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Sasuke?! | Sasuke? | https://subscene.com/ |
What? | Ada apa? | https://subscene.com/ |
Sarada is really and truly Sasuke'sand Sakura's daughter! | Sarada benar-benar putri kandung Sasuke dan Sakura! | https://subscene.com/ |
It's Sarada and Sakura's! | Tentu saja itu milik Sarada dan Sakura! | https://subscene.com/ |
Really? | Benarkah itu? | https://subscene.com/ |
Idiot! | Dasar bodoh! | https://subscene.com/ |
Besides…women canjust be friends too, you know. | Lagi pula, wanita itu juga bisa bersahabat, lo. | https://subscene.com/ |
Does that mean you've totallygiven up on Sasuke? | Apa ini artinya kau benar-benar sudah menyerah untuk kejar Sasuke? | https://subscene.com/ |
Bonds come in all kinds of shapes. | Ikatan itu bisa terbentuk dari berbagai hal. | https://subscene.com/ |
Suigetsu, go and apologizeto Sarada! | cepat minta maaflah pada Sarada! | https://subscene.com/ |
I bet she's outgrowingher current pair. | Menurutku dia sudah tak cocok pakai kacamatanya yang sekarang. | https://subscene.com/ |
Seriously… | Ya ampun. | https://subscene.com/ |
Of course, you are reallyand truly my daughter. | Tentu saja, kau itu putri kandungku. | https://subscene.com/ |
I'm sorry too, Dad. | Aku minta maaf, Papa. | https://subscene.com/ |
You probably took after mein that respect. | Kemungkinan kau warisi sifat itu dariku. | https://subscene.com/ |
Dad… | Papa. | https://subscene.com/ |
Till next time. | Sampai ketemu lagi. | https://subscene.com/ |
I'll tell you…next time. | Soal itu, lain kali saja ya Mama kasih tahunya. | https://subscene.com/ |
Here's your lunch. | Ini bekal makan siangmu. | https://subscene.com/ |
See you… | Baiklah. | https://subscene.com/ |
Just a raincheck for me? | Aku tak dikasih apa-apa? | https://subscene.com/ |
I've decided… | Sudah kuputuskan. | https://subscene.com/ |
For what? | Untuk apa? | https://subscene.com/ |
Same here. Because of that,I've decided what my goal is. | Sama-sama, berkat membantumu, aku jadi tahu apa tujuanku. | https://subscene.com/ |
Your goal? | Tujuanmu? | https://subscene.com/ |
So… | Jadi... | https://subscene.com/ |
I've decided I'm gonnabecome the Hokage. | Aku putuskan untuk jadi Hokage. | https://subscene.com/ |
you were talking trashabout ninja this, and ninja that. | kau banyak bicara buruk soal ninja. | https://subscene.com/ |
I'm just saying, I'm not alwaysgonna stay a brat like you! | Aku tak mau terus-terusan terlihat kekanak-kanakan sepertimu! | https://subscene.com/ |
The question is,when aren't you a brat?! | Pertanyaannya, memangnya kau pernah bersikap dewasa? | https://subscene.com/ |
Next time on Boruto:Naruto Next Generations: | Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, | https://subscene.com/ |
That was quite a scare, wasn't it? | Tadi itu nyaris saja, ya? | https://subscene.com/ |
Yes, somehow. | Ya, begitulah. | https://subscene.com/ |
They're researchers fromthe Land of Rivers. | Mereka para peneliti dari Negara Sungai. | https://subscene.com/ |
Just in case. | Hanya untuk jaga-jaga. | https://subscene.com/ |
You were right, after all. | Sudah kuduga, ucapanmu memang benar. | https://subscene.com/ |
He completely deceived us. | Dia benar-benar sudah menipu kita. | https://subscene.com/ |
You were with him! | Kalian juga tadi bersamanya, 'kan? | https://subscene.com/ |
You knew he was the monster,but you kept it from us, didn't you? | Kalian sudah tahu kalau dia adalah monster itu, tapi kalian merahasiakannya dari kami, 'kan? | https://subscene.com/ |
We were going totell you everything | Awalnya kami ingin beri tahu kalian | https://subscene.com/ |
Not just the Village Head. | Tak hanya kepala desa. | https://subscene.com/ |
Like I said—! | Sudah kubilang... | https://subscene.com/ |
If you had told us about him, | Andai saja kalian beri tahu kami tentang dia | https://subscene.com/ |
I hate to imaginewhat would have happened! | Entah apa yang akan terjadi. | https://subscene.com/ |
What about Mr. Jugo? | Bagaimana dengan Paman Juugo? | https://subscene.com/ |
Mr. Jugo was just tryingto save the wild geese! | Paman Juugo berusaha selamatkan para angsa liar itu! | https://subscene.com/ |
And ended up like this, right? | Dan berakhir seperti ini, 'kan? | https://subscene.com/ |
When he injects them regularly… | Kalau dia suntikkan obat itu secara teratur... | https://subscene.com/ |
They…all disappeared. | Obatnya hilang. | https://subscene.com/ |
If that's the case,you can all leave. | Kalau memang begitu, kalian boleh pergi dari sini. | https://subscene.com/ |
