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47 CFR Part 19 Subpart B up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR Part 19 Subpart B Feb 20 2024 Employee Responsibilities and Conduct This content is from the eCFR and is authoritative but unofficial Title 47 Telecommunication Chapter I Federal Communications Commission Subchapter A General Part 19 Employee Responsibilities and Conduct Authority 5 U S C 7301 47 U S C 154 b i j and 303 r Source 61 FR 56112 Oct 31 1996 unless otherwise noted Subpart B Employee Responsibilities and Conduct 19 735 201 Outside employment and other activity prohibited by the Communications Act 19 735 202 Financial interests prohibited by the Communications Act 19 735 203 Nonpublic information Subpart B Employee Responsibilities and Conduct 19 735 201 Outside employment and other activity prohibited by the Communications Act Under section 4 b of the Communications Act at 47 U S C 154 b 2 A iv no employee of the Commission may be in the employ of or hold any official relation to any person significantly regulated by the Commission under that Act In addition the Commissioners are prohibited by section 4 b of the Communications Act at 47 U S C 154 b 4 from engaging in any other business vocation profession or employment Note Under the Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Federal Communications Commission at 5 CFR 3901 102 professional employees of the Commission must obtain approval before engaging in the private practice of the same profession as that of the employee s official position whether or not for compensation 19 735 202 Financial interests prohibited by the Communications Act a No Commissioner shall have a pecuniary interest in any hearing or proceeding in which he participates 47 U S C 154 j b 1 Section 4
b of the Communications Act at 47 U S C 154 b 2 A provides No member of the Commission or person employed by the Commission shall i Be financially interested in any company or other entity engaged in the manufacture or sale of telecommunications equipment which is subject to regulation by the Commission ii Be financially interested in any company or other entity engaged in the business of communication by wire or radio or in the use of the electromagnetic spectrum 47 CFR 19 735 202 b 1 enhanced display page 1 of 3 47 CFR Part 19 Subpart B up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 19 735 202 b 2 Employee Responsibilities and Conduct iii Be financially interested in any company or other entity which controls any company or other entity specified in clause i or clause ii or which derives a significant portion of its total income from ownership of stocks bonds or other securities of any such company or other entity or iv Be employed by hold any official relation to or own any stocks bonds or other securities of any person significantly regulated by the Commission under this act except that the prohibitions established in this subparagraph shall apply only to financial interests in any company or other entity which has a significant interest in communications manufacturing or sales activities which are subject to regulation by the Commission 2 To determine whether an entity has a significant interest in communications related activities that are subject to Commission regulations the Commission shall consider without excluding other relevant factors the criteria in section 4 b of the Communications Act at 47 U S C 154 b 3 These criteria include i The revenues and efforts directed toward the telecommunications aspect of the business
ii The extent of Commission regulation over the entity involved iii The potential economic impact of any Commission action on that particular entity and iv The public perception regarding the business activities of the company 3 i Section 4 b of the Communications Act at 47 U S C 154 b 2 B i permits the Commission to waive the prohibitions at 47 U S C 154 b 2 A The Act s waiver provision at 47 U S C 154 b 2 B i provides The Commission shall have authority to waive from time to time the application of the prohibitions established in subparagraph A of section 4 b to persons employed by the Commission if the Commission determines that the financial interests of a person which are involved in a particular case are minimal except that such waiver authority shall be subject to the provisions of section 208 of title 18 United States Code The waiver authority established in this subparagraph shall not apply with respect to members of the Commission ii A Requests for waiver of the provisions of 47 U S C 154 b 2 A may be submitted by an employee to the Head of the employee s Office or Bureau who will endorse the request with an appropriate recommendation and forward the request to the Designated Agency Ethics Official The Designated Agency Ethics Official has delegated authority to waive the applicability of 47 U S C 154 b 2 A B All requests for waiver shall be in writing and in the required detail The dollar value for the financial interest sought to be waived shall be expressed explicitly or in categories of value provided at 5 CFR 2634 301 d C Copies of all waiver requests and the action taken thereon shall be
maintained by the Designated Agency Ethics Official In any case in which the Commission exercises the waiver authority established in section 4 b of the Communications Act the Commission shall publish notice of such action in the FEDERAL REGISTER and shall furnish notice of such 47 CFR 19 735 202 b 3 ii C enhanced display page 2 of 3 47 CFR Part 19 Subpart B up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 19 735 203 Employee Responsibilities and Conduct action to the appropriate committees of each House of the Congress Each such notice shall include information regarding the identity of the person receiving the waiver the position held by such person and the nature of the financial interests which are the subject of the waiver 19 735 203 Nonpublic information a Except as authorized in writing by the Chairperson pursuant to paragraph b of this section or otherwise as authorized by the Commission or its rules nonpublic information shall not be disclosed directly or indirectly to any person outside the Commission Such information includes but is not limited to the following 1 The content of agenda items except for compliance with the Government in the Sunshine Act 5 U S C 552b or 2 Actions or decisions made by the Commission at closed meetings or by circulation prior to the public release of such information by the Commission b An employee engaged in outside teaching lecturing or writing shall not use nonpublic information obtained as a result of his or her government employment in connection with such teaching lecturing or writing except when the Chairperson gives written authorization for the use of that nonpublic information on the basis that its use is in the public interest c This section does not prohibit the disclosure of an
official Commission meeting agenda listing titles and summaries of items for discussion at an open Commission meeting Also this section does not prohibit the disclosure of information about the scheduling of Commission agenda items d Any person regulated by or practicing before the Commission coming into possession of written nonpublic information including written material transmitted in electronic form as described in paragraph a of this section under circumstances where it appears that its release was inadvertent or otherwise unauthorized shall promptly return the written information to the Commission s Office of the Inspector General without further distribution or use of the written nonpublic information Any person regulated by or practicing before the Commission who willfully violates this section by failing to promptly notify the Commission s Office of the Inspector General of the receipt of written nonpublic information including written material transmitted in electronic form that he knew or should have known was released inadvertently or in any otherwise unauthorized manner may be subject to appropriate sanctions by the Commission In the case of attorneys practicing before the Commission such sanctions may include disciplinary action under the provisions of 1 24 of this chapter Note Employees also should refer to the provisions of the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch at 5 CFR 2635 703 on the use of nonpublic information Additionally employees should refer to 19 735 107 of this part which provides that employees of the Commission who violate this part may be subject to disciplinary action which may be in addition to any other penalty prescribed by law As is the case with section 2635 703 this part is intended only to cover knowing unauthorized disclosures of nonpublic information 61 FR 56112 Oct 31 1996 as amended at 65 FR 66185 Nov 3
2000 88 FR 21439 Apr 10 2023 47 CFR 19 735 203 d enhanced display page 3 of 3
47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR Part 68 Feb 20 2024 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network This content is from the eCFR and is authoritative but unofficial Title 47 Telecommunication Chapter I Federal Communications Commission Subchapter B Common Carrier Services Part 68 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network Subpart A General 68 1 Purpose 68 2 Scope 68 3 Definitions 68 4 Hearing aid compatible telephones 68 5 Waivers 68 6 Telephones with volume control 68 7 Technical criteria for terminal equipment Subpart B Conditions on Use of Terminal Equipment 68 100 General 68 102 Terminal equipment approval requirement 68 105 Minimum point of entry MPOE and demarcation point 68 106 Notification to provider of wireline telecommunications 68 108 Incidence of harm 68 110 Compatibility of the public switched telephone network and terminal equipment 68 112 Hearing aid compatibility 68 160 Designation of Telecommunication Certification Bodies TCBs 68 162 Requirements for Telecommunication Certification Bodies Subpart C Terminal Equipment Approval Procedures 68 201 Connection to the public switched telephone network 68 211 Terminal equipment approval revocation procedures 68 213 Installation of other than fully protected non system simple customer premises wiring 68 214 Changes in other than fully protected premises wiring that serves fewer than four subscriber access lines 68 215 Installation of other than fully protected system premises wiring that serves more than four subscriber access lines 68 218 Responsibility of the party acquiring equipment authorization 68 224 Notice of non hearing aid compatibility Subpart D Conditions for Terminal Equipment Approval 68 300 Labeling requirements 68 316 Hearing aid compatibility Technical requirements 47 CFR Part 68 Feb 20 2024 enhanced display page 1 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024
47 CFR Part 68 Feb 20 2024 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network 68 317 Hearing aid compatibility volume control technical standards 68 318 Additional limitations 68 320 Supplier s Declaration of Conformity 68 321 Location of responsible party 68 322 Changes in name address ownership or control of responsible party 68 324 Supplier s Declaration of Conformity requirements 68 326 Retention of records 68 346 Description of testing facilities 68 348 Changes in equipment and circuitry subject to a Supplier s Declaration of Conformity 68 350 Revocation of Supplier s Declaration of Conformity 68 354 Numbering and labeling requirements for terminal equipment Subpart E Complaint Procedures 68 400 68 412 Reserved 68 414 Hearing aid compatibility Enforcement 68 415 Hearing aid compatibility and volume control informal complaints 68 417 Informal complaints form and content 68 418 Procedure designation of agents for service 68 419 Answers to informal complaints 68 420 Review and disposition of informal complaints 68 423 Actions by the Commission on its own motion Subpart F ACS Telephonic CPE 68 501 Authorization procedures 68 502 Labeling warranty instructions and notice of revocation of approval 68 503 Complaint procedures 68 504 Administrative Council on Terminal Attachments Subpart G Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments 68 602 Sponsor of the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments 68 604 Requirements for submitting technical criteria 68 608 Publication of technical criteria 68 610 Database of terminal equipment 68 612 Labels on terminal equipment 68 614 Oppositions and appeals PART 68 CONNECTION OF TERMINAL EQUIPMENT TO THE TELEPHONE NETWORK Authority 47 U S C 154 303 610 47 CFR 68 enhanced display page 2 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 1 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network Subpart A
General Authority Secs 4 5 303 710 48 Stat as amended 1066 1068 1082 47 U S C 154 155 303 610 Source 45 FR 20841 Mar 31 1980 unless otherwise noted 68 1 Purpose The purpose of the rules and regulations in this part is to provide for uniform standards for the protection of the telephone network from harms caused by the connection of terminal equipment and associated wiring thereto and for the compatibility of hearing aids and telephones so as to ensure that to the fullest extent made possible by technology and medical science people with hearing loss have equal access to the national telecommunications network including advanced communications services 83 FR 8632 Feb 28 2018 68 2 Scope a Except as provided in paragraphs b and c of this section and excluding subpart F which applies only to ACS telephonic CPE the rules and regulations of this part apply to direct connection of all terminal equipment to the public switched telephone network for use in conjunction with all services other than party line services Sections 68 4 68 5 68 6 68 112 68 160 68 162 68 316 and 68 317 and other sections to the extent they are made applicable by subpart F of this part also apply to ACS and ACS telephonic CPE that is manufactured in the United States or imported for use in the United States on or after February 28 2020 b National defense and security Where the Secretary of Defense or authorized agent or the head of any other governmental department agency or administration approved in writing by the Commission to act pursuant to this rule or authorized representative certifies in writing to the appropriate common carrier that compliance with the provisions of part 68 could result in the disclosure
of communications equipment or security devices locations uses personnel or activity which would adversely affect the national defense and security such equipment or security devices may be connected to the telephone company provided communications network without compliance with this part provided that each written certification states that 1 The connection is required in the interest of national defense and security 2 The equipment or device to be connected either complies with the technical criteria pertaining thereto or will not cause harm to the nationwide telephone network or to employees of any provider of wireline telecommunications and 3 The installation is performed by well trained qualified employees under the responsible supervision and control of a person who is a licensed professional engineer in the jurisdiction in which the installation is performed c Governmental departments agencies or administrations that wish to qualify for interconnection of equipment or security devices pursuant to this section shall file a request with the Secretary of this Commission stating the reasons why the exemption is requested A list of these departments agencies or administrations that have filed requests shall be published in the FEDERAL REGISTER The Commission may take action with respect to those requests 30 days after publication The Commission action shall be 47 CFR 68 2 c enhanced display page 3 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 3 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network published in the FEDERAL REGISTER However the Commission may grant on less than the normal notice period or without notice special temporary authority not to exceed 90 days for governmental departments agencies or administrations that wish to qualify for interconnection of equipment or security devices pursuant to this section Requests for such authority shall state the particular fact
and circumstances why authority should be granted on less than the normal notice period or without notice In such cases the Commission shall endeavor to publish its disposition as promptly as possible in the FEDERAL REGISTER 66 FR 7580 Jan 24 2001 as amended at 83 FR 8632 Feb 28 2018 68 3 Definitions As used in this part ACS telephonic CPE Customer premises equipment used with advanced communications services that is designed to provide 2 way voice communication via a built in speaker intended to be held to the ear in a manner functionally equivalent to a telephone except for mobile handsets Advanced communications services Interconnected VoIP service non interconnected VoIP service electronic messaging service and interoperable video conferencing service Demarcation point also point of interconnection As used in this part the point of demarcation and or interconnection between the communications facilities of a provider of wireline telecommunications and terminal equipment protective apparatus or wiring at a subscriber s premises Essential telephones Only coin operated telephones telephones provided for emergency use and other telephones frequently needed for use by persons using such hearing aids Harm Electrical hazards to the personnel of providers of wireline telecommunications damage to the equipment of providers of wireline telecommunications malfunction of the billing equipment of providers of wireline telecommunications and degradation of service to persons other than the user of the subject terminal equipment his calling or called party Hearing aid compatible Except as used at 68 4 a 3 and 68 414 and subpart F of this part the terms hearing aid compatible or hearing aid compatibility are used as defined in 68 316 unless it is specifically stated that hearing aid compatibility volume control as defined in 68 317 is intended or is included in the definition Inside wiring or premises wiring
Customer owned or controlled wire on the subscriber s side of the demarcation point Premises As used herein generally a dwelling unit other building or a legal unit of real property such as a lot on which a dwelling unit is located as determined by the provider of telecommunications service s reasonable and nondiscriminatory standard operating practices Private radio services Private land mobile radio services and other communications services characterized by the Commission in its rules as private radio services Public mobile services Air to ground radiotelephone services cellular radio telecommunications services offshore radio rural radio service public land mobile telephone service and other common carrier radio communications services covered by part 22 of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations 47 CFR 68 3 Public mobile services enhanced display page 4 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 3 Responsible party Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network Responsible party The party or parties responsible for the compliance of terminal equipment or protective circuitry intended for connection directly to the public switched telephone network or of ACS telephonic CPE with the applicable rules and regulations in this part and with any applicable technical criteria published by the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments If a Telecommunications Certification Body certifies the terminal equipment or ACS telephonic CPE the responsible party is the holder of the certificate for that equipment If the terminal equipment or ACS telephonic CPE is the subject of a Supplier s Declaration of Conformity the responsible party shall be The manufacturer of the equipment or the manufacturer of protective circuitry that is marketed for use with terminal equipment that is not to be connected directly to the network or if the equipment is imported the importer
or if the equipment is assembled from individual component parts the assembler If the equipment is modified by any party not working under the authority of the responsible party the party performing the modifications if located within the U S or the importer if the equipment is imported subsequent to the modifications becomes the new responsible party Retailers or original equipment manufacturers may enter into an agreement with the assembler or importer to assume the responsibilities to ensure compliance of the terminal equipment or ACS telephonic CPE and to become the responsible party Secure telephones Telephones that are approved by the United States Government for the transmission of classified or sensitive voice communications Terminal equipment As used in this part communications equipment located on customer premises at the end of a communications link used to permit the stations involved to accomplish the provision of telecommunications or information services 66 FR 7581 Jan 24 2001 as amended at 83 FR 8632 Feb 28 2018 68 4 Hearing aid compatible telephones a 1 Except for telephones used with public mobile services telephones used with private radio services and cordless and secure telephones every telephone manufactured in the United States other than for export or imported for use in the United States after August 16 1989 must be hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 Every cordless telephone manufactured in the United States other than for export or imported into the United States after August 16 1991 must be hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 2 Unless otherwise stated and except for telephones used with public mobile services telephones used with private radio services and secure telephones every telephone listed in 68 112 must be hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 3 A telephone is hearing aid compatible
