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不过为何没有其他人? | But why is there no one else? |
凡人不在考虑范围? | Mortals aren't included? |
张鸽对他没有感觉? | Does Zhang Ge have no thoughts about me? |
韩绝想不通,也没有多想,他先推开房门,发现时间已经快到中午了,不能再偷懒,会被察觉到。 | Han Jue couldn't figure it out, so he didn't think too much about it. He pushed open the door first and realized that it was almost noon. He couldn't be lazy anymore or he would be discovered. |
他立即跑向药草园。 | He immediately ran towards the herb garden. |
“韩绝,你小子是不是睡懒觉了?” | "Han Jue, did you sleep in?" |
一名中年奴仆笑骂道,韩绝不好意思的挠头,引得其他人哈哈大笑。 | A middle-aged servant chided him laughingly. Han Jue scratched his head in embarrassment, causing the others to laugh. |
他们没有多想,也没有责骂,韩绝很少失职,偶尔一次也不算什么。 | They didn't think too much about it, nor did they really scold him. Han Jue rarely failed his duty. And sleeping in once in a while was ok. |
药草园门口的那名女修士忽然睁眼看向韩绝。 | The female cultivator at the entrance of the herb garden suddenly opened her eyes to look at Han Jue. |
她微微蹙眉。 | She frowned slightly. |
“这少年…好俊啊!” | "This young man… is so handsome!" |
韩绝眼前跟着浮现出一行字: | A line of words appeared in front of Han Jue. |
【邢红璇对你产生好感,当前好感度为1星】 | [Xing Hongxuan has developed a favorable impression of you. Current favorability: 1 star.] |
什么鬼? | What the hell? |
邢红璇是谁? | Who is Xing Hongxuan? |
韩绝莫名其妙,下意识扭头看去。 | Han Jue was baffled and turned around subconsciously. |
莫非是那位女修? | Can it be that female cultivator? |
果不其然,那女修竟然盯着他。 | As expected, the female cultivator was staring at him. |
四目相对,邢红璇朝他浅浅一笑。 | Their eyes met, and Xing Hongxuan smiled at him. |
韩绝连忙扭过头去。 | Han Jue quickly turned his head away. |
糟糕。 | Crap. |
顶级魅力被盯上了。 | My top-notch charm has kicked into effect. |
我是凡人,她是修士,不可能相爱。 | I'm a mortal and she's a cultivator. A romantic relationship between us will not be blessed. |
莫非她想拿我当炉鼎? | Can it be that she wants to use me as a Human Furnace? |
不行! | No! |
得想办法回避! | He had to think of a way to avoid that! |
… | … |
入夜。 | At night. |
屋中的其他五位奴仆都熟睡后,韩绝躺在床上,开始传承六道轮回功。 | After the other five servants were all sound asleep, Han Jue lay on the bed and began to inherit the Six Paths of Reincarnation Technique. |
庞大的记忆涌入他的脑海里。 | A huge amount of memories flooded his mind. |
良久。 | After a long while… |
他睁开眼睛。 | He opened his eyes. |
“这就是修仙功法吗,真是繁琐…” | "So, this is a cultivation technique. It's so complicated…" |
韩绝默默想到,他只传承到了第一层功法, | Han Jue thought to himself. He was only at the first level of the technique |
可修炼到炼气境九层。 | and he could reach the ninth level of Qi Refining Realm. |
六道轮回功,注重六系灵根均衡发展,体内得培养出六种属性的灵力,虽然修炼过程比单属性功法要繁琐,但韩绝的资质绝顶,可以弥补这个差距。 | The Six Paths of Reincarnation Technique focused on a balanced development so that he could nurture the cultivation potentials of all six elemental types. Although the cultivation process was more complicated than cultivating only a single elemental type, Han Jue's aptitude was exceptional and could make up for it. |
六种灵气达到一定程度,才能筑基! | Only when six types of Spirit Qi reached a certain level could one build their foundation! |
韩绝抖擞精神,悄悄坐起来,他让系统以自己这张床为范围开启结界,避免被外面的三位修士察觉到。 | Han Jue was very excited and quietly sat up. He had the system set up a barrier around his bed so that the three cultivators outside wouldn't notice. |
其他五位奴仆睡得很沉,呼噜震天,毕竟累了一天。 | The other five servants were sound asleep. After all, it had been a tiring day. |
韩绝开始按照第一层心法吐纳。 | Han Jue started to perform expiration exercises according to the first level. |
吐纳,就是一种呼吸之法。 | Expiration was a breathing technique. |
在吐纳过程中,耐心感受天地灵气。 | During the expiration process, he patiently sensed the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi. |
不到十秒,韩绝就感受到空气中弥漫着的风灵气、土灵气、木灵气、水灵气。 | In less than ten seconds, Han Jue felt the wind, earth, wood, and water Spirit Qi in the air. |
至于火灵气、雷灵气,暂时捕捉不到。 | As for the fire and thunder Spirit Qi, he couldn't capture them yet. |
韩绝开始吸收这四股灵气。 | Han Jue began to absorb the four types of Spirit Qi. |
他眼前忽然浮现出一行行字。 | Words suddenly appeared before his eyes. |
他明明闭着眼睛,却能看到这些字,着实神奇。 | Even though his eyes were closed, he could still see these words. It was truly miraculous. |
【你开始第一次修炼,你的修炼发展有以下选择】 | [This is your first time cultivating. These are the following options for your cultivation development.] |
【一,高调的绝世天骄,可获得一把炼气境法器】 | [Firstly, you can be a high-profile unparalleled prodigy. You can obtain one Qi Refining Realm equipment.] |
