{ "source": "jprochazk/conan-center-index", "score": 2 }
#### File: entt/3.x.x/ ```python import os from conans import ConanFile, CMake, tools from conans.errors import ConanInvalidConfiguration class EnttConan(ConanFile): name = "entt" description = "Gaming meets modern C++ - a fast and reliable entity-component system (ECS) and much more" topics = ("conan," "entt", "gaming", "entity", "ecs") homepage = "" url = "" license = "MIT" no_copy_source = True settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch" _cmake = None @property def _source_subfolder(self): return "source_subfolder" @property def _build_subfolder(self): return "build_subfolder" def configure(self): minimal_cpp_standard = "17" if self.settings.compiler.cppstd: tools.check_min_cppstd(self, minimal_cpp_standard) minimal_version = { "Visual Studio": "15.9", "gcc": "7", "clang": "5", "apple-clang": "10" } compiler = str(self.settings.compiler) if compiler not in minimal_version: self.output.warn( "%s recipe lacks information about the %s compiler standard version support" % (, compiler)) self.output.warn( "%s requires a compiler that supports at least C++%s" % (, minimal_cpp_standard)) return version = tools.Version(self.settings.compiler.version) if version < minimal_version[compiler]: raise ConanInvalidConfiguration( "%s requires a compiler that supports at least C++%s" % (, minimal_cpp_standard)) def source(self): tools.get(**self.conan_data["sources"][self.version]) os.rename( + "-" + self.version, self._source_subfolder) def _configure_cmake(self): if self._cmake: return self._cmake self._cmake = CMake(self) self._cmake.definitions["USE_LIBCPP"] = False self._cmake.definitions["USE_ASAN"] = False self._cmake.definitions["BUILD_TESTING"] = False self._cmake.definitions["BUILD_DOCS"] = False self._cmake.configure( source_folder=self._source_subfolder, build_folder=self._build_subfolder ) return self._cmake def build(self): cmake = self._configure_cmake() def package(self): self.copy(pattern="LICENSE", dst="licenses", src=self._source_subfolder) cmake = self._configure_cmake() cmake.install() tools.rmdir(os.path.join(self.package_folder, "cmake")) tools.rmdir(os.path.join(self.package_folder, "lib", "cmake")) def package_id(self): def package_info(self): self.cpp_info.names["cmake_find_package"] = "EnTT" self.cpp_info.names["cmake_find_package_multi"] = "EnTT" ```
{ "source": "jproddy/lol-stats-online", "score": 3 }
#### File: lol-stats-online/lol_online/ ```python from flask import current_app as app from flask_restful import Api, Resource from lol_online.db import get_db from . import table_manipulation api = Api(app) class HelloApi(Resource): def get(self): return {'data': 'hello!'} class AllGames(Resource): def get(self): db = get_db() data = db.execute('SELECT * FROM games').fetchall() return {row['game_id']: {k: v for k, v in dict(row).items() if k != 'game_id'} for row in data} class AllGamesLimited(Resource): def get(self, limit): db = get_db() data = db.execute('SELECT * FROM games LIMIT ?', [limit]).fetchall() return {row['game_id']: {k: v for k, v in dict(row).items() if k != 'game_id'} for row in data} class AllPlayers(Resource): def get(self): db = get_db() data = db.execute('SELECT * FROM players').fetchall() return {i: dict(row) for i, row in enumerate(data)} class AllPlayersLimited(Resource): def get(self, limit): db = get_db() data = db.execute('SELECT * FROM players LIMIT ?', [limit]).fetchall() return {i: dict(row) for i, row in enumerate(data)} # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ class PlayerStatsInternal(Resource): def get(self, username): return table_manipulation.generate_player_stats(username, True) class PlayerStatsExternal(Resource): def get(self, username): return table_manipulation.generate_player_stats(username, False) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ api.add_resource(HelloApi, '/hello_api') api.add_resource(AllGames, '/all_games') api.add_resource(AllGamesLimited, '/all_games/<limit>') api.add_resource(AllPlayers, '/all_players') api.add_resource(AllPlayersLimited, '/all_players/<limit>') api.add_resource(PlayerStatsInternal, '/player_stats_internal/<username>') api.add_resource(PlayerStatsExternal, '/player_stats_external/<username>') ``` #### File: lol-stats-online/lol_online/ ```python import pandas as pd import time from tqdm import tqdm from riotwatcher import LolWatcher, ApiError from .api_key import API_KEY REGION = 'na1' def get_account_id(account_name): watcher = LolWatcher(API_KEY) account = watcher.summoner.by_name(REGION, account_name) return account['accountId'] def get_matchlist(account_id, region=REGION): ''' retrieves list of all matches for the given account id and returns as a dataframe ''' watcher = LolWatcher(API_KEY) matches = [] i = 0 # queue ids limit the games to 5v5 sr (norms, draft, flex, soloq, clash) valid_queue_ids = [400, 420, 430, 440, 700] print('fetching matchlist:') pbar = tqdm(total=float('inf'), mininterval=0.1) while True: try: match = watcher.match.matchlist_by_account( region, account_id, queue=valid_queue_ids, begin_index=100*i ) if match['matches']: matches.append(match) i += 1 time.sleep(.1) pbar.update(len(match['matches'])) else: break except: pass all_matches = [m for match in matches for m in match['matches']] = len(all_matches) pbar.close() df = pd.DataFrame(all_matches) df.rename({'timestamp':'creation', 'gameId': 'game_id'}, axis=1, inplace=True) df.set_index('game_id', drop=False, inplace=True) df.drop(['season', 'role', 'lane', 'platformId', 'champion'], axis=1, inplace=True) return df def get_timelines(game_ids, region=REGION): ''' retrieves detailed reports of all match timelines in the given matchlist and returns as a dataframe ''' watcher = LolWatcher(API_KEY) timelines = [] game_ids_success = [] failed = [] print('fetching timelines:') for i, game_id in enumerate(tqdm(game_ids)): for _ in range(3): try: timelines.append(watcher.match.timeline_by_match(region, game_id)) game_ids_success.append(game_id) break except: time.sleep(1.5) else: failed.append(game_id) time.sleep(1.5) if failed: print('game ids failed:', failed) df_tl = pd.DataFrame(timelines, index=game_ids_success) df_tl.index.rename('game_id', inplace=True) df_tl.sort_index(inplace=True) return df_tl def get_forfeits(df, region=REGION): '''return a series containing if each game in df was forfeit or finished normally''' df_tl = get_timelines(df.game_id, region) df_tl['winner'] = df.winner return df_tl.apply(lambda x: extract_forfeit_from_frames(x.frames, x.winner), axis=1) def extract_forfeit_from_frames(frames, winner): '''uses timeline frames to determine if a given game was forfeit or finished normally''' nexus_turrets = {1748: False, 2177: False, 12611: False, 13052: False} for frame in frames: for event in frame['events']: if event['type'] == 'BUILDING_KILL' and event['towerType'] == 'NEXUS_TURRET': nexus_turrets[event['position']['x']] = True blue_nexus_turrets_destroyed = nexus_turrets[1748] and nexus_turrets[2177] red_nexus_turrets_destroyed = nexus_turrets[12611] and nexus_turrets[13052] forfeit = not ((red_nexus_turrets_destroyed & (winner == 100)) | (blue_nexus_turrets_destroyed & (winner == 200))) return int(forfeit) def get_matches(df, region=REGION): '''collects games from riot api''' watcher = LolWatcher(API_KEY) matches = [] game_ids_success = [] failed = [] print('fetching matches:') for i, game_id in enumerate(tqdm(df.game_id)): for _ in range(3): try: matches.append(watcher.match.by_id(region, game_id)) game_ids_success.append(game_id) break except: time.sleep(1.5) else: failed.append(game_id) time.sleep(1.5) if failed: print('game ids failed:', failed) df_m = pd.DataFrame(matches) df_m.rename(columns={'gameId': 'game_id'}, inplace=True) df_m.set_index('game_id', drop=False, inplace=True) return df_m def filter_remakes(df): '''returns tuple (full-length games, remakes). cutoff set to 300 s''' if 'duration' in df.columns: remake_mask = df.duration > 300 elif 'gameDuration' in df.columns: remake_mask = df.gameDuration > 300 return df[remake_mask], df[~remake_mask] ```
{ "source": "jproffitt/django-react-templatetags", "score": 2 }
#### File: django-react-templatetags/django_react_templatetags/ ```python import warnings def react_context_processor(request): """Expose a global list of react components to be processed""" warnings.warn( "react_context_processor is no longer required.", DeprecationWarning ) return { 'REACT_COMPONENTS': [], } ```
{ "source": "jprof/jrnl", "score": 3 }
#### File: jrnl/plugins/ ```python from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals import codecs from ..util import u, slugify import os from ..util import ERROR_COLOR, RESET_COLOR class TextExporter(object): """This Exporter can convert entries and journals into text files.""" names = ["text", "txt"] extension = "txt" @classmethod def export_entry(cls, entry): """Returns a unicode representation of a single entry.""" return entry.__unicode__() @classmethod def export_journal(cls, journal): """Returns a unicode representation of an entire journal.""" return "\n".join(cls.export_entry(entry) for entry in journal) @classmethod def write_file(cls, journal, path): """Exports a journal into a single file.""" try: with, "w", "utf-8") as f: f.write(cls.export_journal(journal)) return "[Journal exported to {0}]".format(path) except IOError as e: return "[{2}ERROR{3}: {0} {1}]".format(e.filename, e.strerror, ERROR_COLOR, RESET_COLOR) @classmethod def make_filename(cls, entry): return"%Y-%m-%d_{0}.{1}".format(slugify(u(entry.title)), cls.extension)) @classmethod def write_files(cls, journal, path): """Exports a journal into individual files for each entry.""" for entry in journal.entries: try: full_path = os.path.join(path, cls.make_filename(entry)) with, "w", "utf-8") as f: f.write(cls.export_entry(entry)) except IOError as e: return "[{2}ERROR{3}: {0} {1}]".format(e.filename, e.strerror, ERROR_COLOR, RESET_COLOR) return "[Journal exported to {0}]".format(path) @classmethod def export(cls, journal, output=None): """Exports to individual files if output is an existing path, or into a single file if output is a file name, or returns the exporter's representation as unicode if output is None.""" if output and os.path.isdir(output): # multiple files return cls.write_files(journal, output) elif output: # single file return cls.write_file(journal, output) else: return cls.export_journal(journal) ```
{ "source": "JPRolfe/AutoClicker", "score": 2 }
#### File: JPRolfe/AutoClicker/ ```python from ctypes import string_at from multiprocessing import RawArray, process from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox from tkinter import IntVar import time import pyautogui import win32api, win32con, win32gui import datetime import secrets import keyboard from pynput import keyboard from pynput.keyboard import Key, Listener, KeyCode from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, Value # Collect events until released s_x = None s_y = None e_x = None e_y = None millisecond_lower = None millisecond_higher = None running = False direction = None rawKey = None finalKey = None globalKey = None finiteReset = Queue() ClickCounter = Queue() finiteReset.put(False) beginningVariable = True lastOption = None counterVariable = Value('i', 0) class Application(): def __init__(self, master): self.master = master self.rect = None self.x = self.y = 0 self.start_x = None self.start_y = None self.curX = None self.curY = None self.switch = False #root.configure(background = 'red') #root.attributes("-transparentcolor","red") #root.attributes("-transparent", "blue") root.geometry('900x480+1700+800') # set new geometry root.title('Random Mouse Clicker') self.menu_frame = Frame(master) self.menu_frame.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH) self.menu_frame.columnconfigure((0,1), weight=0, pad=10) self.bottommainframe = Frame(master) self.bottommainframe.pack(side="bottom", expand=YES, fill=BOTH) self.topmainframe = Frame(master) self.topmainframe.pack(side="top", expand=YES, fill=BOTH) self.leftframe = Frame(self.topmainframe) self.leftframe.pack(side="left", expand=YES, fill=BOTH) self.rightframe = Frame(self.topmainframe) self.rightframe.pack(side="right", expand=YES, fill=BOTH) self.framebuttons = Frame(self.rightframe) self.framebuttons.pack(side="right", expand=YES, fill=BOTH) self.labelframe_area = LabelFrame(self.framebuttons, highlightthickness=0, text="Set Area", ) self.labelframe_area.pack(side="top", padx=20, expand=True, fill=BOTH) self.labelframe_click = LabelFrame(self.leftframe, highlightthickness=0, text="Autoclick") self.labelframe_click.pack(padx=20, expand=YES, fill=BOTH) self.labelframe_keybind = LabelFrame(self.framebuttons, highlightthickness=0, text="Set Keybind") self.labelframe_keybind.pack(side="bottom", padx=20, pady=20, expand=YES, fill=BOTH) self.labelframe_delay = LabelFrame(self.leftframe, highlightthickness=0, text="Set Delay") self.labelframe_delay.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH, pady=20, padx=20) self.setupforsetup = Frame(self.bottommainframe) self.setupforsetup.pack(side="left", expand=YES, fill=BOTH) self.labelframe_setup = LabelFrame(self.setupforsetup, highlightthickness=0, text="Current Setup", ) self.labelframe_setup.pack(padx=20,fill=BOTH) self.setupbox1 = Frame(self.labelframe_setup) self.setupbox1.pack(side="left") self.setupbox2 = Frame(self.labelframe_setup) self.setupbox2.pack(side="left", padx=3) self.setupbox3 = Frame(self.labelframe_setup) self.setupbox3.pack(side="left", padx=3, pady=10) self.keybindtext = StringVar() self.keybindtext.set("None") self.keybindDir = Label(self.setupbox1, textvariable=self.keybindtext, bg="white") self.keybindDir.pack(side="bottom", fill=X) self.keybindlabel = Label(self.setupbox1, text="Current Keybind Allocated", height=1) self.keybindlabel.pack(side="top") self.delaytext = StringVar() self.delaytext.set("None") self.delayDir = Label(self.setupbox2, textvariable=self.delaytext, bg="white") self.delayDir.pack(side="bottom", fill=X) self.delaylabel = Label(self.setupbox2, text="Current Delay Allocated", height=1) self.delaylabel.pack(side="top") self.clickrvar = IntVar() self.clickrvar.set(0) self.clickrtext = StringVar #self.clickrtext.set("None") #print(str(self.clickrtext.value)) self.clickrDir = Label(self.setupbox3, text=str(self.clickrvar), bg="white") self.clickrDir.pack(side="bottom", fill=X) self.clickrlabel = Label(self.setupbox3, text="Clicks Remaining", height=1) self.clickrlabel.pack(side="top") self.frameMinButton = Frame(self.bottommainframe) self.frameMinButton.pack(side="right", fill=BOTH, expand=YES) self.minimizebutton = Button(self.frameMinButton, text = "Mimimize", command=self.minim, background='lightgrey') self.minimizebutton.pack(pady=10, fill=Y, expand=YES) self.snipButton = Button(self.labelframe_area, text="Set Click Area", command=self.createScreenCanvas) self.snipButton.pack(pady=20) self.labeltext1 = StringVar() self.labeltext1.set("Lower Limit Value") self.labelDir = Label(self.labelframe_click, textvariable=self.labeltext1, height=1) self.labelDir.grid(row=0,column=0) self.labeltext2 = StringVar() self.labeltext2.set("Upper Limit Value") self.labelDir = Label(self.labelframe_click, textvariable=self.labeltext2, height=2) self.labelDir.grid(row=1,column=0) self.rangetxtbelow = Entry(self.labelframe_click, width=10) self.rangetxtbelow.bind("<KeyRelease>", self.updateDelaySetup) self.rangetxtbelow.bind("<FocusOut>", self.checkDelayLower) #self.rangetxtbelow.pack(expand=YES) self.clicked = StringVar() self.clicked.set("Milliseconds") self.secondscale = OptionMenu(self.labelframe_click, self.clicked, "Seconds", "Milliseconds", command=self.updateDelaySetup) self.myButton = Button(self.labelframe_keybind, text="Assign", command=self.assignKey) self.myButton.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=2) self.myButton = Button(self.labelframe_keybind, text="Clear", command=self.clearKey) self.myButton.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=2) self.rangetextabove = Entry(self.labelframe_click, width=10) self.rangetextabove.bind("<KeyRelease>", self.updateDelaySetup) self.rangetextabove.bind("<FocusOut>", self.checkDelayUpper) #self.rangetextabove.pack(expand=YES) self.rangetextabove.grid(row=1, column=2) self.rangetxtbelow.grid(row=0, column=2) self.secondscale.grid(row=0, column=4) self.ClickDelayLabelFrame = LabelFrame(self.labelframe_delay, text="Click Option") self.ClickDelayLabelFrame.pack(padx=10, side="left", fill=X) self.option = StringVar() self.option2 = StringVar() self.endlessclicking = Radiobutton(self.ClickDelayLabelFrame, command=self.enableRange, text="Endless Clicking", value="endless", var=self.option) self.finiteclicking = Radiobutton(self.ClickDelayLabelFrame, command=self.enableFiniteRange, text= "Finite Clicking", value="finite", var=self.option) self.option.set('endless') self.numberofclicks = Entry(self.ClickDelayLabelFrame, width=10, state='disabled') self.numberofclicks.bind("<KeyRelease>", self.updateClickSetup) self.numberofclicks.grid(row=2, column=8, padx=15) self.PressReleaseLabel = LabelFrame(self.labelframe_delay, text="Press & Release Click Delay") self.PressReleaseLabel.pack(padx=10, side="left", fill=X) self.PressReleaseDelayOn = Radiobutton(self.PressReleaseLabel, command=self.enableDelayOn, text="On", value="On", var=self.option2) self.PressReleaseDelayOff = Radiobutton(self.PressReleaseLabel, command=self.enableDelayOff, text= "Off", value="Off", var=self.option2) self.option2.set('On') self.clickReleaseDelay = Entry(self.PressReleaseLabel, width=10, state='disabled') self.clickReleaseDelay.bind("<KeyRelease>", self.updateClickDelaySetup) self.clickReleaseDelay.grid(row=2, column=8) self.PressReleaseDelayOn.grid(row = 2, column=1) self.PressReleaseDelayOff.grid(row=1, column=1) self.finiteclicking.grid(row = 2, column=6) self.endlessclicking.grid(row=1, column=6) self.keybindentry = Entry(self.labelframe_keybind, width=10) self.keybindentry.bind("<KeyRelease>", self.clicker) self.keybindentry.grid(row=0, column=0) self.keybindentry.insert(END, "None") self.master_screen = Toplevel(root) self.master_screen.withdraw() self.master_screen.attributes("-transparent", "blue") self.picture_frame = Frame(self.master_screen, background = "blue") self.picture_frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES) root.bind_all("<1>", lambda event:event.widget.focus_set()) self.key = self.keybindentry.get() def enableDelayOn(self): pass return def enableDelayOff(self): pass return def updateClickDelaySetup(self, key): pass return def updateClickSetup(self, key): try: int(self.numberofclicks.get()) except: messagebox.showerror("Non-Integer Type Error", "Please input a Positive Integer") return 0 counterVariable.value = int(self.numberofclicks.get()) #global testingInt #testingInt = int(self.numberofclicks.get()) print(counterVariable.value) #self.clickrtext.set(counterVariable) return 1 def checkDelayLower(self, key): if self.rangetxtbelow.get() != "": print(self.rangetxtbelow.get()) try: int(self.rangetxtbelow.get()) except: messagebox.showerror("Non-Integer Type Error", "Please input a Positive Integer") return if int(self.rangetxtbelow.get()) <= 0: messagebox.showerror("Negative/Zero Type Error", "Please input a Positive Integer") def checkDelayUpper(self, key): if self.rangetextabove.get() != "": if self.rangetxtbelow.get() != "": if self.rangetxtbelow.get() >= self.rangetextabove.get(): messagebox.showerror("Upper Equals Lower Error", "Please input an Integer greater than the Lower Limit Value") def updateDelaySetup(self, key): print(self.rangetextabove.get()) tempVariable = "None" if self.clicked.get() == 'Milliseconds': tempVariable = "ms" else: tempVariable = "s" if self.rangetxtbelow.get() == "" and self.rangetextabove.get() == "": self.delaytext.set("? < x < ? {}".format(tempVariable)) elif self.rangetxtbelow.get() == "": self.delaytext.set("? < x < {} {}".format(self.rangetextabove.get(), tempVariable)) elif self.rangetextabove.get() == "": self.delaytext.set("{} < x < ? {}".format(self.rangetxtbelow.get(), tempVariable)) else: self.delaytext.set("{} < x < {} {}".format(self.rangetxtbelow.get(), self.rangetextabove.get(), tempVariable)) def minim(self): root.wm_state("iconic") def enableRange(self): self.numberofclicks.config(state='disabled') return def enableFiniteRange(self): self.numberofclicks.config(state='normal') return def assignKey(self): print(rawKey) global finalKey self.keybindtext.set(str(rawKey).replace("'", "")) finalKey = KeyCode(char=rawKey) def clearKey(self): global rawKey rawKey = None self.keybindentry.delete(0, END) self.keybindentry.insert(END, "None") self.keybindtext.set("None") global finalKey finalKey = None def clicker(self, event): self.keybindentry.delete(0, END) self.keybindentry.insert(END, event.keysym) global rawKey rawKey = globalKey #return str(event.keysym) def update_delay(self): try: global millisecond_lower millisecond_lower = int(self.rangetxtbelow.get()) global millisecond_higher millisecond_higher = int(self.rangetextabove.get()) except: #messagebox.showerror("Integer Error", "Please enter an Integer") return 0 return 1 def clicking(self): if running == False: return 0 elif running == True: return 1 def on_activate_h(self): print('<ctrl>+<alt>+h pressed') def takeBoundedScreenShot(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): im = pyautogui.screenshot(region=(x1, y1, x2, y2)) x = fileName = x.strftime("%f")"snips/" + fileName + ".png") def createScreenCanvas(self): self.master_screen.deiconify() root.withdraw() self.screenCanvas = Canvas(self.picture_frame, cursor="cross", bg="grey11") self.screenCanvas.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES) self.screenCanvas.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.on_button_press) self.screenCanvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.on_move_press) self.screenCanvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.on_button_release) self.master_screen.attributes('-fullscreen', True) self.master_screen.attributes('-alpha', .3) self.master_screen.lift() self.master_screen.attributes("-topmost", True) def on_button_release(self, event): #self.recPosition() global direction if self.start_x <= self.curX and self.start_y <= self.curY: direction = "rd" print("right down") self.takeBoundedScreenShot(self.start_x, self.start_y, self.curX - self.start_x, self.curY - self.start_y) elif self.start_x >= self.curX and self.start_y <= self.curY: direction = "ld" print("left down") self.takeBoundedScreenShot(self.curX, self.start_y, self.start_x - self.curX, self.curY - self.start_y) elif self.start_x <= self.curX and self.start_y >= self.curY: direction = "ru" print("right up") self.takeBoundedScreenShot(self.start_x, self.curY, self.curX - self.start_x, self.start_y - self.curY) elif self.start_x >= self.curX and self.start_y >= self.curY: direction = "lu" print("left up") self.takeBoundedScreenShot(self.curX, self.curY, self.start_x - self.curX, self.start_y - self.curY) global e_x e_x = self.curX global e_y e_y = self.curY print("Screenshot Chosen end {} {}".format(e_x, e_y)) self.exitScreenshotMode() return event def exitScreenshotMode(self): print("Screenshot mode exited") self.screenCanvas.destroy() self.master_screen.withdraw() root.deiconify() def exit_application(self): print("Application exit") listener.stop() root.quit() def on_button_press(self, event): # save mouse drag start position self.start_x = self.screenCanvas.canvasx(event.x) self.start_y = self.screenCanvas.canvasy(event.y) global s_x s_x = self.start_x global s_y s_y = self.start_y print("Screenshot Chosen begin {} {}".format(s_x, s_y)) self.rect = self.screenCanvas.create_rectangle(self.x, self.y, 1, 1, outline='red', width=3, fill="blue") def on_move_press(self, event): self.curX, self.curY = (event.x, event.y) # expand rectangle as you drag the mouse self.screenCanvas.coords(self.rect, self.start_x, self.start_y, self.curX, self.curY) def recPosition(self): print(self.start_x) print(self.start_y) print(self.curX) print(self.curY) def clickMouse(s_x, s_y, e_x, e_y, millisecond_higher, millisecond_lower, direction): #print("{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}".format(s_x, s_y, e_x, e_y, millisecond_higher, millisecond_lower)) try: if direction == "rd": x_coord = int(s_x+secrets.randbelow(int(e_x) - int(s_x))) y_coord = int(s_y+secrets.randbelow(int(e_y) - int(s_y))) elif direction == "ru": x_coord = int(s_x+secrets.randbelow(int(e_x) - int(s_x))) y_coord = int(e_y+secrets.randbelow(int(s_y) - int(e_y))) elif direction == "ld": x_coord = int(e_x+secrets.randbelow(int(s_x) - int(e_x))) y_coord = int(s_y+secrets.randbelow(int(e_y) - int(s_y))) elif direction == "lu": x_coord = int(e_x+secrets.randbelow(int(s_x) - int(e_x))) y_coord = int(e_y+secrets.randbelow(int(s_y) - int(e_y))) else: messagebox.showerror("Fatal Error", "Report to Joey if this happens") return 0 except: messagebox.showerror("None Error", "Select an Area to click from") messagebox.showerror("Log Box", "sx {} sy {} ex {} ey {}".format(s_x, s_y, e_x, e_y)) return 0 try: delay = millisecond_lower + secrets.randbelow(millisecond_higher - millisecond_lower) except: messagebox.showerror("Non-Integer Type Error", "Please input a proper Delay Time") return 0 delay = delay*0.001 win32api.SetCursorPos((x_coord,y_coord)) win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN,x_coord,y_coord,0,0) click_delay = (30 + int(secrets.randbelow(40))) * 0.001 time.sleep(click_delay) print(click_delay) win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP,x_coord,y_coord,0,0) time.sleep(delay) def updateClickCounter(): pass return def on_press(key): global beginningVariable global running global globalKey global lastOption #global testingInt #testingInt = testingInt - 1 globalKey = key print(app.option.get()) print(finalKey) print("key {}".format(running)) if KeyCode(char=key) == finalKey: if beginningVariable == True: if(app.option.get() == 'endless'): if app.clicking() == 0: app.update_delay() p = proc_start() p.start() processes.append(p) switch() print(processes) elif app.clicking() == 1: print(processes) for p in processes: proc_stop(p) processes.remove(p) print(processes) switch() x_temp, y_temp = win32api.GetCursorPos() win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, x_temp, y_temp,0,0) beginningVariable = False finiteReset.get() lastOption = 'endless' else: if app.clicking() == 0: app.update_delay() p = proc_start() p.start() processes.append(p) switch() print(processes) finiteReset.get() beginningVariable = False lastOption = 'finite' else: if lastOption == 'endless': if app.option.get() == 'endless': if app.clicking() == 0: app.update_delay() p = proc_start() p.start() processes.append(p) switch() print(processes) elif app.clicking() == 1: print(processes) for p in processes: proc_stop(p) processes.remove(p) print(processes) switch() x_temp, y_temp = win32api.GetCursorPos() win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, x_temp, y_temp,0,0) else: if app.clicking() == 0: app.update_delay() p = proc_start() p.start() processes.append(p) switch() print(processes) if finiteReset.empty() != True: finiteReset.get() elif app.clicking() == 1: print(processes) for p in processes: proc_stop(p) processes.remove(p) print(processes) switch() x_temp, y_temp = win32api.GetCursorPos() win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, x_temp, y_temp,0,0) lastOption = 'finite' elif lastOption == 'finite': if app.option.get() == 'endless': print("ending!") if finiteReset.empty() != True: if finiteReset.get() == True: switch() for p in processes: proc_stop(p) processes.remove(p) if app.clicking() == 0: app.update_delay() p = proc_start() p.start() processes.append(p) switch() print(processes) #finiteReset.get() elif app.clicking() == 1: print(processes) for p in processes: proc_stop(p) processes.remove(p) print(processes) switch() x_temp, y_temp = win32api.GetCursorPos() win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, x_temp, y_temp,0,0) lastOption = 'endless' else: print("testing") if finiteReset.empty() != True: if finiteReset.get() == True: switch() for p in processes: proc_stop(p) processes.remove(p) finiteReset.put(False) print("testing2") if app.clicking() == 0: app.update_delay() p = proc_start() p.start() processes.append(p) switch() print(processes) if finiteReset.empty() != True: finiteReset.get() elif app.clicking() == 1: print(processes) for p in processes: proc_stop(p) processes.remove(p) print(processes) switch() x_temp, y_temp = win32api.GetCursorPos() win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, x_temp, y_temp,0,0) lastOption = 'finite' def on_closing(): listener.stop() try: for p in processes: proc_stop(p) except: pass root.destroy() return def switch(): global running if running == False: running = True else: running = False def work(s_x, s_y, e_x, e_y, millisecond_higher, millisecond_lower, direction, option, limit, finiteReset, counterVariable): global running if option == 'endless': finiteReset.put(False) print("hi!") while True: if clickMouse(s_x, s_y, e_x, e_y, millisecond_higher, millisecond_lower, direction) == 0: return 0 elif option == 'finite': finiteReset.put(False) try: limit = int(limit) except: messagebox.showerror("Limit Integer Error", "Enter an integer in the limit box") finiteReset.get() finiteReset.put(True) return 0 i = 0 while i < limit: if clickMouse(s_x, s_y, e_x, e_y, millisecond_higher, millisecond_lower, direction) == 0: return 0 counterVariable.value = counterVariable.value - 1 print(counterVariable.value) i += 1 finiteReset.get() finiteReset.put(True) def proc_start(): p_to_start = Process(target=work, args=(s_x, s_y, e_x, e_y, millisecond_higher, millisecond_lower, direction, app.option.get(), app.numberofclicks.get(), finiteReset, counterVariable)) return p_to_start def proc_stop(p_to_stop): p_to_stop.terminate() if __name__ == '__main__': listener = keyboard.Listener(on_press=on_press) listener.start() processes = [] root = Tk() app = Application(root) root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_closing) root.mainloop() ```
{ "source": "jpromanonet/codeChallenges", "score": 3 }
#### File: 77_Day/chillingWith/ ```python # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Calling libraries and frameworks import random import os import datetime import shelve import sys # Declaring global variables ## Input user parameters, DB(shelf file) and front-end doc construction environment variables. ## Movies parameters movieTitle = '' releaseYear = '' orderInSaga = '' pendingMovie = '' ## Series parameters serieTitle = '' numberOfSeasons = '' startedYear = '' numberOfChapters = '' pendingSerie = '' ## DB Files moviesFile = '' seriesFile = '' ## FrontEnd Files finalHtmlFile = '' # Declaring functions ## Movies Functions def addMovie(title, releaseDate, sagaNumber, pendingToWatch): moviesFile ='moviesDB') movieTitle = title moviesFile[movieTitle] = [title, releaseDate, sagaNumber, pendingToWatch] moviesFile.close() def deleteMovie(title): movieTitle = title moviesFile ='moviesDB') del moviesFile[movieTitle] moviesFile.close() ## Series Functions def addSeries(title, seasons, releaseDate, chapters, pendingToWatch): seriesFile ='seriesDB') serieTitle = title seriesFile[serieTitle] = [title, seasons, releaseDate, chapters, pendingToWatch] seriesFile.close() def deleteSeries(title): serieTitle = title seriesFile ='seriesDB') del seriesFile[serieTitle] seriesFile.close() # Program logic print('Insert title: ') movieTitle = input() print("Insert Release Date: ") release = input() print('''Insert order in the movie saga (if it's a solo movie, leave it blank)''') orderInSaga = input() print('Pending to watch? y/n ') toWatch = input() addMovie(movieTitle, release, orderInSaga, toWatch) ```
{ "source": "jproppe/pka", "score": 3 }
#### File: pka/pka/ ```python import xlrd import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.linear_model import BayesianRidge from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures class pKa: def __init__(self, path_to_data='./training_data.xlsx'): ''' Load data from path (default: './training_data.xlsx') and specify variables that are being used throughout the procedure. Display the underlying database. ''' = pd.read_excel('training_data.xlsx') display( self.x = np.array(['pKa_theo']).flatten() # independent variable self.y = np.array(['pKa_exp']).flatten() # dependent variable if len(self.x) != len(self.y): raise Exception("Number of instances in pKa_exp and pKa_theo is required to be identical.") self.N = len(self.x) # number of data points self.X = PolynomialFeatures(1).fit_transform(self.x.reshape(-1, 1)) # add intercept term self.X2 = PolynomialFeatures(2).fit_transform(self.x.reshape(-1, 1)) # ... and quadratic term # define <x_grid> and <X_grid> (equivalent to <x> and <X>) for plotting purposes delta = np.max(self.x) - np.min(self.x) self.x_grid = np.linspace(np.min(self.x) - .05 * delta, np.max(self.x) + .05 * delta, 250) self.X_grid = PolynomialFeatures(1).fit_transform(self.x_grid.reshape(-1, 1)) self.rng = np.random.RandomState() # random number generator (local to the class) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def get_coefs(self, seed=None): ''' Return coefficients (<model.coef_>) of a weighted linear regression model (<model>). Weights (<weight>) are obtained on the basis of Bayesian bootstrapping. If <x>-dependent variance (<var>) is available (from heteroscedastic regression), adjust weights. ''' if not hasattr(self, 'var'): self.var = 1. if not seed is None: # sample-specific seed self.rng.seed(seed) weight = np.diff(np.concatenate(([0.], np.sort(self.rng.uniform(0., 1., self.N-1)), [1.]))) model = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False, normalize=True).fit(self.X, self.y, weight / self.var) return model.coef_ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def bootstrap(self): ''' Draw 1000 bootstrap samples and perform weighted linear regression. Collect regression coefficients (<coefs>) and determine the ensemble mean (<coefs_mean>) and covariance (<coefs_cov>). Approximate <y> on the basis of the ensemble of regression models (predictions <f>). ''' self.coefs = [] for b in range(1000): self.coefs.append(self.get_coefs(seed=b)) self.coefs = np.array(self.coefs) self.coefs_mean = np.mean(self.coefs, axis=0).reshape(-1, 1) self.coefs_cov = np.cov(self.coefs.T) self.f = # necessary if heteroscedastic regression has not yet been performed if not hasattr(self, 'subcoefs'): self.subcoefs = np.array([self.N / (self.N - 2) * np.mean((self.y - self.f)**2), 0., 0.]) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def predict(self, x_query): ''' Make a prediction (<f>) including uncertainty (<u>, 95% confidence interval (CI)) based on <x_query>. ''' x_query = np.array(x_query) X_query = PolynomialFeatures(1).fit_transform(x_query.reshape(-1, 1)) X_query2 = PolynomialFeatures(2).fit_transform(x_query.reshape(-1, 1)) f = u = 1.96 * np.sqrt( + np.diag( return f, u #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def plot_bootstrap_results(self, show_ensemble=True): ''' Plot the results of the bootstrapping procedure. If <show_ensemble> is True, all regression lines will be plotted. ''' if show_ensemble is True: for b in range(1000): if b == 0: label_ = 'result for $b$th sample' else: label_ = None plt.plot(self.x_grid,[b,:].reshape(-1, 1)), color='#75bbfd', linewidth=.5, label=label_ ) f, u = self.predict(self.x_grid) plt.plot(self.x_grid, f, 'k-', label='regression line') plt.plot(self.x, self.y, 'k.', label='training data') plt.fill_between(self.x_grid, (f + u), (f - u), facecolor='red', alpha=0.2, label='uncertainty (95% CI)') plt.xlabel(r'p$K_a$ (theo)', fontsize=12) plt.ylabel(r'p$K_a$ (exp)', fontsize=12) plt.legend() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def query(self, x_query): ''' Make a prediction (<f>) including uncertainty (<u>, 95% confidence interval (CI)) for a user-specific query (<x_query>). Print statistics. ''' x_query = np.array(x_query).flatten() if len(x_query) != 1: raise Exception("Multiple queries were made, but only one at a time is possible at the moment.") self.plot_bootstrap_results(show_ensemble=False) f, u = self.predict(x_query) plt.errorbar(x_query, f, u, color='red', mfc='black', capsize=3, marker='o', label='queried prediction') print('Prediction = ' + str(format(f.item(), '.3f'))) print('Uncertainty (95% CI) = ' + str(format(u.item(), '.3f'))) plt.legend() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def fit_variance(self): ''' Heteroscedastic regression. Determine <var> as the <x>-dependent variance and <subcoefs> as the coefficients of this additional regression model. ''' model = BayesianRidge(fit_intercept=False, normalize=True).fit(self.X2, (self.y - self.f)**2) self.var = model.predict(self.X2).flatten() self.subcoefs = model.coef_ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def check_query(self, query): ''' Check whether a user-specify query is a valid number or not. ''' try: float(query) return True except ValueError: return False #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def run(self): ''' The key method of the pKa class. Perform one run of homoscedastic regression (boostrapped) followed by three runs of heteroscedastic regression (bootstrapped). Print statistics. Allow users to make individual queries. ''' if hasattr(self, 'var'): del self.var if hasattr(self, 'subcoefs'): del self.subcoefs self.bootstrap() for i in range(3): self.fit_variance() self.bootstrap() self.plot_bootstrap_results() print('===============================================') print('SUMMARY OF HETEROSCEDASTIC BOOTSTRAP REGRESSION') print('intercept = ' + str(format(np.mean(self.coefs[:,0]), '.3f')) \ + ' +/- ' + str(format(1.96 * np.std(self.coefs[:,0]), '.3f')) + ' (95% confidence)') print('slope = ' + str(format(np.mean(self.coefs[:,1]), '.3f')) \ + ' +/- ' + str(format(1.96 * np.std(self.coefs[:,1]), '.3f')) + ' (95% confidence)') print('===============================================\n') querying = True while querying: print('Enter any non-digit character to stop the procedure.') query = input('Enter pKa value: ') querying = self.check_query(query) if querying: self.query(float(query)) ```
{ "source": "jproudlo/PyModel", "score": 2 }
#### File: samples/populations/ ```python import populations def filter3(): return len(populations.population) <= 3 populations.statefilter = filter3 ``` #### File: Socket/fsmpy/ ```python def send_return(): pass def send_call(): pass def recv_call(): pass def recv_return(): pass # states, key of each state here is its number in graph etc. below states = { 0 : {'synchronous': 0}, 1 : {'synchronous': 1}, 2 : {'synchronous': 2}, 3 : {'synchronous': 3}, } # initial state, accepting states, unsafe states, frontier states, deadend states initial = 0 accepting = [0] unsafe = [] frontier = [] finished = [] deadend = [] runstarts = [0] # finite state machine, list of tuples: (current, (action, args, result), next) graph = ( (0, (send_call, (), None), 1), (1, (send_return, (), None), 2), (2, (recv_call, (), None), 3), (3, (recv_return, (), None), 0), ) ``` #### File: StackResult/fsmpy/ ```python def Push(): pass def Pop(): pass # states, key of each state here is its number in graph etc. below states = { 0 : {'Stack': {'stack': []}}, 1 : {'Stack': {'stack': [2]}}, 2 : {'Stack': {'stack': [1]}}, 3 : {'Stack': {'stack': [2, 2]}}, 4 : {'Stack': {'stack': [1, 2]}}, 5 : {'Stack': {'stack': [2, 1]}}, 6 : {'Stack': {'stack': [1, 1]}}, 7 : {'Stack': {'stack': [2, 2, 2]}}, 8 : {'Stack': {'stack': [1, 2, 2]}}, 9 : {'Stack': {'stack': [2, 1, 2]}}, 10 : {'Stack': {'stack': [1, 1, 2]}}, 11 : {'Stack': {'stack': [2, 2, 1]}}, 12 : {'Stack': {'stack': [1, 2, 1]}}, 13 : {'Stack': {'stack': [2, 1, 1]}}, 14 : {'Stack': {'stack': [1, 1, 1]}}, } # initial state, accepting states, unsafe states, frontier states, deadend states initial = 0 accepting = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14] unsafe = [] frontier = [] finished = [] deadend = [] runstarts = [0] # finite state machine, list of tuples: (current, (action, args, result), next) graph = ( (0, (Push, (2,), None), 1), (0, (Push, (1,), None), 2), (1, (Pop, (), 2), 0), (1, (Push, (2,), None), 3), (1, (Push, (1,), None), 4), (2, (Pop, (), 1), 0), (2, (Push, (2,), None), 5), (2, (Push, (1,), None), 6), (3, (Pop, (), 2), 1), (3, (Push, (2,), None), 7), (3, (Push, (1,), None), 8), (4, (Pop, (), 1), 1), (4, (Push, (2,), None), 9), (4, (Push, (1,), None), 10), (5, (Pop, (), 2), 2), (5, (Push, (2,), None), 11), (5, (Push, (1,), None), 12), (6, (Pop, (), 1), 2), (6, (Push, (2,), None), 13), (6, (Push, (1,), None), 14), (7, (Pop, (), 2), 3), (8, (Pop, (), 1), 3), (9, (Pop, (), 2), 4), (10, (Pop, (), 1), 4), (11, (Pop, (), 2), 5), (12, (Pop, (), 1), 5), (13, (Pop, (), 2), 6), (14, (Pop, (), 1), 6), ) ``` #### File: samples/StackResult/ ```python import Stack def StackDepthThree(): return len(Stack.stack) <= 10 # not 3 -!? Stack.StateFilter = StackDepthThree ``` #### File: samples/tracemultiplexer/ ```python from copy import copy ## Parameters # This simple program has only two threads, with only one API call in each program = (( 'listfiles', ), # thread 0 ( 'openfile', )) # thread 1 threads = list(range(len(program))) # one element of program for each thread unsynchronized = False # False: use tracelock, True: ignore tracelock ### State # tracecapture state pc = list() # program counter for each thread phase = list() # phase of each thread in tracecapture log = list() # contents of tracelog written by all threads # file system state files = list() # filenames in filesystem listing = list() # listfiles return value, FIXME ret should be in tracecapture ### Safety condition # phases where a thread can write to the log writing = ('start','finish') def writing_threads(): """ list of threads that can write to the log """ return [ t for t in threads if phase[t] in writing ] def state_invariant(): """ At most one thread can write to the log """ return len(writing_threads()) <= 1 ### Other necessary functions # run is allowed to stop def accepting(): return all([ phase[t] == 'done' for t in threads ]) # reset before another run def reset(): global pc, phase, log pc = [ 0 for thread in program ] phase = [ 'ready' for thread in program ] log = [] files = [] ### Initialize reset() ### Actions def start_enabled(thread): return (phase[thread] == 'ready' and (not writing_threads() # lock is free or unsynchronized)) # ignore lock - might corrupt file def start(thread): phase[thread] = 'start' # acquire lock # write log, if it might be corrupted write 'XXX' at the end if state_invariant(): log.append((thread, program[thread][pc[thread]], 'start')) else: log.append((thread, program[thread][pc[thread]], 'start', 'XXX')) def call_enabled(thread): return phase[thread] == 'start' # holding lock def call(thread): global listing # we reassign whole list, we don't just update it phase[thread] = 'call' # release lock, execute call action = program[thread][pc[thread]] # for now. handle each action in *program* as a special case inline here if action == 'openfile': files.append('file0') # only works if openfiles just called once if action == 'listfiles': listing = copy(files) # must copy now because open may change files def finish_enabled(thread): return (phase[thread] == 'call' and (not writing_threads() # lock is free or unsynchronized)) # ignore lock - might corrupt file def finish(thread): phase[thread] = 'finish' # acquire lock action = program[thread][pc[thread]] # for now, handle each action in *program* as a special case inline here if action == 'openfile': ret = files[-1] # most recently appended if action == 'listfiles': ret = listing # most recently appended # write log, if it might be corrupted write 'XXX' at the end if state_invariant(): log.append((thread, action, 'finish', ret)) else: log.append((thread, action, 'finish', ret, 'XXX')) def exit_enabled(thread): return phase[thread] == 'finish' # holding lock # For now, handle exit as a special case, assign phase 'done'. # If the simulated threads had more than one action, here we # would advance to the next action and reset phase to 'start'. def exit(thread): phase[thread] = 'done' # release lock, indicate done ### Metadata state = ('pc', 'phase', 'log', 'files', 'listing') actions = (start, call, finish, exit) enablers = {start:(start_enabled,), call:(call_enabled,), finish:(finish_enabled,), exit:(exit_enabled,)} domains = { start: { 'thread': threads }, call: { 'thread': threads }, finish: { 'thread': threads }, exit: { 'thread': threads }} ``` #### File: WebApplication/fsmpy/ ```python def ReadInt(): pass def Logout(): pass def Initialize(): pass def Login(): pass def UpdateInt(): pass # states, key of each state here is its number in graph etc. below states = { 0 : {'OneUserNoIntScenario': 0, 'WebModel': {'userToInt': {}, 'mode': 'Initializing', 'usersLoggedIn': []}}, 1 : {'OneUserNoIntScenario': 0, 'WebModel': {'userToInt': {}, 'mode': 'Running', 'usersLoggedIn': []}}, 2 : {'OneUserNoIntScenario': 1, 'WebModel': {'userToInt': {}, 'mode': 'Running', 'usersLoggedIn': ['VinniPuhh']}}, } # initial state, accepting states, unsafe states, frontier states, deadend states initial = 0 accepting = [0, 1] unsafe = [] frontier = [] finished = [] deadend = [] runstarts = [0] # finite state machine, list of tuples: (current, (action, args, result), next) graph = ( (0, (Initialize, (), None), 1), (1, (Login, ('VinniPuhh', 'Correct'), 'Success'), 2), (2, (Logout, ('VinniPuhh',), None), 1), ) ``` #### File: WebApplication/fsmpy/ ```python def Initialize(): pass def ReadInt(): pass def Login(): pass def Logout(): pass def UpdateInt(): pass # states, key of each state here is its number in graph etc. below states = { 0 : {'WebModel': {'userToInt': {}, 'mode': 'Initializing', 'usersLoggedIn': []}}, 1 : {'WebModel': {'userToInt': {}, 'mode': 'Running', 'usersLoggedIn': []}}, 2 : {'WebModel': {'userToInt': {}, 'mode': 'Running', 'usersLoggedIn': ['OleBrumm']}}, 3 : {'WebModel': {'userToInt': {}, 'mode': 'Running', 'usersLoggedIn': ['VinniPuhh']}}, 4 : {'WebModel': {'userToInt': {'OleBrumm': 1}, 'mode': 'Running', 'usersLoggedIn': ['OleBrumm']}}, 5 : {'WebModel': {'userToInt': {}, 'mode': 'Running', 'usersLoggedIn': ['OleBrumm', 'VinniPuhh']}}, 6 : {'WebModel': {'userToInt': {'OleBrumm': 2}, 'mode': 'Running', 'usersLoggedIn': ['OleBrumm']}}, 7 : {'WebModel': {'userToInt': {}, 'mode': 'Running', 'usersLoggedIn': ['VinniPuhh', 'OleBrumm']}}, 8 : {'WebModel': {'userToInt': {'VinniPuhh': 2}, 'mode': 'Running', 'usersLoggedIn': ['VinniPuhh']}}, 9 : {'WebModel': {'userToInt': {'VinniPuhh': 1}, 'mode': 'Running', 'usersLoggedIn': ['VinniPuhh']}}, 10 : {'WebModel': {'userToInt': {'OleBrumm': 1}, 'mode': 'Running', 'usersLoggedIn': ['OleBrumm', 'VinniPuhh']}}, 11 : {'WebModel': {'userToInt': {'OleBrumm': 1}, 'mode': 'Running', 'usersLoggedIn': []}}, 12 : {'WebModel': {'userToInt': {'VinniPuhh': 2}, 'mode': 'Running', 'usersLoggedIn': ['OleBrumm', 'VinniPuhh']}}, 13 : {'WebModel': {'userToInt': {'VinniPuhh': 1}, 'mode': 'Running', 'usersLoggedIn': ['OleBrumm', 'VinniPuhh']}}, 14 : {'WebModel': {'userToInt': {'OleBrumm': 2}, 'mode': 'Running', 'usersLoggedIn': ['OleBrumm', 'VinniPuhh']}}, 15 : {'WebModel': {'userToInt': {'OleBrumm': 2}, 'mode': 'Running', 'usersLoggedIn': []}}, 16 : {'WebModel': {'userToInt': {'OleBrumm': 1}, 'mode': 'Running', 'usersLoggedIn': ['VinniPuhh', 'OleBrumm']}}, 17 : {'WebModel': {'userToInt': {'VinniPuhh': 2}, 'mode': 'Running', 'usersLoggedIn': ['VinniPuhh', 'OleBrumm']}}, 18 : {'WebModel': {'userToInt': {'VinniPuhh': 1}, 'mode': 'Running', 'usersLoggedIn': ['VinniPuhh', 'OleBrumm']}}, 19 : {'WebModel': {'userToInt': {'OleBrumm': 2}, 'mode': 'Running', 'usersLoggedIn': ['VinniPuhh', 'OleBrumm']}}, 20 : {'WebModel': {'userToInt': {'VinniPuhh': 2}, 'mode': 'Running', 'usersLoggedIn': []}}, } # initial state, accepting states, unsafe states, frontier states, deadend states initial = 0 accepting = [0, 1, 11, 15, 20] unsafe = [] frontier = [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20] finished = [] deadend = [] runstarts = [0] # finite state machine, list of tuples: (current, (action, args, result), next) graph = ( (0, (Initialize, (), None), 1), (1, (Login, ('OleBrumm', 'Incorrect'), 'Failure'), 1), (1, (Login, ('VinniPuhh', 'Incorrect'), 'Failure'), 1), (1, (Login, ('OleBrumm', 'Correct'), 'Success'), 2), (1, (Login, ('VinniPuhh', 'Correct'), 'Success'), 3), (2, (UpdateInt, ('OleBrumm', 1), None), 4), (2, (Login, ('VinniPuhh', 'Correct'), 'Success'), 5), (2, (Login, ('VinniPuhh', 'Incorrect'), 'Failure'), 2), (2, (Logout, ('OleBrumm',), None), 1), (2, (ReadInt, ('OleBrumm',), 0), 2), (2, (UpdateInt, ('OleBrumm', 2), None), 6), (3, (Logout, ('VinniPuhh',), None), 1), (3, (Login, ('OleBrumm', 'Correct'), 'Success'), 7), (3, (ReadInt, ('VinniPuhh',), 0), 3), (3, (UpdateInt, ('VinniPuhh', 2), None), 8), (3, (Login, ('OleBrumm', 'Incorrect'), 'Failure'), 3), (3, (UpdateInt, ('VinniPuhh', 1), None), 9), (4, (UpdateInt, ('OleBrumm', 1), None), 4), (4, (Login, ('VinniPuhh', 'Correct'), 'Success'), 10), (4, (Login, ('VinniPuhh', 'Incorrect'), 'Failure'), 4), (4, (ReadInt, ('OleBrumm',), 1), 4), (4, (Logout, ('OleBrumm',), None), 11), (4, (UpdateInt, ('OleBrumm', 2), None), 6), (5, (Logout, ('VinniPuhh',), None), 2), (5, (UpdateInt, ('OleBrumm', 1), None), 10), (5, (ReadInt, ('VinniPuhh',), 0), 5), (5, (UpdateInt, ('VinniPuhh', 2), None), 12), (5, (UpdateInt, ('VinniPuhh', 1), None), 13), (5, (Logout, ('OleBrumm',), None), 3), (5, (ReadInt, ('OleBrumm',), 0), 5), (5, (UpdateInt, ('OleBrumm', 2), None), 14), (6, (UpdateInt, ('OleBrumm', 1), None), 4), (6, (Login, ('VinniPuhh', 'Correct'), 'Success'), 14), (6, (ReadInt, ('OleBrumm',), 2), 6), (6, (Login, ('VinniPuhh', 'Incorrect'), 'Failure'), 6), (6, (Logout, ('OleBrumm',), None), 15), (6, (UpdateInt, ('OleBrumm', 2), None), 6), (7, (Logout, ('VinniPuhh',), None), 2), (7, (UpdateInt, ('OleBrumm', 1), None), 16), (7, (ReadInt, ('VinniPuhh',), 0), 7), (7, (UpdateInt, ('VinniPuhh', 2), None), 17), (7, (UpdateInt, ('VinniPuhh', 1), None), 18), (7, (Logout, ('OleBrumm',), None), 3), (7, (ReadInt, ('OleBrumm',), 0), 7), (7, (UpdateInt, ('OleBrumm', 2), None), 19), (8, (Logout, ('VinniPuhh',), None), 20), (8, (Login, ('OleBrumm', 'Correct'), 'Success'), 17), (8, (UpdateInt, ('VinniPuhh', 2), None), 8), (8, (Login, ('OleBrumm', 'Incorrect'), 'Failure'), 8), (8, (UpdateInt, ('VinniPuhh', 1), None), 9), ) ``` #### File: samples/WebApplication/ ```python import pprint import urllib.parse # page templates appear at the end of this file # configuration password = { 'user1':'<PASSWORD>', 'user2':'<PASSWORD>' } # data state integers = dict() # user to int strings = dict() # user to str sessions = dict() # cookie to user, assume each user has at most one session next_cookie = 0 def application(environ, start_response): global next_cookie # print environ_template % pprint.pformat(environ) # DEBUG, voluminous! response_headers = [] # add headers below cookie = environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE') # might be None # show login page if (environ['PATH_INFO'] == '/' and environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' and cookie not in sessions): # cookie might be None response_body = login_page response_headers += [ ('Set-Cookie','PYSESSID=%s; path=/' % next_cookie)] next_cookie += 1 status = '200 OK' # log in, if successful show data form page elif (environ['PATH_INFO'] == '/' and environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST'): wd = environ['wsgi.input'] method = environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] length = int(environ['CONTENT_LENGTH']) request_body = vars = urllib.parse.parse_qs(request_body) user = vars['username'][0] # vars[x] are lists, get first item passwd = vars['password'][0] if user in password and password[user] == passwd: sessions[cookie] = user if not user in strings: strings[user] = '' # CORRECT CODE comented out # if not user in integers: # integers[user] = 0 # BUG follows, should be guarded by if ... like strings integers[user] = 0 # BUG, always overwrites data from last session # PHP version sends redirect back to doStuff instead of this response_body #response_body = dostuff_template % (integers[user], # strings[user]) response_headers += [('Location','')] status = "302 Found" response_body = '' else: response_body = login_failure_page status = '200 OK' # submit data in form page elif (environ['PATH_INFO'] == '/' and environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' and cookie in sessions): user = sessions[cookie] vars = urllib.parse.parse_qs(environ['QUERY_STRING']) if 'num' in vars: integers[user] = str(vars['num'][0]) # vars[x] are lists, 1st item if 'str' in vars: strings[user] = vars['str'][0] response_body = dostuff_template % (integers[user], strings[user]) status = '200 OK' # log out elif environ['PATH_INFO'] == '/': if cookie in sessions: del sessions[cookie] response_body = '' # blank page, like original NModel version status = '200 OK' pass # unknown page elif environ['PATH_INFO'] not in ('/', '/'): response_body = p404_page status = '404 Not Found' # nonsense: doStuff REQUEST_METHOD not GET or POST, or ... ? else: raise ValueError # send 500 Server Error # response response_headers += [('Content-Type', 'text/html'), ('Content-Length', str(len(response_body)))] start_response(status, response_headers) return [response_body.encode()] environ_template = """environ is %s """ p404_page = """<html> <head> <title>404 Not Found</title> </head> <body> 404 Not found </body> </html> """ login_page = """<html> <head> <title>LoginPage</title> </head> <body> <form method="POST" action=""> Username: <input type="text" name="username" size="20"> Password: <input type="password" name="password" size="20"> <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="login"> </form> </body> </html> """ login_failure_page = """ <head> <title>Login Failure</title> </head> <body> Incorrect login name or password. Please try again. </body> </html> """ # usage: dostuff_template % (integers[user], strings[user]) dostuff_template = """ <html> <head> <title>DoStuff</title> </head> <body> Number: %s<br/> String: %s <form name="number" method="GET" action=""> Number: <input type="text" name="num" size="2"> <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="inputNumber"> </form> <form name="string" method="GET" action=""> String: <input type="text" name="str" size="20"> <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="inputString"> </form> <a href="">Log out</a> </body> </html> """ ```
{ "source": "jprouty/mint-amazon-tagger", "score": 3 }
#### File: mint-amazon-tagger/mintamazontagger/ ```python import argparse import datetime import os TAGGER_BASE_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), 'MintAmazonTagger') def get_name_to_help_dict(parser): return dict([(a.dest, for a in parser._actions]) def define_common_args(parser): """Parseargs shared between both CLI & GUI programs.""" # Amazon creds: parser.add_argument( '--amazon_email', default=None, help=('Amazon e-mail. If not provided, you will be ' 'prompted for it.')) parser.add_argument( '--amazon_password', default=None, help=('Amazon password. If not provided, you will be ' 'prompted for it.')) parser.add_argument( '--order_history_start_date', type=lambda s: datetime.datetime.strptime(s, '%Y-%m-%d').date(), - datetime.timedelta(days=90), help=('The start date for fetching Amazon order history. Defaults to ' '90 days ago from today. Format: YYYY-MM-DD')) parser.add_argument( '--order_history_end_date', type=lambda s: datetime.datetime.strptime(s, '%Y-%m-%d').date(),, help=('The end date for fetching Amazon order history. Defaults to ' 'today. Format: YYYY-MM-DD')) parser.add_argument( '--order_history_timeout', type=int, default=180, help=('The amount of time (in seconds) to wait for order retrieval ' 'from Amazon before considering the process to have timed out.')) default_report_location = os.path.join( TAGGER_BASE_PATH, 'Amazon Order Reports') parser.add_argument( '--report_download_location', type=str, default=default_report_location, help='Where to place the downloaded reports.') # Amazon Input, as CSV file: parser.add_argument( '--items_csv', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help=('The "Items" Order History Report from Amazon. If not present, ' 'will try to fetch order history for you. See --amazon_email.')) parser.add_argument( '--orders_csv', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='The "Orders and Shipments" Order History Report from Amazon') parser.add_argument( '--refunds_csv', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='The "Refunds" Order History Report from Amazon. ' 'This is optional.') # Mint creds: parser.add_argument( '--mint_email', default=None, help=('Mint e-mail address for login. If not provided here, will be ' 'prompted for user.')) parser.add_argument( '--mint_password', default=<PASSWORD>, help=('Mint password for login. If not provided here, will be ' 'prompted for.')) parser.add_argument( '--mint_mfa_preferred_method', default='email', choices=['sms', 'email', 'soft-token'], help='The perferred Mint MFA method (2factor auth codes).') parser.add_argument( '--mfa_soft_token', default=None, help='The MFA soft-token to pass to oathtool.') parser.add_argument( '--mint_login_timeout', default=60*5, help='The number of seconds to wait attempting to log into Mint.') parser.add_argument( '--mint_wait_for_sync', action='store_true', default=False, help=('Wait for Mint accounts to sync, up to 5 minutes. By ' 'default, do not wait for accounts to sync with the backing ' 'financial institutions.')) parser.add_argument( '--mint_user_will_login', action='store_true', default=False, help='If set, let the user log in on their own.') parser.add_argument( '--mint_intuit_account', default=None, help=('The intuit account to select if multiple are associated with ' '--mint_email.')) # Mint API options: default_session_path = os.path.join( TAGGER_BASE_PATH, '.mintapi2020', 'session') parser.add_argument( '--session-path', nargs='?', default=default_session_path, help=('Directory to save browser session, including cookies. Use to ' 'prevent repeated MFA prompts. Defaults to ~/.mintapi/session. ' 'Set to None to use a temporary profile.')) parser.add_argument( '--headless', action='store_true', default=False, help='Whether to execute chromedriver with no visible window.') # Prefix customization: parser.add_argument( '--description_prefix_override', type=str, help=('The prefix to use when updating the description for each Mint ' 'transaction. By default, the \'Website\' value from Amazon ' 'Items/Orders csv is used. If a string is provided, use ' 'this instead for all matched transactions. If given, this is ' 'used in conjunction with amazon_domains to detect if a ' 'transaction has already been tagged by this tool.')) parser.add_argument( '--description_return_prefix_override', type=str, help=('The prefix to use when updating the description for each Mint ' 'refund. By default, the \'Website\' value from Amazon ' 'Items/Orders csv is used with refund appended (e.g. ' '\' Refund: ...\'. If a string is provided here, use ' 'this instead for all matched refunds. If given, this is ' 'used in conjunction with amazon_domains to detect if a ' 'refund has already been tagged by this tool.')) parser.add_argument( '--amazon_domains', type=str, # From: default=(',,,,,' ',,,,,' ',,,,' ','), help=('A list of all valid Amazon domains/websites. These should ' 'match the website column from Items/Orders and is used to ' 'detect if a transaction has already been tagged by this tool.')) # To itemize or not to itemize; that is the question: parser.add_argument( '--verbose_itemize', action='store_true', help=('Itemize everything, instead of the default behavior, which is ' 'to not itemize out shipping/promos/etc if ' 'there is only one item per Mint transaction. Will also remove ' 'free shipping.')) parser.add_argument( '--no_itemize', action='store_true', help=('Do not split Mint transactions into individual items with ' 'attempted categorization.')) parser.add_argument( '--num_updates', type=int, default=0, help=('Only send the first N updates to Mint (or print N updates at ' 'dry run). If not present, all updates are sent or printed.')) parser.add_argument( '--retag_changed', action='store_true', help=('For transactions that have been previously tagged by this ' 'script, override any edits (like adjusting the category). This ' 'feature works by looking for " " at the start of a ' 'transaction. If the user changes the description, then the ' 'tagger won\'t know to leave it alone.')) # Tagging options: parser.add_argument( '--no_tag_categories', action='store_true', help=('Do not update Mint categories. This is useful as ' 'Amazon doesn\'t provide the best categorization and it is ' 'pretty common user behavior to manually change the categories. ' 'This flag prevents tagger from wiping out that user work.')) parser.add_argument( '--do_not_predict_categories', action='store_true', help=('Do not attempt to predict custom category tagging based on any ' 'tagging overrides. By default (no arg) tagger will attempt to ' 'find items that you have manually changed categories for.')) parser.add_argument( '--max_days_between_payment_and_shipping', type=int, default=3, help=('How many days are allowed to pass between when Amazon has ' 'shipped an order and when the payment has posted to your ' 'bank account (as per Mint\'s view).')) parser.add_argument( '--mint_input_merchant_filter', type=str, default='amazon,amzn', help=('Only consider Mint transactions that have one of these strings ' 'in the merchant field. Case-insensitive comma-separated.')) parser.add_argument( '--mint_input_include_mmerchant', action='store_true', help=('Consider using the mmerchant field when determining if ' 'a transaction is an Amazon purchase. This can be necessary ' 'when your bank renames transactions to "Debit card payment". ' 'Mint sometimes auto-recovers these into "Amazon", and flipping ' 'this flag will help match these. To know if you should use it, ' 'find a transaction in the Mint tool, and click on the details. ' 'Look for "Appears on your BANK ACCOUNT NAME statement as NOT ' 'USEFUL NAME on DATE".')) parser.add_argument( '--mint_input_include_merchant', action='store_true', help=('Consider using the merchant field when determining if ' 'a transaction is an Amazon purchase. This is similar to ' '--mint_input_include_mmerchant but also includes any user ' 'edits to the transaction name.')) parser.add_argument( '--mint_input_categories_filter', type=str, help=('Only consider Mint transactions that match one of ' 'the given categories here. Comma separated list of Mint ' 'categories.')) parser.add_argument( '--save_pickle_backup', action='store_true', default=False, help=('Saves a backup of your Mint transactions to a python "Pickle" ' 'file, just in case anything goes wrong or for rapid ' 'development so you don\'t have to download from Mint every ' 'time the tool is run. Off by default to prevent storing ' 'sensitive information locally without a user knowing it.')) parser.add_argument( '--pickled_epoch', type=int, help=('Do not fetch categories or transactions from Mint. Use this ' 'pickled epoch instead. If coupled with --dry_run, no ' 'connection to Mint is established.')) default_pickle_path = os.path.join(TAGGER_BASE_PATH, 'Mint Backup') parser.add_argument( '--mint_pickle_location', type=str, default=default_pickle_path, help='Where to store the fetched Mint pickles (for backup).') def define_gui_args(parser): define_common_args(parser) # TODO: Clean up and remove. parser.add_argument( '--prompt_retag', default=False, action='store_false', help=('Unsupported for gui; but must be defined to false.')) def define_cli_args(parser): define_common_args(parser) # Debugging/testing. parser.add_argument( '--dry_run', action='store_true', help=('Do not modify Mint transaction; instead print the proposed ' 'changes to console.')) parser.add_argument( '--skip_dry_print', action='store_true', help=('Do not print dry run results (useful for development).')) parser.add_argument( '-V', '--version', action='store_true', help='Shows the app version and quits.') # Retag transactions that have already been tagged previously: parser.add_argument( '--prompt_retag', action='store_true', help=('For transactions that have been previously tagged by this ' 'script, override any edits (like adjusting the category) but ' 'only after confirming each change. More gentle than ' '--retag_changed')) parser.add_argument( '--print_unmatched', action='store_true', help=('At completion, print unmatched orders to help manual tagging.')) ``` #### File: mint-amazon-tagger/mintamazontagger/ ```python import getpass import logging import os from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException, TimeoutException from import By from import expected_conditions as EC from import Select from import WebDriverWait from mintamazontagger.my_progress import no_progress_factory from mintamazontagger.webdriver import get_element_by_id, get_element_by_xpath logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) ORDER_HISTORY_URL_VIA_SWITCH_ACCOUNT_LOGIN = ( '' '?ie=UTF8&associationHandle=usflex&currentPageURL=' '' 'ref_%3Dnav_youraccount_switchacct&pageType=&switchAccount=picker&' '') ORDER_HISTORY_REPORT_URL = '' def fetch_order_history(args, webdriver_factory, progress_factory=no_progress_factory): email = get_email(args.amazon_email) name = email.split('@')[0] if args.items_csv and args.orders_csv: return True start_date = args.order_history_start_date end_date = args.order_history_end_date report_shortnames = ['Items', 'Orders', 'Refunds'] report_names = ['{} {} from {:%d %b %Y} to {:%d %b %Y}'.format( name, t, start_date, end_date) for t in report_shortnames] report_types = ['ITEMS', 'SHIPMENTS', 'REFUNDS'] report_paths = [os.path.join(args.report_download_location, name + '.csv') for name in report_names] os.makedirs(args.report_download_location, exist_ok=True) # Be lazy with getting the driver, as if no fetching is needed, then it's # all good. webdriver = None for report_shortname, report_type, report_name, report_path in zip( report_shortnames, report_types, report_names, report_paths): if os.path.exists(report_path): # Report has already been fetched! Woot continue # Report is not here. Go get it. if not webdriver: login_progress = progress_factory( 'Signing into to request order reports.', 0) webdriver = webdriver_factory() nav_to_amazon_and_login(webdriver, email, args.amazon_password) login_progress.finish() request_progress = progress_factory( 'Requesting {} report '.format(report_shortname), 0) request_report(webdriver, report_name, report_type, start_date, end_date) request_progress.finish() processing_progress = progress_factory( 'Waiting for {} report to be ready '.format(report_shortname), 0) try: wait_cond = EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.XPATH, get_report_download_link_xpath(report_name))) WebDriverWait(webdriver, args.order_history_timeout).until( wait_cond) processing_progress.finish() except TimeoutException: processing_progress.finish() logger.critical("Cannot find download link after a minute!") return False download_progress = progress_factory( 'Downloading {} report '.format(report_shortname), 0) download_report(webdriver, report_name, report_path) download_progress.finish() args.items_csv = open(report_paths[0], 'r', encoding='utf-8') args.orders_csv = open(report_paths[1], 'r', encoding='utf-8') args.refunds_csv = open(report_paths[2], 'r', encoding='utf-8') return True def get_email(email): if not email: email = input('Amazon email: ') if not email: logger.error('Empty Amazon email.') exit(1) return email def get_password(password): if not password: password = <PASSWORD>('Amazon password: ') if not password: logger.error('Empty Amazon password.') exit(1) return password def nav_to_amazon_and_login(webdriver, email, password):'Starting login flow for') webdriver.get(ORDER_HISTORY_URL_VIA_SWITCH_ACCOUNT_LOGIN) webdriver.implicitly_wait(2) # Go straight to the account switcher, and look for the given email. # If present, click on it! Otherwise, click on "Add account". desired_account_element = get_element_by_xpath( webdriver, "//div[contains(text(), '{}')]".format(email)) if desired_account_element: webdriver.implicitly_wait(2) # It's possible this account has already authed recently. If so, the # next block will be skipped and the login is complete! if not get_element_by_id(webdriver, 'report-confirm'): webdriver.find_element_by_id('ap_password').send_keys( get_password(password)) webdriver.find_element_by_name('rememberMe').click() webdriver.find_element_by_id('signInSubmit').submit() else: # Cannot find the desired account in the switch. Log in via Add Account webdriver.find_element_by_xpath( '//div[text()="Add account"]').click() webdriver.implicitly_wait(2) webdriver.find_element_by_id('ap_email').send_keys(email) # Login flow sometimes asks just for the email, then a # continue button, then password. if get_element_by_id(webdriver, 'continue'): webdriver.find_element_by_id('continue').click() webdriver.implicitly_wait(2) webdriver.find_element_by_id('ap_password').send_keys( get_password(password)) webdriver.find_element_by_name('rememberMe').click() webdriver.find_element_by_id('signInSubmit').submit() webdriver.implicitly_wait(2) if not get_element_by_id(webdriver, 'report-confirm'): logger.warning('Having trouble logging into Amazon. Please see the ' 'browser and complete login within the next 5 minutes. ' 'This script will continue automatically on success. ' 'You may need to manually navigate to: {}'.format( ORDER_HISTORY_REPORT_URL)) if get_element_by_id(webdriver, 'auth-mfa-otpcode'): logger.warning('Hint: Looks like an auth challenge! Maybe check ' 'your email') try: wait_cond = EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, 'report-confirm')) WebDriverWait(webdriver, 60 * 5).until(wait_cond) except TimeoutException: logger.critical('Cannot complete Amazon login!') return False return True def request_report(webdriver, report_name, report_type, start_date, end_date): try: # Do not request the report again if it's already available for # download. webdriver.find_element_by_xpath( get_report_download_link_xpath(report_name)) return except NoSuchElementException: pass Select(webdriver.find_element_by_id( 'report-type')).select_by_value(report_type) Select(webdriver.find_element_by_id( 'report-month-start')).select_by_value(str(start_date.month)) Select(webdriver.find_element_by_id( 'report-day-start')).select_by_value(str( Select(webdriver.find_element_by_id( 'report-year-start')).select_by_value(str(start_date.year)) Select(webdriver.find_element_by_id( 'report-month-end')).select_by_value(str(end_date.month)) Select(webdriver.find_element_by_id( 'report-day-end')).select_by_value(str( Select(webdriver.find_element_by_id( 'report-year-end')).select_by_value(str(end_date.year)) webdriver.find_element_by_id('report-name').send_keys(report_name) # Submit will not work as the input type is an image (nice Amazon) webdriver.find_element_by_id('report-confirm').click() def get_report_download_link_xpath(report_name): return "//td[contains(text(), '{}')]/..//td/a[text()='Download']".format( report_name) def download_report(webdriver, report_name, report_path): # 1. Find the report download link report_url = None try: download_link = webdriver.find_element_by_xpath( get_report_download_link_xpath(report_name)) report_url = download_link.get_attribute('href') except NoSuchElementException: logger.critical('Could not find the download link!') exit(1) # 2. Download the report to the AMZN Reports directory response = webdriver.request('GET', report_url, allow_redirects=True) response.raise_for_status() with open(report_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fh: fh.write(response.text) ```
{ "source": "jprouty/safewayClipClip", "score": 2 }
#### File: safewayClipClip/safewayclipclip/ ```python import os BASE_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), 'SafewayClipClip') def get_name_to_help_dict(parser): return dict([(a.dest, for a in parser._actions]) def define_common_args(parser): """Parseargs shared between both CLI & GUI programs.""" # Amazon creds: parser.add_argument( '--safeway_username', default=None, help=('Safeway username, either an e-mail or phone. If not provided, ' 'you will be prompted for it.')) parser.add_argument( '--safeway_user_will_login', action='store_true', default=False, help='If set, let the user log in on their own.') default_session_path = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'ChromeSession') parser.add_argument( '--session-path', nargs='?', default=default_session_path, help=('Directory to save browser session, including cookies. Use to ' 'prevent repeated MFA prompts. Defaults to a directory in your ' 'home dir. Set to None to use a temporary profile.')) parser.add_argument( '--headless', action='store_true', default=False, help='Whether to execute chromedriver with no visible window.') parser.add_argument( '-V', '--version', action='store_true', help='Shows the app version and quits.') ``` #### File: safewayClipClip/safewayclipclip/ ```python import io import logging import os import psutil import re import requests import subprocess from sys import platform import zipfile from selenium.common.exceptions import ( InvalidArgumentException, NoSuchElementException) from selenium.webdriver import ChromeOptions from seleniumrequests import Chrome logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_webdriver(headless=False, session_path=None): chrome_options = ChromeOptions() if headless: chrome_options.add_argument('headless') chrome_options.add_argument('no-sandbox') chrome_options.add_argument('disable-dev-shm-usage') chrome_options.add_argument('disable-gpu') if session_path is not None: chrome_options.add_argument("user-data-dir=" + session_path) home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~") try: return Chrome(options=chrome_options, executable_path=get_stable_chrome_driver(home_dir)) except InvalidArgumentException as e: if 'user data directory is already in use' not in e.msg: logger.warning('reraising selenium exception') raise e logger.warn( 'Found existing webdriver from previous run, attempting to kill') for proc in psutil.process_iter(): try: if not proc.children(): continue if not any( [session_path in param for param in proc.cmdline()]): continue 'Attempting to terminate process id {}'.format( proc.terminate() except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.ZombieProcess): pass return Chrome(options=chrome_options, executable_path=get_stable_chrome_driver(home_dir)) def is_visible(element): return element and element.is_displayed() def get_element_by_id(driver, id): try: return driver.find_element_by_id(id) except NoSuchElementException: pass return None def get_element_by_name(driver, name): try: return driver.find_element_by_name(name) except NoSuchElementException: pass return None def get_element_by_xpath(driver, xpath): try: return driver.find_element_by_xpath(xpath) except NoSuchElementException: pass return None def get_element_by_link_text(driver, link_text): try: return driver.find_element_by_link_text(link_text) except NoSuchElementException: pass return None def get_elements_by_class_name(driver, class_name): try: return driver.find_elements_by_class_name(class_name) except NoSuchElementException: pass return None CHROME_DRIVER_BASE_URL = '' CHROME_DRIVER_DOWNLOAD_PATH = '{version}/chromedriver_{arch}.zip' CHROME_DRIVER_LATEST_RELEASE = 'LATEST_RELEASE' CHROME_ZIP_TYPES = { 'linux': 'linux64', 'linux2': 'linux64', 'darwin': 'mac64', 'win32': 'win32', 'win64': 'win32' } version_pattern = re.compile( "(?P<version>(?P<major>\\d+)\\.(?P<minor>\\d+)\\." "(?P<build>\\d+)\\.(?P<patch>\\d+))") def get_chrome_driver_url(version, arch): return CHROME_DRIVER_BASE_URL + CHROME_DRIVER_DOWNLOAD_PATH.format( version=version, arch=CHROME_ZIP_TYPES.get(arch)) def get_chrome_driver_major_version_from_executable(local_executable_path): # Note; --version works on windows as well. # check_output fails if running from a thread without a console on win10. # To protect against this use explicit pipes for STDIN/STDERR. # See: with open(os.devnull, 'wb') as devnull: version = subprocess.check_output( [local_executable_path, '--version'], stderr=devnull, stdin=devnull) version_match = if not version_match: return None return version_match.groupdict()['major'] def get_latest_chrome_driver_version(): """Returns the version of the latest stable chromedriver release.""" latest_url = CHROME_DRIVER_BASE_URL + CHROME_DRIVER_LATEST_RELEASE latest_request = requests.get(latest_url) if latest_request.status_code != 200: raise RuntimeError( 'Error finding the latest chromedriver at {}, status = {}'.format( latest_url, latest_request.status_code)) return latest_request.text def get_stable_chrome_driver(download_directory=os.getcwd()): chromedriver_name = 'chromedriver' if platform in ['win32', 'win64']: chromedriver_name += '.exe' local_executable_path = os.path.join(download_directory, chromedriver_name) latest_chrome_driver_version = get_latest_chrome_driver_version() version_match = version_pattern.match(latest_chrome_driver_version) latest_major_version = None if not version_match: logger.error("Cannot parse latest chrome driver string: {}".format( latest_chrome_driver_version)) else: latest_major_version = version_match.groupdict()['major'] if os.path.exists(local_executable_path): major_version = get_chrome_driver_major_version_from_executable( local_executable_path) if major_version == latest_major_version or not latest_major_version: # Use the existing chrome driver, as it's already the latest # version or the latest version cannot be determined at the moment. return local_executable_path'Removing old version {} of Chromedriver'.format( major_version)) os.remove(local_executable_path) if not latest_chrome_driver_version: logger.critical( 'No local chrome driver found and cannot parse the latest chrome ' 'driver on the internet. Please double check your internet ' 'connection, then ask for assistance on the github project.') return None'Downloading version {} of Chromedriver'.format( latest_chrome_driver_version)) zip_file_url = get_chrome_driver_url( latest_chrome_driver_version, platform) request = requests.get(zip_file_url) if request.status_code != 200: raise RuntimeError( 'Error finding chromedriver at {}, status = {}'.format( zip_file_url, request.status_code)) zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(request.content)) zip_file.extractall(path=download_directory) os.chmod(local_executable_path, 0o755) return local_executable_path ```
{ "source": "jprov410/mqds", "score": 3 }
#### File: run/analysis/ ```python import os import glob import numpy as np __all__ = ['LinearResponse','ThirdOrderResponse','DensityMatrix','SpectralDensity'] class DensityMatrix(object): """ class for mqds density matrix data """ def __init__(self, method): """ takes reduced density matrix method as input e.g.) pldm, sqc, ipldm """ prefix = method + '.' self.time = None size = int( np.sqrt( len( glob.glob( prefix+'*' ) ) ) ) for filename in os.listdir('.'): if filename.startswith(prefix): if self.time is None: with open(filename, 'r') as f: self.time = [] for line in f: self.time.append( float( line.split()[0] ) ) break self.time = np.array( self.time ) self.rho = np.empty([size,size,len(self.time)], dtype=complex) for filename in os.listdir('.'): if filename.startswith(prefix): suffix = filename.split('.')[1] index1, index2 = suffix.split('-') index1, index2 = int(index1), int(index2) self.rho[index1-1,index2-1] = self.matrix_element( filename ) self.shape = self.rho.shape def matrix_element(self, filename): """ Takes filename as an argument to retrieve data for each density matrix element """ real, imag = [], [] with open(filename,'r') as f: for line in f: real.append( float( line.split()[1] ) ) imag.append( float( line.split()[2] ) ) real = np.array( real ) imag = np.array( imag ) return real + 1j * imag def __getitem__(self, i): return self.rho[i] """ Response is the superclass for LinearResponse and ThirdOrderResponse """ class Response(object): """ Superclass for response functions calculated with mqds """ def ___init___(self): self.type = 'Response Function' def wrange(self, wmin=0.0, wmax=500.0, wpts=250): """ defines frequency range over which to Fourier transform the linear response function """ w = [] for i in range(0, wpts+1): w.append( float( i * (wmax - wmin) / wpts + wmin ) ) w = np.array( w ) return w class LinearResponse(Response): """ class for mqds linear response function data """ def __init__(self, method): """ takes method used to compute the response function as an argument """ infile = method + '_linrespfunc.out' self.time, self.real, self.imag = [], [], [] with open(infile, 'r') as f: for line in f: self.time.append( float( line.split()[0] ) ) self.real.append( float( line.split()[1] ) ) self.imag.append( float( line.split()[2] ) ) self.time = np.array( self.time ) self.real = np.array( self.real ) self.imag = np.array( self.imag ) class ThirdOrderResponse(Response): """ class for mqds nonlinear response function data """ def __init__(self, method = 'pldm', signal = 'rephasing'): """ takes filename that contains the response function as an agument """ prefix = method + '_nonlin' self.time1, self.time2, self.time3 = [], [], [] self.real, self.imag = [], [] with open(infile, 'r') as f: for line in f: self.time1.append( float( line.split()[0] ) ) self.time2.append( float( line.split()[1] ) ) self.time3.append( float( line.split()[2] ) ) self.real.append( float( line.split()[3] ) ) self.imag.append( float( line.split()[4] ) ) self.time1 = np.array( self.time1 ) self.time2 = np.array( self.time2 ) self.time3 = np.array( self.time3 ) self.real = np.array( self.real ) self.imag = np.array( self.imag ) class SpectralDensity(object): """ class for spectral densities for the bath types - obo, ohmic, lognorm """ def __init__(self, type= 'obo', wmin=0.0, wmax=2000.0, wpts=2000, reorg=20.0, wc=50.0): self.type = type sdtypes = ['obo','ohmic'] if self.type in sdtypes: self.freq =, wmax, wpts) = self.buildsd(reorg, wc) else: print('only obo (overdamped brownian oscillator) and ohmic') def omega(self, wmin, wmax, wpts): """ defines frequency range over which to Fourier transform the linear response function """ w = [] for i in range(0, wpts+1): w.append( float( i * (wmax - wmin) / wpts + wmin ) ) w = np.array( w ) return w def buildsd(self, reorg, wc): """ function that builds the spectral density """ if self.type == 'obo': return self.obo_sd(reorg,wc) elif self.type == 'ohmic': return self.ohmic_sd(reorg,wc) else: print('There is no spectral density function for ' + self.type) def obo_sd(self, reorg, wc): """ overdamped brownian oscillator spectral density function """ obo = [] for w in self.freq: obo.append( 2.0 * reorg * ( (w/wc) / (1.0 + (w/wc)**2) ) ) obo = np.array(obo) return obo def ohmic_sd(self, reorg, wc): """ overdamped brownian oscillator spectral density function """ ohmic = [] for w in self.freq: ohmic.append( np.pi * reorg * w / wc * np.exp(-w/wc) ) ohmic = np.array(ohmic) return ohmic def info(self): print('type = ' + self.type) print('wrange = ' + str(self.freq[0]) + ' to ' + str(self.freq[-1]) + ' cm-1 (dw = ' + str(self.freq[1] - self.freq[0]) + ')') ```
{ "source": "jprovaznik/os-cloud-management", "score": 2 }
#### File: utils/tests/ ```python import fixtures import mock import testtools from os_cloud_management.cmd.utils import environment from os_cloud_management import exception from os_cloud_management.tests import base class CMDEnviromentTest(base.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(CMDEnviromentTest, self).setUp() for key in ('OS_AUTH_URL', 'OS_PASSWORD', 'OS_TENANT_NAME', 'OS_USERNAME', 'OS_CACERT'): fixture = fixtures.EnvironmentVariable(key) self.useFixture(fixture) @mock.patch.dict('os.environ', {}) def test_ensure_environment_missing_all(self): message = ("OS_AUTH_URL, OS_PASSWORD, OS_TENANT_NAME, OS_USERNAME " "environment variables are required to be set.") with testtools.ExpectedException(exception.MissingEnvironment, message): environment._ensure() @mock.patch.dict('os.environ', {'OS_PASSWORD': 'a', 'OS_AUTH_URL': 'a', 'OS_TENANT_NAME': 'a'}) def test_ensure_environment_missing_username(self): message = "OS_USERNAME environment variable is required to be set." with testtools.ExpectedException(exception.MissingEnvironment, message): environment._ensure() @mock.patch.dict('os.environ', {'OS_PASSWORD': 'a', 'OS_AUTH_URL': 'a', 'OS_TENANT_NAME': 'a', 'OS_USERNAME': 'a'}) def test_ensure_environment_missing_none(self): self.assertIs(None, environment._ensure()) ```
{ "source": "jprovaznik/tripleo-common", "score": 2 }
#### File: cmd/utils/ ```python import logging import os from tripleo_common.utils import clients LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _get_client_args(): return (os.environ["OS_USERNAME"], os.environ["OS_PASSWORD"], os.environ["OS_TENANT_NAME"], os.environ["OS_AUTH_URL"], os.environ.get("OS_CACERT")) def get_heat_client(): return clients.get_heat_client(*_get_client_args()) def get_tuskar_client(): return clients.get_tuskar_client(*_get_client_args()) ``` #### File: tripleo-common/tripleo_common/ ```python import json import logging import time import libutils from tuskarclient.common import utils as tuskarutils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ScaleManager: def __init__(self, tuskarclient, heatclient, plan_id=None, stack_id=None): self.tuskarclient = tuskarclient self.heatclient = heatclient self.stack_id = stack_id self.plan = tuskarutils.find_resource(self.tuskarclient.plans, plan_id) def scaleup(self, role, num): param_name = "{0}::count".format(role) self.plan = self.tuskarclient.plans.patch( self.plan.uuid, [{'name': '{0}::count'.format(role), 'value': num}]) params = libutils.heat_params_from_templates( self.tuskarclient.plans.templates(self.plan.uuid)) stack = self.heatclient.stacks.update(self.stack_id, **params) ```
{ "source": "jproyo/diefpy", "score": 3 }
#### File: diefpy/diefpy/ ```python import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def dieft(inputtrace, inputtest, t=-1.0): """ This function computes the dief@t metric. :param inputtrace: Dataframe with the answer trace. Attributes of the dataframe: test, approach, answer, time. :type inputtrace: numpy.ndarray :param inputtest: Specifies the specific test to analyze from the answer trace. :type inputtest: str :param t: Point in time to compute dieft. By default, the function computes the minimum of the execution time among the approaches in the answer trace. :type t: float :return: Dataframe with the dief@t values for each approach. Attributes of the dataframe: test, approach, dieft. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ # Initialize output structure. df = np.empty(shape=0, dtype=[('test', basestring), ('approach', basestring), ('dieft', float)]) # Obtain test and approaches to compare. results = inputtrace[inputtrace['test'] == inputtest] approaches = set(results['approach']) # Obtain t per approach. if t == -1: n = [] for a in approaches: x = results[results['approach'] == a] if len(x) == 1 and x['answer'] == 0: n.append(x[x['answer'] == 0]['time'][0]) else: n.append(x[x['answer'] == len(x)]['time'][0]) t = max(n) # Compute dieft per approach. for a in approaches: dief = 0 subtrace = results[(results['approach'] == a) & (results['time'] <= t)] com = np.array([(inputtest, a, len(subtrace), t)], dtype=[('test', basestring), ('approach', basestring), ('answer', int), ('time', float)]) if len(subtrace) == 1 and subtrace['answer'] == 0: pass else: subtrace = np.concatenate((subtrace, com), axis=0) if len(subtrace) > 1: dief = np.trapz(subtrace['answer'], subtrace['time']) res = np.array([(inputtest, a, dief)], dtype=[('test', basestring), ('approach', basestring), ('dieft', float)]) df = np.append(df, res, axis=0) return df def diefk(inputtrace, inputtest, k=-1): """ This function computes the dief@k metric at a given k (number of answers). :param inputtrace: Dataframe with the answer trace. Attributes of the dataframe: test, approach, answer, time. :type inputtrace: numpy.ndarray :param inputtest: Specifies the specific test to analyze from the answer trace. :type inputtest: str :param k: Number of answers to compute diefk. By default, the function computes the minimum of the total number of answers produced by the approaches. :type k: int :return: Dataframe with the dief@k values for each approach. Attributes of the dataframe: test, approach, diefk. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ # Initialize output structure. df = np.empty(shape=0, dtype=[('test', basestring), ('approach', basestring), ('diefk', float)]) # Obtain test and approaches to compare. results = inputtrace[inputtrace['test'] == inputtest] approaches = set (inputtrace['approach']) # Obtain k per approach. if k == -1: n = [] for a in approaches: x = results[results['approach'] == a] n.append(len(x)) k = min(n) # Compute diefk per approach. for a in approaches: dief = 0 subtrace = results[(results['approach'] == a) & (results['answer'] <= k)] if len(subtrace) > 1: dief = np.trapz(subtrace['answer'], subtrace['time']) res = np.array([(inputtest, a, dief)], dtype=[('test', basestring), ('approach', basestring), ('diefk', float)]) df = np.append(df, res, axis=0) return df def diefk2(inputtrace, inputtest, kp=-1.0): """ This function computes the dief@k metric at a given kp (percentage of answers). :param inputtrace: Dataframe with the answer trace. Attributes of the dataframe: test, approach, answer, time. :type inputtrace: numpy.ndarray :param inputtest: Specifies the specific test to analyze from the answer trace. :type inputtest: str :param kp: Ratio of answers to compute diefk (kp in [0.0;1.0]). By default and when kp=1.0, this function behaves the same as diefk. It computes the kp portion of of minimum of of number of answers produced by the approaches. :type kp: float :return: Dataframe with the dief@k values for each approach. Attributes of the dataframe: test, approach, diefk. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ # Initialize output structure. df = np.empty(shape=0, dtype=[('test', basestring), ('approach', basestring), ('diefk', float)]) # Obtain test and approaches to compare. results = inputtrace[inputtrace['test'] == inputtest] approaches = set(inputtrace['approach']) # Obtain k per approach. n = [] for a in approaches: x = results[results['approach'] == a] n.append(len(x)) k = min(n) if kp > -1: k = k * kp # Compute diefk. df = diefk(inputtrace, inputtest, k) return df def plot_answer_trace(inputtrace, inputtest): """ This function plots the answer trace of a given test. :param inputtrace: Dataframe with the answer trace. Attributes of the dataframe: test, approach, answer, time. :type inputtrace: numpy.ndarray :param inputtest: Specifies the specific test to analyze from the answer trace. :type inputtest: str :return: Plot of the answer traces of each approach when evaluating the input test. :rtype: matplotlib.pyplot.plot """ # Obtain test and approaches to compare. results = inputtrace[inputtrace['test'] == inputtest] approaches = set(inputtrace['approach']) # Generate plot. for a in approaches: subtrace = results[results['approach'] == a] plt.plot(subtrace['time'], subtrace['answer'], label=a, marker='o', markeredgewidth=0.0, linestyle='None') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('# Answers Produced') plt.legend(loc='upper left') return plt def load_trace(filename): """ This function reads answer traces from a CSV file. :param filename: Path to the CSV file that contains the answer traces. Attributes of the file specified in the header: test, approach, answer, time. :type filename: str :return: Dataframe with the answer trace. Attributes of the dataframe: test, approach, answer, time. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ # Conversion of columns to datatypes d = {'test': basestring, 'approach': basestring, 'answer': int, 'time': float} # Loading data. df = np.genfromtxt(filename, delimiter=',', names=True, dtype=[basestring, basestring, basestring, basestring]) # Converting data to appropriate datatypes. dtype_new = [] for elem in df.dtype.names: dtype_new.append((elem, d[elem])) df = np.asarray(df, dtype=dtype_new) # Return dataframe in order. return df[['test', 'approach', 'answer', 'time']] ```
{ "source": "jproyo/upc-miri-tfm", "score": 2 }
#### File: experiments/diepfy/ ```python import diefpy.dief as diefpy def plot_experiments(): root_path = '/Users/juan/Projects/upc/upc-miri-tfm/data/experiments' # folders = ["moreno_crime","dbpedia","opsahl-ucforum","wang-amazon"] folders = ["wang-amazon"] colors = ["#4287f5","#19E67C","#1A211E","#244A4F","#0fC4DB","#8F2E73","#B36224","#ECC30B","#D56062"] for f in folders: traces = diefpy.load_trace(f'{root_path}/{f}/results/results.csv') diefpy.plot_answer_trace(traces, f, colors).show() metrics = diefpy.load_metrics(f"{root_path}/{f}/results/metrics.csv") exp1 = diefpy.experiment1(traces, metrics) diefpy.plotExperiment1Test(exp1, f, colors).show() def to_scenario_id(name): scenarios = { 'vertex-lower-low': 'VL-L', 'vertex-lower-medium': 'VL-M', 'vertex-lower-high': 'VL-H', 'vertex-upper-low': 'VU-L', 'vertex-upper-medium': 'VU-M', 'vertex-upper-high': 'VU-H', 'edge-low': 'E-L', 'edge-medium': 'E-M', 'edge-high': 'E-H', } return scenarios[name] def dief_t_k(): root_path = '/Users/juan/Projects/upc/upc-miri-tfm/data/experiments' folders = ["moreno_crime","dbpedia","opsahl-ucforum","wang-amazon"] #folders = ["wang-amazon"] colors = ["#4287f5","#19E67C","#1A211E","#244A4F","#0fC4DB","#8F2E73","#B36224","#ECC30B","#D56062"] for f in folders: traces = diefpy.load_trace(f'{root_path}/{f}/results/results.csv') print("dief@t", f) for (_, s, n) in diefpy.dieft(traces, f): print('&', to_scenario_id(s), '&', '$'+"{:.2E}".format(round(n,2))+'$', '\\\\') print('') for f in folders: traces = diefpy.load_trace(f'{root_path}/{f}/results/results.csv') print("dief@k", f) for (_, s, n) in diefpy.diefk(traces, f): print('&', to_scenario_id(s), '&', '$'+"{:.2E}".format(round(n,2))+'$', '\\\\') dief_t_k() # plot_experiments() ```
{ "source": "jprsurendra/assignment", "score": 3 }
#### File: apis/candidate/ ```python from rest_framework import serializers from apis.candidate.models import Candidate from apis.common.serializers import CitySerializer class CandidateSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): city_id = serializers.IntegerField() class Meta: model = Candidate fields = ['candidate_name', 'address', 'city_id', 'owner_info', 'employee_size' ] class CandidateReadSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): candidate_name = serializers.SerializerMethodField() city = CitySerializer() class Meta: model = Candidate fields = '__all__' def get_candidate_name(self, obj): if obj.candidate_name: return obj.candidate_name.title() return None ```
{ "source": "jprsurendra/core_python", "score": 4 }
#### File: core/sorting/ ```python print("Always executed") class Student: def __init__(self, name, age): self.__name = name self.__age = age ''' # When you try to sort the list of Student's object, At a minimum, you should specify __eq__ and __lt__ operations. Then just use sorted(<<list_of_objects>>) or <<list_of_objects>>.sort() Otherwise Exception will occur: TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'Student' and 'Student' ''' def __eq__(self, other): return ( self.__class__ == other.__class__ and self.__name == and self.__age == other.__age ) def __lt__(self, other): return self.__age < other.__age ''' def __ne__(self, other): return self.__age != other.__age def __gt__(self, other): return self.__age > other.__age def __le__(self, other): return self.__age <= other.__age def __ge__(self, other): return self.__age >= other.__age ''' def __hash__(self): return hash((self.__name, self.__age)) def __str__(self): return "Student: {name:%s, age:%s}"%(self.__name,self.__age) def __repr__(self): return f"Student<<{self.__hash__()}>>(name:{self.__name}, age:{self.__age})" # return f"Student<<hash(self)>>(name:{self.__name}, age:{self.__age})" #invoke __str__ and __repr__ # print(str(D1)) # print(repr(D1)) if __name__ == "__main__": print("Executed when invoked directly") lst= [] lst.append(Student("Rohit", 10)) lst.append(Student("Surendra", 11)) lst.append(Student("Manish", 8)) lst.append(Student("Pooja", 6)) lst.append(Student("Bhuwan", 25)) print(lst) lst2 = sorted(lst) print(lst2) lst.sort() print(lst) else: print("Executed when imported") ''' Output: Always executed Executed when invoked directly [Student<<-5241922802715972405>>(name:AAAA, age:10), Student<<-3132639429598342108>>(name:AAAA, age:11), Student<<-6856489529845274464>>(name:AAAA, age:8), Student<<-4072698873990208395>>(name:AAAA, age:6), Student<<6374970296428362712>>(name:AAAA, age:25)] [Student<<-4072698873990208395>>(name:AAAA, age:6), Student<<-6856489529845274464>>(name:AAAA, age:8), Student<<-5241922802715972405>>(name:AAAA, age:10), Student<<-3132639429598342108>>(name:AAAA, age:11), Student<<6374970296428362712>>(name:AAAA, age:25)] None ''' ``` #### File: core_python/oops/ ```python class Salary: def __init__(self, pay): = pay def get_total(self): return ( * 12) ''' Example of Aggregation in Python Aggregation is a week form of composition. If you delete the container object contents objects can live without container object. ''' class Employee: def __init__(self, pay, bonus): = pay self.bonus = bonus def annual_salary(self): return "Total: " + str( + self.bonus) ''' Example of Composition in Python In composition one of the classes is composed of one or more instance of other classes. In other words one class is container and other class is content and if you delete the container object then all of its contents objects are also deleted. ''' class ComposedEmployee: def __init__(self, pay, bonus): = pay self.bonus = bonus self.obj_salary = Salary( def annual_salary(self): return "Total: " + str(self.obj_salary.get_total() + self.bonus) def main_aggregation(): obj_sal = Salary(600) obj_emp = Employee(obj_sal, 500) print(obj_emp.annual_salary()) def main_composition(): obj_emp = ComposedEmployee(600, 500) print(obj_emp.annual_salary()) if __name__ == "__main__": main_aggregation() main_composition() ``` #### File: core_python/oops/ ```python class IntegerNumber: def __init__(self, num=0): if type(num)== int: self.__num = num else: self.__num = 0 raise ValueError("Argument 'num' must be an Integer Number") def __str__(self): return f'<<IntegerNumber>> value is {str(self.__num)}' def __repr__(self): return f'<<IntegerNumber>>(value is {str(self.__num)})' ''' Magic Method used for overload Binary Operator Example -------------- --------------------------------- ------- __add__ + object.__add__(self, other) __sub__ - object.__sub__(self, other) __mul__ * object.__mul__(self, other) __floordiv__ // object.__floordiv__(self, other) __truediv__ / object.__truediv__(self, other) __mod__ % object.__mod__(self, other) __pow__ ** object.__pow__(self, other[, modulo]) __lshift__ << object.__lshift__(self, other) __rshift__ >> object.__rshift__(self, other) __and__ & object.__and__(self, other) __xor__ ^ object.__xor__(self, other) __or__( | object.__or__(self, other) ''' def __add__(self, other): if type(other) == IntegerNumber: return IntegerNumber(self.__num + other.__num) elif type(other) == int: return IntegerNumber(self.__num + other) else: raise ValueError("Argument must be an object of class IntegerNumber or int") ''' Extended Assignments Operator Magic Method += object.__iadd__(self, other) -= object.__isub__(self, other) *= object.__imul__(self, other) /= object.__idiv__(self, other) //= object.__ifloordiv__(self, other) %= object.__imod__(self, other) **= object.__ipow__(self, other[, modulo]) <<= object.__ilshift__(self, other) >>= object.__irshift__(self, other) &= object.__iand__(self, other) ^= object.__ixor__(self, other) |= object.__ior__(self, other) ''' def __iadd__(self, other): if type(other) == IntegerNumber: self.__num = self.__num + other.__num return self elif type(other) == int: self.__num = self.__num + other return self else: raise ValueError("Argument must be an object of class IntegerNumber or int") ''' Unary Operators Operator Magic Method - object.__neg__(self) + object.__pos__(self) abs() object.__abs__(self) ~ object.__invert__(self) complex() object.__complex__(self) int() object.__int__(self) long() object.__long__(self) float() object.__float__(self) oct() object.__oct__(self) hex() object.__hex__(self ''' def __int__(self): return int(self.__num) ''' Comparison Operators Magic Method < object.__lt__(self, other) <= object.__le__(self, other) == object.__eq__(self, other) != object.__ne__(self, other) >= object.__ge__(self, other) > object.__gt__(self, other) ''' def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) == IntegerNumber: return True if self.__num == other.__num else False elif type(other) == int: return True if self.__num == other else False else: return False def main(): num1 = IntegerNumber(10) print(num1) num2 = IntegerNumber(20) print(num2) num3 = num1 + num2 print(num3) num4 = int(num1) print(num4) num3 +=num4 print(num3) if(num4 == num1): print("num1 and num4 are same value") else: print("num1 and num4 are not same value") if __name__ == "__main__": main() ```
{ "source": "jprsurendra/CowinSlotAvailability", "score": 3 }
#### File: slot_search/slot_search/ ```python import requests import json from datetime import datetime import datetime import sched, time from datetime import date from home.models import District, Center, Slot class CowinSlotAvailability: def __init__(self, chk_district=506, min_age_limit = 18, chk_date = None): self.chk_district = chk_district self.min_age_limit = min_age_limit if min_age_limit==18 or min_age_limit==45 else 18 if chk_date: self.chk_date = chk_date else: today = self.chk_date = today.strftime("%d-%m-%Y") # DD-MM-YYYY self.task = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep) def get_db_center(self, json_center): center_id = json_center.get('center_id', None) try: center = Center.objects.get(center_id=center_id) return center except Center.DoesNotExist: dict_center={ 'district_id':, 'center_id': json_center.get('center_id', None), 'center_name': json_center.get('name', None), 'address': json_center.get('address', None), 'block_name': json_center.get('block_name', None), 'pincode': json_center.get('pincode', None), 'state_name': json_center.get('state_name', None), 'fee_type': json_center.get('fee_type', None), } center= Center.objects.create(**dict_center) return center def check_availability(self, sc): # chk_date = "20-05-2021" # chk_district = 506 # "Jaipur II" # min_age_limit = 18 browser_header = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.76 Safari/537.36'} URL = "{dist}&date={cdate}".format(dist = self.chk_district, cdate = self.chk_date) availabile_centers = [] if(self.chk_date == '' or self.chk_district == ''): raise ValueError("Input Parameter missing") format = "%d-%m-%Y" try: datetime.datetime.strptime(self.chk_date, format) except: raise ValueError("Incorrect date format, should be DD-MM-YYYY") try: self.district = District.objects.get(id=self.chk_district) except District.DoesNotExist: raise ValueError("Incorrect district") print("===============================================================================") now = dt_string = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") print(" .... Search started ..... ", dt_string) response = requests.get(URL, headers=browser_header) if (response.ok) and ('centers' in json.loads(response.text)): resp_json = json.loads(response.text)['centers'] for api_center in resp_json: db_center = self.get_db_center(json_center=api_center) for api_session in api_center['sessions']: db_slot = {} center = {} if(api_session['available_capacity'] > 0 and api_session['min_age_limit'] == self.min_age_limit and api_session['date'] == self.chk_date): db_slot = { 'center_id':, 'min_age_limit': api_session.get('min_age_limit', None), 'available_capacity':api_session.get('available_capacity', None), 'available_capacity_dose1':api_session.get('available_capacity_dose1', None), 'available_capacity_dose2':api_session.get('available_capacity_dose2', None), 'date': api_session.get('date', None), 'vaccine': api_session.get('vaccine', None), 'created_on': now } Slot.objects.create(**db_slot) center['slots'] = api_session['slots'] center['date'] = api_session['date'] center['capacity'] = api_session['available_capacity'] center['cid'] = api_center['center_id'] center['name'] = api_center['name'] center['address'] = api_center['address'] if bool(center): availabile_centers.append(center) print("---------------------------------------------------------------") print("slots: ", str(','.join(center['slots']))) print("date: ", str(center['date'])) print("capacity: ", str(center['capacity'])) print("cid: ", str(center['cid'])) print("name: ", str(center['name'])) print("address: ", str(center['address'])) # return True if len(availabile_centers)>0 else False if availabile_centers and len(availabile_centers)>0: return True else: self.task.enter(120, 1, self.check_availability, (sc,)) def do_start(self): self.task.enter(5, 1, self.check_availability, (self.task,)) # if __name__ == "__main__": # slot_finder = CowinSlotAvailability(chk_date = "22-05-2021") # chk_district=571 # slot_finder.do_start() ``` #### File: slot_search/slot_search/ ```python from home.models import District import threading class CowinSlotAvailabilityThread (threading.Thread): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): from slot_search.CowinSlotAvailability import CowinSlotAvailability slot_finder = CowinSlotAvailability(chk_date="22-05-2021") # chk_district=571 slot_finder.do_start() def load_on_startup(): pass # thread1 = CowinSlotAvailabilityThread() # thread1.start() # districts=[ # { # "id": 507, # "district_name": "Ajmer"}, # { # "id": 512, # "district_name": "Alwar"}, # { # "id": 519, # "district_name": "Banswara"}, # { # "id": 516, # "district_name": "Baran"}, # { # "id": 528, # "district_name": "Barmer"}, # { # "id": 508, # "district_name": "Bharatpur"}, # { # "id": 523, # "district_name": "Bhilwara"}, # { # "id": 501, # "district_name": "Bikaner"}, # { # "id": 514, # "district_name": "Bundi"}, # { # "id": 521, # "district_name": "Chittorgarh"}, # { # "id": 530, # "district_name": "Churu"}, # { # "id": 511, # "district_name": "Dausa"}, # { # "id": 524, # "district_name": "Dholpur"}, # { # "id": 520, # "district_name": "Dungarpur"}, # { # "id": 517, # "district_name": "Hanumangarh"}, # { # "id": 505, # "district_name": "Jaipur I"}, # { # "id": 506, # "district_name": "Jaipur II"}, # { # "id": 527, # "district_name": "Jaisalmer"}, # { # "id": 533, # "district_name": "Jalore"}, # { # "id": 515, # "district_name": "Jhalawar"}, # { # "id": 510, # "district_name": "Jhunjhunu"}, # { # "id": 502, # "district_name": "Jodhpur"}, # { # "id": 525, # "district_name": "Karauli"}, # { # "id": 503, # "district_name": "Kota"}, # { # "id": 532, # "district_name": "Nagaur"}, # { # "id": 529, # "district_name": "Pali"}, # { # "id": 522, # "district_name": "Pratapgarh"}, # { # "id": 518, # "district_name": "Rajsamand"}, # { # "id": 534, # "district_name": "Sawai Madhopur"}, # { # "id": 513, # "district_name": "Sikar"}, # { # "id": 531, # "district_name": "Sirohi"}, # { # "id": 509, # "district_name": "Sri Ganganagar"}, # { # "id": 526, # "district_name": "Tonk"}, # { # "id": 504, # "district_name": "Udaipur"}] # save_district_list = [] # for district in districts: # save_district_list.append(District(**district)) # District.objects.bulk_create(save_district_list) ```
{ "source": "jprsurendra/DjangoProject", "score": 3 }
#### File: apis/noteapi/ ```python from django.db import models # Create your models here. class Note(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=50) text = models.CharField(max_length=255) class Meta: db_table = 'tbl_notes' def __str__(self): return self.title ```
{ "source": "jprsurendra/EmployeeProjectPanel", "score": 3 }
#### File: djxml/build/ ```python import os import re import subprocess import distutils class PandocRSTConverter(object): replacements = ( # Remove lists with internal links (effectively, the TOC in a README). # We remove the TOC because the anchors in a github markdown file # are broken when the rst is displayed on pypi (re.compile(ur'(?ms)^\- ((?:.(?!\n[\n\-]))*?\`__\n)'), u''), # (shorten link terminator from two underscores to one): `__ => `_ (re.compile(ur'\`__'), u'`_'), # Replace, for example: # # code sample: # # :: # # def example(): pass # # with: # # code sample:: # # def example(): pass (re.compile(ur'(?ms)(\:)\n\n\:(\:\n\n)'), ur'\1\2'), # replace 3+ line breaks with 2 (re.compile(ur'\n\n\n+'), u'\n\n'), # Remove syntax highlighting hints, which don't work on pypi (re.compile(ur'(?m)\.\. code\:\: .*$'), u'::'), ) from_format = 'markdown' def convert(self, path_): path = path_ if path_[0] == '/' else os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', path_) if not os.path.exists(path): raise distutils.errors.DistutilsSetupError("File '%s' does not exist" % path_) pandoc_path = distutils.spawn.find_executable("pandoc") if pandoc_path is None: raise distutils.errors.DistutilsSetupError( "pandoc must be installed and in PATH to convert markdown to rst") rst = subprocess.check_output([ pandoc_path, "-f", self.from_format, "-t", "rst", path]) rst = self.replace_header_chars(rst) for regex, replacement in self.replacements: rst = regex.sub(replacement, rst) return rst header_char_map = ( ('=', '#'), ('-', '='), ('^', '-'), ("'", '.'), ) def replace_header_chars(self, rst_string): """Replace the default header chars with more sensible ones""" for from_char, to_char in self.header_char_map: def replace(matchobj): return to_char * len( regex = r'(?m)^%(from)s%(from)s+$' % {'from': re.escape(from_char), } rst_string = re.sub(regex, replace, rst_string) return rst_string def replace_section(self, rst, section_name, replacement, remove_header=False): if not len(replacement): replacement = u"\n" elif replacement[-1] != u"\n": replacement = u"%s\n" % replacement if remove_header: replacement = u"%s\n" % replacement else: replacement = u"\\1\n%s\n" % replacement regex = (ur"""(?msx) (\n %(section_name)s\n ([%(header_chars)s])\2[^\n]+\n ).*?\n (?=(?: ^[^\n]+\n \2\2\2 | \Z )) """) % { 'section_name': re.escape(section_name), 'header_chars': re.escape('-#=.'), } return re.sub(regex, replacement, rst) ``` #### File: djxml/tests/ ```python import os from doctest import Example from lxml import etree from lxml.doctestcompare import LXMLOutputChecker from django import test from .xmlmodels import AtomFeed, AtomEntry class TestAdvancedExample(test.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestAdvancedExample, cls).setUpClass() cls.example = AtomFeed.create_from_file( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'atom_feed.xml')) def assertXmlEqual(self, got, want): checker = LXMLOutputChecker() if not checker.check_output(want, got, 0): message = checker.output_difference(Example("", want), got, 0) raise AssertionError(message) def test_feed_title(self): self.assertEqual(self.example.title, "Example Feed") def test_feed_entry_title(self): self.assertIsInstance(self.example.entries[0], AtomEntry) self.assertEqual(self.example.entries[0].title, "An example entry") def test_transform_to_rss(self): expected = "\n".join([ '<rss version="2.0">', ' <channel><description>Example Feed</description>', '', ' <link></link>', ' <pubDate>Thu, 05 Jul 2012 18:30:02Z</pubDate>', '', ' <item>', '', ' <link></link>', ' <guid>urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb-aaaa-80da344efa6a</guid>', ' <pubDate>Thu, 05 Jul 2012 18:30:02Z</pubDate>', ' <description>&lt;div&gt;Some text.&lt;/div&gt;</description>', ' </item>', '</channel>', '</rss>\n']) self.assertXmlEqual(expected, etree.tounicode(self.example.transform_to_rss())) ```
{ "source": "jprsurendra/layered_architecture_in_django", "score": 2 }
#### File: common/utilities/ ```python from apis.common.models import GenericSystemSettings from django.conf import settings class GenericConfiguration: __instance = None def __init__(self): """ Virtually private constructor. """ if GenericConfiguration.__instance != None: raise Exception("This class is a singleton!") else: self.system_settings_dict = dict(GenericSystemSettings.objects.values_list('prop_key', 'prop_value')) GenericConfiguration.__instance = self @staticmethod def get_instance(): """ Static access method. """ if GenericConfiguration.__instance == None: GenericConfiguration() return GenericConfiguration.__instance def refresh_system_settings_dict(self): self.system_settings_dict = dict(GenericSystemSettings.objects.values_list('prop_key', 'prop_value')) def fetch_value(self, key): if key in self.system_settings_dict: return self.system_settings_dict[key] return eval('settings.'+ key) ``` #### File: components/base/ ```python import logging import traceback import uuid from django.apps import apps from django.db.models import Subquery from django.core.paginator import Paginator from apis.common.utils import find_in_dic_or_list, Base64EncodeDecode from django.db import connection, transaction class BaseManager(object): def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def getManagerName(): raise NotImplemented() def getErrorInfo(self, errors_info = {}, error_code='UNKNOWN_ERROR', description='An unknown error has occurred , Please contact your customer care', error_no=1): err_no=0 if errors_info and isinstance(errors_info, dict): if not 'errors' in errors_info: errors_info['errors'] = [] if not 'error_no' in errors_info: errors_info['error_no'] = 0 else: errors_info = {'errors': [], 'error_no':0} errors = errors_info['errors'] err_no = int(errors_info['error_no']) if error_code: if not description: description = " " errors.append({'error_code': error_code, 'description': description}) errors_info['errors'] = errors if err_no<error_no: errors_info['error_no'] = error_no return errors_info def server_side_validation(self, params_pk, params=None, **kwargs): return True def retrive(self, pk, params=None, **kwargs): raise NotImplemented() def fetch(self, params=None, **kwargs): # def fetch(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplemented() def exists(self, params=None, **kwargs): # def exists(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplemented() def save_or_update(self, params=None, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplemented() def create(self, params=None, **kwargs): raise NotImplemented() def update(self, pk, params=None, **kwargs): raise NotImplemented() def delete(self, pk, params): raise NotImplemented() def get_additional_params(self, params = {}, request_params=None, **kwargs): return params ''' Description: This is utility method, which will combine all category of parameters. Parameters: 1. request_params (Dic): It contains different types of data e.g. 'query_params', 'request_params', 'logged_in_user'. Returns: Dic of combined all category of parameters Exception: None ''' def get_all_request_params(self, request_params=None, **kwargs): params = {} # request_params = request_params.copy() if request_params else {} for key in ['query_params', 'request_params', 'logged_in_user', 'additional_parameters']: if key in request_params and request_params[key]: if isinstance(request_params[key], dict): params.update(request_params[key]) else: params[key] = request_params[key] return self.get_additional_params(params=params, request_params=request_params, **kwargs) class BaseModelManager(BaseManager): ''' Description: Common Functionality for all Managers at the time of object initialization. In this method, common_manager also assign, where you can write common code related to your Business-Logic or any Database related code without Managers. Parameters: app_name (String): Name of App model_name (String): Name of Model in the App Returns: None Exception: None ''' def __init__(self, app_name, model_name): self.context = {} if app_name==None or model_name == None: self.Model = None else: self.Model = apps.get_model(app_name, model_name) try: from apis.common.managers import CommonManager if not isinstance(self, CommonManager): from apis.components.factories.managers_factory import ManagersFactory self.common_manager = ManagersFactory.get_instance().get_common_manager() else: self.common_manager = None except Exception as e: self.common_manager = None"Path apis/common/components/ Class: BaseModelManager Method: __init__ Error: %s"%(str(e))) @staticmethod def get_first_occurrence(dictionary: dict, key: str): value_found = None for k, v in dictionary.items(): if key in dictionary: return dictionary[key] elif isinstance(v, dict): value_found = BaseModelManager.get_first_occurrence(v, key) if isinstance(value_found, list): return value_found[0] else: return value_found def get_dic_item(self, obj_dic, key, default_value = None, do_trim=False): dic_item = obj_dic.get(key, default_value) if do_trim: dic_item = dic_item.strip() if dic_item else dic_item return dic_item ''' Description: implementation of this method in all Managers is mandatory. This method return unique names of your Manager, this name used for register/retrieve your Manager into/from Manager-Factory. Parameters:None Returns: (String) Unique-Names of your Manager Exception: None ''' @staticmethod def get_manager_name(): raise NotImplemented() def is_int(self, val): try: if type(val) == int: return True else: if val.is_integer(): return True else: return False except Exception as e: return False def execute_raw_query(self, raw_query, list_of_column_index = None): with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(raw_query) exclude_sql = cursor.fetchall() # if list_of_column_index == None: # pass # elif type(list_of_column_index) is list or type(list_of_column_index) is tuple: # list_of_column_values = [] # if len(exclude_sql)>1: # for row in exclude_sql: # list_of_column_values.append([row[k] for k in list_of_column_index]) # else: # row = exclude_sql # list_of_column_values.append([row[k] for k in list_of_column_index]) # return list_of_column_values # elif self.is_int(list_of_column_index): # Fetch only first column # if len(exclude_sql)>1: # list_of_column_values = [int(k[list_of_column_index]) for k in exclude_sql] # else: # list_of_column_values =[exclude_sql[0][list_of_column_index]] # return list_of_column_values if list_of_column_index: # Fetch only first column (as a prymary key) if len(exclude_sql)>1: list_of_column_values = [int(k[0]) for k in exclude_sql] else: list_of_column_values =[exclude_sql[0][0]] return list_of_column_values return exclude_sql ''' Description: This method return all fields of Model bind with Manager Parameters:None Returns: List<String> Exception: None ''' def model_fields(self): model_fields = [] for field in self.Model._meta.fields: model_fields.append( return model_fields ''' Description: This method return select query ("Select * FROM table_name") of Model bind with Manager Parameters:None Returns: String Exception: None ''' def get_native_select_query(self, fields=None, where_close = ""): table_name = self.Model._meta.db_table if fields: return "SELECT " + fields + " FROM " + table_name + " " + where_close else: return "SELECT * FROM " + table_name + " " + where_close ''' Description: This method return select query ("Select * FROM table_name") of Model bind with Manager Parameters:None Returns: String Exception: None ''' def execute_native_query(self, raw_query ): result = None try: with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(raw_query); result = cursor.fetchall() return result except self.Model.DoesNotExist: return None ''' Description: This method return select query ("Select * FROM table_name") of Model bind with Manager Parameters:None Returns: String Exception: None ''' def execute_update_native_query(self, raw_query): result = None try: with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(raw_query) connection.commit() return result except self.Model.DoesNotExist: return None def execute_raw_query_with_model(self, raw_query, raw_count_query=None, app_name=None, model_name=None, RowSqlModel=None): if RowSqlModel: LocalModel = RowSqlModel else: LocalModel = self.get_model(app_name, model_name) return LocalModel.objects.raw(raw_query, raw_count_query) ''' Description: This method return primary field-name of Model bind with Manager Parameters:None Returns: String Exception: None ''' def get_pk_field_name(self): pk_field_name = return pk_field_name def get_model(self, app_name=None, model_name=None): if app_name == None and model_name == None: LocalModel = self.Model elif app_name == None or model_name == None: raise ValueError("Invalid arguments (app_name and model_name)") else: LocalModel = apps.get_model(app_name, model_name) return LocalModel def get_model_fields(self, app_name=None, model_name=None, obj_entity_model=None): if obj_entity_model: LocalModel = obj_entity_model else: LocalModel = self.get_model(app_name, model_name) return [ for f in LocalModel._meta.get_fields()] def get_manager_param_dict(self, **kwargs): request_params = { } if kwargs: for key, value in kwargs.items(): if value: request_params[key] = value v_params = {} v_params['request_params'] = request_params return v_params ''' Description: This method use for parsing nested data-dic which will used in Serializer. Parameters: kwargs (**): data which will parse Returns: 1. data-dic of outer object 2. data-dic of inner object Exception: None ''' def parse_nested_obj_dic(self, **kwargs): service_data = {} nested_obj_dic = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): nested_obj_dic[key] = kwargs[key] else: service_data[key] = kwargs[key] return service_data, nested_obj_dic ''' Description: This method return Manager's object, based on provided search_key. Remember that, generally this search_key is a name of nested field in Serializer Parameters: None Returns: object of Manager Exception: None ''' def get_manager(self, search_key): from apis.components.factories.managers_factory import ManagersFactory manager = ManagersFactory.get_instance().get_manager(managerName=search_key) return manager ''' Description: This is a service-method use for retrieve data from database based on different-criteria. Parameters: 1. id_value (int): if value of id_value provied then Id based database-query will execute. 2. params (Dic): Controller can share additional data in this dictionary. 3. kwargs (**): additional parameters for search data Returns: single object or None (if not found in Database) Exception: None ''' def retrieve(self, id_value=None, params=None, **kwargs): try: if id_value: obj = self.Model.objects.filter(id = id_value) return obj[0] if obj else None else: obj = self.Model.objects.get(**kwargs) return obj except self.Model.DoesNotExist: return None ''' Description: This service-method is similar to "retrieve" but it may be return list of one or more result. Parameters: 1. params (Dic): Controller can share additional data in this dictionary. 2. kwargs (**): additional parameters for search data Returns: List of objects Exception: None ''' def fetch(self, params=None, **kwargs): # def fetch(self, *args, **kwargs): lst_obj = self.Model.objects.filter(**kwargs) return lst_obj # queryset = self.Model.objects.filter(**kwargs) # return self.queryset_sorting(queryset, query_params=params, method='list', **kwargs) ''' Description: This service-method checks whether data exist in data or not. Parameters: 1. params (Dic): Controller can share additional data in this dictionary. 2. kwargs (**): additional parameters for search data Returns: True or False Exception: None ''' def exists(self, params=None, **kwargs): # def exists(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.Model.objects.filter(**kwargs).exists() def event_before_save(self, params=None, *args, **kwargs): return params, args, kwargs ''' Description: This service-method create or update the Model. Parameters: 1. params (Dic): Controller can share additional data in this dictionary. 2. args (*): Controller can share additional list of parameters in this. 3. kwargs (**): additional parameters for search data Returns: object of Model Exception: None ''' def save_or_update(self, params=None, *args, **kwargs): service_data, nested_obj_dic = self.parse_nested_obj_dic(**kwargs) if nested_obj_dic: for key, value in nested_obj_dic.items(): manager = self.get_manager(key) inner_obj =, **value) service_data[key] = inner_obj params, args, updated_service_data = self.event_before_save(params, *args, **service_data) obj =, *args, **updated_service_data) else: params, args, updated_kwargs = self.event_before_save(params, *args, **kwargs) if 'id' in updated_kwargs: rows_updated = self.update(updated_kwargs['id'], params, *args, **updated_kwargs) obj = self.Model(**updated_kwargs) else: obj = self.create(params, *args, **updated_kwargs) return obj def event_before_create(self, params=None, *args, **kwargs): return params, args, kwargs ''' Description: This service-method create/Insert the Model into database. Parameters: 1. params (Dic): Controller can share additional data in this dictionary. 2. kwargs (**): additional parameters for search data Returns: object of Model Exception: None ''' def create(self, params=None, *args, **kwargs): service_data, nested_obj_dic = self.parse_nested_obj_dic(**kwargs) if nested_obj_dic: for key, value in nested_obj_dic.items(): manager = self.get_manager(key) inner_obj = manager.create(params=params, **value) service_data[key] = inner_obj params, args, updated_service_data = self.event_before_create(params, *args, **service_data) obj = self.Model.objects.create(**updated_service_data) else: params, args, updated_kwargs = self.event_before_create(params, *args, **kwargs) obj = self.Model.objects.create(**updated_kwargs) return obj def event_before_update(self, pk, params=None, *args, **kwargs): return params, args, kwargs ''' Description: This service-method update the Model into database. Parameters: 1. pk (int): prymary-key's value, used to retrieve object of Model from database. 2. params (Dic): Controller can share additional data in this dictionary. 2. kwargs (**): key-value data for update value in database Returns: no of rows updated in database Exception: None ''' def update(self, pk, params=None, *args, **kwargs): params, args, updated_kwargs = self.event_before_update(pk, params, *args, **kwargs) # self.Model(**updated_kwargs) updated_rows = self.Model.objects.filter(id = pk).update(**updated_kwargs) # updated_rows = self.Model.objects.get(id=pk).update(**updated_kwargs) return updated_rows def update_object(self, pk, params=None, *args, **kwargs): params, args, updated_kwargs = self.event_before_update(pk, params, *args, **kwargs) # self.Model(**updated_kwargs) updated_rows = self.Model.objects.filter(id = pk).update(**updated_kwargs) return self.Model.objects.get(id = pk), updated_rows ''' Description: This service-method update the Model into database. Parameters: 1. id_value (int): prymary-key's value, used to retrieve object of Model from database for deletion. 2. params (Dic): Controller can share additional data in this dictionary. 3. kwargs (**): additional parameters for search objects of Model from database for deletion. Returns: no of rows deleted from database Exception: None ''' def delete(self, id_value=None, params=None, **kwargs): if id_value: return self.Model.objects.filter(id = id_value).delete() elif kwargs: return self.Model.objects.filter(**kwargs).delete() ''' Description: This utility-method add filters(include/exclude) on queryset without Manager. Parameters: 1. db_model (object):object of Model. 2. include_params (Dic): include filters parameters. 3. exclude_params (Dic): exclude filters parameters. 4. kwargs (**): additional parameters for search objects of Model from database. Returns: no of rows deleted from database Exception: None ''' def filter_on_model(self, db_model, include_params={}, exclude_params={}, **kwargs): if include_params: lst_queryset = db_model.objects.filter(**include_params) elif kwargs: lst_queryset = db_model.objects.filter(**kwargs) else: lst_queryset = db_model.objects.all() if exclude_params: lst_queryset = lst_queryset.exclude(**exclude_params) return lst_queryset ''' Description: This utility-method add filters(include/exclude) on Model bind with Manager. Parameters: 1. include_params (Dic): include filters parameters. 2. exclude_params (Dic): exclude filters parameters. 3. kwargs (**): additional parameters for search objects of Model from database. Returns: no of rows deleted from database Exception: None ''' def filter(self, include_params={}, exclude_params={}, **kwargs): return self.filter_on_model( db_model=self.Model, include_params=include_params, exclude_params=exclude_params, **kwargs) ''' Description: This demo-method to show how to add filter (named 'xyz'). you can replace 'xyz' with your filter name Parameters: 1. value (String): filter with this value. 2. queryset : filter will add on this queryset 3. request_params(Dic): Controller/Manager can share additional data in this dictionary. Returns: queryset after add filter Exception: None ''' def filter_xyz(self, value, queryset, request_params=None): return queryset ''' Description: This is will call before all filters, you can say this is first filter method. Parameters: 1. queryset : filter will add on this queryset 2. request_params(Dic): Controller/Manager can share additional data in this dictionary. Returns: queryset after add filter Exception: None ''' def filter_startfiltering(self, queryset, request_params=None): if request_params: filter_session_key = uuid.uuid1() request_params['filter_session_key'] = filter_session_key self.context[filter_session_key] = {} return queryset ''' Description: This is will call after all filters, you can say this is lst filter method. Parameters: 1. queryset : filter will add on this queryset 2. request_params(Dic): Controller/Manager can share additional data in this dictionary. Returns: queryset after add filter Exception: None ''' def filter_endfiltering(self, queryset, request_params=None): return queryset ''' Description: This is will call after all filters, you can handel sorting in this method. Parameters: 1. queryset : filter will add on this queryset 2. query_params (Dic): you can provides order_by fields in this dictionary. 3. method (String): when this method auto call, can you be identified by your service_method name. 4. kwargs (**): additional parameters for search objects of Model from database. (Not used till Now) Returns: queryset Exception: None ''' def queryset_sorting(self, queryset, query_params=None, method='list', **kwargs): if 'order_by' in query_params: for order_by in query_params['order_by'].split(','): queryset = queryset.order_by(order_by) return queryset def event_before_filter(self, name, value, queryset, request_params=None): if name not in ['order_by', 'service_method', 'fields', 'page', 'page_size', 'logged_in_user', 'filter_session_key']: return queryset else: return None #def filter_domain_name(self, value, queryset, request_params=None): def clear_filter_session(self, query_params): try: if 'filter_session_key' in query_params: filter_session_key = query_params['filter_session_key'] if filter_session_key in self.context: del (self.context[filter_session_key]) except Exception as e: pass def apply_filters(self, queryset, query_params=None, method='list', select_related_fields=[], **kwargs): filter_dict = {} try: queryset = self.filter_startfiltering(queryset, request_params=query_params) if query_params: for query_param_key in query_params.keys() : q = self.event_before_filter(name=query_param_key, value=query_params[query_param_key], queryset=queryset, request_params=query_params) if q : #query_param_key not in ['order_by', 'service_method', 'page', 'page_size', 'logged_in_user']: queryset = q if hasattr(self.__class__, 'filter_%s' % (query_param_key)) and \ callable(getattr(self.__class__, 'filter_%s' % (query_param_key))): queryset = getattr(self, 'filter_%s' % (query_param_key))(query_params[query_param_key], queryset, query_params) # else: # filter_dict[query_param_key] = query_params[query_param_key] if filter_dict: queryset = queryset.filter(**filter_dict) queryset = self.filter_endfiltering(queryset, request_params=query_params) queryset = self.queryset_sorting(queryset, query_params=query_params, method=method, **kwargs) self.clear_filter_session(query_params) return queryset except Exception as e: self.clear_filter_session(query_params) e.args = (e.args if e.args else tuple()) + ('Error in filters',) raise # re-raise current exception ''' Description: This is utility method, which will actual implantation of filters. Parameters: 1. query_params (Dic): you can provides order_by fields in this dictionary. 2. method (String): when this method auto call, can you be identified by your service_method name. 3. select_related_fields (List): parameters for Model.objects.select_related() 4. kwargs (**): additional parameters for search objects of Model from database. (Not used till Now) Returns: queryset Exception: None ''' def get_queryset(self, query_params=None, method='list', select_related_fields=[], **kwargs): if select_related_fields: queryset = self.Model.objects.select_related(select_related_fields) else: queryset = self.Model.objects.all() return self.apply_filters(queryset, query_params, method, select_related_fields, **kwargs) def log_sql(self, queryset, msg=' ==> ', params=None, **kwargs): try: msg_query = "" if 'service_method' in params: msg_query = msg_query + 'params[service_method]: %s' % (params['service_method']) if 'service_method' in kwargs: msg_query = msg_query + ' kwargs[service_method]: %s' % (kwargs['service_method']) sql_query = str(queryset.query) sql_parts = sql_query.split("FROM") del (sql_parts[0]) sql_query = "FROM".join(sql_parts) # sql_query = sql_query.split("FROM")[1] if msg: msg_query = msg_query + ' '+ msg + ' SELECT * FROM ' + sql_query else: msg_query = msg_query + ' ==> SELECT * FROM ' + sql_query except Exception as e: pass ''' Description: This is a service-method use for retrieve list of data (with pagination data) from database based on different-criteria. Parameters: 1. params (Dic): Controller can share additional data in this dictionary. 2. kwargs (**): additional parameters for search data Returns: list of object Exception: None ''' def list_by_queryset(self, queryset, query_params): if 'page_size' in query_params or 'page' in query_params : items_per_page = int(query_params.get('page_size', 10)) current_page = int(query_params.get('page', 1)) paginator = Paginator(queryset, items_per_page) page = objects = page.object_list # len(paginator(current_page).object_list total_count = paginator.count #(items_per_page * current_page + 1) + len(objects) #paginator(current_page).object_list) previous_url = False next_url = False if (current_page * items_per_page) < total_count: next_url = True if current_page > 1: previous_url = True result= { 'page_info' : { 'num_pages': paginator.num_pages, 'start_count': items_per_page * (current_page-1)+1 , # start_value = (int(query_params.get('page')) * page_size) - page_size 'end_count': (items_per_page * (current_page-1))+1 + len(objects), #(items_per_page * current_page + 1) + len(paginator(current_page).object_list) # end_value = start_value + page_size 'current_page': current_page, 'items_per_page': items_per_page, 'next_url': next_url, 'previous_url':previous_url }, 'data' : objects, # result_data = queryset[start_value:end_value] 'count': total_count, 'pagination': True } else: result = { 'count': len(queryset), 'data': queryset, 'pagination': False } # data = [model_to_dict(model_row) for model_row in queryset] return result def get_raw_query_params(self, params=None, **kwargs): dict_params = { 'raw_query': None, 'raw_count_query': None, 'app_name': None, 'model_name': None, 'fields': None } return dict_params def row_query_filters(self, raw_query_params, params=None, **kwargs): return "" def build_raw_sql(self, raw_query_params, params=None, **kwargs): return raw_query_params.get('raw_query', None) def build_raw_sql_with_filters(self, raw_query_params, params=None, **kwargs): base_raw_query = self.build_raw_sql(raw_query_params=raw_query_params, params=params, **kwargs) if base_raw_query: base_raw_query = base_raw_query + " " + self.row_query_filters(raw_query_params=raw_query_params, params=params, **kwargs) # print("build_raw_sql_with_filters --> raw_query: ", base_raw_query) return base_raw_query ''' Please do not delete it, This is a Sample override function "build_raw_sql_model_info" def build_raw_sql_model_info(self, raw_query_params, params=None, **kwargs): sql_cols = "id, field_1, field_2, field_3," raw_query_params['fields'] = [field.strip() for field in sql_cols.split(",")] raw_query_params['app_name'] = 'quotationapis' raw_query_params['model_name'] = "QuotationListingModel" # raw_query_params['Model'] = self.get_model(raw_query_params['app_name'], raw_query_params['model_name']) # raw_query_params['fields'] = self.get_model_fields(obj_entity_model=raw_query_params['Model']) return raw_query_params ''' def build_count_raw_sql(self, raw_query_params, base_raw_query=None, params=None, **kwargs): return raw_query_params.get('raw_count_query', None) def get_row_query_model_info(self, raw_query_params, params=None, **kwargs): tmp_raw_query_params = dict(raw_query_params) if kwargs.get('model_name', None): tmp_raw_query_params['model_name'] = kwargs.get['model_name'] elif tmp_raw_query_params.get('model_name', None) == None: tmp_raw_query_params['model_name'] = self.Model._meta.model_name if kwargs.get('app_name', None): tmp_raw_query_params['app_name'] = kwargs.get['app_name'] elif tmp_raw_query_params.get('app_name', None) == None: tmp_raw_query_params['app_name'] = self.Model._meta.app_label LocalModel = apps.get_model(tmp_raw_query_params['app_name'], tmp_raw_query_params['model_name']) tmp_raw_query_params['fields'] = self.get_model_fields(obj_entity_model=LocalModel) tmp_raw_query_params['Model']= LocalModel return tmp_raw_query_params def set_order_by_in_row_query(self, raw_query_params, base_raw_query, sql_cols, params=None, **kwargs): raw_query_params['raw_query'] = 'SELECT %s FROM (%s) AS t ORDER BY id DESC ' % ( sql_cols, raw_query_params['raw_query']) raw_query_params['raw_count_query'] = self.build_count_raw_sql(raw_query_params, base_raw_query=base_raw_query, params=params, **kwargs) return raw_query_params def get_queryset_by_row_query(self, params=None, **kwargs): raw_query_params = self.get_raw_query_params(params=params, **kwargs) base_raw_query = self.build_raw_sql_with_filters(raw_query_params=raw_query_params, params=params, **kwargs) raw_query_params['raw_query'] = base_raw_query if kwargs.get('use_row_query', False) or base_raw_query: raw_query_params['raw_query'] = base_raw_query if hasattr(self.__class__, 'build_raw_sql_model_info' ) and callable(getattr(self.__class__, 'build_raw_sql_model_info' )): raw_query_params = getattr(self, 'build_raw_sql_model_info' )(raw_query_params, params, **kwargs) if raw_query_params.get('Model', None)==None: LocalModel = apps.get_model(raw_query_params['app_name'], raw_query_params['model_name']) raw_query_params['Model'] = LocalModel else: raw_query_params = self.get_row_query_model_info(raw_query_params, params=None, **kwargs) LocalModel = raw_query_params.pop('Model', None) sql_cols = ','.join(raw_query_params['fields']) # raw_query_params['raw_query'] = 'SELECT %s FROM (%s) AS t ORDER BY id DESC ' % (sql_cols, raw_query_params['raw_query']) # raw_query_params['raw_count_query'] = self.build_count_raw_sql(raw_query_params, base_raw_query=base_raw_query, params=params, **kwargs) raw_query_params = self.set_order_by_in_row_query(raw_query_params, base_raw_query, sql_cols, params=params, **kwargs) if raw_query_params['raw_count_query'] == None: raw_query_params['raw_count_query'] = 'SELECT count(*) FROM (%s) AS t ' % (base_raw_query) # print("Final Row SQL :: ", raw_query_params.get('raw_query', None)) queryset = self.execute_raw_query_with_model(raw_query=raw_query_params.get('raw_query', None), raw_count_query=raw_query_params.get('raw_count_query', None), RowSqlModel = LocalModel) # app_name=raw_query_params.get('app_name', None), # model_name=raw_query_params.get('model_name', None)) return queryset else: return None def list(self, params=None, **kwargs): query_params = self.get_all_request_params(request_params=params, **kwargs) # raw_query_params = self.build_raw_sql(raw_query_params=self.get_raw_query_params(params=params, **kwargs), # params=params, **kwargs) # if raw_query_params and raw_query_params.get('raw_query', None): # queryset = self.execute_raw_query_with_model(raw_query = raw_query_params.get('raw_query', None) , raw_count_query=raw_query_params.get('raw_count_query', None), app_name=raw_query_params.get('app_name', None), model_name=raw_query_params.get('model_name', None)) # else: # queryset = self.get_queryset(query_params=query_params, method='list', **kwargs) kwargs['service_method'] = kwargs.get('service_method', params.get('service_method', 'list') if params else 'list') queryset = self.get_queryset_by_row_query(params=params, **kwargs) if queryset==None: queryset = self.get_queryset(query_params=query_params, method='list', **kwargs) return self.list_by_queryset(queryset, query_params) def list_old(self, params=None, **kwargs): query_params = self.get_all_request_params(request_params=params, **kwargs) raw_query_params = self.build_raw_sql(raw_query_params=self.get_raw_query_params(params=params, **kwargs), params=params, **kwargs) if raw_query_params and raw_query_params.get('raw_query', None): queryset = self.execute_raw_query_with_model(raw_query = raw_query_params.get('raw_query', None) , raw_count_query=raw_query_params.get('raw_count_query', None), app_name=raw_query_params.get('app_name', None), model_name=raw_query_params.get('model_name', None)) else: queryset = self.get_queryset(query_params=query_params, method='list', **kwargs) return self.list_by_queryset(queryset, query_params) ''' Description: This is utility method, which will combine all category of parameters. Parameters: 1. request_params (Dic): It contains different types of data e.g. 'query_params', 'request_params', 'logged_in_user'. Returns: Dic of combined all category of parameters Exception: None ''' def decrypt_id(self, id_value, request_params=None): logged_in_user = find_in_dic_or_list('logged_in_user') if id_value: if isinstance(id_value, (int, float, complex)) and not isinstance(id_value, bool): decode_response = id_value elif id_value.isdigit(): decode_response = id_value else: decode_response = Base64EncodeDecode.decode_string(logged_in_user, id_value) else: decode_response = id_value return decode_response ''' Description: This is utility method, which will combine all category of parameters. Parameters: 1. request_params (Dic): It contains different types of data e.g. 'query_params', 'request_params', 'logged_in_user'. Returns: Dic of combined all category of parameters Exception: None ''' def get_sql_execute(self, query): count = 0 cursor = connection.cursor() #MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) # query = "SELECT * FROM fcl_commodity_type WHERE id = %s" % ( cursor.execute(query) # return cursor.fetchall() # for row in cursor.fetchall(): desc = cursor.description # return [ dict(zip([col[0] for col in desc], row)) for row in cursor.fetchall()] rows = cursor.fetchall() count = len(rows) data_list = {} data_list['data'] = [dict(zip([col[0] for col in desc], row)) for row in rows] data_list['count'] = count return data_list def get_request_params(self, params, default_value={}, **kwargs): return params.get('request_params',default_value) def is_request_param_exist(self, params, param_name, request_params=None, raise_error=False, error_msg= "Missing mandatory parameter(s)."): if request_params == None: request_params = self.get_request_params(params) if param_name in request_params: return True elif raise_error: raise ValueError(error_msg) else: return False def get_request_param_value(self, params, param_name, default_value=None, request_params=None, raise_error=False, error_msg= "Missing mandatory parameter(s)."): if request_params == None: request_params = self.get_request_params(params) # return request_params.get(param_name, default_value) if param_name in request_params: return request_params.get(param_name, default_value) elif raise_error: raise ValueError(error_msg) else: return default_value def get_query_common_params(self, params, **kwargs): query_params = {} try: query_common_params = {'logged_in_user': params['logged_in_user'], 'request': params['request'], 'query_params': {}, 'data_source': params['data_source'], 'service_method': params['service_method'], 'fields': params['fields']} query_params.update(query_common_params) if kwargs: query_params.update(kwargs) return query_params except Exception as e:"Path apis/common/components/ Class: BaseModelManager Method: get_query_common_params(...) Error: %s"%(str(e))) return query_params def to_boolean_value(self, value): if value: bool_value = False if isinstance(value, str): value = value.strip().upper() bool_value = True if value=="1" or value =="TRUE" or value=="YES" else False elif value==1 or value==True: bool_value = True return bool_value else: return value def to_date_range(self, value): # created_on if value: created_on = value.split('-') created_on_start_split = created_on[0].strip().split('/') created_on_end_split = created_on[1].strip().split('/') created_on_start = created_on_start_split[2] + '-' + created_on_start_split[0] + '-' + created_on_start_split[1] created_on_end = created_on_end_split[2] + '-' + created_on_end_split[0] + '-' + created_on_end_split[1] return [created_on_start, created_on_end] return [] def validate_parameter(self, param_name, param_value, validate_failed_list=[], params=None, is_raise_exception=True, **kwargs): validate = { 'is_validate': True, 'validate_msg': None } if not param_value: validate['is_validate'] = False validate['validate_msg'] = param_name + " is a mandatory parameter." return validate def validate_mandatory_parameters(self, params=None, is_raise_exception=True, *args, **kwargs): parameters = {'error_message': None, 'errors': []} mandatory_parameter = [] validate_failed_list = [] data = {} if args and len(args)>0: request_params = params.get('request_params',{}) for param_name in args: param_name = str(param_name).replace(" ", '') param_value = request_params.get(param_name, kwargs.get(param_name, None)) data[param_name] = param_value validate = self.validate_parameter(param_name=param_name, param_value=param_value, validate_failed_list=validate_failed_list, params=params, is_raise_exception=is_raise_exception, **kwargs) if not validate.get('is_validate', False): mandatory_parameter.append(param_name) validate_failed_list.append({ param_name: validate}) if len(mandatory_parameter)>0: if len(mandatory_parameter)>1: mandatory_parameter_csv = ", ".join(mandatory_parameter) errors_message = mandatory_parameter_csv + " are mandatory parameters" else: errors_message = mandatory_parameter[0] + " is mandatory parameter" if is_raise_exception: raise ValueError(errors_message) else: parameters['error_message'] = errors_message parameters['errors'] = validate_failed_list parameters['data'] = data return parameters def split_date_range(self, date_range): # created_on_range = ['08/03/2021 ', ' 09/08/2021'] arr_date_range = date_range.split('-') created_on_start_split = arr_date_range[0].strip().split('/') created_on_end_split = arr_date_range[1].strip().split('/') created_on_start = created_on_start_split[2] + '-' + created_on_start_split[0] + '-' + created_on_start_split[1] created_on_end = created_on_end_split[2] + '-' + created_on_end_split[0] + '-' + created_on_end_split[1] return [created_on_start, created_on_end] class OneToManyRelationshipModelManager(BaseModelManager): def __init__(self, app_name, linked_table_model_name, linked_right_model_name, linked_model_left_field_name, linked_model_right_field_name ): super(OneToManyRelationshipModelManager, self).__init__(app_name, linked_table_model_name) self.linkedTableModel = None if linked_right_model_name == None else apps.get_model(app_name, linked_right_model_name) self.linked_model_left_field_name = linked_model_left_field_name if linked_model_left_field_name else None self.linked_model_right_field_name = linked_model_right_field_name if linked_model_right_field_name else None def delete_link_table_row(self, objLinkedLeftModel, objLinkedRightModel, params=None, **kwargs): left_model_ids = [] right_model_ids = [] kwargs = {} if type(objLinkedRightModel) is list or type(objLinkedRightModel) is tuple: for item in objLinkedRightModel: item_id = item if isinstance(item, int) else (int(item) if isinstance(item, str) else right_model_ids.append(item_id) else: item = objLinkedRightModel if isinstance(item, str) and ',' in item: right_model_ids = [int(i.lstrip()) for i in item.split(',')] else: item_id = item if isinstance(item, int) else (int(item) if isinstance(item, str) else right_model_ids.append(item_id) if type(objLinkedLeftModel) is list or type(objLinkedLeftModel) is tuple: for item in objLinkedLeftModel: item_id = item if isinstance(item, int) else (int(item) if isinstance(item, str) else left_model_ids.append(item_id) else: item = objLinkedLeftModel if isinstance(item, str) and ',' in item: left_model_ids = [int(i.lstrip()) for i in item.split(',')] else: item_id = item if isinstance(item, int) else (int(item) if isinstance(item, str) else left_model_ids.append(item_id) kwargs[self.linked_model_left_field_name + '_id__in'] = left_model_ids #objLinkedLeftModel if isinstance(objLinkedLeftModel, int) else ( int(objLinkedLeftModel) if isinstance(objLinkedLeftModel, str) else ) kwargs[self.linked_model_right_field_name + '_id__in'] = right_model_ids #objLinkedRightModel if isinstance(objLinkedRightModel, int) else ( int(objLinkedRightModel) if isinstance(objLinkedRightModel, str) else ) res_tuple = self.linkedTableModel.objects.filter(**kwargs).delete() return res_tuple[0] def save_link_table(self, objLinkedLeftModel, objLinkedRightModelList=[], params=None, **kwargs): default_param_dic = params.get('default_param_dic', None) existing_right_model_ids = [] to_be_deleted_ids = [] kwargs={} kwargs[self.linked_model_left_field_name + '_id'] = linked_objects = self.linkedTableModel.objects.filter(**kwargs).values() del_rows = 0 no_change_rows = 0 new_rows = 0 for obj in linked_objects: found = False for item in objLinkedRightModelList: item_id = item if isinstance(item, int) else ( int(item) if isinstance(item, str) else ) if obj[self.linked_model_right_field_name + '_id'] == item_id: found = True break if found == False: to_be_deleted_ids.append(obj['id']) else: existing_right_model_ids.append(obj[self.linked_model_right_field_name + '_id']) no_change_rows = no_change_rows + 1 if to_be_deleted_ids: del_rows = self.linkedTableModel.objects.filter(id__in= to_be_deleted_ids).delete() del_rows = len(to_be_deleted_ids) for item in objLinkedRightModelList: item_id = item if isinstance(item, int) else ( int(item) if isinstance(item, str) else ) found = False for existing_id in existing_right_model_ids: if item_id == existing_id: found = True break if found == False: updated_kwargs = {} if default_param_dic: updated_kwargs.update(default_param_dic) updated_kwargs[self.linked_model_left_field_name + '_id'] = updated_kwargs[self.linked_model_right_field_name + '_id'] = item_id obj = self.linkedTableModel.objects.create(**updated_kwargs) new_rows = new_rows + 1 kwargs = {} kwargs[self.linked_model_left_field_name + '_id'] = linked_objects = self.linkedTableModel.objects.filter(**kwargs).values() return new_rows, del_rows, no_change_rows, linked_objects def event_before_filter(self, name, value, queryset, request_params=None): # print("name: ", name) if name in ['order_by', 'service_method', 'fields', 'page', 'page_size', 'logged_in_user', 'list_method_name', 'list_method_name', 'fetch_clients']: return None if request_params.get('list_method_name', None) == 'right_model_list' and not ( name.startswith("both_model") or name.startswith("right_model") ): return None if request_params.get('list_method_name', None) == 'left_model_list' and not ( name.startswith("both_model") or name.startswith("left_model") or name =="right_model_pk" ): return None return queryset ''' Funtion: To fetch list of Clients(User Summary) with linked object info Relation bet ween Client & Linked Object is Meany-to-One Filter: filter_user_id(...) client_detail_list ''' def right_model_list(self, params=None, **kwargs): query_params = self.get_all_request_params(request_params=params, **kwargs) query_params['list_method_name'] = 'right_model_list' if 'left_model_pk' in query_params: query_params.pop('left_model_pk') queryset_linked_model = self.linkedTableModel.objects.all() queryset_linked_model = self.apply_filters(queryset_linked_model, query_params=query_params, method='list', **kwargs) return self.list_by_queryset(queryset_linked_model, query_params) ''' Funtion: To fetch list of Linked objects with set of Clients(User Summary) Relation between Linked Object & Client is One-to-Meany Filter: filter_user_id(...) linked_object_list ''' def left_model_list(self, params=None, **kwargs): query_params = self.get_all_request_params(request_params=params, **kwargs) if query_params.get('directly_call_list', False): queryset = self.get_queryset(query_params=query_params, method='list', **kwargs) else: query_params['list_method_name'] = 'left_model_list' # if 'right_model_pk' in query_params: # query_params['left_model_pk'] = query_params.pop('right_model_pk') queryset_linked_model = self.linkedTableModel.objects.all() queryset_linked_model = self.apply_filters(queryset_linked_model, query_params=query_params, method='list', **kwargs) if 'right_model_pk' in query_params: query_params.pop('right_model_pk') if 'list_method_name' in query_params: query_params.pop('list_method_name') queryset = self.get_queryset(query_params=query_params, method='list', **kwargs) ''' SELECT, C.company_name FROM company_detail WHERE IN (SELECT V0.company_detail_id FROM company_detail_user_link V0 WHERE V0.company_detail_id IN (SELECT U0.company_detail_id FROM company_detail_user_link U0 WHERE U0.user_detail_id IN (80, 62, 79))) ''' queryset = queryset.filter(id__in=Subquery(queryset_linked_model.values(self.linked_model_left_field_name+'_id'))) return self.list_by_queryset(queryset, query_params) ''' Filter to fetch list of client (of given Linked Object's id) i.e. linked_objects_field_name = company_detail_id ''' def filter_left_model_pk(self, value, queryset, request_params=None): if value: kwargs = {} if ',' in value: company_ids = [] value = value.replace(" ", "") value = value.strip() for param in value.split(','): if param: company_ids.append(param) kwargs[self.linked_model_left_field_name + '_id__in'] = company_ids #queryset = queryset.filter(company_detail_id__in=company_ids) else: kwargs[self.linked_model_left_field_name + '_id'] = value # queryset = queryset.filter(company_detail_id=value) queryset = queryset.filter(**kwargs) return queryset ''' SQL: SELECT, L.company_detail_id, L.user_detail_id FROM company_detail_user_link AS L WHERE L.company_detail_id IN (SELECT U0.company_detail_id FROM company_detail_user_link U0 WHERE U0.user_detail_id IN (80, 62, 79)) ''' def filter_right_model_pk(self, value, queryset, request_params=None): if value: kwargs_user_detail = {} kwargs_linked_objects = {} subquery_field_name = self.linked_model_left_field_name + '_id__in' if ',' in value: user_ids = [] value = value.replace(" ", "") value = value.strip() for param in value.split(','): if param: user_ids.append(param) kwargs_user_detail[self.linked_model_right_field_name + '_id__in']=user_ids #field_name = self.linked_model_left_field_name + '_id__in' else: kwargs_user_detail[self.linked_model_right_field_name + '_id'] = value links_queryset = self.linkedTableModel.objects.filter(**kwargs_user_detail) kwargs_linked_objects[subquery_field_name] = Subquery(links_queryset.values(self.linked_model_left_field_name + '_id')) queryset = queryset.filter(**kwargs_linked_objects) return queryset ``` #### File: components/factories/ ```python from apis.components.base.base_manager import BaseModelManager from apis.components.factories.utility import SingletonBaseClass class ManagersFactory(metaclass=SingletonBaseClass): # __metaclass__ = SingletonBaseClass self_obj = None def __init__(self): self.managers_dic = {} self.manager_type = "FILE" @staticmethod def get_instance(): """ Static access method. """ if ManagersFactory.self_obj is None: ManagersFactory.self_obj = ManagersFactory() return ManagersFactory.self_obj @staticmethod def register(objManager, managerName=None): instance = ManagersFactory.get_instance() if managerName == None: handler = getattr(objManager, "get_manager_name", "MethodNotFound") if handler == "MethodNotFound": raise NotImplementedError("Method 'get_manager_name' not found.") managerName = handler() managerName_upper = managerName.upper() if not managerName_upper in instance.managers_dic: instance.managers_dic[managerName_upper] = objManager def get_manager(self, managerName): managerName_upper = managerName.upper() if not managerName_upper in self.managers_dic: raise NotImplemented() # raise Exception('Getter for "%s" Not Implemented in ManagersFactory'%(managerName)) return self.managers_dic[managerName_upper] get_manager.__annotations__ = {'return': BaseModelManager} # Register all Managers to this Factory def register_all_managers(self): from apis.common.managers import CommonManager common_manager = CommonManager() self.register(common_manager, CommonManager.get_manager_name()) def get_common_manager(self): from apis.common.managers import CommonManager manager = self.get_manager(CommonManager.get_manager_name()) return manager ```
{ "source": "jprsurendra/pocs", "score": 3 }
#### File: project/accounts/ ```python from django.db import models from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser, BaseUserManager from django.core.validators import EmailValidator from validator import zip_validate, phone_validate # Create your models here. class UserManager(BaseUserManager): """Define a model manager for User model with no username field.""" use_in_migrations = True def _create_user(self, email, password, **extra_fields): """Create and save a User with the given email and password.""" if not email: raise ValueError('The given email must be set') email = self.normalize_email(email) user = self.model(email=email, **extra_fields) user.set_password(password) return user def create_user(self, email, password=None, **extra_fields): """Create and save a regular User with the given email and password.""" extra_fields.setdefault('is_staff', False) extra_fields.setdefault('is_superuser', False) return self._create_user(email, password, **extra_fields) def create_superuser(self, email, password, **extra_fields): """Create and save a SuperUser with the given email and password.""" extra_fields.setdefault('is_staff', True) extra_fields.setdefault('is_superuser', True) extra_fields.setdefault('is_active', True) if extra_fields.get('is_staff') is not True: raise ValueError('Superuser must have is_staff=True.') if extra_fields.get('is_superuser') is not True: raise ValueError('Superuser must have is_superuser=True.') return self._create_user(email, password, **extra_fields) class Department(models.Model): name = models.CharField('Department Name', max_length=30, unique=True) class User(AbstractUser): """Custom User model.""" username = None email = models.EmailField('email address', unique=True, validators=[EmailValidator(message="Please enter a valid email address.")] ) first_name = models.CharField('first name', max_length=30, blank=True, null=True ) last_name = models.CharField('last name', max_length=30, blank=True, null=True) age = models.IntegerField(default=0, null=True, blank=True) phone = models.CharField(max_length=15, null=True, blank=True, default=None, validators=[phone_validate]) department = models.ForeignKey(Department, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE) is_employee = models.BooleanField(default=False, help_text='Designates whether this user ' 'should be treated as Employee in case True.') is_hr = models.BooleanField(default=False, help_text='Designates whether this user ' 'should be treated as HR in case True.') USERNAME_FIELD = 'email' REQUIRED_FIELDS = [] objects = UserManager() @property def full_name(self): if self.first_name or self.last_name: return self.first_name + ' ' + self.last_name def __str__(self): return class EmployeeAddress(models.Model): employee = models.ForeignKey(User, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='employee_address') address = models.CharField('Address', max_length=100, blank=True, null=True) country = models.CharField('Country', max_length=50, blank=True, null=True) city = models.CharField('City', max_length=50, blank=True, null=True) zip = models.CharField('zip Code', max_length=5, blank=True, null=True, validators=[zip_validate]) created_on = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_on = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) ```
{ "source": "jpruiz84/ScientoPy", "score": 2 }
#### File: jpruiz84/ScientoPy/ ```python import paperUtils import paperSave import globalVar import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import graphUtils import sys import re import unidecode import sys import os def generateBibtex(inputLatexFile): print("\n\nGenerating BibTeX") print("=================\n") fileobject = (open(inputLatexFile, 'r')) rawtext = fileobject.close() start = '\\begin{document}' end = '\\begin{thebibliography}' bodytext = rawtext[rawtext.find(start) + len(start):rawtext.rfind(end)] # Extracts the cites keys citesDict = {} for char in range(0, len(bodytext) - 10): if bodytext[char:char + 6] == '\\cite{': cite = '' char += len('\\cite{') while (bodytext[char] != '}'): if (bodytext[char] == ' '): char += 1 elif (bodytext[char] == ','): char += 1 if cite in citesDict.keys(): cite = '' else: citesDict[cite] = False cite = '' else: cite += (bodytext[char]) char += 1 if cite in citesDict.keys(): pass else: citesDict[cite] = False print("%d cites found." % len(citesDict)) # Start paper list empty papersDict = [] papersToBib = [] # Open the storage database and add to papersDict INPUT_FILE = os.path.join(globalVar.DATA_OUT_FOLDER, globalVar.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME) ifile = open(INPUT_FILE, "r", encoding='utf-8') print("Reading file: %s" % (INPUT_FILE)) paperUtils.openFileToDict(ifile, papersDict) ifile.close() print("Loaded %d docuemnts" % (len(papersDict))) # Find the number of total papers per year count = 1 for paper in papersDict: # print("%d, %s" % (count, paper["title"])) # count += 1 if paper["eid"] in citesDict.keys(): if citesDict[paper["eid"]] == False: print("Added paper(%s): %s" % (paper["eid"], paper["title"])) papersToBib.append(paper) citesDict[paper["eid"]] = True OUT_FILE = os.path.join(globalVar.LATEX_EXAMPLE_FOLDER, globalVar.OUTPUT_FILE_BIB) ofile = open(OUT_FILE, 'w', encoding='utf-8') for paper in papersToBib: authorsNames = paper["authorFull"] if paper["dataBase"] == "Scopus": authorsNames = authorsNames.replace(",", ";") authorsNames = authorsNames.split(";") authorsNames = [x.strip() for x in authorsNames] authorsNames = [x.replace(" ", ", ", 1) for x in authorsNames] authorsNames = " and ".join(authorsNames) if paper["dataBase"] == "WoS": authorsNames = authorsNames.replace("; ", " and ") # Preprocess fields paper["title"] = unidecode.unidecode(paper["title"]) paper["title"] = paper["title"].replace("&", "\&").replace("_", "\_") paper["title"] = paper["title"].replace('"', '``', 1).replace('"', "''") paper["sourceTitle"] = unidecode.unidecode(paper["sourceTitle"]) paper["sourceTitle"] = paper["sourceTitle"].replace("&", "\&").replace("_", "\_") paper["pageCount"] = paper["pageCount"].replace("&", "\&").replace("_", "\_") paper["publisher"] = paper["publisher"].replace("&", "\&").replace("_", "\_") paper["publisherAddress"] = paper["publisherAddress"].replace("&", "\&").replace("_", "\_") paper["conferenceTitle"] = paper["conferenceTitle"].replace("&", "\&").replace("_", "\_") paper["conferenceLocation"] = paper["conferenceLocation"].replace("&", "\&").replace("_", "\_") paper["conferenceDate"] = paper["conferenceDate"].replace("&", "\&").replace("_", "\_") if (paper["documentType"].split(";")[0] in ["Article", "Review", "Article in Press"]): ofile.write('@Article{%s,\n' % paper["eid"]) ofile.write(' Author \t=\t"%s",\n' % authorsNames) ofile.write(' Title\t\t=\t"%s",\n' % paper["title"]) ofile.write(' Journal \t=\t"%s",\n' % paper["sourceTitle"]) if paper["pageCount"]: ofile.write(' Numpages\t=\t"%s",\n' % paper["pageCount"]) if paper["pageSart"] and paper["pageEnd"]: ofile.write(' Pages \t=\t"%s-%s",\n' % (paper["pageSart"], paper["pageEnd"])) if paper["volume"]: ofile.write(' Volume \t=\t"%s",\n' % paper["volume"]) if paper["artNo"]: ofile.write(' Article-Number \t=\t"%s",\n' % paper["artNo"]) ofile.write(' Year \t\t=\t"%s",\n' % paper["year"]) if paper["issn"]: ofile.write(' ISSN \t\t=\t"%s",\n' % paper["issn"]) if paper["isbn"]: ofile.write(' ISBN \t\t=\t"%s",\n' % paper["isbn"]) if paper["doi"]: ofile.write(' DOI \t\t=\t"%s",\n' % paper["doi"]) ofile.write('}\n\n\n') if (paper["documentType"].split(";")[0] in ["Conference Paper", "Proceedings Paper", ]): ofile.write('@Inproceedings{%s,\n' % paper["eid"]) ofile.write(' Author \t=\t"%s",\n' % authorsNames) ofile.write(' Title\t\t=\t"%s",\n' % paper["title"]) if paper["publisher"]: ofile.write(' Publisher \t=\t"%s",\n' % paper["publisher"]) if paper["publisherAddress"]: ofile.write(' Numpages\t=\t"%s",\n' % paper["publisherAddress"]) if paper["conferenceTitle"] and paper["conferenceLocation"] and paper["conferenceDate"]: ofile.write(' Note\t\t=\t"In Proceedings of the %s, %s, %s",\n' % (paper["conferenceTitle"], paper["conferenceLocation"], paper["conferenceDate"])) elif paper["conferenceTitle"] and paper["conferenceDate"]: ofile.write(' Note\t\t=\t"In {Proceedings of the } %s, %s",\n' % (paper["conferenceTitle"], paper["conferenceDate"])) if paper["pageCount"]: ofile.write(' Address\t=\t"%s",\n' % paper["pageCount"]) if paper["pageSart"] and paper["pageEnd"]: ofile.write(' Pages \t=\t"%s-%s",\n' % (paper["pageSart"], paper["pageEnd"])) if paper["volume"]: ofile.write(' Volume \t=\t"%s",\n' % paper["volume"]) if paper["artNo"]: ofile.write(' Article-Number \t=\t"%s",\n' % paper["artNo"]) ofile.write(' Year \t\t=\t"%s",\n' % paper["year"]) if paper["issn"]: ofile.write(' ISSN \t\t=\t"%s",\n' % paper["issn"]) if paper["isbn"]: ofile.write(' ISBN \t\t=\t"%s",\n' % paper["isbn"]) if paper["doi"]: ofile.write(' DOI \t\t=\t"%s",\n' % paper["doi"]) ofile.write('}\n\n\n') print("\nFinished, total references generated: %d\n" % len(papersToBib)) ofile.close() return OUT_FILE if __name__ == '__main__': filename = sys.argv[1] generateBibtex(filename) ``` #### File: jpruiz84/ScientoPy/ ```python import csv import globalVar import re import unicodedata import sys import unidecode import time def openFileToDict(ifile, papersDict): firstLineTell = ifile.tell() firstLine = ifile.readline() if "\t" in firstLine: reader = csv.reader(ifile, delimiter='\t') else: reader = csv.reader(ifile, delimiter=',') csv.field_size_limit(int(2e9)) header = 0 rownum = 0 for row in reader: if globalVar.cancelProcess: return # Save header row. if rownum == 0: header = row else: colnum = 0 paperIn = {} # Init key elements as zero paperIn["author"] = "" paperIn["title"] = "" paperIn["year"] = "" paperIn["source"] = "" paperIn["doi"] = "" paperIn["volume"] = "" paperIn["issue"] = "" paperIn["artNo"] = "" paperIn["pageSart"] = "" paperIn["pageEnd"] = "" paperIn["pageCount"] = "" paperIn["link"] = "" paperIn["affiliations"] = "" paperIn["authorsWithAffiliations"] = "" paperIn["correspondenceAddress"] = "" paperIn["publisherAddress"] = "" paperIn["conferenceTitle"] = "" paperIn["conferenceLocation"] = "" paperIn["conferenceDate"] = "" paperIn["editors"] = "" paperIn["publisher"] = "" paperIn["issn"] = "" paperIn["isbn"] = "" paperIn["coden"] = "" paperIn["pubMedId"] = "" paperIn["languageOfOriginalDocument"] = "" paperIn["abbreviatedSourceTitle"] = "" paperIn["abstract"] = "" paperIn["authorKeywords"] = "" paperIn["indexKeywords"] = "" paperIn["documentType"] = "" paperIn["affiliations"] = "" paperIn["cr"] = "" paperIn["eid"] = "" paperIn["dataBase"] = "" paperIn["countries"] = "" paperIn["subject"] = "" paperIn["sourceTitle"] = "" paperIn["orcid"] = "" paperIn["citedReferences"] = "" paperIn["citedBy"] = "" paperIn["duplicatedIn"] = [] paperIn["emailHost"] = "" paperIn["country"] = "" paperIn["institution"] = "" paperIn["institutionWithCountry"] = "" paperIn["bothKeywords"] = "" paperIn["authorFull"] = "" for col in row: if colnum >= len(header): break # remove special accents headerCol = unidecode.unidecode(header[colnum]) # Scopus fields if headerCol == "Authors": paperIn["author"] = col if headerCol == "Authors": paperIn["authorFull"] = col if headerCol == "Title": paperIn["title"] = col if headerCol == "Year": paperIn["year"] = col if headerCol == "Source title": paperIn["sourceTitle"] = col if headerCol == "Volume": paperIn["volume"] = col if headerCol == "Issue": paperIn["issue"] = col if headerCol == "Art. No.": paperIn["artNo"] = col if headerCol == "Page start": paperIn["pageSart"] = col if headerCol == "Page end": paperIn["pageEnd"] = col if headerCol == "Page count": paperIn["pageCount"] = col if headerCol == "Cited by": paperIn["citedBy"] = col if headerCol == "DOI": paperIn["doi"] = col if headerCol == "Link": paperIn["link"] = col if headerCol == "Affiliations": paperIn["affiliations"] = col if headerCol == "Authors with affiliations": paperIn["authorsWithAffiliations"] = col if headerCol == "Abstract": paperIn["abstract"] = col if headerCol == "Author Keywords": paperIn["authorKeywords"] = col if headerCol == "Index Keywords": paperIn["indexKeywords"] = col if headerCol == "Correspondence Address": paperIn["correspondenceAddress"] = col if headerCol == "Conference name": paperIn["conferenceTitle"] = col if headerCol == "Conference date": paperIn["conferenceDate"] = col if headerCol == "Conference location": paperIn["conferenceLocation"] = col if headerCol == "Publisher Address": paperIn["publisherAddress"] = col if headerCol == "Editors": paperIn["editors"] = col if headerCol == "Publisher": paperIn["publisher"] = col if headerCol == "ISSN": paperIn["issn"] = col if headerCol == "ISBN": paperIn["isbn"] = col if headerCol == "CODEN": paperIn["coden"] = col if headerCol == "PubMed ID": paperIn["pubMedId"] = col if headerCol == "Language of Original Document": paperIn["languageOfOriginalDocument"] = col if headerCol == "Abbreviated Source Title": paperIn["abbreviatedSourceTitle"] = col if headerCol == "Document Type": paperIn["documentType"] = col if headerCol == "Source": paperIn["source"] = col if headerCol == "EID": paperIn["eid"] = col # WoS fields #if headerCol == "PT": paperIn[""] = col # Publication Type (J=Journal; B=Book; S=Series; P=Patent) if headerCol == "AU": paperIn["author"] = col # Authors #if headerCol == "BA": paperIn[""] = col # Book authors if headerCol == "BE": paperIn["editors"] = col # Editors #if headerCol == "GP": paperIn[""] = col # Book Group Author(s) if headerCol == "AF": paperIn["authorFull"] = col # Authors full name #if headerCol == "BF": paperIn[""] = col # Book Authors Full Name #if headerCol == "CA": paperIn[""] = col # Group authors if headerCol == "TI": paperIn["title"] = col # Document Title if headerCol == "SO": paperIn["sourceTitle"] = col # Publication Name #if headerCol == "SE": paperIn[""] = col # Book Series Title #if headerCol == "BS": paperIn[""] = col # Book Series subtitle if headerCol == "LA": paperIn["languageOfOriginalDocument"] = col # Language if headerCol == "DT": paperIn["documentType"] = col # Language if headerCol == "CT": paperIn["conferenceTitle"] = col # Conference Title if headerCol == "CY": paperIn["conferenceDate"] = col # Conference Date if headerCol == "CL": paperIn["conferenceLocation"] = col # Conference Location #if headerCol == "SP": paperIn[""] = col # Conference Sponsor #if headerCol == "HO": paperIn[""] = col # Conference Host if headerCol == "DE": paperIn["authorKeywords"] = col # Author Keywords if headerCol == "ID": paperIn["indexKeywords"] = col # Keywords Plus if headerCol == "AB": paperIn["abstract"] = col # Abstract if headerCol == "C1": paperIn["affiliations"] = col # Author Address #if headerCol == "RP": paperIn[""] = col # Reprint Address if headerCol == "EM": paperIn["correspondenceAddress"] = col # E-mail Address #if headerCol == "RI": paperIn[""] = col # ResearcherID Number if headerCol == "OI": paperIn["orcid"] = col # ORCID Identifier (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) #if headerCol == "FU": paperIn[""] = col # Funding Agency and Grant Number #if headerCol == "FX": paperIn[""] = col # Funding Text if headerCol == "CR": paperIn["citedReferences"] = col # Cited References #if headerCol == "NR": paperIn[""] = col # Cited Reference Count #if headerCol == "TC": paperIn["citedBy"] = col # Web of Science Core Collection Times Cited Count # Total Times Cited Count (Web of Science Core Collection, BIOSIS Citation Index, # Chinese Science Citation Database, Data Citation Index, Russian Science Citation Index, SciELO Citation Index) if headerCol == "Z9": paperIn["citedBy"] = col #if headerCol == "U1": paperIn[""] = col # Usage Count (Last 180 Days) #if headerCol == "U2": paperIn[""] = col # Usage Count (Since 2013) if headerCol == "PU": paperIn["publisher"] = col # Publisher #if headerCol == "PI": paperIn[""] = col # Publisher City if headerCol == "PA": paperIn["publisherAddress"] = col # Publisher Address if headerCol == "SN": paperIn["issn"] = col # International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) #if headerCol == "EI": paperIn[""] = col # Electronic International Standard Serial Number (eISSN) if headerCol == "BN": paperIn["isbn"] = col # International Standard Book Number (ISBN) if headerCol == "J9": paperIn["abbreviatedSourceTitle"] = col # 29-Character Source Abbreviation #if headerCol == "JI": paperIn[""] = col # ISO Source Abbreviation #if headerCol == "PD": paperIn[""] = col # Publication Date if headerCol == "PY": paperIn["year"] = col # Year Published if headerCol == "VL": paperIn["volume"] = col # Volume if headerCol == "IS": paperIn["issue"] = col # Issue #if headerCol == "PN": paperIn[""] = col # Part Number #if headerCol == "SU": paperIn[""] = col # Supplement #if headerCol == "SI": paperIn[""] = col # Special Issue #if headerCol == "MA": paperIn[""] = col # Meeting Abstract if headerCol == "BP": paperIn["pageSart"] = col # Beginning Page if headerCol == "EP": paperIn["pageEnd"] = col # Ending Page if headerCol == "AR": paperIn["artNo"] = col # Article Number if headerCol == "DI": paperIn["doi"] = col # Digital Object Identifier (DOI) #if headerCol == "D2": paperIn[""] = col # Book Digital Object Identifier (DOI) if headerCol == "PG": paperIn["pageCount"] = col # Page Count #if headerCol == "WC": paperIn["subject"] = col # Web of Science Categories if headerCol == "SC": paperIn["subject"] = col # Research Areas #if headerCol == "GA": paperIn[""] = col #Document Delivery Number if headerCol == "UT": paperIn["eid"] = col # Accession Number if headerCol == "PM": paperIn["pubMedId"] = col # PubMed ID #if headerCol == "OA": paperIn[""] = col # Open Access Indicator #if headerCol == "HC": paperIn[""] = col # ESI Highly Cited Paper. Note that this field is valued only for ESI subscribers. #if headerCol == "HP": paperIn[""] = col # ESI Hot Paper. Note that this field is valued only for ESI subscribers. #if headerCol == "DA": paperIn[""] = col # Date this report was generated. # Own fields if headerCol == "Subject": paperIn["subject"] = col if headerCol == "duplicatedIn": paperIn["duplicatedIn"] = col.split(";") if headerCol == "country": paperIn["country"] = col if headerCol == "institution": paperIn["institution"] = col if headerCol == "institutionWithCountry": paperIn["institutionWithCountry"] = col if headerCol == "bothKeywords": paperIn["bothKeywords"] = col if headerCol == "emailHost": paperIn["emailHost"] = col if headerCol == "authorFull": paperIn["authorFull"] = col colnum += 1 # Omit papers with invalid year if not paperIn["year"].isdigit(): continue # Omit papers without title if paperIn["title"] == "": continue # Put the database ussing eid if paperIn["dataBase"] == "": if paperIn["eid"].startswith("WOS"): paperIn["dataBase"] = "WoS" paperIn["source"] = "WoS" elif paperIn["eid"].startswith("2-"): paperIn["dataBase"] = "Scopus" # If not valid eid else: continue # If cited by is emtpy add 0 if paperIn["citedBy"] == "": paperIn["citedBy"] = "0" # Change to false to not preprocess author if True: if paperIn["dataBase"] == "WoS": paperIn["author"] = paperIn["author"].replace(";", ",") # Remove accents in author paperIn["author"] = unidecode.unidecode(paperIn["author"]) paperIn["authorFull"] = unidecode.unidecode(paperIn["authorFull"]) # Put a dot after the name initials in uppercase author = [] for i in range(len(paperIn["author"])): author.append(paperIn["author"][i]) # if the last character and uppercase, put the dot if i == len(paperIn["author"]) - 1: if paperIn["author"][i].isupper(): author.append('.') break # if upper and the next is upper or "," put the dot if paperIn["author"][i].isupper() and \ (paperIn["author"][i + 1].isupper() or paperIn["author"][i + 1] == ','): author.append('.') paperIn["author"] = ''.join(author) # Remove the "-" that is before an initial, to have coherence between WoS and Scoups paperIn["author"] = paperIn["author"].replace(".-", ".") # Replace authors separater ".," with ";" for scientopy analysis, put it back in paperSave paperIn["author"] = paperIn["author"].replace(".,", ".;") # Extract country, institution and institutionWithCountry from affilation if paperIn["country"] == "" or paperIn["institution"] == "" or paperIn["institutionWithCountry"] == "": # Get each author affiliations affiliations = re.split("; (?=[^\]]*(?:\[|$))", paperIn["affiliations"]) countries = [] institutions = [] institutionsWithCoutnry = [] # For each affiliation for affiliation in affiliations: # Divide affiliation in sections by ",", but not consider "," inside "[]" afSections = re.split(", (?=[^\]]*(?:\[|$))|]", affiliation) # The last item in affiliation list is the country country = afSections[-1].strip() # Remove dots in country country = country.replace(".", "") if "BOSNIA & HERCEG".upper() == country.upper(): country = "Bosnia and Herzegovina" if "CHINA".upper() in country.upper(): country = "China" if "ENGLAND".upper() in country.upper(): country = "United Kingdom" if "SCOTLAND".upper() in country.upper(): country = "United Kingdom" if "WALES".upper() in country.upper(): country = "United Kingdom" if "UK".upper() == country.upper(): country = "United Kingdom" if "KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA".upper() == country.upper(): country = "Saudi Arabia" if "RUSSIA".upper() in country.upper(): country = "Russian Federation" if "TRINID & TOBAGO".upper() == country.upper(): country = "Trinidad and Tobago" if "U ARAB EMIRATES".upper() == country.upper(): country = "United Arab Emirates" if "USA".upper() in country.upper(): country = "United States" if "VIET NAM".upper() == country.upper(): country = "Vietnam" # To do not duplicate countries in country field if country.upper() not in [x.upper() for x in countries]: countries.append(country) # Get institution institution = "" if paperIn["dataBase"] == "WoS" and affiliations != "": # Extract institution as the second element in affiliation sections if len(afSections) >= 2: institution = afSections[1].strip() if institution.upper() not in [x.upper() for x in institutions]: institutions.append(institution) institutionWithCoutnry = "" if institution != "": institutionWithCoutnry = ("%s, %s" % (institution.replace(",", ""), country.replace(",", ""))) if institutionWithCoutnry.upper() not in [x.upper() for x in institutionsWithCoutnry]: institutionsWithCoutnry.append(institutionWithCoutnry) #print("\nOriginal: %s" % affiliation) #print("afSections: %s" % str(afSections)) #print("country: %s" % country) #print("institution: %s" % institution) #print("institutionWithCoutnry: %s" % institutionWithCoutnry) paperIn["country"] = ";".join(countries) paperIn["institution"] = ";".join(institutions) paperIn["institutionWithCountry"] = ";".join(institutionsWithCoutnry) # Get email host if paperIn["emailHost"] == "": splited1 = paperIn["correspondenceAddress"].split("@") if len(splited1) > 1: splited2 = splited1[1].split(";") paperIn["emailHost"] = splited2[0] else: paperIn["emailHost"] = "No email" # Both keywords if paperIn["bothKeywords"] == "": bothKeywords = [] for keyword in paperIn["authorKeywords"].split(";"): keywordStriped = keyword.strip() if keywordStriped == "": continue if keywordStriped.upper() not in [x.upper() for x in bothKeywords]: bothKeywords.append(keywordStriped) for keyword in paperIn["indexKeywords"].split(";"): keywordStriped = keyword.strip() if keywordStriped == "": continue if keywordStriped.upper() not in [x.upper() for x in bothKeywords]: bothKeywords.append(keywordStriped) paperIn["bothKeywords"] = ";".join(bothKeywords) # printPaper(paperIn) globalVar.loadedPapers += 1 # Filter papers that are not in document tipe list if any(pType.upper() in paperIn["documentType"].upper().split("; ") \ for pType in globalVar.INCLUDED_TYPES): papersDict.append(paperIn) if paperIn["dataBase"] == "WoS": globalVar.papersWoS += 1 if paperIn["dataBase"] == "Scopus": globalVar.papersScopus += 1 else: globalVar.omitedPapers += 1 rownum += 1 ifile.close() def getPapersLinkFromFile(ifile, papersDict): firstLineTell = ifile.tell() firstLine = ifile.readline() if "\t" in firstLine: reader = csv.reader(ifile, delimiter='\t') else: reader = csv.reader(ifile,delimiter=',') header = 0 rownum = 0 for row in reader: # Save header row. if rownum == 0: header = row else: colnum = 0 paperIn = {} # Init key elements as zero paperIn["Link"] = "" for col in row: #if colnum >= len(header): # break #headerCol = header[colnum].decode("ascii", errors="ignore").encode() # Scopus fields if col.startswith(""): paperIn["Link"] = col colnum += 1 if paperIn["Link"] != "": papersDict.append(paperIn) rownum += 1 ifile.close() def printPaper(paper): print('Authors: %s' % (paper["author"])) print('Title: %s' % (paper["title"])) print('Year: %s' % (paper["year"])) print('Source: %s' % (paper["source"])) print('DOI: %s' % (paper["doi"])) #print('Abstract: %s' % (paper["abstract"])) print('Author Key: %s' % (paper["authorKeywords"])) print('Index Key: %s' % (paper["indexKeywords"])) print('eid: %s' % (paper["eid"])) print('Data base: %s' % (paper["dataBase"])) print('Affilations:') for af in re.split("; (?=[^\]]*(?:\[|$))",paper["affiliations"]): print("- " + af) print('Country: %s' % (paper["country"])) print('Document type: %s' % (paper["documentType"])) print('Cited by: %s' % (paper["citedBy"])) print('\n') def removeDuplicates(paperDict, logWriter=None, preProcessBrief=None): duplicatedPapersCount = 0 removedPapersScopus = 0 removedPapersWoS = 0 duplicatedWithDifferentCitedBy = 0 noAuthors = 0 # Remove part of the title inside parentisis or square brakets # Some journals put this the original language tile in the brakets # Remove whitespace at the end and start of the tile for paper in paperDict: paper["titleB"] = unidecode.unidecode(paper["title"]) paper["titleB"] = re.sub("[\(\[].*?[\)\]]", "", paper["titleB"].upper()).strip() paper["titleB"] = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+", "", paper["titleB"]) paper["firstAuthorLastName"] = unidecode.unidecode(paper["author"]) paper["firstAuthorLastName"] = paper["firstAuthorLastName"].upper().strip() paper["firstAuthorLastName"] = re.sub(";|\.|,", " ", paper["firstAuthorLastName"]).split(" ")[0] paper["firstAuthorLastName"] = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z]+", "", paper["firstAuthorLastName"]) # Short by database, to put WoS first over Scopus, reverse True paperDict = sorted(paperDict, key=lambda x: x["dataBase"], reverse=True) paperDict = sorted(paperDict, key=lambda x: x["titleB"]) print("Removing duplicates...") globalVar.progressText = 'Removing duplicates' countMatch2 = 0 progressPerPrev = 0 # Run on paper list for i in range(0, len(paperDict)): match = True while(match): # If we are on the last paper in the list if i >= (len(paperDict) - 1): match = False continue # Compare first author last name and titleB in uppercase match = (paperDict[i]["firstAuthorLastName"] == paperDict[i+1]["firstAuthorLastName"]) match &= (paperDict[i]["titleB"] == paperDict[i+1]["titleB"]) if(paperDict[i]["doi"] != ""): match |= (paperDict[i]["doi"] == paperDict[i + 1]["doi"]) match2 = (paperDict[i]["year"] != paperDict[i + 1]["year"]) & match if (match2 == True): countMatch2 += 1 #print(countMatch2) # If the criterion match if(match == True): #print("\nPaper %s duplicated with %s" % (i, i+1)) #print("Dup A: %s, %s" % (paperDict[i]["title"], paperDict[i]["year"])) #print("Authors: %s, Database: %s, Cited by: %s" % #(paperDict[i]["author"], paperDict[i]["dataBase"], paperDict[i]["citedBy"])) #print("Dup B: %s, %s" % (paperDict[i+1]["title"], paperDict[i+1]["year"])) #print("Authors: %s, Database: %s, Cited by: %s" % #(paperDict[i+1]["author"], paperDict[i+1]["dataBase"], paperDict[i+1]["citedBy"])) # Update the removed count if paperDict[i+1]["dataBase"] == "WoS": removedPapersWoS += 1 if paperDict[i+1]["dataBase"] == "Scopus": removedPapersScopus += 1 #print("Removing: %s" % paperDict[i+1]["dataBase"]) # Add all duplicated in duplicatedIn #paperDict[i]["duplicatedIn"] = ";".join(paperDict[i]["duplicatedIn"].split(";") + [paperDict[i+1]["eid"]]) #paperDict[i]["duplicatedIn"] += (paperDict[i + 1]["eid"] + ";") paperDict[i]["duplicatedIn"].append(paperDict[i + 1]["eid"]) # Find how many duplicated documents has different cited by if int(paperDict[i]["citedBy"]) != int(paperDict[i + 1]["citedBy"]): duplicatedWithDifferentCitedBy += 1 # Average the two citedBy paperDict[i]["citedBy"] = int((int(paperDict[i + 1]["citedBy"]) + int(paperDict[i]["citedBy"])) / 2) # Remove paper i + 1 paperDict.remove(paperDict[i + 1]) # Update progress percentage duplicatedPapersCount += 1 progressPer = int(float(i) / float(len(paperDict)) * 100) globalVar.progressPer = progressPer if globalVar.cancelProcess: return 0 if progressPerPrev != progressPer: progressPerPrev = progressPer time.sleep(0.001) if progressPer < 100: #print("p: %d" % progressPer) sys.stdout.write("\r%d%% " % (int(progressPer))) sys.stdout.flush() print("\nDuplicated papers found: %s" % duplicatedPapersCount) print("Original papers count: %s" % globalVar.OriginalTotalPapers) print("Actual papers count: %s" % len(paperDict)) if logWriter != None: # To avoid by zero division if globalVar.papersScopus > 0: preProcessBrief["percenRemPapersScopus"] = 100.0*removedPapersScopus/globalVar.papersScopus else: preProcessBrief["percenRemPapersScopus"] = 0 if globalVar.papersWoS > 0: preProcessBrief["percenRemPapersWos"] = 100.0 * removedPapersWoS / globalVar.papersWoS else: preProcessBrief["percenRemPapersWos"] = 0 if duplicatedPapersCount > 0: percenDuplicatedWithDifferentCitedBy = 100.0*duplicatedWithDifferentCitedBy/duplicatedPapersCount else: percenDuplicatedWithDifferentCitedBy = 0 globalVar.progressPer = 100 print("\r{0:.0f}%".format(100)) print("Removed papers WoS: %s, %.1f %%" % (removedPapersWoS, preProcessBrief["percenRemPapersWos"])) print("Removed papers Scopus: %s, %.1f %%" % (removedPapersScopus, preProcessBrief["percenRemPapersScopus"])) if(duplicatedPapersCount != 0): print("Duplicated documents with different cited by: %s, %.1f %%\n" % (duplicatedWithDifferentCitedBy, percenDuplicatedWithDifferentCitedBy)) globalVar.totalAfterRemDupl = len(paperDict) preProcessBrief["totalAfterRemDupl"] = globalVar.totalAfterRemDupl preProcessBrief["removedTotalPapers"] = duplicatedPapersCount preProcessBrief["removedPapersScopus"] = removedPapersScopus preProcessBrief["removedPapersWoS"] = removedPapersWoS preProcessBrief["papersScopus"] = preProcessBrief["loadedPapersScopus"] - preProcessBrief["removedPapersScopus"] preProcessBrief["papersWoS"] = preProcessBrief["loadedPapersWoS"] - preProcessBrief["removedPapersWoS"] logWriter.writerow({'Info': ''}) logWriter.writerow({'Info': 'Duplicated removal results:'}) logWriter.writerow({'Info': 'Duplicated papers found', 'Number':("%d" % (duplicatedPapersCount)), 'Percentage': ("%.1f%%" % (100.0 * duplicatedPapersCount / globalVar.OriginalTotalPapers))}) logWriter.writerow({'Info': 'Removed duplicated papers from WoS', 'Number':("%d" % (removedPapersWoS)), 'Percentage': ("%.1f%%" % (preProcessBrief["percenRemPapersWos"]))}) logWriter.writerow({'Info': 'Removed duplicated papers from Scopus', 'Number':("%d" % (removedPapersScopus)), 'Percentage': ("%.1f%%" % (preProcessBrief["percenRemPapersScopus"]))}) logWriter.writerow({'Info': 'Duplicated documents with different cited by', 'Number':("%d" % (duplicatedWithDifferentCitedBy)), 'Percentage': ("%.1f%%" % (percenDuplicatedWithDifferentCitedBy))}) logWriter.writerow({'Info': 'Total papers after rem. dupl.', 'Number': str(globalVar.totalAfterRemDupl)}) return paperDict def sourcesStatics(paperDict, logWriter): statics = {} totalPapers = len(paperDict) statics["WoS"] = {} for typeIn in globalVar.INCLUDED_TYPES: statics["WoS"][typeIn] = 0 statics["WoS"]["Total"] = 0 statics["WoS"]["Source"] = "WoS" statics["Scopus"]={} for typeIn in globalVar.INCLUDED_TYPES: statics["Scopus"][typeIn] = 0 statics["Scopus"]["Total"] = 0 statics["Scopus"]["Source"] = "Scopus" noDocumentTypeCount = 0 # On each paper to count statics for paper in paperDict: try: statics[paper["dataBase"]][paper["documentType"].split("; ")[0]] += 1 statics[paper["dataBase"]]["Total"] += 1 except: noDocumentTypeCount += 1 # Put the percentajes for key1, value1 in statics.items(): for key2, value2 in statics[key1].items(): if type(statics[key1][key2]) == int: statics[key1][key2] = ("%d, %.1f%%" % (statics[key1][key2], (100.0 * statics[key1][key2]/totalPapers))) logWriter.writerow(statics["WoS"]) logWriter.writerow(statics["Scopus"]) ``` #### File: jpruiz84/ScientoPy/ ```python import paperUtils import paperSave import globalVar import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import graphUtils import sys import re import time from PIL import Image class ScientoPyClass: def __init__(self, from_gui=False): # Parameters variables self.criterion = 'authorKeywords' self.graphType = 'bar_trends' self.length = 10 self.skipFirst = 0 self.topics = '' self.startYear = globalVar.DEFAULT_START_YEAR self.endYear = globalVar.DEFAULT_END_YEAR self.savePlot = '' self.noPlot = False self.agrForGraph = False self.wordCloudMask = '' self.windowWidth = 2 self.previousResults = False self.onlyFirst = False self.graphTitle = '' self.pYear = False self.plotWidth = globalVar.DEFAULT_PLOT_WIDTH self.plotHeight = globalVar.DEFAULT_PLOT_HEIGHT self.trend = False self.yLog = False self.filter = "" self.fromGui = from_gui # Working variables self.papersDict = [] self.resultsFileName = '' self.extResultsFileName = '' self.lastPreviousResults = '' self.preprocessBriefFileName = os.path.join(globalVar.DATA_OUT_FOLDER, globalVar.PREPROCESS_LOG_FILE) self.preprocessDatasetFile = os.path.join(globalVar.DATA_OUT_FOLDER, globalVar.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME) self.topicResults = [] self.yearArray = [] self.startYearIndex = 0 self.endYearIndex = 0 def closePlot(self): plt.close() def scientoPy(self, args=''): globalVar.cancelProcess = False globalVar.progressText = "Reading dataset" globalVar.progressPer = 0 # To let progress bar open if self.fromGui: time.sleep(0.01) if args == '': args = self print("\n\nScientoPy: %s" % (globalVar.SCIENTOPY_VERSION)) print("================\n") # Check python version if sys.version_info[0] < 3: print("ERROR, you are using Python 2, Python 3.X.X required") print("") exit() # Validate window Width if args.windowWidth < 1: print("ERROR: minimum windowWidth 1") exit() # Validate start and end years if args.startYear > args.endYear: print("ERROR: startYear > endYear") exit() # Create output folders if not exist if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(globalVar.GRAPHS_OUT_FOLDER)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(globalVar.GRAPHS_OUT_FOLDER)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(globalVar.RESULTS_FOLDER)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(globalVar.RESULTS_FOLDER)) # Select the input file if args.previousResults: INPUT_FILE = os.path.join(globalVar.RESULTS_FOLDER, globalVar.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME) else: INPUT_FILE = os.path.join(globalVar.DATA_OUT_FOLDER, globalVar.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME) # Start the output list empty papersDictOut = [] topicList = [] loadDataSet = False if len(self.papersDict) == 0 or args.previousResults: loadDataSet = True if args.previousResults == False and self.lastPreviousResults == True: loadDataSet = True # Open the dataset only if not loaded in papersDict if loadDataSet: self.papersDict = [] self.lastPreviousResults = args.previousResults # Open the storage database and add to sel.fpapersDict if not os.path.isfile(INPUT_FILE): print("ERROR: %s file not found" % INPUT_FILE) print("Make sure that you have run the preprocess step before run scientoPy") exit() ifile = open(INPUT_FILE, "r", encoding='utf-8') print("Reading file: %s" % (INPUT_FILE)) globalVar.progressPer = 10 paperUtils.openFileToDict(ifile, self.papersDict) ifile.close() if globalVar.cancelProcess: return # If reading previous results, remove possible duplicated from multiple topics if args.previousResults: self.papersDict= paperUtils.removeDuplicates(self.papersDict) print("Scopus papers: %s" % globalVar.papersScopus) print("WoS papers: %s" % globalVar.papersWoS) print("Omitted papers: %s" % globalVar.omitedPapers) print("Total papers: %s" % len(self.papersDict)) # Create a self.yearArray self.yearArray = range(args.startYear, args.endYear + 1) yearPapers = {} for i in range(args.startYear, args.endYear + 1): yearPapers[i] = 0 # Filter papers with invalid year self.papersDict = list(filter(lambda x: x["year"].isdigit(), self.papersDict)) # Filter the papers outside the year range papersDictInside = self.papersDict.copy() papersDictInside = list(filter(lambda x: int(x["year"]) >= args.startYear, papersDictInside)) papersDictInside = list(filter(lambda x: int(x["year"]) <= args.endYear, papersDictInside)) print("Total papers in range (%s - %s): %s" % (args.startYear, args.endYear, len(papersDictInside))) # If no papers in the range exit if (len(papersDictInside) == 0): print("ERROR: no papers found in the range.") del papersDictInside return # Find the number of total papers per year for paper in papersDictInside: if int(paper["year"]) in yearPapers.keys(): yearPapers[int(paper["year"])] += 1 # Get the filter options filterSubTopic = "" if args.filter: filterSubTopic = args.filter.strip() print("Filter Sub Topic: %s" % filterSubTopic) # Parse custom topics if args.topics: print("Custom topics entered:") # Divide the topics by ; topicsFirst = args.topics.split(";") for x in topicsFirst: topicList.append(x.split(",")) # Remove beginning and ending space from topics, and empty topics for topic in topicList: for idx, item in enumerate(topic): topic[idx] = item.strip() if not topic[idx]: topic.remove(topic[idx]) if not topic: topicList.remove(topic) # Remove for each sub topic, start and end spaces for item1 in topicList: for item2 in item1: item2 = item2.strip() for topic in topicList: print(topic) # Find the top topics else: print("Finding the top topics...") globalVar.progressPer = 30 globalVar.progressText = "Finding the top topics" topicDic = {} # For each paper, get the full topicDic for paper in papersDictInside: if globalVar.cancelProcess: return # For each item in paper criteria for item in paper[args.criterion].split(";"): # Strip paper item and upper case item = item.strip() item = item.upper() # If paper item empty continue if item == "": continue # If filter sub topic, omit items outside that do not match with the subtopic if filterSubTopic != "" and len(item.split(",")) >= 2: if (item.split(",")[1].strip().upper() != filterSubTopic.upper()): continue # If topic already in topicDic if item in topicDic: topicDic[item] += 1 # If topic is not in topicDic, create this in topicDic else: topicDic[item] = 1 # If onlyFirst, only keep the firt processesing if args.onlyFirst: break # If trending analysis, the top topic list to analyse is bigger if args.trend: topicListLength = globalVar.TOP_TREND_SIZE startList = 0 else: topicListLength = args.length startList = args.skipFirst # Get the top topics by the topDic count topTopcis = sorted(topicDic.items(), key=lambda x: -x[1])[startList:(startList + topicListLength)] # Put the topTopics in topic List for topic in topTopcis: topicList.append([topic[0]]) if len(topicList) == 0: print("\nFINISHED : There is not results with your inputs criteria or filter") del papersDictInside return # print("Topic list:") # print(topicList) # Create a dictonary in self.topicResults list per element in topicList self.topicResults = [] for topics in topicList: topicItem = {} topicItem["upperName"] = topics[0].upper() # If the topic name was given as an argument, use the first one given, else keep empty to use the first one found if args.topics: topicItem["name"] = topics[0] else: topicItem["name"] = "" topicItem["allTopics"] = topics topicItem["year"] = self.yearArray topicItem["PapersCount"] = [0] * len(self.yearArray) topicItem["PapersCountAccum"] = [0] * len(self.yearArray) topicItem["PapersCountRate"] = [0] * len(self.yearArray) topicItem["PapersTotal"] = 0 topicItem["AverageDocPerYear"] = 0 # ADY topicItem["PapersInLastYears"] = 0 topicItem["PerInLastYears"] = 0 # PDLY topicItem["CitedByCount"] = [0] * len(self.yearArray) topicItem["CitedByCountAccum"] = [0] * len(self.yearArray) topicItem["CitedByTotal"] = 0 topicItem["papers"] = [] topicItem["topicsFound"] = [] topicItem["hIndex"] = 0 topicItem["agr"] = 0 # Average growth rate self.topicResults.append(topicItem) # Find papers within the arguments, and fill the self.topicResults fields per year. print("Calculating papers statistics...") globalVar.progressText = "Calculating papers statistics" papersLen = len(papersDictInside) papersCounter = 0 # For each paper for paper in papersDictInside: papersCounter += 1 progressPer = int(float(papersCounter) / float(papersLen) * 100) globalVar.progressPer = progressPer if globalVar.cancelProcess: return # For each item in paper criteria for item in paper[args.criterion].split(";"): # Strip paper item and upper item = item.strip() itemUp = item.upper() # For each topic in topic results for topicItem in self.topicResults: # for each sub topic for subTopic in topicItem["allTopics"]: # Check if the sub topic match with the paper item if args.topics and "*" in subTopic.upper(): subTopicRegex = subTopic.upper().replace("*", ".*") p = re.compile(subTopicRegex) match = p.match(itemUp) else: match = subTopic.upper() == itemUp # If match, sum it to the topicItem if match: yearIndex = topicItem["year"].index(int(paper["year"])) topicItem["PapersCount"][yearIndex] += 1 topicItem["PapersTotal"] += 1 topicItem["CitedByCount"][yearIndex] += int(paper["citedBy"]) topicItem["CitedByTotal"] += int(paper["citedBy"]) # If no name in the topicItem, put the first one that was found if topicItem["name"] == "": topicItem["name"] = item topicItem["papers"].append(paper) # Add the matched paper to the papersDictOut papersDictOut.append(paper) # If it is a new topic, add it to topicItem["topicsFound"] if itemUp not in [x.upper() for x in topicItem["topicsFound"]]: topicItem["topicsFound"].append(item) # Only process one (the first one) if args.onlyFirst if args.onlyFirst: break # Print the topics found if the asterisk willcard was used for topicItem in self.topicResults: for subTopic in topicItem["allTopics"]: if args.topics and "*" in subTopic.upper(): print("\nTopics found for %s:" % subTopic) print('"' + ';'.join(topicItem["topicsFound"]) + '"') print("") print("Calculating accumulative ...") # Extract accumulative for topicItem in self.topicResults: citedAccumValue = 0 papersAccumValue = 0 for i in range(0, len(topicItem["CitedByCountAccum"])): citedAccumValue += topicItem["CitedByCount"][i] topicItem["CitedByCountAccum"][i] = citedAccumValue papersAccumValue += topicItem["PapersCount"][i] topicItem["PapersCountAccum"][i] = papersAccumValue print("Calculating Average Growth Rate (AGR)...") # Extract the Average Growth Rate (AGR) for topicItem in self.topicResults: # Calculate rates pastCount = 0 # Per year with papers count data for i in range(0, len(topicItem["PapersCount"])): topicItem["PapersCountRate"][i] = topicItem["PapersCount"][i] - pastCount pastCount = topicItem["PapersCount"][i] # Calculate AGR from rates self.endYearIndex = len(topicItem["year"]) - 1 self.startYearIndex = self.endYearIndex - (args.windowWidth - 1) topicItem["agr"] = \ round(np.mean(topicItem["PapersCountRate"][self.startYearIndex: self.endYearIndex + 1]), 1) print("Calculating Average Documents per Year (ADY)...") # Extract the Average Documents per Year (ADY) for topicItem in self.topicResults: # Calculate ADY from rates self.endYearIndex = len(topicItem["year"]) - 1 self.startYearIndex = self.endYearIndex - (args.windowWidth - 1) topicItem["AverageDocPerYear"] = \ round(np.mean(topicItem["PapersCount"][self.startYearIndex: self.endYearIndex + 1]), 1) topicItem["PapersInLastYears"] = \ np.sum(topicItem["PapersCount"][self.startYearIndex: self.endYearIndex + 1]) if topicItem["PapersTotal"] > 0: topicItem["PerInLastYears"] = \ round(100 * topicItem["PapersInLastYears"] / topicItem["PapersTotal"], 1) # Scale in percentage per year if args.pYear: for topicItem in self.topicResults: for year, value in yearPapers.items(): index = topicItem["year"].index(year) if value != 0: topicItem["PapersCount"][index] /= (float(value) / 100.0) print("Calculating h-index...") # Calculate h index per topic for topicItem in self.topicResults: # print("\n" + topicName) # Sort papers by cited by count papersIn = topicItem["papers"] papersIn = sorted(papersIn, key=lambda x: int(x["citedBy"]), reverse=True) count = 1 hIndex = 0 for paper in papersIn: # print(str(count) + ". " + paper["citedBy"]) if int(paper["citedBy"]) >= count: hIndex = count count += 1 # print("hIndex: " + str(hIndex)) topicItem["hIndex"] = hIndex # Sort by PapersTotal, and then by name. self.topicResults = sorted(self.topicResults, key=lambda x: x["name"], reverse=False) self.topicResults = sorted(self.topicResults, key=lambda x: int(x["PapersTotal"]), reverse=True) # If trend analysis, sort by agr, and get the first ones if args.trend: self.topicResults = sorted(self.topicResults, key=lambda x: int(x["agr"]), reverse=True) self.topicResults = self.topicResults[args.skipFirst:(args.skipFirst + args.length)] # Print top topics print("\nTop topics:") print("Average Growth Rate (AGR) and Average Documents per Year (ADY) period: %d - %d\n\r" % (self.yearArray[self.startYearIndex], self.yearArray[self.endYearIndex])) print('-' * 87) print("{:<4s}{:<30s}{:>10s}{:>10s}{:>10s}{:>10s}{:>12s}".format("Pos", args.criterion, "Total", "AGR", "ADY", "PDLY", "h-index")) print('-' * 87) count = 0 for topicItem in self.topicResults: print("{:<4d}{:<30s}{:>10d}{:>10.1f}{:>10.1f}{:>10.1f}{:>10d}".format( count + 1, topicItem["name"], topicItem["PapersTotal"], topicItem["agr"], topicItem["AverageDocPerYear"], topicItem["PerInLastYears"], topicItem["hIndex"])) count += 1 print('-' * 87) print("") if filterSubTopic != "": for topicItem in self.topicResults: topicItem["name"] = topicItem["name"].split(",")[0].strip() globalVar.progressText = "Saving results" if self.fromGui: time.sleep(0.01) if globalVar.cancelProcess: return self.resultsFileName = paperSave.saveTopResults(self.topicResults, args.criterion, args.savePlot) if self.fromGui: time.sleep(0.01) if globalVar.cancelProcess: return self.extResultsFileName = paperSave.saveExtendedResults(self.topicResults, args.criterion, args.savePlot) # Only save results if that is result of a not previous result if not args.previousResults: paperSave.saveResults(papersDictOut, os.path.join(globalVar.RESULTS_FOLDER, globalVar.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME)) del papersDictInside globalVar.progressPer = 101 print("\nAnalysis finished.") def plotResults(self, args=''): if args == '': args = self if args.noPlot: return # If more than 100 results and not wordCloud, no plot. if len(self.topicResults) > 100 and not args.graphType == "word_cloud" and not args.noPlot: args.noPlot = True print("\nERROR: Not allowed to graph more than 100 results") return if args.graphType == "evolution": graphUtils.plot_evolution(plt, self.topicResults, self.yearArray[self.startYearIndex], self.yearArray[self.endYearIndex], args) if args.graphType == "word_cloud": from wordcloud import WordCloud my_dpi = 96 plt.figure(figsize=(1960 / my_dpi, 1080 / my_dpi), dpi=my_dpi) if args.wordCloudMask: imageMask = np.array( wc = WordCloud(background_color="white", max_words=5000, width=1960, height=1080, colormap="tab10", mask=imageMask) else: wc = WordCloud(background_color="white", max_words=5000, width=1960, height=1080, colormap="tab10") freq = {} for topicItem in self.topicResults: freq[topicItem["name"]] = topicItem["PapersTotal"] # generate word cloud wc.generate_from_frequencies(freq) # show plt.imshow(wc, interpolation="bilinear") plt.axis("off") fig = plt.gcf() fig.canvas.set_window_title(args.criterion + ' word cloud graph') if args.graphType == "bar": graphUtils.plot_bar_horizontal(plt, self.topicResults, args) if args.graphType == "bar_trends": graphUtils.plot_bar_horizontal_trends(plt, self.topicResults, self.yearArray[self.startYearIndex], self.yearArray[self.endYearIndex], args) if args.graphType == "time_line": graphUtils.plot_time_line(plt, self.topicResults, False, args) fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(args.plotWidth, args.plotHeight) if args.yLog: plt.yscale('log') # TODO: Fix mticker # plt.gca().yaxis.set_minor_formatter(mticker.ScalarFormatter()) if args.pYear: plt.ylabel("% of documents per year") if args.graphTitle: # plt.title(args.graphTitle) fig = plt.gcf() fig.suptitle(args.graphTitle, y=1.0) plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 1, 0.95]) else: plt.tight_layout() if args.savePlot == "": if self.fromGui: else: else: plt.savefig(os.path.join(globalVar.GRAPHS_OUT_FOLDER, args.savePlot), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.01) print("Plot saved on: " + os.path.join(globalVar.GRAPHS_OUT_FOLDER, args.savePlot)) if args.savePlot == "": if self.fromGui: ``` #### File: jpruiz84/ScientoPy/ ```python from tkinter import * from tkinter import filedialog from tkinter import ttk from tkinter import messagebox from tkinter import font from tkinter.ttk import Progressbar import time import threading import tkinter.scrolledtext as scrolledtext from PIL import ImageTk, ImageColor, Image import globalVar from PreProcessClass import PreProcessClass from ScientoPyClass import ScientoPyClass from generateBibtex import generateBibtex import webbrowser import os.path class ScientoPyGui: cb_square_color = 'white' def __init__(self): self.scientoPy = ScientoPyClass(from_gui=True) self.preprocess = PreProcessClass(from_gui=True) self.root = Tk() self.root.geometry("853x480") self.root.resizable(width=False, height=False) try: bg_color = self.root.cget('bg') bg_color_rgb = ImageColor.getcolor(bg_color, "RGB") bg_color_avg = sum(bg_color_rgb)/len(bg_color_rgb) if(bg_color_avg < 75): self.cb_square_color = bg_color except: pass default_font = font.nametofont("TkDefaultFont") default_font.configure(size=10) self.root.option_add("*font", default_font) if os.path.exists('scientopy_icon.png'): self.root.iconphoto(True, PhotoImage(file="scientopy_icon.png")) self.root.title("ScientoPy") # Starting the tabs self.nb = ttk.Notebook(self.root) preprocess_page = Frame(self.nb) process_page = Frame(self.nb) self.nb.add(preprocess_page, text='1. Pre-processing') self.nb.add(process_page, text='2. Analysis') self.nb.pack(expand=1, fill="both") # Pre processing tab ******************************* if os.path.exists('scientopy_logo.png'): load ="scientopy_logo.png") render = ImageTk.PhotoImage(load) img = Label(preprocess_page, image=render) img.image = render, rely=0.35, anchor=CENTER) version_label = Label(preprocess_page, text=("Universidad del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia" "\nMIT License \nVersion %s" % globalVar.SCIENTOPY_VERSION)), rely=0.7, anchor=CENTER) Label(preprocess_page, text="Dataset folder:").grid(column=0, row=0, padx=17) preprocess_page.grid_rowconfigure(0, pad=700) self.datasetLoc = StringVar() preprocess_page.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1) self.datasetLocEntry = Entry(preprocess_page, textvariable=self.datasetLoc) #, rely=0.8, anchor=CENTER) self.datasetLocEntry.grid(column=1, row=0, columnspan=2, sticky='we') dataset_button = Button(preprocess_page, text="Select dataset", command=self.select_dataset) #, rely=0.8, anchor=CENTER) dataset_button.grid(column=3, row=0, sticky='w', padx=17) self.chkValueRemoveDupl = BooleanVar() self.chkValueRemoveDupl.set(True) Checkbutton(preprocess_page, var=self.chkValueRemoveDupl, text="Remove duplicated documents", selectcolor=self.cb_square_color).place(relx=0.015, rely=0.9, anchor=W) # Buttons **************************** run_preprocess_button = Button(preprocess_page, text="Run preprocess", command=self.run_preprocess), rely=0.9, anchor=CENTER) open_preprocess_brief = Button(preprocess_page, text="Open preprocess brief", command=self.open_preprocess_brief), rely=0.9, anchor=W) # Analysis tab ************************************************************ Label(process_page, text="").grid(sticky=W, column=0, row=0) Label(process_page, text="Criterion:", borderwidth=10).grid(sticky=W, column=0, row=1) self.comboCriterion = ttk.Combobox(process_page, values=globalVar.validCriterion, width=15) self.comboCriterion.current(3) self.comboCriterion.grid(column=1, row=1) Label(process_page, text="Graph type:", borderwidth=10).grid(sticky=W, column=0, row=2) self.comboGraphType = ttk.Combobox(process_page, values=globalVar.validGrapTypes, width=15) self.comboGraphType.current(0) self.comboGraphType.grid(column=1, row=2) Label(process_page, text="Start Year:", borderwidth=10).grid(sticky=W, column=0, row=3) self.spinStartYear = Spinbox(process_page, from_=1900, to=2100, textvariable=DoubleVar(value=globalVar.DEFAULT_START_YEAR), width=15) self.spinStartYear.grid(column=1, row=3) Label(process_page, text="End Year:", borderwidth=10).grid(sticky=W, column=0, row=4) self.spinEndYear = Spinbox(process_page, from_=1900, to=2100, textvariable=DoubleVar(value=globalVar.DEFAULT_END_YEAR), width=15) self.spinEndYear.grid(column=1, row=4) Label(process_page, text="Topics length:", borderwidth=10).grid(sticky=W, column=0, row=5) self.spinTopicsLength = Spinbox(process_page, from_=0, to=1000, textvariable=DoubleVar(value=10), width=15) self.spinTopicsLength.grid(column=1, row=5) Label(process_page, text="Skip first:", borderwidth=10).grid(sticky=W, column=0, row=6) self.spinSkipFirst = Spinbox(process_page, from_=0, to=1000, textvariable=DoubleVar(value=0), width=15) self.spinSkipFirst.grid(column=1, row=6) Label(process_page, text="Window (years):", borderwidth=10).grid(sticky=W, column=0, row=7) self.spinWindowWidth = Spinbox(process_page, from_=1, to=100, textvariable=DoubleVar(value=2), width=15) self.spinWindowWidth.grid(column=1, row=7) self.chkValuePreviusResults = BooleanVar() self.chkValuePreviusResults.set(False) Checkbutton(process_page, var=self.chkValuePreviusResults, selectcolor=self.cb_square_color, text="Use previous results").grid(sticky=W, column=0, row=8, padx=7) self.chkValueTrendAnalysis = BooleanVar() self.chkValueTrendAnalysis.set(False) Checkbutton(process_page, var=self.chkValueTrendAnalysis, selectcolor=self.cb_square_color, text="Trend analysis").grid(sticky=W, column=0, row=9, padx=7) process_page.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1) Label(process_page, text="Custom topics:", borderwidth=10).grid(sticky=W, column=2, row=1, padx=15) self.entryCustomTopics = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(process_page, undo=True, height=18) self.entryCustomTopics.grid(column=2, row=2, rowspan=9, sticky=E, padx=25) # Buttons **************************** results_button = Button(process_page, text="Open results table", command=self.open_results), rely=0.92, anchor=W) ext_results_button = Button(process_page, text="Open extended results", command=self.open_ext_results), rely=0.92, anchor=W) genbibtex_button = Button(process_page, text="Generate BibTeX", command=self.generate_bibtex), rely=0.92, anchor=W) run_button = Button(process_page, text="Run", command=self.scientoPyRun), rely=0.92, anchor=E) def cancel_run(self): globalVar.cancelProcess = True print("Canceled") def progress_bar_fun(self): def on_closing(): self.cancel_run() #start progress bar popup = Toplevel() popup.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_closing) x = self.root.winfo_x() y = self.root.winfo_y() popup.geometry('300x120+%d+%d' % (x + 250, y + 120)) popup.title("Progress") label_text = StringVar() label = Label(popup, textvariable=label_text), y=20, anchor="center") label_text.set(globalVar.progressText) progress_var = DoubleVar() progress_bar = ttk.Progressbar(popup, variable=progress_var, maximum=100, length = 280), y=50, anchor="center") popup.pack_slaves() cancel_button = Button(popup, text="Cancel", command=self.cancel_run), y=95, anchor="center") #print("globalVar.progressPer1: %d" % globalVar.progressPer) while globalVar.progressPer != 101: label_text.set(globalVar.progressText) popup.update() time.sleep(0.1) #print("globalVar.progressPer2: %d" % globalVar.progressPer) progress_var.set(globalVar.progressPer) if globalVar.cancelProcess: break popup.destroy() return 0 def open_results(self): if os.path.exists(self.scientoPy.resultsFileName): else: messagebox.showinfo("Error", "No results found, please run the analysis first") def open_ext_results(self): if os.path.exists(self.scientoPy.extResultsFileName): else: messagebox.showinfo("Error", "No extended results found, please run the analysis first") def open_preprocess_brief(self): if os.path.exists(self.scientoPy.preprocessBriefFileName): else: messagebox.showinfo("Error", "No preprocess breif found, please run the preprocess first") def scientoPyRun(self): globalVar.cancelProcess = False globalVar.progressPer = 0 if not os.path.exists(self.scientoPy.preprocessDatasetFile): messagebox.showinfo("Error", "No preprocess input dataset, please run the preprocess first") return print(self.chkValuePreviusResults.get()) self.scientoPy.closePlot() self.scientoPy.criterion = self.comboCriterion.get() self.scientoPy.graphType = self.comboGraphType.get() self.scientoPy.startYear = int(self.spinStartYear.get()) self.scientoPy.endYear = int(self.spinEndYear.get()) self.scientoPy.length = int(self.spinTopicsLength.get()) self.scientoPy.skipFirst = int(self.spinSkipFirst.get()) self.scientoPy.windowWidth = int(self.spinWindowWidth.get()) self.scientoPy.previousResults = self.chkValuePreviusResults.get() self.scientoPy.trend = self.chkValueTrendAnalysis.get() if bool(self.entryCustomTopics.get("1.0", END).strip()): self.scientoPy.topics = self.entryCustomTopics.get("1.0", END).replace("\n", ";") else: self.scientoPy.topics = '' t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.scientoPy.scientoPy) t1.start() self.progress_bar_fun() t1.join() if globalVar.cancelProcess: return self.scientoPy.plotResults() def select_dataset(self): self.root.dir_name = filedialog.askdirectory() if not self.root.dir_name: return self.datasetLoc.set(self.root.dir_name) def run_preprocess(self): print(self.datasetLoc.get()) if self.datasetLoc.get(): try: self.preprocess.dataInFolder = self.root.dir_name self.preprocess.noRemDupl = not self.chkValueRemoveDupl.get() # Run preprocess in another thread t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.preprocess.preprocess) t1.start() # While running preprocess run progress bar # Progress bar ends when preprocess ends self.progress_bar_fun() # Wait until preprocess thread ends t1.join() if globalVar.cancelProcess: messagebox.showinfo("Error", "Preprocessing canceled") elif(globalVar.totalPapers > 0): self.preprocess.graphBrief() elif globalVar.totalPapers == 0: messagebox.showinfo("Error", "No valid dataset files found in: %s" % self.root.dir_name) except: messagebox.showinfo("Error", "No valid dataset folder") else: messagebox.showinfo("Error", "No dataset folder defined") def generate_bibtex(self): if not os.path.exists(self.scientoPy.preprocessDatasetFile): messagebox.showinfo("Error", "No preprocess input dataset, please run the preprocess first") return latexFileName = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir="./", title="Select the LaTeX file", filetypes=(("Latex", "*.tex"), ("all files", "*.*"))) if not latexFileName: return print(latexFileName) outFileName = generateBibtex(latexFileName) def runGui(self): self.root.mainloop() if __name__ == '__main__': scientoPyGui = ScientoPyGui() scientoPyGui.runGui() ```
{ "source": "jprukner/", "score": 2 }
#### File: ```python import click import elsa from naucse.utils.views import forks_enabled, does_course_return_info def cli(app, *, base_url=None, freezer=None): """Return the elsa CLI extended with naucse-specific commands. """ elsa_group = elsa.cli(app, base_url=base_url, freezer=freezer, invoke_cli=False) def naucse(): pass @naucse.command() @click.option("--forks-only", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Only list courses and runs from forks") def list_courses(forks_only): """List all courses and runs and info about them. Mainly useful for courses from forks. Shows where they are sourced from and if they return even the most basic information and will therefore be included in list of courses/runs. A practical benefit is that on Travis CI, the docker images are pulled/built by this command, so freezing won't timeout after the 10 minute limit if things are taking particularly long. """ from naucse.views import model def canonical(course, suffix=""): click.echo(f" {course.slug}: {course.title}{suffix}") def fork_invalid(course): click.echo(f" {course.slug}, from {course.repo}@{course.branch}: " f"Fork doesn't return basic info, will be ignored.") def fork_valid(course, suffix=""): click.echo(f" {course.slug}, from {course.repo}@{course.branch}: {course.title}{suffix}") click.echo(f"Courses:") for course in if forks_only and not course.is_link(): continue if not course.is_link(): canonical(course) elif forks_enabled(): if does_course_return_info(course, force_ignore=True): fork_valid(course) else: fork_invalid(course) click.echo(f"Runs:") for course in model.runs.values(): if forks_only and not course.is_link(): continue if not course.is_link(): canonical(course, suffix=f" ({course.start_date} - {course.end_date})") elif forks_enabled(): if does_course_return_info(course, ["start_date", "end_date"], force_ignore=True): fork_valid(course, suffix=f" ({course.start_date} - {course.end_date})") else: fork_invalid(course) cli = click.CommandCollection(sources=[naucse, elsa_group]) return cli() ``` #### File: ```python import logging import sys from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler from pathlib import Path from naucse.freezer import NaucseFreezer if sys.version_info[0] <3 : raise RuntimeError('We love Python 3.') from naucse.cli import cli from naucse.views import app, lesson_static_generator def main(): arca_log_path = Path(".arca/arca.log") arca_log_path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True) arca_log_path.touch() naucse_log_path = Path(".arca/naucse.log") naucse_log_path.touch() def get_handler(path, **kwargs): handler = RotatingFileHandler(path, **kwargs) formatter = logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s] {%(pathname)s:%(lineno)d} %(levelname)s - %(message)s") handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) handler.setFormatter(formatter) return handler logger = logging.getLogger("arca") logger.addHandler(get_handler(arca_log_path, maxBytes=10000, backupCount=0)) logger = logging.getLogger("naucse") logger.addHandler(get_handler(naucse_log_path)) freezer = NaucseFreezer(app) # see the generator for details freezer.register_generator(lesson_static_generator) cli(app, base_url='', freezer=freezer) ``` #### File: naucse/utils/ ```python import datetime import hashlib import json import os from collections import deque, defaultdict from pathlib import Path from arca.exceptions import PullError, BuildError, RequirementsMismatch from arca.utils import get_hash_for_file absolute_urls_to_freeze = deque() def get_recent_runs(course): """Build a list of "recent" runs based on a course. By recent we mean: haven't ended yet, or ended up to ~2 months ago (Note: even if naucse is hosted dynamically, it's still beneficial to show recently ended runs.) """ recent_runs = [] if not course.start_date: today = cutoff = today - datetime.timedelta(days=2*30) this_year = today.year for year, run_year in reversed(course.root.run_years.items()): for run in run_year.runs.values(): if not run.is_link() or (forks_enabled() and does_course_return_info(run, ["start_date", "end_date"])): if run.base_course is course and run.end_date > cutoff: recent_runs.append(run) if year < this_year: # Assume no run lasts for more than a year, # e.g. if it's Jan 2018, some run that started in 2017 may # be included, but don't even look through runs from 2016 # or earlier. break recent_runs.sort(key=lambda r: r.start_date, reverse=True) return recent_runs def list_months(start_date, end_date): """Return a span of months as a list of (year, month) tuples The months of start_date and end_date are both included. """ months = [] year = start_date.year month = start_date.month while (year, month) <= (end_date.year, end_date.month): months.append((year, month)) month += 1 if month > 12: month = 1 year += 1 return months _naucse_tree_hash = {} def get_naucse_tree_hash(repo): """Return the hash of the folder ``naucse`` in specified ``repo``. The ``naucse`` tree contains rendering mechanisms. """ from naucse.views import app global _naucse_tree_hash if _naucse_tree_hash.get(repo.git_dir): return _naucse_tree_hash[repo.git_dir] tree_hash = get_hash_for_file(repo, "naucse") if not app.config['DEBUG']: _naucse_tree_hash[repo.git_dir] = tree_hash return tree_hash _lesson_tree_hash = defaultdict(dict) def get_lesson_tree_hash(repo, lesson_slug): """Return the hash of the tree containing the lesson in specified repo. """ from naucse.views import app global _lesson_tree_hash if lesson_slug in _lesson_tree_hash[repo.git_dir]: return _lesson_tree_hash[repo.git_dir][lesson_slug] # ``repo.git_dir`` is path to the ``.git`` folder if not (Path(repo.git_dir).parent / "lessons" / lesson_slug).exists(): raise FileNotFoundError commit = get_hash_for_file(repo, "lessons/" + lesson_slug) if not app.config['DEBUG']: _lesson_tree_hash[repo.git_dir][lesson_slug] = commit return commit def forks_enabled(): """Return true if forks are enabled. By default forks are not enabled (for the purposes of local development). Forks can be enabled by setting the FORKS_ENABLED environment variable to ``true`` (or, in tests, by overriding this function). """ return os.environ.get("FORKS_ENABLED", "false") == "true" def forks_raise_if_disabled(): """Raise ValueError if forks are not enabled. """ if not forks_enabled(): raise ValueError( "You must explicitly allow forks to be rendered.\n" "Set FORKS_ENABLED=true to enable them.") def raise_errors_from_forks(): """Return true if errors from forks should be re-raised. If this returns false, errors from forks should be handled: * Not even basic course info is returned -> Left out of the list of courses * Error rendering a page * Lesson - if the lesson is canonical, canonical version is rendered with a warning * Everything else - templates/error_in_fork.html is rendered Raising can be enabled by setting the RAISE_FORK_ERRORS environment variable to ``true`` (or, in tests, by overriding this function). """ return os.environ.get("RAISE_FORK_ERRORS", "false") == "true" def does_course_return_info(course, extra_required=(), *, force_ignore=False): """Return true if basic info about the course is available. This tests that the given external course can be pulled and it returns required info (roughly, enough to be displayed in the course list). Exceptions are re-raised if :func:`raise_errors_from_forks` indicates they should and ``force_ignore`` is not set. Otherwise, they are only logged. """ from naucse.views import logger required = ["title", "description"] + list(extra_required) try: if isinstance(, dict) and all([x in for x in required]): return True if raise_errors_from_forks() and not force_ignore: raise ValueError(f"Couldn't get basic info about the course {course.slug}, " f"the repo didn't return a dict or the required info is missing.") else: logger.error("There was an problem getting basic info out of forked course %s. " "Suppressing, because this is the production branch.", course.slug) except (PullError, BuildError, RequirementsMismatch) as e: if raise_errors_from_forks() and not force_ignore: raise if isinstance(e, PullError): logger.error("There was an problem either pulling or cloning the forked course %s. " "Suppressing, because this is the production branch.", course.slug) elif isinstance(e, RequirementsMismatch): logger.error("There are some extra requirements in the forked course %s. " "Suppressing, because this is the production branch.", course.slug) else: logger.error("There was an problem getting basic info out of forked course %s. " "Suppressing, because this is the production branch.", course.slug) logger.exception(e) return False def page_content_cache_key(repo, lesson_slug, page, solution, course_vars=None) -> str: """Return a key under which content fragments will be stored in cache The cache key depends on the page and the last commit which modified lesson rendering in ``repo`` """ return "commit:{}:content:{}".format( get_naucse_tree_hash(repo), hashlib.sha1(json.dumps( { "lesson": lesson_slug, "page": page, "solution": solution, "vars": course_vars, "lesson_tree_hash": get_lesson_tree_hash(repo, lesson_slug), }, sort_keys=True ).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() ) def edit_link(path): from naucse.views import model if path == Path("."): return f"{model.meta.slug}" return f"{model.meta.slug}/blob/{model.meta.branch}/{str(path)}" def get_edit_icon(): """Return name of the icon for the "edit this page" link, or None. Icon names should come from Bytesize Icons (see `templates/_bytesize_icons.html`). """ return "github" def get_edit_page_name(): """Return name of the page where editing is possible. The returned value needs to be in Czech in the locative ("6th case"); it will be used to replace X in the sentence: `Uprav tuto stránku na X.` """ return "GitHubu" def get_edit_info(edit_path): return { "icon": get_edit_icon(), "page_name": get_edit_page_name(), "url": edit_link(edit_path) } ```
{ "source": "jprules321/colas", "score": 3 }
