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20140204-0900-PLENARY-23-cs_20140204-22:43:32_1 | musí být transparentní a srozumitelný, firma musí zaručovat právní jistotu, musí usilovat odstraňování zbytečných byrokratických překážek, ale současně musí umět zaručit a vymocit i vysokou úroveň ochrany spotřebitelů a zejména jejich bezpečnost. | transcribe | cs |
20120315-0900-PLENARY-14-de_20120315-16:29:53_3 | Natürlich gibt es Übergriffe des Herrscherhauses und des Sicherheitsapparates und der Saudis, die sich dahinter verstecken und die gern Bachrhein eigentlich in ihren Staat integrieren würden. | transcribe | de |
20180418-0900-PLENARY-3-en_20180418-08:50:36_17 | If we don't address this problem, the ground is there for populist, nationalistic forces to go on growing all over Europe. | transcribe | en |
20200914-0900-PLENARY-es_20200914-17:23:57_4 | Y desde luego esa razón no puede tener que ver con la explicación surrealista que hemos escuchado más de una vez de que se trata de una conspiración izquierdista. | transcribe | es |
20190327-0900-PLENARY-fi_20190327-18:47:03_12 | Hänen kanssaan on ollut erittäin miellyttävä tehdä töitä ja muidenkin raportoijien kanssa. Ja haluan myös todeta, että omalta osaltani tämän lienee myös viimeinen puheenvuorokoskeli. | transcribe | fi |
20200212-0900-PLENARY-fr_20200212-18:11:25_1 | Notre délégation défendra la lutte contre les écarts salariaux à travail égal, contre les cyberviolences, les mariages forcés et les mutilations génitales. | transcribe | fr |
20180206-0900-PLENARY-15-hr_20180206-16:10:06_5 | Pošast genitalnog sakačenja žena u Europi tek je jedna od manifestacija takve štetne politike. | transcribe | hr |
20110622-0900-PLENARY-12-hu_20110622-18:46:15_2 | Kulcsfontosságú az innováció, a kutatás és a fejlesztés. | transcribe | hu |
20130522-0900-PLENARY-15-it_20130522-17:29:48_2 | quanto sarebbe utile che recuperando i patrimoni sottratti da dittatori e da nomenclature si creino dei fondi di sviluppo economico diffuso, del microcredito, delle agevolazioni per l'imprenditoria, delle borse di studio per gli studenti e sarebbe il modo migliore di restituire ai cittadini quanto gli è stato sottratto e si darebbe un segnale potente di che cosa può offrire una collaborazione internazionale virtuosa. | transcribe | it |
20100210-0900-PLENARY-3-nl_20100210-09:06:43_4 | En dat kan, naar mijn gevoel, alleen met een brede meerderheid die we samen zoeken. | transcribe | nl |
20101124-0900-PLENARY-30-pl_20101124-15:09:02_28 | Podsumowując, panie przewodniczący, Unia potrzebuje długoterminowej wizji polityki energetycznej. | transcribe | pl |
20170704-0900-PLENARY-15-ro_20170704-17:40:04_8 | Știu că agențiile de informații sunt reticente în a face un schimb total de informații cu toate serviciile din statele membre. | transcribe | ro |
20111213-0900-PLENARY-15-sk_20111213-22:35:06_5 | Prijanie takýchto harmonizovaných pravidiel by nám potom pomohlo jednotne postupovať aj pri komunikácii s tretimi krajinami. | transcribe | sk |
20140417-0900-PLENARY-7-sl_20140417-10:42:28_17 | V tem duhu se zahvaljujem poročevalcem vesenci in vodi delegacij za japonsko gospodovan balenu, kot tudi njenim posameznim članom za sodelovanje in koristne konsultacije. | transcribe | sl |
20140204-0900-PLENARY-23-cs_20140204-22:43:32_1 | It must be transparent and understandable. The company must guarantee legal certainty. It must strive to eliminate unnecessary bureaucratic obstacles, but at the same time it must be able to guarantee and empower a high level of consumer protection, especially their safety. | translate | cs |
