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GitHub - jmasonherr/Reactive-React-Todo-with-MiniMongo: React-MiniMongo-Todo Sample app
How do you manage React.js data? With a database! - Use a database! Everybody loves a database! - Super simple! - Automatic UI updates! - Jargon and flow chart free! (except maybe reactive programming) ``` git clone cd todo npm install webpack # or ./node_modules/.bin/webpack if you get an error npm start ``` Navigate to http://localhost:8080. for hot-reloading goodness ``` // Import mixin and reactive data source import { ReactMeteorData, Mongo } from 'meteor-standalone-react-mixin' // Create Reactive Data source var Todos = new Mongo.Collection('todos'); // Define 'getMeteorData' on your react class var TodoApp = React.createClass({ mixins: [ReactMeteorData], getMeteorData: function() { return {activeTodos: Todos.find({completed: false}).fetch()}; }, render: function() { } }); ``` `ReactMeteorData` adds `` to your React class. `` acts alike `this.props` or `this.state` . When the data accessed by `ReactMeteorData` change, your component updates. This example makes reactive data sources to keep the app's data and state. Then React components listen to those sources. What is reactive programming? ``` import { Mongo, ReactiveDict } from 'meteor-standalone-react-mixin' var Todos = new Mongo.Collection('todos'); ... var appState = new ReactiveDict; ``` There are two 'reactive data sources' in this example. 1 - `Mongo.Collection` is a schemaless database collection that can be queried like MongoDB. Each item in the collection has a unique `_id` property. We create a collection to hold our `Todos` . 2 - `ReactiveDict` is like a javascript dictionary with getters and setters, and it is also reactive. It keeps track of the application's state. Any change in this will also cause a refresh in components that depend on it. Now that we have a place to store data and application state, we can write the views ``` import { Todos, appState } from './todo/data.jsx' import { TodoItem } from './todo/todoItem.jsx' import { ReactMeteorData } from 'meteor-standalone-react-mixin' const TodoApp = React.createClass({ // To make a React class react to a reactive data source, add this mixin mixins: [ReactMeteorData], getMeteorData: function () { var queryFilters = {}; /* Any Reactive data sources queried in this function will trigger a refresh when they change. This view will watch Mongo.Collection queries and appState, a ReactiveDict Location of the page is passed in as a prop from React-Router, when props or state change, this function will run to see if its results change */ var _location = this.props.location.pathname; // Mongo.Collection allows a rich query interface (nearly all // of MongoDB's!) including sort statements var sortStatement = {sort: {createdAt: -1}}; if(_location === '/active') { queryFilters.completed = false; sortStatement.sort = {completedAt: -1, createdAt: -1}; } else if(_location === '/completed'){ queryFilters.completed = true; sortStatement.sort = {completedAt: -1}; } // Anything returned from getMeteor data is available as to // the rest of the class return { editingState: appState.get('editing'), // Count queries are reactive too! activeTodoCount: Todos.find({completed: false}).count(), completedCount: Todos.find({completed: true}).count(), location: _location, todos: Todos.find(queryFilters, sortStatement).fetch() }; }, ``` Changes in `.data` trigger a component refresh just like `.state` or `.props` Any changes made to the collection of `Todos` , the window location, or `appState` will automagically update `` and trigger a refresh of `TodoApp` . The `render` function looks like this- ``` ... render: function () { var self = this; var footer; var main; var todoItems = (todo) { return ( <TodoItem key={todo._id} todo={todo} editing={ === todo._id} onCancel={self.cancel}/>); }, this); if ( || { footer = <TodoFooter count={} completedCount={} location={} />; } if ( { main = ( <section className="main"> <input className="toggle-all" type="checkbox" onChange={this.toggleAll} checked={ === 0} /> <ul className="todo-list"> {todoItems} </ul> </section> ); } return ( <div> <header className="header"> <h1>todos</h1> <input className="new-todo" placeholder="What needs to be done?" autoFocus={true} onKeyUp={this.handleKeyUp} /> </header> {main} {footer} </div> ); } ``` Access `` just like you would `this.state` or `this.props` . Modifying the underlying collection will update any React classes affected. How to insert a new `Todo` ? Look at the `handleKeyUp` method in `App.jsx` ``` handleKeyUp: function (event) { ... var val =; if (val) { Todos.insert({ title: val, completed: false, createdAt: new Date(), completedAt: null, }); = ''; } }, ``` `TodoApp` will rerender automatically,a new `Todo` will show in the UI and the footer will appear. It only has two more methods to cover ``` ... toggleAll: function (event) { // Toggle the state of all Todos present, if(Todos.find({completed: false}).count()){ Todos.update({completed: false}, {$set: {completed: true, completedAt: new Date()}}, {multi:true}); } else { Todos.update({}, {$set: {completed: false, completedAt: null}}, {multi: true}); } }, clearCompleted: function () { // Remove all completed Todos Todos.remove({completed: true}); }, ... ``` That's it. Now we can create Todos, toggle their status in bulk, or clear completed todos. Unlike most React code the rest of the methods are on `TodoItem` . Usually functions from `TodoApp` would be passed as props to its children, but since `Todos` is available to `TodoItem` , we can put them directly on `TodoItem` . Updating a `Todo` is handled by its own view. No need to `.apply` variables in the parent ``` var TodoItem = React.createClass({ ... toggle: function (event){ // Update takes a selector as its first ID, either an _id or a Mongo query Todos.update(this.props.todo._id, { $set: { completed: !this.props.todo.completed, completedAt: this.props.todo.completed ? null : new Date() } }); }, ``` Deletion also happens in `TodoItem` ``` import { Todos, appState } from './data.jsx' var TodoItem = React.createClass({ ... destroy: function() { Todos.remove(this.props.todo._id); }, ``` In both `update` and `remove` , the parent collection is immediately notified, and the UI changes. Easy as that. The following fires on `onKeyUp` when editing a `Todo` ``` handleKeyUp: function (event) { var val =; if (event.which === ESCAPE_KEY) { // This is the ReactiveDict from earlier. More on that later appState.set('editing', false); } else if (event.which === ENTER_KEY) { if (val) { Todos.update(this.props.todo._id, { $set: {title: val} }); appState.set('editing', false); } else { this.destroy(); } } }, ``` `update` , like `findOne` and `remove` can take an `_id` as a selector. `appState` is a ReactiveDict. Changes in its value are observed by `TodoApp` `appState` is a reactive dictionary. Its api has `.get(key)` and `.set(key, val)` methods. When it changes, any React classes that accessed its values in `getMeteorData` will refresh. `TodoApp` is observing its value and passing it to the `TodoItems` . There are likely more elegant solutions, but this is here to showcase its functionality. Sometimes you want to watch data changes outside of a React class. This is when `.observeChanges` is handy. In this case, the entire `Todos` collection is persisted to `localStorage` when a document is `added` , `changed` , or `removed` . Deeper dive ``` var saveInLocalStorage = function() { localStorage.setItem('todos', JSON.stringify(Todos.find().fetch())); }; Todos.find().observeChanges({ added: saveInLocalStorage, changed: saveInLocalStorage, removed: saveInLocalStorage, }); ``` More info on `.observeChanges` and its sister functions MiniMongo is built on Tracker, a tiny reactivity library built by MDG. This, along with their React integration mixin have been packaged by this library for standalone use with minimal modifications. Now that you don't have to write as much code, here are the docs-
React-MiniMongo-Todo Sample app. Contribute to jmasonherr/Reactive-React-Todo-with-MiniMongo development by creating an account on GitHub.
2024-10-12 00:00:00
2016-02-11 00:00:00
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2024-10-12 00:00:00
What's The Best iPad Streaming Music App? MOG's New iPad App vs Rdio vs Spotify | TechCrunch
Josh Constine
Don’t stop the music. It seems obvious, but MOG is the first of the big on-demand music streaming services to get this right on a tablet. Today MOG officially releases its iPad app, and it includes MOG Radio which when enabled will continue to play songs after your currently queued tracks finish. No more hours of accidental silence. It’s also retina-ready to crisply display artwork, bios, editor’s picks, and reviews. Compared to Rdio’s iPad app and Spotify for iPhone (no iPad app available), MOG has the best experience for simply playing music, it streams in higher fidelity on Wi-Fi, and provides the most accurate recommendations. Here’s a full breakdown of how the three compare on music playback, discovery, price, and sound quality. MOG was hoping to do a big launch today but Apple pushed its new iPad app live Saturday night. Its release and the booming early sales of the New iPad should wake up Spotify and other music companies to the fact that it’s crucial to offer apps for Apple’s tablet. Beyond portability, they make a great dedicated music playing second screen for use beside a laptop. So if you’ve got an iPad, which on-demand music streaming app and service should you choose? MOG is my pick. Here’s why: #### Music Playback The biggest advantage of tablet streaming apps over their smartphone sisters is the space to always show both play controls and what you’re currently hearing. MOG nails music playback on iPad. A persistent play bar up top can always be expanded to show album art near-fullscreen (4/5s), bigger than Rdio (3/5s). MOG CEO David Hyman tells me “With the new Retina resolution, you feel like you’re holding the album in your hand. The play bar also hosts the MOG Radio button. Instead of going quiet when your current selection ends, if enabled MOG Radio automatically starts playing an infinite loop of songs related to what you were listening to. A slider lets you select to hear more by the exact artist you were hearing or give MOG the freedom to play similar artists too. That means you can cue up a single song, and then let MOG Radio take over, similar to a certain music genome project you’ve probably heard of. Hyman tells me “The goal was to build a Pandora-style radio experience where you don’t have to use thumbs up and down, we just automatically improve over time” by tracking your plays and skips. MOG Radio alone will make me choose it over Rdio whose Play Station doesn’t kick in automatically and merely shuffles your current selection, or Spotify which only offers standard loop and shuffle. #### Discovery This has traditionally been Rdio’s domain but MOG has done a good job of usurping the throne. Both offer pages of new releases and charts, and Rdio’s feel a little cleaner to browse. MOG’s also includes editor’s picks, though, to clue you into cool stuff that might not be popular or brand new. Rdio shines with its Heavy Rotation page, which offers quick access to what you, friends, and the whole user base are playing most. I often get addicted to songs and not having to search for them each time I return is very helpful. MOG’s recommendations trump Rdio’s, though. Rdio