int64 20k
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20,435 | Paula Van Gelder 's Poetic Licenses [ XIV , 4 ] reminded me of the license plate a friend reported recently . | Paula Van Gelder 's personal portraits reminded me of the squirrel a friend reported recently . | 2 |
20,436 | It is not really a dictionary , of course , in the sense that is lacks definitions ; it is merely a word list . | This is not a dictionary because there are no definitions for the words listed . | 0 |
20,437 | Only after a common convention for bar codes had been established and in use for several years did retailers turn to such systems to transmit and receive data from suppliers . | Retailers only adopted the use of such systems once bar codes had become common practice . | 0 |
20,438 | . . . [ I ] n my mind they were competing venues for command and control and decisionmaking . | They were competing for control and power rather than working together to make decisions . | 0 |
20,439 | In Charles McGregor 's words , a dictionary that says a lot about a little and one that says a little about a lot can end up roughly the same size . | Just because something is wordy does not mean it contains a lot of useful information . | 0 |
20,440 | That nine minutes ' notice before impact was the most the military would receive of any of the four hijackings . | The military had no time to react , given only nine minutes at most . | 0 |
20,441 | Yeah , it did because I know people from Charlotte now that went to like , not to slam Providence because I like a lot of those people , but they like have like so many like stereotypes of people because they do n't know anybody . | I did it because I know people from Charlotte now that went to there . | 1 |
20,442 | Notwithstanding the unfortunate fact that the gathering and assessment of citational evidence is not what it should ( or might ) be , I should still put my money on professional lexicographers and their resources rather than on M and S . | Professional lexicographers do not deserve the money more so than M and S do | 2 |
20,443 | This sort of misnomer leads Carnegie to suppose that to the uninitiated no map is so misleading as that of West Australia where lakes are salt-bogs without surface water , springs seldom run , and native `wells ' are merely tiny holes in the rock , yielding from 0 to 200 gallons . | The terms for water are the same in Australia as they are through out the world . | 2 |
20,444 | Nothing except knowing that you are helping to protect the Earth 's precious natural resources . | Everything , except knowing that you are helping to protect Earth 's natural resources . | 2 |
20,445 | General Arnold later recalled instructing Marr to go ahead and scramble them , and we 'll get authorities later . | General Arnold instructed Marr to go ahead and scramble them because there was no time for authorization . | 1 |
20,446 | By 10:45 there was , however , another set of fighters circling Washington that had entirely different rules of engagement . | The rules of engagement for fighters in the air over Washington on that day were different from normal . | 0 |
20,447 | Yeah , it did because I know people from Charlotte now that went to like , not to slam Providence because I like a lot of those people , but they like have like so many like stereotypes of people because they do n't know anybody . | I did not do it because I know people from Charlotte . | 2 |
20,448 | I can not wait to see a new perfume marketed under the name Mephitis , Osmatique , or Puanteur . | I am not anticipating the reveal of the new perfume . | 2 |
20,449 | The syllabication of headwords is not an important feature in British the Collins English Dictionary , which offered an elaborate system in its first edition ( 1979 ) , set the words solid in its second edition ( 1986 ) , but I am informed that the major portion of the correspondence received at Collins Publishing concerning the dictionary concerns this change and is critical of it . | The syllabication of headwords is the most important feature of the British the Collins Dictionary . | 2 |
20,450 | ( Note that there is a 95 percent chance that demand will be less than seventeen units next week'thus , if our buyer decides to stock seventeen units at the beginning of the week , the store should be able to offer a 95 percent order fulfillment rate on this SKU . ) | Last week there was a 97 percent chance of demand being less than seventeen units . | 1 |
20,451 | Because my whole first year , I did n't work . | I did not have anytime for a job my first year of college . | 1 |
20,452 | That is , this is the last such request that will be penned from the Cavanaugh Hall address . | Every request you get from us from now until the end of time will be from Cavanaugh hall . | 2 |
