<s>[INST] I have had low hemoglobin since last June in Oct 2011 my rheumotolist suggested I go see a GI doctor because my hemoglobin had dropped to 8.9 and it was appearing on the blood work thayt I was having internal bleeding . I had an endoscope and colotosopy. They were normal. I then has a capusle endoscope that was normal. I had blood work done in Feb. my hemoglobin had dropped to 7.9 still indicating internal blleding. On May 12th I went to the Er with rapid heartbeat , vomiting , and shortness of breath, My hemaglobin had dropped to 7.1 and rock bottom iron. I was admitted and given blood transfusions and iron. The doctors have now ordered a constant CT can of my adoman. I have been going to the hemotologist and getting feronine infusions weekly. My iron is still low and my hemoglobin has dropped from 10.3 in the hospital(after transfusions) to 8.3. They did do another endoscope in the hospital and that was fine. My family doctor, the GI and Hemotologist all seem to think i am having some type of GI bleed. What could it be. [/INST] Hello and thanks for the query. This is an excellent question. It does appear that you have a significant anemia. I am not sure that your doctors can conclude that you have actual bleeding going on. It is possible that your body is somehow destroying the red blood cells. This can sometimes happen through an autoimmune process. I am, sure you're hematologist has considered this. He may have requested some special laboratory studies to rule this out. It is important that you continue to receive your iron supplementation. As long as the other blood cells in your body, including platelets and white blood cells are within normal limits. It is most likely, your bone marrow is functioning normally and that some type of processes going on whether it is some type of bleeding that has yet to be discovered or whether your body is actively breaking red blood cells apart somehow through this immune process. Thanks again for sending your question. I can appreciate, that you're dealing with a very stressful and frustrating situation. Please let me know if you have any additional specific concerns. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I am 17. I have been to the hospital twice and a walk-in GP. I was concerned over my recent symptoms (Shortness of breath, dry cough, extreme fatigue, headaches, hoarseness of voice.) and a ER doctor performed a X-Ray on me. X-Ray came out just fine. They asked me the basic medical questions. They discharged me assuming that I had chest inflammation and prescribed me ibuprofen. That went horribly. It didn t help my symptoms at all. Went to the Walk-in GP. I was told I was having a allergic reaction... I asked for a MRI to address the concerns it could be Lung Cancer (I will explain my reasons as to why below) but I was denied due to the person currently seeing me being a Nurse. I was sent home there. Also, I do not have Pneumonia or any sort of flu or cold. The reason why I believe it s Lung Cancer is because I am not very active and recent reports suggest that theres a %6 percent chance of obtaining Lung cancer if you sit for more then 6 hours and being around secondhand smokers (which I am alot, due to my family being a very active smoking family) increases the risk by %30-40 percent. Can you help me some how? [/INST] Hello dear, thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. First, no need to worry at all for lung cancer as it is extremely uncommon at your age (14 years). In my opinion you are having either asthma or bronchitis. As second hand smoke can cause both of the above. And coughing with breathing difficulty are seen in both. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done PFT (pulmonary function test). This will also tell you about severity of the disease. And treatment is based on severity only. You may need inhaled bronchodilators and antihistamine Chat Doctor. So no need to worry about lung cancer, consult pulmonologist and first diagnose yourself and then start appropriate treatment. Don't worry, you will be alright. </s>
<s>[INST] I fell a couple of days ago, I thought it had broken both my left leg and arm.I had it exrayed nothing broken, but it is such a very bad bruise, I am a deep purple from my panty line to my knee, that is until today, now it is so hard in one big area on my leg, with little knots protruding on down my leg in several areas. The place that is one big hard place is sorta numb, except it has like rough ridges that has formed at the one side of it. It has been throbbing and very painful.also it is turning blue below my left knee and my knee feels like it is going to buckle up from underneath me when I stand and or walk. Should I return to my primary dr? Can you give me any answers as to what you think? [/INST] Your symptoms suggest that you have severe soft tissue injury in thigh muscles. Such severe injury causes collection of blood under the skin that causes purple bluish color to skin. You need not worry. Ice, rest and non-irritant analgesic gel will subside the pain in 5-7 days. The purple bluish color will fade away in 2-3 week. Hope this helps. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions. Wishing you good health. </s>
<s>[INST] hello , sir i had unprotectedsex with my gf on 1st september ..nd after one hour i gave her ipill ,we did strip test on 14th september nd it was _ve.. nd her periods came on 15th september/but now she is having periods pain but there is a brownish bleeding (oct17) ..can i know whats the reson behind this? [/INST] Hi there,Since she has had a period after the I-pill on the expected date (i.e.,15 SEP) it means that none of these symptoms are related to the I-pill or chance of pregnancy. You need not worry, menstrual pattern can change and there could be a few days of brownish discharge before she gets her regular period flow. I would like to know her age, if she has any PAP smears taken before and their results? Hope this helps. Regards. </s>
<s>[INST] I am 70 years old. I had a CBC 4 months ago with a low platelet count. It has varied up and down from a low of 113K to 139K. I have had no symptoms of bleeding problems. My last CBC, two days ago, showed a platelet count of 139 K (almost the lower limit of normal, 140 K). However, they reported the presence of Giant Platelets and a "few" atypical lymphocytes. My Hematologist is not available until next week. Any thoughts on what this means in an asymptomatic patient like me? [/INST] Few giant platelets and other parameters' as normal is not the worrisome. But presence of few atypical lymphocytes is definitely worrisome feature. Many it may be due to either reactive lymphocytes looks like atypical. But it may be some blast like cells and not clear-cut blast at that time we write it as atypical lymphocytes. So best is repeat CBC after few days. If still persist then consult hematologist.flowcytometry may help you to clear the doubt. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello I m having open wound after sinus pilonidalis surgery. It did not heal for a long time, almost 6 months, my doctor said to me that I ll be probably have to get another surgery soon to get my wound cleaned and stitched.However, my wound is not infected, as I keep it clean, for several months now I clean it few times a day. But know some watery like transparent, yellowish fluid is coming out of the wound, in moderate amounts. And Im not sure is it sign of infection or just normal body fluid that aids healing. [/INST] Thanks for your query at Chat Doctor! I am Infectious Disease Specialist! I went through your query! I understand your query. Furthermore, I advise you must get fluid collected on swab for culture/sensitivity test bacteria and fungus. Treat accordingly with the Chat Doctor. If sterile no need to worry. Happy to take more queries! You can also write a review for me. If you would like some more information, I will be happy to provide. You can take a follow-up query. Take care! </s>
<s>[INST] Dear doctor im male 30 yes old, foe the last 6-7 yrs i do masturbation, but 2 times in a week, last week wen i do intercouse wid my gf, it discharge outside and my penis didnt go inside, but my marrige is soon , pls tell me this a problem, pls suggest me wat to do [/INST] Hello, Don't worry, sometimes having sex in longer times can lead to having early ejaculation. You need to relate for some days, and don't get anxious too much. Please look for Senate technique and master-johnson technique in the Google for knowing about how to increase the sexual performance time. You may visit a Psychiatrist for getting treatment for the same, because they are the experts in this area, and you can clear your myths regarding this early ejaculation. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... my daughter is 15 month. her weight is 9.5kg. and she is a pickey eater .so i want to increase her appeties. my freiend said liv52 is improve appeties. let me know is safe 15 months old baby to increase her appetites. how to take for this medicie.is their any side effects, and birth her weight is 3.54kg. is my baby is under weight. [/INST] Dear parents as far as birth weight is concerned her current weight is very low. Instead of trying to increase her appetite better go to a pediatrician for evaluation. She may be having some subclinical problem which is causing loss of appetite and no gain in weight.besides, if she likes playing, let her run around and let her ask for food don't give her biscuits, thinking at least this she is eating. This hampers hunger. And child does not like to eat. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi my son has been getting recurrent cold cough fever and some times rashes on his body. This is happening almost every fortnightsince cclose to 3 months. My doctor kept saying it is viral. I did a medical cbc as well as iron test.as earlier his iron count was low. Last Monday the doctor prescribed laveta m, immunac and septilin syrups for 3 months. However he still has cold and cough. He has been complaining that his body is scratching. Please advise why could this be happening. [/INST] HelloYour son is having recurrent episode of cough, cold and fever. Usually fine dusting powder, hay, mite, mold, pollen, increase or decrease in temperature (sudden) , pests (cockroaches) are certain predisposing factors, which triggers these symptoms. These symptoms are also precursor of bronchial asthma (childhood), so avoidance help greatly. When such type of patient visit my clinic I prescribe them to take montelukast+albuterol (10 mg / kg body weight of each tablet). Usually patient respond at once, no need of any antibiotics. When complete relief, stop the Chat Doctor. Levitate is an anti histamine and combination of levoceterizine + montelukast (these only act as an anti allergen) but your son require BRONCHODILATOR. Septilin and immune, no doubt increases immunity but not act as curative. For low iron level try to take some good iron preparation as an OTC product. Hope this will help you. </s>
<s>[INST] yes my mother is 86 and have been on loritab for sometime for arthris, what is a naural herb that she can take without the narcostic affects that she is getting I dont get much rest at night from her having talking out of her head dementia. others have told me this is from long term use of loritab. [/INST] Dear, thanks for consulting, here r some domestic remedies which are very much helpful and free of side effects-1) METH powder- 1 tablespoon daily after breakfast 2) garlic - 5 gram sunthi-5 gram Burgundy- 5 gram make decoction of these three in 500 ml of water till it approx 125 ml of liquid is left, take this twice a day empty stomach3) SERPENTINE OIL MASSAGE4) HOT water+ salt- fomentation of the affected partREGIMENINDICATIONS(PATH)steam bath, fresh hot and easily digestible diet, carrot, meth leaves, green vegetables, garlic, onion, Karla, ginger, sushi, buttermilk, Tulsa, curry leaves, black pepper, hot water as Chat Doctor. PREVENTIVE ASPECTS1. USE OF HOT WATER AFTER MEAL AS </s>
<s>[INST] I recently was diagnosed with pneumonia on my right side and thought I was getting better. The peoblem I have now is severe coughing to the point of gagging with no mucus coming up and severe tiredness and dizziness. My question is what might be going on? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Pneumonia is condition in which there will be infection of the lung parenchymal by the microorganisms. As you are having pneumonia of the right lung, because of which you are getting these symptoms. As you have been diagnosed to have pneumonia and I hope you are on treatment. A course of antibiotics will improve the condition by acting on the microorganisms. I would suggest you to take a syrup for Chat Doctor. Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] I have high blood pressure and since yesterday I ve been experiencing this severe dizziness where the entire room is spinning. Whenever I try to get up straight I feel really dizzy and I can t stand up.. Dizzy to the point where I feel like I m about to pass out. I measured my blood pressure already and it s high but out of the ordinary. [/INST] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor. Elevated blood pressure presenting with symptoms like dizziness should be promptly treated and reduced. A baseline EKG and a screening 2 dimensional echo of the heart can provide vital clues to the overall management. Treatment consists of reduced intake of salt less than 5gm/day. Chat Doctor. Regular physical activity can control the blood pressure. Consult your cardiologist for further queries. Thank you </s>
