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एतौ तौ सम्प्रकाशेते गोत्रवन्तौ मनोरमौ।वायुवेगसमौ वीर जवनौ तुरगोत्तमौ।। | O valiant warrior, you can see those two splendid horses of high pedigree, charming, swift and equal to wind in speed are shining in the army. |
कच्चिद्बलेषु कोशेषु मित्रेषु च परन्तप।कुशलं ते नरव्याघ्र पुत्रपौत्रे तवानघ ।। | O Tormentor of enemies O Sinless one O Tiger among men is it all well with your army, treasury, friends, sons and grandsons? |
अश्विपुत्रौ महाभागावेतौ प्लवगसत्तमौ।एतयोः प्रतियोद्दारं न पश्यामि रणाजिरे।। | "The two sons of Aswini are outstanding and foremost fighters and proud of waging war. Who can oppose them? I do not see any one. |
रामस्यैवं ब्रुवाणस्य त्वरितस्य युयुत्सया।प्रजज्वाल ततो वेदिस्सोपाध्यायपुरोहिता।। | While he was fracing up for a fight, the fire on the sacrificial altar with the officiating priests and spiritual guides suddenly brightened. |
तामादायतुराक्षस्योभर्तृशोकपराजिताम् ।।सीतामारोपयामासुर्विमानंपुष्पकंतदा । | Then the Rakshasas took the aerial car near Sita who was overcome by her husbands grief. |
मयाप्याचरितं पूर्वैः पन्थानमनुगच्छता।
प्रजा नित्यमनिद्रेण यथाशक्त्यभिरक्षिताः।।
| Following the path of my forefathers I protected the people to the best of my ability by being ever vigilant. |
तथाऽहं धर्मनित्यस्य धर्मपत्नी पतिव्रता।त्वया स्पृष्टुं न शक्यास्मि राक्षसाधम पापिना।। | O lowly demon similarly I am a chaste woman and wife of the ever righteous Rama who cannot be defiled by a sinner like you. |
इदं ते चारु सञ्जातं यौवनं व्यतिवर्तते।यदतीतं पुनर्नैति स्रोतः शीघ्रमपामिव।। | "Your charming youth should not pass away uselessly. A past event does not come back like a current of stream. |
न ते वागनृता काव्ये काचिदत्र भविष्यति ।कुरु रामकथां पुण्यां श्लोकबद्धां मनोरमाम् ।। | Not even a single word of yours in this epic will ever prove untruthful. Compose this sacred, delightful story of Rama, set in the form of slokas. |
सा विद्धा बहुभिर्वाक्यैर्दिग्धैरिव गजाङ्गना।चिरसन्नियतं बाष्पं मुमोचाग्निमिवारणिः।। | Pierced by so many words of objection from Rama, Sita felt like a cowelephant penetrated by poisonsmeared arrrows. And shed her longsuppressed tears like arani a firekindling stick kindling fire. |
पिता विभण्डकोऽस्माकं तस्याहं सुत औरस:।ऋश्यशृङ्ग इति ख्यातं नाम कर्म च मे भुवि।। | My father is Vibhandaka. I am his own son. My name is Rsyasringa. I am known the world over by this name associated with my karma. |
इति सीता च रामश्च लक्ष्मणश्च कृताञ्जलिः।अभिगम्याऽश्रमं सर्वे वाल्मीकि मभिवादयन्।। | Thus Rama, Sita and Lakshmana approached the hermitage of sage Valmiki and paid obeisance to him with folded hands. |
एह्याश्रमपदं सौम्य ह्यस्माकमिति चाब्रुवन्।तत्राप्येष विधिश्श्रीमान् विशेषेण भविष्यति।। | O handsome one, come to our hermitage. A special, sumptuous hospitality will be extended to you, they said. |
उमानन्दीश्वरश्चापिरम्भावरुणकन्यका ।।यथोक्तास्तन्मयाप्राप्तंनमिथ्याऋषिभाषितम् | "Uma, Nandeeswara, Rambha and daughter of Varuna have cursed me like that and the prediction of those endowed with vision has been attained by me." |