if it provides internal means for effective use with hearing aids that are designed to be compatible with telephones which meet established technical standards for hearing aid compatibility 4 The Commission shall revoke or otherwise limit the exemptions of paragraph a 1 of this section for telephones used with public mobile services or telephones used with private radio services if it determines that i such revocation or limitation is in the public interest ii continuation of the exemption without such revocation or limitation would have an adverse effect on hearing impaired individuals 47 CFR 68 4 a 4 ii enhanced display page 5 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 4 a 4 iii Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network iii compliance with the requirements of 68 4 a 1 is technologically feasible for the telephones to which the exemption applies and iv compliance with the requirements of 68 4 a 1 would not increase costs to such an extent that the telephones to which the exemption applies could not be successfully marketed 54 FR 21430 May 18 1989 as amended at 55 FR 28763 July 13 1990 57 FR 27183 June 18 1992 61 FR 42186 Aug 14 1996 68 5 Waivers The Commission may upon the application of any interested person initiate a proceeding to waive the requirements of 68 4 a 1 with respect to new telephones or telephones associated with a new technology or service The Commission shall not grant such a waiver unless it determines on the basis of evidence in the record of such proceeding that such telephones or such technology or service are in the public interest and that a compliance with the requirements of 68 4 a 1 is technologically
infeasible or b compliance with such requirements would increase the costs of the telephones or of the technology or service to such an extent that such telephones technology or service could not be successfully marketed In any proceeding under this section to grant a waiver from the requirements of 68 4 a 1 the Commission shall consider the effect on hearing impaired individuals of granting the waiver The Commission shall periodically review and determine the continuing need for any waiver granted pursuant to this section 54 FR 21430 May 18 1989 68 6 Telephones with volume control As of January 1 2000 all telephones including cordless telephones as defined in 15 3 j of this chapter manufactured in the United States other than for export or imported for use in the United States must have volume control in accordance with 68 317 Secure telephones as defined by 68 3 are exempt from this section as are telephones used with public mobile services or private radio services 62 FR 43484 Aug 14 1997 68 7 Technical criteria for terminal equipment a Terminal equipment shall not cause harm as defined in 68 3 to the public switched telephone network b Technical criteria published by the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments are the presumptively valid technical criteria for the protection of the public switched telephone network from harms caused by the connection of terminal equipment subject to the appeal procedures in 68 614 of this part 66 FR 7581 Jan 24 2001 Subpart B Conditions on Use of Terminal Equipment 68 100 General In accordance with the rules and regulations in this part terminal equipment may be directly connected to the public switched telephone network including private line services provided over wireline facilities that are owned by providers of wireline telecommunications 47 CFR
68 100 enhanced display page 6 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 102 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network 66 FR 7581 Jan 24 2001 68 102 Terminal equipment approval requirement Terminal equipment must be approved in accordance with the rules and regulations in subpart C of this part or connected through protective circuitry that is approved in accordance with the rules and regulations in subpart C 66 FR 7582 Jan 24 2001 68 105 Minimum point of entry MPOE and demarcation point a Facilities at the demarcation point Carrier installed facilities at or constituting the demarcation point shall consist of wire or a jack conforming to the technical criteria published by the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments b Minimum point of entry The minimum point of entry MPOE as used herein shall be either the closest practicable point to where the wiring crosses a property line or the closest practicable point to where the wiring enters a multiunit building or buildings The reasonable and nondiscriminatory standard operating practices of the provider of wireline telecommunications services shall determine which shall apply The provider of wireline telecommunications services is not precluded from establishing reasonable classifications of multiunit premises for purposes of determining which shall apply Multiunit premises include but are not limited to residential commercial shopping center and campus situations c Single unit installations For single unit installations existing as of August 13 1990 and installations installed after that date the demarcation point shall be a point within 30 cm 12 in of the protector or where there is no protector within 30 cm 12 in of where the telephone wire enters the customer s premises or as close thereto as practicable d Multiunit installations 1 In multiunit
premises existing as of August 13 1990 the demarcation point shall be determined in accordance with the local carrier s reasonable and non discriminatory standard operating practices Provided however that where there are multiple demarcation points within the multiunit premises a demarcation point for a customer shall not be further inside the customer s premises than a point twelve inches from where the wiring enters the customer s premises or as close thereto as practicable 2 In multiunit premises in which wiring is installed including major additions or rearrangements of wiring existing prior to that date the provider of wireline telecommunications may place the demarcation point at the minimum point of entry MPOE If the provider of wireline telecommunications services does not elect to establish a practice of placing the demarcation point at the minimum point of entry the multiunit premises owner shall determine the location of the demarcation point or points The multiunit premises owner shall determine whether there shall be a single demarcation point location for all customers or separate such locations for each customer Provided however that where there are multiple demarcation points within the multiunit premises a demarcation point for a customer shall not be further inside the customer s premises than a point 30 cm 12 in from where the wiring enters the customer s premises or as close thereto as practicable At the time of installation the provider of wireline telecommunications services shall fully inform the premises owner of its options and rights regarding the placement of the demarcation point or points and shall not attempt to unduly influence that decision for the purpose of obstructing competitive entry 47 CFR 68 105 d 2 enhanced display page 7 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR
68 105 d 3 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network 3 In any multiunit premises where the demarcation point is not already at the MPOE the provider of wireline telecommunications services must comply with a request from the premises owner to relocate the demarcation point to the MPOE The provider of wireline telecommunications services must negotiate terms in good faith and complete the negotiations within forty five days from said request Premises owners may file complaints with the Commission for resolution of allegations of bad faith bargaining by provider of wireline telecommunications services See 47 U S C 208 47 CFR 1 720 through 1 740 4 The provider of wireline telecommunications services shall make available information on the location of the demarcation point within ten business days of a request from the premises owner If the provider of wireline telecommunications services does not provide the information within that time the premises owner may presume the demarcation point to be at the MPOE Notwithstanding the provisions of 68 110 b provider of wireline telecommunications services must make this information freely available to the requesting premises owner 5 In multiunit premises with more than one customer the premises owner may adopt a policy restricting a customer s access to wiring on the premises to only that wiring located in the customer s individual unit that serves only that particular customer 66 FR 7582 Jan 24 2001 67 FR 60167 Sept 25 2002 83 FR 31677 July 9 2018 83 FR 44843 Sept 4 2018 68 106 Notification to provider of wireline telecommunications a General Customers connecting terminal equipment or protective circuitry to the public switched telephone network shall upon request of the provider of wireline telecommunications inform the provider of wireline telecommunications of the particular line s to which
such connection is made and any other information required to be placed on the terminal equipment pursuant to 68 354 of this part by the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments b Systems assembled of combinations of individually approved terminal equipment and protective circuitry Customers connecting such assemblages to the public switched telephone network shall upon the request of the provider of wireline telecommunications provide to the provider of wireline telecommunications the following information For each line 1 Information required for compatible operation of the equipment with the communications facilities of the provider of wireline telecommunications 2 The identifying information required to be placed on terminal equipment pursuant to 68 354 for all equipment dedicated to that line and 3 Any other information regarding equipment dedicated to that line required to be placed on the terminal equipment by the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments 4 A list of identifying numbers required to be placed on terminal equipment if any by the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments pursuant to 68 354 of this part for equipment to be used in the system 47 CFR 68 106 b 4 enhanced display page 8 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 106 c Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network c Systems using other than fully protected premises wiring Customers who intend to connect premises wiring other than fully protected premises wiring to the public switched telephone network shall in addition to the foregoing give notice to the provider of wireline telecommunications in accordance with 68 215 e 66 FR 7582 Jan 24 2001 68 108 Incidence of harm Should terminal equipment inside wiring plugs and jacks or protective circuitry cause harm to the public switched telephone network or should the provider of
wireline telecommunications reasonably determine that such harm is imminent the provider of wireline telecommunications shall where practicable notify the customer that temporary discontinuance of service may be required however wherever prior notice is not practicable the provider of wireline telecommunications may temporarily discontinue service forthwith if such action is reasonable under the circumstances In case of such temporary discontinuance the provider of wireline telecommunications shall a Promptly notify the customer of such temporary discontinuance b Afford the customer the opportunity to correct the situation which gave rise to the temporary discontinuance and c Inform the customer of his right to bring a complaint to the Commission pursuant to the procedures set forth in subpart E of this part 55 FR 28630 July 12 1990 as amended at 66 FR 7583 Jan 24 2001 68 110 Compatibility of the public switched telephone network and terminal equipment a Availability of interface information Technical information concerning interface parameters not specified by the technical criteria published by the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments that are needed to permit terminal equipment to operate in a manner compatible with the communications facilities of a provider of wireline telecommunications shall be provided by the provider of wireline telecommunications upon request b Availability of inside wiring information Any available technical information concerning wiring on the customer side of the demarcation point including copies of existing schematic diagrams and service records shall be provided by the provider of wireline telecommunications upon request of the building owner or agent thereof The provider of wireline telecommunications may charge the building owner a reasonable fee for this service which shall not exceed the cost involved in locating and copying the documents In the alternative the provider of wireline telecommunications may make these documents available for review and copying by the building owner
In this case the provider of wireline telecommunications may charge a reasonable fee which shall not exceed the cost involved in making the documents available and may also require the building owner to pay a deposit to guarantee the documents return 66 FR 7583 Jan 24 2001 as amended at 83 FR 31677 July 9 2018 47 CFR 68 110 b enhanced display page 9 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 112 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network 68 112 Hearing aid compatibility a Coin telephones All new and existing coin operated telephones whether located on public property or in a semi public location e g drugstore gas station private club b Emergency use telephones Telephones provided for emergency use include the following 1 Telephones except headsets in places where a person with a hearing disability might be isolated in an emergency including but not limited to elevators highways and tunnels for automobile railway or subway and workplace common areas Note to paragraph b 1 Examples of workplace common areas include libraries reception areas and similar locations where employees are reasonably expected to congregate 2 Telephones specifically installed to alert emergency authorities including but not limited to police or fire departments or medical assistance personnel 3 Telephones except headsets in workplace non common areas Note Examples of workplace non common areas include private enclosed offices open area individual work stations and mail rooms Such non common area telephones are required to be hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 by January 1 2000 except for those telephones located in establishments with fewer than fifteen employees and those telephones purchased between January 1 1985 through December 31 1989 which are not required to be hearing aid compatible
as defined in 68 316 until January 1 2005 i Telephones including headsets made available to an employee with a hearing disability for use by that employee in his or her employment duty shall however be hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 ii As of January 1 2000 or January 1 2005 whichever date is applicable there shall be a rebuttable presumption that all telephones located in the workplace are hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 Any person who identifies a telephone as non hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 may rebut this presumption Such telephone must be replaced within fifteen working days with a hearing aid compatible telephone as defined in 68 316 including on or after January 1 2000 with volume control as defined in 68 317 iii Telephones not including headsets except those headsets furnished under paragraph b 3 i of this section that are purchased or replaced with newly acquired telephones must be A Hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 after October 23 1996 and B Include volume control as defined in 68 317 on or after January 1 2000 iv When a telephone under paragraph b 3 iii of this section is replaced with a telephone from inventory existing before October 23 1996 any person may make a bona fide request that such telephone be hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 If the replacement occurs on or after January 1 2000 the telephone must have volume control as defined in 68 317 The telephone shall be provided within fifteen working days 47 CFR 68 112 b 3 iv enhanced display page 10 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 112 b 3 v Connection of
Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network v During the period from October 23 1996 until the applicable date of January 1 2000 or January 1 2005 workplaces of fifteen or more employees also must provide and designate telephones for emergency use by employees with hearing disabilities through one or more of the following means A By having at least one coin operated telephone one common area telephone or one other designated hearing aid compatible telephone within a reasonable and accessible distance for an individual searching for a telephone from any point in the workplace or B By providing wireless telephones that meet the definition for hearing aid compatible for wireline telephones as defined in 68 316 for use by employees in their employment duty outside common areas and outside the offices of employees with hearing disabilities 4 All credit card operated telephones whether located on public property or in a semipublic location e g drugstore gas station private club unless a hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 coin operated telephone providing similar services is nearby and readily available However regardless of coin operated telephone availability all credit card operated telephones must be made hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 when replaced or by May 1 1991 which ever comes sooner 5 Telephones needed to signal life threatening or emergency situations in confined settings including but not limited to rooms in hospitals residential health care facilities for senior citizens and convalescent homes i A telephone that is hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 is not required until A November 1 1997 for establishments with fifty or more beds unless replaced before that time and B November 1 1998 for all other establishments with fewer than fifty beds unless replaced before that time ii Telephones that
are purchased or replaced with newly acquired telephones must be A Hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 116 after October 23 1996 and B Include volume control as defined in 68 317 on or after January 1 2000 iii Unless a telephone in a confined setting is replaced pursuant to paragraph b 5 ii of this section a hearing aid compatible telephone shall not be required if A A telephone is both purchased and maintained by a resident for use in that resident s room in the establishment or B The confined setting has an alternative means of signalling life threatening or emergency situations that is available working and monitored 6 Telephones in hotel and motel guest rooms and in any other establishment open to the general public for the purpose of overnight accommodation for a fee Such telephones are required to be hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 except that for establishments with eighty or more guest rooms the telephones are not required to be hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 until November 1 1998 and for establishments with fewer than eighty guest rooms the telephones are not required to be hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 until November 1 1999 47 CFR 68 112 b 6 enhanced display page 11 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 112 b 6 i Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network i Anytime after October 23 1996 if a hotel or motel room is renovated or newly constructed or the telephone in a hotel or motel room is replaced or substantially internally repaired the telephone in that room must be A Hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 after October 23 1996
and B Include volume control as defined in 68 317 on or after January 1 2000 ii The telephones in at least twenty percent of the guest rooms in a hotel or motel must be hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 as of April 1 1997 iii Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph b 6 of this section hotels and motels which use telephones purchased during the period January 1 1985 through December 31 1989 may provide telephones that are hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 in guest rooms according to the following schedule A The telephones in at least twenty percent of the guest rooms in a hotel or motel must be hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 as of April 1 1997 B The telephones in at least twenty five percent of the guest rooms in a hotel or motel must be hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 by November 1 1999 and C The telephones in one hundred percent of the guest rooms in a hotel or motel must be hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 by January 1 2001 for establishments with eighty or more guest rooms and by January 1 2004 for establishments with fewer than eighty guest rooms c Telephones frequently needed by the hearing impaired Closed circuit telephones i e telephones which cannot directly access the public switched network such as telephones located in lobbies of hotels or apartment buildings telephones in stores which are used by patrons to order merchandise telephones in public transportation terminals which are used to call taxis or to reserve rental automobiles need not be hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 until replaced 49 FR 1362 Jan 11 1984 as amended at 55 FR 28763 July 13