<s>[INST] For the last 3 days Ive been having sharp pain in my left ovary (or what it seems like).I am 27 y.o. my mentruation is due sometime next week however this doesnt feel like the normal dull, achy pains, its more of a sharp pain, especially when I sit down. Should I be concerned? [/INST] Hi. Thanks for your query. Read the history and understood the problems. Yes, you should be concerned. This is because your history is very specific of a sharp pain in the left lower abdomen / pelvis, you are 27 years-young woman, menstruation is due next week. The probable causes are:-Twisted ovarian cyst-Salpingitis- Lower Ureteric stone and ITII would advise you the following:Urgent ultrasonography of the whole abdomen and pelvis. Examination by a Gynecologist Investigations related to the blood, urine and stool. These will help to get a specific diagnosis and plan for a treatment. </s>
<s>[INST] hello. about a week ago i ha a pretty big cavity filled. a couple days later i started to see signs of an infections and started drinking antibiotics and ibuprofen for my pain. the infection seems to have subsided however now i have a sharp throbbing pain in my tooth that only goes away when i apply ice water under my tongue around that tooth and i have to keep reapplying that ice water or the pain comes back. I cannot sleep at night anymore. i have a dentist appointment friday, is there anything i can do before then to relive my pain? i have already tried ibuprofen aspirin advil and nothing is working! [/INST] Hi, thanks for using Chat Doctor In addition to the oral medication you can try the application of a local anesthetic. There are local anesthetic sprays or gargles that are used for sore throats or lesions of the mouth that may help you. They do not normally require a prescription. You can speak to your local pharmacist to see what is available in your area. In addition, if the pain is so severe, you may need to a stronger analgesic, but these may require a prescription. Medications such as Celebrex, tramadol, codeine may be helpful to you. I hope this helps </s>
<s>[INST] Initially it is just a lower back pain and extremely fatigue. After I went for a massage, the pain spread to the side of my pelvis. And I have started to have diarrhea. Everything I ate will come out as yellowish pale slimy stool.. And occassionally I have blood in my passing.. I become very weak and went to see the doctor.. The doctor prescribed me with a medication that stop diarrhea.. And it does stop it but the stool shape and color didn t change at all.. I also noticed that there is a thin film of white layer floating in my toilet bowl and it stink like hell.. After a day of torment, my diarrhea is stabilized but my pee has a strong smell.. I have stomach cramps and farting a lot.. Stinking fart.. And I don t have any appetite.. Will u be able to diagnose what is causing all that? [/INST] Hi, An infection of your gastrointestinal tract (bacterial infection) is the first thing to consider with such symptoms. Such infections may spread to the genitourinary tract too. However, it is impossible to be diagnosed online, this is a service that offers only advice. Proper medical evaluation and laboratory tests are necessary to get a correct diagnosis. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a friend who has been diagnosed of being Hepatitis B positive. He has just had his profile taken and these are the results: HbsAg with titer-ECLIA method - 8,905; Anti Hbs-ECLIA - 2.0; HbeAg - 0.140; Anti Hbe (reverse) - 0.003; Anti Hbc IgM - 0.047; Anti Hbc IgG (reverse) - 0.444 Please interpret them and what can he do to prevent these results from progressing. [/INST] Hi, Thank you asking ChatDoctorHbsAg 8,905 show that he is carrier of hepatic virus B.the other exams show that he has not acute hepatitis B, but may be is chronic hepatitis B.to show if it is chronic hepatitis B, how active is the virus he should perform some other tests like ALT, AST transaminase, bilirubin direct and indirect, HBV-DNA, abdominal ultrasound. After that he should consult a Castro hepatologist to decide if he has chronic hepatitis B, and if he should start anti-viral treatment. All the best Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] hai, i am satheesh, my mother had bp for past 5yrs she took Tablet enam 5mg for that and now recently for 10 months she having normal bp 110/70 then we stoped that tablet, but now i checked her bp is 140/80 is it normal or we want to continue the tablet.... [/INST] Hello! Thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! I understand your concern and would explain that the actual blood pressure values that you refer are above the normal limits. In such a case, I would recommend consulting with the GP for a careful physical examination and a routine check up (chest x-ray, resting ECG, blood lab tests such as : complete blood count, fasting glucose, blood electrolytes, kidney and liver function tests, thyroid hormone levels, blood lipid profile, etc.) to exclude other causes of high blood pressure. It is important to make some modifications to her lifestyle: - diet modifications (reduce salt intake and caffeine)- physical exercise (aerobics, walking)- lose weight if she is overweight. If these modifications are not effective in reducing blood pressure, I recommend discussing with her attending physician the possibility of starting an antihypertensive therapy such as exam (and find the proper dosage with slow tapering). Hope to have been helpful! Best wishes, </s>
<s>[INST] I cut my knuckle with a handsaw about 2 months ago. I treated the cut with antiseptic and it didn t seem to get infected; the cut healed fine. But ever since then, that knuckle has been red and swollen and very tender and painful. I m wondering if I injured the bone or if its infected or what.... [/INST] Knucke area is peculiar in the sense that the knuckle joint is just beneath the skin. Therefore any seemingly superficial skin injury in the knuckles especially open wounds is of concern to us orthopedic surgeons' BEC there is a high likelihood that bacteria and other foreign body can easily penetrate the joint and be left there. This injury can be easily missed out and be treated as a superficial skin wound. Skin can heal but if there is continued swelling here are possible causes you have an infection of the tendonoryou have an infection of the join tor you have an infection of the boner lastly it can be an abscess BEC of retained bacteria just underneath the ski nits very less likely to injure a bone(fracture) via table saw injury...bones are strong against slicing forces so less likely. Bones are more often injured via bending twisting or crushing. </s>
<s>[INST] Last week I admitted myself to a local hospital. In the last year four family member passed away including my mother grandparents and uncle. I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder but I think I have PTSD also as my mother died with her eyes open and me holding her hand. The reason I think I have PTSD is what triggered this episode was me picking up an earn that was made for my mothers ashes in preparation for her memorial service. Needless to say Im suffering from all the related symptoms of both depression and ptsd . A month earlier I went to the doctor and was prescribed Zoloft but the effects were debilitating wrenching stomach pain and diarrhea I lost 12 pounds in a month. I slowly reduced the dosage in preparation of a change in medication to Prozac and before I could change medication I began to have suicidal thoughts which led me to seek help. Now out of the hospital and with a little time to reflect on the situation Im taking the new medication which is making me confused ,sleepy and full of anxiety. I was prescribed Xanax for anxiety and only take it sparingly when I begin to have chest pain ,stomach pain and sometimes shortness of breath. I have called the hospital and have been accepted into there outpatient program which consists of 3 hrs of therapy twice a week for five weeks which starts this next Monday. Im hoping that with therapy some of these issues can be solved. Any advice would be greatly appreciated . Thank you , Matt [/INST] Dear serve understand your concerns went through your details. Please understand, the given symptoms are common to anxiety and you don't have to worry about those. But please make sure you take medicines according to prescription. Do not sip medicines. With the medicines you should also go for Cognitive Behavior Therapy, now available online. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. http://goo.gl/aYW2pR. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] i m a boy of 24 yrs old.n i am suffering from asthama sicce past 7 yeats.in past i use to take drugs but now i left it.n now m abroad from my country and i am still using asthalin inhaler.but sometimes its really hard for me to take breath.what shud i do? [/INST] Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history. If you are feeling hard to breath in spite of using Stalin, in my opinion you should start daily montelukast and inhaled corticosteroids at least for next 2-3 months. Depending upon your response, the Chat Doctor. I would also suggest you regular breathing exercises. Please stay away from smoke, air pollution and dust exposure as much as possible. Hope this will be helpful to you. Wish you the best of the health. Should you have any query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Regards. </s>
<s>[INST] hello, i have just taken the plan b pill after a condom broke. i am scheduled for general physical and pap smear in 2 days. i read somewhere the pill can affect the results of the test. should i rescedule for a later date? does the pill induce your period? thank you [/INST] Hello, The plan B pill does not affect the cervix or the pap smear result, so I do not think you will need to reschedule the examinations another time. On the other hand, the plan B pill may cause your menstruation to be one week earlier or one week later, so you may have your periods when you do not expect them. In this case, if you are bleeding, the doctor may decide not to do the pap-smear because the presence of blood may affect the results of the pap smear. I hope this answers your query. I remain at your disposal for further medical assistance. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, about 2 months I got a complicated injury with a rock being flung from a lawn mower and puncturing my leg creating a hole, it got infected and had to do packing. It finally healed up and there is still an indent, but there is a bump at the top of the injury. What is the bump? it doesnt look like a bruise. [/INST] Cellophane You for contacting Chat Doctor. The swelling (bump) can be due to accumulation of blood or pus. Does it hurt on touching or if overlying skin is hot? I would suggest you following things:> Always keep it clean> Wash hands before and after touching it.> Apply poly fax plus ointment over it three times a report to hospital if:> Condition remain same after 2-3 days> Any unusual symptom appears> Condition deteriorates. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. Wishing you good health. </s>
<s>[INST] I am diagnosed AFB positive due to a cavitory lesion in my right lung on 5th January10 and am on Forecox tablets two tablets in the morning, and a pyricontin in the afternoon. I have gained 1 kg till date in weight. My cough and sputum have stopped now. I am 60 yr old housewife. I am also asthmatic and on Asthalin inhaler. Am I to continue the isolation even now. Can I have normal conjugal life with my husband? Pl advise me also whether I can attend to normal domestic chores as before. I will be very grateful if u can advise me soon. Thanking u. Vasantha.D [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Yes, you can definitely live normal life. You are having sputum positive TB. Normal duration for sputum conversion (negative report) 15-20 days. So after 20 days, you are non-infectious and hence you can spend time with your husband and family without worrying about spreading infection. You are also improved in fever and coughing. This also favor improvement. So no need to worry much. Enjoy your daily normal life. Just finish 6-8 months of treatment. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] I feel tired most of the time and sleep all night and when i get home from work. At work i feel tired and my body feels heavy, my chest feels tight and i breath shallowly. I feel like falling asleep and have strated to get angry alot easilier. My eyes are also very tired and i want to close them for releaf. I also find it hard to smile because my face feels strained most of the time. What could be the cause of these things? [/INST] Abnormal sleep is a common problem. It is often present in people who are overweight, particularly those who snore. If you are very tired in the morning, sleep easily during the day and snore loudly, you may have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea may cause or worsen high blood pressure. Sleep apnea is a common cause of abnormal heart rhythm requiring treatment. You should discuss these problems with your doctor and consider assessment for sleep apnea. </s>
