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Goblin: The Lonely and Great God Tour :"Dokkaebi" is a popular Korean drama and it was first aired on December 2, 2016 in South Korea. The English name of this drama is "Goblin: The Lonely and Great God". In ancient times, Kim Shin is an unbeatable war admiral but the young King is jealous of him and kills him. After that Kim Shin becomes a Dokkaebi and waits 900 years for his human bride to end his life…. This drama all about love story between Dokkaebi, Grim Reaper and humans. Unhyeongung Palace was the residence of Daewongun whose son later became Emperor Gojong. At Unhyeongung Palace, Daewongun ruled the nation as a regent for 10 years and as the place where Emperor Gojong and Empress Myeongseong were married. This palace starts both different walking courses but as each course splits off tourists will have the opportunity to see and experience traditional Korean culture at the various workshops and centers scattered throughout this hanok village. Is considered to doldamgil palace known as the middle of the road in the Republic of Korea is one of the most famous places. The song was even featured in a number of couples walking here not long after leaving him there were rumors wafted. Perhaps because there was an old family court here handed down this road, but beautiful as fame or another. Seasonal tree-dressed and show a new look. Primarily one-way street than cars considerate people can walk leisurely. In addition, near Seoul Museum of Art, affective and cultural facilities, including theaters and palaces located popular with foreign tourists, is something else. Korean Star Photo Zone is the place where it combined entertainment contents and the stars that represent Korea to feel the trend, which leads the Korean pop culture. It is an experience with a new concept that gives visitors a unique experience to be with the stars they love. The town of relaxation in Seoul, Korea: even though Seoul is full of big billboard signs of global companies and so many people running around in a hurry.The time clock has stopped 30-40 years ago at this town.This is the Bukchon Hanok Village in the middle of Seoul City.In the Bukchon Hanok Village, the past and the modern times mysteriously coexist with each other. This town reserves the old appearance of Korea really well like the public bath, barber shop, mill, oil shop, and others within the 30~40 years range.If people visit Bukchon Hanok Village and look around in every corner that are filled with Hanok housings intensely, whoever you may be, will fall in love with the beauty of this place.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
The public should click here. Four ways to make a connection. This service is all about working smarter . . . not harder. The ICIWorld market is a community of people networking real estate have and want information in the world. It was the first service of its kind on the Internet in 1994 and continues to grow to this day based on the popularity and demand from the public and the organized real estate industry for a quality real estate information service. ICIWorld is not a listing service like a real estate board internet type listing service. It is more like the real estate classified ads of a newspaper but to a world market of over 600,000,000 people. It handles all kinds of Have and Want information as well as real estate board type listings. Look for "control" in each listing, whether it is an MLS listing being advertised or some other arrangement or situation. The service is free to the public and is supported by licensed real estate brokers and salespeople world wide. Companies that supply products and services for the real estate industry also provide support. Gary Nusca, CCIM, founder, is a past CCIM Commercial Real Estate World Conference Chairman for the CCIM Institute and a broker for over thirty years. This service speaks the language of commercial real estate but there are services and contacts for residential real estate brokers too. Bill Gates wrote a book on Information @the Speed of Thought. ICIWorld applies concepts from Bill and his book. It puts member brokers and salespeople instantly and directly in touch with an industry of people world wide. You really should read the testimonials, among the most of any service we have seen on the Internet. This should be an inspiration to you as it is for us. For real estate brokers and salespeople thinking of joining ICIWorld, here is a quick rundown of some important services and highlights. Simply click on the link. When you are finished looking, close the screen and then proceed to open the next link. It is different from links we provided last year. It has taken thirteen years to build up 13,000 listings and you can have them in five minutes. "The best money making link in the world for every broker and salesperson in the world to add to their web site!" It is like adding the real estate classified ads of the world onto your web site in a way that you get the leads! Leads result in referrals. Referrals average $8,000-$10,000 each and more. Do ten referrals this next year for a total time of 50 minutes! Could you make $100,000? If they all go through you could. You must be a licensed real estate broker or salesperson to install this special link on your web site. Let us know how many referrals you do. You do not have to be a member to link to any of the main ICIWorld public web sites as a resource for your web site. Hundreds of real estate brokers and salespeople are getting it installed. See the sample web sites with links. Order yours now. It takes only five minutes on the phone. 1-877-272-1721. No home page? You can have a professional one up and running within 60 minutes! Free. The only reason brokers and salespeople do not do referrals is because they do not get the leads. Now you will. 2.Testimonials The testimonials of members and the public continues to be the inspiration for us to grow this service to every corner of the world. See among the most deals reported of any service on the Internet. Proof positive this is one special place in the world that you will be making connections to do business. Make it a part of your brokers "information tool box." Everyone in the world has the capability to do business. I would get excited. "ICIWorld is as close as your nearest Internet access for everyone in the world." Statistics demonstrate traffic. Traffic demonstrates readership. Readership means business for you. This is among the world's largest readership of commercial real estate Have and Want information. Members should print out a month of statistics to demonstrate marketing to over 100 countries. It makes for a powerful listing tool. $1 Trillion of Buyers | $8 Billion of Properties For Sale and For Lease Search over 6,000 Haves and Wants placed by brokers and salespeople complete with contact information. There are easy simple ways to search and there are sophisticated advanced ways to search. Area The public can add their haves and wants free and they have added over 6,000 Haves and Wants. There is a limited view to the public to search. For members there is full access with contact names and numbers. People are doing business now. Deal directly with the public. Leads that are opportunities for referrals. 6.Search Members Membership includes commercial and residential brokers and salespeople and companies and people who supply services to the real estate industry . . . world wide. Developing a business relationship with a member provides for the best in world wide marketing exposure and the ultimate in networking. 7.EMail List Services Database 1 Over 10,000 EMails deliver information daily to the public from our servers in San Jose, California. The public subscribes free to receive the Haves and Wants. Database 2 Members Only can subscribe to receive the Haves and Wants placed by the public literally within one hour of them being placed. 8.Resource Center Members Only. Hundreds of important ideas, tips, concepts, links to help you both in personal and business life. Members agree it is worth the price of admission all by itself. We let members discover this on their own. Place your Haves and Wants. .67 cents per day ($240 per year) and a one time $79 signup fee. Place unlimited Haves and Wants, all year long, for all your Haves and Wants. You benefit from all our world wide marketing programs. Full access to all information including all listings in Database 1 and over 6,0000 listings in Database 2 added by the public in the private FSBO Area and access to the Resource Center that everyone agrees is worth the price of joining itself. Subscribe to receive FSBO's by EMail as they are added to the service. These are Haves and Wants added by the public. Add a link to your web site so that 14,000 Haves and Wants appear on your web site in a way that you get the calls. Add a link so that your personal listings appear on your web site instantly. Add specialty links to your web site. No Home Page? Consultation to have a professional looking home page, up and running within 60 minutes of buying a membership. It is free. Thousands of brokers now have it. Ask to see samples. We will provide you with an explanation and help to set it up. Ask us how to drive traffic to your web site. Training - a 60 minute program conducted in your office, over the phone, while you are on the Internet. It comes with a seven page Marketing Plan highlighting concepts learned over years helping the industry that are the difference between doing deals and not doing deals. Each person who takes this, realizes they were missing doing deals. On going support 1-877-272-1721 anytime. If you could advertise in a newspaper free all year long, would you? Then that is another reason you should join ICIWorld, because it is only $240 for the whole year to a world market of over 600,000,000 poeople. This is a win win situation for the public and the organized real estate industry because more information becomes available as a result of this service than would otherwise be the case. Assistance for members and the public. For Members print out a Marketing Plan & Training Program which include concepts that are the difference between making money or making zero. We have been helping 2-10 brokers and salespeople daily since 1994 and have learned the secrets to effective marketing. You get the benefit of all this with a membership. A 50 minute training program is conducted in your office, over the phone, while you are on the Internet. There are four ways for everyone to make connections. Search Database 1 and Database 2. Add your Have and/or Wants to Database 2 free. Subscribe to Receive Haves and Wants by EMail from Database 1 . . . free . . . for your state/province or area. Place your information with a member of ICIWorld for maximum exposure. Only by placing your information with a member will your information be emailed to the industry, world wide. Only they can provide distribution to the world with over 10,000 EMails circulation daily. You can receive these four suggestions by EMail free click here. Real estate brokers and sales people are best positioned in the market place to explore, qualify, collect, and distribute appropriate information for the betterment of commerce in the world. The most buyers in the world publicly displayed on the Internet are right here on ICIWorld. There is much information that I see that can be worked in every marketplace, I would get excited if I were you. Everyone who is not a member is missing doing deals and does not realize it. Call anytime and we can make the case and demonstrate it within a few minutes. If you are a broker or salesperson you should subscribe now. . See Membership Details. If you could advertise in your local newspaper all year long for free, would you? Then you definitely should be a member of ICIWorld. It is only .67 cents per day ($240/yr.) and you reach into a market of over 600,000,000 people. It is all about connecting with others to do business. One last point. It is not the listings that are important. It is the people behind the listings. The bottom line is that it is still important to develop business relationships that lead to deals. ICIWorld helps everyone by helping you to meet others, to connect to the right people at the right time, where you can qualify people and develop business relationships that lead to doing business. Among other things, ICIWorld provides this one important link in a chain of events necessary to have a successful transaction. Otherwise you miss doing deals and do not even realize it. A major percentage of ideas and concepts in the design are a product of generous contributions by broker and salesperson members and the public for the betterment of networking in the real estate industry. This service has among the largest readership by the public of its kind in the world today. When you have questions, enhancements or suggestions, or to join anytime, call 1-877-272-1721 toll free. We appreciate the opportunity you give us to serve you.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Shein to Spend $15 Million on Factories After Labor Abuse Findings (Bloomberg) — Fast-fashion giant Shein will spend $15 million upgrading hundreds of factories after an investigation found that two of its suppliers' warehouses were flouting local working-hour regulations. The Chinese retailer will spend the money over the next three to four years, Shein said Monday. The move is in response to allegations of labor abuse in a recent U.K. television documentary that found employees at two factories in China were working 18-hour days and fined for making mistakes. Fast-Fashion Upstarts Are Using Shein's Own Strategies Against It In Depth: Chinese Internet Giants Gear Up for Global E-Commerce Push
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Le pagus Teruanensis (parfois appelé en français Ternois), fondé en 649, est une ancienne circonscription franque, dont le centre était Thérouanne. Situation et étendue À l'époque franque, le pagus Teruanensis ou pagus Ternensis était compris dans le diocèse de Thérouanne. Son territoire comprenait toute la portion orientale de l'archidiaconé de l'Artois, c'est-à-dire ce qui était hors des limites du gouvernement du Boulonnais. Il faisait originellement partie de la civitas des Morins. Son territoire était limité à l'est par le Mempisque et le pagus Atrebatensis, au sud par le Ponthieu, à l'ouest par le Boulonnais. Le pagus Teruanensis est mentionné dans de nombreuses chartes du et du , notamment la charte de fondation de l'abbaye de Sithiu. Histoire Au , le pagus Teruanensis avait pour comtes des membres de la famille des Unrochides : Unroch (cité entre 839 et 853), Adalard, fils d'Unroch, Raoul, neveu d'Adalard. À la mort de Raoul, Baudouin II de Flandre, qui était son cousin, réclama du roi l'abbaye de Saint-Bertin ; les religieux, qui le redoutaient, invoquèrent l'intervention de leur ancien abbé Foulques, devenu archevêque de Reims. C'est alors que Baudouin fait assassiner Foulques () ; il réussit néanmoins à obtenir de Charles le Simple le titre d'abbé laïque et probablement aussi de comte. Le Teruanensis passa alors dans l'orbite du marquisat de Flandre. À la mort de Baudouin II, ses deux fils se partagèrent ses États. Adalolphe, le second, obtint le Teruanensis et le Boulonnais en apanage. En 933, à la mort d'Adalolphe, le comte de Flandre Arnoul I, son frère, récupère l'ensemble de l'héritage paternel. Après la mort d'Arnoul I, le Teruanensis paraît avoir été démembré : la partie septentrionale, y compris la ville épiscopale de Thérouanne, fut conservée par les comtes de Flandre, qui la divisèrent en deux châtellenies, dont les chefs-lieux étaient Thérouanne et Saint-Omer ; et dès le milieu du , la partie méridionale de l'ancien pagus fut tenue en fief des comtes de Flandre par un comte qui prenait habituellement, du lieu de sa résidence, le titre de comte de Saint-Pol. Ce comte est aussi parfois désigné sous celui de « comte de Ternois » (équivalent français de Teruanensis). De là la restriction du nom de Ternois à ce comté, qui ne comprenait pourtant pas la capitale de l'ancien pagus, restriction qui fut si prononcée, que le plus fort des cours d'eau qui arrosait le comté de Saint-Pol en prit le nom de Ternoise. Liste des comtes du Teruanensis Unroch (cité entre 839 et 853) Adalard, fils d'Unroch Raoul, neveu d'Adalard Baudouin II de Flandre (900-918) Adalolphe de Boulogne (918-933) Arnoul I de Flandre (933-965) Notes et références Teruanensis Histoire du Pas-de-Calais Pagus du haut Moyen Âge
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
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{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Over at the NMS you will be joining not just a society but a growing family where nobody is left behind. We welcome everyone, Maldivian or not, to join us and celebrate all aspects of our rich culture. Our little but loud community here at UNMC shall be a force to be reckoned with!
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Кричун — фамилия. Известные носители: Кричун, Людмила Петровна (род. 1965) — украинский филолог. Кричун, Пётр Михайлович (род. 1979) — главный редактор газеты «Всё о бухгалтерском учёте». Кричун, Андрей Сергеевич (род. 1989) — белорусский фотограф.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
What do all of these letters mean?!?!?! The Confusing Nomenclature of Fertility By on February 20, 2013 Our Los Angeles based fertility center treats patients from all nationalities, races, genders, sexual orientations and socio-economic levels. One key to success with such a varied population is our focus on clear communication and instruction. With this in mind, we are acutely aware that fertility terminology is inherently intimidating and confusing. For this reason, we make an effort to educate our patients on the meaning of the words we use to describe their treatments and conditions. The following is a glossary of acronyms commonly used in the world of fertility. AMH (Anti Mullerian Hormone): A hormone produced by the follicles within in the ovary. The number of follicles present correlates directly with the level of AMH (higer AMH indicates more follicles). AMH provides a means for testing ovarian reserve. ART (Assisted Reproductive Technologies): A collective term for all techniques in which sperm or eggs are handled outside the body (in the laboratory) COH (Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation): When medication is given to provoke the ovary to produce multiple eggs at one time. DOR (Diminished Ovarian Reserve): A term used to describe the condition when a only small amount of eggs remain within a woman's ovaries. This normally occurs between 35 and 45 years of age, but may be earlier or later in some individuals. FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer): The transfer of previously frozen and thawed embryos into a prepared uterus. FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone): A hormone produced and released from the pituitary gland (in the brain) that stimulates follicles to grow within the ovary. GIFT (Gamete Intra-fallopian Transfer): The placement of sperm and eggs (non-fertilized) directly into the fallopian tube immediately following egg retrieval. HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin): A hormone produced by the placenta which causes a positive pregnancy test. This hormone is also known as the "trigger" shot and is given to induce ovulation. HSG (Hysterosalpingogram): A radiological test where dye is injected into the uterus and multiple x-rays are taken to determine the shape of the uterine cavity and patency of the fallopian tubes. ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection): A laboratory technique where a single sperm is loaded into a microscopic glass needle and injected into a mature egg. IUI (Intrauterine Insemination): Introduction of prepared sperm directly into the uterus near the time of ovulation. IVF (In Vitro Fertilization): A term to describe the process of fertilization that occurs in a laboratory setting (outside of the human body). LH (Lutenizing Hormone): A hormone produced and released by the pituitary gland (in the brain) that helps in egg development and induces natural ovulation. This is the hormone makes ovulation prediction kits positive. OHSS (Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome): A condition encountered when the ovaries over-respond to stimulation medication. Symptoms include severe bloating, dehydration, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. OPK (Ovulation Prediction Kit): An at home, urine test which indicates that ovulation will occur within 24-36 hours. PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis): The evaluation of DNA content within an embryo before it is placed into a uterus. May be used to check the total number of chromosomes, to look for a specific disease, or determine the gender of the embryo. SAB (Spontaneous Abortion): A pregnancy which ends with the spontaneous expulsion of uterine contents (also known as miscarriage). SCSA (Sperm Chromatin Structure Analysis): A test that measures the amount of damaged DNA within a spermatozoa (sperm cell). ZIFT (Zygote Intra-fallopian Transfer): The transfer of Zygotes (day 1 embryos) into the fallopian tubes by laparoscopic procedure. While this list may be helpful, the specialists at the Center for Fertility and Gynecology understand that no amount of information on the internet can replace the human interaction between doctor and patient. If you have questions about infertility and would like to speak with a doctor, feel free to contact us, we'd be happy to speak with you.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
NOWCAST KCCI News at 6am Sunday Morning Wx pics on ulocal My Des Moines This Is Iowa Gr8news Gr8 Pros Salute The Troops COVID-19 in Iowa: Tracking virus cases, deaths Breaking News: Sign up for our Coronavirus & Rossen Reports Newsletters Closings There is currently 1 active closing or delay <% if ( weatherAlerts > 0 ) { %> Severe Weather <% var weatherAlertsMessage = "There " + ( weatherAlerts > 1 ? "are" : "is" ) + " currently " + weatherAlerts + " active weather " + ( weatherAlerts > 1 ? "alerts" : "alert" ); %> Woman charged after audit finds $279K missing Tad Andersen Mahaska Co. Sheriff SOURCE: Mahaska Co. Sheriff A woman has turned herself in to authorities after an audit showed more than $279,000 in improper disbursements and cash withdrawals.Jessica Strasser came to the Mahaska County Jail in Oskaloosa on Wednesday. She is charged with first-degree theft and ongoing criminal conduct.An audit by the State Auditor's Office released on Oct. 1 showed problems at the Mahaska County Soil and Water Conservation District from March 24, 2006, through August 31, 2013.The investigation found $279,344.58 in improper disbursements and un-deposited collections, including $241,248.08 of cash withdrawn from the district's accounts most with Strasser's name on the documentation.Strasser was the secretary for the district until she resigned on Aug. 9, 2013.The investigation was conducted by the Oskaloosa Police Department and the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation. OSKALOOSA, Iowa — A woman has turned herself in to authorities after an audit showed more than $279,000 in improper disbursements and cash withdrawals. Jessica Strasser came to the Mahaska County Jail in Oskaloosa on Wednesday. She is charged with first-degree theft and ongoing criminal conduct. An audit by the State Auditor's Office released on Oct. 1 showed problems at the Mahaska County Soil and Water Conservation District from March 24, 2006, through August 31, 2013. The investigation found $279,344.58 in improper disbursements and un-deposited collections, including $241,248.08 of cash withdrawn from the district's accounts most with Strasser's name on the documentation. Strasser was the secretary for the district until she resigned on Aug. 9, 2013. The investigation was conducted by the Oskaloosa Police Department and the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation. KCCI Des Moines ©2021, Hearst Television Inc. on behalf of KCCI-TV.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
The Silver Bear Cafe keeps its subscribers informed on issues that adversely affect the conservation of capital strategies to preserve increase ones financial security. Tell icap me how can we merge previous icap sheet cell record in next sheet cell e. Revised Sheet No. ICAP is a leading markets operator icap provider of post trade risk mitigation information services. c) Charge- discharge cycle summary of the icap two samples over 100 cycles at 60 mA g − sheet 1. París was an exceptionally industrious man an important composer. Among internationally heralded composers of the " result serious" genre can be counted the Baroque composer Esteban Salas y Castro ( 1725– 1803) who spent much of his life teaching writing music for the Church. The emphasis sheet of this educational result reference is on words amongst this jargon , military service; , there is no pretense of objectivity , slang, which may be readily found in official documents , phrases that appear in published works about war , completeness government resources. g 1- Sheet1 sheet In First Semester cell show three exam result with subject code ( Fail 5101 5102 5103). ( ICAP) A comprehensive. Icap result sheet for y. Cyclic voltammograms of the MnO 2 electrode in sheet a) Mn 2+ free b) added Mn 2+ electrolytes both cycled 50 times with a scan rate of 0. some that would result in lower curves than those proposed by. Inventory for Client and Agency Planning Instructor Training Program. level sample icap daily log sheet/ log book that icap allows documentation of each VL test ordered and sent to. ICAP is a people business at its core and hybrid eCommerce is the perfect extension of the progression for of our industry. Funding: This study was supported by the President' s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief through the United States Centers for Disease Control Prevention under the terms of result a co- operative agreement ( U2GGH. * Provide actual values where available. Investigated electrochemical performance of the aqueous sulfate Zn/ MnO 2 battery with result Mn 2+ ions in the electrolyte. * Assume current proportions of Bundled service and Choice service throughout the forecast period unless there is a known change in electric service provider. icap Deficits in adaptive functioning that result in failure to meet. Unforced capacity ( UCAP) is the unit for for buying and selling ICAP that is actually available at result any given time. ICAP Equity Strategy n Composite inception: 12/ sheet 31/ 91 n Portfolios typically hold 40 result to 50 stocks n P os itng e ra ly dxc 5 fh p n Sector weights are a icap result of bottom- up stock selection, with a typical maximum of no more than 30% in any one sector n Invests in equity securities of companies that generally have market. He was followed in the Cathedral result of Santiago de Cuba icap by the priest Juan París sheet ( 1759– 1845). sheet article published in April. result ICAP Result icap 1st Shift ( General Category) 2. Totals carry to Sheet 3. 10th standard mark sheet ( Original as well as attested copy). Once the VL test result is received from the central lab/ hub,. ICAP Demand Curve. Announcements Releases; Articles Insights; Media Appearances; Past Events. Meet with Treliant at ACAMS Vegas; icap Meet with Treliant at MBA' s Regulatory Compliance Conference. Intermediate & Foundation Spring Examinations Results Pdf Result sheet download Download Pdf of spring icap Result. 1 ICAP Demand Curves define sheet the amount of ICAP. The Institute of Cost & Management icap Accountants of Pakistan was established in 1951 was granted statutory status under the Cost , Management Accountants Act, 1966 for the regulation of the profession of Cost Management Accounting. 18 ( defining " capacity" ). Failure to provide required documents may result in delay or denial of your application. Attach a separate sheet if necessary for any additional. Get detailed information on VS ( 6963. MY) including stock quotes, financial news, historical charts, company background, company fundamentals, company financials, insider trades, annual reports and historical prices in the Company Factsheet. A court employee will review your information and inform you of the down- payment required to qualify for ICAP. It is important to include as much information as possible such as name and date of birth to assist the Court with locating all outstanding debts. The initial down- payment you must make to qualify for ICAP is called.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Oil will start flowing through the Dakota Access Pipeline as early as next week after an appeals court refused to grant an emergency order to Native American tribes that would halt the oil delivery process. The Standing Rock and Cheyenne River Sioux tribes have challenged Tuesday's decision by US District Judge James Boasberg not to stop construction of the final segment of the $3.8 billion pipeline. On Wednesday, the legal team representing the two tribes asked the appeals court for an emergency order which would halt any further construction progress. The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled on Saturday that the tribes had not met the requirements for the order to be issued. The pipeline will be ready to transport oil as early as March 20, following US President Donald Trump's executive order last month paving the way for the final stretch to be built. The decision to seek an emergency order comes after both Native American tribes lost a legal bid last week to stop construction on the last link, which runs under Lake Oahe in North Dakota. The Army Corps of Engineers was allocated the task of clearing the way for the pipeline to run under Lake Oahe on February 7, which the tribes and environmental activists tried to stop with all legal means available at their disposal. In their legal argument, the Native American tribes claimed that the pipeline under Lake Oahe would desecrate water used in sacred ceremonies. Environmental groups along with the local tribes continue to oppose the pipeline, which is being constructed by Energy Transfer Partners, saying it could pose a threat to their drinking water supply. The fight against the pipeline led to months-long protests. The Dakota Access Pipeline is a 1,172-mile-long (1,886 km) underground oil highway that begins in the Bakken oil fields in northwestern North Dakota and extends southeast to Patoka, Illinois.
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Oakland Golden Grizzlies (en español: "osos grizzlies dorados de Oakland") es la denominación de los equipos deportivos de la Universidad de Oakland, institución académica ubicada en el Condado de Oakland, Míchigan. Los Grizzlies participan en las competiciones universitarias organizadas por la NCAA, y forman parte de la Horizon League. Apodo y mascota Hasta 1997, el apodo de la universidad era el de Pioneers, pero al cambiar de la División II de la NCAA a la División I se examnaron muchos aspectos, entre ellos la mascota. Y desde 1998, el apodo del colegio es el de Golden Grizzlies, y la mascota se denomina Grizz, y tiene un amigo llamado Clawzz. Programa deportivo Los Golden Grizzlies compiten en 7 deportes masculinos y en 9 femeninos: Baloncesto El equipo masculino de baloncesto ha conseguido en 5 ocasiones ganar la temporada regular de The Summit League, y en 7 ocasiones aparecer en el Torneo de la NCAA, logrando su mejor clasificación en 2011, cuando llegó a segunda ronda. Únicamente Dos jugadores de los Golden Grizzlies ha conseguido llegar a jugar en la NBA, Rawle Marshall y Kay Felder Instalaciones deportivas OU Soccer Field es el estadio donde disputan sus partidos el equipo de fútbol. fue inaugirado en 2001 y tiene una capacidad para 1000 espectadores. Athletics Center O'rena, es el pabellón donde disputan sus encuentros los equipos de baloncesto. Fue inaugurado en 1998 y tiene en la actualidad capacidad para 4.005 espectadores. Referencias Enlaces externos Web oficial de los Golden Grizzlies Equipos de la National Collegiate Athletic Association Clubes y equipos deportivos del estado de Míchigan Horizon League Condado de Oakland
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Cover the drain with an old rag, because there will be a chemical reaction taking place inside the pipes. Wait for a little while and then allow boiling water to go down the drain. Doing this will clear your pipes of any soap scum or hair that has accumulated. If you've got a shower head to replace, get a good quality replacement. People will buy the cheapest option thinking it will do the job they need it to do. Cheap shower heads are not well-made and are very likely to break. Buying a cheap shower head will end up costing you more money over the long-term. Clean the aerator to fix low pressure problems in case you have sediment buildups. Take the aerator apart and clean it with a brush and some vinegar. Rinse your aerator, put it back together and back into the faucet. By removing any grit, grime and debris from the aerator, the water pressure should significantly increase. Find A Local Plumber Kankakee IL However, if you mix a cup of vinegar and a cup of baking soda and send them down your tub's drain each month, the flow will keep going smoothly. You plumbing experiences will go much smoother if you know your tools, and have the knowledge of how to use each one. Use manuals and online sites to get informed before doing a plumbing project yourself. Make sure you plan before you try any kind of repair, as it can be costly to fix a mistake. Run cold water in your sink when you turn on the garbage disposal. Using cold water not only preserves the sharpness of the blades, but also makes the disposal process itself smoother. Hot water can clog your drain by allowing liquid grease to build up in it. Grease Trap Service Hair is one of the most common clog-producing materials. If your insurer has just given you the name of a plumber, see if they have a website, read any testimonials and other feedback so you know what to expect once they arrive at your home. , Running hot water down the drain while you are using the garbage disposal can cause the drain to clog from any grease that is in there liquefying. Trash should go in the trash basket, not the toilet. Use the toilet for what it is designed for, and it won't give you a lot of problems. Do not flush sanitary pads, paper towels, cotton balls, tissues, diapers or other materials, as these items do not dissolve and could cause clogs. Also, try to use the smallest amount of toilet paper you can. When you replace your shower head, be sure that the replacement head is high quality. Some people think that one shower head is like any other, so decide on price alone. These types of fixtures are prone to breakage and are much less sturdy. If you want to try a pipe cleaner because your pipes are obstructed, it is recommended you use a cleaner that is enzyme based. These types of cleaners will use natural bacteria so that the sludge will turn into liquid form, and be removed from your pipes. Cleaners containing enzymes are some of the best you can buy. Plumbing is more than dealing with water. 24 Hr Plumbing Decatur IL, This simple solution can break up clogs caused by everything from hair to soap scum. If there is unwanted water draining into the dishwasher, it is most likely because of the hose to the kitchen sink being installed improperly. This hose must lead uphill and downhill to prevent mixing water between the kitchen sink and the dishwasher. Frozen pipes can cause you to incur expensive plumbing repair bills. Fortunately, it is usually relatively easy to prevent your pipes from freezing. First, you need to check your outside pipe to make sure it has the proper insulation. When it is cold outside make sure you bring in your hoses or at least drain them. This will help to save you money on plumbing bills. If you have to take out the clean out plug and cannot do it, you can do it this two ways. First, try using a chisel with a hammer to get the fitting loosened. Your only other choice is chiseling directly through the actual plug itself. Valves that are not used often can get fused together. The key to saving your home from water damage is to know exactly where the water register is, and how to turn it off quickly.
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Citation: 蔡炘玲, CHUA XIN LIN (2018-04-09). 新加坡大学生的方言语言态度研究—以新加坡国立大学为例 = Dialect Attitudes of Singaporean Undergraduates: A Case Study of National University of Singapore. ScholarBank@NUS Repository. Abstract: This research examines the role of Singapore Chinese dialects among Singaporean university students in light of the continued push for common language among Singaporeans. Singapore is known as a nation of diversity, which also includes linguistic diversity. However, this language diversity often neglects the Chinese dialects. These dialects are mostly spoken in private domains while official languages like English and Mandarin is reserved for public and official domains. This greatly affects the public's perceptions and recognition for these dialects, signaling the possible endangerment of these dialects. This study examines the practical usage of these dialects and language attitudes of National University of Singapore (NUS) through survey and Matched-Guise Text. Despite the fact that practical application of dialects is rare, students from NUS generally have a generally neutral attitude towards these dialects and prefer to use a mix of both dialect and any official language when needed. Also, it has been found that females generally have a more critical attitude towards languages and tends to have more prestige preference in language usage. It is hope that this research will highlight the significance of dialects in society and will direct future research on Singapore dialects.
