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<p />
<p>David Cay Johnston was called by The Washington Monthly, "one of this country's most important journalists" and the Oregonian newspaper compared his work to the great muckrakers Lincoln Steffens, Ida Tarbell and Upton Sinclair. Johnston won a Pulitzer Prize in 2001 for his exposes of tax loopholes and inequities.</p>
<p />
<p />
<p />
<p /> PAUL JAY, SENIOR EDITOR, TRNN: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm Paul Jay in Baltimore. And welcome to a new edition of Reality Asserts Itself.
<p />
<p />One of my great pleasures in doing this series is I get a chance to talk to people who actually do their homework. A lot of interviews' subjects, they do some homework, but a lot of it's kind of general opinion. But it's a real pleasure to talk to investigative journalists who really do that, actually investigate, uncover, unravel things that we didn't know before. And in this segment of Reality Asserts Itself, I get to talk to one of America's leading investigative journalists, certainly one of the leading journalists in its economic matters, and with a long history, including a Pulitzer Prize.
<p />
<p />In this Reality Asserts Itself, it's going to be my pleasure to talk to David Cay Johnston. He's a lifelong journalist and bestselling author whose recent work explores the causes and conditions of inequality in the United States. His award-winning investigative journalism has taken him through the arcane legislation and regulations to expose how corporations and the wealthy rig the system in their favor and to what lengths they go to evade taxation, all at the expense of the average taxpayer. He won the 2001 Pulitzer Prize for beat reporting, and the committee cited him "for his penetrating and enterprising reporting that exposed loopholes and inequities in the U.S. tax code, which was instrumental in bringing about reforms." At the Syracuse University College of Law he's a distinguished visiting lecturer, where he teaches the history of property, taxation, regulation, and commerce. He's written a trilogy of books on our pro-corporate tax system; the most recent: The Fine Print: How Big Companies Use "Plain English" to Rob You Blind. He's also editing the forthcoming book Divided: The Perils of Our Growing Inequality and writes regular columns for Al Jazeera America, Tax Analysts, and a weekly piece for Newsweek.
<p />
<p />And now joining us in the studio is David Cay Johnston.
<p />
<p />Thanks for joining us.
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: Thank you.
<p />
<p />JAY: So, as many or most of you know who watch Reality Asserts Itself, we usually start off with a personal story of our interview subject, and that's what we're going to do.
<p />
<p />So, David, tell us a little bit. You're born in San Francisco in 1948. This is a little bit of a political biography, shall I say. In 1948, it's the beginning of the Cold War. It's McCarthyism. It's the House Un-American Activities Committee. Were you in a political household? Did people talk about this kind of stuff?
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: Well, my father was a man from New Orleans with a third-grade education who read a book every day. We had a photograph of him till we lost it in a fire having dinner with F.D.R. When I was a little boy--.
<p />
<p />JAY: Now, hold on. You weren't having dinner with F.&#160;D.&#160;R.
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: My father was having dinner with F.&#160;D.&#160;R. back in the '30s when he was a young man. And--.
<p />
<p />JAY: Alright. Okay. I got to know. Why is he having dinner with F.&#160;D.&#160;R.?
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: He was very active in the Young Democrats of Arizona. I think he was president or vice president of it. And so my parents were very aware of things that were in the news. My father had grown up with this third-grade education. He was in the war. He never saw combat, but he became totally disabled. And he worked while I was growing up, but he was disabled, like many people who were disabled continue to work until health stops their ability to do so.
<p />
<p />JAY: He was a chef?
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: He became a chef, and he worked up until 1963. And then he died 1969 when I was--just turned 20.
<p />
<p />My mother was a disowned heiress, the only child of a very wealthy businessman. She testified against him in a trial in March&#160;1941, where he was being sued for alienation of affection. Imagine today going to a lawyer, saying, oh, this person's sleeping with my spouse, so I want to sue them for alienation of affection. I don't think you'd get very far today. But back then, my grandfather was ordered to pay $10,000, and he disowned the star witness against him, my mother.
<p />
<p />So I grew up in an unusual household of very bright people.
<p />
<p />JAY: And did you grow up knowing this grandfather at all?
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: No. In fact, my existence was hidden from him, and he died when I was, I think, seven years old. So, no, did not know him. Grew up knowing that he had left a very large fortune. And I certainly wasn't a part of it.
<p />
<p />JAY: And nor was your mother.
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: Nor was my mother.
<p />
<p />JAY: And your mother must have known this when she testified.
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: She was told she'd get disowned, and she did it anyway. It was sort of the strange person my mother was.
<p />
<p />So when I was ten years old and we lived in Mill Valley, California, in a little, tiny rented cabin slung over the side of a hill, I went to work to help the family. And by the time I was 13, we were living in Santa Cruz, where I then grew up. I was working full-time. I had seven newspaper routes, four in the morning and three in the afternoon. And on weekends I washed dishes and mowed lawns and did all sorts of things to sort of help the family.
<p />
<p />JAY: So as you're throwing or handing newspapers over, are you ever thinking, I will be writing in these someday?
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: Actually, the scariest part was I had no idea what I was going to do to make a living. I had no--like millions of young people in America, there was no sort of path to where things were and how you got somewhere. And fortune shined upon me. When I was a senior in high school and I was married and I had a kid, the local weekly paper, which was always shooting my picture 'cause I'd won a speech contest, asked me to write a column and offered to pay me a little bit of money--$0.20 an inch. They liked it, so pretty soon they had me covering the school board and the city council for minimum wage. And one day at the county board of supervisors meeting when I was 18 years old, a reporter from The San Jose Mercury who was filling in for the local guy who was off on vacation slides down the bench next to me, asking what's going on, during the break takes me to a coffee shop. I literally don't have a penny in my pocket and I have a hole in the bottom of my shoe. And the following day he told me he had arranged a job interview for me at The San Jose Mercury as a reporter. And I looked at him and I said, "I just graduated from night high school. I'm 18 years old. They're not going to talk to me." And he said, "Yes, they are." So I went over there. They made fun of me for an hour for applying. And I went back and told him how terrible it was, and he said, you go back every three weeks on Friday night until they hire you. And nine months later, they hired me.
<p />
<p />JAY: Before we pick up that story--we're jumping further ahead. I want to back up.
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: Sure.
<p />
<p />JAY: Your father--and I'm always interested in the roots of people's political thinking, which to a large extent at least begins with transmission from their parents, and they either rebel against it, assimilate some of it, or whatever. But your father is an active Democrat. He's a Roosevelt Democrat. Is he also a Wallace Democrat?
<p />
<p />Now, for those of you that have not watched all of our stuff about Wallace, who became later Roosevelt's vice president, and 'cause by and large Wallace has been left out of most American history, 'cause he was just way too left of center for the current narrative of what America is and was, Wallace was an important piece of what Roosevelt stood for.
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: You know, I couldn't tell you that. Here's what I can tell you, that my father, who grew up in New Orleans and then left when he was 19 years old and went West, was furious, absolutely furious about racial discrimination. When the John Cameron Swayze news would come on in the '50s and whatever civil rights demonstrations, if my father happened to be home at news time he would get my brother and I up out of our chairs, 'cause, you know, they tell you on the news what's about to come up. He would stand us up in front of the TV and put his hands on the back of our necks, and he would say, you will pay attention to this. And I remember one time we saw hoses turned on young people or something like that, something really awful. My father turned the TV off and he says, you cannot allow this. There before the grace of God go you. You could be poor and black and in the South, and this would be happening to you. So this is about you, and you will do something about this. And in the summer of 1960--.
<p />
<p />JAY: Sounds like he could have been a Wallace Democrat.
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: Yeah, well, maybe.
<p />
<p />And in the summer of 1963, my father, who the following year voted for Goldwater on the theory that Congress wouldn't let him get into a big land war and kill his sons, my father sent me to New Orleans on the bus for the summer to stay with his relatives. And I was told to be very clear that we didn't support their brand of racism. So the first thing I did when my uncle Charlie put me in the car and we went down to the car dealership, a Mercedes dealership, was make a beeline for the water fountain that said "COLORED". And by the end of the summer, you know, the relatives were all saying I was like my father, I was a little "tetched".
<p />
<p />JAY: Your father is active with F.&#160;D.&#160;R. at a time when the economic system, capitalism, was in severe crisis. There was a lot of people wondering whether that was--you know, whether that was the end of capitalism. F.&#160;D.&#160;R. kind of stood for, no, we can fix this, there are policies that can mitigate the excesses of capitalism, there's a way to have a rational capitalism. Your father grew up with that, and you grew up with that.
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: Well, my father, by the time, you know, I was aware of things, except for the issue of race, I wouldn't describe as especially overtly political. He certainly was part of the sort of blue-collar American male world, in which the system is not designed to help you, and he certainly believed that unions were crucial. And I know that he taught me about the idea that Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations figured out, which was that workers should be paid in teams. They work in teams. And, of course, that's not what we see today. We see that the top five executives of companies typically get about a third of the stock options, and the top 2&#160;percent of executives get all the rest. And he believed in that, and as a chef he would have kitchens with at times over 100 people working for him, and he always--he explained to me when I was young about you had to coordinate all these activities and you had to get people to work together that sometimes don't like each other.
<p />
<p />JAY: So you grow up with a sort of instinct of an outrage against inequality.
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: Yes; no, I think that's quite true. And on top of that, you know, here's my mother talking about all the money she doesn't have and sort of doesn't understand why, even though it's, you know, plainly obvious: if you testify against your father, then he's going to cut you out.
<p />
<p />JAY: But was she a window for you? Did she talk much about the world of the rich? I mean, really, I mean--.
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: Oh, yeah, no, my mother would. She had pictures, and she would show us the horses and the house on the lake and the servant. You know, we had films of the servant opening the car and putting her into the car. And--oh, yeah.
<p />
<p />JAY: But she marries a working-class guy.
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: Yeah. Yeah. And happily. My parents were happily married.
<p />
<p />JAY: And what were her politics? I mean, had she been radicalized by the '30s herself?
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: Oh, no. She was Republican.
<p />
<p />JAY: She was Republican.
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. She took me to a Nixon rally in 1960 and to a Rockefeller rally. I got to shake hands with Nelson Rockefeller when I was 12 years old or 11 years old.
<p />
<p />JAY: Well, did they ever fight about politics? I mean, they don't sound like on the same page here.
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: No. They fought about things, but not that.
<p />
<p />JAY: Not that.
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: Money.
<p />
<p />JAY: They fought about money. Not enough.
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: No, not enough.
<p />
<p />JAY: Not enough.
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: That's why I went to work so young.
<p />
<p />JAY: Alright. So let's jump ahead now. Well, you're born in '48.
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: Christmas Eve, 12/24/48--doubling numbers.
<p />
<p />JAY: By the time you're ten, '58, we're still--you know, we haven't hit the sort of cultural and political revolutions and transformation of the '60s, so you're still in Leave It to Beaver, Cold War kind of mass media. How much do you assimilate of that?
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: Well, remember, 1959 ('cause I was born at the end of the year and I'm ten years old) was when we had the steel strike. And even though the steel strike was in, basically, Pennsylvania and I'm living in Northern California, we felt it. And it was very clear how important back then steel was to the entire industry. We were in an industrial economy. And there were kids I know whose parents lost their jobs because of the--or at least they said they lost them because of the steel strike. And this gave me an awareness of this.
<p />
<p />I also had a fundamental belief then--and it's held up until very recently in time--that we had an abundance of work to do in this country, and that if you worked hard and prospered you'd do just fine. I mean, when I left jobs and I was a young man, even with a bunch of kids, I never once worried about another job. Today is a totally different environment, because we have adopted government policies that are designed to take from the many to enrich the few instead of serving the whole economy.
<p />
<p />JAY: Your whole arc is this role, that I'm going to point out what's really wrong. From that you can start to see how it could be fixed and, you know, potential reforms. And in the end I'm going to ask you, do you actually still believe that's possible?
<p />
<p />And I'll just--just to tease it a bit--but we ain't going to do this until the end, really have this out, because we're going to go through David's work before we do this, but I had a similar conversation with Ralph Nader, who did an interview like this, and, you know, as a single person causing reforms for the better, it's hard to find someone who actually accomplished more than Nader.
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: There's nobody in Ralph's league.
<p />
<p />JAY: Nobody in his league. And I asked him the question, could you still do any of what you did.
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: He probably said not likely.
<p />
<p />JAY: No, he said no.
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: Yeah.
<p />
<p />JAY: He said flat out no.
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: No, that's exactly right. The--.
<p />
<p />JAY: He said it was an anomaly, a little window in history, and it's closed.
<p />
<p />JOHNSTON: Well, and plus, plus the business people in this world aren't stupid. They studied Ralph, they co-opted Ralph, they took over Ralph's techniques, and they used them against the public.
<p />
<p />JAY: Alright. We will unravel that and much more of your work in the next segment of Reality Asserts Itself with David Cay Johnston.
<p />
<p />Please join us.
