<s>[INST] 5.4 ,70kgI done - Hysteroscopy, laparoscopy ,ovarian drilling ,D/C under Ga on )05/05/10 under Dr pranab Dasgupta atAMRI. Uters -nomal size, moblie ,surface smooth .Ovaried -both ovaries polycystic ,ovarian drilling done ,serous fluid drained.chromotubation done - good view ,surface smooth ,both ostia visualisedCx -Endocervix health,but still not consive [/INST] Hi, Ovarian Chat Doctor. Try to reduce 4-5 kg weight but diet restriction/ Low calories diet & regular exercise for middle segment of body. Hope GOOD VIEW in report means the tubes were patent. Hope you have confirmed Husbands semen parameters. If cycles are irregular & scan shows no good follicle growth-kindly go ahead with Ovulation induction tablets with hormone injections for eggs to come at right time & number, thus increasing pregnancy chances. PCs has a very good pregnancy chances, don't Worrall the best </s>
<s>[INST] Sir, I got tubercular lymphodenitis in july 2008. A small lymph node was developed in the submandubular region. In montox test it was found positive. I undergone ATT . And the node was taken out with minor surgery. Then iv was ok then onwards. Now in january 2011 three nodes of small one cm diameter was developed on the survical region , I consulted a doctor and tested my blood and mountox test my blood reports are negative for any disease and mountox test is positive. He told me that nothing to wory , these are nothing amd it has to be taken out by surgery, sir tell if anythig abnormal if I leave thoise nodes in my body like that. I dont want to go for surgery. [/INST] Hi... One of the main cause of cervical lymphadenitis in India and developing countries is tuberculosis. Since you have previous history of TB, this time the chances of you having tubercular lymphadenitis is high. If Contour test is negative, it does not rule out TB. So, I would recommend a FNAC or preferably a BIOPSY of lymph node to confirm the diagnosis. If it comes positive for TB you need to take ATT for 9 months or if it comes as nonspecific inflammation, a course of antibiotics. </s>
<s>[INST] hi.. my name is ansar im 50yr old.. i had moles on my face which usualy developd after menupause.. nw 4 weeks ago i had Laser treatment for the moles ..its been 4 weeks since treatment and my skin is not coming bak to normal as there are brown coloured spots left on the treated areas... now what shud i do? is there any medicine or cream for this? [/INST] Hello. Thanks for your query. You seem to have developed Post-inflammatory Hyperpigmentation, which is common after a Laser procedure, specially if sun protection was not strictly adhered to. If I was the treating doctor I would suggest that you use a broad spectrum sunscreen, throughout the day. Your sunscreen should cover both UV A and UV B part of the spectrum. You may find a sunscreen OTC from a Chat Doctor. For the spots, I would have normally recommended you a skin lightening cream containing one or more of the following ingredients e.g. Comic acid, Glycolic acid, Albumin, HY </s>
<s>[INST] hi, i am anemic due to low iron levels. i am always feeling dizzy, tired, have eye pains, have been losing wieght, shortness of breath, cold hands and swelling of hands, kidney pains, arm and back back pains and have recently got a sopt which is red on the outside but white on the inside on my arm. can you tell me what can be? [/INST] Hello, I understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor, infectious diseases specialist, answering your query. Amemia can cause white patch, but it never causes red patch. I advise you should investigate the cause for such a severe anemia with nearby general physician. Till you get investigate please start the treatment according to your hemoglobin level. If your hemoglobin level is much lower you should start blood transfusion. If its mildly elevated its necessary to start the treatment with oral iron therapy. Please take the treatment till your hemoglobin reaches to normal value plus three months to replenish the iron storage of the body. I will be happy to answer your further concern, you can ask me on bit.ly/ Chat Doctor. Thank you. ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist. </s>
<s>[INST] hi i have a pain under my rib cage on the left hand side, this is a dull pain most days, other times its so bad I cant move, they have checked out my gallbladder and liver, and tell me that i have polyps in my gallbladder and some cysts on my liver, and they have done an upper GI that showed no issues with my stomach. I also have lots of gas can you tell me what else I should be checking with [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Your liver and gallbladder might be having cysts and polyps, but you didn't have pain there. So they can be looked after afterwards. The reason for pain in the left rib cage may be the pain of the pancreas, spleen, stomach, colon, kidney, ureter, etc. I advise you to consult a surgeon for diagnosis and treatment. Take more of green leafy vegetables, pulses, sprouts, and protein rich foods to hasten the recovery. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] I know this is really gross but im not sure what to do about it. I know someone who eats skin off her toes,fingers and on the insides of her cheeks and lips, also eats nasal discharge, vaginal discharge, pubic hairs, blood and scabs,eyes crusts,finger nails, toe nails and hair. I think that about covers it. Is this serious or harmless? I want to know as much information as possible about why someone would do this? [/INST] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. I do not think these are the symptoms. There should be more to it. The bizarre behavior pattern is associated with Hebephrenia. A category of schizophrenia. A mental disorder which needs immediate psychiatric treatment. Please consult a psychiatrist immediately for proper diagnosis and treatment. In case if you need more explanation in this regard, please post a direct query to me in this website. I am happy to explain. Hope this answers your concerns. Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello Doctor, my 80 year old mother, other wise in good health, recently developed swallowing difficulties. A visit to the ENT specialist revealed recently a 1.8 centimeter mass on the epiglotis free edge with no apparent spreading to other near by structures. We are preparing for a biopsy and in the process of prepafring for the worst, but praying for the best. My question is, if in deed the biopsy reveals a malignancy, and she is staged at stage 1, can it be removed surgery, or better known as curative treatment? I have been doing some research, and I am finding out that chemo and radiation is always curative> please help us, we are beside our selves with anxiety. Thank you [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing in. There are certain areas including the head and neck region where the structures are closely situated, and it is difficult to operated completely. Epiglottis is considered supraglottic part of larynx. A cancer in the epiglottis is a difficult to operate region and if biopsy confirms malignancy then the patient should be given chemotherapy and radiation therapy to reduce the tumor volume. Once tumor volume is reduced then attempts can be made to try and operate the area if it is accessible. If the cancer is free from surrounding structures than an experienced surgeon might decide to operate on the supraglottic component and provide adjunct chemotherapy and radiation therapy for complete treatment. Lymph node enlargement in the neck should be evaluated by doing a CT scan neck and if present then a biopsy should be done to know metastasis and do staging. Please do not worry. </s>
<s>[INST] I am 37 weeks pregnant and I noticed a a lump on my vagina. When I looked at it I realised that it was just a spot. However, I noticed that just inside my vagina is an extra part that wasn t there before I fell pregnant. I have suffered from painful intercourse whilst pregnant, could this be the cause? [/INST] Hi, I understand your concern. You seem to have an abscess of a mucus secreting gland present in side part of outer vaginal fold. Its Bartholdi cyst. It occurs due to occlusion of the duct of gland. Unless infected it remains without any symptoms. But once infection sets in inflammation, pain, fever followed by Catholics abscess follows. So, If there is no other problem except for swelling... you have to follow vaginal hygiene/ avoid any trauma or infection. But if there is infection & inflammation, you should consult your doctor for necessary treatment & management.(which will include antibiotic, anti trichomonal, anti-inflammatory medications/ incision & Chat Doctor. . As per need.) Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] I have chronic atrial fib. I was taking long term (5 yrs) amiodarone. I have scarring in my lungs and damage to my kidney s. A pacemaker was put in and now I am on Cardizem. Now I have all the symptoms of heart failure. I recently had a stress test and echo. Now the pacemaker is causing the heart to not conduct properly. I want to stop the cardizem and see if the pacemaker can be stopped to see where I am at. The cardiologist wants to add another lead to help the conduction. He is not in favor of stopping the drug. Should I be adamant about seeing where I am at without the drugs or pacemaker. It seems to me all these things are causing more problems [/INST] HI, AF has 2 major treatment-one is oral anticoagulant (which I hope you're taking as you've not mentioned) and second is rate control medicine. Pacemaker with cardio is for the second reason. you'll have to continue them for lifetime. I don't feel you should try yourself stopping them. Talk to your cardiologist or mail him as he may be able to explain to you the need of all. Adding one more lead - I feel it may be due to AV synchrony and may help you. For more detail, you may also have a consultation with an electrophysiologist. </s>
<s>[INST] In June 2008, my mom was diagnosed with bile duct cancer, and the whipple surgery was performed. Things were fine for a few years and in June 2011, they detected a tumor in her lung and since they could not determine if it was a metastasis with 100% certainty, they removed her lung. We received confirmation afterwards that it was in fact a metastasis. Then this past november, they detected a spot in her pancreas. They sent her for a pet scan and it was detected that she also had a spot in her jaw and shoulder (all less than 2cm). Right now, she is receiving chemotherapy once per week. In reading, I can see that this would likely be considered Stage 4 (which I know is bad), but I would really like to know what this means in terms of time (i know there is not sure thing, but even an approximate amount of time could help us deal with the situation better). [/INST] Welcome to Chat Doctor . Cancer of bile duct with metastases like what your mother usually has a life span of about 1 to 2 years. But it also depends on the particular type of cancer. She seems to have a relatively good type because she had lung metastases 3 years back and is still fit enough to have chemo... Let's pray for the best... If you would like to know further please send me pathology reports of previous surgery so that I can help you out... Hope this answered your query. </s>
<s>[INST] Have had bronchitis for a week now been coughing alot been taking mucinex some natural remedies tylendol hot tea with lemon drinking lots of water and grape juice sprite you name it this morning I coughed in the shower and got some dark spots of blood, than this evening I noticed some also I know the mucinex has helped keeping it loose. I also grease my chest and back, throat at evening time with Vicks which also helps, had a lung Exray a week ago was clear please advise me if I should get this checked out tomorrow! Thanks Lorie [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. You are having hemoptysis (blood in sputum). It is seen in bronchitis (uncontrolled) and lung infection. Since your recent chest x-ray is normal no need to worry about lung infection. Possibility of uncontrolled bronchitis is more. So consult pulmonologist and get done PFT (Pulmonary Function Test). This will tell about severity of bronchitis. And treatment of bronchitis is based on severity only. You may need additional inhaled bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroid (ICS). So consult pulmonologist and discuss all these. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] I woke one morning with a lump on my arm and it became red ane itchy, then two day after it came on my leg, then my back ad now my elbow. i apply a cream that was prescribed for a rash i had which was itching me and it help the itching and it goes after a few day but keeps come back on different parts of my body. The cream I used was daktacort. [/INST] Hi, Dear , thanks for the query to my Chat Doctor clinic. I went through the details of your query. My opinion-You are suffering from Hives-Urticaria-(CIU-Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria).-Treatment-I would advise consulting your skin doctor.-Under his advice -you should-investigate for eosinophilic by CBC test.-Tb-Steroids-Tb-Antihistaminics-Tb-Hetrazan-fort-for eosinophilic.-This take care of your problem and would help you to relieve from CIU. Hope this will help you. Wellcome for any more query to my Chat Doctor Clinic. </s>
