What exclusions does optional home insurance contain?
Wear, seepage, corrosion, fermentation, oxidation, material defects, design errors, construction defects and/or improper assembly • Smoking, staining or scorching, from normal heat sources • Moral, consequential and indirect damages, lack of benefit, use or rent, fines, unrealized profits or any other damages that do not concern the materiality of the insured goods • Damage caused by humidity, dampness, frost (freezing of water in pipes), tanks, vessels and generally unsanitary housing • Damages resulting from construction works, unauthorized alterations, capital repairs, widening, raising, demolition, refurbishment, repairs, unsuccessful restorations • Damages caused by improvisations or by the use of unsuitable materials • Damage caused to goods located in open places (balconies, terraces) or under the open sky, with the exception of tanks and fixed installations by nature and destination • Damages caused by the hidden defect of the insured property • Exclusions may differ between insurers
What are attachments?
• The annexes are composed of: • Garage • Swimming pool • Gazebo • Fence • Annexes are only insured if they were built with a building permit
What risks does pet or domestic animal liability cover?
• Covers damages accidentally caused to third parties – bodily injury or material damage, by pets or domestic animals located at the insured address, which the insured is obliged to pay, according to the law
What does the housing risk clause cover?
• Covers material damage caused to the rented home, by a fire or an explosion, for which the insured (tenant) is liable • Recommend all renters you know to take out this insurance • Otherwise, it could be mentioned that they owe tens of thousands of Euros... • The clause respects the principle of proportionality, so it is important that the insured sum represents the reconstruction value of the insured (rented) building
What risks does the good neighbor clause cover?
• The insurer agrees to waive the right of recourse against those guilty of causing the damage, within the limit of the amount mentioned in the insurance policy • The clause does not apply if there is an ongoing criminal investigation related to the insured event or the cause of its occurrence or if the criminal guilt of the person responsible for causing the damage has been established • The maximum limit accepted for waiving the right of recourse is that stated in the insurance policy • In case of events where the value of the damage exceeds the value mentioned in the policy, recourse will be made only for the difference in amount between the value of the damage and the accepted limit for waiving the right of recourse
How is the value of the home determined?
• A home can be provided: • At the new value • At real value • The assessment of the home, both the building and the contents, is the responsibility of the insured
How are values ​​determined in case of new value insurance?
• The new value is determined as follows: • The new value of the building = the reconstruction value, calculated according to the type of building, the year of construction, the materials used, degree of finishing • The new value of the contents = the purchase cost, calculated on the basis of a list made by the insured, or, estimated, 3,000...3,500 Euros per room, for ordinary homes • You can't go wrong with this question: • In case of total damage, how much money would you need to buy, or build, a home with the same level of comfort? • Customers tend to under-insure their home in order to pay less • Explains the effects of underinsurance in case of total loss: they will buy a smaller and less comfortable home
How much does the PAD policy cost?
• In the case of type A buildings, the insurance premium is 130 lei per year • In the case of type B buildings, the insurance premium is 50 lei per year
If I am repeatedly flooded, will I be compensated each time?
• Yes, but not to infinity... • By compensating the insured, the insurer acquires the right to make recourse against the guilty party; it can be a neighbor or the administration of the block • If sued by the insurer for damages, the negligent party is likely to become vigilant and repair its faulty installations • Explain to the client that, in addition to indemnifying him, an insurance policy also saves him from having trouble with irresponsible neighbors • Explain to the customer that pre-existing damage is not insured and that if they have been flooded before, they must repair their home before insuring it
What is PAD?
• PAD is a partial natural disaster insurance that covers the building only • According to law 260 / 2008, every home must be insured by a PAD policy
What risks does the clause for natural phenomena cover?
• Earthquake (insured together with PAD) • Floods (insured together with PAD) • Landslides (insured together with PAD) • Atmospheric phenomena • The weight of the snow cover
What sums insured does PAD have?
