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邢红璇的声音传来,紧接着,韩绝就感知到邢红璇和张鸽从屋檐上掠走。 | Xing Hongxuan's voice flowed into his ear. Then, Han Jue sensed Xing Hongxuan and Zhang Ge rushing away from the roof. |
韩绝悄悄起身,准备去做做样子。 | Han Jue quietly got up and prepared to put on a show. |
小心翼翼离开房屋后,他朝药草园门口望去,发现那名男修士倒在树下,不知死活。 | After carefully leaving the house, he looked towards the entrance of the herb garden and discovered that the male cultivator had fallen under a tree. He couldn't tell if the guy was dead or alive. |
“好弱的路人。” | "What a weak guy." |
韩绝暗自吐槽。 | Han Jue couldn't help but ridicule him. |
他朝着阁楼走去。 | He headed for the pavilion. |
铁老的阁楼有两层,跟别墅一样,富丽堂皇,摆满各种瓷器与画卷,韩绝入屋后,开始瞎转悠。 | Elder Iron's pavilion was two stories high, just like the villa. It was grand and magnificent, filled with all kinds of porcelain and paintings. After Han Jue entered the house, he began to wander around. |
完全没有用心。 | He didn't put in any effort at all. |
就算真有宝贝,他也没地方放。 | Even if there was something he wanted, he had no place to keep it. |
坐了半个小时,韩绝起身继续翻箱倒柜,至少要做个样子。 | After sitting for half an hour, Han Jue got up and continued to rummage through the drawers. He had to at least put on an act. |
又过去半个小时。 | Another half an hour passed. |
邢红璇回来了。 | Xing Hongxuan returned. |
她急匆匆的入屋,找到韩绝,问道:“找到了吗?” | She rushed into the room and found him. "Have you found it?" |
韩绝站在一个花瓶旁边,转身说道:“找不到啊,翻了一个遍都没有找到。” | Standing beside a vase, Han Jue turned around and said, "I couldn't find it. I searched everywhere but couldn't find it." |
他忽然瞧见邢红璇身上满是血迹。 | All of a sudden, he noticed that Xing Hongxuan was covered in blood. |
难道张鸽被她杀了? | Had she killed Zhang Ge? |
韩绝下意识后退,结果不慎将小桌上的花瓶撞倒。 | Han Jue retreated subconsciously and accidentally knocked over the vase on the table. |
乒― | Ping— |
花瓶落在地上,碎了。 | The vase fell to the floor and shattered. |
韩绝看到一本秘籍出现在花瓶碎片中,上面刻着两个大字。 | Han Jue saw a manual appearing in the broken vase with two words carved on it. |
丹谱。 | Alchemy recipe. |
静! | Silence! |
屋内瞬间寂静,针落可闻。 | The room was so quiet that a dropping needle would have been heard. |
韩绝愣住,尴尬无比。 | Han Jue was stunned and felt extremely awkward. |
这… | Erm… |
妈的! | Damn it! |
铁老就这样藏东西的? | Is this how Elder Iron hides his things? |
邢红璇将目光从丹谱上转移,看向韩绝,目光幽幽。 | Xing Hongxuan shifted her gaze from the alchemy recipe to him. It looked as if there was a bottomless abyss in her eyes. |
韩绝惊喜道:“竟然藏在花瓶里,这老头真会藏东西!” | Han Jue said in surprise, "He actually hid it in a vase. This old man really knows how to hide things!" |
韩绝紧张极了。 | Han Jue was extremely nervous. |
他努力表现得很惊喜,随时防备邢红璇出手。 | He tried his best to look pleasantly surprised, as he prepared for Xing Hongxuan to attack him any moment. |
邢红璇忽然走上前来,紧紧抓住他的手,兴奋的笑道:“不愧是你,真是我的吉祥物!” | Xing Hongxuan suddenly walked forward and grabbed his hand tightly. She smiled excitedly and said, "You're really my lucky charm!" |
“只要你高兴就好。” | "I'm happy as long as you're happy." |
【邢红璇对你的好感增长,可结为道侣,好感度为3星】 | [Xing Hongxuan's favorable impression of you has increased. She can become your companion. Her favorable impression of you is at the level of three stars] |
韩绝浮现出这行字,他露出苦笑。 | Han Jue smiled bitterly at the line of words that appeared before him. |
不过邢红璇没有看透,她绕过韩绝,捡起丹谱,开始翻阅。 | However, Xing Hongxuan didn't notice it. She walked around him, picked up the recipe, and began to flip through it. |
她似乎在找什么。 | She seemed to be looking for something. |
韩绝忐忑的等待。 | Han Jue waited nervously. |
要不要出手? | Should he make a move? |
要是让邢红璇带走丹谱,他就得不到剑法。 | If Xing Hongxuan took the recipe away, he wouldn't be able to obtain the sword technique. |
邢红璇好像受了伤,气息很不稳定。 | Xing Hongxuan seemed to be injured, and her breathing was unstable. |
阴她一手? | Ambush her? |
让她知难而退。 | So that she will back off and give up? |
就在韩绝犹豫时,一阵寒风从大门席卷而来。 | Just as Han Jue was hesitating, a gust of cold wind swept through the door. |
韩绝猝不及防,被撞飞出去,砸在墙壁上,反弹落地。 | Han Jue was caught off-guard and was sent flying, crashing into the wall and rebounding to the ground. |
不怎么疼。 | Not really painful. |
就是有点吓人。 | Just a little scary. |
韩绝定睛一看,铁老! | Han Jue stared in the direction. It was Elder Iron! |