<s>[INST] I have redness, tenderness, or increased temperature of the skin over the area. When squeezing it, it feels so painful and will leave scar after squeezing out all pus ......It always happened around my body. The first time is on my leg then face then knee then face and now it is on my forearm ....... I really don t know what to do............... [/INST] Hello welcome to Chat Doctor forum thank you for your query you have bacterial infection -pyoderma over skin you feel pain and warm over the lesion.chance of recurrence and new lesion is there .do not press or popped the lesion as it will leave scar you need to take antibiotic cream and medicine better to consult dermatologist .use good antibacterial soap and get check your sugar level I hope I answered your question </s>
<s>[INST] I have pain due to scoliosis. At times of pain I take Etoshine MR. Some times I have to take it for upto 5 days or in extreme cases 10 days. Often for just a day or two. Is it ok if I stop with a few tabs? Is there a recommended dosage? Is it an anti- biotic to be taken for a minimum period? Venkatesan [/INST] Hello, For scoliosis pain, I will advise taking a short course of the anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Having a temporary kneading massage will be good. It would have been great if x-ray reports were shared or at least the level at which the scoliosis is formed and the angle of it. I will advise indulging in regular breathing exercises because due to scoliosis the respiratory system may get compromise and make more prone to respiratory problems. Also, doing exercises for the spinal muscle strengthening, correction of scoliosis by posture, activating the muscle which is affected will be helpful. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Jay In </s>
<s>[INST] my wife has got tb...mostly affecting the lungs....she has been taking treatment for 2 months now...for the last month or so she has been experiencing pain on the right side of the body...right head, cheeks, feet, arms etc...what does this indicate...please guide [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your wives situation and problem. Vitamin b12 and vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine) deficiency can cause similar symptoms. And isoniazid (one of the anti-tubercular Chat Doctor. So better to get done serum vitamin b12 and pyridoxine levels. And if deficiency then she needs supplements. Another rare cause is brain injury. So if vitamin b12 and pyridoxine levels are normal than get done MRI brain. Consult doctor and discuss all these. Hope I have solved your query. Wishing good health to your wife. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Sir I am on thyroxine 125. 6 months back I had missing heart beats for which I am taking Nodon 2.5. I went for basic metabolic profile and all values except related to Liver are normal. I have elevated bilrubin, SGPT , SGOT and GGT with following values: BILIRUBIN -DIRECT PHOTOMETRY 0.38 mg/dl BILIRUBIN - TOTAL PHOTOMETRY 2.1 mg/dl BILIRUBIN (INDIRECT) CALCULATED 1.72 mg/dl ASPARTATE AMINOTRANSFERASE (SGOT ) PHOTOMETRY 75.5 U/l ALANINE TRANSAMINASE (SGPT) PHOTOMETRY 171.7 U/l ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE PHOTOMETRY 81.2 U/l GAMMA GLUTAMYL TRANSFERASE (GGT) PHOTOMETRY 81.4 U/l PROTEIN - TOTAL PHOTOMETRY 6.77 gm/dl ALBUMIN - SERUM PHOTOMETRY 4.42 gm/dl SERUM ALBUMIN/GLOBULIN RATIO CALCULATED 1.88 Ratio My doc has told me nothing to worry and suggested me Udiliv 300 for 1.5 months. Also I don t have any jaundice symptom. Can you please suggest me is this correct diagnosis? Thanks Gagan YYYY@YYYY +91-0000 Or shall I go for furthe [/INST] Hi, Welcome to ChatDoctorYou are suffering from hypothyroidism, along with ? High BP and irregular heart beat, your Liver functions are mildly deranged and it is possible to have fatty liver changes if you are overweight or taking alcohol, if no alcohol NASH you can get an Ultrasonography to know the state of liver. Take care of diet do not consume alcohol as GGT is also little raised. Udiliv will help to heal liver and reduce fatty changes. Reduce weight if Obese is not then also take up walking 3 to 4 km /daytime care of health Good luck to you Please keep informed about progress. </s>
<s>[INST] am a 24 aged female. i hv been suffering terrible pain in the end tip of my back born 4 the past 1 week and more. i dnt knw what that portion is called to specify the area where i hav pain. it seems like sweling there.and i fear the sweling portion is full of puss or smthng like that. i dnt knw.. [/INST] Hello, I had gone through the case and found that this is called as tail bone or coccyx. I will advise consulting to orthopedic doctor for swelling. It might be muscular swelling or filled with pus. If there is pus then go for blood test and biopsy of lump. If only muscular swelling then go for MRI of lumbosacral area. After the proper diagnosis take treatment. Hope my answer will be effective for you. Thanks </s>
<s>[INST] I take Xarelto and may need my tooth extracted. My dentist said to ask my cardiologist if I need to temporarily stop taking Xarelto but when I went to my cardiologist he said to ask the dentist. What should I do since both doctors are pointing to each other. [/INST] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor .... As per your complaint Carlo is an oral anticoagulant and is given to keep the blood thin in heart patients. A complication that can arise if extraction is done in a patient taking anticoagulant is excessive bleeding or Hemorrhage post extraction. So to be on a safer side the anticoagulant is stopped for about a week before the extraction is carried out to prevent complications.Therefore, if your dentist needs to extract your tooth you will have to stop taking it under consent and supervision of your Cardiologist, and he cannot simply ask you to see your dentist. In case if you have any doubt then you need to consult another Cardiologist and get evaluated. Hope this helps. Regards. </s>
<s>[INST] I am a 27 years old guy from Orissa. I have white patches on my penis & testicles. It was since 1995. The area of white patches are not increasing. But the pubic hairs are white. Is there any permanent solution like surgery or any other treatment. Please advise.Yes, I have a bent & small penis. [/INST] Hello, The symptoms are consistent with fungal infection. As a first line management you can apply topical antifungals-steroid combination like clotrimazole-betamethasone after cleaning with soap and water. Personal hygiene is very important to prevent recurrence. If lesion persists better to consult a dermatologist and get evaluated. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] I have some real intense lower abdominal pain but it is on the left side. I have felt bloated, abnormal gas and constipation for about a week. I have searched the Internet thinking it might be appendicitis but they all indicate appendicitis is located with pain on the lower right, any ideas what it might be? [/INST] Hello friend, An intense lower abdominal pain of one week duration can be anything related to your abdominal organs like intestine, large or small. If it is in still lower pelvic area, bladder, ureter, prostate(if you are an adult male) etc. may also be involved. If you are an adult lady, uterus, ovary etc. may also be the sites involved. Then also you are free to ask why this affection? For an allocate, it may be an inflammation, caused by some organisms. But as a Homeopath the most important question I would ask is what happened just before this one-week period. Then you will reveal that something happened to you in the mind level. Yes, even the affections in the mental level can cause problems in the abdomen and for a Homeopath, your curative remedy can be selected by understanding your mind and the conflicts in your psychological level. If you want to know which organ is affected you can take USG and consult a physician. If you want to get cure for your complaint, then approach an expert Homeopath at the earliest. He will take your case in detail and will prescribe your curative remedy. That remedy will not only cure your present ailment but also will prevent further occurrences in future with similar reasons. If you feel right, you can approach me personally through the Chat Doctor and give your details to me. I can help you. With best wishes, </s>
<s>[INST] I have a lump(size of golf ball) its between both color bones in the lower part of my neck, been growing since 06 when i first discovered it. I took xrays as a tech everyday for 7 years and not much protected was used! If ive had this lump for over 6 years it couldnt be cancer/lymphoma? [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have enlarged lymph node due to tuberculosis or lymphoma. Or you may have metastatic carcinoma. You should go for fine needle aspiration cytology or biopsy. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I have nail fungi infection,my nails look very bad,my gp gave my loceryl laquier,it was better but now it worse I have 2 more nails infected.I have special diet,I dont eat nothing sweet,etc.I am thinking about tablets,but I am scared about my liver,kidney.For how long Ineed to take them if I decide to take them [/INST] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor The fungal infection of your nails is not related to your diet. Fungal nail infections can only be adequately treated with oral tablets which have to be taken for a few weeks for them to have a maximum effect. In many cases they would have to be used for 6 to 12 weeks. In terms of effects on your liver and kidney, most persons use the medications with no effects, so the risk is there but is not experienced by the majority of persons on the medication. I hope this helps </s>
<s>[INST] Ok.. here is my problem.. I can not form a total sentence.. I usually forget what I am talking about and ramble on.. I find it hard to concentrate.. I read a book and my mind goes elsewhere.. I will say something that makes no sense.. for example, I will see that the fan is on and say.. Oh I see that the floor is on.. what s that about? I will start a conversation and only say half of what I am thinking.. and people have to either finish my thought or statements or try and guess what the hell I am talking about.. what is wrong with me? [/INST] Hi, Thanks for using Chat Doctor. I have gone through your available history. You have not mentioned your age and duration of illness which might be very useful in making diagnosis. Your illness may range form disorder of expression to depression to early dementia. So you should consult psychiatrist for detailed evaluation and management. Treatment will be directed as per cause. Doctor may advise you to go for Chat Doctor. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] Im a hepatitis b carrier for 4 years. I was leave for 3 mos on my job due to diziness, My ent found out that i have a sensorineural impairment. vertigo. now its fine but my neurologist found out that I have a high esr june 90 mm/hr aug 71 mm/hr. now im suffering muscles pain thru my pelvic, back, shoulder & neck. Wat disease probably these? [/INST] Hi thanks for asking question. Because you are infected with hepatitis b, so your ESR is high. Hepatitis B can usually lead to generalized weakness, headache like constitutional symptoms. You have muscle pain most probably due to infection with Hepatitis B. The sensorineural deafness is not here related with this infection directly. According to few studies, inner ear may involve in this infection and lead to deafness, but no conclusive evidence for it. Vertigo is associated here. For it rule out hypertension and smoking history. Since you are suffering from this infection you have chances of development of cirrhosis and cancer. So regular monitoring is necessary. I hope my suggestion will help you. </s>
<s>[INST] My daughter had got very drunk two weeks ago. She fell down the steeps and hit her head. I took her to the hospital. The following week she had convulsion or seizure. She is on antidepressant medicine and anxiety medice. Would the seizure happen a week lader [/INST] Hello thanks for asking from ChatDoctorA lot of patients with head injury develop seizures. Injury to brain structures, hematoma in brain, scarring in brain etc. are common reasons for seizures. She has developed seizures after head injury and in such case she should be evaluated thoroughly. A CT scan will find out any injury to brain and any hematoma. For seizures developing post head trauma anti seizures Chat Doctor. Sodium Valproate, Phenytoin are commonly used </s>