【二,低调修炼,可开启隐藏修为、灵根的功能】 | [Alternatively, you can keep a low profile and cultivate. You can activate the ability to hide your cultivation and cultivation potential.] |
韩绝毫不犹豫选择第二条。 | Han Jue chose the second option without hesitation. |
第二条的功能一看就是神技。 | The second function was obviously a godly skill. |
这样他以后就能安心修炼,不怕被察觉! | This way, he would be able to cultivate in peace without the fear of being discovered! |
【你可以随时开启隐藏功能】 | [You can activate the hidden function anytime.] |
韩绝露出笑容,稳了。 | Han Jue smiled. |
铁老还未回来,他得抓紧时间变强。 | Elder Iron had yet to return, so he had to seize the opportunity to become stronger. |
… | … |
一晃眼。 | In the blink of an eye. |
两年时间迅速过去。 | Two years passed quickly. |
十八岁的韩绝已经炼气境七层,风、土、木、水四系灵根全都修炼到炼气境七层。 | The 18-year-old Han Jue was already at the seventh level of the Qi Refinement Realm. His four cultivation potentials—wind, earth, wood, and water—were all at the seventh level of the Qi Refinement Realm. |
通过人际关系列表,韩绝知道邢红璇也才炼气境七层的修为。 | Han Jue knew that Xing Hongxuan was only at the seventh level of Qi Refining Realm through the interpersonal relationships list. |
这两年,铁老一直没有回来。 | Elder Iron hadn't returned for the past two years. |
值得一提的是,邢红璇对他的好感度已经上涨到2星。 | What was worth mentioning was that Xing Hongxuan's good impression of him had increased to two stars. |
两人都没有交流。 | They had never even spoken. |
不过韩绝能察觉到邢红璇经常盯着他看,让他很不适应。 | However, Han Jue could sense that Xing Hongxuan kept staring at him, which made him feel uncomfortable. |
长得太帅也有麻烦。 | Being too handsome also had its troubles. |
唉。 | Sigh. |
我只想修仙。 | I only want to cultivate. |
韩绝心中叹气。 | Han Jue sighed in his head. |
邢红璇长得姣好,但还没到倾国倾城之貌,韩绝不想跟她产生情愫。 | Xing Hongxuan was pretty, but definitely not so beautiful that people would give up anything for her. Han Jue didn't want to fall in love with her. |
一旦有了爱情,他就有了弱点。 | Once he loved someone, he would have a weakness. |
他要长生不死,不能死在半路上。 | He wanted to live forever and not die halfway. |
等他永生不死,再考虑情爱。 | He would consider romantic relationships once he had obtained immortality. |
只要无敌,到时候想要多少女人就有多少女人,也不怕仇家找麻烦! | As long as he was invincible, he could have as many women as he wanted. He wasn't afraid of his enemies finding trouble with him! |
韩绝一边劳作,一边坚定的想到,视邢红璇为妖魔鬼怪。 | As Han Jue worked, he made the firm decision to see Xing Hongxuan as a lure that would sway him from his goals. |
就在这时。 | At this moment |
邢红璇忽然起身。 | Xing Hongxuan suddenly rose to her feet. |
她款款走来,引得其他奴仆侧目。 | She walked over leisurely, attracting the attention of the other servants. |
她径直来到韩绝面前,笑道:“你跟我过来一趟。” | She went straight to Han Jue and smiled. "Come with me." |
韩绝懵了。 | Han Jue was stunned. |
其他奴仆都羡慕嫉妒的看向他。 | The other servants looked at him enviously. |
能被如此仙子盯上,应该是有好处。 | To be able to attract the attention of such a fairy-like figure must be a good thing. |
换做是他们,即便只是单独相处,此生也足矣。 | All of them had already given up hope and had made themselves content with staying single for life. |
韩绝不敢拒绝,只能点头。 | Han Jue didn't dare to refuse and could only nod. |
两人走出药草园。 | The two of them walked out of the herb garden. |
那名男修士睁眼问道:“邢师妹,你这是?” | The male cultivator opened his eyes and asked, "Hongxuan, what are you doing?" |
他打量韩绝,不由皱眉。 | He sized up Han Jue and frowned. |
此子好生俊美! | He's so handsome! |
药草园的奴仆们一辈子没有离开过药草园,没有审美,再加上惯性思维,没有怎么观察韩绝。 | The herb garden servants had never left the garden their entire lives. They had no aesthetic taste, and with their habitual thinking, they didn't really notice the change in Han Jue much. |
异性相吸,邢红璇率先发现韩绝的不同之处。 | As a female, Xing Hongxuan was the first to notice something different about him. |
男修士因为邢红璇才仔细观察韩绝。 | The male cultivator observed Han Jue carefully only because of Xing Hongxuan. |
韩绝的形象让他本能的不爽。 | Han Jue's good looks made him instinctively unhappy. |
“没事,师哥继续修炼吧,我想跟这位小哥单独聊聊。”邢红璇掩嘴笑道。 | Xing Hongxuan covered her mouth and smiled. "It's fine. You can continue your cultivation. I want to talk to this young man alone." |
韩绝朝男修士尴尬一笑,显得很紧张。 | Han Jue smiled awkwardly and anxiously at the male cultivator. |
男修士紧皱眉头,倒没有说什么。 | The male cultivator frowned but did not say anything. |
韩绝跟着邢红璇走向树林。 | Han Jue followed Xing Hongxuan into the woods. |
他心里陷入斗争中。 | He was struggling internally. |
我这该死的魅力! | I'm too charming! |
接下来我该怎么办? | What should I do next? |
反抗? | Resist? |