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20,535 | At a time when many dental schools are closing or cutting back on programs , Indiana University is investing in and enhancing its own future . | Indiana University is cutting back on programs . | 2 |
20,536 | We would n't exist if the need were n't there . | We only exist because we are needed . | 0 |
20,537 | Not yet a reality , but often seriously discussed , is terraforming `aitering an extracterrestrial body to make it capable of supporting Earth 's life forms . | Terraforming is a cruel practice that should never exist . | 1 |
20,538 | Mass customization of this sort also means that a single garment must pass through the sewing room at a time . | The mass customization allows for the sewing room to work on many more garments at a time . | 2 |
20,539 | Short leaves of 6 weeks or less ( the norm in the United States ) were linked to maternal anxiety and depression and negative interactions with babies . | It is encouraged that parents do n't stay away from their children for more than 6 weeks . | 1 |
20,540 | The story disclosed that adults realize a long service is hard for a small boy to sit through , but exercising self-restraint and participating in communal rituals bring praise and acceptance from the community . | The story disclosed that adults are unaware of the difficulties of sitting through a long service for a small boy . | 2 |
20,541 | Of course , at that time my rent was $ 50.00 a month . | Yes of course , at that time , I was paying thousands of dollars in rent . | 2 |
20,542 | This sort of misnomer leads Carnegie to suppose that to the uninitiated no map is so misleading as that of West Australia where lakes are salt-bogs without surface water , springs seldom run , and native `wells ' are merely tiny holes in the rock , yielding from 0 to 200 gallons . | Australia uses words for things that dont make sense to Americans , like guns are called rooty tooty point and shootys . | 1 |
20,543 | They are also more willing to work toward goals that are rational and reasonable . | They are unwilling to work towards goals that are rational . | 2 |
20,544 | Indeed , Hannah 's tale suggests that young children denied these supports can still profit from them later , if such supports are available and they have the fortitude to capitalize on them . | Hannah 's story suggests that young kids that do n't have support can still get them later from people outside their family . | 1 |
20,545 | What other kind of things do you do for your dad ? | Does your father make you do other stuff ? | 1 |
20,546 | Lot of times we just sit around and just reminisce and go back to the time when we were growing up . | Most of the time is spent reminiscing about childhood . | 0 |
20,547 | In the course of a long night , two Black Hawk helicopters were shot down , 73 Americans were wounded , 18 were killed , and the world 's television screens showed images of an American corpse dragged through the streets by exultant Somalis . | In an incident that dominated news coverage the military lost 2 helicopters full of servicemen and video surfaced of a US soldier 's body being abused by enemies . | 0 |
20,548 | And I 'm like , I 'm trying to convince him to , you know , if I do n't make it and there 's a strong possibility I wo n't , I know that , I 'm not stupid , I 'm nor going to go to L.A. and make five million or more than that -- | I tried to tell them I have no doubts I 'm going to make it . | 2 |
20,549 | While we have made significant inroads , there remains much to be done and it is clear that we can not do it alone . | We are doing just fine and do not need volunteers at this point in time . | 2 |
20,550 | Consistent with the Confucian parental obligation , The deeper the love , the greater the correction , Chinese mothers ' misdeed stories were much longer than those of the American mothers'in fact , the most lengthy and elaborate of all Chinese narrations . | Chinese parents who espoused a similar philosophy in the United States were often ostracized by their peers . | 1 |
20,551 | The business grew and eventually , he was helping thousands nationwide . | The business increased in size to the point where he could help thousands throughout the world . | 0 |
20,552 | In the Roman Catholic Church , for example , women can function as acolytes ( one of the minor orders of the diaconate ) but may not be officially installed as acolytes . | Roman Catholic Church never officially recognized women as acolytes . | 0 |
20,553 | The second radio transmission , 35 seconds later , indicated that the fight was continuing . | The flight never ended and kept going for a while . | 1 |
20,554 | This was United 175 's last communication with the ground . | United 175 would never have another communication with the ground . | 0 |
20,555 | Two minutes later the transponder was turned off and even primary radar contact with the aircraft was lost . | The aircraft took 5 more minutes for the transponder to turn off . | 2 |