<s>[INST] Two weeks ago i went for a 3 mile walk,the next day i had got a pain on the top of my right foot.when i am standing still it seems ok but when i start to walk i seem to get a pain at the top of my foot,this also happens when i am standing and i curl my toes slightly upward.What advice could you give Many thanks Pete Docherty. [/INST] Hello, It is due to local inflammation due to prolonged weight. Another possibility is conditions like plantar fasciitis. As first-line management, you can take analgesics like paracetamol or diclofenac for pain relief. If symptoms persist you can consult an orthopaedician and plan for a steroid injection to the sole. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Ive been taking simvastatin 20 mg a couple months. I also have been eating grapefruit. I started having severe chest pain & aches in other body areas. I quit taking the simvastatin a week ago. Am still having chest pain on the left side. What do I need to do? [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. First simvastatin has nothing to do with left sided chest pain. You are taking simvastatin, so you are suffering for high cholesterol. So you are at risk of coronary artery disease (CAD). So we should first rule out CAD as a cause for your persistent left sided chest pain. So consult cardiologist and get done blood pressure monitoring, ECG, 2d echo and stress test (trade mill test). You may need cardiac supportive Chat Doctor. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I just had unprotected sex. & I finished my period yesterday, so I m not protected as I haven t used my contraceptive pills for a week. (Millinette 30/75) What shall I do??!! Am I able to use my birth control pills as emergency contraception?! I m really embarrassed to go and get emergency contraception from a pharmacy! [/INST] Hello dear. Understand your concern. You have no worries because u had sex in safe period of your menstruation cycle, so you already have no chance to take emergency contraception. So you can continue your birth control pills as you used earlier.& yes, you used your contraceptive pills as emergency contraceptives. If u sex in unsafe period means in ovulatory time, then you want higher dose of contraception. You he to take 4 contraceptive pills as early as possible, then another 4 pills after 12 hours. Its only applicable if u take it within 72 hours after intercourse. Hope this will help you. Best regards. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here ...is it normal for a six months old baby to have green stool with mucus in the stool? She is drinking soya milk formula. She stool for 6 times in a day, is it normal ? And she is eating solid already. [/INST] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. It seems your kid is having viral diarrhea. Once it starts it will take 5-7 days to completely get better. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious vomiting...you need not worry. There is no need to use antibiotics unless there is blood in the motion. Antibiotics might worsen if unnecessarily used causing antibiotic associated diarrhea. I suggest you use zinc supplements (Z&D Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I lifted weights for the first time in several month at 3:00 pm on Monday. After I was tired and mildly sore. Tuesday I felt fine. Wednesday at 2:00 I woke up to strong pains in my left triceps. The pain has not gone away. In fact it can now be felt down to my fingers and up my shoulder into my neck. 800ml of motrin dulls the pain but does not erase it. How much longer before I should seek professional help [/INST] Hi, thank-you for providing the brief history of you.a thorough neuromuscular assessment is advised. As this pin is usual post exercises and are ad Chat Doctor. Since the soreness is in the muscle fibers apparently very less could be helpful to reduce this ache. If, you are feeling pain in the nerve, causing radiating from the neck to the little finger than a thorough neuromuscular assessment is needed. May be nerve pinch in the cervical region. But if this pain persists more than 3-4 days than an assessment is advised or else if it is DOES than pain will go off on its own. RegardsJay In </s>
<s>[INST] I had copper T inserted in 2006 Sep and then i had it for 3 years and got it removed and inserted another one in 2009, recently in Sep 2010 i got it removed again this time to plan for the second child, but its been 4 months now and am still not pregnant, my question is will there be any delays in getting pregnancy after inserting coil for so many years and if so how long should it take to get pregant, is there any cautions i need to take? [/INST] Hello Welcome to Chat Doctor, thanks for posting your question. I read your question and understood it. See, to be frank, copper T is a foreign body that prevents fertilization. Hence, I would like to tell you that, definitely a foreign body will alter physiology and also the uterus especially when you have used for long time. But there are no supporting papers published that says, it will hamper fertilization. So I suggest you not to worry and keep trying. That should be fine. For about 9 to 12 months you should be able to conceive. If not then you need further evaluation. So, don't put a lot of stress on yourself. Be happy, be confident, positive and see how things go on. In case you need any help with this, you can contact me back. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] I am diabetic since 1995 and aged 66. My glucose levels are under control with FBS at 110 and PPBS at 165. Recent tests for blood count showed low hemoglobin at 9,4 which increased to 10.8 after treatment for nearly 2 months. Presently the urine test indicated albumin at 31 and I am experiencing tingling in the feet and ends of hand fingers. Kindly suyggest a suitable course of treatment. [/INST] Hi, Thanks for asking. Based on your query, my opinion is as follows.1. Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus has led to diabetic neuropathy. It has also led to early stages of nephropathy.2. Control of blood sugar within normal range is essential to prevent further damage. For neuropathy additionally alpha biopic acid with it B12 will be helpful.3. For mild anemia, it B12 and iron supplements will be helpful. Add more protein to diet. Hope it helps. Any further queries, happy to help again. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a chronic pain condition known as disfuction of the sphincter of oddi. I was being treated with IV dilaudid that I did on my own at home. I felt being on the dilaudis all the time was not good for me. I came off the dilaudid. Started on gabapentin 600mg 4x/day and cymbalta 60mg bid Welbutrin XL 300mg bid. I went from 133 lbs to 180 lbs in about a month. I was so blown up and full of fluid I went to the ER. The ER doctor said I was toxic from the gabapentin and needed to come off slowly so I dont have seizures. As I have decreased the gabapentin and the welbutrin XL. I have developed a rash. My FP doctor believes the rash is from stess. Also, she no longer feels comfortable treating my chronic pain issue. I am having trouble getting a pain Dr. to see me. [/INST] HAI.your really into a chronic and troublesome problem. Already u have taken the maximum dose of gabapentin ALS,, which brings you down. Please go for a TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) to check out the levels duet the chronic problemPlease reduce your stress. The ultimate relief for pain u can go for is with the neurotic blocks., fentanyl patches under supervision taking care of respiratory depression. Take care good luck </s>
<s>[INST] i have had a gel like lump on my neck for aseveral months - comes, and goes, a little tender now , no other symtoms, was checked out with body scan and head scan in april - not for this however..everything good also had full metabolic blood tests in May as well all good ?? [/INST] Welcome to Chat Doctor .1. The history and features suggest most possible cause could be lymph nodal enlargement.2. Lymph nodal enlargement can be due to any infection / inflammation local or systemic. 3. Other possible cause could be any glandular lesion, finally vascular cause.4. To conclude, after examination needs to get an ultrasound examination done - that will help in assessing the nature of the lesion, its source and extensions.5. Depending on findings if mass - a needle sample might be needed and treated accordingly. Good luck. Hope it helps you. Wish you a good health. Anything to ask ? Do not hesitate. Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] Dear doc, I am at age of 21 years but due to excess of masturbating iam suffering from night fall problem and also my penis is bending towards left side when errrected. Although I have stopped masturbating since 3 years but till now the problem continues. Kindly syggest the treatment and precautions so it can help me for long term and with zero side effects. [/INST] HelloSpontaneous semen ejaculation at night may be due to overexcited state, inadequate emptying etc. Mild deviation of penis is a normal phenomenon during erection. You should try relaxation technique and avoid provocative literature and videos. You should try to be calm and go for yoga, mediation. You should try to engage yourself in your job. You will be fine with above-mentioned measures. If findings persists then you may need psychological counselling. Masturbation is acceptable, but its obsession is bad. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My husband cardioligist said that he has Advanced Coranary Heart Disease with unstable angina. He has had 3 stents in last 8 months. He is diabetic type one. He has worked the same job for the last 20 years and we are so surprised by what the doctor said. His left artery is so small there is nothing else they can do, said it looked like a string a pearls and bipass was not an option. Does this make him unable to go back to work in a factory? [/INST] Hello, I have gone through your query. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. If your husband has weak heart i.e. Low EF then he needs to restrict his activity. If his heart is not weak and has blocks in small left artery he can work with optimum medications prescribed by your cardiologist. If stent and Bypass are not possible then there is another therapy called EEC which can be offered to him. Please discuss with your treating cardiologist, he will guide you further best wishes Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi.....I went to a new patient appointment a week and 3 days ago to establish a PCP that spealize in treating hypertension. During the visit I had several valves of blood drawn and I have not heard anything back. Is this normal to have to wait? And why was so much blood drawn? If Im already diagnosed with hypertension [/INST] Hi & Welcome. I appreciate your concern for the quantity of the blood Chat Doctor. Well, it is mandatory for a case of hypertension to undergo certain lab tests like blood glucose, lipid profile (to know the cholesterol and other fat levels), kidney function tests (to check whether kidneys are functioning normally in the face of hypertension), cardiac enzymes (to detect any heart disease), etc. Hope to have clarified your doubts. Wishing you best of your health. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, for the past 3 days my feet and legs...it feels as though I am standing on a motor, they feel as though they are vibrating. I am 69 years old and female. I do sit a lot and try to walk often as I have bad knees, but it is becoming aggravating to me and I am getting worried . I am on Atenolol, Furosemide, Potassium and Losartan. Thank you, Laverne Washington [/INST] You are a High BP patient on three antihypertensives. I would like to know about the present BP control and if the same has been long-standing and what effect it has had on your heart, kidneys and on your central nervous system. As far as the knees are concerned, I don't think that is an issue here. What is not understood is WHY YOU ARE ON POTASSIUM SUPPLEMENTS! Diet can be adjusted to have sufficient intake of potassium that our body needs. Increases in potassium level can lead to muscle weakness and catastrophic heart issues...beware. Kindly get your blood electrolyte levels checked soon. </s>