1990 57 FR 27183 June 18 1992 61 FR 42186 Aug 14 1996 61 FR 42392 Aug 15 1996 62 FR 43484 Aug 14 1997 62 FR 51064 Sep 30 1997 68 160 Designation of Telecommunication Certification Bodies TCBs a The Commission may recognize designated Telecommunication Certification Bodies TCBs which have been designated according to the requirements of paragraphs b or c of this section to certify equipment as required under this part Certification of equipment by a TCB shall be based on an application with all the information specified in this part The TCB shall process the application to determine compliance with the Commission s requirements and shall issue a written grant of equipment authorization The grant shall identify the approving TCB and the Commission as the issuing authority b In the United States TCBs shall be accredited and designated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST under its National Voluntary Conformity Assessment Evaluation NVCASE program or other recognized programs based on ISO IEC 17065 2012 to comply with the Commission s qualification criteria for TCBs NIST may in accordance with its procedures allow other appropriately qualified accrediting bodies to accredit TCBs TCBs shall comply with the requirements in 68 162 of this part 47 CFR 68 160 b enhanced display page 12 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 160 c Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network c In accordance with the terms of an effective bilateral or multilateral mutual recognition agreement or arrangement MRA to which the United States is a party bodies outside the United States shall be permitted to authorize equipment in lieu of the Commission A body in an MRA partner economy may authorize equipment to U S requirements only
if that economy permits bodies in the United States to authorize equipment to its requirements The authority designating these telecommunication certification bodies shall meet the following criteria 1 The organization accrediting the prospective telecommunication certification body shall be capable of meeting the requirements and conditions of ISO IEC 17011 2004 2 The organization assessing the telecommunication certification body shall appoint a team of qualified experts to perform the assessment covering all of the elements within the scope of accreditation For assessment of telecommunications equipment the areas of expertise to be used during the assessment shall include but not be limited to electromagnetic compatibility and telecommunications equipment wired and wireless d Incorporation by reference 1 The material listed in this paragraph d is incorporated by reference in this section with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U S C 552 a and 1 CFR part 51 To enforce any edition other than that specified in this section the FCC must publish a document in the FEDERAL REGISTER and the material must be available to the public All approved incorporation by reference IBR material is available for inspection at the FCC and the National Archives and Records Administration NARA Contact the FCC through the Federal Communications Commission s Reference Information Center phone 202 418 0270 For information on the availability of this material at NARA visit www archives gov federal register cfr ibr locations html or email fr inspection nara gov The material may be obtained from the source in paragraph d 2 of this section 2 International Electrotechnical Commission IEC IEC Central Office 3 rue de Varembe CH 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland Email inmail iec ch www iec ch or International Organization for Standardization ISO 1 ch De la Voie Creuse CP 56 CH
1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland www iso org Tel 41 22 749 01 11 Fax 41 22 733 34 30 email central iso org ISO publications can also be purchased from the American National Standards Institute ANSI through its NSSN operation www nssn org at Customer Service American National Standards Institute 25 West 43rd Street New York NY 10036 telephone 212 642 4900 i ISO IEC 17011 2004 E Conformity assessment General requirements for accreditation bodies accrediting conformity assessment bodies First Edition 2004 09 01 IBR approved for 68 160 c ii ISO IEC 17065 2012 E Conformity assessment Requirements for bodies certifying products processes and services First Edition 2012 09 15 64 FR 4997 Feb 2 1999 as amended at 80 FR 33447 June 12 2015 85 FR 64408 Oct 13 2020 88 FR 21445 Apr 10 2023 47 CFR 68 160 d 2 ii enhanced display page 13 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 162 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network 68 162 Requirements for Telecommunication Certification Bodies a Telecommunication certification bodies TCBs designated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST or designated by another authority pursuant to an bilateral or multilateral mutual recognition agreement or arrangement to which the United States is a party shall comply with the following requirements b Certification methodology 1 The certification system shall be based on type testing as identified in ISO IEC 17065 2 Certification shall normally be based on testing no more than one unmodified representative sample of each product type for which certification is sought Additional samples may be requested if clearly warranted such as when certain tests are likely to render a sample inoperative c Criteria for designation 1 To be designated as a
TCB under this section an entity shall by means of accreditation meet all the appropriate specifications in ISO IEC 17065 for the scope of equipment it will certify The accreditation shall specify the group of equipment to be certified and the applicable regulations for product evaluation 2 The TCB shall demonstrate expert knowledge of the regulations for each product with respect to which the body seeks designation Such expertise shall include familiarity with all applicable technical regulations administrative provisions or requirements as well as the policies and procedures used in the application thereof 3 The TCB shall have the technical expertise and capability to test the equipment it will certify and shall also be accredited in accordance with ISO IEC 17025 to demonstrate it is competent to perform such tests 4 The TCB shall demonstrate an ability to recognize situations where interpretations of the regulations or test procedures may be necessary The appropriate key certification and laboratory personnel shall demonstrate knowledge of how to obtain current and correct technical regulation interpretations The competence of the telecommunication certification body shall be demonstrated by assessment The general competence efficiency experience familiarity with technical regulations and products included in those technical regulations as well as compliance with applicable parts of the ISO IEC 17025 and ISO IEC 17065 shall be taken into consideration 5 A TCB shall participate in any consultative activities identified by the Commission or NIST to facilitate a common understanding and interpretation of applicable regulations 6 The Commission will provide public notice of specific elements of these qualification criteria that will be used to accredit TCBs d External resources 1 In accordance with the provisions of ISO IEC 17065 the evaluation of a product or a portion thereof may be performed by bodies that meet the applicable requirements of ISO
IEC 17025 and ISO IEC 17065 in accordance with the applicable provisions of ISO IEC 17065 for external resources outsourcing and other relevant standards Evaluation is the selection of applicable requirements and the determination that those requirements are met Evaluation may be performed by using internal TCB resources or external outsourced resources 47 CFR 68 162 d 1 enhanced display page 14 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 162 d 2 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network 2 A recognized TCB shall not outsource review and certification decision activities 3 When external resources are used to provide the evaluation function including the testing of equipment subject to certification the TCB shall be responsible for the evaluation and shall maintain appropriate oversight of the external resources used to ensure reliability of the evaluation Such oversight shall include periodic audits of products that have been tested and other activities as required in ISO IEC 17065 when a certification body uses external resources for evaluation e Recognition of TCBs 1 i The Commission will recognize as a TCB any organization that meets the qualification criteria and is accredited and designated by NIST or its recognized accreditor as provided in 68 160 b ii The Commission will recognize as a TCB any organization outside the United States that meets the qualification criteria and is designated pursuant to an bilateral or multilateral Mutual Recognition Agreement MRA as provided in 68 160 c 2 The Commission will withdraw the recognition of a TCB if the TCB s accreditation or designation by NIST or its recognized accreditor is withdrawn if the Commission determines there is just cause for withdrawing the recognition or if the TCB requests that it no longer hold the recognition The
Commission will limit the scope of equipment that can be certified by a TCB if its accreditor limits the scope of its accreditation or if the Commission determines there is good cause to do so The Commission will notify a TCB in writing of its intention to withdraw or limit the scope of the TCB s recognition and provide a TCB with at least 60 day notice of its intention to withdraw the recognition and provide the TCB with an opportunity to respond In the case of a TCB designated and recognized pursuant to an bilateral or multilateral MRA the Commission shall consult with the Office of United States Trade Representative USTR as necessary concerning any disputes arising under an MRA for compliance with the Telecommunications Trade Act of 1988 Section 1371 1382 of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 3 The Commission may request that a TCB s Designating Authority or accreditation body investigate and take appropriate corrective actions as required when it has concerns or evidence that the TCB is not certifying equipment in accordance with Commission rules or ACTA requirements and the Commission may initiate action to limit or withdraw the recognition of the TCB 4 If the Commission withdraws the recognition of a TCB all certifications issued by that TCB will remain valid unless specifically revoked by the Commission 5 A list of recognized TCBs will be published by the Commission f Scope of responsibility 1 TCBs shall certify equipment in accordance with the Commission s rules and policies 2 A TCB shall accept test data from any source subject to the requirements in ISO IEC 17065 and shall not unnecessarily repeat tests 3 TCBs may establish and assess fees for processing certification applications and other tasks as required by the Commission 47 CFR
68 162 f 3 enhanced display page 15 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 162 f 4 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network 4 A TCB may rescind a grant of certification within 30 days of grant for administrative errors After that time a grant can only be revoked by the Commission A TCB shall notify both the applicant and the Commission when a grant is rescinded 5 A TCB may not i Grant a waiver of Commission rules or technical criteria published by the Administrative Council or certify equipment for which Commission rules or requirements or technical criteria do not exist or for which the application of the rules or requirements or technical criteria is unclear ii Take enforcement actions 6 All TCB actions are subject to Commission review g Post certification requirements 1 A Telecommunications Certification Body shall supply a copy of each approved application form and grant of certification to the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments 2 In accordance with ISO IEC 17065 a TCB is required to conduct appropriate surveillance activities These activities shall be based on type testing a few samples of the total number of product types which the certification body has certified Other types of surveillance activities of a product that has been certified are permitted provided they are no more onerous than testing type The Commission may at any time request a list of products certified by the certification body and may request and receive copies of product evaluation reports The Commission may also request that a TCB perform post market surveillance under Commission guidelines of a specific product it has certified 3 The Commission may request that a grantee of equipment certification submit a sample directly to the
TCB that performed the original certification for evaluation Any equipment samples requested by the Commission and tested by a TCB will be counted toward the minimum number of samples that the TCB must test 4 A TCBs may request samples of equipment that they have certified directly from the grantee of certification 5 If during post market surveillance of a certified product a certification body determines that a product fails to comply with the applicable technical regulations the certification body shall immediately notify the grantee and the Commission The TCB shall provide a follow up report to the Commission within 30 days of reporting the non compliance by the grantee to describe the resolution or plan to resolve the situation 6 Where concerns arise the TCB shall provide a copy of the application file to the Commission within 30 calendar days of a request for the file made by the Commission to the TCB and the manufacturer Where appropriate the file should be accompanied by a request for confidentiality for any material that may qualify for confidential treatment under the Commission s rules If the application file is not provided within 30 calendar days a statement shall be provided to the Commission as to why it cannot be provided h In the case of a dispute with respect to designation or recognition of a TCB and the testing or certification of products by a TCB the Commission will be the final arbiter Manufacturers and recognized TCBs will be afforded at least 60 days to comment before a decision is reached In the case of a TCB designated or recognized or a product certified pursuant to an bilateral or multilateral mutual recognition agreement or 47 CFR 68 162 h enhanced display page 16 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to
date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 162 i Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network arrangement MRA to which the United States is a party the Commission may limit or withdraw its recognition of a TCB designated by an MRA party and revoke the Certification of products using testing or certification provided by such a TCB The Commission shall consult with the Office of the United States Trade Representative USTR as necessary concerning any disputes arising under an MRA for compliance with under the Telecommunications Trade Act of 1988 i Incorporation by reference The material listed in this paragraph i is incorporated by reference in this section with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U S C 552 a and 1 CFR part 51 To enforce any edition other than that specified in this section the FCC must publish a document in the FEDERAL REGISTER and the material must be available to the public All approved incorporation by reference IBR material is available for inspection at the FCC and the National Archives and Records Administration NARA Contact the FCC through the Federal Communications Commission s Reference Information Center phone 202 418 0270 For information on the availability of this material at NARA visit www archives gov federal register cfr ibr locations html or email fr inspection nara gov The material may be obtained from the following source in this paragraph i 1 International Organization for Standardization ISO Ch de Blandonnet 8 CP 401 CH 1214 Vernier Geneva Switzerland phone 41 22 749 01 11 fax 41 22 749 09 47 email central iso org website www iso org i ISO IEC 17025 2017 E General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories Third Edition November 2017 ii
ISO IEC 17065 2012 E Conformity assessment Requirements for bodies certifying products processes and services First Edition 2012 09 15 2 Reserved Note 1 to paragraph i The standards listed in paragraphs i of this section are also available from the American National Standards Institute ANSI 25 West 43rd Street 4th Floor New York NY 10036 phone 212 642 4980 email info ansi org website https webstore ansi org 64 FR 4998 Feb 2 1999 as amended at 66 FR 27601 May 18 2001 67 FR 57182 Sept 9 2002 80 FR 33448 June 12 2015 85 FR 64408 Oct 13 2020 88 FR 21445 Apr 10 2023 88 FR 67116 Sept 29 2023 Subpart C Terminal Equipment Approval Procedures 68 201 Connection to the public switched telephone network Terminal equipment may not be connected to the public switched telephone network unless it has either been certified by a Telecommunications Certification Body or the responsible party has followed all the procedures in this subpart for Supplier s Declaration of Conformity 66 FR 7583 Jan 24 2001 47 CFR 68 201 enhanced display page 17 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 211 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network 68 211 Terminal equipment approval revocation procedures a Causes for revocation The Commission may revoke the interconnection authorization of terminal equipment whether that authorization was acquired through certification by a Telecommunications Certification Body or through the Supplier s Declaration of Conformity process in 68 320 through 68 350 of this part where 1 The equipment approval is shown to have been obtained by misrepresentation 2 The approved equipment is shown to cause harms to the public switched telephone network as defined in 68 3 3 The responsible party willfully or
repeatedly fails to comply with the terms and conditions of its equipment approval or 4 The responsible party willfully or repeatedly fails to comply with any rule regulation or order issued by the Commission under the Communications Act of 1934 relating to terminal equipment b Notice of intent to revoke interconnection authority Before revoking interconnection authority under the provisions of this section the Commission or the Enforcement Bureau under delegated authority will issue a written Notice of Intent to Revoke Part 68 Interconnection Authority or a Joint Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture and Notice of Intent to Revoke Part 68 Interconnection Authority pursuant to 1 80 and 1 89 of this chapter c Delivery The notice will be sent via certified mail to the responsible party for the terminal equipment at issue at the address provided to the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments d Reauthorization A product that has had its approval revoked may not be authorized for connection to the public switched telephone network for a period of six months from the date of revocation of the approval e Reconsideration or appeal A responsible party of terminal equipment that has had its authorization revoked and or that has been assessed a forfeiture may request reconsideration or make administrative appeal of the decision pursuant to part 1 of the Commission s rules Practice and Procedure part 1 of this chapter 66 FR 7583 Jan 24 2001 as amended at 67 FR 13229 Mar 21 2002 68 FR 13850 Mar 21 2003 68 213 Installation of other than fully protected non system simple customer premises wiring a Scope of this rule Provisions of this rule apply only to unprotected premises wiring used with simple installations of wiring for up to four line residential and business telephone service More complex installations
of wiring for multiple line services for use with systems such as PBX and key telephone systems are controlled by 68 215 of these rules b Wiring authorized Unprotected premises wiring may be used to connect units of terminal equipment or protective circuitry to one another and to carrier installed facilities if installed in accordance with these rules The provider of wireline telecommunications is not responsible except pursuant to agreement between it and the customer or undertakings by it otherwise consistent with Commission requirements for installation and maintenance of wiring on the subscriber s side of the demarcation point including any wire or jacks that may have been installed by the carrier The subscriber and or premises owner may install wiring on the subscriber s side of the demarcation point and may remove reconfigure and 47 CFR 68 213 b enhanced display page 18 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 213 c Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network rearrange wiring on that side of the demarcation point including wiring and wiring that may have been installed by the carrier The customer or premises owner may not access carrier wiring and facilities on the carrier s side of the demarcation point Customers may not access the protector installed by the provider of wireline telecommunications All plugs and jacks used in connection with inside wiring shall conform to the published technical criteria of the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments In multiunit premises with more than one customer the premises owner may adopt a policy restricting a customer s access to wiring on the premises to only that wiring located in the customer s individual unit wiring that serves only that particular customer See 68 105 in this part The
customer or premises owner may not access carrier wiring and facilities on the carrier s side of the demarcation point Customers may not access the protector installed by the provider of wireline telecommunications All plugs and jacks used in connection with inside wiring shall conform to the published technical criteria of the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments c Material requirements 1 For new installations and modifications to existing installations copper conductors shall be at a minimum solid 24 gauge or larger twisted pairs that comply with the electrical specifications for Category 3 as defined in the ANSI EIA TIA Building Wiring Standards 2 Conductors shall have insulation with a 1500 Volt rms minimum breakdown rating This rating shall be established by covering the jacket or sheath with at least 15 cm 6 inches measured linearly on the cable of conductive foil and establishing a potential difference between the foil and all of the individual conductors connected together such potential difference gradually increased over a 30 second time period to 1500 Volts rms 60 Hertz then applied continuously for one minute At no time during this 90 second time interval shall the current between these points exceed 10 milliamperes peak 3 All wire and connectors meeting the requirements set forth in paragraphs c 1 and c 2 shall be marked in a manner visible to the consumer with the symbol CAT 3 or a symbol consisting of a C with a 3 contained within the C character at intervals not to exceed one foot 12 inches along the length of the wire d Attestation Manufacturers or distributors or retailers whichever name appears on the packaging of non system telephone premises wire shall attest in a letter to the Commission that the wire conforms with part 68 FCC Rules 49 FR 21734