20,556 | In every field , women too numerous to list were involved in developing knowledge and contributing to the welfare of their societies as they did the Roman Fabiola established a hospital where she worked both as nurse and doctor , becoming the first known woman surgeon before she died in AD 399 . | In every field there were many women contributing their skills to society . | 0 |
20,557 | I forgot about comic books ! | I did not mention comic books yet . | 1 |
20,558 | Once these manufacturing and information practices have been adopted , it should come as no surprise that they affect the performance of business units . | Once these manufacturing and information practices have been dropped , it should come as no surprise that they affect the performance of business units . | 2 |
20,559 | At 8:48 , while the controller was still trying to locate American 11 , a New York Center manager provided the following report on a Command Center teleconference about American 11 : | The controller found American 11 before the New York Center was able to issue the following report . | 2 |
20,560 | Simply increasing inventory for all SKUs would be a poor allocation of investment , further increasing the order-fill rate for those SKUs for which service levels are already high . | Upping the inventory for SKUs might be a solution , but is n't the best way of tackling the job . | 0 |
20,561 | You can help make this valuable program available to many persons who are not currently benefiting from dental care . | This program has helped many people to get benefits from dental care . | 1 |
20,562 | If the average American uses from three to five thousand different words each day , the chances are everybody in this country will use three or more Texican words . | The average American is like to use colloquial words | 1 |
20,563 | In the matter of pronunciations of BrEng names , it is an old-fashioned fantasy of Americans that Brits go round saying POM-frit for Pontefract : most Brits that I have heard give the name a spelling pronunciation these days ; and so with many of the old shibboleths . | Americans have a distorted view of British pronunciation and accents . | 1 |
20,564 | Lancame has begun to market a line of cosmetics called Nios ? ? me , which lexics ( opposite of dyslexics ) may read as Noisame , a singularly unimaginative name for a it ranks with product names like Anusol ( regardless of its pronunciation in commercials ) . | Nois ? ? me , the new cosmetic collection by Lancame , is destined to win awards and accolades for its inventive moniker . | 2 |
20,565 | Regardless of how customization was done in the past , consumers paid more for the end product . | The final goods will always cost more for consumers , even if the entire production process is changed . | 0 |
20,566 | Enclosed is a form you can complete and return to us in the postage-paid envelope . | We would love to hear back whenever possible , take your time there is no deadline . | 1 |
20,567 | Other development applications allow designers to begin with an actual garment and make appropriate changes to achieve the desired design or construction modifications . | Designers are forced to begin their work on paper in order to complete their desired design . | 2 |
20,568 | It had been publicly declared years earlier , most notably in a declaration faxed early in 1998 to an Arabic-language newspaper in London . | The newspaper did not bring up any concern to people in 1998 . | 1 |
20,569 | We lived between , between the border of Honduras and El Salvador . | We resided about midway point between the border of Honduras and El Salvador . | 1 |
20,570 | The military aide returned a few minutes later , probably between 10:12 and 10:18 , and said the aircraft was 60 miles out . | It was thought to be sometime after 10 o'clock that the military aide returned . | 0 |
20,571 | I urge you to support your alma mater so that we can continue to make you proud of the degree that you hold from this institution . | Without your support , we wo n't be able to continue making you proud of your degree . | 0 |
20,572 | In the course of a long night , two Black Hawk helicopters were shot down , 73 Americans were wounded , 18 were killed , and the world 's television screens showed images of an American corpse dragged through the streets by exultant Somalis . | It was n't divulged until years later that the US military had suffered serious losses on that night in Somalia . | 2 |
20,573 | Other flight attendants were busy at duties such as getting medical supplies while Ong and Sweeney were reporting the events . | The medical supplies included an automatic defibrillator and oxygen masks.. | 1 |
20,574 | Each year Cathedral High School makes a general solicitation of parents , alumni and friends . | Friends of Cathedral High School offer a significant portion of fund support . | 1 |