#### File: extensions/ipc/ ```python import sys sys.path.insert(0,'..') import os import unittest from utudx import utUDX, run #...................................................................... class ut(utUDX): def setUp(self): utUDX.setUp(self,['ipc.udxt','ipc/ipc.udxt']) #-- def test_verb(self):'ipc_verb') self.assertEqual("ON",,4))'ipc_verb') self.assertEqual("OFF",,4))'ipc_verb OFF') self.assertEqual("OFF",,4))'ipc_verb ON') self.assertEqual("ON",,4)) def test_OpenClose(self):'ipc_verb ON')'ipc_open /tmp/ipc.bin w') self.assertEqual("/tmp/ipc.bin",,4))'ipc_close')'ipc_open /tmp/ipc.bin r') self.assertEqual("/tmp/ipc.bin",,4))'ipc_close')'ipc_verb OFF') def test_save(self):'ipc_verb ON')'ipc_save ts /tmp/ts.bin') self.assertEqual("20+3358+73+46",,2)) self.assertEqual("/tmp/ts.bin",,5))'ipc_open /tmp/ps.bin w') self.assertEqual("/tmp/ps.bin",,4))'ipc_save ps /tmp/ps.bin') self.assertEqual("20+3358+73+46",,2))'ipc_verb OFF') def test_load(self):'ipc_verb ON')'ipc_save ts /tmp/ts.bin')'define tsload = ipc_load("/tmp/ts.bin")')'d ts - tsload') cmin = abs(float(,2))) assert cmin<1e-4, 'large load/save discrepancy: cmin=%f'%cmin cmax = abs(float(,4))) assert cmax<1e-4, 'large load/save discrepancy: cmax=%f'%cmax def test_error(self): try:'ipc_open /tmp/t354f_CXCFCGAW__ r') except: self.assertEqual("'/tmp/t354f_CXCFCGAW__'",,8)) line1 = try:'ipc_error') except: self.assertEqual("'/tmp/t354f_CXCFCGAW__'",,8)) line2 = self.assertEqual(line1,line2) def test_udf_save(self):'ipc_verb ON')'d ipc_save(ts,/tmp/ts.bin)') self.assertEqual("20+3358+73+46",,2))'ipc_verb OFF') #...................................................................... if __name__ == "__main__": run(ut) ``` #### File: extensions/mf/ ```python import os,sys import M2 import TCw2 as TC import const import grads #llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll # # local # def plotPosit(p): tt=p.split() chrhl=tt[0] lathl=tt[1] lonhl=tt[2] valhl=tt[4] grdhl=tt[12] lplhl=tt[14] hlfmt='%3.1f' arg= "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s"%(chrhl,lathl,lonhl,valhl,grdhl,lplhl,hlfmt) argm= "(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"%(chrhl,lathl,lonhl,valhl,grdhl,lplhl,hlfmt) print 'ppp ',chrhl,lathl,lonhl,valhl,grdhl,lplhl print 'aaa ',arg gcmd="p1hilo %s"%(arg) ga(gcmd) rcp1=ga.Lines return(gcmd,rcp1) def plotBt(lat,lon,mw,btszscl=1.0,btcol=1,btcolty=2): cmw="%3.0f"%(mw) arg= "%s %s %s %s %s %s"%(lat,lon,cmw,btszscl,btcol,btcolty) gcmd="drawtcbt %s"%(arg) ga(gcmd) rcp1=ga.Lines return(gcmd,rcp1) def plotFt(p,fttype=1,ftszscl=1.0,ftbcol=3,ftfcol=2): tt=p.split() chrhl=tt[0] lathl=tt[1] lonhl=tt[2] valhl=float(tt[4]) grdhl=float(tt[12]) lplhl=float(tt[14]) cval="%3.0f"%(valhl) arg= "%s %s %s %s %s %s"%(lathl,lonhl,fttype,ftszscl,ftbcol,ftfcol) gcmd="drawtcft %s"%(arg) ga(gcmd) rcp1=ga.Lines return(gcmd,rcp1) def plotXpt(stmid,dtg,model,var,type,ptype,btlat,btlon,btmw,radinf,bearing, doplotvar=0,doclear=0,doqpos=0,docirc=1,dopng=1,tag=None): if(ptype == 'w'): ftbcol=4 ftfcol=2 elif(ptype == 'm'): ftbcol=3 ftfcol=1 else: ftbcol=3 ftfcol=5 if(doclear): ga('c') if(doplotvar): ga("d %s"%(var)) (rc1,gacmd)=plotBt(btlat,btlon,btmw) cmd="mfhilo %s gr %s d 80 %f %f"%(var,type,btlat,btlon) ga(cmd) rc=ga.Lines p1=rc[2] print 'qqqqqqqqqqqqqq ',p1 # (rcp1,gacmd)=plotPosit(p1) (rcp1,gacmd)=plotFt(p1,ftbcol=ftbcol,ftfcol=ftfcol) if(doqpos): ga('q pos') if(doclear and docirc): t1="stmid: %s dtg: %s vmax: %3.0f model: %s var: %s"%(stmid,dtg,btmw,model,var) t2=plotC1tcprop(var,p1,radinf,bearing,docirc) ga('set strsiz 0.06') cmd="draw title %s\%s"%(t1,t2) ga(cmd) if(dopng): if(tag != None): pngfile="/w3/rapb/wxmap2/tmp/mf.%s.%s.%s.%s.png"%(tag,stmid,dtg,var) else: pngfile="/w3/rapb/wxmap2/tmp/mf.%s.%s.%s.png"%(stmid,dtg,var) cmd="gxyat -o %s -r -x 1024 -y 768"%(pngfile) ga(cmd) return(p1) def plotC1tcprop(var,p,radinf,bearing,docirc=1): tt=p.split() chr=tt[0] lat=tt[1] lon=tt[2] val=float(tt[4]) grd=float(tt[12]) lpl=float(tt[14]) cval="%3.0f"%(val) arg="%s %s %s %s"%(lat,lon,radinf,bearing) cmd="tcprop %s %s"%(var,arg) ga(cmd) cards=ga.Lines for card in cards: print 'cccc ',card meancard=cards[3] tt=meancard.split() mean=float(tt[1]) meanh1=float(tt[3]) meanh2=float(tt[5]) t2="m: %3.1f mRH: %3.1f mLH: %3.1f R: %3.0f [nm] B: %3.0f deg"%(mean,meanh1,meanh2,radinf,bearing) print 'tttt222 ',t2 if(docirc): cmd="c1hilo %s %s %s %s"%(lat,lon,radinf,bearing) ga(cmd) return(t2) dowindow=0 dtg='2009050312' dtg='2009050412' model='gfs2' model='fim8' tt=TC.GetStmidsByDtg(dtg) stmids=tt[0] stmid=stmids[0] bts=TC.GetBtLatLonVmax(stmid) bt=bts[dtg] btlat=bt[0] btlon=bt[1] btmw=bt[2] btdir=bt[4] btspd=bt[5] print 'qqqqqqqqqqq ',btdir,btspd radinf=200.0 bearing=btdir dlat=4 dlon=dlat*(4.0/3.0) blat=btlat-dlat elat=blat+2*dlat blon=btlon-dlon elon=blon+2*dlon ga=grads.GaNum(Bin='../../bin/grads',Window=dowindow) ga('load udxt libmf.udxt') ga('load udxt ../re/re.udxt') ga('load udxt ../fish/fish.udxt') ga('load udxt ../gxyat/gxyat.udxt') ga('set mpdset hires') ga('set map 15 0 8') g1=M2.Model2(model).DataPath(dtg) dpgfs=g1.dpaths[0] print 'qqqq ',dpgfs ga('set lev 850') ga('vt=hcurl(ua,va)*1e5') print 'btlat ',btlat,btlon,btdir #ga('vt=smth2d(vt,2)') ga('set csmooth on') if(btlat < 0): ga('vt=-vt') ga('psi=fish(vt*1e-5))*1e-6') ga('psl=((psl*0.01)-1000.0)') dorest=0 if(dorest): ga('tup=zg(lev=200)-zg(lev=500)') ga('tup=smth2d(tup,10,0.5)') ga('z8=zg(lev=850)') ga('z7=zg(lev=700)') ga('was=mag(uas,vas)*%f'%(const.ms2knots)) ga('set lat %f %f'%(blat,elat)) ga('set lon %f %f'%(blon,elon)) ga('tcprop psl %f %f 200 0'%(btlat,btlon)) sys.exit() var='psl' p1=plotXpt(stmid,dtg,model,var,'l','m',btlat,btlon,btmw,radinf,bearing,doclear=1,doplotvar=1,docirc=1,dopng=0) var='vt' p1=plotXpt(stmid,dtg,model,var,'h','w',btlat,btlon,btmw,radinf,bearing,doclear=0,doplotvar=0,docirc=0,dopng=0) var='psi' p1=plotXpt(stmid,dtg,model,var,'l','w',btlat,btlon,btmw,radinf,bearing,doclear=0,doplotvar=0,docirc=0,dopng=0) var='z8' p1=plotXpt(stmid,dtg,model,var,'l','m',btlat,btlon,btmw,radinf,bearing,doclear=0,doplotvar=0,docirc=0,dopng=0) var='z7' p1=plotXpt(stmid,dtg,model,var,'l','m',btlat,btlon,btmw,radinf,bearing,doclear=0,doplotvar=0,docirc=0,dopng=0) var='was' p1=plotXpt(stmid,dtg,model,var,'l','w',btlat,btlon,btmw,radinf,bearing,doclear=0,doplotvar=0,docirc=0,dopng=1,tag='circs') var='psl' p1=plotXpt(stmid,dtg,model,var,'l','m',btlat,btlon,btmw,radinf,bearing,doclear=1,doplotvar=1,docirc=1) var='vt' p1=plotXpt(stmid,dtg,model,var,'h','w',btlat,btlon,btmw,radinf,bearing,doclear=1,doplotvar=1,docirc=1) var='psi' p1=plotXpt(stmid,dtg,model,var,'l','w',btlat,btlon,btmw,radinf,bearing,doclear=1,doplotvar=1,docirc=1) var='z8' p1=plotXpt(stmid,dtg,model,var,'l','m',btlat,btlon,btmw,radinf,bearing,doclear=1,doplotvar=1,docirc=1) var='z7' p1=plotXpt(stmid,dtg,model,var,'l','m',btlat,btlon,btmw,radinf,bearing,doclear=1,doplotvar=1,docirc=1) var='was' p1=plotXpt(stmid,dtg,model,var,'l','w',btlat,btlon,btmw,radinf,bearing,doclear=1,doplotvar=1,docirc=1) var='tup' p1=plotXpt(stmid,dtg,model,var,'h','m',btlat,btlon,btmw,radinf,bearing,doclear=1,doplotvar=1,docirc=1) sys.exit() sys.exit() rc=plotXpt('psi','l','w',btlat,btlon,btmw,doclear=0) rc=plotXpt('psl','l','m',btlat,btlon,btmw,doclear=0) rc=plotXpt('was','l','w',btlat,btlon,btmw) rc=plotXpt('tup','h','m',btlat,btlon,btmw) rc=plotXpt('z8','l','m',btlat,btlon,btmw) rc=plotXpt('z7','l','m',btlat,btlon,btmw) #ga('mfhilo vt gr h d 80 %f %f'%(btlat,btlon)) #rcvt=ga.Lines #ga('mfhilo psl gr l d 80 %f %f'%(btlat,btlon)) #rcpsl=ga.Lines #print rcvty ``` #### File: extensions/mf/ ```python import sys sys.path.insert(0,'..') import os import unittest from utudx import utUDX, run #...................................................................... class ut(utUDX): verb=0 def setUp(self): utUDX.setUp(self,['libmf.udxt','mf/libmf.udxt']) def test_mfhilo_gr(self,verb=verb):"""set lat 20 90 set lon 60 240 set lev 200 zga=zg-ave(zg,lon=0,lon=360) mfhilo zga gr b d 100 33.67 222.50""") if(verb): self._PrintResult() self.assertEqual(2,int(,5))) self.assertEqual(33,int(float(,2)))) self.assertEqual(42,int(float(,2)))) def test_mfhilo_cl(self,verb=verb):"""set lat 20 90 set lon 60 240 set lev 200 zga=zg-ave(zg,lon=0,lon=360) mfhilo zga cl b 300 10000 33.67 222.50""") if(verb): self._PrintResult() self.assertEqual(9,int(,5))) self.assertEqual(33,int(float(,2)))) def test_tcprop(self,verb=verb):"""set lat 20 90 set lon 60 240 set lev 200 zga=zg-ave(zg,lon=0,lon=360) tcprop zga 33.67 222.50 300""") if(verb): self._PrintResult() radmean=float(,2)) self.assertEqual(227,int(radmean)) def test_re2(self,verb=verb):"set lev 200")"d re2(ua,1.0)") if(verb): self._PrintResult() self.assertEqual(360,int(,6))) def test_smth2d(self,verb=verb):"set lev 200") self._CheckCint('smth2d(ua,10,0.5)',-5,50,5) def test_esmrf(self): self._CheckCint('esmrf(ta)',5,40,5) def test_linreg(self,verb=verb):"""set lat 0 set lev 200 d linreg(zg*1e-5)""") if(verb): self._PrintResult() self.assertEqual("0.1244",,4)) # not tested yet........................... #def test_grhist(self): # sys.stdout.write("skipped ... ") # pass #def test_uv2trw(self): # sys.stdout.write("skipped ... ") # pass #def test_mfhilo_tm(self,verb=0): # sys.stdout.write("skipped ... ") # pass #-- # Useful Internal Methods for Writing Tests def _PrintResult(self): for i in range(0, print 'card ',i,card def _CheckCint(self,name,cmin,cmax,cint): """ Check contour intervals during display. """'clear')'display %s'%name) self.assertEqual(cmin,int(,2))) self.assertEqual(cmax,int(,4))) self.assertEqual(cint,int(,6))) def _CompareFiles(self,fh1,fh2): vars1 = fh1.vars[:] vars2 = fh2.vars[:] self.assertEqual(vars1.sort(),vars2.sort()) self.assertEqual(fh1.nt,fh2.nt) for i in range(len(fh1.vars)): var = fh1.vars[i] nz = fh1.var_levs[i] if nz==0: nz=1 if var=='hus': nz=5 nt = fh1.nt for t in range(1,nt+1): for z in range(1,nz+1):'clear')'display %s.%d(z=%d,t=%d) - %s.%d(z=%d,t=%d)'\ %(var,fh1.fid,z,t,var,fh2.fid,z,t)) # print ">>> t=%d, z=%d, %s --- %s "%(t,z,var, self.assertEqual(, \ 'Constant field. Value = 0') #...................................................................... if __name__ == "__main__": run(ut) ``` #### File: wgrib2-v0.1.9.4/extensions/ ```python import os import sys import unittest #...................................................................... sys.path.insert(0,'../pytests/lib') from grads import GrADS import ams import bjt import fish import gsf import gxyat import hello import ipc import lats import mf import orb import shape import shfilt # Special case to avoid conflict with bult in "re" (regular expression) sys.path.insert(0,'re') import utre as re #...................................................................... def run_all_tests(verb=2,BinDir=None,DataDir=None): """ Runs all tests based on the standard *model* testing file. """ print "" print " Testing OpenGrADS Extensions" print " ----------------------------" print "" # Assemble and run the test suite # ------------------------------- load = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase TestSuite = [ load(ams.ut), load(bjt.ut), load(fish.ut), load(gsf.ut), load(gxyat.ut), load(hello.ut), load(ipc.ut), load(lats.ut), load(mf.ut), load(orb.ut), load(re.ut), load(shape.ut), load(shfilt.ut), ] all = unittest.TestSuite(TestSuite) Results = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=verb).run(all) # Return number of errors+failures: skipped binaries do not count # --------------------------------------------------------------- if not Results.wasSuccessful(): raise IOError, 'GrADS tests failed' else: print "Passed ALL unit tests" #---------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": run_all_tests() ```
{ "source": "jprusik/dreamhost-flask-project-template", "score": 3 }
#### File: dreamhost-flask-project-template/app/ ```python from flask import Flask, url_for, redirect, request, Markup, render_template, session, flash import json, datetime import config app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object('config') # DISABLE DEBUG FOR PRODUCTION! app.debug = False def clear_session(): session['last_action'] = None # using session.clear() nulls everything, including the session itself, so you have to check for session AND session['key'] or pop(None) individual session keys # session.clear() # Check credentials, modify session, etc. @app.before_request def before_request(): if 'session_start' not in session: session['session_start'] = session['last_action'] = @app.route('/index') @app.route('/') def index(): return render_template('home.html') @app.route('/search', methods=['GET']) def search(): searchword = request.args.get('query', '') if searchword == '': flash('No query value was provided.') return render_template('search.html', query_return=searchword) @app.route('/logout') def logout(): clear_session() return redirect(url_for('index')) @app.errorhandler(404) def not_found(error): return render_template('error.html', error_info='404: Page not found') @app.errorhandler(413) def not_found(error): return render_template('error.html', error_info='413: Upload size exceeded') @app.errorhandler(500) def internal_server_error(error): # This may pass system errors you do not wish users to see return render_template('error.html', error_info=error.args) # What version of python is active? # import sys # @app.route('/pyversion') # def pyversion(): # return sys.version if __name__ == '__main__': ```
{ "source": "JPry/digital_picture_frame", "score": 3 }
#### File: JPry/digital_picture_frame/ ```python import RPi.GPIO as io import time import os SHUTDOWN_PIN = 23 HOLD_SECONDS = 3 def shutdown(): os.system("sudo shutdown -h now") def main(): io.setmode(io.BCM) io.setup(SHUTDOWN_PIN, io.IN, pull_up_down=io.PUD_UP) # io.add_event_detect(SHUTDOWN_PIN, io.FALLING, callback=shutdown, bouncetime = 200) # Wait for the button to be pressed while True: button_state = io.input(SHUTDOWN_PIN) if button_state == False: # Require the button to be pressed for HOLD_SECONDS time.sleep(HOLD_SECONDS) new_state = io.input(SHUTDOWN_PIN) if new_state == False: shutdown() time.sleep(0.5) if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: io.cleanup() ```
{ "source": "jpsachse/megajules3000", "score": 3 }
#### File: megajules3000/server/ ```python import json, random, os from flask import Flask, url_for from flask.ext.cors import CORS from map_manager import MapManager app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app) print "Cleaning up temporary files..." for filename in os.listdir("static"): if filename.endswith(".png"): os.remove("static/" + filename) map_manager = MapManager(map_directory="maps/", initial_map="Alabastia_Lab") @app.route('/current_map') def get_map(): map = map_manager.current_map response = dict() if map.startX >= 0: response['startX'] = map.startX if map.startY >= 0: response['startY'] = map.startY cache_buster = + str(random.randint(0, 1000000000)) response["name"] = cache_buster map.as_image("static/" + cache_buster + ".png") response["objects"] = url_for('static', filename=cache_buster + '.png') response["map"] = map.as_collision_map() return json.dumps(response) @app.route('/action/<action_id>') def show_user_profile(action_id): action = map_manager.current_map.actions[int(action_id)] if action.type == "changeMap": map_manager.change_map_by_name(action.content) elif action.type == "showFact" and action.content == "": try: action.content = map_manager.takeFactFromCurrentLevel() except IndexError: action.content = "Nothing interesting (Pool of facts is empty.)" elif action.type == "startMinigame": if action.content["name"] == "guessMe": facts = {} for entity in action.content["entities"]: facts[entity] = [] temp_facts = map_manager.knowledge_fetcher.get_filtered_facts_for(entity) for i in range(10): if len(temp_facts) > 0: pos = random.randint(0, len(temp_facts) - 1) facts[entity].append(temp_facts.pop(pos)) action.content["solutions"] = [] action.content["facts"] = [] for entity, entity_facts in facts.iteritems(): name = map_manager.knowledge_fetcher.get_label_for(entity) action.content["solutions"].append(name) action.content["facts"].append(entity_facts) return json.dumps(action.__dict__) @app.route('/minigame/<action_id>/<result>') def evaluate_minigame(action_id, result): action = map_manager.current_map.actions[int(action_id)] next_action = map_manager.current_map.actions[action.next_action] print result if int(result) > 0: #TODO: real evaluation if next_action.type == "changeMap": map_manager.change_map_by_name(next_action.content) return json.dumps(next_action.__dict__) else: raise Exception("There shall be a changeMap after a minigame!") else: return json.dumps(next_action.__dict__) if __name__ == '__main__':, debug=True) ``` #### File: megajules3000/server/ ```python import os.path import random from map_generator import MapGenerator from knowledge.fetcher import KnowledgeFetcher class MapManager(): def __init__(self, initial_map, map_directory="maps/"): = map_directory self.current_map = None self.maps = self.retrieve_maps() self.knowledge_fetcher = KnowledgeFetcher() self.knowledgePool = {} if type(initial_map) == int: self.change_map_by_index(initial_map) else: self.change_map_by_name(initial_map) def retrieve_maps(self): if == None or not os.path.exists( raise Exception("Invalid maps directory") result = list() generator = MapGenerator() for map_file in os.listdir( if map_file.endswith(".json"): map_path = + map_file map = generator.generate_map(map_path) = map_file.replace(".json", "") result.append(map) return result def get_map_by_index(self, index): return self.maps[index] def get_map_by_name(self, map_name): for map in self.maps: if == map_name: return map def takeFactFromCurrentLevel(self): if not self.current_map.entity in self.knowledgePool: self.knowledgePool[self.current_map.entity] = self.knowledge_fetcher.get_filtered_facts_for(self.current_map.entity) index = random.randint(0, len(self.knowledgePool[self.current_map.entity])) return self.knowledgePool[self.current_map.entity].pop(index) def change_map_by_index(self, index): self.current_map = self.maps[index] def change_map_by_name(self, name): self.current_map = self.get_map_by_name(name) ``` #### File: server/model/ ```python class Action(): def __init__(self, id=-1, type="", next_action=None, content=""): self.type = type self.next_action = next_action self.content = content = id ```
{ "source": "jpsaenzmo/jupyter-lab-kernelino", "score": 3 }
#### File: jupyter-lab-kernelino/arduino_kernel/ ```python class BoardError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): # pylint: disable=useless-super-delegation super().__init__(msg) class Board: def __init__(self): self.connected = False self.serial = None def connect(self): """(re)connect to board and enter raw repl """ if self.connected: return # pylint : disable=too-many-function-args device = self._find_board() def _find_board(self): """Return the FBQN of the connected Arduino boards""" ``` #### File: jupyter-lab-kernelino/arduino_kernel/ ```python from ipykernel.kernelbase import Kernel import json import os import subprocess import sys import urllib from urllib.request import urlopen from requests.compat import urljoin from notebook.notebookapp import list_running_servers from .board import Board, BoardError SKETCH_FOLDER = ".arduino/sketch" class ArduinoKernel(Kernel): implementation = "Arduino" implementation_version = "1.0" language = "no-op" language_version = "0.1" language_info = { "name": "Any text", "mimetype": "text/plain", "file_extension": ".ino", } banner = "Arduino kernel" def __init__(self, **kwargs): Kernel.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._start_bash() def _start_bash(self): from pexpect import replwrap import signal sig = signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) try: os.makedirs(SKETCH_FOLDER) except FileExistsError: pass def do_execute( self, code, silent, store_history=True, user_expressions=None, allow_stdin=False ): from pexpect import EOF # Empty cell if not code.strip(): return { "status": "OK", "execution_count": self.execution_count, "payload": [], "user_expressions": {}, } # Non-empty cell interrupted = False try: try: os.makedirs(SKETCH_FOLDER) except FileExistsError: pass if code == "arduino-cli board list": try: sp = subprocess.check_output( "arduino-cli board list", stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=False ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise RuntimeError( "command '{}' return with error (code {}): {}".format( e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output ) ) output = sp.decode(sys.stdout.encoding) elif code.startswith("arduino-cli lib install"): try: sp = subprocess.check_output( code, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: errorTxt = "Command '{}' return with error (code {}): {}".format( e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output ) stream_content = {"name": "stdout", "text": errorTxt} self.send_response(self.iopub_socket, "stream", stream_content) return {"status": "abort", "execution_count": self.execution_count} output = sp.decode(sys.stdout.encoding) else: oper = code.split("\n")[0] command = "" codes = "" if oper.split("%")[0] == "port": port = oper.split("%")[1] fqbn = code.split("\n")[1] fqbn = fqbn.split("%")[1] codes = code.split("\n", 2)[2] command = ( "arduino-cli upload -p " + port + " --fqbn " + fqbn + " " + SKETCH_FOLDER ) elif oper.split("%")[0] == "board": fqbn = code.split("\n")[0] fqbn = fqbn.split("%")[1] codes = code.split("\n", 1)[1] command = "arduino-cli compile -b " + fqbn + " " + SKETCH_FOLDER f = open(SKETCH_FOLDER + "/sketch.ino", "w+") f.write(codes.rstrip()) f.close() try: sp = subprocess.check_output( command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: errorTxt = "Command '{}' return with error (code {}): {}".format( e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output ) stream_content = {"name": "stdout", "text": errorTxt} self.send_response(self.iopub_socket, "stream", stream_content) return {"status": "abort", "execution_count": self.execution_count} output = sp.decode(sys.stdout.encoding) except KeyboardInterrupt: interrupted = True clean_sketches() # Restarting Bash except EOF: output = self.bash_wrapper.child.before + "Restarting Bash" # If expecting output if not silent: stream_content = {"name": "stdout", "text": output} self.send_response(self.iopub_socket, "stream", stream_content) # If interrupted if interrupted: clean_sketches() return {"status": "abort", "execution_count": self.execution_count} # If everything is OK else: return { "status": "ok", "execution_count": self.execution_count, "payload": [], "user_expressions": {}, } def clean_sketches(): if os.path.isfile("./" + SKETCH_FOLDER + "/sketch.ino"): filelist = os.listdir("./" + SKETCH_FOLDER) for f in filelist: os.remove(os.path.join(mydir, f)) ```
{ "source": "jpsahoo14/graphql-engine", "score": 3 }
#### File: server/tests-py/ ```python import pytest from super_classes import DefaultTestSelectQueries from validate import check_query_f, collapse_order_not_selset from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedMap class TestTests1(DefaultTestSelectQueries): """ Test various things about our test framework code. Validate that tests work as we expect. """ # NOTE: We don't care about this for now, but should adapt this to test # that xfail detection in code that handles `--accept` works correctly. @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="expected") def test_tests_xfail(self, request): try: marker = request.node.get_closest_marker("xfail") print(marker) if != 'xfail': print("FAIL!") return True # Force a test failure when xfail strict except: print("FAIL!") return True # Force a test failure when xfail strict assert 0, "Expected failure is expected" # Adapted arbitrarily from # `TestGraphQLQueryBasic.test_select_query_author_pk()` using original yaml # test case file that we later fixed. @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="expected, validating test code") def test_tests_detect_bad_ordering(self, hge_ctx): """We can detect bad ordering of selection set""" check_query_f(hge_ctx, 'test_tests/select_query_author_by_pkey_bad_ordering.yaml', 'http') # # E AssertionError: # E expected: # E data: # E author_by_pk: # E name: Author 1 # E id: 1 # E diff: (results differ only in their order of keys) # E response: # E data: # E author_by_pk: # E id: 1 # E name: Author 1 # Re-use setup and teardown from where we adapted this test case: @classmethod def dir(cls): return 'queries/graphql_query/basic' class TestTests2(DefaultTestSelectQueries): """ Test various things about our test framework code. Validate that tests work as we expect. """ # Test another bad ordering scenario, while we're here: @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="expected, validating test code") def test_tests_detect_bad_ordering(self, hge_ctx): """We can detect bad ordering of selection set""" check_query_f(hge_ctx, 'test_tests/user_can_query_jsonb_values_filter_bad_order.yaml', 'http') # # E AssertionError: # E expected: # E data: # E jsonb_table: # E - jsonb_col: # E name: Hasura # E age: 7 # E id: 1 # E response: # E data: # E jsonb_table: # E - id: 1 # E jsonb_col: # E age: 7 # E name: Hasura # E diff: (results differ only in their order of keys) # Unit test for good measure, to validate above and check our assumptions # wrt comparisons of trees of ordered and unordered dicts and arrays: def test_tests_dict_ordering_assumptions_and_helpers(self): # fragment of yaml test file: example_query = {"query": """ query { thing1 jsonb_table{ id jsonb_col } thing2 } """ } # We want to collapse any ordering we don't care about here # (CommentedMap is ruamel.yaml's OrderedMap that also preserves # format): fully_ordered_result = \ CommentedMap([('data', CommentedMap([ ('thing1', "thing1"), ('jsonb_table', [ CommentedMap([ ('id', 1), ('jsonb_col', CommentedMap([('age', 7), ('name', 'Hasura')]))]), CommentedMap([ ('id', 2), ('jsonb_col', CommentedMap([('age', 8), ('name', 'Rawkz')]))]), ]), ('thing2', CommentedMap([("a",1), ("b",2), ("c",3)])), ]))]) relevant_ordered_result = collapse_order_not_selset(fully_ordered_result, example_query) # We expect to have discarded ordering of leaves not in selset: relevant_ordered_result_expected = \ dict([('data', CommentedMap([ ('thing1', "thing1"), ('jsonb_table', [ CommentedMap([ ('id', 1), ('jsonb_col', dict([('age', 7), ('name', 'Hasura')]))]), CommentedMap([ ('id', 2), ('jsonb_col', dict([('age', 8), ('name', 'Rawkz')]))]), ]), ('thing2', dict([("a",1), ("b",2), ("c",3)])), ]))]) # NOTE: use str() to actually do a stong equality comparison, comparing # types. Only works because str() on dict seems to have a canonical # ordering. assert str(relevant_ordered_result) == str(relevant_ordered_result_expected) # Demonstrate equality on different mixes of trees of ordered and unordered dicts: assert CommentedMap([("a", "a"), ("b", "b")]) == dict([("b", "b"), ("a", "a")]) assert CommentedMap([("a", "a"), ("b", "b")]) != CommentedMap([("b", "b"), ("a", "a")]) assert dict([ ("x", CommentedMap([("a", "a"), ("b", CommentedMap([("b1", "b1"), ("b2", "b2")]))])), ("y","y"),]) == \ CommentedMap([("y","y"), ("x", dict([("a", "a"), ("b", CommentedMap([("b1", "b1"), ("b2", "b2")]))])), ]) def test_tests_ordering_differences_correctly_ignored(self, hge_ctx): """ We don't care about ordering of stuff outside the selection set e.g. JSON fields. """ check_query_f(hge_ctx, 'test_tests/user_can_query_jsonb_values_filter_okay_orders.yaml', 'http') # Re-use setup and teardown from where we adapted this test case: @classmethod def dir(cls): return 'queries/graphql_query/permissions' ```
{ "source": "jpsalado92/airflow", "score": 2 }
#### File: airflow/decorators/ ```python from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from airflow.decorators.python import PythonDecoratorMixin, python_task # noqa from airflow.decorators.python_virtualenv import PythonVirtualenvDecoratorMixin from airflow.decorators.task_group import task_group # noqa from airflow.models.dag import dag # noqa from airflow.providers_manager import ProvidersManager class _TaskDecorator(PythonDecoratorMixin, PythonVirtualenvDecoratorMixin): def __getattr__(self, name): if name.startswith("__"): raise AttributeError(f'{type(self).__name__} has no attribute {name!r}') decorators = ProvidersManager().taskflow_decorators if name not in decorators: raise AttributeError(f"task decorator {name!r} not found") return decorators[name] # [START mixin_for_autocomplete] if TYPE_CHECKING: try: from airflow.providers.docker.decorators.docker import DockerDecoratorMixin class _DockerTask(_TaskDecorator, DockerDecoratorMixin): pass _TaskDecorator = _DockerTask # type: ignore[misc] except ImportError: pass # [END mixin_for_autocomplete] task = _TaskDecorator() ``` #### File: airflow_breeze/ci/ ```python from pathlib import Path from typing import List from airflow_breeze.breeze import get_airflow_sources_root from airflow_breeze.cache import check_cache_and_write_if_not_cached from import BuildParams from airflow_breeze.console import console from airflow_breeze.utils import filter_out_none, run_command PARAMS_CI_IMAGE = [ "python_base_image", "airflow_version", "airflow_branch", "airflow_extras", "airflow_pre_cached_pip_packages", "additional_airflow_extras", "additional_python_deps", "additional_dev_apt_command", "additional_dev_apt_deps", "additional_dev_apt_env", "additional_runtime_apt_command", "additional_runtime_apt_deps", "additional_runtime_apt_env", "upgrade_to_newer_dependencies", "constraints_github_repository", "airflow_constraints_reference", "airflow_constraints", "airflow_image_repository", "airflow_image_date_created", "build_id", "commit_sha", ] PARAMS_TO_VERIFY_CI_IMAGE = [ "dev_apt_command", "dev_apt_deps", "runtime_apt_command", "runtime_apt_deps", ] def construct_arguments_docker_command(ci_image: BuildParams) -> List[str]: args_command = [] for param in PARAMS_CI_IMAGE: args_command.append("--build-arg") args_command.append(param.upper() + "=" + str(getattr(ci_image, param))) for verify_param in PARAMS_TO_VERIFY_CI_IMAGE: param_value = str(getattr(ci_image, verify_param)) if len(param_value) > 0: args_command.append("--build-arg") args_command.append(verify_param.upper() + "=" + param_value) docker_cache = ci_image.docker_cache_ci_directive if len(docker_cache) > 0: args_command.extend(ci_image.docker_cache_ci_directive) return args_command def construct_docker_command(ci_image: BuildParams) -> List[str]: arguments = construct_arguments_docker_command(ci_image) final_command = [] final_command.extend(["docker", "build"]) final_command.extend(arguments) final_command.extend(["-t", ci_image.airflow_ci_image_name, "--target", "main", "."]) final_command.extend(["-f", str(Path(get_airflow_sources_root(), '').resolve())]) return final_command def build_image(verbose, **kwargs): ci_image_params = BuildParams(filter_out_none(**kwargs)) is_cached, value = check_cache_and_write_if_not_cached( "PYTHON_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION", ci_image_params.python_version ) if is_cached: ci_image_params.python_version = value cmd = construct_docker_command(ci_image_params) output = run_command(cmd, verbose=verbose, text=True) console.print(f"[blue]{output}") ``` #### File: aws/utils/ ```python import datetime import re from copy import deepcopy from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Pattern, Tuple, Type, Union from import EksHook from ..utils.eks_test_constants import ( STATUS, ClusterAttributes, ClusterInputs, FargateProfileAttributes, FargateProfileInputs, NodegroupAttributes, NodegroupInputs, ResponseAttributes, ) InputTypes = Union[Type[ClusterInputs], Type[NodegroupInputs], Type[FargateProfileInputs]] def attributes_to_test( inputs: InputTypes, cluster_name: str, fargate_profile_name: Optional[str] = None, nodegroup_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> List[Tuple]: """ Assembles the list of tuples which will be used to validate test results. The format of the tuple is (attribute name, expected value) :param inputs: A class containing lists of tuples to use for verifying the output of cluster or nodegroup creation tests. :type inputs: InputTypes :param cluster_name: The name of the cluster under test. :type cluster_name: str :param fargate_profile_name: The name of the Fargate profile under test if applicable. :type fargate_profile_name: str :param nodegroup_name: The name of the nodegroup under test if applicable. :type nodegroup_name: str :return: Returns a list of tuples containing the keys and values to be validated in testing. :rtype: List[Tuple] """ result: List[Tuple] = deepcopy(inputs.REQUIRED + inputs.OPTIONAL + [STATUS]) # type: ignore if inputs == ClusterInputs: result += [(ClusterAttributes.NAME, cluster_name)] elif inputs == FargateProfileInputs: result += [(FargateProfileAttributes.FARGATE_PROFILE_NAME, fargate_profile_name)] elif inputs == NodegroupInputs: # The below tag is mandatory and must have a value of either 'owned' or 'shared' # A value of 'owned' denotes that the subnets are exclusive to the nodegroup. # The 'shared' value allows more than one resource to use the subnet. required_tag: Dict = {'' + cluster_name: 'owned'} # Find the user-submitted tag set and append the required tag to it. final_tag_set: Dict = required_tag for key, value in result: if key == "tags": final_tag_set = {**value, **final_tag_set} # Inject it back into the list. result = [ (key, value) if (key != NodegroupAttributes.TAGS) else (NodegroupAttributes.TAGS, final_tag_set) for key, value in result ] result += [(NodegroupAttributes.NODEGROUP_NAME, nodegroup_name)] return result def generate_clusters(eks_hook: EksHook, num_clusters: int, minimal: bool) -> List[str]: """ Generates a number of EKS Clusters with data and adds them to the mocked backend. :param eks_hook: An EksHook object used to call the EKS API. :type eks_hook: EksHook :param num_clusters: Number of clusters to generate. :type num_clusters: int :param minimal: If True, only the required values are generated; if False all values are generated. :type minimal: bool :return: Returns a list of the names of the generated clusters. :rtype: List[str] """ # Generates N clusters named cluster0, cluster1, .., clusterN return [ eks_hook.create_cluster(name="cluster" + str(count), **_input_builder(ClusterInputs, minimal))[ ResponseAttributes.CLUSTER ][ClusterAttributes.NAME] for count in range(num_clusters) ] def generate_fargate_profiles( eks_hook: EksHook, cluster_name: str, num_profiles: int, minimal: bool ) -> List[str]: """ Generates a number of EKS Fargate profiles with data and adds them to the mocked backend. :param eks_hook: An EksHook object used to call the EKS API. :type eks_hook: EksHook :param cluster_name: The name of the EKS Cluster to attach the nodegroups to. :type cluster_name: str :param num_profiles: Number of Fargate profiles to generate. :type num_profiles: int :param minimal: If True, only the required values are generated; if False all values are generated. :type minimal: bool :return: Returns a list of the names of the generated nodegroups. :rtype: List[str] """ # Generates N Fargate profiles named profile0, profile1, .., profileN return [ eks_hook.create_fargate_profile( fargateProfileName="profile" + str(count), clusterName=cluster_name, **_input_builder(FargateProfileInputs, minimal), )[ResponseAttributes.FARGATE_PROFILE][FargateProfileAttributes.FARGATE_PROFILE_NAME] for count in range(num_profiles) ] def generate_nodegroups( eks_hook: EksHook, cluster_name: str, num_nodegroups: int, minimal: bool ) -> List[str]: """ Generates a number of EKS Managed Nodegroups with data and adds them to the mocked backend. :param eks_hook: An EksHook object used to call the EKS API. :type eks_hook: EksHook :param cluster_name: The name of the EKS Cluster to attach the nodegroups to. :type cluster_name: str :param num_nodegroups: Number of clusters to generate. :type num_nodegroups: int :param minimal: If True, only the required values are generated; if False all values are generated. :type minimal: bool :return: Returns a list of the names of the generated nodegroups. :rtype: List[str] """ # Generates N nodegroups named nodegroup0, nodegroup1, .., nodegroupN return [ eks_hook.create_nodegroup( nodegroupName="nodegroup" + str(count), clusterName=cluster_name, **_input_builder(NodegroupInputs, minimal), )[ResponseAttributes.NODEGROUP][NodegroupAttributes.NODEGROUP_NAME] for count in range(num_nodegroups) ] def region_matches_partition(region: str, partition: str) -> bool: """ Returns True if the provided region and partition are a valid pair. :param region: AWS region code to test. :type: region: str :param partition: AWS partition code to test. :type partition: str :return: Returns True if the provided region and partition are a valid pair. :rtype: bool """ valid_matches: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [ ("cn-", "aws-cn"), ("us-gov-", "aws-us-gov"), ("us-gov-iso-", "aws-iso"), ("us-gov-iso-b-", "aws-iso-b"), ] for prefix, expected_partition in valid_matches: if region.startswith(prefix): return partition == expected_partition return partition == "aws" def _input_builder(options: InputTypes, minimal: bool) -> Dict: """ Assembles the inputs which will be used to generate test object into a dictionary. :param options: A class containing lists of tuples to use for to create the cluster or nodegroup used in testing. :type options: InputTypes :param minimal: If True, only the required values are generated; if False all values are generated. :type minimal: bool :return: Returns a dict containing the keys and values to be validated in testing. :rtype: Dict """ values: List[Tuple] = deepcopy(options.REQUIRED) # type: ignore if not minimal: values.extend(deepcopy(options.OPTIONAL)) return dict(values) # type: ignore def string_to_regex(value: str) -> Pattern[str]: """ Converts a string template into a regex template for pattern matching. :param value: The template string to convert. :type value: str :returns: Returns a regex pattern :rtype: Pattern[str] """ return re.compile(re.sub(r"[{](.*?)[}]", r"(?P<\1>.+)", value)) def convert_keys(original: Dict) -> Dict: """ API Input and Output keys are formatted differently. The EKS Hooks map as closely as possible to the API calls, which use camelCase variable names, but the Operators match python conventions and use snake_case. This method converts the keys of a dict which are in snake_case (input format) to camelCase (output format) while leaving the dict values unchanged. :param original: Dict which needs the keys converted. :value original: Dict """ if "nodegroup_name" in original.keys(): conversion_map = dict( cluster_name="clusterName", cluster_role_arn="roleArn", nodegroup_subnets="subnets", subnets="subnets", nodegroup_name="nodegroupName", nodegroup_role_arn="nodeRole", ) elif "fargate_profile_name" in original.keys(): conversion_map = dict( cluster_name="clusterName", fargate_profile_name="fargateProfileName", subnets="subnets", # The following are "duplicated" because we used the more verbose/descriptive version # in the CreateCluster Operator when creating a cluster alongside a Fargate profile, but # the more terse version in the CreateFargateProfile Operator for the sake of convenience. pod_execution_role_arn="podExecutionRoleArn", fargate_pod_execution_role_arn="podExecutionRoleArn", selectors="selectors", fargate_selectors="selectors", ) else: conversion_map = dict( cluster_name="name", cluster_role_arn="roleArn", resources_vpc_config="resourcesVpcConfig", ) return {conversion_map[k]: v for (k, v) in deepcopy(original).items()} def iso_date(input_datetime: datetime.datetime) -> str: return input_datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") + "Z" def generate_dict(prefix, count) -> Dict: return {f"{prefix}_{_count}": str(_count) for _count in range(count)} ``` #### File: www/views/ ```python import os from collections import Callable from unittest import mock import pytest from airflow.configuration import initialize_config from airflow.plugins_manager import AirflowPlugin, EntryPointSource from airflow.www import views from airflow.www.views import get_key_paths, get_safe_url, get_value_from_path, truncate_task_duration from tests.test_utils.config import conf_vars from tests.test_utils.mock_plugins import mock_plugin_manager from tests.test_utils.www import check_content_in_response, check_content_not_in_response def test_configuration_do_not_expose_config(admin_client): with conf_vars({('webserver', 'expose_config'): 'False'}): resp = admin_client.get('configuration', follow_redirects=True) check_content_in_response( [ 'Airflow Configuration', '# Your Airflow administrator chose not to expose the configuration, ' 'most likely for security reasons.', ], resp, ) @mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"AIRFLOW__CORE__UNIT_TEST_MODE": "False"}) def test_configuration_expose_config(admin_client): # make sure config is initialized (without unit test mote) conf = initialize_config() conf.validate() with conf_vars({('webserver', 'expose_config'): 'True'}): resp = admin_client.get('configuration', follow_redirects=True) check_content_in_response(['Airflow Configuration', 'Running Configuration'], resp) def test_redoc_should_render_template(capture_templates, admin_client): from import get_docs_url with capture_templates() as templates: resp = admin_client.get('redoc') check_content_in_response('Redoc', resp) assert len(templates) == 1 assert templates[0].name == 'airflow/redoc.html' assert templates[0].local_context == { 'openapi_spec_url': '/api/v1/openapi.yaml', 'rest_api_enabled': True, 'get_docs_url': get_docs_url, } def test_plugin_should_list_on_page_with_details(admin_client): resp = admin_client.get('/plugin') check_content_in_response("test_plugin", resp) check_content_in_response("Airflow Plugins", resp) check_content_in_response("source", resp) check_content_in_response("<em>$PLUGINS_FOLDER/</em>", resp) def test_plugin_should_list_entrypoint_on_page_with_details(admin_client): mock_plugin = AirflowPlugin() = "test_plugin" mock_plugin.source = EntryPointSource( mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(version='1.0.0', metadata={'name': 'test-entrypoint-testpluginview'}) ) with mock_plugin_manager(plugins=[mock_plugin]): resp = admin_client.get('/plugin') check_content_in_response("test_plugin", resp) check_content_in_response("Airflow Plugins", resp) check_content_in_response("source", resp) check_content_in_response("<em>test-entrypoint-testpluginview==1.0.0:</em> <Mock id=", resp) def test_plugin_endpoint_should_not_be_unauthenticated(app): resp = app.test_client().get('/plugin', follow_redirects=True) check_content_not_in_response("test_plugin", resp) check_content_in_response("Sign In - Airflow", resp) def test_should_list_providers_on_page_with_details(admin_client): resp = admin_client.get('/provider') beam_href = "<a href=\"" beam_text = "apache-airflow-providers-apache-beam</a>" beam_description = "<a href=\"\">Apache Beam</a>" check_content_in_response(beam_href, resp) check_content_in_response(beam_text, resp) check_content_in_response(beam_description, resp) check_content_in_response("Providers", resp) def test_endpoint_should_not_be_unauthenticated(app): resp = app.test_client().get('/provider', follow_redirects=True) check_content_not_in_response("Providers", resp) check_content_in_response("Sign In - Airflow", resp) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "url, content", [ ( "/taskinstance/list/?_flt_0_execution_date=2018-10-09+22:44:31", "List Task Instance", ), ( "/taskreschedule/list/?_flt_0_execution_date=2018-10-09+22:44:31", "List Task Reschedule", ), ], ids=["instance", "reschedule"], ) def test_task_start_date_filter(admin_client, url, content): resp = admin_client.get(url) # We aren't checking the logic of the date filter itself (that is built # in to FAB) but simply that our UTC conversion was run - i.e. it # doesn't blow up! check_content_in_response(content, resp) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "url, content", [ ( "/taskinstance/list/?_flt_3_dag_id=test_dag", "List Task Instance", ) ], ids=["instance"], ) def test_task_dag_id_equals_filter(admin_client, url, content): resp = admin_client.get(url) # We aren't checking the logic of the dag_id filter itself (that is built # in to FAB) but simply that dag_id filter was run check_content_in_response(content, resp) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_url, expected_url", [ ("", "/home"), ("", "/home"), ("36539'%3balert(1)%2f%2f166", "/home"), ( "http://localhost:8080/trigger?dag_id=test&origin=36539%27%3balert(1)%2f%2f166&abc=2", "/home", ), ( "http://localhost:8080/trigger?dag_id=test_dag&origin=%2Ftree%3Fdag_id%test_dag';alert(33)//", "/home", ), ( "http://localhost:8080/trigger?dag_id=test_dag&origin=%2Ftree%3Fdag_id%3Dtest_dag", "http://localhost:8080/trigger?dag_id=test_dag&origin=%2Ftree%3Fdag_id%3Dtest_dag", ), ], ) @mock.patch("airflow.www.views.url_for") def test_get_safe_url(mock_url_for, app, test_url, expected_url): mock_url_for.return_value = "/home" with app.test_request_context(base_url="http://localhost:8080"): assert get_safe_url(test_url) == expected_url @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_duration, expected_duration", [ (0.12345, 0.123), (0.12355, 0.124), (3.12, 3.12), (9.99999, 10.0), (10.01232, 10), ], ) def test_truncate_task_duration(test_duration, expected_duration): assert truncate_task_duration(test_duration) == expected_duration @pytest.fixture def test_app(): from airflow.www import app return app.create_app(testing=True) def test_mark_task_instance_state(test_app): """ Test that _mark_task_instance_state() does all three things: - Marks the given TaskInstance as SUCCESS; - Clears downstream TaskInstances in FAILED/UPSTREAM_FAILED state; - Set DagRun to QUEUED. """ from airflow.models import DAG, DagBag, TaskInstance from airflow.operators.dummy import DummyOperator from airflow.utils.session import create_session from airflow.utils.state import State from airflow.utils.timezone import datetime from airflow.utils.types import DagRunType from airflow.www.views import Airflow start_date = datetime(2020, 1, 1) with DAG("test_mark_task_instance_state", start_date=start_date) as dag: task_1 = DummyOperator(task_id="task_1") task_2 = DummyOperator(task_id="task_2") task_3 = DummyOperator(task_id="task_3") task_4 = DummyOperator(task_id="task_4") task_5 = DummyOperator(task_id="task_5") task_1 >> [task_2, task_3, task_4, task_5] dagrun = dag.create_dagrun( start_date=start_date, execution_date=start_date, data_interval=(start_date, start_date), state=State.FAILED, run_type=DagRunType.SCHEDULED, ) def get_task_instance(session, task): return ( session.query(TaskInstance) .filter( TaskInstance.dag_id == dag.dag_id, TaskInstance.task_id == task.task_id, TaskInstance.execution_date == start_date, ) .one() ) with create_session() as session: get_task_instance(session, task_1).state = State.FAILED get_task_instance(session, task_2).state = State.SUCCESS get_task_instance(session, task_3).state = State.UPSTREAM_FAILED get_task_instance(session, task_4).state = State.FAILED get_task_instance(session, task_5).state = State.SKIPPED session.commit() test_app.dag_bag = DagBag(dag_folder='/dev/null', include_examples=False) test_app.dag_bag.bag_dag(dag=dag, root_dag=dag) with test_app.test_request_context(): view = Airflow() view._mark_task_instance_state( dag_id=dag.dag_id, task_id=task_1.task_id, origin="", execution_date=start_date.isoformat(), upstream=False, downstream=False, future=False, past=False, state=State.SUCCESS, ) with create_session() as session: # After _mark_task_instance_state, task_1 is marked as SUCCESS assert get_task_instance(session, task_1).state == State.SUCCESS # task_2 remains as SUCCESS assert get_task_instance(session, task_2).state == State.SUCCESS # task_3 and task_4 are cleared because they were in FAILED/UPSTREAM_FAILED state assert get_task_instance(session, task_3).state == State.NONE assert get_task_instance(session, task_4).state == State.NONE # task_5 remains as SKIPPED assert get_task_instance(session, task_5).state == State.SKIPPED dagrun.refresh_from_db(session=session) # dagrun should be set to QUEUED assert dagrun.get_state() == State.QUEUED TEST_CONTENT_DICT = {"key1": {"key2": "val2", "key3": "val3", "key4": {"key5": "val5"}}} @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_content_dict, expected_paths", [(TEST_CONTENT_DICT, ("key1.key2", "key1.key3", "key1.key4.key5"))] ) def test_generate_key_paths(test_content_dict, expected_paths): for key_path in get_key_paths(test_content_dict): assert key_path in expected_paths @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_content_dict, test_key_path, expected_value", [ (TEST_CONTENT_DICT, "key1.key2", "val2"), (TEST_CONTENT_DICT, "key1.key3", "val3"), (TEST_CONTENT_DICT, "key1.key4.key5", "val5"), ], ) def test_get_value_from_path(test_content_dict, test_key_path, expected_value): assert expected_value == get_value_from_path(test_key_path, test_content_dict) def assert_decorator_used(cls: type, fn_name: str, decorator: Callable): fn = getattr(cls, fn_name) code = decorator(None).__code__ while fn is not None: if fn.__code__ is code: return if not hasattr(fn, '__wrapped__'): break fn = getattr(fn, '__wrapped__') assert False, f'{cls.__name__}.{fn_name} was not decorated with @{decorator.__name__}' @pytest.mark.parametrize( "cls", [ views.TaskInstanceModelView, views.DagRunModelView, ], ) def test_dag_edit_privileged_requires_view_has_action_decorators(cls: type): action_funcs = {func for func in dir(cls) if callable(getattr(cls, func)) and func.startswith("action_")} # We remove action_post as this is a standard SQLAlchemy function no enable other action functions. action_funcs = action_funcs - {"action_post"} for action_function in action_funcs: assert_decorator_used(cls, action_function, views.action_has_dag_edit_access) ```
{ "source": "jpsalamarcara/every_angle_rec_test", "score": 2 }
#### File: datasources/mongo_item_datasource/ ```python from typing import List from .mongo.model import StoredItem from media_library.core.datasources.item_datasource import ItemDataSource from media_library.core.domain.item import Item class MongoItemDataSource(ItemDataSource): def __init__(self): = StoredItem def save(self, item: Item): row = if item.uid is not None else None if row is None: row =, media_type=item.media_type, location=item.location ) else: row.update(**{'name':, 'media_type': item.media_type, 'location': item.location}) def __parse__(self, item: StoredItem) -> Item: return Item(uid=item.uid,, media_type=item.media_type, location=item.location) def get(self, name: str = None, media_type: str = None, location: str = None) -> List[Item]: query = {} if name: query['name'] = name if media_type: query['media_type'] = media_type if location: query['location'] = location return [self.__parse__(row) for row in**query).all()] def delete(self, uid): row = if uid is not None else None if row: row.delete() ``` #### File: core/domain/ ```python _AVAILABLE_MEDIA_TYPES = ('game', 'music', 'movie') class Item: def __init__(self, uid=None, name: str = None, media_type: str = None, location: str=None): assert name is not None, 'name must have a value' assert media_type in _AVAILABLE_MEDIA_TYPES, 'media_type not yet supported!' assert location is not None, 'location must have a value' self.uid = uid = name self.media_type = media_type self.location = location ```
{ "source": "jpsampaio/ExEcommIT", "score": 3 }
#### File: jpsampaio/ExEcommIT/ ```python def notas(* notas, sit = True): adSituacao = dict() total = len(notas) adSituacao['Total'] = total maior = max(notas) adSituacao['Maior'] = maior menor = min(notas) adSituacao['Menor'] = menor soma = sum(notas) media = soma / len(notas) adSituacao['Média'] = f'{media :.1f}' if sit: if media >= 7: adSituacao['Situação'] = 'Aprovado' elif media >= 5: adSituacao['Situação'] = 'Razoável' else: adSituacao['Situação'] = 'Reprovado' return adSituacao resposta = notas(5.6, 10, 8.7, 3.3, sit = True) print(resposta) ``` #### File: jpsampaio/ExEcommIT/ ```python def leiaint(txt): n = (input(f"{txt} \n")) while True: try: int(n) break except ValueError: print("Errou") n = input(f"{txt} \n") return n a = leiaint('Digite um numero') print(a) ``` #### File: jpsampaio/ExEcommIT/ ```python def tit(msg, c): n = len(msg) if c == 3: i = "\033[7:36m" if c == 1: i = "\033[7:31m" if c == 2: i = "\033[7:32m" if c == 0: i = "\033[7:30m" f = "\033[m" print(f'{i}=' * (n + 4)) print(f'{i} {msg} ') print(f'{i}=' * (n + 4)) print(f) def biblio(): while True: tit('SISTEMA DE AJUDA PyHELP', 2) func = str(input('Função ou Biblioteca >> ')) tit(f'Acessando o manual de "{func}"', 3) if func.upper() in 'FIM': tit('ATÉ LOGO!', 1) break print(f"\033[7:30m"), help(func) print("\033[m") biblio() ``` #### File: jpsampaio/ExEcommIT/ ```python def resume(value=0, rate_increase=0, rate_decrease=0): print('-' * 32) print(f'{"RESUMO DO VALOR":^30}') print('-' * 32) print(f'{"Preço analisado:":<20} {currency(value)}',) print(f'{"Dobro do preço:":<20} {double(value, True)}') print(f'{"Metade do preço:":<20} {half(value, True)}') print(f'{rate_increase}{"% de aumento:":<{20 - findSizeInt(rate_increase)}} {increase(value, rate_increase, True)}') print(f'{rate_decrease}{"% de redução:":<{20 - findSizeInt(rate_decrease)}} {decrease(value, rate_decrease, True)}') print('-' * 32) def findSizeInt(number): from math import floor, log10 number = abs(int(number)) return 1 if number == 0 else floor(log10(number)) + 1 ``` #### File: jpsampaio/ExEcommIT/ ```python def leia_cpf(msg="CPF: ", show=True): from time import sleep vad = False while not vad: erro = False c1 = input(msg).strip().replace('.', '').replace('-', '').replace(',', '') print('Verificando...') sleep(1) for c in range(0, len(c1)): if c1[c].isalpha(): erro = True if len(c1) != 11: erro = True if erro: print(f'CPF inválido!') else: if show: print(f'O CPF \'{c1[:3]}.{c1[3:6]}.{c1[6:9]}-{c1[9:]}\' é válido.') else: print('CPF válido.') vad = True return int(c1) ``` #### File: jpsampaio/ExEcommIT/ ```python from time import sleep def maior(*valores): maior = 0 print('-=' * 30) print('Analisando valores passados..') for c in valores: print(f'{c}', end=" ", flush=True) sleep(1) if c > maior: maior = c print('') print(f'Foram informados {len(valores)} valores ao todo') print(f'O maior valor informado foi {maior}') maior(2, 9 , 4, 5, 7, 1) maior(4, 7, 0) maior(1, 2) maior(6) maior() ```
{ "source": "jpsanr/YouGraph-Public", "score": 2 }
#### File: YouGraph-Public/models/ ```python from spacy.tokens import Doc import numpy from spacy.attrs import LOWER, POS, ENT_TYPE, IS_ALPHA from neo4j import GraphDatabase import pandas as pd import os #import subprocess #import requests #import unidecode import re import csv from acessos import get_conn, read, persistir_banco, persistir_multiplas_linhas import sys import re, numpy as np, pandas as pd from pprint import pprint import spacy # Gensim import gensim from gensim import corpora, models, similarities import gensim, spacy, logging, warnings import gensim.corpora as corpora from gensim.utils import lemmatize, simple_preprocess from gensim.models import CoherenceModel import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from gensim import corpora, models, similarities # NLTK Stop words from nltk.corpus import stopwords from acessos import read, get_conn, persistir_uma_linha, persistir_multiplas_linhas, replace_df from gensim.models.ldamulticore import LdaMulticore import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.colors as mcolors #%matplotlib inline warnings.filterwarnings("ignore",category=DeprecationWarning) logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s', level=logging.ERROR) import os import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore",category=DeprecationWarning) from gensim.test.utils import datapath class Topic_Modeling: def __init__(self, language="pt-br", stop_words_list=[]): self.language = language self.stop_words = self._load_stop_words(stop_words_list) self.nlp = self._load_spacy() self.model_list =[] self.coherence_values = [] self.lista_num_topics = [] self.melhor_modelo = None def _load_spacy(self): '''metodo privado que retorna o modelo do spacy baseado no idioma''' #disable_list = ['parser', 'ner'] disable_list = [] if self.language == "pt-br": nlp = spacy.load('pt_core_news_lg', disable=disable_list) elif self.language == "us-en": nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm", disable=disable_list) return nlp def _load_stop_words(self, stop_words_list=[]): '''metodo privado que retorna as stop words baseado no idioma''' if self.language == "pt-br": stop_words = stopwords.words('portuguese') stop_words.extend(stop_words_list) elif self.language == "us-en": stop_words = stopwords.words('english') #Testar stop_words.extend(['from', 'subject', 're', 'edu', 'use', 'not', 'would', 'say', 'could', '_', 'be', 'know', 'good', 'go', 'get', 'do', 'done', 'try', 'many', 'some', 'nice', 'thank', 'think', 'see', 'rather', 'easy', 'easily', 'lot', 'lack', 'make', 'want', 'seem', 'run', 'need', 'even', 'right', 'line', 'even', 'also', 'may', 'take', 'come']) stop_words.extend(stop_words_list) return stop_words def filtrar_pos_tag(self, texto, allowed_postags=["NOUN", "PROPN", "VERB", "ADJ"]): texto_saida = "" doc = self.nlp(texto) for token in doc: if token.pos_ in allowed_postags: texto_saida += " {}".format(token) return texto_saida def replace_ner_por_label(self, texto): texto_out = texto doc = self.nlp(texto) for ent in reversed(doc.ents): #label = " _" + ent.label_ + "_ " label = ent.label_ comeco = ent.start_char fim = comeco + len(ent.text) texto_out = texto_out [:comeco] + label + texto_out[fim:] return texto_out def processamento_inicial(self, lista_documentos): '''remove emails, quebra de linhas e single quotes''' #Tratando abreviações lista_documentos = [re.sub('neh', 'né', sent) for sent in lista_documentos] lista_documentos = [re.sub('td', 'tudo', sent) for sent in lista_documentos] lista_documentos = [re.sub('tds', 'todos', sent) for sent in lista_documentos] lista_documentos = [re.sub('vc', 'você', sent) for sent in lista_documentos] lista_documentos = [re.sub('vcs', 'vocês', sent) for sent in lista_documentos] lista_documentos = [re.sub('voce', 'você', sent) for sent in lista_documentos] lista_documentos = [re.sub('tbm', 'também', sent) for sent in lista_documentos] # Remove Emails lista_documentos = [re.sub('\S*@\S*\s?', '', sent) for sent in lista_documentos] # Remove new line characters lista_documentos = [re.sub('\s+', ' ', sent) for sent in lista_documentos] # Remove distracting single quotes lista_documentos = [re.sub("\'", "", sent) for sent in lista_documentos] return lista_documentos def sent_to_words(self, sentences): '''tokeniza um unico documento''' for sentence in sentences: yield(gensim.utils.simple_preprocess(str(sentence), deacc=False)) # deacc=True removes punctuations def tokenizar(self, lista_documentos): '''tokeniza uma lista de documentos''' lista_documentos_tokenizado = list(self.sent_to_words(lista_documentos)) return lista_documentos_tokenizado def montar_n_grams(self, lista_documentos_tokenizado): '''monta bi_grams e tri_grams de uma lista de documentos tokenizado utilizar este metodo depois de remover stop words''' bigram = gensim.models.Phrases(lista_documentos_tokenizado, min_count=5, threshold=100) # higher threshold fewer phrases. trigram = gensim.models.Phrases(bigram[lista_documentos_tokenizado], threshold=100) # Faster way to get a sentence clubbed as a trigram/bigram bigram_mod = gensim.models.phrases.Phraser(bigram) trigram_mod = gensim.models.phrases.Phraser(trigram) #retorna lista bigram e trigram self.bigram = [bigram_mod[doc] for doc in lista_documentos_tokenizado] self.trigram = [trigram_mod[bigram_mod[doc]] for doc in lista_documentos_tokenizado] return self.bigram , self.trigram def get_n_grams(self): return self.bigram , self.trigram def lematizar_documentos(self, lista_documentos_tokenizado): """""" documentos_out = [] for sent in lista_documentos_tokenizado: doc = self.nlp(" ".join(sent)) lista_tokens_lematizados = [] for token in doc : lista_tokens_lematizados.append(token.lemma_) documentos_out.append(lista_tokens_lematizados) return documentos_out def remover_stop_words(self, lista_documentos_tokenizado): return [[word for word in simple_preprocess(str(doc)) if word not in self.stop_words] for doc in lista_documentos_tokenizado] def montar_novo_corpus(self, nova_lista_documentos_lematizada, id2word): print(id2word) corpus = [id2word.doc2bow(text) for text in nova_lista_documentos_lematizada] return corpus def pre_processar_texto_ou_lista(self, texto_ou_lista, filtro_ner=True, allowed_postags=["NOUN","PROPN", "VERB", "ADJ"]): if isinstance(texto_ou_lista, str): lista_documentos = [texto_ou_lista] else: lista_documentos = texto_ou_lista lista_documentos = self.processamento_inicial(lista_documentos) if filtro_ner==True: lista_documentos = [self.replace_ner_por_label(texto) for texto in lista_documentos] # if filtro_pos_tag==True: # lista_documentos = [self.filtrar_pos_tag(texto) for texto in lista_documentos] lista_documentos = [self.filtrar_pos_tag(texto, allowed_postags) for texto in lista_documentos] lista_documentos_tokenizado = self.tokenizar(lista_documentos) lista_documentos_tokenizado_stop_words = self.remover_stop_words(lista_documentos_tokenizado) lista_documento_bi_gram, lista_documento_tri_gram = self.montar_n_grams(lista_documentos_tokenizado_stop_words) lista_documento_lematizada = self.lematizar_documentos(lista_documento_tri_gram) #lista_documento_lematizada = lista_documento_bi_gram return lista_documento_lematizada def gerar_modelo_hdp(self, corpus, id2word, texts): model_hdp = models.HdpModel(corpus, id2word=id2word) coherencemodel = CoherenceModel(model=model_hdp, texts=texts, dictionary=id2word, coherence='c_v') self.melhor_modelo = model_hdp return model_hdp, coherencemodel.get_coherence() def gerar_multiplos_modelos(self, id2word, corpus, texts, limit, start=2, step=3): print("Start: {}".format(start)) print("limit: {}".format(limit)) print("Step: {}".format(step)) self.start = start self.limit = limit self.step = step coherence_values = [] model_list = [] for num_topics in range(start, limit, step): print("Gerando novo modelo...") # model = gensim.models.ldamodel.LdaModel(corpus=corpus, # id2word=id2word, # num_topics=num_topics, # random_state=100, # update_every=1, # chunksize=100, # passes=10, # alpha='auto', # per_word_topics=True) lda = LdaMulticore(corpus=corpus, id2word=id2word, random_state=100, num_topics=num_topics, workers=3) model_list.append(model) coherencemodel = CoherenceModel(model=model, texts=texts, dictionary=id2word, coherence='c_v') coherence_values.append(coherencemodel.get_coherence()) self.lista_num_topics.append(num_topics) self.model_list = model_list self.coherence_values = coherence_values return model_list, coherence_values def plotar_coerencia(self): x = range(self.start, self.limit, self.step) plt.plot(x, self.coherence_values) plt.xlabel("Num de Tópicos") plt.ylabel("Coherence score") plt.legend(("coherence_values"), loc='best') for m, cv in zip(x, self.coherence_values): print("Num de Tópicos =", m, " valor coerência: ", round(cv, 4)) def classificar_novo_texto(self, texto, model,id2word): lista_lematizada = self.pre_processar_texto_ou_lista(texto) novo_corpus = self.montar_novo_corpus(lista_lematizada,id2word) doc_bow = novo_corpus[0] topicos = model[doc_bow] #topicos_ordenados = sorted(topicos[0], key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) topicos_ordenados = sorted(topicos, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) melhor_topico = topicos_ordenados[0] #print(topicos_ordenados) return melhor_topico, topicos_ordenados def montar_id2word(self, lista_documento_lematizada): id2word = corpora.Dictionary(lista_documento_lematizada) return id2word def montar_dict_models(self): dict_models = { "modelo": self.model_list, "coerencia":self.coherence_values, "num_topics": self.lista_num_topics } return dict_models def salvar_modelos(self, diretorio, folder_name): dict_models = self.montar_dict_models() df_models = pd.DataFrame(dict_models) folder_name = "{}\\{}".format(diretorio,folder_name) try: os.mkdir(folder_name) except OSError: print ("Erro na criação da pasta") return "erro" df_models['caminho'] = df_models.apply(lambda x: "{}\\#_{}".format(folder_name, str(x['num_topics'])), axis=1) for row in df_models.iterrows(): row[1]['modelo'].save(row[1]['caminho']) df_models.drop(['modelo'], axis=1, inplace=True) dict_models = df_models.to_dict("records") return dict_models def retornar_melhor_modelo(self): dict_models = self.montar_dict_models() df_models = pd.DataFrame(dict_models) self.melhor_modelo = df_models.sort_values(by=['coerencia'], ascending=False).iloc[0]['modelo'] melhor_coerencia = df_models.sort_values(by=['coerencia'], ascending=False).iloc[0]['coerencia'] num_topicos = df_models.sort_values(by=['coerencia'], ascending=False).iloc[0]['num_topics'] return self.melhor_modelo, melhor_coerencia, num_topicos def retornar_top_key_words(self, modelo, num_palavras=30): dict_palavras_topicos = {} for index, topic in modelo.show_topics(num_topics=-1,num_words=num_palavras,formatted=False): dict_words = {} for i, palavra in enumerate(topic,start=1): dict_words["palavra_{}".format(i)] = palavra[0] dict_words["prob_{}".format(i)] = float(palavra[1]) #print("Palavra: {} - Peso: {}".format(palavra[0],palavra[1])) dict_words["topico"] = index dict_palavras_topicos["topico_"+str(index)] = dict_words df_palavras = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_palavras_topicos, orient='index') return df_palavras, dict_palavras_topicos def persistir_objeto_mongo(self, dict_dados): dict_dados['lista_coerencia'] = self.coherence_values dict_dados['palavras_melhor_modelo'] def processar_df_topicos_probabilidade(self, df): '''busca os 4 principais tópicos e salva em colunas''' df['topico_1'] = df.apply(lambda x: x['lista_topicos'][0][0] ,axis=1) df['prob_1'] = df.apply(lambda x: x['lista_topicos'][0][1] ,axis=1) try: df['topico_2'] = df.apply(lambda x: int(x['lista_topicos'][1][0]) if len(x['lista_topicos']) > 1 else None ,axis=1) df['prob_2'] = df.apply(lambda x: float(x['lista_topicos'][1][1]) if len(x['lista_topicos']) > 1 else None ,axis=1) except: df['topico_2'] = None df['prob_2'] = None try: df['topico_3'] = df.apply(lambda x: int(x['lista_topicos'][2][0]) if len(x['lista_topicos']) > 2 else None ,axis=1) df['prob_3'] = df.apply(lambda x: float(x['lista_topicos'][2][1]) if len(x['lista_topicos']) > 2 else None ,axis=1) except: df['topico_3'] = None df['prob_3'] = None try: df['topico_4'] = df.apply(lambda x: int(x['lista_topicos'][3][0]) if len(x['lista_topicos']) > 3 else None ,axis=1) df['prob_4'] = df.apply(lambda x: float(x['lista_topicos'][3][1]) if len(x['lista_topicos']) > 3 else None ,axis=1) except: df['topico_4'] = None df['prob_4'] = None return df ``` #### File: YouGraph-Public/models/ ```python import pandas as pd import os import math class Tuple_Extractor: ''' Script responsável pela extração de tuplas de conhecimento a partir do DptOIE; O DptOIE foi desenvolvido por <NAME> (2020); Como o projeto de Sena e Claro foi desenvolvido na linguagem JAVA, foi necessário fazer um port para Python; - Esta classe é responsável por este port. -> ATENÇÃO: Diversas melhorias podem e devem ser feitas nesta classe; ''' def __init__(self): '''Do nothing''' def extrair_tupla(self, texto): status = -1 print(" -> Salvando texto no input.txt") comando_rotina_java = "java -jar DptOIE.jar -sentencesIN .\\input.txt > log_java.txt -SC true -CC true -appositive 1 -appositive 2" path = os.getcwd() dir_java = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, os.pardir))+ "\\Java" arquivo = dir_java + "\\input.txt" arquivo = open(arquivo, "r+", encoding="utf-8") arquivo.truncate(0) #limpa arquivo arquivo.write(texto) #add texto recebido arquivo.close() print(" -> Extraindo Tuplas...") try: os.chdir(dir_java) #muda diretorio para pasta JAVA os.system(comando_rotina_java) os.chdir(path) # retorna diretorio para a pasta certa print("Pronto :D") status = 1 except Exception as e: print(e) return status def get_ultimas_tuplas_geradas(self): path = os.getcwd() dir_java = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, os.pardir))+ "\\Java" os.chdir(dir_java) #muda diretorio para pasta JAVA df_tuple = pd.read_csv('extractedFactsByDpOIE.csv', sep=";", encoding="ansi") df_tuple = df_tuple.rename(columns={' "SENTENÇA" ': 'sentenca',' "ARG1" ': 'arg1', ' "REL" ': 'rel',' "ARG2" ': 'arg2'}) self.processar_sentence_Nan(df_tuple) #adciona as sentenças corretas quando elas forem Nan df_tuple = df_tuple.drop([' "ID SENTENÇA" ', ' "ID EXTRAÇÃO" ', ' "COERÊNCIA" ', ' "MINIMALIDADE" ', ' "MÓDULO SUJEITO" ', ' "MÓDULO RELAÇÃO" ', ' "MÓDULO ARG2"'], axis=1) df_tuple = df_tuple.loc[:, ~df_tuple.columns.str.contains('^Unnamed')] df_tuple.dropna(inplace=True) os.chdir(path) # retorna diretorio para a pasta certa return df_tuple def processar_sentence_Nan(self, df_tuple): aux_sentenca = '' for key, row in df_tuple.iterrows(): sentenca = row['sentenca'] if isinstance(sentenca, str)== False and math.isnan(sentenca): sentenca = aux_sentenca df_tuple.loc[key, "sentenca"] = sentenca else: aux_sentenca = sentenca ```
{ "source": "jpsantos-mf/ezdxf", "score": 2 }
#### File: examples/addons/ ```python from pathlib import Path from time import perf_counter import math from ezdxf.addons import MengerSponge from ezdxf.addons import r12writer from ezdxf.render.forms import sphere, circle, translate DIR = Path('~/Desktop/Outbox').expanduser() def menger_sponge(filename, level=1, kind=0): t0 = perf_counter() sponge = MengerSponge(level=level, kind=kind).mesh() t1 = perf_counter() print(f'Build menger sponge <{kind}> in {t1 - t0:.5f}s.') with r12writer(filename) as r12: r12.add_polyface(sponge.vertices, sponge.faces, color=1) print(f'saved as "{filename}".') def polymesh(filename, size=(10, 10)): m, n = size # rows, cols dx = math.pi / m * 2 dy = math.pi / n * 2 vertices = [] for x in range(m): # rows second z1 = math.sin(dx * x) for y in range(n): # cols first z2 = math.sin(dy * y) z = z1 * z2 vertices.append((x, y, z)) with r12writer(filename) as r12: r12.add_polymesh(vertices, size=size, color=1) print(f'saved as "{filename}".') def polyface_sphere(filename): mesh = sphere(16, 8, quads=True) with r12writer(filename) as r12: r12.add_polyface(mesh.vertices, mesh.faces, color=1) print(f'saved as "{filename}".') def polylines(filename): with r12writer(filename) as r12: r12.add_polyline_2d(circle(8), color=1, closed=False) r12.add_polyline_2d(translate(circle(8), vec=(3, 0)), color=3, closed=True) r12.add_polyline_2d( [(0, 4), (4, 4, 1), (8, 4, 0, 0.2, 0.000001), (12, 4)], format='xybse', start_width=0.1, end_width=0.1, color=5, ) print(f'saved as "{filename}".') if __name__ == '__main__': menger_sponge(DIR / "menger_sponge_r12.dxf", level=2) polymesh(DIR / "polymesh.dxf", size=(20, 10)) polyface_sphere(DIR / "sphere.dxf") polylines(DIR / "polylines.dxf") ``` #### File: examples/render/ ```python import ezdxf doc ='R2007', setup=True) msp = doc.modelspace() y = 0 for index, name in enumerate(sorted(ezdxf.ARROWS.__all_arrows__)): if name == "": label = '"" = closed filled' else: label = name y = index * 2 def add_connection_point(p): msp.add_circle(p, radius=0.01, dxfattribs={'color': 1}) msp.add_text(label, {'style': 'OpenSans', 'height': .25}).set_pos((-5, y - .5)) msp.add_line((-5, y), (-1, y)) msp.add_line((5, y), (10, y)) # left side |<- is the reverse orientation cp1 = msp.add_arrow(name, insert=(0, y), size=1, rotation=180, dxfattribs={'color': 7}) # right side ->| is the base orientation cp2 = msp.add_arrow(name, insert=(4, y), size=1, rotation=0, dxfattribs={'color': 7}) msp.add_line(cp1, cp2) add_connection_point(cp1) add_connection_point(cp2) add_connection_point(msp.add_arrow_blockref(name, insert=(7, y), size=.3, rotation=45)) add_connection_point(msp.add_arrow_blockref(name, insert=(7.5, y), size=.3, rotation=135)) add_connection_point(msp.add_arrow_blockref(name, insert=(8, y), size=.5, rotation=-90)) msp.add_line((0, 0), (0, y)) msp.add_line((4, 0), (4, y)) msp.add_line((8, 0), (8, y)) doc.saveas('all_arrows_{}.dxf'.format(doc.acad_release)) ``` #### File: ezdxf/integration_tests/ ```python import pytest import os import ezdxf from ezdxf.lldxf.const import versions_supported_by_new @pytest.fixture(params=versions_supported_by_new) def drawing(request): return def add_line_entities(layout, offset): for color in range(1, 256): layout.add_line((offset+0, color), (offset+50, color), { 'color': color, 'layer': 'Träger' }) def test_basic_graphics(drawing, tmpdir): add_line_entities(drawing.modelspace(), 0) add_line_entities(drawing.layout(), 70) filename = str(tmpdir.join('basic_graphics_%s.dxf' % drawing.dxfversion)) try: drawing.saveas(filename) except ezdxf.DXFError as e:"DXFError: {0} for DXF version {1}".format(str(e), drawing.dxfversion)) assert os.path.exists(filename) is True ``` #### File: ezdxf/integration_tests/ ```python import os import pytest import ezdxf BASEDIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) DATADIR = 'data' @pytest.fixture(params=['Leica_Disto_S910.dxf']) def filename(request): filename = os.path.join(BASEDIR, DATADIR, request.param) if not os.path.exists(filename): pytest.skip(f'File {filename} not found.') return filename def test_leica_disto_r12(filename): doc = ezdxf.readfile(filename) msp = doc.modelspace() points = list(msp.query('POINT')) assert len(points) == 11 assert len(points[0].dxf.location) == 3 ``` #### File: ezdxf/integration_tests/ ```python import os import pytest from ezdxf import recover BASEDIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) DATADIR = 'data' @pytest.fixture(params=['ASCII_R12.dxf']) def filename(request): filename = os.path.join(BASEDIR, DATADIR, request.param) if not os.path.exists(filename): pytest.skip(f'File {filename} not found.') return filename def test_load_special_dxf_unicode_notation(filename): doc, auditor = recover.readfile(filename) layer = doc.layers.get('ΛΑΓΕΡÄÜÖ') assert == 'ΛΑΓΕΡÄÜÖ' msp = doc.modelspace() lines = msp.query('LINE[layer=="ΛΑΓΕΡÄÜÖ"]') assert len(lines) == 2 ``` #### File: ezdxf/integration_tests/ ```python import pytest import os import ezdxf from ezdxf.lldxf.const import LATEST_DXF_VERSION def test_lwpolyline(tmpdir): dwg = msp = dwg.modelspace() # point format = (x, y, [start_width, [end_width, [bulge]]]) points = [(0, 0, 0, .05), (3, 0, .1, .2, -.5), (6, 0, .1, .05), (9, 0)] msp.add_lwpolyline(points) filename = str(tmpdir.join('lwpolyline.dxf')) try: dwg.saveas(filename) except ezdxf.DXFError as e:"DXFError: {0} for DXF version {1}".format(str(e), dwg.dxfversion)) assert os.path.exists(filename) del dwg dwg = ezdxf.readfile(filename) msp = dwg.modelspace() lwpolyline = msp.query('LWPOLYLINE')[0] assert len(lwpolyline) == 4 pts = lwpolyline.get_points() assert pts[0] == (0, 0, 0, .05, 0) assert pts[1] == (3, 0, .1, .2, -.5) assert pts[2] == (6, 0, .1, .05, 0) assert pts[3] == (9, 0, 0, 0, 0) ``` #### File: issues/20160305 convert R8-R13-R14/ ```python import glob import os import ezdxf R13_DIR = r"D:\Source\dxftest\R13_test_files" def convert_dxf_file(dxfin, dxfout): print("Opening %s" % dxfin) dwg = ezdxf.readfile(dxfin) dwg.saveas(dxfout) print("Ready.") def main(): for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(R13_DIR, '*.dxf')): folder, name = os.path.split(filename) convert_dxf_file(filename, os.path.join(R13_DIR, 'converted_to_R2000', name)) if __name__ == '__main__': main() ``` #### File: issues/20160522 #20 constraints/ ```python import ezdxf import sys def main(): print 'Python version is: '+(sys.version) print 'ezdxf version is: ' + ezdxf.__version__ print '\nCoordinate for layer 0' find_coordinates(filename='test.dxf',layer_name='0') print '\nCoordinate for layer 1' find_coordinates(filename='test.dxf',layer_name='Layer 1') print '\nCoordinate for layer 2' find_coordinates(filename='test.dxf',layer_name='Layer 2') def find_coordinates(filename='test.dxf', layer_name='0'): dwg_dxf = ezdxf.readfile(filename) for e in dwg_dxf.entities: if layer_name in e.get_dxf_attrib(key='layer') and e.dxftype() == 'LWPOLYLINE': polygon_points = [] for i in e.get_rstrip_points(): polygon_points.append(i) print polygon_points if __name__ == '__main__': main() ``` #### File: issues/20170328 #12/ ```python import ezdxf import random def get_random_point(): """Creates random x, y coordinates.""" x = random.randint(-100, 100) y = random.randint(-100, 100) return x, y dwg ='R2010') flag ='FLAG') flag.add_polyline2d([(0, 0), (0, 5), (4, 3), (0, 3)]) flag.add_circle((0, 0), .4, dxfattribs={'color': 2}) msp = dwg.modelspace() for _ in range(50): msp.add_blockref(name='FLAG', insert=get_random_point()) q = msp.query('INSERT') entity = q[0] query = query.extend([entity]) ``` #### File: ezdxf/profiling/ ```python import time from pathlib import Path DIR = Path(r'D:\Source\dxftest\CADKitSamples') _3D_MODEL = DIR / 'fanuc-430-arm.dxf' _2D_PLAN = DIR / 'AEC Plan Elev Sample.dxf' def load_3D_model(): import ezdxf ezdxf.readfile(filename=_3D_MODEL) def iter_3D_model(): import ezdxf doc = ezdxf.readfile(filename=_3D_MODEL) msp = doc.modelspace() count = 0 for e in msp: e.dxftype() count += 1 print(f'Iterated {count} entities in modelspace (fanuc-430-arm.dxf).') del doc def single_pass_iter_3D_model(): from ezdxf.addons.iterdxf import single_pass_modelspace count = 0 for e in single_pass_modelspace(open(_3D_MODEL, 'rb')): e.dxftype() count += 1 print(f'Iterated {count} entities in modelspace (fanuc-430-arm.dxf).') def from_disk_iter_3D_model(): from ezdxf.addons.iterdxf import opendxf count = 0 doc = opendxf(_3D_MODEL) for e in doc.modelspace(): e.dxftype() count += 1 doc.close() print(f'Iterated {count} entities in modelspace (fanuc-430-arm.dxf).') def load_2D_plan(): import ezdxf ezdxf.readfile(_2D_PLAN) def iter_2D_plan(): import ezdxf doc = ezdxf.readfile(_2D_PLAN) msp = doc.modelspace() count = 0 for e in msp: e.dxftype() count += 1 print(f'Iterated {count} entities in modelspace (AEC Plan Elev Sample.dxf).') del doc def print_result(time, text): print(f'Operation: {text} takes {time:.2f} s\n') def run(func): start = time.perf_counter() func() end = time.perf_counter() return end - start if __name__ == '__main__': print_result(run(load_3D_model), 'ezdxf.readfile() - load "faunc-430-arm.dxf"') print_result(run(iter_3D_model), 'ezdxf.readfile() - iteration "faunc-430-arm.dxf"') print_result(run(single_pass_iter_3D_model), 'iterdxf.single_pass_modelspace() - single pass iteration from disk "faunc-430-arm.dxf"') print_result(run(from_disk_iter_3D_model), 'iterdxf.opendxf() - seekable file iteration from disk "faunc-430-arm.dxf"') print_result(run(load_2D_plan), 'ezdxf.readfile() - load "AEC Plan Elev Sample.dxf"') print_result(run(iter_2D_plan), 'ezdxf.readfile() - iter "AEC Plan Elev Sample.dxf"') ``` #### File: ezdxf/profiling/ ```python import ezdxf import os from collections import Counter import time from ezdxf import EZDXF_TEST_FILES CADKIT = "CADKitSamples" CADKIT_FILES = [ "A_000217.dxf", # 0 "AEC Plan Elev Sample.dxf", # 1 "backhoe.dxf", # 2 "BIKE.DXF", # 3 "cnc machine.dxf", # 4 "Controller-M128-top.dxf", # 5 "drilling_machine.dxf", # 6 "fanuc-430-arm.dxf", # 7 "Floor plan.dxf", # 8 "gekko.DXF", # 9 "house design for two family with comman staircasedwg.dxf", # 10 "house design.dxf", # 11 "kit-dev-coldfire-xilinx_5213.dxf", # 12 "Laurana50k.dxf", # 13 "Lock-Off.dxf", # 14 "Mc Cormik-D3262.DXF", # 15 "Mechanical Sample.dxf", # 16 "Nikon_D90_Camera.DXF", # 17 "pic_programmer.dxf", # 18 "Proposed Townhouse.dxf", # 19 "Shapefont.dxf", # 20 "SMA-Controller.dxf", # 21 "Tamiya TT-01.DXF", # 22 "torso_uniform.dxf", # 23 "Tyrannosaurus.DXF", # 24 "WOOD DETAILS.dxf", # 25 ] STD_FILES = [ CADKIT_FILES[1], CADKIT_FILES[23], ] def count_entities(msp): counter = Counter() for entity in msp: counter[entity.dxftype()] += 1 return counter for _name in CADKIT_FILES: filename = os.path.join(EZDXF_TEST_FILES, CADKIT, _name) print(f'reading file: {filename}') start_reading = time.perf_counter() doc = ezdxf.readfile(filename) msp = doc.modelspace() new_entities = count_entities(msp) new_count = len(msp) new_timing = time.perf_counter() - start_reading print(f'loaded {new_count} entities in {new_timing:.3f} sec') ``` #### File: addons/drawing/ ```python from typing import List from ezdxf.addons.drawing.backend import Backend from ezdxf.addons.drawing.type_hints import Color from ezdxf.math import Vec3 def draw_rect(points: List[Vec3], color: Color, out: Backend): from ezdxf.addons.drawing import Properties props = Properties() props.color = color for a, b in zip(points, points[1:]): out.draw_line(a, b, props) ``` #### File: addons/drawing/ ```python from typing import List from ezdxf.math import Vec3 def get_tri_or_quad_points(solid, adjust_order=True) -> List[Vec3]: d = solid.dxf vertices: List[Vec3] = [d.vtx0, d.vtx1, d.vtx2] if d.vtx3 != d.vtx2: # when the face is a triangle, vtx2 == vtx3 vertices.append(d.vtx3) # adjust weird vertex order of SOLID and TRACE but not 3DFACE: # 0, 1, 2, 3 -> 0, 1, 3, 2 if adjust_order and len(vertices) > 3: vertices[2], vertices[3] = vertices[3], vertices[2] if not vertices[0].isclose(vertices[-1]): vertices.append(vertices[0]) return vertices ``` #### File: addons/dwg/ ```python import struct from .const import * from .crc import crc8 codepage_to_encoding = { 37: 'cp874', # Thai, 38: 'cp932', # Japanese 39: 'gbk', # UnifiedChinese 40: 'cp949', # Korean 41: 'cp950', # TradChinese 28: 'cp1250', # CentralEurope 29: 'cp1251', # Cyrillic 30: 'cp1252', # WesternEurope 32: 'cp1253', # Greek 33: 'cp1254', # Turkish 34: 'cp1255', # Hebrew 35: 'cp1256', # Arabic 36: 'cp1257', # Baltic } FILE_HEADER_MAGIC = { 3: 0xa598, 4: 0x8101, 5: 0x3cc4, 6: 0x8461, } class FileHeader: def __init__(self, data: Bytes, crc_check=False): self.crc_check = crc_check if len(data) < 6: raise DwgVersionError('Not a DWG file.') ver = data[:6].decode(errors='ignore') if ver not in SUPPORTED_VERSIONS: raise DwgVersionError(f'Not a DWG file or unsupported DWG version, signature: {ver}.') self.version: str = ver codepage: int = struct.unpack_from('<h', data, 0x13)[0] self.encoding = codepage_to_encoding.get(codepage, 'cp1252') self.maintenance_release_version = data[0xB] self.sections = dict() if self.version <= ACAD_2000: self.r2000_header(data) else: raise DwgVersionError(self.version) def r2000_header(self, data: Bytes): index = 0x15 section_count: int = struct.unpack_from('<L', data, index)[0] index += 4 fmt = '<BLL' record_size = struct.calcsize(fmt) for record in range(section_count): # 0: HEADER_ID # 1: CLASSES_ID # 2: OBJECTS_ID num, seeker, size = struct.unpack_from(fmt, data, index) index += record_size self.sections[num] = (seeker, size) if self.crc_check: # CRC from first byte of file until start of crc value check = crc8(data[:index], seed=0) ^ FILE_HEADER_MAGIC[len(self.sections)] crc = struct.unpack_from('<H', data, index)[0] if crc != check: raise CRCError('CRC error in file header.') index += 2 sentinel = data[index: index + SENTINEL_SIZE] if sentinel != b'\x95\xA0\x4E\x28\x99\x82\x1A\xE5\x5E\x41\xE0\x5F\x9D\x3A\x4D\x00': raise DwgCorruptedFileHeader('Corrupted DXF R13/14/2000 file header.') def print(self): print(f'DWG version: {self.version}') print(f'encoding: {self.encoding}') print(f'Records: {len(self.sections)}') print('Header: seeker {0[0]} size: {0[1]}'.format(self.sections[0])) print('Classes: seeker {0[0]} size: {0[1]}'.format(self.sections[1])) print('Objects: seeker {0[0]} size: {0[1]}'.format(self.sections[2])) ``` #### File: addons/dwg/ ```python from typing import Dict, Any, List, Tuple from abc import abstractmethod import struct from ezdxf.lldxf.const import acad_release_to_dxf_version from import BitStream from .const import * from .crc import crc8 from .fileheader import FileHeader def load_header_section(specs: FileHeader, data: Bytes, crc_check=False): if specs.version <= ACAD_2000: return DwgHeaderSectionR2000(specs, data, crc_check) else: return DwgHeaderSectionR2004(specs, data, crc_check) class DwgSectionLoader: def __init__(self, specs: FileHeader, data: Bytes, crc_check=False): self.specs = specs self.crc_check = crc_check = self.load_data_section(data) @abstractmethod def load_data_section(self, data: Bytes) -> Bytes: ... class DwgHeaderSectionR2000(DwgSectionLoader): def load_data_section(self, data: Bytes) -> Bytes: if self.specs.version > ACAD_2000: raise DwgVersionError(self.specs.version) seeker, section_size = self.specs.sections[HEADER_ID] return data[seeker:seeker + section_size] def load_header_vars(self) -> Dict: data = sentinel = data[:16] if sentinel != b'\xCF\x7B\x1F\x23\xFD\xDE\x38\xA9\x5F\x7C\x68\xB8\x4E\x6D\x33\x5F': raise DwgCorruptedHeaderSection('Sentinel for start of HEADER section not found.') index = 16 size = struct.unpack_from('<L', data, index)[0] index += 4 bs = BitStream(data[index: index + size], dxfversion=self.specs.version, encoding=self.specs.encoding) hdr_vars = parse_header(bs) index += size if self.crc_check: check = struct.unpack_from('<H', data, index)[0] # CRC of data from end of sentinel until start of crc value crc = crc8(data[16:-18], seed=0xc0c1) if check != crc: raise CRCError('CRC error in header section.') sentinel = data[-16:] if sentinel != b'\x30\x84\xE0\xDC\x02\x21\xC7\x56\xA0\x83\x97\x47\xB1\x92\xCC\xA0': raise DwgCorruptedHeaderSection('Sentinel for end of HEADER section not found.') return hdr_vars class DwgHeaderSectionR2004(DwgHeaderSectionR2000): def load_data(self, data: Bytes) -> Bytes: raise NotImplementedError() CMD_SET_VERSION = 'ver' CMD_SKIP_BITS = 'skip_bits' CMD_SKIP_NEXT_IF = 'skip_next_if' CMD_SET_VAR = 'var' def _min_max_versions(version: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: min_ver = ACAD_13 max_ver = ACAD_LATEST if version != 'all': v = version.split('-') if len(v) > 1: min_ver = acad_release_to_dxf_version[v[0].strip()] max_ver = acad_release_to_dxf_version[v[1].strip()] else: v = v[0].strip() if v[-1] == '+': min_ver = acad_release_to_dxf_version[v[:-1]] else: min_ver = max_ver = acad_release_to_dxf_version[v] return min_ver, max_ver def load_commands(desc: str) -> List[Tuple[str, Any]]: commands = [] lines = desc.split('\n') for line in lines: line = line.strip() if not line or line[0] == '#': continue try: command, param = line.split(':') except ValueError: raise ValueError(f'Unpack Error in line: {line}') command = command.strip() param = param.split('#')[0].strip() if command == CMD_SET_VERSION: commands.append((CMD_SET_VERSION, _min_max_versions(param))) elif command in {CMD_SKIP_BITS, CMD_SKIP_NEXT_IF}: commands.append((command, param)) elif command[0] == '$': commands.append((CMD_SET_VAR, (command, param))) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown command: {command}') return commands def parse_bitstream(bs: BitStream, commands: List[Tuple[str, Any]]) -> Dict[str, Any]: version = bs.dxfversion min_ver = ACAD_13 max_ver = ACAD_LATEST hdr_vars = dict() skip_next_cmd = False for cmd, params in commands: if skip_next_cmd: skip_next_cmd = False continue if cmd == CMD_SET_VERSION: min_ver, max_ver = params elif cmd == CMD_SKIP_BITS: bs.skip(int(params)) elif cmd == CMD_SKIP_NEXT_IF: skip_next_cmd = eval(params, None, {'header': hdr_vars}) elif cmd == CMD_SET_VAR: if min_ver <= version <= max_ver: name, code = params hdr_vars[name] = bs.read_code(code) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown command: {cmd}') return hdr_vars def parse_header(bs: BitStream) -> Dict[str, Any]: commands = load_commands(HEADER_DESCRIPTION) return parse_bitstream(bs, commands) HEADER_DESCRIPTION = """ ver: R2007 $SIZE_IN_BITS: RL # Size in bits ver: R2013+ $REQUIREDVERSIONS: BLL # default value 0, read only ver: all $UNKNOWN: BD # Unknown, default value 412148564080.0 $UNKNOWN: BD # Unknown, default value 1.0 $UNKNOWN: BD # Unknown, default value 1.0 $UNKNOWN: BD # Unknown, default value 1.0 $UNKNOWN: TV # Unknown text string, default "" $UNKNOWN: TV # Unknown text string, default "" $UNKNOWN: TV # Unknown text string, default "" $UNKNOWN: TV # Unknown text string, default "" $UNKNOWN: BL # Unknown long, default value 24L $UNKNOWN: BL # Unknown long, default value 0L; ver: R13-R14 $UNKNOWN: BS # Unknown short, default value 0 ver: R13-R2000 $CURRENT_VIEWPORT_ENTITY_HEADER: H # Handle of the current viewport entity header (hard pointer) ver: all $DIMASO: B $DIMSHO: B ver: R13-R14 $DIMSAV: B # Undocumented ver: all $PLINEGEN: B $ORTHOMODE: B $REGENMODE: B $FILLMODE: B $QTEXTMODE: B $PSLTSCALE: B $LIMCHECK: B ver: R13-R14 $BLIPMODE: B ver: R2004+ $UNKNOWN: B # Undocumented ver: all $USRTIMER: B # (User timer on/off) $SKPOLY: B $ANGDIR: B $SPLFRAME: B ver: R13-R14 $ATTREQ: B $ATTDIA: B ver: all $MIRRTEXT: B $WORLDVIEW: B ver: R13-R14 $WIREFRAME: B # Undocumented. ver: all $TILEMODE: B $PLIMCHECK: B $VISRETAIN: B ver: R13-R14 $DELOBJ: B ver: all $DISPSILH: B $PELLIPSE: B # (not present in DXF) $PROXYGRAPHICS: BS ver: R13-R14 $DRAGMODE: BS ver: all $TREEDEPTH: BS $LUNITS: BS $LUPREC: BS $AUNITS: BS $AUPREC: BS ver: R13-R14 $OSMODE: BS ver: all $ATTMODE: BS ver: R13-R14 $COORDS: BS ver: all $PDMODE: BS ver: R13-R14 $PICKSTYLE: BS ver: R2004+ $UNKNOWN: BL $UNKNOWN: BL $UNKNOWN: BL ver: all $USERI1: BS $USERI2: BS $USERI3: BS $USERI4: BS $USERI5: BS $SPLINESEGS: BS $SURFU: BS $SURFV: BS $SURFTYPE: BS $SURFTAB1: BS $SURFTAB2: BS $SPLINETYPE: BS $SHADEDGE: BS $SHADEDIF: BS $UNITMODE: BS $MAXACTVP: BS $ISOLINES: BS $CMLJUST: BS $TEXTQLTY: BS $LTSCALE: BD $TEXTSIZE: BD $TRACEWID: BD $SKETCHINC: BD $FILLETRAD: BD $THICKNESS: BD $ANGBASE: BD $PDSIZE: BD $PLINEWID: BD $USERR1: BD $USERR2: BD $USERR3: BD $USERR4: BD $USERR5: BD $CHAMFERA: BD $CHAMFERB: BD $CHAMFERC: BD $CHAMFERD: BD $FACETRES: BD $CMLSCALE: BD $CELTSCALE: BD ver: R13-R2004 $MENUNAME: TV ver: all $TDCREATE: BL # (Julian day) $TDCREATE: BL # (Milliseconds into the day) $TDUPDATE: BL # (Julian day) $TDUPDATE: BL # (Milliseconds into the day) ver: R2004+ $UNKNOWN: BL $UNKNOWN: BL $UNKNOWN: BL ver: all $TDINDWG: BL # (Days) $TDINDWG: BL # (Milliseconds into the day) $TDUSRTIMER: BL # (Days) $TDUSRTIMER: BL # (Milliseconds into the day) $CECOLOR: CMC # with an 8-bit length specifier preceding the handle bytes (standard hex handle form) (code 0). # The HANDSEED is not part of the handle stream, but of the normal data stream (relevant for R21 and later). $HANDSEED: H # The next handle $CLAYER: H # (hard pointer) $TEXTSTYLE: H # (hard pointer) $CELTYPE: H # (hard pointer) ver: R2007+ $CMATERIAL: H # (hard pointer) ver: all $DIMSTYLE: H # (hard pointer) $CMLSTYLE: H # (hard pointer) ver: R2000+ $PSVPSCALE: BD ver: all $PINSBASE: 3BD # (PSPACE) $PEXTMIN: 3BD # (PSPACE) $PEXTMAX: 3BD # (PSPACE) $PLIMMIN: 2RD # (PSPACE) $PLIMMAX: 2RD # (PSPACE) $PELEVATION: BD # (PSPACE) $PUCSORG: 3BD # (PSPACE) $PUCSXDIR: 3BD # (PSPACE) $PUCSYDIR: 3BD # (PSPACE) $PUCSNAME: H # (PSPACE) (hard pointer) ver: R2000+ $PUCSORTHOREF: H # (hard pointer) $PUCSORTHOVIEW: BS $PUCSBASE: H # (hard pointer) $PUCSORGTOP: 3BD $PUCSORGBOTTOM: 3BD $PUCSORGLEFT: 3BD $PUCSORGRIGHT: 3BD $PUCSORGFRONT: 3BD $PUCSORGBACK: 3BD ver: all $INSBASE: 3BD # (MSPACE) $EXTMIN: 3BD # (MSPACE) $EXTMAX: 3BD # (MSPACE) $LIMMIN: 2RD # (MSPACE) $LIMMAX: 2RD # (MSPACE) $ELEVATION: BD # (MSPACE) $UCSORG: 3BD # (MSPACE) $UCSXDIR: 3BD # (MSPACE) $UCSYDIR: 3BD # (MSPACE) $UCSNAME: H # (MSPACE) (hard pointer) ver: R2000+ $UCSORTHOREF: H # (hard pointer) $UCSORTHOVIEW: BS $UCSBASE: H # (hard pointer) $UCSORGTOP: 3BD $UCSORGBOTTOM: 3BD $UCSORGLEFT: 3BD $UCSORGRIGHT: 3BD $UCSORGFRONT: 3BD $UCSORGBACK: 3BD $DIMPOST: TV $DIMAPOST: TV ver: R13-R14 $DIMTOL: B $DIMLIM: B $DIMTIH: B $DIMTOH: B $DIMSE1: B $DIMSE2: B $DIMALT: B $DIMTOFL: B $DIMSAH: B $DIMTIX: B $DIMSOXD: B $DIMALTD: RC $DIMZIN: RC $DIMSD1: B $DIMSD2: B $DIMTOLJ: RC $DIMJUST: RC $DIMFIT: RC $DIMUPT: B $DIMTZIN: RC $DIMALTZ: RC $DIMALTTZ: RC $DIMTAD: RC $DIMUNIT: BS $DIMAUNIT: BS $DIMDEC: BS $DIMTDEC: BS $DIMALTU: BS $DIMALTTD: BS $DIMTXSTY: H # (hard pointer) ver: all $DIMSCALE: BD $DIMASZ: BD $DIMEXO: BD $DIMDLI: BD $DIMEXE: BD $DIMRND: BD $DIMDLE: BD $DIMTP: BD $DIMTM: BD ver: R2007+ $DIMFXL: BD $DIMJOGANG: BD $DIMTFILL: BS $DIMTFILLCLR: CMC ver: R2000+ $DIMTOL: B $DIMLIM: B $DIMTIH: B $DIMTOH: B $DIMSE1: B $DIMSE2: B $DIMTAD: BS $DIMZIN: BS $DIMAZIN: BS ver: R2007+ $DIMARCSYM: BS ver: all $DIMTXT: BD $DIMCEN: BD $DIMTSZ: BD $DIMALTF: BD $DIMLFAC: BD $DIMTVP: BD $DIMTFAC: BD $DIMGAP: BD ver: R13-R14 $DIMPOST: T $DIMAPOST: T $DIMBLK: T $DIMBLK1: T $DIMBLK2: T ver: R2000+ $DIMALTRND: BD $DIMALT: B $DIMALTD: BS $DIMTOFL: B $DIMSAH: B $DIMTIX: B $DIMSOXD: B ver: all $DIMCLRD: CMC $DIMCLRE: CMC $DIMCLRT: CMC ver: R2000+ $DIMADEC: BS $DIMDEC: BS $DIMTDEC: BS $DIMALTU: BS $DIMALTTD: BS $DIMAUNIT: BS $DIMFRAC: BS $DIMLUNIT: BS $DIMDSEP: BS $DIMTMOVE: BS $DIMJUST: BS $DIMSD1: B $DIMSD2: B $DIMTOLJ: BS $DIMTZIN: BS $DIMALTZ: BS $DIMALTTZ: BS $DIMUPT: B $DIMATFIT: BS ver: R2007+ $DIMFXLON: B ver: R2010+ $DIMTXTDIRECTION: B $DIMALTMZF: BD $DIMALTMZS: T $DIMMZF: BD $DIMMZS: T ver: R2000+ $DIMTXSTY: H # (hard pointer) $DIMLDRBLK: H # (hard pointer) $DIMBLK: H # (hard pointer) $DIMBLK1: H # (hard pointer) $DIMBLK2: H # (hard pointer) ver: R2007+ $DIMLTYPE: H # (hard pointer) $DIMLTEX1: H # (hard pointer) $DIMLTEX2: H # (hard pointer) ver: R2000+ $DIMLWD: BS $DIMLWE: BS ver: all $BLOCK_CONTROL_OBJECT: H # (hard owner) Block Record Table $LAYER_CONTROL_OBJECT: H # (hard owner) Layer Table $STYLE_CONTROL_OBJECT: H # (hard owner) Style Table $LINETYPE_CONTROL_OBJECT: H # (hard owner) Linetype Table $VIEW_CONTROL_OBJECT: H # (hard owner) View table $UCS_CONTROL_OBJECT: H # (hard owner) UCS Table $VPORT_CONTROL_OBJECT: H # (hard owner) Viewport table $APPID_CONTROL_OBJECT: H # (hard owner) AppID Table $DIMSTYLE_CONTROL_OBJECT: H # (hard owner) Dimstyle Table ver: R13-R2000 $VIEWPORT_ENTITY_HEADER_CONTROL_OBJECT: H # (hard owner) ver: all $ACAD_GROUP_DICTIONARY: H # (hard pointer) $ACAD_MLINESTYLE_DICTIONARY: H # (hard pointer) $ROOT_DICTIONARY: H # (NAMED OBJECTS) (hard owner) ver: R2000+ $TSTACKALIGN: BS # default = 1 (not present in DXF) $TSTACKSIZE: BS # default = 70 (not present in DXF) $HYPERLINKBASE: TV $STYLESHEET: TV $LAYOUTS_DICTIONARY: H # (hard pointer) $PLOTSETTINGS_DICTIONARY: H # (hard pointer) $PLOTSTYLES_DICTIONARY: H # (hard pointer) ver: R2004+ $MATERIALS_DICTIONARY: H # (hard pointer) $COLORS_DICTIONARY: H # (hard pointer) ver: R2007+ $VISUALSTYLE_DICTIONARY: H # (hard pointer) ver: R2013+ $UNKNOWN: H # (hard pointer) ver: R2000+ $R2000_PLUS_FLAGS: BL # CELWEIGHT Flags & 0x001F # ENDCAPS Flags & 0x0060 # JOINSTYLE Flags & 0x0180 # LWDISPLAY !(Flags & 0x0200) # XEDIT !(Flags & 0x0400) # EXTNAMES Flags & 0x0800 # PSTYLEMODE Flags & 0x2000 # OLESTARTUP Flags & 0x4000 $INSUNITS: BS $CEPSNTYPE: BS skip_next_if: header['$CEPSNTYPE'] != 3 $CPSNID: H # (present only if CEPSNTYPE == 3) (hard pointer) $FINGERPRINTGUID: TV $VERSIONGUID: TV ver: R2004+ $SORTENTS: RC $INDEXCTL: RC $HIDETEXT: RC $XCLIPFRAME: RC # before R2010 the value can be 0 or 1 only. $DIMASSOC: RC $HALOGAP: RC $OBSCUREDCOLOR: BS $INTERSECTIONCOLOR: BS $OBSCUREDLTYPE: RC $INTERSECTIONDISPLAY: RC $PROJECTNAME: TV ver: all $PAPER_SPACE_BLOCK_RECORD: H # (hard pointer) $MODEL_SPACE_BLOCK_RECORD: H # (hard pointer) $BYLAYER_LTYPE: H # (hard pointer) $BYBLOCK_LTYPE: H # (hard pointer) $CONTINUOUS_LTYPE: H # (hard pointer) ver: R2007+ $CAMERADISPLAY: B $UNKNOWN: BL $UNKNOWN: BL $UNKNOWN: BD $STEPSPERSEC: BD $STEPSIZE: BD $3DDWFPREC: BD $LENSLENGTH: BD $CAMERAHEIGHT: BD $SOLIDHIST: RC $SHOWHIST: RC $PSOLWIDTH: BD $PSOLHEIGHT: BD $LOFTANG1: BD $LOFTANG2: BD $LOFTMAG1: BD $LOFTMAG2: BD $LOFTPARAM: BS $LOFTNORMALS: RC $LATITUDE: BD $LONGITUDE: BD $NORTHDIRECTION: BD $TIMEZONE: BL $LIGHTGLYPHDISPLAY: RC $TILEMODELIGHTSYNCH: RC $DWFFRAME: RC $DGNFRAME: RC $UNKNOWN: B $INTERFERECOLOR: CMC $INTERFEREOBJVS: H # (hard pointer) $INTERFEREVPVS: H # (hard pointer) $CSHADOW: RC $UNKNOWN: BD ver: R14+ $UNKNOWN: BS # short (type 5/6 only) these do not seem to be required, $UNKNOWN: BS # short (type 5/6 only) even for type 5. $UNKNOWN: BS # short (type 5/6 only) $UNKNOWN: BS # short (type 5/6 only) """ ``` #### File: src/ezdxf/ ```python from typing import Callable, Optional, Dict import abc import sys import os import glob import signal import logging from pathlib import Path from ezdxf import recover from ezdxf.lldxf import const from ezdxf.lldxf.validator import is_dxf_file __all__ = ['get', 'add_parsers'] logger = logging.getLogger('ezdxf') def get(cmd: str) -> Optional[Callable]: cls = _commands.get(cmd) if cls: return return None def add_parsers(subparsers) -> None: for cmd in _commands.values(): # in order of registration cmd.add_parser(subparsers) class Command: """ abstract base class for launcher commands """ NAME = "command" @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def add_parser(subparsers) -> None: pass @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def run(args) -> None: pass _commands: Dict[str, Command] = dict() def register(cls: Command): """ Register a launcher sub-command. """ _commands[cls.NAME] = cls return cls @register class PrettyPrint(Command): """ Launcher sub-command: pp """ NAME = 'pp' @staticmethod def add_parser(subparsers): parser = subparsers.add_parser( PrettyPrint.NAME, help="pretty print DXF files as HTML file" ) parser.add_argument( 'files', metavar='FILE', nargs='+', help='DXF files pretty print', ) parser.add_argument( '-o', '--open', action='store_true', help='open generated HTML file by the default web browser', ) parser.add_argument( '-r', '--raw', action='store_true', help='raw mode, no DXF structure interpretation', ) parser.add_argument( '-x', '--nocompile', action='store_true', help="don't compile points coordinates into single tags " "(only in raw mode)", ) parser.add_argument( '-l', '--legacy', action='store_true', help="legacy mode, reorder DXF point coordinates", ) parser.add_argument( '-s', '--sections', action='store', default='hctbeo', help="choose sections to include and their order, h=HEADER, c=CLASSES, " "t=TABLES, b=BLOCKS, e=ENTITIES, o=OBJECTS", ) @staticmethod def run(args): from ezdxf.pp import run run(args) @register class Audit(Command): """ Launcher sub-command: audit """ NAME = 'audit' @staticmethod def add_parser(subparsers): parser = subparsers.add_parser( Audit.NAME, help="audit and repair DXF files" ) parser.add_argument( 'files', metavar='FILE', nargs='+', help='audit DXF files', ) parser.add_argument( '-s', '--save', action='store_true', help="save recovered files with extension \".rec.dxf\" " ) @staticmethod def run(args): def build_outname(name: str) -> str: p = Path(name) return p.parent / (p.stem + ".rec.dxf") def log_fixes(auditor): for error in auditor.fixes:'fixed:' + error.message) def log_errors(auditor): for error in auditor.errors: logger.error(error.message) def _audit(filename: str) -> None: msg = f"auditing file: {filename}" print(msg) try: doc, auditor = recover.readfile(filename) except IOError: msg = 'Not a DXF file or a generic I/O error.' print(msg) logger.error(msg) return # keep on processing additional files except const.DXFStructureError: msg = 'Invalid or corrupted DXF file.' print(msg) logger.error(msg) return # keep on processing additional files if auditor.has_errors: auditor.print_error_report() log_errors(auditor) if auditor.has_fixes: auditor.print_fixed_errors() log_fixes(auditor) if auditor.has_errors is False and auditor.has_fixes is False: print('No errors found.') else: print(f'Found {len(auditor.errors)} errors, ' f'applied {len(auditor.fixes)} fixes') if outname = build_outname(filename) doc.saveas(outname) print(f"Saved recovered file as: {outname}") for pattern in args.files: names = list(glob.glob(pattern)) if len(names) == 0: msg = f"File(s) '{pattern}' not found." print(msg) logger.error(msg) continue for filename in names: if not os.path.exists(filename): msg = f"File '{filename}' not found." print(msg) logger.error(msg) continue if not is_dxf_file(filename): msg = f"File '{filename}' is not a DXF file." print(msg) logger.error(msg) continue _audit(filename) def load_document(filename: str): try: doc, auditor = recover.readfile(filename) except IOError: msg = f'Not a DXF file or a generic I/O error: {filename}' print(msg) logger.error(msg) sys.exit(2) except const.DXFStructureError: msg = f'Invalid or corrupted DXF file: {filename}' print(msg) logger.error(msg) sys.exit(3) if auditor.has_errors: # But is most likely good enough for rendering. msg = f'Found {len(auditor.errors)} unrecoverable errors.' print(msg) logger.error(msg) if auditor.has_fixes: msg = f'Fixed {len(auditor.fixes)} errors.' print(msg) return doc, auditor @register class Draw(Command): """ Launcher sub-command: draw """ NAME = 'draw' @staticmethod def add_parser(subparsers): parser = subparsers.add_parser( Draw.NAME, help="draw and convert DXF files by Matplotlib" ) parser.add_argument( 'file', metavar='FILE', nargs='?', help='DXF file to view or convert', ) parser.add_argument( '--formats', action='store_true', help="show all supported export formats and exit" ) parser.add_argument( '-o', '--out', required=False, help="output filename for export" ) parser.add_argument( '--dpi', type=int, default=300, help="target render resolution, default is 300", ) parser.add_argument( '--ltype', default='internal', choices=['internal', 'ezdxf'], help="select the line type rendering engine, default is internal", ) @staticmethod def run(args): # Import on demand for a quicker startup: try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: print('Matplotlib package not found.') sys.exit(2) from ezdxf.addons.drawing import RenderContext, Frontend from ezdxf.addons.drawing.matplotlib import MatplotlibBackend # Print all supported export formats: if args.formats: fig = plt.figure() for extension, description in fig.canvas.get_supported_filetypes().items(): print(f'{extension}: {description}') sys.exit(0) if args.file: filename = args.file else: print('argument FILE is required') sys.exit(1) doc, _ = load_document(filename) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) ctx = RenderContext(doc) out = MatplotlibBackend(ax, params={'linetype_renderer': args.ltype}) Frontend(ctx, out).draw_layout(doc.modelspace(), finalize=True) if args.out is not None: print(f'exporting to "{args.out}"') fig.savefig(args.out, dpi=args.dpi) plt.close(fig) else: @register class View(Command): """ Launcher sub-command: view """ NAME = 'view' @staticmethod def add_parser(subparsers): parser = subparsers.add_parser( View.NAME, help="view DXF files by the PyQt viewer" ) parser.add_argument( 'file', metavar='FILE', nargs='?', help='DXF file to view', ) parser.add_argument( '--ltype', default='internal', choices=['internal', 'ezdxf'], help="select the line type rendering engine, default is internal", ) # disable lineweight at all by default: parser.add_argument( '--lwscale', type=float, default=0, help="set custom line weight scaling, default is 0 to disable " "line weights at all", ) @staticmethod def run(args): # Import on demand for a quicker startup: try: from PyQt5 import QtWidgets except ImportError: print('PyQt5 package not found.') sys.exit(1) from ezdxf.addons.drawing.qtviewer import CadViewer signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) # handle Ctrl+C properly app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) set_app_icon(app) viewer = CadViewer(params={ 'linetype_renderer': args.ltype, 'lineweight_scaling': args.lwscale, }) filename = args.file if filename: doc, auditor = load_document(filename) viewer.set_document(doc, auditor) viewer.draw_layout('Model') sys.exit(app.exec_()) def set_app_icon(app): from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore app_icon = QtGui.QIcon() p = resources_path() app_icon.addFile(str(p / '16x16.png'), QtCore.QSize(16, 16)) app_icon.addFile(str(p / '24x24.png'), QtCore.QSize(24, 24)) app_icon.addFile(str(p / '32x32.png'), QtCore.QSize(32, 32)) app_icon.addFile(str(p / '48x48.png'), QtCore.QSize(48, 48)) app_icon.addFile(str(p / '64x64.png'), QtCore.QSize(64, 64)) app_icon.addFile(str(p / '256x256.png'), QtCore.QSize(256, 256)) app.setWindowIcon(app_icon) def resources_path(): from pathlib import Path return Path(__file__).parent / "resources" ``` #### File: ezdxf/entities/ ```python from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union import copy from ezdxf.lldxf import validator from ezdxf.math import NULLVEC from ezdxf.lldxf.attributes import ( DXFAttr, DXFAttributes, DefSubclass, XType, RETURN_DEFAULT, group_code_mapping, ) from ezdxf.lldxf.const import DXF12, SUBCLASS_MARKER, DXF2010 from ezdxf.lldxf import const from import set_flag_state from .dxfentity import base_class, SubclassProcessor from .dxfgfx import acdb_entity, elevation_to_z_axis from .text import Text, acdb_text, acdb_text_group_codes from .factory import register_entity if TYPE_CHECKING: from ezdxf.eztypes import TagWriter, Tags, DXFNamespace, DXFEntity __all__ = ['AttDef', 'Attrib', 'copy_attrib_as_text'] # DXF Reference for ATTRIB is a total mess and incorrect, the AcDbText subclass # for the ATTRIB entity is the same as for the TEXT entity, but the valign field # from the 2nd AcDbText subclass of the TEXT entity is stored in the # AcDbAttribute subclass: attrib_fields = { # Version number: 0 = 2010 'version': DXFAttr(280, default=0, dxfversion=DXF2010), # Tag string (cannot contain spaces): 'tag': DXFAttr( 2, default='', validator=validator.is_valid_attrib_tag, fixer=validator.fix_attrib_tag, ), # 1 = Attribute is invisible (does not appear) # 2 = This is a constant attribute # 4 = Verification is required on input of this attribute # 8 = Attribute is preset (no prompt during insertion) 'flags': DXFAttr(70, default=0), # Field length (optional) (not currently used) 'field_length': DXFAttr(73, default=0, optional=True), # Vertical text justification type (optional); see group code 73 in TEXT 'valign': DXFAttr( 74, default=0, optional=True, validator=validator.is_in_integer_range(0, 4), fixer=RETURN_DEFAULT, ), # Lock position flag. Locks the position of the attribute within the block # reference, example of double use of group codes in one sub class 'lock_position': DXFAttr( 280, default=0, dxfversion=DXF2010, optional=True, validator=validator.is_integer_bool, fixer=RETURN_DEFAULT, ), } # ATTDEF has an additional field: 'prompt' # DXF attribute definitions are immutable, a shallow copy is sufficient: attdef_fields = dict(attrib_fields) attdef_fields['prompt'] = DXFAttr( 3, default='', validator=validator.is_valid_one_line_text, fixer=validator.fix_one_line_text, ) acdb_attdef = DefSubclass('AcDbAttributeDefinition', attdef_fields) acdb_attdef_group_codes = group_code_mapping(acdb_attdef) acdb_attrib = DefSubclass('AcDbAttribute', attrib_fields) acdb_attrib_group_codes = group_code_mapping(acdb_attrib) # For XRECORD the tag order is important and group codes appear multiple times, # therefore this attribute definition needs a special treatment! acdb_attdef_xrecord = DefSubclass('AcDbXrecord', [ # Duplicate record cloning flag (determines how to merge duplicate entries): # 1 = Keep existing ('cloning', DXFAttr(280, default=1)), # MText flag: # 2 = multiline attribute # 4 = constant multiline attribute definition ('mtext_flag', DXFAttr(70, default=0)), # isReallyLocked flag: # 0 = unlocked # 1 = locked ('really_locked', DXFAttr( 70, default=0, validator=validator.is_integer_bool, fixer=RETURN_DEFAULT, )), # Number of secondary attributes or attribute definitions: ('secondary_attribs_count', DXFAttr(70, default=0)), # Hard-pointer id of secondary attribute(s) or attribute definition(s): ('secondary_attribs_handle', DXFAttr(70, default=0)), # Alignment point of attribute or attribute definition: ('align_point', DXFAttr(10, xtype=XType.point3d, default=NULLVEC)), ('current_annotation_scale', DXFAttr(40, default=0)), # attribute or attribute definition tag string ('tag', DXFAttr( 2, default='', validator=validator.is_valid_attrib_tag, fixer=validator.fix_attrib_tag, )), ]) # A special MTEXT entity can follow the ATTDEF and ATTRIB entity, which starts # as a usual DXF entity with (0, 'MTEXT'), so processing can't be done here, # because for ezdxf is this a separated Entity. # # The attached MTEXT entity: owner is None and handle is None # Linked as attribute `attached_mtext`. # I don't have seen this combination of entities in real world examples and is # ignored by ezdxf for now. # Attrib and Attdef can have embedded MTEXT entities located in the # <Embedded Object> subclass, see issue #258 # QUESTION: How are the attached MTEXT and the embedded MTEXT related? class BaseAttrib(Text): XRECORD_DEF = acdb_attdef_xrecord def __init__(self): """ Default constructor """ super().__init__() # TODO: implement embedded MTEXT support # remove DXFEntity.embedded_objects if done self.xrecord: Optional['Tags'] = None self.attached_mtext: Optional['DXFEntity'] = None def _copy_data(self, entity: 'BaseAttrib') -> None: """ Copy entity data, xrecord data and attached MTEXT are not stored in the entity database. """ entity.xrecord = copy.deepcopy(self.xrecord) if self.attached_mtext: entity.attached_mtext = self.attached_mtext.copy() # attached mtext entity is not stored in the entity database # no further action required def link_entity(self, entity: 'DXFEntity'): self.attached_mtext = entity def export_dxf(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter'): """ Export attached MTEXT entity. """ super().export_dxf(tagwriter) if self.attached_mtext: # todo: export MTEXT attached to ATTRIB # Attached MTEXT has no handle and owner and can not exported # by the usual export process: # self.attached_mtext.export_dxf(tagwriter) raise NotImplemented('Attached MTEXT export') @property def is_const(self) -> bool: """ This is a constant attribute. """ return bool(self.dxf.flags & const.ATTRIB_CONST) @is_const.setter def is_const(self, state: bool) -> None: """ This is a constant attribute. """ self.dxf.flags = set_flag_state(self.dxf.flags, const.ATTRIB_CONST, state) @property def is_invisible(self) -> bool: """ Attribute is invisible (does not appear). """ return bool(self.dxf.flags & const.ATTRIB_INVISIBLE) @is_invisible.setter def is_invisible(self, state: bool) -> None: """ Attribute is invisible (does not appear). """ self.dxf.flags = set_flag_state(self.dxf.flags, const.ATTRIB_INVISIBLE, state) @property def is_verify(self) -> bool: """ Verification is required on input of this attribute. (CAD application feature) """ return bool(self.dxf.flags & const.ATTRIB_VERIFY) @is_verify.setter def is_verify(self, state: bool) -> None: """ Verification is required on input of this attribute. (CAD application feature) """ self.dxf.flags = set_flag_state(self.dxf.flags, const.ATTRIB_VERIFY, state) @property def is_preset(self) -> bool: """ No prompt during insertion. (CAD application feature) """ return bool(self.dxf.flags & const.ATTRIB_IS_PRESET) @is_preset.setter def is_preset(self, state: bool) -> None: """ No prompt during insertion. (CAD application feature) """ self.dxf.flags = set_flag_state(self.dxf.flags, const.ATTRIB_IS_PRESET, state) @register_entity class AttDef(BaseAttrib): """ DXF ATTDEF entity """ DXFTYPE = 'ATTDEF' # Don't add acdb_attdef_xrecord here: DXFATTRIBS = DXFAttributes(base_class, acdb_entity, acdb_text, acdb_attdef) def load_dxf_attribs( self, processor: SubclassProcessor = None) -> 'DXFNamespace': dxf = super(Text, self).load_dxf_attribs(processor) # Do not call Text loader. if processor: processor.fast_load_dxfattribs( dxf, acdb_text_group_codes, 2, recover=True) processor.fast_load_dxfattribs( dxf, acdb_attdef_group_codes, 3, recover=True) self.xrecord = processor.find_subclass( if processor.r12: # Transform elevation attribute from R11 to z-axis values: elevation_to_z_axis(dxf, ('insert', 'align_point')) return dxf def export_entity(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter') -> None: # Text() writes 2x AcDbText which is not suitable for AttDef() self.export_acdb_entity(tagwriter) self.export_acdb_text(tagwriter) self.export_acdb_attdef(tagwriter) if self.xrecord: tagwriter.write_tags(self.xrecord) def export_acdb_attdef(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter') -> None: if tagwriter.dxfversion > DXF12: tagwriter.write_tag2(SUBCLASS_MARKER, self.dxf.export_dxf_attribs(tagwriter, [ 'version', 'prompt', 'tag', 'flags', 'field_length', 'valign', 'lock_position', ]) @register_entity class Attrib(BaseAttrib): """ DXF ATTRIB entity """ DXFTYPE = 'ATTRIB' # Don't add acdb_attdef_xrecord here: DXFATTRIBS = DXFAttributes(base_class, acdb_entity, acdb_text, acdb_attrib) def load_dxf_attribs( self, processor: SubclassProcessor = None) -> 'DXFNamespace': dxf = super(Text, self).load_dxf_attribs(processor) # Do not call Text loader. if processor: processor.fast_load_dxfattribs( dxf, acdb_text_group_codes, 2, recover=True) processor.fast_load_dxfattribs( dxf, acdb_attrib_group_codes, 3, recover=True) self.xrecord = processor.find_subclass( if processor.r12: # Transform elevation attribute from R11 to z-axis values: elevation_to_z_axis(dxf, ('insert', 'align_point')) return dxf def export_entity(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter') -> None: # Text() writes 2x AcDbText which is not suitable for AttDef() self.export_acdb_entity(tagwriter) self.export_acdb_attrib_text(tagwriter) self.export_acdb_attrib(tagwriter) if self.xrecord: tagwriter.write_tags(self.xrecord) def export_acdb_attrib_text(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter') -> None: # Despite the similarities to TEXT, it is different to # Text.export_acdb_text(): if tagwriter.dxfversion > DXF12: tagwriter.write_tag2(SUBCLASS_MARKER, self.dxf.export_dxf_attribs(tagwriter, [ 'insert', 'height', 'text', 'thickness', 'rotation', 'oblique', 'style', 'width', 'halign', 'align_point', 'text_generation_flag', 'extrusion', ]) def export_acdb_attrib(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter') -> None: if tagwriter.dxfversion > DXF12: tagwriter.write_tag2(SUBCLASS_MARKER, self.dxf.export_dxf_attribs(tagwriter, [ 'version', 'tag', 'flags', 'field_length', 'valign', 'lock_position', ]) IGNORE_FROM_ATTRIB = { 'handle', 'owner', 'version', 'prompt', 'tag', 'flags', 'field_length', 'lock_position' } def copy_attrib_as_text(attrib: BaseAttrib): """ Returns the content of the ATTRIB/ATTDEF entity as a new virtual TEXT entity. """ # TODO: MTEXT feature of DXF R2018+ is not supported yet! dxfattribs = attrib.dxfattribs(drop=IGNORE_FROM_ATTRIB) return, doc=attrib.doc) ``` #### File: ezdxf/entities/ ```python from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, KeysView, ItemsView, Any, Union, Dict, Optional, ) import logging from ezdxf.lldxf import validator from ezdxf.lldxf.const import ( SUBCLASS_MARKER, DXFKeyError, DXFValueError, ) from ezdxf.lldxf.attributes import ( DXFAttr, DXFAttributes, DefSubclass, RETURN_DEFAULT, group_code_mapping ) from ezdxf.lldxf.types import is_valid_handle from ezdxf.audit import AuditError from ezdxf.entities import factory from .dxfentity import base_class, SubclassProcessor, DXFEntity from .dxfobj import DXFObject logger = logging.getLogger('ezdxf') if TYPE_CHECKING: from ezdxf.eztypes import TagWriter, Drawing, DXFNamespace, Auditor __all__ = ['Dictionary', 'DictionaryWithDefault', 'DictionaryVar'] acdb_dictionary = DefSubclass('AcDbDictionary', { # If set to 1, indicates that elements of the dictionary are to be treated # as hard-owned: 'hard_owned': DXFAttr( 280, default=0, optional=True, validator=validator.is_integer_bool, fixer=RETURN_DEFAULT, ), # Duplicate record cloning flag (determines how to merge duplicate entries): # 0 = not applicable # 1 = keep existing # 2 = use clone # 3 = <xref>$0$<name> # 4 = $0$<name> # 5 = Unmangle name 'cloning': DXFAttr( 281, default=1, validator=validator.is_in_integer_range(0, 6), fixer=RETURN_DEFAULT, ), # 3: entry name # 350: entry handle, some DICTIONARY objects have 360 as handle group code, # this is accepted by AutoCAD but not documented by the DXF reference! # ezdxf replaces group code 360 by 350. }) acdb_dictionary_group_codes = group_code_mapping(acdb_dictionary) KEY_CODE = 3 VALUE_CODE = 350 # Some DICTIONARY use group code 360: SEARCH_CODES = (VALUE_CODE, 360) @factory.register_entity class Dictionary(DXFObject): """ AutoCAD maintains items such as mline styles and group definitions as objects in dictionaries. Other applications are free to create and use their own dictionaries as they see fit. The prefix "ACAD_" is reserved for use by AutoCAD applications. Dictionary entries are (key, DXFEntity) pairs. DXFEntity could be a string, because at loading time not all objects are already stored in the EntityDB, and have to acquired later. """ DXFTYPE = 'DICTIONARY' DXFATTRIBS = DXFAttributes(base_class, acdb_dictionary) def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._data: Dict[str, Union[str, DXFEntity]] = dict() self._value_code = VALUE_CODE def _copy_data(self, entity: 'Dictionary') -> None: """ Copy hard owned entities but do not store the copies in the entity database, this is a second step, this is just real copying. """ entity._value_code = self._value_code if self.dxf.hard_owned: # Reactors are removed from the cloned DXF objects. entity._data = {key: entity.copy() for key, entity in self.items()} else: entity._data = {key: entity for key, entity in self.items()} def post_bind_hook(self) -> None: """ Called by binding a new or copied dictionary to the document, bind hard owned sub-entities to the same document and add them to the objects section. """ if not self.dxf.hard_owned: return # copied or new dictionary: doc = self.doc owner_handle = self.dxf.handle for _, entity in self.items(): entity.dxf.owner = owner_handle factory.bind(entity, doc) # For a correct DXF export add entities to the objects section: doc.objects.add_object(entity) def load_dxf_attribs( self, processor: SubclassProcessor = None) -> 'DXFNamespace': dxf = super().load_dxf_attribs(processor) if processor: tags = processor.fast_load_dxfattribs( dxf, acdb_dictionary_group_codes, 1, log=False) self.load_dict(tags) return dxf def load_dict(self, tags): entry_handle = None dict_key = None value_code = VALUE_CODE for code, value in tags: if code in SEARCH_CODES: # First store handles, because at this point, NOT all objects # are stored in the EntityDB, at first access convert the handle # to a DXFEntity object. value_code = code entry_handle = value elif code == KEY_CODE: dict_key = value if dict_key and entry_handle: # Store entity as handle string: self._data[dict_key] = entry_handle entry_handle = None dict_key = None # Use same value code as loaded: self._value_code = value_code def post_load_hook(self, doc: 'Drawing') -> None: super().post_load_hook(doc) db = doc.entitydb def items(): for key, handle in self.items(): entity = db.get(handle) if entity is not None and entity.is_alive: yield key, entity if len(self): for k, v in list(items()): self.__setitem__(k, v) def export_entity(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter') -> None: """ Export entity specific data as DXF tags. """ super().export_entity(tagwriter) tagwriter.write_tag2(SUBCLASS_MARKER, self.dxf.export_dxf_attribs(tagwriter, ['hard_owned', 'cloning']) self.export_dict(tagwriter) def export_dict(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter'): # key: dict key string # value: DXFEntity or handle as string # Ignore invalid handles at export, because removing can create an empty # dictionary, which is more a problem for AutoCAD than invalid handles, # and removing the whole dictionary is maybe also a problem. for key, value in self._data.items(): tagwriter.write_tag2(KEY_CODE, key) # Value can be a handle string or a DXFEntity object: if isinstance(value, DXFEntity): if value.is_alive: value = value.dxf.handle else: logger.debug( f'Key "{key}" points to a destroyed entity ' f'in {str(self)}, target replaced by "0" handle.' ) value = '0' # Use same value code as loaded: tagwriter.write_tag2(self._value_code, value) @property def is_hard_owner(self) -> bool: """ Returns ``True`` if :class:`Dictionary` is hard owner of entities. Hard owned entities will be destroyed by deleting the dictionary. """ return bool(self.dxf.hard_owned) def keys(self) -> KeysView: """ Returns :class:`KeysView` of all dictionary keys. """ return self._data.keys() def items(self) -> ItemsView: """ Returns :class:`ItemsView` for all dictionary entries as (:attr:`key`, :class:`DXFEntity`) pairs. """ for key in self.keys(): yield key, self.get(key) # maybe handle -> DXFEntity def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> 'DXFEntity': """ Return the value for `key`, raises a :class:`DXFKeyError` if `key` does not exist. """ return self.get(key) def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: 'DXFEntity') -> None: """ Add item as ``(key, value)`` pair to dictionary. """ return self.add(key, value) def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None: """ Delete entry `key` from the dictionary, raises :class:`DXFKeyError` if key does not exist. """ return self.remove(key) def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool: """ Returns ``True`` if `key` exist. """ return key in self._data def __len__(self) -> int: """ Returns count of items. """ return len(self._data) count = __len__ def get(self, key: str, default: Any = DXFKeyError) -> 'DXFEntity': """ Returns :class:`DXFEntity` for `key`, if `key` exist, else `default` or raises a :class:`DXFKeyError` for `default` = :class:`DXFKeyError`. """ try: return self._data[key] except KeyError: if default is DXFKeyError: raise DXFKeyError(f"KeyError: '{key}'") else: return default def add(self, key: str, value: 'DXFEntity') -> None: """ Add entry ``(key, value)``. """ if isinstance(value, str): if not is_valid_handle(value): raise DXFValueError( f'Invalid entity handle #{value} for key {key}') self._data[key] = value def remove(self, key: str) -> None: """ Delete entry `key`. Raises :class:`DXFKeyError`, if `key` does not exist. Deletes also hard owned DXF objects from OBJECTS section. """ data = self._data if key not in data: raise DXFKeyError(key) if self.is_hard_owner: entity = self.get(key) # Presumption: hard owned DXF objects always reside in the OBJECTS # section. self.doc.objects.delete_entity(entity) del data[key] def discard(self, key: str) -> None: """ Delete entry `key` if exists. Does NOT raise an exception if `key` not exist and does not delete hard owned DXF objects. """ try: del self._data[key] except KeyError: pass def clear(self) -> None: """ Delete all entries from :class:`Dictionary`, deletes hard owned DXF objects from OBJECTS section. """ if self.is_hard_owner: self._delete_hard_owned_entries() self._data.clear() def _delete_hard_owned_entries(self) -> None: # Presumption: hard owned DXF objects always reside in the OBJECTS section objects = self.doc.objects for key, entity in self.items(): objects.delete_entity(entity) def add_new_dict(self, key: str, hard_owned: bool = False) -> 'Dictionary': """ Create a new sub :class:`Dictionary`. Args: key: name of the sub dictionary hard_owned: entries of the new dictionary are hard owned """ dxf_dict = self.doc.objects.add_dictionary(owner=self.dxf.handle, hard_owned=hard_owned) self.add(key, dxf_dict) return dxf_dict def add_dict_var(self, key: str, value: str) -> 'DictionaryVar': """ Add new :class:`DictionaryVar`. Args: key: entry name as string value: entry value as string """ new_var = self.doc.objects.add_dictionary_var( owner=self.dxf.handle, value=value ) self.add(key, new_var) return new_var def set_or_add_dict_var(self, key: str, value: str) -> 'DictionaryVar': """ Set or add new :class:`DictionaryVar`. Args: key: entry name as string value: entry value as string """ if key not in self: dict_var = self.doc.objects.add_dictionary_var( owner=self.dxf.handle, value=value ) self.add(key, dict_var) else: dict_var = self.get(key) dict_var.dxf.value = str(value) return dict_var def get_required_dict(self, key: str) -> 'Dictionary': """ Get entry `key` or create a new :class:`Dictionary`, if `Key` not exist. """ try: dxf_dict = self.get(key) except DXFKeyError: dxf_dict = self.add_new_dict(key) return dxf_dict def audit(self, auditor: 'Auditor') -> None: super().audit(auditor) self._check_invalid_entries(auditor) def _check_invalid_entries(self, auditor: 'Auditor'): trash = [] # do not delete content while iterating append = trash.append db = auditor.entitydb for key, entry in self._data.items(): if isinstance(entry, str): if entry not in db: append(key) elif entry.is_alive: if entry.dxf.handle not in db: append(key) else: # entry is destroyed append(key) for key in trash: del self._data[key] auditor.fixed_error( code=AuditError.INVALID_DICTIONARY_ENTRY, message=f'Removed entry "{key}" with invalid handle in {str(self)}', dxf_entity=self, data=key, ) def destroy(self) -> None: if not self.is_alive: return if self.is_hard_owner: self._delete_hard_owned_entries() super().destroy() acdb_dict_with_default = DefSubclass('AcDbDictionaryWithDefault', { 'default': DXFAttr(340), }) acdb_dict_with_default_group_codes = group_code_mapping(acdb_dict_with_default) @factory.register_entity class DictionaryWithDefault(Dictionary): DXFTYPE = 'ACDBDICTIONARYWDFLT' DXFATTRIBS = DXFAttributes(base_class, acdb_dictionary, acdb_dict_with_default) def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._default: Optional[DXFEntity] = None def _copy_data(self, entity: 'Dictionary') -> None: entity._default = self._default def post_load_hook(self, doc: 'Drawing') -> None: # Set _default to None if default object not exist - audit() replaces # a not existing default object by a place holder object. # AutoCAD ignores not existing default objects! self._default = doc.entitydb.get(self.dxf.default) super().post_load_hook(doc) def load_dxf_attribs( self, processor: SubclassProcessor = None) -> 'DXFNamespace': dxf = super().load_dxf_attribs(processor) if processor: processor.fast_load_dxfattribs( dxf, acdb_dict_with_default_group_codes, 2) return dxf def export_entity(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter') -> None: super().export_entity(tagwriter) tagwriter.write_tag2(SUBCLASS_MARKER, self.dxf.export_dxf_attribs(tagwriter, 'default') def get(self, key: str, default: Any = DXFKeyError) -> DXFEntity: # `default` argument is ignored, exist only for API compatibility, """ Returns :class:`DXFEntity` for `key` or the predefined dictionary wide :attr:`dxf.default` entity if `key` does not exist or ``None`` if default value also not exist. """ return super().get(key, default=self._default) def set_default(self, default: DXFEntity) -> None: """ Set dictionary wide default entry. Args: default: default entry as :class:`DXFEntity` """ self._default = default self.dxf.default = self._default.dxf.handle def audit(self, auditor: 'Auditor') -> None: def create_missing_default_object(): placeholder = self.doc.objects.add_placeholder( owner=self.dxf.handle) self.set_default(placeholder) auditor.fixed_error( code=AuditError.CREATED_MISSING_OBJECT, message=f'Created missing default object in {str(self)}.' ) if self._default is None or not self._default.is_alive: if auditor.entitydb.locked: auditor.add_post_audit_job(create_missing_default_object) else: create_missing_default_object() super().audit(auditor) acdb_dict_var = DefSubclass('DictionaryVariables', { 'schema': DXFAttr(280, default=0), # Object schema number (currently set to 0) 'value': DXFAttr(1, default=''), }) acdb_dict_var_group_codes = group_code_mapping(acdb_dict_var) @factory.register_entity class DictionaryVar(DXFObject): """ DICTIONARYVAR objects are used by AutoCAD as a means to store named values in the database for setvar / getvar purposes without the need to add entries to the DXF HEADER section. System variables that are stored as DICTIONARYVAR objects are the following: - DEFAULTVIEWCATEGORY - DIMADEC - DIMASSOC - DIMDSEP - DRAWORDERCTL - FIELDEVAL - HALOGAP - HIDETEXT - INDEXCTL - INDEXCTL - INTERSECTIONCOLOR - INTERSECTIONDISPLAY - MSOLESCALE - OBSCOLOR - OBSLTYPE - OLEFRAME - PROJECTNAME - SORTENTS - UPDATETHUMBNAIL - XCLIPFRAME - XCLIPFRAME """ DXFTYPE = 'DICTIONARYVAR' DXFATTRIBS = DXFAttributes(base_class, acdb_dict_var) def load_dxf_attribs(self, processor: SubclassProcessor = None) -> 'DXFNamespace': dxf = super().load_dxf_attribs(processor) if processor: processor.fast_load_dxfattribs(dxf, acdb_dict_var_group_codes, 1) return dxf def export_entity(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter') -> None: """ Export entity specific data as DXF tags. """ super().export_entity(tagwriter) tagwriter.write_tag2(SUBCLASS_MARKER, self.dxf.export_dxf_attribs(tagwriter, ['schema', 'value']) ``` #### File: ezdxf/entities/ ```python from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, Dict, Tuple import logging import array from ezdxf.lldxf import validator from ezdxf.lldxf.const import DXF2000, DXFStructureError, SUBCLASS_MARKER from ezdxf.lldxf.tags import Tags from ezdxf.lldxf.types import dxftag, DXFTag, DXFBinaryTag from ezdxf.lldxf.attributes import ( DXFAttr, DXFAttributes, DefSubclass, RETURN_DEFAULT, group_code_mapping ) from import take2 from .dxfentity import DXFEntity, base_class, SubclassProcessor from .factory import register_entity logger = logging.getLogger('ezdxf') if TYPE_CHECKING: from ezdxf.eztypes import Auditor, DXFNamespace, TagWriter __all__ = [ 'DXFObject', 'Placeholder', 'XRecord', 'VBAProject', 'SortEntsTable', 'Field' ] class DXFObject(DXFEntity): """ Non graphical entities stored in the OBJECTS section. """ MIN_DXF_VERSION_FOR_EXPORT = DXF2000 def audit(self, auditor: 'Auditor') -> None: """ Validity check. (internal API) """ super().audit(auditor) auditor.check_owner_exist(self) @register_entity class Placeholder(DXFObject): DXFTYPE = 'ACDBPLACEHOLDER' acdb_xrecord = DefSubclass('AcDbXrecord', { # 0 = not applicable # 1 = keep existing # 2 = use clone # 3 = <xref>$0$<name> # 4 = $0$<name> # 5 = Unmangle name 'cloning': DXFAttr( 280, default=1, validator=validator.is_in_integer_range(0, 6), fixer=RETURN_DEFAULT, ), }) def totags(tags: Iterable) -> Iterable[DXFTag]: for tag in tags: if isinstance(tag, DXFTag): yield tag else: yield dxftag(tag[0], tag[1]) @register_entity class XRecord(DXFObject): """ DXF XRECORD entity """ DXFTYPE = 'XRECORD' DXFATTRIBS = DXFAttributes(base_class, acdb_xrecord) def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.tags = Tags() def _copy_data(self, entity: 'XRecord') -> None: entity.tags = Tags(entity.tags) def load_dxf_attribs( self, processor: SubclassProcessor = None) -> 'DXFNamespace': dxf = super().load_dxf_attribs(processor) if processor: try: tags = processor.subclasses[1] except IndexError: raise DXFStructureError( f'Missing subclass AcDbXrecord in XRecord (#{dxf.handle})') start_index = 1 if len(tags) > 1: # First tag is group code 280, but not for DXF R13/R14. # SUT: doc may be None, but then doc also can not # be R13/R14 - ezdxf does not create R13/R14 if self.doc is None or self.doc.dxfversion >= DXF2000: code, value = tags[1] if code == 280: dxf.cloning = value start_index = 2 else: # just log recoverable error f'XRecord (#{dxf.handle}): expected group code 280 ' f'as first tag in AcDbXrecord' ) self.tags = Tags(tags[start_index:]) return dxf def export_entity(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter') -> None: super().export_entity(tagwriter) tagwriter.write_tag2(SUBCLASS_MARKER, tagwriter.write_tag2(280, self.dxf.cloning) tagwriter.write_tags(Tags(totags(self.tags))) acdb_vba_project = DefSubclass('AcDbVbaProject', { # 90: Number of bytes of binary chunk data (contained in the group code # 310 records that follow) # 310: DXF: Binary object data (multiple entries containing VBA project # data) }) @register_entity class VBAProject(DXFObject): """ DXF VBA_PROJECT entity """ DXFTYPE = 'VBA_PROJECT' DXFATTRIBS = DXFAttributes(base_class, acdb_vba_project) def __init__(self): super().__init__() = b'' def _copy_data(self, entity: 'VBAProject') -> None: entity.tags = Tags(entity.tags) def load_dxf_attribs( self, processor: SubclassProcessor = None) -> 'DXFNamespace': dxf = super().load_dxf_attribs(processor) if processor: self.load_byte_data(processor.subclasses[1]) return dxf def load_byte_data(self, tags: 'Tags') -> None: byte_array = array.array('B') # Translation from String to binary data happens in tag_compiler(): for byte_data in (tag.value for tag in tags if tag.code == 310): byte_array.extend(byte_data) = byte_array.tobytes() def export_entity(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter') -> None: super().export_entity(tagwriter) tagwriter.write_tag2(SUBCLASS_MARKER, tagwriter.write_tag2(90, len( self.export_data(tagwriter) def export_data(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter'): data = while data: tagwriter.write_tag(DXFBinaryTag(310, data[:127])) data = data[127:] def clear(self) -> None: = b'' acdb_sort_ents_table = DefSubclass('AcDbSortentsTable', { # Soft-pointer ID/handle to owner (currently only the *MODEL_SPACE or # *PAPER_SPACE blocks) in ezdxf the block_record handle for a layout is # also called layout_key: 'block_record_handle': DXFAttr(330), # 331: Soft-pointer ID/handle to an entity (zero or more entries may exist) # 5: Sort handle (zero or more entries may exist) }) acdb_sort_ents_table_group_codes = group_code_mapping(acdb_sort_ents_table) @register_entity class SortEntsTable(DXFObject): """ DXF SORTENTSTABLE entity - sort entities table """ # should work with AC1015/R2000 but causes problems with TrueView/AutoCAD # LT 2019: "expected was-a-zombie-flag" # No problems with AC1018/R2004 and later # # If the header variable $SORTENTS Regen flag (bit-code value 16) is set, # AutoCAD regenerates entities in ascending handle order. # # When the DRAWORDER command is used, a SORTENTSTABLE object is attached to # the *Model_Space or *Paper_Space block's extension dictionary under the # name ACAD_SORTENTS. The SORTENTSTABLE object related to this dictionary # associates a different handle with each entity, which redefines the order # in which the entities are regenerated. # # $SORTENTS (280): Controls the object sorting methods (bitcode): # 0 = Disables SORTENTS # 1 = Sorts for object selection # 2 = Sorts for object snap # 4 = Sorts for redraws; obsolete # 8 = Sorts for MSLIDE command slide creation; obsolete # 16 = Sorts for REGEN commands # 32 = Sorts for plotting # 64 = Sorts for PostScript output; obsolete DXFTYPE = 'SORTENTSTABLE' DXFATTRIBS = DXFAttributes(base_class, acdb_sort_ents_table) def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.table: Dict[str, str] = dict() def _copy_data(self, entity: 'SortEntsTable') -> None: entity.tags = dict(entity.table) def load_dxf_attribs( self, processor: SubclassProcessor = None) -> 'DXFNamespace': dxf = super().load_dxf_attribs(processor) if processor: tags = processor.fast_load_dxfattribs( dxf, acdb_sort_ents_table_group_codes, 1, log=False) self.load_table(tags) return dxf def load_table(self, tags: 'Tags') -> None: for handle, sort_handle in take2(tags): if handle.code != 331: raise DXFStructureError( f'Invalid handle code {handle.code}, expected 331') if sort_handle.code != 5: raise DXFStructureError( f'Invalid sort handle code {handle.code}, expected 5') self.table[handle.value] = sort_handle.value def export_entity(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter') -> None: super().export_entity(tagwriter) tagwriter.write_tag2(SUBCLASS_MARKER, tagwriter.write_tag2(330, self.dxf.block_record_handle) self.export_table(tagwriter) def export_table(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter'): for handle, sort_handle in self.table.items(): tagwriter.write_tag2(331, handle) tagwriter.write_tag2(5, sort_handle) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.table) def __iter__(self) -> Iterable: """ Yields all redraw associations as (object_handle, sort_handle) tuples. """ return iter(self.table.items()) def append(self, handle: str, sort_handle: str) -> None: """ Append redraw association (handle, sort_handle). Args: handle: DXF entity handle (uppercase hex value without leading '0x') sort_handle: sort handle (uppercase hex value without leading '0x') """ self.table[handle] = sort_handle def clear(self): """ Remove all handles from redraw order table. """ self.table = dict() def set_handles(self, handles: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]) -> None: """ Set all redraw associations from iterable `handles`, after removing all existing associations. Args: handles: iterable yielding (object_handle, sort_handle) tuples """ # The sort_handle doesn't have to be unique, same or all handles can # share the same sort_handle and sort_handles can use existing handles # too. # # The '0' handle can be used, but this sort_handle will be drawn as # latest (on top of all other entities) and not as first as expected. # Invalid entity handles will be ignored by AutoCAD. self.table = dict(handles) def remove_invalid_handles(self) -> None: """ Remove all handles which do not exists in the drawing database. """ entitydb = self.doc.entitydb self.table = { handle: sort_handle for handle, sort_handle in self.table.items() if handle in entitydb } def remove_handle(self, handle: str) -> None: """ Remove handle of DXF entity from redraw order table. Args: handle: DXF entity handle (uppercase hex value without leading '0x') """ try: del self.table[handle] except KeyError: pass acdb_field = DefSubclass('AcDbField', { 'evaluator_id': DXFAttr(1), 'field_code': DXFAttr(2), # Overflow of field code string 'field_code_overflow': DXFAttr(3), # Number of child fields 'n_child_fields': DXFAttr(90), # 360: Child field ID (AcDbHardOwnershipId); repeats for number of children # 97: Number of object IDs used in the field code # 331: Object ID used in the field code (AcDbSoftPointerId); repeats for # the number of object IDs used in the field code # 93: Number of the data set in the field # 6: Key string for the field data; a key-field pair is repeated for the # number of data sets in the field # 7: Key string for the evaluated cache; this key is hard-coded # as ACFD_FIELD_VALUE # 90: Data type of field value # 91: Long value (if data type of field value is long) # 140: Double value (if data type of field value is double) # 330: ID value, AcDbSoftPointerId (if data type of field value is ID) # 92: Binary data buffer size (if data type of field value is binary) # 310: Binary data (if data type of field value is binary) # 301: Format string # 9: Overflow of Format string # 98: Length of format string }) # todo: implement FIELD # register when done class Field(DXFObject): """ DXF FIELD entity """ DXFTYPE = 'FIELD' DXFATTRIBS = DXFAttributes(base_class, acdb_field) ``` #### File: ezdxf/entities/ ```python from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, Sequence, Tuple, Union, List, Dict import array import copy from itertools import chain from contextlib import contextmanager from ezdxf.lldxf import validator from ezdxf.lldxf.attributes import ( DXFAttr, DXFAttributes, DefSubclass, RETURN_DEFAULT, group_code_mapping ) from ezdxf.lldxf.const import ( SUBCLASS_MARKER, DXF2000, DXFValueError, DXFStructureError, ) from ezdxf.lldxf.packedtags import VertexArray, TagArray, TagList from import take2 from .dxfentity import base_class, SubclassProcessor from .dxfgfx import DXFGraphic, acdb_entity from .factory import register_entity if TYPE_CHECKING: from ezdxf.eztypes import ( TagWriter, DXFNamespace, Vertex, Tags, Matrix44, ) __all__ = ['Mesh', 'MeshData'] acdb_mesh = DefSubclass('AcDbSubDMesh', { 'version': DXFAttr(71, default=2), 'blend_crease': DXFAttr( 72, default=0, validator=validator.is_integer_bool, fixer=RETURN_DEFAULT, ), # 0 is no smoothing 'subdivision_levels': DXFAttr( 91, default=0, validator=validator.is_greater_or_equal_zero, fixer=RETURN_DEFAULT, ), # 92: Vertex count of level 0 # 10: Vertex position, multiple entries # 93: Size of face list of level 0 # 90: Face list item, >=3 possible # 90: length of face list # 90: 1st vertex index # 90: 2nd vertex index ... # 94: Edge count of level 0 # 90: Vertex index of 1st edge # 90: Vertex index of 2nd edge # 95: Edge crease count of level 0 # 95 same as 94, or how is the 'edge create value' associated to edge index # 140: Edge crease value # # Overriding properties: how does this work? # 90: Count of sub-entity which property has been overridden # 91: Sub-entity marker # 92: Count of property was overridden # 90: Property type # 0 = Color # 1 = Material # 2 = Transparency # 3 = Material mapper }) acdb_mesh_group_codes = group_code_mapping(acdb_mesh) class EdgeArray(TagArray): DTYPE = 'L' def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.values) // 2 def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[int, int]]: for edge in take2(self.values): yield edge def set_data(self, edges: Iterable[Tuple[int, int]]) -> None: self.values = array.array(self.DTYPE, chain.from_iterable(edges)) def export_dxf(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter'): # count = count of edges not tags! tagwriter.write_tag2(94, len(self.values) // 2) for index in self.values: tagwriter.write_tag2(90, index) class FaceList(TagList): def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.values) def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[array.array]: return iter(self.values) def export_dxf(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter'): # count = count of tags not faces! tagwriter.write_tag2(93, self.tag_count()) for face in self.values: tagwriter.write_tag2(90, len(face)) for index in face: tagwriter.write_tag2(90, index) def tag_count(self) -> int: return len(self.values) + sum(len(f) for f in self.values) def set_data(self, faces: Iterable[Sequence[int]]) -> None: _faces = [] for face in faces: _faces.append(face_to_array(face)) self.values = _faces def face_to_array(face: Sequence[int]) -> array.array: max_index = max(face) if max_index < 256: dtype = 'B' elif max_index < 65536: dtype = 'I' else: dtype = 'L' return array.array(dtype, face) def create_vertex_array(tags: 'Tags', start_index: int) -> 'VertexArray': vertex_tags = tags.collect_consecutive_tags(codes=(10,), start=start_index) return VertexArray(data=chain.from_iterable(t.value for t in vertex_tags)) def create_face_list(tags: 'Tags', start_index: int) -> 'FaceList': faces = FaceList() faces_list = faces.values face = [] counter = 0 for tag in tags.collect_consecutive_tags(codes=(90,), start=start_index): if not counter: # leading counter tag counter = tag.value if face: # group code 90 = 32 bit integer faces_list.append(face_to_array(face)) face = [] else: # followed by count face tags counter -= 1 face.append(tag.value) # add last face if face: # group code 90 = 32 bit integer faces_list.append(face_to_array(face)) return faces def create_edge_array(tags: 'Tags', start_index: int) -> 'EdgeArray': return EdgeArray(data=collect_values( tags, start_index, code=90)) # int values def collect_values(tags: 'Tags', start_index: int, code: int) -> Iterable[Union[float, int]]: values = tags.collect_consecutive_tags(codes=(code,), start=start_index) return (t.value for t in values) def create_crease_array(tags: 'Tags', start_index: int) -> 'array.array': return array.array('f', collect_values( tags, start_index, code=140)) # float values COUNT_ERROR_MSG = "'MESH (#{}) without {} count.'" @register_entity class Mesh(DXFGraphic): """ DXF MESH entity """ DXFTYPE = 'MESH' DXFATTRIBS = DXFAttributes(base_class, acdb_entity, acdb_mesh) MIN_DXF_VERSION_FOR_EXPORT = DXF2000 def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._vertices = VertexArray() # vertices stored as array.array('d') self._faces = FaceList() # face lists data self._edges = EdgeArray() # edge indices stored as array.array('L') self._creases = array.array('f') # creases stored as array.array('f') def _copy_data(self, entity: 'Mesh') -> None: """ Copy data: vertices, faces, edges, creases. """ entity._vertices = copy.deepcopy(self._vertices) entity._faces = copy.deepcopy(self._faces) entity._edges = copy.deepcopy(self._edges) entity._creases = copy.deepcopy(self._creases) def load_dxf_attribs( self, processor: SubclassProcessor = None) -> 'DXFNamespace': dxf = super().load_dxf_attribs(processor) if processor: tags = processor.subclass_by_index(2) # Load mesh data and remove their tags from subclass self.load_mesh_data(tags, dxf.handle) # Load remaining data into name space processor.fast_load_dxfattribs( dxf, acdb_mesh_group_codes, 2, recover=True) return dxf def load_mesh_data(self, mesh_tags: 'Tags', handle: str) -> None: def process_vertices(): try: vertex_count_index = mesh_tags.tag_index(92) except DXFValueError: raise DXFStructureError( COUNT_ERROR_MSG.format(handle, 'vertex')) vertices = create_vertex_array(mesh_tags, vertex_count_index + 1) # Remove vertex count tag and all vertex tags end_index = vertex_count_index + 1 + len(vertices) del mesh_tags[vertex_count_index:end_index] return vertices def process_faces(): try: face_count_index = mesh_tags.tag_index(93) except DXFValueError: raise DXFStructureError(COUNT_ERROR_MSG.format(handle, 'face')) else: # Remove face count tag and all face tags faces = create_face_list(mesh_tags, face_count_index + 1) end_index = face_count_index + 1 + faces.tag_count() del mesh_tags[face_count_index:end_index] return faces def process_edges(): try: edge_count_index = mesh_tags.tag_index(94) except DXFValueError: raise DXFStructureError(COUNT_ERROR_MSG.format(handle, 'edge')) else: edges = create_edge_array(mesh_tags, edge_count_index + 1) # Remove edge count tag and all edge tags end_index = edge_count_index + 1 + len(edges.values) del mesh_tags[edge_count_index:end_index] return edges def process_creases(): try: crease_count_index = mesh_tags.tag_index(95) except DXFValueError: raise DXFStructureError( COUNT_ERROR_MSG.format(handle, 'crease')) else: creases = create_crease_array(mesh_tags, crease_count_index + 1) # Remove crease count tag and all crease tags end_index = crease_count_index + 1 + len(creases) del mesh_tags[crease_count_index:end_index] return creases self._vertices = process_vertices() self._faces = process_faces() self._edges = process_edges() self._creases = process_creases() def export_entity(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter') -> None: """ Export entity specific data as DXF tags. """ super().export_entity(tagwriter) tagwriter.write_tag2(SUBCLASS_MARKER, self.dxf.export_dxf_attribs(tagwriter, [ 'version', 'blend_crease', 'subdivision_levels' ]) self.export_mesh_data(tagwriter) self.export_override_data(tagwriter) def export_mesh_data(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter'): tagwriter.write_tag2(92, len(self.vertices)) self._vertices.export_dxf(tagwriter, code=10) self._faces.export_dxf(tagwriter) self._edges.export_dxf(tagwriter) tagwriter.write_tag2(95, len(self.creases)) for crease_value in self.creases: tagwriter.write_tag2(140, crease_value) def export_override_data(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter'): tagwriter.write_tag2(90, 0) @property def creases(self) -> 'array.array': """ Creases as :class:`array.array`. (read/write)""" return self._creases @creases.setter def creases(self, values: Iterable[float]) -> None: self._creases = array.array('f', values) @property def vertices(self): """ Vertices as list like :class:`~ezdxf.lldxf.packedtags.VertexArray`. (read/write) """ return self._vertices @vertices.setter def vertices(self, points: Iterable['Vertex']) -> None: self._vertices = VertexArray(chain.from_iterable(points)) @property def edges(self): """ Edges as list like :class:`~ezdxf.lldxf.packedtags.TagArray`. (read/write) """ return self._edges @edges.setter def edges(self, edges: Iterable[Tuple[int, int]]) -> None: self._edges.set_data(edges) @property def faces(self): """ Faces as list like :class:`~ezdxf.lldxf.packedtags.TagList`. (read/write) """ return self._faces @faces.setter def faces(self, faces: Iterable[Sequence[int]]) -> None: self._faces.set_data(faces) def get_data(self) -> 'MeshData': return MeshData(self) def set_data(self, data: 'MeshData') -> None: self.vertices = data.vertices self._faces.set_data(data.faces) self._edges.set_data(data.edges) self.creases = data.edge_crease_values @contextmanager def edit_data(self) -> 'MeshData': """ Context manager various mesh data, returns :class:`MeshData`. Despite that vertices, edge and faces since `ezdxf` v0.8.9 are accessible as packed data types, the usage of :class:`MeshData` by context manager :meth:`edit_data` is still recommended. """ data = self.get_data() yield data self.set_data(data) def transform(self, m: 'Matrix44') -> 'Mesh': """ Transform the MESH entity by transformation matrix `m` inplace. """ self._vertices.transform(m) return self class MeshData: def __init__(self, mesh): self.vertices: List[Tuple[float, float, float]] = list(mesh.vertices) self.faces: List[array.array] = list(mesh.faces) self.edges: List[Tuple[int, int]] = list(mesh.edges) self.edge_crease_values: array.array = mesh.creases def add_face(self, vertices: Iterable[Sequence[float]]) -> Sequence[int]: """ Add a face by coordinates, vertices is a list of ``(x, y, z)`` tuples. """ return self.add_entity(vertices, self.faces) def add_edge(self, vertices: Sequence[Sequence[float]]) -> Sequence[int]: """ Add an edge by coordinates, vertices is a list of two ``(x, y, z)`` tuples. """ if len(vertices) != 2: raise DXFValueError( "Parameter vertices has to be a list/tuple of 2 vertices " "[(x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2)].") return self.add_entity(vertices, self.edges) def add_entity(self, vertices: Iterable[Sequence[float]], entity_list: List) -> Sequence[int]: indices = [self.add_vertex(vertex) for vertex in vertices] entity_list.append(indices) return indices def add_vertex(self, vertex: Sequence[float]) -> int: if len(vertex) != 3: raise DXFValueError( 'Parameter vertex has to be a 3-tuple (x, y, z).') index = len(self.vertices) self.vertices.append(vertex) return index def optimize(self, precision: int = 6): """ Try to reduce vertex count by merging near vertices. `precision` defines the decimal places for coordinate be equal to merge two vertices. """ def remove_doublette_vertices() -> Dict[int, int]: def prepare_vertices() -> Iterable[Tuple[float, float, float]]: for index, vertex in enumerate(self.vertices): x, y, z = vertex yield (round(x, precision), round(y, precision), round(z, precision), index) sorted_vertex_list = list(sorted(prepare_vertices())) original_vertices = self.vertices self.vertices = [] index_map: Dict[int, int] = {} cmp_vertex = None index = 0 while len(sorted_vertex_list): vertex_entry = sorted_vertex_list.pop() original_index = vertex_entry[3] vertex = original_vertices[original_index] if vertex != cmp_vertex: # this is not a doublette index = len(self.vertices) self.vertices.append(vertex) index_map[original_index] = index cmp_vertex = vertex else: # it is a doublette index_map[original_index] = index return index_map def remap_faces() -> None: self.faces = remap_indices(self.faces) def remap_edges() -> None: self.edges = remap_indices(self.edges) def remap_indices(entity_list: Sequence[Sequence[int]]) -> List[Tuple]: mapped_indices = [] # type: List[Tuple] for entity in entity_list: index_list = [index_map[index] for index in entity] mapped_indices.append(tuple(index_list)) return mapped_indices index_map = remove_doublette_vertices() remap_faces() remap_edges() ``` #### File: ezdxf/entities/ ```python from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple import math from ezdxf.audit import AuditError from ezdxf.entities.factory import register_entity from ezdxf.lldxf import const, validator from ezdxf.lldxf.attributes import ( DXFAttr, DXFAttributes, DefSubclass, XType, RETURN_DEFAULT, group_code_mapping, ) from ezdxf.lldxf.tags import Tags, group_tags from ezdxf.math import NULLVEC, X_AXIS, Y_AXIS, Z_AXIS, Vertex, Vec3, UCS from .dxfentity import base_class, SubclassProcessor from .dxfobj import DXFObject from .dxfgfx import DXFGraphic, acdb_entity from .objectcollection import ObjectCollection import logging if TYPE_CHECKING: from ezdxf.eztypes import ( TagWriter, Drawing, DXFNamespace, EntityQuery, BaseLayout, Matrix44, Auditor, ) __all__ = ['MLine', 'MLineVertex', 'MLineStyle', 'MLineStyleCollection'] # Usage example: CADKitSamples\Lock-Off.dxf logger = logging.getLogger('ezdxf') def filter_close_vertices(vertices: Iterable[Vec3], abs_tol: float = 1e-12) -> Iterable[Vec3]: prev = None for vertex in vertices: if prev is None: yield vertex prev = vertex else: if not vertex.isclose(prev, abs_tol=abs_tol): yield vertex prev = vertex acdb_mline = DefSubclass('AcDbMline', OrderedDict({ 'style_name': DXFAttr(2, default='Standard'), 'style_handle': DXFAttr(340), 'scale_factor': DXFAttr( 40, default=1, validator=validator.is_not_zero, fixer=RETURN_DEFAULT, ), # Justification # 0 = Top (Right) # 1 = Zero (Center) # 2 = Bottom (Left) 'justification': DXFAttr( 70, default=0, validator=validator.is_in_integer_range(0, 3), fixer=RETURN_DEFAULT, ), # Flags (bit-coded values): # 1 = Has at least one vertex (code 72 is greater than 0) # 2 = Closed # 4 = Suppress start caps # 8 = Suppress end caps 'flags': DXFAttr(71, default=1), # Number of MLINE vertices 'count': DXFAttr(72, xtype=XType.callback, getter='__len__'), # Number of elements in MLINESTYLE definition 'style_element_count': DXFAttr(73, default=2), # start location in WCS! 'start_location': DXFAttr(10, xtype=XType.callback, getter='start_location'), # Normal vector of the entity plane, but all vertices in WCS! 'extrusion': DXFAttr( 210, xtype=XType.point3d, default=Z_AXIS, validator=validator.is_not_null_vector, fixer=RETURN_DEFAULT, ), # MLine data: # 11: vertex coordinates # Multiple entries; one entry for each vertex. # 12: Direction vector of segment starting at this vertex # Multiple entries; one for each vertex. # 13: Direction vector of miter at this vertex # Multiple entries: one for each vertex. # 74: Number of parameters for this element, # repeats for each element in segment # 41: Element parameters, # repeats based on previous code 74 # 75: Number of area fill parameters for this element, # repeats for each element in segment # 42: Area fill parameters, # repeats based on previous code 75 })) acdb_mline_group_codes = group_code_mapping(acdb_mline) # For information about line- and fill parametrization see comments in class # MLineVertex(). # # The 2 group codes in mline entities and mlinestyle objects are redundant # fields. These groups should not be modified under any circumstances, although # it is safe to read them and use their values. The correct fields to modify # are as follows: # # Mline # The 340 group in the same object, which indicates the proper MLINESTYLE # object. # # Mlinestyle # The 3 group value in the MLINESTYLE dictionary, which precedes the 350 group # that has the handle or entity name of # the current mlinestyle. # Facts and assumptions not clearly defined by the DXF reference: # - the reference line is defined by the group code 11 points (fact) # - all line segments are parallel to the reference line (assumption) # - all line vertices are located in the same plane, the orientation of the plane # is defined by the extrusion vector (assumption) # - the scale factor is applied to to all geometries # - the start- and end angle (MLineStyle) is also applied to the first and last # miter direction vector # - the last two points mean: all geometries and direction vectors can be used # as stored in the DXF file no additional scaling or rotation is necessary # for the MLINE rendering. Disadvantage: minor changes of DXF attributes # require a refresh of the MLineVertices. # Ezdxf does not support the creation of line-break (gap) features, but will be # preserve this data if the MLINE stays unchanged. # Editing the MLINE entity by ezdxf removes the line-break features (gaps). class MLineVertex: def __init__(self): self.location: Vec3 = NULLVEC self.line_direction: Vec3 = X_AXIS self.miter_direction: Vec3 = Y_AXIS # Line parametrization (74/41) # ---------------------------- # The line parameterization is a list of float values. # The list may contain zero or more items. # # The first value (miter-offset) is the distance from the vertex # location along the miter direction vector to the point where the # line element's path intersects the miter vector. # # The next value (line-start-offset) is the distance along the line # direction from the miter/line path intersection point to the actual # start of the line element. # # The next value (dash-length) is the distance from the start of the # line element (dash) to the first break (or gap) in the line element. # The successive values continue to list the start and stop points of # the line element in this segment of the mline. # Linetypes do not affect the line parametrization. # # # 1. line element: [miter-offset, line-start-offset, dash, gap, dash, ...] # 2. line element: [...] # ... self.line_params: List[List[float]] = [] """ The line parameterization is a list of float values. The list may contain zero or more items. """ # Fill parametrization (75/42) # ---------------------------- # # The fill parameterization is also a list of float values. # Similar to the line parameterization, it describes the # parameterization of the fill area for this mline segment. # The values are interpreted identically to the line parameters and when # taken as a whole for all line elements in the mline segment, they # define the boundary of the fill area for the mline segment. # # A common example of the use of the fill mechanism is when an # unfilled mline crosses over a filled mline and "mledit" is used to # cause the filled mline to appear unfilled in the crossing area. # This would result in two fill parameters for each line element in the # affected mline segment; one for the fill stop and one for the fill # start. # # [dash-length, gap-length, ...]? self.fill_params: List[List[float]] = [] def __copy__(self) -> 'MLineVertex': vtx = self.__class__() vtx.location = self.location vtx.line_direction = self.line_direction vtx.miter_direction = self.miter_direction vtx.line_params = list(self.line_params) vtx.fill_params = list(self.fill_params) return vtx copy = __copy__ @classmethod def load(cls, tags: Tags) -> 'MLineVertex': vtx = MLineVertex() line_params = [] line_params_count = 0 fill_params = [] fill_params_count = 0 for code, value in tags: if code == 11: vtx.location = Vec3(value) elif code == 12: vtx.line_direction = Vec3(value) elif code == 13: vtx.miter_direction = Vec3(value) elif code == 74: line_params_count = value if line_params_count == 0: vtx.line_params.append(tuple()) else: line_params = [] elif code == 41: line_params.append(value) line_params_count -= 1 if line_params_count == 0: vtx.line_params.append(tuple(line_params)) line_params = [] elif code == 75: fill_params_count = value if fill_params_count == 0: vtx.fill_params.append(tuple()) else: fill_params = [] elif code == 42: fill_params.append(value) fill_params_count -= 1 if fill_params_count == 0: vtx.fill_params.append(tuple(fill_params)) return vtx def export_dxf(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter'): tagwriter.write_vertex(11, self.location) tagwriter.write_vertex(12, self.line_direction) tagwriter.write_vertex(13, self.miter_direction) for line_params, fill_params in zip(self.line_params, self.fill_params): tagwriter.write_tag2(74, len(line_params)) for param in line_params: tagwriter.write_tag2(41, param) tagwriter.write_tag2(75, len(fill_params)) for param in fill_params: tagwriter.write_tag2(42, param) @classmethod def new(cls, start: Vertex, line_direction: Vertex, miter_direction: Vertex, line_params: Iterable = None, fill_params: Iterable = None) -> 'MLineVertex': vtx = MLineVertex() vtx.location = Vec3(start) vtx.line_direction = Vec3(line_direction) vtx.miter_direction = Vec3(miter_direction) vtx.line_params = list(line_params or []) vtx.fill_params = list(fill_params or []) if len(vtx.line_params) != len(vtx.fill_params): raise const.DXFValueError( 'Count mismatch of line- and fill parameters') return vtx def transform(self, m: 'Matrix44') -> 'MLineVertex': """ Transform MLineVertex by transformation matrix `m` inplace. """ self.location = m.transform(self.location) self.line_direction = m.transform_direction(self.line_direction) self.miter_direction = m.transform_direction(self.miter_direction) return self @register_entity class MLine(DXFGraphic): DXFTYPE = 'MLINE' DXFATTRIBS = DXFAttributes(base_class, acdb_entity, acdb_mline) TOP = const.MLINE_TOP ZERO = const.MLINE_ZERO BOTTOM = const.MLINE_BOTTOM HAS_VERTICES = const.MLINE_HAS_VERTICES CLOSED = const.MLINE_CLOSED SUPPRESS_START_CAPS = const.MLINE_SUPPRESS_START_CAPS SUPPRESS_END_CAPS = const.MLINE_SUPPRESS_END_CAPS def __init__(self): super().__init__() # The MLINE geometry stored in vertices, is the final geometry, # scaling factor, justification and MLineStyle settings are already # applied. This is why the geometry has to be updated every time a # change is applied. self.vertices: List[MLineVertex] = [] def __len__(self): """ Count of MLINE vertices. """ return len(self.vertices) def _copy_data(self, entity: 'MLine') -> None: entity.vertices = [v.copy() for v in self.vertices] def load_dxf_attribs( self, processor: SubclassProcessor = None) -> 'DXFNamespace': dxf = super().load_dxf_attribs(processor) if processor: tags = processor.fast_load_dxfattribs( dxf, acdb_mline_group_codes, 2, log=False) self.load_vertices(tags) return dxf def load_vertices(self, tags: Tags) -> None: self.vertices.extend( MLineVertex.load(tags) for tags in group_tags(tags, splitcode=11) ) def preprocess_export(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter') -> bool: # Do not export MLines without vertices return len(self.vertices) > 1 # todo: check if line- and fill parametrization is compatible with # MLINE style, requires same count of elements! def export_entity(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter') -> None: # ezdxf does not export MLINE entities without vertices, # see method preprocess_export() self.set_flag_state(self.HAS_VERTICES, True) super().export_entity(tagwriter) tagwriter.write_tag2(const.SUBCLASS_MARKER, self.dxf.export_dxf_attribs(tagwriter, acdb_mline.attribs.keys()) self.export_vertices(tagwriter) def export_vertices(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter') -> None: for vertex in self.vertices: vertex.export_dxf(tagwriter) @property def is_closed(self) -> bool: """ Returns ``True`` if MLINE is closed. Compatibility interface to :class:`Polyline` """ return self.get_flag_state(self.CLOSED) def close(self, state: bool = True) -> None: """ Get/set closed state of MLINE and update geometry accordingly. Compatibility interface to :class:`Polyline` """ state = bool(state) if state != self.is_closed: self.set_flag_state(self.CLOSED, state) self.update_geometry() @property def start_caps(self) -> bool: """ Get/Set start caps state. ``True`` to enable start caps and ``False`` tu suppress start caps. """ return not self.get_flag_state(self.SUPPRESS_START_CAPS) @start_caps.setter def start_caps(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Set start caps state. """ self.set_flag_state(self.SUPPRESS_START_CAPS, not bool(value)) @property def end_caps(self) -> bool: """ Get/Set end caps state. ``True`` to enable end caps and ``False`` tu suppress start caps.""" return not self.get_flag_state(self.SUPPRESS_END_CAPS) @end_caps.setter def end_caps(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Set start caps state. """ self.set_flag_state(self.SUPPRESS_END_CAPS, not bool(value)) def set_scale_factor(self, value: float) -> None: """ Set the scale factor and update geometry accordingly. """ value = float(value) if not math.isclose(self.dxf.scale_factor, value): self.dxf.scale_factor = value self.update_geometry() def set_justification(self, value: int) -> None: """ Set MLINE justification and update geometry accordingly. See :attr:`dxf.justification` for valid settings. """ value = int(value) if self.dxf.justification != value: self.dxf.justification = value self.update_geometry() @property def style(self) -> Optional['MLineStyle']: """ Get associated MLINESTYLE. """ if self.doc is None: return None _style = self.doc.entitydb.get(self.dxf.style_handle) if _style is None: _style = self.doc.mline_styles.get(self.dxf.style_name) return _style def set_style(self, name: str) -> None: """ Set MLINESTYLE by name and update geometry accordingly. The MLINESTYLE definition must exist. """ if self.doc is None: logger.debug("Can't change style of unbounded MLINE entity.") return try: style = self.doc.mline_styles.get(name) except const.DXFKeyError: raise const.DXFValueError(f'Undefined MLINE style: {name}') # Line- and fill parametrization depends on the count of # elements, a change in the number of elements triggers a # reset of the parametrization: old_style = new_element_count = len(style.elements) reset = False if old_style: # Do not trust the stored "style_element_count" value reset = len( != new_element_count self.dxf.style_name = name self.dxf.style_handle = style.dxf.handle self.dxf.style_element_count = new_element_count if reset: self.update_geometry() def start_location(self) -> Vec3: """ Returns the start location of the reference line. Callback function for :attr:`dxf.start_location`. """ if len(self.vertices): return self.vertices[0].location else: return NULLVEC def get_locations(self) -> List[Vec3]: """ Returns the vertices of the reference line. """ return [v.location for v in self.vertices] def extend(self, vertices: Iterable['Vertex']) -> None: """ Append multiple vertices to the reference line. It is possible to work with 3D vertices, but all vertices have to be in the same plane and the normal vector of this plan is stored as extrusion vector in the MLINE entity. """ vertices = Vec3.list(vertices) if not vertices: return all_vertices = [] if len(self): all_vertices.extend(self.get_locations()) all_vertices.extend(vertices) self.generate_geometry(all_vertices) def update_geometry(self) -> None: """ Regenerate the MLINE geometry based on current settings. """ self.generate_geometry(self.get_locations()) def generate_geometry(self, vertices: List[Vec3]) -> None: """ Regenerate the MLINE geometry for new reference line defined by `vertices`. """ vertices = list(filter_close_vertices(vertices, abs_tol=1e-6)) if len(vertices) == 0: self.clear() return elif len(vertices) == 1: self.vertices = [[0], X_AXIS, Y_AXIS)] return style = if len(style.elements) == 0: raise const.DXFStructureError( f'No line elements defined in {str(style)}.') def miter(dir1: Vec3, dir2: Vec3): return ((dir1 + dir2) * 0.5).normalize().orthogonal() ucs = UCS.from_z_axis_and_point_in_xz( origin=vertices[0], point=vertices[1], axis=self.dxf.extrusion, ) # Transform given vertices into UCS and project them into the # UCS-xy-plane by setting the z-axis to 0: vertices = [v.replace(z=0) for v in ucs.points_from_wcs(vertices)] start_angle = style.dxf.start_angle end_angle = style.dxf.end_angle line_directions = [ (v2 - v1).normalize() for v1, v2 in zip(vertices, vertices[1:]) ] if self.is_closed: line_directions.append((vertices[0] - vertices[-1]).normalize()) closing_miter = miter(line_directions[0], line_directions[-1]) miter_directions = [closing_miter] else: closing_miter = None line_directions.append(line_directions[-1]) miter_directions = [line_directions[0].rotate_deg(start_angle)] for d1, d2 in zip(line_directions, line_directions[1:]): miter_directions.append(miter(d1, d2)) if closing_miter is None: miter_directions.pop() miter_directions.append(line_directions[-1].rotate_deg(end_angle)) else: miter_directions.append(closing_miter) self.vertices = [, d, m) for v, d, m in zip(vertices, line_directions, miter_directions) ] self._update_parametrization() # reverse transformation into WCS for v in self.vertices: v.transform(ucs.matrix) def _update_parametrization(self): scale = self.dxf.scale_factor style = justification = self.dxf.justification offsets = [e.offset for e in style.elements] min_offset = min(offsets) max_offset = max(offsets) shift = 0 if justification == self.TOP: shift = -max_offset elif justification == self.BOTTOM: shift = -min_offset for vertex in self.vertices: angle = vertex.line_direction.angle_between(vertex.miter_direction) try: stretch = scale / math.sin(angle) except ZeroDivisionError: stretch = 1.0 vertex.line_params = [ ((element.offset + shift) * stretch, 0.0) for element in style.elements ] vertex.fill_params = [tuple() for _ in style.elements] def clear(self) -> None: """ Remove all MLINE vertices. """ self.vertices.clear() def remove_dependencies(self, other: 'Drawing' = None) -> None: """ Remove all dependencies from current document. (internal API) """ if not self.is_alive: return super().remove_dependencies(other) self.dxf.style_handle = '0' if other: style = other.mline_styles.get(self.dxf.style_name) if style: self.dxf.style_handle = style.dxf.handle return self.dxf.style_name = 'Standard' def transform(self, m: 'Matrix44') -> 'DXFGraphic': """ Transform MLINE entity by transformation matrix `m` inplace. """ for vertex in self.vertices: vertex.transform(m) self.dxf.extrusion = m.transform_direction(self.dxf.extrusion) scale = self.dxf.scale_factor scale_vec = m.transform_direction(Vec3(scale, scale, scale)) if math.isclose(scale_vec.x, scale_vec.y, abs_tol=1e-6) and \ math.isclose(scale_vec.y, scale_vec.z, abs_tol=1e-6): self.dxf.scale_factor = sum(scale_vec) / 3 # average error # None uniform scaling will not be applied to the scale_factor! self.update_geometry() return self def virtual_entities(self) -> Iterable[DXFGraphic]: """ Yields 'virtual' parts of MLINE as LINE, ARC and HATCH entities. This entities are located at the original positions, but are not stored in the entity database, have no handle and are not assigned to any layout. """ from ezdxf.render.mline import virtual_entities return virtual_entities(self) def explode(self, target_layout: 'BaseLayout' = None) -> 'EntityQuery': """ Explode parts of MLINE as LINE, ARC and HATCH entities into target layout, if target layout is ``None``, the target layout is the layout of the MLINE. Returns an :class:`~ezdxf.query.EntityQuery` container with all DXF parts. Args: target_layout: target layout for DXF parts, ``None`` for same layout as source entity. """ from ezdxf.explode import explode_entity return explode_entity(self, target_layout) def audit(self, auditor: 'Auditor') -> None: """ Validity check. """ def reset_mline_style(name='Standard'): auditor.fixed_error( code=AuditError.RESET_MLINE_STYLE, message=f'Reset MLINESTYLE to "{name}" in {str(self)}.', dxf_entity=self, ) self.dxf.style_name = name style = doc.mline_styles.get(name) self.dxf.style_handle = style.dxf.handle super().audit(auditor) doc = auditor.doc if doc is None: return # Audit associated MLINESTYLE name and handle: style = doc.entitydb.get(self.dxf.style_handle) if style is None: # handle is invalid, get style by name style = doc.mline_styles.get(self.dxf.style_name, None) if style is None: reset_mline_style() else: # fix MLINESTYLE handle: auditor.fixed_error( code=AuditError.INVALID_MLINESTYLE_HANDLE, message=f'Fixed invalid style handle in {str(self)}.', dxf_entity=self, ) self.dxf.style_handle = style.dxf.handle else: # update MLINESTYLE name silently self.dxf.style_name = # Get current (maybe fixed) MLINESTYLE: style = # Update style element count silently: element_count = len(style.elements) self.dxf.style_element_count = element_count # Audit vertices: for vertex in self.vertices: if NULLVEC.isclose(vertex.line_direction): break if NULLVEC.isclose(vertex.miter_direction): break if len(vertex.line_params) != element_count: break # Ignore fill parameters. else: # no break return # Invalid vertices found: auditor.fixed_error( code=AuditError.INVALID_MLINE_VERTEX, message=f'Execute geometry update for {str(self)}.', dxf_entity=self, ) self.update_geometry() acdb_mline_style = DefSubclass('AcDbMlineStyle', { 'name': DXFAttr(2, default='Standard'), # Flags (bit-coded): # 1 =Fill on # 2 = Display miters # 16 = Start square end (line) cap # 32 = Start inner arcs cap # 64 = Start round (outer arcs) cap # 256 = End square (line) cap # 512 = End inner arcs cap # 1024 = End round (outer arcs) cap 'flags': DXFAttr(70, default=0), # Style description (string, 255 characters maximum): 'description': DXFAttr(3, default=''), # Fill color (integer, default = 256): 'fill_color': DXFAttr( 62, default=256, validator=validator.is_valid_aci_color, fixer=RETURN_DEFAULT, ), # Start angle (real, default is 90 degrees): 'start_angle': DXFAttr(51, default=90), # End angle (real, default is 90 degrees): 'end_angle': DXFAttr(52, default=90), # 71: Number of elements # 49: Element offset (real, no default). # Multiple entries can exist; one entry for each element # 62: Element color (integer, default = 0). # Multiple entries can exist; one entry for each element # 6: Element linetype (string, default = BYLAYER). # Multiple entries can exist; one entry for each element }) acdb_mline_style_group_codes = group_code_mapping(acdb_mline_style) MLineStyleElement = namedtuple('MLineStyleElement', 'offset color linetype') class MLineStyleElements: def __init__(self, tags: Tags = None): self.elements: List[MLineStyleElement] = [] if tags: for e in self.parse_tags(tags): data = MLineStyleElement(e.get('offset', 1.), e.get('color', 0), e.get('linetype', 'BYLAYER')) self.elements.append(data) def __len__(self): return len(self.elements) def __getitem__(self, item): return self.elements[item] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.elements) def export_dxf(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter'): write_tag = tagwriter.write_tag2 write_tag(71, len(self.elements)) for offset, color, linetype in self.elements: write_tag(49, offset) write_tag(62, color) write_tag(6, linetype) def append(self, offset: float, color: int = 0, linetype: str = 'BYLAYER') -> None: """ Append a new line element. Args: offset: normal offset from the reference line: if justification is ``MLINE_ZERO``, positive values are above and negative values are below the reference line. color: :ref:`ACI` value linetype: linetype name """ self.elements.append(MLineStyleElement( float(offset), int(color), str(linetype))) @staticmethod def parse_tags(tags: Tags) -> Iterable[Dict]: collector = None for code, value in tags: if code == 49: if collector is not None: yield collector collector = {'offset': value} elif code == 62: collector['color'] = value elif code == 6: collector['linetype'] = value if collector is not None: yield collector def ordered_indices(self) -> List[int]: offsets = [e.offset for e in self.elements] return [offsets.index(value) for value in sorted(offsets)] @register_entity class MLineStyle(DXFObject): DXFTYPE = 'MLINESTYLE' DXFATTRIBS = DXFAttributes(base_class, acdb_mline_style) FILL = const.MLINESTYLE_FILL MITER = const.MLINESTYLE_MITER START_SQUARE = const.MLINESTYLE_START_SQARE START_INNER_ARC = const.MLINESTYLE_START_INNER_ARC START_ROUND = const.MLINESTYLE_START_ROUND END_SQUARE = const.MLINESTYLE_END_SQUARE END_INNER_ARC = const.MLINESTYLE_END_INNER_ARC END_ROUND = const.MLINESTYLE_END_ROUND def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.elements = MLineStyleElements() def copy(self): raise const.DXFTypeError('Copying of MLINESTYLE not supported.') def load_dxf_attribs( self, processor: SubclassProcessor = None) -> 'DXFNamespace': dxf = super().load_dxf_attribs(processor) if processor: tags = processor.subclass_by_index(1) try: # Find index of the count tag: index71 = tags.tag_index(71) except const.DXFValueError: # The count tag does not exist: DXF structure error? pass else: self.elements = MLineStyleElements(tags[index71 + 1:]) # Remove processed tags: del tags[index71:] processor.fast_load_dxfattribs( dxf, acdb_mline_style_group_codes, tags) return dxf def export_entity(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter') -> None: super().export_entity(tagwriter) tagwriter.write_tag2(const.SUBCLASS_MARKER, self.dxf.export_dxf_attribs(tagwriter, acdb_mline_style.attribs.keys()) self.elements.export_dxf(tagwriter) def update_all(self): """ Update all MLINE entities using this MLINESTYLE. The update is required if elements were added or removed or the offset of any element was changed. """ if self.doc: handle = self.dxf.handle mlines = ( e for e in self.doc.entitydb.values() if e.dxftype() == 'MLINE' ) for mline in mlines: if mline.dxf.style_handle == handle: mline.update_geometry() def ordered_indices(self) -> List[int]: return self.elements.ordered_indices() def audit(self, auditor: 'Auditor') -> None: super().audit(auditor) if len(self.elements) == 0: auditor.add_error( code=AuditError.INVALID_MLINESTYLE_ELEMENT_COUNT, message=f"No line elements defined in {str(self)}.", dxf_entity=self ) class MLineStyleCollection(ObjectCollection): def __init__(self, doc: 'Drawing'): super().__init__(doc, dict_name='ACAD_MLINESTYLE', object_type='MLINESTYLE') self.create_required_entries() def create_required_entries(self) -> None: if 'Standard' not in self.object_dict: entity: MLineStyle ='Standard') entity.elements.append(.5, 256) entity.elements.append(-.5, 256) ``` #### File: ezdxf/entities/ ```python from typing import TYPE_CHECKING import logging from ezdxf.lldxf.attributes import ( DXFAttr, DXFAttributes, DefSubclass, XType, RETURN_DEFAULT, group_code_mapping, ) from ezdxf.lldxf.const import DXF12, SUBCLASS_MARKER from ezdxf.lldxf import validator from ezdxf.math import UCS, NULLVEC, X_AXIS, Y_AXIS from ezdxf.entities.dxfentity import base_class, SubclassProcessor, DXFEntity from ezdxf.entities.layer import acdb_symbol_table_record from .factory import register_entity logger = logging.getLogger('ezdxf') if TYPE_CHECKING: from ezdxf.eztypes import TagWriter, DXFNamespace __all__ = ['UCSTable'] acdb_ucs = DefSubclass('AcDbUCSTableRecord', { 'name': DXFAttr(2, validator=validator.is_valid_table_name), 'flags': DXFAttr(70, default=0), 'origin': DXFAttr(10, xtype=XType.point3d, default=NULLVEC), 'xaxis': DXFAttr( 11, xtype=XType.point3d, default=X_AXIS, validator=validator.is_not_null_vector, fixer=RETURN_DEFAULT, ), 'yaxis': DXFAttr( 12, xtype=XType.point3d, default=Y_AXIS, validator=validator.is_not_null_vector, fixer=RETURN_DEFAULT, ), }) acdb_ucs_group_codes = group_code_mapping(acdb_ucs) @register_entity class UCSTable(DXFEntity): """ DXF UCS table entity """ DXFTYPE = 'UCS' DXFATTRIBS = DXFAttributes(base_class, acdb_symbol_table_record, acdb_ucs) def load_dxf_attribs( self, processor: SubclassProcessor = None) -> 'DXFNamespace': dxf = super().load_dxf_attribs(processor) if processor: processor.fast_load_dxfattribs( dxf, acdb_ucs_group_codes, subclass=2) return dxf def export_entity(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter') -> None: super().export_entity(tagwriter) if tagwriter.dxfversion > DXF12: tagwriter.write_tag2(SUBCLASS_MARKER, tagwriter.write_tag2(SUBCLASS_MARKER, self.dxf.export_dxf_attribs(tagwriter, [ 'name', 'flags', 'origin', 'xaxis', 'yaxis' ]) def ucs(self) -> UCS: """ Returns an :class:`ezdxf.math.UCS` object for this UCS table entry. """ return UCS( origin=self.dxf.origin, ux=self.dxf.xaxis, uy=self.dxf.yaxis, ) ``` #### File: ezdxf/layouts/ ```python from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Iterable, List, cast, Optional import logging from ezdxf.lldxf.const import DXFKeyError, DXFValueError, DXFInternalEzdxfError from ezdxf.lldxf.const import ( MODEL_SPACE_R2000, PAPER_SPACE_R2000, TMP_PAPER_SPACE_NAME, ) from ezdxf.lldxf.validator import is_valid_table_name from .layout import Layout, Modelspace, Paperspace from ezdxf.entities import DXFEntity if TYPE_CHECKING: from ezdxf.eztypes import Dictionary, Drawing, Auditor logger = logging.getLogger('ezdxf') def key(name: str) -> str: """ AutoCAD uses case insensitive layout names, but stores the name case sensitive. """ return name.upper() MODEL = key('Model') class Layouts: def __init__(self, doc: 'Drawing'): """ Default constructor. (internal API) """ self.doc = doc # Store layout names in normalized form: key(name) self._layouts: Dict[str, Layout] = {} # key: layout name as original case sensitive string; value: DXFLayout() self._dxf_layouts: 'Dictionary' = cast('Dictionary', self.doc.rootdict['ACAD_LAYOUT']) @classmethod def setup(cls, doc: 'Drawing'): """ Constructor from scratch. (internal API) """ layouts = Layouts(doc) layouts.setup_modelspace() layouts.setup_paperspace() return layouts def __len__(self) -> int: """ Returns count of existing layouts, including the modelspace layout. """ return len(self._layouts) def __contains__(self, name: str) -> bool: """ Returns ``True`` if layout `name` exist. """ assert isinstance(name, str), type(str) return key(name) in self._layouts def __iter__(self) -> Iterable['Layout']: """ Returns iterable of all layouts as :class:`~ezdxf.layouts.Layout` objects, including the modelspace layout. """ return iter(self._layouts.values()) def _add_layout(self, name: str, layout: Layout): = name self._layouts[key(name)] = layout self._dxf_layouts[name] = layout.dxf_layout def _discard(self, layout: 'Layout'): name = self._dxf_layouts.discard(name) del self._layouts[key(name)] def setup_modelspace(self): """ Modelspace setup. (internal API) """ self._new_special(Modelspace, 'Model', MODEL_SPACE_R2000, dxfattribs={'taborder': 0}) def setup_paperspace(self): """ First layout setup. (internal API) """ self._new_special(Paperspace, 'Layout1', PAPER_SPACE_R2000, dxfattribs={'taborder': 1}) def _new_special(self, cls, name: str, block_name: str, dxfattribs: dict) -> 'Layout': if name in self._layouts: raise DXFValueError(f'Layout "{name}" already exists') dxfattribs['owner'] = self._dxf_layouts.dxf.handle layout =, block_name, self.doc, dxfattribs=dxfattribs) self._add_layout(name, layout) return layout def unique_paperspace_name(self) -> str: """ Returns a unique paperspace name. (internal API)""" blocks = self.doc.blocks count = 0 while "*Paper_Space%d" % count in blocks: count += 1 return "*Paper_Space%d" % count def new(self, name: str, dxfattribs: dict = None) -> Paperspace: """ Returns a new :class:`~ezdxf.layouts.Paperspace` layout. Args: name: layout name as shown in tabs in :term:`CAD` applications dxfattribs: additional DXF attributes for the :class:`~ezdxf.entities.layout.DXFLayout` entity Raises: DXFValueError: Invalid characters in layout name. DXFValueError: Layout `name` already exist. """ assert isinstance(name, str), type(str) if not is_valid_table_name(name): raise DXFValueError('Layout name contains invalid characters.') if name in self: raise DXFValueError(f'Layout "{name}" already exist.') dxfattribs = dict(dxfattribs or {}) # copy attribs dxfattribs['owner'] = self._dxf_layouts.dxf.handle dxfattribs.setdefault('taborder', len(self._layouts) + 1) block_name = self.unique_paperspace_name() layout =, block_name, self.doc, dxfattribs=dxfattribs) # Default extents are ok! # Reset limits to (0, 0) and (paper width, paper height) layout.reset_limits() self._add_layout(name, layout) return layout @classmethod def load(cls, doc: 'Drawing') -> 'Layouts': """ Constructor if loading from file. (internal API) """ layouts = cls(doc) layouts.setup_from_rootdict() # DXF R12: block/block_record for *Model_Space and *Paper_Space # already exist: if len(layouts) < 2: # restore missing DXF Layouts layouts.restore('Model', MODEL_SPACE_R2000, taborder=0) layouts.restore('Layout1', PAPER_SPACE_R2000, taborder=1) return layouts def restore(self, name: str, block_record_name: str, taborder: int) -> None: """ Restore layout from block if DXFLayout does not exist. (internal API) """ if name in self: return block_layout = self.doc.blocks.get(block_record_name) self._new_from_block_layout(name, block_layout, taborder) def _new_from_block_layout(self, name, block_layout, taborder: int) -> 'Layout': dxfattribs = { 'owner': self._dxf_layouts.dxf.handle, 'name': name, 'block_record_handle': block_layout.block_record_handle, 'taborder': taborder, } dxf_layout = cast('DXFLayout', self.doc.objects.new_entity( 'LAYOUT', dxfattribs=dxfattribs)) if key(name) == MODEL: layout = Modelspace.load(dxf_layout, self.doc) else: layout = Paperspace.load(dxf_layout, self.doc) self._add_layout(name, layout) return layout def setup_from_rootdict(self) -> None: """ Setup layout manger from root dictionary. (internal API) """ for name, dxf_layout in self._dxf_layouts.items(): if key(name) == MODEL: layout = Modelspace(dxf_layout, self.doc) else: layout = Paperspace(dxf_layout, self.doc) # assert name == self._layouts[key(name)] = layout def modelspace(self) -> Modelspace: """ Returns the :class:`~ezdxf.layouts.Modelspace` layout. """ return cast(Modelspace, self.get('Model')) def names(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns a list of all layout names, all names in original case sensitive form. """ return [ for layout in self._layouts.values()] def get(self, name: Optional[str]) -> 'Layout': """ Returns :class:`~ezdxf.layouts.Layout` by `name`, case insensitive "Model" == "MODEL". Args: name: layout name as shown in tab, e.g. ``'Model'`` for modelspace """ name = name or self.names_in_taborder()[1] # first paperspace layout return self._layouts[key(name)] def rename(self, old_name: str, new_name: str) -> None: """ Rename a layout from `old_name` to `new_name`. Can not rename layout ``'Model'`` and the new name of a layout must not exist. Args: old_name: actual layout name, case insensitive new_name: new layout name, case insensitive Raises: DXFValueError: try to rename ``'Model'`` DXFValueError: Layout `new_name` already exist. """ assert isinstance(old_name, str), type(old_name) assert isinstance(new_name, str), type(new_name) if key(old_name) == MODEL: raise DXFValueError('Can not rename model space.') if new_name in self: raise DXFValueError(f'Layout "{new_name}" already exist.') if old_name not in self: raise DXFValueError(f'Layout "{old_name}" does not exist.') layout = self.get(old_name) self._discard(layout) layout.rename(new_name) self._add_layout(new_name, layout) def names_in_taborder(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns all layout names in tab order as shown in :term:`CAD` applications. """ names = [(layout.dxf.taborder, for layout in self._layouts.values()] return [name for order, name in sorted(names)] def get_layout_for_entity(self, entity: 'DXFEntity') -> 'Layout': """ Returns the owner layout for a DXF `entity`. """ owner = entity.dxf.owner if owner is None: raise DXFKeyError('No associated layout, owner is None.') return self.get_layout_by_key(entity.dxf.owner) def get_layout_by_key(self, layout_key: str) -> 'Layout': """ Returns a layout by its `layout_key`. (internal API) """ assert isinstance(layout_key, str), type(layout_key) try: block_record = self.doc.entitydb[layout_key] dxf_layout = self.doc.entitydb[block_record.dxf.layout] except KeyError: raise DXFKeyError(f'Layout with key "{layout_key}" does not exist.') return self.get( def get_active_layout_key(self): """ Returns layout kay for the active paperspace layout. (internal API) """ active_layout_block_record = self.doc.block_records.get( PAPER_SPACE_R2000) return active_layout_block_record.dxf.handle def set_active_layout(self, name: str) -> None: """ Set layout `name` as active paperspace layout. """ assert isinstance(name, str), type(name) if key(name) == MODEL: # reserved layout name raise DXFValueError('Can not set model space as active layout') # raises KeyError if layout 'name' does not exist new_active_layout = self.get(name) old_active_layout_key = self.get_active_layout_key() if old_active_layout_key == new_active_layout.layout_key: return # layout 'name' is already the active layout blocks = self.doc.blocks new_active_paper_space_name = new_active_layout.block_record_name blocks.rename_block(PAPER_SPACE_R2000, TMP_PAPER_SPACE_NAME) blocks.rename_block(new_active_paper_space_name, PAPER_SPACE_R2000) blocks.rename_block(TMP_PAPER_SPACE_NAME, new_active_paper_space_name) def delete(self, name: str) -> None: """ Delete layout `name` and destroy all entities in that layout. Args: name (str): layout name as shown in tabs Raises: DXFKeyError: if layout `name` do not exists DXFValueError: deleting modelspace layout is not possible DXFValueError: deleting last paperspace layout is not possible """ assert isinstance(name, str), type(name) if key(name) == MODEL: raise DXFValueError("Can not delete modelspace layout.") layout = self.get(name) if len(self) < 3: raise DXFValueError("Can not delete last paperspace layout.") if layout.layout_key == self.get_active_layout_key(): # Layout `name` is the active layout: for layout_name in self._layouts: # Set any other paperspace layout as active layout if layout_name not in (key(name), MODEL): self.set_active_layout(layout_name) break self._discard(layout) layout.destroy() def active_layout(self) -> Paperspace: """ Returns the active paperspace layout. """ for layout in self: if layout.is_active_paperspace: return cast(Paperspace, layout) raise DXFInternalEzdxfError('No active paperspace layout found.') def audit(self, auditor: 'Auditor'): from ezdxf.audit import AuditError doc = auditor.doc # Find/remove orphaned LAYOUT objects: layouts = (o for o in doc.objects if o.dxftype() == 'LAYOUT') for layout in layouts: name = layout.dxf.get('name') if name not in self: auditor.fixed_error( code=AuditError.ORPHANED_LAYOUT_ENTITY, message=f'Removed orphaned {str(layout)} "{name}"' ) doc.objects.delete_entity(layout) # Find/remove orphaned paperspace BLOCK_RECORDS named: *Paper_Space... psp_br_handles = { br.dxf.handle for br in doc.block_records if'*paper_space') } psp_layout_br_handles = { layout.dxf.block_record_handle for layout in self._layouts.values() if key( != MODEL } mismatch = psp_br_handles.difference(psp_layout_br_handles) if len(mismatch): for handle in mismatch: br = doc.entitydb.get(handle) name = br.dxf.get('name') auditor.fixed_error( code=AuditError.ORPHANED_PAPER_SPACE_BLOCK_RECORD_ENTITY, message=f'Removed orphaned layout {str(br)} "{name}"' ) if name in doc.blocks: doc.blocks.delete_block(name) else: doc.block_records.remove(name) ``` #### File: ezdxf/math/ ```python from typing import ( List, Iterable, Sequence, TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Tuple, Union, ) import math from ezdxf.math import ( Vec3, NULLVEC, Basis, Evaluator, create_t_vector, estimate_end_tangent_magnitude, estimate_tangents, LUDecomposition, Matrix, BandedMatrixLU, compact_banded_matrix, detect_banded_matrix, quadratic_equation, linspace, distance_point_line_3d, arc_angle_span_deg, ) from ezdxf.lldxf.const import DXFValueError from ezdxf import PYPY if TYPE_CHECKING: from ezdxf.eztypes import Vertex from ezdxf.math import ( ConstructionArc, ConstructionEllipse, Matrix44, Bezier4P, ) # Acceleration of banded diagonal matrix solver kicks in at: # N=15 for CPython on Windows and Linux # N=60 for pypy3 on Windows and Linux USE_BANDED_MATRIX_SOLVER_CPYTHON_LIMIT = 15 USE_BANDED_MATRIX_SOLVER_PYPY_LIMIT = 60 __all__ = [ # High level functions: 'fit_points_to_cad_cv', 'global_bspline_interpolation', 'local_cubic_bspline_interpolation', 'rational_bspline_from_arc', 'rational_bspline_from_ellipse', 'fit_points_to_cubic_bezier', 'open_uniform_bspline', 'closed_uniform_bspline', # B-spline representation with derivatives support: 'BSpline', # Low level interpolation function: 'unconstrained_global_bspline_interpolation', 'global_bspline_interpolation_end_tangents', 'global_bspline_interpolation_first_derivatives', 'local_cubic_bspline_interpolation_from_tangents', # Low level knot parametrization functions: 'knots_from_parametrization', 'averaged_knots_unconstrained', 'averaged_knots_constrained', 'natural_knots_unconstrained', 'natural_knots_constrained', 'double_knots', # Low level knot function: 'required_knot_values', 'uniform_knot_vector', 'open_uniform_knot_vector', 'required_fit_points', 'required_control_points', ] def fit_points_to_cad_cv(fit_points: Iterable['Vertex'], tangents: Iterable['Vertex'] = None, estimate: str = '5-p') -> 'BSpline': """ Returns a cubic :class:`BSpline` from fit points as close as possible to common CAD applications like BricsCAD. There exist infinite numerical correct solution for this setup, but some facts are known: - Global curve interpolation with start- and end derivatives, e.g. 6 fit points creates 8 control vertices in BricsCAD - Degree of B-spline is always 3, the stored degree is ignored, this is only valid for B-splines defined by fit points - Knot parametrization method is "chord" - Knot distribution is "natural" The last missing parameter is the start- and end tangents estimation method used by BricsCAD, if these tangents are stored in the DXF file provide them as argument `tangents` as 2-tuple (start, end) and the interpolated control vertices will match the BricsCAD calculation, except for floating point imprecision. If the end tangents are not given, the start- and ent tangent directions will be estimated. The argument `estimate` lets choose from different estimation methods (first 3 letters are significant): - "3-points": 3 point interpolation - "5-points": 5 point interpolation - "bezier": tangents from an interpolated cubic bezier curve - "diff": finite difference The estimation method "5-p" yields the closest match to the BricsCAD rendering, but sometimes "bez" creates a better result. If I figure out how BricsCAD estimates the end tangents directions, the argument `estimate` gets an additional value for that case. The existing estimation methods will perform the same way as now, except for bug fixes. But the default value may change, therefore set argument `estimate` to specific value to always get the same result in the future. Args: fit_points: points the spline is passing through tangents: start- and end tangent, default is autodetect estimate: tangent direction estimation method .. versionchanged:: 0.16 removed unused arguments `degree` and `method` """ # See also Spline class in ezdxf/entities/ # degree has no effect. A spline with degree=3 is always constructed when # interpolating a series of fit points. points = Vec3.list(fit_points) if len(points) < 2: raise ValueError("two ore more points required ") m1, m2 = estimate_end_tangent_magnitude(points, method='chord') if tangents is None: tangents = estimate_tangents(points, method=estimate, normalize=False) start_tangent = tangents[0].normalize(m1) end_tangent = tangents[-1].normalize(m2) else: tangents = Vec3.list(tangents) start_tangent = Vec3(tangents[0]).normalize(m1) end_tangent = Vec3(tangents[-1]).normalize(m2) return global_bspline_interpolation( points, degree=3, tangents=(start_tangent, end_tangent), method='chord', ) def fit_points_to_cubic_bezier(fit_points: Iterable['Vertex']) -> 'BSpline': """ Returns a cubic :class:`BSpline` from fit points **without** end tangents. This function uses the cubic Bèzier interpolation to create multiple Bèzier curves and combine them into a single B-spline, this works for short simple splines better than the :func:`fit_points_to_cad_cv`, but is worse for longer and more complex splines. Args: fit_points: points the spline is passing through .. versionadded:: 0.16 """ points = Vec3.list(fit_points) if len(points) < 2: raise ValueError("two ore more points required ") from ezdxf.math import cubic_bezier_interpolation, bezier_to_bspline bezier_curves = cubic_bezier_interpolation(points) return bezier_to_bspline(bezier_curves) def global_bspline_interpolation( fit_points: Iterable['Vertex'], degree: int = 3, tangents: Iterable['Vertex'] = None, method: str = 'chord') -> 'BSpline': """ `B-spline`_ interpolation by the `Global Curve Interpolation`_. Given are the fit points and the degree of the B-spline. The function provides 3 methods for generating the parameter vector t: - "uniform": creates a uniform t vector, from 0 to 1 evenly spaced, see `uniform`_ method - "chord", "distance": creates a t vector with values proportional to the fit point distances, see `chord length`_ method - "centripetal", "sqrt_chord": creates a t vector with values proportional to the fit point sqrt(distances), see `centripetal`_ method - "arc": creates a t vector with values proportional to the arc length between fit points. It is possible to constraint the curve by tangents, by start- and end tangent if only two tangents are given or by one tangent for each fit point. If tangents are given, they represent 1st derivatives and and should be scaled if they are unit vectors, if only start- and end tangents given the function :func:`~ezdxf.math.estimate_end_tangent_magnitude` helps with an educated guess, if all tangents are given, scaling by chord length is a reasonable choice (Piegl & Tiller). Args: fit_points: fit points of B-spline, as list of :class:`Vec3` compatible objects tangents: if only two vectors are given, take the first and the last vector as start- and end tangent constraints or if for all fit points a tangent is given use all tangents as interpolation constraints (optional) degree: degree of B-spline method: calculation method for parameter vector t Returns: :class:`BSpline` """ fit_points = Vec3.list(fit_points) count = len(fit_points) order = degree + 1 if tangents: # two control points for tangents will be added count += 2 if order > count and tangents is None: raise ValueError(f'More fit points required for degree {degree}') t_vector = list(create_t_vector(fit_points, method)) # natural knot generation for uneven degrees else averaged knot_generation_method = 'natural' if degree % 2 else 'average' if tangents is not None: tangents = Vec3.list(tangents) if len(tangents) == 2: control_points, knots = global_bspline_interpolation_end_tangents( fit_points, tangents[0], tangents[1], degree, t_vector, knot_generation_method) elif len(tangents) == len(fit_points): control_points, knots = global_bspline_interpolation_first_derivatives( fit_points, tangents, degree, t_vector) else: raise ValueError( 'Invalid count of tangents, two tangents as start- and end ' 'tangent constrains or one tangent for each fit point.' ) else: control_points, knots = unconstrained_global_bspline_interpolation( fit_points, degree, t_vector, knot_generation_method) bspline = BSpline(control_points, order=order, knots=knots) return bspline def local_cubic_bspline_interpolation( fit_points: Iterable['Vertex'], method: str = '5-points', tangents: Iterable['Vertex'] = None) -> 'BSpline': """ `B-spline`_ interpolation by 'Local Cubic Curve Interpolation', which creates B-spline from fit points and estimated tangent direction at start-, end- and passing points. Source: Piegl & Tiller: "The NURBS Book" - chapter 9.3.4 Available tangent estimation methods: - "3-points": 3 point interpolation - "5-points": 5 point interpolation - "bezier": cubic bezier curve interpolation - "diff": finite difference or pass pre-calculated tangents, which overrides tangent estimation. Args: fit_points: all B-spline fit points as :class:`Vec3` compatible objects method: tangent estimation method tangents: tangents as :class:`Vec3` compatible objects (optional) Returns: :class:`BSpline` """ from .parametrize import estimate_tangents fit_points = Vec3.list(fit_points) if tangents: tangents = Vec3.list(tangents) else: tangents = estimate_tangents(fit_points, method) control_points, knots = local_cubic_bspline_interpolation_from_tangents( fit_points, tangents) return BSpline(control_points, order=4, knots=knots) def required_knot_values(count: int, order: int) -> int: """ Returns the count of required knot values for a B-spline of `order` and `count` control points. Args: count: count of control points, in text-books referred as "n + 1" order: order of B-Spline, in text-books referred as "k" Relationship: "p" is the degree of the B-spline, text-book notation. - k = p + 1 - 2 ≤ k ≤ n + 1 """ k = int(order) n = int(count) - 1 p = k - 1 if not (2 <= k <= (n + 1)): raise DXFValueError('Invalid count/order combination') # n + p + 2 = count + order return n + p + 2 def required_fit_points(order: int, tangents=True) -> int: """ Returns the count of required fit points to calculate the spline control points. Args: order: spline order (degree + 1) tangents: start- and end tangent are given or estimated """ if tangents: # If tangents are given or estimated two points for start- and end # tangent will be added automatically for the global bspline # interpolation. see function fit_points_to_cad_cv() order -= 2 # required condition: order > count, see global_bspline_interpolation() return max(order, 2) def required_control_points(order: int) -> int: """ Returns the required count of control points for a valid B-spline. Args: order: spline order (degree + 1) Required condition: 2 <= order <= count, therefore: count >= order """ return max(order, 2) def normalize_knots(knots: Sequence[float]) -> List[float]: """ Normalize knot vector into range [0, 1]. """ min_val = knots[0] max_val = knots[-1] - min_val return [(v - min_val) / max_val for v in knots] def uniform_knot_vector(count: int, order: int, normalize=False) -> List[float]: """ Returns an uniform knot vector for a B-spline of `order` and `count` control points. `order` = degree + 1 Args: count: count of control points order: spline order normalize: normalize values in range [0, 1] if ``True`` """ if normalize: max_value = float(count + order - 1) else: max_value = 1.0 return [knot_value / max_value for knot_value in range(count + order)] def open_uniform_knot_vector( count: int, order: int, normalize=False) -> List[float]: """ Returns an open (clamped) uniform knot vector for a B-spline of `order` and `count` control points. `order` = degree + 1 Args: count: count of control points order: spline order normalize: normalize values in range [0, 1] if ``True`` """ k = count - order if normalize: max_value = float(count - order + 1) tail = [1.0] * order else: max_value = 1.0 tail = [1.0 + k] * order knots = [0.0] * order knots.extend((1.0 + v) / max_value for v in range(k)) knots.extend(tail) return knots def knots_from_parametrization( n: int, p: int, t: Iterable[float], method='average', constrained=False) -> List[float]: """ Returns a 'clamped' knot vector for B-splines. All knot values are normalized in the range [0, 1]. Args: n: count fit points - 1 p: degree of spline t: parametrization vector, length(t_vector) == n, normalized [0, 1] method: "average", "natural" constrained: ``True`` for B-spline constrained by end derivatives Returns: List of n+p+2 knot values as floats """ order = int(p + 1) if order > (n + 1): raise DXFValueError( 'Invalid n/p combination, more fit points required.') t = [float(v) for v in t] if t[0] != 0.0 or t[-1] != 1.0: raise ValueError('Parametrization vector t has to be normalized.') if method == 'average': return averaged_knots_constrained(n, p, t) \ if constrained \ else averaged_knots_unconstrained(n, p, t) elif method == 'natural': return natural_knots_constrained(n, p, t) \ if constrained \ else natural_knots_unconstrained(n, p, t) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown knot generation method: {method}') def averaged_knots_unconstrained( n: int, p: int, t: Sequence[float]) -> List[float]: """ Returns an averaged knot vector from parametrization vector `t` for an unconstrained B-spline. Args: n: count of control points - 1 p: degree t: parametrization vector, normalized [0, 1] """ assert t[0] == 0.0 assert t[-1] == 1.0 knots = [0.0] * (p + 1) knots.extend(sum(t[j: j + p]) / p for j in range(1, n - p + 1)) if knots[-1] > 1.0: raise ValueError('Normalized [0, 1] values required') knots.extend([1.0] * (p + 1)) return knots def averaged_knots_constrained( n: int, p: int, t: Sequence[float]) -> List[float]: """ Returns an averaged knot vector from parametrization vector `t` for a constrained B-spline. Args: n: count of control points - 1 p: degree t: parametrization vector, normalized [0, 1] """ assert t[0] == 0.0 assert t[-1] == 1.0 knots = [0.0] * (p + 1) knots.extend(sum(t[j: j + p - 1]) / p for j in range(n - p)) knots.extend([1.0] * (p + 1)) return knots def natural_knots_unconstrained( n: int, p: int, t: Sequence[float]) -> List[float]: """ Returns a 'natural' knot vector from parametrization vector `t` for an unconstrained B-spline. Args: n: count of control points - 1 p: degree t: parametrization vector, normalized [0, 1] """ assert t[0] == 0.0 assert t[-1] == 1.0 knots = [0.0] * (p + 1) knots.extend(t[2: n - p + 2]) knots.extend([1.0] * (p + 1)) return knots def natural_knots_constrained( n: int, p: int, t: Sequence[float]) -> List[float]: """ Returns a 'natural' knot vector from parametrization vector `t` for a constrained B-spline. Args: n: count of control points - 1 p: degree t: parametrization vector, normalized [0, 1] """ assert t[0] == 0.0 assert t[-1] == 1.0 knots = [0.0] * (p + 1) knots.extend(t[1: n - p + 1]) knots.extend([1.0] * (p + 1)) return knots def double_knots(n: int, p: int, t: Sequence[float]) -> List[float]: """ Returns a knot vector from parametrization vector `t` for B-spline constrained by first derivatives at all fit points. Args: n: count of fit points - 1 p: degree of spline t: parametrization vector, first value has to be 0.0 and last value has to be 1.0 """ assert t[0] == 0.0 assert t[-1] == 1.0 u = [0.0] * (p + 1) prev_t = 0.0 u1 = [] for t1 in t[1:-1]: if p == 2: # add one knot between prev_t and t u1.append((prev_t + t1) / 2.0) u1.append(t1) else: if prev_t == 0.0: # first knot u1.append(t1 / 2) else: # add one knot at the 1st third and one knot # at the 2nd third between prev_t and t. u1.append((2 * prev_t + t1) / 3.0) u1.append((prev_t + 2 * t1) / 3.0) prev_t = t1 u.extend(u1[:n * 2 - p]) u.append((t[-2] + 1.0) / 2.0) # last knot u.extend([1.0] * (p + 1)) return u def _get_best_solver(matrix: Union[List, Matrix], degree: int): """ Returns best suited linear equation solver depending on matrix configuration and python interpreter. """ A = matrix if isinstance(matrix, Matrix) else Matrix(matrix=matrix) if PYPY: limit = USE_BANDED_MATRIX_SOLVER_PYPY_LIMIT else: limit = USE_BANDED_MATRIX_SOLVER_CPYTHON_LIMIT if A.nrows < limit: # use default equation solver lu = LUDecomposition(A) else: # Theory: band parameters m1, m2 are at maximum degree-1, for # B-spline interpolation and approximation: # m1 = m2 = degree-1 # But the speed gain is not that big and just to be sure: m1, m2 = detect_banded_matrix(A, check_all=False) A = compact_banded_matrix(A, m1, m2) lu = BandedMatrixLU(A, m1, m2) return lu def unconstrained_global_bspline_interpolation( fit_points: Sequence['Vertex'], degree: int, t_vector: Sequence[float], knot_generation_method: str = 'average') -> Tuple[ List[Vec3], List[float]]: """ Interpolates the control points for a B-spline by global interpolation from fit points without any constraints. Source: Piegl & Tiller: "The NURBS Book" - chapter 9.2.1 Args: fit_points: points the B-spline has to pass degree: degree of spline >= 2 t_vector: parametrization vector, first value has to be 0 and last value has to be 1 knot_generation_method: knot generation method from parametrization vector, "average" or "natural" Returns: 2-tuple of control points as list of Vec3 objects and the knot vector as list of floats """ # Source: knots = knots_from_parametrization(len(fit_points) - 1, degree, t_vector, knot_generation_method, constrained=False) N = Basis(knots=knots, order=degree + 1, count=len(fit_points)) solver = _get_best_solver([N.basis_vector(t) for t in t_vector], degree) control_points = solver.solve_matrix(fit_points) return Vec3.list(control_points.rows()), knots def global_bspline_interpolation_end_tangents( fit_points: List[Vec3], start_tangent: Vec3, end_tangent: Vec3, degree: int, t_vector: Sequence[float], knot_generation_method: str = 'average') -> Tuple[ List[Vec3], List[float]]: """ Interpolates the control points for a B-spline by global interpolation from fit points and 1st derivatives for start- and end point as constraints. These 'tangents' are 1st derivatives and not unit vectors, if an estimation of the magnitudes is required use the :func:`estimate_end_tangent_magnitude` function. Source: Piegl & Tiller: "The NURBS Book" - chapter 9.2.2 Args: fit_points: points the B-spline has to pass start_tangent: 1st derivative as start constraint end_tangent: 1st derivative as end constrain degree: degree of spline >= 2 t_vector: parametrization vector, first value has to be 0 and last value has to be 1 knot_generation_method: knot generation method from parametrization vector, "average" or "natural" Returns: 2-tuple of control points as list of Vec3 objects and the knot vector as list of floats """ n = len(fit_points) - 1 p = degree if degree > 3: # todo: 'average' produces weird results for degree > 3, 'natural' is # better but also not good knot_generation_method = 'natural' knots = knots_from_parametrization(n + 2, p, t_vector, knot_generation_method, constrained=True) N = Basis(knots=knots, order=p + 1, count=n + 3) rows = [N.basis_vector(u) for u in t_vector] spacing = [0.0] * (n + 1) rows.insert(1, [-1.0, +1.0] + spacing) rows.insert(-1, spacing + [-1.0, +1.0]) fit_points.insert(1, start_tangent * (knots[p + 1] / p)) fit_points.insert(-1, end_tangent * ((1.0 - knots[-(p + 2)]) / p)) solver = _get_best_solver(rows, degree) control_points = solver.solve_matrix(fit_points) return Vec3.list(control_points.rows()), knots def global_bspline_interpolation_first_derivatives( fit_points: List[Vec3], derivatives: List[Vec3], degree: int, t_vector: Sequence[float]) -> Tuple[List[Vec3], List[float]]: """ Interpolates the control points for a B-spline by a global interpolation from fit points and 1st derivatives as constraints. Source: Piegl & Tiller: "The NURBS Book" - chapter 9.2.4 Args: fit_points: points the B-spline has to pass derivatives: 1st derivatives as constrains, not unit vectors! Scaling by chord length is a reasonable choice (Piegl & Tiller). degree: degree of spline >= 2 t_vector: parametrization vector, first value has to be 0 and last value has to be 1 Returns: 2-tuple of control points as list of Vec3 objects and the knot vector as list of floats """ def nbasis(t: float): span = N.find_span(t) front = span - p back = count + p + 1 - span for basis in N.basis_funcs_derivatives(span, t, n=1): yield [0.0] * front + basis + [0.0] * back p = degree n = len(fit_points) - 1 knots = double_knots(n, p, t_vector) count = len(fit_points) * 2 N = Basis(knots=knots, order=p + 1, count=count) A = [ [1.0] + [0.0] * (count - 1), # Q0 [-1.0, +1.0] + [0.0] * (count - 2), # D0 ] for f in (nbasis(t) for t in t_vector[1:-1]): A.extend(f) # Qi, Di # swapped equations! A.append([0.0] * (count - 2) + [-1.0, +1.0]) # Dn A.append([0.0] * (count - 1) + [+1.0]) # Qn # Build right handed matrix B B = [] for rows in zip(fit_points, derivatives): B.extend(rows) # Qi, Di # also swap last rows! B[-1], B[-2] = B[-2], B[-1] # Dn, Qn # modify equation for derivatives D0 and Dn B[1] *= knots[p + 1] / p B[-2] *= (1.0 - knots[-(p + 2)]) / p solver = _get_best_solver(A, degree) control_points = solver.solve_matrix(B) return Vec3.list(control_points.rows()), knots def local_cubic_bspline_interpolation_from_tangents( fit_points: List[Vec3], tangents: List[Vec3]) -> Tuple[List[Vec3], List[float]]: """ Interpolates the control points for a cubic B-spline by local interpolation from fit points and tangents as unit vectors for each fit point. Use the :func:`estimate_tangents` function to estimate end tangents. Source: Piegl & Tiller: "The NURBS Book" - chapter 9.3.4 Args: fit_points: curve definition points - curve has to pass all given fit points tangents: one tangent vector for each fit point as unit vectors Returns: 2-tuple of control points as list of Vec3 objects and the knot vector as list of floats """ assert len(fit_points) == len(tangents) assert len(fit_points) > 2 degree = 3 order = degree + 1 control_points = [fit_points[0]] u = 0.0 params = [] for i in range(len(fit_points) - 1): p0 = fit_points[i] p3 = fit_points[i + 1] t0 = tangents[i] t3 = tangents[i + 1] a = 16.0 - (t0 + t3).magnitude_square b = 12.0 * (p3 - p0).dot(t0 + t3) c = -36.0 * (p3 - p0).magnitude_square alpha_plus, alpha_minus = quadratic_equation(a, b, c) p1 = p0 + alpha_plus * t0 / 3.0 p2 = p3 - alpha_plus * t3 / 3.0 control_points.extend((p1, p2)) u += 3.0 * (p1 - p0).magnitude params.append(u) control_points.append(fit_points[-1]) knots = [0.0] * order max_u = params[-1] for v in params[:-1]: knot = v / max_u knots.extend((knot, knot)) knots.extend([1.0] * 4) assert len(knots) == required_knot_values(len(control_points), order) return control_points, knots class BSpline: """ Representation of a `B-spline`_ curve. The default configuration of the knot vector is an uniform open `knot`_ vector ("clamped"). Factory functions: - :func:`fit_points_to_cad_cv` - :func:`fit_points_to_cubic_bezier` - :func:`open_uniform_bspline` - :func:`closed_uniform_bspline` - :func:`rational_bspline_from_arc` - :func:`rational_bspline_from_ellipse` - :func:`global_bspline_interpolation` - :func:`local_cubic_bspline_interpolation` Args: control_points: iterable of control points as :class:`Vec3` compatible objects order: spline order (degree + 1) knots: iterable of knot values weights: iterable of weight values """ __slots__ = ('_control_points', '_basis', '_clamped') def __init__(self, control_points: Iterable['Vertex'], order: int = 4, knots: Iterable[float] = None, weights: Iterable[float] = None): self._control_points = Vec3.tuple(control_points) count = len(self._control_points) order = int(order) if order > count: raise DXFValueError( f'Invalid need more control points for order {order}') if knots is None: knots = open_uniform_knot_vector(count, order, normalize=True) else: knots = tuple(knots) required_knot_count = count + order if len(knots) != required_knot_count: raise ValueError( f"{required_knot_count} knot values required, got {len(knots)}.") if knots[0] != 0.0: knots = normalize_knots(knots) self._basis = Basis(knots, order, count, weights=weights) self._clamped = not any(knots[:order]) def __str__(self): return f'BSpline degree={}, {self.count} ' \ f'control points, {len(self.knots())} knot values, ' \ f'{len(self.weights())} weights' @property def control_points(self) -> Sequence[Vec3]: """ Control points as tuple of :class:`~ezdxf.math.Vec3` """ return self._control_points @property def count(self) -> int: """ Count of control points, (n + 1 in text book notation). """ return len(self._control_points) @property def max_t(self) -> float: """ Biggest `knot`_ value. """ return self._basis.max_t @property def order(self) -> int: """ Order (k) of B-spline = p + 1 """ return self._basis.order @property def degree(self) -> int: """ Degree (p) of B-spline = order - 1 """ return @property def evaluator(self) -> Evaluator: return Evaluator(self._basis, self._control_points) @property def is_rational(self): """ Returns ``True`` if curve is a rational B-spline. (has weights) """ return self._basis.is_rational @property def is_clamped(self): """ Returns ``True`` if curve is a clamped (open) B-spline. """ return self._clamped @staticmethod def from_fit_points(points: Iterable['Vertex'], degree=3, method='chord') -> 'BSpline': """ Returns :class:`BSpline` defined by fit points. """ return global_bspline_interpolation(points, degree, method=method) @staticmethod def ellipse_approximation(ellipse: 'ConstructionEllipse', num: int = 16) -> 'BSpline': """ Returns an ellipse approximation as :class:`BSpline` with `num` control points. """ return global_bspline_interpolation( ellipse.vertices(ellipse.params(num)), degree=2) @staticmethod def arc_approximation(arc: 'ConstructionArc', num: int = 16) -> 'BSpline': """ Returns an arc approximation as :class:`BSpline` with `num` control points. """ return global_bspline_interpolation(arc.vertices(arc.angles(num)), degree=2) @staticmethod def from_ellipse(ellipse: 'ConstructionEllipse') -> 'BSpline': """ Returns the ellipse as :class:`BSpline` of 2nd degree with as few control points as possible. """ return rational_bspline_from_ellipse(ellipse, segments=1) @staticmethod def from_arc(arc: 'ConstructionArc') -> 'BSpline': """ Returns the arc as :class:`BSpline` of 2nd degree with as few control points as possible. """ return rational_bspline_from_arc(, arc.radius, arc.start_angle, arc.end_angle, segments=1) @staticmethod def from_nurbs_python_curve(curve) -> 'BSpline': """ Interface to the `NURBS-Python <>`_ package. Returns a :class:`BSpline` object from a :class:`geomdl.BSpline.Curve` object. """ return BSpline( control_points=curve.ctrlpts, order=curve.order, knots=curve.knotvector, weights=curve.weights, ) def reverse(self) -> 'BSpline': """ Returns a new :class:`BSpline` object with reversed control point order. """ def reverse_knots(): for k in reversed(normalize_knots(self.knots())): yield 1.0 - k return self.__class__( control_points=reversed(self.control_points), order=self.order, knots=reverse_knots(), weights=reversed(self.weights()) if self.is_rational else None, ) def knots(self) -> Tuple[float, ...]: """ Returns a tuple of `knot`_ values as floats, the knot vector **always** has order + count values (n + p + 2 in text book notation). """ return self._basis.knots def weights(self) -> Tuple[float, ...]: """ Returns a tuple of weights values as floats, one for each control point or an empty tuple. """ return self._basis.weights def approximate(self, segments: int = 20) -> Iterable[Vec3]: """ Approximates curve by vertices as :class:`Vec3` objects, vertices count = segments + 1. """ return self.evaluator.points(self.params(segments)) def params(self, segments: int) -> Iterable[float]: """ Yield evenly spaced parameters for given segment count. """ # works for clamped and unclamped curves knots = self.knots() lower_bound = knots[self.order - 1] upper_bound = knots[self.count] return linspace(lower_bound, upper_bound, segments + 1) def flattening(self, distance: float, segments: int = 4) -> Iterable[Vec3]: """ Adaptive recursive flattening. The argument `segments` is the minimum count of approximation segments between two knots, if the distance from the center of the approximation segment to the curve is bigger than `distance` the segment will be subdivided. Args: distance: maximum distance from the projected curve point onto the segment chord. segments: minimum segment count between two knots .. versionadded:: 0.15 """ def subdiv(s: Vec3, e: Vec3, start_t: float, end_t: float): mid_t = (start_t + end_t) * 0.5 m = evaluator.point(mid_t) try: _dist = distance_point_line_3d(m, s, e) except ZeroDivisionError: # s == e _dist = 0 if _dist < distance: yield e else: yield from subdiv(s, m, start_t, mid_t) yield from subdiv(m, e, mid_t, end_t) evaluator = self.evaluator knots = self.knots() if self.is_clamped: lower_bound = 0.0 else: lower_bound = knots[self.order - 1] knots = knots[:self.count + 1] knots = list(set(knots)) # set() must preserve order! t = lower_bound start_point = evaluator.point(t) yield start_point for t1 in knots[1:]: delta = (t1 - t) / segments while t < t1: next_t = t + delta if math.isclose(next_t, t1): next_t = t1 end_point = evaluator.point(next_t) yield from subdiv(start_point, end_point, t, next_t) t = next_t start_point = end_point def point(self, t: float) -> Vec3: """ Returns point for parameter `t`. Args: t: parameter in range [0, max_t] """ return self.evaluator.point(t) def points(self, t: Iterable[float]) -> Iterable[Vec3]: """ Yields points for parameter vector `t`. Args: t: parameters in range [0, max_t] """ return self.evaluator.points(t) def derivative(self, t: float, n: int = 2) -> List[Vec3]: """ Return point and derivatives up to `n` <= degree for parameter `t`. e.g. n=1 returns point and 1st derivative. Args: t: parameter in range [0, max_t] n: compute all derivatives up to n <= degree Returns: n+1 values as :class:`Vec3` objects """ return self.evaluator.derivative(t, n) def derivatives(self, t: Iterable[float], n: int = 2) -> Iterable[ List[Vec3]]: """ Yields points and derivatives up to `n` <= degree for parameter vector `t`. e.g. n=1 returns point and 1st derivative. Args: t: parameters in range [0, max_t] n: compute all derivatives up to n <= degree Returns: List of n+1 values as :class:`Vec3` objects """ return self.evaluator.derivatives(t, n) def insert_knot(self, t: float) -> 'BSpline': """ Insert an additional knot, without altering the shape of the curve. Returns a new :class:`BSpline` object. Args: t: position of new knot 0 < t < max_t """ if self._basis.is_rational: raise TypeError('Rational B-splines not supported.') knots = list(self._basis.knots) cpoints = list(self._control_points) p = def new_point(index: int) -> Vec3: a = (t - knots[index]) / (knots[index + p] - knots[index]) return cpoints[index - 1] * (1 - a) + cpoints[index] * a if t <= 0. or t >= self.max_t: raise DXFValueError('Invalid position t') k = self._basis.find_span(t) if k < p: raise DXFValueError('Invalid position t') cpoints[k - p + 1:k] = [new_point(i) for i in range(k - p + 1, k + 1)] knots.insert(k + 1, t) # knot[k] <= t < knot[k+1] return BSpline(cpoints, self.order, knots) def knot_refinement(self, u: Iterable[float]) -> 'BSpline': """ Insert multiple knots, without altering the shape of the curve. Returns a new :class:`BSpline` object. Args: u: vector of new knots t and for each t: 0 < t < max_t """ spline = self for t in u: spline = spline.insert_knot(t) return spline def transform(self, m: 'Matrix44') -> 'BSpline': """ Returns a new :class:`BSpline` object transformed by a :class:`Matrix44` transformation matrix. """ cpoints = m.transform_vertices(self.control_points) return BSpline(cpoints, self.order, self.knots(), self.weights()) def to_nurbs_python_curve(self): """ Returns a :class:`geomdl.BSpline.Curve` object, if the `NURBS-Python <>`_ package is installed. """ if self._basis.is_rational: from geomdl.NURBS import Curve else: from geomdl.BSpline import Curve curve = Curve() = curve.ctrlpts = [ for v in self.control_points] curve.knotvector = self.knots() curve.weights = self.weights() return curve def bezier_decomposition(self) -> Iterable[List[Vec3]]: """ Decompose a non-rational B-spline into multiple Bézier curves. This is the preferred method to represent the most common non-rational B-splines of 3rd degree by cubic Bézier curves, which are often supported by render backends. Returns: Yields control points of Bézier curves, each Bézier segment has degree+1 control points e.g. B-spline of 3rd degree yields cubic Bézier curves of 4 control points. """ # Source: "The NURBS Book": Algorithm A5.6 if self._basis.is_rational: raise TypeError('Rational B-splines not supported.') if not self.is_clamped: raise TypeError('Clamped B-Spline required.') n = self.count - 1 p = knots = self._basis.knots # U control_points = self._control_points # Pw alphas = [0.0] * len(knots) m = n + p + 1 a = p b = p + 1 bezier_points = list(control_points[0: p + 1]) # Qw while b < m: next_bezier_points = [NULLVEC] * (p + 1) i = b while b < m and math.isclose(knots[b + 1], knots[b]): b += 1 mult = b - i + 1 if mult < p: numer = knots[b] - knots[a] for j in range(p, mult, -1): alphas[j - mult - 1] = numer / (knots[a + j] - knots[a]) r = p - mult for j in range(1, r + 1): save = r - j s = mult + j for k in range(p, s - 1, -1): alpha = alphas[k - s] bezier_points[k] = bezier_points[k] * alpha + \ bezier_points[k - 1] * (1.0 - alpha) if b < m: next_bezier_points[save] = bezier_points[p] yield bezier_points if b < m: for i in range(p - mult, p + 1): next_bezier_points[i] = control_points[b - p + i] a = b b += 1 bezier_points = next_bezier_points def cubic_bezier_approximation( self, level: int = 3, segments: int = None) -> Iterable['Bezier4P']: """ Approximate arbitrary B-splines (degree != 3 and/or rational) by multiple segments of cubic Bézier curves. The choice of cubic Bézier curves is based on the widely support of this curves by many render backends. For cubic non-rational B-splines, which is maybe the most common used B-spline, is :meth:`bezier_decomposition` the better choice. 1. approximation by `level`: an educated guess, the first level of approximation segments is based on the count of control points and their distribution along the B-spline, every additional level is a subdivision of the previous level. E.g. a B-Spline of 8 control points has 7 segments at the first level, 14 at the 2nd level and 28 at the 3rd level, a level >= 3 is recommended. 2. approximation by a given count of evenly distributed approximation segments. Args: level: subdivision level of approximation segments (ignored if argument `segments` is not ``None``) segments: absolute count of approximation segments Returns: Yields control points of cubic Bézier curves as :class:`Bezier4P` objects """ if segments is None: points = list(self.points(self.approximation_params(level))) else: points = list(self.approximate(segments)) from .bezier_interpolation import cubic_bezier_interpolation return cubic_bezier_interpolation(points) def approximation_params(self, level: int = 3) -> List[float]: """ Returns an educated guess, the first level of approximation segments is based on the count of control points and their distribution along the B-spline, every additional level is a subdivision of the previous level. E.g. a B-Spline of 8 control points has 7 segments at the first level, 14 at the 2nd level and 28 at the 3rd level. """ params = list(create_t_vector(self._control_points, 'chord')) if self.max_t != 1.0: max_t = self.max_t params = [p * max_t for p in params] for _ in range(level - 1): params = list(subdivide_params(params)) return params def subdivide_params(p: List[float]) -> Iterable[float]: for i in range(len(p) - 1): yield p[i] yield (p[i] + p[i + 1]) / 2.0 yield p[-1] def open_uniform_bspline(control_points: Iterable['Vertex'], order: int = 4, weights: Iterable[float] = None) -> BSpline: """ Creates an open uniform (periodic) `B-spline`_ curve (`open curve`_). This is an unclamped curve, which means the curve passes none of the control points. Args: control_points: iterable of control points as :class:`Vec3` compatible objects order: spline order (degree + 1) weights: iterable of weight values """ control_points = Vec3.tuple(control_points) knots = uniform_knot_vector(len(control_points), order, normalize=False) return BSpline(control_points, order=order, knots=knots, weights=weights) def closed_uniform_bspline(control_points: Iterable['Vertex'], order: int = 4, weights: Iterable[float] = None) -> BSpline: """ Creates an closed uniform (periodic) `B-spline`_ curve (`open curve`_). This B-spline does not pass any of the control points. Args: control_points: iterable of control points as :class:`Vec3` compatible objects order: spline order (degree + 1) weights: iterable of weight values """ control_points = Vec3.list(control_points) control_points.extend(control_points[:order - 1]) if weights is not None: weights = list(weights) weights.extend(weights[:order - 1]) return open_uniform_bspline(control_points, order, weights) def rational_bspline_from_arc( center: Vec3 = (0, 0), radius: float = 1, start_angle: float = 0, end_angle: float = 360, segments: int = 1) -> BSpline: """ Returns a rational B-splines for a circular 2D arc. Args: center: circle center as :class:`Vec3` compatible object radius: circle radius start_angle: start angle in degrees end_angle: end angle in degrees segments: count of spline segments, at least one segment for each quarter (90 deg), default is 1, for as few as needed. """ center = Vec3(center) radius = float(radius) start_rad = math.radians(start_angle % 360) end_rad = start_rad + math.radians( arc_angle_span_deg(start_angle, end_angle) ) control_points, weights, knots = nurbs_arc_parameters( start_rad, end_rad, segments) return BSpline( control_points=(center + (p * radius) for p in control_points), weights=weights, knots=knots, order=3, ) PI_2 = math.pi / 2.0 def rational_bspline_from_ellipse(ellipse: 'ConstructionEllipse', segments: int = 1) -> BSpline: """ Returns a rational B-splines for an elliptic arc. Args: ellipse: ellipse parameters as :class:`~ezdxf.math.ConstructionEllipse` object segments: count of spline segments, at least one segment for each quarter (π/2), default is 1, for as few as needed. """ start_angle = ellipse.start_param % math.tau end_angle = start_angle + ellipse.param_span def transform_control_points() -> Iterable[Vec3]: center = Vec3( x_axis = ellipse.major_axis y_axis = ellipse.minor_axis for p in control_points: yield center + x_axis * p.x + y_axis * p.y control_points, weights, knots = nurbs_arc_parameters(start_angle, end_angle, segments) return BSpline( control_points=transform_control_points(), weights=weights, knots=knots, order=3, ) def nurbs_arc_parameters(start_angle: float, end_angle: float, segments: int = 1): """ Returns a rational B-spline parameters for a circular 2D arc with center at (0, 0) and a radius of 1. Args: start_angle: start angle in radians end_angle: end angle in radians segments: count of segments, at least one segment for each quarter (π/2) Returns: control_points, weights, knots """ # Source: if segments < 1: raise ValueError('Invalid argument segments (>= 1).') delta_angle = end_angle - start_angle arc_count = max(math.ceil(delta_angle / PI_2), segments) segment_angle = delta_angle / arc_count segment_angle_2 = segment_angle / 2 arc_weight = math.cos(segment_angle_2) # First control point control_points = [Vec3(math.cos(start_angle), math.sin(start_angle))] weights = [1.0] angle = start_angle d = 1.0 / math.cos(segment_angle / 2.0) for _ in range(arc_count): # next control point between points on arc angle += segment_angle_2 control_points.append(Vec3(math.cos(angle) * d, math.sin(angle) * d)) weights.append(arc_weight) # next control point on arc angle += segment_angle_2 control_points.append(Vec3(math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle))) weights.append(1.0) # Knot vector calculation for B-spline of order=3 # Clamped B-Spline starts with `order` 0.0 knots and # ends with `order` 1.0 knots knots = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] step = 1.0 / ((max(len(control_points) + 1, 4) - 4) / 2.0 + 1.0) g = step while g < 1.0: knots.extend((g, g)) g += step knots.extend( [1.0] * (required_knot_values(len(control_points), 3) - len(knots))) return control_points, weights, knots def bspline_basis(u: float, index: int, degree: int, knots: Sequence[float]) -> float: """ B-spline basis_vector function. Simple recursive implementation for testing and comparison. Args: u: curve parameter in range [0, max(knots)] index: index of control point degree: degree of B-spline knots: knots vector Returns: float: basis_vector value N_i,p(u) """ cache: Dict[Tuple[int, int], float] = {} u = float(u) def N(i: int, p: int) -> float: try: return cache[(i, p)] except KeyError: if p == 0: retval = 1 if knots[i] <= u < knots[i + 1] else 0. else: dominator = (knots[i + p] - knots[i]) f1 = (u - knots[i]) / dominator * N(i, p - 1) if dominator else 0. dominator = (knots[i + p + 1] - knots[i + 1]) f2 = (knots[i + p + 1] - u) / dominator * N(i + 1, p - 1) if dominator else 0. retval = f1 + f2 cache[(i, p)] = retval return retval return N(int(index), int(degree)) def bspline_basis_vector(u: float, count: int, degree: int, knots: Sequence[float]) -> List[float]: """ Create basis_vector vector at parameter u. Used with the bspline_basis() for testing and comparison. Args: u: curve parameter in range [0, max(knots)] count: control point count (n + 1) degree: degree of B-spline (order = degree + 1) knots: knot vector Returns: List[float]: basis_vector vector, len(basis_vector) == count """ assert len(knots) == (count + degree + 1) basis = [bspline_basis(u, index, degree, knots) for index in range(count)] # type: List[float] # pick up last point ??? why is this necessary ??? if math.isclose(u, knots[-1]): basis[-1] = 1. return basis ``` #### File: ezdxf/math/ ```python from typing import List, Iterable, Sequence, Tuple import math import bisect # The pure Python implementation can't import from ._ctypes or ezdxf.math! from ._vector import Vec3, NULLVEC from .linalg import binomial_coefficient __all__ = ['Basis', 'Evaluator'] class Basis: """ Immutable Basis function class. """ __slots__ = ('_knots', '_weights', '_order', '_count') def __init__(self, knots: Iterable[float], order: int, count: int, weights: Sequence[float] = None): self._knots = tuple(knots) self._weights = tuple(weights or []) self._order: int = int(order) self._count: int = int(count) # validation checks: len_weights = len(self._weights) if len_weights != 0 and len_weights != self._count: raise ValueError('invalid weight count') if len(self._knots) != self._order + self._count: raise ValueError('invalid knot count') @property def max_t(self) -> float: return self._knots[-1] @property def order(self) -> int: return self._order @property def degree(self) -> int: return self._order - 1 @property def knots(self) -> Tuple[float, ...]: return self._knots @property def weights(self) -> Tuple[float, ...]: return self._weights @property def is_rational(self) -> bool: """ Returns ``True`` if curve is a rational B-spline. (has weights) """ return bool(self._weights) def basis_vector(self, t: float) -> List[float]: """ Returns the expanded basis vector. """ span = self.find_span(t) p = self._order - 1 front = span - p back = self._count - span - 1 basis = self.basis_funcs(span, t) return ([0.0] * front) + basis + ([0.0] * back) def find_span(self, u: float) -> int: """ Determine the knot span index. """ # Linear search is more reliable than binary search of the Algorithm A2.1 # from The NURBS Book by <NAME>. knots = self._knots count = self._count # text book: n+1 if u >= knots[count]: # special case return count - 1 # n p = self._order - 1 # common clamped spline: if knots[p] == 0.0: # use binary search # This is fast and works most of the time, # but Test 621 : test_weired_closed_spline() # goes into an infinity loop, because of # a weird knot configuration. return bisect.bisect_right(knots, u, p, count) - 1 else: # use linear search span = 0 while knots[span] <= u and span < count: span += 1 return span - 1 def basis_funcs(self, span: int, u: float) -> List[float]: # Source: The NURBS Book: Algorithm A2.2 order = self._order knots = self._knots N = [0.0] * order left = list(N) right = list(N) N[0] = 1.0 for j in range(1, order): left[j] = u - knots[max(0, span + 1 - j)] right[j] = knots[span + j] - u saved = 0.0 for r in range(j): temp = N[r] / (right[r + 1] + left[j - r]) N[r] = saved + right[r + 1] * temp saved = left[j - r] * temp N[j] = saved if self.is_rational: return self.span_weighting(N, span) else: return N def span_weighting(self, nbasis: List[float], span: int) -> List[float]: size = len(nbasis) weights = self._weights[span - self._order + 1: span + 1] products = [nb * w for nb, w in zip(nbasis, weights)] s = sum(products) return [0.0] * size if s == 0.0 else [p / s for p in products] def basis_funcs_derivatives(self, span: int, u: float, n: int = 1): # Source: The NURBS Book: Algorithm A2.3 order = self._order p = order - 1 n = min(n, p) knots = self._knots left = [1.0] * order right = [1.0] * order ndu = [[1.0] * order for _ in range(order)] for j in range(1, order): left[j] = u - knots[max(0, span + 1 - j)] right[j] = knots[span + j] - u saved = 0.0 for r in range(j): # lower triangle ndu[j][r] = right[r + 1] + left[j - r] temp = ndu[r][j - 1] / ndu[j][r] # upper triangle ndu[r][j] = saved + (right[r + 1] * temp) saved = left[j - r] * temp ndu[j][j] = saved # load the basis_vector functions derivatives = [[0.0] * order for _ in range(order)] for j in range(order): derivatives[0][j] = ndu[j][p] # loop over function index a = [[1.0] * order, [1.0] * order] for r in range(order): s1 = 0 s2 = 1 # alternate rows in array a a[0][0] = 1.0 # loop to compute kth derivative for k in range(1, n + 1): d = 0.0 rk = r - k pk = p - k if r >= k: a[s2][0] = a[s1][0] / ndu[pk + 1][rk] d = a[s2][0] * ndu[rk][pk] if rk >= -1: j1 = 1 else: j1 = -rk if (r - 1) <= pk: j2 = k - 1 else: j2 = p - r for j in range(j1, j2 + 1): a[s2][j] = (a[s1][j] - a[s1][j - 1]) / ndu[pk + 1][rk + j] d += (a[s2][j] * ndu[rk + j][pk]) if r <= pk: a[s2][k] = -a[s1][k - 1] / ndu[pk + 1][r] d += (a[s2][k] * ndu[r][pk]) derivatives[k][r] = d # Switch rows s1, s2 = s2, s1 # Multiply through by the the correct factors r = float(p) for k in range(1, n + 1): for j in range(order): derivatives[k][j] *= r r *= (p - k) return derivatives[:n + 1] class Evaluator: """ B-spline curve point and curve derivative evaluator. """ __slots__ = ['_basis', '_control_points'] def __init__(self, basis: Basis, control_points: Sequence[Vec3]): self._basis = basis self._control_points = control_points def point(self, u: float) -> Vec3: # Source: The NURBS Book: Algorithm A3.1 basis = self._basis control_points = self._control_points if math.isclose(u, basis.max_t): u = basis.max_t p = span = basis.find_span(u) N = basis.basis_funcs(span, u) return Vec3.sum( N[i] * control_points[span - p + i] for i in range(p + 1)) def points(self, t: Iterable[float]) -> Iterable[Vec3]: for u in t: yield self.point(u) def derivative(self, u: float, n: int = 1) -> List[Vec3]: """ Return point and derivatives up to n <= degree for parameter u. """ # Source: The NURBS Book: Algorithm A3.2 basis = self._basis control_points = self._control_points if math.isclose(u, basis.max_t): u = basis.max_t p = span = basis.find_span(u) basis_funcs_ders = basis.basis_funcs_derivatives(span, u, n) if basis.is_rational: # Homogeneous point representation required: # (x*w, y*w, z*w, w) CKw = [] wders = [] weights = basis.weights for k in range(n + 1): v = NULLVEC wder = 0.0 for j in range(p + 1): index = span - p + j bas_func_weight = basis_funcs_ders[k][j] * weights[index] # control_point * weight * bas_func_der = (x*w, y*w, z*w) * bas_func_der v += control_points[index] * bas_func_weight wder += bas_func_weight CKw.append(v) wders.append(wder) # Source: The NURBS Book: Algorithm A4.2 CK = [] for k in range(n + 1): v = CKw[k] for i in range(1, k + 1): v -= binomial_coefficient(k, i) * wders[i] * CK[k - i] CK.append(v / wders[0]) else: CK = [ Vec3.sum( basis_funcs_ders[k][j] * control_points[span - p + j] for j in range(p + 1)) for k in range(n + 1) ] return CK def derivatives( self, t: Iterable[float], n: int = 1) -> Iterable[List[Vec3]]: for u in t: yield self.derivative(u, n) ``` #### File: ezdxf/math/ ```python from typing import Sequence, Iterable, List, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING import math from math import sin, cos, tan from itertools import chain # The pure Python implementation can't import from ._ctypes or ezdxf.math! from ._vector import Vec3, X_AXIS, Y_AXIS, Z_AXIS, NULLVEC if TYPE_CHECKING: from ezdxf.eztypes import Vertex __all__ = ['Matrix44'] # removed array.array because array is optimized for space not speed, and space # optimization is not needed def floats(items: Iterable) -> List[float]: return [float(v) for v in items] class Matrix44: """ This is a pure Python implementation for 4x4 `transformation matrices`_ , to avoid dependency to big numerical packages like :mod:`numpy`, before binary wheels, installation of these packages wasn't always easy on Windows. The utility functions for constructing transformations and transforming vectors and points assumes that vectors are stored as row vectors, meaning when multiplied, transformations are applied left to right (e.g. vAB transforms v by A then by B). Matrix44 initialization: - ``Matrix44()`` returns the identity matrix. - ``Matrix44(values)`` values is an iterable with the 16 components of the matrix. - ``Matrix44(row1, row2, row3, row4)`` four rows, each row with four values. .. _transformation matrices: """ _identity = ( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) __slots__ = ('_matrix',) def __init__(self, *args): """ Matrix44() is the identity matrix. Matrix44(values) values is an iterable with the 16 components of the matrix. Matrix44(row1, row2, row3, row4) four rows, each row with four values. """ nargs = len(args) if nargs == 0: self._matrix = floats(Matrix44._identity) elif nargs == 1: self._matrix = floats(args[0]) elif nargs == 4: self._matrix = floats(chain(*args)) else: raise ValueError("Invalid count of arguments (4 row vectors or one " "list with 16 values).") if len(self._matrix) != 16: raise ValueError("Invalid matrix count") def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Returns the representation string of the matrix: ``Matrix44((col0, col1, col2, col3), (...), (...), (...))