May 23 1984 as amended at 50 FR 29392 July 19 1985 50 FR 47548 Nov 19 1985 51 FR 944 Jan 9 1986 55 FR 28630 July 12 1990 58 FR 44907 Aug 25 1993 62 FR 36464 July 8 1997 65 FR 4140 Jan 26 2000 66 FR 7583 Jan 24 2001 68 214 Changes in other than fully protected premises wiring that serves fewer than four subscriber access lines Operations associated with the installation connection reconfiguration and removal other than final removal of premises wiring that serves fewer than four subscriber access lines must be performed as provided in 68 215 c if the premises wiring is not fully protected For this purpose the supervisor and installer may be the same person 66 FR 7584 Jan 24 2001 68 215 Installation of other than fully protected system premises wiring that serves more 47 CFR 68 215 enhanced display page 19 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 215 a Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network than four subscriber access lines a Types of wiring authorized 1 Between equipment entities Unprotected premises wiring and protected premises wiring requiring acceptance testing for imbalance may be used to connect separately housed equipment entities to one another 2 Between an equipment entity and the public switched telephone network interface s Fully protected premises wiring shall be used to connect equipment entities to the public switched telephone network interface unless the provider of wireline telecommunications is unwilling or unable to locate the interface within 7 6 meters 25 feet of the equipment entity on reasonable request In any such case other than fully protected premises wiring may be used if otherwise in accordance with these rules 3 Hardware protection as
part of the facilities of the provider of wireline telecommunications In any case where the carrier chooses to provide and the customer chooses to accept except as authorized under paragraph g of this section hardware protection on the network side of the interface s the presence of such hardware protection will affect the classification of premises wiring for the purposes of 68 215 as appropriate b Installation personnel Operations associated with the installation connection reconfiguration and removal other than final removal of the entire premises communications system of other than fully protected premises wiring shall be performed under the supervision and control of a supervisor as defined in paragraph c of this section The supervisor and installer may be the same person c Supervision Operations by installation personnel shall be performed under the responsible supervision and control of a person who 1 Has had at least six months of on the job experience in the installation of telephone terminal equipment or of wiring used with such equipment 2 Has been trained by the registrant of the equipment to which the wiring is to be connected in the proper performance of any operations by installation personnel which could affect that equipment s continued compliance with these rules 3 Has received written authority from the registrant to assure that the operations by installation personnel will be performed in such a manner as to comply with these rules 4 Or in lieu of paragraphs c 1 through 3 of this section is a licensed professional engineer in the jurisdiction in which the installation is performed d Workmanship and material requirements 1 General Wiring shall be installed so as to assure that there is adequate insulation of telephone wiring from commercial power wiring and grounded surfaces Wiring is required to be sheathed in an
insulating jacket in addition to the insulation enclosing individual conductors see below unless located in an equipment enclosure or in an equipment room with restricted access it shall be assured that this physical and electrical protection is not damaged or abraded during placement of the wiring Any intentional removal of wiring insulation or a sheath for connections or splices shall be accomplished by removing the minimum amount of insulation necessary to make the connection 47 CFR 68 215 d 1 enhanced display page 20 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 215 d 2 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network or splice and insulation equivalent to that provided by the wire and its sheath shall be suitably restored either by placement of the splices or connections in an appropriate enclosure or equipment rooms with restricted access or by using adequately insulated connectors or splicing means 2 Wire Insulated conductors shall have a jacket or sheath with a 1500 volt rms minimum breakdown rating except when located in an equipment enclosure or an equipment room with restricted access This rating shall be established by covering the jacket or sheath with at least 15 cm 6 in measured linearly on the cable of conductive foil and establishing a potential difference between the foil and all of the individual conductors connected together such potential difference gradually increased over a 30 second time period to 1500 volts rms 60 Hertz then applied continuously for one minute At no time during this 90 second time interval shall the current between these points exceed 10 milliamperes peak 3 Places where the jacket or sheath has been removed Any point where the jacket or sheath has been removed or is not required shall be accessible
for inspection If such points are concealed they shall be accessible without disturbing permanent building finish e g by removing a cover 4 Building and electrical codes All building and electrical codes applicable in the jurisdiction to telephone wiring shall be complied with If there are no such codes applicable to telephone wiring Article 800 of the 1978 National Electrical Code entitled Communications Systems and other sections of that Code incorporated therein by reference shall be complied with 5 Limitations on electrical signals Only signal sources that emanate from the provider of wireline telecommunications central office or that are generated in equipment at the customer s premises and are non hazardous voltage sources as defined in the technical criteria published by the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments may be routed in premises telephone wiring except for voltages for network control signaling and supervision that are consistent with standards employed by the provider of wireline telecommunications Current on individual wiring conductors shall be limited to values which do not cause an excessive temperature rise with due regard to insulation materials and ambient temperatures The following table assumes a 45 C temperature rise for wire sizes 22 AWG or larger and a 40 C rise for wire sizes smaller than 22 AWG for poly vinyl chloride insulating materials and should be regarded as establishing maximum values to be derated accordingly in specific installations where ambient temperatures are in excess of 25 C 47 CFR 68 215 d 5 enhanced display page 21 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 215 d 6 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network Maximum Continuous Current Capacity of PVC Insulated Copper Wire Confined Wire size AWG Circular mils Maximum current amperes 32 63 2 0
32 30 100 5 0 52 28 159 8 0 83 26 254 1 1 3 24 404 0 2 1 22 642 4 5 0 20 1022 7 5 18 1624 10 NOTE The total current in all conductors of multiple conductor cables may not exceed 20 of the sum of the individual ratings of all such conductors 6 Physical protection In addition to the general requirements that wiring insulation be adequate and not damaged during placement of the wiring wiring shall be protected from adverse effects of weather and the environment in which it is used Where wiring is attached to building finish surfaces surface wiring it shall be suitably supported by means which do not affect the integrity of the wiring insulation e Documentation requirements A notarized affidavit and one copy thereof shall be prepared by the installation supervisor in advance of each operation associated with the installation connection reconfiguration and removal of other than fully protected premises wiring except when accomplished functionally using a cross connect panel except when involved with removal of the entire premises communications system using such wiring This affidavit and its copy shall contain the following information 1 The responsible supervisor s full name business address and business telephone number 2 The name of the registrant s or manufacturer s if grandfathered equipment is involved of any equipment to be used electrically between the wiring and the telephone network interface which does not contain inherent protection against hazardous voltages and longitudinal imbalance 3 A statement as to whether the supervisor complies with 68 215 c Training and authority under 68 215 c 2 3 is required from the registrant or manufacturer if grandfathered equipment is involved of the first piece of equipment electrically connected to the telephone network interface other than passive
equipments such as extensions cross connect panels or adapters In general this would be the registrant or manufacturer of a system s common equipment 4 The date s when placement and connection of the wiring will take place 5 The business affiliation of the installation personnel 6 Identification of specific national and local codes which will be adhered to 47 CFR 68 215 e 6 enhanced display page 22 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 215 e 7 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network 7 The manufacturer s a brief description of the wire which will be used model number or type its conformance with recognized standards for wire if any e g Underwriters Laboratories listing Rural Electrification Administration listing KS specification etc and a general description of the attachment of the wiring to the structure e g run in conduit or ducts exclusively devoted to telephone wiring fished through walls surface attachment etc 8 The date when acceptance testing for imbalance will take place 9 The supervisor s signature The notarized original shall be submitted to the provider of wireline telecommunications at least ten calendar days in advance of the placement and connection of the wiring This time period may be changed by agreement of the provider of wireline telecommunications and the supervisor The copy shall be maintained at the premises available for inspection so long as the wiring is used for telephone service f Acceptance testing for imbalance Each telephone network interface that is connected directly or indirectly to other than fully protected premises wiring shall be subjected to the acceptance test procedures specified in this section whenever an operation associated with the installation connection reconfiguration or removal of this wiring other than final removal
has been performed 1 Test procedure for two way or outgoing lines or loops A telephone instrument may be associated directly or indirectly with the line or loop to perform this test if one is not ordinarily available to it i Lift the handset of the telephone instrument to create the off hook state on the line or loop under test ii Listen for noise Confirm that there is neither audible hum nor excessive noise iii Listen for dial tone Confirm that dial tone is present iv Break dial tone by dialing a digit Confirm that dial tone is broken as a result of dialing v With dial tone broken listen for audible hum or excessive noise Confirm that there is neither audible hum nor excessive noise 2 Test procedure for incoming only non originating lines or loops A telephone instrument may be associated directly or indirectly with the line or loop to perform this test if one is not ordinarily available to it i Terminate the line or loop under test in a telephone instrument in the on hook state ii Dial the number of the line or loop under test from another station blocking as necessary other lines or loops to cause the line or loop under test to be reached iii On receipt of ringing on the line or loop under test lift the handset of the telephone instrument to create the off hook state on that line or loop iv Listen for audible hum or excessive noise Confirm that there is neither audible hum nor excessive noise 3 Failure of acceptance test procedures Absence of dial tone before dialing inability to break dial tone or presence of audible hum or excessive noise or any combination of these conditions during test of two way or outgoing lines
or loops indicates failure Inability to receive ringing inability to break ringing by going off hook or presence of audible hum or excessive noise or any combination of these conditions during test of incoming only lines or loops indicates failure Upon any such failure the failing equipment or portion of the premises communications system shall be disconnected 47 CFR 68 215 f 3 enhanced display page 23 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 215 f 4 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network from the network interface and may not be reconnected until the cause of the failure has been isolated or removed Any previously tested lines or loops shall be retested if they were in any way involved in the isolation and removal of the cause of the failure 4 Monitoring or participation in acceptance testing by the provider of wireline telecommunications The provider of wireline telecommunications may monitor or participate in the acceptance testing required under this section in accordance with 68 215 g of this part from its central office test desk or otherwise g Extraordinary procedures The provider of wireline communications is hereby authorized to limit the subscriber s right of connecting approved terminal equipment or protective circuitry with other than fully protected premises wiring but solely in accordance with this paragraph and 68 108 of these rules 1 i Conditions that may invoke these procedures The extraordinary procedures authorized herein may only be invoked where one or more of the following conditions is present A Information provided in the supervisor s affidavit gives reason to believe that a violation of part 68 of the FCC s rules is likely B A failure has occurred during acceptance testing for imbalance C Harm has occurred
and there is reason to believe that this harm was a result of wiring operations performed under this section ii The extraordinary procedures authorized in the following subsections shall not be used so as to discriminate between installations by provider of wireline telecommunications personnel and installations by others In general this requires that any charges for these procedures be levied in accordance with or analogous to the maintenance of service tariff provisions If the installation proves satisfactory no charge should be levied 2 Monitoring or participation in acceptance testing for imbalance Notwithstanding the previous sub section the provider of wireline telecommunications may monitor or participate in acceptance testing for imbalance at the time of the initial installation of wiring in the absence of the conditions listed therein at any other time on or more of the listed conditions shall be present Such monitoring or participation in acceptance testing should be performed from the central office test desk where possible to minimize costs 3 Inspection Subject to paragraph g 1 of this section the provider of wireline telecommunications may inspect wiring installed pursuant to this section and all of the splicing and connection points required to be accessible by 68 215 d 3 to determine compliance with this section The user or installation supervisor shall either authorize the provider of wireline telecommunications to render the splicing and inspection points visible e g by removing covers or perform this action prior to the inspection To minimize disruption of the premises communications system the right of inspecting is limited as follows i During initial installation of wiring A The provider of wireline telecommunications may require withdrawal of up to 5 percent measured linearly of wiring run concealed in ducts conduit or wall spaces to determine conformance of the wiring to the information furnished
in the affidavit 47 CFR 68 215 g 3 i A enhanced display page 24 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 215 g 3 i B Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network B In the course of any such inspection the provider of wireline telecommunications shall have the right to inspect documentation required to be maintained at the premises under 68 215 e ii After failure of acceptance testing or after harm has resulted from installed wiring The provider of wireline telecommunications may require withdrawal of all wiring run concealed in ducts conduit or wall spaces which reasonably could have caused the failure or harm to determine conformance of the wiring to the information furnished in the affidavit iii In the course of any such inspection the provider of wireline telecommunications shall have the right to inspect documentation required to be maintained at the premises under 68 215 e 4 Requiring the use of protective apparatus In the event that any of the conditions listed in paragraph g 1 of this section arises and is not permanently remedied within a reasonable time period the provider of wireline telecommunications may require the use of protective apparatus that either protects solely against hazardous voltages or that protects both against hazardous voltages and imbalance Such apparatus may be furnished either by the provider of wireline telecommunications or by the customer This right is in addition to the rights of the provider of wireline telecommunications under 68 108 5 Notice of the right to bring a complaint In any case where the provider of wireline telecommunications invokes the extraordinary procedures of 68 215 g it shall afford the customer the opportunity to correct the situation that gave rise to invoking these
procedures and inform the customer of the right to bring a complaint to the Commission pursuant to the procedures set forth in subpart E of this part On complaint the Commission reserves the right to perform any of the inspections authorized under this section and to require the performance of acceptance tests h Limitations on the foregoing if protected wiring requiring acceptance testing is used If protected wiring is used which required acceptance testing the requirements in the foregoing paragraphs of 68 215 are hereby limited as follows 1 Supervision Section 68 215 c 2 3 are hereby waived The supervisor is only required to have had at least six months of on the job experience in the installation of telephone terminal equipment or of wiring used with such equipment 2 Extraordinary procedures Section 68 215 g 3 is hereby limited to allow for inspection of exposed wiring and connection and splicing points but not for requiring the withdrawal of wiring from wiring run concealed in ducts conduit or wall spaces unless actual harm has occurred or a failure of acceptance testing has not been corrected within a reasonable time In addition 68 215 g 4 is hereby waived 43 FR 16499 Apr 19 1978 as amended at 44 FR 7958 Feb 8 1979 47 FR 37896 Aug 27 1982 49 FR 21735 May 23 1984 58 FR 44907 Aug 25 1993 66 FR 7584 Jan 24 2001 68 218 Responsibility of the party acquiring equipment authorization a In acquiring approval for terminal equipment to be connected to the public switched telephone network the responsible party warrants that each unit of equipment marketed under such authorization will comply with all applicable rules and regulations of this part and with the applicable technical criteria of the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments
b The responsible party or its agent shall provide the user of the approved terminal equipment the following 47 CFR 68 218 b enhanced display page 25 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 218 b 1 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network 1 Consumer instructions required to be included with approved terminal equipment by the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments 2 For a telephone that is not hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 of these rules i Notice that FCC rules prohibit the use of that handset in certain locations and ii A list of such locations see 68 112 c When approval is revoked for any item of equipment the responsible party must take all reasonable steps to ensure that purchasers and users of such equipment are notified to discontinue use of such equipment 66 FR 7585 Jan 24 2001 68 224 Notice of non hearing aid compatibility Every non hearing aid compatible telephone offered for sale to the public on or after August 17 1989 whether previously registered newly registered or refurbished shall a Contain in a conspicuous location on the surface of its packaging a statement that the telephone is not hearing aid compatible as is defined in 68 4 a 3 and 68 316 or if offered for sale without a surrounding package shall be affixed with a written statement that the telephone is not hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 4 a 3 and 68 316 and b Be accompanied by instructions in accordance with 68 218 b 2 54 FR 21431 May 18 1989 as amended at 61 FR 42187 Aug 14 1996 83 FR 8632 Feb 28 2018 Subpart D Conditions for Terminal Equipment Approval Authority 47
