<s>[INST] Hi, I am 38 years old weight 70 kg height 5.11 smoker. I am having very slight pain on left side of my chest that too not a constant pain just sometime feel like something is pinching but not too intense and that too while I am sitting of lying. Last two weeks I am not having proper break fast and in lunch I go with Salad green! I am assuming that it is mainly due to gastric however, does have a probability of cardiac issue. can you explain it even more. Regards, Sajjad Raza [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. Since you are smoker, we need to rule out cardiac cause first for your left sided chest pain. So get done ECG and 2d echo. If both are normal then no need to worry about cardiac cause. Smoking also causes gastritis. And this can also cause similar symptoms. So quit smoking as soon as possible. Avoid hot and spicy food. Start proton pump inhibitors. Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright. </s>
<s>[INST] hello Doctors firstly can i thank you for taking the time to answer my question, secondly, i have a question concerning whether to get braces or any other treatment (except for veneers).i have an overbite, 2 protruding lateral incisors and my canines are pushed back in comparison to my other teeth. what is noteworthy is that my left canine is very small because its still a milk tooth though im 19 years old. A year ago i had a surgery to remove the tooth that was supposed to replace this canine (it was engraved in my palate horizontally).Hopefully you will help me out decide whether to have traditional braces,on a 6 month smile in order to enlarge my milk canine and straighten the rest of my teeth . Thank you in advance. [/INST] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The malocclusion has to be corrected with braces. The milk tooth has to be removed, and the space has to be closed with the help of braces. This might take a year to one and half year. Do not go for any short treatment procedures, go for conventional method. This can be decided based on the casts and radiographs like OPG and lateral rephotograph. Once the amount of space needed to be closed, the amount of over jet and overbite present determines the treatment plan. I hope my answer will help you, take care. </s>
<s>[INST] I slipped and fell at a store about a month ago and smashed my shin against my shopping cart. It immediately made this like blood blister on the shin, swelled a little. A month later I have this noticeably hard but tender lump on my shin that seems a little swollen. Could this be a blood clot? [/INST] Hello! Thank you for the query. Yes, this might be a blood clot. Especially if you have any varicose veins in this area. Injury is a very common factor of veins thrombosis. If you do smoke or take some hormonal pills (like contraceptives), the risk of thrombosis is higher. Such lump can be also caused by blood accumulation under the skin (in soft tissues). This is not related to the veins' thrombosis. I suggest you to consult a surgeon with this issue. In case of doubts, ultrasound should be done. Hope this will help. Regards. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello! I have been on the nexplanon for almost 2 years now and have gained over 60 pounds in weight. My boyfriend and I have intercourse 2-4 times a week for the past two years and we do not use condoms or the pull- out method . I feel like I am having pregnancy symptoms like cramping, back pain, breast getting bigger, heartburn, sickness, and movement in my stomach. I have taken 3 pregnancy test and they all came out negative. I do not have the option of getting blood work done at this moment but I feel like this all may be just the nexplanon. Im not entirely sure what to do at this point. Could I get pregnant on the nexplanon? [/INST] Hello misunderstand your concernFailure rate of explain implant is very less (0.05%). So chance of pregnancy is very less. Definitive sign of pregnancy is missed period. That can not be confirmed by your history. If period is due for 10 days from normal date you have to think about the pregnancy and should be confirmed by UPT or USG scan. Your symptoms may be due to side effects of implant as it contain progesterone hormone. Or it may be pelvic inflammatory disease as risk is increased due to implant. That should be diagnosed by pelvic examination and USG. Hope this may help you Best regards </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, i have problem with my foreskin swell and red stains, besides everything there is a loop (like a ring made of rope) skin growing on the edge of the foreskin which creates the pressure on my glans while it is enlarged during intercourse. it is painful. Sometimes this this ring is coming off the foreskin and then a new ring is growing again. I don t know what it could be. My family practitioner said it could come from my wife, but she has no symptoms. I practically don t hav3 sexual life since it happened. [/INST] Thanks for asking in Chat Doctor forum In short: Most probably you are suffering for balanoposthitis(infection of foreskin and glans)Explanation: If you were able to retract your foreskin previously and having difficulty now, then your infection of foreskin and glans with adhesion may be causing this. As you told that there are red stains on foreskin, this is a probability. Usually after balanoposthitis foreskin becomes tight like a ring due to inflammation and scarring. So, If are able to retract foreskin then do it daily with point clobetasol(3-4 days) and if you get relief then ok otherwise you have to go for circumcision. Good luck </s>
<s>[INST] I get a weird fluttering sensation in my lower chest every now and again sometimes it will come and go every 2 or 3 minutes then will not return for a few weeks. Also I become tired quickly when doing physical work which also brings on the fluttering chest [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Fluttering sensations in chest, Tiredness on physical exertion are characteristic symptoms of arrhythmia (rhythm disturbances in heart). So better to consult cardiologist and get done blood pressure monitoring, ECG, 2d echo and Holder monitoring (24 hours continuous recording of ECG). You may nerd anti arrhythmia Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] Dr. my son is 17 months old and since his birth he s been healthy. This morning twice he had loose motion am a bit worried as this is the first time. His two upper and lower grinding teeths are slowly appearing. He hasnt had anything from morning except for two bottles of milk. We live in Colorado and are Indians by origin. [/INST] Hi...when the kids start teething - to soothe the sensation of teething they keep what ever they can in the mouth and sometimes the impurities will go in and cause diarrhea. Usually this will be viral diarrhea. Once it starts it will take 5-7 days to completely get better. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious vomiting...you need not worry. There is no need to use antibiotics unless there is blood in the motion. Antibiotics might worsen if unnecessarily used causing antibiotic associated diarrhea. I suggest you use zinc supplements (Z&D Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] hi, my father is suffering from Double Pnemonia with plural effusion. He was hospitalized from 10-12 days. Now hes recover from pnemonia and when hes hospitalized Approx 250 ML Fluid remove from his lungs. Now again hes suffering from Plural effusion. Please suggest what to do now? [/INST] Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor .... Because of pneumonia you had oxidative pleural effusion...250 ml fluid is very much high amount... Now again you have pleural effusion.... For that first sputum is sent for microscopic examination... Sputum culture also need to be done....ADA estimation also done along with sputum for Tuberculosis detection. If TB present AKT need to be given... If TB not presents again pneumonia has to be treated according to culture report.... If therapeutic pleural effusion fluid removed then send it for cytological examination.... Consult pulmonologist or physician for your condition... Take care. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Ihave a 53 yr old son-in-law. My daughter and him went to N.C. Up on Upon arrival him got out of the car he streched and heard a loud pop in his back area. they came back home he has been in unbelievable pain. The doctors have done C-scan, mris 16 b[ood tests. The only thing they have found is he has an inflamed disc a knot on his spine. No antibiotics have touched the infection. No pain killer works. he has lossed 50 lbs. The doctors have said MS Autoimmune and some other things but they can t seem to find it. they now say his pain is not connected to his back. Any ideas? [/INST] Dear patient Your symptoms indicate muscular origin of pain. MRI is very sensitive and specific for diagnosis of spine pathology. If its normal most of the spine pathology can be ruled out. Ct scan rules out bony pathology. Both tests are already done for you, and they are normal. So You need not worry. Which painkillers you are taking? Take proper rest with medications. Sometimes detailed clinical Examination is very helpful. I would advise taking second opinion from other doctor because you should be alright now. </s>
<s>[INST] My 5 year old son has a red lump on his eyeball. It looks like part of a vein sort of, but it is raised and red. It has been this way for months, maybe a year. I have just never examined closely. He never complains about it hurting or itching or anything. What could this be? [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Following are the possible causes for eyeball swelling in child Chat Doctor. 1. Hemangioma2. Hematoma 3. Retinoblastoma 4. Keratin nodule etc. Amongst all these, Retinoblastoma is malignant and so better to consult ophthalmologist and get done clinical examination and if needed biopsy of the lesion to confirm the diagnosis. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your child. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] hello doctor! i am from india suffering from depression for the past 10 yrs i do know how to classify according to medical terms but in my view i m suffering from moderate to severe depression. have frustrating cognitive impairment and i have taken medicines for the past 10 yrs ranging from fludac, veniz xr 75,sertaline, clomipromine but in vain pls help [/INST] Healthier can be many reasons for not responding to medication. I don't know your complete history so can only mention probable cause, and you need to figure out which one you are having. One is you may be misdiagnosed, and you may be having more than just depression. A combination of depression and personality disorder or bipolar disorder. Secondly you did not comply to treatment as advices, and thus you develop resistance to treatmentThirdly you may have not persisted with one doctor and every new doctor advices you knew treatment, and you never took treatment in adequate doses and durationFourt you may have needed augmentation treatment which your psychiatrist did not fifth you may have additional medical illness like thyroid problem or any other endocrine disorder or any other medication which interfere with antidepressantsSixth you may have some personal stressor which is persistent over these years and you don't have any escape from it, which remain the main reason of your problem, and you are not able to get received </s>
<s>[INST] Seasonal allergies and prone to sinus infections however this year chills started 6 days ago, ran for 3-4 nights 102 and ran lower each day (went on 500 mg x 3 amoxicillin starting day 3) rash on both sides of lower stomach above belt line wrapping around sides and on one thigh- flat not bumpy, not it itchy, but slightly warm to touch Rash noticed day 3 and worse day 4, has not gotton worse Any ideas?? [/INST] If you take antibiotics in allergy they worsen the condition it leaves one place and attack other system you just stop all antibiotic stake anti-allergic basting 10 mg liquid antacid apply clindamycin gel mixed with fluticasone BD on area take 3 wk there is no proven effect of antibiotics in allergies the newer studies indicate after you can get diagnosed the cause of allergies and treat it for permanent cure of allergies </s>
<s>[INST] I am 66 yrs old, a diabetic, overweight and I have been suffering from shortness of breath for about a month. It has been getting a little worse each week. I am scheduled Aug 23 for an echo test. Should I request testing sooner or a different test? Thank you [/INST] Hi. Shortness of breath in diabetics may be a sign of heart disease. If it is new and getting worse, it requires urgent attention. Your physician will probably order a chest X-ray, EKG, and blood work. Possibilities include congestive heart failure, angina, possible heart attack, pulmonary embolism (blood clot in your lungs) and possibly anemia which can also cause these symptoms. Hope this helps. </s>
<s>[INST] My sister, who I live with, has been diagnosed with a paratyroid tumor. Do you know any surgeons for this in the Phx, East valley area..We live in Gilbert, az. Her Endocrinologist has told her she needs to have the sergery, but the dr. he refered her to cant see her till next month. Honestly, she can not wait that long. She is so, so sick.. She has Cigna health care. Thank you so much for any help Lita King [/INST] Hi and thank you so much for this query. I am so sorry to hear about what your sister is going through right now. I understand your pains and the urgency to get this problem ad Chat Doctor. Is it all about the surgery or something else is going on? This surgery is not often an emergency and the fact that you sound like her condition is bad because of this tumor makes me wonder if there are any other background problems that have not been checked appropriately. I hope she as be evaluated fully not to attribute every other abnormal symptom to the tumor. However, doctors have not just one person they can refer a client to. Let her doctor know the other one isn't available until next month, and you are not ready to wait so that he can offer you another option. I hope this helps and I wish you well. Thanks for using our services and feel free to ask more questions if need be. </s>