20,453 | They had bookshelves , um , that my daddy built , that were built in bookshelves and he um , they were filled up with books , and one summer , I remember when I was a teenager , I just made it a mission to read as many of those books as I could , and I plowed , they were fiction most of them . | One summer I was stuck home most of the days so I read a lot of books . | 1 |
20,454 | In the succeeding minutes , controllers were attempting to ascertain the altitude of the southbound flight . | Controllers were unable to see the altitude of the plane . | 1 |
20,455 | How about I used to read you stories a lot . | I used to read you bedtime stories a lot . | 1 |
20,456 | Because , well , no , Ines was putting up an argument that- , when he told her , No , he said , e , Luis Alonso , I may be going to die , he said , because so much blood loss , he said . | He said that there was no chance he was going to die of blood loss . | 2 |
20,457 | I said , If you , if you would lend me your boys tomorrow . | If you would let your boys help out tomorrow , that 'd be great . | 0 |
20,458 | Even though I had freedom when I was , you know , home , whatever , but I still had a curfew . | I was able to do what I liked home , but only withing reasonable hours . | 0 |
20,459 | Ask parents why they spell rather than say the words , and they remark , If you say ice cream , ' he 'll want it now . | Parents prefer to spell certain words over saying them because their children recognize the words they say . | 0 |
20,460 | The most recent hijacking that involved U.S. air traffic controllers , FAA management , and military coordination had occurred in 1993 . | The most recent hijacking that involved three air-traffic related organizations had been they year before that . | 2 |
20,461 | This edition when published was said to give more word definitions than any other British desk dictionary ; including its main competitor , The Concise Oxford . But in 1986 it was moved into second place by the second edition of Collins Dictionary of the English Language . ( Webster 's New World Dictionary of the American Language seems about the same size as the Oxford ; the Gage Canadian Dictionary is slightly smaller . ) | This dictionary was more comprehensive than all other British dictionaries when it was published . | 0 |
20,462 | Last year , you gave us a contribution of $ xx , for which we , and the people you helped , are grateful . | Donating money last year made us and some people who needed help happy . | 0 |
20,463 | ' Even though lariat contains its own Spanish article , when we imported it into English , we added another , the English the , to create a literal the la reata , `the the lasso , ' and we never think of it as redundancy . | Lariat contains its own Arabic articles , when we imported it into Spanish , we added another the . | 2 |
20,464 | That is not entirely true , for linguists know too much about language to suggest that there ever was , literally , a single language from which all Indo-European languages descended . | It 's unlikely there is only one parent language to all Indo-European languages . | 0 |
20,465 | Therefore , this year 's annual operating campaign for the Herron School of Art and Gallery is focusing on the need for funds to help maintain the facility and our programs . | Herron 's current campaign is focused on making enough money to maintain the facility and all its programs . | 0 |
20,466 | Although each has made valuable contributions to our understanding , a new , more powerful view of the meaning of young children 's play has arrived on the scene , thanks to Vygotsky 's sociocultural theory . | Vygotsky 's sociocultural theory contributed very little to our understanding of the meaning of young children 's play . | 2 |
20,467 | Your gift in this area has a direct impact on a student 's continuing education . | Your gift goes towards buying the student drugs so they can have a fun time in college . | 2 |
20,468 | Over the last ten years , VNS has delivered over $ 1 million worth of free services to the citizens of Central Indiana . | VNS has provided services at no charge to citizens of Central Indiana . | 0 |
20,469 | Each year , we help thousands of people who face tremendous obstacles . | Goodwill seeks to make profits for investors without worrying about anyone else . | 2 |
20,470 | But like , so I was always raised like a tomboy and everything like that and my dad treated me like a guy all the time . | My father treated me like I was a pretty princess . | 2 |
20,471 | As Sudanese authorities became less obliging , normal costs of doing business increased . | Sudanese authorities helped out so the costs would go down . | 2 |
20,472 | Would you say that um , your mom or you dad or whoever is telling the story , tells that part of the story , the , the last part when you came to the door and she saw the glow of light , would you say that they tell that part of the story more than any other part or do they tell the whole thing from beginning to end ? | Why do you think your mom and dad strictly avoid ever talking about the story ( the one which culminates in the moment when you walk up to the door and she notices the light ) ? | 2 |