<s>[INST] hi i m 18 and female and i had sex the 25th and 26th of December..i got kind of scared at first thinking i could have gotten pregnant but once my period came on the 3rd of January my worries disappeared. I thought it was a little strange that it was only about 3-4 days long..normally mine are around 5-6 with spotting afterwards and leakage with tampons no matter the strength..this time however there was no spotting or leaking whatsoever..but i didn t think much of it now about the 17th i noticed a dull cramp in my lower stomach that would come and go and it did this til the 20th, on the 20th the cramp has stayed and increased, i did noticed that i ve been eating alot even when i m not hungry for the past week and my stomach looks bloated and my breasts are tender and i ve been urinating ALOT and usually i only go about 2-3 a day now i don t even have to drink anything and ill go 7 times a day easily if not more..pregnant? or not? PLEASE HELP IMMEDIATELY..... [/INST] Hello, If you were due on the 3rd of Jan, and you got your period then you are not pregnant. If your got your period before you date then there is a possibility of implantation bleeding. The rest of your symptoms sound like you have a UTI. First take e test to rule out pregnancy. Then you will need antibiotics for a few days to clear up the infection. Chat Doctor. Avoid sex till you are clean. Hygiene is very important. </s>
<s>[INST] my grandson is visiting and he continues to cry and keep his hands in his mouth. He is 10 months old. His mom thinks he is teething . Mom says he won t eat and he has only had one bottle since he arrived 12 hours ago. I looked in his mouth when he was crying to see if i could see any teeth and then I discovered a nickel size sore only more oval shape in the top of his palate. It is very dark red and i am guessing that it is no wonder he will not eat or drink. Should I take him to emerg? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor, The lesion you notice is not a normally seen lesion and as you rightly figured he's not eating can be because of this problem. I suggest you to consult a pediatrician but surely it's not an emergency. The consultation is to confirm what the problem is and to decide on if any treatment required. As of now, I would suggest you to try to feed him as and when required and if child is breastfeeding, that can be tried which would help relieve part of his discomfort. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] I m pregnant and am having more then constipation problems. A part of the inside of my anal wall is protruding outside my anus. It s been like this for about a month, and I ve begun to bleed more then I think I should. Should I be worried and go seek medical help now, or wait it out. I only have a month left before my baby is suppose to be born. [/INST] HI, Thanks for asking. I understand your concern. You seem to have extreme constipation resulting in prolapse of rectum... where lower part of rectal mucosa bulges out due to excessive straining. It may get infected, swollen, start bleeding. You need to consult an anorectal surgeon earliest & get the thing treated. It's important to get it corrected before your delivery... for it may get worse during childbirth straining. Permanent cure may need surgery, can be performed after childbirth. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] Can I take Aleve-D Sinus and Cold, which contains naproxen sodium (22mg) and Pseudophedrine HCl (120mg) along with the Amoxicillin I was prescribed for my ear infection? I have tremendous pressure, pain, runny eyes and nose. I have had symptoms for the past 3 days and went to the Dr. on the third day and was diagnosed with an ear infection (I thought was maybe a sinus infection, which is why I started taking the Aleve D, to relieve symptoms until I was able to see a professional))Thanks [/INST] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your complaint it seems that although you are diagnosed with ear infection the symptoms of congestion, runny and stuffy nose and pressure and pain are all due to sinus infection and for both the conditions taking amoxicillin, alive D is suitable and along with it, you can also take saline nasal irrigation, decongestant nasal spray like origin or position, do steam inhalations and do warm compresses around nose. Antibiotic ear Chat Doctor. Sip plenty of warm water throughout the day. Avoid chilled foods. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello.Im 23, female. 60, 250lbs. Im allergic to nothing. Ive had my gallbladder and tonsils removed but other than that Im fairly healthy.I am taking Femara this month for fertility. My worst fear is developing HOS (Hyper-ovulation Syndrome). Today I am suppose to be ovulating and Im having constipation and mild rectal pain. No swelling that I can tell. Just uncomfy, and Im obviously nervous. Nobody ever mentioned pain in my backbone while on Fertility drugs so Im a little unnerved. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for writing. I am Chat Doctor. I have read you question completely, I understand your concern and will try to help you in the best way possible. There is just no reason to worry about its NT related constipation might be because of food and rectal pain may be because of constipation just take Luke warm milk and put 1 teaspoon of olive oil in it, you will see the miracle it will go also DNT take stress you are on treatment and thy usually work nothing to work about the less you worry, the more favorable it will be for u and your family it will help u incisive and DNT work u will NT he hos doc has prescribed desired dose ....you will be fine eat healthy and </s>
<s>[INST] Suddenly this morning I got really excruciating lower right back pain. I was standing in the kitchen and it came on suddenly. It s the lower right side. It does not go down in the my legs it s just isolated to my back. I have no nausea or no blood in my urine. Any idea on what it could be? [/INST] Hello! Welcome to Chat Doctor ! Lower back pain may cause by right lumber disc prolapse whicChatDoctorpresses the nerve. But exact other causes are diagnosed by physical examination or by MRI. Common causes of lower backache and leg pain is a lumbar ruptured disc or herniated disc. Symptoms of a herniated disc may include dull or sharp pain, muscle spasm or cramping, sciatica, and leg weakness or loss of leg function. Sneezing, coughing, or bending usually intensify the pain. Rarely bowel or bladder control is lost, and if this occurs, seek medical attention at once. Sciatica is a symptom frequently associated with a lumbar herniated disc. Pressure on one or several nerves that contribute to the sciatic nerve can cause pain, burning, tingling, and numbness that extends from the buttock into the leg and sometimes into the foot. Usually one side (left or right) is affected. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] Please help me understand the below analysis Color: White Viscosity: Normal Liquification Time : 30 mins PH : 8 Volume : 3.5 ml WBC: 4-8 /hpf RBC: 2-3 /hpf Bacteria: Nil Epithelial Cells: Nil Total Sperm Count: 102,750,000 million/ml Normal Sperm Cell: 85% Abnormal Sperm Cell: 15% Double Head: 0% Tapered Head: 0% Rounded Head: 0% Coiled Midpiece: 5% Pin Head: 5% Without Tail: 0% Giant Head: 5% Double Tail: 0% Motility After 30 mins : 70% active, 10% Sluggish, 20% non mobile After 1 hour: 60% active, 10% Sluggish, 30% non mobile After 2 hours: 40% active, 10% sluggish, 50% non mobile Please advise how to treat the wbc and rbc issue [/INST] HelloYour semen analysis findings may indicate semen infection. Infection is indicated due to presence of excess pus cells and RBC in semen. Normally semen shouldn't contain any pus cells. You may need investigations like routine hologram, random blood sugar, semen culture and sensitivity, ultrasound of scrotum. You may need to take antibiotics based on culture and sensitivity report. Motility is normal. Normally it should be at least 55 %. Sperm count is also normal. Normally it should be at least 20 millions/ml. Fertility is expected to increase with control of infection. Other findings like pH, liquefaction time etc. are normal. You should take healthy and nutritious diet. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes if you take it. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My husband is 34 years old. In October of last year he tripped over a tree stump and injured his back. He has been seeing an orthopedic specialist since about November. They have been treating him with Flexaril, Mobic and Norco. The pain is constant and sometimes radiates down his left leg. They have given him a series of two spinal injections and he has been doing PT three days a week for up to two hours per session. The PT seems to be doing more harm than good. The days he does PT, he can barely make it through the door. He had a follow up visit today and from what my husband told me they want to do an EKG next week to determine if surgery is needed. I was just wondering what and how the EKG will do to determine the need for surgery. Thank you for your time in advance. [/INST] Hello mam, I have studied your case and I can make out that your husband has two problems. One is his back pain and other is leg pain. I want to tell you that physiotherapy is helpful in back pain as it improve muscle strength. In some patients it can increase pain and may need to change certain exercise. Leg pain is due to nerve compression. Your doctor is trying to find if any nerve compression is there by EKG. My advice is it would be better if you do an MRI scan. This will give us clear picture that nerve compression is present or not. If your husband has more pain in leg than back, and nerve compression seen on MRI, he may be benefited with Surgery. Otherwise, he should focus on muscle strengthening and medicines. I hope this solved your query. Feel free to answer any other thing if you want. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I have been trying to treat a uti at home with cranberry tablets when that didnt help I switched to uva-ursi and it seem to help my pelvic but my back is killing me and still peeing all the time as well as last time I went I had a small amount of tint red blood when I wiped. I m not sure if this is turned into a kidney infection and I do not have a main dr. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. It appears that your urinary tract infection might have become chronic due to not taking suitable steps to control it. In case of chronic urinary tract infection, you need to have culture and sensitivity of the urine, so I advise you to consult a urologist for diagnosis. I usually prescribe to my patient with such symptoms lifetime, dicyclomine HY Chat Doctor. Take more of green leafy vegetables, pulses, sprouts, and protein rich foods to hasten the recovery. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Thank you. . </s>
<s>[INST] I m a 57 year old who is in top physical condition, competing nationally in the senior basketball championships. I started taking benicar htc about 6 months ago due to a sudden spike in my normally and family-history-wise low BP. My BP for 57 years was approx. 70/115. My current resting heart rate is, for example, 58. About six months ago, during a routine physical, my BP had spiked to 170/125. Our son, 27, is going through a tough mental health issue, fighting it, and arguing with his parents presently. I believe this to be the cause of my blood pressure issues...my MD isn t so sure, so I followed her advice without question and have diligently taken the benicar hct daily since prescription and my BP is now back town to 75+/-/117+/-. I ve noticed recently that my erections don t last and I always considered myself able to have sex with my wife anytime. I still ejaculate but wonder if the benicar hct could be part of the cause of this impotency? [/INST] Hello, In Benita HCT, there two components and HCT component is known to cause impotence. So this impotence may be related to age as well, but still you can have medicine with eliminating this component that is plane tab Benita. Also have low salt, fat and low calorie diet, regular exercises and relaxation techniques like yoga to relieve the stress. Besides get your lipid profile and sugars tested once. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] The right side of my chest bone (below the neck and over the breast) sticks out more than the left side. It s not a bump really but more like a hard bony swelling, not very prominent unless you run your hand over it. I got an ultrasound done and there were no lumps or mass detected. [/INST] Hi Thanks for your query have gone through your query and understand your concern. This is not a disease. One side of ribs are prominent more than other side. There is nothing abnormal, it is seen in many normal people. No treatment is needed however to allay your anxiety you can consult an Orthopedic. You can discuss with your doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. Wishing you a good health. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, Im 13 years old. Im usually very healthy. I eat a lot of greens and red meat. Although I never have heavy periods. Lately ive been extreamly tired, weak, and have had a loss of appetite. I was searching online and my symptoms came the closest to anemia. I have all but around 2 or 3 symptoms. Im guessing it would be iron deficiency or vitamin deficiency. My question is, from the symptoms and things I described is it likely I have anemia? [/INST] Hello welcome to Chat Doctor. I have read your question and understand your concerns. The symptoms you have mentioned likely to be resulted from anemia. My advice to you is - 1. Kindly go for your CBC report with peripheral smear examination. If necessary your doctor will tell you to go for serum iron and ferritin levels for iron deficiency. It B12 LEVELS for vitamin deficiency. 2. It might be possible that nonveg diet contains worms which causes anemia. You should do your stool routine Micro report for confirmation. 3. Eat Jagger, dates, spinach to increase your hemoglobin levels. Thank you. Have a nice day. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...Yes..Hi..I am on cardizem..due to a reaction to green tea pills a few years ago..i am a type A personality..I have been taking percocet regularly for at least 3 years for my back..yesterday i took my BP..and it was 175/105..I have EXTREME WHITE Coat syndrome..even when i walk by the bp machine at wal-mart i get a dry mouth..i wasnt having a headache or any other problems..i just took my bp..and now im going crazy..obviously..Thank you for your time [/INST] Hello! Welcome on Chat Doctor! I passed carefully through your question and would explain that a single high blood pressure values does not indicate uncontrolled high blood pressure. I recommend you to closely monitor your blood pressure values for a week, several times during the day (in sitting position after 10 minutes of total relax) and refer those values to your doctor. If your blood pressure values are above the normal ranges (140/90 mm Hg) most of the time, you should discuss with your doctor on the possibility of starting antihypertensive therapy. In such case some other tests would be necessary to exclude other secondary causes of high blood pressure: - a chest X-ray study-thyroid hormone levels-complete blood count for anemia-blood electrolytes for electrolyte imbalance-kidney and liver function tests-fasting glucose. Anyway, if your blood pressure values are elevated only during anxiety or physical stress, I would not recommend any treatment. Hope to have been helpful! Wishing all the best, </s>
