for right now, Ricky, all right? Not right now. If you two want to take a break... BEN: I just got here, but... BUNNY: Just talk to her. BEN: I can't help her. I really can't help her. BUNNY: No, probably not, but maybe she'll realize that and go to a meeting. Could save her life. Bunny comes to Ricky. BUNNY: Hey. RICKY: I'm going to talk to him at some point, you know. BUNNY: Yeah, I know. Look, the boss called. RICKY: And he wants you to f*re her from here, too? I mean, she probably shouldn't be around sharp objects. Or cash. BUNNY: He wanted me to know that Ben was having a bad day. He talked to him about going out with your mom, and to kind of emphasize his concern about drinking. Not just her drinking, but Ben's recent exploits. He told Ben something he never knew before. RICKY: Is it something that I would give a crap about? BUNNY: His mother was an alcoholic. So, maybe you two have more in common than anyone thought. Amy enters in the butcher shop with John. AMY: A little helps, please? RICKY: Here. I got it. Hi, John. Good job on the laundry. BUNNY: Yeah, yeah, help the lady upstairs. RICKY: Come on. RICKY’S APARTMENT Ricky, Amy and John enter in the apartment. RICKY: Did you pass by Ben and my mother, Nora, on your way in? AMY: Yeah, I saw Ben. But, I didn't stop to talk to him. He didn't look like he wanted to talk. He turned his back to me as soon as he saw us coming up, and... RICKY: So she wasn't out there, huh? She probably took off. AMY: Took off where? Whwould she take off? RICKY: She fell off the wagon. AMY: She's D-R-U-N-K? RICKY: Not now, she got D-R-U... Why are we spelling? He doesn't know what drunk is. AMY: I don't want him to know. What happened? RICKY: She went out with Ben to give him a lecture on not drinking, and somehow it turned around on her, and she slipped. AMY: Poor Nora. She was doing so well. RICKY: Longest she's done that well. I guess I should have been paying more attention. What am I saying? It wasn't my fault. She's responsible for her own problems. AMY: Wait. Did Ben get drunk, too? Oh, geez, I really hope he's not drinking and getting drunk every night, otherwise he really is going to get Adrian pregnant again. RICKY: Huh? AMY: You have to talk to him, Ricky, you have to tell him. RICKY: Tell him what? AMY: I think Adrian is trying to get pregnant again. RICKY: What would make you think that? Not that it's any of our business. AMY: She stopped over at my dad's house and then she was holding John, and then just this look in her eyes... RICKY: Amy, please, tell me you're not jumping to some crazy conclusion based on a look in Adrian's eyes? AMY: No, but that look did make me want to talk to Grace, so I called Grace... RICKY: What is it with you girls? AMY: We're girls. Anyways, Grace said that Adrian told her... She told her that she is trying to get pregnant again. Oh. And she wanted to know if you know anyone that would go to the senior dance with Jack. RICKY: No. I don't. And Adrian actually said this? AMY: Mmm-hmm. Yeah. And we doubt that Ben knows, and someone has to tell him. RICKY: No. AMY: What if she traps him a second time? RICKY: He wasn't trapped. He had choices. And he chose to get married. If he's stupid enough to get her pregnant again, then that's his problem. AMY: Yeah, and the baby's problem. Babies can't help who their parents are. RICKY: Parents can't help who their kids are either. They can only do so much, you know. We can only do our best to raise John to be a good man, and that's all we can do, and that may not be enough. AMY: But he'll have a much better chance if we do the best we can together. RICKY: Don't make me take you to that dance. GUEST’S HOUSE Milton learn to children how play to carts. MILTON: Now, Aces can be high or low. So, it goes, Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and Ace. The suits are spades, hearts, clubs, and diamonds. No one suit is higher than another. The best five card poker hand wins. Questions. RONNIE: How much is the ante? BONNIE: He said two pennies. TOM: I'll ask them. Who wants chocolate chip cookies? BONNIE: We do! RONNIE: We do! TOM: Let's go. RONNIE: Don't look at my cards. MILTON: Who, me? Of course not. Run along, kid. Milton and Rachel are alone. MILTON: Well, I think I turned that around, don't you think? RACHEL: I think so. But if I were you, I'd let them win at cards. MILTON: Oh, absolutely. And the pot is going to be big. I mean, big. $10. Maybe more. RACHEL: Two bucks will be plenty. Two each. I don't want you to bribe them. MILTON: But that's one of the things I do best, bribes. RACHEL: You better knock that stuff off if you ever want a chance with me. MILTON: I would like a chance with you. RACHEL: Hmm. MILTON: Would you maybe like to go out of the house without the kids next Saturday night? Maybe take in a movie, have some dinner? Or we could take them if you want. RACHEL: Maybe Grandma Kathleen will look after them. I'd hate to ask Tom again. MILTON: You're calling that broad in there Grandma? Sorry. That's no broad, that's Tom's mother. RACHEL: I am going to have to work on you. But not too much. DANIEL’S APARTMENT Daniel and Grace diner together. DANIEL: I can cook, I just don't have any pots and pans. I haven't had time to get all that stuff. GRACE: Oh, yeah, what can you cook? DANIEL: The basics. Scrambled eggs, hamburgers, and macaroni and cheese from a package. GRACE: I can only bake. I bake cookies. DANIEL:Cooking's basically chemistry, right? We're both good in chemistry, we should be able to learn to cook. Maybe we should take cooking lessons together. Oh, no, don't get that I-want-to-marry-you look in your eye again. GRACE: Why do you keep accusing me of wanting to marry you? DANIEL: Because I want you to want to marry me, because I want to want to marry you. GRACE: But you don't? DANIEL: But I don't know if I do. And you don't know if you want to marry me either. We don't have to do anything that you don't want to do, or you're not ready to do. We can just hang out, talk. GRACE: Did my mother talk to you? She's like a hypnotist! DANIEL: She did hint around that we could wait. GRACE: Can we leave my mother out of this relationship? DANIEL: I doubt it. GRACE: She can't keep us from having sex. DANIEL: But she can try. She and Jack. GRACE: Jack? Jack said something to you? DANIEL: He wants you to go to the senior dance with him, just as a friend. GRACE: Would you Jack take me to the senior dance, just as a friend? DANIEL: What do you think? BOYKEWICH’S HOUSE Nora is lie on the Ben’s bedroom. BEN: Again? NORA: I'm not drunk. I just have a headache from motion sickness. I was riding around on the bus all afternoon. BEN: Why didn't you just go home? NORA: Oh, because Ricky's mother would k*ll me if... If she knew I had a beer. I only had one beer. The bus stop was in