• In the case of type A buildings (concrete, brick, stone or wood), the insured amount is 100,000 lei • In the case of type B buildings (slab, adobe), the insured amount is 50,000 lei • PAD is a first risk insurance, i.e. the rule of proportionality does not apply, so a damage is fully covered, within the limit of the insured amount
What is meant by "building"?
• The building includes the construction intended for living, composed of: • Living rooms • Annexes • Dependencies • Fixed installations • Moving parts
What risks does the Landlord Tenant Liability Clause cover?
• Are covered: • Damages caused to the tenant by the culpable act of the owner, by bodily injury or death, by damage or destruction of property • Court costs incurred by the owner in the civil process, if he was forced to pay damages • Court costs incurred by the tenant in the civil process, if the insured was obliged by a court decision to pay them
What is the structure of comprehensive home insurance?
• A complex home insurance is composed of: • The optional policy can only be issued after issuing a PAD policy or after verifying the existence of a valid PAD policy
What are dependencies?
• Dependencies are composed of buildings that: • They belong to the insured home • Adjacent to the home • They have a constructive structure similar to the insured building • They have a functionality related to housing • Outbuildings are only insured if they were built with a building permit
How will I be compensated if a wall has been partially damaged?
• The insurer will cover the reasonable costs of repairing and painting the entire wall
What risks does the liability clause cover arising from ownership of the building?
• Covers damage caused to third parties, either through bodily injury or material damage, as a result of an accidental event occurring in the insured home • Examples of covered risks: • Falling of an object from the balcony • Icicle or snow falling from the roof • Detachment of a piece of building due to the storm • Accidental falling of trees • Accidental damage to water, hydraulic or thermal pipes in the insured home • The most frequent damages, in block apartments, are those caused by damage to the water installations • Usually, both the apartment where the damage occurred and the neighboring houses, located on the lower floors, are damaged • For the intermediary, it is a good opportunity to ask for referrals and to contact neighbors who have been damaged afterwards • An experienced person is more receptive to the idea of ​​insurance • Insurers usually impose certain limits on the sum insured under this clause • If possible, put as much sum assured on this clause as possible
How do you respond to objections about home insurance?
• Uses questions and communicates facts and certainties (for example, the volume of claims paid by insurers, or reputational claims) so that the client realizes for himself that he is wrong • The customer's objections often hide some unspoken questions that the customer is embarrassed to ask you • Bring them to the surface; e.g: • I sense that something is bothering you • What it is?
How are the values ​​determined in the case of real value insurance?
• The actual value is determined as follows: • The real value of the building = the reconstruction value – the degree of wear and tear of the building • Actual value of the contents = purchase cost new – degree of wear and tear of the goods • The degree of wear and tear is defined as depreciation depending on the age and the degree of maintenance • In case of total damage, it will be very difficult to explain to a despondent customer the impact of the wear grid... • Only talk to the customer about new value insurance • It is for his own good
How do you answer questions about home insurance?
• Before responding to the client, ask yourself: • If I received this answer, would I understand what it is about? • Einstein said: • If you can't explain something to a 5-year-old, it means you don't understand either • You must answer in such a way that your answer convinces him to buy • If not immediately, then as soon as possible • Answer briefly, logically and to the client's understanding
What buildings can be insured?
• Buildings that: • Are built after 1940 (depends on the insurer) • They are built from reinforced concrete, metal, brick, stone or wood (depends on the insurer) • They are built with a building permit • They are not in seismic risk classes 1 or 2 or emergency class 1 • If the customer is not able to provide accurate information on which to issue the policy, ask for documents • Anyway, the insurer will ask for them in case of damage • If you have any doubts about the building, ask for some pictures • Customers can make mistakes; the pictures, no
Why does the insurer not determine the value of the building?