20120315-0900-PLENARY-14-de_20120315-16:29:53_3 | Of course there are attacks by the Saudi government and the security apparatus, which would like to integrate Bahrain into their state. | translate | de |
20180418-0900-PLENARY-3-en_20180418-08:50:36_17 | If we don't address this problem, the ground is there for populist, nationalistic forces to go on growing all over Europe. | translate | en |
20200914-0900-PLENARY-es_20200914-17:23:57_4 | And of course, that reason can not have to do with the surrealist explanation that we have heard more than once, that it is a leftist conspiracy. | translate | es |
20190327-0900-PLENARY-fi_20190327-18:47:03_12 | It has been a pleasure working with him and other reporters. I would also like to say that I will also be taking part in the last meeting of the Parliament. | translate | fi |
20200212-0900-PLENARY-fr_20200212-18:11:25_1 | Our delegation will defend the fight against equal wage gaps, cyber violence, forced marriages and genital mutilation. | translate | fr |
20180206-0900-PLENARY-15-hr_20180206-16:10:06_5 | The absence of genital mutilation in Europe is just one of the manifestations of such harmful policies. | translate | hr |
20110622-0900-PLENARY-12-hu_20110622-18:46:15_2 | The key importance is innovation, research and development. | translate | hu |
20130522-0900-PLENARY-15-it_20130522-17:29:48_2 | It would be useful if, by recovering the lost heritage from dictators and nomenclatures, we create funds for widespread economic development, micro-credit, facilitation for entrepreneurship, scholarships for students. It would be the best way to give back to the citizens what was taken away from them. And we would give a powerful signal of what a virtuous international collaboration can offer. | translate | it |
20100210-0900-PLENARY-3-nl_20100210-09:06:43_4 | And that is possible, in my opinion, only with a broad majority that we are looking for together. | translate | nl |
20101124-0900-PLENARY-30-pl_20101124-15:09:02_28 | To sum up, Mr. Chairman, the EU needs a long-term vision of energy policy. | translate | pl |
20170704-0900-PLENARY-15-ro_20170704-17:40:04_8 | I know that the information agencies are reluctant to make a total change of information with all the services from the Member States. | translate | ro |
20111213-0900-PLENARY-15-sk_20111213-22:35:06_5 | The adoption of such harmonized rules would help us to act uniformly even when communicating with third countries. | translate | sk |
20140417-0900-PLENARY-7-sl_20140417-10:42:28_17 | In this spirit, I thank the messengers, the spring and water delegations for the Japanese-built balloon, as well as its individual members for cooperation and useful consultation. | translate | sl |
20160414-0900-PLENARY-10-cs_20160414-13:44:10_1 | A ve chvíli, kdy jsou data dostatečně chráněna předchozími právními texty, které také dnes byly schváleny, pak jsem přesvědčen, že vzhledem k trvalé hrozícím terroristickým útokům v Evropě je nutné, aby policie při vyšetřování terroristických útoků a jiných form závažené činnosti se mohla dostat informacím, kdo kam letěl. | transcribe | cs |
20131008-0900-PLENARY-13-de_20131008-17:44:02_1 | Dabei kommt es nicht auf ein bestimmtes Alter oder die Hautfarbe an. | transcribe | de |
20170614-0900-PLENARY-5-en_20170614-10:03:08_5 | They attacked and removed the voices of resistance from our radio and TV stations. They attack and abuse the President who was elected in the United States of America, yet celebrate the globalist placement they installed in France. | transcribe | en |