20,473 | Computer-assisted marker-making can offer large savings with basic garments , like men 's pants or women 's intimate apparel , which may be manufactured repeatedly over several years . | Marker-making with computers can save a lot of money and time . | 0 |
20,474 | 00 in labor and transportation costs ( including direct labor at the plant level ; transportation costs for fabric and other supplies shipped to the sewing plant ; the cost of transporting finished goods to the manufacturer 's distribution center , any customs fees or insurance associated with transportation , and any other costs associated with producing an acceptable unit of finished goods ) . | There does not exist an acceptable unit of finished goods . | 1 |
20,475 | He was accompanied by family members and bodyguards , as well as by al Qaeda members who had been close associates since his organization 's 1988 founding in Afghanistan . | Al Qaeda was founded in Saudi Arabia in 1992 . | 2 |
20,476 | I also encourage you to seek additional support through your company , church , or service organization . | You should reach out to many people for help | 0 |
20,477 | It just kind a fills it out a little bit makes it a little easier on the ear especially if they ca n't sing but . | It does n't make it better if they ca n't sing . | 2 |
20,478 | Lush , green fields that stretched for miles , wisps of white clouds scattered across a clear , blue sky , tranquil silence broken only by cheerful bird songs , the fresh , sweet scent of morning air . | It was hot and humid outside with no breeze . | 1 |
20,479 | General Wherley translated this in military terms to flying weapons free-that is , the decision to shoot rests in the cockpit , or in this case in the cockpit of the lead pilot . | General Wherley described it in military lingo as flying weapons free , meaning that the decision to shoot rests with the headquarters . | 2 |
20,480 | No it was gas because you washed your legs all over because you did it in shorts . | Your legs were washed all over due to having done it in short shorts . | 1 |
20,481 | And he said , Do n't play , the soldier said , do n't play , he said , innocent , he said , in that house , I , our house is huge , and I stayed locked up , because just me and my son lived , my baby son , tiny , and me , and well , that 's all . | My house was really small , and I lived there with my son , my mother , and my father . | 2 |
20,482 | We would all slide the windows down on the bus open the door , stick your head out the door , you could n't hear anything coming that way , you could n't hear anything coming the other way , and he 'd just drop it in low and gun it , we would make it another morning . | It was pitch dark outside the bus window . | 1 |
20,483 | Were you to visit a school on an Israeli kibbutz ( cooperative agricultural settlement ) , you would find an explicit emphasis on cooperation and avoidance of pupil comparisons , and a far more positive attitude toward children who seek help than is common in American schools . | American schools have a more positive attitude towards children who seek help than you will see at an Israeli kibbutz . | 2 |
20,484 | So you see the purpose of this fund is about need and helping worthy , but less fortunate students , who without your help would not be able to attend the school of their choice . | The fund helps students in financial need to attend the school of their choice . | 0 |
20,485 | Similarly , feminists discourage titles that identify women 's ( but not men 's ) marital status ( though many users mistakenly assume Ms . a synonym for Miss ) . | Feminists like to discourage basic facts | 1 |
20,486 | I do not know how he would rate it , but I must confess that for general use I am inclined to put it just a little ahead of Chambers . But I have n't found it quite as much fun to browse in . | Chambers is more comprehensive , though it is not presented in an easy to understand fashion . | 1 |
20,487 | He searched along the plane 's projected flight path and the airspace to the southwest where it had started to turn . | He looked along the projected flight plan and saw it had veered far offcourse . | 1 |
20,488 | Because of rapid brain growth and gradual decline in brain plasticity , the first 5 to 8 years of life are regarded as a sensitive phase of development in which appropriate stimulation is necessary for children to reach their full genetic potential . | Full genetic potential is reached during the first 5 to 8 years . | 1 |
20,489 | As Figure 6.6 shows , the safety stock needed to achieve a given customer service level is proportional to the standard deviation of the demand forecast . | There are no instances where Figure 6.6 shows a picture of a kitten . | 1 |
