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@user that's nothing new she was going to vote no anyway.....we will vote no to liberals in november.... url | NOT |
@user burt. a cool dude. | NOT |
maga! if you are all in for trump follow me and i will follow back. | NOT |
@user thank u!! i’m finally at the point where i’m okay with using heat on it again i’m so happy | NOT |
@user kind of like what trump does all the time huh? | NOT |
@user because a former antifa in the white house and they do not arrest her and a citizen if they arrest someone explain to me. | NOT |
@user fuck em | OFF |
@user good move....he is the big loser | OFF |
@user let's get to the bottom of this! dm me your zipcode and i'll check it out. we have your back and we will make sure you are enjoying the best that tv has to offer asap! *nevinbruce | NOT |
@user @user @user @user for the record i know doug jones personally and he is only a sen. bc we had no other credible choice. he won’t be at the next election. | NOT |
@user the president’s feelings are totally opposite of cnn’s feelings. so what does that say about cnn? they’re all liberals. | NOT |
"@user it's literally a narrative that is on par with nazis punch, antifa punch, they are two sides of the same coin."" noooooooo one of these groups wants to exterminate or deport all poc and jews, the other just wants to prevent them from doing that, and this comparison benefits fash""" | OFF |
@user @user there are many dumb arguments for gun control but this may be the dumbest and most common. | OFF |
@user she is idk what's going on | NOT |
@user @user yall need to chill he is having a really abysmal 2nd half. rizzo had an abysmal 1st half. its baseball it happens. does he have things he still needs to work on yes. has the power numbers dropped yes..... but he could bounce back at anytime. url | NOT |
@user dude you are old!!! lmao. ps: go pack go!!! | NOT |
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user that's why trump supporters can't even wear a hat without being abused. if they meet the animals on the left attack them. antifa is a branch of the communist-socialist-nazis democrat party. | NOT |
@user the laughs i’ve gotten from you are enough. relieved face | NOT |
@user @user @user well? | NOT |
@user @user @user first of all— they don’t even have pizza at panera | NOT |
@user @user @user please don't kill me. antifa on the other hand... | OFF |
@user did you see shanahan say spoon was not 100% healthy this game? obviously no excuses if you’re out there but maybe it’s not the “all is doom” sort of thing it seemed during the game. maybe he is still pretty good. | NOT |
@user good girl @user | NOT |
@user @user she is an ugly black hearted troll url | OFF |
@user @user @user you are clearly not a pokemon master! i have almost 400 in rare candy alone. over 150 legacy moveset pokemon. it just all depends on what you like to keep as collection pieces and what you value in the game. | NOT |
@user dont believe the hype. | OFF |
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user followed all new - maga. please follow back. | NOT |
protests reported in sunderland except these are football fan and one flag says west brom on it?! getting worse now even as i type?! maga mega mb ga mcga conservatives patriots muslims far left leftists (doomed to lose but do not realises it) civil war soon? url | NOT |
"@user liberals would still vote for him. they'll claim his comments were taken out of context and that he is still a man of integrity.""""" | NOT |
@user @user we have been saved from you! maga! | OFF |
@user you are bringing up honor and decency? with that yoyo in the picture? that's rich. | NOT |
@user good riddance. | NOT |
@user she is a goddess | NOT |
"@user omg xd the worst (or the best, in my case is the best cuase it made me laught) part was her asking is he dead? does that hurts? poor thing..."" and the rest standin there like ""....nope he is no suffering"" ""so he is dead!"" ""...yeah, pretty dead""""" | NOT |
"@user you can probably imagine all the sjw snowflakes that don't feel safe"" working where there might be conservatives lurking in the shadows. conservatives are now the ruskies of the 21st century.""" | OFF |
@user @user i see may in the same light as yourself. even the last election was about her and not the conservatives. a split is coming to the tory partyvery soon! | NOT |
@user this all i get crying face damn these haters deleting you ig for no reason... url | OFF |
@user do you think canadian liberals will actually blame trudeau if he costs them this? or as per standard push it off on us? | NOT |
@user you warned everyone about josh gordon the last 4 months on a daily basis. i'm sure you are as shocked as i am of what transpired today. | NOT |
@user @user @user why can't liberals read?????? read it again url | NOT |
@user sjshsj thats my job bitch | OFF |
@user do they discuss haiti? | NOT |
@user @user @user what part of no collusion don't you get??? this is why you are a dumocrat | OFF |
@user he is very skilled face with tears of joy face with tears of joy | NOT |
@user you are amazing yellow heart yellow heart yellow heart | NOT |
@user fist pump was for the troops. | NOT |
"@user if the reason for farakans illegal values are because he is black or muslim, that would be a reason to detest him. i believe his illegal values are simply a result of bad character, like his supporters!""" | OFF |
@user let the leftist democrats riot in the streets with their antifa counterparts. | OFF |
@user i thought canada had strict gun control. help me understand what is happening. | NOT |
@user they don’t want you following people because they don’t like conservatives! sickening how biased twitter’s management is. twitter left bias | NOT |
@user he is doing life tho expressionless face | NOT |
@user it's so very important between now and the midterms to get the word out that all the democrats want people of color to believe is they support them - which as you know is so false. how can the word spread even more to those who need to know? maga naacp | NOT |