20190312-0900-PLENARY-es_20190312-21:11:32_5 | Si bien esta lista no es perfecta, sí que resulta necesario que las entidades financieras refuercen sus controles. | transcribe | es |
20130116-0900-PLENARY-12-fi_20130116-17:04:15_4 | Laajalle levinnyt korruptio Irakissa vielä edesauttaa tätä huonoa kehitystä. | transcribe | fi |
20170704-0900-PLENARY-20-fr_20170704-20:53:03_11 | En 2015, l'Arabie Saoudite avait été élue à la Commission des droits de l'Homme et avait dans la foulée exécuté 153 personnes contre 26 en 2012. | transcribe | fr |
20170517-0900-PLENARY-18-hr_20170517-18:21:45_6 | Tako je prilika za reći da jedan od glavnih prioriteta hrvatske politike je ulazak u Schengensku zonu. Nadam se da ćemo to vrlo brzo ostvariti. | transcribe | hr |
20200114-0900-PLENARY-hu_20200114-20:56:01_3 | Ezzel a jelentéssel úgy érzem, egy lépéssel közelebb kerültünk, nem csak céljainkhoz, de álmainkhoz is. | transcribe | hu |
20170601-0900-PLENARY-4-it_20170601-10:03:05_1 | In un momento come questo, gravato dalla minaccia del terrorismo, non possiamo permetterci che ci siano falle nel sistema dei controlli di vista. | transcribe | it |
20180612-0900-PLENARY-4-nl_20180612-12:23:37_0 | Voorzitter, ondertussen 60 jaar. | transcribe | nl |
20110216-0900-PLENARY-4-pl_20110216-09:57:42_3 | bliska perspektywa zakończenia negocjacji oraz stworzona w tej izbie również atmosfera pomogą samej Chorwacji. | transcribe | pl |
20110404-0900-PLENARY-12-ro_20110404-20:10:42_1 | Există zone pe glob unde violența a contra femeilor se manifestă sub toate formele. Viol, trafic sexual, căsătorii forțate, moarte, răpiri din motive religioase sau criminale, prostituție forțată, la care se adaugă violența în familie sau din partea foștilor parteneri. | transcribe | ro |
20101021-0900-PLENARY-14-sk_20101021-16:14:21_3 | ktorý pohrda zákonmi alebo ich zneužíva za účelom viednania v rozpore so základnými ľudskými právami. | transcribe | sk |
20150310-0900-PLENARY-21-sl_20150310-21:42:00_12 | je visoka stopnja nezapoštenosti, mladih, gospodarstvo, medij. Tudi sanj dobim vam kar nekaj elektronskih sporočil, kjer se opozarja na vprašanje neodvisnosti medijev in tukaj bi se vedel pozoru, da morajo boste še naresti kar veliko korako naprej nekaj tudi delničarjev, | transcribe | sl |
20160414-0900-PLENARY-10-cs_20160414-13:44:10_1 | And when the data is sufficiently protected by the previous legal texts, which were also approved today, I am convinced that in view of the ongoing terrorist attacks in Europe, it is necessary that the police, when investigating terrorist attacks and other forms of serious activity, could get information about who was going where. | translate | cs |
20131008-0900-PLENARY-13-de_20131008-17:44:02_1 | But it does not depend on a certain age or skin color. | translate | de |
20170614-0900-PLENARY-5-en_20170614-10:03:08_5 | They attacked and removed the voices of resistance from our radio and TV stations. They attack and abuse the President who was elected in the United States of America, yet celebrate the globalist placement they installed in France. | translate | en |
20190312-0900-PLENARY-es_20190312-21:11:32_5 | Although this list is not perfect, it is necessary for financial entities to strengthen their controls. | translate | es |
20130116-0900-PLENARY-12-fi_20130116-17:04:15_4 | The widespread corruption in Iraq is still helping to prevent this bad development. | translate | fi |
20170704-0900-PLENARY-20-fr_20170704-20:53:03_11 | In 2015, Saudi Arabia was already elected to the Human Rights Commission and had executed 153 people against 26 in 2012. | translate | fr |
20170517-0900-PLENARY-18-hr_20170517-18:21:45_6 | Croatia's main priority is to enter the Schengen zone. I hope we will achieve this very soon. | translate | hr |