<s>[INST] my 23 month old daughter broke out with small bumps around her mouth, dr gave her mupirocin 2% next day it spread it s all over her legs, so dr gave her cephalexin, now she is very restless, and crying, and that s not normal for her to be up and crying in the middle of the night . [/INST] Hi... By what you quote it could be - HERPES or HAND FOOT MOUTH DISEASE. Hand Foot Mouth disease. This is one viral illness among all other anthems which can cause fever followed by rash over palms and soles. It is a self-limiting disorder and itching can be really worrisome. I suggest you use any over the counter antihistamine if you have one with you now. You can use HY Chat Doctor. This can even cause some peeling of skin in the next 4-6 weeks and do not worry about it. Regards - </s>
<s>[INST] mysister has severe left ankle pain, she has high blood pressure and has recently started meds for this, after echo card gram and other test she has not been able to receive test results as of now however we all all concerned since she can not tolerate touching the left ankle and the meds to open the blood vessells cause headaches too severe.shouldn t she be admitted? [/INST] Hello, If she isn't diabetic than icing should help reduce the pain. Using icing for the ankle joint as well as the lower back to the pain sensation can be desensitized. If she is diabetic then hot water fermentation for the lower back and ankle. Also, try to stabilize the ankle joint in crêpe Bandage or ankle brace. Wait for the pain to come down. Post which you can give the details of the status, so we can advise some exercises to avoid future pains. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I am experiencing a burning sensation from my spine across my waist to my belly button on my right side only. Major bloating, major discomfort laying down. This burning is inside my skin. No evidence of rash or sores. This has been going on for aprox. one week.ricksmiss [/INST] Hello! Welcome on Chat Doctor! Regarding your concern, I would explain that your symptoms could be related to a nerve pain or a spinal cord disorder (including inflammation or myelitis). For this reason, I would recommend consulting with a neurologist for a careful physical exam. A spinal cord MRI may be needed to exclude the above-mentioned possible causes. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Kind regards, </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Doctor.I have a sharp pain in my abdomen which started 2 days ago. It feels as if theres a muscle tearing. The pain started when I was sneezing and I felt some sort of muscle tear instantly in my abdomen. When I sneeze, attempt to do sit ups or after standing for long, the pain is worsened. What could this be and what can I do about it? [/INST] Hi. You look to be right in your diagnosis. Please get this confirmed by a clinical examination by a Surgeon and confirmed by high resolution ultrasonography. I'd there is collection of blood in small amount, it can be left alone as the body will absorb it. If large this can be aspirated for an early recovery by the Surgeon. Rest will be of an utmost importance as is control of sneezing by antihistamine tablets and laxatives to avoid constipation - you have to avoid any movement that will strain the already ailing part. The Surgeon would also advise you to take some anti-inflammatory medicines. If the tear is large, it may be necessary to repair it. Take care. Recovery now will help a better prognosis. </s>
<s>[INST] Lately I ve been really tired all the time, and hot and then cold , and then hot and then cold. Then sometimes I feel like I m burning up but freezing at the same time. But my temperature has been normal this entire time (Which is 97.9, I run a little lower than normal.) I recently stopped taking my prescribed medications because over the spring I went through a handful of rounds of chemotherapy and I believe that my chemical make up has changed and my medicines aren t working, in fact they just make me worse. I don t really know what my question is I just don t understand why I feel this way. [/INST] Hi, what is the disease you are suffering from?what chemotherapy has been given to you?how long your symptoms persists? this information needs to be mentioned. What are the medicines did you have stopped? The query carries little information. Anyway chemotherapy can cause features said by you. Also, can be caused by malignancy. Malignancy can be a cause of chronic fatigue. Consult your oncologist. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, my husband has been experiencing for the first time in his life an allergic reaction or so we think this is an allergic reaction. It s primarily in his face and it s always random. It s been happening in the last couple of months and seems to happen only on the weekends, but again random, not all the time and it vasilates between the left side and the right side and usually his mouth area where he experiences swelling to the point of it hurting. We think either a food allergy or maybe spider bite, but we ve tried to narrow down the food items, laundry items, soaps, etc. and it s still happening. Could this be another way of his body telling him something else is wrong? When administering an allergy medicine to him, it will usually go away by the late afternoon or the next day and he always wakes up with it. Help! [/INST] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor The symptoms are possibly due to : (1) allergies (2) sinus congestion (3) infection with herpes simplex 1 (cold sores)Sinus congestion can cause one-sided pain and swelling as could the other conditions mentioned. It would be best to consider visiting a doctor for an assessment which would include physical examination and possibly bloods. Blood tests can be done to check for allergies though if it is an allergy, it would have to be something coming into contact with this area specifically hope this helps </s>
<s>[INST] Thanks doctor actually I m verymuch about my hair bladness so I want to know that can I use nisim hair solution which is canadian product , secondly I already used minxodil and rogain but I feel itching after tbat and seconly can I use rigix tablet for bladness [/INST] Hi, You can apply minoxidil cream (Romaine) directly on your scalp, it helps hair re-generation. To avoid itching you can take non-sedating antihistamine (Levocetrizine), one SOS before application. Finasteride (Alopecia) is a daily pill that you should take under a consultant. It slows down hair loss while promoting new hair growth. Yes, Ni sim gives hair regrowth solutions to both men & women. It neutralizes DHT (dishy Chat Doctor. Take adequate mineral, protein & vitamin. Autoimmune condition, Alopecia create has no cure, it causes rapid hair loss. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] clot has been occured in brain. right side has been affected. speech has been lost. brain is working properly and recogonising power is ok. 24 hours has been past. the patient was admitted immediately in the hospital. it the clot is recoverable through medicines and how much time it will take place. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor .com I am Chat Doctor. Mariano Into Bruno Mascaras. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. Q : How long it will take cure after clot in brain? A : It depends on the size and location of the clot Hope you found the answer helpful. If you need any clarification / have doubts / have additional questions / have follow-up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions. In the future, for continuity of care, I encourage you to contact me directly in Chat Doctor at http://bit.ly/ask </s>
<s>[INST] Hi,I am going to see a doctor tomorrow morning, however, I want to do some research right now. I have a lump on my anus. It is right on the exterior/exit, and protrudes from my anus. It isnt a hemarrhoid, that I am pretty sure. It is actually under the skin. The skin shifts fine above it. It isnt soft, more firm, and is sore to the touch. There isnt any blood, as it is quite completely under the skin (as stated before), and not connected to the exterior skin it seems. It protrudes out from my anus. It just came on sometime today. I dont think I had it yesterday. I havent had any difficult bowel movements or anything. I have, however, been moving boxes to my new house. Also, I dont know if it is important, but I broke my leg June 2, had major surgery, and am still recovering, albeit, not on any medications.Any ideas what it may be? [/INST] Welcome to Chat Doctor. 1. The history suggest it's an infective etiology, hair follicular infection which is in the early stage in subcutaneous plane.2. As its sore and painful suggest active infection. Treatment mostly include a course of antibiotics with symptomatic treatment will help.3. As a remedy - do not squeeze, press or scratch the area - as that way you will be complicating the lesion and increasing healing time. 4. The symptoms you have mentioned does not seem like any operative procedure is required, so not to worry about it.5. An ultrasound might be needed to know the extension of the collection or lesion. Good luck. Hope I have answered your query.Anything to ask do not hesitatehttp://doctor. ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello Dr, I am experiencing pressure on the temple area on my head, I had a ct scan done and the results say I have a calcification in the left posterior occipital region may represent a small meningioma measuring about 1 cm . Could this be the cause of my head pressure discomfort? I have other symptoms too like feeling unbalanced, could this also be related to the tumor? I am 74 female. my name is Viole and my email is YYYY@YYYY Please comment. Thanks, Viole [/INST] Meningioma can usually cause Head Achebe, in your case, I doubt that as the reason for headache because1. Size is very small - 1 cm2. Meningioma is in the Occipital Region. Headache is elsewhereWould like to know whether CT Scan mentioned any dilatation of ventricles or HY Chat Doctor. Eye Problems2. SinusitisBefore fixing on the meningioma case, you are not satisfied, Feel free to ask more doubts and I will reply </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I have a hard vein or supply line of some kind in the shaft of my penis that ends just before the head in a lump it hurts when I get an erection and it also pulls my penis in an upside down u shape like a string is tied to the tip that is also very painful [/INST] HelloThanks for query. You have dilated engorged tributary of Dorsal Vein of penis which is painful on erection and tends to curve your glans penis upwards during erection. Please consult qualified Urologist for clinical examination If needed he may advise you to get it ligated and remove the vein. This is simple surgery done under local anesthesia as an out patient procedure and will help to resolve your problem for forever. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My son has itp, and has had it for a couple of years now. Recently his count has dropped and he has symptoms. Today a bad headache started and we took him to the local hospital, they did a ct scan and found bleeding , currently he is on his way by helicopter to calgary childrens hospital for treatment. How dangerous of a situation is this, and is it common. What is generally the outcome of my situation? [/INST] Hello, welcome to Chat Doctor, The situation is very much dangerous. The prognosis sometimes becomes very bad. Here first priority should be given to give him platelet as early as possible. It is a medical emergency. I don't know., when you came to know, that his platelet count is decreased? If you had the report earlier, and you could take him to hospital for platelet transfusion early. That could avoid the situation. Whatever, hope for the best. </s>
<s>[INST] Serious question. I have noticed a rough patch on the underside of my penis about half way down the shaft. Could i be getting a callus from masturbation? I am married and my wife and i are close to separating. We have not had sex in 6 months and i find myself masturbating once or twice a day [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Masturbation is best when done every alternate day. Doing is 3 to 4 times a week is closest to normal. Since you are doing every day and more than once then you have to control the urges. The skin changes can be due to friction between your hand and the penis skin. If you are in habit of rough masturbation then it is suggested that you apply lubrication jelly and do it slowly. When you get sexual thoughts or urge masturbating then please listen to some good music or read a book. You can also go out of home and meet friends. Try to cut down on viewing and reading pornography if you are addicted to it. Please do meditation and relaxation exercises every day for 30 minutes to keep your mind free. </s>
