int32 0
| identifier
stringlengths 4
| segmentation
stringlengths 5
0 | abstractconnectorserializeddataversion | abstract connector serialized data version |
1 | abstractfigure | abstract figure |
2 | abstractfigures | abstract figures |
3 | abstractfigureserializeddataversion | abstract figureserialized data version |
4 | abstracthandle | abstract handle |
5 | abstractlocator | abstract locator |
6 | abstracttool | abstract tool |
7 | acceptstyping | accepts typing |
8 | actionevent | action event |
9 | actionlistener | action listener |
10 | actionperformed | action performed |
11 | actiontool | action tool |
12 | addactionlistener | add action listener |
13 | addall | add all |
14 | addbackground | add background |
15 | addcornerhandles | add corner handles |
16 | adddrawingchangelistener | add drawing change listener |
17 | addelement | add element |
18 | addfigurechangelistener | add figure change listener |
19 | addforeground | add foreground |
20 | addhandles | add handles |
21 | addimage | add image |
22 | addinternal | add internal |
23 | additem | add item |
24 | additemlistener | add item listener |
25 | addkeylistener | add key listener |
26 | addlayoutcomponent | add layout component |
27 | addlisteners | add listeners |
28 | addmouselistener | add mouse listener |
29 | addmousemotionlistener | add mouse motion listener |
30 | addpoint | add point |
31 | addpointrelative | add point relative |
32 | addposttask | add post task |
33 | addpretask | add pre task |
34 | addseparator | add separator |
35 | addtocontainer | add to container |
36 | addtoselection | add to selection |
37 | addtoselectionall | add to selectionall |
38 | addwindowlistener | add window listener |
39 | aligncommand | align command |
40 | alignmentmenu | align mentmenu |
41 | allbits | all bits |
42 | anchorangle | anchor angle |
43 | anchorfigure | anchor figure |
44 | anchorhandle | anchor handle |
45 | anchorlen | anchor len |
46 | anchorx | anchor x |
47 | anchory | anchor y |
48 | andrewfg | and rewfg |
49 | angletopoint | angle to point |
50 | animationdecorator | animation decorator |
51 | animationdecoratorserializeddataversion | animation decorator serialized data version |
52 | animationstep | animation step |
53 | anyway | any way |
54 | appletclassname | applet class name |
55 | appletpath | applet path |
56 | arrayindexoutofboundsexception | array index out of bounds exception |
57 | arrowmode | arrow mode |
58 | arrowtip | arrow tip |
59 | arrowtipserializeddataversion | arrow tip serialized data version |
60 | asint | as int |
61 | attributefigure | attribute figure |
62 | attributefigureserializeddataversion | attribute figure serialized data version |
63 | attributename | attribute name |
64 | attributevalue | attribute value |
65 | awteventmulticaster | awt event multi caster |
66 | basicdisplaybox | basic display box |
67 | basicgetimage | basic get image |
68 | basicmoveby | basic move by |
69 | beginedit | begin edit |
70 | booleanvalue | boolean value |
71 | borddec | bord decorator |
72 | borderdecorator | border decorator |
73 | borderdecoratorserializeddataversion | border decorator serialized data version |
74 | borderlayout | border layout |
75 | bordertool | border tool |
76 | bouncingdrawing | bouncing drawing |
77 | bouncingdrawingserializeddataversion | bouncing drawing serialized data version |
78 | boxhandlekit | box handle kit |
79 | bringtofront | bring to front |
80 | bringtofrontcommand | bring to front command |
81 | bufferedreader | buffered reader |
82 | bufferedupdateserializeddataversion | buffered update serialized data version |
83 | bufferedupdatestrategy | buffered update strategy |
84 | buttonpalette | button palette |
85 | bytearrayinputstream | byte array input stream |
86 | bytearrayoutputstream | byte array output stream |
87 | bytestream | byte stream |
88 | canconnect | can connect |
89 | cannot | can not |
90 | changeattributecommand | change attribute command |
91 | changeconnectionendhandle | change connection end handle |
92 | changeconnectionhandle | change connection handle |
93 | changeconnectionhandles | change connection handles |
94 | changeconnectionstarthandle | change connection start handle |
95 | checkdamage | check damage |
96 | checkenabled | check enabled |
97 | checkminimumsize | check minimum size |
98 | chopboxconnector | chop box connector |
99 | chopellipseconnector | chop ellipse connector |
Dataset Card for Jhotdraw
Dataset Summary
In programming languages, identifiers are tokens (also called symbols) which name language entities. Some of the kinds of entities an identifier might denote include variables, types, labels, subroutines, and packages.
Jhotdraw is a dataset for identifier segmentation, i.e. the task of adding spaces between the words on a identifier.
- Java
Dataset Structure
Data Instances
"index": 0,
"identifier": "abstractconnectorserializeddataversion",
"segmentation": "abstract connector serialized data version"
Data Fields
: a numerical index.identifier
: the original identifier.segmentation
: the gold segmentation for the identifier.
Dataset Creation
All hashtag segmentation and identifier splitting datasets on this profile have the same basic fields:
.The only difference between
or betweenidentifier
are the whitespace characters. Spell checking, expanding abbreviations or correcting characters to uppercase go into other fields.There is always whitespace between an alphanumeric character and a sequence of any special characters ( such as
).If there are any annotations for named entity recognition and other token classification tasks, they are given in a
Additional Information
Citation Information
title={Recognizing words from source code identifiers using speech recognition techniques},
author={Madani, Nioosha and Guerrouj, Latifa and Di Penta, Massimiliano and Gueheneuc, Yann-Gael and Antoniol, Giuliano},
booktitle={2010 14th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering},
This dataset was added by @ruanchaves while developing the hashformers library.
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