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तेषां नृपो वच: श्रुत्वा कृताञ्जलिरभाषत।विश्वामित्रं महात्मानं तौ चोभौ रामलक्ष्मणौ।। | Having heard this, the king with folded hands said to the great soul Viswamitra sitting with the two princes Rama and Lakshmana |
सहितंप्रतिजग्राहभार्याहर्तारमागतः ।कपोतोवानरश्रेष्ठ: किंपुनर्मद्विधोजनः ।। | "O Supreme Vanara When the fowler who had carried away the mate came near the dove it received him and in turn protected him. What more can a man like me do?" |
ततस्तान्हरिवृद्धांश्च तच्च सैन्यमरिन्दमः।अनुमान्याङ्गदश्श्रीमान्वाक्यमर्थवदब्रवीत्।। | Then the illustrious Angada, subduer of foes took the counsel of elderly monkeys and the army into confidence and thus addressed them all in meaningful words |
यात सेनाग्रगास्सर्वे महाबलपरिग्रहाः।सवाजिरथमातङ्गास्स कपिश्शास्यतामिति।। | "O Army generals march with a large, strong army with horses, chariots and elephants and punish the vanara. |
ननुनाममहाबाहोतववैश्रवणानुज ।क्रुद्धस्यप्रमुखेस्थातुंत्रस्यत्यपिपुरन्दरः ।। | "O mighty armed Ravana! O, brother of Visrava! When in anger even Purandara was afraid to stand before you, it is well known." |
शाद्वलानि च नीलानि गन्धवन्ति वनानि च।गण्डवन्ति च मध्येन जगाम नगवन्ति च।। | Hanuman passed through forests laden with fragrant flowers, bluish grassy land, big rocks and mountains covered with trees. |
कायवृद्धिं प्रवेगं च मम दृष्ट्वैव राक्षसाः।।मयि कौतूहलं कुर्यरिति मेने महाकपिः। | The demons will be inquisitive to know about me seeing the extraordinary size of my body as well as my speed, thought the great monkey. |
तं मत्तमिव मातङ्गं बद्धं कपिवरोत्तमम्।राक्षसा राक्षसेन्द्राय रावणाय न्यवेदयन्।। | The ogres presented the best of monkeys, Hanuman looking like an elephant in rut to Ravana, the demon king. |
सत्सन्दिशमहाबाहोलक्ष्मणंशुभलक्षणम् ।राक्षसस्यविनाशायवज्रंवज्रधरोयथा ।। | "O mighty armed Rama! send Lakshmana endowed with auspicious qualities for the destruction of Rakshasa like Indra with thunderbolt", conveyed Vibheeshana. |
शरजालांशुमान्शूरः कपे रामदिवाकरः।शत्रुरक्षोमयं तोयमुपशोषं नयिष्यति।। | "O monkey the valiant Rama is like the Sungod shoofing a dazzling volley of arrows which will dry up the sea of enemy forces." |
बुद्धिश्च ते महाप्राज्ञ देवैरपि दुरन्वया।शोकेनाभिप्रसुप्तं ते ज्ञानं सम्बोधयाम्यहम्।। | Even gods cannot fathom your intellect. I am only trying to rouse your wisdom your sorrow has sent to sleep. |
रामाभिषेकसंभारैस्तदर्थमुपकल्पितैः।रामः कारयितव्यो मे मृतस्य सलिलक्रियाम्।। | With the materials already collected for the consecration of Rama he will perform my funeral rite of offering water to the dead. |
अहं तु खलु ते वीर्यं प्रसुप्तं प्रतिबोधये।दीप्सैराहुतिभिः काले भस्मच्छन्नमिवानल।। | I am only awakening your dormant valour as one would kindle the fire covered with ashes by making offerings. |
सातेनकपिमुख्येनविमुक्तामहतीशिला ।बिभेदबहुधाघोराप्रहस्तस्यशिरस्तदा ।। | Hurled by Neela, the foremost of monkeys, the huge rock broke the head of Prahastha into pieces. |
किन्तु व्यादिश मे देशं सोदकं बहुकाननम्। यत्राश्रमपदं कृत्वा वसेयं निरतस्सुखम्।। | Direct me to a place with water and dense forest where we can build an ashram and live happily. |