front of a liquor store. Okay, I'm lying, I had more than one beer. I had several beers. Your dad sent a big guy with white hair out to look for me. He found me. BEN: Hi. My name is Ben. And I don't want to be an alcoholic. NORA: Neither do I, but... BEN: But? NORA: I guess I'm just a big fat failure at everything, huh? BEN: Not at everything. Your son's a pretty nice guy. NORA: My son, Ricky? Oh, he's not my son, he's Margaret's son. I'm just his birth mother. BEN: Oh, come on, she didn't do everything. She didn't inspire him not to drink. NORA: I don't know about that. BEN: You certainly inspired me not to drink. Which is important, because I'm sure, as your friend Bill probably knew, it's really important to stay away from alcohol. Especially if you had a parent, or parents, who have or had issues with alcohol. NORA: Leo? BEN: No. My mom. And her mom. And her dad. Apparently I come from a long line of alcoholics. NORA: I'm sorry, I didn't know. BEN: I didn't either. NORA: Well, I don't recommend it for anyone. Even if you don't come from a long line, you could be first in line. Ricky has a conversation with Leo. LEO: I think that's a good idea for Ben to talk to her. Good for Ben and good for her. Sometimes people can hear things better when it don't come from family, you know? RICKY: Yeah, I guess that's true. LEO: I can't put her back in the office, you know. I really enjoyed having her there, but, I think she needs to get... RICKY: Sober? And stay sober? Yeah, I think so. It's nice that you're even letting her work at the butcher shop. Oh. Okay. Well. That's understandable, too. LEO: I just told her yesterday, "If you continue to go to meetings and stay sober, you could work at the butcher shop." Unfortunately, I found her walking around today not sober. RICKY: All right, she'll have to find another job then. LEO: You know I have a soft spot for people in trouble. For women who have a lot of challenges. RICKY: I kind of heard about Ben's mother. LEO: I didn't want to tell him, but I felt I had to. It's a lot to deal with with everything he's been going through, but he's going to have to deal with it. He's going to have to grow up and deal with life. And he's going to have to do that sober. I have a drink once in a while, but, I don't get drunk. RICKY: I don't drink, I can't stand the smell of it. It brings back too many bad memories, and I just don't get it. LEO: That's good. Maybe you could stay close to Ben, be a friend to him. RICKY: I wish I were a better friend to him. I need to tell him something, but just don't think I'm the person to talk to him about this. Sometimes women make you do stupid things, you know? LEO: Like what? RICKY: Like Amy is making me tell you this. Adrian is hoping to get Ben to get her pregnant again. LEO: You don't mean now, you mean sometime in the distant future? RICKY: Now. LEO: And how would I have heard that? How can I tell him I heard that without telling him who I heard it from? RICKY: Please don't. LEO: Adrian. What is she thinking? GRACE’S HOUSE Jack is ready to go out. JACK: Just wanted to let you know, I'm leaving the house. KATHLEEN: Habit. Just checking to see what time it is. JACK: What time is it? KATHLEEN: Almost 11:00. What's there to do at 11:00 on a Saturday night? JACK: That's what time the parties usually start, around 11:00. KATHLEEN: Really? JACK: Yeah. KATHLEEN: All right, well, drive safely. JACK: I will. I don't really want to go out, but, I have to find a date to the dance. I have to go to that dance. I don't if you... KATHLEEN: Oh, no, Jack, I'm sorry. But I'm very flattered you asked, but, no. And I'm sure you can find a date. JACK: No, I really can't. KATHLEEN: Maybe there are some other guys who are going that don't have dates and you can all go together. JACK: No. I don't think so. (Daniel and Grace go home) DANIEL: Just wanted to say goodnight. Good night, Kathleen. Jack. KATHLEEN: Goodnight. JACK: Goodnight. GRACE: I had a really nice time. Thank you for dinner and everything. DANIEL: I'll talk to you tomorrow. GRACE: Mmm-hmm. KATHLEEN: I thought you were staying over. GRACE: No, I decided not to stay over. KATHLEEN: Okay. GRACE: And we didn't do anything either. I decided I think I'm just gonna be a little smarter this time. JACK: Wouldn't that have to be next time? GRACE: And what I'm saying is. I think I like a guy that can make me wait. Goodnight. KATHLEEN: Goodnight. CONDO Ben goes homes, Adrian is going to bed. ADRIAN: Oh, hi. I was just about to go to bed. How are you? BEN: I'm okay. I'm surprisingly okay. How are you? ADRIAN: I'm fine. Excited about the dance next week. BEN: Yeah, should be fun. I guess I should go pick up some condoms. ADRIAN: Hmm? BEN: Little joke. Senior dance joke. Sometimes seniors get carried away at those dances, and go out and do things they shouldn't. ADRIAN: Well, we're married. So, we can have sex if we want to. Even if we're just friends pretending to be married. BEN: Yeah. Of course we can. If we want. Goodnight, Adrian. ADRIAN: Goodnight, Ben. RICKY’S APARTMENT Ricky sleeps, Amy is with him. RICKY: Oh. Hi. AMY: You fell asleep before I got out of the shower and into bed. RICKY: You smell really nice. AMY: Thank you. RICKY: Goodnight. AMY: Oh, come on! We still haven't done anything on our new sofa bed. RICKY: Oh. All right. AMY: "Oh, all right"? RICKY: I'll do it if I don't have to take you to that dance. AMY: You have to take me to that dance. RICKY: You know what the theme is? AMY: No, I don't know, what is it? RICKY: Teens Are the Parents of Tomorrow. AMY: What? Who came up with that theme? RICKY: Someone who doesn't want us there, probably. Still want to go? AMY: Who doesn't want us there? RICKY: Me. AMY: Wait. So that's not the theme? RICKY: No. But, I don't want us there, and we don't have a babysitter. AMY: We'll get one. Come on. RICKY: If you love me, you won't make me do this. AMY: And if you love me... GYMNASE HIGH SCHOOL Amy and Ricky are dancing. RICKY: I'm a terrible dancer. AMY: I don't care. You're a wonderful man. RICKY: You promised we'd just stay an hour. AMY: Uh-huh. Unless you're having a really good time. RICKY: It's the best time I've ever had, except for maybe every single night we've been in bed together. AMY: I don't think I'd count band camp. RICKY: I would. AMY: You enjoyed that? RICKY: I was too scared to enjoy it. AMY: You were scared? RICKY: Yeah, Amy, I was. I actually thought I might have feelings for someone, and it scared me. AMY: By someone, you do mean me, don't you? RICKY: What do you think? AMY: I think I should call Lauren to make sure John's all right. RICKY: John? You better see if Lauren's all right. AMY: I'll be right back. Jack dances with Grace. JACK: This was really nice of Daniel to do this. GRACE: He'd do anything for me. JACK: Sure, he's not