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[ "INT. MIAMI UNIVERSITY - OXFORD OHIO - AUDITORIUM - DAY Stephen Meyers, Press Secretary to Governor Morris is standing at a podium on a stage. there is a single spotlight on him. The rest of the stage is dark. Stephen is talking into a mic with no emotion. just matter of factly. STEPHEN I am neither Christian. nor atheist. I am not Jewish or Muslim. What I believe. my religion is called the constitution. A pause. Stephen snaps his fingers in the mic. We hear the distinct sound of feedback getting louder until it stops. We hear the director speak over the loud speaker. DIRECTOR Hang on. let me open these up. We wait as Stephen looks around. He looks at stage hands who are busy working. No one pays any attention to him as he stands there. This is n't awkward for Stephen, THIS IS ROUTINE. DIRECTOR -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Okay. Lights come up on another podium revealing a debate stage. Stephen continues. STEPHEN I will defend till my dying breath your right to worship whatever god you believe in. The lights on Stephen's podium go out, he's in the dark. He keeps going. STEPHEN -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- If I'm not religious enough for you, do n't vote for me. To the Director. STEPHEN -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- You got it? His podium light comes back on. No answer from the Director, Stephen continues. STEPHEN -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- If I'm not experienced enough do n't vote for me. If I'm not. DIRECTOR Okay got it, thanks. STEPHEN Thanks. We'll need these monitors turned up a bit. it's a big space and he wants to be able to hear. STAGE MANAGER You got it. STEPHEN Also we'll need these podiums put on a riser as we agreed to in the pre - conditions. You're a few inches short and it makes it harder for the Governor to read his notes. STAGE MANAGER No I know, we just got those specs last night and they're building a piece to go under. STEPHEN Great, thanks. See you guys in a few hours. We see we're in an auditorium of a college. Stephen meets up with BEN HARPEN his staffer. BEN I did n't know the Governor had trouble reading his notes. Why does n't he wear. STEPHEN He does n't but Pullman is 5' 8'' he'll look like a hobbit behind that podium. They walk off.", "EXT. MIAMI UNIVERSITY - OXFORD OHIO - DAY ROB BRAUN, a local Cincinnati anchor, talks to camera as we see STEPHEN and BEN exit the building. Under this we hear Rachel Maddow reporting. RACHEL MADDOW -LRB- O.C. -RRB- Well it all comes down to this. We are one week away from the Ohio primary. Camera now moves past ROB to another news truck where an MSNBC REPORTER stands in front of a camera waiting to go live. There is a monitor in front of him. The camera keeps moving into the monitor where RACHEL MADDOW does the lead in. As RACHEL's audio continues we see the following images.", "EXT. MIDDLE AMERICA We cruise along a snow - covered rural landscape - flat, gray, desolate. In the distance we see a barn with huge red - white - and - blue letters painted on the side. They read `` OHIO FOR MORRIS''. RACHEL MADDOW -LRB- O.S. -RRB- Two democrats are left standing. Senator Pullman of Arkansas who is trailing Governor Morris from Pennsylvania. Moments later we roll past another farm with a large billboard staked into the ground beside the road : `` PULLMAN - AMERICA'S FUTURE BEGINS ON MARCH 15th''.", "EXT. SUBURBAN STREET We cut to canvassers - bundled to the hilt against the cold - knocking on doors in a suburban neighborhood. Yard signs for both candidates line the street. RACHEL MADDOW -LRB- O.S. -RRB- Governor Morris has mounted a sizable lead with 2047 delegates, winning New Hampshire, California, New York and Michigan. But Senator Pullman with 1302 delegates is still in the hunt having won Florida, Tennessee, Virginia and Missouri.", "EXT. CITY INTERSECTION Supporters at an intersection waving hand - made signs to cars : `` HONK FOR MORRIS''. A passing car lays on the horn and the supporters cheer. RACHEL MADDOW -LRB- O.S. -RRB- A win in Ohio could turn it all around for the Arkansas Senator. CLOSE UP of a Pullman bumper sticker on an SUV at a stoplight, right next to a `` My Child is an Honor Student'' decal. RACHEL MADDOW -LRB- O.S. ; CONT'D. -RRB- So one week from Tuesday the all important hundred and eighty one Ohio delegates could be the deciding factor.", "EXT. HARDWARE STORE A clerk placing a Morris sign in the store window. In the shop next door various TV's are in a window display. We see RACHEL MADDOW'S report on them. RACHEL MADDOW -LRB- O.S. -RRB- And once again the old adage is true. `` As goes Ohio, so goes the Nation.''", "EXT. MIAMI UNIVERSITY - OXFORD OHIO - AFTERNOON We see Satellite trucks, press vehicles, police cars, etc.. At a catering truck, MOLLY STEARNS, a 19 year old intern grabs a tray of coffees and a box of doughnuts. We stay on her as she runs across the street and through a door.", "INT. MIAMI UNIVERSITY - RAPID RESPONSE ROOM - CONTINUOUS MOLLY enters and we follow her through the campaign war room, it's the size of a coffin, jammed to the hilt with twenty - something staffers manning laptops. We're in the hustle and bustle of a live telecast. We see multiple angles of the telecast. SENATOR PULLMAN Would you call yourself a Christian? GOV. MORRIS How would that matter? SENATOR PULLMAN -LRB- READING. -RRB- `` I have no idea what happens when we die, maybe nothing. maybe it was like before we were born.'' You did write this Governor. GOV. MORRIS Then let me try and clarify. I was raised Catholic, I am not a practicing Catholic. I have no idea what happens when you die and if the Senator does, then perhaps he should be President. I'll even vote for him. The audience laughs. SENATOR PULLMAN Is that your idea of being specific? MOLLY passes out coffee.", "INT. MIAMI UNIVERSITY - AUDITORIUM - CONTINUOUS We're now live inside the debate. GOV. MORRIS Let me be more specific. I am neither a Christian, nor an atheist, I'm not Jewish or Muslim. what I believe. my religion is written on a piece of parchment called the Constitution. Meaning I will defend, till my dying breath, your right to worship, in whatever God or lack thereof you believe in, as long as it does n't hurt others. I believe we should be judged as a government by how we take care of those who ca n't take care of themselves. That's my religion. If you feel that I'm not religious enough, then do n't vote for me. If you feel I'm not experienced enough or tall enough then do n't vote for me. Because I'm not going to change those to get elected. SENATOR PULLMAN I just wanted you to say out loud if you believed in the teachings of the Bible. GOV. MORRIS Is this a Democratic primary or a general election? People laugh. SENATOR PULLMAN -LRB- ON MONITOR. -RRB- Well Governor, whoever wins this contest will be running for President. and if you do n't think that these questions wo n't be central in a general election then you are living in fantasy land. I applaud your honesty Governor, I do. I'm simply pointing to what is obvious. we are running for President of the United States. not for student council president.", "INT. MIAMI UNIVERSITY - BACKSTAGE - CONTINUOUS PAUL ZARA - Morris's campaign manager - is waiting in the wings off stage. STEPHEN sidles up next to him. In the background we can see the candidates shaking hands. There is applause. PAUL is pushing fifty with the grizzled look of a hardened campaign veteran. He's Stephen's boss, the only guy between him and Governor Morris. Arms crossed, they watch their man on stage. PAUL A double? STEPHEN A double. PAUL Fucking national security. The GOVERNOR looks off stage to PAUL and STEPHEN for approval. PAUL -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Outta the park. STEPHEN Home run. We hear the announcer thanking everyone for attending the debate. TOM DUFFY - campaign manager of the rival Pullman Campaign - is also watching from the wings. Duffy's smooth, calculated and icy. He walks over to Stephen and Paul. DUFFY I'm trying to remember if the democrats ever nominated an atheist before. PAUL Well, we know they've nominated jackasses before. DUFFY -LRB- TO STEPHEN. -RRB- Must've been you that did the prep work. Paul's not that clever. PAUL You always had the brains Duffy, but me - I always had the balls. DUFFY -LRB- nodding to Stephen. -RRB- Looks like you got some brains now too. Be careful. I just might have to steal him from you. Duffy walks off to greet Senator Pullman as he makes his way to the wings. Paul and Stephen eye him as he goes. PAUL What a prick.", "INT. CINCINNATI RAMADA INN - THE BAR - NIGHT Stephen, Paul, Ida, and Ben are having drinks around a table. The mood is festive. There is a piano player playing, singing. PAUL has a roll - away suitcase beside him. IDA So Paul, tell me something I do n't know. tell me what's gon na happen on the 15th. PAUL Ha - ha. IDA What? PAUL What do you think Stevie? STEPHEN It's ours for the taking. PAUL Ben? BEN We'll win. PAUL What do you think Ida? IDA I'm asking you. PAUL You tell me and I'll tell you. IDA If had to say, I'd say it'll be close, but you'll eke it out. PAUL Eke? To STEPHEN. PAUL -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- You see, she's trying to get under my skin. IDA So what's gon na happen? PAUL Us by nine. IDA Nine? There's no way you'll win by nine. STEPHEN At least. Maybe more. IDA -LRB- To PAUL. -RRB- So you're certain you're gon na win here? PAUL Certain? No. Confident? Yes. IDA You just said you'll win by nine. PAUL And I think we will, but I wo n't tell you it's a sure thing. Fucking Saint Gabriel can blow his horn on election day and get his four horseman to rig the ballot boxes for Pullman and it would n't surprise me. Do n't get me wrong. Six presidentials I've done and I've never felt this good. But am I gon na sit here and say `` Yes - we will definitely win Ohio''? Not a chance. In the last thirty years seventy - three Democrats have run for president. How many have won? Three. That means seventy guys ran who thought they had a chance, and they all lost. IDA So you're saying there's a good chance you wo n't win. PAUL Do n't twist my words. What I'm saying is that I'm not going to promise we'll win. But he's decorated by Bush Senior from the first Gulf war and protested the second. He left his state with a balanced budget and the fourth highest education rate. The Republicans have nobody out there that can touch this guy. so for this moment, this election, this primary is the presidential. And that Ida, is the state of the union. And on that note, I'm gon na take a shit. PAUL swigs down the rest of his drink and exits. IDA So Stephen. STEPHEN Yes Ida? IDA Stephen, Stephen, Stephen. STEPHEN Here it comes. hit me. IDA Paul's going to the airport? STEPHEN Yes? IDA Getting on a plane. STEPHEN Mmhmm. IDA Where is that plane going? STEPHEN Three guesses. IDA Not going back to headquarters. STEPHEN Correct. IDA He's not going to Texas? STEPHEN No need, we'll split Texas, it's a wash. IDA What if I said North Carolina? STEPHEN That's your guess? IDA He's going to North Carolina. STEPHEN I will neither confirm nor deny that statement. IDA I knew it. Now tell me why. STEPHEN That I can not do. IDA I hate you. STEPHEN You love me. IDA I love Paul. You I hate. STEPHEN You only love him because he gives you all the scoops. IDA Sexual favors? STEPHEN You're engaged. IDA If it meant a good scoop my fiance would understand. Beat. IDA -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- You really buy into all this crap? All this take back the country nonsense? STEPHEN Ida I'm not naive about this stuff. I've worked on more campaigns than most people do by the time they're forty. I'm telling you this is the one. IDA You really have drunk the kool - aid. STEPHEN I have drunk it it's delicious. I do n't care whether he leads in the polls. I do n't care whether he has all the tools. Because the truth is, he's the only one that's going to make a difference in peoples lives. Even the people that hate him. If Mike Morris is President it says more about us than it does about him. I do n't give a fuck if he can win. He has to win. IDA Or what? The world will fall apart? It wo n't matter. Not one bit to the everyday lives of everyday fuckers who work and eat and sleep and get up and go back to work again. If your boy wins. You get a job in the white house. If he loses you're back at a consulting firm on K Street. That's it. You used to know that before you got all goosebumpy about this guy. Morris is a politician. He's a nice guy. They're all nice guys. He will let you down. sooner or later.", "EXT. RAMADA INN SIDEWALK - LATER IDA and PAUL walk to Ida's car. PAUL This is off off off the record. IDA What? PAUL Franklin Thompson. IDA Seriously? PAUL Off the record. The only people who know are the Governor, Stephen and me. IDA My lips are