20,575 | This year IUPUI is celebrating 25 years in partnership . | The IUPUI has been around for more than a century . | 2 |
20,576 | Did you notice any differences between an American writer and someone of foreign descent ? | Did you notice the similarities between an American writer and someone of foreign origin ? | 2 |
20,577 | Through the youth mapping process , it was confirmed that the positive opportunities for youth on weekend evenings were lacking . | It was confirmed through the youth mapping process , that positive opportunities for younger people on weekend evenings were abundant . | 2 |
20,578 | Ask parents why they spell rather than say the words , and they remark , If you say ice cream , ' he 'll want it now . | Parents prefer to say words over spell them so their kids will know what they are saying . | 2 |
20,579 | Girl Scouting benefits Parent/child relationships . | Young girls that take part grow stronger bonds with their parents . | 0 |
20,580 | On October 29th , a BBC Radio Scotland program was running a competition in which people calling in were asked to spell ventriloquist and kibbutz ( among other words , presumably ) ; several callers with older voices'they certainly were not children'were unable to do so ; does that mean that the Scots are to be excepted from the QES campaign to compel all children to study formal grammar up to the age of 16 or that the rot set in long ago ? | Other words may have included knife and polysyllabic . | 1 |
20,581 | Actually , I went back to see my doctor and when I , everything you know was fine . | My test results all came back just fine . | 0 |
20,582 | My father did n't read anything in terms of what you 'd call a book , uh , but he was analytical of the Sport of Kings , and , so would peruse the paper to check on that . But , uh , my mother , uh , you know , did n't read a whole lot , but spent a lot of time reading to me , uh , my being an only child . | My father does not read anything in terms of what you 'd designate as a book . | 0 |
20,583 | You never call . | You rarely call on the phone , nor webcam . | 1 |
20,584 | Do you think they 've become more ex , do you think they 've accepted more what you 've decided to do or that 's going to take a while ? | Do you think they agree with and are very supportive of your decision ? | 0 |
20,585 | Futures for Children was founded over 30 years ago to provide unique solutions for positive and sustainable social change by placing children at the center of community decision-making and action . | Futures for Children has done many projects that has helped children in the community . | 0 |
20,586 | Do n't they do that a lot with like Britney Spears and people like that ? | Do they do that a lot with people like Selena Gomez ? | 2 |
20,587 | On the other hand , the shared main entry for watershed has twenty-three words in CED but 93 in Cobuild . And the word waterless is a main entry in Cobuild , explained in twenty words , whereas in CED it is naught but a so-called undefined runon 'merely mentioned , but not explained explicitly , as a sub-entry at water . So CED enters more items than Cobuild , but devotes less space to explaining them . | CED is a more effective system because it has a broader database of items . | 2 |
20,588 | In our sample , business units used some type of automatic spreading for about 39 percent of the volume of goods they shipped . | In our sample , business units used a type of spreading for exactly 39.2 percent of the volume of goods shipped . | 1 |
20,589 | One of the wife 's brothers had come . | We were surprised to see everyone in the family there except both of my wife 's brothers . | 2 |
20,590 | What I liked about it was that kids were special . | What I liked was that kids were invisible little adults . | 2 |
20,591 | More likely , they read wants as meaning `desires ' rather than `lacks , ' but that might well be a deliberate , facetious ambiguity . | Wants is not the only word where more than one meaning can be inferred . | 1 |
20,592 | The Annual Appeal is one of two Girl Scout initiatives you will hear about in 1996 . | The Annual Appeal is one of two Girl Scouts initiatives you will hear about in 1996 and the second will come on Easter . | 1 |
20,593 | Best of all , probably , was the unintentional but unavoidable hilarity roused by Hattie McDaniels , Butterfly McQueen , and Vivien Leigh as they jabbered and squeaked in Japanese about Ashley Wilkes , Mista Rhett , and the fall of Atlanta . | The squeaked in Japanese about how gruesome the fall of Atlanta was . | 1 |
20,594 | She might add that there is a 50 percent probability that demand will fall between six and thirteen units . | She might add that the demand is guaranteed to increase to twice what it is now . | 2 |
20,595 | Yeah , I have a son that uh , likes to relive the tragedy of his split lip . | My son really likes to relive the story of his split lip , you know . | 0 |
