<s>[INST] Yes ive been having this sharp unbearable pain in my right lower side of my abdomen but its only when I bend over. A couple days ago there was a little blood in my urine . And I woke up nd my vagina was swollen all of it inside and out. This morning I woke up with a itchy like rash on my neck [/INST] Welcome to Chat Doctor .1. It seems to me like infective and inflammatory process going on.2. Blood in the urine and vagina could be due to UTI - urinary tract infection.3. Kidney pathology / systemic pathology can not be ruled out.4. The allergic reactions on the neck could be reactionary.5.However, it needs a complex investigation, Urine test, Kidney function test, and complete blood test. 6. Initially an ultrasound abdomen to rule out many abdominal pathologies.7. Take an appointment as soon as possible and get needful things done. Hope it helps you. Wish you a good health. Anything to ask ? Do not hesitate. Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] Had an infection in my naval and the doctor gave me anti-biotics 500mg 4 times a day, that night after taking 4 i was up all night throwing up. I stopped taking anti-biotics and the nausea is gone but i feel very fatigued all day and have no appetite. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, If it is a simple infection like a fur uncle, with no surrounding swelling or fever, a local antibiotic cream like Bactrian (mupirocin) is sufficient after cleaning the area well with an antiseptic lotion like Betadine. The symptoms of poor appetite and fatigue would be due to the side effects of the antibiotics. Since you have stopped the antibiotics, it will disappear in a day or two. If you have further queried, I am available. Wish you fast recovery and good health. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I went to my doctor today, he said I have intestine spasm. I dont really understand what this is, I have a lot of pain in my left side and in my lower quarter of my stomach and in my lower back. I got medication but it hasnt given me any relief yet. Would you have any suggestions as to what I can do to relieve the pain and would this go on for long periods before it would clear up or get better? [/INST] Hi, what ever the pain is it should be cleared, first, to avoid the shock due to pain. Except in some surgical cases, pain can be relieved by medicines, immediately, before the disease is cured. The causes could be urinary tract infection, stone in the ureter, near the bladder, colitis, etc. I advise you to consult a surgeon for diagnosis and treatment. Avoid taking spices, junk foods, and oily foods. Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, My name is Gladys. Been diagnosed with Asthma for years, also on first admittance to hospital was told I had Prednisone induced Diabetes type 2.. In last few days been on Prednisone and antibiotics for chest infection. In last 2 years this has been almost constant with deteriorating Asthma. [/INST] Hello Gladys, Welcome to Chat Doctor, You are vicious cycle of alloatChatDoctoredicine. Your problems are mostly due to side effect of medication like long term use of antibiotics had converted your chest infection into Asthma which is troubling you more and prednisolone had gifted you DM type 2. Homeopathy has better solution for asthma. With help of homeopathic treatment as you improve, you can taper off prednisolone and stop it. This treatment has no side effect. For proper homeopathic treatment detail history is must. So consult to homeopath for proper treatment. Have a better health. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I have had problems with my cycles since Ive had them. During high school I was exercising 6+ hours a day so was told it was normal to not have periods regularly given my level of activity but the the 3 or 4 times a year I did have them they were awful. As I gradually decreases my physical activity my cycles became more consistent but not any less painful. Ive passed-out and thrown-up and been unable to move for days because of pain (and I was a ballet dancer and danced in wooden shoes on broken toes, so Im not a baby when it comes to pain). At age 22 I went on birth control and more or less my cycles have been regular and the pain has varried but never as bad as it used to be. Im not 29, married and would like to get pregnant. I went off birth control the beginning of January and have only just started my second period. The first time there were 36 days and this time it was 49 days. The first was ok but Im on day two of this period and its getting bad. I guess what I want is advise. Is it smart to put my body through this? What are my chances of getting pregnant? Is there any natural type remedy that will make my cycles easier? etc. All the information you can give me would be good. [/INST] Hi, I think you should go for evaluation first. Do a thyroid profile and prolactin levels and an ultrasound for your uterus and ovaries. If any problem is there, it can be treated. You can conceive., but you may need some medicines for growth of your follicles and track your follicles' growth by repeated ultrasound. When follicles reach a size more than 17 to 18 mm, take injection for rupturing the follicles. Be in contact with your husband for 2 to 3 days after injection. Take progesterone for next 2 weeks. Do a urine pregnancy test at home after that. You can try like that for 3 to 6 months. Hope this helps. Regards Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, Doctor, I am 28 years old,fat(Height 5.5, weight 82) I donated blood 2 months back during their examination they found Hepatitis C, Hence to reconfrim they took one more sample and confirmed that i have Hepatitis C, in report it says "HCV: Reactive". I donated blood 1 year back as well, but did not get such feedback. I am little stressed out because of this, 1. Could you please let me know whom should i consult. 2. I am married and plannig for a baby, is this transmitted by sex, what should i do now. 3. Should my wife also get examined. 4. Is this a curable? [/INST] Thank you for posting your query. HepC diagnosis. You need NOT worry.You Should visit a gastroenterologist/ hepatologist. HepC can be cured completely now. There are Chat Doctor. You maybe advice a special diet (fat free), abstinence from alcohol and smoking. HepC is usually NOT transmitted sexually. However, your advice to take a second opinion from hepatologist, if you're planing a baby.HCV is transmitted through contaminated blood, injection </s>
<s>[INST] Hello,I had all four of my wisdoms removed three days ago. I started to feel around on my cheeks and noticed there was a mass in my left cheek above my bottom jaw. Both cheeks are still swollen which is normal right? but what is the mass occuring in my cheek? [/INST] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your question, the swelling following surgical removal of wisdom teeth is normal, it occurs due damage to lymphatics while removing tooth.the function of lymphatics is to remove the excessive fluid from tissue spaces...so in case of damage to these structures will result in swelling...it will take 2-3days to recover...even the removal of the bone while removing tooth also causes swelling pain and limited mouth opening...nothing to worry.it will come down in 2 days...just take the medicines prescribed following extraction...take soft diet, do saline gargling 3-4times...don't apply pressure on swelling by touching that area...instead of normal painkiller you can take tablet enzoflam which contains an anti-inflammatory also which reduces swelling...wish you speedy recovery.I hope my answer would help you... take care... </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Doctor. I had a horse accident where i got hit by the back of the horse (while riding) after doing MRI and X-ray both showed a 50% compression in D12. Docotrs said I dont need surgery and since pain is not sever and spinal cord compression they did not recommend cement injection. I am wearing a brace and have some pains in my lower back (tolerabale), how much time it will tale to heal and what should i do after to avoid further fractures (i am 35) and will i be able to go back to normal activities wieght lefting, carrying my boys for examples [/INST] Hello. I have been through your question and understand your concern. Generally 6 weeks are enough for the fracture to get stabilized. Then you can normally return to your normal activities. While getting wights is more dangerous for at least 6 months to one year. Physical activity of the dorsal muscles can help to spread the weight more homogeneously. Still, you need to be cautious with this. Hope this helps. Wish you the best health </s>
<s>[INST] I was born w/ meningococcemia in 1978 at a military base in Nuremburg, West Germany. Because my mother died of Lupus when I was very young, I was never able to obtain much information about my then condition and the surrounding elements. If at all possible, can you please provide me with any details regarding the cause, symptoms and treatments that may have been provided to me 32 years ago when I born with this disease. Also, if you know of anything that may still affect me or any of my children due to my past history with meningococcemia, this info would be tremendously helpful.Thank you so much, in advance, for your time and assistance in his matter, It is greatly appreciated. [/INST] Thanks for your querymeningococcal disease is not present on birth ...you have contracted it immediately after birth due to infection with n meningitis. ...you would have been given proper antibiotic and resulting symptoms would have been treated with necessary measures such as blood and plat hey trans fusions. ... Once treated it had no lasting effects....neither it is transmitted from one generation to another after so many years </s>
<s>[INST] hello my names m.m iam 39 weeks pregnant my hemoglobin level is law i ca,nt sleep a night i have fever in my arms all the time so that doctor please can you give advice the fast way that i can increase my HP and if i can start taking irion tablet because my due date is near .thanks ,Asia [/INST] Hi Asia, Looking at your symptoms, I can comment as follows. Improvement through nutrition could take minimum of 15-20 days to start and more than a month to show improvement. Hemoglobin should be normal during pregnancy and delivery too as blood loss can be seen. Instant improvement is only through blood transfusion using packed red cells. I would not advise you now, and wait till delivery. Transfusion reactions can occur and complicate pregnancy. Discuss with your doctor regarding keeping matched blood ready for transfusion on emergency. Any further queries, happy to help again. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Doctor,For the past 4 days I have had symptoms which started as a fever, body aches, headache, chills, swollen tonsil with white patches, and now swollen and bleeding gums with sores on the inside cheeks and a white tongue.. Im very weak and with little appetite. The fever has let up though I continue with body aches. I was prescribed an amoxiciliin today though no test was done to see if its strep throat. Could it be herpes or gingivitis? Or a combination? Thanks for your help [/INST] Hello, Thanks for posting on Chat Doctor, If you have swollen tonsils with white patches then it may be more due to oral candidiasis. Prescription amoxicillin without confirming if it is actually strep throat is a little premature but not poorly thought of. Having bleeding and swollen gums is a sign of gingival diseases. Your symptoms are hardly related to herpes but could still be a viral condition. My suspicion is directly more towards oral candidiasis with gingivitis that might have viral or bacterial or fungal origin. You will require some mouth white antibiotics solutions and treatment for candida and step throat combined. If it is herpes, then the infection will clear off on its own without the need for a treatment. You need to revisit your doctor for further investigation before you can continue treatment with amoxicillin. Hope this helps </s>
<s>[INST] Sir,I Am taking wysolone 20mg ( 2-0-0) for the last 8 months and Azoran 50mg (1-0-1) for the last one month. I am under treatment for myasthania gravis. For the last 3-4 days my eyes are yellow and urine is yellow in color. The recent blood count report says that WBC is 0000 & s.bilirubin is TB 1.0 & DB 0.4. I am confused now whether the yellow color of my eyes & urine is due to medicinal effect or am I suffering from jaundice... Can you pl tell... [/INST] Hello, Thanks for posting on Chat Doctor, From your description it is obvious that you're having problems with your liver. Jaundice is simply a symptom that indicates that there is damage to bilirubin which might be as a result of liver or bile diseases. This is most likely caused by Azorean (Azathioprine) which is an immunosuppressive medication with various mechanisms that can also lead to damage to the liver given that it is known carcinogenic (cancer causing medication). I suggest you see your doctor as soon as possible, so he can do a proper review, run LFT, CT scan of abdomen and decide whether you should continue with your medications or not. You will likely need to stop your medications. Hope this helps </s>
<s>[INST] I have had this condition for about a year and a half now. It s a dull, gnawing and sometimes burning pain in my lower right side abdomen. I have had blood/urine analysis, an ultrasound and a colonoscopy and nothing. It seems to appear without cause, but now it is more prominent when I drink warm liquids. Friends say it might be linked to perimenopause and the ovaries shrinking . My mother had cancer of the cecum so obviously I am concerned about that too. [/INST] Hi welcome to ChatDoctorIf your ultrasound and colonoscopy is normal. Do not worry. Also get upper GI endoscopy to rule out any gastric ulcers. Take antacids like tab. Omeprazole 20 mg once daily before breakfast. Avoid hot liquids and spicy foods.take3-4litres of water daily. Consult your doctor for expert management. Get genetic screening or APC gene mutation to know future risk of cancer by consulting your doctor. Thankyou </s>