<p />
<p />End
<p />
<p />DISCLAIMER: Please note that transcripts for The Real News Network are typed from a recording of the program. TRNN cannot guarantee their complete accuracy. | Taking from the Many to Give to the Few - David Cay Johnston on Reality Asserts Itself (1/4) | true | http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option%3Dcom_content%26task%3Dview%26id%3D31%26Itemid%3D74%26jumival%3D12312 | 2014-08-31 | 4left
| 2,824 | David Cay Johnston was called by The Washington Monthly one of this countrys most important journalists and the Oregonian newspaper compared his work to the great muckrakers Lincoln Steffens Ida Tarbell and Upton Sinclair Johnston won a Pulitzer Prize in 2001 for his exposes of tax loopholes and inequities PAUL JAY SENIOR EDITOR TRNN Welcome to The Real News Network Im Paul Jay in Baltimore And welcome to a new edition of Reality Asserts Itself One of my great pleasures in doing this series is I get a chance to talk to people who actually do their homework A lot of interviews subjects they do some homework but a lot of its kind of general opinion But its a real pleasure to talk to investigative journalists who really do that actually investigate uncover unravel things that we didnt know before And in this segment of Reality Asserts Itself I get to talk to one of Americas leading investigative journalists certainly one of the leading journalists in its economic matters and with a long history including a Pulitzer Prize In this Reality Asserts Itself its going to be my pleasure to talk to David Cay Johnston Hes a lifelong journalist and bestselling author whose recent work explores the causes and conditions of inequality in the United States His awardwinning investigative journalism has taken him through the arcane legislation and regulations to expose how corporations and the wealthy rig the system in their favor and to what lengths they go to evade taxation all at the expense of the average taxpayer He won the 2001 Pulitzer Prize for beat reporting and the committee cited him for his penetrating and enterprising reporting that exposed loopholes and inequities in the US tax code which was instrumental in bringing about reforms At the Syracuse University College of Law hes a distinguished visiting lecturer where he teaches the history of property taxation regulation and commerce Hes written a trilogy of books on our procorporate tax system the most recent The Fine Print How Big Companies Use Plain English to Rob You Blind Hes also editing the forthcoming book Divided The Perils of Our Growing Inequality and writes regular columns for Al Jazeera America Tax Analysts and a weekly piece for Newsweek And now joining us in the studio is David Cay Johnston Thanks for joining us JOHNSTON Thank you JAY So as many or most of you know who watch Reality Asserts Itself we usually start off with a personal story of our interview subject and thats what were going to do So David tell us a little bit Youre born in San Francisco in 1948 This is a little bit of a political biography shall I say In 1948 its the beginning of the Cold War Its McCarthyism Its the House UnAmerican Activities Committee Were you in a political household Did people talk about this kind of stuff JOHNSTON Well my father was a man from New Orleans with a thirdgrade education who read a book every day We had a photograph of him till we lost it in a fire having dinner with FDR When I was a little boy JAY Now hold on You werent having dinner with Famp160Damp160R JOHNSTON My father was having dinner with Famp160Damp160R back in the 30s when he was a young man And JAY Alright Okay I got to know Why is he having dinner with Famp160Damp160R JOHNSTON He was very active in the Young Democrats of Arizona I think he was president or vice president of it And so my parents were very aware of things that were in the news My father had grown up with this thirdgrade education He was in the war He never saw combat but he became totally disabled And he worked while I was growing up but he was disabled like many people who were disabled continue to work until health stops their ability to do so JAY He was a chef JOHNSTON He became a chef and he worked up until 1963 And then he died 1969 when I wasjust turned 20 My mother was a disowned heiress the only child of a very wealthy businessman She testified against him in a trial in Marchamp1601941 where he was being sued for alienation of affection Imagine today going to a lawyer saying oh this persons sleeping with my spouse so I want to sue them for alienation of affection I dont think youd get very far today But back then my grandfather was ordered to pay 10000 and he disowned the star witness against him my mother So I grew up in an unusual household of very bright people JAY And did you grow up knowing this grandfather at all JOHNSTON No In fact my existence was hidden from him and he died when I was I think seven years old So no did not know him Grew up knowing that he had left a very large fortune And I certainly wasnt a part of it JAY And nor was your mother JOHNSTON Nor was my mother JAY And your mother must have known this when she testified JOHNSTON She was told shed get disowned and she did it anyway It was sort of the strange person my mother was So when I was ten years old and we lived in Mill Valley California in a little tiny rented cabin slung over the side of a hill I went to work to help the family And by the time I was 13 we were living in Santa Cruz where I then grew up I was working fulltime I had seven newspaper routes four in the morning and three in the afternoon And on weekends I washed dishes and mowed lawns and did all sorts of things to sort of help the family JAY So as youre throwing or handing newspapers over are you ever thinking I will be writing in these someday JOHNSTON Actually the scariest part was I had no idea what I was going to do to make a living I had nolike millions of young people in America there was no sort of path to where things were and how you got somewhere And fortune shined upon me When I was a senior in high school and I was married and I had a kid the local weekly paper which was always shooting my picture cause Id won a speech contest asked me to write a column and offered to pay me a little bit of money020 an inch They liked it so pretty soon they had me covering the school board and the city council for minimum wage And one day at the county board of supervisors meeting when I was 18 years old a reporter from The San Jose Mercury who was filling in for the local guy who was off on vacation slides down the bench next to me asking whats going on during the break takes me to a coffee shop I literally dont have a penny in my pocket and I have a hole in the bottom of my shoe And the following day he told me he had arranged a job interview for me at The San Jose Mercury as a reporter And I looked at him and I said I just graduated from night high school Im 18 years old Theyre not going to talk to me And he said Yes they are So I went over there They made fun of me for an hour for applying And I went back and told him how terrible it was and he said you go back every three weeks on Friday night until they hire you And nine months later they hired me JAY Before we pick up that storywere jumping further ahead I want to back up JOHNSTON Sure JAY Your fatherand Im always interested in the roots of peoples political thinking which to a large extent at least begins with transmission from their parents and they either rebel against it assimilate some of it or whatever But your father is an active Democrat Hes a Roosevelt Democrat Is he also a Wallace Democrat Now for those of you that have not watched all of our stuff about Wallace who became later Roosevelts vice president and cause by and large Wallace has been left out of most American history cause he was just way too left of center for the current narrative of what America is and was Wallace was an important piece of what Roosevelt stood for JOHNSTON You know I couldnt tell you that Heres what I can tell you that my father who grew up in New Orleans and then left when he was 19 years old and went West was furious absolutely furious about racial discrimination When the John Cameron Swayze news would come on in the 50s and whatever civil rights demonstrations if my father happened to be home at news time he would get my brother and I up out of our chairs cause you know they tell you on the news whats about to come up He would stand us up in front of the TV and put his hands on the back of our necks and he would say you will pay attention to this And I remember one time we saw hoses turned on young people or something like that something really awful My father turned the TV off and he says you cannot allow this There before the grace of God go you You could be poor and black and in the South and this would be happening to you So this is about you and you will do something about this And in the summer of 1960 JAY Sounds like he could have been a Wallace Democrat JOHNSTON Yeah well maybe And in the summer of 1963 my father who the following year voted for Goldwater on the theory that Congress wouldnt let him get into a big land war and kill his sons my father sent me to New Orleans on the bus for the summer to stay with his relatives And I was told to be very clear that we didnt support their brand of racism So the first thing I did when my uncle Charlie put me in the car and we went down to the car dealership a Mercedes dealership was make a beeline for the water fountain that said COLORED And by the end of the summer you know the relatives were all saying I was like my father I was a little tetched JAY Your father is active with Famp160Damp160R at a time when the economic system capitalism was in severe crisis There was a lot of people wondering whether that wasyou know whether that was the end of capitalism Famp160Damp160R kind of stood for no we can fix this there are policies that can mitigate the excesses of capitalism theres a way to have a rational capitalism Your father grew up with that and you grew up with that JOHNSTON Well my father by the time you know I was aware of things except for the issue of race I wouldnt describe as especially overtly political He certainly was part of the sort of bluecollar American male world in which the system is not designed to help you and he certainly believed that unions were crucial And I know that he taught me about the idea that Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations figured out which was that workers should be paid in teams They work in teams And of course thats not what we see today We see that the top five executives of companies typically get about a third of the stock options and the top 2amp160percent of executives get all the rest And he believed in that and as a chef he would have kitchens with at times over 100 people working for him and he alwayshe explained to me when I was young about you had to coordinate all these activities and you had to get people to work together that sometimes dont like each other JAY So you grow up with a sort of instinct of an outrage against inequality JOHNSTON Yes no I think thats quite true And on top of that you know heres my mother talking about all the money she doesnt have and sort of doesnt understand why even though its you know plainly obvious if you testify against your father then hes going to cut you out JAY But was she a window for you Did she talk much about the world of the rich I mean really I mean JOHNSTON Oh yeah no my mother would She had pictures and she would show us the horses and the house on the lake and the servant You know we had films of the servant opening the car and putting her into the car Andoh yeah JAY But she marries a workingclass guy JOHNSTON Yeah Yeah And happily My parents were happily married JAY And what were her politics I mean had she been radicalized by the 30s herself JOHNSTON Oh no She was Republican JAY She was Republican JOHNSTON Oh yeah Oh yeah She took me to a Nixon rally in 1960 and to a Rockefeller rally I got to shake hands with Nelson Rockefeller when I was 12 years old or 11 years old JAY Well did they ever fight about politics I mean they dont sound like on the same page here JOHNSTON No They fought about things but not that JAY Not that JOHNSTON Money JAY They fought about money Not enough JOHNSTON No not enough JAY Not enough JOHNSTON Thats why I went to work so young JAY Alright So lets jump ahead now Well youre born in 48 JOHNSTON Christmas Eve 122448doubling numbers JAY By the time youre ten 58 were stillyou know we havent hit the sort of cultural and political revolutions and transformation of the 60s so youre still in Leave It to Beaver Cold War kind of mass media How much do you assimilate of that JOHNSTON Well remember 1959 cause I was born at the end of the year and Im ten years old was when we had the steel strike And even though the steel strike was in basically Pennsylvania and Im living in Northern California we felt it And it was very clear how important back then steel was to the entire industry We were in an industrial economy And there were kids I know whose parents lost their jobs because of theor at least they said they lost them because of the steel strike And this gave me an awareness of this I also had a fundamental belief thenand its held up until very recently in timethat we had an abundance of work to do in this country and that if you worked hard and prospered youd do just fine I mean when I left jobs and I was a young man even with a bunch of kids I never once worried about another job Today is a totally different environment because we have adopted government policies that are designed to take from the many to enrich the few instead of serving the whole economy JAY Your whole arc is this role that Im going to point out whats really wrong From that you can start to see how it could be fixed and you know potential reforms And in the end Im going to ask you do you actually still believe thats possible And Ill justjust to tease it a bitbut we aint going to do this until the end really have this out because were going to go through Davids work before we do this but I had a similar conversation with Ralph Nader who did an interview like this and you know as a single person causing reforms for the better its hard to find someone who actually accomplished more than Nader JOHNSTON Theres nobody in Ralphs league JAY Nobody in his league And I asked him the question could you still do any of what you did JOHNSTON He probably said not likely JAY No he said no JOHNSTON Yeah JAY He said flat out no JOHNSTON No thats exactly right The JAY He said it was an anomaly a little window in history and its closed JOHNSTON Well and plus plus the business people in this world arent stupid They studied Ralph they coopted Ralph they took over Ralphs techniques and they used them against the public JAY Alright We will unravel that and much more of your work in the next segment of Reality Asserts Itself with David Cay Johnston Please join us End DISCLAIMER Please note that transcripts for The Real News Network are typed from a recording of the program TRNN cannot guarantee their complete accuracy | David/PROPN Cay/PROPN Johnston/PROPN was/AUX called/VERB by/ADP The/DET Washington/PROPN Monthly/PROPN one/NUM of/ADP this/DET countrys/NOUN most/ADV important/ADJ journalists/NOUN and/CCONJ the/DET Oregonian/ADJ newspaper/NOUN compared/VERB his/PRON work/NOUN to/ADP the/DET great/ADJ muckrakers/NOUN Lincoln/PROPN Steffens/PROPN Ida/PROPN Tarbell/PROPN and/CCONJ Upton/PROPN Sinclair/PROPN Johnston/PROPN won/VERB a/DET Pulitzer/PROPN Prize/PROPN in/ADP 2001/NUM for/ADP his/PRON exposes/NOUN of/ADP tax/NOUN loopholes/NOUN and/CCONJ inequities/VERB PAUL/PROPN JAY/PROPN SENIOR/PROPN EDITOR/NOUN TRNN/PROPN Welcome/PROPN to/ADP The/DET Real/PROPN News/PROPN Network/PROPN I/PRON m/VERB Paul/PROPN Jay/PROPN in/ADP Baltimore/PROPN And/CCONJ welcome/VERB to/ADP a/DET new/ADJ edition/NOUN of/ADP Reality/NOUN Asserts/VERB Itself/PRON One/NUM of/ADP my/PRON great/ADJ pleasures/NOUN in/ADP doing/VERB this/DET series/NOUN is/AUX I/PRON get/VERB a/DET chance/NOUN to/PART talk/VERB to/ADP people/NOUN who/PRON actually/ADV do/VERB their/PRON homework/NOUN A/DET lot/NOUN of/ADP interviews/NOUN subjects/NOUN they/PRON do/VERB some/DET homework/NOUN but/CCONJ a/DET lot/NOUN of/ADP its/PRON kind/NOUN of/ADP general/ADJ opinion/NOUN But/CCONJ its/PRON a/DET real/ADJ pleasure/NOUN to/PART talk/VERB to/ADP investigative/ADJ journalists/NOUN who/PRON really/ADV do/VERB that/PRON actually/ADV investigate/VERB uncover/NOUN unravel/ADJ things/NOUN that/PRON we/PRON did/AUX nt/PART know/VERB before/ADP And/CCONJ in/ADP this/DET segment/NOUN of/ADP Reality/NOUN