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There are certain tools in the VoIP industry that help VoIP providers manage and secure their networks using a variety of available softwares and hardwares. These tools help ensure the smooth running of your operations and cutting of costs. With the rise of VoIP businesses, software that ties in all things VoIP for the customer has become critical for VoIP providers. Services that help manage billing, invoicing and everything else in between can help your VoIP business stay ahead of the rest. A single solution to managing all aspects of cloud services that allows users to sell, deliver, manage and invoice is a great way to satisfy customer needs. Below are things to consider in choosing the most appropriate tools to ensure your customers get the best service. To help monitor your VoIP network, you need specialized software that analyses network strength, call conditions and other issues, allowing you to ensure call quality and reliability. Management tools are offered as a standard part of PBX systems features and handle a variety of tasks designed to help VoIP providers with the running of their business. However, standard VoIP systems are limited in what they can offer, so VoIP providers are increasingly seeking additional network management tools to enhance existing capacity. This is despite some businesses choosing to stick with PBX systems management tools, even with the evidence suggesting that adding extra IP telephony management tools to your system actually saves costs. The ability to monitor the capacity of WAN infrastructure to handle VoIP calls allows you to continuously measure the quality of VoIP services, providing insights into VoIP network performance including packet loss, delay, and jitter. Other features offered with monitoring include performance reporting, where analyses of the source provide you with statistics on packet loss, delay, and jitter values, which, in turn, help you understand which side of the call experienced poor VoIP quality and why. Other VoIP analysis tools can track key metrics like call control and signaling, VoIP call status and caller details. This information can be helpful to you in many ways. A variety of tools exist to help manage and maintain your VoIP system, the three above are a great starting to point to ensure your operation are smooth and reliable.
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TBTB Adventure Camp is a full week of fun and activities created especially for your dog. In addition to chaperoned leash walks, your dog will be taken to the beach daily. Homer beaches are extremely dog friendly and our canine friends are free to run, romp, swim, sniff, and dig until their heart’s content. These basic doggie activities satisfy their natural instincts. There will be a weekly field trip across the bay for a trail adventure in the national park. Your dog will be transported on a chartered dog-friendly boat along with two chaperons. Weather permitting there will be shorter hikes on the trails in Homer during the week. Your dog will be served two delicious meals per day; the evening meal will be served in a Kong. Kong dining provides your dog a fun challenge and daily mental stimulation that house dogs often lack. With only 5 dogs permitted in camp per week, we have lots of time to pamper your dog. Homemade training treats will be given throughout his stay to reward your dog for good behavior. He will also have a pup tent of his own for private napping, or if he prefers he may sleep on the couch. Your dog will be drinking Pup-Pop filtered water treated onsite. You will receive a photographic greeting card of your dog with a written essay detailing his stay at Camp, a certificate of completion and a group 8×10 photograph for framing. Your dog will have so much fun he will want to come back year after year! $45/night with kibble, $50/night without. Multiple Dogs are $45/night for first dog,The Kennel Alternative, $40/night for all other dogs. If we feed them kibble, add $5 to each of these prices. Your dog will socialize with canine friends and enjoy organically prepared meals and famous Kong dining. A daily two-hour exercise romp on the beach or trail will be chaperoned and morning and evening leash walks will be provided. Homemade training treats will be given throughout his stay to reward your dog for good behavior. He will have a pup tent of his own for private sleeping or if he prefers he may sleep on the couch. For an additional fee we offer you and your dog some optional services at TBTB. If you have something you’re interested in that is not included here, talk to us. We are happy to accommodate other expectations you have for the camp. This method will teach your dog what is appropriate behavior within a household, addressing specific unwanted behavior patterns, using positive reward based motivation. Teaching home manners will be an ongoing process throughout the length of your dog’s stay. You will receive a review of your dog’s progress and written training recommendations to continue at home. In an organized classroom setting your dog will learn to sit, stay, down and come through repetition and rewards. The daily one-hour class will introduce him to focusing on the task at hand with the distraction of other dogs in the room. Practicing what is learned is essential and will be an ongoing focus for your dog while he is involved in other activities at camp. He will receive five basic lessons and will present what he has learned to you when you return. You will receive a review of your dog’s progress and continued recommendations to follow at home. * Organic Spa Treatments for Sensitive Skin. will work with a holistic expert to prescribe natural treatments. Using herbs and organic products, tinctures are made onsite to treat specific skin ailments, along with shampoos and conditioners, and oral treatments. Some ailments require internal cleansing as well as topical products. All products used are 100% organic and natural with no chemical preservatives. written instructions for continued treatment. * Grooming & Nail Clipping. If your dog needs a trim, a brand new doo, or a major makeover we will schedule an appointment and provide transportation to/from a professional salon. * Diet & Nutrition Evaluation. We will consult with a nutritional expert for evaluations on dogs that have food related problems with weight, food allergies, itchy skin and dull coats. A written report with diet and treatment recommendations will be provided to you. or fear, a 30-minute body massage can do wonders. Dogs love this individualized attention. Pickup service is available from the Homer Airport and included in the price of camp.Transportation arrangements from Anchorage and Kenai are made on an individual basis and charged accordingly. Favorite blanket, t-shirt or any clothing item that smells like you! Doggie Bed & Biscuit- $45/night with kibble, $40/night without. Multiple dog families: $45/night first dog, all others $40/night. If we feed them kibble, add $5 to each of these prices.
"Now, don't be sad Tom. Do you know what grown-ups call that?" he said. "No" said Tom, shaking his head wildly... "Aspiration" he replied.
This Privacy Statement applies to owned and operated by Basecamp Wales. This Privacy Statement describes how we collect and use the information, which may include personal data, you provide on our web site: It also describes the choices available to you regarding our use of your personal data and how you can access and update this data. If you wish to object to the processing set out under C-F and no opt-out mechanism is available to you directly (for instance in your account settings), to the extent applicable, please contact [email protected] . We rely on you to ensure that your personal data is complete, accurate and current. Please do inform us promptly of any changes to or inaccuracies of to your personal data by contacting [email protected] . We will handle your request in accordance with the applicable law.
Across industries, consumers are increasingly balking at one-size-fits-all approaches that create confusion-and dissatisfaction. To keep customers engaged loyal and satisfied, utilities must develop relationships that are meaningful and individualized for each customer. Hyper-relevant, personalized experiences are good for consumers and for top-line growth. Thanks to big data, engaging with customers through personalized recommendations and targeted digital marketing are now the expectations regardless of industry. At every interaction, data should be used to make it easier for customers to find and consume what they want, as well as how and when they want it. 92% of consumers surveyed would be more satisfied if their energy provider could personalize their overall customer experience.
A Wise Choice Desert View Chapel has been family owned and operated for over 50 years. A Wise Choice focuses on giving families superior service at extremely affordable prices. We focus on each families individual needs, and assist them in honoring the life of their loved one in an inexpensive, unforgettable way. quality of service, at such reasonable prices.
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Frigola Hotel, Lloret de mar...we stayed here in May 2011 and it was truly awful!. It was very cheap and so we didnt have high expectations, I do understand that generally you get what you pay for but this place was appalling. Run down and dirty with staff that were resigned to a summer of abuse from the very young, noisy guests...its a problem. The reception staff were fine with us because we didnt complain, we are older and I speak Spanish, in fact they even offered us a room at the top of the hotel as it was less noisy but the thought of being in a lift with any of the youngsters was enough to persuade us to stay put on the first floor. When you return to the Frigola at night, there are TWO guards in reception watching for trouble, which is fine downstairs, unfortunately they dont stop the 5am football games upstairs or the door slamming or shouting, there is never a minute of the day or night that is quiet in this hotel. The Frigola hotel is too run down to attract family tourism and of course the 'cheap' youngsters often forced to stay 3 or 4 persons to a scruffy room designed as a twin, have no respect for the place/people at all...its a problem.
On 15 May we’ll be covering three key themes: digitalisation, departments and assessing the ‘new' risk, and begin with a keynote that will redefine the perception of mobility. Join your peers, network, make new contacts, challenge conventional wisdoms and hear practical ideas to improve the performance of your travel programme. Travel buyers go for FREE! Practical ideas and solutions to common issues in the corporate travel sector that you can apply to your own travel programme. Now to be part of the conversation – Corporate travel buyers go for FREE! Sponsorship of the BBT Forums gives you a seat on the planning committee and the chance to help shape the conversation, as well as the opportunity to engage with senior travel buyers & procurement professionals. Be part of the panel? What makes the forums different?
I have written before about synaesthesia and how it effects me personally, and relates to my experience of music, both playing and listening to it. Synaesthesia is a physiological ‘condition’ (I hesitate to use this word, as I am in no way disabled by it), which literally means “a fusion of the senses”. Its incidence is considered to be about one in every two thousand people, though it may be far commoner, since its “sufferers” do not regard it as a condition for which they should seek help from a psychologist or neurologist. It is more common in women than in men. Musical synaesthesia is “one of the most common [forms], and perhaps the most dramatic” (Oliver Sacks). It is not known whether it is more common in musicians or musical people, but musicans are more likely to be aware of it. I have always had it, and until quite recently, I assumed that everyone else had it. It was only at dinner one evening, when I revealed that Monday is always red, Thursday is a brownish-mauve, and the key of B-flat major is sea-green, and my friends looked at me slightly askance and declared “You’re nuts, Fran!”, that I realised I was one of the one in two thousand…. A quick browse of the internet threw up some interesting articles, including colour analyses of some of Beethoven’s music, including the Kreutzer Sonata and the Pathetique. However, these are not the work of a synaesthete; rather a means of mapping the music in a more visual, easy-to-follow way. The most common form of synaesthesia is the experience of colours linked to letters and numbers (‘grapheme-colour’ synaesthesia), which is what I have. Synaesthetes are often highly intelligent, ambidexturous, creative individuals, with excellent memories. Synaesthetes are not mad! Nor is true synaesthesia a form of hallucination (though the drug LSD can induce temporary synaesthesia): for each synaesthete, their particular experience is unchanging. Aristotle wrote that the harmony of colours was like the harmony of sounds. This set the stage for a later connecting of specific light and sound frequencies, as Aristotle’s works were translated and incorporated into European scientific study. From the late 15th century, academics, scientists (including Isaac Newton) and musicians were assigning colour schemes to notation, intervals, and the musical scale. Musicians who were genuine synaesthetes include Franz Lizst, American pianist and composer, Amy Beach (1867-1944), who had both perfect pitch and a set of personal colours for musical keys, Rimsky-Korsakov, and Olivier Messaien. Scriabin claimed to have synaesthesia, but it is more likely that he was simply responding to the then salon fashion for “colour music”, and the writings of Russian mystic Madame Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society. Founder of the Futurist movement in art, Marinetti, aspired to have all the senses (he counted five) employed in “interactive synesthetic ecstasy”, and The Futurist Manifesto includes suggestions as to how colours, shapes and sounds combine, which has influenced composers and musicians, as well as artists. English composer Sir Arthur Bliss wrote a Colour Symphony, but this is not the product of a synaesthetic mind. Like Scriabin, he was influenced by the idea of “colour music”, though it was not a mystic association for him but rather a response to the symbolism usually associated with the colours of the English heraldic tradition. Messiaen’s music, for me, vibrates with colour. The fourth Vingt Regard, which I am studying, is full of chords with rich layers of colours stacked atop one another, flashes of bright gold, orange, royal blue, deep red. Combinations of colours were very important in his compositional process. “I see colours when I hear sounds, but I don’t see colours with my eyes. I see colours intellectually, in my head.” He found that raising a note an octave produced a paler shade of the same colour, while lowering the note produced a darker hue. Only if the pitch altered would the colour change (my experience is identical). His colour associations were very consistent (as mine are), and so to help musicians understand his particular colour schemes, he annotated his scores with the precise colours he perceived. The piano part, in the second movement of his extraordinary and moving Quartet for the End of Time, written in a German PoW camp in 1940-41, contains the instruction to aim for “blue-orange” chords, a difficult concept for a non-synaesthete to grasp, perhaps. I have yet to meet a fellow synaesthete who is also a musician. The subject fascinates me, in a non-scientific way, and I would be delighted to hear from other musicians who also see colours, either when they listen to music, or when they read it off the score. My experience tends to be more intense when I am actually reading music. A friend (and lover, as it turned out) of my mother, who fancied himself as a unreconstructed hippie and who used to smoke hand-rolled joints in the back garden of our house in the leafy commuter town of Rickmansworth, gave me a new compilation tape every birthday during the years that he and my mother enjoyed an association. For my 18th birthday, it was a collection of songs from the year of my birth, 1966, which was quite inventive. I used to play it a lot, and it included tracks like ‘Paint it Black’ and ’19th Nervous Breakdown’ (The Rolling Stones), ‘Summer in the City’ (The Lovin’ Spoonful), ‘Shapes of Things’ (The Yardbirds), and ‘Sunshine Superman’ (Donovan). At the time, I was deeply into late 60s bands like The Doors and Jefferson Airplane, and female protest singers such as Joan Baez, Janis Joplin and Joni Mitchell. The compilation tape, made for a friend, or, more significantly, a boyfriend, became a vehicle for unexpressed or inexpressible emotions and barely-concealed longing. On a radio programme I caught the other day, one of the guests was lamenting the demise of the compilation tape, now that we don’t have cassette players any longer. But with the advent of iTunes and similar music programmes, it is possible to create compilations and “mixes” once again – and it’s a whole lot easier these days because you simply “drag and drop” the tracks into the new playlist. Newer versions of iTunes have a neat function called ‘Genius’ which will create compilations for you, based on a highlighted track. It looks clever, as if the artificial intelligence of iTunes is able to match certain tracks with others to create a coherent playlist, but in reality all it is doing is using some kind of techie ju-ju and searching by genre and tempo. It copes less well with classical music, for example, pairing a Bach Cantata with a Chopin Prelude. I still make my own mixes, mostly for listening in the car. I do not have a CD player in the house any longer: when it finally gave up the ghost last year, I didn’t bother to replace it. Instead, all my music is stored on the main house computer and is streamed to a high-quality sound system in the sitting room via the magical gadget that is Apple TV. I also have a very old, now very collectible first generation iPod, on which almost my entire music library is stored. The iPod is so old (barely 10 years!) that its battery no longer charges, but it works off the mains and can be plugged into the hi-fi. So I make ‘mixes’ for long car journeys, a trio of CDs especially for the campervan (when I had it), or for 8-hour drives down the autoroute to the Alps when you need stuff you can sing along to to keep you awake (‘Hallejulah’ by K D Lang was popular at Christmas!). I also keep a CD of my current repertoire for listening to when I’m driving. Then there’s ‘Chopin Favourites’, ‘Schubert Favourites’, ‘Shorter Beethoven’ and ‘Oddments’, a collection of mostly piano music ranging from Bach to John Adams which just seems to fit together nicely. and is enjoyable and stimulating to listen to. One of the best features of iTunes is that you can purchase a single track, rather than a whole album. So I bought Sheila Chandra’s ‘Ever So Lonely’, hit the Genius button, and hey presto! there was an hour of mostly ‘ambient’ music which seems to suit the late evening when everyone’s had one too many glasses of wine and wants to chill on the sofa. Brian Eno’s ‘An Ascent’ (from the ‘Apollo Atmospheres and Soundtracks’ album) threw up an even more laid back mix via the power of Genius. I’ve found a truly charming and very unusual venue for my Christmas concert – and it’s only 10 minutes from where I live. There are many hidden gems in and around London which serve as music venues. Last summer, I discovered Sutton House, a fine Elizabethan building in Hackney, managed by the National Trust. It boasts a charming, intimate and friendly recital space, and in the interval you can enjoy drinks and strawberries and cream in the pretty courtyard. I was impressed not just by the space but by the audience when I visited last summer: a very different crowd from the Wigmore, and one sensed a great deal of support and enthusiasm from the audience throughout the performance. Across the river, at Walton, is Riverhouse Barn, a converted 18th century barn, which retains many of its original features. It hosts music events, as well as exhibitions and other arts and drama activities for children and adults. The Red Hedgehog in Highgate looked so unprepossessing the first time I visited it in winter 2006 that I walked straight past it: from the outside, it looked like a kebab shop! (It has since undergone considerable restoration.) Once inside, it is a little like visiting Schubert’s salon (it is in fact named after the coffee house in Vienna which Schumann, Mendelssohn and especially Brahms and friends liked to visit). It offers a variety of music, poetry and drama events throughout the year and has been host to some eminent performers, including pianist Peter Donohoe and actor Simon Callow. The great thing about attending a musical event in places such as these is that one can get up close and personal with the performers in a way that is impossible in a bigger venue. Watching the Fitzwilliam Quartet playing Haydn, Shostakovich and Mozart last summer was fascinating: how the players interact with each other, and the soloist (my piano teacher), see the sweat on their brows which are furrowed with concentration, and all the other gestures, big and small, which go into producing music. It reminds us that so much of the music that was written before circa 1850 was meant to be enjoyed in this way: it was salon music, to be played for friends and amongst friends. The new recital season at the Red Hedgehog opens on 7th October with what promises to be a fine concert celebrating the bicentenaries of two great