Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: What is your favorite holiday?
Human 1: one where I get to meet lots of different people.
Human 2: What was the most number of people you have ever met during a holiday?
Human 1: Hard to keep a count. Maybe 25.
Human 2: Which holiday was that?
Human 1: I think it was Australia
Human 2: Do you still talk to the people you met?
Human 1: Not really. The interactions are usually short-lived but it's fascinating to learn where people are coming from and what matters to them
Human 2: Yea, me too. I feel like God often puts strangers in front of you, and gives you an opportunity to connect with them in that moment in deeply meaningful ways. Do you ever feel like you know things about strangers without them telling you?
Human 1: what do you mean?
Human 2: I think it's like a 6th sense, often seen as "cold readings" to people, but can be remarkably accurate. I once sat next to a man in a coffee and I felt a pain in my back. I asked the stranger if he had a pain. It turns out that he did in the exact spot, and said he pulled a muscle while dancing at a party. I had never met the man before and never saw him again.
Human 1: Wow! That's interesting, borderline spooky
Human 2: There's this practice called "Treasure Hunting" that's kind of a fun game you play in a public place. There's a book called "The Ultimate Treasure Hunt" that talks about it. You use your creativity to imagine people you will meet, and you write down a description, then you associate them with a positive message or encouraging word. Maybe you saw a teenage boy in a red hat at the shopping mall in your imagination, then while at the mall, you may find someone who matches that description. You show that you have a message for him and that you have a message for a boy in a red hat. You then give him a message of kindness or whatever was on your heart. You have no idea, sometimes you meet someone who is having a really hard day, and it brings them to tears to have a stranger show them love.
Human 1: So, do you do treasure hunting often?
Human 2: I did more when I was in grad school (and had more time). I would usually go with friends. For a while I would go to the farmers market in Santa Cruz every week and try to feel if there is something I am supposed to tell a stranger. Usually, they are vague hope-filled messages, but it's weird when I blurt out something oddly specific.
Human 1: Hi
Human 2: Any plans for the weekend?
Human 1: my friends are gonna visit me this weekend. we might go hiking!
Human 2: That's great! How's the weather over the weekend? I hope its warm.
Human 1: Should be very sunny! you?
Human 2: Cool! very depressing plans ... stay home and work 😞 I have a project deadline very close.
Human 1: 😐 hope you get your work done very soon! a bug free weekend!
Human 2: Right, very anxious! where do you plan to go for a hike?
Human 1: I am going to Diablo!
Human 2: Nice, where is that place? I haven't been there
Human 1: hours drive from here. still in bay area
Human 2: That's cool! How long is the hike?
Human 1: Actually no idea, but it will take the entire day for that.
Human 2: nice! sounds fun!
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hey there! What's up???
Human 1: Nothing much, how you doin?
Human 2: I'm in New York this week for Thanksgiving. I'm squatting in the office today and I caught up with an old friend of mine :D
Human 1: Oh wow! Sounds like fun! When was the last time you had seen this friend?
Human 2: The last time in New York, back in June.
Human 1: Ohh okay. I was going to say if it had been a long time maybe it'd be awkward...
Human 2: Haha, I guess if it's been a very long time there's almost too many life events to catch up on.. especially recently
Human 1: Oh really? Has a lot changed in your life recently?
Human 2: Haha it's probably too much to go into at the moment. Let's just say life is an exciting experience. How about you?
Human 1: Ahhh sounds exciting indeed! My life is pretty bland. I like routine, but sometimes I wish I had more time for adventures!
Human 2: What kinds of adventures?? Any ones that I would be able to join you on?
Human 1: Hmmmm. I really want to try bull riding. Do you have any interest in that?
Human 2: I'd love to try! Can we schedule something for next week?
Human 1: Sure! What does your Saturday look like?
Human 2: Saturday looks pretty good, shall we shoot for something in the morning?
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: hey
Human 1: is it raining pretty bad today?
Human 2: yeah, can walk too far to see all the foodtruck options
Human 1: surprising that the rain started early this year... I don't like them too much. They make days gloomy
Human 2: yeah but I think it's good to have some rainy days in bay area, it's pretty dry here 😛
Human 1: Where I grew up, we had lots of water trouble too...
Human 2: yeah like wise, I've seen a pretty bad snowstorm when I was at my undergrad school, all flights canceled and traffics went down
Human 1: Haha... I don't think I can survive in that weather ever. Just the rains at 50 degrees make me want to sit in heated rroms
Human 2: yeah how do you like it in bay area though? I think we need more rain here
Human 1: people say there is drought here... but we have 24 hours water supply here ... lol... never seen that in a drought ridden area
Human 2: it is pretty dry in the mountains I believe, that's what causes fire
Human 1: hmm.... okay. Climate change talk this morning was pretty darn interesting. did you see it?
Human 2: nope, what does it say?