एवमुक्तस्सधर्मात्मावानरैस्सविभीषणैः ।।अब्रवीद्वानरान्रामस्ससुग्रीवविभीषणान् । | Vibheeshana and Vanaras had spoken in that way, Rama replied to Sugriva, Vibheeshana and Vanaras as follows. |
राज्यनाशंवनेवासंदण्डकेपरिधावनम् ।।वैदेह्याश्चपरामर्शंरक्षोभिश्चसमागमम् । | "Leaving the kingdom, and living in D and aka forest, insulted by Rakshasa, Vaidehi in agony, abducted by Rakshasa. |
बुद्धिमान्नीतिमान्वाग्मी श्रीमान् शत्रुनिबर्हण: ।विपुलांसो महाबाहु: कम्बुग्रीवो महाहनु: ।। | He Sri Rama is a great intellectual, adherent to rules, eloquent, handsome, destroyer of foes sins, broadshouldered, strongarmed, having conchshaped neck and prominent cheeks. |
सा तथोक्ता तु वैदेही निर्भया शोककर्शिता।तृणमन्तरतः कृत्वा रावणं प्रत्यभाषत।। | Thus addressed by Ravana, Sita, immersed in deep sorrow and unafraid of him, placed a blade of grass between her and him intending not to speak to him straight and replied |
एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण लक्ष्मण श्श्लक्ष्णया गिरा।प्रत्युवाच तदा रामं वाक्यज्ञो वाक्यकोविदम्।। | Thus addressed by Rama who was an adept in the use of words, eloquent Lakshmana gently replied |
राक्षसास्त्वभिसङ्क्रुद्धावानरान्निशितैश्शरैः ।विव्यथुर्घोरसङ्काशैःकङ्कपत्रैरजिह्मगैः ।। | Highly enraged Rakshasas on their part fixed the Vanaras with sharp dreadful arrows with itching feathers. |
नाजानाज्जीवतीं रामस्स मां लक्ष्मणपूर्वजः।।जानन्तौ तौ न कुर्यातां नोर्य्वां हि मम मार्गणम्। | "Neither Lakshmana nor his elder brother knows that I am here alive. Had they known both of them would have ransacked this earth. |
यानि कानि चिदप्यत्र सत्त्वानि निवसन्त्युत।।सर्वाणि शरणं यामि मृगपक्षिगणानपि। | I seek refuge in all those living beings as well as herds of animals and birds in the forest. |
तेतुतंविकृतंसुप्तंविकीर्णमिवपर्वतम् ।।कुम्भकर्णंमहानिद्रंसहिताःप्रत्यबोधयन् । | Those Rakshasas collected together started to awaken Kumbhakarna, who was like a scattered mountain in dead sleep. |
कामधेनुं वसिष्ठोऽपि यदा न त्यज्यते मुनि:।तदास्य शबलां राम विश्वामित्रोऽन्वकर्षत।। | "O Rama when sage Vasishta did not consent to part with the wishfulfilling cow, Viswamitra dragged Sabala by force. |
नातिक्रान्तमिदं लोके पुरुषेणेह केनचित्।तव सभ्रातृभार्यस्य वासः प्राकृतवद्वने।। | None else in this world would be able to live in the forest as you have resolved to, like a common man, along with your brother and spouse. |
कः एतच्छ्रद्दधेच्छ्रुत्वा कस्य वा न भवेद्भयम्।गुणवान्दयितो राज्ञा राघवो यद्विवास्यते।। | Who will believe that the virtuous and affectionate scion of the Raghus is exiled this way by the king? Who will not tremble in fear to hear this? |
सा हि राज्यमिदं प्राप्य नृपस्याश्वपते स्सुता।दुःखितानां सपत्नीनां न करिष्यति शोभनम्।। | Once the daughter of king Aswapati Kaikeyi gains control over the kingdom, she will do nothing to help her afflicted cowives Kausalya and Sumitra. |
जनस्थानस्थिता राजन्राक्षसा बहवो हताः।खरश्च निहतस्सङ्ख्ये कथञ्चिदहमागतः।। | O king many demons dwelling at Janasthana including Khara have been killed. I manged to escape with much difficulty. |