<s>[INST] hi, im 36 over weight unfortunately. i have been experiencing pain in my upper back on the left side, below my shoulder blade. when i bend my head forward it hurts even more or if i a certain way backwards it feels like i have no control of my head and it hurts. is this just a pulled muscle?? i do have lower back and sciatic issues also. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. After going through your query I think your You are suffering from chronic backache. Treatment of back pain is exercises, Cartilage D once daily, NUROKIND GOLD ONCE DAILY and analgesics (diclofenac 100mgSR). Sometimes vitamin D deficiency is the cause so get your vitamin D checked. If it is low then vitamin D supplementation(On DK 60K weekly with milk) can be taken. Sit in a straight posture. Eat milk, fruits and green leafy vegetables daily. To further investigate MRI of the region is advised. I think your query answered. Welcome to any follow-up query </s>
<s>[INST] I am 25 year old and having pain in lowe abdomen and groin area. I am not able to empty my bladder. I am taking chandraprabha vati and nerri tabs. Also taking punarnawarist after consulting an aurvedic doctor. Today is second day of medication and i am feeling weakness and metallic taste. Whether these are sideeffect of these medicine. [/INST] Hai, Your problem seem to renal calculi.(kidney stone). Possibly the stone will be traveled in ureter and lodged in the bladder output opening(internal urethral orifice.) The prescription given by the Ayurveda doctor is indicated to your problem. Metallic taste may be felt because of the medicine.it will not harm you unless medicine prepared by GMP certified Pharmacy company. Metallic taste in medicine differs in every individual. Tablet near contains (ayurvedic medicine) contain essential minerals and metals(Annabel, bhasmas)etc.it will cause metallic taste. No side effects reported. Safe to use. No need to worry. If your groin and stomach problem didn't solve within 1 week consult your doctor again. Thank you hope I answered your query. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a patient here at my facility, 18 y/o male, pre exsisting dx of bi polar disorder and adhd. He has not been on his medications in over 3 weeks. He could not tell us what he was taking before then. He admitted to smoking an unknown amount of the synthetic k2 that was homemade by some friends of his. He said he didnt know what was in it or what it would do to him. We have him on an emergency detention order until a crisis center has an available bed. He has progressivly gotten worse over the last 24 hours. Today we obtained orders for Haldol 10 mg, 100mg benadryl (initial dose), and 0.5mg ativan. This did not phase him in the slightest. He became very aggresive and ended up having less leathal force used against him. After he had calmed down from that incident we obtained orders for 2mg Ativan IM, this has slightly calmed his aggression, however he is still in full blown psycosis. I have been monitoring his behavior since the injection, and he is having very brief moments of clarity, then right back to the delusions. Is there anything else that you suggest we try? [/INST] Hello, Thanks for using healtcaremagic. From the available description it seems to me that he is currently in delirium probably due to some medical illness or due to smoking some unknown substance. I will prefer him to continue on the low dose of haloperidol and request you to obtain a EEG report as soon as possible. Rather than over medicating using the lowest possible dose will be in better interest of the patient. I hope I am able to answer your query. If you have any questions feel free to write back to me. Thanks </s>
<s>[INST] Hello , if had total hip replacement in Feb 2016 , due to a disease, how when I stay on my feet for a while, the left leg just above my ankle swells and turns very red, and becomes very painful could this have anything to do with my replacement?? If not what could be , I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia in last few months also . [/INST] HI I UNDERWENT YOUR QUESTIONING MY OPINION YES LEG SWELLING COULD BE A POSSIBILITY AFTER TOTAL HIP REPLACEMENT.IF YOU ARE NOT MOBILE AFTER SURGERY AND PRONE TO RISK FACTORS, YOU MIGHT HAVE A THROMBOSIS IN LEG.PAIN AND SWELLING IN LEG CAN BE A FEATURE OF THROMBOSIS ALSO LEG COULD NORMALLY SWELL AFTER SURGERY FOR A YEAR OR SO.PLEASE DO VISIT YOUR OPERATING SURGEON SO THAT HE CAN Assess YOU AND GUIDE YOU APPROPRIATELY.WISHING YOU BEST OF LUCK </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I have a bad swollen right lip due to a toothache on the lower bottom. Visit the ER for pain and swollen, they gave me a antibiotic one pill to get me through the night till I can get my prescription from a pharmacy and they also gave me a pain med. but it has not helped me. Havent slept but only 3 hours. And my face is also swollen what can I do. [/INST] Hello, Thanks for your query. If your face is swelling you maybe have an access. That may mean that you have to get antibiotics to get rid of the infection and also the swelling. And also with swelling of the face do not, I repeat DO NOT use a heating pad on it because the heat promotes the growth and spread of the infection. Use an ice pack if you can stand it or a cool wet wash cloth. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] My 9 yr old daughter came home with an upset stomach. She threw up and then went to sleep. She woke up 2 hours later complaining of a bad taste in her mouth and that she couldn t smell anything but she isn t congested. Also her head started hurting. She has a history of migraines. What could this be? [/INST] Hi, It seems your kid is having viral diarrhea. Once it starts it will take 5-7 days to completely get better. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious vomiting. You need not worry. There is no need to use antibiotics unless there is blood in the motion. Antibiotics might worsen if unnecessarily used causing antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Sometimes antibiotics like Metronidazole can cause such symptoms. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi my 8 month old baby has had diareah for the last couple of days. His poo bas been yellow stringy aand slimy. Today I noticed it was very airy had small 3 -4 mm white looking lumps in his poo. Almost looked like rice bubbles. What could this be. Should I be concerned? Im still breastfeeding him and he has been eating mashed veggies and bananas for about 2 months now. [/INST] Welcome to the ChatDoctorIn my opinion your child seems to be suffering from an episode of viral gastroenteritis. In cases of diarrhea, body of an infant may temporarily have trouble producing lactase, and he may have symptoms of lactose intolerance for a week or two. This seems to be the likely cause of your babies poop change. Don't worry. You can take the following measures to help him:1. Hold milk and dairy products containing lactose for 1-2weeks. You can give him lactose free milk formulas for the time being.2. Keep him well HY Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a very itchy purplish rash on my inner upper thighs and above my pubic area in the crease where my heavy stomach hangs. It started when I was sweating a lot working in the heat. I have tried Gold Bond powder to try to keep it drier, to no avail. It itches more at night than during the day. It is very ugly! [/INST] Hi, After reading your query it appears to be due to Fungal infection of the area which is quite common due to heat and humidity. Fungal infection of the skin is quite common due to infection and hygiene as well as most commonly due to diabetes. To prevent the further spread maintain good hygiene wash it two times properly. Stay away from hot and humid climate. If I were your dermatologist then would have prescribed clotrimazole cream or terminating cream over the affected areas under medical supervision. I suggest you to take antifungal tablet by mouth such as fluconazole 150 mg alternate days for 15 days. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] I have been having issues for about 2 months now, and it has just been getting worse. Ive tried to get into the doctor but she is ill. I have been having my period last for two weeks then it will go away for a few days then come right back again, & I have been having abdominal pain when I urinate. When I wipe I have traces of blood too. I also have been having a white discharge. [/INST] HI. Your history is suggestive of vaginitis along with urinary tract infection with associated Cystitis causing yo the symptoms you have. I would advise you to have a consultation and examination carried by a Gynecologist to see for vaginitis and uterine prolapse which is easily missed and is one of the commonest reason for Pain In Abdomen. Also get blood and urine tests and ultrasonography. Get treated with an appropriate antibiotic and supportive medicines. </s>
<s>[INST] i was thrown to the ground playing rugby,i landed on my bak,it hurt alot when it happened after a few mins i got bak up and carried on,but my bum cheeks hurt at the bottom ov my bak,,my tail bone is ok it just on either side ov it which hurts...what could be wrong please. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. After going through your query I think You are suffering from acute pain due to soft tissue injury. Treatment of it is rest and analgesics(diclofenac). Diclofenac three times a day after meals is effective. Sometimes strong analgesic(such as attract three times a day after meals) is required. OMEPRAZOLE before meals prevent acidity caused by analgesics. You can discuss with your treating Doctor. You may need to do MRI TO RULE OUT DISC PROLAPSE. I think your query answered. Welcome to any follow-up query </s>
<s>[INST] I was at work yesterday and had a sharp pain in my stomach that brought me to my knees. Now all day yesterday and today the pain comes back with movement. It is happening when I was or when I hit a bump when driving. The pain makes me feel like Im being stabbed and like Im gonna throw up... however... it stops when the movement stops. I do have crohns ans I am on humira. What could this possibly be? [/INST] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. It is hard so say what it is without further diagnostic tests. You should do gastrostomy and see is there ulcer of gastritis. If you don't vomit excessively or vomit blood, this is not something serious. It can be just temporary stomach irritation which is commonly seen. There are also certain medicines which can be used for such symptoms, but the exact diagnosis should be established first. Thanks for the query. Wish you good health. Regards </s>
<s>[INST] A month or two ago I fell playing basketball and it made a popping noise almost like it came out of place. my leg was weak feeling and I put ice on right away I could walk and everything okay still just week feeling. the next day my knee was twice the size of what it normally is. The swelling immediately went down the next few day but now everytime I bend to a certain point it like catches on something and lately it s been hurting doing simply things like getting up or walking down stairs and I ve also started running which might be part of it. I was looking at the runners knee and another diagnosis but I m still not positive but I want to know soon so I can get it healed as soon as I can! [/INST] His a precaution you must stop all activity of knee like walking, stairs,gaming-take complete rest, wear a knee brace and take anti-inflammatory and analgesics tablets. Consult an orthopedic surgeon and have a knee MRI done.-Meniscal tear and cruciate ligaments tear is a common injury and need specific treatment after diagnosis-sometimes surgeons prefer to do surgical intervention to correct they neglect ow may be harmful to knee </s>
<s>[INST] I have a hernia in my stomach, i am waiting to have this operated on and now having recently lost 6 stone this is going to happen. Since losing the weight my stomach looks like a football and its hard but i can feel it move about, is this normal? When i have it operated on how long will i be off work? [/INST] Hi ! Good afternoon. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. Yes. It is normal to feel the stomach/intestines move in a hernia specially after losing weight when it becomes more prominent. The number of days of rest required varies and depends on the type of your job, the type of repair done, and any other medical aspect which might defer from person to person. This would be best judged by the surgeon who would operate on you. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. Wishing you an early recovery. Chat Doctor </s>
<s>[INST] Yes, i just found out that my classroom i have been teaching in for the past 5 years is infested with black mold. I ve been having all kinds of health issues. The latest since I have been trying to get my classroom ready is joint pain and abdominal cramping with blood in my stool. Could mold be the cause of these? [/INST] Hello, I understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor, infectious disease specialist, answering your concern. Mold can because of such a health issue. Toxin produced by some molds are responsible for such a health incidence. Removing such molds from this place improves over all health of such a person. Cleaning, pesticide spray, coloring of the walls can remove the mold and improve the condition. I will be happy to answer your further concern you can contact me here, or you can contact me on bit.ly/ Chat Doctor. Thank you, ChatDoctorIf you are satisfied with my answer rate me as five star and close the answer </s>
