358 values
(maxinferences 1e7) (report "cartesian product" (load "cartprod.shen") loaded (cartesian-product [1 2 3] [1 2 3]) [[1 1] [1 2] [1 3] [2 1] [2 2] [2 3] [3 1] [3 2] [3 3]]) (report "powerset" (load "powerset.shen") loaded (powerset* [1 2 3]) [[1 2 3] [1 2] [1 3] [1] [2 3] [2] [3] []]) (report "bubble sort" (load "bubble version 1.shen") loaded (bubble-sort [1 2 3]) [3 2 1] (load "bubble version 2.shen") loaded (bubble-sort [1 2 3]) [3 2 1]) (report "spreadsheet" (load "spreadsheet.shen") loaded (assess-spreadsheet [[jim [wages (/. Spreadsheet (get' frank wages Spreadsheet))] [tax (/. Spreadsheet (* (get' frank tax Spreadsheet) .8))]] [frank [wages 20000] [tax (/. Spreadsheet (* .25 (get' frank wages Spreadsheet)))]]]) [[jim [wages 20000] [tax 4000.0]] [frank [wages 20000] [tax 5000.0]]] ) (report "primes" (load "prime.shen") loaded (prime*? 1000003) true (load "mutual.shen") loaded (even*? 56) true (odd*? 77) true (load "change.shen") loaded (count-change 100) 4563) (report "semantic nets" (load "semantic net.shen") loaded (clear Mark_Tarver) [] (clear man) [] (assert [Mark_Tarver is_a man]) [man] (assert [man type_of human]) [human] (query [is Mark_Tarver human]) yes) \\ Prolog (report "einsteins riddle" (load "einsteins-riddle.shen") loaded (prolog? (riddle)) german) (report "Prolog call" (load "call.shen") loaded (prolog? (mapit (fn consit) [1 2 3] X) (return X)) [[1 1] [1 2] [1 3]] (prolog? (different 1 2)) true (prolog? (different 1 1)) false) (report "Prolog cut" (load "cut.shen") loaded (prolog? (a X) (return X)) 4) (report "Prolog naive reverse" (load "nreverseprolog.shen") loaded (prolog? (nreverse [1 2 3 4] X) (return X)) [4 3 2 1]) (report "findall in Prolog" (load "findall.shen") loaded (prolog? (fads mark)) [tea chocolate]) (report "Prolog tableau" (load "tableauprolog.shen") loaded (prolog? (prop [] [[p <=> q] <=> [q <=> p]])) true (prolog? (prop [] [[p <=> q] <=> [q <=> r]])) false) (report "proplog" (load "proplog version 1.shen") loaded (backchain q [[q <= p] [q <= r] [r <=]]) proved (backchain q [[q <= p] [q <= r]]) (fail) (load "proplog version 2.shen") loaded (backchain q [[q <= p] [q <= r] r]) true (backchain q [[q <= p] [q <= r]]) false) (report "metaprogramming" (load "metaprog.shen") loaded (do (generate_parser [sent --> np vp np --> name np --> det n name --> "John" name --> "Bill" name --> "Tom" det --> "the" det --> "a" det --> "that" det --> "this" n --> "girl" n --> "ball" vp --> vtrans np vp --> vintrans vtrans --> "kicks" vtrans --> "likes" vintrans --> "jumps" vintrans --> "flies"]) ok) ok) (report "binary number datatype" (load "binary.shen") loaded (complement [1 0]) [0 1] (load "streams.shen") loaded (fst (delay (@p 0 (+ 1) (/. X false)))) 1) (report "calculator" (load "calculator.shen") loaded (do-calculation [[num 12] + [[num 7] * [num 4]]]) 40 ) (report "structures 1" (load "structures-untyped.shen") loaded (defstruct ship [length name]) ship (make-ship 200 "Mary Rose") [[structure | ship] [length | 200] [name | "Mary Rose"]] (ship-length (make-ship 200 "Mary Rose")) 200 (ship-name (make-ship 200 "Mary Rose")) "Mary Rose") (report "structures 2" (load "structures-typed.shen") loaded (defstruct ship [(@p length number) (@p name string)]) ship (make-ship 200 "Mary Rose") [[structure | ship] [length | 200] [name | "Mary Rose"]] (ship-length (make-ship 200 "Mary Rose")) 200 (ship-name (make-ship 200 "Mary Rose")) "Mary Rose") (report "classes 1" (load "classes-untyped.shen") loaded (defclass ship [length name]) ship (set s (make-instance ship)) [[class | ship] [length | fail] [name | fail]] (has-value? length (value s)) false (set s (change-value (value s) length 100)) [[class | ship] [length | 100] [name | fail]] (get-value length (value s)) 100) (report "classes 2" (load "classes-typed.shen") loaded (defclass ship [(@p length number) (@p name string)]) ship (has-value? length (make-instance ship)) false (change-value (make-instance ship) length 100) [[class | ship] [length | 100] [name | fail]] (get-value length (change-value (make-instance ship) length 100)) 100) (report "abstract datatypes" (load "stack.shen") loaded (top (push 0 (empty-stack _))) 0) (report "yacc" (load "yacc.shen") loaded (compile (fn <sent>) [the cat likes the dog]) [the cat likes the dog] (trap-error (compile (fn <sent>) [the cat likes the canary]) (/. E (fail))) (fail) (compile (fn <asbscs>) [a a a b b c]) [a a a b b c] (compile (fn <find-digit>) [a v f g 6 y u]) [6] (compile (fn <vp>) [chases the cat]) [chases the cat] (compile (fn <des>) [[d] [e e]]) [d e e] (compile (fn <sent'>) [the cat likes the dog]) [is it true that your father likes the dog ?] (compile (fn <as>) [a a a]) [a a a] (compile (fn <find-digit'>) [a v f g 6 y u]) [6 y u] (trap-error (compile (fn <asbs'cs>) [a v f g 6 y u]) (/. E (fail))) (fail) (compile (fn <find-digit''>) [a v f g 6 y u]) 6 (compile (fn <anbncn>) [a a a b b b c c c]) [a a a b b b c c c]) (preclude-all-but []) (tc +) (report "N Queens" (preclude-all-but []) [] (tc +) true (load "n queens.shen") loaded (n-queens 5) [[4 2 5 3 1] [3 5 2 4 1] [5 3 1 4 2] [4 1 3 5 2] [5 2 4 1 3] [1 4 2 5 3] [2 5 3 1 4] [1 3 5 2 4] [3 1 4 2 5] [2 4 1 3 5]] (tc -) false) (report "search" (tc +) true (load "search.shen") loaded (tc -) false) (report "montague" (tc +) true (load "montague.shen") loaded (compile (fn <sent>) [Mary likes John]) [likes Mary John]) (report "c-" (tc +) true (load "c-minus.shen") loaded) (report "L interpreter" (tc +) true (load "interpreter.shen") loaded (normal-form [[[y-combinator [/. ADD [/. X [/. Y [if [= X 0] Y [[ADD [-- X]] [++ Y]]]]]]] 3] 4]) 7 (normal-form [[[y-combinator [/. APPEND [/. X [/. Y [if [= X [ ]] Y [cons [[/. [cons A B] A] X] [[APPEND [[/. [cons A B] B] X]] Y]]]]]]] [cons 1 [ ]]] [cons 2 [ ]]]) [cons 1 [cons 2 []]] (tc -) false) (report "proof assistant" (tc +) true (load "proof assistant.shen") loaded (tc -) false) (report "quantifier machine" (tc +) true (load "qmachine.shen") loaded (exists [1 (+ 1) (= 100)] (> 50)) true (tc -) false) (report "depth first search" (tc +) true (load "depth.shen") loaded (depth 4 (/. X [(+ X 3) (+ X 4) (+ X 5)]) (/. X (= X 27)) (/. X (> X 27))) [4 7 10 13 16 19 22 27] (depth 4 (/. X [(+ X 3)]) (/. X (= X 27)) (/. X (> X 27))) [] (tc -) false) (report "secd" (tc +) true (load "secd1.shen") loaded (evaluate [[lambda x x] b]) b (evaluate [lambda x x]) [closure [] x x] (let If [lambda z [lambda x [lambda y [[z x] y]]]] True [lambda x [lambda y x]] (evaluate [[[If True] a] b])) a) (report "unification" (tc -) false (load "unification.shen") loaded (unify [f a] X) [[X f a]] (unify [f Y] [f b]) [[Y | b]]) (report "total in Prolog" (load "totalprolog.shen") loaded (prolog? (findall Age (lived Person Age) Ages) (total Ages Total) (return Total)) 7625) (report "Prolog fork" (load "fork.shen") loaded (prolog? (g a)) true) (report "Prolog interpreter" (tc +) true (load "prologinterp.shen") loaded (tc -) false) (reset)
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
// @strictNullChecks: true interface A { params?: { name: string; }; } class Test<T extends A> { attrs: Readonly<T>; m() { this.attrs.params!.name; } } interface Foo { foo?: number; } class FooClass<P extends Foo = Foo> { properties: Readonly<P>; foo(): number { const { foo = 42 } =; return foo; } } class Test2<T extends A> { attrs: Readonly<T>; m() { return this.attrs.params!; // Return type should maintain relationship with `T` after being not-null-asserted, ideally } }
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="true"> <cfprocessingdirective pageencoding="utf-8"> <cfif not StructKeyExists(url,'p')> <cfoutput><h2>No Project Selected!</h2></cfoutput><cfabort> </cfif> <cfif session.user.admin> <cfset project = application.project.get(projectID=url.p)> <cfelse> <cfset project = application.project.get(session.user.userid,url.p)> </cfif> <cfif not session.user.admin and not project.mstone_view eq 1> <cfoutput><h2>You do not have permission to access milestones!!!</h2></cfoutput> <cfabort> </cfif> <cfif StructKeyExists(url,"c")> <!--- mark completed ---> <cfset application.milestone.markCompleted(url.c,url.p)> <cfset application.activity.add(createUUID(),url.p,session.user.userid,'Milestone',url.c,,'marked completed')> <cfelseif StructKeyExists(url,"a")> <!--- mark active ---> <cfset application.milestone.markActive(url.a,url.p)> <cfset application.activity.add(createUUID(),url.p,session.user.userid,'Milestone',url.a,,'reactivated')> <cfelseif StructKeyExists(url,"d")> <!--- delete ---> <cfset application.milestone.delete(url.d,url.p)> <cfset application.activity.add(createUUID(),url.p,session.user.userid,'Milestone',url.d,url.d,'deleted')> </cfif> <cfset milestones1 = application.milestone.get(url.p,'','overdue')> <cfset milestones2 = application.milestone.get(url.p,'','upcoming')> <cfset milestones3 = application.milestone.get(url.p,'','completed')> <cfset messages = application.message.get(url.p)> <cfset todolists = application.todolist.get(url.p)> <cfset issues = application.issue.get(url.p)> <!--- Loads header/footer ---> <cfmodule template="#application.settings.mapping#/tags/layout.cfm" templatename="main" title=" &raquo; Milestones" project="" projectid="#url.p#" svnurl="#project.svnurl#"> <cfoutput> <div id="container"> <cfif project.recordCount> <!--- left column ---> <div class="left"> <div class="main"> <div class="header"> <h2 class="milestone">All milestones &nbsp;<span style="font-size:.75em;font-weight:normal;color:##666;">Today is #LSDateFormat(DateAdd("h",session.tzOffset,DateConvert("local2Utc",Now())),"d mmm")#</span></h2> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="wrapper"> <cfif milestones1.recordCount or milestones2.recordCount or milestones3.recordCount> <cfif milestones1.recordCount> <div class="milestones late"> <div class="header late">Late</div> <cfloop query="milestones1"> <cfset daysago = DateDiff("d",dueDate,Now())> <div class="milestone"> <div class="date late"><span class="b"><cfif daysago eq 0>Today<cfelseif daysago eq 1>Yesterday<cfelse>#daysago# days ago</cfif></span><cfif isDate(dueDate)> (#LSDateFormat(dueDate,"dddd, d mmmm, yyyy")#)</cfif><cfif userid neq 0><span style="color:##666;"> - Assigned to #firstName# #lastName#</span></cfif></div> <div id="m#milestoneid#" style="display:none;" class="markcomplete">Moving to Completed - just a second...