only uses your play history, so when I listened to a throwback Blink 182 album first, all my recommendations were of emo rock I hardly listen to anymore. MOG pre-populates its algorithm with your Facebook Likes, and then improves it with your listening habits which makes its recommendations much more accurate for new users. When you find someone good on MOG, not only can you add it to your queue like on Rdio, you can choose to play it next, at the end of your queue, or ditch your queue and play it now. Spotify only lets you add songs to playlists, which both its competitors do too. #### Pricing, Offline Play, and Sound Quality In what I wouldn’t be surprised to learn is price fixing, MOG, Spotify, and Rdio all charge $9.99 per month for unlimited ad-free mobile listening. Rdio scores points by letting you use your free minutes on mobile, while the others make you to pay to even try their mobile apps. All three companies let you beam music to your home stereo over AirPlay, and sync/download music to your device for offline playlists. Spotify only lets you download playlists, Rdio does that plus albums, while MOG lets you sync playlists, albums, and songs. In both streaming and downloading, MOG offers the highest bitrate if enabled: - MOG: High quality is 320kbps available on Wi-Fi, low quality is 64kbps for 4G and 3G - Spotify: High quality is 160 kbps, low quality is 96kbps - Rdio: High quality is 256kbps available on Wi-Fi, according to an Rdio employee in its Help Center, as technically the company does not disclose exact streaming rates So with the best music playback, strong discovery, and the highest streaming rates for Wi-Fi, my testing shows MOG now has the top on-demand music streaming iPad app. You’ll have to pay, and its competitors may offer higher fidelity if you’re without Wi-Fi, but MOG’s the best choice for most people. Now, go rock out.
Don't stop the music. It seems obvious, but MOG is the first of the big on-demand music streaming services to get this right on a tablet. Today MOG officially releases its iPad app, and it includes MOG Radio which when enabled will continue to play songs after your currently queued tracks finish. No more hours of accidental silence. It's also retina-ready to crisply display artwork, bios, editor's picks, and reviews. Compared to Rdio's iPad app and Spotify for iPhone (no iPad app available), MOG has the best experience for simply playing music, it streams in higher fidelity on Wi-Fi, and provides the most accurate recommendations. Here's a full breakdown of how the three compare on music playback, discovery, price, and sound quality.
2024-10-12 00:00:00
2012-03-26 00:00:00…potify-ipad1.png
Chernobyl: How bad was it?
Peter Dizikes; MIT News Office
Not long after midnight on April 26, 1986, the world’s worst nuclear power accident began. Workers were conducting a test at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the Ukraine when their operations spun out of control. Unthinkably, the core of the plant’s reactor No. 4 exploded, first blowing off its giant concrete lid, then letting a massive stream of radiation into the air. Notoriously, the Soviet Union kept news of the disaster quiet for a couple of days. By the time the outside world knew about it, 148 men who had been on the Chernobyl site — firefighters and other workers — were already being treated in the special radiation unit of a Moscow hospital. And that was just one sliver of the population that wound up seeking medical care after Chernobyl. By the end of the summer of 1986, Moscow hospitals alone had treated about 15,000 people exposed to Chernobyl radiation. The Soviet republics of Ukraine and Belarus combined to treat about 40,000 patients in hospitals due to radiation exposure in the same period of time; in Belarus, about half were children. And while 120,000 residents were hastily evacuated from the “Zone of Alienation” around Chernobyl, about 600,000 emergency workers eventually went into the area, trying to seal the reactor and make the area safe again. About 31,000 soldiers camped out near the reactor, where radioactivity reached about 1,000 times the normal levels within a week, and contaminated the drinking water. Which leads to the question: How bad was Chernobyl? A 2006 United Nations report contends Chernobyl caused 54 deaths. But MIT Professor Kate Brown, for one, is skeptical about that figure. As a historian of science who has written extensively about both the Soviet Union and nuclear technology, she decided to explore the issue at length. The result is her new book, “Manual for Survival: A Chernobyl Guide to the Future,” published this month by W.W. Norton and Co. In it, Brown brings new research to bear on the issue: She is the first historian to examine certain regional archives where the medical response to Chernobyl was most extensively chronicled, and has found reports and documents casting new light on the story. Brown does not pinpoint a death-toll number herself. Instead, through her archival research and on-the-ground reporting, she examines the full range of ways radiation has affected residents throughout the region, while explaining how Soviet politics helped limit our knowledge of the incident. “I wrote this book so it’s something we take a look at more seriously,” says Brown, a professor in MIT’s Program in Science, Technology, and Society. **Lying to themselves ** To see how the effects of Chernobyl could be much more widespread than previously acknowledged, consider a pattern Brown observed from her archival work: Scientists and officials at the local and regional levels examined the effects of Chernobyl on people quite extensively, even performing controlled studies and other robust techniques, but other Soviet officials minimized the evidence of major health consequences. “Part of the problem is the Soviets lied to themselves,” says Brown. “On the ground it [the impact] was very clear, but at higher levels, there were ministers whose job was to report good health.” Soviet officials, Brown adds, would “massage the numbers” as the data ascended in the state bureaucracy. “Everybody was making the record look better by the time it go to Moscow,” Brown says. “And I can show that.” Then too, the effects of Chernobyl’s radiation have been diffuse. As Brown discovered, 298 workers at a wool factory in the city of Chernihiv, about 50 miles from Chernobyl, were given “liquidator status” due to their health problems. This is the same designation applied to emergency personnel working at the Chernobyl site itself. Why were the wool workers so exposed to radiation? As Brown found after investigating the Chernihiv wool factory itself, Soviet authorities had workers kill livestock from the Zone of Alienation — and then send their useable parts for processing. The wool factory workers had become sick because they were dealing with wool from highly contaminated sheep. Such scenarios may have been significantly overlooked in some Chernobyl assessments. A significant section of “Manual for Survival” — the title comes from some safety instructions written for local residents — also explores the accident’s effects on the region’s agricultural economy. In Belarus, one-third of milk and one-fifth of meat was too contaminated to use in 1987, according to the official in charge of food production in the state, and levels became worse the following year. At the same time, in the Ukraine, between 30 and 90 percent of milk in “clean” areas was judged too contaminated to drink. As part of her efforts to study Chernobyl’s effects in person, Brown also ventured into the forests and marshes near Chernobyl, accompanying American and Finnish scientists — who are among the few to have extensively studied the area’s wildlife in the field. They have found, among other things, the decimation of parts of the ecosystem, including dramatically fewer pollinators (such as bees) in higher-radiation places, and thus radically reduced numbers of fruit trees and shrubs. Brown also directly addresses scientific disagreements over such findings, while noting that some of the most negative conclusions about the regional ecosystems have stemmed from extensive on-the-ground investigations of it. Additionally, disputes over the effects of Chernobyl also rumble on because, as Brown acknowledges, it is “easy to deny” that any one occurence of cancer is due to radiation exposure. As Brown notes in the book, “a correlation does not prove a connection,” despite increased rates of cancer and other illnesses in the region. Still, in “Manual for Survival,” Brown does suggest that the higher end of existing death estimates seems plausible. The Ukrainian state pays benefits to about 35,000 people whose spouses apparently died from Chernobyl-caused illnesses. Some scientists have told her they think 150,000 deaths is a more likely baseline for the Ukraine alone. (There are no official or unofficial counts for Belarus and western Russia.) **Chernobyl: This past isn’t even past** Due to the long-term nature of some forms of radiation, Chernobyl’s effects continue today — to an extent that is also under-studied. In the book’s epilogue, Brown visits a forest in the Ukraine where people pick blueberries for export, with each batch being tested for radiation. However, Brown observed, bundles of blueberries over the accepted radiation limit are not necessarily discarded. Instead, berries from those lots are mixed in with cleaner blueberries, so each remixed batch as a whole falls under the regulatory limit. People outside the Ukraine, she writes, “may wake to a breakfast of Chernobyl blueberries” without knowing it. Brown emphasizes that her goal is not primarily to alarm readers, but to push research forward. She says she would like her audience — general readers, undergraduates, scientists — to think deeply about how apparently settled science may sometimes rely on contingent conclusions developed in particular political circumstances. “I would like scientists to know a bit more about the history behind the science,” Brown says. Other scholars say “Manual for Survival” is an important contribution to our understanding of Chernobyl. J.R. McNeill, a historian at Georgetown University, says Brown has shed new light on Chernobyl by illuminating “decades of official efforts to suppress its grim truths.” Alison MacFarlane, director of the Institute for International Science and Technology Policy at George Washington University, and Former director of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, says the book effectively “uncovers the devastating effects” of Chernobyl. For her part, Brown says one additional aim in writing the book was to help us remind ourselves that our inventions and devices are fallible. We need to be vigilant to avoid future disasters along the lines of Chernobyl. “I think it could be a guide to the future if we’re not a little bit more thoughtful, and a little more transparent” than the Soviet officials were, Brown says.
MIT Professor Kate Brown’s new book, “Manual for Survival,” suggests the effects of the Chernobyl nuclear accident have been greater than commonly understood.
2024-10-12 00:00:00
2019-03-05 00:00:00…nobyl-Health.jpg
MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Why One Startup Wants Your Mobile Carrier to Act Like Your Bank
Sarah Kessler