composers for the piano, Chopin and Schumann. The Red Hedgehog is conveniently located close to Highgate tube station. Sutton House in Hackney is the regular home of Sutton House Music Society, whose concert programme for the 2010/11 opens next month, and concludes, in June next year, with a performance by my teacher, Penelope Roskell, which includes Schumann’s ‘Papillons’ and the Sonata in G minor. ‘Moderate’, ‘restrained’, e.g. allegro moderato (‘a little slower than allegro ’). In moderate tempo……. Used chiefly as a direction. ‘Moderato’ is one of those rather nebulous musical terms, like andante (“at a walking pace”). If I ask one of my students what it means, they say “moderately”. But what does it really mean? At the most basic level, it is a tempo marking, slower than allegretto, but faster than andante. The modern metronome gives a marking of 96 to 100, a very narrow range – and I would always guard against assigning a specific metronome mark to a piece marked moderato, or allegro moderato, or molto moderato. Like so much else in music, moderato is not just a tempo marking; it also suggests mood and character. It is personal feeling and sense of music, and one person’s moderato might be rather different from another’s, both in terms of tempo and character. The opening movement of Schubert’s last sonata is marked molto moderato, literally “very moderately”. And taken literally, that could result in a very slow tempo, virtually alla breve (two beats in a bar), which can make the music appear to drag. Schubert also used the German term mässig, implying the calm flow of a considered allegro. But the word “allegro” suggests a certain character as well as a certain speed, and so the moderato marking is more appropriate, Schubert suggesting in it a graceful strolling tempo. There are many, many different interpretations of Schubert’s marking, resulting in some wildly varying lengths of the first movement. Richter’s is an almost self-indulgent 25 minutes – listening to it, you get the feeling he is thinking about every single note and where to place it; while Maria Joao Pires brings it in at 20 minutes, which feels both fluid and eloquent, and Imogen Cooper at 16 minutes, which is thoughtful and serene. In another recording I have, one which I listen to most often, and used as a benchmark when I was learning the piece, the movement lasts just over 21 minutes, yet at no point is there a sense of the music stagnating, even in the most poignant sections; it moves forward with grace. When I was learning the sonata a couple of years ago, I had a tendency to play the opening movement “molto molto moderato”! This was partly to enable me to cope with some of the more tricky measures in the development section, but whenever I played it, I had a terrible sense of the music plodding. When I listen to the piece, I always feel the opening movement suggests a great river broadening into its final course before reaching the sea: unhurried but with continual forward motion. There are moments of “other-wordliness” in this movement as well, which demand sensitive rubato playing and some very fine pianissimos. There are storms too, but these are short-lived, and do not disturb the overall, almost hymn-like, serenity of the movement. But no matter how often I practised the wretched movement, it always sounded chunky, and “notey”, as if the river was made of treacle through which one was wading painful step after painful step! Discussing my difficulty with my friend Michael was more a discussion of the meaning of moderato in a literal sense rather than in relation to Schubert. In the end, Michael suggested I tried playing the movement quicker: the difference was instant. Never mind that some passages were still very rough in my hands, the overall sense of the music was of a relaxed serenity and spaciousness. There was still time to hear every note and to enjoy each one, but there was also a much greater forward propulsion, especially in the climactic passages of the development section, which highlight Schubert’s long lines of melody and the overall evolution of the movement. Armed with Michael’s helpful advice and my renewed interest in the work, it was one of the first pieces I presented to my teacher when I started having lessons again, nearly two year’s ago. In Chopin’s Ballade in G minor, a piece of fluctuating tempos and ever-changing moods and textures, the first theme is also marked moderato. Here, I would read this marking as a much slower tempo than in the Schubert sonata. The mood is very different too: the key is darker, and the off-beat quaver figures and the rather uncertain harmonies, with the prominent use of diminished and dominant seventh chords to add moments of tension which are not always resolved immediately, create a sense of hesitancy in the music, as if it is not quite sure where it is going. After the fioritura, the opening theme returns, slightly elaborated with a sighing quaver figure, but rather than increase the sense of forward motion, I feel the music becomes more suspended; thus when one reaches the direction agitato, there is a far greater sense of climax. This continues right through to the arpeggiated figures and onwards, in a section marked sempre piu mosso. After the great, memorable second theme is heard, the first theme returns, this time in A minor, and the music returns to the moderato tempo and mood of the opening. Here once again, uncertain harmonies are used to contrive a feeling of suspense, while the insistent repeated low E’s in the bass tether the music even more firmly in one place. This is a useful device for introducing another climax, which seems to suddenly free itself from the restraints of the moderato marking; the restatement of the second theme on a far grander scale than its first appearance. So, one could argue here that the use of moderato at the opening of the piece, and its reappearance later on, is a very deliberate device which serves to create moments of great tension, suspense and climax. An interesting discussion of tempo came up during the piano course I attended in the spring. One of the students played some Bach, one of the French suites, I believe, the opening movement of which he took at such a lick, we could hardly hear the notes. When asked to put the brakes on, the result was charming: measured and elegant. This led to a discussion about “comfortable tempos”: just as one person’s moderato may be different from another’s, it is also true for presto or allegro. Nimbleness of brain and fingers can result in very lively, speedy, clean playing: if you feel comfortable playing at that speed, good for you. But speed at the expense of accuracy or musicality can wreck a piece. The opening movement of Poulenc’s Suite in C, which I am currently learning, is marked Presto, and on my recording Pascal Rogé takes it at an alarming presto, far quicker than my 44 year old brain and fingers can manage – at the moment. Thus, I am practising it at a “comfortable” tempo; eventually, I hope that comfortable tempo will be quicker – the music needs to sound light yet sophisticated (its C Major key gives it an innocence which should shine through all the time) – but for the time being I am concentrating on accuracy, with a beautiful sound. It ain’t easy: sometimes just learning the notes is hard enough, without all the other attendant directions and markings one has to take note of and execute! Posted in General, Practising, Repertoire, Technique and tagged as Chopin G minor Ballade, moderato, musical directions, Schubert, Schubert B flat sonata.
The place we stayed, Yukawa Onsen, is an excellent place. They provide ice climber reduction, and in fact on that evening only ice climbers were there. Dinner and breakfast was excellent, and Masumi and I even got our meat-free diet. During the dinner we chatted with other ice climbers, got lots of good tips, and made new friends.
Great things and people that I discovered, learned, read, met, etc. in 2012. No particular ordering is implied. Not everything is new. A short lesson in perspective — easily the best post of 2012 in my mind. The personal analytics of my life — Wolfram’s dogged drive to collect data on his life, day in, day out, over the course of decades. A Yesod tutorial — I had great plans to create something with this post as a basis, but alas… still a great post though. APL is more French than English — I had never read this before this year and loved it. How to Host a Dungeon — A highly addictive game that I found this year. Engelbart’s Violin — A beautiful post about keyboards and chording and enhancing the human potential. 10 Technical Papers Every Programmer Should Read (At Least Twice) — My most popular post of 2011 was also my most popular of 2012 — go figure. Warren’s Abstract Machine: a tutorial reconstruction by Hassan Aït-Kaci — I’ll need to go through this a few more times to truly get it, but it’s clear that it’s something special. Real World Haskell by Bryan O’Sullivan, Don Stewart, and John Goerzen — I’m not sure why I waited so long to read this, but I’m thankful that I finally did. The Recursive Universe: Cosmic Complexity and the Limits of Scientific Knowledge by William Poundstone — A beautiful book about cellular automata that I learned of via the inimitable Reginald Braithwaite. Bootstrapping: Douglas Engelbart, Coevolution, and the Origins of Personal Computing by Thierry Bardini — a wonderful book about one of the true pioneers of computing, his philosophy and his dismissal that I found via Stanislav Datskovskiy. Mindstorms: Children, Computers, And Powerful Ideas by Seymour Papert — I’ve read bits and pieces of Papert’s works, but I finally had the pleasure to read his most famous work. Electronic Music Review — a long dead journal, but still a compelling read. Borges: A Life by Edwin Williamson — an account of the life of one of my favorite authors who was less messed up than I thought. In Patagonia by Bruce Chatwin — I’ve wanted to read this for years, but could never find an affordable copy. It was well worth the wait. The Idiot by Dostoevsky — through some odd confluence of events I’ve never read Dostoevsky, so it was very nice to finally read this tense, yet approachable work. Botchan by Natsume Soseki — written in 1906 in Japan this book has a surprisingly modern feel. The Machinery of Life by David Goodsell — learned of this through Alan Kay and was blown away by it. Amazing illustrations and understandable explanations are a humbling inspiration for someone who’s tried to teach a technical topic. The Star Rover by Jack London — in American high schools many kids are made to read London’s Call of the Wild. A truly progressive school would assign this gem. The Rings of Saturn by Sebald — falls right in the vein of House of Leaves, Kafka, Ovid and the works of Borges. My wife, my kids, Chris Houser, Rich Hickey, David Nolen, Stuart Halloway, Russ Olsen, Peter Seibel, Sam Aaron, Brenton Ashworth, Craig Andera, Brian McKenna, Outlaw Vern, Jim Weirich, Jeremy Ashkenas, Oleg Kiselyov, Dave Herman, Mahmud, Carin Meier, Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant, Phil Bagwell, and Reginald Braithwaite. More Ruby — I pulled this off while working at Relevance but have scaled back since leaving. I do miss it from time to time. Make my way through the core.logic README — My trip through the README turned into an enormous yak shave. However, I think the core.logic plan was satisfied in other ways. Holy smokes, man. How do you get all this stuff done? Reading all this gives me the impression that you do little besides read and code. I’m soooo happy for you. And envious. The moment when one first discovers Klaus Nomi is magical. The wondrous consternation, the disbelief, and then its utter suspension. And Ulysses is overrated. Don’t sweat it. I’d skip Snow Crash. Long story short: Online game is used as a trojan horse to deliver a virus to the brains of hackers themselves; it’s mutating virus that crosses from the virtual to the bio. And then the samurai swords come out. Very creative and cutting edge (written in ’92, it predates 2nd Life & WoW by at least 10 years). However, not Stephenson’s best writing. I think Cryptonomicon (the usage of “computers” in WWII to crack code) is a better subject and is better written. I’ll have to do some serious reading before I can comment on much else that you posted here. Thanks for links! Great selection, but my bigger question is how on earth do you find all this time for reading with kids? My wife and I have our first, now one year old, and my reading has ground to a near-halt. find all this time for reading with kids? My kids are older. It’s definitely easier to find time now then it was when they were 1.
Xiaomi launched the Redmi Y1, a budget smartphone under the new ‘Redmi Y’ series in India earlier this month. This introduced in China recently as Redmi Note 5A. This comes after a successful Redmi 4 that was launched earlier this year. This also comes with a 16-megapixel front-facing camera that you rarely see in smartphones in the price range. Specifications of the phone look impressive for the price, is this one of the best in the price range? Let us find out in the review. We recently unboxed the Redmi Y1, check out the video below. The Redmi 4A has a 5.5-inch HD 2.5D curved display with a resolution of 1280 by 720 pixels and a pixel density of about 267 PPI. It has 1000:1 contrast ratio, 72% NTSC color gamut and 450 nits brightness. The phone also has Corning Gorilla Glass protection. The display is bright, colors are vibrant and the sunlight legibility is good as well. Even though the pixel density is less than the 5-inch HD screen on the Redmi 4 and 4A, the display is good for the price. There is a black border around the display, which might look weird for some. It is 153 mm tall, 76.2mm wide and has a screen-to-body ratio of about 72%, which is similar to most of the phones with a 5.5-inch screen. Under the display options there are different options to adjust colors and contrast based on your preference. There is also reading mode that lets you reduce the display’s blue light emission so it doesn’t cause eye strain when you are reading at night. It has a 16-megapixel camera above the display, next to the earpiece and there is also an LED flash light on the right side, next to the usual set of ambient light and proximity sensors. There is also a notification LED next to the camera, which is hardly visible when it’s off. It also has a gyroscope and a magnetic sensor, otherwise known as a magnetometer. The usual menu, home, and back buttons are present below the display. These are not backlit but offers haptic feedback when pressed. Xiaomi doesn’t miss out the Infrared sensor on the top for Remote function. 3.5mm audio jack and a secondary microphone are present on the top. Micro USB slot is present on the bottom and the loudspeaker is present on the right side of the USB slot, while the one on the left just houses a microphone. On the right side, volume rockers and the power button are present and the SIM and microSD slots are present on the left side. Unlike its earlier phones, Xiaomi has finally added a dedicated dual SIM and microSD slots arranged in a single tray. This is a welcome move. The phone has a 13-megapixel rear camera with LED flash on the back. There is also a fingerprint sensor below it. Even though the phone has a large 5.5-inch screen, the fingerprint sensor is easily accessible when holding the phone on a single hand. The back has a brushed metallic finish and the phone has an aluminium alloy frame to reduce the heat, according to the company. The back is a bit slippery for one-handed usage. It has a 3080mAh built-in battery. It weighs 153 grams, which is good considering the huge battery. The Redmi Y1 comes with a 13-megapixel rear camera with LED flash, PDAF and f/2.2 aperture. It also has a 16-megapixel front-facing camera with LED flash, 5-element lens, 76.4-degree wide-angle lens, OmniVision sensor and f/2.0 aperture. The camera UI is familiar with other Xiaomi smartphones with flash and HDR toggles on the top, front camera toggle on the bottom along with option to select modes (Panorama, Timer (3 to 10 seconds), Audio trigger, manual mode to adjust white balance and ISO (100 to 3200), Straighten, Beautify, HHT (Hand held twilight), Scene and Tilt-shift to blur a part of an image. It has image preview window, camera and video buttons on the right side. For the front camera, it has beautify mode, pro mode and smart mode that guesses your age using facing recognition algorithm. Coming to the image quality, daylight shots are good in bright conditions and some images are dull when it’s cloudy, HDR shots better, macro shots are good. Low-light shots have a lot of noise as usual. Images with flash are good and the flash is not overpowering. At the launch the company said that the front camera uses pixel binning to reduce noise and for clearer and sharper final image. Daylight front camera shots are good, but in low-light you can see a lot of noise in the image even when LED flash is on. Overall the phone has a good selfie camera, but the rear camera is just average. It can record videos at 1080p resolution at 30 fps. Video quality is decent and the audio is crisp, thanks to the secondary microphone. It has time-lapse, but doesn’t have slow-motion video recording. Check out the Full HD video sample below. Unlike most of the budget Redmi smartphones that run Android 6.0 (Marshmallow), this runs Android 7.1.2 (Nougat) out of the box with MIUI on top. Our unit was running MIUI 9 Global Beta. The company has already started testing stable ROM and should push out the final update in the next few days as it had promised. MIUI 9 adds a lot of features including improved notifications, split screen, improved apps like Mi Drop to transfer of files between any Android device without requiring an internet connection. It also has new App Vault feature that shows shortcuts to access apps quickly by when you swipe left in the homescreen. You can add up to 8 shortcuts. There is also App lock that lets you protect your apps with a password and the dual apps feature lets you run app like WhatsApp with two different accounts at the same time. Out of 3GB RAM, you get 2.8GB of usable RAM, and 1.5GB of RAM is free when default apps are running in the background. Out of 32GB, you get 23.49GB of free storage since OS and apps take over 7GB of space. The built-in Cleaner inside the storage lets free up space by clearing cache and obsolete files. Apart from the usual set of utility apps, Google apps and Xiaomi’s own set of apps, it comes pre-loaded with Amazon Shopping, WPS Office and UC News apps. You can easily uninstall these apps. Since the phone has an infrared sensor for remote function, it comes with Mi Remote that lets you control your home appliances easily. It worked flawlessly with Airtel Set-top box, Samsung TV and AC. It also supports A/V receiver, DVD Player, Projector, Camera and more. The phone has a fingerprint sensor on the back. It immediately unlocks phone just by keeping your finger on the home button so that you don’t have to press it. You can add up to 5 fingerprints. The Mi Music Player is the default music player. There is also equalizer. It also has FM Radio with recording. Audio through the speaker is decent. Since the speaker is present on the bottom, audio doesn’t get muffled when the phone is on a flat surface. Audio through earphones is good as well. It has the usual set of connectivity features such as Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.2, GPS + GLONASS. It also has USB OTG support that lets you connect external drives. It has 4G connectivity and also has Voice-over-LTE (VoLTE) support for Reliance Jio. Both the SIMs support 4G, but you can enable 4G only in one SIM at a time, while the other goes to 3G. You can set preferred SIM for a voice call, text and data from the SIM card manager. It also has LTE band 1 (2100MHz) for Vodafone 4G in some circles, unlike some Redmi phones that lack it. The dialer and messaging UI are similar to other Xiaomi smartphones running MIUI 9. Since this is a dual SIM phone, you get the option to select either SIMs when calling or sending a text message. There are no call drops and the earpiece volume is good. Coming to the performance, the phone is powered by an Octa-Core Snapdragon 435 Mobile Platform with eight ARM Cortex A53 cores clocked at 1.4GHz per core and has 3GB or 4GB of RAM depending on the model. The performance is good without any lags. It get a bit heated on intensive gaming and 4G data use, but it doesn’t too hot to handle. It also has a Adreno 505 GPU that offers good gaming performance. Since the phone has a HD display, the SoC coupled with up to 4GB is more than enough to power the phone. That said, check out some synthetic benchmark scores below. It scored 45551 points and topped the AnTuTu Benchmark 6. It scored 675 points in Geekbench 4 Single-Core benchmark and grabbed the second spot. It scored 2573 points in Geekbench 4 Multi-Core benchmark and grabbed the second spot. It scored 9932 points and topped the 3D Mark Ice Storm Unlimited GPU benchmark. Coming to the battery life, the 3080mAh (typical) / 3000mAh (minimum) built-in battery offers decent battery life, even though the it doesn’t have a huge battery like a Redmi Note 4 or the Redmi 4. It lasts for a whole day even with heavy use and with average use it lasts more than a day, thanks to optimization in the MIUI 9. Sadly, the phone doesn’t have fast charging so it takes about 2 and half hours to charge the phone. It achieved a One Charge Rating of 14 hours and 37 minutes mainly due to brilliant talk time. Check out the complete set of Redmi Y1 battery life test results here. The Xiaomi Redmi Y1 goes on sale every week exclusively on and To summarize, here are the pros and cons of the smartphone.
