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No, it's my fault. | Tidak, akulah yang salah. | https://subscene.com/ |
My wife's not weak. | Istriku tak selemah itu. | https://subscene.com/ |
I wonder what really went onbetween the two of them. | Kira-kira apa yang terjadi di antara mereka berdua, ya? | https://subscene.com/ |
I'm gonna saveall this thinking for later. | Nanti saja kupikirkan semuanya. | https://subscene.com/ |
That's all that matters! | Hanya itulah yang terpenting sekarang! | https://subscene.com/ |
Naruto, sense them out. | Naruto, coba rasakan keberadaan mereka. | https://subscene.com/ |
I am the only one who deservesto carry out Itachi's wishes, | Hanya aku yang berhak teruskan tekad Itachi, | https://subscene.com/ |
My goal is… | Tujuanku adalah | https://subscene.com/ |
and stir up conflict throughoutthe world once more. | dan sekali lagi ciptakan konflik di dunia ini. | https://subscene.com/ |
I guess I don't have to worry. | Sepertinya tak ada yang perlu kukhawatirkan. | https://subscene.com/ |
Friends? | Teman? | https://subscene.com/ |
everything will be settled! | tujuanmu itu akan ikut berakhir! | https://subscene.com/ |
my husband and my daughter! | suami dan anakku lagi! | https://subscene.com/ |
They're coming! | Mereka datang! | https://subscene.com/ |
Father's orders… | Perintah ayah adalah... | https://subscene.com/ |
Hey, Sarada?! | Eh, Sarada? | https://subscene.com/ |
I'm gonna go rescue Mom! | Aku akan pergi selamatkan mama! | https://subscene.com/ |
Sasuke!Go with her! | Sasuke, ikutlah bersamanya! | https://subscene.com/ |
Huh?Then what about me?! | Lo, bagaimana denganku? | https://subscene.com/ |
First, let's immobilize them… | Pertama, buat mereka tak bisa bergerak. | https://subscene.com/ |
Just how many of them are there? | Sebenarnya mereka itu ada berapa, sih? | https://subscene.com/ |
Get rid…of the…intruders. | Musnahkan penyusup. | https://subscene.com/ |
– Get rid…of the…intruders.– Damn that Shin… | Dasar si Shin itu. | https://subscene.com/ |
No, I can't do that. | Aku tak bisa melakukannya. | https://subscene.com/ |
A parent should never dosomething like this to their child. | Orang tua tak seharusnya berbuat seperti ini pada anaknya. | https://subscene.com/ |
Mom! | Mama! | https://subscene.com/ |
A trap?! | Jebakan? | https://subscene.com/ |
What's the matter? | Ada apa? | https://subscene.com/ |
No one escapes my Sharingan… | Tak ada yang bisa kabur dari Sharingan-ku. | https://subscene.com/ |
Amaterasu! | 天照 | https://subscene.com/ |
Yes… | Ya. | https://subscene.com/ |
With that leg, you shouldn'tbe able to move anymore. | Dengan kaki seperti itu, kau takkan bisa bergerak lagi. | https://subscene.com/ |
That boy! | Anak itu... | https://subscene.com/ |
I have no qualms with you. | Aku tak punya urusan denganmu. | https://subscene.com/ |
I will protect Father. | Ayah akan kulindungi. | https://subscene.com/ |
Stop it, Dad! | Hentikan, Papa! | https://subscene.com/ |
The tables have turned… | Keadaannya sudah berbalik. | https://subscene.com/ |
It's because worthless parentalfeelings have oppressed you… | Karena terikat dengan perasaan orang tua dan anak yang tak berguna, | https://subscene.com/ |
Dear! | Suamiku! | https://subscene.com/ |
You cannot escape my Sharingan. | Tak ada yang bisa lolos dari Sharingan-ku. | https://subscene.com/ |
I will carry out Itachi's willand revive the Akatsuki. | Aku yang akan teruskan tekad Itachi lalu bangkitkan Akatsuki. | https://subscene.com/ |
Something like thisisn't enough to defeat your dad. | Papamu bukanlah seseorang yang bisa dikalahkan dengan semudah itu. | https://subscene.com/ |
Your dad and I will protect you,no matter what! | Papa dan Mama pasti akan lindungimu. | https://subscene.com/ |
I'll impale the three of you,together as a family! | Akan kuhabisi kau bersama dengan keluargamu. | https://subscene.com/ |
but I don't agree. | tapi aku tak setuju. | https://subscene.com/ |
Mom! | Mama! | https://subscene.com/ |
What's going on? | Apa yang terjadi? | https://subscene.com/ |