तद्वालिवचनाच्छान्तः कुर्वन्युक्तमतन्द्रितः।जग्राह सोऽभ्यनुज्ञातो मालां तां चैव काञ्चनी।। | On hearing Valis words, Sugriva became composed with no illfeeling. Considering it to be proper, he received with his permission the golden necklace. |
तेषां नस्वामिसन्देशान्निराशानां मुमूर्षताम्।कार्यहेतोरिवायातश्शकुनिर्वीर्यवान्महान्।। | "When we were disappointed in tracing you and were at the point of death having been commanded by the king that whosoever overstays would be killed a gigantic powerful bird appeared to fulfil our task. |
कथं दशरथाज्जातो भवेद्राज्यापहारकः।राज्यं चाहं च रामस्य धर्मं वक्तुमिहार्हसि।। | How can any usurper of the kingdom be born of Dasaratha? Or, how would any progeny of Dasaratha become the usurper of the kingdom? I and the kingdom, both belong to Rama. You should tell the truth about this. |
एवमुक्त्वा तु दिव्येन विमानेन वपुष्मता।आरुरोह दिवं क्षिप्रं मुनिपुत्रो जितेन्द्रियः।। | The sages son with his senses under control said this while ascending heaven on a beautiful, celestial, aerial chariot. |
कैकेय्याः प्रियकामेन रामः प्रव्राजितो मया।यदि सत्यं ब्रवीम्येतत्तदसत्यं भविष्यति।। | If I tell the truth, To please Kaikeyi I have sent Rama to the forest, none will believe it and will consider it untruth. |
यदहं नोपचारेण ब्रूयां स्नेहादविक्लबः।भक्तिमानिति तत्तावद्वाक्यं त्वं क्षन्तुमर्हसि।। | I beg your pardon for what I have told you out of love. Accept it as the words of a devotee expressed without fear or formality. |
स भारस्सौम्य भर्तव्यो यो नरं नावसादयेत्।।तदन्नमपि भोक्तव्यं जीर्यते यदनामयम्। | O gentle Ravana one should carry that much of weight which does not tire him. One should eat only that wholesome food which can be easily digested. |
अन्योन्यैराहता स्सक्ता स्सस्वनुर्भीमनिस्स्वनाः ।ऊर्मयस्सिन्धुराजस्य महाभेर्य इवाहवे ।। | The waves of the ocean striking each other making frightening sounds like the blowing of war horns seemed as if challenging each other. |
रामस्तस्य तु विज्ञाय बाष्पपूर्णमुखस्तदा।द्विगुणीकृततापार्तस्सीतासक्तां प्रियां कथाम्।। | Having known from Jatayu the story of his beloved Sita, Rama was full of tears, his grief redoubled. |
शाश्वती खलु ते कीर्तिर्लोकाननुचरिष्यति।यस्त्वं कृच्छ्रगतं रामं प्रत्यानयितुमिच्छसि।। | You desire to bring back Rama who is in great difficulty. This everlasting fame of yours will spread all over the world. |
इतीव विलपन्तीं तां प्रोवाच रघुनन्दनः।सीते तत्र भवांस्तातः प्रव्राजयति मां वनम्।। | O Sita my venerable father is banishing me to the forest, said Rama, the scion of the Raghus, the joy of the Raghu race, seeing her thus lamenting. |
कच्चित्ते नियमाः प्राप्ताः कच्चित्ते मनसः सुखम्।कच्चित्ते गुरुशुश्रूषा सफला चारुभाषिणि।। | O Sweettongued Sabari, have you achieved selfcontrol? Has your mind attained peace ? Have your services to the preceptor yielded results? |
इत्येतद्वाक्यमादायरक्षसेन्द्रस्यराक्षसाः ।निर्ययुस्तेरथैःशीघ्रैर्नानानीकैश्चसंयुताः ।। | On Rakshasa king speaking like that, all the diverse battalions together departed swiftly on chariots. |
किं न स्मरसि कैकेयि स्मरन्ती वा निगूहसे।यदुच्यमानमात्मार्थं मत्तस्त्वं श्रोतुमिच्छसि।। | O Kaikeyi, dont you remember in your own interest what Im going to tell you or are you hiding it, wishing to hear from me? |