having sex with you. GRACE: We'll see. (Daniel takes Jack’s place) DANIEL: Two can play this game. GRACE: What game? DANIEL: The waiting game. I'm surprised you play it so well, what with no experience waiting and l. GRACE: I really like you. DANIEL: I really like you. I didn't get to go to my senior dance. It's kind of nice being back in high school. Any chance we could... GRACE: Nope. Ben dances with Adrian. BEN: People are talking. ADRIAN: I don't care. What are they saying now? BEN: How beautiful you are. ADRIAN: Really? BEN: Really. ADRIAN: Beautiful enough that you would sleep with me tonight? Just for old time's sake. BEN: I can't. ADRIAN: I've heard that before. BEN: Yeah, I know. But before, we weren't friends. Now we're friends, and as your friend, and your legal husband, I would never do anything to hurt you again, never. GYMNASE HIGH SCHOOL/RICKY’S APARTMENT Amy is at phone with Lauren. LAUREN(at phone): We're fine here. We're having a good time. I don't think I want a baby of my own any time soon, but I'm good for right now. And I think John's falling asleep. AMY(at phone): Okay, well, maybe I should just say goodnight to him. LAUREN(at phone): You said goodnight. And I think talking to him will only make him want you to come home. AMY(at phone): Yeah. Okay. Well. I won't talk to him then. Oh, Lauren? I think someone might be coming by to see you. And you should let him in. LAUREN(at phone): What? Who? AMY(at phone): Uh, Jesse? I have to go. RICKY’S APARTMENT Lauren starts to sing. She opens the door and finds Jesse. GYMNASE HIGH SCHOOL Amy joins Ricky and they dance together. MEETING Nora is in a meeting of AA. NORA: I'm Nora, and I'm an alcoholic. Uh, I took my first drink at a dance in high school, and I took my last drink last night. End of the episode.
{"type": "series", "show": "The Secret Life of an American Teenager", "episode": "04x08 - Dancing With The Stars"}
Previously on "The Secret Life of the American Teenager". JACK: Are you doing anything next Saturday night? DANIEL: Were you just going to ask Grace out while I'm standing right here in front of you? JACK: I need someone to go to the senior dance with. BUNNY: Did Leo f*re you? NORA: I quit. RICKY: I take it you fell off the wagon? NORA: Night before last. I got drunk. RICKY: This is your last chance to be involved in my life. LEO: It's not that easy to just quit drinking. Your mother was a lovely woman. And she was an alcoholic. And I'm afraid that if you start drinking, you could be one of those people. KATHLEEN: You seem slightly more mature than Grace. Which is why I like you and trust you. MILTON: Would you maybe like to go out of the house without the kids next Saturday night? RICKY: Adrian is hoping to get Ben to get her pregnant again. LEO: What is she thinking? ADRIAN: We are married. So, we can have sex if we want to. BEN: Of course we can. AMY: You're a wonderful man. RICKY: It's the best time I've ever had. JACK: This was really nice of Daniel to do this. GRACE: He'd do anything for me. BEN: I would never do anything to hurt you again. AMY: Someone might be coming by to see you. LAUREN: Who? NORA: I'm Nora, and I'm an alcoholic. DR OTTAVI'S OFFICE Adrian sees her doctor. OTTAVI: You mean now? You wanna get pregnant now? ADRIAN: Yes. OTTAVI: But, Adrian, you're back in school. You've got your life going in another direction now. You've made a lot of positive changes in the past couple of months. ADRIAN: Yeah. And the next positive change is that I want to get pregnant again. OTTAVI: You and Ben want to get pregnant again? ADRIAN: He doesn't know yet. Unless Grace told him. I haven't told him. OTTAVI: I see. ADRIAN: No, no, you don't see. Look, I can't just expect Ben to want another baby right now. OTTAVI: No, I don't think you can. And what if he doesn't want to have another baby right now? Then... ADRIAN: I want a baby. I need a baby. And I don't know what his initial reaction would be, but he was okay with it last time. Eventually. And once I do get pregnant, then everything will be like it was. OTTAVI: Like it was? ADRIAN: Yes. OTTAVI: How was it? ADRIAN: We were happy. We were very happy. OTTAVI: I think you made the best of a bad situation. Both of you. You seemed to accept each other, and forgive each other. You were both very responsible. You took very good care of yourself and very good care of the baby. And I imagine that your life felt a certainty, a security.You felt grown up. ADRIAN: Yes. Exactly. OTTAVI: But the life that you thought you were going to have has changed. ADRIAN: Which is why I'm going to change it back to what it was before. What it was supposed to be. I want things to be the way I thought they were going to be. That's my plan. OTTAVI: What if you have a new plan? A "you" plan? Where you make grown-up decisions for yourself, the way you did when you were taking care of the baby? Why don't you make a plan where you focus on you, and you put yourself first? ADRIAN: That's my plan now. OTTAVI: No, your plan involves a baby. And a husband. And you're 18. I know it sounds cliche. But, Adrian, you have your entire adult life in front of you. ADRIAN: You know, if I was 30, you wouldn't be coming up with this whole "me" plan right now. You would be telling me to try again. With my husband. OTTAVI: But you're not 30, you're 18. You're living in a condo. You're married. You're trying to have a baby to save a marriage that you never really wanted in the first place. Another pregnancy at 18? Another baby? A marriage? Adrian, you are too smart for this. You are a beautiful young woman. You're ambitious, you're determined. Dream a new dream. Go for it! ADRIAN: Yeah. Yeah.Oh, my God. I am only 18. And I'm married and I'm living in a condo and I'm trying to have a baby to keep my husband and a marriage that I would've never wanted if I hadn't been pregnant, when I should be going after what I really want in life. And I still have plenty of time to get what I really want. OTTAVI: That's right. Your career, your education. Your independence, your freedom. Your own life! ADRIAN: And Ricky. I'm going after Ricky. Thank you, Dr. Ottavi. Thank you. OTTAVI: Ricky? Who the hell is Ricky? THE SECRET LIFE OF THE AMERICAN TEENAGER – OPEN CREDITS PSY'S OFFICE Ben has a meeting. BEN: I leave but I came back. KEN: But you're leaving again. BEN: At the end of the summer, high school finishes and when I start my senior year. KEN: Which she agreed to. BEN:Yes, she agreed to that plan, all the while having her secret plan to get me to get her pregnant again. KEN: Does she know that you know? BEN: No, no, anything about it. KEN: Because? BEN: Because my dad's the one who told me, and I don't need to that I know now KEN: Maybe you should for discussion ring it up It seems a little dangerous don't you think?, BUTCHER SHOP