dict |
"ar": "و هذه؟",
"en": "and this"
} |
"ar": "...لقد كان",
"en": "it was um"
} |
"ar": "ما الذي تفعله هناك؟",
"en": "what is she doing here"
} |
"ar": "لا أحب ذلك",
"en": "i dont like it"
} |
"ar": "هل حصلت على جزء ?",
"en": "did you get the part"
} |
"ar": "-هذا ليس من شأنك",
"en": " its none of your business"
} |
"ar": "-نعم .",
"en": " uhhuh"
} |
"ar": "كنت على خطأ",
"en": "i was wrong"
} |
"ar": "ـ الآخرون؟",
"en": " others"
} |
"ar": "أنا (ماتش)، فخامتك",
"en": "im much your majesty"
} |
"ar": "هل كلامي واضح؟",
"en": "do i make myself clear"
} |
"ar": "شكرا لكم.",
"en": "thank you"
} |
"ar": "أشك في ذلك",
"en": "i bet you do"
} |
"ar": "هذا يكفي !",
"en": "thats enough"
} |
"ar": "أجل، بالطبع.",
"en": "yeah of course"
} |
"ar": "أنا هو",
"en": "im him"
} |
"ar": "-أأنت بخير ؟",
"en": "you okay"
} |
"ar": "ـ لا .. لا ..",
"en": "no no"
} |
"ar": "انها لك",
"en": "shes all yours"
} |
"ar": "تريدين الحقيقة ؟",
"en": "you want the truth"
} |
"ar": "ماذا عنك؟",
"en": "how about you"
} |
"ar": "-وداعا .",
"en": " goodbye"
} |
"ar": "-لا بأس .",
"en": " thats okay"
} |
"ar": "أنا آسفة",
"en": "im sorry"
} |
"ar": "أنا يجب أن أذهب",
"en": "i must go"
} |
"ar": "ربما لدينا شيء مشترك.",
"en": "maybe we have something in common"
} |
"ar": "حسنا،حسنا إهدأ",
"en": "right alright alright relax"
} |
"ar": "-تفضلي بالجلوس",
"en": " have a seat"
} |
"ar": "كيف الحال؟",
"en": "hows it goin"
} |
"ar": "-هل أنت بخير؟",
"en": " are you all right"
} |
"ar": "هنري مالذي يحدث",
"en": "whats up"
} |
"ar": "-ماذا فعلت؟",
"en": " what did you do"
} |
"ar": "ماذا حدث ؟",
"en": "what happened"
} |
"ar": "أهذا كل ما لديك؟",
"en": "is this all youve got"
} |
"ar": "ما ) الأعظم هو الذي اشتراها )",
"en": "ma is the greatest he bought it and delivered it"
} |
"ar": "أهذا صحيح؟",
"en": " that right"
} |
"ar": "اختصار لـ\" أم أود مضجعتها\" ؟",
"en": "as in mother id like to fuck"
} |
"ar": "اوة اوة ،عسلي",
"en": " ooh ooh ooh honey"
} |
"ar": "ما هو اسمك؟",
"en": "what is your name"
} |
"ar": "ماذا كان هذا؟",
"en": "what was that"
} |
"ar": "رائحة طيبة",
"en": "smells good"
} |
"ar": "من ماذا ؟",
"en": "from what"
} |
"ar": "لم يكن الأمر سهلا.",
"en": "it wasnt easy"
} |
"ar": "و أنت؟",
"en": "and you"
} |
"ar": "لا أظن ذلك",
"en": "i dont think so"
} |
"ar": "خذ وقتك",
"en": "just take your time"
} |
"ar": "-من هنا",
"en": " over here"
} |
"ar": "طبعا لا",
"en": "hell no"
} |
"ar": "بعد اذنك",
"en": "excuse me"
} |
"ar": "ماذا تنتظر؟",
"en": "what are you waiting for"
} |
"ar": "إلى اللقاء.",
"en": "miss prescott goodbye"
} |
"ar": "-مثلك .",
"en": "like you"