20,596 | And then , well , we found out that my brother had been admitted , until they took out th , that ( fragment0 , they let him come , but now he did n't come , he went to , to the department of education and asked a transfer , they did n't deny it to him , they transferred him to another place immediately . | The department did not reject the transfer to him , they transferred him instantly . | 0 |
20,597 | One spoke very little English and one spoke excellent English . | One spoke barely any English and the other spoke perfect English . | 0 |
20,598 | Thanks to our Big Sisters volunteers , these young people are self-confident , believe in themselves and are beginning to realize their full potential . | Many young people that engaged in the Big Sisters program dramatically change their lives . | 0 |
20,599 | Again , let me assure you that we would appreciate receiving one million dollars from you and each of our 161 alumni . | We would be very unhappy if you decided to give us one million dollars . | 2 |
20,600 | By this time , Bin Ladin was well-known and a senior figure among Islamist extremists , especially those in Egypt , the Arabian Peninsula , and the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region . | Bin Laden had yet to make a name for himself among popular terrorist organizations . | 2 |
20,601 | Of those beginning prenatal care in the first trimester , Indiana mothers rank in the lower third of individuals receiving such care nationwide . | The state 's health care system is to blame for why many Indiana mothers do not receive care in the first trimester . | 1 |
20,602 | Let us consider the dust-jacket blurbs of Cobuild , CED , and two other native-speaker the British Longman Dictionary of the English Language ( Longman , 1984 ) and the American Webster 's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary ( W9 , 1983 ) . | There are no mistakes on the covers of any dictionaries , | 1 |
20,603 | And I 'm gon na take the fighters from Otis , try to chase this guy down if I can find him . | `` I 'm going to call in the pilot fighters from Otis to try to chase this guy down to see if I can find him where he is in the sky controlling the lost plane '' . | 1 |
20,604 | Even though we receive operating funds from the state , there are a myriad of additional expenses to be met , such as welding equipment for sculpture , pottery wheels for ceramics , and computers for graphics . | The funding from the state does n't cover everything else . | 0 |
20,605 | Once demand variation for each SKU was determined for our men 's coat manufacturer , its managers faced the question of how to manage the inventory of the items in its rapid replenishment collection while maintaining a smooth flow of products through the sewing room . | Managers faced questions about managing inventory after the determination of SKU demand variation . | 0 |
20,606 | If this were indeed to have been a handbook , users would have found a longer list more useful . | Users would have disapproved with having a longer list . | 2 |
20,607 | The so-called diskette is a flat black square of rather tough plastic with a hole in the middle and an oblong slot on each of the flat sides ; it is said to be 5 inches square , but that is a as the only person who probably ever measured one of these things , I can tell you it is 5 3/16 inches square ; that may seem irrelevant , but it is only the beginning of the Great Deception . | Diskettes are not used any more , . | 1 |
20,608 | In 1985 a group of courageous pioneering women established the YWCA of Indianapolis to meet the needs of women , and in 1998 the tradition continues . | Since being founded in 1985 , the YMYC of Indianapolis has been meeting the needs of women . | 0 |
20,609 | In this case , public outrage led to early workers ' compensation and factory inspection legislation . | Public outrage was in vain as the government shut them down . | 2 |
20,610 | Do you still want to be a nurse or -- ? | Do you still want to be a dinosaur when you grow up ? | 2 |
20,611 | Admittedly , there is no such thing as perfect synonymy , but the meanings of many pairs of words are close enough for this term to be used in the context of a pastime like crosswords . | Synonymy is imperfect , but close enough for it to be used for entertainment purposes . | 1 |
20,612 | Bin Ladin 's impressive array of offices covertly provided financial and other support for terrorist activities . | Many people assisted Bin Laden with terrorizing America . | 0 |
20,613 | That means we now have the opportunity to be a stable , positive and important part of each child 's life for an entire decade . | In the next ten years , we will now be able to provide a stability , and positivity for every child which is very important . | 0 |
20,614 | Such retailers can also gather data about customer demographics , past purchases , and responses to potential substitute items , all of which add up to a gold mine of information about consumer preferences . | Customer demographics is one of the areas that can give retailers more data on consumer preferences . | 0 |