<s>[INST] Dear Dr, I have a problem in my armpit.A swelling is occuring frequently like a cyst a hard stone like structure inside.After few weeks the pain got worse and i was even unable to lift my arm.And after few days it got opened and puss is coming out from a hole.I have used clotrimazole powder.It cured and hole was closed.And next day again the pain started and hole again opened and puss coming out even worse with bad odour.Please suggest me some remedies . [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some enlarged lymph node with abscess formation. It can be due to reactive hyperplasia or tuberculosis. Or you may have sebaceous cyst or other benign cyst with infection. You should go for fine needle aspiration cytology or biopsy of that lump. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] A couple of night ago I got bit by my mothers pomeranian, i was quite a ways away from home i was bleeding and I got home and washed the wound with warm water. and then washed my hands i used a band-aid to stop the bleeding for a little while and then my father came over and used some neosporin on it.The next day my dad put Ichthammol on the wound and has been for the past couple days and I seem to be fine but I am afraid that my mothers dog who bit me might have given me rabies he is a domesticated animal and has never had any contact with a rabid animal. The only time he goes out is to use the bathroom. The bites are not very big but i was wondering if I could be getting it [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Rabies is a disease transmitted by dog bite which is 100% fatal, but it is 100% preventable by proper and adequate treatment. As you were bitten by your dog which has led to bleeding from that site, and you have applied some medicine over that, according to WHO it is categorized into Cat III which requires following treatment.1. Active immunization with antirabies vaccine on days 0,3,7,14 and 28.2. Passive immunization with Rigs around the wound.3. Oral antibiotic like Tab Augmenting, twice daily4. Topical Tract ointment. Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I was wearing heels two day ago and fell on my knees, mostly my right knee. There is a visible bruise on my knee. The pain is not unbearable but it is bothersome and it throbs. My calf feels very tight and so does my hip. I injured the same leg a few years ago. Should I see a doctor? [/INST] Hi, you have a knee bruise and tense calf after the fall.it is possible that you have developed deep vein thrombosis of the leg. You have not mentioned if you are on any medication.Anyhow this will need a checkup and Doppler scan of the limb which will tell you exactly what's going on.Meanwhile, you will need some tests to know the clotting capacity of the blood along with a general blood profile. Regards and hope you get better soon! </s>
<s>[INST] My Patient from Assam of International Hospital, Guwahati. Dr. A. Kelkars report USG Revels Cirrhosis liver with hypoechoic lesions in left lobe. Cholelithiasis Mild Bilateral increase in renal parenchymal echogenicity Splenomegaly. Little ascites. Suggested : Ct abdomen/us guided fnac & blood Report. we want 2 ur kind response about this topic. Thanking You. [/INST] Hi I hope you are very well As for hepatic cirrhosis in an initial way should be sought its etiology because in many cases the targeted treatment can improve liver function. To assess if there is a significant consumption of alcohol (consumption greater than 30 gr / day or 210 gr / week), the presence of metabolic risk factors such as overweight, obesity, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia as a cause of a probable non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The presence of an HBV or HCV infection should be ruled out. Autoimmune or metabolic causes such as autoimmune hepatitis, primary biliary cholangitis or primary sclerosis cholangitis. Genetic or hereditary causes such as Wilson's disease or hemochromatosis. It is necessary to establish in a suitable way his chronic liver disease and to define whether he has a portal hypertension, so a Doppler ethnography of liver and biliary tract must be performed in search of collateral circulation or inversion of the portal flow, besides the characteristics of the liver And measurements of the portal vein and spleen. In addition, it is important to perform an endoscopy in search of esophageal varices, gastric or hypertensive portal osteopathy, which by definition would do so with clinically significant portal hypertension. In addition, laboratory tests should be performed to assess functional status by classifying child Pugh and meld and to better characterize the patient. You mention the presence of ascites, which is not accompanied by peripheral edema can be managed with monotherapy with spironolactone or with double therapy accompanied by furosemide, always maintaining a relationship 100 mg / 40 mg to avoid electrolytic alterations, looking for a decrease in weight Of 0.5 k / day, the goal being to keep patients free of ascites with the lowest dose of diuretic. It is necessary to improve nutritional status, to avoid hypocaloric and hypoprotective diets, with an approximate intake of 30-35 kcal / k / day and between 1 and 1.5 g / k of high nutritional value proteins. All these measures are aimed at avoiding the presence of any dysfunction or any episode of decompensation that may cause greater morbidity and mortality and improve the quality of life of the patient. </s>
<s>[INST] I have been suffering from sivere pain from left waist to thigh/nee with radiation since last 40 days.similiar problem faced 3 & half years back.my MRI report says:-Sacralization of L5,L4-L5 intervertebral disc shows diffuse posterior prolapse,seen indenting the thecal sac and encroaching the bilateral neural foraminas,Right postirolateral annular tear, L4-5 intervertebral disc,Arthropathic right facetal joint L3-4 level. I am taking now neugaba m 75 twice daily. please advise me how I will be cured from this painful discease [/INST] Hello, I have studied your case. Your MRI says foraminal protrusion causes right foraminal stenosis which leads to compression of exiting nerve root which later on supply lower limb [leg]. Due to compression of this nerve root there is tingling numbness in your leg and pain associated with it. Medication like methylcobalamine with muscle relaxant and analgesic will reduce pain; you can take them consulting your treating doctor. You may consult physiotherapist for further guidance. He may start TENS, or ultrasound which is helpful in your case. I will advise checking your it B12 and it D3 level. As MRI shows disc compressing on nerve root then surgical decompression is permanent solution. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] My dad (59) yrs old did a sonogram on his testicle and was found 3 small dark spot. Could it be cancer? There are the sonogram finding: There are 3 irregularly bordered small hypoechoic defects present in the left testicle. The largest is 0.3 cm, towards the mid- lower pole. The other two are upper pole. On image submitted there was no Doppler suggestion of vascularity within these lesions, on repeat real-time reviews, there appears to be internal vascular to the lesions. There is a small anechoic defect within the midsole of he left testicle which real time color dropper indicated was a vessel. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion no need to worry much. As these spots indicate vessels only. So get done repeat ultrasound after 3 months. If spots are similar than no need to worry. They are just vascular lesion only. But if they are enlarging than biopsy is needed. If you really want to rule out malignancy at present than get done CEA, AFP and Chat Doctor level. If all these are normal than no need to worry about malignancy. Get done repeat ultrasound after 3 months. </s>
<s>[INST] hi my name is nancy i have a daughter who has high blood pressure and problems with her thyroid she is only 21 and has had these symtoms for about 2and a half years no one can give use any answers to why this is happening i hope hope you can help no one else has been able to help her cardiologist has run every test every blood work there is and no answers please help my daughter thank you nancy sheridan [/INST] Hello, Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Forum. No doubt hypertension is there, but it is not necessary that, hypertension is due to heart problems, so, how a cardiologist will diagnose the disease. As you mentioned in query that there is problem with thyroid, but what type of problem, mention it? Please upload the value of T S H, T3, T 4. Certain thyroid diseases develops very high blood pressure, so report is very important. Hope I have answered your question. If further any question I will help. Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] My mother is 64 years old and has been having running nose and itching in the nose with sneezing for nearly a month now. The symptoms are more pronounced in the morning. Once she takes lupicof syrup it makes her sleepy but does stop her sneezing and running nose. Is this the right medication but the problem is recurrent. [/INST] Dear Concerned., Thanks for writing to us. You have been suffering from Perennial Allergic Rhinitis as it has been there for nearly a month. Pls investigate for the causes for the same. Pls undertake Blood tests for HBO, TLC/DLC/ESR/AEC. Blood Chemistry to find out FBS/PUBS. Urinalysis routine/X-Ray PNS with Reports. In the meanwhile treat the condition with Nasal Chat Doctor. Daily steam inhalations. If the condition is unbearable Steroidal Nasal Sprays containing Fluticazone/Mometazone can be tried to prevent the sneeze from becoming a wheeze. Prevention;Keeping away from the allergen/dust/house dust mite is the only solution. To keep away from active/passive/second hand smoke/keep away from vehicular pollution. Early morning walking and deep breathing exercises will help in preventing future attacks of sneeze. When you start a non sedating histamine such as Fexofenadine., you may discontinue UNICEF. In addition, consult an ENT Surgeon to rule out DNS/Nasal polypoid/Inferior turbinate hypertrophy Wishing you a speedy recovery., Best Regards., </s>
<s>[INST] hi doctor, ia m suffering from pains on my genital for about 8 month from now, i was diagonose with strep app, i took several antiboitics but it dint work, my last treatment was with levofloxacin, i dont now wht could be the problem because any tym i realease sperm, i experience a savere pain in side the penis and the penis is always tender unless it is erect. pls doctor i need a guide am getting married soon and my partner is not infected, i hope it can be treated. waiting for ur kind response. thank you [/INST] Hello dairy had gone through your question and I can understand your concern this could be due to infection kidney stone or any obstruction on urine flowing my opinion you should consult a urologist for detailed clinical examination and a battery of tests like urine culture and sensitivity test, cystoscopy or You may require a course of antibiotics as per urine culture report shave plenty of fluids Fresh Fruits and fruits juices maintain good hygiene by removing Sega routinely thanks for your question best wishes for marriage </s>
<s>[INST] Good afternoon , a couple weeks ago I was fooling around with my boyfriends , he had some semen on his penis and he wiped it off , couple minutes later , he began rubbing my vagina , but he never fingered me , can I get pregnant this way ? Please help I am really scared [/INST] HelloThanks for writing to us with your health concern. From what you describe, pregnancy is not possible. For pregnancy to occur, it is important for semen to be deposited high up in the vaginal canal. For that, penetrative sex is must. You have not even been fingered. Just rubbing externally on the vulva cannot result in a pregnancy. Plus the semen on his hands was wiped off as you say. Also, in the outside environment, semen can barely survive for a few minutes.In my opinion, it is impossible to get pregnant this way. What cycle day are you on currently ? Please take a pregnancy test if you skip your period. Always have protected sex. This is because it safeguards against pregnancy, and also protects against sexually transmitted diseases. All the betake care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello sir my name is AMRITA and I am 39 years old and I have terrible pain in my nerves. I m not able to stand for a long time nor I am able to swing my legs while sitting. I have been eating neurokind-gold injection or neurokind-Od tablets. After eating this a feel little bit relief but later again my legs start paining and stinging why? I have thyroid problem too. Sir plssss tell why my legs pain and sting a lot [/INST] Dear patient you seem to have lumbar canal stenosis may be due to disc prolapse. Diagnosis needs to be confirmed by MRI of the lumbosacral spine with screening of whole spine. It is very sensitive and specific for diagnosis of spine pathology. Please get it done from radiology center nearby you. Meanwhile, start tab regain x 75 mg one at bedtime along with tab attract twice a day. If MRI report is abnormal you need to consult spine surgeon with report. </s>