} |
"ar": "لهذا اخرجتنى من السرير؟",
"en": "this is why youve got me out of bed"
} |
"ar": "-هذا مؤسف .",
"en": " thats sad"
} |
"ar": "ـ ماذا تفعل هنا؟",
"en": "what are you doing here"
} |
"ar": "- حسنا",
"en": " all right"
} |
"ar": "ماذا عنكم؟",
"en": "how about everyone out here"
} |
"ar": "-أوافقك الرأي .",
"en": "i agree"
} |
"ar": "الكلمة الثالثة:",
"en": "number three"
} |
"ar": "ماذا قلت ؟",
"en": "what was that you said"
} |
"ar": "(كيليان) شكرا يا الله",
"en": "killian thank god"
} |
"ar": "عجباه، (زاك).",
"en": "whoa zach"
} |
"ar": "ما الذي يحدث؟",
"en": "whats going on"
} |
"ar": "حسنا يا رفاق",
"en": "all right gang"
} |
"ar": "لا .",
"en": "no no"
} |
"ar": "-لما لا ؟",
"en": "why not"
} |
"ar": "مازلت أفعل ذلك",
"en": "i can still do that"
} |
"ar": "-ولا أنا",
"en": " me neither"
} |
"ar": "كما تعلمون",
"en": "oh you know"
} |
"ar": "انا مش مصدقة ..",
"en": "i cant believe it"
} |
"ar": "لقد كان هنا.",
"en": "hes been here"
} |
"ar": "-تبا لك",
"en": " suck it"
} |
"ar": "هل يمكنك أن تتحكمين بها ؟",
"en": "can you control it"
} |
"ar": "أأنت بمفردك؟",
"en": "are you alone"
} |
"ar": "أنت مثير للشفقة",
"en": "its pathetic"
} |
"ar": "هذا سؤال جيد",
"en": "thats a good question"
} |
"ar": "هذا حسن",
"en": "thats all right"
} |
"ar": "لقد كنت على حق.",
"en": "you were right"
} |
"ar": "كيف أستطيع مساعدتك؟",
"en": "how may i help you"
} |
"ar": "تبا لك",
"en": "screw you abed"
} |
"ar": "-ماذا تريدين؟",
"en": "what do you want"
} |
"ar": "الدورة الرابعة والخمسون",
"en": "fiftyfourth session"
} |
"ar": "انظري لهذا.",
"en": "look at that"
} |
"ar": "شكرا لكم.",
"en": "thank you"
} |
"ar": "انا لا اعلم",
"en": "i do not know"
} |
"ar": "لا اعتقد هذا",
"en": "i think not"
} |
"ar": "ماذا يحدث هنا",
"en": "what is going on"
} |
"ar": "ـ أين كنت؟",
"en": " where have you been"
} |
"ar": "واحد، إثنان، ثلاثة.",
"en": "one two three"
} |
"ar": "هل ترى؟",
"en": "see god"
} |
"ar": "لا ، ليس معي",
"en": "no not me"
} |
"ar": "- لا استطيع",
"en": " i cant"
} |
"ar": "هل أنت بخير ؟",
"en": "are you all right"
} |
"ar": "مذكرة من رئيس مجلس الأمن",
"en": "note by the president of the security council"
} |
"ar": "لا تنسى هذه النقطة",
"en": "dont forget that"
} |
"ar": "ما اسمك؟",
"en": "you may call me sam out of love"
} |
"ar": "تماما مما يعني لا عمولة لك",
"en": "yes i did which means theres no commission in this for you"
} |
"ar": "هذا كل شيء",
"en": "thats it"
} |
"ar": "- كيف تعمل؟",
"en": "how are you doing"
} |
"ar": "كيف عرفت هذا؟",
"en": "how do you figure that"
} |
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