Human 1: they were talking about how AI is helping climate change. Nice use of upcoming tech.
Human 2: Helloooooo!
Human 1: How are you? How is your day?
Human 2: Good. Don't have much to do today, feels good. How are you?
Human 1: I'm dressed very wel today so I feel good! I've been reading a lot about the psychology of positive outlook.
Human 2: So what's your outlook? Something blue?
Human 1: Yes. Blue is a tranquil colour. It's a good metaphor. Do you have good advice for positivity?
Human 2: You should drink more water, do some push up, and sleep early.
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hey, how are you?
Human 1: I'm a bit sad. I miss my cat.
Human 2: Oh no… Have you sent out the missing cat posters? Hope your cat is alright!
Human 1: Posters is a great idea. So far I've just tried banging her catfood dish and shouting her name. Anyway, how is your day going so far?
Human 2: Yea, I know they love the plastic bag sound all the time. I am good, nothing special though.
Human 1: If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would you go?
Human 2: I like rainforest, but I know it requires extensive training beforehand.
Human 1: I heard there are rainforests in southeast Asia where you can zipline from tree to tree.
Human 2: I am afraid I will be scared of doing this :)
Human 1: I won't lie, it sounds scary. I'm scared right now just thinking about it.
Human 2: I don't know if there is any medication for acrophobia. I want to take plenty of it if I really have to do it.
Human 1: If there isn't one, you should invent it, and then make millions
Human 2: That's a great idea! Maybe alcohol is such a thing.
Human 1: Ha! Don't drink and zipline, mate!
Human 2: Oops. I won't do it again. Ha
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hey sup
Human 1: not much. any plans this weekend?
Human 2: I'm going to try that thing where you hang from a wire as you go down. do you know what is it called?
Human 1: ziplining?
Human 2: that's the one! have you ever tried it?
Human 1: i have a couple years ago. it's quite a unique experience
Human 2: where did you do it?
Human 1: i forgot where it was, it wasn't local i don't think though
Human 2: no worries. what's the most exciting thing you ever done?
Human 1: that's a hard question and i'm tired so i'm going to go. see you
Human 2: sure. are you just going home now?
Human 1: no, i'm going to get a massage first
Human 2: nice. what type?
Human 1: traditional kind
Human 2: yeah I want to get one too soon
Human 1: you should! it's relaxing after a long day. talk to you later!
Human 2: ttyl!
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hello, have you seen any good movies lately?
Human 1: I watched a few lately, but nothing is as good as Avatar. what's your favorite?
Human 2: I have never seen Avatar, what is it about? I really enjoy the Avenger movies
Human 1: it's a science-fiction movie with beautiful landscape of an imaginary nature with non-human creatures. people figured out a way to join that nature through Avatar transformation. the movie ends with a meaningful story of how human behaviors, e.g., cutting trees, have affected nature
Human 2: That sounds really cool! I think that movie did really well when it was in the box office so it must be good!
Human 1: yea. what else do you like to do beside movies?
Human 2: I enjoy baking cookies. I am on a quest to bake the best chocolate chip cookie 🙂 What about you?
Human 1: I enjoy eating 🙂
Human 2: so definitely would like to try your best chocolate cookie
Human 1: I will have to bake some soon and let you know. What types of food do you like to eat?
Human 2: thanks! I generally love noodle soups like Pho or Ramen :)
Human 1: Noodle soup is delicious! Do you make homemade noodle soup or do you prefer to go out?
Human 2: I prefer to go out. I'm not a good cook haha
Human 1: Same! Even though I bake, I cannot cook
Human 2: seems like we share a thing in common, yay!
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Good afternoon!
Human 1: How has your week been?
Human 2: So far so good. It is holiday season. So just chilling
Human 1: I think I'm getting sick with a cold 😞 So you should chill on my behalf too cause I'm out the game for all of December.
Human 2: lol Sorry to hear that. Are you planning anything fun for December?
Human 1: Nothing exciting. I'll be posted up at home for the most part. I did a lot of travelling this year so my budget would have stopped me even if I wasn't sick.
Human 2: 😂
Human 1: Do you have big plans?
Human 2: Yes! I am going to Hawaii! This will be my first time visiting Hawaii. Really excited about it.
Human 1: I love Hawaii. It's a good place to be. I like going there cause it's humid so I never have to put on lotion.
Human 2: lol this is the first time I heard from a boy who cares about humidity and lotion. I cannot agree more.
Human 1: Brooooo!!! It's so important. When I got to California beaches I have to carry 3 litres of lotion for the whole day.
Human 2: 😂
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Oh hello. Long time no talk. How's the day going for yuo?
Human 1: Very well, thanks for asking. How has your day been?
Human 2: Getting better. I just recovered from a cold. I got wet in the rain last week. Are you planning anything for the holidays?