मत्तान्गिरितटोत्कृष्टान्पर्वतानिव जङ्गमान्।वारणान्वारिदप्रख्यान्महीरेणुसमुक्षिता।। | Observing intoxicated elephants knocking the edges of mountain slopes, elephants resembling dark rainbearing clouds, elephants like moving mountains, elephants with dust covered all over the body. |
हा राम लक्ष्मणेत्येवं हाऽयोध्ये चेति मैथिली।।विलप्य बहु वैदेही न्यस्तदेहा भविष्यति। | "Or, Vaidehi, the princess of Mithila might have cast off her life grieving intensely and crying, Alas, Rama, alas, Lakshmana, alas, Ayodhya. Mithila is the name of the capital city and Videha is the country which was ruled by Janaka. Sita, the princess is known as Vaidehi, Mythili and Janaki. |
केचिदाकाशमाविश्यकेचिदुर्व्यांप्लवङ्गमाः ।रक्षस्सैन्येषुसङ्कृद्धाःश्चेरुर्द्रुमशिलायुधाः ।। | Some monkeys springing into the sky, while some staying on earth, with trees, rocks as weapons, enraged, ranged the Rakshasa army. |
मरणान्तानिवैराणिनिर्वृत्तंवःप्रयोजनम् ।क्रियतामस्यसंस्कारोममाप्येषयथातव ।। | "There is no use of enmity after death. You may carry out his last rites. That way I am also your relation." This is the end of one hundred and twelfth sarga of Yuddha Kanda of the first epic the holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki. |
कृत्वा च शैलपृष्ठे तु तौ वासं रामलक्ष्मणौ।पम्पायाः पश्चिमं तीरं राघवावुपतस्थतुः।। | Rama and Lakshmana halted on the slope of the mountain and then departed for the western bank of Pampa. |
तस्मिन्नृपतिशार्दूले भरते धर्मवत्सले।पालयत्यखिलां भूमिं कश्चरेद्धर्मनिग्रह।। | Who can stray from the path of dharma when the whole world is ruled by Bharata, a tiger among kings, and a lover of dharma? |
पर्वताग्रे तु लोकात्मा हस्तेनाक्रम्य केशव:।देवानां मध्यत: स्थित्वा ममन्थ पुरुषोत्तम:।। | Visnu, the Supreme being, the soul of the universe standing amidst the devatas took hold of the peak of mountain with his hand and continued to churn the ocean. |
चाराणांरावणश्श्रुत्वाप्राप्तंरामंमहाबलम् ।जातोद्वेगोऽभवत्किञ्चिच्छार्दूलंवाक्यमब्रवीत् ।। | On hearing from the spies that Rama has camped with a great army, Ravana got a little panicky and said these words to Saardula. |
तावर्धदिवसे श्रान्तौ दृष्ट्वा पुत्रौ महीतले।रुरोद पुत्रशोकेन बाष्पपर्याकुलेक्षणा।। | On seeing her two sons lying on earth exhausted, she wailed in distress for them with her eyes filled with tears. |
काश्चिच्च वस्त्रमन्यस्यास्स्वपन्त्याः परिधाय च।आहृत्य चाबलाः सुप्ता निद्राबलपराजिताः।। | Overcome with sleep some women pulled clothes of other women and covered their bodies with them. |
जटी तापसरूपेण मया सह सहानुजः।।प्रविष्टो दण्डकारण्यं धर्मनित्यो जितेन्द्रियः। | Rama who is ever righteous and selfcontrolled entered the Dandaka forest with matted locks, his brother and me. |
रावणस्त्वब्रवीद्धृष्टोराक्षसांस्तानुपस्थितान् ।द्रष्टुमेनमिहेच्छामियथान्यायंचपूज्यताम् ।। | Ravana on his part said this to the Rakshasas feeling cheerful. "Honour him as propriety demands. I wish to see him." |
सीता तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा पूर्णचन्द्रनिभानना।
हनूमन्तमुवाचेदं धर्मार्थसहितं वचः।।
| To the righteous words about Ramas grief of Hanuman, Sita with a face like the full moon replied. |