<s>[INST] My husband has a cluster of three different sized circular shapes on his upper inner thigh they are getting bigger and now two have shoen up on the other leg. All of them are darker than his skin like a bruse but not purple green. more dark pinkish brown. I think it could be the ring worm fungas. will these spread to me? [/INST] Hello, Thank you for posting on Chat Doctor. It seems your husband is suffering from Tina courts and corporal, a kind of fungal infection. I would suggest you to consult your dermatologist for proper management of the condition. I usually recommend proper course of oral antifungal Chat Doctor. You can additionally use antifungal dusting powder containing ketoconazole during daytime and a soap containing ketoconazole for rinsing of affected areas. Take oral antihistamines for itching as required. Maintain hygiene over those areas and avoid wearing tight undergarments. Hope your queries are resolved and wish you best of health. Kindly spare some time to rate my answer and </s>
<s>[INST] my girlfriend is a week late for her period and shes taken 3 tests that all have said negative. the first time we had sex she lost her virginity, which was 5 months ago; she was a week late. the second time we have ever had sex was the last time we had sex. which was the last week of last month. why is she late this month? [/INST] Hello dear, i understand your concern. In my opinion the urine pregnancy test gives accurate results a week after missed period. I suggest you to repeat the test after a week. If the test is negative the chances of pregnancy are rare. And wait for spontaneous onset of periods for 10 or 15 days. Sometimes even stress regarding the thought of pregnancy or any other also causes hormonal imbalance which might cause delay or irregular periods. So relax. If there is no spontaneous onset of periods consults gynecologist. If irregular periods continue they need to be evaluated. Best regards... </s>
<s>[INST] I have had burning in my left testicle for over a month now, have had a Doppler test, been checked for a hernia and still no relief. The Doppler showed left sided varicocele and also a small epiididyman cyst there also. Is there anything else I can do, Thank You. [/INST] Hi, what is your age? Your burning could be due to the Varicocele. We usually operate on Varicocele if the patient comes to us for Infertility or inability to bear child Chat Doctor. Varicocele has been blamed for decreasing sperm count in healthy males. If you are very symptomatic with the problem then you can undergo a small surgery to remove the dilated veins. And Epididymis cyst is a common finding and needs no treatment unless you have pain in it. Do not worry. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Dear sir I have problem related to pain, muscle contraction, shivering. When i lift small weight or press any object with my hands my hands start paining in shoulder joint and hands shiver. When I fold my hand or leg it start paining in joint and muscle contracts. When I lift my hand or leg for little time pain is felt along with shivering. I can t move my body freely Some type of jam is felt.I feel shivering in standing position. My hand while writing feels shivering and I can t write freely. I consulted a ortho doctor he did blood test for vitamin B12, hydroxy vitamin D result was 190 & 10.49 is low. Medicine given are D360 capsule, Cobadex czsczs & nusran. Kindly suggest am I going in right direction. Aftab Alam. [/INST] Hi, Thanks for your query. Seems you are suffering from multiple joint pain - Polyarthritis with early morning stiffness. Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most common causes for Polyarthritis. I would suggest you to get yourself examined by an Orthopaedician for multiple joint pains. You would be asked to undergo few blood tests like He, RBS, TLC, DLC, ESR, RA factor, CRP and Thyroid profile along with routine urine examination. These investigations will help us find out the exact cause. Discuss with your doctor. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] HD all my teeth pull 2 weeks ago. I had dentures I for 48 hrs, but I had take them out to stop bleedi g, now they want go back in because my gums are thinker than when the teeth was made, plus bone I guess bone knot push out on the front of my gums. I just wondering how long before my gums get to a point I put dentures back in and not be uncomfortable and cut my gums [/INST] Hi Thanks for the query It can take for about 4-5 days for the gum swelling to reduce. But even then the anatomy inside the mouth can change, and the denture might not fit which was made with previous measurements. So first you should get a clinical examination done by your Dentist so that he can look the level of inflammation and swelling and if you need antibiotics for the same. Also doing cool compresses over the gums or cool water rinses can help in improvement. Do not forcefully put the denture inside mouth as it can injure your gums. Hope this helps. Regards. </s>
<s>[INST] had a davinci robotic hysterectomy and full removal of ovaries last Friday. Surgery was done because of extensive fibroids in uterus. The ovaries where my choice. Had some negative reactions to anesthesia and pain meds. Stayed 2 nights because of vomitting and dizziness. I am now how and physically feeling good. I am off all pain meds and just taking 600mg of motrin every 6-7 hours. My greater concern is with my emotional well being. I suffer from depression and have been on Celexa for many years and it does well. I also have a prescription for lorazepam that I take as needed. On Sunday I began having unbelievable mood swings/hot flashes. The dr. had originally put me on a .05estradiol patch, but with my symptoms added .0625 premarin oral pill. I am beginning to feel a tiny bit better. How long does all of this take to settle into my system? Is there something else I can be doing....How long should I be taking it easy? [/INST] HelloThanks for using Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through it in detail and I can understand what you are going through. After removal of the ovaries there is bound to be some hormonal disturbances. The hot flushes and the mood swings that you are describing are the same. It may be not be related to the depression. Hence, you may continue taking your usual antidepressants. With the patches already in action it may take 2-3 weeks for the hormonal symptoms to settle down. There is no need to change the antidepressants. Hope I am able to help you with your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below-mentioned link:bit.ly/ Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I went to my dentist on Monday (today is weds) for roor canal treatment. He filled three roots and put a temp filling in. The injections were a little painful and felt quite deep. My face is still swollen on one side like a hamster cheek and is tender. I have taken two paracetomol and 1 ibuprofen, should I be worried and will this swelling go down? If it is blood filling the area will this dissipate or cause a sever blood clot? Thankyou [/INST] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your complaint it seems that swelling over the face can be due to anesthesia injection, in case if the anesthesia injection is injected deep and that too for the upper back teeth and if the needle is penetrated deep it can enter the mesh of veins known as Venous plexus and there can be hematoma formation, and it can lead to swelling. Other cause can be due to dental abscess if the swelling was present before injection also. In case if it is due to hematoma formation it can take a few days to resolve and for this you do not need any medications and can do alternate warm and cool compresses. In case if it is due to abscess, the filling needs to be removed, tooth needs to be cleaned again and pus needs to be Chat Doctor. . You should consult your treating dentist and get evaluated and a thorough clinical evaluation and x-ray can help in diagnosis and treatment can be planned accordingly. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. </s>
<s>[INST] I would like to know how fast my grandchild s breath should be. She is 2, has terrible wet cough. Took her to Drs. and was told that she has a drip and she s coughing. She s never had a cough like this before and sometimes she throws up somewhat when she coughs. Her temp is 98.3 and seems to breath kind of fast, about 45 breaths per hr. Is this normal??? [/INST] Hi, 1. Normal breathing rate for a 2 years old child is between 20 and 30 /min.2. Your child is breathing fast because his nose is blocked. This is a normal reaction. 3. Try to: - humidify the air where your child is staying especially during night-aspirate his nasal secretions to ease breathing-raise his head when sleeping (from shoulders)- aerosol therapy can help - antihistamines and Multics can help together with nasal Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] my torch test is igm positive for cmv, hsv and rubella. negative for toxoplasma. i m married. not planning pregnancy for atleast one year. what should i do? any antiviral or any further tests??? i m 27 yrs old, married since last five months, but presently living in hostel to complete my education. i m post graduate in m.d in ayurveda (pediatrics) from bhu, varanasi, up. [/INST] Hi and so sorry to hear about these test results. Because they are positive(IGM), it means there is an active infection going on. Our body are usually strong enough to get these infections under control unless we have a weakened immune system. They however pose the greatest risk during pregnancy because if the risk of congenital malformation. Because you are not planning to get pregnant any time soon, I will strongly advise that you get a very good method of contraception and repeat these tests in future when you wish to become pregnant. If they are still worrisome, then I will advise you to go for treatment. For now, contraception and repeat when you consider becoming pregnant in the future. Hope this helps and feel free to come back for more advice. Wish you good health. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I am 27 yrs male facing a problem of azoospermia. Having a sperm count of 4 mil per ml. I consulted an expert doc and he suggested Hey Forte for a month..After taking it for 30 days and undergoing all sorts of other tests he has now suggested Miraqule 200mg to increase the quality of my sperms.. let me know if it helps. [/INST] HelloThanks for query. Based on what you have posted I would state that your sperm count is very low count (Oligospermia). To be true there are no medications that have been proved effective to increase sperm count.However, following general measures help to increase sperm count to some extent .1) Practice regular exercise for 45 minutes followed by meditation for 1/2 an hour in the morning.2) Take high protein diet rich in vegetables and fruits and vitamin A, C,D, E.and Zinc3)Take anti oxidants like Almonds 5-6 every day.4) Avoid alcohol and smoking. Chat Doctor. . </s>