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Suite Sports SuiteSports SuitePreps SuitePop Bob Lobel In Defense of South Florida Sports Fans Wait, the Dolphins went undefeated in 1972? Their fans NEVER talk about that! Still, it's been a rough last four decades for Phin fans. Well, I guess Dan Marino did have some exciting playoff losses and Ricky Williams had a fun retirement. By Joe Parello @HerewegoJoe There has been a lot of hate thrown around these past couple weeks, and not all of it has been directed at LeBron James and his cronies. No, after the Miami Heat were dead in the water during Game 6 of the NBA Finals, the national media and fans everywhere lobbed shots at Heat fans for leaving early and missing out on one of the most improbable comebacks in NBA history. I know a little something about South Florida fans. I'm not one myself, I cheered for the Pittsburgh teams since that's where my family came from (More on this obstacle for South Florida sports franchises later). But, I did grow up in the area, so needless to say, I've been around a bunch of South Florida sports fans. Oh yeah, and I am a fair-weather Heat fan (No NBA team in Pittsburgh) and Marlins fan (No real MLB team in Pittsburgh for 20+ years). First of all, as I discussed in this week's Studs and Duds, that Game 6 mass exodus would have happened in pretty much any other city. You can deny that your city wouldn't do it, but you're lying to yourself. Editor Jeremy Conlin also brought up the great point in our podcast this week that true Heat fans had been "priced out" since it was such a big game. Also true. But really, South Florida has gotten a bum rap for its fans for a long time. Why? Well, if a team isn't winning, attendance tends to drop. A phenomenon that, of course, never happens anywhere else. Surely the historic Washington Redskins, complete with an exciting young quarterback and a 2012 playoff run, would have posted amazing attendance numbers last season? Well, no. The Redskins filled their stadium to an average of 82% attendance each game, good for 27th in the NFL. Why? The Redskins have kind of sucked for a while, and it takes a while for the fans to come back. Same thing for football-crazy Ohio fans in Cleveland and Cincinnati, along with the supposedly great fan base in Buffalo. All joined Miami in the bottom-9 of league attendance, as did the Black Hole crazies from Oakland and the supposed Arrowhead die hards from Kansas City. What do all these teams have in common? Is it that their fan bases are full of shallow, self-absorbed fans that have no pride in their home teams? No, it's that they have all largely sucked for the last decade (In Cincinnati's case, the last three decades). Also, attendance in the South is just less than it is in the North. Sorry guys, but sometimes you'd rather head to a bar on the beach and watch the game, as fun as drinking a beer-slushi at Lambeau Field sounds. Look at the top-10 in attendance for football and baseball and you'll find "cold weather" markets like Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Denver, while the bottom-10 features markets like Miami, San Diego, Tampa Bay and Arizona. This is all working against South Florida, but so is the fact that nobody has been in the area for more than two generations. That's a good thing, because living there before the invention of Central Air and OFF! would have led to everyone dying of heat strokes and malaria. But, it's not a good thing for local sports franchises that have to essentially win the hearts of people that grew up cheering for somebody else. Every time the Yankees or Red Sox come to town, their fans outnumber Marlins fans at the ball park, and most of those people didn't make the trip from up north, they moved to Florida long ago. Think about it, I'm 26, and I'm "older" than the Heat, Marlins and Panthers. Those teams weren't even here when some people moved down. Heck, I wasn't even a South Florida fan when I was a kid, I rooted for the Steelers and Penguins, I was a part of the problem. I did root for the Marlins when they won their World Series titles, but come on, rooting for the Pirates is just torture. Amidst all these challenges, there are still real fans in South Florida, but the franchises are doing everything in their power to piss those die hards off. Marlins fans had to deal with their team going from a "Florida" team to a "Miami" team, and changing their uniforms to silly versions of the University of Miami jerseys. They also moved the stadium to Little Havana, effectively guaranteeing that no fans from Ft. Lauderdale will ever go to a game again, and built a hideous new venue that cost the city of Miami so much that they wouldn't approve renovations to the Dolphins' stadium, even if it meant losing a Super Bowl. Meanwhile, you've got the Dolphins, who have made one playoff appearance in the last 12 seasons. The Phins haven't won a playoff game since 2000, when one-hit-wonder Lamar Smith rushed for 209 yards to help Miami overcome three Jay Fielder interceptions for a win over young Peyton Manning and the Colts. In the last decade, they have had as many one-win seasons as they do playoff seasons. If the Patriots, Giants, Steelers, Bears or Ravens did the same, it's hard to see fans continuing to pack those respective stadiums. Green Bay is the only team that could survive such suck-i-tude and that's because there is literally nothing else to do in that "city" on game day. As for the Heat, they actually were a mid-level NBA fan base before LeBron came to town. They ranked anywhere between 9th and 18th the previous three seasons before the "Big Three" era, which is about as good as you can hope for a crappy team in a city with plenty of other distractions. Actually, if you want to call a fan base "fair weather" in Miami, it could most certainly not be Heat fans. Those guys show up even when the team sucks. They outdrew an Orlando team that made the conference finals in 2010. Another factor making it hard on South Florida fans is the location of their favorite teams' stadiums. This isn't like Pittsburgh where the Steelers and Pirates play right across a bridge from downtown, or Boston where three of the four teams play within the city limits. Heck, people even complain here in Boston about driving out to Foxboro for Patriot games. In South Florida, if you want to cheer on all the local teams, you've got at least a half hour drive between venues, and that's with no traffic. Sun Life/Dolphin/Landshark/Pro Player/Joe Robbie Stadium is located in Miami Gardens, a good 30 minutes from both Miami proper and neighboring Ft. Lauderdale. It's a long drive for Dolphin fans pretty much no matter where you come from, but if you're driving up to see the Canes from Coral Gables, you're probably going to need to give yourself an hour before tailgate time. The Marlins, who used to accompany the Dolphins and Canes in the multi-named stadium, now play in a tacky stadium located in Little Havana. Not only is the stadium an eyesore in a less than desirable neighborhood, it is going to cost taxpayers in Miami $2.4 BILLION, a price the city won't be able to pay off until 2048. Hope your grand kids really like paper mache fish flying around. The Florida Panthers may as well be put in a different group altogether since their fan base is incredibly white and more suburban than the others (Uh, it's hockey). They play across the street from the world's largest outlet mall, Sawgrass Mills, way off in Sunrise, a suburb of Ft. Lauderdale that isn't even all that close to Ft. Lauderdale. Contrary to what people think about glamorous South Florida sports crowds, you have a better chance of being attacked by an alligator out here than you do of seeing a celebrity. Finally, you have the Miami Heat, the subject of hate from every other major sports market. The Heat, luckily, play in the beautiful and new American Airlines Arena on the water near Bayside in Miami. It's a great and historic area that holds a ton of events each year. Really, the Heat are the only team that truly represents "Miami," and have no excuse for super poor attendance. And guess what? They draw well, even in down years. Still, it's a hike from each venue to the other, and there's no single metro system that links them all (Or even any two of them that I'm aware of). For my Boston friends, think about it this way. Would you make it to as many sporting events if there were no real public transportation and the Pats still played in Foxboro, the Celtics still played at TD Garden, the Sox played in Southie and the Bruins played in Worcester? So, are South Florida fans great? Heck no, but there are certainly some good reasons why they're not as "die hard" as haters think they should be. There is a popular attitude that Miami didn't deserve the Big Three because it has terrible fans. But actually, I give all true fans of Miami sports props. If you can overcome the BS I mentioned above to cheer for all your teams, you deserve at least one of them to be good. Labels: Florida Panthers , LeBron James , miami dolphins , Miami Heat , miami hurricanes , miami marlins , MLB , nba , nfl , NHL Charles Crookes said... South Florida has these kinds of the norms on the tattoos for the whole body and I just made tattoo on my hand. Sport fans of the south Florida are write my assignment for me when I help to those fans for the match passes. Lachlan Drennan said... Fans are very disappointed with the performance of Florida player this is first time they are get disappointed. 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The International Monetary Fund (IMF) in its January World Economy Outlook update has said that India's economy is expected to grow at 7.5% in the 2019, keeping an upward trajectory as the rest of the world slumps and added that the growth will accelerate further to 7.7% in 2020. It said India's economy is poised to pick up in 2019, benefiting from lower oil prices and a slower pace of monetary tightening than previously expected, as inflation pressures ease. The IMF said India's growth rate in 2018 was 7.3%. It has been projected to grow at 7.5% in 2019, which is a marginal 0.1% above its previous projection. In 2020, India is projected to grow at 7.7%. Besides, China's growth is estimated at 6.2% for 2019 and 2020. Despite fiscal stimulus that offsets some of the impact of higher US tariffs, China's economy will slow down due to the combined influence of needed financial regulatory tightening and trade tensions with the US. As per the report, growth in emerging and developing Asia will dip from 6.5% in 2018 to 6.3% in 2019 and 6.4% in 2020. Meanwhile, the IMF cut the global growth forecast from last October's estimate. The global economy is projected to grow 3.5% in 2019 and 3.6% in 2020, 0.2 and 0.1 percentage points below last October's projections. It said the downward revisions are modest. However, it believes that the risks to more significant downward corrections are rising. It also cautioned that escalation of trade tensions and a worsening of financial conditions are key sources of risk and called for policymakers to act.
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Without questioning your motifs and reasons why you would want to fake sick and the first place, I would like you to know that it is something which can be fairly easily done. There are numerous reasons why people would prefer to get a doctor's note, rather than to go to work. If you could only learn how to make doctor notes you will surely earn a lot of money and at the same time, you can have all the rest day you want while your company pays you complete salary. This is an amazing skill but opens up some risks too. If you get caught, you might end up in jail and your credibility as an employee will be destroyed. Anyone thinking of doing this should be prepared facing againts the law. Like in making a successful online marketing campaign, you must be creative in using a fake doctor's note because it needs an approach that will help you capture the sympathy of others. The more people that believe your act the more effective your excuse letter will be. This involves research, analysis, and planning. These 5 tips you are about to read in this article will help you in making the best out of your excuses. However, you should not disregard the risks you're about to face because it is not guaranteed to work 100% every time. As a friendly reminder, you should always remember that a physicians note template can be a great tool and at the same time the worst. If you get caught, it can lead to losing your job and imprisonment. Forgery of public documents are illegal and can move the authorities to act on the responsible individual. Don't ever be reckless or else you will spend your time in jail. If you use the telephone to call your doctor, they will have more troubles determining whether your condition is real or fake. You can also call your boss and say that you are sick, and they will have no way of knowing whether this is really true or not. However, you must be careful not to overdo your acting. Remember, the telephone will give you the distance you need in order to make this story credible. Read a fantastic story regarding this trick by clicking on this link You can always research the web for some ways to create a realistic symptoms that will best support your alibi. You can read it from this article by clicking the link. Print your very own surgeons' form. If you cannot avoid it, and have to go personally to your doctor's appointment, you should make sure and that you look sick. This means you should look exhausted. If you all are terrible at pretending, perhaps it would be for the best that you sleep less that day for example, and put less makeup. If you don't know how to fake a sickness in person, make sure that you imply that you had worse symptoms the previous night/day and that you are still worn down, even though you feel slightly better. Also, if you are able to avoid doing the check-up in person, do so. It will be much easier to fake sickness on the phone. It's not really hard to manufacture a kickass fake doctors note because all you have to do is do some decent research online and browse selected websites that will help you know more about using such excuse forms in an effective manner. Making up symptoms sounds a lot scarier than it really is. But what you should really do in order to make your fake illness utterly credible, is just to think about a point in your life when you'll really are sick. This will allow you to give credible symptoms. Also, makeup symptoms which cannot be determined with a medical examination. Say that you are feeling worn down, or that you are sad. Also, depression is a real medical condition which you can use to your advantage. Do not enlist too many symptoms all at once like you are reciting a poem, this might arise suspicion. Remember that in order to use a fake doctors note, you must be prepared before and after presenting it. If you want to look like you are going down with the flu, make sure and that you slow down your speech and your gesticulation. This will make you appear sick, and you will have absolutely no troubles giving always such an impression. Try to get a cool printable doctors note for a very affordable price and fast delivery. That's right — you can get a doctor's note, right here. Regarding this tip, I want you to read what this blog at has to say about slowing down. It might help you get the proper idea why this tip is helpful especially when you are planning to present a doctor's excuse template to your boss. You don't have to worry too much because everything will be explained to you in that blog. So basically, all you have to do is invest time to read. The most important thing when it comes to faking an illness is that you don't give away yourself. This means that you will have to be a lot more careful about things you mention to your friends, colleagues, and especially your boss. Even if everything turns out okay, you should still be very careful when mentioning past events. Of course, even your the best actor/actress of all time, you can't get away without legal documents that will support your excuse. Most of the doctors might not agree with faking a health condition, and that is why doctor's note is such a big hit in the market today. If you are looking to find a doctor's note, is the place to go to. Here's another interesting doctors note template article that you might want to read!
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You may have caught the recent news story making the rounds that Microsoft is withdrawing technical support for four of its products; Internet Explorer versions 8, 9 and 10, as well as Windows versions that predate 8.1. Or you may not have. When jargon-jammed news stories about computer guts make the rounds, many of us let them slide right by un-noticed, much like roller derby box scores or ads for that "one weird trick" to lose 50 pounds in a week. This is because for many of us, a computer is similar to a car in that, while we may know how to drive it, we have no clue how it really works. Additionally, we really don't care how they work, as long as they do. Browsers and other programs are eventually abandoned by the developers. Using outdated software may increase your chance of compromised security, loss of private data and the introduction of adware, spyware and other forms of malware. Developers update their products constantly to plug security holes that are being identified on an ongoing basis. Once the developer kicks a product to the curb, however, these holes become unchecked entry points for hackers, scammers and other evil entities that populate cyberspace. The move to trash the three older Explorer versions is fantastic news for website designers. Gone will be the near-daily calls from folks having trouble using old browsers to view their new websites. Developers mostly use a code called "HTML5" to lay out their sites and older browsers didn't recognize the new code . Now everyone will finally be on the same page. Another problem with having an old browser is that any new apps are usually designed for the newest browsers. If you fail to keep your computer current, there is a danger new apps won't work properly on your devices. Oh no! Am I doomed? Wait for the Microsoft Nag Screen telling you to install Internet Explorer 11 or Microsoft Edge. You will be automatically directed to install a newer Microsoft Browser. You could choose to install a different browser such as Firefox or Chrome. Either way, if you choose a newer Microsoft browser or one of the leading alternative browsers, your security and browsing pleasure will be greatly improved. Expert note: You might want to check out the privacy reviews before using any new browser. These new browsers all seem to want to track your browsing and search history so they can sell you some new toe fungus cream that you recently searched for. You can usually opt out of tracking in the browser settings or by using an "In Private" browsing session. Ok, there is a third option. You could not use any browser, stay off the internet, join a commune and live a simple Amish life. Assuming you're not leaning toward the Amish option, it is essential to ensure you're downloading software from the actual Microsoft page, like the one we linked you to, and not some sketchy download "warehouse" site that harbours more viruses than the dumpster at the hospital. In any case there should not be a charge for this download. If you have any technical questions regarding this development, drop us a line and we will happy to help.
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Modi then went on to wonder if the Planning Commission thought tigers were secular and lions (which Gujarat has in sizeable numbers) were communal, to general mirth among those assembled in the audience. Sources in NDTV told us that its 'Save the Tiger' campaign was sponsored entirely by private companies and no money was received from any government agency. Now comes the December 2013 letter from BJP MP Ram Jethmalani to Finance Minister P. Chidambaram, accusing him of having stalled the investigation into the alleged case of money laundering by NDTV. The contents of this letter and its annexures were carried almost in full by the website of Manushi, a trust run by Madhu Kishwar who is a supporter of Modi. Kishwar and Manushi have been served a legal notice by the law firm, Luthra and Luthra, NDTV's lawyers, asking her to remove the article from her website. Kishwar has not done so and has replied to the legal notice on her trust's website by saying Manushi will not be silenced by a politically patronized media organisation like NDTV. Following Kishwar, journalist Virendra Kapoor too aired the allegations against NDTV in the Afternoon Despatch and Courier. Kishwar and Kapoor are perceived as being less than critical towards the BJP. Interestingly, while Jethmalani seems to have not followed up his letter to Chidambaram, the person who is the Rashtriya Swyamsevak Sangh's man for all financial matters, Chennai-based journalist and accountant Swaminathan Gurumurthy and NDTV's Prannoy Roy have exchanged e-mail messages on the allegations raised by IRS officer S.K. Srivastava. Gurumurthy rejected NDTV's explanations by questioning the authenticity of the documents provided (ostensibly on the ground that some of the documents were not attested by Indian envoys stationed abroad) and that other documents were generated in 2012 and 2013 when the investments were made in 2007 and 2008. Sources in NDTV told us that they were under no obligation to provided Gurumurthy "authenticated" documents in the way he wanted and reiterated their view that the allegations levelled against the group are without basis and that all its financial transactions are genuine and above board. The entire affair now seems to be acquiring farcical dimensions. When we asked former Union Law Minister Ram Jethmalani how he intended to take his allegations forward since his letter to Chidambaram had been widely publicized, he said Roy and his colleague had met him and given him a bunch of papers that apparently indicated that there were no suspect transactions. He said he had not yet been able to read the papers given to him by NDTV's representatives. Jethmalani said that his son (Mahesh Jethmalani) had told him that Gurumurthy was very upset with him because he had met Roy and his colleagues. We asked him what he would do if he was convinced that the allegations against Chidambaram and NDTV were without basis, he said he would not hesitate in tendering a public apology to all concerned. One of the first publications that levelled allegations of financial impropriety against NDTV was the Sunday Guardian, a publication which was earlier owned by a company controlled by its managing director and the weekly's editor M.J. Akbar, and Ram Jethmalani. In December 2010, the publication came out with a story co-authored by Akbar's son Prayaag Akbar titled: "NDTV-ICICI Bank loan chicanery saved Roys". The story alleged, among other things, that NDTV obtained a loan of Rs 375 crore from ICICI Bank in October 2008 by pledging over 47 lakh shares of NDTV held by RRPR Holdings, an associate company, at a rate of Rs 439 per share when, in fact, the shares were worth Rs 99 each. Although the story did not quote anybody from ICICI Bank, it raised questions as to how this transaction had gone through. This particular article was not carried in the facsimile edition of the Sunday Guardian published out of London. It was subsequently removed from the website of the publication after NDTV moved the Delhi High Court on December 2011 claiming that Sunday Guardian had sought to defame the company and its promoters, including Prannoy Roy and Radhika Roy, and obtained an order of restraint from the court against the continued dissemination of the allegations against NDTV. However, before this court order was obtained, a copy of this story had been sent to the chairman of Parliament's Standing Committtee on Finance, headed by BJP MP and former Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha. The committee then sent a notice to the income tax department to look into the case which thereafter decided to investigate the finances of companies in the NDTV group. Incidentally, Narendra Modi was an important guest at the wedding reception of Prayaag Akbar. Besides the Sunday Guardian, Moneylife, a magazine and website run by journalist Sucheta Dalal, has taken a critical look at NDTV, pointing to the Congress connection of one of its investors. In August 2011, in an article titled "Glamour Stocks turn Ugly", Moneylife wrote: "Look at the shareholder returns of some of these glamour stocks over the past five years. NDTV got listed in 2004 and is trading below its listed price after seven years. It has given a negative return of 19% compounded in the past five years….(but) every few months the financially beleaguered NDTV manages to get 'strategic' investors with deep pockets and top-flight private equity investors to step in and pick up big chunks of the equity at fancy valuations…..The latest was DE Shaw which provided an exit to Goldman Sachs in 2011 by acquiring a 14.2% stake. After this, NDTV acquired a significant investor—Abhey Oswal, who owns nearly 15% of its equity but seems to have no presence on NDTV's board of directors. Mr Oswal happens to be the father-in-law of Naveen Jindal, an industrialist and Congress Member of Parliament." In June 2013, Moneylife reported allegations levelled by Sanjay Dutt, who was once an adviser to NDTV and who now runs Quantum Securities Pvt Ltd, questioning the same transactions that the Sunday Guardian had written about in December 2010 Indian Revenue Service officer S.K. Srivastava, who was the first to level allegations against the Finance Minister and NDTV's promoters and against whom an arrest warrant has been issued, has claimed that after he began investigating the media group's financial transactions, he found that the group had been involved in questionable deals for over a decade. This is an uncorrected verbatim excerpt from the annexure to the letter sent by Jethmalani to Chidambaram: "..Srivastava then studied the history of NDTV's birth and evolution, how it was languishing for want of funds till 2004 and how huge funds rushed in thereafter. NDTV started off as a programmer of Doordarshan both on outright payment basis and revenue sharing basis. It manipulated to get high yield for paid programme and low yield for shared programme, which led to investigation against NDTV by the CBI in 1999 and that led to a case registered against Shri Prannoy and NDTV under the Prevention of Corruption of Act for Rs 4 crores fraud on the DD. This caused loss of government patronage for NDTV during 1999-2004. By 2004, the NDTV had virtually become broke, with lenders recalling loans. But as soon as government changed and you became Finance Minister, the fortunes of NDTV underwent a dramatic change." Following the presentation of a report on this subject by Parliament's Public Accounts Committee (PAC) headed by BJP MP Murli Manohar Joshi, in January 1998, a First Information Report (FIR) was filed at the New Delhi office of the Central Bureau of Investigation against Rathikant Basu, former Director General of Doordarshan, Prannoy Roy, the then managing director of New Delhi Television Limited, the company NDTV Limited itself, besides five other officials who were holding senior positions in Doordarshan at that time, Ashok H. Mansukhani, Harish Awasthi, Shiv Sharma, Shashi Kant Kapoor and S. Krishnan. The FIR alleged that these people had entered into a criminal conspiracy to cheat the exchequer invoking various provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act and the Indian Penal Code. On July 3, 2013, the CBI special court accepted the closure report filed by the premier investigating agency. A reading of the order of Special Judge L. K. Garg may make some of the people familiar with the episode smile with amusement. That is because even as the order painstakingly recounts all the incidents of how Doordarshan paid NDTV for its commissioned or sponsored news programmes, or often did not, it could not find a single instance of criminality. In fact, Doordarshan's functioning at that time appears rather arbitrary, although its then Director General Rathikant Basu introduced new initiatives that sought to make Doordarshan a "dynamic" organisation. Even if one argues that the CBI did half-hearted job of investigating the allegations of corruption against those named in the FIR, the judge has remarked that a more objective comparison of payments made to different producers by Doordarshan during that period would have helped the court arrive at a conclusive finding. In other words, the judge came round to the view that even if the functioning of the country's public broadcaster was no different from a village marketplace, a criminal case had not been proved by the CBI. What were the allegations? The officials of DD, including Basu, allegedly connived with Prannoy Roy and NDTV to favour NDTV resulting in a financial loss to Doordarshan. One such instance related to the programme "The World This Week" (TWTW) which ran first as a commissioned programme for which NDTV was being paid Rs two lakh per episode. In February 1009, TWTW was converted into a sponsored programme for which the producer had to pay Doordarshan a telecast fee. Commissioned programmes, on the other hand, were funded by the public broadcaster. The CBI's FIR alleged that in April 1990, Doordarshan officials decided to place TWTW in the 'A special' category with a view to confer a favour on NDTV. "The telecast fee of 'A' category was Rs 80,000 and for 'A special' category it was Rs 1,70,000. The free commercial time (FCT) in 'A' category was 120 seconds whereas in 'A special category' it was 90 seconds," the FIR states. This decision allegedly benefitted NDTV to the tune of Rs 3.30 lakh per episode while Doordarshan had to bear a loss of Rs. 3.53 crore. The FIR claimed that the loss to Doordarshan may have been as high as Rs. 5 crore. The CBI's FIR added that the report of Parliament's PAC on the issue of lower categorisation was also "verified", the CBI's FIR added. The July 3, 2013, order of the judge of the CBI special court held that the "desire" of Doordarshan "to earn more revenue resulting from popularity (of the programme) is understandable. It could have done so only by re-categorising the programme because it is only then it could charge more for the spot ads...' The judge concluded that "there may have been a deviation from guidelines, but they were in favour of DD and not against it." On the overall working of Doordarshan, Special Judge Garg stated that Doordarshan should have first decided what programmes it wanted, instead of having producers coming to it and the broadcaster thereafter taking decisions on these proposals. He said: "It would have made a great deal of sense if during the investigation there had been material collected to show if in the case of other private producers the guidelines were being followed…and if they were breached only to favour NDTV…." These and many other observations in the judge's order indicate that the CBI could not convince him that the investigating agency had been able to find evidence that indicated criminality. The order of the Special Judge came fifteen years after the FIR had been filed by the CBI. Sources in NDTV who spoke to us on condition of anonymity say that more than a decade after the PAC report was tabled in Parliament and the FIR was lodged by the CBI against the promoters of the group, their position has been vindicated. They feel the CBI's investigations against NDTV was motivated. There is an interesting sidelight to this case. A person who describes himself as a Right to Information (RTI) activist, Kashmir Singh, has been seeking answers to various questions relating to this case. A source close to Singh told us that he intends challenging the order of the CBI court in a higher court of law. He claimed the CBI had not thoroughly investigated the allegations against NDTV and the former officials of Doordarshan (at least one of whom is no longer alive). The source added that Basu should have been questioned about the work he did after he left government service. When contacted, the former DG of Doordarshan Rathikant Basu told one of the writers of this article that he had joined Star TV after he left Doordarshan. He pointed out: "In fact, Star TV commissioned NDTV to give it news programmes." Basu then asked: "So where is the quid pro quo that is being suggested?" Has this chapter finally closed? Time alone will provide an answer. Meanwhile, the top management of NDTV awaits the order of the assessing officer of the Income Tax Department on its accounts for 2008-09 and 2009-10 based on the December 31, 2013 findings of the department's Dispute Resolution Panel and will thereafter decide whether or not it should appeal before the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal. Part I: NDTV -- Sham transactions or legit deals? Part II: The mystery Rs 1 crore holiday Such articles are only possible because of your support. Help the Hoot. The Hoot is an independent initiative of the Media Foundation and requires funds for independent media monitoring. Please support us. Every rupee helps. Narendra Modi S Gurumurthy Madhu Kishwar Ram Jethmalani
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Lindsay L. Cooper (18 de enero de 1940 - 19 de junio de 2001) fue una contrabajista, bajo eléctrico y violonchelista de Escocia. Pasó cuatro años trabajando como músico de un barco y había tocado y grabado con muchos otros músicos y bandas, incluyendo a Michael Jackson, Boy George, Derek Bailey y Mike Oldfield. Nacida en Glasgow, Cooper se trasladó a Londres en 1965 donde se convirtió en una músico profesional. Desde 1965 hasta 1967, y nuevamente en 1970, trabajó como músico de un barco en los buques de pasajeros Queen Mary y P&O. En 1972 y 1973, Cooper estudió música con el contrabajista y profesor británico Pedro Ind. En 1978 se trasladó a Zúrich, pero regresó a Escocia en 1990, donde dirigió un taller de improvisación libre en Edimburgo. Entre los músicos con los que Cooper tocó y grabó fueron Evan Parker, Keith Tippett, Kenny Wheeler, Ken Colyer, Bobby Bradford y Lol Coxhill. También grabó con Strawbs, el Bill Wells Octet y un número de otros grupos de jazz, rock y folclor. Sus principales influencias musicales incluyen a Thelonious Monk, King Oliver y Derek Bailey. Lindsay L. Cooper murió en Edimburgo a la edad de 61 años. Discografía seleccionada Mike Oldfield, Tubular Bells (1973) Ken Hyder's Talisker, Dreaming of Glenisla (1975) Amalgam, Innovation (1975) Spontaneous Music Orchestra, SME+=SMO (1975) Day & Taxi, All (1992) Christoph Gallio, Cars & Variations / High Desert Songs (1994) Andy Shanks/Jim Russell, Diamonds In The Night (1997) Pearlfishers, Across The Milky Way (2001) Bill Wells Octet/Lol Coxhill, Bill Wells Octet meets Lol Coxhill (2002) Strawbs, Strawbs Live in Tokyo DVD, plus Grave New World, the movie (2003) Enlaces externos Brief career sketch Nacidos en Glasgow
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
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Join the Vassals as they review the first two seasons of Syfy's The Expanse, a science-fiction/drama/thriller set in a future where humanity has colonized the solar system and which has been described as "A Song of Ice and Fire in space". In this podcast, a balanced group of book-readers and show-watchers made up of Alix (Aiwendil), Adam (drownedsnow), Mariana (LillyKaneIsNotDead), Marie (Nymeria), Patrick the Tall and Silvana (silvaubrey) discuss the TV series in great detail while steering clear of show-spoiler territory. That concludes KrakenCast for this season of Game of Thrones. Thank you to all of our hosts, listeners, and commenters. This week the Vassals attend a sacred White Walker initiation ritual, bid farewell to Brienne and Olenna Tyrell, then receive common tongue tutoring from Missandi. HBO's Game of Throne Season 4 Episode 4 "OathKeeper" directed by Michelle MacLaren and written by Bryan Cogman. Warning: Contains spoilers for all published books in George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series and the Dunk and Egg novellas, as well as all aired episodes of HBO's Game of Thrones. It does not cover published spoiler chapters for The Winds of Winter. Hosts: Alias, clauidusthefool, easttexasdirewolf , Pod's Plight, inkasrain, silvaubrey and Fortytwo.
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Look away if you're dieting, or believe that a person should stick to the 2000 calories/day mark, because what I made today, isn't just 2000 calories. I'm not a dietician (though I did get really good grades in Nutrition when I was a sophomore in college), but I just know, these grilled cheese sandwiches are heavy and loaded. Butter/margarine + (cheese * 3) + bread = lots of calories. But don't fret, If you're like me, you won't make it to two sandwiches. I surprised even myself. A bite or two will satisfy you, eating a whole sandwich is practically a foodgasm. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that these are pretty good. This isn't really about a recipe, more of a technique (says Chef John of Food Wishes who I got this from). He calls it an "Inside-and-Out Grilled Cheese Sandwich" because, apart from the melted cheese filling, he goes the extra mile by sprinkling grated cheese on the frying sandwich and it consequently melts to form this really great tangy crust. God, I'm hungry again. This is the inexpensive (read:cheap) version of his sandwich because it uses three local ingredients: margarine, pan de sal and the run-of-the-mill grocery cheese (like Eden). Of course, just because the ingredients may have been scaled down to cheaper proportions doesn't make it any less tasty. By all means, since this is more of a technique, throw caution to the wind and splurge. I wouldn't recommend making this a daily habit, but on the day that you do decide to make this (seeing as the ingredients you probably have lying around in your fridge and pantry already), well, consider it a special day. Heat a few tablespoons of butter in a nonstick (only use nonstick) pan over low to medium heat. Place the pandesal, two cut pieces at a time with cut/inside part facing upward. Flatten it a bit with your spatula. Generously sprinkle grated cheese over one piece. Then top with the other piece. Gently and generously sprinkle additional cheese on top of the sandwich. Add more butter to the pan if needed. Carefully flip the sandwich so the top with the cheese is now frying at the bottom. Flatten it a bit more with your spatula to evenly brown the cheese crust. Repeat the process of sprinkling with cheese, flipping and frying so the lightly browned crust forms on both sides. When sufficiently browned, remove from heat and serve immediately. Enjoy! It's been a few days, well, four days to be exact, since the….anniversary. It's not really a pleasant one and I'd like to keep the memories of the incident buried. But since it's been a year, I might as well remember it. Last year, 10/10/10, I had undergone my first surgery for appendicitis. Even if I'm a nurse, the experience of being a patient about to go under the knife is something I'd really not repeat again. Who knew that a really painful tummy ache that made me miss school for a day would develop into a potentially life threatening condition that made me miss my finals. The most vivid memory from that experience would be me on the operating room table, talking to the anesthesiologist. Because the surgeon didn't arrive yet, we engaged in small talk for a while. Him asking me about my course, me responding, then the next thing I know, I'm waking up a few hours later, groggy and in my room. The operation was done. I swear it was just like blinking. The first few words I heard was from my anesthesiologist, who told my mom that he had to give me medicine because my BP fell during the operation. Creepy really. But the thought of the whole "blink and it's done" moment was slightly cool. The next few days were painstakingly difficult for me. I had no concept on what time and day it was. I couldn't eat, not that I felt the need to eat. Don't even get me started on my elimination pattern. So to remember the day that my diseased appendix was taken out…I made bread pudding. And this isn't like the Aunty Nitz variety, where it was one homogeneous mixture. I wanted to honor the humble pandesal (proudly local Filipino bread) by toasting it with butter first. Then mixing it with the custard mixture. This adds another layer of texture to the otherwise plain bread pudding. This is really simple and pandesal can be substituted for any bread that you fancy. What I really like about it is that it is not cloyingly sweet. So I'd enjoy it while I can. I'd like to dedicate this post to to Jam (who also shared her lecture notes for my consumption), Riez, Jad, Camille, Juneth, Yana, Floyd and all my friends and classmates who remembered me while is was in it for the long haul. It wasn't easy but here I am one year later, alive and well, blogging about it. Using a bread knife, slice the pan de sal into half an inch slices. Brush both sides with butter and allow to toast in an over toaster for 2 – 3 minutes or until crunchy. Whisk the eggs with the sugar until fully incorporated. Add the milk and vanilla extract. Arrange the toasted bread slices on the ramekins. If pieces are too large, you may slice them in half. Bake it in the oven for 30 – 45 minutes until the top is golden brown.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Critics tackle Georgia, players feel challenged 'to go out and prove something' By: Mike Griffith DawgNation Published: October 14 2019 7:35 AM ATHENS Georgia football doubters and critics emerged from the shadows Saturday night and Sunday, finally able to take a clear shot at Kirby Smart and his talented roster. The Bulldogs' 16-game home win streak and 15-game streak against SEC East opponents, dating back almost three years, finally came to an end and some couldn't take shots fast enough. RELATED: Georgia favored to bounce back against Kentucky There were and are many anxious to stir the pot on Jake Fromm, suggesting the junior is overrated and that UGA should have somehow supplanted Fromm with Justin Fields last season. It's a preposterous notion, as anyone who follows the program closely would attest. Smart made his feelings known on Saturday when asked about social media attacks in the aftermath of the 20-17 overtime loss to South Carolina. WATCH: Jake Fromm takes responsibility for loss to Gamecocks "They have a right to use whatever they want and display whatever they want, (because) that's what Twitter is about," Smart said. "I believe in Jake Fromm. Jake Fromm is a leader of men. He gives tremendous effort week in and week out. He tried to throw the ball away and didn't get enough on it to get it of bounds and the kid picked it off. We fumbled the snap. That rarely happens with our guys. "I can't tell you exactly why it happened it was a tough day." Georgia offensive guard Ben Cleveland says the loss provides the team with a challenge. "This shows we can be brought down for a minute," Cleveland said, "but it also gives us a great opportunity to go out and prove something." That "something" would be that the Bulldogs are indeed a championship caliber program, even though they dropped to No. 10 in the rankings on the heels of not making the College Football Playoffs last season. Tailback D'Andre Swift put the loss in perspective and provided some insight into how Georgia will deal with it. "You can't put it on one person, offensively we have to do a better job executing, work on turnovers, work on third downs," Swift said. "It's over, we can't do nothing about it. "I've been through this before, my first year and second year; you have to say close as a family." And, cornerback Eric Stokes said, get back to work. "It was pretty shocked in there (locker room), we worked our tail off this week and we were prepared to win, but it doesn't work like that all the time," Stokes said. "We're just going to go into next week and work, and go game by game and day by day, and keep improving." Receiver Demetris Robertson, whose role continues to increase with each injury and game under his belt, provided evidence of just how bought in the Georgia players are with one another and their head coach. "After a loss like this, it's distraught," Robertson said, "but we're a team and we'll come together, and we'll keep on chopping, and keep on playing for the next game." Indeed, that was Smart's message. "When it gets thick, we get tight, and we love on each other," Smart told his team, as recorded in a team video. "Everything we want to achieve is still in front of us. "I love every one of you guys, we've got to stay a team and stay tight." "When it gets thick, we get tighter." #GoDawgs Georgia Football (@GeorgiaFootball) October 13, 2019 Georgia-South Carolina Game coverage Loss to Carolina could prove season defining WATCH: Rodrigo Blankenship discusses missed field goals Georgia recap: How the Bulldogs lost 20-17 in 2OT to South Carolina Stock Report: Bulldogs stock falls in mistake-filled loss to Gamecocks Twitter reacts to Georgia loss to South Carolina Demetris Robertson clutch in fourth quarter for Bulldogs Georgia-Kentucky game time announced Remainder of 2019 season impossible to predict The post Critics tackle Georgia, players feel challenged to go out and prove something' appeared first on DawgNation.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
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{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Walt Disney World Resort parades and entertainment are world class, and it's no wonder that many guests to the parks wish upon a star to be a part of the magic! Unfortunately, there's no way to opt into being a part of the parade, it is just magic that occasionally happens when a family is pulled out of the crowd and asked if they would like to be a part of opening the Magic Kingdom or riding in the afternoon parade! Part of the fun of the Walt Disney World Resort is all of the ways that magic happens there every single day, from the small to the unbelievable! I hope that you have a magical visit to Walt Disney World Resort and that the pixie dust that you desire finds its way to you!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
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Thank you to all of those who came and supported PAS's annual lecture last night (7/11/17); the event was an overwhelming success. Our Eminent speaker, Professor Conor Gearty, gave a powerful lecture on human rights in prison. Gearty's energy was palpable and motivating, and we hope that everyone who attended is feeling as driven as we are to continue to fight and advocate for human rights. Thank you, also, to Mayer Brown who did a marvellous job hosting the event.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
A patient of mine put the iboga experience quite well in my opinion and I think it may be applied to any other entheogen. She saw a single leaf which she "zoomed in on" till it was all she could see. A voice said to her that: "Iboga is the food that the body needs to do this" This; being whatever it was; in this case accessing information and opening up memories. Subject: [Ibogaine] Just chemicals in the brain or.......spirit?? I guess I come from a very limited experience back ground when it comes to altered states of mind. I've always had a hard time in accepting that the "door ways" that may be open to us under certain "entheogenic" experiences are connecting with the spiritual realm in some manner.......whatever the spiritual realm means. How do you distinguish whether its just a chemical causing a "spiritual" experience or is it causing a door way to oped in our brains to the "spiritual". I consider myself Agnostic/Pantheist so when it comes to "spiritual" experiences, I always question the true nature and source of it. I guess if it seems "spiritual" to you, that is sufficient.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
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{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
The 'Session' fleece from Alpinestars is a zip front hooded fleece, featuring large Alpinestars logo across the chest with contrast panels. Made from 100% poly fleece 240 GSM for a quality fit and feel. It's design is perfect for days out at the track, beach, down the local... pretty much anywhere really!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
1) Santino Fontana: He was born in Richland in 1982. A skilled stage actor, director, and composer, Fontana was nominated for a Tony Award for Best Lead Actor in a Musical in 2013 for his role as Prince Topher in the Broadway show, Cinderella. 2) James Otto: He was born on the Fort Lewis Army Base in 1973. A talented vocalist and guitarist, Otto has released three country studio albums, with his most famous, Sunset Man, peaking at #2 on the U.S Country Billboard Charts in 2008. 3) Jeremy Bonderman: He was born in Kennewick in 1982. Drafted by the Oakland Athletics as a pitcher in his junior year of high school and eventually being traded to the Detroit Tigers in 2003, Bonderman has accumulated 69 wins in the Majors to date with the Tigers and Mariners. 4) Tyler Brayton: He was born in Richland in 1979: A former first round pick for the Oakland Raiders in 2003, Brayton has accumulated 309 tackles and 17.5 quarterback sacks while playing in the NFL for the Raiders, Panthers and Colts. 5) Anthony Davis: He was born in Kennewick in 1969. An 11th round pick in 1992 NFL Draft by the Houston Oilers, Davis was traded to the Seahawks in 1993 and went on to record 12.5 quarterback sack, 5 interceptions and became a Super Bowl Champion with the Baltimore Ravens in 2000. He also played for the Chiefs and Packers. 6) Michael Jackson: He was born in Pasco in 1957. He's not the pop-star but he did help lead the Washington Huskies to the Rose Bowl in 1977. Drafted by Seattle Seahawks in the 3rd round of the 1979 NFL Draft, Jackson played eight season in Seattle, where he registered 6 quarterback sacks and 6 interceptions. 7) Clint Didier: He was born in Connell in 1959. The tall former NFL tight-end won two Super Bowl rings with the Washington Redskins in the 80s. He also played for the Green Bay Packers. Politics became his new calling after football. Wanting to make Washington better, Didier ran for Public Lands Commissioner in 2012. 8) Travis Buck: He was born in Richland in 1983. Officially committed to playing in the Majors in 2005, Buck was drafted by the Oakland Athletics. Making his MLB debut in 2007, he has hit 20 home runs and 7 triples to date while playing for the Athletics, Indians and Astros. 9) Patricia Briggs: She was born in Butte, Montana in 1965. Currently residing in the Tri-Cities, the fantasy writer is most famous for her urban fantasy novels, The Mercy Thompson Series. The fifth book in the series, Silver Borne (2010), debuted at No.1 on the New York Times Hardcover Fiction Best Sellers list. 10) Ray Mansfield: He was born in Bakersfield, California in 1941. Mansfield grew up in Kennewick. Drafted in the 2nd round in the 1963 NFL Draft by the Philadelphia Eagles, the former Washington Huskies center went on to win back-to-back Super Bowls with the Pittsburgh Steelers in 1974 and 1975. 11) Sharon Tate: She was born in Dallas, Texas in 1943. Most famous for the Tri-Cities area for winning "Miss Richland" in 1959, Tate made her Hollywood debut in the 1966 film Eye of the Devil. She also earned a Golden Globe Award nomination for her role in the 1967 film Valley of the Dolls. Unfortunately, Tate was a victim of the Manson Family killings. 12) Greg Biffle: He was born in Vancouver in 1969. Biffle grew up in Camas and during his early racing career, he would race on short tracks across the Pacific Northwest. An accomplished NASCAR and Truck Series racer, he has 19 NASCAR Sprint Cup series wins, 20 NASCAR Nationwide Series wins and has 16 NASCAR Camping World Truck Series wins. 13) Russell Wilson: He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1988. Drafted by the Colorado Rockies in the 4th round of the 2010 MLB Draft, Wilson is forever an all-time team member of the Tri-City Dust Devils. Pursuing football as his dream, he trained at the NFL Combine in 2012. He was selected by the Seattle Seahawks in the 3rd round of the 2012 NFL Draft. With Seattle, he's became a two-time Pro Bowler and lead the Seahawks to a 43-8 victory over the Denver Broncos in Super Bowl 48. Palin moved to Alaska with her husband, Todd. She ran for mayor of Wasilla County in Alaska in 1996 and won, jump starting her political career. She is most known for her Republican vice-presidential campaign in 2008 when she joined John McCain. Her grandparents, Clem and Helen Sheeran, came to Richland in 1943 and Clem attended and played football for Columbia Basin College. 15) Scott Campbell, Jr: He was born in Walla Walla in 1975. He captained his first boat when he was just 26 years old. Getting the nickname "Junior" after his father, who crab fisherman, Campbell is the captain of the vessel, Seabrooke, on the hit TV show, "The Deadliest Catch."