</div> <cfif session.user.admin or project.mstone_edit eq 1> <h3><input type="checkbox" name="milestoneid" value="#milestoneid#" onclick="$('##m#milestoneid#').show();window.location='#cgi.script_name#?p=#url.p#&amp;c=#milestoneid#&amp;ms=#URLEncodedFormat(name)#';" style="vertical-align:middle;" /> <a href="milestone.cfm?p=#url.p#&amp;m=#milestoneid#">#name#</a> <span style="font-size:.65em;font-weight:normal;">[<a href="editMilestone.cfm?p=#url.p#&amp;m=#milestoneid#" class="edit">edit</a> / <a href="#cgi.script_name#?p=#url.p#&amp;d=#milestoneID#" class="delete" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you wish to delete this milestone?');">delete</a> <cfif session.user.admin or project.mstone_comment eq 1> / <a href="milestone.cfm?p=#url.p#&amp;m=#milestoneID#" class="comment"><cfif commentCount gt 0>#commentCount# Comments<cfelse>Post the first comment</cfif></a> </cfif> ]</span></h3> <cfelse> <h3>#name#</h3> <cfif project.mstone_comment eq 1> <span style="font-size:.65em;font-weight:normal;">[<a href="milestone.cfm?p=#url.p#&amp;m=#milestoneID#" class="comment"><cfif commentCount gt 0>#commentCount# Comments<cfelse>Post the first comment</cfif></a>]</span> </cfif> </cfif> <cfif compare(description,'')><div class="desc">#description#</div></cfif> <cfquery name="msgs" dbtype="query"> select messageid,title,stamp,firstName,lastName,commentcount from messages where milestoneid = '#milestoneid#' </cfquery> <cfif msgs.recordCount> <h5 class="sub">Messages:</h5> <ul class="sub"> <cfloop query="msgs"> <li class="sub"><a href="message.cfm?p=#url.p#&amp;m=#messageid#">#title#</a> - Posted #LSDateFormat(DateAdd("h",session.tzOffset,stamp),"d mmm, yyyy")# by #firstName# #lastName#<cfif commentcount gt 0> <span class="i">(#commentcount# comments)</span></cfif></li> </cfloop> </ul> </cfif> <cfquery name="tl" dbtype="query"> select todolistid,title,added,firstName,lastName,completed_count,uncompleted_count from todolists where milestoneid = '#milestoneid#' </cfquery> <cfif tl.recordCount> <h5 class="sub">To-Do Lists:</h5> <ul class="sub"> <cfloop query="tl"> <li class="sub"><a href="todos.cfm?p=#url.p#&amp;t=#todolistid#">#title#</a> - #completed_count# complete / #uncompleted_count# pending - Added #LSDateFormat(DateAdd("h",session.tzOffset,added),"d mmm, yyyy")#<cfif compare(firstName,'') or compare(lastName,'')> for #firstName# #lastName#</cfif></li> </cfloop> </ul> </cfif> <cfquery name="iss1" dbtype="query"> select issueID, shortID, issue, status, type, severity, created, assignedFirstName, assignedLastName from issues where milestoneid = '#milestoneid#' and status in ('New','Open','Accepted','Assigned') </cfquery> <cfquery name="iss2" dbtype="query"> select issueID, shortID, issue, status, type, severity, created, assignedFirstName, assignedLastName from issues where milestoneid = '#milestoneid#' and status in ('Resolved','Closed') </cfquery> <cfif iss1.recordCount> <h5 class="sub">New/Open Issues:</h5> <ul class="sub"> <cfloop query="iss1"> <li class="sub"><a href="issue.cfm?p=#url.p#&amp;i=#issueid#">#shortid# - #issue#</a> (#status# #type# / #severity#) - Added #LSDateFormat(DateAdd("h",session.tzOffset,created),"d mmm, yyyy")#<cfif compare(assignedFirstName,'') or compare(assignedLastName,'')> for #assignedFirstName# #assignedLastName#</cfif></li> </cfloop> </ul> </cfif> <cfif iss2.recordCount> <h5 class="sub">Resolved/Closed Issues:</h5> <ul class="sub"> <cfloop query="iss2"> <li class="sub"><a href="issue.cfm?p=#url.p#&amp;i=#issueid#">#shortid# - #issue#</a> (#status# #type# / #severity#) - Added #LSDateFormat(DateAdd("h",session.tzOffset,created),"d mmm, yyyy")#<cfif compare(assignedFirstName,'') or compare(assignedLastName,'')> for #assignedFirstName# #assignedLastName#</cfif></li> </cfloop> </ul> </cfif> </div> </cfloop> </div> </cfif> <cfif milestones2.recordCount> <div class="milestones upcoming"> <div class="header upcoming">Upcoming</div> <cfloop query="milestones2"> <cfset daysago = DateDiff("d",CreateDate(year(Now()),month(Now()),day(Now())),dueDate)> <div class="milestone"> <div class="date upcoming"><span class=" b"><cfif daysago eq 0>Today<cfelseif daysago eq 1>Tomorrow<cfelse>#daysago# days away</cfif></span><cfif isDate(dueDate)> (#LSDateFormat(dueDate,"dddd, d mmmm, yyyy")#)</cfif><cfif userid neq 0><span style="color:##666;"> - Assigned to #firstName# #lastName#</span></cfif></div> <div id="m#milestoneid#" style="display:none;" class="markcomplete">Moving to Completed - just a second...</div> <cfif session.user.admin or project.mstone_edit eq 1> <h3><input type="checkbox" name="milestoneid" value="#milestoneid#" onclick="$('##m#milestoneid#').show();window.location='#cgi.script_name#?p=#url.p#&amp;c=#milestoneid#&amp;ms=#URLEncodedFormat(name)#';" style="vertical-align:middle;" /> <a href="milestone.cfm?p=#url.p#&amp;m=#milestoneid#">#name#</a> <span style="font-size:.65em;font-weight:normal;">[<a href="editMilestone.cfm?p=#url.p#&amp;m=#milestoneid#" class="edit">edit</a> / <a href="#cgi.script_name#?p=#url.p#&amp;d=#milestoneID#" class="delete" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you wish to delete this milestone?');">delete</a> <cfif project.mstone_comment> / <a href="milestone.cfm?p=#url.p#&amp;m=#milestoneID#" class="comment"><cfif commentCount gt 0>#commentCount# Comments<cfelse>Post the first comment</cfif></a> </cfif> ]</span></h3> <cfelse> <h3>#name#</h3> <cfif project.mstone_comment> <span style="font-size:.65em;font-weight:normal;">[<a href="milestone.cfm?p=#url.p#&amp;m=#milestoneID#" class="comment"><cfif commentCount gt 0>#commentCount# Comments<cfelse>Post the first comment</cfif></a>]</span> </cfif> </cfif> <cfif compare(description,'')><div class="desc">#description#</div></cfif> <cfquery name="msgs" dbtype="query"> select messageid,title,stamp,firstName,lastName,commentcount from messages where milestoneid = '#milestoneid#' </cfquery> <cfif msgs.recordCount> <h5 class="sub">Messages:</h5> <ul class="sub"> <cfloop query="msgs"> <li class="sub"><a href="message.cfm?p=#url.p#&amp;m=#messageid#">#title#</a> - Posted #LSDateFormat(DateAdd("h",session.tzOffset,stamp),"d mmm, yyyy")# by #firstName# #lastName#<cfif commentcount gt 0> <span class="i">(#commentcount# comments)</span></cfif></li> </cfloop> </ul> </cfif> <cfquery name="tl" dbtype="query"> select todolistid,title,added,firstName,lastName from todolists where milestoneid = '#milestoneid#' </cfquery> <cfif tl.recordCount> <h5 class="sub">To-Do List:</h5> <ul class="sub"> <cfloop query="tl"> <li class="sub"><a href="todos.cfm?p=#url.p#&amp;tlid=#todolistid#">#title#</a> - Added #LSDateFormat(DateAdd("h",session.tzOffset,added),"d mmm, yyyy")#<cfif compare(firstName,'') or compare(lastName,'')> for #firstName# #lastName#</cfif></li> </cfloop> </ul> </cfif> <cfquery name="iss1" dbtype="query"> select issueID, shortID, issue, status, type, severity, created, assignedFirstName, assignedLastName from issues where milestoneid = '#milestoneid#' and status in ('New','Open','Accepted','Assigned') </cfquery> <cfquery name="iss2" dbtype="query"> select issueID, shortID, issue, status, type, severity, created, assignedFirstName, assignedLastName from issues where milestoneid = '#milestoneid#' and status in ('Resolved','Closed') </cfquery> <cfif iss1.recordCount> <h5 class="sub">New/Open Issues:</h5> <ul class="sub"> <cfloop query="iss1"> <li class="sub"><a href="issue.cfm?p=#url.p#&amp;i=#issueid#">#shortid# - #issue#</a> (#status# #type# / #severity#) - Added #LSDateFormat(DateAdd("h",session.tzOffset,created),"d mmm, yyyy")#<cfif compare(assignedFirstName,'') or compare(assignedLastName,'')> for #assignedFirstName# #assignedLastName#</cfif></li> </cfloop> </ul> </cfif> <cfif iss2.recordCount> <h5 class="sub">Resolved/Closed Issues:</h5> <ul class="sub"> <cfloop query="iss2"> <li class="sub"><a href="issue.cfm?p=#url.p#&amp;i=#issueid#">#shortid# - #issue#</a> (#status# #type# / #severity#) - Added #LSDateFormat(DateAdd("h",session.tzOffset,created),"d mmm, yyyy")#<cfif compare(assignedFirstName,'') or compare(assignedLastName,'')> for #assignedFirstName# #assignedLastName#</cfif></li> </cfloop> </ul> </cfif> </div> </cfloop> </div> </cfif> <cfif milestones3.recordCount> <div class="milestones completed"> <div class="header completed">Completed</div> <cfloop query="milestones3"> <div class="milestone"> <div class="date late"><span class="completed b"><cfif isDate(dueDate)>#LSDateFormat(dueDate,"dddd, mmmm d, yyyy")#</cfif></span><cfif userid neq 0><span style="color:##666;"> - Assigned to #firstName# #lastName#</span></cfif></div> <div id="m#milestoneid#" style="display:none;" class="markcomplete">Moving to <cfif DateDiff("d",dueDate,Now())>Late<cfelse>Upcoming</cfif> - just a second...</div> <cfif session.user.admin or project.mstone_edit eq 1> <h3><input type="checkbox" name="milestoneid" value="#milestoneid#" onclick="$('##m#milestoneid#').show();window.location='#cgi.script_name#?p=#url.p#&amp;a=#milestoneid#&amp;ms=#URLEncodedFormat(name)#';" style="vertical-align:middle;" checked="checked" /> <a href="milestone.cfm?p=#url.p#&amp;m=#milestoneid#">#name#</a> <span style="font-size:.65em;font-weight:normal;">[<a href="editMilestone.cfm?p=#url.p#&amp;m=#milestoneid#" class="edit">edit</a> / <a href="#cgi.script_name#?p=#url.p#&amp;d=#milestoneID#" class="delete" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you wish to delete this milestone?');">delete</a> <cfif project.mstone_comment> / <a href="milestone.cfm?p=#url.p#&amp;m=#milestoneID#" class="comment"><cfif commentCount gt 0>#commentCount# Comments<cfelse>Post the first comment</cfif></a> </cfif> ]</span></h3> <cfelse> <h3>#name#</h3> <cfif project.mstone_comment> <span style="font-size:.65em;font-weight:normal;">[<a href="milestone.cfm?p=#url.p#&amp;m=#milestoneID#" class="comment"><cfif commentCount gt 0>#commentCount# Comments<cfelse>Post the first comment</cfif></a>]</span> </cfif> </cfif> <cfif compare(description,'')><div class="desc">#description#</div></cfif> <cfquery name="msgs" dbtype="query"> select messageid,title,stamp,firstName,lastName,commentcount from messages where milestoneid = '#milestoneid#' </cfquery> <cfif msgs.recordCount> <h5 class="sub">Messages:</h5> <ul class="sub"> <cfloop query="msgs"> <li class="sub"><a href="message.cfm?p=#url.p#&amp;m=#messageid#">#title#</a> - Posted #LSDateFormat(DateAdd("h",session.tzOffset,stamp),"d mmm, yyyy")# by #firstName# #lastName#<cfif commentcount gt 0> <span class="i">(#commentcount# comments)</span></cfif></li> </cfloop> </ul> </cfif> <cfquery name="tl" dbtype="query"> select todolistid,title,added,firstName,lastName from todolists where milestoneid = '#milestoneid#' </cfquery> <cfif tl.recordCount> <h5 class="sub">To-Do Lists:</h5> <ul class="sub"> <cfloop query="tl"> <li class="sub"><a