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Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2-lax-1 OnDemand price
Product Family: Database Instance License Model: No license required Unit: Hrs PriceDescription: USD 3.2832 per db.m5.8xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running MySQL vCPU: 32.0 Deployment Option: Single-AZ Memory: 128 GiB Location: US West (Los Angeles) serviceCode: AmazonRDS Instance Type: db.m5.8xlarge Region Code: us-west-2-lax-1 Database Engine: MySQL TermType: OnDemand Location Type: AWS Region
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2-lax-1 OnDemand price
Unit: GB-Mo Location Type: AWS Region Database Engine: SQL Server Deployment Option: Multi-AZ (SQL Server Mirror) Database Edition: Enterprise PriceDescription: $0.3 per GB-month of provisioned io1 storage for Multi-AZ (SQL Server Mirror) deployments running SQL Server Location: US West (Los Angeles) TermType: OnDemand Product Family: Database Storage Region Code: us-west-2-lax-1 serviceCode: AmazonRDS
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2-lax-1 OnDemand price
Database Engine: SQL Server TermType: OnDemand Memory: 128 GiB Product Family: Database Instance Region Code: us-west-2-lax-1 vCPU: 16.0 Location Type: AWS Region Deployment Option: Single-AZ License Model: License included Location: US West (Los Angeles) Database Edition: Standard Instance Type: db.r5.4xlarge Unit: Hrs serviceCode: AmazonRDS PriceDescription: USD 7.296 per db.r5.4xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running SQL Server SE LI
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2-lax-1 OnDemand price
Region Code: us-west-2-lax-1 TermType: OnDemand serviceCode: AmazonRDS Location: US West (Los Angeles) Database Edition: Standard Two PriceDescription: $0.138 per GB-month of provisioned gp2 storage running Oracle Unit: GB-Mo Location Type: AWS Region Database Engine: Oracle Product Family: Database Storage Deployment Option: Single-AZ
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2-lax-1 OnDemand price
Unit: IOPS-Mo Database Engine: Any Deployment Option: Multi-AZ (SQL Server Mirror) Location: US West (Los Angeles) Location Type: AWS Region Region Code: us-west-2-lax-1 TermType: OnDemand PriceDescription: $0.24 per IOPS-Month of Multi-AZ Provisioned IOPS Product Family: Provisioned IOPS serviceCode: AmazonRDS
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2-lax-1 OnDemand price
TermType: OnDemand Database Engine: PostgreSQL Memory: 256 GiB vCPU: 32.0 Region Code: us-west-2-lax-1 serviceCode: AmazonRDS Location Type: AWS Region Product Family: Database Instance PriceDescription: USD 4.8 per db.r5.8xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running PostgreSQL License Model: No license required Unit: Hrs Instance Type: db.r5.8xlarge Deployment Option: Single-AZ Location: US West (Los Angeles)
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2-lax-1 OnDemand price
PriceDescription: $0.12 per IOPS-month of provisioned io1 IOPS running SQL Server Region Code: us-west-2-lax-1 Location: US West (Los Angeles) Database Engine: SQL Server Database Edition: Standard Product Family: Provisioned IOPS Location Type: AWS Region Unit: IOPS-Mo Deployment Option: Single-AZ serviceCode: AmazonRDS TermType: OnDemand
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2-lax-1 OnDemand price
Region Code: us-west-2-lax-1 Database Engine: MySQL Instance Type: db.r5.large Location: US West (Los Angeles) PriceDescription: USD 0.288 per db.r5.large Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running MySQL serviceCode: AmazonRDS Deployment Option: Single-AZ Location Type: AWS Region TermType: OnDemand Product Family: Database Instance Memory: 16 GiB vCPU: 2.0 Unit: Hrs License Model: No license required
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2-lax-1 OnDemand price
Unit: GB-Mo PriceDescription: $0.138 per GB-month of provisioned gp2 storage running SQL Server Location: US West (Los Angeles) Database Engine: SQL Server serviceCode: AmazonRDS Deployment Option: Single-AZ Location Type: AWS Region Product Family: Database Storage TermType: OnDemand Database Edition: Standard Region Code: us-west-2-lax-1
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2-lax-1 OnDemand price
Location Type: AWS Region Database Engine: Oracle Deployment Option: Multi-AZ TermType: OnDemand PriceDescription: $0.24 per IOPS-month of provisioned io1 IOPS for Multi-AZ deployments running Oracle Location: US West (Los Angeles) Product Family: Provisioned IOPS Region Code: us-west-2-lax-1 serviceCode: AmazonRDS Database Edition: Standard One Unit: IOPS-Mo
Provide AWS cloud RDS service us-west-2-lax-1 OnDemand price
Region Code: us-west-2-lax-1 serviceCode: AmazonRDS TermType: OnDemand Product Family: Database Storage Location: US West (Los Angeles) Deployment Option: Multi-AZ Location Type: AWS Region Unit: GB-Mo PriceDescription: $0.3 per GB-month of provisioned io1 storage for Multi-AZ deployments running MySQL Database Engine: MySQL