U S C 154 155 303 610 Source 45 FR 20853 Mar 31 1980 unless otherwise noted 68 300 Labeling requirements a Terminal equipment approved as set out in this part must be labeled in accordance with the requirements published by the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments and with requirements of this part for hearing aid compatibility and volume control b All registered telephones including cordless telephones as defined in 15 3 j of this chapter manufactured in the United States other than for export or imported for use in the United States that are hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 shall have the letters HAC permanently affixed thereto Permanently affixed means that the label is etched engraved stamped silkscreened indelibly printed or otherwise permanently marked on a permanently attached part of the equipment or on a nameplate of metal plastic or other material fastened to the equipment by welding riveting or a permanent adhesive The label must be designed to last the expected lifetime of the equipment in the environment in which the 47 CFR 68 300 b enhanced display page 26 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 316 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network equipment may be operated and must not be readily detachable Telephones used with public mobile services or private radio services and secure telephones as defined by 68 3 are exempt from the requirement in this paragraph b 62 FR 61664 Nov 19 1997 as amended at 64 FR 3048 Jan 20 1999 66 FR 7585 Jan 24 2001 86 FR 23629 May 4 2021 68 316 Hearing aid compatibility Technical requirements A telephone handset is hearing aid compatible for the purposes of this section if it complies with the
following standard published by the Telecommunications Industry Association copyright 1983 and reproduced by permission of the Telecommunications Industry Association Electronic Industries Association Recommended Standard RS 504 Magnetic Field Intensity Criteria for Telephone Compatibility With Hearing Aids PREPARED BY EIA ENGINEERING COMMITTEE TR 41 AND THE HEARING INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION S STANDARDS AND TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Table of Contents List of Illustrations 1 INTRODUCTION 2 SCOPE 3 DEFINITIONS 4 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 4 1 General 4 2 Axial Field Intensity 4 3 Radial Field Intensity 4 4 Induced Voltage Frequency Response Appendix A Bibliography 47 CFR 68 316 enhanced display page 27 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 316 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network List of Illustrations Figure Number 1 Reference and Measurement Planes and Axes 2 Measurement Block Diagram 3 Probe Coil Parameters 4A Induced Voltage Frequency Response for receivers with an axial field that exceeds 19 dB 4B Induced Voltage Frequency Response for receivers with an axial field that exceeds 22 dB but is less than 19 dB Magnetic Field Intensity Criteria for Telephone Compatibility With Hearing Aids From EIA Standards Proposal No 1652 formulated under the cognizance of EIA TR 41 Committee on Voice Telephone Terminals and the Hearing Industries Association s Standards and Technical Committee 1 Introduction Hearing aid users have used magnetic coupling to enable them to participate in telephone communications since the 1940 s Magnetic pick ups in hearing aids have provided for coupling to many but not all types of telephone handsets A major reason for incompatibility has been the lack of handset magnetic field intensity requirements Typically whatever field existed had been provided fortuitously rather than by design More recently special handset designs e g blue grommet handsets associated with public telephones
have been introduced to provide hearing aid coupling and trials were conducted to demonstrate the acceptability of such designs It is anticipated that there will be an increase in the number of new handset designs in the future A standard definition of the magnetic field intensity emanating from telephone handsets intended to provide hearing aid coupling is needed so that hearing aid manufacturers can design their product to use this field which will be guaranteed in handsets which comply with this standard 1 1 This standard is one of a series of technical standards on voice telephone terminal equipment prepared by EIA Engineering Committee TR 41 This document with its companion standards on Private Branch Exchanges PBX Key Telephone Systems KTS Telephones and Environmental and Safety Considerations Refs A1 A2 A3 and A4 fills a recognized need in the telephone industry brought about by the increasing use in the public telephone network of equipment supplied by numerous manufacturers It will be useful to anyone engaged in the manufacture of telephone terminal equipment and hearing aids and to those purchasing operating or using such equipment or devices 1 2 This standard is intended to be a living document subject to revision and updating as warranted by advances in network and terminal equipment technology and changes in the FCC Rules and Regulations 47 CFR 68 316 enhanced display page 28 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 316 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network 2 Scope 2 1 The purpose of this document is to establish formal criteria defining the magnetic field intensity presented by a telephone to which hearing aids can couple The requirements are based on present telecommunications plant characteristics at the telephone interface The telephone will also
be subject to the applicable requirements of EIA RS 470 Telephone Instruments with Loop Signaling for Voiceband Applications Ref A3 and the environmental requirements specified in EIA Standards Project PN 1361 Environmental and Safety Considerations for Voice Telephone Terminals when published Ref A4 Telephones which meet these requirements should ensure satisfactory service to users of magnetically coupled hearing aids in a high percentage of installations both initially and over some period of time as the network grows and changes occur in telephone serving equipment However due to the wide range of customer apparatus and loop plant and dependent on the environment in which the telephone and hearing aid are used conformance with this standard does not guarantee acceptable performance or interface compatibility under all possible operating conditions 2 2 A telephone complies with this standard if it meets the requirements in this standard when manufactured and can be expected to continue to meet these requirements when properly used and maintained For satisfactory service a telephone needs to be capable through the proper selection of equipment options of satisfying the requirements applicable to its marketing area 2 3 The standard is intended to be in conformance with part 68 of the FCC Rules and Regulations but it is not limited to the scope of those rules Ref A5 2 4 The signal level and method of measurement in this standard have been chosen to ensure reproducible results and permit comparison of evaluations The measured magnetic field intensity will be approximately 15 dB above the average level encountered in the field and the measured high end frequency response will be greater than that encountered in the field 2 5 The basic accuracy and reproducibility of measurements made in accordance with this standard will depend primarily upon the accuracy of the test equipment
used the care with which the measurements are conducted and the inherent stability of the devices under test 3 Definitions This section contains definitions of terms needed for proper understanding and application of this standard which are not believed to be adequately treated elsewhere A glossary of telephone terminology which will be published as a companion volume to the series of technical standards on Telephone Terminals For Voiceband Applications is recommended as a general reference and for definitions not covered in this section 3 1 A telephone is a terminal instrument which permits two way real time voice communication with a distant party over a network or customer premises connection It converts real time voice and voiceband acoustic signals into electrical signals suitable for transmission over the telephone network and converts received electrical signals into acoustic signals A telephone which meets the requirements of this standard also generates a magnetic field to which hearing aids may couple 47 CFR 68 316 enhanced display page 29 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 316 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network 3 2 The telephone boundaries are the electrical interface with the network PBX or KTS and the acoustic magnetic and mechanical interfaces with the user The telephone may also have an electrical interface with commercial power 3 3 A hearing aid is a personal electronic amplifying device intended to increase the loudness of sound and worn to compensate for impaired hearing When equipped with an optional inductive pick up coil commonly called a telecoil a hearing aid can be used to amplify magnetic fields such as those from telephone receivers or induction loop systems 3 4 The reference plane is the planar area containing points of the receiver end
of the handset which in normal handset use rest against the ear see Fig 1 3 5 The measurement plane is parallel to and 10 mm in front of the reference plane see Fig 1 3 6 The reference axis is normal to the reference plane and passes through the center of the receiver cap or the center of the hole array for handset types that do not have receiver caps 3 7 The measurement axis is parallel to the reference axis but may be displaced from that axis by a maximum of 10 mm see Fig 1 Within this constraint the measurement axis may be located where the axial and radial field intensity measurements are optimum with regard to the requirements In a handset with a centered receiver and a circularly symmetrical magnetic field the measurement axis and the reference axis would coincide 4 Technical Requirements 4 1 General These criteria apply to handsets when tested as a constituent part of a telephone 47 CFR 68 316 enhanced display page 30 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 316 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network 4 1 1 Three parameters descriptive of the magnetic field at points in the measurement plane shall be used to ascertain adequacy for magnetic coupling These three parameters are intensity direction and frequency response associated with the field vector 4 1 2 The procedures for determining the parameter values are defined in the IEEE Standard Method For Measuring The Magnetic Field Intensity Around A Telephone Receiver Ref A6 with the exception that this EIA Recommended Standard does not require that the measurements be made using an equivalent loop of 2 75 km of No 26 AWG cable but uses a 1250 ohm
resistor in series with the battery feed instead see Fig 2 4 1 3 When testing other than general purpose analog telephones e g proprietary or digital telephones an appropriate feed circuit and termination shall be used that produces equivalent test conditions 4 2 Axial Field Intensity When measured as specified in 4 1 2 the axial component of the magnetic field directed along the measurement axis and located at the measurement plane shall be greater than 22 dB relative to 1 A m for an input of 10 dBV at 1000 Hz see Fig 2 Note If the magnitude of the axial component exceeds 19 dB relative to 1 A m some relaxation in the frequency response is permitted See 4 4 1 4 3 Radial Field Intensity When measured as specified in 4 1 2 radial components of the magnetic field as measured at four points 90 apart and at a distance 16 mm from the measurement axis as selected in 4 2 shall be greater than 27 dB relative to 1 A m for an input of 10 dBV at 1000 Hz see Fig 2 4 4 Induced Voltage Frequency Response The frequency response of the voltage induced in the probe coil by the axial component of the magnetic field as measured in 4 2 shall fall within the acceptable region of Fig 4A or Fig 4B see 4 4 1 and 4 4 2 over the frequency range 300 to 3300 Hz 4 4 1 For receivers with an axial component which exceeds 19 dB relative to 1 A m when measured as specified in 4 1 2 the frequency response shall fall within the acceptable region of Fig 4A 4 4 2 For receivers with an axial component which is less than 19 dB but
greater than 22 dB relative to 1 A m when measured as specified in 4 1 2 the frequency response shall fall within the acceptable region of Fig 4B 47 CFR 68 316 enhanced display page 31 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 316 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network 47 CFR 68 316 enhanced display page 32 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 316 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network 47 CFR 68 316 enhanced display page 33 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 316 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network 47 CFR 68 316 enhanced display page 34 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 316 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network 47 CFR 68 316 enhanced display page 35 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 317 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network Appendix A Bibliography A1 EIA Standard RS 464 Private Branch Exchange PBX Switching Equipment for Voiceband Applications A2 EIA Standard RS 478 Multi Line Key Telephone Systems KTS for Voiceband Applications A3 EIA Standard RS 470 Telephone Instruments with Loop Signaling for Voiceband Applications A4 EIA Project Number PN 1361 Environmental and Safety Considerations for Voice Telephone Terminals A5 Federal Communications Commission Rules and Regulations part 68 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network A6 IEEE Standard Method for Measuring the Magnetic Field arould a Telephone Receiver to be published 49 FR 1363 Jan 11 1984 as amended at 61
FR 42187 Aug 14 1996 68 317 Hearing aid compatibility volume control technical standards a 1 A telephone manufactured in the United States or imported for use in the United States prior to February 28 2020 complies with the volume control requirements of this section if it complies with i The applicable provisions of paragraphs b through g of this section or ii Paragraph h of this section 2 A telephone manufactured in the United States or imported for use in the United States on or after February 28 2020 complies with the volume control requirements of this section if it complies with paragraph h of this section b An analog telephone complies with the Commission s volume control requirements if the telephone is equipped with a receive volume control that provides through the receiver in the handset or headset of the telephone 12 dB of gain minimum and up to 18 dB of gain maximum when measured in terms of Receive Objective Loudness Rating ROLR as defined in paragraph 4 1 2 of ANSI EIA 470 A 1987 Telephone Instruments With Loop Signaling The 12 dB of gain minimum must be achieved without significant clipping of the test signal The telephone also shall comply with the upper and lower limits for ROLR given in table 4 4 of ANSI EIA 470 A 1987 when the receive volume control is set to its normal unamplified level Note 1 to paragraph b Paragraph 4 1 2 of ANSI EIA 470 A 1987 identifies several characteristics related to the receive response of a telephone It is only the normal unamplified ROLR level and the change in ROLR as a function of the volume control setting that are relevant to the specification of volume control as required by this section 47 CFR 68
317 b enhanced display page 36 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 317 c Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network c The ROLR of an analog telephone shall be determined over the frequency range from 300 to 3300 HZ for short average and long loop conditions represented by 0 2 7 and 4 6 km of 26 AWG nonloaded cable respectively The specified length of cable will be simulated by a complex impedance See Figure A The input level to the cable simulator shall be 10 dB with respect to 1 V open circuit from a 900 ohm source d A digital telephone complies with the Commission s volume control requirements if the telephone is equipped with a receive volume control that provides through the receiver of the handset or headset of the telephone 12 dB of gain minimum and up to 18 dB of gain maximum when measured in terms of Receive Objective Loudness Rating ROLR as defined in paragraph 4 3 2 of ANSI EIA TIA 579 1991 Acoustic To Digital and Digital To Acoustic Transmission Requirements for ISDN Terminals The 12 dB of gain minimum must be achieved without significant clipping of the test signal The telephone also shall comply with the limits on the range for ROLR given in paragraph 4 3 2 2 of ANSI EIA TIA 579 1991 when the receive volume control is set to its normal unamplified level e The ROLR of a digital telephone shall be determined over the frequency range from 300 to 3300 Hz using the method described in paragraph 4 3 2 1 of ANSI EIA TIA 579 1991 No variation in loop conditions is required for this measurement since the receive level of a
digital telephone is independent of loop length f The ROLR for either an analog or digital telephone shall first be determined with the receive volume control at its normal unamplified level The minimum volume control setting shall be used for this measurement unless the manufacturer identifies a different setting for the nominal volume level The ROLR shall then be determined with the receive volume control at its maximum volume setting Since ROLR is a loudness rating value expressed in dB of loss more positive values of ROLR represent lower receive levels Therefore the ROLR value determined for the maximum volume control setting should be subtracted from that determined for the nominal volume control setting to determine compliance with the gain requirement g The 18 dB of receive gain may be exceeded provided that the amplified receive capability automatically resets to nominal gain when the telephone is caused to pass through a proper on hook transition in order to minimize the likelihood of damage to individuals with normal hearing h A telephone complies with the Commission s volume control requirements if it is equipped with a receive volume control that provides through the receiver in the handset of the telephone at the loudest volume setting a conversational gain greater than or equal to 18 dB and less than or equal to 24 dB Conversational Gain when measured as described in ANSI TIA 4965 2012 Telecommunications Telephone Terminal Equipment Receive Volume Control Requirements for Digital and Analog Wireline Telephones A minimum of 18 dB Conversational Gain must be achieved without significant clipping of the speech signal used for testing The maximum 24 dB Conversational Gain may be exceeded if the amplified receive capability automatically resets to a level of not more than 24 dB Conversational Gain when the telephone is caused to
pass through a proper on hook transition in order to minimize the likelihood of damage to individuals with normal hearing i Incorporation by reference The material listed in this paragraph i is incorporated by reference in this section with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U S C 552 a and 1 CFR part 51 All approved incorporation by reference IBR material is available for inspection at the FCC and the National Archives and Records Administration NARA Contact the FCC through the Federal Communications Commission s Reference Information Center phone 202 418 0270 For information on the availability of this material at NARA visit www archives gov federal register cfr ibr locations html or email fr inspection nara gov The material may be obtained from the following source in this paragraph i 47 CFR 68 317 i enhanced display page 37 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 317 i 1 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network 1 The following standards are available from the Telecommunications Industry Association TIA 1320 North Courthouse Road Suite 200 Arlington VA 22201 877 413 5184 email to smontgomery tiaonline org and http www tiaonline org standards catalog i Paragraph 4 1 2 including table 4 4 of American National Standards Institute ANSI Standard ANSI EIA 470 A 1987 Telephone Instruments with Loop Signaling July 1987 ii Paragraph 4 3 2 of ANSI EIA TIA 579 1991 Acoustic to Digital and Digital to Acoustic Transmission Requirements for ISDN Terminals February 1991 iii ANSI TIA 4965 2012 Telecommunications Telephone Terminal Equipment Receive Volume Control Requirements for Digital and Analog Wireline Handset Terminals approved October 19 2012 2 Reserved 61 FR 42187 Aug 14 1996 as amended at
64 FR 60726 Nov 8 1999 67 FR 13229 Mar 21 2002 69 FR 18803 Apr 9 2004 83 FR 8632 Feb 28 2018 85 FR 64408 Oct 13 2020 88 FR 21445 Apr 10 2023 68 318 Additional limitations a General Registered terminal equipment for connection to those services discussed below must incorporate the specified features b Registered terminal equipment with automatic dialing capability 1 Automatic dialing to any individual number is limited to two successive attempts Automatic dialing equipment which employ means for detecting both busy and reorder signals shall be permitted an additional 13 attempts if a busy or reorder signal is encountered on each attempt The dialer shall be unable to re attempt a call to the same number for at least 60 minutes following either the second or fifteenth successive attempt whichever applies unless the dialer is reactivated by either manual or external means This rule does not apply to manually activated dialers that dial a number once following each activation Note to paragraph b 1 Emergency alarm dialers and dialers under external computer control are exempt from these requirements 2 If means are employed for detecting both busy and reorder signals the automatic dialing equipment shall return to its on hook state within 15 seconds after detection of a busy or reorder signal 3 If the called party does not answer the automatic dialer shall return to the on hook state within 60 seconds of completion of dialing 4 If the called party answers and the calling equipment does not detect a compatible terminal equipment at the called end then the automatic dialing equipment shall be limited to one additional call which is answered The automatic dialing equipment shall comply with paragraphs b 1 b 2 and b 3 of this section for additional