• According to the law, the assessment of one's own assets is the responsibility of the insured • The insurer's responsibility consists in assessing the damage • If the customer insists, explain that the insurer has no guarantee that after appraising the customer's home, the customer will buy the policy… • The insurer can warn the client if he has not correctly determined the insured amount
If I do the repair myself, will I be compensated?
• In-house repair is only covered with the written consent of the insurer • Usually, in order for the insurer to indemnify the in-house repair, it is necessary that the price of materials and labor fall within the scales accepted by the insurer
If I change the building, does the policy remain valid?
• If the changes were made on the basis of the building permit, the policy remains valid • The insurer must be informed, in writing, having the right, in turn, to modify the policy, in the event of a change in the insured risk
Do I have to present the purchase invoices to be compensated?
• Yes • If the purchase invoices do not exist, the insurer will request a detailed description of the damaged goods (type, technical characteristics, year of purchase, condition before the occurrence of the risk)
Who administers the PAD policy?
• PAD policies are administered by PAID – the Disaster Insurance Pool • PAID is a private company whose shareholders are a group of insurers from Romania • The exhortation "You must buy PAD, because it is state-owned" will irritate the customer • If you say this, you risk hearing "Then I only do PAD, because it belongs to the state" • The customer loses, you lose too... • The statement "PAD is state insurance" is false • PAD is insurance provided by a private company
What are moving parts?
• The moving parts are: • The doors • The windows • Skylights • Closing and protection systems
What risks does the extended family civil liability clause cover in Romania?
• Covers the tortious civil liability of the insured and the persons for whom he is responsible according to the law, for damages – bodily injuries and material damage, caused both in the insured home and outside it, in public or private places, where the insured or his family members spend their free time
What role does home insurance play for a family?
• The role of home insurance is to guarantee the insured that he and his family will have the same comfortable home as at present, whatever risks occur • When should you buy home insurance? • On the day you became the owner of the home • Or today • Fire, death and earthquake come unannounced • Because housing is important, home insurance is also important • Before..., the policy is just a cost • After, the policy means a new home
How do you present your home insurance?
• This policy allows you to buy a new home, with comparable parameters and the same level of comfort, if the current one is destroyed • It also gives you money to repair or replace damaged or stolen goods • Moreover, any damage caused to your neighbors – for example, if you flood them – will be paid by the insurer, instead of you • Sensitize the customer with powerful questions such as: • How will you look into your wife's eyes after...? • Where will your children sleep if...? • Explain to the client that his decision - "yes" or "no" will affect not only him, but his entire family • Your customer is actually family
What does the third party liability clause cover?
• Covers damage caused to third parties in the event of a fire or explosion in the insured home • Damage caused by water used by firefighters to extinguish the fire, drained from the insured home, is also covered • Insurers usually impose certain limits on the sum insured under this clause • If possible, put as much sum assured on this clause as possible • Especially in the case of apartments, the damages caused to the neighbors can be of the order of tens of thousands of Euros, so this clause is very important for the financial stability of the insured's family
What risks does the family liability clause cover?
• Covers damage accidentally caused to third parties – bodily injury or material damage, by the insured or family members who live at the insured address, as a result of domestic activities, spending free time, consuming food or drinks that cause intoxication or poisoning, as well as accidental damages caused to housekeepers or service providers
What are the effects of insuring more than replacement value?
• Insuring to a value greater than the replacement value is called overinsurance • The insurance produces its effects until it competes with the effective value of the insured property • The insured has the right to refund the excess premium
What are fixed installations?
• Fixed installations are composed of: • Electric instalation • Water and sewage installations • The heating installation, including the boiler, boilers, radiators, stoves • Air conditioning installations • Solar panels
What are the effects of insuring at less than replacement value?
• Insurance at a lower value is called underinsurance and has the following effects: • For partial damages - the rule of proportionality applies • In case of total loss - the insured amount, less than the replacement value, is paid • As a derogation, there may be first risk insurance • Explain to the client the catastrophic effect of underinsurance, especially in case of total loss • Insists on reconstruction value insurance • Explains how first risk insurance works with a simple example such as double glazing insurance
What is the proportionality rule?