निद्रामदपरीताक्ष्यो रावणस्योत्तमाः स्त्रियः।अनुजग्मुः पतिं वीरं घनं विद्युल्लता इव।। | The chief wives of Ravana with eyes dizzy with sleep and drinking followed their heroic husband like streaks of lightning follow a thunder cloud. Ravana who was dark looked like a cloud and the women with dazzling golden complexion appeared like lightning. |
कौम्भकर्णिस्ततोवीरोनिकुम्भोनामवीर्यवान् ।अब्रवीत्परमक्रुद्धोरावणंलोकरावणम् ।। | Thereafter the enraged heroic and valiant son of Kumbhakarna called Nikumbha said to Ravana, who made the world cry. |
पृष्ठतोऽनुव्रजध्वंमामग्रतोयन्तमाहवे ।शूरैरनिजनोपेतैरयुक्तंहिनिवर्तितुम् ।। | "Return and come in front, close to me and follow me. It is not proper for you to win wars and be praised." |
वधायेन्द्रजितोरामसन्दिशस्वमहाबल ।हतेतस्मिन्हतंविद्धिरावणंससुहृज्जनम् ।। | Rama, you are endowed with extraordinary prowess! Order now for the destruction of Indrajith as with his death Ravana and all his kinsfolk are killed, you may know. |
खराश्चखरनिर्घोषागगनेपरुषाघनाः ।औत्पातिकानिनर्दन्तस्समन्तात्परिचक्रमुः ।। | Dreadful and portentous clouds went in circles all over sky looking like donkeys emitting harsh sounds. |
वज्रसंस्पर्शबाणस्य भार्यां रामस्य रावण।।अल्पबुद्धे हरस्येनां वधाय खलु रक्षसाम्। | Foolish Ravana, you are kidnapping this lady, wife of Rama, whose arrows can hit like a thunderbolt. This will lead to the destruction of all demons. |
यदैववानरैर्घोरैर्बद्धस्सेतुर्महार्णवे ।तदैवहृदयेनाहंशङ्केरामममानुषम् ।। | "When these terrific Vanaras constructed a bridge over the great ocean, I doubted in my mind at that time itself that Rama is not a mortal." |
वनं चैत्ररथं दिव्यं नलिनीं नन्दनं वनम्।विनाशयति यः क्रोधाद्देवोद्यानानि वीर्यवान्।। | Out of anger he destroyed all the gardens of gods like Chitraratha of Kubera full of lotusponds and Nandana, the pleasuregarden of Indra. |
उत्पपातततोहृष्टःपुत्रंचपरिषस्वजे ।।रावणोरक्षसांमध्येश्रुत्वाशत्रूनिपातितौ । | In the midst of Rakshasas, Ravana hearing the news of his enemies being killed, rejoiced, and got up from his couch and embraced his son. |
विज्ञानं हि मम भ्रष्टं शापदोषेण राघव।।स्वकृतेन मया प्राप्तं रूपं लोकविगर्हितम्। | O Rama due to the curse I have lost my wisdom. By my own deed, I have attained this form despicable to the world. |
विशस्ते वा गृहीते वा रक्षोभिर्मयि संयुगे।।नान्यं पश्यामि रामस्य सहायं कार्यसाधने। | "If I am killed in the combat or captured by the demons, I do not see another person who can help in accomplishing this task. |
सलाजाः क्षीरिभिश्छन्ना घटाः काञ्चनराजताः।।पद्मोत्पलयुता भान्ति पूर्णाः परमवारिणा। | Gold and silver vessels filled with holy water and puffed corn, adorned with lotuses, water lilies and leaves from trees rich in sap shone. |
बालवृद्धावशेषांतुकृत्वालङ्कांशरोर्मिभिः ।रावणंचरिपुंहत्वासीतांत्वंसमुलप्स्यते ।। | "Lanka will be left with youngsters and the aged with your arrows. The enemy Ravana killed, you will recover Sita." |
कौशल्या शुशुभे तेन पुत्रेणामिततेजसा।यथा वरेण देवानामदितिर्वज्रपाणिना।। | Kausalya looked splendid with her son, Rama of boundless energy, as did Aditi with the chief of the gods Indra, wielder of thunder. |