Now, thanks to a startup called BOKU, there's a mobile payment solution that could satisfy all sides. The product, BOKU Accounts, works like a debit card issued by your mobile carrier instead of your bank. Users receive an NFC-enabled sticker they can attach to any phone -- as well as a mobile-carrier-branded MasterCard. The financial management of Boku's product works a little differently than its earlier offering, direct carrier billing. In that product, any purchases made with mobile phone numbers show up on mobile phone bills. The system lets people who don't have credit cards shop online. With BOKU Accounts, however, users deposit money into a separate account with their mobile carriers. Credit card providers aren't cut out of the process. Everybody's happy. "[Credit card] networks rely on banks as issuers to attract, retain and manage users," explains BOKU SVP of Product & Marketing David Yoo. "Banks have limited access to users -- well, in relative terms." "There are only 2 billion credit cards, according to Nilson Report. However, mobile operators have access to 6 billion users. If the right solution can be worked out, mobile operators can become one of the largest issuing partners of credit card networks in the world." That sounds great for credit card companies, but why would a consumer transfer money into a separate account instead of opening a credit card with a bank? BOKU's value proposition is this: it's a mobile payment system not tied to specific phones or terminals. Unlike Google Wallet, which requires an NFC-enabled phone, or the PayPal wallet, which requires merchants to install a software upgrade in their terminals, BOKU works with whatever hardware each party in the transaction happens to have. If the retailer's terminal isn't NFC-enabled, that means the customer is just swiping a regular credit card. What is different is that merchants can communicate with customers before and after the transaction. A BOKU-powered rewards program lets merchants target deals at people who fit specific demographics within a certain proximity. Each time they do so, they pay those customers' mobile carriers. Users can set their phones to be alerted when certain types of deals are pushed out. They can also set budgets and be alerted when they approach their limits. If they're using a feature phone, they get text messages instead of push notifications. It's not dissimilar to the deals programs in the Google and PayPal Wallets, but it's viable on existing hardware. Beyond that, everyone involved in the payment should be satisfied. The carriers, and BOKU, get paid when merchants send offers; credit cards (for the time being, MasterCard only) get their usual transaction fee from the merchant. And users get something like a real-time Mint with coupons -- but not yet. Not a single carrier is currently offering Boku, though one of them in the UK is running a pilot program. Through its direct carrier billing product, the startup does, however, have relationships with more than 200 of them. If your carrier were to offer Accounts, would you sign up? Let us know why or why not in the comments.
Why One Startup Wants Your Mobile Carrier to Act Like Your Bank
2024-10-12 00:00:00
2012-02-23 00:00:00
Quantum Sensor Breakthrough Paves Way For GPS-Free Navigation
Patrick Tucker
# Quantum Sensor Breakthrough Paves Way For GPS-Free Navigation ## The main problem wasn’t weird subatomic physics. It was finding a simpler way to maintain a vacuum. Quantum science—one of the Pentagon’s top research priorities—may be about to deliver on its longtime promise of an alternative to GPS. A team of scientists from Sandia National Laboratory has developed a quantum sensor that doesn’t need the power or massive support machinery of previous prototypes, and which has overcome durability concerns by running for a year and a half in the lab. That could enable a wide range of civil and military applications, including drones that don’t need weak and spoofable satellite signals to navigate in the air, underwater, and even underground. Quantum navigation operates via a process called atom interferometry. If you cool atoms to just millionths of a degree above absolute zero, then hit them with beams of light, you can trick them into a quantum superposition. Each atom takes on two states simultaneously: moving and still. Each state reacts differently to forces, including gravity and acceleration. That allows you to measure things like distance more accurately than GPS—and without the need for a hackable signal from space. But to measure quantum superpositions, you need an environment where no other particles can interfere. Most of today’s atomic gyroscopes and accelerometers require big vacuum contraptions to suck molecules out of the magneto-optical trap, or MOT. The Sandia team figured out how to use alumina, aluminosilicate, and other chemicals to passively absorb and clear out rogue molecules. That brings down the size and power needs of the device considerably. “We present a vacuum chamber that uses passive pumping to maintain pressures sufficient for a MOT in excess of 200 days,” they wrote in a July paper. A Sandia spokesperson said that since the chamber was sealed in April 2020, it’s now been a year and half with no big degradation in performance. Sandia National Labs scientist Peter Schwindt told *Defense One* in an email, “These inertial sensors can be used wherever there is a need for position or navigational information, and where a GPS outage is unacceptable or GPS is unavailable. Civilian applications such as aviation and autonomous vehicles are areas where momentary outages of the GPS signal is not acceptable. GPS is decidedly not available underground or underwater so inertial navigation is very important for these operational environments. The accelerometer can also work as a gravimeter. Measurements of gravity and gravity gradients is important for oil, gas, and mineral exploration.” “The passive vacuum package could find use in quantum computing devices as well,” Schwindt said.
The main problem wasn’t weird subatomic physics. It was finding a simpler way to maintain a vacuum.
2024-10-12 00:00:00
2021-11-03 00:00:00
Defense One
How we got more than 1,500 survey responses with a last-minute scramble
Alex Turnbull
Three days before releasing our survey, we realized that we were totally unprepared. Here’s how we rallied our way back… *This is part thirteen in our ongoing series, Journey to $100K a Month. Earlier posts can be found here.* I’d love to say that we had a rock-solid strategy in place well before we launched our survey. I’d love to say that we systematically reverse-engineered our path to success. I’d love to, but I can’t. The fact is, we were treating the 2013 SaaS Small Business Conversion Survey like any other blog post on our editorial calendar. Sure, we’d share it with our subscribers and ask folks to pass it on, but beyond that, we hadn’t really thought about promotion. …until three days before we were scheduled to launch it. I was getting ready to power down for the day, and decided to give the survey another quick read-through before calling it quits. “Well, shit,” I realized as I reached the end. We were asking for a hell of a lot. Our usual ask of our readers is to leave a comment and share the post. A few seconds of effort, and plenty of incentive if they think our content will be valuable to their friends. But this? We were asking people not only to take five minutes — about 1,000% more time than usual — to fill out a survey, but we were asking for data that, for many, would require digging through internal numbers to come up with. On top of that, we wanted data that most people would cringe at the thought of sharing. Not a small request, to be sure. The following morning, our team huddled and brainstormed how we could extend the reach of the survey, and get as many people as possible to take the time and fill it out. The ensuing scramble may very well have saved our survey… ## Putting together prizes that people actually wanted One tactic that we shamelessly stole from dozens of other companies who had successfully asked readers to participate in events, surveys and contests was to give away prizes. My first thought was to put a $100 Amazon gift card as a grand prize. Thinking about it now, that probably would have gotten us a total of four responses (and mine would be 1/4 of them). The prizes had to be big, and they had to be desirable. We thought about what we would want if *we* were in the running, and came up with a “dream list” of prizes. The total value of our prize list? Over $7,000. Yikes. We certainly didn’t have that kind of budget for this. So we got to work. Surprisingly (to me), every single company we emailed said *yes*. In the end, we were able to offer: - A 90-day subscription to KISSmetrics (Value: $450) - A six-month subscription to Unbounce (Value: $594) - A three-month subscription to to Mixergy (x3) (Value: $199 each) - A one-year subscription to Buffer (x3) (Value: $120 each) - A $50 credit to (x10) (Value: $50 each) - A three-month subscription to CrazyEgg (Value: $297) We threw in ten three-month subscriptions to Groove, ten signed copies of Gary Vaynerchuk’s book (I bought 500 of these when he was doing a big promotional push), and two tickets to the Business of Software Conference, and we finally had a prize list to be proud of. What impact did the prizes have on the outcome? Unfortunately, it’s not something we could track, but my gut tells me it was significant. And anecdotally, I got dozens of emails from people “requesting” to win specific prizes. (For the record, we picked the winners using **Takeaway:** People love prizes, but they have to be big enough to warrant what you’re asking. With the right strategy, offering thousands of dollars (or more) in prizes doesn’t have to cost you anything. ## Getting partners on board One big side benefit to our prize collection efforts was the team of rock-star partners it led us to. Every company who put up prizes got their logo on our blog, aligning our brands. They now had skin in the game. And best of all, the reach of our group of partners, put together, is massively wider than the reach of our own blog. When all was said and done, traffic from Tweets like these accounted for *more than 20%* of the survey click-throughs from our blog: **Takeaway:** Think outside of your own audience, and come up with ways you can incentivize other influencers to get involved. The value is not only in the traffic numbers they can deliver; the validation they offer can clear a lot of hurdles in getting people to do what you’re asking. ## Promotion and Repetition With a big ask like ours, we didn’t think that a single post on our blog would bring in a ton of responses. And sure enough, our first post (not counting the partner Twitter traffic from above) netted only a couple hundred responses. We needed to *stay* in front of people, and doing that took two tactics: First, we cleared the rest of our editorial calendar for the next couple of weeks and dedicated the rest of December to campaign for survey responses on the blog. We published a follow-up post — Our Metrics REVEALED: Revenue, Churn, Conversions and More — that pulled the curtain back on our own responses to the survey, followed by a call-to-action prompting readers to go to the survey. The key here was that it wasn’t another post parroting the same message; frankly, that would be annoying. We made sure that this post met the same criteria as our regular posts: interesting, valuable and fun to read. The repetition paid off, and this second post brought in nearly 40% more responses than the first one did. Second, we pulled an appropriately metrics-focused post out of our own blog queue, added info about the survey at the end, and pitched it to KISSmetrics as a guest blog post. The piece — How One SaaS Startup Reduced Churn 71% Using “Red Flag” Metrics — was relevant to their audience, and they agreed to publish it. The post performed very well on their blog (in fact, we still get traffic from it). This extended our reach far beyond our own audience, and kept the survey in people’s minds. **Takeaway:** As long as it’s valuable, interesting and relevant, content marketing is incredibly valuable for promoting, well, just about anything. ## What made this all possible Truthfully, I suspect none of this would have worked out the same way if we didn’t have three things: - A strong, engaged audience of readers who trusted us enough to fill out the survey, and gave our partners an incentive to get involved - Relationships with influencers that made it easy to pitch them on our idea - Pre-existing content that we could quickly and easily tweak for guest posting The thing is, we didn’t have *any* of those things just six months ago. We got them all simply by executing on the content marketing and engagement strategies. With some effort and smartly-applied strategy, *any* business can replicate (or top) these results. If, a few months from now, you think you may need a last-minute scramble to succeed, the time to start executing is now.
