MobileViews /
mllmTeam's picture
fix huggingface api usage
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language: [en]
license: mit
datasets: [MobileViews]
pretty_name: "MobileViews: A Large-Scale Mobile GUI Dataset"
- mobile-ui
- user-interfaces
- view-hierarchy
- android-apps
- screenshots
- question-answering
- image-to-text
- task-planning
- visual-question-answering
# ๐Ÿš€ MobileViews: A Large-Scale Mobile GUI Dataset
**MobileViews** is a large-scale dataset designed to support research on mobile agents and mobile user interface (UI) analysis. The first release, **MobileViews-600K**, includes over **600,000** mobile UI screenshot-view hierarchy (VH) pairs collected from over **20,000 apps** on the Google Play Store. This dataset is based on the [DroidBot](, which we have optimized for large-scale data collection, capturing more comprehensive interaction details while maintaining consistency with DroidBotโ€™s output structure.
[**๐Ÿ“– Read the Paper**]( โ€” If youโ€™d like to dive deeper into the details of how we construct this dataset, or explore the training experiments we conduct using `MobileViews`, we encourage you to check out our paper. The paper, along with this dataset, contains everything you need to understand our process and replicate or build upon our findings!
## ๐Ÿค— Table of Contents
- [๐Ÿš€ MobileViews: A Large-Scale Mobile GUI Dataset](#-mobileviews-a-large-scale-mobile-gui-dataset)
- [๐Ÿค— Table of Contents](#-table-of-contents)
- [๐Ÿฅณ NEWS](#-news)
- [๐Ÿง Dataset Overview](#-dataset-overview)
- [Folder Structure](#folder-structure)
- [1. MobileViews\_Screenshots\_ViewHierarchies](#1-mobileviews_screenshots_viewhierarchies)
- [Screenshot-VH File Descriptions](#screenshot-vh-file-descriptions)
- [2. MobileViews\_Apps\_CompleteTraces](#2-mobileviews_apps_completetraces)
- [App Trace Folder Structure](#app-trace-folder-structure)
- [๐Ÿ”Ž Detailed Metadata and File Descriptions](#-detailed-metadata-and-file-descriptions)
- [AppMetadata.csv Columns](#appmetadatacsv-columns)
- [Index and Parquet files for `MobileViews_Screenshots_ViewHierarchies`](#index-and-parquet-files-for-mobileviews_screenshots_viewhierarchies)
- [Index files for `MobileViews_Apps_CompeleteTraces`](#index-files-for-mobileviews_apps_compeletetraces)
- [๐ŸŒ How to Download](#-how-to-download)
- [Download via Hugging Face Python Library or CLI](#download-via-hugging-face-python-library-or-cli)
- [**Option 1: Download via Python Script**](#option-1-download-via-python-script)
- [**Option 2: Download via Hugging Face CLI**](#option-2-download-via-hugging-face-cli)
- [References](#references)
- [๐Ÿ“‹ Usage Guidelines](#-usage-guidelines)
- [Using `zip` and `parquet` Files in `MobileViews_Screenshots_ViewHierarchies`](#using-zip-and-parquet-files-in-mobileviews_screenshots_viewhierarchies)
- [Mapping Screenshots and States in `MobileViews_Apps_CompleteTraces`](#mapping-screenshots-and-states-in-mobileviews_apps_completetraces)
- [๐ŸŒŸ Future Updates and Feedback](#-future-updates-and-feedback)
- [๐Ÿ”– Citation](#-citation)
## ๐Ÿฅณ NEWS
- **`2024/11`** โ€“ **New Release!** Weโ€™ve expanded the dataset to include comprehensive interaction data, now featuring traces and action sequences for `20,000+` apps.
- **`2024/10`** โ€“ **Initial Launch!** The `MobileViews` dataset is live with `600,000+` unique screenshot-VH pairs, deduplicated across `20,000+` Android apps.
## ๐Ÿง Dataset Overview
### Folder Structure
The dataset is organized into two main folders:
1. **MobileViews_Screenshots_ViewHierarchies**: Contains the core screenshot-VH pairs in both `.zip` and `.parquet` formats. All pairs are globally deduplicated based on their image hash values, ensuring unique UI states across the dataset.
2. **MobileViews_Apps_CompleteTraces**: Provides complete interaction traces for individual apps, including states, actions, and transitions.
### 1. MobileViews_Screenshots_ViewHierarchies
This folder contains 600K screenshot-VH pairs, formatted in both `.zip` and `.parquet` formats. Each `.zip` and `.parquet` file pair, along with their respective CSV index files, follows a consistent data structure for easy access.
- **`Parquets/`**: `.parquet` files with binary data for screenshots and JSON content for VHs.
- **`Zip_Files/`**: `.zip` files with individual `.jpg` screenshots and `.json` VH files.
- **`Index_CSV/`**: `csv` files, like `MobileViews_index_0-150000.csv`, that map screenshot IDs to their corresponding VH files.
#### Screenshot-VH File Descriptions
- **``**, **`MobileViews_0-150000.parquet`** and **`MobileViews_index_0-150000.csv`**: This set, containing IDs from 0 to 150,000.
