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I am 35 years old unmarried , i was diagonized with Hepatitis B surface AG 2 years ago with 2190.42 , i have stayed off Alcoholic since then i used several drugs , today i went again to check and its 2090.42 ... I want to get married soon and ready to fly down to anywhere in India for the treatment. Please advise me if it can be cured or reduce to the lower or undectective level | non-urgent |
I have been having abdominal pain and burning not relieved by omeprazole. Also, bowel changes, from 1 normal BM every day to 2 days to several soft BM s per day with more urgency. The pain is generalized abdominal pain, midline, radiating to sides. | non-urgent |
sir, Day before yesterday i had an oil fried item snacks and also chappathi with homemade cauliflower , but prepared in the morning. I also had my dinner at 10 p.m. . The next day morning when i got up i was not feeling comfortable. After coming from school i took a tablet pantasem , after that i had vomitingand loose motion for nearly six or seven times . Then i went to a doctor who gave two injectionsone for fever and the other on i do not know.He also prescribe few tablets of three doses pavosem mufsail, rogo Race stat ( I am not sure with spellings). Till morning i did not have any problem , after getting and after taking the tablets i am ha ving the same problem . So, now i took cyclopam and aceloc-150mg. I think i am little ok now . what i should do ? | urgent |
friend has a lump where their coccyx is, has been complete agony to move, literally screaming the place down, dr gave them tramadol, hasnt helped, hospital gave him co-codemal for the pain and have done nothing else, after 4 days of having this, today it has discharge and some blood? - could this be a cyst? | urgent |
Which demographic should raise suspicion of a possible Rubella infection? | non-urgent |
What bacterial infection can lead to the development of risus sardonicus and lockjaw (trismus)? | non-urgent |
Hi my daughter is two years old and lately she has had very loose stools that are black in color and very sticky. She just got over MRSA and pneumonia. The medication she was on for MRSA didn t mention any black stools as the side effects.The medicine she was on is called Septra. Should i be concerned? | urgent |
I have a large anechoic cyst in my right kidney, last year it had reached 10cm by 8cm by 5cm. Thr doctor sent me to hospital to have cyst aspirated, they could only get some fluid out leaving about 1/2 size. Last week I had another ultrasound and the cyst has increased to 13.3 x 7.2 x 7.1. My doctor does not seem to be concerned. What do you think I should do about this? | non-urgent |
What is the patella reflex and which nerve roots does it test? | non-urgent |
Hello doctor, I am 42 years old. I had a heart attack 12 years ago and now have three stents. By the way, I have no family history of heart disease, high blood pressure, cholesterol and anything of that nature. I am a disabled military veteran and am 40% disabled as a result of being exposed to lead and asbestos during my time in service. I am drawing disability for chronic or acute sinusitis and migraine headaches. It is my contention that my heart complications are a result of being under those same conditions while in the service. I had not had any health issues nor any family history of heart issues leading up to these complications. This is a battle I have been fighting for nearly ten years. I have provided case studies, online articles and most recently, feedback from a cardiologist that stated that there has been findings that there is a correlation between lead and asbestos exposure and heart disease. Even when I was able to obtain that particular feedback, they are now requiring additional documentation. I am reaching out to you in an effort to get an open and honest opinion. The veterans administration is asking the following. Is there a greater than 50% chance that my exposure to lead and asbestos during my service time could have lead to my heart disease and heart attack? I have also included some articles below that back up the correlation between the two. | non-urgent |
Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...my husband has had a quarter size lump in the middle of his back for years...last night a very large amount of pus came out of it with no pain. today he has pain.. what could this have been and should he do anything about it. Thanks | non-urgent |
What is systemic scleroderma and how does it affect the skin? Is there a specific type of pigmentation that may occur in the affected areas? | non-urgent |
My fiance and I think our two yr old may have swallowed a penny.. She came from her rm and said she had done so... In a panic she put her finger in her mouth and vomited .... No penny. Gave her a bath she says nothing hurts she s breathing normally it just seems she was scared as well as we were... What do u recommend? | urgent |
i ve had the implanon now for 2 years and abit due to get it out september the 14th just recently in the last two months ive had my period and a one or two day break each week also heavy amdominal cramos brown discharge or pink and also spoitting on those one to two day breaks is this normal ? | non-urgent |
Sir my mother 70 years old, she has pain in left side and gone under test of Renal Dynamic Scan With Diuretic and Impression find is: - Split function for left side is 45% and right side 55%. -Left kidney inlarged, hydronephrotic with impaired parenchymal function and significant parenchymal tracer refention in delay images till 4 hrs. -Medical renal disease Need your advice and specialist Dr name to be consuled at Delhi or Lucknow, if you available. | urgent |
Hello, my six year old daughter had allergy testing done a couple months ago. She is allergic to trees and grass as well as cats. They only tested for the main things, so I assume there are many more allergies we don't know about. She takes 5mg of "Singulair" at night, but now with spring in bloom she is a mess. Called pediatrician last week with concerns it isn't working and they said that is the strongest med for kids. said they would call in a nose spray as well, but went to pick it up and it wasn't there, so that is no help right now. Her eyes are red and swollen and now she has red splotches around her eyes and working their way down her cheeks. We missed her dose last night due to the struggle of "allergy attitude". Her behavior is horrible to say the least and I'm really worried about the redness. This is the first time I have ever seen it. She is very sensitive to red dye in foods, but she has only eaten toast with peanut butter and a banana today. She only has problems on Sundays when the doctor isn't in!!! Any thoughts or advice? I have her sitting in her room with the air purifier playing quietly but that doesn't even seem to be helping. | non-urgent |