• In case of damage, the compensation will be reduced by the underinsurance coefficient: • Compensation = (Amount insured / Replacement value) x Damage value
What risks does optional home insurance cover?
• The optional policy contains two categories of clauses: • Each insurer has its own set of basic risks and its own set of additional clauses • There may also be differences in how specific conditions are defined • The right insurance is like a well-tailored garment • Too "little" insurance will "tighten" the client, in case of... • Always start the discussion with the client by stating the major risks that can destroy his home: fire, explosion and natural calamities • This is the main purpose of home insurance
What is home insurance?
• Home insurance is the best way to ensure that: • If my property was destroyed, in a short time my family and I will have an equally comfortable home again • If I have minor damage, the insurer will pay my money for the repairs
How is the amount of compensation determined?
• The expenses incurred by the insured in order to bring the damaged goods to the state before the occurrence of the insured event are covered • The compensation amount includes the following types of expenses: • Materials • Workmanship • Transport • Assembly disassembly • The compensation cannot exceed the insured amount • Explain to the client that the role of the insurance is to bring him, after a damage, in the same material situation as before the damage occurred • The first step to an expected compensation is a properly executed policy • A satisfied customer is more willing to buy "enough" insurance... • ... and to recommend you
What risks does PAD cover?
• Floods • Landslides • The PAD policy covers three risks: • Earthquake
What risks does FLEXA cover?
• Fire • Lightning • Explosion • Aircraft crashes • Body falls • Being hit by motor vehicles • Damage caused by smoke, gases or vapors • Note: "FLEXA" is an acronym that comes from the English language - Fire Lightining EXplosion Aircraft
What information do you require to offer home insurance?
• Year of construction • The floor (in the case of apartments) • Number of floors of the building (in the case of apartments) • The surface • Amount insured on the building • Amount insured for contents • Thermal power plant, alternative energy systems (type, age and value) • The necessary information is as follows: • Full address • Constructive structure
What risks does the landlord's liability clause cover?
• Are covered: • Damages caused by the tenant to the owner due to bodily injury or death, through damage or destruction of the rented residential property, installations, equipment (for example, stoves or ventilation systems) and other movable property rented for the use of the space rent • Court costs incurred by the tenant in the civil process, if he was forced to pay damages • Court costs incurred by the owner in the civil process, if the insured was obliged by a court decision to pay them
Are infiltrations compensated?
• Not • Water infiltration means either a construction defect or inadequate home maintenance, and these events are not covered • Explain to the customer that only sudden and unpredictable events are insured • And the infiltration is neither sudden nor unpredictable • Explain to the customer that infiltrations are slow, have visible effects and that their appearance is caused by a construction defect or a material defect
What do I get if the sums insured are less than the expenses?
• Regardless of how much the expenses are, small or large, based on the accident policy you receive the same allowance, calculated according to the insured amount and the complexity of the medical act • In order to be covered even in the case of serious events, which will involve large expenses, it is important to buy enough insurance • If you want your medical expenses settled, both in case of accident and in case of illness, I recommend health insurance
What is the role of accident insurance policy for a family?
• Accident insurance has a double role: • Death cover replaces the insured's income in the event of his/her accidental death • Additional clauses provide the insured and, as the case may be, their family members, with the sums necessary for treatment following an accident
What information do you require to quote accident insurance?
• The minimum information for bidding is as follows: • Can you give me your CNP? • Or the variant: how old are you (only in the situation where the insurer's issuing software allows the offer based on age; later, to issue the policy, you will also request the bulletin) • What is your job? • What income do you have? • Or the alternative: in which range are your incomes?
What amount does the insured recover if he cancels the accident policy?