Early detection of breast cancer symptoms can save lives. Using a digital mammography, breast cancer can be diagnosed very early or ruled out. Digital mammography is an X-ray examination with a very low radiation dose. Tumours can also be detected that cannot yet be felt. And if symptoms such as lumps, hardened areas or pain have been detected, mammography helps to clarify these. It is also possible to carry out mammography after plastic surgery. We use a modern full-field digital mammography system, a GE Senographe Essential. The system adapts optimally to the breast volume and the breast density. The best combination of the imaging parameters for optimal image quality at the lowest radiation dose is automatically chosen for each breast. The diagnosis monitors are regularly checked according to EUREF®. MR mammography: Using the new 18-channel mamma coil on our 3-tesla and 1.5-tesla MRT scanners, the approx. 1,500 MR mammographies carried out every year are optimised even further. How is a mammography examination carried out? A mammography is a radiological examination of the breast. It has to be slightly compressed for this – two X-rays are taken of each breast. The digital images are then stored in our image archive and are therefore always available for comparison. The compression of the breast can be slightly unpleasant, but the examination does not take very long. We recommend that hormonally active women make an appointment for the examination in the second week of their cycle because the breast is then at its least sensitive. When and how often should I have a mammography? As part of the new early detection programme for breast cancer, women between the ages of 45 and 70 are invited by letter to a mammography screening every two years. Women between the ages of 40 and 44 and from the age of 70 have the possibility of requesting an invitation to a mammography screening by telephone on the hotline 0800 500 181 or online at Does a mammography examination involve risks? The radiation dose of a mammography for two X-rays per breast only corresponds to about ten per cent of the natural radiation to which we are exposed on average per year in Austria. Through regular mammography examinations, cancer can be detected when it is still at a treatable stage. Since breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women, it is a much larger risk not to have the examination. We recommend that you come in the second week of your cycle. Women who do not have a cycle can make the appointments for examinations at any time. On the day of the examination, please do not use any cream or powder and inform us beforehand if you could be pregnant. If you have any images or results of earlier examinations, surgical reports or histological results, please bring these with you to the mammography.
Getting ready for super bowl weekend in ATL! I will be revealing the 2 Stripper outfits I choose to wear this weekend! watch until the end to see reveal! ????FOLLOW my son channel for the kids ! Aliexpress Badminton Gear is Super cheap and super Awesome.. Hell yeah!
Exclusive Edition-Arizona Mojave Black Turquoise (Pear 16.00 Ct), Amethyst and Rhodolite Garnet Pendant in Platinum Overlay Sterling Silver 20.000 Ct. Colour up your mundane, everyday ensemble with this transfixing pendant from TJC. Stealing the show at the first glance is the glorious 16.00 carats black Mohave Turquoise pear-shaped stone. You will also find pebbled African Amethyst and Rhodolite Garnets encrusted in a captivating alternate pattern. Jewelled in platinum overlaying sterling silver design of 20.000 carats, this pendant will be a penchant for your dreams. Mojave Black Turquoise Pear 22x16 Cabochon 1 16.000ct. Amethyst Round 4 Faceted 9 2.000ct. Rhodolite Garnet Oval 4x3 Faceted 9 2.000ct.
Police are appealing for help after a break-in to a Bearsden sports centre. The Allander Sports Centre at Milngavie Road was targeted overnight on Saturday, November 24 and Sunday, November 25. It is believed the thieves may have been disturbed as there was no damage and nothing was stolen from the premises. If anyone saw anything suspicious in the vicinity of the centre, please contact Milngavie police on 101.
In just a few days it will be time to celebrate one of the diciest holidays of the year: New Year's. New Year's (well New Year's eve) can be fun, but can also be miserable because the parties are often bad, transportation is usually scarce, and there are expectations about staying up late. Exactly 100 years ago today, someone named David Epstein wrote this great letter to the New York Times slamming the celebration. Hilary Sargent dug it out of the archives and tweeted it yesterday. UPDATE: And here are some more letters from the same date, which show that the more things change, the more things stay exactly the same.
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Have a Jennings Victory Chief. Have to manually return handle after each play. Took pump apart. Large rubber gasket around front of the push rod looks good. Small rubber (?) gasket on inside of cap is worn. Several questions. What do I replace the small gasket with & should it be glued to the inside of the cap? Is this an air cylinder only -- no fluid? After cleaning the cylinder should the rod be oiled or greased? Anything else to know? Thanks! The pump head is not rubber. It is made of leather. Very hard to find a replacement, Usually go buy some leather scraps if you have a leather store or buy a pair of cheap leather gloves a cut them up to the size your original pump leather is. The plunger side should not have anything around it, it should be free moving. Thanks mechanic. Neophyte here. So I cut the leather to fit snugly around the push rod & glue it to the back cap? The plunger looks good & moves freely. Anything else to know? No glue !! Just screw the new leather to the rod and ease it into the tube. Clean tube and all other parts first. A little oil on the rod 3 in one or 30 weight just with a cloth or use your finger. That should be about it. Thanks again. Will do & post result. Just 1 more question as the leather was totally deteriorated. Should I cut it the size if a nickel or as large as the cylinder? Take the original leather off and flatten it to get your diameter. It should fit over the brass spokes. then you carefully slide it into the cleaned tube. Suction should be right away. Then reassemble. Thanks to both of you. Just bought 2 just in case. This forum is so great! Nice to know help & support is just a few clicks away.
Santa Monica, CA, July 8, 2016 – Skydance Television today announced that award-winning producer-writer Marti Noxon, who has a multi-year overall development deal with the Company, has named Maria Grasso to the newly created position of President of Tiny Pyro, effective immediately. Grasso will report to Noxon and in her new role will oversee all development for Noxon’s production company, including Skydance’s Dietland, an adaptation of the novel by the same name written by Sarai Walker. Set against the backdrop of the beauty industry, this part character drama and part revenge fantasy will explore society’s obsession with weight loss and beauty in a bold, original and funny way. Tiny Pyro was founded in 2015 and in addition to its current production of CBS medical drama Code Black, has multiple projects in development. “As our priority development slate with Skydance Television rapidly expands, I am thrilled to have found in Maria a new creative partner to help shepherd Tiny Pyro’s efforts in bringing a diverse slate of high quality series to the screen,” commented Marti Noxon. “Maria is an extremely accomplished creative executive whose depth and breadth of experience will serve as a strong extension to Skydance Television’s already highly productive working relationship with Marti and the Tiny Pyro team,” added Marcy Ross, President of Skydance Television. “I have long admired Marti’s talent and taste in material. At the same time, I am so impressed with Skydance Television’s deep commitment to storytelling and the outstanding reputation it has earned among writers, so joining this team is an incredibly exciting next step for me and I cannot wait to get started,” said Grasso. Grasso has vast experience as a television executive running development and programming departments at a number of networks and studios, including Lifetime, The WB, Warner Bros and Universal. She has developed and overseen production of such hit series as Supernatural, Army Wives, One Tree Hill and Everwood. At Grasso’s own production company, One-Two Punch Productions, she oversaw projects at such premium outlets as HBO, AMC and Amazon, and also executive produced Finding Carter for MTV. Deb Spera, Grasso’s partner at One-Two Punch, will continue to run the production company under a first look deal at ITV Studios America.
How many miles per gallon does a 2014 Ford Motor Company Escape Awd get? A 2014 Ford Motor Company Escape Awd gets up to 21 miles per gallon in the city, up to 28 miles per gallon on the highway. This means a 2014 Ford Motor Company Escape Awd can get up to 24 miles per gallon overall.
Music directors—traditionally known as conductors, are the artistic leaders of musical theater productions, operas and symphonies. Their job duties may vary depending on the place of work and include the selection of music needed to be performed, ensuring the musicians or cast are well-acquainted with the music, supervision in the interpretation of the music and organization of the orchestra. Music directors have a great role to play in the casting of musicians. They are the masters of music, and without them no artistic performance is complete. The idea of music in our lives is more or less inspired by the wonderful scores these conductors create. Music direction is among the most popular freelance options currently. With the progressive expansion of the freelance community, especially with the advent of the Internet, there is a dramatic increase in the number of work opportunities. One can establish a rich career as a music director in the freelance community by keeping in mind certain pointers. Well, now, you may wonder what those pointers are, and how to go about them. There are hundreds of disciplines in music direction, and you will have to decide what kind of music you will be comfortable with. For example, not everyone is comfortable with orchestral music or jazz, and therefore, you will have to keenly research in this area before actually planning to become a freelance music director. Let us just presume you know what kind of music you want to learn, then follow whatever is written in the following paragraphs and implement them with due consideration. In addition to that, you must possess knowledge of musical instruments and other basics. While you may have acquired it through training, certificate courses or music-related degree courses may help you a great chunk in this regard. Keeping that in mind, we shall enumerate a few music schools in India, which offer a myriad of music courses. VisvaBharati University, Shantiniketan, West Bengal is a reputed autonomous university, which offers a range of courses in music; The University of Delhi offers post-graduate degree courses in music and Ph.D. in Music; Delhi School of Music is a prestigious music school in the country, having a tie up with a number of internationally renowned music schools such as Trinity College of Music, London; KM Music Conservatory has been established by none other than A.R. Rahman and provides two globally recognized degrees in collaboration with Middlesex University, UK, etc. In case you wish to learn music direction in a foreign institution, you may go for Royal Academy of Music, England; Berkeley School of Music, Boston; the Julliard School of Music, New York; Radcliffe Institute of Advanced Study, Massachusetts. Formal education is important and so is the experience. The portfolio of skills must highlight your list of experiences, and to ensure you have the best of them, you will have to gain performance experience. Become an apprentice to professional music directors in the region or country, and study the art of direction more closely. Find out about orchestras in the country and work in them. In India, the Symphony Orchestra of India is a prominent symphony orchestra founded by the National Centre for the Performing Arts, Mumbai. Outside India, there are a number of orchestras such as Vienna Philharmonic, Cleveland Orchestra, Saito Kinen Orchestra, Leipzig Gewandhaus, Russian National Orchestra, etc. Music direction is a tedious job, requiring a lot of patience, hard work, and coordination. Thus, without considerable skills, you will not be able to come up with a composition. Interpretative skills: You must work on your interpretative skills and instincts. For that to happen, you must engage in different types of direction experiences such as a soloist, orchestral musician, chamber musician, conductor, etc. You must frequently attend musical performances and learn from them. Communicating the thought: There is always a purpose in music. When composing a musical piece, you are trying to give melodious contours to the idea behind it. This skill is extremely difficult to explain, but those who know the overtone in the statement must have already understood. Creating emotional responses: The music director must have the capacity to evoke sentimental, dramatic and powerful imageries. The audience must feel the message being communicated to them through music. Deep understanding of instruments: You must be well-acquainted with all the instruments being used in the performance. Conducting skills: There are a number of techniques involved in conducting a musical performance such as the Baton technique, which involves the ability to sustain the continuity of line, rhythm, structure and interpretative integrity throughout the performance; rehearsal techniques, which require the ability to diagnose, recognize, correct music, identify intonation problems, etc. Inter-personal skills: You must be able to communicate your thoughts and suggestions to the musicians working along. Without injuring their dignity, you must express your disappointment but also ensure they are not discouraged in playing music. Administrative skills: Music direction involves the interplay of a number of administrative matters such as fundraising, governance, public relations, business operations, etc. Thus, administrative skills are important for handling the operations effectively. You can start your own orchestra and become its conductor, or become a conductor for an already established orchestra. You may start a career in the film and music industry and offer music direction in related projects. There is a lot of scope as a music director in religious organizations, dance troupes, opera companies, etc. Becoming a music director is not that simple, but keeping tabs on job availability has become relatively easy. There are a number of websites that offer the convenience of finding all kinds of jobs in one place and only a few clicks away. To secure the benefits of these websites, create profiles, update a properly drafted portfolio of skills and submit applications. When creating profiles, the website will usually create a database of your preferred skills and will, accordingly, send emails whenever a job related to any of the preferred skills is posted. Examples of these websites are,,, and The pay scale varies depending upon a host of factors such as the educational qualifications and work experience of the music director, the status of the workplace, the degree of direction involved, and whatnot. While in freelancing the freelancer often quotes the price, but if the freelancer is fresh in the field, he may not necessarily enjoy much discretion in this respect; on the other side, an experienced music director knows his value and will name the price accordingly. Thus, a lot of research is needed to be carried out.
How to use wildcards with pkg-upgrade? What is the correct way to accomplish this? Browse other questions tagged freebsd package-management wildcard freebsd-ports or ask your own question. Find (un)used packages on CentOS/Fedora?
Björk performs the world’s first 360-degree virtual reality live stream! This public filming/streaming is a collaborative work between Björk and production team Dentsu Lab Tokyo , and is part of the Björk Digital exhibition that opens at the Miraikan Museum Tokyo tomorrow. For the performance Björk will be wearing a special ‘Rottlace’ mask, designed by Professor Neri Oxman of MIT Media Lab and the Mediated Matter Group which was created with Stratasys’ 3D printing technology.
I just want to voice my disgust at the way Joseph Kennedy, the third candidate for Massachusetts� U.S. Senate seat, was totally ignored. He was the one who had anything to say that made sense. People should listen to what he has to say, but I guess that is hard to do when you aren�t given a chance to speak as the other two were. It was supposed to be three candidates debating, but the time that was given was not anywhere in the realm of even. The newspaper was just as bad, because in a half-page article there is only one paragraph indicating that Mr. Kennedy was even in the race (Telegram & Gazette, Jan. 12). I�m sick of only hearing the side of the candidates who have money. It�s supposed to be a country where everyone is equal to pursue their dream, but just remember: You can only do that if you have the almighty dollar to back you up.
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Your sponge STINKS! Ours DON’T! The Problem: Standard kitchen sponges begin to smell foul within a few days use. That awful smell comes from the 10 million bacteria per square inch found in the typical sponge, making the kitchen sponge the dirtiest thing in the typical home. And you use that filthy sponge to “clean” things in your kitchen then throw it away because you can’t stand the smell. That’s gross! The Everest™ Solution: The NoStench™ Utility Sponge is GUARANTEED not to stink for 90 days! NoStench™ technology prevents bacteria from living on / in the sponge for 90 days without using poisons! No more stench – no more spreading of those nasty germs. The non-toxic protection resides throughout the entire sponge material - it doesn’t wash out and doesn’t fade. This is the perfect utility sponge! Each NoStench™ Sponge is unconditionally guaranteed against stench caused from bacterial growth for a full 90 days from the date of purchase. If at any time during the 90 day period the NoStench™ Sponge stinks, it can be returned for a full refund. Ultra High Quality: NoStench™ Sponges are made with the highest quality materials and construction for the height of effectiveness and durability. Simply the best kitchen sponge available. Each sponge is 5.25 inches x 3.5 inches of fantastic cleaning and NoStench wonderment! Detailed Science: The amazing NoStench™ Sponge is factory treated with the same revolutionary long lasting Everest™ antimicrobial that uses a physical kill of microbes NOT poisons. The factory treatment forms a nano-scale biostatic layer throughout the sponge materials. This protection is invisible and can’t be felt. It consists of millions of carbon-based nano-spikes that self-assemble in layers (see Fig 1) and bond covalently and intertwine with the sponge structure. Each nano-spike is made up of a carbon shaft with a nitrogen molecule at it’s base. The positively charged nitrogen interacts with the negatively charged germs/mold/mildew/fungus like a magnet that draws it down onto the carbon spike. The result is a physically ruptured or “stabbed” germ that can’t survive – or adapt to become resistant. Bacteria cannot get established within the NoStench™ Sponge. That is how it remains free of the foul odors germs cause! The nano-spikes are very durable and will remain viable and safely protect the sponge from bacterial contamination for at least 90 days – no matter how many times it is used or washed. Fig 1. Self-assembled layers of the active ingredient attaches to all available bonding sites, leaving a ‘forest’ of molecules that extend from the surfaces and intertwine throughout all voids, preventing adhesion of microbes at interface, and causing a physical disruption of membrane function which causes bacterial cell death. A recent study by an independent research lab confirmed that our treated sponges were able to kill 99.9% of 22,000,000 colony forming units (cfu) of live e.coli bacteria in 1 hour. By the 4 hour mark, our sponge had killed 99.99999% of the e.coli. And this protection lasts day after day, use after use. * This treated item does not impart pesticide or antimicrobial properties to other surfaces. HOW TO USE: The NoStench™ Utility Sponge is very simple to use. Use in the same fashion that you would use a traditional kitchen sponge. Use it to clean kitchen / bathroom surfaces or dirty dishes. The only requirement is that it be RINSED very well after each use. Then simply set it aside to let it dry. It will be ready to provide stench free service whenever you need it! Sponges can be washed in dishwasher or laundry without losing their antimicrobial properties. NOTE: if food debris / dirt is not completely rinsed from the sponge, then bacteria could possibly survive ON the debris and cause odor - all that is needed to return your sponge to it’s odor-free state is to completely rinse it out and let it dry. The Sponge That Doesn't Stink!
