int32 32
| hashtag
stringlengths 2
| segmentation
stringlengths 3
2,393 | MinisterofState | Ministerof State |
155,792 | PuducherryLoksabhaElections2019 | Puducherry Loksabha Elections 2019 |
27,188 | IndiaDeveleopmentDebate | India Develeopment Debate |
40,562 | LokSabhaSet | Lok Sabha Set |
165,722 | DeafTalent | Deaf Talent |
282,559 | Youth4Nation | Youth 4 Nation |
190,417 | CelebratingIndiasDemocraticFestival | Celebrating Indias Democratic Festival |
287,871 | yellowVest | yellow Vest |
208,260 | JhulaDiplomacyFails | Jhula Diplomacy Fails |
177,786 | RahulkechamchebhiJhutehai | Rahulkechamchebhi Jhutehai |
222,802 | TCOTKpt2 | TCOT Kpt 2 |
140,827 | DrHarshvarsdhan4Delhi | Dr Harshvarsdhan 4 Delhi |
130,882 | Vote4RamapatiRamTripathi | Vote 4 Ramapati Ram Tripathi |
308,400 | RememberTerrorAttacksWhenYouVote | Remember Terror Attacks When You Vote |
173,969 | AmrinderSinghLovely | Amrinder Singh Lovely |
171,522 | JharkhandElections2019 | Jharkhand Elections 2019 |
242,335 | JoyJagannath | Joy Jagannath |
268,962 | HarChokidaarChorHai | Har Chokidaar Chor Hai |
197,155 | SouthernStupidity | Southern Stupidity |
233,375 | HalfLion | Half Lion |
328,500 | #Thangam | Thangam |
327,165 | #TheUltimateTest | The Ultimate Test |
55,914 | 17Abril | 17 Abril |
162,006 | TejinderBagga | Tejinder Bagga |
5,616 | GraphicCapital | Graphic Capital |
326,092 | FirstLokpal | First Lokpal |
305,198 | ChowkidarChai | Chowkidar Chai |
43,921 | MuslimsWithNaMo | Muslims With Na Mo |
60,249 | HotelPromenade | Hotel Promenade |
14,192 | RememberRahulWhenYouVote | Remember Rahul When You Vote |
126,922 | LoveActually | Love Actually |
299,602 | ParliamentaryAction | Parliamentary Action |
63,772 | GoldenIndia | Golden India |
116,629 | UAEwithModi | UA Ewith Modi |
114,287 | FunMeinHaiVishwas | Fun Mein Hai Vishwas |
283,845 | KarnatakaByElection2019 | Karnataka By Election 2019 |
47,730 | CPIs | CP Is |
146,913 | ExitPollsResults2018 | Exit Polls Results 2018 |
186,939 | OSAAAward | OSAA Award |
186,116 | DGPHUpdates | DGPH Updates |
10,053 | SaveTheDreamers | Save The Dreamers |
39,212 | IdeologicalBattle | Ideological Battle |
210,916 | IndiraGandhiBhiChorHai | Indira Gandhi Bhi Chor Hai |
54,688 | LargeCap | Large Cap |
155,866 | WednesdayTruth | Wednesday Truth |
218,471 | HaryanaVote4Modi | Haryana Vote 4 Modi |
171,846 | MannkiBaaat | Mannki Baaat |
230,434 | AtGuruvayurTemple | At Guruvayur Temple |
128,460 | RenukasinghBjp4Surguja | Renukasingh Bjp 4 Surguja |
114,462 | ChiefElectoralOfficerPunjab | Chief Electoral Officer Punjab |
328,485 | #BEASTFirstLook | BEAST First Look |
289,885 | PrinciplesOfKarmaByBapuji | Principles Of Karma By Bapuji |
223,538 | PakistaniMedia | Pakistani Media |
16,798 | FascistFour | Fascist Four |
235,703 | RajvirSingh | Rajvir Singh |
106,061 | BangaloreTdp | Bangalore Tdp |
141,745 | TOIlet | TO Ilet |
316,594 | BuildtheDamnWall | Buildthe Damn Wall |
239,258 | RamDevSoni | Ram Dev Soni |
210,650 | FakeLaw | Fake Law |
264,348 | Vote4BJPistoVote4 | Vote 4 BJ Pisto Vote 4 |
257,646 | LieMaster | Lie Master |
1,084 | SanghParvaar | Sangh Parvaar |
91,650 | BoE | Bo E |
114,034 | JumlaVikas | Jumla Vikas |
38,412 | PropertyHint | Property Hint |
256,085 | NaveenPatnaikInindia | Naveen Patnaik Inindia |