Margaret talks with Ricky and wants to ask a favor. MARGARET: She's going through a tough time, and, well, she's kind of getting on Shakur's nerves. RICKY: I've never seen anyone get on Shakur's nerves. MARGARET: Oh? Well, that happens sometimes. RICKY: You sure she's not getting on your nerves? MARGARET: My nerves? (SCOFFS) You know me. RICKY: Yeah, I know you, and I know Dad. And if someone's getting on someone's nerves, it's almost always your nerves. MARGARET: Okay, it's me. I just want some time alone with my husband. Just a couple of nights alone where we have the house to ourselves. Uh, it's our anniversary, and Shakur called to surprise me, and to tell me that he's taking tomorrow off. And I just want to have a nice dinner, alone, at home, just the two of us. RICKY: I thought your the holidays as around MARGARET: You remembered that? RICKY: December 23rd. MARGARET: Okay, I'm lying. But I do want that time with my husband. And he does have the time off. RICKY: But we don't have room for her. Where would she sleep? MARGARET: Well, maybe Nora can stay at your apartment, and you and Amy could stay at her parents' house. Or maybe the four of you could stay at her parents' house. It's just gonna be for a couple of nights. RICKY: All right. I'll make it happen. Happy fake anniversary. (Amy enters in the store) AMY: Hi, Margaret. MARGARET: Hi. Hi, John. JOHN: Hi. MARGARET: I just dropped by for a little favor. It's good to see you. AMY: It's good to see you, too. You want to come up? MARGARET: Oh, no, no, no. That's okay. Talk to you later, Son? (Margaret leaves) AMY: Aw, that's nice. She calls you Son. I like that. RICKY: She needs us to a couple of nights over AMY: Oh, yeah, sure, that'd be fun. It'd be like having or something sleepover RICKY: I don't think it'd be fun. Where's she gonna sleep? AMY: Um, well, we can sleep on the floor. She can have our sofa bed. RICKY: Or we could sleep over at your parents' house and she could stay here. AMY: I don't think she should be alone right now. I think she's still really down about, you know, what happened with Ben. RICKY: That's what you're calling her getting drunk? "What happened with Ben"? It wasn't Ben's fault, you know. AMY: I know that. But still, I think it'd be really nice to spend some time with her. We can all stay at my parents' house. Yeah, let's do that. My dad's still at my mom's. And I think things are going really well with the two of them. ANNE'S HOUSE Anne and George talk before they lunch. ANNE: You know, I think that you should go out and get a job. Any job. GEORGE: I have a job. I own the furniture store. It's a passive income, best job in the world. Did you see Donovan today? ANNE: Yes. I did. And you know what? Your job is easy, but my job is not easy. And you're getting a lot of business from me, and I've been working my butt off to make my business work, which is making your business work, so, I think that you should get out there and start working your butt off, too. Because I'm getting a little bit tired of your vacationing at my condo, and doing all the things with Robbie that I would like to be doing with Robbie if I weren't working. And with my mother. I mean, I'd like to be playing bingo and tap dancing and finger-painting, swim lessons, and all that other bull... GEORGE: Hey, hey! What's going on? We were having a perfectly nice time here and then, bam! Relax. I've got a filet mignon in the oven that's been marinating all day, a bottle of Cabernet that's breathing. ANNE: Yeah, and I've got a headache from sitting in traffic. And all I can think about is how your business is booming, and how you're making all this money, when it's my idea in the first place. Turning your retail store into a redesign store. I should have started that business myself. GEORGE: Yeah, but you didn't. And I did have a successful business in the first place. You know, I've had that place for over 20 years. ANNE: You know what? I want to be partners in that business, in the store. GEORGE: Okay, well, I'd like to have the house back, then. That was the deal. You get the house, I get the business. ANNE: But you took my idea and turned the business into another business. And you're living in my house. GEORGE: Taking care of your daughters. ANNE: Our daughters, who don't live there. GEORGE: Okay, Anne, calm down, I'll talk to Donovan about it and see how he feels about it. ANNE: Don't tell me to calm down. Donovan runs the business. He doesn't own the business. You pay him to run the business. So, why would you have to ask Donovan if you can make your wife a partner in the store? GEORGE: That's for me to know and you to find out. ANNE: You made him a partner in the business! GEORGE: Okay, you found out. Yes. ANNE: I don't believe this. GEORGE: I'm not saying you can't be a partner, too. It's just, I'd have to ask first. ANNE: You know what the problem is? GEORGE: Me? ANNE: You and me. We're not married, but we're not not married. I came up here and I started a new life for myself, and a new business for myself, and I was perfectly content living here with Robbie, near Mimsy, seeing the girls every other weekend. And then you show up, and suddenly I'm feeling confused, and unhappy, and unsure of myself. I think I just need to be alone. I'm sorry, George, but I really just need to spend some time alone, so, you have to go. Now. GEORGE: But dinner's gonna be ready in 20 minutes! Can't I just eat first? And you said there was traffic. I don't want to drive in traffic. PSY'S OFFICE Ben is still in meeting. BEN: I guess we got married because we needed each other. And... I guess what I'm saying now is that even with all the stupid things we've said and done over the past few weeks, we still need each other, and we probably always will. I mean, we lost a baby together, for crying out loud. KEN: You'll always have that in common. But I'm not sure that means you'll always need each other. Why do you need Adrian? Why have you decided you don't want out at this point? Why do you need to be in this relationship? (CELL PHONE RINGING) BEN: I'm sorry. This could be an emergency. (at phone) Are you okay? ADRIAN(at phone): I need to talk to you. BEN(at phone): I'm talking to Dr. Fields right now. Can it wait? ADRIAN(at phone): Oh, I wasn't aware that you had an appointment with Dr. Fields. Sorry. But come home as soon as you can. Bye. BEN: Speak of the devil. Adrian needs me. I have to go. KEN: And was it an emergency? BEN: She needs to talk to me. Maybe she's ovulating. Come on, lighten up. We're not gonna get pregnant. We're not gonna make the same mistake twice. CONDO/GRACE'S HOUSE Adrian calls Grace. GRACE(at phone): Hey, Adrian. ADRIAN(at phone): You almost let me do the stupidest thing I could have ever done. GRACE(at phone): What? ADRIAN(at phone): You almost