Christmas was supposed to make a big move by back dooring Mark. She was so pleased but how dumb! She could have put Paul up instead and that would have really been a big move. She has done nothing this season so that would have made a name for her in the jury house. She was stupid to pass on putting up Paul. Getting Paul in that position at that time was huge. Now they may never get another chance. They seem like they are just playing with the thought or hope they'll be along side Paul in final two. How stupid. They need to get him out instead of the easier houseguests like Kevin ..... who is their next target. I honestly think these houseguests were/are the stupidest in history. Anti social Cody should never have been cast. I agree with you that Xmas' big move was a dud but say that she did put King Paul on the block. The only way to really get King Paul out would be to backdoor him and that would all depend on who would win veto and what they would do with the veto. Then you have most of the house still under King Paul's spell and more than likely would vote out the other person on the block thus leaving Xmas in the line of fire of King Paul & his sheep in the following weeks. I think that the big move she should have made was put up Alex and take out the female version of King Paul first. Just my opinion. Even though I liked him, I think Marcellas was the dumbest player in BB history. Then again, there are many HGs this season that make me rethink this. Paul could not be put up that week because Mark gave him the safety from the Tree of Temptation or life or whatever. On tonight's show, All I could do was sit there and watch in awe when Josh said he thought Paul had been the hinky vote all season. Xmas immediately took him to task for questioning Paul's motives or his loyalty to Paul. She was like a cult member. There will be no questioning of the deity in her presence. I so wish they would have them all back 3 months following the final and after they watched their season to see how incredibly ignorant they were. Don't they do that in some way on the Bachelor? I'd really like to know how they feel about being completely played by Paul. I am resigned to Paul winning this season. I just want it to be over now. I must like to torture myself because I still will watch the show even though I dislike all of them and cringe listening to them talk about their master, Paul. In the beginning, BB seemed to portray Christmas as a very smart, successful person. She tries to portray herself that way too. The further into the season we get, the more obvious it is that this is not even remotely true. I'd really like to know how they feel about being completely played by Paul. I am resigned to Paul winning this season. I just want it to be over now. I must like to torture myself because I still will watch the show even though I dislike all of them and cringe listening to them talk about their master, Paul. This exactly how I feel! Yes they do about 2, 3 months after the tapings but before they reveal the newly engaged couple. It's called the Women/Men Tell All and they also have After the Final Rose with the new couple IF they're still together. Quit watching that about 3 seasons ago. But I'm still watching BB and always hoping that something is bound to happen. Hard to believe that out of all of them not even one wakes up long enough to realize what's happening and the ones who did are gone. For this season, Jillian stood out first when I read the topic. After she was evicted and Julie asked her if she could go back in, who would she align with and Jillian said, "Elena". If anyone throws HOH to another hg and then ends up on the block or voted out, I don't think you could be much more stupid than that. If he was dumb then so is Jessica, Cody, Elena and mark and every other hg who believe they had backing from the house. I would say he was too trusting and not dumb. One thing I will say, he made that move with his heart. Marcellus is my third favorite hg with Jason 2 and Danielle #1. BB3. I liked Marcellas, but really? If you have a veto and you're on the block, USE IT! Yes! A reunion show where they play highlights and then ask what were you thinking to the HGs. Although it was one of the most boneheaded moves in reality history, Marcellas did that because he was trying to honor his word. That was back in the early days of reality tv and there were people on that believed you could play honorably and still win. I think most fans thought the same. Now we know that playing honorably tends to get you evicted, rather than closer to the prize. If he were on the show now, I am pretty sure he would hang on to that veto as if his life depended on it. Sorry folks but the dumbest BB houseguest of all time goes to Michael "Cowboy" Ellis. Throw a penny in a round room, tell him it's in a corner and he would still be searching for it. They are still in the house, therefore not as "dumb" as the hg that have been evicted. Yep, it's all down to levels of dumbness as this point. Then there's, Matt and Jason were OTB. Matt won POV and used it on Jason. Casting knew exactly what they were doing when they psych-evaluated and IQ'ed these characters. An easy road to the finals for Paul.
On Monday, the company is announcing a global research and development consortium that will tap brainpower from Samsung, China Mobile, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and other participants. The goal of the consortium, called Green Touch, will be to demonstrate dramatically more efficient wired and wireless network gear within five years. Recognizing that networks, like data centers, don't run on good intentions alone, the head of research at Alcatel's storied Bell Labs wants telecom's top scientists to start with a blank slate and reinvent telecommunications infrastructure to use less power. If Green Touch hits its targets, the new equipment will run for three years on the power that current systems use up in just one day, said Gee Rittenhouse, vice president of research at Bell Labs and the head of Green Touch. "What we're trying to do is really think about it afresh," said Rittenhouse, a longtime researcher at the lab. Whereas vendors today design products for high performance while also considering power requirements, Green Touch is going to design them for efficiency first while also keeping performance in mind. "Normally, the research done today is about taking today's network and refining it ... instead of erasing the board, starting from an open mind, and building up from there," Rittenhouse said. The power-saving technology available today, even if it were applied throughout all networks, would only keep power consumption flat over the coming years, he said. "We've never said, 'Stop. If we were to design a network that was optimized for energy, what would it look like?'" The minimum power consumption for today's Internet and carrier networks around the world would be zero, which would be achieved by turning them all off, Rittenhouse said. Assuming no one wants to do that, the theoretical minimum power for actually running those networks would be lower than today's energy use by a factor of 10,000, he said. Green Touch intends to achieve just one-tenth of that, but even for this effort the group wants to bring in experts from throughout the industry. In addition to Samsung, China Mobile and MIT, the consortium will include Freescale Semiconductor, SwissCom, Telefonica, Stanford University, the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control, and other entities. But many other key players, such as Ericsson, Cisco and any major U.S. carrier, were not listed as members. The most efficient parts of the global infrastructure are fiber-optic networks, which transmit streams of data as wavelengths, or colors, of light. They are nearly 100 percent efficient, according to Rittenhouse. But at the ends of those fiber networks are usually older copper wires or wireless systems that don't work as efficiently. The most waste comes from cellular systems, because they have to send a signal out over a wide area just to reach the one subscriber it is meant for, Rittenhouse said. Though a clean-slate approach may deliver fresh ideas, it's likely to take a long time for the revolutionary products that come from Green Touch to start saving energy. Between standardization, product development and trials, it typically takes between five and 10 years after the first lab demonstrations for a totally new technology to be deployed, Rittenhouse said. The Green Touch initiative is critical for the long-term future of communications, though it faces some challenges, according to analyst Kneko Burney of Compass Intelligence. "There is no other objective more pressing than to ensure that the demand for energy does not exceed the limitations of our ability to generate it," Burney said in an e-mail interview. "There does not seem to be a clear plan for Alcatel in this consortium, and the list of members is still quite modest. But, this is to be expected. It will take time for Alcatel to pull in more members and really make some scientific and technical breakthroughs," she said. "The big question is, how long can the scientists in Alcatel do their science thing in this highly competitive market without the wolves of capitalism requiring profit-generating activities from them," Burney added. For Rittenhouse and Alcatel, Green Touch is an aspirational as much as a practical effort. "This allows us to set an ambitious goal, a very high bar, with an exciting possibility at the end," he said.
This beatiful 2012 MB E350 Convertible is a local Ontario vehicle with a clean Carproof report. It comes equipped with AMG Wheels, Power Convertible Hard Top, Keyless Entry, Keyless Start, Navigation, Backup Camera, Parking Sensors, Blind Spot Assist, Lane Keeping Assist, Attention Assist, ESP, Heated Seats, Harman/Kardon Sound System, Bluetooth, AUX, Sirius XM, USB, CD, Bluetooth Audio, AMG Wheels, Bi Xenon Headlights, and lots more!!!
She told me this was a Labrador but I think it's ears are too big! I can says lots but, barking is below me! New Postman starting next week !
Today I was finally born. I’m sorry you went through so much pain, but I’m here now, and all that’s over. Now we both need to rest. Because there’s an exciting world out there for me to explore with you and Daddy! I’m so glad to finally be out, because there just wasn’t any more room for me. But those first few minutes outside were a bit scary. It was cold, and the lights were so bright! There were people everywhere, and I didn’t know who they were. And I needed to be wrapped up really well. Those warm blankets felt so good, and my little hat with that bow on it made my head feel so warm (even though it messed up my hair)! I love bows, by the way, Mommy. I was exhausted from all of the stress of being born, and I couldn’t keep my eyes open. But when the doctor put me in your arms, I immediately knew who you were. You see, I heard your heartbeat, and the rhythm of your breathing; I smelled your scent, and heard your voice. I managed to open my little eyes for a few seconds, and as soon as I saw you, I fell even more in love with you! And Daddy, too! I’m the luckiest baby in the world to have you two as my parents! I know you two will love me and care for me and keep me safe. And my grandparents…I got to see them in the hallway on the way to the nursery, you know. I opened my eyes, and there was my grandmother. She’s beautiful. Just like you. And she reminded me so much of your own grandmother. I tried to smile at her, and I think maybe I did, but I was so tired. My grandfather was there, too. He looked like he was getting ready to cry. That was so cute. Daddy never left my side while they were taking me to the nursery in that little crib, and he stayed right there until I got settled. He was making sure I was comfortable and warm, and he just couldn’t stop looking at me, and telling me how much he loved me. After he left, the doctors kept examining me and not letting me sleep; that did get a little old after a while. But I guess it was for my own good. After giving me a quick warm sponge bath, which tickled, by the way, my nurse put a little shirt on over my head to help keep me warm before she wrapped me in the blanket. I think it’s going to take a little while for me to get used to wearing clothes, because they feel a little strange on my skin. But I know I’ll get used to them, and I know you have lots of pretty ones waiting for me at home. There was just so much going on all the time, no wonder I kept sleeping! It was exhausting! Finally they brought me in your room. I just wanted to be with you! I love how we have those matching bracelets…you and me and Daddy! Not that you’d ever not know it was me, but it made me feel good to know they were being so careful. But that sensor tag on my ankle was a bit much, wasn’t it!? I’m sure we’ll laugh about that later. It wasn’t easy getting the hang of that bottle either; those first few times with it I wasn’t real sure what to do. But my little tummy was rumbling so I knew I had to learn! After a few tries I caught on, and that formula tasted pretty good! You and Daddy are really good at feeding me, too. It’s such a special time together, isn’t it?? My grandmother and grandfather enjoyed feeding me, too. Grandmom holds me and talks to me, and sometimes she just looks at me and smiles and smiles! I bet she did that when you were first born, too. I can’t tell you what she was talking to me about, but I’m sure she’ll tell you one day. Now in case you’re wondering how I’m still writing to you even though I’m finally born, and no longer inside of you, it’s really very simple. God wanted to surprise you, so He’s letting me do this for a few more days. I don’t know exactly for how long yet, so we’re just going to enjoy it while we can. I don’t think you mind, do you Mommy? And I’m really more tired now than I was before I was born. You notice I’m sleeping most of the time, right? I have to get a lot of rest right now, so I’ll be sleeping a lot for the next few weeks. And when I get more energy we’ll have so much fun together! What an exciting day it’s been though, right!? I’m so excited to finally be out and meeting you and all of my family! And I’m so looking forward to my new life here!!! I love you!!
Click on a link below to fill out a short form and receive a response in 24-48 hours. CIM300 is a family of integrated products that provide the software development tools for implementing the GEM 300 SEMI standards. CIM300 is generally purchased by the semiconductor equipment supplier. It can be installed either directly onto the machine’s computer or onto a front-end computer. To implement the controlling and data gathering functionality, software developers must integrate the software with the equipment control software. CIMConnect products provide an efficient, cost-effective method that enables equipment manufacturers to supply SECS/GEM communication interfaces to their customers. CIMConnect also offers the inherent ability for a single equipment to provide information to multiple host interfaces. CIMPortal Plus is a software product that enables equipment suppliers to implement high speed data collection for EDA, a historical database, and other applications. CIMPortal Plus primary customers are equipment suppliers that integrate the product within the equipment control system. SECSConnect is a software development kit for implementing either host or equipment SECS-II messaging in a software application. The communication protocol can be either SECS-I or HSMS. As a COM based library, SECSConnect is appropriate for both Factory and Equipment Supplier projects that use the Windows operating system. Software development teams can use SECSConnect as a communication driver for station controllers and/or test systems to manage and validate equipment GEM, SECS-II, and 300mm interfaces. CIMControlFramework™ is a complete toolkit of software utilities, documentation, examples, and guidelines that enables companies to design and build equipment control software quickly for the production floor with full factory automation. Cimetrix HostConnect is a software development kit for creating host-side applications that connect to GEM (SEMI E30) equipment over HSMS-SS (SEMI E37.1). As a native .NET library, Cimetrix HostConnect is ideal for creating traditional hosts, QA software, and factory monitoring applications. The EDATester software is part of the complete Cimetrix EDA connectivity suite that supports both the equipment-side and the factory/client-side implementations of SEMI Standards. TestConnect is an easy-to-use graphical point-and-click testing tool that can be used for generating and logging host or equipment SECS-II message scenarios. It can also be used to verify and characterize station controller designs or emulate equipment behavior without the need for the actual equipment or coding. The graphical user interface allows test scripts and SECS messages to be created using click, drag, and drop techniques.
Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) Area Development Grants promote a diversified regional economy through strategies that help communities create and retain businesses and jobs. They help communities develop an educated, skilled workforce and create access to affordable health care. They also support the development and improvement of infrastructure, including water and sewer services and development and use of Internet access.
Geotechnical engineering is an art and a science and can have significant project performance, safety and cost consequences. Due to the technical nature of our business, all of our geotechnical engineers have graduate degrees in the specialty, unlike many of our competitors. We understand and apply, as appropriate, the latest engineering design and analysis techniques. However, we understand the intrinsic variability of soils and resultant limitations in the application and use of theory. Therefore, we also rely heavily on our most important asset – experience. We understand construction related to earthwork, foundations, and pavement, and our influence on cost. Utilizing our technical skills, significant experience with area soils, and understanding of construction, we continually strive to provide pragmatic, cost-effective geotechnical solutions. Our clients and our business depend on it. High quality data is critical to engineering decisions in the office and in the field. Our laboratory is accredited by A2LA (American Association for Laboratory Accreditation, Certification # 2718.02) allowing a comprehensive range of geotechnical and construction materials tests. Laboratory operations and equipment calibration are conducted in strict compliance with A2LA and the GES quality manual. Laboratory personnel undergo extensive and continual training. Testing is performed in accordance with ASTM, TxDOT, or other appropriate standards. GES is also accredited by AASHTO (American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials). Results are reviewed and assessed daily by engineering staff for accuracy.​​ The AASHTO Accreditation Program (AAP) is the largest accrediting body in the construction materials industry. In addition to being an AASHTO-accredited laboratory, GES has proven their commitment to quality and can set themselves apart from their competitors.