- **``**, **`MobileViews_150001-291197.parquet`** and **`MobileViews_index_150001-291197.csv`**: This set, containing IDs from 150,001 to 291,197.
- **``**, **`MobileViews_300000-400000.parquet`** and **`MobileViews_index_300000-400000.csv`**: This set, containing IDs from 300,000 to 400,000.
- **``**, **`MobileViews_400001-522301.parquet`** and **`MobileViews_index_400001-522301.csv`**: This set, containing IDs from 400,001 to 522,301.
### 2. MobileViews_Apps_CompleteTraces
The `MobileViews_Apps_CompleteTraces` folder is a new addition, providing complete interaction traces for apps. Each app trace includes screenshots, VH files, and actions taken within the app, organized as follows:
- **`Zip_Files/`**: Each `.zip` file represents a batch of app data, named with an index and total screenshot count (e.g., `` : the first batch with 8,348 screenshots).
- Inside each zip file are **200 subfolders**, each named by an appโ€™s package name and containing interaction data for that app. Details on each appโ€™s interaction data structure are provided below.
- **``**: A sample app trace illustrating the folder structure and contents for a single app. This zip file includes all files and subfolders needed to explore the sample app trace offline. After downloading and extracting ``, you can open `index.html` in a web browser to interactively view the app trace structure, metadata, and interactions.
- **``**: This zip file contains all the `.csv` files listing the app package names and screenshot counts for each corresponding zip file (e.g., `001_8348.csv` for ``).
#### App Trace Folder Structure
Each appโ€™s folder within a zip file includes:
- **`states/`**:
- **Screenshots**: `.jpg` files for each interaction state (e.g., `screen_1.jpg`).
- **View Hierarchies**: `.json` and `.xml` files for each screenshot's UI structure (e.g., `state_1.json` and `window_dump_1.xml`). The `.json` format, captured by DroidBotโ€™s internal logic via Android Accessibility Service, and the `.xml` format, captured via ADB commands, are nearly identical but differ in specific attributes.
- **`views/`**: UI elements related to interactions, such as clicked or scrolled elements for each state transition.
- **`actions.csv`**: A log of interactions within the app, with each action recorded in three columns:
- `from_state`: The state before the action.
- `to_state`: The state after the action.
- `action`: The specific interaction, such as an `intent` command or `touch` on a UI element (e.g., `<button>`, `<p>`), often with details like the element's `alt` text and bounding box coordinates.
- **`index.html`**: Open in a browser for an interactive visualization of app traces. Click nodes or edges to view metadata and interaction details for each UI state and transition.
- **`utg.js`**: Supports `index.html` with structured app trace data, including UI states, transitions, and app metadata.
- **`stylesheets/`**: CSS and JavaScript files for `index.html` rendering.
## ๐Ÿ”Ž Detailed Metadata and File Descriptions
### AppMetadata.csv Columns
The `AppMetadata.csv` file contains detailed information about each app. Columns include:
| Column | Description | Column | Description |
| `title` | App title | `installs` | Number of installs |
| `minInstalls` | Minimum number of installs | `realInstalls` | Real number of installs |
| `score` | App score (rating) | `ratings` | Number of ratings |
| `reviews` | Number of reviews | `histogram` | Rating distribution |
| `price` | App price | `free` | Whether the app is free (True/False) |
| `offersIAP` | Offers in-app purchases (True/False)| `inAppProductPrice` | In-app product price |
| `developer` | Developer name | `developerId` | Developer ID |
| `genre` | App genre | `genreId` | Genre ID |
| `categories` | App categories | `contentRating` | Content rating (e.g., Everyone, Teen)|
| `adSupported` | App is ad-supported (True/False) | `containsAds` | App contains ads (True/False) |
| `released` | App release date | `lastUpdatedOn` | Date of latest update |
| `appId` | Unique app identifier | | |
### Index and Parquet files for `MobileViews_Screenshots_ViewHierarchies`
1. Index CSV: Located in `MobileViews_Screenshots_ViewHierarchies/Index_CSV`, mapping screenshot IDs to their VH files.
| Column | Description |
| `Image File` | Filename of the screenshot (e.g., 0.jpg) |
| `JSON File` | Filename of the VH (e.g., 0.json) |
Image File,JSON File
2. **Parquet Columns**
| Column | Description |
| `image_content` | Binary data representing the image file (e.g., screenshot in `.jpg` format) |
| `json_content` | JSON content representing the VH for the corresponding image |
**Example Data in Parquet:**
| image_content | json_content |
| Binary image data | `{"viewHierarchy": {"bounds": [0, 0, 1080, 1920], "viewClass": ...}` |
| Binary image data | `{"viewHierarchy": {"bounds": [0, 0, 1080, 1920], "viewClass": ...}` |
| Binary image data | `{"viewHierarchy": {"bounds": [0, 0, 1080, 1920], "viewClass": ...}` |
### Index files for `MobileViews_Apps_CompeleteTraces`
Each index CSV in `MobileViews_Apps_CompleteTraces/` lists the app package names and screenshot count in the corresponding zip file.
| apk_name | state_number |
| | 25 |
| | 23 |
## ๐ŸŒ How to Download
### Download via Hugging Face Python Library or CLI
**Step 1: Install the library:**
pip install huggingface_hub
Before downloading, ensure you are logged in with your Hugging Face token. If you don't have a token, create an `Access Token` on [Hugging Face](
**Step 2: Login with your token:**
huggingface-cli login
Follow the prompts to input your token.