<s>[INST] hello ,my name is roy,I am 70 yrs young.and over the last 3 yrs, I have been getting aching muscl;es and back pain, and it only bothers me whenever I mow the yard with my push mower. it only takes about 3 minutes of walking and pushing,until my whole body gets so weak that I cant hardly walk .so I have to sit down real quick, and rest, and after about 10 min. I am ok again, and it only happens when I mow the yard, and weed eat. an its been going on for about 2 or more yrs,and getting worse, I get so tired and so weak so fast, I had a kidney trasspland 17 yrs ago,and I take anti rejection drugs, and prednisone, and 3 different kinds of high blood press. meds. I don t take any kind of statins at all. so I don t know what it might be, God help me@@@!!!. my e mail address is... YYYY@YYYY [/INST] Back pain which aggravates after walking or pushing and relieved with bending forward, sitting or taking rest suggests lumbar canal stenosis .it's a dynamic phenomenon in that neural canal diameter decreased due degenerative spine disease. In initial stages analgesics such as ibuprofen and flexion regime exercises (series of exercises in which abdominal muscles strengthens) gives some relief. For this you need experts guidance by rehab specialist and physical therapist. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions. </s>
<s>[INST] my mom takes spironolactone med due to her current heart problem. This med was priscriber by MD in Ethiopia and she is hear in USA. The Dr. here is doing a lot of test but in the mean time she is running out of this med. So if she stop this med what is the risk? [/INST] Brief Answer:There are no risks from the interruption of Spironolactone, while her blood pressure values are normal. Detailed Answer:Hello, Thank you for using Chat Doctor. There are no risks from the interruption of Spironolactone, while her blood pressure is not higher than the normal. Spironolactone can be stooped immediately without any problem. Meantime your mother should monitor strictly her blood pressure values at least three times a day. If the values are higher than 140/90 mmHg, than she should refer this to the treating doctor, in way to prescribe any other antihypertensive Chat Doctor. Hope this is helpful. Let me know if you need more clarifications. Otherwise, please close and rate the answer. Kind </s>
<s>[INST] Hi sir I have problem in stomec,my age is 27 year frequently I feel that push type coming in my latrine and sometimes its OK at ur own it is going on for last one year if I take medicines I feel its OK but as I left medicine situation comes back as it is. [/INST] Though m not sure what u mean by "push" but I think u mean to say u have to apply force to pass stools and your stools are quite hard. In that case you are suffering from constipation there can be many reasons for constipation, u need to increase the fiber content in your diet and should eat salads, vegetables like cabbage cucumber carrot zucchini fruits like apple oranges berry to increase the roughage content. Occasionaly in case of severe problem you can take syrup lactulose 20ml but should not make this a habit. Show your surgeon to find the root cause of your problem. </s>
<s>[INST] Sir, I am suffering from breathing problem i.e. wheezing, asthamatic condition, Dr. in clinic prescribed me Beclazone 50 (2 puffs twice a day) and Reliever if required and also Neuline tablets, my question is if I continue taking Beclazone will it be side effect of that, pls reply [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Blazon is having beclomethasone. It is inhaled corticosteroid. It actually treatment of choice for asthma. Furthermore, it is very safe and having the least side effects. These are possible because beclomethasone is given locally (as inhaler) and not systemically. So Chat Doctor. You just need to rinse your mouth after its use to prevent </s>
<s>[INST] 26 female Tri-Sprintect Tab I have been having pain in and under my left breast. It comes and goes, but has been present most of today. Also, I noticed a small lump in my left breast a few days ago. I dont know if the two are related. My period just ended today. I am not taking any other medications other than birth control. What is wrong? [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have pain and lump in breast. It can be due to fibroadenomas, fibroadenoma, other benign breast lesion or rarely breast cancer. You should go for mammography and biopsy of that lump. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment according to diagnosis. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] I have developed what appears to be a sack full of blood in my left nostril. I have tried blowing my nose but it wont come out however as it becomes a little difficult to breathe on two occassion so far I have broken the sack twice and the blood has oozed out. [/INST] Hello greetings amass in nostril which bleed on touch or blowing with airway obstruction are commonly observed in nasal polyps such a patient comes to me in my clinic I would rule out nasal polyp first.I would suggest you not to hurt your nose by blowing or scratching very frequently can use decongestant nasal Chat Doctor. Hope I have answered your question. If you have any further questions I will be happy to help wish you good health regards </s>
<s>[INST] I have bumps behind my ears, hair line and middle of my chest. I have visited several hotels over the last week and the last place was a cabin that had a hot tub that we used. The other visitors, as well as myself, have several bug bites that MAY be bed bug bites. My jaw was sore but I chalked that up to excessive gum chewing. I also had a sore throat but I had had that before the week long vacation and it just seemed to linger and get a little worse for a while. Was it bed bugs or the jacuzzi? [/INST] Hi. Thanks for your query. Noted your history of bumps behind the ears, hair line, chest and had jacuzzi and change of multiple hotels. It is obviously due to either of it as the causative agents were present. Bed bugs usually cause bites more on the extremities and trunk. If jacuzzi had caused such a problem, the things would have been all over the body. Hence, the possibility of it having die to some skin allergy of non-specific cause can be the reason. Consult a Dermatologist and see the causes and get treated if the problem does not resolve in a few days on its own. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I am a seemingly healthy 35 yr old woman. I am currently taking mercilon 20 mg which as I am nearly 100 kg is too low a dose. I have been having some very light spotting outside of menstruation for the past two months. I recently had a series of blood tests including thyroid, liver, kidney and general blood count levels. All cam back within normal limits except ers which was 50. I experience severe anxiety re: health issues and this is causing me a great deal of worry. I have also been getting some abdomen discomfort and what feels like ovulation pain. Please help! [/INST] I appreciate your concern and asking on Chat Doctor. Based on your history I would suggest the following:1. There is need of evaluation to ascertain the details of anxiety. Has the anxiety started after the start of the merlon? If yes, it may be a side effect of the Chat Doctor. 2. If it can be excluded that the anxiety was present before as well and not related to the medicine that you are taking, steps can be taken to reduce the anxiety.3. You may discuss with your doctor and consider changing merlon to some other class of contraceptive pill, for reasons discussed above, if present.4. For anxiety, you need to work on your thinking and find out if there are some particular thoughts or events that are triggering them? Self-help cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or professional CBT are particularly helpful for anxiety.5. You can practice deep breathing exercises to reduce the symptoms of anxiety.6. Reduce caffeine intake as it promotes anxiety.7. If self-help does not work, seek professional help and there are certain medicines to reduce anxiety as well. I hope you find this helpful. </s>
<s>[INST] Weeping skin. years ago a plastic part of my glasses broke at the ear peice. I endured wearing the glasses with the exposed metal frame despite clearly being allergic to the metal. Probably 3 years. I finally have plastic framed glasses but they seem to irritate this same area. As I speak my skin is weeping uncontrolably [/INST] Hi, It can be due to your allergic to metal or even plastic when they come in direct contact with skin. This weeping of skin might due to vitamin A deficiency. The best way to cure alley to any substance is to avoid its exposure rather taking seeking for treatment despite having good antiallergic Chat Doctor. You can also take vitamin A supplement once daily and eat vitamin A richer fruits or vegetables. If problem persists then contact your dermatologist first. Thanks </s>
<s>[INST] hi i dont know what is up with me but i et angry very easily and for no reason its been happening for years now and also i get very paranoid like say if someone i dont know speaks to me i just starts worrying and get very embarrassed then start going very red. [/INST] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Anger is a reaction, emotional outburst. Body removes the emotional problem through anger. Such an emotion happens due to so many factors like disappointment, irritation, lethargy etc. If you try to find out the reason for being angry, you yourself can use preventive measures. In any case, instead of treating anger, we should add Chat Doctor. Changing your attitude towards anger causing elements is important. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] I had my periods on sep 14 and I had sex with my boyfrnd around 10 days after periods.even though he didnt ejaculate inside vagina I took ipill with in 24 hrs for safety .we did sex only one time.we didnt go for a second shot.now my periods is delayed 5 days than my normal cycle .am I pregnant? [/INST] Hi, I understand your concern. I pill when taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex, avoids pregnancy. Earlier the pill is taken better are the results (protection)You had taken it within 24 hours of sex. So you are sure to avoid pregnancy. I pill is a high dose hormone product. It acts by postponing ovulation. So there is hormonal imbalance in cycle & periods are delayed by 8-10 days than normal. Please do not worry. You will get period in next week's time. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] I got my blood report,my liver became a bit fat,its right lobe measures 18.5 cm,whats the normal size?my S.G.P.T(ALT) is249 ,so m taking some medicines now,how many days will it take to get normal sgpt?will i be able to take alcohol(1/2 pegs) in future? [/INST] HelloIncreased SGPT indicates liver injury, and it may be due to many reasons like hepatitis, alcohol intake, altered lipid profile, medicines,autoimmune causes etc. Liver is also enlarged in size. You need few other investigations like random blood sugar, liver function test, lipid profile. You may need to take some medicines after proper evaluation. I suggest my patients to take tablet ursodeoxycholic acid 300 mg twice daily for three months. It helps in regeneration of liver cells. It may take 4-6 months to get SGPT to normal level, but you should avoid alcohol completely. You should also increase your physical activity and avoid fried and fatty food. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] WHAT IS YOUR OPINION OF PROTON THERAPY FOR PROSTATE CANCER. MY BIOPSY REVEALED 5 SPECIMANS WITH CANCER CELLS OUT OF 12 TAKEN. THE MOST CONCENTRATED SPECIMAN WAS 80%. THE OTHER 4 WERE 5%. THE AGGRESIVENESS OF THE CANCER WAS LOW TO AVERAGE. I AM CURRENTLY TAKING HORMONE THERAPY WHICH TOOK MY PSA LEVEL FROM 10 TO 0.5. THANK YOU [/INST] Brief Answer yes proton therapy can cure prostate cancerDetailed answerhelloGreetingsthanks for placing your query on Chat Doctor, I read your Question. I think I would be able to help you proton therapy also known as bloodless surgery, it has a surgical precision does not affect vital organs and healthy tissue in close vicinity. There are very fewer chances of recurrence.it has proven in various studies that it's better than the traditional radiation therapy (photon therapy)if you can afford it nothing could be a better alternative of proton therapy. Hope I have answered your question. If you have any further questions I will be happy to help wish you good healthRegards Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi,myself mr. Nitesh age 21 sir my widal came +ve 1 month ago, last night i was suffering from high fevar, cold,abdominal pain, stomachache too..i went to doctor in the morning..my widal came +ve again.doctor suggested some tabs. Cefixime, calpol..what shall i do now.. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Tidal positive suggestive of typhoid infection. And your symptoms like fever, abdominal pain, cold etc. are commonly seen in typhoid fever. Treatment of choice for typhoid fever is cephalosporin group of antibiotic. Definite is one of the Chat Doctor. So you should definitely start definite prescribed by your doctor. Cal pol is paracetamol. It is given for fever. So no harm in taking definite and Cal pol, both are appropriate for your illness. Along with these </s>