Closed parks will likely be reopened. Direction of the Department of Natural Resources will be reviewed. And $16 million in federal funding for conservation that hangs in limbo will be promptly addressed. Those are among the reasons many members of Illinois’ conservation community are optimistic about Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn replacing Rod Blagojevich as governor. Closed parks will likely be reopened. Direction of the Department of Natural Resources will be reviewed. And $16 million in federal funding for conservation that hangs in limbo will be promptly addressed. Those are among the reasons many members of Illinois’ conservation community are optimistic about Gov. Pat Quinn replacing Rod Blagojevich as governor. “I think given Quinn’s past performance over the last six years conservation will finally have a friend in the governor’s office,” said Claudia Emken, associate director of conservation for The Nature Conservancy in Illinois. “That’s something we haven’t had in six years. That type of advocacy is not lost on Eric Schenck, Illinois biologist for Ducks Unlimited. “Quinn has taken genuine interest and leadership on the Illinois River Coordinating Council and has tried to set up something similar for the Mississippi River,” Schenck said. As another example, Schenck noted Quinn’s appearance at the 2004 dedication of a restored 400-acre wetland near Spring Lake in Tazewell County. In regards to the DNR, Quinn said he would “promptly review the DNR director’s position.” That may be bad news for former state representative Kurt Granberg, whom Blagojevich appointed as DNR director on Jan. 16. Even so, Granberg said Quinn will be better for conservation and the DNR than Blagojevich. Quinn also has taken an active role in attempting to head off the possible loss of $16 million in federal funds for fish and wildlife projects. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said it will withhold money if Illinois does not restore $9.25 million to six funds that receive money from hunting and fishing licenses and related fees. The Illinois House and Senate have passed supplemental appropriation bills that have not yet been sent to the governor’s office for a signature. Quinn has said he will sign the bills upon taking office.
We will be exhibiting at Homebuilding & Renovating Show 2016 at Bath & West Showground, Somerset on the 19th and 20th of November. Self-Build zone also benefits from being part of the Sennocke Group which means that not only can they advise you on products for your building project but they can also provide Legal Indemnity/Defective Title insurance, Commercial, Professional Lines and Home insurance. Make sure you come along to our Masterclass on Sunday 20th November at 3.30pm in the Masterclass Theatre. Site Insurance is essential for anyone planning an Extension, Renovation, Conversion or New Build project. Self-Build Zone have several different site insurance options to protect your project during the build process and on completion, including flexible short term policies as well as the traditional 12, 18 or 24-month policy. ‹ Self-Build Zone exhibiting at Homebuilding & Renovating Show Harrogate this week!
As a retired educator, I’m supporting Paula Stepp for Garfield County’s board of commissioners this fall because of her proven management skills, and her years of community volunteer service. Paula has lived in Garfield County for nearly four decades, much of that time working in circulation, marketing and management for the Carbondale-based national outdoor magazines Climbing, Rock and Ice and Trail Runner. She also has worked in real estate marketing and ran her own marketing, event planning and database management consultancy. Despite such challenges, Paula always found time to share her energy and talents with the community. Over the years, she has served on the boards of Healthy Mountain Communities, the Cooper Corner elder day care program and the local chapter of Junior Achievement. She’s mentored students in the RE-1 school district’s pre-collegiate program, served as an ESL teacher for Literacy Outreach, and volunteered at the Glenwood Springs soup kitchen, as an educator at St. Stephen’s Church, as a DJ at KDNK radio and as support staff for various races, fairs and events in the valley. Garfield County voters have a great opportunity this fall to take a big step forward in choosing our next District 1 county commissioner. Please join me in voting for Paula Stepp, and remember to return your mail-in ballot by Nov.6.
Seattle First Baptist Church is governed according to our Bylaws, which can be amended only by a vote of the congregation. The latest version of the bylaws is available by clicking on the link below. "When the Lead Pastor position becomes vacant, the Diaconate will nominate and the congregation will elect a Search Committee composed of Church members representing all major areas of Church Life. Church pastors and other full time staff will not serve on the Search Committee for the Lead Pastor. When any other full time or part time pastoral position becomes vacant, the Diaconate will nominate and the congregation will elect a Search Committee composed of Church members that may also include the Lead Pastor." Each year the church produces an Annual Report to the congregation. This report is presented at the Annual Meeting in January, and summarizes activities for the past year and plans for the coming year. Reports for recent years are available by clicking on the link below. This file includes the Annual Report, Financial Report, 2017 Budget and 2017 Officers and Commission Members. Volunteer Appreciation Awards were presented to Jane Herness and Phil Mortenson. The addendum contains two individual reports that we inadvertently left out of the larger annual report. The Commissions file contains the 2014 roster of officers and leaders.
From in the tool bar, you can add new external tool. This chapter is still under construction. Contact the author if you need some help.
According to Statistics Estonia, the GDP of Estonia in 2014 increased 2,1% compared to 2013. The GDP at current prices was 19.5 billion euros. The year was characterised by a slow steady growth of the Estonian economy. Trade contributed significantly to the increase in the GDP, mainly due to an increase in value added in retail trade. In addition, manufacturing and professional, scientific and technical activities contributed the most to the GDP growth in 2014.
A Toronto-based tech house producer and DJ emerging from a background of electro and fidget house. After living for a number of years in Europe and Chicago, Vaxx has developed his style of bouncy tech basslines with an abundance of percussive elements. He strives to bring up the energy on the club floor with his productions and DJ sets.
The empowered person creates a better life for themselves, lifts others up, and works to protect our future. Local area homeless women and children, including victims of domestic violence. Special Olympics of New Mexico. Local area high school art, education and sports. The ultimate in travel kits. Our quality aromatherapy personal care is portable with this aromatherapy travel set. Tranquil | Relax: 2 in 1 Wash (4 oz), Lovely Locks Hair Masque, Sheer Essence Aromatherapy Lotion and Lavender Body Spray (1 oz) in a clear vinyl zippered bag. Our natural aromatherapy beard balm is formulated for a light sent and to provide deep conditioning for a smooth and well-groomed look. Paraben and Phthalate Free. Slide your fingernail across the product. With your thumb work the balm into your palm.The balm should become warm and very workable. Begin to work the balm into your beard, start from the ends of beard and work your way upward. Comb the balm through your beard. Thrive | Flourish: Agonis fragrans (FragoniaTM), Copaifera officinalis (Balsam Copaiba), Rosmarinus officinalis ct 1,8 cineol (Rosemary), Laurus nobilis (Laurel Leaf) and Eucalyptus dives(Eucalyptus, mint) essential oils. Our clay masque powder, with DMAE and Vitamin C, provides the look of deeply cleansed and toned skin. Customize this powder-based masque with your favorite liquid for the ultimate fresh spa experience. After use, skin feels clarified, soothes and revitalized. Gluten,Paraben and Phthalate Free. Vegan. This masque comes in a powder that is activated upon adding liquid. Once activated, the masque must be used right away. External use only. Keep away from children. Use 2 parts Milagro Green Clay Facial Masque Powder to 1 part liquid (not included). Liquid options are: yogurt, kefir, soy milk, goat milk, rice milk, fruit or vegetable juice, vinegar, or water with sea salt. Discontinue use if irritation occurs. Keep out of the reach of children. Kaolin Clay (CI 77004), Bentonite Clay (CI 77004), Green Chromium Oxide (CI 77288), DMAE Bitartrate (Dimethylaminoethanol Bitartrate), Vitamin C Ester (Ascorbyl Palmitate). Leave In Treatment: Wash your hair using Mia’s Lovely Locks shampoo first. Shake well, place a quarter-sized amount of therapy in palm of hands and gently rub together to warm. From base of hair rub through hair starting at the scalp and work outward. To repair and protect: apply to damp hair before styling. To enhance shine: apply to dry hair. To use as a hot oil treatment: warm oil by placing it in a small bowl of hot (from tap) water, warming enough to not burn your scalp. Do NOT microwave to heat. Apply a quarter or more sized amount of therapy in hair and massage through to scalp. Cover hair with plastic wrap and warm towel to generate more heat on your head. Rinse. If you have particularly dry hair, you may need daily oiling. However, don’t apply oil to the scalp every day - apply a thin layer of oil to the shafts of your hair, focusing on the tips. Mia's Micellar Facial Cleansing Water is a one-step cleansing wonder. Make-up, oil, dirt and grime, are gently, quickly and easily removed without the need for rinsing. Contains Witchhazel and Medium Chain Triglycerides. Gluten, Paraben and Phthalate Free. Vegan. Removing eye make-up – Apply Mia’s Facial Cleansing Water to cotton pad. Hold pad over closed eyes for 3-5 seconds and wipe gently. Avoid harsh rubbing and repeat if necessary. Skin cleanser and make-up remover – Apply Mia’s Facial Cleansing Water to cotton pad. Wipe over entire face to remove make-up and dirt. Avoid harsh rubbing. No need to rinse. External use only. Keep away from children. Aqua (Water), Hamamelis virginiana (Witch Hazel Water), Glycerin, Gluconolactone, Sodium Benzoate, Capric/Caprylic triglycerides (Medium Chain Triglycerides), Decyl Glucoside, Lauryl Glucoside, Polysorbate 20, Alcohol. Bodacious beards unite! This masculine gift set embodies the rugged nature of the outdoorsman. This gift set includes a natural boar's hair bristle brush for the ultimate in grooming. Bodacious Beard Balm (2 oz), Bodacious Beard Oil (1 oz) and Extreme Wave Military Boar Brush in Muslin draw-string bag. Emollient with natural hold, this gift bag comes complete with 2 oz jar of our wildly popular Primo Mustache Wax and a mustache-shaped mustache comb. Primo Mustache Wax (2 oz tin), Mustache Comb in a black suede draw-string bag. Mia's Aromatherapy Bloom Box provides personal care and a little love to someone who has sought refuge from a desperate situation. If you wish to include a message with your gift, please include it in remarks section found at checkout. Mia's Bloom Box contains 1 ounce each: Sheer Essence 2 in 1 Wash (Tranquil | Relax), Aromatherapy Lotion (Tranquil | Relax) and Lovely Locks Hair Conditioner (Lavender). All are free of parabens, phthalates and sulfates.
The Irizar i8 is a luxury tourist vehicle for long journeys and other special services, equipped with the most advanced technology on the market. Travelling in the Irizar i8 is a unique experience. Only two vehicles of this model are in Europe, one of which was made for Real Madrid. The début of the new bus, on 27 March 2017, was marked by the arrival of the Portuguese National Team, 2016 European Champions. Photo Courtesy of Ruben Câmara. This is the first Irizar i8 made for Portugal. Irizar Spain stopped production to get this bus ready in time for Portugal-Sweden 2018 FIFA World Cup football friendly match. The National Portuguese Team, 2016 Champions of Europe, made its fine début on March 27, 2017. The best player in the world, Cristiano Ronaldo, travelled in this bus. Cristiano Ronaldo was born in Madeira, owns CR7 Museum and Pestana CR7 Funchal Hotel in Madeira and is one of RC TRAVEL Team sponsors, along with Galp, Ageas Seguros, RC Travel and Lux Madeira Travel Agencies. The choice of colours for this bus, was based on the colours of VIP RC, black with gold letters and above all, because MADEIRA IS GOLD! We wanted to honour the titles that the island achieved in the World Travel Awards: The Best Island Destination in Europe (2013, 2014 and 2016) and the Best Island Destination in the World (2015, 2016 and 2017). And because our instinct led us to the idea that a sober exterior demanded an exuberant and festive interior, we’ve created a design that would cause passengers a surprise impact, such as the Jesuits Church in Funchal. It wouldn’t be the first time that someone is inspired by our monuments. The International Airport of Madeira, renamed Madeira Airport – Cristiano Ronaldo, got its inspiration from the Gothic columns of Funchal’s Cathedral. The gold in the corridor in straight lines conveys an air of sophistication and a modern, innovative and futuristic design, which is VIP RC brand image. This bus offers an exceptional comfort to the Passengers, Drivers and Tourist Guides, guaranteeing an unforgettable stimulating experience. Independent suspension to reduce the step access height. Adaptive Cruise Control with approach sensors that help keep up a safe distance from other vehicles. Laminated-glass windscreen and lateral windows, which crack, but remain intact when broken.
MIDDLEBROOK, VA--(Marketwired - Dec 15, 2015) - Jaymie Scotto & Associates (JSA), the preeminent marketing, public relations and event-planning firm serving the telecommunications industry, today announces its next installment of the JSA TV CEO Virtual Roundtable series, entitled, 'The Big Growth Companies of 2015 and Predictions for 2016', to be webcasted live on Friday, January 8 at 11:30 AM ET, and moderated by Robert Powell, Founder and Chief Editor at Telecom Ramblings. The virtual roundtable, celebrating companies who have had a stellar 2015 through business and network expansion, will feature esteemed panelists Richard "Rick" D. Calder, Jr., President and CEO of GTT; Bjarni Thorvardarson, CEO of Hibernia Networks; and Frank Rey, Director Global Network Acquisition Group for Microsoft. "We are pleased to kick off our first JSA TV Virtual Roundtable of 2016 with this amazing lineup of blockbuster companies," states Jaymie Scotto Cutaia, CEO and Founder of JSA. "And, as a first for our JSA TV Virtual CEO Roundtables series, we are honored to welcome our outside moderator, Rob Powell, one of our industry's most renowned bloggers and media entrepreneurs, to lead this exciting discussion on what is driving company and network expansions, overcoming growth challenges, and top predictions for 2016." The JSA TV CEO Virtual Roundtable series provides an outlet for multiple viewpoints on critical issues facing the telecom industry today, in an informative video format distributed to the JSA Community and all Telecom Exchange (TEX) attendees. The next Telecom Exchange event takes place June 22, 2016 at Cipriani Wall Street in New York City. To submit your c-level for consideration for the next JSA TV Virtual Roundtable, please email [email protected]. To learn more about JSA, please visit Since 2005, JSA is the preeminent marketing, public relations, and event-planning firm serving the telecommunications industry. JSA offers industry-recognized, full-service communications with measurable return on investment. As the first PR firm dedicated solely to telecom, JSA provides clients with critical industry perspective and visibility. Our innovative tools, expert team and established relationships within the industry ensure the finest services available. Our clients enjoy insider-only event management and networking opportunities, including JSA's industry event Telecom Exchange. We also feature client and marketplace news within our virtual newsroom for telecom professionals, JSA TV; on our Internet radio broadcast JSA Radio, within our video newsletter, Telecom News & Trends; and on our industry-leading blog, Telecom News Now. To learn more about how JSA can elevate your brand, visit Watch JSA TV's latest virtual roundtable, Big Data and SDN Enable Big Networking, featuring c-levels from MRV Communications, Axiom Fiber Networks, and Megaport.
Teaching improv is a strange beast—after all, how do you prepare someone for making stuff up? Well, if we think of it like a sport, we can practice the craft at play in improv. One will never play the same baseball game they did at practice, but they will use the skills they have worked on and refined.