What condition may hypothyroidism be associated with, and what are the possible causes of this association? | non-urgent |
My 54 year old brother was diagnosed with sclerosing cholangitis and gallbladder cancer last month. They found a mass in his gallbladder. They told him they can't do chemo/radiation as the liver won't be able to handle it or it will kill the liver. I found 2 websites of people who have this liver condition and cancer and were given chemo/radiation. He even went and got a second opinion from Oncologists and both sets of doctors are saying the same thing, no chemo. So why are the doctors telling him that, since I just read that people were given chemo/radiation. He was given 6 months. | urgent |
My four year old son jus had a hernia survey about a mounts ago and today he used the restroom and it seemed like it was blood in his stool the stool was solid and brown at first as it continued it started to look softer and begain looking red there was what seemed like speret blood peeking to the bottom of the toilite what stool was red was solid. But softer then other stool | non-urgent |
Hi doctor, Please see the attached pictures of my mouth. The lump on top of my mouth is a torus. I have a red spot on the side of it though. What could it be? | non-urgent |
My son is 9 and has been diiagnosed with ADHD . He has been on Concerta for 2 years and a few months ago supplements. Recently he has developed tremors in hi his legs when in certain positions like knees bent and foot pressed hard to the ground. He has also been diagnosed yesterday with iron and vit D deficiency . What is most likely causing the problem. | non-urgent |
thanks, I have pain in the back of my head from behind my right ear heading down my neck. Not brutal pain, just there. Very tender to the touch. 3 options was wondering what you thought. Pulled muscle from playing hockey this weekend. It hurt right away after crashing into the boards. 2 bug bite about a week ago or. 3 symptom from donating blood? | non-urgent |
Hello doctor,As I have PCOD problem and also cyst, I take tablets for period. My friend suggested Kalachikai powder. I used it for 30 days continuously, but no use. How many days should I take that powder and how to overcome this problem? | non-urgent |
It says on the chest X-ray that there is a linear density seen in the right mid lungfield which may represent a prominent vessel or fibrosis. I had an xray last year but there was no findings like this. However, I had a tuberculosis or Primary complex when I was a child.. Would that possibly affect the result? I m a little bit worried now.. Can u tell me what is prominent vessel and fibrosis or is t just the same? Thank you | non-urgent |
Good morning Dr. Sir, My wife had withdrawn third molar from low jaw. Now she have regularly pain in whole mouth upto ear. Her mouth is not properly opened, we show the dr. and he open the mouth and says it is blocked due do not open it regularly. And now she try to open it and got into acute pain. When she took Ketorol dt then get relief. please tell me what is this problem and how many days she have to taken this tablets. My mob no 0000 from Karnal (Haryana) | non-urgent |
hi i want to ask abt myslef i m 34 and i m apure virgin girl i may get married next year i wnat to ask that is it dangerous to get pregnant at the age of 35 of after 35 becoz i've heard that women gets serious problems at this stage.. i dont have any kind of period problem my physical health is good.. | non-urgent |
Hello, yesterday morning I had sex with my partner and he came inside of me. I am currently on the mini pill. I take it within 3 hours of the same time every night. However after yesterday morning I forgot to take my pill that same night. I just recently remembered but have not been able to take my missed pill or my pill for Saturday night. How will this effect me? Was I still protected? What are the chances of a pregnancy? | urgent |
OBJECTIVES: To study abnormality of spirometry, six-minute walk distance, and chest radiograph among patients recovered from Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). METHODS AND STUDY DESIGN: A prospective cohort study was conducted in 87 COVID-19 confirmed cases who recovered and discharged from a medical school hospital in Thailand. At the follow-up visit on day 60 after onset of symptoms, patients underwent an evaluation by spirometry (FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, FEF25-75, and PEF), a six-minute-walk test (6MWT), and a chest radiograph. RESULTS: There were 35 men and 52 women, with a mean age of 39.6±11.8 years and the mean body mass index (BMI) was 23.8±4.3 kg/m(2). Of all, 45 cases had mild symptoms; 35 had non-severe pneumonia, and 7 had severe pneumonia. Abnormality in spirometry was observed in 15 cases (17.2%), with 8% of restrictive defect and 9.2% of obstructive defect. Among the patients with an abnormal spirometry, the majority of the cases were in the severe pneumonia group (71.4%), compared with 15.6% in the non-severe pneumonia group, and 10.2% in the mild symptom group (p = 0.001). The mean six-minute-walk distance (6MWD) in the mild symptom and non-severe pneumonia groups was 538±56.8 and 527.5±53.5 meters, respectively. Although the severe pneumonia group tended to have a shorter mean 6-min walking distance, but this was not statistically significant (p = 0.118). Twelve patients (13.8%) had abnormal chest radiographs that showed residual fibrosis. This abnormality was more common in the severe pneumonia group (85.7%) and in others (7.5%) (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Abnormal spirometry was noted in 17.2% of COVID-19 survivors with both restrictive and obstructive defects. Severe COVID-19 pneumonia patients had higher prevalence rates of abnormal spirometry and residual fibrosis on the chest radiographs when compared to patients in the mild symptom and non-severe pneumonia groups. | non-urgent |
One child has produced from inactive HBS ag father, During the childhood hbsag detectable in serum? if not, what age it will become detect. | urgent |
i had a boil looking thing come up on my left groin area toward the private area, when i lanced it a big black thing came out, left a big whole in me, i am a diabetic, i am keeping it clean, proxide, and antibiotic cream on it, what was this, or what could it have been, i know one thing it hurts really bad still | non-urgent |