20,490 | In order to study performance we must first examine how different manufacturing practices fit together for suppliers . | The study is about how often employees take breaks . | 2 |
20,491 | While that has not been literally proposed ( as far as I know ) , the fact that the men 's names appear first has been used by some feminists to illustrate the manifestation of an attitude that women have had to put up with all these centuries . | I know of none who literally proposes that , but a number of feminists have used the fact that women 's names appear second as a means of illuminating the embodiment of a centuries-long worldview . | 0 |
20,492 | The other aircraft referred to by New York Center was United 175 . | New York Center mentioned two aircrafts , including United 175 . | 1 |
20,493 | I want to meet the coldest women'the women who get their diamonds and cars and then start to bawl about how sad and unlucky they 've been . | Women who have diamonds and cars should never complain about anything . | 1 |
20,494 | Second , the total amount of retail space in the United States has expanded dramatically , even while consumer expenditures on apparel items have declined as a share of total expenditures . | There is a lot more retail space in the United States , even though the proportion of spending on apparel has decreased . | 0 |
20,495 | We can not identify whose voices can be heard . | Some voices could be heard , but their identity is unknown . | 0 |
20,496 | Just because , you know , she knows how I am , I guess . | The reason why is because she knows me . | 0 |
20,497 | And she told me that everyone has to be like a little child to God , and that God loves everyone just like He is their own father and they are His children , because of what they are . | She told me that everyone is God 's child and that he loves us all . | 0 |
20,498 | The Maennerchor Society brings together persons who share a desire to provide enduring and generous support for the law school . | The Maennerchor Society is not the only organization to unite people who wish to contribute to the school . | 1 |
20,499 | While Bin Ladin maintained his own al Qaeda guesthouses and camps for vetting and training recruits , he also provided support to and benefited from the broad infrastructure of such facilities in Afghanistan made available to the global network of Islamist movements . | Some al Qaeda guesthouses and camps were maintained and supported by Bin Ladin , along with those owned by other groups of Islamists . | 0 |
20,500 | Actually , I went back to see my doctor and when I , everything you know was fine . | I had to go back to the doctor to hear the bad news in person . | 2 |
20,501 | And do you read a lot ? | Do you read a lot of magazines ? | 1 |
20,502 | bound in fetters , they work continually without being allowed any rest by night or day . | They were able to sleep for most of the day and the entire night . | 2 |
20,503 | // All the time . | He 's here every single day . | 1 |
20,504 | YOU CAN HELP SUPPORT THESE AND OTHER NEEDED SERVICES HERE IN CENTRAL INDIANA . | You can help support these needed services in Colorado . | 2 |
20,505 | They have a place here too . | They also have a place here , we see them a lot . | 1 |
20,506 | Subcontractors who might do cutting as well as sewing are provided with enough fabric to make the order . | Subcontractors who cut and sew will only receive a portion of the fabric needed to complete the order . | 2 |
20,507 | One wonders whether the marriage had secretly taken place between the consecutive chapters ! | I never saw them wed . | 1 |
20,508 | That , the sun had n't come up yet , it was still like , five in the morning . | The sun is not up yet because it is five a.m . | 0 |
20,509 | When tired , Sophie 's teddy bear and leprechaun do n't stay up late doing just as they please . | Sophie 's teddy bear and leprechaun will be exhausted on some nights . | 0 |
20,510 | At the conclusion of this vast exercise , done without the aid of computers , there emerged a pattern of familial relationships that linked together languages spoken , in earlier times , from Britain as far east as Chinese Turkestan and from India as far north as Lappland . | Despite the help of the most powerful supercomputer in existence , the exercise failed . | 2 |
20,511 | Low-cost labor overseas and the increasing penetration of imports have certainly undercut American apparel manufacturers ; apparel imports grew rapidly in most categories starting in the mid-1970s . | Apparel imports have become more popular in the United States since the mid-1970s . | 0 |
20,512 | The threat of Soviet bombers diminished significantly as the Cold War ended , and the number of NORAD alert sites was reduced from its Cold War high of 26 . | The reduced number of alert sites was a direct result of reduced Soviet bomber numbers . | 1 |