1. Entitlement to service connection for a knot in the stomach and back causing leg paralysis. 2. Entitlement to an initial rating in excess of 10 percent for peripheral neuropathy of the sciatic nerve in the left lower extremity prior to August 16, 2010, and in excess of 40 percent on and after August 16, 2010. 3. Entitlement to an initial rating in excess of 10 percent for peripheral neuropathy of the sciatic nerve in the right lower extremity prior to August 16, 2010, and in excess of 40 percent on and after August 16, 2010. 4. Entitlement to an initial rating in excess of 20 percent for peripheral neuropathy of the femoral nerve in the left lower extremity on and after December 5, 2016. 5. Entitlement to an initial rating in excess of 20 percent for peripheral neuropathy of the femoral nerve in the right lower extremity on and after December 5, 2016. 6. Entitlement to an initial rating in excess of 10 percent for peripheral neuropathy of the nerves, all radicular groups, in the left upper extremity prior to December 5, 2016 and in excess of 30 percent on and after December 5, 2016. 7. Entitlement to an initial rating in excess of 10 percent for peripheral neuropathy of the nerves, all radicular groups, in the right upper extremity prior to December 5, 2016 and in excess of 40 percent on and after December 5, 2016. The Veteran served on active duty from January 1969 to January 1971. These matters come before the Board of Veterans' Appeals (Board) on appeal from rating decisions entered by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Regional Office (RO) in Cleveland, Ohio. In July 2007, the Veteran was afforded a hearing with the undersigned Veterans Law Judge via videoconference technology. The transcript has been associated with the record. Issues considered herein were remanded by the Board for additional development in October 2007, March 2010, and May 2012. Substantial compliance with the Board's prior remand has been achieved and remand of this appeal is not required. See Stegall v. West, 11 Vet. App. 268, 270-71 (1998) (remand by the Board confers upon the Veteran or other claimant, as a matter of law, the right to compliance with the Board's remand order). In Rice v. Shinseki, 22 Vet. App. 447 (2009), the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (Court) held that a TDIU claim is part of an increased rating claim when such a claim is raised by a veteran or otherwise reasonably raised by the record. The Court further held that when evidence of unemployability is submitted at the same time that a veteran is appealing the rating assigned for a disability, the claim for TDIU was considered part and parcel of the claim for benefits for the underlying disability. Id. An April 2017 rating decision granted the Veteran entitlement to a TDIU; thus, this issue will not be considered herein by the Board. 1. The Veteran does not have a current diagnosis attributable to a knot in the stomach and back causing leg paralysis which is related to service. 2. The preponderance of the evidence indicates that the Veteran's left lower extremity peripheral neuropathy of the sciatic nerve is no worse than mild prior to August 16, 2010. 3. The preponderance of the evidence indicates that the Veteran's right lower extremity peripheral neuropathy of the sciatic nerve is no worse than mild prior to August 16, 2010. 4. The preponderance of the evidence indicates that the Veteran's left lower extremity peripheral neuropathy of the sciatic nerve is no worse than moderately severe on and after August 16, 2010. 5. The preponderance of the evidence indicates that the Veteran's right lower extremity peripheral neuropathy of the sciatic nerve is no worse than moderately severe on and after August 16, 2010. 6. The preponderance of the evidence indicates that the Veteran's left lower extremity neuropathy of the femoral nerve is no worse than moderate on and after December 5, 2016. 7. The preponderance of the evidence indicates that the Veteran's right lower extremity neuropathy of the femoral nerve is no worse than severe on and after December 5, 2016. 8. The preponderance of the evidence indicates that the Veteran's neuropathy of the left upper extremity nerves, all radicular groups, is no worse than mild prior to December 5, 2016. 9. The preponderance of the evidence indicates that the Veteran's neuropathy of the right upper extremity nerves, all radicular groups, is no worse than mild prior to December 5, 2016. 10. The preponderance of the evidence indicates that the Veteran's neuropathy of the left upper extremity nerves, all radicular groups, is no worse than moderate on and from December 5, 2016. 11. The preponderance of the evidence indicates that the Veteran's neuropathy of the right upper extremity nerves, all radicular groups, is no worse than moderate on and from December 5, 2016. 1. A knot in the stomach and back causing leg paralysis was not incurred in or aggravated by active service. 38 U.S.C.A. §§ 1110, 5107 (West 2014); 38 C.F.R. §§ 3.102, 3.303 (2016). 2. The criteria for an initial rating in excess of 10 percent for peripheral neuropathy of the sciatic nerve in the left lower extremity prior to August 16, 2010, and in excess of 40 percent on and after August 16, 2010 have not been met. 38 U.S.C.A. §§ 1155, 5107 (West 2014); 38 C.F.R. § 3.102, 4.124a, Diagnostic Code 8620 (2016). 3. The criteria for an initial rating in excess of 10 percent for peripheral neuropathy of the sciatic nerve in the right lower extremity prior to August 16, 2010, and in excess of 40 percent on and after August 16, 2010 have not been met. 38 U.S.C.A. §§ 1155, 5107 (West 2014); 38 C.F.R. § 3.102, 4.124a, Diagnostic Code 8620 (2016). 4. The criteria for an initial rating in excess of 20 percent for neuropathy of the femoral nerve in the left lower extremity from December 5, 2016 have not been met. 38 U.S.C.A. §§ 1155, 5107 (West 2014); 38 C.F.R. § 3.102, 4.124a, Diagnostic Code 8526 (2016). 5. The criteria for an initial rating of 30 percent, but no more, for neuropathy in the femoral nerve of the right lower extremity from December 5, 2016 have been met. 38 U.S.C.A. §§ 1155, 5107 (West 2014); 38 C.F.R. § 3.102, 4.124a, Diagnostic Code 8526 (2016). 6. The criteria for an initial rating in excess of 10 percent for peripheral neuropathy of the nerves, all radicular groups, in the left upper extremity prior to December 5, 2016 and in excess of 30 percent on and after December 5, 2016 have not been met. 38 U.S.C.A. §§ 1155, 5107 (West 2014); 38 C.F.R. § 3.102, 4.124a, Diagnostic Code 8513 (2016). 7. The criteria for an initial rating in excess of 10 percent for peripheral neuropathy of the nerves, all radicular groups, in the right upper extremity prior to December 5, 2016 and in excess of 30 percent on and after December 5, 2016 have not been met. 38 U.S.C.A. §§ 1155, 5107 (West 2014); 38 C.F.R. § 3.102, 4.124a, Diagnostic Code 8513 (2016). VA has a duty to notify and assist claimants in substantiating a claim for VA benefits. 38 U.S.C.A. §§ 5100, 5102, 5103, 5103A, 5107, 5126 (West 2014 & Supp. 2016); 38 C.F.R. §§ 3.102, 3.156(a), 3.159, and 3.326(a) (2016). Proper notice from VA must inform the claimant of any information and medical or lay evidence not of record (1) that is necessary to substantiate the claim; (2) that VA will seek to provide; and (3) that the claimant is expected to provide. 38 C.F.R. § 3.159 (b)(1); Quartuccio v. Principi, 16 Vet. App. 183 (2002). The requirements apply to all five elements of a service connection claim: veteran status, existence of a disability, a connection between the veteran's service and the disability, degree of disability, and effective date of the disability. Dingess/Hartman v. Nicholson, 19 Vet. App. 473 (2006). Such notice must be provided to a claimant before the initial unfavorable decision on a claim for VA benefits by the agency of original jurisdiction (in this case, the RO). Id; see also Pelegrini v. Principi, 18 Vet. App. 112 (2004). VCAA notice must be provided prior to an initial unfavorable decision on a claim by the RO. Mayfield v. Nicholson, 444 F.3d 1328 (Fed. Cir. 2006); Pelegrini v. Principi, 18 Vet. App. 112 (2004). Where complete notice is not timely accomplished, such error may be cured by issuance of a fully compliant notice, followed by readjudication of the claim. See Mayfield v. Nicholson, 444 F.3d 1328 (Fed. Cir. 2006); see also Prickett v. Nicholson, 20 Vet. App. 370, 376 (2006). The Veteran's claims for increased ratings arise from an appeal of the initial evaluation following the grant of service connection. Courts have held that once service connection is granted the claim is substantiated, additional notice is not required and any defect in the notice is not prejudicial. Hartman v. Nicholson, 483 F.3d 1311 (Fed. Cir. 2007); Dunlap v. Nicholson, 21 Vet. App. 112 (2007). Therefore, no further notice is needed under VCAA. Concerning the claim for service connection, in an April 2013 letter the RO provided notice to the Veteran regarding what information and evidence is needed to substantiate a claim for service connection, as well as what information and evidence must be submitted by the Veteran, what information and evidence will be obtained by VA, and the need for the Veteran to advise VA of or submit any further evidence that pertains to the claim. Although this was post-initial adjudication, the claim was re-adjudicated in April 2017, curing any defect concerning the timing of adequate notice. Next, VA has a duty to assist the Veteran in the development of the claims. This duty includes assisting him in the procurement of service treatment records and pertinent treatment records and providing an examination when necessary. 38 U.S.C.A. § 5103A; 38 C.F.R. § 3.159. The Board finds that all necessary development has been accomplished, and therefore appellate review may proceed without prejudice to the appellant. See Bernard v. Brown, 4 Vet. App. 384 (1993). The claims file contains the Veteran's service treatment records, as well as post-service reports of VA and private treatment and examination. Moreover, the Veteran's statements in support of the claims are of record, including testimony provided at a hearing before the undersigned. The Board has carefully reviewed such statements and concludes that no available outstanding evidence has been identified. The Board has also perused the medical records for references to additional treatment reports not of record, but has found nothing to suggest that there is any outstanding evidence with respect to the Veteran's claims. For the above reasons, no further notice or assistance to the Veteran is required to fulfill VA's duty to assist the Veteran in the development of the claims. Smith v. Gober, 14 Vet. App. 227 (2000), aff'd, 281 F.3d 1384 (Fed. Cir. 2002); Dela Cruz v. Principi, 15 Vet. App. 143 (2001). The Board has thoroughly reviewed all the evidence in the Veteran's claims folder. Although the Board has an obligation to provide reasons and bases supporting this decision, there is no need to discuss, in detail, each piece of evidence of record. See Gonzales v. West, 218 F.3d 1378, 1380-81 (Fed. Cir. 2000). The analysis below focuses on the most salient and relevant evidence and on what this evidence shows, or fails to show, on the claim. The Veteran must not assume that the Board has overlooked pieces of evidence that are not explicitly discussed herein. See Timberlake v. Gober, 14 Vet. App. 122 (2000). The Board must assess the credibility and weight of all evidence, including the medical evidence, to determine its probative value, accounting for evidence which it finds to be persuasive or unpersuasive, and providing reasons for rejecting any evidence favorable to the claimant. Equal weight is not accorded to each piece of evidence contained in the record; every item of evidence does not have the same probative value. When all the evidence is assembled, VA is responsible for determining whether the evidence supports the claim or is in relative equipoise, with the appellant prevailing in either event, or whether a preponderance of the evidence is against a claim, in which case, the claim is denied. Gilbert v. Derwinski, 1 Vet. App. 49 (1990). The Board has reviewed all the evidence in the Veteran's claims file. Although the Board has an obligation to provide adequate reasons and bases supporting this decision, there is no requirement that the evidence submitted by the veteran or obtained on his behalf be discussed in detail. Rather, the Board's analysis below will focus specifically on what evidence is needed to substantiate the claim and what the evidence in the claims file shows, or fails to show, with respect to the claim. See Gonzales v. West, 218 F.3d 1378, 1380-81 (Fed. Cir. 2000) and Timberlake v. Gober, 14 Vet. App. 122, 128-30 (2000). Service connection may be established for a disability resulting from disease or injury incurred in or aggravated by service. 38 U.S.C.A. § 1110 (West 2014); 38 C.F.R. § 3.303 (2016). Evidence of continuity of symptomatology from the time of service until the present is required where the chronicity of a condition manifested during service either has not been established or might reasonably be questioned. 38 C.F.R. § 3.303 (b). Regulations also provide that service connection may be granted for any disease diagnosed after discharge, when all the evidence, including that pertinent to service, establishes that the disability was incurred in service. 38 C.F.R. § 3.303 (d). In order to prevail on the issue of service connection there must be medical evidence of a current disability; medical evidence, or in certain circumstances, lay evidence of in- service occurrence or aggravation of a disease or injury; and medical evidence of a nexus between an in-service injury or disease and the current disability. See Hickson v. West, 12 Vet. App. 247, 253 (1999); see also Pond v. West, 12 Vet App. 341, 346 (1999). Service connection may also be granted for disability shown after service, when all of the evidence, including that pertinent to service, shows that it was incurred in service. 38 C.F.R. § 3.303 (d). The Veteran's service treatment records indicate no treatment for a big knot or paralysis. The Veteran's separation examination, dated January 18, 1971, indicate no abnormalities. The Veteran's service personnel records indicate that he was in Vietnam from June 7, 1970 to January 14, 1971. The Veteran testified that immediately upon returning from service in Vietnam, two large knots appeared, one on his front lower quadrant area and one in the same area on the back, with accompanying leg paralysis. He stated that the hospital put him in quarantine for five days and the knots disappeared but that he continues to have intermittent leg paralysis. In a July 2001 statement, the Veteran reported that he was put in isolation immediately after service due to something of an infectious nature. He contends that the knots with associated leg paralysis are the result of exposure to herbicide agents during service. In December 2004, the Veteran was afforded a VA authorized examination to consider his claims. The Veteran reiterated his contentions concerning the big knot. The examiner indicated that the claimed disability was undocumented by the current examination. An addendum to the December 2004 examination, dated April 2005, indicates that the Veteran's original peripheral neuropathy was due to his ethanol abuse but that this was exacerbated by his diabetes. There is no indication that the reported big knot led to any current peripheral neuropathy or paralysis. In July 2007, the Veteran testified that when he arrived at his parents' house after discharge, he had a big knot, like an egg, protruding from his stomach. Later that night, he had a big knot on the back side, opposite from the one in the front. The Veteran could not move his left leg at that time. After five days, the knots went away but he did not regain complete use of his left leg. The Veteran's representative pointed out that this issue was possibly intertwined with his service-connected peripheral neuropathy. The Veteran was afforded an additional examination in May 2009. The examiner indicated that although the Veteran was in a wheelchair, he was able to stand up and walk with no significant difficulty. He was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy which seemed to be clinically insignificant. There were no findings or complaints concerning the big knot or reported residuals. An August 2010 VA authorized examination indicates bilateral lower extremity peripheral neuropathy, mild by EMG testing. A September 2010 VA examination for erectile dysfunction did not indicate any findings of a big knot. A September 2011 VA examination indicates that the examiner found no evidence that the Veteran had a knot in the stomach and/or back that caused paralysis in his legs. She noted that the Veteran had an EMG in September 2009 that revealed no electrical evidence of motor axon loss or lumbar radiculopathy. A December 2016 VA examination with a January 2017 addendum indicates that the Veteran's claimed big knot with leg paralysis is less likely than not related to active service due to a lack of supporting documents. The Board additionally observes that there is no indication of a finding of a big knot or any residuals thereof on examination. Thus, the Board finds that the preponderance of the evidence is against a finding that the Veteran has a knot in the stomach and back, causing leg paralysis, which is related to active service. Likewise, the preponderance of the evidence is against a finding of residuals of knots in the stomach and back. The Board notes that there is no indication that the Veteran's contended big knot with residuals is related to active service except for the Veteran's own statements. In this regard, the Board observes that the Veteran's service treatment records do not indicate treatment for knots and the Veteran admits that the big knot began post-service. The Veteran contends residuals of the big knot but multiple examinations have found that the Veteran has peripheral neuropathy of the lower extremity due to his service-connected diabetes mellitus and, in the past, non-service connected ethanol intake. The Board notes that the Veteran is service-connected for his peripheral neuropathy of the lower extremities and as indicated below, compensated for such disabilities. As a layperson in the field of medicine, the Veteran does not have the medical competence to identify residuals of a big knot, as this is a complex determination that cannot be made based on lay observation alone. The VA treatment records showing a lack of diagnoses pertaining to specific areas of the body carry more weight than the open-ended claims. See Sanchez-Benitez, 13 Vet. App. at 285. In sum, taking into account all of the evidence of record, the Board finds that the preponderance of the evidence is against a finding that the Veteran's claimed conditions are related to active service, any incident of active service or are secondary to or aggravated by any service-connected disability. As the preponderance of the evidence is against the claim, the benefit of the doubt rule is not applicable. See 38 U.S.C.A. § 5107 (b); Gilbert v. Derwinski, 1 Vet. App. 49, 54-56 (1990). Disability evaluations are determined by comparing a veteran's present symptomatology with criteria set forth in VA's Schedule for Rating Disabilities, which is based on average impairment in earning capacity. 38 U.S.C.A. § 1155 (West 2014); 38 C.F.R. Part 4 (2016). When a question arises as to which of two ratings applies under a particular diagnostic code, the higher evaluation is assigned if the disability more closely approximates the criteria for the higher rating. 38 C.F.R. § 4.7. Otherwise, the lower rating will be assigned. An appeal from the initial assignment of a disability rating, such as the appeals in this case, requires consideration of the entire time period involved, and contemplates staged ratings where warranted. See Fenderson v. West, 12 Vet. App. 119 (1999). Under Diagnostic Code 8513, a 20 percent rating is assigned for mild incomplete paralysis. A 30 percent rating is warranted for moderate incomplete paralysis of the minor extremity, and a 40 percent rating is contemplated for moderate incomplete paralysis of the major extremity. Severe incomplete paralysis warrants a 60 percent for the minor extremity and a 70 percent rating for the major extremity. Complete paralysis warrants an 80 percent rating for the minor extremity and a 90 percent rating for the major extremity. Under DC 8526, a 40 percent rating is warranted for complete paralysis of the anterior crural nerve (femoral) resulting in paralysis of the quadriceps extensor muscles. Further, under DC 8526, incomplete paralysis of the anterior crural nerve (femoral) warrants a 30 percent rating if it is severe a 20 percent rating if it is moderate, or a 10 percent rating if it is mild. 38 C.F.R. § 4.124a , DC 8526. Under DC 8620, pertaining to neuritis of the sciatic nerve, a 10 percent rating is warranted if paralysis is mild, a 20 percent rating is warranted if it is moderate, moderately severe incomplete paralysis warrants a 40 percent disability rating, and severe incomplete paralysis with marked muscular atrophy warrants a 60 percent disability rating. An 80 percent disability rating is warranted for complete paralysis, where the foot dangles and drops, there is no active movement possible of the muscles below the knee, and flexion of the knee is weakened or (very rarely) lost. See 38 C.F.R. § 4.121a, DC 8620. The term "incomplete paralysis" with peripheral nerve injuries indicates a degree of loss or impaired function substantially less than the type pictured for complete paralysis given with each nerve, whether due to the varied level of the nerve lesion or to partial regeneration. When the involvement is wholly sensory, the rating should be for mild, or at most, the moderate degree. See Note at "Diseases of the Peripheral Nerves" in 38 C.F.R. § 4.124 (a). Incomplete and complete paralysis, neuritis, and neuralgia of other nerves of the upper extremities are addressed by Diagnostic Codes 8510 through 8512, 8514 through 8519, 8610 through 8612, 8614 through 8619, 8710 through 8712, and 8714 through 8719. The same concerning other nerves of the lower extremities are addressed by Diagnostic Codes 8521 through 8530, 8621 through 8630, and 8721 through 8730. As set forth below, the Veteran's radial, median, ulnar, sciatic, and femoral nerves are affected. A separate rating for each nerve is prohibited as impermissible pyramiding. 