<s>[INST] last night i started to feel some pain on the right side of my tongue , along the inside gums on the same side, and on the floor of the mouth same side connected to the gums. i am not sure what it is but it happened fairly quickly and i ve had steady discomfort and pain when i eat ever since. i do have a molar on the right side that has been decaying for quite some time, but i have not had it pulled due to lack of health benefits to make it affordable. if i apply pressure to the skin under the jaw bone i can feel pain inside which connects with the pain in the mouth. i would like to know how serious this is and how soon should i see a dentist? will doctors/nurses at a hospital be able to diagnose and/or treat it? [/INST] Hello & welcomes you said that there is a carious molar tooth on the same side you are feeling the symptoms this may be a periapical infection, and now this is spreading. So you have to immediately visit your dentist for further clinical investigation, otherwise this may lead in a serious space infection. Go for a check X-RAY, treatment will be either RCT/extraction.in the mean time you can start up with an antibiotic course including amoxicillin 500 mg TDS, metro 400 mg TDS and ibuprofen 400 mg (SOS)thanks & take care. </s>
<s>[INST] The top of my wrist hurts most when bent in the downward motion. But also hurts when I bend it backward to brace myself for getting out of bed or a chair. My job is quite physical ie. Lifting boxes of up to 175lbs. The top of my wrist also hurts when I am picking the boxes up. There are no bumps, swelling, bruising, numbness, tingling, or itching of the hand or fingers. Just the pain in the top of the wrist. [/INST] Hi, What you have been a work induced muscle strain of your wrist. Since you are involved in lifting heavy weights continuously your muscles around the wrist joint have undergone a protective spasm. Taking hot packs for around 3/4 times a day with adequate rest will help you to relieve pain. Also doing strengthening exercises of your elbow and arm muscle will reduce the load on wrist. Besides following lifting ergonomic will help you out n an easy and efficient work. To subside pain you can take over the counter Diclofenac. Hope this helps you in relieving the pain. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] I often have irregular cycles. Usually about 37-39 days. Im not on BC and have unprotected sex but use the pull out method. My last period was January 3ed. A few days ago I thought I started my period. But when I checked, it was curvical mucus dripping down my leg. I had a miscarriage and DNC in 2008. Havnt been able to conceive since. Am I preg? . [/INST] Hi there, I have gone through your question, and I think I have understood your concern. I will suggest you the best possible treatment options. 1) in a woman with regular cycles day 10 to 20 of the cycle is the most fertile period of cycle. Usually egg formation takes place between 13 and 16 day of the cycle. As you have mentioned that you have cycle of 38 to 39 days, either you are forming egg around day 25 of the cycle or there is some problem with egg formation. 2) I will suggest you to get basic USG done to know about structural normalcy of your uterus, tubes and ovaries. Also, conditions like PCs can be detected by USG. That also is a common cause of irregular cycles and difficulty in getting pregnant. I hope this answer helps you. . Thanks Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I am scared to death.. My father (family history of ovarian , breast cancer accompanied by all brothers dying of hearth problems of one sort or the other and sisters having ovarian/breast cancer to handle)... Lived to the ripe old age of 63 b/c he forgot to tell us he needed treatment to live. Next, my mom (Schmitz paranoid) forgot to tell my brother and I of her family history... She died 23 days post diag of stag 4 mast liver cancer .., found out 3 of her siblings had died of mast cancer of either stomach, liver or kidney .... Where do I stand.... I am now 45, but had thyroid removed at 27 due to abnormal (Non malignant) growths.... I have since been diagnosed with chronic AND acute (you figure) RA?. I do not question the diagnosis, but their means of treatment... I do not want injections and monthly cancer treatments if avoidable. I also do not want to resume a regimens of pain meds to treat. That is nothing other than torture in and of itself... Unless you have a countdown, no one should ever cross that threshold. [/INST] Hi! Welcome to Chat Doctor! I would like to tell you that cancer is such a common disease that it is no surprise that many families have at least a few members who have had cancer. Sometimes, certain types of cancer seem to run in some families, but only a small portion of all cancers are inherited. You had thyroid growth which was not malignant so nothing to worry. Now for acute and chronic RA, Its true that there is no cure for RA, but treatments can improve symptoms and slow the progress of the disease. Disease-modifying treatment has the best results when it is started early and aggressively. Regular exercise is recommended as both safe and useful to maintain muscles strength and overall physical function. I sincerely hope this will help you!TAKE CARE! </s>
<s>[INST] I fell a few weeks back blowing leaves. I had a backpack blower on at the time and caught my heal on a downspout of a gutter. I fell directly on my butt. I felt pain instantly across my low back. Its been three weeks now and my back aches. Thoughts? Thank you [/INST] Hi welcome to ChatDoctorI have gone through your query regarding back pain after an injury. It is a matter of concern. Dear three weeks time is quite long time for recovery of injury from a fall. It seems some muscle or nerve your lower back has been injured by the jerk when you fell. For instant relief you can take Homeopathic Arica 30 /3 doses /at half an hour gap and apply few Chat Doctor. Gently massage or rub the area to relieve pain and encourage blood flow. Do not massage the injured area if it causes pain. If swelling is gone, apply heat. Use a warm pack or heating pad set on low. Can also begin gentle exercise with the aid of moist heat to help restore and maintain flexibility. Avoid sitting up in bed, sitting on soft couches, and twisting or sitting in other positions that make your symptoms worse. Back pain often gets better when you gradually increase your physical activity. Try to get back to your normal routines and activities as soon as possible. Resting and not doing anything may actually increase back pain or make it last oversleep on hard surface. Do back bending yoga postures as Bhujangasan, Sheratan, Vajjarasan, bend back sitting on Vajjarasan never bend in front. It will worsen the pain. Lie on your stomach if it does not increase your pain. Then do Shallabhasan -stretch your arms and legs in air and head up , balancing on stomach. Deep Breathing will further strengthen your back and relieve from pain. Take a level spoon of turmeric powder + almond oil with a cup of hot milk at bedtime and in BF for healing internally relieve pain, Balanced Day containing all essential nutrients - Fiber, proteins, vitamin D, C, minerals, fish & fish oil, Nuts, a lot of water all will help strengthen your immunity and help fast recovery and to achieve over all sound health, Make sure to get sound sleep and avoid fried fast foods, tea coffee, alcohol, smoking constipation, worry, mental stress, anger. Which may delay the recovery.consult your or tho physician and get checked for any serious injury. Hope this helps solves your query. Take care. All the best Don't hesitate to come with further query if you have any. </s>
<s>[INST] Respectable Dr. Very recently after my check up doctor advised me to take Istamet 50 mg/ 500 Mg morining and evening.Just want to make sure, there is any side effect from this medicine.Many thanks for your valuable information With best regards XXXX YYYY@YYYY [/INST] Hi, I can understand your concern regarding safety of the prescribed medication. Stamen is a combination of two medicines sitagliptin (50 mg) and Metformin (500 mg) commonly prescribed to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus. Generally it is well tolerated by most of our patients, however it may cause stomach upset, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and rarely a serious condition called lactic acidosis. Continue taking it as prescribed and report any side effects. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] what side of the chest do your put your hand on to feel the heart beat? Is it the front? whats the techincal word for it? is your heart as big as your fist? why is this so? how many times does a human heart beat in a day? how many times does it beat in a year? how many times in a 22 year olds life? how hard does the heart squeeze blood into the chambers? is your pulse stronger as a child? what in diamtere is the largest artery in the body and the aorta? [/INST] Hello, Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor, I am Chat Doctor. 1) what side of the chest do your put your hand on to feel the heart beat? Left side in fifth intercostal space, and simply speaking It's just below the nipple.2)Is it the front? Yes it is felt in front.3) what's the technical word for it? It is called as apical beat/ apex beat.4) is your heart as big as your fist? Why is this so?It's just a rough estimation, yes It's almost as big as your fist, and it is because size of every organ is according to body size if you are big your fist and heart will both be big a dwarf will have fist and heart both small.5)how many times does a human heart beat in a day? It beats 72 times in a minute, beats 103680 times in a day .6)how many times does it beat in a year?37843200 times a year.7)how many times in a 22-year-olds life?832550400 times till 22 years 0 days 0 seconds of age.8)how hard does the heart squeeze blood into the chambers? Hard enough to push it till the farthest organs of body.9) is your pulse stronger as a child? Yes beats more times compared to adult heart.10)what in diameter is the largest artery in the body and the aorta? Aorta is the largest artery it has a diameter of 2.1 cm square. I hope this answered your question, If you have more queries I am happy to answer you. Regards. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, i get this pimple things very small not very bump things in my penis shaft they are white but when messed with or picked open the bleed little and clear liquid like oil leaks. I had one recently under my penis head like around the crown head. they dont blister or itch or anything, once my doc said they are papules. what can they be my gf is std clean and she was my first. [/INST] Hello, If you've never had sex, little white bumps on the shaft of the penis may be pimples, a skin cyst, or ingrown hairs. These are common and they're nothing to worry about. Another condition that's normal and no cause for concern is pearly penile pa pules. Therefore, I suggest consulting a skin specialist for physical examination, diagnosis and treatment. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] My husband has just undergone the ultrasonography of Abdomen and Pelvis.Doctor has given the following impressionLeft kidney is not visualized in left renal fossa or in rest of abdomen & pelvis meanAtrophic? HypoplasticFatty liverWhat does this mean? Is it very serious. Please revert.thanks [/INST] Hello Non visualization of left kidney during USG may be due many reasons like absent left kidney, hypoplastic/atrophic kidney.USG is not confirmatory. It is not a serious condition. Your husband can go for contrast CT scan of abdomen. It can confirm status of left kidney which may be present in other ectopic site. Fatty liver is a reversible condition. He needs few other investigations like routine hologram, RBS,LFT, Lipid profile. He should increase his physical activity. He may need to take few medicines after proper evaluation. He should avoid fatty and fried food. Avoid alcohol if he takes these things. Take Care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I have strained a chest muscle about 6 months ago and now when I turn my head to the right I have a pullimg of the chest/lifting. This happened 15 weeks after having a double bypass operation. When I exercise at gym it get sore after and is annoying at times...Can you advise here what is the best solution....have seen 2 GPs and 2 cardiologists however no one seems to have an answer.. [/INST] Hello, Since you have soreness and tenderness, the possibility of pulled muscle-related pain is more likely. So better to follow these steps for better symptomatic relief. 1. Start calcium and vitamin D3 supplements because it can fasten healing. 2. Avoid movements causing pain. Avoid heavy weight lifting and strenuous exercise. 3. Take painkiller and muscle relaxant Chat Doctor. 4. Sit with proper back support. Avoid sudden jerky movements of the chest. 5. Apply warm water pad on affected areas. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] My mother has experienced nausea and loss of appetite since 2008. She was told it was parathyroid disease. She had the surgery. Nothing improved. Now, she has pain in lower side near colon, still nausea , tired and has all kinds of tests. Could it be cancer? [/INST] Hi. Thanks for your query. The history provided by you about Mother is suggestive of a chronic disease, one of them is cancer and Tuberculosis. Nausea with loss of appetite with pain in lower abdomen is more suggestive of tuberculosis. I would advise :::Contrast enhanced CT scan of abdomen, Enterocolitis, Colonoscopy and the gold quantifier test for TB. A clinical examination by a Surgeon plays an important part in early diagnosis as well as a proper history. </s>
