77 values
extra charge on statement
i am inquiring about a $1 charge on my statement.
extra charge on statement
what is the $1 transaction on my account?
extra charge on statement
what is this extra pound charge for?
extra charge on statement
i was charged $1 in a transaction.
extra charge on statement
what is the reason for the extra fee on my statement?
extra charge on statement
have have a small charge on my account from someone i purchased with but i'm not sure what it relates to.
extra charge on statement
i have a strange transaction for £1 on my statement, what is that?
extra charge on statement
i have no idea why there is a dollar that has been charged to my account.
extra charge on statement
i have been charged a pound for something that appears on my statement
extra charge on statement
why is there a $1 charge on my statement?
extra charge on statement
where did this extra €1 fee on my statement come from?
extra charge on statement
is there a reason why there is an extra £1 charge on my account?
extra charge on statement
can you tell me what this fee is on my statement?
extra charge on statement
why has another fee been placed on my statement?
extra charge on statement
there has been a charge pending on my account statement that i can't figue out it's for a dollar.
extra charge on statement
€1 was in my statement as an extra fee.
extra charge on statement
why is there an extra charge on my statement.
extra charge on statement
hey, i got charged extra for some reason when i purchased an app. is this a hidden fee or something? i don't think it's very cool.
extra charge on statement
i see a $1 charge in a transaction.
extra charge on statement
i had to pay a pound more than i anticipated!
extra charge on statement
there is a €1 extra fee in my statement
extra charge on statement
my statement contained a one pound extra fee
extra charge on statement
i checked my account today and saw that i was charged an extra pound that i did not spend.
extra charge on statement
i see i was charged $1 for a transaction.
extra charge on statement
$1 charge in transaction.
extra charge on statement
i just looked at my app and it seems i was charged extra, why is that?
extra charge on statement
why is there an extra pound charge that is pending?
extra charge on statement
i was wrongfully charged one pound.
extra charge on statement
why is there an extra fee charged?
extra charge on statement
i just checked my statement and saw a $1 charge, why is it there?
extra charge on statement
there is an odd 1£ charge that appears as pending on my statement. what's the reason for that? i haven't purchased anything for a pound.
extra charge on statement
why have i been charged an extra pound?
extra charge on statement
i think i may have been charged $1 extra on my app. could you provide some insight as to why this may have happened?
extra charge on statement
why do i see an extra €1 charge on my statement?
extra charge on statement
is the 1 pound charge i can see an error or an incorrect entry?
extra charge on statement
why did i get a $1 extra fee on the statement?
extra charge on statement
why was i charged $1 in a transaction?
extra charge on statement
why is there a service fee on my statement?
extra charge on statement
my statement shows a 1£ purchase pending. i do not remember making this purchase, please let me know what this is about.
extra charge on statement
i am seeing and extra 1$ charged to my account and wanted to know about it.
extra charge on statement
why did you charge me extra?
extra charge on statement
an extra pound was charged!
extra charge on statement
i got billed an extra pound!
extra charge on statement
why do i see an extra fee on my statement?
extra charge on statement
there must have been a mistake, why was i charged an extra pound?
extra charge on statement
when i look at my statement there is an extra fee, that is for what?
extra charge on statement
there is an extra small charge on my card! what do i do?
extra charge on statement
i looked at my statement, and there is a charge for 1£ that i don't recognize. why is it on there?
extra charge on statement
i got a €1 extra fee in my statement
extra charge on statement
what is the extra fee on my statement?
extra charge on statement
why have i been charged an extra £1?
extra charge on statement
in my statement, i got a €1 extra fee.
extra charge on statement
i see a charge of 1l i do not recognize on my statement
extra charge on statement
i was overcharged one extra pound!
extra charge on statement
i noticed an extra pound charge?
extra charge on statement
why does my statement show a $1 charge on my account?
extra charge on statement
why has my card been charged an extra pound?
extra charge on statement
why does my statement have an extra fee?
extra charge on statement
there is a €1 fee on my account i didn't authorize
extra charge on statement
i was made to pay an additional pound!
extra charge on statement
i was charged an extra pound for no reason. why is that?
extra charge on statement
it appears i have a fee in my statement.
extra charge on statement
when did i get a $1 extra fee on my statement?
extra charge on statement
what is this fee debit on my account?
extra charge on statement
i was charged an extra dollar on my account and would like to know the reason.
extra charge on statement
what is this extra €1 fee about?
extra charge on statement
i was overcharged a pound.
extra charge on statement
why do i have an extra fee on my statement?
extra charge on statement
what was the $1 charge for on my statement?
extra charge on statement
i had a dollar charged to my account that's still pending and wanted to know what the charge is for?
extra charge on statement
i was charged extra or a hidden fee when i purchased something from you. what's the deal? i didn't authorize that charge.
extra charge on statement
do you also have this extra fee on your statement?
extra charge on statement
why did i get charged one pound seemingly randomly?
extra charge on statement
why was i charged an extra pound?
extra charge on statement
i am being charged a pound out of nowhere. what is this?
extra charge on statement
a pending charge of 1l appears on my statement. please explain as i have not made a purchase for that amount
extra charge on statement
why did you guys charge me an extra €1?
extra charge on statement
why was i charged more than i should have been?
extra charge on statement
what is the fee on my statement for?
extra charge on statement
hello, there seems to be a billing mistake associated with my account. my app was charged $1 more than it should have. could you please explain why this may have happened?
extra charge on statement
i need some help figuring out what this strange payment is on my account. it's stays pending and won't go away.
extra charge on statement
what is this $1 charge on my account?
extra charge on statement
there is a 1£ charge that appears as pending on my statement. what is that? i haven't purchased anything for a pound there.
extra charge on statement
why did a transaction i made charge me $1?
extra charge on statement
there seems to be an additional charge of £1 on my statement, what is the reason for this?
extra charge on statement
i still have not received an answer as to why i was charged $1.00 in a transaction?
extra charge on statement
there is some odd 1£ charge that appears as pending on my statement. what's that about? pretty sure i haven't purchased anything for a pound there.
extra charge on statement
there is a pending payment on my account that is very strange. i don't remember making this and it won't go away. can you help me figure this out?
extra charge on statement
can you tell me about why the account i have was charged an extra 1$
extra charge on statement
why does my statement contain an extra fee?
extra charge on statement
can you tell me why i was charged $1 for a transaction?
extra charge on statement
why is there an extra €1 fee in my statement?
extra charge on statement
there is an extra charge on my account i didn't authorise, it's just £1, what is it?
extra charge on statement
what is the dollar that i have pending on my statement there?
extra charge on statement
i see an extra $1  charge on my statement, why is this?
extra charge on statement
can you please explain to me why there is an extra €1 fee in my statement?
extra charge on statement
how can i find out about an extra fee on my statement?
extra charge on statement
hello, i see that i have been charged an extra $1 on my app. could you please provide me with a reason for this charge?
extra charge on statement
is there a reason there's an extra fee on my statement?
extra charge on statement
what is this extra fee on my statement.