<s>[INST] Every time I shave after 1 day I get tiny blisters or pimples on middle stem of my penis, but sometimes without shaving also I have it. I work outside for 12 weeks and then get back home with for 3 weeks. So while I am out I don t masturbate, because I feel after masturbation I have the same problem maybe due to palm friction. Can you please advise what is the exact problem and how I can overcome with it. Its little painful when it appears. [/INST] Hello Dear, I have gone through your query. Nothing to be worried so much, but you need to take some precautions. Reason for your problems may be,1) Your skin may be very sensitive - Use other alternative than shaving, avoid very clean shave.2) Sometime also without Shaving?- It may be due to poor hygiene of genitalia, and it is very, very common in people working around the clock for long duration. Try to keep area clean and Chat Doctor. It may be due to superficial skin infection (staphylococcal skin infection)- better and long term solution for this is to keep area clean and </s>
<s>[INST] I am 42 yrs old woman having pain in the stomach so I checked with the doctor he told me to do the ultrasound and blood test and ultrasound report shows enlarge liver. earlier 4 years before i was having problem of stomach pain and doctor found that i have Gerd 1 gastrities and H.phylori accordingly it was treated but gastrities still gives me pain and stomach upset. last year due to stomach aches on the right side of the lower stomach I had done ultrasound and it showed fatty liver and now two days before it shows on stage 2. Doctor please tell what should i do and what test i have to do. [/INST] Hello, bin, Four years ago, you say that you were treated for HERD and also for. Pylori. During this past four years, I am assuming that you were taking some kind of PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor) to control your HERD symptoms. If you were not on any maintenance meds, you probably need re-evaluationwith endoscopy and biopsy. Recurrence of H. Pylori are not uncommon. Sometimes a triple or four Chat Doctor. Now, as for your stage-2 fatty liver, I have some information for you. This occurs in overweight individuals and also who have high levels of lipid and insulin resistance or type-2 diabetes. As part of the treatment, weight loss is important, also for blood sugar control. Your cholesterol and Triglycerides have to be lowered, by dietary men and may be </s>
<s>[INST] My 8 month old has been mildly conjested for approximately 3 weeks now. It began at the same time as pollen season and when she abuptly was stated on formula from breast milk. There was no fever or breathing issues associated with this and eats ans poos normally. I do hear some wheezing occasionally; howver, one cough and it is clear. She does see her Dr regularly but is not scheduled to be back for another 4 weeks, My thoughts are more allergies than asthma. While I would never deny medical treatmeny my concern is they would treat the allergies with steroids which does concern me. Advice? [/INST] Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your daughters history and understand your concern. I would like to ask a few question to her like - Does she have nosed or eye symptoms of allergies? Does she have someone with allergies in family? What type of formula is she receiving? Etc. However, from your history, I would like to make following suggestions to her:1. Were I treating her, I would give her montelukast for 1-2 weeks depending upon response.2. If she has any nose or eye symptoms, I would add an antihistamine Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] i had a surgery to remove a cycst in my underarm now the bandaid has come of and something is projecting out from the wound what m i supposed to do there are no doctors in vasai as it is sunday where m i supposed to go [/INST] Hiwelcome to ChatDoctorI am here to assist you, and I can understand your concern. Donot worry you had underwent cyst removal surgery, and they have closed it after the removal. If the bandied had opened, put a new one if you have or use clean or sterile cotton to close the operated site. Avoid touching with your fingers and water to that area.it may lead to infection. Continue your antibiotics and painkiller tablets if your surgeon prescribed after surgery. Tomorrow you can go and visit your doctor for Chat Doctor. I Hope I have cleared your queryThank YouTube care </s>
<s>[INST] My daughter is 50 and I believe she is bi Polar and an alcoholic. She has alienated her friends and most of the family. She talks in circles, always looking back and cannot look forward. Goes on rants either verbally or in texts. She is unable to care for herself, keeping clean, cleaning her appartment etc. I live hundreds of miles away but want to help her get treatment. Does this sound like bipolar disorder Sorry I left my e-mail out b YYYY@YYYY [/INST] Hello, In my opinion, these are symptoms of schizophrenia. In the case of bipolar disorder symptoms are episodes of sad mood, lack of interest in work, navigability, low self-esteem, low self-confidence and episodes of mania during which people have an elated mood, hyperactivity, decreased sleep, increased spending, sociability. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] My ten year old has been complaining with not being able to get good breaths, he says it is like trying to breathe through a straw. He says that if he takes a deep breath when this happens it hurts really bad. He has been saying this for over a week what is your opinion? [/INST] Hi thanks for asking question. Here first your child could have severe muscular strain by heavy exercise or any unaccustomed activity ... Rest needed for it. Simple analgesic taken if needed. As your child having history since week. His physical examination done with auscultation for any rhonchi or CREPS. If fever also present x-ray might be needed for rule out any consolidation as in pneumonia or changes regarding bronchitis or other interstitial lung disease. And treated accordingly.... If ribs are tender to touch then it might be Costco Chat Doctor. Take care... </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, Recently I ve been having lower left abdominal pain. My pain ranges from sharp, dull, and cramping sort of pain. The other day I d noticed some type of white substance in my stool before flushing. Visit the emergency room yesterday, to only tell me, I might had an STD. Okay how can they be so sure, when I was told to come back in four days for my results. Can you give me some other reasons what may be going on with me? Unless they are right. I hope not, because that means my partner of 8 years is sleeping around unprotected. Thank you, A concerned one [/INST] Hi! Good morning. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. The symptoms of abdominal pain and passage of white substance in your stool points more to an intestinal infection than an STD. I would advise you to go for a stool test for ova and cyst and get it treated if positive which would relieve you of your symptoms. Chances of having an STD with this kind of symptom would be remote, and if in doubt get yourself investigated as advised by your treating doctor. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] hi, i have just picked up my ct scan of cervical spine & the conclusion reads...mild thecal sac stenosis is noted at c5/6 level due to left posterolateleft disc osteophyte complex. Mild narrowing of leftneural foramina is noted at c4/c5 & c5/c6 level. Mild facet jouint arthropathy is noted at c7/t1 and c4/5 levels. what does this mean?? [/INST] It simply means your cervical sac has narrowed canal causing compression on spinal cord, and secondary osteoarthritic (degenerative) changes have occurred with bone spike formation, the nerve roots are being compressed by bone spurs, narrowing of fora min and cervical joints are in varying degenerative changes causing pain, stiffness and nerve root compression symptoms. Disc is prolapsed in one place and further impinging on the thecal sac(covering on spinal cord) may be causing cord compression symptoms. You need spinal fusion, removal of prolapsed disc, and osteophytes etc </s>
<s>[INST] 1. Hello. I am a male, 56, stay in Mumbai. I developed epilepsy at the age of 18 (predicted by my Doc when I was 16, and kept me on ACDs). I am an asthamatic too (not very serious) and am allergic to certain types of dust. I smoke but dont drink now. Since 1982, I have been taking Carbamazepine 400 & Phenytoin 100 once in the morning. The seizures became rare after that. In 2011 (April), I had a major seizure (after 16 years) that lasted for 2 -3 minutes. Everything seems to be fine so long as I am sitting home doing nothing. The moment I stress my brain by I begin to get the shocks jerks ....whatever you call them. Things like- say, involving in a complex Math problem, arranging the book shelf, working on a machine design or doing multitasking (like going to the grocers with a list of more than 8-10 items which I have to search for in that shop), or cooking without the printed recipe at hand and without the ingredients arranged properly in advance .....etc. [/INST] Hello, According to your historical account, most possible diagnosis of your problem may be juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. This type of epilepsy has one during adolescence and characterized by generalized tonic-clonic seizure(GTCS), Myoclonic jerks and absence seizures. This jerking is usually present in morning and associated with lack of sleep and exertion. I will advise you to consult a neurologist who will evaluate you properly and suggest EEG. The Chat Doctor. Moreover, if the diagnosis came out to be JME then </s>
<s>[INST] my mother has stage IV CHF, she experiences shortness of breath, cannot get up a few stairs without rest and often has dizzy spells, when she was in hospital she also suffered from acute kidney failure. She has been advised that she is not a candidate for heart transplant and she was advised here heart is at 10% function. Can you advise what can be done at what is approx life expectancy. [/INST] Hi Charts very unpleasant to hear that, and I completely understand what you are going through. Stage 4 is the last stage of CHF (congestive heart failure) and medicines barely provide any relief to the patient. The only option at this stage is a heart transplant but again unfortunately due to the complexity of the surgery and many other factors very few patients qualify for it.90% of the patients will pass away within one year of stage 4 Heart failure. Just try to keep her happy all the time be with her don't let her feel lonely. May god bless </s>
<s>[INST] hi.my baby is having hrad problem since he was 1.5 month old,he is hospitalised 2 times.now he is 9.5 month old,dr. has prescribed asthalin syrup,inhalers also for sometime.so again &again he is getting the same problem.he is having wheezing,its difficult for himto breathe,even he cant dink milkcant swalow anything,what should i do please tel me [/INST] Brief answer :Child is asthmatic, avoid allergic agentsDetailed answer :Since, your child has wheezing problems since 1.5 years of age till 9 years, he is suffering from asthma. Asthmatic episodes are triggered by agents from which the child is allergic like dust, cold water etc. You need to identify the allergens and do your best to avoid them. During a wheezing episode, nebulization needs to be given and if child has fever recurrent episodes then inhalers should be continued for 6 months to 1 year. I hope this will help you. Take care. Regards - Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I missed Friday and Saturday night pills. I am in week 2 of my birth control. I want to clarify that I understand how to take my pills now. Since today is Sunday, do I take 2 tonight (for Friday and Saturday missed pills) and 2 tomorrow night (for Sunday night and Monday night pills)? [/INST] Hello misunderstand your concerned missed the two tablet of contraceptive pill. You have to take missed tablet as early as possible (when you come to know about the missed pill) and take the remaining tablet as regular in the specific time. Along with above advice, you have to use barrier contraception for the next 7 days. Make habit to take the birth control pill at specific time by putting the reminder in the mobile. Hope this may help noncontact Chat Doctor for further health query Best regards </s>
