stringclasses 63
values | input
stringlengths 159
| output
stringlengths 4
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 1 year Reserved price | Region Code: us-west-2 Memory: 128 GiB Database Engine: MariaDB Product Family: Database Instance License Model: No license required Deployment Option: Multi-AZ serviceCode: AmazonRDS Location Type: AWS Region Location: US West (Oregon) LeaseContractLength: 1yr PriceDescription: MariaDB, db.r6i.4xl reserved instance applied Instance Type: db.r6i.4xlarge TermType: Reserved PurchaseOption: No Upfront Unit: Hrs vCPU: 16.0 | $2.2176 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Memory: 128 GiB PriceDescription: $ 3.84 per RDS db.r6i.4xlarge Multi-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running MariaDB Region Code: us-west-2 Location: US West (Oregon) Deployment Option: Multi-AZ License Model: No license required vCPU: 16.0 serviceCode: AmazonRDS Location Type: AWS Region TermType: OnDemand Product Family: Database Instance Unit: Hrs Instance Type: db.r6i.4xlarge Database Engine: MariaDB | $3.84 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 1 year Reserved price | serviceCode: AmazonRDS Location Type: AWS Region PurchaseOption: No Upfront PriceDescription: RDS Custom SQL Server SE (LI), db.m5.24xl reserved instance applied vCPU: 96.0 Location: US West (Oregon) Deployment Option: Single-AZ Database Edition: Standard Instance Type: db.m5.24xlarge Unit: Hrs LeaseContractLength: 1yr Memory: 384 GiB Region Code: us-west-2 Product Family: Database Instance Database Engine: SQL Server TermType: Reserved | $32.015808 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | PriceDescription: USD 34.4256 per RDS db.m5.24xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running SQL Server SE (AWS-provided) Product Family: Database Instance Database Edition: Standard Unit: Hrs Memory: 384 GiB Instance Type: db.m5.24xlarge Location: US West (Oregon) Location Type: AWS Region vCPU: 96.0 Database Engine: SQL Server TermType: OnDemand Deployment Option: Single-AZ serviceCode: AmazonRDS Region Code: us-west-2 | $34.4256 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Product Family: Database Instance Location: US West (Oregon) Deployment Option: Multi-AZ Memory: 122 GiB Instance Type: db.r3.4xlarge vCPU: 16.0 Region Code: us-west-2 Database Edition: Standard Two Database Engine: Oracle Location Type: AWS Region Unit: Hrs serviceCode: AmazonRDS License Model: Bring your own license PriceDescription: $3.78 per RDS db.r3.4xlarge Multi-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running Oracle SE2 (BYOL) TermType: OnDemand | $3.78 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Location: US West (Oregon) Memory: 32 GiB Product Family: Database Instance vCPU: 4.0 serviceCode: AmazonRDS Deployment Option: Single-AZ PriceDescription: USD 0.754 per RDS db.r5.xlarge IO-optimized Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running Aurora MySQL Database Engine: Aurora MySQL TermType: OnDemand Instance Type: db.r5.xlarge License Model: No license required Location Type: AWS Region Unit: Hrs Region Code: us-west-2 | $0.754 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Memory: 122 GiB PriceDescription: USD 5.871 per db.x1e.xlarge Multi-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running SQL Server EE (LI) Unit: Hrs serviceCode: AmazonRDS TermType: OnDemand Region Code: us-west-2 Deployment Option: Multi-AZ Product Family: Database Instance vCPU: 4.0 Database Engine: SQL Server License Model: License included Database Edition: Enterprise Location: US West (Oregon) Instance Type: db.x1e.xlarge Location Type: AWS Region | $5.871 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 1 year Reserved price | Memory: 128 GiB Database Engine: MySQL PriceDescription: MySQL, db.r6i.4xl reserved instance applied Instance Type: db.r6i.4xlarge Location Type: AWS Region PurchaseOption: No Upfront License Model: No license required vCPU: 16.0 Deployment Option: Multi-AZ Location: US West (Oregon) serviceCode: AmazonRDS Product Family: Database Instance TermType: Reserved LeaseContractLength: 1yr Region Code: us-west-2 Unit: Hrs | $2.2176 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | PriceDescription: $ 3.84 per RDS db.r6i.4xlarge Multi-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running MySQL Product Family: Database Instance License Model: No license required Memory: 128 GiB Location Type: AWS Region TermType: OnDemand Database Engine: MySQL Deployment Option: Multi-AZ serviceCode: AmazonRDS Location: US West (Oregon) Unit: Hrs Region Code: us-west-2 vCPU: 16.0 Instance Type: db.r6i.4xlarge | $3.84 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | PriceDescription: USD 6.566 per db.m5.16xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running Oracle EE (customer-provided media) Deployment Option: Single-AZ Instance Type: db.m5.16xlarge Unit: Hrs serviceCode: AmazonRDS License Model: Bring your own license Location Type: AWS Region Location: US West (Oregon) Region Code: us-west-2 Memory: 256 GiB Product Family: Database Instance Database Edition: Enterprise vCPU: 64.0 TermType: OnDemand Database Engine: Oracle | $6.566 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 1 year Reserved price | Region Code: us-west-2 Location: US West (Oregon) Product Family: Database Instance TermType: Reserved PriceDescription: MySQL, db.r5.12xl reserved instance applied Instance Type: db.r5.12xlarge Memory: 384 GiB PurchaseOption: No Upfront vCPU: 48.0 LeaseContractLength: 1yr License Model: No license required Location Type: AWS Region Database Engine: MySQL serviceCode: AmazonRDS Unit: Hrs Deployment Option: Single-AZ | $3.3264 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Location: US West (Oregon) PriceDescription: USD 5.76 per RDS db.r5.12xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running MySQL Memory: 384 GiB serviceCode: AmazonRDS Instance Type: db.r5.12xlarge Database Engine: MySQL TermType: OnDemand Deployment Option: Single-AZ Region Code: us-west-2 Product Family: Database Instance vCPU: 48.0 Unit: Hrs Location Type: AWS Region License Model: No license required | $5.76 