@user @user antifa is not giving death threats to professor ford or threatening violence if their candidate loses or spanky is impeached. | OFF |
@user @user @user have you seen or listened to your antifa pals? | NOT |
@user @user in case of antifa take a little bat or something. good for you- more of should do that kind of thing. | NOT |
@user your titles scare me a little bit. ;-) | NOT |
@user >eradicating hiv and malaria in the middle of africa good bloody luck | NOT |
@user @user the only interaction of tory volunteers with fcp volunteers that i witnessed today was the one demanding that our float be moved to the back of the parade. able g cdn poli | NOT |
@user and who seems to be getting things done. | NOT |
i added a video to a @user playlist url combat mon frere vs ismael et maga assassin vs david le boxer (yfc 2) | NOT |
@user so has the law just make an allegation now days and your guilty until proven innocent. liberals are mentally ill! | OFF |
@user straight up different. thank joe biden for that one. i also wonder the outcome if her name had been antifa hill. | NOT |
@user this game sucks donkey balls | OFF |
@user yo for real you are gorgeous | NOT |
@user absolutely should be a nail in the coffin.... for hilliary | OFF |
@user @user i hope he gets on twitter so i can tell him how amazing he is. red heart grinning face with smiling eyes | NOT |
@user who are “they” gun control has been tried and is a proven failure. this is why people don’t vote democrat. they refuse to admit reality. gun control doesn’t work. | NOT |
@user so the overwhelming liberals in the populated states can make policy for the rest of america with whom they have no clue about. just because california has the biggest population does not mean the u.s. shares in their values. get a clue hillary. | NOT |
@user @user doesn't he partly fund antifa? | NOT |
@user he is a dumbass !!!!! | OFF |
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ...and levi strauss wanting gun control how many of us wonder why the heck do they want our freedoms taken away ~ or is it just selective freedoms? url | OFF |
@user at this point in time... i don't think pres. trump gives a sh*t... and neither do i! lol url | OFF |
@user @user o.k. conservatives get to the polls. vote red. | NOT |
@user donnie jr. you and your family owe the country an apology for taking your criminal activities into our white house you are lining your pockets while your father is unfit and making a mockery of our republic. shame on you and your family. justice will prevail | OFF |
"a harvard / harris poll conducted this year found that 48 percent of black americans said they would like to see between only one and 250,000 legal immigrants brought to the u.s. a year."" url maga t cot""" | NOT |
@user any doubt that @user have officially become the national socialist american workers party is gone. with ppl like those on @user and @user acting as der sturmer and antifa as their einsatzgruppen / waffen ss detachment. | NOT |
@user oh my carmen. he is so fricking cute | OFF |
@user chelsea is as crazy as her mother | OFF |
@user it's time the conservatives binned boris and sent 'lyin lynton back to australia. | NOT |
@user @user @user the 2015 manifesto promised me my vote back. so where is it? you think brexit would have gone through if all the brits in the eu27 had been allowed to vote? the referendum was gerrymandered. | NOT |
"@user the metoo movement must be an extension of antifa and is a complete joke! if this movement wasn't selective, joe biden would be in court for fonding girls on camera""! url" | NOT |
@user @user you are awesome! thank you. you give humanity hope! | NOT |
@user goober | NOT |
@user another uninformed | NOT |
@user i forgot he is their foster child! | NOT |
"@user and the brainless dems wants us to believe that he doesn't have the majority. liberals is just like their leaders"" the corrupts obama and crooked hillary both are real bad losers maga trump""" | OFF |
@user no fucking way he said this! | NOT |
@user @user such supposedly smart people didn't think for one moment that in the audience there are people who voted trump and are scared shitless hearing the top brass speak that way. | NOT |
@user i'm not surprised. it takes a sick woman to make this type of accusations. the kind you can only find on the far left. liberals are praying that the really weak members of the gop like collins and flake will pull back their support. | NOT |
@user @user california gun control is direct result of white people scared of black panthers using their right to bear arms. nra had no problem with that gun control! | OFF |
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user or where 25 oct 2005 brazil citizens overwhelming voted “no” on the government implementing strict gun control by a factor of 63.9% and the brazilian government still violates that referendum everyday as brazilians are murdered w / zero effective method of self defense | NOT |
"...if we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 john 1:5-9)""" | NOT |
@user @user and yet millions of permit holding people carried legally concealed firearms that same day and didn’t hurt themselves or anyone else. but yet they want to have stronger gun control. idiots! face with raised eyebrow our wonderful media has to hype incidents that fits their agenda. | OFF |
@user yes do hurt your selves gun control freaks. | OFF |
@user @user @user @user @user you get more like this guy with every hysterical tweet url | NOT |
@user he always shows dedication at what he does no wonder he is the best url | NOT |
@user @user @user bullshit! regulations are good because it keeps conservatives from striping our land into the abyss | OFF |
@user the owner of my culo | OFF |
now she scarred herself for life lol maga url | OFF |
@user you fucking - | OFF |
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