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confirm the man! the left wing activist is a liar who's story changes! no hard evidence! christine blase y ford innocent until proven guilty! confirm kavanaugh maga @user weak rinos republicans | OFF |
@user reagan also signed the first gun control bill as governor of ca | NOT |
@user awe hogwash do we really need you to overstate the obvious? | NOT |
30+ years as a judge...6 extensive backgrounds...not a to trump...boom... do conservatives only rape liberals??? url | NOT |
i'm assuming i'm not going to get an answer': brainless liberal stooge ocasio-cortez .@user on $40t policy plan url wake up america this is not america's future vote republican or surrender america to these dem morons @user maga | OFF |
"(1) this man seriously needs mental health treatment and should have his firearms confiscated until he is no longer a danger to himself or others. (2) i'm waiting for gun control advocates to add this to their list of school shootings."" (3) who buys .22 caliber handguns? why? url" | NOT |
@user @user leftists showing yet again how vile they can be | OFF |
@user he is a drunk crazy man. | OFF |
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user honored to be included with all these fine patriots ! thank you rena ! maga united states grinning face two hearts united states dean ! @user url | NOT |
@user please shut up ontario is seeing what conservatives stand for @user is not helping you loose this province your never going anywhere.. not they you will any way your completely out of tune with canadian mr. harper oops i mean mr. scheer common mistake you so much alike. | NOT |
@user you are not alone. i was sexually assaulted by a fellow law student in 1978. i never reported it because i didn't think i would be believed. however something happened that made me realize i wasn't his only victim. then i felt i'd made a colossal mistake. | NOT |
@user but liberals do. | NOT |
@user another terrorist attack not reported by msm | NOT |
@user dont know who you are so imma just url | NOT |
@user all that money hadn't made u smarter. | OFF |
@user yes!! he is from gilmer!! it makes me laugh so much! | NOT |
@user u both r my lifeline red heart folded hands face with tears of joy @user | NOT |
@user always thought h ford was a level headed guy! guess not! note to ford: climate change is summer-fall- winter-spring!! happens every year! get over it! | NOT |
@user yeah we need some more made up bullshit protestors and antifa lol time for an epic beatdown winking face | OFF |
@user @user unfortunately you're right. keep it real. she is the assault weapon! | NOT |
@user she is real rocky fire fire fire oh my god !! | NOT |
@user thank you to everyone for making this possible you are amazing and so are the beautiful bears. i'm a member of olivers army and i appreciate everything you do to make lives better. | NOT |
@user “yeah we got everything sorted that needed to be sorted” she is still only taking small sips of her wine unusual for emily but she guessed jj wouldn’t profile her | NOT |
@user by the way why don’t you move to haiti ? you liberals seem to make shit holes out of large cities. so go somewhere where it’s already a shit hole so you don’t have to do any work ! | OFF |
@user yes she is | NOT |
@user @user @user he tried this before and it went nowhere. he's 100% pro gun control. done. | NOT |
@user @user @user @user @user he could have killed as many with a hunting rifle with the time and vantage he had. he had close to an hour before police entered his room. his actual shooting was over 10 min. making this about gun control is just going to get more people killed. we need to be smarter. | NOT |
"@user @user aha yes, i see that. the individual sense of needing to belong to a winning team"" because of the constant conditioning of self-devaluation. i see a strong sense of this on the q side but on the left / hillary / antifa side as well regardless if they think they're winning or not.""" | NOT |
@user @user oh no i know why that i just don't know what she is talking about because i don't see a tweet she is repling too lol | NOT |
@user and here we have another demonstration that gun free zones don’t work. brought to you by a liberal who more than likely supports stricter gun control. | NOT |
shouldn't pussy grabbing @user be the one wearing the gloves while handling food? maga url | OFF |
@user you have no plan for the environment. even conservatives should be able to understand that you have to be able to live on the planet to make money there. | NOT |
@user @user this is what happens when you tell white liberals that they don't get to congratulate themselves on how woke they are until they put their money where their mouth is. that simple fact of life breaks their brains. | NOT |