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Region Code: us-west-2 Product Family: Database Instance Database Edition: Standard Two TermType: OnDemand PriceDescription: $0.136 per RDS db.t2.medium Multi-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running Oracle SE2 (BYOL) serviceCode: AmazonRDS Instance Type: db.t2.medium Location Type: AWS Region Deployment Option: Multi-AZ Location: US West (Oregon) Unit: Hrs Database Engine: Oracle License Model: Bring your own license Memory: 4 GiB vCPU: 2.0 | $0.136 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 1 year Reserved price | TermType: Reserved Database Engine: MySQL Location Type: AWS Region vCPU: 64.0 Location: US West (Oregon) Product Family: Database Instance Unit: Hrs Memory: 512 GiB LeaseContractLength: 1yr PurchaseOption: No Upfront PriceDescription: MySQL, db.r5.16xl reserved instance applied Instance Type: db.r5.16xlarge License Model: No license required Deployment Option: Single-AZ serviceCode: AmazonRDS Region Code: us-west-2 | $4.4352 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | TermType: OnDemand Product Family: Database Instance Region Code: us-west-2 serviceCode: AmazonRDS Unit: Hrs Location: US West (Oregon) Deployment Option: Single-AZ PriceDescription: $ 7.68 per RDS db.r5.16xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running MySQL Database Engine: MySQL Instance Type: db.r5.16xlarge License Model: No license required vCPU: 64.0 Location Type: AWS Region Memory: 512 GiB | $7.68 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | serviceCode: AmazonRDS Location Type: AWS Region Memory: 122 GiB License Model: No license required Location: US West (Oregon) Deployment Option: Multi-AZ Unit: Hrs vCPU: 16.0 PriceDescription: $3.840 per RDS db.r4.4xlarge Multi-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running MariaDB TermType: OnDemand Product Family: Database Instance Database Engine: MariaDB Instance Type: db.r4.4xlarge Region Code: us-west-2 | $3.84 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | TermType: OnDemand Memory: 64 GiB Database Engine: Aurora PostgreSQL PriceDescription: $ 1.622 per RDS db.r6gd.2xlarge I/O Optimized Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running Aurora PostgreSQL Product Family: Database Instance Location: US West (Oregon) License Model: No license required Unit: Hrs serviceCode: AmazonRDS vCPU: 8.0 Location Type: AWS Region Deployment Option: Single-AZ Region Code: us-west-2 Instance Type: db.r6gd.2xlarge | $1.622 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 1 year Reserved price | PurchaseOption: No Upfront LeaseContractLength: 1yr Region Code: us-west-2 Location Type: AWS Region License Model: No license required Deployment Option: Single-AZ serviceCode: AmazonRDS vCPU: 64.0 Database Engine: MariaDB TermType: Reserved PriceDescription: MariaDB, db.r6g.16xl reserved instance applied Memory: 512 GiB Location: US West (Oregon) Product Family: Database Instance Unit: Hrs Instance Type: db.r6g.16xlarge | $3.9695 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | vCPU: 64.0 Instance Type: db.r6g.16xlarge Product Family: Database Instance Memory: 512 GiB Database Engine: MariaDB PriceDescription: $ 6.874 per RDS db.r6g.16xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running MariaDB TermType: OnDemand Region Code: us-west-2 Deployment Option: Single-AZ Unit: Hrs Location: US West (Oregon) Location Type: AWS Region License Model: No license required serviceCode: AmazonRDS | $6.874 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Location Type: AWS Outposts Deployment Option: Single-AZ serviceCode: AmazonRDS Instance Type: db.m5.large TermType: OnDemand License Model: No license required vCPU: 2.0 Region Code: us-west-2 Product Family: Database Instance Memory: 8 GiB Database Engine: PostgreSQL (on-premise for Outpost) PriceDescription: USD 0.082 per db.m5.large Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running PostgreSQL on Outposts Location: US West (Oregon) Unit: Hrs | $0.082 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 1 year Reserved price | Database Engine: Oracle Memory: 64 GiB LeaseContractLength: 1yr Location: US West (Oregon) Instance Type: db.m5.4xlarge serviceCode: AmazonRDS Database Edition: Standard Two PriceDescription: Oracle SE2 (License Included), db.m5.4xl reserved instance applied License Model: License included Deployment Option: Single-AZ Location Type: AWS Region Region Code: us-west-2 vCPU: 16.0 Unit: Hrs TermType: Reserved Product Family: Database Instance PurchaseOption: No Upfront | $2.2075 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Database Edition: Standard Two Database Engine: Oracle TermType: OnDemand Instance Type: db.m5.4xlarge PriceDescription: $3.504 per RDS db.m5.4xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running Oracle SE2 (LI) Product Family: Database Instance License Model: License included Location Type: AWS Region Region Code: us-west-2 Memory: 64 GiB serviceCode: AmazonRDS Unit: Hrs Location: US West (Oregon) vCPU: 16.0 Deployment Option: Single-AZ | $3.504 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Memory: 512 GiB Instance Type: db.r5b.16xlarge Deployment Option: Multi-AZ vCPU: 64.0 PriceDescription: USD 26.752 per db.r5b.16xl Multi-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running SQL Server EE (BYOM) Region Code: us-west-2 Product Family: Database Instance serviceCode: AmazonRDS Location: US West (Oregon) Database Edition: Enterprise Database Engine: SQL Server Location Type: AWS Region Unit: Hrs TermType: OnDemand | $26.752 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 1 year Reserved price | Product Family: Database Instance Location: US West (Oregon) Unit: Hrs Deployment Option: Single-AZ License Model: Bring your own license PurchaseOption: No Upfront PriceDescription: Oracle SE2 (BYOL), db.r5.4xl.tpc2.mem4x reserved instance applied serviceCode: AmazonRDS TermType: Reserved Database Edition: Standard Two Instance Type: db.r5.4xlarge.tpc2.mem4x Region Code: us-west-2 vCPU: 16.0 LeaseContractLength: 1yr Location Type: AWS Region Memory: 512 GiB Database Engine: Oracle | $4.3129 