Human 1: Glad to hear you're better. Sorry to hear you were sick. I was sick a couple of weeks ago with a bad cough. There's definitely a bug going around. Admit I just want to stay healthy for the holidays and plan to relax.
Human 2: Oh same here. I think relaxing at home should be counted among the best ways to enjoy the holidays.
Human 1: Definitely! I know a lot of folks travel for the holidays, but I'm happy to stay home myself!
Human 2: I'm getting there. Every year until last year, I tried to go somewhere for the Christmas / New Year, and then I got bored traveling. lol not sure if that means I'm getting old?
Human 1: Me too. Now I have folks come visit me for the holidays! But that's also tiresome..
Human 2: Are you doing any home decorating then?
Human 1: Yes! We set up an eco-friendly (i.e. fake) Christmas tree and put up some colorful LED lights which is very festive.
Human 2: I think I'm copying you. Me and my wife plan to decorate and Christmas tree too. We bought most of the decorative stuffs from the stores, but haven't yet to buy the tree.
Human 1: Buying a tree is a neat experience. I was torn between buying an artificial/eco-friendly/fake one vs. a real one that smells like fresh pine. In the end, we opted for the one that we can disassemble every year.
Human 2: I see. Artificial anything is better, from tree to intelligence, huh?
Human 1: Oh, very clever pun! I like it! Depends. I remember having real Christmas trees from childhood, but these days with climate change, I think not chopping down a tree just to decorate it and then throw it out in a month is the more responsible thing to do.
Human 2: I see. It's probably also cheaper. I'll buy an artificial one too. Do you have any suggestions for the store?
Human 1: Admit my favorite store is Target, plus they often have good deals.
Human 2: Ah that's great. My wife also likes Target a lot. She even made a Target credit card because she comes to that store very often. Okay thanks for the suggestion. I'll check out Target.
Human 1: Great, I hope you find a nice tree.
Human 2: Hey
Human 1: How's your day going?
Human 2: pretty good. yours?
Human 1: Ehh it's fine. I didn't do so well on that history test, actually..
Human 2: oh what happened?
Human 1: Apparently Christopher Columbus didn't fight in the Civil War :')
Human 2: hahah wait for real?
Human 1: I know right! Are you taking History next semester?
Human 2: No I'm not in school anymore
Human 1: Oh I see. What do you do?
Human 2: I train and compete in horse vaulting
Human 1: Oh wow. Were you born a horse, or were you turned into one?
Human 2: lol you're too funny
Human 1: Just kidding. That sounds pretty cool! Is it your job?
Human 2: Yeah, but I part time work on a farm. Helping with a bit of everything
Human 1: Wow, sounds very busy! Do you with money at those horse vaulting competitions?
Human 2: Yeah some. enough to get by
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hello
Human 1: Do you have a favourite flower?
Human 2: hmm, I haven't thought about that much, but i think lotus should be one of my favorites. Why do you ask?
Human 1: I'm working on a theory. Why does the lotus spring to mind?
Human 2: Nice! Lotus looks pretty cool and It has some delightful vibe. So what is this research about?
Human 1: Oh, it's not research! Just a personal theory. I think that flower preferences are more revealing of personality than people appreciate.
Human 2: Interesting! Whats your favorite flower?
Human 1: The gerbera. It's like a cartoon flower. As if you drew "flower" with a crayon and then it came to life.
Human 2: Nice, i would love know more about your theory. Like how you can deduce personality from flower preference.
Human 1: Ok, step 1 is, you ask someone what their favourite flower is. Pretty much like what we just did. Does that make sense so far?
Human 2: yes
Human 1: Cool. Step 2: talk with the person some more, and ask them some more questions, and gradually develop a sense of what they're like, over the course of maybe two to five years. And voila
Human 2: Hehe, i think you should publish this someday :)
Human 1: Why thank you, that's a wonderful idea!
Human 2: Hey how's it going
Human 1: It's good it's good. How are you?
Human 2: good. it's really hot today. I think I'm going to the pool
Human 1: Oh nice! Where do you live?
Human 2: I live in Tokyo, Japan
Human 1: Ahh yes, Japan is hot during the summer. Last time I was in Kyoto it was 114 degrees....
Human 2: oh have you been?
Human 1: Yes yes. I've been to Tokyo as well. It's so nice!
Human 2: what did you do here?
Human 1: Oh everything! I went to an onsen, the fish market, disney land and giant robot fighting show haha
Human 2: lol why did you come to Japan just to go to Disney land?
Human 1: The Disney lands are all different! There's also Disney Sea, which is completely unique!
Human 2: oh neat. I haven't heard about that robot fighting show. where is that??
Human 1: I don't really remember what part of town it was in. It was pretty cool though - I'm sure you can find it if you google "giant robot fighting show tokyo" haha
Human 2: lol ok
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Have you seen any good movies lately?

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