20,513 | Consistent with the Confucian parental obligation , The deeper the love , the greater the correction , Chinese mothers ' misdeed stories were much longer than those of the American mothers'in fact , the most lengthy and elaborate of all Chinese narrations . | Confucian ideology taught that the amount of correction was directly proportional to how much a parent loved their child . | 0 |
20,514 | Work a lot harder , um , take some classes that I think are going to interest me more . | I will enroll on no more than three or four classes . | 1 |
20,515 | Statistical analysis showed that those garments for which the Buying Committee had the greatest disagreement were indeed those with the greatest demand uncertainty . | The Buying Committee has great disagreements over many garments . | 0 |
20,516 | They 're making trincheras , they call them trincheras , where they 're putting mounds of stones near the houses , so that the bullets there . | The people of the village are enjoying a time of peace and prosperity . | 2 |
20,517 | I did n't hit nothing . | I did n't hit anything while playing . | 1 |
20,518 | Boston Center TMU [ Traffic Management Unit ] , we have a problem here . | There is an issue with north-bound traffic , Boston Center TMU [ Traffic Management Unit ] . | 1 |
20,519 | I thought it was lacquer thinner . | It 's not thinner , so maybe I need to find something else . | 2 |
20,520 | At 9:32 , a hijacker , probably Jarrah , made or attempted to make the following announcement to the passengers of Flight 93 : Ladies and Here the captain , please sit down keep remaining sitting . | A hijacker , but not Jarrah , taunted the passengers of Flights 93 over the intercom . | 2 |
20,521 | Are you sure you want to be telling people that ? | Do you really think it 's in your best interest to be informing other folks about that ? | 0 |
20,522 | I want him to beat my heart and beat my brain . | I want to beat his heart and his brain | 2 |
20,523 | Al Qaeda members could travel freely within the country , enter and exit it without visas or any immigration procedures , purchase and import vehicles and weapons , and enjoy the use of official Afghan Ministry of Defense license plates . | Al Qaeda members had unlimited powers within the country and could do pretty much anything they wanted to . | 1 |
20,524 | This plan is one more reason to preserve the perennially endangered Endangered Species Act -the most effective wildlife law ever passed . | The Endangered Species Act needs to be preserved because of this plan . | 0 |
20,525 | Such requirements could arise either as a result of voluntary agreements among retailers and apparel suppliers or be mandated through regulation . | One of these requirements is no agreement not to undercut each others prices . | 1 |
20,526 | It is great to know that people , like you , who have graduated from our program are willing to support us in such a significant way . | It 's great to know that people like you are willing to give us over twenty million dollars . | 1 |
20,527 | By 10:45 there was , however , another set of fighters circling Washington that had entirely different rules of engagement . | The fighters in the air over Washington at 10:45 had been told specific rules of engagement . | 0 |
20,528 | As is true at other campuses , almost all of our operating funds are restricted . | Most campuses have limits imposed to their operating funds . | 0 |
20,529 | So , what I am going to ask you is what was your philosophy behind that ? | I am curious to hear your thoughts on the matter . | 0 |
20,530 | Confronted with a violent Islamist movement that killed President Anwar Sadat in 1981 , the Egyptian government combined harsh repression of Islamic militants with harassment of moderate Islamic scholars and authors , driving many into exile . | The Egyptian government became more lenient with Islamic militants after President Anwar Sadat was killed in 1981 . | 2 |
20,531 | This occurred not only because of the greater concentration of businesses in the textile industry , but because textile companies generally plan to run their expensive capital equipment at full capacity around the clock . | The textile industry has a larger focus of business , and runs all of the time . | 0 |
20,532 | I guess I had a friend staying overnight . | My friend slept through the night here . | 0 |
20,533 | We discuss the trade-off arising from providing new products with little information on consumer demand ( fashion products ) and replenishing items on the basis of sales ( historically limited to more basic products ) in detail in Chapter 6 . | Chapter 6 talks about adding new products without knowing if customers want them . | 0 |
20,534 | A Big Sister is a mentor , a friend and a role model , helping a young girl to develop the self-confidence and life skills necessary to become a responsible , productive and successful adult . | Big Brother helped young boys that were bored during the summer break . | 2 |
Subsets and Splits