<s>[INST] I have had steady pain in the middle of my abdomen between belly button and rib cage, for the past 5 days. Doesnt seem to be affected by food. Occassionally gets severe for a minute or two then returns to dull pain. A little burping but no real heartburn. Tender to push on area and somewhat hard. No fever. Any ideas? [/INST] Hi there! Thanks for posing your question On Chat Doctor! What you seem to be suffering from is mostly Reflux disease, also called HERD. This generally happens because of a number of reasons. Irregular dietary habits, spicy diet, too much alcohol are just a few of them. Although the pain doesn't seem to be affected by food, thereby ruling our ulcer; if left untreated, it could result in a gastric ulcer, later on.’M treatment would be taken one tablet of Pantoprazole 20 mg, once a day before food, for 15 days. Hope this helps! </s>
<s>[INST] I was in the ER for an allergic reaction to shrimp. They released me with Prednisone & Benadryl get rid of the swelling in my tongue. It s 4 days later & my tongue is still swollen and now my lips are too. I don t think I should take the Prednisone. [/INST] Welcome in Chat Doctor. In reference to your query regarding allergic swelling of your tongue and lips, which is still persisting even after taking steroid (prednisone) and Ben Chat Doctor. Though you got relief but still swelling on tongue is there. As you said only 4 days have passed, so I think you may continue the treatment for three to four days with tapering dose of prednisone. At the same time you should avoid contact with shrimp. Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I have been dizzy for 3 months its getting worse everyday. The first time I went to ER and they said all my bloodwork and chest xray, ekg was fine. Then I went to an Urgent Care they said I had wryneck and put me on prednisone. The next time same diagnosis. I have been on high doses of prednisone for a week now and Im worse. Im scared to death something major is wrong. I also have swollen lypth nodes in my neck. What could it be? [/INST] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor Enlarged lymph nodes are normally as a result of infection or inflammation in the surrounding areas. They can also become enlarged if the nodes themselves are infected or in malignant conditions. A full blood count and ESR (checks for inflammation) would be able to determine if infection, infection or other serious conditions are present. It would be best to be reviewed by your doctor. Dizziness can be due to different possible causes such as conditions of the inner ear, low blood pressure, inadequate fluids, side effect of medication. An ENT doctor or neurologist may be helpful to determining the cause for your dizziness. I hope this helps </s>
<s>[INST] ok, i have been drinking since college heavy on weekends for about 20 years but about 5 years ago got hooked on cigs. Have high blood pressure but being treated. now i have numbness at night in hands and feet. mostly hands cause I rest them on my chest to sleep on back. is it my high blood pressure, cigs, booze or all above. add to that stopped working out. ugh [/INST] Good day! It is possible that you are suffering what is called "Peripheral Neuropathy". It is where the alcohol and its affiliated nutritional deficiencies and deny Chat Doctor. I highly recommend of course that you discontinue alcohol and tobacco as they are of course very detrimental to your health. However, in the immediate future, I would recommend supplementation to ensure your body is receiving the proper nutrients for proper nerve energy (These are: Multivitamins, B-12 + Folate). You can find these over the counter. I hope you receive some alleviation of your symptoms! </s>
<s>[INST] yesterday I had toast and juice for breakfast and then lentils with white rice and lettuce salad for lunch. Prior to lunch I suffered a migraine headache, took some tylenol and it helpped a bit but it left so tired. After eating I got a stomach pain. I thought I ate too much, when I got home I napped and when I woke up I had a very bad stomach ache and my abdomen was swollen. I tossed and turned for a couple of hours until I vomitted. It left me shaking and with a sored lower back and limbs. Today I woke up with a very mild stomach ache but my body feels as if I was ran over by a truck. Specially my legs, it makes it difficult to walk. [/INST] Such a severe pain causing tossing in bed is usually due to ureteric colic. Stone in ureter causes obstruction to urine outflow and smooth muscles in ureter contract excessively to overcome this obstruction & this causes severe pain. In such cases, I advise X-ray KU BU, ultrasound of abdomen, renal function tests, serum amylase & lipase. Empirically I give antispasmodics, painkillers & diuretics. Advise to Chat Doctor. 5 liters of water in 24 hours. Definitive treatment is according to reports. Hope this information is useful to you. Thanks. Regards. </s>
<s>[INST] is there any relation between malaria and nonalcoholic liver cirrhosis?the patient presented with liver cirrhosis and splenomegaly detected on USG. he has a low platelet count, and H/o esophageal varices.also in chidhood he had a H/o repeated attacks of malaria could his present condition be because of malaria? pt is currently 52 yrs oldthank you [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor, The patient is having cirrhosis of liver there are many causes of cirrhosis other than alcohol, like viral hepatitis, Autoimmune, Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), Blockage of bile ducts, Budd-Chiari syn Chat Doctor. Malaria as cause of Liver cirrhosis is unlikely. If any such thing is reported in literature we need to search. It is possible that there is viral hepatitis in past and now patient presents as cirrhosis. If no cause is known then it is idiopathic or called cryogenic. His spleen is large due to portal hypertension and platelets are low due to splenomegaly. Hope this information helps you, if any thin more is required you can ask me. Take care. Good Luck. </s>
<s>[INST] I am a 32 year old female, 5feet 5.5 in talls. I have a lump in the center of chest about 1 in. below the breast line. It measures approximately 1in by 1in and is visable if I am lying down. It is not tender to the touch however I have be feeling a sense of fullness in the area, along with discomfort and some dull pain. I do not know how long it has been there I just discovered it about a month ago when I was feeling uncomfortable in the area. I do seem to get a strange feeling when I run or do any exercise. Past medical history of left ACL reconstruction and a compression injury to lower back 16 years ago. Should I be worried? [/INST] Hi, Dear,Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. I studied your problem in depth and I understood your concerns. Cause and plan of Treatment-In my opinion on the given data, you seem to have xyphoidalgia-painful typhoid bone just below the breast line, just down in the center of chest. You just have a fullness in the area and no lump even on lying down, but is painful on pressure, with dull ache pain. I would advise you to Consult ER Surgeon, who would treat it with anti-inflammatory x 5 days time / or with Voltaren(OTC)gel locally for 5 days time to control the pain. This would resolve your painful lump issue. Plz check out with your ER Surgeon who would treat it accordingly. So don't build up wrong concepts and self-medicate your self which would increase risks and costs to you.Instead, just ask a query to Chat Doctor and be comfortable to resolve your health issues. Welcome for any more query in this regard to Chat Doctor. Write good reviews and Click thanks if you feel satisfied with my advice. Have a Good Day. Chat Doctor. N. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi my baby is 10 weeks,she s suffering from stomachache,she s feeding well(breastmilk) but when I rub her to burp she cries and doesn t want to lean with her stomach and after that her stomach get hard now her stools r stringy and it hard for her to pass stools [/INST] Hi... This is called evening colic and is quite common in this age group. This happens when the baby sucks at the breast very fast and in eagerness to Chat Doctor. Unless the air comes out like burping or flatus this discomfort will be there and next time check if she is sucking too fast and gulping in air too. You will be more convinced. Usually I don't advice any medicines for this as they give only temporary relief. The constipation you complain of is quite common in this age group...do not be concerned about it unless she is passing 10 days once. Regards - </s>
<s>[INST] I am 54yrs old, and have been diagnosed with costchondritis numerous times since my 20 s. I was a letter carrier, and carried a satchel on my shoulder. I also am on a disability for SI Joint Dysfunction. For the past 3 yrs I get these eruptions of bumps, sometimes scaly on my scalp, and now one on my elbow, sores in my mouth, with EXCESSIVE amounts of mucous in the back of my throat, and a feeling as though the palate is swollen or the back of my throat is swollen. ENT said initially I had swollen tonsils, and prescribed an antiobiotic mouthwash which helped. But it keeps coming back. He sent a scope down my throat, and said everything looked clear. 6 yrs ago, during an endoscopy it was found that I had a yeast infection in my esophogus, and prescribed meds to clear it up. I have severe non rheumatoid arthritis since my 20 s in my hands. I ve had one partial rotator cuff tear , and one now has nerve impingement due to spurs. I am a bone spurrer on my hands, as well. I asked my rheumatologist if it could be psoriatic arthritis , since I ve always had arthritic conditions or ligament issues, and now am getting these skin eruptions. He didn t think so. Well, when the one on my elbow went into a bump and got another recurrence on my scalp I asked to get a biopsy. The biopsy diagnosis is seborrheic keratosis. For over 2 yrs, I ve had monthly (it seems) episodes where I feel as though I can t get air. My oxygen levels are always in the 98% range. A pulmonary function test results: Pulmonary Obstructive Disease and told to take an inhaler. (doesn t really seem to help) 4 out of 6 of my bloodworks showed high levels of CO2. Now, recently, I am being woken up, numerous times throughout the night with a feeling of panic, as though I m not getting air. It is VERY painful to sleep, as laying on my ribs causes pain. One night last week I woke up to excruciating stabbing pains in my left lower rib. Normally, this pain is more of a gnawing pain on both sides lower ribs. Sometimes the gnawing pain moves to the center just to the right of my lower rt rib. Because this is becoming worrisome, I saw a dr. in my clinic, since my reg dr. was unavailable, and he is also a DO. He said he could try some myofascial release, and some adjustments. He said I would be sore the following day, but that within 2 days I should know if it helped. He also told me to take 440 mg Naproxen twice daily for inflammation. I also take Tramadol for my SI Joint Pain. Last night, again, was very painful, but not the stabbing pain, and I awoke, feeling like I couldn t get enough air, and like I was run over by a truck. Do you think it is viable to see a pulmonologist at this point. I m slowly moving to an anti inflammatory diet...lots of antioxidants, fruits, veggies, fish and poultry, nuts. I am at my wit s end, any advice. [/INST] You don't have to use animal proteins as they cause the problems and increases inflamationyour is case of animal protein reaction causing inflammation of system sand hormonal imbalances leading to the problems get blood serum tested for food specific antibodies for these milk wheat egg rice potato nuts and other food you take food causes these problems latest study shows psoriasis is continuous irritation by food when you with Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] my husband had a BP of 220/120 last night after he started a work out and then stopped. It went down only a small amount. today much better however his right leg is very swollen he can barely walk. Age 57 today! Yes, history of heart disease in family. Father died of Heart attack at 47. [/INST] Hello! Welcome on Chat Doctor! I passed carefully through your question and would explain that his symptoms (high blood pressure) could be related to the physical activity. But the swollen right leg could indicate possible deep vein thrombosis. For this reason, I would recommend bringing him to the ER for a physical exam and some tests: - a resting ECG - a chest X-ray study- a Doppler ultrasound of the leg vessels-complete blood count, PCR, ESR - coagulation tests. He may need to be treated urgently. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Wishing all the best, </s>
<s>[INST] I have severe degenerative spinal disease (every disc in my cervical spine except for two which are fused and pinned are herniated or bulged, every lumbar disc from L2 to S1 as well), bursitis in all four hip bursa s and have been undergoing injections and RFA s to treat the chronic pain. A few weeks ago my hair started falling out and I have been experiencing malaise and fatigue. Could there be any connection? (I just had blood work and my thyroid came back normal) [/INST] Hi there, thanks for your question. Hair fall has no one to one co relation with degenerative spinal disease. I suggest you to meet a dermatologist for your hair fall and be rest assured that it has nothing to do with your spinal pain. Though both are age related, they are independent of each other. On the other hand fatigue can be associated with pinched nerves in cervical and lumbar canal stenosis. Hope this answers your question. All the best. Regards. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] my grandmother is 65 yrs old and recently she had a sour throat which turned so severe that she could not even speak properly.doctor took x ray and the report says "LUNG FIELD REVEALS MILDLY PROMINENT BRONCHI O-VASCULAR MARKINGS". her ESR is 20 mm.and the doctor says MILD BRONCHITIS. SHE IS GIVEN RABON-20,XYZOL,MONTELUKAST SODIUM,LEVOCYTRYZENE DYHYDROCHLORIDE, AND LYCO GEL since about a week with no improvement. PLEASE TELL YOUR OPINION [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. She is not improving because she is not taking appropriate treatment for bronchitis. Bronchitis needs inhaled treatment based on severity of the disease. So better to get done PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) first.PFT will not only diagnose bronchitis, but it will also tell you about severity of the disease and treatment is based on severity only. She will mostly improve with inhaled bronchodilators (formoterol or albuterol) and inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) (budesonide or fluticasone).Don't worry, she will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your grandmother. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Dr. Santosh, my 10month old had viral fever since last three days we kept her on tylenol and motrin every four hrs, vice versa.... when we checked with peditrician here they said she has ear infection... now that she is on that ear infection medicine since last three days... i noticed red dot on her right eye ball... wht could be the reason [/INST] Thanks for posting your query at Chat Doctor. I am sorry that your daughter is not well. The red dot you are talking about is probably is a subconjunctival hemorrhage. It is not a cause of concern and should resolve spontaneously in around 7 days. It often happens on forceful coughing though other things may also be responsible. Do not worry about it. Read more about it at http://www.medicinenet.com/subconjunctival_hemorrhage/article.htmI hope that your query is resolved. Feel free to revert in case of further queries if any. </s>