But I think Sasuke and the othersgot things under control. | Sasuke dan yang lainnya sepertinya sudah akhiri semuanya. | https://subscene.com/ |
Sarada! | Sarada! | https://subscene.com/ |
I'll have to use the Shinsas a distraction | Akan kugunakan para Shin kecilku sebagai umpan | https://subscene.com/ |
Not yet. | Masih belum. | https://subscene.com/ |
Do it! | habisi mereka! | https://subscene.com/ |
What…are you…doing…? | Apa yang kalian lakukan? | https://subscene.com/ |
We are to dispose ofold, useless flesh. | Setiap orang akan jadi tua dan jadi tak berguna. | https://subscene.com/ |
You! | Kalian! | https://subscene.com/ |
Your Visual Prowess | Teknik Mata milikmu | https://subscene.com/ |
From now on…we will evolve. | Mulai sekarang, kami akan berevolusi. | https://subscene.com/ |
Is this… | Inikah | https://subscene.com/ |
When did you… | Sejak kapan | https://subscene.com/ |
We made more of ourselves. | Kami bisa buat klona kami sendiri. | https://subscene.com/ |
There are somepretty chubby ones too! | Ada juga yang bertubuh gemuk! | https://subscene.com/ |
Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu! | 多重影分身の術 | https://subscene.com/ |
Don't kill 'em, Sasuke! | Jangan bunuh mereka, Sasuke! | https://subscene.com/ |
Dad… Lord Seventh! | Papa, Hokage Ketujuh! | https://subscene.com/ |
You're coming with us,Medical Ninja! | Ikutlah bersama kami, Ninja Medis! | https://subscene.com/ |
I know! | Aku tahu! | https://subscene.com/ |
…protect you! | ...melindungimu! | https://subscene.com/ |
Sarada… | Sarada. | https://subscene.com/ |
Still gonna keep this up? | Kau masih ingin bertarung? | https://subscene.com/ |
Kurama… | Kurama. | https://subscene.com/ |
If you don't do anymore bad stuff,we won't do anything either. | Kalau kalian tak serang kami lagi, kami juga takkan serang kalian. | https://subscene.com/ |
They're still kids. | Mereka masih anak-anak. | https://subscene.com/ |
Carrying on Itachi's will, huh? | Mengemban tekad dari Itachi, ya? | https://subscene.com/ |
Sarada, way to go! | Sarada, kau hebat! | https://subscene.com/ |
That was some awesome power! | Kekuatan yang luar biasa! | https://subscene.com/ |
Sarada… | Sarada! | https://subscene.com/ |
I'm sorry. | Maaf. | https://subscene.com/ |
You're squishing me, Mom! | Kau memelukku terlalu keras, Mama! | https://subscene.com/ |
Dad! | Papa! | https://subscene.com/ |
Yeah… | Ya. | https://subscene.com/ |
Because you exist… | Karena ada dirimu di dunia ini, | https://subscene.com/ |
You're so lucky, Sarada. | Kau beruntung sekali, Sarada. | https://subscene.com/ |
First of all, | Pertama-tama, | https://subscene.com/ |
There are too many of you,so before that… | Tapi, kalian terlalu banyak, jadi sebelum itu... | https://subscene.com/ |
In other words,we're all going to be a family. | Dengan kata lain, kita akan jadi keluarga. | https://subscene.com/ |
There's no need to be shy, okay? | Jangan malu-malu, ya! | https://subscene.com/ |
but you found your dad instead. | tapi malah jadi kisah pertemuan Sarada dan papanya. | https://subscene.com/ |
Well… | Eh. | https://subscene.com/ |
I guess I'll make dowith him for now. | Sepertinya aku akan coba bersyukur punya papa seperti dia untuk saat ini. | https://subscene.com/ |
Ahh… I wonder wheremy real dad is? | Ah, aku ingin tahu di mana papaku yang sebenarnya. | https://subscene.com/ |
Um… Would you happen to be… | Apa jangan-jangan kau adalah... | https://subscene.com/ |
Did you come to get me? | Apa kau mencariku? | https://subscene.com/ |
This touch… | Sentuhan tangan ini... | https://subscene.com/ |
W-What's the matter? | A-Ada apa? | https://subscene.com/ |
I think this the first-time | Sepertinya ini pertama kalinya | https://subscene.com/ |
Huh? | Eh? | https://subscene.com/ |
What's with this?! | Kok bisa begini? | https://subscene.com/ |
Well…sort of. | Ya, begitulah. | https://subscene.com/ |
Can you teach me tomorrow, Dad?! | Bisakah Papa mengajariku besok? | https://subscene.com/ |
Cho-Cho was searchingfor you all this time. | Sejak tadi Chocho mencarimu. | https://subscene.com/ |
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