निवेशयत मे सैन्यमभिप्रायेण सर्वतः।विश्रान्ताः प्रतरिष्यामश्श्व इदानीमिमां नदीम्।। | You may, according to your convenience, halt the army anywhere here and, after taking rest for the night, we shall cross the river Ganga tomorrow. |
तदप्रमादमातिष्ठन्प्रत्युद्गच्छरथंरिपोः ।विध्वंसयितुमिच्छामिवायुर्मेघमिवोत्थितम् ।। | "Being alert, you drive the chariot towards Ravana, just as wind drives the cloud in the sky, as I wish to destroy him." |
राज्यभारनियुक्तानामेष धर्मस्सनातन:।अधर्म्यां जहि काकुत्स्थ धर्मोह्यस्या न विद्यते।। | This is the eternal law binding those who are appointed to bear the burden of a kingdom. O Kakutstha kill her. She knows no dharma. |
अथाऽन्तर्गृहमाविश्य राजा दशरथस्तदा।सूतमामन्त्रयामास रामं पुनरिहानय।। | Therafter king Dasaratha on retiring to his private apartment, ordered Sumantra to bring Rama once again. |
विजनेऽपि वने सीता वासं प्राप्य गृहेष्विव।विस्रम्भं लभतेऽभीता रामे सन्न्यस्तमानसा।। | Sita with her mind fixed on Rama is living confidently in that desolate forest without any fear as if it were her home. |
गजं वा वीक्ष्य सिंहं वा व्याघ्रं वा वनमाश्रिता।नाऽहारयति सन्त्रासं बाहू रामस्य संश्रिता।। | Though in the forest, Sita, under the protection of Ramas arms, is afraid of neither elephants nor lions nor tigers. |
एतत्ते सर्वमाख्यातं समाश्वसिहि मैथिलि।किं करोमि कथं वा ते रोचते प्रतियाम्यहम्।। | "Mythili, everything I intended to say has been narrated to you. Calm yourself down. What shall I do? Or else, tell me what pleases you. I shall go back. |
एष ते राम गङ्गाया विस्तरोऽभिहितो मया।स्वस्ति प्राप्नुहि भद्रं ते संध्याकालोऽतिवर्तते।। | O Rama I have related you the story of Ganga in detail. Evening time is passing by and we shall perform the ablutions farewell. |
पृथिवीवायुराकाशमापोज्योतिश्चराघव: ।स्वभावेसौम्य तिष्ठन्तिशाश्वतंमार्गमाश्रिताः ।। | "Noble Rama Earth, wind, space, water, and fire, the five elements remain in their path strictly following their nature." |
राजप्रभावजुष्टां हि दुर्वहामजितेन्द्रियैः।परिश्रान्तोऽस्मि लोकस्य गुर्वीं धर्मधुरं वहन्।। | I am weary of carrying on the heavy burden of duty and find it difficult to sustain the rule of dharma. It can be shouldered by those who have royal qualities of might, courage etc and not by those who have not controlled their senses. |
अहं चैव मदीयाश्च सर्वे तव वशानुगाः।न ते किञ्चिदभिप्रायं व्याहन्तुमहमुत्सहे।। | My kins and I are under your control. I will make no effort to go even a little against your wishes. |
ततो वितिमिरास्सर्वा दिशश्चोपदिशस्तथा।सुरा स्सर्षिगणा रामं प्रशशंसुरुदायुधम्।। | Thereafter all the quarters including the intermediaries were cleared of darkness. Hosts of sages and gods extolled Rama when he wielded the bow. |
एवं तु क्रुद्धया राजा राममात्रा सशोकया।श्रावितः परुषं वाक्यं चिन्तयामास दुःखितः।। | Forced to hear the harsh words of angry Kausalya, the king, deeply distressed, was absorbed in sad thought. |
तमब्रवीत्ततोराजारावणोराक्षसंस्थितम् ।विद्युज्जिह्वंमहाजिह्वंसमीपपरिवर्तिनम् ।। | Then the king, Ravana spoke to Vidyujihvam, the Rakshasa with extended tongue, who stood close by. |