`` """ def format_row(row): return "(%s)" % ", ".join(str(value) for value in row) return "Matrix44(%s)" % \ ", ".join(format_row(row) for row in self.rows()) def get_2d_transformation(self) -> Tuple[float, ...]: """ Returns a the 2D transformation as a row-major matrix in a linear array (tuple). A more correct transformation could be implemented like so: """ m = self._matrix return m[0], m[1], 0.0, m[4], m[5], 0.0, m[12], m[13], 1.0 def get_row(self, row: int) -> Tuple[float, ...]: """ Get row as list of of four float values. Args: row: row index [0 .. 3] """ if 0 <= row < 4: index = row * 4 return tuple(self._matrix[index:index + 4]) else: raise IndexError(f'invalid row index: {row}') def set_row(self, row: int, values: Sequence[float]) -> None: """ Sets the values in a row. Args: row: row index [0 .. 3] values: iterable of four row values """ if 0 <= row < 4: index = row * 4 self._matrix[index:index + len(values)] = floats(values) else: raise IndexError(f'invalid row index: {row}') def get_col(self, col: int) -> Tuple[float, ...]: """ Returns a column as a tuple of four floats. Args: col: column index [0 .. 3] """ if 0 <= col < 4: m = self._matrix return m[col], m[col + 4], m[col + 8], m[col + 12] else: raise IndexError(f'invalid row index: {col}') def set_col(self, col: int, values: Sequence[float]): """ Sets the values in a column. Args: col: column index [0 .. 3] values: iterable of four column values """ if 0 <= col < 4: m = self._matrix a, b, c, d = values m[col] = float(a) m[col + 4] = float(b) m[col + 8] = float(c) m[col + 12] = float(d) else: raise IndexError(f'invalid row index: {col}') def copy(self) -> 'Matrix44': """ Returns a copy of same type. """ return self.__class__(self._matrix) __copy__ = copy @property def origin(self) -> Vec3: m = self._matrix return Vec3(m[12], m[13], m[14]) @origin.setter def origin(self, v: 'Vertex') -> None: m = self._matrix m[12], m[13], m[14] = Vec3(v) @property def ux(self) -> Vec3: return Vec3(self._matrix[0:3]) @property def uy(self) -> Vec3: return Vec3(self._matrix[4:7]) @property def uz(self) -> Vec3: return Vec3(self._matrix[8:11]) @property def is_cartesian(self) -> bool: """ Returns ``True`` if target coordinate system is a right handed orthogonal coordinate system. """ return @property def is_orthogonal(self) -> bool: """ Returns ``True`` if target coordinate system has orthogonal axis. Does not check for left- or right handed orientation, any orientation of the axis valid. """ ux = self.ux.normalize() uy = uz = return math.isclose(, 0.0, abs_tol=1e-9) and \ math.isclose(, 0.0, abs_tol=1e-9) and \ math.isclose(, 0.0, abs_tol=1e-9) @classmethod def scale(cls, sx: float, sy: float = None, sz: float = None) -> 'Matrix44': """ Returns a scaling transformation matrix. If `sy` is ``None``, `sy` = `sx`, and if `sz` is ``None`` `sz` = `sx`. """ if sy is None: sy = sx if sz is None: sz = sx m = cls([ float(sx), 0., 0., 0., 0., float(sy), 0., 0., 0., 0., float(sz), 0., 0., 0., 0., 1. ]) return m @classmethod def translate(cls, dx: float, dy: float, dz: float) -> 'Matrix44': """ Returns a translation matrix for translation vector (dx, dy, dz). """ return cls([ 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., float(dx), float(dy), float(dz), 1. ]) @classmethod def x_rotate(cls, angle: float) -> 'Matrix44': """ Returns a rotation matrix about the x-axis. Args: angle: rotation angle in radians """ cos_a = cos(angle) sin_a = sin(angle) return cls([ 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., cos_a, sin_a, 0., 0., -sin_a, cos_a, 0., 0., 0., 0., 1. ]) @classmethod def y_rotate(cls, angle: float) -> 'Matrix44': """ Returns a rotation matrix about the y-axis. Args: angle: rotation angle in radians """ cos_a = cos(angle) sin_a = sin(angle) return cls([ cos_a, 0., -sin_a, 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., sin_a, 0., cos_a, 0., 0., 0., 0., 1. ]) @classmethod def z_rotate(cls, angle: float) -> 'Matrix44': """ Returns a rotation matrix about the z-axis. Args: angle: rotation angle in radians """ cos_a = cos(angle) sin_a = sin(angle) return cls([ cos_a, sin_a, 0., 0., -sin_a, cos_a, 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1. ]) @classmethod def axis_rotate(cls, axis: 'Vertex', angle: float) -> 'Matrix44': """ Returns a rotation matrix about an arbitrary `axis`. Args: axis: rotation axis as ``(x, y, z)`` tuple or :class:`Vec3` object angle: rotation angle in radians """ c = cos(angle) s = sin(angle) omc = 1. - c x, y, z = Vec3(axis).normalize() return cls([ x * x * omc + c, y * x * omc + z * s, x * z * omc - y * s, 0., x * y * omc - z * s, y * y * omc + c, y * z * omc + x * s, 0., x * z * omc + y * s, y * z * omc - x * s, z * z * omc + c, 0., 0., 0., 0., 1. ]) @classmethod def xyz_rotate(cls, angle_x: float, angle_y: float, angle_z: float) -> 'Matrix44': """ Returns a rotation matrix for rotation about each axis. Args: angle_x: rotation angle about x-axis in radians angle_y: rotation angle about y-axis in radians angle_z: rotation angle about z-axis in radians """ cx = cos(angle_x) sx = sin(angle_x) cy = cos(angle_y) sy = sin(angle_y) cz = cos(angle_z) sz = sin(angle_z) sxsy = sx * sy cxsy = cx * sy return cls([ cy * cz, sxsy * cz + cx * sz, -cxsy * cz + sx * sz, 0., -cy * sz, -sxsy * sz + cx * cz, cxsy * sz + sx * cz, 0., sy, -sx * cy, cx * cy, 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.]) @classmethod def shear_xy(cls, angle_x: float = 0, angle_y: float = 0) -> 'Matrix44': """ Returns a translation matrix for shear mapping (visually similar to slanting) in the xy-plane. Args: angle_x: slanting angle in x direction in radians angle_y: slanting angle in y direction in radians """ tx = math.tan(angle_x) ty = math.tan(angle_y) return cls([ 1., ty, 0., 0., tx, 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1. ]) @classmethod def perspective_projection(cls, left: float, right: float, top: float, bottom: float, near: float, far: float) -> 'Matrix44': """ Returns a matrix for a 2D projection. Args: left: Coordinate of left of screen right: Coordinate of right of screen top: Coordinate of the top of the screen bottom: Coordinate of the bottom of the screen near: Coordinate of the near clipping plane far: Coordinate of the far clipping plane """ return cls([ (2. * near) / (right - left), 0., 0., 0., 0., (2. * near) / (top - bottom), 0., 0., (right + left) / (right - left), (top + bottom) / (top - bottom), -((far + near) / (far - near)), -1., 0., 0., -((2. * far * near) / (far - near)), 0. ]) @classmethod def perspective_projection_fov(cls, fov: float, aspect: float, near: float, far: float) -> 'Matrix44': """ Returns a matrix for a 2D projection. Args: fov: The field of view (in radians) aspect: The aspect ratio of the screen (width / height) near: Coordinate of the near clipping plane far: Coordinate of the far clipping plane """ vrange = near * tan(fov / 2.) left = -vrange * aspect right = vrange * aspect bottom = -vrange top = vrange return cls.perspective_projection(left, right, bottom, top, near, far) @staticmethod def chain(*matrices: 'Matrix44') -> 'Matrix44': """ Compose a transformation matrix from one or more `matrices`. """ transformation = Matrix44() for matrix in matrices: transformation *= matrix return transformation @staticmethod def ucs(ux=X_AXIS, uy=Y_AXIS, uz=Z_AXIS, origin=NULLVEC) -> 'Matrix44': """ Returns a matrix for coordinate transformation from WCS to UCS. For transformation from UCS to WCS, transpose the returned matrix. Args: ux: x-axis for UCS as unit vector uy: y-axis for UCS as unit vector uz: z-axis for UCS as unit vector origin: UCS origin as location vector """ ux_x, ux_y, ux_z = ux uy_x, uy_y, uy_z = uy uz_x, uz_y, uz_z = uz or_x, or_y, or_z = origin return Matrix44(( ux_x, ux_y, ux_z, 0, uy_x, uy_y, uy_z, 0, uz_x, uz_y, uz_z, 0, or_x, or_y, or_z, 1, )) def __setitem__(self, index: Tuple[int, int], value: float): """ Set (row, column) element. """ row, col = index if 0 <= row < 4 and 0 <= col < 4: self._matrix[row * 4 + col] = float(value) else: raise IndexError(f'index out of range: {index}') def __getitem__(self, index: Tuple[int, int]): """ Get (row, column) element. """ row, col = index if 0 <= row < 4 and 0 <= col < 4: return self._matrix[row * 4 + col] else: raise IndexError(f'index out of range: {index}') def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[float]: """ Iterates over all matrix values. """ return iter(self._matrix) def __mul__(self, other: 'Matrix44') -> 'Matrix44': """ Returns a new matrix as result of the matrix multiplication with another matrix. """ res_matrix = self.copy() res_matrix.__imul__(other) return res_matrix # __matmul__ = __mul__ does not work! def __matmul__(self, other: 'Matrix44') -> 'Matrix44': """ Returns a new matrix as result of the matrix multiplication with another matrix. """ res_matrix = self.copy() res_matrix.__imul__(other) return res_matrix def __imul__(self, other: 'Matrix44') -> 'Matrix44': """ Inplace multiplication with another matrix. """ m1 = self._matrix m2 = other._matrix self._matrix = [ m1[0] * m2[0] + m1[1] * m2[4] + m1[2] * m2[8] + m1[3] * m2[12], m1[0] * m2[1] + m1[1] * m2[5] + m1[2] * m2[9] + m1[3] * m2[13], m1[0] * m2[2] + m1[1] * m2[6] + m1[2] * m2[10] + m1[3] * m2[14], m1[0] * m2[3] + m1[1] * m2[7] + m1[2] * m2[11] + m1[3] * m2[15], m1[4] * m2[0] + m1[5] * m2[4] + m1[6] * m2[8] + m1[7] * m2[12], m1[4] * m2[1] + m1[5] * m2[5] + m1[6] * m2[9] + m1[7] * m2[13], m1[4] * m2[2] + m1[5] * m2[6] + m1[6] * m2[10] + m1[7] * m2[14], m1[4] * m2[3] + m1[5] * m2[7] + m1[6] * m2[11] + m1[7] * m2[15], m1[8] * m2[0] + m1[9] * m2[4] + m1[10] * m2[8] + m1[11] * m2[12], m1[8] * m2[1] + m1[9] * m2[5] + m1[10] * m2[9] + m1[11] * m2[13], m1[8] * m2[2] + m1[9] * m2[6] + m1[10] * m2[10] + m1[11] * m2[14], m1[8] * m2[3] + m1[9] * m2[7] + m1[10] * m2[11] + m1[11] * m2[15], m1[12] * m2[0] + m1[13] * m2[4] + m1[14] * m2[8] + m1[15] * m2[12], m1[12] * m2[1] + m1[13] * m2[5] + m1[14] * m2[9] + m1[15] * m2[13], m1[12] * m2[2] + m1[13] * m2[6] + m1[14] * m2[10] + m1[15] * m2[14], m1[12] * m2[3] + m1[13] * m2[7] + m1[14] * m2[11] + m1[15] * m2[15] ] return self def rows(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[float, ...]]: """ Iterate over rows as 4-tuples. """ return (self.get_row(index) for index in (0, 1, 2, 3)) def columns(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[float, ...]]: """ Iterate over columns as 4-tuples. """ return (self.get_col(index) for index in (0, 1, 2, 3)) def transform(self, vector: 'Vertex') -> Vec3: """ Returns a transformed vertex. """ m = self._matrix x, y, z = vector return Vec3(x * m[0] + y * m[4] + z * m[8] + m[12], x * m[1] + y * m[5] + z * m[9] + m[13], x * m[2] + y * m[6] + z * m[10] + m[14]) def transform_direction(self, vector: 'Vertex', normalize=False) -> Vec3: """ Returns a transformed direction vector without translation. """ m = self._matrix x, y, z = vector v = Vec3(x * m[0] + y * m[4] + z * m[8], x * m[1] + y * m[5] + z * m[9], x * m[2] + y * m[6] + z * m[10]) return v.normalize() if normalize else v ocs_to_wcs = transform_direction def transform_vertices(self, vectors: Iterable['Vertex']) -> Iterable[Vec3]: """ Returns an iterable of transformed vertices. """ m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8, m9, m10, m11, m12, m13, m14, m15 = self._matrix for vector in vectors: x, y, z = vector yield Vec3( x * m0 + y * m4 + z * m8 + m12, x * m1 + y * m5 + z * m9 + m13, x * m2 + y * m6 + z * m10 + m14 ) def transform_directions(self, vectors: Iterable['Vertex'], normalize=False) -> Iterable[Vec3]: """ Returns an iterable of transformed direction vectors without translation. """ m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8, m9, m10, *_ = self._matrix for vector in vectors: x, y, z = vector v = Vec3( x * m0 + y * m4 + z * m8, x * m1 + y * m5 + z * m9, x * m2 + y * m6 + z * m10 ) yield v.normalize() if normalize else v def ucs_vertex_from_wcs(self, wcs: Vec3) -> Vec3: """ Returns an UCS vector from WCS vertex. Works only if matrix is used as cartesian UCS without scaling. (internal API) """ return self.ucs_direction_from_wcs(wcs - self.origin) def ucs_direction_from_wcs(self, wcs: Vec3) -> Vec3: """ Returns UCS direction vector from WCS direction. Works only if matrix is used as cartesian UCS without scaling. (internal API) """ m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8, m9, m10, *_ = self._matrix x, y, z = wcs return Vec3( x * m0 + y * m1 + z * m2, x * m4 + y * m5 + z * m6, x * m8 + y * m9 + z * m10, ) ocs_from_wcs = ucs_direction_from_wcs def transpose(self) -> None: """ Swaps the rows for columns inplace. """ m00, m01, m02, m03, \ m10, m11, m12, m13, \ m20, m21, m22, m23, \ m30, m31, m32, m33 = self._matrix self._matrix = [ m00, m10, m20, m30, m01, m11, m21, m31, m02, m12, m22, m32, m03, m13, m23, m33 ] def determinant(self) -> float: """ Returns determinant. """ m00, m01, m02, m03, \ m10, m11, m12, m13, \ m20, m21, m22, m23, \ m30, m31, m32, m33 = self._matrix return m00 * m11 * m22 * m33 - m00 * m11 * m23 * m32 + \ m00 * m12 * m23 * m31 - m00 * m12 * m21 * m33 + \ m00 * m13 * m21 * m32 - m00 * m13 * m22 * m31 - \ m01 * m12 * m23 * m30 + m01 * m12 * m20 * m33 - \ m01 * m13 * m20 * m32 + m01 * m13 * m22 * m30 - \ m01 * m10 * m22 * m33 + m01 * m10 * m23 * m32 + \ m02 * m13 * m20 * m31 - m02 * m13 * m21 * m30 + \ m02 * m10 * m21 * m33 - m02 * m10 * m23 * m31 + \ m02 * m11 * m23 * m30 - m02 * m11 * m20 * m33 - \ m03 * m10 * m21 * m32 + m03 * m10 * m22 * m31 - \ m03 * m11 * m22 * m30 + m03 * m11 * m20 * m32 - \ m03 * m12 * m20 * m31 + m03 * m12 * m21 * m30 def inverse(self) -> None: """ Calculates the inverse of the matrix. Raises: ZeroDivisionError: if matrix has no inverse. """ det = self.determinant() f = 1. / det # catch ZeroDivisionError by caller m00, m01, m02, m03, \ m10, m11, m12, m13, \ m20, m21, m22, m23, \ m30, m31, m32, m33 = self._matrix self._matrix = [ ( m12 * m23 * m31 - m13 * m22 * m31 + m13 * m21 * m32 - m11 * m23 * m32 - m12 * m21 * m33 + m11 * m22 * m33) * f, ( m03 * m22 * m31 - m02 * m23 * m31 - m03 * m21 * m32 + m01 * m23 * m32 + m02 * m21 * m33 - m01 * m22 * m33) * f, ( m02 * m13 * m31 - m03 * m12 * m31 + m03 * m11 * m32 - m01 * m13 * m32 - m02 * m11 * m33 + m01 * m12 * m33) * f, ( m03 * m12 * m21 - m02 * m13 * m21 - m03 * m11 * m22 + m01 * m13 * m22 + m02 * m11 * m23 - m01 * m12 * m23) * f, ( m13 * m22 * m30 - m12 * m23 * m30 - m13 * m20 * m32 + m10 * m23 * m32 + m12 * m20 * m33 - m10 * m22 * m33) * f, ( m02 * m23 * m30 - m03 * m22 * m30 + m03 * m20 * m32 - m00 * m23 * m32 - m02 * m20 * m33 + m00 * m22 * m33) * f, ( m03 * m12 * m30 - m02 * m13 * m30 - m03 * m10 * m32 + m00 * m13 * m32 + m02 * m10 * m33 - m00 * m12 * m33) * f, ( m02 * m13 * m20 - m03 * m12 * m20 + m03 * m10 * m22 - m00 * m13 * m22 - m02 * m10 * m23 + m00 * m12 * m23) * f, ( m11 * m23 * m30 - m13 * m21 * m30 + m13 * m20 * m31 - m10 * m23 * m31 - m11 * m20 * m33 + m10 * m21 * m33) * f, ( m03 * m21 * m30 - m01 * m23 * m30 - m03 * m20 * m31 + m00 * m23 * m31 + m01 * m20 * m33 - m00 * m21 * m33) * f, ( m01 * m13 * m30 - m03 * m11 * m30 + m03 * m10 * m31 - m00 * m13 * m31 - m01 * m10 * m33 + m00 * m11 * m33) * f, ( m03 * m11 * m20 - m01 * m13 * m20 - m03 * m10 * m21 + m00 * m13 * m21 + m01 * m10 * m23 - m00 * m11 * m23) * f, ( m12 * m21 * m30 - m11 * m22 * m30 - m12 * m20 * m31 + m10 * m22 * m31 + m11 * m20 * m32 - m10 * m21 * m32) * f, ( m01 * m22 * m30 - m02 * m21 * m30 + m02 * m20 * m31 - m00 * m22 * m31 - m01 * m20 * m32 + m00 * m21 * m32) * f, ( m02 * m11 * m30 - m01 * m12 * m30 - m02 * m10 * m31 + m00 * m12 * m31 + m01 * m10 * m32 - m00 * m11 * m32) * f, ( m01 * m12 * m20 - m02 * m11 * m20 + m02 * m10 * m21 - m00 * m12 * m21 - m01 * m10 * m22 + m00 * m11 * m22) * f, ] ``` #### File: ezdxf/math/ ```python from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple, Sequence, Iterable from ezdxf.math import Vec3, X_AXIS, Y_AXIS, Z_AXIS, Matrix44 if TYPE_CHECKING: from ezdxf.eztypes import Vertex, BaseLayout __all__ = ["OCS", "UCS", "PassTroughUCS"] def render_axis(layout: 'BaseLayout', start: 'Vertex', points: Sequence['Vertex'], colors: Tuple[int, int, int] = (1, 3, 5)) -> None: for point, color in zip(points, colors): layout.add_line(start, point, dxfattribs={'color': color}) class OCS: """ Establish an :ref:`OCS` for a given extrusion vector. Args: extrusion: extrusion vector. """ def __init__(self, extrusion: 'Vertex' = Z_AXIS): Az = Vec3(extrusion).normalize() self.transform = not Az.isclose(Z_AXIS) if self.transform: if (abs(Az.x) < 1 / 64.) and (abs(Az.y) < 1 / 64.): Ax = Y_AXIS.cross(Az) else: Ax = Z_AXIS.cross(Az) Ax = Ax.normalize() Ay = Az.cross(Ax).normalize() self.matrix = Matrix44.ucs(Ax, Ay, Az) @property def ux(self) -> Vec3: """ x-axis unit vector """ return self.matrix.ux if self.transform else X_AXIS @property def uy(self) -> Vec3: """ y-axis unit vector """ return if self.transform else Y_AXIS @property def uz(self) -> Vec3: """ z-axis unit vector """ return if self.transform else Z_AXIS def from_wcs(self, point: 'Vertex') -> 'Vertex': """ Returns OCS vector for WCS `point`. """ if self.transform: return self.matrix.ocs_from_wcs(point) else: return point def points_from_wcs(self, points: Iterable['Vertex']) -> Iterable['Vertex']: """ Returns iterable of OCS vectors from WCS `points`. """ if self.transform: from_wcs = self.matrix.ocs_from_wcs for point in points: yield from_wcs(point) else: yield from points def to_wcs(self, point: 'Vertex') -> 'Vertex': """ Returns WCS vector for OCS `point`. """ if self.transform: return self.matrix.ocs_to_wcs(point) else: return point def points_to_wcs(self, points: Iterable['Vertex']) -> Iterable['Vertex']: """ Returns iterable of WCS vectors for OCS `points`. """ if self.transform: to_wcs = self.matrix.ocs_to_wcs for point in points: yield to_wcs(point) else: yield from points def render_axis(self, layout: 'BaseLayout', length: float = 1, colors: Tuple[int, int, int] = (1, 3, 5)): """ Render axis as 3D lines into a `layout`. """ render_axis( layout, start=(0, 0, 0), points=( self.to_wcs(X_AXIS * length), self.to_wcs(Y_AXIS * length), self.to_wcs(Z_AXIS * length), ), colors=colors, ) class UCS: """ Establish an user coordinate system (:ref:`UCS`). The UCS is defined by the origin and two unit vectors for the x-, y- or z-axis, all axis in :ref:`WCS`. The missing axis is the cross product of the given axis. If x- and y-axis are ``None``: ux = ``(1, 0, 0)``, uy = ``(0, 1, 0)``, uz = ``(0, 0, 1)``. Unit vectors don't have to be normalized, normalization is done at initialization, this is also the reason why scaling gets lost by copying or rotating. Args: origin: defines the UCS origin in world coordinates ux: defines the UCS x-axis as vector in :ref:`WCS` uy: defines the UCS y-axis as vector in :ref:`WCS` uz: defines the UCS z-axis as vector in :ref:`WCS` """ def __init__(self, origin: 'Vertex' = (0, 0, 0), ux: 'Vertex' = None, uy: 'Vertex' = None, uz: 'Vertex' = None): if ux is None and uy is None: ux = X_AXIS uy = Y_AXIS uz = Z_AXIS elif ux is None: uy = Vec3(uy).normalize() uz = Vec3(uz).normalize() ux = Vec3(uy).cross(uz).normalize() elif uy is None: ux = Vec3(ux).normalize() uz = Vec3(uz).normalize() uy = Vec3(uz).cross(ux).normalize() elif uz is None: ux = Vec3(ux).normalize() uy = Vec3(uy).normalize() uz = Vec3(ux).cross(uy).normalize() else: # all axis are given ux = Vec3(ux).normalize() uy = Vec3(uy).normalize() uz = Vec3(uz).normalize() self.matrix: Matrix44 = Matrix44.ucs(ux, uy, uz, origin) @property def ux(self) -> Vec3: """ x-axis unit vector """ return self.matrix.ux @property def uy(self) -> Vec3: """ y-axis unit vector """ return @property def uz(self) -> Vec3: """ z-axis unit vector """ return @property def origin(self) -> Vec3: """ Returns the origin """ return self.matrix.origin @origin.setter def origin(self, v: 'Vertex') -> None: """ Set origin. """ self.matrix.origin = v def copy(self) -> 'UCS': """ Returns a copy of this UCS. """ return UCS(self.origin, self.ux,, def to_wcs(self, point: 'Vec3') -> 'Vec3': """ Returns WCS point for UCS `point`. """ return self.matrix.transform(point) def points_to_wcs(self, points: Iterable['Vec3']) -> Iterable['Vec3']: """ Returns iterable of WCS vectors for UCS `points`. """ return self.matrix.transform_vertices(points) def direction_to_wcs(self, vector: 'Vec3') -> 'Vec3': """ Returns WCS direction for UCS `vector` without origin adjustment. """ return self.matrix.transform_direction(vector) def from_wcs(self, point: 'Vec3') -> 'Vec3': """ Returns UCS point for WCS `point`. """ return self.matrix.ucs_vertex_from_wcs(point) def points_from_wcs(self, points: Iterable['Vec3']) -> Iterable['Vec3']: """ Returns iterable of UCS vectors from WCS `points`. """ from_wcs = self.from_wcs for point in points: yield from_wcs(point) def direction_from_wcs(self, vector: 'Vec3') -> 'Vec3': """ Returns UCS vector for WCS `vector` without origin adjustment. """ return self.matrix.ucs_direction_from_wcs(vector) def to_ocs(self, point: 'Vec3') -> 'Vec3': """ Returns OCS vector for UCS `point`. The :class:`OCS` is defined by the z-axis of the :class:`UCS`. """ wpoint = self.to_wcs(point) return OCS( def points_to_ocs(self, points: Iterable['Vec3']) -> Iterable['Vec3']: """ Returns iterable of OCS vectors for UCS `points`. The :class:`OCS` is defined by the z-axis of the :class:`UCS`. Args: points: iterable of UCS vertices """ wcs = self.to_wcs ocs = OCS( for point in points: yield ocs.from_wcs(wcs(point)) def to_ocs_angle_deg(self, angle: float) -> float: """ Transforms `angle` from current UCS to the parent coordinate system (most likely the WCS) including the transformation to the OCS established by the extrusion vector :attr:``. Args: angle: in UCS in degrees """ return self.ucs_direction_to_ocs_direction(Vec3.from_deg_angle(angle)).angle_deg def to_ocs_angle_rad(self, angle: float) -> float: """ Transforms `angle` from current UCS to the parent coordinate system (most likely the WCS) including the transformation to the OCS established by the extrusion vector :attr:``. Args: angle: in UCS in radians """ return self.ucs_direction_to_ocs_direction(Vec3.from_angle(angle)).angle def ucs_direction_to_ocs_direction(self, direction: Vec3) -> Vec3: """ Transforms UCS `direction` vector into OCS direction vector of the parent coordinate system (most likely the WCS), target OCS is defined by the UCS z-axis. """ return OCS( def rotate(self, axis: 'Vertex', angle: float) -> 'UCS': """ Returns a new rotated UCS, with the same origin as the source UCS. The rotation vector is located in the origin and has :ref:`WCS` coordinates e.g. (0, 0, 1) is the WCS z-axis as rotation vector. Args: axis: arbitrary rotation axis as vector in :ref:`WCS` angle: rotation angle in radians """ t = Matrix44.axis_rotate(Vec3(axis), angle) ux, uy, uz = t.transform_vertices([self.ux,,]) return UCS(origin=self.origin, ux=ux, uy=uy, uz=uz) def rotate_local_x(self, angle: float) -> 'UCS': """ Returns a new rotated UCS, rotation axis is the local x-axis. Args: angle: rotation angle in radians """ t = Matrix44.axis_rotate(self.ux, angle) uy, uz = t.transform_vertices([,]) return UCS(origin=self.origin, ux=self.ux, uy=uy, uz=uz) def rotate_local_y(self, angle: float) -> 'UCS': """ Returns a new rotated UCS, rotation axis is the local y-axis. Args: angle: rotation angle in radians """ t = Matrix44.axis_rotate(, angle) ux, uz = t.transform_vertices([self.ux,]) return UCS(origin=self.origin, ux=ux,, uz=uz) def rotate_local_z(self, angle: float) -> 'UCS': """ Returns a new rotated UCS, rotation axis is the local z-axis. Args: angle: rotation angle in radians """ t = Matrix44.axis_rotate(, angle) ux, uy = t.transform_vertices([self.ux,]) return UCS(origin=self.origin, ux=ux, uy=uy, def shift(self, delta: 'Vertex') -> 'UCS': """ Shifts current UCS by `delta` vector and returns `self`. Args: delta: shifting vector """ self.origin += Vec3(delta) return self def moveto(self, location: 'Vertex') -> 'UCS': """ Place current UCS at new origin `location` and returns `self`. Args: location: new origin in WCS """ self.origin = Vec3(location) return self def transform(self, m: Matrix44) -> 'UCS': """ General inplace transformation interface, returns `self` (floating interface). Args: m: 4x4 transformation matrix (:class:`ezdxf.math.Matrix44`) .. versionadded:: 0.14 """ self.matrix *= m return self @property def is_cartesian(self) -> bool: """ Returns ``True`` if cartesian coordinate system. """ return self.matrix.is_cartesian @staticmethod def from_x_axis_and_point_in_xy(origin: 'Vertex', axis: 'Vertex', point: 'Vertex') -> 'UCS': """ Returns an new :class:`UCS` defined by the origin, the x-axis vector and an arbitrary point in the xy-plane. Args: origin: UCS origin as (x, y, z) tuple in :ref:`WCS` axis: x-axis vector as (x, y, z) tuple in :ref:`WCS` point: arbitrary point unlike the origin in the xy-plane as (x, y, z) tuple in :ref:`WCS` """ x_axis = Vec3(axis) z_axis = x_axis.cross(Vec3(point) - origin) return UCS(origin=origin, ux=x_axis, uz=z_axis) @staticmethod def from_x_axis_and_point_in_xz(origin: 'Vertex', axis: 'Vertex', point: 'Vertex') -> 'UCS': """ Returns an new :class:`UCS` defined by the origin, the x-axis vector and an arbitrary point in the xz-plane. Args: origin: UCS origin as (x, y, z) tuple in :ref:`WCS` axis: x-axis vector as (x, y, z) tuple in :ref:`WCS` point: arbitrary point unlike the origin in the xz-plane as (x, y, z) tuple in :ref:`WCS` """ x_axis = Vec3(axis) xz_vector = Vec3(point) - origin y_axis = xz_vector.cross(x_axis) return UCS(origin=origin, ux=x_axis, uy=y_axis) @staticmethod def from_y_axis_and_point_in_xy(origin: 'Vertex', axis: 'Vertex', point: 'Vertex') -> 'UCS': """ Returns an new :class:`UCS` defined by the origin, the y-axis vector and an arbitrary point in the xy-plane. Args: origin: UCS origin as (x, y, z) tuple in :ref:`WCS` axis: y-axis vector as (x, y, z) tuple in :ref:`WCS` point: arbitrary point unlike the origin in the xy-plane as (x, y, z) tuple in :ref:`WCS` """ y_axis = Vec3(axis) xy_vector = Vec3(point) - origin z_axis = xy_vector.cross(y_axis) return UCS(origin=origin, uy=y_axis, uz=z_axis) @staticmethod def from_y_axis_and_point_in_yz(origin: 'Vertex', axis: 'Vertex', point: 'Vertex') -> 'UCS': """ Returns an new :class:`UCS` defined by the origin, the y-axis vector and an arbitrary point in the yz-plane. Args: origin: UCS origin as (x, y, z) tuple in :ref:`WCS` axis: y-axis vector as (x, y, z) tuple in :ref:`WCS` point: arbitrary point unlike the origin in the yz-plane as (x, y, z) tuple in :ref:`WCS` """ y_axis = Vec3(axis) yz_vector = Vec3(point) - origin x_axis = yz_vector.cross(y_axis) return UCS(origin=origin, ux=x_axis, uy=y_axis) @staticmethod def from_z_axis_and_point_in_xz(origin: 'Vertex', axis: 'Vertex', point: 'Vertex') -> 'UCS': """ Returns an new :class:`UCS` defined by the origin, the z-axis vector and an arbitrary point in the xz-plane. Args: origin: UCS origin as (x, y, z) tuple in :ref:`WCS` axis: z-axis vector as (x, y, z) tuple in :ref:`WCS` point: arbitrary point unlike the origin in the xz-plane as (x, y, z) tuple in :ref:`WCS` """ z_axis = Vec3(axis) y_axis = z_axis.cross(Vec3(point) - origin) return UCS(origin=origin, uy=y_axis, uz=z_axis) @staticmethod def from_z_axis_and_point_in_yz(origin: 'Vertex', axis: 'Vertex', point: 'Vertex') -> 'UCS': """ Returns an new :class:`UCS` defined by the origin, the z-axis vector and an arbitrary point in the yz-plane. Args: origin: UCS origin as (x, y, z) tuple in :ref:`WCS` axis: z-axis vector as (x, y, z) tuple in :ref:`WCS` point: arbitrary point unlike the origin in the yz-plane as (x, y, z) tuple in :ref:`WCS` """ z_axis = Vec3(axis) yz_vector = Vec3(point) - origin x_axis = yz_vector.cross(z_axis) return UCS(origin=origin, ux=x_axis, uz=z_axis) def render_axis(self, layout: 'BaseLayout', length: float = 1, colors: Tuple[int, int, int] = (1, 3, 5)): """ Render axis as 3D lines into a `layout`. """ render_axis( layout, start=self.origin, points=( self.to_wcs(X_AXIS * length), self.to_wcs(Y_AXIS * length), self.to_wcs(Z_AXIS * length), ), colors=colors, ) class PassTroughUCS(UCS): """ UCS is equal to the WCS and OCS (extrusion = 0, 0, 1) """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() def to_wcs(self, point: 'Vec3') -> Vec3: return point def points_to_wcs(self, points: Iterable['Vec3']) -> Iterable[Vec3]: return points def to_ocs(self, point: 'Vec3') -> 'Vec3': return point def points_to_ocs(self, points: Iterable['Vec3']) -> Iterable['Vec3']: return points def to_ocs_angle_deg(self, angle: float) -> float: return angle def to_ocs_angle_rad(self, angle: float) -> float: return angle def from_wcs(self, point: 'Vec3') -> Vec3: return point def points_from_wcs(self, points: Iterable['Vec3']) -> Iterable[Vec3]: return points ``` #### File: ezdxf/render/ ```python from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, Dict from ezdxf.math import Vec2, Shape2d, NULLVEC from .forms import open_arrow, arrow2 if TYPE_CHECKING: from ezdxf.eztypes import Vertex, GenericLayoutType, DXFGraphic, Drawing DEFAULT_ARROW_ANGLE = 18.924644 DEFAULT_BETA = 45. # The base arrow is oriented for the right hand side ->| of the dimension line, reverse is the left hand side |<-. class BaseArrow: def __init__(self, vertices: Iterable['Vertex']): self.shape = Shape2d(vertices) def render(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', dxfattribs: dict = None): pass def place(self, insert: 'Vertex', angle: float): self.shape.rotate(angle) self.shape.translate(insert) class NoneStroke(BaseArrow): def __init__(self, insert: 'Vertex', size: float = 1.0, angle: float = 0): super().__init__([Vec2(insert)]) class ObliqueStroke(BaseArrow): def __init__(self, insert: 'Vertex', size: float = 1.0, angle: float = 0): self.size = size s2 = size / 2 # shape = [center, lower left, upper right] super().__init__([Vec2((-s2, -s2)), Vec2((s2, s2))]), angle) def render(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', dxfattribs: dict = None): layout.add_line(start=self.shape[0], end=self.shape[1], dxfattribs=dxfattribs) class ArchTick(ObliqueStroke): def render(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', dxfattribs: dict = None): width = self.size * .15 if layout.dxfversion > 'AC1009': dxfattribs['const_width'] = width layout.add_lwpolyline(self.shape, format='xy', dxfattribs=dxfattribs) else: dxfattribs['default_start_width'] = width dxfattribs['default_end_width'] = width layout.add_polyline2d(self.shape, dxfattribs=dxfattribs) class ClosedArrowBlank(BaseArrow): def __init__(self, insert: 'Vertex', size: float = 1.0, angle: float = 0): super().__init__(open_arrow(size, angle=DEFAULT_ARROW_ANGLE)), angle) def render(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', dxfattribs: dict = None): if layout.dxfversion > 'AC1009': polyline = layout.add_lwpolyline( points=self.shape, dxfattribs=dxfattribs) else: polyline = layout.add_polyline2d( points=self.shape, dxfattribs=dxfattribs) polyline.close(True) class ClosedArrow(ClosedArrowBlank): def render(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', dxfattribs: dict = None): super().render(layout, dxfattribs) end_point = self.shape[0].lerp(self.shape[2]) layout.add_line(start=self.shape[1], end=end_point, dxfattribs=dxfattribs) class ClosedArrowFilled(ClosedArrow): def render(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', dxfattribs: dict = None): layout.add_solid( points=self.shape, dxfattribs=dxfattribs, ) class _OpenArrow(BaseArrow): def __init__(self, arrow_angle: float, insert: 'Vertex', size: float = 1.0, angle: float = 0): points = list(open_arrow(size, angle=arrow_angle)) points.append((-1, 0)) super().__init__(points), angle) def render(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', dxfattribs: dict = None): if layout.dxfversion > 'AC1009': layout.add_lwpolyline(points=self.shape[:-1], dxfattribs=dxfattribs) else: layout.add_polyline2d(points=self.shape[:-1], dxfattribs=dxfattribs) layout.add_line(start=self.shape[1], end=self.shape[-1], dxfattribs=dxfattribs) class OpenArrow(_OpenArrow): def __init__(self, insert: 'Vertex', size: float = 1.0, angle: float = 0): super().__init__(DEFAULT_ARROW_ANGLE, insert, size, angle) class OpenArrow30(_OpenArrow): def __init__(self, insert: 'Vertex', size: float = 1.0, angle: float = 0): super().__init__(30, insert, size, angle) class OpenArrow90(_OpenArrow): def __init__(self, insert: 'Vertex', size: float = 1.0, angle: float = 0): super().__init__(90, insert, size, angle) class Circle(BaseArrow): def __init__(self, insert: 'Vertex', size: float = 1.0, angle: float = 0): self.radius = size / 2 # shape = [center point, connection point] super().__init__([ Vec2((0, 0)), Vec2((-self.radius, 0)), Vec2((-size, 0)), ]), angle) def render(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', dxfattribs: dict = None): layout.add_circle(center=self.shape[0], radius=self.radius, dxfattribs=dxfattribs) class Origin(Circle): def render(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', dxfattribs: dict = None): super().render(layout, dxfattribs) layout.add_line(start=self.shape[0], end=self.shape[2], dxfattribs=dxfattribs) class CircleBlank(Circle): def render(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', dxfattribs: dict = None): super().render(layout, dxfattribs) layout.add_line(start=self.shape[1], end=self.shape[2], dxfattribs=dxfattribs) class Origin2(Circle): def render(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', dxfattribs: dict = None): layout.add_circle(center=self.shape[0], radius=self.radius, dxfattribs=dxfattribs) layout.add_circle(center=self.shape[0], radius=self.radius / 2, dxfattribs=dxfattribs) layout.add_line(start=self.shape[1], end=self.shape[2], dxfattribs=dxfattribs) class DotSmall(Circle): def render(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', dxfattribs: dict = None): center = self.shape[0] d = Vec2((self.radius / 2, 0)) p1 = center - d p2 = center + d if layout.dxfversion > 'AC1009': dxfattribs['const_width'] = self.radius layout.add_lwpolyline([(p1, 1), (p2, 1)], format='vb', close=True, dxfattribs=dxfattribs) else: dxfattribs['default_start_width'] = self.radius dxfattribs['default_end_width'] = self.radius polyline = layout.add_polyline2d(points=[p1, p2], close=True, dxfattribs=dxfattribs) polyline[0].dxf.bulge = 1 polyline[1].dxf.bulge = 1 class Dot(DotSmall): def render(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', dxfattribs: dict = None): layout.add_line(start=self.shape[1], end=self.shape[2], dxfattribs=dxfattribs) super().render(layout, dxfattribs) class Box(BaseArrow): def __init__(self, insert: 'Vertex', size: float = 1.0, angle: float = 0): # shape = [lower_left, lower_right, upper_right, upper_left, connection point] s2 = size / 2 super().__init__([ Vec2((-s2, -s2)), Vec2((+s2, -s2)), Vec2((+s2, +s2)), Vec2((-s2, +s2)), Vec2((-s2, 0)), Vec2((-size, 0)), ]), angle) def render(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', dxfattribs: dict = None): if layout.dxfversion > 'AC1009': polyline = layout.add_lwpolyline(points=self.shape[0:4], dxfattribs=dxfattribs) else: polyline = layout.add_polyline2d(points=self.shape[0:4], dxfattribs=dxfattribs) polyline.close(True) layout.add_line(start=self.shape[4], end=self.shape[5], dxfattribs=dxfattribs) class BoxFilled(Box): def render(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', dxfattribs: dict = None): def solid_order(): v = self.shape.vertices return [v[0], v[1], v[3], v[2]] layout.add_solid(points=solid_order(), dxfattribs=dxfattribs) layout.add_line(start=self.shape[4], end=self.shape[5], dxfattribs=dxfattribs) class Integral(BaseArrow): def __init__(self, insert: 'Vertex', size: float = 1.0, angle: float = 0): self.radius = size * .3535534 self.angle = angle # shape = [center, left_center, right_center] super().__init__([ Vec2((0, 0)), Vec2((-self.radius, 0)), Vec2((self.radius, 0)), ]), angle) def render(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', dxfattribs: dict = None): angle = self.angle layout.add_arc(center=self.shape[1], radius=self.radius, start_angle=-90 + angle, end_angle=angle, dxfattribs=dxfattribs) layout.add_arc(center=self.shape[2], radius=self.radius, start_angle=90 + angle, end_angle=180 + angle, dxfattribs=dxfattribs) class DatumTriangle(BaseArrow): REVERSE_ANGLE = 180 def __init__(self, insert: 'Vertex', size: float = 1.0, angle: float = 0): d = .577350269 * size # tan(30) # shape = [upper_corner, lower_corner, connection_point] super().__init__([ Vec2((0, d)), Vec2((0, -d)), Vec2((-size, 0)), ]), angle) def render(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', dxfattribs: dict = None): if layout.dxfversion > 'AC1009': polyline = layout.add_lwpolyline(points=self.shape, dxfattribs=dxfattribs) else: polyline = layout.add_polyline2d(points=self.shape, dxfattribs=dxfattribs) polyline.close(True) class DatumTriangleFilled(DatumTriangle): def render(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', dxfattribs: dict = None): layout.add_solid(points=self.shape, dxfattribs=dxfattribs) class _EzArrow(BaseArrow): def __init__(self, insert: 'Vertex', size: float = 1.0, angle: float = 0): points = list(arrow2(size, angle=DEFAULT_ARROW_ANGLE)) points.append((-1, 0)) super().__init__(points), angle) def render(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', dxfattribs: dict = None): if layout.dxfversion > 'AC1009': polyline = layout.add_lwpolyline(self.shape[:-1], dxfattribs=dxfattribs) else: polyline = layout.add_polyline2d(self.shape[:-1], dxfattribs=dxfattribs) polyline.close(True) class EzArrowBlank(_EzArrow): def render(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', dxfattribs: dict = None): super().render(layout, dxfattribs) layout.add_line(start=self.shape[-2], end=self.shape[-1], dxfattribs=dxfattribs) class EzArrow(_EzArrow): def render(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', dxfattribs: dict = None): super().render(layout, dxfattribs) layout.add_line(start=self.shape[1], end=self.shape[-1], dxfattribs=dxfattribs) class EzArrowFilled(_EzArrow): def render(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', dxfattribs: dict = None): points = self.shape.vertices layout.add_solid([points[0], points[1], points[3], points[2]], dxfattribs=dxfattribs) layout.add_line(start=self.shape[-2], end=self.shape[-1], dxfattribs=dxfattribs) class _Arrows: closed_filled = "" dot = "DOT" dot_small = "DOTSMALL" dot_blank = "DOTBLANK" origin_indicator = "ORIGIN" origin_indicator_2 = "ORIGIN2" open = "OPEN" right_angle = "OPEN90" open_30 = "OPEN30" closed = "CLOSED" dot_smallblank = "SMALL" none = "NONE" oblique = "OBLIQUE" box_filled = "BOXFILLED" box = "BOXBLANK" closed_blank = "CLOSEDBLANK" datum_triangle_filled = "DATUMFILLED" datum_triangle = "DATUMBLANK" integral = "INTEGRAL" architectural_tick = "ARCHTICK" # ezdxf special arrows ez_arrow = "EZ_ARROW" ez_arrow_blank = "EZ_ARROW_BLANK" ez_arrow_filled = "EZ_ARROW_FILLED" CLASSES = { closed_filled: ClosedArrowFilled, dot: Dot, dot_small: DotSmall, dot_blank: CircleBlank, origin_indicator: Origin, origin_indicator_2: Origin2, open: OpenArrow, right_angle: OpenArrow90, open_30: OpenArrow30, closed: ClosedArrow, dot_smallblank: Circle, none: NoneStroke, oblique: ObliqueStroke, box_filled: BoxFilled, box: Box, closed_blank: ClosedArrowBlank, datum_triangle: DatumTriangle, datum_triangle_filled: DatumTriangleFilled, integral: Integral, architectural_tick: ArchTick, ez_arrow: EzArrow, ez_arrow_blank: EzArrowBlank, ez_arrow_filled: EzArrowFilled, } # arrows with origin at dimension line start/end ORIGIN_ZERO = { architectural_tick, oblique, dot_small, dot_smallblank, integral, none, } __acad__ = { closed_filled, dot, dot_small, dot_blank, origin_indicator, origin_indicator_2, open, right_angle, open_30, closed, dot_smallblank, none, oblique, box_filled, box, closed_blank, datum_triangle, datum_triangle_filled, integral, architectural_tick } __ezdxf__ = { ez_arrow, ez_arrow_blank, ez_arrow_filled, } __all_arrows__ = __acad__ | __ezdxf__ EXTENSIONS_ALLOWED = { architectural_tick, oblique, none, dot_smallblank, integral, dot_small, } def is_acad_arrow(self, item: str) -> bool: return item.upper() in self.__acad__ def is_ezdxf_arrow(self, item: str) -> bool: return item.upper() in self.__ezdxf__ def has_extension_line(self, name): return name in self.EXTENSIONS_ALLOWED def __contains__(self, item: str) -> bool: if item is None: return False return item.upper() in self.__all_arrows__ def create_block(self, blocks, name: str): block_name = self.block_name(name) if block_name not in blocks: block = arrow = self.arrow_shape(name, insert=(0, 0), size=1, rotation=0) arrow.render(block, dxfattribs={'color': 0, 'linetype': 'BYBLOCK'}) return block_name def block_name(self, name): if not self.is_acad_arrow(name): # common BLOCK definition return name.upper() # e.g. Dimension.dxf.bkl = 'EZ_ARROW' == elif name == '': # special AutoCAD arrow symbol 'CLOSED_FILLED' has no name # ezdxf uses blocks for ALL arrows, but '_' (closed filled) as block name? return '_CLOSEDFILLED' # Dimension.dxf.bkl = '' != = '_CLOSED_FILLED' else: # add preceding '_' to AutoCAD arrow symbol names return '_' + name.upper() # Dimension.dxf.bkl = 'DOT' != = '_DOT' def arrow_name(self, block_name: str) -> str: if block_name.startswith('_'): name = block_name[1:].upper() if name == 'CLOSEDFILLED': return '' elif self.is_acad_arrow(name): return name return block_name def insert_arrow(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', name: str, insert: 'Vertex' = NULLVEC, size: float = 1.0, rotation: float = 0, *, dxfattribs: Dict = None) -> Vec2: """ Insert arrow as block reference into `layout`. """ block_name = self.create_block(layout.doc.blocks, name) dxfattribs = dict(dxfattribs) if dxfattribs else {} # copy attribs dxfattribs['rotation'] = rotation dxfattribs['xscale'] = size dxfattribs['yscale'] = size layout.add_blockref(block_name, insert=insert, dxfattribs=dxfattribs) return connection_point(name, insert=insert, scale=size, rotation=rotation) def render_arrow(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', name: str, insert: 'Vertex' = NULLVEC, size: float = 1.0, rotation: float = 0, *, dxfattribs: Dict = None) -> Vec2: """ Render arrow as basic DXF entities into `layout`. """ dxfattribs = dxfattribs or {} arrow = self.arrow_shape(name, insert, size, rotation) arrow.render(layout, dxfattribs) return connection_point(name, insert=insert, scale=size, rotation=rotation) def virtual_entities(self, name: str, insert: 'Vertex' = NULLVEC, size: float = 0.625, rotation: float = 0, *, dxfattribs: Dict = None) -> Iterable['DXFGraphic']: """ Yield arrow components as virtual DXF entities. """ from ezdxf.layouts import VirtualLayout if name in self: layout = VirtualLayout() dxfattribs = dxfattribs or {} ARROWS.render_arrow( layout, name, insert=insert, size=size, rotation=rotation, dxfattribs=dxfattribs, ) yield from iter(layout) def arrow_shape(self, name: str, insert: 'Vertex', size: float, rotation: float) -> BaseArrow: # size depending shapes name = name.upper() if name == self.dot_small: size *= .25 elif name == self.dot_smallblank: size *= .5 cls = self.CLASSES[name] return cls(insert, size, rotation) def connection_point(arrow_name: str, insert: 'Vertex', scale: float = 1, rotation: float = 0) -> Vec2: insert = Vec2(insert) if arrow_name in _Arrows.ORIGIN_ZERO: return insert else: return insert - Vec2.from_deg_angle(rotation, scale) ARROWS = _Arrows() ``` #### File: ezdxf/tools/ ```python from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, Sequence, Union from ezdxf.lldxf.const import DXFValueError, DXFTableEntryError from ezdxf.lldxf.tags import DXFTag, Tags if TYPE_CHECKING: # import forward references from ezdxf.eztypes import Drawing Token = Union[str, float, list] def lin_compiler(definition: str) -> Sequence[DXFTag]: """ Compiles line type definitions like 'A,.5,-.25,.5,-.25,0,-.25' or 'A,.5,-.2,["GAS",STANDARD,S=.1,U=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-.05],-.25' into DXFTags(). Args: definition: definition string Returns: list of DXFTag() """ # 'A,.5,-.2,["GAS",STANDARD,S=.1,U=0.0,X=-0.1,Y=-.05],-.25' # ['A', .5, -.2, ['TEXT', 'GAS', 'STANDARD', 's', .1, 'u', 0.0, 'x', -.1, 'y', -.05], -.25] tags = [] for token in lin_parser(definition): if token == 'A': continue elif isinstance(token, float): tags.append(DXFTag(49, token)) # Dash, dot or space length (one entry per element) elif isinstance(token, list): # yield from tags.append(compile_complex_defnition(token)) return tags class ComplexLineTypePart: def __init__(self, type_: str, value, font: str = 'STANDARD'): self.type = type_ self.value = value self.font = font self.tags = Tags() def complex_ltype_tags(self, doc: 'Drawing') -> Sequence[DXFTag]: def get_font_handle() -> str: if self.type == 'SHAPE': # Create new shx or returns existing entry: font = doc.styles.get_shx(self.font) else: try: # Case insensitive search for text style: font = doc.styles.get(self.font) except DXFTableEntryError: font = return font.dxf.handle # Note: AutoCAD/BricsCAD do NOT report an error or even crash, if the # text style handle is invalid! if doc is not None: handle = get_font_handle() else: handle = '0' tags = [] if self.type == 'TEXT': tags.append(DXFTag(74, 2)) tags.append(DXFTag(75, 0)) else: # SHAPE tags.append(DXFTag(74, 4)) tags.append(DXFTag(75, self.value)) tags.append(DXFTag(340, handle)) tags.extend(self.tags) if self.type == 'TEXT': tags.append(DXFTag(9, self.value)) return tags CMD_CODES = { 's': 46, 'r': 50, # r == u 'u': 50, 'x': 44, 'y': 45, } def compile_complex_defnition(tokens: Sequence) -> ComplexLineTypePart: part = ComplexLineTypePart(tokens[0], tokens[1], tokens[2]) commands = list(reversed(tokens[3:])) params = {} while len(commands): cmd = commands.pop() value = commands.pop() code = CMD_CODES.get(cmd, 0) params[code] = DXFTag(code, value) for code in (46, 50, 44, 45): tag = params.get(code, DXFTag(code, 0.)) part.tags.append(tag) return part def lin_parser(definition: str) -> Sequence[Token]: bag = [] sublist = None first = True for token in lin_tokenizer(definition): if token == 'A' and first: bag.append(token) first = False continue try: value = float(token) # only outside of TEXT or SHAPE definition bag.append(value) continue except ValueError: pass if token.startswith('['): if sublist is not None: raise DXFValueError('Complex line type error. {}'.format(definition)) sublist = [] if token.startswith('["'): sublist.append('TEXT') sublist.append(token[2:-1]) # text without surrounding '["' and '"' else: sublist.append('SHAPE') try: sublist.append(int(token[1:])) # shape index! required except ValueError: raise DXFValueError('Complex line type with shapes requires shape index not shape name!') else: _token = token.rstrip(']') subtokens = _token.split('=') if len(subtokens) == 2: sublist.append(subtokens[0].lower()) sublist.append(float(subtokens[1])) else: sublist.append(_token) if token.endswith(']'): if sublist is None: raise DXFValueError('Complex line type error. {}'.format(definition)) bag.append(sublist) sublist = None return bag def lin_tokenizer(definition: str) -> Iterable[str]: token = '' escape = False for char in definition: if char == ',' and not escape: yield token.strip() token = '' continue token += char if char == '"': escape = not escape if escape: raise DXFValueError("Line type parsing error: '{}'".format(definition)) if token: yield token.strip() ``` #### File: tests/test_00_dxf_low_level_structs/ ```python import pytest from datetime import datetime from import juliandate, calendardate class TestJulianDate: def test_1582_10_15(self): assert 2299161. == pytest.approx(juliandate(datetime(1582, 10, 15))) def test_1990_01_01(self): assert 2447893. == pytest.approx(juliandate(datetime(1990, 1, 1))) def test_2000_01_01(self): assert 2451545. == pytest.approx(juliandate(datetime(2000, 1, 1))) def test_2011_03_21(self): assert 2455642.75 == pytest.approx(juliandate(datetime(2011, 3, 21, 18, 0, 0))) def test_1999_12_31(self): assert 2451544.91568287 == pytest.approx(juliandate(datetime(1999, 12, 31, 21, 58, 35))) class TestCalendarDate: def test_1999_12_31(self): check = datetime(1999, 12, 31, 21, 58, 35) assert calendardate(2451544.91568288) == check def test_2011_03_21(self): check = datetime(2011, 3, 21, 18, 0, 0) assert calendardate(2455642.75) == check ``` #### File: tests/test_00_dxf_low_level_structs/ ```python import pytest from io import StringIO from copy import deepcopy from ezdxf.lldxf.tags import Tags, DXFTag from ezdxf.lldxf.tagwriter import TagWriter from ezdxf.lldxf.const import DXFValueError TEST_TAGREADER = """ 0 SECTION 2 HEADER 9 $ACADVER 1 AC1018 9 $DWGCODEPAGE 3 ANSI_1252 0 ENDSEC 0 EOF """ TEST_TAGREADER_COMMENTS = """999 Comment0 0 SECTION 2 HEADER 9 $ACADVER 999 Comment1 1 AC1018 9 $DWGCODEPAGE 3 ANSI_1252 0 ENDSEC 0 EOF """ TESTHANDLE5 = """ 0 TEST 5 F5 """ TESTHANDLE105 = """ 0 TEST 105 F105 """ TESTFINDALL = """ 0 TEST0 0 TEST1 0 TEST2 """ TAGS_WITH_VERTEX = """ 0 TEST 10 1.0 20 2.0 30 3.0 """ class HandlesMock: calls = 0 @property def next(self): self.calls += 1 return 'FF' class TestTags: @pytest.fixture def tags(self): return Tags.from_text(TEST_TAGREADER) def test_from_text(self, tags): assert 8, len(tags) def test_write(self, tags): stream = StringIO() tagwriter = TagWriter(stream) tagwriter.write_tags(tags) result = stream.getvalue() stream.close() assert TEST_TAGREADER == result def test_update(self, tags): tags.update(DXFTag(2, 'XHEADER')) assert 'XHEADER' == tags[1].value def test_update_error(self, tags): with pytest.raises(DXFValueError): tags.update(DXFTag(999, 'DOESNOTEXIST')) def test_set_first(self, tags): tags.set_first(DXFTag(999, 'NEWTAG')) assert 'NEWTAG' == tags[-1].value def test_find_first(self, tags): value = tags.get_first_value(9) assert '$ACADVER' == value def test_find_first_default(self, tags): value = tags.get_first_value(1234, default=999) assert 999 == value def test_find_first_error(self, tags): with pytest.raises(DXFValueError): tags.get_first_value(1234) def test_get_handle_5(self): tags = Tags.from_text(TESTHANDLE5) assert 'F5' == tags.get_handle() def test_get_handle_105(self): tags = Tags.from_text(TESTHANDLE105) assert 'F105' == tags.get_handle() def test_get_handle_create_new(self, tags): with pytest.raises(DXFValueError): tags.get_handle() def test_find_all(self): tags = Tags.from_text(TESTFINDALL) assert 3 == len(tags.find_all(0)) def test_tag_index(self): tags = Tags.from_text(TESTFINDALL) index = tags.tag_index(0) assert 0 == index index = tags.tag_index(0, index + 1) assert 1 == index def test_find_first_value_error(self): tags = Tags.from_text(TESTFINDALL) with pytest.raises(DXFValueError): tags.tag_index(1) def test_clone_is_equal(self, tags): clone = tags.clone() assert id(tags) != id(clone) assert tags == clone def test_clone_is_independent(self, tags): clone = tags.clone() clone.pop() assert self.tags != clone def test_deepcopy(self): tags = Tags.from_text(TAGS_WITH_VERTEX) assert len(tags) == 2 v = tags[1] assert v.value == (1., 2., 3.) tags2 = deepcopy(tags) assert id(tags) != id(tags2) assert tags == tags2, "same content" # same ids, DXFTags are immutable assert id(v) == id(tags[1]) def test_replace_handle_5(self): tags = Tags.from_text(TESTHANDLE5) tags.replace_handle('AA') assert 'AA' == tags.get_handle() def test_replace_handle_105(self): tags = Tags.from_text(TESTHANDLE105) tags.replace_handle('AA') assert 'AA' == tags.get_handle() def test_replace_no_handle_without_error(self, tags): tags.replace_handle('AA') with pytest.raises(DXFValueError): tags.get_handle() # handle still doesn't exist def test_remove_tags(self, tags): tags.remove_tags(codes=(0,)) assert 5 == len(tags) def test_strip_tags(self, tags): tags.remove_tags(codes=(0,)) result = Tags.strip(tags, codes=(0,)) assert 5 == len(result) assert isinstance(result, Tags) def test_has_tag(self, tags): assert tags.has_tag(2) def test_has_not_tag(self, tags): assert tags.has_tag(7) is False def test_pop_tags(self): tags = Tags([ DXFTag(1, 'name1'), DXFTag(40, 1), DXFTag(40, 2), DXFTag(1, 'name2'), DXFTag(40, 3), DXFTag(1, 'name3'), DXFTag(40, 4), DXFTag(1, 'name4'), ]) result = list(tags.pop_tags(codes=(40, ))) assert len(result) == 4 assert result[0] == (40, 1) assert result[-1] == (40, 4) assert len(tags) == 4 assert tags[0] == (1, 'name1') assert tags[-1] == (1, 'name4') DUPLICATETAGS = """ 0 FIRST 0 LAST 1 TEST2 """ COLLECT_1 = """ 0 ZERO 1 ONE 2 TWO 3 THREE 4 FOUR 0 ZERO 1 ONE 2 TWO 3 THREE 4 FOUR """ class TestTagsCollect: @pytest.fixture def tags(self): return Tags.from_text(COLLECT_1) def test_with_start_param(self, tags): collected_tags = tags.collect_consecutive_tags([1, 2, 3], start=1) assert 3 == len(collected_tags) assert "THREE" == collected_tags[2].value def test_with_end_param(self, tags): collected_tags = tags.collect_consecutive_tags([0, 1, 2, 3], end=3) assert 3 == len(collected_tags) assert "TWO" == collected_tags[2].value def test_with_start_and_end_param(self, tags): collected_tags = tags.collect_consecutive_tags([1, 2, 3], start=6, end=9) assert 3 == len(collected_tags) assert "THREE" == collected_tags[2].value def test_none_existing_codes(self, tags): collected_tags = tags.collect_consecutive_tags([7, 8, 9]) assert 0 == len(collected_tags) def test_all_codes(self, tags): collected_tags = tags.collect_consecutive_tags([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) assert 10 == len(collected_tags) def test_emtpy_tags(self): tags = Tags() collected_tags = tags.collect_consecutive_tags([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) assert 0 == len(collected_tags) ``` #### File: tests/test_00_dxf_low_level_structs/ ```python from import filter_invalid_point_codes def test_invalid_y_coord_after_xyz(): result = list(filter_invalid_point_codes( [(10, 1), (20, 2), (30, 3), (20, 0)] )) assert result == [(10, 1), (20, 2), (30, 3)] def test_invalid_y_coord_after_xy(): result = list(filter_invalid_point_codes( [(10, 1), (20, 2), (21, 2)] )) assert result == [(10, 1), (20, 2)] def test_z_axis_after_valid_point(): result = list(filter_invalid_point_codes( [(10, 1), (20, 2), (30, 3), (30, 0)] )) assert result == [(10, 1), (20, 2), (30, 3)] def test_misplaced_z_axis(): result = list(filter_invalid_point_codes( [(10, 1), (20, 2), (1, 'Text'), (30, 0), (1, 'xxx')] )) assert result == [(10, 1), (20, 2), (1, 'Text'), (1, 'xxx')] def test_correct_xy_axis(): result = list(filter_invalid_point_codes( [(10, 1), (20, 2), (10, 1), (20, 0)] )) assert result == [(10, 1), (20, 2), (10, 1), (20, 0)] def test_invalid_single_x_axis(): result = list(filter_invalid_point_codes( [(10, 1), (20, 2), (10, 1)] )) assert result == [(10, 1), (20, 2)] def test_preserve_leading_0_tag(): result = list(filter_invalid_point_codes( [(0, 'SECTION'), (10, 1), (20, 2)] )) assert result == [(0, 'SECTION'), (10, 1), (20, 2)] def test_preserve_elevation_group_code_38(): result = list(filter_invalid_point_codes( [(10, 1), (20, 2), (38, 0)] )) assert result == [(10, 1), (20, 2), (38, 0)] ``` #### File: tests/test_00_dxf_low_level_structs/ ```python import pytest from ezdxf.lldxf.tagger import internal_tag_compiler from ezdxf.lldxf.loader import load_dxf_structure from ezdxf.lldxf.const import DXFStructureError def test_loader(): sections = load_dxf_structure(internal_tag_compiler(TEST_HEADER)) assert len(sections) == 3 header = sections['HEADER'] assert len(header) == 1 # header load_section has always only one entity header_entity = header[0] assert header_entity[0] == (0, 'SECTION') assert header_entity[1] == (2, 'HEADER') assert header_entity[2] == (9, '$ACADVER') assert header_entity[-1] == (3, 'ANSI_1252') tables = sections['TABLES'] assert len(tables) == 1 tables_header = tables[0] assert tables_header[0] == (0, 'SECTION') assert tables_header[1] == (2, 'TABLES') entities = sections['ENTITIES'] assert len(entities) == 1 entities_header = entities[0] assert entities_header[0] == (0, 'SECTION') assert entities_header[1] == (2, 'ENTITIES') def test_error_section(): with pytest.raises(DXFStructureError): load_dxf_structure(internal_tag_compiler(SECTION_INVALID_NAME_TAG)) with pytest.raises(DXFStructureError): load_dxf_structure(internal_tag_compiler(SECTION_NO_NAME_TAG)) def validator(text): tags = internal_tag_compiler(text) return load_dxf_structure(tags) def test_valid_structure(): sections = validator(" 0\nSECTION\n 2\nHEADER\n 0\nENDSEC\n 0\nSECTION\n 2\nCLASSES\n 0\nENDSEC\n 0\nEOF\n") assert len(sections) == 2 assert len(sections['HEADER']) == 1 # ENDSEC is not present assert len(sections['CLASSES']) == 1 # ENDSEC is not present def test_eof_without_lineending(): sections = validator(" 0\nSECTION\n 2\nHEADER\n 0\nENDSEC\n 0\nSECTION\n 2\nCLASSES\n 0\nENDSEC\n 0\nEOF") assert len(sections) == 2 assert len(sections['HEADER']) == 1 # ENDSEC is not present assert len(sections['CLASSES']) == 1 # ENDSEC is not present def test_missing_eof(): with pytest.raises(DXFStructureError): validator("999\ncomment") def test_missing_endsec(): with pytest.raises(DXFStructureError): validator(" 0\nSECTION\n 2\nHEADER\n 0\nSECTION\n 2\nCLASSES\n 0\nENDSEC\n 0\nEOF\n") with pytest.raises(DXFStructureError): validator(" 0\nSECTION\n 2\nHEADER\n 0\nSECTION\n 2\nCLASSES\n 0\nEOF\n") def test_missing_endsec_and_eof(): with pytest.raises(DXFStructureError): validator(" 0\nSECTION\n 2\nHEADER\n 0\nENDSEC\n 0\nSECTION\n 2\nCLASSES\n") def test_missing_section(): with pytest.raises(DXFStructureError): validator(" 0\nENDSEC\n 0\nSECTION\n 2\nCLASSES\n 0\nENDSEC\n 0\nEOF\n") TEST_HEADER = """ 0 SECTION 2 HEADER 9 $ACADVER 1 AC1018 9 $DWGCODEPAGE 3 ANSI_1252 0 ENDSEC 0 SECTION 2 TABLES 0 ENDSEC 0 SECTION 2 ENTITIES 0 ENDSEC 0 EOF """ SECTION_INVALID_NAME_TAG = """ 0 SECTION 3 HEADER 0 ENDSEC """ SECTION_NO_NAME_TAG = """ 0 SECTION 0 ENDSEC """ ``` #### File: tests/test_00_dxf_low_level_structs/ ```python import pytest from ezdxf.lldxf.attributes import DXFAttr, RETURN_DEFAULT def test_return_default(): attr = DXFAttr( code=62, default=12, validator=lambda x: False, fixer=RETURN_DEFAULT, ) assert attr.fixer(7) == 12 attr2 = DXFAttr( code=63, default=13, validator=lambda x: False, fixer=RETURN_DEFAULT, ) assert attr2.fixer(7) == 13 if __name__ == '__main__': pytest.main([__file__]) ``` #### File: tests/test_01_dxf_entities/ ```python import pytest from ezdxf.entities.appdata import Reactors from ezdxf.lldxf.const import REACTOR_HANDLE_CODE, ACAD_REACTORS, APP_DATA_MARKER from ezdxf.lldxf.tags import Tags class TagWriter: """ Mockup """ def __init__(self): self.tags = [] def write_tag2(self, code, value): self.tags.append((code, value)) def test_reactors_new(): reactors = Reactors(['DDDD', 'AA', 'CCCC', 'BBB']) assert len(reactors) == 4 handles = reactors.get() # sorted handles assert handles[0] == 'AA' assert handles[3] == 'DDDD' def test_reactors_add(): reactors = Reactors(['AA', 'BBB', 'CCCC']) reactors.add('AA') assert len(reactors) == 3, "do not add duplicates" reactors.add('0') assert len(reactors) == 4, "add unique handles" def test_reactors_set(): reactors = Reactors() assert len(reactors) == 0 reactors.set(['0', '1', '2']) assert len(reactors) == 3 reactors.set(['0']) assert len(reactors) == 1 # delete all reactors.set([]) assert len(reactors) == 0 def test_reactors_discard(): reactors = Reactors(['AA', 'BBB', 'CCCC']) reactors.discard('AA') assert len(reactors) == 2 # ignore non existing handles reactors.discard('abcd') assert len(reactors) == 2 def test_export_dxf(): reactors = Reactors(['AA', 'BBB', 'CCCC']) tagwriter = TagWriter() reactors.export_dxf(tagwriter) tags = tagwriter.tags assert len(tags) == 5 # sorted handles! assert tags[0] == (APP_DATA_MARKER, ACAD_REACTORS) assert tags[1] == (REACTOR_HANDLE_CODE, 'AA') assert tags[2] == (REACTOR_HANDLE_CODE, 'BBB') assert tags[3] == (REACTOR_HANDLE_CODE, 'CCCC') assert tags[4] == (APP_DATA_MARKER, '}') def test_from_tags(): reactors = Reactors.from_tags(Tags.from_text(HANDLES)) handles = reactors.get() assert len(handles) == 3 assert handles[0] == 'C000' assert handles[1] == 'D000' assert handles[2] == 'E000' HANDLES = """102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 D000 330 C000 330 E000 102 } """ if __name__ == '__main__': pytest.main([__file__]) ``` #### File: tests/test_01_dxf_entities/ ```python import pytest from ezdxf.entities.appid import AppID @pytest.fixture def appid(): return'FFFF', dxfattribs={ 'name': 'EZDXF', }) def test_name(appid): assert == 'EZDXF' ``` #### File: tests/test_01_dxf_entities/ ```python import pytest from ezdxf.entities.vport import VPort @pytest.fixture def vport(): return'FFFF', dxfattribs={ 'name': 'VP1', }) def test_name(vport): assert == 'VP1' ``` #### File: tests/test_01_dxf_entities/ ```python from typing import cast import pytest import ezdxf from ezdxf.entities.idbuffer import LayerFilter from ezdxf.lldxf.tagwriter import TagCollector, basic_tags_from_text LAYERFILTER = """0 LAYER_FILTER 5 0 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 0 102 } 330 0 100 AcDbFilter 100 AcDbLayerFilter """ @pytest.fixture def entity(): return LayerFilter.from_text(LAYERFILTER) def test_registered(): from ezdxf.entities.factory import ENTITY_CLASSES assert 'LAYER_FILTER' in ENTITY_CLASSES def test_default_init(): entity = LayerFilter() assert entity.dxftype() == 'LAYER_FILTER' assert entity.dxf.handle is None assert entity.dxf.owner is None def test_default_new(): entity ='ABBA', owner='0', dxfattribs={ }) assert len(entity.handles) == 0 def test_load_from_text(entity): assert len(entity.handles) == 0 def test_write_dxf(): entity = LayerFilter.from_text(LAYERFILTER) result = TagCollector.dxftags(entity) expected = basic_tags_from_text(LAYERFILTER) assert result == expected @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def doc(): return'R2007') def test_generic_field_list(doc): layers = doc.objects.new_entity('LAYER_FILTER', {}) assert layers.dxftype() == 'LAYER_FILTER' assert len(layers.handles) == 0 def test_set_get_field_list(doc): field_list = doc.objects.new_entity('LAYER_FILTER', {}) assert field_list.dxftype() == 'LAYER_FILTER' field_list.handles = ['FF', 'EE', 'DD'] handles = field_list.handles assert len(handles) == 3 assert handles == ['FF', 'EE', 'DD'] handles.append('FFFF') assert handles[-1] == 'FFFF' def test_dxf_tags(doc): buffer = cast(LayerFilter, doc.objects.new_entity('LAYER_FILTER', {})) buffer.handles = ['FF', 'EE', 'DD', 'CC'] tags = TagCollector.dxftags(buffer)[-4:] assert len(tags) == 4 assert tags[0] == (330, 'FF') assert tags[-1] == (330, 'CC') def test_clone(doc): layers = cast(LayerFilter, doc.objects.new_entity('LAYER_FILTER', {})) layers.handles = ['FF', 'EE', 'DD', 'CC'] layers2 = cast(LayerFilter, layers.copy()) layers2.handles[-1] = 'ABCD' assert layers.handles[:-1] == layers2.handles[:-1] assert layers.handles[-1] != layers2.handles[-1] ``` #### File: tests/test_01_dxf_entities/ ```python import pytest import ezdxf from ezdxf.entities.dxfobj import SortEntsTable @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def doc(): return'R2000') def get_entry(table, index): return list(table)[index] def test_sort_entities_table(doc): sort_entities_table = doc.objects.new_entity('SORTENTSTABLE', {'block_record_handle': 'FFFF'}) assert sort_entities_table.dxftype() == 'SORTENTSTABLE' assert sort_entities_table.dxf.block_record_handle == 'FFFF' assert len(sort_entities_table) == 0 sort_entities_table.append('AAA', 'BBB') assert get_entry(sort_entities_table, 0) == ('AAA', 'BBB') def test_sort_entities_table_as_list(doc): sort_entities_table = doc.objects.new_entity('SORTENTSTABLE', {}) sort_entities_table.set_handles([ ('AAA', 'BBB'), ('CCC', 'DDD'), ('EEE', 'FFF'), ]) assert len(sort_entities_table) == 3 assert get_entry(sort_entities_table, 0) == ('AAA', 'BBB') assert get_entry(sort_entities_table, -1) == ('EEE', 'FFF') sort_entities_table.clear() assert len(sort_entities_table) == 0 def test_sort_entities_table_to_dict(doc): sort_entities_table = doc.objects.new_entity('SORTENTSTABLE', {}) sort_entities_table.set_handles([ ('AAA', 'BBB'), ('CCC', 'DDD'), ('EEE', 'FFF'), ]) assert len(sort_entities_table) == 3 assert get_entry(sort_entities_table, 2) == ('EEE', 'FFF') # simple way to dict() d = dict(sort_entities_table) assert d['AAA'] == 'BBB' assert d['CCC'] == 'DDD' assert d['EEE'] == 'FFF' def test_remove_invalid_handles(doc): sort_entities_table = doc.objects.new_entity('SORTENTSTABLE', {}) sort_entities_table.set_handles([ ('AAA', 'BBB'), ('CCC', 'DDD'), ('EEE', 'FFF'), ]) assert len(sort_entities_table) == 3 sort_entities_table.remove_invalid_handles() assert len(sort_entities_table) == 0 def test_remove_handle(doc): sort_entities_table = doc.objects.new_entity('SORTENTSTABLE', {}) sort_entities_table.set_handles([ ('AAA', 'BBB'), ('CCC', 'DDD'), ('EEE', 'FFF'), ]) assert len(sort_entities_table) == 3 sort_entities_table.remove_handle('AAA') assert len(sort_entities_table) == 2 # no exception if handle not exists sort_entities_table.remove_handle('FFFF') assert len(sort_entities_table) == 2 SORT_ENTITIES_TABLE = """0 SORTENTSTABLE 5 0 102 {ACAD_REACTORS 330 0 102 } 330 0 100 AcDbSortentsTable 330 ABBA 331 1 5 A 331 2 5 B """ def test_load_table(): table = SortEntsTable.from_text(SORT_ENTITIES_TABLE) assert table.dxf.block_record_handle == 'ABBA' assert len(table) == 2 assert table.table['1'] == 'A' assert table.table['2'] == 'B' ``` #### File: tests/test_02_dxf_graphics/ ```python import pytest import ezdxf from ezdxf.entities.dimension import Dimension @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def dxf2000(): return'R2000', setup='all') @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def dxf2007(): return'R2007', setup='all') def test_dimstyle_standard_exist(dxf2000): assert 'EZDXF' in dxf2000.dimstyles def test_rotated_dimline(dxf2000): msp = dxf2000.modelspace() dxfattribs = { 'dimtype': Dimension.LINEAR } dimline = msp.new_entity('DIMENSION', dxfattribs) assert dimline.dimtype == Dimension.LINEAR assert dimline.dxf.defpoint == (0, 0, 0) assert dimline.dxf.insert == (0, 0, 0) assert dimline.dxf.defpoint2 == (0, 0, 0) assert dimline.dxf.defpoint3 == (0, 0, 0) assert dimline.dxf.angle == 0. assert dimline.dxf.oblique_angle == 0. def test_aligned_dimline(dxf2000): msp = dxf2000.modelspace() dxfattribs = { 'dimtype': Dimension.ALIGNED } dimline = msp.new_entity('DIMENSION', dxfattribs) assert dimline.dimtype == Dimension.ALIGNED assert dimline.dxf.defpoint == (0, 0, 0) assert dimline.dxf.insert == (0, 0, 0) assert dimline.dxf.defpoint2 == (0, 0, 0) assert dimline.dxf.defpoint3 == (0, 0, 0) assert dimline.dxf.angle == 0. assert dimline.dxf.oblique_angle == 0. def test_angular_dimline(dxf2000): msp = dxf2000.modelspace() dxfattribs = { 'dimtype': Dimension.ANGULAR } dimline = msp.new_entity('DIMENSION', dxfattribs) assert dimline.dimtype == Dimension.ANGULAR assert dimline.dxf.defpoint == (0, 0, 0) assert dimline.dxf.defpoint2 == (0, 0, 0) assert dimline.dxf.defpoint3 == (0, 0, 0) assert dimline.dxf.defpoint4 == (0, 0, 0) assert dimline.dxf.defpoint5 == (0, 0, 0) def test_angular_3p_dimline(dxf2000): msp = dxf2000.modelspace() dxfattribs = { 'dimtype': Dimension.ANGULAR_3P } dimline = msp.new_entity('DIMENSION', dxfattribs) assert dimline.dimtype == Dimension.ANGULAR_3P def test_radius_dimline(dxf2000): msp = dxf2000.modelspace() dxfattribs = { 'dimtype': Dimension.RADIUS } dimline = msp.new_entity('DIMENSION', dxfattribs) assert dimline.dimtype == Dimension.RADIUS assert dimline.dxf.defpoint == (0, 0, 0) assert dimline.dxf.defpoint4 == (0, 0, 0) assert dimline.is_supported_dxf_attrib('leader_length') def test_diameter_dimline(dxf2000): msp = dxf2000.modelspace() dxfattribs = { 'dimtype': Dimension.DIAMETER } dimline = msp.new_entity('DIMENSION', dxfattribs) assert dimline.dimtype == Dimension.DIAMETER assert dimline.dxf.defpoint == (0, 0, 0) assert dimline.dxf.defpoint4 == (0, 0, 0) assert dimline.is_supported_dxf_attrib('leader_length') def test_ordinate_dimline(dxf2000): msp = dxf2000.modelspace() dxfattribs = { 'dimtype': Dimension.ORDINATE } dimline = msp.new_entity('DIMENSION', dxfattribs) assert dimline.dimtype == Dimension.ORDINATE assert dimline.dxf.defpoint == (0, 0, 0) assert dimline.dxf.defpoint2 == (0, 0, 0) assert dimline.dxf.defpoint3 == (0, 0, 0) def test_add_horizontal_dimline(dxf2000): msp = dxf2000.modelspace() override = msp.add_linear_dim( base=(3, 2, 0), p1=(0, 0, 0), p2=(3, 0, 0), ) dimline = override.dimension assert dimline.dxf.dimstyle == 'EZDXF' override.render() block_name = dimline.dxf.geometry assert block_name.startswith('*D') block = dimline.get_geometry_block() assert len(list(block.query('MTEXT'))) == 1 assert len(list(block.query('INSERT'))) == 2 assert len(list(block.query('LINE'))) == 3 # dimension line + 2 extension lines assert len(list(block.query('POINT'))) == 3 # def points def test_virtual_entities_and_explode(dxf2000): msp = dxf2000.modelspace() override = msp.add_linear_dim( base=(3, 2, 0), p1=(0, 0, 0), p2=(3, 0, 0), ) dimline = override.dimension dimline.render() parts = list(dimline.virtual_entities()) assert len(parts) == 9 geometry = dimline.dxf.geometry parts = dimline.explode() assert len(list(parts.query('MTEXT'))) == 1 assert len(list(parts.query('INSERT'))) == 2 assert len(list(parts.query('LINE'))) == 3 # dimension line + 2 extension lines assert len(list(parts.query('POINT'))) == 3 # def points assert dimline.is_alive is False assert geometry in dxf2000.blocks, 'Do not destroy anonymous block, may be used by block references.' def test_dimstyle_override(dxf2000): msp = dxf2000.modelspace() dimstyle = msp.add_linear_dim( base=(3, 2, 0), p1=(0, 0, 0), p2=(3, 0, 0), dxfattribs={ 'dimstyle': 'EZDXF', } ) dimline = dimstyle.dimension assert dimline.dxf.dimstyle == 'EZDXF' if 'TEST' not in dxf2000.styles: # text style must exists'TEST') preset = { 'dimtxsty': 'TEST', 'dimexe': 0.777, } dimstyle.update(preset) assert dimstyle['dimtxsty'] == 'TEST' assert dimstyle['dimexe'] == 0.777 assert dimstyle['invalid'] is None dimstyle.update({'invalid': 7}) # ezdxf 0.10 and later uses internally only resource names not handles for dim style attributes # unknown attributes are ignored dstyle_orig = dimstyle.get_dstyle_dict() assert len(dstyle_orig) == 0 dimstyle.commit() # ezdxf 0.10 and later uses internally only resource names not handles for dim style attributes dstyle = dimstyle.get_dstyle_dict() assert dstyle['dimexe'] == 0.777 # handle attributes not available, just stored transparent in XDATA assert 'dimtxsty_handle' not in dstyle assert dstyle['dimtxsty'] == 'TEST' def test_linetype_override_R2000(dxf2000): msp = dxf2000.modelspace() preset = { 'dimltype': 'DOT', 'dimltex1': 'DOT2', 'dimltex2': 'DOTX2', } dimstyle = msp.add_linear_dim( base=(3, 2, 0), p1=(0, 0, 0), p2=(3, 0, 0), dimstyle='EZDXF', override=preset, ) assert dimstyle['dimltype'] == 'DOT' assert dimstyle['dimltex1'] == 'DOT2' assert dimstyle['dimltex2'] == 'DOTX2' dimstyle.commit() # ezdxf 0.10 and later uses internally only resource names not handles for dim style attributes dstyle = dimstyle.get_dstyle_dict() # handle attributes not available, just stored transparent in XDATA assert 'dimltype_handle' not in dstyle assert 'dimltex1_handle' not in dstyle assert 'dimltex2_handle' not in dstyle # line type not supported by DXF R2000 assert 'dimltype' not in dstyle assert 'dimltex1' not in dstyle assert 'dimltex2' not in dstyle def test_linetype_override_R2007(dxf2007): msp = dxf2007.modelspace() preset = { 'dimltype': 'DOT', 'dimltex1': 'DOT2', 'dimltex2': 'DOTX2', } dimstyle = msp.add_linear_dim( base=(3, 2, 0), p1=(0, 0, 0), p2=(3, 0, 0), dimstyle='EZDXF', override=preset, ) assert dimstyle['dimltype'] == 'DOT' assert dimstyle['dimltex1'] == 'DOT2' assert dimstyle['dimltex2'] == 'DOTX2' dimstyle.commit() # ezdxf 0.10 and later uses internally only resource names not handles for dim style attributes dstyle = dimstyle.get_dstyle_dict() # handle attributes not available, just stored transparent in XDATA assert 'dimltype_handle' not in dstyle assert 'dimltex1_handle' not in dstyle assert 'dimltex2_handle' not in dstyle assert dstyle['dimltype'] == 'DOT' assert dstyle['dimltex1'] == 'DOT2' assert dstyle['dimltex2'] == 'DOTX2' def test_dimstyle_override_arrows(dxf2000): msp = dxf2000.modelspace() arrows = ezdxf.ARROWS blocks = dxf2000.blocks arrows.create_block(blocks, arrows.dot_blank) arrows.create_block(blocks, arrows.create_block(blocks, arrows.closed) arrows.create_block(blocks, arrows.closed_filled) preset = { 'dimblk': arrows.dot_blank, 'dimblk1':, 'dimblk2': arrows.closed, 'dimldrblk': arrows.closed_filled, # virtual attribute } dimstyle = msp.add_linear_dim( base=(3, 2, 0), p1=(0, 0, 0), p2=(3, 0, 0), dimstyle='EZDXF', override=preset, ) # still as block names stored assert dimstyle['dimblk'] == arrows.dot_blank assert dimstyle['dimblk1'] == assert dimstyle['dimblk2'] == arrows.closed assert dimstyle['dimldrblk'] == arrows.closed_filled dstyle_orig = dimstyle.get_dstyle_dict() assert len(dstyle_orig) == 0 dimstyle.commit() # ezdxf 0.10 and later uses internally only resource names not handles for dim style attributes dstyle = dimstyle.get_dstyle_dict() # handle attributes not available, just stored transparent in XDATA assert 'dimblk_handle' not in dstyle assert 'dimblk1_handle' not in dstyle assert 'dimblk2_handle' not in dstyle assert 'dimldrblk_handle' not in dstyle assert dstyle['dimblk'] == arrows.dot_blank assert dstyle['dimblk1'] == assert dstyle['dimblk2'] == arrows.closed assert dstyle['dimldrblk'] == '' # special handle for closed filled dimstyle.set_arrows(blk=arrows.closed, blk1=arrows.dot_blank,, ldrblk=arrows.dot_small) assert dimstyle['dimblk'] == arrows.closed assert dimstyle['dimblk1'] == arrows.dot_blank assert dimstyle['dimblk2'] == assert dimstyle['dimldrblk'] == arrows.dot_small dimstyle.commit() # ezdxf 0.10 and later uses internally only resource names not handles for dim style attributes dstyle = dimstyle.get_dstyle_dict() assert dstyle['dimblk'] == arrows.closed assert dstyle['dimblk1'] == arrows.dot_blank assert dstyle['dimblk2'] == # create acad arrows on demand assert dstyle['dimldrblk'] == arrows.dot_small ``` #### File: tests/test_02_dxf_graphics/ ```python import pytest from ezdxf.lldxf.const import VTX_3D_POLYLINE_VERTEX from ezdxf import DXFIndexError from ezdxf.layouts import VirtualLayout @pytest.fixture def msp(): return VirtualLayout() def test_create_polyline2D(msp): polyline = msp.add_polyline2d([(0, 0), (1, 1)]) assert (0., 0.) == polyline[0].dxf.location assert (1., 1.) == polyline[1].dxf.location assert 'AcDb2dPolyline' == polyline.get_mode() def test_create_polyline3D(msp): polyline = msp.add_polyline3d([(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)]) assert (1., 2., 3.) == polyline[0].dxf.location assert (4., 5., 6.) == polyline[1].dxf.location assert VTX_3D_POLYLINE_VERTEX == polyline[0].dxf.flags assert 'AcDb3dPolyline' == polyline.get_mode() def test_polyline3d_vertex_layer(msp): attribs = {'layer': 'polyline_layer'} polyline = msp.add_polyline3d([(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)], dxfattribs=attribs) for vertex in polyline.vertices: assert 'polyline_layer' == vertex.dxf.layer, "VERTEX entity not on the same layer as the POLYLINE entity." def test_polyline3d_change_polyline_layer(msp): attribs = {'layer': 'polyline_layer'} polyline = msp.add_polyline3d([(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)], dxfattribs=attribs) polyline.dxf.layer = "changed_layer" for vertex in polyline.vertices: assert 'changed_layer' == vertex.dxf.layer, "VERTEX entity not on the same layer as the POLYLINE entity." def test_polyline2d_set_vertex(msp): polyline = msp.add_polyline2d([(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]) polyline[2].dxf.location = (7, 7) assert (7., 7.) == polyline[2].dxf.location def test_polyline2d_points(msp): points = [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)] polyline = msp.add_polyline2d(points) assert points == list(polyline.points()) def test_polyline2d_point_slicing(msp): points = [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)] polyline = msp.add_polyline2d(points) assert [(1, 1), (2, 2)] == list(polyline.points())[1:3] def test_poyline2d_append_vertices(msp): polyline = msp.add_polyline2d([(0, 0), (1, 1)]) polyline.append_vertices([(7, 7), (8, 8)]) assert (7., 7.) == polyline[2].dxf.location assert 4 == len(polyline) def test_polyline2d_insert_vertices(msp): polyline = msp.add_polyline2d([(0, 0), (1, 1)]) polyline.insert_vertices(0, [(7, 7), (8, 8)]) assert (7, 7) == polyline[0].dxf.location assert (1, 1) == polyline[3].dxf.location assert 4 == len(polyline) def test_polyline2d_delete_one_vertex(msp): polyline = msp.add_polyline2d([(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]) del polyline.vertices[0] assert (1, 1) == polyline[0].dxf.location assert 3 == len(polyline) def test_polyline2d_delete_two_vertices(msp): polyline = msp.add_polyline2d([(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]) del polyline.vertices[0:2] assert (2, 2) == polyline[0].dxf.location assert 2 == len(polyline) def test_polymesh_create_mesh(msp): msp.add_polymesh((4, 4)) assert True def test_polymesh_set_vertex(msp): mesh = msp.add_polymesh((4, 4)) mesh.set_mesh_vertex((1, 1), (1, 2, 3)) result = mesh.get_mesh_vertex((1, 1)).dxf.location assert (1, 2, 3) == result def test_polymesh_error_nindex(msp): mesh = msp.add_polymesh((4, 4)) with pytest.raises(DXFIndexError): mesh.get_mesh_vertex((0, 4)) def test_polymesh_error_mindex(msp): mesh = msp.add_polymesh((4, 4)) with pytest.raises(DXFIndexError): mesh.get_mesh_vertex((4, 0)) def test_polymesh_mesh_cache(msp): pos = (2, 1) mesh = msp.add_polymesh((4, 4)) cache = mesh.get_mesh_vertex_cache() cache[pos] = (1, 2, 3) vertex = mesh.get_mesh_vertex(pos) assert vertex.dxf.location == cache[pos] with pytest.raises(DXFIndexError): cache[4, 0] def test_polyface_create_face(msp): face = msp.add_polyface() assert 0 == len(face) def test_polyface_add_face(msp): face = msp.add_polyface() face.append_face([(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]) assert [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (0, 0, 0)] == list(face.points()) def test_polyface_face_indices(msp): face = msp.add_polyface() face.append_face([(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]) face_record = face[4] assert 1 == face_record.dxf.vtx0 assert 2 == face_record.dxf.vtx1 assert 3 == face_record.dxf.vtx2 assert 4 == face_record.dxf.vtx3 def test_polyface_add_two_face_indices(msp): face = msp.add_polyface() face.append_face([(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]) # second face has same vertices as the first face face.append_face([(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2)]) face_record = face[5] # second face assert 1 == face_record.dxf.vtx0 assert 2 == face_record.dxf.vtx1 assert 3 == face_record.dxf.vtx2 assert 4 == face.dxf.m_count # vertices count assert 2 == face.dxf.n_count # faces count def test_polyface_faces(msp): face = msp.add_polyface() face.append_face([(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]) face.append_face([(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2)]) result = list(face.faces()) assert 2 == len(result) points1 = [vertex.dxf.location for vertex in result[0]] # the last vertex is the face_record and is always (0, 0, 0) # the face_record contains indices to the face building vertices assert [(0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0), (2, 2, 0), (3, 3, 0), (0, 0, 0)] == points1 def test_polyface_optimized_cube(msp): face = msp.add_polyface() # a cube consist of 6 faces and 24 vertices # duplicated vertices should be removed face.append_faces(cube_faces()) assert 8 == face.dxf.m_count # vertices count assert 6 == face.dxf.n_count # faces count def cube_faces(): # cube corner points p1 = (0, 0, 0) p2 = (0, 0, 1) p3 = (0, 1, 0) p4 = (0, 1, 1) p5 = (1, 0, 0) p6 = (1, 0, 1) p7 = (1, 1, 0) p8 = (1, 1, 1) # define the 6 cube faces # look into -x direction # Every add_face adds 4 vertices 6x4 = 24 vertices return [ [p1, p5, p7, p3], [p1, p5, p6, p2], [p5, p7, p8, p6], [p7, p8, p4, p3], [p1, p3, p4, p2], [p2, p6, p8, p4], ] ``` #### File: tests/test_02_dxf_graphics/ ```python import pytest import math from ezdxf.math import Vec3 from ezdxf.entities.ellipse import Ellipse, MIN_RATIO, MAX_RATIO from ezdxf.lldxf.tagwriter import TagCollector, basic_tags_from_text ELLIPSE = """0 ELLIPSE 5 0 330 0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbEllipse 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 11 1.0 21 0.0 31 0.0 40 1.0 41 0.0 42 6.283185307179586 """ @pytest.fixture def entity(): return Ellipse.from_text(ELLIPSE) def test_registered(): from ezdxf.entities.factory import ENTITY_CLASSES assert 'ELLIPSE' in ENTITY_CLASSES def test_default_init(): entity = Ellipse() assert entity.dxftype() == 'ELLIPSE' assert entity.dxf.handle is None assert entity.dxf.owner is None def test_default_new(): entity ='ABBA', owner='0', dxfattribs={ 'color': 7, 'ratio': 0.5, 'center': (1, 2, 3), 'major_axis': (4, 5, 6), 'start_param': 10, 'end_param': 20, }) assert entity.dxf.layer == '0' assert entity.dxf.color == 7 assert == (1, 2, 3) assert entity.dxf.major_axis == (4, 5, 6) assert entity.dxf.ratio == 0.5 assert entity.dxf.start_param == 10 assert entity.dxf.end_param == 20 def test_extrusion_can_not_be_a_null_vector(): e ={'extrusion': (0, 0, 0)}) assert e.dxf.extrusion == (0, 0, 1), 'expected default extrusion' def test_major_axis_can_not_be_a_null_vector(): pytest.raises(ValueError,, dxfattribs={'major_axis': (0, 0, 0)}) @pytest.mark.parametrize('ratio', [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]) def test_ratio_is_always_valid(ratio): e ={'ratio': ratio}) assert MIN_RATIO <= abs(e.dxf.ratio) <= MAX_RATIO @pytest.mark.parametrize('ratio', [-1, -0.5, -1e-9]) def test_ratio_can_be_negative(ratio): e ={'ratio': ratio}) assert e.dxf.ratio < 0 def test_load_from_text(entity): assert entity.dxf.layer == '0' assert entity.dxf.color == 256, 'default color is 256 (by layer)' assert == (0, 0, 0) assert entity.dxf.major_axis == (1, 0, 0) assert entity.dxf.ratio == 1 assert entity.dxf.start_param == 0 assert entity.dxf.end_param == math.pi * 2 def test_get_start_and_end_vertex(): ellipse ='ABBA', owner='0', dxfattribs={ 'center': (1, 2, 3), 'major_axis': (4, 3, 0), 'ratio': .7, 'start_param': math.pi / 2, 'end_param': math.pi, 'extrusion': (0, 0, -1), }) start, end = list(ellipse.vertices([ ellipse.dxf.start_param, ellipse.dxf.end_param, ])) # test values from BricsCAD assert start.isclose(Vec3(3.1, -0.8, 3), abs_tol=1e-6) assert end.isclose(Vec3(-3, -1, 3), abs_tol=1e-6) # for convenience, but Ellipse.vertices is much more efficient: assert ellipse.start_point.isclose(Vec3(3.1, -0.8, 3), abs_tol=1e-6) assert ellipse.end_point.isclose(Vec3(-3, -1, 3), abs_tol=1e-6) def test_write_dxf(): entity = Ellipse.from_text(ELLIPSE) result = TagCollector.dxftags(entity) expected = basic_tags_from_text(ELLIPSE) assert result == expected def test_from_arc(): from ezdxf.entities.arc import Arc arc ={'center': (2, 2, 2), 'radius': 3}) ellipse = Ellipse.from_arc(arc) assert == (2, 2, 2) assert ellipse.dxf.major_axis == (3, 0, 0) assert ellipse.dxf.ratio == 1 assert ellipse.dxf.start_param == 0 assert math.isclose(ellipse.dxf.end_param, math.tau) # tests for swap_axis() are done in # tests for params() are done in ``` #### File: tests/test_02_dxf_graphics/ ```python import pytest import math from ezdxf.entities.acis import Body, Solid3d, Region, Surface, ExtrudedSurface, LoftedSurface, RevolvedSurface, \ SweptSurface from ezdxf.lldxf.tagwriter import TagCollector, basic_tags_from_text BODY = """0 BODY 5 0 330 0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbModelerGeometry 70 1 """ class MockDoc: def __init__(self): self.dxfversion = 'AC1024' @pytest.fixture def entity(): return Body.from_text(BODY, doc=MockDoc()) def test_registered(): from ezdxf.entities.factory import ENTITY_CLASSES assert 'BODY' in ENTITY_CLASSES assert '3DSOLID' in ENTITY_CLASSES assert 'REGION' in ENTITY_CLASSES assert 'SURFACE' in ENTITY_CLASSES assert 'EXTRUDEDSURFACE' in ENTITY_CLASSES assert 'LOFTEDSURFACE' in ENTITY_CLASSES assert 'REVOLVEDSURFACE' in ENTITY_CLASSES assert 'SWEPTSURFACE' in ENTITY_CLASSES def test_default_init(): entity = Body() assert entity.dxftype() == 'BODY' entity = Solid3d() assert entity.dxftype() == '3DSOLID' entity = Region() assert entity.dxftype() == 'REGION' entity = Surface() assert entity.dxftype() == 'SURFACE' entity = ExtrudedSurface() assert entity.dxftype() == 'EXTRUDEDSURFACE' entity = LoftedSurface() assert entity.dxftype() == 'LOFTEDSURFACE' entity = RevolvedSurface() assert entity.dxftype() == 'REVOLVEDSURFACE' entity = SweptSurface() assert entity.dxftype() == 'SWEPTSURFACE' def test_default_new(): entity ='ABBA', owner='0', dxfattribs={ 'color': 7, }) assert entity.dxf.layer == '0' assert entity.dxf.color == 7 def test_load_from_text(entity): assert entity.dxf.layer == '0' assert entity.dxf.color == 256, 'default color is 256 (by layer)' assert entity.dxf.version == 1 def test_body_write_dxf(): entity = Body.from_text(BODY, doc=MockDoc()) result = TagCollector.dxftags(entity) expected = basic_tags_from_text(BODY) assert result == expected def test_region_write_dxf(): entity = Region.from_text(REGION, doc=MockDoc()) result = TagCollector.dxftags(entity) expected = basic_tags_from_text(REGION) assert result == expected REGION = """0 REGION 5 0 330 0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbModelerGeometry 70 1 """ def test_3dsolid_write_dxf(): entity = Solid3d.from_text(SOLID3D, doc=MockDoc()) result = TagCollector.dxftags(entity) expected = basic_tags_from_text(SOLID3D) assert result == expected SOLID3D = """0 3DSOLID 5 0 330 0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbModelerGeometry 70 1 100 AcDb3dSolid 350 0 """ def test_surface_write_dxf(): entity = Surface.from_text(SURFACE, doc=MockDoc()) result = TagCollector.dxftags(entity) expected = basic_tags_from_text(SURFACE) assert result == expected SURFACE = """0 SURFACE 5 0 330 0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbModelerGeometry 70 1 100 AcDbSurface 71 0 72 0 """ def test_extruded_surface_write_dxf(): entity = ExtrudedSurface.from_text(EXTRUDEDSURFACE, doc=MockDoc()) result = TagCollector.dxftags(entity) expected = basic_tags_from_text(EXTRUDEDSURFACE) assert result == expected EXTRUDEDSURFACE = """0 EXTRUDEDSURFACE 5 0 330 0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbModelerGeometry 70 1 100 AcDbSurface 71 0 72 0 100 AcDbExtrudedSurface 90 18 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 40 1.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 1.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 1.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 1.0 42 0.0 43 0.0 44 0.0 45 0.0 48 1.0 49 0.0 46 1.0 46 0.0 46 0.0 46 0.0 46 0.0 46 1.0 46 0.0 46 0.0 46 0.0 46 0.0 46 1.0 46 0.0 46 0.0 46 0.0 46 0.0 46 1.0 47 1.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 1.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 1.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 1.0 290 0 70 0 71 2 292 1 293 0 294 0 295 1 296 0 11 0.0 21 0.0 31 0.0 """ def test_lofted_surface_write_dxf(): entity = LoftedSurface.from_text(LOFTEDSURFACE, doc=MockDoc()) result = TagCollector.dxftags(entity) expected = basic_tags_from_text(LOFTEDSURFACE) assert result == expected LOFTEDSURFACE = """0 LOFTEDSURFACE 5 0 330 0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbModelerGeometry 70 1 100 AcDbSurface 71 0 72 0 100 AcDbLoftedSurface 40 1.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 1.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 1.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 1.0 70 0 41 0.0 42 0.0 43 0.0 44 0.0 290 0 291 1 292 1 293 1 294 0 295 0 296 0 297 1 """ def test_revolved_surface_write_dxf(): entity = RevolvedSurface.from_text(REVOLVEDSURFACE, doc=MockDoc()) result = TagCollector.dxftags(entity) expected = basic_tags_from_text(REVOLVEDSURFACE) assert result == expected REVOLVEDSURFACE = """0 REVOLVEDSURFACE 5 0 330 0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbModelerGeometry 70 1 100 AcDbSurface 71 0 72 0 100 AcDbRevolvedSurface 90 36 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 11 0.0 21 0.0 31 1.0 40 0.0 41 0.0 42 1.0 42 0.0 42 0.0 42 0.0 42 0.0 42 1.0 42 0.0 42 0.0 42 0.0 42 0.0 42 1.0 42 0.0 42 0.0 42 0.0 42 0.0 42 1.0 43 0.0 44 0.0 45 0.0 46 0.0 290 0 291 0 """ def test_swept_surface_write_dxf(): entity = SweptSurface.from_text(SWEPTSURFACE, doc=MockDoc()) result = TagCollector.dxftags(entity) expected = basic_tags_from_text(SWEPTSURFACE) assert result == expected SWEPTSURFACE = """0 SWEPTSURFACE 5 0 330 0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbModelerGeometry 70 1 100 AcDbSurface 71 0 72 0 100 AcDbSweptSurface 90 36 91 36 40 1.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 1.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 1.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 0.0 40 1.0 41 1.0 41 0.0 41 0.0 41 0.0 41 0.0 41 1.0 41 0.0 41 0.0 41 0.0 41 0.0 41 1.0 41 0.0 41 0.0 41 0.0 41 0.0 41 1.0 42 0.0 43 0.0 44 0.0 45 0.0 48 1.0 49 0.0 46 1.0 46 0.0 46 0.0 46 0.0 46 0.0 46 1.0 46 0.0 46 0.0 46 0.0 46 0.0 46 1.0 46 0.0 46 0.0 46 0.0 46 0.0 46 1.0 47 1.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 1.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 1.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 0.0 47 1.0 290 0 70 1 71 2 292 0 293 0 294 1 295 1 296 1 11 0.0 21 0.0 31 0.0 """ ``` #### File: tests/test_02_dxf_graphics/ ```python import pytest import ezdxf from ezdxf.entities.tolerance import Tolerance from ezdxf.lldxf.tagwriter import TagCollector, basic_tags_from_text TOLERANCE = """0 TOLERANCE 5 0 330 0 100 AcDbEntity 8 0 100 AcDbFcf 3 Standard 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 0.0 1 11 1.0 21 0.0 31 0.0 """ @pytest.fixture def entity(): return Tolerance.from_text(TOLERANCE) def test_registered(): from ezdxf.entities.factory import ENTITY_CLASSES assert 'TOLERANCE' in ENTITY_CLASSES def test_default_init(): entity = Tolerance() assert entity.dxftype() == 'TOLERANCE' assert entity.dxf.handle is None assert entity.dxf.owner is None def test_default_new(): entity ='ABBA', owner='0', dxfattribs={ 'color': 7, 'dimstyle': 'EZDXF', 'insert': (1, 2, 3), 'extrusion': (4, 5, 6), 'x_axis_vector': (7, 8, 9), 'content': 'abcdef', }) assert entity.dxf.layer == '0' assert entity.dxf.color == 7 assert entity.dxf.dimstyle == 'EZDXF' assert entity.dxf.insert == (1, 2, 3) assert entity.dxf.extrusion == (4, 5, 6) assert entity.dxf.x_axis_vector == (7, 8, 9) assert entity.dxf.content == 'abcdef' def test_load_from_text(entity): assert entity.dxf.layer == '0' assert entity.dxf.color == 256, 'default color is 256 (by layer)' assert entity.dxf.dimstyle == 'Standard' assert entity.dxf.insert == (0, 0, 0) assert entity.dxf.extrusion == (0, 0, 1) # default value assert entity.dxf.x_axis_vector == (1, 0, 0) assert entity.dxf.content == '' def test_write_dxf(): entity = Tolerance.from_text(TOLERANCE) result = TagCollector.dxftags(entity) expected = basic_tags_from_text(TOLERANCE) assert result == expected def test_add_tolerance(): doc = msp = doc.modelspace() light = msp.new_entity('TOLERANCE', {}) assert light.dxftype() == 'TOLERANCE' assert light.dxf.dimstyle == 'Standard' assert light.dxf.insert == (0, 0, 0) assert light.dxf.content == '' assert light.dxf.extrusion == (0, 0, 1) assert light.dxf.x_axis_vector == (1, 0, 0) ``` #### File: tests/test_02_dxf_graphics/ ```python import pytest from ezdxf.entities import DXFGraphic def test_set_hyperlink(): entity = DXFGraphic() assert entity.has_hyperlink() is False entity.set_hyperlink('link') assert entity.has_hyperlink() is True hyperlink, description, location = entity.get_hyperlink() assert hyperlink == 'link' assert description == '' assert location == '' def test_set_description(): entity = DXFGraphic() entity.set_hyperlink('link', 'description') hyperlink, description, location = entity.get_hyperlink() assert hyperlink == 'link' assert description == 'description' assert location == '' def test_set_location(): entity = DXFGraphic() entity.set_hyperlink('link', 'description', 'location') hyperlink, description, location = entity.get_hyperlink() assert hyperlink == 'link' assert description == 'description' assert location == 'location' if __name__ == '__main__': pytest.main([__file__]) ``` #### File: tests/test_03_dxf_layouts/ ```python import pytest from ezdxf.queryparser import EntityQueryParser, ParseException, InfixBoolQuery class TestEntityQueryParserWithoutAttributes: def test_without_wildcards(self): result = EntityQueryParser.parseString("LINE", parseAll=True) name = result.EntityQuery[0] assert "LINE" == name def test_two_entity_names(self): result = EntityQueryParser.parseString("LINE CIRCLE", parseAll=True) assert "LINE" == result.EntityQuery[0] assert "CIRCLE" == result.EntityQuery[1] def test_star_wildcard(self): result = EntityQueryParser.parseString("*", parseAll=True) name = result.EntityQuery[0] assert "*" == name def test_wrong_star_wildcard(self): with pytest.raises(ParseException): EntityQueryParser.parseString("LIN*", parseAll=True) def test_star_wildcard_2(self): result = EntityQueryParser.parseString("* !LINE", parseAll=True) assert result.EntityQuery[0] == '*' assert result.EntityQuery[1] == '!LINE' def test_star_wildcard_3(self): with pytest.raises(ParseException): EntityQueryParser.parseString("!LINE *", parseAll=True) def test_star_wildcard_4(self): with pytest.raises(ParseException): EntityQueryParser.parseString("* LINE", parseAll=True) class TestEntityQueryParserWithAttributes: def test_empty_attribute_list_not_allowed(self): with pytest.raises(ParseException): EntityQueryParser.parseString("LINE[]", parseAll=True) def test_one_attribute(self): result = EntityQueryParser.parseString('LINE[layer=="0"]', parseAll=True) assert "LINE" == result.EntityQuery[0] assert ('layer', '==', '0') == tuple(result.AttribQuery) def test_double_quoted_attributes(self): result = EntityQueryParser.parseString('LINE[layer=="0"]', parseAll=True) assert "LINE" == result.EntityQuery[0] assert ('layer', '==', '0') == tuple(result.AttribQuery) def test_single_quoted_attributes(self): result = EntityQueryParser.parseString("LINE[layer=='0']", parseAll=True) assert "LINE" == result.EntityQuery[0] assert ('layer', '==', '0') == tuple(result.AttribQuery) def test_attribute_name_with_underscore(self): result = EntityQueryParser.parseString('HATCH[solid_fill==0]', parseAll=True) assert "HATCH" == result.EntityQuery[0] assert ('solid_fill', '==', 0) == tuple(result.AttribQuery) def test_star_with_one_attribute(self): result = EntityQueryParser.parseString('*[layer=="0"]', parseAll=True) assert "*" == result.EntityQuery[0] assert 3 == len(result.AttribQuery) assert ('layer', '==', '0') == tuple(result.AttribQuery) def test_relation_lt(self): result = EntityQueryParser.parseString('*[layer<"0"]', parseAll=True) assert ('layer', '<', '0') == tuple(result.AttribQuery) def test_relation_le(self): result = EntityQueryParser.parseString('*[layer<="0"]', parseAll=True) assert ('layer', '<=', '0') == tuple(result.AttribQuery) def test_relation_eq(self): result = EntityQueryParser.parseString('*[layer=="0"]', parseAll=True) assert ('layer', '==', '0') == tuple(result.AttribQuery) def test_relation_ne(self): result = EntityQueryParser.parseString('*[layer!="0"]', parseAll=True) assert ('layer', '!=', '0') == tuple(result.AttribQuery) def test_relation_ge(self): result = EntityQueryParser.parseString('*[layer>="0"]', parseAll=True) assert ('layer', '>=', '0') == tuple(result.AttribQuery) def test_relation_gt(self): result = EntityQueryParser.parseString('*[layer>="0"]', parseAll=True) assert ('layer', '>=', '0') == tuple(result.AttribQuery) def test_regex_match(self): result = EntityQueryParser.parseString('*[layer?"0"]', parseAll=True) assert ('layer', '?', '0') == tuple(result.AttribQuery) def test_not_regex_match(self): result = EntityQueryParser.parseString('*[layer!?"0"]', parseAll=True) assert ('layer', '!?', '0') == tuple(result.AttribQuery) def test_appended_ignore_case_option(self): result = EntityQueryParser.parseString('*[layer=="IgnoreCase"]i', parseAll=True) assert "i" == result.AttribQueryOptions class TestInfixBoolQuery: def test_not_operation(self): result = InfixBoolQuery.parseString('!a!=1', parseAll=True) op, relation = result.AttribQuery assert '!' == op assert ('a', '!=', 1) == tuple(relation) def test_and_operation(self): result = InfixBoolQuery.parseString('a != 1 & b != 2', parseAll=True) rel1, op, rel2 = result.AttribQuery assert ('a', '!=', 1) == tuple(rel1) assert '&' == op assert ('b', '!=', 2) == tuple(rel2) def test_or_operation(self): result = InfixBoolQuery.parseString('a != 1 | b != 2', parseAll=True) rel1, op, rel2 = result.AttribQuery assert ('a', '!=', 1) == tuple(rel1) assert '|' == op assert ('b', '!=', 2) == tuple(rel2) def test_not_operation_with_brackets(self): result = InfixBoolQuery.parseString('!(a!=1)', parseAll=True) op, relation = result.AttribQuery assert '!' == op assert ('a', '!=', 1) == tuple(relation) def test_operation_with_brackets(self): result = InfixBoolQuery.parseString('(a != 1) & (b != 2)', parseAll=True) rel1, op, rel2 = result.AttribQuery assert ('a', '!=', 1) == tuple(rel1) assert '&' == op assert ('b', '!=', 2) == tuple(rel2) def test_operation_with_nested_brackets(self): result = InfixBoolQuery.parseString('((a != 1) & (b != 2))', parseAll=True) rel1, op, rel2 = result.AttribQuery assert ('a', '!=', 1) == tuple(rel1) assert '&' == op assert ('b', '!=', 2) == tuple(rel2) ``` #### File: tests/test_04_dxf_high_level_structs/ ```python import pytest from ezdxf.sections.acdsdata import AcDsDataSection from ezdxf import DXFKeyError from ezdxf.lldxf.tags import internal_tag_compiler, group_tags from ezdxf.lldxf.tagwriter import TagCollector, basic_tags_from_text @pytest.fixture def section(): entities = group_tags(internal_tag_compiler(ACDSSECTION)) return AcDsDataSection(None, entities) def test_loader(section): assert 'ACDSDATA' == assert len(section.entities) > 0 def test_acds_record(section): records = [entity for entity in section.entities if entity.dxftype() == 'ACDSRECORD'] assert len(records) > 0 record = records[0] assert record.has_section('ASM_Data') is True assert record.has_section('AcDbDs::ID') is True assert record.has_section('mozman') is False with pytest.raises(DXFKeyError): _ = record.get_section('mozman') asm_data = record.get_section('ASM_Data') binary_data = (tag for tag in asm_data if tag.code == 310) length = sum(len(tag.value) for tag in binary_data) assert asm_data[2].value == length def test_write_dxf(section): result = TagCollector.dxftags(section) expected = basic_tags_from_text(ACDSSECTION) assert result[:-1] == expected ACDSSECTION = """0 SECTION 2 ACDSDATA 70 2 71 6 0 ACDSSCHEMA 90 0 1 AcDb3DSolid_ASM_Data 2 AcDbDs::ID 280 10 91 8 2 ASM_Data 280 15 91 0 101 ACDSRECORD 95 0 90 2 2 AcDbDs::TreatedAsObjectData 280 1 291 1 101 ACDSRECORD 95 0 90 3 2 AcDbDs::Legacy 280 1 291 1 101 ACDSRECORD 1 AcDbDs::ID 90 4 2 AcDs:Indexable 280 1 291 1 101 ACDSRECORD 1 AcDbDs::ID 90 5 2 AcDbDs::HandleAttribute 280 7 282 1 0 ACDSSCHEMA 90 1 1 AcDb_Thumbnail_Schema 2 AcDbDs::ID 280 10 91 8 2 Thumbnail_Data 280 15 91 0 101 ACDSRECORD 95 1 90 2 2 AcDbDs::TreatedAsObjectData 280 1 291 1 101 ACDSRECORD 95 1 90 3 2 AcDbDs::Legacy 280 1 291 1 101 ACDSRECORD 1 AcDbDs::ID 90 4 2 AcDs:Indexable 280 1 291 1 101 ACDSRECORD 1 AcDbDs::ID 90 5 2 AcDbDs::HandleAttribute 280 7 282 1 0 ACDSSCHEMA 90 2 1 AcDbDs::TreatedAsObjectDataSchema 2 AcDbDs::TreatedAsObjectData 280 1 91 0 0 ACDSSCHEMA 90 3 1 AcDbDs::LegacySchema 2 AcDbDs::Legacy 280 1 91 0 0 ACDSSCHEMA 90 4 1 AcDbDs::IndexedPropertySchema 2 AcDs:Indexable 280 1 91 0 0 ACDSSCHEMA 90 5 1 AcDbDs::HandleAttributeSchema 2 AcDbDs::HandleAttribute 280 7 91 1 284 1 0 ACDSRECORD 90 0 2 AcDbDs::ID 280 10 320 339 2 ASM_Data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``` #### File: tests/test_04_dxf_high_level_structs/ ```python import pytest import ezdxf new = def test_new_AC1009(): doc = new('R12') assert 'AC1009' == doc.dxfversion def test_new_AC1015(): doc = new('R2000') assert 'AC1015' == doc.dxfversion def test_new_AC1018(): doc = new('R2004') assert 'AC1018' == doc.dxfversion def test_new_AC1021(): doc = new('R2007') assert 'AC1021' == doc.dxfversion def test_new_AC1024(): doc = new('R2010') assert 'AC1024' == doc.dxfversion def test_new_AC1027(): doc = new('R2013') assert 'AC1027' == doc.dxfversion def test_new_AC1032(): doc = new('R2018') assert 'AC1032' == doc.dxfversion def test_invalid_dxf_version(): with pytest.raises(ezdxf.const.DXFVersionError): new('R13') with pytest.raises(ezdxf.const.DXFVersionError): new('R14') with pytest.raises(ezdxf.const.DXFVersionError): new('XYZ') with pytest.raises(ezdxf.const.DXFVersionError): new('AC1012') with pytest.raises(ezdxf.const.DXFVersionError): new('AC1013') with pytest.raises(ezdxf.const.DXFVersionError): new('AC1014') ``` #### File: tests/test_04_dxf_high_level_structs/ ```python import pytest from ezdxf.lldxf.tagger import internal_tag_compiler from ezdxf.document import Drawing from ezdxf import DXFValueError, decode_base64 def test_dxfversion_1(): doc = Drawing.from_tags(internal_tag_compiler(TEST_HEADER)) assert 'AC1009' == doc.dxfversion @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def dwg_r12(): return'AC1009') def test_dxfversion_2(dwg_r12): assert 'AC1009' == dwg_r12.dxfversion def test_acad_release(dwg_r12): assert 'R12' == dwg_r12.acad_release def test_get_layer(dwg_r12): layer = dwg_r12.layers.get('0') assert '0' == def test_error_getting_not_existing_layer(dwg_r12): with pytest.raises(DXFValueError): layer = dwg_r12.layers.get('TEST_NOT_EXISTING_LAYER') def test_create_layer(dwg_r12): layer ='TEST_NEW_LAYER') assert 'TEST_NEW_LAYER' == def test_error_adding_existing_layer(dwg_r12): with pytest.raises(DXFValueError): layer ='0') def test_has_layer(dwg_r12): assert '0' in dwg_r12.layers def test_has_not_layer(dwg_r12): assert 'TEST_LAYER_NOT_EXISTS' not in dwg_r12.layers def test_removing_layer(dwg_r12):'TEST_NEW_LAYER_2') assert 'TEST_NEW_LAYER_2' in dwg_r12.layers dwg_r12.layers.remove('TEST_NEW_LAYER_2') assert 'TEST_NEW_LAYER_2' not in dwg_r12.layers def test_error_removing_not_existing_layer(dwg_r12): with pytest.raises(DXFValueError): dwg_r12.layers.remove('TEST_LAYER_NOT_EXISTS') @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def dwg_r2000(): return'AC1015') def test_r2000_dxfversion(dwg_r2000): assert 'AC1015' == dwg_r2000.dxfversion def test_r2000_acad_release(dwg_r2000): assert 'R2000' == dwg_r2000.acad_release @pytest.fixture def min_r12(): return Drawing.from_tags(internal_tag_compiler(MINIMALISTIC_DXF12)) def test_min_r12_header_section(min_r12): assert hasattr(min_r12, 'header') assert min_r12.header['$ACADVER'] == 'AC1009' assert min_r12.header['$DWGCODEPAGE'] == 'ANSI_1252' def test_min_r12_layers_table(min_r12): assert hasattr(min_r12, 'layers') assert len(min_r12.layers) == 2 assert '0' in min_r12.layers assert 'Defpoints' in min_r12.layers def test_min_r12_styles_table(min_r12): assert hasattr(min_r12, 'styles') assert len(min_r12.styles) == 1 assert 'Standard' in min_r12.styles def test_min_r12_linetypes_table(min_r12): assert hasattr(min_r12, 'linetypes') assert len(min_r12.linetypes) == 3 assert 'continuous' in min_r12.linetypes assert 'ByLayer' in min_r12.linetypes assert 'ByBlock' in min_r12.linetypes def test_min_r12_blocks_section(min_r12): assert hasattr(min_r12, 'blocks') assert len(min_r12.blocks) == 2 assert '*Model_Space' in min_r12.blocks assert '*Paper_Space' in min_r12.blocks def test_min_r12_entity_section(min_r12): assert hasattr(min_r12, 'entities') assert len(min_r12.entities) == 0 def test_chain_layout_and_block(dwg_r12, dwg_r2000): for dwg in (dwg_r12, dwg_r2000): msp = dwg.modelspace() line_msp = msp.add_line((0, 0), (1, 1)) blk ='TEST_CHAIN') line_blk = blk.add_line((0, 0), (1, 1)) handles = list(e.dxf.handle for e in dwg.chain_layouts_and_blocks()) # check for unique handles assert len(handles) == len(set(handles)) check = {line_msp.dxf.handle, line_blk.dxf.handle} assert check.intersection(handles) == check def test_base64_encoding_r12(dwg_r12): data = dwg_r12.encode_base64() doc = decode_base64(data) assert doc.acad_release == 'R12' def test_base64_encoding_r2000(dwg_r2000): data = dwg_r2000.encode_base64() doc = decode_base64(data) assert doc.acad_release == 'R2000' def test_set_drawing_units(dwg_r12): dwg_r12.units = 6 assert dwg_r12.header['$INSUNITS'] == 6 dwg_r12.units = 5 assert dwg_r12.header['$INSUNITS'] == 5 MINIMALISTIC_DXF12 = """ 0 SECTION 2 ENTITIES 0 ENDSEC 0 EOF """ TEST_HEADER = """ 0 SECTION 2 HEADER 9 $ACADVER 1 AC1009 9 $DWGCODEPAGE 3 ANSI_1252 9 $HANDSEED 5 FF 0 ENDSEC 0 SECTION 2 ENTITIES 0 ENDSEC 0 EOF """ TESTCOPY = """ 0 SECTION 2 HEADER 9 $ACADVER 1 AC1018 9 $DWGCODEPAGE 3 ANSI_1252 9 $TDUPDATE 40 0. 9 $HANDSEED 5 FF 0 ENDSEC 0 SECTION 2 OBJECTS 0 ENDSEC 0 SECTION 2 FANTASYSECTION 1 everything should be copied 0 ENDSEC 0 SECTION 2 ALPHASECTION 1 everything should be copied 0 ENDSEC 0 SECTION 2 OMEGASECTION 1 everything should be copied 0 ENDSEC 0 EOF """ ``` #### File: tests/test_04_dxf_high_level_structs/ ```python from typing import cast import pytest import ezdxf @pytest.fixture(scope='module', params=['R12', 'R2000']) def doc(request): return def test_new_doc_extents(doc): extmin = doc.header["$EXTMIN"] extmax = doc.header["$EXTMAX"] assert extmin == (1e20, 1e20, 1e20) assert extmax == (-1e20, -1e20, -1e20) def test_new_doc_limits(doc): limmin = doc.header["$LIMMIN"] limmax = doc.header["$LIMMAX"] assert limmin == (0, 0) assert limmax == (420, 297) def test_default_modelspace_extents(doc): msp = doc.modelspace() extmin = msp.dxf.extmin extmax = msp.dxf.extmax assert extmin == (1e20, 1e20, 1e20) assert extmax == (-1e20, -1e20, -1e20) def test_default_modelspace_limits(doc): msp = doc.modelspace() limmin = msp.dxf.limmin limmax = msp.dxf.limmax assert limmin == (0, 0) assert limmax == (420, 297) def test_default_layout1_extents(doc): layout1 = doc.layout('Layout1') extmin = layout1.dxf.extmin extmax = layout1.dxf.extmax assert extmin == (1e20, 1e20, 1e20) assert extmax == (-1e20, -1e20, -1e20) def test_default_layout1_limits(doc): layout1 = doc.layout('Layout1') limmin = layout1.dxf.limmin limmax = layout1.dxf.limmax assert limmin == (0, 0) assert limmax == (420, 297) layout1.reset_paper_limits() assert limmin == (0, 0) assert limmax == (420, 297) def test_reset_modelspace_extents(doc): extmin = (-100, -100, -100) extmax = (100, 100, 100) msp = doc.modelspace() msp.reset_extents(extmin, extmax) assert msp.dxf.extmin == extmin assert msp.dxf.extmax == extmax doc.update_extents() # is automatically called by Drawing.write() assert doc.header["$EXTMIN"] == extmin assert doc.header["$EXTMAX"] == extmax # reset to default values: msp.reset_extents() assert msp.dxf.extmin == (1e20, 1e20, 1e20) assert msp.dxf.extmax == (-1e20, -1e20, -1e20) def test_reset_modelspace_limits(doc): limmin = (-10, -10) limmax = (300, 50) msp = doc.modelspace() msp.reset_limits(limmin, limmax) assert msp.dxf.limmin == limmin assert msp.dxf.limmax == limmax doc.update_limits() # is automatically called by Drawing.write() assert doc.header["$LIMMIN"] == limmin assert doc.header["$LIMMAX"] == limmax # reset to default values: msp.reset_limits() width = msp.dxf.paper_width height = msp.dxf.paper_height assert msp.dxf.limmin == (0, 0) assert msp.dxf.limmax == (width, height) def test_default_active_msp_vport_config(doc): # A viewport configuration is always a list of one or more VPORT entities: vport_config = doc.viewports.get('*ACTIVE') assert len(vport_config) == 1 vport = vport_config[0] assert == (344.2, 148.5) assert vport.dxf.height == 297 def test_default_active_layout1_viewport(doc): layout1 = doc.layout("Layout1") assert len(layout1.viewports()) == 0, "no default viewport expected" def test_reset_layout1_active_viewport(doc): doc = layout1 = cast('Paperspace', doc.layout("Layout1")) viewport = layout1.reset_main_viewport() assert == (202.5, 128.5) paper_width = layout1.dxf.paper_width paper_height = layout1.dxf.paper_height assert viewport.dxf.width == paper_width * 1.1 # AutoCAD default factor assert viewport.dxf.height == paper_height * 1.1 # AutoCAD default factor if __name__ == '__main__': pytest.main([__file__]) ``` #### File: tests/test_05_tools/ ```python import ezdxf from ezdxf.pp.pprint import readfile, dxfpp from ezdxf.pp.rawpp import rawpp def test_dxf_drawing_to_html(tmpdir): name = tmpdir.join('test.dxf') doc = doc.saveas(name) tagger = readfile(name) # checks only if pretty printer is still working result = dxfpp(tagger, 'test.dxf') assert len(result) > 0 # checks only if pretty printer is still working result = rawpp(readfile(name), filename='test.dxf') assert len(result) > 0 ``` #### File: tests/test_05_tools/ ```python import pytest from import BitStream, EndOfBufferError def test_read_bit(): data = b'\xaa' bs = BitStream(data) assert bs.read_bit() == 1 assert bs.read_bit() == 0 assert bs.read_bit() == 1 assert bs.read_bit() == 0 assert bs.read_bit() == 1 assert bs.read_bit() == 0 assert bs.read_bit() == 1 assert bs.read_bit() == 0 with pytest.raises(EndOfBufferError): _ = bs.read_bit() def test_read_bits(): data = b'\x0f\x0f' bs = BitStream(data) assert bs.read_bits(4) == 0 assert bs.read_bits(2) == 3 assert bs.read_bits(3) == 6 assert bs.read_bits(4) == 1 assert bs.read_bits(3) == 7 def test_read_unsigned_byte(): data = b'\x0f\x0f' bs = BitStream(data) assert bs.read_bits(4) == 0 assert bs.read_unsigned_byte() == 0xf0 def test_read_signed_byte(): data = b'\x0f\xf0' bs = BitStream(data) assert bs.read_bits(4) == 0 assert bs.read_signed_byte() == -1 def test_read_unsigned_short(): # little endian! data = b'\x0c\xda\xb0' bs = BitStream(data) assert bs.read_bits(4) == 0 assert bs.read_unsigned_short() == 0xabcd assert bs.read_bits(4) == 0 def test_read_aligned_unsigned_short(): # little endian! data = b'\x00\xcd\xab' bs = BitStream(data) assert bs.read_unsigned_byte() == 0 assert bs.read_unsigned_short() == 0xabcd def test_read_unsigned_long(): # little endian! data = b'\x00\x0e\xfc\xda\xb0' bs = BitStream(data) assert bs.read_bits(4) == 0 assert bs.read_unsigned_long() == 0xabcdef00 assert bs.read_bits(4) == 0 def test_read_aligned_unsigned_long(): # little endian! data = b'\x00\xef\xcd\xab' bs = BitStream(data) assert bs.read_unsigned_long() == 0xabcdef00 def test_read_bitshort(): bs = BitStream(b'\xe0') assert bs.read_bit_short() == 256 # 11 assert bs.read_bit_short() == 0 # 10 bs = BitStream(b'\x00\xff\xff') bs.read_bits(6) assert bs.read_bit_short() == -1 assert BitStream(b'\x7f\x00').read_bit_short() == 252 def test_read_signed_modular_chars(): bs = BitStream(bytes([ 0b11101001, 0b10010111, 0b11100110, 0b00110101, 0b10000010, 0b00100100, 0b10000101, 0b01001011, ])) mc = bs.read_signed_modular_chars() assert mc == 112823273 mc = bs.read_signed_modular_chars() assert mc == 4610 mc = bs.read_signed_modular_chars() assert mc == -1413 def test_read_unsigned_modular_chars(): bs = BitStream(bytes([ 0b11101001, 0b10010111, 0b11100110, 0b00110101, 0b10000010, 0b00100100, 0b10000101, 0b01001011, ])) mc = bs.read_unsigned_modular_chars() assert mc == 112823273 mc = bs.read_unsigned_modular_chars() assert mc == 4610 mc = bs.read_unsigned_modular_chars() assert mc == 9605 def test_read_modular_shorts(): bs = BitStream(bytes([ 0b00110001, 0b11110100, 0b10001101, 0b00000000, ])) ms = bs.read_modular_shorts() assert ms == 4650033 def test_read_object_type(): assert BitStream(bytes([0b00000000, 0b01000000])).read_object_type() == 1 assert BitStream(bytes([0b01000000, 0b01000000])).read_object_type() == 1 + 0x1f0 assert BitStream(bytes([0b10000000, 0b01000000, 0b01000000])).read_object_type() == 257 assert BitStream(bytes([0b11000000, 0b01000000, 0b01000000])).read_object_type() == 257 if __name__ == '__main__': pytest.main([__file__]) ``` #### File: tests/test_05_tools/ ```python import pytest from import pattern def test_load_iso_pattern(): p = pattern.load() assert p['ANSI31'][0] == [45.0, (0.0, 0.0), (-2.2450640303, 2.2450640303), []] def test_load_scaled_iso_pattern(): p = pattern.load(factor=2) assert p['ANSI31'][0] == [45.0, (0.0, 0.0), (-4.4901280606, 4.4901280606), []] def test_load_imperial_pattern(): p = pattern.load(measurement=0) assert p['ANSI31'][0] == [45.0, (0.0, 0.0), (-0.0883883476, 0.0883883476), []] def test_scale_pattern(): p = pattern.load() ansi31 = p['ANSI31'] s = pattern.scale_pattern(ansi31, 2, angle=90) angle, base, offset, lines = s[0] assert angle == 135 assert base == (0, 0) assert offset == (-4.4901280606, -4.4901280606) def test_scale_all_pattern(): r = pattern.scale_all(pattern.ISO_PATTERN) assert len(r) == len(pattern.ISO_PATTERN) TEST_PATTERN = """; Hatch Patterns adapted to ISO scaling ;; Note: Dummy pattern description used for 'Solid fill'. *SOLID, Solid fill 45, 0,0, 0,.125 *ANSI31, ANSI Iron, Brick, Stone masonry 45, 0,0, 0,3.175 *ANSI32, ANSI Steel 45, 0,0, 0,9.525 45, 4.490128053,0, 0,9.525 *ANSI33, ANSI Bronze, Brass, Copper 45, 0,0, 0,6.35 45, 4.490128053,0, 0,6.35, 3.175,-1.5875 *ANSI34, ANSI Plastic, Rubber 45, 0,0, 0,19.05 45, 4.490128053,0, 0,19.05 45, 8.9802561314,0, 0,19.05 45, 13.4703841844,0, 0,19.05 *ANSI35, ANSI Fire brick, Refractory material 45, 0,0, 0,6.35 45, 4.490128053,0, 0,6.35, 7.9375,-1.5875,0,-1.5875 *ANSI36, ANSI Marble, Slate, Glass 45, 0,0, 5.55625,3.175, 7.9375,-1.5875,0,-1.5875 *ANSI37, ANSI Lead, Zinc, Magnesium, Sound/Heat/Elec Insulation 45, 0,0, 0,3.175 135, 0,0, 0,3.175 *ANSI38, ANSI Aluminum 45, 0,0, 0,3.175 135, 0,0, 6.35,3.175, 7.9375,-4.7625 """ def test_parse_pattern_file(): result = pattern.parse(TEST_PATTERN) assert len(result) == 9 assert result['SOLID'] == [ [45.0, (0.0, 0.0), (-0.0883883476, 0.0883883476), []]] assert result['ANSI33'] == [ [45.0, (0.0, 0.0), (-4.4901280605, 4.4901280605), []], [45.0, (4.490128053, 0.0), (-4.4901280605, 4.4901280605), [3.175, -1.5875]] ] def analyse(name): return pattern.PatternAnalyser(pattern.ISO_PATTERN[name]) class TestPatternAnalyser: @pytest.mark.parametrize('name', [ 'ISO02W100', 'DASH', 'CLAY', 'FLEXIBLE' ]) def test_has_horizontal_lines(self, name): result = analyse(name) assert result.has_angle(0) is True @pytest.mark.parametrize('name', [ 'GOST_WOOD', 'V_ZINC', ]) def test_has_vertical_lines(self, name): result = analyse(name) assert result.has_angle(90) is True @pytest.mark.parametrize('name', [ 'ANSI31', 'BRICK_INSULATING', 'BUTTERFLY', 'CROSSES' ]) def test_has_45_deg_lines(self, name): result = analyse(name) assert result.has_angle(45) is True @pytest.mark.parametrize('name', [ 'BUTTERFLY', 'CROSSES' ]) def test_has_135_deg_lines(self, name): result = analyse(name) assert result.has_angle(135) is True @pytest.mark.parametrize('name', [ 'DIAMONDS', 'ESCHER' ]) def test_has_60_deg_lines(self, name): result = analyse(name) assert result.has_angle(60) is True @pytest.mark.parametrize('name', [ 'ANSI31', 'BRICK_EXISTING' ]) def test_all_45_deg_lines(self, name): result = analyse(name) assert result.all_angles(45) is True @pytest.mark.parametrize('name', [ 'ANSI31', 'BRICK_EXISTING' ]) def test_all_solid_lines(self, name): result = analyse(name) assert result.all_solid_lines() is True def test_analyse_ansi31(self): result = analyse('ANSI31') assert result.has_angle(45) is True assert result.all_angles(45) is True assert result.all_solid_lines() is True assert result.has_dashed_line() is False def test_analyse_checker(self): result = analyse('CHECKER') assert result.has_angle(0) is True assert result.has_angle(90) is True assert result.all_dashed_lines() is True def test_rotated_checker(self): pat = pattern.ISO_PATTERN['CHECKER'] result = pattern.PatternAnalyser(pattern.scale_pattern(pat, 2, 45)) assert result.has_angle(45) is True assert result.has_angle(135) is True def test_analyse_crosses(self): result = analyse('CROSSES') assert result.has_angle(45) is True assert result.has_angle(135) is True assert result.all_dashed_lines() is True @pytest.mark.parametrize('angle,expected', [ (0, 0), (45, 45), (90, 90), (135, 135), (22, 15), # round to nearest 15° main angle (23, 30), # round to nearest 15° main angle (45, 45), # round to nearest 15° main angle (180, 0), # only 1st and 2nd quadrant (270, 90), # only 1st and 2nd quadrant ]) def test_round_angle_15_deg(angle, expected): assert pattern.round_angle_15_deg(angle) == expected if __name__ == '__main__': pytest.main([__file__]) ``` #### File: tests/test_06_math/ ```python from ezdxf.math import ConstructionLine, Vec2 class TestConstructionLine: def test_is_vertical(self): assert ConstructionLine((0, 0), (10, 0)).is_vertical is False assert ConstructionLine((5, -5), (5, 5)).is_vertical is True def test_left_of_line(self): line = ConstructionLine((0, 0), (0.1, 1)) assert line.is_point_left_of_line(Vec2(-1, 0)) is True assert line.is_point_left_of_line(Vec2(1, 0)) is False assert line.is_point_left_of_line(Vec2(-1, -1)) is True line = ConstructionLine((0, 0), (0, -1)) assert line.is_point_left_of_line(Vec2(1, 0)) is True line = ConstructionLine((0, 0), (-1, .1)) assert line.is_point_left_of_line(Vec2(-1, 0)) is True line = ConstructionLine((0, 0), (10, 0)) assert line.is_point_left_of_line(Vec2(0, 0)) is False assert line.is_point_left_of_line(Vec2(10, 0)) is False assert line.is_point_left_of_line(Vec2(10, 1)) is True assert line.is_point_left_of_line(Vec2(10, -1)) is False line = ConstructionLine((10, 0), (0, 0)) assert line.is_point_left_of_line(Vec2(0, 0)) is False assert line.is_point_left_of_line(Vec2(10, 0)) is False assert line.is_point_left_of_line(Vec2(10, 1)) is False assert line.is_point_left_of_line(Vec2(10, -1)) is True line = ConstructionLine((0, 0), (0, 10)) assert line.is_point_left_of_line(Vec2(0, 0)) is False assert line.is_point_left_of_line(Vec2(0, 10)) is False assert line.is_point_left_of_line(Vec2(1, 10)) is False assert line.is_point_left_of_line(Vec2(-1, 10)) is True line = ConstructionLine((0, 10), (0, 0)) assert line.is_point_left_of_line(Vec2(0, 0)) is False assert line.is_point_left_of_line(Vec2(0, 10)) is False assert line.is_point_left_of_line(Vec2(1, 10)) is True assert line.is_point_left_of_line(Vec2(-1, 10)) is False def test_intersect_horizontal_line(self): line = ConstructionLine((0, 0), (10, 0)) assert line.intersect(ConstructionLine((0, 0), (10, 0))) is None assert line.intersect(ConstructionLine((0, 1), (10, 1))) is None assert line.intersect(ConstructionLine((0, -1), (10, 1))) == (5, 0) assert line.intersect(ConstructionLine((5, 5), (5, -5))) == (5, 0) assert line.intersect(ConstructionLine((5, 5), (5, 1))) is None assert line.intersect(ConstructionLine((0, 0), (5, 5))) == (0, 0) def test_intersect_vertical_line(self): line = ConstructionLine((0, 0), (0, 10)) assert line.intersect(ConstructionLine((0, 0), (0, 10))) is None assert line.intersect(ConstructionLine((1, 0), (1, 10))) is None assert line.intersect(ConstructionLine((-1, 0), (1, 10))) == (0, 5) assert line.intersect(ConstructionLine((-1, 0), (1, 0))) == (0, 0) assert line.intersect(ConstructionLine((-1, 10), (1, 10))) == (0, 10) assert line.intersect(ConstructionLine((-1, 11), (1, 11))) is None def test_bounding_box(self): line = ConstructionLine((0, 0), (7, 10)) bbox = line.bounding_box assert bbox.extmin == (0, 0) assert bbox.extmax == (7, 10) def test_translate(self): line = ConstructionLine((0, 0), (0, 10)) line.translate(3, 7) assert line.start == (3, 7) assert line.end == (3, 17) bbox = line.bounding_box assert bbox.extmin == (3, 7) assert bbox.extmax == (3, 17) ``` #### File: tests/test_06_math/ ```python from ezdxf.math import Vec2, offset_vertices_2d PRECISION = 1e-3 def test_0_offset(): vertices = [(1, 2, 3), (5, 2, 3)] result = list(offset_vertices_2d(vertices, 0)) assert result[0] == (1, 2) assert result[1] == (5, 2) def test_2_horiz_vertices_left_offset(): vertices = [(1, 2), (5, 2)] result = list(offset_vertices_2d(vertices, 1)) assert result[0] == (1, 3) assert result[1] == (5, 3) def test_2_horiz_vertices_right_offset(): vertices = [(1, 2), (5, 2)] result = list(offset_vertices_2d(vertices, -1)) assert result[0] == (1, 1) assert result[1] == (5, 1) def test_2_vert_vertices_left_offset(): vertices = [(1, 2), (1, 5)] result = list(offset_vertices_2d(vertices, 1)) assert result[0] == (0, 2) assert result[1] == (0, 5) def test_2_vert_vertices_right_offset(): vertices = [(1, 2), (1, 5)] result = list(offset_vertices_2d(vertices, -1)) assert result[0] == (2, 2) assert result[1] == (2, 5) def test_3_horiz_collinear_vertices(): vertices = [(1, 2), (5, 2), (9, 2)] result = list(offset_vertices_2d(vertices, 1)) assert result[0] == (1, 3) assert result[1] == (5, 3) assert result[2] == (9, 3) def test_3_vert_collinear_vertices(): vertices = [(1, 2), (1, 5), (1, 9)] result = list(offset_vertices_2d(vertices, 1)) assert result[0] == (0, 2) assert result[1] == (0, 5) assert result[2] == (0, 9) def test_3_vertices(): vertices = [(0, 0), (300, 150), (450, 50)] result = list(offset_vertices_2d(vertices, 10)) assert result[0].isclose(Vec2((-4.4721, 8.9443)), abs_tol=PRECISION) assert result[1].isclose(Vec2((300.7184, 161.5396)), abs_tol=PRECISION) assert result[2].isclose(Vec2((455.547, 58.3205)), abs_tol=PRECISION) def test_closed_square_inside(): vertices = [(0, 0), (5, 0), (5, 5), (0, 5)] result = list(offset_vertices_2d(vertices, 1, closed=True)) assert result[0] == (1, 1) assert result[1] == (4, 1) assert result[2] == (4, 4) assert result[3] == (1, 4) def test_closed_triangle_inside(): vertices = [(0, 0), (5, 0), (2.5, 5)] result = list(offset_vertices_2d(vertices, 1, closed=True)) assert result[0].isclose(Vec2((1.618, 1)), abs_tol=PRECISION) assert result[1].isclose(Vec2((3.382, 1)), abs_tol=PRECISION) assert result[2].isclose(Vec2((2.5, 2.7639)), abs_tol=PRECISION) def test_closed_shape_with_collinear_last_segment(): vertices = [(0, 0), (5, 0), (5, 5), (-5, 5), (-5, 0)] result = list(offset_vertices_2d(vertices, 1, closed=True)) assert len(result) == len(vertices) assert result[0] == (0, 1) assert result[1] == (4, 1) assert result[2] == (4, 4) assert result[3] == (-4, 4) assert result[4] == (-4, 1) def test_3_horiz_collinear_vertices_closed(): vertices = [(1, 2), (5, 2), (9, 2)] result = list(offset_vertices_2d(vertices, 1, closed=True)) assert len(result) == len(vertices)+2 # get 2 extra vertices # but the first vertex, would be expected as last vertex assert result[0] == (1, 1) assert result[1] == (1, 3) assert result[2] == (5, 3) # closing segment: (9, 2) -> (1, 2) assert result[3] == (9, 3) assert result[4] == (9, 1) ``` #### File: tests/test_07_render/ ```python import pytest from math import radians from ezdxf.math import Vec3, BoundingBox from ezdxf.render.forms import cube from ezdxf.render.mesh import MeshVertexMerger, MeshBuilder, MeshTransformer, MeshAverageVertexMerger from ezdxf.addons import SierpinskyPyramid from ezdxf.layouts import VirtualLayout def test_vertex_merger_indices(): merger = MeshVertexMerger() indices = merger.add_vertices([(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)]) indices2 = merger.add_vertices([(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)]) assert indices == indices2 def test_vertex_merger_vertices(): merger = MeshVertexMerger() merger.add_vertices([(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)]) merger.add_vertices([(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)]) assert merger.vertices == [(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)] def test_vertex_merger_index_of(): merger = MeshVertexMerger() merger.add_vertices([(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)]) assert merger.index((1, 2, 3)) == 0 assert merger.index((4, 5, 6)) == 1 with pytest.raises(IndexError): merger.index((7, 8, 9)) def test_average_vertex_merger_indices(): merger = MeshAverageVertexMerger() indices = merger.add_vertices([(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)]) indices2 = merger.add_vertices([(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)]) assert indices == indices2 def test_average_vertex_merger_vertices(): merger = MeshAverageVertexMerger() merger.add_vertices([(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)]) merger.add_vertices([(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)]) assert merger.vertices == [(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)] def test_average_vertex_merger_index_of(): merger = MeshAverageVertexMerger() merger.add_vertices([(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)]) assert merger.index((1, 2, 3)) == 0 assert merger.index((4, 5, 6)) == 1 with pytest.raises(IndexError): merger.index((7, 8, 9)) def test_mesh_builder(msp): pyramid = SierpinskyPyramid(level=4, sides=3) pyramid.render(msp, merge=False) meshes = msp.query('MESH') assert len(meshes) == 256 def test_vertex_merger(): pyramid = SierpinskyPyramid(level=4, sides=3) faces = pyramid.faces() mesh = MeshVertexMerger() for vertices in pyramid: mesh.add_mesh(vertices=vertices, faces=faces) assert len(mesh.vertices) == 514 assert len(mesh.faces) == 1024 def test_average_vertex_merger(): pyramid = SierpinskyPyramid(level=4, sides=3) faces = pyramid.faces() mesh = MeshAverageVertexMerger() for vertices in pyramid: mesh.add_mesh(vertices=vertices, faces=faces) assert len(mesh.vertices) == 514 assert len(mesh.faces) == 1024 REGULAR_FACE = Vec3.list([(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 0)]) IRREGULAR_FACE = Vec3.list([(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0)]) def test_has_none_planar_faces(): mesh = MeshBuilder() mesh.add_face(REGULAR_FACE) assert mesh.has_none_planar_faces() is False mesh.add_face(IRREGULAR_FACE) assert mesh.has_none_planar_faces() is True def test_scale_mesh(): mesh = cube(center=False) mesh.scale(2, 3, 4) bbox = BoundingBox(mesh.vertices) assert bbox.extmin.isclose((0, 0, 0)) assert bbox.extmax.isclose((2, 3, 4)) def test_rotate_x(): mesh = cube(center=False) mesh.rotate_x(radians(90)) bbox = BoundingBox(mesh.vertices) assert bbox.extmin.isclose((0, -1, 0)) assert bbox.extmax.isclose((1, 0, 1)) @pytest.fixture def msp(): return VirtualLayout() @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def cube_polyface(): layout = VirtualLayout() p = layout.add_polyface() p.append_faces(cube().faces_as_vertices()) return p def test_from_empty_polyface(msp): empty_polyface = msp.add_polyface() b = MeshBuilder.from_polyface(empty_polyface) assert len(b.vertices) == 0 assert len(b.faces) == 0 def test_from_cube_polyface(cube_polyface): b = MeshBuilder.from_polyface(cube_polyface) assert len(b.vertices) == 24 # unoptimized mesh builder assert len(b.faces) == 6 def test_render_polyface(cube_polyface, msp): t = MeshTransformer.from_polyface(cube_polyface) assert len(t.vertices) == 24 # unoptimized mesh builder assert len(t.faces) == 6 t.render_polyface(msp) new_polyface = msp[-1] assert new_polyface.dxftype() == 'POLYLINE' assert new_polyface.is_poly_face_mesh is True assert len(new_polyface.vertices) == 8 + 6 assert new_polyface.vertices[0] is not cube_polyface.vertices[0] def test_from_polymesh(msp): polymesh = msp.add_polymesh(size=(4, 4)) b = MeshBuilder.from_polyface(polymesh) n = polymesh.dxf.n_count m = polymesh.dxf.m_count nfaces = (n - 1) * (m - 1) assert len(b.vertices) == nfaces * 4 # unoptimized mesh builder assert len(b.faces) == nfaces def test_from_polyface_type_error(msp): polyline = msp.add_polyline3d([(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0)]) with pytest.raises(TypeError): MeshBuilder.from_polyface(polyline) line = msp.add_line(start=(0, 0, 0), end=(1, 0, 0)) with pytest.raises(TypeError): MeshBuilder.from_polyface(line) @pytest.fixture def polyface_181_1(msp): e = msp.new_entity( 'POLYLINE', dxfattribs={ 'flags': 48, 'm_count': 2, 'n_count': 6, }, ) e.append_vertex((25041.94191089287, 29272.95055566061, 0.0), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((25020.29127589287, 29285.45055566061, 0.0), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((25020.29127589287, 29310.45055566061, 0.0), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((25041.94191089287, 29322.95055566061, 0.0), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((25063.59254589287, 29310.45055566061, 0.0), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((25063.59254589287, 29285.45055566061, 0.0), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((25041.94191089287, 29272.95055566061, 50.0), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((25020.29127589287, 29285.45055566061, 50.0), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((25020.29127589287, 29310.45055566061, 50.0), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((25041.94191089287, 29322.95055566061, 50.0), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((25063.59254589287, 29310.45055566061, 50.0), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((25063.59254589287, 29285.45055566061, 50.0), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) return e def test_from_polyface_182_1(polyface_181_1): mesh = MeshVertexMerger.from_polyface(polyface_181_1) assert len(mesh.vertices) == 12 @pytest.fixture def polyface_181_2(msp): e = msp.new_entity( 'POLYLINE', dxfattribs={ 'flags': 16, 'm_count': 6, 'n_count': 3, }, ) e.append_vertex((16606.65151901649, 81.88147523282441, 2099.9999999999995), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((16606.65151901649, 81.88147523282441, 1199.9999999999998), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((16606.65151901649, 81.88147523282441, 1199.9999999999998), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((16606.65151901649, 1281.8814752328244, 2099.9999999999995), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((16606.65151901649, 1281.8814752328244, 1199.9999999999998), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((16606.65151901649, 1281.8814752328244, 1199.9999999999998), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((16626.65151901649, 1281.8814752328244, 2099.9999999999995), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((16626.65151901649, 1281.8814752328244, 1199.9999999999998), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((16606.65151901649, 1281.8814752328244, 1199.9999999999998), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((16626.65151901649, 81.88147523282441, 2099.9999999999995), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((16626.65151901649, 81.88147523282441, 1199.9999999999998), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((16606.65151901649, 81.88147523282441, 1199.9999999999998), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((16626.65151901649, 81.88147523282441, 2099.9999999999995), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((16626.65151901649, 81.88147523282441, 2099.9999999999995), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((16606.65151901649, 81.88147523282441, 2099.9999999999995), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((16626.65151901649, 1281.8814752328244, 2099.9999999999995), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((16626.65151901649, 1281.8814752328244, 2099.9999999999995), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) e.append_vertex((16606.65151901649, 1281.8814752328244, 2099.9999999999995), dxfattribs={'flags': 64}) return e def test_from_polyface_182_2(polyface_181_2): mesh = MeshVertexMerger.from_polyface(polyface_181_2) assert len(mesh.vertices) == 8 ``` #### File: tests/test_07_render/ ```python import ezdxf import pytest from ezdxf.render.dimension import LinearDimension, DimStyleOverride @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def dwg(): return'R2007', setup=True) def test_linear_dimension_with_one_tolerance(dwg): msp = dwg.modelspace() dimline = msp.add_linear_dim(base=(0, 10), p1=(0, 0), p2=(100, 0)) override = { 'dimlfac': 1, 'dimtol': 1, 'dimtfac': .5, 'dimtolj': 0, 'dimtp': 0.01, 'dimtm': 0.01, } style = DimStyleOverride(dimline.dimension, override) renderer = LinearDimension(dimline.dimension, override=style) assert renderer.text == '100' assert renderer.text_decimal_separator == '.' assert renderer.tol_decimal_places == 4 # default value assert renderer.tol_text == '±0.0100' assert renderer.tol_valign == 0 assert renderer.compile_mtext() == r"\A0;100{\H0.50x;±0.0100}" def test_linear_dimension_with_two_tolerances(dwg): msp = dwg.modelspace() dimline = msp.add_linear_dim(base=(0, 10), p1=(0, 0), p2=(101, 0)) override = { 'dimlfac': 1, 'dimtol': 1, 'dimtfac': .5, 'dimtolj': 1, 'dimtp': 0.02, 'dimtm': 0.03, } style = DimStyleOverride(dimline.dimension, override) renderer = LinearDimension(dimline.dimension, override=style) assert renderer.text == '101' assert renderer.text_decimal_separator == '.' assert renderer.tol_decimal_places == 4 # default value assert renderer.tol_text_upper == '+0.0200' assert renderer.tol_text_lower == '-0.0300' assert renderer.tol_valign == 1 assert renderer.compile_mtext() == r"\A1;101{\H0.50x;\S+0.0200^ -0.0300;}" def test_linear_dimension_with_limits(dwg): msp = dwg.modelspace() dimline = msp.add_linear_dim(base=(0, 10), p1=(0, 0), p2=(101, 0)) override = { 'dimlfac': 1, 'dimlim': 1, 'dimtfac': .5, 'dimtp': 0.02, 'dimtm': 0.03, } style = DimStyleOverride(dimline.dimension, override) renderer = LinearDimension(dimline.dimension, override=style) assert renderer.text == '101' assert renderer.text_decimal_separator == '.' assert renderer.tol_decimal_places == 4 # default value assert renderer.tol_text_upper == '101.0200' assert renderer.tol_text_lower == '100.9700' assert renderer.compile_mtext() == r"{\H0.50x;\S101.0200^ 100.9700;}" ``` #### File: tests/test_07_render/ ```python import pytest from ezdxf.render import point from ezdxf.entities import Point from ezdxf.math.shape import Shape2d def pnt(location=(0, 0), angle: float = 0): return{ 'angle': angle, 'location': location, }) def test_dimensionless_point(): loc = (2, 3) p = pnt(location=loc) result = point.virtual_entities(p, pdmode=0) line = result[0] assert line.dxftype() == 'LINE' assert line.dxf.start.isclose(loc) assert line.dxf.end.isclose(loc) def test_none_point(): p = pnt() result = point.virtual_entities(p, pdmode=1) assert len(result) == 0 def test_cross_point(): p = pnt() result = point.virtual_entities(p, pdmode=2) line1, line2 = result assert line1.dxf.start == (-1, 0) assert line1.dxf.end == (+1, 0) assert line2.dxf.start == (0, -1) assert line2.dxf.end == (0, +1) def test_x_cross_point(): p = pnt() result = point.virtual_entities(p, pdmode=3) line1, line2 = result assert line1.dxf.start == (-1, -1) assert line1.dxf.end == (+1, +1) assert line2.dxf.start == (-1, +1) assert line2.dxf.end == (+1, -1) def test_tick_point(): p = pnt() result = point.virtual_entities(p, pdmode=4) line1 = result[0] assert line1.dxf.start == (0, 0) assert line1.dxf.end == (0, 0.5) def test_square_point(): p = pnt() result = point.virtual_entities(p, pdmode=65) line1, line2, line3, line4 = result lower_left = (-0.5, -0.5) assert line1.dxf.start == lower_left lower_right = (0.5, -0.5) assert line1.dxf.end == lower_right assert line2.dxf.start == lower_right upper_right = (0.5, 0.5) assert line2.dxf.end == upper_right assert line3.dxf.start == upper_right upper_left = (-0.5, 0.5) assert line3.dxf.end == upper_left assert line4.dxf.start == upper_left assert line4.dxf.end == lower_left def test_circle_point(): p = pnt() result = point.virtual_entities(p, pdmode=33) circle = result[0] assert == (0, 0) assert circle.dxf.radius == 0.5 def test_rotated_cross_point(): expected = Shape2d([(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]) expected.rotate(-30) # count-clockwise rotation s1, e1, s2, e2 = expected.vertices p = pnt(angle=30) # clockwise angle!! result = point.virtual_entities(p, pdmode=2) line1, line2 = result assert line1.dxf.start.isclose(s1) assert line1.dxf.end.isclose(e1) assert line2.dxf.start.isclose(s2) assert line2.dxf.end.isclose(e2) if __name__ == '__main__': pytest.main([__file__]) ```
{ "source": "jpsantos-motofil/jog_control", "score": 2 }
#### File: jog_controller/script/ ```python import rospy from jog_msgs.msg import JogFrame from jog_msgs.msg import JogJoint from sensor_msgs.msg import Joy class joy_to_jog_frame: def __init__(self): self.enable_button = rospy.get_param('~enable_button', 4) self.angular_button = rospy.get_param('~angular_button', 5) self.frame_mode_button = rospy.get_param('~frame_mode_button', 8) self.joint_mode_button = rospy.get_param('~joint_mode_button', 9) self.axis_linear = rospy.get_param( '~axis_linear', {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 4}) self.axis_angular = rospy.get_param( '~axis_angular', {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 4}) self.axis_joints = rospy.get_param( '~axis_joints', {'J1': 1, 'J2': 2, 'J3': 3, 'J4': 4, 'J5': 5, 'J6': 6}) self.scale_linear = rospy.get_param( '~scale_linear', {'x': 0.05, 'y': 0.05, 'z': 0.05}) self.scale_angular = rospy.get_param( '~scales_angular', {'x': 0.05, 'y': 0.05, 'z': 0.05}) self.scale_joints = rospy.get_param('~scale_joints', { 'J1': 0.05, 'J2': 0.05, 'J3': 0.05, 'J4': 0.05, 'J5': 0.05, 'J6': 0.05}) self.pub_frm = rospy.Publisher('jog_frame', JogFrame, queue_size=1) self.pub_jnt = rospy.Publisher('jog_joint', JogJoint, queue_size=1) self.mode = True # True = frame, False = joint # Convert to JogFrame and republish def callback(self, joy): if joy.buttons[self.frame_mode_button]: self.mode = True rospy.loginfo('Mode: Frame') if joy.buttons[self.joint_mode_button]: self.mode = False rospy.loginfo('Mode: Joint') if not joy.buttons[self.enable_button]: return if self.mode: #Frame_jog msg_frm = JogFrame() msg_frm.header.stamp = msg_frm.header.frame_id = rospy.get_param('~frame_id', 'base_link') msg_frm.group_name = rospy.get_param('~group_name', 'manipulator') msg_frm.link_name = rospy.get_param('~link_name', 'tool0') if joy.buttons[self.angular_button]: msg_frm.angular_delta.x = self.scale_angular['x']*joy.axes[self.axis_angular['x']] msg_frm.angular_delta.y = self.scale_angular['y']*joy.axes[self.axis_angular['y']] msg_frm.angular_delta.z = self.scale_angular['z']*joy.axes[self.axis_angular['z']] else: # These buttons are binary msg_frm.linear_delta.x = self.scale_linear['x']*joy.axes[self.axis_linear['x']] msg_frm.linear_delta.y = self.scale_linear['y']*joy.axes[self.axis_linear['y']] msg_frm.linear_delta.z = self.scale_linear['z']*joy.axes[self.axis_linear['z']] msg_frm.avoid_collisions = True self.pub_frm.publish(msg_frm) else: #Joint_jog msg_jnt = JogJoint() msg_jnt.header.stamp = msg_jnt.header.frame_id = rospy.get_param('~frame_id', 'base_link') msg_jnt.joint_names = rospy.get_param("/jog_joint_node/joint_names","['joint1', 'joint2', 'joint3', 'joint4', 'joint5', 'joint6']") # These buttons are binary msg_jnt.deltas = [0]*6 msg_jnt.deltas[0] = self.scale_joints['J1']*(joy.axes[self.axis_joints['J1']]) msg_jnt.deltas[1] = self.scale_joints['J2']*(joy.axes[self.axis_joints['J2']]) msg_jnt.deltas[2] = self.scale_joints['J3']*(joy.axes[self.axis_joints['J3']]) msg_jnt.deltas[3] = self.scale_joints['J4']*(joy.axes[self.axis_joints['J4']]) msg_jnt.deltas[4] = self.scale_joints['J5']*(joy.axes[self.axis_joints['J5']]) msg_jnt.deltas[5] = self.scale_joints['J6']*(joy.axes[self.axis_joints['J6']]) self.pub_jnt.publish(msg_jnt) def republish(self): rospy.Subscriber(rospy.get_param('~sub_topic', 'joy'), Joy, self.callback) rospy.spin() if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('joy_to_jog_frame', anonymous=True) republisher = joy_to_jog_frame() republisher.republish() ```
{ "source": "jpscaletti/hecto", "score": 4 }
#### File: hecto/utils/ ```python __all__ = ( "prompt", "prompt_bool", ) no_value = object() def required(value): if not value: raise ValueError() return value def prompt(question, default=no_value, default_show=None, validator=required, **kwargs): """ Prompt for a value from the command line. A default value can be provided, which will be used if no text is entered by the user. The value can be validated, and possibly changed by supplying a validator function. Any extra keyword arguments to this function will be passed along to the validator. If the validator raises a ValueError, the error message will be printed and the user asked to supply another value. """ if default_show: question += f" [{default_show}] " elif default and default is not no_value: question += f" [{default}] " else: question += " " while True: resp = input(question) if not resp: if default is None: return None if default is not no_value: resp = default try: return validator(resp, **kwargs) except ValueError as e: if str(e): print(str(e)) def prompt_bool(question, default=False, yes="y", no="n"): please_answer = f' Please answer "{yes}" or "{no}"' def validator(value): if value: value = str(value).lower()[0] if value == yes: return True elif value == no: return False else: raise ValueError(please_answer) if default is None: default = no_value default_show = yes + "/" + no elif default: default = yes default_show = yes.upper() + "/" + no else: default = no default_show = yes + "/" + no.upper() return prompt( question, default=default, default_show=default_show, validator=validator ) ``` #### File: hecto/tests/ ```python from hashlib import sha1 from pathlib import Path from tempfile import mkdtemp from unittest import mock import errno import filecmp import os import shutil import hecto import pytest import six @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def PROJECT_TEMPLATE(): return Path(__file__).parent / "demo" @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def DATA(): return { "py3": True, "make_secret": lambda: sha1(os.urandom(48)).hexdigest(), "myvar": "awesome", "what": "world", "project_name": "Hecto", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "A library for rendering projects templates", } @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def render(PROJECT_TEMPLATE, DATA): def render(dst, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("quiet", True) hecto.copy(PROJECT_TEMPLATE, dst, data=DATA, **kwargs) return render @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def assert_file(PROJECT_TEMPLATE): def assert_file(dst, *path): p1 = os.path.join(str(dst), *path) p2 = os.path.join(str(PROJECT_TEMPLATE), *path) assert filecmp.cmp(p1, p2) return assert_file @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def make_folder(): def make_folder(folder): if not folder.exists(): try: os.makedirs(str(folder)) except OSError as e: # pragma: no cover if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise return make_folder @pytest.fixture() def dst(request): """Return a real temporary folder path which is unique to each test function invocation. This folder is deleted after the test has finished. """ dst = mkdtemp() dst = Path(dst).resolve() request.addfinalizer(lambda: shutil.rmtree(str(dst), ignore_errors=True)) return dst class AppendableStringIO(six.StringIO): def append(self, text): pos = self.tell(), os.SEEK_END) self.write(text) @pytest.fixture() def stdin(): buffer = AppendableStringIO() with mock.patch("sys.stdin", buffer): yield buffer ```
{ "source": "jpscaletti/solution", "score": 4 }
#### File: solution/fields/ ```python from __future__ import absolute_import import inspect import re from .field import Field from .text import Text class Collection(Text): """A field that takes an open number of values of the same kind. For example, a list of comma separated tags or email addresses. :param sep: String to separate each value. When joining the values to render, it is used as-is. When splitting the user input, however, is tranformed first to a regexp when the spaces around the separator are ignored. :param filters: List of callables (can be validators). If a value do not pass one of these (the callable return `False`), it is filtered out from the final result. :param validate: An list of validators. This will evaluate the current `value` when the method `validate` is called. :param default: Default value. :param prepare: An optional function that takes the current value as a string and preprocess it before rendering. :param clean: An optional function that takes the value already converted to python and return a 'cleaned' version of it. If the value can't be cleaned `None` must be returned instead. :param hide_value: Do not render the current value a a string. Useful with passwords fields. :param locale: Default locale for this field. Overwrite the form locale. :param tz: Default timezone for this field. Overwrite the form timezone. """ _type = 'text' def __init__(self, sep=', ', filters=None, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('default', []) self.sep = sep self.rxsep = r'\s*%s\s*' % re.escape(self.sep.replace(' ', '')) filters = filters or [] self.filters = [f() if inspect.isclass(f) else f for f in filters] super(Collection, self).__init__(**kwargs) def as_dict(self): dd = Field.as_dict(self) dd['value'] = self._split_values(self.str_value) or [] return dd def _clean_data(self, str_value, file_data, obj_value): if isinstance(str_value, (list, tuple)): if len(str_value): str_value = str_value[0] else: str_value = None if str_value: str_value = self.sep.join(self._split_values(str_value)) if not isinstance(obj_value, (list, tuple)): if obj_value: obj_value = [obj_value] else: obj_value = None return (str_value, None, obj_value) def str_to_py(self, **kwargs): if self.str_value is None: return None py_values = self._split_values(self.str_value) if not self.filters: return py_values final_values = [] for val in py_values: for f in self.filters: if not f(val): break else: # only executed if the loop `for f in self.filters` has # exited normally, so the value has passed all filters. final_values.append(val) return final_values def py_to_str(self, **kwargs): if not self.obj_value: return self.default or u'' return self.sep.join(self.obj_value) def _split_values(self, str_value): if not str_value: return [] values = re.split(self.rxsep, str_value.strip()) return list(filter(lambda x: x != u'', values)) ``` #### File: solution/fields/ ```python from __future__ import absolute_import import re from .. import validators as v from .text import Text class Color(Text): """A color field. :param validate: An list of validators. This will evaluate the current `value` when the method `validate` is called. :param default: Default value. :param prepare: An optional function that takes the current value as a string and preprocess it before rendering. :param clean: An optional function that takes the value already converted to python and return a 'cleaned' version of it. If the value can't be cleaned `None` must be returned instead. :param hide_value: Do not render the current value a a string. Useful with passwords fields. """ _type = 'color' default_validator = v.IsColor rx_colors = re.compile( r'#?(?P<hex>[0-9a-f]{3,8})|' r'rgba?\((?P<r>[0-9]+)\s*,\s*(?P<g>[0-9]+)\s*,\s*(?P<b>[0-9]+)' r'(?:\s*,\s*(?P<a>\.?[0-9]+))?\)', re.IGNORECASE) def str_to_py(self, **kwargs): if not self.str_value: return None str_value = self.str_value.strip().replace(' ', '').lower() m = self.rx_colors.match(str_value) if not m: return None md = m.groupdict() if md['hex']: return normalize_hex(md['hex']) return normalize_rgb(md['r'], md['g'], md['b'], md.get('a')) def normalize_hex(hex_color): """Transform a xxx hex color to xxxxxx. """ hex_color = hex_color.replace('#', '').lower() length = len(hex_color) if length in (6, 8): return '#' + hex_color if length not in (3, 4): return None strhex = u'#%s%s%s' % ( hex_color[0] * 2, hex_color[1] * 2, hex_color[2] * 2) if length == 4: strhex += hex_color[3] * 2 return strhex def normalize_rgb(r, g, b, a): """Transform a rgb[a] color to #hex[a]. """ r = int(r, 10) g = int(g, 10) b = int(b, 10) if a: a = float(a) * 256 if r > 255 or g > 255 or b > 255 or (a and a > 255): return None color = '#%02x%02x%02x' % (r, g, b) if a: color += '%02x' % int(a) return color ``` #### File: fields/file/ ```python from werkzeug.datastructures import FileStorage from solution.fields import Field from solution.utils import Markup, get_html_attrs from .helpers import FileSystemUploader class File(Field): """ An upload file field. **Does not actually upload the file. Use its ``clean`` method for that.** :param validate: An list of validators. This will evaluate the current `value` when the method `validate` is called. :param default: Default value. :param prepare: An optional function that takes the current value as a string and preprocess it before rendering. :param clean: An optional function that takes the value already converted to python and return a 'cleaned' version of it. If the value can't be cleaned `None` must be returned instead. """ _type = 'file' hide_value = True def __init__(self, base_path='.', **kwargs): # Backwards compatibility kwargs.setdefault('clean', kwargs.get('upload')) self.base_path = base_path if base_path is None: = None else: = FileSystemUploader( base_path=base_path, upload_to=kwargs.pop('upload_to', ''), secret=kwargs.pop('secret', False), prefix=kwargs.pop('prefix', ''), allowed=kwargs.pop('allowed', None), denied=kwargs.pop('denied', None), max_size=kwargs.pop('max_size', None), ) super(File, self).__init__(**kwargs) def clean(self, value): """Takes a Werkzeug FileStorage, returns the relative path. """ if isinstance(value, FileStorage): return return value def str_to_py(self, **kwargs): return self.str_value or self.file_data or self.obj_value def __call__(self, **kwargs): return self.as_input(**kwargs) def as_input(self, **kwargs): attrs = self.extra.copy() attrs.update(kwargs) attrs.setdefault('type', self._type) attrs['name'] = if attrs['type'] != self._type: attrs['value'] = self.to_string(**attrs) if not self.optional and not self.obj_value: attrs.setdefault('required', True) html = u'<input %s>' % get_html_attrs(attrs) return Markup(html) ``` #### File: fields/file/ ```python from math import floor, ceil from os.path import join from .file import File from .helpers import IMAGES class Image(File): """ Similar to a File Field but takes an tuple as size parameter and makes sure the image is of that size. """ def __init__(self, base_path='.', size=None, **kwargs): self.size = size if size: self.width = size[0] self.height = size[1] kwargs.setdefault('allowed', IMAGES) super(Image, self).__init__(base_path, **kwargs) def clean(self, value): """Passes the value to FileField and resizes the image at the path the parent returns if needed. """ path = super(Image, self).clean(value) if path and self.size: self.resize_image(join(self.base_path, path)) return path def resize_image(self, image_path): import wand.image with wand.image.Image(filename=image_path) as img: result = Image.calculate_dimensions( img.size, self.size ) if result: x, y, width, height = result img.crop(x, y, width=width, height=height) @staticmethod def calculate_dimensions(image_size, desired_size): """Return the Tuple with the arguments to pass to Image.crop. If the image is smaller than than the desired_size Don't do anything. Otherwise, first calculate the (truncated) center and then take half the width and height (truncated again) for x and y. x0, y0: the center coordinates """ current_x, current_y = image_size target_x, target_y = desired_size if current_x < target_x and current_y < target_y: return None if current_x > target_x: new_x0 = floor(current_x / 2) new_x = new_x0 - ceil(target_x / 2) new_width = target_x else: new_x = 0 new_width = current_x if current_y > target_y: new_y0 = floor(current_y / 2) new_y = new_y0 - ceil(target_y / 2) new_height = target_y else: new_y = 0 new_height = current_y return (int(new_x), int(new_y), new_width, new_height) ``` #### File: solution/solution/ ```python from copy import copy import inspect try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: import json from ._compat import itervalues from .fields import Field from .formset import FormSet from .utils import FakeMultiDict, get_obj_value, set_obj_value, json_serial class Form(object): """Declarative Form base class. Provides core behaviour like field construction, validation, and data and error proxying. :param data: Used to pass data coming from the enduser, usually `request.form`, `request.POST` or equivalent. :param obj: If `data` is empty or not provided, this object is checked for attributes matching field names. :param files: Used to pass files coming from the enduser, usually `request.files`, or equivalent. :param locale: Default locale for this form. Can be overwrited in each field. :param tz: Default timezone for this field. Can be overwrited in each field. :param prefix: If provided, all fields will have their name prefixed with the value. Used to repeat the form in the same page. :param backref: . """ _model = None _fields = None _forms = None _sets = None _errors = None _named_errors = None _input_data = None cleaned_data = None changed_fields = None def __init__(self, data=None, obj=None, files=None, locale='en', tz='utc', prefix=u'', backref=None, parent=None): backref = backref or parent if self._model is not None: assert inspect.isclass(self._model) data = data or {} if not hasattr(data, 'getlist'): data = FakeMultiDict(data) files = files or {} if not hasattr(files, 'getlist'): files = FakeMultiDict(files) obj = obj or {} if isinstance(obj, dict): obj = FakeMultiDict(obj) self._locale = locale self._tz = tz prefix = prefix or u'' if prefix and not prefix.endswith(('_', '-', '.', '+', '|')): prefix += u'-' self._prefix = prefix self._backref = backref self.cleaned_data = {} self.changed_fields = [] self.validated = False self._obj = obj self._errors = {} self._named_errors = {} self._init_fields() # Even when there is no data we need this initialisation self._init_data(data, obj, files) def _init_fields(self): """Creates the `_fields`, `_forms` asn `_sets` dicts. Any properties which begin with an underscore or are not `Field`, `Form` or `FormSet` **instances** are ignored by this method. """ fields = {} forms = {} sets = {} for name in dir(self): if name.startswith('_'): continue field = getattr(self, name) is_field = isinstance(field, Field) is_form = isinstance(field, Form) or ( inspect.isclass(field) and issubclass(field, Form)) is_set = isinstance(field, FormSet) if is_field: field = copy(field) = self._prefix + name field.form = self if field.prepare is None: field.prepare = getattr(self, 'prepare_' + name, None) if field.clean is None: field.clean = getattr(self, 'clean_' + name, None) fields[name] = field setattr(self, name, field) elif is_form: forms[name] = field elif is_set: field._name = self._prefix + name # REALLY IMPORTANT sets[name] = field self._fields = fields self._forms = forms self._sets = sets def as_dict(self): dd = { field.as_dict() for field in self._fields.values() } dd.update({ name: form.as_dict() for name, form in self._forms.items() }) dd.update({ name: formset.as_dict() for name, formset in self._sets.items() }) dd.update({ '_{}_form'.format(name): formset.form.as_dict() for name, formset in self._sets.items() }) return dd def as_json(self): """Useful for inserting the form data as a JavaScript object.""" return json.dumps(self.as_dict(), default=json_serial) def prepare(self, data): """You can overwrite this method to store the logic of pre-processing the input data. """ return data def clean(self, cleaned_data): """You can overwrite this method to store the logic of post-processing the cleaned data after validation. You can delete fields but any field that isn't part of the form is filtered out. """ return cleaned_data def _init_data(self, data, obj, files): """Load the data into the form. """ data = self.prepare(data) # Initialize sub-forms for name, subform in self._forms.items(): obj_value = get_obj_value(obj, name) if inspect.isclass(subform): fclass = subform else: fclass = subform.__class__ subform_prefix = '{prefix}{name}.'.format( prefix=self._prefix, name=name.lower() ) subform = fclass( data, obj_value, files=files, locale=self._locale, tz=self._tz, prefix=subform_prefix, backref=getattr(subform, '_backref', None) ) self._forms[name] = subform setattr(self, name, subform) self._input_data = self._input_data or subform._input_data # Initialize form-sets for name, formset in self._sets.items(): sclass = formset.__class__ objs = formset._objs or get_obj_value(obj, name) formset_name = '{prefix}{name}'.format( prefix=self._prefix, name=name.lower() ) formset = sclass( form_class=formset._form_class, name=formset_name, data=data, objs=objs, files=files, locale=self._locale, tz=self._tz, create_new=formset._create_new, backref=formset._backref ) self._sets[name] = formset setattr(self, name, formset) for _form in formset._forms: self._input_data = self._input_data or _form._input_data # Initialize fields for name, field in self._fields.items(): subdata = data.getlist(self._prefix + name) subfiles = files.getlist(self._prefix + name) self._input_data = self._input_data or subdata or subfiles obj_value = get_obj_value(obj, name) was_deleted = self._prefix + name + '__deleted' in data if was_deleted: subdata = obj_value = subfiles = None field.load_data(subdata, obj_value, file_data=subfiles, locale=self._locale, tz=self._tz) # delete field data if was_deleted: field._deleted = True def reset(self): for subform in self._forms.values(): subform.reset() for formset in self._sets.values(): formset.reset() for field in self._fields.values(): field.reset() def __iter__(self): """Iterate form fields in arbitrary order. """ return itervalues(self._fields) def __getitem__(self, name): return self._fields[name] def __contains__(self, name): return (name in self._fields) @property def has_input_data(self): return bool(self._input_data) @property def has_changed(self): return len(self.changed_fields) > 0 def is_valid(self): """Return whether the current values of the form fields are all valid. """ self.cleaned_data = {} self.changed_fields = [] self.validated = False self._errors = {} self._named_errors = {} cleaned_data = {} changed_fields = [] errors = {} named_errors = {} # Validate sub forms for name, subform in self._forms.items(): if not subform.is_valid(): errors[name] = subform._errors named_errors.update(subform._named_errors) continue if subform.has_changed: changed_fields.append(name) # Validate sub sets for name, formset in self._sets.items(): if not formset.is_valid(): errors[name] = formset._errors named_errors.update(formset._named_errors) continue if formset.has_changed: changed_fields.append(name) # Validate each field for name, field in self._fields.items(): field.error = None py_value = field.validate(self) if field.error: errors[name] = field.error named_errors[] = field.error continue cleaned_data[name] = py_value if hasattr(field, '_deleted'): cleaned_data[name] = None field.has_changed = True if field.has_changed: changed_fields.append(name) # Validate relation between fields for name, field in self._fields.items(): field.validate(self, cleaned_data) if field.error: errors[name] = field.error named_errors[] = field.error continue if errors: self._errors = errors self._named_errors = named_errors return False self.changed_fields = changed_fields self.cleaned_data = self.clean(cleaned_data) self.validated = True return True def save(self, backref_obj=None): """Save the cleaned data to the initial object or creating a new one (if a `model_class` was provided). """ if not self.validated: assert self.is_valid() if self._model and not self._obj: obj = self._save_new_object(backref_obj) else: obj = self.save_to(self._obj) for key, subform in self._forms.items(): data = if self._model and not data: continue set_obj_value(obj, key, data) for key, formset in self._sets.items(): data = if self._model and not data: continue set_obj_value(obj, key, data) return obj def _save_new_object(self, backref_obj=None): db = self._model.db data = dict([ (key, val) for key, val in self.cleaned_data.items() if ( (not isinstance(getattr(self, key), FormSet)) and (not isinstance(getattr(self, key), Form)) ) ]) if self._backref and backref_obj: data[self._backref] = backref_obj obj = self._model(**data) db.add(obj) return obj def save_to(self, obj): """Save the cleaned data to an object. """ if isinstance(obj, dict): obj = dict(obj) for key in self.changed_fields: if key in self.cleaned_data: val = self.cleaned_data.get(key) set_obj_value(obj, key, val) return obj def __repr__(self): return '<%s>' % self.__class__.__name__ ``` #### File: solution/validators/ ```python from email.utils import parseaddr import re from .._compat import string_types, urlsplit, urlunsplit, to_unicode from .validator import Validator class Match(Validator): """Validates the field against a regular expression. :param regex: The regular expression string to use. Can also be a compiled regular expression pattern. :param flags: The regexp flags to use. By default re.IGNORECASE. Ignored if `regex` is not a string. :param message: Error message to raise in case of a validation error. """ message = u'This value doesn\'t seem to be valid.' def __init__(self, regex, message=None, flags=re.IGNORECASE): if isinstance(regex, string_types): regex = re.compile(regex, flags) self.regex = regex if message is not None: self.message = message def __call__(self, py_value=None, form=None): if py_value is None or py_value == u'': return True return self.regex.match(py_value or u'') class ValidColor(Match): """Validates that the field is a string representing a rgb or rgba color in the format `#rrggbb[aa]`. :param message: Error message to raise in case of a validation error. """ message = u'Enter a valid color.' regex = re.compile(r'#[0-9a-f]{6,8}', re.IGNORECASE) def __init__(self, message=None): if message is not None: self.message = message IsColor = ValidColor class ValidEmail(Validator): """Validates an email address. Note that the purpose of this validator is to alert the user of a typing mistake, so it uses a very permissive regexp. Even if the format is valid, it cannot guarantee that the email is real. :param message: Error message to raise in case of a validation error. """ message = u'Enter a valid e-mail address.' email_rx = re.compile( r'^[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9._%+-]*@[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9\-\.]{0,61}\.[A-Z0-9]+$', re.IGNORECASE) def __init__(self, message=None): if message is not None: self.message = message def __call__(self, py_value=None, form=None): if py_value is None or py_value == u'': return True if '@' not in py_value: return False py_value = parseaddr(py_value)[-1] if '.@' in py_value: return False try: py_value = self._encode_idna(py_value) except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeError): return False return bool(self.email_rx.match(py_value)) def _encode_idna(self, py_value): parts = py_value.split(u'@') domain = parts[-1] domain = domain.encode(u'idna') parts[-1] = to_unicode(domain) return u'@'.join(parts) class ValidURL(Validator): """Simple regexp based URL validation. Much like the IsEmail validator, you probably want to validate the URL later by other means if the URL must resolve. :param message: Error message to raise in case of a validation error. :param require_tld: If true, then the domain-name portion of the URL must contain a .tld suffix. Set this to false if you want to allow domains like `localhost`. """ message = u'Enter a valid URL.' url_rx = r'^([a-z]{3,7}:(//)?)?([^/:]+%s|([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})(:[0-9]+)?(\/.*)?$' def __init__(self, message=None, require_tld=True): tld_part = r'\.[a-z]{2,10}' if require_tld else u'' self.regex = re.compile(self.url_rx % tld_part, re.IGNORECASE) if message is not None: self.message = message def __call__(self, py_value=None, form=None): if py_value is None or py_value == u'': return True if self.regex.match(py_value): return True # Common case failed. Try for possible IDN domain-part try: py_value = self._encode_idna(py_value) return bool(self.regex.match(py_value)) except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeError): return False return False def _encode_idna(self, py_value): scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(py_value) netloc = netloc.encode('idna') # IDN -> ACE return urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment)) ``` #### File: solution/validators/ ```python from .validator import Validator from .._compat import string_types class Required(Validator): """Validates that the field contains data. :param message: Error message to raise in case of a validation error. """ message = u'This field is required.' def __call__(self, py_value=None, form=None): if isinstance(py_value, string_types): return bool(py_value.strip()) return py_value not in ('', None) class IsNumber(Validator): """Validates that the field is a number (integer or floating point). :param message: Error message to raise in case of a validation error. """ message = u'Enter a number.' def __call__(self, py_value=None, form=None): if py_value is None or py_value == u'': return True try: float(py_value) except Exception: return False return True ``` #### File: solution/validators/ ```python class Validator(object): """Base field Validator. :param message: Error message to raise in case of a validation error. """ message = u'Invalid value.' def __init__(self, message=None): if message is not None: self.message = message ``` #### File: solution/validators/ ```python from .._compat import to_unicode, string_types from .validator import Validator class LongerThan(Validator): """Validates the length of a value is longer or equal than minimum. :param length: The minimum required length of the value. :param message: Error message to raise in case of a validation error """ message = u'Field must be at least %s character long.' def __init__(self, length, message=None): assert isinstance(length, int) self.length = length if message is None: message = self.message % (length,) self.message = message def __call__(self, py_value=None, form=None): if py_value is None or py_value == u'': return True py_value = to_unicode(py_value) return len(py_value) >= self.length class ShorterThan(Validator): """Validates the length of a value is shorter or equal than maximum. :param length: The maximum allowed length of the value. :param message: Error message to raise in case of a validation error """ message = u'Field cannot be longer than %s character.' def __init__(self, length, message=None): assert isinstance(length, int) self.length = length if message is None: message = self.message % (length,) self.message = message def __call__(self, py_value=None, form=None): if py_value is None or py_value == u'': return True py_value = to_unicode(py_value or u'') return len(py_value) <= self.length class LessThan(Validator): """Validates that a value is less or equal than another. This will work with integers, floats, decimals and strings. :param value: The maximum value acceptable. :param message: Error message to raise in case of a validation error """ message = u'Number must be less than %s.' def __init__(self, value, message=None): self.value = value if message is None: message = self.message % (value,) self.message = message def __call__(self, py_value=None, form=None): if py_value is None or py_value == u'': return True if isinstance(py_value, string_types): py_value = try_to_number(py_value) if py_value is None: return False value = py_value or 0 return value <= self.value class MoreThan(Validator): """Validates that a value is greater or equal than another. This will work with any integers, floats, decimals and strings. :param value: The minimum value acceptable. :param message: Error message to raise in case of a validation error """ message = u'Number must be greater than %s.' def __init__(self, value, message=None): self.value = value if message is None: message = self.message % (value,) self.message = message def __call__(self, py_value=None, form=None): if py_value is None or py_value == u'': return True if isinstance(py_value, string_types): py_value = try_to_number(py_value) if py_value is None: return False value = py_value or 0 return value >= self.value class InRange(Validator): """Validates that a value is of a minimum and/or maximum value. This will work with integers, floats, decimals and strings. :param minval: The minimum value acceptable. :param maxval: The maximum value acceptable. :param message: Error message to raise in case of a validation error """ message = u'Number must be between %s and %s.' def __init__(self, minval, maxval, message=None): self.minval = minval self.maxval = maxval if message is None: message = self.message % (minval, maxval) self.message = message def __call__(self, py_value=None, form=None): if py_value is None or py_value == u'': return True if isinstance(py_value, string_types): py_value = try_to_number(py_value) if py_value is None: return False value = py_value or 0 if value < self.minval: return False if value > self.maxval: return False return True def try_to_number(value): try: return float(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): return value ``` #### File: solution/tests/ ```python from datetime import datetime import pytz import solution as f to_unicode = f._compat.to_unicode def _clean(form, value, **kwargs): return value def test_render_date(): field = f.Date(tz='America/Lima') # utc-5 = u'abc' field.load_data(obj_value=datetime(1979, 5, 30, 4, 0, 0)) assert field() == field.as_input() assert (field(foo='bar') == u'<input foo="bar" name="abc" type="date" value="1979-05-29">') assert (field.as_textarea(foo='bar') == u'<textarea foo="bar" name="abc">1979-05-29</textarea>') assert (field(foo='bar', type='text') == u'<input foo="bar" name="abc" type="text" value="1979-05-29">') def test_render_date_extra(): field = f.Date(tz='America/Lima', data_modal=True, aria_label='test', foo='niet', clean=_clean) = u'abc' field.load_data(obj_value=datetime(1979, 5, 30, 4, 0, 0)) assert field() == field.as_input() assert (field(foo='bar') == u'<input aria-label="test" foo="bar" name="abc" type="date" value="1979-05-29" data-modal>') assert (field.as_textarea(foo='bar') == u'<textarea aria-label="test" foo="bar" name="abc" data-modal>1979-05-29</textarea>') assert (field(foo='bar', type='text') == u'<input aria-label="test" foo="bar" name="abc" type="text" value="1979-05-29" data-modal>') def test_render_required(): field = f.Date(validate=[f.Required]) = u'abc' assert field() == u'<input name="abc" type="date" value="" required>' assert field.as_textarea() == u'<textarea name="abc" required></textarea>' def test_render_default(): field = f.Date(default=datetime(2013, 7, 28, 4, 0, 0)) # default tz is utc = u'abc' assert field() == u'<input name="abc" type="date" value="2013-07-28">' field = f.Date(tz='America/Lima', default=datetime(2013, 7, 28, 4, 0, 0)) = u'abc' assert field() == u'<input name="abc" type="date" value="2013-07-27">' # def test_validate_date(): # field = f.Date(tz='America/Lima') # assert field.validate() is None # field = f.Date(tz='America/Lima') # field.load_data(u'1979-05-13') # assert field.validate() == datetime(1979, 5, 13, 5, 0, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc) # field = f.Date(tz='America/Lima') # field.load_data([u'1979-05-13']) # assert field.validate() == datetime(1979, 5, 13, 5, 0, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc) # field = f.Date(tz='America/Lima') # field.load_data(u'invalid') # assert field.validate() is None def test_validate_date_with_default(): now = datetime.utcnow() field = f.Date(default=now) assert field.validate() == now def test_form_tz(): class MyForm(f.Form): mydate = f.Date() dt = datetime(1979, 5, 30, 4, 0, 0) form = MyForm({}, {'mydate': dt}, tz='America/Lima') assert form.mydate.as_input() == u'<input name="mydate" type="date" value="1979-05-29">' ``` #### File: solution/tests/ ```python import solution as f """Test calculate_dimensions for n cases: 1) the height and width of the current image is smaller than the desired dimensions. 2) the height of the current image is smaller than the desired height but the width larger. 3) The width of the current image is smaller than the desired width but the height is larger. 4) The width and height of the current image is larger than the desired dimensions. """ def test_calculate_dimensions_case_1(): current_size = (300, 480) desired_size = (600, 800) assert None is f.Image.calculate_dimensions(current_size, desired_size) def test_calculate_dimensions_case_2(): current_size = (600, 480) desired_size = (300, 800) assert (150, 0, 300, 480) == f.Image.calculate_dimensions(current_size, desired_size) def test_calculate_dimensions_case_3(): current_size = (300, 800) desired_size = (600, 480) assert (0, 160, 300, 480) == f.Image.calculate_dimensions(current_size, desired_size) def test_calculate_dimensions_case_4(): current_size = (600, 800) desired_size = (300, 480) assert (150, 160, 300, 480) == f.Image.calculate_dimensions(current_size, desired_size) ``` #### File: solution/tests/ ```python from datetime import date import solution as f to_unicode = f._compat.to_unicode def _clean(form, value, **kwargs): return value def test_render_date(): field = f.SimpleDate() = u'abc' field.load_data(obj_value=date(1979, 5, 13)) assert field() == field.as_input() assert (field(foo='bar') == u'<input foo="bar" name="abc" type="date" value="1979-05-13">') assert (field.as_textarea(foo='bar') == u'<textarea foo="bar" name="abc">1979-05-13</textarea>') assert (field(foo='bar', type='text') == u'<input foo="bar" name="abc" type="text" value="1979-05-13">') def test_render_date_extra(): field = f.SimpleDate(data_modal=True, aria_label='test', foo='niet', clean=_clean) = u'abc' field.load_data(obj_value=date(1979, 5, 13)) assert field() == field.as_input() assert (field(foo='bar') == u'<input aria-label="test" foo="bar" name="abc" type="date" value="1979-05-13" data-modal>') assert (field.as_textarea(foo='bar') == u'<textarea aria-label="test" foo="bar" name="abc" data-modal>1979-05-13</textarea>') assert (field(foo='bar', type='text') == u'<input aria-label="test" foo="bar" name="abc" type="text" value="1979-05-13" data-modal>') def test_render_required(): field = f.SimpleDate(validate=[f.Required]) = u'abc' assert field() == u'<input name="abc" type="date" value="" required>' assert field.as_textarea() == u'<textarea name="abc" required></textarea>' def test_render_default(): field = f.SimpleDate(default=date(2013, 7, 28)) = u'abc' assert field() == u'<input name="abc" type="date" value="2013-07-28">' def test_validate_date(): field = f.SimpleDate() assert field.validate() is None field = f.SimpleDate() field.load_data(u'1979-05-13') assert field.validate() == date(1979, 5, 13) field = f.SimpleDate() field.load_data([u'1979-05-13']) assert field.validate() == date(1979, 5, 13) field = f.SimpleDate() field.load_data(u'invalid') assert field.validate() is None def test_validate_date_with_default(): today = field = f.SimpleDate(default=today) assert field.validate() == today ``` #### File: solution/tests/ ```python from datetime import datetime import pytz import solution as f to_unicode = f._compat.to_unicode def _clean(form, value, **kwargs): return value def test_render_field(): field = f.SplittedDateTime(tz='America/Lima') # utc-5 = u'abc' field.load_data(obj_value=datetime(1979, 5, 30, 4, 20, 0)) assert field() == field.as_inputs() assert (field(foo='bar') == u'<input foo="bar" name="abc" type="date" value="1979-05-29">' u'<input foo="bar" name="abc" type="time" value="11:20 PM">') assert (field(foo='bar', type='text') == u'<input foo="bar" name="abc" type="text" value="1979-05-29">' u'<input foo="bar" name="abc" type="text" value="11:20 PM">') assert (field.as_input_date(foo='bar') == u'<input foo="bar" name="abc" type="date" value="1979-05-29">') assert (field.as_input_time(foo='bar') == u'<input foo="bar" name="abc" type="time" value="11:20 PM">') def test_render_date_extra(): field = f.SplittedDateTime(tz='America/Lima', data_modal=True, aria_label='test', foo='niet', clean=_clean) = u'abc' field.load_data(obj_value=datetime(1979, 5, 30, 4, 20, 0)) assert (field(foo='bar') == u'<input aria-label="test" foo="bar" name="abc" type="date" value="1979-05-29" data-modal>' u'<input aria-label="test" foo="bar" name="abc" type="time" value="11:20 PM" data-modal>') def test_render_required(): field = f.SplittedDateTime(validate=[f.Required]) = u'abc' assert (field() == u'<input name="abc" type="date" value="" required>' u'<input name="abc" type="time" value="" required>') def test_render_default(): field = f.SplittedDateTime(default=datetime(2013, 7, 28, 16, 20, 0)) # default tz is utc = u'abc' assert (field() == u'<input name="abc" type="date" value="2013-07-28">' u'<input name="abc" type="time" value="4:20 PM">') field = f.SplittedDateTime(tz='America/Lima', default=datetime(2013, 7, 28, 16, 20, 0)) = u'abc' assert (field() == u'<input name="abc" type="date" value="2013-07-28">' u'<input name="abc" type="time" value="11:20 AM">') def test_validate_date(): field = f.SplittedDateTime(tz='America/Lima') assert field.validate() is None field = f.SplittedDateTime(tz='America/Lima') field.load_data([u'1979-05-13']) assert field.validate() == datetime(1979, 5, 13, 5, 0, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc) field = f.SplittedDateTime(tz='America/Lima') field.load_data([u'1979-05-13', u'8:14 PM']) assert field.validate() == datetime(1979, 5, 14, 1, 14, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc) field = f.SplittedDateTime(tz='America/Lima') field.load_data([u'1979-05-13', u'20:14']) assert field.validate() == datetime(1979, 5, 14, 1, 14, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc) field = f.SplittedDateTime(tz='America/Lima') field.load_data([u'invalid', u'20:14']) assert field.validate() is None def test_validate_date_with_default(): now = datetime.utcnow() field = f.SplittedDateTime(default=now) assert field.validate() == now ``` #### File: solution/tests/ ```python import datetime import solution as f to_unicode = f._compat.to_unicode def _clean(form, value, **kwargs): return value def test_render_time(): field = f.Time() = u'abc' field.load_data(obj_value=datetime.time(11, 55)) assert field() == field.as_input() assert (field(foo='bar') == u'<input foo="bar" name="abc" type="time" value="11:55 AM">') assert (field.as_textarea(foo='bar') == u'<textarea foo="bar" name="abc">11:55 AM</textarea>') assert (field(foo='bar', type='text') == u'<input foo="bar" name="abc" type="text" value="11:55 AM">') def test_render_time_extra(): field = f.Time(data_modal=True, aria_label='test', foo='niet', clean=_clean) = u'abc' field.load_data(obj_value=datetime.time(11, 55)) assert field() == field.as_input() assert (field(foo='bar') == u'<input aria-label="test" foo="bar" name="abc" type="time" value="11:55 AM" data-modal>') assert (field.as_textarea(foo='bar') == u'<textarea aria-label="test" foo="bar" name="abc" data-modal>11:55 AM</textarea>') assert (field(foo='bar', type='text') == u'<input aria-label="test" foo="bar" name="abc" type="text" value="11:55 AM" data-modal>') def test_render_required(): field = f.Time(validate=[f.Required]) = u'abc' assert field() == u'<input name="abc" type="time" value="" required>' assert field.as_textarea() == u'<textarea name="abc" required></textarea>' def test_render_default(): field = f.Time(default=datetime.time(9, 16)) = u'abc' assert field() == u'<input name="abc" type="time" value="9:16 AM">' field = f.Time(default=datetime.time(21, 16)) = u'abc' assert field() == u'<input name="abc" type="time" value="9:16 PM">' def test_validate_time(): field = f.Time() assert field.validate() is None field = f.Time() field.load_data(u'4:55 PM') assert field.validate() == datetime.time(16, 55) field = f.Time() field.load_data(u'4:55:13 AM') assert field.validate() == datetime.time(4, 55, 13) field = f.Time() field.load_data(u'invalid') assert field.validate() is None field = f.Time() field.load_data(u'16:23 PM') assert field.validate() is None def test_validate_24hours(): field = f.Time() field.load_data(u'16:23') assert field.validate() == datetime.time(16, 23) field = f.Time() field.load_data(u'4:23') assert field.validate() == datetime.time(4, 23) field = f.Time() field.load_data(u'16:23:55') assert field.validate() == datetime.time(16, 23, 55) def test_validate_time_with_default(): dt = datetime.time(4, 48, 16) field = f.Time(default=dt) assert field.validate() == dt ```
{ "source": "jpscaletti/sqlalchemy-wrapper", "score": 3 }
#### File: sqlalchemy-wrapper/sqla_wrapper/ ```python from typing import Any from sqlalchemy import inspect __all__ = ("BaseModel", ) class BaseModel: def fill(self, **attrs) -> Any: """Fill the object with the values of the attrs dict.""" for name in attrs: setattr(self, name, attrs[name]) return self def __repr__(self) -> str: output = ["<", self.__class__.__name__, f" #{id(self)}"] for attr in self._iter_attrs(): output.append(f"\n {self._repr_attr(attr)}") output.append(">") return "".join(output) def _iter_attrs(self): names = inspect(self.__class__).columns.keys() for name in names: yield (name, getattr(self, name)) def _repr_attr(self, attr): name, value = attr if hasattr(value, "isoformat"): value = value.isoformat() else: value = repr(value) return f"{name} = {value}" ``` #### File: sqlalchemy-wrapper/tests/ ```python from sqlalchemy import * # noqa def test_first(dbs, TestModelA): dbs.add(TestModelA(title="Lorem")) dbs.add(TestModelA(title="Ipsum")) dbs.add(TestModelA(title="Sit")) dbs.commit() obj = dbs.first(TestModelA) assert obj.title == "Lorem" def test_create(dbs, TestModelA): dbs.create(TestModelA, title="Remember") dbs.commit() obj = dbs.first(TestModelA) assert obj.title == "Remember" def test_all(dbs, TestModelA): dbs.create(TestModelA, title="Lorem") dbs.create(TestModelA, title="Ipsum") dbs.commit() obj_list = dbs.all(TestModelA) assert len(obj_list) == 2 def test_create_or_first_using_create(dbs, TestModelA): obj1 = dbs.create_or_first(TestModelA, title="Lorem Ipsum") assert obj1 dbs.commit() obj2 = dbs.create_or_first(TestModelA, title="Lorem Ipsum") assert obj1 == obj2 def test_create_or_first_using_first(dbs, TestModelA): obj1 = dbs.create(TestModelA, title="Lorem Ipsum") assert obj1 dbs.commit() obj2 = dbs.create_or_first(TestModelA, title="Lorem Ipsum") assert obj1 == obj2 def test_first_or_create_using_first(dbs, TestModelA): obj1 = dbs.create(TestModelA, title="Lorem Ipsum") assert obj1 dbs.commit() obj2 = dbs.first_or_create(TestModelA, title="Lorem Ipsum") assert obj1 == obj2 def test_first_or_create_using_create(dbs, TestModelA): assert dbs.first_or_create(TestModelA, id=1, title="Lorem Ipsum") dbs.commit() obj = dbs.first_or_create(TestModelA, title="Lorem Ipsum") assert obj and == 1 def test_paginate(memdb): class Product(memdb.Model): __tablename__ = "products" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) memdb.create_all() total = 980 with memdb.Session() as dbs: for _ in range(total): dbs.add(Product()) dbs.commit() query = select(Product) p = dbs.paginate( query, total=total, page=2, per_page=50, ) assert p.num_pages == 20 assert p.items[0].id == 51 ```
{ "source": "jpsca/monolith", "score": 2 }
#### File: monolith/demo/ ```python from pathlib import Path from flask import Flask, render_template, request from models import db, seed_data, Cart, Product from turbo import render_update, turbo_stream app = Flask(__name__) app.debug = True app.config["RELOADER"] = True app.config["SECRET_KEY"] = b'_5#y2L"F4Q8z\n\xec]/' app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"] = "sqlite:///:memory:" app.config["SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS"] = False app.config["SQLALCHEMY_RECORD_QUERIES"] = False app.config["SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS"] = False app.jinja_env.globals["stream"] = turbo_stream app.jinja_env.filters["stream"] = turbo_stream db.init_app(app) with app.app_context(): seed_data() @app.route("/") def index(): return render_template( "index.html", products=Product.get_all(), counter=Cart.count(), ) @app.route("/about") def about(): return render_template( "about.html", ) @app.route("/lazy") def lazy(): return render_update("lazy.html") @app.route("/cart") def cart_index(): return render_update( "cart/cart.html", cart_items=Cart.get_all(), ) @app.route("/cart/add", methods=["POST"]) def cart_add(): product_id = request.args.get("product_id", type=int) product = Product.first(id=product_id) if not product: return "" Cart.add(product) return render_update( "cart/add.html", counter=Cart.count(), ) @app.route("/cart/remove", methods=["POST"]) def cart_remove(): product_id = request.args.get("product_id", type=int) product = Product.first(id=product_id) if not product: return "" Cart.remove(product) return render_update( "cart/remove.html", counter=Cart.count(), cart_items=Cart.get_all(), ) ``` #### File: monolith/demo/ ```python from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError db = SQLAlchemy() class Base(db.Model): __abstract__ = True @classmethod def create(cls, **attrs): obj = cls(**attrs) db.session.add(obj) db.session.commit() return obj @classmethod def first(cls, **attrs): """Returns the first object found with these attributes.""" return db.session.query(cls).filter_by(**attrs).first() @classmethod def first_or_create(cls, **attrs): """Tries to find a record, and if none exists it tries to creates a new one, adding the extra attributes. """ obj = cls.first(**attrs) if obj: return obj return cls.create_or_first(**attrs) @classmethod def create_or_first(cls, **attrs): """Tries to create a new record, and if it fails because already exists, return the first it founds.""" try: return cls.create(**attrs) except IntegrityError: db.session.rollback() return cls.first(**attrs) class Product(Base): __tablename__ = "products" id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) price = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, default=0) @classmethod def basequery(cls): return db.session.query(cls) @classmethod def get_all(cls): return cls.basequery().order_by( class Cart(Base): __tablename__ = "carts" id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) product_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(""), nullable=False) name = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False, default="") price = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, default=0) @classmethod def basequery(cls, user_id=1): return db.session.query(cls) @classmethod def get_all(cls, user_id=1): return cls.basequery(user_id).all() @classmethod def count(cls, user_id=1): return cls.basequery(user_id).count() @classmethod def add(cls, product, user_id=1): item = Cart.first_or_create(, user_id=1 ) = item.price = product.price db.session.commit() @classmethod def remove(cls, product, user_id=1): item = Cart.first(, user_id=1) if item: db.session.delete(item) db.session.commit() def seed_data(): db.create_all() db.session.add(Product(name="Apple", price="140")) db.session.add(Product(name="Pear", price="65")) db.session.add(Product(name="Banana", price="90")) db.session.commit() ```
{ "source": "jpsca/pforms", "score": 3 }
#### File: proper_forms/fields/ ```python from .text import Text from ..ftypes import type_date __all__ = ("Date", ) class Date(Text): """A simple date field formatted as `YYYY-MM-dd`. Example: "1980-07-28". """ input_type = "date" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.error_messages.setdefault( "type", "Date must have a YYYY-MM-dd format." ) def prepare(self, object_value): return [object_value.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")] def type(self, value): return type_date(value) ``` #### File: proper_forms/fields/ ```python from datetime import datetime from .text import Text from ..ftypes import type_date, type_time __all__ = ("DateTime",) class DateTime(Text): """A simple date-time field formatted as `YYYY-MM-dd` with the time in 12 or 24-hours format, seconds optional. Examples: "1980-07-28 5:03 AM", "2019-09-08 4:20:16 PM", "2019-09-08 16:34". """ input_type = "date" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.error_messages.setdefault( "type", "DateTime must have a YYYY-MM-dd with time in 12h or 24h format," " seconds optional.", ) def prepare(self, object_value): return [ self._prepare_date(object_value) + " " + self._prepare_time(object_value) ] def _prepare_date(self, object_value): return object_value.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") def _prepare_time(self, object_value): value = "{}:{:02d}".format( object_value.hour if object_value.hour <= 12 else object_value.hour - 12, object_value.minute, ) if object_value.second: value += ":{:02d}".format(object_value.second) value += object_value.strftime(" %p") return value def type(self, value): if " " not in value: value += " 00:00" # So it always has a time date_part, time_part = value.split(" ", maxsplit=1) return datetime.combine(type_date(date_part), type_time(time_part)) ``` #### File: proper_forms/fields/ ```python from .text import Text from ..ftypes import type_email __all__ = ("Email", ) class Email(Text): """Validates and normalize an email address using the JoshData/python-email-validator library. Even if the format is valid, it cannot guarantee that the email is real, so the purpose of this function is to alert the user of a typing mistake. The normalizations include lowercasing the domain part of the email address (domain names are case-insensitive), unicode "NFC" normalization of the whole address (which turns characters plus combining characters into precomposed characters where possible and replaces certain unicode characters (such as angstrom and ohm) with other equivalent code points (a-with-ring and omega, respectively)), replacement of fullwidth and halfwidth characters in the domain part, and possibly other UTS46 mappings on the domain part. Options: check_dns (bool): Check if the domain name in the email address resolves. There is nothing to be gained by trying to actually contact an SMTP server, so that's not done. allow_smtputf8 (bool): Accept non-ASCII characters in the local part of the address (before the @-sign). These email addresses require that your mail submission library and the mail servers along the route to the destination, including your own outbound mail server, all support the [SMTPUTF8 (RFC 6531)]( extension. By default this is set to `False`. """ input_type = "email" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.error_messages.setdefault("type", "Doesn‘t look like a valid e-mail.") def type(self, value, check_dns=False, allow_smtputf8=False): return type_email(value, check_dns=check_dns, allow_smtputf8=allow_smtputf8) ``` #### File: proper_forms/fields/ ```python from .text import Text __all__ = ("Splitted", ) class Splitted(Text): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): assert not kwargs.get("collection"), "A splitted field cannot be a collection." super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) ``` #### File: proper_forms/ftypes/ ```python __all__ = ("type_boolean", ) default_false_values = ("", "none", "0", "no", "nope", "nah", "off", "false") def type_boolean(value, false_values=default_false_values): if value in (False, None): return False if str(value).strip().lower() in false_values: return False return True ``` #### File: proper_forms/ftypes/ ```python from email_validator import validate_email __all__ = ("type_email", ) def type_email(value, check_dns=False, allow_smtputf8=False): """Validates and normalize an email address using the JoshData/python-email-validator library. Even if the format is valid, it cannot guarantee that the email is real. The purpose of this function is to alert the user of a typing mistake. The normalizations include lowercasing the domain part of the email address (domain names are case-insensitive), Unicode "NFC" normalization of the whole address (which turns characters plus combining characters into precomposed characters where possible and replaces certain Unicode characters (such as angstrom and ohm) with other equivalent code points (a-with-ring and omega, respectively)), replacement of fullwidth and halfwidth characters in the domain part, and possibly other UTS46 mappings on the domain part. Options: check_dns (bool): Check if the domain name in the email address resolves. There is nothing to be gained by trying to actually contact an SMTP server, so that's not done. allow_smtputf8 (bool): Accept non-ASCII characters in the local part of the address (before the @-sign). These email addresses require that your mail submission library and the mail servers along the route to the destination, including your own outbound mail server, all support the [SMTPUTF8 (RFC 6531)]( extension. By default this is set to `False`. """ try: v = validate_email( value, check_deliverability=check_dns, allow_smtputf8=allow_smtputf8, ) return v["email"] except (ValueError, TypeError): return None ``` #### File: tests/fields/ ```python from datetime import date, datetime, time import pytest from proper_forms import fields as f TEST_DATA = [ ( f.Date, "1573-09-11", date(1573, 9, 11), "invalid", "Date must have a YYYY-MM-dd format.", ), ( f.DateTime, "1573-09-11 16:23", datetime(1573, 9, 11, 16, 23), "invalid", "DateTime must have a YYYY-MM-dd with time in 12h or 24h format," " seconds optional.", ), ( f.DateTime, "1573-09-11 16:23:15", datetime(1573, 9, 11, 16, 23, 15), "invalid", "DateTime must have a YYYY-MM-dd with time in 12h or 24h format," " seconds optional.", ), ( f.DateTime, "1573-09-11 4:23 AM", datetime(1573, 9, 11, 4, 23), "invalid", "DateTime must have a YYYY-MM-dd with time in 12h or 24h format," " seconds optional.", ), ( f.DateTime, "1573-09-11 4:23:15 PM", datetime(1573, 9, 11, 16, 23, 15), "invalid", "DateTime must have a YYYY-MM-dd with time in 12h or 24h format," " seconds optional.", ), ( f.Email, "<EMAIL>", "<EMAIL>", "invalid", "Doesn‘t look like a valid e-mail.", ), ( f.HexColor, "#fef", "#ffeeff", "invalid", "Enter color in #hex, rgb() or rgba() format.", ), ( f.Integer, "123", 123, "invalid", "Not a valid integer.", ), ( f.Float, "123.2", 123.2, "invalid", "Not a valid float number.", ), ( f.Month, "1973-05", date(1973, 5, 1), "invalid", "Month must have a YYYY-MM format.", ), ( f.Time, "5:34 am", time(5, 34, 0), "invalid", "Enter a time in a 12h or 24h format.", ), ( f.Time, "5:34:55 am", time(5, 34, 55), "invalid", "Enter a time in a 12h or 24h format.", ), ( f.Time, "18:34", time(18, 34, 0), "invalid", "Enter a time in a 12h or 24h format.", ), ( f.Time, "18:34:55", time(18, 34, 55), "invalid", "Enter a time in a 12h or 24h format.", ), ( f.URL, "", "", "inv..alid", "Doesn‘t look like a valid URL.", ), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("Field, valid, expected, invalid, error", TEST_DATA) def test_fields(Field, valid, expected, invalid, error): field = Field() field.input_values = [valid] assert field.validate() == expected assert field.error is None assert field.error_value is None field.input_values = [invalid] assert field.validate() is None assert field.error == error assert field.error_value == invalid @pytest.mark.parametrize("Field, _valid, _expected, invalid, _error", TEST_DATA) def test_required_filtered_values(Field, _valid, _expected, invalid, _error): field = Field(required=True, strict=False) field.input_values = [invalid] assert field.validate() is None assert field.error == "This field is required." @pytest.mark.parametrize("Field, valid, expected, invalid, error", TEST_DATA) def test_field_single(Field, valid, expected, invalid, error): field = Field() field.input_values = [valid] assert field.validate() == expected assert field.error is None assert field.error_value is None @pytest.mark.parametrize("Field, valid, expected, invalid, error", TEST_DATA) def test_fields_multiple(Field, valid, expected, invalid, error): field = Field(multiple=True) field.input_values = [valid, valid, valid] assert field.validate() == [expected, expected, expected] assert field.error is None assert field.error_value is None field.input_values = [valid, invalid, valid] assert field.validate() is None assert field.error == error assert field.error_value == invalid @pytest.mark.parametrize("Field, valid, _expected, invalid, _error", TEST_DATA) def test_fields_single_not_strict(Field, valid, _expected, invalid, _error): field = Field(strict=False) field.input_values = [invalid] assert field.validate() is None assert field.error is None assert field.error_value is None @pytest.mark.parametrize("Field, valid, expected, invalid, _error", TEST_DATA) def test_fields_multiple_not_strict(Field, valid, expected, invalid, _error): field = Field(multiple=True, strict=False) field.input_values = [valid, invalid, valid] assert field.validate() == [expected, expected] assert field.error is None assert field.error_value is None TEST_DATA_PREPARE = [ (f.Date, ["1973-09-11"], date(1973, 9, 11)), (f.DateTime, ["1973-09-11 4:24 PM"], datetime(1973, 9, 11, 16, 24)), (f.DateTime, ["1973-09-11 4:24:15 AM"], datetime(1973, 9, 11, 4, 24, 15)), (f.Integer, ["123"], 123), (f.Float, ["123.2"], 123.2), (f.Month, ["1973-05"], date(1973, 5, 1)), (f.SplittedDateTime, ["1973-09-11", "5:34 AM"], datetime(1973, 9, 11, 5, 34, 0)), (f.SplittedDateTime, ["1973-09-11", "4:20:17 PM"], datetime(1973, 9, 11, 16, 20, 17)), (f.Time, ["5:34 AM"], time(5, 34, 0)), (f.Time, ["4:20:17 PM"], time(16, 20, 17)), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("Field, expected, object_value", TEST_DATA_PREPARE) def test_fields_prepare(Field, expected, object_value): field = Field() field.object_value = object_value assert field.values == expected assert field.error is None assert field.error_value is None @pytest.mark.parametrize("Field, expected, object_value", TEST_DATA_PREPARE) def test_fields_updated(Field, expected, object_value): field = Field() field.input_values = expected assert field.validate() == object_value assert field.updated is True @pytest.mark.parametrize("Field, expected, object_value", TEST_DATA_PREPARE) def test_fields_not_updated(Field, expected, object_value): field = Field() field.input_values = expected field.object_value = object_value assert field.validate() == object_value assert field.updated is False def test_text(): field = f.Text() field.input_values = ["lorem", "ipsum"] assert field.validate() == "lorem" assert field.error is None assert field.error_value is None field = f.Text(multiple=True) field.input_values = ["lorem", "ipsum"] assert field.validate() == ["lorem", "ipsum"] def test_required_text(): field = f.Text(required=True) field.input_values = [] assert field.validate() is None assert field.error == "This field is required." field = f.Text(required=True) field.input_values = [""] assert field.validate() is None assert field.error == "This field is required." def test_slug(): field = f.Slug() field.input_values = ["This is a test ---", "meh"] assert field.validate() == "this-is-a-test" assert field.error is None assert field.error_value is None field = f.Slug(multiple=True, separator="_") field.input_values = ["lorem ipsum", "This is a test ---"] assert field.validate() == ["lorem_ipsum", "this_is_a_test"] def test_boolean(): field = f.Boolean() field.input_values = ["on"] assert field.validate() is True assert field.error is None assert field.error_value is None field.input_values = [""] assert field.validate() is False assert field.error is None assert field.error_value is None def test_boolean_single(): field = f.Boolean() field.input_values = ["on", "yes", "no"] assert field.validate() is True assert field.error is None assert field.error_value is None field.input_values = ["", "yes", "1"] assert field.validate() is False assert field.error is None assert field.error_value is None def test_boolean_multiple(): field = f.Boolean(multiple=True) field.input_values = ["on", "yes", "no"] assert field.validate() == [True, True, False] assert field.error is None assert field.error_value is None field.input_values = ["", "yes", "1"] assert field.validate() == [False, True, True] assert field.error is None assert field.error_value is None def test_splitted_date_time(): field = f.SplittedDateTime() field.input_values = ["1973-09-11", "5:34 pm"] assert field.validate() == datetime(1973, 9, 11, 17, 34, 0) assert field.error is None assert field.error_value is None field.input_values = ["1973-09-11"] assert field.validate() == datetime(1973, 9, 11, 0, 0, 0) assert field.error is None assert field.error_value is None field.input_values = ["invalid"] assert field.validate() is None assert field.error == "Invalid type." assert field.error_value == ("invalid", "00:00") field.input_values = ["invalid", "5:34 pm"] assert field.validate() is None assert field.error == "Invalid type." assert field.error_value == ("invalid", "5:34 pm") def test_splitted_date_time_single(): field = f.SplittedDateTime() field.input_values = ["2018-05-05", "16:30", "2019-05-05", "16:30"] result = field.validate() assert result == datetime(2018, 5, 5, 16, 30, 0) assert field.error is None assert field.error_value is None def test_splitted_date_time_multiple(): field = f.SplittedDateTime(multiple=True) field.input_values = ["2018-05-05", "16:30", "2019-05-05", "16:30"] result = field.validate() expected = [datetime(2018, 5, 5, 16, 30, 0), datetime(2019, 5, 5, 16, 30, 0)] assert result == expected assert field.error is None assert field.error_value is None def test_splitted_date_time_single_not_strict(): field = f.SplittedDateTime(strict=False) field.input_values = ["invalid"] assert field.validate() is None assert field.error is None assert field.error_value is None def test_splitted_date_time_multiple_not_strict(): field = f.SplittedDateTime(multiple=True, strict=False) field.input_values = ["2018-05-05", "16:30", "invalid", "lalala"] result = field.validate() expected = [datetime(2018, 5, 5, 16, 30, 0)] assert result == expected assert field.error is None assert field.error_value is None def test_splitted_fields_cannot_be_a_collection(): with pytest.raises(AssertionError): f.SplittedDateTime(collection=True) with pytest.raises(AssertionError): f.Splitted(collection=True) def test_splitted_fields_take_all_values(): class MyLittleSplitted(f.Splitted): def _typecast_values(self, values): self.called_with = values[:] return values field = MyLittleSplitted() field.input_values = ["a", "b", "c", "d"] assert field.validate() == "a" assert field.called_with == ["a", "b", "c", "d"] ``` #### File: tests/fields/ ```python import proper_forms.fields as f def test_text_as_checkbox(): field = f.Text(name="name") assert field.as_checkbox() == '<input name="name" type="checkbox">' def test_text_as_checkbox_with_label(): field = f.Text(name="name") assert ( field.as_checkbox(label="I have read the TOS") == '<label class="checkbox"><input name="name" type="checkbox">' " I have read the TOS</label>" ) def test_text_as_checkbox_checked(): field = f.Text(name="name") field.input_values = ["hello"] assert field.as_checkbox() == '<input name="name" type="checkbox" checked>' def test_boolean_as_checkbox(): field = f.Boolean(name="name") assert field.as_checkbox() == '<input name="name" type="checkbox">' def test_boolean_as_checkbox_checked(): field = f.Boolean(name="name") field.object_value = True assert field.as_checkbox() == '<input name="name" type="checkbox" checked>' def test_boolean_as_checkbox_force_checked(): field = f.Boolean(name="name") assert ( field.as_checkbox(checked=True) == '<input name="name" type="checkbox" checked>' ) def test_boolean_as_checkbox_custom_value(): field = f.Boolean(name="name") assert ( field.as_checkbox(value="newsletter") == '<input name="name" type="checkbox" value="newsletter">' ) def test_boolean_as_checkbox_custom_value_checked(): field = f.Boolean(name="name") field.input_values = ["newsletter"] assert ( field.as_checkbox(value="newsletter") == '<input name="name" type="checkbox" value="newsletter" checked>' ) def test_boolean_as_checkbox_custom_str_value_checked(): field = f.Boolean(name="name") field.input_values = [5] assert ( field.as_checkbox(value="5") == '<input name="name" type="checkbox" value="5" checked>' ) def test_boolean_as_checkbox_custom_str_reverse_value_checked(): field = f.Boolean(name="name") field.input_values = ["5"] assert ( field.as_checkbox(value=5) == '<input name="name" type="checkbox" value="5" checked>' ) def test_boolean_as_checkbox_custom_values_checked(): field = f.Boolean(name="name", multiple=True) field.input_values = ["alerts", "newsletter", "replies"] assert ( field.as_checkbox(value="newsletter") == '<input name="name" type="checkbox" value="newsletter" checked>' ) def test_boolean_as_checkbox_custom_value_unchecked(): field = f.Boolean(name="name") field.input_values = ["newsletter"] assert ( field.as_checkbox(value="direct") == '<input name="name" type="checkbox" value="direct">' ) def test_boolean_as_checkbox_custom_values_unchecked(): field = f.Boolean(name="name", multiple=True) field.input_values = ["alerts", "newsletter", "replies"] assert ( field.as_checkbox(value="direct") == '<input name="name" type="checkbox" value="direct">' ) def test_boolean_as_checkbox_custom_value_object_unchecked(): field = f.Boolean(name="name") field.object_value = True assert ( field.as_checkbox(value="newsletter") == '<input name="name" type="checkbox" value="newsletter">' ) ``` #### File: tests/fields/ ```python import proper_forms.fields as f def test_render_attrs(): field = f.Text() attrs = { "id": "text1", "classes": "myclass", "data_id": 1, "checked": True, "ignore": False, } assert ( str(field.render_attrs(**attrs)) == 'class="myclass" data-id="1" id="text1" checked' ) def test_render_attrs_empty(): field = f.Text() assert str(field.render_attrs()) == "" def test_render_attrs_bad(): field = f.Text() assert ( str(field.render_attrs(myattr="a'b\"><script>bad();</script>")) == 'myattr="a\'b&quot;&gt;&lt;script&gt;bad();&lt;/script&gt;"' ) def test_object_value(): field = f.Text(prepare=lambda x: [str(x * 2)]) field.object_value = 2 assert field.values == ["4"] assert field.value == "4" def test_input_values(): field = f.Text() field.input_values = ["hello"] assert field.values == ["hello"] assert field.value == "hello" def test_input_value_over_object_value(): field = f.Text() field.input_values = ["foo"] field.object_value = "bar" assert field.values == ["foo"] assert field.value == "foo" def test_render_error(): field = f.Text(required=True) assert str(field.render_error()) == "" field.validate() error = "This field is required." assert str(field.render_error()) == f'<div class="error">{error}</div>' assert str(field.render_error("p")) == f'<p class="error">{error}</p>' assert ( str(field.render_error(classes="errorMessage")) == f'<div class="errorMessage">{error}</div>' ) ``` #### File: tests/ftypes/ ```python from datetime import date import pytest from proper_forms.ftypes import type_date VALID_DATES = [ ("2019-05-29", date(2019, 5, 29)), ("2019-5-29", date(2019, 5, 29)), ("2999-12-31", date(2999, 12, 31)), ("1970-01-01", date(1970, 1, 1)), ("1970-1-1", date(1970, 1, 1)), ("1-01-1", date(1, 1, 1)), ] INVALID_DATES = [ "", "qwertyuiop", "2019/05/29", "2019-13-01", "2019-02-31", "2019-02-99", "-02-31", "02-31", "999999999-02-13", ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("value, expected", VALID_DATES) def test_type_date_valid(value, expected): assert type_date(value) == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("value", INVALID_DATES) def test_type_date_invalid(value): assert type_date(value) is None ``` #### File: tests/ftypes/ ```python import pytest from proper_forms.ftypes import type_hex_color VALID_COLORS = [ ("#2868c7", "#2868c7"), ("#FFF", "#ffffff"), ("#F2a", "#ff22aa"), ("#f2aa", "#ff22aaaa"), ("123", "#112233"), ("123456", "#123456"), ("rgb(0,0,0)", "#000000"), ("rgb(0, 0 ,0)", "#000000"), ("rgb( 0, 0 ,0 )", "#000000"), ("rgb(40,104,199)", "#2868c7"), ("rgba(40,104,199,0.5)", "#2868c780"), ("rgba(0,0,0)", "#000000"), ] INVALID_COLORS = [ "", "qwertyuiop", "1", "12", "12345", "#f", "#ff", "#abcde", "#g2e", "#ggff00", "rgb(256,0,0)", "rgb(0,-1,0)", "rgba(0,0,0,9)", ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("value, expected", VALID_COLORS) def test_type_hex_color_valid(value, expected): assert type_hex_color(value) == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("value", INVALID_COLORS) def test_type_hex_color_invalid(value): assert type_hex_color(value) is None ``` #### File: pforms/tests/ ```python import proper_forms as f def test_declare_form(): class ContactForm(f.Form): subject = f.Text(required=True) email = f.Email() message = f.Text(required=True, error_messages={"required": "write something!"}) form = ContactForm() assert sorted(form._fields) == [ "email", "message", "subject", ] assert form.updated_fields is None assert == "subject" assert == "email" assert == "message" def test_form_independence(): class AForm(f.Form): afield = f.Text() form1 = AForm({"afield": "1"}) form2 = AForm({"afield": "2"}) form3 = AForm({"afield": "3"}) assert form1.afield != form2.afield assert form1.afield != form3.afield assert form2.afield != form3.afield assert form1.afield.value == "1" assert form2.afield.value == "2" assert form3.afield.value == "3" def test_form_independence_same_input(): class AForm(f.Form): afield = f.Text() input_data = {"afield": "text"} form1 = AForm(input_data) form2 = AForm(input_data) form3 = AForm(input_data) assert form1.afield != form2.afield assert form1.afield != form3.afield assert form2.afield != form3.afield def test_form_independence_prefixes(): class AForm(f.Form): afield = f.Text() input_data = { f"f1{f.SEP}afield": "1", f"f2{f.SEP}afield": "2", f"f3{f.SEP}afield": "3", } form1 = AForm(input_data, prefix="f1") form2 = AForm(input_data, prefix="f2") form3 = AForm(input_data, prefix="f3") assert form1.afield != form2.afield assert form1.afield != form3.afield assert form2.afield != form3.afield assert form1.afield.value == "1" assert form2.afield.value == "2" assert form3.afield.value == "3" def test_declare_form_with_prefix(): class ContactForm(f.Form): subject = f.Text(required=True) email = f.Email() message = f.Text(required=True, error_messages={"required": "write something!"}) form = ContactForm(prefix="myform") assert sorted(form._fields) == [ "email", "message", "subject", ] assert == f"myform{f.SEP}subject" assert == f"myform{f.SEP}email" assert == f"myform{f.SEP}message" def test_validate_empty_form(): class MyForm(f.Form): lorem = f.Text() ipsum = f.Text() form = MyForm() assert form.validate() == {"lorem": None, "ipsum": None} assert form.updated_fields == [] def test_validate_blank_form(): class MyForm(f.Form): lorem = f.Text() ipsum = f.Text() form = MyForm({"lorem": "", "ipsum": ""}) assert form.validate() == {"lorem": "", "ipsum": ""} assert sorted(form.updated_fields) == ["ipsum", "lorem"] def test_validate_optional_form(): class MyForm(f.Form): lorem = f.Text() ipsum = f.Text() form = MyForm({"lorem": "foo", "ipsum": "bar"}) assert form.validate() == {"lorem": "foo", "ipsum": "bar"} assert sorted(form.updated_fields) == ["ipsum", "lorem"] def test_load_object(): class ContactForm(f.Form): subject = f.Text(required=True) email = f.Email() message = f.Text(required=True) data = { "subject": "Hello world", "email": "<EMAIL>", "message": "Lorem ipsum.", } form = ContactForm({}, data) assert form.subject.value == data["subject"] assert == data["email"] assert form.message.value == data["message"] def test_load_object_instance(): class ContactForm(f.Form): subject = f.Text(required=True) email = f.Email() message = f.Text(required=True) class MyObject(object): subject = "Hello world" email = "<EMAIL>" message = "Lorem ipsum." obj = MyObject() form = ContactForm({}, obj) assert form.subject.value == obj.subject assert == assert form.message.value == obj.message def test_validate_form_input(): class ContactForm(f.Form): subject = f.Text(required=True) email = f.Email() message = f.Text(required=True) data = { "subject": "Hello world", "email": "<EMAIL>", "message": "Lorem ipsum.", } form = ContactForm(data) assert form.validate() == data def test_validate_form_input_required(): class ContactForm(f.Form): subject = f.Text(required=True) message = f.Text(required=True) data = { "subject": "", "message": "", } form = ContactForm(data) assert form.validate() is None def test_do_not_validate_form_object(): class ContactForm(f.Form): subject = f.Text(required=True) email = f.Email() message = f.Text(required=True) class MyObject(object): subject = "Hello world" email = "<EMAIL>" message = "Lorem ipsum." obj = MyObject() form = ContactForm({}, obj) assert form.validate() is None def test_validate_form_error(): class ContactForm(f.Form): subject = f.Text(required=True) email = f.Email() message = f.Text(required=True, error_messages={"required": "write something!"}) form = ContactForm({"email": "<EMAIL>"}) assert form.validate() is None assert form.subject.error == "This field is required." assert form.message.error == "write something!" def test_idempotent_valid_is_valid(): class MyForm(f.Form): lorem = f.Text() form = MyForm() assert form.validate() assert form.validate() assert form.validate() def test_idempotent_invalid_is_valid(): class MyForm(f.Form): lorem = f.Text(required=True) form = MyForm() assert form.validate() is None assert form.validate() is None assert form.validate() is None def test_updated_fields_from_empty(): class MyForm(f.Form): a = f.Text() b = f.Text() c = f.Text() d = f.Text() form = MyForm({"b": "foo", "d": "bar"}) assert form.validate() assert sorted(form.updated_fields) == ["b", "d"] def test_updated_fields_from_object(): class MyForm(f.Form): a = f.Text() b = f.Text() c = f.Text() d = f.Text() form = MyForm( {"a": "a", "b": "new", "c": "c", "d": "new"}, {"a": "a", "b": "b", "c": "c", "d": "d"}, ) assert form.validate() assert sorted(form.updated_fields) == ["b", "d"] def test_load_clean_and_prepare(): class MyForm(f.Form): meh = f.Text() def prepare_meh(self, object_value): return [object_value] def clean_meh(self, pyvalues): return pyvalues form = MyForm() assert form.meh.custom_prepare == form.prepare_meh assert form.meh.custom_clean == form.clean_meh def test_dont_overwrite_field_clean_and_prepare(): def field_prepare(self, object_value): return [object_value] def field_clean(self, pyvalues): return pyvalues class MyForm(f.Form): meh = f.Text(prepare=field_prepare, clean=field_clean) def prepare_meh(self, object_value): return [object_value] def clean_meh(self, pyvalues): return pyvalues form = MyForm() assert form.meh.custom_prepare == field_prepare assert form.meh.custom_clean == field_clean ``` #### File: pforms/tests/ ```python from datetime import date, datetime import pytest from proper_forms import Date, DateTime, Field, Integer from proper_forms import validators as v def test_confirmed_message(): validator = v.Confirmed() assert validator.message == "Values doesn't match." assert v.Confirmed(message="custom").message == "custom" def test_longer_than_message(): validator = v.LongerThan(5) assert validator.message == "Field must be at least 5 character long." assert v.LongerThan(5, message="custom").message == "custom" def test_shorter_than_message(): validator = v.ShorterThan(5) assert validator.message == "Field cannot be longer than 5 characters." assert v.ShorterThan(5, message="custom").message == "custom" def test_less_than_message(): validator = v.LessThan(10) assert validator.message == "Number must be less than 10." assert v.LessThan(10, message="custom").message == "custom" def test_more_than_message(): validator = v.MoreThan(10) assert validator.message == "Number must be greater than 10." assert v.MoreThan(10, message="custom").message == "custom" def test_in_range_message(): validator = v.InRange(1900, 2010) assert validator.message == "Number must be between 1900 and 2010." assert v.InRange(1900, 2010, message="custom").message == "custom" def test_before_message(): dt = datetime(2017, 7, 5) validator = v.Before(dt) assert validator.message == "Enter a valid date before 2017-07-05." assert v.Before(dt, message="custom").message == "custom" def test_after_message(): dt = datetime(2017, 7, 5) validator = v.After(dt) assert validator.message == "Enter a valid date after 2017-07-05." assert v.After(dt, message="custom").message == "custom" def test_before_now_message(): validator = v.BeforeNow() assert validator.message == "Enter a valid date in the past." assert v.BeforeNow(message="custom").message == "custom" def test_after_now_message(): validator = v.AfterNow() assert validator.message == "Enter a valid date in the future." assert v.AfterNow(message="custom").message == "custom" DATA = [ [Field, v.Confirmed(), ["password", "password"], True], [Field, v.Confirmed(), ["password", "password", "password"], True], [Field, v.Confirmed(), ["password"], False], [Field, v.Confirmed(), ["lorem", "ipsum"], False], [Field, v.Confirmed(), ["password", "<PASSWORD>", "password"], False], [Field, v.LongerThan(5), ["123456789"], True], [Field, v.LongerThan(5), ["12345"], True], [Field, v.LongerThan(5), ["abc"], False], [Field, v.LongerThan(5), ["123456789", "qwertyuiop", "lorem ipsum"], True], [Field, v.LongerThan(5), ["123456789", "abc", "lorem ipsum"], False], [Field, v.ShorterThan(5), ["123"], True], [Field, v.ShorterThan(5), ["12345"], True], [Field, v.ShorterThan(5), ["qwertyuiop"], False], [Field, v.ShorterThan(5), ["1234", "abc", "lorem"], True], [Field, v.ShorterThan(5), ["1234", "abcdefghijk", "lorem"], False], [Integer, v.LessThan(10), ["8"], True], [Integer, v.LessThan(10), ["10"], True], [Integer, v.LessThan(10), ["34"], False], [Integer, v.LessThan(10), ["4", "3", "5"], True], [Integer, v.LessThan(10), ["4", "3", "25"], False], [Integer, v.MoreThan(10), ["20"], True], [Integer, v.MoreThan(10), ["-1"], False], [Integer, v.MoreThan(10), ["20", "13", "25"], True], [Integer, v.MoreThan(10), ["8", "13", "25"], False], [Integer, v.InRange(1900, 2010), ["1979"], True], [Integer, v.InRange(1900, 2010), ["1900"], True], [Integer, v.InRange(1900, 2010), ["2010"], True], [Integer, v.InRange(1900, 2010), ["1820"], False], [Integer, v.InRange(1900, 2010), ["3000"], False], [Integer, v.InRange(1900, 2010), ["-1"], False], [Integer, v.InRange(1900, 2010), ["1979", "1984", "2009"], True], [Integer, v.InRange(1900, 2010), ["1979", "1984", "2019"], False], [Date, v.Before(datetime(2017, 7, 5)), ["1979-05-05"], True], [Date, v.Before(datetime(2017, 7, 5)), ["2019-07-16"], False], [Date, v.Before(date(2017, 7, 5)), ["1979-05-05"], True], [Date, v.Before(date(2017, 7, 5)), ["2019-07-16"], False], [Date, v.After(datetime(2017, 7, 5)), ["2019-07-16"], True], [Date, v.After(datetime(2017, 7, 5)), ["1979-05-05"], False], [Date, v.After(date(2017, 7, 5)), ["2019-07-16"], True], [Date, v.After(date(2017, 7, 5)), ["1979-05-05"], False], [Date, v.BeforeNow(), ["1821-07-28"], True], [Date, v.BeforeNow(), ["3000-01-01"], False], [Date, v.AfterNow(), ["3000-01-01"], True], [Date, v.AfterNow(), ["1821-07-28"], False], [DateTime, v.Before(datetime(2017, 7, 5)), ["1979-05-05"], True], [DateTime, v.Before(datetime(2017, 7, 5)), ["2019-07-16"], False], [DateTime, v.Before(date(2017, 7, 5)), ["1979-05-05"], True], [DateTime, v.Before(date(2017, 7, 5)), ["2019-07-16"], False], [DateTime, v.After(datetime(2017, 7, 5)), ["2019-07-16"], True], [DateTime, v.After(datetime(2017, 7, 5)), ["1979-05-05"], False], [DateTime, v.After(date(2017, 7, 5)), ["2019-07-16"], True], [DateTime, v.After(date(2017, 7, 5)), ["1979-05-05"], False], [DateTime, v.BeforeNow(), ["1821-07-28"], True], [DateTime, v.BeforeNow(), ["3000-01-01"], False], [DateTime, v.AfterNow(), ["3000-01-01"], True], [DateTime, v.AfterNow(), ["1821-07-28"], False], ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("FieldClass, validator, input_values, result", DATA) def test_validators(FieldClass, validator, input_values, result): field = FieldClass(validator) field.input_values = input_values assert bool(field.validate()) is result DATE_VALIDATORS = [ v.Before(datetime(2017, 7, 5)), v.After(datetime(2017, 7, 5)), v.BeforeNow(), v.AfterNow(), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("validator", DATE_VALIDATORS) def test_fail_if_not_date(validator): field = Integer(validator) field.input_values = ["1979"] with pytest.raises(AssertionError): field.validate() ```
{ "source": "jpsca/proper-cli", "score": 4 }
#### File: proper-cli/proper_cli/ ```python def ask(question, default=None, alternatives=None): """Ask a question via input() and return their answer. Arguments: - question (str): The text of the question. - default (any): Default value if no answer is provided. - alternatives (str): Alternatives to display. eg: "Y/n" """ ops = alternatives or default question += f" [{str(ops)}] " if ops else "" while True: resp = input(question) if resp: return resp if default is not None: return default YES_CHOICES = ("y", "yes", "t", "true", "on", "1") NO_CHOICES = ("n", "no", "f", "false", "off", "0") def confirm(question, default=False, yes_choices=YES_CHOICES, no_choices=NO_CHOICES): """Ask a yes/no question via proper_cli.ask() and return their answer. Arguments: - question (str): Prompt question - default (bool): Default value if no answer is provided. - yes_choices (list): Default 'y', 'yes', '1', 'on', 'true', 't' - no_choices (list): Default 'n', 'no', '0', 'off', 'false', 'f' """ yes_choices = yes_choices or YES_CHOICES no_choices = no_choices or NO_CHOICES default_value = yes_choices[0] if default else no_choices[0] if default is None: options = f"{yes_choices[0]}|{no_choices[0]}" else: if default: options = f"{yes_choices[0].title()}/{no_choices[0]}" else: options = f"{yes_choices[0]}/{no_choices[0].title()}" while True: resp = ask(question, default_value, options) if default is not None: resp = resp or str(default) resp = resp.lower() if resp in yes_choices: return True if resp in no_choices: return False ```
{ "source": "jpsca/properconf", "score": 2 }
#### File: properconf/tests/ ```python import pytest from properconf import ConfigDict def test_dict_init(): config = ConfigDict({"a": 1, "B": 2, "foo": {"B": {"a": "r"}}}) assert config.a == 1 assert == {"B": {"a": "r"}} assert == "r" def test_iter_init(): config = ConfigDict([("a", 1), ("B", 2), ("foo", {"B": {"a": "r"}})]) assert config.a == 1 assert == {"B": {"a": "r"}} assert == "r" def test_do_not_set_attributes(): config = ConfigDict() with pytest.raises(AttributeError): = "bar" def test_can_set_underscore_attributes(): config = ConfigDict() config._foo = "bar" assert config._foo == "bar" def test_deep_update(): config = ConfigDict( { "auth": {"hash": "sha1", "rounds": 123}, "users": ["foo", "bar"], "a": 1, "foo": "bar", } ) config.update( { "auth": {"hash": "argon2"}, "users": ["lorem", "ipsum"], "a": 2, "fizz": {"buzz": 3}, } ) assert config == { "auth": {"hash": "argon2", "rounds": 123}, "users": ["lorem", "ipsum"], "a": 2, "foo": "bar", "fizz": {"buzz": 3}, } def test_dot_manual_update_diallowed(): config = ConfigDict({"a": {"b": "c"}}) with pytest.raises(AttributeError): config.a.b = "x" def test_manual_update(): config = ConfigDict({"a": {"b": "c"}}) config["a"]["b"] = "x" assert config.a.b == "x" config["a"] = "z" assert config.a == "z" ```
{ "source": "jpsca/pyceo", "score": 2 }
#### File: pyceo/pastel/ ```python import re import sys from contextlib import contextmanager from .stack import StyleStack from .style import Style class Pastel(object): TAG_REGEX = "[a-z][a-z0-9,_=;-]*" FULL_TAG_REGEX = re.compile("(?isx)<(({}) | /({})?)>".format(TAG_REGEX, TAG_REGEX)) def __init__(self, colorized=False): self._colorized = colorized self._style_stack = StyleStack() self._styles = {} self.add_style("error", "white", "red") self.add_style("info", "green") self.add_style("comment", "yellow") self.add_style("question", "black", "cyan") @classmethod def escape(cls, text): return re.sub("(?is)([^\\\\]?)<", "\\1\\<", text) @contextmanager def colorized(self, colorized=None): is_colorized = self.is_colorized() if colorized is None: colorized = sys.stdout.isatty() and is_colorized self.with_colors(colorized) yield self.with_colors(is_colorized) def with_colors(self, colorized): self._colorized = colorized def is_colorized(self): return self._colorized def add_style(self, name, fg=None, bg=None, options=None): style = Style(fg, bg, options) self._styles[name] = style def has_style(self, name): return name in self._styles def style(self, name): if self.has_style(name): return self._styles[name] def remove_style(self, name): if not self.has_style(name): raise ValueError("Invalid style {}".format(name)) del self._styles[name] def colorize(self, message): # noqa output = "" tags = [] i = 0 for m in self.FULL_TAG_REGEX.finditer(message): if i > 0: p = tags[i - 1] tags[i - 1] = (p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], m.start(0)) tags.append((, m.end(0),,, None)) i += 1 if not tags: return message.replace("\\<", "<") offset = 0 for t in tags: prev_offset = offset offset = t[1] endpos = t[4] if t[4] else -1 text = t[0] if prev_offset < offset - len(text): output += self._apply_current_style( message[prev_offset : offset - len(text)] ) if offset != 0 and "\\" == message[offset - len(text) - 1]: output += self._apply_current_style(text) continue # opening tag? open = "/" != text[1] if open: tag = t[2] else: tag = t[3] if t[3] else "" style = self._create_style_from_string(tag.lower()) if not open and not tag: # </> self._style_stack.pop() elif style is False: output += self._apply_current_style(text) elif open: self._style_stack.push(style) else: self._style_stack.pop(style) # add the text up to the next tag output += self._apply_current_style(message[offset:endpos]) offset += len(message[offset:endpos]) output += self._apply_current_style(message[offset:]) return output.replace("\\<", "<") def _create_style_from_string(self, string): if string in self._styles: return self._styles[string] matches = re.findall("([^=]+)=([^;]+)(;|$)", string.lower()) if not len(matches): return False style = Style() for match in matches: if match[0] == "fg": style.set_foreground(match[1]) elif match[0] == "bg": style.set_background(match[1]) else: try: for option in match[1].split(","): style.set_option(option.strip()) except ValueError: return False return style def _apply_current_style(self, text): if self.is_colorized() and len(text): return self._style_stack.get_current().apply(text) else: return text ``` #### File: pyceo/pastel/ ```python from .style import Style class StyleStack(object): def __init__(self, empty_style=None): self.empty_style = empty_style or Style() self.reset() def reset(self): self.styles = list() def push(self, style): self.styles.append(style) def pop(self, style=None): if not len(self.styles): return self.empty_style if not style: return self.styles.pop() for i, stacked_style in enumerate(reversed(self.styles)): if style == stacked_style: self.styles = self.styles[: len(self.styles) - 1 - i] return stacked_style raise ValueError("Incorrectly nested style tag found.") def get_current(self): if not len(self.styles): return self.empty_style return self.styles[-1] ```
{ "source": "jpsca/sqla-wrapper", "score": 2 }
#### File: sqla-wrapper/tests/ ```python def test_fill(dbs, TestModelA): obj = dbs.create(TestModelA, title="Remember") obj.fill(title="lorem ipsum") dbs.commit() updated = dbs.first(TestModelA) assert updated.title == "lorem ipsum" ```
{ "source": "jpsca/texteditor", "score": 3 }
#### File: texteditor/tests/ ```python import os from unittest.mock import MagicMock import pytest import texteditor from texteditor import EDITOR def test_EDITOR_used(): os.environ[EDITOR] = "/path/to/myeditor" _run = = MagicMock() args, kw = cmd = args[0] assert cmd[0] == "/path/to/myeditor" assert cmd[-1].endswith(".txt") # the filename = _run def test_EDITOR_with_args(): os.environ[EDITOR] = "/path/to/myeditor --wait" _run = = MagicMock() args, kw = cmd = args[0] assert cmd[0] == "/path/to/myeditor" assert cmd[1] == "--wait" assert cmd[-1].endswith(".txt") # the filename = _run def test_EDITOR_with_args_and_spaces(): os.environ[EDITOR] = "/path\\ to/myeditor --wait -n" _run = = MagicMock() args, kw = cmd = args[0] assert cmd[0] == "/path to/myeditor" assert cmd[1] == "--wait" assert cmd[2] == "-n" assert cmd[-1].endswith(".txt") # the filename = _run def test_EDITOR_with_quoted_cmd(): os.environ[EDITOR] = '"/path to/myeditor" --wait' _run = = MagicMock() args, _ = cmd = args[0] assert cmd[0] == "/path to/myeditor" = _run def test_set_extension(): os.environ[EDITOR] = "myeditor" _run = = MagicMock()"md") args, kw = cmd = args[0] assert cmd[0] == "myeditor" assert cmd[-1].endswith(".md") # the filename = _run def test_use_filename(): os.environ[EDITOR] = "myeditor" = MagicMock() _run ="") args, kw = cmd = args[0] assert cmd[0] == "myeditor" assert cmd[-1].endswith("") # the filename = _run def test_get_editor(): os.environ[EDITOR] = "" = MagicMock() args, kw = cmd = args[0] assert cmd[0] def test_no_editor_available(): os.environ[EDITOR] = "" def find_nothing(_): return None _which = texteditor.which texteditor.which = find_nothing _run = = MagicMock() # inconceivable! with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): texteditor.which = _which = _run ```
{ "source": "jpsecher/py-cli", "score": 3 }