Asserts/VERB Itself/PRON I/PRON get/VERB to/PART talk/VERB to/ADP one/NUM of/ADP Americas/PROPN leading/VERB investigative/ADJ journalists/NOUN certainly/ADV one/NUM of/ADP the/DET leading/VERB journalists/NOUN in/ADP its/PRON economic/ADJ matters/NOUN and/CCONJ with/ADP a/DET long/ADJ history/NOUN including/VERB a/DET Pulitzer/PROPN Prize/PROPN In/ADP this/DET Reality/NOUN Asserts/VERB Itself/PRON its/PRON going/VERB to/PART be/AUX my/PRON pleasure/NOUN to/PART talk/VERB to/ADP David/PROPN Cay/PROPN Johnston/PROPN He/PRON s/VERB a/DET lifelong/ADJ journalist/NOUN and/CCONJ bestselling/VERB author/NOUN whose/DET recent/ADJ work/NOUN explores/VERB the/DET causes/NOUN and/CCONJ conditions/NOUN of/ADP inequality/NOUN in/ADP the/DET United/PROPN States/PROPN His/PRON awardwinning/VERB investigative/ADJ journalism/NOUN has/AUX taken/VERB him/PRON through/ADP the/DET arcane/ADJ legislation/NOUN and/CCONJ regulations/NOUN to/PART expose/VERB how/SCONJ corporations/NOUN and/CCONJ the/DET wealthy/ADJ rig/VERB the/DET system/NOUN in/ADP their/PRON favor/NOUN and/CCONJ to/ADP what/PRON lengths/NOUN they/PRON go/VERB to/PART evade/VERB taxation/NOUN all/PRON at/ADP the/DET expense/NOUN of/ADP the/DET average/ADJ taxpayer/NOUN He/PRON won/VERB the/DET 2001/NUM Pulitzer/PROPN Prize/PROPN for/ADP beat/ADJ reporting/NOUN and/CCONJ the/DET committee/NOUN cited/VERB him/PRON for/ADP his/PRON penetrating/NOUN and/CCONJ enterprising/VERB reporting/NOUN that/SCONJ exposed/VERB loopholes/NOUN and/CCONJ inequities/NOUN in/ADP the/DET US/PROPN tax/NOUN code/NOUN which/PRON was/AUX instrumental/ADJ in/ADP bringing/VERB about/ADP reforms/NOUN At/ADP the/DET Syracuse/PROPN University/PROPN College/PROPN of/ADP Law/PROPN he/PRON s/VERB a/DET distinguished/ADJ visiting/VERB lecturer/NOUN where/SCONJ he/PRON teaches/VERB the/DET history/NOUN of/ADP property/NOUN taxation/NOUN regulation/NOUN and/CCONJ commerce/NOUN He/PRON s/AUX written/VERB a/DET trilogy/NOUN of/ADP books/NOUN on/ADP our/PRON procorporate/ADJ tax/NOUN system/NOUN the/DET most/ADV recent/ADJ The/DET Fine/ADJ Print/NOUN How/SCONJ Big/ADJ Companies/NOUN Use/VERB Plain/PROPN English/PROPN to/PART Rob/PROPN You/PRON Blind/PROPN He/PRON s/AUX also/ADV editing/VERB the/DET forthcoming/ADJ book/NOUN Divided/VERB The/DET Perils/NOUN of/ADP Our/PRON Growing/VERB Inequality/PROPN and/CCONJ writes/VERB regular/ADJ columns/NOUN for/ADP Al/PROPN Jazeera/PROPN America/PROPN Tax/PROPN Analysts/NOUN and/CCONJ a/DET weekly/ADJ piece/NOUN for/ADP Newsweek/PROPN And/CCONJ now/ADV joining/VERB us/PRON in/ADP the/DET studio/NOUN is/AUX David/PROPN Cay/PROPN Johnston/PROPN Thanks/PROPN for/ADP joining/VERB us/PRON JOHNSTON/PROPN Thank/VERB you/PRON JAY/PROPN So/ADV as/ADV many/ADJ or/CCONJ most/ADJ of/ADP you/PRON know/VERB who/PRON watch/VERB Reality/NOUN Asserts/VERB Itself/PRON we/PRON usually/ADV start/VERB off/ADP with/ADP a/DET personal/ADJ story/NOUN of/ADP our/PRON interview/NOUN subject/NOUN and/CCONJ that/PRON s/VERB what/PRON were/AUX going/VERB to/PART do/VERB So/ADV David/PROPN tell/VERB us/PRON a/DET little/ADJ bit/NOUN You/PRON re/AUX born/VERB in/ADP San/PROPN Francisco/PROPN in/ADP 1948/NUM This/PRON is/AUX a/DET little/ADJ bit/NOUN of/ADP a/DET political/ADJ biography/NOUN shall/AUX I/PRON say/VERB In/ADP 1948/NUM its/PRON the/DET beginning/NOUN of/ADP the/DET Cold/PROPN War/PROPN Its/PRON McCarthyism/PROPN Its/PRON the/DET House/PROPN UnAmerican/PROPN Activities/PROPN Committee/PROPN Were/AUX you/PRON in/ADP a/DET political/ADJ household/NOUN Did/AUX people/NOUN talk/VERB about/ADP this/DET kind/NOUN of/ADP stuff/NOUN JOHNSTON/PROPN Well/INTJ my/PRON father/NOUN was/AUX a/DET man/NOUN from/ADP New/PROPN Orleans/PROPN with/ADP a/DET thirdgrade/NOUN education/NOUN who/PRON read/VERB a/DET book/NOUN every/DET day/NOUN We/PRON had/VERB a/DET photograph/NOUN of/ADP him/PRON till/SCONJ we/PRON lost/VERB it/PRON in/ADP a/DET fire/NOUN having/VERB dinner/NOUN with/ADP FDR/PROPN When/SCONJ I/PRON was/AUX a/DET little/ADJ boy/NOUN JAY/PROPN Now/ADV hold/VERB on/ADP You/PRON were/AUX nt/PART having/VERB dinner/NOUN with/ADP Famp160Damp160R/PROPN JOHNSTON/PROPN My/PRON father/NOUN was/AUX having/VERB dinner/NOUN with/ADP Famp160Damp160R/PROPN back/ADV in/ADP the/DET 30s/NOUN when/SCONJ he/PRON was/AUX a/DET young/ADJ man/NOUN And/CCONJ JAY/PROPN Alright/INTJ Okay/INTJ I/PRON got/VERB to/PART know/VERB Why/SCONJ is/AUX he/PRON having/VERB dinner/NOUN with/ADP Famp160Damp160R/PROPN JOHNSTON/PROPN He/PRON was/AUX very/ADV active/ADJ in/ADP the/DET Young/PROPN Democrats/PROPN of/ADP Arizona/PROPN I/PRON think/VERB he/PRON was/AUX president/NOUN or/CCONJ vice/NOUN president/NOUN of/ADP it/PRON And/CCONJ so/ADV my/PRON parents/NOUN were/AUX very/ADV aware/ADJ of/ADP things/NOUN that/PRON were/AUX in/ADP the/DET news/NOUN My/PRON father/NOUN had/AUX grown/VERB up/ADP with/ADP this/DET thirdgrade/NOUN education/NOUN He/PRON was/AUX in/ADP the/DET war/NOUN He/PRON never/ADV saw/VERB combat/NOUN but/CCONJ he/PRON became/VERB totally/ADV disabled/ADJ And/CCONJ he/PRON worked/VERB while/SCONJ I/PRON was/AUX growing/VERB up/ADP but/CCONJ he/PRON was/AUX disabled/ADJ like/ADP many/ADJ people/NOUN who/PRON were/AUX disabled/ADJ continue/VERB to/PART work/VERB until/SCONJ health/NOUN stops/VERB their/PRON ability/NOUN to/PART do/AUX so/ADV JAY/PROPN He/PRON was/AUX a/DET chef/NOUN JOHNSTON/PROPN He/PRON became/VERB a/DET chef/NOUN and/CCONJ he/PRON worked/VERB up/ADP until/ADP 1963/NUM And/CCONJ then/ADV he/PRON died/VERB 1969/NUM when/SCONJ I/PRON wasjust/VERB turned/VERB 20/NUM My/PRON mother/NOUN was/AUX a/DET disowned/VERB heiress/NOUN the/DET only/ADJ child/NOUN of/ADP a/DET very/ADV wealthy/ADJ businessman/NOUN She/PRON testified/VERB against/ADP him/PRON in/ADP a/DET trial/NOUN in/ADP Marchamp1601941/PROPN where/SCONJ he/PRON was/AUX being/AUX sued/VERB for/ADP alienation/NOUN of/ADP affection/NOUN Imagine/PROPN today/NOUN going/VERB to/ADP a/DET lawyer/NOUN saying/VERB oh/INTJ this/DET persons/NOUN sleeping/VERB with/ADP my/PRON spouse/NOUN so/SCONJ I/PRON want/VERB to/PART sue/VERB them/PRON for/ADP alienation/NOUN of/ADP affection/NOUN I/PRON do/AUX nt/PART think/VERB you/PRON d/NOUN get/VERB very/ADV far/ADV today/NOUN But/CCONJ back/ADV then/ADV my/PRON grandfather/NOUN was/AUX ordered/VERB to/PART pay/VERB 10000/NUM and/CCONJ he/PRON disowned/VERB the/DET star/ADJ witness/NOUN against/ADP him/PRON my/PRON mother/NOUN So/ADV I/PRON grew/VERB up/ADP in/ADP an/DET unusual/ADJ household/NOUN of/ADP very/ADV bright/ADJ people/NOUN JAY/PROPN And/CCONJ did/AUX you/PRON grow/VERB up/ADP knowing/VERB this/DET grandfather/NOUN at/ADP all/ADV JOHNSTON/PROPN No/INTJ In/ADP fact/NOUN my/PRON existence/NOUN was/AUX hidden/VERB from/ADP him/PRON and/CCONJ he/PRON died/VERB when/SCONJ I/PRON was/AUX I/PRON think/VERB seven/NUM years/NOUN old/ADJ So/ADV no/INTJ did/AUX not/PART know/VERB him/PRON Grew/VERB up/ADP knowing/VERB that/SCONJ he/PRON had/AUX left/VERB a/DET very/ADV large/ADJ fortune/NOUN And/CCONJ I/PRON certainly/ADV was/AUX nt/PART a/DET part/NOUN of/ADP it/PRON JAY/PROPN And/CCONJ nor/CCONJ was/AUX your/PRON mother/NOUN JOHNSTON/PROPN Nor/CCONJ was/AUX my/PRON mother/NOUN JAY/PROPN And/CCONJ your/PRON mother/NOUN must/AUX have/AUX known/VERB this/PRON when/SCONJ she/PRON testified/VERB JOHNSTON/PROPN She/PRON was/AUX told/VERB shed/VERB get/AUX disowned/VERB and/CCONJ she/PRON did/VERB it/PRON anyway/ADV It/PRON was/AUX sort/ADV of/ADV the/DET strange/ADJ person/NOUN my/PRON mother/NOUN was/AUX So/ADV when/SCONJ I/PRON was/AUX ten/NUM years/NOUN old/ADJ and/CCONJ we/PRON lived/VERB in/ADP Mill/PROPN Valley/PROPN California/PROPN in/ADP a/DET little/ADJ tiny/ADJ rented/VERB cabin/NOUN slung/VERB over/ADP the/DET side/NOUN of/ADP a/DET hill/NOUN I/PRON went/VERB to/PART work/NOUN to/PART help/VERB the/DET family/NOUN And/CCONJ by/ADP the/DET time/NOUN I/PRON was/AUX 13/NUM we/PRON were/AUX living/VERB in/ADP Santa/PROPN Cruz/PROPN where/SCONJ I/PRON then/ADV grew/VERB up/ADP I/PRON was/AUX working/VERB fulltime/NOUN I/PRON had/VERB seven/NUM newspaper/NOUN routes/NOUN four/NUM in/ADP the/DET morning/NOUN and/CCONJ three/NUM in/ADP the/DET afternoon/NOUN And/CCONJ on/ADP weekends/NOUN I/PRON washed/VERB dishes/NOUN and/CCONJ mowed/VERB lawns/NOUN and/CCONJ did/VERB all/DET sorts/NOUN of/ADP things/NOUN to/PART sort/ADV of/ADV help/VERB the/DET family/NOUN JAY/PROPN So/ADV as/SCONJ you/PRON re/AUX throwing/VERB or/CCONJ handing/VERB newspapers/NOUN over/ADV are/AUX you/PRON ever/ADV thinking/VERB I/PRON will/AUX be/AUX writing/VERB in/ADP these/PRON someday/ADV JOHNSTON/PROPN Actually/ADV the/DET scariest/ADJ part/NOUN was/AUX I/PRON had/VERB no/DET idea/NOUN what/PRON I/PRON was/AUX going/VERB to/PART do/VERB to/PART make/VERB a/DET living/NOUN I/PRON had/VERB nolike/VERB millions/NOUN of/ADP young/ADJ people/NOUN in/ADP America/PROPN there/PRON was/VERB no/DET sort/NOUN of/ADP path/NOUN to/ADP where/SCONJ things/NOUN were/AUX and/CCONJ how/SCONJ you/PRON got/VERB somewhere/ADV And/CCONJ fortune/NOUN shined/VERB upon/SCONJ me/PRON When/SCONJ I/PRON was/AUX a/DET senior/ADJ in/ADP high/ADJ school/NOUN and/CCONJ I/PRON was/AUX married/ADJ and/CCONJ I/PRON had/VERB a/DET kid/NOUN the/DET local/ADJ weekly/ADJ paper/NOUN which/PRON was/AUX always/ADV shooting/VERB my/PRON picture/NOUN cause/SCONJ I/PRON d/PROPN won/VERB a/DET speech/NOUN contest/NOUN asked/VERB me/PRON to/PART write/VERB a/DET column/NOUN and/CCONJ offered/VERB to/PART pay/VERB me/PRON a/DET little/ADJ bit/NOUN of/ADP money020/NOUN an/DET inch/NOUN They/PRON liked/VERB it/PRON so/ADV pretty/ADV soon/ADV they/PRON had/VERB me/PRON covering/VERB the/DET school/NOUN board/NOUN and/CCONJ the/DET city/NOUN council/PROPN for/ADP minimum/NOUN wage/NOUN And/CCONJ one/NUM day/NOUN at/ADP the/DET county/NOUN board/NOUN of/ADP supervisors/NOUN meeting/VERB when/SCONJ I/PRON was/AUX 18/NUM years/NOUN old/ADJ a/DET reporter/NOUN from/ADP The/DET San/PROPN Jose/PROPN Mercury/PROPN who/PRON was/AUX filling/VERB in/ADP for/ADP the/DET local/ADJ guy/NOUN who/PRON was/AUX off/ADP on/ADP vacation/NOUN slides/VERB down/ADP the/DET bench/NOUN next/ADV to/ADP me/PRON asking/VERB what/PRON s/AUX going/VERB on/ADP during/ADP the/DET break/NOUN takes/VERB me/PRON to/ADP a/DET coffee/NOUN shop/NOUN I/PRON literally/ADV do/AUX nt/PART have/VERB a/DET penny/NOUN in/ADP my/PRON pocket/NOUN and/CCONJ I/PRON have/VERB a/DET hole/NOUN in/ADP the/DET bottom/NOUN of/ADP my/PRON shoe/NOUN And/CCONJ the/DET following/VERB day/NOUN he/PRON told/VERB me/PRON he/PRON had/AUX arranged/VERB a/DET job/NOUN interview/NOUN for/ADP me/PRON at/ADP The/DET San/PROPN Jose/PROPN Mercury/PROPN as/ADP a/DET reporter/NOUN And/CCONJ I/PRON looked/VERB at/ADP him/PRON and/CCONJ I/PRON said/VERB I/PRON just/ADV graduated/VERB from/ADP night/NOUN high/ADJ school/NOUN I/PRON m/VERB 18/NUM years/NOUN old/ADJ They/PRON re/AUX not/PART going/VERB to/PART talk/VERB to/ADP me/PRON And/CCONJ he/PRON said/VERB Yes/INTJ they/PRON are/AUX So/ADV I/PRON went/VERB over/ADV there/ADV They/PRON made/VERB fun/NOUN of/ADP me/PRON for/ADP an/DET hour/NOUN for/ADP applying/VERB And/CCONJ I/PRON went/VERB back/ADV and/CCONJ told/VERB him/PRON how/SCONJ terrible/ADJ it/PRON was/AUX and/CCONJ he/PRON said/VERB you/PRON go/VERB back/ADV every/DET three/NUM weeks/NOUN on/ADP Friday/PROPN night/NOUN until/SCONJ they/PRON hire/VERB you/PRON And/CCONJ nine/NUM months/NOUN later/ADV they/PRON hired/VERB me/PRON JAY/PROPN Before/SCONJ we/PRON pick/VERB up/ADP that/DET storywere/NOUN jumping/VERB further/ADV ahead/ADV I/PRON want/VERB to/PART back/VERB up/ADP JOHNSTON/PROPN Sure/ADJ JAY/PROPN Your/PRON fatherand/NOUN I/PRON m/VERB always/ADV interested/ADJ in/ADP the/DET roots/NOUN of/ADP peoples/NOUN political/ADJ thinking/NOUN which/PRON to/ADP a/DET large/ADJ extent/NOUN at/ADP least/ADJ begins/VERB with/ADP transmission/NOUN from/ADP their/PRON parents/NOUN and/CCONJ they/PRON either/CCONJ rebel/VERB against/ADP it/PRON assimilate/VERB some/PRON of/ADP it/PRON or/CCONJ whatever/PRON But/CCONJ your/PRON father/NOUN is/AUX an/DET active/ADJ Democrat/PROPN He/PROPN s/VERB a/DET Roosevelt/PROPN Democrat/PROPN Is/AUX he/PRON also/ADV a/DET Wallace/PROPN Democrat/PROPN Now/ADV for/ADP those/PRON of/ADP you/PRON that/PRON have/AUX not/PART watched/VERB all/PRON of/ADP our/PRON stuff/NOUN about/ADP Wallace/PROPN who/PRON became/VERB later/ADJ Roosevelts/PROPN vice/NOUN president/NOUN and/CCONJ cause/VERB by/ADP and/CCONJ large/ADJ Wallace/PROPN has/AUX been/AUX left/VERB out/ADP of/ADP most/ADJ American/ADJ history/NOUN cause/SCONJ he/PRON was/AUX just/ADV way/ADV too/ADV left/VERB of/ADP center/NOUN for/ADP the/DET current/ADJ narrative/NOUN of/ADP what/PRON America/PROPN is/AUX and/CCONJ was/AUX Wallace/PROPN was/AUX an/DET important/ADJ piece/NOUN of/ADP what/PRON Roosevelt/PROPN stood/VERB for/ADP JOHNSTON/PROPN You/PRON know/VERB I/PRON could/AUX nt/PART tell/VERB you/PRON that/SCONJ Heres/PROPN what/PRON I/PRON can/AUX tell/VERB you/PRON that/SCONJ my/PRON father/NOUN who/PRON grew/VERB up/ADP in/ADP New/PROPN Orleans/PROPN and/CCONJ then/ADV left/VERB when/SCONJ he/PRON was/AUX 19/NUM years/NOUN old/ADJ and/CCONJ went/VERB West/PROPN was/AUX furious/ADJ absolutely/ADV furious/ADJ about/ADP racial/ADJ discrimination/NOUN When/SCONJ the/DET John/PROPN Cameron/PROPN Swayze/PROPN news/NOUN would/AUX come/VERB on/ADP in/ADP the/DET 50s/NOUN and/CCONJ whatever/DET civil/ADJ rights/NOUN demonstrations/NOUN if/SCONJ my/PRON father/NOUN happened/VERB to/PART be/AUX home/ADV at/ADP news/NOUN time/NOUN he/PRON would/AUX get/VERB my/PRON brother/NOUN and/CCONJ I/PRON up/ADP out/ADP of/ADP our/PRON chairs/NOUN cause/SCONJ you/PRON know/VERB they/PRON tell/VERB you/PRON on/ADP the/DET news/NOUN what/PRON s/AUX about/ADJ to/PART come/VERB up/ADP He/PRON would/AUX stand/VERB us/PRON up/ADP in/ADP front/NOUN of/ADP the/DET TV/NOUN and/CCONJ put/VERB his/PRON hands/NOUN on/ADP the/DET back/NOUN of/ADP our/PRON necks/NOUN and/CCONJ he/PRON would/AUX say/VERB you/PRON will/AUX pay/VERB attention/NOUN to/ADP this/PRON And/CCONJ I/PRON remember/VERB one/NUM time/NOUN we/PRON saw/VERB hoses/NOUN turned/VERB on/ADP young/ADJ people/NOUN or/CCONJ something/PRON like/ADP that/DET something/PRON really/ADV awful/ADJ My/PRON father/NOUN turned/VERB the/DET TV/NOUN off/ADP and/CCONJ he/PRON says/VERB you/PRON can/AUX not/PART allow/VERB this/PRON There/ADV before/ADP the/DET grace/NOUN of/ADP God/PROPN go/VERB you/PRON You/PRON could/AUX be/AUX poor/ADJ and/CCONJ black/ADJ and/CCONJ in/ADP the/DET South/PROPN and/CCONJ this/PRON would/AUX be/AUX happening/VERB to/ADP you/PRON So/ADV this/PRON is/AUX about/ADP you/PRON and/CCONJ you/PRON will/AUX do/VERB something/PRON about/ADP this/PRON And/CCONJ in/ADP the/DET summer/NOUN of/ADP 1960/NUM JAY/PROPN Sounds/PROPN like/SCONJ he/PRON could/AUX have/AUX been/AUX a/DET Wallace/PROPN Democrat/PROPN JOHNSTON/PROPN Yeah/INTJ well/INTJ maybe/ADV And/CCONJ in/ADP the/DET summer/NOUN of/ADP 1963/NUM my/PRON father/NOUN who/PRON the/DET following/VERB year/NOUN voted/VERB for/ADP Goldwater/PROPN on/ADP the/DET theory/NOUN that/SCONJ Congress/PROPN would/AUX nt/PART let/VERB him/PRON get/VERB into/ADP a/DET big/ADJ land/NOUN war/NOUN and/CCONJ kill/VERB his/PRON sons/NOUN my/PRON father/NOUN sent/VERB me/PRON to/ADP New/PROPN Orleans/PROPN on/ADP the/DET bus/NOUN for/ADP the/DET summer/NOUN to/PART stay/VERB with/ADP his/PRON relatives/NOUN And/CCONJ I/PRON was/AUX told/VERB to/PART be/AUX very/ADV clear/ADJ that/SCONJ we/PRON did/AUX nt/PART support/VERB their/PRON brand/NOUN of/ADP racism/NOUN So/ADV the/DET first/ADJ thing/NOUN I/PRON did/VERB when/SCONJ my/PRON uncle/NOUN Charlie/PROPN put/VERB me/PRON in/ADP the/DET car/NOUN and/CCONJ we/PRON went/VERB down/ADP to/ADP the/DET car/NOUN dealership/NOUN a/DET Mercedes/PROPN dealership/NOUN was/AUX make/VERB a/DET beeline/NOUN for/ADP the/DET water/NOUN fountain/NOUN that/PRON said/VERB COLORED/PROPN And/CCONJ by/ADP the/DET end/NOUN of/ADP the/DET summer/NOUN you/PRON know/VERB the/DET relatives/NOUN were/AUX all/PRON saying/VERB I/PRON was/AUX like/ADP my/PRON father/NOUN I/PRON was/AUX a/DET little/ADJ tetched/ADJ JAY/PROPN Your/PRON father/NOUN is/AUX active/ADJ with/ADP Famp160Damp160R/PROPN at/ADP a/DET time/NOUN when/SCONJ the/DET economic/ADJ system/NOUN capitalism/NOUN was/AUX in/ADP severe/ADJ crisis/NOUN There/PRON was/VERB a/DET lot/NOUN of/ADP people/NOUN wondering/VERB whether/SCONJ that/PRON wasyou/PRON know/VERB whether/SCONJ that/PRON was/AUX the/DET end/NOUN of/ADP capitalism/NOUN Famp160Damp160R/NOUN kind/ADV of/ADV stood/VERB for/ADP no/INTJ we/PRON can/AUX fix/VERB this/PRON there/PRON are/VERB policies/NOUN that/PRON can/AUX