#### **Option 1: Download via Python Script**
**Download specific files:**
Use the `hf_hub_download` method to download individual files:
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
# Download a single file
hf_hub_download(repo_id="mllmTeam/MobileViews", filename="MobileViews_Screenshots_ViewHierarchies/Zip_Files/", repo_type="dataset", local_dir="/path/to/your_local_dir")
**Download the entire repository:**
Use the `snapshot_download` method to download the entire dataset:
from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download
# Download the entire repository
snapshot_download(repo_id="mllmTeam/MobileViews", repo_type="dataset", local_dir="/path/to/your_local_dir")
#### **Option 2: Download via Hugging Face CLI**
**Download specific files:**
huggingface-cli download --repo-type dataset --resume-download mllmTeam/MobileViews/[FILE_PATH] --local-dir [LOCAL_DIRECTORY] --local-dir-use-symlinks False
# Example
huggingface-cli download --repo-type dataset --resume-download mllmTeam/MobileViews/MobileViews_Screenshots_ViewHierarchies/Parquets/MobileViews_0-150000.parquet --local-dir ./mobileviews_dataset --local-dir-use-symlinks False
**Download the entire repository:**
huggingface-cli download --repo-type dataset --resume-download mllmTeam/MobileViews --local-dir [LOCAL_DIRECTORY] --local-dir-use-symlinks False
# Example
huggingface-cli download --repo-type dataset --resume-download mllmTeam/MobileViews --local-dir ./local_dataset --local-dir-use-symlinks False
If the download is interrupted, run the command again, and it will resume from the last completed point.
### References
For more parameters and advanced usage, refer to the official documentation:
- [`hf_hub_download` Documentation](
- [`snapshot_download` Documentation](
- [`Hugging Face CLI` Documentation](
## ๐Ÿ“‹ Usage Guidelines
### Using `zip` and `parquet` Files in `MobileViews_Screenshots_ViewHierarchies`
To verify file integrity before using the `zip` files, follow the steps below.
**Zip File Example**
# Follow these steps to validate and extract before using its contents.
zip -T # Expected output: test of OK
# Verify file counts for JSON and JPG files
unzip -l | grep ".json" | wc -l # Expected: 150001
unzip -l | grep ".jpg" | wc -l # Expected: 150001
# Check file size and SHA256 checksum
du -sh # Expected: 23G
sha256sum -c # Expected: OK
# Unzip
**Parquet File Usage**
Parquet files are a columnar storage format that allows for efficient data handling, especially for large datasets. Each `.parquet` file contains binary data for screenshots and JSON data for VHs.
To explore or extract data from `.parquet` files, use the `` script provided. This script includes helpful functions, such as `check_row_count`, `save_n_images_and_jsons`, and `save_all_images_and_jsons`, to facilitate quick access to images and VHs.
pip install pyarrow
# Uncomment the function you need and run the helper script to interact with the .parquet file
python path/to/
### Mapping Screenshots and States in `MobileViews_Apps_CompleteTraces`
Each app's folder contains screenshots, states, and actions data. Use our screenshot-state mapping script (`MobileViews_Apps_CompleteTraces/`) to generate a CSV file mapping `screen_id`, `state_str (a unique hash representing each screenshot)`, `structure_str (a hash focusing on UI structure only)`, `vh_json_id` and `vh_xml_id`.
The script provides two main functions:
- `process_single_folder(single_folder_path)` for one apk folder
- `process_multiple_folders(parent_folder_path)` for multiple APK folders
# Specify your folder path and uncomment the desired function:
# Run the script
python path/to/
You can also find the example output in `MobileViews_Apps_CompleteTraces/`
## ๐ŸŒŸ Future Updates and Feedback
Weโ€™re continuously expanding the `MobileViews` dataset by crawling more apps and capturing a wider range of interactions. Future releases will bring even more data, making `MobileViews` an increasingly valuable resource for mobile UI research.
If you have any questions, encounter issues, or want to share feedback, please donโ€™t hesitate to reach out via email or leave a comment. Weโ€™re here to help and genuinely appreciate suggestions that could improve the dataset. Your insights are invaluable as we work to make `MobileViews` as helpful and impactful as possible for the research community.
Thank you for your support and for helping us grow `MobileViews`!
## ๐Ÿ”– Citation
If you use this dataset in your research, please cite our work as follows:
title={MobileViews: A Large-Scale Mobile GUI Dataset},
author={Longxi Gao and Li Zhang and Shihe Wang and Shangguang Wang and Yuanchun Li and Mengwei Xu},