#### File: py-cli/src/ ```python import argparse from typing import Sequence class CLI: def __init__(self, description: str, args: Sequence[str]): self._cli_args = args self._parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) def set_up_log(self) -> None: pass def logfile(self) -> str: # TODO: yyyy-mm-dd/hh-mm-ss-hash-name.log return self._args.logdir + '/ost.log' def epilog(self) -> str: return self._args.logdir def parse_args(self) -> None: self._parser.add_argument( '-V', '--version', action='count', help='show application version') self._parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0, help='Verbose output (repeat to increase)') self._parser.add_argument( '--logdir', default='logs', metavar='DIR', help='logs are stored in this directory') self._args = self._parser.parse_args(args=self._cli_args) ``` #### File: py-cli/src/ ```python from app import App from constants import APP_VERSION import pytest import re #from os import path def test_unknown_arg(capfd): # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- with pytest.raises(SystemExit): App(['--unknown-arg']) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert not out assert re.findall('usage:', err) def test_no_args_prints_usage(capfd): # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- with pytest.raises(SystemExit): App([]) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert not err assert re.findall('usage:', out) def test_version(capfd): # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- App(['-V']).run() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert not err assert out == f'{APP_VERSION}\n' def test_verbose_on(capfd): # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- App(['-v', '-V']).run() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert not err assert out == 'Trivial command-line application v0.1\n0.1\n' def test_logfile_location(tmp_path): # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- app = App(['--logdir', str(tmp_path), '-V']) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- assert re.match(str(tmp_path), app.logfile()) # def test_logfile_created(tmp_path): # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # App(['--logdir', str(tmp_path), '-V']).run() # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # assert # def test_create_default(tmp_path): # file = tmp_path / 'myfile' # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # fs.create(file) # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # assert path.exists(file) ```
{ "source": "jpsecher/pyvisa", "score": 2 }
#### File: pyvisa/ctwrapper/ ```python import ctypes import os import sys if sys.platform == "win32": FUNCTYPE, Library = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE, ctypes.WinDLL else: FUNCTYPE, Library = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE, ctypes.CDLL # On Linux, find Library returns the name not the path. # This excerpt provides a modified find_library. if == "posix" and sys.platform.startswith("linux"): # Andreas Degert's find functions, using gcc, /sbin/ldconfig, objdump def define_find_libary(): import errno import re import tempfile def _findlib_gcc(name): expr = r"[^\(\)\s]*lib%s\.[^\(\)\s]*" % re.escape(name) fdout, ccout = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fdout) cmd = ( "if type gcc >/dev/null 2>&1; then CC=gcc; else CC=cc; fi;" "$CC -Wl,-t -o " + ccout + " 2>&1 -l" + name ) trace = "" try: f = os.popen(cmd) trace = f.close() finally: try: os.unlink(ccout) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise res =, trace) if not res: return None return def _findlib_ldconfig(name): # NOTE: assuming GLIBC's ldconfig (with option -p) expr = r"/[^\(\)\s]*lib%s\.[^\(\)\s]*" % re.escape(name) with os.popen("/sbin/ldconfig -p 2>/dev/null") as pipe: res =, if not res: # Hm, this works only for libs needed by the python executable. cmd = "ldd %s 2>/dev/null" % sys.executable with os.popen(cmd) as pipe: res =, if not res: return None return def _find_library(name): path = _findlib_ldconfig(name) or _findlib_gcc(name) if path: return os.path.realpath(path) return path return _find_library find_library = define_find_libary() else: from ctypes.util import find_library __all__ = ["find_library", "FUNCTYPE", "Library"] ``` #### File: pyvisa/ctwrapper/ ```python import warnings from contextlib import contextmanager from ctypes import ( POINTER, byref, c_double, c_long, c_void_p, c_wchar_p, create_string_buffer, ) from functools import update_wrapper from threading import Lock from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Tuple from pyvisa import attributes, constants, ctwrapper, typing from pyvisa.highlevel import ResourceInfo from . import types from .types import ( FUNCTYPE, ViAccessMode, ViAChar, ViAddr, ViAttr, ViAttrState, ViAUInt8, ViAUInt16, ViAUInt32, ViAUInt64, ViBoolean, ViBuf, ViBusAddress, ViBusAddress64, ViBusSize, ViEvent, ViEventFilter, ViEventType, ViFindList, ViHndlr, ViInt16, ViJobId, ViKeyId, ViObject, ViPAddr, ViPBuf, ViPBusAddress, ViPEvent, ViPEventType, ViPFindList, ViPJobId, ViPSession, ViPUInt8, ViPUInt16, ViPUInt32, ViPUInt64, ViRsrc, ViSession, ViStatus, ViString, ViUInt8, ViUInt16, ViUInt32, ViUInt64, buffer_to_text, ) visa_functions = [ "assert_interrupt_signal", "assert_trigger", "assert_utility_signal", "buffer_read", "buffer_write", "clear", "close", "disable_event", "discard_events", "enable_event", "_find_next", "_find_resources", "flush", "get_attribute", "gpib_command", "gpib_control_atn", "gpib_control_ren", "gpib_pass_control", "gpib_send_ifc", "in_16", "in_32", "in_8", "install_handler", "lock", "map_address", "map_trigger", "memory_allocation", "memory_free", "move", "move_asynchronously", "move_in_16", "move_in_32", "move_in_8", "move_out_16", "move_out_32", "move_out_8", "open", "open_default_resource_manager", "out_16", "out_32", "out_8", "parse_resource", "parse_resource_extended", "peek_16", "peek_32", "peek_8", "poke_16", "poke_32", "poke_8", "read", "read_to_file", "read_stb", "set_attribute", "set_buffer", "status_description", "terminate", "uninstall_handler", "unlock", "unmap_address", "unmap_trigger", "usb_control_in", "usb_control_out", "vxi_command_query", "wait_on_event", "write", "write_asynchronously", "write_from_file", "in_64", "move_in_64", "out_64", "move_out_64", "poke_64", "peek_64", ] __all__ = ["visa_functions", "set_signatures"] + visa_functions VI_SPEC_VERSION = 0x00300000 #: Global lock to ensure that we cannot have one thread change the type while #: another is trying to interact with VISA ViHndlr_lock = Lock() @contextmanager def set_user_handle_type(library, user_handle: Any): """Set the type of the user handle to install and uninstall handler signature. Parameters ---------- library : The visa library wrapped by ctypes. user_handle : User handle used when registering an event handler. Use None for a void_p. """ with ViHndlr_lock: # Actually, it's not necessary to change ViHndlr *globally*. However, # I don't want to break symmetry too much with all the other VPP43 # routines. global ViHndlr if user_handle is None: user_handle_p = c_void_p else: user_handle_p = POINTER(type(user_handle)) # type: ignore ViHndlr = FUNCTYPE(ViStatus, ViSession, ViEventType, ViEvent, user_handle_p) library.viInstallHandler.argtypes = [ ViSession, ViEventType, ViHndlr, user_handle_p, ] library.viUninstallHandler.argtypes = [ ViSession, ViEventType, ViHndlr, user_handle_p, ] yield def set_signatures( library, errcheck: Optional[Callable[[int, Callable, tuple], int]] = None ): """Set the signatures of most visa functions in the library. All instrumentation related functions are specified here. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL The visa library wrapped by ctypes. errcheck : Optional[Callable[[int, Callable, tuple], int]] Error checking callable used for visa functions that return ViStatus. It should be take three arguments (result, func, arguments). See errcheck in ctypes. """ # Somehow hasattr(library, '_functions') segfaults in cygwin (See #131) if "_functions" not in dir(library): library._functions = [] library._functions_failed = [] def _applier(restype, errcheck_): def _internal(function_name, argtypes, required=False): try: set_signature(library, function_name, argtypes, restype, errcheck_) library._functions.append(function_name) except AttributeError: library._functions_failed.append(function_name) if required: raise return _internal # Visa functions with ViStatus return code apply = _applier(ViStatus, errcheck) apply("viAssertIntrSignal", [ViSession, ViInt16, ViUInt32]) apply("viAssertTrigger", [ViSession, ViUInt16]) apply("viAssertUtilSignal", [ViSession, ViUInt16]) apply("viBufRead", [ViSession, ViPBuf, ViUInt32, ViPUInt32]) apply("viBufWrite", [ViSession, ViBuf, ViUInt32, ViPUInt32]) apply("viClear", [ViSession]) apply("viClose", [ViObject]) apply("viDisableEvent", [ViSession, ViEventType, ViUInt16]) apply("viDiscardEvents", [ViSession, ViEventType, ViUInt16]) apply("viEnableEvent", [ViSession, ViEventType, ViUInt16, ViEventFilter]) apply("viFindNext", [ViSession, ViAChar]) apply("viFindRsrc", [ViSession, ViString, ViPFindList, ViPUInt32, ViAChar]) apply("viFlush", [ViSession, ViUInt16]) apply("viGetAttribute", [ViObject, ViAttr, c_void_p]) apply("viGpibCommand", [ViSession, ViBuf, ViUInt32, ViPUInt32]) apply("viGpibControlATN", [ViSession, ViUInt16]) apply("viGpibControlREN", [ViSession, ViUInt16]) apply("viGpibPassControl", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViUInt16]) apply("viGpibSendIFC", [ViSession]) apply("viIn8", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress, ViPUInt8]) apply("viIn16", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress, ViPUInt16]) apply("viIn32", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress, ViPUInt32]) apply("viIn64", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress, ViPUInt64]) apply("viIn8Ex", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress64, ViPUInt8]) apply("viIn16Ex", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress64, ViPUInt16]) apply("viIn32Ex", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress64, ViPUInt32]) apply("viIn64Ex", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress64, ViPUInt64]) apply("viInstallHandler", [ViSession, ViEventType, ViHndlr, ViAddr]) apply("viLock", [ViSession, ViAccessMode, ViUInt32, ViKeyId, ViAChar]) apply( "viMapAddress", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress, ViBusSize, ViBoolean, ViAddr, ViPAddr], ) apply("viMapTrigger", [ViSession, ViInt16, ViInt16, ViUInt16]) apply("viMemAlloc", [ViSession, ViBusSize, ViPBusAddress]) apply("viMemFree", [ViSession, ViBusAddress]) apply( "viMove", [ ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress, ViUInt16, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress, ViUInt16, ViBusSize, ], ) apply( "viMoveAsync", [ ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress, ViUInt16, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress, ViUInt16, ViBusSize, ViPJobId, ], ) apply("viMoveIn8", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress, ViBusSize, ViAUInt8]) apply("viMoveIn16", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress, ViBusSize, ViAUInt16]) apply("viMoveIn32", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress, ViBusSize, ViAUInt32]) apply("viMoveIn64", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress, ViBusSize, ViAUInt64]) apply("viMoveIn8Ex", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress64, ViBusSize, ViAUInt8]) apply("viMoveIn16Ex", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress64, ViBusSize, ViAUInt16]) apply("viMoveIn32Ex", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress64, ViBusSize, ViAUInt32]) apply("viMoveIn64Ex", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress64, ViBusSize, ViAUInt64]) apply("viMoveOut8", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress, ViBusSize, ViAUInt8]) apply("viMoveOut16", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress, ViBusSize, ViAUInt16]) apply("viMoveOut32", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress, ViBusSize, ViAUInt32]) apply("viMoveOut64", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress, ViBusSize, ViAUInt64]) apply("viMoveOut8Ex", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress64, ViBusSize, ViAUInt8]) apply("viMoveOut16Ex", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress64, ViBusSize, ViAUInt16]) apply("viMoveOut32Ex", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress64, ViBusSize, ViAUInt32]) apply("viMoveOut64Ex", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress64, ViBusSize, ViAUInt64]) apply( "viOpen", [ViSession, ViRsrc, ViAccessMode, ViUInt32, ViPSession], required=True ) apply("viOpenDefaultRM", [ViPSession], required=True) apply("viOut8", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress, ViUInt8]) apply("viOut16", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress, ViUInt16]) apply("viOut32", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress, ViUInt32]) apply("viOut64", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress, ViUInt64]) apply("viOut8Ex", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress64, ViUInt8]) apply("viOut16Ex", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress64, ViUInt16]) apply("viOut32Ex", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress64, ViUInt32]) apply("viOut64Ex", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViBusAddress64, ViUInt64]) apply("viParseRsrc", [ViSession, ViRsrc, ViPUInt16, ViPUInt16]) apply( "viParseRsrcEx", [ViSession, ViRsrc, ViPUInt16, ViPUInt16, ViAChar, ViAChar, ViAChar], ) apply("viRead", [ViSession, ViPBuf, ViUInt32, ViPUInt32]) apply("viReadAsync", [ViSession, ViPBuf, ViUInt32, ViPJobId]) apply("viReadSTB", [ViSession, ViPUInt16]) apply("viReadToFile", [ViSession, ViString, ViUInt32, ViPUInt32]) apply("viSetAttribute", [ViObject, ViAttr, ViAttrState]) apply("viSetBuf", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViUInt32]) apply("viStatusDesc", [ViObject, ViStatus, ViAChar]) apply("viTerminate", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViJobId]) apply("viUninstallHandler", [ViSession, ViEventType, ViHndlr, ViAddr]) apply("viUnlock", [ViSession]) apply("viUnmapAddress", [ViSession]) apply("viUnmapTrigger", [ViSession, ViInt16, ViInt16]) apply( "viUsbControlIn", [ViSession, ViInt16, ViInt16, ViUInt16, ViUInt16, ViUInt16, ViPBuf, ViPUInt16], ) apply( "viUsbControlOut", [ViSession, ViInt16, ViInt16, ViUInt16, ViUInt16, ViUInt16, ViPBuf], ) # The following "V" routines are *not* implemented in PyVISA, and will # never be: viVPrintf, viVQueryf, viVScanf, viVSPrintf, viVSScanf apply("viVxiCommandQuery", [ViSession, ViUInt16, ViUInt32, ViPUInt32]) apply("viWaitOnEvent", [ViSession, ViEventType, ViUInt32, ViPEventType, ViPEvent]) apply("viWrite", [ViSession, ViBuf, ViUInt32, ViPUInt32]) apply("viWriteAsync", [ViSession, ViBuf, ViUInt32, ViPJobId]) apply("viWriteFromFile", [ViSession, ViString, ViUInt32, ViPUInt32]) # Functions that return void. apply = _applier(None, None) apply("viPeek8", [ViSession, ViAddr, ViPUInt8]) apply("viPeek16", [ViSession, ViAddr, ViPUInt16]) apply("viPeek32", [ViSession, ViAddr, ViPUInt32]) apply("viPeek64", [ViSession, ViAddr, ViPUInt64]) apply("viPoke8", [ViSession, ViAddr, ViUInt8]) apply("viPoke16", [ViSession, ViAddr, ViUInt16]) apply("viPoke32", [ViSession, ViAddr, ViUInt32]) apply("viPoke64", [ViSession, ViAddr, ViUInt64]) def set_signature( library, function_name: str, argtypes: tuple, restype, errcheck: Optional[Callable[[int, Callable, tuple], int]], ): """Set the signature of single function in a library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. function_name : str Name of the function as appears in the header file. argtypes : tuple ctypes types to specify the argument types that the function accepts. restype : A ctypes type to specify the result type of the foreign function. Use None for void, a function not returning anything. errcheck : Optional[Callable[[int, Callable, tuple], int]] Error checking callable used for visa functions that return ViStatus. It should be take three arguments (result, func, arguments). See errcheck in ctypes. """ func = getattr(library, function_name) func.argtypes = argtypes if restype is not None: func.restype = restype if errcheck is not None: func.errcheck = errcheck # The VPP-4.3.2 routines # Usually, there is more than one way to pass parameters to ctypes calls. The # ctypes policy used in this code goes as follows: # # * Null pointers are passed as "None" rather than "0". This is a little bit # unfortunate, since the VPP specification calls this "VI_NULL", but I can't # use "VI_NULL" since it's an integer and may not be compatible with a # pointer type (don't know whether this is really dangerous). # # * Strings must have been created with "create_string_buffer" and are passed # without any further conversion; they stand in the parameter list as is. # The same applies to pseudo-string types as ViRsrc or VuBuf. Their Pythonic # counterpats are strings as well. # # * All other types are explicitly cast using the types defined by ctypes' # "restype". # # Further notes: # # * The following Python routines take and give handles as ctypes objects. # Since the user shouldn't be interested in handle values anyway, I see no # point in converting them to Python strings or integers. # # * All other parameters are natural Python types, i.e. strings (may contain # binary data) and integers. The same is true for return values. # # * The original VPP function signatures cannot be realised in Python, at least # not in a sensible way, because a) Python has no real call-by-reference, and # b) Python allows for more elegant solutions, e.g. using len(buffer) instead # of a separate "count" parameter, or using tuples as return values. # # Therefore, all function signatures have been carefully adjusted. I think # this is okay, since the original standard must be adopted to at least C and # Visual Basic anyway, with slight modifications. I also made the function # names and parameters more legible, but in a way that it's perfectly clear # which original function is meant. # # The important thing is that the semantics of functions and parameters are # totally intact, and the inner order of parameters, too. There is a 1:1 # mapping. def assert_interrupt_signal(library, session, mode, status_id): """Asserts the specified interrupt or signal. Corresponds to viAssertIntrSignal function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. mode : constants.AssertSignalInterrupt How to assert the interrupt. status_id : int Status value to be presented during an interrupt acknowledge cycle. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return library.viAssertIntrSignal(session, mode, status_id) def assert_trigger(library, session, protocol): """Assert software or hardware trigger. Corresponds to viAssertTrigger function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. protocol : constants.TriggerProtocol Trigger protocol to use during assertion. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return library.viAssertTrigger(session, protocol) def assert_utility_signal(library, session, line): """Assert or deassert the specified utility bus signal. Corresponds to viAssertUtilSignal function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. line : constants.UtilityBusSignal Specifies the utility bus signal to assert. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return library.viAssertUtilSignal(session, line) def buffer_read(library, session, count): """Reads data through the use of a formatted I/O read buffer. The data can be read from a device or an interface. Corresponds to viBufRead function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. count : int Number of bytes to be read. Returns ------- dbytes Data read constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ buffer = create_string_buffer(count) return_count = ViUInt32() ret = library.viBufRead(session, buffer, count, byref(return_count)) return buffer.raw[: return_count.value], ret def buffer_write(library, session, data): """Writes data to a formatted I/O write buffer synchronously. Corresponds to viBufWrite function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. data : bytes Data to be written. Returns ------- int number of written bytes constants.StatusCode return value of the library call. """ return_count = ViUInt32() # [ViSession, ViBuf, ViUInt32, ViPUInt32] ret = library.viBufWrite(session, data, len(data), byref(return_count)) return return_count.value, ret def clear(library, session): """Clears a device. Corresponds to viClear function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return library.viClear(session) def close(library, session): """Closes the specified session, event, or find list. Corresponds to viClose function of the VISA library. Parameters --------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : Union[VISASession, VISAEventContext, VISARMSession] Unique logical identifier to a session, event, resource manager. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return library.viClose(session) def disable_event(library, session, event_type, mechanism): """Disable notification for an event type(s) via the specified mechanism(s). Corresponds to viDisableEvent function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. event_type : constants.EventType Event type. mechanism : constants.EventMechanism Event handling mechanisms to be disabled. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return library.viDisableEvent(session, event_type, mechanism) def discard_events(library, session, event_type, mechanism): """Discard event occurrences for a given type and mechanisms in a session. Corresponds to viDiscardEvents function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. event_type : constans.EventType Logical event identifier. mechanism : constants.EventMechanism Specifies event handling mechanisms to be discarded. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return library.viDiscardEvents(session, event_type, mechanism) def enable_event(library, session, event_type, mechanism, context=None): """Enable event occurrences for specified event types and mechanisms in a session. Corresponds to viEnableEvent function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. event_type : constants.EventType Logical event identifier. mechanism : constants.EventMechanism Specifies event handling mechanisms to be enabled. context : None, optional Unused parameter... Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ if context is None: context = constants.VI_NULL elif context != constants.VI_NULL: warnings.warn("In enable_event, context will be set VI_NULL.") context = constants.VI_NULL # according to spec VPP-4.3, section return library.viEnableEvent(session, event_type, mechanism, context) def _find_next(library, find_list: ViFindList) -> Tuple[str, constants.StatusCode]: """Get next resource from the list of resources. The list of resources should be obtained from a previous call to find_resources(). Corresponds to viFindNext function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. find_list : Describes a find list. This parameter must be created by find_resources(). Returns ------- str String identifying the location of a device constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ instrument_description = create_string_buffer(constants.VI_FIND_BUFLEN) ret = library.viFindNext(find_list, instrument_description) return buffer_to_text(instrument_description), ret def _find_resources(library, session: typing.VISARMSession, query: str): """Queries VISA to locate the resources associated with a specified interface. Corresponds to viFindRsrc function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : typing.VISARMSession Unique logical identifier to the ResourceManger session (unused, just to uniform signatures). query : str A regular expression followed by an optional logical expression. Use '?*' for all. Returns ------- ViFindList Opaque object to pass to `_find_next` to access the other devices resource name. int Number of identified devices. str Resource name of the first identified device constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ find_list = ViFindList() return_counter = ViUInt32() instrument_description = create_string_buffer(constants.VI_FIND_BUFLEN) ret = library.viFindRsrc( session, query, byref(find_list), byref(return_counter), instrument_description ) return find_list, return_counter.value, buffer_to_text(instrument_description), ret def flush(library, session, mask): """Retrieves the state of an attribute. Corresponds to viGetAttribute function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : Union[VISASession, VISAEventContext] Unique logical identifier to a session, event, or find list. attribute : Union[constants.ResourceAttribute, constants.EventAttribute] Resource or event attribute for which the state query is made. Returns ------- Any State of the queried attribute for a specified resource constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return library.viFlush(session, mask) def get_attribute(library, session, attribute): """Retrieves the state of an attribute. Corresponds to viGetAttribute function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : Union[VISASession, VISAEventContext] Unique logical identifier to a session, event, or find list. attribute : Union[constants.ResourceAttribute, constants.EventAttribute] Resource or event attribute for which the state query is made. Returns ------- Any State of the queried attribute for a specified resource constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ attr = attributes.AttributesByID[attribute] datatype = getattr(types, attr.visa_type) if datatype == ViString: attribute_state = create_string_buffer(256) ret = library.viGetAttribute(session, attribute, attribute_state) return buffer_to_text(attribute_state), ret # There are only 2 buffer attribute, the one we do not handle if the one # to async read that is handled at a higher since we pass the buffer ourself elif datatype == ViBuf: if attr.visa_name == "VI_ATTR_USB_RECV_INTR_DATA": length = get_attribute( library, session, constants.VI_ATTR_USB_RECV_INTR_SIZE ) attribute_state = (ViUInt8 * length)() ret = library.viGetAttribute(session, attribute, byref(attribute_state)) return list(attribute_state), ret else: raise AttributeError("%s cannot be accessed directly" % attr.visa_name) else: attribute_state = datatype() ret = library.viGetAttribute(session, attribute, byref(attribute_state)) return attribute_state.value, ret def gpib_command(library, session, data): """Write GPIB command bytes on the bus. Corresponds to viGpibCommand function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. data : bytes Data to write. Returns ------- int Number of written bytes constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return_count = ViUInt32() # [ViSession, ViBuf, ViUInt32, ViPUInt32] ret = library.viGpibCommand(session, data, len(data), byref(return_count)) return return_count.value, ret def gpib_control_atn(library, session, mode): """Specifies the state of the ATN line and the local active controller state. Corresponds to viGpibControlATN function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. mode : constants.ATNLineOperation State of the ATN line and optionally the local active controller state. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return library.viGpibControlATN(session, mode) def gpib_control_ren(library, session, mode): """Controls the state of the GPIB Remote Enable (REN) interface line. Optionally the remote/local state of the device can also be set. Corresponds to viGpibControlREN function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. mode : constants.RENLineOperation State of the REN line and optionally the device remote/local state. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return library.viGpibControlREN(session, mode) def gpib_pass_control(library, session, primary_address, secondary_address): """Tell a GPIB device to become controller in charge (CIC). Corresponds to viGpibPassControl function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. primary_address : int Primary address of the GPIB device to which you want to pass control. secondary_address : int Secondary address of the targeted GPIB device. If the targeted device does not have a secondary address, this parameter should contain the value Constants.VI_NO_SEC_ADDR. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return library.viGpibPassControl(session, primary_address, secondary_address) def gpib_send_ifc(library, session): """Pulse the interface clear line (IFC) for at least 100 microseconds. Corresponds to viGpibSendIFC function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return library.viGpibSendIFC(session) def in_8(library, session, space, offset, extended=False): """Reads in an 8-bit value from the specified memory space and offset. Corresponds to viIn8* function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. space : constants.AddressSpace Specifies the address space. offset : int Offset (in bytes) of the address or register from which to read. extended : bool, optional Use 64 bits offset independent of the platform, False by default. Returns ------- int Data read from memory constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ value_8 = ViUInt8() if extended: ret = library.viIn8Ex(session, space, offset, byref(value_8)) else: ret = library.viIn8(session, space, offset, byref(value_8)) return value_8.value, ret def in_16(library, session, space, offset, extended=False): """Reads in an 16-bit value from the specified memory space and offset. Corresponds to viIn16* function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. space : constants.AddressSpace Specifies the address space. offset : int Offset (in bytes) of the address or register from which to read. extended : bool, optional Use 64 bits offset independent of the platform, False by default. Returns ------- int Data read from memory constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ value_16 = ViUInt16() if extended: ret = library.viIn16Ex(session, space, offset, byref(value_16)) else: ret = library.viIn16(session, space, offset, byref(value_16)) return value_16.value, ret def in_32(library, session, space, offset, extended=False): """Reads in an 32-bit value from the specified memory space and offset. Corresponds to viIn32* function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. space : constants.AddressSpace Specifies the address space. offset : int Offset (in bytes) of the address or register from which to read. extended : bool, optional Use 64 bits offset independent of the platform, False by default. Returns ------- int Data read from memory constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ value_32 = ViUInt32() if extended: ret = library.viIn32Ex(session, space, offset, byref(value_32)) else: ret = library.viIn32(session, space, offset, byref(value_32)) return value_32.value, ret def in_64(library, session, space, offset, extended=False): """Reads in an 64-bit value from the specified memory space and offset. Corresponds to viIn64* function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. space : constants.AddressSpace Specifies the address space. offset : int Offset (in bytes) of the address or register from which to read. extended : bool, optional Use 64 bits offset independent of the platform, False by default. Returns ------- int Data read from memory constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ value_64 = ViUInt64() if extended: ret = library.viIn64Ex(session, space, offset, byref(value_64)) else: ret = library.viIn64(session, space, offset, byref(value_64)) return value_64.value, ret def install_handler( library, session, event_type, handler, user_handle: Any ) -> Tuple[typing.VISAHandler, Any, Any, constants.StatusCode]: """Install handlers for event callbacks. Corresponds to viInstallHandler function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. event_type : constants.EventType Logical event identifier. handler : VISAHandler Reference to a handler to be installed by a client application. user_handle : Any Value specified by an application that can be used for identifying handlers uniquely for an event type. Returns ------- handler : VISAHandler Handler to be installed by a client application. converted_user_handle : Converted user handle to match the underlying library. This version of the handle should be used in further call to the library. converted_handler : Converted version of the handler satisfying to backend library. status_code : constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call """ # Should be Optional[_CData] but that type cannot be imported converted_user_handle: object = None if user_handle is not None: if isinstance(user_handle, int): converted_user_handle = c_long(user_handle) elif isinstance(user_handle, float): converted_user_handle = c_double(user_handle) elif isinstance(user_handle, str): converted_user_handle = c_wchar_p(user_handle) elif isinstance(user_handle, list): for element in user_handle: if not isinstance(element, int): # Mypy cannot track the fact that the list has to contain float converted_user_handle = (c_double * len(user_handle))( # type: ignore *tuple(user_handle) ) break else: converted_user_handle = (c_long * len(user_handle))(*tuple(user_handle)) else: try: # check if it is already a ctypes byref(user_handle) converted_user_handle = user_handle except TypeError: raise TypeError( "Type not allowed as user handle: %s" % type(user_handle) ) with set_user_handle_type(library, converted_user_handle): if ctwrapper.WRAP_HANDLER: # Wrap the handler to provide a non-wrapper specific interface def handler_wrapper( ctype_session, ctype_event_type, ctype_event_context, ctype_user_handle ): handler( ctype_session.value, ctype_event_type, ctype_event_context.value, ctype_user_handle.contents if ctype_user_handle else ctype_user_handle, ) return 0 update_wrapper(handler_wrapper, handler) else: handler_wrapper = handler converted_handler = ViHndlr(handler_wrapper) if user_handle is None: ret = library.viInstallHandler(session, event_type, converted_handler, None) else: ret = library.viInstallHandler( session, event_type, converted_handler, byref(converted_user_handle), # type: ignore ) return handler, converted_user_handle, converted_handler, ret def lock(library, session, lock_type, timeout, requested_key=None): """Establishes an access mode to the specified resources. Corresponds to viLock function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. lock_type : constants.Lock Specifies the type of lock requested. timeout : int Absolute time period (in milliseconds) that a resource waits to get unlocked by the locking session before returning an error. requested_key : Optional[str], optional Requested locking key in the case of a shared lock. For an exclusive lock it should be None. Returns ------- Optional[str] Key that can then be passed to other sessions to share the lock, or None for an exclusive lock. constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ if lock_type == constants.AccessModes.exclusive_lock: requested_key = None access_key = None else: access_key = create_string_buffer(256) ret = library.viLock(session, lock_type, timeout, requested_key, access_key) if access_key is None: return None, ret else: return access_key.value, ret def map_address( library, session, map_space, map_base, map_size, access=False, suggested=None ): """Maps the specified memory space into the process's address space. Corresponds to viMapAddress function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. map_space : constants.AddressSpace Specifies the address space to map. map_base : int Offset (in bytes) of the memory to be mapped. map_size : int Amount of memory to map (in bytes). access : False Unused parameter. suggested : Optional[int], optional If not None, the operating system attempts to map the memory to the address specified. There is no guarantee, however, that the memory will be mapped to that address. This operation may map the memory into an address region different from the suggested one. Returns ------- int Address in your process space where the memory was mapped constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ if access is False: access = constants.VI_FALSE elif access != constants.VI_FALSE: warnings.warn("In enable_event, context will be set VI_NULL.") access = constants.VI_FALSE address = ViAddr() ret = library.viMapAddress( session, map_space, map_base, map_size, access, suggested, byref(address) ) return address, ret def map_trigger(library, session, trigger_source, trigger_destination, mode): """Map the specified trigger source line to the specified destination line. Corresponds to viMapTrigger function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. trigger_source : constants.InputTriggerLine Source line from which to map. trigger_destination : constants.OutputTriggerLine Destination line to which to map. mode : None, optional Always None for this version of the VISA specification. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return library.viMapTrigger(session, trigger_source, trigger_destination, mode) def memory_allocation(library, session, size, extended=False): """Allocate memory from a resource's memory region. Corresponds to viMemAlloc* functions of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. size : int Specifies the size of the allocation. extended : bool, optional Use 64 bits offset independent of the platform. Returns ------- int offset of the allocated memory constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ offset = ViBusAddress() if extended: ret = library.viMemAllocEx(session, size, byref(offset)) else: ret = library.viMemAlloc(session, size, byref(offset)) return offset, ret def memory_free(library, session, offset, extended=False): """Frees memory previously allocated using the memory_allocation() operation. Corresponds to viMemFree* function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. offset : int Offset of the memory to free. extended : bool, optional Use 64 bits offset independent of the platform. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ if extended: return library.viMemFreeEx(session, offset) else: return library.viMemFree(session, offset) def move( library, session, source_space, source_offset, source_width, destination_space, destination_offset, destination_width, length, ): """Moves a block of data. Corresponds to viMove function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. source_space : constants.AddressSpace Specifies the address space of the source. source_offset : int Offset of the starting address or register from which to read. source_width : constants.DataWidth Specifies the data width of the source. destination_space : constants.AddressSpace Specifies the address space of the destination. destination_offset : int Offset of the starting address or register to which to write. destination_width : constants.DataWidth Specifies the data width of the destination. length: int Number of elements to transfer, where the data width of the elements to transfer is identical to the source data width. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return library.viMove( session, source_space, source_offset, source_width, destination_space, destination_offset, destination_width, length, ) def move_asynchronously( library, session, source_space, source_offset, source_width, destination_space, destination_offset, destination_width, length, ): """Moves a block of data asynchronously. Corresponds to viMoveAsync function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. source_space : constants.AddressSpace Specifies the address space of the source. source_offset : int Offset of the starting address or register from which to read. source_width : constants.DataWidth Specifies the data width of the source. destination_space : constants.AddressSpace Specifies the address space of the destination. destination_offset : int Offset of the starting address or register to which to write. destination_width : constants.DataWidth Specifies the data width of the destination. length : int Number of elements to transfer, where the data width of the elements to transfer is identical to the source data width. Returns ------- VISAJobID Job identifier of this asynchronous move operation constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ job_id = ViJobId() ret = library.viMoveAsync( session, source_space, source_offset, source_width, destination_space, destination_offset, destination_width, length, byref(job_id), ) return job_id, ret def move_in_8(library, session, space, offset, length, extended=False): """Moves an 8-bit block of data to local memory. Corresponds to viMoveIn8* functions of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. space : constants.AddressSpace Address space from which to move the data. offset : int Offset (in bytes) of the address or register from which to read. length : int Number of elements to transfer, where the data width of the elements to transfer is identical to the source data width. extended : bool, optional Use 64 bits offset independent of the platform, by default False. Returns ------- data : List[int] Data read from the bus status_code : constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ buffer_8 = (ViUInt8 * length)() if extended: ret = library.viMoveIn8Ex(session, space, offset, length, buffer_8) else: ret = library.viMoveIn8(session, space, offset, length, buffer_8) return list(buffer_8), ret def move_in_16(library, session, space, offset, length, extended=False): """Moves an 16-bit block of data to local memory. Corresponds to viMoveIn816 functions of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. space : constants.AddressSpace Address space from which to move the data. offset : int Offset (in bytes) of the address or register from which to read. length : int Number of elements to transfer, where the data width of the elements to transfer is identical to the source data width. extended : bool, optional Use 64 bits offset independent of the platform, by default False. Returns ------- data : List[int] Data read from the bus status_code : constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ buffer_16 = (ViUInt16 * length)() if extended: ret = library.viMoveIn16Ex(session, space, offset, length, buffer_16) else: ret = library.viMoveIn16(session, space, offset, length, buffer_16) return list(buffer_16), ret def move_in_32(library, session, space, offset, length, extended=False): """Moves an 32-bit block of data to local memory. Corresponds to viMoveIn32* functions of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. space : constants.AddressSpace Address space from which to move the data. offset : int Offset (in bytes) of the address or register from which to read. length : int Number of elements to transfer, where the data width of the elements to transfer is identical to the source data width. extended : bool, optional Use 64 bits offset independent of the platform, by default False. Returns ------- data : List[int] Data read from the bus status_code : constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ buffer_32 = (ViUInt32 * length)() if extended: ret = library.viMoveIn32Ex(session, space, offset, length, buffer_32) else: ret = library.viMoveIn32(session, space, offset, length, buffer_32) return list(buffer_32), ret def move_in_64(library, session, space, offset, length, extended=False): """Moves an 64-bit block of data to local memory. Corresponds to viMoveIn8* functions of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. space : constants.AddressSpace Address space from which to move the data. offset : int Offset (in bytes) of the address or register from which to read. length : int Number of elements to transfer, where the data width of the elements to transfer is identical to the source data width. extended : bool, optional Use 64 bits offset independent of the platform, by default False. Returns ------- data : List[int] Data read from the bus status_code : constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ buffer_64 = (ViUInt64 * length)() if extended: ret = library.viMoveIn64Ex(session, space, offset, length, buffer_64) else: ret = library.viMoveIn64(session, space, offset, length, buffer_64) return list(buffer_64), ret def move_out_8(library, session, space, offset, length, data, extended=False): """Moves an 8-bit block of data from local memory. Corresponds to viMoveOut8* functions of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. space : constants.AddressSpace Address space into which move the data. offset : int Offset (in bytes) of the address or register from which to read. length : int Number of elements to transfer, where the data width of the elements to transfer is identical to the source data width. data : Iterable[int] Data to write to bus. extended : bool, optional Use 64 bits offset independent of the platform, by default False. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ converted_buffer = (ViUInt8 * length)(*tuple(data)) if extended: return library.viMoveOut8Ex(session, space, offset, length, converted_buffer) else: return library.viMoveOut8(session, space, offset, length, converted_buffer) def move_out_16(library, session, space, offset, length, data, extended=False): """Moves an 16-bit block of data from local memory. Corresponds to viMoveOut16* functions of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. space : constants.AddressSpace Address space into which move the data. offset : int Offset (in bytes) of the address or register from which to read. length : int Number of elements to transfer, where the data width of the elements to transfer is identical to the source data width. data : Iterable[int] Data to write to bus. extended : bool, optional Use 64 bits offset independent of the platform, by default False. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ converted_buffer = (ViUInt16 * length)(*tuple(data)) if extended: return library.viMoveOut16Ex(session, space, offset, length, converted_buffer) else: return library.viMoveOut16(session, space, offset, length, converted_buffer) def move_out_32(library, session, space, offset, length, data, extended=False): """Moves an 32-bit block of data from local memory. Corresponds to viMoveOut32* functions of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. space : constants.AddressSpace Address space into which move the data. offset : int Offset (in bytes) of the address or register from which to read. length : int Number of elements to transfer, where the data width of the elements to transfer is identical to the source data width. data : Iterable[int] Data to write to bus. extended : bool, optional Use 64 bits offset independent of the platform, by default False. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ converted_buffer = (ViUInt32 * length)(*tuple(data)) if extended: return library.viMoveOut32Ex(session, space, offset, length, converted_buffer) else: return library.viMoveOut32(session, space, offset, length, converted_buffer) def move_out_64(library, session, space, offset, length, data, extended=False): """Moves an 64-bit block of data from local memory. Corresponds to viMoveOut64* functions of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. space : constants.AddressSpace Address space into which move the data. offset : int Offset (in bytes) of the address or register from which to read. length : int Number of elements to transfer, where the data width of the elements to transfer is identical to the source data width. data : Iterable[int] Data to write to bus. extended : bool, optional Use 64 bits offset independent of the platform, by default False. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ converted_buffer = (ViUInt64 * length)(*tuple(data)) if extended: return library.viMoveOut64Ex(session, space, offset, length, converted_buffer) else: return library.viMoveOut64(session, space, offset, length, converted_buffer) # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def open( library, session, resource_name, access_mode=constants.AccessModes.no_lock, open_timeout=constants.VI_TMO_IMMEDIATE, ): """Opens a session to the specified resource. Corresponds to viOpen function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISARMSession Resource Manager session (should always be a session returned from open_default_resource_manager()). resource_name : str Unique symbolic name of a resource. access_mode : constants.AccessModes, optional Specifies the mode by which the resource is to be accessed. open_timeout : int If the ``access_mode`` parameter requests a lock, then this parameter specifies the absolute time period (in milliseconds) that the resource waits to get unlocked before this operation returns an error. Returns ------- VISASession Unique logical identifier reference to a session constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ try: open_timeout = int(open_timeout) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "open_timeout (%r) must be an integer (or compatible type)" % open_timeout ) out_session = ViSession() # [ViSession, ViRsrc, ViAccessMode, ViUInt32, ViPSession] # ViRsrc converts from (str, unicode, bytes) to bytes ret = library.viOpen( session, resource_name, access_mode, open_timeout, byref(out_session) ) return out_session.value, ret def open_default_resource_manager(library): """This function returns a session to the Default Resource Manager resource. Corresponds to viOpenDefaultRM function of the VISA library. Returns ------- VISARMSession Unique logical identifier to a Default Resource Manager session constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ session = ViSession() ret = library.viOpenDefaultRM(byref(session)) return session.value, ret def out_8(library, session, space, offset, data, extended=False): """Write an 8-bit value to the specified memory space and offset. Corresponds to viOut8* functions of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. space : constants.AddressSpace Address space into which to write. offset : int Offset (in bytes) of the address or register from which to read. data : int Data to write to bus. extended : bool, optional Use 64 bits offset independent of the platform. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ if extended: return library.viOut8Ex(session, space, offset, data) else: return library.viOut8(session, space, offset, data) def out_16(library, session, space, offset, data, extended=False): """Write a 16-bit value to the specified memory space and offset. Corresponds to viOut16* functions of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. space : constants.AddressSpace Address space into which to write. offset : int Offset (in bytes) of the address or register from which to read. data : int Data to write to bus. extended : bool, optional Use 64 bits offset independent of the platform. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ if extended: return library.viOut16Ex(session, space, offset, data, extended=False) else: return library.viOut16(session, space, offset, data, extended=False) def out_32(library, session, space, offset, data, extended=False): """Write a 32-bit value to the specified memory space and offset. Corresponds to viOut32* functions of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. space : constants.AddressSpace Address space into which to write. offset : int Offset (in bytes) of the address or register from which to read. data : int Data to write to bus. extended : bool, optional Use 64 bits offset independent of the platform. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ if extended: return library.viOut32Ex(session, space, offset, data) else: return library.viOut32(session, space, offset, data) def out_64(library, session, space, offset, data, extended=False): """Write a 64-bit value to the specified memory space and offset. Corresponds to viOut64* functions of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. space : constants.AddressSpace Address space into which to write. offset : int Offset (in bytes) of the address or register from which to read. data : int Data to write to bus. extended : bool, optional Use 64 bits offset independent of the platform. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ if extended: return library.viOut64Ex(session, space, offset, data) else: return library.viOut64(session, space, offset, data) def parse_resource(library, session, resource_name): """Parse a resource string to get the interface information. Corresponds to viParseRsrc function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISARMSession Resource Manager session (should always be the Default Resource Manager for VISA returned from open_default_resource_manager()). resource_name : str Unique symbolic name of a resource. Returns ------- ResourceInfo Resource information with interface type and board number constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ interface_type = ViUInt16() interface_board_number = ViUInt16() # [ViSession, ViRsrc, ViPUInt16, ViPUInt16] # ViRsrc converts from (str, unicode, bytes) to bytes ret = library.viParseRsrc( session, resource_name, byref(interface_type), byref(interface_board_number) ) return ( ResourceInfo( constants.InterfaceType(interface_type.value), interface_board_number.value, None, None, None, ), ret, ) def parse_resource_extended(library, session, resource_name): """Parse a resource string to get extended interface information. Corresponds to viParseRsrcEx function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISARMSession Resource Manager session (should always be the Default Resource Manager for VISA returned from open_default_resource_manager()). resource_name : str Unique symbolic name of a resource. Returns ------- ResourceInfo Resource information with interface type and board number constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ interface_type = ViUInt16() interface_board_number = ViUInt16() resource_class = create_string_buffer(constants.VI_FIND_BUFLEN) unaliased_expanded_resource_name = create_string_buffer(constants.VI_FIND_BUFLEN) alias_if_exists = create_string_buffer(constants.VI_FIND_BUFLEN) # [ViSession, ViRsrc, ViPUInt16, ViPUInt16, ViAChar, ViAChar, ViAChar] # ViRsrc converts from (str, unicode, bytes) to bytes ret = library.viParseRsrcEx( session, resource_name, byref(interface_type), byref(interface_board_number), resource_class, unaliased_expanded_resource_name, alias_if_exists, ) res = [ buffer_to_text(val) for val in (resource_class, unaliased_expanded_resource_name, alias_if_exists) ] if res[-1] == "": res[-1] = None return ( ResourceInfo( constants.InterfaceType(interface_type.value), interface_board_number.value, *res ), ret, ) def peek_8(library, session, address): """Read an 8-bit value from the specified address. Corresponds to viPeek8 function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. address : VISAMemoryAddress Source address to read the value. Returns ------- int Data read from bus constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ value_8 = ViUInt8() ret = library.viPeek8(session, address, byref(value_8)) return value_8.value, ret def peek_16(library, session, address): """Read an 16-bit value from the specified address. Corresponds to viPeek16 function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. address : VISAMemoryAddress Source address to read the value. Returns ------- int Data read from bus constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ value_16 = ViUInt16() ret = library.viPeek16(session, address, byref(value_16)) return value_16.value, ret def peek_32(library, session, address): """Read an 32-bit value from the specified address. Corresponds to viPeek32 function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. address : VISAMemoryAddress Source address to read the value. Returns ------- int Data read from bus constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ value_32 = ViUInt32() ret = library.viPeek32(session, address, byref(value_32)) return value_32.value, ret def peek_64(library, session, address): """Read an 64-bit value from the specified address. Corresponds to viPeek64 function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. address : VISAMemoryAddress Source address to read the value. Returns ------- int Data read from bus constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ value_64 = ViUInt64() ret = library.viPeek64(session, address, byref(value_64)) return value_64.value, ret def poke_8(library, session, address, data): """Write an 8-bit value to the specified address. Corresponds to viPoke8 function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. address : VISAMemoryAddress Source address to read the value. data : int Data to write. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return library.viPoke8(session, address, data) def poke_16(library, session, address, data): """Write an 16-bit value to the specified address. Corresponds to viPoke16 function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. address : VISAMemoryAddress Source address to read the value. data : int Data to write. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return library.viPoke16(session, address, data) def poke_32(library, session, address, data): """Write an 32-bit value to the specified address. Corresponds to viPoke32 function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. address : VISAMemoryAddress Source address to read the value. data : int Data to write. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return library.viPoke32(session, address, data) def poke_64(library, session, address, data): """Write an 64-bit value to the specified address. Corresponds to viPoke64 function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. address : VISAMemoryAddress Source address to read the value. data : int Data to write. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return library.viPoke64(session, address, data) def read(library, session, count): """Reads data from device or interface synchronously. Corresponds to viRead function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. count : int Number of bytes to be read. Returns ------- bytes Date read constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ buffer = create_string_buffer(count) return_count = ViUInt32() ret = library.viRead(session, buffer, count, byref(return_count)) return buffer.raw[: return_count.value], ret def read_stb(library, session): """Reads a status byte of the service request. Corresponds to viReadSTB function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. Returns ------- int Service request status byte constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ status = ViUInt16() ret = library.viReadSTB(session, byref(status)) return status.value, ret def read_to_file(library, session, filename, count): """Read data synchronously, and store the transferred data in a file. Corresponds to viReadToFile function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. filename : str Name of file to which data will be written. count : int Number of bytes to be read. Returns ------- int Number of bytes actually transferred constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return_count = ViUInt32() ret = library.viReadToFile(session, filename, count, return_count) return return_count, ret def set_attribute(library, session, attribute, attribute_state): """Set the state of an attribute. Corresponds to viSetAttribute function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. attribute : constants.ResourceAttribute Attribute for which the state is to be modified. attribute_state : Any The state of the attribute to be set for the specified object. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return library.viSetAttribute(session, attribute, attribute_state) def set_buffer(library, session, mask, size): """Set the size for the formatted I/O and/or low-level I/O communication buffer(s). Corresponds to viSetBuf function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. mask : constants.BufferType Specifies the type of buffer. size : int The size to be set for the specified buffer(s). Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return library.viSetBuf(session, mask, size) def status_description(library, session, status): """Return a user-readable description of the status code passed to the operation. Corresponds to viStatusDesc function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. status : constants.StatusCode Status code to interpret. Returns ------- str User-readable string interpretation of the status code. constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ description = create_string_buffer(256) ret = library.viStatusDesc(session, status, description) return buffer_to_text(description), ret def terminate(library, session, degree, job_id): """Request a VISA session to terminate normal execution of an operation. Corresponds to viTerminate function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. degree : None Not used in this version of the VISA specification. job_id : VISAJobId Specifies an operation identifier. If a user passes None as the job_id value to viTerminate(), a VISA implementation should abort any calls in the current process executing on the specified vi. Any call that is terminated this way should return VI_ERROR_ABORT. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return library.viTerminate(session, degree, job_id) def uninstall_handler(library, session, event_type, handler, user_handle=None): """Uninstall handlers for events. Corresponds to viUninstallHandler function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. event_type : constants.EventType Logical event identifier. handler : VISAHandler Handler to be uninstalled by a client application. user_handle: A value specified by an application that can be used for identifying handlers uniquely in a session for an event. The modified value of the user_handle as returned by install_handler should be used instead of the original value. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ with set_user_handle_type(library, user_handle): if user_handle is not None: user_handle = byref(user_handle) return library.viUninstallHandler(session, event_type, handler, user_handle) def unlock(library, session): """Relinquish a lock for the specified resource. Corresponds to viUnlock function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return library.viUnlock(session) def unmap_address(library, session): """Unmap memory space previously mapped by map_address(). Corresponds to viUnmapAddress function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return library.viUnmapAddress(session) def unmap_trigger(library, session, trigger_source, trigger_destination): """Undo a previous map between a trigger source line and a destination line. Corresponds to viUnmapTrigger function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. trigger_source : constants.InputTriggerLine Source line used in previous map. trigger_destination : constants.OutputTriggerLine Destination line used in previous map. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return library.viUnmapTrigger(session, trigger_source, trigger_destination) def usb_control_in( library, session, request_type_bitmap_field, request_id, request_value, index, length=0, ): """Perform a USB control pipe transfer from the device. Corresponds to viUsbControlIn function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. request_type_bitmap_field : int bmRequestType parameter of the setup stage of a USB control transfer. request_id : int bRequest parameter of the setup stage of a USB control transfer. request_value : int wValue parameter of the setup stage of a USB control transfer. index : int wIndex parameter of the setup stage of a USB control transfer. This is usually the index of the interface or endpoint. length : int, optional wLength parameter of the setup stage of a USB control transfer. This value also specifies the size of the data buffer to receive the data from the optional data stage of the control transfer. Returns ------- bytes The data buffer that receives the data from the optional data stage of the control transfer constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ buffer = create_string_buffer(length) return_count = ViUInt16() ret = library.viUsbControlIn( session, request_type_bitmap_field, request_id, request_value, index, length, buffer, byref(return_count), ) return buffer.raw[: return_count.value], ret def usb_control_out( library, session, request_type_bitmap_field, request_id, request_value, index, data="", ): """Perform a USB control pipe transfer to the device. Corresponds to viUsbControlOut function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. request_type_bitmap_field : int bmRequestType parameter of the setup stage of a USB control transfer. request_id : int bRequest parameter of the setup stage of a USB control transfer. request_value : int wValue parameter of the setup stage of a USB control transfer. index : int wIndex parameter of the setup stage of a USB control transfer. This is usually the index of the interface or endpoint. data : bytes, optional The data buffer that sends the data in the optional data stage of the control transfer. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ length = len(data) return library.viUsbControlOut( session, request_type_bitmap_field, request_id, request_value, index, length, data, ) def vxi_command_query(library, session, mode, command): """Send the device a miscellaneous command or query and/or retrieves the response to a previous query. Corresponds to viVxiCommandQuery function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. mode : constants.VXICommands Specifies whether to issue a command and/or retrieve a response. command : int The miscellaneous command to send. Returns ------- int The response retrieved from the device constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ response = ViUInt32() ret = library.viVxiCommandQuery(session, mode, command, byref(response)) return response.value, ret def wait_on_event(library, session, in_event_type, timeout): """Wait for an occurrence of the specified event for a given session. Corresponds to viWaitOnEvent function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. in_event_type : constants.EventType Logical identifier of the event(s) to wait for. timeout : int Absolute time period in time units that the resource shall wait for a specified event to occur before returning the time elapsed error. The time unit is in milliseconds. Returns ------- constants.EventType Logical identifier of the event actually received VISAEventContext A handle specifying the unique occurrence of an event constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ out_event_type = ViEventType() out_context = ViEvent() ret = library.viWaitOnEvent( session, in_event_type, timeout, byref(out_event_type), byref(out_context) ) return out_event_type.value, out_context, ret def write(library, session, data): """Write data to device or interface synchronously. Corresponds to viWrite function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. data : bytes Data to be written. Returns ------- int Number of bytes actually transferred constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return_count = ViUInt32() # [ViSession, ViBuf, ViUInt32, ViPUInt32] ret = library.viWrite(session, data, len(data), byref(return_count)) return return_count.value, ret def write_asynchronously(library, session, data): """Write data to device or interface asynchronously. Corresponds to viWriteAsync function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. data : bytes Data to be written. Returns ------- VISAJobID Job ID of this asynchronous write operation constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ job_id = ViJobId() # [ViSession, ViBuf, ViUInt32, ViPJobId] ret = library.viWriteAsync(session, data, len(data), byref(job_id)) return job_id, ret def write_from_file(library, session, filename, count): """Take data from a file and write it out synchronously. Corresponds to viWriteFromFile function of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- library : ctypes.WinDLL or ctypes.CDLL ctypes wrapped library. session : VISASession Unique logical identifier to a session. filename : str Name of file from which data will be read. count : int Number of bytes to be written. Returns ------- int Number of bytes actually transferred constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return_count = ViUInt32() ret = library.viWriteFromFile(session, filename, count, return_count) return return_count, ret ``` #### File: pyvisa/ctwrapper/ ```python import ctypes as _ctypes from .cthelper import FUNCTYPE # Part One: Type Assignments for VISA and Instrument Drivers, see spec table # 3.1.1. # # Remark: The pointer and probably also the array variants are of no # significance in Python because there is no native call-by-reference. # However, as long as I'm not fully sure about this, they won't hurt. def _type_pair(ctypes_type): return ctypes_type, _ctypes.POINTER(ctypes_type) def _type_triplet(ctypes_type): return _type_pair(ctypes_type) + (_ctypes.POINTER(ctypes_type),) ViUInt64, ViPUInt64, ViAUInt64 = _type_triplet(_ctypes.c_uint64) ViInt64, ViPInt64, ViAInt64 = _type_triplet(_ctypes.c_int64) ViUInt32, ViPUInt32, ViAUInt32 = _type_triplet(_ctypes.c_uint32) ViInt32, ViPInt32, ViAInt32 = _type_triplet(_ctypes.c_int32) ViUInt16, ViPUInt16, ViAUInt16 = _type_triplet(_ctypes.c_ushort) ViInt16, ViPInt16, ViAInt16 = _type_triplet(_ctypes.c_short) ViUInt8, ViPUInt8, ViAUInt8 = _type_triplet(_ctypes.c_ubyte) ViInt8, ViPInt8, ViAInt8 = _type_triplet(_ctypes.c_byte) ViAddr, ViPAddr, ViAAddr = _type_triplet(_ctypes.c_void_p) ViChar, ViPChar, ViAChar = _type_triplet(_ctypes.c_char) ViByte, ViPByte, ViAByte = _type_triplet(_ctypes.c_ubyte) ViBoolean, ViPBoolean, ViABoolean = _type_triplet(ViUInt16) ViReal32, ViPReal32, ViAReal32 = _type_triplet(_ctypes.c_float) ViReal64, ViPReal64, ViAReal64 = _type_triplet(_ctypes.c_double) class ViString(object): @classmethod def from_param(cls, obj): if isinstance(obj, str): return bytes(obj, "ascii") return obj class ViAString(object): @classmethod def from_param(cls, obj): return _ctypes.POINTER(obj) ViPString = ViString # This follows visa.h definition, but involves a lot of manual conversion. # ViBuf, ViPBuf, ViABuf = ViPByte, ViPByte, _ctypes.POINTER(ViPByte) ViBuf, ViPBuf, ViABuf = ViPString, ViPString, ViAString def buffer_to_text(buf) -> str: return buf.value.decode("ascii") ViRsrc = ViString ViPRsrc = ViString ViARsrc = ViAString ViKeyId, ViPKeyId = ViString, ViPString ViStatus, ViPStatus, ViAStatus = _type_triplet(ViInt32) ViVersion, ViPVersion, ViAVersion = _type_triplet(ViUInt32) _ViObject, ViPObject, ViAObject = _type_triplet(ViUInt32) _ViSession, ViPSession, ViASession = _type_triplet(ViUInt32) class ViObject(_ViObject): # type: ignore @classmethod def from_param(cls, obj): if obj is None: raise ValueError("Session cannot be None. The resource might be closed.") return _ViObject.from_param(obj) ViSession = ViObject ViAttr = ViUInt32 ViConstString = _ctypes.POINTER(ViChar) # Part Two: Type Assignments for VISA only, see spec table 3.1.2. The # difference to the above is of no significance in Python, so I use it here # only for easier synchronisation with the spec. ViAccessMode, ViPAccessMode = _type_pair(ViUInt32) ViBusAddress, ViPBusAddress = _type_pair(ViUInt32) ViBusAddress64, ViPBusAddress64 = _type_pair(ViUInt64) ViBusSize = ViUInt32 ViAttrState, ViPAttrState = _type_pair(ViUInt32) # The following is weird, taken from news:<EMAIL> ViVAList = _ctypes.POINTER(_ctypes.c_char) ViEventType, ViPEventType, ViAEventType = _type_triplet(ViUInt32) ViPAttr = _ctypes.POINTER(ViAttr) ViAAttr = ViPAttr ViEventFilter = ViUInt32 ViFindList, ViPFindList = _type_pair(ViObject) ViEvent, ViPEvent = _type_pair(ViObject) ViJobId, ViPJobId = _type_pair(ViUInt32) # Class of callback functions for event handling, first type is result type ViHndlr = FUNCTYPE(ViStatus, ViSession, ViEventType, ViEvent, ViAddr) ``` #### File: pyvisa/resources/ ```python from typing import Iterable, List from .. import constants from .resource import Resource class RegisterBasedResource(Resource): """Base class for resources that use register based communication.""" def read_memory( self, space: constants.AddressSpace, offset: int, width: constants.DataWidth, extended: bool = False, ) -> int: """Read a value from the specified memory space and offset. Parameters ---------- space : constants.AddressSpace Specifies the address space from which to read. offset : int Offset (in bytes) of the address or register from which to read. width : Union[Literal[8, 16, 32, 64], constants.DataWidth] Number of bits to read (8, 16, 32 or 64). extended : bool, optional Use 64 bits offset independent of the platform. Returns ------- data : int Data read from memory Raises ------ ValueError Raised if an invalid width is specified. """ return self.visalib.read_memory(self.session, space, offset, width, extended)[0] def write_memory( self, space: constants.AddressSpace, offset: int, data: int, width: constants.DataWidth, extended: bool = False, ) -> constants.StatusCode: """Write a value to the specified memory space and offset. Parameters ---------- space : constants.AddressSpace Specifies the address space. offset : int Offset (in bytes) of the address or register from which to read. data : int Data to write to bus. width : Union[Literal[8, 16, 32, 64], constants.DataWidth] Number of bits to read. extended : bool, optional Use 64 bits offset independent of the platform, by default False. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if an invalid width is specified. """ return self.visalib.write_memory( self.session, space, offset, data, width, extended ) def move_in( self, space: constants.AddressSpace, offset: int, length: int, width: constants.DataWidth, extended: bool = False, ) -> List[int]: """Move a block of data to local memory from the given address space and offset. Corresponds to viMoveIn* functions of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- space : constants.AddressSpace Address space from which to move the data. offset : int Offset (in bytes) of the address or register from which to read. length : int Number of elements to transfer, where the data width of the elements to transfer is identical to the source data width. width : Union[Literal[8, 16, 32, 64], constants.DataWidth] Number of bits to read per element. extended : bool, optional Use 64 bits offset independent of the platform, by default False. Returns ------- data : List[int] Data read from the bus status_code : constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if an invalid width is specified. """ return self.visalib.move_in( self.session, space, offset, length, width, extended )[0] def move_out( self, space: constants.AddressSpace, offset: int, length: int, data: Iterable[int], width: constants.DataWidth, extended: bool = False, ) -> constants.StatusCode: """Move a block of data from local memory to the given address space and offset. Corresponds to viMoveOut* functions of the VISA library. Parameters ---------- space : constants.AddressSpace Address space into which move the data. offset : int Offset (in bytes) of the address or register from which to read. length : int Number of elements to transfer, where the data width of the elements to transfer is identical to the source data width. data : Iterable[int] Data to write to bus. width : Union[Literal[8, 16, 32, 64], constants.DataWidth] Number of bits to per element. extended : bool, optional Use 64 bits offset independent of the platform, by default False. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if an invalid width is specified. """ return self.visalib.move_out( self.session, space, offset, length, data, width, extended ) ``` #### File: pyvisa/resources/ ```python import contextlib import time import warnings from functools import update_wrapper from typing import ( Any, Callable, ContextManager, Iterator, Optional, Set, Type, TypeVar, Union, cast, ) from typing_extensions import ClassVar, Literal from .. import attributes, constants, errors, highlevel, logger, rname, typing, util from ..attributes import Attribute from import Event from ..typing import VISAEventContext, VISAHandler, VISASession class WaitResponse: """Class used in return of wait_on_event. It properly closes the context upon delete. A call with event_type of 0 (normally used when timed_out is True) will store None as the event and event type, otherwise it records the proper Event. """ #: Reference to the event object that was waited for. event: Event #: Status code returned by the VISA library ret: constants.StatusCode #: Did a timeout occurs timed_out: bool def __init__( self, event_type: constants.EventType, context: Optional[VISAEventContext], ret: constants.StatusCode, visalib: highlevel.VisaLibraryBase, timed_out: bool = False, ): self.event = Event(visalib, event_type, context) self._event_type = constants.EventType(event_type) self._context = context self.ret = ret self._visalib = visalib self.timed_out = timed_out @property def event_type(self) -> Optional[constants.EventType]: warnings.warn( "event_type is deprecated and will be removed in 1.12. " "Use the event object instead.", FutureWarning, ) return self._event_type @property def context(self) -> Optional[VISAEventContext]: warnings.warn( "context is deprecated and will be removed in 1.12. " "Use the event object instead to access the event attributes.", FutureWarning, ) return self._context def __del__(self) -> None: if self.event._context is not None: try: self._visalib.close(self.event._context) self.event.close() except errors.VisaIOError: pass T = TypeVar("T", bound="Resource") class Resource(object): """Base class for resources. Do not instantiate directly, use :meth:`pyvisa.highlevel.ResourceManager.open_resource`. """ #: Reference to the resource manager used by this resource resource_manager: highlevel.ResourceManager #: Reference to the VISA library instance used by the resource visalib: highlevel.VisaLibraryBase #: VISA attribute descriptor classes that can be used to introspect the #: supported attributes and the possible values. The "often used" ones #: are generally directly available on the resource. visa_attributes_classes: ClassVar[Set[Type[attributes.Attribute]]] @classmethod def register( cls, interface_type: constants.InterfaceType, resource_class: str ) -> Callable[[Type[T]], Type[T]]: """Create a decorator to register a class. The class is associated to an interface type, resource class pair. Parameters ---------- interface_type : constants.InterfaceType Interface type for which to register a wrapper class. resource_class : str Resource class for which to register a wrapper class. Returns ------- Callable[[Type[T]], Type[T]] Decorator registering the class. Raises TypeError if some VISA attributes are missing on the registered class. """ def _internal(python_class): highlevel.ResourceManager.register_resource_class( interface_type, resource_class, python_class ) return python_class return _internal def __init__( self, resource_manager: highlevel.ResourceManager, resource_name: str ) -> None: self._resource_manager = resource_manager self.visalib = self._resource_manager.visalib # We store the resource name and use preferably the private attr over # the public descriptor internally because the public descriptor # requires a live instance the VISA library, which means it is much # slower but also can cause issue in error reporting when accessing the # repr self._resource_name: str try: # Attempt to normalize the resource name. Can fail for aliases self._resource_name = str(rname.ResourceName.from_string(resource_name)) except rname.InvalidResourceName: self._resource_name = resource_name self._logging_extra = { "library_path": self.visalib.library_path, "resource_manager.session": self._resource_manager.session, "resource_name": self._resource_name, "session": None, } #: Session handle. self._session: Optional[VISASession] = None @property def session(self) -> VISASession: """Resource session handle. Raises ------ errors.InvalidSession Raised if session is closed. """ if self._session is None: raise errors.InvalidSession() return self._session @session.setter def session(self, value: Optional[VISASession]) -> None: self._session = value def __del__(self) -> None: if self._session is not None: self.close() def __str__(self) -> str: return "%s at %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._resource_name) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<%r(%r)>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._resource_name) def __enter__(self) -> "Resource": return self def __exit__(self, *args) -> None: self.close() @property def last_status(self) -> constants.StatusCode: """Last status code for this session.""" return self.visalib.get_last_status_in_session(self.session) @property def resource_info(self) -> highlevel.ResourceInfo: """Get the extended information of this resource.""" return self.visalib.parse_resource_extended( self._resource_manager.session, self._resource_name )[0] # --- VISA attributes -------------------------------------------------------------- #: VISA attributes require the resource to be opened in order to get accessed. #: Please have a look at the attributes definition for more details #: Interface type of the given session. interface_type: Attribute[ constants.InterfaceType ] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_INTF_TYPE() #: Board number for the given interface. interface_number: Attribute[int] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_INTF_NUM() #: Resource class (for example, "INSTR") as defined by the canonical resource name. resource_class: Attribute[str] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_RSRC_CLASS() #: Unique identifier for a resource compliant with the address structure. resource_name: Attribute[str] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_RSRC_NAME() #: Resource version that identifies the revisions or implementations of a resource. implementation_version: Attribute[int] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_RSRC_IMPL_VERSION() #: Current locking state of the resource. lock_state: Attribute[ constants.AccessModes ] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_RSRC_LOCK_STATE() #: Version of the VISA specification to which the implementation is compliant. spec_version: Attribute[int] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_RSRC_SPEC_VERSION() #: Manufacturer name of the vendor that implemented the VISA library. resource_manufacturer_name: Attribute[str] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_RSRC_MANF_NAME() #: Timeout in milliseconds for all resource I/O operations. timeout: Attribute[float] = attributes.AttrVI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE() def ignore_warning( self, *warnings_constants: constants.StatusCode ) -> ContextManager: """Ignoring warnings context manager for the current resource. Parameters ---------- warnings_constants : constants.StatusCode Constants identifying the warnings to ignore. """ return self.visalib.ignore_warning(self.session, *warnings_constants) def open( self, access_mode: constants.AccessModes = constants.AccessModes.no_lock, open_timeout: int = 5000, ) -> None: """Opens a session to the specified resource. Parameters ---------- access_mode : constants.AccessModes, optional Specifies the mode by which the resource is to be accessed. Defaults to constants.AccessModes.no_lock. open_timeout : int, optional If the ``access_mode`` parameter requests a lock, then this parameter specifies the absolute time period (in milliseconds) that the resource waits to get unlocked before this operation returns an error. Defaults to 5000. """ logger.debug("%s - opening ...", self._resource_name, extra=self._logging_extra) with self._resource_manager.ignore_warning( constants.StatusCode.success_device_not_present ): self.session, status = self._resource_manager.open_bare_resource( self._resource_name, access_mode, open_timeout ) if status == constants.StatusCode.success_device_not_present: # The device was not ready when we opened the session. # Now it gets five seconds more to become ready. # Every 0.1 seconds we probe it with viClear. start_time = time.time() sleep_time = 0.1 try_time = 5 while time.time() - start_time < try_time: time.sleep(sleep_time) try: self.clear() break except errors.VisaIOError as error: if error.error_code != constants.StatusCode.error_no_listeners: raise self._logging_extra["session"] = self.session logger.debug( "%s - is open with session %s", self._resource_name, self.session, extra=self._logging_extra, ) def before_close(self) -> None: """Called just before closing an instrument.""" self.__switch_events_off() def close(self) -> None: """Closes the VISA session and marks the handle as invalid.""" try: logger.debug("%s - closing", self._resource_name, extra=self._logging_extra) self.before_close() self.visalib.close(self.session) logger.debug( "%s - is closed", self._resource_name, extra=self._logging_extra ) # Mypy is confused by the idea that we can set a value we cannot get self.session = None # type: ignore except errors.InvalidSession: pass def __switch_events_off(self) -> None: """Switch off and discrads all events.""" self.disable_event( constants.EventType.all_enabled, constants.EventMechanism.all ) self.discard_events( constants.EventType.all_enabled, constants.EventMechanism.all ) self.visalib.uninstall_all_visa_handlers(self.session) def get_visa_attribute(self, name: constants.ResourceAttribute) -> Any: """Retrieves the state of an attribute in this resource. One should prefer the dedicated descriptor for often used attributes since those perform checks and automatic conversion on the value. Parameters ---------- name : constants.ResourceAttribute Resource attribute for which the state query is made. Returns ------- Any The state of the queried attribute for a specified resource. """ return self.visalib.get_attribute(self.session, name)[0] def set_visa_attribute( self, name: constants.ResourceAttribute, state: Any ) -> constants.StatusCode: """Set the state of an attribute. One should prefer the dedicated descriptor for often used attributes since those perform checks and automatic conversion on the value. Parameters ---------- name : constants.ResourceAttribute Attribute for which the state is to be modified. state : Any The state of the attribute to be set for the specified object. Returns ------- constants.StatusCode Return value of the library call. """ return self.visalib.set_attribute(self.session, name, state) def clear(self) -> None: """Clear this resource.""" self.visalib.clear(self.session) def install_handler( self, event_type: constants.EventType, handler: VISAHandler, user_handle=None ) -> Any: """Install handlers for event callbacks in this resource. Parameters ---------- event_type : constants.EventType Logical event identifier. handler : VISAHandler Handler function to be installed by a client application. user_handle : A value specified by an application that can be used for identifying handlers uniquely for an event type. Depending on the backend they may be restriction on the possible values. Look at the backend `install_visa_handler` for more details. Returns ------- Any User handle in a format amenable to the backend. This is this representation of the handle that should be used when unistalling a handler. """ return self.visalib.install_visa_handler( self.session, event_type, handler, user_handle ) def wrap_handler( self, callable: Callable[["Resource", Event, Any], None] ) -> VISAHandler: """Wrap an event handler to provide the signature expected by VISA. The handler is expected to have the following signature: handler(resource: Resource, event: Event, user_handle: Any) -> None. The wrapped handler should be used only to handle events on the resource used to wrap the handler. """ def event_handler( session: VISASession, event_type: constants.EventType, event_context: typing.VISAEventContext, user_handle: Any, ) -> None: if session != self.session: raise RuntimeError( "When wrapping a handler, the resource used to wrap the handler" "must be the same on which the handler will be installed." f"Wrapping session: {self.session}, event on session: {session}" ) event = Event(self.visalib, event_type, event_context) try: return callable(self, event, user_handle) finally: event.close() update_wrapper(event_handler, callable) return event_handler def uninstall_handler( self, event_type: constants.EventType, handler: VISAHandler, user_handle=None ) -> None: """Uninstalls handlers for events in this resource. Parameters ---------- event_type : constants.EventType Logical event identifier. handler : VISAHandler Handler function to be uninstalled by a client application. user_handle : Any The user handle returned by install_handler. """ self.visalib.uninstall_visa_handler( self.session, event_type, handler, user_handle ) def disable_event( self, event_type: constants.EventType, mechanism: constants.EventMechanism ) -> None: """Disable notification for an event type(s) via the specified mechanism(s). Parameters ---------- event_type : constants.EventType Logical event identifier. mechanism : constants.EventMechanism Specifies event handling mechanisms to be disabled. """ self.visalib.disable_event(self.session, event_type, mechanism) def discard_events( self, event_type: constants.EventType, mechanism: constants.EventMechanism ) -> None: """Discards event occurrences for an event type and mechanism in this resource. Parameters ---------- event_type : constants.EventType Logical event identifier. mechanism : constants.EventMechanism Specifies event handling mechanisms to be disabled. """ self.visalib.discard_events(self.session, event_type, mechanism) def enable_event( self, event_type: constants.EventType, mechanism: constants.EventMechanism, context: None = None, ) -> None: """Enable event occurrences for specified event types and mechanisms in this resource. Parameters ---------- event_type : constants.EventType Logical event identifier. mechanism : constants.EventMechanism Specifies event handling mechanisms to be enabled context : None Not currently used, leave as None. """ self.visalib.enable_event(self.session, event_type, mechanism, context) def wait_on_event( self, in_event_type: constants.EventType, timeout: int, capture_timeout: bool = False, ) -> WaitResponse: """Waits for an occurrence of the specified event in this resource. in_event_type : constants.EventType Logical identifier of the event(s) to wait for. timeout : int Absolute time period in time units that the resource shall wait for a specified event to occur before returning the time elapsed error. The time unit is in milliseconds. None means waiting forever if necessary. capture_timeout : bool, optional When True will not produce a VisaIOError(VI_ERROR_TMO) but instead return a WaitResponse with timed_out=True. Returns ------- WaitResponse Object that contains event_type, context and ret value. """ try: event_type, context, ret = self.visalib.wait_on_event( self.session, in_event_type, timeout ) except errors.VisaIOError as exc: if capture_timeout and exc.error_code == constants.StatusCode.error_timeout: return WaitResponse( in_event_type, None, constants.StatusCode.error_timeout, self.visalib, timed_out=True, ) raise return WaitResponse(event_type, context, ret, self.visalib) def lock( self, timeout: Union[float, Literal["default"]] = "default", requested_key: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: """Establish a shared lock to the resource. Parameters ---------- timeout : Union[float, Literal["default"]], optional Absolute time period (in milliseconds) that a resource waits to get unlocked by the locking session before returning an error. Defaults to "default" which means use self.timeout. requested_key : Optional[str], optional Access key used by another session with which you want your session to share a lock or None to generate a new shared access key. Returns ------- str A new shared access key if requested_key is None, otherwise, same value as the requested_key """ tout = cast(float, self.timeout if timeout == "default" else timeout) clean_timeout = util.cleanup_timeout(tout) return self.visalib.lock( self.session, constants.Lock.shared, clean_timeout, requested_key )[0] def lock_excl(self, timeout: Union[float, Literal["default"]] = "default") -> None: """Establish an exclusive lock to the resource. Parameters ---------- timeout : Union[float, Literal["default"]], optional Absolute time period (in milliseconds) that a resource waits to get unlocked by the locking session before returning an error. Defaults to "default" which means use self.timeout. """ tout = cast(float, self.timeout if timeout == "default" else timeout) clean_timeout = util.cleanup_timeout(tout) self.visalib.lock(self.session, constants.Lock.exclusive, clean_timeout, None) def unlock(self) -> None: """Relinquishes a lock for the specified resource.""" self.visalib.unlock(self.session) @contextlib.contextmanager def lock_context( self, timeout: Union[float, Literal["default"]] = "default", requested_key: Optional[str] = "exclusive", ) -> Iterator[Optional[str]]: """A context that locks Parameters ---------- timeout : Union[float, Literal["default"]], optional Absolute time period (in milliseconds) that a resource waits to get unlocked by the locking session before returning an error. Defaults to "default" which means use self.timeout. requested_key : Optional[str], optional When using default of 'exclusive' the lock is an exclusive lock. Otherwise it is the access key for the shared lock or None to generate a new shared access key. Yields ------ Optional[str] The access_key if applicable. """ if requested_key == "exclusive": self.lock_excl(timeout) access_key = None else: access_key = self.lock(timeout, requested_key) try: yield access_key finally: self.unlock() Resource.register(constants.InterfaceType.unknown, "")(Resource) ``` #### File: testsuite/keysight_assisted_tests/ ```python import ctypes import gc import logging import time import pytest from pyvisa import constants, errors from pyvisa.constants import EventType, ResourceAttribute from pyvisa.resources import Resource from .resource_utils import ( EventAwareResourceTestCaseMixin, LockableResourceTestCaseMixin, ResourceTestCase, ) try: import numpy as np # type: ignore except ImportError: np = None class EventHandler: """Event handler.""" def __init__(self) -> None: self.event_success = False self.srq_success = False self.io_completed = False self.handle = None self.session = None def handle_event(self, session, event_type, event, handle=None): """Event handler Ctypes handler are expected to return an interger. """ self.session = session self.handle = handle if event_type == EventType.service_request: self.event_success = True self.srq_success = True return 0 if event_type == EventType.io_completion: self.event_success = True self.io_completed = True return 0 else: self.event_success = True return 0 def simplified_handler(self, resource, event, handle=None): """Simplified handler that can be wrapped.""" self.session = resource.session self.handle = handle event_type = event.event_type if event_type == EventType.service_request: self.event_success = True self.srq_success = True return None elif event_type == EventType.io_completion: self.event_success = True self.io_completed = True return None else: self.event_success = True return None class MessagebasedResourceTestCase(ResourceTestCase): """Base test case for all message based resources.""" #: Type of resource being tested in this test case. #: See RESOURCE_ADDRESSES in the file of this package for #: acceptable values RESOURCE_TYPE = "" # Any test involving communication involve to first write to glider the # data then request it to send it back def setup_method(self): """Create a resource using the address matching the type.""" super().setup_method() self.instr.write_termination = "\n" self.instr.read_termination = "\n" self.instr.timeout = 100 def compare_user_handle(self, h1, h2): """Function comparing to user handle as passed to a callback. We need such an indirection because we cannot safely always return a Python object and most ctypes object do not compare equal. """ if isinstance(h1, ctypes.Structure): return h1 == h2 elif hasattr(h1, "value"): return h1.value == h2.value else: # assume an array return all((i == j for i, j in zip(h1, h2))) def test_encoding(self): """Tets setting the string encoding.""" assert self.instr.encoding == "ascii" self.instr.encoding = "utf-8" with pytest.raises(LookupError): self.instr.encoding = "test" def test_termchars(self): """Test modifying the termchars.""" # Write termination self.instr.write_termination = "\r\n" assert self.instr.write_termination == "\r\n" self.instr.read_termination = "\r\0" assert self.instr.read_termination == "\r\0" assert self.instr.get_visa_attribute(ResourceAttribute.termchar) == ord("\0") assert self.instr.get_visa_attribute(ResourceAttribute.termchar_enabled) # Disable read termination self.instr.read_termination = None assert self.instr.get_visa_attribute(ResourceAttribute.termchar) == ord("\n") assert not self.instr.get_visa_attribute(ResourceAttribute.termchar_enabled) # Ban repeated term chars with pytest.raises(ValueError): self.instr.read_termination = "\n\n" def test_write_raw_read_bytes(self): """Test writing raw data and reading a specific number of bytes.""" # Reading all bytes at once self.instr.write_raw(b"RECEIVE\n") self.instr.write_raw(b"test\n") count = self.instr.write_raw(b"SEND\n") assert count == 5 self.instr.flush(constants.VI_READ_BUF) msg = self.instr.read_bytes(5, chunk_size=2) assert msg == b"test\n" # Reading one byte at a time self.instr.write_raw(b"RECEIVE\n") self.instr.write_raw(b"test\n") self.instr.write_raw(b"SEND\n") for ch in b"test\n": assert self.instr.read_bytes(1) == ch.to_bytes(1, "little") # Breaking on termchar self.instr.read_termination = "\r" self.instr.write_raw(b"RECEIVE\n") self.instr.write_raw(b"te\rst\r\n") self.instr.write_raw(b"SEND\n") assert self.instr.read_bytes(100, break_on_termchar=True) == b"te\r" assert self.instr.read_bytes(100, break_on_termchar=True) == b"st\r" assert self.instr.read_bytes(1) == b"\n" # Breaking on end of message self.instr.read_termination = "\n" self.instr.write_raw(b"RECEIVE\n") self.instr.write_raw(b"test\n") self.instr.write_raw(b"SEND\n") assert self.instr.read_bytes(100, break_on_termchar=True) == b"test\n" def test_handling_exception_in_read_bytes(self, caplog): """Test handling exception in read_bytes (monkeypatching)""" def false_read(session, size): raise errors.VisaIOError(constants.VI_ERROR_ABORT) read = = false_read with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG): try: self.instr.read_bytes(1) except errors.VisaIOError: pass finally: = read assert "- exception while reading:" in caplog.records[1].message def test_write_raw_read_raw(self): """Test writing raw data and reading an answer.""" self.instr.write_raw(b"RECEIVE\n") self.instr.write_raw(b"test\n") self.instr.write_raw(b"SEND\n") assert self.instr.read_raw(size=2) == b"test\n" def test_clear(self): """Test clearing the incoming buffer.""" self.instr.write_raw(b"RECEIVE\n") self.instr.write_raw(b"test\n") self.instr.write_raw(b"SEND\n") self.instr.clear() self.instr.timeout = 10 with pytest.raises(errors.VisaIOError): self.instr.read_raw() def test_write_read(self): """Test writing and reading.""" self.instr.write_termination = "\n" self.instr.read_termination = "\r\n" self.instr.write("RECEIVE") with pytest.warns(UserWarning): self.instr.write("test\r\n") count = self.instr.write("SEND") assert count == 5 assert == "test" # Missing termination chars self.instr.read_termination = "\r\n" self.instr.write("RECEIVE") self.instr.write("test") self.instr.write("SEND") with pytest.warns(Warning): assert == "test\n" # Dynamic termination self.instr.write_termination = "\r" self.instr.write("RECEIVE\n", termination=False) self.instr.write("test\r", termination="\n") self.instr.write("SEND", termination="\n") assert"\r") == "test" # Test query self.instr.write_termination = "\n" self.instr.write("RECEIVE") self.instr.write("test\r") tic = time.time() assert self.instr.query("SEND", delay=0.5) == "test" assert time.time() - tic > 0.49 # Test handling repeated term char self.instr.read_termination = "\n" for char in ("\r", None): self.instr.write_termination = "\n" if char else "\r" self.instr.write("RECEIVE", termination="\n") with pytest.warns(Warning): self.instr.write("test\r", termination=char) self.instr.write("", termination="\n") self.instr.write("SEND", termination="\n") assert == "test\r\r" # TODO not sure how to test encoding def test_handling_exception_in_read_raw(self, caplog): """Test handling exception in read_bytes (monkeypatching)""" def false_read(session, size): raise errors.VisaIOError(constants.VI_ERROR_ABORT) read = = false_read with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG): try: except errors.VisaIOError: pass finally: = read assert caplog.records def test_write_ascii_values(self): """Test writing ascii values.""" # Standard separator values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] self.instr.write("RECEIVE") count = self.instr.write_ascii_values("", values, "d") assert count == 10 self.instr.write("SEND") assert == "1,2,3,4,5" # Non standard separator and termination self.instr.write_termination = "\r" self.instr.write("RECEIVE", termination="\n") self.instr.write_ascii_values("", values, "d", separator=";", termination=False) self.instr.write("", termination="\n") self.instr.write("SEND", termination="\n") assert == "1;2;3;4;5" # Test handling repeated term char for char in ("\r", None): self.instr.write_termination = "\n" if char else "\r" self.instr.write("RECEIVE", termination="\n") with pytest.warns(Warning): values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] self.instr.write_ascii_values( "\r", values, "s", separator=";", termination=char ) self.instr.write("", termination="\n") self.instr.write("SEND", termination="\n") assert == "\r1;2;3;4;5\r" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "hfmt, prefix", zip(("ieee", "hp", "empty"), (b"#212", b"#A\x0c\x00", b"")) ) def test_write_binary_values(self, hfmt, prefix): """Test writing binary data.""" values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] self.instr.write_termination = "\n" self.instr.write("RECEIVE") count = self.instr.write_binary_values("", values, "h", header_fmt=hfmt) # Each interger encoded as h uses 2 bytes assert count == len(prefix) + 12 + 1 self.instr.write("SEND") msg = self.instr.read_bytes(13 + len(prefix)) assert msg == prefix + b"\x01\x00\x02\x00\x03\x00\x04\x00\x05\x00\x06\x00\n" if hfmt == "hp": fl_prefix = prefix[0:2] + prefix[-2::][::-1] else: fl_prefix = prefix self.instr.write_termination = "\r" self.instr.write("RECEIVE", termination="\n") self.instr.write_binary_values( "", values, "h", is_big_endian=True, termination=False, header_fmt=hfmt ) self.instr.write("", termination="\n") self.instr.write("SEND", termination="\n") assert ( self.instr.read_bytes(13 + len(prefix)) == fl_prefix + b"\x00\x01\x00\x02\x00\x03\x00\x04\x00\x05\x00\x06\n" ) # Test handling repeated term char for char in ("\r", None): self.instr.write_termination = "\n" if char else "\r" self.instr.write("RECEIVE", termination="\n") with pytest.warns(Warning): self.instr.write_binary_values( "\r", values, "h", header_fmt=hfmt, termination=char ) self.instr.write("", termination="\n") self.instr.write("SEND", termination="\n") msg = assert ( msg == "\r" + prefix.decode("ascii") + "\x01\x00\x02\x00\x03\x00\x04\x00\x05\x00\x06\x00\r" ) # Wrong header format with pytest.raises(ValueError): self.instr.write_binary_values("", values, "h", header_fmt="zxz") def test_read_ascii_values(self): """Test reading ascii values.""" # Standard separator self.instr.write("RECEIVE") self.instr.write("1,2,3,4,5") self.instr.write("SEND") values = self.instr.read_ascii_values() assert type(values[0]) is float assert values == [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0] # Non standard separator and termination self.instr.write("RECEIVE") self.instr.write("1;2;3;4;5") tic = time.time() values = self.instr.query_ascii_values( "SEND", converter="d", separator=";", delay=0.5 ) assert time.time() - tic > 0.5 assert type(values[0]) is int assert values == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # Numpy container if np: self.instr.write("RECEIVE") self.instr.write("1,2,3,4,5") self.instr.write("SEND") values = self.instr.read_ascii_values(container=np.array) expected = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]) assert values.dtype is expected.dtype np.testing.assert_array_equal(values, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("hfmt", ("ieee", "hp")) def test_read_binary_values(self, hfmt): """Test reading binary data.""" # TODO test handling binary decoding issue (troublesome) self.instr.read_termination = "\r" # 3328 in binary short is \x00\r this way we can interrupt the # transmission midway to test some corner cases data = [1, 2, 3328, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] self.instr.write("RECEIVE") self.instr.write_binary_values( "", data, "h", header_fmt=hfmt, termination="\r\n" ) self.instr.write("SEND") new = self.instr.read_binary_values( datatype="h", is_big_endian=False, header_fmt=hfmt, expect_termination=True, chunk_size=8, ) self.instr.read_bytes(1) assert data == new self.instr.write("RECEIVE") self.instr.write_binary_values( "", data, "h", header_fmt=hfmt, is_big_endian=True ) new = self.instr.query_binary_values( "SEND", datatype="h", header_fmt=hfmt, is_big_endian=True, expect_termination=False, chunk_size=8, container=np.array if np else list, ) self.instr.read_bytes(1) if np: np.testing.assert_array_equal(new, np.array(data, dtype=np.int16)) else: assert data == new def test_read_query_binary_values_invalid_header(self): """Test we properly handle an invalid header.""" data = [1, 2, 3328, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] self.instr.write("RECEIVE") self.instr.write_binary_values( "", data, "h", header_fmt="ieee", is_big_endian=True ) self.instr.write("SEND") with pytest.raises(ValueError): self.instr.read_binary_values( datatype="h", is_big_endian=False, header_fmt="invalid", expect_termination=True, chunk_size=8, ) self.instr.write("RECEIVE") self.instr.write_binary_values( "", data, "h", header_fmt="ieee", is_big_endian=True ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): self.instr.query_binary_values( "*IDN", datatype="h", is_big_endian=False, header_fmt="invalid", expect_termination=True, chunk_size=8, ) # Not sure how to test this @pytest.mark.skip def test_handling_malformed_binary(self): """""" pass @pytest.mark.parametrize( "hfmt, header", zip(("ieee", "hp", "empty"), ("#10", "#A\x00\x00", "")) ) def test_read_binary_values_unreported_length(self, hfmt, header): """Test reading binary data.""" self.instr.read_termination = "\r" # 3328 in binary short is \x00\r this way we can interrupt the # transmission midway to test some corner cases data = [1, 2, 3328, 3, 4, 5] self.instr.write("RECEIVE") self.instr.write( header + "\x01\x00\x02\x00\x00\r\x03\x00\x04\x00\x05\x00", termination="\r\n", ) self.instr.write("SEND") new = self.instr.read_binary_values( datatype="h", is_big_endian=False, header_fmt=hfmt, expect_termination=True, chunk_size=6, data_points=6, ) self.instr.read_bytes(1) assert data == new self.instr.write("RECEIVE") self.instr.write( header + "\x00\x01\x00\x02\r\x00\x00\x03\x00\x04\x00\x05", termination="\r\n", ) new = self.instr.query_binary_values( "SEND", datatype="h", header_fmt=hfmt, is_big_endian=True, expect_termination=False, chunk_size=6, container=np.array if np else list, data_points=6, ) self.instr.read_bytes(1) if np: np.testing.assert_array_equal(new, np.array(data, dtype=np.int16)) else: assert data == new # Check we do error on unreported/unspecified length self.instr.write("RECEIVE") self.instr.write( header + "\x01\x00\x02\x00\x00\r\x03\x00\x04\x00\x05\x00", termination="\r\n", ) self.instr.write("SEND") with pytest.raises(ValueError): self.instr.read_binary_values( datatype="h", is_big_endian=False, header_fmt=hfmt, expect_termination=True, chunk_size=6, ) def test_delay_in_query_ascii(self): """Test handling of the delay argument in query_ascii_values.""" # Test using the instrument wide delay self.instr.query_delay = 1.0 self.instr.write("RECEIVE") self.instr.write("1,2,3,4,5") tic = time.perf_counter() values = self.instr.query_ascii_values("SEND") assert time.perf_counter() - tic > 0.99 assert type(values[0]) is float assert values == [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0] # Test specifying the delay self.instr.query_delay = 0.0 self.instr.write("RECEIVE") self.instr.write("1,2,3,4,5") tic = time.perf_counter() values = self.instr.query_ascii_values("SEND", delay=1.0) assert time.perf_counter() - tic > 0.99 assert type(values[0]) is float assert values == [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0] # Test specifying a 0 delay self.instr.query_delay = 1.0 self.instr.write("RECEIVE") self.instr.write("1,2,3,4,5") tic = time.perf_counter() values = self.instr.query_ascii_values("SEND", delay=0.0) assert time.perf_counter() - tic < 0.99 assert type(values[0]) is float assert values == [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0] def test_instrument_wide_delay_in_query_binary(self): """Test handling delay in query_ascii_values.""" header = "#10" data = [1, 2, 3328, 3, 4, 5] # Test using the instrument wide delay self.instr.query_delay = 1.0 self.instr.write("RECEIVE") self.instr.write( header + "\x00\x01\x00\x02\r\x00\x00\x03\x00\x04\x00\x05", termination="\r\n", ) tic = time.perf_counter() new = self.instr.query_binary_values( "SEND", datatype="h", header_fmt="ieee", is_big_endian=True, expect_termination=False, chunk_size=6, data_points=6, ) assert time.perf_counter() - tic > 0.99 assert data == new def test_delay_args_in_query_binary(self): """Test handling of the delay argument in query_ascii_values.""" header = "#10" data = [1, 2, 3328, 3, 4, 5] self.instr.query_delay = 0.0 self.instr.write("RECEIVE") self.instr.write( header + "\x00\x01\x00\x02\r\x00\x00\x03\x00\x04\x00\x05", termination="\r\n", ) tic = time.perf_counter() new = self.instr.query_binary_values( "SEND", datatype="h", header_fmt="ieee", is_big_endian=True, expect_termination=False, chunk_size=6, data_points=6, delay=1.0, ) assert time.perf_counter() - tic > 0.99 assert data == new def test_no_delay_args_in_query_binary(self): """Test handling of the delay argument in query_ascii_values.""" header = "#10" data = [1, 2, 3328, 3, 4, 5] self.instr.query_delay = 1.0 self.instr.write("RECEIVE") self.instr.write( header + "\x00\x01\x00\x02\r\x00\x00\x03\x00\x04\x00\x05", termination="\r\n", ) tic = time.perf_counter() new = self.instr.query_binary_values( "SEND", datatype="h", header_fmt="ieee", is_big_endian=True, expect_termination=False, chunk_size=6, data_points=6, delay=0.0, ) assert time.perf_counter() - tic < 1.0 assert data == new def test_stb(self): """Test reading the status byte.""" assert 0 <= self.instr.stb <= 256 assert 0 <= self.instr.read_stb() <= 256 class EventAwareMessagebasedResourceTestCaseMixin(EventAwareResourceTestCaseMixin): """Mixin for message based resources supporting events.""" def test_manually_called_handlers(self): """Test calling manually even handler.""" class FalseResource(Resource): session = None visalib = None _session = None def __init__(self): pass fres = FalseResource() fres2 = FalseResource() fres2.session = 1 handler = EventHandler() false_wrapped_handler = fres.wrap_handler(handler.simplified_handler) false_wrapped_handler(None, EventType.clear, 1, 1) assert handler.event_success with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): false_wrapped_handler(1, EventType.clear, 1, 1) def test_handling_invalid_handler(self): """Test handling an error related to a wrong handler type.""" with pytest.raises(errors.VisaTypeError): event_type = EventType.exception self.instr.install_handler(event_type, 1, object()) def test_uninstalling_missing_visa_handler(self): """Test uninstalling a visa handler that was not registered.""" handler1 = EventHandler() handler2 = EventHandler() event_type = EventType.exception self.instr.install_handler(event_type, handler1.handle_event) with pytest.raises(errors.UnknownHandler): self.instr.uninstall_handler(event_type, handler2.handle_event) self.instr.uninstall_handler(event_type, handler1.handle_event) with pytest.raises(errors.UnknownHandler): self.instr.uninstall_handler(event_type, handler2.handle_event) def test_handler_clean_up_on_resource_del(self): """Test that handlers are properly cleaned when a resource is deleted.""" handler = EventHandler() event_type = EventType.exception self.instr.install_handler(event_type, handler.handle_event) self.instr = None gc.collect() assert not self.rm.visalib.handlers def test_uninstall_all_handlers(self): """Test uninstall all handlers from all sessions.""" handler = EventHandler() event_type = EventType.exception self.instr.install_handler(event_type, handler.handle_event) self.rm.visalib.uninstall_all_visa_handlers(None) assert not self.rm.visalib.handlers def test_manual_async_read(self): """Test handling IOCompletion event which has extra attributes.""" # Prepare message self.instr.write_raw(b"RECEIVE\n") self.instr.write_raw(b"test\n") self.instr.write_raw(b"SEND\n") # Enable event handling event_type = EventType.io_completion event_mech = constants.EventMechanism.queue wait_time = 2000 # set time that program waits to receive event self.instr.enable_event(event_type, event_mech, None) try: visalib = self.instr.visalib buffer, job_id, status_code = visalib.read_asynchronously( self.instr.session, 10 ) assert buffer is visalib.get_buffer_from_id(job_id) response = self.instr.wait_on_event(event_type, wait_time) finally: self.instr.disable_event(event_type, event_mech) assert response.event.status == constants.StatusCode.success assert bytes(buffer) == bytes(response.event.buffer) assert bytes( == b"test\n" assert response.event.return_count == 5 assert response.event.operation_name == "viReadAsync" def test_getting_unknown_buffer(self): """Test getting a buffer with a wrong ID.""" assert self.instr.visalib.get_buffer_from_id(1) is None def test_wait_on_event_timeout(self): """Test waiting on a VISA event.""" event_type = EventType.service_request event_mech = constants.EventMechanism.queue # Emit a clear to avoid dealing with previous requests self.instr.clear() self.instr.enable_event(event_type, event_mech, None) try: response = self.instr.wait_on_event(event_type, 10, capture_timeout=True) finally: self.instr.disable_event(event_type, event_mech) assert response.timed_out assert response.event.event_type == event_type with pytest.raises(errors.VisaIOError): self.instr.enable_event(event_type, event_mech, None) try: response = self.instr.wait_on_event(event_type, 10) finally: self.instr.disable_event(event_type, event_mech) def test_wait_on_event(self): """Test waiting on a VISA event.""" event_type = EventType.service_request event_mech = constants.EventMechanism.queue wait_time = 2000 # set time that program waits to receive event self.instr.enable_event(event_type, event_mech, None) self.instr.write("RCVSLOWSRQ") self.instr.write("1") self.instr.write("SENDSLOWSRQ") try: response = self.instr.wait_on_event(event_type, wait_time) finally: self.instr.disable_event(event_type, event_mech) assert not response.timed_out assert response.event.event_type == EventType.service_request assert == "1" with pytest.warns(FutureWarning): response.event_type with pytest.warns(FutureWarning): response.context def test_managing_visa_handler(self): """Test using visa handlers.""" def _test(handle): handler = EventHandler() event_type = EventType.service_request event_mech = constants.EventMechanism.handler user_handle = self.instr.install_handler( event_type, handler.handle_event, user_handle=handle ) self.instr.enable_event(event_type, event_mech, None) self.instr.write("RCVSLOWSRQ") self.instr.write("1") self.instr.write("SENDSLOWSRQ") try: t1 = time.time() while not handler.event_success: if (time.time() - t1) > 2: break time.sleep(0.1) finally: self.instr.disable_event(event_type, event_mech) self.instr.uninstall_handler( event_type, handler.handle_event, user_handle ) assert handler.session == self.instr.session assert self.compare_user_handle(handler.handle, user_handle) assert handler.srq_success assert == "1" self.instr.clear() class Point(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("x", ctypes.c_int), ("y", ctypes.c_int)] def __eq__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): return False return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y for handle in (1, 1.0, "1", [1], [1.0], Point(1, 2)): print(handle) _test(handle) def test_wrapping_handler(self): """Test wrapping a handler using a Resource.""" handler = EventHandler() event_type = EventType.service_request event_mech = constants.EventMechanism.handler wrapped_handler = self.instr.wrap_handler(handler.simplified_handler) user_handle = self.instr.install_handler(event_type, wrapped_handler, 1) self.instr.enable_event(event_type, event_mech, None) self.instr.write("RCVSLOWSRQ") self.instr.write("1") self.instr.write("SENDSLOWSRQ") try: t1 = time.time() while not handler.event_success: if (time.time() - t1) > 2: break time.sleep(0.1) finally: self.instr.disable_event(event_type, event_mech) self.instr.uninstall_handler(event_type, wrapped_handler, user_handle) assert self.instr.session == handler.session assert self.compare_user_handle(handler.handle, user_handle) assert handler.srq_success assert == "1" def test_bare_handler(self): """Test using a bare handler passing raw backend values.""" from pyvisa import ctwrapper if not isinstance(self.instr.visalib, ctwrapper.IVIVisaLibrary): return ctwrapper.WRAP_HANDLER = False try: handler = EventHandler() event_type = EventType.service_request event_mech = constants.EventMechanism.handler user_handle = self.instr.install_handler( event_type, handler.handle_event, 1 ) self.instr.enable_event(event_type, event_mech, None) self.instr.write("RCVSLOWSRQ") self.instr.write("1") self.instr.write("SENDSLOWSRQ") try: t1 = time.time() while not handler.event_success: if (time.time() - t1) > 2: break time.sleep(0.1) finally: self.instr.disable_event(event_type, event_mech) self.instr.uninstall_handler( event_type, handler.handle_event, user_handle ) assert self.instr.session == handler.session.value assert self.compare_user_handle(handler.handle.contents, user_handle) assert handler.srq_success assert == "1" finally: ctwrapper.WRAP_HANDLER = True class LockableMessagedBasedResourceTestCaseMixin(LockableResourceTestCaseMixin): """Mixing for message based resources supporting locking.""" def test_shared_locking(self): """Test locking/unlocking a resource.""" instr2 = self.rm.open_resource(str(self.rname)) instr3 = self.rm.open_resource(str(self.rname)) key = self.instr.lock() instr2.lock(requested_key=key) assert self.instr.query("*IDN?") assert instr2.query("*IDN?") with pytest.raises(errors.VisaIOError): instr3.query("*IDN?") # Share the lock for a limited time with instr3.lock_context(requested_key=key) as key2: assert instr3.query("*IDN?") assert key == key2 # Stop sharing the lock instr2.unlock() with pytest.raises(errors.VisaIOError): instr2.query("*IDN?") with pytest.raises(errors.VisaIOError): instr3.query("*IDN?") self.instr.unlock() assert instr3.query("*IDN?") def test_exclusive_locking(self): """Test locking/unlocking a resource.""" instr2 = self.rm.open_resource(str(self.rname)) self.instr.lock_excl() with pytest.raises(errors.VisaIOError): instr2.query("*IDN?") self.instr.unlock() assert instr2.query("*IDN?") # Share the lock for a limited time with self.instr.lock_context(requested_key="exclusive") as key: assert key is None with pytest.raises(errors.VisaIOError): instr2.query("*IDN?") ``` #### File: testsuite/keysight_assisted_tests/ ```python import os import time from contextlib import redirect_stdout from io import StringIO from subprocess import PIPE, Popen from threading import Event, Lock, Thread from pyvisa import constants, errors from pyvisa.resources import Resource from pyvisa.rname import to_canonical_name from import VisaShell from .. import BaseTestCase from . import ALIASES, RESOURCE_ADDRESSES, require_virtual_instr class SubprocessOutputPoller: """Continuously check the stdout of a subprocess.""" def __init__(self, process): super().__init__() self.process = process self._lines = [] self._lines_lock = Lock() self._last_seen = time.monotonic() self.data_ready = Event() self._polling_thread = Thread(target=self.poll_stdout) self._ready_thread = Thread(target=self.check_ready) # Start background threads self._polling_thread.start() self._ready_thread.start() def poll_stdout(self): """Continously read stdout and update the lines. When no new data arrive after 1s consider that the data are ready. """ for line in iter(self.process.stdout.readline, b""): with self._lines_lock: self._lines.append(line.rstrip()) self._last_seen = time.monotonic() def check_ready(self): """Check if we got complete data.""" while True: time.sleep(0.05) if self._lines and time.monotonic() - self._last_seen > 0.5: self.data_ready.set() if not self._polling_thread.is_alive(): break def get_lines(self): """Get the collected lines.""" with self._lines_lock: lines = self._lines self._lines = [] self.data_ready.clear() return lines def shutdown(self): """Wait for threads to die after the process is done.""" self._polling_thread.join() self._ready_thread.join() @require_virtual_instr class TestVisaShell(BaseTestCase): """Test the VISA shell.""" def setup_method(self): """Start the shell in a subprocess.""" os.environ["COVERAGE_PROCESS_START"] = ".coveragerc" = Popen(["pyvisa-shell"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) self.reader = SubprocessOutputPoller( self.reader.data_ready.wait(1) self.reader.get_lines() def open_resource(self): lines = self.communicate(f"open {list(RESOURCE_ADDRESSES.values())[0]}") assert b"has been opened." in lines[0] def communicate(self, msg): """Write a message on stdin and collect the answer.""""ascii") + b"\n") self.reader.data_ready.wait(1) return self.reader.get_lines() def teardown_method(self): if"exit\n") self.reader.shutdown() def test_complete_open(self): """Test providing auto-completion for open.""" shell = VisaShell() completions = shell.complete_open("TCPIP", 0, 0, 0) assert to_canonical_name(RESOURCE_ADDRESSES["TCPIP::INSTR"]) in completions # Test getting an alias from the completion completions = shell.complete_open("tcp", 0, 0, 0) assert "tcpip" in completions def test_list(self): """Test listing the connected resources.""" lines = self.communicate("list") msg = [] for i, rsc in enumerate(RESOURCE_ADDRESSES.values()): if not rsc.endswith("INSTR"): continue msg.append(f"({i:2d}) {to_canonical_name(rsc)}") if rsc in ALIASES: msg.append(f" alias: {ALIASES[rsc]}") print(lines, msg) for m in msg: assert any(m.encode("ascii") in line for line in lines) # TODO fix argument handling to allow filtering def test_list_handle_error(self): """Test handling an error in listing resources.""" shell = VisaShell() shell.resource_manager = None temp_stdout = StringIO() with redirect_stdout(temp_stdout): shell.do_list("") output = temp_stdout.getvalue() assert "no attribute" in output def test_open_no_args(self): """Test opening without any argument.""" lines = self.communicate("open") assert b"A resource name must be specified." in lines[0] def test_open_by_number(self): """Test opening based on the index of the resource.""" lines = self.communicate("open 0") assert b'Not a valid resource number. Use the command "list".' in lines[0] lines = self.communicate("list") lines = self.communicate("open 0") rsc = list(RESOURCE_ADDRESSES.values())[0] assert f"{to_canonical_name(rsc)} has been opened.".encode("ascii") in lines[0] lines = self.communicate("open 0") assert ( b"You can only open one resource at a time. " b"Please close the current one first." ) in lines[0] def test_open_by_address(self): """Test opening based on the resource address.""" rsc = list(RESOURCE_ADDRESSES.values())[0] lines = self.communicate(f"open {rsc}") assert f"{rsc} has been opened.".encode("ascii") in lines[0] def test_open_handle_exception(self): """Test handling an exception during opening.""" lines = self.communicate('open ""') assert b"VI_ERROR_INV_RSRC_NAME" in lines[0] def test_handle_double_open(self): """Test handling before closing resource.""" rsc = list(RESOURCE_ADDRESSES.values())[0] lines = self.communicate(f"open {rsc}") lines = self.communicate(f"open {rsc}") assert ( b"You can only open one resource at a time. " b"Please close the current one first." ) in lines[0] def test_command_on_closed_resource(self): """Test all the commands that cannot be run without opening a resource.""" for cmd in ("close", "write", "read", "query", "termchar", "timeout", "attr"): lines = self.communicate(cmd) assert b'There are no resources in use. Use the command "open".' in lines[0] def test_close(self): """Test closing a resource.""" rsc = list(RESOURCE_ADDRESSES.values())[0] lines = self.communicate(f"open {rsc}") assert b"has been opened." in lines[0] lines = self.communicate("close") assert b"The resource has been closed." in lines[0] lines = self.communicate(f"open {rsc}") assert b"has been opened." in lines[0] def test_close_handle_error(self): """Test handling an error while closing.""" shell = VisaShell() shell.current = True temp_stdout = StringIO() with redirect_stdout(temp_stdout): shell.do_close("") output = temp_stdout.getvalue() assert "no attribute" in output def test_query(self): """querying a value from the instrument.""" self.open_resource() lines = self.communicate("query *IDN?") assert b"Response:" in lines[0] def test_query_handle_error(self): """Test handling an error in query.""" shell = VisaShell() shell.current = True temp_stdout = StringIO() with redirect_stdout(temp_stdout): shell.do_query("") output = temp_stdout.getvalue() assert "no attribute" in output def test_read_write(self): """Test writing/reading values from the resource.""" self.open_resource() lines = self.communicate("write *IDN?") lines = self.communicate("read") assert b"Keysight " in lines[0] def test_read_handle_error(self): """Test handling an error in read.""" shell = VisaShell() shell.current = True temp_stdout = StringIO() with redirect_stdout(temp_stdout): shell.do_read("") output = temp_stdout.getvalue() assert "no attribute" in output def test_write_handle_error(self): """Test handling an error in write.""" shell = VisaShell() shell.current = True temp_stdout = StringIO() with redirect_stdout(temp_stdout): shell.do_write("") output = temp_stdout.getvalue() assert "no attribute" in output def test_timeout_get(self): """Test accessing the timeout.""" self.open_resource() lines = self.communicate("timeout") assert b"Timeout: " in lines[0] def test_timeout_get_handle_error(self): """Test handling an error in getting teh timeout.""" shell = VisaShell() shell.current = True temp_stdout = StringIO() with redirect_stdout(temp_stdout): shell.do_timeout("") output = temp_stdout.getvalue() assert "no attribute" in output def test_timeout_set(self): """Test setting the timeout.""" self.open_resource() lines = self.communicate("timeout 1000") assert b"Done" in lines[0] lines = self.communicate("timeout") assert b"Timeout: 1000ms" in lines[0] def test_timeout_set_handle_error(self): """Test handling an error in setting the timeout""" shell = VisaShell() shell.current = True temp_stdout = StringIO() with redirect_stdout(temp_stdout): shell.do_timeout("1000") output = temp_stdout.getvalue() assert "no attribute" in output def test_print_attr_list(self): """Test printing attribute list.""" class FalseResource: @classmethod def get_visa_attribute(cls, id): if id == constants.VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE: raise errors.VisaIOError(constants.VI_ERROR_NSUP_ATTR) elif id == constants.VI_ATTR_INTF_NUM: raise Exception("Long text: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa") else: raise Exception("Test") FalseResource.visa_attributes_classes = Resource.visa_attributes_classes shell = VisaShell() shell.current = FalseResource temp_stdout = StringIO() with redirect_stdout(temp_stdout): shell.print_attribute_list() output = temp_stdout.getvalue() assert "Long text:..." in output def test_attr_no_args(self): """Test getting the list of attributes""" self.open_resource() lines = self.communicate("attr") assert b"VISA name" in lines[1] def test_attr_too_many_args(self): """Test handling wrong args to attr.""" self.open_resource() lines = self.communicate("attr 1 2 3") assert ( b"Invalid syntax, use `attr <name>` to get;" b" or `attr <name> <value>` to set" in lines[0] ) def test_issue_in_getting_attr(self): """Test handling exception in getting an attribute.""" shell = VisaShell() shell.do_open(list(RESOURCE_ADDRESSES.values())[0]) def broken_get_visa_attribute(self, name=""): raise Exception("Exception") # Issue on VI_ old = Resource.get_visa_attribute Resource.get_visa_attribute = broken_get_visa_attribute try: temp_stdout = StringIO() with redirect_stdout(temp_stdout): try: shell.do_attr("VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR") finally: Resource.get_visa_attribute = old output = temp_stdout.getvalue() assert "Exception" in output finally: Resource.get_visa_attribute = old # Issue on aliased attr old = type(shell.current).allow_dma type(shell.current).allow_dma = property(broken_get_visa_attribute) try: temp_stdout = StringIO() with redirect_stdout(temp_stdout): shell.do_attr("allow_dma") output = temp_stdout.getvalue() assert "Exception" in output finally: type(shell.current).allow_dma = old def test_attr_get_set_by_VI_non_boolean(self): """Test getting/setting an attr using the VI_ name (int value)""" self.open_resource() msg = "attr VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR {}".format(ord("\r")) lines = self.communicate(msg) assert b"Done" in lines[0] lines = self.communicate("attr VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR") assert str(ord("\r")) in lines[0].decode("ascii") def test_attr_get_set_by_VI_boolean(self): """Test getting/setting an attr using the VI_ name (bool value)""" self.open_resource() for v in (False, True): msg = f"attr VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR_EN {v}" lines = self.communicate(msg) assert b"Done" in lines[0] lines = self.communicate("attr VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR_EN") assert str(int(v)).encode("ascii") in lines[0] def test_attr_get_by_VI_handle_error(self): """Test accessing an attr by an unknown VI name.""" self.open_resource() lines = self.communicate("attr VI_test") assert b"no attribute" in lines[0] def test_attr_get_by_name(self): """Test accessing an attr by Python name.""" self.open_resource() lines = self.communicate("attr allow_dma") assert b"True" in lines[0] or b"False" in lines[0] def test_attr_get_by_name_handle_error(self): """Test accessing an attr by an unknown Python name.""" self.open_resource() lines = self.communicate("attr test") assert b"no attribute" in lines[0] def test_attr_set_by_VI_handle_error_unknown_attr(self): """Test handling issue in setting VI attr which does not exist.""" self.open_resource() lines = self.communicate("attr VI_test test") assert b"no attribute" in lines[0] def test_attr_set_by_VI_handle_error_non_boolean(self): """Test handling issue in setting VI attr. (non boolean value)""" self.open_resource() msg = "attr VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR_EN Test" lines = self.communicate(msg) assert b"Error" in lines[0] def test_attr_set_by_VI_handle_error_non_interger(self): """Test handling issue in setting VI attr. (non integer value)""" self.open_resource() msg = "attr VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR Test" lines = self.communicate(msg) assert b"Error" in lines[0] def test_attr_set_by_VI_handle_error_wrong_value(self): """Test handling issue in setting VI attr by name. (wrong value)""" self.open_resource() msg = "attr VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR -1" lines = self.communicate(msg) assert b"VI_ERROR_NSUP_ATTR_STATE" in lines[0] def test_attr_set_by_name_handle_error(self): """Test handling attempt to set attr by name (which is not supported).""" self.open_resource() msg = "attr allow_dma Test" lines = self.communicate(msg) assert ( b"Setting Resource Attributes by python name is not yet " b"supported." in lines[0] ) def test_complete_attr(self): """Test providing auto-completion for attrs.""" shell = VisaShell() shell.do_open(list(RESOURCE_ADDRESSES.values())[0]) completions = shell.complete_attr("VI_ATTR_TERM", 0, 0, 0) assert "VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR" in completions assert "VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR_EN" in completions completions = shell.complete_attr("allow_d", 0, 0, 0) assert "allow_dma" in completions def test_termchar_get_handle_error(self): """Test handling error when getting the termchars.""" shell = VisaShell() shell.current = True temp_stdout = StringIO() with redirect_stdout(temp_stdout): shell.do_termchar("") output = temp_stdout.getvalue() assert "no attribute" in output def test_getting_termchar_absent_mapping(self): """Test getting a termchar that does not map to something with a representation.""" shell = VisaShell() shell.do_open(list(RESOURCE_ADDRESSES.values())[0]) shell.current.read_termination = "X" shell.current.write_termination = "Z" temp_stdout = StringIO() with redirect_stdout(temp_stdout): shell.do_termchar("") output = temp_stdout.getvalue() assert "Termchar read: X write: Z" == output.split("\n")[0] def test_termchar_get_set_both_identical(self): """Test setting both termchars to the same value.""" self.open_resource() lines = self.communicate("termchar CR") assert b"Done" in lines[0] lines = self.communicate("termchar") assert b"Termchar read: CR write: CR" in lines[0] def test_termchar_get_set_both_different(self): """Test setting both termchars to different values.""" self.open_resource() lines = self.communicate("termchar CR NUL") assert b"Done" in lines[0] lines = self.communicate("termchar") assert b"Termchar read: CR write: NUL" in lines[0] def test_termchar_set_too_many_args(self): """Test handling to many termchars to termchar.""" self.open_resource() lines = self.communicate("termchar 1 2 3") assert b"Invalid syntax" in lines[0] def test_termchar_set_handle_error_wrong_value(self): """Test handling wrong value in setting termchar.""" self.open_resource() lines = self.communicate("termchar tt") assert b"use CR, LF, CRLF, NUL or None to set termchar" in lines[0] def test_termchar_set_handle_error(self): """Test handling an error in setting the termchars.""" shell = VisaShell() shell.current = True temp_stdout = StringIO() with redirect_stdout(temp_stdout): shell.do_termchar("CR") output = temp_stdout.getvalue() assert "no attribute" in output def test_eof(self): """Test handling an EOF.""" shell = VisaShell() assert shell.do_EOF(None) ``` #### File: pyvisa/testsuite/ ```python import os import sys from subprocess import PIPE, Popen from . import BaseTestCase class TestEnvVarHandling(BaseTestCase): """Test reading env vars""" def test_reading_wrap_handler(self): with Popen([sys.executable], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) as p: stdout, _ = p.communicate( b"from pyvisa import ctwrapper;print(ctwrapper.WRAP_HANDLER);exit()" ) assert b"True" == stdout.rstrip() env = os.environ.copy() env["PYVISA_WRAP_HANDLER"] = "0" with Popen([sys.executable], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, env=env) as p: stdout, _ = p.communicate( b"from pyvisa import ctwrapper;print(ctwrapper.WRAP_HANDLER);exit()" ) assert b"False" == stdout.rstrip() ```
{ "source": "jpserra/vim-ultest", "score": 3 }
#### File: ultest/models/ ```python import json from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass from typing import List @dataclass class BasePosition: id: str name: str file: str line: int col: int running: int namespaces: List[str] type: str def __str__(self): props = self.dict() props["name"] = [int(char) for char in] return json.dumps(props) def dict(self): return asdict(self) ``` #### File: ultest/models/ ```python import json from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass @dataclass class Result: id: str file: str code: int output: str def __str__(self): props = self.dict() return json.dumps(props) def dict(self): return asdict(self) ``` #### File: tests/mocks/ ```python import os from typing import List def get_output(runner: str) -> List[str]: dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) filename = os.path.join(dirname, "test_outputs", runner) with open(filename) as output: return output.readlines() def get_test_file(name: str) -> str: dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) return os.path.join(dirname, "test_files", name) ```
{ "source": "jpsety/test", "score": 3 }
#### File: test/circuitgraph/ ```python import re import os from glob import glob from pyeda.parsing import boolexpr from circuitgraph import Circuit class SequentialElement: """Defines a representation of a sequential element for reading/writing sequential circuits.""" def __init__(self, name, seq_type, io, code_def): """ Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the element (the module name) seq_type: str The type of sequential element, either 'ff' or 'lat' io: dict of str:str The mapping the 'd', 'q', 'clk', and potentially 'r', 's' ports to the names of the ports on the module code_def: The code defining the module, used for writing the circuit to verilog """ = name self.seq_type = seq_type = io self.code_def = code_def default_seq_types = [ SequentialElement( name="fflopd", seq_type="ff", io={"d": "D", "q": "Q", "clk": "CK"}, code_def="module fflopd(CK, D, Q);\n" " input CK, D;\n" " output Q;\n" " wire CK, D;\n" " wire Q;\n" " wire next_state;\n" " reg qi;\n" " assign #1 Q = qi;\n" " assign next_state = D;\n" " always\n" " @(posedge CK)\n" " qi <= next_state;\n" " initial\n" " qi <= 1'b0;\n" "endmodule", ), SequentialElement( name="latchdrs", seq_type="lat", io={"d": "D", "q": "Q", "clk": "ENA", "r": "R", "s": "S"}, code_def="", ), ] cadence_seq_types = [ # Note that this is a modified version of CDN_flop with only a synchronous # reset that always resets to 0 SequentialElement( name="CDN_flop", seq_type="ff", io={"d": "d", "q": "q", "clk": "clk", "r": "srl"}, code_def="module CDN_flop(clk, d, srl, q);\n" " input clk, d, srl;\n" " output q;\n" " wire clk, d, srl;\n" " wire q;\n" " reg qi;\n" " assign #1 q = qi;\n" " always\n" " @(posedge clk)\n" " if (srl)\n" " qi <= 1'b0;\n" " else if (sena)\n" " qi <= d;\n" " end\n" " initial\n" " qi <= 1'b0;\n" "endmodule", ) ] def from_file(path, name=None, seq_types=None): """ Creates a new `Circuit` from a verilog file. Parameters ---------- path: str the path to the file to read from. name: str the name of the module to read if different from the filename. seq_types: list of dicts of str:str the types of sequential elements in the file. Returns ------- Circuit the parsed circuit. """ ext = path.split(".")[-1] if name is None: name = path.split("/")[-1].replace(f".{ext}", "") with open(path, "r") as f: netlist = if ext == "v": return verilog_to_circuit(netlist, name, seq_types) elif ext == "bench": return bench_to_circuit(netlist, name) else: raise ValueError(f"extension {ext} not supported") def from_lib(circuit, name=None): """ Creates a new `Circuit` from a netlist in the `../netlists` folder Parameters ---------- circuit: the name of the netlist. name: the module name, if different from the netlist name. Returns ------- Circuit the parsed circuit. """ path = glob(f"{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/../netlists/{circuit}.*")[0] return from_file(path, name) def bench_to_circuit(bench, name): """ Creates a new Circuit from a bench string. Parameters ---------- bench: str bench code. name: str the module name. Returns ------- Circuit the parsed circuit. """ # create circuit c = Circuit(name=name) # get inputs in_regex = r"(?:INPUT|input)\s*\((.+?)\)" for net_str in re.findall(in_regex, bench, re.DOTALL): nets = net_str.replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "").split(",") for n in nets: c.add(n, "input") # handle gates regex = r"(\S+)\s*=\s*(NOT|OR|NOR|AND|NAND|XOR|XNOR|not|or|nor|and|nand|not|xor|xnor)\((.+?)\)" for net, gate, input_str in re.findall(regex, bench): # parse all nets inputs = ( input_str.replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "").split(",") ) c.add(net, gate.lower(), fanin=inputs) # get outputs in_regex = r"(?:OUTPUT|output)\s*\((.+?)\)" for net_str in re.findall(in_regex, bench, re.DOTALL): nets = net_str.replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "").split(",") for n in nets: c.set_output(n) return c def verilog_to_circuit(verilog, name, seq_types=None): """ Creates a new Circuit from a verilog string. Parameters ---------- verilog: str verilog code. name: str the module name. seq_types: list of dicts of str:str the sequential element types. Returns ------- Circuit the parsed circuit. """ if seq_types is None: seq_types = default_seq_types # extract module regex = rf"module\s+{name}\s*\(.*?\);(.*?)endmodule" m =, verilog, re.DOTALL) module = # create circuit c = Circuit(name=name) # get inputs in_regex = r"input\s(.+?);" for net_str in re.findall(in_regex, module, re.DOTALL): nets = net_str.replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "").split(",") for n in nets: c.add(n, "input") # handle gates regex = r"(or|nor|and|nand|not|xor|xnor)\s+\S+\s*\((.+?)\);" for gate, net_str in re.findall(regex, module, re.DOTALL): # parse all nets nets = net_str.replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "").split(",") c.add(nets[0], gate, fanin=nets[1:]) # handle seq for st in seq_types: # find matching insts regex = rf"{}\s+[^\s(]+\s*\((.+?)\);" for io in re.findall(regex, module, re.DOTALL): # find matching pins pins = {} for typ, name in regex = rf".{name}\s*\((.+?)\)" n = re.findall(regex, io, re.DOTALL)[0] pins[typ] = n if pins.get("d") == None: print(pins) c.add( pins.get("q", None), st.seq_type, fanin=pins.get("d", None), clk=pins.get("clk", None), r=pins.get("r", None), s=pins.get("s", None), ) # handle assign statements (with help from pyeda) assign_regex = r"assign\s+(.+?)\s*=\s*(.+?);" for dest, expr in re.findall(assign_regex, module, re.DOTALL): c.add(dest,'buf',fanin=parse_ast(boolexpr.parse(expr), c)) # get outputs out_regex = r"output\s(.+?);" for net_str in re.findall(out_regex, module, re.DOTALL): nets = net_str.replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "").split(",") c.set_output(nets) # assign constant types for n in c: if "type" not in c.graph.nodes[n]: if n == "1'b0": c.add(n, "0") elif n == "1'b1": c.add(n, "1") else: raise ValueError(f"node {n} does not have a type") return c def parse_ast(ast, g): if ast[0] == "var": return ast[1][0] else: fanin = [parse_ast(a, g) for a in ast[1:]] name = f"{ast[0]}_{'_'.join(fanin)}" g.add(name, ast[0], fanin=fanin) return name def to_file(c, path, seq_types=None): """ Writes a `Circuit` to a verilog file. Parameters ---------- c: Circut the circuit path: str the path to the file to read from. seq_types: list of dicts of str:str the types of sequential elements in the file. """ with open(path, "w") as f: f.write(circuit_to_verilog(c, seq_types)) def circuit_to_verilog(c, seq_types=None): """ Generates a str of verilog code from a `CircuitGraph`. Parameters ---------- c: Circuit the circuit to turn into verilog. seq_types: list of dicts of str:str the sequential element types. Returns ------- str verilog code. """ inputs = [] outputs = [] insts = [] wires = [] defs = set() if seq_types is None: seq_types = default_seq_types for n in c.nodes(): if c.type(n) in ["xor", "xnor", "buf", "not", "nor", "or", "and", "nand"]: fanin = ",".join(p for p in c.fanin(n)) insts.append(f"{c.type(n)} g_{n} ({n},{fanin})") wires.append(n) elif c.type(n) in ["0", "1"]: insts.append(f"assign {n} = 1'b{c.type(n)}") elif c.type(n) in ["input"]: inputs.append(n) wires.append(n) elif c.type(n) in ["ff", "lat"]: wires.append(n) # get template for s in seq_types: if s.seq_type == c.type(n): seq = s defs.add(s.code_def) break # connect io = [] if c.d(n): d = c.d(n) io.append(f".{seq['io']['d']}({d})") if c.r(n): r = c.r(n) io.append(f".{seq['io']['r']}({r})") if c.s(n): s = c.s(n) io.append(f".{seq['io']['s']}({s})") if c.clk(n): clk = c.clk(n) io.append(f".{seq['io']['clk']}({clk})") io.append(f".{seq['io']['q']}({n})") insts.append(f"{s['name']} g_{n} ({','.join(io)})") else: print(f"unknown gate type: {c.type(n)}") return if c.output(n): outputs.append(n) verilog = f"module {} (" + ",".join(inputs + outputs) + ");\n" verilog += "".join(f"input {inp};\n" for inp in inputs) verilog += "".join(f"output {out};\n" for out in outputs) verilog += "".join(f"wire {wire};\n" for wire in wires) verilog += "".join(f"{inst};\n" for inst in insts) verilog += "endmodule\n" verilog += "\n".join(defs) return verilog ```
{ "source": "jpshankar/random_walk", "score": 2 }
#### File: random_walk/tests/ ```python import pytest, sys from randomWalk.random_walk import RandomWalk from typing import Generator from randomWalk.steps_generating_exception import StepsGeneratingException from dataclasses import dataclass class TestRandomWalk: def setup_class(cls): cls.step_count = 5 def setup_method(self, method): name = method.__name__ if name.endswith('pos_without_add'): @dataclass(repr=False, eq=False, order=False, unsafe_hash=True) class PosWithoutAdd: pos: int step_function = lambda: PosWithoutAdd(1) ini_pos = PosWithoutAdd(0) self.random_walk = RandomWalk(pos=ini_pos, step=step_function) else: step_probs = { -1: 1, 1: 1 } step = RandomWalk.simple_step_function(step_probs) self.random_walk = RandomWalk(pos=0, step=step) def test_steps_as_list(self): rw_list = self.random_walk.steps_list(5) assert isinstance(rw_list, list) assert len(rw_list) == 5 def test_steps_as_generator(self): rw_gen = self.random_walk.steps_generator(5) assert isinstance(rw_gen, Generator) def test_single_step(self): prev_pos = self.random_walk.pos self.random_walk.single_step() assert self.random_walk.pos != prev_pos assert len(self.random_walk.walk_history) == 2 def test_only_one_generator(self): self.random_walk.steps_generator(5) with pytest.raises(StepsGeneratingException): self.random_walk.steps_generator(5) def test_new_generator_after_old_one(self): rw_gen = self.random_walk.steps_generator(self.step_count) for _ in range(self.step_count): next(rw_gen) rw_gen = self.random_walk.steps_generator(self.step_count) next(rw_gen) def test_list_during_generator(self): rw_gen = self.random_walk.steps_generator(self.step_count) next(rw_gen) rw_list = self.random_walk.steps_list(5) assert len(self.random_walk.walk_history) == 7 def test_generator_after_list(self): rw_gen = self.random_walk.steps_generator(self.step_count) next(rw_gen) rw_list = self.random_walk.steps_list(5) next(rw_gen) assert len(self.random_walk.walk_history) == 8 def test_step_with_pos_without_add(self): with pytest.raises(TypeError): self.random_walk.single_step() def test_list_with_pos_without_add(self): with pytest.raises(TypeError): self.random_walk.steps_list(self.step_count) def test_generator_with_pos_without_add(self): with pytest.raises(TypeError): rw_gen = self.random_walk.steps_generator(self.step_count) next(rw_gen) ```
{ "source": "JPShrad/cs3240-labdemo", "score": 2 }
#### File: JPShrad/cs3240-labdemo/ ```python def greeting(msg): print(msg) def main(): greeting('hello') main() ```
{ "source": "jpsim/envoy-mobile", "score": 2 }
#### File: envoy-mobile/bazel/kotlin_test.bzl ```python load("@io_bazel_rules_kotlin//kotlin:kotlin.bzl", "kt_jvm_test") load("//bazel:kotlin_lib.bzl", "native_lib_name") def _internal_kt_test(name, srcs, deps = [], data = [], jvm_flags = [], repository = ""): # This is to work around the issue where we have specific implementation functionality which # we want to avoid consumers to use but we want to unit test dep_srcs = [] for dep in deps: # We'll resolve only the targets in `//library/kotlin/io/envoyproxy/envoymobile` if dep.startswith(repository + "//library/kotlin/io/envoyproxy/envoymobile"): dep_srcs.append(dep + "_srcs") elif dep.startswith(repository + "//library/java/io/envoyproxy/envoymobile"): dep_srcs.append(dep + "_srcs") kt_jvm_test( name = name, test_class = "io.envoyproxy.envoymobile.bazel.EnvoyMobileTestSuite", srcs = srcs + dep_srcs, deps = [ repository + "//bazel:envoy_mobile_test_suite", "@maven//:org_assertj_assertj_core", "@maven//:junit_junit", "@maven//:org_mockito_mockito_inline", "@maven//:org_mockito_mockito_core", ] + deps, data = data, jvm_flags = jvm_flags, ) # A basic macro to make it easier to declare and run kotlin tests which depend on a JNI lib # This will create the native .so binary (for linux) and a .jnilib (for OS X) look up def envoy_mobile_jni_kt_test(name, srcs, native_deps = [], deps = [], library_path = "library/common/jni", repository = ""): lib_name = native_lib_name(native_deps[0])[3:] _internal_kt_test( name, srcs, deps, data = native_deps, jvm_flags = [ "-Djava.library.path={}".format(library_path), "-Denvoy_jni_library_name={}".format(lib_name), ], repository = repository, ) # A basic macro to make it easier to declare and run kotlin tests # # Ergonomic improvements include: # 1. Avoiding the need to declare the test_class which requires a fully qualified class name (example below) # 2. Avoiding the need to redeclare common unit testing dependencies like JUnit # 3. Ability to run more than one test file per target # 4. Ability to test internal envoy mobile entities # Usage example: # load("@envoy_mobile//bazel:kotlin_test.bzl", "envoy_mobile_kt_test) # # envoy_mobile_kt_test( # name = "example_kotlin_test", # srcs = [ # "ExampleTest.kt", # ], # ) def envoy_mobile_kt_test(name, srcs, deps = [], repository = ""): _internal_kt_test(name, srcs, deps, repository = repository) # A basic macro to run android based (robolectric) tests with native dependencies def envoy_mobile_android_test(name, srcs, deps = [], native_deps = [], repository = "", library_path = "library/common/jni"): lib_name = native_lib_name(native_deps[0])[3:] native.android_library( name = name + "_test_lib", custom_package = "io.envoyproxy.envoymobile.test", manifest = repository + "//bazel:test_manifest.xml", visibility = ["//visibility:public"], data = native_deps, exports = deps, ) native.android_local_test( name = name, srcs = srcs, data = native_deps, deps = deps + [ repository + "//bazel:envoy_mobile_test_suite", "@maven//:androidx_annotation_annotation", "@maven//:androidx_test_core", "@maven//:androidx_test_ext_junit", "@maven//:androidx_test_runner", "@maven//:androidx_test_monitor", "@maven//:androidx_test_rules", "@maven//:org_robolectric_robolectric", "@robolectric//bazel:android-all", "@maven//:org_assertj_assertj_core", "@maven//:junit_junit", "@maven//:org_mockito_mockito_inline", "@maven//:org_mockito_mockito_core", "@maven//:com_squareup_okhttp3_okhttp", "@maven//:com_squareup_okhttp3_mockwebserver", "@maven//:com_squareup_okio_okio", "@maven//:org_hamcrest_hamcrest", "@maven//:com_google_truth_truth", ], manifest = repository + "//bazel:test_manifest.xml", custom_package = "io.envoyproxy.envoymobile.tests", test_class = "io.envoyproxy.envoymobile.bazel.EnvoyMobileTestSuite", jvm_flags = [ "-Djava.library.path={}".format(library_path), "-Denvoy_jni_library_name={}".format(lib_name), ], ) ```
{ "source": "jpsiyyadri/gramex", "score": 2 }
#### File: gramex/handlers/ ```python from __future__ import unicode_literals import re import os import six import json import time import shlex import atexit import psutil import requests import tornado.gen from orderedattrdict import AttrDict from threading import Thread, Lock from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT # nosec from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode, urljoin from tornado.web import HTTPError from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient from gramex.config import app_log, variables, recursive_encode from gramex.http import OK, BAD_REQUEST, GATEWAY_TIMEOUT, BAD_GATEWAY, CLIENT_TIMEOUT from .basehandler import BaseHandler _PPTX_MIME = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation' # HTTP headers not to forward to chromecapture.js. # Keep this sync-ed with the same list in chromecapture.js _IGNORE_HEADERS = { 'host', # The URL will determine the host 'connection', # Let Tornado manage the connection 'upgrade', # .. and the upgrades 'content-length', # The new request will have a different content - length 'content-md5', # ... and different content - md5 } class Capture(object): default_port = 9900 # Default port to run CaptureJS at check_interval = 0.05 # Frequency (seconds) to check if self.started # Set engine configurations for PhantomJS and Puppeteer engines = AttrDict( phantomjs=AttrDict( cmd='phantomjs --ssl-protocol=any', script='capture.js', first_line=b'PhantomJS.*capture\\.js', name='Capture', version='1.0' ), chrome=AttrDict( cmd='node', script='chromecapture.js', first_line=b'node\\.js.*chromecapture\\.js', name='ChromeCapture', version='1.1' ), ) ''' Create a proxy for capture.js. Typical usage:: capture = Capture() with open('screenshot.png', 'wb') as handle: handle.write(capture.png('')) with open('screenshot.pdf', 'wb') as handle: handle.write(capture.pdf('')) The constructor accepts these optional parameters: :arg int port: port where capture.js is running. Default: 9900 :arg string url: URL:port where PhantomJS is running with capture.js. Default: ``http://localhost:<port>/`` :arg string cmd: Command to run PhantomJS with capture.js at the specified port. Default: ``phantomjs $GRAMEXPATH/apps/capture/capture.js --port=<port>`` :arg int timeout: Seconds to wait for PhantomJS to timeout. Default: 10 The constructor runs :meth:`Capture.start` in a new thread, which checks if capture.js is running at ``url``. If not, it runs ``cmd`` and checks again. Until capture.js is detected, all capture methods will fail. ''' def __init__(self, port=None, url=None, engine=None, cmd=None, timeout=10): # Set default values for port, url and cmd self.engine = self.engines['phantomjs' if engine is None else engine] port = self.default_port if port is None else port if url is None: url = 'http://localhost:%d/' % port if cmd is None: script = os.path.join(variables.GRAMEXPATH, 'apps', 'capture', self.engine.script) cmd = '%s "%s" --port=%d' % (self.engine.cmd, script, port) self.url = url self.first_line_re = re.compile(self.engine.first_line) self.cmd = cmd self.timeout = timeout self.browser = AsyncHTTPClient() self.lock = Lock() self.started = False self.start() def start(self): ''' Starts a thread and check if capture is already running at ``url``. If not, start ``cmd`` and check again. Print logs from ``cmd``. This method is thread-safe. It may be called as often as required. :class:`CaptureHandler` calls this method if ``?start`` is passed. ''' with self.lock: thread = Thread(target=self._start) thread.daemon = True thread.start() def _start(self): ''' Check if capture is already running at ``url``. If not, start ``cmd`` and check again. Print logs from ``cmd``. ''' self.started = False script = self.engine.script try: # Check if capture.js is at the url specified'Pinging %s at %s', script, self.url) r = requests.get(self.url, timeout=self.timeout) self._validate_server(r) self.started = True except requests.ReadTimeout: # If capture.js doesn't respond immediately, we haven't started app_log.error('url: %s timed out', self.url) except requests.ConnectionError: # Try starting the process again'Starting %s via %s', script, self.cmd) self.close() # self.cmd is taken from the YAML configuration. Safe to run self.proc = Popen(shlex.split(self.cmd), stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) # nosec self.proc.poll() atexit.register(self.close) # TODO: what if readline() does not return quickly? line = self.proc.stdout.readline().strip() if not return app_log.error('cmd: %s invalid. Returned "%s"', self.cmd, line)'Pinging %s at %s', script, self.url) try: r = requests.get(self.url, timeout=self.timeout) self._validate_server(r) pid ='utf-8') + ' live (pid=%s)', pid) self.started = True # Keep logging capture.js output until proc is killed by another thread while hasattr(self, 'proc'): line = self.proc.stdout.readline().strip() if len(line) == 0:'%s terminated: pid=%d', script, pid) self.started = False break # Capture won't print anything, unless there's a problem, or if debug is on. # So log it at warning level not info. app_log.warning(line.decode('utf-8')) except Exception: app_log.exception('Ran %s. But %s not at %s', self.cmd, script, self.url) except Exception: app_log.exception('Cannot start Capture') def close(self): '''Stop capture.js if it has been started by this object''' if hasattr(self, 'proc'): try: process = psutil.Process( for proc in process.children(recursive=True): proc.kill() process.kill() except psutil.NoSuchProcess:'%s PID %d already killed', self.engine.script, pass delattr(self, 'proc') def _validate_server(self, response): # Make sure that the response we got is from the right version of capture.js server = response.headers.get('Server', '') parts = server.split('/', 2) script = self.engine.script if not len(parts) == 2 or parts[0] != or parts[1] < self.engine.version: raise RuntimeError('Server: %s at %s is not %s' % (server, self.url, script)) @tornado.gen.coroutine def capture_async(self, headers=None, **kwargs): ''' Returns a screenshot of the URL. Runs asynchronously in Gramex. Arguments are same as :py:func:`capture` ''' # If ?start is provided, start server and wait until timeout if 'start' in kwargs: self.start() end_time = time.time() + self.timeout while not self.started and time.time() < end_time: yield tornado.gen.sleep(self.check_interval) if not self.started: raise RuntimeError('%s not started. See logs' % self.engine.script) if six.PY2: recursive_encode(kwargs) r = yield self.browser.fetch( self.url, method='POST', body=urlencode(kwargs, doseq=True), raise_error=False, connect_timeout=self.timeout, request_timeout=self.timeout, headers=headers) if r.code == OK: self._validate_server(r) raise tornado.gen.Return(r) def capture(self, url, **kwargs): ''' Return a screenshot of the URL. :arg str url: URL to take a screenshot of :arg str ext: format of output. Can be pdf, png, gif or jpg :arg str selector: Restrict screenshot to (optional) CSS selector in URL :arg int delay: milliseconds (or expression) to wait for before taking a screenshot :arg str format: A3, A4, A5, Legal, Letter or Tabloid. Defaults to A4. For PDF :arg str layout: A3, A4, A5, Legal, 16x9, 16x10, 4x3. Defaults to 4x3. For PPTX :arg str orientation: portrait or landscape. Defaults to portrait. For PDF :arg str header: header for the page. For PDF :arg str footer: footer for the page. For PDF :arg int width: screen width. Default: 1200. For PNG/GIF/JPG :arg int height: screen height. Default: 768. For PNG/GIF/JPG :arg float scale: zooms the screen by a factor. For PNG/GIF/JPG :arg int dpi: dots (pixels) per inch. For PPTX :arg str title: slide title. For PPTX :arg int debug: sets log level for HTTP requests (2) and responses (1) :return: a bytestring with the binary contents of the screenshot :rtype: bytes :raises RuntimeError: if capture.js is not running or fails ''' # Ensure that we're connecting to the right version of capture.js if not self.started: end_time = time.time() + self.timeout while not self.started and time.time() < end_time: time.sleep(self.check_interval) if not self.started: raise RuntimeError('%s not started. See logs' % self.engine.script) kwargs['url'] = url r =, data=kwargs, timeout=self.timeout) if r.status_code == OK: self._validate_server(r) return r.content else: raise RuntimeError('%s error: %s' % (self.engine.script, r.content)) def pdf(self, url, **kwargs): '''An alias for :meth:`Capture.capture` with ``ext='pdf'``.''' kwargs['ext'] = 'pdf' return self.capture(url, **kwargs) def png(self, url, **kwargs): '''An alias for :meth:`Capture.capture` with ``ext='png'``.''' kwargs['ext'] = 'png' return self.capture(url, **kwargs) def pptx(self, url, **kwargs): '''An alias for :meth:`Capture.capture` with ``ext='pptx'``.''' kwargs['ext'] = 'pptx' return self.capture(url, **kwargs) def jpg(self, url, **kwargs): '''An alias for :meth:`Capture.capture` with ``ext='jpg'``.''' kwargs['ext'] = 'jpg' return self.capture(url, **kwargs) def gif(self, url, **kwargs): '''An alias for :meth:`Capture.capture` with ``ext='gif'``.''' kwargs['ext'] = 'gif' return self.capture(url, **kwargs) class CaptureHandler(BaseHandler): ''' Renders a web page as a PDF or as an image. It accepts the same arguments as :class:`Capture`. The page is called with the same args as :meth:`Capture.capture`. It also accepts a ``?start`` parameter that restarts capture.js if required. ''' # Each config maps to a Capture() object. cls.captures[config] = Capture() captures = {} @classmethod def setup(cls, port=None, url=None, engine=None, cmd=None, **kwargs): super(CaptureHandler, cls).setup(**kwargs) capture_kwargs = {} for kwarg in ('timeout', ): if kwarg in kwargs: capture_kwargs[kwarg] = kwargs.pop(kwarg) # Create a new Capture only if the config has changed config = dict(engine=engine, port=port, url=url, cmd=cmd, **capture_kwargs) config_str = json.dumps(config, separators=[',', ':'], sort_keys=True) if config_str not in cls.captures: cls.captures[config_str] = cls.capture = Capture(**config) else: cls.capture = cls.captures[config_str] # TODO: if the old config is no longer used, close it cls.ext = { 'pdf': dict(mime='application/pdf'), 'png': dict(mime='image/png'), 'jpg': dict(mime='image/jpeg'), 'jpeg': dict(mime='image/jpeg'), 'gif': dict(mime='image/gif'), 'pptx': dict(mime=_PPTX_MIME), } @tornado.gen.coroutine def get(self): args = self.argparse( url={'default': self.request.headers.get('Referer', None)}, ext={'choices': self.ext, 'default': 'pdf'}, file={'default': 'screenshot'}, selector={'nargs': '*'}, cookie={}, delay={}, width={'type': int}, height={'type': int}, x={'type': int}, y={'type': int}, scale={'type': float}, dpi={'type': int, 'nargs': '*'}, format={'choices': ['A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'Legal', 'Letter', 'Tabloid'], 'default': 'A4'}, layout={'choices': ['A3', 'A4', 'Letter', '16x9', '16x10', '4x3'], 'default': '4x3'}, orientation={'choices': ['portrait', 'landscape'], 'default': 'portrait'}, title={'nargs': '*'}, title_size={'type': int, 'nargs': '*'}, start={'nargs': '*'}, debug={'nargs': '*'}, ) if args['url'] is None: raise HTTPError(BAD_REQUEST, reason='%s: CaptureHandler needs ?url=' % # If the URL is a relative URL, treat it relative to the called path args['url'] = urljoin(self.request.full_url(), args['url']) # Copy all relevant HTTP headers as-is args['headers'] = { key: val for key, val in self.request.headers.items() if key not in _IGNORE_HEADERS } if 'cookie' not in args: cookie = self.request.headers.get('Cookie', None) if cookie is not None: args['cookie'] = cookie info = self.ext[args.ext] try: response = yield self.capture.capture_async(**args) except RuntimeError as e: # capture.js could not fetch the response raise HTTPError(BAD_GATEWAY, reason=e.args[0]) if response.code == OK: self.set_header('Content-Type', info['mime']) self.set_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="{file}.{ext}"'.format(**args)) self.write(response.body) elif response.code == CLIENT_TIMEOUT: self.set_status(GATEWAY_TIMEOUT, reason='Capture is busy') self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') self.write({'status': 'fail', 'msg': [ 'Capture did not respond within timeout: %ds' % self.capture.timeout]}) else: self.set_status(response.code, reason='capture.js error') self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') self.write(response.body) ```
{ "source": "jpsk/Swedbank-to-YNAB4-converter", "score": 3 }
#### File: jpsk/Swedbank-to-YNAB4-converter/ ```python import os, sys, csv, time err_msg = 'Please provide filename or path' _input = None list = [['Date', 'Payee', 'Category', 'Memo', 'Outflow', 'Inflow']] def get_abs_path(arg): if arg[0] == '/': return arg else: return os.getcwd() + '/' + arg try: _input = get_abs_path(sys.argv[1]) except IndexError: exit(err_msg) try: _input = csv.reader(open(get_abs_path(_input), 'r')) next(_input) for row in _input: date = row[2].split('-') date = date[0] + '/' + date[1] + '/' + date[2] payee = '' memo = row[4] if row[7] == 'K': outflow = '' inflow = row[5] else: outflow = row[5] inflow = '' row = [date, payee, '', memo, outflow, inflow] list.append(row) except FileNotFoundError: exit('File not found') with open('exported_' + time.strftime("%y_%m_%d_%H%M") + '.csv', 'w') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerows(list) ```
{ "source": "jpsmedeiros/distribuicao_de_calor", "score": 3 }
#### File: distribuicao_de_calor/src/ ```python import numpy as np class Model: def __init__(self, nx, ny, dimensionality): self.shape = (int(dimensionality[0]/nx), int(dimensionality[1]/ny)) self.nx = nx self.ny = ny self.initial_distribution = self.get_initial_distribution() def get_initial_distribution(self): matrix = np.zeros(self.shape) #Calculate Vertical Boundaries for x in [0, len(matrix)-1]: for y in range(len(matrix[x])): matrix[x][y] = self.u(x*self.nx, y*self.ny) #Calculate Horizontal Boundaries for y in [0, len(matrix[0])-1]: for x in range(len(matrix)): matrix[x][y] = self.u(x*self.nx, y*self.ny) return matrix def u(self, x , y): return 2*x + y**2 ``` #### File: distribuicao_de_calor/src/ ```python import numpy as np import fatoracao_lu as lu import math import heat_map from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix class Solver: def __init__(self, model, delta_t): self.current_distribution = model.initial_distribution self.nx = model.nx self.ny = model.ny self.delta_t = delta_t self.shape = model.shape def solve(self): heat_map.clearFiles("images/tmp/")#Clear folder max_difference = 1.0 heat_map.draw(self.current_distribution) system_to_solve = self.get_system() while max_difference > 0 and math.log(max_difference, 10) > -7: linearized_distribution = self.get_array_from_distribution(self.current_distribution) result = np.array(lu.resolve_lu(system_to_solve, linearized_distribution)) max_difference = self.calculate_max_difference(linearized_distribution, result) self.current_distribution = result.reshape(self.shape[0], self.shape[1]) heat_map.draw(self.current_distribution) heat_map.generateGif() def calculate_max_difference(self, initial, final): return np.max(np.abs(initial-final)) def get_system(self): system_dimension = self.shape[0] * self.shape[1] system_to_solve = [] for i in range(system_dimension): current_row = [0] * system_dimension if self.is_boundary(i): current_row[i] = 1 else: # i,j term current_row[i] = 2 * self.delta_t*(self.nx**2 + self.ny**2)/(self.nx**2 * self.ny**2) + 1.0 # i-1,j term current_row[i - self.shape[0]] = -self.delta_t / self.nx**2 # i+1,j term current_row[i + self.shape[0]] = -self.delta_t / self.nx**2 # i,j-1 term current_row[i - 1] = -self.delta_t / self.ny**2 # i,j+1 term current_row[i + 1] = -self.delta_t / self.ny**2 sparse_row = csr_matrix(current_row) system_to_solve.append(sparse_row) return system_to_solve def get_array_from_distribution(self, matrix): return matrix.reshape((self.shape[0]*self.shape[1])) def is_boundary(self, i): x_size = self.shape[0] y_size = self.shape[1] #Case i is in first line if i // x_size == 0: return True #Case i in the first column if i % x_size == 0: return True #Case i is in the last column if (i+1) % x_size == 0: return True #Case i is in the last line if i // x_size == y_size-1: return True return False ```
{ "source": "jpsteinb/svgpathtools", "score": 3 }
#### File: svgpathtools/svgpathtools/ ```python from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function from .misctools import real_numbers_in, to_decimals from numbers import Real import re # Internal dependencies from .path import Path, Subpath, Line, QuadraticBezier, CubicBezier, Arc COMMANDS = set('MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAa') UPPERCASE = set('MZLHVCSQTA') COMMAND_RE = re.compile(r"([MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAa])") FLOAT_RE = re.compile(r"[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?") def _tokenize_path_string(pathdef): for x in COMMAND_RE.split(pathdef): if x in COMMANDS: yield x for token in FLOAT_RE.findall(x): yield float(token) def _unpack_tokens(pathdef): for token in pathdef: if isinstance(token, str): if token not in COMMANDS: print("token", token) raise ValueError("unrecognized string token in svgpathtools.parser._unpack_tokens") yield token continue x, y = real_numbers_in(token) yield x if y is not None: yield y def generate_path(*args, decimals=None): if len(args) == 0: raise ValueError("empty args in generate_path") if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], list): tokens = args[0] else: tokens = args def stringifier(thing): if isinstance(thing, str): return thing assert isinstance(thing, Real) return to_decimals(thing, decimals) return " ".join(stringifier(c) for c in _unpack_tokens(tokens)) # The following function returns a Subpath when it can, and otherwise, if # accept_paths is True, a Path. Does not accept an empty token list / spec. def parse_subpath(*args, accept_paths=False): # In the SVG specs, initial movetos are absolute, even if # specified as 'm'. This is the default behavior here as well. # But if you pass in a current_pos variable, the initial moveto # will be relative to that current_pos. This is useful. if len(args) == 0: raise ValueError("empty args in parse_subpath") if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], str): elements = list(_tokenize_path_string(args[0])) elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], list): elements = list(_unpack_tokens(args[0])) else: elements = list(_unpack_tokens(args)) if not all(isinstance(x, str) or isinstance(x, Real) for x in elements): print("args:") print(args) print("elements:") print(elements) assert False if len(elements) == 0: # raise ValueError("Empty token list in parse_subpath.") return Subpath() if isinstance(elements[0], float): elements.insert(0, 'M') # Reverse for easy use of .pop() elements.reverse() path = Path() subpath = Subpath() subpath_start = None command = None current_pos = 0 # if path starts with an 'm'... def append_to_path(subpath): if len(path) > 0 and not accept_paths: raise ValueError("parse_subpath given multi-subpath path") path.append(subpath) def pop_float(): nonlocal elements el = elements.pop() if isinstance(el, str): print("el:", el) print("elements:", elements) raise ValueError("string found in tokens when float expected") assert isinstance(el, Real) return el while elements: if elements[-1] in COMMANDS: # New command. last_command = command # Used by S and T command = elements.pop() absolute = command in UPPERCASE command = command.upper() else: # If this element starts with numbers, it is an implicit command # and we don't change the command. Check that it's allowed: if command is None: raise ValueError("Missing command after 'Z' in parse_subpath.") if command == 'M': # Moveto command. if len(subpath) > 0: append_to_path(subpath) subpath = Subpath() x = pop_float() y = pop_float() pos = x + y * 1j if absolute: current_pos = pos else: current_pos += pos # when M is called, reset subpath_start # This behavior of Z is defined in svg spec: # subpath_start = current_pos # Implicit moveto commands are treated as lineto commands. # So we set command to lineto here, in case there are # further implicit commands after this moveto. command = 'L' elif command == 'Z': # Close path if len(subpath) > 0: subpath.set_Z(forceful=True) assert subpath.Z append_to_path(subpath) subpath = Subpath() assert subpath_start is not None current_pos = subpath_start command = None elif command == 'L': x = pop_float() y = pop_float() pos = x + y * 1j if not absolute: pos += current_pos subpath.append(Line(current_pos, pos)) current_pos = pos elif command == 'H': x = pop_float() pos = x + current_pos.imag * 1j if not absolute: pos += current_pos.real subpath.append(Line(current_pos, pos)) current_pos = pos elif command == 'V': y = pop_float() pos = current_pos.real + y * 1j if not absolute: pos += current_pos.imag * 1j subpath.append(Line(current_pos, pos)) current_pos = pos elif command == 'C': control1 = pop_float() + pop_float() * 1j control2 = pop_float() + pop_float() * 1j end = pop_float() + pop_float() * 1j if not absolute: control1 += current_pos control2 += current_pos end += current_pos subpath.append(CubicBezier(current_pos, control1, control2, end)) current_pos = end elif command == 'S': # Smooth curve. First control point is the "reflection" of # the second control point in the previous path. if last_command not in 'CS': # If there is no previous command or if the previous command # was not an C, c, S or s, assume the first control point is # coincident with the current point. control1 = current_pos else: # The first control point is assumed to be the reflection of # the second control point on the previous command relative # to the current point. control1 = current_pos + current_pos - subpath[-1].control2 control2 = pop_float() + pop_float() * 1j end = pop_float() + pop_float() * 1j if not absolute: control2 += current_pos end += current_pos subpath.append(CubicBezier(current_pos, control1, control2, end)) current_pos = end elif command == 'Q': control = pop_float() + pop_float() * 1j end = pop_float() + pop_float() * 1j if not absolute: control += current_pos end += current_pos subpath.append(QuadraticBezier(current_pos, control, end)) current_pos = end elif command == 'T': # Smooth curve. Control point is the "reflection" of # the second control point in the previous path. if last_command not in 'QT': # If there is no previous command or if the previous command # was not an Q, q, T or t, assume the first control point is # coincident with the current point. control = current_pos else: # The control point is assumed to be the reflection of # the control point on the previous command relative # to the current point. control = current_pos + current_pos - subpath[-1].control end = pop_float() + pop_float() * 1j if not absolute: end += current_pos subpath.append(QuadraticBezier(current_pos, control, end)) current_pos = end elif command == 'A': radius = pop_float() + pop_float() * 1j rotation = pop_float() arc = pop_float() sweep = pop_float() end = pop_float() + pop_float() * 1j if not absolute: end += current_pos subpath.append(Arc(current_pos, radius, rotation, arc, sweep, end)) current_pos = end if len(subpath) > 0: append_to_path(subpath) subpath = Subpath() if not accept_paths: assert len(path) <= 1 if len(path) <= 1: if len(path) > 0: assert len(subpath) == 0 return path[-1] assert len(subpath) == 0 return subpath return path def parse_path(*args, accept_paths=None): """ Parses a path from a single string or from a list of tokens. The 'accept_paths' option is accepted here for uniformity with 'parse_subpath', but it has no effect in this function. All of the following are valid usages, and will parse to the same path: parse_path("M 0 0 10 10") parse_path(['M', 0, 0, 10, 10]) parse_path('M', 0, 0, 10, 10) parse_path("M 0+0j 10+10j") parse_path(['M', 0+0j, 10+10j]) parse_path('M', 0+0j, 10+10j) parse_path('M', 0, 0, 10+10j) (Etc.) """ s = parse_subpath(*args, accept_paths=True) if isinstance(s, Subpath): s = Path(s) return s ```
{ "source": "jpsthecelt/asgpstest", "score": 2 }
#### File: jpsthecelt/asgpstest/ ```python try: import uasyncio as asyncio except ImportError: import asyncio try: from micropython import const except ImportError: const = lambda x : x from math import modf from collections import deque import aioserial # Angle formats DD = const(1) DMS = const(2) DM = const(3) KML = const(4) # Speed units KPH = const(10) MPH = const(11) KNOT = const(12) # Date formats MDY = const(20) DMY = const(21) LONG = const(22) # Sentence types RMC = const(1) GLL = const(2) VTG = const(4) GGA = const(8) GSA = const(16) GSV = const(32) # Messages carrying data POSITION = const(RMC | GLL | GGA) ALTITUDE = const(GGA) DATE = const(RMC) COURSE = const(RMC | VTG) class AS_GPS(object): # Can omit time consuming checks: CRC 6ms Bad char and line length 9ms FULL_CHECK = True _SENTENCE_LIMIT = 76 # Max sentence length (based on GGA sentence) _NO_FIX = 1 # Return day of week from date. Pyboard RTC format: 1-7 for Monday through Sunday. # # Adapted for Python 3 and Pyboard RTC format. @staticmethod def _week_day(year, month, day, offset = [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334]): aux = year - 1700 - (1 if month <= 2 else 0) # day_of_week for 1700/1/1 = 5, Friday day_of_week = 5 # partial sum of days betweem current date and 1700/1/1 day_of_week += (aux + (1 if month <= 2 else 0)) * 365 # leap year correction day_of_week += aux // 4 - aux // 100 + (aux + 100) // 400 # sum monthly and day offsets day_of_week += offset[month - 1] + (day - 1) day_of_week %= 7 day_of_week = day_of_week if day_of_week else 7 return day_of_week # 8-bit xor of characters between "$" and "*". Takes 6ms on Pyboard! @staticmethod def _crc_check(res, ascii_crc): try: crc = int(ascii_crc, 16) except ValueError: return False x = 1 crc_xor = 0 while res[x] != '*': crc_xor ^= ord(res[x]) x += 1 return crc_xor == crc def __init__(self, portName, local_offset=0, fix_cb=lambda *_ : None, cb_mask=RMC, fix_cb_args=()): try: # If None testing: update is called with simulated data if portName == None: self._sreader = portName else: self._sreader = aioserial.AioSerial(port=portName) [print("Synchronizing...: {}".format((await aioserial.AioSerial(port=results.gps_device_string).readline_async()).decode('utf8', errors='ignore'), end='', flush=True)) for i in range(5)] except: portName = None continue self._fix_cb = fix_cb self.cb_mask = cb_mask self._fix_cb_args = fix_cb_args self._lastRxMsg = deque(maxlen=1) self.battery = False # Assume no backup battery # CPython compatibility. Import utime or time for fix time handling. try: import utime self._get_time = utime.ticks_ms self._time_diff = utime.ticks_diff self._localtime = utime.localtime self._mktime = utime.mktime except ImportError: # Otherwise default to time module for non-embedded implementations # Should still support millisecond resolution. import time self._get_time = time.time self._time_diff = lambda start, end: 1000 * (start - end) self._localtime = time.localtime self._mktime = time.mktime # Key: currently supported NMEA sentences. Value: parse method. self.supported_sentences = {'GPRMC': self._gprmc, 'GLRMC': self._gprmc, 'GPGGA': self._gpgga, 'GLGGA': self._gpgga, 'GPVTG': self._gpvtg, 'GLVTG': self._gpvtg, 'GPGSA': self._gpgsa, 'GLGSA': self._gpgsa, 'GPGSV': self._gpgsv, 'GLGSV': self._gpgsv, 'GPGLL': self._gpgll, 'GLGLL': self._gpgll, 'GNGGA': self._gpgga, 'GNRMC': self._gprmc, 'GNVTG': self._gpvtg, } ##################### # Object Status Flags self._fix_time = None ##################### # Sentence Statistics self.crc_fails = 0 self.clean_sentences = 0 self.parsed_sentences = 0 self.unsupported_sentences = 0 ##################### # Data From Sentences # Time. indicates seconds # is an integer. However hardware returns a float, but the fractional # part is always zero. So treat seconds value as an integer. For # precise timing use PPS signal and as_tGPS library. self.local_offset = local_offset # hrs self.epoch_time = 0 # Integer secs since epoch (Y2K under MicroPython) # Add ms if supplied by device. Only used by timing drivers. self.msecs = 0 # Position/Motion self._latitude = [0, 0.0, 'N'] # (°, mins, N/S) self._longitude = [0, 0.0, 'W'] # (°, mins, E/W) self._speed = 0.0 # Knot self.course = 0.0 # ° clockwise from N self.altitude = 0.0 # Metres self.geoid_height = 0.0 # Metres self.magvar = 0.0 # Magnetic variation (°, -ve == west) # State variables self._last_sv_sentence = 0 # for GSV parsing self._total_sv_sentences = 0 self._satellite_data = dict() # for get_satellite_data() self._update_ms = 1000 # Update rate for timing drivers. Default 1 sec. # GPS Info self.satellites_in_view = 0 self.satellites_in_use = 0 self.satellites_used = [] self.hdop = 0.0 self.pdop = 0.0 self.vdop = 0.0 # Received status self._valid = 0 # Bitfield of received sentences if sreader is not None: # Running with UART data'\nGot device -- Creating run loop') loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.create_task(self._run(loop)) ########################################## # Data Stream Handler Functions ########################################## async def _run(self, loop): while True: # res = await self._sreader.readline() # res = res.decode('utf8') try: res = (await self._sreader.readline_async()).decode('utf8', errors='ignore') except UnicodeError: # Garbage: can happen e.g. on baudrate change continue loop.create_task(self._update(res)) await asyncio.sleep(0) # Ensure task runs and res is copied # Update takes a line of text async def _update(self, line): line = line.rstrip() # Copy line if self.FULL_CHECK: # 9ms on Pyboard try: next(c for c in line if ord(c) < 10 or ord(c) > 126) return # Bad character received except StopIteration: pass # All good await asyncio.sleep(0) if len(line) > self._SENTENCE_LIMIT or not '*' in line: return # Too long or malformed a = line.split(',') segs = a[:-1] + a[-1].split('*') await asyncio.sleep(0) if self.FULL_CHECK: # 6ms on Pyboard if not self._crc_check(line, segs[-1]): self.crc_fails += 1 # Update statistics return await asyncio.sleep(0) self.clean_sentences += 1 # Sentence is good but unparsed. segs[0] = segs[0][1:] # discard $ segs = segs[:-1] # and checksum if segs[0] in self.supported_sentences: try: s_type = self.supported_sentences[segs[0]](segs) # Parse except ValueError: s_type = False await asyncio.sleep(0) if isinstance(s_type, int) and (s_type & self.cb_mask): # Successfully parsed, data was valid and mask matches sentence type self._fix_cb(self, s_type, *self._fix_cb_args) # Run the callback if s_type: # Successfully parsed if self.reparse(segs): # Subclass hook self.parsed_sentences += 1 return segs[0] # For test programs else: if self.parse(segs): # Subclass hook self.parsed_sentences += 1 self.unsupported_sentences += 1 return segs[0] # For test programs # Optional hooks for subclass def parse(self, segs): # Parse unsupported sentences return True def reparse(self, segs): # Re-parse supported sentences return True ######################################## # Fix and Time Functions ######################################## # Caller traps ValueError def _fix(self, gps_segments, idx_lat, idx_long): # Latitude l_string = gps_segments[idx_lat] lat_degs = int(l_string[0:2]) lat_mins = float(l_string[2:]) lat_hemi = gps_segments[idx_lat + 1] # Longitude l_string = gps_segments[idx_long] lon_degs = int(l_string[0:3]) lon_mins = float(l_string[3:]) lon_hemi = gps_segments[idx_long + 1] if lat_hemi not in 'NS'or lon_hemi not in 'EW': raise ValueError self._latitude[0] = lat_degs # In-place to avoid allocation self._latitude[1] = lat_mins self._latitude[2] = lat_hemi self._longitude[0] = lon_degs self._longitude[1] = lon_mins self._longitude[2] = lon_hemi self._fix_time = self._get_time() def _dtset(self, _): # For subclass pass # A local offset may exist so check for date rollover. Local offsets can # include fractions of an hour but not seconds (AFAIK). # Caller traps ValueError def _set_date_time(self, utc_string, date_string): if not date_string or not utc_string: raise ValueError hrs = int(utc_string[0:2]) # h mins = int(utc_string[2:4]) # mins # Secs from MTK3339 chip is a float but others may return only 2 chars # for integer secs. If a float keep epoch as integer seconds and store # the fractional part as integer ms (ms since midnight fits 32 bits). fss, fsecs = modf(float(utc_string[4:])) secs = int(fsecs) self.msecs = int(fss * 1000) d = int(date_string[0:2]) # day m = int(date_string[2:4]) # month y = int(date_string[4:6]) + 2000 # year wday = self._week_day(y, m, d) t = int(self._mktime((y, m, d, hrs, mins, int(secs), wday - 1, 0, 0))) self.epoch_time = t # This is the fundamental datetime reference. self._dtset(wday) # Subclass may override ######################################## # Sentence Parsers ######################################## # For all parsers: # Initially the ._valid bit for the sentence type is cleared. # On error a ValueError is raised: trapped by the caller. # On successful parsing the ._valid bit is set. # The ._valid mechanism enables the data_received coro to determine what # sentence types have been received. # Chip sends rubbish RMC messages before first PPS pulse, but these have # data valid set to 'V' (void) def _gprmc(self, gps_segments): # Parse RMC sentence self._valid &= ~RMC # Check Receiver Data Valid Flag ('A' active) if not self.battery: if gps_segments[2] != 'A': raise ValueError # UTC Timestamp and date. Can raise ValueError. self._set_date_time(gps_segments[1], gps_segments[9]) # Check Receiver Data Valid Flag ('A' active) if gps_segments[2] != 'A': raise ValueError # Data from Receiver is Valid/Has Fix. Longitude / Latitude # Can raise ValueError. self._fix(gps_segments, 3, 5) # Speed spd_knt = float(gps_segments[7]) # Course course = float(gps_segments[8]) # Add Magnetic Variation if firmware supplies it if gps_segments[10]: mv = float(gps_segments[10]) if gps_segments[11] not in ('EW'): raise ValueError self.magvar = mv if gps_segments[11] == 'E' else -mv # Update Object Data self._speed = spd_knt self.course = course self._valid |= RMC return RMC def _gpgll(self, gps_segments): # Parse GLL sentence self._valid &= ~GLL # Check Receiver Data Valid Flag if gps_segments[6] != 'A': # Invalid. Don't update data raise ValueError # Data from Receiver is Valid/Has Fix. Longitude / Latitude self._fix(gps_segments, 1, 3) # Update Last Fix Time self._valid |= GLL return GLL # Chip sends VTG messages with meaningless data before getting a fix. def _gpvtg(self, gps_segments): # Parse VTG sentence self._valid &= ~VTG course = float(gps_segments[1]) spd_knt = float(gps_segments[5]) self._speed = spd_knt self.course = course self._valid |= VTG return VTG def _gpgga(self, gps_segments): # Parse GGA sentence self._valid &= ~GGA # Number of Satellites in Use satellites_in_use = int(gps_segments[7]) # Horizontal Dilution of Precision hdop = float(gps_segments[8]) # Get Fix Status fix_stat = int(gps_segments[6]) # Process Location and Altitude if Fix is GOOD if fix_stat: # Longitude / Latitude self._fix(gps_segments, 2, 4) # Altitude / Height Above Geoid altitude = float(gps_segments[9]) geoid_height = float(gps_segments[11]) # Update Object Data self.altitude = altitude self.geoid_height = geoid_height self._valid |= GGA # Update Object Data self.satellites_in_use = satellites_in_use self.hdop = hdop return GGA def _gpgsa(self, gps_segments): # Parse GSA sentence self._valid &= ~GSA # Fix Type (None,2D or 3D) fix_type = int(gps_segments[2]) # Read All (up to 12) Available PRN Satellite Numbers sats_used = [] for sats in range(12): sat_number_str = gps_segments[3 + sats] if sat_number_str: sat_number = int(sat_number_str) sats_used.append(sat_number) else: break # PDOP,HDOP,VDOP pdop = float(gps_segments[15]) hdop = float(gps_segments[16]) vdop = float(gps_segments[17]) # If Fix is GOOD, update fix timestamp if fix_type <= self._NO_FIX: # Deviation from Michael McCoy's logic. Is this right? raise ValueError self.satellites_used = sats_used self.hdop = hdop self.vdop = vdop self.pdop = pdop self._valid |= GSA return GSA def _gpgsv(self, gps_segments): # Parse Satellites in View (GSV) sentence. Updates no. of SV sentences, # the no. of the last SV sentence parsed, and data on each satellite # present in the sentence. self._valid &= ~GSV num_sv_sentences = int(gps_segments[1]) current_sv_sentence = int(gps_segments[2]) sats_in_view = int(gps_segments[3]) # Create a blank dict to store all the satellite data from this sentence in: # satellite PRN is key, tuple containing telemetry is value satellite_dict = dict() # Calculate Number of Satelites to pull data for and thus how many segment positions to read if num_sv_sentences == current_sv_sentence: sat_segment_limit = ((sats_in_view % 4) * 4) + 4 # Last sentence may have 1-4 satellites else: sat_segment_limit = 20 # Non-last sentences have 4 satellites and thus read up to position 20 # Try to recover data for up to 4 satellites in sentence for sats in range(4, sat_segment_limit, 4): # If a PRN is present, grab satellite data if gps_segments[sats]: try: sat_id = int(gps_segments[sats]) except IndexError: raise ValueError # Abandon try: # elevation can be null (no value) when not tracking elevation = int(gps_segments[sats+1]) except (ValueError,IndexError): elevation = None try: # azimuth can be null (no value) when not tracking azimuth = int(gps_segments[sats+2]) except (ValueError,IndexError): azimuth = None try: # SNR can be null (no value) when not tracking snr = int(gps_segments[sats+3]) except (ValueError,IndexError): snr = None # If no PRN is found, then the sentence has no more satellites to read else: break # Add Satellite Data to Sentence Dict satellite_dict[sat_id] = (elevation, azimuth, snr) # Update Object Data self._total_sv_sentences = num_sv_sentences self._last_sv_sentence = current_sv_sentence self.satellites_in_view = sats_in_view # For a new set of sentences, we either clear out the existing sat data or # update it as additional SV sentences are parsed if current_sv_sentence == 1: self._satellite_data = satellite_dict else: self._satellite_data.update(satellite_dict) # Flag that a msg has been received. Does not mean a full set of data is ready. self._valid |= GSV return GSV ######################################### # User Interface Methods ######################################### # Data Validity. On startup data may be invalid. During an outage it will be absent. async def data_received(self, position=False, course=False, date=False, altitude=False): self._valid = 0 # Assume no messages at start result = False while not result: result = True await asyncio.sleep(1) # Successfully parsed messages set ._valid bits if position and not self._valid & POSITION: result = False if date and not self._valid & DATE: result = False # After a hard reset the chip sends course messages even though no fix # was received. Ignore this garbage until a fix is received. if course: if self._valid & COURSE: if not self._valid & POSITION: result = False else: result = False if altitude and not self._valid & ALTITUDE: result = False def latitude(self, coord_format=DD): # Format Latitude Data Correctly if coord_format == DD: decimal_degrees = self._latitude[0] + (self._latitude[1] / 60) return [decimal_degrees, self._latitude[2]] elif coord_format == DMS: mins = int(self._latitude[1]) seconds = round((self._latitude[1] - mins) * 60) return [self._latitude[0], mins, seconds, self._latitude[2]] elif coord_format == DM: return self._latitude raise ValueError('Unknown latitude format.') def longitude(self, coord_format=DD): # Format Longitude Data Correctly if coord_format == DD: decimal_degrees = self._longitude[0] + (self._longitude[1] / 60) return [decimal_degrees, self._longitude[2]] elif coord_format == DMS: mins = int(self._longitude[1]) seconds = round((self._longitude[1] - mins) * 60) return [self._longitude[0], mins, seconds, self._longitude[2]] elif coord_format == DM: return self._longitude raise ValueError('Unknown longitude format.') def speed(self, units=KNOT): if units == KNOT: return self._speed if units == KPH: return self._speed * 1.852 if units == MPH: return self._speed * 1.151 raise ValueError('Unknown speed units.') async def get_satellite_data(self): self._total_sv_sentences = 0 while self._total_sv_sentences == 0: await asyncio.sleep(0) while self._total_sv_sentences > self._last_sv_sentence: await asyncio.sleep(0) return self._satellite_data def time_since_fix(self): # ms since last valid fix if self._fix_time is None: return -1 # No fix yet found return self._time_diff(self._get_time(), self._fix_time) def compass_direction(self): # Return cardinal point as string. from as_GPS_utils import compass_direction return compass_direction(self) def latitude_string(self, coord_format=DM): if coord_format == DD: return '{:3.6f}° {:s}'.format(*self.latitude(DD)) if coord_format == DMS: return """{:3d}° {:2d}' {:2d}" {:s}""".format(*self.latitude(DMS)) if coord_format == KML: form_lat = self.latitude(DD) return '{:4.6f}'.format(form_lat[0] if form_lat[1] == 'N' else -form_lat[0]) return "{:3d}° {:3.4f}' {:s}".format(*self.latitude(coord_format)) def longitude_string(self, coord_format=DM): if coord_format == DD: return '{:3.6f}° {:s}'.format(*self.longitude(DD)) if coord_format == DMS: return """{:3d}° {:2d}' {:2d}" {:s}""".format(*self.longitude(DMS)) if coord_format == KML: form_long = self.longitude(DD) return '{:4.6f}'.format(form_long[0] if form_long[1] == 'E' else -form_long[0]) return "{:3d}° {:3.4f}' {:s}".format(*self.longitude(coord_format)) def speed_string(self, unit=KPH): sform = '{:3.2f} {:s}' speed = self.speed(unit) if unit == MPH: return sform.format(speed, 'mph') elif unit == KNOT: return sform.format(speed, 'knots') return sform.format(speed, 'km/h') # Return local time (hrs: int, mins: int, secs:float) @property def local_time(self): t = self.epoch_time + int(3600 * self.local_offset) _, _, _, hrs, mins, secs, *_ = self._localtime(t) return hrs, mins, secs @property def date(self): t = self.epoch_time + int(3600 * self.local_offset) y, m, d, *_ = self._localtime(t) return d, m, y - 2000 @property def utc(self): t = self.epoch_time _, _, _, hrs, mins, secs, *_ = self._localtime(t) return hrs, mins, secs def time_string(self, local=True): hrs, mins, secs = self.local_time if local else self.utc return '{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(hrs, mins, secs) def date_string(self, formatting=MDY): from as_GPS_utils import date_string return date_string(self, formatting) ```
{ "source": "jpsthecelt/asyncTests", "score": 2 }
#### File: jpsthecelt/asyncTests/ ```python from flask import (Flask, render_template,) app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def index(): return render_template( 'index.html', message='Hello Flask Synchronous',) if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=5000, debug=True) ```
{ "source": "jpstroop/issue-reporter", "score": 2 }
#### File: github_reporter/data/ ```python from cached_property import cached_property from collections import OrderedDict from github import Github from github_reporter import timestamp from import Issue from github_reporter.serializers.html_report_renderer import HTMLReportRenderer from github_reporter.serializers.report_json_encoder import ReportJSONEncoder from itertools import groupby from json import dumps from os.path import join class IssueReport: def __init__(self, gh_token, gh_org, yesterday_iso, today_iso): # memoized properties: self._generic_report_path = None self._html_path = None self._json_path = None # the issues self.yesterday_iso = yesterday_iso self.today_iso = today_iso q = f"org:{gh_org} updated:>={self.yesterday_iso}" print(f"{timestamp()} - Report started") paged_issues = [i for i in Github(gh_token).search_issues(query=q)] self.issues = [Issue(i, self.yesterday_iso) for i in paged_issues] self.grouped_issues = IssueReport.group_issues(self.issues) self.grouped_issues["__meta__"] = IssueReport.gather_stats(self.issues) self.grouped_issues["__meta__"]["today"] = self.today_iso self.grouped_issues["__meta__"]["yesterday"] = self.yesterday_iso print(f"{timestamp()} - Report ran successfully") def as_json(self): json = dumps( self.grouped_issues, cls=ReportJSONEncoder, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2, ) print(f"{timestamp()} - JSON serialized successfully") return json def as_html(self): renderer = HTMLReportRenderer() template = "issue_report_page.html.mako" html = renderer.render(template, r=self.grouped_issues) print(f"{timestamp()} - HTML serialized successfully") return html @cached_property def generic_report_path(self): # returns a str representing the path where we'll ultimately want this # in the repo, without /index.html or .json, i.e. # docs/reports/YYYY/MM/DD ymd = self.today_iso.split("T")[0].split("-") self._generic_report_path = join("docs", "reports", *ymd) return self._generic_report_path @cached_property def html_path(self): self._html_path = join(self.generic_report_path, "index.html") print(f"{timestamp()} - HTML path: {self._html_path}") return self._html_path @cached_property def json_path(self): self._json_path = f"{self.generic_report_path}.json" print(f"{timestamp()} - JSON path: {self._json_path}") return self._json_path @staticmethod def group_issues(issues): print(f"{timestamp()} - Grouping by repo started") groups = OrderedDict() issues.sort(key=lambda i: (i.repository_name, i.updated_at)) for repo, issues in groupby(issues, lambda i: i.repository_name): groups[repo] = list(issues) # we need to use the issues multiple times when we serialize # hence the `list(_grouper)` cast. return groups @staticmethod def gather_stats(issues): groups = {"issue_count": len(issues)} issues.sort(key=lambda r: r.action) for action, issues in groupby(issues, lambda r: r.action): groups[f"{action}_count"] = len(list(issues)) return groups ``` #### File: issue-reporter/github_reporter/ ```python from github import Github, InputGitTreeElement from github_reporter import timestamp from os import sep from sys import stderr class GithubCommitter: def __init__(self, github_token, repo_name): self.github = Github(github_token) self.repo = self.github.get_user().get_repo(repo_name) def commit(self, path_data_pairs, commit_message, branch): try: branch_ref = self.repo.get_git_ref(f"heads/{branch}") branch_sha = branch_ref.object.sha base_tree = self.repo.get_git_tree(branch_sha) element_list = self._build_element_list(path_data_pairs) tree = self.repo.create_git_tree(element_list, base_tree) parent = self.repo.get_git_commit(branch_sha) commit = self.repo.create_git_commit( commit_message, tree, [parent] ) print(f"{timestamp()} - Commit sha: {commit.sha}") branch_ref.edit(commit.sha) except Exception as e: print(f"{timestamp()} - {e}") return False else: return True def _build_element_list(self, path_data_pairs): element_list = [] for path, data in path_data_pairs: print(f"{timestamp()} - Adding {path} to commit") element = InputGitTreeElement(path, "100644", "blob", element_list.append(element) return element_list ``` #### File: issue-reporter/github_reporter/ ```python from cached_property import cached_property from contextlib import contextmanager from datetime import datetime, timedelta from github_reporter import timestamp from import IssueReport from github_reporter.github_committer import GithubCommitter from io import StringIO from json import dumps from os import sep from os.path import join from pytz import timezone from requests import get import requests_cache as rc class GithubReporter: def __init__(self, secrets, config, dump_to_stdout=False): rc.install_cache("ghr", backend="memory", expire_after=300) self.dump_to_stdout = dump_to_stdout self.yesterday_iso, self.today_iso = self.get_dates(config["timezone"]) self.secrets = secrets self.config = config # memoized vars self._index_json_path = None self._issue_report = None @cached_property def issue_report(self): token = self.secrets["GITHUB_TOKEN"] org = self.secrets["GITHUB_ORGANIZATION"] self._issue_report = IssueReport( token, org, self.yesterday_iso, self.today_iso ) return self._issue_report def get_dates(self, tz): today_dt = today = today_dt.isoformat(timespec="seconds") yesterday = (today_dt - timedelta(days=1)).isoformat( timespec="seconds" ) print(f"{timestamp()} - Today: {today}") print(f"{timestamp()} - Yesterday: {yesterday}") return (yesterday, today) @contextmanager def report_strings(self): json_string = StringIO(self.issue_report.as_json()) html_string = StringIO(self.issue_report.as_html()) index_string = StringIO(self.updated_index()) yield json_string, html_string, index_string json_string.close() html_string.close() index_string.close() @cached_property def index_json_path(self): self._index_json_path = join("docs", "index.json") print(f"{timestamp()} - Index JSON path: {self._index_json_path}") return self._index_json_path def updated_index(self): index = self.get_current_index() date = self.today_iso.split("T")[0] index = list(filter(lambda e: e["date"] != date, index)) html = ( f"{sep.join(self.issue_report.html_path.split(sep)[1:-1])}{sep}" ) # removes docs/ and index.html entry = { "date": date, "meta": self.issue_report.grouped_issues["__meta__"], "run_start": self.today_iso, "html": html, "json": sep.join( self.issue_report.json_path.split(sep)[1:] ), # removes docs/ } index.insert(0, entry) return dumps(index, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) def get_current_index(self): org = self.config["github_org"] repo = self.config["github_repo_name"] url = f"https://{org}{repo}/index.json" with rc.disabled(): print(f"{timestamp()} - Getting {url} for updating") headers = { "cache-control": "no-store" } # not sure if this makes a differnce; index_json = get(url, headers=headers).json() return index_json def run_report(self): with self.report_strings() as (json_str, html_str, index_str): if self.dump_to_stdout: print( commit_success = True else: repo = self.config["github_repo_name"] committer = GithubCommitter(self.secrets["GITHUB_TOKEN"], repo) date = self.today_iso.split("T")[0] message = f"[automated commit] reports for {date}" print(f"{timestamp()} - Committing {message}") path_data_pairs = ( (self.issue_report.json_path, json_str), (self.issue_report.html_path, html_str), (self.index_json_path, index_str), ) branch = self.config["branch"] commit_success = committer.commit( path_data_pairs, message, branch ) return commit_success ``` #### File: jpstroop/issue-reporter/ ```python from github_reporter import timestamp from github_reporter.app_setup import load_config, load_secrets from github_reporter.github_reporter import GithubReporter from sys import stderr def main(event={}, context={}): try: is_google_run = event.get("is_google_run", True) dump_to_stdout = event.get("dump_to_stdout", False) secrets = load_secrets() config = load_config() if is_google_run: print(f"{timestamp()} - Google called me") if dump_to_stdout: print(f"{timestamp()} - Local run, will dump JSON to stdout") gh_reporter = GithubReporter(secrets, config, dump_to_stdout) commit_success = gh_reporter.run_report() print(f"{timestamp()} - Commit success: {commit_success}") return True # Cloud Functions must return something except Exception as e: print(f"{timestamp()} - {e}", file=stderr) return False if __name__ == "__main__": main(event={"is_google_run": False, "dump_to_stdout": True}) ``` #### File: jpstroop/issue-reporter/ ```python from datetime import date, timedelta from github_reporter.html_report_renderer import HTMLReportRenderer from json import load from os import sep, walk from os.path import abspath, dirname, join # A helper script for regenerating the HTML from our JSON reports when # the template has changed. def html_file_path_from_json_path(json_path): return json_path.replace(".json", f"{sep}index.html") def html_dir_path_from_json_path(json_path): return json_path.replace(".json", "") def html_from_json(renderer, json_path): with open(json_path, "r") as f: report = load(f) html_path = html_file_path_from_json_path(json_path) template = "issue_report_page.html.mako" with open(html_path, "w") as f: print(renderer.render(template, r=report), file=f) return 0 def accumulate_json(root_path): def filt(tup): return all([i.endswith(".json") for i in tup[2]]) and len(tup[2]) > 0 dir_files = [(dp, fn) for dp, _, fn in filter(filt, walk(root_path))] return [join(dir, file) for dir, files in dir_files for file in files] def date_from_json_path(json_path): y, m, d = map(int, json_path.split(".")[0].split(sep)[-3:]) return date(y, m, d) def docs_dir(): return join(abspath(dirname(__file__)), "docs", "reports") def json_is_older_than_n_days(json_path, n): today = file_date = date_from_json_path(json_path) return (today - file_date).days > n # "public" functions you might want to call in __main__ def rerender_html(): renderer = HTMLReportRenderer() [html_from_json(renderer, jp) for jp in accumulate_json(docs_dir())] # TODO: pick this up when we have more data and actually want it # TODO: don't forget to update index.json # TODO: don't forget empty month and year dirs- # Maybe just run something like this: # # python-script-recursively-remove-empty-folders/directories/ def remove_old_reports(days): json_paths = accumulate_json(docs_dir()) to_rm = [] for jp in json_paths: if json_is_older_than_n_days(jp, days): html_path = html_file_path_from_json_path(jp) html_dir = html_dir_path_from_json_path(jp) to_rm.append((jp, html_path, html_dir)) print(to_rm) # TODO: sigh...JSONReport class: # .date, .html, .html_dir, .rerender_html(), .older_than(days) # .remove() if __name__ == "__main__": rerender_html() ``` #### File: github_reporter/serializers/ ```python from datetime import datetime from import Event from github_reporter.serializers.report_json_encoder import ReportJSONEncoder from json import dumps, loads from pytest import raises from unittest.mock import Mock class ReportJSONEncoderTests(): def test_it_handles_datetimes(self, faker): date = faker.date_time() d = { 'date' : date } encoded = dumps(d, cls=ReportJSONEncoder) expected = f'{{"date": "{date.isoformat()}"}}' assert encoded == expected def test_it_handles_iterables(self): d = { 'i' : range(5) } encoded = dumps(d, cls=ReportJSONEncoder) expected = '{"i": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]}' assert encoded == expected def test_it_handle_events(self, event_props): gh_event = Mock(**event_props) event = Event(gh_event) encoded = dumps(event, cls=ReportJSONEncoder) decoded = loads(encoded) assert decoded['created_at'] == event_props['created_at'].isoformat() assert decoded['type'] == event_props['event'] assert decoded['actor_name'] == event_props[''] def test_raises_typeerrror(self): with raises(TypeError): dumps(Mock(cannot='serialize'), cls=ReportJSONEncoder) ```
{ "source": "jpstroop/lcc-tree", "score": 2 }
#### File: jpstroop/lcc-tree/ ```python from os.path import abspath from os.path import dirname from os.path import join from pymarc import MARCReader import glob import json import multiprocessing import tqdm out_dir = join(dirname(abspath(__file__)), 'data') path = f'{out_dir}/*.mrc' def process_file(f): results = {} try: with open(f, 'rb') as fh: reader = MARCReader(fh) for record in reader: if '050' in record: if 'a' in record['050']: # might want to change this stuff # take the first set of codes before a "." lcc = record['050']['a'].split('.')[0] # take whatever is first if there is a space lcc = lcc.split(' ')[0] if lcc not in results: results[lcc] = 0 results[lcc]+=1 except: print(f"error parsing {f}") pass return results if __name__ == '__main__': # error parsing /Users/jstroop/workspace/lcc-tree/data/49932.mrc work = list(glob.glob(path)) the_pool = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) all_results = {} for one_file_results in tqdm.tqdm(the_pool.imap_unordered(process_file, work), total=len(work)): for k in one_file_results: if k not in all_results: all_results[k] =one_file_results[k] else: all_results[k] = all_results[k] + one_file_results[k] json.dump(all_results, open('lcc_count.json','w'), indent=2) the_pool.close() the_pool.join() ``` #### File: jpstroop/lcc-tree/ ```python from os import makedirs from os import remove from os.path import abspath from os.path import dirname from os.path import join from os.path import sep from requests import get from gzip import open as gz_open from shutil import copyfileobj ALL_RECORDS_URL = "" def set_up(): out_dir = join(dirname(abspath(__file__)), 'data') makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) return out_dir def download(url, file_path): r = get(url, stream=True) with open(file_path, 'wb') as fd: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): fd.write(chunk) mrc_path = file_path.replace('.gz', '.mrc') with gz_open(file_path, 'rb') as f_in: with open(mrc_path, 'wb') as f_out: copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) remove(file_path) if __name__ == '__main__': out_dir = set_up() all_records_json = get(ALL_RECORDS_URL).json() for entry in all_records_json['files']['bib_records']: url = entry['dump_file'] download_path = f"{out_dir}{sep}{url.split('/')[-1]}.gz" print(url) download(url, download_path) ```
{ "source": "jpstroop/loris-redux", "score": 2 }