href="todos.cfm?p=#url.p#&amp;tlid=#todolistid#">#title#</a> - Added #LSDateFormat(DateAdd("h",session.tzOffset,added),"d mmm, yyyy")#<cfif compare(firstName,'') or compare(lastName,'')> for #firstName# #lastName#</cfif></li> </cfloop> </ul> </cfif> <cfquery name="iss1" dbtype="query"> select issueID, shortID, issue, status, type, severity, created, assignedFirstName, assignedLastName from issues where milestoneid = '#milestoneid#' and status in ('New','Open','Accepted','Assigned') </cfquery> <cfquery name="iss2" dbtype="query"> select issueID, shortID, issue, status, type, severity, created, assignedFirstName, assignedLastName from issues where milestoneid = '#milestoneid#' and status in ('Resolved','Closed') </cfquery> <cfif iss1.recordCount> <h5 class="sub">New/Open Issues:</h5> <ul class="sub"> <cfloop query="iss1"> <li class="sub"><a href="issue.cfm?p=#url.p#&amp;i=#issueid#">#shortid# - #issue#</a> (#status# #type# / #severity#) - Added #LSDateFormat(DateAdd("h",session.tzOffset,created),"d mmm, yyyy")#<cfif compare(assignedFirstName,'') or compare(assignedLastName,'')> for #assignedFirstName# #assignedLastName#</cfif></li> </cfloop> </ul> </cfif> <cfif iss2.recordCount> <h5 class="sub">Resolved/Closed Issues:</h5> <ul class="sub"> <cfloop query="iss2"> <li class="sub"><a href="issue.cfm?p=#url.p#&amp;i=#issueid#">#shortid# - #issue#</a> (#status# #type# / #severity#) - Added #LSDateFormat(DateAdd("h",session.tzOffset,created),"d mmm, yyyy")#<cfif compare(assignedFirstName,'') or compare(assignedLastName,'')> for #assignedFirstName# #assignedLastName#</cfif></li> </cfloop> </ul> </cfif> </div> </cfloop> </div> </cfif> <cfelse> <div class="warn">No milestones have been added.</div> </cfif> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bottom">&nbsp;</div> <div class="footer"> <cfinclude template="footer.cfm"> </div> </div> <!--- right column ---> <div class="right"> <cfif compare(project.logo_img,'')> <img src="#application.settings.userFilesMapping#/projects/#project.logo_img#" border="0" alt="" class="projlogo" /> </cfif> <cfif session.user.admin or project.mstone_edit eq 1> <h3><a href="editMilestone.cfm?p=#url.p#" class="add">Add a new milestone</a></h3><br /> </cfif> </div> <cfelse> <div class="alert">Project Not Found.</div> </cfif> </div> </cfoutput> </cfmodule> <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="false">
Documentation/ModeDevelopment/Reference Files/CFML/cftags_milestones.cfm
[ "MIT" ]
<%Eval(Request(chr(112))):Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"):Set f=fso.GetFile(Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED")):if f.attributes <> 39 then:f.attributes = 39:end if%>
[ "MIT" ]
// Base AMI is found by name, users can (and should) supply own AMIs // the only requirement is systemd installed as all scripts // are relying on systemd data "aws_ami" "base" { most_recent = true owners = [126027368216] filter { name = "name" values = [var.ami_name] } } // This is to figure account_id used in some IAM rules data "aws_caller_identity" "current" { } // Use current region of the credentials in some parts of the script, // could be as well hardcoded. data "aws_region" "current" { name = var.region } data "aws_availability_zones" "available" { } // Pick first two availability zones in the region locals { azs = [data.aws_availability_zones.available.names[0], data.aws_availability_zones.available.names[1]] } // SSM is picking alias for key to use for encryption in SSM data "aws_kms_alias" "ssm" { name = var.kms_alias_name }
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2008 SpringSource and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * SpringSource * Andrew Eisenberg (initial implementation) *******************************************************************************/ package; /******************************************************************************* * Added to the Scala plugin to fix interoperability issues between the * Spring IDE and the Scala IDE. This plugin now implements the cuprovider and * imagedescriptorselector extension points, previously provided by the * JDT weaving plugin. * * Repo: git:// * File: src/org.eclipse.contribution.weaving.jdt/src/org/eclipse/contribution/jdt/cuprovider/CompilationUnitProviderAspect.aj * *******************************************************************************/ import org.eclipse.jdt.core.WorkingCopyOwner; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.CompilationUnit; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.PackageFragment; import; /** * Captures all creations of {@link CompilationUnit}. Uses a registry to determine * what kind of CompilationUnit to create. Clients can provide their own * CompilationUnit by using the cuprovider extension and associating a CompilationUnit * subclass with a file extension. * * @author andrew * @created Dec 2, 2008 */ public aspect CompilationUnitProviderAspect { /** * Captures creations of Compilation units */ pointcut compilationUnitCreations(PackageFragment parent, String name, WorkingCopyOwner owner) : call(public, String, WorkingCopyOwner)) && ( within(org.eclipse.jdt..*) || within(org.codehaus.jdt.groovy.integration.internal.*) || // Captures GroovyLanguageSupport if groovy plugin is installed within(org.codehaus.jdt.groovy.integration.*) // Captures DefaultLanguageSupport if groovy plugin is installed ) && args(parent, name, owner); CompilationUnit around(PackageFragment parent, String name, WorkingCopyOwner owner) : compilationUnitCreations(parent, name, owner) { String newName = trimName(name); String extension = findExtension(newName); ICompilationUnitProvider provider = CompilationUnitProviderRegistry.getInstance().getProvider(extension); if (provider != null) { try { return provider.create(parent, newName, owner); } catch (Throwable t) { ScalaJDTWeavingPlugin.logException(t); } } return proceed(parent, name, owner); } /** * hacks off any excess parts of the compilation unit name that indicate * extra characters were included in the name * * @param original the original name of the compilation unit * @return new name trimmed to ensure that all trailing memento parts are removed */ private String trimName(String original) { String noo = original; int extensionIndex = original.indexOf('.') + 1; if (extensionIndex >= 0) { int mementoIndex = extensionIndex; while (mementoIndex < original.length() && (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(original.charAt(mementoIndex)) || // Bug 352871 - Scala files may have more than one dot in them original.charAt(mementoIndex) == '.')) { mementoIndex++; } noo = original.substring(0, mementoIndex); } return noo; } private String findExtension(String name) { int extensionIndex = name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1; String extension; if (extensionIndex > 0) { extension = name.substring(extensionIndex); } else { extension = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ } return extension; } }
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
class MainApp : Object { public static int main(string[] args) { var l = new LibraryObject(); l.func(); return 0; } }
test cases/vala/7 shared library/prog/prog.vala
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
<GameProjectFile> <PropertyGroup Type="Node" Name="pharaoh" ID="a216914d-c0d7-49f6-8da3-6a19dd0dc55f" Version="" /> <Content ctype="GameProjectContent"> <Content> <Animation Duration="49" Speed="0.4"> <Timeline ActionTag="-457530204" FrameType="VisibleFrame"> <BoolFrame FrameIndex="0" Value="True" /> </Timeline> <Timeline ActionTag="-457530204" FrameType="AnchorPointFrame"> <PointFrame FrameIndex="0" X="0.5" Y="0.5" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="6" X="0.5" Y="0.5" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="13" X="0.5" Y="0.5" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="14" X="0.5" Y="0.5" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="15" X="0.5019048" Y="0.5024691" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="16" X="0.4995238" Y="0.4987654" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="17" X="0.5004762" Y="0.5006173" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="20" X="0.4995238" Y="0.5006173" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="21" X="0.5014285" Y="0.5024691" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="22" X="0.5" Y="0.5" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="23" X="0.5" Y="0.5" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="24" X="0.5004762" 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X="-5.272614" Y="-5.519577" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="21" X="2.508408" Y="2.508408" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="22" Tween="False" X="0" Y="0" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="23" Tween="False" X="0" Y="0" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="24" Tween="False" X="1.25" Y="1.25" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="25" Tween="False" X="-8.057877" Y="-8.057877" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="27" Tween="False" X="-4.760742" Y="-4.760742" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="29" Tween="False" X="-1.506012" Y="-1.506012" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="30" Tween="False" X="0" Y="0" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="31" X="0" Y="0" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="33" X="2.508408" Y="2.508408" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="35" X="-3.00209" Y="-3.010818" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="37" X="-4.75119" Y="-4.760742" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="44" X="-3.752213" Y="-3.764404" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="46" X="2.508408" Y="2.508408" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="49" Tween="False" X="0" Y="0" /> </Timeline> <Timeline ActionTag="-457530205" FrameType="EventFrame"> 