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Database Edition: Standard Two License Model: Bring your own license vCPU: 16.0 PriceDescription: USD 7.456 per db.r5.4xlarge.tpc2.mem4x Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running Oracle SE2 (BYOL) Deployment Option: Single-AZ Unit: Hrs Region Code: us-west-2 Database Engine: Oracle Location: US West (Oregon) TermType: OnDemand Memory: 512 GiB serviceCode: AmazonRDS Instance Type: db.r5.4xlarge.tpc2.mem4x Location Type: AWS Region Product Family: Database Instance | $7.456 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Database Edition: Developer serviceCode: AmazonRDS Unit: Hrs Location Type: AWS Region Region Code: us-west-2 Database Engine: SQL Server PriceDescription: $2.976 per db.r5.2xlarge Multi-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running SQL Server DE (customer-provided media) Location: US West (Oregon) Deployment Option: Multi-AZ Product Family: Database Instance TermType: OnDemand Instance Type: db.r5.2xlarge vCPU: 8.0 Memory: 64 GiB | $2.976 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Database Edition: Standard Two PriceDescription: USD 0.095 per GB-Month of snapshot storage Region Code: us-west-2 Deployment Option: Single-AZ Location: US West (Oregon) Database Engine: Oracle serviceCode: AmazonRDS TermType: OnDemand Product Family: Storage Snapshot Unit: GB-Mo Location Type: AWS Region | $0.095 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Location Type: AWS Outposts Deployment Option: Multi-AZ Region Code: us-west-2 Location: US West (Oregon) serviceCode: AmazonRDS License Model: No license required Product Family: Database Instance Memory: 16 GiB Instance Type: db.r5.large Database Engine: MySQL (on-premise for Outpost) PriceDescription: USD 0.228 per db.r5.large Multi-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running MySQL (on-premise for Outpost) TermType: OnDemand Unit: Hrs vCPU: 2.0 | $0.228 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | vCPU: 32.0 Instance Type: db.m5.8xlarge Product Family: Database Instance Location: US West (Oregon) serviceCode: AmazonRDS Region Code: us-west-2 TermType: OnDemand Database Edition: Standard Database Engine: SQL Server (on-premise for Outpost) Deployment Option: Single-AZ Unit: Hrs Memory: 128 GiB License Model: License included PriceDescription: $8.558 per RDS db.m5.8xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running SQL Server (on-premise for Outpost) Location Type: AWS Outposts | $8.558 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 1 year Reserved price | Region Code: us-west-2 Database Engine: Aurora MySQL Deployment Option: Single-AZ Memory: 512 GiB vCPU: 64.0 Product Family: Database Instance Unit: Hrs serviceCode: AmazonRDS PriceDescription: Aurora MySQL, db.r6i.16xl reserved instance applied Location Type: AWS Region Location: US West (Oregon) LeaseContractLength: 1yr License Model: No license required Instance Type: db.r6i.16xlarge PurchaseOption: No Upfront TermType: Reserved | $6.08 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Deployment Option: Single-AZ Memory: 512 GiB Location Type: AWS Region vCPU: 64.0 Location: US West (Oregon) Product Family: Database Instance serviceCode: AmazonRDS Instance Type: db.r6i.16xlarge PriceDescription: $9.28 per RDS db.r6i.16xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running Aurora MySQL Unit: Hrs TermType: OnDemand License Model: No license required Database Engine: Aurora MySQL Region Code: us-west-2 | $9.28 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 1 year Reserved price | Location Type: AWS Region Database Engine: MySQL Memory: 32 GiB License Model: No license required serviceCode: AmazonRDS LeaseContractLength: 1yr Deployment Option: Single-AZ Instance Type: db.m5.2xlarge PurchaseOption: No Upfront TermType: Reserved vCPU: 8.0 Unit: Hrs PriceDescription: MySQL, db.m5.2xl reserved instance applied Region Code: us-west-2 Product Family: Database Instance Location: US West (Oregon) | $0.4381 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Deployment Option: Single-AZ Location Type: AWS Region License Model: No license required Memory: 32 GiB Unit: Hrs Region Code: us-west-2 Instance Type: db.m5.2xlarge serviceCode: AmazonRDS Database Engine: MySQL Product Family: Database Instance Location: US West (Oregon) vCPU: 8.0 PriceDescription: $0.684 per RDS db.m5.2xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running MySQL TermType: OnDemand | $0.684 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 1 year Reserved price | Database Engine: Oracle Product Family: Database Instance serviceCode: AmazonRDS Instance Type: db.r5b.24xlarge Region Code: us-west-2 Unit: Hrs Deployment Option: Single-AZ PurchaseOption: No Upfront License Model: Bring your own license LeaseContractLength: 1yr Location Type: AWS Region PriceDescription: Oracle EE (BYOL), db.r5b.24xl reserved instance applied Database Edition: Enterprise TermType: Reserved Memory: 768 GiB Location: US West (Oregon) vCPU: 96.0 | $8.3357 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Location: US West (Oregon) Deployment Option: Single-AZ Product Family: Database Instance serviceCode: AmazonRDS Database Engine: Oracle vCPU: 96.0 Memory: 768 GiB License Model: Bring your own license Database Edition: Enterprise PriceDescription: USD 13.231 per db.r5b.24xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running Oracle EE (BYOL) Instance Type: db.r5b.24xlarge Location Type: AWS Region Unit: Hrs Region Code: us-west-2 TermType: OnDemand | $13.231 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Location Type: AWS Region Database Engine: PostgreSQL Deployment Option: Multi-AZ (readable standbys) serviceCode: AmazonRDS Location: US West (Oregon) Product Family: Database Storage PriceDescription: $0.375 per GB-Month of provisioned io2 storage for Multi-AZ (readable standbys) deployments running PostgreSQL TermType: OnDemand Region Code: us-west-2 Unit: GB-Mo | $0.375 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Deployment Option: Multi-AZ Database Engine: MySQL vCPU: 8.0 Memory: 64 GiB License Model: No license required Location Type: AWS Region Unit: Hrs Region Code: us-west-2 Location: US West (Oregon) Instance Type: db.r6idn.2xlarge Product Family: Database Instance PriceDescription: $ 3.101 per RDS db.r6idn.2xlarge Multi-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running MySQL serviceCode: AmazonRDS TermType: OnDemand | $3.101 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | serviceCode: AmazonRDS TermType: OnDemand Database Edition: Standard Unit: GB-Mo Product Family: Database Storage Region Code: us-west-2 Deployment Option: Multi-AZ Location: US West (Oregon) Location Type: AWS Region Database Engine: Oracle PriceDescription: $0.23 per GB-month of provisioned GP3 storage for Multi-AZ deployments running Oracle | $0.23 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 1 year Reserved price | Location: US West (Oregon) vCPU: 8.0 Instance Type: db.r6i.2xlarge LeaseContractLength: 1yr Unit: Hrs Product Family: Database Instance PriceDescription: RDS Custom SQL Server SE (LI), db.r6i.2xl reserved instance applied Region Code: us-west-2 Location Type: AWS Region Deployment Option: Single-AZ TermType: Reserved PurchaseOption: No Upfront Memory: 64 GiB Database Engine: SQL Server Database Edition: Standard serviceCode: AmazonRDS | $2.8272 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Location Type: AWS Region Database Engine: SQL Server Deployment Option: Single-AZ Region Code: us-west-2 TermType: OnDemand serviceCode: AmazonRDS Memory: 64 GiB Product Family: Database Instance Database Edition: Standard PriceDescription: $3.04 per db.r6i.2xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running SQL Server SE (AWS-provided media) Unit: Hrs Location: US West (Oregon) vCPU: 8.0 Instance Type: db.r6i.2xlarge | $3.04 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Memory: 64 GiB vCPU: 8.0 Unit: Hrs License Model: No license required Location Type: AWS Region Location: US West (Oregon) Database Engine: MariaDB serviceCode: AmazonRDS Instance Type: db.r6idn.2xlarge Region Code: us-west-2 TermType: OnDemand Deployment Option: Single-AZ PriceDescription: $ 1.551 per RDS db.r6idn.2xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running MariaDB Product Family: Database Instance | $1.551 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | PriceDescription: USD 30.920 per db.r5b.12xl Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running SQL Server EE (AWS-provided media) vCPU: 48.0 Database Edition: Enterprise Database Engine: SQL Server TermType: OnDemand Memory: 384 GiB Location: US West (Oregon) Instance Type: db.r5b.12xlarge serviceCode: AmazonRDS Product Family: Database Instance Location Type: AWS Region Region Code: us-west-2 Unit: Hrs Deployment Option: Single-AZ | $30.92 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Database Engine: MariaDB Unit: Hrs Memory: 512 GiB Location Type: AWS Region Location: US West (Oregon) vCPU: 64.0 Region Code: us-west-2 License Model: No license required Instance Type: db.r6in.16xlarge Deployment Option: Single-AZ TermType: OnDemand PriceDescription: $ 11.069 per RDS db.r6in.16xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running MariaDB Product Family: Database Instance serviceCode: AmazonRDS | $11.069 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Product Family: Database Instance Region Code: us-west-2 Unit: Hrs TermType: OnDemand vCPU: 96.0 PriceDescription: USD 68.8512 per db.m5.24xlarge Multi-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running SQL Server SE (LI) Instance Type: db.m5.24xlarge Location Type: AWS Region Location: US West (Oregon) Deployment Option: Multi-AZ serviceCode: AmazonRDS Database Edition: Standard Database Engine: SQL Server Memory: 384 GiB | $68.8512 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 1 year Reserved price | Location: US West (Oregon) Deployment Option: Single-AZ serviceCode: AmazonRDS vCPU: 32.0 Database Edition: Enterprise Database Engine: Oracle PurchaseOption: No Upfront TermType: Reserved LeaseContractLength: 1yr Memory: 1024 GiB PriceDescription: Oracle EE (BYOL), db.x2iedn.8xl reserved instance applied Region Code: us-west-2 License Model: Bring your own license Unit: Hrs Instance Type: db.x2iedn.8xlarge Product Family: Database Instance Location Type: AWS Region | $13.547 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Deployment Option: Single-AZ Database Engine: Oracle Memory: 1024 GiB Product Family: Database Instance vCPU: 32.0 Location: US West (Oregon) Database Edition: Enterprise Unit: Hrs Instance Type: db.x2iedn.8xlarge License Model: Bring your own license Region Code: us-west-2 serviceCode: AmazonRDS TermType: OnDemand Location Type: AWS Region PriceDescription: $ 18.815 per RDS db.x2iedn.8xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running Oracle EE (BYOL) | $18.815 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 1 year Reserved price | serviceCode: AmazonRDS TermType: Reserved Database Engine: PostgreSQL Location: US West (Oregon) Location Type: AWS Region Memory: 16 GiB PriceDescription: PostgreSQL, db.m7g.xl reserved instance applied License Model: No license required Deployment Option: Single-AZ vCPU: 4.0 Instance Type: db.m7g.xlarge Unit: Hrs LeaseContractLength: 1yr Product Family: Database Instance PurchaseOption: No Upfront Region Code: us-west-2 | $0.2595 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Deployment Option: Single-AZ Product Family: Database Instance TermType: OnDemand Instance Type: db.m7g.xlarge PriceDescription: $ 0.337 per RDS db.m7g.xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running PostgreSQL vCPU: 4.0 License Model: No license required Memory: 16 GiB Unit: Hrs Location: US West (Oregon) Database Engine: PostgreSQL Location Type: AWS Region Region Code: us-west-2 serviceCode: AmazonRDS | $0.337 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | PriceDescription: $ 8.098 per RDS db.r6g.12xlarge IO-optimized Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running Aurora PostgreSQL vCPU: 48.0 Deployment Option: Single-AZ Memory: 384 GiB Location Type: AWS Region TermType: OnDemand Database Engine: Aurora PostgreSQL Unit: Hrs Region Code: us-west-2 Instance Type: db.r6g.12xlarge License Model: No license required Location: US West (Oregon) serviceCode: AmazonRDS Product Family: Database Instance | $8.098 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Region Code: us-west-2 Location Type: AWS Region Unit: Hrs Instance Type: db.x2iedn.16xlarge TermType: OnDemand serviceCode: AmazonRDS Deployment Option: Single-AZ Location: US West (Oregon) vCPU: 64.0 Memory: 2048 GiB Database Edition: Enterprise PriceDescription: USD 39.437 per db.x2iedn.16xl Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running SQL Server EE (BYOM) Database Engine: SQL Server Product Family: Database Instance | $39.437 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Location Type: AWS Region Region Code: us-west-2 PriceDescription: USD 0.10 per hour per vCPU running RDS Extended Support for MySQL 5.7 in Year 1, Year 2 Unit: vCPU-hour Location: US West (Oregon) serviceCode: AmazonRDS Database Engine: MySQL TermType: OnDemand | $0.1 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Location Type: AWS Region Database Engine: Oracle TermType: OnDemand PriceDescription: $0.23 per GB-month of provisioned gp2 storage for Multi-AZ deployments running Oracle Region Code: us-west-2 Unit: GB-Mo Location: US West (Oregon) Database Edition: Standard One Deployment Option: Multi-AZ Product Family: Database Storage serviceCode: AmazonRDS | $0.23 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Deployment Option: Single-AZ Product Family: Database Instance Location Type: AWS Region Database Engine: Oracle Instance Type: db.m3.large serviceCode: AmazonRDS TermType: OnDemand Unit: Hrs Region Code: us-west-2 Memory: 7.5 GiB License Model: License included vCPU: 2.0 Database Edition: Standard Two PriceDescription: $0.452 per RDS db.m3.large instance hour (or partial hour) running Oracle SE2 (LI) Location: US West (Oregon) | $0.452 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 1 year Reserved price | Instance Type: db.r6g.4xlarge serviceCode: AmazonRDS Region Code: us-west-2 Deployment Option: Single-AZ PriceDescription: PostgreSQL, db.r6g.4xl reserved instance applied Unit: Hrs Database Engine: PostgreSQL vCPU: 16.0 Product Family: Database Instance Memory: 128 GiB PurchaseOption: No Upfront TermType: Reserved License Model: No license required Location Type: AWS Region LeaseContractLength: 1yr Location: US West (Oregon) | $1.0388 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Deployment Option: Single-AZ serviceCode: AmazonRDS Product Family: Database Instance PriceDescription: $ 1.798 per RDS db.r6g.4xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running PostgreSQL Memory: 128 GiB Location: US West (Oregon) Unit: Hrs vCPU: 16.0 License Model: No license required Region Code: us-west-2 TermType: OnDemand Instance Type: db.r6g.4xlarge Database Engine: PostgreSQL Location Type: AWS Region | $1.798 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Database Engine: MySQL License Model: No license required TermType: OnDemand PriceDescription: $ 18.72 per RDS db.m5d.16xlarge Multi-AZ (two readable standbys) instance hour (or partial hour) running MySQL Product Family: Database Instance Memory: 256 GiB vCPU: 64.0 Unit: Hrs Region Code: us-west-2 serviceCode: AmazonRDS Location Type: AWS Region Instance Type: db.m5d.16xlarge Location: US West (Oregon) Deployment Option: Multi-AZ (readable standbys) | $18.72 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Deployment Option: Multi-AZ Memory: 2 GiB TermType: OnDemand serviceCode: AmazonRDS Unit: Hrs vCPU: 1.0 Location Type: AWS Region PriceDescription: $0.068 per RDS db.t2.small Multi-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running MariaDB Location: US West (Oregon) Instance Type: db.t2.small License Model: No license required Region Code: us-west-2 Database Engine: MariaDB Product Family: Database Instance | $0.068 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Region Code: us-west-2 Location Type: AWS Region Unit: Hrs Instance Type: db.m6id.16xlarge vCPU: 64.0 TermType: OnDemand Memory: 256 GiB Database Engine: PostgreSQL Product Family: Database Instance License Model: No license required serviceCode: AmazonRDS Location: US West (Oregon) Deployment Option: Multi-AZ PriceDescription: $ 14.349 per RDS db.m6id.16xlarge Multi-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running PostgreSQL | $14.349 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Instance Type: db.r4.16xlarge License Model: No license required Region Code: us-west-2 Location Type: AWS Region Memory: 488 GiB Product Family: Database Instance PriceDescription: $7.680 per RDS db.r4.16xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running MariaDB serviceCode: AmazonRDS TermType: OnDemand Unit: Hrs Database Engine: MariaDB vCPU: 64.0 Deployment Option: Single-AZ Location: US West (Oregon) | $7.68 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 1 year Reserved price | vCPU: 4.0 serviceCode: AmazonRDS Memory: 122 GiB Product Family: Database Instance PurchaseOption: No Upfront Location: US West (Oregon) License Model: Bring your own license Unit: Hrs TermType: Reserved Deployment Option: Single-AZ Location Type: AWS Region LeaseContractLength: 1yr Database Edition: Enterprise Region Code: us-west-2 Instance Type: db.x1e.xlarge Database Engine: Oracle PriceDescription: Oracle EE (BYOL), db.x1e.xlarge reserved instance applied | $0.8688 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | TermType: OnDemand Deployment Option: Single-AZ Location Type: AWS Region License Model: Bring your own license Location: US West (Oregon) Database Edition: Enterprise Region Code: us-west-2 Product Family: Database Instance vCPU: 4.0 Instance Type: db.x1e.xlarge Database Engine: Oracle Unit: Hrs Memory: 122 GiB PriceDescription: $1.4011 per RDS db.x1e.xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running Oracle EE (BYOL) serviceCode: AmazonRDS | $1.4011 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Deployment Option: Multi-AZ Product Family: Database Instance Instance Type: db.m6gd.xlarge Database Engine: MariaDB Location Type: AWS Region Unit: Hrs Region Code: us-west-2 License Model: No license required vCPU: 4.0 PriceDescription: $ 