एष हि प्रथमो धर्मः क्षत्रियस्याभिषेचनम्।येन शक्यं महाप्राज्ञ प्रजानां परिपालनम्।। | O sagacious one, the primary duty of a kshatriya is to be crowned. This enables him to rule his subjects. |
राज्यभ्रष्टेन दीनेन तस्यामासक्तचेतसा।कथं मया विना शक्यं सीतां लक्ष्मण जीवितुम्।। | O Lakshmana, deprived of the kingdom I have become a destitute. With my heart attached to Sita how can I live without her ? |
ततश्चीरोत्तरासङ्गः सन्ध्यामन्वास्य पश्चिमाम्।जलमेवाददे भोज्यं लक्ष्मणेनाऽऽहृतं स्वयम्।। | Rama wearing the upper garment then offered oblations to Sandhya and partook of only water as refreshment, brought by Lakshmana. |
यदि तावत्त्वमिन्द्रेण प्रेषितो रावणालयम्।तत्त्वमाख्याहि मा भूत्ते भयं वानर मोक्ष्यसे।। | "Have you came to the abode of Ravana sent by Indra? Speak the truth. Be not afraid.You will be released". |
अप्सराप्सरसां श्रेष्ठा विख्याता पुञ्जिकस्थला।अञ्जनेति परिख्याता पत्नी केसरिणो हरेः।। | |
अहं सुग्रीवसंदेशादिह प्राप्तस्तवालयम्।राक्षसेन्द्र हरीशस्त्वां भ्राता कुशलमब्रवीत्।। | "O lord of demons I reached your realm here by the orders of Sugriva, lord of monkeys who is like your brother. He conveys his good wishes to you. |
पाण्डुरारुणवर्णानि नीलमाञ्जिष्ठकानि च।हरितारुणवर्णानि महाभ्राणि चकाशिरे।। | In contact with Hanuman the clouds shone forth brilliantly in white and black, in blue and yellow and in greenish red colour. |
पुत्रव्यसनजं दुःखं यदेतन्मम साम्प्रतम्।एवं त्वं पुत्रशोकेन राजन्कालं करिष्यसि।। | Just as I am now suffering from grief caused by my sons death, you, O king, shall die from the sorrow on account of separation from your son. |
तरिष्यतिचसुव्यक्तंराघवस्सागरंसुखम् ।।तरसायुक्तरूपेणसानुजस्सबलानुगः । | "Rama who is worthy of his might, accompanied by his brother and army will be able to cross the ocean speedily and easily." |
ते साश्वरथपादाता वसिष्ठेन महात्मना।भस्मीकृता मुहूर्तेन विश्वामित्रसुता स्तदा।। | Then one hundred sons of Viswamitra together with their horses, chariots and foot soldiers were reduced to ashes in a moment by the powerful Vasishta. |
चतुर्दशसहस्राणि राक्षसानां जघान यः।
जनस्थाने विना भ्रात्रा शत्रुः कस्तस्य नोद्विजेत् ।।
| "At Janasthana without the help of his brother also he slew fourteen thousand demons. Which enemy will not tremble before him? |
हा लक्ष्मण महाबाहो पश्यसि त्वं प्रियां क्वचित्।हा प्रिये क्व गता भद्रे हा सीतेति पुनः पुनः।। | O longarmed Lakshmana, are you able to see my beloved anywhere? O noble lady, O darling, where have you gone? O Sita SIta |
मा स्म सीमन्तिनी काचिज्जनयेत्पुत्रमीदृशम्।सौमित्रे योऽहमम्बाया दद्मि शोकमनन्तकम्।। | O Lakshmana, I am causing endless sorrow to my mother. May no mother give birth to a son like me |
अथ रामस्सरिन्मध्ये पप्रच्छ मुनिपुङ्गवम्।वारिणो भिद्यमानस्य किमयं तुमुलो ध्वनि:।। | Rama enquired of Viswamitra, the best of sages, "What is this tumultuous sound bursting out of the waters?" |
ऊचुश्च मुदितास्सर्वे रामं प्राञ्जलयस्तदा।इमे स्म परमोदाराः किङ्करास्तव राघव।। | The munificient presiding deities of the weapons with folded palms addressed these words to Rama saying, "Here we are, at you disposal ". |
