
ghjuliasialelli's picture
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All notable changes to the dataset will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

v1.1.2 - 26.02.2025

In, line 179, the indexing was changed from [:, :, i] to [i, :, :] (see the corresponding commit). More explicitely, the normalization of the Sentinel-2 and ALOS bands was wrong, because the dimensions were mistakenly taken for (patch_dim_1, patch_dim_2, bands) instead of (bands, patch_dim_1, patch_dim_2).

v1.1.1 - 30.01.2025

In, line 399, {"split": "val"} was changed to {"split": "validation"} so as to match the split names of the AGBD_raw dataset. The was updated accordingly.

v1.1.0 - 04.12.2024

Overall, the structure of the input data now looks like:

from datasets import load_dataset

dataset = load_dataset('',trust_remote_code=True,streaming=True)
for sample in dataset['train']:
  _in = sample['input']

np.array(_in).shape # (24, 15, 15)

Where the shape follows the convention below:

- 12 x Sentinel-2 bands
- 3 x Sentinel-2 dates (s2_num_days, s2_doy_cos, s2_doy_sin)
- 4 x Latitude/longitude (lat_cos, lat_sin, lon_cos, lon_sin)
- 3 x GEDI dates (gedi_num_days, gedi_doy_cos, gedi_doy_sin)
- 2 x ALOS bands (HH, HV)
- 2 x CH bands (ch, std)
- (N + 1) x LC (lc_encoded, lc_prob), where N = 14 for onehot, N = 5 for cat2vec, and N = 2 for sin/cos
- 3 x Topographic bands (slope, aspect_cos, aspect_sin)
- 1 x DEM (dem)


  • New features:
    • slope : the percentage of the slope where each pixel is located; it is a float between $0$ and $1$
    • aspect_cos, aspect_sin : the sine and cosine encoded aspect, or orientation of the slope, which is measured clockwise in degrees from $0$ to $360$; it is a float between $0$ and $1$
    • s2_num_days : the date of acquisition of the Sentinel-2 product, calculated as the number of days since the start of the GEDI mission (April 17th, 2019); it is an int
    • s2_doy_cos, s2_doy_sin : the sine and cosine encoded corresponding day of the year (DOY); it is a float between $0$ and $1$
    • gedi_num_days : the date of acquisition of the GEDI footprint, calculated as the number of days since the start of the GEDI mission (April 17th, 2019); it is a uint
    • gedi_doy_cos, gedi_doy_sin : the sine and cosine encoded corresponding day of the year (DOY); it is a float between $0$ and $1$
  • The load_dataset() function now provides the following configuration options:
    • norm_strat (default = 'pct') : the strategy to apply to process the input features. Valid options are: 'pct', which applies min-max scaling with the $1$-st and $99$-th percentile of the data; and 'mean_std' which applies mean/variance standardization`.
    • encode_strat (default = 'onehot') : the encoding strategy to apply to the land classification (LC) data. Valid options are: 'onehot', one-hot encoding; 'sin_cos', sine-cosine encoding; 'cat2vec', cat2vec transformation based on embeddings pre-computed on the train set.
    • input_features (dict) : the input features to be included in the data, the default values being:
      {'S2_bands': ['B01', 'B02', 'B03', 'B04', 'B05', 'B06', 'B07', 'B08', 'B8A', 'B09','B11', 'B12'], 
       'S2_dates' : False, 'lat_lon': True, 'GEDI_dates': False, 'ALOS': True, 'CH': True, 'LC': True, 
       'DEM': True, 'topo': False}
    • additional_features (list, default = []) : the metadata to include in the data. Possible values are:
      ['s2_num_days', 'gedi_num_days', 'lat', 'lon', 'agbd_se', 'elev_lowes', 'leaf_off_f', 'pft_class', 'region_cla', 'rh98', 'sensitivity', 'solar_elev', 'urban_prop']
      This metadata can later be accessed as such:
      from datasets import load_dataset
      dataset = load_dataset('',trust_remote_code=True,streaming=True)
      for sample in dataset['train']:
        lat = sample['lat']


  • Statistics: there was in bug in the computation of the percentiles, and the statistics were fixed accordingly.
  • Latitude and longitude: while the latitude and longitude in the raw .h5 files are absolutely correct, there was a bug in the generation of the .parquet files for HuggingFace, resulting in offsetted lat and lon in the additional features. We've now corrected this.


  • The load_dataset() function does not provide the normalize_data configuration anymore, as it was replaced by the norm_strat configuration, giving users more flexibility regarding the processing of the input feature.