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Nice 1,500 square foot office/showroom for rent. Includes two offices and a large showroom and reception area. Also has two bathrooms and a kitchen area. Plenty of parking. Excellent location in Cleveland only 1 mile from APD 40 near Coca Cola plant. Warehouse attached to the building not included in lease. Call Michael at (423) 504-3313 to discuss further.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
The Galaxy Note 9 is a chance for Samsung to reset the narrative on Bixby - here's hoping they make use of it. Australia is crying out for good mobile developers – how can we plug this gap? Sure, OLED probably isn't coming until next year. But this year's iPhone could be a sleeper hit. Why would Apple offer a high-end phone at a low price unless it's worried about sales? Examining previous phone upgrades, it's clear it fits previous patterns.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
With a range of quaint seaside cafes and fine dining restaurants, Aberdeen offers an eating experience to suit all moods and tastes. The area is the ideal location for those looking to sample the very freshest beef dishes and seafood straight for the local harbour. Find your Commis Chef jobs in Aberdeen here. There are various opportunities to find a Commis Chef job in Aberdeen. The average wages for a Commis Chef are around 15-20k. There are a selection of agencies offering Commis Chef jobs in Aberdeen, including Genesis Personnel, Blue Arrow and Scottish Hospitality jobs.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
FOXBOROUGH — The forecast called for snow, but it was thunder and lightning that delivered a second straight Division 8 Super Bowl title to St. Bernard's. Junior backfield partners Tyler Thibodeau and Nico Mancini have gone back-and-forth all year, leading the Bernardians in rushing, but it was Mancini — the "lightning" in their self-appointed nicknames — who ran for three touchdowns in a 30-8 victory over West Bridgewater on Friday night at Gillette Stadium. Holding a 7-0 lead midway through the second quarter, the 5-foot-7-inch running back took the handoff on the opening play of a drive and bolted through the line for a stunning 72-yard score. "All credit goes to the O-line on that, just seeing them down the field, it opens things up," said Mancini. "They were also keying up [Thibodeau] up the middle, and they can only take away one of us." Nico Mancini (left) celebrates one of his two second-quarter touchdowns with Wyatt Bingham and Dominic Cuevas.John Tlumacki/Globe Staff/Globe Staff Mancini (17 rushes, 128 yards) had opened the scoring early in the second quarter from 8 yards out. The junior took a handoff to the left and followed his blockers well, turning the corner and punching it in untouched. "They got us a couple of times [with the sweep]," said West Bridgewater coach Justin Kogler. "We were misaligned and got out-leveraged. They had an extra guy and we didn't see it in time." With West Bridgewater (12-1) down two scores, sophomore Aiden Baker received the kickoff deep in Wildcat territory and broke through the return team, dragged down at St. Bernard's 40-yard line. West Bridgewater quarterback and senior captain Matt Lavoie completed a 28-yard pass to Tyler Stone on fourth down to set up a 4-yard touchdown run by Devin Georgantas. But the Bernardians of Fitchburg (9-4) were just getting started. Mancini consistently found himself in space, most often on a sweep play with two pulling blockers to the left. Thibodeau usually handled the inside handoffs. Mancini punched in a 1-yard rush in the third quarter, and Thibodeau (23 rushes, 104 yards) got on the score sheet with a 3-yard run late in the fourth. Tyler Thibodeau was hardly gentle with West Bridgewater senior Matt Lavoie on a long first-quarter run Friday.John Tlumacki/Globe Staff/Globe Staff St. Bernard's enrollment makes the win even more impressive: The school has fewer than 70 boys enrolled in grades 9–12. About half are on the football team. "Our school is going through a great transformation," said St. Bernard's coach Tom Bingham. "We're thrilled to have everyone rally around us. For a small school, we had a great fan section over there, so we're really proud of that" Despite the loss, Lavoie said that the team he leaves behind can "definitely be right back here." "[Coach Kogler] coming in his first year and bringing us to the Super Bowl is unheard of," the senior captain said. "Him doing that, these kids being under his discipline, it'll bring them up as high as they can be." St. Bernard's 30, West Bridgewater 8 at Gillette Stadium, Foxborough St. Bernard's (9-4) 0 14  8  8 — 30 West Bridgewater (12-1) 0  8  0  0 —  8 SB — Nico Mancini 8 run (Vaughn Randle kick) SB — Nico Mancini 72 run (Vaughn Randle kick) WB — Devin Georgantas 4 run (Ben Skinner pass from Matt Lavoie) SB — Nico Mancini 1 run (Tyler Thibodeau run) SB — Tyler Thibodeau 3 run (Tyler Thibodeau run) RUSHING — SB, Nico Mancini 17-128, Tyler Thibodeau 23-104, Domenic Cuevas 4-55; WB, Ben Skinner 2-41, Matt Lavoie 10-26, Devin Georgantas 5-15, Ben Smith 6-4 PASSING — SB, Domenic Cuevas 0-1-0-0; WB, Matt Lavoie 5-16-0-71 RECEIVING — WB, Tyler Stone 2-39, Ben Skinner 1-26, Aiden Baker 1-5, Devin Georgantas 1-1. Seamus McAvoy can be reached at [email protected].
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Blood Brothers (Live At Estadio Nacional, Santiago) - Iron Maiden lyrics are from search engines cache and are not stored in any of our servers. The Story Behind Iron Maiden's Debut Album - Kerrang! Bruce Dickinson Doesn't See Why Iron Maiden Should Ever Retire - Kerrang! Iron Maiden Announce Second Batch Of Discography Reissues - Kerrang! Iron Maiden Announce New Saké Lager, Sun And Steel - Kerrang!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Péter Forgács (* 10. Oktober 1950 in Budapest, Ungarn) ist ein ungarischer Medienkünstler und Filmemacher. Leben Seit 1978 realisierte er über 30 Filme und einige Medieninstallationen. Bekannt wurde er vor allem durch seine Filme und Installationen der Private-Hungary-Serie. Im Jahr 2002 zeigte das Getty Research Institute die Ausstellung The Danube Exodus: Rippling Currents of the River. Sein internationales Debüt gab er mit The Bartos Family (1988), der beim World Wide Video Festival in Den Haag (1990) mit dem Grand Prix ausgezeichnet wurde. 2007 erhielt er den Erasmuspreis für außerordentlich wichtige Beiträge im kulturellen, sozialen oder sozialwissenschaftlichen Bereich. Er lebt in Budapest. Auf der Biennale in Venedig war er 2009 im ungarischen Pavillon mit einer Videoinstallation beteiligt. Filmografie (Auswahl) Als Regisseur oder Drehbuchautor war Forgács beteiligt: Werke in Sammlungen Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, Frankreich Pacific Film Archives, Berkeley, USA Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest, Ungarn Literatur Cinema's Alchemist. The Films of Péter Forgács, hrg. von Bill Nichols and Michael Renov, Minneapolis, Minn. [u. a.] : University of Minnesota Press, 2011 Weblinks Offizielle Website Forgács auf der 53. Biennale Einzelnachweise Filmschaffender Medienkünstler (Ungarn) Träger des Verdienstordens der Republik Ungarn (Offizier) Träger des Erasmuspreises Ungar Geboren 1950 Mann
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
The Eastern Mediterranean and the Making of Global Radicalism, 1860-1914 by Ilham Khuri-Makdisi (2010) By Lior Sternfeld The era of the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century in the Levant, became known as the period of the 'Nahda'- the Arab renaissance. New ideas flourished and the emergence of Arab nationalism is often attributed to this time and place. Ilham Khuri-Makdisi has written an intellectual history of this period from an angle neglected so far, that of radical-leftist thought. Khuri-Makdisi focuses on three cities: Beirut, Alexandria, and Cairo, which maintained special connections as cosmopolitan centers, and she links the roots of radical movements found in these cities with early globalization. The narrative challenges previous perceptions that identified radical thought as a European product. As Makdisi shows, it started simultaneously in Europe, the Middle East, and the urban centers of Latin America. She chooses to focus on the Anarchist movement that both competed with Marxism as an international ideology and manifested itself in popular culture. More importantly, anarchism helped give rise to a new social order: the intellectual middle class. Under Sultan Abdul-Hamid II (ruled 1876-1909), the Ottoman Empire witnessed major social and political changes. Makdisi breaks down these changes to smaller components: the international networks that developed under anarchist notions, the development of the press, and the construction of institutions to disseminate anarchist ideas. The contributions of the anarchist movements in this period included mass education, mutual aid societies, and intellectual centers. The theatre, for example, functioned as a "subversive institution" used by the movement to raise general awareness about its international networks. Makdisi points to a play about the anarchist movement in Spain that gained great success in Beirut. She also dedicates part of the story to diaspora communities and their place in the international movement, thanks to the connections they had in their homelands. Anarchist movements are often regarded as the most radical form of political and social activity; this book, however, reminds readers how significant and mainstream the institutions that they established are. The successful use of interesting and varied sources, the prose, and the engaging story make this book to a worthy read. Ilham Khuri-Makdisi's faculty page at Northeastern University. H-Net review of The Eastern Mediterranean and the Making of Global Radicalism. Anarchism and Islam. A collection of articles on the subject. Image caption: Ottoman Sultan Abdul-Hamid II photographed in 1867, via Wikimedia Commons Posted May 31, 2011 More 1800s, 1900s, Books, Periods, Politics, Regions, Topics, Transnational
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Drawn from a rich tradition of family and children's literature, this collection focuses on courtship, marriage and child-rearing by emphasizing moral, wholesome, family living. The Fireside Companions and Family Literature Periodicals, 1805-1877 collection includes titles such as New York Fireside Companion, Merry's Museum, and Parley's Magazine. Researchers can also find a number of children's Sunday school and temperance periodicals. Taken together, the titles comprising this collection enable scholars to study not only prescribed values, but also the social and family dynamics of 19th-century America.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: jQuery ID attr $("a.close").click(function() { var id = $(this).attr("id"); alert(id); $(this).parents("div.venue:first").fadeOut("Fast"); return false; }); Any ideas why the alert isn't correctly popping up the current divs ID? Final code, thanks below for pointing my stupid error var id = $(this).parents("div.venue:first").attr("id"); A: Because your selector is working on an anchor: $("a.close") I'm guessing you mean the div after your alert, try this: $("a.close").click(function() { var id = $(this).attr("id"); alert($(this).parents("div.venue:first").attr('id')); return false; }); A: The element you are trying to get the id for is an a not a div. A: You're showing the id of the <a> element, not a div A: If you want the parent DIV's id, you'll need to traverse up to the parent before you get the attribute. var id = $(this).closest('div').attr('id');
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
var cubeRotation = 0.0; const init_date = new Date(); var init_time = init_date.getTime(); var spaceShipSpeed = 8 var oldSpaceShipSpeed = 8 var globalx=0 var globaly=0 var globalz=0 var globalAngleLon = 180 var globalAngleLat = 0 var wDown = false var sDown = false var aDown = false var dDown = false var sunPosZ = -1000 var sunPosX = 10 var sunPosY = 10 main(); // // Start here // function main() { const canvas = document.querySelector('#glcanvas'); const gl = canvas.getContext('webgl') || canvas.getContext('experimental-webgl'); // If we don't have a GL context, give up now if (!gl) { alert('Unable to initialize WebGL. Your browser or machine may not support it.'); return; } // Vertex shader program const vsSource = ` attribute vec4 aVertexPosition; attribute vec4 aVertexColor; uniform mat4 uModelViewMatrix; uniform mat4 uProjectionMatrix; varying lowp vec4 vColor; void main(void) { gl_Position = uProjectionMatrix * uModelViewMatrix * aVertexPosition; vColor = aVertexColor; } `; // Fragment shader program const fsSource = ` varying lowp vec4 vColor; void main(void) { gl_FragColor = vColor; } `; // Initialize a shader program; this is where all the lighting // for the vertices and so forth is established. const shaderProgram = initShaderProgram(gl, vsSource, fsSource); var RAD2DEG = 180 / Math.PI var DEG2RAD = Math.PI / 180 /** * Convert [lat,lon] polar coordinates to [x,y,z] cartesian coordinates * @param {Number} lon * @param {Number} lat * @param {Number} radius * @return {Vector3} */ function polarToCartesian( lon, lat, radius ) { var phi = ( 90 - lat ) * DEG2RAD var theta = ( lon + 180 ) * DEG2RAD return { x: -(radius * Math.sin(phi) * Math.sin(theta)), y: radius * Math.cos(phi), z: radius * Math.sin(phi) * Math.cos(theta), } } window.sphereGenerator = function(){ var radius = 10 var center = { x:0, y:0, z:-100 } sphereScalarField = [] sphereScalarFieldPoligons = [] var currentLon = 0 var currentLat = 0 var newPoint = null var currentOriginPoligon = 0 nextLineRandom=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] while(currentLat<360) { var currentLineRandom=nextLineRandom nextLineRandom=[] for(var i=0;i<36;i++){ nextLineRandom.push(Math.random()) } while(currentLon<360) { newPoint=polarToCartesian(currentLon,currentLat,radius+currentLineRandom[currentLon/10]) sphereScalarField.push(newPoint.x+center.x) sphereScalarField.push(newPoint.y+center.y) sphereScalarField.push(newPoint.z+center.z) newPoint=polarToCartesian(currentLon+10,currentLat,radius+currentLineRandom[(currentLon/10)+1]) sphereScalarField.push(newPoint.x+center.x) sphereScalarField.push(newPoint.y+center.y) sphereScalarField.push(newPoint.z+center.z) newPoint=polarToCartesian(currentLon,currentLat+10,radius+nextLineRandom[currentLon/10]) sphereScalarField.push(newPoint.x+center.x) sphereScalarField.push(newPoint.y+center.y) sphereScalarField.push(newPoint.z+center.z) newPoint=polarToCartesian(currentLon+10,currentLat+10,radius+nextLineRandom[(currentLon/10)+1]) sphereScalarField.push(newPoint.x+center.x) sphereScalarField.push(newPoint.y+center.y) sphereScalarField.push(newPoint.z+center.z) currentLon=currentLon+10 sphereScalarFieldPoligons.push(currentOriginPoligon) sphereScalarFieldPoligons.push(currentOriginPoligon+1) sphereScalarFieldPoligons.push(currentOriginPoligon+3) sphereScalarFieldPoligons.push(currentOriginPoligon) sphereScalarFieldPoligons.push(currentOriginPoligon+2) sphereScalarFieldPoligons.push(currentOriginPoligon+3) currentOriginPoligon=currentOriginPoligon+4 } currentLon = 0 currentLat = currentLat + 20 } vertexcount = 3888 const faceColors = [ [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.15] // Front face: white ]; // Convert the array of colors into a table for all the vertices. //Object switcher var colors = [] for (var j = 0; j < 3888; ++j) { const c = faceColors[0]; // Repeat each color four times for the four vertices of the face colors = colors.concat(c, c, c, c); } return [sphereScalarField, sphereScalarFieldPoligons, colors, vertexcount] } function spaceShipGenerator(){ const vertexArray = [ // Front face 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, -0.5, 1.0, -1.0, -0.5, 1.0, // Back face 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, -0.5, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0, // Top face 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, -0.5, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0, // Bottom face 1.0, -0.5, 1.0, -1.0, -0.5, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0, // Right face 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, -0.5, 1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 1.5, // Left face 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, -0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.5, ]; const faceColors = [ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8], // Front face: white [0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.8], [0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.8], [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8], [0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.8], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.8], [0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.8], ]; // Convert the array of colors into a table for all the vertices. var colors = [] for (var j = 0; j < faceColors.length; ++j) { const c = faceColors[j]; // Repeat each color four times for the four vertices of the face colors = colors.concat(c, c, c, c); } const poligonArray = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, ]; vertexcount = 18 return [vertexArray, poligonArray, colors, vertexcount] } // Collect all the info needed to use the shader program. // Look up which attributes our shader program is using // for aVertexPosition, aVevrtexColor and also // look up uniform locations. const programInfo = { program: shaderProgram, attribLocations: { vertexPosition: gl.getAttribLocation(shaderProgram, 'aVertexPosition'), vertexColor: gl.getAttribLocation(shaderProgram, 'aVertexColor'), }, uniformLocations: { projectionMatrix: gl.getUniformLocation(shaderProgram, 'uProjectionMatrix'), modelViewMatrix: gl.getUniformLocation(shaderProgram, 'uModelViewMatrix'), }, }; alert("Comenzar a Jugar") // Here's where we call the routine that builds all the // objects we'll be drawing. var totalVertexCount = 0; //Creating the sphere var sphere = sphereGenerator() // Create a buffer for the cube's vertex positions. const sphereBuffer = gl.createBuffer(); // Select the positionBuffer as the one to apply buffer // operations to from here out. gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, sphereBuffer); const positions = sphere[0] const indices = sphere[1] totalVertexCount=totalVertexCount+3888 const sun = initBuffers(gl,sphereBuffer, sphere[0], sphere[2], sphere[1]); var spaceship=spaceShipGenerator() // Create a buffer for the cube's vertex positions. const spaceshipBuffer = gl.createBuffer(); // Select the positionBuffer as the one to apply buffer // operations to from here out. gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, spaceshipBuffer); const buffers = initBuffers(gl,spaceshipBuffer, spaceship[0], spaceship[2], spaceship[1]); //Creating the spaceship var then = 0; var arrayBuffers = [] arrayBuffers.push([sphere[3],sun]); arrayBuffers.push([spaceship[3],buffers]); // Draw the scene repeatedly function render(now) { now *= 0.0005; // convert to seconds const deltaTime = now - then; then = now; drawScene(gl, programInfo, deltaTime, arrayBuffers); requestAnimationFrame(render); } requestAnimationFrame(render); } // // initBuffers // // Initialize the buffers we'll need. For this demo, we just // have one object -- a simple three-dimensional cube. // function initBuffers(gl, positionBuffer, positions, colors, indices) { // Now pass the list of positions into WebGL to build the // shape. We do this by creating a Float32Array from the // JavaScript array, then use it to fill the current buffer. gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(positions), gl.STATIC_DRAW); // Now set up the colors for the faces. We'll use solid colors // for each face. const colorBuffer = gl.createBuffer(); gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, colorBuffer); gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(colors), gl.STATIC_DRAW); // Build the element array buffer; this specifies the indices // into the vertex arrays for each face's vertices. const indexBuffer = gl.createBuffer(); gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexBuffer); // This array defines each face as two triangles, using the // indices into the vertex array to specify each triangle's // position. // Now send the element array to GL gl.bufferData(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, new Uint16Array(indices), gl.STATIC_DRAW); return { position: positionBuffer, color: colorBuffer, indices: indexBuffer, }; } // // Draw the scene. // function drawScene(gl, programInfo,deltaTime, arrayBuffers) { //buffers //vertexCount gl.clearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // Clear to black, fully opaque gl.clearDepth(1.0); // Clear everything gl.enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST); // Enable depth testing gl.depthFunc(gl.LEQUAL); // Near things obscure far things // Clear the canvas before we start drawing on it. gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Create a perspective matrix, a special matrix that is // used to simulate the distortion of perspective in a camera. // Our field of view is 45 degrees, with a width/height // ratio that matches the display size of the canvas // and we only want to see objects between 0.1 units // and 100 units away from the camera. const fieldOfView = 45 * Math.PI / 180; // in radians const aspect = gl.canvas.clientWidth / gl.canvas.clientHeight; const zNear = 0.1; const zFar = 5000.0; const projectionMatrix = mat4.create(); // note: glmatrix.js always has the first argument // as the destination to receive the result. mat4.perspective(projectionMatrix, fieldOfView, aspect, zNear, zFar); // Set the drawing position to the "identity" point, which is // the center of the scene. const modelViewMatrix = mat4.create(); //Get current position using bezier var d = new Date(); var n = d.getTime(); var passedTime = 10000; init_time = n var passedTimeSec = passedTime/1000; var value = passedTimeSec%oldSpaceShipSpeed; value = value/(oldSpaceShipSpeed/2); position = positionBezier(value); if(value<0.01) { oldSpaceShipSpeed=spaceShipSpeed } // Tell WebGL how to pull out the positions from the position // buffer into the vertexPosition attribute for (var i=0, item; item = arrayBuffers[i]; i++){ if(i == (arrayBuffers.length-2)){ changeSunPosition(passedTime) mat4.translate(projectionMatrix, // destination matrix projectionMatrix, // matrix to translate [sunPosX, sunPosY, sunPosZ]); // amount to } if(i == (arrayBuffers.length-1)){ distanceTraveled = (passedTime*spaceShipSpeed)/20000 var RAD2DEG = 180 / Math.PI var DEG2RAD = Math.PI / 180 function polarToCartesian( lon, lat, radius ) { var phi = ( 90 - lat ) * DEG2RAD var theta = ( lon + 180 ) * DEG2RAD return { x: -(radius * Math.sin(phi) * Math.sin(theta)), y: radius * Math.cos(phi), z: radius * Math.sin(phi) * Math.cos(theta), } } vectors = polarToCartesian(globalAngleLon, globalAngleLat, distanceTraveled); if(globalx+vectors.x<10 & globalx+vectors.x>-10){ globalx=globalx+vectors.x } if(globaly+vectors.y<10 & globalx+vectors.y>-10){ globaly=globaly+vectors.y } if(globaly+vectors.z<10 & globalx+vectors.z>-10){ globalz=globalz+vectors.z } angleTraveled = (passedTime)/360000 valueLon = 0 valueLat = 0 if(wDown){ globalAngleLat =globalAngleLat+angleTraveled //valueLat = angleTraveled } if(sDown){ globalAngleLat =globalAngleLat-angleTraveled //valueLat = valueLon+angleTraveled } if(aDown){ globalAngleLon =globalAngleLon+angleTraveled //valueLon = valueLon+angleTraveled } if(dDown){ globalAngleLon =globalAngleLon-angleTraveled //valueLon = valueLon+angleTraveled } mat4.translate(projectionMatrix, // destination matrix projectionMatrix, // matrix to translate [globalx, globaly, globalz]); // amount to mat4.rotate(projectionMatrix, // destination matrix projectionMatrix, // matrix to rotate valueLat, // amount to rotate in radians [0, 1, 0]); // axis to rotate around (Z) /**mat4.rotate(projectionMatrix, // destination matrix projectionMatrix, // matrix to rotate valueLon,// amount to rotate in radians [1, 0, 0]); // axis to rotate around (X)*/ mat4.translate(modelViewMatrix, // destination matrix modelViewMatrix, // matrix to translate [globalx, globaly, -6-globalz]); // amount to translate mat4.rotate(modelViewMatrix, // destination matrix modelViewMatrix, // matrix to rotate valueLat, // amount to rotate in radians [0, 1, 0]); // axis to rotate around (Z) /**mat4.rotate(modelViewMatrix, // destination matrix modelViewMatrix, // matrix to rotate valueLon,// amount to rotate in radians [1, 0, 0]); // axis to rotate around (X)*/ } { const numComponents = 3; const type = gl.FLOAT; const normalize = false; const stride = 0; const offset = 0; gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, item[1].position); gl.vertexAttribPointer( programInfo.attribLocations.vertexPosition, numComponents, type, normalize, stride, offset); gl.enableVertexAttribArray( programInfo.attribLocations.vertexPosition); } // Tell WebGL how to pull out the colors from the color buffer // into the vertexColor attribute. { const numComponents = 4; const type = gl.FLOAT; const normalize = false; const stride = 0; const offset = 0; gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, item[1].color); gl.vertexAttribPointer( programInfo.attribLocations.vertexColor, numComponents, type, normalize, stride, offset); gl.enableVertexAttribArray( programInfo.attribLocations.vertexColor); } // Tell WebGL which indices to use to index the vertices gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, item[1].indices); // Tell WebGL to use our program when drawing gl.useProgram(programInfo.program); // Set the shader uniforms gl.uniformMatrix4fv( programInfo.uniformLocations.projectionMatrix, false, projectionMatrix); gl.uniformMatrix4fv( programInfo.uniformLocations.modelViewMatrix, false, modelViewMatrix); const type = gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT; const offset = 0; gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, item[0], type, offset); if(i == (arrayBuffers.length-2)){ mat4.translate(projectionMatrix, // destination matrix projectionMatrix, // matrix to translate [-sunPosX, -sunPosY, -sunPosZ]); // amount to } } // Update the rotation for the next draw cubeRotation += deltaTime; } // // Initialize a shader program, so WebGL knows how to draw our data // function initShaderProgram(gl, vsSource, fsSource) { const vertexShader = loadShader(gl, gl.VERTEX_SHADER, vsSource); const fragmentShader = loadShader(gl, gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, fsSource); // Create the shader program const shaderProgram = gl.createProgram(); gl.attachShader(shaderProgram, vertexShader); gl.attachShader(shaderProgram, fragmentShader); gl.linkProgram(shaderProgram); // If creating the shader program failed, alert if (!gl.getProgramParameter(shaderProgram, gl.LINK_STATUS)) { alert('Unable to initialize the shader program: ' + gl.getProgramInfoLog(shaderProgram)); return null; } return shaderProgram; } // // creates a shader of the given type, uploads the source and // compiles it. // function loadShader(gl, type, source) { const shader = gl.createShader(type); // Send the source to the shader object gl.shaderSource(shader, source); // Compile the shader program gl.compileShader(shader); // See if it compiled successfully if (!gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) { alert('An error occurred compiling the shaders: ' + gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader)); gl.deleteShader(shader); return null; } return shader; } function positionBezier(t){ var norm = t; if(t<1){ var curve = new Bezier(0,6 , 8,6 , -9,4 , 0,4); } else{ var curve = new Bezier(0,4 , 6,4 , -5,6 , 0,6); norm=norm-1; } return curve.get(norm); } positionBezier(3); document.onkeydown = checkKey; document.onkeyup = checkKeyUp; function checkKey(e) { e = e || window.event; if (e.keyCode == '38') { // up arrow wDown = true } else if (e.keyCode == '40') { // down arrow sDown = true } else if (e.keyCode == '37') { // left arrow aDown = true } else if (e.keyCode == '39') { // right arrow dDown = true } else if (e.keyCode == '87') { // w key wDown = true } else if (e.keyCode == '83') { // s key sDown = true } else if (e.keyCode == '65') { // a key aDown = true } else if (e.keyCode == '68') { // d key dDown = true } } function checkKeyUp(e) { e = e || window.event; if (e.keyCode == '38') { // up arrow wDown = false } else if (e.keyCode == '40') { // down arrow sDown = false } else if (e.keyCode == '37') { // left arrow aDown = false } else if (e.keyCode == '39') { // right arrow dDown = false } else if (e.keyCode == '87') { // w key wDown = false } else if (e.keyCode == '83') { // s key sDown = false } else if (e.keyCode == '65') { // a key aDown = false } else if (e.keyCode == '68') { // d key dDown = false } } function changeSunPosition(passedTime){ sunPosZ=sunPosZ+(passedTime/2000) if(sunPosZ>200){ sunPosZ=-500 if(sunPosY==10 & sunPosX==10){ sunPosY = -10 if(globalx>0 & globaly>0){ alert("Has perdido: Has chocado con un asteroide.") globalx=0 globaly=0 globalz=0 globalAngleLat=0 globalAngleLon=-180 wDown = false sDown = false aDown = false dDown = false } } else if(sunPosY==-10 & sunPosX==10){ sunPosX = -10 if(globalx>0 & globaly<0){ alert("Has perdido: Has chocado con un asteroide.") globalx=0 globaly=0 globalz=0 globalAngleLat=0 globalAngleLon=-180 wDown = false sDown = false aDown = false dDown = false } } else if(sunPosY==-10 & sunPosX==-10){ sunPosY = 10 if(globalx<0 & globaly<0){ alert("Has perdido: Has chocado con un asteroide.") globalx=0 globaly=0 globalz=0 globalAngleLat=0 globalAngleLon=-180 wDown = false sDown = false aDown = false dDown = false } } else if(sunPosY==10 & sunPosX==-10){ sunPosX = 10 if(globalx<0 & globaly>0){ alert("Has perdido: Has chocado con un asteroide.") globalx=0 globaly=0 globalz=0 globalAngleLat=0 globalAngleLon=-180 wDown = false sDown = false aDown = false dDown = false } } console.log(globalx) console.log(globaly) console.log(globalz) } if(globalx>4 | globaly>2 | globalx<-4 | globaly<-2){ alert("Has perdido: Te has alejado mucho del centro.") globalx=0 globaly=0 globalz=0 globalAngleLat=0 globalAngleLon=-180 wDown = false sDown = false aDown = false dDown = false } }
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
The first issue of a new series or mini series. All New #1's! The items listed here will also include any NEW title that may restart with Legacy Numbering. Also included here are any #0's. APR190054 - A teenage girl struggles to overcome the trauma of war in an alternate, matriarchal 1900s Asia that's brimmi.. APR190064 - Bring the artistic legacy of TODD McFARLANE's record-breaking independent comic home with this hardcover col.. APR190165 - Sci-fi and horror collide in this new series from the co-creator of CHEW! Mankind has colonized the galaxy, .. APR190204 - Nathan Bright has no memory of his alleged role in the terrorist attack that killed 18 billion people, but t.. APR190205 - Nathan Bright has no memory of his alleged role in the terrorist attack that killed 18 billion people, but t.. APR190215 - Olaf's friend from the orphanage, Hedda, receives a personal invitation to Arendelle Castle. Although she ha.. APR190224 - Mike Mignola and fan-favorite artist Duncan Fegredo reunite in this all-new one-shot! This first issue in a .. APR190225 - Mike Mignola and fan-favorite artist Duncan Fegredo reunite in this all-new one-shot! This first issue in a .. APR190245 - This supernatural American road trip fantasy tells the story of a war between the ancient and modern gods. S.. APR190267 - After John Lincoln steals an Aboriginal mask from a museum, vengeful spirits possess his body and mind while.. APR190280 - The Manara Library Volume 1 is now in paperback! This first volume includes two of Manara's seminal works: t.. APR190290 - These are the Aliens Essential Comics - stories which have stood the test of time... and kept readers awake .. APR190291 - For the thirtieth anniversary of Aliens, Dark Horse is releasing an oversized hardcover edition of the unabr.. APR190298 - For Dragon Age newcomers, this comprehensive volume brings you up to speed on everything you need to know ab.. APR190302 - This new series further explores the expansive universe of Blizzard's hit game, with writer Jody Houser (Mot.. APR190303 - In the midst of feudal Japan, a young girl who is the daughter of an Irish witch and a samurai master, Isabe.. APR190308 - Blaming him for the loss of the children of lower Upton, the townsfolk burn down Giuseppe's turnip factory a.. APR190317 - Relive the classic Disney fairy tale through the first-person perspective of Snow White herself in this comi..