इमां तु पश्चिमां वाचं व्याजहार पिता तव।कालधर्मपरिक्षिप्तः पाशैरिव महागजः।। | Your father, caught by the noose of death, like a great elephant bound by cords, uttered these last words |
तस्यैवसदृशंचान्यद्रावणस्योत्थितंशिरः ।तत्क्षिप्तंक्षिप्रहस्तेनरामेणक्षिप्रकारिणा ।। | A similar looking head arose on Ravanas head. Rama, endowed with a quick hand, cut off by his hand the other head. |
ततो मुनिवरस्तूर्णं जगाम सह राघव: ।विशालां नगरीं रम्यां दिव्यां स्वर्गोपमां तदा।। | Thereupon Viswamitra, the best of ascetics, accompanied by Rama and Lakshmana soon proceeded towards the enchanting and splendid city of Vishala comparable to heaven. |
कच्चित् क्षितिभृतां नाथ दृष्टा सर्वाङ्गसुन्दरी।।रामा रम्ये वनोद्देशे मया विरहिता त्वया। | O king of the mountains have you seen a lady with beautiful limbs separated from me in this forest tract ? |
धर्मपालो जनस्यास्य शरण्यस्त्वं महायशाः।पूजनीयश्च मान्यश्च राजा दण्डधरो गुरुः।। | O king of great reputation, you are the refuge of the people, a protector of dharma, a chastiser of wrongdoers, a worshipful and respectable preceptor. |
एषसर्वायुधोपेतश्चतुर्भिस्सहराक्षसैः ।राक्षसोऽभ्येतिपश्यध्वमस्मान्हन्तुंनसंशयः ।। | Armed with all kinds of weapons this Rakshasa along with four Rakshasas are coming near to attack. You may see. There is no doubt. |
तत् त्सैन्यंहरिवीराणांत्रासयामासराक्षसः ।मृगयूथमिवक्रुद्धोहरिर्यौवनदर्पितः ।। | Just as a young lion with youthful pride would strike a group of deer, the enraged Rakshasa struck the army of monkey heroes. |
एवमादिविलापार्तंरावणंराक्षसाधिपम् ।।आविवेशमहान् कोपःपुत्रव्यसनसम्भवः । | Distressed Ravana was lamenting in this way on account of his son deserting, as anger had taken over him. |
अनुमन्यस्व मां देवि गमिष्यन्तमितो वनम्।शापिताऽसि मम प्राणैः कुरु स्वस्त्ययनानि मे।। | I have decided, O mother to go to the forest from here. Grant me the permission to do so. I swear on my life. Perform all the ceremonies for securing prosperity for me. |
पितामहवरोत्सेकात्परमं दर्पमास्थितौ।अमृतप्राशिनावेतौ सर्ववानरसत्तमौ।। | "By virtue of the boons received from Brahma, they are very proud. They have also consumed nectar of immortality and are foremost among vanaras. |
पुत्रस्ते वरदः क्षिप्रमयोध्यां पुनरागतः।पाणिभ्यां मृदुपीनाभ्यां चरणौ पीडयिष्यति।। | Your son, bestower of boons, will soon return to Ayodhya and press your feet with his soft, tender hands. |
नैव देवा न दैतेया न पिशाचा न राक्षसाः।भविष्यन्ति मम क्रोधात्त्रैलोक्ये विप्रणाशिते।। | My anger will destroy all the gods, demons and evil spirits. They will be extinghished from the three worlds. |
ततो भ्रातुर्वचश्श्रुत्वा वातापिर्मेषवन्नदन्।।भित्त्वा भित्त्वा शरीराणि ब्राह्मणानां विनिष्पतत्। | Then hearing his brothers voice, Vatapi would bleat like a sheep and jump out, tearing open the bodies of those brahmins. |
समुत्पाट्य गिरेश्शृङ्गं समृगव्यालपादपम्।।जघान हनुमान् वीरो राक्षसौ कपिकुञ्जरः। | Hanuman, a courageous and mighty elephant among the monkeys uprooted a mountain peak along with its animals, serpents and trees and killed both the demon generals. |