Hi doctor, I am a 33 year old male. I have been suffering from social anxiety for the past one year. Although I was extremely shy as a child and up to about 25 years of age. After that, I overcame my social anxiety and became confident. I managed somehow not to care about other peoples opinion about me. I could convince with almost anybody because I ignored what the people think or say. But, for the past one year I have lost my ability to ignore what other people think or say and I have started to value their opinions about me rather than my own opinion about me. I have become self conscious, shy and quiet. I am not feeling depressed or sad, but this feeling has made me extremely unproductive and I just think what others think about me. My past medication is Olanex for the social anxiety. Please recommend some other medications as this condition has been disturbing my social as well as professional life and my colleagues have started to make fun of me. | non-urgent |
I have rash and red patches on the skin recently, probably due to allergy. Can you please suggest me the cure? Also will this red patches/rash leave any black marks on the skin? if so, please suggest the cure for that as well.Appreciate your help in advance. | non-urgent |
hi, i am 50 years old male living with wife and have a son and a daughter,both are studying. for a few weeks a am feeling giddiness in my head . my work includes computer related work. i consulted a physician and he advised me x-ray of my neck. after seeing the x-ray film he advised me 6 hours use of cervical collar and neck exercises.on 18th of june, at about 11.30 in the night i felt very high heart pulpitation.i recorded my b.p.with a digital machine,it was about 160/100, pulserate 124. myhands and legs had been very cold,i felt very restless. i was taken to the local govt. hospital where they used saline and some injection. next day i consulted a physician(MD, Cardiologist). he advised me petri beta-10 in the night and after ECG diagnosed anxiety and stress. the other day ,i went to patna and consulted a DM Cardiologst.he did HOLTERMONITER TEST AND TMT and said that i have no cardiac problem and advised Rivotril 2.5, half tablet every night. i came back to my place and started doing neck exercises. on 25 june ,i took harassment due to certain marriage ceremonies and in tne night my B.P. again shoot to 177/90, pulse 115. I took one full tab. og rivotril and again went to the hospital where they gave me dexona and some emergency medicines.but on this day i was more relaxed than the previous one. last night my B.P. again shooted to 160/90, pulse rate 125. i took half tab of rivotril and one tab of petril beta . after half an hour , imy B.P. was normal i.e. 116/76, pulse 75. my question is what should be my next step of treatment and why is my B.P. going high suddenly., why my heart beat excelerates so much and if it happens in the night , what damage it can do. | non-urgent |
What is the process for reversing the anticoagulant effects of warfarin, and how does this process work? | non-urgent |
The COVID-19 pandemic is a global crisis that has caused a punishing economic impact on businesses, particularly due to many countries adopting measures such as the Movement Control Order (MCO) to curb the spread of the COVID-19 disease. The impact hits the most on microentrepreneurs since they are not able to operate their businesses, of which the margins of profit and resources are relatively small. The purpose of this research was to explore the challenges faced by microentrepreneurs during MCO and their coping strategies used to overcome these challenges. This study utilized the qualitative case study approach and collected interview data among the identified microentrepreneurs that met the criterion sampling. The findings uncover that these microentrepreneurs typically faced challenges related to restricted cash flows, lack of customers and supplies shortage issues which impacted their income and business operations during MCO. These challenges were addressed using coping strategies, namely having the ability to control stress, developing a strong spiritual relationship with God, applying problem solving thinking skills, utilizing social capital (offline and online), and optimizing digital marketing. It is recommended that government agencies, NGOs, and social movement bodies contribute to microentrepreneurs by organising and engaging in digital empowerment programs to enable rural entrepreneurs to leverage on their access to digital commerce, internet marketing and alike. | non-urgent |
My boyfriend has a rash on the trunk of his body (hes very hairly so I can really only see it on his sides. Hes been running a low grade temp (99.1-100.5) for several days and feels run down and body aches off and on all day everyday. This may sound stupid but his rash on his sides appears to look like skin that is modeled and leaves my finger print when i push on the skin. What could this possibly be? | urgent |
In a chronic smoker who develops hypertension, hyperglycemia, and weight gain, what is the likely diagnosis? | non-urgent |
Hi i am 28 years old and i feel like i should take orofer XT just to increase level of heamoglobin, cos last month my periods delayed. is it ok? if i take this tablet? or are there any side effect? I am good in health. not weak not fat i am just perfect. | non-urgent |
Autoimmune disorder, possibly Fibromyalgia. White coated tongue, spots on roof of mouth, tongue burning, lower back pain (confirmed arthritis) neck pain, shoulder pain, ankles, wrists, I have one finger on left hand that locks up on me at night when sleeping. Extreme fatigue upon exertion. This really bothers me. I cant do anything without being tired and just have to sit down or lay down. Don t sleep well. Was on Ambien, switched to Restoril, now on Remeron. Diagnosed with depression take Wellbutrin and Effexor. | non-urgent |
My 6 year old daughter had a mild concusion a few months ago and since then has periodically wakes up complaining that her eyes hurt and she feels dizzy and then starts to vomit she has been back to the doctor 3 times she has had a cat scan but they relate it to her not whereing her glasses. | non-urgent |
Who is at highest risk for Renal cell carcinoma ? | non-urgent |