sealed. PAUL I have a meeting tomorrow at Thompson's house. IDA He's gon na endorse? PAUL After I'm done talking with him, what do you think? IDA That's huge. PAUL It's more than huge. He has 356 pledged delegates. they all travel with him. That puts us over the top. IDA He's said publicly he's not gon na endorse anyone. PAUL That's what they all say until we get them alone in a room. IDA So this is for real? PAUL Yup. It's just about in the bag. IDA When are you gon na announce? PAUL Nope. That's all you get for now.", "EXT. MORRIS HEADQUARTERS - CINCINNATI - NEXT DAY Establishing shot.", "INT. MORRIS HEADQUARTERS - CINCINNATI - NEXT DAY Ben walks around to all the staffers, he hands out new cell phones. BEN Okay so listen up. these are your new cell phones. Shelly has pre - programmed everyone's numbers in. thank you Shelly. no personal calls. if you lose them, Paul has authorized me to kill you. Ben walks into Stephen's office and hands him his new phone. BEN -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- New phones. STEPHEN I'll get it in a bit. As Ben leaves, we see that Stephen is looking at early footage of Governor Morris. Another staffer and an editor are watching it with him. Outside the office we can see other staffers, through the glass partitions, running around in campaign mode. We see some of the footage. GOV MORRIS -LRB- ON MONITOR. -RRB- The economy. health care. I've got to believe we can do it. We have enemies. we have to understand why our enemies are our enemies, and see if there is something we can do about that besides using force. What we know from history is the answer to extremism is not extremism. Whoever is the next president, whoever steps up, has got a lot of work to do, but you have a little work to do yourself. Stephen hits pause. STEPHEN Fucking kill me. where did we get this? EDITOR Before he announced at a town hall meeting in Pennsylvania. STEPHEN Thank God it was n't overseas. Just get rid of it - EDITOR It plays to his base, if - STEPHEN Are you fucking stoned. this is the same. the exact same piece the Republicans are gon na run against him in the general. we do n't need to brag about it. Hi I'm Neville Chamberlain and I want to be your commander in chief. EDITOR If it's gon na come out - STEPHEN It's gon na come out but not paid for by us pal. -LRB- To Staffer. -RRB- Any truth on whether Pullman had investments in those diamond mines in Liberia? STAFFER 1 We're still checking. it was a blog so who the fuck knows. STEPHEN Does n't matter I want to hear him denying it. If it's true, find out, if it's not, let them spend the next day telling the post that he does n't own a diamond mine in Liberia. win win. STAFFER 1 Okay. STEPHEN We need to counter this Christian shit we're taking from last night. so get going. Where's our cut on the new thirty and a sixty second spots? We'll show it to him this afternoon in the staff meeting. EDITOR Got it. The Editor and staffer exit. Stephen turns to his computer and types as Molly walks in and hands him some papers. MOLLY Ben wanted me to get you to sign off on this before the staff meeting. STEPHEN Oh, right. Thanks. I've been waiting for this. MOLLY Anything interesting? STEPHEN Just some white paper I got ta pass out tonight. MOLLY White paper? STEPHEN Negative shit. Our oppo guys do research - we feed it to the press, hope they bite. MOLLY So like what sort of negative stuff? STEPHEN Read tomorrow's paper and you'll see. MOLLY Which paper? STEPHEN All of them. MOLLY So it's something big? STEPHEN I wish it were something bigger actually. Just some transportation numbers. I'll have to spin this shit pretty heavy if we want it to stick. MOLLY Well that's what you're good at, right? STEPHEN I guess. MOLLY -LRB- Holding up her phone. -RRB- Did you get your phone? STEPHEN -LRB- Holds his up. -RRB- Just now. MOLLY -LRB- MOCK SERIOUS. -RRB- It's exciting is n't it? He looks at her. STEPHEN You a Bearcat? MOLLY A what? STEPHEN A Cincinnati Bearcat? MOLLY Oh no. I'm not from here. I worked with you in Iowa actually. STEPHEN Oh that's right. but you changed something. -LRB- Searching for a way out. -RRB- MOLLY My hair? STEPHEN You changed your hair. MOLLY -LRB- ENJOYING THIS. -RRB- No. STEPHEN I must look like a total dumb ass right now. MOLLY Not at all. you're the big man on campus. I'm just a lowly intern. STEPHEN Come on it's not like that. MOLLY Sure it is. you get to stay at the Millennium, they put us into a motel on the other side of the river. STEPHEN You're right, I am big man on campus. MOLLY Now you're starting to see. She starts to leave. MOLLY -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- We do have the better bar though. STEPHEN I heard that. MOLLY You ought to stop by one night and have a drink with the worker bees. STEPHEN Maybe I will. when's a good night? MOLLY Tonight's good. STEPHEN Really? Tuesday? MOLLY Yeah it's quiet. STEPHEN Quiet's good. MOLLY Well you have my number. STEPHEN I do? MOLLY Programmed right there in your phone. STEPHEN Oh. right. -LRB- He opens the phone. -RRB- MOLLY Under Mary. STEPHEN -LRB- Looking at the phone. -RRB- Yup. Mary. Molly laughs. Then, as she exits : MOLLY Molly. my name's Molly. Stephen smiles to himself.", "INT. SENATOR THOMPSON'S HOUSE - CHARLOTTE N.C. - DAY We follow a housekeeper down the hallway and into the living room where we see Paul sitting with, Senator Thompson. SENATOR THOMPSON That's what I'm hearing. since Super Tuesday I'm a very popular guy. What are your polls telling you? PAUL That Pullman's negatives are high. mid forties. Senator we have an open seat in the White House and the Republicans do n't have dick. They're disorganized and they ca n't find a nominee that is n't a world class fuck up. They look like Democrats. No Republican is gon na show up to vote for their guy. But if Pullman gets the Democratic nod they'll show up to vote against him. SENATOR THOMPSON And so you think they wo n't for your guy. you think Morris gets into the independents? PAUL I sure do. Senator. I'm a bit confused. we need your delegates. we need you. your fund raising. It was my understanding that. your endorsement a week before Ohio. would win this for us. SENATOR THOMPSON -LRB- Looks to his aide. -RRB- Estella. hand me that ice bucket.", "INT. MORRIS HEADQUARTERS - CINCINNATI - SAME DAY We're in a staff meeting with the brain trust. Paul's gone but the rest are there. STEPHEN, BEN, GOVERNOR MORRIS. MOLLY is running in and out, she gets glances from all the guys. STEPHEN Paul knows. Paul agrees. GOV. MORRIS Ben, where's my op ed on national service? It's better for me to work off of that. BEN Got it right here. -LRB- He opens his laptop. -RRB- GOV. MORRIS Get me a hard copy. I hate these fucking things. STEPHEN Print it out. BEN I'll get it printed. Molly, I'm printing out this op ed. can you grab it off the printer? MOLLY Be right back. STEPHEN Governor. if you want to change. or lets call it refresh. GOV. MORRIS Just give me a second. STEPHEN National service is n't polling like the rest of your domestic policy. GOV. MORRIS I do n't give a shit about polling. I'm not going to play this game with you Stephen. and if this is your good cop bad cop act with Paul. STEPHEN Good cop, good cop. GOV. MORRIS I'm not changing it. MOLLY returns and hands the Governor a copy. GOV. MORRIS -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Hang on. He reads down until he finds what he's looking for. GOV. MORRIS -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Yeah I said it all here, `` It's going to help people get an education. it's going to create national unity. it's going to teach young people a trade. and it's going to help get people out of debt from college loans. Tell me where that fails. STEPHEN All of that is exactly right. Governor if you're going to do it. then do it. Do n't make it voluntary. mandatory. GOV. MORRIS That'll poll well. STEPHEN Mandatory! everyone who graduates high school or turns eighteen, gives two years to his or her country. Military. peace corps. plant fucking trees, I do n't care. and for that. their college education is paid for. period. GOV. MORRIS We do all of that now, with this. STEPHEN No sir you do n't. do it all. all the way. Mandatory. GOV. MORRIS Paul likes this? you guys are my brain trust. STEPHEN And here's the beauty of it. everyone who is older than eighteen and past the age of eligibility, would be for it. create national pride. give all the kids an education. GOV. MORRIS And all the others? STEPHEN Ca n't vote. Too young. This sits with them. Some start to smile. STEPHEN -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- You ca n't lose. MOLLY enters. MOLLY Stephen you have a call on three, your dad. GOV. MORRIS Okay, you and Ben work it into the stump speech - get me a hard copy and I'll write it in my own words. STEPHEN Remember, Governor. you have a six o'clock with Charlie Rose. GOV. MORRIS Why am I doing him? STEPHEN It's long form. he's flying in. GOV. MORRIS Is Paul going? STEPHEN No, he wo n't be back. Ben and I are taking you. He exits.", "INT. STEPHEN'S OFFICE / INT. DUFFY'S OFFICE CONTINUOUS STEPHEN picks up the receiver and pushes line three. STEPHEN Do n't tell me anyone's died. DUFFY Hey Stephen. STEPHEN Who is this? DUFFY Tom Duffy. sorry about the dad bit. but I did n't think you'd want my name yelled out at a Morris campaign office. STEPHEN gets up and closes the door. STEPHEN What do you want? DUFFY You got a couple of minutes. I'd like to sit down with you. STEPHEN What for? DUFFY I think it's important. STEPHEN If it's important should n't you be calling Paul? DUFFY I'm calling you. This is all on the up and up. just give me five minutes. STEPHEN I ca n't be talking to you. DUFFY I hear you. but if you get five minutes. I'll be at the Heads First Sports Bar for the next couple of hours. STEPHEN I ca n't Tom. DUFFY There wo n't be anybody there. if you get a chance there's something I want to show you. DUFFY hangs up. STEPHEN sits for a few beats. He picks up his cell phone and dials. it goes straight to voice mail. STEPHEN Paul, listen, call me as soon as you can. it's important. STEPHEN hangs up the phone and we stay with him.", "INT. STEPHEN'S RENTAL CAR - OUTSIDE HEAD FIRST SPORTS BAR - LATER STEPHEN sits in the car, he watches the door of the bar making sure no one is around.", "INT. HEAD FIRST SPORTS BAR - CINCINNATI - LATER We're in a run - down bar in Cincinnati. The furniture is shabby - Formica tables, cheap metal framed chairs. The place is desolate except for TOM and STEPHEN who sit at the bar. DUFFY You're working for the wrong man. STEPHEN You're working for the wrong man. DUFFY Oh on the contrary you are working for the wrong man. You've got something the other guys do n't have. STEPHEN Yeah? DUFFY Yeah, what is it exactly? Charm is n't the right word. It's more than that. You exude something. You draw people in. All the reporters love you. Even the ones that hate you love you. You play them all like they're pieces on a chess board. And you make it look effortless. We both know how much work it takes, constantly being on guard, weighing every word so carefully, every move. But from the outside, you make it look easy. People are scared of you because they do n't understand how you do it, and they love you for it. There's nothing more valuable in this business - the ability to win people's respect by making them mistake their fear for love. You can guess what I'm gon na say next. STEPHEN No. I do n't think I can. DUFFY I want you to work for us. STEPHEN You got ta be kidding me. DUFFY Not in the least. Beat. You are going to lose Ohio. STEPHEN I am not. DUFFY You're sitting on about a six percent lead in both polls. six percent of the Democrats polled. STEPHEN Eight. DUFFY Six. but that does n't matter. Independents and Republicans can vote for the Democratic candidate. STEPHEN You think they like your guy? pro choice. tax and spend liberal? DUFFY Fuck no they hate him. they think they can beat my guy. but they're worried about yours. so starting tomorrow morning you're gon na see a fucking blitz. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, all the right wing blogs are gon na start a `` Get out the vote campaign''. it's already started. every fucking conservative in Ohio is gon na stand in line and punch my guys ticket. that's just one of the steps. Ohio is gone. the polls do n't mean shit. tomorrow morning everyone will know. that's why I want you to handle the fallout we'll take in the press. They look at each other. DUFFY -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- And by the way. we've got Thompson in the bag. STEPHEN I know for a fact that Thompson is going with us. DUFFY We promised him Secretary of State, Ohio is over. it's been over for weeks. and with Thompson's delegates. I'm thinking down the road now. that's why I want you. I'll bring you in straight at the top. STEPHEN I ca n't do it. DUFFY I'm not asking for an answer right this moment. STEPHEN I've played dirty but I do n't have to play dirty anymore. you know why? Cause I got Morris! DUFFY None of this is about the democratic process Steve, It's about getting your guy into office. Simple as that. STEPHEN This is the sort of shit the Republicans pull. DUFFY You're right, this is exactly what the Republicans do, and it's about time we learned from them. They're meaner, tougher and more disciplined than we are. I've been in this business for twenty five years and I've seen way too many Democrats bite the dust because they would n't get down in the mud with the fucking elephants. STEPHEN Paul's a friend. DUFFY Do you want to work for a friend or do you want to work for the President? Think about it. you have my number. Duffy gets up and leaves.", "EXT HEAD FIRST SPORTS BAR / PAUL'S RENTAL CAR / RESIDENTIAL STREET STEPHEN walks to his car. He dials PAUL on his phone. Paul is in North Carolina driving. We intercut. STEPHEN Paul. PAUL -LRB- O.S. -RRB- They do n't make quaaludes any more do they? STEPHEN Not that I know of. What's going on with Thompson? PAUL -LRB- O.S. -RRB- He wants something but we'll be fine. So what's so important? STEPHEN It's nothing. never mind. PAUL -LRB- O.S. -RRB- Allright. I'm on the cell if you need me. I fly to DC tomorrow and back tomorrow night. STEPHEN Yeah okay. I'll look for quaaludes. PAUL -LRB- O.S. -RRB- Good man. STEPHEN ends the call. He stands in silence.", "INT. HOTEL ROOM - CINCINNATI - NIGHT We're in the bathroom of a hotel room. GOVERNOR MORRIS is being made up for the Charlie Rose Show. A SECRET SERVICE AGENT stands in the adjoining room. The GOVERNOR talks to the MAKE - UP LADY while STEPHEN and BEN stand in the adjoining room as well. STEPHEN -LRB- TO BEN. -RRB- Just get online and see if there's any chatter on the blogs. BEN What kind of chatter? There's always chatter. STEPHEN I do n't know. just see what they're talking about. BEN Give me a second. He sets his laptop down and starts typing. The Governor, who's been talking the whole time, yells out through the door. GOV. MORRIS Stephen. you're still single, right? STEPHEN I'm married to the campaign, Governor. GOV. MORRIS Good answer. -LRB- to the make - up girl. -RRB- He's married to the campaign. BEN -LRB- looking at his computer. -RRB- Wall Street Journal poll has our numbers holding steady and Pullman dropped a point. STEPHEN Really? When did they do that? Governor. Wall Street Journal numbers are in. and Pullman's down a point. GOV. MORRIS Now we're moving in the right direction. Ben, are you still single? BEN I'm married to the campaign, Governor. GOV. MORRIS -LRB- to the make - up girl. -RRB- Crack team. The GOVERNOR starts to sing `` The Best Is Yet To Come''. STEPHEN -LRB- TO BEN. -RRB- Make sure Charlie Rose has these latest numbers before he goes on. BEN -LRB- JUMPS UP. -RRB- I'm on it. STEPHEN And get a copy of the show before we leave.", "INT. HOTEL CONFERENCE ROOM - MINUTES LATER The room has been transformed into an interview space. ON AIR- CHARLIE ROSE and GOV. MORRIS mid - interview. GOV. MORRIS Is it a difficult decision? I would have to believe that it is. would I do it? No. but I ca n't see myself. or anyone. certainly not a government, telling a woman what she can do with her body. CHARLIE ROSE So you would appoint a judge to. GOV. MORRIS I would consider it arrogant to judge someone until I've walked in their shoes. CHARLIE ROSE But you're against the death penalty? GOV. MORRIS Yes. Because of what it says about us as a society. CHARLIE ROSE Suppose Governor it was your wife. GOV. MORRIS And she was murdered, what would I do. CHARLIE ROSE It gets more complicated when it's personal. GOV. MORRIS Sure. well if I could get to him I'd find a way to kill him. CHARLIE ROSE So you, you Governor would impose the death penalty. GOV. MORRIS No, I would commit a crime for which I would happily go to jail. CHARLIE ROSE Then why not let society do that? GOV. MORRIS Because society has to be better than the individual. If I were to do that I would be wrong. CHARLIE ROSE And what about guns? GOV. MORRIS Is n't it time for a commercial. They laugh. CHARLIE ROSE This is public TV, we do n't have commercials. GOV. MORRIS That's unfortunate. 25 CUT TO: 25", "INT. MOTEL - KENTUCKY - NIGHT We're in Kentucky, just over the Ohio River from Cincinnati. says. This is where all the interns stay. In the hotel bar, Stephen and Molly are sitting at a back table, they've both been drinking hard. STEPHEN Where'd you go after Iowa? MOLLY California for Super Tuesday. STEPHEN I had to go to New York. MOLLY I know. you guys needed a lot more help over there. STEPHEN Yeah. So why politics? MOLLY Because the pay is so good. STEPHEN It just seems like an odd fit. MOLLY My dad is Jack Stearns. Beat. STEPHEN He's a good guy. MOLLY He's an asshole but he's your boss. STEPHEN He's not my boss. He's the head of the DNC. MOLLY You do n't work for the Democratic National Committee? STEPHEN I work for Paul, Paul works for Morris and if Morris wins, he's going to be your dad's boss. MOLLY Do n't tell my dad that. STEPHEN Do n't tell your dad a lot of things. MOLLY Never. STEPHEN What time do you start tomorrow? MOLLY Nine AM. I'm showing the new interns how to robo call. you see. I'm the experienced intern. STEPHEN I do see. MOLLY How old are you? STEPHEN How old do you think I am? MOLLY Thirty? STEPHEN You think I'm thirty? MOLLY I'm sorry, how old are you? STEPHEN Thirty. how old are you? MOLLY How old do you think I am? STEPHEN Twenty one? MOLLY Twenty. STEPHEN That's young. MOLLY Too young to fuck a thirty year old? STEPHEN See laws are different in different states. Here in your hotel, in Kentucky. it's frowned upon. but we'll go across the bridge into Ohio. MOLLY Where your hotel is? STEPHEN Yeah surprisingly they're very lax about their child endangerment laws. MOLLY You have a car? I do n't drive. STEPHEN I took a cab. MOLLY I have the keys to the campaign bus. On their smiles", "EXT. MILLENNIUM HOTEL - CINCINNATI - MINUTES LATER The Morris campaign bus is parked badly, a tire up on the curb in front of the hotel.", "INT. MILLENNIUM HOTEL - STEPHENS'S ROOM - EARLY MORNING STEPHEN is on his cell phone, he paces back and forth in front of the TV - A news show in on. MOLLY is in bed - sheets pulled up around her, she's just waking up. CHRIS MATTHEWS -LRB- ON TV. -RRB- In fairness, this has been tried before. Operation Chaos, as Rush Limbaugh called it, where Republicans voted for a Democrat they thought they could beat in the general election. We asked Senator Pullman's campaign manager if this sudden right wing support is welcome. Cut to a pre - tape with DUFFY. DUFFY -LRB- O.S. -RRB- Is it decisive? Of Course not. look, we believe that the polls are within the margin of error and that the Senator will win Ohio. with Ohio Democrats. I ca n't really see Republicans showing up to vote for our candidate. having said that, we'll take all the support we can get. STEPHEN -LRB- On the phone. -RRB- What time does Paul land? Christ. who do we talk to about polling? no. I just. I just need to get some internal polling on the fucking Independents and the right - wing nuts. MOLLY Do you want me to go? He gestures for her to wait. STEPHEN Listen, put me on the line with. what's the guy's name at the Wall Street Journal? yeah. MOLLY You seem busy. I should go. He whispers to her. STEPHEN Wait. Back to phone. STEPHEN -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Right. Adler. get me on the line with him. MOLLY Steve? She starts to get dressed. STEPHEN Molly listen, just give me a second. I want to talk to you about something. MOLLY We can talk about it later if. Stephen holds his finger up. STEPHEN -LRB- INTO PHONE. -RRB- What? No nobody. just the cleaning lady. listen Ben. keep trying till you get him. We're gon na go with the position that we've always said, the race is closer than the polling. right. no do n't. do n't say that. just get him on the line and call me. I'll handle it. yup. He hangs up. STEPHEN -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Sorry about that. MOLLY The cleaning lady. STEPHEN What? MOLLY You called me the cleaning lady. STEPHEN You're not mad about that are you? MOLLY No why would I be mad? Beat. MOLLY looks at the TV. MOLLY -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Look. STEPHEN'S eyes go to the TV where CHRIS is still talking. CHRIS MATHEWS Earlier I spoke with Jack Stearns, head of the DNC, and he had this to say. JACK STEARNS I know you're looking for a reaction, but listen we have two great candidates in a very tight race. and at the end of the day the voters will decide who best can represent this party in the fall. CHRIS MATHEWS I understand Jack - but does n't this kind of disruption take away from what you want to be pushing this year? Back to STEPHEN STEPHEN Your dad is an asshole. MOLLY I'll tell him you said that. STEPHEN Do that. MOLLY You said you wanted to talk to me about something? STEPHEN Yeah, I just wanted. I just wanted to be clear about everything. so there's no confusion. MOLLY I wo n't tell anyone about last night. STEPHEN Well yeah, I'd appreciate it if we kept this. I mean, you know how people are. MOLLY Really would n't look good if you screwed an intern. STEPHEN It's not like I got drunk and this happened. I mean. I wanted to. I really like you. you're smart. but I just. I do n't want there to be any expectations. MOLLY Steven, you do n't have to say anything. STEPHEN I just do n't want you to think I'm some kind of player. MOLLY Well you are kind of a player, but that's okay. STEPHEN No I'm not. I was being polite. MOLLY starts to tie STEPHENS tie. MOLLY Bullshit. you were trying to pick me up. STEPHEN No I was n't. MOLLY You were pretty obvious about it. STEPHEN I was? MOLLY Totally. STEPHEN I thought I was being all smooth and subtle. MOLLY You were pretty forward. STEPHEN You were pretty forward. inviting me to the bar. MOLLY Well. I've been trying to fuck you for a while. STEPHEN Wow. MOLLY Pretty slutty of me, huh? STEPHEN No, not at all. I mean I kind of respect it in a weird sort of way. MOLLY Good. STEPHEN You have absolutely no idea how to tie a tie do you. MOLLY No no not a clue. STEPHEN You're very mature. MOLLY For a teenager. Molly kisses him and exits.", "EXT. TARMAC - LUNKEN AIRFIELD - CINCINNATI - LATER We Intercut with PAUL driving. STEPHEN walks towards a private jet, the GOVERNOR is at the plane talking to some aides. STEPHEN When are you coming back? PAUL I'll be at the event. a little late. these cock suckers. fucking dirty shit. STEPHEN What happened with Thompson? PAUL Nothing, the prick. we had him all sewed up. MOTHER FUCKER. how bad is it? STEPHEN I'm running some numbers now. I do n't know. PAUL Alright, I'll be there in three hours. I want hard numbers. and a strategy. STEPHEN Yeah I'm on it. I got ta go. He hangs up.", "INT. PRIVATE JET The GOVERNOR and STEPHEN are flying through a bad storm, the plane is getting knocked all around. Also on Board are BEN and a SECRET SERVICE AGENT. Stephen is holding onto the armrests, white knuckling it, the Governor watches him. GOV. MORRIS You okay? STEPHEN Yup. -LRB- Nope. -RRB- Just trying to figure out our stops on the ground. GOV. MORRIS I think the weather might determine that. If we get there. Both men sit with their heads back on the headrests. STEPHEN We'll be fine. we have to do it. and it's the right thing. Nothing bad happens when it's the right thing. GOV. MORRIS Is this your personal theory. cause I can shoot holes in it. Roberto Clemente. on a humanitarian flight. STEPHEN Well there are exceptions to every rule. They smile. The Governor looks at Stephen. GOV. MORRIS So how we doin? STEPHEN Fine now. GOV. MORRIS No I mean. the campaign how we doin? STEPHEN Great. GOV. MORRIS Listen Stephen. you're not Paul. I pay him to use the word `` great''. I pay you to tell me the truth. STEPHEN I think we're solid. GOV. MORRIS Okay Paul. STEPHEN Governor there's a big difference between Paul and me. Paul only believes in winning so he'll do or say anything to win. GOV. MORRIS But you would n't. STEPHEN I'll do or say anything if I believe in it. but I have to believe in the cause. GOV. MORRIS You'll make a lousy consultant when you're out of this line of work. STEPHEN Well I wo n't be out of this line of work as long as you're in it. GOV. MORRIS So at best you've got eight years. then you'll end up with a nice little consultant firm on Farragut North. eating at the Palm. pulling in seven hundred and fifty grand a year. pimping out Senators to Saudi Princes. They both smile. STEPHEN Pimping out ex presidents. GOV. MORRIS Then I better win. STEPHEN Yeah.", "INT. KENT STATE UNIVERSITY - OHIO - LATER We're in a large hall. GOVERNOR MORRIS is on stage, he stands in front of a huge American flag. Morris's wife CINDY is standing in the wings along with their seven year old daughter BETH. GOVERNOR MORRIS