0.747 per RDS db.m6gd.xlarge Multi-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running MariaDB TermType: OnDemand serviceCode: AmazonRDS Memory: 16 GiB Location: US West (Oregon) | $0.747 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Database Engine: SQL Server Product Family: Storage Snapshot Region Code: us-west-2 serviceCode: AmazonRDS Location: US West (Oregon) PriceDescription: $0.095 per additional GB-month of backup storage exceeding free allocation running SQL Server Location Type: AWS Region Deployment Option: Single-AZ TermType: OnDemand Unit: GB-Mo | $0.095 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Memory: 64 GiB Location Type: AWS Region Unit: Hrs License Model: No license required PriceDescription: $ 1.676 per RDS db.m5d.4xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running MariaDB Location: US West (Oregon) vCPU: 16.0 Instance Type: db.m5d.4xlarge Database Engine: MariaDB serviceCode: AmazonRDS Product Family: Database Instance Region Code: us-west-2 TermType: OnDemand Deployment Option: Single-AZ | $1.676 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 1 year Reserved price | Location: US West (Oregon) Instance Type: db.m5.xlarge Region Code: us-west-2 Deployment Option: Single-AZ LeaseContractLength: 1yr TermType: Reserved serviceCode: AmazonRDS Location Type: AWS Region License Model: Bring your own license Unit: Hrs PriceDescription: Oracle EE (BYOL), db.m5.xl reserved instance applied vCPU: 4.0 PurchaseOption: No Upfront Database Engine: Oracle Product Family: Database Instance Database Edition: Enterprise Memory: 16 GiB | $0.1908 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | License Model: Bring your own license Instance Type: db.m5.xlarge Location Type: AWS Region Database Engine: Oracle PriceDescription: $0.342 per RDS db.m5.xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running Oracle EE (BYOL) Unit: Hrs serviceCode: AmazonRDS Memory: 16 GiB TermType: OnDemand vCPU: 4.0 Region Code: us-west-2 Deployment Option: Single-AZ Product Family: Database Instance Location: US West (Oregon) Database Edition: Enterprise | $0.342 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Database Edition: Enterprise serviceCode: AmazonRDS PriceDescription: $0.25 per GB-Month of provisioned io2 storage for Multi-AZ deployments running SQL Server EE Deployment Option: Multi-AZ (SQL Server Mirror) Region Code: us-west-2 Location: US West (Oregon) Location Type: AWS Region Unit: GB-Mo Product Family: Database Storage TermType: OnDemand Database Engine: SQL Server | $0.25 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 1 year Reserved price | License Model: Bring your own license Memory: 64 GiB LeaseContractLength: 1yr Instance Type: db.m5d.4xlarge PriceDescription: Oracle EE (BYOL), db.m5d.4xl reserved instance applied Location: US West (Oregon) PurchaseOption: No Upfront Database Edition: Enterprise Product Family: Database Instance Location Type: AWS Region Region Code: us-west-2 Unit: Hrs Database Engine: Oracle TermType: Reserved vCPU: 16.0 Deployment Option: Multi-AZ serviceCode: AmazonRDS | $2.304 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Unit: Hrs serviceCode: AmazonRDS Location Type: AWS Region vCPU: 16.0 TermType: OnDemand PriceDescription: $ 3.22 per RDS db.m5d.4xlarge Multi-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running Oracle EE (BYOL) License Model: Bring your own license Product Family: Database Instance Location: US West (Oregon) Database Edition: Enterprise Database Engine: Oracle Memory: 64 GiB Deployment Option: Multi-AZ Region Code: us-west-2 Instance Type: db.m5d.4xlarge | $3.22 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | TermType: OnDemand Location Type: AWS Region Database Engine: SQL Server serviceCode: AmazonRDS PriceDescription: $1.5 per vCPU-month for one month retention Product Family: Performance Insights Location: US West (Oregon) Unit: vCPU-Months Region Code: us-west-2 | $1.5 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | License Model: License included PriceDescription: USD 48.8018 per db.x2iedn.8xl Multi-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running SQL Server ENT (LI) Database Engine: SQL Server Location Type: AWS Region Database Edition: Enterprise Unit: Hrs serviceCode: AmazonRDS Deployment Option: Multi-AZ Instance Type: db.x2iedn.8xlarge TermType: OnDemand Region Code: us-west-2 Memory: 1024 GiB vCPU: 32.0 Location: US West (Oregon) Product Family: Database Instance | $48.8018 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 1 year Reserved price | Product Family: Database Instance PriceDescription: MySQL, db.r5b.xl reserved instance applied Database Engine: MySQL Location Type: AWS Region LeaseContractLength: 1yr Unit: Hrs Region Code: us-west-2 vCPU: 4.0 TermType: Reserved Instance Type: db.r5b.xlarge serviceCode: AmazonRDS Memory: 32 GiB Deployment Option: Multi-AZ Location: US West (Oregon) PurchaseOption: No Upfront License Model: No license required | $0.6858 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | TermType: OnDemand serviceCode: AmazonRDS vCPU: 4.0 Region Code: us-west-2 Instance Type: db.r5b.xlarge Deployment Option: Multi-AZ PriceDescription: $ 1.184 per RDS db.r5b.xlarge Multi-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running MySQL License Model: No license required Location: US West (Oregon) Location Type: AWS Region Product Family: Database Instance Memory: 32 GiB Database Engine: MySQL Unit: Hrs | $1.184 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Deployment Option: Single-AZ serviceCode: AmazonRDS Database Engine: SQL Server TermType: OnDemand Location: US West (Oregon) Product Family: Provisioned IOPS Unit: IOPS-Mo PriceDescription: $0.1 per IOPS-Month of provisioned io2 IOPS for Single-AZ deployments running SQL Server Dev Region Code: us-west-2 Location Type: AWS Region Database Edition: Developer | $0.1 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | TermType: OnDemand Deployment Option: Single-AZ Database Edition: Express Location: US West (Oregon) PriceDescription: $0.125 per GB-month of provisioned io1 storage running SQL Server serviceCode: AmazonRDS Product Family: Database Storage Unit: GB-Mo Database Engine: SQL Server Location Type: AWS Region Region Code: us-west-2 | $0.125 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Deployment Option: Multi-AZ (SQL Server Mirror) Location: US West (Oregon) PriceDescription: $0.25 per GB-Month of provisioned io2 storage for Multi-AZ deployments running SQL Server EE TermType: OnDemand Region Code: us-west-2 Location Type: AWS Region Database Engine: SQL Server serviceCode: AmazonRDS Database Edition: Enterprise Unit: GB-Mo Product Family: Database Storage | $0.25 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 1 year Reserved price | Instance Type: db.z1d.6xlarge Region Code: us-west-2 TermType: Reserved LeaseContractLength: 1yr Unit: Hrs PurchaseOption: No Upfront Location Type: AWS Region Database Edition: Enterprise Deployment Option: Single-AZ serviceCode: AmazonRDS Product Family: Database Instance Memory: 192 GiB License Model: Bring your own license PriceDescription: Oracle EE (BYOL), db.z1d.6xl reserved instance applied vCPU: 24.0 Database Engine: Oracle Location: US West (Oregon) | $2.801 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Region Code: us-west-2 Location: US West (Oregon) PriceDescription: USD 4.104 per db.z1d.6xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running Oracle EE (BYOL) Database Edition: Enterprise Memory: 192 GiB vCPU: 24.0 Instance Type: db.z1d.6xlarge License Model: Bring your own license Deployment Option: Single-AZ Location Type: AWS Region Product Family: Database Instance Unit: Hrs serviceCode: AmazonRDS TermType: OnDemand Database Engine: Oracle | $4.104 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | License Model: No license required Database Engine: Aurora MySQL serviceCode: AmazonRDS Location Type: AWS Region Unit: Hrs Memory: 61 GiB Region Code: us-west-2 TermType: OnDemand Instance Type: db.r3.2xlarge PriceDescription: $1.16 per RDS db.r3.2xlarge instance hour (or partial hour) running Amazon Aurora Deployment Option: Single-AZ vCPU: 8.0 Location: US West (Oregon) Product Family: Database Instance | $1.16 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Deployment Option: Single-AZ Region Code: us-west-2 Location Type: AWS Outposts TermType: OnDemand Product Family: Database Instance Memory: 384 GiB License Model: License included Database Engine: SQL Server (on-premise for Outpost) Location: US West (Oregon) PriceDescription: USD 24.768 per db.m5.24xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running SQL Server (for Outpost) SE (LI) serviceCode: AmazonRDS vCPU: 96.0 Database Edition: Standard Instance Type: db.m5.24xlarge Unit: Hrs | $24.768 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 1 year Reserved price | Memory: 32 GiB Product Family: Database Instance Location Type: AWS Region License Model: No license required PurchaseOption: No Upfront Unit: Hrs Instance Type: db.r6i.xlarge Deployment Option: Multi-AZ Region Code: us-west-2 LeaseContractLength: 1yr PriceDescription: MariaDB, db.r6i.xl reserved instance applied Location: US West (Oregon) TermType: Reserved serviceCode: AmazonRDS vCPU: 4.0 Database Engine: MariaDB | $0.5544 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | TermType: OnDemand Product Family: Database Instance PriceDescription: $ 0.96 per RDS db.r6i.xlarge Multi-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running MariaDB serviceCode: AmazonRDS Location Type: AWS Region Instance Type: db.r6i.xlarge Region Code: us-west-2 Memory: 32 GiB Deployment Option: Multi-AZ Location: US West (Oregon) Unit: Hrs License Model: No license required vCPU: 4.0 Database Engine: MariaDB | $0.96 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Product Family: Database Instance Database Engine: SQL Server Location: US West (Oregon) PriceDescription: USD 12.2002 per db.x2iedn.2xl Multi-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running SQL Server EE (AWS-provided media) Deployment Option: Multi-AZ serviceCode: AmazonRDS Database Edition: Enterprise Memory: 256 GiB Unit: Hrs Instance Type: db.x2iedn.2xlarge Location Type: AWS Region vCPU: 8.0 TermType: OnDemand Region Code: us-west-2 | $12.2002 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Database Engine: Oracle Product Family: Database Instance Instance Type: db.x1.16xlarge Unit: Hrs Region Code: us-west-2 Memory: 976 GiB Location Type: AWS Region vCPU: 64.0 TermType: OnDemand PriceDescription: $11.2 per RDS db.x1.16xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running Oracle EE (BYOL) Database Edition: Enterprise serviceCode: AmazonRDS License Model: Bring your own license Deployment Option: Single-AZ Location: US West (Oregon) | $11.2 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | serviceCode: AmazonRDS Region Code: us-west-2 Location Type: AWS Region PriceDescription: $0.02 per IOPS-month of provisioned GP3 IOPS running Oracle Database Edition: Standard Product Family: Provisioned IOPS TermType: OnDemand Location: US West (Oregon) Unit: IOPS-Mo Deployment Option: Single-AZ Database Engine: Oracle | $0.02 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | vCPU: 2.0 License Model: No license required Database Engine: Aurora MySQL TermType: OnDemand serviceCode: AmazonRDS Region Code: us-west-2 Memory: 4 GiB Deployment Option: Single-AZ Location: US West (Oregon) PriceDescription: $ 0.095 per RDS db.t4g.medium IO-optimized Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running Aurora MySQL Product Family: Database Instance Unit: Hrs Location Type: AWS Region Instance Type: db.t4g.medium | $0.095 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Database Edition: Enterprise PriceDescription: $0.25 per GB-Month of provisioned io2 storage for Multi-AZ deployments running Oracle EE serviceCode: AmazonRDS Region Code: us-west-2 Unit: GB-Mo TermType: OnDemand Database Engine: Oracle Deployment Option: Multi-AZ Location Type: AWS Region Location: US West (Oregon) Product Family: Database Storage | $0.25 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | TermType: OnDemand Deployment Option: Single-AZ Product Family: Database Instance Location Type: AWS Region Location: US West (Oregon) Unit: Hrs vCPU: 