<s>[INST] I my brother suffering from fits form last 20years.we met several doctors and tried different treatments.From last 10 years we are following one doctor with large amount of medicine. Now not facing fits but seeing seizures in a week or for one month some times.Please suggest what is the reason and what is the best treatment to get permanent cure??Thanks in advance. [/INST] Hi, I have gone through your question and understand your concerns. If the source of seizures is temporal lobe of the brain, epilepsy surgery helps in about 75 % of cases in reducing or eliminating them. This needs to be discussed in a Neurosurgical center. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions. </s>
<s>[INST] my child is 3 yrs old and suffering from fever from last 4 days and also having cough from past 2 weeks. firstly doctor prescribed deriphyllin for cough and flexon for fever. Now we have done some tests and doc had prescribed azithral 200 and ziprax 100 both twice daily and also told to give neubilizer asthalin 1 respule 3 times daily. please suggest [/INST] Hi Dear Welcome to the Chat Doctor, Antihitaminic decongestant medicine to be given for the cough along with paracetamol @15 mg/kg/ 4 to 6 hourly basis. Brochodilators like albuterol to be added for easy breathing a d reducing the intensity of cough.Also, can be given in nebulized form. Antibiotics might have been added in response to infection shown in the blood report. Hope the query is answered. Thanks </s>
<s>[INST] hello, I just received a elevated ALT level of 61. I am 32 years old, healthy otherwise. What could this mean? How high is this? I just had two babies, one is just 2 and second is 10 weeks. Also just had a cardiac ablation done, but the test results were from the week before the procedure? please help [/INST] Hi, Your liver enzymes value just mild High and not raised more than two times. Hence, it is not much significant. Still do work up as follows for it.- USG abdomen-Serum bilirubin estimation - Measure your BMI- Serum cholesterol - Viral infection history should be ruled out If your weight high means BMI higher than reduce weight Fruits taken more If fatty liver detected than lifestyle modification done along with exercise. Repeat your test after two weeks. Chat Doctor. With keeping this in mind consult physician for examination. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello sir .am calling from ranchi. I am 31years old. I am married and having a baby of 4 month. I marry before 1.5years.from the first day of marriage I found weak erection in my peny. I also don t get morning erection. Mujhe sirf apne peny ko sahlane se erection milta hai. Before marriage l masterbate twice daily. I used to smoke 5-6 cigarettes daily. I used to drink alcohol once in a week. Now I have left all the bad habits -masterbating, smoking, alcohol. But my peny eraction is weak. I can sex with my wife. But my erection is not enough hard. Before 2 years. I was getting strong reaction and morning eraction. Please help [/INST] It's not a serious problem, so do not worry much. Your history reveals Shukrakshay because of excess masturbation in the past. All you need to do is to replenish nourishment of saptdhatus i.e. from NASA That to Shaka That. Some simple static food protocol and rushy and samba group of herbal combos as well as some good local herbal applications to give strength to penile vessels and caverns is your requirement. If you do it sincerely, it takes seven weeks, as per Cedar July principle of Ayurveda. If you agree, pl consult any Ayurveda doctor or me through direct question. Hope it's helpful. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I have a friend who has been smoking put for maybe two years. he is also depressed. He had a bad trip last summer where he could not remember what had happened. He kept saying he was really scared and seemed really anxious. A couple of days ago he called me and days he had to talk to me in person about something important. He showed up at my house hyperventilating, anxious , and almost crying. After a while he started to just state out into space not responding to anything. Then he would try to stand up but couldn t. He was on the verge of fainting a few times. He said he hadn t eaten in the days but didn t want eat. He then started dating that he felt that he was gonna die, that he felt it, and those around him were in danger. He kept reaching got his razor blade saying that he had to die and that he was sorry. He then got a phone ca ll and after he hung up and seemed more calm but days he might hurt himself if left alone and he left. What happened? [/INST] Hello He is showing symptoms of anxiety, restlessness, emotional turmoil, crying spells. He is smoking pot for two years. These features are common in some susceptible individuals who smoke pot. Also, as you have mentioned that he felt he would die, or he felt that those around him are in danger. He is showing bizarre behaviors. He is also suicidal. These are psychotic features seen with pot or cannabis. If not stopped at this state he may land up in some psychotic disorder. I will advise you to take him to a good psychiatrist for treatment of anxiety. Motivate him to stop taking cannabis. For immediate relaxation medicines like Mizoram, Clonazepam etc. can be used in consultation of psychiatrist. Thanks </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Im a male, and have developed tenderness around my right nipple which has been present for the past few months as of late Im starting to feel a stinging sensation around the same area, any idea what this could be? daniel YYYY@YYYY [/INST] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor. Well, it needs a clinical examination to come to the exact diagnosis.However, the differential diagnosis for pain and stinging sensation in one nipple may be.1. Bacterial mastitis.2. Local trauma.3. Hematoma formation.4. Boil. And accordingly you may have to use a good analgesic along with oral antibiotic to get the relief. Hope this helps. If you have any other questions, then I will be happy to answer them. Take care. Regards. </s>
<s>[INST] hi, ive been to see around five or more doctors and none of them seem to be interested in helping me, on my left hand , its extremely itchy most of the time, when it itch it small lumps form underneath my skin, it blisters, weeps, sometimes yellow heads form on my hand. its very red and now the skin on my hand is starting to peel. its been like this for about 7 months and it doesnt seem to go. sometimes its very bruised. does this seem like and allergic reaction . if so why isit just on my left hand when im a right handed person. what do you suggest? :( [/INST] Hello, Thanks for the query, You might have developed an endogenous hand eczema. It is called as pompholyx. Please get you blood eosinophil count done. This will help in knowing the exact cause. Apply a mild steroid lotion like demonize, Also take an antihistamine tablet. This will give you some relief. Please meet a dermatologist for exact diagnosis. Let me know if you have any other doubt. You can ask a direct question to me on this forum, following the below link.https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor. Thank you </s>
<s>[INST] I have been going to PT once a week for light traction due to pain in left shoulder to left neck area. Pain worsens with any leaning forward or turning my head to the left. Suddenly I have two dented areas, size of two fingertips, between left shoulder blade and neck. This first appeared three days ago and has not improved. The area is NOT swollen. What could be going on? [/INST] Hi, thank-you for providing the brief history of you. A thorough clinical neuromuscular assessment is advised As you have a neck pain and shoulder too, by your history I understand that you have a degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine. In this condition the pain travels the course of the nerve and leads to weakness of the muscles it supplies. Taking and MRI will help assist to understand the level of disc degenerative disease and also the nerve impingement. Also, undergoing physical therapy like - Therapeutic ultrasound therapy and TENS therapy should help reduce the Pain. Avoid taking traction as it may lead to increase in the intramuscular tension and lead to headache or such abnormal muscular symptoms. With Therapeutic ultrasound therapy and TENS therapy the pain and inflammation can be controlled. Also, some static neck muscle strengthening exercises and some shoulder girdle Strengthening exercises will work better as per the evidence of research. In my clinical practice such cases respond well to physical therapy post accurate clinical assessment and therapy. We avoid traction due to certain factors involved. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My baby is 14 weeks old & has had mucus on her chest from birth. She is not getting rid of it at all. I breast fed her for 7 weeks. She is on Aptamil formula now. Every time I give her a bottle her wheezing gets worse. Do u think it s the milk that is making her worse?? I m thinking of changing to soya milk. Can u please advise. Thank u. [/INST] Baby may be over feeding with bottle or regurgitating. Try to change to nipple with smaller hole appropriate for his age. Keep him reclined with head slightly upward while feeding. Burp well after feeding and during sleep also support him in reclined position. If these measures doesn't help take help of pediatrician to rule out other anomalies like TEF & other chest infection/HAD. For HERD antigen medicine may be required. </s>
<s>[INST] My husband has recently been diagnosed with dementia and is in an assisted living facility (discharged from hospital one week ago to the facility.) I believe he is in the middle stages, memory difficulties, some disinhibition, okay with ADL s, definite personality change. He is 75 years old. How can I estimate life expectancy? I am absorbing emotional realities, but also must plan financially. [/INST] Hello. I feel sorry for your husband for having suffered from an illness which has not yet been defeated by the medical sciences. I understand that he is quite old (75 yrs)and also had to be hospitalized for his dementia and is living in an assisted living facility. He will most probably live for around 8-10 years, but then he is a human and these things cannot be exactly predicted. The course of illness will also differ depending on whether he takes proper medications or not. As the days progress, he will require more of help and support. Meanwhile, you have to take care of yourself too and should seek psychological help cause taking care of a person of dementia is very, very taxing. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I just got off the implanon a wk ago, and I had gotten off my cyclea 2days before removal. 8 also had sex the night before removal and the night of removal. I started to bleed a day after removal for 3 days, and I have been havin flu like symptoms soar throat, chest hurt, headaches, I also been nauseas, and light headed and dizzy, could I be pregnant [/INST] Hi, Thanks for the query. The possibility of pregnancy is less in your case, as when you had intercourse you were still under the effect of the implant. The bleeding you got after removal of the implant could be with Chat Doctor. If you do not had intercourse after removal of implant the possibility of pregnancy is very less. The symptoms you mentioned could be non-specific due to some other cause. If you do not get periods one month after with </s>