let me get pregnant again. GRACE(at phone): No, I didn't! That was not my decision, and I told you... ADRIAN(at phone): You didn't tell Ben, did you? GRACE(at phone): No. ADRIAN(at phone): Did you tell anyone? GRACE(at phone): No. ADRIAN(at phone): Why not? GRACE(at phone): Because I... I just didn't. ADRIAN(at phone): Well, I'm definitely not getting pregnant. I'm going the opposite route. I'm leaving Ben. Or I'm letting Ben leave me. GRACE(at phone): Okay, yeah, that's nice of you, I guess. Isn't he leaving at the end of the summer? ADRIAN(at phone): Yeah, but now he doesn't have to wait. He can leave tonight if he wants to, or tomorrow, or this weekend. Yeah, the sooner, the better. GRACE(at phone): Did something happen? ADRIAN(at phone): Yeah. I had an epiphany. GRACE(at phone): Are you sure it wasn't just an orgasm? ADRIAN(at phone): Huh? GRACE(at phone): Sorry. That was a joke. Should I ask what? ADRIAN(at phone): You can ask, but I'm not saying. GRACE(at phone): Oh, jeez. So it's something I'm not gonna like? ADRIAN(at phone): I don't care if you like it. I don't care if anyone likes it. I'm gonna live for me, and I'm gonna get what I want. GRACE(at phone): Ricky? JUERGENS' HOUSE Nora arrives in the house. NORA: Oh. Yeah. Margaret dropped me off. We had a little fight. AMY: I'm sorry. Well, come on in. We were just gonna order a pizza. NORA: Oh, great. Teen food. Yeah. I love being babysat by teens. Including my own teen. This isn't humiliating or anything for me. AMY: I wasn't looking at it like that. I'm just excited to spend some time together. NORA: Where's the kid? AMY: John's going to bed. It's his bedtime. NORA: I meant Ricky. AMY: Oh, he's putting him down. NORA: So, where am I sleeping? AMY: Well, you can have Ashley's bedroom. (Ricky joins them) NORA: Huh. I think I'll go to bed now, too. RICKY: Good night. AMY: No, no. Guys. Don't do this, this is good. The three of us should just hang out for a while. It's gonna be fun. RICKY/NORA: No, it's not. AMY: Why not? RICKY: Why does everything have to be fun? It is what it is. If she wants to go to bed, let her go to bed. NORA: She's right here. Hi. RICKY: Not my fault that you're right there. Not my idea. NORA: Oh, but it was your idea for me to live with Margaret and Shakur. AMY: Guys. RICKY: Yeah, well, if you don't like my ideas, you're welcome to come up with an idea of your own. NORA: Maybe I will. AMY: Okay. You have to go through the kitchen to get to Ashley's bedroom. I'll be right there. (Nora leaves) RICKY: I don't like babysitting her any more than she likes being babysatte She should stop making the same mistakes over and over again. That way, maybe she could be trusted to be on her own. AMY: All of us should stop doing that. RICKY: What does that mean? AMY: It means that everyone makes mistakes, and for some reason, we keep making them till we learn whatever it is that we're supposed to learn. RICKY: You mean me, don't you? AMY: No. I mean everyone. CONDO Ben and Adrian have a conversation. ADRIAN: I just want to apologize for the way I've been acting lately. You know, with pressuring you to have sex and everything. BEN: Oh, hey, it's okay. You're still my wife and you can pressure me. ADRIAN: No, I don't want to pressure you about anything. But I would like you to go ahead and move out of the condo. Not when I graduate. Now. BEN: What? ADRIAN: Well, you were gonna move anyway. BEN: At the end of the summer. ADRIAN: Maybe. Not maybe, that was definitely the plan. BEN: Plans change. ADRIAN: Exactly. That's why I want you to move. Now. BEN: I don't think I want to move now. This is my condo, too. ADRIAN: I know. But it's for the best. I need you to leave. BEN: Why do you need me to leave? ADRIAN: So I can be by myself. I need to be by myself. BEN: Maybe I don't want to leave. Maybe I want to stay. ADRIAN: You already left. Just leave again. Only this time, you can stay gone. Look, we both know it's over. We're done. It's been great, it's been not great. It's over. BEN: I think this is the least sensitive break-up I've ever been through. ADRIAN: No, I think you still have me b*at with that whole screaming thing you did followed by getting drunk. BEN: I thought you accepted my apology, and I've felt definitely better since I exploded like that. You leave if you want to leave. I'm not leaving. ADRIAN: But you were gonna leave when school starts again anyway. BEN: School isn't even over yet! ADRIAN: I know. Look, just do what's best for you and leave. You, you need to have a "you" plan. You need to focus on you, your career, your life. You never even wanted to live here. And now you don't have to live here. Not even for another day. So, just go home to your big house, and your bedroom, and all those things that you love. The driver, the housekeeper, the chef. The gardeners, the pool man. Your bear, your dad and Betty. Go, Ben. Go and live the life you always dreamed about. BEN: I wasn't dreaming. That was my life, and now this is my life. ADRIAN: But this isn't the life you wanted, Ben. And I should've never tried to hold on to you. BEN: Oh, is that right? And what if you had gotten pregnant again?What if you had somehow managed to seduce me and get pregnant again, like you planned? Would you still be trying to kick me out of my own condo? ADRIAN: Excuse me? BEN: Our condo. ADRIAN: The other part. BEN: Oh, please. I know, all right? My dad told me. Ricky told him. Yeah. How about that, huh? Ricky. Yeah. Ricky found out from Amy, Amy found out from Grace, who found out from you. So, I knew. Yeah, I knew. And you know what? I'm not going anywhere until I'm good and ready to go. You want to go, you go. In fact, I'm going to have some friends over. Yeah. That's what I'm going to do. Because that's what I feel like doing, and this is my condo, too. CONDO/GRACE'S HOUSE Adrian calls Grace. GRACE(at phone): Hi, Adrian. I'm actually studying. ADRIAN(at phone): Well, study this, big mouth. You told Amy I was planning on getting pregnant? GRACE(at phone): Um, I don't recall. ADRIAN(at phone): She told Ricky, and he told Mr. Boykewich, and he told Ben! GRACE(at phone): I don't know anything about that. And why do you even care anyway? You aren't even interested in Ben anymore. So what difference does it make? ADRIAN(at phone): Oh, I'll tell you the difference it makes. You and I, we're not friends anymore. GRACE(at phone): Fine. GRACE'S HOUSE/JUERGENS' HOUSE Grace calls Amy. AMY(at phone): Hello? GRACE(at phone): Amy, I just think you should know that Adrian is going after Ricky. She told Ben to move out of the condo, and she's going after Ricky. Your Ricky. CONDO Ben says the new to Alice and Henry. BEN: She is a crazy Woman! She actually tried to kick me out of here. Like my dad didn't buy this place. HENRY: It is a nice place. ALICE: But this