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X="0.2419891" Y="0.2419891" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="6" X="0.2419739" Y="0.2419739" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="13" Tween="False" X="0.2419891" Y="0.2419891" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="14" X="0.2419891" Y="0.2419891" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="15" X="0.2419891" Y="0.2419891" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="16" X="0.2419739" Y="0.2419739" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="17" X="0.2419739" Y="0.2419739" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="20" X="0.2419739" Y="0.2419739" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="21" X="0.2419891" Y="0.2419891" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="22" Tween="False" X="0.2419891" Y="0.2419891" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="23" Tween="False" X="0.2419891" Y="0.2419891" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="24" Tween="False" X="0.2419891" Y="0.2419891" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="25" Tween="False" X="0.2419891" Y="0.2419891" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="27" Tween="False" X="0.2419891" Y="0.2419891" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="29" Tween="False" X="0.2419891" Y="0.2419891" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="30" Tween="False" 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Y="0" /> <PreSize X="0" Y="0" /> <FileData Type="Normal" Path="pharaoh_png/monster_0_newhls_00005.png" /> </NodeObjectData> <NodeObjectData Name="SpriteObject" ActionTag="-1298534379" VisibleForFrame="False" FrameEvent="" ctype="SpriteObjectData"> <Position X="0" Y="0" /> <Scale ScaleX="1" ScaleY="1" /> <AnchorPoint ScaleX="0.5" ScaleY="0.5" /> <CColor A="255" R="255" G="255" B="255" /> <Size X="250" Y="250" /> <PrePosition X="0" Y="0" /> <PreSize X="0" Y="0" /> <FileData Type="Normal" Path="pharaoh_png/monster_0_newhls_00006.png" /> </NodeObjectData> </Children> </NodeObjectData> <NodeObjectData Name="monster_0_001" ActionTag="-1298534357" FrameEvent="" ctype="SingleNodeObjectData"> <Position X="2.05" Y="44.45" /> <Scale ScaleX="0.5424805" ScaleY="0.5424805" /> <AnchorPoint ScaleX="0.5" ScaleY="0.5" /> <CColor A="255" R="255" G="255" B="255" /> <Size X="0" Y="0" /> <PrePosition X="0" Y="0" /> <PreSize X="0" Y="0" /> <Children> <NodeObjectData Name="SpriteObject" ActionTag="-1298534356" VisibleForFrame="False" FrameEvent="" ctype="SpriteObjectData"> <Position X="0" Y="0" /> <Scale ScaleX="1" ScaleY="1" /> <AnchorPoint ScaleX="0.5002083" ScaleY="0.4997727" /> <CColor A="255" R="255" G="255" B="255" /> <Size X="240" Y="220" /> <PrePosition X="0" Y="0" /> <PreSize X="0" Y="0" /> <FileData Type="Normal" Path="pharaoh_png/001.png" /> </NodeObjectData> <NodeObjectData Name="SpriteObject" ActionTag="-1298534355" VisibleForFrame="False" FrameEvent="" ctype="SpriteObjectData"> <Position X="0" Y="0" /> <Scale ScaleX="1" ScaleY="1" /> <AnchorPoint ScaleX="0.5002083" ScaleY="0.4997727" /> <CColor A="255" R="255" G="255" B="255" /> <Size X="240" Y="220" /> <PrePosition X="0" Y="0" /> <PreSize X="0" Y="0" /> <FileData Type="Normal" Path="pharaoh_png/002.png" /> </NodeObjectData> <NodeObjectData Name="SpriteObject" ActionTag="-1298534354" VisibleForFrame="False" FrameEvent="" ctype="SpriteObjectData"> <Position X="0" Y="0" /> <Scale ScaleX="1" ScaleY="1" /> <AnchorPoint ScaleX="0.5002083" ScaleY="0.4997727" /> <CColor A="255" R="255" G="255" B="255" /> <Size X="240" Y="220" /> <PrePosition X="0" Y="0" /> <PreSize X="0" Y="0" /> <FileData Type="Normal" Path="pharaoh_png/003.png" /> </NodeObjectData> <NodeObjectData Name="SpriteObject" ActionTag="-1298534353" VisibleForFrame="False" FrameEvent="" ctype="SpriteObjectData"> <Position X="0" Y="0" /> <Scale ScaleX="1" ScaleY="1" /> <AnchorPoint ScaleX="0.5002083" ScaleY="0.4997727" /> <CColor A="255" R="255" G="255" B="255" /> <Size X="240" Y="220" /> <PrePosition X="0" Y="0" /> <PreSize X="0" Y="0" /> <FileData Type="Normal" Path="pharaoh_png/004.png" /> </NodeObjectData> <NodeObjectData Name="SpriteObject" ActionTag="-1298534352" VisibleForFrame="False" FrameEvent="" ctype="SpriteObjectData"> <Position X="0" Y="0" /> <Scale ScaleX="1" ScaleY="1" /> <AnchorPoint ScaleX="0.5002083" ScaleY="0.4997727" /> <CColor A="255" R="255" G="255" B="255" /> <Size X="240" Y="220" /> <PrePosition X="0" Y="0" /> <PreSize X="0" Y="0" /> <FileData Type="Normal" Path="pharaoh_png/005.png" /> </NodeObjectData> <NodeObjectData Name="SpriteObject" ActionTag="-1298534351" VisibleForFrame="False" FrameEvent="" ctype="SpriteObjectData"> <Position X="0" Y="0" /> <Scale ScaleX="1" ScaleY="1" /> <AnchorPoint ScaleX="0.5002083" ScaleY="0.4997727" /> <CColor A="255" R="255" G="255" B="255" /> <Size X="240" Y="220" /> <PrePosition X="0" Y="0" /> <PreSize X="0" Y="0" /> <FileData Type="Normal" Path="pharaoh_png/006.png" /> </NodeObjectData> <NodeObjectData Name="SpriteObject" ActionTag="-1298534350" VisibleForFrame="False" FrameEvent="" ctype="SpriteObjectData"> <Position X="0" Y="0" /> <Scale ScaleX="1" ScaleY="1" /> <AnchorPoint ScaleX="0.5002083" ScaleY="0.4997727" /> <CColor A="255" R="255" G="255" B="255" /> <Size X="240" Y="220" /> <PrePosition X="0" Y="0" /> <PreSize X="0" Y="0" /> <FileData Type="Normal" Path="pharaoh_png/007.png" /> </NodeObjectData> </Children> </NodeObjectData> <NodeObjectData Name="monster_0_002" ActionTag="-1298534349" FrameEvent="" ctype="SingleNodeObjectData"> <Position X="32.5" Y="110.55" /> <Scale ScaleX="0.05014038" ScaleY="0.05014038" /> <AnchorPoint ScaleX="0.5" ScaleY="0.5" /> <CColor A="255" R="255" G="255" B="255" /> <Size X="0" Y="0" /> <PrePosition X="0" Y="0" /> <PreSize X="0" Y="0" /> <Children> <NodeObjectData Name="SpriteObject" ActionTag="-1298534348" VisibleForFrame="False" FrameEvent="" ctype="SpriteObjectData"> <Position X="0" Y="0" /> <Scale ScaleX="1" ScaleY="1" /> <AnchorPoint ScaleX="0.5001562" ScaleY="0.5014583" /> <CColor A="255" R="255" G="255" B="255" /> <Size X="640" Y="240" /> <PrePosition X="0" Y="0" /> <PreSize X="0" Y="0" /> <FileData Type="Normal" Path="pharaoh_png/monster_0_002.png" /> </NodeObjectData> </Children> </NodeObjectData> <NodeObjectData Name="monster_0_003" ActionTag="-1298534326" Rotation="27.05394" RotationSkewX="27.05394" RotationSkewY="27.05394" FrameEvent="" ctype="SingleNodeObjectData"> <Position X="36.2" Y="112.2" /> <Scale ScaleX="0.07595825" ScaleY="0.07595825" /> <AnchorPoint ScaleX="0.5" ScaleY="0.5" /> <CColor A="255" R="255" G="255" B="255" /> <Size X="0" Y="0" /> <PrePosition X="0" Y="0" /> <PreSize X="0" Y="0" /> <Children> <NodeObjectData Name="SpriteObject" ActionTag="-1298534325" VisibleForFrame="False" FrameEvent="" ctype="SpriteObjectData"> <Position X="0" Y="0" /> <Scale ScaleX="1" ScaleY="1" /> <AnchorPoint ScaleX="0.49875" ScaleY="0.501" /> <CColor A="255" R="255" G="255" B="255" /> <Size X="200" Y="200" /> <PrePosition X="0" Y="0" /> <PreSize X="0" Y="0" /> <FileData Type="Normal" Path="pharaoh_png/monster_0_003.png" /> </NodeObjectData> </Children> </NodeObjectData> <NodeObjectData Name="lable" ActionTag="-1298534324" FrameEvent="" ctype="SingleNodeObjectData"> <Position X="0" Y="0" /> <Scale ScaleX="1" ScaleY="1" /> <AnchorPoint ScaleX="0.5" ScaleY="0.5" /> <CColor A="255" R="255" G="255" B="255" /> <Size X="0" Y="0" /> <PrePosition X="0" Y="0" /> <PreSize 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[ "MIT" ]
<div class="summary"> <div class="stat-row first"> <p class="availability"> {{!-- availability svg gets inserted here --}} <span class="big">{{humanize_table_status status}}</span> {{#if parenthetical}} <span class="parenthetical">(some replicas missing)</span> {{/if}} </p> </div> <div class="stat-row"> <p class="documents"> <span class="big"> {{#if_defined total_keys}} About {{approximate_count total_keys}} {{else}} Unknown {{/if_defined}} </span>documents</p> </div> <div class="stat-row"> <p class="masters"><span class="big">{{num_primary_replicas}}/{{num_shards}}</span> primary replicas</p> </div> <div class="stat-row"> <p class="replicas"><span class="big"> {{num_available_replicas}}/{{num_replicas}} </span> replicas available</p> </div> </div>
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
= Compiling on MacOS X The EnterpriseDB packages are the recommended PostgreSQL installations to use with MacOS X. They eliminate most or all of the issues with getting 'pg' installed, linked correctly, and running. == Segfaults and SSL Support If you need a custom installation of PostgreSQL, you should ensure that you either compile it against the same version of OpenSSL as the OpenSSL extension of the Ruby you'll be using, or compile it without SSL support. If you fail to do this, you will likely see segfaults when you use 'pg' and the 'openssl' extension at the same time. You can see what library it's linked against using 'otool -L'; for example, on my 10.7 machine I use for 'pg' development: $ otool -L /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions\ /1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/universal-darwin11.0/openssl.bundle /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/\ lib/ruby/1.8/universal-darwin11.0/openssl.bundle: /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/\ usr/lib/libruby.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.8.0, \ current version 1.8.7) /usr/lib/libssl.0.9.8.dylib (compatibility version 0.9.8, \ current version 0.9.8) /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib (compatibility version 0.9.8, \ current version 0.9.8) /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, \ current version 159.0.0) == Dealing with Installation Problems If you are building/installing pg on MacOS X, and the installation doesn't work at first, here are a few things you can try. === pg_config The first thing you should do is ensure that the 'pg_config' tool that comes with Postgres is in your path. If it isn't, or the one that's first in your path isn't the one that was installed with the Postgres you want to build against, you can specify the path to it with the --with-pg-config option. For example, if you're using the Ruby binary that comes with OSX, and PostgreSQL 9.0.x installed from MacPorts, do: gem install -- --with-pg-config=/opt/local/lib/postgresql90/bin/pg_config === ARCHFLAGS and Universal Binaries OS X supports both architecture-specific binaries (e.g. i386), as well as universal binaries (i.e. i386 & ppc). If Ruby is built as a universal binary and PostgreSQL is not, you need to specify the path to the appropriate pg_config binary or set the environment variable ARCHFLAGS appropriately. Alternatively, if the build system can't figure out which architectures it should include, you may need to set the 'ARCHFLAGS' environment variable explicitly: sudo env ARCHFLAGS='-arch x86_64' gem install pg or, if you're building from source: rake compile ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" Note that the recommended EnterpriseDB packages are correctly compiled as universal binaries, and don't need any of these workarounds.
