brat /
ArneBinder's picture
update pie-datasets to 0.7.0

PIE Dataset Card for "brat"

This is a PyTorch-IE wrapper for the BRAT Huggingface dataset loading script.

Dataset Variants

The dataset provides the following variants:

  • default: The original dataset. Documents are of type BratDocument (with LabeledMultiSpan annotations, see below).
  • merge_fragmented_spans: Documents are of type BratDocumentWithMergedSpans (this variant merges spans that are fragmented into simple LabeledSpans, see below).

Data Schema

The document type for this dataset is BratDocument or BratDocumentWithMergedSpans, depending on if the data was loaded with merge_fragmented_spans=True (default: False). They define the following data fields:

  • text (str)
  • id (str, optional)
  • metadata (dictionary, optional)

and the following annotation layers:

  • spans (annotation type: LabeledMultiSpan in the case of BratDocument and LabeledSpan and in the case of BratDocumentWithMergedSpans, target: text)
  • relations (annotation type: BinaryRelation, target: spans)
  • span_attributes (annotation type: Attribute, target: spans)
  • relation_attributes (annotation type: Attribute, target: relations)

The LabeledMultiSpan annotation type is defined as follows:

  • slices (type: Tuple[Tuple[int, int], ...]): the slices consisting if start (including) and end (excluding) indices of the spans
  • label (type: str)
  • score (type: float, optional, not included in comparison)

The Attribute annotation type is defined as follows:

  • annotation (type: Annotation): the annotation to which the attribute is attached
  • label (type: str)
  • value (type: str, optional)
  • score (type: float, optional, not included in comparison)

See here for the remaining annotation type definitions.

Document Converters

The dataset provides no predefined document converters because the BRAT format is very flexible and can be used for many different tasks.