• In case of cancellation of the accident policy, the insured does not recover anything • Accident policy is pure risk insurance, just like property or car insurance
How are the sums insured on the accident policy determined?
• It is recommended that the sum insured at death represents the insured's wages for 3...5 years • The sums insured on the other clauses can be set at the maximum values ​​accepted by the insurer, correlated with the sum insured at death, so that the family has enough protection in the event of an accident • No client or widow has ever complained about getting too much money from an accident…
How do I know I will be properly compensated on my accident policy?
• Because you will have an insurance contract • Both your rights and obligations are detailed in this contract • If the risk that occurred is covered by the policy, you will be compensated without question • But in order to be satisfied with the compensation, you need to buy enough insurance, i.e. varied clauses and large sums insured
Who can you recommend accident insurance to?
• You can recommend accident insurance to anyone, but especially to the following categories of customers: • People who have risky professions (for example drivers, construction workers, etc.) • People who have life insurance and want to supplement the protection, especially in case of death and disability due to accident • People who have an illness that makes them uninsurable with life insurance • People with modest incomes who cannot afford to buy life insurance
What documents are required to be compensated on the accident policy?
• The only clause that requires invoices or tax receipts is "Accident medical expenses" • All other covered events are compensated on the basis of medical documents, such as the discharge note, or, in the worst case, the death certificate
What happens to my accident insurance if I stop paying it?
• If the installment is not paid by the last day of the grace period at the latest, the policy ceases to be valid after the expiry of the grace period • Usually the grace period for general insurance, which also includes accident insurance, is 15 days • Termination usually occurs 30 days after the end of the grace period (or 60 days, or even 90, depending on the insurer)
What is covered by additional risks?
• Convalescence insurance following an accident
If I am treated by the state, do I receive compensation on the accident policy?
• Yes • Accident insurance settles certain expenses, for example medical tests or drugs, prostheses or orthoses, and compensates the medical act or the seriousness of the event, through the other clauses • For one and the same event - for example a fracture - you may receive a higher or lower amount, depending on how comprehensive the insurance you have taken out is
What is accident insurance?
• Accident insurance is a risk product, which covers death and other consequences of accidents • Insurers offer the possibility of insuring several family members on the same policy • Some insurers offer accident insurance both as a separate policy and as an optional clause attached to other policies (eg home insurance or casco)
Is the accident policy also valid abroad?
• Yes • Upon returning to the country, you will have to present to the insurer all the documents you obtained abroad: discharge ticket, test results, x-rays, etc. • You will receive the compensation in lei, as if you had been treated in Romania • Compensation for emergency medical expenses is settled in full to providers abroad, but not on the basis of accident insurance, but on the basis of travel insurance
How is the compensation calculated on the accident policy?
• The compensation is calculated according to the insured amount and the complexity of the medical act • Here are some examples: • Surgical intervention is compensated with a percentage of the insured sum, percentage specified in the contract and calculated according to the difficulty of the intervention • Hospitalization is compensated proportionally to the daily insured amount and the duration of hospitalization • The fracture is compensated proportionally with the insured amount and the type of fracture
How do you present accident insurance?
• Accident insurance protects your family in case of untimely death by replacing your income • Accident insurance also protects you by providing treatment money to restore your health after an accident • The policy can provide compensation in case of permanent disability, hospitalization, surgery, fractures and other risks • Because it is affordable, accident insurance gives you the opportunity to buy large sums insured • If you want to "glue" the accident insurance to another policy, using the price as the main argument, you can present the accident death insurance as a "funeral aid" • You can start in this case with the statement of the price; example: • I can offer you, as a package with the insurance of..., an accident death insurance, which costs you... lei and has an insured amount of 10,000 lei (example) • Tell me, would the amount of 10,000 lei be enough for the wife to cover expenses, in case of...? • If you are talking to a family member, and you know - or assume - that they would not buy life insurance, you can try to introduce them to accident insurance • For a start, even an insurance that only covers accidental death (and possibly disability) is much more than nothing • You can say like this: • Accidental death insurance provides consistent and immediate help to the family in the event of a tragedy • For an amount of several tens of lei, you can be insured from tomorrow for an amount of several tens of thousands of lei
What medical expenses are covered?