call attempts that are not answered 5 Sequential dialers shall dial only once to any individual number before proceeding to dial another number 6 Network addressing signals shall be transmitted no earlier than 47 CFR 68 318 b 6 enhanced display page 38 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 318 b 6 i Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network i 70 ms after receipt of dial tone at the network demarcation point or ii 600 ms after automatically going off hook for single line equipment that does not use dial tone detectors or iii 70 ms after receipt of CO ground start at the network demarcation point c Line seizure by automatic telephone dialing systems Automatic telephone dialing systems which deliver a recorded message to the called party must release the called party s telephone line within 5 seconds of the time notification is transmitted to the system that the called party has hung up to allow the called party s line to be used to make or receive other calls d Telephone facsimile machines Identification of the sender of the message It shall be unlawful for any person within the United States to use a computer or other electronic device to send any message via a telephone facsimile machine unless such person clearly marks in a margin at the top or bottom of each transmitted page of the message or on the first page of the transmission the date and time it is sent and an identification of the business other entity or individual sending the message and the telephone number of the sending machine or of such business other entity or individual If a facsimile broadcaster demonstrates a high degree of involvement in the sender
s facsimile messages such as supplying the numbers to which a message is sent that broadcaster s name under which it is registered to conduct business with the State Corporation Commission or comparable regulatory authority must be identified on the facsimile along with the sender s name Telephone facsimile machines manufactured on and after December 20 1992 must clearly mark such identifying information on each transmitted page e Requirement that registered equipment allow access to common carriers Any equipment or software manufactured or imported on or after April 17 1992 and installed by any aggregator shall be technologically capable of providing consumers with access to interstate providers of operator services through the use of equal access codes The terms used in this paragraph shall have meanings defined in 64 708 of this chapter 47 CFR 64 708 62 FR 61691 Nov 19 1997 as amended at 68 FR 44179 July 25 2003 68 320 Supplier s Declaration of Conformity a Supplier s Declaration of Conformity is a procedure where the responsible party as defined in 68 3 makes measurements or takes other necessary steps to ensure that the terminal equipment complies with the appropriate technical standards b The Supplier s Declaration of Conformity attaches to all items subsequently marketed by the responsible party which are identical within the variation that can be expected to arise as a result of quantity production techniques to the sample tested and found acceptable by the responsible party c The Supplier s Declaration of Conformity signifies that the responsible party has determined that the equipment has been shown to comply with the applicable technical criteria if no unauthorized change is made in the equipment and if the equipment is properly maintained and operated d The responsible party if different from the manufacturer may upon receiving
a written statement from the manufacturer that the equipment complies with the appropriate technical criteria rely on the manufacturer or independent testing agency to determine compliance Any records that the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments requires the responsible party to maintain shall be in the English language and shall be made available to the Commission upon a request 47 CFR 68 320 d enhanced display page 39 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 320 e Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network e No person shall use or make reference to a Supplier s Declaration of Conformity in a deceptive or misleading manner or to convey the impression that such a Supplier s Declaration of Conformity reflects more than a determination by the responsible party that the device or product has been shown to be capable of complying with the applicable technical criteria 66 FR 7585 Jan 24 2001 as amended at 83 FR 8633 Feb 28 2018 68 321 Location of responsible party The responsible party for a Supplier s Declaration of Conformity must designate an agent for service of process that is physically located within the United States 67 FR 57182 Sept 9 2002 68 322 Changes in name address ownership or control of responsible party a The responsible party for a Supplier s Declaration of Conformity may license or otherwise authorize a second party to manufacture the equipment covered by the Supplier s Declaration of Conformity provided that the responsible party shall continue to be responsible to the Commission for ensuring that the equipment produced pursuant to such an agreement remains compliant with the appropriate standards b In the case of transactions affecting the responsible party of a Supplier s Declaration of Conformity such as
a transfer of control or sale to another company mergers or transfer of manufacturing rights the successor entity shall become the responsible party 66 FR 7586 Jan 24 2001 68 324 Supplier s Declaration of Conformity requirements a Each responsible party shall include in the Supplier s Declaration of Conformity the following information 1 The identification and a description of the responsible party for the Supplier s Declaration of Conformity and the product including the model number of the product 2 A statement that the terminal equipment conforms with applicable technical requirements and a reference to the technical requirements 3 The date and place of issue of the declaration 4 The signature name and function of person making declaration 5 A statement that the handset if any complies with 68 316 of these rules defining hearing aid compatibility or that it does not comply with that section A telephone handset which complies with 68 316 shall be deemed a hearing aid compatible telephone for purposes of 68 4 6 Any other information required to be included in the Supplier s Declaration of Conformity by the Administrative Council of Terminal Attachments b If the device that is subject to a Supplier s Declaration of Conformity is designed to operate in conjunction with other equipment the characteristics of which can affect compliance of such device with part 68 rules and or with technical criteria published by the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments 47 CFR 68 324 b enhanced display page 40 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 324 c Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network then the Model Number s of such other equipment must be supplied and such other equipment must also include a Supplier s Declaration of
Conformity or a certification from a Telecommunications Certification Body c The Supplier s Declaration of Conformity shall be included in the user s manual or as a separate document enclosed with the terminal equipment d If terminal equipment is not subject to a Supplier s Declaration of Conformity but instead contains protective circuitry that is subject to a Supplier s Declaration of Conformity then the responsible party for the protective circuitry shall include with each module of such circuitry a Supplier s Declaration of Conformity containing the information required under 68 340 a and the responsible party of such terminal equipment shall include such statement with each unit of the product e 1 The responsible party for the terminal equipment subject to a Supplier s Declaration of Conformity also shall provide to the purchaser of such terminal equipment instructions as required by the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments 2 A copy of the Supplier s Declaration of Conformity shall be provided to the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments along with any other information the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments requires this information shall be made available to the public 3 The responsible party shall make a copy of the Supplier s Declaration of Conformity freely available to the general public on its company website The information shall be accessible to the disabled community from the website If the responsible party does not have a functional and reliable website then the responsible party shall inform the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments of such circumstances and the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments shall make a copy available on its website f For a telephone that is not hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 of this part the responsible party also shall provide the following in the Supplier s Declaration of
Conformity 1 Notice that FCC rules prohibit the use of that handset in certain locations and 2 A list of such locations see 68 112 66 FR 7586 Jan 24 2001 68 326 Retention of records a The responsible party for a Supplier s Declaration of Conformity shall maintain records containing the following information 1 A copy of the Supplier s Declaration of Conformity 2 The identity of the testing facility including the name address phone number and other contact information 3 A detailed explanation of the testing procedure utilized to determine whether terminal equipment conforms to the appropriate technical criteria 4 A copy of the test results for terminal equipment compliance with the appropriate technical criteria 47 CFR 68 326 a 4 enhanced display page 41 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 326 b Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network b For each device subject to the Supplier s Declaration of Conformity requirement the responsible party shall maintain all records required under 68 326 a for at least ten years after the manufacture of said equipment has been permanently discontinued or until the conclusion of an investigation or a proceeding if the responsible party is officially notified prior to the expiration of such ten year period that an investigation or any other administrative proceeding involving its equipment has been instituted whichever is later 66 FR 7586 Jan 24 2001 68 346 Description of testing facilities a Each responsible party for equipment that is subject to a Supplier s Declaration of Conformity under this part shall compile a description of the measurement facilities employed for testing the equipment The responsible party for the Supplier s Declaration of Conformity shall retain a description of the measurement facilities b
The description shall contain the information required to be included by the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments 66 FR 7586 Jan 24 2001 68 348 Changes in equipment and circuitry subject to a Supplier s Declaration of Conformity a No change shall be made in terminal equipment or protective circuitry that would result in any material change in the information contained in the Supplier s Declaration of Conformity Statement furnished to users b Any other changes in terminal equipment or protective circuitry which is subject to an effective Supplier s Declaration of Conformity shall be made only by the responsible party or an authorized agent thereof and the responsible party will remain responsible for the performance of such changes 66 FR 7586 Jan 24 2001 68 350 Revocation of Supplier s Declaration of Conformity a The Commission may revoke any Supplier s Declaration of Conformity for cause in accordance with the provisions of this section or in the event changes in technical standards published by the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments require the revocation of any outstanding Supplier s Declaration of Conformity in order to achieve the objectives of part 68 b Cause for revocation In addition to the provisions in 68 211 the Commission may revoke a Supplier s Declaration of Conformity 1 For false statements or representations made in materials or responses submitted to the Commission and or the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments or in records required to be kept by 68 324 and the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments 2 If upon subsequent inspection or operation it is determined that the equipment does not conform to the pertinent technical requirements 47 CFR 68 350 b 2 enhanced display page 42 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR
68 350 b 3 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network 3 If it is determined that changes have been made in the equipment other that those authorized by this part or otherwise expressly authorized by the Commission 66 FR 7587 Jan 24 2001 68 354 Numbering and labeling requirements for terminal equipment a Terminal equipment and protective circuitry that is subject to a Supplier s Declaration of Conformity or that is certified by a Telecommunications Certification Body shall have labels in a place and manner required by the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments b Terminal equipment labels shall include an identification numbering system in a manner required by the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments c If the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments chooses to continue the practice of utilizing a designated FCC number it shall include in its labeling requirements a warning that the Commission no longer directly approves or registers terminal equipment d Labeling developed for terminal equipment by the Administrative Council on Terminal Attachments shall contain sufficient information for providers of wireline telecommunications the Federal Communications Commission and the U S Customs Service to carry out their functions and for consumers to easily identify the responsible party of their terminal equipment The numbering and labeling scheme shall be nondiscriminatory creating no competitive advantage for any entity or segment of the industry e FCC numbering and labeling requirements existing prior to the effective date of these rules shall remain unchanged until the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments publishes its numbering and labeling requirements 66 FR 7587 Jan 24 2001 as amended at 67 FR 57182 Sept 9 2002 Subpart E Complaint Procedures 68 400 68 412 Reserved 68 414 Hearing aid compatibility Enforcement Enforcement of 68 4 and 68 112 is hereby delegated to those states which
adopt those sections and provide for their enforcement The procedures followed by a state to enforce those sections shall provide a 30 day period after a complaint is filed during which time state personnel shall attempt to resolve a dispute on an informal basis If a state has not adopted or incorporated 68 4 and 68 112 or failed to act within 6 months from the filing of a complaint with the state public utility commission the Commission will accept such complaints A written notification to the complainant that the state believes action is unwarranted is not a failure to act 49 FR 1368 Jan 11 1984 68 415 Hearing aid compatibility and volume control informal complaints Persons with complaints under 68 4 and 68 112 that are not addressed by the states pursuant to 68 414 and all other complaints regarding rules in this part pertaining to hearing aid compatibility and volume control may bring informal complaints as described in 68 416 through 68 420 All responsible parties of terminal equipment are subject to the informal complaint provisions specified in this section 47 CFR 68 415 enhanced display page 43 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 417 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network 66 FR 7587 Jan 24 2001 68 417 Informal complaints form and content a An informal complaint alleging a violation of hearing aid compatibility and or volume control rules in this subpart may be transmitted to the Consumer Information Bureau by any reasonable means e g letter facsimile transmission telephone voice TRS TTY Internet e mail ASCII text audio cassette recording and Braille b An informal complaint shall include 1 The name and address of the complainant 2 The name and address of
the responsible party if known or the manufacturer or provider against whom the complaint is made 3 A full description of the terminal equipment about which the complaint is made 4 The date or dates on which the complainant purchased acquired or used the terminal equipment about which the complaint is being made 5 A complete statement of the facts including documentation where available supporting the complainant s allegation that the defendant has failed to comply with the requirements of this subpart 6 The specific relief or satisfaction sought by the complainant and 7 The complainant s preferred format or method of response to the complaint by the Commission and defendant e g letter facsimile transmission telephone voice TRS TTY Internet e mail ASCII text audio cassette recording Braille or some other method that will best accommodate the complainant s disability 66 FR 7587 Jan 24 2001 68 418 Procedure designation of agents for service a The Commission shall promptly forward any informal complaint meeting the requirements of 68 17 to each responsible party named in or determined by the staff to be implicated by the complaint Such responsible party or parties shall be called on to satisfy or answer the complaint within the time specified by the Commission b To ensure prompt and effective service of informal complaints filed under this subpart every responsible party of equipment approved pursuant to this part shall designate and identify one or more agents upon whom service may be made of all notices inquiries orders decisions and other pronouncements of the Commission in any matter before the Commission Such designation shall be provided to the Commission and shall include a name or department designation business address telephone number and if available TTY number facsimile number and Internet e mail address The Commission shall
make this information available to the public 66 FR 7587 Jan 24 2001 as amended at 73 FR 25591 May 7 2008 47 CFR 68 418 b enhanced display page 44 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 419 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network 68 419 Answers to informal complaints Any responsible party to whom the Commission or the Consumer Information Bureau under this subpart directs an informal complaint shall file an answer within the time specified by the Commission or the Consumer Information Bureau The answer shall a Be prepared or formatted in the manner requested by the complainant pursuant to 68 417 unless otherwise permitted by the Commission or the Consumer Information Bureau for good cause shown b Describe any actions that the defendant has taken or proposes to take to satisfy the complaint c Advise the complainant and the Commission or the Consumer Information Bureau of the nature of the defense s claimed by the defendant d Respond specifically to all material allegations of the complaint and e Provide any other information or materials specified by the Commission or the Consumer Information Bureau as relevant to its consideration of the complaint 66 FR 7587 Jan 24 2001 68 420 Review and disposition of informal complaints a Where it appears from the defendant s answer or from other communications with the parties that an informal complaint has been satisfied the Commission or the Consumer Information Bureau on delegated authority may in its discretion consider the informal complaint closed without response to the complainant or defendant In all other cases the Commission or the Consumer Information Bureau shall inform the parties of its review and disposition of a complaint filed under this subpart Where practicable this
information the nature of which is specified in paragraphs b through d of this section shall be transmitted to the complainant and defendant in the manner requested by the complainant e g letter facsimile transmission telephone voice TRS TTY Internet e mail ASCII text audio cassette recording or Braille b In the event the Commission or the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau determines based on a review of the information provided in the informal complaint and the defendant s answer thereto that no further action is required by the Commission or the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau with respect to the allegations contained in the informal complaint the informal complaint shall be closed and the complainant and defendant shall be duly informed of the reasons therefor A complainant unsatisfied with the defendant s response to the informal complaint and the staff decision to terminate action on the informal complaint may file a complaint with the Commission or the Enforcement Bureau as specified in 68 400 through 68 412 c In the event the Commission or the Consumer Information Bureau on delegated authority determines based on a review of the information presented in the informal complaint and the defendant s answer thereto that a material and substantial question remains as to the defendant s compliance with the requirements of this subpart the Commission or the Consumer Information Bureau may conduct such further investigation or such further proceedings as may be necessary to determine the defendant s compliance with the requirements of this subpart and to determine what if any remedial actions and or sanctions are warranted 47 CFR 68 420 c enhanced display page 45 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 420 d Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone
Network d In the event that the Commission or the Consumer Information Bureau on delegated authority determines based on a review of the information presented in the informal complaint and the defendant s answer thereto that the defendant has failed to comply with or is presently not in compliance with the requirements of this subpart the Commission or the Consumer Information Bureau on delegated authority may order or prescribe such remedial actions and or sanctions as are authorized under the Act and the Commission s rules and which are deemed by the Commission or the Consumer Information Bureau on delegated authority to be appropriate under the facts and circumstances of the case 66 FR 7588 Jan 24 2001 as amended at 67 FR 13229 Mar 21 2002 68 423 Actions by the Commission on its own motion The Commission may on its own motion conduct such inquiries and hold such proceedings as it may deem necessary to enforce the requirements of this subpart The procedures to be followed by the Commission shall unless specifically prescribed in the Act and the Commission s rules be such as in the opinion of the Commission will best serve the purposes of such inquiries and proceedings 66 FR 7588 Jan 24 2001 Subpart F ACS Telephonic CPE Source 83 FR 8633 Feb 28 2018 unless otherwise noted 68 501 Authorization procedures a Authorization required Unless exempt from the requirements of 68 4 and 68 6 ACS telephonic CPE manufactured in or imported into the United States after February 28 2020 shall be certified as hearing aid compatible by a Telecommunications Certification Body or the responsible party shall follow the procedures in this part for a Supplier s Declaration of Conformity to establish that such CPE is hearing aid compatible b Certification The requirements of
68 160 and 68 162 shall apply to the certification of ACS telephonic CPE as hearing aid compatible c Supplier s Declaration of Conformity The requirements of 68 320 68 350 except 68 324 f shall apply to the use of the Supplier s Declaration of Conformity procedure to establish that ACS telephonic CPE is hearing aid compatible d Revocation procedures 1 The Commission may revoke the authorization of ACS telephonic CPE under this section where i The equipment approval is shown to have been obtained by misrepresentation ii The responsible party willfully or repeatedly fails to comply with the terms and conditions of its equipment approval or iii The responsible party willfully or repeatedly fails to comply with any rule regulation or order issued by the Commission under the Communications Act of 1934 relating to terminal equipment 47 CFR 68 501 d 1 iii enhanced display page 46 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 501 d 2 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network 2 Before revoking such authorization the Commission or the Enforcement Bureau under delegated authority will issue a written Notice of Intent to Revoke part 68 Authorization or a Joint Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture and Notice of Intent to Revoke part 68 Authorization pursuant to 1 80 and 1 89 of this chapter The notice will be sent to the responsible party for the equipment at issue at the address provided to the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments A product that has had its authorization revoked may not be reauthorized for a period of six months from the date of revocation of the approval A responsible party for ACS telephonic CPE that has had its authorization revoked or that has been assessed
a forfeiture or both may request reconsideration or make administrative appeal of the decision pursuant to part 1 of the Commission s rules Practice and Procedure part 1 of this chapter 68 502 Labeling warranty instructions and notice of revocation of approval a Labeling 1 Hearing aid compatible equipment All ACS telephonic CPE manufactured in the United States other than for export or imported for use in the United States after February 28 2020 that is hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 and 68 317 shall have the letters HAC permanently affixed thereto Permanently affixed means that the label is etched engraved stamped silkscreened indelibly printed or otherwise permanently marked on a permanently attached part of the equipment or on a nameplate of metal plastic or other material fastened to the equipment by welding riveting or a permanent adhesive The label must be designed to last the expected lifetime of the equipment in the environment in which the equipment may be operated and must not be readily detachable 2 Non hearing aid compatible equipment Non hearing aid compatible ACS telephonic CPE offered for sale to the public on or after February 28 2020 shall contain in a conspicuous location on the surface of its packaging a statement that the ACS telephonic CPE is not hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 4 a 3 68 316 68 317 or if offered for sale without a surrounding package shall be affixed with a written statement that the telephone is not hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 4 a 3 68 316 and 68 317 and be accompanied by instructions in accordance with 68 218 b 2 b Warranty In acquiring approval for equipment to be labeled and otherwise represented to be hearing aid compatible the responsible party warrants
that each item of equipment marketed under such authorization will comply with all applicable rules and regulations of this part and with the applicable technical criteria c Instructions The responsible party or its agent shall provide the user of the approved ACS telephonic CPE the following 1 Any consumer instructions required to be included with approved ACS telephonic CPE by the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments 2 For ACS telephonic CPE that is not hearing aid compatible as defined in 68 316 i Notice that FCC rules prohibit the use of that handset in certain locations and ii A list of such locations see 68 112 d Notice of revocation When approval is revoked for any item of equipment the responsible party must take all reasonable steps to ensure that purchasers and users of such equipment are notified to discontinue use of such equipment 47 CFR 68 502 d enhanced display page 47 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 503 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network 68 503 Complaint procedures The complaint procedures of 68 414 through 68 423 shall apply to complaints regarding the hearing aid compatibility of ACS telephonic CPE 68 504 Administrative Council on Terminal Attachments The database registration and labeling provisions of 68 354 68 610 and 68 612 shall apply to ACS telephonic CPE that is approved as hearing aid compatible and is manufactured in or imported to the United States on or after February 28 2020 After that date the information required by the Administrative Council on Terminal Attachments shall be submitted within 30 days after the date that the equipment is manufactured in or imported into the United States Subpart G Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments Source 66 FR 7588
Jan 24 2001 unless otherwise noted 68 602 Sponsor of the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments a The Telecommunications Industry Association TIA and the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions ATIS jointly shall establish the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachment and shall sponsor the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments for four years from the effective date of these rules The division of duties by which this responsibility is executed may be a matter of agreement between these two parties however both are jointly and severally responsible for observing these rule provisions After four years from the effective date of these rules and thereafter on a quadrennial basis the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments may vote by simple majority to be sponsored by any ANSI accredited organization b The sponsoring organizations shall ensure that the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments is populated in a manner consistent with the criteria of American National Standards Institute s Organization Method or the Standards Committee Method and their successor Method or Methods as ANSI may from time to time establish for a balanced and open membership c After the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments is populated the sponsors are responsible for fulfilling secretariat positions as determined by the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments The Administrative Council shall post on a publicly available web site and make available to the public in hard copy form the written agreement into which it enters with the sponsor or sponsors 66 FR 7588 Jan 24 2001 as amended at 67 FR 57182 Sept 9 2002 68 604 Requirements for submitting technical criteria a Any standards development organization that is accredited under the American National Standards Institute s Organization Method or the Standards Committee Method and their successor Method or Methods as ANSI may from time to time establish may establish
technical criteria for terminal equipment pursuant to ANSI consensus decision making procedures and it may submit such criteria to the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments 47 CFR 68 604 a enhanced display page 48 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 604 b Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network b Any ANSI accredited standards development organization that develops standards for submission to the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments must implement and use procedures for the development of those standards that ensure openness equivalent to the Commission rulemaking process c Any standards development organization that submits standards to the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments for publication as technical criteria shall certify to the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments that 1 The submitting standards development organization is ANSI accredited to the Standards Committee Method or the Organization Method or their successor Methods as amended from time to time by ANSI 2 The technical criteria that it proposes for publication do not conflict with any published technical criteria or with any technical criteria submitted and pending for publication and 3 The technical criteria that it proposes for publication are limited to preventing harms to the public switched telephone network identified in 68 3 of this part 68 608 Publication of technical criteria The Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments shall place technical criteria proposed for publication on public notice for 30 days At the end of the 30 day public notice period if there are no oppositions the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments shall publish the technical criteria 68 610 Database of terminal equipment a The Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments shall operate and maintain a database of all approved terminal equipment The database shall meet the requirements of the Federal Communications
Commission and the U S Customs Service for enforcement purposes The database shall be accessible by government agencies free of charge Information in the database shall be readily available and accessible to the public including individuals with disabilities at nominal or no costs b Responsible parties whether they obtain their approval from a Telecommunications Certification Body or utilize the Supplier s Declaration of Conformity process shall submit to the database administrator all information required by the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments c The Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments shall ensure that the database is created and maintained in an equitable and nondiscriminatory manner The manner in which the database is created and maintained shall not permit any entity or segment of the industry to gain a competitive advantage d The Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments shall file with the Commission within 180 days of publication of these rules in the FEDERAL REGISTER a detailed report of the structure of the database including details of how the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments will administer the database the pertinent information to be included in the database procedures for including compliance information in the database and details regarding how the government and the public will access the information 47 CFR 68 610 d enhanced display page 49 of 50 47 CFR Part 68 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 68 612 Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network 68 612 Labels on terminal equipment Terminal equipment certified by a Telecommunications Certification Body or approved by the Supplier s Declaration of Conformity under this part shall be labeled The Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments shall establish appropriate labeling of terminal equipment Labeling shall meet the requirements of the Federal Communications Commission and the U S Customs Service for their
respective enforcement purposes and of consumers for purposes of identifying the responsible party and model number 67 FR 57182 Sept 9 2002 68 614 Oppositions and appeals a Oppositions filed in response to the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments public notice of technical criteria proposed for publication must be received by the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments within 30 days of public notice to be considered Oppositions to proposed technical criteria shall be addressed through the appeals procedures of the authoring standards development organization and of the American National Standards Institute If these procedures have been exhausted the aggrieved party shall file its opposition with the Commission for de novo review b As an alternative oppositions to proposed technical criteria may be filed directly with the Commission for de novo review within the 30 day public notice period 47 CFR 68 614 b enhanced display page 50 of 50
47 CFR Part 19 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR Part 19 Feb 20 2024 Employee Responsibilities and Conduct This content is from the eCFR and is authoritative but unofficial Title 47 Telecommunication Chapter I Federal Communications Commission Subchapter A General Part 19 Employee Responsibilities and Conduct Subpart A General Provisions 19 735 101 Purpose 19 735 102 Cross reference to ethics and other conduct related regulations 19 735 103 Definitions 19 735 104 Delegations 19 735 105 Availability of ethics and other conduct related regulations and statutes 19 735 106 Interpretation and advisory service 19 735 107 Disciplinary and other remedial action Subpart B Employee Responsibilities and Conduct 19 735 201 Outside employment and other activity prohibited by the Communications Act 19 735 202 Financial interests prohibited by the Communications Act 19 735 203 Nonpublic information PART 19 EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITIES AND CONDUCT Authority 5 U S C 7301 47 U S C 154 b i j and 303 r Source 61 FR 56112 Oct 31 1996 unless otherwise noted Subpart A General Provisions 19 735 101 Purpose The regulations in this part prescribe procedures and standards of conduct that are appropriate to the particular functions and activities of the Commission and are issued by the Commission under authority independent of the uniform Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch at 5 CFR part 2635 or otherwise in accordance with 5 CFR 2635 105 c 19 735 102 Cross reference to ethics and other conduct related regulations In addition to the rules in this part employees of the Federal Communications Commission Commission are subject to the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch at 5 CFR part 2635 and the Commission s regulations at 5 CFR part 3901 which supplement
the executive branch wide standards the executive branch financial disclosure regulations at 5 CFR part 2634 and the Commission s regulations at 5 CFR part 3902 which supplement the executive branch wide financial disclosure regulations and the employee responsibilities and conduct regulations at 5 CFR part 735 47 CFR 19 735 102 enhanced display page 1 of 8 47 CFR Part 19 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 19 735 103 Employee Responsibilities and Conduct 19 735 103 Definitions Commission means the Federal Communications Commission Communications Act means the Communications Act of 1934 as amended 47 U S C 151 et seq Employee means an officer or employee of the Commission including special Government employees within the meaning of 18 U S C 202 a and the Commissioners Person means an individual a corporation a company an association a firm a partnership a society a joint stock company or any other organization or institution 19 735 104 Delegations a The Commission has delegated to the Chairperson responsibility for the detection and prevention of acts short of criminal violations which could bring discredit upon the Commission and the Federal service b Approvals under 18 U S C 205 e 1 Commissioners may approve the representational activities permitted by 18 U S C 205 e by other employees in their immediate offices The Designated Agency Ethics Official has delegated authority to grant such approvals for all other employees except Commissioners 2 i Requests for approval of the activities permitted by 18 U S C 205 e shall be in writing and submitted as follows A In the case of employees in the immediate offices of a Commissioner to the Commissioner B In the case of Heads of Offices and Bureaus to the Chairperson and C In the case
of all other employees except Commissioners to the Head of the Office or Bureau to which the employee is assigned ii An official other than the Chairperson or another Commissioner to whom a request for approval under 18 U S C 205 e is submitted shall forward it to the Designated Agency Ethics Official with the official s recommendation as to whether the request should be granted 3 Copies of all requests for approval under 18 U S C 205 e and the action taken thereon shall be maintained by the Designated Agency Ethics Official c Waivers under 18 U S C 208 1 Commissioners may waive the applicability of 18 U S C 208 a in accordance with 18 U S C 208 b 1 or 208 b 3 and section 301 d of Executive Order 12731 for other employees in their immediate offices The Designated Agency Ethics Official has delegated authority to make such waiver determinations for all other employees except Commissioners 2 i Requests for waiver of the applicability of 18 U S C 208 a shall be in writing and submitted as follows A In the case of employees in the immediate offices of a Commissioner to the Commissioner 47 CFR 19 735 104 c 2 i A enhanced display page 2 of 8 47 CFR Part 19 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 19 735 104 c 2 i B Employee Responsibilities and Conduct B In the case of Heads of Offices and Bureaus to the Chairperson and C In the case of all other employees except Commissioners to the Head of the Office or Bureau to which the employee is assigned ii An official other than the Chairperson or another Commissioner to whom a waiver request is submitted shall forward
it to the Designated Agency Ethics Official with the official s recommendation as to whether the waiver should be granted 3 Copies of all requests for waivers and the action taken thereon shall be maintained by the Designated Agency Ethics Official 61 FR 56112 Oct 31 1996 as amended at 88 FR 21438 Apr 10 2023 19 735 105 Availability of ethics and other conduct related regulations and statutes a 1 The Commission shall furnish each new employee at the time of his or her entrance on duty with a copy of i The Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch 5 CFR part 2635 ii The Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Federal Communications Commission 5 CFR part 3901 and iii The Commission s Employee Responsibilities and Conduct regulations in this part 2 The Head of each Office and Bureau has the responsibility to secure from every person subject to his or her administrative supervision a statement indicating that the individual has read and is familiar with the contents of the regulations in this part and the regulations at 5 CFR parts 2635 and 3901 and to advise the Designated Agency Ethics Official that all such persons have provided such statements Each new employee shall execute a similar statement at the time of entrance on duty Periodically and at least once a year the Designated Agency Ethics Official shall take appropriate action to ensure that the Head of each Office and Bureau shall remind employees subject to his or her administrative supervision of the content of the regulations in 5 CFR parts 2635 and 3901 and this part b Copies of pertinent provisions of the Communications Act of 1934 title 18 of the United States Code the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees
of the Executive Branch 5 CFR part 2635 the Commission s Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct 5 CFR part 3901 and the Commission s employee responsibilities and conduct regulations in this part shall be available in the office of the Designated Agency Ethics Official for review by employees 19 735 106 Interpretation and advisory service a Requests for interpretative rulings concerning the applicability of 5 CFR parts 2635 and 3901 and this part may be submitted through the employee s supervisor to the General Counsel who is the Commission s Designated Agency Ethics Official pursuant to the delegation of authority at 47 CFR 0 251 a 47 CFR 19 735 106 a enhanced display page 3 of 8 47 CFR Part 19 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 19 735 106 b Employee Responsibilities and Conduct b At the time of an employee s entrance on duty and at least once each calendar year thereafter the Commission s employees shall be notified of the availability of counseling services on questions of conflict of interest and other matters covered by this part and of how and where these services are available 19 735 107 Disciplinary and other remedial action a A violation of the regulations in this part by an employee may be cause for appropriate disciplinary action which may be in addition to any penalty prescribed by law b The Chairperson will designate an officer or employee of the Commission who will promptly investigate all incidents or situations in which it appears that employees may have engaged in improper conduct Such investigation will be initiated in all cases where complaints are brought to the attention of the Chairperson including Adverse comment appearing in publications complaints from members of Congress private citizens organizations other government employees or