नमत्तोनिशितान्बाणान्द्विजिह्वान्पन्नगानिव ।रामःपश्यतिसङ्ग्रामेतेनमामभिगच्छति ।। | "Rama has not seen my sharp arrows in comb at that are like the forked flame like the tongues of snakes. So, he is coming towards me." |
स तुताम्यतिधर्मात्माममहेतोस्सुखोचितः ।सुकुमारोमहाबाहोकुमार: सत्यसंश्रयः ।। | "Mighty armed Bharata, righteous, giving up comforts of delicate body, resorting to truth is distressed for my cause." |
ताः पाणिभि स्सुखस्पर्शैर्मृद्वङ्गुलितलै श्शुभैः।प्रममार्जू रजः पृष्ठाद्रामस्यायतलोचनाः।। | Those largeeyed queens, their palms with delicate fingers and with auspicious hands with a pleasant touch, wiped the dust from the back of his body. |
राजधर्मविरुद्धं च लोकवृत्तेश्च गर्हितम्।तव चासदृशं वीर कपेरस्य प्रमापणम्।। | "Mighty king killing this Hanuman is contrary to righteousness of kings. This is deplorable diplomacy and also unbecoming of you. |
ततो वेतसशाखाश्च जम्बूशाखाश्च वीर्यवान्।चकार लक्ष्मणश्छित्वा सीताया स्सुखमासनम्।। | The valiant Lakshmana cut the stems of reeds and branches of the Jambu tree to prepare a comfortable seat for Sita on that float. |
ऋक्षाः पृषतसङ्घाश्च वानराः किन्नरास्तथा।विचरन्ति महाबाहो रुपश्रेष्ठा मनोहराः।। | O longarmed one, most beautiful animals like bears, antelopes and groups of monkeys and kinneras are wandering here. |
तस्मिन् प्लवगशार्दूले प्लवमाने हनूमति।इक्ष्वाकुकुलमानार्थी चिन्तयामास सागरः।। | While the monkeychief was leaping across the sea the Seagod wished the wellbeing of the Ikshvaku family and honoured him. The Seagod belonged to the same race |
एवमुक्तो भरद्वाजं भरतः प्रत्युवाच ह।पर्यश्रुनयनो दुःखाद्वाचा संसज्जमानया।। | At these words, Bharata, eyes filled with tears of grief, replied to Bharadwaja in a stumbling voice |
तौप्रयुद्दौतदावीरौमृधेलक्ष्मणराक्षसौ ।शरौघानभिवर्षन्तौजघ्नतुस्तौपरस्परम् ।। | In that battle the two heroes, Lakshmana and Indrajith rained streams of arrows on each other and engaged themselves in the battle. |
उत्तरंद्वारमासाद्यरामःसौमित्रिणासह ।आवृत्यबलवांस्तस्थौसुग्रीवश्चहरीश्वरः ।। | Reaching the north gate, Sri Rama along with Saumithri, blockading the gate stood Sugriva the Lord of monkeys. |
तिमिनक्रनिकेतं तु वरुणालयमक्षयम्।।सरितां शरणं गत्वा समतीयाय सागरम्। | Ravana soon crossed the refuge of rivers, the abode of Varuna, god of the sea, inexhaustible ocean, and the home for whales and crocodiles. |
वज्रसारमयं नूनं हृदयं मे न संशयः।अपश्यन्त्या न तं यद्वै फलतीदं सहस्रधा।। | No doubt my heart must be made of thunderbolt, since unable to see Rama it does not split into a thousand pieces. |
देवतानां वचश्श्रुत्वा भगवान्वै पितामह:।प्रत्युवाच सुसन्त्रस्तान्कृतान्तबलमोहितान्।। | Having heard the devatas, extremely frightened, and deprived of their sensual perception by the prowess of fate. The adorable grandsire Brahma replied |
बलं हि सुमहद्यन्मे जनस्थाने निवेशितम्।सदूषणखरं युद्धे हतं रामेण सायकैः।। | I had stationed a great army at Janasthana, who were all killed along with Khara and Dusana by Ramas arrows. |
स कराभ्यां विकीर्णाभ्यां पपात भुवि दूषणः।विषाणाभ्यां विशीर्णाभ्यां मनस्वीव महागजः।। | Dusana fell down on the ground with broken hands like a proud elephant with both his tusks shattered. |
