77 values
exchange rate
how does the exchange rate work?
exchange rate
what is the present state of the exchange rate?
exchange rate
how are foreign exchange rates determined?
exchange rate
how's the exchange rate looking right now?
exchange rate
please explain the exchange rates.
exchange rate
what is the foreign exchange rate you will apply?
exchange rate
explain the interbank exchange rate
exchange rate
what will my exchange rate be?
exchange rate
how do you get exchange rates
exchange rate
what exchange rates do you use?
exchange rate
how will i know what the exchange rate is?
exchange rate
what factors effect the exchange rate?
exchange rate
where does the exchange rate stand right now?
exchange rate
i'd like to know what the foreign exchange rate will be.
exchange rate
how do your exchange rates factor in?
exchange rate
how do i know what the exchange rate will be when i make an exchange.
exchange rate
is the exchange rate the same on weekends as the weekdays?
exchange rate
how do you do exchanges?
exchange rate
on what do you base your exchange rates?
exchange rate
how do you come up with your exchange rate
exchange rate
what factors determine your exchange rate?
exchange rate
how are the exchange rates determined?
exchange rate
i would like to know what your exchange rates are.
exchange rate
is the exchange rate current?
exchange rate
what are the exchange rates?
exchange rate
how do you decide what your exchange rates are?
exchange rate
your exchange rates are coming from where?
exchange rate
is there a specific source that the exchange rate for the transfer i'm planning on making is pulled from?
exchange rate
how are the exchange rates for transfers calculated?
exchange rate
how do i know how much money i will have when i travel abroad?
exchange rate
how do you do currency exchanges?
exchange rate
can you explain your exchange rates basis?
exchange rate
how did you guys get your exchange rate?
exchange rate
can you tell me your exchange rates?
exchange rate
could you tell me what your exchange rates are?
exchange rate
does this app have the same exchange rate as third parties?
exchange rate
what are your exchange rates at?
exchange rate
how is the current exchange rate?
exchange rate
what is the system for determining the exchange rate?
exchange rate
tell me your opinion on the exchange rate.
exchange rate
i'd like to know what you guys look at to decide an exchange rate
exchange rate
how does the exchange rate work on this app?
exchange rate
where do you find your exchange rates?
exchange rate
i want to know your exchange rates.
exchange rate
what exchange rate is it?
exchange rate
what is the source of your exchange rates?
exchange rate
i need to know about exchange rates
exchange rate
where do you get those exchange rates?
exchange rate
how do you determine the exchange rate?
exchange rate
what foreign exchange rate will i get?
card payment wrong exchange rate
last saturday, i was charged extra for the exchange rate on my payment. is something wrong?
card payment wrong exchange rate
i think the currency exchange that's been applied is wrong.
card payment wrong exchange rate
the exchange rate i was charged for a purchase was not right.
card payment wrong exchange rate
can you please explain why the exchange rate for the item i bought is wrong?
card payment wrong exchange rate
i think something went wrong with my exchange between russian ruble and uk pounds. i was overcharged during the swap.
card payment wrong exchange rate
my payment has an incorrect exchange rate.
card payment wrong exchange rate
my exchange rate looks wrong for my last payment
card payment wrong exchange rate
the exchange rate you are using is bad.this can't be the official interbank exchange rate.
card payment wrong exchange rate
i was charged the wing amount for an item.
card payment wrong exchange rate
the exchange rate on my payment was wrong
card payment wrong exchange rate
why is the exchange rate terrible? that can't be close to the actual interbank rate.
card payment wrong exchange rate
an incorrect exchange rate was applied to an item i bought.
card payment wrong exchange rate
the exchange rate was incorrect for an item i bought.
card payment wrong exchange rate
i just saw the exchange rate you use, but it's so bad that i can't believe that it's the official interbank exchange rate! is this truly the official interbank exchange rate?
card payment wrong exchange rate
this exchange rate you use is awful! please tell me this is a mistake and not the official interbank exchange rate!
card payment wrong exchange rate
after purchasing an item i noticed the exchange rate was incorrect.
card payment wrong exchange rate
the amount of exchange was not correct for the item i bought.
card payment wrong exchange rate
the exchange rate from my card payment isn't right.
card payment wrong exchange rate
my exchange rate isn't correct.
card payment wrong exchange rate
my exchange rate was wrong for an item i bought!
card payment wrong exchange rate
i was using a foreign currecy to make a payment and the applied the wrong rate.
card payment wrong exchange rate
the exchange rate was incorrect for this item i bought.
card payment wrong exchange rate
i purchased something overseas and the incorrect exchange rate was applied.
card payment wrong exchange rate
the exchange rate is incorrect for my payment.
card payment wrong exchange rate
the item i bought exchanged rate was incorrect.
card payment wrong exchange rate
i'm on holiday and i noticed a different amount for exchange rate. can you explain?
card payment wrong exchange rate
i bought something in another country but the exchange rate is wrong
card payment wrong exchange rate
i bought an item and the exchange rate was wrong.
card payment wrong exchange rate
exchange rate for my card payment is wrong
card payment wrong exchange rate
the exchange rate at which my card payment is at is wrong
card payment wrong exchange rate
there was a problem with the exchange rate on a purchase.
card payment wrong exchange rate
i recently purchased something, and the exchange rate was wrong.
card payment wrong exchange rate
what if there is an error on the exchange rate?
card payment wrong exchange rate
why is my exchange rate wrong?
card payment wrong exchange rate
please check my payment from last saturday as i feel i have been overcharged on the exchange rate. thank you.
card payment wrong exchange rate
i used foreign currency to buy something and i think the rate applied is incorrect.
card payment wrong exchange rate
this exchange rate on my purchase is wrong.
card payment wrong exchange rate
the exchange rate looks wrong on a holiday purchase
card payment wrong exchange rate
i purchased something abroad, and the exchange rate that was applied was wrong.
card payment wrong exchange rate
i bought something and i take issue with the exchange rate applied.
card payment wrong exchange rate
you did not give me the correct exchange rate for an item that i bought.
card payment wrong exchange rate
i checked on google and the exchange rate you are using is really bad. can you update it?
card payment wrong exchange rate
in regards to my card payment, the exchange rate is incorrect.
card payment wrong exchange rate
i bough an item and the exchange rate was incorrect.
card payment wrong exchange rate
why did you charge me more for my purchase? it was a foreign currency and you didn't offer market rate
card payment wrong exchange rate
i question today's exchange rate for rubles into pounds. i was hoping for a better return.
card payment wrong exchange rate
my currency rate is inaccurate.
card payment wrong exchange rate
the currency exchange rate was wrong for a purchase i made.
card payment wrong exchange rate
i purchased something abroad and the incorrect exchange rate was applied.
card payment wrong exchange rate
your exchange rate was off. i was charged extra on my payment that i made last saturday.