Three days before releasing our survey, we realized that we were totally unprepared. We had to figure out how to get survey responses...
2024-10-12 00:00:00
2014-01-23 00:00:00…post-mortem.jpeg
Groove Blog
The effects of long-term prenatal exposure to 900, 1800, and 2100 MHz electromagnetic field radiation on myocardial tissue of rats - PubMed
# The effects of long-term prenatal exposure to 900, 1800, and 2100 MHz electromagnetic field radiation on myocardial tissue of rats - PMID: **36383165** - DOI: 10.1177/07482337221139586 # The effects of long-term prenatal exposure to 900, 1800, and 2100 MHz electromagnetic field radiation on myocardial tissue of rats ## Abstract It is well-known that wireless communication technologies facilitate human life. However, the harmful effects of electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation on the human body should not be ignored. In the present study, we evaluated the effects of long-term, prenatal exposure to EMF radiation on the myocardium of rats at varying durations. Overall, 18 pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were assigned into six groups (*n* = 3 in each group). In all groups other than the control group, three pregnant rats were exposed to EMF radiation (900, 1800 and 2100 MHz) for 6, 12 and 24 h over 20 days. After delivery, the newborn male pups were identified and six newborn male pups from each group were randomly selected**.** Then, histopathological and biochemical analysis of myocardial samples were performed. When 24-h/day prenatal exposures to 900, 1800, 2100 MHz EMF radiation were evaluated, myocardial damage was greater in the 2100 MHz EMF-24h group than the other groups. In addition, when malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) levels associated with reactive oxidative species (ROS) were evaluated, the MDA level was higher in the 2100 MHz EMF-24h group compared with the other groups. The GSH level was also lower in the 2100 MHz EMF-24h group. When the 6, 12 and 24 h/day prenatal exposures to 1800 MHz EMF radiation were evaluated, myocardial damage was greater in 1800 MHz EMF-24h group than the remaining groups (*p* < 0.0001). Also, MDA level was greater in the 1800 MHz EMF-24h group compared with the other groups while the GSH level was lower in this group. It was shown that myocardial tissue was affected more by long-term exposure to EMF radiation at high frequencies. The data raise concerns that the harmful effects of non-ionizing radiation exposure on cardiac tissue will increase with 5G technology. ** Keywords: ** electromagnetic field radiation; electromagnetic wave; exposure; myocardial; prenatal. ## Similar articles - Disruption of the ovarian follicle reservoir of prepubertal rats following prenatal exposure to a continuous 900-MHz electromagnetic field.Int J Radiat Biol. 2016 Jun;92(6):329-37. doi: 10.3109/09553002.2016.1152415. Epub 2016 Mar 23. Int J Radiat Biol. 2016. PMID: 27007703 - Can prenatal exposure to a 900 MHz electromagnetic field affect the morphology of the spleen and thymus, and alter biomarkers of oxidative damage in 21-day-old male rats?Biotech Histochem. 2015;90(7):535-43. doi: 10.3109/10520295.2015.1042051. Epub 2015 May 19. Biotech Histochem. 2015. PMID: 25985826 - Morphological changes in the vertebrae and central canal of rat pups born after exposure to the electromagnetic field of pregnant rats.Acta Histochem. 2020 Dec;122(8):151652. doi: 10.1016/j.acthis.2020.151652. Epub 2020 Nov 12. Acta Histochem. 2020. PMID: 33190055 - EUROPAEM EMF Guideline 2016 for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of EMF-related health problems and illnesses.Rev Environ Health. 2016 Sep 1;31(3):363-97. doi: 10.1515/reveh-2016-0011. Rev Environ Health. 2016. PMID: 27454111 Review. - Effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields on flora and fauna, Part 3. Exposure standards, public policy, laws, and future directions.Rev Environ Health. 2021 Sep 27;37(4):531-558. doi: 10.1515/reveh-2021-0083. Print 2022 Dec 16. Rev Environ Health. 2021. PMID: 34563106 Review. ## Cited by - Metabolic, Apoptotic and Fibro-Inflammatory Profiles of the Heart Exposed to Environmental Electromagnetic Fields.Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Jul 20;24(14):11709. doi: 10.3390/ijms241411709. Int J Mol Sci. 2023. PMID: 37511465 Free PMC article. ## MeSH terms ## Substances ## LinkOut - more resources ### Full Text Sources
It is well-known that wireless communication technologies facilitate human life. However, the harmful effects of electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation on the human body should not be ignored. In the present study, we evaluated the effects of long-term, prenatal exposure to EMF radiation on the myoca …
2024-10-12 00:00:00
2015-01-01 00:00:00
Incremental search in vim - Preslav Mihaylov
Preslav Mihaylov
There is a slight, but obnoxious difference in how the default search works in vim against the way it works in other IDEs. In vim, whenever you click the ** / (forward slash)** you start writing a word you want to find in the current file. The problem is that you have to write the whole word and click enter before you start seeing the results. This can work fine and you can cope with it most of the times, but it can start getting in the way pretty quickly once you start searching for longer words or phrases, whose exact identifier you can get wrong pretty easily. At that point, you have to start all over again with the search and be very careful about writing the keywords precisely. The way search works in IDEs is that it starts showing results while you’re typing the keyword. This way, you can: - Get to the word you need before you even write the whole keyword - Detect a mistake in your term before you’re finished This feature is called incremental search and can be very handy. Today, I want to show you how to get it in your vim editor. * This article is part of the sequence Boost Your VIM where I share my favorite vim plugins and tools which can greatly optimize your productivity and make you a better keystroke ninja.* ## The incsearch.vim plugin This plugin will help you get incremental searching out of the box with little to no additional configuration after install. After you install it and add my configuration, here’s how it will look like: Looks good? Then let’s get started. To install the plugin, simply execute this command if you use my package manager (Pathogen): With a bare-bones installation, you need not put anything extra in your `.vimrc` file. It works out of the box. Here’s how it initially looks: ## Customisations If you want to be able to quickly jump between results without leaving the search prompt, add these mappings in your `.vimrc` : Now, whenever you want to jump between results, use `Tab` to go forward and `Shift-Tab` to go back: That final mapping is so that you don’t stop the search process when you use the arrow keys. The final option I like to add is disabling the highlight of search results when the search is over and I’ve clicked enter. This is personal preference. I have a key binding for disabling search results highlighting manually by clicking escape twice. I used to use that for this purpose in the past: I’m still keeping this key binding around in case I get something highlighted accidentally. But at least for search results, I’ve discovered that I prefer to not keep them highlighted after the search is over. ## Vim’s default incremental search As Keith Thompson mentioned in the discussion below this post, vim has incremental search by default, without the need for an extra plugin. Some time ago, the original author of the plugin, mentioned in this article, created a patch to add the incremental search feature to vim. However, not all of the plugin features were included in the main vim codebase. This enables you to have incremental search without additional plugins, but still lack e.g. keeping highlighting after you select a match by clicking enter. This is why I still prefer using the original plugin. However, if you prefer adding this feature to vim without an extra plugin (and the caveat I mentioned doesn’t bother you), here’s how to do it: Just make sure to delete the plugin (simply delete it from the `~/.vim/bundle` directory) I mentioned and its related configuration if you prefer to go this route. ## Conclusion Searching in vim is one of those features which works Okay, but not perfect. This is a recipe for sticking to the devil we know, when paradise is one step away. In this article, I’ve showed you the way to incremental search paradise. Try it now, and you’ll feel reborn. You’ll wonder how couldn’t have you known this already.
The way default search in vim works is subpar compared to other IDEs, which use incremental search. In this article, I'll show you how to do that in vim.
2024-10-12 00:00:00
2020-02-24 00:00:00…1698%2C592&ssl=1
Preslav Mihaylov
2019 My year in review: inlets inlets proxy and tunnel
Alex Ellis