#### File: loris/compliance/ ```python from loris.compliance.helpers import ComparableMixin from loris.compliance.helpers import st class AbstractFeatureSet(ComparableMixin): # Override these in implementations LEVEL_2 = () LEVEL_1 = () LEVEL_0 = () # Only necessary to overide if value are listed in the profile ALL = () def __init__(self, config): self._config = config self._features = None @property def features(self): # This is a list of features the config actually supports, regardless # of level. See # This should be passed to the various Parameter constructors. if self._features is None: self._features = st(k for k, v in self._config.items() if v["enabled"]) return self._features # This is here to that we can change features dynamically during tests. It # is not used in production @features.setter def features(self, features): self._features = features def __int__(self): if all(f in self.features for f in self.LEVEL_2): return 2 elif all(f in self.features for f in self.LEVEL_1): return 1 else: return 0 ``` #### File: loris/compliance/ ```python def st(it): # Make a sorted tuple. Sorting makes testing easier. return tuple(sorted(it)) class ComparableMixin(object): # Make it possible to do comparisons with an int w/o casting. Classes must # implement __int__(self) def __lt__(self, an_int): return int(self) < an_int def __le__(self, an_int): return int(self) <= an_int def __eq__(self, an_int): return int(self) == an_int def __ne__(self, an_int): return int(self) != an_int def __gt__(self, an_int): return int(self) > an_int def __ge__(self, an_int): return int(self) >= an_int ``` #### File: loris/compliance/ ```python from loris.compliance.format import FormatCompliance from loris.compliance.helpers import ComparableMixin from loris.compliance.helpers import st from loris.compliance.http import HttpCompliance from loris.compliance.quality import QualityCompliance from loris.compliance.region import RegionCompliance from loris.compliance.rotation import RotationCompliance from loris.compliance.size import SizeCompliance from loris.constants import KEYWORD_MAX_AREA from loris.constants import KEYWORD_MAX_HEIGHT from loris.constants import KEYWORD_MAX_WIDTH from loris.constants import QUALITY_COLOR class Compliance(ComparableMixin): ALL_LEVEL_1 = st( HttpCompliance.LEVEL_1 + QualityCompliance.LEVEL_1 + RegionCompliance.LEVEL_1 + RotationCompliance.LEVEL_1 + SizeCompliance.LEVEL_1 ) ALL_LEVEL_2 = st( FormatCompliance.LEVEL_2 + HttpCompliance.LEVEL_2 + QualityCompliance.LEVEL_2 + RegionCompliance.LEVEL_2 + RotationCompliance.LEVEL_2 + SizeCompliance.LEVEL_2 ) def __init__(self, config): self.format = FormatCompliance(config["formats"]) self.http = HttpCompliance(config["http"]) self.quality = QualityCompliance(config["quality"]) self.region = RegionCompliance(config["region"]) self.rotation = RotationCompliance(config["rotation"]) self.size = SizeCompliance(config["size"]) self._extra_features = None self._int = None self._uri = None # make it possible to do int(self), and do comparisons def __int__(self): if self._int is None: ints = map( int, (self.format, self.http, self.quality, self.region, self.rotation, self.size) ) self._int = min(ints) return self._int def __str__(self): return f"level{int(self)}" @property def uri(self): if self._uri is None: self._uri = f"{int(self)}.json" return self._uri @property def all_enabled_features(self): # Note that formats and qualities aren't 'features' and are always # listed explicitly in the profile (other that jpg and default) return st( self.http.features + self.region.features + self.rotation.features + self.size.features ) def extra_qualities(self, include_color=True): qualities = self.quality.features if not include_color: qualities = tuple(filter(lambda q: q != QUALITY_COLOR, qualities)) return qualities @property def extra_formats(self): return self.format.features @property def extra_features(self): # Features supported above the calculated compliance level, i.e. the # difference between all enabled features and the calculated compliance # level. For listing in profile[1]['supports']. if self._extra_features is None: level_features = set(()) # 0 if int(self) == 2: level_features = set(Compliance.ALL_LEVEL_2) elif int(self) == 1: level_features = set(Compliance.ALL_LEVEL_1) self._extra_features = set(self.all_enabled_features) - level_features return st(self._extra_features) ``` #### File: loris/compliance/ ```python from loris.compliance.abstract_feature_set import AbstractFeatureSet from loris.compliance.helpers import st from loris.constants import FEATURE_REGION_BY_PCT from loris.constants import FEATURE_REGION_BY_PIXEL from loris.constants import FEATURE_REGION_SQUARE class RegionCompliance(AbstractFeatureSet): LEVEL_1 = st((FEATURE_REGION_BY_PIXEL, FEATURE_REGION_SQUARE)) LEVEL_2 = st(LEVEL_1 + (FEATURE_REGION_BY_PCT,)) ALL = LEVEL_2 def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config) ``` #### File: loris/handlers/ ```python from loris.constants import FEATURE_PROFILE_LINK_HEADER from loris.requests.iiif_request import IIIFRequest import cherrypy class HandlerHelpersMixin(object): @property def _profile_header_enabled(self): return FEATURE_PROFILE_LINK_HEADER in IIIFRequest.compliance.http.features @property def _profile_header(self): return f'<{IIIFRequest.compliance.uri}>;rel="profile"' def _etag_match(self, request): return cherrypy.request.headers.get("if-none-match") == request.etag def _error_response(self, loris_exception): cherrypy.response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" cherrypy.response.status = loris_exception.http_status_code return str(loris_exception).encode("utf8") ``` #### File: loris/handlers/ ```python from logging import getLogger from loris.constants import MEDIA_TYPE_MAPPING from loris.exceptions import LorisException from loris.handlers.cors_mixin import CORSMixin from loris.handlers.handler_helpers_mixin import HandlerHelpersMixin from loris.requests.image_request import ImageRequest import cherrypy logger = getLogger("loris") class ImageHandler(HandlerHelpersMixin, CORSMixin): exposed = True def GET(self, identifier, iiif_params): cherrypy.response.headers["Allow"] = "GET" self._set_acao() del cherrypy.response.headers["Content-Type"] try: return self._conditional_response(identifier, iiif_params) except LorisException as le: return self._error_response(le) def _conditional_response(self, identifier, iiif_params): image_request = ImageRequest(identifier, iiif_params) if self._etag_match(image_request): cherrypy.response.status = 304 return None elif iiif_params != image_request.canonical: canoncial_uri = f"/{identifier}/{image_request.canonical}" cherrypy.response.headers["Location"] = canoncial_uri cherrypy.response.status = 303 return None else: transcoder = ImageRequest.transcoders[image_request.file_format] stream = transcoder.execute(image_request) media_type = MEDIA_TYPE_MAPPING[image_request.format] if self._profile_header_enabled: cherrypy.response.headers["Link"] = self._profile_header cherrypy.response.headers["content-type"] = media_type cherrypy.response.headers["etag"] = image_request.etag return stream.getvalue() ``` #### File: loris/helpers/ ```python from importlib import import_module def import_class(qname): # Imports a class and returns it (the class, not an instance). module_name = ".".join(qname.split(".")[:-1]) class_name = qname.split(".")[-1] module = import_module(module_name) return getattr(module, class_name) ``` #### File: loris/info/ ```python from loris.constants import COLOR_QUALITIES from loris.constants import QUALITY_BITONAL_QUALITIES from loris.constants import QUALITY_GROUP_GRAY from import AbstractExtractor from import Info from import Size from import Tile from math import ceil from PIL import Image MODES_TO_QUALITIES = { "1": QUALITY_BITONAL_QUALITIES, "L": QUALITY_GROUP_GRAY, "LA": QUALITY_GROUP_GRAY, "P": QUALITY_GROUP_GRAY, "RGB": COLOR_QUALITIES, "RGBA": COLOR_QUALITIES, "CMYK": COLOR_QUALITIES, "YCbCr": COLOR_QUALITIES, "I": COLOR_QUALITIES, "F": COLOR_QUALITIES, } COLOR_MODES = ("RGB", "RGBA", "CMYK", "YCbCr", "I", "F") class PillowExtractor(AbstractExtractor): def __init__(self, compliance, app_configs): super().__init__(compliance, app_configs) sf = app_configs["sizes_and_tiles"]["other_formats"] self.include_sizes_and_tiles = sf["enabled"] if self.include_sizes_and_tiles: self.tile_w = sf["tile_width"] self.tile_h = sf["tile_height"] self.include_all_factors = sf["all_scale_factors"] self.min_dimension = sf["min_dimension"] def extract(self, path, http_identifier): info = self.init_info(http_identifier) pillow_image = w, h = pillow_image.size info.width, info.height = (w, h) info.extra_qualities = self._make_qualities(pillow_image) max_size = self.max_size(w, h) if self.include_sizes_and_tiles: scale_factors = self._scale_factors(w, h) info.tiles = self._calc_tiles(w, h, scale_factors) tile_size = info.tiles[0] info.sizes = self._calc_sizes(w, h, max_size, tile_size, scale_factors) else: info.sizes = [max_size] return info def _make_qualities(self, pillow_image): is_color = PillowExtractor.is_color(pillow_image) return self.compliance.extra_qualities(is_color) def _scale_factors(self, image_w, image_h): short_image_dimenson = min(image_w, image_h) scales = [] nxt = 1 while ceil(short_image_dimenson / nxt) >= self.min_dimension: scales.append(nxt) nxt = scales[-1] * 2 return scales def _calc_tiles(self, image_w, image_h, scale_factors): image_long = max(image_w, image_h) self.tile_long = max(self.tile_w, self.tile_h) scales = filter(lambda s: (image_long / s) > self.tile_long, scale_factors) return [Tile(self.tile_w, tuple(scales), self.tile_h)] def _calc_sizes(self, image_w, image_h, max_size, tile_size, scale_factors): # Note: We make heavy use of the fact that Size and Tile structs are # comparable here. See, etc. for details. # It's cool. sizes = [max_size] for s in scale_factors: this_size = Size(ceil(image_w / s), ceil(image_h / s)) less_than_max = this_size < max_size less_than_tile = this_size < tile_size if self.include_all_factors and less_than_max: sizes.append(this_size) elif not self.include_all_factors and less_than_tile: sizes.append(this_size) return sizes @staticmethod def is_color(pillow_image): return pillow_image.mode in COLOR_MODES ``` #### File: info/structs/ ```python from collections import OrderedDict from dataclasses import dataclass from json import dumps from loris.compliance import Compliance from loris.constants import KEYWORD_CONTEXT from loris.constants import KEYWORD_EXTRA_FEATURES from loris.constants import KEYWORD_EXTRA_FORMATS from loris.constants import KEYWORD_EXTRA_QUALITIES from loris.constants import KEYWORD_HEIGHT from loris.constants import KEYWORD_ID from loris.constants import KEYWORD_IMAGE_SERVICE_3 from loris.constants import KEYWORD_MAX_AREA from loris.constants import KEYWORD_MAX_HEIGHT from loris.constants import KEYWORD_MAX_WIDTH from loris.constants import KEYWORD_PROFILE from loris.constants import KEYWORD_PROTOCOL from loris.constants import KEYWORD_SIZES from loris.constants import KEYWORD_TILES from loris.constants import KEYWORD_TYPE from loris.constants import KEYWORD_WIDTH from loris.constants import URI_CONTEXT from loris.constants import URI_PROTOCOL from import Size from import Tile from operator import methodcaller from typing import List @dataclass class Info: compliance: Compliance http_identifier: str width: int = None height: int = None _long_dim: int = None _short_dim: int = None _all_scales: List[int] = None tiles: List[Tile] = None sizes: List[Size] = None max_area: int = None max_width: int = None max_height: int = None extra_formats: List[str] = None extra_qualities: List[str] = None extra_features: List[str] = None def __str__(self): return dumps(self.to_dict()) def __repr__(self): return repr(self.to_dict()) @property def long_dim(self): if not self._long_dim: self._long_dim = max(self.width, self.height) return self._long_dim @property def short_dim(self): if not self._short_dim: self._short_dim = min(self.width, self.height) return self._short_dim @property def all_scales(self): # When dealing with Jp2s, scaleFactors are the same as the baked-in # resolutions. These are easier to deal with than the sizes list when # making derivatives if not self._all_scales: self._all_scales = [s for t in self.tiles for s in t.scale_factors] return self._all_scales @staticmethod def _cleandict(d): """ Remove None values from the dict to avoid nulls in serialization. """ if not isinstance(d, OrderedDict): return d return {k: Info._cleandict(v) for (k, v) in d.items() if v is not None} @staticmethod def _sizes_to_list(sizes): return list(map(methodcaller("to_dict"), sorted(sizes))) def to_dict(self): d = OrderedDict() d[KEYWORD_CONTEXT] = URI_CONTEXT d[KEYWORD_ID] = self.http_identifier d[KEYWORD_TYPE] = KEYWORD_IMAGE_SERVICE_3 d[KEYWORD_PROTOCOL] = URI_PROTOCOL d[KEYWORD_PROFILE] = str(self.compliance) d[KEYWORD_WIDTH] = self.width d[KEYWORD_HEIGHT] = self.height if self.tiles: d[KEYWORD_TILES] = Info._sizes_to_list(self.tiles) if self.sizes: d[KEYWORD_SIZES] = Info._sizes_to_list(self.sizes) d[KEYWORD_MAX_AREA] = self.max_area d[KEYWORD_MAX_WIDTH] = self.max_width d[KEYWORD_MAX_HEIGHT] = self.max_height d[KEYWORD_EXTRA_FORMATS] = self.extra_formats d[KEYWORD_EXTRA_QUALITIES] = self.extra_qualities d[KEYWORD_EXTRA_FEATURES] = self.extra_features return Info._cleandict(d) ``` #### File: info/structs/ ```python from collections import OrderedDict from dataclasses import dataclass from loris.constants import KEYWORD_HEIGHT from loris.constants import KEYWORD_WIDTH @dataclass class Size: __slots__ = "width", "height" width: int height: int def __lt__(self, other): return self.width < other.width and self.height < other.height def __le__(self, other): return self.width <= other.width and self.height <= other.height def __eq__(self, other): return self.width == other.width and self.height == other.height def __ge__(self, other): return self.width >= other.width and self.height >= other.height def __gt__(self, other): return self.width > other.width and self.height > other.height def __ne__(self, other): return (self.width != other.width) or (self.height != other.height) def __repr__(self): return f"Size({self.width},{self.height})" def to_dict(self): return OrderedDict(((KEYWORD_WIDTH, self.width), (KEYWORD_HEIGHT, self.height))) ``` #### File: loris/parameters/ ```python from abc import ABCMeta from abc import abstractmethod class AbstractParameter(metaclass=ABCMeta): @abstractmethod def __init__(self, uri_slice, enabled_features): self.uri_slice = uri_slice self.enabled_features = enabled_features self._canonical = None return @property @abstractmethod def canonical(self): # pragma: no cover return def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover return self.canonical ``` #### File: loris/parameters/ ```python from loris.constants import FEATURE_ROTATION_ARBITRARY from loris.constants import FEATURE_ROTATION_BY_90S from loris.constants import FEATURE_ROTATION_MIRRORING from loris.exceptions import FeatureNotEnabledException from loris.exceptions import RequestException from loris.exceptions import SyntaxException from loris.parameters.api import AbstractParameter from re import compile REGEX = compile(r"^!?\d+(?:\.\d+)?$") class RotationParameter(AbstractParameter): def __init__(self, uri_slice, enabled_features): super().__init__(uri_slice, enabled_features) if not REGEX.match(uri_slice): msg = f"Could not parse region request ({uri_slice})" raise SyntaxException(msg) self.mirror = self.uri_slice[0] == "!" self._rotation = None self._run_checks() @property def rotation(self): # raises SyntaxException if self._rotation is None: s = self.uri_slice[1:] if self.mirror else self.uri_slice self._rotation = float(s) return self._rotation @property def canonical(self): if self._canonical is None: if self.mirror: self._canonical = f"!{self.rotation:g}" else: self._canonical = f"{self.rotation:g}" return self._canonical def _run_checks(self): self._check_range() self._check_mirroring() self._check_rotation() def _check_range(self): if not 0.0 <= self.rotation <= 360.0: msg = f"Rotation must be between 0 and 360 ({self.rotation})" raise RequestException(msg) def _check_mirroring(self): if self.mirror and FEATURE_ROTATION_MIRRORING not in self.enabled_features: raise FeatureNotEnabledException(FEATURE_ROTATION_MIRRORING) def _check_rotation(self): if self.rotation == 0.0: return if self.rotation % 90 == 0.0 and FEATURE_ROTATION_BY_90S not in self.enabled_features: raise FeatureNotEnabledException(FEATURE_ROTATION_BY_90S) if self.rotation % 90 != 0.0 and FEATURE_ROTATION_ARBITRARY not in self.enabled_features: raise FeatureNotEnabledException(FEATURE_ROTATION_ARBITRARY) ``` #### File: loris/parameters/ ```python from decimal import Decimal from loris.constants import DECIMAL_ONE_HUNDRED from loris.constants import FEATURE_SIZE_BY_CONFINED_WH from loris.constants import FEATURE_SIZE_BY_H from loris.constants import FEATURE_SIZE_BY_PCT from loris.constants import FEATURE_SIZE_BY_W from loris.constants import FEATURE_SIZE_BY_WH from loris.constants import FEATURE_SIZE_UPSCALING from loris.constants import KEYWORD_MAX from loris.constants import KEYWORD_MAX_AREA from loris.constants import KEYWORD_MAX_HEIGHT from loris.constants import KEYWORD_MAX_WIDTH from loris.exceptions import FeatureNotEnabledException from loris.exceptions import RequestException from loris.exceptions import SyntaxException from import Size from loris.parameters.api import AbstractParameter from math import floor from re import compile from re import match # Note that these regexes do not account for a leading '^'; we just check for # that in self._deduce_request_type() W_REGEX = compile(r"^\d+,$") H_REGEX = compile(r"^,\d+$") WH_REGEX = compile(r"^\d+,\d+$") CONFINED_REGEX = compile(r"^!\d+,\d+$") class SizeParameter(AbstractParameter): def __init__(self, uri_slice, enabled_features, info, region_param): super().__init__(uri_slice, enabled_features) = info # delegations: self.region_w = region_param.pixel_w self.region_h = region_param.pixel_h # calculations: self.image_max_width, self.image_max_height = self._calc_image_max_wh() self.width = None self.height = None self.upscaling_requested = False # memoized properties: self._request_type = None # raises SyntaxException, RequestException self._initialize_properties() # raises FeatureNotEnabledException, RequestException self._run_checks() @property def request_type(self): # raises SyntaxException # raises FeatureNotEnabledException if self._request_type is None: self._request_type = self._deduce_request_type() return self._request_type @property def canonical(self): if self._canonical is None: if self.request_type is KEYWORD_MAX: self._canonical = KEYWORD_MAX else: self._canonical = f"{self.width},{self.height}" return self._canonical def _initialize_properties(self): # raises SyntaxException, RequestException if self.request_type is KEYWORD_MAX: self._init_max_request() return if self.request_type is FEATURE_SIZE_BY_W: self._init_by_w_request() return if self.request_type is FEATURE_SIZE_BY_H: self._init_by_h_request() return if self.request_type is FEATURE_SIZE_BY_PCT: self._init_by_pct_request() return if self.request_type is FEATURE_SIZE_BY_CONFINED_WH: self._init_by_confined_wh_request() return if self.request_type is FEATURE_SIZE_BY_WH: self._init_wh_request() return def _run_checks(self): # raises RequestException self._check_size_upscaling() # raises FeatureNotEnabledException self._check_if_supported() # raises RequestException self._check_if_larger_than_max() self._adjust_if_actually_max() def _deduce_request_type(self): slice = self.uri_slice if slice[0:1] == "^": self.upscaling_requested = True slice = slice[1:] if slice == KEYWORD_MAX: return KEYWORD_MAX if match(W_REGEX, slice): return FEATURE_SIZE_BY_W if match(H_REGEX, slice): return FEATURE_SIZE_BY_H if match(WH_REGEX, slice): return FEATURE_SIZE_BY_WH if match(CONFINED_REGEX, slice): return FEATURE_SIZE_BY_CONFINED_WH if slice.split(":")[0] == "pct": return FEATURE_SIZE_BY_PCT msg = f'Size syntax "{self.uri_slice}" is not valid.' raise SyntaxException(msg) def _adjust_if_actually_max(self): if self.image_max_width == self.width and self.image_max_height == self.height: self._request_type = KEYWORD_MAX if self.region_w == self.width and self.region_h == self.height: self._request_type = KEYWORD_MAX def _calc_image_max_wh(self): # remember, region may be the whole image. it doesn't really matter max_w = self.region_w max_h = self.region_h if scale = ( / (max_w * max_h)) ** 0.5 max_w = floor(self.region_w * scale) max_h = floor(self.region_h * scale) if and max_w > scale = / self.region_w max_w = floor(self.region_w * scale) max_h = floor(self.region_h * scale) if scale = / self.region_h max_w = floor(self.region_w * scale) max_h = floor(self.region_h * scale) return (max_w, max_h) def _init_max_request(self): if self.region_w < self.image_max_width: self.width = self.region_w else: self.width = self.image_max_width if self.region_h < self.image_max_height: self.height = self.region_h else: self.height = self.image_max_height def _init_by_w_request(self): slice = self._strip_caret_if_upsample() self.width = int(slice[:-1]) scale = self.width / self.region_w self.height = round(self.region_h * scale) def _init_by_h_request(self): slice = self._strip_caret_if_upsample() self.height = int(slice[1:]) scale = self.height / self.region_h self.width = round(self.region_w * scale) def _init_by_pct_request(self): slice = self._strip_caret_if_upsample() try: scale = SizeParameter._pct_to_decimal(slice.split(":")[1]) except ValueError as ve: raise SyntaxException(str(ve)) if scale <= 0: msg = f"Size percentage must be greater than 0 ({self.uri_slice})." raise RequestException(msg) w_decimal = self.region_w * scale h_decimal = self.region_h * scale # handle teeny, tiny requests. self.width = 1 if 0 < w_decimal < 1 else int(w_decimal) self.height = 1 if 0 < h_decimal < 1 else int(h_decimal) def _init_by_confined_wh_request(self): slice = self._strip_caret_if_upsample() request_w, request_h = map(int, slice[1:].split(",")) # TODO: below may need more precision than we get from floats w/ # large images. scale = min(request_w / self.region_w, request_h / self.region_h) self.width = int(self.region_w * scale) self.height = int(self.region_h * scale) def _init_wh_request(self): slice = self._strip_caret_if_upsample() self.width, self.height = map(int, slice.split(",")) def _strip_caret_if_upsample(self): s = self.uri_slice[1:] if self.upscaling_requested else self.uri_slice return s @staticmethod def _pct_to_decimal(n): return Decimal(float(n)) / DECIMAL_ONE_HUNDRED def _check_size_upscaling(self): upscaling_configured = FEATURE_SIZE_UPSCALING in self.enabled_features larger = self.width > self.region_w or self.height > self.region_h if self.upscaling_requested and not upscaling_configured: raise FeatureNotEnabledException(FEATURE_SIZE_UPSCALING) if larger and not self.upscaling_requested: msg = ( f"Image would be upsampled (region is {self.region_w}×" f"{self.region_h}, image is {self.width}×{self.height}), but " "upsampling synax ('^') was not used." ) raise RequestException(msg) def _check_if_supported(self): # raises FeatureNotEnabledException if self.request_type is KEYWORD_MAX: return try: if self.request_type not in self.enabled_features: raise FeatureNotEnabledException(self.request_type) except FeatureNotEnabledException as fe: if fe.feature is FEATURE_SIZE_BY_W and self._allowed_level0_size_request(): return else: raise def _check_if_larger_than_max(self): area = self.width * self.height if and area > msg = ( f"Request area ({area}) is greater " f"than max area allowed ({})" ) raise RequestException(msg) if and self.width > msg = ( f"Request width ({self.width}) is greater than" f"max width allowed ({})" ) raise RequestException(msg) if and self.height > msg = ( f"Request height ({self.height}) is greater than" f"max height allowed ({})" ) raise RequestException(msg) def _allowed_level0_size_request(self): if tile_width =[0].width tile_height =[0].height right_col_width = % tile_width bottom_row_height = % tile_height tile_requirements = ( self.width in (tile_width, right_col_width), self.height in (tile_height, bottom_row_height), ) size = Size(self.width, self.height) return all(tile_requirements) or size in else: return False ``` #### File: loris/requests/ ```python class MetaRequest(type): _compliance = None _info_cache = None _extractors = None _app_configs = None _transcoders = None _resolvers = None def _get_compliance(self): return self._compliance def _set_compliance(self, compliance): self._compliance = compliance compliance = property(_get_compliance, _set_compliance) def _get_info_cache(self): return self._info_cache def _set_info_cache(self, info_cache): self._info_cache = info_cache info_cache = property(_get_info_cache, _set_info_cache) def _get_extractors(self): return self._extractors def _set_extractors(self, extractors): self._extractors = extractors extractors = property(_get_extractors, _set_extractors) def _get_app_configs(self): return self._app_configs def _set_app_configs(self, app_configs): self._app_configs = app_configs app_configs = property(_get_app_configs, _set_app_configs) def _get_transcoders(self): return self._transcoders def _set_transcoders(self, transcoders): self._transcoders = transcoders transcoders = property(_get_transcoders, _set_transcoders) def _get_resolvers(self): return self._resolvers def _set_resolvers(self, resolvers): self._resolvers = resolvers resolvers = property(_get_resolvers, _set_resolvers) ``` #### File: loris/transcoders/ ```python from logging import getLogger from loris.constants import KEYWORD_FULL from loris.transcoders.abstract_jp2_transcoder import AbstractJp2Transcoder from loris.transcoders.api import AbstractTranscoder from os.path import abspath from os.path import dirname from os.path import join from platform import processor from platform import system OPJ_BIN = "opj_decompress" logger = getLogger("loris") class OpenJpegJp2Transcoder(AbstractJp2Transcoder, AbstractTranscoder): def __init__(self, config): AbstractTranscoder.__init__(self, config) AbstractJp2Transcoder.__init__(self, config) self.lib_dir, self.bin = OpenJpegJp2Transcoder._find_openjpeg() self.env = {"LD_LIBRARY_PATH": self.lib_dir, "PATH": self.bin} def _build_command(self, image_request, fifo_path): i_param = f"-i {image_request.file_path}" o_param = f"-o {fifo_path}" d_param = OpenJpegJp2Transcoder.decode_area_from_image_request(image_request) r_param = OpenJpegJp2Transcoder.reduce_from_image_request(image_request) return f"{self.bin} {i_param} {o_param} {d_param} {r_param}" @staticmethod def decode_area_from_image_request(image_request): # analogous to kdu_expand -{region} but works w/ pixels if image_request.region_request_type is KEYWORD_FULL: return "" else: x = image_request.region_pixel_x y = image_request.region_pixel_y w = image_request.region_pixel_x + image_request.region_pixel_w h = image_request.region_pixel_y + image_request.region_pixel_h return f"-d {x},{y},{w},{h}" @staticmethod def reduce_from_image_request(image_request): arg = OpenJpegJp2Transcoder.reduce_arg_from_image_request(image_request) return f"-r {arg}" @staticmethod def _find_openjpeg(): sys = system().lower() proc = processor() # is this enough? package_dir = dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__))) opj_dir = join(package_dir, "openjpeg", sys, proc) if sys in ("linux", "darwin"): return (opj_dir, join(opj_dir, OPJ_BIN)) else: msg = f"OpenJpeg binaries not included for for {sys}/{proc}" raise RuntimeError(msg) ``` #### File: loris/compliance/ ```python from loris.compliance.quality import QualityCompliance class TestQualityCompliance(object): def test_how_to_get_2(self): cfg = {"color": {"enabled": True}, "gray": {"enabled": True}, "bitonal": {"enabled": True}} assert QualityCompliance(cfg) == 2 def test_1_with_nothing_enabled(self): cfg = { "color": {"enabled": False}, "gray": {"enabled": False}, "bitonal": {"enabled": False}, } assert QualityCompliance(cfg) == 1 ``` #### File: loris/compliance/ ```python from loris.compliance.size import SizeCompliance class TestSizeCompliance(object): def test_2_plus(self): cfg = { "sizeByW": {"enabled": True}, "sizeByH": {"enabled": True}, "sizeByPct": {"enabled": True}, "sizeByConfinedWh": {"enabled": True}, "sizeByWh": {"enabled": True}, "sizeUpscaling": {"enabled": True}, } assert SizeCompliance(cfg) == 2 def test_1_wo_sizeByWh(self): cfg = { "sizeByW": {"enabled": True}, "sizeByH": {"enabled": True}, "sizeByPct": {"enabled": False}, "sizeByConfinedWh": {"enabled": True}, "sizeByWh": {"enabled": False}, "sizeUpscaling": {"enabled": False}, } assert SizeCompliance(cfg) == 1 def test_1_wo_sizeByConfinedWh(self): cfg = { "sizeByW": {"enabled": True}, "sizeByH": {"enabled": True}, "sizeByPct": {"enabled": False}, "sizeByConfinedWh": {"enabled": False}, "sizeByWh": {"enabled": True}, "sizeUpscaling": {"enabled": False}, } assert SizeCompliance(cfg) == 1 def test_how_to_get_1(self): cfg = { "sizeByW": {"enabled": True}, "sizeByH": {"enabled": True}, "sizeByPct": {"enabled": False}, "sizeByConfinedWh": {"enabled": False}, "sizeByWh": {"enabled": False}, "sizeUpscaling": {"enabled": False}, } assert SizeCompliance(cfg) == 1 def test_0_wo_sizeByH(self): cfg = { "sizeByW": {"enabled": True}, "sizeByH": {"enabled": False}, "sizeByPct": {"enabled": False}, "sizeByConfinedWh": {"enabled": False}, "sizeByWh": {"enabled": False}, "sizeUpscaling": {"enabled": False}, } assert SizeCompliance(cfg) == 0 def test_0_wo_sizeByW(self): cfg = { "sizeByW": {"enabled": False}, "sizeByH": {"enabled": True}, "sizeByPct": {"enabled": False}, "sizeByConfinedWh": {"enabled": False}, "sizeByWh": {"enabled": False}, "sizeUpscaling": {"enabled": False}, } assert SizeCompliance(cfg) == 0 def test_how_to_get_2(self): cfg = { "sizeByW": {"enabled": True}, "sizeByH": {"enabled": True}, "sizeByPct": {"enabled": True}, "sizeByConfinedWh": {"enabled": True}, "sizeByWh": {"enabled": True}, "sizeUpscaling": {"enabled": False}, } assert SizeCompliance(cfg) == 2 def test_how_to_get_0(self): cfg = { "sizeByW": {"enabled": False}, "sizeByH": {"enabled": False}, "sizeByPct": {"enabled": False}, "sizeByConfinedWh": {"enabled": False}, "sizeByWh": {"enabled": False}, "sizeUpscaling": {"enabled": False}, } assert SizeCompliance(cfg) == 0 ``` #### File: loris/handlers/ ```python from tests.loris.handlers.base_handler_test import BaseHandlerTest class TestFaviconHandler(BaseHandlerTest): # See def test_favicon(self): response = self.get("/favicon.ico") assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.headers["Allow"] == "GET" assert response.headers["Content-Type"] == "image/x-icon" assert response.headers["Cache-Control"] == "max-age=31536000, public" assert response.headers["Content-Length"] == "156176" ``` #### File: loris/parameters/ ```python from loris.parameters.api import AbstractParameter from unittest.mock import Mock import pytest class ProperImpl(AbstractParameter): def __init__(self, uri_slice, enabled_features): super(ProperImpl, self).__init__(uri_slice, enabled_features) @property def canonical(self): return "canonical version" class TestAbstractParameter(object): def test_canonical_required(self): class WithoutCanonical(AbstractParameter): def __init__(self, uri_slice, enabled_features): super(WithoutCanonical, self).__init__(uri_slice, enabled_features) with pytest.raises(TypeError) as type_error: w = WithoutCanonical("abc", (), Mock()) assert "Can't instantiate abstract class" in str(type_error.value) def test_init_required(self): class WithoutInit(AbstractParameter): @property def canonical(self): return "canonical version" with pytest.raises(TypeError) as type_error: w = WithoutInit("abc", (), Mock()) assert "Can't instantiate abstract class" in str(type_error.value) def test_init_sig_required(self): class WrongInitSig(AbstractParameter): def __init__(self): super(WrongInitSig, self).__init__() @property def canonical(self): return "canonical version" with pytest.raises(TypeError) as type_error: WrongInitSig() assert "__init__() missing 2 required positional" in str(type_error.value) def test_proper_impl(self): ProperImpl("foo", ()) def test_stuff_is_defined(self): p = ProperImpl("foo", ()) assert p.uri_slice == "foo" assert p.enabled_features == () ``` #### File: loris/parameters/ ```python from loris.exceptions import FeatureNotEnabledException from loris.exceptions import SyntaxException from loris.parameters.quality import QualityParameter from unittest.mock import Mock import pytest class TestQualityParameter(object): def mock_info(self, qualities_available): return Mock(extra_qualities=qualities_available) def test_canonical_color_with_color(self): uri_slice = "color" enabled_features = ("color", "bitonal", "gray") info = self.mock_info(("color", "bitonal", "gray")) qp = QualityParameter(uri_slice, enabled_features, info) assert qp.canonical == "default" def test_canonical_gray_with_color(self): uri_slice = "gray" enabled_features = ("color", "bitonal", "gray") info = self.mock_info(("color", "bitonal", "gray")) qp = QualityParameter(uri_slice, enabled_features, info) assert qp.canonical == "gray" def test_canonical_gray_with_gray(self): uri_slice = "gray" enabled_features = ("color", "bitonal", "gray") info = self.mock_info(("bitonal", "gray")) qp = QualityParameter(uri_slice, enabled_features, info) assert qp.canonical == "default" def test_gray_raises_if_not_enabled(self): uri_slice = "gray" enabled_features = ("color", "bitonal") info = self.mock_info(("bitonal", "gray")) with pytest.raises(FeatureNotEnabledException) as fe: QualityParameter(uri_slice, enabled_features, info) assert "not support the 'gray'" in fe.value.message def test_unrecognizable_raises(self): uri_slice = "foo" enabled_features = ("color", "bitonal", "gray") info = self.mock_info(("color", "bitonal", "gray")) with pytest.raises(SyntaxException) as se: QualityParameter(uri_slice, enabled_features, info) assert 'Value "foo" for quality is not recognized' == se.value.message ``` #### File: loris/parameters/ ```python from loris.constants import KEYWORD_MAX from loris.exceptions import FeatureNotEnabledException from loris.exceptions import RequestException from loris.exceptions import SyntaxException from import Size from import Tile from loris.parameters.size import SizeParameter from unittest.mock import Mock import pytest class TestSizeParameter(object): def mock_info(self, width, height, **kwargs): long_dim = max(width, height) short_dim = min(width, height) sizes = kwargs.get("sizes", [Size(width, height)]) tiles = kwargs.get("tiles") max_area = kwargs.get("max_area") max_width = kwargs.get("max_width") max_height = kwargs.get("max_height") tiles = kwargs.get("tiles") kwargs = { "width": width, "height": height, "long_dim": long_dim, "short_dim": short_dim, "sizes": sizes, "tiles": tiles, "max_area": max_area, "max_width": max_width, "max_height": max_height, } return Mock(**kwargs) def mock_region(self, region_width, region_height): return Mock(pixel_w=region_width, pixel_h=region_height) def test__deduce_request_type_raises_syntax_exception(self): uri_slice = "wtf" info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001) features = () region_param = self.mock_region(400, 300) with pytest.raises(SyntaxException) as se: _ = SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param).request_type assert 'Size syntax "wtf" is not valid.' == se.value.message def test__init_max_size_ok(self): uri_slice = "max" features = () info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001) region_param = self.mock_region(3456, 1234) sp = SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert sp.width == 3456 assert sp.height == 1234 assert sp.canonical is KEYWORD_MAX # gets adjusted def test__init_max_over_size_w(self): uri_slice = "max" features = () info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001, max_width=4000) region_param = self.mock_region(5000, 2000) # 1000 wider than allowed sp = SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert sp.width == 4000 assert sp.height == 1600 assert sp.canonical is KEYWORD_MAX def test__init_max_over_size_h(self): uri_slice = "max" features = () info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6000, max_height=4000) region_param = self.mock_region(5000, 4500) # 500 higher than allowed sp = SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert sp.width == 4444 assert sp.height == 4000 assert sp.canonical is KEYWORD_MAX def test__init_max_over_size_area(self): uri_slice = "max" features = () max_area = 24000000 info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6000, max_area=24000000) region_param = self.mock_region(5000, 7000) sp = SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert sp.width == 4140 assert sp.height == 5796 assert (sp.height * sp.width) < max_area assert sp.canonical is KEYWORD_MAX def test__init_sizeByW(self): uri_slice = "1024," features = "sizeByW" info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001) region_param = self.mock_region(2048, 2048) sp = SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert sp.width == 1024 assert sp.height == 1024 assert sp.canonical == "1024,1024" def test__check_if_supported_sizeByW_raises(self): uri_slice = "1024," features = () info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001) region_param = self.mock_region(2048, 2048) with pytest.raises(FeatureNotEnabledException) as fe: SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert "not support the 'sizeByW'" in fe.value.message def test_max_as_sizeByW_adjusts_request_type(self): uri_slice = "1024," features = "sizeByW" info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6000, max_area=24000000) region_param = self.mock_region(1024, 1024) sp = SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert sp.width == 1024 assert sp.height == 1024 assert sp.request_type is KEYWORD_MAX assert sp.canonical == KEYWORD_MAX def test_full_as_sizeByW_still_raises(self): uri_slice = "1024," features = () info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6000) region_param = self.mock_region(1024, 1024) with pytest.raises(FeatureNotEnabledException) as fe: SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert "not support the 'sizeByW'" in fe.value.message def test__init_sizeByH(self): uri_slice = ",1024" features = "sizeByH" info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001) region_param = self.mock_region(2048, 3072) sp = SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert sp.width == 683 assert sp.height == 1024 assert sp.canonical == "683,1024" @pytest.mark.skip(reason="test not written") def test_max_as_sizeByH_adjusts_request_type(self): raise NotImplementedError @pytest.mark.skip(reason="test not written") def test_max_as_sizeByH_still_raises(self): raise NotImplementedError def test__check_if_supported_sizeByH_raises(self): uri_slice = ",1024" features = () info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001) region_param = self.mock_region(2048, 3072) with pytest.raises(FeatureNotEnabledException) as fe: SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert "not support the 'sizeByH'" in fe.value.message def test__init_sizeByPct(self): uri_slice = "pct:20" features = "sizeByPct" info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001) region_param = self.mock_region(2000, 3000) sp = SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert sp.width == 400 assert sp.height == 600 assert sp.canonical == "400,600" def test__check_if_supported_sizeByPct_raises(self): uri_slice = "pct:20" features = () info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001) region_param = self.mock_region(2000, 3000) with pytest.raises(FeatureNotEnabledException) as fe: SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert "not support the 'sizeByPct'" in fe.value.message def test_pct_request_round_lt_0_to_1(self): uri_slice = "pct:0.01" features = "sizeByPct" info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001) region_param = self.mock_region(2000, 3000) sp = SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert sp.width == 1 assert sp.height == 1 assert sp.canonical == "1,1" def test_pct_0_raises(self): uri_slice = "pct:0" features = "sizeByPct" info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001) region_param = self.mock_region(2000, 3000) with pytest.raises(RequestException) as se: SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert "Size percentage must be greater than 0 (pct:0)." == se.value.message @pytest.mark.skip(reason="test not written") def test_full_as_sizeByPct_adjusts_request_type(self): raise NotImplementedError @pytest.mark.skip(reason="test not written") def test_full_as_sizeByPct_still_raises(self): raise NotImplementedError def test__init_sizeByConfinedWh_portrait(self): uri_slice = "!200,200" features = "sizeByConfinedWh" info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001) region_param = self.mock_region(2000, 3000) sp = SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert sp.width == 133 assert sp.height == 200 assert sp.canonical == "133,200" def test__init_sizeByConfinedWh_landscape(self): uri_slice = "!300,300" features = "sizeByConfinedWh" info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001) region_param = self.mock_region(2000, 1200) sp = SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert sp.width == 300 assert sp.height == 180 assert sp.canonical == "300,180" def test__check_if_supported_sizeByConfinedWh_raises(self): uri_slice = "!200,200" features = () info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001) region_param = self.mock_region(2000, 3000) with pytest.raises(FeatureNotEnabledException) as fe: SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert "not support the 'sizeByConfinedWh'" in fe.value.message @pytest.mark.skip(reason="test not written") def test_full_as_sizeByConfinedWh_adjusts_request_type(self): raise NotImplementedError @pytest.mark.skip(reason="test not written") def test_full_as_sizeByConfinedWh_still_raises(self): raise NotImplementedError def test__init_sizeByWh(self): uri_slice = "400,300" features = "sizeByWh" info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001) region_param = self.mock_region(8000, 6001) sp = SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert sp.width == 400 assert sp.height == 300 assert sp.canonical == "400,300" def test__check_if_supported_sizeByWh_raises(self): uri_slice = "400,300" features = () info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001) region_param = self.mock_region(8000, 6001) with pytest.raises(FeatureNotEnabledException) as fe: SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert "not support the 'sizeByWh'" in fe.value.message @pytest.mark.skip(reason="test not written") def test_full_as_sizeByWh_adjusts_request_type(self): raise NotImplementedError @pytest.mark.skip(reason="test not written") def test_full_as_sizeByWh_still_raises(self): raise NotImplementedError def test__sizeUpscaling_ok(self): # This should raise now uri_slice = "400,300" features = ("sizeByWh", "sizeUpscaling") info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001) region_param = self.mock_region(399, 299) with pytest.raises(RequestException) as re: SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert "Image would be upsampled" in re.value.message def test_sizeUpscaling_raises(self): uri_slice = "^400,300" features = "sizeByWh" info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001) region_param = self.mock_region(399, 299) with pytest.raises(FeatureNotEnabledException) as fe: SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert "not support the 'sizeUpscaling' feature" in fe.value.message def test_upscaling_ok_if_sizeUpscaling_enabled(self): uri_slice = "^400,300" features = ("sizeByWh", "sizeUpscaling") info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001) region_param = self.mock_region(399, 299) sp = SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert sp.upscaling_requested assert sp.width == 400 assert sp.height == 300 assert sp.region_w == 399 assert sp.region_h == 299 def test_upscaling_ok_w_syntax(self): uri_slice = "^400," features = ("sizeByW", "sizeUpscaling") info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001) region_param = self.mock_region(399, 299) SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) def test_upscaling_ok_h_syntax(self): uri_slice = "^,400" features = ("sizeByH", "sizeUpscaling") info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001) region_param = self.mock_region(399, 299) SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) def test_upscaling_ok_pct_syntax(self): uri_slice = "^pct:101" features = ("sizeByPct", "sizeUpscaling") info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001) region_param = self.mock_region(399, 299) SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) def test_upscaling_ok_pct_syntax(self): uri_slice = "^pct:101" features = ("sizeByPct", "sizeUpscaling") info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001) region_param = self.mock_region(399, 299) SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) def test_upscaling_ok_max_syntax(self): uri_slice = "^max" features = "sizeUpscaling" info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001) region_param = self.mock_region(399, 299) SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) def test_width_larger_than_max_raises(self): uri_slice = "5000," features = ("sizeByW", "sizeUpscaling") info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001, max_width=4000) region_param = self.mock_region(4000, 3000) with pytest.raises(RequestException) as re: SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert "Image would be upsampled" in re.value.message def test_height_larger_than_max_raises(self): uri_slice = ",1024" features = "sizeByH" info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001, max_height=1000) region_param = self.mock_region(2048, 2048) with pytest.raises(RequestException) as re: SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert "height (1024) is greater" in re.value.message def test_area_larger_than_max_raises(self): uri_slice = "5000," features = ("sizeByW", "sizeUpscaling") info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6001, max_area=16000000) region_param = self.mock_region(5000, 6000) with pytest.raises(RequestException) as re: SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert "area (30000000) is greater" in re.value.message def test_can_get_tiles_without_sizeByW_if_allowed(self): uri_slice = "1024," features = () tiles = [Tile(1024, [1, 2, 4, 8, 16])] info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6000, tiles=tiles) region_param = self.mock_region(1024, 1024) sp = SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert sp.width == 1024 assert sp.height == 1024 def test_can_get_right_edge_tiles_without_sizeByW_if_allowed(self): uri_slice = "30," features = () tiles = [Tile(1024, [1, 2, 4, 8, 16])] info_data = self.mock_info(2078, 6000, tiles=tiles) region_param = self.mock_region(60, 2048) sp = SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert sp.width == 30 assert sp.height == 1024 def test_can_get_bottom_row_tiles_without_sizeByW_if_allowed(self): uri_slice = "1024," features = () tiles = [Tile(1024, [1, 2, 4, 8, 16])] info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6000, tiles=tiles) region_param = self.mock_region(4096, 3520) sp = SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert sp.width == 1024 assert sp.height == 880 def test_normal_sizeByW_raises(self): uri_slice = "1025," # off by one; could be arbirary features = () tiles = [Tile(1024, [1, 2, 4, 8, 16])] info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6000, tiles=tiles) region_param = self.mock_region(4096, 3520) with pytest.raises(FeatureNotEnabledException) as fe: SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert "not support the 'sizeByW'" in fe.value.message def test_can_get_small_sizes_without_sizeByW_if_allowed(self): uri_slice = "1000," features = () tiles = [Tile(1024, [1, 2, 4, 8, 16])] sizes = [Size(1000, 750), Size(500, 375), Size(250, 187)] info_data = self.mock_info(8000, 6000, sizes=sizes, tiles=tiles) region_param = self.mock_region(8000, 6000) sp = SizeParameter(uri_slice, features, info_data, region_param) assert sp.width == 1000 assert sp.height == 750 ``` #### File: loris/resolvers/ ```python from loris.resolvers.api import AbstractResolver import pytest class ProperImpl(AbstractResolver): def is_resolvable(self, ident): return True def resolve(self, ident): # Note that a real impl. would need to raise an IOError return "/foo/bar/baz.jpg" class TestAbstractResolver(object): def test_is_resolvable_required(self): class WithoutIsResolvable(AbstractResolver): def resolve(self, ident): return "/foo/bar/baz.jpg" @staticmethod def characterize(file_path): return "jpg" with pytest.raises(TypeError) as type_error: w = WithoutIsResolvable({}) assert "Can't instantiate abstract class" in str(type_error.value) def test_resolvable_required(self): class WithoutResolvable(AbstractResolver): def is_resolvable(self, ident): return True @staticmethod def characterize(file_path): return "jpg" with pytest.raises(TypeError) as type_error: w = WithoutResolvable({}) assert "Can't instantiate abstract class" in str(type_error.value) def test_proper_impl_works(self): resolver = ProperImpl({}) def test_arbirtary_configs_added_to_instance(self): config = {"foo": "bar", "baz": "quux"} resolver = ProperImpl(config) assert == "bar" assert resolver.baz == "quux" ``` #### File: loris/resolvers/ ```python from loris.resolvers import Resolvers from loris.resolvers.file_system_resolver import FileSystemResolver import pytest class MyStupidResolver: def __init__(self): pass class TestResolvers(object): def test_can_load_from_config(self): config = [ { "class": "loris.resolvers.file_system_resolver.FileSystemResolver", "prefix": "a", "config": { "root": "/fill/me/in", "format_suffix": None, "cache": False, "cache_root": "/tmp", "cache_size": 100, }, } ] resolvers = Resolvers(config) assert "a" in resolvers._resolvers assert isinstance(resolvers._resolvers["a"], FileSystemResolver) assert resolvers._resolvers["a"].cache is False def test_add_resolver(self): resolvers = Resolvers([]) klass = "loris.resolvers.file_system_resolver.FileSystemResolver" prefix = "a" config = {"root": "/fill/me/in"} resolvers.add_resolver(klass, prefix, config) assert "a" in resolvers._resolvers assert isinstance(resolvers._resolvers["a"], FileSystemResolver) def test_raises_if_not_an_abstract_resolver(self): resolvers = Resolvers([]) with pytest.raises(TypeError) as te: klass = "tests.loris.resolvers.resolvers_tests.MyStupidResolver" resolvers.add_resolver(klass, "x", {}) assert "MyStupidResolver must subclass AbstractResolver" == str(te.value) def test_raises_if_key_is_not_a_str(self): resolvers = Resolvers([]) with pytest.raises(TypeError) as te: klass = "loris.resolvers.file_system_resolver.FileSystemResolver" resolvers.add_resolver(klass, 1, {}) assert "Resolver prefixes must be strings, got int" == str(te.value) ``` #### File: loris/transcoders/ ```python from contextlib import contextmanager from os import unlink from PIL import Image BLACK = (0, 0, 0) BLUE = (0, 0, 150) DARK_SLATE = (49, 79, 79) GREEN = (0, 150, 0) ORANGE = (255, 165, 0) PURPLE = (128, 0, 128) RED = (150, 0, 0) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) def is_close_color(src_rgb, expected_rgb, threshold=10): # Try to account for variations in color that result from compression pairs = map(sorted, zip(src_rgb, expected_rgb)) return all(d <= threshold for d in map(lambda t: t[1] - t[0], pairs)) @contextmanager def tmp_image(bytes_io, fmt="jpg"): tmp = f"/tmp/loris_tmp/img.{fmt}" try: with open(tmp, "wb") as f: f.write(bytes_io.getvalue()) i = yield i finally: unlink(tmp) ``` #### File: loris/transcoders/ ```python from loris.constants import FEATURE_SIZE_BY_W from loris.constants import KEYWORD_FULL from loris.transcoders.openjpeg_jp2_transcoder import OpenJpegJp2Transcoder from os.path import exists from os.path import isdir from tests.loris.transcoders.helpers import BLUE from tests.loris.transcoders.helpers import GREEN from tests.loris.transcoders.helpers import is_close_color from tests.loris.transcoders.helpers import ORANGE from tests.loris.transcoders.helpers import RED from tests.loris.transcoders.helpers import tmp_image from unittest.mock import Mock import pytest @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def transcoder(): return OpenJpegJp2Transcoder({}) class TestOpenJpegJp2Transcoder(object): def test_it_can_find_openjpeg(self): lib, binary = OpenJpegJp2Transcoder._find_openjpeg() assert exists(lib) assert isdir(lib) assert exists(binary) def test_decode_area_from_image_request(self): args = { "region_pixel_x": 0, "region_pixel_y": 1024, "region_pixel_w": 512, "region_pixel_h": 512, } image_request = Mock(**args) meth = OpenJpegJp2Transcoder.decode_area_from_image_request assert meth(image_request) == "-d 0,1024,512,1536" def test_reduce_from_image_request(self): info = Mock(width=5000, height=6500, all_scales=[1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64]) args = {"width": 250, "height": 400, "info": info} image_request = Mock(**args) meth = OpenJpegJp2Transcoder.reduce_from_image_request assert meth(image_request) == "-r 4" def test__build_command(self, transcoder): info = Mock(width=5000, height=6500, all_scales=[1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64]) mock_data = { "width": 250, "height": 400, "region_pixel_x": 0, "region_pixel_y": 1024, "region_pixel_w": 512, "region_pixel_h": 512, "info": info, "file_path": "/foo/bar.jp2", } image_request = Mock(**mock_data) fake_pipe = "/baz/quux.bmp" cmd_no_path = "opj_decompress -i /foo/bar.jp2 -o /baz/quux.bmp -d 0,1024,512,1536 -r 4" assert transcoder._build_command(image_request, fake_pipe).endswith(cmd_no_path) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:unclosed file") def test__execute_small_full(self, transcoder, region_test_jp2): # This is the equivalent of /full/full/0/default.jpg. # It will be slow (~2-2.5 seconds) image_request = Mock( info=Mock(width=6000, height=8000, all_scales=[1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64]), file_path=region_test_jp2, region_request_type=KEYWORD_FULL, # _region_param.request_type region_pixel_x=0, # _region_param.pixel_x region_pixel_y=0, # _region_param.pixel_y region_pixel_w=60, # _region_param.pixel_w region_pixel_h=80, # _region_param.pixel_h size_request_type=FEATURE_SIZE_BY_W, # _size_param.request_type width=60, # _size_param.width height=80, # _size_param.height mirror=False, # _rotation_param.mirror rotation=0.0, # _rotation_param.rotation quality="default", # _quality_param.canonical format="jpg", # _format_param.canonical ) stream = transcoder.execute(image_request) with tmp_image(stream) as i: # # helpful assert i.size == (60, 80) assert is_close_color(i.getpixel((0, 0)), GREEN) assert is_close_color(i.getpixel((59, 0)), RED) assert is_close_color(i.getpixel((0, 79)), BLUE) assert is_close_color(i.getpixel((59, 79)), ORANGE) ```
{ "source": "JPStrydom/Webcam-Colour-Tracker", "score": 3 }
#### File: Webcam-Colour-Tracker/src/ ```python import cv2 from . import config camera_width = config.camera_width camera_height = config.camera_height def draw_color_line(img_brg, draw_point_array, draw_color, is_canvas=False): draw_color_line_help(img_brg, draw_point_array, (0, 0, 0), is_canvas) draw_color_line_help(img_brg, draw_point_array, draw_color, is_canvas) def draw_color_line_help(img_brg, draw_point_array, draw_color, is_canvas=False): padding = 0 if draw_color == (0, 0, 0): padding = 10 taper_rate = 2 if is_canvas: taper_rate = (50 / len(draw_point_array)) for index, point in enumerate(draw_point_array): if validate_point(index, point, draw_point_array, is_canvas): cv2.line( img_brg, tuple(point), tuple(draw_point_array[index + 1]), (int(draw_color[0]), int(draw_color[1]), int(draw_color[2])), round(50 - index * taper_rate + padding) ) def validate_point(index, point, draw_point_array, is_canvas): return (index <= 25 or is_canvas) and\ point[0] != 0 and\ point[1] != 0 and\ draw_point_array[index + 1, 0] != 0 and\ draw_point_array[index + 1, 1] != 0 def draw_target_circle(img_brg):, (round(camera_width / 2), round(camera_height / 2)), 25, (0, 0, 0), 10), (round(camera_width / 2), round(camera_height / 2)), 25, (255, 255, 255), 6), (round(camera_width / 2), round(camera_height / 2)), 25, (0, 0, 0), 2) ```
{ "source": "jpsura/pyapi", "score": 3 }
#### File: jpsura/pyapi/ ```python import urllib.request import json LIST = '' def main(): ## Call the webservice isslist = urllib.request.urlopen(LIST) ## put fileobject into helmet datalist = ## decode JSON to Python data structure jsonlist = json.loads(datalist.decode('utf-8')) ## display our Pythonic data #print("\n\nConverted Python data") #print(jsonlist) print("\n\nPeople in Space: ", jsonlist['people'][0]['name']) print(" ", jsonlist['people'][1]['name']) print(" ", jsonlist['people'][2]['name']) print(" ", jsonlist['people'][3]['name']) #print(jsonlist) main() ``` #### File: pyapi/rpg/ ```python def showInstructions(): print(''' RPG Game ======== Commands: go [direction] get [item] ''') def showStatus(): #print player status print('------------------') print('You are in the ' + currentRoom) #print the current inventory print('Inventory : ' + str(inventory)) #print an item if there is one if "item" in rooms[currentRoom]: print('You see a ' + rooms[currentRoom]['item']) print("------------------") #an inventory inventory = [] #a dictionary liking a room to other rooms rooms = { 'Hall' : { 'south' : 'Kitchen', 'east' : 'Dining Hall', 'item' : 'key' }, 'Kitchen' : { 'north' : 'Hall', 'item' : 'Monster' }, 'Dining Hall' : { 'west' : 'Hall', 'south' : 'Garden', 'item' : 'potion' }, 'Garden' : { 'north' : 'Dining Hall' } } #start player in the hall currentRoom = 'Hall' showInstructions() #loop forever while True: showStatus() #get the player next move #.split() breaks it up into a list array #eg typing 'go east' would give the list: #['go', 'east'] move = '' while move == '': move = input('>') move = move.lower().split() #if they go first if move [0] == 'go': #check they are allowed to go if move[1] in rooms [currentRoom]: #set the current rooms to a new room currentRoom = rooms[currentRoom][move[1]] #there is no door to a new room else: print('You can\'t go that way') #if they type 'get' first if move[0] == 'get': #if the room contains an item and the item is the one they want to get if 'item' in rooms[currentRoom] and move[1] in rooms[currentRoom]['item']: inventory += [move[1]] print(move[1] + "picked up") del rooms[currentRoom]['item'] else: print("You can't pick that up") if 'item' in rooms[currentRoom] and 'Monster' is rooms[currentRoom]['item']: print('A monster has got over man!') break if currentRoom == 'Garden' and 'key' in inventory and 'potion'in inventory: print('You escaped the house with the ultra rare key and magic win') break ``` #### File: jpsura/pyapi/ ```python from flask import Flask, session, render_template, redirect, url_for, escape, request app = Flask(__name__) app.secret_key = "any random string" ## If the user hits the root of our API @app.route("/") def index(): ## if the key "username" has a value in session if "username" in session: username = session["username"] if 'visits' in session: session['visits'] = session.get('visits') + 1 # reading and updating session data else: session['visits'] = 1 # setting session data visitno = "Total visits: {}".format(session.get('visits')) return "Logged in as " + username + " your lifetime visits are " + visitno + "<br>" + \ "<b><a href = '/logout'>click here to log out</a></b>" ## if the key "username" does not have a value in session return "You are not logged in <br><a href = '/login'></b>" + \ "click here to log in</b></a>" ## If the user hits /login with a GET or POST @app.route("/login", methods = ["GET", "POST"]) def login(): ## if you sent us a POST because you clicked the login button if request.method == "POST": ## request.form["xyzkey"]: use indexing if you know the key exists ## request.form.get("xyzkey"): use get if the key might not exist session["username"] = request.form.get("username") return redirect(url_for("index")) ## return this HTML data if you send us a GET return """ <form action = "" method = "post"> <p><input type = text name = username></p> <p><input type = submit value = Login></p> </form> """ @app.route("/logout") def logout(): # remove the username from the session if it is there session.pop("username", None) return redirect(url_for("index")) @app.route('/delete-visits/') def delete_visits(): if "username" in session: session.pop('visits', None) # delete visits return 'Visits deleted' return "You are not logged in <br><a href = '/login'></b>" + "click here to log in</b></a>" if __name__ == "__main__": ```
{ "source": "jpsvcv/Connect4-Game", "score": 4 }
#### File: jpsvcv/Connect4-Game/ ```python from termcolor import colored import random # Variables definition red, blue = colored('X', 'red', attrs=['bold']), colored('O', 'blue', attrs=['bold']) # u'\u2B24' balls = [colored(u'\u2B24', 'red'), colored(u'\u2B24', 'blue')] player_1, player_2 = 'red', 'blue' row, col = 6, 7 def generate_board(): return [[] for i in range(col)] # each nested list represents a column of the game board board = generate_board().copy() def first_player(): return random.randint(1, 2) player = first_player() def print_header(): for i in range(col): if i == 0: print(' ' * 2 + str(i+1), end='') else: print(' ' * 3 + str(i+1), end='') print() # board line def print_line(): for i in range(col): print('+', end='') for j in range(3): print('-', end='') print('+') def draw_board(): print_header() for i in range(row): print_line() print_row(i) # is the columns content (think in that in reverse mode) print_line() print_header() # Fill each cell on the screen with the respective column content in reverse order # Math is beautiful def print_row(cell_position): max_index, max_len = 5, 6 for column in board: print('|' + ' ', end='') current_len = len(column) current_index = current_len - 1 total_empty_cells = max_index - current_index if cell_position >= total_empty_cells: print_index = - 1 * (cell_position + 1) # this is like reversing the order (my version) real_index = max_len + print_index # the right index is targeted in reverse order color_ball = column[real_index] if color_ball == 'red': print(red + ' ', end='') # print the red ball elif color_ball == 'blue': print(blue + ' ', end='') else: # 'win' if color == 'red': print(colored('X', 'green', attrs=['bold']) + ' ', end='') elif color == 'blue': print(colored('O', 'green', attrs=['bold']) + ' ', end='') else: print(' ', end='') print('|') def print_title(): print('\n' + ' ' * 3 + colored('--- Connect 4 Game ---', attrs=['bold'])) print_title() print() p = 1 players = [] while p < 3: if p == 1: s = '1st' else: s = '2nd' players.append(input('- Enter the ' + s + ' Player name: ').strip().capitalize()) p += 1 print() draw_board() tmp_player = first_player() - 1 start_play = players[tmp_player] ball = str(balls[tmp_player]) print('\n--- ' + colored(start_play.upper(), attrs=['bold']) + ' shall start the game with ' + ball + ' ---\n') # u'\u2B24' def save_move(): column = move - 1 if len(board[column]) < 6: board[column].append(color) else: print('\n-- ' + colored('WARNING.:', 'blue', attrs=['bold']) + ' Invalid move. Please choose new column to play.') return True return False # check for horizontal victory def check_horizontal(): tmp_board = clone_board() for column in tmp_board: for cell in column: current_column = tmp_board.index(column) current_cell = column.index(cell) try: if column[current_cell] == tmp_board[current_column + 1][current_cell] \ == tmp_board[current_column + 2][current_cell] \ == tmp_board[current_column + 3][current_cell]: board[current_column][current_cell] = board[current_column + 1][current_cell] \ = board[current_column + 2][current_cell] = board[current_column + 3][current_cell] = 'win' return True column[column.index(cell)] = '' # this line make all the difference in the horizontal detection except IndexError: continue return False # check for vertical victory def check_vertical(): for column in board: for cell in column: current_cell = column.index(cell) try: if column[current_cell] == column[current_cell + 1] == column[current_cell + 2] \ == column[current_cell + 3]: column[current_cell] = column[current_cell + 1] = column[current_cell + 2] \ = column[current_cell + 3] = 'win' return True except IndexError: continue return False # case - positive_slope or negative_slope def analyse_slope(case, tmp_board, column, cell): current_column = tmp_board.index(column) current_cell = column.index(cell) status = False try: if case == 'positive_slope': if tmp_board[current_column][current_cell] == tmp_board[current_column + 1][current_cell + 1] \ == tmp_board[current_column + 2][current_cell + 2] \ == tmp_board[current_column + 3][current_cell + 3]: board[current_column][current_cell] = board[current_column + 1][current_cell + 1] \ = board[current_column + 2][current_cell + 2] = board[current_column + 3][current_cell + 3] = 'win' status = True else: # negative_slope if tmp_board[current_column][current_cell] == tmp_board[current_column + 1][current_cell - 1] \ == tmp_board[current_column + 2][current_cell - 2] \ == tmp_board[current_column + 3][current_cell - 3]: board[current_column][current_cell] = board[current_column + 1][current_cell - 1] \ = board[current_column + 2][current_cell - 2] \ = board[current_column + 3][current_cell - 3] = 'win' status = True if status: return status except IndexError: return False return False # print the winner move with different color on the screen # case - can be slope (for positive or negative), vertical or horizontal def draw_winner_board(cells, case): print_header() for i in range(row): print_line() print_row(i) # is the columns content (think in that in reverse mode) print_line() print_header() return False # tmp_board = board.copy() or tmp_board = board[::] are not working for me # so, I'm implementing my own, ... that's working very well def clone_board(): tmp = [] for i in board: tmp.append(i.copy()) return tmp # to check all possible combination on diagonal, you need analyse only a half (21 cells) of the board (2 cells) def check_diagonal(): tmp_board = clone_board() status = False for column in tmp_board: if len(column) > 0: # must have at least one element if color in column: # the current color must be available in that cell if board.index(column) < 4: # analyze only a half of the board. 21 in 42 for cell in column: if column.index(cell) < 3: # 1st half of the column status = analyse_slope('positive_slope', tmp_board, column, cell) # elif column.index(cell) > 2: # 2nd half of the column status = analyse_slope('negative_slope', tmp_board, column, cell) if status: return True tmp_board[tmp_board.index(column)][column.index(cell)] = '' return False def check_winner(): # check for vertical victory if check_vertical(): # difficulty level: very easy return True # check for horizontal victory if check_horizontal(): # difficulty level: easy return True # check for diagonal victory if check_diagonal(): # difficulty level: I'm going to make it to be as medium-easy as possible return True return False def set_move(): col_num = 0 while col_num < 1 or col_num > 7: try: col_num = int(input(colored(player.upper(), color, attrs=['bold']) + '\'s move.: ')) while col_num < 1 or col_num > 7: print('\n-- ' + colored('WARNING.:', 'magenta', attrs=['bold']) + ' Please enter a number between [1, 7]') col_num = int(input(colored(player.upper(), color, attrs=['bold']) + '\'s move.: ')) except ValueError: print('\n-- ' + colored('WARNING.:', 'magenta', attrs=['bold']) + ' Please enter a number between [1, 7]') return col_num player = start_play colors = ['red', 'blue'] total_move = 0 while True: color = colors[tmp_player] move = set_move() column_is_full = save_move() # move option can failed - list bound error while column_is_full: move = set_move() column_is_full = save_move() total_move += 1 # printing the current board on the screen print() draw_board() print() if total_move > 6: if check_winner(): # check if we have a WINNER print(colored('--- RESULT.: ', 'green', attrs=['bold']) + colored(player.upper(), color, attrs=['bold']) + colored(' is the WINNER', attrs=['bold'])) print() draw_board() break else: # check for a TIE count_full = 0 for item in board: if len(item) == 6: count_full += 1 if count_full == col: # col is equals to the total of board inner list print(colored('--- RESULT.: ', 'green', attrs=['bold']) + colored('TIE', attrs=['bold'])) break if tmp_player == 0: tmp_player = 1 else: tmp_player = 0 player = players[tmp_player] ```
{ "source": "jpswade/pimusicbox", "score": 2 }
#### File: addons/service.xbmc.callbacks-0.2/ ```python import os import sys import xbmc import xbmcgui import xbmcaddon import subprocess script_xbmc_starts = '' script_player_starts = '' script_player_stops = '' script_player_pauses = '' script_player_resumes = '' script_screensaver_starts = '' script_screensaver_stops = '' __addon__ = xbmcaddon.Addon() __addonversion__ = __addon__.getAddonInfo('version') __addonid__ = __addon__.getAddonInfo('id') __addonname__ = __addon__.getAddonInfo('name') def log(txt): message = '%s: %s' % (__addonname__, txt.encode('ascii', 'ignore')) xbmc.log(msg=message, level=xbmc.LOGDEBUG) class Main: def __init__(self): self._init_vars() self._init_property() global script_xbmc_starts if script_xbmc_starts: log('Going to execute script = "' + script_xbmc_starts + '"') subprocess.Popen([script_xbmc_starts]) self._daemon() def _init_vars(self): self.Player = MyPlayer() self.Monitor = MyMonitor(update_settings = self._init_property, player_status = self._player_status) def _init_property(self): log('Reading properties') global script_xbmc_starts global script_player_starts global script_player_stops global script_player_pauses global script_player_resumes global script_screensaver_starts global script_screensaver_stops script_xbmc_starts = xbmc.translatePath(__addon__.getSetting("xbmc_starts")) script_player_starts = xbmc.translatePath(__addon__.getSetting("player_starts")) script_player_stops = xbmc.translatePath(__addon__.getSetting("player_stops")) script_player_pauses = xbmc.translatePath(__addon__.getSetting("player_pauses")) script_player_resumes = xbmc.translatePath(__addon__.getSetting("player_resumes")) script_screensaver_starts = xbmc.translatePath(__addon__.getSetting("screensaver_starts")) script_screensaver_stops = xbmc.translatePath(__addon__.getSetting("screensaver_stops")) log('script xbmc starts = "' + script_xbmc_starts + '"') log('script player starts = "' + script_player_starts + '"') log('script player stops = "' + script_player_stops + '"') log('script player pauses = "' + script_player_pauses + '"') log('script player resumes = "' + script_player_resumes + '"') log('script screensaver starts = "' + script_screensaver_starts + '"') log('script screensaver stops = "' + script_screensaver_stops + '"') def _player_status(self): return self.Player.playing_status() def _daemon(self): while (not xbmc.abortRequested): # Do nothing xbmc.sleep(600) log('abort requested') class MyMonitor(xbmc.Monitor): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): xbmc.Monitor.__init__(self) self.get_player_status = kwargs['player_status'] self.update_settings = kwargs['update_settings'] def onSettingsChanged(self): self.update_settings() def onScreensaverActivated(self): log('screensaver starts') global script_screensaver_starts if script_screensaver_starts: log('Going to execute script = "' + script_screensaver_starts + '"') subprocess.Popen([script_screensaver_starts,self.get_player_status()]) def onScreensaverDeactivated(self): log('screensaver stops') global script_screensaver_stops if script_screensaver_stops: log('Going to execute script = "' + script_screensaver_stops + '"') subprocess.Popen([script_screensaver_stops]) class MyPlayer(xbmc.Player): def __init__(self): xbmc.Player.__init__(self) self.substrings = [ '-trailer', 'http://' ] def playing_status(self): if self.isPlaying(): return 'status=playing' + ';' + self.playing_type() else: return 'status=stopped' def playing_type(self): type = 'unkown' if (self.isPlayingAudio()): type = "music" else: if xbmc.getCondVisibility('VideoPlayer.Content(movies)'): filename = '' isMovie = True try: filename = self.getPlayingFile() except: pass if filename != '': for string in self.substrings: if string in filename: isMovie = False break if isMovie: type = "movie" elif xbmc.getCondVisibility('VideoPlayer.Content(episodes)'): # Check for tv show title and season to make sure it's really an episode if xbmc.getInfoLabel('VideoPlayer.Season') != "" and xbmc.getInfoLabel('VideoPlayer.TVShowTitle') != "": type = "episode" return 'type=' + type def onPlayBackStarted(self): log('player starts') global script_player_starts if script_player_starts: log('Going to execute script = "' + script_player_starts + '"') subprocess.Popen([script_player_starts,self.playing_type()]) def onPlayBackEnded(self): self.onPlayBackStopped() def onPlayBackStopped(self): log('player stops') global script_player_stops if script_player_stops: log('Going to execute script = "' + script_player_stops + '"') subprocess.Popen([script_player_stops,self.playing_type()]) def onPlayBackPaused(self): log('player pauses') global script_player_pauses if script_player_pauses: log('Going to execute script = "' + script_player_pauses + '"') subprocess.Popen([script_player_pauses,self.playing_type()]) def onPlayBackResumed(self): log('player resumes') global script_player_resumes if script_player_resumes: log('Going to execute script = "' + script_player_resumes + '"') subprocess.Popen([script_player_resumes,self.playing_type()]) if (__name__ == "__main__"): log('script version %s started' % __addonversion__) Main() del MyPlayer del MyMonitor del Main log('script version %s stopped' % __addonversion__) ``` #### File: addons/weather.wunderground/ ```python import os, sys, socket, unicodedata, urllib2, time, base64, gzip from datetime import date from StringIO import StringIO import xbmc, xbmcgui, xbmcaddon, xbmcvfs if sys.version_info < (2, 7): import simplejson else: import json as simplejson __addon__ = xbmcaddon.Addon() __addonname__ = __addon__.getAddonInfo('name') __addonid__ = __addon__.getAddonInfo('id') __cwd__ = __addon__.getAddonInfo('path').decode("utf-8") __version__ = __addon__.getAddonInfo('version') __language__ = __addon__.getLocalizedString __resource__ = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join( __cwd__, 'resources', 'lib' ).encode("utf-8") ).decode("utf-8") sys.path.append(__resource__) from utilities import * from wunderground import wundergroundapi WUNDERGROUND_LOC = '' WEATHER_FEATURES = 'hourly/conditions/forecast10day/astronomy/almanac/alerts/satellite' FORMAT = 'json' ENABLED = __addon__.getSetting('Enabled') DEBUG = __addon__.getSetting('Debug') XBMC_PYTHON = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='xbmc.python').getAddonInfo('version') WEATHER_ICON = xbmc.translatePath('special://temp/weather/%s.png').decode("utf-8") WEATHER_WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(12600) LANGUAGE = xbmc.getLanguage().lower() SPEEDUNIT = xbmc.getRegion('speedunit') TEMPUNIT = unicode(xbmc.getRegion('tempunit'),encoding='utf-8') TIMEFORMAT = xbmc.getRegion('meridiem') DATEFORMAT = xbmc.getRegion('dateshort') MAXDAYS = 6 socket.setdefaulttimeout(10) def recode(alert): # workaround: wunderground provides a corrupt alerts message try: alert = alert.encode("latin-1").rstrip('&nbsp)').decode("utf-8") except: pass return alert def log(txt): if DEBUG == 'true': if isinstance (txt,str): txt = txt.decode("utf-8") message = u'%s: %s' % (__addonid__, txt) xbmc.log(msg=message.encode("utf-8"), level=xbmc.LOGDEBUG) def set_property(name, value): WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty(name, value) def refresh_locations(): locations = 0 for count in range(1, 6): loc_name = __addon__.getSetting('Location%s' % count) if loc_name != '': locations += 1 else: __addon__.setSetting('Location%sid' % count, '') set_property('Location%s' % count, loc_name) set_property('Locations', str(locations)) log('available locations: %s' % str(locations)) def find_location(loc): url = WUNDERGROUND_LOC % urllib2.quote(loc) try: req = urllib2.urlopen(url) response = req.close() except: response = '' return response def location(string): locs = [] locids = [] log('location: %s' % string) loc = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(string, 'utf-8')).encode('ascii','ignore') log('searching for location: %s' % loc) query = find_location(loc) log('location data: %s' % query) data = parse_data(query) if data != '' and data.has_key('RESULTS'): for item in data['RESULTS']: location = item['name'] locationid = item['l'][3:] locs.append(location) locids.append(locationid) return locs, locids def geoip(): retry = 0 while (retry < 6) and (not xbmc.abortRequested): query = wundergroundapi('geolookup', 'lang:EN', 'autoip', FORMAT) if query != '': retry = 6 else: retry += 1 xbmc.sleep(10000) log('geoip download failed') log('geoip data: %s' % query) data = parse_data(query) if data != '' and data.has_key('location'): location = data['location']['city'] locationid = data['location']['l'][3:] __addon__.setSetting('Location1', location) __addon__.setSetting('Location1id', locationid) log('geoip location: %s' % location) else: location = '' locationid = '' return location, locationid def forecast(loc,locid): try: lang = LANG[LANGUAGE] except: lang = 'EN' opt = 'lang:' + lang log('weather location: %s' % locid) retry = 0 while (retry < 6) and (not xbmc.abortRequested): query = wundergroundapi(WEATHER_FEATURES, opt, locid, FORMAT) if query != '': retry = 6 else: retry += 1 xbmc.sleep(10000) log('weather download failed') log('forecast data: %s' % query) data = parse_data(query) if data != '' and data.has_key('response') and not data['response'].has_key('error'): properties(data,loc,locid) else: clear() def clear(): set_property('Current.Condition' , 'N/A') set_property('Current.Temperature' , '0') set_property('Current.Wind' , '0') set_property('Current.WindDirection' , 'N/A') set_property('Current.Humidity' , '0') set_property('Current.FeelsLike' , '0') set_property('Current.UVIndex' , '0') set_property('Current.DewPoint' , '0') set_property('Current.OutlookIcon' , 'na.png') set_property('Current.FanartCode' , 'na') for count in range (0, MAXDAYS+1): set_property('Day%i.Title' % count, 'N/A') set_property('Day%i.HighTemp' % count, '0') set_property('Day%i.LowTemp' % count, '0') set_property('Day%i.Outlook' % count, 'N/A') set_property('Day%i.OutlookIcon' % count, 'na.png') set_property('Day%i.FanartCode' % count, 'na') def parse_data(json): try: raw = json.replace('<br>',' ').replace('&auml;','ä') # wu api bugs reply = raw.replace('"-999%"','""').replace('"-9999.00"','""').replace('"-9998"','""').replace('"NA"','""') # wu will change these to null responses in the future data = simplejson.loads(reply) except: log('failed to parse weather data') data = '' return data def properties(data,loc,locid): # standard properties weathercode = WEATHER_CODES[data['current_observation']['icon_url'][31:-4]] set_property('Current.Location' , loc) set_property('Current.Condition' , data['current_observation']['weather']) set_property('Current.Temperature' , str(data['current_observation']['temp_c'])) set_property('Current.Wind' , str(data['current_observation']['wind_kph'])) set_property('Current.WindDirection' , data['current_observation']['wind_dir']) set_property('Current.Humidity' , data['current_observation']['relative_humidity'].rstrip('%')) set_property('Current.FeelsLike' , data['current_observation']['feelslike_c']) set_property('Current.UVIndex' , data['current_observation']['UV']) set_property('Current.DewPoint' , str(data['current_observation']['dewpoint_c'])) set_property('Current.OutlookIcon' , '%s.png' % weathercode) # xbmc translates it to Current.ConditionIcon set_property('Current.FanartCode' , weathercode) for count, item in enumerate(data['forecast']['simpleforecast']['forecastday']): weathercode = WEATHER_CODES[item['icon_url'][31:-4]] set_property('Day%i.Title' % count, item['date']['weekday']) set_property('Day%i.HighTemp' % count, str(item['high']['celsius'])) set_property('Day%i.LowTemp' % count, str(item['low']['celsius'])) set_property('Day%i.Outlook' % count, item['conditions']) set_property('Day%i.OutlookIcon' % count, '%s.png' % weathercode) set_property('Day%i.FanartCode' % count, weathercode) if count == MAXDAYS: break # forecast properties set_property('Forecast.IsFetched' , 'true') set_property('Forecast.City' , data['current_observation']['display_location']['city']) set_property('Forecast.State' , data['current_observation']['display_location']['state_name']) set_property('Forecast.Country' , data['current_observation']['display_location']['country']) update = time.localtime(float(data['current_observation']['observation_epoch'])) local = time.localtime(float(data['current_observation']['local_epoch'])) if DATEFORMAT[1] == 'd': updatedate = WEEKDAY[update[6]] + ' ' + str(update[2]) + ' ' + MONTH[update[1]] + ' ' + str(update[0]) localdate = WEEKDAY[local[6]] + ' ' + str(local[2]) + ' ' + MONTH[local[1]] + ' ' + str(local[0]) elif DATEFORMAT[1] == 'm': updatedate = WEEKDAY[update[6]] + ' ' + MONTH[update[1]] + ' ' + str(update[2]) + ', ' + str(update[0]) localdate = WEEKDAY[local[6]] + ' ' + str(local[2]) + ' ' + MONTH[local[1]] + ' ' + str(local[0]) else: updatedate = WEEKDAY[update[6]] + ' ' + str(update[0]) + ' ' + MONTH[update[1]] + ' ' + str(update[2]) localdate = WEEKDAY[local[6]] + ' ' + str(local[0]) + ' ' + MONTH[local[1]] + ' ' + str(local[2]) if TIMEFORMAT != '/': updatetime = time.strftime('%I:%M%p', update) localtime = time.strftime('%I:%M%p', local) else: updatetime = time.strftime('%H:%M', update) localtime = time.strftime('%H:%M', local) set_property('Forecast.Updated' , updatedate + ' - ' + updatetime) # current properties set_property('Current.IsFetched' , 'true') set_property('Current.LocalTime' , localtime) set_property('Current.LocalDate' , localdate) set_property('Current.WindDegree' , str(data['current_observation']['wind_degrees']) + u'°') set_property('Current.SolarRadiation' , str(data['current_observation']['solarradiation'])) if 'F' in TEMPUNIT: set_property('Current.Pressure' , data['current_observation']['pressure_in'] + ' inHg') set_property('Current.Precipitation' , data['current_observation']['precip_1hr_in'] + ' in') set_property('Current.HeatIndex' , str(data['current_observation']['heat_index_f']) + TEMPUNIT) set_property('Current.WindChill' , str(data['current_observation']['windchill_f']) + TEMPUNIT) else: set_property('Current.Pressure' , data['current_observation']['pressure_mb'] + ' mb') set_property('Current.Precipitation' , data['current_observation']['precip_1hr_metric'] + ' mm') set_property('Current.HeatIndex' , str(data['current_observation']['heat_index_c']) + TEMPUNIT) set_property('Current.WindChill' , str(data['current_observation']['windchill_c']) + TEMPUNIT) if SPEEDUNIT == 'mph': set_property('Current.Visibility' , data['current_observation']['visibility_mi'] + ' mi') set_property('Current.WindGust' , str(data['current_observation']['wind_gust_mph']) + ' ' + SPEEDUNIT) else: set_property('Current.Visibility' , data['current_observation']['visibility_km'] + ' km') set_property('Current.WindGust' , str(data['current_observation']['wind_gust_kph']) + ' ' + SPEEDUNIT) # today properties set_property('Today.IsFetched' , 'true') if TIMEFORMAT != '/': AM = unicode(TIMEFORMAT.split('/')[0],encoding='utf-8') PM = unicode(TIMEFORMAT.split('/')[1],encoding='utf-8') hour = int(data['moon_phase']['sunrise']['hour']) % 24 isam = (hour >= 0) and (hour < 12) if isam: hour = ('12' if (hour == 0) else '%02d' % (hour)) set_property('Today.Sunrise' , hour.lstrip('0') + ':' + data['moon_phase']['sunrise']['minute'] + ' ' + AM) else: hour = ('12' if (hour == 12) else '%02d' % (hour-12)) set_property('Today.Sunrise' , hour.lstrip('0') + ':' + data['moon_phase']['sunrise']['minute'] + ' ' + PM) hour = int(data['moon_phase']['sunset']['hour']) % 24 isam = (hour >= 0) and (hour < 12) if isam: hour = ('12' if (hour == 0) else '%02d' % (hour)) set_property('Today.Sunset' , hour.lstrip('0') + ':' + data['moon_phase']['sunset']['minute'] + ' ' + AM) else: hour = ('12' if (hour == 12) else '%02d' % (hour-12)) set_property('Today.Sunset' , hour.lstrip('0') + ':' + data['moon_phase']['sunset']['minute'] + ' ' + PM) else: set_property('Today.Sunrise' , data['moon_phase']['sunrise']['hour'] + ':' + data['moon_phase']['sunrise']['minute']) set_property('Today.Sunset' , data['moon_phase']['sunset']['hour'] + ':' + data['moon_phase']['sunset']['minute']) set_property('Today.moonphase' , MOONPHASE(int(data['moon_phase']['ageOfMoon']), int(data['moon_phase']['percentIlluminated']))) if 'F' in TEMPUNIT: set_property('Today.AvgHighTemperature' , data['almanac']['temp_high']['normal']['F'] + TEMPUNIT) set_property('Today.AvgLowTemperature' , data['almanac']['temp_low']['normal']['F'] + TEMPUNIT) try: set_property('Today.RecordHighTemperature' , data['almanac']['temp_high']['record']['F'] + TEMPUNIT) set_property('Today.RecordLowTemperature' , data['almanac']['temp_low']['record']['F'] + TEMPUNIT) except: set_property('Today.RecordHighTemperature' , '') set_property('Today.RecordLowTemperature' , '') else: set_property('Today.AvgHighTemperature' , data['almanac']['temp_high']['normal']['C'] + TEMPUNIT) set_property('Today.AvgLowTemperature' , data['almanac']['temp_low']['normal']['C'] + TEMPUNIT) try: set_property('Today.RecordHighTemperature' , data['almanac']['temp_high']['record']['C'] + TEMPUNIT) set_property('Today.RecordLowTemperature' , data['almanac']['temp_low']['record']['C'] + TEMPUNIT) except: set_property('Today.RecordHighTemperature' , '') set_property('Today.RecordLowTemperature' , '') try: set_property('Today.RecordHighYear' , data['almanac']['temp_high']['recordyear']) set_property('Today.RecordLowYear' , data['almanac']['temp_low']['recordyear']) except: set_property('Today.RecordHighYear' , '') set_property('Today.RecordLowYear' , '') # daily properties set_property('Daily.IsFetched', 'true') for count, item in enumerate(data['forecast']['simpleforecast']['forecastday']): weathercode = WEATHER_CODES[item['icon_url'][31:-4]] set_property('Daily.%i.LongDay' % (count+1), item['date']['weekday']) set_property('Daily.%i.ShortDay' % (count+1), item['date']['weekday_short']) if DATEFORMAT[1] == 'd': set_property('Daily.%i.LongDate' % (count+1), str(item['date']['day']) + ' ' + item['date']['monthname']) set_property('Daily.%i.ShortDate' % (count+1), str(item['date']['day']) + ' ' + MONTH[item['date']['month']]) else: set_property('Daily.%i.LongDate' % (count+1), item['date']['monthname'] + ' ' + str(item['date']['day'])) set_property('Daily.%i.ShortDate' % (count+1), MONTH[item['date']['month']] + ' ' + str(item['date']['day'])) set_property('Daily.%i.Outlook' % (count+1), item['conditions']) set_property('Daily.%i.OutlookIcon' % (count+1), WEATHER_ICON % weathercode) set_property('Daily.%i.FanartCode' % (count+1), weathercode) if SPEEDUNIT == 'mph': set_property('Daily.%i.WindSpeed' % (count+1), str(item['avewind']['mph']) + ' ' + SPEEDUNIT) set_property('Daily.%i.MaxWind' % (count+1), str(item['maxwind']['mph']) + ' ' + SPEEDUNIT) elif SPEEDUNIT == 'Beaufort': set_property('Daily.%i.WindSpeed' % (count+1), KPHTOBFT(item['avewind']['kph'])) set_property('Daily.%i.MaxWind' % (count+1), KPHTOBFT(item['maxwind']['kph'])) else: set_property('Daily.%i.WindSpeed' % (count+1), str(item['avewind']['kph']) + ' ' + SPEEDUNIT) set_property('Daily.%i.MaxWind' % (count+1), str(item['maxwind']['kph']) + ' ' + SPEEDUNIT) set_property('Daily.%i.WindDirection' % (count+1), item['avewind']['dir']) set_property('Daily.%i.ShortWindDirection' % (count+1), item['avewind']['dir']) set_property('Daily.%i.WindDegree' % (count+1), str(item['avewind']['degrees']) + u'°') set_property('Daily.%i.Humidity' % (count+1), str(item['avehumidity']) + '%') set_property('Daily.%i.MinHumidity' % (count+1), str(item['minhumidity']) + '%') set_property('Daily.%i.MaxHumidity' % (count+1), str(item['maxhumidity']) + '%') if 'F' in TEMPUNIT: set_property('Daily.%i.HighTemperature' % (count+1), str(item['high']['fahrenheit']) + TEMPUNIT) set_property('Daily.%i.LowTemperature' % (count+1), str(item['low']['fahrenheit']) + TEMPUNIT) set_property('Daily.%i.LongOutlookDay' % (count+1), data['forecast']['txt_forecast']['forecastday'][2*count]['fcttext']) set_property('Daily.%i.LongOutlookNight' % (count+1), data['forecast']['txt_forecast']['forecastday'][2*count+1]['fcttext']) set_property('Daily.%i.Precipitation' % (count+1), str(item['qpf_day']['in']) + ' in') set_property('Daily.%i.Snow' % (count+1), str(item['snow_day']['in']) + ' in') else: set_property('Daily.%i.HighTemperature' % (count+1), str(item['high']['celsius']) + TEMPUNIT) set_property('Daily.%i.LowTemperature' % (count+1), str(item['low']['celsius']) + TEMPUNIT) set_property('Daily.%i.LongOutlookDay' % (count+1), data['forecast']['txt_forecast']['forecastday'][2*count]['fcttext_metric']) set_property('Daily.%i.LongOutlookNight' % (count+1), data['forecast']['txt_forecast']['forecastday'][2*count+1]['fcttext_metric']) set_property('Daily.%i.Precipitation' % (count+1), str(item['qpf_day']['mm']) + ' mm') set_property('Daily.%i.Snow' % (count+1), str(item['snow_day']['cm']) + ' mm') set_property('Daily.%i.ChancePrecipitation' % (count+1), data['forecast']['txt_forecast']['forecastday'][2*count]['pop'] + '%') # weekend properties set_property('Weekend.IsFetched', 'true') if __addon__.getSetting('Weekend') == '2': weekend = [4,5] elif __addon__.getSetting('Weekend') == '1': weekend = [5,6] else: weekend = [6,7] count = 0 for item in data['forecast']['simpleforecast']['forecastday']: if date(item['date']['year'], item['date']['month'], item['date']['day']).isoweekday() in weekend: weathercode = WEATHER_CODES[item['icon_url'][31:-4]] set_property('Weekend.%i.LongDay' % (count+1), item['date']['weekday']) set_property('Weekend.%i.ShortDay' % (count+1), item['date']['weekday_short']) if DATEFORMAT[1] == 'd': set_property('Weekend.%i.LongDate' % (count+1), str(item['date']['day']) + ' ' + item['date']['monthname']) set_property('Weekend.%i.ShortDate' % (count+1), str(item['date']['day']) + ' ' + MONTH[item['date']['month']]) else: set_property('Weekend.%i.LongDate' % (count+1), item['date']['monthname'] + ' ' + str(item['date']['day'])) set_property('Weekend.%i.ShortDate' % (count+1), MONTH[item['date']['month']] + ' ' + str(item['date']['day'])) set_property('Weekend.%i.Outlook' % (count+1), item['conditions']) set_property('Weekend.%i.OutlookIcon' % (count+1), WEATHER_ICON % weathercode) set_property('Weekend.%i.FanartCode' % (count+1), weathercode) if SPEEDUNIT == 'mph': set_property('Weekend.%i.WindSpeed' % (count+1), str(item['avewind']['mph']) + ' ' + SPEEDUNIT) set_property('Weekend.%i.MaxWind' % (count+1), str(item['maxwind']['mph']) + ' ' + SPEEDUNIT) elif SPEEDUNIT == 'Beaufort': set_property('Weekend.%i.WindSpeed' % (count+1), KPHTOBFT(item['avewind']['kph'])) set_property('Weekend.%i.MaxWind' % (count+1), KPHTOBFT(item['maxwind']['kph'])) else: set_property('Weekend.%i.WindSpeed' % (count+1), str(item['avewind']['kph']) + ' ' + SPEEDUNIT) set_property('Weekend.%i.MaxWind' % (count+1), str(item['maxwind']['kph']) + ' ' + SPEEDUNIT) set_property('Weekend.%i.WindDirection' % (count+1), item['avewind']['dir']) set_property('Weekend.%i.ShortWindDirection' % (count+1), item['avewind']['dir']) set_property('Weekend.%i.WindDegree' % (count+1), str(item['avewind']['degrees']) + u'°') set_property('Weekend.%i.Humidity' % (count+1), str(item['avehumidity']) + '%') set_property('Weekend.%i.MinHumidity' % (count+1), str(item['minhumidity']) + '%') set_property('Weekend.%i.MaxHumidity' % (count+1), str(item['maxhumidity']) + '%') set_property('Weekend.%i.ChancePrecipitation' % (count+1), data['forecast']['txt_forecast']['forecastday'][2*count]['pop'] + '%') if 'F' in TEMPUNIT: set_property('Weekend.%i.HighTemperature' % (count+1), str(item['high']['fahrenheit']) + TEMPUNIT) set_property('Weekend.%i.LowTemperature' % (count+1), str(item['low']['fahrenheit']) + TEMPUNIT) set_property('Weekend.%i.Precipitation' % (count+1), str(item['qpf_day']['in']) + ' in') set_property('Weekend.%i.Snow' % (count+1), str(item['snow_day']['in']) + ' in') set_property('Weekend.%i.LongOutlookDay' % (count+1), data['forecast']['txt_forecast']['forecastday'][2*count]['fcttext']) set_property('Weekend.%i.LongOutlookNight' % (count+1), data['forecast']['txt_forecast']['forecastday'][2*count+1]['fcttext']) else: set_property('Weekend.%i.HighTemperature' % (count+1), str(item['high']['celsius']) + TEMPUNIT) set_property('Weekend.%i.LowTemperature' % (count+1), str(item['low']['celsius']) + TEMPUNIT) set_property('Weekend.%i.Precipitation' % (count+1), str(item['qpf_day']['mm']) + ' mm') set_property('Weekend.%i.Snow' % (count+1), str(item['snow_day']['cm']) + ' mm') if data['current_observation']['display_location']['country'] == 'UK': # for the brits dfcast_e = data['forecast']['txt_forecast']['forecastday'][2*count]['fcttext'].split('.') dfcast_m = data['forecast']['txt_forecast']['forecastday'][2*count]['fcttext_metric'].split('.') nfcast_e = data['forecast']['txt_forecast']['forecastday'][2*count+1]['fcttext'].split('.') nfcast_m = data['forecast']['txt_forecast']['forecastday'][2*count+1]['fcttext_metric'].split('.') for field in dfcast_e: if field.endswith('mph'): # find windspeed in mph wind = field break for field in dfcast_m: if field.endswith('km/h'): # find windspeed in km/h dfcast_m[dfcast_m.index(field)] = wind # replace windspeed in km/h with windspeed in mph break for field in nfcast_e: if field.endswith('mph'): # find windspeed in mph wind = field break for field in nfcast_m: if field.endswith('km/h'): # find windspeed in km/h nfcast_m[nfcast_m.index(field)] = wind # replace windspeed in km/h with windspeed in mph break set_property('Weekend.%i.LongOutlookDay' % (count+1), '. '.join(dfcast_m)) set_property('Weekend.%i.LongOutlookNight' % (count+1), '. '.join(nfcast_m)) else: set_property('Weekend.%i.LongOutlookDay' % (count+1), data['forecast']['txt_forecast']['forecastday'][2*count]['fcttext_metric']) set_property('Weekend.%i.LongOutlookNight' % (count+1), data['forecast']['txt_forecast']['forecastday'][2*count+1]['fcttext_metric']) count += 1 if count == 2: break # 36 hour properties set_property('36Hour.IsFetched', 'true') for count, item in enumerate(data['forecast']['txt_forecast']['forecastday']): weathercode = WEATHER_CODES[item['icon_url'][31:-4]] if 'F' in TEMPUNIT: try: fcast = item['fcttext'].split('.') for line in fcast: if line.endswith('F'): set_property('36Hour.%i.TemperatureHeading' % (count+1), line.rsplit(' ',1)[0]) set_property('36Hour.%i.Temperature' % (count+1), line.rsplit(' ',1)[1].rstrip('F').strip() + TEMPUNIT) break except: set_property('36Hour.%i.TemperatureHeading' % (count+1), '') set_property('36Hour.%i.Temperature' % (count+1), '') set_property('36Hour.%i.Forecast' % (count+1), item['fcttext']) else: try: fcast = item['fcttext_metric'].split('.') for line in fcast: if line.endswith('C'): set_property('36Hour.%i.TemperatureHeading' % (count+1), line.rsplit(' ',1)[0]) set_property('36Hour.%i.Temperature' % (count+1), line.rsplit(' ',1)[1].rstrip('C').strip() + TEMPUNIT) break except: set_property('36Hour.%i.TemperatureHeading' % (count+1), '') set_property('36Hour.%i.Temperature' % (count+1), '') if data['current_observation']['display_location']['country'] == 'UK': # for the brits fcast_e = item['fcttext'].split('.') for field in fcast_e: if field.endswith('mph'): # find windspeed in mph wind = field break for field in fcast: if field.endswith('km/h'): # find windspeed in km/h fcast[fcast.index(field)] = wind # replace windspeed in km/h with windspeed in mph break set_property('36Hour.%i.Forecast' % (count+1), '. '.join(fcast)) else: set_property('36Hour.%i.Forecast' % (count+1), item['fcttext_metric']) set_property('36Hour.%i.Heading' % (count+1), item['title']) set_property('36Hour.%i.ChancePrecipitation' % (count+1), item['pop'] + '%') set_property('36Hour.%i.OutlookIcon' % (count+1), WEATHER_ICON % weathercode) set_property('36Hour.%i.FanartCode' % (count+1), weathercode) if count == 2: break # hourly properties set_property('Hourly.IsFetched', 'true') for count, item in enumerate(data['hourly_forecast']): weathercode = WEATHER_CODES[item['icon_url'][31:-4]] if TIMEFORMAT != '/': set_property('Hourly.%i.Time' % (count+1), item['FCTTIME']['civil']) else: set_property('Hourly.%i.Time' % (count+1), item['FCTTIME']['hour_padded'] + ':' + item['FCTTIME']['min']) if DATEFORMAT[1] == 'd': set_property('Hourly.%i.ShortDate' % (count+1), item['FCTTIME']['mday_padded'] + ' ' + item['FCTTIME']['month_name_abbrev']) set_property('Hourly.%i.LongDate' % (count+1), item['FCTTIME']['mday_padded'] + ' ' + item['FCTTIME']['month_name']) else: set_property('Hourly.%i.ShortDate' % (count+1), item['FCTTIME']['month_name_abbrev'] + ' ' + item['FCTTIME']['mday_padded']) set_property('Hourly.%i.LongDate' % (count+1), item['FCTTIME']['month_name'] + ' ' + item['FCTTIME']['mday_padded']) if 'F' in TEMPUNIT: set_property('Hourly.%i.Temperature' % (count+1), item['temp']['english'] + TEMPUNIT) set_property('Hourly.%i.DewPoint' % (count+1), item['dewpoint']['english'] + TEMPUNIT) set_property('Hourly.%i.FeelsLike' % (count+1), item['feelslike']['english'] + TEMPUNIT) set_property('Hourly.%i.Precipitation' % (count+1), item['qpf']['english'] + ' in') set_property('Hourly.%i.Snow' % (count+1), item['snow']['english'] + ' in') set_property('Hourly.%i.HeatIndex' % (count+1), item['heatindex']['english'] + TEMPUNIT) set_property('Hourly.%i.WindChill' % (count+1), item['windchill']['english'] + TEMPUNIT) set_property('Hourly.%i.Mslp' % (count+1), item['mslp']['english'] + ' inHg') else: set_property('Hourly.%i.Temperature' % (count+1), item['temp']['metric'] + TEMPUNIT) set_property('Hourly.%i.DewPoint' % (count+1), item['dewpoint']['metric'] + TEMPUNIT) set_property('Hourly.%i.FeelsLike' % (count+1), item['feelslike']['metric'] + TEMPUNIT) set_property('Hourly.%i.Precipitation' % (count+1), item['qpf']['metric'] + ' mm') set_property('Hourly.%i.Snow' % (count+1), item['snow']['metric'] + ' mm') set_property('Hourly.%i.HeatIndex' % (count+1), item['heatindex']['metric'] + TEMPUNIT) set_property('Hourly.%i.WindChill' % (count+1), item['windchill']['metric'] + TEMPUNIT) set_property('Hourly.%i.Mslp' % (count+1), item['mslp']['metric'] + ' inHg') if SPEEDUNIT == 'mph': set_property('Hourly.%i.WindSpeed' % (count+1), item['wspd']['english'] + ' ' + SPEEDUNIT) elif SPEEDUNIT == 'Beaufort': set_property('Hourly.%i.WindSpeed' % (count+1), KPHTOBFT(int(item['wspd']['metric']))) else: set_property('Hourly.%i.WindSpeed' % (count+1), item['wspd']['metric'] + ' ' + SPEEDUNIT) set_property('Hourly.%i.WindDirection' % (count+1), item['wdir']['dir']) set_property('Hourly.%i.ShortWindDirection' % (count+1), item['wdir']['dir']) set_property('Hourly.%i.WindDegree' % (count+1), item['wdir']['degrees'] + u'°') set_property('Hourly.%i.Humidity' % (count+1), item['humidity'] + '%') set_property('Hourly.%i.UVIndex' % (count+1), item['uvi']) set_property('Hourly.%i.ChancePrecipitation' % (count+1), item['pop'] + '%') set_property('Hourly.%i.Outlook' % (count+1), item['condition']) set_property('Hourly.%i.OutlookIcon' % (count+1), WEATHER_ICON % weathercode) set_property('Hourly.%i.FanartCode' % (count+1), weathercode) # alert properties set_property('Alerts.IsFetched', 'true') if str(data['alerts']) != '[]': rss = '' alerts = '' for count, item in enumerate(data['alerts']): description = recode(item['description']) # workaround: wunderground provides a corrupt alerts message message = recode(item['message']) # workaround: wunderground provides a corrupt alerts message set_property('Alerts.%i.Description' % (count+1), description) set_property('Alerts.%i.Message' % (count+1), message) set_property('Alerts.%i.StartDate' % (count+1), item['date']) set_property('Alerts.%i.EndDate' % (count+1), item['expires']) set_property('Alerts.%i.Significance' % (count+1), SEVERITY[item['significance']]) rss = rss + description.replace('\n','') + ' - ' alerts = alerts + message + '[CR][CR]' set_property('Alerts.RSS' , rss.rstrip(' - ')) set_property('Alerts' , alerts.rstrip('[CR][CR]')) set_property('Alerts.Count' , str(count+1)) else: set_property('Alerts.RSS' , '') set_property('Alerts' , '') set_property('Alerts.Count' , '0') # map properties set_property('Map.IsFetched', 'true') filelist = [] locid = base64.b16encode(locid) addondir = os.path.join(__cwd__, 'resources', 'logo') mapdir = xbmc.translatePath('special://profile/addon_data/%s/map' % __addonid__) set_property('MapPath', addondir) if not xbmcvfs.exists(mapdir): xbmcvfs.mkdir(mapdir) dirs, filelist = xbmcvfs.listdir(mapdir) animate = __addon__.getSetting('Animate') for img in filelist: item = xbmc.translatePath('special://profile/addon_data/%s/map/%s' % (__addonid__,img)).decode("utf-8") if animate == 'true': if (time.time() - os.path.getmtime(item) > 14400) or (not locid in item): xbmcvfs.delete(item) else: xbmcvfs.delete(item) zoom = __addon__.getSetting('Zoom') if zoom == '10': # default setting does not return decimals, changed setting will zoom = '10.0' url = data['satellite']['image_url_ir4'].replace('width=300&height=300','width=640&height=360').replace('radius=75','radius=%i' % int(1000/int(zoom.rstrip('0').rstrip('.,')))) log('map url: %s' % url) try: req = urllib2.Request(url) req.add_header('Accept-encoding', 'gzip') response = urllib2.urlopen(req) if'Content-Encoding') == 'gzip': buf = StringIO( compr = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf) data = else: data = response.close() log('satellite image downloaded') except: data = '' log('satellite image downloaded failed') if data != '': timestamp = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') mapfile = xbmc.translatePath('special://profile/addon_data/%s/map/%s-%s.png' % (__addonid__,locid,timestamp)).decode("utf-8") try: tmpmap = open(mapfile, 'wb') tmpmap.write(data) tmpmap.close() set_property('MapPath', mapdir) except: log('failed to save satellite image') log('version %s started: %s' % (__version__, sys.argv)) log('lang: %s' % LANGUAGE) log('speed: %s' % SPEEDUNIT) log('temp: %s' % TEMPUNIT[1]) log('time: %s' % TIMEFORMAT) log('date: %s' % DATEFORMAT) set_property('WeatherProvider', __addonname__) set_property('WeatherProviderLogo', xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join(__cwd__, 'resources', 'banner.png'))) if sys.argv[1].startswith('Location'): keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard('', xbmc.getLocalizedString(14024), False) keyboard.doModal() if (keyboard.isConfirmed() and keyboard.getText() != ''): text = keyboard.getText() locations, locationids = location(text) dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() if locations != []: selected =, locations) if selected != -1: __addon__.setSetting(sys.argv[1], locations[selected]) __addon__.setSetting(sys.argv[1] + 'id', locationids[selected]) log('selected location: %s' % locations[selected]) log('selected location id: %s' % locationids[selected]) else: dialog.ok(__addonname__, xbmc.getLocalizedString(284)) elif ENABLED == 'false': clear() log('you need to enable weather retrieval in the weather underground addon settings') elif XBMC_PYTHON == '1.0' or XBMC_PYTHON == '2.0' or XBMC_PYTHON == '2.0.0': clear() log('older versions of XBMC are not supported by the weather underground addon') else: location = __addon__.getSetting('Location%s' % sys.argv[1]) locationid = __addon__.getSetting('Location%sid' % sys.argv[1]) if (locationid == '') and (sys.argv[1] != '1'): location = __addon__.getSetting('Location1') locationid = __addon__.getSetting('Location1id') log('trying location 1 instead') if locationid == '': log('fallback to geoip') location, locationid = geoip() if not locationid == '': forecast(location, locationid) else: log('no location found') clear() refresh_locations() log('finished') ``` #### File: resources/lib/ ```python import urllib2, gzip, base64 from StringIO import StringIO WAIK = 'NDEzNjBkMjFkZjFhMzczNg==' WUNDERGROUND_URL = '' def wundergroundapi(features, settings, query, fmt): url = WUNDERGROUND_URL % (base64.b64decode(WAIK)[::-1], features, settings, query, fmt) try: req = urllib2.Request(url) req.add_header('Accept-encoding', 'gzip') response = urllib2.urlopen(req) if'Content-Encoding') == 'gzip': buf = StringIO( compr = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf) data = else: data = response.close() except: data = '' return data ```
{ "source": "jpsxlr8/Self-Driving-Car", "score": 3 }
#### File: jpsxlr8/Self-Driving-Car/ ```python import csv import numpy as np from google.colab import files import os import zipfile import random import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import RMSprop from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator from shutil import copyfile import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import cv2 from tqdm import tqdm from keras import optimizers from keras.utils import to_categorical from google.colab import drive drive.mount('/content/drive') #for second model local_zip = '/content/drive/My Drive/' zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(local_zip, 'r') zip_ref.extractall('/content') zip_ref.close() DATADIR = "/content/drive/My Drive/data/photo" CATEGORIES = ["1","2","3","new"] for category in CATEGORIES: # do dogs and cats path = os.path.join(DATADIR,category) # create path to dogs and cats for img in os.listdir(path): # iterate over each image per dogs and cats img_array = cv2.imread(os.path.join(path,img) ,cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) # convert to array plt.imshow(img_array, cmap='gray') # graph it # display! break # we just want one for now so break break print(img_array) print(img_array.shape) #TO CHANGE THE SIZE OF IMAGE IMG_SIZE = 250 new_array = cv2.resize(img_array, (IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE)) plt.imshow(new_array, cmap='gray') source_images_m1 = [] source_path_m1 = [] DATADIR = "/content/drive/My Drive/data/photo" def create_source_data(): for category in CATEGORIES: # do dogs and cats path = os.path.join(DATADIR,category) # create path to dogs and cats class_num = CATEGORIES.index(category) # get the classification (0 or a 1). 0=dog 1=cat for img in tqdm(os.listdir(path)): img_array = cv2.imread(os.path.join(path,img) ,cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) new_array = cv2.resize(img_array, (IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE)) new_array = np.array(new_array).astype('float32') / 255. source_images_m1.append(new_array) source_path_m1.append(class_num) create_source_data() print(len(source_images_m1)) print(len(source_path_m1)) source_path_m1 = np.array(source_path_m1) i = 0 while(i<6074): if source_path_m1[i] == 2 && source_path_m1[i] == 3: source_path_m1[i] = 1 if source_path_m1[i] == 5 && source_path_m1[i] == 6 : source_path_m1[i] = 2 if source_path_m1[i] == 6 && : source_path_m1[i] = 3 if source_path_m1[i] == 8 : source_path_m1[i] = 4 i = i+1 print(len(source_path_m1)) #for second model source_images_m2 = [] source_path_m2 = [] def create_source_data(): for category in CATEGORIES(2): # do dogs and cats path = os.path.join(DATADIR(2),category) # create path to dogs and cats class_num = CATEGORIES(2).index(category) # get the classification (0 or a 1). 0=dog 1=cat for img in tqdm(os.listdir(path)): # iterate over each image per dogs and cats try: img_array = cv2.imread(os.path.join(path,img) ,cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) # convert to array new_array = cv2.resize(img_array, (IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE)) # resize to normalize data size source_images_m2.append(new_array) source_path_m2.append(class_num)# add this to our training_data except Exception as e: # in the interest in keeping the output clean... pass #except OSError as e: # print("OSErrroBad img most likely", e, os.path.join(path,img)) #except Exception as e: # print("general exception", e, os.path.join(path,img)) create_source_data() print(len(source_images_m2)) print(len(source_path_m2)) X = np.array(source_images_m1) Y = np.array(source_path_m1) # print(source_images_m1[1]) # print(source_path_m1) from keras.utils import to_categorical Y = to_categorical(Y , num_classes = 4) print(X.shape) print(Y.shape) #source_images_m2 = np.array(source_images_m2) #source_path_m2 = np.array(source_path_m2) #print(source_images_m2.shape) #print(source_path_m2.shape) #print(source_images_m2[1]) #print(source_path_m2) #print(b[1,0]) #training_images = np.array(b[:,0]) import sklearn.model_selection as model_selection X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = model_selection.train_test_split(X, Y, train_size=0.9,test_size=0.1) # print ("X_train_m1: ", X_train_m1) # print ("y_train_m1: ", y_train_m1) # print ("X_test_m1: ", X_test_m1) # print ("y_test_m1: ", y_test_m1) # print (X_train_m1.shape) #X_train: [4, 9, 3, 5, 7, 6, 1] #y_train: [16, 81, 9, 25, 49, 36, 1] #X_test: [8, 2, 0] #y_test: [64, 4, 0] #X_train_m2, X_test_m2, y_train_m2, y_test_m2 = model_selection.train_test_split(source_images_m2, source_path_m2, train_size=0.9,test_size=0.1, random_state=101) #print ("X_train_m2: ", X_train_m2) #print ("y_train_m2: ", y_train_m2) #print ("X_test_m2: ", X_test_m2) #print ("y_test_m2: ", y_test_m2) #print (X_train_m2.shape) X_train = np.expand_dims(X_train, axis=3) X_test = np.expand_dims(X_test, axis=3) # print(X_train_m1_images.shape) # print(X_test_m1_images.shape) #print(X_train_m2_images.shape) #print(X_test_m2_images.shape) print(y_test.shape) print(X_test.shape) from keras import optimizers from keras import regularizers from keras.layers import Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, Dense, Dropout, Flatten, BatchNormalization from keras.models import Sequential model = Sequential() model.add(Conv2D(16 , kernel_size = (3,3) , strides = (1,1) , activation = 'relu' , padding = 'same' , input_shape = (250,250,1))) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size = (2,2))) model.add(BatchNormalization()) # model.add(Conv2D(32 , kernel_size = (3,3) , strides = (1,1) , activation = 'relu' , padding = 'same')) # model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size = (2,2))) # model.add(BatchNormalization()) # model.add(Conv2D(64 , kernel_size = (3,3) , strides = (1,1) , activation = 'relu' , padding = 'same' )) # model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size = (2,2))) # model.add(BatchNormalization()) model.add(Flatten()) # model.add(Dense(1024 , activation = 'relu')) # model.add(BatchNormalization()) # model.add(Dropout(0.25)) model.add(Dense(128 , activation = 'relu')) model.add(BatchNormalization()) model.add(Dropout(0.25)) model.add(Dense(4 , activation = 'softmax')) sgd = optimizers.SGD(lr=0.0001, decay=1e-4, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True) model.compile(loss= 'categorical_crossentropy' , optimizer="sgd", metrics=["accuracy"]) # history = model.fit_generator(train_datagen.flow(X_train_m1_images, y_train_m1, batch_size=32), # steps_per_epoch=len(X_train_m1_images) / 32, # epochs=15, # validation_data=validation_datagen.flow(X_test_m1_images, y_test_m1, batch_size=32), # validation_steps=len(X_test_m1_images) / 32) history = , y_train , epochs = 10 , batch_size = 16 , validation_split = 0.2) acc = model.evaluate(X_test , y_test) acc import matplotlib.pyplot as plt acc = history.history['acc'] val_acc = history.history['val_acc'] loss = history.history['loss'] val_loss = history.history['val_loss'] epochs = range(len(acc)) plt.plot(epochs, acc, 'r', label='Training accuracy') plt.plot(epochs, val_acc, 'b', label='Validation accuracy') plt.title('Training and validation accuracy') plt.legend() plt.figure() plt.plot(epochs, loss, 'r', label='Training Loss') plt.plot(epochs, val_loss, 'b', label='Validation Loss') plt.title('Training and validation loss') plt.legend() rounded_prediction = model.predict_classes(X_test) print(rounded_prediction)'/content/drive/My Drive/signimage5.h5') from keras.models import load_model m = load_model('/content/drive/My Drive/signimage.h5') import numpy as np import keras from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Flatten from keras.layers import Conv2D, MaxPooling2D from keras.optimizers import SGD model = Sequential() # input: 100x100 images with 3 channels -> (100, 100, 3) tensors. # this applies 32 convolution filters of size 3x3 each. model.add(Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='relu', input_shape=(100, 100, 3))) model.add(Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='relu')) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) model.add(Dropout(0.25)) model.add(Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu')) model.add(Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu')) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) model.add(Dropout(0.25)) model.add(Flatten()) model.add(Dense(256, activation='relu')) model.add(Dropout(0.5)) model.add(Dense(10, activation='softmax')) sgd = optimizers.SGD(lr=0.1, decay=1e-4, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True) model.compile(loss= 'sparse_categorical_crossentropy' , optimizer="sgd", metrics=["accuracy"]) history = model.fit_generator(train_datagen.flow(X_train_m2_images, y_train_m2, batch_size=32), steps_per_epoch=len(X_train_m2_images) / 32, epochs=15, validation_data=validation_datagen.flow(X_test_m2_images, y_test_m2, batch_size=32), validation_steps=len(X_test_m2_images) / 32) model.evaluate(X_test_m2_images, y_test_m2) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt acc = history.history['acc'] val_acc = history.history['val_acc'] loss = history.history['loss'] val_loss = history.history['val_loss'] epochs = range(len(acc)) plt.plot(epochs, acc, 'r', label='Training accuracy') plt.plot(epochs, val_acc, 'b', label='Validation accuracy') plt.title('Training and validation accuracy') plt.legend() plt.figure() plt.plot(epochs, loss, 'r', label='Training Loss') plt.plot(epochs, val_loss, 'b', label='Validation Loss') plt.title('Training and validation loss') plt.legend() from IPython.display import display, Javascript from google.colab.output import eval_js from base64 import b64decode def take_photo(filename='photo.jpg', quality=0.8): js = Javascript(''' async function takePhoto(quality) { const div = document.createElement('div'); const capture = document.createElement('button'); capture.textContent = 'Capture'; div.appendChild(capture); const video = document.createElement('video'); = 'block'; const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: true}); document.body.appendChild(div); div.appendChild(video); video.srcObject = stream; await; // Resize the output to fit the video element. google.colab.output.setIframeHeight(document.documentElement.scrollHeight, true); // Wait for Capture to be clicked. await new Promise((resolve) => capture.onclick = resolve); const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = video.videoWidth; canvas.height = video.videoHeight; canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(video, 0, 0); stream.getVideoTracks()[0].stop(); div.remove(); return canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', quality); } ''') display(js) data = eval_js('takePhoto({})'.format(quality)) binary = b64decode(data.split(',')[1]) with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(binary) return filename from IPython.display import Image try: filename = take_photo() print('Saved to {}'.format(filename)) # Show the image which was just taken. display(Image(filename)) except Exception as err: # Errors will be thrown if the user does not have a webcam or if they do not # grant the page permission to access it. print(str(err)) ```
{ "source": "JPTa/g81-to-heatmap-relative", "score": 2 }
#### File: JPTa/g81-to-heatmap-relative/ ```python g81_output_raw = """ 0.33000 0.29435 0.25157 0.20167 0.14463 0.08046 0.00917 0.30509 0.28572 0.25841 0.22315 0.17995 0.12881 0.06972 0.27731 0.27026 0.25516 0.23204 0.20087 0.16168 0.11444 0.24667 0.24796 0.24185 0.22833 0.20741 0.17907 0.14333 0.21315 0.21884 0.21847 0.21204 0.19955 0.18100 0.15639 0.17676 0.18288 0.18501 0.18315 0.17729 0.16745 0.15361 0.13750 0.14009 0.14148 0.14167 0.14065 0.13843 0.13500 """ import re # Define your regex rules here depending on how # your raw output looks. Ultimately, you want to # arrive at several lines of comma separated # float values, so split() works well later. g81_output_parsed = re.sub(r"\n[ ]+", "\n", g81_output_raw.strip()) # No need to edit anything below this :) # import datetime import numpy as np from numpy import radians as rad import matplotlib from matplotlib.patches import Arc, RegularPolygon import matplotlib.image as mpimg # Tell matplotlib to not worry about DISPLAY matplotlib.use('Agg') # Import pyplot as plt for ease of use import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Draw arc arrow def arcArrow(ax,radius,centX,centY,direction='ccw',color_='black'): angle_ = 165 # Line arc = Arc([centX,centY],radius,radius,angle=angle_, theta1=205,capstyle='round',linestyle='-',lw=3,color=color_) ax.add_patch(arc) dir = 1 if direction == 'cw': dir = -1 # Create the arrow head endX=centX+(radius/2)*dir*np.cos(rad(angle_)) #Do trig to determine end position endY=centY+(radius/2)*np.sin(rad(angle_)) ax.add_patch( RegularPolygon( (endX, endY), 3, # triangle radius/5, # radius dir*rad(360+angle_), # orientation color=color_ ) ) ax.set_xlim([centX-radius,centY+radius]) and ax.set_ylim([centY-radius,centY+radius]) # Calculate how many degrees to turn per distance def dist2deg(distance): screw_pitch = 0.5 return str(int(round(distance / screw_pitch * 360))) + "°" # Add adjustment points def addAdjuster(ax,x,y,z): if z < 0: z_marker = '_' z_mcolor = 'r' dir = 'ccw' elif z > 0: z_marker = '+' z_mcolor = 'g' dir = 'cw' plt.plot(x, y, z_marker, color=z_mcolor) plt.text(x, y-9, dist2deg(z), ha="center", va="center", bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", facecolor="white", lw=.75, alpha=.65) ) arcArrow(ax,15,x,y,dir,z_mcolor) # We're about to convert these strings into floats, # this list will hold onto those. g81_list_of_lists = [] # Split our regex corrected output by line, then # split each line by its commas and convert the # string values to floats. for line in g81_output_parsed.splitlines(): g81_list_of_lists.append([float(i) for i in re.split(r"[ ]+", line)]) g81_xyz_list_of_lists = [] row_count = 0 col_count = 0 x_size = 250 y_size = 210 # These values come from mesh_bed_calibration.cpp ZERO_REF_X = 2 ZERO_REF_Y = 9.4 sheet_margin_front = 24.5 sheet_margin_back = 16.5 sheet_left_x = 0 sheet_right_x = sheet_left_x + x_size sheet_front_y = -(sheet_margin_front) sheet_back_y = sheet_front_y + y_size + sheet_margin_front + sheet_margin_back left_probe_bed_position = 38.5 - ZERO_REF_X front_probe_bed_position = 18.4 - ZERO_REF_Y right_probe_bed_position = 243.5 - ZERO_REF_X back_probe_bed_position = 210.4 - ZERO_REF_Y x_inc = (right_probe_bed_position - left_probe_bed_position) / 6 y_inc = (back_probe_bed_position - front_probe_bed_position) / 6 x_vals = np.zeros(7) y_vals = np.zeros(7) z_vals = np.zeros(shape=(7,7)) center_z = g81_list_of_lists[3][3]; for col in g81_list_of_lists: for val in col: x_vals[col_count] = col_count*x_inc + left_probe_bed_position y_vals[row_count] = row_count*y_inc + front_probe_bed_position z_vals[col_count][row_count] = val - center_z row_count = row_count + 1 col_count = col_count + 1 row_count = 0 # Set figure and gca objects, this will let us # adjust things about our heatmap image as well # as adjust axes label locations. fig = plt.figure(dpi=96, figsize=(10, 8)) ax = plt.gca() for x in x_vals: for y in y_vals: plt.plot(x, y, '.', color='k') # Show bolt adjustment values # Bolt location Y values inverted x_points = [16.7, 0, 0, 125.4, 0, 0, 228.8] y_points = [210.4, 0, 0, 105.6, 0, 0, 0.8] y_vals_r = list(reversed(y_vals)) output_mm_txt = "\nMeasured distances (in mm):" output_deg_txt = "\n\nBolt adjustments (in degrees):" for y in [0, 3, 6]: output_mm_txt = output_mm_txt + "\n" output_deg_txt = output_deg_txt + "\n" for x in [0, 3, 6]: z_val = round(z_vals[y][x], 3) output_mm_txt = output_mm_txt + "\t" + str(z_val) output_deg_txt = output_deg_txt + "\t" + dist2deg(z_val) if x == 3 and y == 3: marker = '*' mcolor = 'g' msize = 15 else: marker = 'o' mcolor = 'b' msize = 10 # Draw marker plt.plot(x_vals[x], y_vals[y], marker, color=mcolor, linewidth=1, markersize=msize) # Add label for markers if z_val: ecolor = "red" box = "larrow" y_off = x_off = 25 rot = 45 if y == 0: rot = -45 y_off = -(y_off) if x == 3: rot = 90 x_off = 0 y_off = 25 if y == 0: y_off = -(y_off) box = "rarrow" if x == 6: box = "rarrow" rot = -(rot) x_off = -(x_off) if z_val > 0: ecolor = "blue" plt.text(x_vals[x] + x_off, y_vals_r[y] + y_off, str(round(z_val,3)), ha="center", va="center", rotation=rot, bbox=dict(boxstyle=box + ",pad=.4", facecolor="white", lw=2, edgecolor=ecolor, alpha=.60) ) addAdjuster(ax, x_points[x], y_points[y], z_val) # Print results as text to stdout print(output_mm_txt + output_deg_txt) # Select color theme cmap_theme ="RdBu") contour = plt.contourf(x_vals, y_vals[::-1], z_vals, alpha=.90, antialiased=True, cmap=cmap_theme) img = mpimg.imread('Heatbed-MK52.png') #img = mpimg.imread('mk52_steel_sheet.png') plt.imshow(img, extent=[sheet_left_x, sheet_right_x, sheet_front_y, sheet_back_y], interpolation="lanczos", cmap=cmap_theme) ax.set_xlim(left=0, right=x_size) ax.set_ylim(bottom=0, top=y_size) # Set various options about the graph image before # we generate it. Things like labeling the axes and # colorbar, and setting the X axis label/ticks to # the top to better match the G81 output. plt.title("Mesh Level: " +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) plt.axis('image') ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.colorbar(contour, label="Bed Level (mm) Maximum variance: " + str(round(z_vals.max() - z_vals.min(), 3))) # Save our graph as an image in the current directory. fig.savefig('g81_heatmap.png', bbox_inches="tight") ```
{ "source": "jptarqu/PhillipiansProxy", "score": 3 }
#### File: python/predictor/ ```python import os import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.keras.applications.resnet50 import ResNet50 from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing import image from tensorflow.keras.applications.resnet50 import preprocess_input, decode_predictions import numpy as np import onnxruntime import tf2onnx import onnxruntime as rt # image preprocessing def predictImg(img_path): img_size = 224 img = image.load_img(img_path, target_size=(img_size, img_size)) x = image.img_to_array(img) x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0) x = preprocess_input(x) # load keras model #from keras.applications.resnet50 import ResNet50 #model = ResNet50(include_top=True, weights='imagenet') # convert to onnx model #onnx_model = keras2onnx.convert_keras(model, output_path = "E:\\OneDrive\\sources\\PhillipiansProxy\\python\\predictor\\model.onnx" # runtime prediction providers = ['CPUExecutionProvider'] m = rt.InferenceSession(output_path, providers=providers) onnx_pred =['prediction'], {"input": x}) for pred in onnx_pred[0][0]: print('%.4f' %pred) predictImg('E:\\test\\s1.JPG') print('-----------------') predictImg('E:\\test\\test3.jpg') # print(onnx_pred[0][0]) # print('ONNX Predicted:', decode_predictions(onnx_pred[0], top=3)[0]) ```
{ "source": "JP-Tek-Services/open_weather_radio", "score": 3 }
#### File: root/scripts/ ```python import argparse import json import sys import paho.mqtt.client as mqttClient import time import os import sched, time import datetime; timesec = 60 sleep = 1 s = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep) global Connected Connected = False #Unervisal Alert def build_alert( TYPE="online", MSG="", ORG="", EEE="", PSSCCC="", TTTT="", JJJHHMM="", LLLLLLLL="", LANG="" ): #Build alert array alert = { "alert": TYPE, "attr": { "message": ' '.join(MSG.split()), "org": ORG, "event_code": EEE, "location_codes": PSSCCC, "purge_time": TTTT, "utc_purge_time": JJJHHMM, "station_callsign": LLLLLLLL, "language": LANG, "last_push": } } return alert #Setup MQTT Client def mqtt_connect(): #MQTT Server config broker_address = os.getenv('mqttsvr') port = int(os.getenv('mqttport')) user = os.getenv('mqttusr') password = os.getenv('<PASSWORD>') client = mqttClient.Client("open_weather_radio") #create new instance client.username_pw_set(user, password=password) #set username and password client.on_connect = on_connect #attach function to callback client.connect(broker_address, port=port) #connect to broker client.loop_start() #start the loop while Connected != True: #Wait for connection time.sleep(0.1) return client def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc): if rc == 0: print(,"- MQTT broker Connected") global Connected Connected = True #Signal connection else: print(,"- MQTT broker Connection failed") #MQTT Client Disconnect def mqtt_disconnect(client): client.disconnect(print(,"- MQTT Client disconnected")) client.loop_stop() global Connected Connected = False #MQTT status topic def owr_status(): while True: try: client = mqtt_connect() print(,"- Sending MQTT online") client.publish("open_weather_radio/status","online") client.publish("open_weather_radio/alerts",json.dumps(build_alert())) mqtt_disconnect(client) time.sleep(300) except Exception as e: print("somethin went wrong: " + str(e)) #Send SAME message when triggered def owr_send_alert(): #Alert values TYPE = sys.argv[1] MSG = sys.argv[2] ORG = sys.argv[3] EEE = sys.argv[4] PSSCCC = sys.argv[5] TTTT = sys.argv[6] JJJHHMM = sys.argv[7] LLLLLLLL = sys.argv[8] LANG = sys.argv[9] print(TYPE, MSG, ORG, EEE, PSSCCC, TTTT, JJJHHMM, LLLLLLLL, LANG) #Send via mqtt client = mqtt_connect() print(,"- Sending EAS Alert via MQTT") client.publish("open_weather_radio/status","online") client.publish("open_weather_radio/alerts",json.dumps(build_alert(TYPE, MSG, ORG, EEE, PSSCCC, TTTT, JJJHHMM, LLLLLLLL, LANG))) mqtt_disconnect(client) #main if sys.argv[1] == 'status': owr_status() else: owr_send_alert() ```
{ "source": "jpt/Glyphs-Scripts", "score": 3 }
#### File: Glyphs-Scripts/App/Copy Download URL for Current App ```python from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals __doc__=""" Puts the download URL of the current Glyphs app version into your clipboard for easy pasting. """ from AppKit import NSPasteboard, NSStringPboardType def setClipboard( myText ): """ Sets the contents of the clipboard to myText. Returns True if successful, False if unsuccessful. """ try: myClipboard = NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard() myClipboard.declareTypes_owner_( [NSStringPboardType], None ) myClipboard.setString_forType_( myText, NSStringPboardType ) return True except Exception as e: return False appURL = "" % ( Glyphs.versionString, Glyphs.buildNumber, ) if not setClipboard(appURL): print("Warning: could not set clipboard to %s" % ( "clipboard text" )) Message(title="Clipboard Error", message="Could not set the clipboard for whatever reason, so here is the URL:\n%s"%appURL, OKButton=None) else: # Floating notification: Glyphs.showNotification( "Download link copied", "Ready for pasting: %s"%appURL, ) ``` #### File: Glyphs-Scripts/Components/Find and Replace Cap and Corner ```python from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals __doc__=""" Replaces Caps/Corners in all selected glyphs. """ import vanilla class FindAndReplaceCorners( object ): def __init__( self ): # Window 'self.w': windowWidth = 340 windowHeight = 135 self.w = vanilla.Window( ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # default window size "Replace Corners", # window title minSize = ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # minimum size (for resizing) maxSize = ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # maximum size (for resizing) autosaveName = "com.mekkablue.FindAndReplaceCorners.mainwindow" # stores last window position and size ) thisFont = Glyphs.font self.corners = self.allCorners(thisFont) # UI elements: margin = 25 self.w.textSearch = vanilla.TextBox((margin+5, 12+2, 80, 18), "Find:") self.w.searchFor = vanilla.PopUpButton((margin+80, 12, -margin, 22), self.corners) self.w.textReplace = vanilla.TextBox((margin, 32+12+2, 80, 18), "Replace with:") self.w.replaceBy = vanilla.PopUpButton((margin+80, 32+12, -margin, 22), self.corners) self.w.replaceButton = vanilla.Button((-70 - margin, 63+12+1, -margin, 22), "Replace", callback=self.FindAndReplaceCornersMain) self.w.setDefaultButton( self.w.replaceButton ) # Load Settings: if not self.LoadPreferences(): print("Note: 'Replace Corners' could not load preferences. Will resort to defaults") # Open window and focus on it: self.w.makeKey() def SavePreferences( self, sender ): try: Glyphs.defaults["com.mekkablue.FindAndReplaceCorners.searchFor"] = self.w.searchFor.get() Glyphs.defaults["com.mekkablue.FindAndReplaceCorners.replaceBy"] = self.w.replaceBy.get() except: return False return True def LoadPreferences( self ): try: self.w.searchFor.set( Glyphs.defaults["com.mekkablue.FindAndReplaceCorners.searchFor"] ) self.w.replaceBy.set( Glyphs.defaults["com.mekkablue.FindAndReplaceCorners.replaceBy"] ) except: return False return True def allCorners(self, font): corners = [] for g in font.glyphs: if"_corner.") or"_cap."): corners.append( return corners def FindAndReplaceCornersMain( self, sender ): try: if not self.SavePreferences( self ): print("Note: 'Replace Corners' could not write preferences.") searchString = self.corners[self.w.searchFor.get()] replaceString = self.corners[self.w.replaceBy.get()] # print "__searchString", searchString, " replaceString", replaceString if len(searchString) < 2 or not (searchString.startswith("_cap.") or searchString.startswith("_corner.")): Message("Invalid search", "A string needs to given and it has to start with '_cap.' or '_corner.'") return thisFont = Glyphs.font # frontmost font listOfSelectedLayers = thisFont.selectedLayers # active layers of currently selected glyphs newCornerGlyph = thisFont.glyphs[replaceString] if newCornerGlyph is None: Message("Missing Glyph", "Could not find glyph: \"%s\"" % replaceString) return for thisLayer in listOfSelectedLayers: # loop through layers for thisHint in thisLayer.hints: if thisHint.type == CORNER or thisHint.type == CAP: if == searchString: thisHint.setName_(replaceString) print(" %s" % ( )) # displayReportString = True # if displayReportString: # Glyphs.showMacroWindow() self.w.close() # delete if you want window to stay open except Exception as e: # brings macro window to front and reports error: import traceback print(traceback.format_exc()) Glyphs.showMacroWindow() # brings macro window to front and clears its log: Glyphs.clearLog() FindAndReplaceCorners() ``` #### File: Glyphs-Scripts/Kerning/KernCrash Current ```python Current #MenuTitle: KernCrash Current Glyph # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals __doc__=""" Opens a new tab containing kerning combos with the current glyph that collide in the current fontmaster. """ from AppKit import NSNotFound, NSAffineTransform from kernanalysis import effectiveKerning exceptions=""" .notdef Ldot ldot Jacute jacute periodcentered.loclCAT currency emptyset infinity integral product summation radical partialdiff lozenge paragraph asciicircum """ # def effectiveKerning( leftGlyphName, rightGlyphName, thisFont, thisFontMasterID): # leftLayer = thisFont.glyphs[leftGlyphName].layers[thisFontMasterID] # rightLayer = thisFont.glyphs[rightGlyphName].layers[thisFontMasterID] # if Glyphs.versionNumber < 3: # effectiveKerning = leftLayer.rightKerningForLayer_( rightLayer ) # else: # effectiveKerning = leftLayer.nextKerningForLayer_direction_(rightLayer, leftLayer.parent.direction) # if effectiveKerning < NSNotFound: # return effectiveKerning # else: # return 0.0 def pathCountOnLayer( thisLayer ): thisLayer.removeOverlap() return len( thisLayer.paths ) def pathCount( thisGlyph, thisFontMasterID ): thisLayer = thisGlyph.layers[thisFontMasterID].copyDecomposedLayer() return pathCountOnLayer(thisLayer) def pathCountForGlyphName( glyphName, thisFont, thisFontMasterID ): thisGlyph = thisFont.glyphs[glyphName] return pathCount( thisGlyph, thisFontMasterID ) def pathCountInKernPair( firstGlyphName, secondGlyphName, thisFont, thisFontMasterID, minDistance ): #ligatureName = "%s_%s" % ( nameUntilFirstPeriod(firstGlyphName), nameUntilFirstPeriod(secondGlyphName) ) #newGlyph = thisFont.newGlyphWithName_changeName_( "_deleteMe", False ) ligatureLayer = thisFont.glyphs[secondGlyphName].layers[thisFontMasterID].copyDecomposedLayer() addedLayer = thisFont.glyphs[firstGlyphName].layers[thisFontMasterID].copyDecomposedLayer() # position of right component: kerning = effectiveKerning( firstGlyphName, secondGlyphName, thisFont, thisFontMasterID ) rightShift = NSAffineTransform.transform() rightShift.translateXBy_yBy_( addedLayer.width + kerning - minDistance, 0.0 ) ligatureLayer.transform_checkForSelection_( rightShift, False ) for addedPath in addedLayer.paths: if Glyphs.versionNumber < 3: ligatureLayer.addPath_( addedPath.copy() ) else: ligatureLayer.addShape_( addedPath.copy() ) return pathCountOnLayer( ligatureLayer ) try: # query frontmost fontmaster: thisFont = Glyphs.font thisFontMaster = thisFont.selectedFontMaster thisFontMasterID = if not thisFont.selectedLayers: Message(title="No glyph selected", message="The script could not determine the current glyph. Please select a glyph and try again.", OKButton=None) else: thisGlyph = thisFont.selectedLayers[0].parent # brings macro window to front and clears its log: Glyphs.clearLog() Glyphs.showMacroWindow() print("KernCrash Current Glyph Report for %s, master %s:\n" % (thisFont.familyName, # get list of glyph names: currentGlyphName = exceptionList = exceptions.split() completeSet = [ for g in thisFont.glyphs if g.export and not in exceptionList # excluded glyphs, list at beginning of this .py and g.subCategory != "Nonspacing" # no combining accents ] # get pathcounts for every glyph: pathCountDict = {} for thisGlyphName in completeSet: pathCountDict[thisGlyphName] = pathCountForGlyphName( thisGlyphName, thisFont, thisFontMasterID ) # all possible kern pairs: tabStringLeftGlyphs = [] tabStringRightGlyphs = [] for otherGlyphName in completeSet: firstCount = pathCountDict[currentGlyphName] secondCount = pathCountDict[otherGlyphName] # current glyph on left side: kernCount = pathCountInKernPair( currentGlyphName, otherGlyphName, thisFont, thisFontMasterID, 0.0 ) if firstCount + secondCount > kernCount: tabStringLeftGlyphs.append(otherGlyphName) # += "/%s/%s/space" % ( firstGlyphName, secondGlyphName ) # current glyph on left side: kernCount = pathCountInKernPair( otherGlyphName, currentGlyphName, thisFont, thisFontMasterID, 0.0 ) if firstCount + secondCount > kernCount: tabStringRightGlyphs.append(otherGlyphName) #tabStringLeft += "/%s/%s/space" % ( firstGlyphName, secondGlyphName ) # open new Edit tab: if tabStringLeftGlyphs or tabStringRightGlyphs: Glyphs.showNotification('KernCrash Current Glyph', 'Some kerning crashes have been found.') # opens new Edit tab: tabStrings = [] if tabStringLeftGlyphs: inBetween = " /%s/" % currentGlyphName tabStrings.append( "/%s/"%currentGlyphName + inBetween.join(tabStringLeftGlyphs) ) print("Colliding glyphs when %s is on the LEFT:\n%s\n" % ( currentGlyphName, " ".join(tabStringLeftGlyphs) )) if tabStringRightGlyphs: inBetween = "/%s /" % currentGlyphName tabStrings.append( "/" + inBetween.join(tabStringRightGlyphs) + "/%s"%currentGlyphName ) print("Colliding glyphs when %s is on the RIGHT:\n%s\n" % ( currentGlyphName, " ".join(tabStringRightGlyphs) )) thisFont.newTab( "\n\n".join(tabStrings) ) # Floating notification: Glyphs.showNotification( "KernCrashed %s, master ‘%s’" % (thisFont.familyName,, "Found %i kerning collisions with %s. Details in Macro Window" % ( len(tabStringRightGlyphs)+len(tabStringLeftGlyphs), currentGlyphName ), ) # or report that nothing was found: else: # Floating notification: Glyphs.showNotification( "KernCrashed %s, master ‘%s’:" % (thisFont.familyName,, "No collisions found for %s." % currentGlyphName, ) except Exception as e: Message("KernCrash Error", "KernCrash Current Glyph Error: %s\nTraceback in Macro Window." % e, OKButton=None) import traceback print(traceback.format_exc()) print(pathCountDict) ``` #### File: Glyphs-Scripts/Kerning/Remove all kerning ```python from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals __doc__=""" Removes all kernings glyph-glyph, group-glyph, and glyph-group; only keeps group-group kerning. """ import vanilla class RemoveKerningExceptions( object ): prefDomain = "com.mekkablue.RemoveKerningExceptions" def __init__( self ): # Window 'self.w': windowWidth = 300 windowHeight = 160 windowWidthResize = 100 # user can resize width by this value windowHeightResize = 0 # user can resize height by this value self.w = vanilla.FloatingWindow( ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # default window size "Remove Kerning Exceptions", # window title minSize = ( windowWidth, windowHeight ), # minimum size (for resizing) maxSize = ( windowWidth + windowWidthResize, windowHeight + windowHeightResize ), # maximum size (for resizing) autosaveName = "%s.mainwindow"%self.prefDomain # stores last window position and size ) # UI elements: linePos, inset, lineHeight = 12, 15, 22 self.w.glyphGlyph = vanilla.CheckBox( (inset, linePos-1, -inset, 20), "Remove 🅰️🅰️ glyph-to-glyph pairs", value=True, callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' ) linePos += lineHeight self.w.glyphGroup = vanilla.CheckBox( (inset, linePos-1, -inset, 20), "Remove 🅰️🔠 glyph-to-group pairs", value=True, callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' ) linePos += lineHeight self.w.groupGlyph = vanilla.CheckBox( (inset, linePos-1, -inset, 20), "Remove 🔠🅰️ group-to-glyph pairs", value=True, callback=self.SavePreferences, sizeStyle='small' ) linePos += lineHeight self.w.removeOnMastersText = vanilla.TextBox( (inset, linePos+2, 70, 14), "Remove on:", sizeStyle='small', selectable=True ) self.w.removeOnMasters = vanilla.PopUpButton( (inset+70, linePos, -inset, 17), ("current master", "⚠️ all masters of current font", "⚠️ all masters of ⚠️ all open fonts"), sizeStyle='small', callback=self.SavePreferences ) linePos += lineHeight # Run Button: self.w.runButton = vanilla.Button( (-100-inset, -20-inset, -inset, -inset), "Remove", sizeStyle='regular', callback=self.RemoveKerningExceptionsMain ) self.w.setDefaultButton( self.w.runButton ) # Load Settings: if not self.LoadPreferences(): print("Note: 'Remove Kerning Exceptions' could not load preferences. Will resort to defaults") # Open window and focus on it: self.w.makeKey() def updateGUI(self, sender=None): anyOptionIsSelected = self.w.glyphGlyph.get() or self.w.glyphGroup.get() or self.w.groupGlyph.get() self.w.runButton.enable(anyOptionIsSelected) def domain(self, key): return "%s.%s" % (self.prefDomain, key) def preference(self, key): domain = self.domain(key) return Glyphs.defaults[domain] def SavePreferences( self, sender=None ): try: # write current settings into prefs: Glyphs.defaults[self.domain("glyphGlyph")] = self.w.glyphGlyph.get() Glyphs.defaults[self.domain("glyphGroup")] = self.w.glyphGroup.get() Glyphs.defaults[self.domain("groupGlyph")] = self.w.groupGlyph.get() Glyphs.defaults[self.domain("removeOnMasters")] = self.w.removeOnMasters.get() self.updateGUI() return True except: import traceback print(traceback.format_exc()) return False def LoadPreferences( self ): try: # register defaults: Glyphs.registerDefault(self.domain("glyphGlyph"), 1) Glyphs.registerDefault(self.domain("glyphGroup"), 1) Glyphs.registerDefault(self.domain("groupGlyph"), 1) Glyphs.registerDefault(self.domain("removeOnMasters"), 0) # load previously written prefs: self.w.glyphGlyph.set( self.preference("glyphGlyph") ) self.w.glyphGroup.set( self.preference("glyphGroup") ) self.w.groupGlyph.set( self.preference("groupGlyph") ) self.w.removeOnMasters.set( self.preference("removeOnMasters") ) return True except: import traceback print(traceback.format_exc()) return False def RemoveKerningExceptionsMain( self, sender=None ): try: # clear macro window log: Glyphs.clearLog() # update settings to the latest user input: if not self.SavePreferences(): print("Note: 'Remove Kerning Exceptions' could not write preferences.") thisFont = Glyphs.font # frontmost font if thisFont is None: Message(title="No Font Open", message="The script requires at least one font. Open a font and run the script again.", OKButton=None) else: glyphGlyph = self.preference("glyphGlyph") glyphGroup = self.preference("glyphGroup") groupGlyph = self.preference("groupGlyph") removeOnMasters = self.preference("removeOnMasters") if removeOnMasters==2: fonts = Glyphs.fonts allMasters = True else: fonts = (thisFont,) if removeOnMasters==0: allMasters = False else: allMasters = True for thisFont in fonts: print("\nRemoving kerning exceptions in: %s" % thisFont.familyName) if thisFont.filepath: print("📄 %s" % thisFont.filepath) else: print("⚠️ The font file has not been saved yet.") totalCount = 0 for thisMaster in thisFont.masters: if allMasters or thisMaster==thisFont.selectedFontMaster: pairsToBeRemoved = [] for leftSide in thisFont.kerning[].keys(): leftSideIsGlyph = not leftSide.startswith("@") for rightSide in thisFont.kerning[][leftSide].keys(): rightSideIsGlyph = not rightSide.startswith("@") removeGlyphGlyph = leftSideIsGlyph and rightSideIsGlyph and glyphGlyph removeGlyphGroup = leftSideIsGlyph and not rightSideIsGlyph and glyphGroup removeGroupGlyph = not leftSideIsGlyph and rightSideIsGlyph and groupGlyph if removeGroupGlyph or removeGlyphGroup or removeGlyphGlyph: pairsToBeRemoved.append( (leftSide, rightSide) ) countOfDeletions = len(pairsToBeRemoved) totalCount += countOfDeletions print("🚫 Removing %i pairs in master ‘%s’..." % ( countOfDeletions, for pair in pairsToBeRemoved: left, right = pair if not left.startswith("@"): left = thisFont.glyphForId_(left).name if not right.startswith("@"): right = thisFont.glyphForId_(right).name thisFont.removeKerningForPair(, left, right) # Final report: Glyphs.showNotification( "Removed %i Exceptions" % (totalCount), "Processed %i font%s. Details in Macro Window" % ( len(fonts), "" if len(fonts)!=1 else "s", ), ) print("\nDone.") except Exception as e: # brings macro window to front and reports error: Glyphs.showMacroWindow() print("Remove Kerning Exceptions Error: %s" % e) import traceback print(traceback.format_exc()) RemoveKerningExceptions() ```
{ "source": "jpthewes/Airbnb_Seattle_data_analysis", "score": 3 }
#### File: jpthewes/Airbnb_Seattle_data_analysis/ ```python import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.metrics import r2_score, mean_squared_error import seaborn as sns # numerical columns to drop NUM_DROP = ['id', 'listing_url', 'scrape_id', 'host_id', 'host_listings_count', 'host_total_listings_count', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'availability_30', 'availability_60', 'availability_90', 'availability_365', 'calculated_host_listings_count', 'security_deposit', 'reviews_per_month'] # categorical values to drop CAT_DROP = ['host_since', 'host_location', 'street', 'neighbourhood_cleansed', 'neighbourhood_group_cleansed', 'zipcode', 'country_code', 'requires_license', 'host_verifications', 'market', 'smart_location', 'amenities', 'calendar_updated', 'last_review', 'has_availability', 'country', 'last_scraped', 'name', 'summary', 'space', 'description', 'experiences_offered', 'neighborhood_overview', 'notes', 'transit', 'city', 'state', 'thumbnail_url', 'medium_url', 'picture_url', 'xl_picture_url', 'host_neighbourhood', 'host_url', 'host_name','host_about', 'host_thumbnail_url', 'host_picture_url','calendar_last_scraped', 'first_review', 'jurisdiction_names'] def coef_weights(coefficients, X_train): ''' INPUT: coefficients - the coefficients of the linear model X_train - the training data, so the column names can be used OUTPUT: coefs_df - a dataframe holding the coefficient, estimate, and abs(estimate) ''' coefs_df = pd.DataFrame() coefs_df['est_int'] = X_train.columns coefs_df['coefs'] = coefficients coefs_df['abs_coefs'] = np.abs(coefficients) coefs_df = coefs_df.sort_values('abs_coefs', ascending=False) return coefs_df def create_dummy_df(df, cat_cols, dummy_na): ''' INPUT: df - pandas dataframe with categorical variables you want to dummy cat_cols - list of strings that are associated with names of the categorical columns dummy_na - Bool holding whether you want to dummy NA vals of categorical columns or not OUTPUT: df - a new dataframe that has the following characteristics: 1. contains all columns that were not specified as categorical 2. removes all the original columns in cat_cols 3. dummy columns for each of the categorical columns in cat_cols 4. if dummy_na is True - it also contains dummy columns for the NaN values 5. Use a prefix of the column name with an underscore (_) for separating ''' for col in cat_cols: try: # for each cat add dummy var, drop original column df = pd.concat([df.drop(col, axis=1), pd.get_dummies(df[col], prefix=col, prefix_sep='_', drop_first=True, dummy_na=dummy_na)], axis=1) except: continue return df def remove_much_nans(df, rate_max=0.7): cols_to_drop = set(df.columns[df.isnull().mean()>rate_max]) print("dropping columns because of to many NaN Values:", cols_to_drop) df = df.drop(columns=cols_to_drop) return df def clean_data(df, response_value, extra_drop_for_X): ''' INPUT df - pandas dataframe OUTPUT X - A matrix holding all of the variables you want to consider when predicting the response y - the corresponding response vector ''' # EXTRA: make the prices a float64 type df['price'] = df['price'].str.replace(',','').str.replace('$','').astype('float') df['weekly_price'] = df['weekly_price'].str.replace(',','').str.replace('$','').astype('float') df['monthly_price'] = df['monthly_price'].str.replace(',','').str.replace('$','').astype('float') df['extra_people'] = df['extra_people'].str.replace(',','').str.replace('$','').astype('float') df['cleaning_fee'] = df['cleaning_fee'].str.replace(',','').str.replace('$','').astype('float') df['security_deposit'] = df['security_deposit'].str.replace(',','').str.replace('$','').astype('float') # make also float df['host_response_rate'] = df['host_response_rate'].str.replace('%','').astype('float') df['host_acceptance_rate'] = df['host_acceptance_rate'].str.replace('%','').astype('float') # 1-4: # remove rows where response value is missing df = df.dropna(subset=[response_value], axis=0) # remove columns without any values df = df.dropna(how='all', axis=1) # drop not useful columns for prediction df = df.drop(columns=NUM_DROP, axis=1) df = df.drop(columns=CAT_DROP, axis=1) df = remove_much_nans(df) # drop data which confuses the prediction / has not much meaning because of missing data num_df = df.select_dtypes(exclude=['object']) num_columns = num_df.columns df = df.dropna(subset=num_columns, thresh=len(num_columns)-2) df.to_csv("after_thresh_drop_dataframe.csv") # split off response dataframe y = df[response_value] # plot numerical graphs pre_plot(num_df) # drop response values from future X extra_drop_for_X.append(response_value) # drop also values which might be related to response value print(f"Excluding {extra_drop_for_X} from the model.") df = df.drop(columns=extra_drop_for_X, axis=1) # fill remaining NaN values of numerical columns with mean num_df = df.select_dtypes(exclude=['object']) num_columns = num_df.columns for col in num_columns: df[col].fillna((df[col].mean()), inplace=True) # take care of categorical columns cat_columns = df.select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns df = create_dummy_df(df, cat_columns, dummy_na=True) # save for overviiew of final dataframe df.to_csv("X_dataframe.csv") X = df return X, y def pre_plot(df): df.hist() sns.heatmap(df.corr(), annot=True, fmt=".2f") def fit_train_test_model(X, y, test_size=0.3, rand_state=42): # only use columns where more than a certain number of values are provided cutoff = 40 X = X.iloc[:, np.where((X.sum() > cutoff) == True)[0]] #Split into train and test X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=test_size, random_state=rand_state) lm_model = LinearRegression(normalize=True) # Instantiate, y_train) #Fit #Predict using your model y_test_preds = lm_model.predict(X_test) y_train_preds = lm_model.predict(X_train) #Score using your model test_score = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_test_preds) train_score = mean_squared_error(y_train, y_train_preds) return test_score, train_score, lm_model, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test def main(): """ This analysis aims to answer the following questions (Business Understanding): 1. What are the key factors determining the price of the appartments? 2. Will I be happier if I spend those extra dollars for the upgrade? For that, the price and rating scores of Airbnbs are used as a response value of a linear regression model. After training and testing the models, taking a look at the coefficients of the model should lead to answering to above questions. This can bring us a better Business Understanding through Data Science while following the CRISP-DM process (steps are commented in code)! """ df = pd.read_csv("data/listings.csv") # get an insight of the data --> CRISP-DM Data Understanding pre_plot(df) print("##################### Price") # --> CRISP-DM Data Preparation X,y = clean_data(df, "price", ['weekly_price', 'monthly_price']) #--> CRISP-DM Modeling and Evaluation test_score, train_score, lm_model, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = fit_train_test_model(X, y) print("The score on the test data is: ", test_score) print("The score on the training data is: ", train_score) print("These are the highest and lowest 20 coefficients:") coef_df = coef_weights(lm_model.coef_, X_train) print(coef_df.head(20)) print(coef_df.tail(20)) print("##################### Price w/o neighbourhood") df = pd.read_csv("data/listings.csv") # --> CRISP-DM Data Preparation X,y = clean_data(df, "price", ['weekly_price', 'monthly_price', 'neighbourhood']) #--> CRISP-DM Modeling and Evaluation test_score, train_score, lm_model, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = fit_train_test_model(X, y) print("The score on the test data is: ", test_score) print("The score on the training data is: ", train_score) print("These are the highest and lowest 20 coefficients:") coef_df = coef_weights(lm_model.coef_, X_train) print(coef_df.head(20)) print(coef_df.tail(20)) print("##################### Ratings") df = pd.read_csv("data/listings.csv") # --> CRISP-DM Data Preparation X,y = clean_data(df, 'review_scores_rating', ['review_scores_accuracy', 'review_scores_cleanliness', 'review_scores_checkin', 'review_scores_communication', 'review_scores_location', 'review_scores_value']) #--> CRISP-DM Modeling and Evaluation test_score, train_score, lm_model, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = fit_train_test_model(X, y) print("The score on the test data is: ", test_score) print("The score on the training data is: ", train_score) print("These are the highest and lowest 20 coefficients:") coef_df = coef_weights(lm_model.coef_, X_train) print(coef_df.head(20)) print(coef_df.tail(20)) if __name__ == "__main__": main() ```
{ "source": "jpthewes/SDC_behavioral_cloning", "score": 3 }
#### File: jpthewes/SDC_behavioral_cloning/ ```python import cv2 import os import csv import cv2 import numpy as np import sklearn from math import ceil from keras.models import Sequential, Model from keras.layers import Cropping2D, Flatten, Dense, Lambda, Convolution2D, Dropout from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from scipy import ndimage DATAPATH = '/home/workspace/full_round/' # read in driving_log samples = [] with open(DATAPATH + 'driving_log.csv') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile) for line in reader: samples.append(line) samples = samples[1:] # skip first line print("read in SAMPLES") # samle into training and validation set (20% is validation set) train_samples, validation_samples = train_test_split(samples, test_size=0.2) # use generator to get data on the fly while training the model def generator(samples, batch_size=32): num_samples = len(samples) batch_size = int(batch_size/3) # for 3 pictures(left, right, center) each iteration, therefore roughly keeping batch size while 1: # Loop forever so the generator never terminates sklearn.utils.shuffle(samples) for offset in range(0, num_samples, batch_size): batch_samples = samples[offset:offset+batch_size] images = [] angles = [] for batch_sample in batch_samples: center_name = os.path.join(DATAPATH , './IMG/' , batch_sample[0].split('/')[-1]) center_image = ndimage.imread(center_name) center_angle = float(batch_sample[3]) images.append(center_image) angles.append(center_angle) right_name = os.path.join(DATAPATH , './IMG/' , batch_sample[2].split('/')[-1]) right_image = ndimage.imread(right_name) right_angle = float(batch_sample[3]) - 0.2 # 0.2 degrees correction images.append(right_image) angles.append(right_angle) left_name = os.path.join(DATAPATH , './IMG/' , batch_sample[1].split('/')[-1]) left_image = ndimage.imread(left_name) left_angle = float(batch_sample[3]) + 0.2 # 0.2 degrees correction images.append(left_image) angles.append(left_angle) X_train = np.array(images) y_train = np.array(angles) yield sklearn.utils.shuffle(X_train, y_train) # Set batch size batch_size=32 # compile and train the model using the generator function train_generator = generator(train_samples, batch_size=batch_size) validation_generator = generator(validation_samples, batch_size=batch_size) ## model layout: model = Sequential() model.add(Lambda(lambda x: x / 255.0 - 0.5, input_shape=(160, 320,3))) # normalize input model.add(Cropping2D(cropping=((60,20),(0,0)))) # crop input images to relevant fiel of view model.add(Convolution2D(24, kernel_size=(5,5), strides=(2,2), activation="relu")) model.add(Convolution2D(36, kernel_size=(5,5), strides=(2,2), activation="relu")) #model.add(Dropout(0.5)) # These have been shown to decrease driving performance model.add(Convolution2D(48, kernel_size=(5,5), strides=(2,2), activation="relu")) #model.add(Dropout(0.5)) # These have been shown to decrease driving performance model.add(Convolution2D(64, kernel_size=(3,3), activation="relu")) model.add(Convolution2D(64, kernel_size=(3,3), activation="relu")) model.add(Flatten()) model.add(Dense(100)) model.add(Dense(50)) model.add(Dense(10)) model.add(Dense(1)) # 1 output as 1 param is to be predicted (steering angle) print(model.summary()) ###Compile and train model model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='adam') print("compiled") model.fit_generator(train_generator, steps_per_epoch=ceil(len(train_samples)/batch_size), validation_data=validation_generator, validation_steps=ceil(len(validation_samples)/batch_size), epochs=4, verbose=1)'my_loop_model.h5') print("saved the model") ```
{ "source": "jpthiery/moodcaptor", "score": 2 }
#### File: moodcaptor-backend/tests/ ```python from domain.model import Group def test_hello(): group = Group('test') assert == 'test' ```
{ "source": "jpthiery/paclair", "score": 3 }
#### File: paclair/paclair/ ```python class PaclairException(Exception): """ Error base class """ pass class ConfigurationError(PaclairException): """ Error reading configuration file """ pass class ClairConnectionError(PaclairException): """ Error reaching Clair """ def __init__(self, response): """ Constructor :param response: requests.response """ super().__init__(response.reason) self.response = response class ResourceNotFoundException(PaclairException): """ Resource not found """ pass class PluginNotFoundException(PaclairException): """ Unknown plugin """ pass class RegistryAccessError(PaclairException): """ Error reaching registry """ pass ``` #### File: paclair/paclair/ ```python import logging class LoggedObject: """ Easy access to logging """ def __init__(self, logger=None): """ Constructor :param logger: logger """ self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__) ``` #### File: paclair/plugins/ ```python import requests from paclair.ancestries.generic import GenericAncestry, Layer from paclair.plugins.abstract_plugin import AbstractPlugin from paclair.exceptions import ResourceNotFoundException class HttpPlugin(AbstractPlugin): """ Http plugin """ def __init__(self, clair, clair_format, base_url, verify): """ Constructor :param clair: ClairRequest object :param clair_format: Clair format :param base_url: base url :param verify: request verify certificate """ super().__init__(clair, clair_format) self.base_url = base_url self.verify = verify @staticmethod def _clean_name(name): """ Delete extension and path :param name: the name to clean :return: """ # Delete ext if name.endswith('.tar.gz'): name = name[:-7] elif name.endswith('.tgz'): name = name[:-4] # Delete subpath _, _, name = name.rpartition('/') return name def create_ancestry(self, name): path = "{}/{}".format(self.base_url, name) result = requests.head(path, verify=self.verify) if result.status_code != raise ResourceNotFoundException("{} not found".format(name)) name = self._clean_name(name) return GenericAncestry(self._clean_name(name), self.clair_format, [Layer(name, name, path)]) def analyse(self, name, output=None): return super().analyse(self._clean_name(name), output) ``` #### File: paclair/paclair_tests/ ```python import logging import unittest import requests_mock from paclair.api.clair_requests_v1 import ClairRequestsV1 from paclair.exceptions import ResourceNotFoundException from paclair.plugins.http_plugin import HttpPlugin class TestHttpPlugin(unittest.TestCase): """ Test de l'objet CfPlugin """ artifacURI = 'http://artifac' artifacVERIFY = 'verifymock' clairURI = 'http://clair' def setUp(self): = HttpPlugin(ClairRequestsV1(self.clairURI), "cflinuxfs", self.artifacURI, self.artifacVERIFY) @requests_mock.mock() def test_push_not_found(self, m): """ Test de la méthode push quand l'image n'existe pas """ # mock artifactory reponse m.head(self.artifacURI + "/tutu", status_code = 404) with self.assertRaises(ResourceNotFoundException):"tutu") @requests_mock.mock() def test_push_found(self, m): """ Test de la méthode push quand l'image existe """ # mock artifactory reponse m.head(self.artifacURI + "/tutu", status_code = 200) # mock clair reponse + '/v1/layers')"tutu") clair_data = {'Layer': {'Path': self.artifacURI + "/tutu", 'Format': 'cflinuxfs', 'Name': 'tutu'}} self.assertEqual(m.last_request.json(), clair_data) if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) unittest.main() ```
{ "source": "jpthompson17/InterMol", "score": 3 }
#### File: intermol/forces/ ```python from intermol.decorators import * class AngleRestraint(object): @accepts_compatible_units(None, None, None, None, units.degrees, units.kilojoules_per_mole, None) def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, theta, k, multiplicity): """ """ if atom1: self.atom1 = atom1 if atom2: self.atom2 = atom2 if atom3: self.atom3 = atom3 if atom4: self.atom4 = atom4 self.theta = theta self.k = k self.multiplicity = multiplicity def get_parameters(self): return (self. atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.atom4, self.theta, self.k, self.multiplicity) ``` #### File: intermol/forces/ ```python from intermol.decorators import * from abstract_bond import * class Bond(AbstractBond): __slots__ = ['length', 'k', 'order', 'c'] @accepts_compatible_units(None, None, units.nanometers, units.kilojoules_per_mole * units.nanometers**(-2), None, None) def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, length, k, order=1, c=False): # default bond order is 1 """ """ AbstractBond.__init__(self, atom1, atom2) self.length = length self.k = k self.order = order self.c = c #constrained or not, Desmond only def getparameters(self): return (self.atom1, self.atom2, self.length, self.k) def __repr__(self): return str(self.atom1) +' '+ str(self.atom2) +' '+ str(self.length) +' '+ str(self.k) def __str__(self): return str(self.atom1) +' '+ str(self.atom2) +' '+ str(self.length) +' '+ str(self.k) """ def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple([type(self), self.length._value, self.k._value])) def __eq__(self, object): if (type(self) == type(object)) and (self.length._value == object.length._value) and (self.k._value == object.k._value): return True else: return False """ ``` #### File: intermol/forces/ ```python from intermol.decorators import * import re class Constraint(object): @accepts_compatible_units(None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, units.nanometers, units.nanometers, units.nanometers, units.nanometers, units.nanometers, units.nanometers, units.nanometers, units.nanometers, None) def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, length1, type, atom3=None, length2=None, atom4=None, length3=None, atom5=None, length4=None, atom6=None, length5=None, atom7=None, length6=None, atom8=None, length7=None, atom9=None, length8=None): """ """ self.type = type if re.match(type,'HOH'): self.n = 2 self.atom1 = atom1 self.atom2 = atom2 self.atom3 = atom3 self.length1 = length1 self.length2 = length2 self.length3 = length3 elif re.match(str(list(type)[0:2]),'AH'): self.n = int(list(type)[-1]) if self.n >= 1: self.atom1 = atom1 self.atom2 = atom2 self.length1 = length1 if self.n >= 2: self.atom3 = atom3 self.length2 = length2 self.length3 = None if self.n >= 3: self.atom4 = atom4 self.length3 = length3 if self.n >= 4: self.atom5 = atom5 self.length4 = length4 if self.n >= 5: self.atom6 = atom6 self.length5 = length5 if self.n >= 6: self.atom7 = atom7 self.length6 = length6 if self.n >= 7: self.atom8 = atom8 self.length7 = length7 if self.n == 8: self.atom9 = atom9 self.length8 = length8 def getparameters(self): if self.n == 1: return (self.atom1, self.atom2, self.length1, type) elif self.n == 2: if self.length3: return (self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.length1, self.length2, self.length3, self.type) else: return (self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.length1, self.length2, self.type) elif self.n == 3: return (self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.atom4, self.length1, self.length2, self.length3, self.type) elif self.n == 4: return (self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.atom4, self.atom5, self.length1, self.length2, self.length3, self.length4, self.type) elif self.n == 5: return (self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.atom4, self.atom5, self.atom6, self.length1, self.length2, self.length3, self.length4, self.length5, self.type) elif self.n == 6: return (self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.atom4, self.atom5, self.atom6, self.atom7, self.length1, self.length2, self.length3, self.length4, self.length5, self.length6, self.type) elif self.n == 7: return (self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.atom4, self.atom5, self.atom6, self.atom7, self.atom8, self.length1, self.length2, self.length3, self.length4, self.length5, self.length6, self.length7, self.type) elif self.n == 8: return (self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.atom4, self.atom5, self.atom6, self.atom7, self.atom8, self.length1, self.length2, self.length3, self.length4, self.length5, self.length6, self.length7, self.type) ``` #### File: intermol/forces/ ```python from intermol.decorators import * from abstract_bond import * class CubicBond(AbstractBond): __slots__ = ['length', 'C2', 'C3', 'order','c'] @accepts_compatible_units(None, None, units.nanometers, units.kilojoules_per_mole * units.nanometers**(-2), units.kilojoules_per_mole * units.nanometers**(-3), None, None) def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, length, C2, C3, order=1, c=False): # default bond order is 1 """ """ AbstractBond.__init__(self, atom1, atom2) self.length = length self.C2 = C2 self.C3 = C3 self.order = order self.c = c #constrained or not, Desmond only def get_parameters(self): return (self.atom1, self.atom2, self.length, self.C2, self.C3) def __repr__(self): return str(self.atom1) +' '+ str(self.atom2) +' '+ str(self.length) +' '+ str(self.C2) +' '+ str(self.C3) def __str__(self): return str(self.atom1) +' '+ str(self.atom2) +' '+ str(self.length) +' '+ str(self.C2) +' '+ str(self.C3) ``` #### File: intermol/forces/ ```python from intermol.decorators import * from abstract_bond import * class G96Bond(AbstractBond): __slots__ = ['length', 'k', 'order', 'c'] @accepts_compatible_units(None, None, units.nanometers, units.kilojoules_per_mole * units.nanometers**(-4), None, None) def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, length, k, order=1, c=False): # default bond order is 1 """ """ AbstractBond.__init__(self, atom1, atom2) self.length = length self.k = k self.order = order self.c = c #constrained or not, Desmond only def get_parameters(self): return (self.atom1, self.atom2, self.length, self.k) def __repr__(self): return str(self.atom1) +' '+ str(self.atom2) +' '+ str(self.length) +' '+ str(self.k) def __str__(self): return str(self.atom1) +' '+ str(self.atom2) +' '+ str(self.length) +' '+ str(self.k) ``` #### File: intermol/forces/ ```python from intermol.decorators import * from abstract_pair import * class LJ1PairCR1(AbstractPair): __slots__ = ['V', 'W'] @accepts_compatible_units(None, None, units.kilojoules_per_mole * units.nanometers**(6), units.kilojoules_per_mole * units.nanometers**(12)) def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, V=None, W=None): """ """ AbstractPair.__init__(self, atom1, atom2) self.V = V self.W = W def get_parameters(self): return (self.atom1, self.atom2, self.V, self.W) def __repr__(self): return str(self.atom1) +' '+ str(self.atom2) +' '+ str(self.V) +' '+ str(self.W) def __str__(self): return str(self.atom1) +' '+ str(self.atom2) +' '+ str(self.V) +' '+ str(self.W) ``` #### File: intermol/forces/ ```python from intermol.decorators import * class OrientationRestraint(object): @accepts_compatible_units(None, None, None, None, None, None, units.amu, units.amu**(-1)) ### units for 'c' should actually be units.amu * units.nanometers**(alpha) - unsure of method for implementation def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, exp, label, alpha, c, obs, weight): """ """ if atom1: self.atom1 = atom1 if atom2: self.atom2 = atom2 self.exp = exp self.label = label self.alpha = alpha self.c = c self.obs = obs self.weight = weight def get_parameters(self): return (self.atom1, self.atom2, self.exp, self.label, self.alpha, self.c, self.obs, self.weight) ``` #### File: intermol/forces/ ```python from intermol.decorators import * from abstract_dihedral import * class RBDihedral(AbstractDihedral): @accepts_compatible_units(None, None, None, None, units.kilojoules_per_mole, units.kilojoules_per_mole, units.kilojoules_per_mole, units.kilojoules_per_mole, units.kilojoules_per_mole, units.kilojoules_per_mole, units.kilojoules_per_mole, None) def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, i=0): """ """ AbstractDihedral.__init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, -1) self.C0 = C0 self.C1 = C1 self.C2 = C2 self.C3 = C3 self.C4 = C4 self.C5 = C5 self.C6 = C6 self.i = i #improper or not--Desmond only def get_parameters(self): return (self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.atom4, self.C0, self.C1, self.C2, self.C3, self.C4, self.C5, self.C6) def __repr__(self): return "{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} {10}".format( self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.atom4, self.C0, self.C1, self.C2, self.C3, self.C4, self.C5, self.C6) def __str__(self): return "{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} {10}".format( self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.atom4, self.C0, self.C1, self.C2, self.C3, self.C4, self.C5, self.C6) ``` #### File: intermol/forces/ ```python from intermol.decorators import * class Settles(object): @accepts_compatible_units(None, units.nanometers, units.nanometers) def __init__(self, atom1, dOH, dHH): """ """ if atom1: self.atom1 = atom1 self.dOH = dOH self.dHH = dHH def get_parameters(self): return (self.atom1, dOH, dHH) def __repr__(self): print self.atom1+' '+self.dOH+' '+self.dHH def __str__(self): print self.atom1+' '+self.dOH+' '+self.dHH ``` #### File: intermol/forces/ ```python from intermol.decorators import * class TorsionTorsionCMAP(object): @accepts_compatible_units(None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None) def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, atom5, atom6, atom7, atom8, type, chart): """ """ self.type = type self.atom1 = atom1 self.atom2 = atom2 self.atom3 = atom3 self.atom4 = atom4 self.atom5 = atom5 self.atom6 = atom6 self.atom7 = atom7 self.atom8 = atom8 self.chart = chart def getparameters(self): return (self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.atom4, self.atom5, self.atom6, self.atom7, self.atom8, self.type, self.chart) ``` #### File: intermol/forces/ ```python from intermol.decorators import * class VSite2(object): def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, a): if atom1: self.atom1 = atom1 if atom2: self.atom2 = atom2 if atom3: self.atom3 = atom3 self.a = a def get_parameters(self): return(self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.a) ``` #### File: intermol/forces/ ```python from intermol.decorators import * class VSite3fad(object): @accepts_compatible_units(None, None, None, None, units.degrees, units.nanometers) def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, theta, d): if atom1: self.atom1 = atom1 if atom2: self.atom2 = atom2 if atom3: self.atom3 = atom3 if atom4: self.atom4 = atom4 self.theta = theta self.d = d def get_parameters(self): return(self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3, self.atom4, self.theta, self.d) ``` #### File: intermol/lammps_extension/ ```python import os import pdb import logging import numpy as np from collections import OrderedDict import intermol.unit as units from intermol.atom import Atom from intermol.molecule import Molecule from intermol.system import System from intermol.types import * from intermol.forces import * logger = logging.getLogger('InterMolLog') class LammpsParser(object): """A class containing methods to read and write LAMMPS files.""" def __init__(self): """ """ self.box_vector = np.zeros(shape=(3, 3), dtype=float) def read_system(self, input_file): """Reads a LAMMPS input file and a data file specified within. Args: input_file (str): Name of LAMMPS input file to read in. """ self.read_input(input_file) if self.data_file: self.read_data(self.data_file) else: raise Exception("No data file found in input script") def read_input(self, input_file): """Reads a LAMMPS input file. Args: input_file (str): Name of LAMMPS input file to read in. """ self.basepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(input_file)) parsable_keywords = {'units': self.parse_units, 'atom_style': self.parse_atom_style, 'dimension': self.parse_dimension, 'boundary': self.parse_boundary, 'pair_style': self.parse_pair_style, 'kspace_style': self.parse_kspace_style, 'pair_modify': self.parse_pair_modify, 'bond_style': self.parse_bond_style, 'angle_style': self.parse_angle_style, 'dihedral_style': self.parse_dihedral_style, 'improper_style': self.parse_improper_style, 'special_bonds': self.parse_special_bonds, 'read_data': self.parse_read_data, 'fix': self.parse_fix} self.shake = False # SHAKE constraints? with open(input_file, 'r') as input_lines: for line in input_lines: if line.strip(): keyword = line.split()[0] if keyword in parsable_keywords: parsable_keywords[keyword](line.split()) def read_data(self, data_file): """Reads a LAMMPS data file. Args: data_file (str): name of LAMMPS data file to read in. """ # Read box, masses and forcefield info from data file. parsable_keywords = {'Masses': self.parse_masses, 'Pair Coeffs': self.parse_pair_coeffs, 'Bond Coeffs': self.parse_bond_coeffs, 'Angle Coeffs': self.parse_angle_coeffs, 'Dihedral Coeffs': self.parse_dihedral_coeffs, 'Improper Coeffs': self.parse_improper_coeffs} with open(data_file, 'r') as data_lines: for line in data_lines: if line.strip(): line = line.partition('#')[0] # Remove trailing comment fields = line.split() if len(fields) == 2 and fields[1] == 'atoms': self.natoms = int(fields[0]) # catch all box dimensions if (('xlo' in line) and ('xhi' in line)): self.parse_box(line.split(), 0) elif (('ylo' in line) and ('yhi' in line)): self.parse_box(line.split(), 1) elif (('zlo' in line) and ('zhi' in line)): self.parse_box(line.split(), 2) # other headers else: keyword = line.strip() if keyword in parsable_keywords: parsable_keywords[keyword](data_lines) # Read atoms and connectivity information from data file. parsable_keywords = {'Atoms': self.parse_atoms, 'Bonds': self.parse_bonds, 'Angles': self.parse_angles, 'Dihedrals': self.parse_dihedrals, 'Impropers': self.parse_impropers} with open(data_file, 'r') as data_lines: for line in data_lines: if line.strip(): keyword = line.partition('#')[0].strip() if keyword in parsable_keywords: parsable_keywords[keyword](data_lines) # SETTLE constraints (for now limited to rigid 3-point light water) for mol_type in System._sys._molecules.itervalues(): if (len(mol_type.angleForceSet) == 1 and len(mol_type.bondForceSet) == 2): mol_mass = units.sum([a._mass[0] for a in mol_type.moleculeSet[0].getAtoms()]) if np.round(mol_mass.in_units_of(units.amu)._value) != 18.0: continue is_rigid_water = True for angle in mol_type.angleForceSet.itervalues(): if isinstance(angle, Angle) and angle.c: thetaHOH = angle.theta else: is_rigid_water = False for bond in mol_type.bondForceSet.itervalues(): if isinstance(bond, Bond) and bond.c: dOH = bond.length else: is_rigid_water = False if is_rigid_water: dHH = units.sqrt(2 * dOH**2 * (1 - units.cos(thetaHOH))) for i, atom in enumerate(mol_type.moleculeSet[0]._atoms, start=1): if atom._mass[0].in_units_of(units.amu)._value > 15: iOW = i break mol_type.settles = Settles(iOW, dOH, dHH) mol_type.nrexcl = 1 mol_type.exclusions.add(Exclusions([1, 2, 3])) mol_type.exclusions.add(Exclusions([2, 1, 3])) mol_type.exclusions.add(Exclusions([3, 1, 2])) # Indentify 1-3 and 1-4 neighbors onethree = [[] for i in range(self.natoms + 1)] onefour = [[] for i in range(self.natoms + 1)] for i in range(1, self.natoms): # 1-3 neighbors for j in self.onetwo[i]: for k in self.onetwo[j]: if not ((k == i) or (k in self.onetwo[i])): onethree[i].append(k) # 1-4 neighbors for j in onethree[i]: for k in self.onetwo[j]: if not ((k == i) or (k in self.onetwo[i]) or (k in onethree[i])): onefour[i].append(k) # Generate 1-4 pairs for each moleculetype for mol_type in System._sys._molecules.itervalues(): molecule = mol_type.moleculeSet[0] for atom in molecule.getAtoms(): ai =[atom.index] for j in onefour[atom.index]: aj =[j] mol_type.pairForceSet.add(AbstractPair(ai, aj, "Both")) def parse_units(self, line): """ """ assert(len(line) == 2), "Invalid units specified in input file." self.unit_set = line[1] self.RAD = units.radians self.DEGREE = units.degrees if self.unit_set == 'real': self.DIST = units.angstroms self.VEL = units.angstroms / units.femtosecond self.ENERGY = units.kilocalorie / units.mole self.MASS = units.grams / units.mole self.CHARGE = units.elementary_charge self.MOLE = units.mole else: raise Exception("Unsupported unit set specified in input file: " "{0}".format(self.unit_set)) def parse_atom_style(self, line): """ """ if len(line) > 2: logger.warn("Unsupported atom_style in input file.") self.atom_style = line[1] # Currently only support atom_style 'full' if self.atom_style != 'full': raise Exception("Unsupported atom_style in input file: {0}".format(self.atom_style)) def parse_dimension(self, line): """ """ self.dimension = int(line[1]) if self.dimension not in [2, 3]: raise ValueError("Invalid dimension specified in input file" " (must be 2 or 3).") def parse_boundary(self, line): """ """ self.boundaries = [line[1], line[2], line[3]] if len(self.boundaries) != self.dimension: raise ValueError("Boundaries do not match specified dimension " "in input file") def parse_pair_style(self, line): """ """ self.pair_style = [] if line[1] == 'hybrid': logger.warn("Hybrid pair styles not yet implemented.") elif line[1] == 'lj/cut/coul/long': self.pair_style.append(line[1]) System._sys.nonbonded_function = 1 def parse_kspace_style(self, line): """ Note: Currently ignored. """ if line[1] == 'pppm': pass def parse_pair_modify(self, line): """ """ if line[1] == 'mix': if line[2] == 'geometric': System._sys.combination_rule = 3 elif line[2] == 'arithmetic': System._sys.combination_rule = 2 else: logger.warn("Unsupported pair_modify mix argument in input file!") else: logger.warn("Unsupported pair_modify style in input file!") def parse_bond_style(self, line): """ """ self.bond_style = [] self.hybrid_bond_style = False if len(line) == 2: self.bond_style.append(line[1]) elif len(line) > 2 and line[1] == 'hybrid': self.hybrid_bond_style = True for style in line[2:]: self.bond_style.append(style) else: raise ValueError("Invalid bond_style in input file!") def parse_angle_style(self, line): """ """ self.angle_style = [] self.hybrid_angle_style = False if len(line) == 2: self.angle_style.append(line[1]) elif len(line) > 2 and line[1] == 'hybrid': self.hybrid_angle_style = True for style in line[2:]: self.angle_style.append(style) else: raise ValueError("Invalid angle_style in input file!") def parse_dihedral_style(self, line): """ """ self.dihedral_style = [] self.hybrid_dihedral_style = False if len(line) == 2: self.dihedral_style.append(line[1]) elif len(line) > 2 and line[1] == 'hybrid': self.hybrid_dihedral_style = True for style in line[2:]: self.dihedral_style.append(style) else: raise ValueError("Invalid dihedral_style in input file!") def parse_improper_style(self, line): """ """ self.improper_style = [] self.hybrid_improper_style = False if len(line) == 2: self.improper_style.append(line[1]) elif len(line) > 2 and line[1] == 'hybrid': self.hybrid_improper_style = True for style in line[2:]: self.improper_style.append(style) else: raise ValueError("Invalid improper_style in input file!") def parse_special_bonds(self, line): """ """ if line[1] == 'amber': System._sys.lj_correction = 0.5 System._sys.coulomb_correction = 5.0 / 6.0 elif 'lj/coul' in line: System._sys.lj_correction = float(line[line.index('lj/coul') + 3]) System._sys.coulomb_correction = float(line[line.index('lj/coul') + 3]) elif 'lj' in line and 'coul' in line: System._sys.lj_correction = float(line[line.index('lj') + 3]) System._sys.coulomb_correction = float(line[line.index('coul') + 3]) elif 'lj' in line: System._sys.lj_correction = float(line[line.index('lj') + 3]) elif 'coul' in line: System._sys.coulomb_correction = float(line[line.index('coul') + 3]) else: logger.warn("Unsupported special_bonds in input file.") def parse_read_data(self, line): """ """ if len(line) == 2: self.data_file = os.path.join(self.basepath, line[1]) else: logger.warn("Unsupported read_data arguments in input file.") def parse_fix(self, line): """ """ if len(line) > 3 and line[3] == 'shake': self.parse_fix_shake(line) def parse_fix_shake(self, line): """ """ if line[2] != 'all': logger.warn("Unsupported group-ID in fix shake command") return if 'mol' in line: logger.warn("Unsupported keyword 'mol' in fix shake command") return self.shake_bond_types_i = set() self.shake_angle_types_i = set() self.shake_masses = set() line = line[7:] for field in line: if field == 't': logger.warn("SHAKE 't' (atom type) constraints not yet supported: fix shake ignored.") return elif field == 'b': container = self.shake_bond_types_i str2num = int elif field == 'a': container = self.shake_angle_types_i str2num = int elif field == 'm': container = self.shake_masses str2num = float else: container.add(str2num(field)) self.shake = True def parse_box(self, line, dim): """Read box information from data file. Args: line (str): Current line in input file. dim (int): Dimension specified in line. """ fields = [float(field) for field in line[:2]] box_length = fields[1] - fields[0] if box_length > 0: self.box_vector[dim, dim] = box_length else: raise ValueError("Negative box length specified in data file.") System._sys.box_vector = self.box_vector * self.DIST def parse_masses(self, data_lines): """Read masses from data file.""" next(data_lines) # toss out blank line self.mass_dict = dict() for line in data_lines: if not line.strip(): break # found another blank line fields = line.partition('#')[0].split() self.mass_dict[int(fields[0])] = float(fields[1]) * self.MASS def parse_pair_coeffs(self, data_lines): """Read pair coefficients from data file.""" next(data_lines) # toss out blank line self.nb_types = dict() for line in data_lines: if not line.strip(): break # found another blank line fields = [float(field) for field in line.partition('#')[0].split()] if len(self.pair_style) == 1: # TODO: lookup of type of pairstyle to determine format if System._sys.nonbonded_function == 1: self.nb_types[int(fields[0])] = [fields[1] * self.ENERGY, fields[2] * self.DIST] else: logger.warn("Unsupported pair coeff formatting in data file!") else: logger.warn("Unsupported pair coeff formatting in data file!") def parse_bond_coeffs(self, data_lines): """Read bond coefficients from data file.""" next(data_lines) # toss out blank line self.bond_types = dict() for line in data_lines: if not line.strip(): break # found another blank line fields = line.partition('#')[0].split() if self.hybrid_bond_style: style = fields[1] if style not in self.bond_style: raise Exception("Bond type found in Bond Coeffs that " "was not specified in bond_style: {0}".format(style)) coeffs = fields[2:] else: style = self.bond_style[0] coeffs = fields[1:] if style == 'harmonic': self.bond_types[int(fields[0])] = [ style, 2 * float(coeffs[0]) * self.ENERGY / (self.DIST*self.DIST), float(coeffs[1]) * self.DIST] elif style == 'morse': self.bond_types[int(fields[0])] = [ style, float(coeffs[0]) * self.ENERGY, float(coeffs[1]) * self.DIST**(-1), float(coeffs[2]) * self.DIST] else: logger.warn("Unsupported bond style: {0}".format(style)) def parse_angle_coeffs(self, data_lines): """Read angle coefficients from data file.""" next(data_lines) # toss out blank line self.angle_types = dict() for line in data_lines: if not line.strip(): break # found another blank line fields = line.partition('#')[0].split() if self.hybrid_angle_style: style = fields[1] if style not in self.angle_style: raise Exception("Angle type found in Angle Coeffs that " "was not specified in angle_style: {0}".format(style)) coeffs = fields[2:] else: style = self.angle_style[0] coeffs = fields[1:] if style == 'harmonic': self.angle_types[int(fields[0])] = [ style, 2 * float(coeffs[0]) * self.ENERGY / self.RAD**2, float(coeffs[1]) * self.DEGREE] else: logger.warn("Unsupported angle style: {0}".format(style)) def parse_dihedral_coeffs(self, data_lines): """Read dihedral coefficients from data file.""" next(data_lines) # toss out blank line self.dihedral_types = dict() for line in data_lines: if not line.strip(): break # found another blank line fields = line.partition('#')[0].split() if self.hybrid_dihedral_style: style = fields[1] if style not in self.dihedral_style: raise Exception("Dihedral type found in Dihedral Coeffs that " "was not specified in dihedral_style: {0}".format(style)) coeffs = fields[2:] else: style = self.dihedral_style[0] coeffs = fields[1:] if style == 'opls': self.dihedral_types[int(fields[0])] = [ style, float(coeffs[0]) * self.ENERGY, float(coeffs[1]) * self.ENERGY, float(coeffs[2]) * self.ENERGY, float(coeffs[3]) * self.ENERGY] elif style == 'multi/harmonic': self.dihedral_types[int(fields[0])] = [ style, float(coeffs[0]) * self.ENERGY, float(coeffs[1]) * self.ENERGY, float(coeffs[2]) * self.ENERGY, float(coeffs[3]) * self.ENERGY, float(coeffs[4]) * self.ENERGY] elif style == 'fourier': self.dihedral_types[int(fields[0])] = [style, int(coeffs[0])] for i in range(int(coeffs[0])): self.dihedral_types[int(fields[0])] += [ float(coeffs[i*3+1]) * self.ENERGY, int( coeffs[i*3+2]), float(coeffs[i*3+3]) * self.DEGREE] else: logger.warn("Unsupported dihedral style: {0}".format(style)) def parse_improper_coeffs(self, data_lines): """Read improper coefficients from data file.""" next(data_lines) # toss out blank line self.improper_types = dict() for line in data_lines: if not line.strip(): break # found another blank line fields = line.partition('#')[0].split() if self.hybrid_improper_style: style = fields[1] if style not in self.improper_style: raise Exception("Improper type found in Improper Coeffs that " "was not specified in improper_style: {0}".format(style)) coeffs = fields[2:] else: style = self.improper_style[0] coeffs = fields[1:] if style == 'harmonic': self.improper_types[int(fields[0])] = [ style, float(coeffs[0]) * self.ENERGY / self.RAD**2, float(coeffs[1]) * self.DEGREE] if style == 'cvff': # E = K * (1 + d*cos(n*phi)) self.improper_types[int(fields[0])] = [ style, float(coeffs[0]) * self.ENERGY, # K int(coeffs[1]), # d int(coeffs[2])] # n else: logger.warn("Unsupported improper style: {0}".format(style)) def parse_atoms(self, data_lines): """Read atoms from data file.""" molecules = OrderedDict() next(data_lines) # toss out blank line for line in data_lines: if not line.strip(): break # found another blank line fields = line.partition('#')[0].split() if len(fields) in [7, 10]: if len(fields) == 10: # TODO: store image flags? pass new_atom_type = None bondtype = atomtype = 'lmp_{:03d}'.format(int(fields[2])) if System._sys.combination_rule == 1: logger.warn("Combination rule '1' not yet implemented") elif System._sys.combination_rule in [2, 3]: new_atom_type = AtomCR23Type(atomtype, bondtype, -1, # atomic_number self.mass_dict[int(fields[2])], 0 * self.CHARGE, # charge (0 for atomtype) 'A', # ptype self.nb_types[int(fields[2])][1], # sigma self.nb_types[int(fields[2])][0]) # epsilon System._sys._atomtypes.add(new_atom_type) atom = Atom(int(fields[0]), '', # atom name (set below) 1) # residue index atom.setAtomType(0, atomtype) atom.cgnr = 1 # TODO: Set cg nr 'automatically' in gromacs_topology_parser. # See, e.g., topogromacs.tcl in VMD topotools. atom.setCharge(0, float(fields[3]) * self.CHARGE) atom.setMass(0, self.mass_dict[int(fields[2])]) atom.setPosition(float(fields[4]) * self.DIST, float(fields[5]) * self.DIST, float(fields[6]) * self.DIST) for ab_state, atom_type in enumerate(atom._atomtype): # Searching for a matching atom_type temp = AbstractAtomType(atom._atomtype[ab_state]) atom_type = System._sys._atomtypes.get(temp) if atom_type: atom.setSigma(ab_state, atom_type.sigma) atom.setEpsilon(ab_state, atom_type.epsilon) atom.bondtype = atom_type.bondtype else: logger.warn("Corresponding AtomType was not found. " "Insert missing values yourself.") if int(fields[1]) not in molecules: molecules[int(fields[1])] = Molecule() molecules[int(fields[1])].addAtom(atom) # Add molecules to system atomtype_list_old = [] moleculetype_i = 0 mol_name = None = dict() # atom index => index within moleculetype (i.e. nr) self.mol_type = dict() # atom index => MoleculeType for molecule in molecules.values(): molecule.getAtoms().list.sort() atomtype_list = [atom.getAtomType(0) for atom in molecule.getAtoms()] if atomtype_list != atomtype_list_old: # new moleculetype moleculetype_i += 1 mol_name = 'moleculetype{:02d}'.format(moleculetype_i) atomtype_list_old = atomtype_list = mol_name System._sys.add_molecule(molecule) # TODO: Move this elsewhere and determine nrexcl from special_bonds System._sys._molecules[].nrexcl = 3 for i, atom in enumerate(molecule.getAtoms(), start=1):[atom.index] = i self.mol_type[atom.index] = System._sys._molecules[] atom.residue_name = 'R{:02d}'.format(moleculetype_i) = 'A{:x}'.format(i) def parse_bonds(self, data_lines): """Read bonds from data file.""" self.onetwo = [[] for i in range(self.natoms + 1)] # 1-2 neighbors next(data_lines) # toss out blank line for line in data_lines: if not line.strip(): break # found another blank line fields = [int(field) for field in line.partition('#')[0].split()] new_bond_force = None coeff_num = fields[1] ai =[fields[2]] aj =[fields[3]] if self.shake and coeff_num in self.shake_bond_types_i: constrained = True else: constrained = False # Bond if self.bond_types[coeff_num][0] == 'harmonic': r = self.bond_types[coeff_num][2] k = self.bond_types[coeff_num][1] new_bond_force = Bond(ai, aj, r, k, c=constrained) # Morse elif self.bond_types[coeff_num][0] == 'morse': r = self.bond_types[coeff_num][3] D = self.bond_types[coeff_num][1] beta = self.bond_types[coeff_num][2] new_bond_force = MorseBond(ai, aj, r, D, beta) self.current_mol_type = self.mol_type[fields[2]] if (self.mol_type[fields[3]] is not self.current_mol_type): raise Exception("Attempted to define bond between atoms {0:d}, {1:d} across different molecules.".format(fields[2], fields[3])) self.current_mol_type.bondForceSet.add(new_bond_force) # Keep track of 1st neighbors self.onetwo[fields[2]].append(fields[3]) self.onetwo[fields[3]].append(fields[2]) def parse_angles(self, data_lines): """Read angles from data file.""" next(data_lines) # toss out blank line for line in data_lines: if not line.strip(): break # found another blank line fields = [int(field) for field in line.partition('#')[0].split()] new_angle_force = None coeff_num = fields[1] ai =[fields[2]] aj =[fields[3]] ak =[fields[4]] if self.shake and coeff_num in self.shake_angle_types_i: constrained = True else: constrained = False # Angle if self.angle_types[coeff_num][0] == 'harmonic': theta = self.angle_types[coeff_num][2] k = self.angle_types[coeff_num][1] new_angle_force = Angle(ai, aj, ak, theta, k, c=constrained) self.current_mol_type = self.mol_type[fields[2]] if ((self.mol_type[fields[3]] is not self.current_mol_type) or (self.mol_type[fields[4]] is not self.current_mol_type)): raise Exception("Attempted to define angle between atoms {0:d}, {1:d}, {2:d} across different molecules.".format(fields[2], fields[3], fields[4])) self.current_mol_type.angleForceSet.add(new_angle_force) def parse_dihedrals(self, data_lines): """Read dihedrals from data file.""" next(data_lines) # toss out blank line for line in data_lines: if not line.strip(): break # found another blank line fields = [int(field) for field in line.partition('#')[0].split()] new_dihed_force = None coeff_num = fields[1] ai =[fields[2]] aj =[fields[3]] ak =[fields[4]] al =[fields[5]] if self.dihedral_types[coeff_num][0] == 'opls': fc = ConvertDihedralFromFourierToDihedralTrig( self.dihedral_types[coeff_num][1], self.dihedral_types[coeff_num][2], self.dihedral_types[coeff_num][3], self.dihedral_types[coeff_num][4]) new_dihed_force = DihedralTrigDihedral( ai, aj, ak, al, 0 * self.DEGREE, *fc) elif self.dihedral_types[coeff_num][0] == 'multi/harmonic': fc = ConvertDihedralFromRBToDihedralTrig( self.dihedral_types[coeff_num][1], -self.dihedral_types[coeff_num][2], self.dihedral_types[coeff_num][3], -self.dihedral_types[coeff_num][4], self.dihedral_types[coeff_num][5], 0 * self.ENERGY, 0 * self.ENERGY) new_dihed_force = DihedralTrigDihedral( ai, aj, ak, al, 0 * self.DEGREE, *fc) elif self.dihedral_types[coeff_num][0] == 'fourier': fc = ConvertDihedralFromProperDihedralToDihedralTrig( self.dihedral_types[coeff_num][2], # K1 self.dihedral_types[coeff_num][3]) # n1 new_dihed_force = DihedralTrigDihedral( ai, aj, ak, al, self.dihedral_types[coeff_num][4], # d1 (phase) *fc) for i in range(1, self.dihedral_types[coeff_num][1]): fc = ConvertDihedralFromProperDihedralToDihedralTrig( self.dihedral_types[coeff_num][3*i+2], # K[i+1] self.dihedral_types[coeff_num][3*i+3]) # n[i+1] addterms = DihedralTrigDihedral( 0, 0, 0, 0, self.dihedral_types[coeff_num][3*i+4], # d[i+1] *fc) new_dihed_force.sum_parameters(addterms) self.current_mol_type = self.mol_type[fields[2]] if ((self.mol_type[fields[3]] is not self.current_mol_type) or (self.mol_type[fields[4]] is not self.current_mol_type) or (self.mol_type[fields[5]] is not self.current_mol_type)): raise Exception("Attempted to define dihedral between atoms {0:d}, {1:d}, {2:d}, {3:d} across different molecules.".format(fields[2], fields[3], fields[4], fields[5])) self.current_mol_type.dihedralForceSet.add(new_dihed_force) def parse_impropers(self, data_lines): """Read impropers from data file.""" next(data_lines) # toss out blank line for line in data_lines: if not line.strip(): break # found another blank line fields = [int(field) for field in line.partition('#')[0].split()] new_dihed_force = None coeff_num = fields[1] ai =[fields[2]] aj =[fields[3]] ak =[fields[4]] al =[fields[5]] if self.improper_types[coeff_num][0] == 'harmonic': k = self.improper_types[coeff_num][1] xi = self.improper_types[coeff_num][2] new_dihed_force = ImproperHarmonicDihedral(ai, aj, ak, al, xi, k) elif self.improper_types[coeff_num][0] == 'cvff': k = self.improper_types[coeff_num][1] d = self.improper_types[coeff_num][2] if d == 1: phi = 0. * self.DEGREE elif d == -1: phi = 180. * self.DEGREE else: raise ValueError('Invalid coefficient d in cvff improper type {0:d}'.format(coeff_num)) multiplicity = self.improper_types[coeff_num][3] fc = ConvertDihedralFromProperDihedralToDihedralTrig( k, multiplicity) new_dihed_force = DihedralTrigDihedral( ai, aj, ak, al, phi, *fc, improper=True) self.current_mol_type = self.mol_type[fields[2]] if ((self.mol_type[fields[3]] is not self.current_mol_type) or (self.mol_type[fields[4]] is not self.current_mol_type) or (self.mol_type[fields[5]] is not self.current_mol_type)): raise Exception("Attempted to define improper dihedral between atoms {0:d}, {1:d}, {2:d}, {3:d} across different molecules.".format(fields[2], fields[3], fields[4], fields[5])) self.current_mol_type.dihedralForceSet.add(new_dihed_force) def write(self, data_file, unit_set='real', verbose=False): """Writes a LAMMPS data and corresponding input file. Args: data_file (str): Name of LAMMPS data file to write to. unit_set (str): LAMMPS unit set for output file. """ self.RAD = units.radians self.DEGREE = units.degrees if unit_set == 'real': self.DIST = units.angstroms self.VEL = units.angstroms / units.femtosecond self.ENERGY = units.kilocalorie / units.mole self.MASS = units.grams / units.mole self.CHARGE = units.elementary_charge self.MOLE = units.mole else: raise Exception("Unsupported unit set specified: {0}".format(unit_set)) # Containers for lines which are ultimately written to output files. mass_list = list() mass_list.append('\n') mass_list.append('Masses\n') mass_list.append('\n') pair_coeff_list = list() pair_coeff_list.append('\n') pair_coeff_list.append('Pair Coeffs\n') pair_coeff_list.append('\n') bond_coeffs = list() bond_coeffs.append('\n') bond_coeffs.append('Bond Coeffs\n') bond_coeffs.append('\n') angle_coeffs = list() angle_coeffs.append('\n') angle_coeffs.append('Angle Coeffs\n') angle_coeffs.append('\n') dihedral_coeffs = list() dihedral_coeffs.append('\n') dihedral_coeffs.append('Dihedral Coeffs\n') dihedral_coeffs.append('\n') improper_coeffs = list() improper_coeffs.append('\n') improper_coeffs.append('Improper Coeffs\n') improper_coeffs.append('\n') atom_list = list() atom_list.append('\n') atom_list.append('Atoms\n') atom_list.append('\n') vel_list = list() vel_list.append('\n') vel_list.append('Velocities\n') vel_list.append('\n') bond_list = list() bond_list.append('\n') bond_list.append('Bonds\n') bond_list.append('\n') angle_list = list() angle_list.append('\n') angle_list.append('Angles\n') angle_list.append('\n') dihedral_list = list() dihedral_list.append('\n') dihedral_list.append('Dihedrals\n') dihedral_list.append('\n') improper_list = list() improper_list.append('\n') improper_list.append('Impropers\n') improper_list.append('\n') # dicts for type information atom_type_dict = dict() # str_type:int_type a_type_i = 1 # counter for atom types bond_style = set() bond_type_dict = dict() # typeObject:int_type b_type_i = 1 # counter for bond types angle_style = set() angle_type_dict = dict() # typeObject:int_type ang_type_i = 1 dihedral_style = set() dihedral_type_dict = dict() # typeObject:int_type dih_type_i = 1 improper_style = set() improper_type_dict = dict() # typeObject:int_type imp_type_i = 1 # read all atom specific and FF information offset = 0 bond_i = 1 angle_i = 1 dihedral_i = 1 improper_i = 1 shake_bond_types = set() shake_angle_types = set() x_min = y_min = z_min = np.inf for mol_type in System._sys._molecules.itervalues(): logger.debug(" Writing moleculetype {0}...".format( # Settles (for rigid water in GROMACS) # We'll convert these to SHAKE constraints in the input script. if mol_type.settles: for bond in mol_type.bondForceSet.itervalues(): shake_bond_types.add(BondType( mol_type.moleculeSet[0]._atoms[bond.atom1 - 1].bondtype, mol_type.moleculeSet[0]._atoms[bond.atom2 - 1].bondtype, bond.length, bond.k)) for angle in mol_type.angleForceSet.itervalues(): shake_angle_types.add(AngleType( mol_type.moleculeSet[0]._atoms[angle.atom1 - 1].bondtype, mol_type.moleculeSet[0]._atoms[angle.atom2 - 1].bondtype, mol_type.moleculeSet[0]._atoms[angle.atom3 - 1].bondtype, angle.theta, angle.k)) # molecule = mol_type.moleculeSet[0] # atoms = molecule._atoms # for i, offset in enumerate(offsets): for molecule in mol_type.moleculeSet: # bonds logger.debug(" Writing bonds...") for bond in mol_type.bondForceSet.itervalues(): atomtype1 = molecule._atoms[bond.atom1 - 1].bondtype atomtype2 = molecule._atoms[bond.atom2 - 1].bondtype if isinstance(bond, Bond): style = 'harmonic' temp = BondType(atomtype1, atomtype2, bond.length, bond.k) # NOTE: k includes the factor of 0.5 for harmonic in LAMMPS if temp not in bond_type_dict: bond_type_dict[temp] = b_type_i bond_coeffs.append('{0:d} {1} {2:18.8f} {3:18.8f} # {4:2s}-{5:2s}\n'.format( b_type_i, style, 0.5 * bond.k.in_units_of(self.ENERGY / (self.DIST*self.DIST))._value, bond.length.in_units_of(self.DIST)._value, atomtype1, atomtype2)) b_type_i += 1 elif isinstance(bond, MorseBond): style = 'morse' temp = MorseBondType(atomtype1, atomtype2, bond.length, bond.D, bond.beta) if temp not in bond_type_dict: bond_type_dict[temp] = b_type_i bond_coeffs.append('{0:d} {1} {2:18.8f} {3:18.8f} {4:18.8f}\n'.format( b_type_i, style, bond.D.in_units_of(self.ENERGY)._value, bond.beta.in_units_of(self.DIST**(-1))._value, bond.length.in_units_of(self.DIST)._value)) b_type_i += 1 else: logger.warn("Found unimplemented bond type for LAMMPS!") continue bond_list.append('{0:-6d} {1:6d} {2:6d} {3:6d}\n'.format( bond_i, bond_type_dict[temp], bond.atom1 + offset, bond.atom2 + offset)) bond_i += 1 bond_style.add(style) if len(bond_style) > 1: logger.warn("More than one bond style found!") # angles logger.debug(" Writing angles...") for angle in mol_type.angleForceSet.itervalues(): atomtype1 = molecule._atoms[angle.atom1 - 1].bondtype atomtype2 = molecule._atoms[angle.atom2 - 1].bondtype atomtype3 = molecule._atoms[angle.atom3 - 1].bondtype if isinstance(angle, Angle): style = 'harmonic' temp = AngleType(atomtype1, atomtype2, atomtype3, angle.theta, angle.k) # NOTE: k includes the factor of 0.5 for harmonic in LAMMPS if temp not in angle_type_dict: angle_type_dict[temp] = ang_type_i angle_coeffs.append('{0:d} {1} {2:18.8f} {3:18.8f} # {4:2s}-{5:2s}-{6:2s}\n'.format( ang_type_i, style, 0.5 * angle.k.in_units_of(self.ENERGY / self.RAD**2)._value, angle.theta.in_units_of(self.DEGREE)._value, atomtype1, atomtype2, atomtype3)) ang_type_i += 1 elif isinstance(angle, UreyBradleyAngle): style = 'charmm' temp = UreyBradleyAngleType(atomtype1, atomtype2, atomtype3, angle.theta, angle.k, angle.r, angle.kUB) # NOTE: k includes the factor of 0.5 for harmonic in LAMMPS if temp not in angle_type_dict: angle_type_dict[temp] = ang_type_i angle_coeffs.append('{0:d} {1} {2:18.8f} {3:18.8f} {4:18.8f} {5:18.8f}\n'.format( ang_type_i, style, 0.5 * angle.k.in_units_of(self.ENERGY / self.RAD**2)._value, angle.theta.in_units_of(self.DEGREE)._value, 0.5 * angle.kUB.in_units_of(self.ENERGY / self.DIST**2)._value, angle.r.in_units_of(self.DIST)._value)) ang_type_i += 1 elif isinstance(angle, G96Angle): style = 'cosine/squared' temp = G96AngleType(atomtype1, atomtype2, atomtype3, angle.theta, angle.k) # NOTE: k includes the factor of 0.5 for harmonic in LAMMPS if temp not in angle_type_dict: angle_type_dict[temp] = ang_type_i angle_coeffs.append('{0:d} {1} {2:18.8f} {3:18.8f}\n'.format( ang_type_i, style, 0.5 * angle.k.in_units_of(self.ENERGY)._value, angle.theta.in_units_of(self.DEGREE)._value)) ang_type_i += 1 else: logger.warn("Found unimplemented angle type for LAMMPS!") continue angle_list.append('{0:-6d} {1:6d} {2:6d} {3:6d} {4:6d}\n'.format( angle_i, angle_type_dict[temp], angle.atom1 + offset, angle.atom2 + offset, angle.atom3 + offset)) angle_i += 1 angle_style.add(style) if len(angle_style) > 1: logger.warn("More than one angle style found!") # dihedrals logger.debug(" Writing dihedrals...") for dihedral in mol_type.dihedralForceSet.itervalues(): atomtype1 = molecule._atoms[dihedral.atom1 - 1].bondtype atomtype2 = molecule._atoms[dihedral.atom2 - 1].bondtype atomtype3 = molecule._atoms[dihedral.atom3 - 1].bondtype atomtype4 = molecule._atoms[dihedral.atom4 - 1].bondtype if isinstance(dihedral, DihedralTrigDihedral): coefficients = [dihedral.fc1, dihedral.fc2, dihedral.fc3, dihedral.fc4, dihedral.fc5, dihedral.fc6] if dihedral.improper: found_nonzero = False for n, coeff in enumerate(coefficients): if coeff._value != 0.0: if found_nonzero == False: found_nonzero = True else: raise ValueError("Found more than one nonzero " "coefficient in improper trigonal dihedral!") style = 'charmm' temp = ProperPeriodicDihedralType(atomtype1, atomtype2, atomtype3, atomtype4, dihedral.phi, coeff, n + 1) if temp not in dihedral_type_dict: dihedral_type_dict[temp] = dih_type_i # NOTE: weighting factor assumed to be 0.0 # May need to add some additional checks here in the future dihedral_coeffs.append('{0:d} {1} {2:18.8f} {3:18d} ' '{4:18d} {5:18.4f}\n'.format( dih_type_i, style, coeff.in_units_of(self.ENERGY)._value, n + 1, int(dihedral.phi.in_units_of(units.degrees)._value), 0.0)) dih_type_i += 1 dihedral_list.append('{0:-6d} {1:6d} {2:6d} {3:6d} {4:6d} {5:6d}\n'.format( dihedral_i, dihedral_type_dict[temp], dihedral.atom1 + offset, dihedral.atom2 + offset, dihedral.atom3 + offset, dihedral.atom4 + offset)) dihedral_i += 1 dihedral_style.add(style) else: # NOTE: the following logic could instead default to printing # out a series of charmm style dihedrals instead of attempting # to write a multi/harmonic. I presume one multi/harmonic vs. # multiple charmm dihedrals may be slightly (but probably # negligibly) faster but if anyone has a better reason to do # one or the other, please chime in! rb_coeffs = ConvertDihedralFromDihedralTrigToRB( np.cos(dihedral.phi.in_units_of(units.radians)._value), dihedral.phi, dihedral.fc0, *coefficients) # LAMMPS only supports multi/harmonic (Ryckaert-Bellemans) # up to 5 coefficients. if (dihedral.phi in [0*units.degrees, 180*units.degrees] and rb_coeffs[5]._value == rb_coeffs[6]._value == 0.0): style = 'multi/harmonic' temp = RBDihedralType(atomtype1, atomtype2, atomtype3, atomtype4, rb_coeffs[0], rb_coeffs[1], rb_coeffs[2], rb_coeffs[3], rb_coeffs[4], 0.0*units.kilojoules_per_mole, 0.0*units.kilojoules_per_mole) if temp not in dihedral_type_dict: dihedral_type_dict[temp] = dih_type_i # multiple alternating powers by -1 for sign convention dihedral_coeffs.append('{0:d} {1} {2:18.8f} {3:18.8f} ' '{4:18.8f} {5:18.8f} {6:18.8f}\n'.format( dih_type_i, style, rb_coeffs[0].in_units_of(self.ENERGY)._value, -rb_coeffs[1].in_units_of(self.ENERGY)._value, rb_coeffs[2].in_units_of(self.ENERGY)._value, -rb_coeffs[3].in_units_of(self.ENERGY)._value, rb_coeffs[4].in_units_of(self.ENERGY)._value)) dih_type_i += 1 dihedral_list.append('{0:-6d} {1:6d} {2:6d} {3:6d} {4:6d} {5:6d}\n'.format( dihedral_i, dihedral_type_dict[temp], dihedral.atom1 + offset, dihedral.atom2 + offset, dihedral.atom3 + offset, dihedral.atom4 + offset)) dihedral_i += 1 dihedral_style.add(style) # If the 6th and/or 7th coefficients are non-zero, we decompose # the dihedral into multiple CHARMM style dihedrals. else: logger.warn("Found unsupported dihedral style.") continue """ for n, coeff in enumerate(coefficients): style = 'charmm' temp = ProperPeriodicDihedralType(atomtype1, atomtype2, atomtype3, atomtype4, dihedral.phi, coeff, n + 1) if temp not in dihedral_type_dict: dihedral_type_dict[temp] = dih_type_i # NOTE: weighting factor assumed to be 0.0 # May need to add some additional checks here in the future dihedral_coeffs.append('{0:d} {1} {2:18.8f} {3:18d} ' '{4:18d} {5:18.4f}\n'.format( dih_type_i, style, coeff.in_units_of(self.ENERGY)._value, n + 1, int(dihedral.phi.in_units_of(units.degrees)._value), 0.0)) dih_type_i += 1 dihedral_list.append('{0:-6d} {1:6d} {2:6d} {3:6d} {4:6d} {5:6d}\n'.format( i + j + 1, dihedral_type_dict[temp], dihedral.atom1 + offset, dihedral.atom2 + offset, dihedral.atom3 + offset, dihedral.atom4 + offset)) dihedral_style.add(style) """ elif isinstance(dihedral, ImproperHarmonicDihedral): stlye = 'harmonic' temp = ImproperHarmonicDihedralType(atomtype1, atomtype2, atomtype3, atomtype4, dihedral.xi, dihedral.k) if temp not in improper_type_dict: improper_type_dict[temp] = imp_type_i # NOTE: k includes the factor of 0.5 for harmonic in LAMMPS improper_coeffs.append('{0:d} {1} {2:18.8f} {3:18.8f}\n'.format( imp_type_i, style, 0.5 * dihedral.k.in_units_of(self.ENERGY / self.RAD**2)._value, dihedral.xi.in_units_of(self.DEGREE)._value)) imp_type_i += 1 improper_list.append('{0:-6d} {1:6d} {2:6d} {3:6d} {4:6d} {5:6d}\n'.format( improper_i, improper_type_dict[temp], dihedral.atom1 + offset, dihedral.atom2 + offset, dihedral.atom3 + offset, dihedral.atom4 + offset)) improper_i += 1 improper_style.add(style) else: raise Exception("InterMol expects all internally stored" " dihedrals to be of types ImproperHarmonic" " or DihedralTrig.") if len(dihedral_style) > 1: logger.warn("More than one dihedral style found!") if len(improper_style) > 1: logger.warn("More than one improper style found!") # atom specific information logger.debug(" Writing atoms...") for atom in molecule._atoms: # type, mass and pair coeffs if atom._atomtype[0] not in atom_type_dict: atom_type_dict[atom._atomtype[0]] = a_type_i mass_list.append('%d %8.4f # %s\n' % (a_type_i, atom._mass[0].in_units_of(self.MASS)._value, atom.bondtype)) pair_coeff_list.append('{0:d} {1:10.6f} {2:10.6f} # {3:s}\n'.format( a_type_i, atom._epsilon[0].in_units_of(self.ENERGY)._value, atom._sigma[0].in_units_of(self.DIST)._value, atom.bondtype)) a_type_i += 1 # box minima x_coord = atom._position[0].in_units_of(self.DIST)._value y_coord = atom._position[1].in_units_of(self.DIST)._value z_coord = atom._position[2].in_units_of(self.DIST)._value if x_coord < x_min: x_min = x_coord if y_coord < y_min: y_min = y_coord if z_coord < z_min: z_min = z_coord # atom atom_list.append('{0:-6d} {1:-6d} {2:-6d} {3:5.8f} {4:8.5f} {5:8.5f} {6:8.5f}\n'.format( atom.index + offset, atom.residue_index, atom_type_dict[atom._atomtype[0]], atom._charge[0].in_units_of(self.CHARGE)._value, x_coord, y_coord, z_coord)) # velocity vel_list.append('{0:-6d} {1:8.4f} {2:8.4f} {3:8.4f}\n'.format( atom.index + offset, atom._velocity[0].in_units_of(self.VEL)._value, atom._velocity[1].in_units_of(self.VEL)._value, atom._velocity[2].in_units_of(self.VEL)._value)) offset += len(molecule._atoms) # Write the actual data file. with open(data_file, 'w') as f: # front matter f.write(System._sys._name + '\n') f.write('\n') n_atoms = len(atom_list) - 3 n_bonds = len(bond_list) - 3 n_angles = len(angle_list) - 3 n_dihedrals = len(dihedral_list) - 3 n_impropers = len(improper_list) - 3 n_atom_types = len(pair_coeff_list) - 3 n_bond_types = len(bond_coeffs) - 3 n_angle_types = len(angle_coeffs) - 3 n_dihedral_types = len(dihedral_coeffs) - 3 n_improper_types = len(improper_coeffs) - 3 f.write('{0} atoms\n'.format(n_atoms)) f.write('{0} bonds\n'.format(n_bonds)) f.write('{0} angles\n'.format(n_angles)) f.write('{0} dihedrals\n'.format(n_dihedrals)) f.write('{0} impropers\n'.format(n_impropers)) f.write('\n') f.write('{0} atom types\n'.format(n_atom_types)) if n_bond_types > 0: f.write('{0} bond types\n'.format(n_bond_types)) if n_angle_types > 0: f.write('{0} angle types\n'.format(n_angle_types)) if n_dihedral_types > 0: f.write('{0} dihedral types\n'.format(n_dihedral_types)) if n_improper_types > 0: f.write('{0} improper types\n'.format(n_improper_types)) f.write('\n') # shifting of box dimensions f.write('{0:10.6f} {1:10.6f} xlo xhi\n'.format( x_min, x_min + System._sys.box_vector[0][0].in_units_of(self.DIST)._value)) f.write('{0:10.6f} {1:10.6f} ylo yhi\n'.format( y_min, y_min + System._sys.box_vector[1][1].in_units_of(self.DIST)._value)) f.write('{0:10.6f} {1:10.6f} zlo zhi\n'.format( z_min, z_min + System._sys.box_vector[2][2].in_units_of(self.DIST)._value)) # masses for mass in mass_list: f.write(mass) # forcefield coefficients if len(pair_coeff_list) > 3: for pair in pair_coeff_list: f.write(pair) if len(bond_coeffs) > 3: for bond in bond_coeffs: f.write(bond) if len(angle_coeffs) > 3: for angle in angle_coeffs: f.write(angle) if len(dihedral_coeffs) > 3: for dihedral in dihedral_coeffs: f.write(dihedral) if len(improper_coeffs) > 3: for improper in improper_coeffs: f.write(improper) # atoms and velocities for atom in atom_list: f.write(atom) for vel in vel_list: f.write(vel) # topology if len(bond_list) > 3: for bond in bond_list: f.write(bond) if len(angle_list) > 3: for angle in angle_list: f.write(angle) if len(dihedral_list) > 3: for dihedral in dihedral_list: f.write(dihedral) if len(improper_list) > 3: for improper in improper_list: f.write(improper) # Write the corresponding input file. basename = os.path.splitext(data_file)[0] input_filename = '{0}.input'.format(basename) with open(input_filename, 'w') as f: f.write('units {0}\n'.format(unit_set)) f.write('atom_style full\n') # TODO f.write('\n') f.write('dimension 3\n') # TODO f.write('boundary p p p\n') # TODO f.write('\n') # non-bonded f.write('pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 10.0 10.0\n') # TODO: match mdp if System._sys.combination_rule == 3: f.write('pair_modify mix geometric\n') elif System._sys.combination_rule == 2: f.write('pair_modify mix arithmetic\n') else: logger.warn("Unsupported combination rule: {0}".format( System._sys.combination_rule)) f.write('kspace_style pppm 1.0e-5\n') # TODO: match mdp f.write('\n') # bonded if len(bond_coeffs) > 3: f.write('bond_style hybrid {0}\n'.format( " ".join(bond_style))) if len(angle_coeffs) > 3: f.write('angle_style hybrid {0}\n'.format( " ".join(angle_style))) if len(dihedral_coeffs) > 3: f.write('dihedral_style hybrid {0}\n'.format( " ".join(dihedral_style))) if len(improper_coeffs) > 3: f.write('improper_style hybrid {0}\n'.format( " ".join(improper_style))) f.write('special_bonds lj {0} {1} {2} coul {3} {4} {5}\n'.format( 0.0, 0.0, System._sys.lj_correction, 0.0, 0.0, System._sys.coulomb_correction)) f.write('\n') # read data f.write('read_data {0}\n'.format(os.path.basename(data_file))) f.write('\n') # output energies energy_terms = " ".join(['ebond', 'eangle', 'edihed', 'eimp', 'epair', 'evdwl', 'ecoul', 'elong', 'etail', 'pe']) f.write('thermo_style custom {0}\n'.format(energy_terms)) f.write('\n') # SHAKE constraints if len(shake_bond_types) > 0: f.write('fix fSHAKE all shake 1.0e-4 20 10 b') for btype in shake_bond_types: f.write(' {0}'.format(bond_type_dict[btype])) if len(shake_angle_types) > 0: f.write(' a') for atype in shake_angle_types: f.write(' {0}'.format(angle_type_dict[atype])) f.write('\n') f.write('run 0\n') ``` #### File: intermol/types/ ```python class AbstractAngleType(object): __slots__ = ['atom1', 'atom2', 'atom3'] def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3): """An abstract representation of a generic angle type.""" self.atom1 = atom1 self.atom2 = atom2 self.atom3 = atom3 def __eq__(self, angle_type): return ((self.atom1 == angle_type.atom1 and self.atom2 == angle_type.atom2 and self.atom3 == angle_type.atom3) or (self.atom1 == angle_type.atom3 and self.atom2 == angle_type.atom2 and self.atom3 == angle_type.atom1)) def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple([self.atom1, self.atom2, self.atom3])) ``` #### File: intermol/types/ ```python class AbstractBondType(object): __slots__ = ['atom1', 'atom2'] def __init__(self, atom1, atom2): self.atom1 = atom1 self.atom2 = atom2 def __eq__(self, bond_type): return ((self.atom1 == bond_type.atom1 and self.atom2 == bond_type.atom2) or (self.atom2 == bond_type.atom2 and self.atom3 == bond_type.atom1)) def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple([self.atom1, self.atom2])) ``` #### File: intermol/types/ ```python import sys sys.path.append('..') from intermol.decorators import * from abstract_dihedral_type import * class FourierDihedralType(AbstractDihedralType): @accepts_compatible_units(None, None, None, None, units.kilojoules_per_mole, units.kilojoules_per_mole, units.kilojoules_per_mole, units.kilojoules_per_mole) def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, c1, c2, c3, c4): """ """ AbstractDihedralType.__init__(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4) self.c1 = c1 self.c2 = c2 self.c3 = c3 self.c4 = c4 ``` #### File: intermol/unit/ ```python __author__ = "<NAME>" __version__ = "0.5" from unit import Unit, is_unit from quantity import Quantity, is_quantity # Attach methods of Unit class that return a Quantity to Unit class. # I put them here to avoid circular dependence in imports. # i.e. Quantity depends on Unit, but not vice versa def _unit_class_rdiv(self, other): """ Divide another object type by a Unit. Returns a new Quantity with a value of other and units of the inverse of self. """ if is_unit(other): raise NotImplementedError('programmer is surprised __rtruediv__ was called instead of __truediv__') else: # print "R scalar / unit" unit = pow(self, -1.0) value = other return Quantity(value, unit).reduce_unit(self) Unit.__rtruediv__ = _unit_class_rdiv Unit.__rdiv__ = _unit_class_rdiv def _unit_class_mul(self, other): """Multiply a Unit by an object. If other is another Unit, returns a new composite Unit. Exponents of similar dimensions are added. If self and other share similar BaseDimension, but with different BaseUnits, the resulting BaseUnit for that BaseDimension will be that used in self. If other is a not another Unit, this method returns a new Quantity... UNLESS other is a Quantity and the resulting unit is dimensionless, in which case the underlying value type of the Quantity is returned. """ if is_unit(other): if self in Unit._multiplication_cache: if other in Unit._multiplication_cache[self]: return Unit._multiplication_cache[self][other] else: Unit._multiplication_cache[self] = {} # print "unit * unit" result1 = {} # dictionary of dimensionTuple: (BaseOrScaledUnit, exponent) for unit, exponent in self.iter_base_or_scaled_units(): d = unit.get_dimension_tuple() if d not in result1: result1[d] = {} assert unit not in result1[d] result1[d][unit] = exponent for unit, exponent in other.iter_base_or_scaled_units(): d = unit.get_dimension_tuple() if d not in result1: result1[d] = {} if unit not in result1[d]: result1[d][unit] = 0 result1[d][unit] += exponent result2 = {} # stripped of zero exponents for d in result1: for unit in result1[d]: exponent = result1[d][unit] if exponent != 0: assert unit not in result2 result2[unit] = exponent new_unit = Unit(result2) Unit._multiplication_cache[self][other] = new_unit return new_unit elif is_quantity(other): # print "unit * quantity" value = other._value unit = self * other.unit return Quantity(value, unit).reduce_unit(self) else: # print "scalar * unit" value = other unit = self # Is reduce_unit needed here? I hope not, there is a performance issue... # return Quantity(other, self).reduce_unit(self) return Quantity(other, self) Unit.__mul__ = _unit_class_mul Unit.__rmul__ = Unit.__mul__ Unit._multiplication_cache = {} # run module directly for testing if __name__=='__main__': # Test the examples in the docstrings import doctest, sys doctest.testmod(sys.modules[__name__]) ``` #### File: InterMol/testing/ ```python import subprocess from collections import OrderedDict import sys import os import pdb import logging import intermol.unit as units from intermol.gromacs_extension.gromacs_topology_parser import GromacsTopologyParser import intermol.gromacs_extension.gromacs_structure_parser as GromacsStructureParser logger = logging.getLogger('InterMolLog') def readFile(top_in, gro_in, gropath): # ensure .gro and .top are a valid match gromacs_energies(top_in, gro_in, 'inputs/Gromacs/grompp.mdp', gropath, '', grompp_check=True)'Reading GROMACS topology {0}'.format(top_in)) GromacsTopologyParser._GroTopParser = GromacsTopologyParser() GromacsTopologyParser._GroTopParser.parse_topology(top_in)'Topology loaded')'Reading GROMACS structure {0}'.format(gro_in)) GromacsStructureParser.readStructure(gro_in)'Structure loaded') def writeFile(outtop, outgro):'Writing GROMACS file {0}'.format(outgro)) GromacsStructureParser.writeStructure(outgro)'Writing GROMACS file {0}'.format(outtop)) if not GromacsTopologyParser._GroTopParser: GromacsTopologyParser._GroTopParser = GromacsTopologyParser() GromacsTopologyParser._GroTopParser.write_topology(outtop)'Write complete') def gromacs_energies(top=None, gro=None, mdp=None, gropath='',grosuff='', grompp_check=False): """ gropath = path to gromacs binaries grosuff = suffix of gromacs binaries, usually '' or '_d' """ if not grompp_check:'Evaluating energy of {0}'.format(gro)) directory, _ = os.path.split(top) tpr = os.path.join(directory , 'topol.tpr') ener = os.path.join(directory , 'ener.edr') ener_xvg = os.path.join(directory , 'energy.xvg') conf = os.path.join(directory , 'confout.gro') mdout = os.path.join(directory , 'mdout.mdp') state = os.path.join(directory , 'state.cpt') traj = os.path.join(directory , 'traj.trr') log = os.path.join(directory , 'md.log') stdout = os.path.join(directory, 'gromacs_stdout.txt') stderr = os.path.join(directory, 'gromacs_stderr.txt') grompp_bin = os.path.join(gropath, 'grompp' + grosuff) mdrun_bin = os.path.join(gropath, 'mdrun' + grosuff) genergy_bin = os.path.join(gropath, 'g_energy' + grosuff) # grompp'n it up cmd = [grompp_bin, '-f', mdp, '-c', gro, '-p', top, '-o', tpr, '-po', mdout, '-maxwarn', '1'] logger.debug('Running GROMACS with command:\n %s' % ' '.join(cmd)) with open(stdout, 'w') as out, open(stderr, 'w') as err: exit =, stdout=out, stderr=err) if exit: logger.error('grompp failed. See %s' % stderr) raise Exception('grompp failed for {0}'.format(top)) if grompp_check: return # mdrunin' cmd = [mdrun_bin, '-nt', '1', '-s', tpr, '-o', traj, '-cpo', state, '-c', conf, '-e', ener, '-g', log] logger.debug('Running GROMACS with command:\n %s' % ' '.join(cmd)) with open(stdout, 'wa') as out, open(stderr, 'wa') as err: exit =, stdout=out, stderr=err) if exit: logger.error('mdrun failed. See %s' % stderr) raise Exception('mdrun failed for {0}'.format(top)) # energizin' select = " ".join(map(str, range(1, 20))) + " 0 " cmd = 'echo {select} | {genergy_bin} -f {ener} -o {ener_xvg} -dp'.format( select=select, genergy_bin=genergy_bin, ener=ener, ener_xvg=ener_xvg) logger.debug('Running GROMACS with command:\n %s' % cmd) with open(stdout, 'wa') as out, open(stderr, 'wa') as err: exit =, stdout=out, stderr=err, shell=True) if exit: logger.error('g_energy failed. See %s' % stderr) raise Exception('g_energy failed for {0}'.format(top)) # extract g_energy output and parse initial energies with open(ener_xvg) as f: all_lines = f.readlines() types = [] for line in all_lines: if line[:3] == '@ s': types.append(line.split('"')[1]) # take last line data = map(float, all_lines[-1].split()[1:]) # [0] is the time # give everything units data = [value * units.kilojoules_per_mole for value in data] # pack it up in a dictionary e_out = OrderedDict(zip(types, data)) # discard non-energy terms unwanted = ['Kinetic En.', 'Total Energy', 'Temperature', 'Pressure', 'Volume', 'Box-X', 'Box-Y', 'Box-atomic_number', 'Pres. DC'] for group in unwanted: if group in e_out: del e_out[group] # dispersive energies - do buckingham energies also get dumped here? dispersive = ['LJ (SR)', 'LJ-14', 'Disper.corr.'] e_out['Dispersive'] = 0 * units.kilojoules_per_mole for group in dispersive: if group in e_out: e_out['Dispersive'] += e_out[group] # electrostatic energies electrostatic = ['Coulomb (SR)', 'Coulomb-14', 'Coul. recip.'] e_out['Electrostatic'] = 0 * units.kilojoules_per_mole for group in electrostatic: if group in e_out: e_out['Electrostatic'] += e_out[group] e_out['Non-bonded'] = e_out['Electrostatic'] + e_out['Dispersive'] # all the various dihedral energies - what else goes in here? all_dihedrals = ['Ryckaert-Bell.', 'Proper Dih.', 'Improper Dih.'] e_out['All dihedrals'] = 0 * units.kilojoules_per_mole for group in all_dihedrals: if group in e_out: e_out['All dihedrals'] += e_out[group] return e_out, ener_xvg ```
{ "source": "jpthompson17/msm_we", "score": 2 }
#### File: msm_we/tests/ ```python import numpy as np import unittest import msm_we.utils as utils from msm_we.fpt import MatrixFPT, MarkovFPT class TestMFPT(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): n_states = 5 self.T = utils.random_markov_matrix(n_states, seed=1) def testMarkovFPTMean(self): markov_mfpts = MarkovFPT.mean_fpts(self.T, [0], [4]) self.assertTrue(np.isclose(markov_mfpts['mfptAB'], 6.420918178038423)) self.assertTrue(np.isclose(markov_mfpts['mfptBA'], 4.920174169581114)) def testMatrixFPTDirectional(self): directional_mfpt = MatrixFPT.directional_mfpt(self.T, [0], [4], [1]) self.assertTrue(np.isclose(directional_mfpt, 6.420918178038424)) def testMatrixFPT2TargetMicrostate(self): mfpts_to_micro = MatrixFPT.mfpts_to_target_microstate(self.T, 4) result = np.array([6.42091818, 5.35994556, 7.24671735, 6.81752892, 0.0]) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(mfpts_to_micro, result)) def testMatrixFPTMatrix(self): mfpts_matrix = MatrixFPT.mfpts_matrix(self.T) result = np.array( [ [0.0, 2.62899481, 7.65074814, 4.37254081, 6.42091818], [5.58481382, 0.0, 6.21851058, 4.00702426, 5.35994556], [4.98545579, 3.15239528, 0.0, 3.43921253, 7.24671735], [4.37802054, 3.33697554, 6.03713191, 0.0, 6.81752892], [4.92017417, 3.26320798, 7.20000135, 4.36442835, 0.0], ] ) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(mfpts_matrix, result)) def testMatrixFPTMinCommuteTime(self): mfpts_matrix = MatrixFPT.mfpts_matrix(self.T) min_comm_time, a, b = MatrixFPT.min_commute_time(mfpts_matrix) self.assertTrue(np.isclose(min_comm_time, 7.343999799826479)) self.assertEqual(a, 1) self.assertEqual(b, 3) def testMatrixFPTMaxCommuteTime(self): mfpts_matrix = MatrixFPT.mfpts_matrix(self.T) max_comm_time, a, b = MatrixFPT.max_commute_time(mfpts_matrix) self.assertTrue(np.isclose(max_comm_time, 14.446718700939037)) self.assertEqual(a, 2) self.assertEqual(b, 4) def testMatrixFPTDistribution(self): fpt_distribution = MatrixFPT.fpt_distribution(self.T, [0], [4], [0.5], max_n_lags=10) result = [[ 0., 0. ], [ 1., 0.11289507], [ 2., 0.24431041], [ 3., 0.13232006], [ 4., 0.11478687], [ 5., 0.0968178 ], [ 6., 0.08185738], [ 7., 0.06886433], [ 8., 0.05804509], [ 9., 0.04890027], [10., 0.04120272]] self.assertTrue(np.allclose(fpt_distribution, result)) def testMatrixFPTDistributionLog(self): fpt_distribution = MatrixFPT.fpt_distribution( self.T, [0], [4], [0.5], max_n_lags=10, clean_recycling=True, logscale=True) result = [[0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000], [1.00000000e+001, 1.00000000e+000], [1.66000000e+002, 3.85697122e-011], [2.78200000e+003, 1.48701736e-204], [4.64150000e+004, 0.00000000e+000], [7.74263000e+005, 0.00000000e+000], [1.29154960e+007, 0.00000000e+000], [2.15443469e+008, 0.00000000e+000], [3.59381366e+009, 0.00000000e+000], [5.99484250e+010, 0.00000000e+000], [1.00000000e+012, 0.00000000e+000]] self.assertTrue(np.allclose(fpt_distribution, result)) ```
{ "source": "jpthor/digital-cash", "score": 2 }
#### File: jpthor/digital-cash/ ```python import pytest, time, uuid, ecdsa import identities from my blockcoin import * def test_blocks(): bank = Bank(id=0, private_key=identities.bank_private_key(0)) # Good block block = Block(txns=[]) block.sign(bank.private_key) bank.handle_block(block) assert len(bank.blocks) == 1 # Wrong bank signs block = Block(txns=[]) wrong_private_key = identities.bank_private_key(1000) block.sign(wrong_private_key) with pytest.raises(ecdsa.keys.BadSignatureError): bank.handle_block(block) def test_bad_tx(): bank = Bank(id=0, private_key=identities.bank_private_key(0)) tx = identities.airdrop_tx() bank.airdrop(tx) tx = prepare_simple_tx( utxos=bank.fetch_utxos(identities.alice_public_key), sender_private_key=identities.alice_private_key, recipient_public_key=identities.bob_public_key, amount=10, ) # Put in a phony signature tx.tx_ins[0].signature = identities.alice_private_key.sign(b"bad") with pytest.raises(ecdsa.keys.BadSignatureError): bank.handle_tx(tx) def test_airdrop(): bank = Bank(id=0, private_key=identities.bank_private_key(0)) tx = identities.airdrop_tx() bank.airdrop(tx) assert 500_000 == bank.fetch_balance(identities.alice_public_key) assert 500_000 == bank.fetch_balance(identities.bob_public_key) def test_utxo(): bank = Bank(id=0, private_key=identities.bank_private_key(0)) tx = identities.airdrop_tx() bank.airdrop(tx) assert len(bank.blocks) == 1 # Alice sends 10 to Bob tx = prepare_simple_tx( utxos=bank.fetch_utxos(identities.alice_public_key), sender_private_key=identities.alice_private_key, recipient_public_key=identities.bob_public_key, amount=10 ) block = Block(txns=[tx]) block.sign(identities.bank_private_key(1)) bank.handle_block(block) assert 500_000 - 10 == bank.fetch_balance(identities.alice_public_key) assert 500_000 + 10 == bank.fetch_balance(identities.bob_public_key) ``` #### File: digital-cash/experiments/ ```python import time, logging, threading, hashlib logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) mining_interrupt = threading.Event() chain_lock = threading.Lock() chain = [] bits = 21 target = 1 << (256 - bits) def message_generator(): """Arbitrary message for blocks""" number = 1 while True: yield int.to_bytes(number, 'little') number += 1 class Block: def __init__(self, previous, nonce=None): self.previous = previous self.nonce = nonce @property def id(self): return mining_hash(self.header(self.nonce)) def header(self, nonce): return f"{self.previous}{nonce}" def __repr__(self): return (f"Block(previous={self.previous}, nonce={self.nonce}, " f"id={})") def mining_hash(s): if not isinstance(s, bytes): s = s.encode() return hashlib.sha256(s).hexdigest() def mine_block(block): nonce = 0 while int(mining_hash(block.header(nonce)), 16) >= target: nonce += 1 if mining_interrupt.is_set(): print("Mining interrupted") mining_interrupt.clear() return block.nonce = nonce print(f"Nonce found {block}") return block def mine_forever(): while True: unmined_block = Block(previous=chain[-1].id) mined_block = mine_block(unmined_block) # This is False if mining was interrupted # Perhaps an exception would be wiser ... if mined_block: with chain_lock: chain.append(mined_block) def chain_is_valid(): current_block = chain[0] for block in chain[1:]: assert block.previous == assert int(, 16) < target current_block = block def main(): global chain thread = threading.Thread(target=mine_forever) thread.start() while True: if len(chain) == 2: mining_interrupt.set() print("Set mining interrupt") with chain_lock: block = Block( previous="0000070cfe252d71f30a7d66e652174fce5bb6dc90cb7c52997871ffbc731433", nonce=62706, ) chain.append(block) chain_is_valid() time.sleep(.1) if __name__ == "__main__": genesis = Block( previous="0" * 64, nonce=0 ) print("Setting genesis block: {genesis}") chain.append(genesis) main() ``` #### File: digital-cash/experiments/ ```python import socket, socketserver, sys, logging, os, threading, re host = "" port = 10000 address = (host, port) current = 0 ID = int(os.environ["ID"]) peer_hostnames= os.environ["PEERS"].split(',') logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)s %(message)s') logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TCPHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler): def handle(self): # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() message_bytes = self.request.recv(10).strip() peer = self.request.getpeername()'Received {str(message_bytes)} from {peer}') if message_bytes == b"ping": self.request.sendall(b"pong")'Sent b"pong"') def serve(): schedule_pings() server = socketserver.TCPServer(address, TCPHandler) server.serve_forever() def ping_peers(): for hostname in peer_hostnames: ping(hostname) schedule_pings() def schedule_pings(): global current current = (current + 1) % 3 if ID == current: threading.Timer(1, ping_peers).start() def ping(hostname): with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s: addr = (hostname, port) s.connect(address) s.sendall(b"ping")'Sent b"ping"') data = s.recv(10)'Received {str(data)}') if __name__ == "__main__": command = sys.argv[1] if command == "serve": serve() elif command == "ping": ping() else: print("python <serve|ping>") ``` #### File: digital-cash/experiments/ ```python import sys, time, random from threading import Thread, Event, Lock a = 0 event = Event() lock = Lock() l = [] def event_demo(): def thread1(threadname): while True: if event.is_set(): print(a) event.clear() def thread2(threadname): global a while 1: a += 1 event.set() time.sleep(1) thread1 = Thread(target=thread1, args=("Thread-1",)) thread2 = Thread(target=thread2, args=("Thread-2",)) thread1.start() thread2.start() def no_lock_demo(): def appender(): global l while True: length = len(l) if length < 100: time.sleep(random.random() / 1000) l.append(length) threads = [Thread(target=appender) for i in range(10)] for thread in threads: thread.start() for thread in threads: thread.join() print(l == list(range(1_000))) print(l) def lock_demo(): def appender(): global l while True: # Note: program halts if we return without releasing lock.acquire() length = len(l) if length < 100: time.sleep(random.random() / 1000) l.append(length) lock.release() if length >= 100: return threads = [Thread(target=appender) for i in range(10)] for thread in threads: thread.start() for thread in threads: thread.join() print(l == list(range(100))) print(l) def lock_cm_demo(): def appender(): global l while True: # Note: releasing handle for us with lock: length = len(l) if length >= 100: return time.sleep(random.random() / 1000) l.append(length) threads = [Thread(target=appender) for i in range(10)] for thread in threads: thread.start() for thread in threads: thread.join() print(l == list(range(100))) print(l) if __name__ == "__main__": eval(f"{sys.argv[1]}()") ``` #### File: jpthor/digital-cash/ ```python import io import pickle from PIL import Image ########### # Helpers # ########### def handle_user_input(user_input): if user_input.lower() == "y": return True elif user_input.lower() == "n": return False else: user_input = input('Please enter "y" or "n"') return handle_user_input(user_input) ############ # PNG Coin # ############ class PNGCoin: def __init__(self, transfers): self.transfers = transfers # PIL.Image instances def serialize(self): return pickle.dumps(self) @classmethod def deserialize(cls, serialized): return pickle.loads(serialized) def to_disk(self, filename): serialized = self.serialize() with open(filename, "wb") as f: f.write(serialized) @classmethod def from_disk(cls, filename): with open(filename, "rb") as f: serialized = return cls.deserialize(serialized) def validate(self): for transfer in self.transfers: user_input = input("Is this a valid minting signature? (y/n)") if not handle_user_input(user_input): return False return True ``` #### File: digital-cash/powcoin/ ```python from copy import deepcopy import pytest import mypowcoin as p import identities as ids ########### # Helpers # ########### # Set difficuly very low p.POW_TARGET = 2 ** (256 - 2) def send_tx(node, sender_private_key, recipient_public_key, amount): utxos = node.fetch_utxos(sender_private_key.get_verifying_key()) return p.prepare_simple_tx(utxos, sender_private_key, recipient_public_key, amount) def mine_block(node, miner_public_key, prev_block, mempool, nonce=0): coinbase = p.prepare_coinbase(miner_public_key) unmined_block = p.Block( txns=[coinbase] + deepcopy(mempool),, nonce=nonce, ) mined_block = p.mine_block(unmined_block) node.handle_block(mined_block) return mined_block ######### # Tests # ######### def test_duplicate(): node = p.Node(address="") alice_node = p.Node(address="") # Bob mines height=0,1 p.mine_genesis_block(node, ids.bob_public_key) p.mine_genesis_block(alice_node, ids.bob_public_key) block = mine_block(node, ids.bob_public_key, node.blocks[0], []) # Assert handling block already in blocks with pytest.raises(Exception): node.handle_block(block) assert alice_node.blocks[0] == node.blocks[0] block = mine_block(alice_node, ids.alice_public_key, node.blocks[0], []) node.handle_block(block) # goes into branches assert len(node.branches) == 1 # Assert handling block already in branches with pytest.raises(Exception): node.handle_block(block) def test_extend_chain(): node = p.Node(address="") # Bob mines height=0,1 p.mine_genesis_block(node, ids.bob_public_key) block = mine_block(node, ids.bob_public_key, node.blocks[0], []) # Alice's balance unchanged, Bob received block subsidy assert node.fetch_balance(ids.alice_public_key) == 0 assert node.fetch_balance(ids.bob_public_key) == 2*p.BLOCK_SUBSIDY # Chain extended assert len(node.blocks) == 2 assert node.blocks[-1] == block # Branches empty assert node.branches == [] def test_fork_chain(): node = p.Node(address="") # Bob mines height=0,1 p.mine_genesis_block(node, ids.bob_public_key) bob_block = mine_block(node, ids.bob_public_key, node.blocks[0], []) # Alice mines height=1 too alice_block = mine_block(node, ids.alice_public_key, node.blocks[0], []) # UTXO database unchanged assert node.fetch_balance(ids.alice_public_key) == 0 assert node.fetch_balance(ids.bob_public_key) == 2*p.BLOCK_SUBSIDY # Chain unchanged assert len(node.blocks) == 2 assert alice_block not in node.blocks # One more chain with one block on it assert len(node.branches) == 1 assert node.branches[0] == [alice_block] def test_block_extending_fork(): node = p.Node(address="") # Bob mines height=0,1,2 p.mine_genesis_block(node, ids.bob_public_key) mine_block(node, ids.bob_public_key, node.blocks[0], []) bob_block = mine_block(node, ids.bob_public_key, node.blocks[1], []) # Alice mines height=1 alice_block = mine_block(node, ids.alice_public_key, node.blocks[0], []) # Alice mines block on top of her branch alice_block = mine_block(node, ids.alice_public_key, node.branches[0][0], []) # UTXOs assert node.fetch_balance(ids.alice_public_key) == 0 assert node.fetch_balance(ids.bob_public_key) == 3*p.BLOCK_SUBSIDY # Now new branches assert len(node.blocks) == 3 assert len(node.branches) == 1 assert len(node.branches[0]) == 2 def test_block_forking_fork(): node = p.Node(address="") # Bob mines height=0,1,2 p.mine_genesis_block(node, ids.bob_public_key) mine_block(node, ids.bob_public_key, node.blocks[0], []) bob_block = mine_block(node, ids.bob_public_key, node.blocks[1], []) # Alice mines height=1 first = mine_block(node, ids.alice_public_key, node.blocks[0], []) # Alice mines 2 separate blocks top of her branch, each at height 2 second = mine_block(node, ids.alice_public_key, node.branches[0][0], []) third = mine_block(node, ids.alice_public_key, node.branches[0][0], [], nonce=second.nonce+1) # UTXOs and chain unaffected assert node.fetch_balance(ids.alice_public_key) == 0 assert node.fetch_balance(ids.bob_public_key) == 3*p.BLOCK_SUBSIDY # One more branch added, which contains alice's first block and this one assert len(node.blocks) == 3 assert len(node.branches) == 2 assert node.branches[0] == [first, second] assert node.branches[1] == [first, third] def test_successful_reorg(): node = p.Node(address="") alice_node = p.Node(address="") # Bob mines height=0,1,2 b0 = p.mine_genesis_block(node, ids.bob_public_key) b1 = mine_block(node, ids.bob_public_key, node.blocks[0], []) # height=2 contains a bob->alice txn bob_to_alice = send_tx(node, ids.bob_private_key, ids.alice_public_key, 10) b2 = mine_block(node, ids.bob_public_key, node.blocks[1], [bob_to_alice]) # Alice accepts bob's first two blocks, but not the third p.mine_genesis_block(alice_node, ids.bob_public_key) # FIXME confusing alice_node.handle_block(b1) # FIXME just borrow everything up until this point from another test # Create and handle two blocks atop Alice's chain a2 = mine_block(alice_node, ids.alice_public_key, node.blocks[1], []) node.handle_block(a2) # Chains assert len(node.blocks) == 3 print([b0, b1, b2]) assert node.blocks == [b0, b1, b2] assert len(node.branches) == 1 assert node.branches[0] == [a2] # Balances assert (, 0) in node.utxo_set assert (, 1) in node.utxo_set assert node.fetch_balance(ids.alice_public_key) == 10 assert node.fetch_balance(ids.bob_public_key) == 3*p.BLOCK_SUBSIDY - 10 # Use alice's node to assemble this txn b/c she doesn't have any utxos in bob's view of world alice_to_bob = send_tx(alice_node, ids.alice_private_key, ids.bob_public_key, 20) a3 = mine_block(node, ids.alice_public_key, node.branches[0][0], [alice_to_bob]) # Chains assert len(node.blocks) == 4 assert node.blocks == [b0, b1, a2, a3] assert len(node.branches) == 1 assert node.branches[0] == [b2] # Balances assert (, 0) not in node.utxo_set assert (, 1) not in node.utxo_set assert (, 0) in node.utxo_set assert (, 1) in node.utxo_set assert node.fetch_balance(ids.alice_public_key) == 2*p.BLOCK_SUBSIDY - 20 assert node.fetch_balance(ids.bob_public_key) == 2*p.BLOCK_SUBSIDY + 20 # Mempool assert len(node.mempool) == 1 assert bob_to_alice in node.mempool def test_unsuccessful_reorg(): # FIXME: ideally this would assert that a reorg was attempted ... # passes even when reorgs were never tried ... node = p.Node(address="") alice_node = p.Node(address="") # Bob mines height=0,1,2 b0 = p.mine_genesis_block(node, ids.bob_public_key) b1 = mine_block(node, ids.bob_public_key, node.blocks[0], []) b2 = mine_block(node, ids.bob_public_key, node.blocks[1], []) # Alice accepts bob's first two blocks, but not the third p.mine_genesis_block(alice_node, ids.bob_public_key) # FIXME confusing alice_node.handle_block(b1) # FIXME just borrow everything up until this point from another test # Create one valid block for Alice a2 = mine_block(alice_node, ids.alice_public_key, node.blocks[1], []) node.handle_block(a2) # Create one invalid block for Alice alice_to_bob = send_tx(alice_node, ids.alice_private_key, ids.bob_public_key, 20) # txn invalid b/c changing amount arbitrarily after signing ... alice_to_bob.tx_outs[0].amount = 100000 initial_utxo_set = deepcopy(node.utxo_set) initial_chain = deepcopy(node.blocks) initial_branches = deepcopy(node.branches) # This block shouldn't make it into branches or chain # b/c it contains an invalid transaction that will only be discovered # during reorg a3 = mine_block(node, ids.alice_public_key, node.branches[0][0], [alice_to_bob]) # UTXO, chain, branches unchanged assert str(node.utxo_set.keys()) == str(initial_utxo_set.keys()) # FIXME assert node.blocks == initial_chain assert node.branches == initial_branches ``` #### File: jpthor/digital-cash/ ```python import pickle, uuid def serialize(coin): return pickle.dumps(coin) def deserialize(serialized): return pickle.loads(serialized) def to_disk(coin, filename): serialized = serialize(coin) with open(filename, "wb") as f: f.write(serialized) def from_disk(filename): with open(filename, "rb") as f: serialized = return deserialize(serialized) def prepare_simple_tx(utxos, sender_private_key, recipient_public_key, amount): from mybankcoin import Tx, TxIn, TxOut sender_public_key = sender_private_key.get_verifying_key() # Construct tx.tx_outs tx_ins = [] tx_in_sum = 0 for tx_out in utxos: tx_ins.append(TxIn(tx_id=tx_out.tx_id, index=tx_out.index, signature=None)) tx_in_sum += tx_out.amount if tx_in_sum > amount: break # Make sure sender can afford it assert tx_in_sum >= amount # Construct tx.tx_outs tx_id = uuid.uuid4() change = tx_in_sum - amount tx_outs = [ TxOut(tx_id=tx_id, index=0, amount=amount, public_key=recipient_public_key), TxOut(tx_id=tx_id, index=1, amount=change, public_key=sender_public_key), ] # Construct tx and sign inputs tx = Tx(id=tx_id, tx_ins=tx_ins, tx_outs=tx_outs) for i in range(len(tx.tx_ins)): tx.sign_input(i, sender_private_key) return tx ```
{ "source": "JPTIZ/asciimatics", "score": 3 }