<s>[INST] I have just been diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease as a result of diabetes. I had been taking Janumet for 10 years in addition to actose & glimperide. My dr. took me off Janumet and said I must now take insulin. Will I have to do dialysis in the near future? [/INST] Diabetic and IQ stage 3 renal disease...first you were on oral medicine now switch to insulin.it shows you are not controlling your sugar level. As a result your kidneys are effected... We have got two situation .diabetes and renal disease. Well the need for dialysis increases in such patient BUT if your sugar level is controlled within normal range, and you do not have other conditions like hypertension, then you can do it with medicines (angiotensin rennin blockers.Anderton...or ACE inhibitors like lisinopril)for some time. Do your regular blood test and urine test to keep an eye on your kidneys. </s>
<s>[INST] I am a 60 year old man taking a l lot of medicine for very deep depression and pain from multiple myeloma . Something is not right and I am getting deeper into depression. citalopram 40 mg - have taken for several years olanzapine 5 mg - as needed trazodone 50 mg take each day zolpidem , 10 mg have taken several years Hydrocodone/ APAP 5-500M - as needed [/INST] Hi, Since your depression is not responding to citalopram 40 mg, you need other interventions. There are three options. The dose of citalopram can be hiked to see if it gives a better response. But this must be done with caution as you are already on a fairly high dose. Secondly, other medicines can be added to citalopram to augment its action, like thyroid hormone, lithium, a second antidepressant etc. The third thing that can be done is to switch to another antidepressant that may give better results. Venlafaxine would be a good choice in my opinion. Please discuss with your doctor the option that would suit you best and do accordingly. Hope you get better soon. Best wishes. </s>
<s>[INST] My mom was bending the freezer this afternoon, when she experienced a loud snap in her lower back. Now she has a localized pain in the middle and lower portion of her back. She is very sensitive to pain, therefore it is a little hard for me to gage how server it is . Can you advise as to what are the possible causes. [/INST] Hi, I am Chat Doctor. I have read your question and understand your concerns. Let me try to help you Question : Can you advise as to what are the possible causes. Your Answer: The probable causes can be a slipped disc, slipped facet, (rare) Muscle Sprain, Strain (common)The Treatment should be bed rest for 48 hours. If the pain does not improve, consult a Neurosurgeon In Most Cases, the pain will settle by 48 hours Hope you found the answer helpful. If you need any clarification / have doubts / have additional questions / have follow-up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi i got infected with fungal infection on my body big size rings shaped on my stomach, chest and back.and lot of marks if bacteria on my private parts also.presently i am using propizole nf and closip and candid . but it is not doing any great help . plz advice as this is troubling for last 6months [/INST] HiT hank you for asking ChatDoctorI have gone through your query. Your problem is most likely due to fungal infection Tina corporal. Clotrimazole won't be effective in all. So I usually advise fluconazole ointment for local application and fluconazole tablet for oral intake in my patients. I also advise ketoconazole soap in those who are having extensive lesions. Hope this may help you. Let me know if anything is not clear. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I am 33 years old and have been on the Depo Provera shot for almost two years and periods had stopped. I started to have some light spotting occasionally and then all of a sudden had a gush of blood with clots of blood larger than a quarter. I have done this twice now in two week and it only does it for one day. I have had cervical dysplasia years ago and had it removed. We have a history of breast cancer and endometriosis on my Mom s side. I have also been having lower back pain and occasional sharp intense pain in my side. ( although I do have issues with my back so I am unsure if they are related. I am about 5 6 and 156 lbs. I am also on Lamictal and Viibryd for Bipolar 2 and anxiety and daily multivitamin. Should I be concerned and see my doctor or could this be considered just breakthrough bleeding? [/INST] Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. In the first year of the usage of the shot of the demo proverb the bleeding is common, but after two years of the usage, the typical bleeding means it may be considered, I advise you to consult a gynecologist for diagnosis and to exclude the pathology. If no pathology is diagnosed you can continue the shots. Anxiety and depression are the side effects so keep an eye on the signs. The discharge and the backache may be due to infection and should be excluded. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. </s>
<s>[INST] I have rheumatoid arthritis for past 12 years after the delivery of my child. I am on western medicines pednisilone, mtx and was also on ayurved treatment. My ra factor is been on increase from 130 to 250. I have deformities on fingures and feet over the period. Can u suggest and advise. Regards chitra . [/INST] Hello, As the RA you have been having from long I assume you have the full knowledge of the condition. As in this condition, there is inflammation of the joints and due to pain, there will be deformity of the joints. Like the one, you have in fingers. I will advise continuing medicine. Try to take medicine only when you have the pain or maximum try to avoid the painkillers as this may over long run trouble the kidneys. Also, I will advise keeping the body warm as much as possible, so the pain does not increase. Taking help from a Physiotherapist who can help you to regain the muscle property by which the joint inflammation can be reduced and also the normalcy of joints is achieved. For finger deformity, we need to assess the grade of deformation if we can make it correct with the help of exercise and splints we should do it at the earliest. With medication, and Physiotherapy you should be benefited. Jay In Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I had my embryo transfer on 2nd Feb( it was an ICSI), next day onwards i was having muscle cramp from neck to thigh.Because of that i couldn t turn and sleep, and for the past three days i was vomitting very badly because of this vomitting my abdomen was starined and had pain. could you please tell me will all these conditions affect my pregnency and how can i overcome such situtations [/INST] Hello. Thanks for writing to us. The problems you are having most probably are due to the effect of anesthetic medicines used during the procedure. The straining of abdomen is something that needs to be avoided at all costs for successful implantation. You can take adequate anti emetics, take adequate bed rest and avoid coughing and constipation. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. </s>
<s>[INST] Ive recently been for two full blood counts, both of which show raised ESR (55) and slightly low Folic Acid. Ive also had a chest x-ray (results not back until next Friday) and have been prescribed Amoxicillin Capsules and Folic Acid Tablets. Im always racked with aches and pains, but this is the first time my ESRs been raised. Needless to say Im extremely frightened, as when you search the internet all the horrors appear (cancer, etc). How likely is it to be something really serious? [/INST] Welcome to Chat Doctor. I am Chat Doctor. There are a lot of causes associated with Raised E.S.R like-Infection, Anemia, Pregnancy, Thyroid disease. Immune disorders like Rheumatoid arthritis etc. Your doctor started Amoxicillin, so it suggests you have infection (a common cause of Increased E.SR.). I advise you to complete the course of Amoxicillin and repeat E.S.R witChatDoctorplete blood count. This will completely resolve your query and help in further follow up. Thanx for query. </s>
<s>[INST] I was on augmentin and became very itchy, no hives just very itchy. I went to the ER and they gave me IV Benadryl. Ever since then I have been weary about having an allergic reaction because that same day that I became itchy I also had some shrimp sushi. I have never had any food allergies and 25, but read that a food allergy can just appear at any age. What are the chances of developing a food allergy as an adult? [/INST] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor It is understandable to be concerned. It is possible to discover allergies as an adult. If you want to determine what you may be allergic to, you should consider allergy testing. This can be in the form of a blood test or skin test. It is possible to test for a lot of different allergens at the same time. Your doctor will be able to tell you where you can have the test done. I hope this helps </s>
<s>[INST] Im 17 year old male, 6 foot, and 175 pounds. Im afraid the tube that semen moves through from my left testicle is clogged. I masterbated earlier while not purposfully pushing on my the top of my ballsack with my left hand. Now, it is very the tube is very swollen, thick, and lumpy. mY right testicle did not have this problem, it is normal. Is there anyways to unclog it without going to a doctors office? Thanks [/INST] Hi, thank you for quarry. As you mention that your left testicle tubes look like swollen and blocked there is a condition called varicocele in which laciniform venous plexus become prominent causing worm like swelling in 90% on left side due to its anatomy. Its cause male infertility with reduction in sperm count along with production and structural abnormalities of sperms. Sperm count along with Ultrasonogram required to confirm the diagnosis. If its confirmed no medical treatment only surgically its corrected. After surgery prognosis is good and improve semen bulk and fertility in males. Hope the answer will help you. Wish you a good health. </s>
<s>[INST] hi,doctor i have lucoria from 12years now im 26years.my weight is47&my hight is5.4.also i have my grain. i tried Ayurveda,homeopathy&alopathy also but did not get any relief.all time my body is getting heat&Im very irritating myself by lucoria . can i get any remedy for this? [/INST] Hi Welcome to ChatDoctorThis is Chat Doctor. Dear I would like you be aware of few facts as to what causes Leucorrhoea .Some causes of this trouble in women and young girls are rheumatism, excessive coitus, repeated abortion, uterine infection also cancer. Leucorrhoea may frequently be accompanied by headache, pallor & constipation In childhood, it occurs due to lack of cleanliness or infestation of thread worms Not to worry. Proper cleanliness, a balanced diet, fresh air and correction of the predisposing factors mentioned above are necessary for long-lasting cure. As you have tried all therapies, I would suggest you magnetic treatmentArrange a set of two SUM magnets Sit on a wooden stool. Keep both the magnet on a plank , South pole on your left side and North Pole on your right Keep your right foot on North Pole and left on South Pole. Apply for 20 mins daily in the morning. I addition, </s>
<s>[INST] My chest has been tight and its been very hard for me to breathe. Ive had a cough since Jan 1. and at times it feels as if Im coughing in vain. Ive also had a felling of being full all the time. I feels like something in my abdomen is getting bigger. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. You are having chronic cough, chest tightness and breathing difficulty. So possibility of bronchitis is more likely. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test).PFT will not only diagnose bronchitis, but it will also tell you about severity of the disease and treatment is based on severity only. You will mostly improve with inhaled bronchodilators (formoterol or albuterol) and inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) (budesonide or fluticasone). If you are a smoker then you should quit smoking as soon as possible.Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] good morning sir my name is sudheer , sir i am getting some pain in left leg (from thie to bottom ) some what serious some one saying that it is a sciatica whats the remedy to this case i am unable to bear this pain sir , so please give me nice suggestion to get out of this thanking u [/INST] Hello Sheer! Welcome on Chat Doctor ! Your symptoms could be related to sciatica, which is an inflammation or irritation of the sciatic nerve, probably as a result of a fiscal hernia in the lumbar spine region. For this reason, I would recommend taking painkillers (acetaminophen, ibuprofen, fetoprotein, etc.) and have some bed rest. I would also advise performing a lumbar spine CT scan to exclude possible hernia, which may need surgery. A lumbar brace may help. It is also important avoiding lifting heavy weights. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Kind regards, </s>
<s>[INST] Hello Doctor,My wife has allergy symptoms itch eyes stuffy nose during pollen season. We live in NY and are thinking of moving to Charleston, SC to be near the beach. Would that be a better climate for her than NY? when we go on vacation to a beach area the ocean salt water seems to cleans her so she breathes great. [/INST] Thank you for your question, Symptoms explained by your wife are due to allergy. It is called allergic rhinitis. Allergy may be due to different causes like exposure to dust, pollen, cold weather, exercise, specific foods etc. Seasonal allergy is due to exposure to specific type of pollen in specific season. Changing the location will definitely helpful by avoiding exposure to that particular pollen. It is no way related to beach or salt water that can reduce the symptoms. Just changing the location is great enough. For symptomatic relief, she can try Cetirizine tablets twice daily for 10 days. </s>