I started a new OSS project over the holidays last year, it was a side-project and not meant to be anything big. My team at the time needed a way to receive webhooks from GitHub to test CI/CD for OpenFaaS Cloud. The obvious options didn't work - we couldn't use Ngrok because it was banned by corporate policy and we couldn't use other tooling due to port blocking. I explored some of the other tooling out there, but the team had no budget. I wanted to create a simple solution using Golang and websockets so that we could receive webhooks through HTTP. The reason this works through private networks is that the client speaks first, and then establishes the persistent connection. The classic use-case for a tunnel is to receive webhooks from GitHub and other API providers. The project was called inlets and the 1.0 release received lots of comments on Hacker News, this was enough to convince me to spend more time on the project. ## inlets inlets is a reverse-proxy and L7 HTTP tunnel that allows users behind NAT, firewalls, and those within private networks to expose their local services to the Internet. The project has over 5k GitHub stars and 30 contributors. Follow the official Twitter account for news and updates - @inletsdev Inlets is formed of a server and client component. We run the client on our computer and then the server on a VM or host which has a public IP. The cheapest option would be something like a DigitalOcean droplet at 5 USD / mo. You can even share local websites made with create-react-app and cloud native tools like Prometheus, Grafana, and OpenFaaS. Darren Shepherd made some contributions and replaced some of my bespoke websocket code with a library used in Rancher, that became the 2.0 release which received even more comments and upvotes. After the initial success of inlets I developed inlets-pro which adds L4 / TCP proxying and automatic TLS. You can now expose any kind of service to the Internet such as Caddy or CassandraDB. The first thing I tried with inlets-pro was to run Kubernetes on my Intel NUC along with cert-manager to get a TLS certificate directly on the computer plugged in to my home network. Inlets also gained a logo, a GitHub org, a place on the CNCF landscape, stickers, and a t-shirt design. Checkout the two projects on GitHub: As the year end on, I saw other opportunities to expand and make inlets even easier to use. ## inlets on the road I spoke at Cloud Native Rejekts in San Diego on inlets as a solution to the IPv6 address-space problem. You can get the slides below: My live demo showed cert-manager, k3s, and OpenFaaS being served over a mobile hotspot, using a battery pack and a Raspberry Pi 4. Recorded demos are for wimps. — Alex Ellis (@alexellisuk) November 17, 2019 journalctl -u k3s showed the IPv6 address I got from tethering confused k3s.. here we go with IPv6 disabled @inletsdev with TLS served from the RPi Ellen Korbes included inlets in a talk titled "Kubernetes developer tooling" and spoke at several large events. Presenting inlets @alexellisuk — Simon P (@SimonHiker) October 30, 2019 Thanks to Iheb for designing the logo. I sent him a pack of free SWAG to say thank you. Received some @openfaas #swag and the new @inletsdev t-shirt 🙂 #teamserverless — Iheb ☁️ (@iboonox) November 4, 2019 Thank you @alexellisuk Inlets gained a place on the CNCF Landscape amongst other service proxies like MetalLB, Nginx, and Traefik Really excited to see @inletsdev growing up and leaving home with its own @github org and a place on the @CloudNativeFdn Landscape. — Alex Ellis (@alexellisuk) October 16, 2019 A big thank you to @iboonox for providing a logo. Website will be coming soon. Check it out, give it a ⭐️ Here's my original conceptual diagram, found in an old notepad, the current design is still very close to this. My original design sketch for @inletsdev OSS, back from late last year. — Alex Ellis (@alexellisuk) December 23, 2019 Going back through old notes, some OSS features, ideas and experiments took a while to get off the ground. ## Automation for inlets / inlets-pro Inlets and inlets-pro also has automation either through the `inletsctl` CLI which provisions a cloud host and gives you a connection string, or through the Kubernetes Operator called the inlets-operator. The inlets-operator detects services of type LoadBalancer in your private Kubernetes cluster, provisions a cloud server and then runs a Pod with the inlets client. That means anything you run in your Kubernetes cluster can be exposed on the public Internet. ## Wrapping up You can run inlets using a single binary, it has two parts - `inlets server` and `inlets client` . Both parts can run on any network, you can even bridge between two private VPCs, but most users find inlets useful for connecting private networks to the Internet. There's been strong inital interest in inlets-pro, which also works with inletsctl and inlets-operator. You can get a free trial or request a demo on the homepage The easiest way to start is to try out inletsctl, which will provision a host on DigitalOcean, GCP, Packet, Civo, or Scaleway. You'll get a command at the end which you can customise and use to connect your local services to the Internet. All inlets tooling works on regular compute, Raspberry Pi and ARM64 out of the box. What are the other use-cases? - getting incoming network connections - CDN & edge access to APIs and websites - sharing work freelance websites and work with clients - integrating APIs with partners - command and control of edge devices - connecting VPCs or private networks - port-forwarding Kubernetes services `inletsctl kfwd` and "kurun" Add your use-case to ### Connect with the community - Become one of my GitHub sponsors - Follow @inletsdev on Twitter and help us reach 1k followers - Discuss the project in #inlets on OpenFaaS Slack
inlets was a big part of my 2019 and I wanted to write up a bit of the story and how you can use it to expose and tunnel your own services.
2024-10-12 00:00:00
2019-12-30 00:00:00
Alex Ellis' Blog
时间:2024-10-13 06:15:59 提起十二星座专属书桌属书桌,大家都知道都知道,有人问十二星座的人都喜欢什么生日礼物日礼物?另外,还有人想问十二星座是哪些是哪些,你知道这是怎么回事么回事?其实12星座的书房应该怎么布置么布置,下面就一起来看看十二星座的人都喜欢什么生日礼物日礼物?希望能够帮助到大家到大家! 内容来自用户:山中 白羊座〔3月21日—4月20日〕热情又积极的白羊座情人座情人,对自己的期望很高望很高,对平凡的事务较无法忍受法忍受,喜欢新奇又具有价值感的礼物的礼物,来满足他的好奇心好奇心。礼物清单:一条很别致的腰带、一只很特殊的钢笔、一条印花很雅致的领巾、送她的礼物、一只造型特殊的珍珠别针、一瓶刚上市的香水、一个造型及价值感十足的手提皮包、一条图案别致的丝巾、一件质感及设计具品味的外套或毛衣或毛衣。金牛座〔4月21日—5月21日〕脚踏实地的金牛座情人座情人,无法忍受浪费挥霍的事情发生情发生,注重实际性实际性,喜欢收到的礼物是可以马上就用得上的东西的东西,一点也不会浪费掉浪费掉,愈实用愈开心愈开心。礼物清单:一瓶综合维、一条图案大方的领带、一个小牛皮的皮包、送她的礼物、一套保养品(她平时用的品牌)、一双休闲鞋或布鞋、一件大方的毛衣、一顶舒服可爱的帽子的帽子。双子座〔5月22日—6月21日〕活泼开朗的双子座情人座情人,求知欲旺盛欲旺盛,点子又多子又多,若只是送他一样礼物样礼物,他一点也不会觉得鲜觉得鲜,反而觉得十分乏味分乏味,因此,用点心思点心思,送他『一组』诞礼物诞礼物,多样性又实用性混合性混合,他可就会开心的笑不拢嘴不拢嘴,个几天也不厌倦不厌倦,另外可别忘了送他一张精致又附上你亲密祝福的耶诞卡耶诞卡,你的情人可是精神与物质都爱的『贪心』喔! 金牛座配对:容易被情绪所左右的金牛座与不爱大惊小怪、不厚颜无耻、不过分的人最为匹配为匹配。从长远眼光来看光来看,对金牛座男性而言性而言,有主见、不轻易气馁的女性最为适合为适合。金牛座女性看似不拘小节拘小节,但实际上非常计较琐碎的细节的细节,因此与稳重、感性的男性结合性结合,将会很快地成熟起来熟起来。配对星座:摩羯座、处女座、巨蟹座一般配对星座:双鱼座、金牛座、白羊座最差配对星座:射手座、天秤座、狮子座最不配的星座:双子座双子座,天蝎座天蝎座,水瓶座水瓶座。 所以毁掉是不可能的可能的,除非两人老壳有毛病有毛病,两人关系掌控不好控不好,当然就是要被毁掉的毁掉的,金牛和羯两人都是土象星座当然可以很好地了解对方解对方,两人,但是在感情方面能主动的两方都要主动要主动,你们俩是拍档是拍档,会在一个举动中举动中,时间想出其中一个人要干什么干什么,金牛朴实牛朴实,和善,低调,沉稳,摩羯稳重羯稳重,很喜欢金牛这种朴实而又和善的性格的性格,他们没有大脾气大脾气,不骄纵不骄纵,金牛和摩羯向来沉稳的他们一旦爱上旦爱上,就会不离不弃离不弃,长长久久的久久的,但是关系掌控不好控不好,那就是另外一回事了回事了。 金牛男是孤独的孤独的,从来不喜欢和别人抢东西抢东西,希望在身边的人都是心甘情愿的留下来留下来。人来人往中人往中,要让金牛男对一个人上心不容易不容易,初接触金牛男都被他那种不冷不热的态度吓走了吓走了。但真正走进金牛心里的人里的人,就会发现会发现,金牛男对人好起来是没有底线的底线的。下面一起来看看金牛男的配对星座吧星座吧! 金牛男的配对星座12星座梦幻流沙手机壳手机壳。 1、白羊女合适配对度50%。刚开始和心思细腻略显神经的他交往时或许还觉得挺有趣、好玩,但随着时间而渐渐发觉到对方优柔寡断柔寡断,忌妒心强的缺点时缺点时,似乎就无法忍受法忍受,常让你为他捏一把汗一把汗。十二星座专属霸气衣服气衣服。 2、金牛女合适配对度90%。你和他在一起虽没有的感觉的感觉,但总是有一份很踏实的感觉的感觉,不须多余的话语就能心灵能心灵,轻松而自然的从相遇到相知到相许到相许。 3、双子女合适配对度50%。对流行敏锐、行动力强且交游广阔的你和木讷老实的他在一起的话起的话,凡事都是由你主导你主导,对方都是没什么意见么意见,起先还觉得可以起互补作用补作用,但越是交往就越感不满感不满,总觉得缺少什么似的么似的。 4、巨蟹女合适配对度70%。你们都有一个共同的特点——追求平实、平安的生活的生活,所以慎重随和的他和注重家庭生活的你最合适也不过了不过了,结婚后朝着建力幸福的家庭而努力而努力! 以上就是与十二星座的人都喜欢什么生日礼物日礼物?相关内容关内容,是关于十二星座的人都喜欢什么生日礼物日礼物?的分享的分享。看完十二星座专属书桌后书桌后,希望这对大家有所帮助所帮助! 提起12星座专属钢笔属钢笔,大家都知道都知道,有人问十二星座喜欢什么礼物么礼物,另外,还有人想问12星座喜欢的礼物的礼物?你知道这是怎么回事么回事?其实十二星座分别代表什么枪什么枪?下面就一起来看看十二星座喜欢什么礼物么礼物,希望能够帮助到大家到大家! 白羊座:芭比玩偶or动漫周边十二星座专属儿童钢笔童钢笔。 大多白羊座虽然看起来成熟稳重熟稳重,可是心里面却一直住着一个幼稚天真的小孩子小孩子,他们的难能可贵之处就是在这个俗世间仍旧保留了一份与生俱来的朴素天性素天性,他们向往美向往美,且相信一切美好的事物的事物。所以,白羊座是比任何星座都适合收到玩具的玩具的,女孩子们一般喜欢芭比玩偶比玩偶,男生们则会热衷于动漫周边漫周边,具体送什么送什么,就需要你们平日里细心观察了观察了!12星座手绘图手绘图。 金牛座:Money 对于金牛来说牛来说,送什么都不及直接送money实惠,如果你为了浪漫和情调花大手笔献上朵玫瑰朵玫瑰,一定得不到金牛座的好感的好感,相反,他们会觉得你是个不折不扣的傻X。所以,上上策是上策是,在玩浪漫的同时的同时,给他们money的惊喜的惊喜,比如说在99朵玫瑰中放上一张价值不菲的不菲的,那么在金牛座看来座看来,你们已经是半个自己人了己人了! 巨蟹座:有收意义的小玩意儿 对于念旧的巨蟹座来说座来说,他们对任何一段感情都十分重视分重视,因此对往事念念不忘也是他们的天性使然性使然。在他们的人生中人生中,一般都会存在一系列可以代表一段情谊的小玩意儿玩意儿,这些东西都是他们过往的见证的见证,是一个举足轻重的信物的信物。因此,想要博得巨蟹座的好感的好感,不妨送他们一幅字画、一本相册本相册,或者,一枚首饰枚首饰。十二星座专属古风笛子风笛子。 什么礼物最讨12星座欢心座欢心?十二星座专属霸气衣服气衣服。 ——射手座 -07-:(作)12星座梦幻流沙手机壳手机壳。 分享(0次) 收本文 加QQ群十二星座流沙钢笔沙钢笔。 微信 关注微博 评论(0) 射手座:至今是个谜十二星座双层滑梯公主床公主床。 作为12星座中最任性走心的星座的星座,射手座秉承着“收礼物喜悦程度因人而异”的传统多年统多年,在他们看来们看来,只要是所爱之人送的人送的,无论是什么他们都喜欢都喜欢,即使是一封普通的情书的情书,甚至是一张留有爱人唇印的纸巾的纸巾,他们都爱得不行得不行。如果换个人来个人来,情况就完全不一样了一样了,即使你送一座别墅座别墅,他们冰冷的脸上也依旧是不动声色的三个字:滚远点滚远点!因此,如果想要讨射手欢心手欢心,换成他们所爱的容貌或许是个不错的选择吧选择吧。 双鱼座:一个or一个拥抱高智商天才星座才星座。 双鱼座对于伴侣和朋友的要求并不高并不高,他们通常只是想要从对方那里一种心理上的安全感安全感,是一种不用患得患失的归属感归属感,是一种彼此体谅的顺其自然其自然。因此,对于双鱼座来说座来说,他们不会对于礼物有过高的要求的要求,情到浓时到浓时,一个一个拥抱都是无价之宝价之宝,能够让他们无比开心无比享受比享受。十二星座最喜欢的零食的零食。 十二星座喜欢的礼物 白羊座〔3月21日—4月20日〕十二星座接吻时在想啥在想啥。 热情又积极的白羊座情人座情人,对自己的期望很高望很高,对平凡的事务较无法忍受法忍受,喜欢新奇又具有价值感的礼物的礼物,来满足他的好奇心好奇心。 礼物清单:世界十大钢笔排名笔排名。 一条很别致的腰带、一只很特殊的钢笔、一条印花很雅致的领巾、送她的礼物、一只造型特殊的珍珠别针、一瓶刚上市的香水、一个造型及价值感十足的手提皮包、一条图案别致的丝巾、一件质感及设计具品味的外套或毛衣或毛衣。 金牛座〔4月21日—5月21日〕 脚踏实地的金牛座情人座情人,无法忍受浪费挥霍的事情发生情发生,注重实际性实际性,喜欢收到的礼物是可以马上就用得上的东西的东西,一点也不会浪费掉浪费掉,愈实用愈开心愈开心。 礼物清单:晨光十二星座钢笔座钢笔。 一瓶综合维、一条图案大方的领带、一个小牛皮的皮包、送她的礼物、一套保养品(她平时用的品牌)、一双休闲鞋或布鞋、一件大方的毛衣、一顶舒服可爱的帽子的帽子。 双子座〔5月22日—6月21日〕 活泼开朗的双子座情人座情人,求知欲旺盛欲旺盛,点子又多子又多,若只是送他一样礼物样礼物,他一点也不会觉得鲜觉得鲜,反而觉得十分乏味分乏味,因此,用点心思点心思,送他『一组』诞礼物诞礼物,多样性又实用性混合性混合,他可就会开心的笑不拢嘴不拢嘴,个几天也不厌倦不厌倦,另外可别忘了送他一张精致又附上你亲密祝福的耶诞卡耶诞卡,你的情人可是精神与物质都爱的『贪心』喔! 礼物清单: 一组文具、一盒游戏组、皮夹、笔、腰带等礼盒组、皮鞋、皮带、休闲背包、送她的礼物、一组小香水礼盒、一盒多种口味造型的巧克力、一个化妆品礼盒品礼盒。 巨蟹座〔6月22日—7月23日〕 温柔体贴又善解人意的巨蟹座情人座情人,是个爱家又恋家的甜蜜情人蜜情人,他罗曼蒂克的浪漫的浪漫,让你爱的窝心的窝心,而喜欢家居生活和优闲生活方式的他式的他,送给他一份家饰用品饰用品,那股贴心的礼物的礼物,将会令他时时刻刻的思念着你呢着你呢!十二星座专属炸鸡属炸鸡。 礼物清单:十二星座专属梦幻房间幻房间。 两个心形的甜蜜靠垫、一盏造型柔和的台灯、一套棉质的休闲服装、一瓶口味佳的香槟酒、一条柔软舒适的地毯、一件全白色棉质的浴袍、两个可爱的毛绒玩具组、一套色典雅的指甲油指甲油。12星座专属超短裙超短裙。 狮子座〔7月24日—8月23日〕 骄傲又爽朗的狮子座情人座情人,总是众人注目的焦点人物点人物,又爱出锋头的他头的他,常让人觉得有点遥不可及不可及,其实他很脆弱很脆弱,需要情人的疼爱、支持和依靠和依靠,这爱好热闹的他闹的他,最喜欢华丽开心的诞礼物诞礼物,来满足他的虚荣心虚荣心。十二星座专属海洋坐骑洋坐骑。 礼物清单: 四、五个色缤纷的可爱气球、一件衬衫、一个热情的Kiss、一个亮丽包装的时髦皮夹克或皮背心、金光闪闪的打火机或手炼、、一大串缤纷可爱的气球、九十九朵玫瑰花、顽皮毛绒玩具、一组可变换各种颜色表带的手表、一个包装精致的皮包背包、流行的长靴、背心裙、毛衣以亮丽色为主色为主。打架能把你打残的星座的星座。 处女座〔8月24日—9月23日〕 完美的处女座情人座情人,重视精神生活神生活,对感情则倾向于柏拉图式的恋情的恋情,对自己喜欢的人充满着慈爱、包容和专情和专情,不会对物质生活有超出能力的向往的向往,期待一个能与自己心?nbsp;沟通和活泼可爱的情人交往人交往,对诞礼物则喜欢一张罗漫蒂克又用心用情的卡片和一束花朵束花朵,一些精神上的满足的满足,最重要最重要。 礼物清单: 一张粉粉柔柔的诞卡片诞卡片,上面写满了你对他的思念和爱恋、一束亲手做的缎带花缎带花,或自己做的小玩偶小玩偶,贴心又温柔、一双温暖的手套的手套,暖烘烘的传达你的爱意、送她的礼物、一张精致的诞卡片诞卡片,上面有着你对她的无限思念加一顶温暖的毛线帽、一个精巧别致的音乐手饰珠宝盒珠宝盒,那音乐响起时响起时,她就会特别思念你、一束郁金香或紫色的玫瑰花玫瑰花,表达交心的爱意加一串金质的项链的项链。 天秤座〔9月24日—10月23日〕 聪明又理智的天秤座情人座情人,他的条理分明理分明,实事求是的精神的精神,令你又爱又受不了受不了,凡事以自己的卓越智慧和直觉对认何人和事物下判断下判断,太过理智的他智的他,对他的情人可是苛克挑剔极了剔极了,尤其注意外形和气质和气质,若没达到他的理想的理想,那当他的情人会很累会很累,只有默默付出的份出的份,当然送他的诞理物要特别重视质感和特殊和特殊。 礼物清单:十二星座专属书桌属书桌。 一组进口的咖啡杯组啡杯组,色别,造型别致、一个造型新鲜的煮咖啡壶咖啡壶,利落的线条和质感特别重要、一件纯羊毛的外套的外套,质轻、柔软,剪裁又佳、一对细致的茶杯组茶杯组,色鲜明色鲜明,图案精美别致、一件丝质的柔美衬衫美衬衫,舒适又具有女人味、一个鹿皮的小背包小背包,手感温暖又优雅、一件秀气的柔衣的柔衣。 天蝎座〔10月24日—11月22日〕 冷热无常的天蝎座情人座情人,他的热情与温柔体贴真令人快被融化被融化,但是一翻脸一翻脸,他的自私冷酷无情酷无情,也会把人逼的气炸了气炸了,而他最强烈的爱恨情仇和忌妒心忌妒心,是最令人受不了的不了的,他是个很自我中心的情人的情人,可以为了自己而伤害他的情人而毫无惭愧与痛苦与痛苦,一般人是很难与他天长地久的地久的,除非是他一见钟情的情人的情人,那被『』的人,就是天蝎座自己了自己了,送他诞礼物时礼物时,以重质不重量为原则为原则。12星座简笔画图片画图片。 礼物清单: 一双具有男性性感魅力的皮鞋、一件正式却是的衬衫、一张巨型的骨董车海报、一只古董表、吊带、一条金质的手链的手链,图案造型精致小巧、一件丝质的柔软衬衫、一瓶造型味道十分甜美的香水的香水。十二星座防身武器身武器。 射手座〔11月23日—12月22日〕 自由奔放的射手座情人座情人,一谈起恋爱起恋爱,常常被爱和热情冲昏了头昏了头,但是却不喜欢受到拘束到拘束,责认感较差感较差,有点像爱玩的孩子般孩子般,需要一个安定、成熟情人来呵护自己护自己,因此,送他一份能『交心』的小礼物小礼物,他会很开心的开心的。 礼物清单: 一对情人对表、一对精致的对笔的对笔,刻上你俩的名字、一对具质感的袖扣的袖扣,或领带夹、送她的礼物、一个刻着她名字的心形项链或戒指、两件情人装情人装,一人一件人一件,一块在诞节穿、一束鲜花外再一盒巧克力和一双温暖的手套的手套。 羯座〔12月23日—1月22日〕 懂事又腼腆的摩羯座情人座情人,安静、守本份守本份,做事谨慎踏实又有计划有计划,但是在内心深处却着极端的心端的心,一为积极、热情的个性的个性,对自己喜欢的人或工作或工作,那股不服输的劲输的劲,令人刮目相看目相看,另一为冷淡不耐及脱轨的不屑态度屑态度,而不会勉强自己去接受一份不认同的感情的感情,因此送他礼物时礼物时,以象征意义代表浮夸华丽的示爱为原则为原则。 礼物清单:十二星座专属少女杯少女杯。 一件纯羊毛舒适的毛衣的毛衣,他常穿他常穿他,则对你重视你重视,反之就算了;一条图案正式的领带的领带,以中性系为主;一本照像本照像本,写下一些情话和你们合拍的照片;一瓶味道清柔柔的香香水;一有可表达你的爱意的日记本;一条心形的项链的项链,或手表、戒指;一副复古的太阳眼镜阳眼镜。十二星座的女公主房公主房。 水瓶座〔1月21日—2月19日〕 聪明可爱的水瓶座星座情人座情人,拥有又纯又真的赤子之心子之心,他的点子又多又有趣又有趣,和他在一起开心极了心极了,再加上他的活泼开朗可令人觉得他魅力无穷力无穷,但是拥有博爱精神的他常会放电会放电,吸引不少异性少异性,不过却不会或不会或,在自己心中对情人有着无限的憧憬和期待和期待,送他一份礼物份礼物,以的心情表达即可达即可。十二星座专属毛绒玩具绒玩具。 礼物清单: 一件印有可爱图案或运动人物或数字的帽子、T恤;一只运动型多功能的手表的手表,再一双休闲运动鞋;一个具多功能的万用手册;一条温暖的围巾;一条精致的手链或脚链;送她一个可爱的毛绒绒玩偶;送她一份造型奇特的香水组合;雅致的条纹衬衫纹衬衫。 