is what you wanted. To get out. BEN: I said I'd get out at the end of the summer. ALICE: So you get out a little early. BEN: Are you taking her side? ALICE: No. BEN: I'm not going anywhere. Again, my father bought this condo for us. What? HENRY: Well, that argument would be slightly more effective and have a higher testosterone level if you said you bought this condo. ALICE: Henry. HENRY: I'm just saying. ALICE: You'd continue this arrangement after telling us and everyone else you'd do anything to get out? BEN: Yeah, well, I don't know. Okay. After I found out that Adrian was trying to trick me into having another baby, I started thinking about it, and... ALICE: No! HENRY: Alice. ALICE: She was trying to trick you into having another baby? Do you hear what you're saying? You want to stay fake-married to a woman trying to trick you into having another baby? BEN: I don't want to have another baby, but it was somehow flattering to me that Adrian would go to such lengths to keep me here. And now it's... Well, it's just painful to know that she doesn't really care about me at all, and wants me out. I want a drink. Right. I guess I should just pack my things and leave. ALICE: Maybe you should talk to Adrian. Or maybe, since she's the one who left, maybe she won't come back. BEN: No, she told me to sleep on it and that she'd be back tomorrow to help me pack. HENRY: No, no, you're not leaving, and you're not drinking. You stay right here until you're ready to leave. She doesn't get to make all the decisions. ALICE: Henry. I know it was a shock, Ben, but you want to stay here? Really? With Adrian? I don't think that's a good idea. Maybe you should both leave. BEN: I don't know. I feel a little too old to go home to Daddy. ALICE: Ben, you're not even 18 yet. You're not even a senior in high school yet. And you're married and you're living in a condo with a woman who tried to get pregnant just to hold on to you, and a marriage neither of you ever really wanted. You're a nice guy, Ben. You're good-looking, you're smart, and you're funny, and, well, you're loaded. You've got every opportunity to do anything in the world that you want to do. Do you really want to stay here when you don't have to stay here? This will be your last summer in high school. You should do whatever you want to do this summer. Enjoy yourself for once, without trying to save some girl. This one, or the old one, or a new one. BEN: Did you just call Amy Juergens "the old one"? ALICE: Yes. BEN: I don't know why, but that just makes me laugh. HENRY: You think that's why Adrian suddenly wants you out? BEN: What? HENRY: Ricky? ADRIAN'S HOUSE Ruben comes home, Adrian is here. RUBEN: Adrian? ADRIAN: Hi. RUBEN: Hi. It's good to see you at 9:00 at night on a school night. ADRIAN: I just missed this house, and you, and Mom, and... Well, I just want to spend the night in my old room. RUBEN: Did you have a fight with Ben? ADRIAN: Dad, um, we decided that we don't want to be married anymore. Ben's moving out. RUBEN: Oh, no, he's not. ADRIAN: No, he is. I asked him to. RUBEN: No, you didn't. ADRIAN: I did. I want him to move out. RUBEN: No, you do not want him to move out. ADRIAN: No, I do. RUBEN: No, you do not. You do not want to be 18 and divorced. ADRIAN: No, I do not want to be 18 and married. RUBEN: But you are married. What were you doing when I came in? ADRIAN: Nothing. RUBEN: Yeah, you were staring out the window towards the Juergens' house. ADRIAN: So what? RUBEN: So what is that I noticed that Ricky and Amy are over at the Juergens' house. Both their cars are there. Ricky? JUERGENS' HOUSE George joins Nora in the Ashley's bedroom. NORA: Yeah! GEORGE: Take off, buddy, you know the drill. Hey. What ya doing in my house? NORA: Hey. Ricky and Amy are babysitting me. Technically this is the garage, I believe. GEORGE: Yeah, I created this for Sugar Plum. Ashley. Then she h*t the road. NORA: I thought you were in your love nest in Palm Springs. What happened? GEORGE: Eh, what always happens. She got tired of me and kicked me out. She'll come scratching around again when she needs me. And she'll need me. NORA: Okay. GEORGE: Where are the kids? NORA: Oh, they're putting the baby to bed. Oh, my jailers needed the house to themselves, and I had no place to go except Ricky's. Ricky's place is too small. So, basically, we're all sacrificing for the anniversary of two of the dullest people I've ever met. GEORGE: Maybe that's what Anne and I were missing, the dull factor. Or me, anyway. I was never really good at being married. NORA: As much time as you spend in Palm Springs, it doesn't sound like you're very good at being divorced, either. GEORGE: Eh, when you have children... NORA: Yeah, when you have children... GEORGE: So, uh, you still... NORA: Working at the butcher shop? GEORGE: Is that what they call it? NORA: No. GEORGE: I don't know how that girl stuff works. NORA: I'll get you a book, okay? A picture book. GEORGE: Thanks. I like to read. NORA: I can take it or leave it. Basically that's why I didn't want to be married to Miss Smarty-Pants Attorney. GEORGE: So, that's off? NORA: Yeah. I'm not the marrying type. GEORGE: We got a lot in common. NORA: And yet not enough. (George sees Adrian in the hall) GEORGE: Adrian? NORA: I don't know Adrian. Was that Adrian? What's she doing here? GEORGE: Ricky! NORA: No! Adrian knocks on the door. RICKY: I don't know what she's doing here. AMY: Adrian. Hi. ADRIAN: Hi. Uh, I was just next door at my parents' house, and my dad came home and said you guys were over here. So, I thought I'd come say hi. AMY: Yeah, okay. Um... Come on in. ADRIAN: Thank you. So, it's been a crazy night. Ben and I had a big fight, and it's finally over. We both knew it wouldn't last, and now it's really over, and I'm on my own. Again. RICKY: I think I hear John. Good night, Adrian. ADRIAN: Good night. AMY: Good night. I'll be right in. Look, I know what you're here for. ADRIAN: Uh, other than a little sympathy from my friends, what am I here for? AMY: Ricky. Grace told me. And you know what You can't have him. And you know what else? He doesn't want you. So don't even try. ADRIAN: I don't have to try. I can just be me. I'm now I'm free to be me. AMY: Adrian, come on! Just because Ben left you, doesn't mean you can just run over here and get Ricky back. On the same night... On the same night that your husband left you! Come on. This is just ridiculous. ADRIAN: Oh, he didn't leave me. I initiated this break-up. And I initiated this break-up because... Well, just check his phone, you'll find out. GRACE'S HOUSE/DANIEL'S APARTMENT Grace calls Daniel. GRACE(at phone): She is make up her mind, and she is wants something and go for it... and she goes after it with a vengeance. DANIEL(at phone): Something like me? GRACE(at phone); It's not