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Beltways can go up to 30 km/h with a capacity of 10,000 people an hour. No traffic, no wait time, no delay. FEASIBLE Easy and free to use, and more feasible than any other mass transit option. A fully electric, low-energy people mover. Solar power can also be used in outside locations. Beltways makes modular accelerating moving walkways (AMWs) that allow pedestrians to power-walk through cities at 10x the speed of airport walkways--with no carbon footprint. Our patented modular system safely accelerates you while standing or walking. Easy Production | Easy Shipping | Easy Install Easy Acceleration | Easy Add-ons | Easy Maintenance High-capacity transportation is critical to meet the demands of urbanization. As humanity gets closer and closer together, we need to rethink how we get around. With a passenger capacity of 10,000 an hour for just 1/6th the space cars need, Beltways is a game-changer in urban mobility. High-speed is just as important as high-capacity. Beltways goes 10x faster than airport walkways but starts off at half the speed. With our modular design, each module goes a little faster, giving the passenger a seamless experience. In some places, there just isn't enough room to install a moving walkway. With the elevated platform, people can cross underneath without having to walk around. The infrastructure required to elevate our light-weight modules is minimal compared to other transit. LED EXTERIOR For outdoor Beltways, the LED exterior is a game-changer for lighting the city skyline while leaving open the potential for a brand new form of outdoor marketing and public announcements. We need to accelerate the change to renewable energy. That is why transportation using electricity and solar power is so important. Beltways emits no pollution and is solar powered in outdoor locations. COMPARE METRICS forms of transit different metrics INITIAL COST VEHICLE MASS INFRASTRUCTURE COST SPACE REQUIRED Urban mobility is a fundamental building block of society. Unfortunately, we bear a heavy cost for today's mobility, and it will continue to get worse if we don't alter course. The 20th century model of transit is no longer sustainable. Today, many cities are moving away from a car-focused urban transit to a bike and pedestrian-focused urban experience. Unfortunately, some cities have already committed up to 60% of their urban space for roads, parking lots, and related infrastructure. This not only takes away from parks and green areas but also costs billions of dollars to maintain every year. Inevitably, mobility will adapt to new technology. Like cars did to horses, Beltways can do to cars. High-speed moving walkways can be the next major step in mass transit. To prove this point, we compared our product to five other forms of transit across 10 different metrics. SEE ALL GRAPHS PROJECT LOCATIONS Beltways operates as a Point A to Point B system with one entry and exit location per walkway. There are countless locations that would benefit from high-speed beltways. Luckily, many cities and major events are already taking proactive measures to deal with issues of urban mobility and overcrowding. major cities | major gatherings | airports A team of experts in mobility, engineering, business, and government relations are on a mission to move humanity forward. Our core belief is that humanity always has a better future, here on Earth. A future where walking and biking are the fastest ways to travel. Beltways is a B-Corp dedicated to a future with free, clean public transportation in all major cities. Our AMW is the only high-speed moving walkway that can improve urban mobility at a lower cost than other mass transit systems today. Urban mobility is what connects people, builds community, and brings the city closer together. It is time to consider our options and reassess whether pursuing a "driver-less" future is better than a "car-less" future. We cannot allow technologies of the past constrain our vision of the future, nor allow one vision of the future constrain development today. Government CIO Outlook Magazine names Beltways a "Top 10" Smart City technology for 2019. AutoTech Magazine names Beltways a "Top 10" EV technology for 2020. Thank you for contacting us.  US +1 917-582-9648 [email protected] Elevated Design Other Metrics Major Gatherings © 2018 - 2020 Brainbow, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
jolliFactory have designed a single color 8x8x8 LED Cube aptly named jolliCube. It is designed for entry level hobbyist who wants to take on the challenge to build a bigger cube rather than settle for a 4x4x4 or 5x5x5 LED cube. The electronic circuit for jolliCube is based on the MAX7219 ICs to drive the cube. This IC is originally designed to drive 7-segment LED displays. By designing our circuit based on this IC, the number of components to drive each 8x8 LED Matrix layer is very minimal. It is designed to be modular in the sense that each of the eight 8x8 LED Matrix layers can work by themselves which makes troubleshooting easy. Our design does not have any particular microcontroller embedded in our electronic circuit to drive the cube. It can be driven externally by any microcontroller via SPI interface using just 3 signal wires (SPI) and 2 power wires (5 V DC). Thanks for this DIY Kit. It was fun assembling the led cube. It looks great with a uniform jig. Thank you also for the extra led. All led seems to work properly. Neat project. 1st time i've bought it 1 year ago. but 1st pancake is bad. this time i have enough time to make the cube as perfect as possible. a bit disappointed by wood form, but i guess it's ugly only because of weight limitation. Exercise caution if ordering from Canada; my package was ordered on May 25th but did not arrive until July 12th. This is not the fault of Tindie or the vendor; it is simply the reality of shipping overseas, customs delays, etc. Thanks for very fast shipping. It is a very good product. Very good documentation in the web site. -Le temps de livraison est tres rapide part avion moins d'une semaine. -L'embalage est parfait mais pour le montage il pourrait rajouter un peux plus de fils. -Pour l'assemblage tres bien explique mais manque de petite precision sur le sens d'installation du panneaux de LED sur la plaque electronique (si erreure tous s'affiche a l'envers), attention a bien suivre le sens des fleches pour la connection 5 pin, et installer toute les puces meme pour les essais. Arrived today, PC board looks great and parts are all there, looking foreword to assembling it. So far great item. Will post a photo later. Nice product, easy to setup..add-on part a little subpar. Sorry for the late reply and the quality issue you face with the LEDs. We were quite shocked to learn that more than 10% of the LEDs in your kit set were found to be bad out of the bag and that you received only 520 LEDs instead of the stated 540 LEDs. Our usual practice for this kit is to pack the LEDs in 2 separate packs. One contains 500 LEDs which is machine counted and packed and another is manually packed with 50 LEDs. This gives a total of 550 instead of the 540 LEDs as stated. The LED cube requires only 512 LEDs and the additional 38 LEDs should normally be sufficient for replacements. We carried out sample checks on our current LED stock and did not find any quality issues with them. We thought we could have a batch of bad LED stock and so we waited to see if there are more similar feedbacks from other buyers. It has been almost 2 months and so far, we did not receive any feedbacks regarding LED quality issues. We hoped it is an isolated case of bad LED quality. Currently, we only source our LEDs from one vendor. We will not hesitate to look for other vendors if we discover there are quality issues with their supply. Hope you like the LED cube and we are sorry once again for the bad experience you had with regards to the LED quality issue. Have the kit in hand within 2 business days. Clean and professional packaging. Seller very responsive. With a fast delivery, a very good packaging, I have received my order in a quite fast time and without damages. I can only recommend this vendor so far! Hi, i love jolly cube i still haven't received item, but i'd like buy its acrylic enclosure, i have not found anywhere ,let alone in your site. Thanks for your your interest in our LED cube. Currently, we do not sell the enclosure and do not intend to sell it in the near future. You may build one yourself if you are a handy man or have it custom made which may be quite costly. We will let you know where to purchase one if we are able to find it. Asking MORE effects for Jolly Cube. I am just a hobbiest of led cube. My first cube is 4x4x4 with arduino. I like using arduino IDE because of easily unstandable programmer. But my knowledge is very limitted to writing codes with C or any other languages. This time i try with 3d8 cube with jolly's kit. I do assembly myself and tested yesterday with your demo code. Amazing! I went through all instructed steps during assembling time. Very convenient to finished the job , ofcourse take time abit. I need to request you to create more EFFECTS for your cube and distribute from Instructable. BTW, you can get the return from the user for your sharing, teaching and generousity with millions thank. Thanks for taking time to write this review. It gives us a great sense of satisfaction to know buyers are happy with our products. We hope your review will encourage hobbyist to take the plunge and build this 8x8x8 LED cube though it may look like a difficult project to handle. We will try to update with more effects for this cube in the near future. I had no trouble following the instructions, the videos really helped understand exactly what to do. The only thing I had to put some thought into was making Jig#4. I have no drill stand, so I opted to carefully mark out an 8x8 grid with a very sharp pencil, steel ruler and set square, this worked out well with good accuracy achieved. I then drilled the holes with a battery drill, first with a small pilot drill, then with the 3mm drill. I found it hard to drill holes absolutely vertically, resulting in the leds not quite being vertical, but when viewing the cube running, this is not noticeable. I also successfully ported the code to run on a Particle Spark Core, so I can wirelessly control the cube. Glad you managed to successfully complete the LED Cube and even ported the code to run on a Particle Spark Core. We may offer jig#4 as an option for purchase in future for those who may not have the means to build one themselves or do not want to take the trouble to build it. I bought this kit so I could build an LED cube. This is my first cube and I like the fact that its basically built and ready to go. A little bit of soldering is needed (and obviously you have to build the LED cube), but other than that its a great product. I would like my next one to be built from the ground up so that I can better understand how everything works, but the instructable for this does a good job of that. Overall, I am happy. Thanks for taking the time to review our jolliCube 8x8x8 LED Cube kit. Glad you are happy making your first cube. Hope your review will encourage potential first time LED Cube builder to take up the challenge to build an 8x8x8 LED Cube instead of building a small LED Cube for a first cube. everything works as expected. great graphics . Thanks for taking the time to review our jolliCube 8x8x8 LED Cube kit. Glad you like it.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
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Crazie Talk an insider's view of Duke athletics: the good, the bad, and the Crazie Countdown to CrazinessOctober 25th, 2014 @crazietalker Posted on September 11, 2010 July 18, 2014 by Amogh Analysis, Breaking News, Featured, Headline FIBA Final Will Be Like Duke-Butler on Steroids Coach K's teams have a knack for getting in situations where, if victorious, everyone in the stadium will hate them. If their team wins tomorrow, Turkish fans might just burn this off the map in celebration. In April, his Blue Devils faced off against Indianapolis hometown heroes Butler in Indy's Lucas Oil Stadium. 90% of the stadium was rooting for Butler, and probably 95% of the nation joined in (hey, Duke hate produces great ratings). I was at the game. The collective groan when Gordon Hayward's shot clanged off the rim was cavernous and sad. We can apply the same principle to the United States-Turkey game tomorrow in Istanbul, the host nation's largest city. But multiply it by a factor of ten thousand. I mean, Turkey has history. Istanbul used to be Constantinople, seat of the Eastern Roman Empire. And their culture has welcomed roundball wholeheartedly. They've got serious baggage with another traditional European hoops power, Greece, among other rivals. I'd even venture that basketball is becoming their national sports pastime, replacing soccer much the way football is replacing baseball in the U.S. Even if Turkey's national basketball prowess is rooted in a 70's American TV series, they're nothing to screw around with. In tomorrow's gold medal game, the U.S. teams finds itself in a familiar position, but not in a familiar locale. Everyone knows that Europeans take their sports a little more seriously than Americans do. As Pete Thamel of the New York Times tweeted earlier today, there is no atmosphere in American athletics that will compare to tomorrow's exhibition of national pride in Turkey. In Istanbul's Sinan Erdem Dom, in the streets, in distant cities of this very large country—there will be riots, fights, hospitalizations, win or lose. After the national title win over Butler, I ran around the stadium screaming Duke cheers and waving my shirt in the air. American fans in Istanbul, be advised. Don't do that. If the reaction to Turkey's dramatic win over Serbia in today's semi-final is any indication, you'll want to get out fast, preferably in an armored car. USA fans watching from anywhere but Turkey will cheer on The Durantula and Co. as they face off with a seasoned squad led by Hedo Turkoglu. The Turks also featured Carlos Boozer's new Chicago Bulls teammate Omer Asik, who will be an excellent NBA center. I won't be surprised by any result tomorrow—a blowout by either team is completely possible, depending on who's more psyched out by the undoubtedly insane game atmosphere. It's youth and talent vs. experience and home country advantage. It should be a great game. Let's go, America. Butler Coach K Duke FIBA World Championships Team USA Turkey 1 Comment Posted on September 11, 2010 July 18, 2014 by Amogh Featured, Headline, Weighing In Weighing In: Duke and the FIBA World Championships Sometimes at Crazie-Talk we get together to discuss a hot story in the Duke-i-verse that merits some serious thought. Once on Coach K's choice to return to Team USA back in '09, and once, more recently, when the Blue Devils were turning their swag to 11 en route to the 2010 National Championship. Today, Jake and Amogh discuss two Duke storylines through the lens of international (read: European) hoops and the veritable Brawl of Basketball: The FIBA World Championships. Enjoy. Pocius had the floor on his senior night in 2009, but he didn't see much playing time on it in four injury-riddled years. (Photo courtesy of On Marty Pocius Being More Successful in Europe The Lithuanian basketball team rode on the back of a familiar player to the FIBA Final Four. Martynas Pocius, who played at Duke from 2005 to 2009, has been the firebrand that sparked his country's team to unexpected heights in basketball's biggest international event. Today, Pocius faces off against his former coach, Mike Krzyzewski, and the loaded young USA team. Pocius (pronounced "Poat-zoos" for some reason) had a terrific reputation coming out of prep school in New Hampshire: scoring prowess, incredible leaping ability, and a pair of impeccable calves that soon caught one sweater loving coach's attention during several ESPN broadcasts. Perhaps Coach Rick will invite Marty stateside for Duke's game against Saint Louis this December 11. You know, to massage those spectacular calves. Yet despite all the hype and sweet musculature, Marty never lived up to his 5-star rating at Duke. Or perhaps more accurately, Marty was never dealt the right cards. The first factor in Pocius' lukewarm career was injury. Ankle problems limited his effectiveness for two years, culminating in a medical redshirt in 2007-2008. In his fourth academic year, Pocius was technically active, but saw scant minutes off the bench in a Sweet Sixteen season. He decided to forgo his fifth year of eligibility to play professionally—back home in Lithuania. More on that later. Compounding Pocius' inconsistent health was (go figure) Duke's tremendous guard depth. Over his career, Marty was buried in the depth chart behind a formidable group: DeMarcus Nelson, Jon Scheyer, Gerald Henderson, Greg Paulus, Nolan Smith and Elliot Williams. When healthy, fans attributed Marty's pineriding to a lack of defensive skills and penchant for fouling (not an uncommon criticism for European players, after all). The truth is, if you miss practice at Duke (injured or not), it's hard to crack the starting lineup. Coach K is pretty consistent on that. It's even harder if, as in Marty's case, you have three to five NBA-level guards on your team. Not everyone can play on bad ankles. Not everyone is Brett Favre. It's fitting that Pocius' best performance—14 points on 5-5 shooting in 17 minutes—came in one of the darkest moments of the past decade: Duke's first round ACC Tournament exit to NC State in 2007. And unlike last year, the team didn't learn from losing to the lowly Wolfpack—they went ahead and lost to VCU. Even when he won, his team lost. But enough with the negativity. One year removed from his Duke career, Marty is thriving in what is clearly his natural habitat—EuroBasket. He averaged 8.1 points per game in sixteen games this past season with BC Zalgiris in Kaunas, Lithuania, a city just 102 kilometers away from Marty's native Vilnius. (Editor's Note: Vilnius factors largely in Jonathan Franzen's The Corrections, a book I'm about to finish. Oh, how FIBA brings it all together…) In the World Championships, Marty has scored 61 points in 128 minutes of action, acting as a key reserve for a Lithuanian squad that has largely exceeded expectations. In Lithuania's huge "upset" over (soon to be former) world number one Argentina, Pocius was scintillating: 16 points on 6 of 11 shooting (including two treys) and 4 rebounds in just 26 minutes of action. Stick it, Luis Scola. While players mature mentally and physically at different stages in their careers, one can't help but wonder what Marty could've accomplished at Duke if he had been injury-free. Or, on a more extraneous note, had he attended a University whose calling card wasn't tough, American style guard play, he certainly would have played more (again, barring injuries). (Jonathan Givony of anti-predictive NBA draft site DraftExpress started a tweet war the other day claiming that Coach K had wasted Pocius, before finally admitting that he had never seen Marty play a minute in college. So, all's well that ends…idiotically?) Disregarding the woulda coulda shouldas, when this story bottoms out, it's redemptive and happy. By proving himself in international basketball, Marty also proved he belonged at Duke. We wish Marty the very best with his career in Europe. As he faces his former mentor tomorrow against Team USA, we anticipate a big performance under the bright lights and fiery eyes of his opponent's coach. And just like against the Wolfpack in '07, we hope he loses. Sorry, bro. UPDATE: Marty got the start against the United States today, and showed well: 13 points, 7 rebounds, and 2 steals. However, Kevin Durant was unstoppable, setting an American record with 38 points, and Team USA got the 89-74 victory. Congrats to Marty on a great tournament, he certainly turned a lot of heads. And I know Majerus watched every minute scrupulously. You can follow Marty's entertaining Twitter here: @LTUMarty. Coach K PO'd some media folk the other day, but not these ones. They seem cool. (Courtesy of The Briefly Noted Saga of Coach K vs. the Israeli-American coach of Russia/Former USSR OK, OK. I know we're late to this party. Team USA's already avenged 1972 beaten Russia in the FIBA quarterfinals. Doug Collins is still righteously pissed off even if his new star in Philly, Andre Iguodala, was part of the "B-deem team" that took out the Bear Nation. Even if the Russians are not the Soviets (because in Soviet Russia, ball dunk you) and the Cold War is twenty years past, the officiating catastrophe in the 1972 gold medal game between the U.S. and USSR still infuriates a lot of people. Coach K, a veteran of West Point and former Army Captain, is one of those people. I'm about 50% tempted to give Coach a mulligan on his faux-pas in calling David Blatt, an American and Israeli citizen, a "Russian" and being offended by Blatt's innocuous belief that the USSR was the rightful winner of the '72 game. Only fifty percent because only that much of it was wrong, or even mildly offensive. Since K has established himself as one of the top coaches in the sport, he hasn't needed to be a firebrand in the media like he used to be (after all, he 'loves Dean Smith' these days). I was surprised by these comments not only because of their inflammatory nature—it should've been easy for some assistant to tell the acting American basketball ambassador that Blatt was, in fact, an American (somebody hire Reggie Love). It just seemed out of character for K to be so unsavvy with the press. But, as any Mad Men fan has learned from Roger Sterling's feud with "the Japs," military allegiances run deep. And although K stated that Blatt's comments had "absolutely" no effect on his game preparation, I have a feeling this whole thing fired up the old soldier in K, even after he realized his mistake on Blatt's nationality. After the game, Coach K sheepishly praised Blatt. He knew he was wrong. The game went over without controversy. The right team won. All good, right? Not for Adrian Wojnarowski, it wasn't. WTF, Woj? Wojnarowski, a reporter for Yahoo! Sports, originally reported Blatt's gracious response on this issue. He then went on to write a livid, flamethrowing piece on K's behavior, calling the comments a "desperate stunt" to motivate his players while "in [a] haste to exploit that old American gash" of the '72 game. He goes on to say that K's "low-rent" actions were an attempt to rile up American public hatred of the Soviets. To Wojnarowski, this somehow proves that K has no faith in his own team. So apparently, not only is K a old fogey bigot, but he's not even patriotic enough to believe his own team could win. Huh? I don't think a doctoral thesis could legitimize that kind of harsh claim, and Wojnarowski certainly does not. Not to mention Woj's offering of an irrelevant opinion on whether the '72 squad should have accepted their medals: "This 38-year blood war with that loss has gone on long enough," and the team should accept their medals graciously. Yeah, I'm sure they haven't heard that before. Wojnarowski pulls a low-rent stunt of his own, bringing up the murder of Israeli athletes at the '72 games as a counterpoint to the "ache for the ages" that the loss to the Soviets was. Dude, what does that have do with Coach K? The venomous article is a lot to extrapolate from a few off-color comments from a man who led Team USA back to the same gold medal stand that his friends and colleagues were denied in 1972. I understand that Wojnarowski is paid to take such polarized positions, and considering his normally solid work, I was surprised by this sudden take-off on Air Gregg Doyel. K certainly made a mistake. But not the kinds of mistakes that Wojnarowski claims. I'm tempted to say Kiss the Medals, but Team USA still has Lithuania to take care of. Crazie-Talk thanks you for reading this article, if you've gotten this far. Be sure to keep tabs on two big games at noon EST: Duke Football's showdown with Wake Forest, and of course, the United States-Lithuania semi-final match. Go Blue Devils, and Go America. Adrian Wojnarowski Coach K Doug Collins FIBA World Championships Lithuania Marty Pocius Martynas Pocius Team USA Posted on August 9, 2010 by Amogh Deviled Eggs, Featured, Headline Deviled Eggs: August 9th, 2010 Every Monday morning, Crazie Talk culls Duke basketball news, articles, and videos into a half dozen of the best "Deviled Eggs" on the interwebs. Here are this week's best: 1. Nolan Smith and Kyle Singler to train with Team USA After impressing Team USA coaches with the Select Team, Smith and Singler are a part of a group of 10 college players who will be in New York to train with USA basketball. Team USA has an upcoming "friendly" with France, who will be playing without Tony Parker at the World Basketball Championship, at Madison Square Garden on Sunday. 2. Greg Paulus joins Navy basketball staff Navy has a basketball team? I must have missed that. All jokes aside, congrats to the former Duke captain on his breakthrough into coaching. After a unsuccessful NFL tryout with the New Orleans Saints, Paulus will contribute to the Midshipmen this upcoming season. 3. Duke to play Marquette in early season tournament, possibly Kansas State Having won early season tournaments in three consecutive years, Duke will head to the CBE Classic semifinals in Kansas City against a familiar foe: Marquette. In fact, the Golden Eagles beat the Blue Devils in the championship of the 2006 CBE. Should Duke avenge that loss, they will probably face Kansas State in what is likely to be a tasty Top 5 showdown. 4. Nolan keeping things in perspective As loaded as the Blue Devils will be in 2010-2011, co-captain Nolan Smith has not let what "could be" go to his head. Sigh, I guess 40-0 really won't happen. He recaps some of the losses the team suffered through last year and how it molded them into a championship squad. 5. Andre Dawkins and Ryan Kelly win NC Pro-Am, Nolan named MVP Dawkins and Kelly were part of the team, Team D1 Sports, that beat Team Hendrick in the final of the Pro-Am. It's great to see the sophomores get more and more experience, especially Ryan, who will most certainly be given rotational minutes this season. Nolan scored 36, 43 and 28 points in three games. Getting all this playing experience so close to basketball season will certainly help the Blue Devils. 6. Coach K has some tough decisions to make before Turkey With his team short on big men, Coach K will certainly have to take an excess of guards to Istanbul and the FIBA World Championships. Needing to make three cuts to finalize the roster to 12, Stephen Curry, brother of Seth, and Eric Gordon will be under the microscope as shooting specialists. Curry, 22, and Gordon, 21, are both young and lack international experience, like many on the team, but will certainly provide shooting and defense to team USA. Andre Dawkins Coach K Duke Greg Paulus Kyle Singler Kyrie Irving Nolan Smith Ryan Kelly Team USA Posted on July 26, 2010 by Amogh Deviled Eggs, Featured, Headline Deviled Eggs: July 26th, 2010 Here are this week's best. Duke & USA Basketball Duke players and coaches have amassed 36 gold medals in Olympic play, with that number continuing to grow as Blue Devils continue to make their presence felt in international play. The school's strong representation can be traced to the fact that at least one Blue Devil has been on every USA Basketball team since 1988. What Do the Coaches Think of the State of College Basketball? interviewed 20 (anonymous) top head coaches to find out their thoughts on the recruiting process and violations. Be sure to check out this interesting piece to find out which league coaches think is the dirtiest and much more. USA Basketball the New AAU? Several current and future Blue Devils have impacted the U-18 USA Basketball team. The team, which features incoming freshmen Josh Hairston and Kyrie Irving, recently won the Gold medal at the FIBA Championships in San Antonio. That team's leading scorer- none other than Duke target Austin Rivers. With such a star-studded cast of high school players opting to play for the national team instead of their respective AAU squads, it's no wonder that Coach K remarked "We're moving in that direction," in reference toward more high school participation in U-18 basketball. Former Duke Trainer Chases Coaching Dreams Trinity School's (Durham, NC) men's basketball coach, Mike Huff, is a man who knows what he wants. After all, how else could you explain his decision to leave behind a job where he got to work with the likes of Grant Hill, Jay Williams, and J.J. Redick? Though Mike enjoyed his previous job as coordinator of sport's performance at the Michael W. Krzyzewski Human Performance Center, he wanted to coach. When that option wasn't available at Duke, he followed his dreams by taking the Trinity job. Player Survey: Kyrie Irving When Kyrie was asked to describe himself in three words, he wrote "Hungry, Honest, Humble." I've got a different answer, "Nice. At. Ball." We can't wait to see Kyrie light it up this season against the rest of the country. Chris Duhon Giving Back to the Community Last week, former Blue Devil Chris Duhon hosted his 6th annual basketball camp. The camp hosted a total of 133 kids ranging from ages 7 to 15. Read on to see what some of the participants themselves had to say about Duhon and the camp. Also, a special congratulations goes out to Duhon, who is set to get married in a few weeks. Best of luck in the future! Austin Rivers Chris Duhon Coach K Grant Hill Jason Williams JJ Redick Josh Hairston Kyrie Irving Team USA Posted on June 26, 2010 by Amogh Breaking News, Featured, Headline, Recruiting Watch U.S. U-18 Team Live Tonight, 9 PM ET UPDATE: The U.S. is in action again tonight against Mexico, a team that was blown out by the Argentines the other day. The stream will likely start closer to 9 P.M. EST. The hyperlink below still works. Quick hitter here, everyone. The United States Under 18 National Team is competing in the 2010 FIBA Americas Championships for the next several days, and our first official game is tonight, 8 p.m. ET, versus the Virgin Islands. Thankfully, Americans depressed over today's soccer loss against Ghana can revel in what should be a dominant performance by the good guys. is broadcasting tonight's games from their website. Click the video under "Top Stories" to watch streaming action. You can even go fullscreen! Wow, technology. 2010 commitments Kyrie Irving and Josh Hairston are on the roster, as well as 2011 top prospects Austin Rivers, Quincy Miller, and Amir Williams. This is a great opportunity to see what Irving and Hairston can bring to the table next year—and what 2011's recruiting haul may look like. C-T will be covering the action via our twitter. If you enjoyed our live tweets of the NBA Draft the other night, check it out for more humorous and serious coverage while watching the game. 2010 FIBA Americas Championship Amir Williams Austin Rivers Josh Hairston Kyrie Irving Quincy Miller Team USA 3 Comments Posted on July 22, 2009 July 22, 2009 by chongni Analysis, Featured, Weighing In Weighing In: Coach K and Team USA Every few weeks, the five of us get together and discuss a pressing question related to Duke basketball. These discussions are then compiled into a feature aptly entitled "Weighing In". Today's question: how will Coach K's involvement in Team USA affect Duke basketball? Chong, Daniel, and Jake "weigh in". He's a winner. In the early 90's, a young up-and-coming film director from Brooklyn echoed one of the most famous lines in advertising history: "It's gotta be the shoes." Since then, both the director, Spike Lee, and the product advertised, Nike Basketball shoes, have become synonymous with images of success and innovation. Behavioral economists can present a plethora of conjectures on why the commercial succeeded, but this perfect formula doesn't require a drawn-out explanation. The reason that Nike's advertisement succeeded is simple: Nike capitalized on the star power of Michael Jordan, along with the cinematic wizardry of Spike Lee, to catapult their basketball shoe line into an international icon. Now, how does this relate to Coach K continuing his tenure as the leader of team USA basketball? The answer correlates exactly with what Nike did with Michael Jordan. Instead of using MJ, Krzyzewski's experience with the best players in the world allows Duke Basketball to reap the benefits of its coach's increased publicity. If you're a high school basketball stud, wouldn't you want a coach that could harness your skills? Coach K, by working with the likes of Lebron James and Kobe Bryant, would certainly fit the bill in terms of a coach who can handle some of the world's hottest basketball talents. From a recruiting standpoint, the fruits of Krzyzewski's labor are already showing, as the class of 2010 is turning out to hold as one of the school's best in recent memory. But even if the international publicity does not help us (a scenario I just can't believe), I feel that many critics of Coach K's decision are forgetting one of the most important benefits of coaching such a talented squad of players. Coach K, just like any other professional, constantly seeks to improve at his job. Even if his "x's and o's" don't translate to a higher-octane offense, Coach K will gain valuable experience and respect for being able to manage a group of highly-paid superstars. We may finally be able to attract t the superstars that, over the last few years, have turned us down for the likes of Memphis, Kansas, and UNC. We may, more importantly, be able to reload to make a serious run in the NCAA tournamnet. Hopefully, Duke can replicate some of what the "redeem" team was able to produce in Beijing. In the meanwhile, all we can do now is work with the talent we already have. Just do it, Blue Devils. At Duke University, greatness is spelled: K-R-Z-Y-Z-E-W-S-K-I. Take that, Merriam-Webster. This ten-letter-mishmash of consonants represents Duke's equivalent to John Wooden at UCLA, or Red Auerbach in Boston. Despite his commitment to USA Basketball through 2012, Coach K has made his long-term intentions crystal clear; he began his career at Duke, and that's where it will end. For the average coach, an opportunity to lead a star-studded Olympic team would require little deliberation. Unfortunately for Mike Krzyzewski, he's not the average coach. The commander-in-chief of Duke University basketball carries with him a degree of responsibility and expectation to which other collegiate programs simply cannot relate. Since its inception, Blue Devil hoops has established a rich tradition of winning…and winning big. For the Durham faithful, anything short of a Final Four appearance is quite frankly a disappointing season. Duke has been getting loads of flak from the media due to recent sub-par recruitment. Should Coach K be spending less time with USA Basketball? Maybe. Is his presence with the "Redeem Team" hurting Duke's recruiting? Absolutely not. Find me one kid who wouldn't kill to play amongst the likes of a Lebron James or a Kobe Bryant. Granted, most college ballers will never have this chance…but if you can't play with the superstars themselves, isn't playing for their superstar-coach an enticing alternative? At the end of the day, any recruit looking to develop his game for the next level will recognize the second-to-none caliber of coaching offered by Coach K and company. Why not learn from the best? Simply put, Coach K's presence in USA Basketball is tremendous PR for Duke University basketball. Krzyzewski has revitalized the national team and restored its winning tradition—the same type of winning tradition he's established at Duke; one that Cameron Crazies have come to expect, year in and year out. To all the Coach K nay-sayers and Duke haters out there (there are lots of you)—take a step back and realize the big picture. Yes, Coach K now has less time to scour the recruiting trail due to his Olympic commitment, but he also brings something to the recruiting table that no other coach can offer; he knows how to get the most out of world-class talent. Recruits will recognize that, and respond accordingly. For crying out loud, look at our incoming class in 2010! Even WITHOUT Harrison Barnes on our commit-list, Duke already has one of the most impressive classes, if not the single most impressive class, in the nation. Seth Curry's timely transfer from Liberty was simply icing on the cake. The addition of Barnes would be like spelling "National Championship" on top of that cake. Duke will soon reclaim its perch atop college basketball. For now, be patient, and watch Coach K win another gold medal. In 2004, as Coach K was toying with the Los Angeles Lakers, junior Andrew Humphries wrote a letter, imploring Krzyzewski to remain at Duke. He closed the letter with an emotional statement–"Please still be my coach." As fate would have it, Andrew and the rest of Blue Devil Nation got their wish: Coach K elected to remain at Duke. Humphries' final line touched on an emotion present in every Duke fan—that of provinciality. We feel that Coach K is ours and belongs to no one else, a bastion of the our values, our spokesperson and leader. But it's time we realize a painful truth: Coach K is more than just Duke's coach. He is one of basketball's premiere ambassadors, a successful businessman and promoter, and yes, the coach of the Redeem Team. We have harrumphed about these traits in our coach, claiming them as reason for our admiration and dedicated support of Duke basketball. We rejoiced when Team USA won the gold medal in Beijing. "Coach K is such a patriot!" we all exclaimed. So why do we lament Coach K's decision to do it all again? He's hungry for more success. He wants to prove himself and help his country achieve even more athletic glory. Furthermore, he's putting his reputation on the line for a second time. Win one gold medal, the media will claim that anyone could have won with the talent of Kobe, Lebron, and Carmelo. Fail to win a second? Then it's all your fault, Coach. We should feel lucky to have a Coach qualified to lead the Olympic team. K deserves this opportunity—and he deserves our support. The man is over sixty, and he's managing three of the most difficult situations in basketball: the pressure of the nation on the Olympic team, the pressure of Duke fans, and the pressure of Duke haters. And he does it all with class and composure. The biggest concern seems to be that our recruiting will suffer due to K's absence from the circuit. Firstly, there couldn't be a better reason for that truancy. Secondly, we signed our three recruits for the class of 2010 in the weeks following the national team's victory over Spain. I personally saw Josh Hairston in Wallace Wade wearing a Team USA t-shirt the day he committed to Duke. Another Olympic triumph could lead to more recruiting success. It's time for Duke fans to let go of the notion that Coach K is only ours. He is a global basketball icon and Duke's most recognizable face. What's wrong with the rest of the world knowing it? Coach K Team USA