addresses the crowd. GOV. MORRIS Now, I've been married for eleven years, to the smartest person I know. and we have a normal marriage. which means when we disagree. she wins. What we do n't ever disagree on is how we're going to leave this planet for our daughter. Are we gon na leave it better off, or worse? The richest people in this country do n't pay their fare share. And when they're asked to, they cry socialism, they use phrases like redistribution of wealth. That scares everybody and they all run and they hide. For the record, my campaign is vehemently against the distribution of wealth to the richest Americans, by our government! And I will run on that!", "INT. KENT STATE UNIVERSITY - BACK STAGE - CONTINUOUS PAUL and STEPHEN are back stage behind the huge American flag. We can hear the Governor's speech in the B.G. STEPHEN I did n't think it was true. PAUL Whoa. STEPHEN But I should have told you this yesterday. sorry. PAUL - Slow down. STEPHEN I met with Tom Duffy yesterday. PAUL What? STEPHEN You were on a plane and he called me and he asked if we could meet. And I said why. he said it was very important so I did. but I should've fucking told you. PAUL Stop Stop let me get this straight. You met with Tom Duffy? STEPHEN Yes. PAUL What'd he want Stephen? STEPHEN - the gist of it is he wants to hire me. He wants me to jump ship and come work for him. this is bad Paul. He showed me poll numbers with Pullman ahead by four. We're in really deep fucking trouble he laid out their whole plan. Robo - calls, traffic jams, fake lit, and fucking Thompson. They promised him Secretary of State.", "INT. KENT STATE UNIVERSITY - STAGE - CONTINUOUS GOV. MORRIS You know how you fight the war on terror? Do n't need their product anymore. Their product is oil, just do n't need it and they go away. We do n't have to bomb anyone we do n't have to invade anyone!", "INT. KENT STATE UNIVERSITY - BACK STAGE - CONTINUOUS PAUL If this is some sort of practical - I mean - my fucking blood pressure is going through the roof right now. STEPHEN Paul I'm sorry. Believe me. I just did n't think it was true. PAUL It does n't fucking matter what you thought. It matters what you did. It matters what you did n't do. If all this shit is true I made a fucking ass of myself at Thompson's place. And I gave away our game plan. STEPHEN Please believe me that I honestly believed you were gon na come back and you were gon na tell me that we have Thompson in the bag and I did n't see the point. But it does n't make it right and I'm sorry. PAUL Let me think. let me think.", "INT. KENT STATE UNIVERSITY - STAGE - CONTINUOUS GOV. MORRIS If I'm your president, the first thing I put in motion, ten years from the day I'm in office. no new car in America runs on an internal combustion engine. It'll create hundreds of thousands of new jobs. we will start the next technological revolution and we will lead the world again. like we used to.", "INT. KENT STATE UNIVERSITY - BACK STAGE - CONTINUOUS PAUL We get the Governor right after he finishes singing Kum Bay Ya and give him everything we know. STEPHEN Who do you want. PAUL You, me and the Governor, that's it! What's he got after? STEPHEN A fund - raiser in Cleveland tonight. PAUL He'll be late. we're gon na tell him that if he does n't offer Thompson a cabinet position. he's not gon na get the nomination. STEPHEN Will he go for it? PAUL I do n't fucking know Stephen. As Paul exits he shoots back. PAUL -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Find us a room.", "INT. KENT STATE UNIVERSITY LOBBY MOLLY walks up the steps of the auditorium into the lobby, a staffer hands her some papers and she continues. We pull her down a corridor and land at a rehearsal room door. She hands the papers to BEN. The Governor's wife CINDY, daughter BETH and a security man are waiting outside the door.", "INT. KENT STATE UNIVERSITY - REHEARSAL ROOM GOV. MORRIS How real are the numbers? STEPHEN We might pick up a couple of points. but we're. I do n't know, we lose by three or four percent. PAUL Who the fuck knows Governor. but we ca n't take the chance. GOV. MORRIS What do you think? PAUL I think we fold up the campaign in Ohio. take a loss and blame it on the Republican's playing games. head to North Carolina. GOV. MORRIS I ca n't run from Ohio. they'll kill us. PAUL Not if you get Thompson's endorsement. GOV. MORRIS I'm not gon na do it. What's he want head of the FDA or something ridiculous? STEPHEN Cabinet post. GOV. MORRIS Labor? STEPHEN State. This sits with them. GOV. MORRIS Are you fucking kidding me. I'm gon na give Secretary of State to a guy who wants to cut the top ten floors off the UN? Paul when we started this campaign I said I was n't gon na make those kind of deals. PAUL Governor, if you lose Ohio, and they get Thompson's delegates. Then they get North Carolina. then they get the lead. A lead you ca n't beat. But if we walk from Ohio, take Thompson, give him a cabinet post, then we take North Carolina. His state. Then Pennsylvania. Your state. And then it's simple math Mike. Take his endorsement and the race is over. GOV. MORRIS Paul, I respect you. respect your opinion. but I'm never gon na do it. so I suggest we find a way for me to win Ohio. They sit there looking at their shoes. GOV. MORRIS -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Anything else? Off their looks we -", "INT. MORRIS HEADQUARTERS - CINCINNATI - LATE AFTERNOON We're mid action. Everyone is there. Phones. emails. people running in and out. STEPHEN, BEN, MOLLY. sleeves rolled up. PAUL is in a closed room but we can see him on the phone. STEPHEN -LRB- On the phone. -RRB- Do we have any other senators that can go to bat for us? House members wo n't do. BEN -LRB- Whispering to him. -RRB- Or a Congressman from Ohio maybe. STEPHEN Right. but we need a Senator. one from Ohio would be nice. We push the camera through the room, edging closer to PAUL. MOLLY -LRB- TO STEPHEN. -RRB- This is all the car rental companies in Northern Ohio. they've booked every single van for Tuesday. STEPHEN Fuck. Jess, I'll call you back. -LRB- To Molly. -RRB- All of them? Goddamit! BEN -LRB- On the computer. -RRB- Here's what I have so far. Independents do n't seem to be biting, but Republicans are. or say they are. STEPHEN They're not gon na tell a pollster that they're gon na vote Democratic. I do n't even know how to read these polls. MOLLY I called and we can get a hundred vans out of Covington and Newport Kentucky. STEPHEN We do n't need the fucking vans. we just do n't want Pullman to have them. We keep pushing in on PAUL until we can hear him talking to a reporter on the phone. - During this conversation he types on his laptop. PAUL No, No that's not what I'm saying. we were the underdog before we got into this and we continue to be the underdog. well the numbers. we knew the numbers would get closer the closer we got to Tuesday. I'm not lowering expectations. have you ever heard me say that we had Ohio locked? Then at least give me the courtesy of printing that in your column.", "EXT. GOVERNORS SUV - NIGHT We see The SUV drive down the highway.", "INT. GOVERNORS SUV - NIGHT We're in the second row of seats of the Governor's SUV. CINDY'S head on his shoulder. They are very comfortable and easy with each other. The Governor is writing a speech on a legal pad. CINDY What're you writing? GOV. MORRIS The greatest speech ever given on hydrogen power. CINDY The bar is awfully high on that one. GOV. MORRIS Do n't I know it. CINDY I got hit up by Mitchell's wife for you to show up at her `` Daughters of the American Revolution'' luncheon. GOV. MORRIS Who's Mitchell? CINDY Congressman from the first district. You might want to remember that. GOV. MORRIS Fucking Congressmen. Could you imagine doing this every two years? CINDY No I ca n't. Lets just do this one more time. GOV. MORRIS In four more years. CINDY That's it. GOV. MORRIS Deal. BEAT CINDY You think we'll lose Ohio? GOV. MORRIS I do n't know. CINDY If you took Thompson's delegates the race is over. Ohio would n't matter. GOV. MORRIS Is Paul working on you? CINDY -LRB- Shaking her head. -RRB- Stephen. GOV. MORRIS -LRB- SMILING. -RRB- They are good. CINDY Is Thompson so bad? GOV. MORRIS He's a shit. CINDY Worse than Pullman? GOV. MORRIS Yes Stephen. Beat. GOV. MORRIS -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Every time I draw a line in the sand. and I keep moving it. Fund raising, union deals. I was n't going to do any of it. negative ads. I ca n't on this one. Not Thompson. Beat. GOV. MORRIS -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Tell Mrs. Mitchell I'll make her goddamn luncheon. Beat. GOV. MORRIS -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Let the old ladies pat me on the head. They smile. CINDY You've got great hair. GOV. MORRIS You too baby. They lay their heads back onto the headrests.", "INT. PERFORMING ARTS BUILDING - DAYTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE A BIT LATER A few hundred students sit around The GOVERNOR in a theater as he fields questions. MORRIS is cornered by a conservative student. STUDENT 1 Gay marriage? GOV. MORRIS It's a silly argument. STUDENT 1 Not to fifty percent of Americans. GOV. MORRIS Over the age of fifty. STUDENT 1 That's who votes. that's who shows up at the polls. GOV. MORRIS Well that's changing. and hopefully the way we frame the argument is. At this point the camera travels backstage to find STEPHEN, BEN, PAUL and MOLLY working the phones and laptops. PAUL -LRB- TO STEPHEN. -RRB- Keep an eye on the Governor. STEPHEN -LRB- TO BEN. -RRB- Let me know how it's going out there. STEPHEN -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- I'm on it. BEN takes us back out, and under this we hear the GOVERNOR continue debating. STUDENT 1 From. a religious. a GOV. MORRIS From a religious to a civil rights issue. STUDENT 1 But one could argue a great difference between gender and race. GOV. MORRIS Not really. They used to ban interracial marriage. women could n't vote. the list goes on. STUDENT 1 The argument of course - We hear boos from students in the audience. At this point the camera finds MORRIS. Morris quiets the students. GOV. MORRIS Now wait she has a point to make. STUDENT 1 The argument is that men and women, can in fact be separate but equal, races can not. GOV. MORRIS How so? STUDENT 1 You have separate public bathrooms for men and women but it would be illegal to have separate bathrooms for two races. GOV. MORRIS Now. STUDENT 1 -LRB- LAUGHING. -RRB- Yes now. Audience laughs. GOV. MORRIS So that's what I'm saying.", "INT. PERFORMING ARTS BUILDING LOBBY - AFTER STEPHEN, BEN and the rest, head out of the town hall to get on the bus. STEPHEN What time is this on tonight? BEN Nine o'clock. STEPHEN How'd he do? BEN He did good.", "EXT. CAMPAIGN BUS - NIGHT The bus rolls down the highway", "INT. CAMPAIGN BUS - NIGHT It's a flurry of activity. STEPHEN, BEN, MOLLY and our REGULAR STAFFERS. are all on phones, Blackberry's and laptop's. MOLLY looks back over her shoulder to STEPHEN, who's face is lit by his laptop. He looks up. they lock eyes.", "INT. MILLENNIUM HOTEL - STEVEN'S ROOM - NIGHT We're tight on a TV. It's the taped broadcast of the previous town hall meeting. As the scene plays we pull back to see STEPHEN and MOLLY making love. We see pieces of body parts. Hands. a leg. hair being pulled. it's what we've grown used to seeing in a seventies love scene, all lit by the flickering of a television. The only score we hear is the sound of the TV. GOV. MORRIS See we're framing the argument based on the idea that homosexuality is a choice, you choose to be gay, not that you were born that way like being born black. Because if you start the discussion with the idea that gay is not a life choice but part of your DNA, then gay marriage is and can only be a civil rights issue. ANOTHER STUDENT steps up to the microphone. STUDENT 2 Do you think candor is your appeal? Is that what you're running on as much as your platform? GOV. MORRIS We'll see. It'll drive them to the polls one way or the other. STUDENT 2 I just heard a lot of Christian Coalition cars start up. We pull focus now onto STEPHEN and MOLLY. STEPHEN on top not moving. He looks down to the area where an erection would normally be at this time. then he looks back to Molly. STEPHEN It's not you. They laugh.", "INT. MILLENNIUM HOTEL - STEVEN'S ROOM - NIGHT - LATER Stephen is lying in bed working on some papers. Molly is asleep next to him. Stephen's cell phone rings. STEPHEN Hello. Almost at the same time we hear another man's voice on the phone. VOICE Molly? They both stop. No one speaks. Stephen is about to speak again when the caller hangs up. Stephen looks at the phone. he then looks to the bedside table where he sees an identical phone. His phone. He's picked up Molly's phone by mistake. He looks at the name of the incoming call. there is none. he looks at the caller ID number. he looks at the clock. 