<s>[INST] i have recently been made aware of living with mold in my apartment building. I have had symptoms of chronic headaches, stuffy nose, stiff joints aches everywhere and tendonitis since moving here 1 year ago. I had been referred to a rheumatologist in December and he conceived that I have pallindromio arthritis with tendonitis and treating me with plaquenil (didn t work, made it worse for 2 months) followed by sulfasalazine ( allergy to for 1 week) and now dioxycycline for the last 3 weeks. i had a blood test on monday this week and they called telling me my white blood count was high (18.5) and to schedule a visit to my pcp. I would like to know if I should call him back with the finding of the mold (it s had to have been here for years, black, almost tarry in the basement). [/INST] AS YOU DESCRIBED THAT YOU HAVE LONG ALLERGIES AND Mold IS ONE OF THE CAUSES GO FOR TREATMENT AND GET CONSULTATION WITH ALLERGY DOCTOR WHO WILL FIND CAUSE AND TREAT THIS TIME IS TIME TO CLEAR THIS EPISODE YOU HAVE ALLERGIC FUNGAL SINUSITIS WHICH GIVE SAME SIGNS WBC IS HIGH DUE TO INFECTIONSTART METRONIDAZOLE 200 MG BD FOR 5-7 DAYS AS IT IS BEST TO TREAT SINUS INFECTIONTAKE FLUCONAZOLE 150 MG ONCE A WEEK FOR 4-6 WEEK ADD ANTI-ALLERGIC FEXOFENADINE 120 MG BAND TAB FLUNARAZINE 5 MG NIGHT ADD LIQUID ANTACID MISAPPLY AUREOMYCIN H EYE OINTMENT IN NOSE BD SEA WATER 2 Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I have been having sharp pain in my lower chest under my rib cage lately. I was wondering if it was anything to worry about. I do have a hiatal hernia. I also have suffered from kidney stones and have a cat scan done every year to make sure they dont get too large. I also have asthma, and esphophagal reflux disease and have had my gallbladder removed. Should I be worried about this pain? I am on oxycontin for pain for interstitial cystitis and have to take milk of magnesia every day for bowel movements. [/INST] Hello dear, The symptoms are related to the acid reflux & secondary to hiatal hernia. Management consists of: 1. Lifestyle modification- like weight reduction, sleeping on the left side, or with upper body raised. 2. Dietary modification- avoid consuming irritating substances such as acidic & rich foods, caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol.3. Medical management-Proton pump inhibitors like Omeprazole, Pantoprazole, etc. (which prevent acid formation in stomach) & Risperidone 10 mg twice a day(to be taken 30 min before meal)If symptoms still persist, kindly consult a Gastroenterologist for proper clinical examination. Investigation like upper GI endoscopy will be helpful. There is no need to worry...you will be fine. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] hello sir,my son is 8yrs old.he is having asthma since last 6.5 yrs.as he is growing older his condition is getting worst.his wt is 24 kg.height is 132 cm .after d age 5 he was completely out of d condition for almost 2 yrs.suddely d condition relapsed.since then condition is gettig worsen.citrus food cadburies,oily food and dust causes spasm, but still he never required steroids or spray. The trouble occurs during rainy and winter season only. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, As you are known allergic to dust, you should be very careful otherwise it may be dangerous to the life. I would suggest you to undergo absolute eosinophil count (AEC) which will be raised in the allergic condition. For the present symptoms you can take Tab Monte LC which helps to control the symptoms, but it is temporary. You need to avoid these dust allergens to protect yourself from getting these allergy symptoms. I would suggest you to undergo skin prick test (SPT) to identify the type of dust causing these symptoms, and you can prevent yourself from exposing to this dust. Otherwise, you can prefer immunotherapy either with subcutaneous immunotherapy (SUIT) or sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT). Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] HELLO DR.my 3year old son is having fever from last night,doctot said its becoz of throat infection he prescribed augmentin DDS..n calpol every 6hrs but he is havin fever in every 4hr so can i repeat the calpol dose after 4hrs?n he had a convulsion episode in june last year..so what care should i take? [/INST] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Fever of few days without any localizing signs could as well a viral illness. Usually rather than fever, what is more important is the activity of the child, in between 2 fever episodes on the same day. If the kid is active and playing around when there is no fever, it is probably viral illness and it doesn't require antibiotics at all. Once viral fever comes it will there for 4-7 days. So do not worry about duration if the kid is active. Paracetamol (CAL POL) can be given in the dose of 15 mg/kg/dose (maximum ceiling dose of 500 mg) every 4-6th hourly that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. Regards - </s>
<s>[INST] I have been suffering with throbbing in my head for 3+ years,also my head is tender to the touch but not always in the same place also I become red and flushed in my face and neck and also hot to the touch,I have been told I am suffering with chronic daily migraine,but medication I am on is doing nothing and it has steadily got worse but my own doctor still insists that it is migraine. [/INST] Ur doctor is correct. Most likely u have headache of migraine. Sometimes it may cause redness of face or watering of eyes. Try tab Topiramate as prophylaxis. It has very good efficacy and few toxic effects. Another possibility is Trigeminal autonomic cephalic. It responds to tab indomethacin. Consult your neurologist and discuss in detail about headache character, frequency and associated features. It will help to formulate diagnosis and treatment.regards. </s>
<s>[INST] Last week i went to move a scaffold went to pick up to move it and felt something go in my lower back then felt light headed and passed out. Woke up laying on the concrete with a big lump on my right head and lower back pain. And some how hit my left elbow bruised and the bone is really sore and still have a lil lump on my head that still hurts. [/INST] Welcome to Chat Doctor I am Chat Doctor and I will help you with your problem I have gone through your question. What I comprehend is, when you lifted the scaffold, you developed intense back pain because of back muscle spasm which lead to fainting. The head lump is because of impact on concrete floor. This head lump needs some investigation if you are experiencing vomiting, ear, nose and throat bleed or clear fluid discharge. Loosing conscience after back pain is a rare thing. If you still remain Chat Doctor. For back pain I usually prescribe diclofenac sodium along with tizanidine (muscle relaxant), meloxicam local application. For elbow bruising you need antiseptic </s>
<s>[INST] My husband is extremely paranoid, depressed, and angry. He is constantly thinking people are talking about him behind his back (complete strangers) or that they are out to put him down. He has very angry outbursts over small things like if he misplaces his phone charger all hell breaks loose. He took depression medication when he was younger but stopped taking it after only 4 months and refuses to take anything to help him. We about to have our first child and Im scared to bring a baby into a family where the father isnt calm and collected any of the time. [/INST] I genuinely consider your problems. First we need to know if he is in depression currently or not like whether he looks sad, takes part in works, sleep and appetite. Then the paranoia appears to be delusions. Which appeared first needs to be checked first. Visit a psychiatrist to start medication again. If more problems than get him admitted in psychiatry dept in good hospital. You also need counselling how to deal with different situations. It's a treatable disease. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Doctor, my boyfriend had a gastroscopy performed last week. His physician called today to tell him that an amount WBCs were found in the sample that he took. He told him to continue to take his Protonix for the next 4 weeks and then they will do another gastroscopy. My boyfriend is only 27 and his father died from brain cancer 14 years ago. Should we be concerned that this could be some preemptive sign of cancer? [/INST] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for the query. Stomach cancer is extremely rare in this age and this is the last thing to think of. WBC in sample isn't indicating anything malignant. It is indicating inflammation of stomach mucosa which is seen in gastritis, verb or h.pylori infection. So you should not be worried at all. He should continue with antacid medicines and change his dietary habits. Wish you good health. Regards </s>
<s>[INST] Should I see a neurologist for a pinched nerve affecting my hip and down my leg--siatic (sp). I have already had two back surgeries, 70 yr old active lady and I refuse to take the pills prescribed because they make me "looney". Pain pills just cover up, not correct and I already have some nerve damage to the lower leg from before the surgery. [/INST] Hi, I have gone through your query. There may be some compression of nerve in your lower vertebra, which is causing you pain in hip and leg. Medicines only relieve the symptoms. Treatment should be done according to level of compression. At initial stages physical therapy with lifestyle modification help to reduce the progression and at later surgery is advised. MRI is of lower vertebra with clinical examination is suggested after consulting a neurologist. Do consider positive feedback as a credit to my work. Let me know if you have any further questions. You can contact me on my page http://bit.ly/1dYupT2 </s>
<s>[INST] I am a 30 year old female. I have had 5 healthy children. Last year, I had the essure procdure done to have permanent birth control. Over the last month, I have started having sharp stabbling pain in both sides of my lower abdomen, where my tubes are. As the month has progressed, I have begun having mild diarrhea, especially after I eat. I am also nauseated alot throughout the day. Today, I thought I was about to start my period, but found that it was only bloody discharge. What is going on with my body? [/INST] Hi. Thanks for your query. You are in the period and the congestion can lead to the symptoms like mild Diarrhea you have. IF there is no fever and intestinal problems. Wait and watch. If associated symptoms - go for check up with the Surgeon, ultrasonography to see that there is no local collection of a clot or infection or sequel of sterilization procedure Bloody discharge can be due to regular periods. </s>
<s>[INST] I HAVE A SORE ON THE BACK OF MY NECK/HEAD THAT IS NOT BLEEDING BUT CRUSTY AND OOZING. I THOUGHT IT WAS A SPIDER BITE OR PIMPLE AND WAS TRYING TO POP IT BUT ENDED UP WITH THIS SORE. NOW THE OTHER SIDE OF MY NECK FEELS LIKE IT IS BRUISED BUT THE PAIN IS NOW SPREADING UP INTO MY HEAD BUT THERE IS NO BRUISE. COULD I HAVE A STAFF INFECTION OR IS THIS SOMETHING ELSE? IT DOES NOT LOOK LIKE RINGWORM. [/INST] Hi. I did review your concern the sore lesion on your neck could be an infection or an irritant dermatitis. Due to wearing some new necklace or ornament or shirt material or shampoo. However, to be exactly sure I would advise you to consult your dermatologist who can then look at the lesion personally, examine it and begin the treatment. If It's dermatitis, keeping the irritant away and steroid creams would help. If its infection like a boil or fur uncle or a carbuncle due to staphylococci as you suspect it would require local antibiotic cream application. Meanwhile, keep that area clean. I hope this helps Wish you a very healthy life ahead. </s>
<s>[INST] I had a crown on my right side about 2 months ago...it took along time to heal. Friday it felt like I had food caught so I flossed. My right eye was hurting too...didnt realize the two were related until I woke up Saturday and I could not chew on that side and the whole side of my face hurt....it is now Sunday and I am still hurting and a little swollen on that side of my face & my gum is white and hurts. What should I do? [/INST] Hi! Welcome to Chat Doctor. I read your query. Did you get RCT done on tooth before crown? Your correlates with dental or gum infection with pus spreading to facial spaces. This is an emergency situation. I suggest you to visit a dentist immediately. He will take x-ray and remove the crown if required. The Chat Doctor. You need to take a course of antibiotics and anti-inflammatories as per your dentists prescription. Do repeat warm saline rinses if it does not hurt. Avoid acidic or spicy food and beverages. Avoid chewing from the affected side for time being. Hope the answer helps you. Thank you! </s>