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Posted on August 3, 2019 January 11, 2021 by editor Keep Fitness's business model test This is a big market that will reach 3 trillion in 2025, and it is not surprising to attract people from all walks of life. Keep is undoubtedly one of the best. Since its launch in February 2015, the number of Keep users who have been working as fitness apps has exceeded 160 million and the monthly activity has exceeded 30 million. It has created a speed of accumulating users in the Internet industry: it takes about 8 days to get 1 million users and 39 days to get 10 million. What makes the peers more envious is that in February 2015, the company successfully completed the angel round financing after one week of online launch; completed the A round of financing in 25 days, completed the A+ round of financing in 60 days, and completed the $32 million C round of financing in 15 months. In the next 3 months, he won the strategic investment of Tencent C+. In July 2018, Keep announced the completion of the $127 million D round of financing, led by Goldman Sachs, Tencent, GGV Jiyuan Capital and other old shareholders. The highest amount of financing in the domestic Internet fitness field to date indicates that Keep's newly built virtual coaching model has been recognized by investors and has also established its position as an industry leader. In May 2016, more than a year after the launch of the line in 2015, it surpassed 咕咚 to become the second month of the month. In early 2018, it surpassed the Yueteng circle to become the first in the month of the month. How did Keep stand out and be in the same fitness app? What is the main test for Keep, which has achieved the largest market share? Positioning for fitness "Little White" Compared to the content of well-known forums, Keep's content is not professional, and until now, Keep's content is still slightly fragmented. However, Keep's user positioning is precisely for the "small white" users who do not go to the gym, not those who have the habit of going to the gym. The basic needs of these users are simple: dressing is thin, undressing and fleshing, but also facing the four major pain points of traditional fitness: time, place, money, people. For the fitness pain points of this part of the user, Keep provides users with a mobile Internet app to guide the user to move according to the video at any time and any place. Moreover, the free strategy allows users to get rid of the high cost of private education, and it has become a magic weapon for Keep to attract users. This is also the "70-point strategy" that Keep founder Wang Ning learned during his internship in the question bank. The progress of 0-70 points can be quickly solved through standard solutions, and the upgrade after 70 points requires customized and refined products. The cost is much higher. The direction of fitness is divided into three main categories: fat loss, muscle gain, and exercise. Among the three categories, fat reduction is the easiest. As long as the sustained negative growth of calorie intake can achieve more obvious results within a few months, the latter points and technical actions need to be considered more complicated. However, contrary to the increasing order of professional difficulty, the audience of the three are reduced in size. For the mainstream people in fitness, the goal is nothing more than fat loss, plasticity, and muscle gain. When they open keep, they are marked with such things as "eliminating a small belly", "working people losing fat", and "hip muscles". "The training course of the name is rich and colorful, and the first feeling is that "this app is suitable for me, it can help me to reduce fat, plasticity, and muscle gain." In the beginning of Keep's 2012, "the fitness awareness has just gotten up, we began to focus on more popular beginners, not professional fitness enthusiasts." Wang Ning bluntly, fitness is boring, usually no It is difficult for a partner, relatives and friends to stay with me. "Keep is a solution to the traditional fitness problem. You can follow Keep at any time and anywhere." Keep wants to create an online free-sports field. I hope all users can complete all sports training here and know more about the same interests. People. Therefore, the first step for Keep to seize the user is to provide a "fool" tutorial, so that many "small white" lack of understanding of fitness knowledge, the fitness threshold seems to be very low, it is not difficult to complete some basic actions, so Follow the fitness courses offered by the various courses offered. Secondly, because work, study, or all sorts of things are full of schedules, many people have difficulty using full, large time to exercise, and keep is just the main fragmentation fitness, for example, the user is now finished, in The lounge is idle, then you can take out your mobile phone, open one of the training courses, and follow the movements. It is this kind of fitness that uses fragmentation time that hits the needs of users. Building a motion data center For the rapid development of Keep, Wang Ning attributed it to the high-quality PGC (Professional Generated Content) and product experience on the platform, and emphasized that Keep is a content-centric sports technology platform. In the past four years, the Keep team has been digging into the needs of more users, deepening the product experience, from the initial basic fitness to yoga, outdoor running, cycling, mountaineering and other sports, while targeting the target user base. The actual level, focusing on high-attraction, easy-to-use courses such as fat loss, freehand strength, mermaid line (abdominal tear), core training (plate support). Wang Ning introduced that although Keep has already deposited more than 1,200 sets of fitness content, it continues to develop more content and enrich the sports category. At the same time, Keep has an active vertical sports community that precipitates more people and produces more diverse content. In addition to providing PGC content and product experience, Keep also launched star, grassroots V live. This is an important measure for achieving content charges. After all, the sale of courses through "big coffee" and "net red" has proved to be an effective method for Internet companies that have acquired, answered, and conducted content. At present, Keep introduces value-added user-paid advanced fitness courses, including Li Xian HIIT fat burning challenge, Zou Shiming boxing fat burning, Zou Shiming fighting jump rope. Offline fitness V, the live broadcast of the vest line; safe running slimming live broadcast. Keep also focused on building a sports data center that records the full lifecycle of each user and currently has more than 2 billion pieces of data. In order to let users stick to and like to exercise on Keep, Keep provides users with a series of data recording, sharing and evaluation functions. It uses data to let users keep track of their own sports achievements, satisfying a certain degree of psychological superiority and social display. Demand, cultivate customer stickiness. Try to build your own brand e-commerce Although keep registered users have broken 160 million, "dead traffic" is worthless, and only successful conversion traffic will bring benefits to the enterprise. From high-quality fitness content communities, to the physical e-commerce model, to the offline fitness space brand, and today's personalized AI virtual instructors, Keep is basically exploring the path of effective traffic conversion in a new direction every year, although it has not yet been Forming a sustainable hematopoietic sector, but it is undeniable that Keep has jumped out of a fitness tool itself, constantly expanding its boundaries. In April 2016, the 3.0 version released by Keep launched the e-commerce module. Some lightweight sports goods—such as yoga mats, elastic bands, sports t-shirts, dumbbell fitness equipment—was sold by Keep in a self-operated form. . Keep's core product is the "Action Course", which is free at the beginning. After a period of user habit accumulation, it is very difficult to charge. Products such as physical goods (clothes, yoga mats), knowledge (reporting the principle of reducing fat loss), and services (one-on-one training), etc., are of course for users. If they are free, users may feel that the business has an attempt. Based on this logic, keep extends its product dimension from price-sensitive "action courses" to other price-insensitive categories—goods, knowledge, and services. Keep inevitably encounters the common problem of tool-based application test water e-commerce – how to improve user conversion rate? The prevailing principle of measuring the operating efficiency of e-commerce companies is mainly to look at the inventory turnover rate, the average sales of individual products, and the gross profit ratio. Although Keep's consumer positioning is a young white-collar user in first- and second-tier cities, the awareness of Keep is high, but the category of Keep e-commerce sales is not fast-moving, and the repeat purchase rate is low. This is why Keep's order size has not been able to break through. Obviously, the e-commerce business's instinct is difficult to meet the company's development needs, so it changed the entire Chinese fitness industry pattern, and even affected the majority of people's fitness model Keep, expanding the strategic focus to a more "heavy" line. Layout O2O fitness space In March 2018, on the top floor of Beijing Huamao Shopping Center, Keep opened the first offline gym, Keepland. Keep calls it "sports space" rather than "gym." Also on the market with the fitness space is a smart sports treadmill named KeepKit. If you want to exercise in the Keepland fitness space, you need to make an appointment in the Keep app. The general course is 79 yuan. Specifically, the classroom is divided into multiple areas, each with a TV screen in front of it, playing action guide videos and countdowns—just like the ones users see in the Keep app. Following the video played on the TV, the user completes the action in area 1, and moves to the 2nd, 3rd, etc., until the end of the course. The coach will give guidance next to him. More often, his role is to cheer everyone up. It seems that Keep moves the online experience to the physical space. The user is no longer exercising on the yoga mat in the living room alone, but with more than 20 other users and coaches. actually not. In the company's O2O service chain, Keepland shoulders Keep's mission to connect online and offline communities. In fact, at the Keepland course, the coach collects the data generated by the user during the whole exercise (including heart rate and calorie consumption) through the wristband device. On the big screen in front of the student, the course can be presented and output. Motion Data – This is the "in tandem of experience" between online and offline that Keep wants to achieve. Peng Yuehui, the CTO of Keep, revealed that the current full-service rate of the first Keepland store is 95%. In 2019, the number of Keepland stores in Beijing will expand to ten. Wang Ning's ultimate vision is that Keepland will become the city's infrastructure. "Opening around you, it serves you like a post office, convenience store, and bank." Wang Ning said, Keep "is not a four-letter letter". The company's goal is – "a lifestyle that truly integrates with young people." Virtual coach, or as a killer Half a year after the online layout, in October 2018, Keep began to lay out the AI ​​business, and the combination of artificial intelligence and fitness became its future business focus. The core foundation of this strategy advancement is the massive user data that Keep has accumulated, including "user's sociological attributes, athletic behavior data, social data and scene data." For more than three years, Keep has digitized the user's movements through the "App+Intelligent Hardware + Offline Space" service model. Today, Keep wants to make this data more valuable, use this data to provide users with exclusive virtual fitness coaching services, and provide personalized, full-process fitness coaching. The so-called "virtual coach" is not only a "coach" role to the Internet, but a combination of content, data, algorithms and scenarios. Every Keep user enters the platform and enters a three-stage standardized training of learning/practice/testing, and can enjoy virtual coaching services in every aspect. The problem that the virtual coach needs to solve is similar to that of the offline coach, that is, tailoring the fitness plan according to the user's specific situation and urging the user to complete. Keep will develop a personalized training and diet plan based on each user's portrait, and collect the user's training data through the intelligent hardware terminal, giving action guidance during the training process; Keep will also make a reasonable assessment of the user's athletic ability. Guide each other to adopt more challenging sports programs, even interact with users and motivate users to stay on exercise. Peng Yuehui revealed that the technical system of AI is provided free of charge by the platform, but the virtual coaching service has its charging scene. In the future, Keep will integrate virtual coaches into some business scenarios and hardware products to charge users, but the specific charging method has not been fully determined. This may be the core to support Keep's future commercial interests. From a business perspective, the value of an offline coach with a user unit time is 300 to 500 yuan in Beijing, but if the machine or algorithm can serve thousands of people, the value generated per unit time will undoubtedly multiply. . According to the analysis, the virtual coaching service will first attract people who are sensitive to private education costs among Keep users. In the offline gym mode, the real-time private teacher can only teach a limited number of students, and Keep's "virtual coach" has no time limit, "the cost will be much lower". Of course, "virtual coaches may only have 70% of the best sports coaches, but users only need to spend 1/10 of the money." Peng Yuehui said. However, the important basis for the "virtual instructor" to gain user recognition is the motion track and effect evaluation function. The data algorithm supporting this function is the task that the Keep team needs to continuously improve and optimize. The threshold of motion trajectory evaluation is higher than the teaching itself. To accomplish this task, scientific data marking must be done. "Data markers are difficult because they don't understand technology when they understand sports anatomy," Peng Yuehui said. Need to cross the flow barrier So far, Keep's business that generates cash flow is still advertising and e-commerce, but its performance has been unsatisfactory. Whether the "virtual coaching" business can greatly enhance its traffic realizing ability and become a "cash cow" to support the company's development, depends on whether Keep can use AI technology to improve data algorithms as soon as possible, and provide customers with effective and personalized fitness solutions. Program. As Wang Ning said, "We want to evolve, we want to change, we want to change. With Keep as the origin, we want to build a sports platform and sports ecology driven by technology and content. This is our next three to five years. What you want to do. Keep this APP may be a digital sports technology platform in the future. We hope to continue to generate more content and services based on this platform, users, social relationships, etc., hope to surround this platform. More empowerment to more applications." At the same time, Keep has also entered the world. Its overseas products have been online for less than one year. It has been translated into 18 languages ​​and distributed to more than 180 countries around the world. In 7 months, overseas users have exceeded 10 million. View all posts by editor Prev Traditional companies start with four "online" Next New oxygen: "content + community + e-commerce" Nugget face value economy
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{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
The Chancellor, George Osborne, has unveiled a dramatic Plan B to cut the country's budget deficit by as much as 100,000% – while at the same time drastically reducing controversial banker's pay and bonuses by the same amount. The coalition government's idea is for the UK to revert to the pre-1975 definition of a billion – a million million (12 zeros) – before the country officially changed to the US definition it uses today – a thousand million (9 zeros). The effect of the change would be to reduce the deficit overnight by a thousand times – or 100,000%. Mr Osborne has been accused of not having a Plan B after everyone realised what a pig's ear he was making of the economy. But not only does this brilliant idea prove he does have a Plan B to deal with the mess he's made – it actually means that at a stroke he will have cut the UK deficit by a massive 100,000%! Another side effect of the change would be that it would enable the government to markedly reduce another unpopular economic factor which – like the budget deficit- is regularly counted in the billions: bankers' bonuses. Reverting back to the old definition of a billion will actually mean we'll have to increase the amount of cuts by 100,000% too. So after this change, we'll barely have enough money to pay for a roll of sticking plaster and a second-hand blackboard never mind a fully functioning Health Service and state education for everyone. There would be a massive improvement in reality – for us anyway – because once our friends in the right-wing media, The Sun, The Mail, The BBC, have finished reporting how we've reduced both the budget deficit and bankers' bonuses by such a huge amount – we'll be ahead in the polls again, won't we? If I've made a mistake in the mathematics here – maths isn't my strongest point I admit – please feel free to point it out in the comments. Whats a few zeros between friends?
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Over the past year, Watermark Community Church has made a huge impact in both of our lives. By the words of God spoken through faithful servants like Todd Wagner, Jonathan Pokluda and David Marvin, our hearts have been opened to truth and we fully surrendered our lives to Christ. We are both sick and broken, yet we are fully accepted and loved by Christ. It's a beautiful reality and because of this we're filled with joy. This reality is what inspired us to make Pair of Heirs faith-based. Our purpose is to be and make disciples. As JP said last night, it's as simple as that. "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you." (John 15:18-19) With that said, we are so excited about the announcement made last night… The Porch app is now available on iTunes! Download the app for free now to stream The Porch live on Tuesday nights and listen to previous sermons given by faithful servants of the Lord. People around the world have been touched by the Watermark podcasts, and now it's even more accessible and available right on our phones and tablets. God's going to do big things by this but we need your help! Please share this news via email, social media, word of mouth, etc. We are so excited to see how God uses this tool. Not to bring glory to Watermark or those who are part of what God is doing here, but to bring people to know the love of Christ and the one who knew us before we were born (Jeremiah 1:5). Be a part of the mission. Surrendered to God, we are changing the world through the lives of young adults. #‎ThePorchApp‬
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Well-meaning friends might be asking you if your baby is sleeping through the night yet. Hunh. While some babies do actually sleep through the night from a very young age, most do not. It's a skill that has to be learned, so over the course of the coming months, you'll be schooling baby. We've already talked about teaching your baby healthy sleep habits: acclimating her to the crib or bassinet (instead of sleeping ON you), helping her to internalize day/night cues in the environment, and establishing an evening routine. Now it's all about teaching her the skill of falling asleep independently at bedtime. You see your little one milk-drunk out of her mind on a daily basis, so you know how ridiculously easy it is to feed a baby to sleep. But if you want baby to start learning to sleep independently, now's a good time to start putting her down drowsy but awake so she can break the feeding/sleep association and learn to take that final step into sleep by herself. It takes some vigilance to prevent baby from nodding off at her last feeding of the day, but here's some incentive for you: gaining this skill will help baby lay the groundwork for sleeping through the night once she's a little older. So, the nuts and bolts: do your usual evening wind-down routine that might include bath, massage, a song, book, and feeding. Keep the lighting dim. Before she heads off into dreamland, transfer baby to the bassinet or crib – some parents like the ritual of a countdown. Aim for a bedtime around 7 or 8 so she's not overtired. She may cry and take a little while to settle. But if you stick with it for a few nights, baby will catch on – smart little whippersnapper that she is. Now go fire up your dusty DVR, because soon you're going to get your evenings back – in 5, 4, 3, 2 and…. Baby Sleep Aids- Worth it or NOT?!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
9,404 » Sports » How Manasi Joshi turns negatives into positives How Manasi Joshi turns negatives into positives By LAXMI NEGI 'I never imagined that a doll would be made on me. It feels great to be recognised by Barbie,' says the World Para-badminton champion who was also honoured by Time magazine. IMAGE: Manasi Joshi recently featured on the cover of Time magazine's Next Generation Leaders issue. All Photographs: Manasi Joshi/Twitter There are amazing athletes who have everything going for them. There are also athletes who succeeded despite all the odds stacked against them. Manasi Joshi is a star from the second category. She overcame a life-altering injury to become a leading athlete. Like any other youngster, she had her dreams after graduating in electronics engineering and joining an IT company. But fate had other plans. In 2011, on her way to work on a motorcycle, she was hit by a car and had to have her left leg amputated. Not one to give up, Manasi turned to her Plan B in life. "I had to learn and relearn everything," she tells Laxmi Negi/ on the phone from Pune where she lives. "Even basic things like getting up, walking to conducting daily chores and activities on my own, I had to learn from scratch. Whatever comes my way, I take it as an opportunity," she says. Within months, she began playing badminton as part of her rehabilitation therapy. In 2019, Manasi was the World Para-badminton champion in the SL3 category, having beaten Parul Parmar for the gold in the 2019 BWF Para-Badminton World Championships in Basel, Switzerland. "It is a matter of great pride for me. Very few Indians get a chance like this," Manasi says of being featured on the cover of Time magazine's Next Generation Leaders issue. She feels this recognition can change the stereotypes related to disability and adds, "This (the Time magazine cover) will change people's perceptions about so many things. It can change stigma associated to women and leadership." "I hope this changes how people perceive para sports or disability in India." "Disability is a huge spectrum. There are so many types that we cannot reduce people to just their disabilities," she points out. "I want to spread awareness about how important to include people with disabilities. It is then people will realise that disability cannot restrict them to living their life to full potential." "Getting a space on the Time cover or getting a Barbie one of kind doll modelled after me -- these are the things can change perception of people around disability," she says. "So, inclusion is the next language that we have to be speaking." "I will keep raising my voice whenever I feel something is happening in the field of disability," says Manasi. "But, for now, I just want to be known as a sportsperson who is doing really good in her sport." Manasi is now a part of Barbie Sheroes; a one-of-a-kind Barbie doll in her likeness has been created by Mattel Inc., the American toy company that owns the Barbie brand. The only other Indian to have received this laurel is gymnast Dipa Karmakar in 2019. Other Barbie Sheroes include US Open champion Naomi Osaka and Bindi Irwin, the late Australian conservationist Steve Irwin's daughter. "As a kid I used to play with dolls," recalls Manasi. "I never imagined that a doll would be made on me. It feels great to be recognised by Barbie." "I would like to thank Mattel and Barbie to make such an inclusive doll," she adds. "This will make women and younger girls understand the importance of inclusion." "Inclusion seeds will be sown in childhood," she asserts. "It is important for children and it is necessary for the new generation to speak the language for inclusion." "Barbie has done great job in changing the perception and stigma associated with disability." IMAGE: 'Wanted to share my new progress and personal achievement with you guys. I'm relearning this skill of running which I had forgotten. I know nobody forgets running, but running on a blade is nothing like running on legs. You need to learn the technicalities of it,' Manasi Joshi tweeted. Video: Manasi Joshi/Twitter "Most prosthetics can solely be used for a single process. The one I play badminton with can't be used to run, and the one I take advantage of to stroll round can solely be used for that process. A blade prosthetic permits me to move freely and be faster," Manasi explains. "After my accident, it was my dream to run again. And I did it." She would also like to use her engineering degree to help understanding of her sport. "As a person with disability I think having a prosthetic which is an electronic device helps to understand my disability more, helps to understand the device more," she says. "I have a lot of confidence on my equipment. Even the mechanics of the prosthetics and the ground reactions forces and everything regarding the prosthetic, the engineering has given me the confidence in the tech field." "In terms of badminton I am still learning how the parabolic trajectory of the shuttle, how with different swings we can change the direction of the shuttle." Manasi has not let the pandemic impact her training and is making use of this time to train for Tokyo Paralympics 2021. LAXMI NEGI / Related News: Manasi Joshi, Time magazine's Next Generation Leaders, IMAGE, Twitter, Barbie 'Dhoni has never shown his palm to an astrologer' Sarita Devi, the great boxer India must salute Just who is Dhanashree Verma? How Gopichand shaped Manasi's gold India's Manasi Joshi wins 3 medals at Para Badminton International
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
One 'mad' catch for fishers with 'Russian' clause By Elaine O'Donovan How the Star reported the Russian story early last year. A FISHING industry boss has described as 'madness' a clause requiring fishermen seeking decommissioning to confirm they are not exporting arms to Russia. Patrick Murphy, head of the Irish South and West Fish Producer's Organisation (IS&WFPO), said he believes the statutory declaration is 'just a generic clause for everyone who receives money from the EU purse. 'But,' he said, 'it shows the madness of the era we are living in. The fishermen of the Irish South and West – named custodians of the sea in their defence of our waters from Russian military exercises – are now to pay the price for the EU and UK Brexit deal. 'To add insult to injury,' he added, 'they want a legally binding declaration that any spare money from the buyout of Irish futures must not be used to undermine Ukraine, our friend, which is not yet part of the EU family.' A spokesperson for the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine said BIM, who are operating the scheme, confirmed that there is a standard clause in all grants that BIM issues that requires applicants to declare that they are in compliance with EU Council decisions. The IS&WFPO chief confirmed that Castletownbere is to lose one third of its fishing fleet under the €63m Brexit voluntary decommissioning scheme arising from the trade and co-operation agreement. 'We have 60 boats and 19 owners have applied for decommissioning,' said Mr Murphy. 'Ireland paid the biggest price of all the countries for the EU and UK trade and co-operation deal. On paper, it says we gave away 15% of our fish, but in actual fact we gave away 25%. 'If we were given a bigger quota not one of these 19 vessels would be decommissioned. There would be a future in our industry,' he claimed. Mr Murphy gave an example of one family, 70 years in the industry, that will come out with 'nothing but debts' after the deal. Last February, The Southern Star reported how the IS&WFPO successfully lobbied the Russian embassy not to conduct military manoeuvres near their fishing grounds. At the start of this century, Mr Murphy said, Ireland had a 400-strong offshore fishing fleet, but that will soon be reduced to 120. 'No other industry has seen such a decrease in their numbers in this century,' he said. Mr Murphy also pointed out that a Bord Iascaigh Mhara report showed that 85% of the socio-economic activity in Beara was primarily generated by fishing. Meanwhile, Deputy Michael Collins met with Council representatives, the harbour master, and fishermen in Union Hall last Friday to highlight the need for vital equipment. Fishermen in Union Hall need a double winch system for the wires, used for their nets, after being told they cannot lay it out manually in long line any more, while, in Baltimore, an independently-owned weighing scales at the pier is urgently required. Deputy Collins called on Cork County Council, who have jurisdiction over the pier, to support an independently-owned scales. Failure to do so would effectively mean there could be no bulk landings of pelagic fish over 10 tonnes in Baltimore, and the catch would have to be taken to Castletownbere to be weighed. Mr Murphy said the last operating pelagic factory outside of Killybegs – in Baltimore – could now be 'under threat'. Fisherman, Patrick Murphy, Irish South and West Fish Producers' Organisation, Deputy Michael Collins
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
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Q: Using KML / KMZ on top of google maps To test I saved this html file to my server. Is there a simple way to include a KML or KMZ file here? <!DOCTYPE html "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <title>Google Maps JavaScript API Example</title> <script src=";v=2&amp;key=ABCDEFghijetc&sensor=false" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function initialize() { if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) { var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas")); map.setCenter(new GLatLng(59.082089,5.649456), 18, G_SATELLITE_MAP); map.setUIToDefault(); } } </script> </head> <body onload="initialize()" onunload="GUnload()"> <div id="map_canvas" style="width: 800px; height: 600px"></div> </body> </html> A: Try adding the following JavaScript to your init function: var kml = new GGeoXml(""); map.addOverlay(kml) Note the KML must be a publically accessible URL, and there is a ~10MB limit: A: You'll have to covert a KML linestring to a Gmap Polyline which will involve a little bit of manual data manipulation, or an XML parser. You could also try this on-line conversion tool.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
Having an old furnace can mean a number of things, but as your system gets older you can find yourself calling more and more for furnace repair. This can literally be tiring too, as older systems might be loud and diminish your overall comfort. That's why we've gathered a few suggestions to help you sleep better in Ogden. True blue. Various studies have shown over the years that sleeping in a room that is painted blue can help you sleep longer compared to rooms painted other colors. Keep comfortable with furnace repair and annual furnace service. If you've noticed your furnace acting out of the ordinary or find yourself waking up at night because it doesn't feel like your system is keeping it warm or cool enough for you, it might be time for furnace repair or furnace service. New systems come in a number of efficiency levels and can help you stay comfortable throughout your slumber. Not to mention, newer furnaces normally operate quieter so you don't have to worry about waking up when it kicks on. Replace or upgrade your air filters. The job of air filters is to catch dust and dirt before it gets sent throughout your home, but frequently go unchanged, potentially causing more issues. Remember to set a reminder to swap out your air filters every month or two and ponder using a high-efficiency air purification system if you're in the market to boost your indoor air quality even more. Listen to soft music. From white noise to the dulcet tones of nature, soft music or nature sounds can help put you to sleep and help you relax from your day and slowly drift away in to your own la-la-land. Update your mattress. Let's face it, old mattresses don't do anything for anyone. It's time to swap out that old mattress and find one that has you day dreaming about dreaming. If your current mattress is drooping, it's likely changing the quality of your sleep as well. Do yourself a favor and take your comfort to new heights. Getting a good night's sleep can mean taking a few steps to get there, from furnace repair to painting your bedroom. All in all, we just want to be sure your comfort is top-notch and sleep is a part of that. Give us a call at 801-436-8985 or set up an appointment with us online if you'd like to learn more about our furnace repair services or any number of other products and services we offer.
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Sébastien Goutal This article is the third of a series of four related to the challenges that we face to detect phishing at scale with strong constraints on accuracy and runtime performance. In the first article, we described how we spot a suspicious link within the email stream and then how we fetch the content of the associated webpage to form a URL/webpage pair. In the second article, we presented how the URL/webpage pair is analyzed and evaluated by different detection layers. In this context, we discussed feature engineering, model fitting, and training and evaluation of a Random Forest classifier in a Supervised Learning setting. In this article, we will first present the evolution of Machine Learning techniques over time, from traditional algorithms that rely most on domain knowledge to extract features, to modern techniques combining Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning models. We will then introduce hybrid models that combine the best of both approaches, and then we will present the architecture of our hybrid model. Finally, we will show how this model allows us to get an extra gain in accuracy. Traditional Machine Learning algorithms Traditional or conventional Machine Learning algorithms refer to models that have been widely used for the task of classification and that are still very popular today. We can mention, for example, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Logistic Regression. These models have important qualities. First, they do not require a large amount of training data and perform reasonably well with a small training dataset. The consequences are a low dependency on data availability and reduced labeling costs in the context of Supervised Learning. Second, these models are explainable, which means that a human can understand a model's prediction. The main drawback of these models, however, is that they are not able to process raw data, and they require expert knowledge and careful engineering to transform raw data into a relevant and suitable numerical representation. Indeed, poorly chosen features will lead to a poor performing model, regardless of the sophistication of the algorithms and the size of the dataset used for training and evaluation. In the previous article, we mentioned that a total of 52 heterogenous features were extracted from the URL/webpage pair and the choice of these features was driven by our experience and expertise. By creating these features manually, we have essentially transferred our expert knowledge; in other words, we have translated the clues that we use in our decisional mental process for the task of phishing detection into a programmatic form. Manual feature engineering is highly recommended when done by an expert, as it allows you to create a small set of features that is highly relevant for the classification task. It is, however, possible to improve the expert feature set by discovering other features automatically. There may be some features that the expert will not have noticed because the signal is too weak for a human, while a computer program may discover the statistical correlations from the raw data. Furthermore, depending on the classification task, one-shot manual feature engineering task may not be enough. This is the case in the context of cybersecurity, where the threat landscape, which is adversarial by nature, is dynamic, and thus feature engineering needs to be performed periodically as the attackers' techniques evolve over time. Manual feature engineering is costly and time consuming, and automated feature engineering helps to fill the gaps. A well-known and conventional method to extract features from text is the 'Bag of Words' (BoW) model, which builds a vocabulary from the words extracted from a collection of text documents, and then models a text document by evaluating the importance of each word within the document. There are many variants of this simple and intuitive model. Word importance may be calculated by counting words, computing the word frequency or the Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF). As the size of the vocabulary grows quickly with the number of documents, it is customary to perform pre-processing on the text, such as ignoring case and punctuation, removing stop words, reducing words to their stem, or alternatively to their lemma. The size of the vocabulary may also be fixed so that only the most frequent words are kept. Although intuitive and versatile, the BoW model suffers from significant shortcomings. First, as the order of words is discarded, some of the context and semantic content is lost. Second, it produces sparse numeric representations of text documents, which is not suitable from a computational point of view. Indeed, automated feature engineering tends to produce sparse high-dimensional data, for which traditional Machine Learning algorithms do not perform well. With the recent breakthroughs in Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing, there was a natural evolution of the cybersecurity community to explore these techniques to improve the detection of cyberattacks. Natural Language Processing- and Deep Learning-based methods Deep Learning is a subset of Representation Learning, where the model can discover automatically from the raw data the representations, or features, needed for the classification task. Deep Learning models are composed of multiple processing layers of interconnected nodes, to extract an increasingly abstract representation of the raw data. For instance, in the case where the raw input data is an image, a Deep Learning model would typically extract in the first layer of representation edges from the image, the second layer of representation would detect small motifs resulting from particular arrangements of these edges, and the third layer would extract combinations of these motifs, thus building an increasingly abstract representation of the image. This ability to discover relevant representations is essential and theoretically eliminates the need for a domain expert to craft relevant features. Another advantage of Deep Learning is that the model accuracy can be improved by training on larger datasets, while traditional Machine Learning algorithms tend to reach a performance plateau quite quickly. Deep learning has limitations, however. First, Deep Learning models perform poorly on small training datasets and are outperformed by traditional Machine Learning algorithms in this setting. This dependence on the amount of data can be costly if the training data needs to be labeled. Second, Deep Learning models are difficult to interpret. Finally, tuning Deep Learning models can be complex and requires significant expertise to achieve good results. In the context of phishing detection, we first need to transform the URL/webpage pair into a form that can be processed by the Deep Learning model. As the URL/webpage pair are intrinsically made up of text elements, it is natural to use Natural Language Processing techniques. The BoW model introduced previously is a first simple approach but with important limitations. More sophisticated models have been proposed. First, in 'Word Embedding' models, such as Word2vec, each word is represented by a single vector of real valued features and words that have a similar meaning are close in the feature space. Figure 1 illustrates how word vectors are represented and related to each other in the feature space, after a projection to a two-dimensional space with t-SNE algorithm. Figure 1 Word embedding: Semantically related words are close to each other in the feature space (Source: 'Deep Learning') One of the key benefits of 'Word Embedding' based techniques is that they can produce a dense and low-dimensional vector, which makes computation very efficient, especially in the context of Deep Learning. The main limitation of this approach is that, because a word is represented by a single vector, it is not possible to correctly handle polysemous words, i.e., words that have a different meaning depending on the context. The 'Word Embedding' model is known as 'context-free,' as the context of a given word is not considered. Models have been developed to overcome the polysemy disambiguation problem. These models are known as 'contextualized' and constitute state-of-the-art language models. An example of such model is BERT, in which the word vector assigned to a word is context dependent. While language models such as Word2vec and BERT can be trained from scratch, it is customary to use a pre-trained model and then eventually fine-tune the model on the specific task with additional data. The use of a pretrained model is highly recommended as it dramatically reduces the training cost. An example of pretrained BERT model is the BERT case-sensitive base model for English language introduced by Google in the seminal publication, 'BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding'. A wide variety of pretrained language models are available, covering different languages and various tasks. Hybrid models To combine the best of both approaches, hybrid models have been introduced, such as those proposed by Ozcan et al. and Afzal et al., which yield a better accuracy than non-hybrid models. The key idea behind a hybrid model is to use different features, such as features handcrafted by an expert as well as features extracted with Natural Language Processing techniques, and then combine these features within a Deep Learning model. It is a misconception to assume that all the expert knowledge of a given domain can be discovered automatically. This is especially true in a highly technical domain such as cybersecurity, where complex features can be crafted by combining different kinds of data, such as for host-based features that can be derived from the URL by using DNS records, WHOIS information, or geolocation. When we developed our hybrid model, we had the idea to reuse the URL/webpage features that we have already computed for our Random Forest classifier, and then compute another set of features by applying Natural Language Processing techniques on the URL. By then applying Deep Learning on this combined set of features, we were hoping that new patterns could be discovered, and that the hybrid model would yield superior accuracy to our Random Forest classifier. Thus, by chaining the Random Forest classifier and the hybrid model, where the hybrid model is used to confirm decisions of the former when the confidence is not high enough, we could improve the global accuracy of the phishing detection technology. Figure 2 presents the architecture of our hybrid model. Figure 2 Architecture of hybrid model The hybrid model consists of two distinct parts. On the left-hand side, the heterogenous set of 52 manually engineered features extracted from the URL/webpage pair and used by the Random Forest classifier is transformed by a succession of different processing layers into a 16-dimensional vector. The processing pipeline includes a dropout layer, a regularization technique that helps to reduce overfitting and improve the generalization of the model, a topic that was discussed in our previous article. The key idea of dropout is to drop randomly and temporarily units, along with their incoming and outgoing connections, from the Neural Network. Figure 3 presents an example of dropout on a 2 hidden layers Neural Network. Figure 3 Use of dropout on a 2 hidden layers Neural Network (Source: 'Dropout: A Simple Way to Prevent Neural Networks from Overfitting') On the right-hand side, the URL is processed by numerous layers to produce a 128-dimensional vector. First, based on the recent advances in Natural Language Processing, the URL is transformed with a BERT WordPiece tokenizer into a sequence of sub-words from a finite vocabulary size of 30522 sub-words. As the BERT WordPiece tokenizer produces a sparse vector of vocabulary indices, it is then transformed into a dense vector with an embedding layer, followed by a dropout layer. The next layers are then typical of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN or ConvNet) architecture, with a succession of convolutional layers and pooling layers, to build progressively an abstract representation of the data. Figure 4 presents a typical ConvNet architecture for image recognition , where the input are the 3 RGB color channels of the image, and the output is the probability associated to each class. Figure 4 A typical ConvNet architecture for image recognition (Source: CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition) The role of the convolutional layer is to extract local motifs from the data, where the data can take the form of a n-dimensional array. For instance, signals and sequences, including text, can be represented by a 1-dimensional (1D) array, while 2-dimensional (2D) and 3-dimensional (3D) arrays are used respectively for images and videos. In Figure 4, as an image is 2-dimensional, 2D convolutional layers are applied. In our case, as we process text, we use 1D convolutional layers with a convolution window, or kernel, of size 6. The pooling layer is applied after the convolutional layer, and its purpose is to downsample the representation. Advantages of pooling are twofold. First, it summarizes the features present in a local region of the features map, which makes the model more resilient to small local variations. Second, it reduces the numbers of parameters and thus the amount of computation required. Figure 5 presents an example of 2D max pooling for image recognition, where only the maximal value of each local region is kept. Again, as we process text, we use 1D pooling layers. Figure 5 2D max pooling (Source: CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition) After several rounds of convolution and pooling, the representation of the URL is reduced to a 128-dimensional vector. The two vectors are then merged into a 144-dimensional vector which is inputted into a fully connected layer, followed by a final Sigmoid function. The final output is the probability of the considered URL to be malicious. Our URL scanner combines several detection technologies. The first layer—Smart Pattern—detects known threats and variants of known threats. The second layer is based on a Random Forest model that can detect many unknown threats, thanks to its generalization ability. The third layer is the hybrid model presented previously, which can detect even more complex threats, as Deep Learning can find correlations that traditional Machine Learning algorithms cannot. Finally, the last line of defense are the SOC analysts that can block the most complex threats and update the different layers to adapt to the evolution of the threat landscape. The impact of the hybrid model on the workload of the SOC analysts is significant. While analysts must supervise more than 250,000 suspicious URLs per year, the hybrid model has reduced the quantity of suspicious URLs by approximately 30%. Furthermore, the hybrid model makes a decision in 15 milliseconds on average, while it takes more time for an analyst to decide if a URL should be blocked. As timing is key in cybersecurity, the hybrid model helps to block some of the most sophisticated attacks almost immediately. In the next and last article, we will continue to explore Deep Learning models. In particular, we will discuss how we have specialized VGG-16 and ResNet models for the specific task of detecting logos in an image. The Challenges of Phishing Detection (Part 1) The Challenges of Phishing Detection (Part 2): Real-Time ... Clone Phishing: How to Protect Your Business from this ... Cyberthreats Target Black Friday: How to Protect Your Business and Employees Despite this year's economic and inflationary headwinds, forecasts predict Black Friday (a period spanning several weeks) to be es...