64.0 License Model: No license required Region Code: us-west-2 PriceDescription: $ 8.229 per RDS db.r6gd.16xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running MariaDB serviceCode: AmazonRDS Memory: 512 GiB Instance Type: db.r6gd.16xlarge Database Engine: MariaDB | $8.229 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Region Code: us-west-2 serviceCode: AmazonRDS Location Type: AWS Region Deployment Option: Multi-AZ Product Family: Provisioned Throughput Database Engine: Oracle TermType: OnDemand Unit: MBPS-Mo PriceDescription: $0.16 per MiBps-month of provisioned GP3 Storage throughput for Multi-AZ deployments running Oracle Location: US West (Oregon) | $0.16 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Location Type: AWS Region License Model: No license required Memory: 1 GiB TermType: OnDemand Instance Type: db.t2.micro Region Code: us-west-2 vCPU: 1.0 Deployment Option: Single-AZ Unit: Hrs Location: US West (Oregon) PriceDescription: $0.017 per RDS db.t2.micro instance hour (or partial hour) running MySQL serviceCode: AmazonRDS Product Family: Database Instance Database Engine: MySQL | $0.017 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 1 year Reserved price | License Model: License included Memory: 128 GiB LeaseContractLength: 1yr Unit: Hrs PriceDescription: Oracle SE2 (License Included), db.r5.4xl reserved instance applied PurchaseOption: No Upfront Instance Type: db.r5.4xlarge vCPU: 16.0 Deployment Option: Multi-AZ Region Code: us-west-2 Product Family: Database Instance Database Edition: Standard Two Location: US West (Oregon) Database Engine: Oracle TermType: Reserved Location Type: AWS Region serviceCode: AmazonRDS | $4.8562 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | PriceDescription: USD 7.712 per db.r5.4xlarge Multi-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running Oracle SE2 (LI) vCPU: 16.0 Deployment Option: Multi-AZ serviceCode: AmazonRDS Memory: 128 GiB Unit: Hrs TermType: OnDemand Location: US West (Oregon) Region Code: us-west-2 License Model: License included Instance Type: db.r5.4xlarge Location Type: AWS Region Database Edition: Standard Two Database Engine: Oracle Product Family: Database Instance | $7.712 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Location: US West (Oregon) Memory: 15 GiB Region Code: us-west-2 Product Family: Database Instance vCPU: 4.0 Unit: Hrs Deployment Option: Multi-AZ PriceDescription: $0.74 per RDS db.m3.xlarge Multi-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running MariaDB Instance Type: db.m3.xlarge Location Type: AWS Region serviceCode: AmazonRDS TermType: OnDemand License Model: No license required Database Engine: MariaDB | $0.74 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Region Code: us-west-2 Unit: Hrs License Model: No license required Location Type: AWS Region Database Engine: Aurora PostgreSQL vCPU: 4.0 Product Family: Database Instance Instance Type: db.x2g.xlarge PriceDescription: $ 0.98 per RDS db.x2g.xlarge IO-optimized Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running Aurora PostgreSQL Memory: 64 GiB Location: US West (Oregon) TermType: OnDemand serviceCode: AmazonRDS Deployment Option: Single-AZ | $0.98 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Region Code: us-west-2 Location: US West (Oregon) vCPU: 2.0 Deployment Option: Single-AZ License Model: No license required Memory: 8 GiB serviceCode: AmazonRDS Product Family: Database Instance TermType: OnDemand Database Engine: MariaDB PriceDescription: $0.136 per RDS db.t2.large instance hour (or partial hour) running MariaDB Location Type: AWS Region Instance Type: db.t2.large Unit: Hrs | $0.136 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Region Code: us-west-2 Product Family: Database Instance vCPU: 2.0 Database Engine: SQL Server (on-premise for Outpost) Deployment Option: Single-AZ Location Type: AWS Outposts Location: US West (Oregon) TermType: OnDemand Database Edition: Web serviceCode: AmazonRDS License Model: License included PriceDescription: USD 0.334 per db.r5.large Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running SQL Server (for Outpost) Web (LI) Memory: 16 GiB Unit: Hrs Instance Type: db.r5.large | $0.334 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 1 year Reserved price | Product Family: Database Instance LeaseContractLength: 1yr Deployment Option: Multi-AZ Memory: 192 GiB vCPU: 48.0 PriceDescription: PostgreSQL, db.m6gd.12xl reserved instance applied Region Code: us-west-2 PurchaseOption: No Upfront License Model: No license required Unit: Hrs Database Engine: PostgreSQL Instance Type: db.m6gd.12xlarge TermType: Reserved Location Type: AWS Region serviceCode: AmazonRDS Location: US West (Oregon) | $6.8993 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Unit: Hrs PriceDescription: $ 8.96 per RDS db.m6gd.12xlarge Multi-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running PostgreSQL Instance Type: db.m6gd.12xlarge Database Engine: PostgreSQL Deployment Option: Multi-AZ vCPU: 48.0 serviceCode: AmazonRDS Product Family: Database Instance Location: US West (Oregon) Memory: 192 GiB License Model: No license required Location Type: AWS Region TermType: OnDemand Region Code: us-west-2 | $8.96 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 OnDemand price | Product Family: System Operation PriceDescription: $0.00 per 1 million I/O requests (Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database Preview) Region Code: us-west-2 Database Engine: Aurora PostgreSQL Unit: IOs Location Type: AWS Region TermType: OnDemand serviceCode: AmazonRDS Location: US West (Oregon) | $0.0 |
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2 1 year Reserved price | Product Family: Database Instance License Model: Bring your own license Location Type: AWS Region Database Engine: Oracle serviceCode: AmazonRDS Deployment Option: Single-AZ vCPU: 16.0 Region Code: us-west-2 Location: US West (Oregon) PurchaseOption: No Upfront PriceDescription: Oracle SE2 (BYOL), db.m5.4xl reserved instance applied Instance Type: db.m5.4xlarge LeaseContractLength: 1yr Unit: Hrs Database Edition: Standard Two Memory: 64 GiB TermType: Reserved | $0.7632 |