<s>[INST] I am suffering pain at my back waist for 2 weeks and sometimes pain at my lower abdomen .here s my urine test result- Protein-trace,WBC15-20/HPF and RBC-0-3/HPF. does it mean that i have UTI? what would be the possible treatment? thanks [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor Forum. Your test results indicate that you are having UTI. Firstly you need to give your urine for culture test as well. This can tell you which bacteria are causing the problem. Meanwhile, show your reports to your doctor and he/she will prescribe you antibiotics. You may take a pain reliever for the low backache. I would recommend you to take plenty of fluids as this will help in flushing out the bacteria. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] My daughter is only 24 weeks pregnant but was just diagnosed with pelvic dysplasia. She has pain in her lower pelvis when she is walking around or certain movements. Dr checked baby & cervix and all is fine. but I am concerned as she has a very physical job as a physical therapist in a hospital, with long hours. is this a dangerous condition to her or a risk to her pregnancy? [/INST] Hi, thank-you for providing the brief history of your daughter. As she is diagnosed with pelvic dysplasia, this is called the inflammation of the cervix. It means after a thorough clinical examination by the gone should be commented after an ultrasonography. Also, as she is a physical therapist she needs to modify her role as a physical therapist and avoid straining a lot. Also, there will be pain due to inflammation but will be all fine with rest. In my clinical practice we teach pregnant females with Lamaze's exercises to help mother deliver the baby with confidence and also breathing exercises. We advise to avoid the stress and strain on the muscles and body. Regards Jay In Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] my friend finished with her normal periods on 22nd of may, she had sex with her husband on 26th of may and taken unwanted 72 on 27th of may one more pill she has taken on 29th of may without any intercourse.... after 7 days of taking pill (4th june) she started bleeding that was only for one and a half day now its 8th july and she did not get her periods yet.......but she started feeling some breast pain which always she feels before her periods gets start...........i want to ask is there any chance of pregnancy in her case......why her periods are not coming.......or she should wait for few more days............ [/INST] Hi, Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Since she had sex at safe period that is 8th day and took unwanted 72 with in a day no chances of pregnancy and because of pills her periods has postponed. If you suspect pregnancy to be the reason of delayed periods with the light periods being decimal bleeding, then get a thorough evaluation by your gynecologist with ultrasound scan and blood tests to confirm/rule out pregnancy No need to worry now but get one UPT done. Consult your doctor for examination and management. Hope I answered your question. Feel free to ask me if you have any further queries. Wish you good health. Take care. Regards </s>
<s>[INST] HI, A few months ago i noticed that when I sat in a slouched position (chest leaning over my waist) i had a discomfort in the area of my solar plexus but when i changed my posture this went away. I have been sitting more in this position due to work etc.. and I have been getting this discomfort more often , its like a trapped wind discomfort or mild cramp. It seems to be worse just after food when i sit with bad posture and I think when i get this pain the skin in this area feels tighter (could be psycolgical) Many years agao I used to get reflux ,sometimes it feels like this pain would ease if I was sick and brough up some bile ? Is this bad posture that is twisting my stomach an creating this discomfort ? [/INST] Dear Sir/Madam have gone through your query and read your symptoms. In my opinion, the pain is due to pressure on the abdomen, and if you have associated burning than the chances of HERD are high. Try a course of capsule Omeprazole 20 mg daily empty stomach, in morning once daily for 5 to 7 days and see if that helps, if it doesn't, consult you doctor. I hope that answers your query. If you want any more clarification, contact me back. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello,I have a problem of inflammation and in naso pharynx and previosly I have had two operations of nasal polyps, some times my breath stars to smell foul. I do nasal rinsing twice daily no indication of fever though.I donot know what I have , I went to the ENT he says its fine...my nose gets blocked and I also develop a asthmatic flare especially when its cold. [/INST] Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to know more about you like - What is your age? Since when you are having complaints? Do you have only nasal obstruction or other allergy symptoms like sneezing, running nose, itching in nose, etc.? Do you have any regurgitation of foods, especially after a heavy/spicy meal or heart burn? How frequent you have asthma complaints? Do you take any other medications frequently? Do you have any other medical conditions? What are your investigations? Etc. Above details would help me to guide you better. However, from your current history, I would like to make you follow suggestions:1. I usually prescribe my such patients regular montelukast, levocetirizine and daily nasal irrigation. I would also suggest you regular steam inhalation, it may make you feel more comfortable.2. For asthma, I would also suggest you to use albuterol or levosalbutamol inhaler on as-and-when-needed basis.3. Regular breathing exercises and a healthy diet rich in vitamins & minerals (adequate amounts of green leafy vegetables, fruits, sprouts, etc.) would also help you in a long run by improving your lung capacity and immunity respectively.4. For allergies, I would suggest you allergy testing which will help you identify the substances causing symptoms to you and also to know the measures to avoid them. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health. Thank you & Regards. </s>
<s>[INST] Yes my sister has a lump coming out of the bottom of her vagina, says it does not pain, but very windy, goes to toilet and passes water a lot. her left groin is also swollen, she measured the size of the lump 6cm long. not sure if this correct. can you help. [/INST] Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some lump coming out from vagina. You may have some prolapse uterus. So it's protruding from the vagina. You need examination. Consult your gynecologist and go for examination. Plan out for surgery accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] pain swelling numbness left lower arm-hand slight color change to lt hand-swelling localized at thumb side of wrist about 2 inches long above wrist--no recent injury or bite--concerned might be blook clot--53 yo male woke up this am with considerable pain in arm-wrist -hand [/INST] Hello, Well to me, it looks like a blood clot only, any severe pain with color changes can be suspected for a blood clot in the vasculature. If such a patient comes to my clinic I would suggest him to have an Immediate scan and also few Blood Investigations without any delay.1) Arterial and Venous Doppler of the Left Upper Limb2) FBS & PLBS3) Hba1C4) PT INR5) Preview with a general surgeon. If you have any Queries further you can get back to me. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a rash in armpits and groin that started while I was in Iraq in 2004. It does not respond to terbinifine tablets, lamasil creams, or even monostat. It comes and goes about every six weeks. I wash with Tea Tree soap and it seems to help. Also bathing the area with saturated salt solution helps too. [/INST] Hello, Thanks for the query, Armpit and groin area are more prone to develop fungal infection. The duration of treatment is long in fungal infection. You might have developed fungal infection. Your description matches with that. Usually fungal infections are itchy and recurrent. Please get a KOH mount done, This can confirm the fungal etiology. Treatment can be with oral antifungals as well as with topical antifungals. Treatment must be continued for at least a month to prevent recurrence. Please meet a dermatologist for exact diagnosis. Let me know if you have any other doubt. You can ask a direct question to me on this forum, following the below link.https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor. Thank you </s>
<s>[INST] My period cycle is from 8th and it is coming on the same date. But this time it is 6 days late. I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend but he didn t finished inside. I am having white discharge and spotted blood spot for a day. I am very worried that am I pregnant? [/INST] HI, Thanks for the query under Chat Doctor platform. I have read your query & understood your concern. You had unprotected sex in the month & your otherwise regular period is delayed by 6 days . First likely diagnosis remains pregnancy (taking in consideration accidental pre-cum in vagina. / also the spotting might be implantation bleeding. ) You should go for home pregnancy test after 2 more days (post 8 days delay in menses)to confirm/ exclude pregnancy. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] we have a 8 yrs old child who have spleens enlargement problem from last 9 months, we have done all checkups of him at several places and comsulted with several doctors, but no positive response has come from them, even they could not dignose its causes. Please help us to prevent this. We will be grateful to you. My details are follows-Yogesh kambojNew colony, Bhimgoda, Haridwarcontact no.- 0000Email- YYYY@YYYY feedback will be appreciated.Awaited for ur valuable reply. Regards Yogesh [/INST] Dear parent, splenomegaly is usually due to a systemic illness either a hematological condition or a hepatic condition. The primary goal of treatment is to cure or control the causative condition of the splenomegaly. If treatment failed you may consider splenectomy. This will lead to precautions that need to be followed in splenic child as daily penicillin doses, preventing and treating with caution any febrile illness as it might turn into a life-threatening condition. And taking the pneumococcal vaccination 10 days at least before surgery. </s>
<s>[INST] I am a 30 yr old female that has been experiencing an irregular heart beat brought on by possible stress of starting a new position at work. Ever since I atarted it my heart has had random episodes of quick beats to where it feels like two at a time .. Its noticeable and im wondering whats wrong. No change if anything other than my job. [/INST] Hi, two beats which you feel in succession may be because of extra beats, the change in job and early anxiety about fitting in new place may increase the stress hormones like a Chat Doctor. Both the situation is completely benign and just some relaxation techniques would help. If it's too troublesome a 24 hour holder would be the best test to evaluate the same or and EKG during the episode. Also, for your age rule out thyroid as the cause if associated symptoms are present. Regards </s>
<s>[INST] My husband has dissy spells, somtimes on waking. Today he was gardening and had a sudden attack of dissiness, nausia and vomiting. He says he feels as though he is sea sick. He also complained of a sudden sharp pain in left back of neck. He had open heart surgery in 2004 to replace a bicusbet ascending aortic valve and a portion of damaged aorta. (please excuse spelling). These spells have been more frequent the last two weeks. We saw a new doctor today and he is going to fit him with a heart monitor on Friday. I am worried, could he be having small strokes? Or trouble with blook clotting? [/INST] Hi, I am Chat Doctor. The Symptoms you have described 1. Sudden attack of dizziness, 2. Nausea and 3. Vomiting. 4. feels as though he is sea sick. Indicate a problem in Posterior Fossa of Brain (mostly decreased blood circulation or rarely a space occupying lesion) The sudden sharp pain in left back of neck can be due to Conditions Associated with the above I would suggest you to visit a Neurosurgeon immediately and get evaluated If you need any clarification / have doubts / have additional questions / have follow-up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions. </s>
<s>[INST] I had a baby in November. It was a pretty traumatic birth. I went from 2 cm to crownng in less than 1 hour. I riped and my doctor stitched me up, but now I hate the way my vagina looks! It looks like some of my insides are coming out where the scar tissue must be. Is there anything at home I can do to shrink this tissue? [/INST] You are probably suffering from vaginal prolapse. It could be associated with uterine prolapse. The actual scenario can be commented upon only after proper examination. Please get in touch with a gynecologist immediately. Certain interventions are required. The muscles or the ligaments that hold the structures together, have gone loose and hence the structures are coming down. They need to be strengthened and rebound together. Home remedies are not possible. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi ...i am 21 years old female and i was infected with TB 14 years ago when i was at 7 years old and i was treated completly,regularly and successfuly within months .I remembered... i was suffered for some symptoms like (bloody sputum, reddish orange urine, weight loss, night sweat).Is change of urine color mean the Disseminated TB to kidney??Is it cause infertility??Now If I do tuberculin skin test become positive or not?? I was vaccinated with BCG when i was baby because i am from KSA.Is there any possibility of return to active TB when my immunity suppressed?? Is the bacilli completly killed with treatment?? [/INST] HiT hanks for your query. I appreciate your concern for the after effects of TB. Here are the answers for your query:1. Orange red discoloration of the urine was the side effect of one of the Chat Doctor. 2. Tuberculin test if done now may show a positive reaction indicating the past infection or BCG vaccination.3. TB may occur if you are exposed to an open case of TB or if your immunity is suppressed.4. Yes the bacilli are killed during the course of treatment if taken properly. However, infertility may occur if it affects the fallopian tube (salpingitis). Hope I could answer your queries. Rate this answer, if you are convinced. </s>