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James Doh is one of the most sought after Storyboard Artists in the industry today. His imprint is on most of the top action movies in the last 15 years. In 2016 alone, he worked on "The Conjuring 2", "Suicide Squad", and "Star Trek Beyond". He's currently working on the upcoming blockbusters "Ghost in the Shell (2017", "Aquaman (2018)", and "The Predator (2018)". Interviewer Matthew Toffolo is currently the CEO of the WILDsound FEEDBACK Film & Writing Festival. The festival that showcases 10-20 screenplay and story readings performed by professional actors every month. And the FEEDBACK Monthly Festival held in downtown Toronto on the last Thursday of every single month. Go to for more information and to submit your work to the festival.
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Tasia's Table is coming soon!! Recently, a friend was reminiscing about sherbet, a childhood favorite of hers that her father would make during the summer. Today I read a thought provoking article in the New Yorker about spoiled kids. The way I see it, if Matsigenka kids can be trusted to use machetes and knives by age three, surely my 8yr old can learn to cut corn kernels off the cob.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
var ContainerWrapper = require('./container'); var MeshWrapper = Fire.Class({ name: 'Runtime.MeshWrapper', extends: ContainerWrapper, constructor: function () { }, properties: { blendMode: { get: function () { return this.targetN.blendMode; }, set: function (value) { this.targetN.blendMode = value; }, type: Runtime.BlendModes }, texture: { get: function () { var source = this.targetN.texture.baseTexture.source; return (source && source.src && source.src.replace('file://', '')) || ''; }, set: function (value) { this.targetN.texture = PIXI.Texture.fromImage(value); }, url: Fire.Texture }, drawMode: { get: function () { return this.targetN.drawMode; }, set: function (value) { if (typeof value === 'number' && !isNaN(value)) { this.targetN.drawMode = value; } else { Fire.error('The new drawMode must be number'); } }, type: Runtime.MeshDrawMode }, _drawMode: { default: Runtime.MeshDrawMode.TriangleMesh }, _texture: { default: '', url: Fire.Texture }, _blendMode: { default: Runtime.BlendModes.NORMAL } }, onBeforeSerialize: function () {; this._texture = this.texture; this._blendMode = this.blendMode; this._drawMode = this.drawMode; }, createNode: function (node) { node = node || new PIXI.mesh.Mesh(PIXI.Texture.EMPTY);, node); if (this._texture) { node.texture = PIXI.Texture.fromImage(this._texture); } node.drawMode = this._drawMode; node.blendMode = this._blendMode; return node; } }); Runtime.MeshWrapper = module.exports = MeshWrapper;
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They've probably changed, but I thought they were useful nonetheless. Original text in italics. For a system to be resilient it must be capable of dynamic re-organisation on the fly. That means it must be capable of rapid coupling and decoupling while maintaining a degree of system coherence. Critically you need fast feedback loops into decision makers so that they can ride the wave of disruption. That means creating human sensor networks with supporting technology around current day purpose, that can be activated for extraordinary purpose in the context of need. Modularity means that a system is capable of swarming and clustering to meet unforeseeable circumstances in real time. Crews, an important new idea in non-military environments provide the right level of modularity and instant operational capability that are essential to speedy response. Synchrony is a real danger, its one of the main indications of impending collapse. This is linked to the Cynefin concept of complacency, where everything seems ordered and controlled just before catastrophic failure. Over focus on things like sick stigma means that organisations start to build synchrony before it occurs naturally thus hastening the collapse. Diversity and what I call requisite variety are key. Without diversity, and dare I say it contradiction, a system lacks the capacity to evolve quickly as it has too few things to build on. Conformity and consensus are the enemy of managing under conditions of uncertainty. I also came across this excellent video where Dave explains his thinking about moving from robust to resilient strategies. This thinking is becoming increasingly relevant to business leaders as the world around us seems to be more and more volatile and uncertain. As I come across more interesting bits I'd be sure to share them. If you have an interest in resilience and have interesting info to share, please feel free to use the comments section.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Posted in Instagram, NAB 2016. Tags: 3-axis, 3axis, came, came-prodigy, came-tv, cametv, gimbal, Instagram, nab, nab 2016, prodigy on April 21, 2016 by CameAdmin. Posted in CAME-Single, Instagram, NAB 2016. Tags: 3-axis, 3axis, 600D, came tv encoders, came-optimus, came-tv, cametv, canon, canon 600D, encoders, gimbal, Instagram, nab2016, optimus on April 18, 2016 by CameAdmin. INSTAGRAM: @christophercameronphotography getting some scenic shots with the ‪#‎cametv‬ #7800 ‪#‎gimbal‬ and his ‪#‎sony‬ ‪#‎A7r‬! @christophercameronphotography getting some scenic shots with the #cametv #7800 #gimbal and his #sony #A7r! Posted in CAME-7800, Instagram. Tags: 3-axis, 3-axis gimbal, 3axis, 7800, 7800 3 axis gimbal, 7800 gimbal, a7r, came gimbal, came-7800, came-tv, came-tv gimbal, cametv, cametv 7800, Instagram, sony, sony a7r on April 13, 2016 by CameAdmin.
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Annakarin Svedberg, eg. Gunnel Anna Karin Svedberg, född 8 juli 1934 i Halmstad, är en svensk författare. Svedberg har kanske främst blivit känd för sina sensuella kvinnoskildringar och var en av de första som skrev öppet om kärlek mellan kvinnor. Hon har även ett intresse för asiatisk kultur och religion. Bibliografi Vårvinterdagbok 1957 Ack, denna själ! 1958 Vingklippta 1962 Det goda livet 1963 Se upp för trollen! 1963 Antologin Kärlek 1965 Din egen 1966 Sagor vid kanten av ingenting 1975 Kärlek är det innersta av hjärtat 1976 En enda jord 1978 Indira Gandhi-en bok om kärlek 1980 Sex kristalliska berättelser 1994 Högplatåns guld 2001 Drakflygarna 2002 Mot källan 2002 Fem drömska sagor 2003 Veo ad Gax från yttre rymden'' 2004 Filmmedverkan Källor Externa länkar Personlig webbplats Svenska författare Svenskspråkiga författare Kvinnor Födda 1934 Levande personer Författare från Halmstad
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You may have seen from our website and social media that there's a new logo for the Elmhurst Energy brand. We thought it was time for a more contemporary look for the business, reflecting our ongoing focus on energy efficiency, our continuing growth and our dynamic approach when adapting to legislation and opportunities for energy assessors. We will be updating all of our marketing in due course, with a new website launch planned for the end of the year. We hope you like it and that you will adopt some of that new look yourself by downloading the new 'Approved' logo for individuals accredited by us.
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Joann "Jan" Elizabeth Brown On January 26, 2021, Joanne Elizabeth Brown went home to our Lord. At her side were her husband of 66 years, Roy and his three daughters, Kathy Morrison of Nashville, TN, Karen Andrade of Lakewood, OH and Kelley Brown of Canton, OH. Jan was born April 24, 1932 in Cincinnati, Ohio to her late parents, Merrit L. and Mary (Clawson) Tittle. She received her music education degree from Kent State University and taught several years in public schools. She spent many years performing, accompanying, and directing school and church choirs while, at the same time, teaching private piano lessons. But her greatest joy was being a wife, mother and grandmother. She was an exceptional seamstress and enjoyed making clothes for her family. For thirteen years, she and Roy led music and worship services for the Oatmeal Ministry at Crossroads United Methodist Church (formerly Church of the Savior, Canton, OH). This ministry provides breakfast every Sunday morning for upwards of 150 needy members of the community. She and Roy have been active members of this church for 46 years. She is survived by her sister, Mary Lee Enders of Florida. She is also survived by five grandchildren and five great grandchildren: Jessica Morrison, her wife, Anne Richardson of Amman, Jordan and their two children, Nora and Clyde; Landen Morrison, his wife, Randi Ferguson of Nashville TN and their two sons, Mitchell and Jasper; Patrick Morrison of Columbus, OH and his daughter, Gwen; Michael Andrade of Columbus, OH and Chris Andrade of Lakewood, OH. Calling hours are scheduled for Saturday, February 13th from 12 - 2 PM with a celebration of life service immediately following at 2 PM. The service will be officiated by Dr. David Oliver. In lieu of flowers, you may send contributions to the Crossroads United Methodist Church (Oatmeal Ministry) in memory of Jan Brown at 120 Cleveland Ave. S.W., Canton, OH 44702. On January 26, 2021, Joanne Elizabeth Brown went home to our Lord. At her side were her husband of 66 years, Roy and his three daughters, Kathy Morrison of Nashville, TN, Karen Andrade of Lakewood, OH and Kelley Brown of Canton, OH. Jan was... View Obituary & Service Information The family of Joann "Jan" Elizabeth Brown created this Life Tributes page to make it easy to share your memories. On January 26, 2021, Joanne Elizabeth Brown went home to our... Send flowers to the Brown family.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Publications › Issues › Does God (Still) Heal? When ad after ad tells us to ask our doctors if something "is right for you," it is refreshing to examine what the Bible says about healing and the correlation between physical and emotional health. Jesus' healings were usually of this kind: "And [Jesus] said to the man, 'Stretch out your hand.' He stretched it out, and his hand was restored" (Mark 3:5). Healing sometimes took place through the medications of that time: "Now Isaiah had said, 'Let them take a cake of figs and apply it to the boil, that he may recover'" (Isaiah 38:21). Other times illnesses took their natural course until the person recovered: "If there is in the skin of one's body a boil and it heals… " (Leviticus 13:18). Then there is the "Good Samaritan" of Luke's Gospel in the New Testament: "But a certain Samaritan, who was on a journey, came upon him; and when he saw him, he felt compassion, and came to him, and bandaged up his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them" (Luke 10:33–34). It was known that healing the body could be connected with mental and spiritual health, as is well established today. The book of Proverbs says, "Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones" (Proverbs 3:7–8). Proverbs goes on to link the physical with the emotional: "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones" (Proverbs 17:22). And, "The light of the eyes rejoices the heart, and good news refreshes the bones" (Proverbs 15:30). blindness: "Then Jesus laid his hands on his eyes again; and he opened his eyes, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly" (Mark 8:25). deafness and muteness: "And looking up to heaven, he sighed and said to him, 'Ephphatha,' that is, 'Be opened.' And his ears were opened, his tongue was released, and he spoke plainly" (Mark 7:34–35). inability to walk: "Jesus said to him, 'Get up, take up your bed, and walk.' And at once the man was healed, and he took up his bed and walked (John 5:8-9). Common Jewish understanding forbade healing on the Sabbath, seeing it as a form of work. But Jesus said that compassion overrides the boundaries we set up (Luke 13:10–16). As the story of the Fruchtmans demonstrates, God does indeed heal today. Yet there are many who are not healed, regardless of their faith or their prayers. The Apostle Paul's advice to his protégé Timothy was: "No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments" (1 Timothy 5:23). Paul had a "thorn in the flesh" (2 Corinthians 12:7), usually thought to be some disease or ongoing medical condition, to which Paul attributed the virtue of keeping him from "becoming conceited"! Luke, one of authors of the New Testament, whose narrative included Jesus' healing miracles, was a medical doctor. Luke saw no contradiction between the need people had of his own services and Jesus' ability to heal miraculously. The Scriptures speak of God as the author of all healing, whether directly by supernatural intervention or indirectly through medicinal means: "Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases" (Psalm 103:2–3). This doesn't mean that God will heal every disease of every person, but that when healing does take place, we recognize the hand of God behind it. Jesus primarily came to deal with our spiritual sickness: to make atonement for our sins. One of the great biblical chapters about the Messiah, Isaiah 53, speaks about someone who would die as a "sin offering" and tells us that "with his wounds we are healed" (Isaiah 53:10, 5). The Gospel of Matthew understands Jesus' healing ministry to fulfill the words of Isaiah 53:4: "And he cast out the spirits with a word and healed all who were sick. This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: 'He took our illnesses and bore our diseases' " (Matthew 8:16–17). When God created the universe, it was an idyllic place. But, as we read the account of Adam and Eve turning away from God, we see that sin entered the world. Disease and brokenness were results of what has become known as the fall. Yet God brought us Messiah to fix it. He will restore things to the way they were meant to be. The time is coming when disease will no longer exist and all will be made new. In that day, promises the prophet Malachi, "the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings" (Malachi 4:2) – a beautiful image of the ultimate hope of God's people who trust in Him and His Messiah.
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Real console controls and an amazingly brilliant 4-inch multi-touch screen (see larger image). In addition to high-speed connectivity on the fast and reliable Verizon Wireless 3G network, you can also share the built-in 3G Mobile Hotspot via Wi-Fi among five devices--laptop, another phone, MP3 player, and more (additional service charge). And with Skype Mobile capabilities, you'll get unlimited Skype-to-Skype calls and IM while in the U.S. to anywhere in the world. Other features include a pre-loaded 8 GB microSD memory card (with 2 GB of pre-loaded games), 5-megapixel rear camera/camcorder, Wireless-N Wi-Fi networking, Bluetooth for hands-free devices and stereo audio streaming, GPS turn-by-turn directions via free Google Maps with Navigation, access to both personal and corporate e-mail, and up to 7.7 hours of talk time. Pre-Loaded Content The Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY comes pre-loaded with seven game titles including, Madden NFL 11 (EA Sports), Bruce Lee Dragon Warrior (Digital Legends), Asphalt 6: Adrenaline (Gameloft), The Sims 3 (EA), Star Battalion (Gameloft), Crash Bandicoot (Sony PlayStation) and Tetris. You can expand your video game library with even more game titles available for download via V CAST Apps. Android Gingerbread Operating System The Xperia PLAY runs the Android 2.3 operating system (dubbed "Gingerbread")--the fastest version of Android available for smartphones yet. It features a cleaner, more refined interface with new icons, improved top notification bar, and more intuitive navigation. Multitasking in Gingerbread allows you the ability to run more than one app at a time. If you're playing a game, you can easily switch to an incoming email and then switch back to the game without losing your place. A new onscreen keyboard makes it easier to type thanks to additional spacing between the keys and larger font sizes. And the more you use the keyboard, the easier typing will be as the enhanced suggest feature records previous input history to make better suggestions. And like the previous version of Android ("Froyo"), Gingerbread provides support for Adobe Flash Player 10.1 for access to the full Web. The Xperia PLAY also brings one-touch access to the popular Google mobile services you use every day, including Google Search, Gmail, Google Maps with Navigation, Google Calendar, Picasa, and YouTube. It also provides easy access to both personal and corporate e-mail, calendars, and contacts supported by Exchange Server and Gmail. And through Android Market, you'll get access to thousands of useful applications, widgets, and fun games to download and install on your phone, with many more apps being added every day. Reliable 3G Network With support for the EV-DO high-speed data standard, you'll enjoy fast access to the Internet and Verizon Wireless multimedia services (additional charges applicable), with average download speeds ranging from 400 to 700 Kbps and peak rates up to 2 Mbps. The Xperia PLAY weighs 6.17 ounces and measures 4.68 x 2.44 x 0.63 inches. Its 1500 mAh lithium-ion battery is rated at up to 7.7 hours (460 minutes) of talk time, and up to 405 hours (16+ days) of standby time. It runs on the CDMA 800/1900 frequencies as well as EV-DO, Rev A 3G frequencies. Xperia PLAY handset, rechargeable battery, GreenHeart wall/USB charger, 8 GB microSD card, 3.5mm adapter, quick start guide Fast 3G connectivity thanks to the reliable Verizon Wireless EV-DO, Rev A network GPS navigation capabilities via Google Maps Navigation plus optional VZ Navigator service Wireless-N Wi-Fi networking (802.11b/g/n) for accessing home and corporate networks as well as hotspots while on the go. 3G Mobile Hotspot capability allows you to create a Wi-Fi hotspot using your Verizon Wireless 3G EV-DO connection, which can then be shared among up to five Wi-Fi-capable devices. Skype Mobile compatibility provides unlimited Skype-to-Skype calls and IM while in the U.S. to anywhere in the world. Plus, with Skype Mobile you get low rates to international landlines and cell phones (requires Skype account). Bluetooth connectivity (version 2.1) includes communication headset, hands-free car kits, and A2DP audio streaming Bluetooth profiles. Android 2.3 OS (Gingerbread) Android Market for browsing and downloading thousands of free and paid apps Preloaded Android apps: Browser, Calculator, Calendar (Google or Corporate), Camera, Clock, Contacts, Email, Gallery, Messaging, Music, News & Weather, Phone, Settings, Video Player, Voice Dialer, Voice Search, YouTube Google applications: Gmail, Google Search, Google Voice Search, Google Latitude, Google Maps, Google Places, Google Talk Google Maps Navigation with spoken turn-by-turn directions showing real-time traffic and 360° views of the destination Communications & Internet Full HTML browser (Webkit 5) with Flash 10.1 Support Personal and corporate e-mail access with support for Exchange ActiveSync as well as personal e-mail accounts (Google push, Yahoo!, POP3, IMAP). Full messaging capabilities including SMS text, MMS picture/video and IM instant messaging Virtual QWERTY keyboard 1 GHz Snapdragon processor (Qualcomm MSM 8655) capable of opening web pages twice as fast as most other smartphones. Powerful Adreno 205 graphics processor for crisp colors and silky-smooth 3D gaming graphics. 4-inch multi-touch display (854 x 480 pixels, 16 million colors) with accelerometer plus proximity and ambient light sensors. MicroUSB port Rear 5-megapixel camera with flash, auto-focus, and geo-tagging capabilities. Video recording capabilities Front-facing VGA camera for video chats Music player compatible with MP3, WMA, and AAC/AAC+ Video player compatible with MPEG4, H.264, H.263, WMV 400 MB internal memory Memory expansion via microSD card slot with support for optional cards up to 32 GB. 8 GB included microSD card (2 GB taken up by pre-loaded games) Speakerphone for hands-free communication. Hearing aid compatibility: M4, T3 TTY compatible Bilingual interface (English, Spanish) Verizon Wireless Services Visual Voice Mail This innovative service enables you to delete, reply, and forward voice mail messages without having to listen to prior messages or voice instructions. Visual Voice Mail is the ideal tool for the busy mobile professional who may need to prioritize which messages he or she listens to first. Features include on-screen access to voice mail message status, save up to 40 messages for 40 days (or archive permanently), create up to 10 different caller ID-based greetings, and reply via call back, text or even voice mail. VZ Navigator Capable With this GPS-enabled phone, you'll be able to access the Verizon Wireless VZ Navigator service (additional charges applicable) for voice-prompted turn-by-turn directions, heads-up alerts, local search of nearly 14 million points of interest in the US (such as landmarks, restaurants and ATMs), and detailed color maps. 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Sir Thomas Crooke, 1st Baronet, of Baltimore (1574–1630) was an English-born politician, lawyer and landowner in seventeenth-century Ireland. He is chiefly remembered as the founder of the town of Baltimore, County Cork, which he developed into a flourishing port, but which was largely destroyed shortly after his death in the Sack of Baltimore 1631. He sat in the Irish House of Commons as member for Baltimore in the Parliament of 1613–1615. He was the first of the Crooke baronets of Baltimore, and ancestor of the Crooke family of Crookstown House. Early life He was born in Cransley, Northamptonshire, the eldest son of the Reverend Thomas Crooke; his mother was a Miss Samuel. His father was a Calvinist clergyman whose strong religious views often brought him into conflict with the English Crown, but who escaped serious censure, probably due to his position as the appointed preacher at Gray's Inn. Helkiah Crooke, Court physician to James I, was one of Sir Thomas's brothers, and Samuel Crooke, a preacher of some note, was another brother. Stephen Egerton, the leading Puritan preacher, married Thomas's sister Sarah. Egerton's niece, Margaret Tyndal Winthrop, was the third wife of John Winthrop, who became a coloniser with a much wider vision than Crooke's, being several times Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Crooke and Winthrop, although they must have been acquainted, are not known to have been particular friends, but Crooke's sister Sarah was a close friend of Margaret Winthrop and left her a substantial legacy at her death in 1624. Thomas spent much of his childhood in Suffolk, where his father served for many years as vicar of Great Waldingfield. The younger Thomas, on his father's petition, was admitted to Gray's Inn in 1597. He is said to have acquired a successful practice at the English Bar, but after his father's death in 1598 he turned his mind towards colonisation. His motives appear to have been twofold: to establish a thriving commercial centre and to create a safe haven for those who shared his strong Calvinist views. The Settlement of Baltimore In about the year 1600 Crooke entered an agreement with Sir Fineen O'Driscoll, the Gaelic lord of Baltimore in County Cork, to establish an English colony in Baltimore. Their agreement was disrupted by the closing stages of the Nine Years War. O'Driscoll throughout his long career had been an ally of the English Crown, and was something of a royal favourite of Queen Elizabeth I; but his relatives persuaded him, against his own better judgement, to take the Irish side at the Battle of Kinsale. After the failure of the Irish cause at Kinsale most of his relatives fled the country, and Sir Fineen himself only obtained a royal pardon with difficulty. His daughter Eileen married into the prominent Coppinger family, who were to cause Sir Thomas much trouble throughout his career. In 1605 Crooke decided to regularise the matter: he surrendered the extensive lands granted to him by O'Driscoll to King James I and had them regranted back to him. James disapproved of Crooke's Calvinism, but he was pragmatic enough to see the advantages to the Crown of a strong English presence in West Cork. In 1607 the town was given the right to hold a weekly market and two fairs a year. In 1612 it was incorporated as a borough, with a "sovereign" (Crooke himself) and twelve burgesses. Baltimore was given the right to return two members to the Irish House of Commons, with the franchise known as a potwalloper (that is, a constituency where every male householder with a hearth wide enough to boil or "wallop" a pot had the vote). Crooke himself sat in the Irish Parliament of 1613–15. He reached the high point of his fortune in 1624 when he was created a baronet. At the same time, he renewed his legal practice and was called to the Irish Bar. He became a member of the King's Inns, but at the surprisingly late date of 1628, just two years before his death. His eldest son Samuel entered the Inns in the same year. Development of Baltimore The town of Baltimore thrived from the beginning: we are told that Crooke "divided the town into tenements with lots for gardens, and gave to each settler land convenient for building and grazing". It grew prosperous as a centre for the pilchard fisheries and the wine trade. From the foundation of the colony however there were repeated accusations that Baltimore's real prosperity depended on piracy, and that all its inhabitants, including Crooke himself, were pirates or the accomplices of pirates. Charge of piracy The coast of West Cork has many deep sheltered coves which are suitable for smuggling, and the O'Driscolls had for years been widely believed to take advantage of this to engage in piracy. Not surprisingly similar accusations were made against Crooke, and in 1608 the Privy Council summoned him to London to answer a number of charges, including one that he slaughtered cattle in his own yard to victual the pirate ships. Ominously the charge was phrased in terms of a final verdict that he had been a "chief maintainer and abettor of notorious pirates". Crooke denied all the charges, and by now he had gained the goodwill of most of the influential men in Munster, including William Lyon, Bishop of Cork, Richard Boyle, 1st Earl of Cork, and Henry Danvers, 1st Earl of Danby, Lord President of Munster. His friends spoke up for him: Bishop Lyon in particular praised his extraordinary achievement in having created a well-ordered town out of nothing in less than 5 years. The Privy Council, despite a preliminary finding that he was guilty, in the end exonerated Crooke completely, but not everyone was satisfied: the authorities in Venice continued to call Baltimore "a nest of pirates", and it was claimed that the entire population of the town were implicated in the illicit business. Historians are still divided as to whether or not, and if so to what extent Crooke condoned or engaged in piracy. The more cynical view is that the Privy Council was convinced of Crooke's guilt, but was unwilling to damage the growing prosperity of Baltimore by taking decisive action against him. Conflict with Sir Walter Coppinger From the start of his Irish career Crooke was forced to contend with the increasing power of the wealthy Roman Catholic lawyer Sir Walter Coppinger. Coppinger came from one of the most prominent families in Cork city; though himself of Viking rather than Gaelic descent, he was hostile to the English settlers, and he had a reputation for ruthlessness. In his defence, it must be said that his brother Richard had married Eileen O'Driscoll, daughter of Sir Fineen O'Driscoll, and the Coppingers may honestly have believed that they had a better right to Baltimore than Crooke did. From the beginning of the colony, Coppinger harassed the settlers with dubious legal claims to ownership of their lands. Eventually, in 1610 a compromise was reached: Crooke, Coppinger and Fineen O'Driscoll jointly granted a lease of Baltimore to the settlers for a term of 21 years. This gave the settlers a solid claim to their lands but Coppinger soon made it clear that he had no intention of observing the agreement. Crooke, with his wealth, baronetcy, and influential friends, was personally secure enough, but the Baltimore settlers were subjected to constant harassment. In 1616 Crooke and his fellow settlers brought a lawsuit against Coppinger in the Court of Castle Chamber, the Irish equivalent of Star Chamber, alleging numerous acts of aggression against them: Coppinger was found guilty on one count of riot but cleared of the other charges. However, Castle Chamber was not noted for providing effective remedies for litigants and this verdict did Crooke little good. In 1618 Crooke, despairing of obtaining justice in the Irish courts, appealed to the Privy Council in London to protect the settlers against Coppinger's "malicious and covetous desire to supplant them" both by "bloody riot" and by fraudulent claims to their titles. No firm decision was taken, and Crooke renewed his petition before the new King Charles I in 1626. The King, noting that Castle Chamber was apparently divided on the issue, ordered a hearing before the Star Chamber. The case was still proceeding when Crooke died in 1630; it seems that the authorities were reluctant to decide finally either in favour of Coppinger or of the settlers. Legacy- the Sack of Baltimore In 1631 Algerian pirates raided Baltimore and carried away more than 100 settlers, who were later sold into slavery in North Africa. A handful of them were eventually ransomed, but the vast majority never saw Ireland again. This dealt the town a blow from which it has never fully recovered. Whatever Sir Thomas Crooke's faults, most notably the charge, which is still widely believed, that he made Baltimore into a pirate's nest, it was his intelligence and energy which had made the town thrive, and, it has been said, it seems symbolically appropriate that it should collapse soon after his death. Family By his wife, Mary Jackson, Thomas had three sons: Sir Samuel Crooke, 2nd Baronet, Thomas, a barrister of Gray's Inn, who was still living in 1624 (although he is not mentioned in his father's 1629 will) and James, who was still living in 1634. They had at least two daughters: Judith, who married as his second wife the landowner and writer Sir Vincent Gookin, by whom she had at least seven children, and a second daughter, who is referred to in her brother Samuel's will (although curiously not in her father's), who married a Mr Salmon (this was probably James Salmon of Castlehaven, a prominent local landowner). In his will, Thomas refers to his "son-in-law" Arthur Jackson: the word son-in-law was then interchangeable with stepson, so Arthur was very likely Lady Crooke's son by a previous marriage. In his own will, Arthur refers to Lady Crooke as his mother. Thomas left his estate to his widow, with legacies to his daughter Judith, his stepson Arthur Jackson and his wife Mary, to Thomas' brothers Samuel, "dear Helkiah" and Richard ("for his kindness to my children"), his sister Rachel Rosse (described as "much impoverished"), who was the wife of Henry Rosse, goldsmith, his "dear sister in law" Judith, wife of Samuel, and "good old Aunt Hudson" (who was still living in 1635). The third baronet, also called Thomas, dropped the use of the title, apparently as a condition of his marriage settlement with an heiress of the MacCarthy family. The family lived at Crookstown House for several generations: it later passed by inheritance to the Warren baronets. References 1574 births 1630 deaths Members of the Parliament of Ireland (pre-1801) for County Cork constituencies Members of Gray's Inn People from North Northamptonshire Baronets in the Baronetage of Ireland People from Baltimore, County Cork 17th-century Anglo-Irish people Irish MPs 1613–1615 People from Babergh District
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Land Use Changes Insufficient to Combat Global Warming News Feb 20, 2019 | Original Story from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Credit: Pixabay. Significantly less than two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial times – this is the temperature to which global warming should be limited, according to the Paris Climate Agreement. However, a recent special report of the IPCC shows that the global temperature has already increased by one degree Celsius. In a study, a research team from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the University of Edinburgh showed that previous efforts to reduce greenhouse gases through human land use are insufficient. Their findings are presented in the journal Nature Climate Change (DOI: "A quarter of anthropogenic greenhouse gases come from land use and the associated massive depletion of natural carbon sinks," says Dr. Calum Brown from the Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research - Atmospheric Environmental Research (IMK-IFU), KIT's Campus Alpine. Fewer forests due to deforestation as well as intensive farming and pastoral agriculture are equally contributing to climate change, as fossil power plants and internal combustion engines. "Whether we achieve the climate goals of the Paris Agreement will depend heavily on our ability to establish fundamental, sustainable changes in the land use system." Together with the University of Edinburgh, KIT has examined how countries that signed the Paris Agreement plan, introduce and implement appropriate actions, and what impact these could have on climate change. "Our study shows that if we want to meet the climate goals, we need to find quick, yet realistic solutions to sustainably change human land use," says Brown. So far, about 197 countries have prepared Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The most common actions are aimed at significantly reducing deforestation, afforesting large areas and reducing greenhouse gases from agriculture. For example, India and China want to reforest an area of up to 40 million hectares over the next few years. "Forests store large amounts of carbon dioxide from the air and can thus reduce the greenhouse gases from agriculture," says Brown. Political and economic interests lead to delays "These plans could remove up to 25 percent of greenhouse gases that are caused by human actions every year," Brown says. "However, it often takes decades for changes to manifest themselves - far too long to slow down climate change as required." In addition, there is no binding framework for NDCs: they are not required to be demonstrably achievable, and in most cases have no defined plan of implementation. "This is perhaps the biggest threat to reaching the 1.5 degree target," says Brown. "The timeframe of the climate agreement transcends the short-term nature of political decisions." Often, NDCs cannot take effect because when policymakers change, they often abandon or withdraw concrete measures against global warming. A recent example of this is the planned US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement. Economic interests can also shift national political goals. Factors like the cultivation of oil palm trees is leading to a renewed increase cutting of tropical forests. Deforestation has increased by 29 percent in Brazil and even by 44 percent in Colombia. "The figures are in stark contrast to the fact that many countries wanted to reduce their deforestation due to the Climate Agreement," said Brown. "This suggests that many plans to mitigate the impact of the land-use system were unrealistic from the beginning." So far, there has been little to no progress, and in some cases the situation has even worsened over the past three years: "The global carbon dioxide emissions have risen again in 2017 and 2018, after previously declining." Realistic goals from experience Unrealistic goals, political developments and mistakes in implementation influence the success of previous NDCs. Here, empirical studies and case studies in particular could help: "They take time delays in finding and implementing political decisions into account and can help to find realistic measures," says Brown. An important point here is the willingness of local people to introduce innovation in technologies, agriculture or politics. "Plans to reduce the impact of anthropogenic land use on climate change should therefore always provide clear, obvious and immediate benefits for farmers, smallholders and foresters, as they can actively change land use in a sustainable way." This article has been republished from materials provided by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Note: material may have been edited for length and content. For further information, please contact the cited source. Achievement of Paris climate goals unlikely due to time lags in the land system. Calum Brown, Peter Alexander, Almut Arneth, Ian Holman & Mark Rounsevell. Nature Climate Change (2019), "Rewiring" at Non-Coding Genome Regions Important for Adaptation Scientists shows that 'genetic rewiring' at non-coding regions - rather than mutations to protein-coding regions of genes - may play an important role in how cichlid fish are able to rapidly adapt to fill a staggeringly wide range of environmental niches in the East African Rift lakes. Tackling Local and Global Challenges With Soil Analysis Exploring Petrochemical Analysis With ICP-OES Top 5 Non-COVID-19 Stories of 2020 From Microbiology Light Shed on Why PFAS Chemicals Resist Remediation SARS-CoV-2 Specific and Neutralizing Antibodies Pervasive Health Threats of Unregulated Battery Recycling Revealed Why Are Queen Bees Failing To Reproduce?