एकोहिकुरुतेपापंकालपाशवशंगतः ।नीचेनात्मापचारेणकुलंतेनविनश्यति ।। | "Only one has done that sin and fallen into the noose of death. Because of one Rakshasas mistake the race will perish." |
सत्त्वाभिजनसम्पन्नस्सानुक्रोशो जितेन्द्रियः।कृतज्ञस्सत्यवादी च राजा लोके महीयते।। | Only a king who is an heir to a noble family, compassionate, and selfcontrolled, grateful and truthful excels in the world. |
अद्य मेऽस्त्रप्रभावस्य प्रभावः प्रभविष्यति।राज्ञश्चाप्रभुतां कर्तुं प्रभुत्वं तव च प्रभोः।। | O Lord today you shall see the power of my glorious weapons in depriving the king Dasaratha of his authority and establishing your supremacy over the kingdom. |
लक्ष्मणेनैवमुक्ता सा रुदन्ती जनकात्मजा।प्रत्युवाच ततो वाक्यं तीव्रं बाष्पपरिप्लुता।। | At these words of Lakshmana Sita started crying. With eyes filled with tears she replied with harshness |
वयं तु भरतादेश विधिं कृत्वा हरीश्वर।त्वद्विधान्भिन्नमर्यादान्नियन्तुपर्यवस्थित।। | O Vali we have to follow Bharatas command and are bent upon punishing those wicked people who deviate from the bounds of dharma. |
अथ राजा समृद्धार्थस्सुग्रीवः प्लवगेश्वरः।उवाच नरशार्दूलं रामं परबलार्दनम्।। | Sugriva, lord of monkeys, who was supported by a massive army informed Rama, the tiger among men and a crusher of the enemy army |
मनोरथोऽयमिष्टोऽस्या भगिन्या मम राक्षसाः।शीघ्रं सम्पाद्यतां तौ च प्रमथ्य स्वेन तेजसा।। | O demons quickly go and crush them with your power and fulfil my sisters sincere wish. |
ततस्सेनापतिः क्रुद्धो दूषणश्शत्रुदूषणः।।शरैरशनिकल्पैस्तं राघवं समवाकिरत्। | Thereafter Dusana, chief of the army, angrily released at Rama equally powerful arrows comparable to thunderbolt. |
तेन गत्वा पुरीं लङ्कां हत्वा रावणमाहवे ।राम: सीतामनुप्राप्य परां व्रीडामुपागमत् ।। | Rama entered the city of Lanka by means of that bridge, killed Ravana in the battle and recovered Sita. Thereafter he felt greatly embarassed for accepting his wife who had stayed in an others. |
एवमुक्त्वोदधिर्नष्टस्समुत्थायनलस्तदा ।अब्रवीद्वानरश्रेष्ठोवाक्यंरामंमहाबलः ।। | Having spoken in that way, the Sea God disappeared. Nala, the foremost of vanaras, got up there after and spoke these words to mighty Rama. |
अहत्वा नास्ति मे शक्तिः प्रतिगन्तुमितः पुरीम्।बिलद्वारि प्रतीक्ष त्वं यावदेनं निहन्म्यह।। | I cannot return from here without killing him. Wait at the entrance of the cave until I kill him. Look forward to my return. |
दीपानां च प्रकाशेन तेजसा रावणस्य च।अर्चिर्भिर्भूषणानां च प्रदीप्तेत्यभ्यमन्यत।। | Hanuman fancied that the entire place was set ablaze with the glow of lamps, the lustre of Ravana and the brilliant glow of Ravanas ornaments everything was shining. |
तान् दृष्ट्वा पतितान्भूमौ राक्षसी क्रोधमूर्छिता।।परित्रस्ता पुनस्तत्र व्यसृजद्भैरवस्वनान्। | Seeing the demons fallen on the ground, the demoness wild with anger and fear roared. |
भावो मयि तवात्यर्थं पाप एव निवेशितः।विनष्टे भ्रातरि प्राप्तुं न च त्वं मामवाप्स्यसि।। | You have an extremely sinful intention of getting me when your brother is dead. But you will not be able to gain me. |
साहिजन्म च बाल्यं च यौवनं च महात्मनः ।धर्मकार्याणिरूपं च रुदतीसंस्मरिष्यति ।। | She will be crying and keep remembering his birth, childhood, youth, and his rightful actions, and his charm. |