funny. She's vindictive. DANIEL(at phone): This doesn't even make sense. GRACE(at phone): No, it does. She'll go after you to get back at me for telling Amy about Ricky. DANIEL(at phone): And how is she going to know? GRACE(at phone): Oh, she'll know. DANIEL(at phone): It doesn't matter. I'm not interested in Adrian. And I'm really not interested in this stuff. Just leave me out of it. GRACE(at phone): I hope you're left out of it, but no one escapes. No one! DANIEL(at phone): Okay, a couple more minutes, then really, Grace, I've got to go. I've got a paper due tomorrow, and history isn't my strongest subject. GRACE(at phone): Let me give you a clue then. History repeats itself. If you haven't heard that before, it's true. And in my circle of friends, it just keeps repeating and repeating and repeating! DANIEL(at phone): Like you and Jack, for example? Hello? GRACE(at phone): You're right. I should probably be talking to Jack. I mean, you're probably third in line. She'll go to Jack first, and then Grant, and then you. I should be talking to Jack. DANIEL(at phone): Hold on. Finish talking to me first. Don't let history repeat itself when it comes to Adrian. Why don't you all just gather around Adrian and tell her that you care about her, and you want to be friends with her. You sympathize with her loss and you want to be there for her. Not like you've been in the past, but as friends. As real friends who see that she's going to try to cause trouble when she doesn't need to do that. GRACE(at phone): Because we're not that good at being friends. DANIEL(at phone): Yeah, you are. Or you could be. Are you still there? GRACE(at phone): I knew I was in love with you. Thank you. DANIEL(at phone): You're welcome. And when you're talking to Jack, remember you're in love with me. GRACE(at phone): I will. Good night. DANIEL(at phone): Good night? That's it? GRACE(at phone): I love you. DANIEL(at phone): I love you, too. GRACE'S HOUSE Jack enters in the Grace's bedroom. JACK: Are you off? GRACE: Were you listening at my door? JACK: She did call me! GRACE: Are you kidding me? JACK: She said she needed someone to talk to. GRACE: ah, I'm sure that's what she needs. JACK: I, of course, told her I wouldn't risk it. I don't want to do anything to jeopardize a possible relationship with you in the future. GRACE: You heard everything else I said. Didn't you hear what I just said to Daniel? JACK: Yeah, but you said the same thing to me. GRACE: At the time, I did love you. And at another time, I did love Grant. And at this time, I love Daniel. JACK: Okay, whatever. GRACE: Should we call Grant? JACK: Yeah. I mean, you should. I called him, but I think he was a little disappointed that it was me. GRACE: And? Had she called him? JACK: Oh, yeah. GRACE: Oh, no. She's angry. And she will find Daniel, she will. But on the other hand, I don't think I have anything to worry about there. JACK: You never know. GRACE: No, you do. Sometimes you do know. JACK: But I said no. She found me and I said no. GRACE: Yeah, but it's different with you. JACK: Because I said yes before? GRACE: Exactly. What is it with her, huh? With Adrian? Why does she feel she needs to do this to her friends and to herself? JACK: Does why matter? GRACE: I don't know. I really don't know. But this has to stop. ADRIAN'S HOUSE/CONDO Ruben calls Ben. RUBEN(at phone): I'm asking you as her father, who never gave her the love she needed growing up. She needs to feel loved, Ben. BEN(at phone): Well, it's a little difficult to do that when she doesn't love herself. RUBEN(at phone): Exactly. I mean, what if everyone just said no to her crazy schemes? Hmm? What if she couldn't scheme anymore because no one wants to participate? BEN(at phone): I think you're talking to the wrong guy. The most important "no" would have to come from Ricky. RUBEN(at phone): Ricky. Look, all I'm saying is there is more to Adrian than this nonsense. She's a complex young woman, and she's got a lot going for her if she can just drop this stupid notion that she belongs with Ricky. BEN(at phone): Yeah, but I don't think she can, so... She just walked in. I'll tell her you called. CONDO Adrian comes home. BEN: It's your dad. ADRIAN: Mmm. BEN: I take it you couldn't find anyone to play with, so you came home? ADRIAN: All right, let's just cut to the chase. I can't help it. I love him. Ricky, all right? And I know you're the better man, okay? I know that, but I want to be with Ricky. I love him. I've always loved him. And I want him, and I'm going to be with him, somehow, someday. And everyone knows it. I told Grace and I told Amy. And I told Ricky. BEN: Okay, as long as we're clear. Look, maybe you really do love Ricky, but, Adrian, I just don't think it's ever going to work out. I mean, if he's such a lousy guy that he would leave Amy after having her and his son John move in, then he's not good enough for you. I've spent enough time with you, Adrian, to know that there's enough good in you that it'll eventually overcome the not good in you. But I... I'm going to do as you asked. I'm gonna leave, Adrian. Tonight. Now. I'll see you at school tomorrow. And, uh, tell your dad I'm sorry. BOYKEWICH'S HOUSE Ben comes back in his dad. LEO: I don't know what to say. Other than... BEN: "I'm glad you have a prenup"? LEO: Yeah, that would be one thing to say. BEN: Lesson learned. LEO: Ricky! She's still in love with Ricky? After all that you two have been through together? After all you've done for her? BEN: Don't forget, I wanted out. And don't forget that I said all those horrible things to her. LEO: You shouldn't have. You really shouldn't have. But in the end, that's not what did it, you saying those things to her. BEN: What did it was that this marriage was never meant to be. I really thought I could make it work, but without the baby, I just lost my will to make it work. And even then, I kept grasping at ways that it might work. I'm an idiot. LEO: No, you're not. You're a nice guy, Ben. The nicest. BEN: And nice guys never win. LEO: That's not true. That's not true at all. BEN: Look at you. (Betty joins them) BETTY: And what does that mean? Look at him. He's the sweetest, nicest guy in the entire universe, and that's why I love him. What's going on? What are you doing here, Ben? Is everything okay? LEO: Adrian asked him to leave. They're splitting up. BETTY: What? Oh! No! I don't believe that. BEN: Believe it. Adrian is still in love with Ricky. She told me. She even told Ricky. It's over, Betty. That part of my life is over, and this part of my life is not. Living at home with Dad and with you. I guess I'll just say good night. Good night. BETTY: Good night. (Ben leaves) BETTY: That is just so sad. LEO: A little. But I don't know, I feel a little relieved. BETTY: Well, would you feel relieved if we split