autosomal recessive congenital stationary night blindness: Autosomal recessive congenital stationary night blindness is a disorder of the retina, which is the specialized tissue at the back of the eye that detects light and color. People with this condition typically have difficulty seeing and distinguishing objects in low light (night blindness). For example, they may not be able to identify road signs at night or see stars in the night sky. They also often have other vision problems, including loss of sharpness (reduced acuity), nearsightedness (myopia), involuntary movements of the eyes (nystagmus), and eyes that do not look in the same direction (strabismus). The vision problems associated with this condition are congenital, which means they are present from birth. They tend to remain stable (stationary) over time. Autosomal recessive congenital stationary night blindness is likely a rare disease; however, its prevalence is unknown. Mutations in several genes can cause autosomal recessive congenital stationary night blindness. Each of these genes provide instructions for making proteins that are found in the retina. These proteins are involved in sending (transmitting) visual signals from cells called rods, which are specialized for vision in low light, to cells called bipolar cells, which relay the signals to other retinal cells. This signaling is an essential step in the transmission of visual information from the eyes to the brain. Mutations in two genes, GRM6 and TRPM1, cause most cases of this condition. These genes provide instructions for making proteins that are necessary for bipolar cells to receive and relay signals. Mutations in other genes involved in the same bipolar cell signaling pathway are likely responsible for a small percentage of cases of autosomal recessive congenital stationary night blindness. Gene mutations that cause autosomal recessive congenital stationary night blindness disrupt the transmission of visual signals between rod cells and bipolar cells or interfere with the bipolar cells' ability to pass on these signals. As a result, visual information received by rod cells cannot be effectively transmitted to the brain, leading to difficulty seeing in low light. The cause of the other vision problems associated with this condition is unclear. It has been suggested that the mechanisms that underlie night blindness can interfere with other visual systems, causing myopia, reduced visual acuity, and other impairments. Some people with autosomal recessive congenital stationary night blindness have no identified mutation in any of the known genes. The cause of the disorder in these individuals is unknown. This condition is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern, which means both copies of the gene in each cell have mutations. The parents of an individual with an autosomal recessive condition each carry one copy of the mutated gene, but they typically do not show signs and symptoms of the condition. Audo I, Bujakowska K, Orhan E, Poloschek CM, Defoort-Dhellemmes S, Drumare I, Kohl S, Luu TD, Lecompte O, Zrenner E, Lancelot ME, Antonio A, Germain A, Michiels C, Audier C, Letexier M, Saraiva JP, Leroy BP, Munier FL, Mohand-Saïd S, Lorenz B, Friedburg C, Preising M, Kellner U, Renner AB, Moskova-Doumanova V, Berger W, Wissinger B, Hamel CP, Schorderet DF, De Baere E, Sharon D, Banin E, Jacobson SG, Bonneau D, Zanlonghi X, Le Meur G, Casteels I, Koenekoop R, Long VW, Meire F, Prescott K, de Ravel T, Simmons I, Nguyen H, Dollfus H, Poch O, Léveillard T, Nguyen-Ba-Charvet K, Sahel JA, Bhattacharya SS, Zeitz C. Whole-exome sequencing identifies mutations in GPR179 leading to autosomal-recessive complete congenital stationary night blindness. Am J Hum Genet. 2012 Feb 10;90(2):321-30. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2011.12.007. Erratum in: Am J Hum Genet. 2012 Jul 13;91(1):209. | non-urgent |
just had a stent placed in the left side of my heart in a vessal that was 98% blocked but my right coranary artery that was 100% blocked was not touched because the risk was higher, don t understand why both blockages were not cleared, can you explain? | non-urgent |
Hi Doctor, I am 20. Had unprotected sex on Saturday evening, waited until Monday evening to consume Postinor. Was on the 14th day of my cycle when intercourse happened but waited until the 16th to get the pill. I was wondering, could I be pregnant? Could you please explain about fertile phase and ovulation? And what will happen when sperms are present (because sperms can live up to 5 days, correct?) Appreciated it so much because I am quite anxious as I m currently studying in college. Thank you. | non-urgent |
I was bitten by a medium size dog a week ago. He bit the top of my hand and would not let go. There was almost no punctures because the teeth were dull. But the hand is still very tender. I did not go to doctors at the time. Should i have it checked? | urgent |
Hi , I have a baby boy who is going to turn 8 months this 28 april. He has developed some rash around his bottom & genital area. His paed advised that he is having a tummy infection and has given the below medicines. 1) colicaid 2) furoxene 3) Siloderm (ointment) to be applied we have been following this for the last 48 hours, but unfortunately the rash doesnt seem to reduce. baby passes motions 4-5 times a day (semi-soft, greenish yellow) he is breast fed as well as has rice, malt, cerelac. Please can you help us to understand what else needs to be done for the rash to be cured ? Many many thanks... anxious parents | non-urgent |
Hi doctor, I had protected sex with a male prostitute. I did not receive it, I was giving and later I received it from the prostitute. This occurred before five months. I got tested at the health department for HIV and ECT and they came back negative. I looked at the symptoms and I am panicking. I have had a sore throat, runny and stuffy nose, lower back pain. I stand up at work all day (if that has something to do with it). My throat is red and I have had a bump on the back of the tonsils and it was white but it went away and today I now have bumps and kind of white-yellowish bumps. I have had diarrhea one day and I was feleing warm. All of those other symptoms that happened have gone. Just today, my throat is making me scared. It does not hurt or anything. It is just how it looks and the bumps. | non-urgent |
hi my partner is being vomoting every night nearly and constant and he sufferes pains in his stomac and also right side of his chest he is off food lost weight and i dont no whats wrong he wont listen when im telling him im worried he gets short of breath at times and has a tightening of throat please can you advise me on help or what could be causing this he is up being sick now badley thankyou claire | urgent |