38 C.F.R. § 4.14. Use of Diagnostic Codes 8513 and 8620, however, is most favorable to the Veteran. The Board additionally continues the evaluation under Diagnostic Code 8526, as indicated by the RO's April 2017 rating decision. The maximum ratings he can receive pursuant to those indicated indeed are higher than the maximum ratings allowed by all of the aforementioned Diagnostic Codes, to include those for his other affected nerves. The Veteran was granted service connection for peripheral neuropathy of his four extremities effective August 19, 2004. The Veteran was afforded a VA authorized examination in December 2004. The examiner indicated that reflexes and proprioception were normal. Light touch sensation was decreased in the left hand and the inner side of the right wrist. Lower extremity sensation was absent below the knees bilaterally. An April 2005 addendum indicates that it's impossible to delineate the Veteran's peripheral neuropathy causation factors; ethanol abuse versus diabetes. In July 2007, the Veteran testified that his left leg gave out about twice a week. He had been riding a Harley Davidson for thirty years but had to stop due to the peripheral neuropathy. The Veteran testified that he had complete paralysis of the left leg from time to time. The Veteran described pain, numbness and tingling in both legs and both arms. In May 2009, the Veteran was afforded a VA examination. The examiner indicated that the Veteran's extreme poor effort made his manual muscle strength testing impossible to measure although the examiner indicated that he was able to find that the Veteran had no significant motor or sensory deficit in any of his extremities. The examiner reported that although the Veteran came in by wheelchair, he had no significant difficulty with standing up and walking. The examiner diagnosed peripheral neuropathy which seemed clinically insignificant. An August 2010 VA authorized examination indicates that the Veteran had good radial pulses and normal brachial reflexes of the upper extremity. His biceps and triceps strength was 5/5 bilaterally. He had normal proprioception on the left and he could identify two objects on the right. The lower extremities had good hair growth, normal nails and intact skin with good pedal pulses; quadricep and hamstring strength was 5/5. He had good patellar and Achilles reflexes. The examiner indicated that the Veteran's bilateral lower extremity peripheral neuropathy was mild by EMG testing but moderate to severe by examination and history. EMG testing showed no evidence of peripheral neuropathy of the upper extremities but instead mild carpal tunnel syndrome. In January 2014, after a full examination with a report of the findings, a VA examiner indicated that the Veteran had moderate incomplete paralysis of the median nerves and moderate incomplete paralysis of the sciatic nerves. The Veteran was afforded a VA authorized examination in December 2016. After examination of the Veteran and providing a detailed description, the examiner indicated that the Veteran had moderate incomplete paralysis of the radial nerves, moderate incomplete paralysis of the median nerves, moderate incomplete paralysis of the ulnar nerves, moderate severe incomplete paralysis of the sciatic nerves and moderate incomplete paralysis of the left femoral nerve and severe incomplete paralysis of the right femoral nerve. Relevant treatment records were reviewed. The Board finds that the indications of the severity of the Veteran's disabilities in those records are consistent with findings made in the context of examination reports. Under Diagnostic Code 8620, prior to August 16, 2010, the Board finds that the preponderance of the evidence is consistent with mild peripheral neuropathy of the sciatic nerves in the bilateral lower extremities. In this regard, the Board notes that the objective evidence of record, specifically a May 2009 examination report, indicates that the Veteran's peripheral neuropathy was clinically insignificant. See 38 C.F.R. § 4.121a, DC 8620. On and from August 16, 2010, the Board finds that the preponderance of the evidence is consistent with moderately severe peripheral neuropathy of the sciatic nerves in the lower extremities. In this regard, the Board observes that there is no indication of marked muscular atrophy or complete paralysis which would warrant a higher rating. See 38 C.F.R. § 4.124a, DC 8620. Utilizing Diagnostic Code 8513 pertaining to paralysis of the radicular nerves of the upper extremities, prior to December 5, 2016, the Board finds that the preponderance of the evidence is consistent with mild peripheral neuropathy of the bilateral upper extremities. Again, the Board relies on the objective findings of the May 2009 examiner who indicated that the Veteran's peripheral neuropathy was clinically insignificant. See 38 C.F.R. § 4.124a, DC 8513. Under Diagnostic Code 8526 considering paralysis of the femoral nerve, on and from December 5, 2016, the Board finds that the preponderance of the evidence is consistent with moderately severe paralysis of the femoral nerve of the left lower extremity and severe partial paralysis of the femoral nerve of the right lower extremity, consistent with the opinion of the December 2016 examiner. Thus, the Board finds that the Veteran's disability warrants a 30 percent disability rating on the right side and the current 20 percent rating for the left lower extremity. See 38 C.F.R. § 4.124a, DC 8526. On and from December 5, 2016, the Board finds that the preponderance of the evidence is consistent with moderate incomplete paralysis of the bilateral upper extremities. The Board relies on the objective findings of the December 2016 examination report in making this determination. There is no indication in the record of severe incomplete or total paralysis of such nerves. See 38 C.F.R. § 4.124a, DC 8513. In reaching the conclusions above the Board has considered the applicability of the benefit of the doubt doctrine. See 38 U.S.C.A. § 5107 (b) (West 2014); Ortiz v. Principi, 274 F.3d 1361, 1364 (Fed. Cir. 2001); Gilbert v. Derwinski, 1 Vet. App. 49, 55-57 (1990). Entitlement to service connection for a knot in the stomach and back causing leg paralysis is denied. Entitlement to a rating in excess of 10 percent for peripheral neuropathy of the sciatic nerve in the left lower extremity prior to August 16, 2010, and in excess of 40 percent on and after August 16, 2010 is denied. Entitlement to a rating in excess of 10 percent for peripheral neuropathy of the sciatic nerve in the right lower extremity prior to August 16, 2010, and in excess of 40 percent on and after August 16, 2010 is denied. Entitlement to an initial rating in excess of 20 percent for peripheral neuropathy of the femoral nerve in the left lower extremity on and after December 5, 2016 is denied. Entitlement to an initial rating of 30 percent for peripheral neuropathy of the femoral nerve in the right lower extremity on and after December 5, 2016 is granted, subject to the laws governing the grant of monetary benefits. Entitlement to a rating in excess of 10 percent for peripheral neuropathy of the nerves, all radicular groups, in the left upper extremity prior to December 5, 2016 and in excess of 30 percent on and after December 5, 2016 is denied. Entitlement to a rating in excess of 10 percent for peripheral neuropathy of the nerve, all radicular groups, in the right upper extremity prior to December 5, 2016 and in excess of 40 percent on and after December 5, 2016 is denied.
The compatibility of the furniture when your home or office and the degree of comfort it offers determine that the allowance spent was worth it or not. normal furniture has its own importance but keeping the broadminded needs in mind, contemporary furniture extremely has an edge. Variety in shapes and sizes: The major lead of having contemporary furniture is its availability in numerous shapes and sizes. As such it becomes simple to prefer furniture for your home or office. The tailor made contemporary bedroom furniture can easily be accommodated in the bedrooms of broadminded apartments. on the further hand, the expected bedroom furniture may encroach more place and may be hard to familiarize to the dimensions of your room or home. easily reached in numerous designs: The choices in contemporary furniture are loads as a variety of designs are available. There are many types of enlightened furniture genial to categorically furnish your home or office including open-minded office chairs, broadminded guest chairs, ahead of its time tables and ahead of its time lounge furniture. You can exactly choose the design which delights your mind. Provides cost effectiveness: The normal furniture are mostly made of wood even though a variety of materials as soon as steel, plywood, leather and plastics are used to make protester furniture. This variety of materials after that provides variety in prices. expected wooden table will always cost you more than the futuristic table made of plastic. This brings the cost effectiveness into do its stuff even though serving the similar purpose. combination of both outmoded and advocate touch: The contemporary furniture is as a consequence genial subsequent to a traditional touch. Unlike normal furniture that nonappearance go forward in distress and design, ahead of its time furniture keeps on innovating and experimenting. The main aspire of contemporary furniture is not forlorn to tote up the beauty of the house but next to personalize it. The contemporary animated room furniture subsequently mirrors, shoe racks, console tables, jacket racks etc. can be differently shaped by staying focused upon the basics of innovation. The well-liked geometrical patterns in house furnishing are visceral made more tasteful bearing in mind experimentation. The stand-in color patterns in contemporary furniture has pure rise to a extra style of furnishing. Bold and bright colors are used in making unprejudiced outlandish furniture designs. perpetual black and white colors are used to portray easy and moderate touch. City dynamism is signified by mighty and radiant colors. Aristocratic theme is portrayed by using dark colors.
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Crafted Of Grey Python. The Row Double-Circle Medium Bag Is Designed With Circular Handles. Lined With Grey Supple Leather. Slip Pocket At Interior. Circular Python Handles. Detachable Flat Python Strap. 6 Height X 8 Width X 4 Depth (approximately). 3 Handle Drop. 21 Strap Drop (approximately). Available In Warm Grey (grey).
Release Date: 25 January 1997. Keşfe çıkmak için sayfayı kaydırın Scroll down the page to discover fizy Прокрутіть сторінку вниз щоб дізнатися про fizy Прокрутите страницу вниз чтобы узнать про fizy Rolle die Seite zur Entdeckung. ; This will display the name of the song, its three letter extension ( such as. These songs can be downloaded via Internet Explorer by right- clicking the song' s title and left- clicking Save Target As. I wrote the lyrics we all did the music stu did most of the production on his own at my house! Mid) the name of the folder into which it will be saved ( usually your My Music , Music folder which is inside. The King of All Kings. ( Firefox and Chrome users will left- click Save Link As). Click the yellow " Download" button on the right to download the. The Sun Will Come up, The Seasons Will Change. If you wanna be my lover download mp3. I love it, but its a bit. 13 - From Posted a new song: " Let You Go" ( ). The guitar riff on Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad is enough to make even the coldest heart want to learn to play the guitar. I posted the same song like three times, but i' m just gettin used to bandpage! Torrent files directly from the indexed sites. If you wanna be my lover download mp3. If there is no " download" button click the torrent name to view torrent source pages download. Anyhoo this is a song written by myself, stuart zender chris brenner last year. Description: Yes this is an adaptation of the song by Take That in my opinion one of the best songs they ever did. Object Moved This document may be found here. Download Music Mp3: - 2Baba – Gaga Shuffle Legendary 2baba drops this single titled “ Gaga shuffle” Download enjoy!
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This page gathers what I did on my macbook air. In order to survive on MacOS I installed port packaging system to be able to get all my favorites opensource tools following these instructions. You can also add/remove startup actions in settings->users->startup menu. sudo scutil --set ComputerName "imarc" sudo scutil --set LocalHostName "imarc" sudo scutil --set HostName "imarc" Sigh it seems that I suffer too from this plague: some info here how to recover but nothing really working for me (yet). Note that I did went through multiple PRAM SMS resets, full reinstalls of the OS without success. I checked also that bluetooth received signal strength was ok (RSSI -47dBm). Only the magic keyboard and pad were connected and no Wi-Fi/BT perturbation was noticed around the iMAC. 10:41:18.868326 +0200 kernel [[0xE000] OpCode 0xFC34 (Broadcom VSC -- Enable Radio) from: bluetoothd (104) Synchronous status: 0x00 (kIOReturnSuccess) state: 2 (BUSY) timeout: 5000] Bluetooth warning: An HCI Req timeout occurred. Disappointed, I decided to switch back to wire usb connectivity for a long time before trying to migrate to an external BT dongle. I picked a kinivo BTD-400 bluetooth 4.0 (supporting BLE) adapter ( that is claimed to be compatible with macOS (this is not a given...). Note that change is applied at next reboot. In oder to undergo more advanced bluetooth debugging use bluetooth explorer program available in additional tools for xcode after registering for free as an apple developper via So far I have not been exposed (as of yet) to BT disconnectivity hell. What can I say: it is sad that Apple has not fixed or recognize this epidemic BT failure happening for their iMAC users.
If you’re making an attempt to determine learn how to earn money in shares, listed here are some pointers you need to at all times observe. 1. The primary guideline it’s best to use when beginning your portfolio is, determine your funding time period. Are you going to take a position by yourself or are you going to make use of a dealer. Keep in mind brokers cost charges for his or her providers, however in addition they offer you a head begin on investing, as a result of they know the market and the way it all works. Be sure to analysis your dealer earlier than selecting one. Make certain they’re properly based and have a superb observe report. 2. The second guideline for rising your funding is to analysis the businesses you want to put money into. Have a look at the folks working the businesses, what’s their monitor file? Have they been in different corporations which have failed? Search for Corporations with low debt, money movement on the optimistic facet, and constant earnings. You do not wish to stick to an organization that has constant losses; then again you ought to be investing in the long run. Simply because an organization fell quick just a few occasions you don’t essentially need to drop them off your portfolio. Typically an organization goes via modifications to maintain tempo with the calls for of a altering financial system. Throughout these modifications they might expertise decrease or damaging efficiency. You have to maintain an eye fixed out on what is going on within the firm. Do not be afraid to attempt new corporations, generally these will present the perfect outcomes for you. Once more you need to you should definitely do your analysis on every firm and who runs them. Begin with a smaller funding with them and develop that funding as the corporate performs. four. The fourth guideline it is best to observe whereas studying your funding methods is to have a diversified portfolio. Put money into completely different corporations throughout completely different product sorts and providers. In different phrases, haven’t got all of your firms which are in your portfolio all electronics distributors, or all oil firms, diversify. If all of your firms are the entire identical sort, if one thing occurs together with your product kind, your portfolio will begin to sink. So, preserve it properly rounded. Take into consideration bonds and Mutual funds as different investments in your portfolio as effectively. In closing, you should determine how lengthy you wish to make investments, there aren’t too many issues, if any, you are able to do that can flip a revenue in a single day. It comes right down to Working exhausting, looking for the recommendation of monetary specialists, doing all of your analysis, and sustain with what’s going on in and world wide. Observe these tips and you have to be nicely in your approach to studying the best way to earn money in shares. Do Individuals Actually Make Cash Buying and selling Foreign exchange?
As the cannabis industry continues to grow each year cannabis concentrates are becoming widely available at recreational and medicinal dispensaries around the country. While the use of cannabis concentrates has been around for thousands of years the extraction process and certainly the potency level is advancing dramatically along with the technology used in the process. There are 6 basic types of concentrates that have become popular with both recreational and medical users , some that are fairly simple to manufacture, while others require more advanced knowledge, experience and the proper equipment. 1. Kief is simply the trichomes that have been removed from the plant material. 2. Hash is the trichomes or resin that has been compressed to form small bricks. 3. Hash oil is a more modern concentrate requiring the use of solvents , very potent and commonly used when dabbing. 4. Co2 oil is a concentrate requiring expensive extraction equipment operating at high pressure. 5. CDB / RSO oil was developed by Rick Simpson of Canada for the purpose of treating cancer. The extraction process for RSO oil also utilizes solvents and heat creating a tar like substance. 6. Tinctures have been around for centuries and utilize the alcohol and glycerin extraction process. Order Our Recipe eBook today... a must have for anyone cooking with cannabis !
Regional Capitals Australia (RCA) has today welcomed the release of the Government’s Faster Rail Plan that will connect more regional cities to faster rail. The announcement comes two days after the Government released details to further grow regional cities as part of their National Population Plan. Today’s announcement was made by Prime Minister, the Hon Scott Morrison, Deputy Prime Minister, the Hon Michael McCormack, Treasurer the Hon Josh Frydenberg, and Minister for Cities and Population the Hon Alan Tudge. A National Faster Rail Agency: which will develop a 20-year plan for a fast rail network. The agency will be supported by an Expert Panel which will oversee future opportunities for fast rail business cases, including from Melbourne to Bendigo and further work on the Ballarat line. Sydney to Parkes (via Orange). Faster rail business cases from Melbourne to Ballarat and from Sydney to Canberra are being funded by the Victorian and New South Wales State Governments respectively. Geelong to Melbourne Rail Funding: $2 billion for upgrades to the Melbourne to Geelong rail line which aims to travel an average speed of 160km/h, cutting the commute from Geelong to Melbourne down to 32 minutes. Regional Capitals Australia (RCA) Chair Cr Samantha McIntosh said the plan was very welcome, as the alliance had been strongly advocating for more investment in regional rail and for more to be done to develop businesses cases so more rail projects could be assessed and funded. “Investment in regional rail is a key part of RCA’s objectives to ensure our member cities are better connected to metropolitan markets, while also making our cities more liveable for existing residents and those that are thinking of escaping the congested capitals,” she said. “We congratulate the Government on their commitments to invest in this important infrastructure and the initiative to create an agency that will investigate more options for regional cities in the future,” she said. “Regional cities are the liveable alternative and we know that today’s announcement will continue to ensure our member cities remain so,” she said.