अदेयाचयथासीतावध्यौदशरथात्मजौ ।भवद्भिर्मन्त्र्यतांमन्त्रस्सुनीतंचाभिधीयताम् ।। | "You may also think over and suggest to me a plan to kill Rama and Lakshmana without giving Sita." |
बोध्यमानमिव प्रीत्या दिवाकरकरैश्शुभैः।उन्मिषन्तमिवोद्धूतैर्लोचनैरिव धातुभिः।। | As if the mountain was awakened from sleep by the rays of the blessed Sun. With the colour of glowing minerals exuding, it was as if the mountain was looking out with his eyes open. The minerals underneath the mud appear when wind blows removing the dust covering them. The glowing minerals are fancied to be eyes of the mountain. |
गृहीतश्चैव पृष्टश्च काले दृष्टस्सकारणः।कच्चिन्न मुच्यते चोरो धनलोभान्नरर्षभ।। | O best among men I trust that a thief, caught redhanded and interrogated and has sufficient proof is not set free, out of greed for money. |
देवकार्यं स्वयं कृत्वा कृतज्ञा हृष्टचेतना।अभिज्ञा राजधर्माणां राजपुत्रं प्रतीक्षते।। | Experienced in palace rituals, Sita, grateful to God after performing worship of the deities was awaiting in a happy mood the arrival of the prince. |
रामं मेऽनुगता दृष्टिरद्यापि न निवर्तते।न त्वा पश्यामि कौसल्ये साधु मां पाणिना स्पृश।। | O Kausalya, my sight that had followed Rama has not yet returned. I cannot see you clearly. Please touch me with your hand. |
तत्पफालपदाक्रान्तंदशग्रीवस्यपश्यतः ।पुराहिमवतश्शृङ्गंवज्रिणेवविदारितम् ।। | As Ravana was looking, Angada trampling his feet gave way to the palace just as Himalayan peak broke to hit Indra. |
एकवेणी धराशय्या ध्यानं मलिनमम्बरम्।अस्थानेऽप्युपवासश्च नैतान्यौपयिकानि ते।। | "O Lady, to wear a single braid, sleep on the ground, brooding, wearing soiled clothes and fasting without proper occasion does not suit you. |
तत स्सपुरुषव्याघ्रस्तद्धनं लक्ष्मणः स्वयम्।।यथोक्तं ब्राह्मणेन्द्राणांमददाद्धनदो यथा। | Thereupon Lakshmana, a tiger among men, personally distributed like Kubera, gifts of riches to all those Indras among brahmins best of brahmins in accordance with the instructions of Rama. |
शूर वक्ष्यामि ते किञ्चिन्न चेच्छाम्यभ्यसूयितुम्।श्रूयतां क्रियतां चैव तव वक्ष्यामि यद्धित।। | O hero, this I tell you not because I dislike you, but because I wish your welfare. Listen, and do as I say |
न मुखे नेत्रयोर्वापि ललाटे च भ्रुवोस्तथा।
अन्येष्वपि च गात्रेषु दोषस्संविदितः क्वचि।।
| No fault can be found in his face, eyes, forehead, between the eyebrows or any other part of his body during his expression. |
किं नु खल्वद्य गम्भीरो मूर्छितो न निशम्यते। यथापुरमयोध्यायां गीतवादित्रनिस्वनः।। | How is it that in Ayodhya, the deep and allpervasive songs and sounds of musical instruments of the former days are not heard now? |
जाम्बवानथजानुभ्यामुत्पतन्निहतोयुधि ।पट्टसैर्बहुभिश्छिन्नोनिकृत्तःपादपोयथा ।। | And while Jambavan was rising on his knees, he was struck by many iron bars in comb at and had fallen down like a tree. |
युवराजस्त्वमीशश्च वनस्यास्य महाबल।मौर्ख्यात्पूर्वं कृतो दोषस्तं भवान् क्षन्तुमर्हति।। | "O mighty Angada you are heir apparent and also king. Out of foolishness I obstructed you. You ought to pardon me this mistake. |