"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user antifa doesn't beat facsists to try to get them to change their mind - they know it's a lost cause to try to change a fascist's mind. they do it to scare them into hiding, to demoralize them, and to stop the spread of their hateful ideology. there is no forcing views on others"".""" | OFF |
@user @user soros is at the root of everything and anything anti american. he has his money in hollywood all the way to islam and antifa to illegals . url | NOT |
fire morning joe he is cut from the same cloth as all other conservatives. his misogyny and bigotry are always on display. he is responsible for trump. url | OFF |
@user @user truly has got to be the most idiotic thing i've ever seen. | OFF |
@user @user brigitte gabriel has experienced a life that most would have nightmares from. she is sounding the alarm for americans. buy her book pay attention to what she is warning america about | NOT |
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user it does work. if you want to control a population. australian gun control had no effect on homicides. | OFF |
@user @user poor baby. | NOT |
@user @user @user @user antifa = democrats = dixiecrats = kkk url url | NOT |
@user @user liberals ruin everything! | OFF |
"@user @user @user and don't forget his telling a primarily black liberal audience conservatives want to put them back in chains""""" | NOT |
@user sad for both!!! to be exploited and also to have a reputation destroyed! now i’ve read she’s part of antifa! ????! | NOT |
@user that's what happens when you let a liberal get a hold of a gun. that would be a good place to start gun control. ban liberals from getting guns. | OFF |
@user @user you look happy .maga | OFF |
@user @user @user trump proposes racial profiling as a tactic 'to start thinking about' url | NOT |
@user introducing my sweet sweet baby king! he is always sooo nice! and when i try to sit on the sofa he never attacks me! url | NOT |
@user @user @user there all gone tho and inputed them from bottom to top with the first 20seconds of your tweet ! you good 1 tmart thumbs up light skin tone | NOT |
"@user @user exactly. he is on record basically saying the president is above the law."" it should be noted that the gop is fine with this. rudy has his own issues. url" | NOT |
kamala harris the new dem emperor with no clothes taxpayers funded ‘unprecedented’ armed protection for gun control sen. kamala harris url via @user | NOT |
@user yet she is fat herself. | OFF |
@user @user there was plenty of evidence that he was guilty of what hill accused him of but since conf hearings aren't about guilty / innocence got on the bench. times are diff now. why as a journalist you don't call out white supremacy / alt-right but antifa and pick on @user | NOT |
@user @user you don’t understand who he is and is capablities. despite the proof in the economy. my hypothesis is that you have been lied to by liberals your entire life and are believing what you are told. the liberal media made bill clinton look good and could do the same with trump. | NOT |
..oath must be subpoenaed to testify. there is a lifetime appointment at stake here. please do it right this time & do not allow orrin hatch who has already made up his mind she is lying be allowed to question her. his kind of questions could invite a lawsuit. | NOT |
@user @user y’all are the best | NOT |
@user @user @user what a joke! she is a gem alright!! she is a racist phony! right along with this racist phony. that thinks she will follow me from her second account. and block me. because i speak the truth. i could care less about follower's. like it's a big party. i care that they discriminate url | OFF |
@user indeed he is. | NOT |
@user @user @user because i'm a little concerned about the q followers because they slowly become more and more a sort of right wing sjw antifa thingie (also excuse me for my horrible english it's not my native languase and didn't had much schooling in it so i'm sorry if it sucks. grinning face with sweat ) | NOT |
@user yep antifa are literally hitler. | NOT |
@user wow you are so hot smiling face with heart-eyes smiling face with heart-eyes smiling face with heart-eyes smiling face with heart-eyes kissing face kissing face kissing face kissing face kissing face | NOT |
@user she is the most deserving woman to be happy !! | NOT |
@user @user @user @user i've noticed a lot of conservatives are thoroughly disingenuous when engaging in twitter. | NOT |