<s>[INST] my sinus is very close to my gum line on the upper right side of my mouth and a couple of my teeth feel like the nerve is running through it, feeling like a terrible toothache. My dentist see that it is my sinus. I wish there was a warning when the pain will occur and if there is any thing to help relieve the pain (though it does last for @ 15 min each time it happens) I feel like pulling my hair (and teeth) out while the pain occurs : [/INST] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . As per your complaint such a severe pain that lasts for about 15 minutes that seems to be episodic pain seems to be most probably due to nerve related pain. In case if it is due to sinuses it can be due to sinus infection or inflammation leading to Sinusitis. It would however be associated with other symptoms of Sinusitis along with pain. Trigeminal Neuralgia that is a disorder of Trigeminal neuralgia which is also known as nerve of face can be a cause for such a severe pain. You need to consult a Neurophysician and get evaluated for the exact cause of the pain by getting an MRI done as there can be some causes like the most common one is a large artery impinging over the nerve causing damage to the Myelin Sheath [a protective cover over the nerve] leading to severe electric shock like pain. Other causes are disorders like Multiple sclerosis, tumor compressing the nerve, physical trauma etc. The common Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, question can a gum infection make your nose feel numb. Only one side of my nose feels numb and a few months ago when I had my wisdom tooth removed before that procedure my nose felt slightly numb. Could this be a sign of a gum or tooth infection? [/INST] Hello, Welcome Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor, I have gone through your query, as you have undergone extraction it can be due to anesthesia given during extraction of periodontal (gum) infection also. Don't worry Do warm saline gargle two - three times a day Take one tablet Vitamin supplement once daily for one week. Consult dentist and go for Scaling and root planning. Hope this will help you. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi what happen if mifegest tkn twicely regularly actually I hd mifegest in the month jan after dt I get periods heavily but in the month of Feb I hv not any periods then in the first week of March I tk megigest so yet mine periods hv not start I feeling scare what it will happen to me ..m feeling low and giddy ,nausea type pls doc help me [/INST] Hello, Thanks for writing to us. I would like to know why you used the medication repeatedly, whether to induce an abortion after confirming a pregnancy or simply to induce a delayed period. Whatever it may be, you should not self-medicate with such a medication. Please see a specialist as early as possible to get a complete appraisal of the situation and plan further management. A sonogram of the pelvis, preferably in the trans-vaginal route is needed to clarify the situation. Hope this helps. </s>
<s>[INST] hi, I ate something an I developed rash on my body. Nothing serious, just really small red dots and bit itchy . I don t have any other food allergy or food poisoning symptoms...It happened before after I ate meat ( medium beef for ex ) . What can I use to apply on my skin? Thank you [/INST] Hello. Thank you for using Ask a Doctor service. I have gone through your query and here is my advice. You seem to have Hives. Hives present as itchy welts and redness/ flare. Allergic reaction to a food or food preservatives is a common cause of Hives. Other causes include infection, Chat Doctor. I suggest you to take an oral antihistamine e.g. Tab cetirizine 10 mg once a day for a few days. In addition, I suggest you to apply a soothing lotion e.g. calamine lotion to help reduce itching and flare. Hope I have answered your Quertle me know if you need any further assistance. </s>
<s>[INST] I was diagnosed with high blood presure 3 months back when I went to a doctor for a pain in my lower back on both sides. I was advised to drink more water and told to take a dose of Stamlo 5 one tab every day.After I stared taking the tab my BP came down but I developed pains in my chest which I did not have earlier. Then Stamlo 5 was discontinued and I am on Olmesartan medoxomil 40 mg but still the pains are there.I never had any chest pains before I started taking the blood pressure lowering tabs. Please advise. [/INST] Hello, There is always a change of hypotension while you take tablets for hypertension. This may increase the workload of the heart. But persist pain of the chest needed to be evaluated. You may have to consult a Cardiologist because hypertensives are more prone for heart disease the normal people. He may advise you for ECG and Echo to assess you cardiac status and help us diagnosis the cause of the pain and treat it accordingly. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello. I have multiple lumps on my neck filled with fluid. I have had them lanced several times and multiple courses of anti biotics of all kinds. They still continue to appear and make my life a misery. They are painful, often preventing me from turning my head. One operation left me with an open wound about 2 cm by 2 cm on my neck. Even after this they make a return. Please help, any information is needed. Thanks in advance. [/INST] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, Multiple lumps in the neck require a clinical assessment. Multiple lumps in the neck are most commonly due to lymph node enlargement. However, fluid filled lumps suggest infectious pathology. Fluid filled lesions can be boils, or it can be tubercular. A clinical assessment and culture sensitivity of the fluid is also required to know the cause of these lesions. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Dear Dr , almost 5 months ago I was in a horrible motor vehicle accident. I had one broken rib and one fractured rib both on the right side. In which punctured my lung and had to have chest tubes inserted. I still am experiencing some shortness of breath and chest tightness where I had my injury. Especially today when I over exert myself. Is this normal? How long does it take too heal? I also had 2 displaced fractures of my femur and another broken bone in my leg and fractured my ankle. All on my right side, had a rod and screws in my leg. Doing well with my leg. Seeing my orthopedic specia list on Monday for my leg. But wondering if I need to see someone for my ribs or lungs. Thank you. Judy Lewandowski [/INST] Thanks for asking your query completely understand your problem5 months back u had a pneumothorax which would have been resolved by now. Feeling of tightness is normal at the part where tube was inserted. And about your breathlessness, it may be due to some pleural thickening or reduced vital capacity. Best u can do is get a spirometry done, it will explain about your lungs in detail and a pulmonologist can guide you best after seeing your spirometry report. Some obstruction can be there after resolved pneumothorax and there is some amount of restriction to that can BEA cause of fur breathlessness </s>
<s>[INST] Dear Dr. Grief, My son is 26 yrs. old and will soon graduate from Law School. It has been his dream to serve in the Armed Forces. He is currently applying to the National Guard. However, he has a history of Hereditary Spherocytosis. He was diagnosed at 16 yrs. old and had a laparoscopic procedure to remove his spleen and gallbladder. He has no anemia or other medical issues. His recruiter does not know if this medical history will disqualify him from military service. I would appreciate your medical opinion. Thank you! [/INST] Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor .... Noted hereditary phagocytosis is cause for congenital hemolytic anemia... Your children spleen and gall bladder removed. So he might have more chances of bacterial infection like pneumococci, h.influenza etc. So its vaccine taken if feasible and advise by doc. As gall bladder removed he is advised to take low fat diet.... Although he is alright right now but army not advisable.... Still if he joins army care taken regarding taking low fat diet and whenever fever consult army doctor immediately ... In the fitness certificate country rules has to be read whether he is eligible for army in your country or not. Take care. Hope your concern solved. </s>
<s>[INST] i have been suffering chronic neck back pain for over a year now with no out come.i have seen drs.but just turn me away, i also have siatica.my own dr is brilliant.he even doesnt know why .i havent had treatment.so where do i get treatment from.i feel let down .my pain is 24/7.chronic pain. [/INST] Hello, I had gone through the case and found that you must go for MRI to know the exact cause of pain. Also do vitamin D3 and Vitamin B12 blood test. It might be cervical and lumbosacral spondylitis.Meanwhile, take mild painkiller and apply muscle relaxant gel. After diagnosis go for physiotherapy, it will help to subside the pain. If vitamin D3 and Vitamin B12 deficient then take Vitamin D3 once a week and meganeuron OD once a day. Hope my answer will be effective for you. Thanks </s>
<s>[INST] Hi. My brother is diagnosed with PDD-NOS he is 15 years old and has an aracnoid cyst in left temporal lobe. He developed typical absence seizures last year and was prescribed trioptal 300mg twice a day. Its been 10 months since he is taking medication . He has one or two seizures after taking medication otherwise no reports of it. When shall we discontinue the drug? Or is it goin to be with him forever? Thanks [/INST] Hi, your brother has arachnoid cyst L) temporal lobe. Arachnoid cysts are cerebrospinal fluid covered by arachnoid cells and collagen that may develop between the surface of the brain and the cranial base or on the arachnoid membrane, one of the three membranes that cover the brain and the spinal cord. Arachnoid cysts are a congenital disorderYour brother has to continue tripodal. Dose of Chat Doctor. Maximum dose is 40 mg/kg body weight. If seizure occur with maximum dose then second antiepileptic </s>
<s>[INST] I recently started a new job that is very physical and ive noticed a very tender, sort of lump IN my belly button... there is no discoloration, no swelling, just tender to the touch and if I were to bend. If you were to put a finger in your belly button and pinch the top of it with your fingers, thats where its located. Any clue what it could be? [/INST] Welcome to Chat Doctor. 1. The possible cause could be inflammation in the umbilical region and next possible cause will be small anterior abdominal wall defect - umbilical hernia.2. In any case I would recommend to at an ultrasound examination done.3. Ultrasiund will help to find any inflammatory changes in subcutaneous plane, any collection, and presence of any defection in the anterior abdominal wall.4.depending on finding in case of inflammatory changes an antibiotic course will be enough.5. In case of hernia / defect you may need to control weight-bearing job, if larger needs correction. 6. Suggest get evaluated before it gets complicated. Good luck. Hope I have answered your query.Anything to ask do not hesitatehttp://doctor. ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My husband has periphrial artery disease and has had a by pass in both legs in the past two years. He has recently had angioplasty in both legs at the same time. The left leg had a fair bit of narrowing at the grap and retired a stint. The right had some narrowing but only needed the balloon angioplasty. He has been back at work for approx three weeks and is complaining of a great deal of pain in the left leg and having great difficulty putting on sock and boot. We are quite worried and are looking for further advice. [/INST] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor. I understand your query and concern. Peripheral artery disease treated by stents can be of great functional improvement. In case if symptoms recur, its advisable to go for stent revision. Lifestyle modification is largely required in your case. The definitive management consists of Lumbar sympathectomy to interrupt the pain pathway.It's always advisable to keep the blood pressure under 130/80 mm of Hg. Avoid overt treatment to prevent lightheadedness, for this I advise you to have a baseline 2 dimensional echocardiography, ECG,HS CRP and lipid profile to assess the basic cardiac reserve of your heart and degree of atherosclerosis. Restrict the intake of salt to less than 6g/day. Regular physical exercise in the form of brisk walk for 20 min a day for 5 days a week is pretty useful. Reduce the intake of fatty and fried food. Oatmeal for breakfast 30-50 gm taken in milk daily will clear the accumulated fat. One pomegranate a day will help to keep your heart at good pace without clot formation. Dizziness will go away, away once the headache and blood pressure will subside. Semiannual follow-ups are advisable on maintenance. Consult a Cardiologist for further expert management. Post your further queries if any. Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi drMy name is nashat age 54. I have a heart condition. Since last 2 days iam having stomach pains and fever. I havent been able to go doctors but was concerned whether this may be related to my heart condition. Please advise me on this and the best medicine to take. [/INST] Hi Nash at ! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. Even though heart problem could also mimic as a gases or acidity in the upper abdomen (epigastric region), we can not conclude on it without related investigations and a physical examination by your treating doctor. The fever with stomach pain points more to an infective origin like a food poisoning if you had any food from outside recently. I would also advise for an ultrasound of abdomen to rule any chances of a cholecystitis/cholelithiasis for the pain and fever. Till the reports of clinical examination and investigation reports are ready, you can take some proton pump inhibitor, a probiotic, and an antispasmodic Chat Doctor. Further management would depend on the results of investigations and physical examination. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. Wishing you an early recovery. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] i am currently a u.s. marine located in afghanistan. i have witnessed quite a few people get shot and killed. i didnt think anything about it until i started having random panic attacks, anxiety is frequent as are headaches. i rarely sleep and when i do i wake up to nightmares.images of that day will start going through my head, even when i dont think about it. ive lashed out at my friends and my co-workers for no reason. my docs tell me that ill have to wait until i go home before they can help.i go home in about 2 months.i was just hoping to get some expert advise and hope for the best.thank you [/INST] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Sincerely I feel sorry for your current situation. No amount of positive thinking can help you for now. Your doctors are right. For the time being you need to go home and take a vacation. Military people are supposed to get leave on medical conditions. If you are able to convince your doctors, that you deserve a leave because of your medical conditions, they can recommend for a leave. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. http://goo.gl/aYW2pR. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] hallo sir my name is mrs vinita patel age of 28 years i have a problem of seveior lower abdomen pain since one month for which i was admitted in hospitals after relief from pain i was discharge from hospital but after 3 days i am facing the same problems. according the doctors the blood report , urine report , ultrasound report & abdomen CT reports are normel. so the doctor give me the tab for pain relief and advise me to wait till mc period my last mc was on dt 03/11/12. i am feeling continious pain pls help me [/INST] Hello and thanks for the querulous pain may be related to the infection or inflammation of the intestine due to bad eating habits or UTI. Repeat USG of abdomen can help to find out other causes which has being missed in previous report. Take your diet at proper time and only fresh and light diet. Take antacids like END, PPI inhibitors like Acid. A course of antibiotic is essential if pain continues after taking above medication and precautions. Hope this will help you. Best Wishes </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, My wife noticed a huge bruise on the inside of my right leg, about 5 to six inches in diameter. It had a large lump in the middle and then started to go away in an odd way. A bruise usually fades all at once but this one starting fading from the inside and is now almost in the shape of the letter C. I have no recollection of hitting my leg at all, it just showed up as far as I can remember. The lump still remains. Any ideas on what this could be? [/INST] Hi, Thanks for query to My Chat Doctor virtual Clinic And welcome to Chat Doctor services. I studied all details of your query. I understood your health concerns about causes of the lump that keeps fading. Based on facts of your query, it seems that-you have a lump from an engorged Varsity due to some stressful work you had, that caused thrombophelbitis./Or it could be Hives/Chronic Urticaria/or Lymphangitis. Due to its weird progress, many causes need to be worked up. Orthopedic and General Surgeon need to consulted, who would physically check and would rule out the other causes, as I don't have first-hand information of this weird lump which keeps fading. As the lump still remains, this could be fibrosis/ thrombosed vein lump. In such a scenario I Would suggest Second Opinion from Surgeon in the meanwhile. Duplex image Doppler study with Lymphangiography if need be would resolve the ambiguity in its diagnosis. Hope this reply would help you in resolving this complex query and anxiety with it. I would appreciate if you hit thanks and write excellent review comments to help needy visiting patients at Chat Doctor. Welcome for any further query in this regard. Good Day!! Chat Doctor. N.M.S. Genl- CUTS. Senior Surgical Specialist. </s>
<s>[INST] HELLO MAM, I AM A DENTIST WANTS A ADVISE FROM U REGARDING A PATIENT.IN THE AGE OF 16 YEARS SHE IS HAVING GENERALISED ATRISSION.DENTINE IS EXPOSED ALMOST ON OCCLOSAL SURFACE IN PERMANENT TEETH.I WANT TO KNOW FROM U WHAT SHOULD BE SUITABLE REASON FOR THAT. HAVE A NICE DAY [/INST] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The attrition of the teeth can occur due to the following causes, it can occur secondary to grinding of your teeth during nighttime(bruise), or it can be because of malocclusion like deep bite or due to developmental disturbances of teeth like gametogenesis or ethnogenesis imperfect. Consult an oral physician and get it evaluated. If it is because of bruise, you need to use a soft splint. If it is because of the malocclusion, it needs to be treated by braces. If it is because of the developmental disturbances, then it has to be restored. I hope my answer will help you, take care. </s>
<s>[INST] My. Blood work shows a raise in my creatinrine level and my Doctor wants me to have a kidney sonogram. In the past sonogram showed a cyist on one of my kidney. I was also told that one of my kidney is smaller then the other. My RDW was 15.6 and the createnrine level was 1.6. My question is what does this mean Thank you. [/INST] HelloYour findings suggests mildly raised creatinine level. It may suggest renal disease. Patient may need clinical correlation and further investigations. Investigations include routine hologram, random blood sugar, renal function test(serum urea, creatinine clearance, GFR,serum sodium, potassium,calcium, phosphorus,bicarbonate etc.). Sonography is also important in your case. Treatment depend upon findings. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I am a 24yr old female who has neurofidbramatosis type 1 (nf1). I have been having horrible pain in upper left abdomen that goes into my back between my shoulder blades. Also anytime I eat or drink anything I am either sick to my stomach in horrible pain or both. I even throw up a lot after eating. I can not live like this anymore the pain nausea and vomiting is ruining my life. Its been going on for two weeks now the pain has been getting worse. [/INST] Hello! Thank you for the query. Such upper abdominal pain which radiates to the back is usually caused by gallstones. Sometimes pancreas inflammation can give such symptoms however the pain is usually so strong that forces patients to visit a doctor. If it is gallstone issue, your symptoms should get worse after fatty foods spicy foods or alcohol. Sometimes similar symptoms are present with stomach issues like peptic ulcer. I suggest you to do not wait any longer and visit your doctor. Abdominal ultrasound, blood work, liver tests should be done at first. If gallstones will be confirmed, laparoscopic surgery should be done. If nothing will be found, gastrostomy is necessary. In a meanwhile please avoid fatty foods, spicy foods, coffee and alcohol. Hope this will help. Regards. </s>
<s>[INST] I started loosing hair since from age of 13years, i am 33yrs male. Now i have lost most of the frontal hairs. i want to know the remedy. I would also like to know the effectiveness of hair transplantation, its result, side effect, time taken and about good hospitals offering this facility at bangalore or ranchi. presently i m using Mintop 5% solution for last 2years. [/INST] Hi Dear, Understanding your concern. As per your query you have symptoms of hair fall which can occur due to stress, improper hygiene, fungal infection and could be due to hormonal changes. I would suggest you to start with Minoxidil lotion first to get proper results Do mild head massage. Apply Indian gooseberries. You should consult dermatologist once for proper examination. The doctor may order skin patch test, blood test, allergic test and physical examination and may prescribe supplements like Omega-3 minoxidil spray, and vitamin E. Doctor can check your reports and only then can let you know about results and side effects if any as sensitivity varies from individual to individual. Hope your concern has been resolved. Best Wishes, </s>
<s>[INST] i have had really bad stomach pains all week and hurts when i urinate and im over a week late on my period .. i didnt use a condom not this saturday jus gone but the one before but my boyfriend claims he didnt cum inside me? we are pretty confused? and im only 14 and not on the pill yet [/INST] Hi. Thanks for your query. Read and understood your problems: Severe Abdominal pain all over week and hurts on urination - over a week late on periods - You had sex and did not use condom this Saturday-if within this week means you might have been in a safe period and your boyfriend says he did not cum in. I would advise you the following:Consult your parents as you are minor and this answer is out of humanity of a Doctor for social responsibility. Get pregnancy test. If it is negative, nothing to worry about.Otherwise, follow whatever your parents say so. The possibility of Severe urinary tract infection has to be borne in mind. Get the following tests:Blood CBC for infectionUrine : Culture and sensitivity, routine and microscopyUltrasonography of the abdomen. A course of an antibiotic and supportive medicines till you are cured. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I am 42 year old female, I have been experiencing pain from the back of the neck unto the shoulder blade. I thought I probably just slept in wrong position or pulled a muscle and that was the result, its now day 3 and the pain is still there. My husband noticed there is a small pea sized lump on my left shoulder, when he presses on it the pain seems to be less for that time. Wondering if that is something minor like me pulling a muscle? [/INST] Dear patient, your symptoms are acute i.e. of 3 days duration, severe, and if the pain gets relieved in one position and increases in other, then the chances of its being muscular is more. It could be trapezius spasm, also be clear that you do not have any radiation of pain into your arm and hand, if It's so than chances of neural origin is more. 1 Take rest in position, which relieves the pain,2 take analgesics like ibuprofen with muscle relaxant medication,3 Apply infrared heat from lamp, or heat from water bottle, and see if pain soothes.4 Local analgesic spray can be used for faster effect. I hope that answers your question. Thanks </s>
<s>[INST] hi Robert my mom has low hemoglobin count its 5.49 but just 2 days back we have provided her 2 bottles of blood externally,Now its reach to 7.59 So is this expected result ? or still having an problem ,why its not reach to 10 or above, I need to suggestion please [/INST] Thanks for contacting Chat Doctor. This is the expected result. Your moms' hemoglobin was very low(5.49) and could have led to cardiac failure, so blood transfusion was given and reached 7.59 as can be expected after infusion of two bottles. Now with the help of your doctor find out the reason as to why she had low hemoglobin at the first place because if the cause is not treated she will again develop low hemoglobin. Also, to further raise her hemoglobin give her iron supplements which should provide at least 100 mg of elemental iron 2-3 times a day. Regards </s>
<s>[INST] I have pain in lower back, down left leg sometime in my right leg to. I cannot bend over to put on my socks or cut my toe nails, and when in bed it hurt to move over and I cannot sleep on stomach. When I get up from sitting or sleeping it hurts me to walk. I have no swelling just pain [/INST] Hello, Commonly lower back pain radiating to the legs is due to sprains occurring because of over stretching of the muscles, tendons or tearing of the ligaments. To get the relief you can take NSAIDs & can apply pain relieving ointments & sprays. Do walking & exercises to get relief. A sedentary lifestyle is not good for lower back pain. Other factors may be herniated disc, sciatica, spinal stenosis or degenerative disc disease. You are suggested to visit ER, get physically checked & get blood tests, Nerve Conduction tests, Nerve Biopsy & Imaging tests done to detect the pathology causing the discomfort. Your treatment will depend upon the severity of the pathology detected. Get treated at the earliest. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] My father s chest x-ray shows that thin mucosal thickening in bilateral maxillary antrae. Both the primary maxillary ostia are patent. There is mild DNS with hypertrophied inferior turbinates. What does this mean? Is there anything to worry about? [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. I have gone through the x-ray report you have mentioned. This report is absolutely normal. Nothing to worry about infection or mass or polyp or other sinus anomaly. Mild DNS and hypertrophied inferior turbinates can not cause many symptoms. But if he is symptomatic like sneezing or nasal blockage etc. then he will need antihistamine and decongestant. Otherwise, nothing to worry about this report. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your father. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] I m extremely concerned about my two yr old..She s had uti after uti for the past four months. She currently has another including red swollen eyes..I m not sure if this is the right place to ask but I need answers please help my email is YYYY@YYYY [/INST] Urinary tract infections (Otis) are quite commonly seen in child Chat Doctor. Most often multiple episodes could be due to unrelated infections. But anatomical abbe rations often predispose to Otis and need to be excluded. A DMS scan will help in finding it out. Swelling of the eyes could be due to lack of proteins in the blood. It could arise if the child is not feeding well. But a more important condition related to protein loss could be a condition called nephrotic syn </s>