mitigate/VERB the/DET excesses/NOUN of/ADP capitalism/NOUN there/PRON s/VERB a/DET way/NOUN to/PART have/VERB a/DET rational/ADJ capitalism/NOUN Your/PRON father/NOUN grew/VERB up/ADP with/ADP that/PRON and/CCONJ you/PRON grew/VERB up/ADP with/ADP that/PRON JOHNSTON/PROPN Well/INTJ my/PRON father/NOUN by/ADP the/DET time/NOUN you/PRON know/VERB I/PRON was/AUX aware/ADJ of/ADP things/NOUN except/SCONJ for/ADP the/DET issue/NOUN of/ADP race/NOUN I/PRON would/AUX nt/PART describe/VERB as/ADP especially/ADV overtly/ADV political/ADJ He/PRON certainly/ADV was/AUX part/NOUN of/ADP the/DET sort/NOUN of/ADP bluecollar/ADJ American/ADJ male/ADJ world/NOUN in/ADP which/PRON the/DET system/NOUN is/AUX not/PART designed/VERB to/PART help/VERB you/PRON and/CCONJ he/PRON certainly/ADV believed/VERB that/SCONJ unions/NOUN were/AUX crucial/ADJ And/CCONJ I/PRON know/VERB that/SCONJ he/PRON taught/VERB me/PRON about/ADP the/DET idea/NOUN that/SCONJ Adam/PROPN Smith/PROPN in/ADP The/DET Wealth/PROPN of/ADP Nations/PROPN figured/VERB out/ADP which/PRON was/AUX that/SCONJ workers/NOUN should/AUX be/AUX paid/VERB in/ADP teams/NOUN They/PRON work/VERB in/ADP teams/NOUN And/CCONJ of/ADP course/NOUN that/PRON s/VERB not/PART what/PRON we/PRON see/VERB today/NOUN We/PRON see/VERB that/SCONJ the/DET top/ADJ five/NUM executives/NOUN of/ADP companies/NOUN typically/ADV get/VERB about/ADV a/DET third/NOUN of/ADP the/DET stock/NOUN options/NOUN and/CCONJ the/DET top/ADJ 2amp160percent/PROPN of/ADP executives/NOUN get/VERB all/DET the/DET rest/NOUN And/CCONJ he/PRON believed/VERB in/ADP that/PRON and/CCONJ as/ADP a/DET chef/NOUN he/PRON would/AUX have/VERB kitchens/NOUN with/ADP at/ADP times/NOUN over/ADP 100/NUM people/NOUN working/VERB for/ADP him/PRON and/CCONJ he/PRON alwayshe/PROPN explained/VERB to/ADP me/PRON when/SCONJ I/PRON was/AUX young/ADJ about/ADP you/PRON had/VERB to/PART coordinate/VERB all/DET these/DET activities/NOUN and/CCONJ you/PRON had/VERB to/PART get/VERB people/NOUN to/PART work/VERB together/ADV that/PRON sometimes/ADV do/AUX nt/PART like/VERB each/DET other/ADJ JAY/PROPN So/ADV you/PRON grow/VERB up/ADP with/ADP a/DET sort/NOUN of/ADP instinct/NOUN of/ADP an/DET outrage/NOUN against/ADP inequality/NOUN JOHNSTON/PROPN Yes/INTJ no/INTJ I/PRON think/VERB that/PRON s/VERB quite/ADV true/ADJ And/CCONJ on/ADP top/NOUN of/ADP that/PRON you/PRON know/VERB heres/VERB my/PRON mother/NOUN talking/VERB about/ADP all/DET the/DET money/NOUN she/PRON does/AUX nt/PART have/VERB and/CCONJ sort/ADV of/ADV does/AUX nt/PART understand/VERB why/SCONJ even/ADV though/SCONJ its/PRON you/PRON know/VERB plainly/ADV obvious/ADJ if/SCONJ you/PRON testify/VERB against/ADP your/PRON father/NOUN then/ADV he/PRON s/AUX going/VERB to/PART cut/VERB you/PRON out/ADP JAY/PROPN But/CCONJ was/AUX she/PRON a/DET window/NOUN for/ADP you/PRON Did/AUX she/PRON talk/VERB much/ADV about/ADP the/DET world/NOUN of/ADP the/DET rich/ADJ I/PRON mean/VERB really/ADV I/PRON mean/VERB JOHNSTON/PROPN Oh/INTJ yeah/INTJ no/INTJ my/PRON mother/NOUN would/AUX She/PRON had/VERB pictures/NOUN and/CCONJ she/PRON would/AUX show/VERB us/PRON the/DET horses/NOUN and/CCONJ the/DET house/NOUN on/ADP the/DET lake/NOUN and/CCONJ the/DET servant/NOUN You/PRON know/VERB we/PRON had/VERB films/NOUN of/ADP the/DET servant/NOUN opening/VERB the/DET car/NOUN and/CCONJ putting/VERB her/PRON into/ADP the/DET car/NOUN Andoh/NOUN yeah/INTJ JAY/PROPN But/CCONJ she/PRON marries/VERB a/DET workingclass/NOUN guy/NOUN JOHNSTON/PROPN Yeah/INTJ Yeah/INTJ And/CCONJ happily/ADV My/PRON parents/NOUN were/AUX happily/ADV married/VERB JAY/PROPN And/CCONJ what/PRON were/AUX her/PRON politics/NOUN I/PRON mean/VERB had/AUX she/PRON been/AUX radicalized/VERB by/ADP the/DET 30s/NOUN herself/PRON JOHNSTON/PROPN Oh/INTJ no/INTJ She/PRON was/AUX Republican/ADJ JAY/PROPN She/PRON was/AUX Republican/ADJ JOHNSTON/PROPN Oh/INTJ yeah/INTJ Oh/INTJ yeah/INTJ She/PRON took/VERB me/PRON to/ADP a/DET Nixon/PROPN rally/NOUN in/ADP 1960/NUM and/CCONJ to/ADP a/DET Rockefeller/PROPN rally/NOUN I/PRON got/VERB to/PART shake/VERB hands/NOUN with/ADP Nelson/PROPN Rockefeller/PROPN when/SCONJ I/PRON was/AUX 12/NUM years/NOUN old/ADJ or/CCONJ 11/NUM years/NOUN old/ADJ JAY/PROPN Well/INTJ did/AUX they/PRON ever/ADV fight/VERB about/ADP politics/NOUN I/PRON mean/VERB they/PRON do/AUX nt/PART sound/VERB like/ADP on/ADP the/DET same/ADJ page/NOUN here/ADV JOHNSTON/PROPN No/INTJ They/PRON fought/VERB about/ADP things/NOUN but/CCONJ not/PART that/DET JAY/PROPN Not/PART that/DET JOHNSTON/PROPN Money/PROPN JAY/PROPN They/PRON fought/VERB about/ADP money/NOUN Not/PART enough/ADJ JOHNSTON/PROPN No/INTJ not/PART enough/ADJ JAY/PROPN Not/PART enough/ADJ JOHNSTON/PROPN That/PRON s/VERB why/SCONJ I/PRON went/VERB to/PART work/NOUN so/ADV young/ADJ JAY/PROPN Alright/PROPN So/ADV lets/VERB jump/VERB ahead/ADV now/ADV Well/INTJ you/PRON re/AUX born/VERB in/ADP 48/NUM JOHNSTON/PROPN Christmas/PROPN Eve/PROPN 122448doubling/NOUN numbers/NOUN JAY/PROPN By/ADP the/DET time/NOUN you/PRON re/VERB ten/NUM 58/NUM were/AUX stillyou/PROPN know/VERB we/PRON have/AUX nt/PART hit/VERB the/DET sort/NOUN of/ADP cultural/ADJ and/CCONJ political/ADJ revolutions/NOUN and/CCONJ transformation/NOUN of/ADP the/DET 60s/NOUN so/SCONJ you/PRON re/VERB still/ADV in/ADP Leave/PROPN It/PRON to/ADP Beaver/PROPN Cold/PROPN War/PROPN kind/NOUN of/ADP mass/ADJ media/NOUN How/SCONJ much/ADV do/AUX you/PRON assimilate/VERB of/ADP that/PRON JOHNSTON/PROPN Well/INTJ remember/VERB 1959/NUM cause/SCONJ I/PRON was/AUX born/VERB at/ADP the/DET end/NOUN of/ADP the/DET year/NOUN and/CCONJ I/PRON m/VERB ten/NUM years/NOUN old/ADJ was/AUX when/SCONJ we/PRON had/VERB the/DET steel/NOUN strike/NOUN And/CCONJ even/ADV though/SCONJ the/DET steel/NOUN strike/NOUN was/AUX in/ADP basically/ADV Pennsylvania/PROPN and/CCONJ I/PRON m/AUX living/VERB in/ADP Northern/PROPN California/PROPN we/PRON felt/VERB it/PRON And/CCONJ it/PRON was/AUX very/ADV clear/ADJ how/SCONJ important/ADJ back/ADV then/ADV steel/NOUN was/AUX to/ADP the/DET entire/ADJ industry/NOUN We/PRON were/AUX in/ADP an/DET industrial/ADJ economy/NOUN And/CCONJ there/PRON were/VERB kids/NOUN I/PRON know/VERB whose/DET parents/NOUN lost/VERB their/PRON jobs/NOUN because/SCONJ of/ADP theor/PROPN at/ADP least/ADJ they/PRON said/VERB they/PRON lost/VERB them/PRON because/SCONJ of/ADP the/DET steel/NOUN strike/NOUN And/CCONJ this/PRON gave/VERB me/PRON an/DET awareness/NOUN of/ADP this/PRON I/PRON also/ADV had/VERB a/DET fundamental/ADJ belief/NOUN thenand/NOUN its/PRON held/VERB up/ADP until/ADP very/ADV recently/ADV in/ADP timethat/NOUN we/PRON had/VERB an/DET abundance/NOUN of/ADP work/NOUN to/PART do/VERB in/ADP this/DET country/NOUN and/CCONJ that/SCONJ if/SCONJ you/PRON worked/VERB hard/ADV and/CCONJ prospered/VERB you/PRON d/PROPN do/AUX just/ADV fine/ADJ I/PRON mean/VERB when/SCONJ I/PRON left/VERB jobs/NOUN and/CCONJ I/PRON was/AUX a/DET young/ADJ man/NOUN even/ADV with/ADP a/DET bunch/NOUN of/ADP kids/NOUN I/PRON never/ADV once/ADV worried/VERB about/ADP another/DET job/NOUN Today/NOUN is/AUX a/DET totally/ADV different/ADJ environment/NOUN because/SCONJ we/PRON have/AUX adopted/VERB government/NOUN policies/NOUN that/PRON are/AUX designed/VERB to/PART take/VERB from/ADP the/DET many/ADJ to/PART enrich/VERB the/DET few/ADJ instead/ADV of/ADP serving/VERB the/DET whole/ADJ economy/NOUN JAY/PROPN Your/PRON whole/ADJ arc/NOUN is/AUX this/DET role/NOUN that/PRON I/PRON m/AUX going/VERB to/PART point/VERB out/ADP what/PRON s/VERB really/ADV wrong/ADJ From/SCONJ that/SCONJ you/PRON can/AUX start/VERB to/PART see/VERB how/SCONJ it/PRON could/AUX be/AUX fixed/VERB and/CCONJ you/PRON know/VERB potential/ADJ reforms/NOUN And/CCONJ in/ADP the/DET end/NOUN I/PRON m/AUX going/VERB to/PART ask/VERB you/PRON do/AUX you/PRON actually/ADV still/ADV believe/VERB that/PRON s/VERB possible/ADJ And/CCONJ Ill/PROPN justjust/NOUN to/PART tease/VERB it/PRON a/DET bitbut/NOUN we/PRON ai/AUX nt/PART going/VERB to/PART do/VERB this/PRON until/SCONJ the/DET end/NOUN really/ADV have/VERB this/PRON out/ADP because/SCONJ were/AUX going/VERB to/PART go/VERB through/ADP Davids/PROPN work/NOUN before/SCONJ we/PRON do/VERB this/PRON but/CCONJ I/PRON had/VERB a/DET similar/ADJ conversation/NOUN with/ADP Ralph/PROPN Nader/PROPN who/PRON did/VERB an/DET interview/NOUN like/ADP this/PRON and/CCONJ you/PRON know/VERB as/ADP a/DET single/ADJ person/NOUN causing/VERB reforms/NOUN for/ADP the/DET better/ADJ its/PRON hard/NOUN to/PART find/VERB someone/PRON who/PRON actually/ADV accomplished/VERB more/ADJ than/ADP Nader/PROPN JOHNSTON/PROPN There/PRON s/VERB nobody/PRON in/ADP Ralphs/PROPN league/NOUN JAY/PROPN Nobody/PROPN in/ADP his/PRON league/NOUN And/CCONJ I/PRON asked/VERB him/PRON the/DET question/NOUN could/AUX you/PRON still/ADV do/AUX any/PRON of/ADP what/PRON you/PRON did/AUX JOHNSTON/PROPN He/PRON probably/ADV said/VERB not/PART likely/ADJ JAY/PROPN No/INTJ he/PRON said/VERB no/DET JOHNSTON/PROPN Yeah/INTJ JAY/PROPN He/PRON said/VERB flat/ADJ out/ADP no/DET JOHNSTON/PROPN No/INTJ that/PRON s/VERB exactly/ADV right/ADJ The/DET JAY/PROPN He/PRON said/VERB it/PRON was/AUX an/DET anomaly/NOUN a/DET little/ADJ window/NOUN in/ADP history/NOUN and/CCONJ its/PRON closed/ADJ JOHNSTON/PROPN Well/INTJ and/CCONJ plus/CCONJ plus/CCONJ the/DET business/NOUN people/NOUN in/ADP this/DET world/NOUN are/AUX nt/PART stupid/ADJ They/PRON studied/VERB Ralph/PROPN they/PRON coopted/VERB Ralph/PROPN they/PRON took/VERB over/ADP Ralphs/PROPN techniques/NOUN and/CCONJ they/PRON used/VERB them/PRON against/ADP the/DET public/ADJ JAY/PROPN Alright/INTJ We/PRON will/AUX unravel/VERB that/PRON and/CCONJ much/ADV more/ADJ of/ADP your/PRON work/NOUN in/ADP the/DET next/ADJ segment/NOUN of/ADP Reality/NOUN Asserts/VERB Itself/PRON with/ADP David/PROPN Cay/PROPN Johnston/PROPN Please/INTJ join/VERB us/PRON End/NOUN DISCLAIMER/PROPN Please/INTJ note/VERB that/SCONJ transcripts/NOUN for/ADP The/DET Real/PROPN News/PROPN Network/PROPN are/AUX typed/VERB from/ADP a/DET recording/NOUN of/ADP the/DET program/NOUN TRNN/PROPN can/AUX not/PART guarantee/VERB their/PRON complete/ADJ accuracy/NOUN |
<p>Max Blumenthal is an award-winning journalist and bestselling author whose articles and video documentaries have appeared in The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Daily Beast, The Nation, The Guardian, The Independent Film Channel, The Huffington Post, <a href="http://salon.com/" type="external">Salon.com</a>, Al Jazeera English and many other publications. His most recent book is Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel. His other book, <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Republican-Gomorrah-Inside-Movement-Shattered/dp/1568583982" type="external">Republican Gomorrah: Inside The Movement That Shattered The Party</a>, is a New York Times and Los Angeles Times bestseller. Max is co-host of the podcast Moderate Rebels.</p>
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<p /> PAUL JAY, SENIOR EDITOR, TRNN: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm Paul Jay in Baltimore. And welcome to Reality Asserts Itself.
<p />
<p />We're continuing our series of interviews with author Max Blumenthal about his new book Goliath: Life and Loathing a Greater Israel. In the previous sections of the interview, we've been talking about the far right and the center and their policy of expulsion of Arab citizens of Israel. Of course, the primary face of Israel is Benjamin Netanyahu, it's prime minister, who would not overtly talk this way these days, but at the root of his thinking he seems to not be in a different position than the others we have covered in this series.
<p />
<p />Here's a quote from Max's book:
<p />
<p />Like every Israeli Prime Minister before him, Netanyahu's strategy depended on increasing the number of Jews living on Israeli-controlled territory and reducing the number of Palestinians. In November&#160;1989, while he served as a junior minister in Shamir's government, Netanyahu spoke at Bar-Ilan University, the academic mecca of religious nationalism in Israel. Quote, Israel should have taken advantage of the suppression of the demonstrations in China in Tiananmen Square, when the world's attention was focused on what was happening in that country, to carry out mass expulsions among the Arabs of the territories, end quote, Netanyahu told his audience. However, to my regret, they did not support that policy that I proposed and which I still propose should be implemented.
<p />
<p />Now joining us in the studio is Max Blumenthal. Max is an award-winning journalist and bestselling author, whose articles and video documentaries have appeared in many publications. His most recent book is Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel.
<p />
<p />Thanks for joining us.
<p />
<p />
<p />JAY: So Benjamin Netanyahu would, again, not allow the West to see this face of his, but this seems to be part of his ideology as well, the idea of expulsion.
<p />
<p />BLUMENTHAL: It has been. And, you know, I write about Netanyahu's experience as part of the post-'67 generation.
<p />
<p />There had always been, you know, a strong right-wing element within the Zionist movement, but it had always been kind of the junior partner to the labor Zionist movement. And Ze'ev Jabotinsky's most famous essay, which he wrote in 1923, "The Iron Wall, kind of laid out the strategic deterrence strategy of the Israelis, which is pure colonialism, using kind of a strategy of pure force because they could never make peace with the indigenous Arab population. And so they will have to suppress them through violence. And Jabotinsky said there's no difference between our vegetarians and our meat eaters. And so Jabotinsky's press secretary in New York was Netanyahu's father, Benzion. And so Netanyahu emerges from this kind of environment.
<p />
<p />"The Iron Wall" was adopted by the labor Zionist movement as the official strategic deterrence strategy of Israel. And it's now embodied in a literal iron wall, which is the separation wall along the West Bank. And so Netanyahu moves into Israeli politics in the early '70s, and his comrades are people like Tzachi Hanegbi, whose mother was Geulah Cohen, that self-described "woman of violence" who was in the terrorist Stern Gang with Yitzhak Shamir, which carried out the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, which carried out the Deir Yassin massacre, these kind of activities.
<p />
<p />And by the early '70s, these young Turks like Hanegbi and Netanyahu were actually attempting to move to the right of their intellectual and political forebears like Shamir and Cohen. Hanegbi formed a group called Kastel, which was a student group at Hebrew University, and they were known for attacking Arab students on campus. And he appointed as his guard, the guard of this right-wing club, a young Moldovan baggage handler from Ben Gurion International Airport named Avigdor Lieberman. And Netanyahu met them both and helped them both up the Likud ranks until they are both in cabinet positions or ministerial positions in Netanyahu's first government. So the settlers really celebrated Netanyahu coming into power in '96, because he had these right-wing figures populating the corridors of power.
<p />
<p />Yitzhak Rabin had just been assassinated for negotiating the Oslo Accords by a right-wing fanatic who went to school at Bar-Ilan University, Yigal Amir. And you just mentioned Netanyahu's speech in 1989 at Bar-Ilan calling for mass expulsion of Palestinians.
<p />
<p />And so all of a sudden Netanyahu comes under pressure from Washington to negotiate the Hebron Accords, which have proven disastrous, and he's reneged on the entire agreement; and then the Wye River accords with Arafat.
<p />
<p />And so the settlers completely turned their back on Netanyahu. His base falls out from under him.
<p />
<p />And then this view develops of Netanyahu that he talks tough, that he uses language like you heard at Bar-Ilan in 1989, but he's the only one who can actually bring the right around to make peace, and he actually wants to make peace. It's kind of like Nixon going to China. So when Netanyahu was elected in 2009, many people in Washington who would ally themselves with the Labor Party actually welcomed Netanyahu and saw him as this pushover. And Netanyahu went back to Bar-Ilan University in 2009 and described his vision for peace of two states living side by side and said that he believes in peace talks--the operative word being talks--because it was his mentor, Yitzhak Shamir, who conceived a plan at the dawn of the peace process to carry out talks for ten years--and he said this openly--and settle half a million Jews in the West Bank.