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Oct 12, 2019 by shelsonline Milan – Italy Milan is found in the northern region of Italy, known in Italian as Milano. Today it is a popular city for visitors, but is also a notable financial centre in Italy and has strong manufacturing and commercial industries. Milan has an interesting history, fraught with the struggle of invading nations… Milan History Highlights: The first known residents in Milan were the Gauls in 600BC. Milan the capital of the Celtic tribe, the Insubres. At the time in 222BC the city was known as Mediolanum (the Roman word for Milan) the Romans conquered the city which was then one of the most powerful cities in the region on the Roman side of the Alps. Around the 1st Century BC, the city of Milan became part of the state of the Caesars. Today there is only a few reminders of the Roman reign in the area. One of the reasons contributing to the fall of the Roman Empire was invasion attacks of its cities. Milan was no exception to these invasions and it was in 539AD that the city was attacked by invasions from Northern Europe and Asia, and the city lost its role as capital. The history of Milan is marked by powerful families: the Visconti who was succeeded by the Sforza families, both of which contributed to the rule of the city and infrastructure. The city was dominated by Spanish rule for almost two centuries, from 1535 to 1706. The city fell under the rule of the Austrian Imperial dynasty of the Hapsburgs due to the great European wars of the late 17th century to the early 18th century. In 1789 Milan fell under the French control after the French Revolution during the Napoleonic Era. When Napoleon was defeated in 1815, Milan was returned to the Austrian control. In 1848, Milan rebelled against the Austro-Hungarian rule and Milan along with the rest of Lombardy became a part of the Kingdom of Sardinia in 1861, which controlled most of Italy. This was the unification of the Kingdom of Italy. Milan was home to the fascist party in 1919 and experienced a post-war recovery of Allied bombardments. Things to do and see in Milan: One of my favourite things about Milan was the "Oh wow!!", "Geez, that's amazing…" reactions, not only about the food which is terrific but about the architecture. Even if you aren't an architectural guru, just appreciating the splendour of the buildings, the attention to deal and the skill of workmanship is enough to catch your attention. One of my favourite "oh wow…" moments was seeing the Cathedral for the first time, and the patterns and colours of the castle. Overall, there are lots of interesting museums in Milan but if you want to go, book the tickets in advance. 1. Milan Cathedral The Milan Cathedral, Duomo di Milano is one of my most memorable sights of Milan. The original cathedral on which was built was constructed around 355AD over about 600 years and is the second-largest cathedral in the world (the largest one is in the Vatican). When I went to the cathedral, I did go in the height of the holiday season and noticed that the queues carried on for ages and I mental note for mentioning on this article if you are planning to see it, book online first. Note with the booking online, you need to select a date and a time for your visit. There are 4 different types of tickets you can get depending on what you want to see and how quickly you want to get in and around: Crypt of St. Charles Archaeological area Duomo museum Church of San Gottardo Rooftops (by lift) or stairs Fast track (enter without waiting times and get to the rooftop by lift) 2. La Rinascente Besides the fact that La Rinascente contains some of the most famous Italian fashion brands, the building itself is beautifully built and decorated, founded in 1865. Big brands such as Prada, Versace, Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci are featured in amoung the 150 brands of La Rinascente. 3. Sforzesco Castle The castle in Milan was built in 1368 as a fortress, later expanded to become a splendid palace by the Sforza family. Its history is marked with a trend of build, getting attacked and destroyed, then rebuilt. First during the Golden Ambrosian Republic (1447–1450), by Napoleon in 1800, 1 year later the bastions and towers were destroyed. The castle was renovated in 1905, along with the Torre Filarete tower and Parco Sempione which was established. The castle was destroyed during WWII and rebuilt at the end of the 20th century. More recently, it was destroyed in the 1960s when the metro was built. The restoration of the castle was completed in 2005. There are several museums to visit while you are there: art museums, historic musical instruments, Egyptian historic objects, wooden sculptures and antique furniture, and the archaeological museum – which is interesting if you want to know more of the early life in Milan through to the Roman era. A good idea to take a look at booking tickets before you go. Note of caution – there are street vendors around the castle that can be very forward and insistent that you buy things from them. Just walk away and don't engage with them. 4. Sempione Park Sempione Park is the largest city park in Milan, covering 38.6 hectares. As mentioned above in the castle history, it was established in the 1800s. It is a beautiful and peaceful place to take a walk. 5. Civic Aquarium of Milan The aquarium in Milan is one of the oldest and largest aquariums in Italy, established in 1906. It houses 36 tanks and more than 100 species of fish. The tanks display fish from various environments, particularly showcasing the Italian ecosystems and fish. Tropical tanks are also on display, with brightly coloured fish. 6. Santa Maria delle Grazie Santa Maria delle Grazie church is a UNESCO World Heritage Site which houses The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci. The building itself is of historic importance, established in 1463. The church was partially destroyed in WWII by an allied force aerial bombardment on the 15th of August 1943. The refectory which housed the famous painting had been sand-bagged to protect it. Since the war, preservation features have been added to the safety measures of protecting the painting for further centuries. On the occasion I went to Santa Maria delle Grazie, the current queue for tickets was purchasing the tickets 2 weeks in advance. If you want to go, book tickets in advance. Posted in Travel ItalyTagged Travel Italy Previous The Beauty of Venice Next Bohernabreena Reservoirs – Dublin – Ireland Aquarium Archery Art Museum Baking Recipes Beach holiday Beef Recipes Biltong Recipes Bodybuilding diet Braai Recipes Breakfast Recipes Cake Recipes Chicken Recipes Christmas Meal Recipes Clay Shooting Cookie Recipes D-Day Tours Dessert Recipes Dinner Recipes Dublin Mountains Way Game of Thrones Tour Ghost Tour Gluten-free Recipes Healthy Food Recipes Hiking Irish Recipes Lunch Recipes Normandy Tour Pork Recipes Quick Meal Recipes Roast Recipes Rock Festival Seafood Recipes Seasonal Photography Snack Recipes South African Recipes Sprouting seeds Tofu Recipes Travel Belgium Travel Connemara Travel County Antrim Travel County Clare Travel County Cork Travel County Dublin Travel County Galway Travel County Kerry Travel County Mayo Travel County Meath Travel County Wexford Travel County Wicklow Travel Denmark Travel England Travel France Travel Germany Travel Ireland Travel Italy Travel Northern Ireland Travel Scandinavia Travel Scotland Travel South Africa Travel The Netherlands Travel UK Travel USA Vegan Recipes Vegetarian Recipes WW2 Tours Pubs in the Dublin Mountains - Ireland Kilcoole to Greystones Coastal Walk - Ireland Guinness Tower - Cong, Ireland Ballinastoe Wood Trail - Ireland Blessington Greenway - Liffey Lake - Ireland The Great Sugar Loaf Mountain Trail - Ireland Groot Constantia - Cape Town - South Africa Durban Chickpea Curry Recipe Dublin Mountains Way – Day 4 – Tibradden Wood to Ticknock Forest, Fairy Castle Dublin Mountains Way – Day 5 – Tibradden Wood to Killakee
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
None of these images would make anyone go "Wow!"…except perhaps my mother. All of them look like they were taken by a kid with a point-and-shoot. They lack details, colors, engaging composition… and it appears as if the photographer did not know even the most basic concepts of photography. And this would be correct. I had the resources to acquire the gear, but not the knowledge of how to use it. Now compare this to the images taken several years later at the same locations and you'll notice a dramatic difference. The images below have vibrant colors, rich contrast, exquisite details and, when printed large, can make the view feel like we are looking out of a window. My skills had matured enough that I can now publish my photos or print them large and sell them as fine art prints. So what changed in all of those years? Research and Planning: My first trip to Olympic National Park (in 2001) was taken at the wrong time – during the dry season. Now when I travel, I research the location so I know exactly what to expect. Know Your Equipment: Not only did I not know how to use my equipment, but I was also missing key accessories such as filters, a remote release, and an extra memory card. After my first trip to Olympic, I spent the next few years trying to master how to properly use my equipment. I also invested in new lenses, essential filters, and other accessories that transformed my photography. Creativity and Light: When I first started shooting, I had no idea the impact that light and creativity would have on the colors in my photos. Over the years, I've learned how to use creativity to make the most of the available light and how to look for the proper light. Post Processing: To be honest, back in 2001 I had no idea how to use a RAW converter other than how to play with the sliders. Now I analyze my photos and know exactly which sliders to use to create the effect that I want. It took me several years to master each and every part of photography from planning to post-processing. Our Ultimate Landscape Photography Course in giving you insights on how we use these concept together to create images from Start to Finish. It provide information on all aspects of photography – from planning to fieldwork to post-processing… and so much more.
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You're always looking out for your kids, and that's no easy job. These 5 apps and products will help you keep them entertained, safe, and healthy. OPEN: Hi, I'm Charlie Kaplan, and this is Netted Does. INTRO: People seem to be terrified of the idea of kids being raised by screens. But what evidence is there that time in front of the tablet doesn't do a body good? That device isn't going to get tired of playing the same game over and over, unlike you, who had to get Tommy John surgery from playing peek-a-boo so much. Fear not: We'll provide the apps, you ice that Tommy John. Yuggler: First, let's think big: Yuggler will help you find kid-friendly activities near you, and get deals on stuff that costs money. Foodstirs: Check out Foodstirs to combine that fun with some actual learning, by getting cooking sets and kid-friendly recipes delivered. ChoreMonster: It's not all fun and games though. Well, it sort of is if you have ChoreMonster, which matches chores (ew) with rewards (not ew), and lets parents identify point values for each. It might… actually… make… chores… fun? Kolibree: Speaking of things that are not supposed to be fun, the Kolibree toothbrush turns brushin' 'em into an actual game by syncing the bristles to a smartphone that's stocked with digital races, quests, and more. Okay, not the actual bristles, but you get what I'm saying. Qustodio: Qustodio puts an end to all that fun, though, by letting parents not only monitor how much time tykes are spending online, but what they're looking at, too. You can even cut them off during their fifteenth consecutive hour of Minecraft. I mean, enough is enough. OUTRO: Look, I'm not saying you should let your kids be on their devices all the time. I'm just saying imagine a world where you didn't have to get them to do their chores, or brush their teeth, or get off the computer… Yeah, I think I've got you convinced.
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An American soldier used a Quran, the Islamic holy book, for target practice in a predominantly Sunni area west of Baghdad, prompting an apology from the U.S. military, a spokesman said Sunday. Separately, mortar shells slammed into a residential area north of the Iraqi capital, killing at least four people and wounding 30, most children playing outside, officials said Sunday. The shelling occurred as clashes broke out in Shiite areas late Saturday despite a truce reached last week by Shiite politicians and followers of anti-U.S. cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. Iraqi police found the bullet-riddled Quran with graffiti inside the cover on a small-arms range near a police station in Radwaniyah, a former insurgent stronghold west of Baghdad, U.S. military spokesman Col. Bill Buckner said in an e-mailed response to a query. American commanders then launched an inquiry that led to disciplinary action against the soldier, who has been removed from Iraq, Buckner said. The shooting, which occurred May 9 and was discovered two days later, threatened to further strain relations between the Americans and Sunni allies who have joined forces with them against al Qaeda in Iraq in Radwaniyah and other areas. The Association of Muslim Scholars, a Sunni group, condemned the shooting of the Quran, calling it "a hideous act against the book of almighty God and the constitution of the nation and the source of its glory and dignity." The incident was first reported by CNN, which broadcast a ceremony at which the top American commander in Baghdad apologized to tribal leaders in Radwaniyah. The military confirmed the details in an e-mailed response to a query. "I come before you here seeking your forgiveness," Maj. Gen. Jeffery Hammond was quoted as saying. "In the most humble manner I look in your eyes today and I say please forgive me and my soldiers." The commander also read a letter of apology by the shooter, and another military official kissed a Quran and presented it to the tribal leaders, according to CNN. The military statement called the incident "serious and deeply troubling" but stressed it was the result of one soldier's actions and "not representative of the professionalism of our soldiers or the respect they have for all faiths." The Sunni alliances have been key to a steep decline in violence over the past year, along with a U.S. troop buildup and a longer term cease-fire by al-Sadr's Mahdi Army militia. Bandaged girls and boys with bloodstained clothes cried as they were packed two to a bed at a hospital in Sadr City, a Shiite stronghold where most of the recent fighting has occurred. At least three mortar rounds struck a house, an open area and a street where boys were playing soccer in the Maamil neighborhood on Baghdad's northeastern outskirts, witnesses said. Those killed included a man and three children, according to police and hospital officials who also said at least 30 people were wounded. Associated Press photos showed men holding two dead babies bundled in blankets. Relatives identified them as 1-year-old Zahra Kadhim and 2-year-old Abbas Nadim. Sporadic gun battles also occurred in some areas of Sadr City, but no casualties were reported, police said. Fighting between Shiite militiamen and U.S.-Iraqi forces has ebbed but occasional clashes continue to break out, casting doubt on the durability of the peace deal reached last Monday. The U.S. military said separately that Iraqi soldiers captured a "special groups" cell leader blamed for coordinating roadside bombings and rocket attacks against U.S. and Iraqi forces, in an operation in Husseiniyah, about 20 miles north of Baghdad. American soldiers also killed two "special groups" militants after coming under attack by a roadside bomb and small-arms fire in the northern Shiite neighborhood of Kazimiyah, according to a separate military statement. The term "special groups" refers to Shiite militia fighters who are ignoring al-Sadr's cease-fire order. The skirmishes in Baghdad came as the Iraqi government has shifted its attention to an offensive aimed at clearing Sunni insurgents from the northern city of Mosul. The military said 15 suspects have been detained in raids targeting al Qaeda in Iraq so far on Saturday and Sunday, including eight in Mosul - six who were linked to a militant leader in the city and two during an operation to disrupt a planned suicide car bombing attack. Iraqi officials say around 1,000 people have been detained in the sweep since May 10. U.S. air strikes also killed six militants and destroyed a weapons cache after troops were attacked by rocket-propelled grenades and small-arms fire near Khan Bani Saad, north of Baghdad, according to a military statement. In violence Sunday, a parked car bomb struck an Iraqi army patrol in eastern Baghdad, killing two soldiers and wounding six other people, police said. U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, meanwhile, said she "made clear that the war must be brought to an end" as she met with top Iraqi and U.S. officials Saturday during a visit to Baghdad. "It has already taken far too many American and Iraqi lives, it has cost far too much in money and the reputation of the United States, and it has drained far too much from the capability of our military," she said in a statement. The California Democrat led a bipartisan delegation to Iraq.
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August 10, 2012, 28,329,353 shares. The financial statements should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. The accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements include the accounts of Physical Property Holdings Inc. and the subsidiaries that it controls (collectively referred to as the "Company"). The Company, through its subsidiaries, is engaged in the real estate business by holding five residential apartments in Hong Kong. Unless otherwise specified in the text, references to the Company include the Company and its subsidiaries. These financial statements should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2011. The accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for interim financial information and with the instructions to Form 10-Q and Article 10 of Regulation S-X. The balance sheet at December 31, 2011 has been derived from the audited financial statements at that date but the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements do not include all of the information and footnotes required by generally accepted accounting principles for complete financial statements. In the opinion of management, all adjustments (consisting of normal recurring accruals) considered necessary for a fair presentation have been included. Operating results for the six-month period ended June 30, 2012 are not necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for the year ending December 31, 2012. Translation of amounts from Hong Kong Dollars ("HK$") into United States Dollars ("US$") for the convenience of the reader has been made at the exchange rate of US$1.00 = HK$7.8. No representation is made that the Hong Kong Dollar amounts could have been, or could be, converted into United States Dollars, at that rate on June 30, 2012 or at any other certain rate. The Company had negative working capital of HK$11,404,000 as of June 30, 2012 and incurred losses of HK$272,000 and HK$271,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2012 and 2011 respectively. These conditions raised substantial doubt about the Company's ability to continue as a going concern. Continuation of the Company as a going concern is dependent upon attaining profitable operations in the future, exercising tight cost and cash flow controls measures, and the financial support from the Principal Stockholder. The financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty. The Principal Stockholder has undertaken to make available adequate funds to the Company as and when required to maintain the Company as a going concern. Having taken into consideration the undertaking provided by the Principal Stockholder, management believes that the Company will be able to settle its liabilities when they become due. However, there can be no assurance that the financing from the Principal Stockholder will be continued. For the six months ended June 30, 2012, Ngai Keung Luk, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and the Principal Stockholder, made a net advance of HK$391,000 or US$50,000 to the Company as described in note 5 below. Mr. Luk owns 82.52% of the Company's issued and outstanding shares of common stock as of the date this quarterly report is filed. The Company has evaluated subsequent events through the date this quarterly report is filed. As of the date this quarterly report is filed, there are no recently issued accounting pronouncements which adoption would have a material impact on the Company's financial statements. As the bank loans are repayable on demand upon request at the bank's discretion, regardless of the expected repayment dates of the outstanding loan principals as set out in the repayment terms notices issued by the bank, the entire balance of the bank loans is presented as current liabilities in the consolidated balance sheet. joint and several guarantee provided by the Principal Stockholder and his spouse. In addition, during the six-month periods ended June 30, 2012 and 2011, a related company which is controlled by the Principal Stockholder of the Company, provided office space and general support for the Company's activities with an aggregate charge of HK$162,000 and HK$162,000, respectively. On or about October 22, 2007, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") sent a "voluntary request letter" seeking certain information and documents about the Company and another company known as Score One, Inc, in connection with an investigation into alleged spam e-mail campaigns and potential securities fraud violations. Subsequently, on or about January 11, 2008, the SEC sent a subpoena to the Company for additional information and documents concerning the Company and Score One, Inc. in furtherance of its investigation into potential spam e-mail campaigns and securities fraud violations. Management of the Company retained counsel and responded to the subpoena. On or about September 16, 2010, the SEC sent a letter to the Company in which they stated that they intended to institute an administrative proceeding against the Company, pursuant to Section 12(j) of the Exchange Act to determine whether it is appropriate to suspend or revoke the registration of the Company's securities. On or about February 1, 2011, the SEC filed a complaint in US District Court, Eastern District of Michigan, Southern District, SEC v. Gregg M.S. Berger, et al., for securities fraud involving spamming stock, pump and dump schemes, misleading press releases, violation of numerous SEC rules governing the issuance of S-8 stock, misleading reverse mergers, etc. The Company and its officers and directors were not named as defendants in the case. Other than the above, as of June 30, 2012 and December 31, 2011, the Company had no material outstanding commitments and contingencies. THIS REPORT CONTAINS CERTAIN FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS ABOUT OUR OPERATIONS. PROSPECTIVE SHAREHOLDERS SHOULD UNDERSTAND THAT SEVERAL FACTORS GOVERN WHETHER ANY FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENT CONTAINED HEREIN WILL BE OR CAN BE ACHIEVED. ANY ONE OF THOSE FACTORS COULD CAUSE ACTUAL RESULTS TO DIFFER MATERIALLY FROM THOSE PROJECTED HEREIN. THESE FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS INCLUDE PLANS AND OBJECTIVES OF MANAGEMENT FOR FUTURE OPERATIONS, INCLUDING PLANS AND OBJECTIVES RELATING TO THE PRODUCTS AND THE FUTURE ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF THE COMPANY. ASSUMPTIONS RELATING TO THE FOREGOING INVOLVE JUDGMENTS WITH RESPECT TO, AMONG OTHER THINGS, FUTURE ECONOMIC, COMPETITIVE AND MARKET CONDITIONS, FUTURE BUSINESS DECISIONS, AND THE TIME AND MONEY REQUIRED TO SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS, ALL OF WHICH ARE DIFFICULT OR IMPOSSIBLE TO PREDICT ACCURATELY AND MANY OF WHICH ARE BEYOND THE CONTROL OF THE COMPANY. ALTHOUGH THE COMPANY BELIEVES THAT THE ASSUMPTIONS UNDERLYING THE FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE REASONABLE, ANY OF THOSE ASSUMPTIONS COULD PROVE INACCURATE AND, THEREFORE, THERE CAN BE NO ASSURANCE THAT THE RESULTS CONTEMPLATED IN ANY OF THE FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN WILL BE REALIZED. BASED ON ACTUAL EXPERIENCE AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, THE COMPANY MAY ALTER ITS MARKETING, CAPITAL EXPENDITURE PLANS OR OTHER BUDGETS, WHICH MAY IN TURN AFFECT THE COMPANY'S RESULTS OF OPERATIONS. IN LIGHT OF THE SIGNIFICANT UNCERTAINTIES INHERENT IN THE FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS INCLUDED THEREIN, THE INCLUSION OF ANY SUCH STATEMENT SHOULD NOT BE REGARDED AS A REPRESENTATION BY THE COMPANY OR ANY OTHER PERSON THAT THE OBJECTIVES OR PLANS OF THE COMPANY WILL BE ACHIEVED. The Company, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Good Partner Limited, owns five residential apartments located in Hong Kong. The following table sets forth selected data as a percentage of total operating revenue for the periods indicated. OPERATING REVENUES. Operating revenues for the second quarter of 2012 totaled HK$145,000 (US$19,000) compared to HK$208,000 for the corresponding period in 2011. This represented a decrease of 30% mainly due to vacancy of two properties since late March 2012 and early May 2012, respectively. OPERATING EXPENSES. The Company's operating expenses totaled HK$271,000 (US$35,000), or 187% of operating revenues, for the second quarter of 2012, compared to HK$275,000, or 132% of operating revenues, for the second quarter of 2011. This represented a decrease of 1%, mainly because no agency fee in relation to new tenancy was incurred in this quarter. TOTAL NON-OPERATING EXPENSES. Total non-operating expenses for the second quarter of 2012 totaled HK$49,000 (US$6,000) compared to HK$52,000 for the second quarter of 2011. This represented a decrease of 6% due to reduction in interest expenses attributable to the decrease in average loan balances as a result of the progress on repayment. PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES. The Company did not make any tax provision for the second quarter in view of the losses incurred. NET LOSS AND TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE LOSS. The Company has recorded a net loss and total comprehensive loss of HK$175,000 (US$22,000) for the second quarter of 2012, compared to a net loss and total comprehensive loss of HK$119,000 for the second quarter of 2011. This represented an increase in loss of 47% due to the decrease in rental income while operating expenses remained almost constant. OPERATING REVENUES. Operating revenues for the six months of 2012 totaled HK$376,000 (US$48,000) compared to HK$401,000 for the corresponding period in 2011. This represented a decrease of 6% mainly due to vacancy of certain properties in the second quarter. OPERATING EXPENSES. The Company's operating expenses totaled HK$549,000 (US$70,000), or 146% of operating revenues, for the first six months of 2012, compared to HK$567,000, or 141% of operating revenues, for the first six months of 2011. This represented a decrease of 3%, mainly because no professional fees in relation to communication with SEC regarding a potential administrative proceeding, as mentioned in Item 1 of Part II below, was incurred in the first six months of 2012. TOTAL NON-OPERATING EXPENSES. Total non-operating expenses for the first six months of 2012 totaled HK$99,000 (US$13,000) compared to HK$105,000 for the first six months of 2011. This represented a decrease of 6% due to reduction in interest expenses attributable to the decrease in average loan balances as a result of the progress on repayment. PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES. The Company did not make any tax provision for the period under review because there were losses incurred. NET LOSS AND TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE LOSS. The Company has recorded a net loss and total comprehensive loss of HK$272,000 (US$35,000) for the first six months of 2012, compared to a net loss and total comprehensive loss of HK$271,000 for the first six months of 2011. This represented an increase in loss of HK$1,000 (US$128) due to the net effect of the decrease in rental income and the decrease in administrative expenses as mentioned above. The Company has financed its operations primarily through advances from the Principal Stockholder. Cash and cash equivalent balances as of June 30, 2012 and December 31, 2011 were HK$60,000 (US$7,000) and HK$24,000, respectively. Net cash used in operating activities was HK$77,000 (US$9,000) and HK$129,000 for the six-month periods ended June 30, 2012 and 2011, respectively. Net cash provided by financing activities, which mainly includes repayment of bank loans and advances from the Principal Stockholder, were HK$113,000 (US$14,000) and HK$131,000 during the six-month periods ended June 30, 2012 and 2011, respectively. During the six-month period ended June 30, 2012 and 2011, the Company has not entered into any transactions using derivative financial instruments or derivative commodity instruments or held any marketable equity securities of publicly traded companies. Consistent with the general practice of lessors of residential apartments, the Company receives monthly rentals, which are due on the first day of each billing period and are non-refundable. This practice creates working capital that the Company generally utilizes for working capital purposes. The Company has no trade receivable balance as of June 30, 2012 and December 31, 2011. The Company obtains rental deposits from its tenants and has never experienced any significant problems with collection of accounts receivable. No provision for doubtful receivables is therefore made for the period under review. During the six-month periods ended June 30, 2012 and 2011, the Company had no purchases of investments. Management believes that cash flow generated from the operations of the Company, the tight cost and cash flow control measures and the existing cash and bank balances on hand should be sufficient to satisfy the working capital requirement of the Company for at least the next 12 months as the Principal Stockholder has confirmed his intention to make available adequate funds to the Company as and when required to maintain the Company as a going concern. However, there can be no assurance that the financing from him will be continued. The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the U.S. (GAAP) requires the Company to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. In recording transactions and balances resulting from business operations, the Company uses estimates based on the best information available for such items as depreciable lives. The Company revises the recorded estimates when better information is available, facts change or actual amounts can be determined. These revisions can affect operating results. The critical accounting policies and use of estimates are discussed in and should be read in conjunction with the annual consolidated financial statements and notes included in the Company's latest 10-K, as filed with the SEC on March 26, 2012, which includes audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2011. The Company's exposure to the risk of changes in market interest rates relates primarily to its long term debt obligations with a floating interest rate. The Company monitors the movement of interest rates on an ongoing basis and evaluates the exposure of its debt obligations. The Company's financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis. For the six months ended June 30, 2012, the Company reported a negative working capital of HK$11,404,000, of which HK$8,713,000 would be due for repayment over one year according to the latest repayment terms notices issued by the bank and a net loss of HK$272,000, respectively. The Company has relied on private financing from the Principal Stockholder of the Company, who has confirmed his intention to make available adequate funds to the Company as and when required to maintain the Company as a going concern. However, there can be no assurance that the financing from him will be continued. The accompanying financial statements do not include or reflect any adjustments that might result from the outcome of these uncertainties. The Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer (the principal executive officer and principal financial officer, respectively) of the Company have concluded, based on their evaluation as of June 30, 2012, that the design and operation of the Company's "disclosure controls and procedures" (as defined in Rule 13a-15(e) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended ("Exchange Act")) are effective to ensure that information required to be disclosed in the reports filed or submitted by the Company under the Exchange Act is accumulated, recorded, processed, summarized and reported to the management, including the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding whether or not disclosure is required. During the six months ended June 30, 2012, there were no changes in the Company's internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 13a-15(f) under the Exchange Act) that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company's internal control over financial reporting. There are no pending material legal proceedings to which the Company or any of its properties is subject, nor to the knowledge of the Company, are any such legal proceedings threatened, except as described below. On February 1, 2011, the SEC filed a complaint in US District Court, Eastern District of Michigan, Southern District, SEC v. Gregg M.S. Berger, et al., for securities fraud involving spamming stock, pump and dump schemes, misleading press releases, violation of numerous SEC rules governing the issuance of S-8 stock, misleading reverse mergers, etc. The Company and its officers and directors were not named as defendants in the case.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
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Opting for the best tone and shade of medium haircuts for black women round face can be complex, so seek advice from your hairstylist with regards to which tone and color might feel and look perfect along with your skin tone. Ask your professional, and be sure you leave with the haircut you want. Color your own hair might help actually out the skin tone and improve your current look. Even though it might come as reports for some, specific medium haircut will go well with particular skin shades a lot better than others. If you want to find your best medium haircuts for black women round face, then you'll need to find out what your face tone prior to making the leap to a new hairstyle. No matter whether your own hair is coarse or fine, curly or straight, there's a model for you personally out there. In the event that you desire medium haircuts for black women round face to attempt, your own hair texture, structure, and face shape must all point in to your determination. It's essential to try to determine what model can look great on you. Decide medium haircut that fits together with your hair's structure. A good haircut must focus on the things you like because hair comes in a variety of textures. At some point medium haircuts for black women round face its possible make you feel and look confident and beautiful, so apply it to your benefit. It's also advisable to play around with your hair to find what sort of medium haircuts for black women round face you prefer. Stand in front of a mirror and try several various types, or collapse your own hair around to observe what it would be like to have shorter hairstyle. Ultimately, you ought to obtain some style that will make you feel confident and pleased, irrespective of if it compliments your beauty. Your hairstyle should really be dependent on your personal tastes. There's lots of medium haircut which are easy to learn, browse at images of people with the same face shape as you. Take a look your facial profile on the web and explore through photos of men and women with your facial figure. Think about what sort of models the people in these photographs have, and for sure if you would need that medium haircuts for black women round face. When you're having an problem determining what medium haircut you would like, make a session with an expert to talk about your alternatives. You may not need to get your medium haircuts for black women round face there, but having the opinion of a hairstylist might help you to make your decision. Look for a great a professional to obtain excellent medium haircuts for black women round face. Once you know you have a professional you'll be able to trust and confidence with your own hair, getting a awesome haircut becomes a lot less difficult. Do some survey and get a good professional that's ready to be controlled by your some ideas and accurately examine your needs. It might extra charge a little more up-front, but you will save your money in the long term when you do not have to visit someone else to repair a bad haircut.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
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{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
(a) All federal and state income tax returns filed by either party for the last three calendar years. (b) If income tax returns for the last calendar year have not been filed, all W-2 statements, year-end payroll statements, interest and dividend statements and all other records of income earned or received by either party during the last calendar year. (c) All records showing any income earned or received by either party for the current calendar year. (d) All financial statements, statements of net worth and credit card and loan applications prepared by or for either party during the last two calendar years. (e) All documents such as deeds, real estate contracts, appraisals and most recent statements of assessed value relating to real property in which either party has any interest. (f) All documents showing debts of either party, including the most recent statement of any loan, credit line or charge card balance due. (g)(A) Certificates of title or registrations of all automobiles, motor vehicles, boats or other personal property registered in either party's name or in which either party has any interest. (B) For all automobiles, motor vehicles and boats described in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, documentation evidencing the vehicle identification number or other unique identifying number. (h) Documents showing stocks, bonds, secured notes, mutual funds and other investments in which either party has any interest. (i) The most recent statement describing any retirement plan, IRA pension plan, profit-sharing plan, stock option plan or deferred compensation plan in which either party has any interest. (j) All financial institution or brokerage account records on any account in which either party has had any interest or signing privileges in the past year, whether or not the account is currently open or closed. (2)(a) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection, the party shall provide the information listed in subsection (1) of this section to the other party no later than 30 days after service of a copy of this section. (b) If a support hearing is pending fewer than 30 days after service of a copy of this section on either party, the party upon whom a copy of this section is served shall provide the information listed in subsection (1)(a) to (d) of this section no later than three judicial days before the hearing. (3)(a) If a party does not provide information as required by subsections (1) and (2) of this section, the other party may apply for a motion to compel as provided in ORCP 46. (b) Notwithstanding ORCP 46 A(4), if the motion is granted and the court finds that there was willful noncompliance with the requirements of subsections (1) and (2) of this section, the court shall require the party whose conduct necessitated the motion or the party or attorney advising the action, or both, to pay to the moving party the reasonable expenses incurred in obtaining the order, including attorney fees. (b) By the obligee, the judge shall postpone the hearing, if requested to do so by the obligor, and provide that any support ordered in a future hearing may be prospective only.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
The global "Cellulose Plates market" research report offers a comprehensive analysis and forecasts of the Cellulose Plates market at both the global and regional level. It offers an in-depth and unbiased market review. The report highlights the main inclinations and services that play a key role in the development of the global Cellulose Plates market for the estimated period. It also emphasizes on the market drivers and opportunities of the global Cellulose Plates market for the upcoming period. In addition, it also highlights the dominating players in the market joined with their market share. The well-established players in the market are Sigma-Aldrich, Merck Millipore, Silicycle, BIOTAGE, Sorbent Technologies, Thomas Scientific, Advion, Miles Scientific (Analtech), ISCO, Dynamic Adsorbents. The research report encompasses an in-depth value chain analysis by giving an extensive vision of the global Cellulose Plates market. It uses Porter's Five Forces analysis to understand the competitive scenario of the global Cellulose Plates market. The report describes the market dynamics and market trends, limiting factors, drivers, and opportunities for the current and future global Cellulose Plates market. Additionally, the global Cellulose Plates market report covers the major product categories and segments TLC, HPTLC along with their sub-segments Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Laboratories, Other in detail. In addition, the global Cellulose Plates market research report demonstrates an analysis of varied business strategies implemented by leading players in the global Cellulose Plates market that help for the development and expansion of their businesses. The study offers an entire outlook on the growth of the Cellulose Plates market in terms of revenue (USD Million) across numerous regions including the Middle East & Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, and Latin America. The global Cellulose Plates market research includes the decisive analysis of the global Cellulose Plates market by classifying it on the basis of product type, end user, and application segments. The development of every segment is assessed along with the forecast of their expansion in the near future. The pertinent facts and figures gathered from the regulatory authorities are presented in the global Cellulose Plates research report to review the expansion of each segment. Furthermore, the global Cellulose Plates market is bifurcated on the basis of geographical regions such as Latin America, North America, Middle & East Africa, Europe, and the Asia Pacific. Numerous analytical techniques are used to study the expansion of the global Cellulose Plates market. It also highlights key parameters of the dominating market players influencing the growth of the global Cellulose Plates market along with their position in the global market. Chapter 13, 14 and 15, Cellulose Plates sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: dialog.getWindow() returns null after dialog is created @Override protected Dialog onCreateDialog(int id) { Dialog dialog = null; switch(id) { case DIALOG_ID: LayoutInflater inflater = getLayoutInflater(); View InfoLayout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.info_dialog, null); AlertDialog.Builder b = new AlertDialog.Builder(MyActivity.this) .setView(InfoLayout ); initInfoDialog(dialog); return dialog; ... private void initInfoDialog(Dialog dialog) { //this line has the null pointer WindowManager.LayoutParams lp = dialog.getWindow().getAttributes(); Why is dialog.getWindow() returning null in this case? A: I faced the same problem and I see now the getWindow() documentation is actually telling why (not the reason but why at this specific point). You can retrieve the window after calling show().
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
NO GUARANTEE, activation can go out at any time! Or could Stay Activated Forever!!! SIRIUS Sportster SPR2 satellite radio receiver. It is fully activated with over 100 channels including music, sports, talk, Howard, etc. The following is a list of channels the subscription includes. Pop: 2 – 10, 13, 14 – 16,17, 63,65,70,158. Beatles Channel: 18, Rock: 19 – 41. Hip Hop / R&B: 42 – 50. Dance/ Electronic: 51 – 54. Country: 55 – 62. Christian: 63 – 65. Jazz / Classical: 66 – 69, 71 – 76. Kids: 78, Radio Disney: 79. Sports: 80-85,88, 90,91,93,157. Comedy: 95 – 101. Howard stern: 100, 101, Entertainment:105,106,108-110,146,148,184. News / Politics: 112,114,115,116-122,124-127,147,169 Traffic: 133,134,135,136, and more.. DO NOT CALL SIRIUS TO TRANSFER. THEY WILL TURN IT OFF. JUST PLUG & PLAY!!!!! The item "Sirius Sportster Replay SP-R2 Satellite Radio & LIFETIME subscription RADIO ONLY" is in sale since Saturday, January 5, 2019. This item is in the category "Consumer Electronics\Portable Audio & Headphones\Portable Satellite Radios". The seller is "rick_valdo" and is located in Phoenix, Arizona. This item can be shipped to United States.