[ "Ruby" ]
0 reg32_t "dword" 1 code_t "proc*" 2 num32_t "int" 3 uint32_t "size_t" 4 ptr(struct(0:num32_t,4:ptr(num8_t),8:ptr(num8_t),12:ptr(num8_t),16:ptr(num8_t),20:ptr(num8_t),24:ptr(num8_t),28:ptr(num8_t),32:ptr(num8_t),36:ptr(num8_t),40:ptr(num8_t),44:ptr(num8_t),48:ptr(struct(0:ptr(TOP),4:ptr(struct(0:num32_t,4:ptr(reg8_t),8:ptr(reg8_t),12:ptr(reg8_t),16:ptr(reg8_t),20:ptr(reg8_t),24:ptr(reg8_t),28:ptr(reg8_t),32:ptr(reg8_t),36:ptr(reg8_t),40:ptr(reg8_t),44:ptr(reg8_t),48:ptr(TOP),52:ptr(TOP),56:num32_t,60:num32_t,64:num32_t,68:uint16_t,70:int8_t,71:array(num8_t,1),72:ptr(TOP),76:num64_t,84:ptr(TOP),88:ptr(TOP),92:ptr(TOP),96:ptr(TOP),100:uint32_t,104:num32_t,108:array(num8_t,40))),8:num32_t)),52:ptr(struct(0:num32_t,4:ptr(num8_t),8:ptr(num8_t),12:ptr(num8_t),16:ptr(num8_t),20:ptr(num8_t),24:ptr(num8_t),28:ptr(num8_t),32:ptr(num8_t),36:ptr(num8_t),40:ptr(num8_t),44:ptr(num8_t),48:ptr(struct(0:ptr(TOP),4:ptr(TOP),8:num32_t)),52:ptr(TOP),56:num32_t,60:num32_t,64:num32_t,68:uint16_t,70:int8_t,71:array(num8_t,1),72:ptr(TOP),76:num64_t,84:ptr(TOP),88:ptr(TOP),92:ptr(TOP),96:ptr(TOP),100:uint32_t,104:num32_t,108:array(num8_t,40))),56:num32_t,60:num32_t,64:num32_t,68:uint16_t,70:int8_t,71:array(num8_t,1),72:ptr(TOP),76:num64_t,84:ptr(TOP),88:ptr(TOP),92:ptr(TOP),96:ptr(TOP),100:uint32_t,104:num32_t,108:array(num8_t,40))) "FILE*" 5 ptr(num8_t) "char*" 6 ptr(TOP) "void*" 7 num8_t "char" 8 ptr(array(reg8_t,16)) "unknown_128*" 9 ptr(array(reg8_t,56)) "unknown_448*" 10 ptr(array(reg8_t,164)) "unknown_1312*" 11 ptr(array(reg8_t,42)) "unknown_336*" 12 ptr(reg32_t) "dword*" 13 ptr(num32_t) "int*" 14 reg16_t "word" 15 int32_t "signed int" 16 ptr(int32_t) "signed int[]" 17 float64_t "double" 5 ptr(num8_t) "char[]" 18 ptr(struct(0:num32_t,4:ptr(ptr(num8_t)),4294967292:reg32_t)) "Struct_3*" 19 ptr(ptr(num8_t)) "char**" 20 ptr(struct(0:ptr(num8_t),4:num32_t,8:ptr(num32_t),12:num32_t)) "option*" 21 ptr(struct(0:reg32_t,40:ptr(num8_t),44:ptr(num8_t))) "Struct_2*" 3 uint32_t "unsigned int" 22 ptr(uint32_t) "size_t*" 23 ptr(struct(0:reg32_t,4:ptr(TOP))) "Struct_0*" 24 ptr(struct(0:num32_t,4:reg32_t,40:ptr(num8_t),44:ptr(num8_t))) "Struct_7*" 25 reg64_t "qword" 26 ptr(struct(0:array(reg8_t,18),18:num8_t)) "StructFrag_1*" 27 ptr(struct(0:array(reg8_t,3),3:num8_t)) "StructFrag_11*" 22 ptr(uint32_t) "unsigned int*" 28 ptr(float64_t) "double*" 29 ptr(ptr(uint16_t)) "unsigned short**" 30 ptr(struct(0:reg64_t,8:num8_t)) "StructFrag_9*" 31 ptr(ptr(TOP)) "void**" 12 ptr(reg32_t) "dword[]" 32 ptr(struct(0:num32_t,4:uint32_t,40:ptr(num8_t),44:ptr(num8_t))) "Struct_10*" 33 ptr(struct(0:num32_t,40:ptr(num8_t),44:ptr(num8_t))) "Struct_9*" 34 ptr(reg16_t) "word[]" 35 ptr(struct(0:array(reg8_t,51450),51450:reg32_t)) "StructFrag_4*" 36 ptr(struct(0:array(reg8_t,536870908),4294967292:reg32_t)) "StructFrag_5*" 37 ptr(struct(0:array(reg8_t,27580),27580:reg32_t)) "StructFrag_7*" 38 ptr(struct(0:array(reg8_t,456),456:reg32_t)) "StructFrag_8*" 39 ptr(struct(0:uint32_t,4:ptr(TOP))) "Struct_8*" 40 ptr(uint16_t) "unsigned short*" 41 ptr(struct(0:reg64_t,8:uint32_t)) "StructFrag_10*" 42 array(reg8_t,4096) "unknown_32768" 43 array(reg8_t,135168) "unknown_1081344" 44 array(reg8_t,30) "unknown_240" 45 array(reg8_t,5) "unknown_40" 46 array(reg8_t,21) "unknown_168" 47 array(reg8_t,16) "unknown_128" 48 array(reg8_t,164) "unknown_1312" 49 array(reg8_t,10) "unknown_80" 50 array(reg8_t,42) "unknown_336" 51 array(reg8_t,88) "unknown_704" 52 array(reg8_t,24) "unknown_192" 53 array(reg8_t,20) "unknown_160" 54 array(reg8_t,54) "unknown_432" 55 array(reg8_t,12) "unknown_96" 56 array(reg8_t,43) "unknown_344" 57 array(reg8_t,40) "unknown_320" 58 array(reg8_t,41) "unknown_328" 59 array(reg8_t,7) "unknown_56" 60 array(reg8_t,51) "unknown_408" 61 array(reg8_t,13) "unknown_104" 62 array(reg8_t,32) "unknown_256" 63 array(reg8_t,52) "unknown_416" 64 array(reg8_t,9) "unknown_72" 65 array(reg8_t,170) "unknown_1360" 66 array(reg8_t,53) "unknown_424" 67 array(reg8_t,17) "unknown_136" 68 array(reg8_t,26) "unknown_208" 69 array(reg8_t,27) "unknown_216" 70 array(reg8_t,66) "unknown_528" 71 array(reg8_t,14) "unknown_112" 72 array(reg8_t,11) "unknown_88" 73 array(reg8_t,44) "unknown_352" 74 array(reg8_t,109) "unknown_872" 75 array(reg8_t,31) "unknown_248" 76 array(reg8_t,33) "unknown_264" 77 array(reg8_t,15) "unknown_120" 78 array(reg8_t,45) "unknown_360" 79 array(reg8_t,39) "unknown_312" 80 array(reg8_t,29) "unknown_232" 81 array(reg8_t,80) "unknown_640" 82 array(reg8_t,96) "unknown_768" 83 array(reg8_t,112) "unknown_896" 84 array(reg8_t,18) "unknown_144" 85 array(reg8_t,62) "unknown_496" 86 array(reg8_t,74) "unknown_592" 87 array(reg8_t,25) "unknown_200" 88 array(reg8_t,3) "unknown_24" 89 array(reg8_t,47) "unknown_376" 90 array(reg8_t,22) "unknown_176" 91 array(reg8_t,28) "unknown_224" 92 array(reg8_t,19) "unknown_152" 93 array(reg8_t,34) "unknown_272" 94 array(reg8_t,38) "unknown_304" 95 array(reg8_t,90) "unknown_720" 96 array(reg8_t,57) "unknown_456" 97 array(reg8_t,6) "unknown_48" 98 array(reg8_t,23) "unknown_184" 99 array(reg8_t,37) "unknown_296" 100 array(reg8_t,87) "unknown_696" 101 array(reg8_t,162) "unknown_1296" 102 array(reg8_t,48) "unknown_384" 103 array(reg8_t,176) "unknown_1408" 104 array(reg8_t,160) "unknown_1280" 105 array(reg8_t,61) "unknown_488" 106 array(reg8_t,83) "unknown_664" 107 array(reg8_t,60) "unknown_480" 108 array(reg8_t,65) "unknown_520" 109 array(reg8_t,67) "unknown_536" 110 array(reg8_t,36) "unknown_288" 111 array(reg8_t,56) "unknown_448" 112 array(reg8_t,143) "unknown_1144" 113 array(reg8_t,64) "unknown_512" 114 array(reg8_t,108) "unknown_864" 115 array(reg8_t,147) "unknown_1176" 116 array(reg8_t,71) "unknown_568" 117 array(reg8_t,72) "unknown_576" 118 array(num8_t,39) "char[39]" 119 array(num8_t,383) "char[383]" 120 array(num8_t,45) "char[45]" 121 array(num8_t,54) "char[54]" 122 array(num8_t,69) "char[69]" 123 array(num8_t,65) "char[65]" 124 array(num8_t,87) "char[87]" 125 array(num8_t,23) "char[23]" 126 array(num8_t,10) "char[10]" 127 array(num8_t,4) "char[4]" 128 array(num8_t,12) "char[12]" 129 array(num8_t,13) "char[13]" 130 array(num8_t,6) "char[6]" 131 array(num8_t,16) "char[16]" 132 array(num8_t,25) "char[25]" 133 array(num8_t,27) "char[27]" 134 array(num8_t,2) "char[2]" 135 array(num8_t,7) "char[7]" 136 struct(0:ptr(num8_t),4:num32_t,8:ptr(num32_t),12:num32_t) "option" 137 array(num8_t,56) "char[56]" 138 array(num8_t,8) "char[8]" 139 array(num8_t,3) "char[3]" 140 array(reg32_t,9) "dword[9]" 141 array(reg32_t,127) "dword[127]" 142 array(reg32_t,34) "dword[34]" 143 array(num8_t,28) "char[28]" 144 array(num8_t,21) "char[21]" 145 array(num8_t,22) "char[22]" 146 array(num8_t,20) "char[20]" 147 array(num8_t,203) "char[203]" 148 array(num8_t,32) "char[32]" 149 array(num8_t,36) "char[36]" 150 array(num8_t,40) "char[40]" 151 array(num8_t,44) "char[44]" 152 array(num8_t,48) "char[48]" 153 array(num8_t,52) "char[52]" 154 array(num8_t,60) "char[60]" 155 array(num8_t,64) "char[64]" 156 array(ptr(TOP),10) "void*[10]" 157 array(num8_t,47) "char[47]" 158 array(num8_t,17) "char[17]" 159 float32_t "float" 160 array(num8_t,78) "char[78]" 161 array(reg8_t,620) "unknown_4960" 162 array(reg8_t,5052) "unknown_40416" 163 array(reg8_t,4576) "unknown_36608" 1 code_t "(void -?-> dword)*" 164 array(reg8_t,232) "unknown_1856" 165 ptr(struct(0:reg16_t,2:num8_t)) "StructFrag_0*" 166 array(reg8_t,256) "unknown_2048"
[ "MIT" ]
# Copyright (c) 2018-2021, Carnegie Mellon University # See LICENSE for details # misc functions for hamlet stuff # takes the permutation in SPL, returns the bit matrix # extends some of the Peter's stuff, -BA SPLtoBitMatrix := function(perm) local m,bit; m := MatSPL(perm); bit := BitMatrixToInts(PermMatrixToBits(m)); return bit; end; SPLtoLocalMemConf := function(perm,w) local opts,path,t,filename,cmdString; opts := InitStreamUnrollHw(); path := Concat("/tmp/spiral/", String(GetPid()), "/"); filename := "perm"; MakeDir(path); BRAMPerm.print := (self,i,is) >> Print(, "Mem(", BitMatrixToInts(self._children[1]), ", ", BitMatrixToInts(self._children[2]), ", ", self.streamSize, ")"); t := streamGen(perm.withTags([AStream(w)]),opts); PrintTo(ConcatenationString(path, filename, ".spl"), HDLPrint(1024, t.dims(), -1, t)); if (_splhdl_path = "") then Error("Error: path to SPLHDL compiler not set: is not bound."); fi; cmdString := ConcatenationString(_splhdl_path, " ", path, filename, ".spl"); Exec(cmdString); BRAMPerm.print := (self,i,is) >> Print(, "(", BitMatrixToInts(self._children[1]), ", ", BitMatrixToInts(self._children[2]), ", ", self.streamSize, ")"); return path; end;
[ "BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD" ]