<s>[INST] I have a weird mental condition ....I am constantly typing repetitive words in my head....while watching films, tv or just about all the time. Most of the words that go thru my head have been the same words for many, many years. It is almost an obsession. Is there a name for this condition? [/INST] You have given very, very little information. But from your given details it can be inferred that your repetitive and excessive thoughts interfering your routine life. You know that all you ruminate is wrong thing, and you may seem try to stop these thoughts. Does it cause anxiety? If yes then you substitute these thoughts with other thoughts impulse or image?if yes then you are suffering from OCD.SSRIs and behavior therapy will help you a lot. </s>
<s>[INST] THe inside of my mouth is very sensitive and sore. I have tried an oral rinse and was advised by a pharmacist to try orajel. The upper part of my mouth feels like I have ate something hot and burnt the skin. Is there any other product I should use [/INST] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The soreness can be because of any thermal burn on consuming hot Chat Doctor. The other possible cause can be an authors ulcer or herpetic ulcer. So consult an oral physician and get it evaluated and confirm the diagnosis, and later we can treat accordingly. Meanwhile you can take a symptomatic treatment like topical anesthetic and analgesic like lidocaine and choline salicylate respectively. Do saline gargling. I hope my answer will help you, take care. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a 6 year old daughter that has been bothered with a really bad caught since she s been about 2 years old. They tested her for asthma they did blood work on her and found nothing wrong and even tho she don t have asthma they prescribe her the blue and orange inhalers but no matter if she s taking them or not she still can t get ride of that nasty all night caught that leaves her drained of energy caused by lack of sleep due to this horrible caught she has.The pediatrician also told me to start giving her vitamin C and vitamin D3 400 IU and after a year of taking them still no difference.We have minimal problems in the day but horrific caughing all night long so bad it makes her vomit. We also had allergy test done on her and she has no alergies. I like to try and help her with giving her lemon water to drink at night and I give her saline water droplets up her nose to keep her sinuses clean daily I also give her organic honey to help sooth her throat from the cought and a humidifier in her room at night and I elevate her with5 pillows in her bed to try and help her breath better and still no success. I m trying everything I possible can think of to help her but as the years go by she just keeps getting worse. If you have any suggestions for me or think of any test we could possible get done on her to help me understand y my little baby doll is always so sick with this horrific cough I would truly appreciate any help I can get. Feel so helpless seeing her this way and not being able to help her or even know Y she is this way. This is from a truly concerned and worried Mom. I seen this site and though maybe just maybe I could find answers to her problem on here. [/INST] HI... I understand your concern. Nighttime cough could be due to hyper-reactive airways disease. But there are other reasons for this. Possibilities - 1. Gastroesophageal reflux disorder.2. Hyper reactive airways' disease. I have a few questions for you -Questions:1. How many days per month does she cough or feel breathless?2. How many nights per month does her sleep get disturbed due to above symptoms?3. Does she feel breathless when she runs around or plays with other kids?4. Are the symptoms when there are seasonal changes?5. Is there any family history of asthma or any other sort of allergies like skin allergy etc.?6. Is the cough always associated with fever?7. Does the cough get aggravated a spicy or heavy meal or after lying down on bed? Kindly get back to me with answers to above questions and I will be glad to help you. You can approach me at the following link. Please find the link below.www.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, thank you for your help! I am a generally healthy 19 year old male with a height of 6 0 and a weight of 145. I have been a cross-country runner for over 5 years, and have remained physically active into my college years. My diet reflects that of typical American teenager; however, it may be slightly healthier considering the fact that the only beverage I drink is water and I generally try to be conscious of my diet (less processed foods, balanced, etc...) I am concerned about my blood pressure. Two years ago I had my blood pressure checked, on multiple occasions, at 142/90. Yesterday I had it checked at 143/88. And today, at my town s clinic I had it checked at 138/88, although I was exceptionally clam today because I am on vacation. This is highly concerning to me because I believe that my blood pressure would be even higher while in classes. In college, I often consume caffeine (about 100mg daily) and occasionally (1X/week) take stronger stimulants such as nicotine, provigil or methylphenidate, although I do not have a diagnosis of ADHD or narcolepsy. I do this to accommodate my work schedule as I am enrolled in a highly demanding elite university. I know that I have a family history of hypertension; however, none of my known family members have had hypertension at such an early age. In fact, I had my blood pressure checked alongside my 71 year old grandfather and his proved to be lower than mine (141/86). I love life and I cherish the experiences that I am able to have as an average American Joe. I am interested in prolonging my life for as long as possible, and I take this threat to my health very seriously. I haven t yet tried drastically lowering my salt intake, and I am reluctant to abate my stimulant usage, however I am certainly willing to to protect my health. I feel as though I already exercise enough, and it is quite difficult for me to permanently lower my cortisol levels. I also take my sleep habits very seriously and nearly always sleep 8-9 hours/day during the same relative time such that I maintain a stable circadian rhythm. This is why I am really at a loss as to what to do. My home clinician didn t seem to take this issue very seriously and he just told me that I shouldn t be worried and that he would check it again in a couple of months; however, I want to be taking actions to lower my blood pressure now! What do you recommend? Is this issue as serious as I am taking it? If so, what steps may I take? Is it inevitable that I will have to be prescribed a medication? Thank-you for your time! I look forward to hearing your valuable opinion. [/INST] Hi, if your blood pressure is high on successive occasion then u will check your blood pressure three times in week on one day gap in between. If it is higher than normal than u have to first go for serum lipid profile with cortisol level. If it is normal than start antihypertensive tablet for some time than measure your blood pressure again if controlled than gradually decrease dose of Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] my son has some swelling in his neck on the left side it started about 3weeks ago when you feel it it feels like theres several small lumps in it it doesnt really hurt unless you mess with it its located about an inch above the clavicle and it lines up straight with the earlobe [/INST] Welcome to Chat Doctor .1. They are enlarged lymph nodes.2. Lymph nodal enlargement will be seen in case of any underlying medical conditions, recent infections / inflammations.3. It would have been helpful if you have mentioned your sons age.4. Other causes could be brachial cleft cyst, vascular causes, glandular enlargement. An ultrasound neck will help to evaluate the nature of the lump, origin and extensions.5. So get an appointment and do what is necessary tests and treatment done. Hope it helps you. Wish you a good health. Anything to ask ? Do not hesitate. Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] for the past several months if something brushes against my skin, it will turn pink and itch . while itching, flesh colored bumps appear. OR, if i have a small itch, let s say on the leg, i will itch it and then pretty soon, the entire leg is itching, then all over the body... plus, if I rub across my forhead, a spot of pink near my hairline will show up. It seems I turned 50 and wierd things are happening. [/INST] HelloThanks for posting your query. You seem to be suffering from urticaria and demographic. Urticaria produces circular weals.demographic produces linear weals on the line of scratch mark. You need to be thoroughly examined for any source of infection. And blood test to be done which includes usual tests with additional test like thyroid profile, CRP, IGE level etc., You may need a long term anti histamine under your doctors adviceThere is no need to worry as these are simple problems which can be easily tackled. If possible try to avoid egg, seafood and fish which may definitely help Mohave a good Prasad PVS </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I have almost permanent spasm in my right upper quadrant`. Food seems to be a factor. I have also had what seems like infection in that area. On anti and 5mg steroids long term. Also buscopan and pain relief as required. [most of time] Have had 4 scopes both directions. Only inflammation found. Fibro diagnosis .No relief really except not vomiting or fainting now.Terrible stuff coming off colon. I now have prob like spasm in ball of both my feet which i think is related. Appreciate your opinion. k walsh [/INST] Hi. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history. Foods:: Only certain foods can cause such a problem. In spite of following advise of others it is better that you better find out which foods and beverages increase your problem, and you have to stop them forever. Inflammation on both endoscopes shows inflammation. What is the report? Is it specific or non-specific? It is good that you have relief in vomiting and fainting now. Continue the medicines, it looks you may need a higher dose of steroids during flare-ups, so is the need of regular follow-up. </s>
<s>[INST] Good morning...My name is Heather & I am trying to help someone very near & dear to my heart figure out what might be causing some issues they are experiencing...Hopefully you can be of some assistance...for over a year now, they have had reoccurring episodes (every 2 months or so) of tiny, extremely itchy blister like rashes on the exterior of his heels, also on the outer edges of the soles of his feet but not underneath on the bottom of the soles & between his toes on both feet, on the upper buttocks (above & slightly down into his butt crack) & in his upper groin/pelvic region...he complains that the itch is almost unbearable & when I observed these areas he had scratched them so much that it s caused some scabbing...when popped, the tiny blisters release a clear fluid/pus...we ve tried so many different things such as creams & lotions with no real results...like I said these episodes have been reoccurring for some time now & we have racked our brains trying to figure out what might be causing their on-set but again are dumb-founded...I should inform you that he has been regularly checked for STD s & ALL tests have come back negative...in the past he had tested positive for H-Pyloria but was successfully treated...any help or insight into this bizarre nightmare would be greatly appreciated!...a little more information on him...Black/Hispanic male...50 years old...good health...takes anti-anxiety & acid reflux medications daily...never has been a drinker, drug user or smoker... [/INST] Hi, Your near and dear fellow may be having dermatitis herpetiformis most probably. However, you consult the dermatologist for the confirmation of diagnosis. You may give him Dawson thrice a day till he gets relief. And you may add cetirizine 10 mg daily at night. Apply antibiotic cream to prevent secondary bacterial infection. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] my mother had a cysotosopy of her kidney, the 2nd one. After the stent was removed she had pain, pressure, then started having burning after urinating too. She was tested and treated for a UTI, had a fever of 101.But now after a week on Cipro, she is having episodes of extreme pain, cant urinate for 2-3 hrs. , then when it finally lets loose, there are white particles in the urine. Some fairly large. It is like these are clogging up the uretha or uterer. The dr. wants to put her on penicilin now, but 30 yrs ago she had a reaction to a shot with a swollen arm. She is prone to hives. She has been diagnosed with renal pelvis kidney cancer, small amt. that is contained to the kidney. [/INST] Dear Ma'am, Sorry to hear about your mothers' problem. It appears that she has developed urinary tract infection following the cystoscopy. This is a common problem after cystoscopy and requires antibiotics. Her antibiotic should be changed according to the culture report. You can give her crisps to relieve the spasm and pain she is having. If she has had a penicillin reaction in the past, it should be avoided and some other Chat Doctor. Hoping for the best. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello i have evening sickness and all the classic signs of pregnancy including a swollen stomach when i have never had weight gain starting from the lower regions i have negative pregnancy test and this has been happening two months could it be possible that even so i could be pregnant and how can i know for sure? [/INST] Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion as the pregnancy test is negative there might be no chance of pregnancy. The symptoms of pregnancy are nausea, vomitings, increased urination, sore breasts etc. which start 2 weeks after missed period. So the bloating, weight gain might be due to some other problem as the pregnancy test is negative. Even the stress regarding the thought of pregnancy also makes one to feel the pregnancy symptoms. So relax and avoid stress. And consider repeating the test after a week. Usually the pregnancy test gives accurate results a week after missed period. Best regards... </s>