For the past six years, my primary career emphasis has been service. Secondary emphases have been teaching and research. I transitioned to a career emphasis of service after doing mostly clinical research for over ten years. I discovered that I missed providing clinical care in general and assessment and treatment of Substance Use Disordered (SUD) patients in particular. I therefore changed my career trajectory to make better use of my clinical skills while continuing to use insights from my research experience. A career goal is to provide and continually improve effective treatments to SUD patients in the Veteran?s Health Care System. My recently completed implementation science research and ongoing teaching are designed to improve delivery of effective SUD treatment within the VA while training prescribers and other healthcare providers to effectively treat this population. In preparation for my career path in Addiction Psychiatry, I earned undergraduate degrees in Biology and Zoology (graduating Phi Beta Kappa) and a medical degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I chose Psychiatry because for me this medical specialty was the most interesting and rewarding. After my father died from alcohol-related health problems when I was a young teen, I asked myself how I could make a difference by preventing and treating Alcohol Use Disorders. Through my graduate medical training, I have found that the best psychiatric care requires a developmental focus. This realization led to Adult Psychiatry training followed by Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Addiction Psychiatry training, after which I obtained board certification in each of those specialties. For the past six years most of my efforts have been as Medical Director of the South Texas Veterans Healthcare System Substance Abuse Treatment Program (STVHCS SATP). I ensure that Substance-Use-Disordered (SUD) Veterans who are admitted to SATP (residential and outpatient services), are medically and psychiatrically stable at admission to our specialty programs. My daily clinical work includes doing psychiatric admissions, consults, and follow-up visits for SUD patients. This clinical care is delivered within a continuum of care that includes inpatient, residential and outpatient services. My clinical and administrative responsibilities include facilitating and coordinating interdisciplinary inpatient and outpatient treatment planning and delivery of care. Our team works hard to increase Veterans? access to SATP services, and we promote continuity and transitions in care to other Mental Health programs. I also have leadership responsibilities to help coordinate care to ensure SUD Veterans have access to ongoing primary care. I have clinical and administrative oversight responsibilities for all prescribers at SATP, including two physician assistants and an adult psychiatrist. My love for teaching and mentoring has grown throughout my career and has led to training clinician-researchers to better assess and treat SUD populations. For the past three years, I have served as Co-Director of the VA Office of Academic Affairs sponsored STVHCS Advanced Fellowship in Addiction Treatment. This Advanced Fellowship is designed to produce clinician-researchers in Addictions Treatment. I have had major leadership and teaching roles in local curricula development for the Fellowship, as well as administrative responsibilities for recruiting, evaluating and mentoring Advanced Fellows. In addition, I teach, precept, and mentor Psychiatry residents from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA) and other trainees, many of whom rotate through our SATP. Some of these Psychiatry residents have career interests in Addiction Medicine and Addiction Psychiatry. My primary research and quality improvement interests focus on improved access to and transitions between SATP levels of care. Prior to becoming Medical Director of STVHCS SATP, my training prepared me for a clinician-scientist career studying adolescent and adult populations who have or are developing substance use disorders. I have been the recipient of a Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Award from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) examining developmental trajectories of children of substance-use disordered parents who are at high risk for developing substance use disorders. I have been Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator on clinical and prospective cohort studies funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), examining relationships among impulsivity, substance use disorders, and suicidal behavior in adolescents and adults. I have research experience in conducting clinical trials in SUD adolescents and adults. For the past several years, I have been doing quality improvement coaching using collaborative care models in primary care settings designed to increase prescribing rates of medications to treat Veterans with Alcohol Use Disorders. - I am currently Site-PI for a VA funded multi-site study designed to do Screening, Brief Interventions, and increase capacity of primary care prescribers to treat Veterans Alcohol Use Disorder in primary care. Developed local curricula and didactics for Advanced Fellows in Addictions Treatment; Topics include: twice monthly readings in Addiction Medicine (6 months duration, twice monthly for 12 sessions, 1 hour each session), and Implementation Science (6 weeks duration, meeting every other week, 1 hour session) with focus on practice facilitation in Primary care. Initial preparation: 20 hours for each topic; updates take about 10 hours each year. Didactics on assessment and treatment of opioid use disorders; Screening, Brief Interventions, and Referral for Treatment; Case material for assessment and treatment of dual diagnosed patient (SUD and severe non-SUD psychiatric disorders); Lectures occur on each Fall and Spring. I currently teach 5 lectures, across Psychiatry PG1 and 2 SUD lecture series. Individual lectures are 30-60 minutes. Initial preparation time: 4-5 hours per lecture. Seneviratne, C, Javors MA, Roache JD, Dawes MA, Tiouririne NA, Johnson BA. Influence of current drinking on the expression of platelet serotonin transporters across allelic variants of 5?-HTTLPR in treatment seeking adult alcoholics: Presented at the RSA Annual Meeting, Santa Barbara, CA; 2005 Jan. (Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research). Hagedorn HJ, Brown R, Dawes M, Dieperink E, Myrick DH, Oliva EM, Wagner TH, Wisdom JP, Harris AL. Enhancing access to alcohol use disorder pharmacotherapy and treatment in primary care settings: ADaPT-PC Implement Sci 2016 May;. Ling W, Hillhouse MP, Saxon AJ, Mooney LJ, Thomas CM, Ang A, Matthews AG, Hasson A, Annon J, Sparenborg S, Liu DS, McCormack J, Church S, Swafford W, Drexler K, Schuman C, Ross S, Wiest K, Korthuis PT, Lawson W, Brigham GS, Knox PC, Dawes M. Rotrosen J. Buprenorphine plus naloxone for the treatment of cocaine dependence: the Cocaine Use Reduction with Buprenorphine (CURB) study Addiction 2016 Jan;:1416-1427. Acheson A, Ray KL, Hines CS, Li K, Dawes MA, Mathias CW, Dougherty DM, Laird AR. Functional activation and effective connectivity difference in adolescent marijuana users performing a simulated gambling task J Addict 2015 Jan;78310:1-11. Mathias CW, Blumenthal TD, Dawes MA, Liguori A, Richard DM, Bray BB, Tong W, Dougherty DM. Failure to sustain prepulse inhibition in adolescent marijuana users Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2011 Jan;116:110-116. Dawes MA. Review of clinical manual of adolescent substance abuse treatment The American Jounal of Addictions 2012 Jan;21(5):498-499. Grant Detail The purpose of this study is to finalize development of a multi-faceted intervention to increase use of alcohol dependence pharmacotherapy in VHA primary care and to test the finalized intervention at three VHA facilities. The intervention includes patient and provider education, audit and feedback, and internal and external facilitation. Participants include primary care providers, substance use disorders specialty care providers, primary care mental health integration providers, and Veterans. Note: Total award: $719,467 across three sites; local funds: $69,403.
Great to have another month full of dividends! Also, this is my highest dividend income month ever. I enjoy publishing these monthly dividend income reports as I have gained a much better understanding in how much of my passive income is coming in every month and how much it is growing over time. For the month of March I have received a total of 22 diversified direct deposits in the form of dividends straight to my brokerage account. When statistically comparing last years dividend income total from March 2018 to March 2019, it represents a positive 8.6% for a year over year increased dividend income growth. I will DRIP the following upcoming month: VNQ & VYM. The dividend income page has been updated accordingly. Thank you! Sometimes its hard to perceive if you are going in the right direction and then months like these come around and shows that I am. Thank you, the quadfecta: dividend + dividend growth + capital appreciation + inflation is doing the heavy lifting for wealth building. Very slow, but steady!
Kerstin Hörlin-Holmquist (1925-1997) was a Swedish modernist architect and designer. She is remembered today, for her ability to create designs for the modern home in the 1950’s without worrying about short lived trends and what other people thought – to stay true to her own unique and humanistic design vision. Her timeless and iconic ‘Paradiset’ collection was created during her employment with NK – Nordiska Kompaniet in 1956-57 and holds a soft simplicity, they are unique in their appearance – light, clean lines and gracious with an air of romance. Today her designs are highly treasured collectibles and rarely to be found on auctions.
Officials in the Californian resort of Carmel-by-the-Sea, famed for its European flavour and thriving art scene, are clamping down on what they claim is a threat to its prosperity and tourist appeal - its art galleries. The city council has decided that Carmel has too many galleries. It has imposed an emergency ban on any new studios in the 100-year-old town on the Monterey peninsula. The resort has a population of 4,081 and 120 art galleries - one for every 34 residents. With the number of galleries doubling in the past five years, the council fears that the glut is deterring tourists seeking leisure less high-brow than oil paintings and sculptures. It is also concerned that essential services for local residents are being squeezed out because of the high rents some galleries can afford, in some cases up to £14,000 a month. An "urgency ordinance" was passed, temporarily barring new galleries from Carmel's business district until a law came into force this month. The law now demands that new galleries either focus primarily on the work of one artist or have an "artist in residence" working on the premises. Officials say the move is vital financially. The profusion of galleries has resulted in a major drop in sales tax, which is not charged on art shipped out of California. Partly due to this, the city dipped £400,000 into the red and had to lay off 20 staff. But gallery owners say the move unfairly penalises them and ignores the significant revenue they bring in by attracting tourists. Sue McCloud, a retired CIA agent now in her third term as mayor of Carmel, a post held by Clint Eastwood in the 1980s, said: "We felt we had too many galleries for business diversity. "You can't get your hair cut or your shoes repaired here. We're down to one drug store for a town where the average age is 55." Some two million tourists visit the city each year, she said. But many complained about the uninterrupted windows of art. "Hopefully this law will, over time, reduce the number of art galleries and allow us to bring in other types of businesses that will appeal to a broader range of visitors." Jennifer Walker, who runs the Hanson Gallery, one of Carmel's largest, has formed a group to fight the law. She said the new rule would destroy all but the biggest, commercialised galleries. Instead of freeing space for other businesses, it would enable landlords to raise rents further. "Like New York and Santa Fe, our village is a recognised destination for fine art," she said. "Limiting the variety and scope of art galleries would knock Carmel off the map of art destination cities. "I don't think the town realises how much revenue the art galleries bring into the economy that other businesses would not. This is a naive decision." Carmel, with its picture postcard views and £1 million homes, was founded by bohemian artists and writers from San Francisco. Traditionally quirky - Carmel has no house numbers or postal deliveries - the city has a history of idiosyncratic laws. Wearers of high-heeled shoes, for example, need a permit from the city clerk to walk its uneven, unlit streets. The permit absolves local authorities of any responsibility should the person in heels fall over. In 1986, Mayor Clint Eastwood successfully fended off a move to outlaw ice cream cones on the street. Carmel also has a cap on the number of jewellery shops - only 32 are allowed.
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Question: My users contribute to comments on my website, who owns the content that is uploaded? This depends on what is set out in the Terms and Conditions of your website. If you would like to be assigned the intellectual property that is included in comments, you should draft this into your Terms and Conditions if you have not already.
1. Includes 2 red LED lights + 2 white LED lights, white lights are used for lightening for front of bike, red lights are used for alarming for rear of bike. 3. Powered by 2pcs CR 2032/3V batteries. 6. With built-in reed pipe, LED lights will be off when two lights buckled up, LED lights will be on when separating two lights. 7. Waterproof construction design which ensure your daily outdoor activities unobstructed. The Sunway LED Bike Light Set is designed for riding bike in the night, hiking, running and other outdoor activities. 1. Don’t mix old and new batteries! 2. Do not incinerate, compact, or disassemble batteries. 3. Do not look at light directly for long time. 6. Recycle old batteries whenever possible. If recycling is unavailable in your area, dispose of old batteries in accordance with local regulations. 7. This product is water-resistant under daily use and can be used in the rain. However, do not intentionally submerge it in water. 8. Keep away from fire and extreme heat.
Piraeus Marine Services S.A. would like to inform you about the latest news, requirements and dates regarding the installation of the Ballast Water Management Systems. USCG published a Policy Letter (CG-OES Policy Letter No. 13-01, Revision 1) and an associated Marine Safety Information Bulletin (MSIB 13-15) that provide revised guidance to vessel owners and operators seeking to extend compliance dates for implementing approved ballast water management methods. The original compliance date of a vessel is determined by the following table, which reflects the implementation schedule as listed in 33 CFR Part 151.1512(b) (Subpart C) or 151.2035(b) (Subpart D). All new vessels (constructed on or after 1 December 2013) must use an approved ballast water management method on delivery. Existing vessel’s ballast water capacity and is set as the first scheduled drydocking after 1 January 2016 or 1 January 2014. MSIB 13-15 clarifies the term ‘first scheduled drydocking’ for the purposes of compliance with the BWM implementation schedule. In all cases, a vessel’s first scheduled drydocking date is the date the vessel enters a drydock. If that happens sometime during 2015 and the vessel goes not leave drydock until after 1 January 2016, this drydocking is not considered the first scheduled after 1 January 2016 for purposes of compliance. You can also visit the webpage of our BWT Unit, the ‘BlueZone BWMS’, where you may find all the necessary information you need regarding this system, which is based on the use of OZONE MICRO BUBBLES. By that, all harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens in ballast water are disinfected. The micro OZONE bubbles reduce the power consumption substantially. This method is unique and has been patented. Here you may find all the necessary information regarding the Policy letter (CG-OES Policy Letter No. 13-01, Revision 1), the associated Marine Safety Information Bulletin (MSIB 13-15), as well as the video for the BlueZone BWMS system. Read the newsletter "DEVELOPMENTS REGARDING BALLAST WATER MANAGEMENT IN US WATERS" in pdf format.
Brief history INTERCONTAINER, S.A., was founded by Mr. José Avila in 1982 and since its inauguration has always been connected to services in maritime transport, handling, inspections, storage and repair of all types of containers. From the outset we have made strong investments in new technologies and improving the internal infrastructure in order to give our clients the best service. Since 1994 INTERCONTAINER, S.A. has increased its services and now also offers a warehouse facility for the storage of all types of goods. Since the foundation and thanks to the experience gained in 28 years we have created and developed a maximized infrastructure which reinforces our highly qualified staff allowing us to satisfactorily meet the needs of our clients.
See where Josh Tolley is going to be next. You're Invited! With the importance of raising the next generation with an entrepreneurial mindset, this homeschooling event in Fall Creek Falls, Tennessee has Josh Tolley on the featured speaker list. Homeschooling parents and children alike are welcome to tap into a whole new way of growing up to think "outside the [proverbial] box." Josh has new entrepreneurial ways of motivating children, connecting them with their highest giftings and potential, and using life to teach them more than a textbook ever will. Kids have so much to work with when starting a new business; this is the way to teach them what life is all about.
We’re nearing the end of the year, and many people are already in open enrollment for next year’s health coverage, which means it is a great time to plan ahead for your 2010 drug expenditures. No, you can’t know every medication you are going to need, but if you are on a popular, patented maintenance drug such as Lipitor or Cozaar, you’ll be pleased to hear that their patents are expiring in 2010, opening the field for more-affordable U.S. generic versions. In the meantime, as you do your research, you will see that many are already available as generics, manufactured outside of the U.S. There is usually a considerable cost savings. Here are all the details of some of the highest-profile drugs that have expiring patents as of the end of 2009, or during 2010 and how and where to get the generic versions. ARICEPT (donepezil). Pfizer makes the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor Aricept for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Aricept is scheduled to lose patent protection in the U.S. in 2010, but generic versions are already available. COZAAR (losartan). Merck’s Cozaar is an angiotensin II receptor antagonist, used to treat hypertension. Cozaar‘s patent protection in the U.S. will expire in 2010. In the meantime, generic losartan is available here. LEVAQUIN (levofloxacin). Johnson & Johnson’s antibiotic drug Levaquin will outlive its patent protection in 2010. However, until that time, you can purchase generic levofloxacin here. LIPITOR (atorvastatin). Pfizer has the best-selling drug in the world in Lipitor, which treats high cholesterol. In the US, the basic patent for Lipitor expires in March 2010, while the second patent covering the calcium salt of atorvastatin expires in June 2011. It is not yet clear exactly which date will see widespread availability of generic Lipitor in the U.S., but it is coming. In the meantime, generic atorvastatin is available here. VALTREX (valacyclovir). GlaxoSmithKline’s Valtrex is a treatment for herpes simplex and herpes zoster (shingles). Valacyclovir was recently approved for generic production, and so generic versions will be on the U.S. market by the end of 2009. As of this writing, generic valacyclovir is available here. If you’re interested in the business ramifications for the pharmaceutical companies, CNN ran a good article on the topic, and so did Chemistry World. Enjoy using to knowledgeably plan your medication choices for the coming year. Pay LESS than Your $10 Co-pay for Many Generic Medications! Its amazing what supply and demand can do. Free trade keeps even the big guys in check. What a wonderful article not many people display what drugs do for certain ailments , I guess that’s because most people dont know !!
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