<s>[INST] A patient aged 77 years in critical health for kidney failure undergoing hamoe dialysis for Creatinine ( 8.0 to 8.5 ). Last 3 dialysis carried out on 19th Aug , 23rd Aug & 27th Aug. Patient in Amritsar India. Pl guide on sos on Contact Mobile 0000 [/INST] Hi, Creatinine level 8.5 is suggestive of severe degree of kidney affection. In symptomatic patient of such chronic kidney disease patient, dialysis is the only treatment. The other mode of permanent treatment is renal transplantation if suitable to your case. Diabetes and hypertension should be under control with medication. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] hi I have been having been suffering with some intermittent knee pain ever since I landed awkwardly as a goalkeeper when in a PE lesson in school I have repeatedly been to the Accident and Emergency department were I live but have repeatedly been turned away saying I have just sprained it ive had a few instances were my knee has frozen and I haven t been able to put weight on it I was just wondering if you could advise me what to do [/INST] Hello, What I can infer from the complaints you have described is that you may be having episodes of a knee. Joint locking. It happens when there is an obstruction to smooth movements of knee joint f on any soft tissue structures in the knee like a meniscus. The best method to diagnose this is to get an MRI scan of the knee joint. It will tell your physician the cause of your knee problem. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] I went to the ER 5 days ago because I was not urinating and has severe sweeping of feet and ankles. I have a catather in. Kidney fiction was tested and is normal. No infections. I m waiting to see a urologist but I have white cotton like substance soming out of the cathetet and small blood clots that look like worm? They did find crysals in my urine and a very small kidney stones but nothing blocking my blatter. Any sort of explaintion of any of this would help. [/INST] HelloThanks for query. You have not mentioned your age in your query. You had to rush to ER for acute retention of urine and was catheterized to empty the bladder. The cause of retention of urine may be either due bladder outlet obstruction due to enlarged prostate which is common in elderly people. The white fleck and blood clots that are seen in tube are due to two factors 1) Inflammation of bladder mucosa (Catheter Cystitis) due to foreign body reaction of bladder mucosa .2) Infection secondary to obstructed urine out flow. Urologist will carry out following basic test to confirm the cause of retention 1) Ultrasound Scanning of abdomen and pelvis 2) Urine culture that will help to take appropriate antibiotic to control infection. Further treatment will depend upon result of these tests and final diagnosis. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I don t know how I got Herpes....as per information in internet it should be sexually transmitted I didn t have sex with another women other than my wife. But as per previous medicine gave me to control cold sore I have Herpes. Is it affecting sperm count...Can I be a farter? Im confused how can I explain this to my wife? [/INST] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. Herpes is caused by a virus that affects the genital area (the vulvae and vagina in women and the penis in men). But, in medical practice, it does not seem to cross over into other reproductive areas and has little or no effect on a men sperm production nor a women ability to conceive. The information you read on internet could be false and misleading. Please consult an STD specialist before confusing yourself and work with him. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. http://goo.gl/aYW2pR. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] So I just had a baby and at the beggining of my pregnancy started having this tingling sensation in my right rib cage at the end of my pregnancy it turned into something very painful where it felt as if someone had punched me there and I was extremely sore now post pregnancy almost three weeks I sometimes get this sharp pain where it hurts to breathe what could this be ? [/INST] Hi and thanks for the query, It could be interesting if you could do a chest X-ray. This could be very important in actually making a clinical appreciation of this condition. Infections, inflammation, asthma are possible causes of this pain. The evolution of these symptoms, pain, tightness of the chest, aggravating and alleviating symptoms could be very important consideration. A physical exam by your physician to ascertain any tenderness on the ribs or junction between the ribs and sternum could suggest Costco Chat Doctor. I suggest you see your pulmonologist for a proper evaluation and management. Thanks and best regards, Luchuo, MD. </s>
<s>[INST] hi, Im 16 and was circumcised on the 12th feb 2014 , most of the stitches have gone hard and begun to scab but on one side the stitches seem to have popped, the bottom skin can be slightly retracted revealing some lighter coloured skin and a yellow(ish) substance seems to have oozed out, it does not act like a liquid but almost like a smooth scab that is moist to the touch, no pain or skin irritation are taking place (without direct contact of course) just wondering if this is at all normal... :/ I dont have a fever of feel unwell in any form btw... :) [/INST] Hi, Welcome. Nothing wrong in the stitches pop up spontaneously after 7-8 days after the surgery. If they had used catgut for stitching, it will automatically fall after or within 10 days. If they had used silk or nylon, you would have been instructed to come for hospital for removal of stitches. If you have any raw area or oozing, you better be reviewed by your surgeon once again and ascertain everything is alright. Mostly some external application of antimicrobial will restore normalcy. Get Well soon. Chat Doctor. Morgan </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I get the contraceptive implant (nexplanon) in April 2011 so iv had it 7 months. It got itchy about 10 mins ago, which I know is a sign of healing, and then a small lump appeared at the insertion point. The lump is about half a pea size and White, red and irritated round about. Kinda reminds me of a heat spot or insect bite. It s really itchy and this has happened maybe 3 times. Curious to what s happening, any help? [/INST] Hi, Thanks for query to My Chat Doctor virtual Clinic And welcome to Chat Doctor services. I studied all details of your query. I understood your health concerns about causes of the itchy lump at explain insertion point. Based on facts of your query, it seems that-you have recurrent lump due to subacute infection at the explain implant insertion point. Second opinion from treating surgeon /gone doctor is suggested urgently. Hope this reply would help you in resolving this complex query and anxiety with it. Will appreciate your hitting thanks and writing excellent review comments to help needy visiting patients at Chat Doctor like you. Welcome for any further query in this regard. Good Day!! Chat Doctor. N.M.S. Genl- CUTS. Senior Surgical Specialist. </s>
<s>[INST] Iam 23 yes old married ,I had sex 15 days before and after sex my husband gave me unwanted 72 pill ...on the next day morning I had a little pain in my abdominal. Tomorrow my period is about to come....I had severe pain last night for one hour....is it normal? [/INST] Hello, It is not normal to experience severe abdominal pain, whatever the cause may be. I cannot for sure correlate your pain with an impending period. The use of an emergency contraceptive pill creates hormone imbalance, hence there can be a delay in the next natural period. Pain can be due to a possible cyst in the ovary, pelvic congestion, or an undetected pregnancy. I would ask you to have a proper evaluation if you miss your period by a week. Prefer regular contraception in the future. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] sir i am 20 years of agr and my hairs are fallen down. i am suffering from mens pattern bladness. I am dam sure that it is due to Over masterbation anr my hair fall is due to over production of DHT please help me provide some guidelines so that my hairs will come back .......i begged [/INST] Hi, Hairball can occur due to a number of causes like An Chat Doctor. Masturbation induced weakness can be a cause. You should consult a Trichologist and get evaluated, and he can advise you investigations like hormonal assay to treat you accordingly. You can be advised to apply 5% Minoxidil lotion over the scalp. Furthermore, you can be advised to take Biotin and multivitamin supplements. Furthermore, you can also be advised to take Finasteride orally if there is an </s>
<s>[INST] I had shooting pains in my right lung on Saturday that eventually went away. On Monday I started coughing up brown burnt tasting stuff and still am today. Also my ear on the right side now seems to be filling and poping when I blow my nose or yawn. I am a smoker for 20 years but never had anything like this. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. Since you are smoker, possibility of lower respiratory tract infection (LETI, pneumonia) is high. Your symptoms like chest pain and brown sputum is also favoring pneumonia. In pneumonia, pleurisy (inflammation of pleura) is the cause for chest pain. So you need to consult pulmonologist and get done 1. Clinical examination of respiratory system 2. Chest x-ray. Chest x-ray is needed to rule out pneumonia. You may need antibiotics and antihistamines. But first thing should be smoking cessation as soon as possible. </s>
<s>[INST] I HAVE A 10 YEAR OLD BOY . HE SUFFERING C.P. HE CANNOT WALK PROPERLY AND DOES NOT CONTROL PROPERLY IN HIS BODY. I WANT TO TAKE STEM CELL TREATMENT THROGH INJECTION. WILL YOU TELL ME HOW MANY INJECTION BE GIVEN AND WHAT COST OF PER INJECTION.GIVE ME YOUR CONTACT N. YYYY@YYYY [/INST] As a neuroanesthetist I have seen many cases of stem cell therapy being performed on Cerebral palsy child Chat Doctor. In my opinion it does not benefit. It is just marketing and commercialization of procedure. Various new strategies are being explored using stem cells, but it is unlikely that any of them will offer a full cure. Instead, they aim to limit the damage to cells in the brain and reduce the symptoms. Cerebral palsy is so difficult to treat because it can involve damage to many types of cells in the brain. Severely damaged cells can be lost completely. Scientists expect that future treatments will aim to protect and repair damaged brain cells before they are entirely lost. This means it is likely that any new treatment will have to be applied within a small window of time, between the initial injury that has caused damage and the onset of permanent cell loss. </s>
<s>[INST] I am allergic to wheat pollen.Symptoms are airway constriction and dry cough(chest congestion).I have been using Foracort 200. It relieves airway constriction but chest congestion remains.In this case what should I do-take nebulisation once/twice to clear chest congestion or to have oral prednisolone(Wysolone-5 mg)?? [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. Since you are taking forecourt 200 mg and constriction is relieved, no need to take oral prednisolone. As forecourt contain s inhaled steroid. This is much better and less injurious than oral prednisolone. And it has no effect on relieving chest congestion. So better not to take oral prednisolone. Instead of these start following things to relieve chest congestion.1. Steam inhalation.2. Nebulization of bucolic Chat Doctor. Syrup containing bucolic and expectorant.4. Chest physiotherapy and deep breathing exercises. Since all these are prescribed </s>
<s>[INST] My husband has been having discomfort after eating fatty or greasy food in his upper left part of his chest. I noticed that when this happens that his upper left part of his chest gets swollen and it makes his left arm tingly and go numb. If I press down on the swollen area the pain shoots down his arm. When he eats healthy all the symptoms goes away. When we went to the doctor they did a stress test and a EKG and everything came back fine. Please help!! [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. Since his all cardiac work up is normal, I think it is HERD (Castro Esophageal Reflux Disease). In this gastroesophageal sphincter has lost its tightness. So the acid of the stomach tends to come up in the esophagus and cause the symptoms. Better to follow these for control of HERD.1. Avoid hot and spicy food2. Avoid heavy meals, rather take frequent small meals.3. Avoid stress and tension.4. Take proton pump inhibitors.5. Go for walk after meals.6. Keep 2-3 pillows under your head in bed. </s>
<s>[INST] Hey a friend of mine is getting ready to have an emergency surgery (putting a port for dialysis) and my friend does not want blood given. I am trying to research options for what a Doctor can do to thicken blood. What is the lowest the blood count should be? Sorry so many questions, I just want to help my friend. [/INST] Hi, What do you mean by "port"? Is it a dialysis catheter or is he planned for AV fistula? If it's a dialysis catheter, According to recent transfusion guidelines, a He. count above 8 (for CKD patient, as your friend), and platelet count above 20,000/CCMM don't need any prior transfusions. If AV fistula is planned, most of the surgeons don't operate at He. above 9 and platelet count above 100,000/common can discuss on this matter with your physician. Regards </s>
<s>[INST] Sir my sis wants to get married wid the guy whose grandpa is having leprosy white spots on most of d part of his body so is it so leprosy is hereditary how i will suppose to know that it is not n so want to know everythg regarding leprosy white spots . plz sir reply as soon as possible. [/INST] HIT hanks for posting your query to Chat Doctor . White spots may be due to leprosy, but there are many skin conditions that can cause white spots other than Leprosy. So are you sure that he has Leprosy ? Coming to your question Leprosy is due to infection and not hereditary. It can get transmitted from person to person by close physical contact. If you need to know then he has to be tested (Grandpa). You need to do a split skin smear and look for SEPRA bacilli. What I mean to say is unless you do a formal testing you won't come to know if its leprosy or not. But one clue is there will be loss of sensation over the white spots, so you can test by pricking with a pin over the white spots. Any clarifications or Queries feel free to ask. Happy to help you. Regards. </s>