during a deep tissue massage yesterday, the therapist found two hard raised lumps on my back just below the bra line. they are on each side of the spine. symmetrical. no pain at all. i m heavy breasted so the back of my bra has dug in at that point for many many years. should i get it checked | non-urgent |
I sometimes fade-out / unplug or loose focus, this occur about 1-2 times daily and for about 2-3 months now. These episodes last from seconds to 1 minute. I find myself struggling to find placement/recovery during those moments. I m experiencing a sort of light-headedness or dizzy like trance during these occasions. Most of the times that this happen is when I m in deep concentration on a given subject/matter. | non-urgent |
I have over the last 6 months noticed indentations on the top of my head. They are getting bigger and now seem to be moving down onto my forehead. The have increased in size. They feel like the soft spot on the top of a baby s head. No other symptoms other than low blood pressure and occasional dizziness. Should I seek medical assistance? | non-urgent |
last night I was drinking I only had three bottles and half a vodka and when I went out for a cigarette I felt I was going to collapse so I sat down and then had to go inside but I felt sick and was sweating profusely with my heart racing. I took me shoes off and put my head as low as possible to try to help. This also happened to me on monday not drinking but I had smoked a little bit of weed. This time I had to lie on the floor. Also happened me around 2 weeks ago and I was drinking on this occasion again I had to lie on the floor. Apparently when this happens my lips go blue and all colour goes from my face. I have collapsed with a hangover one day also and almost twice when working out. I have pins and needles very regularly of late and lots of headaches - with some back neck and wrist pain. Do you have any idea what this could be?? | urgent |
Two of my disks in my back bulged, ripped and one slipped a few weeks ago. After taking a pregnancy test that was negative, I was given an epidural steroid back injection procedure with X-ray and all. I had been on muscle relaxers (2 weeks), a nerve blocker (3 nights), oxycotton and rx dose Alieve (2 weeks). I found out I was pregnant during that time but it was too soon to test yes. How much effect could this have on my baby? | urgent |
Circular rash appears on torso after hot shower usually gone by end of day. Is not raised and not itchy. My sister has the same splotches , she lives in a different state. Hers appeared 3 years ago same symptoms only now she has multiple red splotches and they dont disappear. Any idea what this may be? | non-urgent |
HI...My 6 month old son was having loose motion for few days (around 4 times a day) then started getting fever all of a sudden . He fever went to 104 & was admitted to hospital. His fever subsided but loose motions increased. Doctor said he had viral diaraheo. he was discharged day before yesterday, but his loose motion has not stopped. doctor has adviced to give him zincnia 2.5 ml twice a day & novafex 5ml twice a day for 5 days. he is still getting motion around 5 times a day. Is there any household remedy for loose motion for 6 month old child. how long will his loose motion continue? | non-urgent |
is eating garlic clove daily is a good for hypertension, what is the actual dose of garlic for me. I am 35 male and my blood pressure is between 140/90 to 150/90, please advise me doctor instead of taking allopathy medicine daily can i go for garlic, is this good or not, please advise me | non-urgent |
Hi doctorI am 26th years old I have a problem like I am getting married within 2 months but due to hyperpigmentation skin between my legs got dark and brown spots it looks dirty i consulted with dermatologist she suggested me to use depiwhite and candid B cream so using this would it remove or lighten dark skin please suggest me some solution can I go for glycolic peeling on legs ? | non-urgent |
What causes Tricuspid prolapse? | non-urgent |
is there a way to stop the growth of tumors ? My son is two years old and is showing some signs of multiple exostoses, and i think he had it from me... I m 27 years old, i suffered 24 years of my life because of these painful bone tumors and caused deformity in my right arm and my right knee..i don t want my son to experience the pain that i had... please help me | non-urgent |
De wijkverpleging is aan de beurt voor coronavaccinatie. Dat gebeurt grotendeels met het vaccin van AstraZeneca en de universiteit van Oxford. Wat moet je daarover weten? | non-urgent |
iam suffering from lax les. what is the treatment for this? plz tell me. is it dangerous? | non-urgent |
my father in law has had his thyroid removed, has diabetes, has a stint in his heart a bad back and weighs about 300lbs. He had to be taken to the er with shortness of breath, hallucinations, he has had a lot of confusion for awhile but it was much worse. he already took 40 a day lasix. Hehad fluid around lungs and heart low o2 levels. They upped his lasix to 80 put o2 on him. They had to keep the o2 at 15 otherwise his levels wouldn't stay up. Lung infection also discoved. Heart only working at 40% then co2 up to 90and unresponsive. Now on a ventilator co2 down to normal. what is likelyhood of brain damage? Any other input apprectiated. Family is trying to make some hard decisions. | urgent |
In late 2019, SARS-CoV-2, a new coronavirus, emerged from Wuhan, China, and caused a world pandemic in a few months. There are no US Food and Drugs Administration (USFDA)-approved antiviral drugs or vaccines that could be used to prevent or treat this viral infection. However, several clinical trials are ongoing, searching for therapeutic alternatives. As time is crucial in a pandemic, the scientific community has used drug repurposing and data obtained from in silico models to identify possible lead compound inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2. Direct-acting antivirals are the most promising tools to control viral infections. One of the targets for direct-acting antivirals is the main protease (Mpro), a key enzyme in the SARS-CoV-2 replication cycle. This protease is a cysteine protease that shares high homology with the SARS-CoV Mpro and could be susceptible to blocking its activity by compounds such as HIV protease inhibitors. In this book chapter, we focused on the structural features of the SARS-CoV-2 Mpro that could be applied to developing new therapies using computational aid, although it is not certain whether the outcomes of such computational studies will immediately result in effective anti-SARS-CoV-2 therapy. | non-urgent |