166,468 | WhyAsaramBapuJiTargeted | Why Asaram Bapu Ji Targeted |
255,799 | HCBansFlexUse | HC Bans Flex Use |
306,360 | MainBhiChowkidarphirse | Main Bhi Chowkidarphirse |
248,801 | CallOfDuty2020 | Call Of Duty 2020 |
149,932 | WestIndies | West Indies |
150,908 | AyengetoModiJiHi | Ayengeto Modi Ji Hi |
199,908 | ChowkidarImandarhai | Chowkidar Imandarhai |
178,808 | JhootMuktAmethi | Jhoot Mukt Amethi |
29,373 | NaMoSelection | Na Mo Selection |
194,825 | FreeFlynn | Free Flynn |
26,884 | SaffronSurgeAgain | Saffron Surge Again |
188,303 | MamthaBanarji | Mamtha Banarji |
44,223 | goldenTemple | golden Temple |
215,620 | WorldThisWeek | World This Week |
321,966 | CongressAreThieves | Congress Are Thieves |
35,121 | NhsSaveLives | Nhs Save Lives |
46,839 | BibiRajindraKaurBhatthal | Bibi Rajindra Kaur Bhatthal |
108,616 | InstantTurnOns | Instant Turn Ons |
89,446 | RajivAnderson | Rajiv Anderson |
146,927 | lifekaplanB | lifekaplan B |
100,165 | EUVotingRights | EU Voting Rights |
161,821 | LanaodelSur | Lanaodel Sur |
18,854 | KAPaulFans | KA Paul Fans |
66,738 | TrendingPicture | Trending Picture |
309,793 | RemainerAttacks | Remainer Attacks |
180,162 | ChowkidarNahiPMChuno | Chowkidar Nahi PM Chuno |
276,900 | NarasimhuniSuddulu | Narasimhuni Suddulu |
328,744 | #Parvati | Parvati |
124,916 | MumbaiVotes2019 | Mumbai Votes 2019 |
4,125 | MNMPuducherry | MNM Puducherry |
194,551 | GobindSinghLongowal | Gobind Singh Longowal |
47,571 | RBIPolicy | RBI Policy |
35,855 | RepPressley | Rep Pressley |
Dataset Card for HashSet Distant Sampled
Dataset Summary
Hashset is a new dataset consisting on 1.9k manually annotated and 3.3M loosely supervised tweets for testing the efficiency of hashtag segmentation models. We compare State of The Art Hashtag Segmentation models on Hashset and other baseline datasets (STAN and BOUN). We compare and analyse the results across the datasets to argue that HashSet can act as a good benchmark for hashtag segmentation tasks.
HashSet Distant: 3.3M loosely collected camel cased hashtags containing hashtag and their segmentation.
HashSet Distant Sampled is a sample of 20,000 camel cased hashtags from the HashSet Distant dataset.
Hindi and English.
Dataset Structure
Data Instances
'index': 282559,
'hashtag': 'Youth4Nation',
'segmentation': 'Youth 4 Nation'
Dataset Creation
All hashtag segmentation and identifier splitting datasets on this profile have the same basic fields:
.The only difference between
or betweenidentifier
are the whitespace characters. Spell checking, expanding abbreviations or correcting characters to uppercase go into other fields.There is always whitespace between an alphanumeric character and a sequence of any special characters ( such as
).If there are any annotations for named entity recognition and other token classification tasks, they are given in a
Additional Information
Citation Information
title={HashSet--A Dataset For Hashtag Segmentation},
author={Kodali, Prashant and Bhatnagar, Akshala and Ahuja, Naman and Shrivastava, Manish and Kumaraguru, Ponnurangam},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.06741},
This dataset was added by @ruanchaves while developing the hashformers library.
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