<s>[INST] Sometimes when i bend down (point towards my toes/ to pick something up) theres a sense of pressure and pain at my sternum. Sometimes when i get up from the couch as well. May i know what is the cause of this? im skinny as well,weighing at 42kg,and 158cm. Could this be the cause of it? Because my chest is almost a little flat? Thanks for answering m question :) i appreciate it. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern By your history and description, possibility of musculoskeletal pain is more. Pain with movements is classical finding in musculoskeletal pain. So better to avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. Avoid movements causing pain. Avoid bad postures in sleep. Start painkiller and muscle relaxant Chat Doctor. Apply warm water pad on affected areas. Don't worry, you will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] I have chronic pain from MS. My doctor prescribed Cymbalta, but after reading the long list of side effects I really dont want to take it. Im supposed to meet with him this week. Is there an alternative medicine you can think of for me to ask for? Right now, Im just taking ibuprofen which does very little. I just want something to cut the pain enough for me to sleep. Im searching for a new neurologist. This one is not very good. [/INST] Pain from MS can be very difficult to treat and for the patient to deal with. I like to try and control the pain with a multi-modal approach, that way you attain the most benefit. For starters, I think you should definitely start taking some neuropathic, or nerve pain controlling, medications. A good start would be with gabapentin. Typically, you will start at 300 mg daily and slowly increase overtime to a dose which helps you and avoids side effects. Another excellent option is a tricyclic antidepressant, called Pamela. Pamela is very old, cheap, and highly efficacious. Typically, I start at 25 mg nightly. This will not only help with pain, but will help you to sleep better as well. Now other than pharmaceuticals solutions, another great option is nutraceutical (vitamins and supplements). I would recommend a vitamin regimen that includes vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) 1000 units twice a day to help with pain, inflammation. Also start taking a vitamin B complex (containing B3, B6, B12) as this helps with nerve related pain and helps decrease further nervous system damage. Lastly I would start taking magnesium citrate 500 mg nightly, to aid in better sleep and help with pain (magnesium citrate is absorbed the best by your body, so be sure it is this formulation). If the pain persists, and you begin having more tingling/unpleasant sensations, another option would be alpha biopic acid 600 mg twice daily. These suggestions are all proven to be effective in the medical literature and I use them on a daily basis for my MS patients. I hope that this helps and I hope you feel better soon! Good luck! </s>
<s>[INST] 28,5.6 inches,55 kgs.I have a family history of suicide attempts,seizures and anxiety.I have taken depression pills like zen 200mg,volprol 300,etc,mascular seizure has occured once, i get often panic anxiety attacks in severe anger in which i harm and wound myself.I have gone through a major brain operation after i shot bullet in my right side head. I remain in constant fear and considers myself quite a psychic patient.plz help with my problem of depression, confusion, poor memory, anger fits and fear. [/INST] HiT hanks for using Chat Doctor In that case, you need to mood stabilizer with antidepressant. You need to take higher dose of valeryl and zen. That would help to control both mood and seizure attacks. You can also try some antidepressant like paroxetine or Escitalopram. That would help to control depressive symptoms in control. Better to discuss them with your psychiatrist. In case, you need further help, you can ask. Thanks </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,i am 27 years old girl, not yet married, As per my doctor analysis i am suffering from OCD , everyday in night time i am taking two tablets nexito fort, and nexito 1O MG now i am fully recovered i do not have any OCD symptom, i feel same symptom whenever i tried stop taking tablets 3 times as per my doctor suggested i am alright observe my life ,after stooping tablets again few days i feel same symptoms like fear ,doubting my self ,anxiety again my doctor suggest to me do not stop the tablets,taking regularly,please advise me how long i need take this tablets, during sleeping i spoke lot without my awareness and as its is disturbed others my family member complaining about it.i am expecting your answer please.. [/INST] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. OCD is a mental disorder and not a disease. Normally mental disorders do not need medicines as cure. You need to ascertain your past to find the reason for your OCD. There has to be a trigger. Find out and once the trigger is found treatment with the help of psychotherapy becomes easy. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been proven to be very useful in treating OCD even without medicines. You can consult a clinical psychologist for further advice. ORP lease post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] HI my daughter is 1 yr and 5 mth old she gone to india to meet her grand parents , she got infected with some stomach infection but while examining her the doc asked us to do a 2d echo test ... 1. Is it required in children after birth might be few mths later to go for this test 2. Whats the exact reason behind going for a 2d echo test My daughter is very active right now and in that case also is it necessary for me to take on 2d echo test [/INST] Hi, I think the doctor must have incidentally found a heart murmur in your child, and he just wants to rule out any congenital heart anomaly in the child. This is non-invasive test to look at the heart structure and dynamics of blood flow just like an Ultrasonography. It can be done anytime in the life after birth. Since the doctor has advised go ahead and get it done it will do no harm but will rule out the doubt in the mind of the doctor. ByeTake Care </s>
<s>[INST] Hi. I was taking penicillin for a week for an abscess in my molar. I went through the entire perscription and it was worse than when I started. So three cdays ago, I went back to the doc and she gave me clindamycin. Wich I thought was great. My pain went away and I was able to match my top and bottom together to smile. But this morning I wake up and just over night it turned triple what it was at its worse. Now I look like I have a double jumbo jawbreaker in my cheek. I took 2 steps forward and was shoved 4 steps back. [/INST] Hi and thank you so much for this query. I am so sorry to hear about this. Antibiotic treatment for an abscess is most effective in the early days. If it has been for a while with abscess collection, then you would need a surgical intervention to Chat Doctor. Antibiotics cannot make it into pus collection and are thus generally ineffective with collected abscesses. Please return to your dentist and get and X-ray done. If there is any collection let it be </s>
<s>[INST] My name is Julie. I am 30 years old, 5 3 and weigh 145. I had a tummy tuck almost 2 years ago. Since my recovery I have been having strange pains and movements on all of my abb quadrants. It feels like the muscles themselves are moving and repossitioning. This only happens when I shift or cringe or tighten in certain possitions. Please let me know if this is normal. [/INST] Hi. The surgery of the tummy-tuck involves extensive dissection. During surgery, many of the nerves get cut, traumatized, they do re-attach. During the process of healing some nerves can get entrapped into the scar tissues. This is the reason that you are getting strange abdominal pains and movements all over the abdomen. While shifting or cringing or tightening in certain positions the nerves get activated, and you get the symptoms you have. This is not normal. This should have settled within 9 months of surgery. You may discuss this with your operating Surgeon and can think of some neurectomy or medical treatment with amitriptyline or gabapentin. </s>
<s>[INST] My five yr old granddaughter has chicken pox and i cant remember if i had it or not. However, in our young days i remember my sister having it but i do remember not catching it from her. So therefore,this being so contagious i should have gotten it from her! so i must of been ill with the chicken pox when i was much younger to a point of not remembering.Is it possible to live with someone that has chicken pox and not catch from her?The Doc that saw my granddaughter was worried on my behalf cause I m 50 yr old n i told him that i never had the chicken pox that i remember of n so he wrote me a script for the vaccine.My other sister said we must of gotten it when we were small and we did not have all the symptoms of the Varicella..meaning no scare marks.Is that possible? haha 2 questions thanx for your time!! [/INST] Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. Chicken pox is very contagious infection, and it can be caught to anybody who comes in close contact. It is possible that when you are young you might not be in a close contact so you haven't caught any infection from the sister. If you are in query you can test yourself for antibody titles in the blood for chicken pox virus. This test is costly and only few laboratories can conduct it. If you don't have enough title than you are at risk and can develop the infection. In this case get vaccinated against chicken pox is better option because it can be life-threatening condition at adult age. Please maintain good hygiene around you, it will help you combat the infection same as vaccine. I will be happy to answer your further concern on bit.ly/ Chat Doctor. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist, ChatDoctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I did not go to oral surgeon. I went to the dentist to get my upper wisdom teeth out they got the right side out easily . then they tried to get the left one out but it was too big they said and also said it was coming in sideway they broke a tiny piece off and was trying to pry it out for a really long time. she then decided to stitch it back up and give up because she didnt want me to stress out anymore. its been 7 days since that happened and my mouth is tense it hurts i cant open it that far and there is a hard lump right under the tooth they stitched next to my jaw bone in my mouth and it hurts. idk what it is. is it normal that my mouth feels like this and is it normal for this bumb should i worry? [/INST] Hiii. Welcome to ChatDoctorI have gone through your query, and it suggests that you have undergone an impaction surgery which went of well for your right wisdom tooth but unfortunately not for your left tooth. First of all avoid hot food and warm rinses which will aggravate the swelling. Also visit an oral surgeon as soon as possible and get your remaining wisdom tooth extracted. Take care...get well soon. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a blood clot in my right shoulder from my pregnancy(my son is 9 months old now), Im on coumiden still, but lately have had a burning pain in my right shoulder blade. Was wondering if it was related to my clot, and how long it will take for my clot to go away? [/INST] Hi, As shoulder blade pain cannot be related to a blood clot and will have an insertion of the Trapezius muscle inflammation leading to pain. There will be weakness of the inter-scapular muscle and also the posture will not be proper. Correction of posture, using hot water fermentation, doing strengthening exercises for the neck muscles, inter-scapular muscles, and shoulder girdle muscles should help reduce the symptoms. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I am having severe lower back pain and also pain in the buttocks and upper thigh that feels like a bad toothache. An x-ray showed moderate scoliosis of the spine, multilevel arthritis and advanced degenerative disc disease. I have had lower back pain for about 5 years, but has recently become more severe. I am 75 years of age and otherwise healthy. What is my prognosis as I do not particularly want to have surgery? Are there any other good treatments? [/INST] Hi, I am Chat Doctor. I have read your question and understand your concerns. Let me try to help you Question : Suggest treatment for moderate scoliosis of the spine and multilevel arthritisAnswer : If you have Pain Only, You can continue with Non-Surgical Treatments like Lifestyle Modifications, Physiotherapy, Tablets etc. If there is any weakness or numbness, you need surgical management Hope you found the answer helpful. If you need any clarification / have doubts / have additional questions / have follow-up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] My son is 9 1/2 yes old.he was diagonised with slight throat infection. He was prescribed monocef 100 o syrup for 5days.3 days have gone by but fever keeps coming after a gap of 10-12 he s or even sometimes 4-6 he s gap which is concerning me.his food intake is normal n no signs of vomiting or any other problems.he s active when fevers not the too.but lethargic when he has.plz help [/INST] Fever due to sore throat are common in child Chat Doctor. Although in case of a viral cause, no response would be there, the antibiotic course of 5 days needs to be completed. Give some antiallergic like levocetirizine along with paracetamol to reduce the temperature. Metal P contains metonymic acid which is more effective than paracetamol in reducing temperature and can also be given. Sponging with water at room temperature will also help. If the child is active and not lethargic during normal times, you need not worry. Just continue the treatment you are offering him. Gurgling with lukewarm water would give him relief. </s>