• Medical consultations • Medical analyzes and investigations • Medicines (only those in the list of the state nomenclature) • Glasses, necessary as a result of the accident • Prostheses and orthoses
How much does an accident policy cost?
• The accident policy is accessible to anyone • With a small insurance premium you can buy very large sums insured (you can prepare some examples of "sum insured at death / insurance premium" pairs, for all fields of activity (with low, medium, high and very high risk)
How much does health insurance cost?
• An average would be between 10 and 20 lei per day • But the price is strongly influenced by the chosen package
What is health insurance?
• It is an insurance that offers medical benefits in offices, clinics and private hospitals in Romania and/or abroad
What risks does individual and family insurance cover?
• Policies are usually built around certain risks that can be considered core risks • Additional risks and facilities in using insurance can be added to them • Each risk has an associated insured amount
What documents and information do you require to offer health insurance?
• It is necessary to complete the insurance questionnaire, both for the insured and for the co-insured, if applicable, as well as the copies of the bulletin, respectively of the birth certificate, in the case of minors
If I have life insurance with additional clauses, do I still need health insurance?
• Yes, because health insurance is much more complex • Health insurance contains more coverage and the sums insured are much higher
What is the importance of health insurance for the intermediary?
• Because of their social importance in helping to restore health, health insurance has a large potential market because anyone aged 0-65 can have private health insurance • A customer satisfied with the health insurance services will renew their policy year after year and buy other policies from the same intermediary
Under what conditions is the policy renewed if I had damage?
• In general, under the same conditions, but in the case of certain damages, of large or repetitive values, the insurer may decide on burdens or exclusions, or even non-renewal of the policy
Is the cost of treatment fully reimbursed on the basis of health insurance?
• It depends on the package chosen
How to proceed in case of illness?
• Call the insurer's call center and they will tell you the steps to follow
What documents are required to be compensated on the basis of health insurance?
• Referrals, medical diagnosis and hospital discharge letters, investigation results, general medical records, hospitalization records are required
What is the legal regime of health insurance?
• It is an insurance regulated by a special law, Law no. 212 of May 27, 2004, with all subsequent amendments and additions • The premiums are deductible up to the amount of 400 Euro / year / person
What is the difference between subscription and health insurance?
• The two are complementary: the subscription emphasizes prevention, consultations, imaging and analyses, and the health insurance emphasizes treatments
Can I take out multi-year health insurance?
• Health insurance is concluded annually, with the possibility of renewal
Can I have more than one health policy?
• Yes, but this is not the optimal health protection solution • The optimal solution is a very complex policy
What is Individual and Family Health Insurance?
• Health insurance is the optimal option through which you can benefit from the appropriate treatment in order to restore your health, at the insurer's expense • On the other hand, thanks to the prevention clause in the policy, you benefit from checks and investigations, at the insurer's expense, with the aim of detecting possible diseases from the early stages
What types of health insurance are there?
• Depending on the number of insured persons there are: • Group health insurance, taken out by the employer for its employees (it is dealt with in the "Business insurance" section)
What general exclusions does individual and family insurance contain?
• The most common exclusions are the following: • Pre-existing diseases • Alternative medicine (eg detoxification treatments, acupuncture, reflexology, podiatry, osteopathy, aromatherapy) • Epidemics or pandemics • Neoplastic conditions (cancer) during the waiting period; there is usually a waiting period of several months, which differs between insurers (eg 6 or 12 months)
What role does health insurance play in a family?
• Helps restore health, quickly and safely • Saves the family money
Why would I buy private health insurance if I have state insurance?