2:30 AM. STEPHEN Your phone rang. MOLLY Really? STEPHEN Who's calling at 2:30 in the morning? MOLLY I do n't know? STEPHEN He asked for you by name. MOLLY You answered it? STEPHEN I thought it was mine. Who was it? MOLLY I do n't know. STEPHEN One of the other interns drunk dialing you? MOLLY -LRB- KIDDING. -RRB- Oh that never happens. let me see the number. She reaches for the phone, but Steven keeps it away from her. STEPHEN Hold on. MOLLY -LRB- Still waiting for it. -RRB- Stephen. STEPHEN I'm gon na call him back. He pushes the redial button. MOLLY No! STEPHEN And I'm gon na tell him that I'm your dad. MOLLY Gim me my phone Stephen! STEPHEN And I'm gon na tell him I'm coming over there with a shotgun. MOLLY -LRB- Getting more urgent. -RRB- Do n't do that Stephen. Hang up! Stephen, listens to the outgoing message, while he looks at Molly. her eyes starting to well up. We hear the buzzing of the message through the phone. Then we see Stephens reaction as it begins to dawn on him who he's listening to. He closes the phone without leaving a message. Beat. STEPHEN Why is the Governor calling you at 2:30 in the morning? She says nothing. STEPHEN -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Why is the Governor calling you at all? MOLLY I'm in trouble. STEPHEN With the Governor? What's going on? MOLLY I was working on the campaign in Iowa. we had a party in Ben's room after the rally in Des Moines. STEPHEN There was a party with you. and Ben. and the Governor. MOLLY No he was n't there. STEPHEN Where was he? MOLLY I took him up a hard copy of the polling numbers. STEPHEN After the party? MOLLY -LRB- Shaking her head yes. -RRB- About midnight I guess. I stood in the doorway with him. we were talking. a long time. then he just reached behind me and closed the door. STEPHEN Jesus fucking Christ. Were you drunk? MOLLY Not that drunk. STEPHEN How many times? MOLLY Just that once. STEPHEN Does anybody know? Did anyone see you? MOLLY No. STEPHEN How could you know? MOLLY I know! STEPHEN Then why is he calling you now? MOLLY I called him first. STEPHEN Why? MOLLY Because I did n't know who to go to. and I needed nine hundred bucks. STEPHEN For what? MOLLY I ca n't go to my dad. We're catholic. Beat. MOLLY -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- So what should I do? A long beat.", "EXT. STREET - CINCINNATI - NEXT DAY - MORNING We're close on STEPHEN as he walks down the sidewalk and into.", "INT. MORRIS HEADQUARTERS - MORNING - CONTINUOUS STEPHEN walks into the campaign office. He looks at all the posters with pictures of Morris. People greet him as he walks past. The signs all look wrong now. The smile on Morris's face looks fake. He sees MOLLY as he passes and heads into the war room.", "INT. MORRIS HEADQUARTERS - LATER STEPHEN is going through the drawers in his desk. he goes to the office door, opens it and yells to Ben in the bullpen. STEPHEN Ben. come here a minute BEN stops what he's doing and heads into Stephen's office. BEN What's up? STEPHEN What's our limit on petty cash? BEN It's probably five hundred. Why? STEPHEN I need as much as we have. BEN Everything okay? anything I can help with? STEPHEN Yeah. do n't put it on the books. That's all. BEN What should I put it down as? STEPHEN Do n't put it down as anything. BEN Anything over a hundred I got to put it down as something. STEPHEN -LRB- raising his voice. -RRB- Just do it! BEN exits. We follow BEN into the bullpen, past the STAFFERS who look up at the outburst. MOLLY watches BEN and then looks to STEPHEN who closes his door. We stay on MOLLY. We see MOLLY watching through the door. as STEPHEN finishes, he opens the door. STEPHEN -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Molly. She gets up and comes into his office. Stephen hands Molly a folder that he writes on the inside of STEPHEN -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Here. Molly opens the folder and reads `` Meet me in the stairwell at noon''. She closes the folder. MOLLY Okay. Stephen holds out his hand. STEPHEN I'll take that. That's all. He takes the folder and tears it into several pieces as Molly leaves. he throws the pieces into the trash can.", "INT. STOCK YARDS BANK - CINCINNATI- LATER STEPHEN stands at a tellers counter, he writes out a check for eight hundred dollars to cash. The teller hands him the money. Stephen exits.", "EXT. STOCK YARDS BANK STEPS - CONTINUOUS STEPHEN walks down to the sidewalk. He's on the phone with Ida. IDA Stevie. off the record. STEPHEN No I ca n't tell you what happened in North Carolina. IDA That's not what I wanted to ask you about. STEPHEN Okay what? IDA You met with Duffy. A pause. STEPHEN Who told you that? IDA A little bird. STEPHEN Who? IDA Did you meet with him? STEPHEN Where are you?", "INT. SKY WALK - CINCINATTI - MINUTES LATER IDA I know you met with him at a little bar in Cincy, two nights ago, just before the press conference. Duffy ordered buffalo wings. STEPHEN Did Duffy tell you this? IDA Anonymous. What happened with Duffy? STEPHEN You're supposed to be my friend Ida. You'd stab me in the back like this? You'd ruin my reputation just so you - IDA Wait wait wait - is that what you thought? That we were friends? STEPHEN I've given you everything - every fucking scoop, your profile with Pau1. IDA You're right - you've given me a lot. But let's get real here Steve. The only reason you ever treated me well was that I work for the Times. Not because I was your friend. You give me what I want, I write you better stories. Do n't pretend it's any more than that. Why'd you meet with Duffy? STEPHEN Go fuck yourself. STEPHEN starts walking away. IDA Okay, I'll make it easier on you. Forget Duffy. What happened at Paul and Thompson's meeting? STEPHEN -LRB- STOPPING. -RRB- Will you keep your voice down. Do you have any idea what a story like this could do to me? IDA Of course I do. That's why I'm giving you a choice here. STEPHEN I could get fired. IDA So it's not a difficult choice, is it? I've got to file by three p.m. tomorrow. You've got till then to make up your mind. Stephen is left standing there.", "EXT. FOUNTAIN SQUARE - CINCI / INT. MEMORIAL HALL A FEW MINUTES LATER Stephen is on a pay phone in front of the fountain. DUFFY is at a campaign event, he also talks on his cell. STEPHEN You mother fucker. DUFFY Excuse me? STEPHEN You leaked it. DUFFY Leaked what? STEPHEN Do n't bullshit me Tom. DUFFY Bullshit you. I have no idea what you're talking about. STEPHEN I just spoke with Ida Horowicz. DUFFY Yeah? STEPHEN She's threatening to release the story. DUFFY What fucking story? STEPHEN That we met! That I fuckin met with you! DUFFY How did she find out? STEPHEN Do n't play dumb here Tom. DUFFY You think I leaked it to her? STEPHEN Who else? DUFFY I did n't leak it to her. STEPHEN Well I know I did n't, so that leaves you. DUFFY What's she know? STEPHEN She knows whatever you told her. DUFFY I swear to Jesus I did n't leak it to her Steve. I do n't want this story out any more than you do. STEPHEN Well too late. DUFFY What did she tell you? STEPHEN She knows where we met, she knows when we met. she knows you had buffalo fucking wings. DUFFY She has a source? STEPHEN Yes she has a source. DUFFY And you have no idea who it could be? STEPHEN Yeah, you. DUFFY Well it was n't me, and for the record I did n't have fucking buffalo wings. It's got ta be some one else. STEPHEN Did you tell anyone? DUFFY No. Did you? STEPHEN No. DUFFY Did you admit to meeting with me? STEPHEN No. DUFFY Then we stonewall her and she's got nothing. STEPHEN She's gon na take the story to Drudge, or Roll Call. shit like that. DUFFY You ca n't stop her? STEPHEN She's trying to blackmail me - wants info about Thompson. DUFFY Then tell her what she wants to know. STEPHEN I ca n't do that. DUFFY You ca n't let this story get out. STEPHEN I'm not gon na be blackmailed Tom. DUFFY You do n't have much of a choice here. STEPHEN If I tell her about Thompson I got ta tell her he's gon na endorse you guys. DUFFY Then tell her. I can handle it from my side if I start getting calls. STEPHEN No fucking way. Paul told her we had Thompson in the bag. It'll make us look like fools. DUFFY You're gon na look like fools anyway when he endorses us. STEPHEN I ca n't do it. DUFFY You're on a sinking ship Steve. Tell her what she wants to know and jump. Come over to our side. We can control this thing. Pause. No answer from STEPHEN. DUFFY -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Steve? STEPHEN I Got ta go. Stephen hangs up.", "INT. MORRIS HEADQUARTERS - STAIRWELL - AFTERNOON MOLLY walks in. it's dark in some places. she does n't see anyone at first. She stands there. then from the shadows we hear STEPHEN. STEPHEN I'm up here. MOLLY -LRB- STARTLED. -RRB- Shit, you scared me. She goes up the next flight of stairs and stands next to him on the landing. STEPHEN Take this. He hands her an envelope. STEPHEN -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- It's almost 1800 bucks. you make the appointment now. today. from a pay phone. I'll take you to the clinic and pick you up. no one else. you understand? MOLLY Yes. STEPHEN You take the rest of the money and you buy a ticket home. you ca n't be here anymore. we ca n't afford it. not with everything that's gon na happen in the next week. This situation just ca n't be here. MOLLY You mean I ca n't be here. STEPHEN Right. MOLLY But I would never tell anyone. STEPHEN I would hope not. MOLLY Then why? STEPHEN You fucked up, Molly. MOLLY He and I both fucked up. STEPHEN But I have a responsibility to him. and more importantly I have a responsibility to this campaign. MOLLY I could go to North Carolina and work on the campaign. STEPHEN Molly you've go to wake the fuck up. this is the big leagues. it's mean. and when you make mistakes you lose your right to play. Make the appointment and tell me when and where we have to go. He exits.", "INT. STEPHEN'S HOTEL ROOM - LATER THAT NIGHT STEPHEN sits at the desk in front of his laptop. BEN sits on the floor surrounded by papers and a laptop. As BEN is talking Stephen is staring blankly at the screen. BEN Listen to this. I got the placement in the Times. this is a match up of hope versus fear. Nine times out of ten the fear candidate tends to be the most experienced. but in our presidential races the least experienced candidate almost always wins. JFK versus Nixon. Carter versus Ford. Bush versus Gore. I like our chances with the new kid on the block, end quote. Thomas Fucking Duffy. he's got ta be having a stroke right now. STEPHEN'S phone buzzes, he picks it up and reads the text. It reads : NOON TOMORROW, MOLLY. He sets the phone down. BEN continues talking.", "EXT. MOLLY'S MOTEL - A BIT LATER STEPHEN sits in his car in the back of the parking lot, waiting. his phone rings. He looks at the caller ID. it's Ida. he sets the phone back down, waits, and sees MOLLY come out of the hotel. She looks around and heads toward Stephen. She gets into the car and they drive off in silence.", "INT./EXT. STEPHENS CAR - ROEBLING SUSPENSION BRIDGE A BIT LATER STEPHEN AND MOLLY drive in silence.", "INT. STEPHEN'S CAR - DAY - A FEW MINUTES LATER STEPHEN and MOLLY driving down the street. Stephen drives until he sees the clinic. He stops.", "INT. CLINIC - WAITING ROOM - DAY STEPHEN stands at the receptionists window and hands the NURSE a clipboard with the forms Molly has filled out. She hands him back the yellow copies and he sits down next to MOLLY. STEPHEN So just call me when you can leave okay. MOLLY -LRB- Looking at the clinic. -RRB- I hate this shit. STEPHEN I'll be back, this'll all be over. MOLLY Yeah. STEPHEN leaves.", "INT. MILLENNIUM HOTEL - PAUL'S ROOM - DAY We're in PAUL'S room. He's lying on the bed, talking on his cell phone. BEN sits at the desk working on a laptop. PAUL Absolutely - there's no question about it. A knock. PAUL goes to the door, opens it and waves STEPHEN in, shutting the door behind him as he enters. PAUL -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- But we've got to think broader strokes here, rethink everything. uh - huh. Yeah, I know how to handle it. Look, Stevie just got here. Can I call you back in a few minutes? Okay, bye. -LRB- He hangs up. -RRB- The Governor. We had a good long talk on the way back. He's up to speed with everything. STEPHEN How'd he take it? PAUL Better than I thought he would. Still wo n't take Thompson's endorsement. STEPHEN Paul - I got ta tell you something. PAUL What's up? STEPHEN Ida knows I met with Duffy. PAUL stares at him blankly. STEPHEN -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- I do n't know how she found out. Tried to blackmail me. Said she was gon na let the story out if I did n't tell her what happened at your meeting with Thompson. PAUL So it's gon na hit the papers. STEPHEN Probably. Yeah. Whoever she takes it to, they're gon na call me for a statement. I could just deny the whole thing, but if they call Duffy and he admits to it, that