#### File: asciimatics/asciimatics/ ```python from __future__ import division from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from asciimatics.effects import Sprite from asciimatics.renderers import StaticRenderer import random # Images for Sam-ple sprite. from asciimatics.screen import Screen sam_default = [ """ ______ .` `. / - - \\ | __ | | | \\ / '.______.' """, """ ______ .` `. / o o \\ | __ | | | \\ / '.______.' """ ] sam_left = """ ______ .` `. / o \\ | | |-- | \\ / '.______.' """ sam_right = """ ______ .` `. / o \\ | | | --| \\ / '.______.' """ sam_down = """ ______ .` `. / \\ | | | ^ ^ | \\ __ / '.______.' """ sam_up = """ ______ .` __ `. / v v \\ | | | | \\ / '.______.' """ # Images for an arrow Sprite. left_arrow = """ /____ / \\ ____ \\ """ up_arrow = """ /\\ / \\ /| |\\ | | """ right_arrow = """ ____\\ \\ ____ / / """ down_arrow = """ | | \\| |/ \\ / \\/ """ default_arrow = [ """ /\\ / \\ /|><|\\ | | """, """ /\\ / \\ /|oo|\\ | | """, ] # Simple static function to swap between 2 images to make a sprite blink. def _blink(): if random.random() > 0.9: return 0 else: return 1 class Sam(Sprite): """ Sam Paul sprite - an simple sample animated character. """ def __init__(self, screen, path, start_frame=0, stop_frame=0): """ See :py:obj:`.Sprite` for details. """ super(Sam, self).__init__( screen, renderer_dict={ "default": StaticRenderer(images=sam_default, animation=_blink), "left": StaticRenderer(images=[sam_left]), "right": StaticRenderer(images=[sam_right]), "down": StaticRenderer(images=[sam_down]), "up": StaticRenderer(images=[sam_up]), }, path=path, start_frame=start_frame, stop_frame=stop_frame) class Arrow(Sprite): """ Sample arrow sprite - points where it is going. """ def __init__(self, screen, path, colour=Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, start_frame=0, stop_frame=0): """ See :py:obj:`.Sprite` for details. """ super(Arrow, self).__init__( screen, renderer_dict={ "default": StaticRenderer(images=default_arrow, animation=_blink), "left": StaticRenderer(images=[left_arrow]), "right": StaticRenderer(images=[right_arrow]), "down": StaticRenderer(images=[down_arrow]), "up": StaticRenderer(images=[up_arrow]), }, path=path, colour=colour, start_frame=start_frame, stop_frame=stop_frame) class Plot(Sprite): """ Sample Sprite that simply plots an "X" for each step in the path. Useful for plotting a path to the screen. """ def __init__(self, screen, path, colour=Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, start_frame=0, stop_frame=0): """ See :py:obj:`.Sprite` for details. """ super(Plot, self).__init__( screen, renderer_dict={ "default": StaticRenderer(images=["X"]) }, path=path, colour=colour, clear=False, start_frame=start_frame, stop_frame=stop_frame) ``` #### File: asciimatics/widgets/ ```python from __future__ import division from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from asciimatics.event import KeyboardEvent, MouseEvent from asciimatics.widgets.widget import Widget class CheckBox(Widget): """ A CheckBox widget is used to ask for Boolean (i.e. yes/no) input. It consists of an optional label (typically used for the first in a group of CheckBoxes), the box and a field name. """ __slots__ = ["_text", "_label", "_on_change"] def __init__(self, text, label=None, name=None, on_change=None, **kwargs): """ :param text: The text to explain this specific field to the user. :param label: An optional label for the widget. :param name: The internal name for the widget. :param on_change: Optional function to call when text changes. Also see the common keyword arguments in :py:obj:`.Widget`. """ super(CheckBox, self).__init__(name, **kwargs) self._text = text self._label = label self._on_change = on_change def update(self, frame_no): self._draw_label() # Render this checkbox. check_char = u"✓" if self._frame.canvas.unicode_aware else "X" (colour, attr, bg) = self._pick_colours("control", self._has_focus) self._frame.canvas.print_at( "[{}] ".format(check_char if self._value else " "), self._x + self._offset, self._y, colour, attr, bg) (colour, attr, bg) = self._pick_colours("field", self._has_focus) self._frame.canvas.print_at( self._text, self._x + self._offset + 4, self._y, colour, attr, bg) def reset(self): pass def process_event(self, event): if isinstance(event, KeyboardEvent): if event.key_code in [ord(" "), 10, 13]: # Use property to trigger events. self.value = not self._value else: # Ignore any other key press. return event elif isinstance(event, MouseEvent): # Mouse event - rebase coordinates to Frame context. if event.buttons != 0: if self.is_mouse_over(event, include_label=False): # Use property to trigger events. self.value = not self._value return None # Ignore other mouse events. return event else: # Ignore other events return event # If we got here, we processed the event - swallow it. return None def required_height(self, offset, width): return 1 @property def value(self): return self._value @value.setter def value(self, new_value): # Only trigger the notification after we've changed the value. old_value = self._value self._value = new_value if new_value else False if old_value != self._value and self._on_change: self._on_change() ``` #### File: asciimatics/widgets/ ```python from __future__ import division from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from re import compile as re_compile import os import unicodedata from collections import namedtuple from asciimatics.utilities import readable_timestamp, readable_mem from asciimatics.widgets.multicolumnlistbox import MultiColumnListBox class FileBrowser(MultiColumnListBox): """ A FileBrowser is a widget for finding a file on the local disk. """ def __init__(self, height, root, name=None, on_select=None, on_change=None, file_filter=None): r""" :param height: The desired height for this widget. :param root: The starting root directory to display in the widget. :param name: The name of this widget. :param on_select: Optional function that gets called when user selects a file (by pressing enter or double-clicking). :param on_change: Optional function that gets called on any movement of the selection. :param file_filter: Optional RegEx string that can be passed in to filter the files to be displayed. Most people will want to use a filter to finx files with a particular extension. In this case, you must use a regex that matches to the end of the line - e.g. use ".*\.txt$" to find files ending with ".txt". This ensures that you don't accidentally pick up files containing the filter. """ super(FileBrowser, self).__init__( height, [0, ">8", ">14"], [], titles=["Filename", "Size", "Last modified"], name=name, on_select=self._on_selection, on_change=on_change) # Remember the on_select handler for external notification. This allows us to wrap the # normal on_select notification with a function that will open new sub-directories as # needed. self._external_notification = on_select self._root = root self._in_update = False self._initialized = False self._file_filter = None if file_filter is None else re_compile(file_filter) def update(self, frame_no): # Defer initial population until we first display the widget in order to avoid race # conditions in the Frame that may be using this widget. if not self._initialized: self._populate_list(self._root) self._initialized = True super(FileBrowser, self).update(frame_no) def _on_selection(self): """ Internal function to handle directory traversal or bubble notifications up to user of the Widget as needed. """ if self.value and os.path.isdir(self.value): self._populate_list(self.value) elif self._external_notification: self._external_notification() def clone(self, new_widget): # Copy the data into the new widget. Notes: # 1) I don't really want to expose these methods, so am living with the protected access. # 2) I need to populate the list and then assign the values to ensure that we get the # right selection on re-sizing. new_widget._populate_list(self._root) new_widget._start_line = self._start_line new_widget._root = self._root new_widget.value = self.value def _populate_list(self, value): """ Populate the current multi-column list with the contents of the selected directory. :param value: The new value to use. """ # Nothing to do if the value is rubbish. if value is None: return # Stop any recursion - no more returns from here to end of fn please! if self._in_update: return self._in_update = True # We need to update the tree view. self._root = os.path.abspath(value if os.path.isdir(value) else os.path.dirname(value)) # The absolute expansion of "/" or "\" is the root of the disk, so is a cross-platform # way of spotting when to insert ".." or not. tree_view = [] if len(self._root) > len(os.path.abspath(os.sep)): tree_view.append((["|-+ .."], os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self._root, "..")))) tree_dirs = [] tree_files = [] try: files = os.listdir(self._root) except OSError: # Can fail on Windows due to access permissions files = [] for my_file in files: full_path = os.path.join(self._root, my_file) try: details = os.lstat(full_path) except OSError: # Can happen on Windows due to access permissions details = namedtuple("stat_type", "st_size st_mtime") details.st_size = 0 details.st_mtime = 0 name = "|-- {}".format(my_file) tree = tree_files if os.path.isdir(full_path): tree = tree_dirs if os.path.islink(full_path): # Show links separately for directories real_path = os.path.realpath(full_path) name = "|-+ {} -> {}".format(my_file, real_path) else: name = "|-+ {}".format(my_file) elif self._file_filter and not self._file_filter.match(my_file): # Skip files that don't match the filter (if present) continue elif os.path.islink(full_path): # Check if link target exists and if it does, show statistics of the # linked file, otherwise just display the link try: real_path = os.path.realpath(full_path) except OSError: # Can fail on Linux prof file system. real_path = None if real_path and os.path.exists(real_path): details = os.stat(real_path) name = "|-- {} -> {}".format(my_file, real_path) else: # Both broken directory and file links fall to this case. # Actually using the files will cause a FileNotFound exception name = "|-- {} -> {}".format(my_file, real_path) # Normalize names for MacOS and then add to the list. tree.append(([unicodedata.normalize("NFC", name), readable_mem(details.st_size), readable_timestamp(details.st_mtime)], full_path)) tree_view.extend(sorted(tree_dirs)) tree_view.extend(sorted(tree_files)) self.options = tree_view self._titles[0] = self._root # We're out of the function - unset recursion flag. self._in_update = False ``` #### File: asciimatics/widgets/ ```python from __future__ import division from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from logging import getLogger from math import sqrt from builtins import str from collections import defaultdict from wcwidth import wcswidth, wcwidth try: from functools import lru_cache except ImportError: from backports.functools_lru_cache import lru_cache from asciimatics.screen import Screen # Logging logger = getLogger(__name__) THEMES = { "default": { "background": (Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.A_NORMAL, Screen.COLOUR_BLUE), "shadow": (Screen.COLOUR_BLACK, None, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), "disabled": (Screen.COLOUR_BLACK, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLUE), "invalid": (Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_RED), "label": (Screen.COLOUR_GREEN, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLUE), "borders": (Screen.COLOUR_BLACK, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLUE), "scroll": (Screen.COLOUR_CYAN, Screen.A_NORMAL, Screen.COLOUR_BLUE), "title": (Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLUE), "edit_text": (Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.A_NORMAL, Screen.COLOUR_BLUE), "focus_edit_text": (Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_CYAN), "readonly": (Screen.COLOUR_BLACK, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLUE), "focus_readonly": (Screen.COLOUR_BLACK, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_CYAN), "button": (Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.A_NORMAL, Screen.COLOUR_BLUE), "focus_button": (Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_CYAN), "control": (Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW, Screen.A_NORMAL, Screen.COLOUR_BLUE), "selected_control": (Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLUE), "focus_control": (Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW, Screen.A_NORMAL, Screen.COLOUR_BLUE), "selected_focus_control": (Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_CYAN), "field": (Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.A_NORMAL, Screen.COLOUR_BLUE), "selected_field": (Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLUE), "focus_field": (Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.A_NORMAL, Screen.COLOUR_BLUE), "selected_focus_field": (Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_CYAN), }, "monochrome": defaultdict( lambda: (Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.A_NORMAL, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), { "invalid": (Screen.COLOUR_BLACK, Screen.A_NORMAL, Screen.COLOUR_RED), "label": (Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), "title": (Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), "selected_focus_field": (Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), "focus_edit_text": (Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), "focus_button": (Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), "selected_focus_control": (Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), "disabled": (Screen.COLOUR_BLACK, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), } ), "green": defaultdict( lambda: (Screen.COLOUR_GREEN, Screen.A_NORMAL, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), { "invalid": (Screen.COLOUR_BLACK, Screen.A_NORMAL, Screen.COLOUR_RED), "label": (Screen.COLOUR_GREEN, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), "title": (Screen.COLOUR_GREEN, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), "selected_focus_field": (Screen.COLOUR_GREEN, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), "focus_edit_text": (Screen.COLOUR_GREEN, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), "focus_button": (Screen.COLOUR_GREEN, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), "selected_focus_control": (Screen.COLOUR_GREEN, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), "disabled": (Screen.COLOUR_BLACK, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), } ), "bright": defaultdict( lambda: (Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), { "invalid": (Screen.COLOUR_BLACK, Screen.A_NORMAL, Screen.COLOUR_RED), "label": (Screen.COLOUR_GREEN, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), "control": (Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), "focus_control": (Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), "selected_focus_control": (Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), "selected_focus_field": (Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), "focus_button": (Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), "focus_edit_text": (Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), "disabled": (Screen.COLOUR_BLACK, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), } ), "tlj256": defaultdict( lambda: (16, 0, 15), { "invalid": (0, 0, 196), "label": (88, 0, 15), "title": (88, 0, 15), "selected_focus_field": (15, 0, 88), "focus_edit_text": (15, 0, 88), "focus_button": (15, 0, 88), "selected_focus_control": (15, 0, 88), "disabled": (8, 0, 15), } ), "warning": defaultdict( lambda: (Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.A_NORMAL, Screen.COLOUR_RED), { "label": (Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_RED), "title": (Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_RED), "focus_edit_text": (Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_RED), "focus_field": (Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_RED), "focus_button": (Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW), "focus_control": (Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_RED), "disabled": (Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, Screen.A_BOLD, Screen.COLOUR_RED), "shadow": (Screen.COLOUR_BLACK, None, Screen.COLOUR_BLACK), } ), } def _enforce_width(text, width, unicode_aware=True): """ Enforce a displayed piece of text to be a certain number of cells wide. This takes into account double-width characters used in CJK languages. :param text: The text to be truncated :param width: The screen cell width to enforce :return: The resulting truncated text """ # Double-width strings cannot be more than twice the string length, so no need to try # expensive truncation if this upper bound isn't an issue. if (2 * len(text) < width) or (len(text) < width and not unicode_aware): return text # Can still optimize performance if we are not handling unicode characters. if unicode_aware: size = 0 for i, char in enumerate(str(text)): c_width = wcwidth(char) if ord(char) >= 256 else 1 if size + c_width > width: return text[0:i] size += c_width elif len(text) + 1 > width: return text[0:width] return text def _find_min_start(text, max_width, unicode_aware=True, at_end=False): """ Find the starting point in the string that will reduce it to be less than or equal to the specified width when displayed on screen. :param text: The text to analyze. :param max_width: The required maximum width :param at_end: At the end of the editable line, so allow spaced for cursor. :return: The offset within `text` to start at to reduce it to the required length. """ # Is the solution trivial? Worth optimizing for text heavy UIs... if 2 * len(text) < max_width: return 0 # OK - do it the hard way... result = 0 string_len = wcswidth if unicode_aware else len char_len = wcwidth if unicode_aware else lambda x: 1 display_end = string_len(text) while display_end > max_width: result += 1 display_end -= char_len(text[0]) text = text[1:] if at_end and display_end == max_width: result += 1 return result def _get_offset(text, visible_width, unicode_aware=True): """ Find the character offset within some text for a given visible offset (taking into account the fact that some character glyphs are double width). :param text: The text to analyze :param visible_width: The required location within that text (as seen on screen). :return: The offset within text (as a character offset within the string). """ result = 0 width = 0 if unicode_aware: for char in text: if visible_width - width <= 0: break result += 1 width += wcwidth(char) if visible_width - width < 0: result -= 1 else: result = min(len(text), visible_width) return result @lru_cache(256) def _split_text(text, width, height, unicode_aware=True): """ Split text to required dimensions. This will first try to split the text into multiple lines, then put a "..." on the last 3 characters of the last line if this still doesn't fit. :param text: The text to split. :param width: The maximum width for any line. :param height: The maximum height for the resulting text. :return: A list of strings of the broken up text. """ # At a high level, just try to split on whitespace for the best results. tokens = text.split(" ") result = [] current_line = "" string_len = wcswidth if unicode_aware else len for token in tokens: for i, line_token in enumerate(token.split("\n")): if string_len(current_line + line_token) > width or i > 0: # Don't bother inserting completely blank lines # which should only happen on the very first # line (as the rest will inject whitespace/newlines) if len(current_line) > 0: result.append(current_line.rstrip()) current_line = line_token + " " else: current_line += line_token + " " # At this point we've either split nicely or have a hugely long unbroken string # (e.g. because the language doesn't use whitespace. # Either way, break this last line up as best we can. current_line = current_line.rstrip() while string_len(current_line) > 0: new_line = _enforce_width(current_line, width, unicode_aware) result.append(new_line) current_line = current_line[len(new_line):] # Check for a height overrun and truncate. if len(result) > height: result = result[:height] result[height - 1] = result[height - 1][:width - 3] + "..." # Very small columns could be shorter than individual words - truncate # each line if necessary. for i, line in enumerate(result): if len(line) > width: result[i] = line[:width - 3] + "..." return result def _euclidian_distance(widget1, widget2): """ Find the Euclidian distance between 2 widgets. :param widget1: first widget :param widget2: second widget """ point1 = widget1.get_location() point2 = widget2.get_location() return sqrt((point1[0] - point2[0]) ** 2 + (point1[1] - point2[1]) ** 2) ``` #### File: asciimatics/samples/ ```python from math import sqrt from asciimatics.renderers import Kaleidoscope, FigletText, Rainbow, RotatedDuplicate, \ StaticRenderer from asciimatics.scene import Scene from asciimatics.screen import Screen from asciimatics.effects import Print from asciimatics.exceptions import ResizeScreenError import sys def demo(screen): scenes = [] cell1 = Rainbow(screen, RotatedDuplicate(screen.width // 2, max(screen.width // 2, screen.height), FigletText("ASCII" if screen.width < 80 else "ASCII rules", font="banner", width=screen.width // 2))) cell2 = "" size = int(sqrt(screen.height ** 2 + screen.width ** 2 // 4)) for _ in range(size): for x in range(size): c = x * screen.colours // size cell2 += "${%d,2,%d}:" % (c, c) cell2 += "\n" for i in range(8): scenes.append( Scene([Print(screen, Kaleidoscope(screen.height, screen.width, cell1, i), 0, speed=1, transparent=False), Print(screen, FigletText(str(i)), screen.height - 6, x=screen.width - 8, speed=1)], duration=360)) scenes.append( Scene([Print(screen, Kaleidoscope(screen.height, screen.width, StaticRenderer([cell2]), i), 0, speed=1, transparent=False)], duration=360)), stop_on_resize=True) if __name__ == "__main__": while True: try: Screen.wrapper(demo) sys.exit(0) except ResizeScreenError: pass ``` #### File: asciimatics/samples/ ```python from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import traceback from math import pi, exp, atan, log, tan, sqrt import sys import os import json import threading from ast import literal_eval from collections import OrderedDict from asciimatics.event import KeyboardEvent from asciimatics.renderers import ColourImageFile from asciimatics.widgets import Effect, Button, Text, Layout, Frame, Divider, PopUpDialog from asciimatics.scene import Scene from asciimatics.screen import Screen from asciimatics.exceptions import ResizeScreenError, StopApplication, InvalidFields try: import mapbox_vector_tile import requests from google.protobuf.message import DecodeError except ImportError: print("Run `pip install mapbox-vector-tile protobuf requests` to fix your dependencies.") print("See for Shapely install.") sys.exit(0) # Global constants for the applications # Replace `_KEY` with the free one that you get from signing up with _KEY = "" _VECTOR_URL = \ "{}/{}/{}.mvt?access_token={}" _IMAGE_URL = \ "{}/{}/{}?access_token={}" _START_SIZE = 64 _ZOOM_IN_SIZE = _START_SIZE * 2 _ZOOM_OUT_SIZE = _START_SIZE // 2 _ZOOM_ANIMATION_STEPS = 6 _ZOOM_STEP = exp(log(2) / _ZOOM_ANIMATION_STEPS) _CACHE_SIZE = 180 _HELP = """ You can moved around using the cursor keys. To jump to any location in the world, press Enter and \ then fill in the longitude and latitude of the location and press 'OK'. To zoom in and out use '+'/'-'. To zoom all the way in/out, press '9'/'0'. To swap between satellite and vector views, press 'T'. To quit, press 'Q'. """ class EnterLocation(Frame): """Form to enter a new desired location to display on the map.""" def __init__(self, screen, longitude, latitude, on_ok): super(EnterLocation, self).__init__( screen, 7, 40, data={"long": str(longitude), "lat": str(latitude)}, name="loc", title="Enter New Location", is_modal=True) self._on_ok = on_ok layout = Layout([1, 18, 1]) self.add_layout(layout) layout.add_widget(Divider(draw_line=False), 1) layout.add_widget(Text(label="Longitude:", name="long", validator=r"^[-]?\d+?\.\d+?$"), 1) layout.add_widget(Text(label="Latitude:", name="lat", validator=r"^[-]?\d+?\.\d+?$"), 1) layout.add_widget(Divider(draw_line=False), 1) layout2 = Layout([1, 1, 1]) self.add_layout(layout2) layout2.add_widget(Button("OK", self._ok), 1) layout2.add_widget(Button("Cancel", self._cancel), 2) self.fix() def _ok(self): try: except InvalidFields: return self._on_ok(self) self._scene.remove_effect(self) def _cancel(self): self._scene.remove_effect(self) class Map(Effect): """Effect to display a satellite image or vector map of the world.""" # Colour palettes _256_PALETTE = { "landuse": 193, "water": 153, "waterway": 153, "marine_label": 12, "admin": 7, "country_label": 9, "state_label": 1, "place_label": 0, "building": 252, "road": 15, "poi_label": 8 } _16_PALETTE = { "landuse": Screen.COLOUR_GREEN, "water": Screen.COLOUR_BLUE, "waterway": Screen.COLOUR_BLUE, "marine_label": Screen.COLOUR_BLUE, "admin": Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, "country_label": Screen.COLOUR_RED, "state_label": Screen.COLOUR_RED, "place_label": Screen.COLOUR_YELLOW, "building": Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, "road": Screen.COLOUR_WHITE, "poi_label": Screen.COLOUR_RED } def __init__(self, screen): super(Map, self).__init__(screen) # Current state of the map self._screen = screen self._zoom = 0 self._latitude = 51.4778 self._longitude = -0.0015 self._tiles = OrderedDict() self._size = _START_SIZE self._satellite = False # Desired viewing location and animation flags self._desired_zoom = self._zoom self._desired_latitude = self._latitude self._desired_longitude = self._longitude self._next_update = 100000 # State for the background thread which reads in the tiles self._running = True self._updated = threading.Event() self._updated.set() self._oops = None self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._get_tiles) self._thread.daemon = True self._thread.start() def _scale_coords(self, x, y, extent, xo, yo): """Convert from tile coordinates to "pixels" - i.e. text characters.""" return xo + (x * self._size * 2 / extent), yo + ((extent - y) * self._size / extent) def _convert_longitude(self, longitude): """Convert from longitude to the x position in overall map.""" return int((180 + longitude) * (2 ** self._zoom) * self._size / 360) def _convert_latitude(self, latitude): """Convert from latitude to the y position in overall map.""" return int((180 - (180 / pi * log(tan( pi / 4 + latitude * pi / 360)))) * (2 ** self._zoom) * self._size / 360) def _inc_lat(self, latitude, delta): """Shift the latitude by the required number of pixels (i.e. text lines).""" y = self._convert_latitude(latitude) y += delta return 360 / pi * atan( exp((180 - y * 360 / (2 ** self._zoom) / self._size) * pi / 180)) - 90 def _get_satellite_tile(self, x_tile, y_tile, z_tile): """Load up a single satellite image tile.""" cache_file = "mapscache/{}.{}.{}.jpg".format(z_tile, x_tile, y_tile) if cache_file not in self._tiles: if not os.path.isfile(cache_file): url = _IMAGE_URL.format(z_tile, x_tile, y_tile, _KEY) data = requests.get(url).content with open(cache_file, 'wb') as f: f.write(data) self._tiles[cache_file] = [ x_tile, y_tile, z_tile, ColourImageFile(self._screen, cache_file, height=_START_SIZE, dither=True, uni=self._screen.unicode_aware), True] if len(self._tiles) > _CACHE_SIZE: self._tiles.popitem(False) self._screen.force_update() def _get_vector_tile(self, x_tile, y_tile, z_tile): """Load up a single vector tile.""" cache_file = "mapscache/{}.{}.{}.json".format(z_tile, x_tile, y_tile) if cache_file not in self._tiles: if os.path.isfile(cache_file): with open(cache_file, 'rb') as f: tile = json.loads('utf-8')) else: url = _VECTOR_URL.format(z_tile, x_tile, y_tile, _KEY) data = requests.get(url).content try: tile = mapbox_vector_tile.decode(data) with open(cache_file, mode='w') as f: json.dump(literal_eval(repr(tile)), f) except DecodeError: tile = None if tile: self._tiles[cache_file] = [x_tile, y_tile, z_tile, tile, False] if len(self._tiles) > _CACHE_SIZE: self._tiles.popitem(False) self._screen.force_update() def _get_tiles(self): """Background thread to download map tiles as required.""" while self._running: self._updated.wait() self._updated.clear() # Save off current view and find the nearest tile. satellite = self._satellite zoom = self._zoom size = self._size n = 2 ** zoom x_offset = self._convert_longitude(self._longitude) y_offset = self._convert_latitude(self._latitude) # Get the visible tiles around that location - getting most relevant first for x, y, z in [(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (-1, 0, 0), (0, -1, 0), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 0), (1, -1, 0), (-1, -1, 0), (-1, 1, 0)]: # Restart if we've already zoomed to another level if self._zoom != zoom: break # Don't get tile if it falls off the grid x_tile = int(x_offset // size) + x y_tile = int(y_offset // size) + y z_tile = zoom + z if (x_tile < 0 or x_tile >= n or y_tile < 0 or y_tile >= n or z_tile < 0 or z_tile > 20): continue # noinspection PyBroadException try: # Don't bother rendering if the tile is not visible top = y_tile * size - y_offset + self._screen.height // 2 left = (x_tile * size - x_offset + self._screen.width // 4) * 2 if z == 0 and (left > self._screen.width or left + self._size * 2 < 0 or top > self._screen.height or top + self._size < 0): continue if satellite: self._get_satellite_tile(x_tile, y_tile, z_tile) else: self._get_vector_tile(x_tile, y_tile, z_tile) # pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception: self._oops = "{} - tile loc: {} {} {}".format( traceback.format_exc(), x_tile, y_tile, z_tile) # Generally refresh screen after we've downloaded everything self._screen.force_update() def _get_features(self): """Decide which layers to render based on current zoom level and view type.""" if self._satellite: return [("water", [], [])] elif self._zoom <= 2: return [ ("water", [], []), ("marine_label", [], [1]), ] elif self._zoom <= 7: return [ ("admin", [], []), ("water", [], []), ("road", ["motorway"], []), ("country_label", [], []), ("marine_label", [], [1]), ("state_label", [], []), ("place_label", [], ["city", "town"]), ] elif self._zoom <= 10: return [ ("admin", [], []), ("water", [], []), ("road", ["motorway", "motorway_link", "trunk"], []), ("country_label", [], []), ("marine_label", [], [1]), ("state_label", [], []), ("place_label", [], ["city", "town"]), ] else: return [ ("landuse", ["agriculture", "grass", "park"], []), ("water", [], []), ("waterway", ["river", "canal"], []), ("building", [], []), ("road", ["motorway", "motorway_link", "trunk", "primary", "secondary"] if self._zoom <= 14 else ["motorway", "motorway_link", "trunk", "primary", "secondary", "tertiary", "link", "street", "tunnel"], []), ("poi_label", [], []), ] def _draw_lines_internal(self, coords, colour, bg): """Helper to draw lines connecting a set of nodes that are scaled for the Screen.""" for i, (x, y) in enumerate(coords): if i == 0: self._screen.move(x, y) else: self._screen.draw(x, y, colour=colour, bg=bg, thin=True) def _draw_polygons(self, feature, bg, colour, extent, polygons, xo, yo): """Draw a set of polygons from a vector tile.""" coords = [] for polygon in polygons: coords.append([self._scale_coords(x, y, extent, xo, yo) for x, y in polygon]) # Polygons are expensive to draw and the buildings layer is huge - so we convert to # lines in order to process updates fast enough to animate. if "type" in feature["properties"] and "building" in feature["properties"]["type"]: for line in coords: self._draw_lines_internal(line, colour, bg) else: self._screen.fill_polygon(coords, colour=colour, bg=bg) def _draw_lines(self, bg, colour, extent, line, xo, yo): """Draw a set of lines from a vector tile.""" coords = [self._scale_coords(x, y, extent, xo, yo) for x, y in line] self._draw_lines_internal(coords, colour, bg) def _draw_feature(self, feature, extent, colour, bg, xo, yo): """Draw a single feature from a layer in a vector tile.""" geometry = feature["geometry"] if geometry["type"] == "Polygon": self._draw_polygons(feature, bg, colour, extent, geometry["coordinates"], xo, yo) elif feature["geometry"]["type"] == "MultiPolygon": for multi_polygon in geometry["coordinates"]: self._draw_polygons(feature, bg, colour, extent, multi_polygon, xo, yo) elif feature["geometry"]["type"] == "LineString": self._draw_lines(bg, colour, extent, geometry["coordinates"], xo, yo) elif feature["geometry"]["type"] == "MultiLineString": for line in geometry["coordinates"]: self._draw_lines(bg, colour, extent, line, xo, yo) elif feature["geometry"]["type"] == "Point": x, y = self._scale_coords( geometry["coordinates"][0], geometry["coordinates"][1], extent, xo, yo) text = u" {} ".format(feature["properties"]["name_en"]) self._screen.print_at(text, int(x - len(text) / 2), int(y), colour=colour, bg=bg) def _draw_tile_layer(self, tile, layer_name, c_filters, colour, t_filters, x, y, bg): """Draw the visible geometry in the specified map tile.""" # Don't bother rendering if the tile is not visible left = (x + self._screen.width // 4) * 2 top = y + self._screen.height // 2 if (left > self._screen.width or left + self._size * 2 < 0 or top > self._screen.height or top + self._size < 0): return 0 # Not all layers are available in every tile. try: _layer = tile[layer_name] _extent = float(_layer["extent"]) except KeyError: return 0 for _feature in _layer["features"]: try: if c_filters and _feature["properties"]["class"] not in c_filters: continue if (t_filters and _feature["type"] not in t_filters and _feature["properties"]["type"] not in t_filters): continue self._draw_feature( _feature, _extent, colour, bg, (x + self._screen.width // 4) * 2, y + self._screen.height // 2) except KeyError: pass return 1 def _draw_satellite_tile(self, tile, x, y): """Draw a satellite image tile to screen.""" image, colours = tile.rendered_text for (i, line) in enumerate(image): self._screen.paint(line, x, y + i, colour_map=colours[i]) return 1 def _draw_tiles(self, x_offset, y_offset, bg): """Render all visible tiles a layer at a time.""" count = 0 for layer_name, c_filters, t_filters in self._get_features(): colour = (self._256_PALETTE[layer_name] if self._screen.colours >= 256 else self._16_PALETTE[layer_name]) for x, y, z, tile, satellite in sorted(self._tiles.values(), key=lambda k: k[0]): # Don't draw the wrong type or zoom of tile. if satellite != self._satellite or z != self._zoom: continue # Convert tile location into pixels and draw the tile. x *= self._size y *= self._size if satellite: count += self._draw_satellite_tile( tile, int((x-x_offset + self._screen.width // 4) * 2), int(y-y_offset + self._screen.height // 2)) else: count += self._draw_tile_layer(tile, layer_name, c_filters, colour, t_filters, x - x_offset, y - y_offset, bg) return count def _zoom_map(self, zoom_out=True): """Animate the zoom in/out as appropriate for the displayed map tile.""" size_step = 1 / _ZOOM_STEP if zoom_out else _ZOOM_STEP self._next_update = 1 if self._satellite: size_step **= _ZOOM_ANIMATION_STEPS self._size *= size_step if self._size <= _ZOOM_OUT_SIZE: if self._zoom > 0: self._zoom -= 1 self._size = _START_SIZE else: self._size = _ZOOM_OUT_SIZE elif self._size >= _ZOOM_IN_SIZE: if self._zoom < 20: self._zoom += 1 self._size = _START_SIZE else: self._size = _ZOOM_IN_SIZE def _move_to_desired_location(self): """Animate movement to desired location on map.""" self._next_update = 100000 x_start = self._convert_longitude(self._longitude) y_start = self._convert_latitude(self._latitude) x_end = self._convert_longitude(self._desired_longitude) y_end = self._convert_latitude(self._desired_latitude) if sqrt((x_end - x_start) ** 2 + (y_end - y_start) ** 2) > _START_SIZE // 4: self._zoom_map(True) elif self._zoom != self._desired_zoom: self._zoom_map(self._desired_zoom < self._zoom) if self._longitude != self._desired_longitude: self._next_update = 1 if self._desired_longitude < self._longitude: self._longitude = max(self._longitude - 360 / 2 ** self._zoom / self._size * 2, self._desired_longitude) else: self._longitude = min(self._longitude + 360 / 2 ** self._zoom / self._size * 2, self._desired_longitude) if self._latitude != self._desired_latitude: self._next_update = 1 if self._desired_latitude < self._latitude: self._latitude = max(self._inc_lat(self._latitude, 2), self._desired_latitude) else: self._latitude = min(self._inc_lat(self._latitude, -2), self._desired_latitude) if self._next_update == 1: self._updated.set() def _update(self, frame_no): """Draw the latest set of tiles to the Screen.""" # Check for any fatal errors from the background thread and quit if we hit anything. if self._oops: raise RuntimeError(self._oops) # Calculate new positions for animated movement. self._move_to_desired_location() # Re-draw the tiles - if we have any suitable ones downloaded. count = 0 x_offset = self._convert_longitude(self._longitude) y_offset = self._convert_latitude(self._latitude) if self._tiles: # Clear the area first. bg = 253 if self._screen.unicode_aware and self._screen.colours >= 256 else 0 for y in range(self._screen.height): self._screen.print_at("." * self._screen.width, 0, y, colour=bg, bg=bg) # Now draw all the available tiles. count = self._draw_tiles(x_offset, y_offset, bg) # Just a few pointers on what the user should do... if count == 0: self._screen.centre(" Loading - please wait... ", self._screen.height // 2, 1) self._screen.centre("Press '?' for help.", 0, 1) if _KEY == "": footer = "Using local cached data - go to and get a free key." else: footer = u"Zoom: {} Location: {:.6}, {:.6} Maps: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap".format( self._zoom, self._longitude, self._latitude) self._screen.centre(footer, self._screen.height - 1, 1) return count def process_event(self, event): """User input for the main map view.""" if isinstance(event, KeyboardEvent): if event.key_code in [Screen.ctrl("m"), Screen.ctrl("j")]: self._scene.add_effect( EnterLocation( self._screen, self._longitude, self._latitude, self._on_new_location)) elif event.key_code in [ord('q'), ord('Q'), Screen.ctrl("c")]: raise StopApplication("User quit") elif event.key_code in [ord('t'), ord('T')]: self._satellite = not self._satellite if self._satellite: self._size = _START_SIZE elif event.key_code == ord("?"): self._scene.add_effect(PopUpDialog(self._screen, _HELP, ["OK"])) elif event.key_code == ord("+") and self._zoom <= 20: if self._desired_zoom < 20: self._desired_zoom += 1 elif event.key_code == ord("-") and self._zoom >= 0: if self._desired_zoom > 0: self._desired_zoom -= 1 elif event.key_code == ord("0"): self._desired_zoom = 0 elif event.key_code == ord("9"): self._desired_zoom = 20 elif event.key_code == Screen.KEY_LEFT: self._desired_longitude -= 360 / 2 ** self._zoom / self._size * 10 elif event.key_code == Screen.KEY_RIGHT: self._desired_longitude += 360 / 2 ** self._zoom / self._size * 10 elif event.key_code == Screen.KEY_UP: self._desired_latitude = self._inc_lat(self._desired_latitude, -self._size / 10) elif event.key_code == Screen.KEY_DOWN: self._desired_latitude = self._inc_lat(self._desired_latitude, self._size / 10) else: return # Trigger a reload of the tiles and redraw map self._updated.set() self._screen.force_update() def _on_new_location(self, form): """Set a new desired location entered in the pop-up form.""" self._desired_longitude = float(["long"]) self._desired_latitude = float(["lat"]) self._desired_zoom = 13 self._screen.force_update() # noinspection PyUnusedLocal # pylint: disable=unused-argument def clone(self, new_screen, new_scene): # On resize, there will be a new Map - kill the thread in this one. self._running = False self._updated.set() @property def frame_update_count(self): # Only redraw if required - as determined by the update logic. return self._next_update @property def stop_frame(self): # No specific end point for this Effect. Carry on running forever. return 0 def reset(self): # Nothing special to do. Just need this to satisfy the ABC. pass def demo(screen, scene):[Scene([Map(screen)], -1)], stop_on_resize=True, start_scene=scene) if __name__ == "__main__": last_scene = None while True: try: Screen.wrapper(demo, catch_interrupt=False, arguments=[last_scene]) sys.exit(0) except ResizeScreenError as e: last_scene = e.scene ``` #### File: asciimatics/tests/ ```python import unittest from asciimatics.exceptions import ResizeScreenError, StopApplication from asciimatics.scene import Scene from tests.mock_objects import MockEffect class TestExceptions(unittest.TestCase): def test_resize(self): """ Check that we can create a ResizeScreenError """ scene = Scene([MockEffect()]) message = "Test message" error = ResizeScreenError(message, scene) self.assertEqual(error.scene, scene) self.assertEqual(str(error), message) def test_stop_app(self): """ Check that we can create a StopApplication. """ message = "Test message" error = StopApplication(message) self.assertEqual(str(error), message) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ``` #### File: asciimatics/tests/ ```python from __future__ import division from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import unittest from asciimatics.parsers import AsciimaticsParser, AnsiTerminalParser, ControlCodeParser, Parser import asciimatics.constants as constants class TestParsers(unittest.TestCase): def test_controlcode_parser(self): """ Check ControlCodeParser works as expected """ parser = ControlCodeParser() parser.reset("\0\b\ra[", None) tokens = parser.parse() self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (0, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "^@")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (1, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "^H")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (2, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "^M")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (3, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "a")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (4, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "[")) def test_asciimatics_parser(self): """ Check AsciimaticsParser works as expected. """ parser = AsciimaticsParser() parser.reset("a${1}b${2,1}c${3,2,4}de${7}", None) tokens = parser.parse() self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (0, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "a")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (1, Parser.CHANGE_COLOURS, (1, 0, None))) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (1, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "b")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (6, Parser.CHANGE_COLOURS, (2, 1, None))) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (6, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "c")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (13, Parser.CHANGE_COLOURS, (3, 2, 4))) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (13, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "d")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (22, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "e")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (23, Parser.CHANGE_COLOURS, (7, 0, None))) with self.assertRaises(StopIteration): next(tokens) def test_ansi_terminal_parser_colours(self): """ Check AnsiTerminalParser basic colours work as expected. """ parser = AnsiTerminalParser() parser.reset("a\x1B[23ab\x1B[0mc\x1B[1md\x1B[2me\x1B[7mf\x1B[27mg\x1B[31;42mh\x1B[m", None) tokens = parser.parse() # Normal text self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (0, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "a")) # Unknown escape code self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (1, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "b")) # Reset self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (7, Parser.CHANGE_COLOURS, (7, constants.A_NORMAL, 0))) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (7, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "c")) # Bold self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (12, Parser.CHANGE_COLOURS, (7, constants.A_BOLD, 0))) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (12, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "d")) # Normal self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (17, Parser.CHANGE_COLOURS, (7, constants.A_NORMAL, 0))) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (17, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "e")) # Inverse self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (22, Parser.CHANGE_COLOURS, (7, constants.A_REVERSE, 0))) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (22, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "f")) # Unset inverse self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (27, Parser.CHANGE_COLOURS, (7, constants.A_NORMAL, 0))) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (27, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "g")) # Standard colours, using multiple parameters self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (33, Parser.CHANGE_COLOURS, (constants.COLOUR_RED, constants.A_NORMAL, constants.COLOUR_GREEN))) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (33, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "h")) # Final escape sequence with no visible text is returned with no text. self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (42, Parser.CHANGE_COLOURS, (constants.COLOUR_WHITE, constants.A_NORMAL, constants.COLOUR_BLACK))) with self.assertRaises(StopIteration): next(tokens) def test_ansi_terminal_parser_palette(self): """ Check AnsiTerminalParser colour palettes work as expected. """ parser = AnsiTerminalParser() parser.reset( "\x1B[38;1ma\x1B[38;5;17mb\x1B[48;2;1;2;3mc\x1B[48;5;54md\x1B[999me\x1B[93m\x1B[104m", None) tokens = parser.parse() # Bad colour scheme - ignore self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (0, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "a")) # Standard colour palette self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (8, Parser.CHANGE_COLOURS, (17, None, None))) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (8, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "b")) # RGB colour scheme - ignore self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (19, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "c")) # Standard colour palette self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (33, Parser.CHANGE_COLOURS, (17, None, 54))) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (33, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "d")) # Unknown parameter self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (44, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "e")) # Intense colour palette self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (51, Parser.CHANGE_COLOURS, (11, None, 54))) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (51, Parser.CHANGE_COLOURS, (11, None, 12))) def test_ansi_terminal_parser_cursor(self): """ Check AnsiTerminalParser cursor movement work as expected. """ parser = AnsiTerminalParser() parser.reset("aa\x08b\rc\x1B[Cdd\x1B[De\x1B[A\x1B[B\x1B[1;2H\x1B[?25h\x1B[?25l\r", None) tokens = parser.parse() # Normal text... self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (0, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "a")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (1, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "a")) # Backspace and overwrite. self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (2, Parser.MOVE_RELATIVE, (-1, 0))) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (2, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "b")) # Carriage return and overwrite self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (4, Parser.MOVE_ABSOLUTE, (0, None))) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (4, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "c")) # Move cursor forwards and append. self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (6, Parser.MOVE_RELATIVE, (1, 0))) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (6, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "d")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (10, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "d")) # Move cursor backwards and overwrite. self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (11, Parser.MOVE_RELATIVE, (-1, 0))) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (11, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "e")) # Move cursor up and down. self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (15, Parser.MOVE_RELATIVE, (0, -1))) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (15, Parser.MOVE_RELATIVE, (0, 1))) # Move cursor to location self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (15, Parser.MOVE_ABSOLUTE, (1, 0))) # Show/hide cursor self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (15, Parser.SHOW_CURSOR, True)) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (15, Parser.SHOW_CURSOR, False)) # Trailing Carriage return self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (15, Parser.MOVE_ABSOLUTE, (0, None))) def test_ansi_terminal_parser_delete(self): """ Check AnsiTerminalParser delete operations work as expected. """ parser = AnsiTerminalParser() # Delete to end of line parser.reset("abcde\x08\x08\x08\x1B[K", None) tokens = parser.parse() self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (0, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "a")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (1, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "b")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (2, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "c")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (3, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "d")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (4, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "e")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (5, Parser.MOVE_RELATIVE, (-1, 0))) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (5, Parser.MOVE_RELATIVE, (-1, 0))) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (5, Parser.MOVE_RELATIVE, (-1, 0))) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (5, Parser.DELETE_LINE, 0)) with self.assertRaises(StopIteration): next(tokens) # Delete to start of line parser.reset("abcde\x1B[1K", None) tokens = parser.parse() self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (0, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "a")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (1, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "b")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (2, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "c")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (3, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "d")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (4, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "e")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (5, Parser.DELETE_LINE, 1)) with self.assertRaises(StopIteration): next(tokens) # Delete line parser.reset("abcde\x1B[2K", None) tokens = parser.parse() self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (0, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "a")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (1, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "b")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (2, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "c")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (3, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "d")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (4, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "e")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (5, Parser.DELETE_LINE, 2)) with self.assertRaises(StopIteration): next(tokens) # Delete char parser.reset("abcde\x08\x08\x08\x1B[P", None) tokens = parser.parse() self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (0, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "a")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (1, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "b")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (2, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "c")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (3, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "d")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (4, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "e")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (5, Parser.MOVE_RELATIVE, (-1, 0))) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (5, Parser.MOVE_RELATIVE, (-1, 0))) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (5, Parser.MOVE_RELATIVE, (-1, 0))) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (5, Parser.DELETE_CHARS, 1)) with self.assertRaises(StopIteration): next(tokens) def test_ansi_terminal_parser_errors(self): """ Check AnsiTerminalParser handles unsupported encodings gracefully. """ parser = AnsiTerminalParser() parser.reset("a\x1BZb\x07c", None) tokens = parser.parse() # Ignore unknown escape and next letter self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (0, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "a")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (1, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "b")) # Ignore unknown control char self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (4, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "c")) def test_ansi_terminal_parser_tab(self): """ Check AnsiTerminalParser handles tabs. """ parser = AnsiTerminalParser() parser.reset("\x09", None) tokens = parser.parse() self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (0, Parser.NEXT_TAB, None)) def test_ansi_terminal_parser_clear(self): """ Check AnsiTerminalParser clears screen. """ parser = AnsiTerminalParser() parser.reset("\x1B[2J", None) tokens = parser.parse() self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (0, Parser.CLEAR_SCREEN, None)) def test_ansi_terminal_parser_os_cmd(self): """ Check AnsiTerminalParser removes OS commands. """ parser = AnsiTerminalParser() parser.reset("a\x1B]do something;stuff:to^ignore\x07b", None) tokens = parser.parse() self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (0, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "a")) self.assertEquals(next(tokens), (1, Parser.DISPLAY_TEXT, "b")) ``` #### File: asciimatics/tests/ ```python import unittest from mock.mock import MagicMock from asciimatics.particles import ShootScreen, DropScreen, Explosion, Rain, \ StarFirework, PalmFirework, RingFirework, SerpentFirework from asciimatics.screen import Screen, Canvas class TestParticles(unittest.TestCase): def check_effect(self, canvas, effect, assert_fn, is_blank=True, iterations=40, warm_up=0): """ Basic checks for all effects. Since they are all randomised to a certain extent, just check the overall content for expected values. """ # Asciimatics always calls reset on entering a new Scene. effect.reset() # Check canvas is in desired starting state. if is_blank: for x in range(canvas.width): for y in range(canvas.height): self.assertEqual(canvas.get_from(x, y), (32, 7, 0, 0)) # Set up blank my_buffer - OK this should copy the existing screen, but # we just lose one iteration on the checks (when not really blank). my_buffer = [[(32, 7, 0, 0) for _ in range(40)] for _ in range(10)] # Re-draw comparing the my_buffer with what's on the canvas for i in range(iterations): effect.update(i) changed = False if i >= warm_up: view = "" for y in range(canvas.height): for x in range(canvas.width): value = canvas.get_from(x, y) assert_fn(value) if value != my_buffer[y][x]: changed = True my_buffer[y][x] = value view += chr(value[0]) view += "\n" self.assertTrue(changed, "failed at step %d %s" % (i, view)) # Check there is no stop frame by default. self.assertEqual(effect.stop_frame, 0) def test_shoot_screen(self): """ Test that ShootScreen works as expected. """ screen = MagicMock(spec=Screen, colours=8) canvas = Canvas(screen, 10, 40, 0, 0) canvas.centre("Hello World!", 5) effect = ShootScreen(canvas, canvas.width // 2, canvas.height // 2, 100) self.check_effect(canvas, effect, lambda value: self.assertIn(chr(value[0]), 'HeloWrd! '), is_blank=False, iterations=4) def test_drop_screen(self): """ Test that DropScreen works as expected. """ screen = MagicMock(spec=Screen, colours=8) canvas = Canvas(screen, 10, 40, 0, 0) canvas.centre("Hello World!", 0) effect = DropScreen(canvas, 100) self.check_effect(canvas, effect, lambda value: self.assertIn(chr(value[0]), 'HeloWrd! '), is_blank=False, warm_up=3, iterations=10) def test_explosion(self): """ Test that Explosion works as expected. """ screen = MagicMock(spec=Screen, colours=8) canvas = Canvas(screen, 10, 40, 0, 0) effect = Explosion(canvas, 4, 4, 25) self.check_effect(canvas, effect, lambda value: self.assertIn(chr(value[0]), ' #'), iterations=25) def test_rain(self): """ Test that Rain works as expected. """ screen = MagicMock(spec=Screen, colours=8) canvas = Canvas(screen, 10, 40, 0, 0) effect = Rain(canvas, 200) self.check_effect(canvas, effect, lambda value: self.assertIn(chr(value[0]), ' `\\v')) def test_star_firework(self): """ Test that StarFirework works as expected. """ screen = MagicMock(spec=Screen, colours=8) canvas = Canvas(screen, 10, 40, 0, 0) effect = StarFirework(canvas, 4, 4, 25) self.check_effect(canvas, effect, lambda value: self.assertIn(chr(value[0]), '|+:,. '), iterations=25) def test_palm_firework(self): """ Test that PalmFirework works as expected. """ screen = MagicMock(spec=Screen, colours=8) canvas = Canvas(screen, 10, 40, 0, 0) effect = PalmFirework(canvas, 4, 4, 25) self.check_effect(canvas, effect, lambda value: self.assertIn(chr(value[0]), '|*+:,. '), iterations=26) def test_ring_firework(self): """ Test that RingFirework works as expected. """ screen = MagicMock(spec=Screen, colours=8) canvas = Canvas(screen, 10, 40, 0, 0) effect = RingFirework(canvas, 4, 4, 25) self.check_effect(canvas, effect, lambda value: self.assertIn(chr(value[0]), '|*:. '), iterations=15) def test_serpent_firework(self): """ Test that SerpentFirework works as expected. """ screen = MagicMock(spec=Screen, colours=8) canvas = Canvas(screen, 10, 40, 0, 0) effect = SerpentFirework(canvas, 4, 4, 25) self.check_effect(canvas, effect, lambda value: self.assertIn(chr(value[0]), '|+- '), iterations=20) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() ```
{ "source": "jptomo/", "score": 2 }
#### File:{{cookiecutter.module_name}}/ ```python import sys import os from setuptools import setup, find_packages from setuptools.command.test import test as TestCommand def _read(fname): here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) return open(os.path.join(here, fname)).read() class PyTest(TestCommand): user_options = [("pytest-args=", "a", "Arguments to pass to py.test")] def initialize_options(self): TestCommand.initialize_options(self) self.pytest_args = [] if len(sys.argv) == 2: self.pytest_args = ["{{ cookiecutter.module_name }}"] def finalize_options(self): TestCommand.finalize_options(self) self.test_args = [] self.test_suite = True def run_tests(self): # import here, cause outside the eggs aren't loaded import pytest sys.exit(pytest.main(self.pytest_args)) setup( name="{{ cookiecutter.package_name }}", version=__import__("{{ cookiecutter.module_name }}").__version__, author="{{ }}", author_email="{{ cookiecutter.author_email }}", url="{{ cookiecutter.url }}", description="", long_description=_read("README.rst"), packages=find_packages(), # install_requires=[""], tests_require=["pytest", "testfixtures"], cmdclass={"test": PyTest}, classifiers=[ "Development Status :: 3 - Alpha", "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", ], license="MIT License", ) ```
{ "source": "jptomo/example-django-change-settings", "score": 2 }
#### File: example-django-change-settings/apps/ ```python from django.conf import settings from django.conf.urls import url from django.http import HttpResponse def index(request): return HttpResponse(getattr(settings, 'MESSAGE', '!!! EMPTY !!!')) urlpatterns = url(r'^$', index), ```
{ "source": "jptomo/ex-zca", "score": 2 }
#### File: ex-zca/src/ ```python from zope import component from zope.interface import Interface from zope.interface.interface import Method class IOutputMessage(Interface): output = Method(''' output message to some devices. ''') class Greeter: def __init__(self): self.out = component.getUtility(IOutputMessage, 'output') def greet(self): self.out.output('hello, world.') ```
{ "source": "jptomo/pypy-lang-scheme", "score": 2 }
#### File: annotator/test/ ```python from __future__ import with_statement import py.test import sys from rpython.conftest import option from rpython.annotator import model as annmodel from rpython.annotator.model import AnnotatorError, UnionError from rpython.annotator.annrpython import RPythonAnnotator as _RPythonAnnotator from rpython.annotator.classdef import NoSuchAttrError from rpython.translator.translator import graphof as tgraphof from rpython.annotator.policy import AnnotatorPolicy from rpython.annotator.signature import Sig, SignatureError from rpython.annotator.listdef import ListDef, ListChangeUnallowed from rpython.annotator.dictdef import DictDef from rpython.flowspace.model import * from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_uint, base_int, r_longlong, r_ulonglong from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_singlefloat from rpython.rlib import objectmodel from rpython.flowspace.flowcontext import FlowingError from rpython.flowspace.operation import op from rpython.translator.test import snippet def graphof(a, func): return tgraphof(a.translator, func) def listitem(s_list): assert isinstance(s_list, annmodel.SomeList) return s_list.listdef.listitem.s_value def somelist(s_type): return annmodel.SomeList(ListDef(None, s_type)) def dictkey(s_dict): assert isinstance(s_dict, annmodel.SomeDict) return s_dict.dictdef.dictkey.s_value def dictvalue(s_dict): assert isinstance(s_dict, annmodel.SomeDict) return s_dict.dictdef.dictvalue.s_value def somedict(s_key, s_value): return annmodel.SomeDict(DictDef(None, s_key, s_value)) class TestAnnotateTestCase: def teardown_method(self, meth): assert annmodel.s_Bool == annmodel.SomeBool() class RPythonAnnotator(_RPythonAnnotator): def build_types(self, *args): s = _RPythonAnnotator.build_types(self, *args) self.validate() if option.view: self.translator.view() return s def test_simple_func(self): """ one test source: def f(x): return x+1 """ x = Variable("x") oper = op.add(x, Constant(1)) block = Block([x]) fun = FunctionGraph("f", block) block.operations.append(oper) block.closeblock(Link([oper.result], fun.returnblock)) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.addpendingblock(fun, fun.startblock, [annmodel.SomeInteger()]) a.complete() assert a.gettype(fun.getreturnvar()) == int def test_while(self): """ one test source: def f(i): while i > 0: i = i - 1 return i """ i1 = Variable("i1") i2 = Variable("i2") conditionop =, Constant(0)) decop = op.add(i2, Constant(-1)) headerblock = Block([i1]) whileblock = Block([i2]) fun = FunctionGraph("f", headerblock) headerblock.operations.append(conditionop) headerblock.exitswitch = conditionop.result headerblock.closeblock(Link([i1], fun.returnblock, False), Link([i1], whileblock, True)) whileblock.operations.append(decop) whileblock.closeblock(Link([decop.result], headerblock)) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.addpendingblock(fun, fun.startblock, [annmodel.SomeInteger()]) a.complete() assert a.gettype(fun.getreturnvar()) == int def test_while_sum(self): """ one test source: def f(i): sum = 0 while i > 0: sum = sum + i i = i - 1 return sum """ i1 = Variable("i1") i2 = Variable("i2") i3 = Variable("i3") sum2 = Variable("sum2") sum3 = Variable("sum3") conditionop =, Constant(0)) decop = op.add(i3, Constant(-1)) addop = op.add(i3, sum3) startblock = Block([i1]) headerblock = Block([i2, sum2]) whileblock = Block([i3, sum3]) fun = FunctionGraph("f", startblock) startblock.closeblock(Link([i1, Constant(0)], headerblock)) headerblock.operations.append(conditionop) headerblock.exitswitch = conditionop.result headerblock.closeblock(Link([sum2], fun.returnblock, False), Link([i2, sum2], whileblock, True)) whileblock.operations.append(addop) whileblock.operations.append(decop) whileblock.closeblock(Link([decop.result, addop.result], headerblock)) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.addpendingblock(fun, fun.startblock, [annmodel.SomeInteger()]) a.complete() assert a.gettype(fun.getreturnvar()) == int def test_f_calls_g(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f_calls_g, [int]) # result should be an integer assert s.knowntype == int def test_lists(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() end_cell = a.build_types(snippet.poor_man_rev_range, [int]) # result should be a list of integers assert listitem(end_cell).knowntype == int def test_factorial(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.factorial, [int]) # result should be an integer assert s.knowntype == int def test_factorial2(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.factorial2, [int]) # result should be an integer assert s.knowntype == int def test_build_instance(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.build_instance, []) # result should be a snippet.C instance assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInstance) assert s.classdef == a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(snippet.C) def test_set_attr(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.set_attr, []) # result should be an integer assert s.knowntype == int def test_merge_setattr(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.merge_setattr, [int]) # result should be an integer assert s.knowntype == int def test_inheritance1(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.inheritance1, []) # result should be exactly: assert s == annmodel.SomeTuple([ a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(()), annmodel.SomeInteger() ]) def test_poor_man_range(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.poor_man_range, [int]) # result should be a list of integers assert listitem(s).knowntype == int def test_staticmethod(self): class X(object): @staticmethod def stat(value): return value + 4 def f(v): return X().stat(v) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) def test_classmethod(self): class X(object): @classmethod def meth(cls): return None def f(): return X().meth() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() py.test.raises(AnnotatorError, a.build_types, f, []) def test_methodcall1(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet._methodcall1, [int]) # result should be a tuple of (C, positive_int) assert s.knowntype == tuple assert len(s.items) == 2 s0 = s.items[0] assert isinstance(s0, annmodel.SomeInstance) assert s0.classdef == a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(snippet.C) assert s.items[1].knowntype == int assert s.items[1].nonneg == True def test_classes_methodcall1(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.build_types(snippet._methodcall1, [int]) # the user classes should have the following attributes: getcdef = a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef assert getcdef(snippet.F).attrs.keys() == ['m'] assert getcdef(snippet.G).attrs.keys() == ['m2'] assert getcdef(snippet.H).attrs.keys() == ['attr'] assert getcdef(snippet.H).about_attribute('attr') == ( a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(1)) def test_generaldict(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.generaldict, [str, int, str, int]) # result should be an integer assert s.knowntype == int def test_somebug1(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet._somebug1, [int]) # result should be a built-in method assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeBuiltin) def test_with_init(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.with_init, [int]) # result should be an integer assert s.knowntype == int def test_with_more_init(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.with_more_init, [int, bool]) # the user classes should have the following attributes: getcdef = a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef # XXX on which class should the attribute 'a' appear? We only # ever flow WithInit.__init__ with a self which is an instance # of WithMoreInit, so currently it appears on WithMoreInit. assert getcdef(snippet.WithMoreInit).about_attribute('a') == ( annmodel.SomeInteger()) assert getcdef(snippet.WithMoreInit).about_attribute('b') == ( annmodel.SomeBool()) def test_global_instance(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.global_instance, []) # currently this returns the constant 42. # XXX not sure this is the best behavior... assert s == a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(42) def test_call_five(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.call_five, []) # returns should be a list of constants (= 5) assert listitem(s) == a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(5) def test_call_five_six(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.call_five_six, []) # returns should be a list of positive integers assert listitem(s) == annmodel.SomeInteger(nonneg=True) def test_constant_result(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.constant_result, []) #a.translator.simplify() # must return "yadda" assert s == a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue("yadda") graphs = a.translator.graphs assert len(graphs) == 2 assert graphs[0].func is snippet.constant_result assert graphs[1].func is snippet.forty_two a.simplify() #a.translator.view() def test_flow_type_info(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.flow_type_info, [int]) a.simplify() assert s.knowntype == int a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.flow_type_info, [str]) a.simplify() assert s.knowntype == int def test_flow_type_info_2(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.flow_type_info, [annmodel.SomeInteger(nonneg=True)]) # this checks that isinstance(i, int) didn't lose the # actually more precise information that i is non-negative assert s == annmodel.SomeInteger(nonneg=True) def test_flow_usertype_info(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.flow_usertype_info, [snippet.WithInit]) #a.translator.view() assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInstance) assert s.classdef == a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(snippet.WithInit) def test_flow_usertype_info2(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.flow_usertype_info, [snippet.WithMoreInit]) #a.translator.view() assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInstance) assert s.classdef == a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(snippet.WithMoreInit) def test_mergefunctions(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.mergefunctions, [int]) # the test is mostly that the above line hasn't blown up # but let's at least check *something* assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomePBC) def test_func_calls_func_which_just_raises(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.funccallsex, []) # the test is mostly that the above line hasn't blown up # but let's at least check *something* #self.assert_(isinstance(s, SomeCallable)) def test_tuple_unpack_from_const_tuple_with_different_types(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.func_arg_unpack, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) assert s.const == 3 def test_star_unpack_list(self): def g(): pass def f(l): return g(*l) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() with py.test.raises(AnnotatorError): a.build_types(f, [[int]]) def test_star_unpack_and_keywords(self): def g(a, b, c=0, d=0): return a + b + c + d def f(a, b): return g(a, *(b,), d=5) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s_result = a.build_types(f, [int, int]) assert isinstance(s_result, annmodel.SomeInteger) def test_pbc_attr_preserved_on_instance(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.preserve_pbc_attr_on_instance, [bool]) #a.simplify() #a.translator.view() assert s == annmodel.SomeInteger(nonneg=True) #self.assertEquals(s.__class__, annmodel.SomeInteger) def test_pbc_attr_preserved_on_instance_with_slots(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.preserve_pbc_attr_on_instance_with_slots, [bool]) assert s == annmodel.SomeInteger(nonneg=True) def test_is_and_knowntype_data(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.is_and_knowntype, [str]) #a.simplify() #a.translator.view() assert s == a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(None) def test_isinstance_and_knowntype_data(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() x = a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(snippet.apbc) s = a.build_types(snippet.isinstance_and_knowntype, [x]) #a.simplify() #a.translator.view() assert s == x def test_somepbc_simplify(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() # this example used to trigger an AssertionError a.build_types(snippet.somepbc_simplify, []) def test_builtin_methods(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() iv = a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue # this checks that some built-in methods are really supported by # the annotator (it doesn't check that they operate property, though) for example, methname, s_example in [ ('', 'join', annmodel.SomeString()), ([], 'append', somelist(annmodel.s_Int)), ([], 'extend', somelist(annmodel.s_Int)), ([], 'reverse', somelist(annmodel.s_Int)), ([], 'insert', somelist(annmodel.s_Int)), ([], 'pop', somelist(annmodel.s_Int)), ]: constmeth = getattr(example, methname) s_constmeth = iv(constmeth) assert isinstance(s_constmeth, annmodel.SomeBuiltin) s_meth = s_example.getattr(iv(methname)) assert isinstance(s_constmeth, annmodel.SomeBuiltin) def test_str_join(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() def g(n): if n: return ["foo", "bar"] def f(n): g(0) return ''.join(g(n)) s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert s.knowntype == str assert s.no_nul def test_unicode_join(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() def g(n): if n: return [u"foo", u"bar"] def f(n): g(0) return u''.join(g(n)) s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert s.knowntype == unicode assert s.no_nul def test_str_split(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() def g(n): if n: return "test string" def f(n): if n: return g(n).split(' ') s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeList) s_item = s.listdef.listitem.s_value assert s_item.no_nul def test_unicode_split(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() def g(n): if n: return u"test string" def f(n): if n: return g(n).split(u' ') s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeList) s_item = s.listdef.listitem.s_value assert s_item.no_nul def test_str_split_nul(self): def f(n): return n.split('\0')[0] a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.translator.config.translation.check_str_without_nul = True s = a.build_types(f, [annmodel.SomeString(no_nul=False, can_be_None=False)]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeString) assert not s.can_be_None assert s.no_nul def g(n): return n.split('\0', 1)[0] a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.translator.config.translation.check_str_without_nul = True s = a.build_types(g, [annmodel.SomeString(no_nul=False, can_be_None=False)]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeString) assert not s.can_be_None assert not s.no_nul def test_unicode_split_nul(self): def f(n): return n.split(u'\0')[0] a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.translator.config.translation.check_str_without_nul = True s = a.build_types(f, [annmodel.SomeUnicodeString( no_nul=False, can_be_None=False)]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeUnicodeString) assert not s.can_be_None assert s.no_nul def g(n): return n.split(u'\0', 1)[0] a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.translator.config.translation.check_str_without_nul = True s = a.build_types(g, [annmodel.SomeUnicodeString( no_nul=False, can_be_None=False)]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeUnicodeString) assert not s.can_be_None assert not s.no_nul def test_str_splitlines(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() def f(a_str): return a_str.splitlines() s = a.build_types(f, [str]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeList) assert s.listdef.listitem.resized def test_str_strip(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() def f(n, a_str): if n == 0: return a_str.strip(' ') elif n == 1: return a_str.rstrip(' ') else: return a_str.lstrip(' ') s = a.build_types(f, [int, annmodel.SomeString(no_nul=True)]) assert s.no_nul def test_unicode_strip(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() def f(n, a_str): if n == 0: return a_str.strip(u' ') elif n == 1: return a_str.rstrip(u' ') else: return a_str.lstrip(u' ') s = a.build_types(f, [int, annmodel.SomeUnicodeString(no_nul=True)]) assert s.no_nul def test_str_mul(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() def f(a_str): return a_str * 3 s = a.build_types(f, [str]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeString) def test_str_isalpha(self): def f(s): return s.isalpha() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [str]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeBool) def test_simple_slicing(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.simple_slice, [somelist(annmodel.s_Int)]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeList) def test_simple_iter_list(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.simple_iter, [somelist(annmodel.s_Int)]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeIterator) def test_simple_iter_next(self): def f(x): i = iter(range(x)) return a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) def test_simple_iter_dict(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() t = somedict(annmodel.SomeInteger(), annmodel.SomeInteger()) s = a.build_types(snippet.simple_iter, [t]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeIterator) def test_simple_zip(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() x = somelist(annmodel.SomeInteger()) y = somelist(annmodel.SomeString()) s = a.build_types(snippet.simple_zip, [x,y]) assert s.knowntype == list assert listitem(s).knowntype == tuple assert listitem(s).items[0].knowntype == int assert listitem(s).items[1].knowntype == str def test_dict_copy(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() t = somedict(annmodel.SomeInteger(), annmodel.SomeInteger()) s = a.build_types(snippet.dict_copy, [t]) assert isinstance(dictkey(s), annmodel.SomeInteger) assert isinstance(dictvalue(s), annmodel.SomeInteger) def test_dict_update(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.dict_update, [int]) assert isinstance(dictkey(s), annmodel.SomeInteger) assert isinstance(dictvalue(s), annmodel.SomeInteger) def test_dict_update_2(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() def g(n): if n: return {3: 4} def f(n): g(0) d = {} d.update(g(n)) return d s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert dictkey(s).knowntype == int def test_dict_keys(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.dict_keys, []) assert isinstance(listitem(s), annmodel.SomeString) def test_dict_keys2(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.dict_keys2, []) assert type(listitem(s)) is annmodel.SomeString def test_dict_values(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.dict_values, []) assert isinstance(listitem(s), annmodel.SomeString) def test_dict_values2(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.dict_values2, []) assert type(listitem(s)) is annmodel.SomeString def test_dict_items(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.dict_items, []) assert isinstance(listitem(s), annmodel.SomeTuple) s_key, s_value = listitem(s).items assert isinstance(s_key, annmodel.SomeString) assert isinstance(s_value, annmodel.SomeInteger) def test_dict_setdefault(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() def f(): d = {} d.setdefault('a', 2) d.setdefault('a', -3) return d s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeDict) assert isinstance(dictkey(s), annmodel.SomeString) assert isinstance(dictvalue(s), annmodel.SomeInteger) assert not dictvalue(s).nonneg def test_exception_deduction(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.exception_deduction, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInstance) assert s.classdef is a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(snippet.Exc) def test_exception_deduction_we_are_dumb(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.exception_deduction_we_are_dumb, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInstance) assert s.classdef is a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(snippet.Exc) def test_nested_exception_deduction(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.nested_exception_deduction, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeTuple) assert isinstance(s.items[0], annmodel.SomeInstance) assert isinstance(s.items[1], annmodel.SomeInstance) assert s.items[0].classdef is a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(snippet.Exc) assert s.items[1].classdef is a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(snippet.Exc2) def test_exc_deduction_our_exc_plus_others(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.exc_deduction_our_exc_plus_others, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) def test_exc_deduction_our_excs_plus_others(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.exc_deduction_our_excs_plus_others, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) def test_operation_always_raising(self): def operation_always_raising(n): lst = [] try: return lst[n] except IndexError: return 24 a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(operation_always_raising, [int]) assert s == a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(24) def test_propagation_of_fresh_instances_through_attrs(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.propagation_of_fresh_instances_through_attrs, [int]) assert s is not None def test_propagation_of_fresh_instances_through_attrs_rec_0(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.make_r, [int]) Rdef = a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(snippet.R) assert s.classdef == Rdef assert Rdef.attrs['r'].s_value.classdef == Rdef assert Rdef.attrs['n'].s_value.knowntype == int assert Rdef.attrs['m'].s_value.knowntype == int def test_propagation_of_fresh_instances_through_attrs_rec_eo(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.make_eo, [int]) assert s.classdef == a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(snippet.B) Even_def = a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(snippet.Even) Odd_def = a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(snippet.Odd) assert listitem(Even_def.attrs['x'].s_value).classdef == Odd_def assert listitem(Even_def.attrs['y'].s_value).classdef == Even_def assert listitem(Odd_def.attrs['x'].s_value).classdef == Even_def assert listitem(Odd_def.attrs['y'].s_value).classdef == Odd_def def test_flow_rev_numbers(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.flow_rev_numbers, [int]) assert s.knowntype == int assert not s.is_constant() # ! def test_methodcall_is_precise(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.methodcall_is_precise, [bool]) getcdef = a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef assert 'x' not in getcdef(snippet.CBase).attrs assert (getcdef(snippet.CSub1).attrs['x'].s_value == a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(42)) assert (getcdef(snippet.CSub2).attrs['x'].s_value == a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue('world')) assert s == a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(42) def test_call_star_args(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator(policy=AnnotatorPolicy()) s = a.build_types(snippet.call_star_args, [int]) assert s.knowntype == int def test_call_star_args_multiple(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator(policy=AnnotatorPolicy()) s = a.build_types(snippet.call_star_args_multiple, [int]) assert s.knowntype == int def test_class_spec(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator(policy=AnnotatorPolicy()) s = a.build_types(snippet.class_spec, []) assert s.items[0].knowntype == int assert s.items[1].knowntype == str def test_class_spec_confused(self): x = snippet.PolyStk() def f(): return x a = self.RPythonAnnotator(policy=AnnotatorPolicy()) with py.test.raises(Exception): a.build_types(f, []) def test_exception_deduction_with_raise1(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.exception_deduction_with_raise1, [bool]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInstance) assert s.classdef is a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(snippet.Exc) def test_exception_deduction_with_raise2(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.exception_deduction_with_raise2, [bool]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInstance) assert s.classdef is a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(snippet.Exc) def test_exception_deduction_with_raise3(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.exception_deduction_with_raise3, [bool]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInstance) assert s.classdef is a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(snippet.Exc) def test_type_is(self): class B(object): pass class C(B): pass def f(x): assert type(x) is C return x a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [B]) assert s.classdef is a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(C) def test_union_type_some_pbc(self): py.test.skip("is there a point? f() can return self.__class__ instead") class A(object): name = "A" def f(self): return type(self) class B(A): name = "B" def f(tp): return tp def main(n): if n: if n == 1: inst = A() else: inst = B() arg = inst.f() else: arg = B return f(arg).name a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(main, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeString) def test_ann_assert(self): def assert_(x): assert x,"XXX" a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(assert_, [int]) assert s.const is None def test_string_and_none(self): def f(n): if n: return 'y' else: return 'n' def g(n): if n: return 'y' else: return None a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [bool]) assert s.knowntype == str assert not s.can_be_None s = a.build_types(g, [bool]) assert s.knowntype == str assert s.can_be_None def test_implicit_exc(self): def f(l): try: l[0] except (KeyError, IndexError),e: return e return None a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [somelist(annmodel.s_Int)]) assert s.classdef is a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(IndexError) # KeyError ignored because l is a list def test_freeze_protocol(self): class Stuff: def __init__(self): self.called = False def _freeze_(self): self.called = True return True myobj = Stuff() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(lambda: myobj, []) assert myobj.called assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomePBC) assert s.const == myobj def test_cleanup_protocol(self): class Stuff: def __init__(self): self.called = False def _cleanup_(self): self.called = True myobj = Stuff() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(lambda: myobj, []) assert myobj.called assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInstance) assert s.classdef is a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(Stuff) def test_circular_mutable_getattr(self): class C: pass c = C() c.x = c def f(): return c.x a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInstance) assert s.classdef == a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(C) def test_circular_list_type(self): def f(n): lst = [] for i in range(n): lst = [lst] return lst a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert listitem(s) == s def test_harmonic(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.harmonic, [int]) assert s.knowntype == float # check that the list produced by range() is not mutated or resized graph = graphof(a, snippet.harmonic) all_vars = set().union(*[block.getvariables() for block in graph.iterblocks()]) print all_vars for var in all_vars: s_value = var.annotation if isinstance(s_value, annmodel.SomeList): assert not s_value.listdef.listitem.resized assert not s_value.listdef.listitem.mutated assert s_value.listdef.listitem.range_step def test_bool(self): def f(a,b): return bool(a) or bool(b) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int, somelist(annmodel.s_Int)]) assert s.knowntype == bool def test_float(self): def f(n): return float(n) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert s.knowntype == float def test_r_uint(self): def f(n): return n + constant_unsigned_five a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [r_uint]) assert s == annmodel.SomeInteger(nonneg = True, unsigned = True) def test_large_unsigned(self): large_constant = sys.maxint * 2 + 1 # 0xFFFFFFFF on 32-bit platforms def f(): return large_constant a = self.RPythonAnnotator() with py.test.raises(ValueError): a.build_types(f, []) # if you want to get a r_uint, you have to be explicit about it def test_add_different_ints(self): def f(a, b): return a + b a = self.RPythonAnnotator() with py.test.raises(UnionError): a.build_types(f, [r_uint, int]) def test_merge_different_ints(self): def f(a, b): if a: c = a else: c = b return c a = self.RPythonAnnotator() with py.test.raises(UnionError): a.build_types(f, [r_uint, int]) def test_merge_ruint_zero(self): def f(a): if a: c = a else: c = 0 return c a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [r_uint]) assert s == annmodel.SomeInteger(nonneg = True, unsigned = True) def test_merge_ruint_nonneg_signed(self): def f(a, b): if a: c = a else: assert b >= 0 c = b return c a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [r_uint, int]) assert s == annmodel.SomeInteger(nonneg = True, unsigned = True) def test_prebuilt_long_that_is_not_too_long(self): small_constant = 12L def f(): return small_constant a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert s.const == 12 assert s.nonneg assert not s.unsigned # small_constant = -23L def f(): return small_constant a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert s.const == -23 assert not s.nonneg assert not s.unsigned def test_pbc_getattr(self): class C: def __init__(self, v1, v2): self.v2 = v2 self.v1 = v1 def _freeze_(self): return True c1 = C(1,'a') c2 = C(2,'b') c3 = C(3,'c') def f1(l, c): l.append(c.v1) def f2(l, c): l.append(c.v2) def g(): l1 = [] l2 = [] f1(l1, c1) f1(l1, c2) f2(l2, c2) f2(l2, c3) return l1,l2 a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(g,[]) l1, l2 = s.items assert listitem(l1).knowntype == int assert listitem(l2).knowntype == str acc1 = a.bookkeeper.getdesc(c1).getattrfamily() acc2 = a.bookkeeper.getdesc(c2).getattrfamily() acc3 = a.bookkeeper.getdesc(c3).getattrfamily() assert acc1 is acc2 is acc3 assert len(acc1.descs) == 3 assert dict.fromkeys(acc1.attrs) == {'v1': None, 'v2': None} def test_single_pbc_getattr(self): class C: def __init__(self, v1, v2): self.v1 = v1 self.v2 = v2 def _freeze_(self): return True c1 = C(11, "hello") c2 = C(22, 623) def f1(l, c): l.append(c.v1) def f2(c): return c.v2 def f3(c): return c.v2 def g(): l = [] f1(l, c1) f1(l, c2) return l, f2(c1), f3(c2) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(g,[]) s_l, s_c1v2, s_c2v2 = s.items assert listitem(s_l).knowntype == int assert s_c1v2.const == "hello" assert s_c2v2.const == 623 acc1 = a.bookkeeper.getdesc(c1).getattrfamily() acc2 = a.bookkeeper.getdesc(c2).getattrfamily() assert acc1 is acc2 assert acc1.attrs.keys() == ['v1'] def test_isinstance_unsigned_1(self): def f(x): return isinstance(x, r_uint) def g(): v = r_uint(1) return f(v) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(g, []) assert s.const == True def test_isinstance_unsigned_2(self): class Foo: pass def f(x): return isinstance(x, r_uint) def g(): v = Foo() return f(v) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(g, []) assert s.const == False def test_isinstance_base_int(self): def f(x): return isinstance(x, base_int) def g(n): v = r_uint(n) return f(v) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(g, [int]) assert s.const == True def test_alloc_like(self): class Base(object): pass class C1(Base): pass class C2(Base): pass def inst(cls): return cls() def alloc(cls): i = inst(cls) assert isinstance(i, cls) return i alloc._annspecialcase_ = "specialize:arg(0)" def f(): c1 = alloc(C1) c2 = alloc(C2) return c1,c2 a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) C1df = a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(C1) C2df = a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(C2) assert s.items[0].classdef == C1df assert s.items[1].classdef == C2df allocdesc = a.bookkeeper.getdesc(alloc) s_C1 = a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(C1) s_C2 = a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(C2) graph1 = allocdesc.specialize([s_C1], None) graph2 = allocdesc.specialize([s_C2], None) assert a.binding(graph1.getreturnvar()).classdef == C1df assert a.binding(graph2.getreturnvar()).classdef == C2df assert graph1 in a.translator.graphs assert graph2 in a.translator.graphs def test_specialcase_args(self): class C1(object): pass class C2(object): pass def alloc(cls, cls2): i = cls() assert isinstance(i, cls) j = cls2() assert isinstance(j, cls2) return i def f(): alloc(C1, C1) alloc(C1, C2) alloc(C2, C1) alloc(C2, C2) alloc._annspecialcase_ = "specialize:arg(0,1)" a = self.RPythonAnnotator() C1df = a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(C1) C2df = a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(C2) s = a.build_types(f, []) allocdesc = a.bookkeeper.getdesc(alloc) s_C1 = a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(C1) s_C2 = a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(C2) graph1 = allocdesc.specialize([s_C1, s_C2], None) graph2 = allocdesc.specialize([s_C2, s_C2], None) assert a.binding(graph1.getreturnvar()).classdef == C1df assert a.binding(graph2.getreturnvar()).classdef == C2df assert graph1 in a.translator.graphs assert graph2 in a.translator.graphs def test_specialize_arg_bound_method(self): class GC(object): def trace(self, callback, *args): return callback(*args) trace._annspecialcase_ = "specialize:arg(1)" def callback1(self, arg1): self.x = arg1 return "hello" def callback2(self, arg2, arg3): self.y = arg2 self.z = arg3 return 6 def f(): gc = GC() s1 = gc.trace(gc.callback1, "foo") n2 = gc.trace(gc.callback2, 7, 2) return (s1, n2, gc.x, gc.y, gc.z) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert s.items[0].const == "hello" assert s.items[1].const == 6 assert s.items[2].const == "foo" assert s.items[3].const == 7 assert s.items[4].const == 2 def test_specialize_and_star_args(self): class I(object): def execute(self, op, *args): if op == 0: return args[0]+args[1] if op == 1: return args[0] * args[1] + args[2] execute._annspecialcase_ = "specialize:arg(1)" def f(x, y): i = I() a = i.execute(0, x, y) b = i.execute(1, y, y, 5) return a+b a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int, int]) executedesc = a.bookkeeper.getdesc(I.execute.im_func) assert len(executedesc._cache) == 2 assert len(executedesc._cache[(0, 'star', 2)].startblock.inputargs) == 4 assert len(executedesc._cache[(1, 'star', 3)].startblock.inputargs) == 5 def test_specialize_arg_or_var(self): def f(a): return 1 f._annspecialcase_ = 'specialize:arg_or_var(0)' def fn(a): return f(3) + f(a) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.build_types(fn, [int]) executedesc = a.bookkeeper.getdesc(f) assert sorted(executedesc._cache.keys()) == [None, (3,)] # we got two different special def test_specialize_call_location(self): def g(a): return a g._annspecialcase_ = "specialize:call_location" def f(x): return g(x) f._annspecialcase_ = "specialize:argtype(0)" def h(y): w = f(y) return int(f(str(y))) + w a = self.RPythonAnnotator() assert a.build_types(h, [int]) == annmodel.SomeInteger() def test_assert_list_doesnt_lose_info(self): class T(object): pass def g(l): assert isinstance(l, list) return l def f(): l = [T()] return g(l) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) s_item = listitem(s) assert isinstance(s_item, annmodel.SomeInstance) assert s_item.classdef is a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(T) def test_int_str_mul(self): def f(x,a,b): return a*x+x*b a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [str,int,int]) assert s.knowntype == str def test_list_tuple(self): def g0(x): return list(x) def g1(x): return list(x) def f(n): l1 = g0(()) l2 = g1((1,)) if n: t = (1,) else: t = (2,) l3 = g1(t) return l1, l2, l3 a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [bool]) assert listitem(s.items[0]) == annmodel.SomeImpossibleValue() assert listitem(s.items[1]).knowntype == int assert listitem(s.items[2]).knowntype == int def test_empty_list(self): def f(): l = [] return bool(l) def g(): l = [] x = bool(l) l.append(1) return x, bool(l) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert s.const == False a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(g, []) assert s.items[0].knowntype == bool and not s.items[0].is_constant() assert s.items[1].knowntype == bool and not s.items[1].is_constant() def test_empty_dict(self): def f(): d = {} return bool(d) def g(): d = {} x = bool(d) d['a'] = 1 return x, bool(d) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert s.const == False a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(g, []) assert s.items[0].knowntype == bool and not s.items[0].is_constant() assert s.items[1].knowntype == bool and not s.items[1].is_constant() def test_call_two_funcs_but_one_can_only_raise(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(snippet.call_two_funcs_but_one_can_only_raise, [int]) assert s == a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(None) def test_reraiseKeyError(self): def f(dic): try: dic[5] except KeyError: raise a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.build_types(f, [somedict(annmodel.s_Int, annmodel.s_Int)]) fg = graphof(a, f) et, ev = fg.exceptblock.inputargs t = annmodel.SomeType() t.const = KeyError t.is_type_of = [ev] assert a.binding(et) == t assert isinstance(a.binding(ev), annmodel.SomeInstance) and a.binding(ev).classdef == a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(KeyError) def test_reraiseAnything(self): def f(dic): try: dic[5] except: raise a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.build_types(f, [somedict(annmodel.s_Int, annmodel.s_Int)]) fg = graphof(a, f) et, ev = fg.exceptblock.inputargs t = annmodel.SomeType() t.is_type_of = [ev] t.const = KeyError # IndexError ignored because 'dic' is a dict assert a.binding(et) == t assert isinstance(a.binding(ev), annmodel.SomeInstance) and a.binding(ev).classdef == a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(KeyError) def test_exception_mixing(self): def h(): pass def g(): pass class X(Exception): def __init__(self, x=0): self.x = x def f(a, l): if a==1: raise X elif a==2: raise X(1) elif a==3: raise X(4) else: try: l[0] x,y = l g() finally: h() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.build_types(f, [int, somelist(annmodel.s_Int)]) fg = graphof(a, f) et, ev = fg.exceptblock.inputargs t = annmodel.SomeType() t.is_type_of = [ev] assert a.binding(et) == t assert isinstance(a.binding(ev), annmodel.SomeInstance) and a.binding(ev).classdef == a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(Exception) def test_try_except_raise_finally1(self): def h(): pass def g(): pass class X(Exception): pass def f(): try: try: g() except X: h() raise finally: h() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.build_types(f, []) fg = graphof(a, f) et, ev = fg.exceptblock.inputargs t = annmodel.SomeType() t.is_type_of = [ev] assert a.binding(et) == t assert isinstance(a.binding(ev), annmodel.SomeInstance) and a.binding(ev).classdef == a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(Exception) def test_inplace_div(self): def f(n): n /= 2 return n / 2 a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert s.knowntype == int def test_prime(self): a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(, [int]) assert s.knowntype == bool def test_and_bool_coalesce(self): def f(a,b,c,d,e): x = a and b if x: return d,c return e,c a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int, str, a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(1.0), a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue('d'), a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue('e')]) assert s == annmodel.SomeTuple([annmodel.SomeChar(), a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(1.0)]) def test_bool_coalesce2(self): def f(a,b,a1,b1,c,d,e): x = (a or b) and (a1 or b1) if x: return d,c return e,c a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int, str, float, somelist(annmodel.s_Int), a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(1.0), a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue('d'), a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue('e')]) assert s == annmodel.SomeTuple([annmodel.SomeChar(), a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(1.0)]) def test_bool_coalesce_sanity(self): def f(a): while a: pass a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert s == a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(None) def test_non_None_path(self): class C: pass def g(c): if c is None: return C() return c def f(x): if x: c = None else: c = C() return g(c) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [bool]) assert s.can_be_none() == False def test_can_be_None_path(self): class C: pass def f(x): if x: c = None else: c = C() return isinstance(c, C) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [bool]) assert not s.is_constant() def test_nonneg_cleverness(self): def f(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h): if a < 0: a = 0 if b <= 0: b = 0 if c >= 0: pass else: c = 0 if d < a: d = a if e <= b: e = 1 if c > f: f = 2 if d >= g: g = 3 if h != a: h = 0 return a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]*8) assert s == annmodel.SomeTuple([annmodel.SomeInteger(nonneg=True)] * 8) def test_general_nonneg_cleverness(self): def f(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h): if a < 0: a = 0 if b <= 0: b = 0 if c >= 0: pass else: c = 0 if d < a: d = a if e <= b: e = 1 if c > f: f = 2 if d >= g: g = 3 if h != a: h = 0 return a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [r_longlong]*8) assert s == annmodel.SomeTuple([annmodel.SomeInteger(nonneg=True, knowntype=r_longlong)] * 8) def test_more_nonneg_cleverness(self): def f(start, stop): assert 0 <= start <= stop return start, stop a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int, int]) assert s == annmodel.SomeTuple([annmodel.SomeInteger(nonneg=True)] * 2) def test_more_general_nonneg_cleverness(self): def f(start, stop): assert 0 <= start <= stop return start, stop a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [r_longlong, r_longlong]) assert s == annmodel.SomeTuple([annmodel.SomeInteger(nonneg=True, knowntype=r_longlong)] * 2) def test_nonneg_cleverness_is_gentle_with_unsigned(self): def witness1(x): pass def witness2(x): pass def f(x): if 0 < x: witness1(x) if x > 0: witness2(x) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [annmodel.SomeInteger(unsigned=True)]) wg1 = graphof(a, witness1) wg2 = graphof(a, witness2) assert a.binding(wg1.getargs()[0]).unsigned is True assert a.binding(wg2.getargs()[0]).unsigned is True def test_general_nonneg_cleverness_is_gentle_with_unsigned(self): def witness1(x): pass def witness2(x): pass def f(x): if 0 < x: witness1(x) if x > 0: witness2(x) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [annmodel.SomeInteger(knowntype=r_ulonglong)]) wg1 = graphof(a, witness1) wg2 = graphof(a, witness2) assert a.binding(wg1.getargs()[0]).knowntype is r_ulonglong assert a.binding(wg2.getargs()[0]).knowntype is r_ulonglong def test_nonneg_cleverness_in_max(self): def f(x): return max(x, 0) + max(0, x) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert s.nonneg def test_attr_moving_into_parent(self): class A: pass class B(A): pass a1 = A() b1 = B() b1.stuff = a1 a1.stuff = None def f(): return b1.stuff a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInstance) assert not s.can_be_None assert s.classdef is a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(A) def test_class_attribute(self): class A: stuff = 42 class B(A): pass def f(): b = B() return b.stuff a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert s == a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(42) def test_attr_recursive_getvalue(self): class A: pass a2 = A() a2.stuff = None a1 = A() a1.stuff = a2 def f(): return a1.stuff a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInstance) assert s.can_be_None assert s.classdef is a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(A) def test_long_list_recursive_getvalue(self): class A: pass lst = [] for i in range(500): a1 = A() a1.stuff = lst lst.append(a1) def f(): A().stuff = None return (A().stuff, lst)[1] a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeList) s_item = s.listdef.listitem.s_value assert isinstance(s_item, annmodel.SomeInstance) def test_immutable_dict(self): d = {4: "hello", 5: "world"} def f(n): return d[n] a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeString) def test_immutable_recursive_list(self): l = [] l.append(l) def f(): return l a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeList) s_item = s.listdef.listitem.s_value assert isinstance(s_item, annmodel.SomeList) assert s_item.listdef.same_as(s.listdef) def test_defaults_with_list_or_dict(self): def fn1(a=[]): return a def fn2(a={}): return a def f(): fn1() fn2() return fn1([6, 7]), fn2({2: 3, 4: 5}) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeTuple) s1, s2 = s.items assert not s1.is_constant() assert not s2.is_constant() assert isinstance(s1.listdef.listitem. s_value, annmodel.SomeInteger) assert isinstance(s2.dictdef.dictkey. s_value, annmodel.SomeInteger) assert isinstance(s2.dictdef.dictvalue.s_value, annmodel.SomeInteger) def test_pbc_union(self): class A: def meth(self): return 12 class B(A): pass class C(B): pass def f(i): if i: f(0) x = B() else: x = C() return x.meth() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert s == a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(12) def test_int(self): def f(x, s): return int(x) + int(s) + int(s, 16) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int, str]) assert s.knowntype == int def test_int_nonneg(self): def f(x, y): assert x >= 0 return int(x) + int(y == 3) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int, int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) assert s.nonneg def test_listitem_merge_asymmetry_bug(self): class K: pass def mutr(k, x, i): k.l2 = [x] + k.l2 # this involves a side-effectful union and unification, with this order # of arguments some reflowing was missed k.l2[i] = x def witness(i): pass def trouble(k): l = k.l1 + k.l2 for i in range(len(l)): witness(l[i]) def f(flag, k, x, i): if flag: k = K() k.l1 = [] k.l2 = [] trouble(k) mutr(k, x, i) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.build_types(f, [bool, K, int, int]) g = graphof(a, witness) assert a.binding(g.getargs()[0]).knowntype == int # check RPython static semantics of isinstance(x,bool|int) as needed for wrap def test_isinstance_int_bool(self): def f(x): if isinstance(x, int): if isinstance(x, bool): return "bool" return "int" return "dontknow" a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [bool]) assert s.const == "bool" a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert s.const == "int" a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [float]) assert s.const == "dontknow" def test_hidden_method(self): class Base: def method(self): return ["should be hidden"] def indirect(self): return self.method() class A(Base): def method(self): return "visible" class B(A): # note: it's a chain of subclasses def method(self): return None def f(flag): if flag: obj = A() else: obj = B() return obj.indirect() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [bool]) assert annmodel.SomeString(can_be_None=True).contains(s) def test_dont_see_AttributeError_clause(self): class Stuff: def _freeze_(self): return True def createcompiler(self): try: return self.default_compiler except AttributeError: compiler = "yadda" self.default_compiler = compiler return compiler stuff = Stuff() stuff.default_compiler = 123 def f(): return stuff.createcompiler() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert s == a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(123) def test_class_attribute_is_an_instance_of_itself(self): class Base: hello = None class A(Base): pass A.hello = globalA = A() def f(): return (Base().hello, globalA) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeTuple) assert isinstance(s.items[0], annmodel.SomeInstance) assert s.items[0].classdef is a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(A) assert s.items[0].can_be_None assert s.items[1] == a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(A.hello) def test_dict_and_none(self): def f(i): if i: return {} else: return None a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert s.knowntype == annmodel.SomeOrderedDict.knowntype def test_const_list_and_none(self): def g(l=None): return l is None L = [1,2] def f(): g() return g(L) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert s.knowntype == bool assert not s.is_constant() def test_const_dict_and_none(self): def g(d=None): return d is None D = {1:2} def f(): g(D) return g() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert s.knowntype == bool assert not s.is_constant() def test_issubtype_and_const(self): class A(object): pass class B(object): pass class C(A): pass b = B() c = C() def g(f): if f == 1: x = b elif f == 2: x = c else: x = C() t = type(x) return issubclass(t, A) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() x = annmodel.SomeInteger() x.const = 1 s = a.build_types(g, [x]) assert s.const == False a = self.RPythonAnnotator() x = annmodel.SomeInteger() x.const = 2 s = a.build_types(g, [x]) assert s.const == True def test_reading_also_generalizes(self): def f1(i): d = {'c': i} return d['not-a-char'], d a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f1, [int]) assert dictkey(s.items[1]).__class__ == annmodel.SomeString def f2(i): d = {'c': i} return d.get('not-a-char', i+1), d a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f2, [int]) assert dictkey(s.items[1]).__class__ == annmodel.SomeString def f3(i): d = {'c': i} return 'not-a-char' in d, d a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f3, [int]) assert dictkey(s.items[1]).__class__ == annmodel.SomeString def f4(): lst = ['a', 'b', 'c'] return 'not-a-char' in lst, lst a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f4, []) assert listitem(s.items[1]).__class__ == annmodel.SomeString def f5(): lst = ['a', 'b', 'c'] return lst.index('not-a-char'), lst a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f5, []) assert listitem(s.items[1]).__class__ == annmodel.SomeString def test_true_str_is_not_none(self): def f(s): if s: return s else: return '' def g(i): if i: return f(None) else: return f('') a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(g, [int]) assert s.knowntype == str assert not s.can_be_None def test_true_func_is_not_none(self): def a1(): pass def a2(): pass def f(a): if a: return a else: return a2 def g(i): if i: return f(None) else: return f(a1) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(g, [int]) assert not s.can_be_None def test_string_noNUL_canbeNone(self): def f(a): if a: return "abc" else: return None a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert s.can_be_None assert s.no_nul def test_unicode_noNUL_canbeNone(self): def f(a): if a: return u"abc" else: return None a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert s.can_be_None assert s.no_nul def test_str_or_None(self): def f(a): if a: return "abc" else: return None def g(a): x = f(a) if x is None: return "abcd" return x a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert s.can_be_None assert s.no_nul def test_unicode_or_None(self): def f(a): if a: return u"abc" else: return None def g(a): x = f(a) if x is None: return u"abcd" return x a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert s.can_be_None assert s.no_nul def test_emulated_pbc_call_simple(self): def f(a,b): return a + b from rpython.annotator import annrpython a = annrpython.RPythonAnnotator() from rpython.annotator import model as annmodel s_f = a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(f) a.bookkeeper.emulate_pbc_call('f', s_f, [annmodel.SomeInteger(), annmodel.SomeInteger()]) a.complete() a.simplify() assert a.binding(graphof(a, f).getreturnvar()).knowntype == int fdesc = a.bookkeeper.getdesc(f) someint = annmodel.SomeInteger() assert (fdesc.get_s_signatures((2, (), False)) == [([someint,someint],someint)]) def test_emulated_pbc_call_callback(self): def f(a,b): return a + b from rpython.annotator import annrpython a = annrpython.RPythonAnnotator() from rpython.annotator import model as annmodel memo = [] def callb(ann, graph): memo.append(annmodel.SomeInteger() == ann.binding(graph.getreturnvar())) s_f = a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(f) s = a.bookkeeper.emulate_pbc_call('f', s_f, [annmodel.SomeInteger(), annmodel.SomeInteger()], callback=callb) assert s == annmodel.SomeImpossibleValue() a.complete() assert a.binding(graphof(a, f).getreturnvar()).knowntype == int assert len(memo) >= 1 for t in memo: assert t def test_iterator_union(self): def it(d): return d.iteritems() d0 = {1:2} def f(): it(d0) return it({1:2}) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeIterator) assert s.variant == ('items',) def test_iteritems_str0(self): def it(d): return d.iteritems() def f(): d0 = {'1a': '2a', '3': '4'} for item in it(d0): return "%s=%s" % item raise ValueError a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeString) assert s.no_nul def test_iteritems_unicode0(self): def it(d): return d.iteritems() def f(): d0 = {u'1a': u'2a', u'3': u'4'} for item in it(d0): return u"%s=%s" % item raise ValueError a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeUnicodeString) assert s.no_nul def test_no_nul_mod(self): def f(x): s = "%d" % x return s a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeString) assert s.no_nul def test_no_nul_mod_unicode(self): def f(x): s = u"%d" % x return s a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeUnicodeString) assert s.no_nul def test_mul_str0(self): def f(s): return s*10 a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [annmodel.SomeString(no_nul=True)]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeString) assert s.no_nul a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [annmodel.SomeUnicodeString(no_nul=True)]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeUnicodeString) assert s.no_nul def test_reverse_mul_str0(self): def f(s): return 10*s a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [annmodel.SomeString(no_nul=True)]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeString) assert s.no_nul a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [annmodel.SomeUnicodeString(no_nul=True)]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeUnicodeString) assert s.no_nul def test_getitem_str0(self): def f(s, n): if n == 1: return s[0] elif n == 2: return s[1] elif n == 3: return s[1:] return s a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.translator.config.translation.check_str_without_nul = True s = a.build_types(f, [annmodel.SomeString(no_nul=True), annmodel.SomeInteger()]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeString) assert s.no_nul a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.translator.config.translation.check_str_without_nul = True s = a.build_types(f, [annmodel.SomeUnicodeString(no_nul=True), annmodel.SomeInteger()]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeUnicodeString) assert s.no_nul def test_non_none_and_none_with_isinstance(self): class A(object): pass class B(A): pass def g(x): if isinstance(x, A): return x return None def f(): g(B()) return g(None) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInstance) assert s.classdef == a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(B) def test_type_is_no_improvement(self): class B(object): pass class C(B): pass class D(B): pass def f(x): if type(x) is C: return x raise Exception a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [D]) assert s == annmodel.SomeImpossibleValue() def test_is_constant_instance(self): class A(object): pass prebuilt_instance = A() def f(x): if x is prebuilt_instance: return x raise Exception a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [A]) assert s.is_constant() assert s.const is prebuilt_instance def test_call_memoized_function(self): fr1 = Freezing() fr2 = Freezing() def getorbuild(key): a = 1 if key is fr1: result = eval("a+2") else: result = eval("a+6") return result getorbuild._annspecialcase_ = "specialize:memo" def f1(i): if i > 0: fr = fr1 else: fr = fr2 return getorbuild(fr) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f1, [int]) assert s.knowntype == int def test_call_memoized_function_with_bools(self): fr1 = Freezing() fr2 = Freezing() def getorbuild(key, flag1, flag2): a = 1 if key is fr1: result = eval("a+2") else: result = eval("a+6") if flag1: result += 100 if flag2: result += 1000 return result getorbuild._annspecialcase_ = "specialize:memo" def f1(i): if i > 0: fr = fr1 else: fr = fr2 return getorbuild(fr, i % 2 == 0, i % 3 == 0) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f1, [int]) assert s.knowntype == int def test_stored_bound_method(self): # issue 129 class H: def h(self): return 42 class C: def __init__(self, func): self.f = func def do(self): return self.f() def g(): h = H() c = C(h.h) return a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(g, []) assert s.is_constant() assert s.const == 42 def test_stored_bound_method_2(self): # issue 129 class H: pass class H1(H): def h(self): return 42 class H2(H): def h(self): return 17 class C: def __init__(self, func): self.f = func def do(self): return self.f() def g(flag): if flag: h = H1() else: h = H2() c = C(h.h) return a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(g, [int]) assert s.knowntype == int assert not s.is_constant() def test_getorbuild_as_attr(self): from rpython.rlib.cache import Cache class SpaceCache(Cache): def _build(self, callable): return callable() class CacheX(Cache): def _build(self, key): return key.x class CacheY(Cache): def _build(self, key): return key.y class X: def __init__(self, x): self.x = x def _freeze_(self): return True class Y: def __init__(self, y): self.y = y def _freeze_(self): return True X1 = X(1) Y2 = Y("hello") fromcache = SpaceCache().getorbuild def f(): return (fromcache(CacheX).getorbuild(X1), fromcache(CacheY).getorbuild(Y2)) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert s.items[0].knowntype == int assert s.items[1].knowntype == str def test_constant_bound_method(self): class C: def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def meth(self): return self.value meth = C(1).meth def f(): return meth() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert s.knowntype == int def test_annotate__del__(self): class A(object): def __init__(self): self.a = 2 def __del__(self): self.a = 1 def f(): return A().a a = self.RPythonAnnotator() t = a.translator s = a.build_types(f, []) assert s.knowntype == int graph = tgraphof(t, A.__del__.im_func) assert graph.startblock in a.annotated def test_annotate__del__baseclass(self): class A(object): def __init__(self): self.a = 2 def __del__(self): self.a = 1 class B(A): def __init__(self): self.a = 3 def f(): return B().a a = self.RPythonAnnotator() t = a.translator s = a.build_types(f, []) assert s.knowntype == int graph = tgraphof(t, A.__del__.im_func) assert graph.startblock in a.annotated def test_annotate_type(self): class A: pass x = [A(), A()] def witness(t): return type(t) def get(i): return x[i] def f(i): witness(None) return witness(get(i)) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeType) def test_annotate_iter_empty_container(self): def f(): n = 0 d = {} for x in []: n += x for y in d: n += y for z in d.iterkeys(): n += z for s in d.itervalues(): n += s for t, u in d.items(): n += t * u for t, u in d.iteritems(): n += t * u return n a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert s.is_constant() assert s.const == 0 def test_mixin(self): class Mixin(object): _mixin_ = True def m(self, v): return v class Base(object): pass class A(Base, Mixin): pass class B(Base, Mixin): pass class C(B): pass def f(): a = A() v0 = a.m(2) b = B() v1 = b.m('x') c = C() v2 = c.m('y') return v0, v1, v2 a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s.items[0], annmodel.SomeInteger) assert isinstance(s.items[1], annmodel.SomeChar) assert isinstance(s.items[2], annmodel.SomeChar) def test_mixin_staticmethod(self): class Mixin(object): _mixin_ = True @staticmethod def m(v): return v class Base(object): pass class A(Base, Mixin): pass class B(Base, Mixin): pass class C(B): pass def f(): a = A() v0 = a.m(2) b = B() v1 = b.m('x') c = C() v2 = c.m('y') return v0, v1, v2 a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s.items[0], annmodel.SomeInteger) assert isinstance(s.items[1], annmodel.SomeChar) assert isinstance(s.items[2], annmodel.SomeChar) def test_mixin_first(self): class Mixin(object): _mixin_ = True def foo(self): return 4 class Base(object): def foo(self): return 5 class Concrete(Mixin, Base): pass def f(): return Concrete().foo() assert f() == 4 a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert s.const == 4 def test_mixin_last(self): class Mixin(object): _mixin_ = True def foo(self): return 4 class Base(object): def foo(self): return 5 class Concrete(Base, Mixin): pass def f(): return Concrete().foo() assert f() == 5 a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert s.const == 5 def test_mixin_concrete(self): class Mixin(object): _mixin_ = True def foo(self): return 4 class Concrete(Mixin): def foo(self): return 5 def f(): return Concrete().foo() assert f() == 5 a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert s.const == 5 def test_multiple_mixins_mro(self): # an obscure situation, but it occurred in module/micronumpy/ class A(object): _mixin_ = True def foo(self): return 1 class B(A): _mixin_ = True def foo(self): return 2 class C(A): _mixin_ = True class D(B, C): _mixin_ = True class Concrete(D): pass def f(): return Concrete().foo() assert f() == 2 a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert s.const == 2 def test_multiple_mixins_mro_2(self): class A(object): _mixin_ = True def foo(self): return 1 class B(A): _mixin_ = True def foo(self): return 2 class C(A): _mixin_ = True class Concrete(C, B): pass def f(): return Concrete().foo() assert f() == 2 a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert s.const == 2 def test_cannot_use_directly_mixin(self): class A(object): _mixin_ = True # def f(): return A() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() py.test.raises(AnnotatorError, a.build_types, f, []) # class B(object): pass x = B() def g(): return isinstance(x, A) py.test.raises(AnnotatorError, a.build_types, g, []) def test_import_from_mixin(self): class M(object): def f(self): return self.a class I(object): objectmodel.import_from_mixin(M) def __init__(self, i): self.a = i class S(object): objectmodel.import_from_mixin(M) def __init__(self, s): self.a = s def f(n): return (I(n).f(), S("a" * n).f()) assert f(3) == (3, "aaa") a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert isinstance(s.items[0], annmodel.SomeInteger) assert isinstance(s.items[1], annmodel.SomeString) def test___class___attribute(self): class Base(object): pass class A(Base): pass class B(Base): pass class C(A): pass def seelater(): C() def f(n): if n == 1: x = A() else: x = B() y = B() result = x.__class__, y.__class__ seelater() return result a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert isinstance(s.items[0], annmodel.SomePBC) assert len(s.items[0].descriptions) == 4 assert isinstance(s.items[1], annmodel.SomePBC) assert len(s.items[1].descriptions) == 1 def test_slots(self): # check that the annotator ignores slots instead of being # confused by them showing up as 'member' objects in the class class A(object): __slots__ = ('a', 'b') def f(x): a = A() a.b = x return a.b a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert s.knowntype == int def test_slots_reads(self): class A(object): __slots__ = () class B(A): def __init__(self, x): self.x = x def f(x): if x: a = A() else: a = B(x) return a.x # should explode here a = self.RPythonAnnotator() with py.test.raises(NoSuchAttrError) as excinfo: a.build_types(f, [int]) # this should explode on reading the attribute 'a.x', but it can # sometimes explode on 'self.x = x', which does not make much sense. # But it looks hard to fix in general: we don't know yet during 'a.x' # if the attribute x will be read-only or read-write. def test_unboxed_value(self): class A(object): __slots__ = () class C(A, objectmodel.UnboxedValue): __slots__ = unboxedattrname = 'smallint' def f(n): return C(n).smallint a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert s.knowntype == int def test_annotate_bool(self): def f(x): return ~x a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [bool]) assert s.knowntype == int def f(x): return -x a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [bool]) assert s.knowntype == int def f(x): return +x a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [bool]) assert s.knowntype == int def f(x): return abs(x) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [bool]) assert s.knowntype == int def f(x): return int(x) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [bool]) assert s.knowntype == int def f(x, y): return x + y a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [bool, int]) assert s.knowntype == int a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int, bool]) assert s.knowntype == int def test_annotate_rarith(self): inttypes = [int, r_uint, r_longlong, r_ulonglong] for inttype in inttypes: c = inttype() def f(): return c a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) assert s.knowntype == inttype assert s.unsigned == (inttype(-1) > 0) for inttype in inttypes: def f(): return inttype(0) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) assert s.knowntype == inttype assert s.unsigned == (inttype(-1) > 0) for inttype in inttypes: def f(x): return x a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [inttype]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) assert s.knowntype == inttype assert s.unsigned == (inttype(-1) > 0) def test_annotate_rshift(self): def f(x): return x >> 2 a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [annmodel.SomeInteger(nonneg=True)]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) assert s.nonneg def test_prebuilt_mutables(self): class A: pass class B: pass a1 = A() a2 = A() a1.d = {} # this tests confusion between the two '{}', which a2.d = {} # compare equal a1.l = [] a2.l = [] b = B() b.d1 = a1.d b.d2 = a2.d b.l1 = a1.l b.l2 = a2.l def dmutate(d): d[123] = 321 def lmutate(l): l.append(42) def readout(d, l): return len(d) + len(l) def f(): dmutate(b.d1) dmutate(b.d2) dmutate(a1.d) dmutate(a2.d) lmutate(b.l1) lmutate(b.l2) lmutate(a1.l) lmutate(a2.l) return readout(a1.d, a1.l) + readout(a2.d, a2.l) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.build_types(f, []) v1, v2 = graphof(a, readout).getargs() assert not a.binding(v1).is_constant() assert not a.binding(v2).is_constant() def test_prebuilt_mutables_dont_use_eq(self): # test that __eq__ is not called during annotation, at least # when we know that the classes differ anyway class Base(object): def __eq__(self, other): if self is other: return True raise ValueError def __hash__(self): return 42 class A(Base): pass class B(Base): pass a1 = A() a2 = B() a1.x = 5 a2.x = 6 def f(): return a1.x + a2.x a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert s.knowntype == int def test_chr_out_of_bounds(self): def g(n, max): if n < max: return chr(n) else: return '?' def fun(max): v = g(1000, max) return g(ord(v), max) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(fun, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeChar) def test_range_nonneg(self): def fun(n, k): for i in range(n): if k == 17: return i return 0 a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(fun, [int, int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) assert s.nonneg def test_range_nonneg_variablestep(self): def get_step(n): if n == 1: return 2 else: return 3 def fun(n, k): step = get_step(n) for i in range(0, n, step): if k == 17: return i return 0 a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(fun, [int, int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) assert s.nonneg def test_reverse_range_nonneg(self): def fun(n, k): for i in range(n-1, -1, -1): if k == 17: return i return 0 a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(fun, [int, int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) assert s.nonneg def test_sig(self): def fun(x, y): return x+y s_nonneg = annmodel.SomeInteger(nonneg=True) fun._annenforceargs_ = Sig(int, s_nonneg) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(fun, [s_nonneg, s_nonneg]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) assert not s.nonneg with py.test.raises(SignatureError): a.build_types(fun, [int, int]) def test_sig_simpler(self): def fun(x, y): return x+y s_nonneg = annmodel.SomeInteger(nonneg=True) fun._annenforceargs_ = (int, s_nonneg) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(fun, [s_nonneg, s_nonneg]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) assert not s.nonneg with py.test.raises(SignatureError): a.build_types(fun, [int, int]) def test_sig_lambda(self): def fun(x, y): return y s_nonneg = annmodel.SomeInteger(nonneg=True) fun._annenforceargs_ = Sig(lambda s1,s2: s1, lambda s1,s2: s1) # means: the 2nd argument's annotation becomes the 1st argument's # input annotation a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(fun, [int, s_nonneg]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) assert not s.nonneg with py.test.raises(SignatureError): a.build_types(fun, [s_nonneg, int]) def test_sig_bug(self): def g(x, y=5): return y == 5 g._annenforceargs_ = (int, int) def fun(x): return g(x) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(fun, [int]) assert s.knowntype is bool assert s.is_constant() def test_sig_list(self): def g(buf): buf.append(5) g._annenforceargs_ = ([int],) def fun(): lst = [] g(lst) return lst[0] a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(fun, []) assert s.knowntype is int assert not s.is_constant() def test_slots_check(self): class Base(object): __slots__ = 'x' class A(Base): __slots__ = 'y' def m(self): return 65 class C(Base): __slots__ = 'z' def m(self): return 67 for attrname, works in [('x', True), ('y', False), ('z', False), ('t', False)]: def fun(n): if n: o = A() else: o = C() setattr(o, attrname, 12) return o.m() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() if works: a.build_types(fun, [int]) else: with py.test.raises(NoSuchAttrError): a.build_types(fun, [int]) def test_slots_enforce_attrs(self): class Superbase(object): __slots__ = 'x' class Base(Superbase): pass class A(Base): pass class B(Base): pass def fun(s): if s is None: # known not to be None in this test o = B() o.x = 12 elif len(s) > 5: o = A() else: o = Base() return o.x a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(fun, [str]) assert s == annmodel.s_ImpossibleValue # but not blocked blocks def test_enforced_attrs_check(self): class Base(object): _attrs_ = 'x' class A(Base): _attrs_ = 'y' def m(self): return 65 class C(Base): _attrs_ = 'z' def m(self): return 67 for attrname, works in [('x', True), ('y', False), ('z', False), ('t', False)]: def fun(n): if n: o = A() else: o = C() setattr(o, attrname, 12) return o.m() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() if works: a.build_types(fun, [int]) else: from rpython.annotator.classdef import NoSuchAttrError py.test.raises(NoSuchAttrError, a.build_types, fun, [int]) def test_attrs_enforce_attrs(self): class Superbase(object): _attrs_ = 'x' class Base(Superbase): pass class A(Base): pass class B(Base): pass def fun(s): if s is None: # known not to be None in this test o = B() o.x = 12 elif len(s) > 5: o = A() else: o = Base() return o.x a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(fun, [str]) assert s == annmodel.s_ImpossibleValue # but not blocked blocks def test_pbc_enforce_attrs(self): class F(object): _attrs_ = ['foo',] def _freeze_(self): return True p1 = F() p2 = F() def g(): pass def f(x): if x: p = p1 else: p = p2 g() return a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.build_types(f, [bool]) def test_enforce_settled(self): class A(object): _settled_ = True def m(self): raise NotImplementedError class B(A): def m(self): return 1 def n(self): return 1 def fun(x): if x: a = A() else: a = B() return a.m() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(fun, [bool]) assert s.knowntype == int def fun(x): if x: a = A() else: a = B() return a.n() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() with py.test.raises(AnnotatorError): a.build_types(fun, [bool]) def test_float_cmp(self): def fun(x, y): return (x < y, x <= y, x == y, x != y, x > y, x >= y) a = self.RPythonAnnotator(policy=AnnotatorPolicy()) s = a.build_types(fun, [float, float]) assert [s_item.knowntype for s_item in s.items] == [bool] * 6 def test_empty_range(self): def g(lst): total = 0 for i in range(len(lst)): total += lst[i] return total def fun(): return g([]) a = self.RPythonAnnotator(policy=AnnotatorPolicy()) s = a.build_types(fun, []) assert s.const == 0 def test_compare_int_bool(self): def fun(x): return 50 < x a = self.RPythonAnnotator(policy=AnnotatorPolicy()) s = a.build_types(fun, [bool]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeBool) def test_long_as_intermediate_value(self): from sys import maxint from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import intmask def fun(x): if x > 0: v = maxint else: v = -maxint return intmask(v * 10) P = AnnotatorPolicy() a = self.RPythonAnnotator(policy=P) s = a.build_types(fun, [bool]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) def test_instance_with_flags(self): from rpython.rlib.jit import hint class A: _virtualizable_ = [] class B(A): def meth(self): return self class C(A): def meth(self): return self def f(n): x = B() x = hint(x, access_directly=True) m = x.meth for i in range(n): x = C() m = x.meth return x, m, m() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [a.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(0)]) assert isinstance(s.items[0], annmodel.SomeInstance) assert s.items[0].flags == {'access_directly': True} assert isinstance(s.items[1], annmodel.SomePBC) assert len(s.items[1].descriptions) == 1 assert s.items[1].any_description().flags == {'access_directly': True} assert isinstance(s.items[2], annmodel.SomeInstance) assert s.items[2].flags == {'access_directly': True} a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert isinstance(s.items[0], annmodel.SomeInstance) assert s.items[0].flags == {} assert isinstance(s.items[1], annmodel.SomePBC) assert isinstance(s.items[2], annmodel.SomeInstance) assert s.items[2].flags == {} @py.test.mark.xfail def test_no_access_directly_on_heap(self): from rpython.rlib.jit import hint class A: _virtualizable_ = [] class I: pass def f(): x = A() x = hint(x, access_directly=True) i = I() i.x = x a = self.RPythonAnnotator() with py.test.raises(AnnotatorError): a.build_types(f, []) class M: def __init__(self): self.l = [] self.d = {} class C: def _freeze_(self): return True def __init__(self): self.m = M() self.l2 = [] c = C() def f(): x = A() x = hint(x, access_directly=True) c.m.l.append(x) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() py.test.raises(AnnotatorError, a.build_types, f, []) def f(): x = A() x = hint(x, access_directly=True) c.m.d[None] = x a = self.RPythonAnnotator() py.test.raises(AnnotatorError, a.build_types, f, []) def f(): x = A() x = hint(x, access_directly=True) c.m.d[x] = None a = self.RPythonAnnotator() py.test.raises(AnnotatorError, a.build_types, f, []) def test_ctr_location(self): class A: _annspecialcase_ = 'specialize:ctr_location' def __init__(self, x): self.x = x def f(n): a = A(2 * n) a.x = n b = A("") b.x = str(n) return len(b.x) + a.x a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) def test_weakref(self): import weakref class A: pass class B(A): pass class C(A): pass def f(n): if n: b = B() b.hello = 42 r = weakref.ref(b) else: c = C() c.hello = 64 r = weakref.ref(c) return r().hello a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) assert not s.is_constant() def test_float_pow_unsupported(self): def f(x, y): x **= y return x ** y a = self.RPythonAnnotator() py.test.raises(FlowingError, a.build_types, f, [int, int]) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() py.test.raises(FlowingError, a.build_types, f, [float, float]) def test_intcmp_bug(self): def g(x, y): return x <= y def f(x, y): if g(x, y): g(x, r_uint(y)) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() with py.test.raises(UnionError): a.build_types(f, [int, int]) def test_compare_with_zero(self): def g(): should_not_see_this def f(n): assert n >= 0 if n < 0: g() if not (n >= 0): g() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.build_types(f, [int]) def test_r_singlefloat(self): z = r_singlefloat(0.4) def g(n): if n > 0: return r_singlefloat(n * 0.1) else: return z a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(g, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeSingleFloat) def test_unicode_simple(self): def f(): return u'xxx' a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeUnicodeString) def test_unicode(self): def g(n): if n > 0: return unichr(1234) else: return u"x\xe4x" def f(n): x = g(0) return x[n] a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(g, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeUnicodeString) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeUnicodeCodePoint) def test_unicode_from_string(self): def f(x): return unicode(x) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [str]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeUnicodeString) def test_unicode_add(self): def f(x): return unicode(x) + unichr(1234) def g(x): return unichr(x) + unichr(2) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [str]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeUnicodeString) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeUnicodeString) def test_unicode_startswith(self): def f(x): return u'xxxx'.replace(x, u'z') a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [unicode]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeUnicodeString) def test_unicode_buildtypes(self): def f(x): return x a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [unicode]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeUnicodeString) def test_replace_annotations(self): def f(x): return 'a'.replace(x, 'b') a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [str]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeString) assert s.no_nul def f(x): return u'a'.replace(x, u'b') a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [unicode]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeUnicodeString) assert s.no_nul def test_unicode_char(self): def f(x, i): for c in x: if c == i: return c return 'x' a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [unicode, str]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeUnicodeCodePoint) def test_strformatting_unicode(self): def f(x): return '%s' % unichr(x) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() py.test.raises(AnnotatorError, a.build_types, f, [int]) def f(x): return '%s' % (unichr(x) * 3) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() py.test.raises(AnnotatorError, a.build_types, f, [int]) def f(x): return '%s%s' % (1, unichr(x)) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() py.test.raises(AnnotatorError, a.build_types, f, [int]) def f(x): return '%s%s' % (1, unichr(x) * 15) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() py.test.raises(AnnotatorError, a.build_types, f, [int]) def test_strformatting_tuple(self): """ A function which returns the result of interpolating a tuple of a single str into a str format string should be annotated as returning SomeString. """ def f(x): return '%s' % (x,) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [str]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeString) def test_unicodeformatting(self): def f(x): return u'%s' % x a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [unicode]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeUnicodeString) def test_unicodeformatting_tuple(self): def f(x): return u'%s' % (x,) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [unicode]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeUnicodeString) def test_negative_slice(self): def f(s, e): return [1, 2, 3][s:e] a = self.RPythonAnnotator() py.test.raises(AnnotatorError, "a.build_types(f, [int, int])") a.build_types(f, [annmodel.SomeInteger(nonneg=True), annmodel.SomeInteger(nonneg=True)]) def f(x): return x[:-1] a.build_types(f, [str]) def test_negative_number_find(self): def f(s, e): return "xyz".find("x", s, e) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() py.test.raises(AnnotatorError, "a.build_types(f, [int, int])") a.build_types(f, [annmodel.SomeInteger(nonneg=True), annmodel.SomeInteger(nonneg=True)]) def f(s, e): return "xyz".rfind("x", s, e) py.test.raises(AnnotatorError, "a.build_types(f, [int, int])") a.build_types(f, [annmodel.SomeInteger(nonneg=True), annmodel.SomeInteger(nonneg=True)]) def f(s, e): return "xyz".count("x", s, e) py.test.raises(AnnotatorError, "a.build_types(f, [int, int])") a.build_types(f, [annmodel.SomeInteger(nonneg=True), annmodel.SomeInteger(nonneg=True)]) def test_setslice(self): def f(): lst = [2, 5, 7] lst[1:2] = [4] return lst a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeList) assert not s.listdef.listitem.resized assert not s.listdef.listitem.immutable assert s.listdef.listitem.mutated def test_delslice(self): def f(): lst = [2, 5, 7] del lst[1:2] return lst a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeList) assert s.listdef.listitem.resized def test_varargs(self): def f(*args): return args[0] + 42 a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int, int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) def test_listitem_no_mutating(self): from rpython.rlib.debug import check_annotation called = [] def checker(ann, bk): called.append(True) assert not ann.listdef.listitem.mutated ann.listdef.never_resize() def f(): l = [1,2,3] check_annotation(l, checker) return l def g(): l = f() l.append(4) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() py.test.raises(ListChangeUnallowed, a.build_types, g, []) assert called def test_listitem_no_mutating2(self): from rpython.rlib.debug import make_sure_not_resized def f(): return make_sure_not_resized([1,2,3]) def g(): l = [1,2,3] l.append(4) return l def fn(i): if i: func = f else: func = g return func() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.translator.config.translation.list_comprehension_operations = True py.test.raises(ListChangeUnallowed, a.build_types, fn, [int]) def test_listitem_never_resize(self): from rpython.rlib.debug import check_annotation def checker(ann, bk): ann.listdef.never_resize() def f(): l = [1,2,3] l.append(4) check_annotation(l, checker) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() py.test.raises(ListChangeUnallowed, a.build_types, f, []) def test_len_of_empty_list(self): class X: pass def f(n): x = X() x.lst = None if n < 0: # to showcase a failure of the famous "assert contains" return len(x.lst) x.lst = [] return len(x.lst) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert s.const == 0 def test_hash_sideeffect(self): class X: pass x1 = X() x2 = X() x3 = X() d = {(2, x1): 5, (3, x2): 7} def f(n, m): if m == 1: x = x1 elif m == 2: x = x2 else: x = x3 return d[n, x] a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int, int]) assert s.knowntype == int assert hasattr(x1, '__precomputed_identity_hash') assert hasattr(x2, '__precomputed_identity_hash') assert not hasattr(x3, '__precomputed_identity_hash') def test_contains_of_empty_dict(self): class A(object): def meth(self): return 1 def g(x, y): d1 = {} for i in range(y): if x in d1: return d1[x].meth() d1[i+1] = A() return 0 a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(g, [int, int]) assert s.knowntype is int def f(x): d0 = {} if x in d0: d0[x].meth() return x+1 a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert s.knowntype is int def test_relax(self): def f(*args): return args[0] + args[1] f.relax_sig_check = True def g(x): return f(x, x - x) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(g, [int]) assert a.bookkeeper.getdesc(f).getuniquegraph() def test_cannot_raise_ll_exception(self): from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import cast_instance_to_base_ptr # def f(): e = OverflowError() lle = cast_instance_to_base_ptr(e) raise Exception(lle) # ^^^ instead, must cast back from a base ptr to an instance a = self.RPythonAnnotator() with py.test.raises(AssertionError): a.build_types(f, []) def test_enumerate(self): def f(): for i, x in enumerate(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']): if i == 2: return x return '?' a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeChar) def test_context_manager(self): class C: def __init__(self): pass def __enter__(self): self.x = 1 def __exit__(self, *args): self.x = 3 def f(): c = C() with c: pass return c.x a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) # not a constant: both __enter__ and __exit__ have been annotated assert not s.is_constant() def test_make_sure_not_resized(self): from rpython.rlib.debug import make_sure_not_resized def pycode(consts): make_sure_not_resized(consts) def build1(): return pycode(consts=[1]) def build2(): return pycode(consts=[0]) def fn(): build1() build2() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.translator.config.translation.list_comprehension_operations = True a.build_types(fn, []) # assert did not raise ListChangeUnallowed def test_return_immutable_list(self): class A: _immutable_fields_ = 'lst[*]' def f(n): a = A() l1 = [n, 0] l1[1] = n+1 a.lst = l1 return a.lst a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert s.listdef.listitem.immutable def test_return_immutable_list_quasiimmut_field(self): class A: _immutable_fields_ = 'lst?[*]' def f(n): a = A() l1 = [n, 0] l1[1] = n+1 a.lst = l1 return a.lst a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert s.listdef.listitem.immutable def test_immutable_list_is_actually_resized(self): class A: _immutable_fields_ = 'lst[*]' def f(n): a = A() l1 = [n] l1.append(n+1) a.lst = l1 return a.lst a = self.RPythonAnnotator() py.test.raises(ListChangeUnallowed, a.build_types, f, [int]) def test_immutable_list_is_assigned_a_resizable_list(self): class A: _immutable_fields_ = 'lst[*]' def f(n): a = A() foo = [] foo.append(n) a.lst = foo a = self.RPythonAnnotator() py.test.raises(ListChangeUnallowed, a.build_types, f, [int]) def test_can_merge_immutable_list_with_regular_list(self): class A: _immutable_fields_ = 'lst[*]' def foo(lst): pass def f(n): a = A() l1 = [n, 0] l1[1] = n+1 a.lst = l1 if n > 0: foo(a.lst) else: lst = [0] lst[0] = n foo(lst) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.build_types(f, [int]) def f(n): a = A() l1 = [n, 0] l1[1] = n+1 a.lst = l1 if n > 0: lst = [0] lst[0] = n foo(lst) else: foo(a.lst) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.build_types(f, [int]) def test_immutable_field_subclass(self): class Root: pass class A(Root): _immutable_fields_ = '_my_lst[*]' def __init__(self, lst): self._my_lst = lst def foo(x): return len(x._my_lst) def f(n): foo(A([2, n])) foo(Root()) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() e = py.test.raises(Exception, a.build_types, f, [int]) assert "field '_my_lst' was migrated" in str(e.value) def test_range_variable_step(self): def g(n): return range(0, 10, n) def f(n): r = g(1) # constant step, at first s = g(n) # but it becomes a variable step return r a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert s.listdef.listitem.range_step == 0 def test_specialize_arg_memo(self): @objectmodel.specialize.memo() def g(n): return n @objectmodel.specialize.arg(0) def f(i): return g(i) def main(i): if i == 2: return f(2) elif i == 3: return f(3) else: raise NotImplementedError a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(main, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) def test_join_none_and_nonnull(self): from rpython.rlib.rstring import assert_str0 def f(i): a = str(i) a = assert_str0(a) return a.join([None]) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeString) assert not s.can_be_None def test_contains_no_nul(self): def f(i): if "\0" in i: return None else: return i a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.translator.config.translation.check_str_without_nul = True s = a.build_types(f, [annmodel.SomeString(no_nul=False)]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeString) assert s.can_be_None assert s.no_nul def test_contains_no_nul_unicode(self): def f(i): if u"\0" in i: return None else: return i a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.translator.config.translation.check_str_without_nul = True s = a.build_types(f, [annmodel.SomeUnicodeString(no_nul=False)]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeUnicodeString) assert s.can_be_None assert s.no_nul def test_no___call__(self): class X(object): def __call__(self): xxx x = X() def f(): return x a = self.RPythonAnnotator() e = py.test.raises(Exception, a.build_types, f, []) assert 'object with a __call__ is not RPython' in str(e.value) def test_os_getcwd(self): import os def fn(): return os.getcwd() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(fn, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeString) assert s.no_nul def test_os_getenv(self): import os def fn(): return os.environ.get('PATH') a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(fn, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeString) assert s.no_nul def test_base_iter(self): class A(object): def __iter__(self): return self def fn(): return iter(A()) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(fn, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInstance) assert'.A') def test_iter_next(self): class A(object): def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): return 1 def fn(): s = 0 for x in A(): s += x return s a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(fn, []) assert len(a.translator.graphs) == 3 # fn, __iter__, next assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) def test_next_function(self): def fn(n): x = [0, 1, n] i = iter(x) return next(i) + next(i) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(fn, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) def test_instance_getitem(self): class A(object): def __getitem__(self, i): return i * i def fn(i): a = A() return a[i] a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(fn, [int]) assert len(a.translator.graphs) == 2 # fn, __getitem__ assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) def test_instance_setitem(self): class A(object): def __setitem__(self, i, v): self.value = i * v def fn(i, v): a = A() a[i] = v return a.value a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(fn, [int, int]) assert len(a.translator.graphs) == 2 # fn, __setitem__ assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) def test_instance_getslice(self): class A(object): def __getslice__(self, stop, start): return "Test"[stop:start] def fn(): a = A() return a[0:2] a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(fn, []) assert len(a.translator.graphs) == 2 # fn, __getslice__ assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeString) def test_instance_setslice(self): class A(object): def __setslice__(self, stop, start, value): self.value = value def fn(): a = A() a[0:2] = '00' return a.value a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(fn, []) assert len(a.translator.graphs) == 2 # fn, __setslice__ assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeString) def test_instance_len(self): class A(object): def __len__(self): return 0 def fn(): a = A() return len(a) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(fn, []) assert len(a.translator.graphs) == 2 # fn, __len__ assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) def test_reversed(self): def fn(n): for elem in reversed([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]): return elem return n a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(fn, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) def test_no_attr_on_common_exception_classes(self): for cls in [ValueError, Exception]: def fn(): e = cls() = "bar" a = self.RPythonAnnotator() with py.test.raises(NoSuchAttrError): a.build_types(fn, []) def test_lower_char(self): def fn(c): return c.lower() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(fn, [annmodel.SomeChar()]) assert s == annmodel.SomeChar() def test_isinstance_double_const(self): class X(object): def _freeze_(self): return True x = X() def f(i): if i: x1 = x else: x1 = None print "hello" # this is to force the merge of blocks return isinstance(x1, X) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [annmodel.SomeInteger()]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeBool) def test_object_init(self): class A(object): pass class B(A): def __init__(self): A.__init__(self) def f(): B() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.build_types(f, []) # assert did not explode def test_bytearray(self): def f(): return bytearray("xyz") a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeByteArray) assert not s.is_constant() # never a constant! def test_bytearray_add(self): def f(a): return a + bytearray("xyz") a = self.RPythonAnnotator() assert isinstance(a.build_types(f, [annmodel.SomeByteArray()]), annmodel.SomeByteArray) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() assert isinstance(a.build_types(f, [str]), annmodel.SomeByteArray) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() assert isinstance(a.build_types(f, [annmodel.SomeChar()]), annmodel.SomeByteArray) def test_bytearray_setitem_getitem(self): def f(b, i, c): b[i] = c return b[i + 1] a = self.RPythonAnnotator() assert isinstance(a.build_types(f, [annmodel.SomeByteArray(), int, int]), annmodel.SomeInteger) def test_constant_startswith_endswith(self): def f(): return "abc".startswith("ab") and "abc".endswith("bc") a = self.RPythonAnnotator() assert a.build_types(f, []).const is True def test_specific_attributes(self): class A(object): pass class B(A): def __init__(self, x): assert x >= 0 self.x = x def fn(i): if i % 2: a = A() else: a = B(3) if i % 3: a.x = -3 if isinstance(a, B): return a.x return 0 a = self.RPythonAnnotator() assert not a.build_types(fn, [int]).nonneg def test_unionerror_attrs(self): def f(x): if x < 10: return 1 else: return "bbb" a = self.RPythonAnnotator() with py.test.raises(UnionError) as exc: a.build_types(f, [int]) the_exc = exc.value s_objs = set([type(the_exc.s_obj1), type(the_exc.s_obj2)]) assert s_objs == set([annmodel.SomeInteger, annmodel.SomeString]) def test_unionerror_tuple_size(self): def f(x): if x < 10: return (1, ) else: return (1, 2) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() with py.test.raises(UnionError) as exc: a.build_types(f, [int]) assert "RPython cannot unify tuples of different length: 2 versus 1" in exc.value.msg def test_unionerror_signedness(self): def f(x): if x < 10: return r_uint(99) else: return -1 a = self.RPythonAnnotator() with py.test.raises(UnionError) as exc: a.build_types(f, [int]) assert ("RPython cannot prove that these integers are of the " "same signedness" in exc.value.msg) def test_unionerror_instance(self): class A(object): pass class B(object): pass def f(x): if x < 10: return A() else: return B() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() with py.test.raises(UnionError) as exc: a.build_types(f, [int]) assert ("RPython cannot unify instances with no common base class" in exc.value.msg) def test_unionerror_iters(self): def f(x): d = { 1 : "a", 2 : "b" } if x < 10: return d.iterkeys() else: return d.itervalues() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() with py.test.raises(UnionError) as exc: a.build_types(f, [int]) assert ("RPython cannot unify incompatible iterator variants" in exc.value.msg) def test_variable_getattr(self): class A(object): pass def f(y): a = A() return getattr(a, y) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() with py.test.raises(AnnotatorError) as exc: a.build_types(f, [str]) assert ("variable argument to getattr" in exc.value.msg) def test_bad_call(self): def f(x): return x() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() with py.test.raises(AnnotatorError) as exc: a.build_types(f, [str]) assert ("Cannot prove that the object is callable" in exc.value.msg) def test_UnionError_on_PBC(self): l = ['a', 1] def f(x): l.append(x) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() with py.test.raises(UnionError) as excinfo: a.build_types(f, [int]) assert 'Happened at file' in excinfo.value.source assert 'Known variable annotations:' in excinfo.value.source def test_str_format_error(self): def f(s, x): return s.format(x) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() with py.test.raises(AnnotatorError) as exc: a.build_types(f, [str, str]) assert ("format() is not RPython" in exc.value.msg) def test_prebuilt_ordered_dict(self): try: from collections import OrderedDict except ImportError: py.test.skip("Please upgrade to python 2.7") d = OrderedDict([("aa", 1)]) def f(): return d a = self.RPythonAnnotator() assert isinstance(a.build_types(f, []), annmodel.SomeOrderedDict) def test_enumerate_none(self): # enumerate(None) can occur as an intermediate step during a full # annotation, because the None will be generalized later to # None-or-list for example def f(flag): if flag: x = None else: x = [42] return enumerate(x).next() a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeTuple) assert s.items[1].const == 42 def test_unpack_none_gets_a_blocked_block(self): def f(x): a, b = x a = self.RPythonAnnotator() py.test.raises(AnnotatorError, a.build_types, f, [annmodel.s_None]) def test_class___name__(self): class Abc(object): pass def f(): return Abc().__class__.__name__ a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeString) def test_isinstance_str_1(self): def g(): pass def f(n): if n > 5: s = "foo" else: s = None g() return isinstance(s, str) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeBool) assert not s.is_constant() def test_isinstance_str_2(self): def g(): pass def f(n): if n > 5: s = "foo" else: s = None g() if isinstance(s, str): return s return "" a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeString) assert not s.can_be_none() def test_property_getter(self): class O1(object): def __init__(self, x): self._x = x @property def x(self): return self._x def f(n): o = O1(n) return o.x + getattr(o, 'x') a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) op = list(graphof(a, f).iterblocks())[0].operations i = 0 c = 0 while i < len(op): if op[i].opname == 'getattr': c += 1 assert op[i].args[1].value == 'x__getter__' i += 1 assert i < len(op) and op[i].opname == 'simple_call' and \ op[i].args[0] == op[i - 1].result i += 1 assert c == 2 def test_property_setter(self): class O2(object): def __init__(self): self._x = 0 def set_x(self, v): self._x = v x = property(fset=set_x) def f(n): o = O2() o.x = n setattr(o, 'x', n) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) op = list(graphof(a, f).iterblocks())[0].operations i = 0 c = 0 while i < len(op): if op[i].opname == 'getattr': c += 1 assert op[i].args[1].value == 'x__setter__' i += 1 assert i < len(op) and op[i].opname == 'simple_call' and \ op[i].args[0] == op[i - 1].result and len(op[i].args) == 2 i += 1 assert c == 2 def test_property_unionerr(self): class O1(object): def __init__(self, x): self._x = x @property def x(self): return self._x class O2(O1): def set_x(self, v): self._x = v x = property(fset=set_x) def f1(n): o = O2(n) return o.x def f2(n): o = O2(n) o.x = 20 a = self.RPythonAnnotator() with py.test.raises(UnionError) as exc: a.build_types(f1, [int]) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() with py.test.raises(UnionError) as exc: a.build_types(f2, [int]) def test_property_union_2(self): py.test.xfail("FIX ME") class Base(object): pass class A(Base): def __init__(self): pass @property def x(self): return 42 class B(Base): def __init__(self, x): self.x = x def f(n): if n < 0: obj = A() else: obj = B(n) return obj.x a = self.RPythonAnnotator() # Ideally, this should translate to something sensible, # but for now, AnnotatorError is better than silently mistranslating. with py.test.raises(AnnotatorError): a.build_types(f, [int]) def test_property_union_3(self): py.test.xfail("FIX ME") class Base(object): pass class A(Base): @property def x(self): return 42 class B(Base): x = 43 def f(n): if n < 0: obj = A() else: obj = B() return obj.x a = self.RPythonAnnotator() with py.test.raises(AnnotatorError): a.build_types(f, [int]) def test_dict_can_be_none_ordering_issue(self): def g(d): return 42 in d def f(n): g(None) g({}) a = self.RPythonAnnotator() a.build_types(f, [int]) def g(n): return [0, 1, 2, n] def f_calls_g(n): total = 0 lst = g(n) i = 0 while i < len(lst): total += i i += 1 return total constant_unsigned_five = r_uint(5) class Freezing: def _freeze_(self): return True ``` #### File: rpython/bin/ ```python import os import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))))) from rpython.translator.interactive import Translation from rpython.rtyper.rtyper import * from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import * def get_c_function(lib, f): from ctypes import CDLL name = f.__name__ return getattr(CDLL(lib.strpath), 'pypy_g_' + name) def setup_readline(): import readline try: import rlcompleter2 rlcompleter2.setup() except ImportError: import rlcompleter readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") import os histfile = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".pypytrhist") try: getattr(readline, "clear_history", lambda: None)() readline.read_history_file(histfile) except IOError: pass import atexit atexit.register(readline.write_history_file, histfile) if __name__ == '__main__': try: setup_readline() except ImportError, err: print "Disabling readline support (%s)" % err from rpython.translator.test import snippet from rpython.rtyper.rtyper import RPythonTyper if (os.getcwd() not in sys.path and os.path.curdir not in sys.path): sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd()) print __doc__ import os os.putenv("PYTHONINSPECT", "1") ``` #### File: config/test/ ```python import sys import py from rpython.config.translationoption import get_combined_translation_config from rpython.config.translationoption import set_opt_level from rpython.config.translationoption import get_translation_config from rpython.config import translationoption from rpython.config.config import ConflictConfigError, ConfigError from rpython.translator.platform import platform as compiler def test_no_gcrootfinder_with_boehm(): config = get_combined_translation_config() config.translation.gcrootfinder = "shadowstack" py.test.raises(ConflictConfigError, set_opt_level, config, '0') if == 'msvc' or sys.platform == 'darwin': def test_no_asmgcrot_on_msvc(): config = get_combined_translation_config() config.translation.gcrootfinder = "asmgcc" py.test.raises(ConfigError, set_opt_level, config, 'jit') def test_get_translation_config(): from rpython.translator.interactive import Translation from rpython.config import config def f(x): config = get_translation_config() if config is not None: return config.translating return False t = Translation(f, [int]) config = t.config # do the patching t.annotate() retvar = t.context.graphs[0].returnblock.inputargs[0] assert t.context.annotator.binding(retvar).const assert get_translation_config() is config # check during import time ``` #### File: backend/arm/ ```python from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, rffi, llmemory from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_uint from rpython.translator.tool.cbuild import ExternalCompilationInfo eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(post_include_bits=[""" static int pypy__arm_int_div(int a, int b) { return a/b; } static unsigned int pypy__arm_uint_div(unsigned int a, unsigned int b) { return a/b; } static int pypy__arm_int_mod(int a, int b) { return a % b; } """]) def arm_int_div_emulator(a, b): return int(a / float(b)) arm_int_div_sign = lltype.Ptr( lltype.FuncType([lltype.Signed, lltype.Signed], lltype.Signed)) arm_int_div = rffi.llexternal( "pypy__arm_int_div", [lltype.Signed, lltype.Signed], lltype.Signed, _callable=arm_int_div_emulator, compilation_info=eci, _nowrapper=True, elidable_function=True) def arm_uint_div_emulator(a, b): return r_uint(a) / r_uint(b) arm_uint_div_sign = lltype.Ptr( lltype.FuncType([lltype.Unsigned, lltype.Unsigned], lltype.Unsigned)) arm_uint_div = rffi.llexternal( "pypy__arm_uint_div", [lltype.Unsigned, lltype.Unsigned], lltype.Unsigned, _callable=arm_uint_div_emulator, compilation_info=eci, _nowrapper=True, elidable_function=True) def arm_int_mod_emulator(a, b): sign = 1 if a < 0: a = -1 * a sign = -1 if b < 0: b = -1 * b res = a % b return sign * res arm_int_mod_sign = arm_int_div_sign arm_int_mod = rffi.llexternal( "pypy__arm_int_mod", [lltype.Signed, lltype.Signed], lltype.Signed, _callable=arm_int_mod_emulator, compilation_info=eci, _nowrapper=True, elidable_function=True) ``` #### File: llsupport/test/ ```python from rpython.jit.backend.llsupport.descr import get_size_descr,\ get_field_descr, get_array_descr, ArrayDescr, FieldDescr,\ SizeDescr, get_interiorfield_descr from rpython.jit.backend.llsupport.gc import GcLLDescr_boehm,\ GcLLDescr_framework from rpython.jit.backend.llsupport import jitframe from rpython.jit.metainterp.gc import get_description from rpython.jit.tool.oparser import parse from rpython.jit.metainterp.optimizeopt.util import equaloplists from rpython.jit.metainterp.history import JitCellToken, FLOAT from rpython.jit.metainterp.history import AbstractFailDescr from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, rffi from rpython.rtyper import rclass from rpython.jit.backend.x86.arch import WORD class Evaluator(object): def __init__(self, scope): self.scope = scope def __getitem__(self, key): return eval(key, self.scope) class FakeLoopToken(object): pass o_vtable = lltype.malloc(rclass.OBJECT_VTABLE, immortal=True) class RewriteTests(object): def check_rewrite(self, frm_operations, to_operations, **namespace): S = lltype.GcStruct('S', ('x', lltype.Signed), ('y', lltype.Signed)) sdescr = get_size_descr(self.gc_ll_descr, S) sdescr.tid = 1234 # T = lltype.GcStruct('T', ('y', lltype.Signed), ('z', lltype.Ptr(S)), ('t', lltype.Signed)) tdescr = get_size_descr(self.gc_ll_descr, T) tdescr.tid = 5678 tzdescr = get_field_descr(self.gc_ll_descr, T, 'z') # A = lltype.GcArray(lltype.Signed) adescr = get_array_descr(self.gc_ll_descr, A) adescr.tid = 4321 alendescr = adescr.lendescr # B = lltype.GcArray(lltype.Char) bdescr = get_array_descr(self.gc_ll_descr, B) bdescr.tid = 8765 blendescr = bdescr.lendescr # C = lltype.GcArray(lltype.Ptr(S)) cdescr = get_array_descr(self.gc_ll_descr, C) cdescr.tid = 8111 clendescr = cdescr.lendescr # E = lltype.GcStruct('Empty') edescr = get_size_descr(self.gc_ll_descr, E) edescr.tid = 9000 # vtable_descr = self.gc_ll_descr.fielddescr_vtable O = lltype.GcStruct('O', ('parent', rclass.OBJECT), ('x', lltype.Signed)) o_descr = self.cpu.sizeof(O, True) o_vtable = globals()['o_vtable'] # tiddescr = self.gc_ll_descr.fielddescr_tid wbdescr = self.gc_ll_descr.write_barrier_descr WORD = globals()['WORD'] # strdescr = self.gc_ll_descr.str_descr unicodedescr = self.gc_ll_descr.unicode_descr strlendescr = strdescr.lendescr unicodelendescr = unicodedescr.lendescr strhashdescr = self.gc_ll_descr.str_hash_descr unicodehashdescr = self.gc_ll_descr.unicode_hash_descr casmdescr = JitCellToken() clt = FakeLoopToken() clt._ll_initial_locs = [0, 8] frame_info = lltype.malloc(jitframe.JITFRAMEINFO, flavor='raw') clt.frame_info = frame_info frame_info.jfi_frame_depth = 13 frame_info.jfi_frame_size = 255 framedescrs = self.gc_ll_descr.getframedescrs(self.cpu) framelendescr = framedescrs.arraydescr.lendescr jfi_frame_depth = framedescrs.jfi_frame_depth jfi_frame_size = framedescrs.jfi_frame_size jf_frame_info = framedescrs.jf_frame_info jf_savedata = framedescrs.jf_savedata jf_force_descr = framedescrs.jf_force_descr jf_descr = framedescrs.jf_descr jf_guard_exc = framedescrs.jf_guard_exc jf_forward = framedescrs.jf_forward jf_extra_stack_depth = framedescrs.jf_extra_stack_depth signedframedescr = self.cpu.signedframedescr floatframedescr = self.cpu.floatframedescr casmdescr.compiled_loop_token = clt # guarddescr = AbstractFailDescr() # namespace.update(locals()) # for funcname in self.gc_ll_descr._generated_functions: namespace[funcname] = self.gc_ll_descr.get_malloc_fn(funcname) namespace[funcname + '_descr'] = getattr(self.gc_ll_descr, '%s_descr' % funcname) # ops = parse(frm_operations, namespace=namespace) expected = parse(to_operations % Evaluator(namespace), namespace=namespace) operations = self.gc_ll_descr.rewrite_assembler(self.cpu, ops.operations, []) remap = {} for a, b in zip(ops.inputargs, expected.inputargs): remap[b] = a equaloplists(operations, expected.operations, remap=remap), flavor='raw') class FakeTracker(object): pass class BaseFakeCPU(object): JITFRAME_FIXED_SIZE = 0 def __init__(self): self.tracker = FakeTracker() self._cache = {} self.signedframedescr = ArrayDescr(3, 8, FieldDescr('len', 0, 0, 0), 0) self.floatframedescr = ArrayDescr(5, 8, FieldDescr('len', 0, 0, 0), 0) def getarraydescr_for_frame(self, tp): if tp == FLOAT: return self.floatframedescr return self.signedframedescr def unpack_arraydescr_size(self, d): return 0, d.itemsize, 0 def unpack_fielddescr(self, d): return d.offset def arraydescrof(self, ARRAY): try: return self._cache[ARRAY] except KeyError: r = ArrayDescr(1, 2, FieldDescr('len', 0, 0, 0), 0) self._cache[ARRAY] = r return r def fielddescrof(self, STRUCT, fname): key = (STRUCT, fname) try: return self._cache[key] except KeyError: r = FieldDescr(fname, 1, 1, 1) self._cache[key] = r return r class TestBoehm(RewriteTests): def setup_method(self, meth): class FakeCPU(BaseFakeCPU): def sizeof(self, STRUCT, is_object): assert is_object return SizeDescr(102, gc_fielddescrs=[], vtable=o_vtable) self.cpu = FakeCPU() self.gc_ll_descr = GcLLDescr_boehm(None, None, None) def test_new(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [] p0 = new(descr=sdescr) jump() """, """ [p1] p0 = call_malloc_gc(ConstClass(malloc_fixedsize), %(sdescr.size)d,\ descr=malloc_fixedsize_descr) jump() """) def test_no_collapsing(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [] p0 = new(descr=sdescr) p1 = new(descr=sdescr) jump() """, """ [] p0 = call_malloc_gc(ConstClass(malloc_fixedsize), %(sdescr.size)d,\ descr=malloc_fixedsize_descr) p1 = call_malloc_gc(ConstClass(malloc_fixedsize), %(sdescr.size)d,\ descr=malloc_fixedsize_descr) jump() """) def test_new_array_fixed(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [] p0 = new_array(10, descr=adescr) jump() """, """ [] p0 = call_malloc_gc(ConstClass(malloc_array), \ %(adescr.basesize)d, \ 10, \ %(adescr.itemsize)d, \ %(adescr.lendescr.offset)d, \ descr=malloc_array_descr) jump() """) ## should ideally be: ## p0 = call_malloc_gc(ConstClass(malloc_fixedsize), \ ## %(adescr.basesize + 10 * adescr.itemsize)d, \ ## descr=malloc_fixedsize_descr) ## setfield_gc(p0, 10, descr=alendescr) def test_new_array_variable(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [i1] p0 = new_array(i1, descr=adescr) jump() """, """ [i1] p0 = call_malloc_gc(ConstClass(malloc_array), \ %(adescr.basesize)d, \ i1, \ %(adescr.itemsize)d, \ %(adescr.lendescr.offset)d, \ descr=malloc_array_descr) jump() """) def test_new_with_vtable(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [] p0 = new_with_vtable(descr=o_descr) jump() """, """ [p1] p0 = call_malloc_gc(ConstClass(malloc_fixedsize), 102, \ descr=malloc_fixedsize_descr) setfield_gc(p0, ConstClass(o_vtable), descr=vtable_descr) jump() """) def test_newstr(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [i1] p0 = newstr(i1) jump() """, """ [i1] p0 = call_malloc_gc(ConstClass(malloc_array), \ %(strdescr.basesize)d, \ i1, \ %(strdescr.itemsize)d, \ %(strlendescr.offset)d, \ descr=malloc_array_descr) jump() """) def test_newunicode(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [i1] p0 = newunicode(10) jump() """, """ [i1] p0 = call_malloc_gc(ConstClass(malloc_array), \ %(unicodedescr.basesize)d, \ 10, \ %(unicodedescr.itemsize)d, \ %(unicodelendescr.offset)d, \ descr=malloc_array_descr) jump() """) ## should ideally be: ## p0 = call_malloc_gc(ConstClass(malloc_fixedsize), \ ## %(unicodedescr.basesize + \ ## 10 * unicodedescr.itemsize)d, \ ## descr=malloc_fixedsize_descr) ## setfield_gc(p0, 10, descr=unicodelendescr) class TestFramework(RewriteTests): def setup_method(self, meth): class config_(object): class translation(object): gc = 'minimark' gcrootfinder = 'asmgcc' gctransformer = 'framework' gcremovetypeptr = False gcdescr = get_description(config_) self.gc_ll_descr = GcLLDescr_framework(gcdescr, None, None, None, really_not_translated=True) self.gc_ll_descr.write_barrier_descr.has_write_barrier_from_array = ( lambda cpu: True) self.gc_ll_descr.malloc_zero_filled = False # class FakeCPU(BaseFakeCPU): def sizeof(self, STRUCT, is_object): descr = SizeDescr(104, gc_fielddescrs=[]) descr.tid = 9315 return descr self.cpu = FakeCPU() def test_rewrite_assembler_new_to_malloc(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [p1] p0 = new(descr=sdescr) jump() """, """ [p1] p0 = call_malloc_nursery(%(sdescr.size)d) setfield_gc(p0, 1234, descr=tiddescr) jump() """) def test_rewrite_assembler_new3_to_malloc(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [] p0 = new(descr=sdescr) p1 = new(descr=tdescr) p2 = new(descr=sdescr) jump() """, """ [] p0 = call_malloc_nursery( \ %(sdescr.size + tdescr.size + sdescr.size)d) setfield_gc(p0, 1234, descr=tiddescr) p1 = nursery_ptr_increment(p0, %(sdescr.size)d) setfield_gc(p1, 5678, descr=tiddescr) p2 = nursery_ptr_increment(p1, %(tdescr.size)d) setfield_gc(p2, 1234, descr=tiddescr) zero_ptr_field(p1, %(tdescr.gc_fielddescrs[0].offset)s) jump() """) def test_rewrite_assembler_new_array_fixed_to_malloc(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [] p0 = new_array(10, descr=adescr) jump() """, """ [] p0 = call_malloc_nursery( \ %(adescr.basesize + 10 * adescr.itemsize)d) setfield_gc(p0, 4321, descr=tiddescr) setfield_gc(p0, 10, descr=alendescr) jump() """) def test_rewrite_assembler_new_and_new_array_fixed_to_malloc(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [] p0 = new(descr=sdescr) p1 = new_array(10, descr=adescr) jump() """, """ [] p0 = call_malloc_nursery( \ %(sdescr.size + \ adescr.basesize + 10 * adescr.itemsize)d) setfield_gc(p0, 1234, descr=tiddescr) p1 = nursery_ptr_increment(p0, %(sdescr.size)d) setfield_gc(p1, 4321, descr=tiddescr) setfield_gc(p1, 10, descr=alendescr) jump() """) def test_rewrite_assembler_round_up(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [] p0 = new_array(6, descr=bdescr) jump() """, """ [] p0 = call_malloc_nursery(%(bdescr.basesize + 8)d) setfield_gc(p0, 8765, descr=tiddescr) setfield_gc(p0, 6, descr=blendescr) jump() """) def test_rewrite_assembler_round_up_always(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [] p0 = new_array(5, descr=bdescr) p1 = new_array(5, descr=bdescr) p2 = new_array(5, descr=bdescr) p3 = new_array(5, descr=bdescr) jump() """, """ [] p0 = call_malloc_nursery(%(4 * (bdescr.basesize + 8))d) setfield_gc(p0, 8765, descr=tiddescr) setfield_gc(p0, 5, descr=blendescr) p1 = nursery_ptr_increment(p0, %(bdescr.basesize + 8)d) setfield_gc(p1, 8765, descr=tiddescr) setfield_gc(p1, 5, descr=blendescr) p2 = nursery_ptr_increment(p1, %(bdescr.basesize + 8)d) setfield_gc(p2, 8765, descr=tiddescr) setfield_gc(p2, 5, descr=blendescr) p3 = nursery_ptr_increment(p2, %(bdescr.basesize + 8)d) setfield_gc(p3, 8765, descr=tiddescr) setfield_gc(p3, 5, descr=blendescr) jump() """) def test_rewrite_assembler_minimal_size(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [] p0 = new(descr=edescr) p1 = new(descr=edescr) jump() """, """ [] p0 = call_malloc_nursery(%(4*WORD)d) setfield_gc(p0, 9000, descr=tiddescr) p1 = nursery_ptr_increment(p0, %(2*WORD)d) setfield_gc(p1, 9000, descr=tiddescr) jump() """) def test_rewrite_assembler_variable_size(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [i0] p0 = new_array(i0, descr=bdescr) jump(i0) """, """ [i0] p0 = call_malloc_nursery_varsize(0, 1, i0, descr=bdescr) setfield_gc(p0, i0, descr=blendescr) jump(i0) """) def test_rewrite_new_string(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [i0] p0 = newstr(i0) jump(i0) """, """ [i0] p0 = call_malloc_nursery_varsize(1, 1, i0, descr=strdescr) setfield_gc(p0, i0, descr=strlendescr) setfield_gc(p0, 0, descr=strhashdescr) jump(i0) """) def test_rewrite_assembler_nonstandard_array(self): # a non-standard array is a bit hard to get; e.g. GcArray(Float) # is like that on Win32, but not on Linux. Build one manually... NONSTD = lltype.GcArray(lltype.Float) nonstd_descr = get_array_descr(self.gc_ll_descr, NONSTD) nonstd_descr.tid = 6464 nonstd_descr.basesize = 64 # <= hacked nonstd_descr.itemsize = 8 nonstd_descr_gcref = 123 self.check_rewrite(""" [i0, p1] p0 = new_array(i0, descr=nonstd_descr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, i0, p1) jump(i0) """, """ [i0, p1] p0 = call_malloc_gc(ConstClass(malloc_array_nonstandard), \ 64, 8, \ %(nonstd_descr.lendescr.offset)d, \ 6464, i0, \ descr=malloc_array_nonstandard_descr) cond_call_gc_wb_array(p0, i0, descr=wbdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, i0, p1) jump(i0) """, nonstd_descr=nonstd_descr) def test_rewrite_assembler_maximal_size_1(self): self.gc_ll_descr.max_size_of_young_obj = 100 self.check_rewrite(""" [] p0 = new_array(103, descr=bdescr) jump() """, """ [] p0 = call_malloc_gc(ConstClass(malloc_array), 1, \ %(bdescr.tid)d, 103, \ descr=malloc_array_descr) jump() """) def test_rewrite_assembler_maximal_size_2(self): self.gc_ll_descr.max_size_of_young_obj = 300 self.check_rewrite(""" [] p0 = new_array(101, descr=bdescr) p1 = new_array(102, descr=bdescr) # two new_arrays can be combined p2 = new_array(103, descr=bdescr) # but not all three jump() """, """ [] p0 = call_malloc_nursery( \ %(2 * (bdescr.basesize + 104))d) setfield_gc(p0, 8765, descr=tiddescr) setfield_gc(p0, 101, descr=blendescr) p1 = nursery_ptr_increment(p0, %(bdescr.basesize + 104)d) setfield_gc(p1, 8765, descr=tiddescr) setfield_gc(p1, 102, descr=blendescr) p2 = call_malloc_nursery( \ %(bdescr.basesize + 104)d) setfield_gc(p2, 8765, descr=tiddescr) setfield_gc(p2, 103, descr=blendescr) jump() """) def test_rewrite_assembler_huge_size(self): # "huge" is defined as "larger than 0xffffff bytes, or 16MB" self.check_rewrite(""" [] p0 = new_array(20000000, descr=bdescr) jump() """, """ [] p0 = call_malloc_gc(ConstClass(malloc_array), 1, \ %(bdescr.tid)d, 20000000, \ descr=malloc_array_descr) jump() """) def test_new_with_vtable(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [] p0 = new_with_vtable(descr=o_descr) jump() """, """ [p1] p0 = call_malloc_nursery(104) # rounded up setfield_gc(p0, 9315, descr=tiddescr) setfield_gc(p0, 0, descr=vtable_descr) jump() """) def test_new_with_vtable_too_big(self): self.gc_ll_descr.max_size_of_young_obj = 100 self.check_rewrite(""" [] p0 = new_with_vtable(descr=o_descr) jump() """, """ [p1] p0 = call_malloc_gc(ConstClass(malloc_big_fixedsize), 104, 9315, \ descr=malloc_big_fixedsize_descr) setfield_gc(p0, 0, descr=vtable_descr) jump() """) def test_rewrite_assembler_newstr_newunicode(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [i2] p0 = newstr(14) p1 = newunicode(10) p2 = newunicode(i2) p3 = newstr(i2) jump() """, """ [i2] p0 = call_malloc_nursery( \ %(strdescr.basesize + 16 * strdescr.itemsize + \ unicodedescr.basesize + 10 * unicodedescr.itemsize)d) setfield_gc(p0, %(strdescr.tid)d, descr=tiddescr) setfield_gc(p0, 14, descr=strlendescr) setfield_gc(p0, 0, descr=strhashdescr) p1 = nursery_ptr_increment(p0, %(strdescr.basesize + 16 * strdescr.itemsize)d) setfield_gc(p1, %(unicodedescr.tid)d, descr=tiddescr) setfield_gc(p1, 10, descr=unicodelendescr) setfield_gc(p1, 0, descr=unicodehashdescr) p2 = call_malloc_nursery_varsize(2, %(unicodedescr.itemsize)d, i2,\ descr=unicodedescr) setfield_gc(p2, i2, descr=unicodelendescr) setfield_gc(p2, 0, descr=unicodehashdescr) p3 = call_malloc_nursery_varsize(1, 1, i2, \ descr=strdescr) setfield_gc(p3, i2, descr=strlendescr) setfield_gc(p3, 0, descr=strhashdescr) jump() """) def test_write_barrier_before_setfield_gc(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [p1, p2] setfield_gc(p1, p2, descr=tzdescr) jump() """, """ [p1, p2] cond_call_gc_wb(p1, descr=wbdescr) setfield_gc(p1, p2, descr=tzdescr) jump() """) def test_write_barrier_before_array_without_from_array(self): self.gc_ll_descr.write_barrier_descr.has_write_barrier_from_array = ( lambda cpu: False) self.check_rewrite(""" [p1, i2, p3] setarrayitem_gc(p1, i2, p3, descr=cdescr) jump() """, """ [p1, i2, p3] cond_call_gc_wb(p1, descr=wbdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p1, i2, p3, descr=cdescr) jump() """) def test_write_barrier_before_short_array(self): self.gc_ll_descr.max_size_of_young_obj = 2000 self.check_rewrite(""" [i2, p3] p1 = new_array_clear(129, descr=cdescr) call_n(123456) setarrayitem_gc(p1, i2, p3, descr=cdescr) jump() """, """ [i2, p3] p1 = call_malloc_nursery( \ %(cdescr.basesize + 129 * cdescr.itemsize)d) setfield_gc(p1, 8111, descr=tiddescr) setfield_gc(p1, 129, descr=clendescr) zero_array(p1, 0, 129, descr=cdescr) call_n(123456) cond_call_gc_wb(p1, descr=wbdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p1, i2, p3, descr=cdescr) jump() """) def test_write_barrier_before_long_array(self): # the limit of "being too long" is fixed, arbitrarily, at 130 self.gc_ll_descr.max_size_of_young_obj = 2000 self.check_rewrite(""" [i2, p3] p1 = new_array_clear(130, descr=cdescr) call_n(123456) setarrayitem_gc(p1, i2, p3, descr=cdescr) jump() """, """ [i2, p3] p1 = call_malloc_nursery( \ %(cdescr.basesize + 130 * cdescr.itemsize)d) setfield_gc(p1, 8111, descr=tiddescr) setfield_gc(p1, 130, descr=clendescr) zero_array(p1, 0, 130, descr=cdescr) call_n(123456) cond_call_gc_wb_array(p1, i2, descr=wbdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p1, i2, p3, descr=cdescr) jump() """) def test_write_barrier_before_unknown_array(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [p1, i2, p3] setarrayitem_gc(p1, i2, p3, descr=cdescr) jump() """, """ [p1, i2, p3] cond_call_gc_wb_array(p1, i2, descr=wbdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p1, i2, p3, descr=cdescr) jump() """) def test_label_makes_size_unknown(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [i2, p3] p1 = new_array_clear(5, descr=cdescr) label(p1, i2, p3) setarrayitem_gc(p1, i2, p3, descr=cdescr) jump() """, """ [i2, p3] p1 = call_malloc_nursery( \ %(cdescr.basesize + 5 * cdescr.itemsize)d) setfield_gc(p1, 8111, descr=tiddescr) setfield_gc(p1, 5, descr=clendescr) zero_array(p1, 0, 5, descr=cdescr) label(p1, i2, p3) cond_call_gc_wb_array(p1, i2, descr=wbdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p1, i2, p3, descr=cdescr) jump() """) def test_write_barrier_before_setinteriorfield_gc(self): S1 = lltype.GcStruct('S1') INTERIOR = lltype.GcArray(('z', lltype.Ptr(S1))) interiordescr = get_array_descr(self.gc_ll_descr, INTERIOR) interiordescr.tid = 1291 interiorlendescr = interiordescr.lendescr interiorzdescr = get_interiorfield_descr(self.gc_ll_descr, INTERIOR, 'z') self.check_rewrite(""" [p1, p2] setinteriorfield_gc(p1, 0, p2, descr=interiorzdescr) jump(p1, p2) """, """ [p1, p2] cond_call_gc_wb_array(p1, 0, descr=wbdescr) setinteriorfield_gc(p1, 0, p2, descr=interiorzdescr) jump(p1, p2) """, interiorzdescr=interiorzdescr) def test_initialization_store(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [p1] p0 = new(descr=tdescr) setfield_gc(p0, p1, descr=tzdescr) jump() """, """ [p1] p0 = call_malloc_nursery(%(tdescr.size)d) setfield_gc(p0, 5678, descr=tiddescr) setfield_gc(p0, p1, descr=tzdescr) jump() """) def test_initialization_store_2(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [] p0 = new(descr=tdescr) p1 = new(descr=sdescr) setfield_gc(p0, p1, descr=tzdescr) jump() """, """ [] p0 = call_malloc_nursery(%(tdescr.size + sdescr.size)d) setfield_gc(p0, 5678, descr=tiddescr) p1 = nursery_ptr_increment(p0, %(tdescr.size)d) setfield_gc(p1, 1234, descr=tiddescr) # <<<no cond_call_gc_wb here>>> setfield_gc(p0, p1, descr=tzdescr) jump() """) def test_initialization_store_array(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [p1, i2] p0 = new_array_clear(5, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, i2, p1, descr=cdescr) jump() """, """ [p1, i2] p0 = call_malloc_nursery( \ %(cdescr.basesize + 5 * cdescr.itemsize)d) setfield_gc(p0, 8111, descr=tiddescr) setfield_gc(p0, 5, descr=clendescr) zero_array(p0, 0, 5, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, i2, p1, descr=cdescr) jump() """) def test_zero_array_reduced_left(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [p1, p2] p0 = new_array_clear(5, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 1, p1, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 0, p2, descr=cdescr) jump() """, """ [p1, p2] p0 = call_malloc_nursery( \ %(cdescr.basesize + 5 * cdescr.itemsize)d) setfield_gc(p0, 8111, descr=tiddescr) setfield_gc(p0, 5, descr=clendescr) zero_array(p0, 2, 3, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 1, p1, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 0, p2, descr=cdescr) jump() """) def test_zero_array_reduced_right(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [p1, p2] p0 = new_array_clear(5, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 3, p1, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 4, p2, descr=cdescr) jump() """, """ [p1, p2] p0 = call_malloc_nursery( \ %(cdescr.basesize + 5 * cdescr.itemsize)d) setfield_gc(p0, 8111, descr=tiddescr) setfield_gc(p0, 5, descr=clendescr) zero_array(p0, 0, 3, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 3, p1, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 4, p2, descr=cdescr) jump() """) def test_zero_array_not_reduced_at_all(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [p1, p2] p0 = new_array_clear(5, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 3, p1, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 2, p2, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 1, p2, descr=cdescr) jump() """, """ [p1, p2] p0 = call_malloc_nursery( \ %(cdescr.basesize + 5 * cdescr.itemsize)d) setfield_gc(p0, 8111, descr=tiddescr) setfield_gc(p0, 5, descr=clendescr) zero_array(p0, 0, 5, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 3, p1, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 2, p2, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 1, p2, descr=cdescr) jump() """) def test_zero_array_reduced_completely(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [p1, p2] p0 = new_array_clear(5, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 3, p1, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 4, p2, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 0, p1, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 2, p2, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 1, p2, descr=cdescr) jump() """, """ [p1, p2] p0 = call_malloc_nursery( \ %(cdescr.basesize + 5 * cdescr.itemsize)d) setfield_gc(p0, 8111, descr=tiddescr) setfield_gc(p0, 5, descr=clendescr) zero_array(p0, 5, 0, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 3, p1, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 4, p2, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 0, p1, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 2, p2, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 1, p2, descr=cdescr) jump() """) def test_zero_array_reduced_left_with_call(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [p1, p2] p0 = new_array_clear(5, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 0, p1, descr=cdescr) call_n(321321) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 1, p2, descr=cdescr) jump() """, """ [p1, p2] p0 = call_malloc_nursery( \ %(cdescr.basesize + 5 * cdescr.itemsize)d) setfield_gc(p0, 8111, descr=tiddescr) setfield_gc(p0, 5, descr=clendescr) zero_array(p0, 1, 4, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 0, p1, descr=cdescr) call_n(321321) cond_call_gc_wb(p0, descr=wbdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 1, p2, descr=cdescr) jump() """) def test_zero_array_reduced_left_with_label(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [p1, p2] p0 = new_array_clear(5, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 0, p1, descr=cdescr) label(p0, p2) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 1, p2, descr=cdescr) jump() """, """ [p1, p2] p0 = call_malloc_nursery( \ %(cdescr.basesize + 5 * cdescr.itemsize)d) setfield_gc(p0, 8111, descr=tiddescr) setfield_gc(p0, 5, descr=clendescr) zero_array(p0, 1, 4, descr=cdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 0, p1, descr=cdescr) label(p0, p2) cond_call_gc_wb_array(p0, 1, descr=wbdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 1, p2, descr=cdescr) jump() """) def test_zero_array_varsize(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [p1, p2, i3] p0 = new_array_clear(i3, descr=bdescr) jump() """, """ [p1, p2, i3] p0 = call_malloc_nursery_varsize(0, 1, i3, descr=bdescr) setfield_gc(p0, i3, descr=blendescr) zero_array(p0, 0, i3, descr=bdescr) jump() """) def test_zero_array_varsize_cannot_reduce(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [p1, p2, i3] p0 = new_array_clear(i3, descr=bdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 0, p1, descr=bdescr) jump() """, """ [p1, p2, i3] p0 = call_malloc_nursery_varsize(0, 1, i3, descr=bdescr) setfield_gc(p0, i3, descr=blendescr) zero_array(p0, 0, i3, descr=bdescr) cond_call_gc_wb_array(p0, 0, descr=wbdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, 0, p1, descr=bdescr) jump() """) def test_initialization_store_potentially_large_array(self): # the write barrier cannot be omitted, because we might get # an array with cards and the GC assumes that the write # barrier is always called, even on young (but large) arrays self.check_rewrite(""" [i0, p1, i2] p0 = new_array(i0, descr=bdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, i2, p1, descr=bdescr) jump() """, """ [i0, p1, i2] p0 = call_malloc_nursery_varsize(0, 1, i0, descr=bdescr) setfield_gc(p0, i0, descr=blendescr) cond_call_gc_wb_array(p0, i2, descr=wbdescr) setarrayitem_gc(p0, i2, p1, descr=bdescr) jump() """) def test_non_initialization_store(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [i0] p0 = new(descr=tdescr) p1 = newstr(i0) setfield_gc(p0, p1, descr=tzdescr) jump() """, """ [i0] p0 = call_malloc_nursery(%(tdescr.size)d) setfield_gc(p0, 5678, descr=tiddescr) zero_ptr_field(p0, %(tdescr.gc_fielddescrs[0].offset)s) p1 = call_malloc_nursery_varsize(1, 1, i0, \ descr=strdescr) setfield_gc(p1, i0, descr=strlendescr) setfield_gc(p1, 0, descr=strhashdescr) cond_call_gc_wb(p0, descr=wbdescr) setfield_gc(p0, p1, descr=tzdescr) jump() """) def test_non_initialization_store_label(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [p1] p0 = new(descr=tdescr) label(p0, p1) setfield_gc(p0, p1, descr=tzdescr) jump() """, """ [p1] p0 = call_malloc_nursery(%(tdescr.size)d) setfield_gc(p0, 5678, descr=tiddescr) zero_ptr_field(p0, %(tdescr.gc_fielddescrs[0].offset)s) label(p0, p1) cond_call_gc_wb(p0, descr=wbdescr) setfield_gc(p0, p1, descr=tzdescr) jump() """) def test_multiple_writes(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [p0, p1, p2] setfield_gc(p0, p1, descr=tzdescr) setfield_gc(p0, p2, descr=tzdescr) jump(p1, p2, p0) """, """ [p0, p1, p2] cond_call_gc_wb(p0, descr=wbdescr) setfield_gc(p0, p1, descr=tzdescr) setfield_gc(p0, p2, descr=tzdescr) jump(p1, p2, p0) """) def test_rewrite_call_assembler(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [i0, f0] i2 = call_assembler_i(i0, f0, descr=casmdescr) """, """ [i0, f0] i1 = getfield_raw_i(ConstClass(frame_info), descr=jfi_frame_size) p1 = call_malloc_nursery_varsize_frame(i1) setfield_gc(p1, 0, descr=tiddescr) i2 = getfield_raw_i(ConstClass(frame_info), descr=jfi_frame_depth) setfield_gc(p1, 0, descr=jf_extra_stack_depth) setfield_gc(p1, NULL, descr=jf_savedata) setfield_gc(p1, NULL, descr=jf_force_descr) setfield_gc(p1, NULL, descr=jf_descr) setfield_gc(p1, NULL, descr=jf_guard_exc) setfield_gc(p1, NULL, descr=jf_forward) setfield_gc(p1, i2, descr=framelendescr) setfield_gc(p1, ConstClass(frame_info), descr=jf_frame_info) setarrayitem_gc(p1, 0, i0, descr=signedframedescr) setarrayitem_gc(p1, 1, f0, descr=floatframedescr) i3 = call_assembler_i(p1, descr=casmdescr) """) def test_int_add_ovf(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [i0] p0 = new(descr=tdescr) i1 = int_add_ovf(i0, 123) guard_overflow(descr=guarddescr) [] jump() """, """ [i0] p0 = call_malloc_nursery(%(tdescr.size)d) setfield_gc(p0, 5678, descr=tiddescr) zero_ptr_field(p0, %(tdescr.gc_fielddescrs[0].offset)s) i1 = int_add_ovf(i0, 123) guard_overflow(descr=guarddescr) [] jump() """) def test_int_gt(self): self.check_rewrite(""" [i0] p0 = new(descr=tdescr) i1 = int_gt(i0, 123) guard_false(i1, descr=guarddescr) [] jump() """, """ [i0] p0 = call_malloc_nursery(%(tdescr.size)d) setfield_gc(p0, 5678, descr=tiddescr) zero_ptr_field(p0, %(tdescr.gc_fielddescrs[0].offset)s) i1 = int_gt(i0, 123) guard_false(i1, descr=guarddescr) [] jump() """) def test_zero_ptr_field_before_getfield(self): # This case may need to be fixed in the metainterp/optimizeopt # already so that it no longer occurs for But anyway # it's a good idea to make sure is correct on its own. self.check_rewrite(""" [] p0 = new(descr=tdescr) p1 = getfield_gc_r(p0, descr=tdescr) jump(p1) """, """ [] p0 = call_malloc_nursery(%(tdescr.size)d) setfield_gc(p0, 5678, descr=tiddescr) zero_ptr_field(p0, %(tdescr.gc_fielddescrs[0].offset)s) p1 = getfield_gc_r(p0, descr=tdescr) jump(p1) """) ``` #### File: jit/backend/ ```python import weakref from rpython.rlib.debug import debug_start, debug_print, debug_stop from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, llmemory class CPUTotalTracker(object): total_compiled_loops = 0 total_compiled_bridges = 0 total_freed_loops = 0 total_freed_bridges = 0 class AbstractCPU(object): supports_floats = False supports_longlong = False # ^^^ This is only useful on 32-bit platforms. If True, # longlongs are supported by the JIT, but stored as doubles. # Boxes and Consts are BoxFloats and ConstFloats. supports_singlefloats = False supports_guard_gc_type = False propagate_exception_descr = None remove_gctypeptr = False def __init__(self): self.tracker = CPUTotalTracker() def _freeze_(self): return True def setup_once(self): """Called once by the front-end when the program starts.""" pass def finish_once(self): """Called once by the front-end when the program stops.""" pass def get_all_loop_runs(self): """ Function that will return number of times all the loops were run. Requires earlier setting of set_debug(True), otherwise you won't get the information. Returns an instance of LOOP_RUN_CONTAINER from rlib.jit_hooks """ raise NotImplementedError def set_debug(self, value): """ Enable or disable debugging info. Does nothing by default. Returns the previous setting. """ return False def compile_loop(self, inputargs, operations, looptoken, jd_id=0, unique_id=0, log=True, name='', logger=None): """Assemble the given loop. Should create and attach a fresh CompiledLoopToken to looptoken.compiled_loop_token and stick extra attributes on it to point to the compiled loop in assembler. Returns either None or an instance of rpython.rlib.jit.AsmInfo. """ raise NotImplementedError def compile_bridge(self, faildescr, inputargs, operations, original_loop_token, log=True, logger=None): """Assemble the bridge. The FailDescr is the descr of the original guard that failed. Returns either None or an instance of rpython.rlib.jit.AsmInfo. """ raise NotImplementedError def dump_loop_token(self, looptoken): """Print a disassembled version of looptoken to stdout""" raise NotImplementedError def execute_token(self, looptoken, *args): """NOT_RPYTHON (for tests only) Execute the generated code referenced by the looptoken. When done, this returns a 'dead JIT frame' object that can be inspected with the get_latest_xxx() methods. """ argtypes = [lltype.typeOf(x) for x in args] execute = self.make_execute_token(*argtypes) return execute(looptoken, *args) def make_execute_token(self, *argtypes): """Must make and return an execute_token() function that will be called with the given argtypes. """ raise NotImplementedError def get_latest_descr(self, deadframe): """Returns the Descr for the last operation executed by the frame.""" raise NotImplementedError def get_int_value(self, deadframe, index): """Returns the value for the index'th argument to the last executed operation (from 'fail_args' if it was a guard, or from 'args' if it was a FINISH). Returns an int.""" raise NotImplementedError def get_float_value(self, deadframe, index): """Returns the value for the index'th argument to the last executed operation (from 'fail_args' if it was a guard, or from 'args' if it was a FINISH). Returns a FLOATSTORAGE.""" raise NotImplementedError def get_ref_value(self, deadframe, index): """Returns the value for the index'th argument to the last executed operation (from 'fail_args' if it was a guard, or from 'args' if it was a FINISH). Returns a GCREF.""" raise NotImplementedError def grab_exc_value(self, deadframe): """Return the exception set by the latest execute_token(), when it exits due to a failure of a GUARD_EXCEPTION or GUARD_NO_EXCEPTION. (Returns a GCREF)""" # XXX remove me raise NotImplementedError def set_savedata_ref(self, deadframe, data): """For the front-end: store a GCREF on the deadframe object.""" raise NotImplementedError def get_savedata_ref(self, deadframe): """For the front-end: get the GCREF saved with set_savedata_ref().""" raise NotImplementedError def force(self, force_token): """Take a 'force token' as produced by the FORCE_TOKEN operation, and 'kill' the corresponding JIT frame, which should be somewhere in the stack right now. Returns it as a dead frame object. When we later return to the JIT frame, the next operation executed must be a GUARD_NOT_FORCED, which will fail.""" raise NotImplementedError def redirect_call_assembler(self, oldlooptoken, newlooptoken): """Redirect oldlooptoken to newlooptoken. More precisely, it is enough to redirect all CALL_ASSEMBLERs already compiled that call oldlooptoken so that from now own they will call newlooptoken.""" raise NotImplementedError def invalidate_loop(self, looptoken): """Activate all GUARD_NOT_INVALIDATED in the loop and its attached bridges. Before this call, all GUARD_NOT_INVALIDATED do nothing; after this call, they all fail. Note that afterwards, if one such guard fails often enough, it has a bridge attached to it; it is possible then to re-call invalidate_loop() on the same looptoken, which must invalidate all newer GUARD_NOT_INVALIDATED, but not the old one that already has a bridge attached to it.""" raise NotImplementedError def free_loop_and_bridges(self, compiled_loop_token): """This method is called to free resources (machine code, references to resume guards, etc.) allocated by the compilation of a loop and all bridges attached to it. After this call, the frontend cannot use this compiled loop any more; in fact, it guarantees that at the point of the call to free_code_group(), none of the corresponding assembler is currently running. """ pass def sizeof(self, S): raise NotImplementedError def fielddescrof(self, S, fieldname): """Return the Descr corresponding to field 'fieldname' on the structure 'S'. It is important that this function (at least) caches the results.""" raise NotImplementedError def interiorfielddescrof(self, A, fieldname): raise NotImplementedError def arraydescrof(self, A): raise NotImplementedError def calldescrof(self, FUNC, ARGS, RESULT, extrainfo): # FUNC is the original function type, but ARGS is a list of types # with Voids removed raise NotImplementedError def typedescrof(self, TYPE): raise NotImplementedError def unpack_arraydescr_size(self, arraydescr): """ Return basesize, itemsize, is_signed """ raise NotImplementedError @staticmethod def cast_int_to_ptr(x, TYPE): x = llmemory.cast_int_to_adr(x) return llmemory.cast_adr_to_ptr(x, TYPE) # ---------- the backend-dependent operations ---------- # lltype specific operations # -------------------------- def bh_getarrayitem_gc_i(self, array, index, arraydescr): raise NotImplementedError def bh_getarrayitem_gc_r(self, array, index, arraydescr): raise NotImplementedError def bh_getarrayitem_gc_f(self, array, index, arraydescr): raise NotImplementedError def bh_getfield_gc_i(self, struct, fielddescr): raise NotImplementedError def bh_getfield_gc_r(self, struct, fielddescr): raise NotImplementedError def bh_getfield_gc_f(self, struct, fielddescr): raise NotImplementedError def bh_getfield_raw_i(self, struct, fielddescr): raise NotImplementedError def bh_getfield_raw_r(self, struct, fielddescr): raise NotImplementedError def bh_getfield_raw_f(self, struct, fielddescr): raise NotImplementedError def bh_new(self, sizedescr): raise NotImplementedError def bh_new_with_vtable(self, vtable, sizedescr): raise NotImplementedError def bh_new_array(self, length, arraydescr): raise NotImplementedError def bh_newstr(self, length): raise NotImplementedError def bh_newunicode(self, length): raise NotImplementedError def bh_new_raw_buffer(self, size): raise NotImplementedError def bh_arraylen_gc(self, array, arraydescr): raise NotImplementedError def bh_classof(self, struct): raise NotImplementedError def bh_setarrayitem_gc_i(self, array, index, newvalue, arraydescr): raise NotImplementedError def bh_setarrayitem_gc_r(self, array, index, newvalue, arraydescr): raise NotImplementedError def bh_setarrayitem_gc_f(self, array, index, newvalue, arraydescr): raise NotImplementedError def bh_setfield_gc_i(self, struct, newvalue, fielddescr): raise NotImplementedError def bh_setfield_gc_r(self, struct, newvalue, fielddescr): raise NotImplementedError def bh_setfield_gc_f(self, struct, newvalue, fielddescr): raise NotImplementedError def bh_setfield_raw_i(self, struct, newvalue, fielddescr): raise NotImplementedError def bh_setfield_raw_f(self, struct, newvalue, fielddescr): raise NotImplementedError def bh_call_i(self, func, args_i, args_r, args_f, calldescr): raise NotImplementedError def bh_call_r(self, func, args_i, args_r, args_f, calldescr): raise NotImplementedError def bh_call_f(self, func, args_i, args_r, args_f, calldescr): raise NotImplementedError def bh_call_v(self, func, args_i, args_r, args_f, calldescr): raise NotImplementedError def bh_strlen(self, string): raise NotImplementedError def bh_strgetitem(self, string, index): raise NotImplementedError def bh_unicodelen(self, string): raise NotImplementedError def bh_unicodegetitem(self, string, index): raise NotImplementedError def bh_strsetitem(self, string, index, newvalue): raise NotImplementedError def bh_unicodesetitem(self, string, index, newvalue): raise NotImplementedError def bh_copystrcontent(self, src, dst, srcstart, dststart, length): raise NotImplementedError def bh_copyunicodecontent(self, src, dst, srcstart, dststart, length): raise NotImplementedError class CompiledLoopToken(object): asmmemmgr_blocks = None asmmemmgr_gcroots = 0 def __init__(self, cpu, number): cpu.tracker.total_compiled_loops += 1 self.cpu = cpu self.number = number self.bridges_count = 0 self.invalidate_positions = [] # a list of weakrefs to looptokens that has been redirected to # this one self.looptokens_redirected_to = [] debug_start("jit-mem-looptoken-alloc") debug_print("allocating Loop #", self.number) debug_stop("jit-mem-looptoken-alloc") def compiling_a_bridge(self): self.cpu.tracker.total_compiled_bridges += 1 self.bridges_count += 1 debug_start("jit-mem-looptoken-alloc") debug_print("allocating Bridge #", self.bridges_count, "of Loop #", self.number) debug_stop("jit-mem-looptoken-alloc") def update_frame_info(self, oldlooptoken, baseofs): new_fi = self.frame_info new_loop_tokens = [] for ref in oldlooptoken.looptokens_redirected_to: looptoken = ref() if looptoken: looptoken.frame_info.update_frame_depth(baseofs, new_fi.jfi_frame_depth) new_loop_tokens.append(ref) oldlooptoken.frame_info.update_frame_depth(baseofs, new_fi.jfi_frame_depth) assert oldlooptoken is not None new_loop_tokens.append(weakref.ref(oldlooptoken)) self.looptokens_redirected_to = new_loop_tokens def __del__(self): #debug_start("jit-mem-looptoken-free") #debug_print("freeing Loop #", self.number, 'with', # self.bridges_count, 'attached bridges') self.cpu.free_loop_and_bridges(self) self.cpu.tracker.total_freed_loops += 1 self.cpu.tracker.total_freed_bridges += self.bridges_count #debug_stop("jit-mem-looptoken-free") ``` #### File: jit/codewriter/ ```python from rpython.jit.metainterp.history import AbstractDescr, getkind from rpython.jit.codewriter.flatten import Register, Label, TLabel, KINDS from rpython.jit.codewriter.flatten import ListOfKind, IndirectCallTargets from rpython.jit.codewriter.format import format_assembler from rpython.jit.codewriter.jitcode import SwitchDictDescr, JitCode from rpython.jit.codewriter import heaptracker, longlong from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import ComputedIntSymbolic from rpython.flowspace.model import Constant from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, llmemory, rffi from rpython.rtyper import rclass class AssemblerError(Exception): pass class Assembler(object): def __init__(self): self.insns = {} self.descrs = [] self.indirectcalltargets = set() # set of JitCodes self.list_of_addr2name = [] self._descr_dict = {} self._count_jitcodes = 0 self._seen_raw_objects = set() def assemble(self, ssarepr, jitcode=None): """Take the 'ssarepr' representation of the code and assemble it inside the 'jitcode'. If jitcode is None, make a new one. """ self.setup( ssarepr._insns_pos = [] for insn in ssarepr.insns: ssarepr._insns_pos.append(len(self.code)) self.write_insn(insn) self.fix_labels() self.check_result() if jitcode is None: jitcode = JitCode( jitcode._ssarepr = ssarepr self.make_jitcode(jitcode) if self._count_jitcodes < 20: # stop if we have a lot of them jitcode._dump = format_assembler(ssarepr) self._count_jitcodes += 1 return jitcode def setup(self, name): self.code = [] self.constants_dict = {} self.constants_i = [] self.constants_r = [] self.constants_f = [] self.label_positions = {} self.tlabel_positions = [] self.switchdictdescrs = [] self.count_regs = dict.fromkeys(KINDS, 0) self.liveness = {} self.startpoints = set() self.alllabels = set() self.resulttypes = {} self.ssareprname = name def emit_reg(self, reg): if reg.index >= self.count_regs[reg.kind]: self.count_regs[reg.kind] = reg.index + 1 self.code.append(chr(reg.index)) def emit_const(self, const, kind, allow_short=False): value = const.value if kind == 'int': TYPE = const.concretetype if isinstance(TYPE, lltype.Ptr): assert TYPE.TO._gckind == 'raw' self.see_raw_object(value) value = llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(value) TYPE = llmemory.Address if TYPE == llmemory.Address: value = heaptracker.adr2int(value) if TYPE is lltype.SingleFloat: value = longlong.singlefloat2int(value) if not isinstance(value, (llmemory.AddressAsInt, ComputedIntSymbolic)): value = lltype.cast_primitive(lltype.Signed, value) if allow_short: try: short_num = -128 <= value <= 127 except TypeError: # "Symbolics cannot be compared!" short_num = False if short_num: # emit the constant as a small integer self.code.append(chr(value & 0xFF)) return True constants = self.constants_i elif kind == 'ref': value = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, value) constants = self.constants_r elif kind == 'float': if const.concretetype == lltype.Float: value = longlong.getfloatstorage(value) else: assert longlong.is_longlong(const.concretetype) value = rffi.cast(lltype.SignedLongLong, value) constants = self.constants_f else: raise AssemblerError('unimplemented %r in %r' % (const, self.ssareprname)) key = (kind, Constant(value)) if key not in self.constants_dict: constants.append(value) val = 256 - len(constants) assert val >= 0, "too many constants" self.constants_dict[key] = val # emit the constant normally, as one byte that is an index in the # list of constants self.code.append(chr(self.constants_dict[key])) return False def write_insn(self, insn): if insn[0] == '---': return if isinstance(insn[0], Label): self.label_positions[insn[0].name] = len(self.code) return if insn[0] == '-live-': key = len(self.code) live_i, live_r, live_f = self.liveness.get(key, ("", "", "")) live_i = self.get_liveness_info(live_i, insn[1:], 'int') live_r = self.get_liveness_info(live_r, insn[1:], 'ref') live_f = self.get_liveness_info(live_f, insn[1:], 'float') self.liveness[key] = live_i, live_r, live_f return startposition = len(self.code) self.code.append("temporary placeholder") # argcodes = [] allow_short = (insn[0] in USE_C_FORM) for x in insn[1:]: if isinstance(x, Register): self.emit_reg(x) argcodes.append(x.kind[0]) elif isinstance(x, Constant): kind = getkind(x.concretetype) is_short = self.emit_const(x, kind, allow_short=allow_short) if is_short: argcodes.append('c') else: argcodes.append(kind[0]) elif isinstance(x, TLabel): self.alllabels.add(len(self.code)) self.tlabel_positions.append((, len(self.code))) self.code.append("temp 1") self.code.append("temp 2") argcodes.append('L') elif isinstance(x, ListOfKind): itemkind = x.kind lst = list(x) assert len(lst) <= 255, "list too long!" self.code.append(chr(len(lst))) for item in lst: if isinstance(item, Register): assert itemkind == item.kind self.emit_reg(item) elif isinstance(item, Constant): assert itemkind == getkind(item.concretetype) self.emit_const(item, itemkind) else: raise NotImplementedError("found in ListOfKind(): %r" % (item,)) argcodes.append(itemkind[0].upper()) elif isinstance(x, AbstractDescr): if x not in self._descr_dict: self._descr_dict[x] = len(self.descrs) self.descrs.append(x) if isinstance(x, SwitchDictDescr): self.switchdictdescrs.append(x) num = self._descr_dict[x] assert 0 <= num <= 0xFFFF, "too many AbstractDescrs!" self.code.append(chr(num & 0xFF)) self.code.append(chr(num >> 8)) argcodes.append('d') elif isinstance(x, IndirectCallTargets): self.indirectcalltargets.update(x.lst) elif x == '->': assert '>' not in argcodes argcodes.append('>') else: raise NotImplementedError(x) # opname = insn[0] if '>' in argcodes: assert argcodes.index('>') == len(argcodes) - 2 self.resulttypes[len(self.code)] = argcodes[-1] key = opname + '/' + ''.join(argcodes) num = self.insns.setdefault(key, len(self.insns)) self.code[startposition] = chr(num) self.startpoints.add(startposition) def get_liveness_info(self, prevlives, args, kind): """Return a string whose characters are register numbers. We sort the numbers, too, to increase the chances of duplicate strings (which are collapsed into a single string during translation). """ lives = set(prevlives) # set of characters for reg in args: if isinstance(reg, Register) and reg.kind == kind: lives.add(chr(reg.index)) return lives def fix_labels(self): for name, pos in self.tlabel_positions: assert self.code[pos ] == "temp 1" assert self.code[pos+1] == "temp 2" target = self.label_positions[name] assert 0 <= target <= 0xFFFF self.code[pos ] = chr(target & 0xFF) self.code[pos+1] = chr(target >> 8) for descr in self.switchdictdescrs: as_dict = {} for key, switchlabel in descr._labels: target = self.label_positions[] as_dict[key] = target descr.attach(as_dict) def check_result(self): # Limitation of the number of registers, from the single-byte encoding assert self.count_regs['int'] + len(self.constants_i) <= 256 assert self.count_regs['ref'] + len(self.constants_r) <= 256 assert self.count_regs['float'] + len(self.constants_f) <= 256 def make_jitcode(self, jitcode): jitcode.setup(''.join(self.code), self.constants_i, self.constants_r, self.constants_f, self.count_regs['int'], self.count_regs['ref'], self.count_regs['float'], liveness=self.liveness, startpoints=self.startpoints, alllabels=self.alllabels, resulttypes=self.resulttypes) def see_raw_object(self, value): if value._obj not in self._seen_raw_objects: self._seen_raw_objects.add(value._obj) if not value: # filter out NULL pointers return TYPE = lltype.typeOf(value).TO if isinstance(TYPE, lltype.FuncType): name = value._obj._name elif TYPE == rclass.OBJECT_VTABLE: if not # this is really the "dummy" class return # pointer from some dict name = ''.join( else: return addr = llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(value) self.list_of_addr2name.append((addr, name)) def finished(self, callinfocollection): # Helper called at the end of assembling. Registers the extra # functions shown in _callinfo_for_oopspec. for func in callinfocollection.all_function_addresses_as_int(): func = heaptracker.int2adr(func) self.see_raw_object(func.ptr) # A set of instructions that use the 'c' encoding for small constants. # Allowing it anywhere causes the number of instruction variants to # expode, growing past 256. So we list here only the most common # instructions where the 'c' variant might be useful. USE_C_FORM = set([ 'copystrcontent', 'getarrayitem_gc_pure_i', 'getarrayitem_gc_pure_r', 'getarrayitem_gc_i', 'getarrayitem_gc_r', 'goto_if_not_int_eq', 'goto_if_not_int_ge', 'goto_if_not_int_gt', 'goto_if_not_int_le', 'goto_if_not_int_lt', 'goto_if_not_int_ne', 'int_add', 'int_and', 'int_copy', 'int_eq', 'int_ge', 'int_gt', 'int_le', 'int_lt', 'int_ne', 'int_return', 'int_sub', 'jit_merge_point', 'new_array', 'new_array_clear', 'newstr', 'setarrayitem_gc_i', 'setarrayitem_gc_r', 'setfield_gc_i', 'strgetitem', 'strsetitem', 'foobar', 'baz', # for tests ]) ``` #### File: metainterp/optimizeopt/ ```python import py from rpython.jit.metainterp import compile from rpython.jit.metainterp.optimizeopt.util import make_dispatcher_method from rpython.jit.metainterp.resoperation import (rop, GuardResOp, ResOperation) from rpython.jit.metainterp.resume import Snapshot from rpython.jit.codewriter.effectinfo import EffectInfo from rpython.jit.metainterp.history import (ConstPtr, ConstInt,Const, AbstractValue, AbstractFailDescr) from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import llmemory from rpython.rlib.unroll import unrolling_iterable from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import we_are_translated MODIFY_COMPLEX_OBJ = [ (rop.SETARRAYITEM_GC, 0, 1) , (rop.SETARRAYITEM_RAW, 0, 1) , (rop.RAW_STORE, 0, 1) , (rop.SETINTERIORFIELD_GC, 0, -1) , (rop.SETINTERIORFIELD_RAW, 0, -1) , (rop.SETFIELD_GC, 0, -1) , (rop.SETFIELD_RAW, 0, -1) , (rop.ZERO_PTR_FIELD, 0, -1) , (rop.ZERO_ARRAY, 0, -1) , (rop.STRSETITEM, 0, -1) , (rop.UNICODESETITEM, 0, -1) ] LOAD_COMPLEX_OBJ = [ (rop.GETARRAYITEM_GC_I, 0, 1) , (rop.GETARRAYITEM_GC_F, 0, 1) , (rop.GETARRAYITEM_GC_R, 0, 1) , (rop.GETARRAYITEM_RAW_I, 0, 1) , (rop.GETARRAYITEM_RAW_F, 0, 1) , (rop.RAW_LOAD_I, 0, 1) , (rop.RAW_LOAD_F, 0, 1) , (rop.GETINTERIORFIELD_GC_I, 0, 1) , (rop.GETINTERIORFIELD_GC_F, 0, 1) , (rop.GETINTERIORFIELD_GC_R, 0, 1) , (rop.GETFIELD_GC_I, 0, -1) , (rop.GETFIELD_GC_F, 0, -1) , (rop.GETFIELD_GC_R, 0, -1) , (rop.GETFIELD_RAW_I, 0, -1) , (rop.GETFIELD_RAW_F, 0, -1) , (rop.GETFIELD_RAW_R, 0, -1) ] class Path(object): def __init__(self,path): self.path = path def second(self): if len(self.path) <= 1: return None return self.path[1] def last_but_one(self): if len(self.path) < 2: return None return self.path[-2] def last(self): if len(self.path) < 1: return None return self.path[-1] def first(self): return self.path[0] def is_always_pure(self, exclude_first=False, exclude_last=False): last = len(self.path)-1 count = len(self.path) i = 0 if exclude_first: i += 1 if exclude_last: count -= 1 while i < count: node = self.path[i] if node.is_imaginary(): i += 1 continue op = node.getoperation() if op.is_guard(): descr = op.getdescr() if not descr: return False assert isinstance(descr, AbstractFailDescr) if not descr.exits_early(): return False elif not op.is_always_pure(): return False i += 1 return True def set_schedule_priority(self, p): for node in self.path: node.setpriority(p) def walk(self, node): self.path.append(node) def cut_off_at(self, index): self.path = self.path[:index] def check_acyclic(self): """NOT_RPYTHON""" seen = set() for segment in self.path: if segment in seen: print "path:" for segment in self.path: print " ->", segment print "" assert 0, "segment %s was already seen. this makes the path cyclic!" % segment else: seen.add(segment) return True def clone(self): return Path(self.path[:]) def as_str(self): """ NOT_RPYTHON """ return ' -> '.join([str(p) for p in self.path]) class Node(object): def __init__(self, op, opidx): self.op = op self.opidx = opidx self.adjacent_list = [] self.adjacent_list_back = [] self.memory_ref = None self.pack = None self.pack_position = -1 self.emitted = False self.schedule_position = -1 self.priority = 0 self._stack = False def is_imaginary(self): return False def getoperation(self): return self.op def getindex(self): return self.opidx def getopnum(self): return self.op.getopnum() def getopname(self): return self.op.getopname() def setpriority(self, value): self.priority = value def can_be_relaxed(self): return self.op.getopnum() in (rop.GUARD_TRUE, rop.GUARD_FALSE) def edge_to(self, to, arg=None, failarg=False, label=None): if self is to: return dep = self.depends_on(to) if not dep: #if force or self.independent(idx_from, idx_to): dep = Dependency(self, to, arg, failarg) self.adjacent_list.append(dep) dep_back = Dependency(to, self, arg, failarg) dep.backward = dep_back to.adjacent_list_back.append(dep_back) if not we_are_translated(): if label is None: label = '' dep.label = label else: if not dep.because_of(arg): dep.add_dependency(self,to,arg) # if a fail argument is overwritten by another normal # dependency it will remove the failarg flag if not (dep.is_failarg() and failarg): dep.set_failarg(False) if not we_are_translated() and label is not None: _label = getattr(dep, 'label', '') dep.label = _label + ", " + label return dep def clear_dependencies(self): self.adjacent_list = [] self.adjacent_list_back = [] def exits_early(self): if self.op.is_guard(): descr = self.op.getdescr() return descr.exits_early() return False def loads_from_complex_object(self): return rop._ALWAYS_PURE_LAST <= self.op.getopnum() < rop._MALLOC_FIRST def modifies_complex_object(self): return rop.SETARRAYITEM_GC <= self.op.getopnum() <= rop.UNICODESETITEM def side_effect_arguments(self): # if an item in array p0 is modified or a call contains an argument # it can modify it is returned in the destroyed list. args = [] op = self.op if self.modifies_complex_object(): for opnum, i, j in unrolling_iterable(MODIFY_COMPLEX_OBJ): if op.getopnum() == opnum: op_args = op.getarglist() if j == -1: args.append((op.getarg(i), None, True)) for j in range(i+1,len(op_args)): args.append((op.getarg(j), None, False)) else: args.append((op.getarg(i), op.getarg(j), True)) for x in range(j+1,len(op_args)): args.append((op.getarg(x), None, False)) return args # assume this destroys every argument... can be enhanced by looking # at the effect info of a call for instance for arg in op.getarglist(): # if it is a constant argument it cannot be destroyed. # neither can a box float be destroyed. BoxInt can # contain a reference thus it is assumed to be destroyed if arg.is_constant() or arg.type == 'f': args.append((arg, None, False)) else: args.append((arg, None, True)) return args def provides_count(self): return len(self.adjacent_list) def provides(self): return self.adjacent_list def depends_count(self): return len(self.adjacent_list_back) def depends(self): return self.adjacent_list_back def depends_on(self, to): """ Does there exist a dependency from the instruction to another? Returns None if there is no dependency or the Dependency object in any other case. """ for edge in self.adjacent_list: if is to: return edge return None def dependencies(self): return self.adjacent_list[:] + self.adjacent_list_back[:] # COPY def is_after(self, other): return self.opidx > other.opidx def is_before(self, other): return self.opidx < other.opidx def independent(self, other): """ An instruction depends on another if there is a path from self to other. """ if self == other: return True # forward worklist = [self] while len(worklist) > 0: node = worklist.pop() for dep in node.provides(): if continue if dep.points_to(other): # dependent. There is a path from self to other return False worklist.append( # backward worklist = [self] while len(worklist) > 0: node = worklist.pop() for dep in node.depends(): if continue if dep.points_to(other): # dependent. There is a path from self to other return False worklist.append( return True def iterate_paths(self, to, backwards=False, path_max_len=-1, blacklist=False): """ Yield all nodes from self leading to 'to'. backwards: Determines the iteration direction. blacklist: Marks nodes that have already been visited. It comes in handy if a property must hold for every path. Not *every* possible instance must be iterated, but trees that have already been visited can be ignored after the first visit. """ if self is to: return blacklist_visit = {} path = Path([self]) worklist = [(0, self, 1)] while len(worklist) > 0: index,node,pathlen = worklist.pop() if backwards: iterdir = node.depends() else: iterdir = node.provides() if index >= len(iterdir): if to is None and index == 0: yield Path(path.path[:]) if blacklist: blacklist_visit[node] = None continue else: next_dep = iterdir[index] next_node = index += 1 if index < len(iterdir): worklist.append((index, node, pathlen)) else: blacklist_visit[node] = None path.cut_off_at(pathlen) path.walk(next_node) if blacklist and next_node in blacklist_visit: yield Path(path.path[:]) continue pathlen += 1 if next_node is to or \ (path_max_len > 0 and pathlen >= path_max_len): yield Path(path.path[:]) # note that the destiantion node ``to'' is never blacklisted #if blacklist: # blacklist_visit[next_node] = None else: worklist.append((0, next_node, pathlen)) def remove_edge_to(self, node): i = 0 while i < len(self.adjacent_list): dep = self.adjacent_list[i] if is node: del self.adjacent_list[i] break i += 1 i = 0 while i < len(node.adjacent_list_back): dep = node.adjacent_list_back[i] if is self: del node.adjacent_list_back[i] break i += 1 def getedge_to(self, other): for dep in self.adjacent_list: if == other: return dep return None def __repr__(self): pack = '' if self.pack: pack = "p: %d" % self.pack.numops() return "Node(%s,%s i: %d)" % (self.op, pack, self.opidx) def getdotlabel(self): """ NOT_RPTYHON """ op_str = str(self.op) if self.op.is_guard(): args_str = [] for arg in self.op.getfailargs(): name = 'None' if arg: name = arg.repr_short(arg._repr_memo) args_str.append(name) op_str += " " + ','.join(args_str) return "[%d] %s" % (self.opidx, op_str) class ImaginaryNode(Node): _index = 987654321 # big enough? :) def __init__(self, label): index = -1 if not we_are_translated(): self.dotlabel = label index = ImaginaryNode._index ImaginaryNode._index += 1 Node.__init__(self, None, index) def is_imaginary(self): return True def getdotlabel(self): """ NOT_RPTYHON """ return self.dotlabel class Dependency(object): def __init__(self, at, to, arg, failarg=False): assert at != to self.args = [] if arg is not None: self.add_dependency(at, to, arg) = at = to self.failarg = failarg self.backward = None def because_of(self, var): for arg in self.args: if arg[1] == var: return True return False def target_node(self): return def origin_node(self): return def to_index(self): return def at_index(self): return def points_after_to(self, to): return < to.opidx def points_above_at(self, at): return < at.opidx def i_points_above_at(self, idx): return < idx def points_to(self, to): return == to def points_at(self, at): return == at def add_dependency(self, at, to, arg): self.args.append((at,arg)) def set_failarg(self, value): self.failarg = value if self.backward: self.backward.failarg = value def is_failarg(self): return self.failarg def reverse_direction(self, ref): """ if the parameter index is the same as idx_to then this edge is in reverse direction. """ return == ref def __repr__(self): return 'Dep(T[%d] -> T[%d], arg: %s)' \ % (,, self.args) class DefTracker(object): def __init__(self, graph): self.graph = graph self.defs = {} self.non_pure = [] def add_non_pure(self, node): self.non_pure.append(node) def define(self, arg, node, argcell=None): if isinstance(arg, Const): return if arg in self.defs: self.defs[arg].append((node,argcell)) else: self.defs[arg] = [(node,argcell)] def redefinitions(self, arg): for _def in self.defs[arg]: yield _def[0] def is_defined(self, arg): return arg in self.defs def definition(self, arg, node=None, argcell=None): if arg.is_constant(): return None def_chain = self.defs.get(arg,None) if not def_chain: return None if not argcell: return def_chain[-1][0] else: assert node is not None i = len(def_chain)-1 try: mref = node.memory_ref while i >= 0: def_node = def_chain[i][0] oref = def_node.memory_ref if oref is not None and mref.alias(oref): return def_node elif oref is None: return def_node i -= 1 return None except KeyError: # when a key error is raised, this means # no information is available, safe default pass return def_chain[-1][0] def depends_on_arg(self, arg, to, argcell=None): try: at = self.definition(arg, to, argcell) if at is None: return at.edge_to(to, arg) except KeyError: if not we_are_translated(): if not isinstance(arg, Const): assert False, "arg %s must be defined" % arg class DependencyGraph(object): """ A graph that represents one of the following dependencies: * True dependency * Anti dependency (not present in SSA traces) * Ouput dependency (not present in SSA traces) Traces in RPython are not in SSA form when it comes to complex object modification such as array or object side effects. Representation is an adjacent list. The number of edges between the vertices is expected to be small. Note that adjacent lists order their dependencies. They are ordered by the target instruction they point to if the instruction is a dependency. memory_refs: a dict that contains indices of memory references (load,store,getarrayitem,...). If none provided, the construction is conservative. It will never dismiss dependencies of two modifications of one array even if the indices can never point to the same element. """ def __init__(self, loop): self.loop = loop self.label = Node(loop.label, 0) self.nodes = [ Node(op,0) for op in loop.operations if not op.is_jit_debug() ] for i,node in enumerate(self.nodes): node.opidx = i+1 self.inodes = [] # imaginary nodes self.jump = Node(loop.jump, len(self.nodes)+1) self.invariant_vars = {} self.update_invariant_vars() self.memory_refs = {} self.schedulable_nodes = [] self.index_vars = {} self.comparison_vars = {} self.guards = [] self.build_dependencies() def getnode(self, i): return self.nodes[i] def imaginary_node(self, label): node = ImaginaryNode(label) self.inodes.append(node) return node def update_invariant_vars(self): label_op = self.label.getoperation() jump_op = self.jump.getoperation() assert label_op.numargs() == jump_op.numargs() for i in range(label_op.numargs()): label_box = label_op.getarg(i) jump_box = jump_op.getarg(i) if label_box == jump_box: self.invariant_vars[label_box] = None def box_is_invariant(self, box): return box in self.invariant_vars def build_dependencies(self): """ This is basically building the definition-use chain and saving this information in a graph structure. This is the same as calculating the reaching definitions and the 'looking back' whenever it is used. Write After Read, Write After Write dependencies are not possible, the operations are in SSA form """ tracker = DefTracker(self) # label_pos = 0 jump_pos = len(self.nodes)-1 intformod = IntegralForwardModification(self.memory_refs, self.index_vars, self.comparison_vars, self.invariant_vars) # pass 1 for i,node in enumerate(self.nodes): op = node.op if op.is_always_pure(): node.setpriority(1) if op.is_guard(): node.setpriority(2) # the label operation defines all operations at the # beginning of the loop intformod.inspect_operation(op,node) # definition of a new variable if op.type != 'v': # In SSA form. Modifications get a new variable tracker.define(op, node) # usage of defined variables if op.is_always_pure() or op.is_final(): # normal case every arguments definition is set for arg in op.getarglist(): tracker.depends_on_arg(arg, node) elif op.is_guard(): if node.exits_early(): pass else: # consider cross iterations? if len(self.guards) > 0: last_guard = self.guards[-1] last_guard.edge_to(node, failarg=True, label="guardorder") for nonpure in tracker.non_pure: nonpure.edge_to(node, failarg=True, label="nonpure") tracker.non_pure = [] self.guards.append(node) self.build_guard_dependencies(node, tracker) else: self.build_non_pure_dependencies(node, tracker) def guard_argument_protection(self, guard_node, tracker): """ the parameters the guard protects are an indicator for dependencies. Consider the example: i3 = ptr_eq(p1,p2) guard_true(i3) [...] guard_true|false are exceptions because they do not directly protect the arguments, but a comparison function does. """ guard_op = guard_node.getoperation() guard_opnum = guard_op.getopnum() for arg in guard_op.getarglist(): if not arg.is_constant() and arg.type not in ('i','f'): # redefine pointers, consider the following example # guard_nonnull(r1) # i1 = getfield(r1, ...) # guard must be emitted before the getfield, thus # redefine r1 at guard_nonnull tracker.define(arg, guard_node) if guard_opnum == rop.GUARD_NOT_FORCED_2: # must be emitted before finish, thus delayed the longest guard_node.setpriority(-10) elif guard_opnum in (rop.GUARD_OVERFLOW, rop.GUARD_NO_OVERFLOW): # previous operation must be an ovf_operation guard_node.setpriority(100) i = guard_node.getindex()-1 while i >= 0: node = self.nodes[i] op = node.getoperation() if op.is_ovf(): break i -= 1 else: raise AssertionError("(no)overflow: no overflowing op present") node.edge_to(guard_node, None, label='overflow') elif guard_opnum in (rop.GUARD_NO_EXCEPTION, rop.GUARD_EXCEPTION, rop.GUARD_NOT_FORCED): # previous op must be one that can raise or a not forced guard guard_node.setpriority(100) i = guard_node.getindex() - 1 while i >= 0: node = self.nodes[i] op = node.getoperation() if op.can_raise(): node.edge_to(guard_node, None, label='exception/notforced') break if op.is_guard(): node.edge_to(guard_node, None, label='exception/notforced') break i -= 1 else: raise AssertionError("(no)exception/not_forced: not op raises for them") else: pass # not invalidated, future condition! def guard_exit_dependence(self, guard_node, var, tracker): def_node = tracker.definition(var) if def_node is None: return for dep in def_node.provides(): if guard_node.is_before( and dep.because_of(var): guard_node.edge_to(, var, label='guard_exit('+str(var)+')') def build_guard_dependencies(self, guard_node, tracker): guard_op = guard_node.op if guard_op.getopnum() >= rop.GUARD_FUTURE_CONDITION: # ignore invalidated & future condition guard & early exit return # true dependencies for arg in guard_op.getarglist(): tracker.depends_on_arg(arg, guard_node) # dependencies to uses of arguments it protects self.guard_argument_protection(guard_node, tracker) # descr = guard_op.getdescr() if descr.exits_early(): return # handle fail args if guard_op.getfailargs(): for i,arg in enumerate(guard_op.getfailargs()): if arg is None: continue if not tracker.is_defined(arg): continue try: for at in tracker.redefinitions(arg): # later redefinitions are prohibited if at.is_before(guard_node): at.edge_to(guard_node, arg, failarg=True, label="fail") except KeyError: assert False def build_non_pure_dependencies(self, node, tracker): op = node.op if node.loads_from_complex_object(): # If this complex object load operation loads an index that has been # modified, the last modification should be used to put a def-use edge. for opnum, i, j in unrolling_iterable(LOAD_COMPLEX_OBJ): if opnum == op.getopnum(): cobj = op.getarg(i) if j != -1: index_var = op.getarg(j) tracker.depends_on_arg(cobj, node, index_var) tracker.depends_on_arg(index_var, node) else: tracker.depends_on_arg(cobj, node) break else: for arg, argcell, destroyed in node.side_effect_arguments(): if argcell is not None: # tracks the exact cell that is modified tracker.depends_on_arg(arg, node, argcell) tracker.depends_on_arg(argcell, node) else: if destroyed: # cannot be sure that only a one cell is modified # assume all cells are (equivalent to a redefinition) try: # A trace is not entirely in SSA form. complex object # modification introduces WAR/WAW dependencies def_node = tracker.definition(arg) if def_node: for dep in def_node.provides(): if != node:, argcell, label='war') def_node.edge_to(node, argcell) except KeyError: pass else: # not destroyed, just a normal use of arg tracker.depends_on_arg(arg, node) if destroyed: tracker.define(arg, node, argcell=argcell) # it must be assumed that a side effect operation must not be executed # before the last guard operation if len(self.guards) > 0: last_guard = self.guards[-1] last_guard.edge_to(node, label="sideeffect") # and the next guard instruction tracker.add_non_pure(node) def cycles(self): """ NOT_RPYTHON """ stack = [] for node in self.nodes: node._stack = False # label = self.nodes[0] if _first_cycle(stack, label): return stack return None def __repr__(self): graph = "graph([\n" for node in self.nodes: graph += " " + str(node.opidx) + ": " for dep in node.provides(): graph += "=>" + str( + "," graph += " | " for dep in node.depends(): graph += "<=" + str( + "," graph += "\n" return graph + " ])" def view(self): """ NOT_RPYTHON """ from rpython.translator.tool.graphpage import GraphPage page = GraphPage() page.source = self.as_dot() page.links = [] page.display() def as_dot(self): """ NOT_RPTYHON """ if not we_are_translated(): dot = "digraph dep_graph {\n" for node in self.nodes + self.inodes: dot += " n%d [label=\"%s\"];\n" % (node.getindex(),node.getdotlabel()) dot += "\n" for node in self.nodes + self.inodes: for dep in node.provides(): label = '' if getattr(dep, 'label', None): label = '[label="%s"]' % dep.label dot += " n%d -> n%d %s;\n" % (node.getindex(),dep.to_index(),label) dot += "\n}\n" return dot raise NotImplementedError("dot only for debug purpose") def _first_cycle(stack, node): node._stack = True stack.append(node) for dep in node.provides(): succ = if succ._stack: # found cycle! while stack[0] is not succ: del stack[0] return True else: return _first_cycle(stack, succ) return False def _strongly_connect(index, stack, cycles, node): """ currently unused """ node._scc_index = index node._scc_lowlink = index index += 1 stack.append(node) node._scc_stack = True for dep in node.provides(): succ = if succ._scc_index == -1: index = _strongly_connect(index, stack, cycles, succ) node._scc_lowlink = min(node._scc_lowlink, succ._scc_lowlink) elif succ._scc_stack: node._scc_lowlink = min(node._scc_lowlink, succ._scc_index) if node._scc_lowlink == node._scc_index: cycle = [] while True: w = stack.pop() w._scc_stack = False cycle.append(w) if w is node: break cycles.append(cycle) return index class IntegralForwardModification(object): """ Calculates integral modifications on integer boxes. """ def __init__(self, memory_refs, index_vars, comparison_vars, invariant_vars): self.index_vars = index_vars self.comparison_vars = comparison_vars self.memory_refs = memory_refs self.invariant_vars = invariant_vars def is_const_integral(self, box): if isinstance(box, ConstInt): return True return False def get_or_create(self, arg): var = self.index_vars.get(arg, None) if not var: var = self.index_vars[arg] = IndexVar(arg) return var additive_func_source = """ def operation_{name}(self, op, node): box_r = op box_a0 = op.getarg(0) box_a1 = op.getarg(1) if self.is_const_integral(box_a0) and self.is_const_integral(box_a1): idx_ref = IndexVar(box_r) idx_ref.constant = box_a0.getint() {op} box_a1.getint() self.index_vars[box_r] = idx_ref elif self.is_const_integral(box_a0): idx_ref = self.get_or_create(box_a1) idx_ref = idx_ref.clone() idx_ref.constant {op}= box_a0.getint() self.index_vars[box_r] = idx_ref elif self.is_const_integral(box_a1): idx_ref = self.get_or_create(box_a0) idx_ref = idx_ref.clone() idx_ref.constant {op}= box_a1.getint() self.index_vars[box_r] = idx_ref """ exec py.code.Source(additive_func_source .format(name='INT_ADD', op='+')).compile() exec py.code.Source(additive_func_source .format(name='INT_SUB', op='-')).compile() del additive_func_source multiplicative_func_source = """ def operation_{name}(self, op, node): box_r = op if not box_r: return box_a0 = op.getarg(0) box_a1 = op.getarg(1) if self.is_const_integral(box_a0) and self.is_const_integral(box_a1): idx_ref = IndexVar(box_r) idx_ref.constant = box_a0.getint() {cop} box_a1.getint() self.index_vars[box_r] = idx_ref elif self.is_const_integral(box_a0): idx_ref = self.get_or_create(box_a1) idx_ref = idx_ref.clone() idx_ref.coefficient_{tgt} *= box_a0.getint() idx_ref.constant {cop}= box_a0.getint() self.index_vars[box_r] = idx_ref elif self.is_const_integral(box_a1): idx_ref = self.get_or_create(box_a0) idx_ref = idx_ref.clone() idx_ref.coefficient_{tgt} {op}= box_a1.getint() idx_ref.constant {cop}= box_a1.getint() self.index_vars[box_r] = idx_ref """ exec py.code.Source(multiplicative_func_source .format(name='INT_MUL', op='*', tgt='mul', cop='*')).compile() exec py.code.Source(multiplicative_func_source .format(name='INT_FLOORDIV', op='*', tgt='div', cop='/')).compile() exec py.code.Source(multiplicative_func_source .format(name='UINT_FLOORDIV', op='*', tgt='div', cop='/')).compile() del multiplicative_func_source array_access_source = """ def operation_{name}(self, op, node): descr = op.getdescr() idx_ref = self.get_or_create(op.getarg(1)) if descr and descr.is_array_of_primitives(): node.memory_ref = MemoryRef(op, idx_ref, {raw_access}) self.memory_refs[node] = node.memory_ref """ exec py.code.Source(array_access_source .format(name='RAW_LOAD_I',raw_access=True)).compile() exec py.code.Source(array_access_source .format(name='RAW_LOAD_F',raw_access=True)).compile() exec py.code.Source(array_access_source .format(name='RAW_STORE',raw_access=True)).compile() exec py.code.Source(array_access_source .format(name='GETARRAYITEM_RAW_I',raw_access=False)).compile() exec py.code.Source(array_access_source .format(name='GETARRAYITEM_RAW_F',raw_access=False)).compile() exec py.code.Source(array_access_source .format(name='SETARRAYITEM_RAW',raw_access=False)).compile() exec py.code.Source(array_access_source .format(name='GETARRAYITEM_GC_I',raw_access=False)).compile() exec py.code.Source(array_access_source .format(name='GETARRAYITEM_GC_F',raw_access=False)).compile() exec py.code.Source(array_access_source .format(name='SETARRAYITEM_GC',raw_access=False)).compile() del array_access_source integral_dispatch_opt = make_dispatcher_method(IntegralForwardModification, 'operation_') IntegralForwardModification.inspect_operation = integral_dispatch_opt del integral_dispatch_opt class IndexVar(AbstractValue): """ IndexVar is an AbstractValue only to ensure that a box can be assigned to the same variable as an index var. """ def __init__(self, var, coeff_mul=1, coeff_div=1, constant=0): self.var = var self.coefficient_mul = coeff_mul self.coefficient_div = coeff_div self.constant = constant # saves the next modification that uses a variable self.next_nonconst = None self.current_end = None def stride_const(self): return self.next_nonconst is None def add_const(self, number): if self.current_end is None: self.constant += number else: self.current_end.constant += number def set_next_nonconst_mod(self, idxvar): if self.current_end is None: self.next_nonconst = idxvar else: self.current_end.next_nonconst = idxvar self.current_end = idxvar def getvariable(self): return self.var def is_identity(self): return self.coefficient_mul == 1 and \ self.coefficient_div == 1 and \ self.constant == 0 def clone(self): c = IndexVar(self.var) c.coefficient_mul = self.coefficient_mul c.coefficient_div = self.coefficient_div c.constant = self.constant return c def same_variable(self, other): assert isinstance(other, IndexVar) return other.var == self.var def same_mulfactor(self, other): coeff = self.coefficient_mul == other.coefficient_mul coeff = coeff and (self.coefficient_div == other.coefficient_div) if not coeff: # if not equal, try to check if they divide without rest selfmod = self.coefficient_mul % self.coefficient_div othermod = other.coefficient_mul % other.coefficient_div if selfmod == 0 and othermod == 0: # yet another chance for them to be equal selfdiv = self.coefficient_mul // self.coefficient_div otherdiv = other.coefficient_mul // other.coefficient_div coeff = selfdiv == otherdiv return coeff def constant_diff(self, other): """ calculates the difference as a second parameter """ assert isinstance(other, IndexVar) return self.constant - other.constant def emit_operations(self, opt, result_box=None): var = self.var if self.is_identity(): return var if self.coefficient_mul != 1: args = [var, ConstInt(self.coefficient_mul)] var = ResOperation(rop.INT_MUL, args) opt.emit_operation(var) if self.coefficient_div != 1: args = [var, ConstInt(self.coefficient_div)] var = ResOperation(rop.INT_FLOORDIV, args) opt.emit_operation(var) if self.constant > 0: args = [var, ConstInt(self.constant)] var = ResOperation(rop.INT_ADD, args) opt.emit_operation(var) if self.constant < 0: args = [var, ConstInt(self.constant)] var = ResOperation(rop.INT_SUB, args) opt.emit_operation(var) return var def compare(self, other): """ Returns if the two are compareable as a first result and a number (-1,0,1) of the ordering """ coeff = self.coefficient_mul == other.coefficient_mul coeff = coeff and (self.coefficient_div == other.coefficient_div) if not coeff: # if not equal, try to check if they divide without rest selfmod = self.coefficient_mul % self.coefficient_div othermod = other.coefficient_mul % other.coefficient_div if selfmod == 0 and othermod == 0: # yet another chance for them to be equal selfdiv = self.coefficient_mul // self.coefficient_div otherdiv = other.coefficient_mul // other.coefficient_div coeff = selfdiv == otherdiv # if not coeff: return False, 0 # c = (self.constant - other.constant) svar = self.var ovar = other.var if isinstance(svar, ConstInt) and isinstance(ovar, ConstInt): return True, (svar.getint() - ovar.getint()) if svar.same_box(ovar): return True, c return False, 0 def __eq__(self, other): if not self.same_variable(other): return False if not self.same_mulfactor(other): return False return self.constant_diff(other) == 0 def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __repr__(self): if self.is_identity(): return 'idx(%s)' % (self.var,) return 'idx(%s*(%s/%s)+%s)' % (self.var, self.coefficient_mul, self.coefficient_div, self.constant) class MemoryRef(object): """ a memory reference to an array object. IntegralForwardModification is able to propagate changes to this object if applied in backwards direction. Example: i1 = int_add(i0,1) i2 = int_mul(i1,2) setarrayitem_gc(p0, i2, 1, ...) will result in the linear combination i0 * (2/1) + 2 """ def __init__(self, op, index_var, raw_access=False): assert op.getdescr() is not None self.array = op.getarg(0) self.descr = op.getdescr() self.index_var = index_var self.raw_access = raw_access def is_adjacent_to(self, other): """ this is a symmetric relation """ if not self.same_array(other): return False if not self.index_var.same_variable(other.index_var): return False if not self.index_var.same_mulfactor(other.index_var): return False stride = self.stride() return abs(self.index_var.constant_diff(other.index_var)) - stride == 0 def is_adjacent_after(self, other): """ the asymetric relation to is_adjacent_to """ if not self.same_array(other): return False if not self.index_var.same_variable(other.index_var): return False if not self.index_var.same_mulfactor(other.index_var): return False stride = self.stride() return other.index_var.constant_diff(self.index_var) == stride def alias(self, other): """ is this reference an alias to other? they can alias iff self.origin != other.origin, or their linear combination point to the same element. """ assert other is not None if not self.same_array(other): return False svar = self.index_var ovar = other.index_var if not svar.same_variable(ovar): return True if not svar.same_mulfactor(ovar): return True return abs(svar.constant_diff(ovar)) < self.stride() def same_array(self, other): return self.array is other.array and self.descr == other.descr def __eq__(self, other): """ NOT_RPYTHON """ if not self.same_array(other): return False if not self.index_var.same_variable(other.index_var): return False if not self.index_var.same_mulfactor(other.index_var): return False stride = self.stride() return other.index_var.constant_diff(self.index_var) == 0 #def __ne__(self, other): # return not self.