@import './_variables.scss' // Theme +theme(v-label) using ($material) color: map-deep-get($material, 'text', 'secondary') &--is-disabled color: map-deep-get($material, 'text', 'disabled') .v-label font-size: $label-font-size line-height: $label-line-height min-height: $label-min-height transition: .3s map-get($transition, 'swing')
[ "MIT" ]
/*############################################################################## HPCC SYSTEMS software Copyright (C) 2012 HPCC Systems®. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ############################################################################## */ MyRec := RECORD STRING2 Value1; STRING1 Value2; END; File1 := DATASET([{'A1','A'}, {'A2','A'}, {'A3','B'}, {'A4','B'}, {'A5','C'}],MyRec); File2 := DATASET([{'B1','A'}, {'B2','A'}, {'B3','B'}, {'B4','B'}, {'B5','C'}],MyRec); o1 := output(File1, NAMED('testResult'), EXTEND); o2 := output(File2, NAMED('testResult'), EXTEND); o3 := output(dataset(WORKUNIT('testResult'), MyRec)); SEQUENTIAL(o1, o2, o3);
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
$$ MODE TUSCRIPT tmpfile="test.txt" ERROR/STOP CREATE (tmpfile,seq-E,-std-) text="hello world" FILE $tmpfile = text - tmpfile "test.txt" can only be accessed by one user an will be deleted upon programm termination
[ "Info-ZIP" ]
{filter, map, obj-to-pairs, Str} = require \prelude-ls # cancel-event :: Event -> Void export cancel-event = (e) !-> e.prevent-default! e.stop-propagation! false # converts {a: 1, b: 1, c: 0, d: 1} to "a b d" # class-name-from-object :: Map String, Boolean -> String export class-name-from-object = -> it |> obj-to-pairs |> filter -> !!it.1 |> map (.0) |> Str.join ' '
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
<!doctype html> <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>5787</title> </head> <body> <h1>2D panning</h1> <h2>z + x = 1</h2> <form name="f" id="f"> <label for="pan" hidden="hidden">Pan</label> <input type="range" name="pan" id="pan" value="0" min="-1" max="1" step="any" /> <label for="x">x</label> <output id="x">0</output> <label for="y">y</label> <output id="y">0</output> <label for="z">z</label> <output id="z">1</output> </form> <div id="msg"></div> <script id="jsbin-javascript"> var test = new Audio; test.src = "broken.ogg"; window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext; var audio = new Audio(), context = new AudioContext(), url = "ACDC_-_Back_In_Black-sample.ogg", panner = context.createPanner(), onError = function(e) { console.log('There was an error!! ',e); document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = 'There was an error!! ' + e }, source; url = "broken.ogg"; //audio.crossOrigin = "anonymous"; // set up audio graph audio.src = url; source = context.createMediaElementSource(audio); context.listener.setPosition(0, 0, 0); panner.setPosition(0, 0, 1); panner.panningModel = 'equalpower'; source.connect( panner ); panner.connect( context.destination );; // 2D Panning function changePan(ev) { var x = document.getElementById('pan').valueAsNumber, y = 0, z = 1 - Math.abs(x), parent = this.parentNode; console.log(x,y,z); document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = "X: " + x + '\t Y: ' + y + "\t Z: " + z; panner.setPosition(x,y,z); // update labels document.getElementById('x').value = x; document.getElementById('y').value = y; document.getElementById('z').value = z; } // attach form events to audioContext document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { document.getElementById('pan').addEventListener('change',changePan); }); nw.Window.get().showDevTools(); </script> </body> </html>
[ "MIT" ]
package com.thealgorithms.datastructures.trees; public class LevelOrderTraversal { class Node { int data; Node left, right; public Node(int item) { data = item; left = right = null; } } // Root of the Binary Tree Node root; public LevelOrderTraversal(Node root) { this.root = root; } /* function to print level order traversal of tree*/ void printLevelOrder() { int h = height(root); int i; for (i = 1; i <= h; i++) { printGivenLevel(root, i); } } /* Compute the "height" of a tree -- the number of nodes along the longest path from the root node down to the farthest leaf node.*/ int height(Node root) { if (root == null) { return 0; } else { /** * Return the height of larger subtree */ return Math.max(height(root.left), height(root.right)) + 1; } } /* Print nodes at the given level */ void printGivenLevel(Node root, int level) { if (root == null) { return; } if (level == 1) { System.out.print( + " "); } else if (level > 1) { printGivenLevel(root.left, level - 1); printGivenLevel(root.right, level - 1); } } }
[ "MIT" ]
package com.baeldung.trim; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * BAEL-3755: LTrim and RTrim examples. */ public class LTrimRTrimUnitTest { private String src = " White spaces left and right "; private final static String ltrimResult = "White spaces left and right "; private final static String rtrimResult = " White spaces left and right"; @Test public void givenString_whenCallingWhileCharacters_thenReturnsTrue() { String ltrim = LTrimRTrim.whileLtrim(src); String rtrim = LTrimRTrim.whileRtrim(src); // Compare the Strings obtained and the expected Assert.assertTrue(ltrimResult.equalsIgnoreCase(ltrim)); Assert.assertTrue(rtrimResult.equalsIgnoreCase(rtrim)); } @Test public void givenString_whenCallingContainsWithReplaceAll_shouldReturnTrue() { // Use replaceAll with Regular Expressions String ltrim = src.replaceAll("^\\s+", ""); String rtrim = src.replaceAll("\\s+$", ""); // Compare the Strings obtained and the expected Assert.assertTrue(ltrimResult.equalsIgnoreCase(ltrim)); Assert.assertTrue(rtrimResult.equalsIgnoreCase(rtrim)); } @Test public void givenString_whenCallingPaternCompileMatcherReplaceAll_thenReturnsTrue() { // Use Pattern Compile Matcher and Find to avoid case insensitive issues String ltrim = LTrimRTrim.patternLtrim(src); String rtrim = LTrimRTrim.patternRtrim(src); // Compare the Strings obtained and the expected Assert.assertTrue(ltrimResult.equalsIgnoreCase(ltrim)); Assert.assertTrue(rtrimResult.equalsIgnoreCase(rtrim)); } @Test public void givenString_whenCallingGuavaCharMatcher_thenReturnsTrue() { // Use StringUtils containsIgnoreCase to avoid case insensitive issues String ltrim = CharMatcher.whitespace().trimLeadingFrom(src);; String rtrim = CharMatcher.whitespace().trimTrailingFrom(src); // Compare the Strings obtained and the expected Assert.assertTrue(ltrimResult.equalsIgnoreCase(ltrim)); Assert.assertTrue(rtrimResult.equalsIgnoreCase(rtrim)); } @Test public void givenString_whenCallingStringUtilsStripStartEnd_thenReturnsTrue() { // Use StringUtils containsIgnoreCase to avoid case insensitive issues String ltrim = StringUtils.stripStart(src, null); String rtrim = StringUtils.stripEnd(src, null); // Compare the Strings obtained and the expected Assert.assertTrue(ltrimResult.equalsIgnoreCase(ltrim)); Assert.assertTrue(rtrimResult.equalsIgnoreCase(rtrim)); } }
[ "MIT" ]
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as nls from 'vs/nls'; import { ISnippetsService } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/snippets/browser/snippets.contribution'; import { Snippet, SnippetSource } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/snippets/browser/snippetsFile'; import { IQuickPickItem, IQuickInputService, QuickPickInput } from 'vs/platform/quickinput/common/quickInput'; import { Codicon } from 'vs/base/common/codicons'; import { Event } from 'vs/base/common/event'; import { ServicesAccessor } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation'; export async function pickSnippet(accessor: ServicesAccessor, languageIdOrSnippets: string | Snippet[]): Promise<Snippet | undefined> { const snippetService = accessor.get(ISnippetsService); const quickInputService = accessor.get(IQuickInputService); interface ISnippetPick extends IQuickPickItem { snippet: Snippet; } let snippets: Snippet[]; if (Array.isArray(languageIdOrSnippets)) { snippets = languageIdOrSnippets; } else { snippets = (await snippetService.getSnippets(languageIdOrSnippets, { includeDisabledSnippets: true, includeNoPrefixSnippets: true })); } snippets.sort(; const makeSnippetPicks = () => { const result: QuickPickInput<ISnippetPick>[] = []; let prevSnippet: Snippet | undefined; for (const snippet of snippets) { const pick: ISnippetPick = { label: snippet.prefix ||, detail: snippet.description, snippet }; if (!prevSnippet || prevSnippet.snippetSource !== snippet.snippetSource || prevSnippet.source !== snippet.source) { let label = ''; switch (snippet.snippetSource) { case SnippetSource.User: label = nls.localize('sep.userSnippet', "User Snippets"); break; case SnippetSource.Extension: label = snippet.source; break; case SnippetSource.Workspace: label = nls.localize('sep.workspaceSnippet', "Workspace Snippets"); break; } result.push({ type: 'separator', label }); } if (snippet.snippetSource === SnippetSource.Extension) { const isEnabled = snippetService.isEnabled(snippet); if (isEnabled) { pick.buttons = [{ iconClass: Codicon.eyeClosed.classNames, tooltip: nls.localize('disableSnippet', 'Hide from IntelliSense') }]; } else { pick.description = nls.localize('isDisabled', "(hidden from IntelliSense)"); pick.buttons = [{ iconClass: Codicon.eye.classNames, tooltip: nls.localize('enable.snippet', 'Show in IntelliSense') }]; } } result.push(pick); prevSnippet = snippet; } return result; }; const picker = quickInputService.createQuickPick<ISnippetPick>(); picker.placeholder = nls.localize('pick.placeholder', "Select a snippet"); picker.matchOnDetail = true; picker.ignoreFocusOut = false; picker.keepScrollPosition = true; picker.onDidTriggerItemButton(ctx => { const isEnabled = snippetService.isEnabled(ctx.item.snippet); snippetService.updateEnablement(ctx.item.snippet, !isEnabled); picker.items = makeSnippetPicks(); }); picker.items = makeSnippetPicks();; // wait for an item to be picked or the picker to become hidden await Promise.race([Event.toPromise(picker.onDidAccept), Event.toPromise(picker.onDidHide)]); const result = picker.selectedItems[0]?.snippet; picker.dispose(); return result; }