20,615 | Within the system , there are others with similar mixed feelings , but by and large the system remains intact . | The system will break apart in future due to these mixed feelings . | 2 |
20,616 | The thin plastic sheet effectively cuts off the flow of room air through the fabric . | The sheet of plastic used to control air flow is very thick . | 2 |
20,617 | This one-time staple has been replaced by shirts of dizzying diversity in fabric , design , and style , providing the final consumer with a huge assortment of shirts while exposing retailers and manufacturers to increased risk of holding large volumes of unsold goods . | Final consumers have more shirt options to choose from nowadays . | 0 |
20,618 | Overall , parents complain that they have less free time to spend with their children . | On the whole , parents are dissatisfied with the amount of time they have with their children . | 0 |
20,619 | In one study , Lonigan and Whitehurst compared shared reading with teachers at preschool , shared reading with parents at home , and a combined condition . | The study was concerned with the amount of ice cream that a child could consume in a given time . | 2 |
20,620 | At 9:39 , the FAA 's Cleveland Air Route Traffic Control Center overheard a second announcement indicating that there was a bomb on board , that the plane was returning to the airport , and that they should remain seated . | The FAA 's Cleveland Air Route Traffic Control Center heard an announcement about a bomb being on the plane , but none was ever discovered . | 1 |
20,621 | People like 74-year-old Margaret , who keeps active by playing bridge and taking classes in Spanish , aerobics and sewing at Heritage Place . | Margaret keeps active by entertaining herself and not relying on charity , she is 74 not 95 and does n't need a babysitter . | 1 |
20,622 | Our work on apparel supplier adjustments to lean retailing suggests that an economy characterized by an increasing level of modern manufacturing and retailing practices should experience lower levels of inventories relative to sales . | Economies characterized by lower levels of modern manufacturing experience lower output . | 1 |
20,623 | She remembered poems that she had learned when she was in high school . | She recalled poems she heard from her boyfriend in high school . | 1 |
20,624 | Recently a project ' arose that should be interesting to you as a former student who struggled to clear the financial hurdle of education . | A someone who attended school while meeting the challenges of trying to pay for your education , you might find this new project enticing . | 0 |
20,625 | He could attract , train , and use recruits for ever more ambitious attacks , rallying new adherents with each demonstration that his was the movement of the future . | He was able to bring in new people for bigger actions and rev up everyone with every new attack . | 0 |
20,626 | Recently we read that how children turn out is mostly written in their genes ; there 's little we as parents can do about it . | Parents have no reason to try when it comes to raising their kids . | 1 |
20,627 | But he places most blame on how contemporary children are reared . | People put the most blame on how contemporary children are reared . | 1 |
20,628 | Alternatively , an adept supplier who uses information for planning , production , and distribution may well share in the competitive advantages derived from better information on the true state of final customer demand . | Suppliers who know their customers ' demand tend to make the most profits . | 0 |
20,629 | As a byproduct of participation , children gain a rich understanding of their own and others ' mental lives'powerful tools in predicting and explaining human behavior and , therefore , in getting along with others . | Participation often has negative consequences for children , and it does not help them to get along better with others . | 2 |
20,630 | It is regrettable that Lederer uses the word corruption ( p . | It is simply remarkable that Lederer uses the word corruption . | 2 |
20,631 | If approval was given , the orders would be transmitted down NORAD 's chain of command . | The orders never got approved . | 1 |
20,632 | He appointed a new financial manager , whom his followers saw as miserly . | He fired his financial manager , who his followers believed to be too eager to part with money . | 2 |
20,633 | Five-year pledges are essential , and will be recognized at the IDA Annual Session and in school and professional publications . | Five-year pledges are the most important and you will get recognition in publications for them . | 0 |
20,634 | That means we now have the opportunity to be a stable , positive and important part of each child 's life for an entire decade . | We missed the opportunity to provide stability , and positivity to each child for the next ten years . | 2 |
Subsets and Splits