<p />
<p />Now there there are almost half a million Jews in the West Bank, and these talks have been going on for over 20 years, maybe 25 years. And this is Netanyahu's strategy. And it's been so successful that he no longer has to pretend that he believes in two states anymore. He no longer has to pretend in this vision of peace.
<p />
<p />So two weeks ago, Netanyahu went back to Bar-Ilan University to give another major national security speech. And there in the academic mecca of the religious nationalist movement he returned to his ideological roots, the real Netanyahu of 1989, the Netanyahu that hung out with Hanegbi and Lieberman, and he declared that the Palestinians are the heirs to Nazi Germany, that they are directly responsible for the Final Solution and directly responsible for the slaughter of 4,000 Jewish children in Europe, which is completely false. It's an allegation first introduced by Alan Dershowitz, which is unproven. And he said that for us to make peace, we have to first remove the poisonous tumor of anti-Semitism from the Palestinians. And he used the word kibbush, or occupation, with a sarcastic tone to suggest that Palestinian resentment of the state of Israel has nothing to do with occupation or colonialism; it has to do with pure, endemic anti-Semitism and Naziism. And this is dangerous rhetoric, considering the amount of--I mean, you just read my book and read about the amount of mob violence targeting Palestinians and non-Jewish Africans, and you hear this rhetoric from the leader of Israel. Words have consequences. And so this was really an episode not just of incitement but of Netanyahu flaunting his power in the face of the U.S., which has enforced the status quo, allowing the right to go grow beneath Netanyahu and go even further to the right.
<p />
<p />So you look at this progression that I've described from Yitzhak Shamir, from the Stern Gang, to Netanyahu, who's gone to the right of Shamir, two people in the Likud Party who grew up in the post-Oslo era who never took the peace process seriously, like Naftali Bennett, who'is the head of the Jewish Home Party, which is the third-largest party in Israel right now and is making gains in municipal elections, people like Tzipi Hotovely, who's 32 years old and is a rising figure. She's a deputy transportation minister, which is a stepping stone to even higher office. And she has held hearings in the Knesset on the dangers of miscegenation or Jewish-Arab dating. She favors annexing the West Bank. Danny Danon, who's one of Netanyahu's principal challengers in the Likud Party, is, like, 42 years old, speaks horrible English, favors annexing the West Bank, writes these op-eds for The New York Times calling for a single apartheid state--I mean, these people want to bring apartheid completely out into the open. Netanyahu at least has had a strategy to counter the pressure from Washington and maintain the status quo beneath peace talks.
<p />
<p />So where is the center in Israel? Netanyahu occupies the hollow center, and he has no choice but to consistently move to his right to mollify the right-wing base while the Labor Party, under the control of Shelly Yachimovich, focuses on things like the price of cottage cheese and the national insurance system and is bunkering in Tel Aviv and Haifa and in the epicenters of the enlightened public and completely has given up or has almost completely given up on the concept of two states and has relieved Netanyahu of any pressure from his left.
<p />
<p />JAY: If this concept of annexing the West Bank, then how do they deal with the idea of voting and one person, one vote? I mean, the demographics are clearly against a Jewish state. So if they're going to have it, they have to--have to go to open apartheid, which is you're going to have some people can vote and others can't.
<p />
<p />BLUMENTHAL: Right. I mean, Netanyahu has already appointed a committee to explore the feasibility of annexing 60&#160;percent of the West Bank, which is Area C. This area was created under Oslo. It's the area where most of the settlers live and the fewest Palestinians live. And so, through Oslo, signed by Rabin and Arafat, the stage was set for this annexation project. We have to see the Labor Party's fingerprints on this as well.
<p />
<p />And what people like Naftali Bennett claim is through an annexation plan there won't be enough Palestinians in the Area C to compromise the demographic majority of Jews over the whole land. They can be given citizenship. Meanwhile, the rest of the Palestinians in the West Bank will live in these kind of bantustan clusters surrounded by walls and checkpoints with their movement limited, and they will be given Jordanian citizenship. So Palestinian quasi-state is off the table. Apartheid's in the open. But the Palestinians will be given the same kind of status that Palestinians who live in East Jerusalem have. And then you have a small amount who will be given some kind of putative Israeli citizenship. And then the Gaza Strip will just exist as this kind of territory without--with this kind of besieged human warehousing project that will have no connection to the West Bank. And eventually the goal of the Israeli right, which they've expressed openly, is to hand Gaza over to Egypt, which I can't really foresee happening.
<p />
<p />But they have a very clear blueprint, a very clear blueprint, and they intend to make good on it. And the U.S. is well aware of it.
<p />
<p />JAY: And this is combined with this idea of expulsion.
<p />
<p />BLUMENTHAL: It's not just about expulsion. It's more about ghettoization and human warehousing and apartheid. I don't know--but you can expect, though, that in Area C--I expect that if this plan comes into place, Palestinians who gain citizenship in Area C will start to face a rapid, a more aggressive wave of settler attacks to push them into Area A, the bantustans, where they can then be stripped of their citizenship. And, I mean, if you look at how Israel's handled citizenship in Jerusalem, they've actually enacted laws, which have been validated by municipal courts, where Palestinians who previously--who had moved to areas of Jerusalem that were declared part of the Jerusalem municipality which used to be in the West Bank, they've told them that if you move there after 2004, when it became part of the Jerusalem municipality, you can't gain residency and you only have PA status. That sounds really complicated, but I'm just trying to illustrate how Israel's been able to carefully manipulate demographics through areas where it's taken control.
<p />
<p />JAY: And this is the deal they want the Palestinians to call a two-state solution [crosstalk] annexation.
<p />
<p />BLUMENTHAL: Well, no. I mean, we're talking about the annexation plan. The two-state solution is very--is actually--.
<p />
<p />JAY: Well, what is the sector that out of this 60&#160;percent? What do they call that? It becomes a what?
<p />
<p />BLUMENTHAL: I mean, that's--in any case, that's what would become the Palestinian state under a two-state solution that they can't seem to negotiate. But the people--.
<p />
<p />JAY: But the idea is, if you can't negotiate this structure, then you do it unilaterally.
<p />
<p />BLUMENTHAL: You do it unilaterally, and instead of giving the people in Area A, which is the big cities--Ramallah, Bethlehem, Hebron, Nablus--Palestinian citizenship, which would give them votes at the UN and enable them to increase moderately some pressure on the state of Israel to give them more rights to airspace and that kind of thing, you give them Jordanian citizenship or Jordanian residency, which enables--it improves their freedom of movement, but it strips them of their Palestinian identity.
<p />
<p />And that's--again, all of this is contingent on Washington. And Washington maintaining the status quo for so many years has brought this plan into the open. And the future leaders of Israel intend to make good on this plan. And I see no evidence from Washington that they will do anything to counter it. In fact, when you really talk to diplomats who are in the tank, who are in the Beltway, and you say, would you have a plan for what comes after the two-state solution, 'cause it's not going to happen, the best thing they can tell you is, we will increase aid to the Palestinians. That's what John Kerry and Tony Blair's plan is that they introduced at the world economic forum in Jordan was a $4&#160;billion economic plan to dump more aid and charity into these occupied bantustans in the Palestinian Authority as a substitute for a state. I mean, and is that acceptable? Can the world except that? Well, we know that the United States can accept it.
<p />
<p />JAY: When Netanyahu gets 20-some outstanding ovations in Congress,--
<p />
<p />BLUMENTHAL: Thirty-five more than Barack Obama got during his State of the Union.
<p />
<p />JAY: --how aware of all of this do you think the members of Congress are?
<p />
<p />BLUMENTHAL: Members of Congress could give two craps, they could give less than one iota of two craps about what happens over there. This is one of the few pieces of reporting in Peter arts book, The Crisis of Zionism, that I thought was really valuable, which is he had sources who told him that each member of Congress got a VIP ticket for Netanyahu's speech, and they each brought their top donor from AIPAC. And Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who's a member of Congress, who's, you know, a kind of a key link to the Israeli lobby, was given hand motions on when to cheer and when not to. And so, you know--.
<p />
<p />JAY: Her hand must have gotten tired.
<p />
<p />BLUMENTHAL: But the point of this is that the Democrats and the Republicans are engaged in a bipartisan project to deny the Palestinians any future. And for a liberal Democrat, why reject all of the donations that you're being offered and basically set yourself up for the kind of rancorous political environment and antagonism you're going to receive when your real agenda focuses on serving your constituents and maybe getting them better health care, providing them with services, and bringing porkbarrel projects back into your district? So the Palestinian have to be sacrificed for all that.
<p />
<p />And I don't talk about U.S. Congress in my book. I don't talk about geopolitics very much. I don't talk about the broader Middle East very much. I just talk about the consequences of this policy on the ground, the facts on the ground that have been created by the U.S. policy, by the bipartisan consensus around maintaining the status quo in Israel-Palestine.
<p />
<p />JAY: Well, that's one of the criticisms of the book that's so far hit the press. And in the next segment of our interview, we're going to talk about some of the criticism of Max's book.
<p />
<p />Please join us for the next segment of our interview with Max on Reality Asserts Itself on The Real News Network.
<p />
<p />End
<p />
<p />DISCLAIMER: Please note that transcripts for The Real News Network are typed from a recording of the program. TRNN cannot guarantee their complete accuracy. | Netanyahu's Greater Israel Based on Expulsion and Annexation - Max Blumenthal on Reality Asserts Itself pt3 | true | http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option%3Dcom_content%26task%3Dview%26id%3D31%26Itemid%3D74%26jumival%3D10939 | 2013-10-30 | 4left
| 2,883 | Max Blumenthal is an awardwinning journalist and bestselling author whose articles and video documentaries have appeared in The New York Times The Los Angeles Times The Daily Beast The Nation The Guardian The Independent Film Channel The Huffington Post Saloncom Al Jazeera English and many other publications His most recent book is Goliath Life and Loathing in Greater Israel His other book Republican Gomorrah Inside The Movement That Shattered The Party is a New York Times and Los Angeles Times bestseller Max is cohost of the podcast Moderate Rebels PAUL JAY SENIOR EDITOR TRNN Welcome to The Real News Network Im Paul Jay in Baltimore And welcome to Reality Asserts Itself Were continuing our series of interviews with author Max Blumenthal about his new book Goliath Life and Loathing a Greater Israel In the previous sections of the interview weve been talking about the far right and the center and their policy of expulsion of Arab citizens of Israel Of course the primary face of Israel is Benjamin Netanyahu its prime minister who would not overtly talk this way these days but at the root of his thinking he seems to not be in a different position than the others we have covered in this series Heres a quote from Maxs book Like every Israeli Prime Minister before him Netanyahus strategy depended on increasing the number of Jews living on Israelicontrolled territory and reducing the number of Palestinians In Novemberamp1601989 while he served as a junior minister in Shamirs government Netanyahu spoke at BarIlan University the academic mecca of religious nationalism in Israel Quote Israel should have taken advantage of the suppression of the demonstrations in China in Tiananmen Square when the worlds attention was focused on what was happening in that country to carry out mass expulsions among the Arabs of the territories end quote Netanyahu told his audience However to my regret they did not support that policy that I proposed and which I still propose should be implemented Now joining us in the studio is Max Blumenthal Max is an awardwinning journalist and bestselling author whose articles and video documentaries have appeared in many publications His most recent book is Goliath Life and Loathing in Greater Israel Thanks for joining us MAX BLUMENTHAL AUTHOR JOURNALIST BLOGGER Good to be with you JAY So Benjamin Netanyahu would again not allow the West to see this face of his but this seems to be part of his ideology as well the idea of expulsion BLUMENTHAL It has been And you know I write about Netanyahus experience as part of the post67 generation There had always been you know a strong rightwing element within the Zionist movement but it had always been kind of the junior partner to the labor Zionist movement And Zeev Jabotinskys most famous essay which he wrote in 1923 The Iron Wall kind of laid out the strategic deterrence strategy of the Israelis which is pure colonialism using kind of a strategy of pure force because they could never make peace with the indigenous Arab population And so they will have to suppress them through violence And Jabotinsky said theres no difference between our vegetarians and our meat eaters And so Jabotinskys press secretary in New York was Netanyahus father Benzion And so Netanyahu emerges from this kind of environment The Iron Wall was adopted by the labor Zionist movement as the official strategic deterrence strategy of Israel And its now embodied in a literal iron wall which is the separation wall along the West Bank And so Netanyahu moves into Israeli politics in the early 70s and his comrades are people like Tzachi Hanegbi whose mother was Geulah Cohen that selfdescribed woman of violence who was in the terrorist Stern Gang with Yitzhak Shamir which carried out the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem which carried out the Deir Yassin massacre these kind of activities And by the early 70s these young Turks like Hanegbi and Netanyahu were actually attempting to move to the right of their intellectual and political forebears like Shamir and Cohen Hanegbi formed a group called Kastel which was a student group at Hebrew University and they were known for attacking Arab students on campus And he appointed as his guard the guard of this rightwing