<s>[INST] hello Sir i m going 2 do my ivf my mature follicle size are 20mm, (two), 19.5mm, 19mm, 18.5mm, 18mm, 17mm. & endrometrisium thickness is 9.9mm. What is my chance of success? Embryo transfer will be done tomorrow. Any suggestion or tips? [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor. Your follicle size and endometrial thickness are good and adequate. Also, number of matured follicle is also good. Chances of pregnancy is good around 70 to 80% in this condition. I suggest you to take progesterone tablets after embryo transfer. I guess your doctor must have advice about it. Continue folic acid and don't take stress. Wish you all the best. Hope I have been helpful. Regards Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] HI DOCTORS,IM 31 YEARS OLD FEMALE..IM FOUND OUT IN 2009 I HAVE INFECTED IN HEPA B WHEN I GOT MY MEDICAL RESULT IN UAE...NOW IM SUFFERING OF ABDOMINAL PAIN IN MY RIGHT SIDE BODY.WHAT TREATMENT SHOULD I TAKE?IM VERY WORRIED BECAUSE IM 4 MONTHS PREGNANT.PLZ HELP ME.THANKS! WHAT SHOULD I DO FOR THIS CONDITION? [/INST] Hollow, thanks for question and don't panic, I will try in the best why to guide you, You have a history of help.b nearly 5 years ago. Most of the patients develop the lifelong immunity after first infection. But now you just have an abdominal pain . U don't have other symptoms like yellowish discoloration of urine, eyes, fever. Pain in right side of abdomen may be due to many reasons it may be muscular pain, gall stones, can be simple gastritis, renal colic, apendicities You didn't mention any other complaints with the right sided abdominal pain. You will have to go through some blood get your obstetric checkup done recommend you to do ultrasound and get you obstetric check up done </s>
<s>[INST] hello sir, I really dont know whats wrong with me....it seems that i have forgotten the way i use to think....the way i was....now each day i feel i am only getting worse...i dont know what to do...my brain has completely become numb..please help me... [/INST] Hello, It seems you are suffering from an underlying depressive or anxiety disorder which is resulting in your becoming numb and not able to think correctly. I would suggest that you consult a psychiatrist for a complete evaluation and initiating treatment. Medication like Escitalopram or sertraline would be effective in your condition. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] I am a 59 year old healthy female, approx. 30 pounds overweight. I excercise regularly and lift weights. I was hospitalized recently with dull chest pain. The only positive evidence for possible cardiac disease reported to me was during the excercise phase of a stress test - ST depression coming from two leads. While told it could be a false positive, if its not - what are some of the possible causes for this finding within my heart? [/INST] Hello had gone through your question and can understand your concern. If a patient has a positive stress test if I would be your doctor the next step for you to do is:Troponin, CK-MB Chest X-Ray and thenCoronarographyIf these tests are negative you should doFibrogastroscopy for determining stomach problemsAccording to the above results the respective specialists will give you the right treatment and councils. Wish you good healthThank you Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] iam in my infertility treament and HSG report says that features suggestive of mild d extrorated uterus.Bilateral block(?Temporary)at fimbria.what does it mean I also have chocolate cysts in my left ovary . what treatment should i take to get pregnant.i am 31 years old.Is there any chances of getting pregnancy.suggest me any hospital which is in india near to tirupati [/INST] Cellophane you for your query. The HSG report says that your uterus is mildly deviated to the right, which is of no issue for conception.The fibrin, that is the distal end of the tube is blocked.HSG cannot determine the cause of block.Chocolate cysts in ovary means that you are having endometriosis, in which there is collection of old menstrual blood within the ovaries, forming cysts and leading to adhesions, tubal blockage, destruction of ovarian normal function and hence infertility. Please consult a leading infertility specialist in your area for detailed workup.Your ovarian reserve needs to be checked. You require a laparoscopy to confirm tubal blockage and if possible have surgery to open the blocked tuberous partners semen analysis is a must. Go through this link and choose a relevant hospital based on local reviews :http://www.justdial.com/Tirupati/Infertility-Clinics/ct-10265454 Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] My name is Tina I m 199pounds and I m 32 years old I had blood work done and can t figer it out if my results are normal White count was 10.4 and hemoglobin is 12.3 Hematatrit was 38.2 Platelet count was 299,000 Sodium 137 Potassium was 3.8 Chloride was 102 Carbon dioxide 27 Anion gap was 8 Buns was 7 Creatinine was 0.79 Calcium 9.1 Bilirubin was 0.5 Sat was 39 Alt was 47 Alkaline phosphatase was 69 Protein 6.8 Albumin was 4.1 Was negative for salicylates and acetaminophen and alcohol [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You're all investigation reports are normal. You should NT worry about that. If you have any symptoms then consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Otherwise, no treatment is needed from your reports. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. Our </s>
<s>[INST] I had my gallbladder removed in 1998. I started experiencing pain which has started to increase where my gallbadder use to be. My stools have turned yellow, which started 4 days ago. Lately, I feel shortness of breath, as well. Any ideas of whats going on? [/INST] Hi.noted history of gallbladder surgery several years back and discoloration of stools. Some things to consider are stones recurring somewhere along your hepaticopancreaticobiliary tree area, where your gallbladder was previously situated. It is best if you do a follow-up consult with your surgeon, for physical examination and clinical evaluation. Diagnostics (such as ERCP, ultrasound, liver function tests, bilirubin, etc.) and management (medical and/or surgical if indications are found) will be directed accordingly. Hope this helps. Good day!!~ Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] my child is suffering from loosemotion since 3 days. she is 16 months rite now...doctor has prescribed emenest oral suspension , zenflox and enterogermina.....medicines are showing effect but she is not eating anything,,,neither milk...only water and ors solution. moreover green colour motion ...(what is the reason) everytime she takes zenflox ...she vomits it out....what to do....I m really worried. [/INST] Thank you for the question. For lose motions ORS and water is definitely needed.This medicine as you said has good effect on motions. Medicines do have other effects too. These medicines are bad to taste, also it leads to metallic taste which obviously the toddler is unable to explain but expressing it in the for of vomiting. Infection will take some time to resolve along the time color of motions will change.In the meantime you can give the child medicine on empty stomach and offer something immediately after it, so he does not continue with after-taste of the medicine, stop vomiting. Have patience. </s>
<s>[INST] is this really a doctor?im dealing with bad upper back pain-5yrs now, still trying to find out whats causing it. i had a car accident. upper back pain feels like burning stabbing continuous pain. right on the spine is tenderness, used to be extremely painful when pressed lightly. went through 6 weeks of chiropractic treatment recently (felt extremely painful afterwards everytime!!) and the last one left me even worse. now my neck has pain and feels weak and i have sciatica, i feels like both but maybe just left (unilateral?) a lot of pain in buttocks, usually stops at the end of the thighs (back) tail bone hurts too..weakness in legs, a little numbness, most of the numbness is in my lower back.. what do you think? [/INST] Dear Patient, your back pain needs proper evaluation and diagnosis, and an MRI of the region is the primary requisite beyond good examination, if there is compression on the nerves in the back, you may need surgery, but you should not just depend on chiropractic treatment, moreover beyond disc diseases other conditions can also cause such symptoms, and you will need and MRI to come to an end in this evaluation of the cause. So consult your doctor and get examined and investigated. Any further query is welcome. Thanks </s>
<s>[INST] How to remove a lump on my inner thigh, I am 43 year ols male weight 80 kg no medical history ,,had this small lump but recently it seems to have grown in size of mini golf ball ..no pain just it looks and feels odd ..what kind of surgery is required ? how many days leave i need to take ? [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some soft tissue tumor like lipoma, neurofibroma or some malignant tumor like liposarcoma. You should go for fine needle aspiration cytology or biopsy of that lump. It will give you exact idea. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice for most of the soft tissue tumor. Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at bit.ly/ Chat Doctor. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] hello sir, i have a small kidney in measures 73 * 34 mm, with slightly irregular contour.corticomedullary differentiation is maintained.mild fulness of pelvicalyceal system noted.no evidence of calculus seen.and my right kindney normal in size,work propley. sir,what can i d [/INST] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. As a Urologist, let me advise you that a small kidney, means it has reduced in size. There are various reasons for the same. Irregular contour means the normal shape and border of kidney, is altered, usually due to chronic infections. Fullness of urinary system within the kidney is seen, which suggests slow Chat Doctor. You can clear any other doubt, by directing the question in my name here. Wish you well. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Sir, My mother is 68yeasr old, and from very recently from 1year she got into wheesing and continious coughing, feeling chest heaviness, my mother had check x-ray and PFT which is normal, and she is been adviced to take omnacartil medicine but with this medicie she getting very week. is there any other medicine to get rid of this wheezing and couphing problem... she is also taking Asthalin nebulisation but this was giving her a temporary healing and again the cough and wheezing is back... please suggest [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion you should start oral bronchodilators. There are many good oral bronchodilators available. 1. Theophylline derivatives like acebrophyllin, doxophyllin etc2. BambuterolYou can also try antiallergic and antihistamine tablet once in night. Better to give her LAB (Long Acting Beta 2 Agonist) and ICS (Inhaled corticosteroids) as they are long acting and gives relief for almost 12 hours, while Stalin gives only relief for 3-4 hours. </s>
<s>[INST] My father is diagnosed with COPD, Micro Aspiration. He was given Deryplyllin Retard 300 twice a day. (Took it for 15 days) I have move to another city. New doctor stopped Deri Ret 300 and have put my father on foracort rotacap 400 (twice daily used through Rotahaler). He is not showing any signs of improvement and still complains of breathlessness at times. We also give him Seroflo/ Asthalin pump when he feels breathless. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your fathers situation and problem. He is taking optimum bronchodilators for COPD. But still he is not controlled. The most common cause for this infection. He is also having micro aspiration. So possibility of aspiration pneumonia is more in his case. So get done chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia. And if present, he needs appropriate antibiotic treatment for pneumonia. Once his pneumonia is clear, his COPD symptoms will mostly control. So consult doctor and discuss all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your father. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, Im naleep an 23 year old man, I have some allergy with dust, my nose get watery if i came in contact with dust. I also have cold from long time, when i goto physician they give some medicine and my cold convert to cough. from 2 day im getting blood strain in cough in the morning.what is the problem? [/INST] Thanks for asking your question completely understand your problem in my opinion according to your symptoms, you are suffering from allergic rhinitis, sinusitis. For this problem u need to consult a pulmonologist who may prescribe you a combination of leukotriene antagonist and an antihistamines like montelukast and fexofenadine, and some intranasal steroid sprays like fluticasone nasal spray which you have to take once daily. For all these medications u need to consult a pulmonologist to get them prescribed if his opinion matches mine. Further for now u need to take steam inhalation preferably with some vocals in it or otherwise will also do. For cough with blood streaked sputum u should get a chest X-ray done and to visit some pulmonologist to rule out tuberculosis thanks/regards feel free to ask more questions may god bless you with good health </s>