could look worse. If I say no comment they wo n't let up. PAUL I leaked it to Ida. Pause. BEN looks up from his laptop. PAUL -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- At the event. STEPHEN I do n't understand. PAUL We made a deal. STEPHEN Paul. they're gon na print that story in the paper tomorrow morning. PAUL I know. STEPHEN But why? Why would you do that to me? Why would you do that to the campaign. PAUL The campaign will survive. STEPHEN Then why would you do that to me? PAUL Makes it easier to let you go. STEPHEN What? PAUL Why'd you meet with Duffy? STEPHEN I made a mistake - a stupid mistake. PAUL No Stephen. You did n't make a mistake. You made a choice. You called me and left a message to call back. that it was important. But when I did. you said to forget about it. You chose not to tell me. Why did you make that choice? STEPHEN I did n't think it was important. PAUL Sure you did. But you went because you were curious, because you were flattered. Because it made you feel special to think Duffy wanted to speak to you instead of me. Because you thought to yourself : maybe I can get something out of this. Because it made you feel big. First campaign I ran tiny little race in Kentucky - state senate seat. Workin for redneck nobody named McGuthrie. Had no money, no staff, no fuckin office. Everyone thought we did n't stand a chance. There's no way we can compete. And about this time, a guy running a congressional campaign a few districts over gives me a call. Says, `` I really like what you were able to do for poor ole' Sam. But let's face it, he's a goner, so why do n't you come work for me?'' What do I do? Well Stephen - this is where you and I are different. I told Sam about the call. And Sam says to me, `` Paul, you think this other's guy's got a shot at winning, and he can pay you more than anything I can afford, so if it's what you feel you need to do, then I wo n't get in your way.'' So I say, `` Sam - you took a chance and hired me when I was even more of nobody than you are, and I'd be damned if I'm gon na jump ship just because the shit hit the fan.'' We lost the race, but three years later, when Sam decided to run for Governor - who do you think he called? We won that race. And twenty years later I'm where I am now. -LRB- Beat. -RRB- There's only one thing I value in this world Steve, and that's loyalty. Without it you're nothing and you have no one. And in politics it's the only currency that you can count on. That's why I'm letting you go. Not because you're not good enough. But I value trust over skill. And I do n't trust you anymore. STEPHEN Well it really is n't whether you trust me, it's whether the Governor does. PAUL The Governor knows, he thinks it's the right thing to do. STEPHEN He does. PAUL If I were you? I'd get a good night sleep because you're gon na get fucking pounded by calls from the press in the morning. Off of Stephen we :", "INT. CLINIC - DAY - LATER MOLLY is sitting in the clinic waiting room, Post - Op. The NURSE comes out with a bag of prescription drugs and some instructions. NURSE These are Vicodin. they're for the pain. You have Ambien. that'll help you sleep. and I threw in a couple of Xanax for the next couple of days. Did the doctor explain there would be some bleeding? Molly nods. NURSE -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Not much. and it should n't last very long. If it does you'll need to call us. Molly just sits there staring. NURSE -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Do you have a ride? Molly shakes her head yes. NURSE -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Okay. if you need anything you just call the clinic. okay. MOLLY -LRB- NODS. -RRB- Okay. The NURSE walks back into the office. MOLLY just sits there. by herself. We stay with her for a while.", "EXT. STEPHEN'S RENTAL CAR - AFTERNOON STEPHEN is driving.", "EXT. CLINIC - AFTERNOON MOLLY walks outside the clinic and down the street.", "EXT. CAFE NEAR CLINIC - LATER Through the front window we see Molly sitting in a booth making a phone call. There is a TV on the wall, the news plays. DEBBIE DIXON Yes Mike, Senator Franklin Thompson of North Carolina arrived at the Lunken airfield today igniting rumors of a deal in the works. The NY times is reporting that Senator Thompson will pledge his three hundred and fifty - six delegates to Senator Pullman.", "EXT. CLINIC STREET - NIGHT STEPHEN drives by the clinic, he slows to see if Molly is still there. The clinic is closed.", "EXT. MOLLY'S MOTEL - KENTUCKY - NIGHT MOLLY gets out of a cab and walks into the hotel. Under this we hear : BEN Hey, where were you today? MOLLY I'm not feeling great Ben.", "INT. MOLLY'S MOTEL - KENTUCKY - NIGHT We're in front of MOLLY'S door as the scene continues. BEN You picked a hell of day to call in sick. Jesus. fucking wild day. MOLLY Why? BEN Stephen's off the campaign. Paul fired him. Some fucking set up about loyalty and it looks like Stephen was doubling down with Duffy on the Pullman campaign. I was sitting in the room when Paul told Stephen that he was fired. Stephen said who's gon na take over and Paul said me. and I'm like. easy there soldier. but Stephen goes ape shit then Paul gives the speech about loyalty and then shits on Stephen like I've NEVER SEEN before. christ. humiliating shit. MOLLY When was this? BEN Molly listen to me. I'm gon na run the campaign under Paul. Stephen is going to Duffy. I just jumped three years ahead. so starting tomorrow morning we go into full damage control and I'm telling you Stephen's going ape shit. he said he's taking everyone down on his way out. Morris, everybody! Phone rings. BEN -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Shit I got ta take this. Do you need anything? MOLLY No.", "INT. PULLMAN HEADQUARTERS - CINCINNATI - NIGHT STEPHEN enters the offices, staffers look up and recognize him. STEPHEN Where's Duffy. STAFFER 1 You got an appointment? Stephen keeps walking. Stephen arrives at a medium sized, glass partitioned office. As he looks in, we see Duffy and five or six staffers around a table. Duffy is holding court, the mood is light. Duffy notices Stephen standing there. Duffy walks Stephen a few doors down to a conference room. A single staffer is working on a laptop. DUFFY Joe can you excuse us for a minute. The staffer leaves and Duffy closes the door. DUFFY -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Not very bright, walking in here. STEPHEN I'm in. I'm coming to work for you. DUFFY A reporter at Roll Call phoned me this afternoon. STEPHEN I know who leaked it. DUFFY Who? STEPHEN Paul. DUFFY You told Paul? STEPHEN Yeah. I told him we met. He leaked it. DUFFY You should n't have told him that. STEPHEN I felt like I should. DUFFY I've worked with Paul. He gets paranoid. STEPHEN Obviously. DUFFY So he fired you. STEPHEN I quit. DUFFY You're lying to me. come on. STEPHEN I quit! And I can give you everything on Morris. Everything. I can lay out his whole strategy for you. DUFFY I already know his strategy. Paul gave it all to Thompson. STEPHEN What if I had something else? DUFFY You'd do that to Morris? To Paul? STEPHEN Yeah. DUFFY Revenge makes people unpredictable Steve. I ca n't have someone who's unpredictable. Who's unstable. STEPHEN -LRB- CALMLY. -RRB- I'm not unstable. DUFFY If it had been a clean break - if you'd left Morris before this story broke, that'd be one thing. That we could control. But the way it'd look now - Paul fires you and then you come work for us. Looks like we're picking up the scraps. Puts Morris in the drivers seat. I ca n't have that. We see a shot close on STEPHEN'S clinched fist holding the yellow copies from Molly's clinic visit down by his side. We pan up to his face. STEPHEN What if I had something big? DUFFY Like what? STEPHEN Something big. Something that'll bring Morris down. DUFFY What is it? STEPHEN -LRB- Shaking his head. -RRB- Give me the job. DUFFY It's not gon na happen. I'm sorry. Go take a nice long vacation. Beat. DUFFY -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- You're a smart guy Steve. Everything I said yesterday is true. But maybe politics is n't for you. STEPHEN Politics is my life. DUFFY Do yourself a favor. Get out now while you still can. Go into entertainment, or business, or open a fucking restaurant in Costa Rica - anything. Do what will make you happy. You stay in this business long enough it makes you jaded and cynical. STEPHEN Like you? DUFFY Yeah. Just like me. STEPHEN You knew I was gon na tell Paul. DUFFY I did n't know. I thought you might, but I did n't know. STEPHEN You knew if I told him he'd fire me. DUFFY Thing you got ta know about Paul - he's big on loyalty. STEPHEN Yeah I got a nice speech on that. You were never gon na hire me. DUFFY Put yourself in my shoes Steve. Your opponent has the best media mind in the country working on his team. What do you try to do? You either try to hire him yourself, or work it so if you ca n't have him, the other team ca n't either. This was a win - win situation for me. You work for us - great. Paul does n't have you. Then again, if Paul fires you and I do n't take you - fine - Paul still does n't have you. Either way I win. The moment I got you to sit down in that chair, I knew I'd won. STEPHEN This is my life you're talking about. DUFFY It's not easy for me to do this sort of thing Steve. Do n't think I take any pleasure in it. I'm sorry for you. I really am. Take care of yourself. CUT TO: 64 STEPHEN pulls into the parking lot.", "INT. MOLLY'S MOTEL - KENTUCKY - NIGHT STEPHEN climbs the back stairwell to avoid seeing any of his former co - workers. He gets to the fifth floor and walks down the hall towards Molly's room. As he turns the corner he sees a maid's cart in front of her room. The door is halfway open. As he starts walking towards her door, we see the HOTEL MANAGER come running out of Molly's room, he heads the opposite way towards the elevators. he's fumbling with his walkie - talkie. STEPHEN gets to her room and we see a JANITOR kneeling over Molly's lifeless body. Stephen steps into the room. He can barely move. He just stands there looking at the situation. The JANITOR is on the phone. JANITOR No ma'am she's not breathing. No nothing. Stephen is looking at Molly. he looks around the room. he sees her prescription bottle empty on the bed next to her. he sees her clothes all around the room. JANITOR -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- I do n't know, fifteen minutes. how far away are they? The JANITOR now turns and looks at STEPHEN JANITOR -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Do you know her? STEPHEN nods his head yes. JANITOR -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- She's gone. We hear the sound of a distant ambulance. JANITOR goes back to the phone. JANITOR -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Hello. I'm sorry what? Yes I can hear them now. STEPHEN looks down on the bed and sees Molly's phone. He reaches down takes it and slides it in his pocket. Close on STEPHENS face as he stares down at Molly. We hear the ambulance approaching the building", "EXT. MOLLY'S MOTEL - NIGHT - SECONDS LATER Stephen comes running out the door. An ambulance has pulled up and EMT's are on their way in. Police are also pulling up. Stephen keeps walking - he gets in his car and sits there. Nothing. No emotion. Stephen pulls out his phone and listens to his messages. PHONE You have four new messages and four saved messages. First new message. Beep. MOLLY -LRB- O.S. -RRB- Uhm. where are you? it's Uhh. -LRB- Crying. -RRB- it's four something. they're gon na close in a few minutes. Beep. BEN -LRB- O.S. -RRB- Stephen, it's Ben. listen. what the fuck. did Paul lose his mind? Jesus. what're you gon na do? Call me. Beep. MOLLY -LRB- O.S. -RRB- Stephen I just heard from Ben. please do n't do anything fucked up. -LRB- She's losing it. -RRB- Godamnit you motherfucker pick up the phone! Do n't do it you fuck! Beep. We now hear Molly in a very different tone, calmer, maybe even drunk. MOLLY -LRB- O.S. ; CONT'D. -RRB- I'm not going away. Beep. Stephen hangs up. We stay on him for a while.", "INT. MORRIS HEADQUARTERS - NEXT MORNING The GOVERNOR, PAUL, BEN and the other staffers, sit in front of a monitor watching a news piece. We now cut to CNN footage in front of a hospital as we hear the report continue. JOHN KING -LRB- V.O. -RRB- The coroner has stated, that based on the evidence found by the police in the hotel room, that this was an accidental overdose, a lethal cocktail of alcohol and prescription drugs. The Cincinnati police chief, Darryl Mathews, has called for a full investigation pending a toxicology report which could take up to two weeks. Just a terrible terrible situation for the former Senator, now DNC Chairman, Jack Stearns and his family. Off the Governor's face we :", "EXT. RIVERSIDE PARK - KENTUCKY - DAY STEPHEN and SENATOR THOMPSON are seated on a bench. SENATOR THOMPSON I want