• The two insurances are complementary • State insurance covers emergencies well • But when it comes to consultations, imaging, and especially hospitalization and operations, private insurance offers more possibilities • Last but not least, it is also deductible
What related services does individual and family health insurance cover?
• The development of medical services and digitization have given insurers leverage to create systems for the easiest and most convenient use of health insurance • Specifically, they created several facilities, such as: • Call center 24/7 • Direct settlement in the insurer's network is a default service on any policy, with insurers working towards the continuous expansion of their network of medical service providers • Dedicated mobile and web applications • Using a bank card powered by the insurer for advance payments • Accepting subsequent billing when using out-of-network providers
How do you present health insurance?
• You are sure that you will be treated by the best doctors, in the best clinics, in the best conditions, at the insurer's expense • The same health insurance helps you stay healthy through preventive services
Are pre-existing conditions covered by health insurance?
• Since insurance covers the consequences of uncertain and unpredictable events, pre-existing diseases are usually not covered by health insurance • However, pre-existing diseases can also be covered by an additional clause, under certain conditions, specific to each insurer
How to proceed in the event of an accident?
• It depends on the condition of the insured • If it is a minor accident, he can call 112 himself • If it is a serious accident, then a family member, or someone else who is in a position to do so, will have to call the insurer's call center and they will communicate the steps to follow
What amount is recovered on termination of the RCA policy?
• There are two situations: • If at least one claim has been recorded on the RCA policy, nothing is recovered • If no damage has been recorded on the RCA policy, an amount proportional to the number of days remaining in the policy is recovered
What is the purpose of the RCA policy and why is it important?
• RCA insurance has two purposes: • Financial protection of the person / persons damaged as a result of an accident • Financial protection of the person responsible for the accident; road accidents can cause damages so great that they cannot be borne by those at fault • For these reasons, RCA insurance has a strong social character, from which the obligation of this insurance derives • RCA is one of the two insurances regulated by specific laws in Romania: • RCA • PAD • The other mandatory policies are regulated by professional rules (malpractice, lawyers, etc.) • For the intermediary, the RCA policy represents a starting point in developing the portfolio • It gives the intermediary the opportunity to sell high added value insurance (life, property, liability) to customers, alongside RCA
Is the RCA policy valid if you drive with an expired license or without a license?
• It depends on who is asking • If the injured party asks, the answer is "Yes" • If the insured asks, then the insurer pays the damage, but makes recourse against the driver guilty of breaking the law
How long can I have a trade-in car under the RCA policy?
• The regulation is subject to the RCA rule valid at the date of the insurance issue • An example is that the lease is valid from the time the vehicle enters service until it comes out of repair, but no more than 30 days
How do I choose the RCA insurer?
• I recommend that you check the number of complaints and the percentage of valid petitions of each insurer • For this purpose you can access the ASF website
Is the RCA policy valid if you are drunk?
• It depends on who is asking • If the injured party asks, the answer is "Yes" • If the insured asks: • If the blood alcohol level is below 0.53 per thousand, the policy is valid • If the blood alcohol level exceeds 0.53 per thousand, then the insurer pays the damage, but makes recourse against the drunk and guilty driver
What is the bonus-malus system?
• Insureds (individuals and legal entities) are assessed according to the number of claims paid in the reference period, which is the calendar year prior to the entry into force of the RCA • Attention! • According to the law, when determining the bonus-malus class in a year, only the number of claims paid in the reference year is taken into account (not the number of claims incurred, which can be higher) • The system contains 8 bonus classes and 8 malus classes • Class B0 is assigned to a new insured with no insurance history • The bonus-malus system consists in reducing or increasing the rates valid at the time of concluding the RCA policy • The application is made as follows: • In the case of natural persons: • If they have several vehicles, they benefit from the same bonus-malus class for all of them • The most favorable variant of bonus-malus will be taken into account • The classification is done automatically, following the query of the AIDA database, depending on the CNP • In the case of legal entities • If you own more than one vehicle, the bonus-malus system is applied separately for each individual vehicle • The assignment is done automatically, following the query of the AIDA database, according to the CUI and the chassis series • In case of disposal or deletion of the insured vehicle, the insured (natural or legal person) can request the transfer of the bonus-malus class to the RCA policy of the newly acquired vehicle • The bonus is applied as follows: placement increases by one class at bonus and decreases by two at malus
What is covered by the RCA policy?