20200114-0900-PLENARY-hu_20200114-20:56:01_3 | I feel that with this statement we have come a step closer not only to our goals, but also to our dreams. | translate | hu |
20170601-0900-PLENARY-4-it_20170601-10:03:05_1 | In a moment like this, engulfed by the threat of terrorism, we cannot allow any failure in the system of control. | translate | it |
20180612-0900-PLENARY-4-nl_20180612-12:23:37_0 | Speaker, meanwhile 60 years... | translate | nl |
20110216-0900-PLENARY-4-pl_20110216-09:57:42_3 | and the atmosphere created in this room will help Croatia. | translate | pl |
20110404-0900-PLENARY-12-ro_20110404-20:10:42_1 | There are areas around the world where the violence against women manifests itself in all forms. Rape, sexual trafficking, forced marriages, death, abduction for religious or criminal reasons, forced prostitution, where violence is added in the family or from the former partners. | translate | ro |
20101021-0900-PLENARY-14-sk_20101021-16:14:21_3 | with the absolute ruler of this republic, who respects the laws or abandons them for the purpose of negotiating in dispute with the basic human rights. | translate | sk |
20150310-0900-PLENARY-21-sl_20150310-21:42:00_12 | The situation is highly unemployed, young people, the economy, the media. I also receive some emails, where everything points to the question of media independence. I would like to point out that we will have to take a big step forward, including some businessmen. | translate | sl |
20170912-0900-PLENARY-7-cs_20170912-12:00:04_3 | A já se vás tady ptám, opravdu je toto způsob, kterým si představujeme spolupráci a ochranu spotřebitelů, | transcribe | cs |
20150908-0900-PLENARY-3-de_20150908-09:01:12_26 | biologische Grenzen beim Tier. | transcribe | de |
20180314-0900-PLENARY-13-en_20180314-16:03:18_3 | In order to increase the preparedness at national and EU level, the key word to overcome those challenges is cooperation and the multidimensional aspects, public-private cooperation, cooperation between member states, economic cross-border and cross-sector collaboration. | transcribe | en |
20101123-0900-PLENARY-5-es_20101123-10:48:32_0 | Gracias, presidenta. La competitividad es importante, pero no puede ser el único criterio. | transcribe | es |
20140116-0900-PLENARY-11-fi_20140116-15:43:05_2 | Erityisen tuomittava ovat tiedot jatkuvista hyökkäyksistä uskonnollisia ja kulttuurisia vähemmistöjä kohtaan. | transcribe | fi |
20101124-0900-PLENARY-93-fr_20101124-22:03:52_2 | Cette régulation concerne les États et leurs économies, mais évidemment les principaux acteurs économiques que sont les entreprises et donc en particulier les entreprises multinationales qui sont les principales actrices du commerce mondial. | transcribe | fr |
20191113-0900-PLENARY-hr_20191113-22:54:13_3 | Kad govorimo o Istri, jedan sjajan primjer imamo suradnje i povezanosti dva vodovoda. Istarskog vodovoda iz Hrvatske dijela Istre i rižanskog vodovoda iz Slovenskog dijela Istre. | transcribe | hr |
20150707-0900-PLENARY-15-hu_20150707-18:30:53_2 | Úgy vélem, hogy a bizottságnak a számai a májusi előterjesztésben megfelelő keretet biztosítanak erre, és ezt köszönöm is. | transcribe | hu |
20170516-0900-PLENARY-19-it_20170516-21:06:09_2 | Questo malcontento fortissimo nei confronti del Governo ha portato a una reazione scomposta, con una dozione di riduzione della libertà di espressione, attacco alle opposizioni e in qualche modo una soppressione di quelle voci che chiedono invece maggiore trasferenza e libertà. | transcribe | it |