<s>[INST] hello sir .. my sister age 23 married suffering from lower back pain . i have taken the X-ray from the hospital and the Impression is shown in that is Loss of normal curvature of the spine - mostly due to para-spinal muscle spasm .... Sir plz tell me is it so serious and what treatment should be given to this disease...? [/INST] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor According to your X-ray report it looks like the right diagnosis, as age is 23 years only. In this age loss of normal curvature is not decorative process, so don't worry. Due to heavy exercise or weight lifting para spinal muscles get hurt and spasm. Just take muscle relaxant tablets like MySpace or consult your physician and take rest. If she has chronic pain for long duration then we can think for investigation like MRI spine. Thanking you. </s>
<s>[INST] I recently rolled my right ankle. Had it in a DJO Global air boot for a week. After healing up, I have noticed pain shooting up the back side of my calf, my knees and my hip all on on my right side. I have also had weakness and numbness in my leg. When I rub or scratch the top of my right foot there is a Painful numbing tingly sensation on the whole right side of my foot, predominately the pinky and other last 2 toes. [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing in. You might have hurt the delicate ligaments and tendons of your foot. There might also be a mild nerve entrapment. Ligament and tendon injuries usually take 4 to 6 weeks to heal and since your injury has happened last week, it might still be sore and therefore the pain and discomfort. Please allow yourself to rest from heavy physical activities using your affected leg and foot. You can apply ointments containing muscle relaxants and pain relievers to feel comfortable and also use a heat pad on your foot. Avoid wearing tight shoes for a few days as you are having pain in the toes. </s>
<s>[INST] I have small lump on trapezius muscle right about the meeting point of clavicle and sternum. I did have an episode in gym where during dumbbell shrugs i severely strained the muscle and had limited mobility in there for about a week. I have no other symptoms. 21 years old. No smoke or drink. The lump is somewhat tender to touch and can roll with my fingers. What could it be? [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some tendinitis or soft tissue mass. You should wait for some time. Furthermore, you should take anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. If it doesn't respond to treatment then you should go for examination and if needed go for biopsy. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] I fell really bad on my upper thigh a could weeks ago and got the worst bruise i ve ever had. Now the bruise is getting better, more yellow finally, but the middle of it is hard and kind of numb. The area around it is more tender, and if i ve been sitting for a while my whole upper leg is sore as if i ve worked out. [/INST] Hello, Bruise is and external manifestation of subcutaneous injury that results in hemorrhage under the skin. Bruise will gradually clears on it own in 2-3 weeks. Pain you are having is not because of the bruise but because of the original soft tissue injury that results in bruise. All you need to do is to do some icing over the painful site and give rest to the part, if not improved in 3-5 days go for an ultrasonography. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] hi,i had a miscarriage and was on a course of antibotics incase of infection,i finished the course of antibotic & miscarriage bleeding & all bleeding had stopped & the next day had menstrual like cramping in my side,think but unsure if this was ovulation.i had sex with my partner that day & the following 2 days.When i went to the tiolet there was small bit of fresh very faint pinky blood & mucus.the next day same thing.Last night i had kidney infection pain (as had kidney infection before) & going to tiolet was painful & now pain in my side which is kidney pain.Do you think when i came off the antibotics the pain was ovulation pain & what do you think my chances that i might have conceivied & would the kidney infection have interfered with my chances? [/INST] HelloThanks for query /Based on the facts that of have narrated the severe pain in renal area (Back) with blood in urine (hematuria) that you have is mostly due to presence of stone either in kidney or ureter, and it is not related to either miscarriage or ovulation or pregnancy.consult qualified Urologist for clinical examination and get following basic tests done to confirm the diagnosis.1) Urine routine and culture. 2) Ultrasound scanning of abdomen and pelvis Further treatment will depend upon result of these tests and final diagnosis. In the meanwhile start taking antibiotics like Ciprofloxacin and Antispasmodic like Diclofenac twice daily . Ensure to Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] sir i am lakshmi .present i am in 6th month.my weight is 78kgs.so tell me the tips to normal delivery.all the work at home is done by me only.b.p is 120/80,urine sugar nill,i am using the tablets zink,iron,calcium.ensure protien powder is also using. [/INST] HI, I understand your query. You are taking proper diet supplements for your pregnancy, still it needs to be confirmed by pathological tests like CBC, urine examination, USG abdomen & regular pregnancy check up by an obstetrician. A lady with normal parameters of health & fetal growth & size of pelvis can have normal delivery .most of the time. For normal delivery apart from the well nourished body, healthy lifestyle & household work, one has to have regular yoga exercises (learn t under expert observation) to attain a strong/ stretchable & flexible body. Muscle is strong. Respiratory exercises help to hold breath out while bearing down at labor. Delivery in a hospital is preferable for there you/ your baby get optimum medicinal help. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] i am 28 years old, 6.5m and 73kg. i have being diagonise on genital infections lately. i have a fleshy growth on the upper part of my anus, which normally appear and disappears on its own. sometimes i notice some sore around that area too. the growth and sore is cause me pains though not much. what is the cause of these and the solution? [/INST] Hi, Dear,Good Morning. Thanks for the query to my Chat Doctor Clinic. I studied your query in depth. I am concerned about the worries you have. In my opinion, you have LGV with anal fleshy recurring sore lump. Treatment-a-Hygienic care of the part, b-Treatment with ER surgeon-for anal fleshy lump, which recurs off and on. Normal Sexual practices should be followed. Stop any abnormal sex practices if on. A surgical excision by ER surgeon would Fix your worry of this lump. This is the remedy for your lump. Hope with this you would be relieved of your worrisome query. Wellcome again to Chat Doctor. Have a good Day. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I was wondering how long after consumption of a food you are allergic to does it take for you to have a reaction? I had some egg by accident an hour or so ago, and I feel my throat getting tighter, I took two reactine but I was wondering if it will go away with this? [/INST] Welcome to Chat Doctor. The symptoms you described are definitely of food allergy, this time to an egg. It generally takes minutes to few hours to get symptoms of an allergy. You have taken an antihistamine Chat Doctor. I would advise you to reach the nearest doctor and check your present status properly and get treated. I would also ask you to do an allergy profile test, to know what other food or things you are allergic to and be aware in the future. Hope my advice helped. Have a good life. </s>
<s>[INST] I have been recovering from ankle surgery. I fractured my tibia and fibula. Got 5 screws in my fibula and 2 in my tibia. For weeks at a time I feel fine, able to jog, etc. But every few weeks (usually the day after a more intense workout) I get a burning, pinching sensation in the anterior part of my ankle. The pain seems to follow all the way up to right below my knee. Could the screws be causing nerve irritation or other kind of impingement? Or is it just a product of ankle instability? [/INST] Hi, I have studied your case with diligenceThere is possibility of non-union at fracture site leading to pain. There can be associated ligament injury leading to instability. If fracture is not united you need surgical intervention like open reduction and internal fixation with or without bone graft. You can apply crêpe bandage for support. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] My 5 years old son has been coughing on and off for a about 2 days now. Im at work and my husband just called to inform me that my son keeps coughing. Yesterday I started giving my son cough medicine that the dr prescript last time he got sick which was about 2-3 months. I am not sure if I should continue with the medicine or take him to urgent care since his dr office is closed til Monday. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion you should not worry much as your son is having Chat Doctor. So continue the same cough medicines and consult doctor on Tuesday. But during this time if your son develops 1 fever2 expectoration3 high respiratory rate4 not taking well orally, crying a lot Ethan take him to the ER and get done chest x-ray.Otherwise, upper respiratory tract infection seems more. So give him plenty of fluids ANF cough medicines. </s>
<s>[INST] Dear Sir, I had been chewing tobacco for the last 25 yrs my age is 47 yrs. last 2 yrs i started developing pain in neck region and spine, i took some treatment nothing works as per doctors it is L4 & L5, nowadays i get dizziness and feel less light when i sit in closed room with light. I feel better when i get out. Back pain is still there and dizziness is also there, I have problems with my stomach, i never get clear motion and whenever i eat something my dizziness increases [/INST] Your body has acquired a sort of tobacco dependency. You should try to lessen the qty of CHEWING tobacco gradually and leave it one day by determination. The neck region and L4-5 pain can best be managed by physio, Yoga, deep breathing and taking simple precautions like not bending too much, avoiding jerks etc. Herbal anti-inflammatory and pain managers like GGUL and Shirt capsules are best to your needs. These are not painkillers but gradually control pain by antiarthritic effects. 1/2 a spoon of turmeric powder in warm milk or water everyday once or twice additionally will also help. With all these take warm water. I would recommend a very light purgative Tarunikusumakar chairman 1 tsp at night for consecutive three days. Thereafter, once a week. Commonly available in India. Have leafy vegetables and light food. Hope it helps you. </s>
<s>[INST] i 14 and i have excess gum in between my two front teeth and i was just wondering what would happen if i wanted to get rid of it because my dentist said that it wouldnt go away by itself but it would have to be cut out then i would have to get braces to close the gap. i am really nervous and i dont know what to do, please help [/INST] Hello, Read your query, as you have enlarged gingival don't be worried so much be relaxed I will suggest you to consult Periodontist specialist and go for oral examination of gingival if you have gingival enlargement then go for its treatment oral prophylaxis or gingivectomy, after treatment of gums then if you have spacing then go for orthodontist for orthodontic treatment. Hope this will help you. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi lately I dont feel very good usually Im a very bubbly person but for the past month Im always down upset sometimes start to cry without any reason I dont wanna Go out anymore Coz I feel that I dont fit in anywhere . Some days I get really angry and frustrated I shout on my family members then I cry Coz I feel bad Coz they dont deserve this . I dont eat much I constantly feel sick , I dont know what is wrong with me its like Im losing my mind , and all I want is to be back to normal me . [/INST] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. From the description I am to understand that you are disappointed with some negative happening in your life. You are dissatisfied and disappointed. That does not mean you are clinically depressed. Everyone in their come across some happenings which they never desire for and feel hapless and worried. Everyone feels dissatisfied and disappointed at those times. Then they come back. Elders, friends, parents etc. come as help. Once the affected understands that such negative things are common with everyone, they realize and slowly come out of their emotions. With you, such escape shall happen. Of course, it takes some time. Meanwhile do not worry. Engage yourself in activities which keeps you engaged. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] i got married on 1st feb. ,during first month of my marriage i didnt had any problem during sex, but frm second month i see little blood during our intercourse. after examination the doc said thr is a small mole/poly or anything.so the doc advised tat it should be romed immediately.I havent understood the reason for this and also in ultra sound report its seen tat a calculus is seen in mird 3rd of right kidney measuring 3.3 mm in size, thr are features of endocervictis, small cortical cyst is seen in both the ovaries and minimal collection is seen in POD? what should i do now, what are the remedies? will i have any problem in conceiving a child???pls help?? [/INST] Hi, Thank you for your query. You have not mentioned the location of the mole/polyp. If it is on the cervix then it should be removed. Endocervicitis can be controlled by appropriate medications. The kidney problems should not be a cause for worry if the kidney functions are within normal limits. The doctor shall be seeing to this aspect. Cortical cyst in ovaries and minimal collection of fluid in the POD are normal. These should not cause any problem for you to conceive. However, you need to be under constant medical supervision for your renal problems. I hope I have answered your query to your satisfaction. Wishing you all the best. Rajiv K Khandelwalhttp://goo.gl/SuCjl </s>