are bringing reinforcementsfrom our village. | sedang kirimkan bala bantuan dari desa kami. | https://subscene.com/ |
What happened? | Apa yang terjadi? | https://subscene.com/ |
We discovered them unconsciousin the forest. | Kami temukan mereka dalam keadaan tak sadarkan diri di dalam hutan. | https://subscene.com/ |
They're undergoing treatment now. | Saat ini mereka sedang jalani perawatan. | https://subscene.com/ |
They should be okay. | Mereka akan baik-baik saja. | https://subscene.com/ |
No. We only found these two. | Tidak, kami hanya temukan mereka berdua saja. | https://subscene.com/ |
Sumire! | Sumire! | https://subscene.com/ |
You think something likethat is gonna work? | Apa kau pikir serangan seperti itu bisa mengenaiku? | https://subscene.com/ |
Don't underestimate us…young ladies! | Jangan remehkan kami, Gadis-gadis Kecil! | https://subscene.com/ |
No way! | Tak mungkin! | https://subscene.com/ |
We were ordered to stop them,not kill them. | Kita diperintahkan untuk hentikan mereka, bukan membunuh mereka. | https://subscene.com/ |
What is that? | Apa itu? | https://subscene.com/ |
Just leave that thing alone! | Tinggalkan saja dia! | https://subscene.com/ |
I'm gonna bring this thing down! | Aku akan kalahkan makhluk ini! | https://subscene.com/ |
Nue! | Nue! | https://subscene.com/ |
Hurry and helpWasabi and Namida! | Cepat tolong Wasabi dan Namida! | https://subscene.com/ |
Please go back.Help those two… | Kembalilah, selamatkan mereka berdua. | https://subscene.com/ |
Don't worry. | Jangan khawatir. | https://subscene.com/ |
to help the girls too. | untuk menolong gadis-gadis itu. | https://subscene.com/ |
I heard thatyou are an ornithologist. | Kudengar kau seorang peneliti burung. | https://subscene.com/ |
I'd really appreciate your help. | Kami akan sangat terbantu. | https://subscene.com/ |
Then let us stay here too! | Kalau begitu, biarkan kami juga tetap berada di sini! | https://subscene.com/ |
I'm rescinding my requestfor your help! | Aku tak lagi inginkan bantuan dari kalian! | https://subscene.com/ |
Yeah! Yeah! | Benar, benar! | https://subscene.com/ |
Don't ever come again! | Jangan datang lagi! | https://subscene.com/ |
I'm sorry, but it looks likeit's beyond our control now. | Maaf, sepertinya sekarang semuanya sudah berada di luar kendali kita. | https://subscene.com/ |
Don't worry. | Jangan khawatir. | https://subscene.com/ |
and take care of them. | dan akan rawat mereka. | https://subscene.com/ |
I don't think he's able to get up yet. | Kurasa dia masih belum bisa bangun. | https://subscene.com/ |
Let's go. | Ayo. | https://subscene.com/ |
I couldn't do anything for them! | Aku tak bisa menolong mereka sama sekali! | https://subscene.com/ |
Hold on! | Tunggulah! | https://subscene.com/ |
Nue, follow their chakra! | Nue, ikuti chakra mereka! | https://subscene.com/ |
Oh? | Oh? | https://subscene.com/ |
What an interesting summoning! | Benar-benar Pemanggilan yang menarik! | https://subscene.com/ |
Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations: | Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, | https://subscene.com/ |
I want you ask you some questions. | Aku ingin tanyakan sesuatu padamu. | https://subscene.com/ |
That's risky… | Itu berbahaya, sih. | https://subscene.com/ |
Just where could Old Man Ohnoki be? | Sebenarnya di mana Kakek Oonoki, ya? | https://subscene.com/ |
The young lady thereenjoyed my food so much… | Nona yang di sana makannya sangat lahap. | https://subscene.com/ |
Pardon my asking, but… | Omong-omong, apa kalian | https://subscene.com/ |
Why of course! | Tentu saja! | https://subscene.com/ |
Since kids these days don't knowhow great Lord Ohnoki is! | Anak-anak zaman sekarang, tak ada yang mengerti kehebatan Tn. Oonoki! | https://subscene.com/ |
fought to protect us inthe Fourth Great Ninja War. | masih terus berjuang lindungi kami saat Perang Dunia Ninja Keempat. | https://subscene.com/ |
We owe the peace in this villageto Lord Ohnoki. | Kedamaian di desa ini tercipta berkat Tn. Oonoki. | https://subscene.com/ |
He sounds just as incredibleas we imagined. | Ternyata dia memang orang yang hebat, ya. | https://subscene.com/ |
For that, | Nah, nah | https://subscene.com/ |
Oh yeah! No one's seen Lord Ohnokiaround much recently. | Omong-omong, belakangan ini tak ada yang lihat Tn. Oonoki. | https://subscene.com/ |
If I'm not mistaken, after he retired… | Setelah dia pensiun, kalau tak salah | https://subscene.com/ |
His house is somewhereto the south, right? | Kalau tak salah, rumahnya yang ada di selatan itu... | https://subscene.com/ |