on the ticket. you need me on the ticket. and you need my delegates. you could use em before Tuesday. Make a fine story on the Sunday morning news cycle. so I expect to hear from you by noon tomorrow. or I endorse Pullman and take my cabinet seat. They look at each other. SENATOR THOMPSON -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Anything else you want to talk about?", "INT. PRESS ROOM - CINCINNATI - NEXT MORNING We're at a press conference - The GOVERNOR, PAUL, BEN, and the rest of the staff, are standing behind the microphone. The Governor is making a statement GOV. MORRIS The entire staff is in a state of shock. We have sent our condolences to Jack and JoAnna Stearns and their whole family. and of course our hearts go out to them. it's hard to imagine what they're going through. All we know at this point is it appears to be a drug. an accidental prescription overdose. Ida? IDA Is suicide ruled out? GOV. MORRIS We have no reason to believe. He looks to Paul. GOV. MORRIS -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- I do n't think we have any of that information yet. Obviously there will be a full investigation. Just wanted to say that our hearts go out. our prayers go out to the entire family. and she was part of our family. REPORTER 5 Did you know her well Governor? GOV. MORRIS Not well. But I did know her, and what I saw was a hard working, young woman, with a great and positive spirit. It's a very sad day in our campaign and a very sad day for the people close to Jack. REPORTER 6 How long has she interned with you Governor? The Governor looks back at Paul. Paul steps up to the mic. PAUL She'd only been on the road with us for a few weeks. maybe four I think, I can check. IDA Will you continue with your schedule today? You're set to tour Proctor & Gamble this afternoon. PAUL We will most certainly stay on schedule. This accident, and we have to assume for now it's an accident, is just simply a tragedy. The work, the schedule wo n't be altered. It just means that those of us that knew Molly will go about our jobs with a heavy heart. As these questions continue, the Governor's cell phone vibrates. He pulls it from his pocket and reads the name of the caller. It reads `` Molly.'' He looks up. Panic starts to set in - the only sounds we hear are his heart beating and the phone vibrating. The Governor looks at each of his staff members. Then he scans around the room looking through the press corps up to the back doorway where he locks eyes with Stephen. STEPHEN holds a cell phone to his ear. They stare at each other. Then Stephen hangs up, and the Governor's phone stops vibrating. Stephen turns and leaves.", "EXT. RESTAURANT - CINCINNATI - THAT NIGHT STEPHEN approaches the restaurant - the lights are off. He peers through a window - we hear the door unlock. One of the Governor's SECRET SERVICE MEN opens the door. He motions Stephen in.", "INT. RESTAURANT - CINCINNATI - CONTINUOUS Stephen follows the secret service guy through the dark restaurant - they pass several other secret service guys sitting in booths. They cross towards the back to the kitchen door - STEPHEN enters.", "INT. RESTAURANT KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS The kitchen is small and dimly lit. The Governor is standing behind the center island - hanging pans hide his face. GOV. MORRIS It seems you have something you want to talk about. STEPHEN Does it seem that way? GOV. MORRIS If you have something. or think you have something you want to get off your chest. STEPHEN What's say I do the talking and you do the listening. GOV. MORRIS Okay. STEPHEN As of tomorrow morning there's going to be some changes in your campaign. Paul is out. I will be your senior campaign manager. I'll draft a statement, `` we're at a point in the campaign where some changes have to be made etc.'' You can put your own words in there, you do it better than most. GOV. MORRIS And why would I do that? Beat. STEPHEN Because you want to win. Because you broke the only rule in politics. You want to be President, you can start a war, you can lie, you can cheat, you can bankrupt the country, but you ca n't fuck the interns. they'll get you for that. GOV. MORRIS What do you think you have Stephen? A troubled young girl tells you a story. STEPHEN A troubled young pregnant girl. GOV. MORRIS Is that what she told you? STEPHEN Who needed cash for an abortion. GOV. MORRIS What did you do, give her money? Maybe she just wanted cash and you were the perfect guy to hit up. STEPHEN Is that your best play? GOV. MORRIS You need a job that bad Stephen? You walk in here with your dick in your hand. you've got nothing. STEPHEN So how did I get here? You're right Mike, there's nothing. No phone messages, no text, no e - mails, no photos or tapes, and yet I'm standing right here. GOV. MORRIS Well go home. STEPHEN She left a note. The Governor stands in silence. GOV. MORRIS How would you know that? STEPHEN I cleaned up your mess. I took her phone and I found her note. They stare at each other in silence. GOV. MORRIS I thought it was an accident. STEPHEN You tell me, you were the last one she called. Note says she was pregnant, said you were going to pay for her abortion. it also said she did n't want to hurt you. GOV. MORRIS Then why would she leave a note that could only do that? STEPHEN Because she's twenty. GOV. MORRIS What do you want? STEPHEN Paul's gone today. I set a meeting with you and Thompson where you promise him the ticket. You get three hundred and fifty - six pledged delegates, you get North Carolina, and then you take office and make right what so many have made wrong. All the things we both believe in. GOV. MORRIS Well I do n't believe in extortion. I do n't believe in tying myself to you for the next eight years. STEPHEN Four years, let's not get ahead of ourselves. A long beat. Finally the Governor says : GOV. MORRIS What were you doing in her room? STEPHEN Housekeeping, before you ended up on page one. GOV. MORRIS No. You were already fired, you were out. What were you doing in her room? STEPHEN I was fixing a situation. I got a call, someone from the hotel thought I could help and called me. GOV. MORRIS You were off the campaign, but you thought it was important to come back and fix things? It was your voice on the phone the other night. You were fucking her. What did you do Stephen? STEPHEN I loaned her some money and gave her a ride. GOV. MORRIS I bet you did. Pause. GOV. MORRIS -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- There's no note. STEPHEN Okay, there's no note. GOV. MORRIS Show it to me. STEPHEN You think I brought it here? That's how people get hurt. GOV. MORRIS Okay let's play this out. You're not wearing a wire because everything you've suggested is illegal. and you would n't fare well in federal prison. You were fucking her and she told you about her situation. There are no records or conversations between us. And since she's had an abortion, no DNA evidence. So if there's no note, then it's your word against mine. Your word. A fired, disgruntled, employee, or a sitting governor. There's no note. STEPHEN It's your call Governor. As the Governor weighs his options we -", "INT. BARBER SHOP - EARLY MORNING PAUL is sitting in a barber shop getting his hair cut. the BARBER cuts. Paul sits there. The TV is on. a sports show. no one talks. We watch Paul's face as the barber clips the back of his head.", "EXT. STREET OUTSIDE BARBER SHOP PAUL walks out, starts down the street. As he passes the first corner, he sees the Governor's SUV and the Secret Service SUV both parked on the side of the road. Paul looks at the SUV. then walks up to the window. The window rolls down and the GOVERNOR leans his head out. GOV. MORRIS Paul you got a minute? We stay outside the car for along time. We hear CHRIS MATHEWS under this shot. We see Paul get out of the SUV and the two SUVs drive off, leaving him standing there.", "EXT. NICER HOTEL - CINCINNATI - NEXT DAY - ESTABLISHING", "INT. NICER HOTEL ROOM- CINCINNATI - NEXT DAY STEPHEN'S in a different hotel now. The TV is on. CHRIS MATHEWS How much could a big shake up days before the Ohio primary hurt a campaign. I asked Paul Zara how his firing could actually help the candidate. We See STEPHEN, shaving in the bathroom mirror, as he listens to the TV. PAUL The Governor and I both felt, that in light of some of these changing numbers, it was best to put a new face on the campaign. Stephen is very talented. very smart.", "EXT. WHEELING WEST VIRGINIA - SAME DAY We see a shot of an old church. People are walking up the steps and through the big open doors.", "INT. CHURCH - WHEELING WEST VIRGINIA We're at a memorial service for Molly. We see a lot of young people. PAUL is sitting in the back row. As Molly's father JACK STEARNS speaks STEPHEN walks in. He sits in the adjacent row - he and Paul look at each other. JACK STEARNS You always hear people talking about events out of sequence. the order of things. There is no greater grief than a parent laying their child to rest. She was a little girl trying to make it in a very grown up world. a world were every mistake is magnified and she was smart and pretty and so so young. He looks to the PRIEST next to him. JACK STEARNS -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Father, you ask us to accept God's plan, to not question his judgment, with all due respect, I do n't accept this judgment. She made the world better, not just for me, but for everyone she touched.", "EXT. CHURCH - WHEELING WEST VIRGINIA - LATER We're on the street in front of the church. People are filing out. PAUL is waiting next to STEPHEN'S car as Steven walks up. PAUL You should hire Jack for a speech writer. STEPHEN I'll keep that in mind. Are you here to talk to me? PAUL No. I'm friends with the family. I got her the internship. known her since she was born. STEPHEN I'm sorry. PAUL The Governor could n't make the flight? STEPHEN He's meeting with Thompson. PAUL Look at you, all grown up with tits and all. STEPHEN I learned from the best. PAUL One day we'll grab a beer and you'll tell me what you had on the Governor that put me out. STEPHEN How do you know I did n't have something on you? They both smile. PAUL You better get going, you've got a campaign to run and I've got offices to go look at. STEPHEN Farragut North? Paul nods his head. PAUL Nice consultant firm right off of K Street. Paul turns to leave. PAUL -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- A million a year and nobody to fuck you over. STEPHEN Sounds relaxing. Paul, without looking back. PAUL Does n't it.", "INT. XAVIER UNIVERSITY - CINCINNATI- DAY GOVERNOR MORRIS with his WIFE and DAUGHTER, stand at the podium just behind Senator Thompson. There are a few hundred people in attendance, campaign workers, supporters and press. SENATOR THOMPSON And the right man to lead this great nation of ours in these challenging times and the next President of the United States of America, Governor Mike Morris! And I ask only one thing, that all of us stand shoulder to shoulder and arm in arm in a united Democratic party. Huge cheers. SENATOR THOMPSON -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- And I strongly urge that the three hundred and fifty - six loyal delegates that I have carried as a badge of honor, throw their support to the Governor. Let's end this primary and get on to the business of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave! More big cheers. SENATOR THOMPSON -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Thank you. And God bless the United States of America. Thompson turns and shakes the hand of Governor Morris. Morris steps up to the microphone.", "EXT. XAVIER UNIVERSITY - CINCINNATI Under the following we hear the Governor's speech. We see Satellite trucks, press vehicles, police cars, etc.. At a catering truck we see a pair of hands grab some coffee and cookies. This is another young intern, JILL. We follow her across the street and into a door.", "INT. XAVIER HALLWAYS & RECEPTION ROOM - CONTINUOUS JILL comes through the door. We follow her through the hallways crowded with television cables and technicians. She makes her way in to a large reception room, where Stephen is watching Governor Morris give his speech. She hands him a coffee. We cut between The Governor and Stephen watching from the back. GOV. MORRIS Thank you Senator Thompson! Well the polls are n't quite closed, but I want to congratulate Senator Pullman. And his Republican constituents on their win here in Ohio. The room explodes in laughter and applause. GOV. MORRIS -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- Senator Thompson I am honored to stand here today with you. I am humbled by your kind words, thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, today marks the beginning of a fight between two sets of ideals. Either we're going to move forward or were going to live in the past. Either we're going to lead the world in