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Aleksandr Pavlovich Nikulin (; born 14 February 1979) is a former Russian football player. External links 1979 births Sportspeople from Samara, Russia Living people Russian footballers PFC Krylia Sovetov Samara players Russian Premier League players FC Lada-Tolyatti players FC Zhemchuzhina Sochi players FC Anzhi Makhachkala players FC Ural Yekaterinburg players Association football midfielders FC Orenburg players
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
Email is still one of the top content distribution channels for B2B marketing. It's not that surprising, given that it's a great way to stay top of mind and let subscribers know of company news and awards and to share all of that evergreen content you've been producing. Email can help you re-engage old leads, help push top-of-funnel leads further down into the sales funnel, and drive current leads to conversions. That sounds simple enough on paper, but in practice it can be quite challenging to get subscribers to even open your newsletter. According to Mailchimp, the average open rate across all industries sits at about 21 percent. That number varies depending on your industry, but it basically means for every 1,000 emails you send only about 200 are read. And the average click-through rate—when subscribers click on the links in your email—is nearly 3 percent. But don't feel disheartened. Remember, email is still way more effective at gaining new customers than Facebook or Twitter—and there are nearly 3 billion email users out there. 1. Craft an eye-catching subject line (and pre-header text). 35 percent of recipients decide whether to open their email based on subject title alone. And 21 percent will report email as spam, even if they know it isn't. Ouch. There are a few ways to avoid the spam bin. First, know exactly which buyer personas you're targeting. Does your subject line match the style of language your subscribers use? Are they straight-laced or colloquial? Tailor your language accordingly and include keywords and phrases they care about. Make your intent clear. Are you offering a promotion? Notifying subscribers of the week's blog content? Office workers receive 121 emails per day on average, so be clear and concise. Don't forget pre-header text, either. That's the tiny bit of seemingly random text you see in the email preview next to the subject line. It sounds useless, but it's often the second or third thing readers see, so it can make a big difference. If it's apologetic or confusing like "Click here to unsubscribe", change it. It should complement your subject line. Depending on your targeted persona, an irreverent sense of humor can catch a reader's attention, such as in machine intelligence platform CB Insight's newsletter about memes and animated GIFs. The subject line, "Meme talk. Large round for AR/VR. Food delivery fail", sums up the contents of the email, while the pre-header text randomly uses Spanish and gives you a preview of what to expect: "Hola, when GIFs started popping up everywhere in 2010 or so…" Un muy buen ejemplo. 2. Get personal with sender names and personalized messaging. 64 percent of email subscribers will open a message based on who sends it. Do they recognize the sender? Is it a human name they can attach a face to, or just a brand name? Would you open an email from "S&G Content Marketing" or "Lauren from S&G Content Marketing"? Increase your chances and take the personal approach. It's pretty effective as you can see in this example from HubSpot, which reveals a higher open rate for email from actual names, not just brands. Use email segmentation, which was one of the most effective email campaign strategies in 2017. Instead of sending a boilerplate email to everyone on your list, break your list up into different categories and personas and tailor your content, including the subject lines and in-line content, to those people. Also, address the recipient directly by first name in the subject line—it can increase open rates nearly 20 percent. As for the content in the message itself, address the recipient's specific concerns and values. This is where your buyer persona really kicks in, and it can have a dramatic effect. For example, a succinct email from LinkedIn's Sales Solutions program addresses the recipient by name and specifies exactly where the reader is on their conversion journey. Then, it includes a strong call-to-action that also explains how its solution can help the reader. Thoughtfully, the sender also includes her profile picture in the message's signature to further establish a personal connection. 3. Optimize and streamline your design (for mobile). What do readers see first when they click on your email? Oftentimes, it's the the header or banner so make it visually arresting. And make your logo visually arresting. And offer a clear objective to your reader. What are they going to see in this email? What they shouldn't see is a big list of links to your website content. Nobody wants to sift through all those choices, and a bunch of close-together links makes clicking, or tapping, a challenge for mobile users. Spread things apart. Better yet, axe a bunch of them. Nobody wants to be bombarded, and you can save those links for another email. In general, you want to simplify and streamline everything. Most emails are read on mobile devices now, which means vertical designs are necessary to make scrolling easier, and everything, including links, must be in a larger font. Don't depend too much on images, since some phones turn them off automatically. However, include them when you can, including other visual stimuli such as animated GIFs and video—they can significantly boost your click-through rate—up to 300 percent. 4. Choose your timing carefully. Timing, as they say, is everything. Especially the timing of your email newsletters. When should you send them? There are several schools of thought. Or rather, studies. Some say to send them on Tuesday, in the afternoon. That's when most people are eating lunch or have already had lunch and are checking their email for the day. MailChimp's research agrees that weekdays are best. Hubspot, however, says there's no problem sending emails at night, specifically 8 p.m. to midnight. And Deloitte says 89 percent of mobile users check their phones within an hour of waking up, while 81 percent look at their phones within an hour of going to sleep. In our experience, we find early weekday mornings between 6AM and 9AM to be some the best time for sending email newsletters. Of course, this all depends on your targeted audience and where they're located. Are they daytime office workers? Night owls? On the other side of the world? Try some email tests and adjust your timing for time zones accordingly. Depending on the results, you can figure out the best time to send your company newsletters. 5. Create compelling content. To keep people clicking, you have to keep your content interesting. We touched on this in the design tip up above but creating visual and interactive content will you give you an edge—91 percent of users prefer it over traditional formats. Add an appealing image alongside the link to your evergreen how-to guide about a service or product. Tease readers with a portion of an infographic or a screenshot from a video. Give readers a preview of your content, too. Include a paragraph-long blurb next to the link to the complete article. The more compelling subscribers find your content, the more likely they'll click on a link or download a piece of content. Not sure what valuable content to make? Include a survey in your email newsletter. Not only does that fulfill the desire for interactive, rather than static, emails, but they're a great way to gather information and feedback from your most importance resource—your company email newsletter audience. These are a few tips that will help you increase open rates. If you need more info about email newsletters, open rates, or content marketing in general then sign up for our newsletter, where you'll find more guides and tutorials. Or send your own email our way. We'd be happy to help you boost your open rates.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Convergence of connected language and SPECT in variants of frontotemporal lobar degeneration Sandra B. Chapman, Frederick J. Bonte, Stephanie B Chiu Wong, Jennifer N. Zientz, Linda S. Hynan, Thomas S. Harris, April R. Gorman, Celeste A. Roney, Anne M. Lipton The characterization of frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) is complicated and not widely recognized. Connected language measures (ie, discourse) and functional neuroimaging may advance knowledge specifying early distinctions among frontal dementias. The present study examined the correspondence of discourse measures with (1) clinical diagnosis and (2) single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging. Nineteen subjects were selected from Alzheimer's Disease Center (ADC) participants if they were diagnosed with early-stage frontotemporal lobar degeneration and also underwent single photon emission computed tomography and discourse evaluation. First, clinical diagnoses given by specialists at an Alzheimer's Disease Center were compared with the discourse-based diagnostic profiles. Secondly, compromised brain regions that were predicted from discourse profiles were compared with SPECT findings. Results revealed a significant correspondence between the ADC diagnosis and the discourse-based diagnoses. Also, the discourse profiles across frontotemporal lobar degeneration subtypes were consistently associated with distinctive patterns of SPECT hypometabolism in the right frontal, left frontal, or left temporal lobes. These findings suggest that discourse methods may be systematized to provide an efficient adjunct measure beyond the traditional word and sentential level measures. Objectifying complex language performance may contribute to early detection and differentiation among frontotemporal lobar degeneration variants because consensus in the literature states that language is a core disturbance of frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Alzheimer disease and associated disorders Published - Oct 2005 Frontotemporal lobar degeneration 10.1097/01.wad.0000189050.41064.03 Dive into the research topics of 'Convergence of connected language and SPECT in variants of frontotemporal lobar degeneration'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration Medicine & Life Sciences 100% Single-Photon Emission-Computed Tomography Medicine & Life Sciences 72% discourse Social Sciences 38% dementia Social Sciences 35% Alzheimer Disease Medicine & Life Sciences 33% Functional Neuroimaging Medicine & Life Sciences 17% Consensus Medicine & Life Sciences 13% Chapman, S. B., Bonte, F. J., Wong, S. B. C., Zientz, J. N., Hynan, L. S., Harris, T. S., Gorman, A. R., Roney, C. A., & Lipton, A. M. (2005). Convergence of connected language and SPECT in variants of frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Alzheimer disease and associated disorders, 19(4), 202-213. Convergence of connected language and SPECT in variants of frontotemporal lobar degeneration. / Chapman, Sandra B.; Bonte, Frederick J.; Wong, Stephanie B Chiu et al. In: Alzheimer disease and associated disorders, Vol. 19, No. 4, 10.2005, p. 202-213. Chapman, SB, Bonte, FJ, Wong, SBC, Zientz, JN, Hynan, LS, Harris, TS, Gorman, AR, Roney, CA & Lipton, AM 2005, 'Convergence of connected language and SPECT in variants of frontotemporal lobar degeneration', Alzheimer disease and associated disorders, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 202-213. Chapman SB, Bonte FJ, Wong SBC, Zientz JN, Hynan LS, Harris TS et al. Convergence of connected language and SPECT in variants of frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Alzheimer disease and associated disorders. 2005 Oct;19(4):202-213. doi: 10.1097/01.wad.0000189050.41064.03 Chapman, Sandra B. ; Bonte, Frederick J. ; Wong, Stephanie B Chiu et al. / Convergence of connected language and SPECT in variants of frontotemporal lobar degeneration. In: Alzheimer disease and associated disorders. 2005 ; Vol. 19, No. 4. pp. 202-213. @article{01a86a56e7af4c23a6df3142ee6fe1cd, title = "Convergence of connected language and SPECT in variants of frontotemporal lobar degeneration", abstract = "The characterization of frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) is complicated and not widely recognized. Connected language measures (ie, discourse) and functional neuroimaging may advance knowledge specifying early distinctions among frontal dementias. The present study examined the correspondence of discourse measures with (1) clinical diagnosis and (2) single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging. Nineteen subjects were selected from Alzheimer's Disease Center (ADC) participants if they were diagnosed with early-stage frontotemporal lobar degeneration and also underwent single photon emission computed tomography and discourse evaluation. First, clinical diagnoses given by specialists at an Alzheimer's Disease Center were compared with the discourse-based diagnostic profiles. Secondly, compromised brain regions that were predicted from discourse profiles were compared with SPECT findings. Results revealed a significant correspondence between the ADC diagnosis and the discourse-based diagnoses. Also, the discourse profiles across frontotemporal lobar degeneration subtypes were consistently associated with distinctive patterns of SPECT hypometabolism in the right frontal, left frontal, or left temporal lobes. These findings suggest that discourse methods may be systematized to provide an efficient adjunct measure beyond the traditional word and sentential level measures. Objectifying complex language performance may contribute to early detection and differentiation among frontotemporal lobar degeneration variants because consensus in the literature states that language is a core disturbance of frontotemporal lobar degeneration.", keywords = "Frontotemporal lobar degeneration, Imaging, Language, SPECT", author = "Chapman, {Sandra B.} and Bonte, {Frederick J.} and Wong, {Stephanie B Chiu} and Zientz, {Jennifer N.} and Hynan, {Linda S.} and Harris, {Thomas S.} and Gorman, {April R.} and Roney, {Celeste A.} and Lipton, {Anne M.}", doi = "10.1097/01.wad.0000189050.41064.03", journal = "Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders", T1 - Convergence of connected language and SPECT in variants of frontotemporal lobar degeneration AU - Chapman, Sandra B. AU - Bonte, Frederick J. AU - Wong, Stephanie B Chiu AU - Zientz, Jennifer N. AU - Hynan, Linda S. AU - Harris, Thomas S. AU - Gorman, April R. AU - Roney, Celeste A. AU - Lipton, Anne M. N2 - The characterization of frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) is complicated and not widely recognized. Connected language measures (ie, discourse) and functional neuroimaging may advance knowledge specifying early distinctions among frontal dementias. The present study examined the correspondence of discourse measures with (1) clinical diagnosis and (2) single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging. Nineteen subjects were selected from Alzheimer's Disease Center (ADC) participants if they were diagnosed with early-stage frontotemporal lobar degeneration and also underwent single photon emission computed tomography and discourse evaluation. First, clinical diagnoses given by specialists at an Alzheimer's Disease Center were compared with the discourse-based diagnostic profiles. Secondly, compromised brain regions that were predicted from discourse profiles were compared with SPECT findings. Results revealed a significant correspondence between the ADC diagnosis and the discourse-based diagnoses. Also, the discourse profiles across frontotemporal lobar degeneration subtypes were consistently associated with distinctive patterns of SPECT hypometabolism in the right frontal, left frontal, or left temporal lobes. These findings suggest that discourse methods may be systematized to provide an efficient adjunct measure beyond the traditional word and sentential level measures. Objectifying complex language performance may contribute to early detection and differentiation among frontotemporal lobar degeneration variants because consensus in the literature states that language is a core disturbance of frontotemporal lobar degeneration. AB - The characterization of frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) is complicated and not widely recognized. Connected language measures (ie, discourse) and functional neuroimaging may advance knowledge specifying early distinctions among frontal dementias. The present study examined the correspondence of discourse measures with (1) clinical diagnosis and (2) single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging. Nineteen subjects were selected from Alzheimer's Disease Center (ADC) participants if they were diagnosed with early-stage frontotemporal lobar degeneration and also underwent single photon emission computed tomography and discourse evaluation. First, clinical diagnoses given by specialists at an Alzheimer's Disease Center were compared with the discourse-based diagnostic profiles. Secondly, compromised brain regions that were predicted from discourse profiles were compared with SPECT findings. Results revealed a significant correspondence between the ADC diagnosis and the discourse-based diagnoses. Also, the discourse profiles across frontotemporal lobar degeneration subtypes were consistently associated with distinctive patterns of SPECT hypometabolism in the right frontal, left frontal, or left temporal lobes. These findings suggest that discourse methods may be systematized to provide an efficient adjunct measure beyond the traditional word and sentential level measures. Objectifying complex language performance may contribute to early detection and differentiation among frontotemporal lobar degeneration variants because consensus in the literature states that language is a core disturbance of frontotemporal lobar degeneration. KW - Frontotemporal lobar degeneration KW - Imaging KW - Language KW - SPECT U2 - 10.1097/01.wad.0000189050.41064.03 DO - 10.1097/01.wad.0000189050.41064.03 JO - Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders JF - Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Q: Versioning for different platforms with phonegap We have encountered quite a few problems with our versioning when it came to our new project, where we work with phonegap 3.2. I wanted to ask you what's the best way to have the data versioned, with the following requirements: * *All developers have to change the www folder in the root directory in the project *Some developers also need to change the Java Files in the platforms/android/src folder *Some developers also need to change the Objective C code Should there be 3 different repository Locations, one with the www, and one for each platform? Or should there be only one repository location where each developer checks out what he needs? Or should everyone have the whole project with all platform files in it? The problems we encountered were mainly when platform code was changed through a cordova build and commited afterwoods. Also sometimes after you had checked out the whole project which was running fine on another computer, it wouldn't build anymore. Any hints are appreciated A: Currently Cordova support two official way of building their applications. 1. CLI based, where you work completely cross-platform and have to store only www and merges folder. Developers have assumption that you could use Cordova CLI on the new machine to setup your environment cordova platform add android cordova platform add ios cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.device This workflow gives you benefit of having common codebase in www folder and you have to kepp platform-specific overrides for you CSS,JS or HTML files in merges/android or merges/ios subfolders, but you cannot have modify platform-specific code that way. * *Platform SDK development workflow. Where you create application using standard SDK tools for platform then add CordovaLib as dependency and embed WebView as needed. Then you use Eclipse/XCode for further development. If you have more then one project setup that way, you have to manually ensure that www folders in both projects remains in sync. This workflow gives you benefit of having ability to use all platform functionality, but you have to manually sync contents of www folders, and somehow work with platform specific CSS/JS/HTML Note: Under supported I mean, this is two workflow which gives more attention from developers. Now to your question - I propose you to have following workflow which is slightly modified version of CLI-based workflow. You have to store you www, merges folders and only parts of the platforms. Plugins folder is not stored. Since many parts content of platforms sub-folders are generated by Cordova CLI you have to fiddle with your .gitignore file. Content of .gitignore ## Eclipse specific stuff. .metadata/ ## Android specific stuff /platforms/android/gen /platforms/android/bin /platforms/android/assets/www /platforms/android/.metadata /platforms/android/.staging/www /platforms/android/.settings platforms/android/CordovaLib/.settings/ /platforms/android/CordovaLib/bin /platforms/android/CordovaLib/bin/proguard.txt *.d *.class ## iOS specific stuff platforms/ios/.staging/ platforms/ios/platform_www/ platforms/ios/<--projectname-->.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace platforms/ios/<--projectname-->.xcodeproj/xcuserdata platforms/ios/www ## Exclude Plugins # For iOS you have to exclude only this single folder. platforms/ios/<--projectname-->/Plugins/ # For Android you have to manually exclude folders for each plugin provider. # .java files for plugins stored based on plugin id. For example # to exclude all plugins provided by Cordova add following line. # Make sure that when you create project you specify project ID # as com.yourcompany.yourapp that way your code will be in # platforms/android/src/com/yourcompany/yourapp and separated from # plugins platforms/android/src/org/apache/cordova/ # For example to exclude plugins provided by BlackBerry # add line # platforms/android/src/come/blackberry/ Now when you setup new project you should checkout source code and run following commands: # Create file which is required for build cordova platform update android # Or manually create with content below # sdk.dir=C:\\adt\\sdk # Add plugins cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.device cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.vibration # ... and other plugins After you setup project that way you able to do take best from both-worlds. You could do quick testing in the browser using cordova serve, you could do heavy-lifting using Android/iOS SDK if needed. If you keep you changes to Cordova codebase to minimum and use plugins to extend platform for you need whenether possible you could even update platforms to newer version of Cordova when they will be released. Hopefully this you would be able to select method which will work best for you.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
Looking for money saving tips? Visit my blog. My Testimonials "This was my second time working with Inlanta. It was just as great of an experience the second time around. Kip is knowledgeable, was very fast to all of my questions being a first time home buyer and refinancing. We appreciate him watching the rates and letting us know it was a great opportunity to refinance when we did. It saved us tens of thousands through the course of our loan. Kip is great at what he does! Thanks, again!" - Kristin G. "Kip was fantastic from start to finish. With any other company, I would have given up. Kip did a lot of the heavy lifting and kept the ball rolling." - Anonymous To see more of my testimonials, check out my website.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, EventEmitter, Input, Output } from '@angular/core'; import { DatepickerRenderOptions, DayHoverEvent, DayViewModel, MonthViewModel } from '../../models/index'; @Component({ selector: `bs-datepicker-month-view`, // FIX: day select and hover should mutate day or use separate component // changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, template: ` <table role="grid" class="days weeks"> <thead> <tr> <th *ngIf="options.showWeekNumbers"></th><!--if show weeks--> <th *ngFor="let weekday of month.weekdays; let i = index" aria-label="weekday">{{ month.weekdays[i] }} </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr *ngFor="let week of month.weeks; let i = index"> <td class="week" *ngIf="options.showWeekNumbers"><span>{{ month.weekNumbers[i] }}</span> </td> <td *ngFor="let day of week.days" role="gridcell"> <span bsDatepickerDayDecorator [day]="day" (click)="selectDay(day)" (mouseenter)="hoverDay(day, true)" (mouseleave)="hoverDay(day, false)">{{ day.label }}</span> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ` }) export class BsDatepickerMonthViewComponent { @Input() month: MonthViewModel; @Input() options: DatepickerRenderOptions; @Output() onSelect = new EventEmitter<DayViewModel>(); @Output() onHover = new EventEmitter<DayHoverEvent>(); selectDay(event: DayViewModel): void { this.onSelect.emit(event); } hoverDay(day: DayViewModel, isHovered: boolean): void { this.onHover.emit({day, isHovered}); } }
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
The other night we snuck into Greer Grimsley's dressing room—after Tosca had given him her fatal kiss of death—and showed him a series of photos chronicling the many fine performances he's given us at Seattle Opera. Greer shared memories of the wonderful colleagues who appear in these photos and spoke about some of the challenges of bringing great opera to the stage. Ha ha ha ha! This was my first show here! I remember it vividly; I was so excited to get to work here in Seattle. I loved this costume, which Marty [Pakledinaz] designed—and I remember the robotic swan, and Ben [Heppner, who sang Lohengrin], and Gordon [Hawkins] as the Herald, who was awesome. That prop sword weighed as much as a real broadsword. It always bothers me when people look awkward handling props, so I always had that sword, carrying it with one arm, so it would look natural. That was my first Wagner role, and it's all thanks to Speight [Jenkins]. He started me down this road. I was supposed to share the role, but the other fellow got sick, so Speight asked if I could do all the performances. I ended up singing 5 Telramunds in 7 days, including opening night and a matinee the next day. I was tired, physically, after that, but I remember saying to myself: "Okay...I think I can do this repertoire." It was a fateful moment for me. The next year, Speight had me come do Escamillo, that was fun. I love this little tango-move—that's in the Toreador song, I'm pretending I've got the red cape, the muleta, and the bull is coming in very close. Here I am as Kurwenal, with Ben Heppner, on that amazing set for Francesca [Zambello]'s production, which was like being on board the Titanic. Ben and I had become great friends when we did Lohengrin, and here it really was a case of art mirroring life, because that was his first Tristan, and I was able to help him through the ordeal a bit as Kurwenal helps Tristan. Again it was Speight who said, "You need to sing Méphistophélès." And I had such a great time! I don't get to do this character often enough. There's such humor in it. Bernard Uzan directed this production, and he gave me great insight into the character. It was really a gift, working with Bernard on this. This is from the first time I did Tosca in Seattle, with Carol Vaness. What an honor! It was a thrill to do it with her. I sang Donner and Gunther the first time we did the 'Green' Ring in Seattle. I love this scene, from the end of Act 1 of Götterdämmerung, because it's supposed to look like Siegfried has transformed into Gunther, and it never does. But [stage director] Stephen [Wadsworth] had the idea to let me mouth the words and have the tenor singing into a cut-out, he's behind that wall. It worked brilliantly. One reviewer didn't understand that it wasn't me singing, and I got a review that in that scene my high notes were a little tight! Parsifal, the first opera in McCaw Hall, was also a great production. I haven't sung this role, Amfortas, too often—they don't do Parsifal a lot—but it's a great role. Bob Israel's designs were fun, as you can see—here I am holding the holy grail. I sang my first Jack Rance here in Seattle, too! I've done it 4 or 5 times since then. What American singer would complain about getting to wear a leather coat and a leather vest with a star on it and a sidearm! Every American boy wants to be a cowboy. Bernard directed this show, too. Ewa Podles was wonderful as Erda. She was really a very nice lady, I really enjoyed working with her. There's Peter [Kazaras] as Loge, in 2005, the only time I did it with him. That was great fun. The very first thing I ever sang with Peter was Orpheus in the Underworld, in Santa Fe, a long time ago. At this moment I'm keeping everybody from running after Freia, who's just been kidnapped by the giants. You have to get the spear at just the right balance point in order for that to work. And the way the stage floor is this uneven mountainside, my balance is always a little bit off anyway, so it's hard to get it right. Plus, that coat is really heavy! There's Tom [Harper] as Mime! We had a great rapport in that Riddle Game scene. He was a wonderful Mime. And there's Jane [Eaglen], we're doing Wotan's monologue. I never think of the monologue as a solo piece of music, I think of it as a duet. Brünnhilde plays such a big role in it. I love this picture of us together—she's there with me, through my pain. Here I am as Scarpia, with Steven Cole as Spoletta. I'm wearing the same coat I have on now, which still fits quite nicely! Steven was an amazing Spoletta. He played him so concentrated; everything was exact. This is the Tristan und Isolde that Peter [Kazaras] directed, with Cliff [Forbis]! I've done a lot of Tristans with Cliff. I love singing Kurwenal with him—he's a great colleague, and he sings the snot out of it. And he also is very in it—he acts it so well, he makes it easier for me. Chris Alexander updated Fidelio, setting it in contemporary Europe somewhere. I'm getting ready to shoot Florestan here, but I'm stopped by Fidelio holding the gun to me. I've worked with Chris Alexander two or three times, I've loved it every time. Here's a great moment: when I take the ring away from Richard [Paul Fink] as Alberich. I'm so focused on the ring, I don't even notice that he's there. Before the end of his aria, there's one word he sings that shakes me out of the trance I'm in. just looking at this photo, I couldn't tell you which year it was taken—we've been doing it together for ten years now! I've followed Greer through all these moments, especially loving him as Escamillio, missing only the Fidelio performances (my health issues, not his). I love his Scarpia; he sings about lust against a Church background. What a terrific singer-actor. Seattle adores you!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Madrid boss Lopetegui: 'I don't care who scores, as long as we do' Real Madrid came from behind to beat Girona 4-1 with the help of two penalties, but Julen Lopetegui was not bothered by how the goals came. Jack Davies 27 August, 2018 10:58 IST Real Madrid coach Julen Lopetegui. - Getty Images Julen Lopetegui insists he is not concerned by who scores or how his Real Madrid side gets its goals, as long as it continues to find the target. Madrid was 4-1 winner at Girona in LaLiga on Sunday but had to rely on two penalties to overturn the host's one-goal lead before Gareth Bale and Karim Benzema netted goals from open play. The result put to bed bad memories of last season, when Madrid – then led by Zinedine Zidane – was beaten 2-1 at Montilivi. "The matches are complex and more so against good teams like Girona," said Madrid head coach Lopetegui. "They scored a goal and then they had the chance to score a second. "But then the two penalties, we put them away and in the second half we clearly deserved the win." Asked about the importance of Bale, who scored Madrid's first from open play in the 59th minute after captain Sergio Ramos and Benzema had netted a spot-kick apiece, Lopetegui added: "The team is what matters. "When it works, the goals have come in the form of Gareth, Karim or Sergio. The important thing is that they arrive, not who gets them. The team showed a collective spirit. "In the first half we were in too much of a rush to attack, missing passes. When the score went in our favour we were much better. "Girona pressed us in the first half and caused us some difficulties and we had to show good spirit to overcome that and get the three points." Read more stories on Football. Julen Lopetegui
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Group for local Texans on native living. International group interested in traditional food ways and living. Group for fans of raw paleolithic foods. This website is full of nutritional information and resources for the health of the the person and the planet. This site is the #1 natural health site, providing information, products and recommendations for a healthier lifestyle. A website to help you find local farmers. A web site of a group of scientists who are dedicated to debunking Cholesterol myths. Fine European organic and biodynamic wines. Thought provoking articles about food, health, agriculture, and life. EXCELLENT information on fermented foods, their benefits, and recipes! Organic ... Sustainable ... Local. Richland Hills, Texas Gardening Center. Enjoy this excellent free site on soil and health. Locals say that the best fruit tree nursery in Texas is Texas Pecan Nursery. Another great site for soil and health. Biodynamic Farming for nutrient dense foods. Summary: To determine what landscapes need in order to remain healthy, we need to consider an area's biological productivity as well as its degree of brittleness. A website for those with an interest in natural resources, sustainable agriculture, ecosystem health, financial success and biological diversity. Toxic chemistry is not the answer to gardening or living. Organic or natural gardening and living is the answer. One step at a time ... living a revolution. Looking for the latest in sustainable agriculture and organic farming news, events and funding opportunities? We feature all that. "Preserving the people's right to choose the healthy foods they want, through education and activism." A legal brief in favor of pure, unadulterated milk. Thomas Cowan, MD reports on the goodness of raw milk. Editorial on raw milk and its demise in our culture. Fermentation makes food more nutritious, as well as delicious! This web page contains details explaining the procedure for culturing traditional dairy-milk kefir, including recipes for culturing non-dairy kefir-related beverages. Make your own solar cooker and save energy. Practical ideas for self-reliant living.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Russia's proposal for missile deployment moratorium is dismissed by NATO 15.12.2021 WORLD & GEOPOLITICSNATO, Russiaadmin NATO has rejected Russia's demand for a ban on the deployment of nuclear-capable intermediate-range missiles in Europe, accusing Moscow of violating the INF deal, which the US abandoned. On Tuesday, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg dismissed a Russian proposal for a moratorium on the deployment of such missiles in Europe, calling the idea "not credible." "The proposal from Russia on a moratorium is not credible because we had a ban and they violated that ban," Stoltenberg said, referring to the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), a landmark 1987 security agreement that the US unilaterally withdrew from back in 2019. He reaffirmed the EU's claims that Moscow had violated the now-defunct pact by deploying missile systems that were prohibited under its terms, and demanded that Russia remove them before negotiating a moratorium. "So unless Russia in a verifiable way destroys all its SSC-8 missiles, which are those missiles that violated the INF treaty, then it is not credible when they now propose a ban on something they actually have already started to deploy," he said. The NATO secretary-general was referring to the 9M729 missile, also called the SSC-8 Screwdriver in NATO reporting. The 9M729 is a mobile launcher cruise missile that may be launched from the ground. The missiles, according to Washington and NATO, were developed in breach of the INF Treaty, which prohibits the development of land-based ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and missile launchers with ranges of 500 to 5,500 kilometres. The Trump administration eventually used the 9M729 missiles as a pretext for terminating the INF accord. ← Norway introduces alcohol ban & remote work Google warns employees of firing those who do not get vaccinated →
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Howe Green Landscapes was formed in 1991 and has exhibited at Hampton Court Flower Show and the BBC Gardeners World Show at the NEC Birmingham. We have worked along with some of the UK's top Garden... Designers to install their designs for private and corporate clients in the south of England. All Green Landscapes have been supplying the people of Colchester and surrounding areas with all their fencing, paving and landscaping needs for over 20 years. We offer a wide range of services... including garden fencing, natural paving, decking and general hard garden landscaping services. With our vast knowledge and expertise, we offer a professional and personal service. We take great pride in our work and are perfectionists on all of our jobs. A Landscape and Garden Maintenance company based in the west of Colchester, Essex. We pride ourselves in offering a professional, friendly and realiable service regardless of size or budget, please... don't hesitate to contact us to discuss your plans and we will do our best to accomodate your requirments. During your visit to this website you can find out a little more about the company Vennells, as well as the types of work we offer. We have also included pictures from previous work for you to have a... look at, all pictures used on this website are of OUR work! We cover all aspects of hard and soft landscaping; some of which might include paving, fencing, water features, timber decking, driveways, patios, lighting, brickwork, tree surgery and planting, including extensive planting plans. James Landscapes established in 2010. Bobbie has many years experience working as a foreman for large landscape companies and has the experience and knowledge to ensure that his team completes all... jobs to a very high standard. They have vast experience in all aspects of landscape gardening and pride themselves on the attention to detail and quality of work. There is no job too small and no job too large that they will be happy in undertaking. We provide a comprehensive service for both private and public sectors, based on over 30 years' experience in landscape consultancy, design, installation and grounds maintenance. Together with our... in-house landscape design practice, Covey Outdoor Design, we deliver integrated, high quality, cost-effective solutions for all your landscaping requirements. If you are reading this, it means either: you have styles turned off, and if that is so we hope that you can still find your way around this site, but if you are experiencing any problems please let... us know using the contact form. Or, you are using a browser which is at least three or more years out of date. Please consider updating it, because using a modern browser will improve your browsing experience on the web.
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Biostar is really taking the advantage of the popularity of cryptocurrency mining. They offer a few motherboards for miners, including TB250-BTC PRO with twelve PCIe 1x slots. The company is also working on its own USB riser, as pictured below. Don't be fooled by the motherboard packaging in the background, the motherboard in the photo is new, it has three PCIe 1x slots in each row (and one yellow x16 slot). Each riser is using three PCIe 1x slots and if I'm reading this right, this motherboard can serve 104 devices. Beyond the limitation? So what's the next extreme weapon for #cryptomining huh? Stay tuned!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
A non-interventional study (NIS) is an epidemiological study or observation study, in which no study-related intervention is performed on the patient. The data obtained are derived from routine treatment of patients not from additional diagnostics and collected as well as analyzed with the help of our proprietary digital systems. The treatment, including the diagnosis and monitoring, does not follow any pre-defined test plan, but exclusively medical practice. Therefore, comprehensive observation and evaluation plans need to be defined enabling physicians and study nurses to comfortably document the patient's data. Many stakeholders in the healthcare industry are demanding more data and information on the effects of marketed drugs in the real world. Thus non-interventional and observational trials become incerasingly important to suppyl information on drug use after its market approval. For conducting NIS, we collaborate with our key opinion leaders (KOLs) to expedite the set-up process and gain investigator awareness. We provide consultation with our know-how to assure the appropriate selection of design, the quality of planning, implementation, evaluation and reporting of the trial. We prepare all study documents including observational plan, informed consent, eCRF, and site contracts. Furthermore we offer training of the participating sites at the start of the NIS and intensive support throughout the project by our trained monitoring team. Depending on your individual preferences and needs, we take over particular aspects or the entire process of your study – from registration to final evaluation.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
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{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Still seeking! ???? 'O mere Sapno Ke Saudagar' a song that defined my fairy tale idea of love... Shot in the forests of Ooty that were drenched with the fragrance of eucalyptus,it was a song rendered beautifully by Anuradha Paudwal. I had a distinct lisp then,traces of which still remain and Anuradhaji called me to her home before she recorded it and made me speak to her at length so she could incorporate my supposed speech setback into the song. Love her for that as she made me feel that it was actually a special attribute and contributed to what and who I was. My idea of an 'ideal' with regards to love and the supposed 'beloved' has evolved since then but I still am and will remain the last of the hopeful romantics... We ARE love. However many knocks we take,we should never forget that and to give up on it is to succumb to the dreariness and ordinariness of the world. So to all of you who have loved and lost,lost and loved,continue to still believe in the miracle & wonder of love and especially to those who choose outwardly to not believe,I whisper these lyrics of the song directly from my heart to yours- "Yeh Pariyon Ki Basti, Sitaaron Ka Majma Yahan Goonjta Hai Mohabbat Ka Nagma Yahaan Pyaar Ke Hain Diwaane Sabhi Chaahat Hi Sab kuchh Yahaan" #omeresapnokesaudagar #27yearsofdilhaikemantanahin #DHKMN #dilhaikemantanahin #somelovestoriesgetbetterwithtime #classicfilm #90sgem #lovestories #downmemorylane #celebrationtime #wearelove #maheshbhatt #mukeshbhatt #nadeemshravan #anuradhapaudwal #gulshankumar #aamirkhan #anupamkher #anasingh #poojabhatt #ooty #outdoor #filmmaking #filmmakinglife #musicisthefoodoflove #ajourneyintoawomansheart #??
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}