<s>[INST] i am eight weeks pregnant the father of the baby doesnt want me to have the baby. yesterday he came over he said to talk but he eneded up bringing extacy and pressured me into doing it so i would feel bad and have an abortion. now i feel horrible and i dont think i want the abortion and i dont know if i harmed the baby. im scared!!!! [/INST] Hello, and I hope I can help you today. Ecstasy, or MDMA, is a kind of stimulant Chat Doctor. So if you want to keep the baby, there is no medical reason why you need to worry about the pregnancy. You may need to re-evaluate your relationship if the babies father pressures you into doing things that can harm you or the baby, but for now, there is nothing to worry about. You should begin taking prenatal vitamins though, any brand is fine, and they can be purchased at your local pharmacy. I hope your situation gets resolved, and I wish you the best of luck with the rest of the pregnancy, </s>
<s>[INST] I have PCOS and never had a period last month. I had sex on wednesday and i am scared there could be a chance that i am pregnant as the condom kept slipping off, my question is am i safe to take Levonelle morning after pill even when i missed a months period? [/INST] Hi, Since you have PCs, you may be having irregular ovulation. I hope you were not sexually active last month. If you were, then there is a small possibility of that missed period being due to pregnancy. Levonelle is safe, and you should take it even if you have missed last month's period. Leonel although you can be used within 72 hours of sex, it is more effective the earlier after sex you take this medicine. If you don't get your period in two weeks time, you should do the pregnancy test. (Leonel is 95% effective in avoiding pregnancy. There is a small possibility of method failure). I hope I have answered to your satisfaction. </s>
<s>[INST] My 10 month old has been having very loose kind of yellow almost like cottage cheese sour smelling poops for the past week. We had started him on homo milk two weeks ago after he had a case of diarrhea. A few days later our whole family got the 24 hour stomach bug and he threw up twice the one day and again the next day and had non stop diarrhea after that for 3 days we had him on pedialite for four days and the diarrhea never stopped so we put him back on formula. Since then hes only had these loose sour smelling poops. [/INST] Hello. I just read through your question. It seems he may have picked up the stomach bug the rest of the family had. I agree with what you did, and I also agree about putting him back on the formula. The most important thing is to make sure he stays well HY Chat Doctor. If he is producing 1-2 wet diapers per 24-hour period, you know he is. Otherwise, as long as he is comfortable, you may continue with the current diet. The diarrhea will resolve on its own within a few days. </s>
<s>[INST] iv asked questions here before. sometimes i received good answers, many times i received not good ones such as See a doctor . so im not expecting the best from this but id like any advice anyway. im just so desperate. im 18, iv had some severe depression for about a year or so now. i feel like i cant tell anyone about it. i havnt told a soul so far. its basically just literally ruining my life and almost every relationship iv created in the past (i mean friends or just any kind of relationship, even ones i formed back when i was really young) have seemed to dissipate inside of me. to all them they dont know because iv hid it. but inside i feel like i dont even know my life long friends anymore. iv been feeling like i cant even turn to my family anymore. everyones becoming so distant from me and i feel there s no where to turn. im living in some kind of empty void now. does anyone have ANY kind of advice for me???? besides from the too often repeated stuff (see top) [/INST] HI well come to Chat Doctor. It seems you are not happy if we ask you to see your doctor. But when question is asked should provide enough material to conclude the thing, every thing can not be judged by merely history, at times clinical examination and investigations are needed before giving medical advice. WE have our limitations to answer you. At present, it looks like you are suffering from depression. You got to help your self. Start thinking positive. Involvedyour self in social activity. Attain gathering and start mixing well with people. Selectactivity of your choice and keep busy in it. Make newer friends. All this will give you inner pleasure and will help you to come out of depression. Thanks </s>
<s>[INST] Is there a difference between Trisequence and YAZ. I am 62 years old and would like to stop taking the birth control pill I am taking now. I tried Trisequence in the passed, but felt very emotional when taking Trisequence. So I stopped and went back to Microgynon 30 mg. My GP prescribebd my YAZ is this the same product as Trisequence ? Thanks for letting me know [/INST] Hi, Yaz is a combined oral contraceptive pill which contains (ethanol estradiol and Chat Doctor. It can also treat depression and mood symptoms from premenstrual dysphoric disorder as well as moderate acne in women 14 years of age and older. Whereas Trisequens which contains estradiol and norethisterone is a sequential combined Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) which is commonly prescribed in postmenopausal women for the relief of symptoms occurring after menopause and also to prevent osteoporosis. It is not used as a contraceptive. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] hello, i am 43 years old..im having this pantal since oct 7, 2011 after eating chicken..but we have a history of allergy coz my daddy also have that..it only occured at night most, at daytime not so..imy height is 5;2", weight 125lba, im only taking benadryl 25mg at night only..my legs, tummy, arms are the favorite parts where pantal appeared..what will i do? [/INST] Cellophane you for posting on Chat Doctor. From your description its looks like you are having episodes of urticaria or hives, a kind of allergic skin eruption. I would advise you to consult a dermatologist for proper management. Usually I advise a long term course of various antihistamines with or without corticosteroids. Also, in certain non-responding cases various other medications like Dawson, montelukast, cyclosporine, omalizumab can be tried. Thank you Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I have Identical Twin boys both born with Hypospadias and both were opperated on at 13 Months of age. Tonight after bathing them I noticed black dots, I 1st thought it was fluff and tried to wipe it away. When I pushed on it it became more prominent in another area. Quite a few spots can be seen on both boys. They both say its sore there. Is this possible 5 years post op? The black spots are where the Foreskin has been cut so its quite likely to be stitches. Has anybody else experienced this? I will take them to see our Doctor, but I know from previous experience his knowledge is limited where the hypospadias is concerned. [/INST] Howell come to ChatDoctorI really appreciate your concern, if this was the hypomanias and operated, it may not give you exact normal appearance as it is looking in another male, and the hypomanias can be corrected in two steps, it is all depends upon the clinical examination that what type of appearance it has got, so it is advisable to see the surgeon who did the operation, it may be normal one as long as the condition are concern and repaired done hope this information helps. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a pulling sensation that is painfull around the site where my shunt was placed on my skull. I have had some foggy vision and headache . I have also had a pain in my neck. not sure it is anything or me just healing from my placement surgery 4/12/12... [/INST] Hello, What I understand from the history is you are having trouble with vision, frequent headaches and pain in the neck. Now, this is one of the common complaints I have come across the patients I have seen in my clinical experience of 12 years of patients having a shunt. First thing is you need to do is to meet up a neurologist and maybe a scan needs to be done to check the position of the shunt. If the shunt is okay then your optic nerve has to be assessed. Because any changes in the optic nerve can lead to visual changes. Next coming to the headache, post installation of the shunt there will be changes in the pressure within the skull and the brain that is called the intracranial pressure and needs to be assessed by the neurologist so that an actual cause of pain can be figured out. Regarding neck pain, it may be due to changes in muscle strength and cervical disc. A MRI will be of full insight to provide the details and a proper exercise prescription can be handed over. My opinion is to meet up a neurologist, get self-examined in person and take up the call. You should do well. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I just recently got over H1N1 flu and pneumonia. in the past 30 days also I quit smoking 5weeks ago I smoked for 43 years. I never in the past have had issues with indigestion. I was awaken last evening with pain in my chest and across my upper back. I drank soda fast belched and was fine . Around 10am tthe pain appeared and has lasted all day. I had my husband hit my back to see if it was gas and it would move nothing helepd I just ate several crackers pain is gone .Ihave a daughter and 2 siblings that have had their gall bladder removed in their lat 30 s I am 62. thoughts [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. In my opinion you are having HERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) mostly due to chronic cigarette smoking. It is due to laxity of gastroesophageal sphincter. Because of this the acid of the stomach tends to come up in the esophagus and cause the symptoms like chest and back pain with gas in the stomach. So try to follow these steps for better symptomatic relief.1. Avoid hot and spicy food.2. Avoid stress and tension.3. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals.4. Start proton pump inhibitor.5. Go for walk after meals.6. Keep 2-3 pillows under head in bed to prevent acid reflux.7. Lose weight if you are obese.8. Don't start smoking again. You will be alright. Don't worry. </s>
<s>[INST] . I have a hip pain in right side of my hip & the pain propagates through my thigh & lower part of my right leg. 15 years back I had a similar problem & doctor gave me nurobin tab. & problem was resolved.I have also observed the pain increases if I sit in arm chairs. Any suggestion to come out from the problem? [/INST] Hello, I have studied your case. As per your history there can be hip arthritis which can be degenerative or due to avascular necrosis of femoral head [AVN]. I will advise you do X-ray of hip again, and you can consult me with reports or with your doctor. After clinical examination IF AVN is suspected then you will need MRI. Till time take analgesic and cartilage protecting medication like glucosamine sulfate. For hip arthritis joint flexion, extension and rotation exercises will help. Physiotherapist will help you better to learn more exercises in proper protocol. If required intra-articular injection can be given. Diet rich in calcium and protein will help. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] my mother 85 has suddenly had imbalance issues and feels like her eyes are crossed . she has had the cat scan, blood work and now an mri . Doctor said all is clear! no sinus , no inner ear , noe eyes, not tia no tumors..but he noticed a change in the size of her pituitary glad from the mri of 5 years ago. Now he want a contrast mri and blood work to check the pitutary. He said an endocrinologist would be the next route and would probably give her some pill to take down what may be sudden swelling causing her walking like a drunk and seeing double, What do you think? [/INST] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. Based on the symptoms, I would think of a posterior circulation stroke as the first diagnosis. In this condition, there may be lack of blood flow in brain stem and/or cerebellum. Regarding the normal MRI, it happens in some cases. However, a repeat MRI later would show the infarct (blood clot). Regarding pituitary swelling, it is likely to be a small adenoid (benign tumor), which can be confirmed with contrast scan. In any case, her symptoms are not related to the pituitary swelling. Best wishes, Chat Doctor. </s>