ततोवयमितस्तूर्णंशूलशक्तिगदाधराः ।चापबाणासिहस्ताश्चत्वरितास्तत्रयामहे ।। | "Then from here we will go there wielding tridents, javelins, maces, swords and arrows." |
या च वक्ष्यति वैदेहीं वचनं किञ्चिदप्रियम्।।अज्ञानाद्यदि वा ज्ञानान्न तस्या जीवितं प्रियम्। | Whoever utters any unpleasant words knowingly or unknowingly to Sita, princess of Videha is not worthy to survive must be killed. |
न हि तावदतिक्रान्ता सुकरा काचन क्रिया।अद्य दुःखं तु वैदेही वनवासस्य वेत्स्यति।। | We have not yet confronted any hardship. From now on Sita will come to know the difficulties of forest life. |
ते च दृष्ट्वा तथा सुप्ते शुभे देव्यौ च तं नृपम्।सुप्तमेवोद्गतप्राणमन्तःपुरमदृश्यत।। | Having seen the two auspicious queens asleep, the women in the inner apartment thought the king died in his sleep. |
तं दृष्ट्वा नागरा स्सर्वे कृद्धा राजानमब्रुवन्।असमञ्जं वृणीष्वैकमस्मान्वा राष्ट्रवर्धन।। | Watching it, all the enraged citizens said to the king, O enhancer of the prosperity of the kingdom, either you choose Asamanjasa or us. |
एते तिष्ठन्तु गच्छामो भर्ता नो यत्र वानरः।सुग्रीवो विपुलग्रीवः सह रामेण तिष्ठति।। | "Let them stay here. Our broadnecked king Sugriva will be there with Rama. Let us go to him. |
सरस्वतीं च गङ्गां च युग्मेन प्रतिपद्यच।
उत्तरान्वीरमत्स्यानां भारुण्डं प्राविशद्वनम्।।
| Arriving at the confluence of Saraswati and Ganga and traversing the north of Veeramatsya region, he entered the Bharunda forest. |
ततस्तेष्ववसन्नेषु सेनापतिषु पञ्चसु।।बलं तदवशेषं च नाशयामास वानरः। | When the five army chiefs were killed, Hanuman began to destoy the remaining army force. |
लङ्काया दुष्प्रवेशत्वाद्दुस्तरत्वान्महोदधेः।सामर्थ्यादात्मनश्चैव मयैतत्समुदीरितम्।। | "Crossing the ocean and entering Lanka are difficult. But I accomplished it. Hence my proposal. |
बहवोराक्षसायुद्धेबहून्वानरयूधपान् ।।वानराराक्षसांश्चापिनिजघ्नुर्बहवोबहून् । | In the course of war many Rakshasas killed many Vanara leaders and many Vanaras killed many Rakshasas also. |
एवमुक्त्वा मुनिश्रेष्ठं वैदेहो मिथिलाधिप:।।प्रदक्षिणं चकाराशु सोपाध्यायस्सबान्धव:। | Having thus addressed the greatest sage, king of Videha, Lord of the city of Mithila Janaka accompanied by his king and spiritual preceptors circumambulated Viswamitra without delay. |
रावणं विरथं कृत्वा स्थापयित्वा च मैथिलीम्।परिश्रान्तश्च वृद्धश्च रावणेन हतो रणे।। | Jatayu destroyed Ravanas aerial chariot and put Maithili in a safe place. But being old and exhausted, he was killed in a combat by Ravana. |
स वेगवान्महावेगंकृत्वापरमदुर्जयः ।तलेनभृशमुत्पत्यजघानास्यमहागजम् ।। | Angada, who was endowed with high speed, and exceedingly difficult to encounter, jumped up the huge elephant of Mahodara attacked him. |
अश्मसारमयं नूनमिदं मे हृदयं दृढ।।भर्तारं निहतं दृष्ट्वा यन्नाद्य शतधा कृतम्। | My heart is surely made of hard stone yet it has not split into a hundred pieces even on seeing my husband slain |
परितुष्टा हि सा देवी वनवासं गते मयि।राजानं नातिशङ्केत 'मिथ्यावादी'ति धार्मिकम्।। | If queen Kaikeyi is fully satisfied that I have gone to dwell in the forest, she will no longer have any doubt and will believe that righteous king Dasaratha is not a liar. |