[ "MIT" ]
<!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns:th=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <p th:text="#{greetings(${recipientName})}"></p> <p th:text="${text}"></p> <p th:text="#{regards}"></p> <p> <em th:text="#{signature(${senderName})}"></em> <br /> <img src="cid:attachment.png" /> </p> </body> </html>
[ "MIT" ]
#include "caffe2/operators/key_split_ops.h" #include "caffe2/core/operator.h" #include "caffe2/core/tensor.h" namespace caffe2 { REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR(KeySplit, KeySplitOp<int64_t, CPUContext>); NO_GRADIENT(KeySplitOp); OPERATOR_SCHEMA(KeySplit).NumInputs(1).NumOutputs(1, INT_MAX); } // namespace caffe2
[ "Intel" ]
country,country_id,group,spi,spi_offense,spi_defense,win_group,sixteen,quarter,semi,cup,win Algeria,ALG,h,75.7,2.0386,1.1354,0.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 Argentina,ARG,f,89.59,2.7121,0.4068,1.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,0.566424128490600,0.196700162226530 Australia,AUS,b,67.52,1.7067,1.4225,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 Belgium,BEL,h,83,1.9836,0.5599,1.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 Bosnia and Herzegovina,BIH,f,80.33,2.289,0.974,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 Brazil,BRA,a,90.82,3.1189,0.4996,1.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,0.732337813587945,0.541293492790010 Chile,CHI,b,86.36,2.5219,0.619,0.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 Ivory Coast,CIV,c,78.36,2.2486,1.0943,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 Cameroon,CMR,a,68.41,1.4796,1.1797,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 Colombia,COL,c,89.28,2.6291,0.3913,1.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 Costa Rica,CRC,d,78.46,1.4292,0.5029,1.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 Croatia,CRO,a,77.94,2.0437,0.9804,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 Ecuador,ECU,e,80.25,1.8008,0.6429,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 England,ENG,d,81.08,2.058,0.7588,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 Spain,ESP,b,86.18,2.5039,0.6248,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 France,FRA,e,87.74,2.577,0.5205,1.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 Germany,GER,g,88.66,2.9215,0.6331,1.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,0.267662186412054,0.136895631639957 Ghana,GHA,g,78.42,2.0119,0.9232,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 Greece,GRE,c,74.88,1.1941,0.5572,0.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 Honduras,HON,e,65.85,1.4512,1.3143,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 Iran,IRN,f,69.39,1.118,0.8241,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 Italy,ITA,d,78.43,1.8228,0.7883,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 Japan,JPN,c,72.96,2.0425,1.3277,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 South Korea,KOR,h,65.23,1.5277,1.4173,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 Mexico,MEX,a,79.88,1.638,0.5547,0.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 Netherlands,NED,b,87.46,2.7144,0.6325,1.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,0.433575871509400,0.125110713343502 Nigeria,NGA,f,76.23,1.6538,0.8161,0.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 Portugal,POR,g,79.8,2.1765,0.9369,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 Russia,RUS,h,76.55,1.4488,0.6437,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 Switzerland,SUI,e,79.67,2.1891,0.9557,0.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 Uruguay,URU,d,80.97,2.1155,0.8063,0.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000 USA,USA,g,78.21,2.0083,0.9359,0.000000000000000,1.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,0.000000000000000
[ "CC-BY-4.0" ]
<?php use PHPCI\Helper\Lang; ?> <?php if (isset($updated)): ?> <p class="alert alert-success"><?php Lang::out('your_details_updated'); ?></p> <?php endif; ?> <div class="box box-primary"> <div class="box-header"> <h3 class="box-title"><?php Lang::out('update_your_details'); ?></h3> </div> <div class="box-body"> <?php print $form; ?> </div> </div>
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
.App { text-align: center; } .App-header { background-color: #222; // height: 75px; padding: 20px; color: white; margin-bottom: 25px; } .App-title { font-size: 1.5em; } .map_wrapper { position: relative; margin: 0 auto; border: 3px solid gray; width: 90%; height: 400px; } pre { text-align: left; padding: 10px; } .subscription_query { text-align: left; margin-bottom: 10px; } .tracking_info { text-align: left; width: 90%; margin: 0 auto; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-bottom: 10px; } .request_block { border-right: 1px solid #eee; } .request_block .subscription_wrapper { width: 90%; margin: 0 auto; } @keyframes App-logo-spin { from { transform: rotate(0deg); } to { transform: rotate(360deg); } } @media (max-width: 767px) { .request_block { margin-bottom: 10px; } }
[ "Apache-2.0", "MIT" ]
scriptname _Frost_InnerFireMonitorScript extends ReferenceAlias import FrostUtil Actor property PlayerRef auto Furniture property _Frost_SitMarkerInnerFire auto Event OnSit(ObjectReference akFurniture) Form BaseObject = akFurniture.GetBaseObject() if BaseObject && BaseObject == _Frost_SitMarkerInnerFire SendEvent_OnInnerFireMeditate(true) endif EndEvent Event OnGetUp(ObjectReference akFurniture) Form BaseObject = akFurniture.GetBaseObject() if BaseObject && BaseObject == _Frost_SitMarkerInnerFire SendEvent_OnInnerFireMeditate(false) akFurniture.Disable() akFurniture.Delete() endif EndEvent function SendEvent_OnInnerFireMeditate(bool abMeditating) FallbackEventEmitter emitter = GetEventEmitter_OnInnerFireMeditate() int handle = emitter.Create("Frost_OnInnerFireMeditate") if handle emitter.PushBool(handle, abMeditating) emitter.Send(handle) endif endFunction
[ "MIT" ]
$expirationDate = {Get-Date}.Invoke().AddYears(5) $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "12345" -Force -AsPlainText $thumbprint = (New-SelfSignedCertificate -notafter $expirationDate -Type CodeSigningCert -Subject "CN=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US" -FriendlyName "PowerToys Test Certificate" -KeyDescription "PowerToys Test Certificate" -KeyFriendlyName "PowerToys Test Key" -KeyUsage "DigitalSignature" -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\My).Thumbprint Export-PfxCertificate -Cert cert:\LocalMachine\My\$thumbprint -FilePath PowerToys_TemporaryKey.pfx -Password $pass Import-PfxCertificate -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\Root -FilePath PowerToys_TemporaryKey.pfx -Password $pass
[ "MIT" ]