club a young Moldovan baggage handler from Ben Gurion International Airport named Avigdor Lieberman And Netanyahu met them both and helped them both up the Likud ranks until they are both in cabinet positions or ministerial positions in Netanyahus first government So the settlers really celebrated Netanyahu coming into power in 96 because he had these rightwing figures populating the corridors of power Yitzhak Rabin had just been assassinated for negotiating the Oslo Accords by a rightwing fanatic who went to school at BarIlan University Yigal Amir And you just mentioned Netanyahus speech in 1989 at BarIlan calling for mass expulsion of Palestinians And so all of a sudden Netanyahu comes under pressure from Washington to negotiate the Hebron Accords which have proven disastrous and hes reneged on the entire agreement and then the Wye River accords with Arafat And so the settlers completely turned their back on Netanyahu His base falls out from under him And then this view develops of Netanyahu that he talks tough that he uses language like you heard at BarIlan in 1989 but hes the only one who can actually bring the right around to make peace and he actually wants to make peace Its kind of like Nixon going to China So when Netanyahu was elected in 2009 many people in Washington who would ally themselves with the Labor Party actually welcomed Netanyahu and saw him as this pushover And Netanyahu went back to BarIlan University in 2009 and described his vision for peace of two states living side by side and said that he believes in peace talksthe operative word being talksbecause it was his mentor Yitzhak Shamir who conceived a plan at the dawn of the peace process to carry out talks for ten yearsand he said this openlyand settle half a million Jews in the West Bank Now there there are almost half a million Jews in the West Bank and these talks have been going on for over 20 years maybe 25 years And this is Netanyahus strategy And its been so successful that he no longer has to pretend that he believes in two states anymore He no longer has to pretend in this vision of peace So two weeks ago Netanyahu went back to BarIlan University to give another major national security speech And there in the academic mecca of the religious nationalist movement he returned to his ideological roots the real Netanyahu of 1989 the Netanyahu that hung out with Hanegbi and Lieberman and he declared that the Palestinians are the heirs to Nazi Germany that they are directly responsible for the Final Solution and directly responsible for the slaughter of 4000 Jewish children in Europe which is completely false Its an allegation first introduced by Alan Dershowitz which is unproven And he said that for us to make peace we have to first remove the poisonous tumor of antiSemitism from the Palestinians And he used the word kibbush or occupation with a sarcastic tone to suggest that Palestinian resentment of the state of Israel has nothing to do with occupation or colonialism it has to do with pure endemic antiSemitism and Naziism And this is dangerous rhetoric considering the amount ofI mean you just read my book and read about the amount of mob violence targeting Palestinians and nonJewish Africans and you hear this rhetoric from the leader of Israel Words have consequences And so this was really an episode not just of incitement but of Netanyahu flaunting his power in the face of the US which has enforced the status quo allowing the right to go grow beneath Netanyahu and go even further to the right So you look at this progression that Ive described from Yitzhak Shamir from the Stern Gang to Netanyahu whos gone to the right of Shamir two people in the Likud Party who grew up in the postOslo era who never took the peace process seriously like Naftali Bennett whois the head of the Jewish Home Party which is the thirdlargest party in Israel right now and is making gains in municipal elections people like Tzipi Hotovely whos 32 years old and is a rising figure Shes a deputy transportation minister which is a stepping stone to even higher office And she has held hearings in the Knesset on the dangers of miscegenation or JewishArab dating She favors annexing the West Bank Danny Danon whos one of Netanyahus principal challengers in the Likud Party is like 42 years old speaks horrible English favors annexing the West Bank writes these opeds for The New York Times calling for a single apartheid stateI mean these people want to bring apartheid completely out into the open Netanyahu at least has had a strategy to counter the pressure from Washington and maintain the status quo beneath peace talks So where is the center in Israel Netanyahu occupies the hollow center and he has no choice but to consistently move to his right to mollify the rightwing base while the Labor Party under the control of Shelly Yachimovich focuses on things like the price of cottage cheese and the national insurance system and is bunkering in Tel Aviv and Haifa and in the epicenters of the enlightened public and completely has given up or has almost completely given up on the concept of two states and has relieved Netanyahu of any pressure from his left JAY If this concept of annexing the West Bank then how do they deal with the idea of voting and one person one vote I mean the demographics are clearly against a Jewish state So if theyre going to have it they have tohave to go to open apartheid which is youre going to have some people can vote and others cant BLUMENTHAL Right I mean Netanyahu has already appointed a committee to explore the feasibility of annexing 60amp160percent of the West Bank which is Area C This area was created under Oslo Its the area where most of the settlers live and the fewest Palestinians live And so through Oslo signed by Rabin and Arafat the stage was set for this annexation project We have to see the Labor Partys fingerprints on this as well And what people like Naftali Bennett claim is through an annexation plan there wont be enough Palestinians in the Area C to compromise the demographic majority of Jews over the whole land They can be given citizenship Meanwhile the rest of the Palestinians in the West Bank will live in these kind of bantustan clusters surrounded by walls and checkpoints with their movement limited and they will be given Jordanian citizenship So Palestinian quasistate is off the table Apartheids in the open But the Palestinians will be given the same kind of status that Palestinians who live in East Jerusalem have And then you have a small amount who will be given some kind of putative Israeli citizenship And then the Gaza Strip will just exist as this kind of territory withoutwith this kind of besieged human warehousing project that will have no connection to the West Bank And eventually the goal of the Israeli right which theyve expressed openly is to hand Gaza over to Egypt which I cant really foresee happening But they have a very clear blueprint a very clear blueprint and they intend to make good on it And the US is well aware of it JAY And this is combined with this idea of expulsion BLUMENTHAL Its not just about expulsion Its more about ghettoization and human warehousing and apartheid I dont knowbut you can expect though that in Area CI expect that if this plan comes into place Palestinians who gain citizenship in Area C will start to face a rapid a more aggressive wave of settler attacks to push them into Area A the bantustans where they can then be stripped of their citizenship And I mean if you look at how Israels handled citizenship in Jerusalem theyve actually enacted laws which have been validated by municipal courts where Palestinians who previouslywho had moved to areas of Jerusalem that were declared part of the Jerusalem municipality which used to be in the West Bank theyve told them that if you move there after 2004 when it became part of the Jerusalem municipality you cant gain residency and you only have PA status That sounds really complicated but Im just trying to illustrate how Israels been able to carefully manipulate demographics through areas where its taken control JAY And this is the deal they want the Palestinians to call a twostate solution crosstalk annexation BLUMENTHAL Well no I mean were talking about the annexation plan The twostate solution is veryis actually JAY Well what is the sector that out of this 60amp160percent What do they call that It becomes a what BLUMENTHAL I mean thatsin any case thats what would become the Palestinian state under a twostate solution that they cant seem to negotiate But the people JAY But the idea is if you cant negotiate this structure then you do it unilaterally BLUMENTHAL You do it unilaterally and instead of giving the people in Area A which is the big citiesRamallah Bethlehem Hebron NablusPalestinian citizenship which would give them votes at the UN and enable them to increase moderately some pressure on the state of Israel to give them more rights to airspace and that kind of thing you give them Jordanian citizenship or Jordanian residency which enablesit improves their freedom of movement but it strips them of their Palestinian identity And thatsagain all of this is contingent on Washington And Washington maintaining the status quo for so many years has brought this plan into the open And the future leaders of Israel intend to make good on this plan And I see no evidence from Washington that they will do anything to counter it In fact when you really talk to diplomats who are in the tank who are in the Beltway and you say would you have a plan for what comes after the twostate solution cause its not going to happen the best thing they can tell you is we will increase aid to the Palestinians Thats what John Kerry and Tony Blairs plan is that they introduced at the world economic forum in Jordan was a 4amp160billion economic plan to dump more aid and charity into these occupied bantustans in the Palestinian Authority as a substitute for a state I mean and is that acceptable Can the world except that Well we know that the United States can accept it JAY When Netanyahu gets 20some outstanding ovations in Congress BLUMENTHAL Thirtyfive more than Barack Obama got during his State of the Union JAY how aware of all of this do you think the members of Congress are BLUMENTHAL Members of Congress could give two craps they could give less than one iota of two craps about what happens over there This is one of the few pieces of reporting in Peter arts book The Crisis of Zionism that I thought was really valuable which is he had sources who told him that each member of Congress got a VIP ticket for Netanyahus speech and they each brought their top donor from AIPAC And Debbie Wasserman Schultz whos a member of Congress whos you know a kind of a key link to the Israeli lobby was given hand motions on when to cheer and when not to And so you know JAY Her hand must have gotten tired BLUMENTHAL But the point of this is that the Democrats and the Republicans are engaged in a bipartisan project to deny the Palestinians any future And for a liberal Democrat why reject all of the donations that youre being offered and basically set yourself up for the kind of rancorous political environment and antagonism youre going to receive when your real agenda focuses on serving your constituents and maybe getting them better health care providing them with services and bringing porkbarrel projects back into your district So the Palestinian have to be sacrificed for all that And I dont talk about US Congress in my book I dont talk about geopolitics very much I dont talk about the broader Middle East very much I just talk about the consequences of this policy on the ground the facts on the ground that have been created by the US policy by the bipartisan consensus around maintaining the status quo in IsraelPalestine JAY Well thats one of the criticisms of the book thats so far hit the press And in the next segment of our interview were going to talk about some of the criticism of Maxs book Please join us for the next segment of our interview with Max on Reality Asserts Itself on The Real News Network End DISCLAIMER Please note that transcripts for The Real News Network are typed from a recording of the program TRNN cannot guarantee their complete accuracy | Max/PROPN Blumenthal/PROPN is/AUX an/DET awardwinning/NOUN journalist/NOUN and/CCONJ bestselling/VERB author/NOUN whose/DET articles/NOUN and/CCONJ video/NOUN documentaries/NOUN have/AUX appeared/VERB in/ADP The/DET New/PROPN York/PROPN Times/PROPN The/DET Los/PROPN Angeles/PROPN Times/PROPN The/DET Daily/PROPN Beast/PROPN The/DET Nation/NOUN The/DET Guardian/PROPN The/DET Independent/PROPN Film/PROPN Channel/PROPN The/DET Huffington/PROPN Post/PROPN Saloncom/PROPN Al/PROPN Jazeera/PROPN English/PROPN and/CCONJ many/ADJ other/ADJ publications/NOUN His/PRON most/ADV recent/ADJ book/NOUN is/AUX Goliath/PROPN Life/PROPN and/CCONJ Loathing/NOUN in/ADP Greater/PROPN Israel/PROPN His/PRON other/ADJ book/NOUN Republican/PROPN Gomorrah/PROPN Inside/ADP The/DET Movement/PROPN That/PRON Shattered/VERB The/DET Party/PROPN is/AUX a/DET New/PROPN York/PROPN Times/PROPN and/CCONJ Los/PROPN Angeles/PROPN Times/PROPN bestseller/NOUN Max/PROPN is/AUX cohost/NOUN of/ADP the/DET podcast/NOUN Moderate/PROPN Rebels/PROPN PAUL/PROPN JAY/PROPN SENIOR/PROPN EDITOR/NOUN TRNN/PROPN Welcome/PROPN to/ADP The/DET Real/PROPN News/PROPN Network/PROPN I/PRON m/VERB Paul/PROPN Jay/PROPN in/ADP Baltimore/PROPN And/CCONJ welcome/VERB to/ADP Reality/NOUN Asserts/PROPN Itself/PROPN Were/AUX continuing/VERB our/PRON series/NOUN of/ADP interviews/NOUN with/ADP author/NOUN Max/PROPN Blumenthal/PROPN about/ADP his/PRON new/ADJ book/NOUN Goliath/PROPN Life/PROPN and/CCONJ Loathing/VERB a/DET Greater/PROPN Israel/PROPN In/ADP the/DET previous/ADJ sections/NOUN of/ADP the/DET interview/NOUN we/PRON ve/AUX been/AUX talking/VERB about/ADP the/DET far/ADJ right/NOUN and/CCONJ the/DET center/NOUN and/CCONJ their/PRON policy/NOUN of/ADP expulsion/NOUN of/ADP Arab/ADJ citizens/NOUN of/ADP Israel/PROPN Of/ADV course/ADV the/DET primary/ADJ face/NOUN of/ADP Israel/PROPN is/AUX Benjamin/PROPN Netanyahu/PROPN its/PRON prime/ADJ minister/NOUN who/PRON would/AUX not/PART overtly/ADV talk/VERB this/DET way/NOUN these/DET days/NOUN but/CCONJ at/ADP the/DET root/NOUN of/ADP his/PRON thinking/NOUN he/PRON seems/VERB to/PART not/PART be/AUX in/ADP a/DET different/ADJ position/NOUN than/ADP the/DET others/NOUN we/PRON have/AUX covered/VERB in/ADP this/DET series/NOUN Heres/PROPN a/DET quote/NOUN from/ADP Maxs/PROPN book/NOUN Like/ADP every/DET Israeli/ADJ Prime/PROPN Minister/PROPN before/SCONJ him/PRON Netanyahus/PROPN strategy/NOUN depended/VERB on/ADP increasing/VERB the/DET number/NOUN of/ADP Jews/PROPN living/VERB on/ADP Israelicontrolled/ADJ territory/NOUN and/CCONJ reducing/VERB the/DET number/NOUN of/ADP Palestinians/PROPN In/ADP Novemberamp1601989/PROPN while/SCONJ he/PRON served/VERB as/ADP a/DET junior/ADJ minister/NOUN in/ADP Shamirs/PROPN government/NOUN Netanyahu/PROPN spoke/VERB at/ADP BarIlan/PROPN University/PROPN the/DET academic/ADJ mecca/NOUN of/ADP religious/ADJ nationalism/NOUN in/ADP Israel/PROPN Quote/PROPN Israel/PROPN should/AUX have/AUX taken/VERB advantage/NOUN of/ADP the/DET suppression/NOUN of/ADP the/DET demonstrations/NOUN in/ADP China/PROPN in/ADP Tiananmen/PROPN Square/PROPN when/SCONJ the/DET worlds/NOUN attention/NOUN was/AUX focused/VERB on/ADP what/PRON was/AUX happening/VERB in/ADP that/DET country/NOUN to/PART carry/VERB out/ADP mass/NOUN expulsions/NOUN among/ADP the/DET Arabs/PROPN of/ADP the/DET territories/NOUN end/VERB quote/INTJ Netanyahu/PROPN told/VERB his/PRON audience/NOUN However/ADV