20200723-0900-PLENARY-nl_20200723-10:59:16_9 | Toen de commissie en het parlement zeiden dat ze samen de grenzen zouden bewaken, werd er gezegd dat ze daar een budget voor stelden ter beschikking. | transcribe | nl |
20160525-0900-PLENARY-16-pl_20160525-20:22:34_4 | My musimy mieć jeden system europejski dla całej Unii Europejskiej. Inaczej będziemy znowu godzinami, dniami, tygodniami i latami pracować nad tym, żeby ten system zharmonizować. I to będzie tak trudne jak harmonizowanie praw, które już od dawna istnieją w Unii Europejskiej. | transcribe | pl |
20101021-0900-PLENARY-12-ro_20101021-15:22:00_1 | Proporția populației subnutrite, insuficiența ponderală infantilă și RAT-a mortalității infantile sunt cei trei indicatori care ilustrează dramatic situația cronică a lipsurilor alimentare ce afectează milioane de oameni. | transcribe | ro |
20151215-0900-PLENARY-15-sk_20151215-21:36:34_3 | Toto precitnutie je však potrebné. | transcribe | sk |
20160913-0900-PLENARY-19-sl_20160913-21:19:36_7 | nespremljivo. | transcribe | sl |
20170912-0900-PLENARY-7-cs_20170912-12:00:04_3 | I ask you, is this really the way we imagine cooperation and protection of consumers? | translate | cs |
20150908-0900-PLENARY-3-de_20150908-09:01:12_26 | biological limits for animals. | translate | de |
20180314-0900-PLENARY-13-en_20180314-16:03:18_3 | In order to increase the preparedness at national and EU level, the key word to overcome those challenges is cooperation and the multidimensional aspects, public-private cooperation, cooperation between member states, economic cross-border and cross-sector collaboration. | translate | en |
20101123-0900-PLENARY-5-es_20101123-10:48:32_0 | Thank you president, competitiveness is important but it can't be the only criterion. | translate | es |
20140116-0900-PLENARY-11-fi_20140116-15:43:05_2 | It is especially appalling to know about the ongoing attacks against religious and cultural minorities. | translate | fi |
20101124-0900-PLENARY-93-fr_20101124-22:03:52_2 | This regulation concerns the states and their economies, but also the main economic actors, namely the companies, and in particular the multinational companies, which are the main actors of the world trade. | translate | fr |
20191113-0900-PLENARY-hr_20191113-22:54:13_3 | When we talk about Istria, we have a great example of the cooperation and connection of two waterways. The Istrian waterway from the Croatian part of Istria and the Riga waterway from the Slovenian part of Istria. | translate | hr |
20150707-0900-PLENARY-15-hu_20150707-18:30:53_2 | I believe that the members of the Committee will provide the necessary framework for this in the May meeting. Thank you. | translate | hu |
20170516-0900-PLENARY-19-it_20170516-21:06:09_2 | This strong discontent with the government has led to a disorganized reaction, with a reduction of freedom of expression, an attack on opposition and in some way a suppression of those voices that instead ask for greater transparency and freedom. | translate | it |
20200723-0900-PLENARY-nl_20200723-10:59:16_9 | When the Commission and the Parliament said we would guard the borders together, it was said that we would make a budget available for that. | translate | nl |
20160525-0900-PLENARY-16-pl_20160525-20:22:34_4 | We need to have one European system for the whole EU, otherwise we will work for hours, days, weeks and years to harmonize this system. And it will be as difficult as harmonizing the rights that have long existed in the EU. | translate | pl |