他脖子一歪,右脚一哆嗦,假装晕了过去。 | He tilted his neck and shook his right leg vigorously. He was pretending to have passed out. |
“放下我的丹谱!” | "Put down my alchemy recipe!" |
铁老沉声道,语气冰冷。 | Elder Iron said coldly. |
邢红璇冷声道:“你竟然回来了!” | Xing Hongxuan talked back coldly, "You're actually back!" |
铁老面无表情道:“我早就回来了,只是一直在等着你现身,之前我一回来就看到你们俩,这么多年,其他弟子都不接我的任务,就你们接,肯定有猫腻。” | Elder Iron said expressionlessly, "I've been back for a long time, but I've been waiting for you to show up. The last time I came back, I saw the two of you the moment I arrived. All these years, the other disciples have not accepted any of my missions, only the two of you have. There must be something fishy." |
说罢,铁老猛地出手,一掌打向邢红璇。 | With that, Elder Iron suddenly launched an attack at Xing Hongxuan, pushing his palm at her. |
他的掌心之中贴着一张符纸。 | In his palm was a talisman. |
邢红璇下意识跳开,铁老掌心中迸发出雷电,化为电网缠住邢红璇。 | As Xing Hongxuan instinctively jumped away, a lightning bolt shot out from Elder Iron's palm and wrapped around her. |
铁老跟着一脚踹去,将邢红璇踹飞出去。 | Elder Iron then kicked Xing Hongxuan, sending her flying backward. |
几乎是瞬间,铁老将丹谱夺走。 | Almost instantly, Elder Iron snatched the alchemy recipe back. |
邢红璇落地,她浑身抽搐。 | Xing Hongxuan landed on the ground, her body twitching uncontrollably. |
铁老乘胜追击,邢红璇连忙逃跑。 | With his advantage, Elder Iron continued pursuing Xing Hongxuan, causing her to flee. |
两人迅速冲出去。 | The two of them zoomed out one after another. |
躺在地上的韩绝犹豫要不要起身。 | Lying on the ground, Han Jue hesitated whether he should get up. |
不行! | No! |
要是起来了,就洗刷不了罪责。 | If he got up, he wouldn't be able to avoid suspicion. |
韩绝也想过逃。 | Han Jue also thought about escaping. |
但太危险了,他甚至不知该往哪儿逃。 | But it was too dangerous. He didn't even know where to run to. |
他耐心等待。 | So, he waited patiently. |
足足过去一个小时,韩绝忍不住挠了挠屁股。 | After an hour, Han Jue couldn't help but scratch his butt. |
他忽然感觉到一股气息在靠近阁楼。 | Then, he suddenly felt an aura approaching the pavilion. |
铁老! | It was Elder Iron! |
韩绝不敢动弹。 | Han Jue didn't dare to move. |
铁老走入阁楼内。他看到韩绝,不由皱眉。 | As he entered the pavilion, Elder Iron noticed him and frowned. |
韩绝突然咳嗽起来。 | Han Jue suddenly coughed. |
铁老走到一旁的椅子前坐下,静静的盯着韩绝。 | Elder Iron walked to a nearby chair and sat down, quietly staring at him. |
韩绝施展出前世今生最卓越最逼真的演技。 | Han Jue displayed the best and most realistic acting skills ever. |
他捂着头爬起来。 | He rubbed his head and got up. |
迷茫的看向周围,他一看到铁老,顿时惊喜。 | Looking around in confusion, he was pleasantly surprised to see Elder Iron. |
“铁老!您终于回来了!” | "Elder Iron! You're finally back!" |
韩绝脖子一缩,紧张的看向周围。 | Han Jue shrunk his neck and looked around nervously. |
他小心翼翼的问道:“那魔女去哪儿了?” | He carefully asked, "Then, where did the witch go?" |
铁老面无表情的看向他。 | Elder Iron looked at him expressionlessly. |
韩绝连忙站起来,低着头面对铁老,一副忐忑不安的模样。 | Han Jue hurriedly stood up and lowered his head before Elder Iron, looking uneasy. |
韩绝在赌! | Han Jue was gambling! |
赌铁老并没有发现邢红璇与他的交流。 | He was gambling that Elder Iron didn't notice the communication between Xing Hongxuan and him. |
若是发现了,那韩绝只能拼了。 | If he discovered it, Han Jue could only go all out. |
“她怎么跟你说的?”铁老询问道。 | "What did she tell you?" Elder Iron asked. |
韩绝不敢隐瞒,如实回答。 | Han Jue didn't dare to hide anything and answered truthfully. |
“哼,她想培养你成为夫君,真是笑话。” | "Hmph. She wants to train you to be her husband. What a joke." |
铁老被气笑了,觉得这小子在做梦。 | Elder Iron was so angry that he laughed. This kid must be daydreaming. |
他仔细打量韩绝。 | He examined Han Jue carefully. |
咦。 | Huh. |
还真别说。 | It's actually true. |
这小子真的变俊了,光看容颜与眼神,丝毫不逊色于那些内门弟子。 | This kid had really become handsome. Just based on his looks and gaze, he wasn't inferior to those inner sect disciples at all. |
变化太大了! | The changes were too great! |
莫非… | Could it be… |
铁老伸手, | Elder Iron stretched out his hand and |
抓住韩绝的右手手腕,仔细琢磨。 | grabbed Han Jue's right wrist, pondering carefully. |
韩绝很紧张,随时准备出手。 | Nervous, Han Jue was ready to attack at any time. |
“这小子没有灵根,也没有修为,莫非是我多虑了?” | "This kid doesn't have a cultivation potential or cultivation. Am I overthinking?" |
铁老默默想到,看到韩绝诚惶诚恐的模样,他不由想起韩绝的父母,心情顿时烦躁。 | Old Iron silently thought. Seeing Han Jue's fearful and anxious appearance, he couldn't help but think of his parents, and his mood immediately became irritable. |