agencies and formal complaints referred to the Chairperson by the Designated Agency Ethics Official c The Inspector General will be promptly notified of all complaints or allegations of employee misconduct The Inspector General will also be notified of the planned initiation of an investigation under this part Such notification shall occur prior to the initiation of the investigation required by paragraph a of this section The Inspector General may choose to conduct the investigation in accordance with the rules in this part Should the Inspector General choose to conduct the investigation he will promptly notify the Chairperson In such case the Inspector General will serve as the designated officer and be solely responsible for the investigation In carrying out this function the Inspector General may obtain investigative services from other Commission offices other governmental agencies or non governmental sources and use any other means available to him in accordance with Public Law 100 504 or the Inspector General Act of 1978 as amended 5 U S C Appendix The Inspector General will be provided with the results of all investigations in which he chooses not to participate d The employee concerned shall be provided an opportunity to explain the alleged misconduct When after consideration of the employee s explanation the Chairperson decides that remedial action is required he or she shall take remedial action Remedial action may include but is not limited to 1 Changes in assigned duties 2 Divestiture by the employee of his conflicting interest 3 Action under the Commission s Ethics Program resulting in one of the following actions i When investigation reveals that the charges are groundless the person designated by the Chairperson to assist in administration of the program may give a letter of clearance to the employee concerned and the case will not be
recorded in his or her Official Personnel Folder ii If after investigation the case investigator deems the act to be merely a minor indiscretion he may resolve the situation by discussing it with the employee The case will not be recorded in the employee s Official Personnel Folder iii If the case administrator considers the problem to be of sufficient importance he or she may call it to the attention of the Chairperson who in turn may notify the employee of the seriousness of his or her act and warn him of the consequences of a repetition The case will not be recorded in the employee s Official Personnel Folder unless the employee requests it 47 CFR 19 735 107 d 3 iii enhanced display page 4 of 8 47 CFR Part 19 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 19 735 107 d 3 iv Employee Responsibilities and Conduct iv The Chairperson may when in his or her opinion circumstances warrant establish a special review board to investigate the facts in a case and to make a full report thereon including recommended action or v A If the Chairperson decides that formal disciplinary action should be taken he or she may prepare for Commission consideration a statement of facts and recommend one of the following 1 Written reprimand A formal letter containing a complete statement of the offense and official censure 2 Suspension A temporary non pay status and suspension from duty or 3 Removal for cause Separation for cause in case of a serious offense B Only after a majority of the Commission approves formal disciplinary action will any record resulting from the administration of this program be placed in the employee s Official Personnel Folder or 4 Disqualification for a particular assignment e Remedial
action whether disciplinary or otherwise shall be effected in accordance with any applicable laws Executive orders and regulations 61 FR 56112 Oct 31 1996 as amended at 88 FR 21439 Apr 10 2023 Subpart B Employee Responsibilities and Conduct 19 735 201 Outside employment and other activity prohibited by the Communications Act Under section 4 b of the Communications Act at 47 U S C 154 b 2 A iv no employee of the Commission may be in the employ of or hold any official relation to any person significantly regulated by the Commission under that Act In addition the Commissioners are prohibited by section 4 b of the Communications Act at 47 U S C 154 b 4 from engaging in any other business vocation profession or employment Note Under the Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Federal Communications Commission at 5 CFR 3901 102 professional employees of the Commission must obtain approval before engaging in the private practice of the same profession as that of the employee s official position whether or not for compensation 19 735 202 Financial interests prohibited by the Communications Act a No Commissioner shall have a pecuniary interest in any hearing or proceeding in which he participates 47 U S C 154 j b 1 Section 4 b of the Communications Act at 47 U S C 154 b 2 A provides No member of the Commission or person employed by the Commission shall 47 CFR 19 735 202 b 1 enhanced display page 5 of 8 47 CFR Part 19 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 19 735 202 b 2 Employee Responsibilities and Conduct i Be financially interested in any company or other entity engaged in the manufacture or sale of telecommunications equipment which
is subject to regulation by the Commission ii Be financially interested in any company or other entity engaged in the business of communication by wire or radio or in the use of the electromagnetic spectrum iii Be financially interested in any company or other entity which controls any company or other entity specified in clause i or clause ii or which derives a significant portion of its total income from ownership of stocks bonds or other securities of any such company or other entity or iv Be employed by hold any official relation to or own any stocks bonds or other securities of any person significantly regulated by the Commission under this act except that the prohibitions established in this subparagraph shall apply only to financial interests in any company or other entity which has a significant interest in communications manufacturing or sales activities which are subject to regulation by the Commission 2 To determine whether an entity has a significant interest in communications related activities that are subject to Commission regulations the Commission shall consider without excluding other relevant factors the criteria in section 4 b of the Communications Act at 47 U S C 154 b 3 These criteria include i The revenues and efforts directed toward the telecommunications aspect of the business ii The extent of Commission regulation over the entity involved iii The potential economic impact of any Commission action on that particular entity and iv The public perception regarding the business activities of the company 3 i Section 4 b of the Communications Act at 47 U S C 154 b 2 B i permits the Commission to waive the prohibitions at 47 U S C 154 b 2 A The Act s waiver provision at 47 U S C 154 b 2 B i
provides The Commission shall have authority to waive from time to time the application of the prohibitions established in subparagraph A of section 4 b to persons employed by the Commission if the Commission determines that the financial interests of a person which are involved in a particular case are minimal except that such waiver authority shall be subject to the provisions of section 208 of title 18 United States Code The waiver authority established in this subparagraph shall not apply with respect to members of the Commission ii A Requests for waiver of the provisions of 47 U S C 154 b 2 A may be submitted by an employee to the Head of the employee s Office or Bureau who will endorse the request with an appropriate recommendation and forward the request to the Designated Agency Ethics Official The Designated Agency Ethics Official has delegated authority to waive the applicability of 47 U S C 154 b 2 A 47 CFR 19 735 202 b 3 ii A enhanced display page 6 of 8 47 CFR Part 19 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 19 735 202 b 3 ii B Employee Responsibilities and Conduct B All requests for waiver shall be in writing and in the required detail The dollar value for the financial interest sought to be waived shall be expressed explicitly or in categories of value provided at 5 CFR 2634 301 d C Copies of all waiver requests and the action taken thereon shall be maintained by the Designated Agency Ethics Official In any case in which the Commission exercises the waiver authority established in section 4 b of the Communications Act the Commission shall publish notice of such action in the FEDERAL REGISTER and shall furnish notice of such
action to the appropriate committees of each House of the Congress Each such notice shall include information regarding the identity of the person receiving the waiver the position held by such person and the nature of the financial interests which are the subject of the waiver 19 735 203 Nonpublic information a Except as authorized in writing by the Chairperson pursuant to paragraph b of this section or otherwise as authorized by the Commission or its rules nonpublic information shall not be disclosed directly or indirectly to any person outside the Commission Such information includes but is not limited to the following 1 The content of agenda items except for compliance with the Government in the Sunshine Act 5 U S C 552b or 2 Actions or decisions made by the Commission at closed meetings or by circulation prior to the public release of such information by the Commission b An employee engaged in outside teaching lecturing or writing shall not use nonpublic information obtained as a result of his or her government employment in connection with such teaching lecturing or writing except when the Chairperson gives written authorization for the use of that nonpublic information on the basis that its use is in the public interest c This section does not prohibit the disclosure of an official Commission meeting agenda listing titles and summaries of items for discussion at an open Commission meeting Also this section does not prohibit the disclosure of information about the scheduling of Commission agenda items d Any person regulated by or practicing before the Commission coming into possession of written nonpublic information including written material transmitted in electronic form as described in paragraph a of this section under circumstances where it appears that its release was inadvertent or otherwise unauthorized shall promptly return the
written information to the Commission s Office of the Inspector General without further distribution or use of the written nonpublic information Any person regulated by or practicing before the Commission who willfully violates this section by failing to promptly notify the Commission s Office of the Inspector General of the receipt of written nonpublic information including written material transmitted in electronic form that he knew or should have known was released inadvertently or in any otherwise unauthorized manner may be subject to appropriate sanctions by the Commission In the case of attorneys practicing before the Commission such sanctions may include disciplinary action under the provisions of 1 24 of this chapter Note Employees also should refer to the provisions of the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch at 5 CFR 2635 703 on the use of nonpublic information Additionally employees should refer to 19 735 107 of this part which provides that employees 47 CFR 19 735 203 d enhanced display page 7 of 8 47 CFR Part 19 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR 19 735 203 d Employee Responsibilities and Conduct of the Commission who violate this part may be subject to disciplinary action which may be in addition to any other penalty prescribed by law As is the case with section 2635 703 this part is intended only to cover knowing unauthorized disclosures of nonpublic information 61 FR 56112 Oct 31 1996 as amended at 65 FR 66185 Nov 3 2000 88 FR 21439 Apr 10 2023 47 CFR 19 735 203 d enhanced display page 8 of 8
47 CFR Part 73 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR Part 73 Feb 20 2024 Radio Broadcast Services This content is from the eCFR and is authoritative but unofficial Title 47 Telecommunication Chapter I Federal Communications Commission Subchapter C Broadcast Radio Services Part 73 Radio Broadcast Services Subpart A AM Broadcast Stations 73 1 Scope 73 14 AM broadcast definitions 73 21 Classes of AM broadcast channels and stations 73 23 AM broadcast station applications affected by international agreements 73 24 Broadcast facilities showing required 73 25 Clear channels Class A Class B and Class D stations 73 26 Regional channels Class B and Class D stations 73 27 Local channels Class C stations 73 28 Assignment of stations to channels 73 29 Class C stations on regional channels 73 30 Petition for authorization of an allotment in the 1605 1705 kHz band 73 31 Rounding of nominal power specified on applications 73 33 Antenna systems showing required 73 35 Calculation of improvement factors 73 37 Applications for broadcast facilities showing required 73 44 AM transmission system emission limitations 73 45 AM antenna systems 73 49 AM transmission system fencing requirements 73 51 Determining operating power 73 53 Requirements for authorization of antenna monitors 73 54 Antenna resistance and reactance measurements 73 57 Remote reading antenna and common point ammeters 73 58 Indicating instruments 73 61 AM directional antenna field strength measurements 73 62 Directional antenna system operation and tolerances 73 68 Sampling systems for antenna monitors 73 69 Antenna monitors 73 72 Operating during the experimental period 73 88 Blanketing interference 73 99 Presunrise service authorization PSRA and postsunset service authorization PSSA 73 127 Use of multiplex transmission 47 CFR Part 73 Feb 20 2024 enhanced display page 1 of 580 47 CFR Part 73
up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR Part 73 Feb 20 2024 Radio Broadcast Services 73 128 AM stereophonic broadcasting 73 132 Territorial exclusivity 73 150 Directional antenna systems 73 151 Field strength measurements to establish performance of directional antennas 73 152 Modification of directional antenna data 73 153 Field strength measurements in support of applications or evidence at hearings 73 154 AM directional antenna partial proof of performance measurements 73 155 Directional antenna performance recertification 73 157 Antenna testing during daytime 73 158 Directional antenna monitoring points 73 160 Vertical plane radiation characteristics f θ 73 182 Engineering standards of allocation 73 183 Groundwave signals 73 184 Groundwave field strength graphs 73 185 Computation of interfering signal 73 186 Establishment of effective field at one kilometer 73 187 Limitation on daytime radiation 73 189 Minimum antenna heights or field strength requirements 73 190 Engineering charts and related formulas Subpart B FM Broadcast Stations 73 201 Numerical designation of FM broadcast channels 73 202 Table of Allotments 73 203 Availability of channels 73 204 International agreements and other restrictions on use of channels 73 205 Zones 73 207 Minimum distance separation between stations 73 208 Reference points and distance computations 73 209 Protection from interference 73 210 Station classes 73 211 Power and antenna height requirements 73 212 Administrative changes in authorizations 73 213 Grandfathered short spaced stations 73 215 Contour protection for short spaced assignments 73 220 Restrictions on use of channels 73 232 Territorial exclusivity 73 258 Indicating instruments 73 267 Determining operating power 73 277 Permissible transmissions 73 293 Use of FM multiplex subcarriers 47 CFR Part 73 Feb 20 2024 enhanced display page 2 of 580 47 CFR Part 73 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR Part 73 Feb
20 2024 Radio Broadcast Services 73 295 FM subsidiary communications services 73 297 FM stereophonic sound broadcasting 73 310 FM technical definitions 73 311 Field strength contours 73 312 Topographic data 73 313 Prediction of coverage 73 314 Field strength measurements 73 315 FM transmitter location 73 316 FM antenna systems 73 317 FM transmission system requirements 73 318 FM blanketing interference 73 319 FM multiplex subcarrier technical standards 73 322 FM stereophonic sound transmission standards 73 333 Engineering charts Subpart C Digital Audio Broadcasting 73 401 Scope 73 402 Definitions 73 403 Digital audio broadcasting service requirements 73 404 IBOC DAB operation 73 406 Notification Subpart D Noncommercial Educational FM Broadcast Stations 73 501 Channels available for assignment 73 503 Licensing requirements and service 73 504 Channel assignments in the Mexican border area 73 505 Zones 73 506 Classes of noncommercial educational FM stations and channels 73 507 Minimum distance separations between stations 73 508 Standards of good engineering practice 73 509 Prohibited overlap 73 510 Antenna systems 73 511 Power and antenna height requirements 73 512 Special procedures applicable to Class D noncommercial educational stations 73 513 Noncommercial educational FM stations operating on unreserved channels 73 514 Protection from interference 73 515 NCE FM transmitter location 73 525 TV Channel 6 protection 73 558 Indicating instruments 73 561 Operating schedule time sharing 73 567 Determining operating power 47 CFR Part 73 Feb 20 2024 enhanced display page 3 of 580 47 CFR Part 73 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR Part 73 Feb 20 2024 Radio Broadcast Services 73 593 Subsidiary communications services 73 597 FM stereophonic sound broadcasting 73 599 NCE FM engineering charts Subpart E Television Broadcast Stations 73 601 Scope of subpart 73 602 Cross reference to rules in other parts
73 603 Numerical designation of television channels 73 606 Table of allotments 73 609 Zones 73 611 xxx 73 612 Protection from interference 73 613 Protection of Class A TV stations 73 614 Power and antenna height requirements 73 615 Administrative changes in authorizations 73 616 Post transition DTV station interference protection 73 617 xxx 73 618 xxx 73 619 xxx 73 620 xxx 73 621 Noncommercial educational TV stations 73 622 Digital television table of allotments 73 623 DTV applications and changes to DTV allotments 73 624 Digital television broadcast stations 73 625 DTV coverage of principal community and antenna system 73 626 DTV distributed transmission systems 73 641 Subscription TV definitions 73 642 Subscription TV service 73 643 Subscription TV operating requirements 73 644 Subscription TV transmission systems 73 646 Telecommunications Service on the Vertical Blanking Interval and in the Visual Signal 73 653 Operation of TV aural and visual transmitters 73 658 Affiliation agreements and network program practices territorial exclusivity in non network program arrangements 73 659 73 663 Reserved 73 664 Determining operating power 73 665 Use of TV aural baseband subcarriers 73 667 TV subsidiary communications services 73 669 TV stereophonic aural and multiplex subcarrier operation 73 670 Commercial limits in children s programs 47 CFR Part 73 Feb 20 2024 enhanced display page 4 of 580 47 CFR Part 73 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR Part 73 Feb 20 2024 Radio Broadcast Services 73 671 Educational and informational programming for children 73 672 Reserved 73 673 Public information initiatives regarding educational and informational programming for children 73 681 Definitions 73 682 TV transmission standards 73 683 Field strength contours and presumptive determination of field strength at individual locations 73 684 Prediction of coverage 73 685 Transmitter location and antenna
system 73 686 Field strength measurements 73 687 Transmission system requirements 73 688 Indicating instruments 73 691 Visual modulation monitoring 73 698 Tables 73 699 TV engineering charts Subpart F International Broadcast Stations 73 701 Definitions 73 702 Assignment and use of frequencies 73 703 Geographical zones and areas of reception 73 712 Equipment tests 73 713 Program tests 73 731 Licensing requirements 73 732 Authorizations 73 733 Normal license period 73 751 Operating power 73 753 Antenna systems 73 754 Frequency monitors 73 755 Modulation monitors 73 756 System specifications for double sideband DBS modulated emissions in the HF broadcasting service 73 757 System specifications for single sideband SSB modulated emissions in the HF broadcasting service 73 758 System specifications for digitally modulated emissions in the HF broadcasting service 73 759 Auxiliary transmitters 73 760 Alternate main transmitters 73 761 Modification of transmission systems 73 762 Time of operation 47 CFR Part 73 Feb 20 2024 enhanced display page 5 of 580 47 CFR Part 73 up to date as of 2 20 2024 47 CFR Part 73 Feb 20 2024 Radio Broadcast Services 73 765 Determining operating power 73 766 Reserved 73 781 Logs 73 782 Retention of logs 73 787 Station identification 73 788 Service commercial or sponsored programs Subpart G Low Power FM Broadcast Stations LPFM 73 801 Broadcast regulations applicable to LPFM stations 73 805 Availability of channels 73 807 Minimum distance separation between stations 73 808 Distance computations 73 809 Interference protection to full service FM stations 73 810 Third adjacent channel interference 73 811 LPFM power and antenna height requirements 73 812 Rounding of power and antenna heights 73 813 Determination of antenna height above average terrain HAAT 73 816 Antennas 73 825 Protection to reception of TV channel 6 73 827 Interference
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