<s>[INST] I have this black spot on the tip of my tongue and it bothers me when people ask what happened, is there a way to make it go away? My doctor said its moles and its fine, but I honestly dont like it. I will be willing to do anything to get it normal . Thx. [/INST] Hi A black spot /mole at the tip of tongue, which is not increasing in size, neither changing its texture and is painless is rather harmless, and you need not be worried. Although I do second you and accept that it might be irritating and uncomfortable. Out of various modalities, surgical removal has been an age-old remedy for such moles. Latest modalities include laser which are painless and also have a better acceptance amongst patients.hopefully this might be of some help to you .take care. </s>
<s>[INST] i am bleeding from my anus for a few weeks now its always off and on but i read on a site tht if it doesnt cause pain and its a dark red and in clots i may have cancer. what is the easiest way to find out if i do if i dont have money to go see a doctor? [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. Painless, bright red bleeding from anus is mostly due to piles (hemorrhoids) and anal canal cancer. Best way for diagnosis is locale site examination of anus. If on local examination dilated veins are seen than it is piles. But if nodule or mass or ulceration are seen than possibility of anal canal cancer is more. For all these you need to consult doctor and get done clinical examination of your anus. You may require bronchoscopic examination also. So consult doctor and discuss all these. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello I fell last week whilst snowboarding and landed on my front, smacking my pelvis hard onto the ground. The impact reverberated through to my back and I developed a swelling/bump to the left of or actually on my spine - one of my upper lumbar vertebrae. It hurt when I arched my back and I carried on snowboarding for a few more days but then have been off for the last 4 days but very slow improvement. Please can you advise? [/INST] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. Based on the description of your symptoms, you seemed to have had a severe impact to the ground, however, it is fortunate that your injuries do not seem to be serious. As of now, you can continue to take analgesics such as ibuprofen or diclofenac tablets for pain relief and for the reduction of swellings. If the swelling does not go down or if the pain persists, it may be better to get an MRI of spine done to exclude any injuries to spine or the nerves. I hope my answer helps. Please get back if you have any follow-up queries or if you require any additional information. Wishing you good health, Chat Doctor. Ly/ </s>
<s>[INST] I have 4 bulging discs in my lumbar area. After having an MRI, my general practice doc told me to find a neurosurgeon that my insurance would cover. Do I need to start with a surgeon or a neurologist? I dont want surgery, if I dont have to. Im trying to decide which kind of doctor to see . Can you help me know where to start? [/INST] Hello. The doctor recommended treating your bulging discs is the neurosurgeon. In the treatment of bulging discs initially are used conservative methods (Chat Doctor. If conservative treatment is not effective, surgery is indicated but tell you that the current surgical techniques are with minimal incision, less discomfort and fewer days of hospitalization. I wish you good health.(If the answer has helped you, please indicate this) </s>
<s>[INST] ok so im gonna be 13 soon. last week i started having a cough & small fevers. i been having it for a while. & now its a week & it only have gotten worse and now i have a high fever. i fell asleep today, & woke up & my chest was hurting when i coughed & breathed. i also woke up with soreness all over. i took medicine, doesnt seem to do any good. what do you think i have? is it just a fever, or sickness?. or is it anything bad? [/INST] Hi welcome to the Chat Doctor Excess coughing can lead chest muscle soreness and hence chest pain... But before that two condition here needs to be ruled out bronchitis and pneumonia.... For that work up done as follows.... -Auscultation -Chest x-ray (PA view digital) -Spirometry if needed to decide further management plan in bronchitis-CBC According to reports specific treatment given You need to give decongestant like phenylephrine for Symptomatic relief Suitable antibiotic course prescribed If needed like levofloxacin or definite if needed... Steam inhalation done three times a day Salt water gargle done two times a day Take one tsp ginger juice with honey daily vitamin C lozenges useful in such conditions esp if viral condition Hot water used for Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] hello doctor,,,,,,,,i wan to ask from you that i am refering gynaecologist for conception. 4 months had gone but nothing is there till noe. she referred buserellin, lycored tab, FSH harmone but all in vain. i am worried bout that why i am not conceiving. where is the proble? and noe for one month she referrred ovigyn to both of us i.i 25 mg daily to my husband and 75 mg daily to me. what to do? can you please suggest me? [/INST] Hello, Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Forum. Since you both are receiving treatment for infertility and still not conceiving, this is a cause of concern. Buserellin is a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist, scored is also stimulate ovulation (indirectly), F S H is also getting. As long term use of buserellin suppresses release of LH / F S H, this is not good. Still it is not clear why, you are not conceiving? For conception many factors play roles as in MALE semen analysis (if sperm count is standard and morphology and motility is good then need not worry). So upload the report over this site. In Female OVULATION, FSH / L H ratio, endometrium thickness, follicles maturation, burst of maturated follicles, release of ovum, fertilization of ovum, implantation in uterus, so get in ultrasound report of ovaries with follicles study. Consult one more Gynecologist and get his opinion (2nd). Hope I have answered your question. Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] i am 30 year old, married for 5 years now. trying to conceive from ldast 2 years.diagnosed with PCOS 2 yrs back . but no cysts in the ovaries. with symtoms irregular periods, acne, abdomen fat, hair loss and unwaned hair. besides this i had a miscarriage last year. I exercise regularly with no refined carbs, high protein and fiber and lots of fruits,vegetables and nuts. and also i used clomid for 9 months with no success. all the symptoms were subsided during clomid use and again came back after stopped using it. please help me on this problem and to conceive and have successful pregnancy. [/INST] Hello, It is quite possible that you may not be ovulating even after taking CLOSED. In such cases, the dose of CLOSED is increased, and it can be increased up to 250 mg. You must also check for prolactin levels in blood as hyperprolactenemia can result in situation where CLOSED doesn't act. Other methods for improved ovulation chances are. Regular exercises and reduction of weight. It is said that a mere reduction of weight by 10% can help achieve ovulation. Use of Chat Doctor. It helps in reduction of insulin resistance and achieving ovulation. Please consult your doctor and discuss it in detail. Thanks </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I m rimanshi I have pain in my tailbone form tha last 1 yr. I m doing yoga to recover this and form the last 2 3 months I feel better and comfortable. But now when I again start siting 2 or 3 hours in a day my pain is again started. Can you please tell me, is there is any permanent solution for this problem. [/INST] Hi, Thanks for your query. The pain in the coccyx that you have described can be related to coccydynia. You need to do hot site bath to decrease the inflammation in those joints. Do hot fomentation over sacrum. It will take weeks to months to subside. Use ring cushion and take site bath [sitting in lukewarm water for 10 min]Take analgesic like Nicosia 90 once daily along with tab methylcobalamine 1500 mcg once daily. If not relieved with all these methods then local injection may be required. You can take this consulting your doctor. Clinically spinal origin of pain needs to be ruled out, if required MRI spine can be done. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] Hi my dad is 86 years old and has had blood in his urine. The first time was four months ago, he went to dr. And the dr. Told him it could be an infection and put him on an antibiotic. Last night he had more blood went to dr. Again today and dr. Said enlarged prostate could be cancer and he should have a biopsy to go home and discuss with his family. I was wondering how worried should we be. I told dad not to panic, it s not the end and to try not to worry, cause that s def no good. The urologist said he d need a biopsy. Please advise [/INST] Hi, Thanks for posting in Chat Doctor. I understand your concern. Appearance of blood in urine could be due to many causes such as infection of kidneys, stones in the urinary tract or cancer of prostate or urinary bladder. It certainly needs to be evaluated. Kindly complete the course of antibiotics as advised. If it is due to infection, then the symptom should subside gradually. If bleeding continues, then he needs further evaluation like ultrasound scan and biopsy of prostate to confirm the diagnosis. Following this, he needs to be treated accordingly. Kindly consult Urologist in this regard for proper evaluation and management. Hope the information provided helps. All the best. Chat Doctor. S. </s>
<s>[INST] We are living in Bangalore and my 4 year old son have enlarged Adenoid (for last year and half). Due to this he s prone to cold and his body resistance to infection is little low. We consulted few ENT specialists w.r.t removal of enlarged Adenoid via surgery. We got mixed opinions on that. As I understand Adenoid is first level of defense in the respiratory track and it s removal can have unfavorable consequences in longer run. Also there s chance of getting it back between age 6-8 yrs. We are following Homeopathy & Ayurvedic treatment (off and on) for last year or so. My son is some-what better w.r.t frequency of getting infections. But still he snores a lot and breaths with open-mouth most of the times. We are just worried if this prolong mouth-breathing will do some damage to his internal organs and ears (due to some-what frequent chest & ear infection). [/INST] Hi, Your child sleeps with mouth open, this means that the tonsils are quite large at the age of 4 years. If there is difficulty in breathing or not able to swallow anything then the child should be operated. Tonsillectomy is a common operation and there are some minor complications like nasal discharge, sore throat, ear ache, but these symptoms usually subside over 3 weeks. In my opinion, you should go for tonsillectomy. I hope this has helped you. Take care. Regards Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a hard swollen lump behind my left ear. It started out small but now two weeks later it is the size of a quarter and hurts really bad. I cant afford to go to the doctors but im worried it might be an infection or something of that nature. Please anyone What should I do? Thank You [/INST] Hi, Thanks for your question. After going through your question, there is likely possibility of retroauricular lymphadenopathy (Lymph node swelling) most likely due to infection or infection of hair follicle. As you are not willing to go to doctor, you can try antibiotic like Amoxicillin+clavulunic acid along with painkiller and anti-inflammatory medicines for 5 days. If even after 5 days of treatment or if there is increase in size of swelling, high grade fever, swelling over other parts of the body there is a need for consultation with doctor for detailed clinical examination depending upon it further investigations may help in diagnosis and treatment.- Complete blood count.- ESR, CRP.- Chest X-ray.- Ultrasonography of swelling and abdomen. Hope this helps you, if so do vote as helpful. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Sir ;I am 29 and experianced my first real sex just few days ago , i noticed that i am having pre ejaculation and hardly i was able to penetrate my girl twice ... i am worried about .... i noticed watery substences were leaking from my penis for period in between sexs .. i used to masturbate all my sex active life before so please give me idea of what problem i have [/INST] Hello misunderstand your concern watery substances leaking from penis in between sex is pronominal fluids, it is normal phenomena due to sexual excitement and help in intercourse for lubrication. Do not worry just use condoms during sex But if ejection occur with minimal penetration with in 15 seconds after sexual intercourse it is called premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation need evaluation and treatment after proper investigations. Premature ejaculation mostly due to stress, fatigue and performance anxiety. For that: use stop and start method of sex (divert your mind from sex at that time of ejaculation), squeeze technique, hold urine before urination, women on top position, use double condoms or condoms with lidocaine jelly. Hope this may help you Best regards </s>