<s>[INST] Please help. I m Sarah, 49, 5 5 , 9.5 stone. I have severe left shoulder blade pain, bad left shoulder pain, medium left arm pain, mild neck pain . This has been going on for 16 months and doctor has done nothing about it but had a private consultant appointment recently and have just got back results of NHS MRI scan, EMG and bone density scan. Bone density scan results excellent. The MRI results I have been sent give hardly any detail at all - just that I have mild to moderate degenerative spondylosis changes at C5/6. There is some associated narrowing of exit foramina . Also mentions minor chronic neurogenic changes and cervical radiculopathy. I have spent hundreds of hours reading about all of the above and have gained some understanding but surely I need to know exactly what these changes are ie osteophytes or bulging discs etc and also what degree of foraminal stenosis I have ? I am particularly worried by the foraminal narrowing and really need to know what to what degree this is present. I believe this was brought about by 7 months of repetitive stress injury - prolonged neck hyperextension and rotation. Now RSI has stopped for 7 months I have finally stopped getting shooting stabbing pains and now have a deep deep ache in shoulder blade and area above this. I have at most before this had a few days of backache in my entire life. Also relevant is that I hurt my arms lifting 5 years ago - my right one healed but my left didn t but I did not ever get any neck or back pain with this. Doctors visit really frustrating as I asked for more details and long term prognosis with foraminal stenosis and she just said that even she didn t understand all that jargon and I should not worry about that and just concentrate on coping with the pain. I pushed her on this and I said that there could be various reasons for the stenosis and she just said that it was probably osteophytes even though she only had the same letters as me. To add insult to injury she wasn t aware of any problem with my discs as she hadn t read the first letter properly! Just told me stenosis was incurable....in fact I knew more than her about it So what I need to know is 1 How do I get a full copy of radiographers MRI results 2 Any advice on foraminal stenosis....best treatments etc. I have been referred to pain clinic but this might take many months to come through and I cannot afford to go for treatment privately as I haven t been able to work since this happened and am well and truly on the breadline. 3 Any wisdom on what the mild to moderate degenerative spondylosis changes with associated narrowing of exit foramina is exactly? I think it is a disc bulge of some kind pressing on the foramen and not osteophytes but I could be really wrong. I really appreciate the kindness of anyone who gets back to me. I feel so alone with this. Putting up a really good fight not to succumb to depression with all this pain but occasionally the darkness gets through. Thank you again Sarah [/INST] Hi Sarah. I couldn't help to respond to your submission. I am not a doctor...however I am a patient that has suffered with cervical myelopathy, stenosis, radiculopathy etc. I also have a brachial plexus injury along with a torn rotator cuff. Furthermore, I know the pain you are feeling - trust me. Furthermore, I can only share with you my experiences. The pain has kept me from working as well. It is quite frustrating...depressing...and gloomy. With that said, I did find pain relief with traction (manual and mechanical) at therapy. Also, I need to take Ibuprofen 800 mg and Vicodin 10 mg almost daily. The Ibuprofen helps me with the pain - while acting as an anti-inflammatory. The Vicodin is mainly for bedtime and helps with sleep sometimes. As far as pain management, it would be ideal for you to find a </s>
<s>[INST] My 11month old son got hold of some White King toilet cleaner. I don t believe he drank any as I could not smell it on his brath. That was 2 days ago and he seems fine. Today he has starting vomiting, he is sleeping alot and is very irritable. Could this be related or is it more likely that he caught a virus from his older brother who was sick about a week ago [/INST] Welcome to the ChatDoctorIts very unlikely due to the toilet cleaner poisoning as they usually present within 1st 24 hours of ingestion. It seems to be due to viral illness which might have been transmitted by his brother. Don't worry as most viral infections are self limiting and recover within few days. They just need symptomatic treatment. So you may give him acetaminophen in case of fever spikes and repeat at 6-8 hours interval if fever persists. Give an antiemetic such as risperidone or ondansetron for vomiting. Offer regular feeds and fluids to prevent weakness and deny Chat Doctor. Hopefully this will be useful. I will be glad to help you in any other child related queries. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] I am 52, about 195 lbs and 6 3.I have had two ACL replacements and a third surgery on left knee, found out I no longer have an ACL. I have been expierencing what seems like a deadness in my knee after prolongedwalking. I work for a major railroad and am constantly walking on uneven surfaces,It seems my knees goes dead,then my hip gets really sore, I feel myself walking differently then my lower back starts aching badly. I guess my question is what can I do? I amnow toldi have a bulging disc in the l5 s1 area. [/INST] Hi, As you mentioned that you have two ACL reconstructions previously but still you don't have ACL in your left knee, so whether the left ACL failed again or it is the right knee for which ACL reconstruction done twice. Whatever the case if you are involved in tasks that involve walking frequently and on uneven surfaces you need to have ACL reconstruction on the left side. Secondly, for disc herniation at L5-S1 level, further line of management depends on the amount of herniation as well as on the severity of symptoms and their response to conservative treatment. Usually, we do surgery for disc herniation in case when conservative management fails over a period of 3 weeks, or there is acute and progressive neurological deficit or there is severe uncontrolled pain. Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] hi My husband was asked to undergo semen analysis . In the report it was given that sperms are absent i.e. no sperms. Now I am very much worried what to do next. s there any chance for him to have sperms. Is there any treatment for this. Can we ever have children. I am 30 years old and he is 33 years old. In april 2011 I got conceived ,later micarried in june 2011. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Your husband requires further investigations like S. Testosterone and biopsy from both Testicles. Sperms are generated in the Testicles. Biopsy study will tell us that whether sperms are formed or not. If only Vas deferens are blocked, he can try for re canalization. Whether he will be able to conceive you or not, all depends upon reports. You should consult a Urologist. Adoption can be a solution. Wish you & your husband good luck, </s>
<s>[INST] hi i hav dizzy spells but that could be because im anaemic...but for the past couple of weeks ive been having alot of pain in my feet from my ankle to the sole of my feet which make it extremly difficult for me to walk sometimes after ive done work for the day..however recently ive been gettin pins and needle during the day while im working an then the pain starts when im almost finished... [/INST] Hi, such signals can be a little worrying for anyone experiencing it. These can be caused mostly by nutritional problems like vitamin b12, b6 deficiency and many other causes. Most common for you with anemia would be to rule out b12 def. Please get a complete blood workup done along with serum b12 levels to rule out this as a cause. Then we can think about other causes. I hope this helps. I wish you super healthy life ahead. All the best. Do let me know if you have any more questions for me. </s>
<s>[INST] I am a 24 year old female, 5 10 , 175 lb. I have a good medical history. I just had a baby 6 weeks ago. My problem is a boil on my gums. It is right below my wisdom tooth, with is only partially out of the gums. The whole left side of my face is swollen and is warm. I also have a headache. It hurts extremely bad, and I don t know if I will be able to get an appointment at the local dentists office tomorrow. What should I do in the mean time? [/INST] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The boil on the gums could be a periodontal abscess leading to cellulitis(pus formation). In this condition you might get pain, swelling and limited mouth opening. Consult an oral physician and get a radiograph done to rule out the infection and amount of space available for the tooth to erupt. If no space is available then get the tooth removed. You can take a course of antibiotics like amoxicillin and analgesics. Do saline gargling. I hope my answer will help you. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi im a 28 year old woman and I noticed in late August of 2013 that my teeth started to move and shift. I feel them move when I eat and speak and it has even affected my speech and the way my teeth fit together. The main teeth that are loose are my upper front permanent teeth and one of those permanent teeth sticks out or protrudes. I havent been to a dentist in 12 years since I was 16 years old and I was diagnosed with periodontal disease at the age of 16. Can my teeth be saved or is it too late? [/INST] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The periodontal affected teeth can be saved if the teeth have sufficient bone support. We can do scaling and root planing followed by splinting. If needed we can do bone grafting. Before that you need to find out the exact cause which has resulted in periodontal disease. It can be because of malocclusion or secondary to deposits. Consult an oral physician and get it ruled out. You need to get a radiograph done like OPG to check the status of bone support. I hope my answer will help you, take care. </s>
<s>[INST] My son is almost 3 and in the last 6 months he has had random fevers (just 3) no other symptoms. but his sister has panhypopituitarism .And she has random fevers all the timeit just scares me. He shows no signs of having this weight is high 99 %tile height is 99%tile am I worried over nothing? Please help Nikki [/INST] Hi...by what you quote I feel that it could be recurrent viral illness which he is experiencing. Fever of few days without any localizing signs could as well a viral illness. Usually rather than fever, what is more important is the activity of the child, in between 2 fever episodes on the same day. If the kid is active and playing around when there is no fever, it is probably viral illness and it doesn't require antibiotics at all. Once viral fever comes it will there for 4-7 days. So do not worry about duration if the kid is active. Regards - </s>
<s>[INST] Doctor; My question may not seem so important but, it s one that I d really like an answer too!? Then, I might not feel so embarrassed or weird! :) You see; I m gay but I m very safe!! No anal at all!! I m 45 yrs. old and have had 2 relationships in my life. The first was almost 10 yrs. and the second was for 13 yrs. til he was killed by a drunk driver on Jan.1, 2003. Anyway, I just happen to have an Adam s Apple Fetish!! I love to feel and play with a guys Adam s Apple while we masturbate together! It reall turns me on and stimulates me feeling it move up and down as well as watching it!! It really gives me an erection?? :) Whatever he wants to do trust me we ll both have a great orgasm when I can enjoy his Adam s Apple!! Please, tell me; Is there some thing wrong with me?? Am I some kind of mental weirdo or pervert, because I get turned on by a guys Adam s Apple or love Adam s Apples?? I would really like to know. I guess I can take it!? I ve been this way most of my life and noone has ever done anything to me. You can answer me here, but if you want you can also contact me with more info at: YYYY@YYYY THANKS!! CHRIS [/INST] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Being Gay is not an offense, and it definitely is no health issue. But it is considered natural, that's all. As raping is considered anti-social, of course. Your Adams apple orgasm is definitely weird, but definitely not a mental disorder. Everyone like to approach sex differently. You, too, are doing the same. Don't worry. Enjoy., If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. http://goo.gl/aYW2pR. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? I have had blood in my urine for the past six weeks, now traces of ketones. I have had major pain in back. It is not kidney stones, and I have had frequent utis. The urologist I went to looked in my bladder and said everything is fine. The pain and the blood in urine could be from anything. In the meantime Im taking lots of pain meds to deal with the pain. [/INST] Dear patient Renal stone is common cause of back pain and hematuria. Next cause is bladder since you have history of frequent cystitis it may be the cause. If both are normal then source of hematuria lies in kidney or ureter, or rarely it can be systemic. This needs further investigation, and you need to consult expert urologist. Ct scan of abdomen and MVP are next possible investigations. All the best. </s>
<s>[INST] I hit my pinky finger on the office door that has glass in the middle while i was holding it back this was two months ago and the pain was too much now the bone is sticking out and it will only hurt me now if i bend it to hard or hit it on something hard what shall i do [/INST] Hi, thank you for providing a brief history of you. If you feel there is no fracture then you can do hot water fermentation and then slowly use the tennis ball to strengthen the muscles of the hand. In case if you are feeling you have a fracture or doubt one then you can take am x-ray since the injury is 2 months old and if it was a fracture that time it will show some signs of it which will help assist you better by a physician. With that grace of God I wish you a good health </s>