<s>[INST] I am married for 6 mnths now.I am 27 yrs old. I did not have much menstrual issues in the past years. But last month i had my 10 days delay in my period and again now it is 16 days now but my period has not yet started. Please help me on this. Is this my pregnancy or any hormonal issues. If this is not pregnancy then will it call cause any problems for my pregnancy later. Currently i m feeling very tired and low in energy. Feeling very pale and drousy all the time. please suggest. [/INST] Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion there are different causes for irregular periods like:-1)Thyroid abnormalities.2)Polycystic ovarian disease (POD).3)Overweight or obesity.4)Stress.5)Anemia.etc. So all the above causes should be evaluated by getting done physical examination and necessary investigations. Ultrasound helps to rule out POD, thyroid profile helps to rule out thyroid abnormalities and HE to rule out anemia. If overweight or obesity weight reduction helps in regularization of cycles. Weakness, tiredness and paleness symptoms are suggestive of anemia.HE helps to rule out anemia. Avoid stress if any. Nothing to worry. Once the cause is treated the cycles become regular. Relax. Hope this helps. Best regards..... </s>
<s>[INST] I keep having episodes of short breaths, such as you would get when you have been crying. I have mentioned it to my physician and was told it could be my asthma. I have never had this before, though I have had asthma for 22 years. Have you ever heard of this type of breathing disorder? [/INST] Hi, there is no definite terminology like breathing disorder in medical field. If you're having breathing difficulty since long time it should be diagnosed properly.u said u were having asthma 22 years ago and feeling short breath now then it might be duty asthma but I haven't seen any patient who get cured completely with allopatry treatment for asthma and require no treatment further.u consult pulmonologist for further advise. </s>
<s>[INST] I have been on alysena 28 for exactly a month now and I had been spotting for 2 weeks before I started the inactive pills. When I started them I had my normal period but for only 4 day which I usually have it for 8 days. After it stop I had more spotting show up a few days later. Is this normal for the birth control to cause this random on and off spotting? I have also been having unprotected sex so I dont know if that contributes to anything. I was having it before I went on birth control and I never got pregnant so Im not sure if its just the hormonal changes going on due to the birth control [/INST] Hi, If you are young, it is possible to get a few irregular periods. It takes time for periods to become regular. If you are facing some sort of stress at home, this can also cause you to get late periods. Thus, what you can do is wait and see if the pills are causing problems. Also, some females have mid-cycle bleeding. This is known as mittlschmerz reaction. This happens during ovulation. The ovulation then causes you to bleed every 16 days. Thus you will have 24 "periods" per year instead of 12. I hope this helps you. If bleeding is getting severe, then do consult a gynecologist. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] dr. good day just want to ask if diffuse parenchymal renal disease bilateral is advisable to have more fluid intake i diagnosed that on my kub ultrasound whether im on a dengue px last october 23, 2012 and the procedure was done last october 27. 2012. it is a complication not to be worried or need to follow up toa nephrologist . tnx waiting for your advised. [/INST] Hello , Greetings from Chat Doctor .com I am Chat Doctor. Bilateral diffuse parenchymal disease is an umbrella diagnosis or a collective diagnosis, and it includes a whole spectrum of disease starting from mild infections of kidneys to serious disease of kidney tissue proper. Please do not rely exclusively on ultrasonography reports and do get your blood checked for urea and creatinine levels. If you find any aberration in your report, then visit a physician or nephrologist of your choice. There are some kidney disease where we advocate free water intake and in some we do restrict intake of water to prevent further damage. Hope I have been able to help. Take Care. </s>
<s>[INST] I have been diagnosed with a small bilateral extrarenal pelvis with no blockage. I have had extreme pain for the past few weeks on the right side. My blood tests show an elevated level of liver enzymes. Feeling tired. What doctor should i see? Is this serious? [/INST] Hi thanks for asking question. I can understand your concern. Do you have yellow sclera ? Yellow concentrated urine? Itching over body? If yes along with weakness it is suggestive of hepatitis. By outside food or water that is contaminated you can acquire hepatitis A. Ultrasonography also done in your case. Serum viral markers done for detection of hepatitis.Meanwhile, avoid fatty diet. Take more fruits. Chat Doctor. Green leaf salad taken more. Papaiya seed in lemon juice taken twice daily. If you have viral marker negative then other cause of hepatitis ruled out. Biopsy may be needed.USG also reveal whether it could be simple fatty liver or gall stone induce obstructive jaundice. I hope my suggestion will helpful to you. Regards ; </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, Am a 30 years female, i ve PCOS , i have stable period cycle . i took clomid 500 twice a day for 5 days and after making ultrasound on the day 13 , the eggs size were 17 so i took choriomon 5000 at the day 14th. is there any chance i migh be pregnant or the eggs are too small. N.B: my husbands tests are all normal. [/INST] Hi Welcome to Chat Doctor PCs is multifactorial disorder which leads to an ovulation and infertility. Egg size of 18 mm and above are considered mature and pregnancy can occur if you made contact at the time of egg rupture. As u took ultrasound test on 13th day and egg size was 17 mm, hopefully it would have reached maturity on day 14 as follicle grows 2-3 mm/day. You can confirm pregnancy by doing Urine pregnancy test after 16-18 days of contact. If you are overweight, try to lose weight by diet control and exercise. Get your blood sugar levels done apart from other hormonal investigations. Testing blood sugar levels will give an idea about need to start metformin. All the best. </s>
<s>[INST] I start getting depressed recently. I am not happy , my partner tried to make me happy. We travel together often but i am not happy. I think I am board in life. I do not know why! I have been with my partner for 7 years. He is older than me. The age different b/n us ,Some times it is very hard understanding each other. I do not know what to do?I want to be happy, how can I? am I weird? [/INST] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. I think you have some misunderstandings about family and life. Your definition about happiness is to be changed. Please understand you cannot purchase or borrow happiness. You must think about people with physical handicap like without a leg or eye. Do you think that they can never be happy? They are happy when they don't think about their handicap, and they never think about their handicap. You should learn from that approach, attitude. Learn what is life and the answer to your query comes atop. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. http://goo.gl/aYW2pR. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] My son is 2 years old, had an accidental caustic ingestion about 4 months ago and has suffered from strictures of the esophagus ever since. He has had multiple balloon dilatations of his esophagus, which afterwards there has been bloody discharge the doctors always told me not to worry about. Tonight he tried to eat chicken and spit up the chicken with blood about 3 times, then clear saliva a couple more times. Should I take him to the ER? Is there something serious the blood could be a symptom of that I should worry about or is this the same type of thing where the chicken he was trying to eat dilated a stricture? [/INST] Hi... I understand you a concern. At your sons age group any blood stained vomiting cannot be ignored lightly. All the more so with the background of multiple stricture formation and serial dilatation I suggest that you take your son to the nearest Emergency Room. I am suggesting this because it might or might not be an emergency, but once a doctor examines your kid and feels that he can go home safely it will be reassuring. Regards - </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Doctor, My name is Mandeep Singh, I suffering from head ache from last week. today i had my brain ct scan. report says A tiny calcified granuloma with no adjacent oedema is seen in right high parietal region. Can you suggest me treatment. Regards, Mandeep Singh [/INST] Hi, This is a likely benign finding and no treatment is necessary for what is seen in the scan. A solitary entity such as what you describe is also a highly unlikely cause of the type of headaches you have been having. Have you tried modalities of thermal intervention such as a cold pack or even a warm pack upon the forehead or back of the neck? There is a device specially designed for headache relief using thermal relief that includes light compression of a band strapped to the head that circulates water of regulated temperature called a thermal zone device. You may find this by Googling it. A very large number of my patients with chronic headaches find this to be a very soothing and relaxing intervention. Of course, the mainstay of permanent treatment for such headaches is known their root cause and treat that issue either definitively or preventatively. Seeing a neurologist or headache specialist may help reveal good approaches along those lines. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Dear Sir, I shared room with my friend for one year who was now infected by sinovial tuberculosis & HIV too...are there any chances for me to get infected by those diseases???How I can I be confirmed whether I am affected by it or not? what precautionary measures should I take if I am not to be affected in the near future?? Thanking you, sir... [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. If you have any blood to blood contact or sexual contact with HIC infected person then there is chance of infection. Otherwise, no need to worry about that. HIV and synovial tuberculosis can not spread by sharing room cloths or other objects. No need to worry. Just be relaxed. For confirmation, you can go for HIV testing. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] Dear Doctor. I am a Service Engr dealing with Photo copiers and Printers. During my work it is unavoidable to inhale the toner (dry ink powder) while cleaning the machine and in due course my nose was blocked and i used otrivin for five years twice a day (two puffs) to clear the passage. when i get cold the pain was unbearable. So 8 months back, I went to a ENT DOCTOR & He told that i was suffering from Medica Mentosa due to otrivin usage + Allergic rhinitis due to inhalation of toner and Polyps and I was operated. Now i am feeling good but if i happen to take a fresh copy of photostat copy in my hand or if i happen to read a news paper or book printed out of low quality ink i get a itching sensation in my nose. So i came to the conclusion that i am allergic to printing ink. Doctor, Can you suggest me a medicine that is free from big side effects? I am 40 years old put up at Chennai. [/INST] Hello sir, Welcome to Chat Doctor. I would suggest two options for you. As you have to deal with photocopiers & printers daily, you can take a combination tablet of antihistamine & montelukast daily. Another option is you can use intranasal corticosteroid spray daily.Side-effects will be least with the 1st option, but if you have severe nasal blockage/other symptoms, it will be good if you use intranasal corticosteroid spray for 2 weeks and then change to oral antihistamine-montelukast tablet. I suggest you not use decongestant nasal sprays (such as origin) unless you have severe blocked nose, and that too, not for more than 3 days. You can cover your nose and mouth with mask while dealing with photocopiers & printers. Please try to avoid dusts, smoke & pollution. Daily breathing exercises & Panama will help you on a long run. Wish you best of the health. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I have been experiencing stabbing pain in my chest - lower center and pronounced when I sneeze or cough and now it s becoming steady. Also enhanced by sudden shifting, getting up and sitting down and sudden arm movements. I m about 2 days into this. Has nothing to do with eating as it s there all night. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. By your history and description, possibility of musculoskeletal pain is more. But better to first rule out pleurisy (inflammation of pleura) as this can also cause stabbing chest pain on coughing and sneezing. Pleurisy can be due to pneumonia, pleural effusion, tuberculosis etc. So get done chest x-ray. If chest x-ray is normal than no need to worry about pleurisy. You are having musculoskeletal pain only. So avoid movements causing pain. Avoid bad postures in sleep. Avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. Start painkiller and muscle relaxant Chat Doctor. Apply warm water pad on affected site. Don't worry, you will be alright in 1-2 weeks. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] 36, non smoker. Clinically overweight, but exercising to lose weight. Blood pressure since Friday has been ranging systolic: 139-167, dia: 89-105. Would a physician consider this to be high or worrisome? I have been ill and am on my second bout of antibotics. I am taking cipro 2x day. Tussinex sus 1tsp every 12hrs. [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Your blood pressure upper range is high according to your age. You should go for salt restricted diet. Check your blood pressure again after 15 days. If it is still high then start antihypertensive medicinal according to your doctors' advice. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] sir, i am writing this for my friend. he had a love failure 2 yrs ago and had a severe mental shock that time. he resigned his job and was stayin away from his home. from that time ownwards he is taking sleeping pills and other medicines. after that he got job in ISRO now he is preparing for GATE examination and for that he resigned his job. the situation is worse now. when he sit alone in his room insecurity feelings is killing him. he is not able 2 concntrate on studies. he feels like the whole world is laughing at him and nobody loves him. he is so feared because he doubts wether the past things happen again. for this reasons he is not taking food properly, lost his sleep for many days. behaves literally like a persion having chronic depression. mental health and physical health is very poor now. wot to do nw??? kindly help us out from this situation doctor. [/INST] HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorI really can understand the situation of your friend going through If I would be a doctor then I certainly would ask for immediate counselling before it is too late, once you know that your friend is having bad situation and need medical help then he should be taken to the psychiatrist please take him to some good psychiatrist, he will be alright with counselling and little medicine take care of your friend bye. </s>
<s>[INST] I have undergone a kidney stone surgery four days ago via urerthal ballon dilatition. One small stone was removed from the left kidney. There is a stent inserted for atleast 3 weeks. My question here is Will smoking Pot will affect my kidneys or stent inside me? [/INST] Hello In my view smoking is harmful to anyone and in your case its more dangerous. Post surgery your wound healing process take some time with right nutrition, rest&vitamin supplements to encourage college formation it will be more quick.Whereas, smoking,retard wound healing through impairing tissue oxygenation. If the oxygen supply is effected you will have slow wound healing and may even cause bacterial growth as Nicotine causes blood flow to slow down by constricting the vessels. To prevent all the possible complications my advice; if I were you treating doctor would be to avoid smoking at least till you recover. Hope your question is answered. </s>
<s>[INST] ok, i think i was in about 7th grade, i was walking you know slow and easy down the hall and up the stairs, i dont know why but as soon as i sit down my heart started pounding and i could feel it like it was going to come out of my chest what could this be? [/INST] Hello! Thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Regarding your concern, I would like to explain that your pounding heart feeling (that is palpitations), is among the most common heart related complains. It may be caused by just by an increased anxious state, is also a common finding during and after any physical exertions. These above options are almost physiological conditions, and you shouldn't worry about. But, we have to be sure no any other pathological reasons is responsible, first of all any arrhythmias. So, a careful physical exam, coupled with a resting ECG, and if suspicions are raised for a possible arrhythmia, a cardiac ultrasound and an ambulatory 24 to 48 hours ECG monitoring are necessary. Several blood tests (complete blood count to exclude a possible anemia; thyroid hormone levels to exclude a possible high abnormal thyroid function; PCR to exclude any inflammations, etc.). Hope to have been helpful! Greetings! </s>
<s>[INST] Hellow Dr i am kruthi here my brother is suffering from a problem i hope u will give me a good solution. My brother is getting sleep frequently he is controlling a lot but he is failing. He is not able to concentrate on his studies please suggest me a solution so that he can control his sleep Dr [/INST] Earle understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. You are supposed to refer to concentration and attention as two. Attention span for any adult is maximum 30 minutes. Sometimes, a person can be attentive to an interesting thing for more than 30 minutes, such as movies or games. Concentration is attention plus understanding. For this too, span of below 30 minutes. If you are able to make your studies interesting and based on variable principle, your concentration level can be increased. It is also possible to improve your concentration level with the help of yoga, meditation and breathing exercises. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello. My boyfriend has been experiencing a cough for close to two months. There was a time when it got better. A doctor gave him a zpack (and something else) but it didn t help. He has pain in his chest. He has a dark stool. There is nothing in the cough (mucous) I don t think. Any ideas? There is no fever. [/INST] Hello dear, thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your boyfriends situation and problem. He is having chronic cough with chest pain. So we need to rule out lung infection (pneumonia) first. Pneumonia can cause pleurisy (inflammation of pleura) and chest pain with coughing is characteristic feature of pleurisy. And pneumonia is the most common cause for pleurisy. So get done chest x-ray first to rule pneumonia. Also get done stool microscopic examination to rule out blood in stool because he is having dark stool. So consult pulmonologist and discuss all these. First diagnose himself and then start appropriate treatment. He may need antibiotic Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] friday and saturday I had severe tooth pain from what apparently was a nerve dying and decomposing (ice water is the only thing that helped.) Last night the tooth pain went away but my upper lip became tender, i assumed from such a long exposure to cold water. I woke up this morning with no tooth pain, but my upper lip is swollen and continues up along the left side of my nose, i can see the swelling just below my left eyes vision [/INST] Hello, Thanks for writing to us. Swelling of upper lip along the left eye may be due to spread of infection into sinus spaces. I would suggest you to visit a dentist and get a detailed clinical as well as x-ray evaluation done. Chat Doctor. Take complete course of amoxicillin as well as analgesics to relieve the underlying infection. Tooth has to be root canal treated if necessary. Hope this helps. </s>
<s>[INST] Sir, i have a bening tumour entangled in brachial plexus region,doctors suggested operation is not required as its risky and i get pain only when i m tired or any stress or if its too hot.... but i get severe pain and its from last 10 years...pls suggest what to do [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. In my opinion, you should definitely get that tumor removed surgically because it is now causing severe pain. So better to consult orthopedic doctor and get done clinical examination and MRI of local part to see exact tumor size and extensions Worsening severe pain is an indication for surgical removal. Don't worry, you will be alright after surgery. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] My nephew has a disease called histiocytosis he s had it since he was two. He s 11 now and has some long term side effects that they keep an eye on. About a year ago he had a brown freckle-like spot on his back near his lower spine . Since then it has progressed to about ten and they re all around the same size and pretty close together. They are about 6 to 8mm in diameter each! My sister has an appt set up with dermatologist but it s a few months away! Any idea what this can be? [/INST] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, Histiocytes are macrophage like cells present ubiquitously in all body tissues. Histiocytes play a role in the defense mechanism of the body. They are present in the lymph nodes and cause sinus histiocytosis. Histiocytes are also present in the skin. Proliferation of these cells in the skin can cause skin lesion. The nature of the skin lesions can only be confirmed after skin biopsy. Proliferation of astrocytes in the skin biopsy will confirm the neoplastic process of the astrocytes. Appropriate Chat Doctor. Thanks and take care </s>
<s>[INST] I have this relatively soft lump located on my inner butt cheek. It is slightly red and had a consistent round shape.I thought it was a normal pimple but it never went away, I just didn t think it was a big deal but now I am worries about it.. A bit of Information about what it could be would be greatly appreciated. [/INST] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have soft lump on inner butt cheek. Well there can be many reasons for symptoms you mention in query like colonial cyst, external hemorrhoid, boil, perianal abscess or ischio-rectal abscess. I would suggest you to consult dermatologist for proper examination. Doctor may prescribe antibiotics along with anti-inflammatory. Doctor may also remove it surgically in case of severe infection. For now apply warm compresses on it, keep the area clean and Chat Doctor. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes, </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I have a herniated disc at C3 and was told years ago that it was pinching on a nerve that is causing my right arm to have pain, and my middle, ring, and pinky fingers on my right hand to get numb and tingle. I had bilateral carpule tunnel, had surgery on the right hand, and was fine until this accident in the grocer when I was hit in the back with a milk crate full of milk that fell off a pallet of crates. Lately my left arm has been hurting so bad in the triceps, now in the forearm, Is this also related or is this something new going on?? [/INST] Hi, thank you for providing the brief history of you. As you mentioned you had a past history of cervical spine degenerative disc disease and a recent accident where you were hit from back, I will advise to undergo a neurological and orthopedic assessment which a physical therapist can help you as well, to see what are the causing factors. Also, the next line will be undergoing an MRI of the cervical spine to see the soft tissues within. Post that performing physical therapy will help you regain the strength and reduction in pain will also be there. Also, I have personally seen cases with CTS, Disc pathology and shoulder injury all together - cases have responded well with physical therapy. I wish the same for you. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I ve recently turned 18 and I started the mini pill carazette 4 months ago. I ve still had a regular period lasting 4-5 days since I started but my period is now two weeks late. I also have a lot of vaginal discharge and need to run to the toilet more than I m used to. I have gained 1 stone over about 5-6 months. Could I be pregnant? I ve took pregnancy tests but they have all come back negative what do I do? [/INST] Hi, In the current scenario, it is unlikely that you are pregnant with so many negative Hits. Yet, you should get a confirmatory conclusion through an assay of the serum beta-ChatDoctor titles and a trans-vaginal sonogram. Weight gain after the use of oral pills can also cause disturbed hormone profile raising the requirement and hence may cause delayed or absent periods. Please see a specialist for a proper appraisal of the situation. Hope you find this information useful. Take care. </s>