__eq__(other) def stride(self): """ the stride in bytes """ if not self.raw_access: return 1 return self.descr.get_item_size_in_bytes() def __repr__(self): return 'MemRef(%s,%s)' % (self.array, self.index_var) ``` #### File: metainterp/optimizeopt/ ```python import os from collections import OrderedDict from rpython.jit.codewriter.effectinfo import EffectInfo from rpython.jit.metainterp.optimizeopt.util import args_dict from rpython.jit.metainterp.history import Const, ConstInt from rpython.jit.metainterp.jitexc import JitException from rpython.jit.metainterp.optimizeopt.optimizer import Optimization, REMOVED from rpython.jit.metainterp.optimizeopt.util import make_dispatcher_method from rpython.jit.metainterp.optimizeopt.intutils import IntBound from rpython.jit.metainterp.optimizeopt.shortpreamble import PreambleOp from rpython.jit.metainterp.optimize import InvalidLoop from rpython.jit.metainterp.resoperation import rop, ResOperation, OpHelpers,\ AbstractResOp, GuardResOp from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import we_are_translated from rpython.jit.metainterp.optimizeopt import info class BogusImmutableField(JitException): pass class CachedField(object): def __init__(self): # Cache information for a field descr, or for an (array descr, index) # pair. It can be in one of two states: # # 1. 'cached_infos' is a list listing all the infos that are # caching this descr # # 2. we just did one setfield, which is delayed (and thus # not synchronized). 'lazy_setfield' is the delayed # ResOperation. In this state, 'cached_infos' contains # out-of-date information. More precisely, the field # value pending in the ResOperation is *not* visible in # 'cached_infos'. # self.cached_infos = [] self.cached_structs = [] self._lazy_setfield = None self._lazy_setfield_registered = False def register_dirty_field(self, structop, info): self.cached_structs.append(structop) self.cached_infos.append(info) def invalidate(self, descr): for opinfo in self.cached_infos: assert isinstance(opinfo, info.AbstractStructPtrInfo) opinfo._fields[descr.get_index()] = None self.cached_infos = [] self.cached_structs = [] def produce_potential_short_preamble_ops(self, optimizer, shortboxes, descr, index=-1): assert self._lazy_setfield is None for i, info in enumerate(self.cached_infos): structbox = optimizer.get_box_replacement(self.cached_structs[i]) info.produce_short_preamble_ops(structbox, descr, index, optimizer, shortboxes) def possible_aliasing(self, optheap, opinfo): # If lazy_setfield is set and contains a setfield on a different # structvalue, then we are annoyed, because it may point to either # the same or a different structure at runtime. # XXX constants? return (self._lazy_setfield is not None and (not optheap.getptrinfo( self._lazy_setfield.getarg(0)).same_info(opinfo))) def do_setfield(self, optheap, op): # Update the state with the SETFIELD_GC/SETARRAYITEM_GC operation 'op'. structinfo = optheap.ensure_ptr_info_arg0(op) arg1 = optheap.get_box_replacement(self._getvalue(op)) if self.possible_aliasing(optheap, structinfo): self.force_lazy_setfield(optheap, op.getdescr()) assert not self.possible_aliasing(optheap, structinfo) cached_field = self._getfield(structinfo, op.getdescr(), optheap, False) if cached_field is not None: cached_field = optheap.get_box_replacement(cached_field) # Hack to ensure constants are imported from the preamble # XXX no longer necessary? #if cached_fieldvalue and fieldvalue.is_constant(): # optheap.optimizer.ensure_imported(cached_fieldvalue) # cached_fieldvalue = self._cached_fields.get(structvalue, None) if not cached_field or not cached_field.same_box(arg1): # common case: store the 'op' as lazy_setfield, and register # myself in the optheap's _lazy_setfields_and_arrayitems list self._lazy_setfield = op #if not self._lazy_setfield_registered: # self._lazy_setfield_registered = True else: # this is the case where the pending setfield ends up # storing precisely the value that is already there, # as proved by 'cached_fields'. In this case, we don't # need any _lazy_setfield: the heap value is already right. # Note that this may reset to None a non-None lazy_setfield, # cancelling its previous effects with no side effect. # Now, we have to force the item in the short preamble self._getfield(structinfo, op.getdescr(), optheap) self._lazy_setfield = None def getfield_from_cache(self, optheap, opinfo, descr): # Returns the up-to-date field's value, or None if not cached. if self.possible_aliasing(optheap, opinfo): self.force_lazy_setfield(optheap, descr) if self._lazy_setfield is not None: op = self._lazy_setfield return optheap.get_box_replacement(self._getvalue(op)) else: res = self._getfield(opinfo, descr, optheap) if res is not None: return res.get_box_replacement() return None def _getvalue(self, op): return op.getarg(1) def _getfield(self, opinfo, descr, optheap, true_force=True): res = opinfo.getfield(descr, optheap) if isinstance(res, PreambleOp): if not true_force: return res.op res = optheap.optimizer.force_op_from_preamble(res) opinfo.setfield(descr, None, res, optheap) return res def force_lazy_setfield(self, optheap, descr, can_cache=True): op = self._lazy_setfield if op is not None: # This is the way _lazy_setfield is usually reset to None. # Now we clear _cached_fields, because actually doing the # setfield might impact any of the stored result (because of # possible aliasing). self.invalidate(descr) self._lazy_setfield = None if optheap.postponed_op: for a in op.getarglist(): if a is optheap.postponed_op: optheap.emit_postponed_op() break optheap.next_optimization.propagate_forward(op) if not can_cache: return # Once it is done, we can put at least one piece of information # back in the cache: the value of this particular structure's # field. opinfo = optheap.ensure_ptr_info_arg0(op) self._setfield(op, opinfo, optheap) elif not can_cache: self.invalidate(descr) def _setfield(self, op, opinfo, optheap): arg = optheap.get_box_replacement(op.getarg(1)) struct = optheap.get_box_replacement(op.getarg(0)) opinfo.setfield(op.getdescr(), struct, arg, optheap, self) class ArrayCachedField(CachedField): def __init__(self, index): self.index = index CachedField.__init__(self) def _getvalue(self, op): return op.getarg(2) def _getfield(self, opinfo, descr, optheap, true_force=True): res = opinfo.getitem(descr, self.index, optheap) if (isinstance(res, PreambleOp) and optheap.optimizer.cpu.supports_guard_gc_type): if not true_force: return res.op index = res.preamble_op.getarg(1).getint() res = optheap.optimizer.force_op_from_preamble(res) opinfo.setitem(descr, index, None, res, optheap=optheap) return res def _setfield(self, op, opinfo, optheap): arg = optheap.get_box_replacement(op.getarg(2)) struct = optheap.get_box_replacement(op.getarg(0)) opinfo.setitem(op.getdescr(), self.index, struct, arg, self, optheap) def invalidate(self, descr): for opinfo in self.cached_infos: assert isinstance(opinfo, info.ArrayPtrInfo) opinfo._items = None self.cached_infos = [] self.cached_structs = [] class OptHeap(Optimization): """Cache repeated heap accesses""" def __init__(self): # mapping descr -> CachedField self.cached_fields = OrderedDict() self.cached_arrayitems = OrderedDict() self.postponed_op = None # XXXX the rest is old # cached array items: {array descr: {index: CachedField}} #self.cached_arrayitems = {} # cached dict items: {dict descr: {(optval, index): box-or-const}} self.cached_dict_reads = {} # cache of corresponding {array descrs: dict 'entries' field descr} self.corresponding_array_descrs = {} # self._lazy_setfields_and_arrayitems = [] self._remove_guard_not_invalidated = False self._seen_guard_not_invalidated = False def setup(self): self.optimizer.optheap = self # mapping const value -> info corresponding to it's heap cache self.const_infos = self.optimizer.cpu.ts.new_ref_dict() def flush(self): self.cached_dict_reads.clear() self.corresponding_array_descrs.clear() self.force_all_lazy_setfields_and_arrayitems() self.emit_postponed_op() def emit_postponed_op(self): if self.postponed_op: postponed_op = self.postponed_op self.postponed_op = None self.next_optimization.propagate_forward(postponed_op) def produce_potential_short_preamble_ops(self, sb): descrkeys = self.cached_fields.keys() if not we_are_translated(): # XXX Pure operation of boxes that are cached in several places will # only be removed from the peeled loop when red from the first # place discovered here. This is far from ideal, as it makes # the effectiveness of our optimization a bit random. It should # howevere always generate correct results. For tests we dont # want this randomness. descrkeys.sort(key=str, reverse=True) for descr in descrkeys: d = self.cached_fields[descr] d.produce_potential_short_preamble_ops(self.optimizer, sb, descr) for descr, submap in self.cached_arrayitems.items(): for index, d in submap.items(): d.produce_potential_short_preamble_ops(self.optimizer, sb, descr, index) def register_dirty_field(self, descr, op, info): self.field_cache(descr).register_dirty_field(op, info) def register_dirty_array_field(self, arraydescr, op, index, info): self.arrayitem_cache(arraydescr, index).register_dirty_field(op, info) def clean_caches(self): del self._lazy_setfields_and_arrayitems[:] items = self.cached_fields.items() if not we_are_translated(): items.sort(key=str, reverse=True) for descr, cf in items: if not descr.is_always_pure(): cf.invalidate(descr) for descr, submap in self.cached_arrayitems.iteritems(): if not descr.is_always_pure(): for index, cf in submap.iteritems(): cf.invalidate(None) #self.cached_arrayitems.clear() self.cached_dict_reads.clear() def field_cache(self, descr): try: cf = self.cached_fields[descr] except KeyError: cf = self.cached_fields[descr] = CachedField() return cf def arrayitem_cache(self, descr, index): try: submap = self.cached_arrayitems[descr] except KeyError: submap = self.cached_arrayitems[descr] = {} try: cf = submap[index] except KeyError: cf = submap[index] = ArrayCachedField(index) return cf def emit_operation(self, op): self.emitting_operation(op) self.emit_postponed_op() if (op.is_comparison() or op.is_call_may_force() or op.is_ovf()): self.postponed_op = op else: Optimization.emit_operation(self, op) def emitting_operation(self, op): if op.has_no_side_effect(): return if op.is_ovf(): return if op.is_guard(): self.optimizer.pendingfields = ( self.force_lazy_setfields_and_arrayitems_for_guard()) return opnum = op.getopnum() if (opnum == rop.SETFIELD_GC or # handled specially opnum == rop.SETFIELD_RAW or # no effect on GC struct/array opnum == rop.SETARRAYITEM_GC or # handled specially opnum == rop.SETARRAYITEM_RAW or # no effect on GC struct opnum == rop.SETINTERIORFIELD_RAW or # no effect on GC struct opnum == rop.RAW_STORE or # no effect on GC struct opnum == rop.STRSETITEM or # no effect on GC struct/array opnum == rop.UNICODESETITEM or # no effect on GC struct/array opnum == rop.DEBUG_MERGE_POINT or # no effect whatsoever opnum == rop.JIT_DEBUG or # no effect whatsoever opnum == rop.ENTER_PORTAL_FRAME or # no effect whatsoever opnum == rop.LEAVE_PORTAL_FRAME or # no effect whatsoever opnum == rop.COPYSTRCONTENT or # no effect on GC struct/array opnum == rop.COPYUNICODECONTENT): # no effect on GC struct/array return if op.is_call(): if op.is_call_assembler(): self._seen_guard_not_invalidated = False else: effectinfo = op.getdescr().get_extra_info() if effectinfo.check_can_invalidate(): self._seen_guard_not_invalidated = False if not effectinfo.has_random_effects(): self.force_from_effectinfo(effectinfo) return self.force_all_lazy_setfields_and_arrayitems() self.clean_caches() def optimize_CALL_I(self, op): # dispatch based on 'oopspecindex' to a method that handles # specifically the given oopspec call. For non-oopspec calls, # oopspecindex is just zero. effectinfo = op.getdescr().get_extra_info() oopspecindex = effectinfo.oopspecindex if oopspecindex == EffectInfo.OS_DICT_LOOKUP: if self._optimize_CALL_DICT_LOOKUP(op): return self.emit_operation(op) optimize_CALL_F = optimize_CALL_I optimize_CALL_R = optimize_CALL_I optimize_CALL_N = optimize_CALL_I def _optimize_CALL_DICT_LOOKUP(self, op): # Cache consecutive lookup() calls on the same dict and key, # depending on the 'flag_store' argument passed: # FLAG_LOOKUP: always cache and use the cached result. # FLAG_STORE: don't cache (it might return -1, which would be # incorrect for future lookups); but if found in # the cache and the cached value was already checked # non-negative, then we can reuse it. # FLAG_DELETE: never cache, never use the cached result (because # if there is a cached result, the FLAG_DELETE call # is needed for its side-effect of removing it). # In theory we could cache a -1 for the case where # the delete is immediately followed by a lookup, # but too obscure. # from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.rordereddict import FLAG_LOOKUP from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.rordereddict import FLAG_STORE flag_value = self.getintbound(op.getarg(4)) if not flag_value.is_constant(): return False flag = flag_value.getint() if flag != FLAG_LOOKUP and flag != FLAG_STORE: return False # descrs = op.getdescr().get_extra_info().extradescrs assert descrs # translation hint descr1 = descrs[0] try: d = self.cached_dict_reads[descr1] except KeyError: d = self.cached_dict_reads[descr1] = args_dict() self.corresponding_array_descrs[descrs[1]] = descr1 # key = [self.optimizer.get_box_replacement(op.getarg(1)), # dict self.optimizer.get_box_replacement(op.getarg(2))] # key # other args can be ignored here (hash, store_flag) try: res_v = d[key] except KeyError: if flag == FLAG_LOOKUP: d[key] = op return False else: if flag != FLAG_LOOKUP: if not self.getintbound(res_v).known_ge(IntBound(0, 0)): return False self.make_equal_to(op, res_v) self.last_emitted_operation = REMOVED return True def optimize_GUARD_NO_EXCEPTION(self, op): if self.last_emitted_operation is REMOVED: return self.emit_operation(op) optimize_GUARD_EXCEPTION = optimize_GUARD_NO_EXCEPTION def force_from_effectinfo(self, effectinfo): # XXX we can get the wrong complexity here, if the lists # XXX stored on effectinfo are large for fielddescr in effectinfo.readonly_descrs_fields: self.force_lazy_setfield(fielddescr) for arraydescr in effectinfo.readonly_descrs_arrays: self.force_lazy_setarrayitem(arraydescr) for fielddescr in effectinfo.write_descrs_fields: if fielddescr.is_always_pure(): continue try: del self.cached_dict_reads[fielddescr] except KeyError: pass self.force_lazy_setfield(fielddescr, can_cache=False) for arraydescr in effectinfo.write_descrs_arrays: self.force_lazy_setarrayitem(arraydescr, can_cache=False) if arraydescr in self.corresponding_array_descrs: dictdescr = self.corresponding_array_descrs.pop(arraydescr) try: del self.cached_dict_reads[dictdescr] except KeyError: pass # someone did it already if effectinfo.check_forces_virtual_or_virtualizable(): vrefinfo = self.optimizer.metainterp_sd.virtualref_info self.force_lazy_setfield(vrefinfo.descr_forced) # ^^^ we only need to force this field; the other fields # of virtualref_info and virtualizable_info are not gcptrs. def force_lazy_setfield(self, descr, can_cache=True): try: cf = self.cached_fields[descr] except KeyError: return cf.force_lazy_setfield(self, descr, can_cache) def force_lazy_setarrayitem(self, arraydescr, indexb=None, can_cache=True): try: submap = self.cached_arrayitems[arraydescr] except KeyError: return for idx, cf in submap.iteritems(): if indexb is None or indexb.contains(idx): cf.force_lazy_setfield(self, None, can_cache) def force_all_lazy_setfields_and_arrayitems(self): items = self.cached_fields.items() if not we_are_translated(): items.sort(key=str, reverse=True) for descr, cf in items: cf.force_lazy_setfield(self, descr) for submap in self.cached_arrayitems.itervalues(): for index, cf in submap.iteritems(): cf.force_lazy_setfield(self, None) def force_lazy_setfields_and_arrayitems_for_guard(self): pendingfields = [] items = self.cached_fields.items() if not we_are_translated(): items.sort(key=str, reverse=True) for descr, cf in items: op = cf._lazy_setfield if op is None: continue val = op.getarg(1) if self.optimizer.is_virtual(val): pendingfields.append(op) continue cf.force_lazy_setfield(self, descr) for descr, submap in self.cached_arrayitems.iteritems(): for index, cf in submap.iteritems(): op = cf._lazy_setfield if op is None: continue # the only really interesting case that we need to handle in the # guards' resume data is that of a virtual object that is stored # into a field of a non-virtual object. Here, 'op' in either # SETFIELD_GC or SETARRAYITEM_GC. opinfo = self.getptrinfo(op.getarg(0)) assert not opinfo.is_virtual() # it must be a non-virtual if self.optimizer.is_virtual(op.getarg(2)): pendingfields.append(op) else: cf.force_lazy_setfield(self, descr) return pendingfields def optimize_GETFIELD_GC_I(self, op): structinfo = self.ensure_ptr_info_arg0(op) cf = self.field_cache(op.getdescr()) field = cf.getfield_from_cache(self, structinfo, op.getdescr()) if field is not None: self.make_equal_to(op, field) return # default case: produce the operation self.make_nonnull(op.getarg(0)) self.emit_operation(op) # then remember the result of reading the field structinfo.setfield(op.getdescr(), op.getarg(0), op, self, cf) optimize_GETFIELD_GC_R = optimize_GETFIELD_GC_I optimize_GETFIELD_GC_F = optimize_GETFIELD_GC_I def optimize_GETFIELD_GC_PURE_I(self, op): structinfo = self.ensure_ptr_info_arg0(op) cf = self.field_cache(op.getdescr()) field = cf.getfield_from_cache(self, structinfo, op.getdescr()) if field is not None: self.make_equal_to(op, field) return # default case: produce the operation self.make_nonnull(op.getarg(0)) self.emit_operation(op) optimize_GETFIELD_GC_PURE_R = optimize_GETFIELD_GC_PURE_I optimize_GETFIELD_GC_PURE_F = optimize_GETFIELD_GC_PURE_I def optimize_SETFIELD_GC(self, op): self.setfield(op) #opnum = OpHelpers.getfield_pure_for_descr(op.getdescr()) #if self.has_pure_result(opnum, [op.getarg(0)], # op.getdescr()): # os.write(2, '[bogus _immutable_field_ declaration: %s]\n' % # (op.getdescr().repr_of_descr())) # raise BogusImmutableField # def setfield(self, op): cf = self.field_cache(op.getdescr()) cf.do_setfield(self, op) def optimize_GETARRAYITEM_GC_I(self, op): arrayinfo = self.ensure_ptr_info_arg0(op) indexb = self.getintbound(op.getarg(1)) cf = None if indexb.is_constant(): index = indexb.getint() arrayinfo.getlenbound(None).make_gt_const(index) # use the cache on (arraydescr, index), which is a constant cf = self.arrayitem_cache(op.getdescr(), index) field = cf.getfield_from_cache(self, arrayinfo, op.getdescr()) if field is not None: self.make_equal_to(op, field) return else: # variable index, so make sure the lazy setarrayitems are done self.force_lazy_setarrayitem(op.getdescr(), self.getintbound(op.getarg(1))) # default case: produce the operation self.make_nonnull(op.getarg(0)) self.emit_operation(op) # the remember the result of reading the array item if cf is not None: arrayinfo.setitem(op.getdescr(), indexb.getint(), self.get_box_replacement(op.getarg(0)), self.get_box_replacement(op), cf, self) optimize_GETARRAYITEM_GC_R = optimize_GETARRAYITEM_GC_I optimize_GETARRAYITEM_GC_F = optimize_GETARRAYITEM_GC_I def optimize_GETARRAYITEM_GC_PURE_I(self, op): arrayinfo = self.ensure_ptr_info_arg0(op) indexb = self.getintbound(op.getarg(1)) cf = None if indexb.is_constant(): index = indexb.getint() arrayinfo.getlenbound(None).make_gt_const(index) # use the cache on (arraydescr, index), which is a constant cf = self.arrayitem_cache(op.getdescr(), index) fieldvalue = cf.getfield_from_cache(self, arrayinfo, op.getdescr()) if fieldvalue is not None: self.make_equal_to(op, fieldvalue) return else: # variable index, so make sure the lazy setarrayitems are done self.force_lazy_setarrayitem(op.getdescr(), self.getintbound(op.getarg(1))) # default case: produce the operation self.make_nonnull(op.getarg(0)) self.emit_operation(op) optimize_GETARRAYITEM_GC_PURE_R = optimize_GETARRAYITEM_GC_PURE_I optimize_GETARRAYITEM_GC_PURE_F = optimize_GETARRAYITEM_GC_PURE_I def optimize_SETARRAYITEM_GC(self, op): #opnum = OpHelpers.getarrayitem_pure_for_descr(op.getdescr()) #if self.has_pure_result(opnum, [op.getarg(0), op.getarg(1)], # op.getdescr()): # os.write(2, '[bogus immutable array declaration: %s]\n' % # (op.getdescr().repr_of_descr())) # raise BogusImmutableField # indexb = self.getintbound(op.getarg(1)) if indexb.is_constant(): arrayinfo = self.ensure_ptr_info_arg0(op) # arraybound arrayinfo.getlenbound(None).make_gt_const(indexb.getint()) cf = self.arrayitem_cache(op.getdescr(), indexb.getint()) cf.do_setfield(self, op) else: # variable index, so make sure the lazy setarrayitems are done self.force_lazy_setarrayitem(op.getdescr(), indexb, can_cache=False) # and then emit the operation self.emit_operation(op) def optimize_QUASIIMMUT_FIELD(self, op): # Pattern: QUASIIMMUT_FIELD(s, descr=QuasiImmutDescr) # x = GETFIELD_GC_PURE(s, descr='inst_x') # If 's' is a constant (after optimizations) we rely on the rest of the # optimizations to constant-fold the following getfield_gc_pure. # in addition, we record the dependency here to make invalidation work # correctly. # NB: emitting the GETFIELD_GC_PURE is only safe because the # QUASIIMMUT_FIELD is also emitted to make sure the dependency is # registered. structvalue = self.ensure_ptr_info_arg0(op) if not structvalue.is_constant(): self._remove_guard_not_invalidated = True return # not a constant at all; ignore QUASIIMMUT_FIELD # from rpython.jit.metainterp.quasiimmut import QuasiImmutDescr qmutdescr = op.getdescr() assert isinstance(qmutdescr, QuasiImmutDescr) # check that the value is still correct; it could have changed # already between the tracing and now. In this case, we mark the loop # as invalid if not qmutdescr.is_still_valid_for( self.get_box_replacement(op.getarg(0))): raise InvalidLoop('quasi immutable field changed during tracing') # record as an out-of-line guard if self.optimizer.quasi_immutable_deps is None: self.optimizer.quasi_immutable_deps = {} self.optimizer.quasi_immutable_deps[qmutdescr.qmut] = None self._remove_guard_not_invalidated = False def optimize_GUARD_NOT_INVALIDATED(self, op): if self._remove_guard_not_invalidated: return if self._seen_guard_not_invalidated: return self._seen_guard_not_invalidated = True self.emit_operation(op) dispatch_opt = make_dispatcher_method(OptHeap, 'optimize_', default=OptHeap.emit_operation) OptHeap.propagate_forward = dispatch_opt ``` #### File: optimizeopt/test/ ```python import py import pytest from rpython.jit.metainterp.compile import invent_fail_descr_for_op from rpython.jit.metainterp.history import TargetToken, JitCellToken, TreeLoop from rpython.jit.metainterp.optimizeopt.dependency import (DependencyGraph, Dependency, IndexVar, MemoryRef, Node) from rpython.jit.metainterp.optimizeopt.vector import VectorLoop from rpython.jit.metainterp.optimizeopt.test.test_util import ( LLtypeMixin, BaseTest, FakeMetaInterpStaticData, convert_old_style_to_targets, FakeJitDriverStaticData) from rpython.jit.metainterp.resoperation import rop, ResOperation from rpython.jit.backend.llgraph.runner import ArrayDescr from rpython.jit.tool.oparser import OpParser from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import rffi from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype from rpython.conftest import option class FakeDependencyGraph(DependencyGraph): """ A dependency graph that is able to emit every instruction one by one. """ def __init__(self, loop): self.loop = loop if isinstance(loop, list): self.nodes = loop else: operations = loop.operations self.nodes = [Node(op,i) for i,op in \ enumerate(operations)] self.schedulable_nodes = list(reversed(self.nodes)) self.guards = [] class DependencyBaseTest(BaseTest): def setup_method(self, method): self.test_name = method.__name__ def build_dependency(self, ops): loop = self.parse_loop(ops) graph = DependencyGraph(loop) self.show_dot_graph(graph, self.test_name) for node in graph.nodes: assert node.independent(node) graph.parsestr = ops return graph def match_op(self, expected, actual, remap): if expected.getopnum() != actual.getopnum(): return False expargs = expected.getarglist() actargs = [remap.get(arg, None) for arg in actual.getarglist()] if not all([e == a or a is None for e,a in zip(expargs,actargs)]): return False if expected.getfailargs(): expargs = expected.getfailargs() actargs = [remap.get(arg, None) for arg in actual.getfailargs()] if not all([e == a or a is None for e,a in zip(expargs,actargs)]): return False return True def ensure_operations(self, opstrlist, trace, inthatorder=True): oparse = OpParser('', self.cpu, self.namespace, None, None, True, None) oplist = [] for op_str in opstrlist: op = oparse.parse_next_op(op_str) if not op.returns_void(): var = op_str.split('=')[0].strip() if '[' in var: var = var[:var.find('[')] elem = op_str[:len(var)] oparse._cache['lltype', elem] = op oplist.append(op) oplist_i = 0 match = False remap = {} last_match = 0 for i, op in enumerate(trace.operations): if oplist_i >= len(oplist): break curtomatch = oplist[oplist_i] if self.match_op(curtomatch, op, remap): if not op.returns_void(): remap[curtomatch] = op oplist_i += 1 last_match = i msg = "could not find all ops in the trace sequence\n\n" if oplist_i != len(oplist): l = [str(o) for o in oplist[oplist_i:]] msg += "sequence\n " + '\n '.join(l) msg += "\n\ndoes not match\n " l = [str(o) for o in trace.operations[last_match+1:]] msg += '\n '.join(l) assert oplist_i == len(oplist), msg def parse_loop(self, ops, add_label=True): loop = self.parse(ops, postprocess=self.postprocess) loop.operations = filter(lambda op: op.getopnum() != rop.DEBUG_MERGE_POINT, loop.operations) token = JitCellToken() if add_label: label = ResOperation(rop.LABEL, loop.inputargs, descr=TargetToken(token)) else: label = loop.operations[0] label.setdescr(TargetToken(token)) jump = loop.operations[-1] loop = VectorLoop(label, loop.operations[0:-1], jump) loop.jump.setdescr(token) class Optimizer(object): metainterp_sd = FakeMetaInterpStaticData(self.cpu) jitdriver_sd = FakeJitDriverStaticData() opt = Optimizer() opt.jitdriver_sd.vec = True for op in loop.operations: if op.is_guard() and not op.getdescr(): descr = invent_fail_descr_for_op(op.getopnum(), opt) op.setdescr(descr) return loop def parse_trace(self, source, inc_label_jump=True, pargs=2, iargs=10, fargs=6, additional_args=None, replace_args=None): args = [] for prefix, rang in [('p',range(pargs)), ('i',range(iargs)), ('f',range(fargs))]: for i in rang: args.append(prefix + str(i)) assert additional_args is None or isinstance(additional_args,list) for arg in additional_args or []: args.append(arg) for k,v in (replace_args or {}).items(): for i,_ in enumerate(args): if k == args[i]: args[i] = v break indent = " " joinedargs = ','.join(args) fmt = (indent, joinedargs, source, indent, joinedargs) src = "%s[%s]\n%s\n%sjump(%s)" % fmt loop = self.parse_loop(src) # needed to assign the right number to the input # arguments [str(arg) for arg in loop.inputargs] loop.graph = FakeDependencyGraph(loop) return loop def assert_edges(self, graph, edge_list, exceptions): """ Check if all dependencies are met. for complex cases adding None instead of a list of integers skips the test. This checks both if a dependency forward and backward exists. """ assert len(edge_list) == len(graph.nodes) + 2 edge_list = edge_list[1:-1] for idx,edges in enumerate(edge_list): if edges is None: continue node_a = graph.getnode(idx) dependencies = node_a.provides()[:] for idx_b in edges: if idx_b == 0 or idx_b >= len(graph.nodes) + 2 -1: continue idx_b -= 1 node_b = graph.getnode(idx_b) dependency = node_a.getedge_to(node_b) if dependency is None and idx_b not in exceptions.setdefault(idx,[]): self.show_dot_graph(graph, self.test_name + '_except') assert dependency is not None or node_b.getopnum() == rop.JUMP, \ " it is expected that instruction at index" + \ " %s depends on instr on index %s but it does not.\n%s" \ % (node_a.getindex(), node_b.getindex(), graph) elif dependency is not None: dependencies.remove(dependency) assert dependencies == [], \ "dependencies unexpected %s.\n%s" \ % (dependencies,graph) def assert_dependencies(self, graph, full_check=True): import re deps = {} exceptions = {} for i,line in enumerate(graph.parsestr.splitlines()): dep_pattern = re.compile("#\s*(\d+):") dep_match = if dep_match: label = int( deps_list = [] deps[label] = [] for to in [d for d in line[dep_match.end():].split(',') if len(d) > 0]: exception = to.endswith("?") if exception: to = to[:-1] exceptions.setdefault(label,[]).append(int(to)) deps[label].append(int(to)) if full_check: edges = [ None ] * len(deps) for k,l in deps.items(): edges[k] = l self.assert_edges(graph, edges, exceptions) return graph def assert_independent(self, graph, a, b): a -= 1 b -= 1 a = graph.getnode(a) b = graph.getnode(b) assert a.independent(b), "{a} and {b} are dependent!".format(a=a,b=b) def assert_dependent(self, graph, a, b): a -= 1 b -= 1 a = graph.getnode(a) b = graph.getnode(b) assert not a.independent(b), "{a} and {b} are independent!".format(a=a,b=b) def show_dot_graph(self, graph, name): if option and option.viewdeps: from rpython.translator.tool.graphpage import GraphPage page = GraphPage() page.source = graph.as_dot() page.links = [] page.display() def debug_print_operations(self, loop): print('--- loop instr numbered ---') for i,op in enumerate(loop.operations): print "[",i,"]",op, if op.is_guard(): if op.rd_snapshot: print op.rd_snapshot.boxes else: print op.getfailargs() else: print "" def assert_memory_ref_adjacent(self, m1, m2): assert m1.is_adjacent_to(m2) assert m2.is_adjacent_to(m1) def assert_memory_ref_not_adjacent(self, m1, m2): assert not m1.is_adjacent_to(m2) assert not m2.is_adjacent_to(m1) class BaseTestDependencyGraph(DependencyBaseTest): def test_index_var_basic(self): b = FakeBox() i = IndexVar(b,1,1,0) j = IndexVar(b,1,1,0) assert i.is_identity() assert i.same_variable(j) assert i.constant_diff(j) == 0 def test_index_var_diff(self): b = FakeBox() i = IndexVar(b,4,2,0) j = IndexVar(b,1,1,1) assert not i.is_identity() assert not j.is_identity() assert not i.same_mulfactor(j) assert i.constant_diff(j) == -1 def test_memoryref_basic(self): i = FakeBox() a = FakeBox() m1 = memoryref(a, i, (1,1,0)) m2 = memoryref(a, i, (1,1,0)) assert m1.alias(m2) @py.test.mark.parametrize('coeff1,coeff2,state', # +------------------ adjacent # |+----------------- adjacent_after # ||+---------------- adjacent_befure # |||+--------------- alias # |||| [((1,1,0), (1,1,0), 'ffft'), ((4,2,0), (8,4,0), 'ffft'), ((4,2,0), (8,2,0), 'ffft'), ((4,2,1), (8,4,0), 'tftf'), ]) def test_memoryref_adjacent_alias(self, coeff1, coeff2, state): i = FakeBox() a = FakeBox() m1 = memoryref(a, i, coeff1) m2 = memoryref(a, i, coeff2) adja = state[0] == 't' adja_after = state[1] == 't' adja_before = state[2] == 't' alias = state[3] == 't' assert m1.is_adjacent_to(m2) == adja assert m2.is_adjacent_to(m1) == adja assert m1.is_adjacent_after(m2) == adja_after assert m2.is_adjacent_after(m1) == adja_before assert m1.alias(m2) == alias def test_dependency_empty(self): graph = self.build_dependency(""" [] # 0: 1 jump() # 1: """) self.assert_dependencies(graph, full_check=True) def test_dependency_of_constant_not_used(self): graph = self.build_dependency(""" [] # 0: 2 i1 = int_add(1,1) # 1: 2 jump() # 2: """) self.assert_dependencies(graph, full_check=True) def test_dependency_simple(self): graph = self.build_dependency(""" [] # 0: 4 i1 = int_add(1,1) # 1: 2 i2 = int_add(i1,1) # 2: 3 guard_value(i2,3) [] # 3: 4 jump() # 4: """) graph = self.assert_dependencies(graph, full_check=True) self.assert_dependent(graph, 1,2) self.assert_dependent(graph, 2,3) self.assert_dependent(graph, 1,3) def test_def_use_jump_use_def(self): graph = self.build_dependency(""" [i3] # 0: 1 i1 = int_add(i3,1) # 1: 2, 3 guard_value(i1,0) [] # 2: 3 jump(i1) # 3: """) self.assert_dependencies(graph, full_check=True) def test_dependency_guard(self): graph = self.build_dependency(""" [i3] # 0: 2,3 i1 = int_add(1,1) # 1: 2 guard_value(i1,0) [i3] # 2: 3 jump(i3) # 3: """) self.assert_dependencies(graph, full_check=True) def test_dependency_guard_2(self): graph = self.build_dependency(""" [i1] # 0: 1,2?,3 i2 = int_le(i1, 10) # 1: 2 guard_true(i2) [i1] # 2: i3 = int_add(i1,1) # 3: 4 jump(i3) # 4: """) self.assert_dependencies(graph, full_check=True) def test_no_edge_duplication(self): graph = self.build_dependency(""" [i1] # 0: 1,2?,3 i2 = int_lt(i1,10) # 1: 2 guard_false(i2) [i1] # 2: i3 = int_add(i1,i1) # 3: 4 jump(i3) # 4: """) self.assert_dependencies(graph, full_check=True) def test_no_edge_duplication_in_guard_failargs(self): graph = self.build_dependency(""" [i1] # 0: 1,2?,3? i2 = int_lt(i1,10) # 1: 2 guard_false(i2) [i1,i1,i2,i1,i2,i1] # 2: 3 jump(i1) # 3: """) self.assert_dependencies(graph, full_check=True) def test_dependencies_1(self): graph = self.build_dependency(""" [i0, i1, i2] # 0: 1,3,6,7,11? i4 = int_gt(i1, 0) # 1: 2 guard_true(i4) [] # 2: 5, 11? i6 = int_sub(i1, 1) # 3: 4 i8 = int_gt(i6, 0) # 4: 5 guard_false(i8) [] # 5: 10 i10 = int_add(i2, 1) # 6: 8 i12 = int_sub(i0, 1) # 7: 9, 11 i14 = int_add(i10, 1) # 8: 11 i16 = int_gt(i12, 0) # 9: 10 guard_true(i16) [] # 10: 11 jump(i12, i1, i14) # 11: """) self.assert_dependencies(graph, full_check=True) self.assert_independent(graph, 6, 2) self.assert_independent(graph, 6, 1) def test_prevent_double_arg(self): graph = self.build_dependency(""" [i0, i1, i2] # 0: 1,3 i4 = int_gt(i1, i0) # 1: 2 guard_true(i4) [] # 2: 3 jump(i0, i1, i2) # 3: """) self.assert_dependencies(graph, full_check=True) def test_ovf_dep(self): graph = self.build_dependency(""" [i0, i1, i2] # 0: 2,3 i4 = int_sub_ovf(1, 0) # 1: 2 guard_overflow() [i2] # 2: 3 jump(i0, i1, i2) # 3: """) self.assert_dependencies(graph, full_check=True) def test_exception_dep(self): graph = self.build_dependency(""" [p0, i1, i2] # 0: 1,3? i4 = call_i(p0, 1, descr=nonwritedescr) # 1: 2,3 guard_no_exception() [] # 2: 3 jump(p0, i1, i2) # 3: """) self.assert_dependencies(graph, full_check=True) def test_call_dependency_on_ptr_but_not_index_value(self): graph = self.build_dependency(""" [p0, p1, i2] # 0: 1,2?,3?,4?,5? i3 = int_add(i2,1) # 1: 2 i4 = call_i(p0, i3, descr=nonwritedescr) # 2: 3,4,5? guard_no_exception() [i2] # 3: p2 = getarrayitem_gc_r(p1, i3, descr=arraydescr) # 4: 5 jump(p2, p1, i3) # 5: """) self.assert_dependencies(graph, full_check=True) def test_call_dependency(self): graph = self.build_dependency(""" [p0, p1, i2, i5] # 0: 1,2?,3?,4?,5? i3 = int_add(i2,1) # 1: 2 i4 = call_i(i5, i3, descr=nonwritedescr) # 2: 3,4,5? guard_no_exception() [i2] # 3: 5? p2 = getarrayitem_gc_r(p1,i3,descr=chararraydescr) # 4: 5 jump(p2, p1, i3, i5) # 5: """) self.assert_dependencies(graph, full_check=True) def test_call_not_forced_exception(self): graph = self.build_dependency(""" [p0, p1, i2, i5] # 0: 1,2,4?,5,6 i4 = call_i(i5, i2, descr=nonwritedescr) # 1: 2,4,6 guard_not_forced() [i2] # 2: 3 guard_no_exception() [] # 3: 6 i3 = int_add(i2,1) # 4: 5 p2 = getarrayitem_gc_r(p1,i3,descr=chararraydescr) # 5: 6 jump(p2, p1, i2, i5) # 6: """) self.assert_dependencies(graph, full_check=True) assert graph.nodes[1].priority == 100 assert graph.nodes[2].priority == 100 def test_setarrayitem_dependency(self): graph = self.build_dependency(""" [p0, i1] # 0: 1,2?,3?,4? setarrayitem_raw(p0, i1, 1, descr=floatarraydescr) # 1: 2,3 i2 = getarrayitem_raw_i(p0, i1, descr=floatarraydescr) # 2: 4 setarrayitem_raw(p0, i1, 2, descr=floatarraydescr) # 3: 4 jump(p0, i2) # 4: """) self.assert_dependencies(graph, full_check=True) def test_setarrayitem_alias_dependency(self): # #1 depends on #2, i1 and i2 might alias, reordering would destroy # coorectness graph = self.build_dependency(""" [p0, i1, i2] # 0: 1,2?,3? setarrayitem_raw(p0, i1, 1, descr=floatarraydescr) # 1: 2 setarrayitem_raw(p0, i2, 2, descr=floatarraydescr) # 2: 3 jump(p0, i1, i2) # 3: """) self.assert_dependencies(graph, full_check=True) self.assert_dependent(graph, 1,2) def test_setarrayitem_dont_depend_with_memref_info(self): graph = self.build_dependency(""" [p0, i1] # 0: 1,2,3?,4? setarrayitem_raw(p0, i1, 1, descr=chararraydescr) # 1: 4 i2 = int_add(i1,1) # 2: 3 setarrayitem_raw(p0, i2, 2, descr=chararraydescr) # 3: 4 jump(p0, i1) # 4: """) self.assert_dependencies(graph, full_check=True) self.assert_independent(graph, 1,2) self.assert_independent(graph, 1,3) # they modify 2 different cells def test_dependency_complex_trace(self): graph = self.build_dependency(""" [i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7] # 0: i9 = int_mul(i0, 8) # 1: 2 i10 = raw_load_i(i3, i9, descr=arraydescr) # 2: 5, 10 i11 = int_mul(i0, 8) # 3: 4 i12 = raw_load_i(i4, i11, descr=arraydescr) # 4: 5,10 i13 = int_add(i10, i12) # 5: 7,10 i14 = int_mul(i0, 8) # 6: 7 raw_store(i3, i14, i13, descr=arraydescr) # 7: 10,12,20 i16 = int_add(i0, 1) # 8: 9,10,11,13,16,18 i17 = int_lt(i16, i7) # 9: 10 guard_true(i17) [i7, i13, i5, i4, i3, i12, i10, i16] # 10: 17, 20 i18 = int_mul(i16, 9) # 11: 12 i19 = raw_load_i(i3, i18, descr=arraydescr) # 12: 15, 20 i20 = int_mul(i16, 8) # 13: 14 i21 = raw_load_i(i4, i20, descr=arraydescr) # 14: 15, 20 i22 = int_add(i19, i21) # 15: 17, 20 i23 = int_mul(i16, 8) # 16: 17 raw_store(i5, i23, i22, descr=arraydescr) # 17: 20 i24 = int_add(i16, 1) # 18: 19, 20 i25 = int_lt(i24, i7) # 19: 20 guard_true(i25) [i7, i22, i5, i4, i3, i21, i19, i24] # 20: jump(i24, i19, i21, i3, i4, i5, i22, i7) # 21: """) self.assert_dependencies(graph, full_check=True) self.assert_dependent(graph, 2,12) self.assert_dependent(graph, 7,12) self.assert_dependent(graph, 4,12) def test_getfield(self): graph = self.build_dependency(""" [p0, p1] # 0: 1,2,5 p2 = getfield_gc_r(p0) # 1: 3,5 p3 = getfield_gc_r(p0) # 2: 4 guard_nonnull(p2) [p2] # 3: 4,5 guard_nonnull(p3) [p3] # 4: 5 jump(p0,p2) # 5: """) self.assert_dependencies(graph, full_check=True) def test_cyclic(self): graph = self.build_dependency(""" [p0, p1, p5, p6, p7, p9, p11, p12] # 0: 1,6 p13 = getfield_gc_r(p9) # 1: 2,5 guard_nonnull(p13) [] # 2: 4,5 i14 = getfield_gc_i(p9) # 3: 5 p15 = getfield_gc_r(p13) # 4: 5 guard_class(p15, 14073732) [p1, p0, p9, i14, p15, p13, p5, p6, p7] # 5: 6 jump(p0,p1,p5,p6,p7,p9,p11,p12) # 6: """) self.assert_dependencies(graph, full_check=True) def test_iterate(self): n1,n2,n3,n4,n5 = [FakeNode(i+1) for i in range(5)] # n1 -> n2 -> n4 -> n5 # +---> n3 --^ n1.edge_to(n2); n2.edge_to(n4); n4.edge_to(n5) n1.edge_to(n3); n3.edge_to(n4); paths = list(n5.iterate_paths(n1, backwards=True)) assert all([path.check_acyclic() for path in paths]) assert len(paths) == 2 assert paths[0].as_str() == "n5 -> n4 -> n2 -> n1" assert paths[1].as_str() == "n5 -> n4 -> n3 -> n1" paths = list(n1.iterate_paths(n5)) assert all([path.check_acyclic() for path in paths]) assert len(paths) == 2 assert paths[0].as_str() == "n1 -> n2 -> n4 -> n5" assert paths[1].as_str() == "n1 -> n3 -> n4 -> n5" def test_iterate_one_many_one(self): r = range(19) n0 = FakeNode(0) nodes = [FakeNode(i+1) for i in r] nend = FakeNode(len(r)+1) assert len(list(n0.iterate_paths(nodes[0], backwards=True))) == 0 for i in r: n0.edge_to(nodes[i]) nodes[i].edge_to(nend) paths = list(nend.iterate_paths(n0, backwards=True)) assert all([path.check_acyclic() for path in paths]) assert len(paths) == len(r) for i in r: assert paths[i].as_str() == "n%d -> %s -> n0" % (len(r)+1, nodes[i]) # forward paths = list(n0.iterate_paths(nend)) assert all([path.check_acyclic() for path in paths]) assert len(paths) == len(r) for i in r: assert paths[i].as_str() == "n0 -> %s -> n%d" % (nodes[i], len(r)+1) def test_iterate_blacklist_diamond(self): blacklist = {} n1,n2,n3,n4 = [FakeNode(i+1) for i in range(4)] # n1 -> n2 -> n4 # +---> n3 --^ n1.edge_to(n2); n2.edge_to(n4); n1.edge_to(n3); n3.edge_to(n4); paths = list(n1.iterate_paths(n4, blacklist=True)) assert len(paths) == 2 assert paths[0].as_str() == "n1 -> n2 -> n4" assert paths[1].as_str() == "n1 -> n3 -> n4" def test_iterate_blacklist_double_diamond(self): blacklist = {} n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8 = [FakeNode(i+1) for i in range(8)] # n1 -> n2 -> n4 -> n5 -> n6 --> n8 # +---> n3 --^ +---> n7 --^ n1.edge_to(n2); n2.edge_to(n4); n1.edge_to(n3); n3.edge_to(n4); n4.edge_to(n5) n5.edge_to(n6); n6.edge_to(n8); n5.edge_to(n7); n7.edge_to(n8); paths = list(n1.iterate_paths(n8, blacklist=True)) assert len(paths) == 3 assert paths[0].as_str() == "n1 -> n2 -> n4 -> n5 -> n6 -> n8" assert paths[1].as_str() == "n1 -> n2 -> n4 -> n5 -> n7 -> n8" assert paths[2].as_str() == "n1 -> n3 -> n4" def test_iterate_blacklist_split_path(self): blacklist = {} n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8 = [FakeNode(i+1) for i in range(8)] n1.edge_to(n2); n3.edge_to(n2); n2.edge_to(n4); n3.edge_to(n4); paths = list(n4.iterate_paths(n3, backwards=True, blacklist=True)) assert len(paths) == 2 assert paths[0].as_str() == "n4 -> n2 -> n3" assert paths[1].as_str() == "n4 -> n3" n5.edge_to(n1) n5.edge_to(n3) paths = list(n4.iterate_paths(n5, backwards=True, blacklist=True)) assert len(paths) == 3 assert paths[0].as_str() == "n4 -> n2 -> n1 -> n5" assert paths[1].as_str() == "n4 -> n2 -> n3 -> n5" assert paths[2].as_str() == "n4 -> n3" def test_sccs(self): n1,n2 = FakeNode(1), FakeNode(2) n1.edge_to(n2); n2.edge_to(n1) graph = FakeDependencyGraph([n1,n2]) cycle = graph.cycles() assert cycle == [n1, n2] n3 = FakeNode(0) graph.nodes = [n3] cycle = graph.cycles() assert cycle is None def test_cycles_2(self): n1,n2,n3,n4 = FakeNode(1), FakeNode(2), FakeNode(3), FakeNode(4) n1.edge_to(n3); n3.edge_to(n4); n4.edge_to(n1) graph = FakeDependencyGraph([n1,n2]) graph.nodes = [n1,n2,n3] cycle = graph.cycles() assert cycle is not None assert cycle == [n1,n3,n4] class FakeMemoryRefResOp(object): def __init__(self, array, descr): self.array = array self.descr = descr def getarg(self, index): return self.array def getdescr(self): return self.descr FLOAT = ArrayDescr(lltype.GcArray(lltype.Float), None) def memoryref(array, var, mod=(1,1,0), descr=None, raw=False): if descr is None: descr = FLOAT mul, div, off = mod op = FakeMemoryRefResOp(array, descr) return MemoryRef(op, IndexVar(var, mul, div, off), raw) class FakeBox(object): pass class FakeNode(Node): def __init__(self, i): Node.__init__(self, None, i) pass def __repr__(self): return "n%d" % self.opidx class TestLLtype(BaseTestDependencyGraph, LLtypeMixin): pass ``` #### File: optimizeopt/test/ ```python from rpython.jit.metainterp.optimizeopt.intutils import IntBound, IntUpperBound, \ IntLowerBound, IntUnbounded from rpython.jit.metainterp.optimizeopt.intbounds import next_pow2_m1 from copy import copy import sys from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import LONG_BIT def bound(a,b): if a is None and b is None: return IntUnbounded() elif a is None: return IntUpperBound(b) elif b is None: return IntLowerBound(a) else: return IntBound(a,b) def const(a): return bound(a,a) def some_bounds(): brd = [None] + range(-2, 3) for lower in brd: for upper in brd: if lower is not None and upper is not None and lower > upper: continue yield (lower, upper, bound(lower, upper)) nbr = range(-5, 6) def test_known(): for lower, upper, b in some_bounds(): inside = [] border = [] for n in nbr: if (lower is None or n >= lower) and \ (upper is None or n <= upper): if n == lower or n ==upper: border.append(n) else: inside.append(n) for n in nbr: c = const(n) if n in inside: assert b.contains(n) assert not b.known_lt(c) assert not b.known_gt(c) assert not b.known_le(c) assert not b.known_ge(c) elif n in border: assert b.contains(n) if n == upper: assert b.known_le(const(upper)) else: assert b.known_ge(const(lower)) else: assert not b.contains(n) some = (border + inside)[0] if n < some: assert b.known_gt(c) else: assert b.known_lt(c) def test_make(): for _, _, b1 in some_bounds(): for _, _, b2 in some_bounds(): lt = IntUnbounded() lt.make_lt(b1) lt.make_lt(b2) for n in nbr: c = const(n) if b1.known_le(c) or b2.known_le(c): assert lt.known_lt(c) else: assert not lt.known_lt(c) assert not lt.known_gt(c) assert not lt.known_ge(c) gt = IntUnbounded() gt.make_gt(b1) gt.make_gt(b2) for n in nbr: c = const(n) if b1.known_ge(c) or b2.known_ge(c): assert gt.known_gt(c) else: assert not gt.known_gt(c) assert not gt.known_lt(c) assert not gt.known_le(c) le = IntUnbounded() le.make_le(b1) le.make_le(b2) for n in nbr: c = const(n) if b1.known_le(c) or b2.known_le(c): assert le.known_le(c) else: assert not le.known_le(c) assert not le.known_gt(c) assert not le.known_ge(c) ge = IntUnbounded() ge.make_ge(b1) ge.make_ge(b2) for n in nbr: c = const(n) if b1.known_ge(c) or b2.known_ge(c): assert ge.known_ge(c) else: assert not ge.known_ge(c) assert not ge.known_lt(c) assert not ge.known_le(c) gl = IntUnbounded() gl.make_ge(b1) gl.make_le(b2) for n in nbr: c = const(n) if b1.known_ge(c): assert gl.known_ge(c) else: assert not gl.known_ge(c) assert not gl.known_gt(c) if b2.known_le(c): assert gl.known_le(c) else: assert not gl.known_le(c) assert not gl.known_lt(c) def test_intersect(): for _, _, b1 in some_bounds(): for _, _, b2 in some_bounds(): b = copy(b1) b.intersect(b2) for n in nbr: if b1.contains(n) and b2.contains(n): assert b.contains(n) else: assert not b.contains(n) def test_add(): for _, _, b1 in some_bounds(): for n1 in nbr: b2 = b1.add(n1) for n2 in nbr: c1 = const(n2) c2 = const(n2 + n1) if b1.known_le(c1): assert b2.known_le(c2) else: assert not b2.known_le(c2) if b1.known_ge(c1): assert b2.known_ge(c2) else: assert not b2.known_ge(c2) if b1.known_le(c1): assert b2.known_le(c2) else: assert not b2.known_lt(c2) if b1.known_lt(c1): assert b2.known_lt(c2) else: assert not b2.known_lt(c2) if b1.known_gt(c1): assert b2.known_gt(c2) else: assert not b2.known_gt(c2) def test_add_bound(): for _, _, b1 in some_bounds(): for _, _, b2 in some_bounds(): b3 = b1.add_bound(b2) for n1 in nbr: for n2 in nbr: if b1.contains(n1) and b2.contains(n2): assert b3.contains(n1 + n2) a=bound(2, 4).add_bound(bound(1, 2)) assert not a.contains(2) assert not a.contains(7) def test_mul_bound(): for _, _, b1 in some_bounds(): for _, _, b2 in some_bounds(): b3 = b1.mul_bound(b2) for n1 in nbr: for n2 in nbr: if b1.contains(n1) and b2.contains(n2): assert b3.contains(n1 * n2) a=bound(2, 4).mul_bound(bound(1, 2)) assert not a.contains(1) assert not a.contains(9) a=bound(-3, 2).mul_bound(bound(1, 2)) assert not a.contains(-7) assert not a.contains(5) assert a.contains(-6) assert a.contains(4) a=bound(-3, 2).mul(-1) for i in range(-2,4): assert a.contains(i) assert not a.contains(4) assert not a.contains(-3) def test_shift_bound(): for _, _, b1 in some_bounds(): for _, _, b2 in some_bounds(): bleft = b1.lshift_bound(b2) bright = b1.rshift_bound(b2) for n1 in nbr: for n2 in range(10): if b1.contains(n1) and b2.contains(n2): assert bleft.contains(n1 << n2) assert bright.contains(n1 >> n2) def test_shift_overflow(): b10 = IntBound(0, 10) b100 = IntBound(0, 100) bmax = IntBound(0, sys.maxint/2) assert not b10.lshift_bound(b100).has_upper assert not bmax.lshift_bound(b10).has_upper assert b10.lshift_bound(b10).has_upper for b in (b10, b100, bmax, IntBound(0, 0)): for shift_count_bound in (IntBound(7, LONG_BIT), IntBound(-7, 7)): #assert not b.lshift_bound(shift_count_bound).has_upper assert not b.rshift_bound(shift_count_bound).has_upper def test_div_bound(): for _, _, b1 in some_bounds(): for _, _, b2 in some_bounds(): b3 = b1.div_bound(b2) for n1 in nbr: for n2 in nbr: if b1.contains(n1) and b2.contains(n2): if n2 != 0: assert b3.contains(n1 / n2) a=bound(2, 4).div_bound(bound(1, 2)) assert not a.contains(0) assert not a.contains(5) a=bound(-3, 2).div_bound(bound(1, 2)) assert not a.contains(-4) assert not a.contains(3) assert a.contains(-3) assert a.contains(0) def test_sub_bound(): for _, _, b1 in some_bounds(): for _, _, b2 in some_bounds(): b3 = b1.sub_bound(b2) for n1 in nbr: for n2 in nbr: if b1.contains(n1) and b2.contains(n2): assert b3.contains(n1 - n2) a=bound(2, 4).sub_bound(bound(1, 2)) assert not a.contains(-1) assert not a.contains(4) def test_next_pow2_m1(): assert next_pow2_m1(0) == 0 assert next_pow2_m1(1) == 1 assert next_pow2_m1(7) == 7 assert next_pow2_m1(256) == 511 assert next_pow2_m1(255) == 255 assert next_pow2_m1(80) == 127 assert next_pow2_m1((1 << 32) - 5) == (1 << 32) - 1 assert next_pow2_m1((1 << 64) - 1) == (1 << 64) - 1 ``` #### File: metainterp/test/ ```python import py, sys from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, llmemory from rpython.jit.backend.llgraph import runner from rpython.jit.metainterp.warmspot import ll_meta_interp, get_stats from rpython.jit.metainterp.warmspot import reset_stats from rpython.jit.metainterp.warmstate import unspecialize_value from rpython.jit.metainterp.optimizeopt import ALL_OPTS_DICT from rpython.jit.metainterp import pyjitpl, history, jitexc from rpython.jit.codewriter.policy import JitPolicy from rpython.jit.codewriter import codewriter, longlong from rpython.rlib.rfloat import isnan from rpython.rlib.jit import ENABLE_ALL_OPTS from rpython.translator.backendopt.all import backend_optimizations def _get_jitcodes(testself, CPUClass, func, values, supports_floats=True, supports_longlong=False, supports_singlefloats=False, translationoptions={}, **kwds): from rpython.jit.codewriter import support class FakeJitCell(object): __product_token = None def get_procedure_token(self): return self.__product_token def set_procedure_token(self, token): self.__product_token = token class FakeWarmRunnerState(object): def attach_procedure_to_interp(self, greenkey, procedure_token): assert greenkey == [] self._cell.set_procedure_token(procedure_token) def helper_func(self, FUNCPTR, func): from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import llhelper return llhelper(FUNCPTR, func) def get_unique_id(self, *args): return 0 def get_location_str(self, args): return 'location' class JitCell: @staticmethod def get_jit_cell_at_key(greenkey): assert greenkey == [] return FakeWarmRunnerState._cell _cell = FakeJitCell() trace_limit = sys.maxint enable_opts = ALL_OPTS_DICT vec = True if kwds.pop('disable_optimizations', False): FakeWarmRunnerState.enable_opts = {} func._jit_unroll_safe_ = True rtyper = support.annotate(func, values, translationoptions=translationoptions) graphs = rtyper.annotator.translator.graphs testself.all_graphs = graphs result_kind = history.getkind(graphs[0].getreturnvar().concretetype)[0] class FakeJitDriverSD: num_green_args = 0 portal_graph = graphs[0] virtualizable_info = None greenfield_info = None result_type = result_kind portal_runner_ptr = "???" vec = False stats = history.Stats() cpu = CPUClass(rtyper, stats, None, False) cw = codewriter.CodeWriter(cpu, [FakeJitDriverSD()]) cw.debug = True = cw if supports_floats and not cpu.supports_floats: py.test.skip("this test requires supports_floats=True") if supports_longlong and not cpu.supports_longlong: py.test.skip("this test requires supports_longlong=True") if supports_singlefloats and not cpu.supports_singlefloats: py.test.skip("this test requires supports_singlefloats=True") policy = JitPolicy() policy.set_supports_floats(supports_floats) policy.set_supports_longlong(supports_longlong) policy.set_supports_singlefloats(supports_singlefloats) graphs = cw.find_all_graphs(policy) if kwds.get("backendopt"): backend_optimizations(rtyper.annotator.translator, graphs=graphs) # testself.warmrunnerstate = FakeWarmRunnerState() testself.warmrunnerstate.cpu = cpu FakeJitDriverSD.warmstate = testself.warmrunnerstate if hasattr(testself, 'finish_setup_for_interp_operations'): testself.finish_setup_for_interp_operations() # cw.make_jitcodes(verbose=True) def _run_with_blackhole(testself, args): from rpython.jit.metainterp.blackhole import BlackholeInterpBuilder cw = blackholeinterpbuilder = BlackholeInterpBuilder(cw) blackholeinterp = blackholeinterpbuilder.acquire_interp() count_i = count_r = count_f = 0 for value in args: T = lltype.typeOf(value) if T == lltype.Signed: blackholeinterp.setarg_i(count_i, value) count_i += 1 elif T == llmemory.GCREF: blackholeinterp.setarg_r(count_r, value) count_r += 1 elif T == lltype.Float: value = longlong.getfloatstorage(value) blackholeinterp.setarg_f(count_f, value) count_f += 1 else: raise TypeError(T) [jitdriver_sd] = cw.callcontrol.jitdrivers_sd blackholeinterp.setposition(jitdriver_sd.mainjitcode, 0) return blackholeinterp._final_result_anytype() def _run_with_pyjitpl(testself, args): cw = opt = history.Options(listops=True) metainterp_sd = pyjitpl.MetaInterpStaticData(cw.cpu, opt) metainterp_sd.finish_setup(cw) [jitdriver_sd] = metainterp_sd.jitdrivers_sd metainterp = pyjitpl.MetaInterp(metainterp_sd, jitdriver_sd) testself.metainterp = metainterp try: metainterp.compile_and_run_once(jitdriver_sd, *args) except (jitexc.DoneWithThisFrameInt, jitexc.DoneWithThisFrameRef, jitexc.DoneWithThisFrameFloat) as e: return e.result else: raise Exception("FAILED") def _run_with_machine_code(testself, args): metainterp = testself.metainterp num_green_args = metainterp.jitdriver_sd.num_green_args procedure_token = metainterp.get_procedure_token(args[:num_green_args]) # a loop was successfully created by _run_with_pyjitpl(); call it cpu = metainterp.cpu args1 = [] for i in range(len(args) - num_green_args): x = args[num_green_args + i] args1.append(unspecialize_value(x)) deadframe = cpu.execute_token(procedure_token, *args1) faildescr = cpu.get_latest_descr(deadframe) assert faildescr.__class__.__name__.startswith('DoneWithThisFrameDescr') if metainterp.jitdriver_sd.result_type == history.INT: return deadframe, cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 0) elif metainterp.jitdriver_sd.result_type == history.REF: return deadframe, cpu.get_ref_value(deadframe, 0) elif metainterp.jitdriver_sd.result_type == history.FLOAT: return deadframe, cpu.get_float_value(deadframe, 0) else: return deadframe, None class JitMixin: basic = True enable_opts = ENABLE_ALL_OPTS # Basic terminology: the JIT produces "loops" and "bridges". # Bridges are always attached to failing guards. Every loop is # the "trunk" of a tree of compiled code, which is formed by first # compiling a loop and then incrementally adding some number of # bridges to it. Each loop and each bridge ends with either a # FINISH or a JUMP instruction (the name "loop" is not really # adapted any more). The JUMP instruction jumps to any LABEL # pseudo-instruction, which can be anywhere, within the same tree # or another one. def check_resops(self, expected=None, **check): """Check the instructions in all loops and bridges, ignoring the ones that end in FINISH. Either pass a dictionary (then the check must match exactly), or some keyword arguments (then the check is only about the instructions named).""" if self.enable_opts == ENABLE_ALL_OPTS: get_stats().check_resops(expected=expected, **check) def check_simple_loop(self, expected=None, **check): """Useful in the simplest case when we have only one loop ending with a jump back to itself and possibly a few bridges. Only the operations within the loop formed by that single jump will be counted; the bridges are all ignored. If several loops were compiled, complains.""" if self.enable_opts == ENABLE_ALL_OPTS: get_stats().check_simple_loop(expected=expected, **check) def check_trace_count(self, count): # was check_loop_count """Check the number of loops and bridges compiled.""" if self.enable_opts == ENABLE_ALL_OPTS: assert get_stats().compiled_count == count def check_trace_count_at_most(self, count): """Check the number of loops and bridges compiled.""" if self.enable_opts == ENABLE_ALL_OPTS: assert get_stats().compiled_count <= count def check_jitcell_token_count(self, count): # was check_tree_loop_count """This should check the number of independent trees of code. (xxx it is not 100% clear that the count is correct)""" if self.enable_opts == ENABLE_ALL_OPTS: assert len(get_stats().jitcell_token_wrefs) == count def check_target_token_count(self, count): """(xxx unknown)""" if self.enable_opts == ENABLE_ALL_OPTS: tokens = get_stats().get_all_jitcell_tokens() n = sum([len(t.target_tokens) for t in tokens]) assert n == count def check_enter_count(self, count): """Check the number of times pyjitpl ran. (Every time, it should have produced either one loop or one bridge, or aborted; but it is not 100% clear that this is still correct in the presence of unrolling.)""" if self.enable_opts == ENABLE_ALL_OPTS: assert get_stats().enter_count == count def check_enter_count_at_most(self, count): """Check the number of times pyjitpl ran.""" if self.enable_opts == ENABLE_ALL_OPTS: assert get_stats().enter_count <= count def check_aborted_count(self, count): """Check the number of times pyjitpl was aborted.""" if self.enable_opts == ENABLE_ALL_OPTS: assert get_stats().aborted_count == count def check_aborted_count_at_least(self, count): """Check the number of times pyjitpl was aborted.""" if self.enable_opts == ENABLE_ALL_OPTS: assert get_stats().aborted_count >= count def meta_interp(self, *args, **kwds): kwds['CPUClass'] = self.CPUClass if "backendopt" not in kwds: kwds["backendopt"] = False if "enable_opts" not in kwds and hasattr(self, 'enable_opts'): kwds['enable_opts'] = self.enable_opts old = codewriter.CodeWriter.debug try: codewriter.CodeWriter.debug = True return ll_meta_interp(*args, **kwds) finally: codewriter.CodeWriter.debug = old def interp_operations(self, f, args, **kwds): # get the JitCodes for the function f _get_jitcodes(self, self.CPUClass, f, args, **kwds) # try to run it with result1 = _run_with_blackhole(self, args) # try to run it with result2 = _run_with_pyjitpl(self, args) assert result1 == result2 or isnan(result1) and isnan(result2) # try to run it by running the code compiled just before df, result3 = _run_with_machine_code(self, args) self._lastframe = df assert result1 == result3 or result3 == NotImplemented or isnan(result1) and isnan(result3) # if (longlong.supports_longlong and isinstance(result1, longlong.r_float_storage)): result1 = longlong.getrealfloat(result1) return result1 def check_history(self, expected=None, **isns): # this can be used after calling meta_interp get_stats().check_history(expected, **isns) def check_operations_history(self, expected=None, **isns): # this can be used after interp_operations if expected is not None: expected = dict(expected) expected['finish'] = 1 self.metainterp.staticdata.stats.check_history(expected, **isns) class LLJitMixin(JitMixin): CPUClass = runner.LLGraphCPU @staticmethod def Ptr(T): return lltype.Ptr(T) @staticmethod def GcStruct(name, *fields, **kwds): S = lltype.GcStruct(name, *fields, **kwds) return S malloc = staticmethod(lltype.malloc) nullptr = staticmethod(lltype.nullptr) @staticmethod def malloc_immortal(T): return lltype.malloc(T, immortal=True) def _get_NODE(self): NODE = lltype.GcForwardReference() NODE.become(lltype.GcStruct('NODE', ('value', lltype.Signed), ('next', lltype.Ptr(NODE)))) return NODE # ____________________________________________________________ class _Foo: pass def noConst(x): """Helper function for tests, returning 'x' as a BoxInt/BoxPtr even if it is a ConstInt/ConstPtr.""" from rpython.rlib import jit return jit.hint(x, force_no_const=True) ``` #### File: metainterp/test/ ```python from rpython.jit.metainterp import typesystem from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, llmemory class TypeSystemTests(object): def test_ref_dict(self): d = self.helper.new_ref_dict() ref1 = self.fresh_ref() ref2 = self.fresh_ref() ref3 = self.fresh_ref() d[ref1] = 123 d[ref2] = 456 d[ref3] = 789 ref1b = self.duplicate_ref(ref1) ref2b = self.duplicate_ref(ref2) ref3b = self.duplicate_ref(ref3) assert d[ref1b] == 123 assert d[ref2b] == 456 assert d[ref3b] == 789 class TestLLtype(TypeSystemTests): helper = typesystem.llhelper def fresh_ref(self): S = lltype.GcStruct('S') s = lltype.malloc(S) return lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, s) def duplicate_ref(self, x): s = x._obj.container._as_ptr() return lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, s) def null_ref(self): return lltype.nullptr(llmemory.GCREF.TO) ``` #### File: gc/test/ ```python import py from rpython.memory.gc.minimarkpage import ArenaCollection from rpython.memory.gc.minimarkpage import PAGE_HEADER, PAGE_PTR from rpython.memory.gc.minimarkpage import PAGE_NULL, WORD from rpython.memory.gc.minimarkpage import _dummy_size from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, llmemory, llarena from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.llmemory import cast_ptr_to_adr NULL = llmemory.NULL SHIFT = WORD hdrsize = llmemory.raw_malloc_usage(llmemory.sizeof(PAGE_HEADER)) def test_allocate_arena(): ac = ArenaCollection(SHIFT + 64*20, 64, 1) ac.allocate_new_arena() assert ac.num_uninitialized_pages == 20 upages = ac.current_arena.freepages upages + 64*20 # does not raise py.test.raises(llarena.ArenaError, "upages + 64*20 + 1") # ac = ArenaCollection(SHIFT + 64*20 + 7, 64, 1) ac.allocate_new_arena() assert ac.num_uninitialized_pages == 20 upages = ac.current_arena.freepages upages + 64*20 + 7 # does not raise py.test.raises(llarena.ArenaError, "upages + 64*20 + 64") def test_allocate_new_page(): pagesize = hdrsize + 16 arenasize = pagesize * 4 - 1 # def checknewpage(page, size_class): size = WORD * size_class assert (ac._nuninitialized(page, size_class) == (pagesize - hdrsize) // size) assert page.nfree == 0 page1 = page.freeblock - hdrsize assert llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(page) == page1 assert page.nextpage == PAGE_NULL # ac = ArenaCollection(arenasize, pagesize, 99) assert ac.num_uninitialized_pages == 0 assert ac.total_memory_used == 0 # page = ac.allocate_new_page(5) checknewpage(page, 5) assert ac.num_uninitialized_pages == 2 assert ac.current_arena.freepages - pagesize == cast_ptr_to_adr(page) assert ac.page_for_size[5] == page # page = ac.allocate_new_page(3) checknewpage(page, 3) assert ac.num_uninitialized_pages == 1 assert ac.current_arena.freepages - pagesize == cast_ptr_to_adr(page) assert ac.page_for_size[3] == page # page = ac.allocate_new_page(4) checknewpage(page, 4) assert ac.num_uninitialized_pages == 0 assert ac.page_for_size[4] == page def arena_collection_for_test(pagesize, pagelayout, fill_with_objects=False): assert " " not in pagelayout.rstrip(" ") nb_pages = len(pagelayout) arenasize = pagesize * (nb_pages + 1) - 1 ac = ArenaCollection(arenasize, pagesize, 9*WORD) # def link(pageaddr, size_class, size_block, nblocks, nusedblocks, step=1): assert step in (1, 2) llarena.arena_reserve(pageaddr, llmemory.sizeof(PAGE_HEADER)) page = llmemory.cast_adr_to_ptr(pageaddr, PAGE_PTR) if step == 1: page.nfree = 0 nuninitialized = nblocks - nusedblocks else: page.nfree = nusedblocks nuninitialized = nblocks - 2*nusedblocks page.freeblock = pageaddr + hdrsize + nusedblocks * size_block if nusedblocks < nblocks: chainedlists = ac.page_for_size else: chainedlists = ac.full_page_for_size page.nextpage = chainedlists[size_class] page.arena = ac.current_arena chainedlists[size_class] = page if fill_with_objects: for i in range(0, nusedblocks*step, step): objaddr = pageaddr + hdrsize + i * size_block llarena.arena_reserve(objaddr, _dummy_size(size_block)) if step == 2: prev = 'page.freeblock' for i in range(1, nusedblocks*step, step): holeaddr = pageaddr + hdrsize + i * size_block llarena.arena_reserve(holeaddr, llmemory.sizeof(llmemory.Address)) exec '%s = holeaddr' % prev in globals(), locals() prevhole = holeaddr prev = 'prevhole.address[0]' endaddr = pageaddr + hdrsize + 2*nusedblocks * size_block exec '%s = endaddr' % prev in globals(), locals() assert ac._nuninitialized(page, size_class) == nuninitialized # ac.allocate_new_arena() num_initialized_pages = len(pagelayout.rstrip(" ")) ac._startpageaddr = ac.current_arena.freepages if pagelayout.endswith(" "): ac.current_arena.freepages += pagesize * num_initialized_pages else: ac.current_arena.freepages = NULL ac.num_uninitialized_pages -= num_initialized_pages # for i in reversed(range(num_initialized_pages)): pageaddr = pagenum(ac, i) c = pagelayout[i] if '1' <= c <= '9': # a partially used page (1 block free) size_class = int(c) size_block = WORD * size_class nblocks = (pagesize - hdrsize) // size_block link(pageaddr, size_class, size_block, nblocks, nblocks-1) elif c == '.': # a free, but initialized, page llarena.arena_reserve(pageaddr, llmemory.sizeof(llmemory.Address)) pageaddr.address[0] = ac.current_arena.freepages ac.current_arena.freepages = pageaddr ac.current_arena.nfreepages += 1 elif c == '#': # a random full page, in the list 'full_pages' size_class = fill_with_objects or 1 size_block = WORD * size_class nblocks = (pagesize - hdrsize) // size_block link(pageaddr, size_class, size_block, nblocks, nblocks) elif c == '/': # a page 1/3 allocated, 1/3 freed, 1/3 uninit objs size_class = fill_with_objects or 1 size_block = WORD * size_class nblocks = (pagesize - hdrsize) // size_block link(pageaddr, size_class, size_block, nblocks, nblocks // 3, step=2) # ac.allocate_new_arena = lambda: should_not_allocate_new_arenas return ac def pagenum(ac, i): return ac._startpageaddr + ac.page_size * i def getpage(ac, i): return llmemory.cast_adr_to_ptr(pagenum(ac, i), PAGE_PTR) def checkpage(ac, page, expected_position): assert llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(page) == pagenum(ac, expected_position) def freepages(ac): return ac.current_arena.freepages def test_simple_arena_collection(): pagesize = hdrsize + 16 ac = arena_collection_for_test(pagesize, "##....# ") # assert freepages(ac) == pagenum(ac, 2) page = ac.allocate_new_page(1); checkpage(ac, page, 2) assert freepages(ac) == pagenum(ac, 3) page = ac.allocate_new_page(2); checkpage(ac, page, 3) assert freepages(ac) == pagenum(ac, 4) page = ac.allocate_new_page(3); checkpage(ac, page, 4) assert freepages(ac) == pagenum(ac, 5) page = ac.allocate_new_page(4); checkpage(ac, page, 5) assert freepages(ac) == pagenum(ac, 7) and ac.num_uninitialized_pages == 3 page = ac.allocate_new_page(5); checkpage(ac, page, 7) assert freepages(ac) == pagenum(ac, 8) and ac.num_uninitialized_pages == 2 page = ac.allocate_new_page(6); checkpage(ac, page, 8) assert freepages(ac) == pagenum(ac, 9) and ac.num_uninitialized_pages == 1 page = ac.allocate_new_page(7); checkpage(ac, page, 9) assert not ac.current_arena and ac.num_uninitialized_pages == 0 def chkob(ac, num_page, pos_obj, obj): pageaddr = pagenum(ac, num_page) assert obj == pageaddr + hdrsize + pos_obj def test_malloc_common_case(): pagesize = hdrsize + 7*WORD ac = arena_collection_for_test(pagesize, "#23..2 ") assert ac.total_memory_used == 0 # so far obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 1, 4*WORD, obj) obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 5, 4*WORD, obj) obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 3, 0*WORD, obj) obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 3, 2*WORD, obj) obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 3, 4*WORD, obj) obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 4, 0*WORD, obj) obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 4, 2*WORD, obj) obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 4, 4*WORD, obj) obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 6, 0*WORD, obj) obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 6, 2*WORD, obj) obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 6, 4*WORD, obj) assert ac.total_memory_used == 11*2*WORD def test_malloc_mixed_sizes(): pagesize = hdrsize + 7*WORD ac = arena_collection_for_test(pagesize, "#23..2 ") obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 1, 4*WORD, obj) obj = ac.malloc(3*WORD); chkob(ac, 2, 3*WORD, obj) obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 5, 4*WORD, obj) obj = ac.malloc(3*WORD); chkob(ac, 3, 0*WORD, obj) # 3rd page -> size 3 obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 4, 0*WORD, obj) # 4th page -> size 2 obj = ac.malloc(3*WORD); chkob(ac, 3, 3*WORD, obj) obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 4, 2*WORD, obj) obj = ac.malloc(3*WORD); chkob(ac, 6, 0*WORD, obj) # 6th page -> size 3 obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 4, 4*WORD, obj) obj = ac.malloc(3*WORD); chkob(ac, 6, 3*WORD, obj) def test_malloc_from_partial_page(): pagesize = hdrsize + 18*WORD ac = arena_collection_for_test(pagesize, "/.", fill_with_objects=2) page = getpage(ac, 0) assert page.nfree == 3 assert ac._nuninitialized(page, 2) == 3 chkob(ac, 0, 2*WORD, page.freeblock) # obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 0, 2*WORD, obj) obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 0, 6*WORD, obj) assert page.nfree == 1 assert ac._nuninitialized(page, 2) == 3 chkob(ac, 0, 10*WORD, page.freeblock) # obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 0, 10*WORD, obj) assert page.nfree == 0 assert ac._nuninitialized(page, 2) == 3 chkob(ac, 0, 12*WORD, page.freeblock) # obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 0, 12*WORD, obj) assert ac._nuninitialized(page, 2) == 2 obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 0, 14*WORD, obj) obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 0, 16*WORD, obj) assert page.nfree == 0 assert ac._nuninitialized(page, 2) == 0 obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 1, 0*WORD, obj) def test_malloc_new_arena(): pagesize = hdrsize + 7*WORD ac = arena_collection_for_test(pagesize, "### ") arena_size = ac.arena_size obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 3, 0*WORD, obj) # 3rd page -> size 2 # del ac.allocate_new_arena # restore the one from the class obj = ac.malloc(3*WORD) # need a new arena assert ac.num_uninitialized_pages == (arena_size // ac.page_size - 1 # the just-allocated page ) class OkToFree(object): def __init__(self, ac, answer, multiarenas=False): assert callable(answer) or 0.0 <= answer <= 1.0 = ac self.answer = answer self.multiarenas = multiarenas self.lastnum = 0.0 self.seen = {} def __call__(self, addr): if callable(self.answer): ok_to_free = self.answer(addr) else: self.lastnum += self.answer ok_to_free = self.lastnum >= 1.0 if ok_to_free: self.lastnum -= 1.0 if self.multiarenas: key = (addr.arena, addr.offset) else: key = addr - assert key not in self.seen self.seen[key] = ok_to_free return ok_to_free def test_mass_free_partial_remains(): pagesize = hdrsize + 7*WORD ac = arena_collection_for_test(pagesize, "2", fill_with_objects=2) ok_to_free = OkToFree(ac, False) ac.mass_free(ok_to_free) assert ok_to_free.seen == {hdrsize + 0*WORD: False, hdrsize + 2*WORD: False} page = getpage(ac, 0) assert page == ac.page_for_size[2] assert page.nextpage == PAGE_NULL assert ac._nuninitialized(page, 2) == 1 assert page.nfree == 0 chkob(ac, 0, 4*WORD, page.freeblock) assert freepages(ac) == NULL def test_mass_free_emptied_page(): pagesize = hdrsize + 7*WORD ac = arena_collection_for_test(pagesize, "2", fill_with_objects=2) ok_to_free = OkToFree(ac, True) ac.mass_free(ok_to_free) assert ok_to_free.seen == {hdrsize + 0*WORD: True, hdrsize + 2*WORD: True} pageaddr = pagenum(ac, 0) assert pageaddr == freepages(ac) assert pageaddr.address[0] == NULL assert ac.page_for_size[2] == PAGE_NULL def test_mass_free_full_remains_full(): pagesize = hdrsize + 7*WORD ac = arena_collection_for_test(pagesize, "#", fill_with_objects=2) ok_to_free = OkToFree(ac, False) ac.mass_free(ok_to_free) assert ok_to_free.seen == {hdrsize + 0*WORD: False, hdrsize + 2*WORD: False, hdrsize + 4*WORD: False} page = getpage(ac, 0) assert page == ac.full_page_for_size[2] assert page.nextpage == PAGE_NULL assert ac._nuninitialized(page, 2) == 0 assert page.nfree == 0 assert freepages(ac) == NULL assert ac.page_for_size[2] == PAGE_NULL def test_mass_free_full_is_partially_emptied(): pagesize = hdrsize + 9*WORD ac = arena_collection_for_test(pagesize, "#", fill_with_objects=2) ok_to_free = OkToFree(ac, 0.5) ac.mass_free(ok_to_free) assert ok_to_free.seen == {hdrsize + 0*WORD: False, hdrsize + 2*WORD: True, hdrsize + 4*WORD: False, hdrsize + 6*WORD: True} page = getpage(ac, 0) pageaddr = pagenum(ac, 0) assert page == ac.page_for_size[2] assert page.nextpage == PAGE_NULL assert ac._nuninitialized(page, 2) == 0 assert page.nfree == 2 assert page.freeblock == pageaddr + hdrsize + 2*WORD assert page.freeblock.address[0] == pageaddr + hdrsize + 6*WORD assert page.freeblock.address[0].address[0] == pageaddr + hdrsize + 8*WORD assert freepages(ac) == NULL assert ac.full_page_for_size[2] == PAGE_NULL def test_mass_free_half_page_remains(): pagesize = hdrsize + 24*WORD ac = arena_collection_for_test(pagesize, "/", fill_with_objects=2) page = getpage(ac, 0) assert ac._nuninitialized(page, 2) == 4 assert page.nfree == 4 # ok_to_free = OkToFree(ac, False) ac.mass_free(ok_to_free) assert ok_to_free.seen == {hdrsize + 0*WORD: False, hdrsize + 4*WORD: False, hdrsize + 8*WORD: False, hdrsize + 12*WORD: False} page = getpage(ac, 0) pageaddr = pagenum(ac, 0) assert page == ac.page_for_size[2] assert page.nextpage == PAGE_NULL assert ac._nuninitialized(page, 2) == 4 assert page.nfree == 4 assert page.freeblock == pageaddr + hdrsize + 2*WORD assert page.freeblock.address[0] == pageaddr + hdrsize + 6*WORD assert page.freeblock.address[0].address[0] == \ pageaddr + hdrsize + 10*WORD assert page.freeblock.address[0].address[0].address[0] == \ pageaddr + hdrsize + 14*WORD assert freepages(ac) == NULL assert ac.full_page_for_size[2] == PAGE_NULL def test_mass_free_half_page_becomes_more_free(): pagesize = hdrsize + 24*WORD ac = arena_collection_for_test(pagesize, "/", fill_with_objects=2) page = getpage(ac, 0) assert ac._nuninitialized(page, 2) == 4 assert page.nfree == 4 # ok_to_free = OkToFree(ac, 0.5) ac.mass_free(ok_to_free) assert ok_to_free.seen == {hdrsize + 0*WORD: False, hdrsize + 4*WORD: True, hdrsize + 8*WORD: False, hdrsize + 12*WORD: True} page = getpage(ac, 0) pageaddr = pagenum(ac, 0) assert page == ac.page_for_size[2] assert page.nextpage == PAGE_NULL assert ac._nuninitialized(page, 2) == 4 assert page.nfree == 6 fb = page.freeblock assert fb == pageaddr + hdrsize + 2*WORD assert fb.address[0] == pageaddr + hdrsize + 4*WORD assert fb.address[0].address[0] == pageaddr + hdrsize + 6*WORD assert fb.address[0].address[0].address[0] == \ pageaddr + hdrsize + 10*WORD assert fb.address[0].address[0].address[0].address[0] == \ pageaddr + hdrsize + 12*WORD assert fb.address[0].address[0].address[0].address[0].address[0] == \ pageaddr + hdrsize + 14*WORD assert freepages(ac) == NULL assert ac.full_page_for_size[2] == PAGE_NULL # ____________________________________________________________ def test_random(incremental=False): import random pagesize = hdrsize + 24*WORD num_pages = 3 ac = arena_collection_for_test(pagesize, " " * num_pages) live_objects = {} # # Run the test until three arenas are freed. This is a quick test # that the arenas are really freed by the logic. class DoneTesting(Exception): counter = 0 def my_allocate_new_arena(): # the following output looks cool on a 112-character-wide terminal. lst = sorted(ac._all_arenas(), key=lambda a: a.base.arena._arena_index) for a in lst: print a.base.arena, a.base.arena.usagemap print '-' * 80 ac.__class__.allocate_new_arena(ac) a = ac.current_arena.base.arena def my_mark_freed(): a.freed = True DoneTesting.counter += 1 if DoneTesting.counter > 3: raise DoneTesting a.mark_freed = my_mark_freed ac.allocate_new_arena = my_allocate_new_arena def allocate_object(live_objects): size_class = random.randrange(1, 7) obj = ac.malloc(size_class * WORD) at = (obj.arena, obj.offset) assert at not in live_objects live_objects[at] = size_class * WORD try: while True: # # Allocate some more objects for i in range(random.randrange(50, 100)): allocate_object(live_objects) # # Free half the objects, randomly ok_to_free = OkToFree(ac, lambda obj: random.random() < 0.5, multiarenas=True) live_objects_extra = {} fresh_extra = 0 if not incremental: ac.mass_free(ok_to_free) else: ac.mass_free_prepare() while not ac.mass_free_incremental(ok_to_free, random.randrange(1, 3)): print '[]' prev = ac.total_memory_used allocate_object(live_objects_extra) fresh_extra += ac.total_memory_used - prev # # Check that we have seen all objects assert sorted(ok_to_free.seen) == sorted(live_objects) surviving_total_size = fresh_extra for at, freed in ok_to_free.seen.items(): if freed: del live_objects[at] else: surviving_total_size += live_objects[at] assert ac.total_memory_used == surviving_total_size # assert not (set(live_objects) & set(live_objects_extra)) live_objects.update(live_objects_extra) # except DoneTesting: pass def test_random_incremental(): test_random(incremental=True) ``` #### File: memory/gctransform/ ```python from rpython.flowspace.model import (Constant, Variable, Block, Link, copygraph, SpaceOperation, checkgraph) from rpython.rlib.debug import ll_assert from rpython.rlib.nonconst import NonConstant from rpython.rlib import rgil from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import llhelper from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, llmemory, rffi from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.lloperation import llop from rpython.memory.gctransform.framework import ( BaseFrameworkGCTransformer, BaseRootWalker) from rpython.rtyper.llannotation import SomeAddress from rpython.rtyper.rbuiltin import gen_cast from rpython.translator.unsimplify import varoftype from rpython.translator.tool.cbuild import ExternalCompilationInfo import sys # # This transformer avoids the use of a shadow stack in a completely # platform-specific way, by directing genc to insert asm() special # instructions in the C source, which are recognized by GCC. # The .s file produced by GCC is then parsed by # IS_64_BITS = sys.maxint > 2147483647 class AsmGcRootFrameworkGCTransformer(BaseFrameworkGCTransformer): _asmgcc_save_restore_arguments = None _seen_gctransformer_hint_close_stack = None def push_roots(self, hop, keep_current_args=False): livevars = self.get_livevars_for_roots(hop, keep_current_args) self.num_pushs += len(livevars) return livevars def pop_roots(self, hop, livevars): if not livevars: return # mark the values as gc roots for var in livevars: v_adr = gen_cast(hop.llops, llmemory.Address, var) v_newaddr = hop.genop("direct_call", [c_asm_gcroot, v_adr], resulttype=llmemory.Address) hop.genop("gc_reload_possibly_moved", [v_newaddr, var]) def build_root_walker(self): return AsmStackRootWalker(self) def mark_call_cannotcollect(self, hop, name): hop.genop("direct_call", [c_asm_nocollect, name]) def gct_direct_call(self, hop): fnptr = hop.spaceop.args[0].value try: close_stack = fnptr._obj._callable._gctransformer_hint_close_stack_ except AttributeError: close_stack = False if close_stack: self.handle_call_with_close_stack(hop) else: BaseFrameworkGCTransformer.gct_direct_call(self, hop) def handle_call_with_close_stack(self, hop): fnptr = hop.spaceop.args[0].value if self._seen_gctransformer_hint_close_stack is None: self._seen_gctransformer_hint_close_stack = {} if fnptr._obj.graph not in self._seen_gctransformer_hint_close_stack: self._transform_hint_close_stack(fnptr) self._seen_gctransformer_hint_close_stack[fnptr._obj.graph] = True # livevars = self.push_roots(hop) self.default(hop) self.pop_roots(hop, livevars) def _transform_hint_close_stack(self, fnptr): # We cannot easily pass variable amount of arguments of the call # across the call to the pypy_asm_stackwalk helper. So we store # them away and restore them. More precisely, we need to # replace 'graph' with code that saves the arguments, and make # a new graph that starts with restoring the arguments. if self._asmgcc_save_restore_arguments is None: self._asmgcc_save_restore_arguments = {} sradict = self._asmgcc_save_restore_arguments sra = [] # list of pointers to raw-malloced containers for args seen = {} FUNC1 = lltype.typeOf(fnptr).TO for TYPE in FUNC1.ARGS: if isinstance(TYPE, lltype.Ptr): TYPE = llmemory.Address num = seen.get(TYPE, 0) seen[TYPE] = num + 1 key = (TYPE, num) if key not in sradict: CONTAINER = lltype.FixedSizeArray(TYPE, 1) p = lltype.malloc(CONTAINER, flavor='raw', zero=True, immortal=True) sradict[key] = Constant(p, lltype.Ptr(CONTAINER)) sra.append(sradict[key]) # # make a copy of the graph that will reload the values graph = fnptr._obj.graph graph2 = copygraph(graph) # # edit the original graph to only store the value of the arguments block = Block(graph.startblock.inputargs) c_item0 = Constant('item0', lltype.Void) assert len(block.inputargs) == len(sra) for v_arg, c_p in zip(block.inputargs, sra): if isinstance(v_arg.concretetype, lltype.Ptr): v_adr = varoftype(llmemory.Address) block.operations.append( SpaceOperation("cast_ptr_to_adr", [v_arg], v_adr)) v_arg = v_adr v_void = varoftype(lltype.Void) block.operations.append( SpaceOperation("bare_setfield", [c_p, c_item0, v_arg], v_void)) # # call asm_stackwalk(graph2) FUNC2 = lltype.FuncType([], FUNC1.RESULT) fnptr2 = lltype.functionptr(FUNC2, fnptr._obj._name + '_reload', graph=graph2) c_fnptr2 = Constant(fnptr2, lltype.Ptr(FUNC2)) HELPERFUNC = lltype.FuncType([lltype.Ptr(FUNC2), ASM_FRAMEDATA_HEAD_PTR], FUNC1.RESULT) v_asm_stackwalk = varoftype(lltype.Ptr(HELPERFUNC), "asm_stackwalk") block.operations.append( SpaceOperation("cast_pointer", [c_asm_stackwalk], v_asm_stackwalk)) v_result = varoftype(FUNC1.RESULT) block.operations.append( SpaceOperation("indirect_call", [v_asm_stackwalk, c_fnptr2, c_gcrootanchor, Constant(None, lltype.Void)], v_result)) block.closeblock(Link([v_result], graph.returnblock)) graph.startblock = block # # edit the copy of the graph to reload the values block2 = graph2.startblock block1 = Block([]) reloadedvars = [] for v, c_p in zip(block2.inputargs, sra): v = v.copy() if isinstance(v.concretetype, lltype.Ptr): w = varoftype(llmemory.Address) else: w = v block1.operations.append(SpaceOperation('getfield', [c_p, c_item0], w)) if w is not v: block1.operations.append(SpaceOperation('cast_adr_to_ptr', [w], v)) reloadedvars.append(v) block1.closeblock(Link(reloadedvars, block2)) graph2.startblock = block1 # checkgraph(graph) checkgraph(graph2) class AsmStackRootWalker(BaseRootWalker): def __init__(self, gctransformer): BaseRootWalker.__init__(self, gctransformer) def _asm_callback(): self.walk_stack_from() self._asm_callback = _asm_callback self._shape_decompressor = ShapeDecompressor() self._with_jit = hasattr(gctransformer.translator, '_jit2gc') if self._with_jit: jit2gc = gctransformer.translator._jit2gc self.frame_tid = jit2gc['frame_tid'] self.gctransformer = gctransformer # # unless overridden in need_thread_support(): self.belongs_to_current_thread = lambda framedata: True def need_stacklet_support(self, gctransformer, getfn): from rpython.annotator import model as annmodel from rpython.rlib import _stacklet_asmgcc # stacklet support: BIG HACK for rlib.rstacklet _stacklet_asmgcc._asmstackrootwalker = self # as a global! argh _stacklet_asmgcc.complete_destrptr(gctransformer) # def gc_detach_callback_pieces(): anchor = llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(gcrootanchor) result = llmemory.NULL framedata = anchor.address[1] while framedata != anchor: next = framedata.address[1] if self.belongs_to_current_thread(framedata): # detach it prev = framedata.address[0] prev.address[1] = next next.address[0] = prev # update the global stack counter rffi.stackcounter.stacks_counter -= 1 # reattach framedata into the singly-linked list 'result' framedata.address[0] = rffi.cast(llmemory.Address, -1) framedata.address[1] = result result = framedata framedata = next return result # def gc_reattach_callback_pieces(pieces): anchor = llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(gcrootanchor) while pieces != llmemory.NULL: framedata = pieces pieces = pieces.address[1] # attach 'framedata' into the normal doubly-linked list following = anchor.address[1] following.address[0] = framedata framedata.address[1] = following anchor.address[1] = framedata framedata.address[0] = anchor # update the global stack counter rffi.stackcounter.stacks_counter += 1 # s_addr = SomeAddress() s_None = annmodel.s_None self.gc_detach_callback_pieces_ptr = getfn(gc_detach_callback_pieces, [], s_addr) self.gc_reattach_callback_pieces_ptr=getfn(gc_reattach_callback_pieces, [s_addr], s_None) def need_thread_support(self, gctransformer, getfn): # Threads supported "out of the box" by the rest of the code. # The whole code in this function is only there to support # fork()ing in a multithreaded process :-( # For this, we need to handle gc_thread_start and gc_thread_die # to record the mapping {thread_id: stack_start}, and # gc_thread_before_fork and gc_thread_after_fork to get rid of # all ASM_FRAMEDATA structures that do no belong to the current # thread after a fork(). from rpython.rlib import rthread from import AddressDict from import copy_without_null_values from rpython.annotator import model as annmodel gcdata = self.gcdata def get_aid(): """Return the thread identifier, cast to an (opaque) address.""" return llmemory.cast_int_to_adr(rthread.get_ident()) def thread_start(): value = llmemory.cast_int_to_adr(llop.stack_current(lltype.Signed)) gcdata.aid2stack.setitem(get_aid(), value) thread_start._always_inline_ = True def thread_setup(): gcdata.aid2stack = AddressDict() gcdata.dead_threads_count = 0 # to also register the main thread's stack thread_start() thread_setup._always_inline_ = True def thread_die(): gcdata.aid2stack.setitem(get_aid(), llmemory.NULL) # from time to time, rehash the dictionary to remove # old NULL entries gcdata.dead_threads_count += 1 if (gcdata.dead_threads_count & 511) == 0: copy = copy_without_null_values(gcdata.aid2stack) gcdata.aid2stack.delete() gcdata.aid2stack = copy def belongs_to_current_thread(framedata): # xxx obscure: the answer is Yes if, as a pointer, framedata # lies between the start of the current stack and the top of it. stack_start = gcdata.aid2stack.get(get_aid(), llmemory.NULL) ll_assert(stack_start != llmemory.NULL, "current thread not found in gcdata.aid2stack!") stack_stop = llmemory.cast_int_to_adr( llop.stack_current(lltype.Signed)) return (stack_start <= framedata <= stack_stop or stack_start >= framedata >= stack_stop) self.belongs_to_current_thread = belongs_to_current_thread def thread_before_fork(): # before fork(): collect all ASM_FRAMEDATA structures that do # not belong to the current thread, and move them out of the # way, i.e. out of the main circular doubly linked list. detached_pieces = llmemory.NULL anchor = llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(gcrootanchor) initialframedata = anchor.address[1] while initialframedata != anchor: # while we have not looped back if not belongs_to_current_thread(initialframedata): # Unlink it prev = initialframedata.address[0] next = initialframedata.address[1] prev.address[1] = next next.address[0] = prev # Link it to the singly linked list 'detached_pieces' initialframedata.address[0] = detached_pieces detached_pieces = initialframedata rffi.stackcounter.stacks_counter -= 1 # Then proceed to the next piece of stack initialframedata = initialframedata.address[1] return detached_pieces def thread_after_fork(result_of_fork, detached_pieces): if result_of_fork == 0: # We are in the child process. Assumes that only the # current thread survived. All the detached_pieces # are pointers in other stacks, so have likely been # freed already by the multithreaded library. # Nothing more for us to do. pass else: # We are still in the parent process. The fork() may # have succeeded or not, but that's irrelevant here. # We need to reattach the detached_pieces now, to the # circular doubly linked list at 'gcrootanchor'. The # order is not important. anchor = llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(gcrootanchor) while detached_pieces != llmemory.NULL: reattach = detached_pieces detached_pieces = detached_pieces.address[0] a_next = anchor.address[1] reattach.address[0] = anchor reattach.address[1] = a_next anchor.address[1] = reattach a_next.address[0] = reattach rffi.stackcounter.stacks_counter += 1 self.thread_setup = thread_setup self.thread_start_ptr = getfn(thread_start, [], annmodel.s_None, inline=True) self.thread_die_ptr = getfn(thread_die, [], annmodel.s_None) self.thread_before_fork_ptr = getfn(thread_before_fork, [], SomeAddress()) self.thread_after_fork_ptr = getfn(thread_after_fork, [annmodel.SomeInteger(), SomeAddress()], annmodel.s_None) # # check that the order of the need_*() is correct for us: if we # need both threads and stacklets, need_thread_support() must be # called first, to initialize self.belongs_to_current_thread. assert not hasattr(self, 'gc_detach_callback_pieces_ptr') def walk_stack_roots(self, collect_stack_root, is_minor=False): gcdata = self.gcdata gcdata._gc_collect_stack_root = collect_stack_root gcdata._gc_collect_is_minor = is_minor pypy_asm_stackwalk(llhelper(ASM_CALLBACK_PTR, self._asm_callback), gcrootanchor) def walk_stack_from(self): curframe = lltype.malloc(WALKFRAME, flavor='raw') otherframe = lltype.malloc(WALKFRAME, flavor='raw') # Walk over all the pieces of stack. They are in a circular linked # list of structures of 7 words, the 2 first words being prev/next. # The anchor of this linked list is: anchor = llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(gcrootanchor) initialframedata = anchor.address[1] stackscount = 0 while initialframedata != anchor: # while we have not looped back self.walk_frames(curframe, otherframe, initialframedata) # Then proceed to the next piece of stack initialframedata = initialframedata.address[1] stackscount += 1 # # for the JIT: rpy_fastgil may contain an extra framedata rpy_fastgil = rgil.gil_fetch_fastgil().signed[0] if rpy_fastgil != 1: ll_assert(rpy_fastgil != 0, "walk_stack_from doesn't have the GIL") initialframedata = rffi.cast(llmemory.Address, rpy_fastgil) # # very rare issue: initialframedata.address[0] is uninitialized # in this case, but "retaddr = callee.frame_address.address[0]" # reads it. If it happens to be exactly a valid return address # inside the C code, then bad things occur. initialframedata.address[0] = llmemory.NULL # self.walk_frames(curframe, otherframe, initialframedata) stackscount += 1 # expected = rffi.stackcounter.stacks_counter if NonConstant(0): rffi.stackcounter.stacks_counter += 42 # hack to force it ll_assert(not (stackscount < expected), "non-closed stacks around") ll_assert(not (stackscount > expected), "stacks counter corruption?"), flavor='raw'), flavor='raw') def walk_frames(self, curframe, otherframe, initialframedata): self.fill_initial_frame(curframe, initialframedata) # Loop over all the frames in the stack while self.walk_to_parent_frame(curframe, otherframe): swap = curframe curframe = otherframe # caller becomes callee otherframe = swap def fill_initial_frame(self, curframe, initialframedata): # Read the information provided by initialframedata initialframedata += 2*sizeofaddr #skip the prev/next words at the start reg = 0 while reg < CALLEE_SAVED_REGS: # NB. 'initialframedata' stores the actual values of the # registers %ebx etc., and if these values are modified # they are reloaded by pypy_asm_stackwalk(). By contrast, # 'regs_stored_at' merely points to the actual values # from the 'initialframedata'. curframe.regs_stored_at[reg] = initialframedata + reg*sizeofaddr reg += 1 curframe.frame_address = initialframedata.address[CALLEE_SAVED_REGS] def walk_to_parent_frame(self, callee, caller): """Starting from 'callee', walk the next older frame on the stack and fill 'caller' accordingly. Also invokes the collect_stack_root() callback from the GC code for each GC root found in 'caller'. """ # # The gcmap table is a list of entries, two machine words each: # void *SafePointAddress; # int Shape; # # A "safe point" is the return address of a call. # The "shape" of a safe point is a list of integers # that represent "locations". A "location" can be # either in the stack or in a register. See # getlocation() for the decoding of this integer. # The locations stored in a "shape" are as follows: # # * The "location" of the return address. This is just # after the end of the frame of 'callee'; it is the # first word of the frame of 'caller' (see picture # below). # # * Four "locations" that specify where the function saves # each of the four callee-saved registers (%ebx, %esi, # %edi, %ebp). # # * The number of live GC roots around the call. # # * For each GC root, an integer that specify where the # GC pointer is stored. This is a "location" too. # # XXX the details are completely specific to X86!!! # a picture of the stack may help: # ^ ^ ^ # | ... | to older frames # +--------------+ # | ret addr | <------ caller_frame (addr of retaddr) # | ... | # | caller frame | # | ... | # +--------------+ # | ret addr | <------ callee_frame (addr of retaddr) # | ... | # | callee frame | # | ... | lower addresses # +--------------+ v v v # retaddr = callee.frame_address.address[0] # # try to locate the caller function based on retaddr. # set up self._shape_decompressor. # ebp_in_caller = callee.regs_stored_at[INDEX_OF_EBP].address[0] self.locate_caller_based_on_retaddr(retaddr, ebp_in_caller) # # found! Enumerate the GC roots in the caller frame # collect_stack_root = self.gcdata._gc_collect_stack_root gc = self.gc while True: location = if location == 0: break addr = self.getlocation(callee, ebp_in_caller, location) if gc.points_to_valid_gc_object(addr): collect_stack_root(gc, addr) # # small hack: the JIT reserves THREADLOCAL_OFS's last bit for # us. We use it to store an "already traced past this frame" # flag. if self._with_jit and self.gcdata._gc_collect_is_minor: if self.mark_jit_frame_can_stop(callee): return False # # track where the caller_frame saved the registers from its own # caller # reg = CALLEE_SAVED_REGS - 1 while reg >= 0: location = addr = self.getlocation(callee, ebp_in_caller, location) caller.regs_stored_at[reg] = addr reg -= 1 location = caller.frame_address = self.getlocation(callee, ebp_in_caller, location) # we get a NULL marker to mean "I'm the frame # of the entry point, stop walking" return caller.frame_address != llmemory.NULL def locate_caller_based_on_retaddr(self, retaddr, ebp_in_caller): gcmapstart = llop.gc_asmgcroot_static(llmemory.Address, 0) gcmapend = llop.gc_asmgcroot_static(llmemory.Address, 1) item = search_in_gcmap(gcmapstart, gcmapend, retaddr) if item: self._shape_decompressor.setpos(item.signed[1]) return if not self._shape_decompressor.sorted: # the item may have been not found because the main array was # not sorted. Sort it and try again. win32_follow_gcmap_jmp(gcmapstart, gcmapend) sort_gcmap(gcmapstart, gcmapend) self._shape_decompressor.sorted = True item = search_in_gcmap(gcmapstart, gcmapend, retaddr) if item: self._shape_decompressor.setpos(item.signed[1]) return if self._with_jit: # item not found. We assume that it's a JIT-generated # location -- but we check for consistency that ebp points # to a JITFRAME object. from rpython.jit.backend.llsupport.jitframe import STACK_DEPTH_OFS tid = self.gc.get_possibly_forwarded_type_id(ebp_in_caller) if (rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, tid) == rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, self.frame_tid)): # fish the depth extra_stack_depth = (ebp_in_caller + STACK_DEPTH_OFS).signed[0] ll_assert((extra_stack_depth & (rffi.sizeof(lltype.Signed) - 1)) == 0, "asmgcc: misaligned extra_stack_depth") extra_stack_depth //= rffi.sizeof(lltype.Signed) self._shape_decompressor.setjitframe(extra_stack_depth) return llop.debug_fatalerror(lltype.Void, "cannot find gc roots!") def getlocation(self, callee, ebp_in_caller, location): """Get the location in the 'caller' frame of a variable, based on the integer 'location' that describes it. All locations are computed based on information saved by the 'callee'. """ ll_assert(location >= 0, "negative location") kind = location & LOC_MASK offset = location & ~ LOC_MASK if IS_64_BITS: offset <<= 1 if kind == LOC_REG: # register if location == LOC_NOWHERE: return llmemory.NULL reg = (location >> 2) - 1 ll_assert(reg < CALLEE_SAVED_REGS, "bad register location") return callee.regs_stored_at[reg] elif kind == LOC_ESP_PLUS: # in the caller stack frame at N(%esp) esp_in_caller = callee.frame_address + sizeofaddr return esp_in_caller + offset elif kind == LOC_EBP_PLUS: # in the caller stack frame at N(%ebp) return ebp_in_caller + offset else: # kind == LOC_EBP_MINUS: at -N(%ebp) return ebp_in_caller - offset def mark_jit_frame_can_stop(self, callee): location = self._shape_decompressor.get_threadlocal_loc() if location == LOC_NOWHERE: return False addr = self.getlocation(callee, llmemory.NULL, location) # x = addr.signed[0] if x & 1: return True # this JIT stack frame is already marked! else: addr.signed[0] = x | 1 # otherwise, mark it but don't stop return False LOC_REG = 0 LOC_ESP_PLUS = 1 LOC_EBP_PLUS = 2 LOC_EBP_MINUS = 3 LOC_MASK = 0x03 LOC_NOWHERE = LOC_REG | 0 # ____________________________________________________________ sizeofaddr = llmemory.sizeof(llmemory.Address) arrayitemsize = 2 * sizeofaddr def binary_search(start, end, addr1): """Search for an element in a sorted array. The interval from the start address (included) to the end address (excluded) is assumed to be a sorted arrays of pairs (addr1, addr2). This searches for the item with a given addr1 and returns its address. If not found exactly, it tries to return the address of the item left of addr1 (i.e. such that result.address[0] < addr1). """ count = (end - start) // arrayitemsize while count > 1: middleindex = count // 2 middle = start + middleindex * arrayitemsize if addr1 < middle.address[0]: count = middleindex else: start = middle count -= middleindex return start def search_in_gcmap(gcmapstart, gcmapend, retaddr): item = binary_search(gcmapstart, gcmapend, retaddr) if item.address[0] == retaddr: return item # found # 'retaddr' not exactly found. Check that 'item' is the start of a # compressed range that includes 'retaddr'. if retaddr > item.address[0] and item.signed[1] < 0: return item # ok else: return llmemory.NULL # failed def search_in_gcmap2(gcmapstart, gcmapend, retaddr): # same as 'search_in_gcmap', but without range checking support # (item.signed[1] is an address in this case, not a signed at all!) item = binary_search(gcmapstart, gcmapend, retaddr) if item.address[0] == retaddr: return item.address[1] # found else: return llmemory.NULL # failed def sort_gcmap(gcmapstart, gcmapend): count = (gcmapend - gcmapstart) // arrayitemsize qsort(gcmapstart, rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, count), rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, arrayitemsize), llhelper(QSORT_CALLBACK_PTR, _compare_gcmap_entries)) def replace_dead_entries_with_nulls(start, end): # replace the dead entries (null value) with a null key. count = (end - start) // arrayitemsize - 1 while count >= 0: item = start + count * arrayitemsize if item.address[1] == llmemory.NULL: item.address[0] = llmemory.NULL count -= 1 if sys.platform == 'win32': def win32_follow_gcmap_jmp(start, end): # The initial gcmap table contains addresses to a JMP # instruction that jumps indirectly to the real code. # Replace them with the target addresses. assert rffi.SIGNEDP is rffi.LONGP, "win64 support missing" while start < end: code = rffi.cast(rffi.CCHARP, start.address[0])[0] if code == '\xe9': # jmp rel32 = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNEDP, start.address[0]+1)[0] target = start.address[0] + (rel32 + 5) start.address[0] = target start += arrayitemsize else: def win32_follow_gcmap_jmp(start, end): pass def _compare_gcmap_entries(addr1, addr2): key1 = addr1.address[0] key2 = addr2.address[0] if key1 < key2: result = -1 elif key1 == key2: result = 0 else: result = 1 return rffi.cast(rffi.INT, result) # ____________________________________________________________ class ShapeDecompressor: _alloc_flavor_ = "raw" sorted = False def setpos(self, pos): if pos < 0: pos = ~ pos # can ignore this "range" marker here gccallshapes = llop.gc_asmgcroot_static(llmemory.Address, 2) self.addr = gccallshapes + pos self.jit_index = -1 def setjitframe(self, extra_stack_depth): self.jit_index = 0 self.extra_stack_depth = extra_stack_depth def next(self): index = self.jit_index if index < 0: # case "outside the jit" addr = self.addr value = 0 while True: b = ord(addr.char[0]) addr += 1 value += b if b < 0x80: break value = (value - 0x80) << 7 self.addr = addr return value else: # case "in the jit" from rpython.jit.backend.x86.arch import FRAME_FIXED_SIZE from rpython.jit.backend.x86.arch import PASS_ON_MY_FRAME self.jit_index = index + 1 if index == 0: # the jitframe is an object in EBP return LOC_REG | ((INDEX_OF_EBP + 1) << 2) if index == 1: return 0 # the remaining returned values should be: # saved %rbp # saved %r15 or on 32bit: # saved %r14 saved %ebp # saved %r13 saved %edi # saved %r12 saved %esi # saved %rbx saved %ebx # return addr return addr stack_depth = PASS_ON_MY_FRAME + self.extra_stack_depth if IS_64_BITS: if index == 2: # rbp return LOC_ESP_PLUS | (stack_depth << 2) if index == 3: # r15 return LOC_ESP_PLUS | ((stack_depth + 5) << 2) if index == 4: # r14 return LOC_ESP_PLUS | ((stack_depth + 4) << 2) if index == 5: # r13 return LOC_ESP_PLUS | ((stack_depth + 3) << 2) if index == 6: # r12 return LOC_ESP_PLUS | ((stack_depth + 2) << 2) if index == 7: # rbx return LOC_ESP_PLUS | ((stack_depth + 1) << 2) if index == 8: # return addr return (LOC_ESP_PLUS | ((FRAME_FIXED_SIZE + self.extra_stack_depth) << 2)) else: if index == 2: # ebp return LOC_ESP_PLUS | (stack_depth << 2) if index == 3: # edi return LOC_ESP_PLUS | ((stack_depth + 3) << 2) if index == 4: # esi return LOC_ESP_PLUS | ((stack_depth + 2) << 2) if index == 5: # ebx return LOC_ESP_PLUS | ((stack_depth + 1) << 2) if index == 6: # return addr return (LOC_ESP_PLUS | ((FRAME_FIXED_SIZE + self.extra_stack_depth) << 2)) llop.debug_fatalerror(lltype.Void, "asmgcroot: invalid index") return 0 # annotator fix def get_threadlocal_loc(self): index = self.jit_index if index < 0: return LOC_NOWHERE # case "outside the jit" else: # case "in the jit" from rpython.jit.backend.x86.arch import THREADLOCAL_OFS, WORD return (LOC_ESP_PLUS | ((THREADLOCAL_OFS // WORD + self.extra_stack_depth) << 2)) # ____________________________________________________________ # # The special pypy_asm_stackwalk(), implemented directly in # assembler, fills information about the current stack top in an # ASM_FRAMEDATA array and invokes an RPython callback with it. # An ASM_FRAMEDATA is an array of 5 values that describe everything # we need to know about a stack frame: # # - the value that %ebx had when the current function started # - the value that %esi had when the current function started # - the value that %edi had when the current function started # - the value that %ebp had when the current function started # - frame address (actually the addr of the retaddr of the current function; # that's the last word of the frame in memory) # # On 64 bits, it is an array of 7 values instead of 5: # # - %rbx, %r12, %r13, %r14, %r15, %rbp; and the frame address # if IS_64_BITS: CALLEE_SAVED_REGS = 6 INDEX_OF_EBP = 5 FRAME_PTR = CALLEE_SAVED_REGS else: CALLEE_SAVED_REGS = 4 # there are 4 callee-saved registers INDEX_OF_EBP = 3 FRAME_PTR = CALLEE_SAVED_REGS # the frame is at index 4 in the array JIT_USE_WORDS = 2 + FRAME_PTR + 1 ASM_CALLBACK_PTR = lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType([], lltype.Void)) # used internally by walk_stack_from() WALKFRAME = lltype.Struct('WALKFRAME', ('regs_stored_at', # address of where the registers have been saved lltype.FixedSizeArray(llmemory.Address, CALLEE_SAVED_REGS)), ('frame_address', llmemory.Address), ) # We have a circular doubly-linked list of all the ASM_FRAMEDATAs currently # alive. The list's starting point is given by 'gcrootanchor', which is not # a full ASM_FRAMEDATA but only contains the prev/next pointers: ASM_FRAMEDATA_HEAD_PTR = lltype.Ptr(lltype.ForwardReference()) ASM_FRAMEDATA_HEAD_PTR.TO.become(lltype.Struct('ASM_FRAMEDATA_HEAD', ('prev', ASM_FRAMEDATA_HEAD_PTR), ('next', ASM_FRAMEDATA_HEAD_PTR) )) gcrootanchor = lltype.malloc(ASM_FRAMEDATA_HEAD_PTR.TO, immortal=True) gcrootanchor.prev = gcrootanchor = gcrootanchor c_gcrootanchor = Constant(gcrootanchor, ASM_FRAMEDATA_HEAD_PTR) eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(compile_extra=['-DPYPY_USE_ASMGCC']) pypy_asm_stackwalk = rffi.llexternal('pypy_asm_stackwalk', [ASM_CALLBACK_PTR, ASM_FRAMEDATA_HEAD_PTR], lltype.Signed, sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True, random_effects_on_gcobjs=True, compilation_info=eci) c_asm_stackwalk = Constant(pypy_asm_stackwalk, lltype.typeOf(pypy_asm_stackwalk)) pypy_asm_gcroot = rffi.llexternal('pypy_asm_gcroot', [llmemory.Address], llmemory.Address, sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True) c_asm_gcroot = Constant(pypy_asm_gcroot, lltype.typeOf(pypy_asm_gcroot)) pypy_asm_nocollect = rffi.llexternal('pypy_asm_gc_nocollect', [rffi.CCHARP], lltype.Void, sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True) c_asm_nocollect = Constant(pypy_asm_nocollect, lltype.typeOf(pypy_asm_nocollect)) QSORT_CALLBACK_PTR = lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType([llmemory.Address, llmemory.Address], rffi.INT)) qsort = rffi.llexternal('qsort', [llmemory.Address, rffi.SIZE_T, rffi.SIZE_T, QSORT_CALLBACK_PTR], lltype.Void, sandboxsafe=True, random_effects_on_gcobjs=False, # but has a callback _nowrapper=True) ``` #### File: memory/test/ ```python import py import inspect from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import compute_hash, compute_identity_hash from rpython.translator.c import gc from rpython.annotator import model as annmodel from rpython.rtyper.llannotation import SomePtr from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, llmemory, rffi, llgroup from rpython.memory.gctransform import framework, shadowstack from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.lloperation import llop, void from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import compute_unique_id, we_are_translated from rpython.rlib.debug import ll_assert from rpython.rlib import rgc from rpython.conftest import option from rpython.rlib.rstring import StringBuilder from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import LONG_BIT WORD = LONG_BIT // 8 def rtype(func, inputtypes, specialize=True, gcname='ref', backendopt=False, **extraconfigopts): from rpython.translator.translator import TranslationContext t = TranslationContext() # XXX XXX XXX mess t.config.translation.gc = gcname t.config.translation.gcremovetypeptr = True t.config.set(**extraconfigopts) ann = t.buildannotator() ann.build_types(func, inputtypes) if specialize: t.buildrtyper().specialize() if backendopt: from rpython.translator.backendopt.all import backend_optimizations backend_optimizations(t) if option.view: t.viewcg() return t ARGS = lltype.FixedSizeArray(lltype.Signed, 3) class GCTest(object): gcpolicy = None GC_CAN_MOVE = False taggedpointers = False def setup_class(cls): cls.marker = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArray(lltype.Signed), 1, flavor='raw', zero=True) funcs0 = [] funcs2 = [] cleanups = [] name_to_func = {} mixlevelstuff = [] for fullname in dir(cls): if not fullname.startswith('define'): continue definefunc = getattr(cls, fullname) _, name = fullname.split('_', 1) func_fixup = definefunc.im_func(cls) cleanup = None if isinstance(func_fixup, tuple): func, cleanup, fixup = func_fixup mixlevelstuff.append(fixup) else: func = func_fixup func.func_name = "f_%s" % name if cleanup: cleanup.func_name = "clean_%s" % name nargs = len(inspect.getargspec(func)[0]) name_to_func[name] = len(funcs0) if nargs == 2: funcs2.append(func) funcs0.append(None) elif nargs == 0: funcs0.append(func) funcs2.append(None) else: raise NotImplementedError( "defined test functions should have 0/2 arguments") # used to let test cleanup static root pointing to runtime # allocated stuff cleanups.append(cleanup) def entrypoint(args): num = args[0] func = funcs0[num] if func: res = func() else: func = funcs2[num] res = func(args[1], args[2]) cleanup = cleanups[num] if cleanup: cleanup() return res from rpython.translator.c.genc import CStandaloneBuilder s_args = SomePtr(lltype.Ptr(ARGS)) t = rtype(entrypoint, [s_args], gcname=cls.gcname, taggedpointers=cls.taggedpointers) for fixup in mixlevelstuff: if fixup: fixup(t) cbuild = CStandaloneBuilder(t, entrypoint, config=t.config, gcpolicy=cls.gcpolicy) db = cbuild.generate_graphs_for_llinterp() entrypointptr = cbuild.getentrypointptr() entrygraph = entrypointptr._obj.graph if option.view: t.viewcg() cls.name_to_func = name_to_func cls.entrygraph = entrygraph cls.rtyper = t.rtyper cls.db = db def runner(self, name, transformer=False): db = self.db name_to_func = self.name_to_func entrygraph = self.entrygraph from rpython.rtyper.llinterp import LLInterpreter llinterp = LLInterpreter(self.rtyper) gct = db.gctransformer if self.__class__.__dict__.get('_used', False): teardowngraph = gct.frameworkgc__teardown_ptr.value._obj.graph llinterp.eval_graph(teardowngraph, []) self.__class__._used = True # FIIIIISH setupgraph = gct.frameworkgc_setup_ptr.value._obj.graph # setup => resets the gc llinterp.eval_graph(setupgraph, []) def run(args): ll_args = lltype.malloc(ARGS, immortal=True) ll_args[0] = name_to_func[name] for i in range(len(args)): ll_args[1+i] = args[i] res = llinterp.eval_graph(entrygraph, [ll_args]) return res if transformer: return run, gct else: return run class GenericGCTests(GCTest): GC_CAN_SHRINK_ARRAY = False def define_instances(cls): class A(object): pass class B(A): def __init__(self, something): self.something = something def malloc_a_lot(): i = 0 first = None while i < 10: i += 1 a = somea = A() a.last = first first = a j = 0 while j < 30: b = B(somea) b.last = first j += 1 return 0 return malloc_a_lot def test_instances(self): run = self.runner("instances") run([]) def define_llinterp_lists(cls): def malloc_a_lot(): i = 0 while i < 10: i += 1 a = [1] * 10 j = 0 while j < 30: j += 1 a.append(j) return 0 return malloc_a_lot def test_llinterp_lists(self): run = self.runner("llinterp_lists") run([]) def define_llinterp_tuples(cls): def malloc_a_lot(): i = 0 while i < 10: i += 1 a = (1, 2, i) b = [a] * 10 j = 0 while j < 20: j += 1 b.append((1, j, i)) return 0 return malloc_a_lot def test_llinterp_tuples(self): run = self.runner("llinterp_tuples") run([]) def define_llinterp_dict(self): class A(object): pass def malloc_a_lot(): i = 0 while i < 10: i += 1 a = (1, 2, i) b = {a: A()} j = 0 while j < 20: j += 1 b[1, j, i] = A() return 0 return malloc_a_lot def test_llinterp_dict(self): run = self.runner("llinterp_dict") run([]) def skipdefine_global_list(cls): gl = [] class Box: def __init__(self): self.lst = gl box = Box() def append_to_list(i, j): box.lst.append([i] * 50) llop.gc__collect(lltype.Void) return box.lst[j][0] return append_to_list, None, None def test_global_list(self): py.test.skip("doesn't fit in the model, tested elsewhere too") run = self.runner("global_list") res = run([0, 0]) assert res == 0 for i in range(1, 5): res = run([i, i - 1]) assert res == i - 1 # crashes if constants are not considered roots def define_string_concatenation(cls): def concat(j, dummy): lst = [] for i in range(j): lst.append(str(i)) return len("".join(lst)) return concat def test_string_concatenation(self): run = self.runner("string_concatenation") res = run([100, 0]) assert res == len(''.join([str(x) for x in range(100)])) def define_nongc_static_root(cls): T1 = lltype.GcStruct("C", ('x', lltype.Signed)) T2 = lltype.Struct("C", ('p', lltype.Ptr(T1))) static = lltype.malloc(T2, immortal=True) def f(): t1 = lltype.malloc(T1) t1.x = 42 static.p = t1 llop.gc__collect(lltype.Void) return static.p.x def cleanup(): static.p = lltype.nullptr(T1) return f, cleanup, None def test_nongc_static_root(self): run = self.runner("nongc_static_root") res = run([]) assert res == 42 def define_finalizer(cls): class B(object): pass b = B() b.nextid = 0 b.num_deleted = 0 class A(object): def __init__(self): = b.nextid b.nextid += 1 def __del__(self): b.num_deleted += 1 def f(x, y): a = A() i = 0 while i < x: i += 1 a = A() llop.gc__collect(lltype.Void) llop.gc__collect(lltype.Void) return b.num_deleted return f def test_finalizer(self): run = self.runner("finalizer") res = run([5, 42]) #XXX pure lazyness here too assert res == 6 def define_finalizer_calls_malloc(cls): class B(object): pass b = B() b.nextid = 0 b.num_deleted = 0 class AAA(object): def __init__(self): = b.nextid b.nextid += 1 def __del__(self): b.num_deleted += 1 C() class C(AAA): def __del__(self): b.num_deleted += 1 def f(x, y): a = AAA() i = 0 while i < x: i += 1 a = AAA() llop.gc__collect(lltype.Void) llop.gc__collect(lltype.Void) return b.num_deleted return f def test_finalizer_calls_malloc(self): run = self.runner("finalizer_calls_malloc") res = run([5, 42]) #XXX pure lazyness here too assert res == 12 def define_finalizer_resurrects(cls): class B(object): pass b = B() b.nextid = 0 b.num_deleted = 0 class A(object): def __init__(self): = b.nextid b.nextid += 1 def __del__(self): b.num_deleted += 1 b.a = self def f(x, y): a = A() i = 0 while i < x: i += 1 a = A() llop.gc__collect(lltype.Void) llop.gc__collect(lltype.Void) aid = b.a = None # check that __del__ is not called again llop.gc__collect(lltype.Void) llop.gc__collect(lltype.Void) return b.num_deleted * 10 + aid + 100 * (b.a is None) return f def test_finalizer_resurrects(self): run = self.runner("finalizer_resurrects") res = run([5, 42]) #XXX pure lazyness here too assert 160 <= res <= 165 def define_custom_trace(cls): # S = lltype.GcStruct('S', ('x', llmemory.Address)) T = lltype.GcStruct('T', ('z', lltype.Signed)) offset_of_x = llmemory.offsetof(S, 'x') def customtrace(gc, obj, callback, arg): gc._trace_callback(callback, arg, obj + offset_of_x) lambda_customtrace = lambda: customtrace # def setup(): rgc.register_custom_trace_hook(S, lambda_customtrace) tx = lltype.malloc(T) tx.z = 4243 s1 = lltype.malloc(S) s1.x = llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(tx) return s1 def f(): s1 = setup() llop.gc__collect(lltype.Void) return llmemory.cast_adr_to_ptr(s1.x, lltype.Ptr(T)).z return f def test_custom_trace(self): run = self.runner("custom_trace") res = run([]) assert res == 4243 def define_weakref(cls): import weakref, gc class A(object): pass def g(): a = A() return weakref.ref(a) def f(): a = A() ref = weakref.ref(a) result = ref() is a ref = g() llop.gc__collect(lltype.Void) result = result and (ref() is None) # check that a further collection is fine llop.gc__collect(lltype.Void) result = result and (ref() is None) return result return f def test_weakref(self): run = self.runner("weakref") res = run([]) assert res def define_weakref_to_object_with_finalizer(cls): import weakref, gc class A(object): count = 0 a = A() class B(object): def __del__(self): a.count += 1 def g(): b = B() return weakref.ref(b) def f(): ref = g() llop.gc__collect(lltype.Void) llop.gc__collect(lltype.Void) result = a.count == 1 and (ref() is None) return result return f def test_weakref_to_object_with_finalizer(self): run = self.runner("weakref_to_object_with_finalizer") res = run([]) assert res def define_collect_during_collect(cls): class B(object): pass b = B() b.nextid = 1 b.num_deleted = 0 b.num_deleted_c = 0 class A(object): def __init__(self): = b.nextid b.nextid += 1 def __del__(self): llop.gc__collect(lltype.Void) b.num_deleted += 1 C() C() class C(A): def __del__(self): b.num_deleted += 1 b.num_deleted_c += 1 def f(x, y): persistent_a1 = A() persistent_a2 = A() i = 0 while i < x: i += 1 a = A() persistent_a3 = A() persistent_a4 = A() llop.gc__collect(lltype.Void) llop.gc__collect(lltype.Void) b.bla = + + + # NB print would create a static root! llop.debug_print(lltype.Void, b.num_deleted_c) return b.num_deleted return f def test_collect_during_collect(self): run = self.runner("collect_during_collect") # runs collect recursively 4 times res = run([4, 42]) #XXX pure lazyness here too assert res == 12 def define_collect_0(cls): def concat(j, dummy): lst = [] for i in range(j): lst.append(str(i)) result = len("".join(lst)) if we_are_translated(): llop.gc__collect(lltype.Void, 0) return result return concat def test_collect_0(self): run = self.runner("collect_0") res = run([100, 0]) assert res == len(''.join([str(x) for x in range(100)])) def define_interior_ptrs(cls): from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.lltype import Struct, GcStruct, GcArray from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.lltype import Array, Signed, malloc S1 = Struct("S1", ('x', Signed)) T1 = GcStruct("T1", ('s', S1)) def f1(): t = malloc(T1) t.s.x = 1 return t.s.x S2 = Struct("S2", ('x', Signed)) T2 = GcArray(S2) def f2(): t = malloc(T2, 1) t[0].x = 1 return t[0].x S3 = Struct("S3", ('x', Signed)) T3 = GcStruct("T3", ('items', Array(S3))) def f3(): t = malloc(T3, 1) t.items[0].x = 1 return t.items[0].x S4 = Struct("S4", ('x', Signed)) T4 = Struct("T4", ('s', S4)) U4 = GcArray(T4) def f4(): u = malloc(U4, 1) u[0].s.x = 1 return u[0].s.x S5 = Struct("S5", ('x', Signed)) T5 = GcStruct("T5", ('items', Array(S5))) def f5(): t = malloc(T5, 1) return len(t.items) T6 = GcStruct("T6", ('s', Array(Signed))) def f6(): t = malloc(T6, 1) t.s[0] = 1 return t.s[0] def func(): return (f1() * 100000 + f2() * 10000 + f3() * 1000 + f4() * 100 + f5() * 10 + f6()) assert func() == 111111 return func def test_interior_ptrs(self): run = self.runner("interior_ptrs") res = run([]) assert res == 111111 def define_id(cls): class A(object): pass a1 = A() def func(): a2 = A() a3 = A() id1 = compute_unique_id(a1) id2 = compute_unique_id(a2) id3 = compute_unique_id(a3) llop.gc__collect(lltype.Void) error = 0 if id1 != compute_unique_id(a1): error += 1 if id2 != compute_unique_id(a2): error += 2 if id3 != compute_unique_id(a3): error += 4 return error return func def test_id(self): run = self.runner("id") res = run([]) assert res == 0 def define_can_move(cls): TP = lltype.GcArray(lltype.Float) def func(): return rgc.can_move(lltype.malloc(TP, 1)) return func def test_can_move(self): run = self.runner("can_move") res = run([]) assert res == self.GC_CAN_MOVE def define_shrink_array(cls): from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.rstr import STR def f(): ptr = lltype.malloc(STR, 3) ptr.hash = 0x62 ptr.chars[0] = '0' ptr.chars[1] = 'B' ptr.chars[2] = 'C' ptr2 = rgc.ll_shrink_array(ptr, 2) return ((ptr == ptr2) + ord(ptr2.chars[0]) + (ord(ptr2.chars[1]) << 8) + (len(ptr2.chars) << 16) + (ptr2.hash << 24)) return f def test_shrink_array(self): run = self.runner("shrink_array") if self.GC_CAN_SHRINK_ARRAY: expected = 0x62024231 else: expected = 0x62024230 assert run([]) == expected def define_string_builder_over_allocation(cls): import gc def fn(): s = StringBuilder(4) s.append("abcd") s.append("defg") s.append("rty") s.append_multiple_char('y', 1000) gc.collect() s.append_multiple_char('y', 1000) res =[1000] gc.collect() return ord(res) return fn def test_string_builder_over_allocation(self): fn = self.runner("string_builder_over_allocation") res = fn([]) assert res == ord('y') class GenericMovingGCTests(GenericGCTests): GC_CAN_MOVE = True GC_CAN_TEST_ID = False def define_many_ids(cls): class A(object): pass def f(): from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import rffi alist = [A() for i in range(50)] idarray = lltype.malloc(rffi.SIGNEDP.TO, len(alist), flavor='raw') # Compute the id of all the elements of the list. The goal is # to not allocate memory, so that if the GC needs memory to # remember the ids, it will trigger some collections itself i = 0 while i < len(alist): idarray[i] = compute_unique_id(alist[i]) i += 1 j = 0 while j < 2: if j == 1: # allocate some stuff between the two iterations [A() for i in range(20)] i = 0 while i < len(alist): assert idarray[i] == compute_unique_id(alist[i]) i += 1 j += 1, flavor='raw') return 0 return f def test_many_ids(self): if not self.GC_CAN_TEST_ID: py.test.skip("fails for bad reasons in :-(") run = self.runner("many_ids") run([]) @classmethod def ensure_layoutbuilder(cls, translator): jit2gc = getattr(translator, '_jit2gc', None) if jit2gc: assert 'invoke_after_minor_collection' in jit2gc return jit2gc['layoutbuilder'] marker = cls.marker GCClass = cls.gcpolicy.transformerclass.GCClass layoutbuilder = framework.TransformerLayoutBuilder(translator, GCClass) layoutbuilder.delay_encoding() def seeme(): marker[0] += 1 translator._jit2gc = { 'layoutbuilder': layoutbuilder, 'invoke_after_minor_collection': seeme, } return layoutbuilder def define_do_malloc_operations(cls): P = lltype.GcStruct('P', ('x', lltype.Signed)) def g(): r = lltype.malloc(P) r.x = 1 p = llop.do_malloc_fixedsize(llmemory.GCREF) # placeholder p = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(lltype.Ptr(P), p) p.x = r.x return p.x def f(): i = 0 while i < 40: g() i += 1 return 0 if cls.gcname == 'incminimark': marker = cls.marker def cleanup(): assert marker[0] > 0 marker[0] = 0 else: cleanup = None def fix_graph_of_g(translator): from rpython.translator.translator import graphof from rpython.flowspace.model import Constant from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import rffi layoutbuilder = cls.ensure_layoutbuilder(translator) type_id = layoutbuilder.get_type_id(P) # # now fix the do_malloc_fixedsize in the graph of g graph = graphof(translator, g) for op in graph.startblock.operations: if op.opname == 'do_malloc_fixedsize': op.args = [Constant(type_id, llgroup.HALFWORD), Constant(llmemory.sizeof(P), lltype.Signed), Constant(False, lltype.Bool), # has_finalizer Constant(False, lltype.Bool), # is_finalizer_light Constant(False, lltype.Bool)] # contains_weakptr break else: assert 0, "oups, not found" return f, cleanup, fix_graph_of_g def test_do_malloc_operations(self): run = self.runner("do_malloc_operations") run([]) def define_do_malloc_operations_in_call(cls): P = lltype.GcStruct('P', ('x', lltype.Signed)) def g(): llop.do_malloc_fixedsize(llmemory.GCREF) # placeholder def f(): q = lltype.malloc(P) q.x = 1 i = 0 while i < 40: g() i += q.x return 0 def fix_graph_of_g(translator): from rpython.translator.translator import graphof from rpython.flowspace.model import Constant from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import rffi layoutbuilder = cls.ensure_layoutbuilder(translator) type_id = layoutbuilder.get_type_id(P) # # now fix the do_malloc_fixedsize in the graph of g graph = graphof(translator, g) for op in graph.startblock.operations: if op.opname == 'do_malloc_fixedsize': op.args = [Constant(type_id, llgroup.HALFWORD), Constant(llmemory.sizeof(P), lltype.Signed), Constant(False, lltype.Bool), # has_finalizer Constant(False, lltype.Bool), # is_finalizer_light Constant(False, lltype.Bool)] # contains_weakptr break else: assert 0, "oups, not found" return f, None, fix_graph_of_g def test_do_malloc_operations_in_call(self): run = self.runner("do_malloc_operations_in_call") run([]) def define_gc_heap_stats(cls): S = lltype.GcStruct('S', ('x', lltype.Signed)) l1 = [] l2 = [] l3 = [] l4 = [] def f(): for i in range(10): s = lltype.malloc(S) l1.append(s) l2.append(s) if i < 3: l3.append(s) l4.append(s) # We cheat here and only read the table which we later on # process ourselves, otherwise this test takes ages llop.gc__collect(lltype.Void) tb = rgc._heap_stats() a = 0 nr = 0 b = 0 c = 0 d = 0 e = 0 for i in range(len(tb)): if tb[i].count == 10: a += 1 nr = i if tb[i].count > 50: d += 1 for i in range(len(tb)): if tb[i].count == 4: b += 1 c += tb[i].links[nr] e += tb[i].size return d * 1000 + c * 100 + b * 10 + a return f def test_gc_heap_stats(self): py.test.skip("this test makes the following test crash. Investigate.") run = self.runner("gc_heap_stats") res = run([]) assert res % 10000 == 2611 totsize = (res / 10000) size_of_int = rffi.sizeof(lltype.Signed) assert (totsize - 26 * size_of_int) % 4 == 0 # ^^^ a crude assumption that totsize - varsize would be dividable by 4 # (and give fixedsize) def define_writebarrier_before_copy(cls): S = lltype.GcStruct('S', ('x', lltype.Char)) TP = lltype.GcArray(lltype.Ptr(S)) def fn(): l = lltype.malloc(TP, 100) l2 = lltype.malloc(TP, 100) for i in range(100): l[i] = lltype.malloc(S) rgc.ll_arraycopy(l, l2, 50, 0, 50) # force nursery collect x = [] for i in range(20): x.append((1, lltype.malloc(S))) for i in range(50): assert l2[i] == l[50 + i] return 0 return fn def test_writebarrier_before_copy(self): run = self.runner("writebarrier_before_copy") run([]) # ________________________________________________________________ class TestSemiSpaceGC(GenericMovingGCTests): gcname = "semispace" GC_CAN_SHRINK_ARRAY = True class gcpolicy(gc.BasicFrameworkGcPolicy): class transformerclass(shadowstack.ShadowStackFrameworkGCTransformer): from rpython.memory.gc.semispace import SemiSpaceGC as GCClass GC_PARAMS = {'space_size': 512*WORD, 'translated_to_c': False} root_stack_depth = 200 class TestGenerationGC(GenericMovingGCTests): gcname = "generation" GC_CAN_SHRINK_ARRAY = True class gcpolicy(gc.BasicFrameworkGcPolicy): class transformerclass(shadowstack.ShadowStackFrameworkGCTransformer): from rpython.memory.gc.generation import GenerationGC as \ GCClass GC_PARAMS = {'space_size': 512*WORD, 'nursery_size': 32*WORD, 'translated_to_c': False} root_stack_depth = 200 def define_weakref_across_minor_collection(cls): import weakref class A: pass def f(): x = 20 # for GenerationGC, enough for a minor collection a = A() = x ref = weakref.ref(a) all = [None] * x i = 0 while i < x: all[i] = [i] * i i += 1 assert ref() is a llop.gc__collect(lltype.Void) assert ref() is a return + len(all) return f def test_weakref_across_minor_collection(self): run = self.runner("weakref_across_minor_collection") res = run([]) assert res == 20 + 20 def define_nongc_static_root_minor_collect(cls): T1 = lltype.GcStruct("C", ('x', lltype.Signed)) T2 = lltype.Struct("C", ('p', lltype.Ptr(T1))) static = lltype.malloc(T2, immortal=True) def f(): t1 = lltype.malloc(T1) t1.x = 42 static.p = t1 x = 20 all = [None] * x i = 0 while i < x: # enough to cause a minor collect all[i] = [i] * i i += 1 i = static.p.x llop.gc__collect(lltype.Void) return static.p.x + i def cleanup(): static.p = lltype.nullptr(T1) return f, cleanup, None def test_nongc_static_root_minor_collect(self): run = self.runner("nongc_static_root_minor_collect") res = run([]) assert res == 84 def define_static_root_minor_collect(cls): class A: pass class B: pass static = A() static.p = None def f(): t1 = B() t1.x = 42 static.p = t1 x = 20 all = [None] * x i = 0 while i < x: # enough to cause a minor collect all[i] = [i] * i i += 1 i = static.p.x llop.gc__collect(lltype.Void) return static.p.x + i def cleanup(): static.p = None return f, cleanup, None def test_static_root_minor_collect(self): run = self.runner("static_root_minor_collect") res = run([]) assert res == 84 def define_many_weakrefs(cls): # test for the case where allocating the weakref itself triggers # a collection import weakref class A: pass def f(): a = A() i = 0 while i < 17: ref = weakref.ref(a) assert ref() is a i += 1 return 0 return f def test_many_weakrefs(self): run = self.runner("many_weakrefs") run([]) def define_immutable_to_old_promotion(cls): T_CHILD = lltype.Ptr(lltype.GcStruct('Child', ('field', lltype.Signed))) T_PARENT = lltype.Ptr(lltype.GcStruct('Parent', ('sub', T_CHILD))) child = lltype.malloc(T_CHILD.TO) child2 = lltype.malloc(T_CHILD.TO) parent = lltype.malloc(T_PARENT.TO) parent2 = lltype.malloc(T_PARENT.TO) parent.sub = child child.field = 3 parent2.sub = child2 child2.field = 8 T_ALL = lltype.Ptr(lltype.GcArray(T_PARENT)) all = lltype.malloc(T_ALL.TO, 2) all[0] = parent all[1] = parent2 def f(x, y): res = all[x] #all[x] = lltype.nullptr(T_PARENT.TO) return res.sub.field return f def test_immutable_to_old_promotion(self): run, transformer = self.runner("immutable_to_old_promotion", transformer=True) run([1, 4]) if not transformer.GCClass.prebuilt_gc_objects_are_static_roots: assert len(transformer.layoutbuilder.addresses_of_static_ptrs) == 0 else: assert len(transformer.layoutbuilder.addresses_of_static_ptrs) >= 4 # NB. Remember that the number above does not count # the number of prebuilt GC objects, but the number of locations # within prebuilt GC objects that are of type Ptr(Gc). # At the moment we get additional_roots_sources == 6: # * all[0] # * all[1] # * parent.sub # * parent2.sub # * the GcArray pointer from gc.wr_to_objects_with_id # * the GcArray pointer from gc.object_id_dict. def define_adr_of_nursery(cls): class A(object): pass def f(): # we need at least 1 obj to allocate a nursery a = A() nf_a = llop.gc_adr_of_nursery_free(llmemory.Address) nt_a = llop.gc_adr_of_nursery_top(llmemory.Address) nf0 = nf_a.address[0] nt0 = nt_a.address[0] a0 = A() a1 = A() nf1 = nf_a.address[0] nt1 = nt_a.address[0] assert nf1 > nf0 assert nt1 > nf1 assert nt1 == nt0 return 0 return f def test_adr_of_nursery(self): run = self.runner("adr_of_nursery") res = run([]) class TestGenerationalNoFullCollectGC(GCTest): # test that nursery is doing its job and that no full collection # is needed when most allocated objects die quickly gcname = "generation" class gcpolicy(gc.BasicFrameworkGcPolicy): class transformerclass(shadowstack.ShadowStackFrameworkGCTransformer): from rpython.memory.gc.generation import GenerationGC class GCClass(GenerationGC): __ready = False def setup(self): from rpython.memory.gc.generation import GenerationGC GenerationGC.setup(self) self.__ready = True def semispace_collect(self, size_changing=False): ll_assert(not self.__ready, "no full collect should occur in this test") def _teardown(self): self.__ready = False # collecting here is expected GenerationGC._teardown(self) GC_PARAMS = {'space_size': 512*WORD, 'nursery_size': 128*WORD, 'translated_to_c': False} root_stack_depth = 200 def define_working_nursery(cls): def f(): total = 0 i = 0 while i < 40: lst = [] j = 0 while j < 5: lst.append(i*j) j += 1 total += len(lst) i += 1 return total return f def test_working_nursery(self): run = self.runner("working_nursery") res = run([]) assert res == 40 * 5 class TestHybridGC(TestGenerationGC): gcname = "hybrid" class gcpolicy(gc.BasicFrameworkGcPolicy): class transformerclass(shadowstack.ShadowStackFrameworkGCTransformer): from rpython.memory.gc.hybrid import HybridGC as GCClass GC_PARAMS = {'space_size': 512*WORD, 'nursery_size': 32*WORD, 'large_object': 8*WORD, 'translated_to_c': False} root_stack_depth = 200 def define_ref_from_rawmalloced_to_regular(cls): import gc S = lltype.GcStruct('S', ('x', lltype.Signed)) A = lltype.GcStruct('A', ('p', lltype.Ptr(S)), ('a', lltype.Array(lltype.Char))) def setup(j): p = lltype.malloc(S) p.x = j*2 lst = lltype.malloc(A, j) # the following line generates a write_barrier call at the moment, # which is important because the 'lst' can be allocated directly # in generation 2. This can only occur with varsized mallocs. lst.p = p return lst def f(i, j): lst = setup(j) gc.collect() return lst.p.x return f def test_ref_from_rawmalloced_to_regular(self): run = self.runner("ref_from_rawmalloced_to_regular") res = run([100, 100]) assert res == 200 def define_write_barrier_direct(cls): from rpython.rlib import rgc S = lltype.GcForwardReference() S.become(lltype.GcStruct('S', ('x', lltype.Signed), ('prev', lltype.Ptr(S)), ('next', lltype.Ptr(S)))) s0 = lltype.malloc(S, immortal=True) def f(): s = lltype.malloc(S) s.x = 42 llop.bare_setfield(lltype.Void, s0, void('next'), s) llop.gc_writebarrier(lltype.Void, llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(s0)) rgc.collect(0) return def cleanup(): = lltype.nullptr(S) return f, cleanup, None def test_write_barrier_direct(self): run = self.runner("write_barrier_direct") res = run([]) assert res == 42 class TestMiniMarkGC(TestHybridGC): gcname = "minimark" GC_CAN_TEST_ID = True class gcpolicy(gc.BasicFrameworkGcPolicy): class transformerclass(shadowstack.ShadowStackFrameworkGCTransformer): from rpython.memory.gc.minimark import MiniMarkGC as GCClass GC_PARAMS = {'nursery_size': 32*WORD, 'page_size': 16*WORD, 'arena_size': 64*WORD, 'small_request_threshold': 5*WORD, 'large_object': 8*WORD, 'card_page_indices': 4, 'translated_to_c': False, } root_stack_depth = 200 def define_no_clean_setarrayitems(cls): # The optimization find_clean_setarrayitems() in # gctransformer/ does not work with card marking. # Check that it is turned off. S = lltype.GcStruct('S', ('x', lltype.Signed)) A = lltype.GcArray(lltype.Ptr(S)) def sub(lst): lst[15] = lltype.malloc(S) # 'lst' is set the single mark "12-15" lst[15].x = 123 lst[0] = lst[15] # that would be a "clean_setarrayitem" def f(): lst = lltype.malloc(A, 16) # 16 > 10 rgc.collect() sub(lst) null = lltype.nullptr(S) lst[15] = null # clear, so that A() is only visible via lst[0] rgc.collect() # -> crash return lst[0].x return f def test_no_clean_setarrayitems(self): run = self.runner("no_clean_setarrayitems") res = run([]) assert res == 123 def define_nursery_hash_base(cls): class A: pass def fn(): objects = [] hashes = [] for i in range(200): rgc.collect(0) # nursery-only collection, if possible obj = A() objects.append(obj) hashes.append(compute_identity_hash(obj)) unique = {} for i in range(len(objects)): assert compute_identity_hash(objects[i]) == hashes[i] unique[hashes[i]] = None return len(unique) return fn def test_nursery_hash_base(self): res = self.runner('nursery_hash_base') assert res([]) >= 195 def define_instantiate_nonmovable(cls): from rpython.rlib import objectmodel from rpython.rtyper import annlowlevel class A: pass def fn(): a1 = A() a = objectmodel.instantiate(A, nonmovable=True) = a1 # 'a' is known young here, so no write barrier emitted res = rgc.can_move(annlowlevel.cast_instance_to_base_ptr(a)) rgc.collect() objectmodel.keepalive_until_here(a) return res return fn def test_instantiate_nonmovable(self): res = self.runner('instantiate_nonmovable') assert res([]) == 0 class TestIncrementalMiniMarkGC(TestMiniMarkGC): gcname = "incminimark" class gcpolicy(gc.BasicFrameworkGcPolicy): class transformerclass(shadowstack.ShadowStackFrameworkGCTransformer): from rpython.memory.gc.incminimark import IncrementalMiniMarkGC \ as GCClass GC_PARAMS = {'nursery_size': 32*WORD, 'page_size': 16*WORD, 'arena_size': 64*WORD, 'small_request_threshold': 5*WORD, 'large_object': 8*WORD, 'card_page_indices': 4, 'translated_to_c': False, } root_stack_depth = 200 def define_malloc_array_of_gcptr(self): S = lltype.GcStruct('S', ('x', lltype.Signed)) A = lltype.GcArray(lltype.Ptr(S)) def f(): lst = lltype.malloc(A, 5) return (lst[0] == lltype.nullptr(S) and lst[1] == lltype.nullptr(S) and lst[2] == lltype.nullptr(S) and lst[3] == lltype.nullptr(S) and lst[4] == lltype.nullptr(S)) return f def test_malloc_array_of_gcptr(self): run = self.runner('malloc_array_of_gcptr') res = run([]) assert res def define_malloc_struct_of_gcptr(cls): S1 = lltype.GcStruct('S', ('x', lltype.Signed)) S = lltype.GcStruct('S', ('x', lltype.Signed), ('filed1', lltype.Ptr(S1)), ('filed2', lltype.Ptr(S1))) s0 = lltype.malloc(S) def f(): return (s0.filed1 == lltype.nullptr(S1) and s0.filed2 == lltype.nullptr(S1)) return f def test_malloc_struct_of_gcptr(self): run = self.runner("malloc_struct_of_gcptr") res = run([]) assert res # ________________________________________________________________ # tagged pointers class TaggedPointerGCTests(GCTest): taggedpointers = True def define_tagged_simple(cls): class Unrelated(object): pass u = Unrelated() u.x = UnboxedObject(47) def fn(n): rgc.collect() # check that a prebuilt tagged pointer doesn't explode if n > 0: x = BoxedObject(n) else: x = UnboxedObject(n) u.x = x # invoke write barrier rgc.collect() return x.meth(100) def func(): return fn(1000) + fn(-1000) assert func() == 205 return func def test_tagged_simple(self): func = self.runner("tagged_simple") res = func([]) assert res == 205 def define_tagged_prebuilt(cls): class F: pass f = F() f.l = [UnboxedObject(10)] def fn(n): if n > 0: x = BoxedObject(n) else: x = UnboxedObject(n) f.l.append(x) rgc.collect() return f.l[-1].meth(100) def func(): return fn(1000) ^ fn(-1000) assert func() == -1999 return func def test_tagged_prebuilt(self): func = self.runner("tagged_prebuilt") res = func([]) assert res == -1999 def define_gettypeid(cls): class A(object): pass def fn(): a = A() return rgc.get_typeid(a) return fn def test_gettypeid(self): func = self.runner("gettypeid") res = func([]) print res from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import UnboxedValue class TaggedBase(object): __slots__ = () def meth(self, x): raise NotImplementedError class BoxedObject(TaggedBase): attrvalue = 66 def __init__(self, normalint): self.normalint = normalint def meth(self, x): return self.normalint + x + 2 class UnboxedObject(TaggedBase, UnboxedValue): __slots__ = 'smallint' def meth(self, x): return self.smallint + x + 3 class TestHybridTaggedPointerGC(TaggedPointerGCTests): gcname = "hybrid" class gcpolicy(gc.BasicFrameworkGcPolicy): class transformerclass(shadowstack.ShadowStackFrameworkGCTransformer): from rpython.memory.gc.generation import GenerationGC as \ GCClass GC_PARAMS = {'space_size': 512*WORD, 'nursery_size': 32*WORD, 'translated_to_c': False} root_stack_depth = 200 def test_gettypeid(self): py.test.skip("fails for obscure reasons") ``` #### File: rpython/rlib/ ```python import math from math import fabs from rpython.rlib.rfloat import copysign, asinh, log1p, isfinite, isinf, isnan from rpython.rlib.constant import DBL_MIN, CM_SCALE_UP, CM_SCALE_DOWN from rpython.rlib.constant import CM_LARGE_DOUBLE, DBL_MANT_DIG from rpython.rlib.constant import M_LN2, M_LN10 from rpython.rlib.constant import CM_SQRT_LARGE_DOUBLE, CM_SQRT_DBL_MIN from rpython.rlib.constant import CM_LOG_LARGE_DOUBLE from rpython.rlib.special_value import special_type, INF, NAN from rpython.rlib.special_value import sqrt_special_values from rpython.rlib.special_value import acos_special_values from rpython.rlib.special_value import acosh_special_values from rpython.rlib.special_value import asinh_special_values from rpython.rlib.special_value import atanh_special_values from rpython.rlib.special_value import log_special_values from rpython.rlib.special_value import exp_special_values from rpython.rlib.special_value import cosh_special_values from rpython.rlib.special_value import sinh_special_values from rpython.rlib.special_value import tanh_special_values from rpython.rlib.special_value import rect_special_values #binary def c_add(x, y): (r1, i1), (r2, i2) = x, y r = r1 + r2 i = i1 + i2 return (r, i) def c_sub(x, y): (r1, i1), (r2, i2) = x, y r = r1 - r2 i = i1 - i2 return (r, i) def c_mul(x, y): (r1, i1), (r2, i2) = x, y r = r1 * r2 - i1 * i2 i = r1 * i2 + i1 * r2 return (r, i) def c_div(x, y): #x/y (r1, i1), (r2, i2) = x, y if r2 < 0: abs_r2 = -r2 else: abs_r2 = r2 if i2 < 0: abs_i2 = -i2 else: abs_i2 = i2 if abs_r2 >= abs_i2: if abs_r2 == 0.0: raise ZeroDivisionError else: ratio = i2 / r2 denom = r2 + i2 * ratio rr = (r1 + i1 * ratio) / denom ir = (i1 - r1 * ratio) / denom elif isnan(r2): rr = NAN ir = NAN else: ratio = r2 / i2 denom = r2 * ratio + i2 assert i2 != 0.0 rr = (r1 * ratio + i1) / denom ir = (i1 * ratio - r1) / denom return (rr, ir) def c_pow(x, y): (r1, i1), (r2, i2) = x, y if i1 == 0 and i2 == 0 and r1 > 0: rr = math.pow(r1, r2) ir = 0. elif r2 == 0.0 and i2 == 0.0: rr, ir = 1, 0 elif r1 == 1.0 and i1 == 0.0: rr, ir = (1.0, 0.0) elif r1 == 0.0 and i1 == 0.0: if i2 != 0.0 or r2 < 0.0: raise ZeroDivisionError rr, ir = (0.0, 0.0) else: vabs = math.hypot(r1,i1) len = math.pow(vabs,r2) at = math.atan2(i1,r1) phase = at * r2 if i2 != 0.0: len /= math.exp(at * i2) phase += i2 * math.log(vabs) try: rr = len * math.cos(phase) ir = len * math.sin(phase) except ValueError: rr = NAN ir = NAN return (rr, ir) #unary def c_neg(r, i): return (-r, -i) def c_sqrt(x, y): ''' Method: use symmetries to reduce to the case when x = z.real and y = z.imag are nonnegative. Then the real part of the result is given by s = sqrt((x + hypot(x, y))/2) and the imaginary part is d = (y/2)/s If either x or y is very large then there's a risk of overflow in computation of the expression x + hypot(x, y). We can avoid this by rewriting the formula for s as: s = 2*sqrt(x/8 + hypot(x/8, y/8)) This costs us two extra multiplications/divisions, but avoids the overhead of checking for x and y large. If both x and y are subnormal then hypot(x, y) may also be subnormal, so will lack full precision. We solve this by rescaling x and y by a sufficiently large power of 2 to ensure that x and y are normal. ''' if not isfinite(x) or not isfinite(y): return sqrt_special_values[special_type(x)][special_type(y)] if x == 0. and y == 0.: return (0., y) ax = fabs(x) ay = fabs(y) if ax < DBL_MIN and ay < DBL_MIN and (ax > 0. or ay > 0.): # here we catch cases where hypot(ax, ay) is subnormal ax = math.ldexp(ax, CM_SCALE_UP) ay1= math.ldexp(ay, CM_SCALE_UP) s = math.ldexp(math.sqrt(ax + math.hypot(ax, ay1)), CM_SCALE_DOWN) else: ax /= 8. s = 2.*math.sqrt(ax + math.hypot(ax, ay/8.)) d = ay/(2.*s) if x >= 0.: return (s, copysign(d, y)) else: return (d, copysign(s, y)) def c_acos(x, y): if not isfinite(x) or not isfinite(y): return acos_special_values[special_type(x)][special_type(y)] if fabs(x) > CM_LARGE_DOUBLE or fabs(y) > CM_LARGE_DOUBLE: # avoid unnecessary overflow for large arguments real = math.atan2(fabs(y), x) # split into cases to make sure that the branch cut has the # correct continuity on systems with unsigned zeros if x < 0.: imag = -copysign(math.log(math.hypot(x/2., y/2.)) + M_LN2*2., y) else: imag = copysign(math.log(math.hypot(x/2., y/2.)) + M_LN2*2., -y) else: s1x, s1y = c_sqrt(1.-x, -y) s2x, s2y = c_sqrt(1.+x, y) real = 2.*math.atan2(s1x, s2x) imag = asinh(s2x*s1y - s2y*s1x) return (real, imag) def c_acosh(x, y): # XXX the following two lines seem unnecessary at least on Linux; # the tests pass fine without them if not isfinite(x) or not isfinite(y): return acosh_special_values[special_type(x)][special_type(y)] if fabs(x) > CM_LARGE_DOUBLE or fabs(y) > CM_LARGE_DOUBLE: # avoid unnecessary overflow for large arguments real = math.log(math.hypot(x/2., y/2.)) + M_LN2*2. imag = math.atan2(y, x) else: s1x, s1y = c_sqrt(x - 1., y) s2x, s2y = c_sqrt(x + 1., y) real = asinh(s1x*s2x + s1y*s2y) imag = 2.*math.atan2(s1y, s2x) return (real, imag) def c_asin(x, y): # asin(z) = -i asinh(iz) sx, sy = c_asinh(-y, x) return (sy, -sx) def c_asinh(x, y): if not isfinite(x) or not isfinite(y): return asinh_special_values[special_type(x)][special_type(y)] if fabs(x) > CM_LARGE_DOUBLE or fabs(y) > CM_LARGE_DOUBLE: if y >= 0.: real = copysign(math.log(math.hypot(x/2., y/2.)) + M_LN2*2., x) else: real = -copysign(math.log(math.hypot(x/2., y/2.)) + M_LN2*2., -x) imag = math.atan2(y, fabs(x)) else: s1x, s1y = c_sqrt(1.+y, -x) s2x, s2y = c_sqrt(1.-y, x) real = asinh(s1x*s2y - s2x*s1y) imag = math.atan2(y, s1x*s2x - s1y*s2y) return (real, imag) def c_atan(x, y): # atan(z) = -i atanh(iz) sx, sy = c_atanh(-y, x) return (sy, -sx) def c_atanh(x, y): if not isfinite(x) or not isfinite(y): return atanh_special_values[special_type(x)][special_type(y)] # Reduce to case where x >= 0., using atanh(z) = -atanh(-z). if x < 0.: return c_neg(*c_atanh(*c_neg(x, y))) ay = fabs(y) if x > CM_SQRT_LARGE_DOUBLE or ay > CM_SQRT_LARGE_DOUBLE: # if abs(z) is large then we use the approximation # atanh(z) ~ 1/z +/- i*pi/2 (+/- depending on the sign # of y h = math.hypot(x/2., y/2.) # safe from overflow real = x/4./h/h # the two negations in the next line cancel each other out # except when working with unsigned zeros: they're there to # ensure that the branch cut has the correct continuity on # systems that don't support signed zeros imag = -copysign(math.pi/2., -y) elif x == 1. and ay < CM_SQRT_DBL_MIN: # C99 standard says: atanh(1+/-0.) should be inf +/- 0i if ay == 0.: raise ValueError("math domain error") #real = INF #imag = y else: real = -math.log(math.sqrt(ay)/math.sqrt(math.hypot(ay, 2.))) imag = copysign(math.atan2(2., -ay) / 2, y) else: real = log1p(4.*x/((1-x)*(1-x) + ay*ay))/4. imag = -math.atan2(-2.*y, (1-x)*(1+x) - ay*ay) / 2. return (real, imag) def c_log(x, y): # The usual formula for the real part is log(hypot(z.real, z.imag)). # There are four situations where this formula is potentially # problematic: # # (1) the absolute value of z is subnormal. Then hypot is subnormal, # so has fewer than the usual number of bits of accuracy, hence may # have large relative error. This then gives a large absolute error # in the log. This can be solved by rescaling z by a suitable power # of 2. # # (2) the absolute value of z is greater than DBL_MAX (e.g. when both # z.real and z.imag are within a factor of 1/sqrt(2) of DBL_MAX) # Again, rescaling solves this. # # (3) the absolute value of z is close to 1. In this case it's # difficult to achieve good accuracy, at least in part because a # change of 1ulp in the real or imaginary part of z can result in a # change of billions of ulps in the correctly rounded answer. # # (4) z = 0. The simplest thing to do here is to call the # floating-point log with an argument of 0, and let its behaviour # (returning -infinity, signaling a floating-point exception, setting # errno, or whatever) determine that of c_log. So the usual formula # is fine here. # XXX the following two lines seem unnecessary at least on Linux; # the tests pass fine without them if not isfinite(x) or not isfinite(y): return log_special_values[special_type(x)][special_type(y)] ax = fabs(x) ay = fabs(y) if ax > CM_LARGE_DOUBLE or ay > CM_LARGE_DOUBLE: real = math.log(math.hypot(ax/2., ay/2.)) + M_LN2 elif ax < DBL_MIN and ay < DBL_MIN: if ax > 0. or ay > 0.: # catch cases where hypot(ax, ay) is subnormal real = math.log(math.hypot(math.ldexp(ax, DBL_MANT_DIG), math.ldexp(ay, DBL_MANT_DIG))) real -= DBL_MANT_DIG*M_LN2 else: # log(+/-0. +/- 0i) raise ValueError("math domain error") #real = -INF #imag = atan2(y, x) else: h = math.hypot(ax, ay) if 0.71 <= h and h <= 1.73: am = max(ax, ay) an = min(ax, ay) real = log1p((am-1)*(am+1) + an*an) / 2. else: real = math.log(h) imag = math.atan2(y, x) return (real, imag) def c_log10(x, y): rx, ry = c_log(x, y) return (rx / M_LN10, ry / M_LN10) def c_exp(x, y): if not isfinite(x) or not isfinite(y): if isinf(x) and isfinite(y) and y != 0.: if x > 0: real = copysign(INF, math.cos(y)) imag = copysign(INF, math.sin(y)) else: real = copysign(0., math.cos(y)) imag = copysign(0., math.sin(y)) r = (real, imag) else: r = exp_special_values[special_type(x)][special_type(y)] # need to raise ValueError if y is +/- infinity and x is not # a NaN and not -infinity if isinf(y) and (isfinite(x) or (isinf(x) and x > 0)): raise ValueError("math domain error") return r if x > CM_LOG_LARGE_DOUBLE: l = math.exp(x-1.) real = l * math.cos(y) * math.e imag = l * math.sin(y) * math.e else: l = math.exp(x) real = l * math.cos(y) imag = l * math.sin(y) if isinf(real) or isinf(imag): raise OverflowError("math range error") return real, imag def c_cosh(x, y): if not isfinite(x) or not isfinite(y): if isinf(x) and isfinite(y) and y != 0.: if x > 0: real = copysign(INF, math.cos(y)) imag = copysign(INF, math.sin(y)) else: real = copysign(INF, math.cos(y)) imag = -copysign(INF, math.sin(y)) r = (real, imag) else: r = cosh_special_values[special_type(x)][special_type(y)] # need to raise ValueError if y is +/- infinity and x is not # a NaN if isinf(y) and not isnan(x): raise ValueError("math domain error") return r if fabs(x) > CM_LOG_LARGE_DOUBLE: # deal correctly with cases where cosh(x) overflows but # cosh(z) does not. x_minus_one = x - copysign(1., x) real = math.cos(y) * math.cosh(x_minus_one) * math.e imag = math.sin(y) * math.sinh(x_minus_one) * math.e else: real = math.cos(y) * math.cosh(x) imag = math.sin(y) * math.sinh(x) if isinf(real) or isinf(imag): raise OverflowError("math range error") return real, imag def c_sinh(x, y): # special treatment for sinh(+/-inf + iy) if y is finite and nonzero if not isfinite(x) or not isfinite(y): if isinf(x) and isfinite(y) and y != 0.: if x > 0: real = copysign(INF, math.cos(y)) imag = copysign(INF, math.sin(y)) else: real = -copysign(INF, math.cos(y)) imag = copysign(INF, math.sin(y)) r = (real, imag) else: r = sinh_special_values[special_type(x)][special_type(y)] # need to raise ValueError if y is +/- infinity and x is not # a NaN if isinf(y) and not isnan(x): raise ValueError("math domain error") return r if fabs(x) > CM_LOG_LARGE_DOUBLE: x_minus_one = x - copysign(1., x) real = math.cos(y) * math.sinh(x_minus_one) * math.e imag = math.sin(y) * math.cosh(x_minus_one) * math.e else: real = math.cos(y) * math.sinh(x) imag = math.sin(y) * math.cosh(x) if isinf(real) or isinf(imag): raise OverflowError("math range error") return real, imag def c_tanh(x, y): # Formula: # # tanh(x+iy) = (tanh(x)(1+tan(y)^2) + i tan(y)(1-tanh(x))^2) / # (1+tan(y)^2 tanh(x)^2) # # To avoid excessive roundoff error, 1-tanh(x)^2 is better computed # as 1/cosh(x)^2. When abs(x) is large, we approximate 1-tanh(x)^2 # by 4 exp(-2*x) instead, to avoid possible overflow in the # computation of cosh(x). if not isfinite(x) or not isfinite(y): if isinf(x) and isfinite(y) and y != 0.: if x > 0: real = 1.0 # vv XXX why is the 2. there? imag = copysign(0., 2. * math.sin(y) * math.cos(y)) else: real = -1.0 imag = copysign(0., 2. * math.sin(y) * math.cos(y)) r = (real, imag) else: r = tanh_special_values[special_type(x)][special_type(y)] # need to raise ValueError if y is +/-infinity and x is finite if isinf(y) and isfinite(x): raise ValueError("math domain error") return r if fabs(x) > CM_LOG_LARGE_DOUBLE: real = copysign(1., x) imag = 4. * math.sin(y) * math.cos(y) * math.exp(-2.*fabs(x)) else: tx = math.tanh(x) ty = math.tan(y) cx = 1. / math.cosh(x) txty = tx * ty denom = 1. + txty * txty real = tx * (1. + ty*ty) / denom imag = ((ty / denom) * cx) * cx return real, imag def c_cos(r, i): # cos(z) = cosh(iz) return c_cosh(-i, r) def c_sin(r, i): # sin(z) = -i sinh(iz) sr, si = c_sinh(-i, r) return si, -sr def c_tan(r, i): # tan(z) = -i tanh(iz) sr, si = c_tanh(-i, r) return si, -sr def c_rect(r, phi): if not isfinite(r) or not isfinite(phi): # if r is +/-infinity and phi is finite but nonzero then # result is (+-INF +-INF i), but we need to compute cos(phi) # and sin(phi) to figure out the signs. if isinf(r) and isfinite(phi) and phi != 0.: if r > 0: real = copysign(INF, math.cos(phi)) imag = copysign(INF, math.sin(phi)) else: real = -copysign(INF, math.cos(phi)) imag = -copysign(INF, math.sin(phi)) z = (real, imag) else: z = rect_special_values[special_type(r)][special_type(phi)] # need to raise ValueError if r is a nonzero number and phi # is infinite if r != 0. and not isnan(r) and isinf(phi): raise ValueError("math domain error") return z real = r * math.cos(phi) imag = r * math.sin(phi) return real, imag def c_phase(x, y): # Windows screws up atan2 for inf and nan, and alpha Tru64 5.1 doesn't # follow C99 for atan2(0., 0.). if isnan(x) or isnan(y): return NAN if isinf(y): if isinf(x): if copysign(1., x) == 1.: # atan2(+-inf, +inf) == +-pi/4 return copysign(0.25 * math.pi, y) else: # atan2(+-inf, -inf) == +-pi*3/4 return copysign(0.75 * math.pi, y) # atan2(+-inf, x) == +-pi/2 for finite x return copysign(0.5 * math.pi, y) if isinf(x) or y == 0.: if copysign(1., x) == 1.: # atan2(+-y, +inf) = atan2(+-0, +x) = +-0. return copysign(0., y) else: # atan2(+-y, -inf) = atan2(+-0., -x) = +-pi. return copysign(math.pi, y) return math.atan2(y, x) def c_abs(r, i): if not isfinite(r) or not isfinite(i): # C99 rules: if either the real or the imaginary part is an # infinity, return infinity, even if the other part is a NaN. if isinf(r): return INF if isinf(i): return INF # either the real or imaginary part is a NaN, # and neither is infinite. Result should be NaN. return NAN result = math.hypot(r, i) if not isfinite(result): raise OverflowError("math range error") return result def c_polar(r, i): real = c_abs(r, i) phi = c_phase(r, i) return real, phi def c_isinf(r, i): return isinf(r) or isinf(i) def c_isnan(r, i): return isnan(r) or isnan(i) def c_isfinite(r, i): return isfinite(r) and isfinite(i) ``` #### File: rpython/rlib/ ```python import os from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.rffi import CConstant, CExternVariable, INT from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import ll2ctypes, rffi from rpython.translator.tool.cbuild import ExternalCompilationInfo from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import intmask from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import specialize from rpython.rlib import jit from rpython.translator.platform import platform WIN32 = == "nt" class CConstantErrno(CConstant): # these accessors are used when calling get_errno() or set_errno() # on top of CPython def __getitem__(self, index): assert index == 0 try: return ll2ctypes.TLS.errno except AttributeError: raise ValueError("no C function call occurred so far, " "errno is undefined") def __setitem__(self, index, value): assert index == 0 ll2ctypes.TLS.errno = value if == 'nt': if == 'msvc': includes=['errno.h','stdio.h'] else: includes=['errno.h','stdio.h', 'stdint.h'] separate_module_sources =[''' /* Lifted completely from CPython 3.3 Modules/posix_module.c */ #include <malloc.h> /* for _msize */ typedef struct { intptr_t osfhnd; char osfile; } my_ioinfo; extern __declspec(dllimport) char * __pioinfo[]; #define IOINFO_L2E 5 #define IOINFO_ARRAY_ELTS (1 << IOINFO_L2E) #define IOINFO_ARRAYS 64 #define _NHANDLE_ (IOINFO_ARRAYS * IOINFO_ARRAY_ELTS) #define FOPEN 0x01 #define _NO_CONSOLE_FILENO (intptr_t)-2 /* This function emulates what the windows CRT does to validate file handles */ RPY_EXTERN int _PyVerify_fd(int fd) { const int i1 = fd >> IOINFO_L2E; const int i2 = fd & ((1 << IOINFO_L2E) - 1); static size_t sizeof_ioinfo = 0; /* Determine the actual size of the ioinfo structure, * as used by the CRT loaded in memory */ if (sizeof_ioinfo == 0 && __pioinfo[0] != NULL) { sizeof_ioinfo = _msize(__pioinfo[0]) / IOINFO_ARRAY_ELTS; } if (sizeof_ioinfo == 0) { /* This should not happen... */ goto fail; } /* See that it isn't a special CLEAR fileno */ if (fd != _NO_CONSOLE_FILENO) { /* Microsoft CRT would check that 0<=fd<_nhandle but we can't do that. Instead * we check pointer validity and other info */ if (0 <= i1 && i1 < IOINFO_ARRAYS && __pioinfo[i1] != NULL) { /* finally, check that the file is open */ my_ioinfo* info = (my_ioinfo*)(__pioinfo[i1] + i2 * sizeof_ioinfo); if (info->osfile & FOPEN) { return 1; } } } fail: errno = EBADF; return 0; } ''',] else: separate_module_sources = [] includes=['errno.h','stdio.h'] errno_eci = ExternalCompilationInfo( includes=includes, separate_module_sources=separate_module_sources, ) # Direct getters/setters, don't use directly! _get_errno, _set_errno = CExternVariable(INT, 'errno', errno_eci, CConstantErrno, sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True, c_type='int') def get_saved_errno(): """Return the value of the "saved errno". This value is saved after a call to a C function, if it was declared with the flag llexternal(..., save_err=rffi.RFFI_SAVE_ERRNO). Functions without that flag don't change the saved errno. """ from rpython.rlib import rthread return intmask(rthread.tlfield_rpy_errno.getraw()) def set_saved_errno(errno): """Set the value of the saved errno. This value will be used to initialize the real errno just before calling the following C function, provided it was declared llexternal(..., save_err=RFFI_READSAVED_ERRNO). Note also that it is more common to want the real errno to be initially zero; for that case, use llexternal(..., save_err=RFFI_ZERO_ERRNO_BEFORE) and then you don't need set_saved_errno(0). """ from rpython.rlib import rthread rthread.tlfield_rpy_errno.setraw(rffi.cast(INT, errno)) def get_saved_alterrno(): """Return the value of the "saved alterrno". This value is saved after a call to a C function, if it was declared with the flag llexternal(..., save_err=rffi.RFFI_SAVE_ERRNO | rffl.RFFI_ALT_ERRNO). Functions without that flag don't change the saved errno. """ from rpython.rlib import rthread return intmask(rthread.tlfield_alt_errno.getraw()) def set_saved_alterrno(errno): """Set the value of the saved alterrno. This value will be used to initialize the real errno just before calling the following C function, provided it was declared llexternal(..., save_err=RFFI_READSAVED_ERRNO | rffl.RFFI_ALT_ERRNO). Note also that it is more common to want the real errno to be initially zero; for that case, use llexternal(..., save_err=RFFI_ZERO_ERRNO_BEFORE) and then you don't need set_saved_errno(0). """ from rpython.rlib import rthread rthread.tlfield_alt_errno.setraw(rffi.cast(INT, errno)) # These are not posix specific, but where should they move to? @specialize.call_location() def _errno_before(save_err): if save_err & rffi.RFFI_READSAVED_ERRNO: from rpython.rlib import rthread if save_err & rffi.RFFI_ALT_ERRNO: _set_errno(rthread.tlfield_alt_errno.getraw()) else: _set_errno(rthread.tlfield_rpy_errno.getraw()) elif save_err & rffi.RFFI_ZERO_ERRNO_BEFORE: _set_errno(rffi.cast(rffi.INT, 0)) if WIN32 and (save_err & rffi.RFFI_READSAVED_LASTERROR): from rpython.rlib import rthread, rwin32 if save_err & rffi.RFFI_ALT_ERRNO: err = rthread.tlfield_alt_lasterror.getraw() else: err = rthread.tlfield_rpy_lasterror.getraw() # careful, getraw() overwrites GetLastError. # We must assign it with _SetLastError() as the last # operation, i.e. after the errno handling. rwin32._SetLastError(err) @specialize.call_location() def _errno_after(save_err): if WIN32: if save_err & rffi.RFFI_SAVE_LASTERROR: from rpython.rlib import rthread, rwin32 err = rwin32._GetLastError() # careful, setraw() overwrites GetLastError. # We must read it first, before the errno handling. if save_err & rffi.RFFI_ALT_ERRNO: rthread.tlfield_alt_lasterror.setraw(err) else: rthread.tlfield_rpy_lasterror.setraw(err) elif save_err & rffi.RFFI_SAVE_WSALASTERROR: from rpython.rlib import rthread, _rsocket_rffi err = _rsocket_rffi._WSAGetLastError() if save_err & rffi.RFFI_ALT_ERRNO: rthread.tlfield_alt_lasterror.setraw(err) else: rthread.tlfield_rpy_lasterror.setraw(err) if save_err & rffi.RFFI_SAVE_ERRNO: from rpython.rlib import rthread if save_err & rffi.RFFI_ALT_ERRNO: rthread.tlfield_alt_errno.setraw(_get_errno()) else: rthread.tlfield_rpy_errno.setraw(_get_errno()) if == 'nt': is_valid_fd = jit.dont_look_inside(rffi.llexternal( "_PyVerify_fd", [rffi.INT], rffi.INT, compilation_info=errno_eci, )) def validate_fd(fd): if not is_valid_fd(fd): from errno import EBADF raise OSError(EBADF, 'Bad file descriptor') else: def is_valid_fd(fd): return 1 def validate_fd(fd): pass def closerange(fd_low, fd_high): # this behaves like os.closerange() from Python 2.6. for fd in xrange(fd_low, fd_high): try: if is_valid_fd(fd): os.close(fd) except OSError: pass #___________________________________________________________________ # Wrappers around posix functions, that accept either strings, or # instances with a "as_bytes()" method. # - pypy.modules.posix.interp_posix passes an object containing a unicode path # which can encode itself with sys.filesystemencoding. # - but on Windows will replace these functions # with other wrappers that directly handle unicode strings. @specialize.argtype(0) def _as_bytes(path): assert path is not None if isinstance(path, str): return path else: return path.as_bytes() @specialize.argtype(0) def open(path, flags, mode): return, flags, mode) @specialize.argtype(0) def stat(path): return os.stat(_as_bytes(path)) @specialize.argtype(0) def lstat(path): return os.lstat(_as_bytes(path)) @specialize.argtype(0) def statvfs(path): return os.statvfs(_as_bytes(path)) @specialize.argtype(0) def unlink(path): return os.unlink(_as_bytes(path)) @specialize.argtype(0, 1) def rename(path1, path2): return os.rename(_as_bytes(path1), _as_bytes(path2)) @specialize.argtype(0) def listdir(dirname): return os.listdir(_as_bytes(dirname)) @specialize.argtype(0) def access(path, mode): return os.access(_as_bytes(path), mode) @specialize.argtype(0) def chmod(path, mode): return os.chmod(_as_bytes(path), mode) @specialize.argtype(0, 1) def utime(path, times): return os.utime(_as_bytes(path), times) @specialize.argtype(0) def chdir(path): return os.chdir(_as_bytes(path)) @specialize.argtype(0) def mkdir(path, mode=0777): return os.mkdir(_as_bytes(path), mode) @specialize.argtype(0) def rmdir(path): return os.rmdir(_as_bytes(path)) @specialize.argtype(0) def mkfifo(path, mode): os.mkfifo(_as_bytes(path), mode) @specialize.argtype(0) def mknod(path, mode, device): os.mknod(_as_bytes(path), mode, device) @specialize.argtype(0, 1) def symlink(src, dest): os.symlink(_as_bytes(src), _as_bytes(dest)) if == 'nt': import nt @specialize.argtype(0) def _getfullpathname(path): return nt._getfullpathname(_as_bytes(path)) @specialize.argtype(0, 1) def putenv(name, value): os.environ[_as_bytes(name)] = _as_bytes(value) @specialize.argtype(0) def unsetenv(name): del os.environ[_as_bytes(name)] if == 'nt': from rpython.rlib import rwin32 os_kill = rwin32.os_kill else: os_kill = os.kill ``` #### File: rsre/test/ ```python import py from rpython.jit.metainterp.test import support from rpython.rlib.rsre.test.test_match import get_code from rpython.rlib.rsre import rsre_core from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import llstr, hlstr def entrypoint1(r, string, repeat): r = array2list(r) string = hlstr(string) match = None for i in range(repeat): match = rsre_core.match(r, string) if match is None: return -1 else: return match.match_end def entrypoint2(r, string, repeat): r = array2list(r) string = hlstr(string) match = None for i in range(repeat): match =, string) if match is None: return -1 else: return match.match_start def list2array(lst): a = lltype.malloc(lltype.GcArray(lltype.Signed), len(lst)) for i, x in enumerate(lst): a[i] = int(x) return a def array2list(a): return [a[i] for i in range(len(a))] def test_jit_unroll_safe(): # test that the decorators are applied in the right order assert not hasattr(rsre_core.sre_match, '_jit_unroll_safe_') for m in rsre_core.sre_match._specialized_methods_: assert m._jit_unroll_safe_ class TestJitRSre(support.LLJitMixin): def meta_interp_match(self, pattern, string, repeat=1): r = get_code(pattern) return self.meta_interp(entrypoint1, [list2array(r), llstr(string), repeat], listcomp=True, backendopt=True) def meta_interp_search(self, pattern, string, repeat=1): r = get_code(pattern) return self.meta_interp(entrypoint2, [list2array(r), llstr(string), repeat], listcomp=True, backendopt=True) def test_simple_match_1(self): res = self.meta_interp_match(r"ab*bbbbbbbc", "abbbbbbbbbcdef") assert res == 11 def test_simple_match_2(self): res = self.meta_interp_match(r".*abc", "xxabcyyyyyyyyyyyyy") assert res == 5 def test_simple_match_repeated(self): res = self.meta_interp_match(r"abcdef", "abcdef", repeat=10) assert res == 6 self.check_trace_count(1) self.check_jitcell_token_count(1) def test_match_minrepeat_1(self): res = self.meta_interp_match(r".*?abc", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxabc") assert res == 17 #def test_match_maxuntil_1(self): # res = self.meta_interp_match(r"(ab)*c", "ababababababababc") # assert res == 17 def test_branch_1(self): res = self.meta_interp_match(r".*?(ab|x)c", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxabc") assert res == 17 def test_match_minrepeat_2(self): s = ("xxxxxxxxxxabbbbbbbbbb" + "xxxxxxxxxxabbbbbbbbbb" + "xxxxxxxxxxabbbbbbbbbb" + "xxxxxxxxxxabbbbbbbbbbc") res = self.meta_interp_match(r".*?ab+?c", s) assert res == len(s) def test_fast_search(self): res = self.meta_interp_search(r"<foo\w+>", "e<f<f<foxd<f<fh<foobar>ua") assert res == 15 self.check_resops(guard_value=0) def test_regular_search(self): res = self.meta_interp_search(r"<\w+>", "eiofweoxdiwhdoh<foobar>ua") assert res == 15 def test_regular_search_upcase(self): res = self.meta_interp_search(r"<\w+>", "EIOFWEOXDIWHDOH<FOOBAR>UA") assert res == 15 def test_max_until_1(self): res = self.meta_interp_match(r"(ab)*abababababc", "ababababababababababc") assert res == 21 def test_example_1(self): res = self.meta_interp_search( r"Active\s+20\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s+[[]\d+[]]([^[]+)", "Active"*20 + "Active 2010-04-07 [42] Foobar baz boz blah[43]") assert res == 6*20 def test_aorbstar(self): res = self.meta_interp_match("(a|b)*a", "a" * 100) assert res == 100 self.check_resops(guard_value=0) # group guards tests def test_group_range(self): res = self.meta_interp_match(r"<[^b-c]+>", "<aeaeaea>") assert res == 9 self.check_enter_count(1) def test_group_single_chars(self): res = self.meta_interp_match(r"<[ae]+>", "<aeaeaea>") assert res == 9 self.check_enter_count(1) def test_group_digit(self): res = self.meta_interp_match(r"<[^\d]+>", "<..a..aa>") assert res == 9 self.check_enter_count(1) def test_group_space(self): res = self.meta_interp_match(r"<\S+>", "<..a..aa>") assert res == 9 self.check_enter_count(1) def test_group_word(self): res = self.meta_interp_match(r"<\w+>", "<ab09_a1>") assert res == 9 self.check_enter_count(1) def test_group_complex(self): res = self.meta_interp_match(r"<[a@h\d\s]+>", "<a93919a @ a23>") assert res == 15 self.check_enter_count(1) @py.test.mark.xfail def test_group_space_but_not_space(self): res = self.meta_interp_match(r"<[\S ]+>", "<..a .. aa>") assert res == 13 self.check_enter_count(1) def test_find_repetition_end_fastpath(self): res = self.meta_interp_search(r"b+", "a"*30 + "b") assert res == 30 self.check_resops(call=0) ``` #### File: rstruct/test/ ```python import py import sys import random import struct from rpython.rlib.rstruct import ieee from rpython.rlib.rfloat import isnan, NAN, INFINITY from rpython.translator.c.test.test_genc import compile class TestFloatSpecific: def test_halffloat_exact(self): #testcases generated from numpy.float16(x).view('uint16') cases = [[0, 0], [10, 18688], [-10, 51456], [10e3, 28898], [float('inf'), 31744], [-float('inf'), 64512]] for c, h in cases: hbit = ieee.float_pack(c, 2) assert hbit == h assert c == ieee.float_unpack(h, 2) def test_halffloat_inexact(self): #testcases generated from numpy.float16(x).view('uint16') cases = [[10.001, 18688, 10.], [-10.001, 51456, -10], [0.027588, 10000, 0.027587890625], [22001, 30047, 22000]] for c, h, f in cases: hbit = ieee.float_pack(c, 2) assert hbit == h assert f == ieee.float_unpack(h, 2) def test_halffloat_overunderflow(self): import math cases = [[670000, float('inf')], [-67000, -float('inf')], [1e-08, 0], [-1e-8, -0.]] for f1, f2 in cases: try: f_out = ieee.float_unpack(ieee.float_pack(f1, 2), 2) except OverflowError: f_out = math.copysign(float('inf'), f1) assert f_out == f2 assert math.copysign(1., f_out) == math.copysign(1., f2) def test_float80_exact(self): s = [] ieee.pack_float80(s, -1., 16, False) assert repr(s[-1]) == repr('\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80\xff\xbf\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00') ieee.pack_float80(s, -1., 16, True) assert repr(s[-1]) == repr('\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xbf\xff\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00') ieee.pack_float80(s, -123.456, 16, False) assert repr(s[-1]) == repr('\x00\xb8\xf3\xfd\xd4x\xe9\xf6\x05\xc0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00') ieee.pack_float80(s, -123.456, 16, True) assert repr(s[-1]) == repr('\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xc0\x05\xf6\xe9x\xd4\xfd\xf3\xb8\x00') x = ieee.unpack_float80('\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80\xff?\xc8\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00', False) assert x == 1.0 x = ieee.unpack_float80('\x00\x00\x7f\x83\xe1\x91?\xff\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', True) assert x == 1.0 class TestFloatPacking: def setup_class(cls): if sys.version_info < (2, 6): py.test.skip("the 'struct' module of this old CPython is broken") def check_float(self, x): # check roundtrip for size in [10, 12, 16]: for be in [False, True]: Q = [] ieee.pack_float80(Q, x, size, be) Q = Q[0] y = ieee.unpack_float80(Q, be) assert repr(x) == repr(y), '%r != %r, Q=%r' % (x, y, Q) for be in [False, True]: Q = [] ieee.pack_float(Q, x, 8, be) Q = Q[0] y = ieee.unpack_float(Q, be) assert repr(x) == repr(y), '%r != %r, Q=%r' % (x, y, Q) # check that packing agrees with the struct module struct_pack8 = struct.unpack('<Q', struct.pack('<d', x))[0] float_pack8 = ieee.float_pack(x, 8) assert struct_pack8 == float_pack8 # check that packing agrees with the struct module try: struct_pack4 = struct.unpack('<L', struct.pack('<f', x))[0] except OverflowError: struct_pack4 = "overflow" try: float_pack4 = ieee.float_pack(x, 4) except OverflowError: float_pack4 = "overflow" assert struct_pack4 == float_pack4 if float_pack4 == "overflow": return # if we didn't overflow, try round-tripping the binary32 value roundtrip = ieee.float_pack(ieee.float_unpack(float_pack4, 4), 4) assert float_pack4 == roundtrip try: float_pack2 = ieee.float_pack(x, 2) except OverflowError: return roundtrip = ieee.float_pack(ieee.float_unpack(float_pack2, 2), 2) assert (float_pack2, x) == (roundtrip, x) def test_infinities(self): self.check_float(float('inf')) self.check_float(float('-inf')) def test_zeros(self): self.check_float(0.0) self.check_float(-0.0) def test_nans(self): self.check_float(float('nan')) def test_simple(self): test_values = [1e-10, 0.00123, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 123.456, 1e10] for value in test_values: self.check_float(value) self.check_float(-value) def test_subnormal(self): # special boundaries self.check_float(2**-1074) self.check_float(2**-1022) self.check_float(2**-1021) self.check_float((2**53-1)*2**-1074) self.check_float((2**52-1)*2**-1074) self.check_float((2**52+1)*2**-1074) # other subnormals self.check_float(1e-309) self.check_float(1e-320) def test_powers_of_two(self): # exact powers of 2 for k in range(-1074, 1024): self.check_float(2.**k) # and values near powers of 2 for k in range(-1074, 1024): self.check_float((2 - 2**-52) * 2.**k) def test_float4_boundaries(self): # Exercise IEEE 754 binary32 boundary cases. self.check_float(2**128.) # largest representable finite binary32 value self.check_float((1 - 2.**-24) * 2**128.) # halfway case: rounds up to an overflowing value self.check_float((1 - 2.**-25) * 2**128.) self.check_float(2**-125) # smallest normal self.check_float(2**-126) # smallest positive binary32 value (subnormal) self.check_float(2**-149) # 2**-150 should round down to 0 self.check_float(2**-150) # but anything even a tiny bit larger should round up to 2**-149 self.check_float((1 + 2**-52) * 2**-150) def test_random(self): # construct a Python float from random integer, using struct for _ in xrange(10000): Q = random.randrange(2**64) x = struct.unpack('<d', struct.pack('<Q', Q))[0] # nans are tricky: we can't hope to reproduce the bit # pattern exactly, so check_float will fail for a random nan. if isnan(x): continue self.check_float(x) class TestCompiled: def test_pack_float(self): def pack(x, size): result = [] ieee.pack_float(result, x, size, False) l = [] for x in result: for c in x: l.append(str(ord(c))) return ','.join(l) c_pack = compile(pack, [float, int]) def unpack(s): l = s.split(',') s = ''.join([chr(int(x)) for x in l]) return ieee.unpack_float(s, False) c_unpack = compile(unpack, [str]) def check_roundtrip(x, size): s = c_pack(x, size) if not isnan(x): # pack uses copysign which is ambiguous for NAN assert s == pack(x, size) assert unpack(s) == x assert c_unpack(s) == x else: assert isnan(unpack(s)) assert isnan(c_unpack(s)) for size in [2, 4, 8]: check_roundtrip(123.4375, size) check_roundtrip(-123.4375, size) check_roundtrip(INFINITY, size) check_roundtrip(NAN, size) ``` #### File: rstruct/test/ ```python from rpython.rtyper.test.tool import BaseRtypingTest from rpython.rlib.rstruct.runpack import runpack from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import LONG_BIT import struct class TestRStruct(BaseRtypingTest): def test_unpack(self): pad = '\x00' * (LONG_BIT//8-1) # 3 or 7 null bytes def fn(): return runpack('sll', 'a'+pad+'\x03'+pad+'\x04'+pad)[1] assert fn() == 3 assert self.interpret(fn, []) == 3 def test_unpack_2(self): data = struct.pack('iiii', 0, 1, 2, 4) def fn(): a, b, c, d = runpack('iiii', data) return a * 1000 + b * 100 + c * 10 + d assert fn() == 124 assert self.interpret(fn, []) == 124 def test_unpack_single(self): data = struct.pack('i', 123) def fn(): return runpack('i', data) assert fn() == 123 assert self.interpret(fn, []) == 123 def test_unpack_big_endian(self): def fn(): return runpack(">i", "\x01\x02\x03\x04") assert fn() == 0x01020304 assert self.interpret(fn, []) == 0x01020304 def test_unpack_double_big_endian(self): def fn(): return runpack(">d", "testtest") assert fn() == struct.unpack(">d", "testtest")[0] assert self.interpret(fn, []) == struct.unpack(">d", "testtest")[0] ``` #### File: rlib/rvmprof/ ```python import py import sys from rpython.tool.udir import udir from rpython.tool.version import rpythonroot from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, llmemory, rffi from rpython.translator.tool.cbuild import ExternalCompilationInfo from rpython.rtyper.tool import rffi_platform as platform from rpython.jit.backend import detect_cpu class VMProfPlatformUnsupported(Exception): pass def setup(): if not detect_cpu.autodetect().startswith(detect_cpu.MODEL_X86_64): raise VMProfPlatformUnsupported("rvmprof only supports" " x86-64 CPUs for now") ROOT = py.path.local(rpythonroot).join('rpython', 'rlib', 'rvmprof') SRC = ROOT.join('src') if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): libs = ['dl'] else: libs = [] eci_kwds = dict( include_dirs = [SRC], includes = ['rvmprof.h'], libraries = libs, separate_module_files = [SRC.join('rvmprof.c')], post_include_bits=['#define RPYTHON_VMPROF\n'], ) eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(**eci_kwds) platform.verify_eci(ExternalCompilationInfo( compile_extra=['-DRPYTHON_LL2CTYPES'], **eci_kwds)) vmprof_init = rffi.llexternal("vmprof_init", [rffi.INT, rffi.DOUBLE, rffi.CCHARP], rffi.CCHARP, compilation_info=eci) vmprof_enable = rffi.llexternal("vmprof_enable", [], rffi.INT, compilation_info=eci, save_err=rffi.RFFI_SAVE_ERRNO) vmprof_disable = rffi.llexternal("vmprof_disable", [], rffi.INT, compilation_info=eci, save_err=rffi.RFFI_SAVE_ERRNO) vmprof_register_virtual_function = rffi.llexternal( "vmprof_register_virtual_function", [rffi.CCHARP, rffi.LONG, rffi.INT], rffi.INT, compilation_info=eci) vmprof_ignore_signals = rffi.llexternal("vmprof_ignore_signals", [rffi.INT], lltype.Void, compilation_info=eci) return CInterface(locals()) class CInterface(object): def __init__(self, namespace): for k, v in namespace.iteritems(): setattr(self, k, v) def _freeze_(self): return True def token2lltype(tok): if tok == 'i': return lltype.Signed if tok == 'r': return llmemory.GCREF raise NotImplementedError(repr(tok)) def make_trampoline_function(name, func, token, restok): from rpython.jit.backend import detect_cpu cont_name = 'rpyvmprof_f_%s_%s' % (name, token) tramp_name = 'rpyvmprof_t_%s_%s' % (name, token) orig_tramp_name = tramp_name func.c_name = cont_name func._dont_inline_ = True if sys.platform == 'darwin': # according to internet "At the time UNIX was written in 1974...." # "... all C functions are prefixed with _" cont_name = '_' + cont_name tramp_name = '_' + tramp_name PLT = "" size_decl = "" type_decl = "" extra_align = "" else: PLT = "@PLT" type_decl = "\t.type\t%s, @function" % (tramp_name,) size_decl = "\t.size\t%s, .-%s" % ( tramp_name, tramp_name) extra_align = "\t.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8" assert detect_cpu.autodetect().startswith(detect_cpu.MODEL_X86_64), ( "rvmprof only supports x86-64 CPUs for now") # mapping of argument count (not counting the final uid argument) to # the register that holds this uid argument reg = {0: '%rdi', 1: '%rsi', 2: '%rdx', 3: '%rcx', 4: '%r8', 5: '%r9', } try: reg = reg[len(token)] except KeyError: raise NotImplementedError( "not supported: %r takes more than 5 arguments" % (func,)) target = udir.join('module_cache') target.ensure(dir=1) target = target.join('trampoline_%s_%s.vmprof.s' % (name, token)) # NOTE! the tabs in this file are absolutely essential, things # that don't start with \t are silently ignored (<arigato>: WAT!?) target.write("""\ \t.text \t.globl\t%(tramp_name)s %(type_decl)s %(tramp_name)s: \t.cfi_startproc \tpushq\t%(reg)s \t.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 \tcall %(cont_name)s%(PLT)s \taddq\t$8, %%rsp %(extra_align)s \tret \t.cfi_endproc %(size_decl)s """ % locals()) def tok2cname(tok): if tok == 'i': return 'long' if tok == 'r': return 'void *' raise NotImplementedError(repr(tok)) header = 'RPY_EXTERN %s %s(%s);\n' % ( tok2cname(restok), orig_tramp_name, ', '.join([tok2cname(tok) for tok in token] + ['long'])) header += """\ static int cmp_%s(void *addr) { if (addr == %s) return 1; #ifdef VMPROF_ADDR_OF_TRAMPOLINE return VMPROF_ADDR_OF_TRAMPOLINE(addr); #undef VMPROF_ADDR_OF_TRAMPOLINE #else return 0; #endif #define VMPROF_ADDR_OF_TRAMPOLINE cmp_%s } """ % (tramp_name, orig_tramp_name, tramp_name) eci = ExternalCompilationInfo( post_include_bits = [header], separate_module_files = [str(target)], ) return rffi.llexternal( orig_tramp_name, [token2lltype(tok) for tok in token] + [lltype.Signed], token2lltype(restok), compilation_info=eci, _nowrapper=True, sandboxsafe=True, random_effects_on_gcobjs=True) ``` #### File: rpython/rlib/ ```python from rpython.rlib.debug import ll_assert from rpython.rlib import rgc from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import specialize from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, llmemory, rffi from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.lloperation import llop from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import llhelper, MixLevelHelperAnnotator from rpython.annotator import model as annmodel from rpython.rtyper.llannotation import lltype_to_annotation from rpython.rlib import _rffi_stacklet as _c _asmstackrootwalker = None # BIG HACK: monkey-patched by _stackletrootwalker = None def get_stackletrootwalker(): # XXX this is too complicated now; we don't need a StackletRootWalker # instance to store global state. We could rewrite it all in one big # function. We don't care enough for now. # lazily called, to make the following imports lazy global _stackletrootwalker if _stackletrootwalker is not None: return _stackletrootwalker from rpython.memory.gctransform.asmgcroot import ( WALKFRAME, CALLEE_SAVED_REGS, INDEX_OF_EBP, sizeofaddr) assert _asmstackrootwalker is not None, "should have been monkey-patched" basewalker = _asmstackrootwalker class StackletRootWalker(object): _alloc_flavor_ = "raw" def setup(self, obj): # initialization: read the SUSPSTACK object p = llmemory.cast_adr_to_ptr(obj, lltype.Ptr(SUSPSTACK)) if not p.handle: return False self.context = llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(p.handle) self.next_callback_piece = p.callback_pieces anchor = p.anchor del p self.curframe = lltype.malloc(WALKFRAME, flavor='raw') self.otherframe = lltype.malloc(WALKFRAME, flavor='raw') self.fill_initial_frame(self.curframe, anchor) return True def fill_initial_frame(self, curframe, initialframedata): # Copy&paste :-( initialframedata += 2*sizeofaddr reg = 0 while reg < CALLEE_SAVED_REGS: curframe.regs_stored_at[reg] = initialframedata+reg*sizeofaddr reg += 1 retaddraddr = initialframedata + CALLEE_SAVED_REGS * sizeofaddr retaddraddr = self.translateptr(retaddraddr) curframe.frame_address = retaddraddr.address[0] def fetch_next_stack_piece(self): if self.next_callback_piece == llmemory.NULL:, flavor='raw'), flavor='raw') self.context = llmemory.NULL return False else: anchor = self.next_callback_piece nextaddr = anchor + sizeofaddr nextaddr = self.translateptr(nextaddr) self.next_callback_piece = nextaddr.address[0] self.fill_initial_frame(self.curframe, anchor) return True @specialize.arg(3) def customtrace(self, gc, obj, callback, arg): # # Pointers to the stack can be "translated" or not: # # * Non-translated pointers point to where the data would be # if the stack was installed and running. # # * Translated pointers correspond to where the data # is now really in memory. # # Note that 'curframe' contains non-translated pointers, and # of course the stack itself is full of non-translated pointers. # if not self.setup(obj): return while True: callee = self.curframe retaddraddr = self.translateptr(callee.frame_address) retaddr = retaddraddr.address[0] ebp_in_caller = callee.regs_stored_at[INDEX_OF_EBP] ebp_in_caller = self.translateptr(ebp_in_caller) ebp_in_caller = ebp_in_caller.address[0] basewalker.locate_caller_based_on_retaddr(retaddr, ebp_in_caller) # see asmgcroot for similarity: while True: location = if location == 0: break addr = basewalker.getlocation(callee, ebp_in_caller, location) # yield the translated addr of the next GCREF in the stack addr = self.translateptr(addr) gc._trace_callback(callback, arg, addr) caller = self.otherframe reg = CALLEE_SAVED_REGS - 1 while reg >= 0: location = addr = basewalker.getlocation(callee, ebp_in_caller, location) caller.regs_stored_at[reg] = addr # non-translated reg -= 1 location = caller.frame_address = basewalker.getlocation(callee, ebp_in_caller, location) # ^^^ non-translated if caller.frame_address == llmemory.NULL: # completely done with this piece of stack if not self.fetch_next_stack_piece(): return continue # self.otherframe = callee self.curframe = caller # loop back def translateptr(self, addr): return _c._translate_pointer(self.context, addr) _stackletrootwalker = StackletRootWalker() return _stackletrootwalker get_stackletrootwalker._annspecialcase_ = 'specialize:memo' def complete_destrptr(gctransformer): translator = gctransformer.translator mixlevelannotator = MixLevelHelperAnnotator(translator.rtyper) args_s = [lltype_to_annotation(lltype.Ptr(SUSPSTACK))] s_result = annmodel.s_None destrptr = mixlevelannotator.delayedfunction(suspstack_destructor, args_s, s_result) mixlevelannotator.finish() lltype.attachRuntimeTypeInfo(SUSPSTACK, destrptr=destrptr) def customtrace(gc, obj, callback, arg): stackletrootwalker = get_stackletrootwalker() stackletrootwalker.customtrace(gc, obj, callback, arg) lambda_customtrace = lambda: customtrace def suspstack_destructor(suspstack): h = suspstack.handle if h: _c.destroy(h) SUSPSTACK = lltype.GcStruct('SuspStack', ('handle', _c.handle), ('anchor', llmemory.Address), ('callback_pieces', llmemory.Address), rtti=True) NULL_SUSPSTACK = lltype.nullptr(SUSPSTACK) ASM_FRAMEDATA_HEAD_PTR = lltype.Ptr(lltype.ForwardReference()) ASM_FRAMEDATA_HEAD_PTR.TO.become(lltype.Struct('ASM_FRAMEDATA_HEAD', ('prev', ASM_FRAMEDATA_HEAD_PTR), ('next', ASM_FRAMEDATA_HEAD_PTR) )) alternateanchor = lltype.malloc(ASM_FRAMEDATA_HEAD_PTR.TO, immortal=True) alternateanchor.prev = alternateanchor = alternateanchor FUNCNOARG_P = lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType([], _c.handle)) pypy_asm_stackwalk2 = rffi.llexternal('pypy_asm_stackwalk', [FUNCNOARG_P, ASM_FRAMEDATA_HEAD_PTR], lltype.Signed, sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True) def _new_callback(): # Here, we just closed the stack. Get the stack anchor, store # it in the gcrootfinder.suspstack.anchor, and create a new # stacklet with stacklet_new(). If this call fails, then we # are just returning NULL. _stack_just_closed() # return, llhelper(_c.run_fn, _new_runfn), llmemory.NULL) def _stack_just_closed(): # Immediately unlink the new stackanchor from the doubly-linked # chained list. When returning from pypy_asm_stackwalk2, the # assembler code will try to unlink it again, which should be # a no-op given that the doubly-linked list is empty. stackanchor = llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr( gcrootfinder.suspstack.anchor = stackanchor alternateanchor.prev = alternateanchor = alternateanchor def _new_runfn(h, _): # Here, we are in a fresh new stacklet. llop.gc_stack_bottom(lltype.Void) # marker for # # There is a fresh suspstack object waiting on the gcrootfinder, # so populate it with data that represents the parent suspended # stacklet and detach the suspstack object from gcrootfinder. suspstack = gcrootfinder.attach_handle_on_suspstack(h) # # Call the main function provided by the (RPython) user. suspstack = gcrootfinder.runfn(suspstack, gcrootfinder.arg) # # Here, suspstack points to the target stacklet to which we want # to jump to next. Read the 'handle' and forget about the # suspstack object. return _consume_suspstack(suspstack) def _consume_suspstack(suspstack): h = suspstack.handle ll_assert(bool(h), "_consume_suspstack: null handle") suspstack.handle = _c.null_handle return h def _switch_callback(): # Here, we just closed the stack. Get the stack anchor, store # it in the gcrootfinder.suspstack.anchor, and switch to this # suspstack with stacklet_switch(). If this call fails, then we # are just returning NULL. oldanchor = gcrootfinder.suspstack.anchor _stack_just_closed() h = _consume_suspstack(gcrootfinder.suspstack) # # gcrootfinder.suspstack.anchor is left with the anchor of the # previous place (i.e. before the call to switch()). h2 = _c.switch(h) # if not h2: # MemoryError: restore gcrootfinder.suspstack.anchor = oldanchor gcrootfinder.suspstack.handle = h return h2 class StackletGcRootFinder(object): suspstack = NULL_SUSPSTACK def new(self, thrd, callback, arg): self.newthrd = thrd._thrd self.runfn = callback self.arg = arg # make a fresh new clean SUSPSTACK rgc.register_custom_trace_hook(SUSPSTACK, lambda_customtrace) newsuspstack = lltype.malloc(SUSPSTACK) newsuspstack.handle = _c.null_handle self.suspstack = newsuspstack # Invoke '_new_callback' by closing the stack # callback_pieces = llop.gc_detach_callback_pieces(llmemory.Address) newsuspstack.callback_pieces = callback_pieces # h = pypy_asm_stackwalk2(llhelper(FUNCNOARG_P, _new_callback), alternateanchor) h = rffi.cast(_c.handle, h) # llop.gc_reattach_callback_pieces(lltype.Void, callback_pieces) return self.get_result_suspstack(h) def switch(self, suspstack): # Immediately before the switch, 'suspstack' describes the suspended # state of the *target* of the switch. Then it is theoretically # freed. In fact what occurs is that we reuse the same 'suspstack' # object in the target, just after the switch, to store the # description of where we came from. Then that "other" 'suspstack' # object is returned. self.suspstack = suspstack # callback_pieces = llop.gc_detach_callback_pieces(llmemory.Address) old_callback_pieces = suspstack.callback_pieces suspstack.callback_pieces = callback_pieces # h = pypy_asm_stackwalk2(llhelper(FUNCNOARG_P, _switch_callback), alternateanchor) h = rffi.cast(_c.handle, h) # llop.gc_reattach_callback_pieces(lltype.Void, callback_pieces) if not h: self.suspstack.callback_pieces = old_callback_pieces # return self.get_result_suspstack(h) def attach_handle_on_suspstack(self, handle): s = self.suspstack self.suspstack = NULL_SUSPSTACK ll_assert(bool(s.anchor), "s.anchor should not be null") s.handle = handle llop.gc_writebarrier(lltype.Void, llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(s)) return s def get_result_suspstack(self, h): # # Return from a new() or a switch(): 'h' is a handle, possibly # an empty one, that says from where we switched to. if not h: raise MemoryError elif _c.is_empty_handle(h): return NULL_SUSPSTACK else: # This is a return that gave us a real handle. Store it. return self.attach_handle_on_suspstack(h) def is_empty_handle(self, suspstack): return not suspstack def get_null_handle(self): return NULL_SUSPSTACK gcrootfinder = StackletGcRootFinder() ``` #### File: rlib/test/ ```python from rpython.rlib.buffer import * from rpython.annotator.annrpython import RPythonAnnotator from rpython.annotator.model import SomeInteger def test_string_buffer(): buf = StringBuffer('hello world') assert buf.getitem(4) == 'o' assert buf.getitem(4) == buf[4] assert buf.getlength() == 11 assert buf.getlength() == len(buf) assert buf.getslice(1, 6, 1, 5) == 'ello ' assert buf.getslice(1, 6, 1, 5) == buf[1:6] assert buf.getslice(1, 6, 2, 3) == 'el ' assert buf.as_str() == 'hello world' def test_len_nonneg(): # This test needs a buffer subclass whose getlength() isn't guaranteed to # return a non-neg integer. class DummyBuffer(Buffer): def __init__(self, s): self.size = s def getlength(self): return self.size def func(n): buf = DummyBuffer(n) return len(buf) a = RPythonAnnotator() s = a.build_types(func, [int]) assert s == SomeInteger(nonneg=True) ``` #### File: rlib/test/ ```python import py import sys from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype from rpython.rlib import rawstorage from rpython.rlib.rawstorage import alloc_raw_storage, free_raw_storage,\ raw_storage_setitem, raw_storage_getitem, AlignmentError,\ raw_storage_setitem_unaligned, raw_storage_getitem_unaligned from rpython.rtyper.test.tool import BaseRtypingTest from rpython.translator.c.test.test_genc import compile def test_untranslated_storage(): r = alloc_raw_storage(37) raw_storage_setitem(r, 8, 1<<30) res = raw_storage_getitem(lltype.Signed, r, 8) assert res == 1<<30 raw_storage_setitem(r, 8, 3.14) res = raw_storage_getitem(lltype.Float, r, 8) assert res == 3.14 py.test.raises(AlignmentError, raw_storage_getitem, lltype.Signed, r, 3) py.test.raises(AlignmentError, raw_storage_setitem, r, 3, 42.5) free_raw_storage(r) def test_untranslated_storage_unaligned(monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(rawstorage, 'misaligned_is_fine', False) r = alloc_raw_storage(15) raw_storage_setitem_unaligned(r, 3, 1<<30) res = raw_storage_getitem_unaligned(lltype.Signed, r, 3) assert res == 1<<30 raw_storage_setitem_unaligned(r, 3, 3.14) res = raw_storage_getitem_unaligned(lltype.Float, r, 3) assert res == 3.14 free_raw_storage(r) class TestRawStorage(BaseRtypingTest): def test_storage_int(self): def f(i): r = alloc_raw_storage(24) raw_storage_setitem(r, 8, i) res = raw_storage_getitem(lltype.Signed, r, 8) free_raw_storage(r) return res x = self.interpret(f, [1<<30]) assert x == 1 << 30 def test_storage_float_unaligned(self, monkeypatch): def f(v): r = alloc_raw_storage(24) raw_storage_setitem_unaligned(r, 3, v) res = raw_storage_getitem_unaligned(lltype.Float, r, 3) free_raw_storage(r) return res monkeypatch.setattr(rawstorage, 'misaligned_is_fine', False) x = self.interpret(f, [3.14]) assert x == 3.14 class TestCBackend(object): def test_backend_int(self): def f(i): r = alloc_raw_storage(24) raw_storage_setitem(r, 8, i) res = raw_storage_getitem(lltype.Signed, r, 8) free_raw_storage(r) return res != i fc = compile(f, [int]) x = fc(-sys.maxint // 3) assert x == 0 def test_backend_float_unaligned(self, monkeypatch): def f(v): r = alloc_raw_storage(24) raw_storage_setitem_unaligned(r, 3, v) res = raw_storage_getitem_unaligned(lltype.Float, r, 3) free_raw_storage(r) return res != v if monkeypatch is not None: monkeypatch.setattr(rawstorage, 'misaligned_is_fine', False) fc = compile(f, [float]) x = fc(-3.14) assert x == 0 def test_backend_float_unaligned_allow_misalign(self): self.test_backend_float_unaligned(monkeypatch=None) ``` #### File: rlib/test/ ```python import py import sys import copy from rpython.rlib.rerased import * from rpython.annotator import model as annmodel from rpython.annotator.annrpython import RPythonAnnotator from rpython.rtyper.rclass import OBJECTPTR from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, llmemory from rpython.rtyper.test.tool import BaseRtypingTest def make_annotator(): a = RPythonAnnotator() a.translator.config.translation.taggedpointers = True return a class X(object): pass class Y(X): pass class Z(X): pass eraseX, uneraseX = new_erasing_pair("X") erase_list_X, unerase_list_X = new_erasing_pair("list of X") def test_simple(): x1 = X() e = eraseX(x1) #assert is_integer(e) is False assert uneraseX(e) is x1 def test_simple_none(): e = eraseX(None) assert uneraseX(e) is None def test_simple_int(): e = erase_int(15) #assert is_integer(e) is True assert unerase_int(e) == 15 def test_simple_int_overflow(): erase_int(sys.maxint//2) py.test.raises(OverflowError, erase_int, sys.maxint//2 + 1) py.test.raises(OverflowError, erase_int, sys.maxint) py.test.raises(OverflowError, erase_int, sys.maxint-1) py.test.raises(OverflowError, erase_int, -sys.maxint) py.test.raises(OverflowError, erase_int, -sys.maxint-1) def test_list(): l = [X()] e = erase_list_X(l) #assert is_integer(e) is False assert unerase_list_X(e) is l def test_deepcopy(): x = "hello" e = eraseX(x) e2 = copy.deepcopy(e) assert uneraseX(e) is x assert uneraseX(e2) is x def test_annotate_1(): def f(): return eraseX(X()) a = make_annotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s, SomeErased) def test_annotate_2(): def f(): x1 = X() e = eraseX(x1) #assert not is_integer(e) x2 = uneraseX(e) return x2 a = make_annotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInstance) assert s.classdef == a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(X) def test_annotate_3(): def f(): e = erase_int(16) #assert is_integer(e) x2 = unerase_int(e) return x2 a = make_annotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) def test_annotate_erasing_pair(): erase, unerase = new_erasing_pair("test1") erase2, unerase2 = new_erasing_pair("test2") class Foo: pass # def make(n): if n > 5: return erase([5, 6, n-6]) else: foo = Foo() = n+1 return erase2(foo) def check(x, n): if n > 5: return unerase(x)[2] else: return unerase2(x).bar def f(n): x = make(n) return check(x, n) # a = make_annotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) def test_annotate_reflowing(): erase, unerase = new_erasing_pair("test1") class A: pass class B(A): pass class C(B): pass class D(C): pass def f(): x = erase(None) while True: inst = unerase(x) if inst is None: inst = D() x = erase(inst) elif isinstance(inst, D): inst = C() x = erase(inst) elif isinstance(inst, C): inst = B() x = erase(inst) elif isinstance(inst, B): inst = A() x = erase(inst) else: return inst # a = make_annotator() s = a.build_types(f, []) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInstance) assert s.classdef == a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(A) def test_annotate_prebuilt(): erase, unerase = new_erasing_pair("test1") class X(object): pass x1 = X() e1 = erase(x1) e2 = erase(None) def f(i): if i: e = e1 else: e = e2 return unerase(e) # a = make_annotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInstance) assert s.classdef == a.bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(X) assert s.can_be_none() def test_annotate_prebuilt_int(): e1 = erase_int(42) def f(i): return unerase_int(e1) a = make_annotator() s = a.build_types(f, [int]) assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeInteger) class TestRErased(BaseRtypingTest): ERASED_TYPE = llmemory.GCREF UNERASED_TYPE = OBJECTPTR def castable(self, TO, var): return lltype.castable(TO, lltype.typeOf(var)) > 0 def interpret(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs["taggedpointers"] = True return BaseRtypingTest.interpret(self, *args, **kwargs) def test_rtype_1(self): def f(): return eraseX(X()) x = self.interpret(f, []) assert lltype.typeOf(x) == self.ERASED_TYPE def test_rtype_2(self): def f(): x1 = X() e = eraseX(x1) #assert not is_integer(e) x2 = uneraseX(e) return x2 x = self.interpret(f, []) assert self.castable(self.UNERASED_TYPE, x) def test_rtype_3(self): def f(): e = erase_int(16) #assert is_integer(e) x2 = unerase_int(e) return x2 x = self.interpret(f, []) assert x == 16 def test_prebuilt_erased(self): e1 = erase_int(16) x1 = X() x1.foobar = 42 e2 = eraseX(x1) def f(): #assert is_integer(e1) #assert not is_integer(e2) x1.foobar += 1 x2 = unerase_int(e1) + uneraseX(e2).foobar return x2 x = self.interpret(f, []) assert x == 16 + 42 + 1 def test_prebuilt_erased_in_instance(self): erase_empty, unerase_empty = new_erasing_pair("empty") class FakeList(object): pass x1 = X() x1.foobar = 42 l1 = FakeList() = eraseX(x1) l2 = FakeList() = erase_empty(None) def f(): #assert is_integer(e1) #assert not is_integer(e2) x1.foobar += 1 x2 = uneraseX( + (unerase_empty( is None) return x2 x = self.interpret(f, []) assert x == 43 + True def test_overflow(self): def f(i): try: e = erase_int(i) except OverflowError: return -1 #assert is_integer(e) return unerase_int(e) x = self.interpret(f, [16]) assert x == 16 x = self.interpret(f, [sys.maxint]) assert x == -1 def test_none(self): def foo(): return uneraseX(eraseX(None)) assert foo() is None res = self.interpret(foo, []) assert not res # def foo(): eraseX(X()) return uneraseX(eraseX(None)) assert foo() is None res = self.interpret(foo, []) assert not res def test_rtype_list(self): prebuilt_l = [X()] prebuilt_e = erase_list_X(prebuilt_l) def l(flag): if flag == 1: l = [X()] e = erase_list_X(l) elif flag == 2: l = prebuilt_l e = erase_list_X(l) else: l = prebuilt_l e = prebuilt_e #assert is_integer(e) is False assert unerase_list_X(e) is l self.interpret(l, [0]) self.interpret(l, [1]) self.interpret(l, [2]) def test_union(): s_e1 = SomeErased() s_e1.const = 1 s_e2 = SomeErased() s_e2.const = 3 assert not annmodel.pair(s_e1, s_e2).union().is_constant() # ____________________________________________________________ def test_erasing_pair(): erase, unerase = new_erasing_pair("test1") class X: pass x = X() erased = erase(x) assert unerase(erased) is x # erase2, unerase2 = new_erasing_pair("test2") py.test.raises(AssertionError, unerase2, erased) ``` #### File: rlib/test/ ```python import os, py from rpython.translator.c.test.test_genc import compile from rpython.rlib import rsignal def setup_module(mod): if not hasattr(os, 'kill') or not hasattr(os, 'getpid'): py.test.skip("requires os.kill() and os.getpid()") if not hasattr(rsignal, 'SIGUSR1'): py.test.skip("requires SIGUSR1 in signal") def check(expected): res = rsignal.pypysig_poll() os.write(1, "poll() => %d, expected %d\n" % (res, expected)) assert res == expected def test_simple(): import os check(-1) check(-1) for i in range(3): rsignal.pypysig_setflag(rsignal.SIGUSR1) os.kill(os.getpid(), rsignal.SIGUSR1) check(rsignal.SIGUSR1) check(-1) check(-1) rsignal.pypysig_ignore(rsignal.SIGUSR1) os.kill(os.getpid(), rsignal.SIGUSR1) check(-1) check(-1) rsignal.pypysig_default(rsignal.SIGUSR1) check(-1) def test_compile(): fn = compile(test_simple, []) fn() ``` #### File: rlib/test/ ```python import gc, time from rpython.rlib.rthread import * from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_longlong from rpython.translator.c.test.test_boehm import AbstractGCTestClass from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, rffi import py def setup_module(mod): # Hack to avoid a deadlock if the module is run after other test files :-( # In this module, we assume that rthread.start_new_thread() is not # providing us with a GIL equivalent, except in test_gc_locking # which installs its own aroundstate. rffi.aroundstate._cleanup_() def test_lock(): l = allocate_lock() ok1 = l.acquire(True) ok2 = l.acquire(False) l.release() ok3 = l.acquire(False) res = ok1 and not ok2 and ok3 assert res == 1 def test_thread_error(): l = allocate_lock() try: l.release() except error: pass else:"Did not raise") def test_tlref_untranslated(): class FooBar(object): pass t = ThreadLocalReference(FooBar) results = [] def subthread(): x = FooBar() results.append(t.get() is None) t.set(x) results.append(t.get() is x) time.sleep(0.2) results.append(t.get() is x) for i in range(5): start_new_thread(subthread, ()) time.sleep(0.5) assert results == [True] * 15 def test_get_ident(): import thread assert get_ident() == thread.get_ident() def test_threadlocalref_on_llinterp(): from rpython.rtyper.test.test_llinterp import interpret tlfield = ThreadLocalField(lltype.Signed, "rthread_test_") # def f(): x = tlfield.setraw(42) return tlfield.getraw() # res = interpret(f, []) assert res == 42 class AbstractThreadTests(AbstractGCTestClass): use_threads = True def test_start_new_thread(self): import time class State: pass state = State() def bootstrap1(): state.my_thread_ident1 = get_ident() def bootstrap2(): state.my_thread_ident2 = get_ident() def f(): state.my_thread_ident1 = get_ident() state.my_thread_ident2 = get_ident() start_new_thread(bootstrap1, ()) start_new_thread(bootstrap2, ()) willing_to_wait_more = 1000 while (state.my_thread_ident1 == get_ident() or state.my_thread_ident2 == get_ident()): willing_to_wait_more -= 1 if not willing_to_wait_more: raise Exception("thread didn't start?") time.sleep(0.01) return 42 fn = self.getcompiled(f, []) res = fn() assert res == 42 def test_gc_locking(self): import time from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import invoke_around_extcall from rpython.rlib.debug import ll_assert class State: pass state = State() class Z: def __init__(self, i, j): self.i = i self.j = j def run(self): j = self.j if self.i > 1: g(self.i-1, self.j * 2) ll_assert(j == self.j, "1: bad j") g(self.i-2, self.j * 2 + 1) else: if len(state.answers) % 7 == 5: gc.collect() state.answers.append(self.j) ll_assert(j == self.j, "2: bad j") run._dont_inline_ = True def before_extcall(): release_NOAUTO(state.gil) before_extcall._gctransformer_hint_cannot_collect_ = True # ^^^ see comments in about this hint def after_extcall(): acquire_NOAUTO(state.gil, True) gc_thread_run() after_extcall._gctransformer_hint_cannot_collect_ = True # ^^^ see comments in about this hint def bootstrap(): # after_extcall() is called before we arrive here. # We can't just acquire and release the GIL manually here, # because it is unsafe: bootstrap() is called from a rffi # callback which checks for and reports exceptions after # bootstrap() returns. The exception checking code must be # protected by the GIL too. z = state.z state.z = None state.bootstrapping.release() gc_thread_die() # before_extcall() is called after we leave here def g(i, j): state.bootstrapping.acquire(True) state.z = Z(i, j) start_new_thread(bootstrap, ()) def f(): state.gil = allocate_ll_lock() acquire_NOAUTO(state.gil, True) state.bootstrapping = allocate_lock() state.answers = [] state.finished = 0 # the next line installs before_extcall() and after_extcall() # to be called automatically around external function calls. invoke_around_extcall(before_extcall, after_extcall) g(10, 1) done = False willing_to_wait_more = 2000 while not done: if not willing_to_wait_more: break willing_to_wait_more -= 1 done = len(state.answers) == expected time.sleep(0.01) time.sleep(0.1) return len(state.answers) expected = 89 try: fn = self.getcompiled(f, []) finally: rffi.aroundstate._cleanup_() answers = fn() assert answers == expected def test_acquire_timed(self): import time def f(): l = allocate_lock() l.acquire(True) t1 = time.time() ok = l.acquire_timed(1000001) t2 = time.time() delay = t2 - t1 if ok == 0: # RPY_LOCK_FAILURE return -delay elif ok == 2: # RPY_LOCK_INTR return delay else: # RPY_LOCK_ACQUIRED return 0.0 fn = self.getcompiled(f, []) res = fn() assert res < -1.0 def test_acquire_timed_huge_timeout(self): t = r_longlong(2 ** 61) def f(): l = allocate_lock() return l.acquire_timed(t) fn = self.getcompiled(f, []) res = fn() assert res == 1 # RPY_LOCK_ACQUIRED def test_acquire_timed_alarm(self): import sys if not sys.platform.startswith('linux'): py.test.skip("skipped on non-linux") import time from rpython.rlib import rsignal def f(): l = allocate_lock() l.acquire(True) # rsignal.pypysig_setflag(rsignal.SIGALRM) rsignal.c_alarm(1) # t1 = time.time() ok = l.acquire_timed(2500000) t2 = time.time() delay = t2 - t1 if ok == 0: # RPY_LOCK_FAILURE return -delay elif ok == 2: # RPY_LOCK_INTR return delay else: # RPY_LOCK_ACQUIRED return 0.0 fn = self.getcompiled(f, []) res = fn() assert res >= 0.95 def test_tlref(self): class FooBar(object): pass t = ThreadLocalReference(FooBar) def f(): x1 = FooBar() t.set(x1) import gc; gc.collect() assert t.get() is x1 return 42 fn = self.getcompiled(f, []) res = fn() assert res == 42 #class TestRunDirectly(AbstractThreadTests): # def getcompiled(self, f, argtypes): # return f # These are disabled because they crash occasionally for bad reasons # related to the fact that ll2ctypes is not at all thread-safe class TestUsingBoehm(AbstractThreadTests): gcpolicy = 'boehm' class TestUsingFramework(AbstractThreadTests): gcpolicy = 'minimark' ``` #### File: rpython/rlib/ ```python from rpython.annotator import model from rpython.annotator.listdef import ListDef from rpython.annotator.dictdef import DictDef def none(): return model.s_None def impossible(): return model.s_ImpossibleValue def float(): return model.SomeFloat() def singlefloat(): return model.SomeSingleFloat() def longfloat(): return model.SomeLongFloat() def int(): return model.SomeInteger() def bool(): return model.SomeBool() def unicode(): return model.SomeUnicodeString() def unicode0(): return model.SomeUnicodeString(no_nul=True) def str(can_be_None=False): return model.SomeString(can_be_None=can_be_None) def bytearray(): return model.SomeByteArray() def str0(): return model.SomeString(no_nul=True) def char(): return model.SomeChar() def ptr(ll_type): from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.lltype import Ptr from rpython.rtyper.llannotation import SomePtr return SomePtr(Ptr(ll_type)) def list(element): listdef = ListDef(None, element, mutated=True, resized=True) return model.SomeList(listdef) def array(element): listdef = ListDef(None, element, mutated=True, resized=False) return model.SomeList(listdef) def dict(keytype, valuetype): dictdef = DictDef(None, keytype, valuetype) return model.SomeDict(dictdef) def instance(cls): return lambda bookkeeper: model.SomeInstance(bookkeeper.getuniqueclassdef(cls)) class SelfTypeMarker(object): pass def self(): return SelfTypeMarker() class AnyTypeMarker(object): pass def any(): return AnyTypeMarker() ``` #### File: rpython/rtyper/ ```python from rpython.annotator.argument import ArgumentsForTranslation, ArgErr from rpython.annotator import model as annmodel from rpython.rtyper import rtuple from rpython.rtyper.error import TyperError from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype class ArgumentsForRtype(ArgumentsForTranslation): def newtuple(self, items): return NewTupleHolder(items) def unpackiterable(self, it): assert it.is_tuple() items = it.items() return list(items) def getrinputs(rtyper, graph): """Return the list of reprs of the input arguments to the 'graph'.""" return [rtyper.bindingrepr(v) for v in graph.getargs()] def getrresult(rtyper, graph): """Return the repr of the result variable of the 'graph'.""" if graph.getreturnvar().annotation is not None: return rtyper.bindingrepr(graph.getreturnvar()) else: return lltype.Void def getsig(rtyper, graph): """Return the complete 'signature' of the graph.""" return (graph.signature, graph.defaults, getrinputs(rtyper, graph), getrresult(rtyper, graph)) def callparse(rtyper, graph, hop, r_self=None): """Parse the arguments of 'hop' when calling the given 'graph'. """ rinputs = getrinputs(rtyper, graph) def args_h(start): return [VarHolder(i, hop.args_s[i]) for i in range(start, hop.nb_args)] if r_self is None: start = 1 else: start = 0 rinputs[0] = r_self opname = hop.spaceop.opname if opname == "simple_call": arguments = ArgumentsForRtype(args_h(start)) elif opname == "call_args": arguments = ArgumentsForRtype.fromshape( hop.args_s[start].const, # shape args_h(start+1)) # parse the arguments according to the function we are calling signature = graph.signature defs_h = [] if graph.defaults: for x in graph.defaults: defs_h.append(ConstHolder(x)) try: holders = arguments.match_signature(signature, defs_h) except ArgErr, e: raise TyperError("signature mismatch: %s" % e.getmsg( assert len(holders) == len(rinputs), "argument parsing mismatch" vlist = [] for h,r in zip(holders, rinputs): v = h.emit(r, hop) vlist.append(v) return vlist class Holder(object): def is_tuple(self): return False def emit(self, repr, hop): try: cache = self._cache except AttributeError: cache = self._cache = {} try: return cache[repr] except KeyError: v = self._emit(repr, hop) cache[repr] = v return v class VarHolder(Holder): def __init__(self, num, s_obj): self.num = num self.s_obj = s_obj def is_tuple(self): return isinstance(self.s_obj, annmodel.SomeTuple) def items(self): assert self.is_tuple() n = len(self.s_obj.items) return tuple([ItemHolder(self, i) for i in range(n)]) def _emit(self, repr, hop): return hop.inputarg(repr, arg=self.num) def access(self, hop): repr = hop.args_r[self.num] return repr, self.emit(repr, hop) class ConstHolder(Holder): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def is_tuple(self): return type(self.value) is tuple def items(self): assert self.is_tuple() return self.value def _emit(self, repr, hop): return hop.inputconst(repr, self.value) class NewTupleHolder(Holder): def __new__(cls, holders): for h in holders: if not isinstance(h, ItemHolder) or not h.holder == holders[0].holder: break else: if 0 < len(holders) == len(holders[0].holder.items()): return holders[0].holder inst = Holder.__new__(cls) inst.holders = tuple(holders) return inst def is_tuple(self): return True def items(self): return self.holders def _emit(self, repr, hop): assert isinstance(repr, rtuple.TupleRepr) tupleitems_v = [] for h in self.holders: v = h.emit(repr.items_r[len(tupleitems_v)], hop) tupleitems_v.append(v) vtuple = repr.newtuple(hop.llops, repr, tupleitems_v) return vtuple class ItemHolder(Holder): def __init__(self, holder, index): self.holder = holder self.index = index def _emit(self, repr, hop): index = self.index r_tup, v_tuple = self.holder.access(hop) v = r_tup.getitem_internal(hop, v_tuple, index) return hop.llops.convertvar(v, r_tup.items_r[index], repr) ``` #### File: rtyper/lltypesystem/ ```python from rpython.rtyper.rbytearray import AbstractByteArrayRepr from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, rstr from rpython.rlib.debug import ll_assert BYTEARRAY = lltype.GcForwardReference() def mallocbytearray(size): return lltype.malloc(BYTEARRAY, size) _, _, copy_bytearray_contents = rstr._new_copy_contents_fun(BYTEARRAY, BYTEARRAY, lltype.Char, 'bytearray') _, _, copy_bytearray_contents_from_str = rstr._new_copy_contents_fun(rstr.STR, BYTEARRAY, lltype.Char, 'bytearray_from_str') def _empty_bytearray(): return empty BYTEARRAY.become(lltype.GcStruct('rpy_bytearray', ('chars', lltype.Array(lltype.Char)), adtmeths={ 'malloc' : lltype.staticAdtMethod(mallocbytearray), 'copy_contents' : lltype.staticAdtMethod(copy_bytearray_contents), 'copy_contents_from_str': lltype.staticAdtMethod( copy_bytearray_contents_from_str), 'length': rstr.LLHelpers.ll_length, 'empty': lltype.staticAdtMethod(_empty_bytearray), })) empty = lltype.malloc(BYTEARRAY, 0, immortal=True) class LLHelpers(rstr.LLHelpers): @classmethod def ll_strsetitem(cls, s, i, item): if i < 0: i += s.length() cls.ll_strsetitem_nonneg(s, i, item) @staticmethod def ll_strsetitem_nonneg(s, i, item): chars = s.chars ll_assert(i >= 0, "negative str getitem index") ll_assert(i < len(chars), "str getitem index out of bound") chars[i] = chr(item) @staticmethod def ll_stritem_nonneg(s, i): return ord(rstr.LLHelpers.ll_stritem_nonneg(s, i)) class ByteArrayRepr(AbstractByteArrayRepr): lowleveltype = lltype.Ptr(BYTEARRAY) def __init__(self, *args): AbstractByteArrayRepr.__init__(self, *args) self.ll = LLHelpers self.repr = self def convert_const(self, value): if value is None: return lltype.nullptr(BYTEARRAY) p = lltype.malloc(BYTEARRAY, len(value)) for i, c in enumerate(value): p.chars[i] = chr(c) return p def ll_str(self, ll_b): from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.rstr import mallocstr, STR if ll_b: lgt = ll_b.length() ll_s = mallocstr(lgt) for i in range(lgt): ll_s.chars[i] = ll_b.chars[i] return ll_s else: return lltype.nullptr(STR) bytearray_repr = ByteArrayRepr() def hlbytearray(ll_b): b = bytearray() for i in range(ll_b.length()): b.append(ll_b.chars[i]) return b ``` #### File: rtyper/lltypesystem/ ```python from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype from rpython.rtyper.rclass import ( InstanceRepr, CLASSTYPE, ll_inst_type, MissingRTypeAttribute, ll_issubclass_const, getclassrepr, getinstancerepr, get_type_repr) from rpython.rtyper.rmodel import TyperError, inputconst class TaggedInstanceRepr(InstanceRepr): def __init__(self, rtyper, classdef, unboxedclassdef): InstanceRepr.__init__(self, rtyper, classdef) self.unboxedclassdef = unboxedclassdef self.is_parent = unboxedclassdef is not classdef def _setup_repr(self): InstanceRepr._setup_repr(self) flds = self.allinstancefields.keys() flds.remove('__class__') if self.is_parent: if flds: raise TyperError("%r is a base class of an UnboxedValue," "so it cannot have fields: %r" % ( self.classdef, flds)) else: if len(flds) != 1: raise TyperError("%r must have exactly one field: %r" % ( self.classdef, flds)) self.specialfieldname = flds[0] def new_instance(self, llops, classcallhop=None, nonmovable=False): assert not nonmovable if self.is_parent: raise TyperError("don't instantiate %r, it is a parent of an " "UnboxedValue class" % (self.classdef,)) if classcallhop is None: raise TyperError("must instantiate %r by calling the class" % ( self.classdef,)) hop = classcallhop if not (hop.spaceop.opname == 'simple_call' and hop.nb_args == 2): raise TyperError("must instantiate %r with a simple class call" % ( self.classdef,)) v_value = hop.inputarg(lltype.Signed, arg=1) c_one = hop.inputconst(lltype.Signed, 1) hop.exception_is_here() v2 = hop.genop('int_add_ovf', [v_value, v_value], resulttype = lltype.Signed) v2p1 = hop.genop('int_add', [v2, c_one], resulttype = lltype.Signed) v_instance = hop.genop('cast_int_to_ptr', [v2p1], resulttype = self.lowleveltype) return v_instance, False # don't call __init__ def convert_const_exact(self, value): self.setup() number = value.get_untagged_value() return ll_int_to_unboxed(self.lowleveltype, number) def getvalue_from_unboxed(self, llops, vinst): assert not self.is_parent v2 = llops.genop('cast_ptr_to_int', [vinst], resulttype=lltype.Signed) c_one = inputconst(lltype.Signed, 1) return llops.genop('int_rshift', [v2, c_one], resulttype=lltype.Signed) def gettype_from_unboxed(self, llops, vinst, can_be_none=False): unboxedclass_repr = getclassrepr(self.rtyper, self.unboxedclassdef) cunboxedcls = inputconst(CLASSTYPE, unboxedclass_repr.getvtable()) if self.is_parent: # If the lltype of vinst shows that it cannot be a tagged value, # we can directly read the typeptr. Otherwise, call a helper that # checks if the tag bit is set in the pointer. unboxedinstance_repr = getinstancerepr(self.rtyper, self.unboxedclassdef) try: lltype.castable(unboxedinstance_repr.lowleveltype, vinst.concretetype) except lltype.InvalidCast: can_be_tagged = False else: can_be_tagged = True vinst = llops.genop('cast_pointer', [vinst], resulttype=self.common_repr()) if can_be_tagged: if can_be_none: func = ll_unboxed_getclass_canbenone else: func = ll_unboxed_getclass return llops.gendirectcall(func, vinst, cunboxedcls) elif can_be_none: return llops.gendirectcall(ll_inst_type, vinst) else: ctypeptr = inputconst(lltype.Void, 'typeptr') return llops.genop('getfield', [vinst, ctypeptr], resulttype = CLASSTYPE) else: return cunboxedcls def getfield(self, vinst, attr, llops, force_cast=False, flags={}): if not self.is_parent and attr == self.specialfieldname: return self.getvalue_from_unboxed(llops, vinst) elif attr == '__class__': return self.gettype_from_unboxed(llops, vinst) else: raise MissingRTypeAttribute(attr) def rtype_type(self, hop): [vinst] = hop.inputargs(self) return self.gettype_from_unboxed( hop.llops, vinst, can_be_none=hop.args_s[0].can_be_none()) def rtype_setattr(self, hop): # only for UnboxedValue.__init__(), which is not actually called hop.genop('UnboxedValue_setattr', []) def ll_str(self, i): if lltype.cast_ptr_to_int(i) & 1: from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import rstr from rpython.rtyper.rint import signed_repr llstr1 = signed_repr.ll_str(ll_unboxed_to_int(i)) return rstr.ll_strconcat(rstr.unboxed_instance_str_prefix, rstr.ll_strconcat(llstr1, rstr.unboxed_instance_str_suffix)) else: return InstanceRepr.ll_str(self, i) def rtype_isinstance(self, hop): if not hop.args_s[1].is_constant(): raise TyperError("isinstance() too complicated") [classdesc] = hop.args_s[1].descriptions classdef = classdesc.getuniqueclassdef() class_repr = get_type_repr(self.rtyper) instance_repr = self.common_repr() v_obj, v_cls = hop.inputargs(instance_repr, class_repr) cls = v_cls.value answer = self.unboxedclassdef.issubclass(classdef) c_answer_if_unboxed = hop.inputconst(lltype.Bool, answer) minid = hop.inputconst(lltype.Signed, cls.subclassrange_min) maxid = hop.inputconst(lltype.Signed, cls.subclassrange_max) return hop.gendirectcall(ll_unboxed_isinstance_const, v_obj, minid, maxid, c_answer_if_unboxed) def ll_int_to_unboxed(PTRTYPE, value): return lltype.cast_int_to_ptr(PTRTYPE, value*2+1) def ll_unboxed_to_int(p): return lltype.cast_ptr_to_int(p) >> 1 def ll_unboxed_getclass_canbenone(instance, class_if_unboxed): if instance: return ll_unboxed_getclass(instance, class_if_unboxed) return lltype.nullptr(lltype.typeOf(instance).TO.typeptr.TO) def ll_unboxed_getclass(instance, class_if_unboxed): if lltype.cast_ptr_to_int(instance) & 1: return class_if_unboxed return instance.typeptr def ll_unboxed_isinstance_const(obj, minid, maxid, answer_if_unboxed): if not obj: return False if lltype.cast_ptr_to_int(obj) & 1: return answer_if_unboxed else: return ll_issubclass_const(obj.typeptr, minid, maxid) ``` #### File: rtyper/module/ ```python from __future__ import with_statement from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, rffi from rpython.translator.tool.cbuild import ExternalCompilationInfo from rpython.rtyper.tool import rffi_platform as platform from rpython.tool.sourcetools import func_renamer from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import specialize def make_win32_traits(traits): from rpython.rlib import rwin32 if traits.str is unicode: suffix = 'W' else: suffix = 'A' class CConfig: _compilation_info_ = ExternalCompilationInfo( includes = ['windows.h', 'winbase.h', 'sys/stat.h'], ) WIN32_FIND_DATA = platform.Struct( 'struct _WIN32_FIND_DATA' + suffix, # Only interesting fields [('dwFileAttributes', rwin32.DWORD), ('nFileSizeHigh', rwin32.DWORD), ('nFileSizeLow', rwin32.DWORD), ('ftCreationTime', rwin32.FILETIME), ('ftLastAccessTime', rwin32.FILETIME), ('ftLastWriteTime', rwin32.FILETIME), ('cFileName', lltype.FixedSizeArray(traits.CHAR, 250))]) ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = platform.ConstantInteger( 'ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND') ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES = platform.ConstantInteger( 'ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES') GetFileExInfoStandard = platform.ConstantInteger( 'GetFileExInfoStandard') FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY = platform.ConstantInteger( 'FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY') FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY = platform.ConstantInteger( 'FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY') INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES = platform.ConstantInteger( 'INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES') ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION = platform.ConstantInteger( 'ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION') _S_IFDIR = platform.ConstantInteger('_S_IFDIR') _S_IFREG = platform.ConstantInteger('_S_IFREG') _S_IFCHR = platform.ConstantInteger('_S_IFCHR') _S_IFIFO = platform.ConstantInteger('_S_IFIFO') FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = platform.ConstantInteger('FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN') FILE_TYPE_CHAR = platform.ConstantInteger('FILE_TYPE_CHAR') FILE_TYPE_PIPE = platform.ConstantInteger('FILE_TYPE_PIPE') FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES = platform.ConstantInteger( 'FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES') OPEN_EXISTING = platform.ConstantInteger( 'OPEN_EXISTING') FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS = platform.ConstantInteger( 'FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS') VOLUME_NAME_DOS = platform.ConstantInteger('VOLUME_NAME_DOS') VOLUME_NAME_NT = platform.ConstantInteger('VOLUME_NAME_NT') WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA = platform.Struct( 'WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA', [('dwFileAttributes', rwin32.DWORD), ('nFileSizeHigh', rwin32.DWORD), ('nFileSizeLow', rwin32.DWORD), ('ftCreationTime', rwin32.FILETIME), ('ftLastAccessTime', rwin32.FILETIME), ('ftLastWriteTime', rwin32.FILETIME)]) BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION = platform.Struct( 'BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION', [('dwFileAttributes', rwin32.DWORD), ('ftCreationTime', rwin32.FILETIME), ('ftLastAccessTime', rwin32.FILETIME), ('ftLastWriteTime', rwin32.FILETIME), ('dwVolumeSerialNumber', rwin32.DWORD), ('nFileSizeHigh', rwin32.DWORD), ('nFileSizeLow', rwin32.DWORD), ('nNumberOfLinks', rwin32.DWORD), ('nFileIndexHigh', rwin32.DWORD), ('nFileIndexLow', rwin32.DWORD)]) config = platform.configure(CConfig) def external(*args, **kwargs): kwargs['compilation_info'] = CConfig._compilation_info_ llfunc = rffi.llexternal(calling_conv='win', *args, **kwargs) return staticmethod(llfunc) class Win32Traits: apisuffix = suffix for name in '''WIN32_FIND_DATA WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION GetFileExInfoStandard FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES _S_IFDIR _S_IFREG _S_IFCHR _S_IFIFO FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN FILE_TYPE_CHAR FILE_TYPE_PIPE FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES OPEN_EXISTING FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS VOLUME_NAME_DOS VOLUME_NAME_NT ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION '''.split(): locals()[name] = config[name] LPWIN32_FIND_DATA = lltype.Ptr(WIN32_FIND_DATA) GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS = rffi.ULONG # an enumeration FindFirstFile = external('FindFirstFile' + suffix, [traits.CCHARP, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA], rwin32.HANDLE, save_err=rffi.RFFI_SAVE_LASTERROR) FindNextFile = external('FindNextFile' + suffix, [rwin32.HANDLE, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA], rwin32.BOOL, save_err=rffi.RFFI_SAVE_LASTERROR) FindClose = external('FindClose', [rwin32.HANDLE], rwin32.BOOL) GetFileAttributes = external( 'GetFileAttributes' + suffix, [traits.CCHARP], rwin32.DWORD, save_err=rffi.RFFI_SAVE_LASTERROR) SetFileAttributes = external( 'SetFileAttributes' + suffix, [traits.CCHARP, rwin32.DWORD], rwin32.BOOL, save_err=rffi.RFFI_SAVE_LASTERROR) GetFileAttributesEx = external( 'GetFileAttributesEx' + suffix, [traits.CCHARP, GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS, lltype.Ptr(WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA)], rwin32.BOOL, save_err=rffi.RFFI_SAVE_LASTERROR) GetFileInformationByHandle = external( 'GetFileInformationByHandle', [rwin32.HANDLE, lltype.Ptr(BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION)], rwin32.BOOL, save_err=rffi.RFFI_SAVE_LASTERROR) GetFileType = external( 'GetFileType', [rwin32.HANDLE], rwin32.DWORD, save_err=rffi.RFFI_SAVE_LASTERROR) LPSTRP = rffi.CArrayPtr(traits.CCHARP) GetFullPathName = external( 'GetFullPathName' + suffix, [traits.CCHARP, rwin32.DWORD, traits.CCHARP, LPSTRP], rwin32.DWORD, save_err=rffi.RFFI_SAVE_LASTERROR) GetCurrentDirectory = external( 'GetCurrentDirectory' + suffix, [rwin32.DWORD, traits.CCHARP], rwin32.DWORD, save_err=rffi.RFFI_SAVE_LASTERROR) SetCurrentDirectory = external( 'SetCurrentDirectory' + suffix, [traits.CCHARP], rwin32.BOOL, save_err=rffi.RFFI_SAVE_LASTERROR) CreateDirectory = external( 'CreateDirectory' + suffix, [traits.CCHARP, rffi.VOIDP], rwin32.BOOL, save_err=rffi.RFFI_SAVE_LASTERROR) SetEnvironmentVariable = external( 'SetEnvironmentVariable' + suffix, [traits.CCHARP, traits.CCHARP], rwin32.BOOL, save_err=rffi.RFFI_SAVE_LASTERROR) CreateFile = external( 'CreateFile' + apisuffix, [traits.CCHARP, rwin32.DWORD, rwin32.DWORD, rwin32.LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, rwin32.DWORD, rwin32.DWORD, rwin32.HANDLE], rwin32.HANDLE, save_err=rffi.RFFI_SAVE_LASTERROR) DeleteFile = external( 'DeleteFile' + suffix, [traits.CCHARP], rwin32.BOOL, save_err=rffi.RFFI_SAVE_LASTERROR) MoveFile = external( 'MoveFile' + suffix, [traits.CCHARP, traits.CCHARP], rwin32.BOOL, save_err=rffi.RFFI_SAVE_LASTERROR) return Win32Traits #_______________________________________________________________ # listdir def make_listdir_impl(traits): from rpython.rlib import rwin32 win32traits = make_win32_traits(traits) if traits.str is unicode: def make_listdir_mask(path): if path and path[-1] not in (u'/', u'\\', u':'): path += u'/' return path + u'*.*' def skip_listdir(name): return name == u"." or name == u".." else: def make_listdir_mask(path): if path and path[-1] not in ('/', '\\', ':'): path += '/' return path + '*.*' def skip_listdir(name): return name == "." or name == ".." @func_renamer('listdir_llimpl_%s' % traits.str.__name__) def listdir_llimpl(path): mask = make_listdir_mask(path) filedata = lltype.malloc(win32traits.WIN32_FIND_DATA, flavor='raw') try: result = [] hFindFile = win32traits.FindFirstFile(mask, filedata) if hFindFile == rwin32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE: error = rwin32.GetLastError_saved() if error == win32traits.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: return result else: raise WindowsError(error, "FindFirstFile failed") while True: name = traits.charp2str(rffi.cast(traits.CCHARP, filedata.c_cFileName)) if not skip_listdir(name): result.append(name) if not win32traits.FindNextFile(hFindFile, filedata): break # FindNextFile sets error to ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES if # it got to the end of the directory error = rwin32.GetLastError_saved() win32traits.FindClose(hFindFile) if error == win32traits.ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES: return result else: raise WindowsError(error, "FindNextFile failed") finally:, flavor='raw') return listdir_llimpl #_______________________________________________________________ # chdir def make_chdir_impl(traits): from rpython.rlib import rwin32 win32traits = make_win32_traits(traits) if traits.str is unicode: def isUNC(path): return path[0] == u'\\' or path[0] == u'/' def magic_envvar(path): return u'=' + path[0] + u':' else: def isUNC(path): return path[0] == '\\' or path[0] == '/' def magic_envvar(path): return '=' + path[0] + ':' @func_renamer('chdir_llimpl_%s' % traits.str.__name__) def chdir_llimpl(path): """This is a reimplementation of the C library's chdir function, but one that produces Win32 errors instead of DOS error codes. chdir is essentially a wrapper around SetCurrentDirectory; however, it also needs to set "magic" environment variables indicating the per-drive current directory, which are of the form =<drive>: """ if not win32traits.SetCurrentDirectory(path): raise rwin32.lastSavedWindowsError() MAX_PATH = rwin32.MAX_PATH assert MAX_PATH > 0 with traits.scoped_alloc_buffer(MAX_PATH) as path: res = win32traits.GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH + 1, path.raw) if not res: raise rwin32.lastSavedWindowsError() res = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, res) assert res > 0 if res <= MAX_PATH + 1: new_path = path.str(res) else: with traits.scoped_alloc_buffer(res) as path: res = win32traits.GetCurrentDirectory(res, path.raw) if not res: raise rwin32.lastSavedWindowsError() res = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, res) assert res > 0 new_path = path.str(res) if isUNC(new_path): return if not win32traits.SetEnvironmentVariable(magic_envvar(new_path), new_path): raise rwin32.lastSavedWindowsError() return chdir_llimpl #_______________________________________________________________ # chmod def make_chmod_impl(traits): from rpython.rlib import rwin32 win32traits = make_win32_traits(traits) @func_renamer('chmod_llimpl_%s' % traits.str.__name__) def chmod_llimpl(path, mode): attr = win32traits.GetFileAttributes(path) if attr == win32traits.INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES: raise rwin32.lastSavedWindowsError() if mode & 0200: # _S_IWRITE attr &= ~win32traits.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY else: attr |= win32traits.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY if not win32traits.SetFileAttributes(path, attr): raise rwin32.lastSavedWindowsError() return chmod_llimpl #_______________________________________________________________ # getfullpathname def make_getfullpathname_impl(traits): from rpython.rlib import rwin32 win32traits = make_win32_traits(traits) @func_renamer('getfullpathname_llimpl_%s' % traits.str.__name__) def getfullpathname_llimpl(path): nBufferLength = rwin32.MAX_PATH + 1 lpBuffer = lltype.malloc(traits.CCHARP.TO, nBufferLength, flavor='raw') try: res = win32traits.GetFullPathName( path, rffi.cast(rwin32.DWORD, nBufferLength), lpBuffer, lltype.nullptr(win32traits.LPSTRP.TO)) if res == 0: raise rwin32.lastSavedWindowsError("_getfullpathname failed") result = traits.charp2str(lpBuffer) return result finally:, flavor='raw') return getfullpathname_llimpl def make_utime_impl(traits): from rpython.rlib import rwin32 win32traits = make_win32_traits(traits) from rpython.rtyper.module.ll_os_stat import time_t_to_FILE_TIME GetSystemTime = rffi.llexternal( 'GetSystemTime', [lltype.Ptr(rwin32.SYSTEMTIME)], lltype.Void, calling_conv='win', save_err=rffi.RFFI_SAVE_LASTERROR) SystemTimeToFileTime = rffi.llexternal( 'SystemTimeToFileTime', [lltype.Ptr(rwin32.SYSTEMTIME), lltype.Ptr(rwin32.FILETIME)], rwin32.BOOL, calling_conv='win') SetFileTime = rffi.llexternal( 'SetFileTime', [rwin32.HANDLE, lltype.Ptr(rwin32.FILETIME), lltype.Ptr(rwin32.FILETIME), lltype.Ptr(rwin32.FILETIME)], rwin32.BOOL, calling_conv = 'win', save_err=rffi.RFFI_SAVE_LASTERROR) @specialize.argtype(1) def os_utime_llimpl(path, tp): hFile = win32traits.CreateFile(path, win32traits.FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES, 0, None, win32traits.OPEN_EXISTING, win32traits.FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, rwin32.NULL_HANDLE) if hFile == rwin32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE: raise rwin32.lastSavedWindowsError() ctime = lltype.nullptr(rwin32.FILETIME) atime = lltype.malloc(rwin32.FILETIME, flavor='raw') mtime = lltype.malloc(rwin32.FILETIME, flavor='raw') try: if tp is None: now = lltype.malloc(rwin32.SYSTEMTIME, flavor='raw') try: GetSystemTime(now) if (not SystemTimeToFileTime(now, atime) or not SystemTimeToFileTime(now, mtime)): raise rwin32.lastSavedWindowsError() finally:, flavor='raw') else: actime, modtime = tp time_t_to_FILE_TIME(actime, atime) time_t_to_FILE_TIME(modtime, mtime) if not SetFileTime(hFile, ctime, atime, mtime): raise rwin32.lastSavedWindowsError() finally: rwin32.CloseHandle(hFile), flavor='raw'), flavor='raw') return os_utime_llimpl ``` #### File: rtyper/module/ ```python from rpython.annotator import model as annmodel from rpython.rtyper.llannotation import lltype_to_annotation from rpython.flowspace.model import Constant from rpython.flowspace.operation import op from rpython.tool.pairtype import pairtype from rpython.rtyper.rmodel import Repr from rpython.rtyper.rint import IntegerRepr from rpython.rtyper.error import TyperError from rpython.rtyper.module import ll_os_stat class StatResultRepr(Repr): def __init__(self, rtyper): self.rtyper = rtyper self.stat_fields = ll_os_stat.STAT_FIELDS self.stat_field_indexes = {} for i, (name, TYPE) in enumerate(self.stat_fields): self.stat_field_indexes[name] = i self.s_tuple = annmodel.SomeTuple([lltype_to_annotation(TYPE) for name, TYPE in self.stat_fields]) self.r_tuple = rtyper.getrepr(self.s_tuple) self.lowleveltype = self.r_tuple.lowleveltype def redispatch_getfield(self, hop, index): rtyper = self.rtyper s_index = rtyper.annotator.