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Lord Ohnoki's home is… | Rumahnya Tn. Oonoki itu... | https://subscene.com/ |
You can thank me. | Berterima kasihlah padaku. | https://subscene.com/ |
Thanks to my stomach,we know where he is. | Soalnya, kita tahu tempatnya berkat perutku. | https://subscene.com/ |
You were eating too, Boruto! | Boruto juga ikut makan, bukan? | https://subscene.com/ |
Okay, then… | Oke. | https://subscene.com/ |
That's good enough. | Sebegini saja, ya. | https://subscene.com/ |
Your fate is all up to you. | Kau sendiri yang tentukan takdirmu! | https://subscene.com/ |
Hedorokamen? | Hedorokamen? | https://subscene.com/ |
Iwatchi! | Iwatchi! | https://subscene.com/ |
Is that the one you like? | Kau suka yang itu? | https://subscene.com/ |
From today on, you're Akkun. | mulai sekarang kau adalah Akkun. | https://subscene.com/ |
I thought he was an enemybecause of the way he attacked us, but… | Kukira dia adalah musuh karena sebelumnya dia sempat menyerangku. | https://subscene.com/ |
So this is where the old man lives… | Jadi, kakek itu tinggal di rumah ini. | https://subscene.com/ |
Damn it! | Sial! | https://subscene.com/ |
Just as the Hokage relayed to us, eh? | Kau diutus oleh Hokage, 'kan? | https://subscene.com/ |
Lord Ohnoki! | Tn. Oonoki! | https://subscene.com/ |
I thought I might find you here. | Sudah kuduga, Anda pasti berada di sini. | https://subscene.com/ |
Did you come to checkand see if I'm all right? | Apa kau datang untuk pastikan aku baik-baik saja? | https://subscene.com/ |
Y-You are—! | Kau... | https://subscene.com/ |
W-Why are you here? | Kenapa kau ada di sini? | https://subscene.com/ |
My help? | Bantuanku? | https://subscene.com/ |
That's why we need your help. | Karena itulah kami membutuhkan bantuan Kakek. | https://subscene.com/ |
Oh yes, I did. I certainly did. | Ah, memang benar aku pernah bilang begitu. | https://subscene.com/ |
Yeah… | Ya. | https://subscene.com/ |
I bet you did. | Sudah kuduga begitu. | https://subscene.com/ |
And Sarada too. | Dan Sarada juga. | https://subscene.com/ |
Yes! | Ya! | https://subscene.com/ |
You're welcome to stay atmy residence and rest. | Kalian boleh menginap dan beristirahat di rumahku. | https://subscene.com/ |
Old Man,we don't have time to relax. | Kakek, kami tak punya waktu untuk beristirahat. | https://subscene.com/ |
He left the village and joined up withsome Hidden Stone shinobi. | Dia pergi tinggalkan desa dan bergabung dengan ninja dari Desa Iwa. | https://subscene.com/ |
We've come to bring him back. | Kami harus membawanya kembali. | https://subscene.com/ |
That's why we came to see youand ask for your help, Old Man. | Karena itulah kami datang ke sini dan ingin minta bantuan Kakek. | https://subscene.com/ |
That can't be true! | Tak mungkin! | https://subscene.com/ |
My dear Akatsuchi,I'll be fine by myself for a while. | Akatsuchi, aku ingin menyendiri untuk sementara waktu. | https://subscene.com/ |
What made you suddenlychange your mind? | Kenapa Anda tiba-tiba berubah pikiran? | https://subscene.com/ |
That's right! | Benar! | https://subscene.com/ |
I'm asking too! | Aku juga minta tolong pada Anda! | https://subscene.com/ |
I want you to help Boruto! | Aku ingin Anda bantu Boruto! | https://subscene.com/ |
You need to go back hometo the Leaf! | Kalian harus kembali ke Desa Konoha! | https://subscene.com/ |
Why won't you tell me anything?! | Kenapa Kakek tak mau beri tahu apa pun pada kami? | https://subscene.com/ |
What is that?! | Itu... | https://subscene.com/ |
What are these guys doing here?! | Kenapa makhluk-makhluk ini ada di sini? | https://subscene.com/ |
Protect the Old Man! | Lindungi kakek! | https://subscene.com/ |
What's that?! | Itu... | https://subscene.com/ |
Stop! | Berhenti! | https://subscene.com/ |
Master… My dear father… | Master, wahai Ayahanda. | https://subscene.com/ |
We await your order! | Kami tunggu perintah Ayahanda! | https://subscene.com/ |
No way! | Tak mungkin! | https://subscene.com/ |
This is for your sake,this is all for the sake of peace. | Ini juga demi kalian, ini semua demi kedamaian. | https://subscene.com/ |