Hi I ve had a very bad back pain recently. It s a lower and middle part of my spin. Basically really hurts in the mornings when I wake up it hurts when I breath or yawn can t lie on my back only on side. And found a lump on my spine in the middle part that extremely hurts when you touch it even when I sit and touch the chair it hurts. Any ideas please? | urgent |
What are some components of the treatment plan for homocystinuria? | non-urgent |
Hi doctor, I am having fungal infection on my inner thighs, ankle, arms and back for about six months now. I have taken 250 mg Terbinafine for one month along with antifungal cream. But, I did not see any difference. What should I do? | non-urgent |
Since the emergence of SARS-CoV-2, humans have been exposed to distinct SARS-CoV-2 antigens, either by infection with different variants, and/or vaccination. Population immunity is thus highly heterogeneous, but the impact of such heterogeneity on the effectiveness and breadth of the antibody-mediated response is unclear. We measured antibody-mediated neutralisation responses against SARS-CoV-2Wuhan, SARS-CoV-2α, SARS-CoV-2δ and SARS-CoV-2ο pseudoviruses using sera from patients with distinct immunological histories, including naive, vaccinated, infected with SARS-CoV-2Wuhan, SARS-CoV-2α or SARS-CoV-2δ, and vaccinated/infected individuals. We show that the breadth and potency of the antibody-mediated response is influenced by the number, the variant, and the nature (infection or vaccination) of exposures, and that individuals with mixed immunity acquired by vaccination and natural exposure exhibit the broadest and most potent responses. Our results suggest that the interplay between host immunity and SARS-CoV-2 evolution will shape the antigenicity and subsequent transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2, with important implications for future vaccine design. Author Summary Neutralising antibodies provide protection against viruses and are generated because of vaccination or prior infections. The main target of anti-SARS-CoV-2 neutralising antibodies is a protein called Spike, which decorates the viral particle and mediates viral entry into cells. As SARS-CoV-2 evolves, mutations accumulate in the spike protein, allowing the virus to escape antibody-mediated immunity and decreasing vaccine effectiveness. Multiple SARS-CoV-2 variants have appeared since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, causing various waves of infection through the population and infecting-in some cases-people that had been previously infected or vaccinated. Since the antibody response is highly specific, individuals infected with different variants are likely to have different repertoires of neutralising antibodies. We studied the breadth and potency of the antibody-mediated response against different SARS-CoV-2 variants using sera from vaccinated people as well as from people infected with different variants. We show that potency of the antibody response against different SARS-CoV-2 variants depends on the particular variant that infected each person, the exposure type (infection or vaccination) and the number and order of exposures. Our study provides insight into the interplay between virus evolution and immunity, as well as important information for the development of better vaccination strategies. | non-urgent |
Hi doctor, I had sex for the first time. After that, I did not get my periods yet. I went to a gynecologist. She had taken my blood sample and it was negative. But, still I have not gotten my periods and it has been a week ahead. What could be the reason for my late periods? | non-urgent |
I am 22 years old, 5 foot, and weigh 135. I have a small round white/flesh colored bump on my chest and two on my shoulder that are oddly shaped. They do not itch or anything. I've had them for a long time and the two on the shoulder appear almost scar like, but are raised from the skin. They are all soft to the touch and do not appear to have any pus in them. Occasionally they itch. | urgent |
doctor my daughter is 10yrs old and admitted to hospital and diagonised as amebic liver abscess, metrogly is been giving including other antibiotic for the past 11 days and the pus was drained using (Ultra sound) by niddle aspiration two times, and our doctor told us that, the pus has been removed completely second time, and pus may form again or it may not. Please advice us doctor, after two complete sucessful aspirations why the pus again form and till how long it take to cure completely, pls. advice and help in this regard. thankyou kumar (hyderabad-india) | urgent |
My name is Ashim Nayek residing at Durgapur and I have two children and my elder son aged 17 year who is very absentminded and can not concentrate in his academic studies normally. His patience is very little and erratic in nature. He did very worse in his recent school final exam ( Class X exam.) due to his unmindful nature and he also involve himself in smoking cigarette seperately. He frequently behave very eratic with his perents. So please advice me how I tackle my son in coming days. thaking you, ASHIM NAYEK VILLAGE AND POST.- GOPINATHPUR DURGAPUR - 713211 DIST.- BURDWAN WEST BENGAL MOBILE : 0000. | non-urgent |
What letter in the NAVeL mnemonic is associated with femoral hernias? | non-urgent |
Hi Sir, I got few lumps on my face around 20 now.. It increased.. It doesn t pain but but when i shave it disturb and some time by mistake i cut them also. i consulted on doctor.. she told this isnormal wart.. she given few vitamin tablets and removed all by operating it.. But agagin now i got it.. Please advice me.. | non-urgent |
Low-cost improvised continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device is safe and efficacious in neonatal respiratory distress. There is a great necessity for similar device in adults, and this has been especially made apparent by the recent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, which is unmasking the deficiencies of healthcare system in several low-resource countries. We propose a simplified and inexpensive model of improvised CPAP in adults using locally available resources including aquarium air pumps and a novel pressure release mechanism. Although the safety and efficacy of improvised CPAP in adults are not established, the conceptual model we propose has the potential to serve as a lifesaving technology in many low-resource settings during this ongoing pandemic and thus calls for expedited research. | non-urgent |