20101021-0900-PLENARY-12-ro_20101021-15:22:00_1 | The proportion of the undernourished population, the child poverty and the rate of infant mortality are the three indicators that illustrate dramatically the chronic situation of food shortages that affects millions of people. | translate | ro |
20151215-0900-PLENARY-15-sk_20151215-21:36:34_3 | However, this is necessary. | translate | sk |
20160913-0900-PLENARY-19-sl_20160913-21:19:36_7 | I am not ready for this. | translate | sl |
20100211-0900-PLENARY-4-cs_20100211-10:15:07_4 | Ačkoliv online gambling nezná hranice, jeho regulace se v každé členské zemi liší mírou zdanění, dostupnosti, kontroly i mírou právní odpovědnosti provozovatelů. | transcribe | cs |
20160511-0900-PLENARY-11-de_20160511-15:02:46_1 | sich erinnern hat, der Präsident während der Sitzung am 9. | transcribe | de |
20160413-0900-PLENARY-17-en_20160413-15:33:39_4 | These are not easy issues to resolve. | transcribe | en |
20190917-0900-PLENARY-es_20190917-17:19:05_16 | Si el gobierno hace oídos sordos, aislará a Brasil del resto de la comunidad internacional. | transcribe | es |
20130417-0900-PLENARY-18-fi_20130417-21:37:33_7 | Lastikään minua haastatteli saamelaisten television edustaja. Saamelaisethan ovat yksi pohjoinen alkuperäiskansa. He kysyivät, että mitä se Euroopan unio tarkoittaa meille? | transcribe | fi |
20120523-0900-PLENARY-3-fr_20120523-09:37:24_1 | consisterait précisément en un remplacement des cotisations nationales actuelles par des ressources propres ainsi que le vol des traités | transcribe | fr |
20191127-0900-PLENARY-hr_20191127-18:17:30_0 | Hvala lijepa. Gospodža Tomašić, jako mi je drago da hvalite koliko sam shvatio vojsku politiku UE. Zalažete se za zajedničke rješenja i za zajedničke interese. | transcribe | hr |
20171024-0900-PLENARY-21-hu_20171024-21:21:23_1 | Külön kiemelném a bizottság felhívását gyakorlati lépések kidolgozására, a cigány ellenesség leküzdésére, illetve a felszólítást a Nemzeti Roma Integráció Stratégiák sikeres helyi gyakorlatok és problémák alapján történő elkészítésére. | transcribe | hu |
20181025-0900-PLENARY-it_20181025-14:07:12_5 | di questa risoluzione a tutti i compagni e le compagne che sono stati vittima della violenza fascista a Bari e in tutta Italia. | transcribe | it |
20171025-0900-PLENARY-4-nl_20171025-10:05:58_4 | Als wij die verworvenheid van het vrij reizen binnen Europa willen behouden, zullen we gezamenlijk het beheer en het management van onze buitengrenzen moeten verbeteren. | transcribe | nl |
20190417-0900-PLENARY-pl_20190417-09:15:37_2 | Osoby, które decydują się na przeprowadzkę do innego państwa członkowskiego, aby tam podjąć pracę, powinny jak najszybciej znaleźć się w systemie zabezpieczenia społecznego państwa przyjmującego. | transcribe | pl |
20191022-0900-PLENARY-ro_20191022-16:00:39_6 | Într-adevăr, Serile din Est sunt favorizate pentru unele investiții din bani publice europeane. Dar piața comună oferă numai oaspe alte avantaje, statelor net contributoare. | transcribe | ro |
20111024-0900-PLENARY-19-sk_20111024-23:07:57_3 | Neviem si predstaviť ochranu detí bez súčinnosti s ich rodičmi. | transcribe | sk |
20191113-0900-PLENARY-sl_20191113-18:19:59_2 | Leto sprema konvencije savpada z letom paca berlinskega zidu. | transcribe | sl |
20100211-0900-PLENARY-4-cs_20100211-10:15:07_4 | Although online gambling does not know the limits, its regulation is different in each member country by the degree of licensing, availability, control and legal liability for the operator. | translate | cs |
20160511-0900-PLENARY-11-de_20160511-15:02:46_1 | If you remember, the president said during the meeting on 9th May... | translate | de |
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