双鱼座〔2月20日—3月20日〕 温柔优雅的双鱼星座情人座情人,他那体贴和善解人意的细腻心思腻心思,令人觉得十分窝心分窝心,他的包容力很强力很强,又会照顾人照顾人,常常会吸引异性的注意的注意,但是也常常会爱上和自己个性不同的人而受到伤害到伤害,因此,以友情开始情开始,互相了解后了解后,再谱出爱恋出爱恋,才不会受到个性不和的情感折磨感折磨。 礼物清单: 一幅印像派或油画等品味优雅的艺术品;一顶柔软高尚的羊毛帽;一双温柔的手套再加一条暖烘烘的围巾;一组精致的银制烛台、餐具;一个造型独特的相框;一件柔软的羊毛外套和小背包;活泼毛线帽、可爱的围巾的围巾。十二星座专属兔耳少女耳少女。 以上就是与十二星座喜欢什么礼物相关内容关内容,是关于十二星座喜欢什么礼物的分享的分享。看完12星座专属钢笔后钢笔后,希望这对大家有所帮助所帮助! 星座幸运数字和颜色 星座幸运数字和颜色和颜色,在日常生活中生活中,很多人都是非常关注星座的相关信息的信息的,在十二星座中每个星座都有着他们独特的幸运数字和颜色和颜色。为大家介绍星座幸运数字和颜色和颜色。 ** 1、白羊座** 幸运数字:7、9 幸运色:红色 幸运石:红宝石 守护石:紫水晶 ** 2、金牛座** 幸运数字:6 幸运色:绿色 幸运石:祖母绿、砂金石 守护石:金发晶、海蓝宝 ** 3、双子座** 幸运数字:5 幸运色:黄色、橙色 幸运石:玛瑙石 守护石:黄水晶 ** 4、巨蟹座** 幸运数字:2、6 幸运色:白色 幸运石:月亮石 守护石:红玛瑙 ** 5、狮子座** 幸运数字:1、7 幸运色:艳黄、褐色 幸运石:橄榄石、琥珀 守护石:青金石 ** 6、处女座** 幸运数字:4、8 幸运色:灰色 幸运石:紫黄晶、粉玉 守护石:黑曜石 ** 7、天秤座** 幸运数字:3、6、9 幸运色:粉色 幸运石:粉晶 守护石:黑曜石 ** 8、天蝎座** 幸运数字:1、2、6 幸运色:紫色、黑色 幸运石:祖母绿、 绿玉、绿松石、蓝田玉 守护石:石榴石 ** 9、射手座** 幸运数字:3、8、9 幸运色:紫色、咖啡色 幸运石:紫水晶、绿松石 守护石:芙蓉晶 ** 10、摩羯座** 幸运数字:8 幸运色:咖啡色 幸运石:石榴石 守护石:虎睛石 ** 11、水瓶座** 幸运数字:3、5、7 幸运色:蓝色、黄色 幸运石:紫水晶 守护石:碧玺、青金石 ** 12、双鱼座** 幸运数字:5、7、8、10 幸运色:海蓝色 幸运石:橄榄石 守护石:茶水晶 ** 白羊座** 2022年的白羊座运势不是很好是很好,生活中会遇到诸多的烦恼的烦恼,会让他们焦头烂额的不知所措知所措。但是好在2022年上半年白羊座的贵人缘非常的不错的不错,会帮助白羊座有惊无险的化险为夷险为夷,基本上没有很大的变动的变动。 幸运色:水果色 幸运数字:5 幸运物:明星片 ** 金牛座** 2022年的金牛座总体运势并不好并不好,一整年遇到的糟心事儿比较多;也许是因为金牛座为人踏实淳朴实淳朴,在职场中经常遭遇小人的暗算;每个人都想要占金牛座的便宜;因此2022年的金牛座要谨防小人作祟人作祟。 幸运色:浅咖啡色 幸运数字:6 幸运物:水晶 ** 双子座** 2022年的双子座总体运势还算不错算不错,尤其是上半年的双子座会遇到不少好事少好事,好运也会接二连三的关顾的关顾。虽然上半年好运不断运不断,但是这不是双子座的终点的终点,凭借自身的努力的努力,双子座在事业上会更上一层楼一层楼。 幸运色:柠檬黄 幸运数字:9 幸运物:手链 ** 巨蟹座** 2022年的巨蟹座没有什么太好的运势的运势,但是平平淡淡的生活就很幸福的巨蟹;2022年切莫心急浮躁急浮躁,不要强求太多;有时候没有的反而是最好的结果的结果,强势抢夺来的夺来的,永远不是自己的;平淡就很好了很好了。 幸运色:浅紫色 幸运数字:2 幸运物:即可拍相机 ** 狮子座** 2022年的狮子座可以说是比较幸运的星座之一座之一,这一整年总体运势非常不错常不错,事业上贵人缘爆棚;不仅感情稳定情稳定,还有不错的财运趋势;对于狮子座来说是把握机遇的一年的一年,好运势的巅峰时期峰时期。 幸运色:蔚蓝色 幸运数字:4 幸运物:手帕 ** 处女座** 2022年的处女座运势还不错还不错,并且2022年是处女座事业运大逆袭的时期;跳槽或是换一份非常不错的工作的工作,把自己的长处发挥地淋漓尽致漓尽致,获得上级领导的认可;在事业上会很大的收获与成绩;下半年升职加薪的机会很大会很大。 幸运色:土黄色 幸运数字:8 幸运物:短统靴 ** 天秤座** 2022年天秤座总体运势一般势一般,在人际交往方面仍然不足然不足,很难分辨好人与小人与小人。因此在2022年天秤座可能会遭到小人的暗算的暗算,会遇到比较倒霉的事情的事情。要注意身边的朋友的朋友,谨防小人防小人。 幸运色:红色 幸运数字:3 幸运物:领带 ** 天蝎座** 2022年天蝎座的好运不断运不断,对于天蝎座来说是非常完美的一年的一年。不仅收获了爱情了爱情,还有事业上的成功;2022年天蝎座没有什么太大的变化的变化,只是遇到困难到困难,从不会退缩会退缩,勇往直前;所以凭借自身的努力创造辉煌的人生的人生,2022年是天蝎座最幸福的一年的一年。 幸运色:玫瑰粉红 幸运数字:0 幸运物:皮制背包 ** 射手座** 2022年的射手座运势不是特别好特别好,但是擅长人际交往际交往,朋友众多;关键时刻都会有贵人相助人相助,因此2022年射手座虽然没有什么大灾大难灾大难,混的也不是特别的惨;生活还能继续能继续,依旧开朗过每一天每一天。 幸运色:绿色 幸运数字:6 幸运物:胸针 ** 摩羯座** 2022年的摩羯座总体运势不是很好是很好,也许是摩羯座高冷、过于自负的性格;在2022年里依旧保持着自己的自信的自信,认为凡事都可以依靠自己靠自己,从来没有考虑过团队合作;这样的摩羯座在2022年里事业可能会遇到前所未有的困难的困难,栽一个跟头是必然的事情的事情。 幸运色:水蓝色 幸运数字:5 幸运物:钢笔 ** 水瓶座** 2022年水瓶座的运势非常糟糕常糟糕,一向聪明睿智的水瓶座水瓶座,可能会在经济上遇到大麻烦;投资失利或是做生意亏本的可能性很大;因此2022年的水瓶座处事需谨慎需谨慎,做决定前要再三思考三思考。 幸运色:橘色 幸运数字:1 幸运物:银饰 ** 双鱼座** 2022年双鱼座的总体运势还不错还不错,这一整年都能够心想事成想事成。双鱼座属于爱幻想、浪漫型的星座的星座,凡事都忘美好的地方想地方想,因此生活中的双鱼座很少有烦恼;更多的是开心与幸福;所以在难的事情都会成为双鱼座感到困顿的问题的问题。 幸运色:银色 幸运数字:7 幸运物:戒指 ** 射手座幸运色** 射手座共有三个幸运色幸运色。分别为白色、黑色、蓝色系蓝色系。白色象征着光明与纯洁与纯洁,正如射手活泼开朗的性格;黑色象征邪恶(即黑暗力量)与秘密与秘密,表示射手孤寂手孤寂,渴望希望与光明的向往与追求;蓝色沉稳的.特性,具有纯洁、理智、准确的意象的意象,表示射手理性冷静的睿智与机敏与机敏。如果遇到这三个数字可就是幸运的象征的象征。 ** 射手座2022年运势** 射手座2022年整体运势不错势不错。事业:个性洒脱自由的射手座射手座,在2022上半年的事业运势明显起伏比较大比较大。尤其是一门心思想要赚大钱的射手座们手座们,过于急功近利功近利,反而被束手束脚手束脚。爱情:2022年上半年上半年,射手座的爱情运势明显下滑显下滑,表现出很疲惫的样子的样子。财运:进入2022年的射手座正财运明显上涨显上涨,虽然没有升职加薪职加薪,但是射手座的意外之财非常旺盛;有不少的发财机会财机会。所以可要好好珍惜这次机会次机会。 ** 射手座的幸运数字** 射手座的幸运数字是8。数字8代表权利和富裕和富裕,谐音有发音有发,财源广进的意思的意思。在幸运数字8的庇护下庇护下,射手座财运状况相当不错当不错,而运势的关键词就是热情是热情。这一年射手座可以多留意自己的财运的财运,对任何人任何事都应该热情一些情一些,基本上没有钱财的压力的压力,慷慨释放自己的善意的善意,才能收获更多回馈多回馈。所以与8有关的瞬间的瞬间,都要好好留意了留意了。 让我们来看看十二星座中专属吊坠笔吊坠笔,美轮美奂的星座都有谁都有谁? 白羊座:七吊坠笔 我希望我的生活是多姿多的姿多的,每天都有很多惊喜多惊喜。因此,在选择吊坠笔时坠笔时,白羊座会毫不犹豫地选择色吊坠笔吊坠笔,希望用色吊坠笔勾勒出自己的色生活色生活。 金牛座:黑色吊坠笔 金牛座工作后很少使用钢笔用钢笔,但他们习惯于在书包里放一支黑色吊坠笔以备不时之需时之需。金牛座认为黑色吊坠笔适用于任何场合何场合,更方便、更实用更实用。 双子座:红色吊坠笔 引人注目的红色吊坠笔是双子座的专属吊坠笔吊坠笔。双子座觉得红色可以起到警觉的作用的作用,所以他们会以严肃的态度记录度记录,总是告诉自己要认真对待生活和工作和工作。 巨蟹座:发光的吊坠笔 闪闪发光的吊坠笔是巨蟹座的专属吊坠笔吊坠笔。巨蟹座希望他的生活像吊坠笔一样闪闪发光闪发光。然而,有时很多人会说巨蟹座的吊坠笔很幼稚很幼稚,不适合工作合工作。 狮子座:简约风的吊坠笔 简单的吊坠笔是狮子座的专属吊坠笔吊坠笔,没有多余的吊坠简单的吊坠笔会给狮子座带来好运来好运,让他们的工作和生活更加顺利加顺利,甚至认识他们的另一半另一半。 处女座:可爱的风挂笔 处女座更喜欢可爱的吊坠笔吊坠笔。旅行时旅行时,处女座总是会带一支可爱的吊坠笔作为纪念品来证明他去过那里过那里。处女座对这个可爱的小东西没有抵抗力抵抗力。 小熊吊坠笔:天秤座 小熊吊坠笔是天秤座的幸运物幸运物。当天秤座心情不好或运气不好时不好时,天秤座可以买一支小熊吊坠笔吊坠笔,他的厄运就会消除会消除。 天蝎座:糖块吊坠笔 天蝎座无法抗拒甜甜的糖果的糖果。每次站在糖果面前果面前,天蝎座都会情不自禁地拿出钱包去买包去买。天蝎座忍不住买了一支漂亮的糖果挂笔果挂笔。 射手座:蓝色吊坠笔 射手座喜欢蓝色欢蓝色。他们认为蓝色会给自己带来好运来好运。因此,射手座在选择吊坠笔时也会选择蓝色择蓝色。浅蓝色会让射手座的心情变得更好得更好,射手座的运气会随着心情变得更好得更好。 摩羯座:动物吊坠笔 摩羯座的专属吊坠笔是挂着各种可爱小动物的吊坠笔吊坠笔。每次看到这样的吊坠笔吊坠笔,毫不夸张地说张地说,他的眼睛都动不了动不了,他所有的心都很温暖很温暖,他忍不住把它买回家买回家。 水瓶座:棉花糖挂笔 水瓶座喜欢收集各种各样的棉花糖挂笔糖挂笔。他们的桌子上有一排专门用来存放棉花糖挂笔糖挂笔,水瓶座也喜欢把你最喜欢的棉花糖挂笔给我周围的人围的人。 双鱼座:羽毛吊坠笔 各种羽毛都很好都很好。双鱼座喜欢带羽毛的吊坠笔吊坠笔。每次你开始一个新的羽毛吊坠笔吊坠笔,好事就会发生在双鱼座双鱼座。因此,当双鱼座不开心时开心时,他会给自己买一支羽毛吊坠笔吊坠笔,希望能带来自己的厄运的厄运。 结婚看感情看感情。。。。何必信这些信这些。。。如果看的话那就是火克金五行相生是金生水 水生木 木生火 火生土 土生金土生金。。。。。克的就是金克木 木克土 土克水 水克火火克金 十二星座女嫁给哪个星座男 十二星座女嫁给哪个星座男星座男,有些星座的办事能力让人觉得钦佩得钦佩,星座能量场不合最好不要在一起在一起,这个星座的吸引力是十分强大的强大的,现在跟大家分享十二星座女嫁给哪个星座男希望对你有帮助有帮助。 1、白羊女:巨蟹男巨蟹男。很多白羊女都比较喜欢耍小性子小性子,说话也十分直接分直接,很容易得罪人得罪人,因此,她们往往都需要一个包容心强的伴侣的伴侣,能够容忍她们的任性和无理取闹理取闹,而巨蟹座的男生就是最好的选择的选择。 2、金牛女:摩羯男摩羯男。金牛女都比较务实较务实,看待事情都习惯从实际角度出发度出发,她们希望自己的婚姻生活是平凡且稳定的稳定的,这与摩羯座的男生的婚姻观不谋而合谋而合,在一起之后自然幸福美满福美满。 3、双子女:白羊男白羊男。很多双子女的性格都有些跳脱些跳脱,她们的好奇心和求知欲都很强都很强,总喜欢探索那些未知的事物的事物,而白羊座的男生有勇气、敢拼搏敢拼搏,能时刻陪伴着她们着她们,婚后生活自然也很幸福很幸福。 4、巨蟹女:金牛男金牛男。对大多数巨蟹女来说女来说,家庭始终都是最重要的重要的,为了维护家庭的和谐的和谐,她们甘愿付出一切出一切,而金牛座的男生也爱家顾家家顾家,结婚之后定能幸福一生福一生。 5、狮子女:水瓶男水瓶男。狮子女脾气有些暴躁些暴躁,也十分好面子好面子,性格强势又霸道又霸道,让许多异性都敬而远之而远之,但水瓶座的男生思想开放想开放,对很多事情都看得很开得很开,能接受狮子女的一切的一切,嫁给他们自然幸福一生福一生。 6、处女女:天秤男天秤男。对于自己的另一半另一半,很多处女女都有着非常严苛的要求和标准和标准,总希望自己能找到一个各方面条件都很不错的人错的人,而天秤座的男生为人大度人大度,能容忍处女女的挑三拣四三拣四。 7、天秤女:狮子男狮子男。天秤女做事往往都有些优柔寡断柔寡断,总是瞻前顾后、思量再三也难以抉择以抉择,因此,他们需要一个能替自己下决定的人定的人,而性格果断的狮子座男生就非常合适常合适。 8、天蝎女:双子男双子男。天蝎女浑身上下都萦绕着一种似有若无的神秘感神秘感,让人忍不住想要一探究竟探究竟,而双子座的男生好奇心旺盛心旺盛,遇到天蝎女之后女之后,必然会忍不住靠近住靠近,心里眼里都只有对方一人方一人。 9、射手女:处女男处女男。大大咧咧的射手女射手女,往往都有些丢三落四、粗心大意心大意,因此,她们需要一个细心的人时时提醒着她们诸多事务多事务,而处女座的男生是出了名的心思细腻思细腻,嫁给他们自然会获得幸福得幸福。 10、摩羯女:双鱼男双鱼男。众所周知所周知,摩羯女是出了名的不解风情解风情,可事实上事实上,又有哪个女生不喜欢浪漫呢浪漫呢?嫁给双鱼座的男生之后生之后,她们时不时就能收到惊喜和感动和感动,自然幸福美满福美满。 11、水瓶女:射手男射手男。水瓶女一直都很注重个人隐私人隐私,即便结婚了结婚了,也要拥有个人空间人空间,而射手座的男生也希望找到一个独立性强的伴侣的伴侣,彼此之间相互依赖互依赖,却也相互独立互独立。 12、双鱼女:天蝎男天蝎男。双鱼女性情柔弱情柔弱,依赖性强赖性强,总把伴侣当作是自己的天己的天,而天蝎座的男生性格强势格强势,习惯掌控一切控一切,双方之间一强一弱强一弱,十分互补分互补,结婚之后自然能幸福一生福一生。(lj) 1、白羊女:白羊男白羊男。如果两个白羊座在一起在一起,往往不会感到无聊和沉闷和沉闷,也许你们会吵架会吵架,但那不过是生活的调剂品而已品而已,床头吵床尾和说的就是你们是你们,多半有很完美的感情呢感情呢。 2、金牛女:摩羯男摩羯男。金牛和摩羯在某种程度上程度上,可能缺乏热情乏热情,因为两人都比较内敛含蓄敛含蓄,但一定不乏温情和细水长流的爱情的爱情,只要双方能敞开心扉开心扉,就是很适合居家过日子的组合的组合。 3、双子女:天秤男天秤男。天秤男通常有情怀也有气质有气质,重视原则的他们虽然犹豫不决豫不决,但想好的事情一定会做到会做到,算是一诺千金的人金的人,这让善变的双子女很欣赏很欣赏,觉得很有安全感安全感。 4、巨蟹女:双鱼男双鱼男。巨蟹的温柔和付出只有在面对双鱼的时候的时候,才不会被浪费被浪费,双鱼实在是很能理解巨蟹解巨蟹,巨蟹偶尔的小情绪和小脾气小脾气,双鱼也能用如沐春风般的口才瞬间化解间化解。 5、狮子女:射手男射手男。两人很容易一见钟情见钟情,而且因为相似的特质的特质,感情也能与日俱增日俱增,很少吵架少吵架,能屈能伸的射手完全搞得定霸气的狮子女狮子女,他们还十分理解狮子卸下伪装后的脆弱的脆弱。 6、处女女:金牛男金牛男。金牛的`踏实稳重和一丝不苟的性格的性格,让心思灵巧敏锐的处女很受用很受用,两人的感情是日久生情的那种的那种,会随着时间的推移的推移,越来越深厚越深厚。 7、天秤女:处女男处女男。处女男虽然有挑剔的一面的一面,但对爱情的付出很实际很实际,爱一个人不会计较回报较回报,而天秤骨子里是很渴望被爱得多一点多一点,情商高的天秤对处女的挑剔也完全能够理解够理解。 8、天蝎女:天蝎男天蝎男。很适合内部消化的一对星座组合座组合,两人在一起不仅会互相吸引和欣赏和欣赏,还会互相猜忌和戒备和戒备,相似的特质会让两人的关系像史密斯夫妇一样妇一样,充满了各种火花种火花。 9、射手女:双子男双子男。双子男会被射手女的潇洒和小任性的一面吸引面吸引,会变得心甘情愿为她们服务们服务,满足她们的需求的需求,而射手也能回馈给双子男不断的创意和灵感和灵感,是很适合的一对的一对。 10、摩羯女:狮子男狮子男。摩羯女很希望能找到一个强者与自己共度下半生下半生,而好强且为了变强不断努力的狮子正好能满足摩羯的需要的需要,而且狮子的霸气也会让高冷的摩羯放下身段下身段。 11、水瓶女:水瓶男水瓶男。像水瓶这么不爱吐露内心和有点“外星人”感觉的星座的星座, 真的很适合跟同一个星座的人在一起在一起,互相懂得对方不想说出口的语言的语言,是默契不断的一对的一对。 12、双鱼女:巨蟹男巨蟹男。永远重视感情的巨蟹男往往可以给双鱼女十分的爱分的爱,安抚她们的多愁善感愁善感,在她们犹豫不决的时候为她们做决定做决定,保护她们护她们,给予他们体贴和温柔和温柔。 ** 十二星座女各自嫁给哪个城市的男人最幸福** 1、白羊女:哈尔滨哈尔滨。白羊女最欣赏哈尔滨男人直接干脆、果断利落的性格的性格,而对方粗活累活全包的大男子主义子主义,也让她们心里充满柔情满柔情,一个霸道一个刁蛮个刁蛮,即使发生了争执了争执,只要白羊撒个娇撒个娇,那些小打小闹反而还增进了彼此的感情的感情。 2、金牛女:杭州。金牛女喜欢斯文得体的男人的男人,那种不修边幅、邋里邋遢的男人的男人,往往都会被她们直接划到淘汰区淘汰区,而杭州男人州男人,大多都待人谦和、举止得体止得体,看起来就是温文尔雅的代表的代表,这种满足温和型的男人最对金牛女的口味了口味了。 3、双子女:上海。上海男人大多数都是在外是绅士是绅士,在内是煮夫是煮夫,所以和他们在一起的话起的话,双子往往都不用操心每天晚上吃什么吃什么,而他们的绅士风度士风度,也会在吵架时尽量让着双子着双子,这让喜欢逞口舌之快的双子非常满意常满意。 4、巨蟹女:重庆。重庆男人爱恨分明恨分明,也有着很强的占有欲占有欲,他们向来都是爱就在一起在一起,不爱就分开就分开,而他们谈恋爱的话往往都是奔着结婚去的婚去的,嫁给他们的话们的话,巨蟹女就成了他们感情的全部的全部,对方的真心也让巨蟹女有足够的安全感安全感。 5、狮子女:温州。大多数温州男人在勤劳的同时的同时,还极其富有开拓精神拓精神,和狮子女一样女一样,他们也有着很强的事业心事业心,嫁给他们的话们的话,你们的事业往往都会更加风生水起生水起,在事业成功的基础上基础上,你们的爱情也能体会到双倍的快乐的快乐。 6、处女女:广州。处女女最喜欢勤奋的男人的男人,她们比较务实较务实,希望结婚后有个稳定的物质保障质保障,即使现在经济条件不充足不充足,也必须是个潜力股才行股才行,而分分秒秒都在拼的广州男人州男人,正好能成为她们的依靠的依靠,也能让处女女安心地过日子过日子。 7、天秤女:北京。优雅的天秤女碰上文化底蕴深厚的北京男人京男人,简直就是天造地设的一对的一对,两人的思想都比较开放前卫放前卫,在很多事情上的看法也都保持一致持一致,很容易形成共识成共识,而北京男人身上的聪慧机智也让天秤女颇为欣赏为欣赏。 8、天蝎女:成都。大多数成都男人都比较温情较温情,他们的生活态度向来都是不温不火、不疾不徐疾不徐,也比较顾家较顾家,帮忙做家务的时候也很少讨价还价价还价,这样温情的男人的男人,能给予天蝎女一种久违的安定感安定感,让天蝎女的内心充满温暖满温暖。 9、射手女:长沙。大多数长沙男人都很有创意有创意,喜欢追求潮流求潮流,跟天性爱玩又贪图新鲜的射手一拍即合拍即合,他们会有很多共同话题同话题,即使偶尔意见不和、吵得面红耳赤红耳赤,冷静过后也还是会挽着手去看电影看电影,相处起来是非常舒服的一对的一对。 10、摩羯女:苏州。摩羯女感情内敛情内敛,温和多情的苏州男人最是合适是合适,他们能在摩羯女工作之余给予及时的安慰和鼓励和鼓励,也会制造一些浪漫的小惊喜小惊喜,让彼此鼓噪的生活充满温情满温情,在温馨美好的氛围中度过每一天每一天,是一对非常恩爱的组合的组合。 11、水瓶女:深圳。水瓶女是个思想很前卫的人卫的人,而帅气多金的深圳男人圳男人,往往都是他们的最佳拍档佳拍档,他们大多都有着稳定的物质基础质基础,也注重物质享受质享受,在一起时也有彼此的朋友圈朋友圈,可以说是最具现代生活作风的潮流组合了组合了。 12、双鱼女:西安。对双鱼女来说女来说,他们需要的是忠诚专一的伴侣的伴侣,而西安男人专情的情感态度感态度,往往都会让双鱼女非常放心常放心,西安男人的爱如是默默无声的无声的,他们会给予一个可靠的肩膀的肩膀,为对方遮风挡雨风挡雨,让对方拥有足够的安全感安全感。(lj) 十二星座流沙钢笔,十二星座幸运佩戴饰品,十二星座的情侣戒指文章阅读
2024-10-12 00:00:00
2024-10-01 00:00:00
Amazon-owned Whole Foods is quietly tracking its employees with a heat map tool that ranks which stores are most at risk of unionizing
Hayley Peterson
- Amazon-owned Whole Foods is tracking and scoring stores it deems at risk of unionizing, according to five people with knowledge of the effort and **internal documents viewed by Business Insider.** - The scores are based on more than two dozen metrics, including racial diversity, employee loyalty, "tipline" calls, and violations recorded by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. - In response to this story, Whole Foods said: "Whole Foods Market recognizes the rights of our Team Members to decide whether union representation is right for them. We agree with the overwhelming majority of our Team Members that a direct relationship with Whole Foods Market and its leadership, where Team Members have open lines of communication and every individual is empowered to share feedback directly with their team leaders, is best." - Tracking active or potential unionization is a common practice among large companies, according to labor experts. - If you are an employee of Whole Foods and have information to share, contact this reporter at [email protected]. - Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. Whole Foods is keeping an eye on stores at risk of unionizing through an interactive heat map, according to five people with knowledge of the matter and internal documents viewed by Business Insider. The heat map is powered by an elaborate scoring system, which assigns a rating to each of Whole Foods' 510 stores based on the likelihood that their employees might form or join a union. The stores' individual risk scores are calculated from more than two dozen metrics, including employee "loyalty," turnover, and racial diversity; "tipline" calls to human resources; proximity to a union office; and violations recorded by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The map also tracks local economic and demographic factors such as the unemployment rate in a store's location and the percentage of families in the area living below the poverty line. The stores' scores on each metric are fed into the heat map, which is a geographic illustration of the United States peppered with red spots to indicate high-risk Whole Foods stores. The heat map reveals how Whole Foods is using technology and data to help manage its vast workforce of more than 95,000 employees. It also provides a rare look into corporate labor-tracking activities, a common practice among large companies but one rarely discussed publicly. A statement on the map describes its purpose as specific to monitoring unionization among its employees, which the company calls