First off I have a bone disese called fibrous displaysia. aboiut a year ago I had major surgery to scrape a a large portion of cystic material in my right femur. then they had to inset a largde rod in the middle of my damaged bone and secure with 3 largenails. While in hospital from surgrey i developed pnuemonia and had an 8 day stay instesd of 2. I have been assuresd this is in no wat linked to cancer. About a month ago I was having a lot of pain in this leg. more than Dr. thought I should have. oddly enough when I went to see DR. I was on a course of antibiotics for broncitus. He decided to take blood to check for bone infection. Called back and said white blood cell count was prettyhigh, but was nothing to do with any bine issue. At that time my count was 20,000. Followed up with family dr. Two weeks ago blood count had dropped from 20 to 13,000. Family dr. thought that was good sign but wanted another full blood panel. Blood test yesterday came back at 16,000. What are some of the things would cause this sort of flucutuation? even though it is up down and now back up......any suggestios on what might cause this to happen? | non-urgent |
I have been diagnosed with a bone infection and recently stopped oral antibiotics. I have been running low grade fevers for about 2 wks now...on and off. In the last 3 days my temp has spiked several times to 101.2 How do I know if its just a viral thing and not the infection?. | urgent |
I do too much masturbation with my hand...I have good erection but I can't satisfy since I can't ejaculate during intercourse...I ejaculate only when I rub my penis with my hand i.e. masturbation. Please help me how can I ejaculate during intercourse? | non-urgent |
What is primary closed-angle glaucoma and what is the cause of this condition? | non-urgent |
I just noticed I have a rash of some sort that is in my lower butt crack. The last couple of days its been burning a little bit and I ve had pain of 1 in a scale of 1 to 10. It also has a weird odor to it that stays on clothing. What could this be, and from what? | non-urgent |
I noticed today that I have a small lump on the left side of my neck. It is located just under my jaw bone. I don't feel ill, nor do i have a fever or a sore throat. The only complaint i have is a small dull ache in my lower tooth on the same side. Should I be worried that this is cancer? | non-urgent |
Hello doctor, My son is 3 months old. Three days ago, he had a fever with cold and cough. Due to the cough, he had severe vomiting. On the next day, we consulted his doctor, who prescribed Emeset, Crocin, Meftal spas, Ascoril D, Ecobion, and ORS. The same night he had a fever again. He felt better yesterday, but again at night, his temperature was quite high. | non-urgent |
What is the response of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis to corticosteroids? | non-urgent |
I have been having a strange body odour For almost 4 years! No doctor could find anything ... just recently i was diagnosed with PERNICIOUS ANEMIA. I have read that this disorder causes body odour. Will this body odor go away once I begin treatment? How long does it rakes? My doctor diagnosed me 2 months ago but have not given me b12. I dont think he knows much about this..please Help me | urgent |
Respected Sir /Madam I am Sending Patient Name Id No As follow.Now she is 7 year and 11months year old please send replay re-checking because this patients is not walk porperly she is week Name:- Damini R. Kamli Id No:- WS0000 Episode No:- 0000/1 Date Of Regn:- 26/7/2004 F.D:-26/7/2004 Please send the date of Re- Visit for checking. C/o Sonba L.Bagade Damini R.Kamli Wrutu Vihar Appt Flat No-12 Near Father Highschool Tal -Daund Dist-Pune Pin Code-413801 State- Maharashtra Mob-0000/0000 Email.Id- YYYY@YYYY / YYYY@YYYY I am sending patient name is Damini R.Kamli Patient No-WS0000 Date of Regn-26-7-2004 address c/o SONBA L.BAGADE DAMINI.R.KAMLI WRUTU VIHAR APPT.FLAT NO-12 NEAR FATHER HIGHSCHOOL TAL -DAUND DIST- PUNE-413801 STATE -MAHARASHTRA MOB-0000/0000 EMIAL YYYY@YYYY / YYYY@YYYY [WS0000 - Dhamini R Kamli] | non-urgent |
My niece had Thyroid cancer 15 years ago. She was pregnant at the time. They removed her thyroid and had the radio isotope treatment. A year ago she was dx with a 1 cm nodule on her R carotid. They told her it was probably from the collapsed thyroid leaves cookie crumbs and nodules may form around them. Today she was to have a biopsy nut had an ultrasound instead because it is on her carotid. It is now over 3 cm. What type of specialist should she be seeing? She has been told there is nothing that can be done. Is this true? | urgent |
I had a mild pelvocaliectasia as it reflected in my abdominal ultrasound and now I can see blood and puss and some brown strips which is really strange, I only see this after peeing upon wiping with tissue paper, can you please tell me that they are related. Thank you. by the way there is no odor thanks much | urgent |
I was just prescribed doxycycline and metronidazole for a bacterial infection that I received sexually. I would like to know what caused this? Does this mean that the guy that I was with has been with someone else or did he need to wash or take a bath before he was with me? I want to know if I need to stay away from this guy because he may be having sex with someone else that has a bacterial? No one has explained the causes to me and I would like to know to avoid this from happening again please. | urgent |
I am 70 yrs old with PBC, portal hypertension and symptoms of | non-urgent |
Hi, I had a ganglion cyst removed by a needle yesterday at the hospital but instead of a clear fluid it was blood and quite alot, now I cannot move my hand or wrist due to the pain and the lump is still there and even more painful what should I do and what will the next form of treatment be? And is blood normal instead of clear fluid? | urgent |
Hello doctor, My wife is currently on her sixth month of pregnancy. I am pretty much concerned about using Neomycin 0.5 % and Clobetasol 0.05 % ointment during the first month of our pregnancy. We had itching and burning sensation. We used approximately 4 g of ointment in total. She applied some ointment over her inguinal area and me over head of penis and we also had intercourse after that. This happened two times. Would this have caused vaginal absorption of Neomycin and damaged the fetus? Or as it was the month of conception would it have damaged the sperms, egg or the fertilized egg? I read some articles where topical Neomycin has caused ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity and reduced spermatogenesis in males. Should I have terminated the pregnancy earlier? Should I monitor the baby after birth for these toxicities? We did three scans so far dating scan, NT scan and anomaly scan which are normal. | urgent |
The outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 that first emerged in Wuhan in December 2019 has resulted in the devastating pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019, creating an emerging need for knowledge sharing. Meanwhile, myocardial infarction is and will probably remain the foremost cause of death in the Western world throughout the coming decades. Severe deregulation of the immune system can unnecessarily expand the inflammatory response and participate in target and multiple organ failure, in infection but also in critical illness. Indeed, the course and fate of inflammatory cells observed in severe ST-elevation myocardial infarction (neutrophilia, monocytosis, and lymphopenia) almost perfectly mirror those recently reported in severe coronavirus disease 2019. A pleiotropic proinflammatory imbalance hampers adaptive immunity in favor of uncontrolled innate immunity and is associated with poorer structural and clinical outcomes. The goal of the present review is to gain greater insight into the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying this canonical activation and downregulation of the two arms of the immune response in both entities, to better understand their pathophysiology and to open the door to innovative therapeutic options. Knowledge sharing can pave the way for therapies with the potential to significantly reduce mortality in both infectious and noninfectious scenarios. | non-urgent |
I have numbness on my hands and sometimes my leg usually when I m asleep but i m not sleeping on them. My left leg seems to be numb when I m not sleeping. I have had a pinched nerve in my neck that I haven t gone to the doctor for yet. Could that be the cause of this problem? | non-urgent |
2 weeks ago I had a vice fall on my shin and it cut it a little and my ankle is still swollen. The cut area is red and there are tiny red dots around the area. This area itches. I do not think anything is broken or fractured since I can walk and there is only slight pain esp. if you touch it. I am concerned about the cut area though with the redness. | urgent |
Absence seizure: An absence seizure is the term for a type of seizure involving staring spells. This type of seizure is a brief (usually less than 15 seconds) disturbance of brain function due to abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Absence seizures occur most often in people under age 20, usually in children ages 6 to 12. In some cases, the seizures are triggered by flashing lights or when the person breathes faster and more deeply than usual (hyperventilates). They may occur with other types of seizures, such as generalized tonic-clonic seizures (grand mal seizures), twitches or jerks (myoclonus), or sudden loss of muscle strength (atonic seizures). Most absence seizures last only a few seconds. They often involve staring episodes. The episodes may: - Occur many times a day - Occur for weeks to months before being noticed - Interfere with school and learning - Be mistaken for lack of attention, daydreaming or other misbehavior Unexplained difficulties in school and learning difficulties may be the first sign of absence seizures. During the seizure, the person may: - Stop walking and start again a few seconds later - Stop talking in mid-sentence and start again a few seconds later The person usually does not fall during the seizure. Right after the seizure, the person is usually: - Wide awake - Thinking clearly - Unaware of the seizure Specific symptoms of typical absence seizures may include: - Changes in muscle activity, such as no movement, hand fumbling, fluttering eyelids, lip smacking, chewing - Changes in alertness (consciousness), such as staring episodes, lack of awareness of surroundings, sudden halt in movement, talking, and other awake activities Some absence seizures begin slower and last longer. These are called atypical absence seizures. Symptoms are similar to regular absence seizures, but muscle activity changes may be more noticeable. The doctor will perform a physical exam. This will include a detailed look at the brain and nervous system. An EEG (electroencephalogram) will be done to check the electrical activity in the brain. People with seizures often have abnormal electrical activity seen on this test. In some cases, the test shows the area in the brain where the seizures start. The brain may appear normal after a seizure or between seizures. Blood tests may also be ordered to check for other health problems that may be causing the seizures. Head CT or MRI scan may be done to find the cause and location of the problem in the brain. Treatment for absence seizures includes medicines, changes in lifestyle for adults and children, such as activity and diet, and sometimes surgery. Your doctor can tell you more about these options. Updated by: Amit M. Shelat, DO, FACP, Attending Neurologist and Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurology, SUNY Stony Brook, School of Medicine, Stony Brook, NY. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Isla Ogilvie, PhD, and the A.D.A.M. Editorial team. | non-urgent |
hello doctor, how the child used to get urinary infection and how to avoid this, my daughter, 8 months old. she got urinary infection for past 10 days. our doctor told to give her taxim o syrup. now she is alright but i want to know how the child used to get urinary infection | non-urgent |
Who is at highest risk for Kaposi%27s sarcoma ? | non-urgent |
Sir I am 50 years old male suffering with upper back pain severly since 3 months and all of sudden onset aggravate by body movements and better by rest and pain killer medicine and x-ray says larger ostyophytes seen & my vit D is 5 only. Please suggest me what kind of treatment I should adapt and since one month I am consuming tab sazo 1gm no improvement | non-urgent |
I am scheduled for lithotripsy next week for a 5mm kidney stone. I have had only mild and infrequent pain from the stone. I am very nervous about the lithotripsy and considering cancelling as Ive heard horror stories about how painful it can be. How long is the recovery time from this? | non-urgent |
Hello, I habe a pet dog which is vacinnated every year for Rabies. Recently when we brought our baby from Hospital, it licked my Baby's toes. There are no visible sign of a cut or a wound. Is there a chance my baby will be infected by Rabies? Krish - Kolkata | non-urgent |