Return Mitsuki! | Kembalikan Mitsuki! | https://subscene.com/ |
Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations: | Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations | https://subscene.com/ |
Who are they?! | Siapa mereka? | https://subscene.com/ |
The Chunin Exams are ruined! | Ujian Chunin-nya... | https://subscene.com/ |
Th-Thank you! | Terima kasih! | https://subscene.com/ |
This is no time for the exams. | Bukan waktunya pikirkan ujiannya. | https://subscene.com/ |
Th-This is… | Ini... | https://subscene.com/ |
Hurry, get out of here! | Cepat larilah! | https://subscene.com/ |
Father! | Ayah! | https://subscene.com/ |
Don't misjudge the battle strengthbetween yourself and the enemy… | Jangan pandang rendah kekuatan tempur musuh! | https://subscene.com/ |
Prioritize evacuatingeveryone right now. | Utamakan evakuasi para penonton. | https://subscene.com/ |
Denki, where should we go next? | Denki, selanjutnya ke mana? | https://subscene.com/ |
Okay, leave it to me! | Baik, serahkan padaku! | https://subscene.com/ |
Got it! | Baik! | https://subscene.com/ |
Dad! | Papa! | https://subscene.com/ |
Or would you like me toshorten that horn of yours? | Apa kau ingin memperpendek tandukmu itu? | https://subscene.com/ |
Let me silence it forever! | Biar kubungkam untuk selama-lamanya! | https://subscene.com/ |
It's dangerous here. | Di sini berbahaya. | https://subscene.com/ |
Stop! | Hentikan! | https://subscene.com/ |
My chakra's—! | Chakra-ku... | https://subscene.com/ |
Fire Style Bullet: Homura! | Kaendan: | https://subscene.com/ |
Water Style Bullet: Orca! | Suiton | https://subscene.com/ |
You soiled my cloak. | Kau kotori jubahku. | https://subscene.com/ |
Looks like it's safe now. | Di sini sudah aman. | https://subscene.com/ |
Boruto! | Boruto! | https://subscene.com/ |
I won't be able to stay hereany longer. | aku tak bisa lagi berada di sini. | https://subscene.com/ |
At this point,it doesn't really matter anyway. | Saat ini hal itu tak penting! | https://subscene.com/ |
I've never seen chakraused like that. | Itu penggunaan chakra yang belum pernah kulihat sebelumnya. | https://subscene.com/ |
That's a dangerous power. | Itu kekuatan yang berbahaya. | https://subscene.com/ |
Boru…to… | Boruto. | https://subscene.com/ |
Our techniques don't possessthis kind of power… | Kami tak punya teknik semacam ini. | https://subscene.com/ |
Oh, so it's you. | Ternyata memang kau, ya. | https://subscene.com/ |
but not too good atbeing taken by surprise. | Tapi, kau tak begitu pandai terima kejutan. | https://subscene.com/ |
Are you done? | Sudah selesai? | https://subscene.com/ |
Both of you with your childrentagging along… | Ayah dan anak bekerja sama, ya. | https://subscene.com/ |
That was a close one! | Nyaris saja, ya. | https://subscene.com/ |
Boruto! Are you all right? | Boruto, kau tak apa-apa? | https://subscene.com/ |
How trivial… | Konyol sekali. | https://subscene.com/ |
Kinshiki… | Kinshiki. | https://subscene.com/ |
Naruto, these are the guys. | Naruto, merekalah orangnya. | https://subscene.com/ |
The ones Kagura was creatingWhite Zetsu in preparation for? | Kaguya siapkan Zetsu Putih untuk hadapi mereka, ya? | https://subscene.com/ |
You know that much? | Kau bahkan tahu sejauh itu. | https://subscene.com/ |
I belong to the same Otsutsuki Clanas Kaguya. | Sama seperti Kaguya, aku berasal dari klan Otsutsuki. | https://subscene.com/ |
What do you want? | Apa yang kauinginkan? | https://subscene.com/ |
You have the strongest chakrain this seedbed. | Kau punya chakra paling kuat di sini. | https://subscene.com/ |
The Divine Tree?! | Pohon Suci? | https://subscene.com/ |
Our mission is to redo Kaguya's work. | Misi kami adalah mengulang kembali pekerjaan Kaguya. | https://subscene.com/ |
and revive the Divine Tree! | lalu tumbuhkan kembali Pohon Suci! | https://subscene.com/ |
That legendary treewhich was the source of power | Pohon legenda yang jadi sumber kekuatan | https://subscene.com/ |
And that tree was lost for eternity. | Lalu, pohon itu hilang untuk selama-lamanya. | https://subscene.com/ |
That's right. | Benar. | https://subscene.com/ |