to/ADP my/PRON regret/NOUN they/PRON did/AUX not/PART support/VERB that/DET policy/NOUN that/PRON I/PRON proposed/VERB and/CCONJ which/PRON I/PRON still/ADV propose/VERB should/AUX be/AUX implemented/VERB Now/ADV joining/VERB us/PRON in/ADP the/DET studio/NOUN is/AUX Max/PROPN Blumenthal/PROPN Max/PROPN is/AUX an/DET awardwinning/NOUN journalist/NOUN and/CCONJ bestselling/VERB author/NOUN whose/DET articles/NOUN and/CCONJ video/NOUN documentaries/NOUN have/AUX appeared/VERB in/ADP many/ADJ publications/NOUN His/PRON most/ADV recent/ADJ book/NOUN is/AUX Goliath/PROPN Life/PROPN and/CCONJ Loathing/NOUN in/ADP Greater/PROPN Israel/PROPN Thanks/PROPN for/ADP joining/VERB us/PRON MAX/PROPN BLUMENTHAL/PROPN AUTHOR/PROPN JOURNALIST/ADJ BLOGGER/NOUN Good/NOUN to/PART be/AUX with/ADP you/PRON JAY/PROPN So/ADV Benjamin/PROPN Netanyahu/PROPN would/AUX again/ADV not/PART allow/VERB the/DET West/PROPN to/PART see/VERB this/DET face/NOUN of/ADP his/PRON but/CCONJ this/PRON seems/VERB to/PART be/AUX part/NOUN of/ADP his/PRON ideology/NOUN as/ADV well/ADV the/DET idea/NOUN of/ADP expulsion/NOUN BLUMENTHAL/PROPN It/PRON has/AUX been/AUX And/CCONJ you/PRON know/VERB I/PRON write/VERB about/ADP Netanyahus/PROPN experience/NOUN as/ADP part/NOUN of/ADP the/DET post67/NOUN generation/NOUN There/PRON had/AUX always/ADV been/AUX you/PRON know/VERB a/DET strong/ADJ rightwing/VERB element/NOUN within/ADP the/DET Zionist/ADJ movement/NOUN but/CCONJ it/PRON had/AUX always/ADV been/AUX kind/ADV of/ADV the/DET junior/ADJ partner/NOUN to/ADP the/DET labor/NOUN Zionist/PROPN movement/NOUN And/CCONJ Zeev/PROPN Jabotinskys/PROPN most/ADV famous/ADJ essay/NOUN which/PRON he/PRON wrote/VERB in/ADP 1923/NUM The/DET Iron/PROPN Wall/PROPN kind/ADV of/ADV laid/VERB out/ADP the/DET strategic/ADJ deterrence/NOUN strategy/NOUN of/ADP the/DET Israelis/PROPN which/PRON is/AUX pure/ADJ colonialism/NOUN using/VERB kind/NOUN of/ADP a/DET strategy/NOUN of/ADP pure/ADJ force/NOUN because/SCONJ they/PRON could/AUX never/ADV make/VERB peace/NOUN with/ADP the/DET indigenous/ADJ Arab/ADJ population/NOUN And/CCONJ so/ADV they/PRON will/AUX have/VERB to/PART suppress/VERB them/PRON through/ADP violence/NOUN And/CCONJ Jabotinsky/PROPN said/VERB there/PRON s/VERB no/DET difference/NOUN between/ADP our/PRON vegetarians/NOUN and/CCONJ our/PRON meat/NOUN eaters/NOUN And/CCONJ so/ADV Jabotinskys/PROPN press/NOUN secretary/NOUN in/ADP New/PROPN York/PROPN was/AUX Netanyahus/PROPN father/NOUN Benzion/PROPN And/CCONJ so/ADV Netanyahu/PROPN emerges/VERB from/ADP this/DET kind/NOUN of/ADP environment/NOUN The/DET Iron/PROPN Wall/PROPN was/AUX adopted/VERB by/ADP the/DET labor/NOUN Zionist/PROPN movement/NOUN as/ADP the/DET official/ADJ strategic/ADJ deterrence/NOUN strategy/NOUN of/ADP Israel/PROPN And/CCONJ its/PRON now/ADV embodied/VERB in/ADP a/DET literal/ADJ iron/NOUN wall/NOUN which/PRON is/AUX the/DET separation/NOUN wall/NOUN along/ADP the/DET West/PROPN Bank/PROPN And/CCONJ so/ADV Netanyahu/PROPN moves/VERB into/ADP Israeli/ADJ politics/NOUN in/ADP the/DET early/ADJ 70s/NOUN and/CCONJ his/PRON comrades/NOUN are/AUX people/NOUN like/ADP Tzachi/PROPN Hanegbi/PROPN whose/DET mother/NOUN was/AUX Geulah/PROPN Cohen/PROPN that/PRON selfdescribed/VERB woman/NOUN of/ADP violence/NOUN who/PRON was/AUX in/ADP the/DET terrorist/ADJ Stern/PROPN Gang/PROPN with/ADP Yitzhak/PROPN Shamir/PROPN which/PRON carried/VERB out/ADP the/DET bombing/NOUN of/ADP the/DET King/PROPN David/PROPN Hotel/PROPN in/ADP Jerusalem/PROPN which/PRON carried/VERB out/ADP the/DET Deir/PROPN Yassin/PROPN massacre/NOUN these/DET kind/NOUN of/ADP activities/NOUN And/CCONJ by/ADP the/DET early/ADJ 70s/NOUN these/DET young/ADJ Turks/PROPN like/ADP Hanegbi/PROPN and/CCONJ Netanyahu/PROPN were/AUX actually/ADV attempting/VERB to/PART move/VERB to/ADP the/DET right/NOUN of/ADP their/PRON intellectual/ADJ and/CCONJ political/ADJ forebears/NOUN like/ADP Shamir/PROPN and/CCONJ Cohen/PROPN Hanegbi/PROPN formed/VERB a/DET group/NOUN called/VERB Kastel/PROPN which/PRON was/AUX a/DET student/NOUN group/NOUN at/ADP Hebrew/PROPN University/PROPN and/CCONJ they/PRON were/AUX known/VERB for/ADP attacking/VERB Arab/ADJ students/NOUN on/ADP campus/NOUN And/CCONJ he/PRON appointed/VERB as/ADP his/PRON guard/NOUN the/DET guard/NOUN of/ADP this/DET rightwing/VERB club/NOUN a/DET young/ADJ Moldovan/PROPN baggage/NOUN handler/NOUN from/ADP Ben/PROPN Gurion/PROPN International/PROPN Airport/PROPN named/VERB Avigdor/PROPN Lieberman/PROPN And/CCONJ Netanyahu/PROPN met/VERB them/PRON both/PRON and/CCONJ helped/VERB them/PRON both/PRON up/ADP the/DET Likud/PROPN ranks/VERB until/SCONJ they/PRON are/AUX both/PRON in/ADP cabinet/NOUN positions/NOUN or/CCONJ ministerial/ADJ positions/NOUN in/ADP Netanyahus/PROPN first/ADJ government/NOUN So/ADV the/DET settlers/NOUN really/ADV celebrated/VERB Netanyahu/PROPN coming/VERB into/ADP power/NOUN in/ADP 96/NUM because/SCONJ he/PRON had/VERB these/DET rightwing/VERB figures/NOUN populating/VERB the/DET corridors/NOUN of/ADP power/NOUN Yitzhak/PROPN Rabin/PROPN had/AUX just/ADV been/AUX assassinated/VERB for/ADP negotiating/VERB the/DET Oslo/PROPN Accords/PROPN by/ADP a/DET rightwing/VERB fanatic/NOUN who/PRON went/VERB to/ADP school/NOUN at/ADP BarIlan/PROPN University/PROPN Yigal/PROPN Amir/PROPN And/CCONJ you/PRON just/ADV mentioned/VERB Netanyahus/PROPN speech/NOUN in/ADP 1989/NUM at/ADP BarIlan/PROPN calling/VERB for/ADP mass/ADJ expulsion/NOUN of/ADP Palestinians/PROPN And/CCONJ so/ADV all/PRON of/ADP a/DET sudden/ADJ Netanyahu/PROPN comes/VERB under/ADP pressure/NOUN from/ADP Washington/PROPN to/PART negotiate/VERB the/DET Hebron/PROPN Accords/PROPN which/PRON have/AUX proven/VERB disastrous/ADJ and/CCONJ he/PRON s/AUX reneged/VERB on/ADP the/DET entire/ADJ agreement/NOUN and/CCONJ then/ADV the/DET Wye/PROPN River/PROPN accords/NOUN with/ADP Arafat/PROPN And/CCONJ so/ADV the/DET settlers/NOUN completely/ADV turned/VERB their/PRON back/NOUN on/ADP Netanyahu/PROPN His/PRON base/NOUN falls/VERB out/ADP from/ADP under/ADP him/PRON And/CCONJ then/ADV this/DET view/NOUN develops/VERB of/ADP Netanyahu/PROPN that/SCONJ he/PRON talks/VERB tough/ADJ that/SCONJ he/PRON uses/VERB language/NOUN like/SCONJ you/PRON heard/VERB at/ADP BarIlan/PROPN in/ADP 1989/NUM but/CCONJ he/PRON s/VERB the/DET only/ADJ one/NUM who/PRON can/AUX actually/ADV bring/VERB the/DET right/NOUN around/ADV to/PART make/VERB peace/NOUN and/CCONJ he/PRON actually/ADV wants/VERB to/PART make/VERB peace/NOUN Its/PRON kind/NOUN of/ADV like/ADP Nixon/PROPN going/VERB to/ADP China/PROPN So/ADV when/SCONJ Netanyahu/PROPN was/AUX elected/VERB in/ADP 2009/NUM many/ADJ people/NOUN in/ADP Washington/PROPN who/PRON would/AUX ally/VERB themselves/PRON with/ADP the/DET Labor/PROPN Party/PROPN actually/ADV welcomed/VERB Netanyahu/PROPN and/CCONJ saw/VERB him/PRON as/ADP this/DET pushover/NOUN And/CCONJ Netanyahu/PROPN went/VERB back/ADV to/ADP BarIlan/PROPN University/PROPN in/ADP 2009/NUM and/CCONJ described/VERB his/PRON vision/NOUN for/ADP peace/NOUN of/ADP two/NUM states/NOUN living/VERB side/NOUN by/ADP side/NOUN and/CCONJ said/VERB that/SCONJ he/PRON believes/VERB in/ADP peace/NOUN talksthe/DET operative/ADJ word/NOUN being/AUX talksbecause/ADJ it/PRON was/AUX his/PRON mentor/NOUN Yitzhak/PROPN Shamir/PROPN who/PRON conceived/VERB a/DET plan/NOUN at/ADP the/DET dawn/NOUN of/ADP the/DET peace/NOUN process/NOUN to/PART carry/VERB out/ADP talks/NOUN for/ADP ten/NUM yearsand/NOUN he/PRON said/VERB this/PRON openlyand/NOUN settle/VERB half/DET a/DET million/NUM Jews/PROPN in/ADP the/DET West/PROPN Bank/PROPN Now/ADV there/PRON there/PRON are/VERB almost/ADV half/DET a/DET million/NUM Jews/PROPN in/ADP the/DET West/PROPN Bank/PROPN and/CCONJ these/DET talks/NOUN have/AUX been/AUX going/VERB on/ADP for/ADP over/ADP 20/NUM years/NOUN maybe/ADV 25/NUM years/NOUN And/CCONJ this/PRON is/AUX Netanyahus/PROPN strategy/NOUN And/CCONJ its/PRON been/AUX so/ADV successful/ADJ that/SCONJ he/PRON no/ADV longer/ADV has/VERB to/PART pretend/VERB that/SCONJ he/PRON believes/VERB in/ADP two/NUM states/NOUN anymore/ADV He/PRON no/ADV longer/ADV has/VERB to/PART pretend/VERB in/ADP this/DET vision/NOUN of/ADP peace/NOUN So/ADV two/NUM weeks/NOUN ago/ADV Netanyahu/PROPN went/VERB back/ADV to/ADP BarIlan/PROPN University/PROPN to/PART give/VERB another/DET major/ADJ national/ADJ security/NOUN speech/NOUN And/CCONJ there/ADV in/ADP the/DET academic/ADJ mecca/NOUN of/ADP the/DET religious/ADJ nationalist/ADJ movement/NOUN he/PRON returned/VERB to/ADP his/PRON ideological/ADJ roots/NOUN the/DET real/ADJ Netanyahu/PROPN of/ADP 1989/NUM the/DET Netanyahu/PROPN that/PRON hung/VERB out/ADP with/ADP Hanegbi/PROPN and/CCONJ Lieberman/PROPN and/CCONJ he/PRON declared/VERB that/SCONJ the/DET Palestinians/PROPN are/AUX the/DET heirs/NOUN to/ADP Nazi/PROPN Germany/PROPN that/SCONJ they/PRON are/AUX directly/ADV responsible/ADJ for/ADP the/DET Final/PROPN Solution/PROPN and/CCONJ directly/ADV responsible/ADJ for/ADP the/DET slaughter/NOUN of/ADP 4000/NUM Jewish/ADJ children/NOUN in/ADP Europe/PROPN which/PRON is/AUX completely/ADV false/ADJ Its/PRON an/DET allegation/NOUN first/ADV introduced/VERB by/ADP Alan/PROPN Dershowitz/PROPN which/PRON is/AUX unproven/ADJ And/CCONJ he/PRON said/VERB that/SCONJ for/SCONJ us/PRON to/PART make/VERB peace/NOUN we/PRON have/VERB to/PART first/ADV remove/VERB the/DET poisonous/ADJ tumor/NOUN of/ADP antiSemitism/NOUN from/ADP the/DET Palestinians/PROPN And/CCONJ he/PRON used/VERB the/DET word/NOUN kibbush/NOUN or/CCONJ occupation/NOUN with/ADP a/DET sarcastic/ADJ tone/NOUN to/PART suggest/VERB that/SCONJ Palestinian/ADJ resentment/NOUN of/ADP the/DET state/NOUN of/ADP Israel/PROPN has/VERB nothing/PRON to/PART do/VERB with/ADP occupation/NOUN or/CCONJ colonialism/NOUN it/PRON has/VERB to/PART do/VERB with/ADP pure/ADJ endemic/ADJ antiSemitism/NOUN and/CCONJ Naziism/PROPN And/CCONJ this/PRON is/AUX dangerous/ADJ rhetoric/NOUN considering/VERB the/DET amount/NOUN ofI/ADV mean/VERB you/PRON just/ADV read/VERB my/PRON book/NOUN and/CCONJ read/VERB about/ADP the/DET amount/NOUN of/ADP mob/NOUN violence/NOUN targeting/VERB Palestinians/PROPN and/CCONJ nonJewish/PROPN Africans/PROPN and/CCONJ you/PRON hear/VERB this/DET rhetoric/NOUN from/ADP the/DET leader/NOUN of/ADP Israel/PROPN Words/NOUN have/VERB consequences/NOUN And/CCONJ so/ADV this/PRON was/AUX really/ADV an/DET episode/NOUN not/PART just/ADV of/ADP incitement/NOUN but/CCONJ of/ADP Netanyahu/PROPN flaunting/VERB his/PRON power/NOUN in/ADP the/DET face/NOUN of/ADP the/DET US/PROPN which/PRON has/AUX enforced/VERB the/DET status/NOUN quo/NOUN allowing/VERB the/DET right/NOUN to/PART go/VERB grow/VERB beneath/ADP Netanyahu/PROPN and/CCONJ go/VERB even/ADV further/ADV to/ADP the/DET right/NOUN So/ADV you/PRON look/VERB at/ADP this/DET progression/NOUN that/PRON I/PRON ve/AUX described/VERB from/ADP Yitzhak/PROPN Shamir/PROPN from/ADP the/DET Stern/PROPN Gang/PROPN to/ADP Netanyahu/PROPN who/PRON s/AUX gone/VERB to/ADP the/DET right/NOUN of/ADP Shamir/PROPN two/NUM people/NOUN in/ADP the/DET Likud/PROPN Party/PROPN who/PRON grew/VERB up/ADP in/ADP the/DET postOslo/ADJ era/NOUN who/PRON never/ADV took/VERB the/DET peace/NOUN process/NOUN seriously/ADV like/ADP Naftali/PROPN Bennett/PROPN whois/VERB the/DET head/NOUN of/ADP the/DET Jewish/ADJ Home/PROPN Party/PROPN which/PRON is/AUX the/DET thirdlargest/ADJ party/NOUN in/ADP Israel/PROPN right/ADV now/ADV and/CCONJ is/AUX making/VERB gains/NOUN in/ADP municipal/ADJ elections/NOUN people/NOUN like/ADP Tzipi/PROPN Hotovely/ADV who/PRON s/VERB 32/NUM years/NOUN old/ADJ and/CCONJ is/AUX a/DET rising/VERB figure/NOUN She/PRON s/VERB a/DET deputy/NOUN transportation/NOUN minister/NOUN which/PRON is/AUX a/DET stepping/ADJ stone/NOUN to/ADP even/ADV higher/ADJ office/NOUN And/CCONJ she/PRON has/AUX held/VERB hearings/NOUN in/ADP the/DET Knesset/PROPN on/ADP the/DET dangers/NOUN of/ADP miscegenation/NOUN or/CCONJ JewishArab/PROPN dating/VERB She/PRON favors/VERB annexing/VERB the/DET West/PROPN Bank/PROPN Danny/PROPN Danon/PROPN who/PRON s/VERB one/NUM of/ADP Netanyahus/PROPN principal/ADJ challengers/NOUN in/ADP the/DET Likud/PROPN Party/PROPN is/AUX like/ADP 42/NUM years/NOUN old/ADJ speaks/VERB horrible/ADJ English/PROPN favors/NOUN annexing/VERB the/DET West/PROPN Bank/PROPN writes/VERB these/DET opeds/NOUN for/ADP The/DET New/PROPN York/PROPN Times/PROPN calling/VERB for/ADP a/DET single/ADJ apartheid/NOUN stateI/PROPN mean/VERB these/DET people/NOUN want/VERB to/PART bring/VERB apartheid/NOUN completely/ADV out/ADV into/ADP the/DET open/ADJ Netanyahu/PROPN at/ADP least/ADJ has/AUX had/VERB a/DET strategy/NOUN to/PART counter/VERB the/DET pressure/NOUN from/ADP Washington/PROPN and/CCONJ maintain/VERB the/DET status/NOUN quo/NOUN beneath/ADP peace/NOUN talks/NOUN So/ADV where/SCONJ is/AUX the/DET center/NOUN in/ADP Israel/PROPN Netanyahu/PROPN occupies/VERB the/DET hollow/ADJ center/NOUN and/CCONJ he/PRON has/VERB no/DET choice/NOUN but/SCONJ to/PART consistently/ADV move/VERB to/ADP his/PRON right/NOUN to/PART mollify/VERB the/DET rightwing/VERB base/NOUN while/SCONJ the/DET Labor/PROPN Party/PROPN under/ADP the/DET control/NOUN of/ADP Shelly/PROPN Yachimovich/PROPN focuses/VERB on/ADP things/NOUN like/ADP the/DET price/NOUN of/ADP cottage/NOUN cheese/NOUN and/CCONJ the/DET national/ADJ insurance/NOUN system/NOUN and/CCONJ is/AUX bunkering/VERB in/ADP Tel/PROPN Aviv/PROPN and/CCONJ Haifa/PROPN and/CCONJ in/ADP the/DET epicenters/NOUN of/ADP the/DET enlightened/VERB public/NOUN and/CCONJ completely/ADV has/AUX given/VERB up/ADP or/CCONJ has/AUX almost/ADV completely/ADV given/VERB up/ADP on/ADP the/DET concept/NOUN of/ADP two/NUM states/NOUN and/CCONJ has/AUX relieved/VERB Netanyahu/PROPN of/ADP any/DET pressure/NOUN from/ADP his/PRON left/ADJ JAY/PROPN If/SCONJ this/DET concept/NOUN of/ADP annexing/VERB the/DET West/PROPN Bank/PROPN then/ADV how/SCONJ do/AUX they/PRON deal/VERB with/ADP the/DET idea/NOUN of/ADP voting/NOUN and/CCONJ one/NUM person/NOUN one/NUM vote/NOUN I/PRON mean/VERB the/DET demographics/NOUN are/AUX clearly/ADV against/ADP a/DET Jewish/ADJ state/NOUN So/ADV if/SCONJ they/PRON re/AUX going/VERB to/PART have/VERB it/PRON they/PRON have/VERB tohave/ADV to/PART go/VERB to/PART open/VERB apartheid/NOUN which/PRON is/AUX you/PRON re/AUX going/VERB to/PART have/VERB some/DET people/NOUN can/AUX vote/VERB and/CCONJ others/NOUN ca/AUX nt/PART BLUMENTHAL/VERB Right/INTJ I/PRON mean/VERB Netanyahu/PROPN has/AUX already/ADV appointed/VERB a/DET committee/NOUN to/PART explore/VERB the/DET feasibility/NOUN of/ADP annexing/VERB 60amp160percent/NOUN of/ADP the/DET West/PROPN Bank/PROPN which/PRON is/AUX Area/PROPN C/PROPN This/DET area/NOUN was/AUX created/VERB under/ADP Oslo/PROPN Its/PRON the/DET area/NOUN where/SCONJ most/ADJ of/ADP the/DET settlers/NOUN live/VERB and/CCONJ the/DET fewest/ADJ Palestinians/PROPN live/VERB And/CCONJ so/ADV through/ADP Oslo/PROPN signed/VERB by/ADP Rabin/PROPN and/CCONJ Arafat/PROPN the/DET stage/NOUN was/AUX set/VERB for/ADP this/DET annexation/NOUN project/NOUN We/PRON have/VERB to/PART see/VERB the/DET Labor/PROPN Partys/PROPN fingerprints/NOUN on/ADP this/PRON as/ADV well/ADV And/CCONJ what/PRON people/NOUN like/ADP Naftali/PROPN Bennett/PROPN claim/NOUN is/AUX through/ADP an/DET annexation/NOUN plan/NOUN there/PRON wo/AUX nt/PART be/AUX enough/ADJ Palestinians/PROPN in/ADP the/DET Area/PROPN C/PROPN to/PART compromise/VERB the/DET demographic/ADJ majority/NOUN of/ADP Jews/PROPN over/ADP the/DET whole/ADJ land/NOUN They/PRON can/AUX be/AUX given/VERB citizenship/NOUN Meanwhile/ADV the/DET rest/NOUN of/ADP the/DET Palestinians/PROPN in/ADP