technology, or we are going to bury our heads in the sand. the sands of Saudi Arabia. the sands of Iraq! Either we're going to let greed and corruption ruin our industries and our shorelines or we are going to take back our country! We are not a nation used to coming in second or third. Cheers.", "INT. XAVIER UNIVERSITY - HALLWAY & STAGING ROOM While the Governor's speech continues we stay close on Stephen as he walks through the crowd. We follow him into Governor Morris's staging area. Four monitors on a table show different network feeds. We watch Stephen roll down his sleeves and button his shirt. He ties his tie and puts his jacket on. From the monitors we hear reporters etc.. We push in on one of the monitors where DUFFY is being interviewed. As we push in we see STEPHEN cross out of the room. BEN is watching, he looks back and smiles at STEPHEN. DUFFY No it's not decisive, we still have several contests and those states are going to want to have their say. It does look like we'll win Ohio. RACHEL MADDOW But you must concede that these three hundred and fifty - six delegates put the pledged delegates out of reach. And with word today that the super delegates are breaking three to one for Morris. DUFFY We still have a lot of contests Rachel, Ohio is - RACHEL MADDOW Well then do you have the funds? As we read it - DUFFY -LRB- SMILING. -RRB- Of course we have the funds. We're getting new donations daily. Our new intern, JILL crosses into frame looking down at BEN. JILL Hey. Ben. I was told to talk to you. I'm supposed to get a phone. BEN Right. you're. JILL Jill Morris. no relation. BEN Are you a Bearcat? JILL No. I'm from Columbus I'm a Buckeye.", "EXT. XAVIER UNIVERSITY - QUAD - CONTINUOUS A shot of STEPHEN walking across the quad towards the gym.", "INT. XAVIER UNIVERSITY GYM CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS We pick up Stephen walking with Ida. IDA You're making me look bad. STEPHEN How so? IDA I just filed a story that said you were off the campaign and Thompson was going to Pullman. STEPHEN You ca n't believe everything you read. IDA I want to give you an opportunity to comment on my next story. It says that you delivered Thompson. You got the three hundred and fifty - six delegates, you delivered the nomination. And all you asked in return was Paul's job. Any chance of you confirming that? They approach a security guard standing by a set of double doors. STEPHEN No press beyond this point. she's press. I'll read about it in the funny papers. IDA Come on Stephen. are n't we friends anymore? STEPHEN You're my best friend Ida. And Stephen walks through the doors.", "INT. XAVIER UNIVERSITY - GYMNASIUM - A FEW MINUTES LATER A wide shot of the darkened gymnasium. Stephen sits on a stool in front of a camera lit by a single television light. We're now in tight - One PERSON is putting a mic on Stephen while the OTHER is applying make - up. No one speaks. The sound man then puts and earwig into Stephens ear. SOUND MAN You should be able to hear them. do you hear them? We hear the buzzing in his ear of the broadcast from New York. STEPHEN Yeah I can hear them. SOUND MAN Good, quick mic check can you count to ten for me? Stephen counts to ten. Everyone stands behind the camera. The sound man with his headset on whispers. SOUND MAN -LRB- CONT'D. -RRB- They're coming to you in about forty five seconds. We sit in silence staring at Stephens face. Ten seconds - nothing. Twenty seconds - nothing This scene starts to resemble our opening - A dark auditorium - only a few people doing their individual jobs. Stephen looks at two interns holding clipboards and cell phones. The FIRST AD is sitting on the floor talking on his headset. The CAMERAMAN makes adjustments. A MAN sweeping the gym floor in the distance. They all seem to be staring at him. They probably are n't - but he feels it. The enthusiasm and excitement of Stephen has given over to emptiness. The price of winning at all cost. We stay on Stephen's face. We now hear the Governor's speech through Stephen's earwig. GOV. MORRIS Senator Thompson I am proud that you have brought integrity back to this election. Because that's what this comes down to, integrity. Who we are. Because how we project ourselves to the rest of the world matters! Dignity matters! Integrity matters! Our future depends on it! Forty seconds - the silence is broken by the SOUND MAN. SOUND MAN Coming to you in five. four. three. two. Through the earwig we hear an JOHN KING. JOHN KING We now have Governor Morris's new senior campaign advisor, Stephen Myers, coming to us from Xavier University where Senator Thompson has just endorsed Governor Morris, essentially ending this primary race. -LRB- To Stephen. -RRB- Stephen, can you give us some insight into how this whole thing unfolded? And before he can answer we :" ]
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Stephen Meyers is the junior campaign manager for Governor Mike Morris, who is competing against Senator Ted Pullman in the Democratic presidential primary. Both campaigns are vying for the endorsement of Senator Franklin Thompson, who controls 356 delegates; these would clinch the nomination for either candidate. Meyers is asked by Pullman's campaign manager, Tom Duffy, to meet in secret. Meyers calls his boss, Morris campaign manager Paul Zara, who does not answer. Meyers decides to meet with Duffy anyway and Duffy offers him a position in Pullman's campaign; Meyers refuses. When Zara calls back, Meyers does not tell him about the meeting. Meyers starts a sexual relationship with Molly Stearns, an attractive intern whose father is the chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Meyers admits to an angry Zara that he met with Duffy, who said that Pullman will offer Thompson the position of Secretary of State in exchange for his endorsement. Zara and Meyers discuss the matter with Morris, saying they must make the same offer to Thompson. Morris refuses on principle, as he thoroughly disagrees with Thompson and his policies, and wants a "clean" campaign without such deals. While Molly is sleeping, Meyers picks up her phone by mistake and finds that Morris is trying to call her. He discovers that Molly and Morris had a brief sexual liaison several weeks previously, and Molly is now pregnant with Morris' child. Molly needs $900 for an abortion, but cannot tell her father because her family is Catholic. Meyers helps her with the money but warns her not to tell anybody and fires her from the campaign to make the problem go away. Ida Horowicz, a reporter for The New York Times, reveals to Meyers that an anonymous source leaked his meeting with Duffy and that she plans to publish an article unless Meyers gives her the details about the Morris campaign's overtures to Thompson. After dropping Molly off at the abortion clinic, Meyers goes to Zara for help. Zara reveals that he leaked the meeting to Ida with Morris' approval as a pretext for firing Meyers over his purported disloyalty. An angry and desperate Meyers offers his services to Duffy, who says he met with Meyers only to influence his opponent's operation, under the likelihood that Meyers either would come to work for him or would be fired for taking the meeting. Meyers offers to sell out Morris but Duffy declines, believing Thompson's endorsement of Pullman is assured. Duffy apologizes for using Meyers and advises him to quit politics before he becomes a cynic like Duffy. Having been told that Meyers had threatened to take down the campaign, Molly fatally overdoses on pills in a hotel room. Meyers comes across the scene and steals her phone. Unbeknownst to the Morris campaign, he meets with Thompson to set the conditions for his endorsement and his delegates. Meyers confronts Morris and gives him an ultimatum: Either give him Zara's job and offer Thompson his post, or Meyers will go to the press with Molly's purported suicide note and expose the affair. Morris relents, giving up what is left of his personal integrity, and meets Meyers' demands. Zara takes his firing philosophically and is amicable when he chats with Meyers at Molly's funeral. Thompson officially endorses Morris, making him the de facto Democratic nominee. Promoted to senior campaign manager, Meyers is on the way to a remote TV interview with John King when Ida Horowicz ambushes him and says her next story will be about how Meyers delivered Thompson and his delegates and got his promotion. He reacts by having security bar Horowicz from entering the auditorium. Meyers takes his seat for the interview, just as Morris finishes a speech about how integrity and dignity matter. King then asks Meyers for insight as to how the events surrounding the primary unfolded.
["BLACKNESS. Pink Floyd's `` Dark Side of the Moon -LRB- Brain Damage -RRB-'' plays as WHITE TITLES (...TRUNCATED)
"Andy McDermott is a tourist seeing the sights of Paris with his friends Brad and Chris. When Serafi(...TRUNCATED)
["INT. BATCAVE -BATMAN'S COSTUME VAULT Chrome and shadow. A black gauntlet SNAPS into place. A cape (...TRUNCATED)
"Set two years after the defeat of Two-Face and the Riddler, Batman and his new partner, Robin, beco(...TRUNCATED)
["EXT. JUNGLE - DAY A machete slashes INTO FRAME. An American in battered fedora and leather jacket,(...TRUNCATED)
"In the near future, the Moon has been colonized and supports a station on its surface. A lunar shut(...TRUNCATED)
["EXT. FOREST - JUST BEFORE DAWN Mail - clad HORSEMEN gallop headlong through the dark, bent low ove(...TRUNCATED)
"A narrator describes a prophecy regarding \"a girl of ancient name that shall become queen\", which(...TRUNCATED)
["INT. BATHROOM, YORK HOUSE, LONDON - DAY (MID-1930'S) A shimmering surface of cold water - held in (...TRUNCATED)
"At the official closing of the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley Stadium, Prince Albert, Duke of(...TRUNCATED)
["INT. AIBILEEN'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - NIGHT AIBILEEN, black, 53, sits at a table in a small, green kit(...TRUNCATED)
"In 1963, Aibileen Clark is an African-American maid in Jackson, Mississippi. She works for socialit(...TRUNCATED)
["Capote TITLE UP : `` Western Kansas, 1959''","EXT. FARMHOUSE - MORNING The CAMERA follows a SIXTEE(...TRUNCATED)
"In Kansas, a family friend discovers the dead bodies of four of the members of the Clutter family. (...TRUNCATED)
["Hardcore CREDITS Credits are played over Currier and Ives - like winter scenes from life in Grand (...TRUNCATED)
"Jake Van Dorn is a prosperous local businessman in Grand Rapids, Michigan who has strong Calvinist (...TRUNCATED)
["Deep Rising A FLASH OF LIGHTNING rips the HOLLYWOOD PICTURES LOGO away, and we find ourselves in t(...TRUNCATED)
"Amidst a storm, Captain John Finnegan and his crew, Joey Pantucci and Leila, are hired by mercenari(...TRUNCATED)
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio
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MENSA: Movie Scene Saliency Dataset

Dataset Summary

The dataset, MENSA (Movie Scene Saliency Dataset) is from the paper "Select and Summarize: Scene Saliency for Movie Script Summarization", and consists of movie scripts and their corresponding summaries. Each scene in the movie script is annotated with scene saliency labels. The training set contains silver labels, which are automatically generated, while the validation and test sets contain human-annotated gold labels.

Dataset Structure

The dataset is divided into three parts:

  • Training Set: Contains movie scripts and summaries with silver scene saliency labels.
  • Validation Set: Contains movie scripts and summaries with human-annotated gold scene saliency labels.
  • Test Set: Contains movie scripts and summaries with human-annotated gold scene saliency labels.


Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0


      title={Select and Summarize: Scene Saliency for Movie Script Summarization}, 
      author={Rohit Saxena and Frank Keller},
      primaryClass={id='cs.CL' full_name='Computation and Language' is_active=True alt_name='cmp-lg' in_archive='cs' is_general=False description='Covers natural language processing. Roughly includes material in ACM Subject Class I.2.7. Note that work on artificial languages (programming languages, logics, formal systems) that does not explicitly address natural-language issues broadly construed (natural-language processing, computational linguistics, speech, text retrieval, etc.) is not appropriate for this area.'}

    title = "Select and Summarize: Scene Saliency for Movie Script Summarization",
    author = "Saxena, Rohit  and
      Keller, Frank",
    editor = "Duh, Kevin  and
      Gomez, Helena  and
      Bethard, Steven",
    booktitle = "Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024",
    month = jun,
    year = "2024",
    address = "Mexico City, Mexico",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "3439--3455",
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