team members. "The [Team Member] Relations Heatmap is designed to identify stores at risk of unionization," the statement reads. "This early identification enables resources to be funneled to the highest need locations, with the goal of mitigating risk by addressing challenges early before they become problematic." Whole Foods did not respond to questions about what sort of resources are funneled to the "highest need" stores. In a statement provided to Business Insider, the company said an "overwhelming majority" of its employees prefer a "direct relationship" with the company over union representation. "Whole Foods Market recognizes the rights of our Team Members to decide whether union representation is right for them," the company said. "We agree with the overwhelming majority of our Team Members that a direct relationship with Whole Foods Market and its leadership, where Team Members have open lines of communication and every individual is empowered to share feedback directly with their team leaders, is best. "Our open-door communication policy allows us to understand and quickly respond to the needs of our workforce, while recognizing, rewarding, and supporting the goals of every member of our team," the statement continued. "At Whole Foods Market, we're committed to treating all of our Team Members fairly, creating a safe, inclusive, and empowering working environment, and providing our Team Members with career advancement opportunities, great benefits, and competitive compensation, including an industry-leading starting minimum wage of $15/hour." ## How Whole Foods calculates a store's risk of unionizing Whole Foods uses the heat map and related scores to determine where stores must take action to address risks, according to the documents and people familiar with the map. Overall, higher scores indicate lower risks of unionization. The map monitors three main areas: "external risks," "store risks," and "team member sentiment." Some of the factors that contribute to external risk scores include local union membership size; distance in miles between the store and the closest union; number of charges filed with the National Labor Relations Board alleging labor-law violations; and a "labor incident tracker," which logs incidents related to organizing and union activity. Other external factors include the percentage of families within the store's zip code that fall below the poverty line and the local unemployment rate. ## Whole Foods' heat map says lower rates of racial diversity increase unionization risks The second group of metrics in the scoring system, called store risks, aren't a direct cause of risk "but can predispose a store to risk," according to documents. Store-risk metrics include average store compensation, average total store sales, and a "diversity index" that represents the racial and ethnic diversity of every store. Stores at higher risk of unionizing have lower diversity and lower employee compensation, as well as higher total store sales and higher rates of workers' compensation claims, according to the documents. The third area of metrics is "team member sentiment." These metrics, which include items like employee loyalty and engagement, are "designed to be the most actionable," the documents show. The "sentiment" data is pulled from internal employee surveys and "is likely to be the first score to improve based on your efforts." These measures assess employees' feedback on the quality and safety of their work environment and whether they feel supported and respected, among other things. ## Tracking potential unionization is common among large companies With the heat map, Whole Foods appears to be trying to identify and address circumstances ripe for employee unrest that could lead to attempts to form a union. This type of workforce analysis is something large companies have done for decades, albeit without some of the technology available today that can automate parts of that process, according to labor experts. Walmart, for example, hired an intelligence-gathering service from Lockheed Martin and ranked stores by labor activity when it faced protests eight years ago organized by the union-backed activist group OUR Walmart, according to a 2015 Bloomberg Businessweek story citing thousands of court documents. "Employers spend millions of dollars a year to hire union avoidance advisers to see how susceptible they are to their workers organizing," Celine McNicholas, the director of government affairs and labor counsel for the Economic Policy Institute, said. ## Why some companies closely track union activity "A preponderance of the business community [has] a total allergy to unionization," Wilma Liebman, who served on the National Labor Relations Board under Presidents Obama, Bush, and Clinton, said. Unions give employees more bargaining power over things such as wages and health benefits, she said. They could also increase the chances of employee strikes, which can disrupt business. Companies "don't want anything that's going to interfere with their autonomy and their ability to act unilaterally" and "sometimes they're convinced [unions] are going to cost them more than they can afford," Liebman said. Research shows unionized workers tend to earn higher wages and are more likely to have access to certain benefits like employer-sponsored healthcare. Critics of unions argue, however, that the organizations can harm companies economically, forcing layoffs or job outsourcing, and that they don't have workers' best interests in mind. That's why some companies monitor their workers to try to address any signs that employees might organize head-on. US labor law protects employees' right to unionize. It's legal, however, for a company to monitor and address labor organizing as long as it doesn't threaten, coerce, restrain, or interfere with efforts to unionize. Overall, US companies spent at least $100 million on consulting services for anti-union campaigns between 2014 and 2017, according to data from the Economic Policy Institute based on disclosure forms filed with the US Department of Labor. McNicholas said using a data-powered heat map to monitor for unionization risks "is just the next frontier of employer opposition to unions." *If you are an employee of Whole Foods and have information to share, contact this reporter at [email protected].*
Stores' risk scores are based on more than two dozen metrics, including racial diversity, employee turnover, and "tipline" calls.
2024-10-12 00:00:00
2020-04-20 00:00:00
Where to Find a $99 iPhone
Roy Furchgott
Well, the rumor mill was partly right. For weeks, there was speculation that Wal-Mart Stores would sell a $99 Apple iPhone. There really is a $99 iPhone, but it’s not at Wal-Mart. And Wal-Mart really is selling an iPhone, but it’s not $99. The $99 iPhone is available only from AT&T, and the phone is — as car dealers delicately put it — pre-owned. As long as the supply lasts, or until Dec. 31, AT&T is offering refurbished 8 GB iPhone 3Gs for $99 with a two-year contract (or to people who qualify for an upgrade). The 8 GB G3 usually sells new for $200. Don’t rush to a store, though — the refurbished phones can only be ordered online or by phone. By refurbished, AT&T means someone else owned it first and returned it. The phone may show some wear, but it carries a 90-day warranty. New iPhones have a one-year warranty, according to an AT&T salesman I spoke to at the phone order center. AT&T representatives approached by phone and e-mail had not responded by the time this was posted. Meanwhile, new iPhones are available at Wal-Mart, at a whopping discount of — wait for it — $2 off. As I’ve said before, getting the iPhone into Wal-Mart doesn’t seem like such big a deal. It may put it in front of some buyers who have only seen them on TV before, but I’m not sure that translates into tremendous sales. Putting the iPhone in Wal-Mart is culturally significant, though. It shows how rapidly general acceptance of mobile computing is moving. In little more than a year, the elite smartphone with the most advanced technology has become conventional enough for the most mass-market of all retailers. Comments are no longer being accepted.
The rumors were partly right. There is a $99 iPhone, and there are iPhones at Wal-Mart, but there are no $99 iPhones at Wal-Mart.
2024-10-12 00:00:00
2008-12-29 00:00:00…o_2048_black.png
Gadgetwise Blog
Ford launching new driver system to compete with Tesla's Autopilot and GM's Super Cruise
Michael Wayland
Ford Motor's answer to advanced driver-assist systems such as Tesla's Autopilot and General Motors' Super Cruise is launching as the automaker introduces important new or redesigned vehicles such as the all-electric Mustang Mach-E crossover. The company's new "Active Drive Assist" will be part of the automaker's "Co-Pilot360" safety and convenience technologies. The hardware for the hands-free driving system will be available to order first on the Mach-E later this year, followed by other "select" vehicles for the 2021 model year, Ford announced Thursday. Customers will have to wait until next year though for the technology to be available on the Mach-E. The crossover, according to the company, will be "among the first" vehicles to receive the system during the third quarter of 2021 via a remote, or over-the-air, update or at a dealership. A spokesman for Ford declined to comment on what other vehicles the technology will be offered on as well as their timing. The automaker's F-150 is likely a good candidate. Ford is unveiling a redesigned version of the pickup next week with a new electrical architecture, or brains, of the vehicle, which is a key enabler for such technologies. Ford's Active Drive Assist will control a vehicle's speed, braking and steering through a system of cameras, radar and other sensors on more than 100,000 miles of divided highways in the U.S. and Canada. The system's design and function are more like GM's Super Cruise than Tesla's Autopilot. Both GM and Ford systems will only operate on pre-mapped roads. They also use an infrared driver-facing camera on the steering column to monitor a driver's attentiveness to allow hands-free driving. Tesla's system offers greater functionality and availability but does not utilize a camera and drivers must check in by touching the vehicle's steering wheel. What will separate Active Driver Assist from GM's Super Cruise, according to Ford officials, will be the way the system handles and interacts with drivers. The main physical difference is Ford's system will communicate with drivers through a digital driver information screen rather than primarily through a light bar on the vehicle's steering wheel. "A huge amount of work was done in this respect," Darren Palmer, global director of battery electric vehicles at Ford, said during a media briefing. "We noticed from reviewing systems on sale that it can be a little bit confusing to customers." Palmer said the system is "very smooth" and clearly communicates how the vehicle is operating, which is "important for building confidence." Active Drive Assist will be available across the Mustang Mach-E lineup. Ford said the availability of the system on other nameplates will vary by vehicle.
Ford's answer to advanced driver-assist systems such as Tesla's Autopilot and General Motors' Super Cruise is called "Active Drive Assist."
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End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