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(index) hop2 = hop.copy() spaceop = op.getitem(hop.args_v[0], Constant(index)) spaceop.result = hop.spaceop.result hop2.spaceop = spaceop hop2.args_v = spaceop.args hop2.args_s = [self.s_tuple, s_index] hop2.args_r = [self.r_tuple, rtyper.getrepr(s_index)] return hop2.dispatch() def rtype_getattr(self, hop): s_attr = hop.args_s[1] attr = s_attr.const try: index = self.stat_field_indexes[attr] except KeyError: raise TyperError("os.stat().%s: field not available" % (attr,)) return self.redispatch_getfield(hop, index) class __extend__(pairtype(StatResultRepr, IntegerRepr)): def rtype_getitem((r_sta, r_int), hop): s_int = hop.args_s[1] index = s_int.const return r_sta.redispatch_getfield(hop, index) def specialize_make_stat_result(hop): r_StatResult = hop.rtyper.getrepr(ll_os_stat.s_StatResult) [v_result] = hop.inputargs(r_StatResult.r_tuple) # no-op conversion from r_StatResult.r_tuple to r_StatResult hop.exception_cannot_occur() return v_result class StatvfsResultRepr(Repr): def __init__(self, rtyper): self.rtyper = rtyper self.statvfs_fields = ll_os_stat.STATVFS_FIELDS self.statvfs_field_indexes = {} for i, (name, TYPE) in enumerate(self.statvfs_fields): self.statvfs_field_indexes[name] = i self.s_tuple = annmodel.SomeTuple([lltype_to_annotation(TYPE) for name, TYPE in self.statvfs_fields]) self.r_tuple = rtyper.getrepr(self.s_tuple) self.lowleveltype = self.r_tuple.lowleveltype def redispatch_getfield(self, hop, index): rtyper = self.rtyper s_index = rtyper.annotator.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(index) hop2 = hop.copy() spaceop = op.getitem(hop.args_v[0], Constant(index)) spaceop.result = hop.spaceop.result hop2.spaceop = spaceop hop2.args_v = spaceop.args hop2.args_s = [self.s_tuple, s_index] hop2.args_r = [self.r_tuple, rtyper.getrepr(s_index)] return hop2.dispatch() def rtype_getattr(self, hop): s_attr = hop.args_s[1] attr = s_attr.const try: index = self.statvfs_field_indexes[attr] except KeyError: raise TyperError("os.statvfs().%s: field not available" % (attr,)) return self.redispatch_getfield(hop, index) class __extend__(pairtype(StatvfsResultRepr, IntegerRepr)): def rtype_getitem((r_sta, r_int), hop): s_int = hop.args_s[1] index = s_int.const return r_sta.redispatch_getfield(hop, index) def specialize_make_statvfs_result(hop): r_StatvfsResult = hop.rtyper.getrepr(ll_os_stat.s_StatvfsResult) [v_result] = hop.inputargs(r_StatvfsResult.r_tuple) hop.exception_cannot_occur() return v_result ``` #### File: module/test/ ```python import py from rpython.rtyper.test.tool import BaseRtypingTest from rpython.rlib import rfloat class TestStrtod(BaseRtypingTest): def test_formatd(self): for flags in [0, rfloat.DTSF_ADD_DOT_0]: def f(y): return rfloat.formatd(y, 'g', 2, flags) assert self.ll_to_string(self.interpret(f, [3.0])) == f(3.0) ``` #### File: rpython/rtyper/ ```python from rpython.annotator import model as annmodel, description from rpython.flowspace.argument import Signature from rpython.flowspace.model import (Variable, Constant, Block, Link, checkgraph, FunctionGraph, SpaceOperation) from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import ComputedIntSymbolic from rpython.rtyper.error import TyperError from rpython.rtyper.rmodel import getgcflavor from rpython.tool.sourcetools import valid_identifier def normalize_call_familes(annotator): for callfamily in annotator.bookkeeper.pbc_maximal_call_families.infos(): if not callfamily.modified: assert callfamily.normalized continue normalize_calltable(annotator, callfamily) callfamily.normalized = True callfamily.modified = False def normalize_calltable(annotator, callfamily): """Try to normalize all rows of a table.""" nshapes = len(callfamily.calltables) for shape, table in callfamily.calltables.items(): for row in table: did_something = normalize_calltable_row_signature(annotator, shape, row) if did_something: assert not callfamily.normalized, "change in call family normalisation" if nshapes != 1: raise_call_table_too_complex_error(callfamily, annotator) while True: progress = False for shape, table in callfamily.calltables.items(): for row in table: progress |= normalize_calltable_row_annotation(annotator, row.values()) if not progress: return # done assert not callfamily.normalized, "change in call family normalisation" def raise_call_table_too_complex_error(callfamily, annotator): msg = [] items = callfamily.calltables.items() for i, (shape1, table1) in enumerate(items): for shape2, table2 in items[i + 1:]: if shape1 == shape2: continue row1 = table1[0] row2 = table2[0] problematic_function_graphs = set(row1.values()).union(set(row2.values())) pfg = [str(graph) for graph in problematic_function_graphs] pfg.sort() msg.append("the following functions:") msg.append(" %s" % ("\n ".join(pfg), )) msg.append("are called with inconsistent numbers of arguments") msg.append("(and/or the argument names are different, which is" " not supported in this case)") if shape1[0] != shape2[0]: msg.append("sometimes with %s arguments, sometimes with %s" % (shape1[0], shape2[0])) else: pass # XXX better message in this case callers = [] msg.append("the callers of these functions are:") for tag, (caller, callee) in annotator.translator.callgraph.iteritems(): if callee not in problematic_function_graphs: continue if str(caller) in callers: continue callers.append(str(caller)) callers.sort() for caller in callers: msg.append(" %s" % (caller, )) raise TyperError("\n".join(msg)) def normalize_calltable_row_signature(annotator, shape, row): graphs = row.values() assert graphs, "no graph??" sig0 = graphs[0].signature defaults0 = graphs[0].defaults for graph in graphs[1:]: if graph.signature != sig0: break if graph.defaults != defaults0: break else: return False # nothing to do, all signatures already match shape_cnt, shape_keys, shape_star = shape assert not shape_star, "should have been removed at this stage" # for the first 'shape_cnt' arguments we need to generalize to # a common type call_nbargs = shape_cnt + len(shape_keys) did_something = False for graph in graphs: argnames, varargname, kwargname = graph.signature assert not varargname, "XXX not implemented" assert not kwargname, "XXX not implemented" # ? inputargs_s = [annotator.binding(v) for v in graph.getargs()] argorder = range(shape_cnt) for key in shape_keys: i = list(argnames).index(key) assert i not in argorder argorder.append(i) need_reordering = (argorder != range(call_nbargs)) if need_reordering or len(graph.getargs()) != call_nbargs: oldblock = graph.startblock inlist = [] defaults = graph.defaults or () num_nondefaults = len(inputargs_s) - len(defaults) defaults = [description.NODEFAULT] * num_nondefaults + list(defaults) newdefaults = [] for j in argorder: v = Variable(graph.getargs()[j]) annotator.setbinding(v, inputargs_s[j]) inlist.append(v) newdefaults.append(defaults[j]) newblock = Block(inlist) # prepare the output args of newblock: # 1. collect the positional arguments outlist = inlist[:shape_cnt] # 2. add defaults and keywords for j in range(shape_cnt, len(inputargs_s)): try: i = argorder.index(j) v = inlist[i] except ValueError: default = defaults[j] if default is description.NODEFAULT: raise TyperError( "call pattern has %d positional arguments, " "but %r takes at least %d arguments" % ( shape_cnt,, num_nondefaults)) v = Constant(default) outlist.append(v) newblock.closeblock(Link(outlist, oldblock)) graph.startblock = newblock for i in range(len(newdefaults)-1,-1,-1): if newdefaults[i] is description.NODEFAULT: newdefaults = newdefaults[i:] break graph.defaults = tuple(newdefaults) graph.signature = Signature([argnames[j] for j in argorder], None, None) # finished checkgraph(graph) annotator.annotated[newblock] = annotator.annotated[oldblock] did_something = True return did_something def normalize_calltable_row_annotation(annotator, graphs): if len(graphs) <= 1: return False # nothing to do graph_bindings = {} for graph in graphs: graph_bindings[graph] = [annotator.binding(v) for v in graph.getargs()] iterbindings = graph_bindings.itervalues() nbargs = len( for binding in iterbindings: assert len(binding) == nbargs generalizedargs = [] for i in range(nbargs): args_s = [] for graph, bindings in graph_bindings.items(): args_s.append(bindings[i]) s_value = annmodel.unionof(*args_s) generalizedargs.append(s_value) result_s = [annotator.binding(graph.getreturnvar()) for graph in graph_bindings] generalizedresult = annmodel.unionof(*result_s) conversion = False for graph in graphs: bindings = graph_bindings[graph] need_conversion = (generalizedargs != bindings) if need_conversion: conversion = True oldblock = graph.startblock inlist = [] for j, s_value in enumerate(generalizedargs): v = Variable(graph.getargs()[j]) annotator.setbinding(v, s_value) inlist.append(v) newblock = Block(inlist) # prepare the output args of newblock and link outlist = inlist[:] newblock.closeblock(Link(outlist, oldblock)) graph.startblock = newblock # finished checkgraph(graph) annotator.annotated[newblock] = annotator.annotated[oldblock] # convert the return value too if annotator.binding(graph.getreturnvar()) != generalizedresult: conversion = True annotator.setbinding(graph.getreturnvar(), generalizedresult) return conversion # ____________________________________________________________ def merge_classpbc_getattr_into_classdef(annotator): # code like 'some_class.attr' will record an attribute access in the # PBC access set of the family of classes of 'some_class'. If the classes # have corresponding ClassDefs, they are not updated by the annotator. # We have to do it now. all_families = annotator.bookkeeper.classpbc_attr_families for attrname, access_sets in all_families.items(): for access_set in access_sets.infos(): descs = access_set.descs if len(descs) <= 1: continue if not isinstance(descs.iterkeys().next(), description.ClassDesc): continue classdefs = [desc.getuniqueclassdef() for desc in descs] commonbase = classdefs[0] for cdef in classdefs[1:]: commonbase = commonbase.commonbase(cdef) if commonbase is None: raise TyperError("reading attribute %r: no common base " "class for %r" % (attrname, descs.keys())) extra_access_sets = commonbase.extra_access_sets if commonbase.repr is not None: assert access_set in extra_access_sets # minimal sanity check continue access_set.commonbase = commonbase if access_set not in extra_access_sets: counter = len(extra_access_sets) extra_access_sets[access_set] = attrname, counter # ____________________________________________________________ def create_class_constructors(annotator): bk = annotator.bookkeeper call_families = bk.pbc_maximal_call_families for family in call_families.infos(): if len(family.descs) <= 1: continue descs = family.descs.keys() if not isinstance(descs[0], description.ClassDesc): continue # Note that if classes are in the same callfamily, their __init__ # attribute must be in the same attrfamily as well. change = descs[0].mergeattrfamilies(descs[1:], '__init__') if hasattr(descs[0].getuniqueclassdef(), 'my_instantiate_graph'): assert not change, "after the fact change to a family of classes" # minimal sanity check continue # Put __init__ into the attr family, for attrfamily = descs[0].getattrfamily('__init__') inits_s = [desc.s_read_attribute('__init__') for desc in descs] s_value = annmodel.unionof(attrfamily.s_value, *inits_s) attrfamily.s_value = s_value # will also need instantiate() support for desc in descs: bk.needs_generic_instantiate[desc.getuniqueclassdef()] = True # ____________________________________________________________ def create_instantiate_functions(annotator): # build the 'instantiate() -> instance of C' functions for the vtables needs_generic_instantiate = annotator.bookkeeper.needs_generic_instantiate for classdef in needs_generic_instantiate: assert getgcflavor(classdef) == 'gc' # only gc-case create_instantiate_function(annotator, classdef) def create_instantiate_function(annotator, classdef): # build the graph of a function that looks like # # def my_instantiate(): # return instantiate(cls) # if hasattr(classdef, 'my_instantiate_graph'): return v = Variable() block = Block([]) block.operations.append(SpaceOperation('instantiate1', [], v)) name = valid_identifier('instantiate_' + graph = FunctionGraph(name, block) block.closeblock(Link([v], graph.returnblock)) annotator.setbinding(v, annmodel.SomeInstance(classdef)) annotator.annotated[block] = graph # force the result to be converted to a generic OBJECTPTR generalizedresult = annmodel.SomeInstance(classdef=None) annotator.setbinding(graph.getreturnvar(), generalizedresult) classdef.my_instantiate_graph = graph annotator.translator.graphs.append(graph) # ____________________________________________________________ class TooLateForNewSubclass(Exception): pass class TotalOrderSymbolic(ComputedIntSymbolic): def __init__(self, orderwitness, peers): self.orderwitness = orderwitness self.peers = peers self.value = None self._with_subclasses = None # unknown peers.append(self) def __cmp__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, TotalOrderSymbolic): return cmp(self.compute_fn(), other) else: return cmp(self.orderwitness, other.orderwitness) # support for implementing int_between: (a<=b<c) with (b-a<c-a) # see rpython.jit.metainterp.pyjitpl.opimpl_int_between def __sub__(self, other): return self.compute_fn() - other def __rsub__(self, other): return other - self.compute_fn() def check_any_subclass_in_peer_list(self, i): # check if the next peer, in order, is or not the end # marker for this start marker assert self.peers[i] is self return self.peers[i + 1].orderwitness != self.orderwitness + [MAX] def number_with_subclasses(self): # Return True or False depending on whether this is the # subclassrange_min corresponding to a class which has subclasses # or not. If this is called and returns False, then adding later # new subclasses will crash in compute_fn(). if self._with_subclasses is None: # unknown so far self.peers.sort() i = self.peers.index(self) self._with_subclasses = self.check_any_subclass_in_peer_list(i) return self._with_subclasses def compute_fn(self): if self.value is None: self.peers.sort() for i, peer in enumerate(self.peers): assert peer.value is None or peer.value == i peer.value = i # if peer._with_subclasses is False: if peer.check_any_subclass_in_peer_list(i): raise TooLateForNewSubclass # assert self.value is not None return self.value def dump(self, annotator): # for debugging self.peers.sort() mapping = {} for classdef in annotator.bookkeeper.classdefs: if hasattr(classdef, '_unique_cdef_id'): mapping[classdef._unique_cdef_id] = classdef for peer in self.peers: if peer is self: print '==>', else: print ' ', print 'value %4s --' % (peer.value,), peer.orderwitness, if peer.orderwitness[-1] in mapping: print mapping[peer.orderwitness[-1]] else: print def assign_inheritance_ids(annotator): # we sort the classes by lexicographic order of reversed(mro), # which gives a nice depth-first order. The classes are turned # into numbers in order to (1) help determinism, (2) ensure that # new hierarchies of classes with no common base classes can be # added later and get higher numbers. bk = annotator.bookkeeper try: lst = bk._inheritance_id_symbolics except AttributeError: lst = bk._inheritance_id_symbolics = [] for classdef in annotator.bookkeeper.classdefs: if not hasattr(classdef, 'minid'): witness = [get_unique_cdef_id(cdef) for cdef in classdef.getmro()] witness.reverse() classdef.minid = TotalOrderSymbolic(witness, lst) classdef.maxid = TotalOrderSymbolic(witness + [MAX], lst) MAX = 1E100 _cdef_id_counter = 0 def get_unique_cdef_id(cdef): global _cdef_id_counter try: return cdef._unique_cdef_id except AttributeError: cdef._unique_cdef_id = _cdef_id_counter _cdef_id_counter += 1 return cdef._unique_cdef_id # ____________________________________________________________ def perform_normalizations(annotator): create_class_constructors(annotator) annotator.frozen += 1 try: normalize_call_familes(annotator) merge_classpbc_getattr_into_classdef(annotator) assign_inheritance_ids(annotator) finally: annotator.frozen -= 1 create_instantiate_functions(annotator) ``` #### File: rtyper/test/ ```python import py try: from collections import OrderedDict except ImportError: # Python 2.6 py.test.skip("requires collections.OrderedDict") from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, rffi from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import rordereddict, rstr from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import intmask from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import llstr, hlstr from rpython.rtyper.test.test_rdict import BaseTestRDict from rpython.rlib import objectmodel def get_indexes(ll_d): return ll_d.indexes._obj.container._as_ptr() def foreach_index(ll_d): indexes = get_indexes(ll_d) for i in range(len(indexes)): yield rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, indexes[i]) def count_items(ll_d, ITEM): c = 0 for item in foreach_index(ll_d): if item == ITEM: c += 1 return c class TestRDictDirect(object): dummykeyobj = None dummyvalueobj = None def _get_str_dict(self): # STR -> lltype.Signed DICT = rordereddict.get_ll_dict(lltype.Ptr(rstr.STR), lltype.Signed, ll_fasthash_function=rstr.LLHelpers.ll_strhash, ll_hash_function=rstr.LLHelpers.ll_strhash, ll_eq_function=rstr.LLHelpers.ll_streq, dummykeyobj=self.dummykeyobj, dummyvalueobj=self.dummyvalueobj) return DICT def test_dict_creation(self): DICT = self._get_str_dict() ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT) lls = llstr("abc") rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, lls, 13) assert count_items(ll_d, rordereddict.FREE) == rordereddict.DICT_INITSIZE - 1 assert rordereddict.ll_dict_getitem(ll_d, llstr("abc")) == 13 assert rordereddict.ll_dict_getitem(ll_d, lls) == 13 rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, lls, 42) assert rordereddict.ll_dict_getitem(ll_d, lls) == 42 rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("abc"), 43) assert rordereddict.ll_dict_getitem(ll_d, lls) == 43 def test_dict_creation_2(self): DICT = self._get_str_dict() ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT) llab = llstr("ab") llb = llstr("b") rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llab, 1) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llb, 2) assert rordereddict.ll_dict_getitem(ll_d, llb) == 2 def test_dict_store_get(self): DICT = self._get_str_dict() ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT) for i in range(20): for j in range(i): assert rordereddict.ll_dict_getitem(ll_d, llstr(str(j))) == j rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr(str(i)), i) assert ll_d.num_live_items == 20 for i in range(20): assert rordereddict.ll_dict_getitem(ll_d, llstr(str(i))) == i def test_dict_store_get_del(self): DICT = self._get_str_dict() ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT) for i in range(20): for j in range(0, i, 2): assert rordereddict.ll_dict_getitem(ll_d, llstr(str(j))) == j rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr(str(i)), i) if i % 2 != 0: rordereddict.ll_dict_delitem(ll_d, llstr(str(i))) assert ll_d.num_live_items == 10 for i in range(0, 20, 2): assert rordereddict.ll_dict_getitem(ll_d, llstr(str(i))) == i def test_dict_del_lastitem(self): DICT = self._get_str_dict() ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT) py.test.raises(KeyError, rordereddict.ll_dict_delitem, ll_d, llstr("abc")) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("abc"), 13) py.test.raises(KeyError, rordereddict.ll_dict_delitem, ll_d, llstr("def")) rordereddict.ll_dict_delitem(ll_d, llstr("abc")) assert count_items(ll_d, rordereddict.FREE) == rordereddict.DICT_INITSIZE - 1 assert count_items(ll_d, rordereddict.DELETED) == 1 py.test.raises(KeyError, rordereddict.ll_dict_getitem, ll_d, llstr("abc")) def test_dict_del_not_lastitem(self): DICT = self._get_str_dict() ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("abc"), 13) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("def"), 15) rordereddict.ll_dict_delitem(ll_d, llstr("abc")) assert count_items(ll_d, rordereddict.FREE) == rordereddict.DICT_INITSIZE - 2 assert count_items(ll_d, rordereddict.DELETED) == 1 def test_dict_resize(self): DICT = self._get_str_dict() ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("a"), 1) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("b"), 2) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("c"), 3) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("d"), 4) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("e"), 5) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("f"), 6) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("g"), 7) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("h"), 8) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("i"), 9) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("j"), 10) assert len(get_indexes(ll_d)) == 16 rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("k"), 11) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("l"), 12) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("m"), 13) assert len(get_indexes(ll_d)) == 64 for item in 'abcdefghijklm': assert rordereddict.ll_dict_getitem(ll_d, llstr(item)) == ord(item) - ord('a') + 1 def test_dict_grow_cleanup(self): DICT = self._get_str_dict() ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT) lls = llstr("a") for i in range(40): rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, lls, i) rordereddict.ll_dict_delitem(ll_d, lls) assert ll_d.num_ever_used_items <= 10 def test_dict_iteration(self): DICT = self._get_str_dict() ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("k"), 1) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("j"), 2) ITER = rordereddict.get_ll_dictiter(lltype.Ptr(DICT)) ll_iter = rordereddict.ll_dictiter(ITER, ll_d) ll_dictnext = rordereddict._ll_dictnext num = ll_dictnext(ll_iter) assert hlstr(ll_d.entries[num].key) == "k" num = ll_dictnext(ll_iter) assert hlstr(ll_d.entries[num].key) == "j" py.test.raises(StopIteration, ll_dictnext, ll_iter) def test_popitem(self): DICT = self._get_str_dict() ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("k"), 1) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("j"), 2) TUP = lltype.Ptr(lltype.GcStruct('x', ('item0', lltype.Ptr(rstr.STR)), ('item1', lltype.Signed))) ll_elem = rordereddict.ll_dict_popitem(TUP, ll_d) assert hlstr(ll_elem.item0) == "j" assert ll_elem.item1 == 2 ll_elem = rordereddict.ll_dict_popitem(TUP, ll_d) assert hlstr(ll_elem.item0) == "k" assert ll_elem.item1 == 1 py.test.raises(KeyError, rordereddict.ll_dict_popitem, TUP, ll_d) def test_popitem_first(self): DICT = self._get_str_dict() ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("k"), 1) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("j"), 2) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("m"), 3) ITER = rordereddict.get_ll_dictiter(lltype.Ptr(DICT)) for expected in ["k", "j", "m"]: ll_iter = rordereddict.ll_dictiter(ITER, ll_d) num = rordereddict._ll_dictnext(ll_iter) ll_key = ll_d.entries[num].key assert hlstr(ll_key) == expected rordereddict.ll_dict_delitem(ll_d, ll_key) ll_iter = rordereddict.ll_dictiter(ITER, ll_d) py.test.raises(StopIteration, rordereddict._ll_dictnext, ll_iter) def test_popitem_first_bug(self): DICT = self._get_str_dict() ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("k"), 1) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("j"), 1) rordereddict.ll_dict_delitem(ll_d, llstr("k")) ITER = rordereddict.get_ll_dictiter(lltype.Ptr(DICT)) ll_iter = rordereddict.ll_dictiter(ITER, ll_d) num = rordereddict._ll_dictnext(ll_iter) ll_key = ll_d.entries[num].key assert hlstr(ll_key) == "j" assert ll_d.lookup_function_no == 4 # 1 free item found at the start rordereddict.ll_dict_delitem(ll_d, llstr("j")) assert ll_d.num_ever_used_items == 0 assert ll_d.lookup_function_no == 0 # reset def test_direct_enter_and_del(self): def eq(a, b): return a == b DICT = rordereddict.get_ll_dict(lltype.Signed, lltype.Signed, ll_fasthash_function=intmask, ll_hash_function=intmask, ll_eq_function=eq) ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT) numbers = [i * rordereddict.DICT_INITSIZE + 1 for i in range(8)] for num in numbers: rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, num, 1) rordereddict.ll_dict_delitem(ll_d, num) for k in foreach_index(ll_d): assert k < rordereddict.VALID_OFFSET def test_contains(self): DICT = self._get_str_dict() ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("k"), 1) assert rordereddict.ll_dict_contains(ll_d, llstr("k")) assert not rordereddict.ll_dict_contains(ll_d, llstr("j")) def test_clear(self): DICT = self._get_str_dict() ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("k"), 1) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("j"), 1) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("l"), 1) rordereddict.ll_dict_clear(ll_d) assert ll_d.num_live_items == 0 def test_get(self): DICT = self._get_str_dict() ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("k"), 1) assert rordereddict.ll_dict_get(ll_d, llstr("k"), 32) == 1 assert rordereddict.ll_dict_get(ll_d, llstr("j"), 32) == 32 def test_setdefault(self): DICT = self._get_str_dict() ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("k"), 1) assert rordereddict.ll_dict_setdefault(ll_d, llstr("j"), 42) == 42 assert rordereddict.ll_dict_getitem(ll_d, llstr("j")) == 42 assert rordereddict.ll_dict_setdefault(ll_d, llstr("k"), 42) == 1 assert rordereddict.ll_dict_getitem(ll_d, llstr("k")) == 1 def test_copy(self): DICT = self._get_str_dict() ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("k"), 1) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("j"), 2) ll_d2 = rordereddict.ll_dict_copy(ll_d) for ll_d3 in [ll_d, ll_d2]: assert rordereddict.ll_dict_getitem(ll_d3, llstr("k")) == 1 assert rordereddict.ll_dict_get(ll_d3, llstr("j"), 42) == 2 assert rordereddict.ll_dict_get(ll_d3, llstr("i"), 42) == 42 def test_update(self): DICT = self._get_str_dict() ll_d1 = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT) ll_d2 = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d1, llstr("k"), 5) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d1, llstr("j"), 6) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d2, llstr("i"), 7) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d2, llstr("k"), 8) rordereddict.ll_dict_update(ll_d1, ll_d2) for key, value in [("k", 8), ("i", 7), ("j", 6)]: assert rordereddict.ll_dict_getitem(ll_d1, llstr(key)) == value def test_pop(self): DICT = self._get_str_dict() ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("k"), 5) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("j"), 6) assert rordereddict.ll_dict_pop(ll_d, llstr("k")) == 5 assert rordereddict.ll_dict_pop(ll_d, llstr("j")) == 6 py.test.raises(KeyError, rordereddict.ll_dict_pop, ll_d, llstr("k")) py.test.raises(KeyError, rordereddict.ll_dict_pop, ll_d, llstr("j")) def test_pop_default(self): DICT = self._get_str_dict() ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("k"), 5) rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr("j"), 6) assert rordereddict.ll_dict_pop_default(ll_d, llstr("k"), 42) == 5 assert rordereddict.ll_dict_pop_default(ll_d, llstr("j"), 41) == 6 assert rordereddict.ll_dict_pop_default(ll_d, llstr("k"), 40) == 40 assert rordereddict.ll_dict_pop_default(ll_d, llstr("j"), 39) == 39 def test_bug_remove_deleted_items(self): DICT = self._get_str_dict() ll_d = rordereddict.ll_newdict(DICT) for i in range(15): rordereddict.ll_dict_setitem(ll_d, llstr(chr(i)), 5) for i in range(15): rordereddict.ll_dict_delitem(ll_d, llstr(chr(i))) rordereddict.ll_prepare_dict_update(ll_d, 7) # used to get UninitializedMemoryAccess class TestRDictDirectDummyKey(TestRDictDirect): class dummykeyobj: ll_dummy_value = llstr("dupa") class TestRDictDirectDummyValue(TestRDictDirect): class dummyvalueobj: ll_dummy_value = -42 class TestOrderedRDict(BaseTestRDict): @staticmethod def newdict(): return OrderedDict() @staticmethod def newdict2(): return OrderedDict() @staticmethod def new_r_dict(myeq, myhash): return objectmodel.r_ordereddict(myeq, myhash) def test_two_dicts_with_different_value_types(self): def func(i): d1 = OrderedDict() d1['hello'] = i + 1 d2 = OrderedDict() d2['world'] = d1 return d2['world']['hello'] res = self.interpret(func, [5]) assert res == 6 class TestStress: def test_stress(self): from rpython.annotator.dictdef import DictKey, DictValue from rpython.annotator import model as annmodel from rpython.rtyper import rint from rpython.rtyper.test.test_rdict import not_really_random rodct = rordereddict dictrepr = rodct.OrderedDictRepr( None, rint.signed_repr, rint.signed_repr, DictKey(None, annmodel.SomeInteger()), DictValue(None, annmodel.SomeInteger())) dictrepr.setup() l_dict = rodct.ll_newdict(dictrepr.DICT) referencetable = [None] * 400 referencelength = 0 value = 0 def complete_check(): for n, refvalue in zip(range(len(referencetable)), referencetable): try: gotvalue = rodct.ll_dict_getitem(l_dict, n) except KeyError: assert refvalue is None else: assert gotvalue == refvalue for x in not_really_random(): n = int(x*100.0) # 0 <= x < 400 op = repr(x)[-1] if op <= '2' and referencetable[n] is not None: rodct.ll_dict_delitem(l_dict, n) referencetable[n] = None referencelength -= 1 elif op <= '6': rodct.ll_dict_setitem(l_dict, n, value) if referencetable[n] is None: referencelength += 1 referencetable[n] = value value += 1 else: try: gotvalue = rodct.ll_dict_getitem(l_dict, n) except KeyError: assert referencetable[n] is None else: assert gotvalue == referencetable[n] if 1.38 <= x <= 1.39: complete_check() print 'current dict length:', referencelength assert l_dict.num_live_items == referencelength complete_check() def test_stress_2(self): yield self.stress_combination, True, False yield self.stress_combination, False, True yield self.stress_combination, False, False yield self.stress_combination, True, True def stress_combination(self, key_can_be_none, value_can_be_none): from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.rstr import string_repr from rpython.annotator.dictdef import DictKey, DictValue from rpython.annotator import model as annmodel from rpython.rtyper.test.test_rdict import not_really_random rodct = rordereddict print print "Testing combination with can_be_None: keys %s, values %s" % ( key_can_be_none, value_can_be_none) class PseudoRTyper: cache_dummy_values = {} dictrepr = rodct.OrderedDictRepr( PseudoRTyper(), string_repr, string_repr, DictKey(None, annmodel.SomeString(key_can_be_none)), DictValue(None, annmodel.SomeString(value_can_be_none))) dictrepr.setup() print dictrepr.lowleveltype #for key, value in dictrepr.DICTENTRY._adtmeths.items(): # print ' %s = %s' % (key, value) l_dict = rodct.ll_newdict(dictrepr.DICT) referencetable = [None] * 400 referencelength = 0 values = not_really_random() keytable = [string_repr.convert_const("foo%d" % n) for n in range(len(referencetable))] def complete_check(): for n, refvalue in zip(range(len(referencetable)), referencetable): try: gotvalue = rodct.ll_dict_getitem(l_dict, keytable[n]) except KeyError: assert refvalue is None else: assert gotvalue == refvalue for x in not_really_random(): n = int(x*100.0) # 0 <= x < 400 op = repr(x)[-1] if op <= '2' and referencetable[n] is not None: rodct.ll_dict_delitem(l_dict, keytable[n]) referencetable[n] = None referencelength -= 1 elif op <= '6': ll_value = string_repr.convert_const(str( rodct.ll_dict_setitem(l_dict, keytable[n], ll_value) if referencetable[n] is None: referencelength += 1 referencetable[n] = ll_value else: try: gotvalue = rodct.ll_dict_getitem(l_dict, keytable[n]) except KeyError: assert referencetable[n] is None else: assert gotvalue == referencetable[n] if 1.38 <= x <= 1.39: complete_check() print 'current dict length:', referencelength assert l_dict.num_live_items == referencelength complete_check() ``` #### File: tool/algo/ ```python import sys from rpython.flowspace.model import Variable from rpython.tool.algo.color import DependencyGraph from rpython.tool.algo.unionfind import UnionFind def perform_register_allocation(graph, consider_var, ListOfKind=()): """Perform register allocation for the Variables of the given 'kind' in the 'graph'.""" regalloc = RegAllocator(graph, consider_var, ListOfKind) regalloc.make_dependencies() regalloc.coalesce_variables() regalloc.find_node_coloring() return regalloc class RegAllocator(object): DEBUG_REGALLOC = False def __init__(self, graph, consider_var, ListOfKind): self.graph = graph self.consider_var = consider_var self.ListOfKind = ListOfKind def make_dependencies(self): dg = DependencyGraph() for block in self.graph.iterblocks(): # Compute die_at = {Variable: index_of_operation_with_last_usage} die_at = dict.fromkeys(block.inputargs, 0) for i, op in enumerate(block.operations): for v in op.args: if isinstance(v, Variable): die_at[v] = i elif isinstance(v, self.ListOfKind): for v1 in v: if isinstance(v1, Variable): die_at[v1] = i if op.result is not None: die_at[op.result] = i + 1 if isinstance(block.exitswitch, tuple): for x in block.exitswitch: die_at.pop(x, None) else: die_at.pop(block.exitswitch, None) for link in block.exits: for v in link.args: die_at.pop(v, None) die_at = [(value, key) for (key, value) in die_at.items()] die_at.sort() die_at.append((sys.maxint,)) # Done. XXX the code above this line runs 3 times # (for kind in KINDS) to produce the same result... livevars = [v for v in block.inputargs if self.consider_var(v)] # Add the variables of this block to the dependency graph for i, v in enumerate(livevars): dg.add_node(v) for j in range(i): dg.add_edge(livevars[j], v) livevars = set(livevars) die_index = 0 for i, op in enumerate(block.operations): while die_at[die_index][0] == i: try: livevars.remove(die_at[die_index][1]) except KeyError: pass die_index += 1 if (op.result is not None and self.consider_var(op.result)): dg.add_node(op.result) for v in livevars: if self.consider_var(v): dg.add_edge(v, op.result) livevars.add(op.result) self._depgraph = dg def coalesce_variables(self): self._unionfind = UnionFind() pendingblocks = list(self.graph.iterblocks()) while pendingblocks: block = pendingblocks.pop() # Aggressively try to coalesce each source variable with its # target. We start from the end of the graph instead of # from the beginning. This is a bit arbitrary, but the idea # is that the end of the graph runs typically more often # than the start, given that we resume execution from the # middle during blackholing. for link in block.exits: if link.last_exception is not None: self._depgraph.add_node(link.last_exception) if link.last_exc_value is not None: self._depgraph.add_node(link.last_exc_value) for i, v in enumerate(link.args): self._try_coalesce(v,[i]) def _try_coalesce(self, v, w): if isinstance(v, Variable) and self.consider_var(v): assert self.consider_var(w) dg = self._depgraph uf = self._unionfind v0 = uf.find_rep(v) w0 = uf.find_rep(w) if v0 is not w0 and v0 not in dg.neighbours[w0]: _, rep, _ = uf.union(v0, w0) assert uf.find_rep(v0) is uf.find_rep(w0) is rep if rep is v0: dg.coalesce(w0, v0) else: assert rep is w0 dg.coalesce(v0, w0) def find_node_coloring(self): self._coloring = self._depgraph.find_node_coloring() if self.DEBUG_REGALLOC: for block in self.graph.iterblocks(): print block for v in block.getvariables(): print '\t', v, '\t', self.getcolor(v) def getcolor(self, v): return self._coloring[self._unionfind.find_rep(v)] def swapcolors(self, col1, col2): for key, value in self._coloring.items(): if value == col1: self._coloring[key] = col2 elif value == col2: self._coloring[key] = col1 ``` #### File: rpython/tool/ ```python class colors: black = '30' darkred = '31' darkgreen = '32' brown = '33' darkblue = '34' purple = '35' teal = '36' lightgray = '37' darkgray = '30;01' red = '31;01' green = '32;01' yellow = '33;01' blue = '34;01' fuchsia = '35;01' turquoise = '36;01' white = '37;01' def setcolor(s, color): return '\x1b[%sm%s\x1b[00m' % (color, s) for name in colors.__dict__: if name.startswith('_'): continue exec """ def %s(s): return setcolor(s, colors.%s) """ % (name, name) ``` #### File: tool/jitlogparser/ ```python import py import os from rpython.tool.disassembler import dis from rpython.tool.jitlogparser.module_finder import gather_all_code_objs class LoopStorage(object): def __init__(self, extrapath=None): self.loops = None self.functions = {} = {} self.disassembled_codes = {} self.extrapath = extrapath def load_code(self, fname): try: return[fname] except KeyError: if os.path.isabs(fname): res = gather_all_code_objs(fname) else: if self.extrapath is None: raise IOError("Cannot find %s" % fname) res = gather_all_code_objs(os.path.join(self.extrapath, fname))[fname] = res return res def disassemble_code(self, fname, startlineno, name): try: if py.path.local(fname).check(file=False): return None # cannot find source file except py.error.EACCES: return None # cannot open the file key = (fname, startlineno, name) try: return self.disassembled_codes[key] except KeyError: codeobjs = self.load_code(fname) if (startlineno, name) not in codeobjs: # cannot find the code obj at this line: this can happen for # various reasons, e.g. because the .py files changed since # the log was produced, or because the co_firstlineno # attribute of the code object is wrong (e.g., code objects # produced by gateway.applevel(), such as the ones found in # return None code = codeobjs[(startlineno, name)] res = dis(code) self.disassembled_codes[key] = res return res def reconnect_loops(self, loops): """ Re-connect loops in a way that entry bridges are filtered out and normal bridges are associated with guards. Returning list of normal loops. """ res = [] guard_dict = {} for loop_no, loop in enumerate(loops): for op in loop.operations: if'guard_'): guard_dict[int(op.descr[len('<Guard0x'):-1], 16)] = (op, loop) for loop in loops: if loop.comment: comment = loop.comment.strip() if 'entry bridge' in comment: pass elif comment.startswith('# bridge out of'): no = int(comment[len('# bridge out of Guard 0x'):].split(' ', 1)[0], 16) op, parent = guard_dict[no] op.bridge = loop op.percentage = ((getattr(loop, 'count', 1) * 100) / max(getattr(parent, 'count', 1), 1)) = no continue res.append(loop) self.loops = res return res ``` #### File: rpython/tool/ ```python import sys # The current module MODULE = sys.modules[__name__] COLORS = "BLUE GREEN CYAN RED MAGENTA YELLOW WHITE BLACK".split() # List of terminal controls, you can add more to the list. CONTROLS = { 'BOL':'cr', 'UP':'cuu1', 'DOWN':'cud1', 'LEFT':'cub1', 'RIGHT':'cuf1', 'CLEAR_SCREEN':'clear', 'CLEAR_EOL':'el', 'CLEAR_BOL':'el1', 'CLEAR_EOS':'ed', 'BOLD':'bold', 'BLINK':'blink', 'DIM':'dim', 'REVERSE':'rev', 'UNDERLINE':'smul', 'NORMAL':'sgr0', 'HIDE_CURSOR':'cinvis', 'SHOW_CURSOR':'cnorm' } # List of numeric capabilities VALUES = { 'COLUMNS':'cols', # Width of the terminal (80 for unknown) 'LINES':'lines', # Height of the terminal (25 for unknown) 'MAX_COLORS': 'colors', } def default(): """Set the default attribute values""" for color in COLORS: setattr(MODULE, color, '') setattr(MODULE, 'BG_%s' % color, '') for control in CONTROLS: setattr(MODULE, control, '') MODULE.COLUMNS = 80 MODULE.LINES = 25 MODULE.MAX_COLORS = 1 def setup(): """Set the terminal control strings""" # Initializing the terminal curses.setupterm() # Get the color escape sequence template or '' if not supported # setab and setaf are for ANSI escape sequences bgColorSeq = curses.tigetstr('setab') or curses.tigetstr('setb') or '' fgColorSeq = curses.tigetstr('setaf') or curses.tigetstr('setf') or '' for color in COLORS: # Get the color index from curses colorIndex = getattr(curses, 'COLOR_%s' % color) # Set the color escape sequence after filling the template with index setattr(MODULE, color, curses.tparm(fgColorSeq, colorIndex)) # Set background escape sequence setattr( MODULE, 'BG_%s' % color, curses.tparm(bgColorSeq, colorIndex) ) for control in CONTROLS: # Set the control escape sequence setattr(MODULE, control, curses.tigetstr(CONTROLS[control]) or '') if hasattr(curses, 'tigetnum'): for value in VALUES: # Set terminal related values setattr(MODULE, value, curses.tigetnum(VALUES[value])) def render(text): """Helper function to apply controls easily Example: apply("%(GREEN)s%(BOLD)stext%(NORMAL)s") -> a bold green text """ return text % MODULE.__dict__ try: import curses setup() except Exception, e: # There is a failure; set all attributes to default print 'Warning: %s' % e default() ``` #### File: translator/c/ ```python from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.lltype import typeOf, Void from import USESLOTS # set to False if necessary while refactoring from import cdecl, somelettersfrom class CExternalFunctionCodeGenerator(object): if USESLOTS: __slots__ = """db fnptr FUNCTYPE argtypenames resulttypename""".split() def __init__(self, fnptr, db): self.fnptr = fnptr self.db = db self.FUNCTYPE = typeOf(fnptr) assert Void not in self.FUNCTYPE.ARGS self.argtypenames = [db.gettype(T) for T in self.FUNCTYPE.ARGS] self.resulttypename = db.gettype(self.FUNCTYPE.RESULT) def graphs_to_patch(self): return [] def name(self, cname): #virtual return cname def argnames(self): return ['%s%d' % (somelettersfrom(self.argtypenames[i]), i) for i in range(len(self.argtypenames))] def allconstantvalues(self): return [] def implementation_begin(self): pass def cfunction_declarations(self): if self.FUNCTYPE.RESULT is not Void: yield '%s;' % cdecl(self.resulttypename, 'result') def cfunction_body(self): try: convert_params = self.fnptr.convert_params except AttributeError: convert_params = lambda backend, args: [arg for _,arg in args] call = '%s(%s)' % (self.fnptr._name, ', '.join(convert_params("c", zip(self.FUNCTYPE.ARGS, self.argnames())))) if self.FUNCTYPE.RESULT is not Void: yield 'result = %s;' % call yield 'if (PyErr_Occurred()) RPyConvertExceptionFromCPython();' yield 'return result;' else: yield '%s;' % call yield 'if (PyErr_Occurred()) RPyConvertExceptionFromCPython();' def implementation_end(self): pass assert not USESLOTS or '__dict__' not in dir(CExternalFunctionCodeGenerator) ``` #### File: test/elf/ ```python class A: pass def foo(rec, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6): if rec > 0: b = A() foo(rec-1, b, b, b, b, b, b) foo(rec-1, b, b, b, b, b, b) foo(rec-1, a6, a5, a4, a3, a2, a1) # __________ Entry point __________ def entry_point(argv): foo(5, A(), A(), A(), A(), A(), A()) return 0 # _____ Define and setup target ___ def target(*args): return entry_point, None ``` #### File: gcc/test/ ```python import py import sys, os from rpython.translator.c.test import test_standalone def setup_module(module): if sys.platform == 'win32': if not ('mingw' in os.popen('gcc --version').read() and 'GNU' in os.popen('make --version').read()): py.test.skip("mingw32 and MSYS are required for asmgcc on Windows") class TestThreadedAsmGcc(test_standalone.TestThread): gcrootfinder = 'asmgcc' def setup_class(cls): if sys.platform == 'win32': from rpython.config.translationoption import get_combined_translation_config cls.config = get_combined_translation_config(translating=True) = 'mingw32' ``` #### File: translator/platform/ ```python import os from rpython.translator.platform.bsd import BSD class OpenBSD(BSD): DEFAULT_CC = "cc" name = "openbsd" link_flags = os.environ.get("LDFLAGS", "").split() + ['-pthread'] cflags = ['-O3', '-pthread', '-fomit-frame-pointer', '-D_BSD_SOURCE' ] + os.environ.get("CFLAGS", "").split() def _libs(self, libraries): libraries=set(libraries + ("intl", "iconv")) return ['-l%s' % lib for lib in libraries if lib not in ["crypt", "dl", "rt"]] class OpenBSD_64(OpenBSD): shared_only = ('-fPIC',) ```
{ "source": "J-PTRson/SingleCellMultiOmics", "score": 2 }
#### File: singlecellmultiomics/molecule/ ```python from singlecellmultiomics.molecule import Molecule from singlecellmultiomics.fragment import Fragment from singlecellmultiomics.utils.prefetch import initialise_dict, initialise from singlecellmultiomics.universalBamTagger import QueryNameFlagger import pysamiterators.iterators import collections import pysam class ReadIterator(pysamiterators.iterators.MatePairIterator): def __next__(self): try: rec = next(self.iterator) return tuple((rec, None)) except StopIteration: raise class MoleculeIterator(): """Iterate over molecules in pysam.AlignmentFile or reads from a generator or list Example: >>> !wget -O mini_nla_test.bam >>> !wget -O mini_nla_test.bam.bai >>> import pysam >>> from singlecellmultiomics.molecule import NlaIIIMolecule, MoleculeIterator >>> from singlecellmultiomics.fragment import NlaIIIFragment >>> import pysamiterators >>> alignments = pysam.AlignmentFile('mini_nla_test.bam') >>> for molecule in MoleculeIterator( >>> alignments=alignments, >>> molecule_class=singlecellmultiomics.molecule.NlaIIIMolecule, >>> fragment_class=singlecellmultiomics.fragment.NlaIIIFragment, >>> ): >>> break >>> molecule NlaIIIMolecule with 1 assinged fragments Allele :No allele assigned Fragment: sample:APKS1P25-NLAP2L2_57 umi:CCG span:chr1 164834728-164834868 strand:+ has R1: yes has R2: no randomer trimmed: no DS:164834865 RS:0 RZ:CAT Restriction site:('chr1', 164834865) It is also possible to supply and iterator instead of a SAM/BAM file handle Example: >>> from singlecellmultiomics.molecule import MoleculeIterator >>> from singlecellmultiomics.fragment import Fragment >>> import pysam >>> # Create SAM file to write some example reads to: >>> test_sam = pysam.AlignmentFile('test.sam','w',reference_names=['chr1','chr2'],reference_lengths=[1000,1000]) >>> read_A = pysam.AlignedSegment(test_sam.header) >>> read_A.set_tag('SM','CELL_1') >>> read_A.set_tag('RX','CAT') >>> read_A.reference_name = 'chr1' >>> read_A.reference_start = 100 >>> read_A.query_sequence = 'ATCGGG' >>> read_A.cigarstring = '6M' >>> read_A.mapping_quality = 60 >>> # Create a second read which is a duplicate of the previous >>> read_B = pysam.AlignedSegment(test_sam.header) >>> read_B.set_tag('SM','CELL_1') >>> read_B.set_tag('RX','CAT') >>> read_B.reference_name = 'chr1' >>> read_B.reference_start = 100 >>> read_B.query_sequence = 'ATCGG' >>> read_B.cigarstring = '5M' >>> read_B.mapping_quality = 60 >>> # Create a thids read which is belonging to another cell >>> read_C = pysam.AlignedSegment(test_sam.header) >>> read_C.set_tag('SM','CELL_2') >>> read_C.set_tag('RX','CAT') >>> read_C.reference_name = 'chr1' >>> read_C.reference_start = 100 >>> read_C.query_sequence = 'ATCGG' >>> read_C.cigarstring = '5M' >>> read_C.mapping_quality = 60 >>> # Set up an iterable containing the reads: >>> reads = [ read_A,read_B,read_C ] >>> molecules = [] >>> for molecule in MoleculeIterator( reads ): >>> print(molecule) Molecule with 2 assinged fragments Allele :No allele assigned Fragment: sample:CELL_1 umi:CAT span:chr1 100-106 strand:+ has R1: yes has R2: no randomer trimmed: no Fragment: sample:CELL_1 umi:CAT span:chr1 100-105 strand:+ has R1: yes has R2: no randomer trimmed: no Molecule with 1 assinged fragments Allele :No allele assigned Fragment: sample:CELL_2 umi:CAT span:chr1 100-105 strand:+ has R1: yes has R2: no randomer trimmed: no In the next example the molecules overlapping with a single location on chromosome `'1'` position `420000` are extracted Don't forget to supply `check_eject_every = None`, this allows non-sorted data to be passed to the MoleculeIterator. Example: >>> from singlecellmultiomics.bamProcessing import mate_pileup >>> from singlecellmultiomics.molecule import MoleculeIterator >>> with pysam.AlignmentFile('example.bam') as alignments: >>> for molecule in MoleculeIterator( >>> mate_pileup(alignments, contig='1', position=420000, check_eject_every=None) >>> ): >>> pass Warning: Make sure the reads being supplied to the MoleculeIterator sorted by genomic coordinate! If the reads are not sorted set `check_eject_every=None` """ def __init__(self, alignments, molecule_class=Molecule, fragment_class=Fragment, check_eject_every=10_000, # bigger sizes are very speed benificial molecule_class_args={}, # because the relative amount of molecules # which can be ejected will be much higher fragment_class_args={}, perform_qflag=True, pooling_method=1, yield_invalid=False, yield_overflow=True, query_name_flagger=None, every_fragment_as_molecule=False, yield_secondary = False, yield_supplementary= False, max_buffer_size=None, #Limit the amount of stored reads, when this value is exceeded, a MemoryError is thrown iterator_class = pysamiterators.iterators.MatePairIterator, skip_contigs=None, progress_callback_function=None, min_mapping_qual = None, perform_allele_clustering = False, **pysamArgs): """Iterate over molecules in pysam.AlignmentFile Args: alignments (pysam.AlignmentFile) or iterable yielding tuples: Alignments to extract molecules from molecule_class (pysam.FastaFile): Class to use for molecules. fragment_class (pysam.FastaFile): Class to use for fragments. check_eject_every (int): Check for yielding every N reads. When None is supplied, all reads are kept into memory making coordinate sorted data not required. molecule_class_args (dict): arguments to pass to molecule_class. fragment_class_args (dict): arguments to pass to fragment_class. perform_qflag (bool): Make sure the sample/umi etc tags are copied from the read name into bam tags pooling_method(int) : 0: no pooling, 1: only compare molecules with the same sample id and hash yield_invalid (bool) : When true all fragments which are invalid will be yielded as a molecule yield_overflow(bool) : When true overflow fragments are yielded as separate molecules query_name_flagger(class) : class which contains the method digest(self, reads) which accepts pysam.AlignedSegments and adds at least the SM and RX tags every_fragment_as_molecule(bool): When set to true all valid fragments are emitted as molecule with one associated fragment, this is a way to disable deduplication. yield_secondary (bool): When true all secondary alignments will be yielded as a molecule iterator_class : Class name of class which generates mate-pairs out of a pysam.AlignmentFile either (pysamIterators.MatePairIterator or pysamIterators.MatePairIteratorIncludingNonProper) skip_contigs (set) : Contigs to skip min_mapping_qual(int) : Dont process reads with a mapping quality lower than this value. These reads are not yielded as molecules! **kwargs: arguments to pass to the pysam.AlignmentFile.fetch function Yields: molecule (Molecule): Molecule """ if query_name_flagger is None: query_name_flagger = QueryNameFlagger() self.query_name_flagger = query_name_flagger self.skip_contigs = skip_contigs if skip_contigs is not None else set() self.alignments = alignments self.molecule_class = molecule_class self.fragment_class = fragment_class self.check_eject_every = check_eject_every self.molecule_class_args = initialise_dict(molecule_class_args) self.fragment_class_args = initialise_dict(fragment_class_args) self.perform_qflag = perform_qflag self.pysamArgs = pysamArgs self.matePairIterator = None self.pooling_method = pooling_method self.yield_invalid = yield_invalid self.yield_overflow = yield_overflow self.every_fragment_as_molecule = every_fragment_as_molecule self.progress_callback_function = progress_callback_function self.iterator_class = iterator_class self.max_buffer_size=max_buffer_size self.min_mapping_qual = min_mapping_qual self.perform_allele_clustering = perform_allele_clustering self._clear_cache() def _clear_cache(self): """Clear cache containing non yielded molecules""" self.waiting_fragments = 0 self.yielded_fragments = 0 self.deleted_fragments = 0 self.check_ejection_iter = 0 if self.pooling_method == 0: self.molecules = [] elif self.pooling_method == 1: self.molecules_per_cell = collections.defaultdict( list) # {hash:[], :} else: raise NotImplementedError() def __repr__(self): return f"""Molecule Iterator, generates fragments from {self.fragment_class} into molecules based on {self.molecule_class}. Yielded {self.yielded_fragments} fragments, {self.waiting_fragments} fragments are waiting to be ejected. {self.deleted_fragments} fragments rejected. {self.get_molecule_cache_size()} molecules cached. Mate pair iterator: {str(self.matePairIterator)}""" def get_molecule_cache_size(self): if self.pooling_method == 0: return len(self.molecules) elif self.pooling_method == 1: return sum(len(cell_molecules) for cell, cell_molecules in self.molecules_per_cell.items()) else: raise NotImplementedError() def yield_func(self, molecule_to_be_emitted): if self.perform_allele_clustering: if molecule_to_be_emitted.can_be_split_into_allele_molecules: new_molecules = molecule_to_be_emitted.split_into_allele_molecules() if len(new_molecules)>1: yield from new_molecules else: yield molecule_to_be_emitted else: yield molecule_to_be_emitted else: yield molecule_to_be_emitted def __iter__(self): if self.perform_qflag: qf = self.query_name_flagger self._clear_cache() self.waiting_fragments = 0 # prepare the source iterator which generates the read pairs: if isinstance(self.alignments, pysam.libcalignmentfile.AlignmentFile): self.matePairIterator = self.iterator_class( self.alignments, performProperPairCheck=False, **self.pysamArgs) else: # If an iterable is provided use this as read source: self.matePairIterator = self.alignments for iteration,reads in enumerate(self.matePairIterator): if self.progress_callback_function is not None and iteration%500==0: self.progress_callback_function(iteration, self, reads) if isinstance(reads, pysam.AlignedSegment): R1 = reads R2 = None elif len(reads) == 2: R1, R2 = reads elif (isinstance(reads, list) or isinstance(reads, tuple)) and len(reads) == 1: R1 = reads[0] R2 = None else: raise ValueError( 'Iterable not understood, supply either pysam.AlignedSegment or lists of pysam.AlignedSegment') # skip_contigs if len(self.skip_contigs)>0: keep = False for read in reads: if read is not None and read.reference_name not in self.skip_contigs: keep = True if not keep: continue if self.min_mapping_qual is not None: keep = True for read in reads: if read is not None and read.mapping_quality<self.min_mapping_qual: self.deleted_fragments+=1 keep=False if not keep: continue # Make sure the sample/umi etc tags are placed: if self.perform_qflag: qf.digest([R1, R2]) fragment = self.fragment_class([R1, R2], **self.fragment_class_args) if not fragment.is_valid(): if self.yield_invalid: m = self.molecule_class( fragment, **self.molecule_class_args) m.__finalise__() yield m else: self.deleted_fragments+=1 continue if self.every_fragment_as_molecule: m = self.molecule_class(fragment, **self.molecule_class_args) m.__finalise__() yield m continue added = False try: if self.pooling_method == 0: for molecule in self.molecules: if molecule.add_fragment(fragment, use_hash=False): added = True break elif self.pooling_method == 1: for molecule in self.molecules_per_cell[fragment.match_hash]: if molecule.add_fragment(fragment, use_hash=True): added = True break except OverflowError: # This means the fragment does belong to a molecule, but the molecule does not accept any more fragments. if self.yield_overflow: m = self.molecule_class(fragment, **self.molecule_class_args) m.set_rejection_reason('overflow') m.__finalise__() yield from self.yield_func(m) else: self.deleted_fragments+=1 continue if not added: if self.pooling_method == 0: self.molecules.append(self.molecule_class( fragment, **self.molecule_class_args)) else: self.molecules_per_cell[fragment.match_hash].append( self.molecule_class(fragment, **self.molecule_class_args) ) self.waiting_fragments += 1 self.check_ejection_iter += 1 if self.max_buffer_size is not None and self.waiting_fragments>self.max_buffer_size: raise MemoryError(f'max_buffer_size exceeded with {self.waiting_fragments} waiting fragments') if self.check_eject_every is not None and self.check_ejection_iter > self.check_eject_every: current_chrom, _, current_position = fragment.get_span() if current_chrom is None: continue self.check_ejection_iter = 0 if self.pooling_method == 0: to_pop = [] for i, m in enumerate(self.molecules): if m.can_be_yielded(current_chrom, current_position): to_pop.append(i) self.waiting_fragments -= len(m) self.yielded_fragments += len(m) for i, j in enumerate(to_pop): m = self.molecules.pop(i - j) m.__finalise__() yield from self.yield_func(m) else: for hash_group, molecules in self.molecules_per_cell.items(): to_pop = [] for i, m in enumerate(molecules): if m.can_be_yielded( current_chrom, current_position): to_pop.append(i) self.waiting_fragments -= len(m) self.yielded_fragments += len(m) for i, j in enumerate(to_pop): m = self.molecules_per_cell[hash_group].pop(i - j) m.__finalise__() yield from self.yield_func(m) # Yield remains if self.pooling_method == 0: for m in self.molecules: m.__finalise__() yield from self.yield_func(m) #yield from iter(self.molecules) else: for hash_group, molecules in self.molecules_per_cell.items(): for i, m in enumerate(molecules): m.__finalise__() yield from self.yield_func(m) self._clear_cache() ``` #### File: singlecellmultiomics/utils/ ```python import pandas as pd import numpy as np import seaborn as sns import warnings def createRowColorDataFrame( discreteStatesDataFrame, nanColor =(0,0,0), predeterminedColorMapping={} ): """ Create color dataframe for use with seaborn clustermap Args: discreteStatesDataFrame (pd.DataFrame) : Dataframe containing the data to convert to colors, like: pd.DataFrame( [['A','x'],['A','y']],index=['A','B'], columns=['First', 'Second'] ) nanColor(tuple) : Color for records having an NAN predeterminedColorMapping(dict) : Supply class colors here (optional) Returns: discreteColorMatrix (pd.DataFrame) : Dataframe to pass to seaborn clustermap row_colors, or col_colors luts (dict) : class->color mapping """ # Should look like: # discreteStatesDataFrame = pd.DataFrame( [['A','x'],['A','y']],index=['A','B'], columns=['First', 'Second'] ) colorMatrix = [] luts = {} for column in discreteStatesDataFrame: states = [x for x in discreteStatesDataFrame[column].unique() if not pd.isnull(x)] undeterminedColorStates = [x for x in discreteStatesDataFrame[column].unique() if not pd.isnull(x) and not x in predeterminedColorMapping] cols = sns.color_palette('hls',len(undeterminedColorStates)) #lut = { i:sns.color_palette('bright').jet(x) for i,x in zip(states, np.linspace(0,1,len(states)) )} lut = { state:cols[i] for i,state in enumerate(undeterminedColorStates) } lut.update({key:value for key,value in predeterminedColorMapping.items() if key in states}) lut[np.nan] = nanColor colorMatrix.append( [ nanColor if pd.isnull(x) else lut[x] for x in discreteStatesDataFrame[column] ] ) luts[column] = lut discreteColorMatrix = pd.DataFrame(colorMatrix, index=discreteStatesDataFrame.columns, columns=discreteStatesDataFrame.index ).transpose() return discreteColorMatrix, luts def tordist(x1: float, x2: float, wrap_dist: float ) -> float: """Calculate the toroidial distance between two scalars Args: x1(float) : first datapoint x2(float) : second datapoint wrap_dist(float) : wrapping distance (highest value), values higher than this will wrap around to zero Returns: distance(float) : toroidial distance between x1 and x2, wrapping around wrap_dist """ dx = abs(x2 - x1) if dx>wrap_dist*0.5: return wrap_dist-dx else: return dx def tor_resample(x: np.array, y: np.array, window_radius: float, max_tp: float,n:int=100) -> pd.Series: """ Toroidal resample a set of coordinates x,y, where x is a set of timepoints into a new set of coordinates from zero to max_tp with n steps. Uses a sliding mean.""" interp = {} s = pd.Series(y,index=x) warnings.simplefilter("ignore") for tp in np.linspace(0,max_tp, n): selected_points = np.array([( tordist(x,tp,max_tp) <= window_radius) for x,y in s.items()]) q = s[selected_points] mean = np.nanmean(q) interp[tp] = mean interp[tp-max_tp] = mean interp[tp+max_tp] = mean resampled = pd.Series(interp).sort_index() return resampled.loc[0:max_tp] ``` #### File: singlecellmultiomics/utils/ ```python import math from pysam import FastaFile, AlignmentFile from singlecellmultiomics.utils.prefetch import Prefetcher from collections import Counter import numpy as np from pysamiterators import CachedFasta from array import array class Reference(Prefetcher): """ This is a picklable wrapper to pass reference handles """ def __init__(self): self.args = locals().copy() del self.args['self'] def instance(self, arg_update): if 'self' in self.args: del self.args['self'] clone = Reference(**self.args) return clone # Todo: exit statements def prefetch(self, contig, start, end): return FastaFile(**self.args) def get_chromosome_number(chrom: str) -> int: """ Get chromosome number (index) of the supplied chromosome: '1' -> 1, chr1 -> 1, returns -1 when not available, chrM -> -1 """ try: return int(chrom.replace('chr','')) except Exception as e: return -1 def is_autosome(chrom: str) -> bool: """ Returns True when the chromsome is an autosomal chromsome, not an alternative allele, mitochrondrial or sex chromosome Args: chrom(str) : chromosome name Returns: is_main(bool) : True when the chromsome is an autosome """ return is_main_chromosome(chrom) and get_chromosome_number(chrom)!=-1 def is_main_chromosome(chrom: str) -> bool: """ Returns True when the chromsome is a main chromsome, not an alternative or other Args: chrom(str) : chromosome name Returns: is_main(bool) : True when the chromsome is a main chromsome """ if chrom.startswith('KN') or chrom.startswith('KZ') or chrom.startswith('JH') or chrom.startswith('GL') or chrom.startswith( 'KI') or chrom.startswith('chrUn') or chrom.endswith('_random') or 'ERCC' in chrom or chrom.endswith('_alt') or "HLA-" in chrom: return False return True def get_contig_list_from_fasta(fasta_path: str, with_length: bool=False) -> list: """Obtain list of contigs froma fasta file, all alternative contigs are pooled into the string MISC_ALT_CONTIGS_SCMO Args: fasta_path (str or pysam.FastaFile) : Path or handle to fasta file with_length(bool): return list of lengths Returns: contig_list (list ) : List of contigs + ['MISC_ALT_CONTIGS_SCMO'] if any alt contig is present in the fasta file """ contig_list = [] has_alt = False if with_length: lens = [] if type(fasta_path) is str: fa = FastaFile(fasta_path) elif type(fasta_path) is FastaFile: fa = fasta_path else: raise TypeError('Supply pysam.FastaFile or str') for reference, length in zip(fa.references, fa.lengths): if is_main_chromosome(reference): contig_list.append(reference) if with_length: lens.append(length) else: has_alt = True # Close handle if we just opened one if type(fasta_path) is str: fa.close() if has_alt: contig_list.append('MISC_ALT_CONTIGS_SCMO') if with_length: lens.append(None) if with_length: return contig_list, lens return contig_list def phred_to_prob(phred): """Convert a phred score (ASCII) or integer to a numeric probability Args: phred (str/int) : score to convert returns: probability(float) """ try: if isinstance(phred, int): return math.pow(10, -(phred) / 10) return math.pow(10, -(ord(phred) - 33) / 10) except ValueError: return 1 def hamming_distance(a, b): return sum((i != j and i != 'N' and j != 'N' for i, j in zip(a, b))) complement_translate = str.maketrans('ATCGNatcgn', 'TAGCNtagcn') def reverse_complement(seq): """Obtain reverse complement of seq returns: reverse complement (str) """ return seq.translate(complement_translate)[::-1] def complement(seq): """Obtain complement of seq returns: complement (str) """ return seq.translate(complement_translate) def split_nth(seq, separator, n): """ Split sequence at the n-th occurence of separator Args: seq(str) : sequence to split separator(str): separator to split on n(int) : split at the n-th occurence """ pos = 0 for i in range(n): pos = seq.index(separator, pos + 1) return seq[:pos], seq[pos + 1:] def create_MD_tag(reference_seq, query_seq): """Create MD tag Args: reference_seq (str) : reference sequence of alignment query_seq (str) : query bases of alignment Returns: md_tag(str) : md description of the alignment """ no_change = 0 md = [] for ref_base, query_base in zip(reference_seq, query_seq): if ref_base.upper() == query_base: no_change += 1 else: if no_change > 0: md.append(str(no_change)) md.append(ref_base) no_change = 0 if no_change > 0: md.append(str(no_change)) return ''.join(md) def prob_to_phred(prob: float): """ Convert probability of base call being correct into phred score Values are clipped to stay within 0 to 60 phred range Args: prob (float): probability of base call being correct Returns: phred_score (byte) """ return np.rint(-10 * np.log10(np.clip(1-prob, 1-0.999999, 0.999999))).astype('B') def get_context(contig: str, position: int, reference: FastaFile, ibase: str = None, k_rad: int = 1): """ Args: contig: contig of the location to extract context position: zero based position reference: pysam.FastaFile handle or similar object which supports .fetch() ibase: single base to inject into the middle of the context k_rad: radius to extract Returns: context(str) : extracted context with length k_rad*2 + 1 """ if ibase is not None: ctx = reference.fetch(contig, position-k_rad, position+k_rad+1).upper() return ctx[:k_rad]+ibase+ctx[1+k_rad:] else: return reference.fetch(contig, position-k_rad, position+k_rad+1).upper() def base_probabilities_to_likelihood(probs: dict): probs['N'] = [1-p for base, ps in probs.items() for p in ps if base != 'N' ] return {base:np.product(v)/np.power(0.25, len(v)-1) for base,v in probs.items() } def likelihood_to_prob(likelihoods): total_likelihood = sum(likelihoods.values()) return {key: value / total_likelihood for key, value in likelihoods.items()} def phredscores_to_base_call(probs: dict): """ Perform base calling on a observation dictionary. Returns N when there are multiple options with the same likelihood Args: probs: dictionary with confidence scores probs = { 'A':[0.95,0.99,0.9], 'T':[0.1], } Returns: base(str) : Called base phred(float) : probability of the call to be correct """ # Add N: likelihood_per_base = base_probabilities_to_likelihood(probs) total_likelihood = sum(likelihood_per_base.values()) base_probs = Counter({base:p/total_likelihood for base, p in likelihood_per_base.items() }).most_common() # We cannot make a base call when there are no observations or when the most likely bases have the same prob if len(base_probs) == 0 or (len(base_probs) >= 2 and base_probs[0][1] == base_probs[1][1]): return 'N', 0 return (base_probs[0][0], base_probs[0][1]) def pick_best_base_call( *calls ) -> tuple: """ Pick the best base-call from a list of base calls Example: >>> pick_best_base_call( ('A',32), ('C',22) ) ) ('A', 32) >>> pick_best_base_call( ('A',32), ('C',32) ) ) None Args: calls (generator) : generator/list containing tuples Returns: tuple (best_base, best_q) or ('N',0) when there is a tie """ # (q_base, quality, ...) best_base, best_q = None, -1 tie = False for call in calls: if call is None: continue if call[1]>best_q: best_base= call[0] best_q=call[1] tie=False elif call[1]==best_q and call[0]!=best_base: tie=True if tie or best_base is None: return ('N',0) return best_base, best_q def read_to_consensus_dict(read, start: int = None, end: int = None, only_include_refbase: str = None, skip_first_n_cycles:int = None, skip_last_n_cycles: int = None, min_phred_score: int = None): """ Obtain consensus calls for read, between start and end """ if read is None: return dict() return { (read.reference_name, refpos): (read.query_sequence[qpos], read.query_qualities[qpos], refbase ) for qpos, refpos, refbase in read.get_aligned_pairs( matches_only=True, with_seq=True) if (start is None or refpos>=start) and \ (end is None or refpos<=end) and \ (min_phred_score is None or read.query_qualities[qpos]>=min_phred_score) and \ (skip_last_n_cycles is None or ( read.is_reverse and qpos>skip_last_n_cycles) or (not read.is_reverse and qpos<read.infer_query_length()-skip_last_n_cycles)) and \ (skip_first_n_cycles is None or ( not read.is_reverse and qpos>skip_first_n_cycles) or ( read.is_reverse and qpos<read.infer_query_length()-skip_first_n_cycles)) and \ (only_include_refbase is None or refbase.upper()==only_include_refbase) } def get_consensus_dictionaries(R1, R2, only_include_refbase=None, dove_safe=False, min_phred_score=None, skip_first_n_cycles_R1=None, skip_last_n_cycles_R1=None,skip_first_n_cycles_R2=None, skip_last_n_cycles_R2=None, dove_R2_distance=0, dove_R1_distance=0 ): assert (R1 is None or R1.is_read1) and (R2 is None or R2.is_read2) if dove_safe: if R1 is None or R2 is None: raise ValueError( 'Its not possible to determine a safe region when the alignment of R1 or R2 is not specified') if R1.is_reverse and not R2.is_reverse: start, end = R2.reference_start + dove_R2_distance, R1.reference_end - dove_R1_distance -1 elif not R1.is_reverse and R2.is_reverse: start, end = R1.reference_start + dove_R1_distance, R2.reference_end - dove_R2_distance -1 else: raise ValueError('This method only works for inwards facing reads') else: start, end = None, None return read_to_consensus_dict(R1, start, end, only_include_refbase=only_include_refbase, skip_last_n_cycles=skip_last_n_cycles_R1, skip_first_n_cycles=skip_first_n_cycles_R1,min_phred_score=min_phred_score), \ read_to_consensus_dict(R2, start, end, only_include_refbase=only_include_refbase, skip_last_n_cycles=skip_last_n_cycles_R2, skip_first_n_cycles=skip_last_n_cycles_R2, min_phred_score=min_phred_score) ``` #### File: singlecellmultiomics/utils/ ```python import sys import os import re import itertools as it import glob import time import datetime import subprocess import distutils.spawn import uuid def create_job_file_paths(target_directory,job_alias=None, prefix=None, job_file_name=None): if not os.path.exists(target_directory): os.makedirs(target_directory) if prefix is None: prefix = time.strftime("%d_%m_%Y_%H_%M_%S_") + str(uuid.uuid4()) if job_file_name is None: job_file_name = '%s-%s' % (prefix, job_alias) jobfile = target_directory + '/' % job_file_name stderr = target_directory + '/%s.stderr' % job_file_name stdout = target_directory + '/%s.stdout' % job_file_name if prefix is None: while os.path.exists(jobfile): job_file_name = '%s-%s' % (time.strftime("%d_%m_%Y_%H_%M_%S"), job_alias) jobfile = target_directory + '/' % job_file_name stderr = target_directory + '/%s.stderr' % job_file_name stdout = target_directory + '/%s.stdout' % job_file_name time.sleep(1) else: if os.path.exists(jobfile): print( "Job %s already exists. Files might become corrupted if previous job is still running" % jobfile) return jobfile,stderr, stdout, job_file_name def generate_job_script(scheduler, jobfile,stderr, stdout, job_name, memory_gb, working_directory, time_h, threads_n, email, mail_when_finished=False, copy_env=True ): if scheduler=='local': return [f'cd {working_directory}'] if scheduler=='slurm': jobData = [ '#!/bin/sh', '#SBATCH -J %s' % job_name, # Sets job name '#SBATCH -n %s' % threads_n, '#SBATCH -N 1', # Run on a single node '#SBATCH --time %s:00:00' % str(time_h).zfill(2), '#SBATCH --mem %sG' % memory_gb, '#SBATCH --chdir %s' % (working_directory), '#SBATCH -o %s' % stdout, '#SBATCH -e %s' % stderr ] if email is not None: if mail_when_finished: raise NotImplementedError('email when finished is not implemented for slurm') jobData.append('#SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL') jobData.append('#SBATCH --mail-user=%s' % email) elif scheduler=='sge': jobData = [ '#!/bin/sh', '#$ -S /bin/bash', '#$ -N %s' % job_name, '#$ -l h_rt=%s:00:00' % time_h, '#$ -l h_vmem=%sG' % memory_gb, # '#$ -l hostname=\'!n00[18]*\'', '#$ -wd %s' % (working_directory), '#$ -o %s' % stdout, '#$ -e %s' % stderr, '#$ -q all.q' ] if email is not None: jobData.append('#$ -M %s' % email) jobData.append('#$ -m %sas' % ('e' if mail_when_finished else '')) if copy_env: jobData.append('#$ -V') if threads_n > 1: jobData.append('#$ -pe threaded %s' % threads_n) # Make sure we land in the right directory if working_directory is not None: jobData.append(f'cd {working_directory}') return jobData def write_cmd_to_submission_file(cmd, job_data, jobfile, scheduler='sge' ): if scheduler in ('slurm','sge','local'): job_data.append('%s' % cmd) else: raise NotImplementedError() with open(jobfile, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(job_data) + '\n') def generate_submission_command(jobfile, hold, scheduler='sge'): if scheduler=='slurm': if hold is not None and len(hold)>0 and hold[0]!='none': js = 'afterany:' + ':'.join( [f'{h.strip()}' for h in hold] ) qs = f'sbatch --dependency={js} {jobfile}' else: qs = 'sbatch %s' % jobfile else: qs = 'qsub %s %s' % ((('-hold_jid %s' % ','.join(hold)) if (hold is not None and hold[0] != 'none') else ''), jobfile) return qs def submit_job(command, target_directory, working_directory, threads_n=1, memory_gb=8, time_h=8, scheduler='sge', copy_env=True, email=None,job_alias=None, mail_when_finished=False, hold=None,submit=True, prefix=None, job_file_name=None, job_name=None, silent=False): """ Submit a job Args: threads(int) : amount of requested threads memory_gb(int) : amount of requested memory scheduler(str): sge/slurm/local hold(list): list of job depedencies submit(bool) : perform the actual submission, when set to False only the submission script is written Returns: job_id(str) : id of sumbitted job """ qsub_available = (distutils.spawn.find_executable("qsub") is not None) sbatch_available = (distutils.spawn.find_executable("sbatch") is not None) if scheduler == 'auto': if qsub_available: scheduler = 'sge' elif sbatch_available: scheduler = 'slurm' else: scheduler = 'local' if job_alias is None and job_name is None: job_name = 'J%s' % str(uuid.uuid4()) # If no file was specified, we generate a file using the supplied job name if job_file_name is None: job_alias = job_name if working_directory is None: working_directory = os.getcwd() if submit: if scheduler=='sge' and not qsub_available: raise ValueError('qsub is not available on the system') if scheduler=='slurm' and not sbatch_available: if qsub_available: print('SBATCH is not available, but QSUB is, reverting to use QSUB') scheduler='sge' else: raise ValueError('sbatch is not available on the system') jobfile,stderr, stdout, _job_file_name = create_job_file_paths(target_directory,job_alias=job_alias,prefix=prefix,job_file_name=job_file_name) if job_file_name is None: job_file_name=_job_file_name else: if job_file_name!=_job_file_name and not silent: print(f'Job file name changed from {job_file_name} to {_job_file_name}') job_data = generate_job_script(scheduler=scheduler, jobfile=jobfile, stderr=stderr, stdout=stdout, job_name=job_name, memory_gb=memory_gb, working_directory=working_directory, time_h=time_h, threads_n=threads_n, email=email, mail_when_finished=mail_when_finished, copy_env= copy_env) qs = generate_submission_command( jobfile, hold, scheduler) write_cmd_to_submission_file(command, job_data, jobfile, scheduler) if submit: if scheduler=='slurm': job_id = os.popen(qs).read().replace('Submitted batch job ','').strip() return job_id elif scheduler=='sge': rd = os.popen(qs).read() job_id = rd.split(' ')[2] return job_id.strip() elif scheduler=='local': # Run the job now: os.system(f'bash {jobfile} 2>{stderr} >{stdout}') else: print('# use the command below to submit your job:') print(qs) ## ##### Dependency handling ##### ## if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse username = os.getenv('USER') defaultEmail = os.getenv('EMAIL') qsub_available = (distutils.spawn.find_executable("qsub") is not None) PY36ENV = os.getenv('PY36ENV') if PY36ENV is None: PY36ENV = 'source /hpc/hub_oudenaarden/bdebarbanson/virtualEnvironments/py36/bin/activate' basepath = '/hpc/hub_oudenaarden/%s/cluster' % username if os.path.exists( '/hpc/hub_oudenaarden/%s' % username) else os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/cluster/' argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description='Send job to cluster') argparser.add_argument( '-w', help="Working directory, current dir when not supplied") argparser.add_argument( '-N', type=str, help="Job alias, slashes will be removed", default="%s-dobby" % (username if username is not None else 'anon')) argparser.add_argument( '-jp', type=str, help="Job file prefix, this will be the name of the file where the standard error, standard out and job script will be saved. By default it is the current time to prevent collisions. When supplying this be careful that simultanious jobs cannot share the same prefix!", default=None) argparser.add_argument( '-t', type=int, default=1, help="Threads, amount of CPUs requested (PE). Cluster Worker count") argparser.add_argument( '-time', type=int, default=24, help="Runtime in hours") argparser.add_argument('-m', type=int, default=4, help="Memory in gigs") argparser.add_argument('-y', action="store_true", help="Submit jobs") argparser.add_argument( '-sched', default='slurm', help="scheduler: sge, slurm, local") argparser.add_argument( '-e', type=str, help="How to execute the job; submit, local", default="submit") argparser.add_argument( '-hold', type=str, help="Wait for job(s) with this name to be finished", default=None) argparser.add_argument( '-email', type=str, help="Send emails to this adress (by default Only kill messages)", default=os.getenv('EMAIL')) argparser.add_argument( '--mf', help="Mail when finished", action='store_true') argparser.add_argument( '--nenv', help="Do not copy current environment", action='store_true') argparser.add_argument( '--py36', help="Source python 3.6 (set PY36ENV variable to change the path)", action='store_true') argparser.add_argument('c', metavar='command', type=str, nargs='*') argparser.add_argument( '--silent', help="Try to print less", action='store_true') argparser.add_argument( '-s', type=str, help="Submission data storage path (stdout/stderr)", default=os.path.abspath('./cluster')) args = argparser.parse_args() if == 'none': = None working_directory = args.w if args.w is not None else os.getcwd() jid = submit_job(' '.join(args.c), job_name=args.N, target_directory=args.s, job_file_name =, working_directory=working_directory, threads_n=args.t, memory_gb=args.m, time_h=args.time, scheduler=args.sched, copy_env=not args.nenv,,, hold=(args.hold.split(',') if args.hold is not None else None) ,submit=args.y, prefix=None) if jid is not None: print(jid) ```
{ "source": "jpty/python-eufy-security", "score": 3 }
#### File: python-eufy-security/tests/ ```python import json import aiohttp import pytest from eufy_security import async_login from eufy_security.device import Device, DeviceDict from eufy_security.types import DeviceType, ParamType from .common import TEST_EMAIL, TEST_PASSWORD, load_fixture, load_json_fixture def test_properties(): """Test device properties.""" device_info = load_json_fixture("devices_list_response.json")["data"][0] device = Device(None, device_info) assert device.type == DeviceType.CAMERA assert device.hardware_version == "HAIYI-IMX323" assert device.last_camera_image_url == "https://path/to/image.jpg" assert device.mac == "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" assert device.model == "T8111" assert == "Driveway" assert device.serial == "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1" assert device.software_version == "1.9.3" assert device.station_serial == "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" def test_update(): """Test updating the device data.""" device_infos = load_json_fixture("devices_list_response.json")["data"] device = Device(None, device_infos[0]) assert device.serial == "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1" device.update(device_infos[1]) assert device.serial == "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2" def test_is_camera(): """Test the device is a camera.""" camera = Device(None, {"device_type": DeviceType.CAMERA.value}) assert camera.is_camera station = Device(None, {"device_type": DeviceType.STATION.value}) assert not station.is_camera def test_is_station(): """Test the device is a station.""" station = Device(None, {"device_type": DeviceType.STATION.value}) assert station.is_station camera = Device(None, {"device_type": DeviceType.CAMERA.value}) assert not camera.is_station def test_is_sensor(): """Test the device is a sensor.""" sensor = Device(None, {"device_type": DeviceType.SENSOR.value}) assert sensor.is_sensor camera = Device(None, {"device_type": DeviceType.CAMERA.value}) assert not camera.is_sensor def test_is_doorbell(): """Test the device is a doorbell.""" doorbell = Device(None, {"device_type": DeviceType.DOORBELL.value}) assert doorbell.is_doorbell camera = Device(None, {"device_type": DeviceType.CAMERA.value}) assert not camera.is_doorbell @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_start_stream(aresponses, login_success_response): """Test starting the RTSP stream.""" aresponses.add( "", "/api/v1/passport/login", "post", aresponses.Response(text=json.dumps(login_success_response), status=200), ) aresponses.add( "", "/v1/app/get_devs_list", "post", aresponses.Response( text=load_fixture("devices_list_response.json"), status=200 ), ) aresponses.add( "", "/v1/app/get_hub_list", "post", aresponses.Response(text=load_fixture("hub_list_response.json"), status=200), ) aresponses.add( "", "/v1/web/equipment/start_stream", "post", aresponses.Response( text=load_fixture("start_stream_response.json"), status=200 ), ) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as websession: api = await async_login(TEST_EMAIL, TEST_PASSWORD, websession) device = next(iter(api.devices.values())) stream_url = await device.async_start_stream() assert stream_url == "rtmp://" @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_stop_stream(aresponses, login_success_response): """Test stopping the RTSP stream.""" aresponses.add( "", "/api/v1/passport/login", "post", aresponses.Response(text=json.dumps(login_success_response), status=200), ) aresponses.add( "", "/v1/app/get_devs_list", "post", aresponses.Response( text=load_fixture("devices_list_response.json"), status=200 ), ) aresponses.add( "", "/v1/app/get_hub_list", "post", aresponses.Response(text=load_fixture("hub_list_response.json"), status=200), ) aresponses.add( "", "/v1/web/equipment/stop_stream", "post", aresponses.Response(text=load_fixture("stop_stream_response.json"), status=200), ) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as websession: api = await async_login(TEST_EMAIL, TEST_PASSWORD, websession) device = next(iter(api.devices.values())) await device.async_stop_stream() @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_async_update(aresponses, login_success_response): """Test stopping the RTSP stream.""" aresponses.add( "", "/api/v1/passport/login", "post", aresponses.Response(text=json.dumps(login_success_response), status=200), ) aresponses.add( "", "/v1/app/get_devs_list", "post", aresponses.Response( text=load_fixture("devices_list_response.json"), status=200 ), ) aresponses.add( "", "/v1/app/get_hub_list", "post", aresponses.Response(text=load_fixture("hub_list_response.json"), status=200), ) aresponses.add( "", "/v1/app/get_devs_list", "post", aresponses.Response( text=load_fixture("devices_list_response.json"), status=200 ), ) aresponses.add( "", "/v1/app/get_hub_list", "post", aresponses.Response(text=load_fixture("hub_list_response.json"), status=200), ) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as websession: api = await async_login(TEST_EMAIL, TEST_PASSWORD, websession) device = next(iter(api.devices.values())) await device.async_update() @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_set_params(aresponses, login_success_response): """Test setting params.""" aresponses.add( "", "/api/v1/passport/login", "post", aresponses.Response(text=json.dumps(login_success_response), status=200), ) aresponses.add( "", "/v1/app/get_devs_list", "post", aresponses.Response( text=load_fixture("devices_list_response.json"), status=200 ), ) aresponses.add( "", "/v1/app/get_hub_list", "post", aresponses.Response(text=load_fixture("hub_list_response.json"), status=200), ) aresponses.add( "", "/v1/app/upload_devs_params", "post", aresponses.Response( text=load_fixture("upload_devs_params_response.json"), status=200 ), ) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as websession: api = await async_login(TEST_EMAIL, TEST_PASSWORD, websession) device = next(iter(api.devices.values())) await device.async_set_params({ParamType.SNOOZE_MODE: True}) def test_device_dict_with_dict(): """Test updating DeviceDict with a dict.""" device_infos = load_json_fixture("devices_list_response.json")["data"] dd = DeviceDict(None) dd.update(device_infos) assert dd["xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1"].name == "Driveway" dd.update( { device_info["device_sn"]: {**device_info, "device_name": "Updated"} for device_info in device_infos } ) assert dd["xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1"].name == "Updated" def test_device_dict_with_list(): """Test updating DeviceDict with a list.""" device_infos = load_json_fixture("devices_list_response.json")["data"] dd = DeviceDict(None) dd.update(device_infos) assert dd["xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1"].name == "Driveway" dd.update( [{**device_info, "device_name": "Updated"} for device_info in device_infos] ) assert dd["xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1"].name == "Updated" def test_device_dict_with_none(): """Test updating DeviceDict with None.""" dd = DeviceDict(None) with pytest.raises(TypeError): dd.update(None) ``` #### File: python-eufy-security/tests/ ```python from datetime import datetime, timezone import pytest from eufy_security.param import Param, Params from eufy_security.types import ParamType def test_param_init_with_supported_type(): """Test param init with a supported param type.""" param = Param({"param_type": ParamType.CHIME_STATE.value, "param_value": "1",}) assert param.type == ParamType.CHIME_STATE def test_param_init_with_unsupported_type(): """Test param init with unsupported param type.""" with pytest.raises(ValueError): Param( {"param_type": -1, "param_value": "0",} ) def test_param_init_with_param_type(): """Test param init with a param type.""" param = Param(ParamType.CHIME_STATE) assert param.type == ParamType.CHIME_STATE assert param.param_info == {} def test_param_hash(): """Test param hash is the param type and id.""" param = Param({"param_type": ParamType.CHIME_STATE.value, "param_id": 1,}) assert hash(param) == hash((ParamType.CHIME_STATE.value, 1)) def test_param_equals(): """Test param is equal to other param with the same param type and id.""" param1 = Param({"param_type": ParamType.CHIME_STATE.value, "param_id": 1,}) param2 = Param({"param_type": ParamType.CHIME_STATE.value, "param_id": 1,}) assert param1 == param2 def test_param_not_equal(): """Test param is not equal to other param with alternate param type or id.""" param1 = Param({"param_type": ParamType.CHIME_STATE.value, "param_id": 1,}) param2 = Param({"param_type": ParamType.CHIME_STATE.value, "param_id": 2,}) param3 = Param({"param_type": ParamType.DETECT_EXPOSURE.value, "param_id": 1,}) assert param1 != param2 assert param1 != param3 def test_param_id(): """Returns the param id.""" param = Param({"param_type": ParamType.CHIME_STATE.value, "param_id": 123,}) assert == 123 def test_param_status(): """Returns the param status.""" param1 = Param({"param_type": ParamType.CHIME_STATE.value, "status": 1,}) param2 = Param({"param_type": ParamType.CHIME_STATE.value, "status": 0,}) assert param1.status == True assert param2.status == False def test_param_value(): """Test the parses param value.""" param = Param({"param_type": ParamType.CHIME_STATE.value, "param_value": "1234",}) assert param.value == 1234 def test_param_set_value(): """Test setting the param value.""" param = Param({"param_type": ParamType.CHIME_STATE.value, "param_value": "1234",}) param.set_value(4567) assert param.value == 4567 assert param.param_info["param_value"] == "4567" def test_param_created(): """Test the param created date.""" param = Param( {"param_type": ParamType.CHIME_STATE.value, "create_time": 1565008299,} ) assert param.created == datetime(2019, 8, 5, 12, 31, 39, tzinfo=timezone.utc) def test_param_updated(): """Test the param updated date.""" param = Param( {"param_type": ParamType.CHIME_STATE.value, "update_time": 1565008299,} ) assert param.updated == datetime(2019, 8, 5, 12, 31, 39, tzinfo=timezone.utc) def test_params_init(): """Test params init with a list.""" params = Params( [ {"param_type": ParamType.CHIME_STATE.value, "param_value": "1"}, {"param_type": 0, "param_value": "0"}, {"param_type": ParamType.DETECT_EXPOSURE.value, "param_value": "1"}, ] ) assert len(params) == 2 def test_params_contains(): """Test params contains by param or param type.""" params = Params([{"param_type": ParamType.CHIME_STATE, "param_id": 1},]) assert ParamType.CHIME_STATE in params assert params[ParamType.CHIME_STATE] in params assert ParamType.DETECT_EXPOSURE not in params assert Param({"param_type": ParamType.DETECT_EXPOSURE.value}) not in params def test_params_get_existing_item(): """Test params get an existing item by param type.""" params = Params( [ {"param_type": ParamType.CHIME_STATE, "param_id": 1}, {"param_type": ParamType.DETECT_EXPOSURE, "param_id": 2}, ] ) assert params[ParamType.CHIME_STATE].id == 1 assert params[ParamType.CHIME_STATE.value].id == 1 assert params[].id == 1 def test_params_get_non_existing_item(): """Test params get a non-existing item by param type.""" params = Params([{"param_type": ParamType.DETECT_EXPOSURE, "param_id": 2},]) with pytest.raises(KeyError): params[ParamType.CHIME_STATE] with pytest.raises(KeyError): params[ParamType.CHIME_STATE.value] with pytest.raises(KeyError): params[] with pytest.raises(KeyError): params[0] def test_params_set_existing_item(): """Test params updating the value of an existing param.""" params = Params( [{"param_type": ParamType.DETECT_EXPOSURE, "param_id": 2, "param_value": "1"},] ) params[ParamType.DETECT_EXPOSURE] = 2 assert params[ParamType.DETECT_EXPOSURE].param_info["param_value"] == "2" params[] = 3 assert params[ParamType.DETECT_EXPOSURE].param_info["param_value"] == "3" params[ParamType.DETECT_EXPOSURE.value] = 4 assert params[ParamType.DETECT_EXPOSURE].param_info["param_value"] == "4" def test_params_set_new_item(): """Test params updating the value of an existing param.""" params = Params( [{"param_type": ParamType.DETECT_EXPOSURE, "param_id": 2, "param_value": "1"},] ) params[ParamType.CHIME_STATE] = 2 assert params[ParamType.CHIME_STATE].param_info["param_value"] == "2" def test_params_items(): """Test params items.""" params = Params( [ {"param_type": ParamType.CHIME_STATE, "param_id": 1}, {"param_type": ParamType.DETECT_EXPOSURE, "param_id": 2}, ] ) items = params.items() assert type(items) == dict assert len(items) == 2 def test_params_update(): """Test params updating with a dictionary.""" params = Params() params.update({ParamType.CHIME_STATE: 1}) assert params[ParamType.CHIME_STATE].value == 1 ``` #### File: python-eufy-security/tests/ ```python import pytest from eufy_security.types import ParamType def test_param_type_loads(): """Test ParamType loads.""" assert ParamType.CHIME_STATE.loads("123") == 123 assert ParamType.DETECT_SWITCH.loads('{"a": 1}') == {"a": 1} assert ParamType.SNOOZE_MODE.loads("eyJhIjogMX0=") == {"a": 1} def test_param_type_dumps(): """Test ParamType dumps.""" assert ParamType.CHIME_STATE.dumps(123) == "123" assert ParamType.DETECT_SWITCH.dumps({"a": 1}) == '{"a": 1}' assert ParamType.SNOOZE_MODE.dumps({"a": 1}) == "eyJhIjogMX0=" def test_param_type_lookup(): """Test ParamType lookup.""" assert ParamType.lookup(ParamType.CHIME_STATE.value) == ParamType.CHIME_STATE assert ParamType.lookup( == ParamType.CHIME_STATE assert ParamType.lookup(ParamType.CHIME_STATE) == ParamType.CHIME_STATE with pytest.raises(ValueError): ParamType.lookup(0) ```
{ "source": "Jpub/scTechPython", "score": 3 }
#### File: scTechPython/chapter4/ ```python debug_trace = True # 위의 플래그가 활성인 경우, 로그 파일을 연다 if debug_trace: log_file = open("debug.log", "w", encoding='utf-8') # 데코레이터 함수의 정의 def debug_log(func): if debug_trace: def func_and_log(*args, **kwargs): # func을 실행하기 전에 로그 파일에 기록 log_file.write("시작 %s: %s, %s\n" % (func.__name__, args, kwargs)) # func를 그대로 실행 r = func(*args, **kwargs) # func가 종료되면 로그 파일에 이를 다시 기록 log_file.write("종료 %s: 리턴값 %s\n" % (func.__name__, r)) return r return func_and_log else: return func # debug_trace = False면 아무 것도 바뀌지 않는다 # 데코레이터로 myFunc의 기능을 바꾼다 @debug_log def myfunc(x): return x+x # 데코레이터로 변경된 myFunc를 실행 myfunc(3) myfunc(5) log_file.close() # 로그 파일을 닫는다 ``` #### File: scTechPython/chapter5/ ```python class MyClass(object): # (1) 상속하는 클래스 없음 """ (2) 클래스의 닥스트링 """ # (3) 변수 x, y의 정의 x = 0 y = 0 def my_print(self): self.x += 1 # x를 인스턴스마다 별도로 존재하는 변수로 다룸 MyClass.y += 1 # y를 클래스마다 존재하는 변수로 다룸 print('(x, y) = ({}, {})'.format(self.x, self.y)) # 클래스의 인스턴스를 생성 f = MyClass # (5) ()가 없으면 클래스에 별명을 붙인다는 의미 a = MyClass() # (6) MyClass 클래스의 인스턴스를 만들고 여기에 a라는 이름을 붙임 b = f() # (7) f()는 MyClass()와 같은 의미((5)에서 별명을 붙였으므로) # (8) 메소드 실행 a.my_print() b.my_print() b.my_print() ```
{ "source": "jpudell/Beam-Stabilization", "score": 3 }
#### File: src/modules/ ```python import os from datetime import datetime class saveClass: """ Class for writing and reading the reference values from the position logging file (ConfigFileName) Methods: createOrOpenConfigFile readLastConfig writeNewCenter """ def __init__(self, config): self.fn = "BeamStabilization\\"+str(config.ConfigFileName) def createOrOpenConfigFile(self): """ Get the file object with previous reference positions. Create it, if it does not exist (size == 0), write header in new file :return: file object """ header = False file = open(self.fn, 'a+') if os.stat(self.fn).st_size == 0: header = True if header: file.write('#Cam0 X\t Cam0 Y\t Cam1 X\t Cam1 Y\n') return file def readLastConfig(self, dataDict, line=-1): """ Open the file object and read the last entry (default) or the specified line :param line: reference position :return: bool, if it was succesfull """ #open(self.fn, 'a+') try: if os.stat(self.fn).st_size != 0: with open(self.fn, 'r') as file: lines = last_line = lines[line] dataDict[0]["GoalPixel_X"] = float(last_line.split('\t')[0]) dataDict[0]["GoalPixel_Y"] = float(last_line.split('\t')[1]) dataDict[1]["GoalPixel_X"] = float(last_line.split('\t')[2]) dataDict[1]["GoalPixel_Y"] = float(last_line.split('\t')[3]) return True except FileNotFoundError: return False def writeNewCenter(self, dataDict): """ write the new reference position to the position reference file. """ file = self.createOrOpenConfigFile() file.write(str(dataDict[0]["Center_GaussFitX"])+'\t') file.write(str(dataDict[0]["Center_GaussFitY"])+'\t') file.write(str(dataDict[1]["Center_GaussFitX"])+'\t') file.write(str(dataDict[1]["Center_GaussFitY"])+'\t') file.write('\n') file.close() class Logging: """ Class handeling the continuous logging of the beam position Methods: init createFolderAndFile saveValues closeFile """ def __init__(self, config): self.SavingDestination = config.SavingDestination self.createFolderAndFile() def createFolderAndFile(self): """ Get the file object with previous reference positions. Create it, if it does not exist (size == 0), write header in new file :return: file object """ if not os.path.exists(self.SavingDestination+"\\Logging"): os.makedirs(self.SavingDestination+"\\Logging") os.chdir(self.SavingDestination+"\\Logging") self.timeStamp = str("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")) self.file = open(str(self.timeStamp), 'a+') self.file.write('# timeStamp\t FWHMX1\t FWHMY1\t FWHMX2\t ' 'FWHMY2\t CoM_X1\t CoM_X2\t ' 'CoM_Y1\tCoM_Y2\tGausscenterX1\t ' 'GausscenterX2\t ' 'GausscenterY1\t GausscenterY2\n') def saveValues(self, dataDict): """ write line to logging file from the global dictionaries for both cameras: time FWHM_X, FWHM_Y CoM_X, CoM_Y Center_GaussFitX, Center_GaussFitY """ self.file.write(str("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")) + '\t') self.file.write(str(dataDict[0]["FWHM_X"])+'\t') self.file.write(str(dataDict[0]["FWHM_Y"]) + '\t') self.file.write(str(dataDict[1]["FWHM_X"]) + '\t') self.file.write(str(dataDict[1]["FWHM_Y"]) + '\t') self.file.write(str(dataDict[0]["CoM_X"]) + '\t') self.file.write(str(dataDict[1]["CoM_X"]) + '\t') self.file.write(str(dataDict[0]["CoM_Y"]) + '\t') self.file.write(str(dataDict[1]["CoM_Y"]) + '\t') self.file.write(str(dataDict[0]["Center_GaussFitX"]) + '\t') self.file.write(str(dataDict[1]["Center_GaussFitX"]) + '\t') self.file.write(str(dataDict[0]["Center_GaussFitY"]) + '\t') self.file.write(str(dataDict[1]["Center_GaussFitY"]) + '\n') def closeFile(self): """ close file object at the end of logging """ self.file.close() ```
{ "source": "jpuderer/GarageDoor", "score": 2 }
#### File: usr/sbin/ ```python import atexit import json import logging import logging.handlers import random import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import string import sys import time import xmpp from time import sleep from yaml import load, dump try: from yaml import CLoader as Loader, CDumper as Dumper except ImportError: from yaml import Loader, Dumper SERVER = '' PORT = 5235 USERNAME = "REDACTED_GCM_USER_ID" PASSWORD = "<PASSWORD>" AUTH_FILE = "/etc/garageDoorService/auth.yaml" # Setup logging DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) LOGGER.addHandler(logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address = '/dev/log')) unacked_messages_quota = 100 send_queue = [] class StreamToLogger(object): """ Fake file-like stream object that redirects writes to a logger instance. """ def __init__(self, logger, log_level=logging.INFO): self.logger = logger self.log_level = log_level self.linebuf = '' def write(self, buf): for line in buf.rstrip().splitlines(): self.logger.log(self.log_level, line.rstrip()) def flush(self): pass def configure_logging(): LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter(DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT) ch.setFormatter(formatter) LOGGER.addHandler(ch) # Redirect stdout and stderr to logger #sys.stdout = StreamToLogger(LOGGER, logging.DEBUG) #sys.stderr = StreamToLogger(LOGGER, logging.DEBUG) def setup_gpio(): GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(20, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(20, False) GPIO.setup(21, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(21, False) def cleanup(): GPIO.cleanup() def isAuthorized(user, password): # Open the auth file and load it, we do this everytime so we don't have to # reload the service. The file shouldn't be too large in most cases authFile = file(AUTH_FILE, 'r') authDict = load(authFile) if not authDict.has_key(user): return False if authDict[user] == password: return True else: return False def openGarageDoor(): GPIO.output(20, True) sleep(1) GPIO.output(20, False) sleep(1) # Return a random alphanumerical id def random_id(): rid = '' for x in range(8): rid += random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) return rid def message_callback(session, message): global unacked_messages_quota gcm = message.getTags('gcm') if not gcm: LOGGER.warning("Received message callback, but not a GCM message") return gcm_json = gcm[0].getData() msg = json.loads(gcm_json) if (msg.has_key('message_type') and (msg['message_type'] == 'ack' or msg['message_type'] == 'nack')): unacked_messages_quota += 1 return # Ignore control messages. The only type of control message # at the moment is CONNECTION_DRAINING, which we can't really # do anything about, since we're not actively sending messages # anyway if (msg.has_key('message_type') and msg['message_type'] == 'control'):"Control message received") return # Ignore any messages that do not have a 'from' or 'message_id' if not msg.has_key('from'): LOGGER.warning("Message does not have 'from' field.") return if not msg.has_key('message_id'): LOGGER.warning("Message does not have 'message_id' field.") return # Acknowledge the incoming message immediately. send({'to': msg['from'], 'message_type': 'ack', 'message_id': msg['message_id']}) if not msg.has_key('data'): LOGGER.warning("Empty request. No data.") return if not type(msg['data']) is dict: LOGGER.warning("Invalid data in request.") return data = msg['data'] if not data.has_key('timestamp'): LOGGER.warning("No timestamp in request.") return try: timestamp = float(data['timestamp']) except ValueError: LOGGER.warning("Invalid timestamp in request.") return if ((time.time() - timestamp) > 5): LOGGER.warning("Timestamp in request is too old. Discarding request.") return if not data.has_key('user') or not data.has_key('password'): LOGGER.warning("No auth data in request.") return if not isAuthorized(data['user'], data['password']): LOGGER.warning("Invalid auth (user, password) = (" + data['user'] + ", " + data['password'] + ")") return # Open the garage door"Opening garage door for: " + data['user']) openGarageDoor() # Send an empty response to acknowledge that command was successfully # received and processed app that sent the upstream message. send_queue.append({'to': msg['from'], 'message_id': random_id(), 'data': {}}) flush_queued_messages() # Sleep for ten seconds to avoid button mashing. Any other # requests that get queued behind this one will expire before # they do anything sleep(10) def disconnect_callback(): LOGGER.warning("XMPP session disconnected. Reconnecting.") connect() def send(json_dict): template = ("<message><gcm xmlns='google:mobile:data'>{1}</gcm></message>") client.send(xmpp.protocol.Message( node=template.format(client.Bind.bound[0], json.dumps(json_dict)))) def connect(): global client while True: # I think there's a bug in the XMPP library where the client # object doesn't get properly recreated after a connection failure # so we recreated from scratch each time client = xmpp.Client(SERVER, debug=['always']) # Add a bit of delay here to prevent crazy fast retries sleep(10)'Attempting to connect to GCM service.') client.connect(server=(SERVER, PORT), secure=1, use_srv=False) if not client.isConnected(): continue auth = client.auth(USERNAME, PASSWORD) if not auth: LOGGER.error('GCM Server Authentication failed!') else: break client.RegisterHandler('message', message_callback) client.RegisterDisconnectHandler(disconnect_callback)'Connected.') def flush_queued_messages(): global unacked_messages_quota while len(send_queue) and unacked_messages_quota > 0: send(send_queue.pop(0)) unacked_messages_quota -= 1 def main(): connect() count = 0 while (True): count += 1 # Send a space character once every 60 seconds to see if the # connection is still alive if count >= 60:"Sending keep-alive") try: client.send(' ') except IOError, e:'Unabled to send: ' + str(e)) count = 0 try: client.Process(1) flush_queued_messages() except AttributeError, e: # I seem to get an attribute error in some cases is the client dies # unexpectedly LOGGER.error('Client error: '+ str(e)) time.sleep(5) connect() if __name__ == '__main__': atexit.register(cleanup) configure_logging() setup_gpio() main() ```
{ "source": "jpuerta/cqlengine", "score": 2 }
#### File: cqlengine/cqlengine/ ```python try: from collections import OrderedDict except: from cassandra.util import OrderedDict import re import warnings from cqlengine import columns from cqlengine.exceptions import ModelException, CQLEngineException, ValidationError from cqlengine.query import ModelQuerySet, DMLQuery, AbstractQueryableColumn, NOT_SET from cqlengine.query import DoesNotExist as _DoesNotExist from cqlengine.query import MultipleObjectsReturned as _MultipleObjectsReturned class ModelDefinitionException(ModelException): pass class PolyMorphicModelException(ModelException): pass DEFAULT_KEYSPACE = None class UndefinedKeyspaceWarning(Warning): pass class hybrid_classmethod(object): """ Allows a method to behave as both a class method and normal instance method depending on how it's called """ def __init__(self, clsmethod, instmethod): self.clsmethod = clsmethod self.instmethod = instmethod def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self.clsmethod.__get__(owner, owner) else: return self.instmethod.__get__(instance, owner) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Just a hint to IDEs that it's ok to call this """ raise NotImplementedError class QuerySetDescriptor(object): """ returns a fresh queryset for the given model it's declared on everytime it's accessed """ def __get__(self, obj, model): """ :rtype: ModelQuerySet """ if model.__abstract__: raise CQLEngineException('cannot execute queries against abstract models') queryset = model.__queryset__(model) # if this is a concrete polymorphic model, and the polymorphic # key is an indexed column, add a filter clause to only return # logical rows of the proper type if model._is_polymorphic and not model._is_polymorphic_base: name, column = model._polymorphic_column_name, model._polymorphic_column if column.partition_key or column.index: # look for existing poly types return queryset.filter(**{name: model.__polymorphic_key__}) return queryset def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Just a hint to IDEs that it's ok to call this :rtype: ModelQuerySet """ raise NotImplementedError class TransactionDescriptor(object): """ returns a query set descriptor """ def __get__(self, instance, model): if instance: def transaction_setter(*prepared_transaction, **unprepared_transactions): if len(prepared_transaction) > 0: transactions = prepared_transaction[0] else: transactions = instance.objects.iff(**unprepared_transactions)._transaction instance._transaction = transactions return instance return transaction_setter qs = model.__queryset__(model) def transaction_setter(**unprepared_transactions): transactions = model.objects.iff(**unprepared_transactions)._transaction qs._transaction = transactions return qs return transaction_setter def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError class TTLDescriptor(object): """ returns a query set descriptor """ def __get__(self, instance, model): if instance: #instance = copy.deepcopy(instance) # instance method def ttl_setter(ts): instance._ttl = ts return instance return ttl_setter qs = model.__queryset__(model) def ttl_setter(ts): qs._ttl = ts return qs return ttl_setter def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError class TimestampDescriptor(object): """ returns a query set descriptor with a timestamp specified """ def __get__(self, instance, model): if instance: # instance method def timestamp_setter(ts): instance._timestamp = ts return instance return timestamp_setter return model.objects.timestamp def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError class IfNotExistsDescriptor(object): """ return a query set descriptor with a if_not_exists flag specified """ def __get__(self, instance, model): if instance: # instance method def ifnotexists_setter(ife): instance._if_not_exists = ife return instance return ifnotexists_setter return model.objects.if_not_exists def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError class ConsistencyDescriptor(object): """ returns a query set descriptor if called on Class, instance if it was an instance call """ def __get__(self, instance, model): if instance: #instance = copy.deepcopy(instance) def consistency_setter(consistency): instance.__consistency__ = consistency return instance return consistency_setter qs = model.__queryset__(model) def consistency_setter(consistency): qs._consistency = consistency return qs return consistency_setter def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError class ColumnQueryEvaluator(AbstractQueryableColumn): """ Wraps a column and allows it to be used in comparator expressions, returning query operators ie: Model.column == 5 """ def __init__(self, column): self.column = column def __unicode__(self): return self.column.db_field_name def _get_column(self): """ :rtype: ColumnQueryEvaluator """ return self.column class ColumnDescriptor(object): """ Handles the reading and writing of column values to and from a model instance's value manager, as well as creating comparator queries """ def __init__(self, column): """ :param column: :type column: columns.Column :return: """ self.column = column self.query_evaluator = ColumnQueryEvaluator(self.column) def __get__(self, instance, owner): """ Returns either the value or column, depending on if an instance is provided or not :param instance: the model instance :type instance: Model """ try: return instance._values[self.column.column_name].getval() except AttributeError as e: return self.query_evaluator def __set__(self, instance, value): """ Sets the value on an instance, raises an exception with classes TODO: use None instance to create update statements """ if instance: return instance._values[self.column.column_name].setval(value) else: raise AttributeError('cannot reassign column values') def __delete__(self, instance): """ Sets the column value to None, if possible """ if instance: if self.column.can_delete: instance._values[self.column.column_name].delval() else: raise AttributeError('cannot delete {0} columns'.format(self.column.column_name)) class BaseModel(object): """ The base model class, don't inherit from this, inherit from Model, defined below """ class DoesNotExist(_DoesNotExist): pass class MultipleObjectsReturned(_MultipleObjectsReturned): pass objects = QuerySetDescriptor() ttl = TTLDescriptor() consistency = ConsistencyDescriptor() iff = TransactionDescriptor() # custom timestamps, see USING TIMESTAMP X timestamp = TimestampDescriptor() if_not_exists = IfNotExistsDescriptor() # _len is lazily created by __len__ # table names will be generated automatically from it's model # however, you can also define them manually here __table_name__ = None # the keyspace for this model __keyspace__ = None # polymorphism options __polymorphic_key__ = None # compaction options __compaction__ = None __compaction_tombstone_compaction_interval__ = None __compaction_tombstone_threshold__ = None # compaction - size tiered options __compaction_bucket_high__ = None __compaction_bucket_low__ = None __compaction_max_threshold__ = None __compaction_min_threshold__ = None __compaction_min_sstable_size__ = None # compaction - leveled options __compaction_sstable_size_in_mb__ = None # end compaction # the queryset class used for this class __queryset__ = ModelQuerySet __dmlquery__ = DMLQuery __default_ttl__ = None # default ttl value to use __consistency__ = None # can be set per query # Additional table properties __bloom_filter_fp_chance__ = None __caching__ = None __comment__ = None __dclocal_read_repair_chance__ = None __default_time_to_live__ = None __gc_grace_seconds__ = None __index_interval__ = None __memtable_flush_period_in_ms__ = None __populate_io_cache_on_flush__ = None __read_repair_chance__ = None __replicate_on_write__ = None _timestamp = None # optional timestamp to include with the operation (USING TIMESTAMP) _if_not_exists = False # optional if_not_exists flag to check existence before insertion def __init__(self, **values): self._values = dict() self._ttl = self.__default_ttl__ self._timestamp = None self._transaction = None for name, column in self._columns.items(): value = values.get(name, None) if value is not None or isinstance(column, columns.BaseContainerColumn): value = column.to_python(value) value_mngr = column.value_manager(self, column, value) if name in values: value_mngr.explicit = True self._values[name] = value_mngr # a flag set by the deserializer to indicate # that update should be used when persisting changes self._is_persisted = False self._batch = None self._timeout = NOT_SET def __repr__(self): """ Pretty printing of models by their primary key """ return '{0} <{1}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(('{0}={1}'.format(k, getattr(self, k)) for k,v in six.iteritems(self._primary_keys))) ) @classmethod def _discover_polymorphic_submodels(cls): if not cls._is_polymorphic_base: raise ModelException('_discover_polymorphic_submodels can only be called on polymorphic base classes') def _discover(klass): if not klass._is_polymorphic_base and klass.__polymorphic_key__ is not None: cls._polymorphic_map[klass.__polymorphic_key__] = klass for subklass in klass.__subclasses__(): _discover(subklass) _discover(cls) @classmethod def _get_model_by_polymorphic_key(cls, key): if not cls._is_polymorphic_base: raise ModelException('_get_model_by_polymorphic_key can only be called on polymorphic base classes') return cls._polymorphic_map.get(key) @classmethod def _construct_instance(cls, values): """ method used to construct instances from query results this is where polymorphic deserialization occurs """ # we're going to take the values, which is from the DB as a dict # and translate that into our local fields # the db_map is a db_field -> model field map items = values.items() field_dict = dict([(cls._db_map.get(k, k),v) for k,v in items]) if cls._is_polymorphic: poly_key = field_dict.get(cls._polymorphic_column_name) if poly_key is None: raise PolyMorphicModelException('polymorphic key was not found in values') poly_base = cls if cls._is_polymorphic_base else cls._polymorphic_base klass = poly_base._get_model_by_polymorphic_key(poly_key) if klass is None: poly_base._discover_polymorphic_submodels() klass = poly_base._get_model_by_polymorphic_key(poly_key) if klass is None: raise PolyMorphicModelException( 'unrecognized polymorphic key {0} for class {1}'.format(poly_key, poly_base.__name__) ) if not issubclass(klass, cls): raise PolyMorphicModelException( '{0} is not a subclass of {1}'.format(klass.__name__, cls.__name__) ) field_dict = dict((k, v) for (k, v) in field_dict.items() if k in \ klass._columns.keys()) else: klass = cls instance = klass(**field_dict) instance._is_persisted = True return instance def _can_update(self): """ Called by the save function to check if this should be persisted with update or insert :return: """ if not self._is_persisted: return False pks = self._primary_keys.keys() return all([not self._values[k].changed for k in self._primary_keys]) @classmethod def _get_keyspace(cls): """ Returns the manual keyspace, if set, otherwise the default keyspace """ return cls.__keyspace__ or DEFAULT_KEYSPACE @classmethod def _get_column(cls, name): """ Returns the column matching the given name, raising a key error if it doesn't exist :param name: the name of the column to return :rtype: Column """ return cls._columns[name] def __eq__(self, other): if self.__class__ != other.__class__: return False # check attribute keys keys = set(self._columns.keys()) other_keys = set(other._columns.keys()) if keys != other_keys: return False # check that all of the attributes match for key in other_keys: if getattr(self, key, None) != getattr(other, key, None): return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) @classmethod def column_family_name(cls, include_keyspace=True): """ Returns the column family name if it's been defined otherwise, it creates it from the module and class name """ cf_name = '' if cls.__table_name__: cf_name = cls.__table_name__.lower() else: # get polymorphic base table names if model is polymorphic if cls._is_polymorphic and not cls._is_polymorphic_base: return cls._polymorphic_base.column_family_name(include_keyspace=include_keyspace) camelcase = re.compile(r'([a-z])([A-Z])') ccase = lambda s: camelcase.sub(lambda v: '{0}_{1}'.format(,, s) cf_name += ccase(cls.__name__) #trim to less than 48 characters or cassandra will complain cf_name = cf_name[-48:] cf_name = cf_name.lower() cf_name = re.sub(r'^_+', '', cf_name) if not include_keyspace: return cf_name return '{0}.{1}'.format(cls._get_keyspace(), cf_name) def validate(self): """ Cleans and validates the field values """ for name, col in self._columns.items(): v = getattr(self, name) if v is None and not self._values[name].explicit and col.has_default: v = col.get_default() val = col.validate(v) setattr(self, name, val) ### Let an instance be used like a dict of its columns keys/values def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over column ids. """ for column_id in self._columns.keys(): yield column_id def __getitem__(self, key): """ Returns column's value. """ if not isinstance(key, six.string_types): raise TypeError if key not in self._columns.keys(): raise KeyError return getattr(self, key) def __setitem__(self, key, val): """ Sets a column's value. """ if not isinstance(key, six.string_types): raise TypeError if key not in self._columns.keys(): raise KeyError return setattr(self, key, val) def __len__(self): """ Returns the number of columns defined on that model. """ try: return self._len except: self._len = len(self._columns.keys()) return self._len def keys(self): """ Returns list of column's IDs. """ return [k for k in self] def values(self): """ Returns list of column's values. """ return [self[k] for k in self] def items(self): """ Returns a list of columns's IDs/values. """ return [(k, self[k]) for k in self] def _as_dict(self): """ Returns a map of column names to cleaned values """ values = self._dynamic_columns or dict() for name, col in self._columns.items(): values[name] = col.to_database(getattr(self, name, None)) return values @classmethod def create(cls, **kwargs): extra_columns = set(kwargs.keys()) - set(cls._columns.keys()) if extra_columns: raise ValidationError("Incorrect columns passed: {0}".format(extra_columns)) return cls.objects.create(**kwargs) @classmethod def all(cls): return cls.objects.all() @classmethod def filter(cls, *args, **kwargs): # if kwargs.values().count(None): # raise CQLEngineException("Cannot pass None as a filter") return cls.objects.filter(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def get(cls, *args, **kwargs): return cls.objects.get(*args, **kwargs) def timeout(self, timeout): assert self._batch is None, 'Setting both timeout and batch is not supported' self._timeout = timeout return self def save(self): # handle polymorphic models if self._is_polymorphic: if self._is_polymorphic_base: raise PolyMorphicModelException('cannot save polymorphic base model') else: setattr(self, self._polymorphic_column_name, self.__polymorphic_key__) is_new = is None self.validate() self.__dmlquery__(self.__class__, self, batch=self._batch, ttl=self._ttl, timestamp=self._timestamp, consistency=self.__consistency__, if_not_exists=self._if_not_exists, transaction=self._transaction, timeout=self._timeout).save() #reset the value managers for v in self._values.values(): v.reset_previous_value() self._is_persisted = True self._ttl = self.__default_ttl__ self._timestamp = None return self def update(self, **values): for k, v in values.items(): col = self._columns.get(k) # check for nonexistant columns if col is None: raise ValidationError("{0}.{1} has no column named: {2}".format(self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, k)) # check for primary key update attempts if col.is_primary_key: raise ValidationError("Cannot apply update to primary key '{0}' for {1}.{2}".format(k, self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__)) setattr(self, k, v) # handle polymorphic models if self._is_polymorphic: if self._is_polymorphic_base: raise PolyMorphicModelException('cannot update polymorphic base model') else: setattr(self, self._polymorphic_column_name, self.__polymorphic_key__) self.validate() self.__dmlquery__(self.__class__, self, batch=self._batch, ttl=self._ttl, timestamp=self._timestamp, consistency=self.__consistency__, transaction=self._transaction, timeout=self._timeout).update() #reset the value managers for v in self._values.values(): v.reset_previous_value() self._is_persisted = True self._ttl = self.__default_ttl__ self._timestamp = None return self def delete(self): """ Deletes this instance """ self.__dmlquery__(self.__class__, self, batch=self._batch, timestamp=self._timestamp, consistency=self.__consistency__, timeout=self._timeout).delete() def get_changed_columns(self): """ returns a list of the columns that have been updated since instantiation or save """ return [k for k,v in self._values.items() if v.changed] @classmethod def _class_batch(cls, batch): return cls.objects.batch(batch) def _inst_batch(self, batch): assert self._timeout is NOT_SET, 'Setting both timeout and batch is not supported' self._batch = batch return self batch = hybrid_classmethod(_class_batch, _inst_batch) class ModelMetaClass(type): def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): """ """ #move column definitions into columns dict #and set default column names column_dict = OrderedDict() primary_keys = OrderedDict() pk_name = None #get inherited properties inherited_columns = OrderedDict() for base in bases: for k,v in getattr(base, '_defined_columns', dict()).items(): inherited_columns.setdefault(k,v) #short circuit __abstract__ inheritance is_abstract = attrs['__abstract__'] = attrs.get('__abstract__', False) #short circuit __polymorphic_key__ inheritance attrs['__polymorphic_key__'] = attrs.get('__polymorphic_key__', None) def _transform_column(col_name, col_obj): column_dict[col_name] = col_obj if col_obj.primary_key: primary_keys[col_name] = col_obj col_obj.set_column_name(col_name) #set properties attrs[col_name] = ColumnDescriptor(col_obj) column_definitions = [(k,v) for k,v in attrs.items() if isinstance(v, columns.Column)] #column_definitions = sorted(column_definitions, lambda x,y: cmp(x[1].position, y[1].position)) column_definitions = sorted(column_definitions, key=lambda x: x[1].position) is_polymorphic_base = any([c[1].polymorphic_key for c in column_definitions]) column_definitions = [x for x in inherited_columns.items()] + column_definitions polymorphic_columns = [c for c in column_definitions if c[1].polymorphic_key] is_polymorphic = len(polymorphic_columns) > 0 if len(polymorphic_columns) > 1: raise ModelDefinitionException('only one polymorphic_key can be defined in a model, {0} found'.format(len(polymorphic_columns))) polymorphic_column_name, polymorphic_column = polymorphic_columns[0] if polymorphic_columns else (None, None) if isinstance(polymorphic_column, (columns.BaseContainerColumn, columns.Counter)): raise ModelDefinitionException('counter and container columns cannot be used for polymorphic keys') # find polymorphic base class polymorphic_base = None if is_polymorphic and not is_polymorphic_base: def _get_polymorphic_base(bases): for base in bases: if getattr(base, '_is_polymorphic_base', False): return base klass = _get_polymorphic_base(base.__bases__) if klass: return klass polymorphic_base = _get_polymorphic_base(bases) defined_columns = OrderedDict(column_definitions) # check for primary key if not is_abstract and not any([v.primary_key for k,v in column_definitions]): raise ModelDefinitionException("At least 1 primary key is required.") counter_columns = [c for c in defined_columns.values() if isinstance(c, columns.Counter)] data_columns = [c for c in defined_columns.values() if not c.primary_key and not isinstance(c, columns.Counter)] if counter_columns and data_columns: raise ModelDefinitionException('counter models may not have data columns') has_partition_keys = any(v.partition_key for (k, v) in column_definitions) #transform column definitions for k, v in column_definitions: # don't allow a column with the same name as a built-in attribute or method if k in BaseModel.__dict__: raise ModelDefinitionException("column '{0}' conflicts with built-in attribute/method".format(k)) # counter column primary keys are not allowed if (v.primary_key or v.partition_key) and isinstance(v, (columns.Counter, columns.BaseContainerColumn)): raise ModelDefinitionException('counter columns and container columns cannot be used as primary keys') # this will mark the first primary key column as a partition # key, if one hasn't been set already if not has_partition_keys and v.primary_key: v.partition_key = True has_partition_keys = True _transform_column(k, v) partition_keys = OrderedDict(k for k in primary_keys.items() if k[1].partition_key) clustering_keys = OrderedDict(k for k in primary_keys.items() if not k[1].partition_key) #setup partition key shortcut if len(partition_keys) == 0: if not is_abstract: raise ModelException("at least one partition key must be defined") if len(partition_keys) == 1: pk_name = [x for x in partition_keys.keys()][0] attrs['pk'] = attrs[pk_name] else: # composite partition key case, get/set a tuple of values _get = lambda self: tuple(self._values[c].getval() for c in partition_keys.keys()) _set = lambda self, val: tuple(self._values[c].setval(v) for (c, v) in zip(partition_keys.keys(), val)) attrs['pk'] = property(_get, _set) # some validation col_names = set() for v in column_dict.values(): # check for duplicate column names if v.db_field_name in col_names: raise ModelException("{0} defines the column {1} more than once".format(name, v.db_field_name)) if v.clustering_order and not (v.primary_key and not v.partition_key): raise ModelException("clustering_order may be specified only for clustering primary keys") if v.clustering_order and v.clustering_order.lower() not in ('asc', 'desc'): raise ModelException("invalid clustering order {0} for column {1}".format(repr(v.clustering_order), v.db_field_name)) col_names.add(v.db_field_name) #create db_name -> model name map for loading db_map = dict() for field_name, col in column_dict.items(): db_map[col.db_field_name] = field_name #add management members to the class attrs['_columns'] = column_dict attrs['_primary_keys'] = primary_keys attrs['_defined_columns'] = defined_columns # maps the database field to the models key attrs['_db_map'] = db_map attrs['_pk_name'] = pk_name attrs['_dynamic_columns'] = dict() attrs['_partition_keys'] = partition_keys attrs['_clustering_keys'] = clustering_keys attrs['_has_counter'] = len(counter_columns) > 0 # add polymorphic management attributes attrs['_is_polymorphic_base'] = is_polymorphic_base attrs['_is_polymorphic'] = is_polymorphic attrs['_polymorphic_base'] = polymorphic_base attrs['_polymorphic_column'] = polymorphic_column attrs['_polymorphic_column_name'] = polymorphic_column_name attrs['_polymorphic_map'] = dict() if is_polymorphic_base else None #setup class exceptions DoesNotExistBase = None for base in bases: DoesNotExistBase = getattr(base, 'DoesNotExist', None) if DoesNotExistBase is not None: break DoesNotExistBase = DoesNotExistBase or attrs.pop('DoesNotExist', BaseModel.DoesNotExist) attrs['DoesNotExist'] = type('DoesNotExist', (DoesNotExistBase,), dict()) MultipleObjectsReturnedBase = None for base in bases: MultipleObjectsReturnedBase = getattr(base, 'MultipleObjectsReturned', None) if MultipleObjectsReturnedBase is not None: break MultipleObjectsReturnedBase = DoesNotExistBase or attrs.pop('MultipleObjectsReturned', BaseModel.MultipleObjectsReturned) attrs['MultipleObjectsReturned'] = type('MultipleObjectsReturned', (MultipleObjectsReturnedBase,), dict()) #create the class and add a QuerySet to it klass = super(ModelMetaClass, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) return klass import six @six.add_metaclass(ModelMetaClass) class Model(BaseModel): """ the db name for the column family can be set as the attribute db_name, or it will be generated from the class name """ __abstract__ = True # __metaclass__ = ModelMetaClass ``` #### File: tests/management/ ```python import mock from cqlengine import ALL, CACHING_ALL, CACHING_NONE from cqlengine.connection import get_session from cqlengine.exceptions import CQLEngineException from import get_fields, sync_table, drop_table from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase from cqlengine.tests.base import CASSANDRA_VERSION, PROTOCOL_VERSION from cqlengine import management from cqlengine.tests.query.test_queryset import TestModel from cqlengine.models import Model from cqlengine import columns, SizeTieredCompactionStrategy, LeveledCompactionStrategy from unittest import skipUnless class CreateKeyspaceTest(BaseCassEngTestCase): def test_create_succeeeds(self): management.create_keyspace('test_keyspace', strategy_class="SimpleStrategy", replication_factor=1) management.delete_keyspace('test_keyspace') class DeleteTableTest(BaseCassEngTestCase): def test_multiple_deletes_dont_fail(self): """ """ sync_table(TestModel) drop_table(TestModel) drop_table(TestModel) class LowercaseKeyModel(Model): first_key = columns.Integer(primary_key=True) second_key = columns.Integer(primary_key=True) some_data = columns.Text() class CapitalizedKeyModel(Model): firstKey = columns.Integer(primary_key=True) secondKey = columns.Integer(primary_key=True) someData = columns.Text() class PrimaryKeysOnlyModel(Model): __compaction__ = LeveledCompactionStrategy first_ey = columns.Integer(primary_key=True) second_key = columns.Integer(primary_key=True) class CapitalizedKeyTest(BaseCassEngTestCase): def test_table_definition(self): """ Tests that creating a table with capitalized column names succeedso """ sync_table(LowercaseKeyModel) sync_table(CapitalizedKeyModel) drop_table(LowercaseKeyModel) drop_table(CapitalizedKeyModel) class FirstModel(Model): __table_name__ = 'first_model' first_key = columns.UUID(primary_key=True) second_key = columns.UUID() third_key = columns.Text() class SecondModel(Model): __table_name__ = 'first_model' first_key = columns.UUID(primary_key=True) second_key = columns.UUID() third_key = columns.Text() fourth_key = columns.Text() class ThirdModel(Model): __table_name__ = 'first_model' first_key = columns.UUID(primary_key=True) second_key = columns.UUID() third_key = columns.Text() # removed fourth key, but it should stay in the DB blah = columns.Map(columns.Text, columns.Text) class FourthModel(Model): __table_name__ = 'first_model' first_key = columns.UUID(primary_key=True) second_key = columns.UUID() third_key = columns.Text() # removed fourth key, but it should stay in the DB renamed = columns.Map(columns.Text, columns.Text, db_field='blah') class AddColumnTest(BaseCassEngTestCase): def setUp(self): drop_table(FirstModel) def test_add_column(self): sync_table(FirstModel) fields = get_fields(FirstModel) # this should contain the second key self.assertEqual(len(fields), 2) # get schema sync_table(SecondModel) fields = get_fields(FirstModel) self.assertEqual(len(fields), 3) sync_table(ThirdModel) fields = get_fields(FirstModel) self.assertEqual(len(fields), 4) sync_table(FourthModel) fields = get_fields(FirstModel) self.assertEqual(len(fields), 4) class ModelWithTableProperties(Model): # Set random table properties __bloom_filter_fp_chance__ = 0.76328 __caching__ = CACHING_ALL __comment__ = 'TxfguvBdzwROQALmQBOziRMbkqVGFjqcJfVhwGR' __gc_grace_seconds__ = 2063 __populate_io_cache_on_flush__ = True __read_repair_chance__ = 0.17985 __replicate_on_write__ = False __dclocal_read_repair_chance__ = 0.50811 key = columns.UUID(primary_key=True) # kind of a hack, but we only test this property on C >= 2.0 if CASSANDRA_VERSION >= 20: ModelWithTableProperties.__memtable_flush_period_in_ms__ = 43681 ModelWithTableProperties.__index_interval__ = 98706 ModelWithTableProperties.__default_time_to_live__ = 4756 class TablePropertiesTests(BaseCassEngTestCase): def setUp(self): drop_table(ModelWithTableProperties) def test_set_table_properties(self): sync_table(ModelWithTableProperties) expected = {'bloom_filter_fp_chance': 0.76328, 'comment': 'TxfguvBdzwROQALmQBOziRMbkqVGFjqcJfVhwGR', 'gc_grace_seconds': 2063, 'read_repair_chance': 0.17985, # For some reason 'dclocal_read_repair_chance' in CQL is called # just 'local_read_repair_chance' in the schema table. # Source: # TODO: due to a bug in the native driver i'm not seeing the local read repair chance show up # 'local_read_repair_chance': 0.50811, } if CASSANDRA_VERSION <= 20: expected['caching'] = CACHING_ALL expected['replicate_on_write'] = False if CASSANDRA_VERSION == 20: expected['populate_io_cache_on_flush'] = True expected['index_interval'] = 98706 if CASSANDRA_VERSION >= 20: expected['default_time_to_live'] = 4756 expected['memtable_flush_period_in_ms'] = 43681 self.assertDictContainsSubset(expected, management.get_table_settings(ModelWithTableProperties).options) def test_table_property_update(self): ModelWithTableProperties.__bloom_filter_fp_chance__ = 0.66778 ModelWithTableProperties.__caching__ = CACHING_NONE ModelWithTableProperties.__comment__ = '<KEY>' ModelWithTableProperties.__gc_grace_seconds__ = 96362 ModelWithTableProperties.__populate_io_cache_on_flush__ = False ModelWithTableProperties.__read_repair_chance__ = 0.2989 ModelWithTableProperties.__replicate_on_write__ = True ModelWithTableProperties.__dclocal_read_repair_chance__ = 0.12732 if CASSANDRA_VERSION >= 20: ModelWithTableProperties.__default_time_to_live__ = 65178 ModelWithTableProperties.__memtable_flush_period_in_ms__ = 60210 ModelWithTableProperties.__index_interval__ = 94207 sync_table(ModelWithTableProperties) table_settings = management.get_table_settings(ModelWithTableProperties).options expected = {'bloom_filter_fp_chance': 0.66778, 'comment': '<KEY>', 'gc_grace_seconds': 96362, 'read_repair_chance': 0.2989, #'local_read_repair_chance': 0.12732, } if CASSANDRA_VERSION >= 20: expected['memtable_flush_period_in_ms'] = 60210 expected['default_time_to_live'] = 65178 if CASSANDRA_VERSION == 20: expected['index_interval'] = 94207 # these featuers removed in cassandra 2.1 if CASSANDRA_VERSION <= 20: expected['caching'] = CACHING_NONE expected['replicate_on_write'] = True expected['populate_io_cache_on_flush'] = False self.assertDictContainsSubset(expected, table_settings) class SyncTableTests(BaseCassEngTestCase): def setUp(self): drop_table(PrimaryKeysOnlyModel) def test_sync_table_works_with_primary_keys_only_tables(self): # This is "create table": sync_table(PrimaryKeysOnlyModel) # let's make sure settings persisted correctly: assert PrimaryKeysOnlyModel.__compaction__ == LeveledCompactionStrategy # blows up with DoesNotExist if table does not exist table_settings = management.get_table_settings(PrimaryKeysOnlyModel) # let make sure the flag we care about assert LeveledCompactionStrategy in table_settings.options['compaction_strategy_class'] # Now we are "updating" the table: # setting up something to change PrimaryKeysOnlyModel.__compaction__ = SizeTieredCompactionStrategy # primary-keys-only tables do not create entries in system.schema_columns # table. Only non-primary keys are added to that table. # Our code must deal with that eventuality properly (not crash) # on subsequent runs of sync_table (which runs get_fields internally) get_fields(PrimaryKeysOnlyModel) sync_table(PrimaryKeysOnlyModel) table_settings = management.get_table_settings(PrimaryKeysOnlyModel) assert SizeTieredCompactionStrategy in table_settings.options['compaction_strategy_class'] class NonModelFailureTest(BaseCassEngTestCase): class FakeModel(object): pass def test_failure(self): with self.assertRaises(CQLEngineException): sync_table(self.FakeModel) @skipUnless(PROTOCOL_VERSION >= 2, "only runs against the cql3 protocol v2.0") def test_static_columns(): class StaticModel(Model): id = columns.Integer(primary_key=True) c = columns.Integer(primary_key=True) name = columns.Text(static=True) drop_table(StaticModel) from mock import patch from cqlengine.connection import get_session session = get_session() with patch.object(session, "execute", wraps=session.execute) as m: sync_table(StaticModel) assert m.call_count > 0 statement = m.call_args[0][0].query_string assert '"name" text static' in statement, statement # if we sync again, we should not apply an alter w/ a static sync_table(StaticModel) with patch.object(session, "execute", wraps=session.execute) as m2: sync_table(StaticModel) assert len(m2.call_args_list) == 1 assert "ALTER" not in m2.call_args[0][0].query_string ``` #### File: tests/model/ ```python from unittest import TestCase from cqlengine.models import Model, ModelDefinitionException from cqlengine import columns class TestModel(TestCase): """ Tests the non-io functionality of models """ def test_instance_equality(self): """ tests the model equality functionality """ class EqualityModel(Model): pk = columns.Integer(primary_key=True) m0 = EqualityModel(pk=0) m1 = EqualityModel(pk=1) self.assertEqual(m0, m0) self.assertNotEqual(m0, m1) def test_model_equality(self): """ tests the model equality functionality """ class EqualityModel0(Model): pk = columns.Integer(primary_key=True) class EqualityModel1(Model): kk = columns.Integer(primary_key=True) m0 = EqualityModel0(pk=0) m1 = EqualityModel1(kk=1) self.assertEqual(m0, m0) self.assertNotEqual(m0, m1) class BuiltInAttributeConflictTest(TestCase): """tests Model definitions that conflict with built-in attributes/methods""" def test_model_with_attribute_name_conflict(self): """should raise exception when model defines column that conflicts with built-in attribute""" with self.assertRaises(ModelDefinitionException): class IllegalTimestampColumnModel(Model): my_primary_key = columns.Integer(primary_key=True) timestamp = columns.BigInt() def test_model_with_method_name_conflict(self): """should raise exception when model defines column that conflicts with built-in method""" with self.assertRaises(ModelDefinitionException): class IllegalFilterColumnModel(Model): my_primary_key = columns.Integer(primary_key=True) filter = columns.Text() ``` #### File: tests/model/ ```python import uuid import mock from cqlengine import columns from cqlengine import models from cqlengine.connection import get_session from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase from cqlengine import management class TestPolymorphicClassConstruction(BaseCassEngTestCase): def test_multiple_polymorphic_key_failure(self): """ Tests that defining a model with more than one polymorphic key fails """ with self.assertRaises(models.ModelDefinitionException): class M(models.Model): partition = columns.Integer(primary_key=True) type1 = columns.Integer(polymorphic_key=True) type2 = columns.Integer(polymorphic_key=True) def test_polymorphic_key_inheritance(self): """ Tests that polymorphic_key attribute is not inherited """ class Base(models.Model): partition = columns.Integer(primary_key=True) type1 = columns.Integer(polymorphic_key=True) class M1(Base): __polymorphic_key__ = 1 class M2(M1): pass assert M2.__polymorphic_key__ is None def test_polymorphic_metaclass(self): """ Tests that the model meta class configures polymorphic models properly """ class Base(models.Model): partition = columns.Integer(primary_key=True) type1 = columns.Integer(polymorphic_key=True) class M1(Base): __polymorphic_key__ = 1 assert Base._is_polymorphic assert M1._is_polymorphic assert Base._is_polymorphic_base assert not M1._is_polymorphic_base assert Base._polymorphic_column is Base._columns['type1'] assert M1._polymorphic_column is M1._columns['type1'] assert Base._polymorphic_column_name == 'type1' assert M1._polymorphic_column_name == 'type1' def test_table_names_are_inherited_from_poly_base(self): class Base(models.Model): partition = columns.Integer(primary_key=True) type1 = columns.Integer(polymorphic_key=True) class M1(Base): __polymorphic_key__ = 1 assert Base.column_family_name() == M1.column_family_name() def test_collection_columns_cant_be_polymorphic_keys(self): with self.assertRaises(models.ModelDefinitionException): class Base(models.Model): partition = columns.Integer(primary_key=True) type1 = columns.Set(columns.Integer, polymorphic_key=True) class PolyBase(models.Model): partition = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4) row_type = columns.Integer(polymorphic_key=True) class Poly1(PolyBase): __polymorphic_key__ = 1 data1 = columns.Text() class Poly2(PolyBase): __polymorphic_key__ = 2 data2 = columns.Text() class TestPolymorphicModel(BaseCassEngTestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestPolymorphicModel, cls).setUpClass() management.sync_table(Poly1) management.sync_table(Poly2) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(TestPolymorphicModel, cls).tearDownClass() management.drop_table(Poly1) management.drop_table(Poly2) def test_saving_base_model_fails(self): with self.assertRaises(models.PolyMorphicModelException): PolyBase.create() def test_saving_subclass_saves_poly_key(self): p1 = Poly1.create(data1='pickle') p2 = Poly2.create(data2='bacon') assert p1.row_type == Poly1.__polymorphic_key__ assert p2.row_type == Poly2.__polymorphic_key__ def test_query_deserialization(self): p1 = Poly1.create(data1='pickle') p2 = Poly2.create(data2='bacon') p1r = PolyBase.get(partition=p1.partition) p2r = PolyBase.get(partition=p2.partition) assert isinstance(p1r, Poly1) assert isinstance(p2r, Poly2) def test_delete_on_polymorphic_subclass_does_not_include_polymorphic_key(self): p1 = Poly1.create() session = get_session() with mock.patch.object(session, 'execute') as m: Poly1.objects(partition=p1.partition).delete() # make sure our polymorphic key isn't in the CQL # not sure how we would even get here if it was in there # since the CQL would fail. self.assertNotIn("row_type", m.call_args[0][0].query_string) class UnindexedPolyBase(models.Model): partition = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4) cluster = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4) row_type = columns.Integer(polymorphic_key=True) class UnindexedPoly1(UnindexedPolyBase): __polymorphic_key__ = 1 data1 = columns.Text() class UnindexedPoly2(UnindexedPolyBase): __polymorphic_key__ = 2 data2 = columns.Text() class UnindexedPoly3(UnindexedPoly2): __polymorphic_key__ = 3 data3 = columns.Text() class TestUnindexedPolymorphicQuery(BaseCassEngTestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestUnindexedPolymorphicQuery, cls).setUpClass() management.sync_table(UnindexedPoly1) management.sync_table(UnindexedPoly2) management.sync_table(UnindexedPoly3) cls.p1 = UnindexedPoly1.create(data1='pickle') cls.p2 = UnindexedPoly2.create(partition=cls.p1.partition, data2='bacon') cls.p3 = UnindexedPoly3.create(partition=cls.p1.partition, data3='turkey') @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(TestUnindexedPolymorphicQuery, cls).tearDownClass() management.drop_table(UnindexedPoly1) management.drop_table(UnindexedPoly2) management.drop_table(UnindexedPoly3) def test_non_conflicting_type_results_work(self): p1, p2, p3 = self.p1, self.p2, self.p3 assert len(list(UnindexedPoly1.objects(partition=p1.partition, cluster=p1.cluster))) == 1 assert len(list(UnindexedPoly2.objects(partition=p1.partition, cluster=p2.cluster))) == 1 def test_subclassed_model_results_work_properly(self): p1, p2, p3 = self.p1, self.p2, self.p3 assert len(list(UnindexedPoly2.objects(partition=p1.partition, cluster__in=[p2.cluster, p3.cluster]))) == 2 def test_conflicting_type_results(self): with self.assertRaises(models.PolyMorphicModelException): list(UnindexedPoly1.objects(partition=self.p1.partition)) with self.assertRaises(models.PolyMorphicModelException): list(UnindexedPoly2.objects(partition=self.p1.partition)) class IndexedPolyBase(models.Model): partition = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4) cluster = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4) row_type = columns.Integer(polymorphic_key=True, index=True) class IndexedPoly1(IndexedPolyBase): __polymorphic_key__ = 1 data1 = columns.Text() class IndexedPoly2(IndexedPolyBase): __polymorphic_key__ = 2 data2 = columns.Text() class TestIndexedPolymorphicQuery(BaseCassEngTestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestIndexedPolymorphicQuery, cls).setUpClass() management.sync_table(IndexedPoly1) management.sync_table(IndexedPoly2) cls.p1 = IndexedPoly1.create(data1='pickle') cls.p2 = IndexedPoly2.create(partition=cls.p1.partition, data2='bacon') @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(TestIndexedPolymorphicQuery, cls).tearDownClass() management.drop_table(IndexedPoly1) management.drop_table(IndexedPoly2) def test_success_case(self): assert len(list(IndexedPoly1.objects(partition=self.p1.partition))) == 1 assert len(list(IndexedPoly2.objects(partition=self.p1.partition))) == 1 ```
{ "source": "Jpuf0/PWrapper", "score": 3 }
#### File: PWrapper/PWrapper/ ```python class Alliance(object): def __init__(self, id): # Local from . import session from . import API_PATH from . import API_KEY path = f'{API_PATH}/alliance/id={id}&key={API_KEY}' r = session.get(path) _raw_JSON = r.json() self.raw_JSON = r.json() self.leaderids = list(map(int, _raw_JSON['leaderids'])) self.success = bool(_raw_JSON['success']) self.allianceid = int(_raw_JSON['allianceid']) = str(_raw_JSON['name']) self.acronym = str(_raw_JSON['acronym']) self.score = float(_raw_JSON['score']) self.color = str(_raw_JSON['color']) self.colour = str(_raw_JSON['color']) self.members = int(_raw_JSON['members']) self.member_id_list = list(map(int, _raw_JSON['member_id_list'])) self.vmodemembers = int(_raw_JSON['vmodemembers']) self.vmode_members = int(_raw_JSON['vmodemembers']) self.accepting_members = bool(_raw_JSON['accepting members']) # wtf why a space there self.applicants = int(_raw_JSON['applicants']) self.flagurl = str(_raw_JSON['flagurl']) self.forumurl = str(_raw_JSON['forumurl']) self.irc = str(_raw_JSON['irc']) self.discord = str(_raw_JSON['irc']) self.gdp = float(_raw_JSON['gdp']) self.gdp_str = '${:,.2f}'.format(float(_raw_JSON['gdp'])) self.cities = int(_raw_JSON['cities']) # --- Military --- self.soldiers = int(_raw_JSON['soldiers']) self.tanks = int(_raw_JSON['tanks']) self.aircraft = int(_raw_JSON['aircraft']) self.ships = int(_raw_JSON['ships']) self.missiles = int(_raw_JSON['missiles']) self.nukes = int(_raw_JSON['nukes']) # --- --- self.treasures = int(_raw_JSON['treasures']) def get(self, field): return getattr(self, field) def get_members(self): from .nation import Nation def Member_list(): for member in self.member_id_list: yield(str(Nation(member))) return list(Member_list()) def __str__(self): return self.raw_JSON['name'] ```
{ "source": "jpugliesi/feast", "score": 2 }
#### File: launchers/standalone/ ```python import os import socket import subprocess import threading import uuid from contextlib import closing from datetime import datetime from typing import Dict, List, Optional import requests from requests.exceptions import RequestException from import ( BQ_SPARK_PACKAGE, BatchIngestionJob, BatchIngestionJobParameters, JobLauncher, RetrievalJob, RetrievalJobParameters, SparkJob, SparkJobFailure, SparkJobParameters, SparkJobStatus, StreamIngestionJob, StreamIngestionJobParameters, ) class JobCache: """ A *global* in-memory cache of Spark jobs. This is necessary since we can't easily keep track of running Spark jobs in local mode, since there is no external state (unlike EMR and Dataproc which keep track of the running jobs for us). """ # Map of job_id -> spark job job_by_id: Dict[str, SparkJob] # Map of job_id -> job_hash. The value can be None, indicating this job was # manually created and Job Service isn't maintaining the state of this job hash_by_id: Dict[str, Optional[str]] # This reentrant lock is necessary for multi-threading access lock: threading.RLock def __init__(self): self.job_by_id = {} self.hash_by_id = {} self.lock = threading.RLock() def add_job(self, job: SparkJob) -> None: """Add a Spark job to the cache. Args: job (SparkJob): The new Spark job to add. """ with self.lock: self.job_by_id[job.get_id()] = job if isinstance(job, StreamIngestionJob): self.hash_by_id[job.get_id()] = job.get_hash() def list_jobs(self) -> List[SparkJob]: """List all Spark jobs in the cache.""" with self.lock: return list(self.job_by_id.values()) def get_job_by_id(self, job_id: str) -> SparkJob: """Get a Spark job with the given ID. Throws an exception if such job doesn't exist. Args: job_id (str): External ID of the Spark job to get. Returns: SparkJob: The Spark job with the given ID. """ with self.lock: return self.job_by_id[job_id] global_job_cache = JobCache() def reset_job_cache(): global global_job_cache global_job_cache = JobCache() def _find_free_port(): with closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) as s: s.bind(("", 0)) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) return s.getsockname()[1] class StandaloneClusterJobMixin: def __init__( self, job_id: str, job_name: str, process: subprocess.Popen, ui_port: int = None ): self._job_id = job_id self._job_name = job_name self._process = process self._ui_port = ui_port self._start_time = datetime.utcnow() def get_id(self) -> str: return self._job_id def check_if_started(self): if not self._ui_port: return True try: applications = requests.get( f"http://localhost:{self._ui_port}/api/v1/applications" ).json() except RequestException: return False app = next( iter(app for app in applications if app["name"] == self._job_name), None ) if not app: return False stages = requests.get( f"http://localhost:{self._ui_port}/api/v1/applications/{app['id']}/stages" ).json() return bool(stages) def get_start_time(self) -> datetime: return self._start_time def get_status(self) -> SparkJobStatus: code = self._process.poll() if code is None: if not self.check_if_started(): return SparkJobStatus.STARTING return SparkJobStatus.IN_PROGRESS if code != 0: return SparkJobStatus.FAILED return SparkJobStatus.COMPLETED def cancel(self): self._process.terminate() class StandaloneClusterBatchIngestionJob(StandaloneClusterJobMixin, BatchIngestionJob): """ Batch Ingestion job result for a standalone spark cluster """ def __init__( self, job_id: str, job_name: str, process: subprocess.Popen, ui_port: int, feature_table: str, ) -> None: super().__init__(job_id, job_name, process, ui_port) self._feature_table = feature_table def get_feature_table(self) -> str: return self._feature_table class StandaloneClusterStreamingIngestionJob( StandaloneClusterJobMixin, StreamIngestionJob ): """ Streaming Ingestion job result for a standalone spark cluster """ def __init__( self, job_id: str, job_name: str, process: subprocess.Popen, ui_port: int, job_hash: str, feature_table: str, ) -> None: super().__init__(job_id, job_name, process, ui_port) self._job_hash = job_hash self._feature_table = feature_table def get_hash(self) -> str: return self._job_hash def get_feature_table(self) -> str: return self._feature_table class StandaloneClusterRetrievalJob(StandaloneClusterJobMixin, RetrievalJob): """ Historical feature retrieval job result for a standalone spark cluster """ def __init__( self, job_id: str, job_name: str, process: subprocess.Popen, output_file_uri: str, ): """ This is the returned historical feature retrieval job result for StandaloneClusterLauncher. Args: job_id (str): Historical feature retrieval job id. process (subprocess.Popen): Pyspark driver process, spawned by the launcher. output_file_uri (str): Uri to the historical feature retrieval job output file. """ super().__init__(job_id, job_name, process) self._output_file_uri = output_file_uri def get_output_file_uri(self, timeout_sec: int = None, block=True): if not block: return self._output_file_uri with self._process as p: try: p.wait(timeout_sec) return self._output_file_uri except Exception: p.kill() raise SparkJobFailure("Timeout waiting for subprocess to return") if self._process.returncode != 0: stderr = "" if self._process.stderr is None else stdout = "" if self._process.stdout is None else raise SparkJobFailure( f"Non zero return code: {self._process.returncode}. stderr: {stderr} stdout: {stdout}" ) return self._output_file_uri class StandaloneClusterLauncher(JobLauncher): """ Submits jobs to a standalone Spark cluster in client mode. """ def __init__(self, master_url: str, spark_home: str = None): """ This launcher executes the spark-submit script in a subprocess. The subprocess will run until the Pyspark driver exits. Args: master_url (str): Spark cluster url. Must start with spark://. spark_home (str): Local file path to Spark installation directory. If not provided, the environmental variable `SPARK_HOME` will be used instead. """ self.master_url = master_url self.spark_home = spark_home if spark_home else os.getenv("SPARK_HOME") @property def spark_submit_script_path(self): return os.path.join(self.spark_home, "bin/spark-submit") def spark_submit( self, job_params: SparkJobParameters, ui_port: int = None ) -> subprocess.Popen: submission_cmd = [ self.spark_submit_script_path, "--master", self.master_url, "--name", job_params.get_name(), ] if job_params.get_class_name(): submission_cmd.extend(["--class", job_params.get_class_name()]) if ui_port: submission_cmd.extend(["--conf", f"spark.ui.port={ui_port}"]) # Workaround for # Fix running spark job with bigquery connector (w/ shadowing) on JDK 9+ submission_cmd.extend( [ "--conf", "spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=" " -Duser.timezone=GMT", "--conf", "spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=" " -Duser.timezone=GMT", "--conf", "spark.sql.session.timeZone=UTC", # ignore local timezone "--packages", ",".join([BQ_SPARK_PACKAGE] + job_params.get_extra_packages()), "--jars", "," "," "", "--conf", "spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.impl=org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem", "--conf", "", ] ) submission_cmd.append(job_params.get_main_file_path()) submission_cmd.extend(job_params.get_arguments()) return subprocess.Popen(submission_cmd) def historical_feature_retrieval( self, job_params: RetrievalJobParameters ) -> RetrievalJob: job_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) job = StandaloneClusterRetrievalJob( job_id, job_params.get_name(), self.spark_submit(job_params), job_params.get_destination_path(), ) global_job_cache.add_job(job) return job def offline_to_online_ingestion( self, ingestion_job_params: BatchIngestionJobParameters ) -> BatchIngestionJob: job_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) ui_port = _find_free_port() job = StandaloneClusterBatchIngestionJob( job_id, ingestion_job_params.get_name(), self.spark_submit(ingestion_job_params, ui_port), ui_port, ingestion_job_params.get_feature_table_name(), ) global_job_cache.add_job(job) return job def start_stream_to_online_ingestion( self, ingestion_job_params: StreamIngestionJobParameters ) -> StreamIngestionJob: job_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) ui_port = _find_free_port() job = StandaloneClusterStreamingIngestionJob( job_id, ingestion_job_params.get_name(), self.spark_submit(ingestion_job_params, ui_port), ui_port, ingestion_job_params.get_job_hash(), ingestion_job_params.get_feature_table_name(), ) global_job_cache.add_job(job) return job def get_job_by_id(self, job_id: str) -> SparkJob: return global_job_cache.get_job_by_id(job_id) def list_jobs(self, include_terminated: bool) -> List[SparkJob]: if include_terminated is True: return global_job_cache.list_jobs() else: return [ job for job in global_job_cache.list_jobs() if job.get_status() in (SparkJobStatus.STARTING, SparkJobStatus.IN_PROGRESS) ] ```
{ "source": "jpuigcerver/nnutils", "score": 2 }
#### File: nnutils/pytorch/ ```python import io import os import re import torch from setuptools import setup, find_packages from torch.utils.cpp_extension import BuildExtension, CppExtension, CUDAExtension extra_compile_args = { "cxx": ["-std=c++14", "-O3", "-fopenmp"], "nvcc": ["-std=c++14", "-O3", "--compiler-options=-fopenmp"], } CC = os.getenv("CC", None) if CC is not None: extra_compile_args["nvcc"].append("-ccbin=" + CC) def get_cuda_compile_archs(nvcc_flags=None): """Get the target CUDA architectures from CUDA_ARCH_LIST env variable""" if nvcc_flags is None: nvcc_flags = [] CUDA_ARCH_LIST = os.getenv("CUDA_ARCH_LIST", None) if CUDA_ARCH_LIST is not None: for arch in CUDA_ARCH_LIST.split(";"): m = re.match(r"^([0-9.]+)(?:\(([0-9.]+)\))?(\+PTX)?$", arch) assert m, "Wrong architecture list: %s" % CUDA_ARCH_LIST cod_arch =".", "") com_arch =".", "") if else cod_arch ptx = True if else False nvcc_flags.extend( ["-gencode", "arch=compute_{},code=sm_{}".format(com_arch, cod_arch)] ) if ptx: nvcc_flags.extend( [ "-gencode", "arch=compute_{},code=compute_{}".format(com_arch, cod_arch), ] ) return nvcc_flags def get_requirements(): req_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "requirements.txt") with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: return [line.strip() for line in f] def get_long_description(): readme_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "") with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: return include_dirs = [os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/src"] headers = [ "src/adaptive_avgpool_2d.h", "src/adaptive_maxpool_2d.h", "src/mask_image_from_size.h", "src/nnutils/adaptive_pool.h", "src/nnutils/utils.h", "src/nnutils/cpu/adaptive_avgpool_2d.h", "src/nnutils/cpu/adaptive_maxpool_2d.h", "src/nnutils/cpu/mask_image_from_size.h", ] sources = [ "src/", "src/", "src/", "src/", "src/cpu/", "src/cpu/", "src/cpu/", ] if torch.cuda.is_available(): sources += [ "src/gpu/", "src/gpu/", "src/gpu/", ] headers += [ "src/nnutils/gpu/adaptive_avgpool_2d.h", "src/nnutils/gpu/adaptive_maxpool_2d.h", "src/nnutils/gpu/mask_image_from_size.h", ] Extension = CUDAExtension extra_compile_args["cxx"].append("-DWITH_CUDA") extra_compile_args["nvcc"].append("-DWITH_CUDA") extra_compile_args["nvcc"].extend(get_cuda_compile_archs()) else: Extension = CppExtension requirements = get_requirements() long_description = get_long_description() setup( name="nnutils_pytorch", version="1.6.0", description="PyTorch bindings of the nnutils library", long_description=long_description, long_description_content_type="text/markdown", url="", author="<NAME>", author_email="<EMAIL>", license="MIT", packages=find_packages(), ext_modules=[ Extension( name="nnutils_pytorch._C", sources=sources, include_dirs=include_dirs, extra_compile_args=extra_compile_args, ) ], cmdclass={"build_ext": BuildExtension}, classifiers=[ "Development Status :: 4 - Beta", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "Intended Audience :: Education", "Intended Audience :: Science/Research", "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8", "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering", "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence", "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition", "Topic :: Software Development", "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries", "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules", ], setup_requires=requirements, install_requires=requirements, ) ```
{ "source": "jpuigcerver/phocnet", "score": 2 }
#### File: phocnet/training/ ```python import logging import os import time import caffe import numpy as np from skimage.transform import resize from phocnet.attributes.phoc import build_phoc, unigrams_from_word_list,\ get_most_common_n_grams from phocnet.caffe.model_proto_generator import ModelProtoGenerator from phocnet.caffe.solver_proto_generator import generate_solver_proto from phocnet.caffe.lmdb_creator import CaffeLMDBCreator from phocnet.caffe.augmentation import AugmentationCreator from phocnet.evaluation.time import convert_secs2HHMMSS from phocnet.evaluation.cnn import calc_map_from_cnn_features from import XMLReader from import save_prototxt, write_list from import Suppressor from phocnet.numpy.numpy_helper import NumpyHelper class PHOCNetTrainer(object): ''' Driver class for all PHOCNet experiments ''' def __init__(self, doc_img_dir, train_annotation_file, test_annotation_file, proto_dir, n_train_images, lmdb_dir, save_net_dir, phoc_unigram_levels, recreate_lmdbs, gpu_id, learning_rate, momentum, weight_decay, batch_size, test_interval, display, max_iter, step_size, gamma, debug_mode, metric, annotation_delimiter, use_lower_case_only, use_bigrams): ''' The constructor Args: doc_img_dir (str): the location of the document images for the given dataset train_annotation_file (str): the absolute path to the READ-style annotation file for the training samples test_annotation_file (str): the absolute path to the READ-style annotation file for the test samples proto_dir (str): absolute path where to save the Caffe protobuffer files n_train_images (int): the total number of training images to be used lmdb_dir (str): directory to save the LMDB files into save_net_dir (str): directory where to save the trained PHOCNet phoc_unigrams_levels (list of int): the list of unigram levels recreate_lmdbs (bool): whether to delete and recompute existing LMDBs debug_mode (bool): flag indicating to run this experiment in debug mode metric (str): metric for comparing the PHOCNet output during test annotation_delimiter (str): delimiter for the annotation in the XML files use_lower_case_only (bool): convert annotation to lower case before creating LMDBs use_bigrams (bool): if true, the PHOC predicted from the net contains bigrams gpu_id (int): the ID of the GPU to use learning_rate (float): the learning rate to be used in training momentum (float): the SGD momentum to be used in training weight_decay (float): the SGD weight decay to be used in training batch_size (int): the number of images to be used in a mini batch test_interval (int): the number of steps after which to evaluate the PHOCNet during training display (int): the number of iterations after which to show the training net loss max_iter (int): the maximum number of SGD iterations step_size (int): the number of iterations after which to reduce the learning rate gamma (float): the factor to multiply the step size with after step_size iterations ''' # store the experiment parameters self.doc_img_dir = doc_img_dir self.train_annotation_file = train_annotation_file self.test_annotation_file = test_annotation_file self.proto_dir = proto_dir self.n_train_images = n_train_images self.lmdb_dir = lmdb_dir self.save_net_dir = save_net_dir self.phoc_unigram_levels = phoc_unigram_levels self.recreate_lmdbs = recreate_lmdbs self.debug_mode = debug_mode self.metric = metric self.annotation_delimiter = annotation_delimiter self.use_lower_case_only = use_lower_case_only self.use_bigrams = use_bigrams # store the Caffe parameters self.gpu_id = gpu_id self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.momentum = momentum self.weight_decay = weight_decay self.batch_size = batch_size self.test_interval = test_interval self.display = display self.max_iter = max_iter self.step_size = step_size self.gamma = gamma # misc members for training/evaluation if self.gpu_id is not None: self.solver_mode = 'GPU' else: self.solver_mode = 'CPU' self.min_image_width_height = 26 self.epoch_map = None self.test_iter = None self.dataset_name = None # set up the logging logging_format = '[%(asctime)-19s, %(name)s] %(message)s' if self.debug_mode: logging_level = logging.DEBUG else: logging_level = logging.INFO logging.basicConfig(level=logging_level, format=logging_format) self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) def train_phocnet(self):'--- Running PHOCNet Training ---') # --- Step 1: check if we need to create the LMDBs # load the word lists xml_reader = XMLReader(make_lower_case=self.use_lower_case_only) self.dataset_name, train_list, test_list = xml_reader.load_train_test_xml(train_xml_path=self.train_annotation_file, test_xml_path=self.test_annotation_file, img_dir=self.doc_img_dir) phoc_unigrams = unigrams_from_word_list(word_list=train_list, split_character=self.annotation_delimiter)'PHOC unigrams: %s', ' '.join(phoc_unigrams)) self.test_iter = len(test_list)'Using dataset \'%s\'', self.dataset_name) # check if we need to create LMDBs lmdb_prefix = '%s_nti%d_pul%s' % (self.dataset_name, self.n_train_images, '-'.join([str(elem) for elem in self.phoc_unigram_levels])) train_word_images_lmdb_path = os.path.join(self.lmdb_dir, '%s_train_word_images_lmdb' % lmdb_prefix) train_phoc_lmdb_path = os.path.join(self.lmdb_dir, '%s_train_phocs_lmdb' % lmdb_prefix) test_word_images_lmdb_path = os.path.join(self.lmdb_dir, '%s_test_word_images_lmdb' % lmdb_prefix) test_phoc_lmdb_path = os.path.join(self.lmdb_dir, '%s_test_phocs_lmdb' % lmdb_prefix) lmdbs_exist = (os.path.exists(train_word_images_lmdb_path), os.path.exists(train_phoc_lmdb_path), os.path.exists(test_word_images_lmdb_path), os.path.exists(test_phoc_lmdb_path)) if self.use_bigrams: n_bigrams = 50 bigrams = get_most_common_n_grams(words=[word.get_transcription() for word in train_list], num_results=n_bigrams, n=2) bigram_levels = [2] else: n_bigrams = 0 bigrams = None bigram_levels = None if not np.all(lmdbs_exist) or self.recreate_lmdbs:'Creating LMDBs...') train_phocs = build_phoc(words=[word.get_transcription() for word in train_list], phoc_unigrams=phoc_unigrams, unigram_levels=self.phoc_unigram_levels, phoc_bigrams=bigrams, bigram_levels=bigram_levels, split_character=self.annotation_delimiter, on_unknown_unigram='warn') test_phocs = build_phoc(words=[word.get_transcription() for word in test_list], phoc_unigrams=phoc_unigrams, unigram_levels=self.phoc_unigram_levels, phoc_bigrams=bigrams, bigram_levels=bigram_levels, split_character=self.annotation_delimiter, on_unknown_unigram='warn') self._create_train_test_phocs_lmdbs(train_list=train_list, train_phocs=train_phocs, test_list=test_list, test_phocs=test_phocs, train_word_images_lmdb_path=train_word_images_lmdb_path, train_phoc_lmdb_path=train_phoc_lmdb_path, test_word_images_lmdb_path=test_word_images_lmdb_path, test_phoc_lmdb_path=test_phoc_lmdb_path) else:'Found LMDBs...') # --- Step 2: create the proto files'Saving proto files...') # prepare the output paths train_proto_path = os.path.join(self.proto_dir, 'train_phocnet_%s.prototxt' % self.dataset_name) test_proto_path = os.path.join(self.proto_dir, 'test_phocnet_%s.prototxt' % self.dataset_name) solver_proto_path = os.path.join(self.proto_dir, 'solver_phocnet_%s.prototxt' % self.dataset_name) # generate the proto files n_attributes = np.sum(self.phoc_unigram_levels)*len(phoc_unigrams) if self.use_bigrams: n_attributes += np.sum(bigram_levels)*n_bigrams mpg = ModelProtoGenerator(initialization='msra', use_cudnn_engine=self.gpu_id is not None) train_proto = mpg.get_phocnet(word_image_lmdb_path=train_word_images_lmdb_path, phoc_lmdb_path=train_phoc_lmdb_path, phoc_size=n_attributes, generate_deploy=False) test_proto = mpg.get_phocnet(word_image_lmdb_path=test_word_images_lmdb_path, phoc_lmdb_path=test_phoc_lmdb_path, phoc_size=n_attributes, generate_deploy=False) solver_proto = generate_solver_proto(train_net=train_proto_path, test_net=test_proto_path, base_lr=self.learning_rate, momentum=self.momentum, display=self.display, lr_policy='step', gamma=self.gamma, stepsize=self.step_size, solver_mode=self.solver_mode, iter_size=self.batch_size, max_iter=self.max_iter, average_loss=self.display, test_iter=self.test_iter, test_interval=self.test_interval, weight_decay=self.weight_decay) # save the proto files save_prototxt(file_path=train_proto_path, proto_object=train_proto, header_comment='Train PHOCNet %s' % self.dataset_name) save_prototxt(file_path=test_proto_path, proto_object=test_proto, header_comment='Test PHOCNet %s' % self.dataset_name) save_prototxt(file_path=solver_proto_path, proto_object=solver_proto, header_comment='Solver PHOCNet %s' % self.dataset_name) # --- Step 3: train the PHOCNet'Starting SGD...') self._run_sgd(solver_proto_path=solver_proto_path) def pretrain_callback(self, solver): ''' Method called before starting the training ''' # init numpy arrays for mAP results epochs = self.max_iter/self.test_interval self.epoch_map = np.zeros(epochs+1) self.epoch_map[0], _ = calc_map_from_cnn_features(solver=solver, test_iterations=self.test_iter, metric=self.metric)'mAP: %f', self.epoch_map[0]) def test_callback(self, solver, epoch): ''' Method called every self.test_interval iterations during training ''''Evaluating CNN after %d steps:', epoch*solver.param.test_interval) self.epoch_map[epoch+1], _ = calc_map_from_cnn_features(solver=solver, test_iterations=self.test_iter, metric=self.metric)'mAP: %f', self.epoch_map[epoch+1]) def posttrain_callback(self, solver): ''' Method called after finishing the training ''' # if self.save_net is not None, save the PHOCNet to the desired location if self.save_net_dir is not None: filename = 'phocnet_%s_nti%d_pul%s.binaryproto' % (self.dataset_name, self.n_train_images, '-'.join([str(elem) for elem in self.phoc_unigram_levels])), filename)) def _create_train_test_phocs_lmdbs(self, train_list, train_phocs, test_list, test_phocs, train_word_images_lmdb_path, train_phoc_lmdb_path, test_word_images_lmdb_path, test_phoc_lmdb_path): start_time = time.time() # --- TRAIN IMAGES # find all unique transcriptions and the label map... _, transcription_map = self.__get_unique_transcriptions_and_labelmap(train_list, test_list) # get the numeric training labels plus a random order to insert them into # create the numeric labels and counts train_labels = np.array([transcription_map[word.get_transcription()] for word in train_list]) unique_train_labels, counts = np.unique(train_labels, return_counts=True) # find the number of images that should be present for training per class n_images_per_class = self.n_train_images/unique_train_labels.shape[0] + 1 # create randomly shuffled numbers for later use as keys random_indices = list(xrange(n_images_per_class*unique_train_labels.shape[0])) np.random.shuffle(random_indices) #set random limits for affine transform random_limits = (0.8, 1.1) n_rescales = 0 # loading should be done in gray scale load_grayscale = True # create train LMDB'Creating Training LMDB (%d total word images)', len(random_indices)) lmdb_creator = CaffeLMDBCreator() lmdb_creator.open_dual_lmdb_for_write(image_lmdb_path=train_word_images_lmdb_path, additional_lmdb_path=train_phoc_lmdb_path, create=True) for cur_label, count in zip(unique_train_labels, counts): # find the words for the current class label and the # corresponding PHOC cur_word_indices = np.where(train_labels == cur_label)[0] cur_transcription = train_list[cur_word_indices[0]].get_transcription() cur_phoc = NumpyHelper.get_unique_rows(train_phocs[cur_word_indices]) # unique rows should only return one specific PHOC if cur_phoc.shape[0] != 1: raise ValueError('Extracted more than one PHOC for label %d' % cur_label) cur_phoc = np.atleast_3d(cur_phoc).transpose((2,0,1)).astype(np.uint8) # if there are to many images for the current word image class, # draw from them and cut the rest off if count > n_images_per_class: np.random.shuffle(cur_word_indices) cur_word_indices = cur_word_indices[:n_images_per_class] # load the word images cur_word_images = [] for idx in cur_word_indices: img = train_list[idx].get_word_image(gray_scale=load_grayscale) # check image size img, resized = self.__check_size(img) n_rescales += int(resized) # append to the current word images and # put into LMDB cur_word_images.append(img) key = '%s_%s' % (str(random_indices.pop()).zfill(8), cur_transcription.encode('ascii', 'ignore')) lmdb_creator.put_dual(img_mat=np.atleast_3d(img).transpose((2,0,1)).astype(np.uint8), additional_mat=cur_phoc, label=cur_label, key=key) # extract the extra augmented images # the random limits are the maximum percentage # that the destination point may deviate from the reference point # in the affine transform if len(cur_word_images) < n_images_per_class: # create the warped images inds = np.random.randint(len(cur_word_images), size=n_images_per_class - len(cur_word_images)) for ind in inds: aug_img = AugmentationCreator.create_affine_transform_augmentation(img=cur_word_images[ind], random_limits=random_limits) aug_img = np.atleast_3d(aug_img).transpose((2,0,1)).astype(np.uint8) key = '%s_%s' % (str(random_indices.pop()).zfill(8), cur_transcription.encode('ascii', 'ignore')) lmdb_creator.put_dual(img_mat=aug_img, additional_mat=cur_phoc, label=cur_label, key=key) # wrap up training LMDB creation if len(random_indices) != 0: raise ValueError('Random Indices are not empty, something went wrong during training LMDB creation') lmdb_creator.finish_creation() # write the label map to the LMDBs as well write_list(file_path=train_word_images_lmdb_path + '/label_map.txt', line_list=['%s %s' % elem for elem in transcription_map.items()]) write_list(file_path=train_phoc_lmdb_path + '/label_map.txt', line_list=['%s %s' % elem for elem in transcription_map.items()])'Finished processing train words (took %s, %d rescales)', convert_secs2HHMMSS(time.time() - start_time), n_rescales) # --- TEST IMAGES'Creating Test LMDB (%d total word images)', len(test_list)) n_rescales = 0 start_time = time.time() lmdb_creator.open_dual_lmdb_for_write(image_lmdb_path=test_word_images_lmdb_path, additional_lmdb_path=test_phoc_lmdb_path, create=True, label_map=transcription_map) for word, phoc in zip(test_list, test_phocs): if word.get_transcription() not in transcription_map: transcription_map[word.get_transcription()] = len(transcription_map) img = word.get_word_image(gray_scale=load_grayscale) img, resized = self.__check_size(img) if img is None: self.logger.warning('!WARNING! Found image with 0 width or height!') else: n_rescales += int(resized) img = np.atleast_3d(img).transpose((2,0,1)).astype(np.uint8) phoc_3d = np.atleast_3d(phoc).transpose((2,0,1)).astype(np.uint8) lmdb_creator.put_dual(img_mat=img, additional_mat=phoc_3d, label=transcription_map[word.get_transcription()]) lmdb_creator.finish_creation() write_list(file_path=test_word_images_lmdb_path + '/label_map.txt', line_list=['%s %s' % elem for elem in transcription_map.items()]) write_list(file_path=test_phoc_lmdb_path + '/label_map.txt', line_list=['%s %s' % elem for elem in transcription_map.items()])'Finished processing test words (took %s, %d rescales)', convert_secs2HHMMSS(time.time() - start_time), n_rescales) def __check_size(self, img): ''' checks if the image accords to the minimum size requirements Returns: tuple (img, bool): img: the original image if the image size was ok, a resized image otherwise bool: flag indicating whether the image was resized ''' if np.amin(img.shape[:2]) < self.min_image_width_height: if np.amin(img.shape[:2]) == 0: return None, False scale = float(self.min_image_width_height+1)/float(np.amin(img.shape[:2])) new_shape = (int(scale*img.shape[0]), int(scale*img.shape[1])) new_img = resize(image=img, output_shape=new_shape) return new_img, True else: return img, False def __get_unique_transcriptions_and_labelmap(self, train_list, test_list): ''' Returns a list of unique transcriptions for the given train and test lists and creates a dictionary mapping transcriptions to numeric class labels. ''' unique_transcriptions = [word.get_transcription() for word in train_list] unique_transcriptions.extend([word.get_transcription() for word in test_list]) unique_transcriptions = list(set(unique_transcriptions)) transcription_map = dict((k,v) for v,k in enumerate(unique_transcriptions)) return unique_transcriptions, transcription_map def _run_sgd(self, solver_proto_path): ''' Starts the SGD training of the PHOCNet Args: solver_proto_path (str): the absolute path to the solver protobuffer file to use ''' # Set CPU/GPU mode for solver training if self.gpu_id != None:'Setting Caffe to GPU mode using device %d', self.gpu_id) caffe.set_mode_gpu() caffe.set_device(self.gpu_id) else:'Setting Caffe to CPU mode') caffe.set_mode_cpu() # Create SGD solver'Using solver protofile at %s', solver_proto_path) solver = self.__get_solver(solver_proto_path) epochs = self.max_iter/self.test_interval # run test on the net before training'Running pre-train evaluation') self.pretrain_callback(solver=solver) # run the training'Finished Setup, running SGD') for epoch in xrange(epochs): # run training until we want to test self.__solver_step(solver, self.test_interval) # run test callback after test_interval iterations self.logger.debug('Running test evaluation') self.test_callback(solver=solver, epoch=epoch) # if we have iterations left to compute, do so iters_left = self.max_iter % self.test_interval if iters_left > 0: self.__solver_step(solver, iters_left) # run post train callback'Running post-train evaluation') self.posttrain_callback(solver=solver) # return the solver return solver def __solver_step(self, solver, steps): ''' Runs Caffe solver suppressing Caffe output if necessary ''' if not self.debug_mode: with Suppressor(): solver.step(steps) else: solver.step(steps) def __get_solver(self, solver_proto_path): ''' Returns a caffe.SGDSolver for the given protofile path, ignoring Caffe command line chatter if debug mode is not set to True. ''' if not self.debug_mode: # disable Caffe init chatter when not in debug with Suppressor(): return caffe.SGDSolver(solver_proto_path) else: return caffe.SGDSolver(solver_proto_path) ```
{ "source": "jpuigcerver/prob-phoc", "score": 3 }
#### File: prob-phoc/prob_phoc/ ```python from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division import numpy as np import torch import prob_phoc._C as _C def _convert_to_tensor_if_needed(x): if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return torch.from_numpy(x) elif torch.is_tensor(x): return x else: raise ValueError("The argument cannot be converted to a PyTorch tensor") def cphoc(xa, xb, y=None, method="sum_prod_log"): """Computes probabilistic PHOC relevance scores between each pair of inputs. """ xa = _convert_to_tensor_if_needed(xa) xb = _convert_to_tensor_if_needed(xb) if y is None: y =, xb.size(0)) else: y = _convert_to_tensor_if_needed(y) _C.cphoc(xa, xb, y, method) return y def pphoc(x, y=None, method="sum_prod_log"): """Pairwise probabilistic PHOC relevance scores.""" x = _convert_to_tensor_if_needed(x) if y is None: y = * (x.size(0) - 1) // 2) else: y = _convert_to_tensor_if_needed(y) _C.pphoc(x, y, method) return y ```
{ "source": "jpuigcerver/rnn2d", "score": 2 }
#### File: rnn2d/ref_impl/ ```python import theano import theano.gradient import theano.printing import theano.gof from theano import gof from theano.sandbox.cuda.basic_ops import (as_cuda_ndarray_variable, gpu_contiguous) from Util import raw_variable from theano.gof.opt import OpSub from theano.compile import optdb import theano.tensor as T from Util import get_c_support_code_common, get_c_support_code_mdlstm class MultiDirectionalTwoDLSTMOpGrad(theano.sandbox.cuda.GpuOp): __props__ = ("inplace",) def __init__(self, inplace): super(MultiDirectionalTwoDLSTMOpGrad, self).__init__() self.inplace = inplace if inplace: #inputs: X, 4xW, 4xV_h, 4xV_v, 4xb, 4xDy, 4xY, 4xH #note: outputs [17,18,19,20] are the DYs, but we don't use them here for inplace, #as they will usually be aligned with each other (atleast when the sum of the outputs is used) #all outputs operate inplace on inputs [26,27,28,29] (which are the Hs) #but when the input is marked multiple times, we get an error #so we do this workaround #anyway theano knows that these inputs will be destroyed, so it should be OK self.destroy_map = {4: [26], 5: [27], 6: [28], 7: [29]} def make_node(self, X, W1, W2, W3, W4, V_h1, V_h2, V_h3, V_h4, V_v1, V_v2, V_v3, V_v4, b1, b2, b3, b4, sizes, DY1, DY2, DY3, DY4, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, H1, H2, H3, H4): var_names = ["X", "W1", "W2", "W3", "W4", "V_h1", "V_h2", "V_h3", "V_h4", "V_v1", "V_v2", "V_v3", "V_v4", "b1", "b2", "b3", "b4", "DY1", "DY2", "DY3", "DY4", "Y1", "Y2", "Y3", "Y4", "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4"] lcl = locals() for var_name in var_names: lcl[var_name] = gpu_contiguous(as_cuda_ndarray_variable(lcl[var_name])) assert lcl[var_name].dtype == "float32" #note: sizes lives on the CPU! sizes = T.as_tensor_variable(sizes) assert sizes.dtype == "float32" expected_ndims = [4] + ([2] * 12) + ([1] * 4) + ([4] * 12) assert len(var_names) == len(expected_ndims), (len(var_names), len(expected_ndims)) for var_name, expected_ndim in zip(var_names, expected_ndims): assert lcl[var_name].ndim == expected_ndim, \ (var_name, lcl[var_name].name, lcl[var_name].ndim, expected_ndim) assert sizes.ndim == 2 all_vars_no_sizes = [lcl[var_name] for var_name in var_names] all_vars = all_vars_no_sizes[:17] + [sizes] + all_vars_no_sizes[17:] inputs_vars = all_vars[:17] return theano.Apply(self, all_vars, [v.type() for v in inputs_vars]) def c_support_code(self): return get_c_support_code_common() + get_c_support_code_mdlstm() def c_code(self, node, name, input_names, output_names, sub): X, W1, W2, W3, W4, V_h1, V_h2, V_h3, V_h4, V_v1, V_v2, V_v3, V_v4, \ b1, b2, b3, b4, sizes, DY1, DY2, DY3, DY4, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, H1, H2, H3, H4 = input_names DX, DW1, DW2, DW3, DW4, DV_h1, DV_h2, DV_h3, DV_h4, \ DV_v1, DV_v2, DV_v3, DV_v4, Db1, Db2, Db3, Db4 = output_names fail = sub['fail'] inplace = "true" if self.inplace else "false" return """ //std::cout << "MultiDirectionalTwoDLSTMOpGrad called" << std::endl; if(!%(inplace)s) { std::cout << "warning, inplace optimization failed, not working inplace" << std::endl; } if(%(DX)s || %(DW1)s || %(DW2)s || %(DW3)s || %(DW4)s || %(DV_h1)s || %(DV_h2)s || %(DV_h3)s || %(DV_h4)s || %(DV_v1)s || %(DV_v2)s || %(DV_v3)s || %(DV_v4)s || %(Db1)s || %(Db2)s || %(Db3)s || %(Db4)s) { cout << "output storage already exists" << endl; //TODO check if we can reuse it Py_XDECREF(%(DX)s); Py_XDECREF(%(DW1)s); Py_XDECREF(%(DW2)s); Py_XDECREF(%(DW3)s); Py_XDECREF(%(DW4)s); Py_XDECREF(%(DV_h1)s); Py_XDECREF(%(DV_h2)s); Py_XDECREF(%(DV_h3)s); Py_XDECREF(%(DV_h4)s); Py_XDECREF(%(DV_v1)s); Py_XDECREF(%(DV_v2)s); Py_XDECREF(%(DV_v3)s); Py_XDECREF(%(DV_v4)s); Py_XDECREF(%(Db1)s); Py_XDECREF(%(Db2)s); Py_XDECREF(%(Db3)s); Py_XDECREF(%(Db4)s); } const int * X_dim = CudaNdarray_HOST_DIMS(%(X)s); const int * Y_dim = CudaNdarray_HOST_DIMS(%(Y1)s); const int height = X_dim[0]; const int width = X_dim[1]; const int n_minibatch = X_dim[2]; const int n_diags = width + height - 1; const int max_diag_size = std::min(Y_dim[0], Y_dim[1]); CudaNdarray * delta1 = 0; CudaNdarray * delta2 = 0; CudaNdarray * delta3 = 0; CudaNdarray * delta4 = 0; if(%(inplace)s) { delta1 = %(H1)s; delta2 = %(H2)s; delta3 = %(H3)s; delta4 = %(H4)s; } else { delta1 = (CudaNdarray *) CudaNdarray_Copy(%(H1)s); delta2 = (CudaNdarray *) CudaNdarray_Copy(%(H2)s); delta3 = (CudaNdarray *) CudaNdarray_Copy(%(H3)s); delta4 = (CudaNdarray *) CudaNdarray_Copy(%(H4)s); } CudaNdarray * epsilon1 = (CudaNdarray *) CudaNdarray_Copy(%(DY1)s); CudaNdarray * epsilon2 = (CudaNdarray *) CudaNdarray_Copy(%(DY2)s); CudaNdarray * epsilon3 = (CudaNdarray *) CudaNdarray_Copy(%(DY3)s); CudaNdarray * epsilon4 = (CudaNdarray *) CudaNdarray_Copy(%(DY4)s); const int workmem1_dims[] = {2, Y_dim[0], Y_dim[1], Y_dim[2], Y_dim[3]}; CudaNdarray * workmem1_1 = (CudaNdarray*) MyCudaNdarray_NewDims(5, workmem1_dims); assert(workmem1_1); CudaNdarray * workmem1_2 = (CudaNdarray*) MyCudaNdarray_NewDims(5, workmem1_dims); assert(workmem1_2); CudaNdarray * workmem1_3 = (CudaNdarray*) MyCudaNdarray_NewDims(5, workmem1_dims); assert(workmem1_3); CudaNdarray * workmem1_4 = (CudaNdarray*) MyCudaNdarray_NewDims(5, workmem1_dims); assert(workmem1_4); //we use floats to store float*'s, as CudaNdarray only supports floats. factor 10 for lstm bwd kernel int ptr_storage_dims[] = {4 * 10 * max_diag_size * sizeof(float*) / sizeof(float)}; CudaNdarray * ptr_storage = (CudaNdarray*) MyCudaNdarray_NewDims(1, ptr_storage_dims); assert(ptr_storage); //valid: float tensor of 1s and 0s indicating the size of the image //4 dirs * max_diag_size * n_minibatch int valid_dims[] = {4 * max_diag_size * n_minibatch}; CudaNdarray * valid_storage = (CudaNdarray*) MyCudaNdarray_NewDims(1, valid_dims); assert(valid_storage); for(int diag = n_diags-1; diag >= 0; --diag) { int diag_size = min(diag+1, min(abs(n_diags-diag), min(width, height))); int y_high = min(diag, height-1); int x_low = max(diag-height+1,0); vector<int> ys_h, xs_h, ys_v, xs_v, ys, xs; for(int idx = 0; idx < diag_size; ++idx) { int y = y_high - idx; int x = x_low + idx; bool rightBorder = (x == X_dim[1]-1); if(!rightBorder) { ys_h.push_back(y); xs_h.push_back(x); } bool botBorder = (y == X_dim[0]-1); if(!botBorder) { ys_v.push_back(y); xs_v.push_back(x); } ys.push_back(y); xs.push_back(x); } affine_y_x_batched_multidir(0, 1, delta1, delta2, delta3, delta4, %(V_h1)s, %(V_h2)s, %(V_h3)s, %(V_h4)s, epsilon1, epsilon2, epsilon3, epsilon4, ys_h, xs_h, ptr_storage, height, width, 0, false, true); affine_y_x_batched_multidir(1, 0, delta1, delta2, delta3, delta4, %(V_v1)s, %(V_v2)s, %(V_v3)s, %(V_v4)s, epsilon1, epsilon2, epsilon3, epsilon4, ys_v, xs_v, ptr_storage, height, width, 0, false, true); do_lstm_bwd_batched_multidir(delta1, delta2, delta3, delta4, epsilon1, epsilon2, epsilon3, epsilon4, %(Y1)s, %(Y2)s, %(Y3)s, %(Y4)s, workmem1_1, workmem1_2, workmem1_3, workmem1_4, X_dim[0], X_dim[1], ys, xs, ptr_storage, valid_storage, %(sizes)s); } Py_XDECREF(ptr_storage); Py_XDECREF(valid_storage); Py_XDECREF(workmem1_1); Py_XDECREF(workmem1_2); Py_XDECREF(workmem1_3); Py_XDECREF(workmem1_4); %(DX)s = CudaNdarray_uninitialized_like(%(X)s); assert(%(DX)s); %(DW1)s = CudaNdarray_uninitialized_like(%(W1)s); assert(%(DW1)s); %(DW2)s = CudaNdarray_uninitialized_like(%(W2)s); assert(%(DW2)s); %(DW3)s = CudaNdarray_uninitialized_like(%(W3)s); assert(%(DW3)s); %(DW4)s = CudaNdarray_uninitialized_like(%(W4)s); assert(%(DW4)s); //DW = X^T * delta affine_global(%(X)s, delta1, %(DW1)s, true, false, 0, 0, 0.0f); affine_global(%(X)s, delta2, %(DW2)s, true, false, 0, 0, 0.0f); affine_global(%(X)s, delta3, %(DW3)s, true, false, 0, 0, 0.0f); affine_global(%(X)s, delta4, %(DW4)s, true, false, 0, 0, 0.0f); //important! mind the order, first use X, then update DX, which might be aligned to X //DX = delta * W^T affine_global(delta1, %(W1)s, %(DX)s, false, true, 0, 0, 0.0f); affine_global(delta2, %(W2)s, %(DX)s, false, true, 0, 0, 1.0f); affine_global(delta3, %(W3)s, %(DX)s, false, true, 0, 0, 1.0f); affine_global(delta4, %(W4)s, %(DX)s, false, true, 0, 0, 1.0f); //Db = (1 ... 1) * delta %(Db1)s = sumOverAllButLastDimensions(delta1); %(Db2)s = sumOverAllButLastDimensions(delta2); %(Db3)s = sumOverAllButLastDimensions(delta3); %(Db4)s = sumOverAllButLastDimensions(delta4); //copy left/right part to workmem2 and set to 0 (could be done more efficient, but profiling shows, it's not worth it) const int * H_dim = CudaNdarray_HOST_DIMS(%(H1)s); const int workmem2_dims[] = {H_dim[0], H_dim[2], H_dim[3]}; const int block_size = H_dim[2] * H_dim[3]; CudaNdarray * workmem2_1 = (CudaNdarray*) MyCudaNdarray_NewDims(3, workmem2_dims); assert(workmem2_1); CudaNdarray * workmem2_2 = (CudaNdarray*) MyCudaNdarray_NewDims(3, workmem2_dims); assert(workmem2_2); CudaNdarray * workmem2_3 = (CudaNdarray*) MyCudaNdarray_NewDims(3, workmem2_dims); assert(workmem2_3); CudaNdarray * workmem2_4 = (CudaNdarray*) MyCudaNdarray_NewDims(3, workmem2_dims); assert(workmem2_4); for(int y = 0; y < Y_dim[0]; ++y) { float * workmem2_1_data_ptr = CudaNdarray_DEV_DATA(workmem2_1) + y * block_size; float * delta1_data_ptr = data_ptr(delta1, y, 0); HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(workmem2_1_data_ptr, delta1_data_ptr, block_size * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice)); HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemset(delta1_data_ptr, 0, sizeof(float) * H_dim[2] * H_dim[3])); float * workmem2_2_data_ptr = CudaNdarray_DEV_DATA(workmem2_2) + y * block_size; float * delta2_data_ptr = data_ptr(delta2, y, 0); HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(workmem2_2_data_ptr, delta2_data_ptr, block_size * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice)); HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemset(delta2_data_ptr, 0, sizeof(float) * H_dim[2] * H_dim[3])); float * workmem2_3_data_ptr = CudaNdarray_DEV_DATA(workmem2_3) + y * block_size; float * delta3_data_ptr = data_ptr(delta3, y, width - 1); HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(workmem2_3_data_ptr, delta3_data_ptr, block_size * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice)); HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemset(delta3_data_ptr, 0, sizeof(float) * H_dim[2] * H_dim[3])); float * workmem2_4_data_ptr = CudaNdarray_DEV_DATA(workmem2_4) + y * block_size; float * delta4_data_ptr = data_ptr(delta4, y, width - 1); HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(workmem2_4_data_ptr, delta4_data_ptr, block_size * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice)); HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemset(delta4_data_ptr, 0, sizeof(float) * H_dim[2] * H_dim[3])); } %(DV_h1)s = CudaNdarray_uninitialized_like(%(V_h1)s); assert(%(DV_h1)s); %(DV_h2)s = CudaNdarray_uninitialized_like(%(V_h2)s); assert(%(DV_h2)s); %(DV_h3)s = CudaNdarray_uninitialized_like(%(V_h3)s); assert(%(DV_h3)s); %(DV_h4)s = CudaNdarray_uninitialized_like(%(V_h4)s); assert(%(DV_h4)s); //DV_h = Y[0..end-1]^T * delta[1..end] affine_global(%(Y1)s, delta1, %(DV_h1)s, true, false, 0, 1, 0.0f); affine_global(%(Y2)s, delta2, %(DV_h2)s, true, false, 0, 1, 0.0f); affine_global(%(Y3)s, delta3, %(DV_h3)s, true, false, 1, 0, 0.0f); affine_global(%(Y4)s, delta4, %(DV_h4)s, true, false, 1, 0, 0.0f); //copy left/right part back for(int y = 0; y < Y_dim[0]; ++y) { float * workmem2_1_data_ptr = CudaNdarray_DEV_DATA(workmem2_1) + y * block_size; float * delta1_data_ptr = data_ptr(delta1, y, 0); HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(delta1_data_ptr, workmem2_1_data_ptr, block_size * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice)); float * workmem2_2_data_ptr = CudaNdarray_DEV_DATA(workmem2_2) + y * block_size; float * delta2_data_ptr = data_ptr(delta2, y, 0); HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(delta2_data_ptr, workmem2_2_data_ptr, block_size * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice)); float * workmem2_3_data_ptr = CudaNdarray_DEV_DATA(workmem2_3) + y * block_size; float * delta3_data_ptr = data_ptr(delta3, y, width - 1); HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(delta3_data_ptr, workmem2_3_data_ptr, block_size * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice)); float * workmem2_4_data_ptr = CudaNdarray_DEV_DATA(workmem2_4) + y * block_size; float * delta4_data_ptr = data_ptr(delta4, y, width - 1); HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(delta4_data_ptr, workmem2_4_data_ptr, block_size * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice)); } Py_XDECREF(workmem2_1); Py_XDECREF(workmem2_2); Py_XDECREF(workmem2_3); Py_XDECREF(workmem2_4); %(DV_v1)s = CudaNdarray_uninitialized_like(%(V_v1)s); assert(%(DV_v1)s); %(DV_v2)s = CudaNdarray_uninitialized_like(%(V_v2)s); assert(%(DV_v2)s); %(DV_v3)s = CudaNdarray_uninitialized_like(%(V_v3)s); assert(%(DV_v3)s); %(DV_v4)s = CudaNdarray_uninitialized_like(%(V_v4)s); assert(%(DV_v4)s); //DV_v = Y[0..end-1]^T * delta[1..end] affine_global(%(Y1)s, delta1, %(DV_v1)s, true, false, 0, Y_dim[1], 0.0f); affine_global(%(Y2)s, delta2, %(DV_v2)s, true, false, Y_dim[1], 0, 0.0f); affine_global(%(Y3)s, delta3, %(DV_v3)s, true, false, 0, Y_dim[1], 0.0f); affine_global(%(Y4)s, delta4, %(DV_v4)s, true, false, Y_dim[1], 0, 0.0f); //for debugging /*cout << "=====delta1====" << endl; CudaNdarray_print_part(delta1); cout << "=====delta2====" << endl; CudaNdarray_print_part(delta2); cout << "=====delta3====" << endl; CudaNdarray_print_part(delta3); cout << "=====delta4====" << endl; CudaNdarray_print_part(delta4); cout << "===============" << endl;*/ if(!%(inplace)s) { Py_XDECREF(delta1); Py_XDECREF(delta2); Py_XDECREF(delta3); Py_XDECREF(delta4); } Py_XDECREF(epsilon1); Py_XDECREF(epsilon2); Py_XDECREF(epsilon3); Py_XDECREF(epsilon4); """ % locals() #!!! change this when changing the code! def c_code_cache_version(self): return 2, 10 MultiDirectionalTwoDLSTMOpGradNoInplaceInstance = MultiDirectionalTwoDLSTMOpGrad(inplace=False) MultiDirectionalTwoDLSTMOpGradInplaceInstance = MultiDirectionalTwoDLSTMOpGrad(inplace=True) MultiDirectionalTwoDLSTMOpInplaceOpt = OpSub(MultiDirectionalTwoDLSTMOpGradNoInplaceInstance, MultiDirectionalTwoDLSTMOpGradInplaceInstance) #hack to avoid being called twice if not hasattr(optdb, 'MultiDirectionalTwoDLSTMOpInplaceOpt_registered'): optdb.register('MultiDirectionalTwoDLSTMOpInplaceOpt', theano.gof.TopoOptimizer(MultiDirectionalTwoDLSTMOpInplaceOpt, failure_callback=gof.TopoOptimizer.warn_inplace), 50.0, 'fast_run', 'inplace', 'gpuarray') optdb.MultiDirectionalTwoDLSTMOpInplaceOpt_registered = True class MultiDirectionalTwoDLSTMOp(theano.sandbox.cuda.GpuOp): __props__ = () def __init__(self): super(MultiDirectionalTwoDLSTMOp, self).__init__() def make_node(self, X, W1, W2, W3, W4, V_h1, V_h2, V_h3, V_h4, V_v1, V_v2, V_v3, V_v4, b1, b2, b3, b4, sizes): var_names = ["X", "W1", "W2", "W3", "W4", "V_h1", "V_h2", "V_h3", "V_h4", "V_v1", "V_v2", "V_v3", "V_v4", "b1", "b2", "b3", "b4"] lcl = locals() for var_name in var_names: lcl[var_name] = gpu_contiguous(as_cuda_ndarray_variable(lcl[var_name])) assert lcl[var_name].dtype == "float32" #note: sizes lives on the CPU! sizes = T.as_tensor_variable(sizes) assert sizes.dtype == "float32" assert lcl["X"].ndim == 4 assert lcl["W1"].ndim == 2 assert lcl["W2"].ndim == 2 assert lcl["W3"].ndim == 2 assert lcl["W4"].ndim == 2 assert lcl["V_h1"].ndim == 2 assert lcl["V_h2"].ndim == 2 assert lcl["V_h3"].ndim == 2 assert lcl["V_h4"].ndim == 2 assert lcl["V_v1"].ndim == 2 assert lcl["V_v2"].ndim == 2 assert lcl["V_v3"].ndim == 2 assert lcl["V_v4"].ndim == 2 assert lcl["b1"].ndim == 1 assert lcl["b2"].ndim == 1 assert lcl["b3"].ndim == 1 assert lcl["b4"].ndim == 1 assert sizes.ndim == 2 all_vars = [lcl[var_name] for var_name in var_names] + [sizes] #results: outputs Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, (gates and cell states) H1, H2, H3, H4 return theano.Apply(self, all_vars, [lcl["X"].type() for _ in range(8)]) def c_support_code(self): return get_c_support_code_common() + get_c_support_code_mdlstm() def c_code(self, node, name, input_names, output_names, sub): X, W1, W2, W3, W4, V_h1, V_h2, V_h3, V_h4, V_v1, V_v2, V_v3, V_v4, b1, b2, b3, b4, sizes = input_names Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, H1, H2, H3, H4 = output_names fail = sub['fail'] return """ //std::cout << "MultiDirectionalTwoDLSTMOp called" << std::endl; if(%(Y1)s || %(Y2)s || %(Y3)s || %(Y4)s || %(H1)s || %(H2)s || %(H3)s || %(H4)s) { //cout << "Ys or Hs already exist" << endl; //TODO check if we can reuse it Py_XDECREF(%(Y1)s); Py_XDECREF(%(Y2)s); Py_XDECREF(%(Y3)s); Py_XDECREF(%(Y4)s); Py_XDECREF(%(H1)s); Py_XDECREF(%(H2)s); Py_XDECREF(%(H3)s); Py_XDECREF(%(H4)s); } const int * X_dim = CudaNdarray_HOST_DIMS(%(X)s); const int * W_dim = CudaNdarray_HOST_DIMS(%(W1)s); const int * V_dim = CudaNdarray_HOST_DIMS(%(V_h1)s); assert(W_dim[1] %% 5 == 0 && "W has wrong shape"); assert(5 * V_dim[0] == V_dim[1] && "V has wrong shape"); assert(W_dim[1] == V_dim[1]); assert(W_dim[0] == X_dim[3]); const int Y_dim[] = {X_dim[0], X_dim[1], X_dim[2], W_dim[1] / 5}; const int H_dim[] = {X_dim[0], X_dim[1], X_dim[2], W_dim[1]}; const int height = X_dim[0]; const int width = X_dim[1]; const int n_minibatch = X_dim[2]; const int max_diag_size = std::min(height, width); const int n_diags = width + height - 1; //init Ys %(Y1)s = (CudaNdarray*) MyCudaNdarray_NewDims(4, Y_dim); assert(%(Y1)s); %(Y2)s = (CudaNdarray*) MyCudaNdarray_NewDims(4, Y_dim); assert(%(Y2)s); %(Y3)s = (CudaNdarray*) MyCudaNdarray_NewDims(4, Y_dim); assert(%(Y3)s); %(Y4)s = (CudaNdarray*) MyCudaNdarray_NewDims(4, Y_dim); assert(%(Y4)s); //init Hs %(H1)s = (CudaNdarray*) MyCudaNdarray_NewDims(4, H_dim); assert(%(H1)s); %(H2)s = (CudaNdarray*) MyCudaNdarray_NewDims(4, H_dim); assert(%(H2)s); %(H3)s = (CudaNdarray*) MyCudaNdarray_NewDims(4, H_dim); assert(%(H3)s); %(H4)s = (CudaNdarray*) MyCudaNdarray_NewDims(4, H_dim); assert(%(H4)s); //init Hs with bs fillmat(%(b1)s, %(H1)s); fillmat(%(b2)s, %(H2)s); fillmat(%(b3)s, %(H3)s); fillmat(%(b4)s, %(H4)s); //H+=XW affine_global(%(X)s, %(W1)s, %(H1)s); affine_global(%(X)s, %(W2)s, %(H2)s); affine_global(%(X)s, %(W3)s, %(H3)s); affine_global(%(X)s, %(W4)s, %(H4)s); //we use floats to store float*'s, as CudaNdarray only supports floats. factor 5 for lstm kernel, //additional factor 4 for 4 directions int ptr_storage_dims[] = {4 * 5 * max_diag_size * sizeof(float*) / sizeof(float)}; CudaNdarray * ptr_storage = (CudaNdarray*) MyCudaNdarray_NewDims(1, ptr_storage_dims); assert(ptr_storage); //valid: float tensor of 1s and 0s indicating the size of the image //4 dirs * max_diag_size * n_minibatch int valid_dims[] = {4 * max_diag_size * n_minibatch}; CudaNdarray * valid_storage = (CudaNdarray*) MyCudaNdarray_NewDims(1, valid_dims); assert(valid_storage); for(int diag = 0; diag < n_diags; ++diag) { int diag_size = min(diag+1, min(abs(n_diags-diag), min(width, height))); int y_high = min(diag, height-1); int x_low = max(diag-height+1,0); vector<int> ys_h, xs_h, ys_v, xs_v, ys, xs; for(int idx = 0; idx < diag_size; ++idx) { int y = y_high - idx; int x = x_low + idx; if(x > 0) { ys_h.push_back(y); xs_h.push_back(x); } if(y > 0) { ys_v.push_back(y); xs_v.push_back(x); } ys.push_back(y); xs.push_back(x); } affine_y_x_batched_multidir(0, -1, %(Y1)s, %(Y2)s, %(Y3)s, %(Y4)s, %(V_h1)s, %(V_h2)s, %(V_h3)s, %(V_h4)s, %(H1)s, %(H2)s, %(H3)s, %(H4)s, ys_h, xs_h, ptr_storage, height, width); affine_y_x_batched_multidir(-1, 0, %(Y1)s, %(Y2)s, %(Y3)s, %(Y4)s, %(V_v1)s, %(V_v2)s, %(V_v3)s, %(V_v4)s, %(H1)s, %(H2)s, %(H3)s, %(H4)s, ys_v, xs_v, ptr_storage, height, width); do_lstm_batched_multidir(%(H1)s, %(H2)s, %(H3)s, %(H4)s, %(Y1)s, %(Y2)s, %(Y3)s, %(Y4)s, ys, xs, ptr_storage, valid_storage, %(sizes)s); } Py_XDECREF(ptr_storage); Py_XDECREF(valid_storage); """ % locals() def grad(self, inputs, output_grads): raw_inputs = [raw_variable(v) for v in inputs] fwd_results = self(*raw_inputs) args = inputs + output_grads[:4] + fwd_results grads = MultiDirectionalTwoDLSTMOpGradNoInplaceInstance(*args) Dsizes = theano.gradient.grad_undefined(self, len(inputs) - 1, inputs[-1], 'cannot diff w.r.t. sizes') return grads + [Dsizes] # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def infer_shape(self, node, input_shapes): Xs, W1s = input_shapes[:2] Y_shape = (Xs[0], Xs[1], Xs[2], W1s[1] / 5) H_shape = (Xs[0], Xs[1], Xs[2], W1s[1]) return [Y_shape, Y_shape, Y_shape, Y_shape, H_shape, H_shape, H_shape, H_shape] #!!! change this when changing the code! def c_code_cache_version(self): return 2, 10 MultiDirectionalTwoDLSTMOpInstance = MultiDirectionalTwoDLSTMOp() ```
{ "source": "jpuk/py-caeser-cipher", "score": 3 }
#### File: jpuk/py-caeser-cipher/ ```python low_ascii = 65 high_ascii = 90 magic_number = 7 alpha = [chr(i) for i in range(low_ascii, high_ascii+1)] def encode(inString): inString = inString.upper() outString = [] for char in inString: try: index = alpha.index(char) except ValueError: outString.append(char) continue if (index + low_ascii) > (high_ascii - magic_number): valid_char = alpha[index - (len(alpha) - magic_number)] outString.append(valid_char) else: outString.append(chr(index + low_ascii + magic_number)) return outString def decode(inString): outString = [] for char in inString: try: index = alpha.index(char) except ValueError: outString.append(char) continue if index < magic_number: decoded_char = (alpha.index(char) + len(alpha) - magic_number) + low_ascii else: decoded_char = alpha.index(char) + low_ascii - magic_number outString.append(chr(decoded_char)) return outString ```
{ "source": "jpuk/pyDiskX", "score": 2 }
#### File: jpuk/pyDiskX/ ```python from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets import pyDiskX import os class Ui_MainWindow(object): selected_folder_name = "" folder_object = None previous_folder_object_list = [] folder_list_being_cleared = False currently_folders_deep = 0 def setupUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow.setObjectName("MainWindow") MainWindow.resize(800, 703) self.centralwidget = QtWidgets.QWidget(MainWindow) self.centralwidget.setObjectName("centralwidget") self.rootDirectoyPushButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.rootDirectoyPushButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 10, 141, 32)) self.rootDirectoyPushButton.setObjectName("rootDirectoyPushButton") self.folderListView = QtWidgets.QListWidget(self.centralwidget) self.folderListView.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 60, 591, 241)) self.folderListView.setObjectName("folderListView") self.fileListView = QtWidgets.QListWidget(self.centralwidget) self.fileListView.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 330, 591, 311)) self.fileListView.setObjectName("fileListView") self.getTreeSizePushButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.getTreeSizePushButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(220, 10, 113, 32)) self.getTreeSizePushButton.setObjectName("getTreeSizePushButton") self.foldersLabel = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.foldersLabel.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 40, 591, 16)) self.foldersLabel.setObjectName("foldersLabel") self.filesLabel = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.filesLabel.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 310, 60, 16)) self.filesLabel.setObjectName("filesLabel") self.backPushButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.backPushButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(160, 10, 61, 32)) self.backPushButton.setObjectName("backPushButton") self.treeSizeLabel = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.treeSizeLabel.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(330, 20, 281, 16)) self.treeSizeLabel.setText("") self.treeSizeLabel.setObjectName("treeSizeLabel") self.extensionsTreeListWidget = QtWidgets.QListWidget(self.centralwidget) self.extensionsTreeListWidget.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(620, 60, 151, 241)) self.extensionsTreeListWidget.setObjectName("extensionsTreeListWidget") self.extensionsLabel = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.extensionsLabel.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(620, 40, 151, 20)) self.extensionsLabel.setObjectName("extensionsLabel") self.extensionsLabel_2 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.extensionsLabel_2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(620, 310, 151, 20)) self.extensionsLabel_2.setObjectName("extensionsLabel_2") self.extensionsFolderListWidget = QtWidgets.QListWidget(self.centralwidget) self.extensionsFolderListWidget.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(620, 330, 151, 311)) self.extensionsFolderListWidget.setObjectName("extensionsFolderListWidget") self.label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.label.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(620, 10, 111, 16)) self.label.setObjectName("label") self.maxFolderDepthLineEdit = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.centralwidget) self.maxFolderDepthLineEdit.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(730, 10, 31, 21)) self.maxFolderDepthLineEdit.setObjectName("maxFolderDepthLineEdit") MainWindow.setCentralWidget(self.centralwidget) self.menubar = QtWidgets.QMenuBar(MainWindow) self.menubar.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 800, 22)) self.menubar.setObjectName("menubar") MainWindow.setMenuBar(self.menubar) self.statusbar = QtWidgets.QStatusBar(MainWindow) self.statusbar.setObjectName("statusbar") MainWindow.setStatusBar(self.statusbar) self.retranslateUi(MainWindow) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(MainWindow) # my message handler connectors self.rootDirectoyPushButton.clicked.connect(self.select_folder_push_button_clicked) self.folderListView.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.folder_list_view_selection_changed) self.getTreeSizePushButton.clicked.connect(self.get_tree_size_push_button_clicked) self.backPushButton.clicked.connect(self.back_push_button_clicked) # set ui defaults self.backPushButton.setDisabled(True) self.getTreeSizePushButton.setDisabled(True) def retranslateUi(self, MainWindow): _translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate MainWindow.setWindowTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "pyDiskX")) self.rootDirectoyPushButton.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Select Directory")) self.getTreeSizePushButton.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Get Tree Size")) self.foldersLabel.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Folders:")) self.filesLabel.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Files:")) self.backPushButton.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Back")) self.extensionsLabel.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "File Types: folder tree")) self.extensionsLabel_2.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "File Types: this folder")) self.label.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Max folder depth:")) ## my handler functions def get_tree_size_push_button_clicked(self): if self.currently_folders_deep != 0: self.folder_object = pyDiskX.Folder(full_path_name=self.folder_object.full_path_name) size = self.folder_object.tree_size.size self.treeSizeLabel.setText(str(round(size, 4)) + "MB") def back_push_button_clicked(self): print("Back push button clicked") self.clear_folder_list_view() self.folder_object = self.previous_folder_object_list[self.currently_folders_deep-1] self.currently_folders_deep -= 1 print("Decreased folders deep to {}".format(self.currently_folders_deep)) if self.currently_folders_deep == 0: self.previous_folder_object_list = [] self.backPushButton.setDisabled(True) self.foldersLabel.setText(str("Folders: {}".format(self.folder_object.full_path_name))) self.folder_list_view_selection_changed(sel=0, first=True) def update_folder_and_files_list_boxes(self, folder_object): for ext in folder_object.contained_file_extensions: text = "{} - {}".format(ext, folder_object.contained_file_extensions[ext]) self.extensionsFolderListWidget.addItem("{}".format(text)) for ext in folder_object.contained_file_extensions_tree: text = "{} - {}".format(ext, folder_object.contained_file_extensions_tree[ext]) self.extensionsTreeListWidget.addItem("{}".format(text)) # print("Folders") if folder_object.contained_folders: for folder in folder_object.contained_folders: self.folderListView.addItem(folder.folder_name + " - {}MB of files at this level".format(round(folder.size, 4))) # print(" " + str(folder.folder_name)) # print("Files") if folder_object.contained_files: for file in folder_object.contained_files: self.fileListView.addItem(file.file_name + " - {}MB".format(round(file.size, 4))) def folder_list_view_selection_changed(self, sel=None, first=False): if self.folder_list_being_cleared is not True: if sel is None: sel = int(self.folderListView.currentIndex().row()) print("Folder list box selection changed {}".format(sel)) if first is not True: self.clear_folder_list_view() self.previous_folder_object_list.append(self.folder_object) self.currently_folders_deep += 1 self.backPushButton.setEnabled(True) print("Increased folders deep to {}".format(self.currently_folders_deep)) print("previous folders object list contains: {}".format(len(self.previous_folder_object_list))) self.update_folders_label() if self.folder_object.contained_folders: self.folder_object = self.folder_object.contained_folders[sel] self.update_folders_label() self.update_folder_and_files_list_boxes(self.folder_object) def clear_folder_list_view(self): self.folder_list_being_cleared = True self.folderListView.clear() self.fileListView.clear() self.extensionsFolderListWidget.clear() self.folder_list_being_cleared = False def select_folder_push_button_clicked(self): self.folder_object = None self.previous_folder_object = None self.folderListView.clear() self.fileListView.clear() self.extensionsFolderListWidget.clear() self.extensionsTreeListWidget.clear() self.getTreeSizePushButton.setEnabled(True) self.selected_folder_name = os.path.abspath(QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory()) print("Select folder push button clicked - {}".format(self.selected_folder_name)) self.update_folders_label() if self.maxFolderDepthLineEdit.text(): max_depth = int(self.maxFolderDepthLineEdit.text()) else: max_depth=None self.folder_object = pyDiskX.Folder(full_path_name=self.selected_folder_name, max_depth=max_depth) self.update_folders_label() self.folder_list_view_selection_changed(sel=0, first=True) def update_folders_label(self): print("Updating folders label") if self.folder_object: self.foldersLabel.setText(str("Folders: {}".format(self.folder_object.full_path_name))) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) MainWindow = QtWidgets.QMainWindow() ui = Ui_MainWindow() ui.setupUi(MainWindow) sys.exit(app.exec_()) ``` #### File: jpuk/pyDiskX/ ```python import os import pathlib _OS = int() def __init__(): get_os() def get_os(): global _OS os_choice = {"nt": 0, "posix": 1} for o in os_choice: print(o) if o == _OS = os_choice[o] print("OS is {} setting _OS to {}".format(str(, _OS)) return _OS print("Unknown OS, assuming unix-like. OS = {}".format( _OS = 1 return -1 class TreeSize(): size = 0.0 root_path = "" def __init__(self, root_path=None): if root_path: self.root_path = root_path def add_folder_size(self, size): self.size += size return self.size class FilesFolders: id = 0 full_path_name = pathlib.Path() size = 0 def set_full_path_name(self, full_path_name): self.full_path_name = pathlib.Path(full_path_name) def set_id(self, id): = id class File(FilesFolders): file_name = "" is_file = False extension = "" def __init__(self, full_path_name=None): #print("File object created for {}".format(full_path_name)) if full_path_name != None: self.set_full_path_name(full_path_name) if os.path.isfile(full_path_name): self.is_file = True self.extract_filename_from_path() self.get_size() self.get_extension() else: print("Error - {} is not a valid file".format(full_path_name)) def get_size(self): self.size = (os.path.getsize(self.full_path_name) / 1024) / 1024 return self.size #print("Got size of file {} - {}MB".format(self.full_path_name, self.size)) def get_extension(self): if _OS == 0: self.file_name = str(self.file_name).upper() else: self.file_name = str(self.file_name) #print("Determining file type by extension for {}".format(self.file_name)) if self.file_name.rfind(".") == -1: #print("Unknown extension") self.extension = "UNKNOWN_EXT" else: self.extension = self.file_name[self.file_name.rfind(".") + 1:] #print("Extension is type {}".format(self.extension)) return self.extension def extract_filename_from_path(self): sep_pos = str(self.full_path_name).rfind(os.sep) self.file_name = str(self.full_path_name)[sep_pos+1:] #print("Filename {} extracted from path {}".format(self.file_name, self.full_path_name)) class Folder(FilesFolders): folder_name = str() folder_contents_list = [] contained_folders = [] contained_files = [] is_folder = bool() contained_files_size = 0.0 contained_file_extensions_tree = {} contained_file_extensions = {} tree_size = None parent_folder_object = None max_depth = None depth = 0 def __init__(self, parent=None, full_path_name=None, max_depth=None, depth=None): #print("Folder object created for {}".format(full_path_name)) if full_path_name != None: folder_name = "" self.folder_contents_list = [] self.contained_folders = [] self.contained_files = [] self.contained_file_extensions = {} = 0 self.size = 0 self.is_folder = False self.contained_files_size = 0 self.contained_file_extensions = {} self.tree_size = TreeSize(root_path=full_path_name) self.max_depth = max_depth if depth: self.depth = depth else: self.depth = 0 if parent: self.parent_folder_object=parent else: self.parent_folder_object = self self.set_full_path_name(full_path_name) if os.path.isdir(full_path_name): self.is_folder = True self.folder_name = self.enumerate_content() self.get_size() else: print("Error - {} is not a directory".format(full_path_name)) def enumerate_content(self): file_count = 0 folder_count = 0 #print("max depth is {}".format(self.max_depth)) if self.max_depth: if self.depth >= self.max_depth: print("Maximum folder depth reached! {}".format(self.max_depth)) return -1 for item in os.listdir(self.full_path_name): self.folder_contents_list.append(item) full_path = os.path.join(self.full_path_name, item) #print("Full path is {}".format(full_path)) try: if os.path.isdir(os.path.abspath(full_path)): #print("depth is {}".format(self.depth)) folder = Folder(parent=self.parent_folder_object, full_path_name=full_path, depth=self.depth+1, max_depth=self.parent_folder_object.max_depth) folder.set_id(folder_count) folder_count = folder_count + 1 self.contained_folders.append(folder) except: print("Error listing folder!") if os.path.isfile(os.path.abspath(full_path)): file = File(full_path) file.set_id(file_count) self.contained_files_size += (file.size / 1024) / 1024 file_count = file_count + 1 self.contained_files.append(file) if file.extension not in self.contained_file_extensions: self.contained_file_extensions[file.extension] = 1 self.contained_file_extensions_tree[file.extension] = 1 #print("added new extension to dict {}".format(file.extension)) else: self.contained_file_extensions[file.extension] += 1 self.contained_file_extensions_tree[file.extension] += 1 #print("found another file with an extension we've already recorded. {} now {}".format( # file.extension, self.contained_file_extensions[file.extension])) #print("Contents enumerated for {} - {} Files - {} Folders".format(self.full_path_name, file_count, folder_count)) def get_size(self): size = 0 if self.contained_files: for f in self.contained_files: size += f.size self.size = size self.parent_folder_object.tree_size.add_folder_size(size) print("Folder {} is {}MB".format(self.full_path_name, size)) return size # run init function when run as module __init__() ```
{ "source": "jpulakka/nordpool_diff", "score": 2 }
#### File: custom_components/nordpool_diff/ ```python from __future__ import annotations import voluptuous as vol import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.components.sensor import PLATFORM_SCHEMA, SensorEntity from homeassistant.const import STATE_UNKNOWN from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType, DiscoveryInfoType from homeassistant.util import dt NORDPOOL_ENTITY = "nordpool_entity" FILTER_LENGTH = "filter_length" FILTER_TYPE = "filter_type" RECTANGLE = "rectangle" TRIANGLE = "triangle" UNIT = "unit" # # PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend({ vol.Required(NORDPOOL_ENTITY): cv.entity_id, vol.Optional(FILTER_LENGTH, default=10): vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=2, max=20)), vol.Optional(FILTER_TYPE, default=TRIANGLE): vol.In([RECTANGLE, TRIANGLE]), vol.Optional(UNIT, default="EUR/kWh/h"): cv.string }) def setup_platform( hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType, add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback, discovery_info: DiscoveryInfoType | None = None ) -> None: nordpool_entity_id = config[NORDPOOL_ENTITY] filter_length = config[FILTER_LENGTH] filter_type = config[FILTER_TYPE] unit = config[UNIT] add_entities([NordpoolDiffSensor(nordpool_entity_id, filter_length, filter_type, unit)]) class NordpoolDiffSensor(SensorEntity): _attr_icon = "mdi:flash" def __init__(self, nordpool_entity_id, filter_length, filter_type, unit): self._nordpool_entity_id = nordpool_entity_id self._filter = [-1] if filter_type == TRIANGLE: triangular_number = (filter_length * (filter_length - 1)) / 2 for i in range(filter_length - 1, 0, -1): self._filter += [i / triangular_number] else: # RECTANGLE self._filter += [1 / (filter_length - 1)] * (filter_length - 1) self._attr_unit_of_measurement = unit self._attr_name = f"nordpool_diff_{filter_type}_{filter_length}" # : Entities should not include the domain in # their Unique ID as the system already accounts for these identifiers: self._attr_unique_id = f"{filter_type}_{filter_length}_{unit}" self._state = self._next_hour = STATE_UNKNOWN @property def state(self): return self._state @property def extra_state_attributes(self): # TODO could also add self._nordpool_entity_id etc. useful properties here. return {"next_hour": self._next_hour} def update(self): prices = self._get_next_n_hours(len(self._filter) + 1) # +1 to calculate next hour self._state = round(sum([a * b for a, b in zip(prices, self._filter)]), 3) # zip cuts off right self._next_hour = round(sum([a * b for a, b in zip(prices[1:], self._filter)]), 3) def _get_next_n_hours(self, n): np = self.hass.states.get(self._nordpool_entity_id) prices = np.attributes["today"] hour = # Get tomorrow if needed: if len(prices) < hour + n and np.attributes["tomorrow_valid"]: prices = prices + np.attributes["tomorrow"] # Nordpool sometimes returns null prices, # The nulls are typically at (tail of) "tomorrow", so simply removing them is reasonable: prices = [x for x in prices if x is not None] # Pad if needed, using last element: prices = prices + (hour + n - len(prices)) * [prices[-1]] return prices[hour: hour + n] ```
{ "source": "jpulec/blingalytics", "score": 4 }
#### File: blingalytics/utils/ ```python from datetime import timedelta, tzinfo ZERO = timedelta(0) HOUR = timedelta(hours=1) class UTCTimeZone(tzinfo): """Implementation of the UTC timezone.""" def utcoffset(self, dt): return ZERO def tzname(self, dt): return 'UTC' def dst(self, dt): return ZERO utc_tzinfo = UTCTimeZone() def unlocalize(aware_dt): """Converts a timezone-aware datetime into a naive datetime in UTC.""" return aware_dt.astimezone(utc_tzinfo).replace(tzinfo=None) ``` #### File: jpulec/blingalytics/ ```python import os import re from fabric.api import hide, lcd, local, prompt, settings PROJECT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) def test(): """Runs the blingalytics test suite.""" os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = PROJECT_PATH with settings(hide('warnings'), warn_only=True): local('python test/') def update_pypi(): """Updates versions and packages for PyPI.""" # Verify that we want to do this... sure = prompt('Are you sure you want to release a new version to PyPI? ' 'Have you pushed all changes to origin/master? [y/n]', validate=r'^[yYnN]') if sure.lower()[0] != 'y': return # First update version numbers with lcd(PROJECT_PATH): old_version = local('grep version=', capture=True) old_version ='\'([0-9a-zA-Z.]+)\'', old_version).group(1) new_version = prompt( 'What version number (previous: {0})?'.format(old_version), validate=r'^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\w*$') local('sed -i -r -e "s/{before}/{after}/g" {filename}'.format( filename=os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, ''), before=r"version='[0-9a-zA-Z.]+'", after="version='{0}'".format(new_version))) local('sed -i -r -e "s/{before}/{after}/g" {filename}'.format( filename=os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, 'docs', ''), before=r"version = '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+'", after="version = '{0}'".format('.'.join(new_version.split('.')[:2])))) local('sed -i -r -e "s/{before}/{after}/g" {filename}'.format( filename=os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, 'docs', ''), before=r"release = '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9a-zA-Z]+'", after="release = '{0}'".format(new_version))) # Then tag and push to git local('git commit -a -m "Revs version to v{0}"'.format(new_version)) local('git tag -f -a v{0} -m "v{0}"'.format(new_version)) local('git push origin master --tags') # Register new version on PyPI # Note: copy to /tmp because vagrant shared directories don't handle # links well, which are part of the sdist process local('cp -f -r {0} /tmp/'.format(PROJECT_PATH)) with lcd('/tmp/vagrant'): local('python register') local('python sdist upload') ``` #### File: test/caches/ ```python from datetime import datetime from decimal import Decimal import unittest from blingalytics.caches import InstanceIncompleteError from blingalytics.caches.redis_cache import RedisCache REDIS_HOST = '' REDIS_PORT = 6379 CREATE_INSTANCE_ARGS = [ 'report_name', '123abc', [ {'id': 1, 'name': 'Jeff', 'price': Decimal('1.50'), 'count': 40}, {'id': 2, 'name': 'Tracy', 'price': Decimal('3.00'), 'count': 10}, {'id': 3, 'name': 'Connie', 'price': Decimal('0.00'), 'count': 100}, {'id': 4, 'name': 'Megan', 'price': None, 'count': -20}, ], lambda: {'id': None, 'name': '', 'price': Decimal('4.50'), 'count': 32.5}, 86400, ] class TestRedisCache(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.cache = RedisCache(host=REDIS_HOST, port=REDIS_PORT) self.cache.__enter__() self.cache.conn.flushall() def tearDown(self): self.cache.__exit__(None, None, None) def test_create_instance(self): self.cache.create_instance(*CREATE_INSTANCE_ARGS) self.assertEqual( set(self.cache.conn.keys()), set(['report_name:123abc:3', 'report_name:123abc:ids:', 'report_name:123abc:index:0:', 'report_name:123abc:_done:', 'report_name:123abc:1', 'report_name:123abc:', 'report_name:123abc:0', 'report_name:123abc:2', 'report_name:123abc:index:1:', 'report_name:123abc:index:2:', 'report_name:123abc:index:3:', 'report_name:123abc:footer:']) ) def test_kill_cache(self): # Instance cache self.cache.create_instance(*CREATE_INSTANCE_ARGS) self.assertTrue(self.cache.conn.exists('report_name:123abc:')) self.cache.kill_instance_cache('report_name', '123abc') self.assertFalse(self.cache.conn.exists('report_name:123abc:')) # Report-wide cache self.cache.create_instance(*CREATE_INSTANCE_ARGS) self.assertTrue(self.cache.conn.exists('report_name:123abc:')) self.cache.kill_report_cache('report_name') self.assertFalse(self.cache.conn.exists('report_name:123abc:')) def test_instance_stats(self): # Before creating the instance in cache self.assertFalse(self.cache.is_instance_started('report_name', '123abc')) self.assertFalse(self.cache.is_instance_finished('report_name', '123abc')) self.assertRaises(InstanceIncompleteError, self.cache.instance_row_count, 'report_name', '123abc') self.assertRaises(InstanceIncompleteError, self.cache.instance_timestamp, 'report_name', '123abc') # After creating the instance in cache self.cache.create_instance(*CREATE_INSTANCE_ARGS) self.assertTrue(self.cache.is_instance_started('report_name', '123abc')) self.assertTrue(self.cache.is_instance_finished('report_name', '123abc')) self.assertEqual(self.cache.instance_row_count('report_name', '123abc'), 4) self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.cache.instance_timestamp('report_name', '123abc'), datetime)) def test_instance_rows(self): self.cache.create_instance(*CREATE_INSTANCE_ARGS) rows = self.cache.instance_rows('report_name', '123abc', sort=('id', 'asc'), limit=2, offset=1) self.assertEqual(list(rows), [ {'_bling_id': '1', 'id': 2, 'name': 'Tracy', 'price': Decimal('3.00'), 'count': 10}, {'_bling_id': '2', 'id': 3, 'name': 'Connie', 'price': Decimal('0.00'), 'count': 100}, ]) rows = self.cache.instance_rows('report_name', '123abc', sort=('price', 'desc'), limit=None, offset=0) self.assertEqual(list(rows), [ {'_bling_id': '1', 'id': 2, 'name': 'Tracy', 'price': Decimal('3.00'), 'count': 10}, {'_bling_id': '0', 'id': 1, 'name': 'Jeff', 'price': Decimal('1.50'), 'count': 40}, {'_bling_id': '2', 'id': 3, 'name': 'Connie', 'price': Decimal('0.00'), 'count': 100}, {'_bling_id': '3', 'id': 4, 'name': 'Megan', 'price': None, 'count': -20}, ]) def test_instance_footer(self): self.assertRaises(InstanceIncompleteError, self.cache.instance_footer, 'report_name', '123abc') self.cache.create_instance(*CREATE_INSTANCE_ARGS) self.assertEqual(self.cache.instance_footer('report_name', '123abc'), CREATE_INSTANCE_ARGS[3]()) ``` #### File: blingalytics/test/ ```python import json import unittest from blingalytics import helpers from blingalytics.caches.local_cache import LocalCache from mock import Mock from test import reports_basic, reports_django from test.support_base import mock_cache CACHE = LocalCache() class TestFrontendHelpers(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): report = reports_django.BasicDatabaseReport(CACHE) report.kill_cache(full=True) report = reports_basic.SuperBasicReport(CACHE) report.kill_cache(full=True) self.mock_runner = Mock() self.mock_cache = mock_cache() self.mock_cache.instance_rows.return_value = [] self.mock_cache.instance_footer.return_value = {'id': None} self.mock_cache.instance_row_count.return_value = 0 def test_report_response_basic(self): # Test report codename errors self.assertEqual(helpers.report_response({}, cache=CACHE)[0], '{"errors": ["Report code name not specified."]}') self.assertEqual(helpers.report_response({'report': 'nonexistent'}, cache=CACHE)[0], '{"errors": ["Specified report not found."]}') # Test metadata request body, mimetype, headers = helpers.report_response({ 'report': 'super_basic_report', 'metadata': '1', }, cache=CACHE) metadata = json.loads(body) self.assertEqual(set(metadata.keys()), set(['errors', 'widgets', 'header', 'default_sort'])) self.assertEqual(metadata['errors'], []) # Test user input errors body, mimetype, headers = helpers.report_response({ 'report': 'basic_database_report', }, cache=CACHE) response = json.loads(body) self.assertEqual(len(response['errors']), 1) # Test correct request body, mimetype, headers = helpers.report_response({ 'report': 'super_basic_report', 'iDisplayStart': '0', 'iDisplayLength': '10', 'sEcho': '1', }, cache=CACHE) response = json.loads(body) self.assertEqual(len(response['errors']), 0) self.assertEqual(response['iTotalRecords'], 3) self.assertEqual(response['iTotalDisplayRecords'], 3) self.assertEqual(response['sEcho'], '1') self.assertEqual(response['poll'], False) self.assertEqual(len(response['aaData']), 3) self.assertEqual(len(response['aaData'][0]), 2) self.assertEqual(len(response['footer']), 2) def test_report_response_runner(self): # Runner gets run self.mock_cache.is_instance_started.return_value = False self.mock_cache.is_instance_finished.return_value = False body, mimetype, headers = helpers.report_response({ 'report': 'super_basic_report', 'iDisplayStart': '0', 'iDisplayLength': '10', 'sEcho': '1', }, runner=self.mock_runner, cache=self.mock_cache) response = json.loads(body) self.mock_runner.assert_called_once_with('super_basic_report', {'sEcho': '1', 'iDisplayStart': '0', 'iDisplayLength': '10'}) self.assertEqual(response['errors'], []) self.assertEqual(response['poll'], True) # Runner already running does not get run self.mock_cache.reset_mock() self.mock_cache.is_instance_started.return_value = True self.mock_cache.is_instance_finished.return_value = False body, mimetype, headers = helpers.report_response({ 'report': 'super_basic_report', 'iDisplayStart': '0', 'iDisplayLength': '10', 'sEcho': '1', }, runner=self.mock_runner, cache=self.mock_cache) response = json.loads(body) self.assertFalse(self.mock_cache.called) self.assertEqual(response['errors'], []) self.assertEqual(response['poll'], True) def test_report_response_runner_local_cache(self): # Cannot use local cache with async runner self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, helpers.report_response, { 'report': 'super_basic_report', 'iDisplayStart': '0', 'iDisplayLength': '10', 'sEcho': '1', }, runner=self.mock_runner, cache=CACHE) def test_report_response_cache(self): # Validate that custom cache is used correctly self.mock_cache.is_instance_started.return_value = False self.mock_cache.is_instance_finished.return_value = False body, mimetype, headers = helpers.report_response({ 'report': 'super_basic_report', 'iDisplayStart': '0', 'iDisplayLength': '10', 'sEcho': '1', }, cache=self.mock_cache) response = json.loads(body) self.assertTrue(self.mock_cache.instance_rows.called) self.assertTrue(self.mock_cache.instance_footer.called) self.assertEqual(response['errors'], []) self.assertEqual(response['poll'], False) self.assertEqual(response['aaData'], []) ```
{ "source": "jpulec/django-protractor", "score": 2 }
#### File: management/commands/ ```python import os import sys from multiprocessing import Process from optparse import make_option import subprocess from import call_command from import BaseCommand from django.db import connection from django.test.runner import setup_databases class Command(BaseCommand): args = '[--protractor-conf] [--runserver-command] [--specs] [--suite] [--addrport]' help = 'Run protractor tests with a test database' option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option('--protractor-conf', action='store', dest='protractor_conf', default='protractor.conf.js', help='Specify a destination for your protractor configuration' ), make_option('--runserver-command', action='store', dest='run_server_command', default='runserver', help='Specify which command you want to run a server' ), make_option('--specs', action='store', dest='specs', help='Specify which specs to run' ), make_option('--suite', action='store', dest='suite', help='Specify which suite to run' ), make_option('--fixture', action='append', dest='fixtures', help='Specify fixture to load initial data to the database' ), make_option('--addrport', action='store', dest='addrport', type='string', help='port number or ipaddr:port to run the server on'), ) def handle(self, *args, **options): options['verbosity'] = int(options.get('verbosity')) if not os.path.exists(options['protractor_conf']): raise IOError("Could not find '{}'" .format(options['protractor_conf'])) self.run_webdriver() old_config = self.setup_databases(options) fixtures = options['fixtures'] if fixtures: call_command('loaddata', *fixtures, **{'verbosity': options['verbosity']}) if options['addrport'] is None: options['addrport'] = os.environ.get( 'DJANGO_LIVE_TEST_SERVER_ADDRESS', '8081') test_server_process = Process(target=self.runserver, args=(options,)) test_server_process.daemon = True test_server_process.start() authority = options['addrport'] if ':' not in authority: authority = 'localhost:' + authority live_server_url = 'http://%s' % authority params = { 'live_server_url': live_server_url } protractor_command = 'protractor {}'.format(options['protractor_conf']) protractor_command += ' --baseUrl {}'.format(live_server_url) if options['specs']: protractor_command += ' --specs {}'.format(options['specs']) if options['suite']: protractor_command += ' --suite {}'.format(options['suite']) for key, value in params.items(): protractor_command += ' --params.{key}={value}'.format( key=key, value=value ) return_code = # Terminate the live server process before tearing down the databases # to prevent the error # django.db.utils.OperationalError: database is being accessed by other users test_server_process.terminate() self.teardown_databases(old_config, options) if return_code: self.stdout.write('Failed') sys.exit(1) else: self.stdout.write('Success') def setup_databases(self, options): return setup_databases(options['verbosity'], False) def teardown_databases(self, old_config, options): """ Destroys all the non-mirror databases. """ if len(old_config) > 1: old_names, mirrors = old_config else: old_names = old_config for connection, old_name, destroy in old_names: if destroy: connection.creation.destroy_test_db(old_name, options['verbosity']) def runserver(self, options): use_threading = connection.features.test_db_allows_multiple_connections self.stdout.write('Starting server...') call_command( options['run_server_command'], addrport=options.get('addrport'), shutdown_message='', use_reloader=False, use_ipv6=False, verbosity=0, use_threading=use_threading, stdout=open(os.devnull, 'w') ) def run_webdriver(self): self.stdout.write('Starting webdriver...') with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f:['webdriver-manager', 'update'], stdout=f, stderr=f) subprocess.Popen(['webdriver-manager', 'start'], stdout=f, stderr=f) ```