up? LEO: What are you talking about? BETTY: If I left, would you feel relieved? LEO: Why are you asking me that, Betty? BETTY: Leo, I've been around a lot of men, you know. So much so that I know that you're not happy, not really. And it's okay. It's really okay. If you're not happy, I can leave. LEO: But, Betty... BETTY: But what? Honey, we have a prenup, and I would be ecstatic to just take the money and say, "Thank you very much." And you know what I would do with it? I would go to college. I've always wanted to go to college. I always wanted to be an educated, independent woman, with a job that has nothing to do with a man. JUERGENS' HOUSE Amy, Nora and George are at table in the kitchen. NORA: I'm gonna talk to Ricky. AMY: No, no, please don't. I should be the one to talk to him. What am I supposed to say? "I don't trust you"? GEORGE: Yeah. Just get it out in the open. Or not. What do I know? It's late, I'm tired. I want to go to bed. NORA: Come on, it's 10:00. AMY: What are you doing home anyway? GEORGE: Your mother wants to be single at this particular point in time, so here I am. AMY: What is with the two of you? You get divorced and you can't stay away from each other. GEORGE: No, we can. Thus you're speaking to me in person. I wish I could explain it. Maybe when you and Ricky have broken up a few times, you'll understand. AMY: Oh, whoa! We're not going to break up. NORA: I hope not, Amy. But I don't think you can not break up just by not going to your room and talking to Ricky. GEORGE: Honestly, I'm on the fence, but, Amy, the statistics are against it, against your relationship with Ricky working out. AMY: Oh, yeah? Well, what are the chances of you and Mom working out? I mean, what are the statistics on the third time around when you both have a baby together that you didn't plan either? You'd probably have a better chance of being in a relationship with Ricky's mother. Her. (Amy leaves) NORA: Oh, hey! Ho! I have an idea. GEORGE: Yeah? Me, too. NORA: I wonder if it's the same idea. GEORGE: I don't know. I just remembered I brought the meat scraps home for Moose. We could make meat scrap sandwiches out of them instead. I'm hungry. NORA: I'm in. GEORGE: What was your idea? NORA: Okay. My idea was maybe I could rent Ashley's room from you. You know, just while she's on the road. Maybe I could live here. GEORGE: Yeah, I'd go for it. NORA: You would? Because all of a sudden, I don't feel so babysat. I feel... Like an ex-con renting a room while I struggle to stay sober after breaking up with my girlfriend. GEORGE: That makes it sound even better. It's almost a movie of the week. Amy has a conversation with Ricky. AMY: You didn't listen to the message. RICKY: I hadn't listened to the message when I said I hadn't listened to the message. AMY: But you have listened to the message? RICKY: Yeah, I listened to it. AMY: And? RICKY: And nothing. AMY: Why did you run from the kitchen when she was here? Are you hiding something? RICKY: No, I'm not. I'm not hiding anything. AMY: Which doesn't me that you don't have messages from Adrian. Text messages or phone messages on your phone from Adrian. RICKY: Either you trust me, or you don't. That's what this all comes down to, Amy. You trust me, or you don't. AMY: It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that... We have John and we both have responsibilities. You're only 18 and I'm only 17, and, I don't know, we have our whole lives in front of us. And maybe you don't want to live in your little apartment with the idiot who got pregnant and had a baby. RICKY: Why would you say that? You know I don't think of you that way. And I don't think of our son as just a baby. Have I done anything that would indicate that I might not want to live with you and John? Anything at all? No, I haven't. So, you know what, Amy? Maybe you're the one who doesn't want to live with the idiot who got you pregnant. And maybe you just don't want to say so. Maybe you really had rather be here, in the house you're up in, with your mommy and daddy still taking care of you and John. Uh-uh. Do not do that. Do not physically get in my way when I'm angry. That... That is not a good thing to do. AMY: I don't want you to leave, Ricky. I don't want to live here. I want to live in our little apartment over the butcher shop with you and our son. I just feel so thr*at by Adrian because now she's free from Ben and she's determined to be with you, and... RICKY: And you don't trust me. AMY: Please don't leave, Ricky. Please. I don't want to be like my parents, okay. Going back and forth all the time, I don't want that. And this doesn't just feel like another argument. This feels like something more. So, please, don't leave. And if you do, take me and John with you. RICKY: I'm just going to go back to the apartment, all right? I need to be by myself. AMY: Please. RICKY: Don't do this. Just let me have my time alone, okay? It's not anything more than that. I'll see you at school tomorrow. We'll spend tomorrow night together here or there, whatever you want. But really, I have to be by myself right now. AMY: Okay. RICKY: Okay? AMY: I said okay. Ricky go to the kitchen. GEORGE: Where you going? RICKY: I just need some space. I'm going back over to the apartment. NORA:Tonight? After Adrian marched over here and told the woman you love that she's coming after you? RICKY: This has nothing to do with Adrian. This doesn't even have anything to do with me and Amy. It's just about me. I need to be alone. GEORGE: Careful what you wish for, you may end up alone. NORA: Yeah. Like George. Or like me. Well, before George and me decided to live together. RICKY: What? Amy listens Ricky's message. RESPONDER: Please enter your pass code. AMY: J-O-H-N? RESPONDER: You have three saved messages. AMY: Lucky guess. ADRIAN(on responder): Long time, no see. I've been thinking about you. And I know you've been thinking about me, haven't you? Good night, Ricky. Come on, call me back. You know you want to call me back. Aren't you bored just talking to Amy? (Ricky surprises her) RICKY: What are you doing? I forgot my phone. I thought it was on the kitchen counter, but I see it's not. Ricky leaves to the house, Amy tries to find Ricky. AMY: I don't even know why I try. No one in this family can even have a relationship. Or your family. MARGARET'S APARTMENT Margaret and her husband dance. SHAKUR: I love being married to you. MARGARET: I love being married to you, too. SHAKUR: You don't even feel slightly guilty about tonight? MARGARET: Are you kidding? We worked for this, we earned it. SHAKUR: But our marriage isn't such hard work, is it? MARGARET: No, it isn't. SHAKUR: I love you. MARGARET: I love you. End of the episode.
{"type": "series", "show": "The Secret Life of an American Teenager", "episode": "04x09 - Flip Flop"}