मैन्दश्चद्विविदश्चोभौतत्रवानरपुङ्गवौ ।विचेरतुश्चतांसेनांरक्षार्थंसर्वतोदिशम् ।। | Dwivida and Mainda, the best of the vanaras, went about in all directions for safeguarding the army. |
वनवासाय रामस्य पञ्चरात्रोऽद्य गण्यते।य श्शोकहतहर्षायाः पञ्चवर्षोपमो मम।। | This is the fifth night of Ramas exile, but it is like five years to me whose joy has been destroyed by sorrow. |
बभूव वसुधा तैस्तु सम्पूर्णा हरियूथपै: ।यथा कलमकेदारैः पक्वैरिव वसुन्दरा ।। | That land filled completely with the vanara heroes seemed like a fully ripe paddy field. |
पूर्णचन्द्राननं रामं राजवत्सं जितेन्द्रियम्।पृथुकीर्तिं महात्मानमहं राममनुव्रता।। | I am the devoted wife of great Rama, whose face is like a fullmoon, who is the son of a king, who has conquered his senses and whose fame is widespread on earth. |
यौवराज्यं च लङ्कां च रक्षांसि च परन्तप ।।मातरंमां च भार्याश्चक्वगतोऽसिविहायनः । | O Scourge of enemies! You have left giving up prince regent, Rakshasas, from Lanka, your mother, me, and your wife also. And went. Why? |
एवमुक्ता तया देव्या मन्थरा पापदर्शिनी।रामार्थमुपहिंसन्ती कुब्जा वचनमब्रवीत्।। | Thus addressed by the queen Kaikeyi, the evileyed hunchback, Manthara, said with the intention to damage Ramas interest. |
हनुमान्पश्चिमद्वारंनिपीड्यपवनात्मजः ।।प्रविशत्वप्रमेयात्माबहुभिःकपिभिर्वृतः । | "Let Hanuman, the wind gods son of unimaginable prowess, enter the west gate along with numerous Vanaras and press against the enemy." |
तद्राक्षसतनूजस्यभिन्नस्कन्धंशिरोमहत् ।तपनीयनिभंभूमौददृशेरुधिरोक्षितम् ।। | Trunk broken off, the huge head of Indrajith bathed in blood was seen on the earth shining like gold. |
न हि नः प्लवने कश्चिन्नापि कश्चित्पराक्रमे।।तुल्य स्सामरदैत्येषु लोकेषु हरिसत्तमाः। | "O noble vanaras Indeed either among gods or among demons there is none who can match the vanaras in leaping and exhibiting valour. |
ततः पञ्चवटीं गत्वा नानाव्यालमृगायुताम्।उवाच भ्रातरं रामस्सौमित्रिं दीप्ततेजसम्।। | On reaching Panchavati, which was full of various vicious animals, Rama said to Lakshmana, his brother who was glowing like fire |
नव पञ्च च वर्षाणि वनवासे विहृत्य ते।पुनःपादौ ग्रहीष्यामि प्रतिज्ञान्ते नराधिप।। | Having fulfilled the vow on the completion of fourteen years of wandering in the forest I shall come back to touch your feet, O lord of men |
इयं शय्या मम भ्रातुरिदं हि परिवर्तितम्।स्थण्डिले कठिने सर्वं गात्रै र्विमृदितं तृणम्।। | This is my brothers couch and it is here where he had tossed about. The grass spread on this hard surface is crushed by his limbs. |
असृजद्भगवान्पक्षौद्वावेनहिपितामहः ।।सुराणामसुराणांचधर्माधर्मौतदाश्रयौ । | "The divine Brahma, the grandfather of the universe created two orders, deities and devils. They took the refuge of virtues and vices respectively." |
लङ्घनंचसमुद्रस्यदर्शनंचहनूमतः ।वधंचरक्षसांयुद्धेकःकुर्यान्मानुषोभुवि ।। | "Crossing the ocean, reaching Lanka, seeing Sita and killing Rakshasas in comb at was done by Hanuman. Which man can do this on earth?" |
न तु पश्यामि तच्छत्रं पाण्डुरं लोकसत्कृतम् |
पितुर्दिव्यं महाबाहो संशयो भवतीह मे।।
| I do not see, O longarmed one! that splendid white canopy of my father, wellrespected by men. And this gives rise to doubts in my mind. |