• Material damages • Personal injury or death • The consequence of the lack of use, including the temporary replacement of the vehicle • Expenses for transporting the damaged vehicle • Court costs • Direct settlement (it is an optional clause) • Through the optional Direct Settlement clause, the injured party can repair his damaged vehicle, based on his own RCA policy, with the following conditions: • Only two vehicles, registered / registered in Romania, were involved in the accident • Each vehicle has a valid RCA • There is damage exclusively to these two vehicles • There are no bodily injuries • This clause has proven useful in the recent past, with several RCA insurers paying claims with long delays and not fully covering the damage (ie paying less than they should have)
Do you need RCA if you keep the car in the garage or if it is parked?
• Yes • First of all, it is a legal obligation • Second, even if the car is stationary, a fire or an accident may occur due to a technical problem
Why is RCA insurance important to the market?
• Primarily because it offers financial protection to both the injured party and the insured • Secondly, because compensation is paid even if the insured has deviations from laws and regulations (for example, he does not have an ITP, he drives drunk, he does not have a license, etc.); there are cases in which, after payment of the compensation, the insurer makes recourse to the guilty person, i.e. recovers the amounts paid • Conclusion: • This policy has a strong social impact • Taking into account the special dynamics of road events, of the car fleet (type of car, age of the fleet, number of vehicles, etc.), both the law and the applicable rules undergo changes at least annually
Is RCA policy valid without ITP?
• It depends on who is asking • If the injured party asks, the answer is "Yes" • If the insured asks: • The insurer will pay the compensation • The insurer makes recourse against the insured
What is RCA?
• Car Civil Liability Insurance (RCA) is mandatory insurance by itself that covers damages caused to third parties through motor vehicle and tram accidents • RCA is a contract concluded between the owner of a vehicle, natural or legal person, and an insurance company that has the right to practice RCA insurance on the territory of Romania • The owner of a vehicle must have an RCA contract valid for the entire period in which the vehicle is registered / registered, even if it is not used • The RCA insurance also includes the former Green Card insurance (with validity exclusively outside Romania, in the countries that are members of the Green Card system) • The "Green Card" document is actually an international certificate of insurance on the basis of which the owner / user / driver of the vehicle for which the document was issued is insured against civil liability for damages caused by means of the respective vehicle, in accordance with the legislation of each state for which the insurance document is valid
How to renew RCA policy?
• According to the legal norm, the insurer is obliged to send the insured the renewal offer, based on the data available at that time, on the communication channel agreed with the insured (e-mail or post)
How is the insurance premium determined on the RCA policy?
• Each insurer calculates its own RCA premium rate, as follows: • Based on your own damage history, so as to cover all the obligations arising from the conclusion of the contracts (the rate should not be calculated assuming losses from the start!) • Using risk criteria, load indices, increase and/or correction coefficients or other rate adjustment tools • Using a precise actuarial calculation and having the obligation to inform the insured about the calculation method • Examples of risk criteria: • Vehicle type • Engine power (in the case of cars) • The age of the individual driver • City of residence
For what period can the RCA policy be concluded?
• For vehicles registered or registered in Romania - 12 months, or 6 months or multiple monthly • For vehicles registered / registered in other member states of the Green Card Office, for which insurance is requested for import into Romania - maximum 30 days from the date of acquisition of the property • For vehicles intended for export – maximum 30 days • For vehicles that are provisionally authorized for circulation – maximum 30 days, but cumulative maximum 90 days

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