@user @user @user may be you have forgotten that at the moment we are eu citizens and so all rights afforded to us are the same as for other eu citizens. don’t believe all the shit that goes on in your head. | OFF |
@user @user that's just modelling. plenty of women make shit tons of money just for looking good | NOT |
just watching a horizon show about scientists that discovered a dna mix between humans and neanderthals.would have thought trump getting elected would have been proof enough. maga | NOT |
@user @user i hope there is a way to watch it on tv. ted spanking liberals is always enjoyable. | NOT |
@user @user just looked up his work history he is listed on the board of leading age services aust (lasa) and comes from medicare local alliance...what ever the hell that is | OFF |
@user he should look in a mirror! | NOT |
@user i’m sure he is. purple heart | NOT |
@user @user send him this @user party manifesto where they promised they will help families maybe that will remind him his duties. hostile environment price on love skype families @user @user @user url | NOT |
"@user @user @user @user families being separated at the border. in fact, the picture of children in cages that liberals were using to show how evil"" trump is was actually taken while obama was president""" | NOT |
@user @user but antifa is her people | NOT |
@user @user we had a peoples vote on 23 june 2016. the people rejected the craven @user worship which you stand for - by a majority of over 1m. you’re contemptuously defying the will of the people & @user 2017 ge manifesto & supporting soros in undermining democracy instead | NOT |
@user cause who bitches be playing with loudly crying face loudly crying face loudly crying face loudly crying face god aint give me the gift for nothing | OFF |
@user she is free as a bird to return to her muslim homeland | NOT |
*mom speaks into her phone to compose a text for my brother* she is angry so she yells at the phone while telling it what to type like my brother will be able to tell she was even yelling woman facepalming light skin tone | NOT |
@user @user melting snow flakes | NOT |
@user who’s the victim? that remains to be seen. liberals have turned kavanaughs hearings into a circus from the first minute it started. | NOT |
@user coming from the man that threatened to try and kick turmps ass now don't that take a set of ball's | OFF |
@user @user you're shocked to hear that liberals want to centralize power at the federal level? | NOT |
@user @user he is best of the best! smiling face with heart-eyes smiling face with heart-eyes | NOT |
what i learned today liberals can’t win without lying | NOT |
@user fast and furious holder lol | NOT |
@user getting scared ugly man? | OFF |
@user is one of the only shows that are a progressive that i can stand to watch. he dislikes the right and left evenly and you know who he is right from the start. if you've never seen his show check it out on youtube. insightful red heart united states maga | NOT |
@user he is not supreme court worthy | NOT |
@user god i hope not! url | NOT |
@user @user @user yes he is | NOT |
@user @user @user @user @user bitch.. url | OFF |
& terroism & starvation & flint & poverty & climate change & global warming & sex trafficking & bullying & body shaming & police brutality & feminism & gun control & marches & protests | OFF |
+++ i can't prove causation either but while the conservatives in cda surely love the idea of 𝙿𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚜 𝙼𝚌𝙿𝙾𝚄𝚃𝚂𝙵𝚊𝚌𝚎(¬@user bashing pm @user can't help but think they're also egging the former to continue the bashing to boost their fortune(s) vainly. url | NOT |
@user 2 republican men in a picture 85 and 84 what are men of that age are law makers too old no sorry young republicans are like young conservatives they are all born at 40 years of age | NOT |
@user @user @user liberals can’t meme. they have no sense of humor or knowledge of meme-ing philosophy. | NOT |
@user @user any she is stunning | NOT |
@user yea your the bitch on the right getting smacked url | OFF |
"@user why the focus on the proud boys? i know you're not a real journalist, kelly, but why not focus on the ones doing all of the violence? antifa if you want a story; focus on why journalists"" (leftist activists) are constantly ignoring antifa's attacks on people.""" | NOT |
@user hahaha big thighs is not going to make it | OFF |
@user @user @user @user it’s called educating liberals. | NOT |
"maga christine ford trump2020 t cot c cot america first patriots @user brett kavanaugh had this to say about bill clinton during whitewater: it's imperative to make his pattern of revolting behavior clear -- piece by painful piece."" indeed. url" | OFF |
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