the/DET West/PROPN Bank/PROPN will/AUX live/VERB in/ADP these/DET kind/NOUN of/ADP bantustan/ADJ clusters/NOUN surrounded/VERB by/ADP walls/NOUN and/CCONJ checkpoints/NOUN with/ADP their/PRON movement/NOUN limited/VERB and/CCONJ they/PRON will/AUX be/AUX given/VERB Jordanian/ADJ citizenship/NOUN So/ADV Palestinian/ADJ quasistate/NOUN is/AUX off/ADP the/DET table/NOUN Apartheids/PROPN in/ADP the/DET open/ADJ But/CCONJ the/DET Palestinians/PROPN will/AUX be/AUX given/VERB the/DET same/ADJ kind/NOUN of/ADP status/NOUN that/PRON Palestinians/PROPN who/PRON live/VERB in/ADP East/PROPN Jerusalem/PROPN have/VERB And/CCONJ then/ADV you/PRON have/VERB a/DET small/ADJ amount/NOUN who/PRON will/AUX be/AUX given/VERB some/DET kind/NOUN of/ADP putative/ADJ Israeli/ADJ citizenship/NOUN And/CCONJ then/ADV the/DET Gaza/PROPN Strip/PROPN will/AUX just/ADV exist/VERB as/ADP this/DET kind/NOUN of/ADP territory/NOUN withoutwith/VERB this/DET kind/NOUN of/ADP besieged/VERB human/ADJ warehousing/NOUN project/NOUN that/PRON will/AUX have/VERB no/DET connection/NOUN to/ADP the/DET West/PROPN Bank/PROPN And/CCONJ eventually/ADV the/DET goal/NOUN of/ADP the/DET Israeli/ADJ right/NOUN which/PRON they/PRON ve/AUX expressed/VERB openly/ADV is/AUX to/PART hand/VERB Gaza/PROPN over/ADP to/ADP Egypt/PROPN which/PRON I/PRON ca/AUX nt/PART really/ADV foresee/VERB happening/VERB But/CCONJ they/PRON have/VERB a/DET very/ADV clear/ADJ blueprint/NOUN a/DET very/ADV clear/ADJ blueprint/NOUN and/CCONJ they/PRON intend/VERB to/PART make/VERB good/ADJ on/ADP it/PRON And/CCONJ the/DET US/PROPN is/AUX well/ADV aware/ADJ of/ADP it/PRON JAY/PROPN And/CCONJ this/PRON is/AUX combined/VERB with/ADP this/DET idea/NOUN of/ADP expulsion/NOUN BLUMENTHAL/VERB Its/PRON not/PART just/ADV about/ADP expulsion/NOUN Its/PRON more/ADV about/ADP ghettoization/NOUN and/CCONJ human/ADJ warehousing/NOUN and/CCONJ apartheid/NOUN I/PRON do/AUX nt/PART knowbut/VERB you/PRON can/AUX expect/VERB though/SCONJ that/SCONJ in/ADP Area/PROPN CI/PROPN expect/VERB that/SCONJ if/SCONJ this/DET plan/NOUN comes/VERB into/ADP place/NOUN Palestinians/PROPN who/PRON gain/VERB citizenship/NOUN in/ADP Area/PROPN C/PROPN will/AUX start/VERB to/PART face/VERB a/DET rapid/ADJ a/DET more/ADV aggressive/ADJ wave/NOUN of/ADP settler/NOUN attacks/NOUN to/PART push/VERB them/PRON into/ADP Area/PROPN A/PROPN the/DET bantustans/NOUN where/SCONJ they/PRON can/AUX then/ADV be/AUX stripped/VERB of/ADP their/PRON citizenship/NOUN And/CCONJ I/PRON mean/VERB if/SCONJ you/PRON look/VERB at/ADP how/SCONJ Israels/PROPN handled/VERB citizenship/NOUN in/ADP Jerusalem/PROPN they/PRON ve/AUX actually/ADV enacted/VERB laws/NOUN which/PRON have/AUX been/AUX validated/VERB by/ADP municipal/ADJ courts/NOUN where/SCONJ Palestinians/PROPN who/PRON previouslywho/NOUN had/AUX moved/VERB to/ADP areas/NOUN of/ADP Jerusalem/PROPN that/PRON were/AUX declared/VERB part/NOUN of/ADP the/DET Jerusalem/PROPN municipality/NOUN which/PRON used/VERB to/PART be/AUX in/ADP the/DET West/PROPN Bank/PROPN they/PRON ve/AUX told/VERB them/PRON that/SCONJ if/SCONJ you/PRON move/VERB there/ADV after/ADP 2004/NUM when/SCONJ it/PRON became/VERB part/NOUN of/ADP the/DET Jerusalem/PROPN municipality/NOUN you/PRON ca/AUX nt/PART gain/VERB residency/NOUN and/CCONJ you/PRON only/ADV have/VERB PA/PROPN status/NOUN That/PRON sounds/VERB really/ADV complicated/ADJ but/CCONJ I/PRON m/AUX just/ADV trying/VERB to/PART illustrate/VERB how/SCONJ Israels/PROPN been/AUX able/ADJ to/PART carefully/ADV manipulate/VERB demographics/NOUN through/ADP areas/NOUN where/SCONJ its/PRON taken/VERB control/NOUN JAY/PROPN And/CCONJ this/PRON is/AUX the/DET deal/NOUN they/PRON want/VERB the/DET Palestinians/PROPN to/PART call/VERB a/DET twostate/ADJ solution/NOUN crosstalk/NOUN annexation/NOUN BLUMENTHAL/ADP Well/INTJ no/INTJ I/PRON mean/VERB were/AUX talking/VERB about/ADP the/DET annexation/NOUN plan/NOUN The/DET twostate/ADJ solution/NOUN is/AUX veryis/ADJ actually/ADV JAY/PROPN Well/INTJ what/PRON is/AUX the/DET sector/NOUN that/SCONJ out/ADP of/ADP this/PRON 60amp160percent/PUNCT What/PRON do/AUX they/PRON call/VERB that/SCONJ It/PRON becomes/VERB a/DET what/PRON BLUMENTHAL/ADV I/PRON mean/VERB thatsin/VERB any/DET case/NOUN that/PRON s/VERB what/PRON would/AUX become/VERB the/DET Palestinian/ADJ state/NOUN under/ADP a/DET twostate/ADJ solution/NOUN that/SCONJ they/PRON ca/AUX nt/PART seem/VERB to/PART negotiate/VERB But/CCONJ the/DET people/NOUN JAY/PROPN But/CCONJ the/DET idea/NOUN is/AUX if/SCONJ you/PRON ca/AUX nt/PART negotiate/VERB this/DET structure/NOUN then/ADV you/PRON do/VERB it/PRON unilaterally/ADV BLUMENTHAL/ADV You/PRON do/VERB it/PRON unilaterally/ADV and/CCONJ instead/ADV of/ADP giving/VERB the/DET people/NOUN in/ADP Area/PROPN A/PROPN which/PRON is/AUX the/DET big/ADJ citiesRamallah/NOUN Bethlehem/PROPN Hebron/PROPN NablusPalestinian/PROPN citizenship/NOUN which/PRON would/AUX give/VERB them/PRON votes/NOUN at/ADP the/DET UN/PROPN and/CCONJ enable/VERB them/PRON to/PART increase/VERB moderately/ADV some/DET pressure/NOUN on/ADP the/DET state/NOUN of/ADP Israel/PROPN to/PART give/VERB them/PRON more/ADJ rights/NOUN to/ADP airspace/VERB and/CCONJ that/DET kind/NOUN of/ADP thing/NOUN you/PRON give/VERB them/PRON Jordanian/ADJ citizenship/NOUN or/CCONJ Jordanian/ADJ residency/NOUN which/DET enablesit/NOUN improves/VERB their/PRON freedom/NOUN of/ADP movement/NOUN but/CCONJ it/PRON strips/VERB them/PRON of/ADP their/PRON Palestinian/ADJ identity/NOUN And/CCONJ thatsagain/NOUN all/PRON of/ADP this/PRON is/AUX contingent/ADJ on/ADP Washington/PROPN And/CCONJ Washington/PROPN maintaining/VERB the/DET status/NOUN quo/NOUN for/ADP so/ADV many/ADJ years/NOUN has/AUX brought/VERB this/DET plan/NOUN into/ADP the/DET open/ADJ And/CCONJ the/DET future/ADJ leaders/NOUN of/ADP Israel/PROPN intend/VERB to/PART make/VERB good/ADJ on/ADP this/DET plan/NOUN And/CCONJ I/PRON see/VERB no/DET evidence/NOUN from/ADP Washington/PROPN that/SCONJ they/PRON will/AUX do/AUX anything/PRON to/PART counter/VERB it/PRON In/ADP fact/NOUN when/SCONJ you/PRON really/ADV talk/VERB to/ADP diplomats/NOUN who/PRON are/AUX in/ADP the/DET tank/NOUN who/PRON are/AUX in/ADP the/DET Beltway/PROPN and/CCONJ you/PRON say/VERB would/AUX you/PRON have/VERB a/DET plan/NOUN for/ADP what/PRON comes/VERB after/SCONJ the/DET twostate/ADJ solution/NOUN cause/VERB its/PRON not/PART going/VERB to/PART happen/VERB the/DET best/ADJ thing/NOUN they/PRON can/AUX tell/VERB you/PRON is/AUX we/PRON will/AUX increase/VERB aid/NOUN to/ADP the/DET Palestinians/PROPN That/PRON s/VERB what/PRON John/PROPN Kerry/PROPN and/CCONJ Tony/PROPN Blairs/PROPN plan/NOUN is/AUX that/SCONJ they/PRON introduced/VERB at/ADP the/DET world/NOUN economic/ADJ forum/NOUN in/ADP Jordan/PROPN was/AUX a/DET 4amp160billion/NUM economic/ADJ plan/NOUN to/PART dump/VERB more/ADJ aid/NOUN and/CCONJ charity/NOUN into/ADP these/DET occupied/VERB bantustans/NOUN in/ADP the/DET Palestinian/PROPN Authority/PROPN as/ADP a/DET substitute/NOUN for/ADP a/DET state/NOUN I/PRON mean/VERB and/CCONJ is/AUX that/PRON acceptable/ADJ Can/AUX the/DET world/NOUN except/SCONJ that/PRON Well/INTJ we/PRON know/VERB that/SCONJ the/DET United/PROPN States/PROPN can/AUX accept/VERB it/PRON JAY/PROPN When/SCONJ Netanyahu/PROPN gets/VERB 20some/NUM outstanding/ADJ ovations/NOUN in/ADP Congress/PROPN BLUMENTHAL/VERB Thirtyfive/PROPN more/ADJ than/ADP Barack/PROPN Obama/PROPN got/VERB during/ADP his/PRON State/PROPN of/ADP the/DET Union/PROPN JAY/PROPN how/SCONJ aware/ADJ of/ADP all/PRON of/ADP this/PRON do/AUX you/PRON think/VERB the/DET members/NOUN of/ADP Congress/PROPN are/AUX BLUMENTHAL/PROPN Members/NOUN of/ADP Congress/PROPN could/AUX give/VERB two/NUM craps/NOUN they/PRON could/AUX give/VERB less/ADJ than/ADP one/NUM iota/NOUN of/ADP two/NUM craps/NOUN about/ADP what/PRON happens/VERB over/ADV there/ADV This/PRON is/AUX one/NUM of/ADP the/DET few/ADJ pieces/NOUN of/ADP reporting/NOUN in/ADP Peter/PROPN arts/NOUN book/NOUN The/DET Crisis/PROPN of/ADP Zionism/PROPN that/PRON I/PRON thought/VERB was/AUX really/ADV valuable/ADJ which/PRON is/AUX he/PRON had/VERB sources/NOUN who/PRON told/VERB him/PRON that/SCONJ each/DET member/NOUN of/ADP Congress/PROPN got/VERB a/DET VIP/NOUN ticket/NOUN for/ADP Netanyahus/PROPN speech/NOUN and/CCONJ they/PRON each/PRON brought/VERB their/PRON top/ADJ donor/NOUN from/ADP AIPAC/PROPN And/CCONJ Debbie/PROPN Wasserman/PROPN Schultz/PROPN who/PRON s/VERB a/DET member/NOUN of/ADP Congress/PROPN who/PRON s/VERB you/PRON know/VERB a/DET kind/NOUN of/ADP a/DET key/ADJ link/NOUN to/ADP the/DET Israeli/ADJ lobby/NOUN was/AUX given/VERB hand/NOUN motions/NOUN on/ADP when/SCONJ to/PART cheer/VERB and/CCONJ when/SCONJ not/PART to/PART And/CCONJ so/ADV you/PRON know/VERB JAY/PROPN Her/PRON hand/NOUN must/AUX have/AUX gotten/VERB tired/ADJ BLUMENTHAL/PROPN But/CCONJ the/DET point/NOUN of/ADP this/PRON is/AUX that/SCONJ the/DET Democrats/PROPN and/CCONJ the/DET Republicans/PROPN are/AUX engaged/VERB in/ADP a/DET bipartisan/ADJ project/NOUN to/PART deny/VERB the/DET Palestinians/PROPN any/DET future/NOUN And/CCONJ for/ADP a/DET liberal/ADJ Democrat/PROPN why/SCONJ reject/VERB all/PRON of/ADP the/DET donations/NOUN that/PRON you/PRON re/AUX being/AUX offered/VERB and/CCONJ basically/ADV set/VERB yourself/PRON up/ADP for/ADP the/DET kind/NOUN of/ADP rancorous/ADJ political/ADJ environment/NOUN and/CCONJ antagonism/NOUN you/PRON re/AUX going/VERB to/PART receive/VERB when/SCONJ your/PRON real/ADJ agenda/NOUN focuses/VERB on/ADP serving/VERB your/PRON constituents/NOUN and/CCONJ maybe/ADV getting/VERB them/PRON better/ADJ health/NOUN care/NOUN providing/VERB them/PRON with/ADP services/NOUN and/CCONJ bringing/VERB porkbarrel/NOUN projects/NOUN back/ADV into/ADP your/PRON district/NOUN So/ADV the/DET Palestinian/PROPN have/VERB to/PART be/AUX sacrificed/VERB for/ADP all/DET that/PRON And/CCONJ I/PRON do/AUX nt/PART talk/VERB about/ADP US/PROPN Congress/PROPN in/ADP my/PRON book/NOUN I/PRON do/AUX nt/PART talk/VERB about/ADP geopolitics/NOUN very/ADV much/ADV I/PRON do/AUX nt/PART talk/VERB about/ADP the/DET broader/ADJ Middle/PROPN East/PROPN very/ADV much/ADV I/PRON just/ADV talk/VERB about/ADP the/DET consequences/NOUN of/ADP this/DET policy/NOUN on/ADP the/DET ground/NOUN the/DET facts/NOUN on/ADP the/DET ground/NOUN that/PRON have/AUX been/AUX created/VERB by/ADP the/DET US/PROPN policy/NOUN by/ADP the/DET bipartisan/ADJ consensus/NOUN around/ADP maintaining/VERB the/DET status/NOUN quo/NOUN in/ADP IsraelPalestine/PROPN JAY/PROPN Well/INTJ that/PRON s/VERB one/NUM of/ADP the/DET criticisms/NOUN of/ADP the/DET book/NOUN that/PRON s/AUX so/ADV far/ADV hit/VERB the/DET press/NOUN And/CCONJ in/ADP the/DET next/ADJ segment/NOUN of/ADP our/PRON interview/NOUN were/AUX going/VERB to/PART talk/VERB about/ADP some/PRON of/ADP the/DET criticism/NOUN of/ADP Maxs/PROPN book/NOUN Please/INTJ join/VERB us/PRON for/ADP the/DET next/ADJ segment/NOUN of/ADP our/PRON interview/NOUN with/ADP Max/PROPN on/ADP Reality/NOUN Asserts/VERB Itself/PRON on/ADP The/DET Real/PROPN News/PROPN Network/PROPN End/NOUN DISCLAIMER/PROPN Please/INTJ note/VERB that/SCONJ transcripts/NOUN for/ADP The/DET Real/PROPN News/PROPN Network/PROPN are/AUX typed/VERB from/ADP a/DET recording/NOUN of/ADP the/DET program/NOUN TRNN/PROPN can/AUX not/PART guarantee/VERB their/PRON complete/ADJ accuracy/NOUN |
"<p>Is President Obama’s spending an “inferno,” as Mitt Romney claims, or a binge (...TRUNCATED) | Obama’s Spending: ‘Inferno’ or Not? | false | https://factcheck.org/2012/06/obamas-spending-inferno-or-not/ | 2012-06-04 | 2least
| 2,884 | "Is President Obama8217s spending an 8220inferno8221 as Mitt Romney claims or a binge that 8220never(...TRUNCATED) | "Is/AUX President/PROPN Obama8217s/PROPN spending/VERB an/DET 8220inferno8221/NOUN as/SCONJ Mitt/PRO(...TRUNCATED) |
"<p>A group of Malaysian people pray during an event for the missing plane. Kamal Sellehuddin/ZUMA</(...TRUNCATED) | Why Did the Media Devote So Much Attention to the Missing Malaysian Airplane? | true | https://motherjones.com/politics/2014/04/media-attention-missing-malaysian-airplane-flight-370/ | 2014-04-03 | 4left
| 2,887 | "A group of Malaysian people pray during an event for the missing plane Kamal SellehuddinZUMA This s(...TRUNCATED) | "A/DET group/NOUN of/ADP Malaysian/ADJ people/NOUN pray/VERB during/ADP an/DET event/NOUN for/ADP th(...TRUNCATED) |
"<p /> \n\n<p><a href=\"/about/advertising/contact-form\" type=\"external\">Advertise on MotherJones(...TRUNCATED) | Triumph of the Drill: How Big Oil Clings to Billions in Government Giveaways | true | https://motherjones.com/politics/2014/04/oil-subsidies-renewable-energy-tax-breaks/ | 2014-04-14 | 4left
| 2,892 | "Advertise on MotherJonescom Over the past century the federal government has pumped more than 470 b(...TRUNCATED) | "Advertise/VERB on/ADP MotherJonescom/PROPN Over/ADP the/DET past/ADJ century/NOUN the/DET federal/A(...TRUNCATED) |
"<p>&lt;a href=\"http://www.shutterstock.com/cat.mhtml?lang=en&amp;search_source=search_form(...TRUNCATED) | Why Our Debate About Surveillance Doesn’t Go Far Enough | true | https://motherjones.com/politics/2014/01/why-our-debate-about-surveillance-doesnt-go-far-enough/ | 2014-01-06 | 4left
| 2,894 | "amplta hrefhttpwwwshutterstockcomcatmhtmllangenampampsearch_sourcesearch_formampampversionllv1ampam(...TRUNCATED) | "amplta/PROPN hrefhttpwwwshutterstockcomcatmhtmllangenampampsearch_sourcesearch_formampampversionllv(...TRUNCATED) |
"<p>Q: Did then-Sen. Barack Obama get a law \"passed in dead silence\" that allowed black farmers to(...TRUNCATED) | Obama and the ‘Pigford’ Cases | false | https://factcheck.org/2011/04/obama-and-the-pigford-cases/ | 2011-04-29 | 2least
| 2,894 | "Q Did thenSen Barack Obama get a law passed in dead silence that allowed black farmers to file unla(...TRUNCATED) | "Q/NOUN Did/VERB thenSen/PUNCT Barack/PROPN Obama/PROPN get/VERB a/DET law/NOUN passed/VERB in/ADP d(...TRUNCATED) |
"<p /> \n\n<p /> \n\n<p /> \n\n<p /> PAUL JAY, SENIOR EDITOR, TRNN: Welcome to The Real News Network(...TRUNCATED) | Baltimore, Race and the Occupy Movement | true | "http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option%3Dcom_content%26task%3Dview%26id%3D31%26Itemid%3D74%26ju(...TRUNCATED) | 2012-10-25 | 4left
| 2,895 | "PAUL JAY SENIOR EDITOR TRNN Welcome to The Real News Network Im Paul Jay in Baltimore Its one year (...TRUNCATED) | "PAUL/PROPN JAY/PROPN SENIOR/PROPN EDITOR/NOUN TRNN/PROPN Welcome/PROPN to/ADP The/DET Real/PROPN Ne(...TRUNCATED) |
"<p>&lt;a href=\"http://www.flickr.com/photos/donkeyhotey/5325453058/sizes/z/in/photostream/\"&a(...TRUNCATED) | The Rich, White, Conservative GOP Must Change, But It Won’t | true | https://motherjones.com/politics/2012/12/rich-white-conservative-gop-must-change-it-wont/ | 2012-12-13 | 4left
| 2,895 | "amplta hrefhttpwwwflickrcomphotosdonkeyhotey5325453058sizeszinphotostreamampgtDonkeyHoteyampltaampg(...TRUNCATED) | "amplta/NOUN hrefhttpwwwflickrcomphotosdonkeyhotey5325453058sizeszinphotostreamampgtDonkeyHoteyamplt(...TRUNCATED) |
"<p>Donald Trump has a plan to solve America’s drug crisis: kill the drug dealers.</p> \n\n<p>(...TRUNCATED) | The President’s BFFs Are the World’s Greatest Human Rights Abusers | true | https://truthdig.com/articles/the-presidents-bffs-are-the-worlds-greatest-human-rights-abusers/ | 2018-03-26 | 4left
| 2,898 | "Donald Trump has a plan to solve America8217s drug crisis kill the drug dealers 8220We have pushers(...TRUNCATED) | "Donald/PROPN Trump/PROPN has/VERB a/DET plan/NOUN to/PART solve/VERB America8217s/ADJ drug/NOUN cri(...TRUNCATED) |
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