A HackerNews Stories dataset

This dataset is based on nixiesearch/hackernews-comments dataset:

  • for each item of type=story we downloaded the target URL. Out of ~3.8M stories ~2.1M are still reachable.
  • each story HTML was parsed using trafilatura library
  • we store article text in markdown format along with all page-specific metadata.

Dataset stats

  • date coverage: xx.2006-09.2024, same as in upstream nixiesearch/hackernews-comments dataset
  • total scraped pages: 2150271 (around 55% of the original dataset)
  • unpacked size: ~20GB of text.


The dataset is available as a set of JSONL-formatted files with ZSTD compression:

  "id": 8961943,
  "url": "",
  "title": "Digital Rights Groups to Senator Ron Wyden: We're Counting on You to Oppose Fast Track for the TPP",
  "author": "Maira Sutton",
  "markdown": "Seven leading US digital rights and access to knowledge groups, ...",
  "downloaded": true,
  "meta_extracted": true,
  "parsed": true,
  "description": "Seven leading US digital rights and access to knowledge groups, and over 7,550 users, have called on Sen. Wyden today to oppose any new version of Fast Track (aka trade promotion authority) that does not fix the secretive, corporate-dominated process of trade negotiations. In particular, we urge...",
  "filedate": "2024-10-13",
  "date": "2015-01-27",
  "image": "",
  "pagetype": "article",
  "hostname": "",
  "sitename": "Electronic Frontier Foundation",
  "categories": null,
  "tags": null

The id field matches the id field from the upstream nixiesearch/hackernews-comments dataset.

You can also use this dataset using Huggingface datasets library:

pip install datasets zstandard

and then:

from datasets import load_dataset

stories = load_dataset("nixiesearch/hackernews-stories", split="train")


Apache License 2.0

Downloads last month

Data Sourcing report


Some elements in this dataset have been identified as opted-out, or opted-in, by their creator.


Models trained or fine-tuned on nixiesearch/hackernews-stories