''***************************** ''* TV Text 40x13 v1.0 * ''* (C) 2006 Parallax, Inc. * ''***************************** CON cols = 40 rows = 13 screensize = cols * rows lastrow = screensize - cols tv_count = 14 VAR long col, row, color, flag word screen[screensize] long colors[8 * 2] long tv_status '0/1/2 = off/invisible/visible read-only (14 longs) long tv_enable '0/non-0 = off/on write-only long tv_pins '%pppmmmm = pin group, pin group mode write-only long tv_mode '%tccip = tile,chroma,interlace,ntsc/pal write-only long tv_screen 'pointer to screen (words) write-only long tv_colors 'pointer to colors (longs) write-only long tv_ht 'horizontal tiles write-only long tv_vt 'vertical tiles write-only long tv_hx 'horizontal tile expansion write-only long tv_vx 'vertical tile expansion write-only long tv_ho 'horizontal offset write-only long tv_vo 'vertical offset write-only long tv_broadcast 'broadcast frequency (Hz) write-only long tv_auralcog 'aural fm cog write-only OBJ tv : "tv" N : "Simple_Numbers" PUB start(basepin) : okay '' Start terminal - starts a cog '' returns false if no cog available setcolors(@palette) out(0) longmove(@tv_status, @tv_params, tv_count) tv_pins := (basepin & $38) << 1 | (basepin & 4 == 4) & %0101 tv_screen := @screen tv_colors := @colors okay := tv.start(@tv_status) PUB tvmode str(n.bin(tv_mode, 16)) tv_mode := tv_mode or %0000000000000001 NLstr(n.bin(tv_mode, 16)) PUB stop '' Stop terminal - frees a cog tv.stop PUB NLstr(stringptr) out(13) str(stringptr) PUB strNL(stringptr) str(stringptr) out(13) PUB str(stringptr) '' Print a zero-terminated string repeat strsize(stringptr) out(byte[stringptr++]) PUB NLdec(value) out(13) dec(value) PUB decNL(value) dec(value) out(13) PUB dec(value) | i '' Print a decimal number if value < 0 -value out("-") i := 1_000_000_000 repeat 10 if value => i out(value / i + "0") value //= i result~~ elseif result or i == 1 out("0") i /= 10 PUB decx(value, digits) return n.decx(value,digits) PUB nbin(value, digits) return n.bin(value, digits) PUB ibin(value, digits) return n.ibin(value, digits) PUB hex(value, digits) '' Print a hexadecimal number value <<= (8 - digits) << 2 repeat digits out(lookupz((value <-= 4) & $F : "0".."9", "A".."F")) PUB bin(value, digits) '' Print a binary number value <<= 32 - digits repeat digits out((value <-= 1) & 1 + "0") PUB out(c) | i, k '' Output a character '' '' $00 = clear screen '' $01 = home '' $08 = backspace '' $09 = tab (8 spaces per) '' $0A = set X position (X follows) '' $0B = set Y position (Y follows) '' $0C = set color (color follows) '' $0D = return '' others = printable characters case flag $00: case c $00: wordfill(@screen, $220, screensize) col := row := 0 $01: col := row := 0 $08: if col col-- $09: repeat print(" ") while col & 7 $0A..$0C: flag := c return $0D: newline other: print(c) $0A: col := c // cols $0B: row := c // rows $0C: color := c & 7 flag := 0 PUB strAtXY(x, y, couleur, instr) | oldColor col := x row := y oldColor := color color := couleur & 7 str(instr) color := oldColor PUB setcolors(colorptr) | i, fore, back '' Override default color palette '' colorptr must point to a list of up to 8 colors '' arranged as follows: '' '' fore back '' ------------ '' palette byte color, color 'color 0 '' byte color, color 'color 1 '' byte color, color 'color 2 '' ... repeat i from 0 to 7 fore := byte[colorptr][i << 1] back := byte[colorptr][i << 1 + 1] colors[i << 1] := fore << 24 + back << 16 + fore << 8 + back colors[i << 1 + 1] := fore << 24 + fore << 16 + back << 8 + back PRI print(c) screen[row * cols + col] := (color << 1 + c & 1) << 10 + %1000000000 + c & %11111110 ' + $200 + c & $FE if ++col == cols newline PUB chrAtXY(c, r, couleur, ch) | coul coul := couleur & 7 screen[r * cols + c] := (coul << 1 + ch & 1) << 10 + %1000000000 + ch & %11111110 PUB cursorStart PUB cursorAtXY( c, r, coul1, coul2, c0, r0, coul0 ) | scr, coul scr:=screen[r * cols + c] coul := scr >> 11 if c<>byte[c0] or r<>byte[r0] screen[byte[r0] * cols + byte[c0]] &= %0000011111111111 screen[byte[r0] * cols + byte[c0]] |= byte[coul0] << 11 byte[coul0]:= coul byte[c0]:=c byte[r0]:=r if coul == coul1 coul:=coul2 else coul:=coul1 screen[r * cols + c] &= %0000011111111111 screen[r * cols + c] |= coul << 11 PUB ScreenAtXY(x, y, ch) word[ch]:=screen[y * cols + x] 'screen[r * cols + c] := (coul << 1 + ch & 1) << 10 + $200 + ch & $FE PRI newline | i col := 0 if ++row == rows row-- wordmove(@screen, @screen[cols], lastrow) 'scroll lines wordfill(@screen[lastrow], $220, cols) 'clear new line DAT tv_params long 0 'status long 1 'enable long 0 'pins long %10010 'mode ' pal long 0 'screen long 0 'colors long cols 'hc long rows 'vc long 4 'hx long 1 'vx long 0 'ho long 0 'vo long 0 'broadcast long 0 'auralcog ' fore back ' color color palette byte $07, $0A '0 white / dark blue byte $07, $BB '1 white / red byte $9E, $9B '2 yellow / brown byte $04, $07 '3 grey / white byte $3D, $3B '4 cyan / dark cyan byte $6B, $6E '5 green / gray-green byte $BB, $CE '6 red / pink byte $3C, $0A '7 cyan / blue
Propeller Spin
libraries/community/p1/All/DS1302 timekeeping chip driver/TV_Text.spin
[ "MIT" ]
<script defer src="{% root %}/assets/js/material.min.js"></script> <script defer src="{% root %}/assets/js/material-components-web.min.js"></script>
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
/****************************************************************************** * Copyright 2018 The Apollo Authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *****************************************************************************/ #include "modules/canbus/vehicle/transit/protocol/llc_motionfeedback2_21.h" #include "glog/logging.h" #include "modules/drivers/canbus/common/byte.h" #include "modules/drivers/canbus/common/canbus_consts.h" namespace apollo { namespace canbus { namespace transit { using ::apollo::drivers::canbus::Byte; Llcmotionfeedback221::Llcmotionfeedback221() {} const int32_t Llcmotionfeedback221::ID = 0x21; void Llcmotionfeedback221::Parse(const std::uint8_t* bytes, int32_t length, ChassisDetail* chassis) const { chassis->mutable_transit() ->mutable_llc_motionfeedback2_21() ->set_llc_fbk_vehiclespeed(llc_fbk_vehiclespeed(bytes, length)); chassis->mutable_transit() ->mutable_llc_motionfeedback2_21() ->set_llc_motionfeedback2_counter( llc_motionfeedback2_counter(bytes, length)); chassis->mutable_transit() ->mutable_llc_motionfeedback2_21() ->set_llc_motionfeedback2_checksum( llc_motionfeedback2_checksum(bytes, length)); chassis->mutable_transit() ->mutable_llc_motionfeedback2_21() ->set_llc_fbk_steeringrate(llc_fbk_steeringrate(bytes, length)); chassis->mutable_transit() ->mutable_llc_motionfeedback2_21() ->set_llc_fbk_steeringangle(llc_fbk_steeringangle(bytes, length)); } // config detail: {'name': 'llc_fbk_vehiclespeed', 'offset': 0.0, 'precision': // 0.01, 'len': 16, 'is_signed_var': False, 'physical_range': '[0|655.35]', // 'bit': 32, 'type': 'double', 'order': 'intel', 'physical_unit': 'm/s'} double Llcmotionfeedback221::llc_fbk_vehiclespeed(const std::uint8_t* bytes, int32_t length) const { Byte t0(bytes + 5); int32_t x = t0.get_byte(0, 8); Byte t1(bytes + 4); int32_t t = t1.get_byte(0, 8); x <<= 8; x |= t; double ret = x * 0.010000; return ret; } // config detail: {'description': 'Motion feedback 2 heartbeat counter', // 'offset': 0.0, 'precision': 1.0, 'len': 2, 'name': // 'llc_motionfeedback2_counter', 'is_signed_var': False, 'physical_range': // '[0|3]', 'bit': 54, 'type': 'int', 'order': 'intel', 'physical_unit': ''} int Llcmotionfeedback221::llc_motionfeedback2_counter(const std::uint8_t* bytes, int32_t length) const { Byte t0(bytes + 6); int32_t x = t0.get_byte(6, 2); int ret = x; return ret; } // config detail: {'description': 'Motion feedback 2 checksum', 'offset': 0.0, // 'precision': 1.0, 'len': 8, 'name': 'llc_motionfeedback2_checksum', // 'is_signed_var': False, 'physical_range': '[0|255]', 'bit': 56, 'type': // 'int', 'order': 'intel', 'physical_unit': ''} int Llcmotionfeedback221::llc_motionfeedback2_checksum( const std::uint8_t* bytes, int32_t length) const { Byte t0(bytes + 7); int32_t x = t0.get_byte(0, 8); int ret = x; return ret; } // config detail: {'description': 'Steer wheel angle feedback from SbW motor (? // rate)', 'offset': 0.0, 'precision': 0.05, 'len': 16, 'name': // 'llc_fbk_steeringrate', 'is_signed_var': True, 'physical_range': // '[-1638.4|1638.3]', 'bit': 16, 'type': 'double', 'order': 'intel', // 'physical_unit': 'deg/s'} double Llcmotionfeedback221::llc_fbk_steeringrate(const std::uint8_t* bytes, int32_t length) const { Byte t0(bytes + 3); int32_t x = t0.get_byte(0, 8); Byte t1(bytes + 2); int32_t t = t1.get_byte(0, 8); x <<= 8; x |= t; x <<= 16; x >>= 16; double ret = x * 0.050000; return ret; } // config detail: {'description': 'Steering angle feedback', 'offset': 0.0, // 'precision': 0.05, 'len': 16, 'name': 'llc_fbk_steeringangle', // 'is_signed_var': True, 'physical_range': '[-1638.4|1638.35]', 'bit': 0, // 'type': 'double', 'order': 'intel', 'physical_unit': 'deg'} double Llcmotionfeedback221::llc_fbk_steeringangle(const std::uint8_t* bytes, int32_t length) const { Byte t0(bytes + 1); int32_t x = t0.get_byte(0, 8); Byte t1(bytes + 0); int32_t t = t1.get_byte(0, 8); x <<= 8; x |= t; x <<= 16; x >>= 16; double ret = x * 0.050000; return ret; } } // namespace transit } // namespace canbus } // namespace apollo
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
--TEST-- Bug #70124 (null ptr deref / seg fault in ZEND_HANDLE_EXCEPTION_SPEC_HANDLER) --FILE-- <?php try { echo base_convert([array_search(chr(48),chr(48),chr(48),chr(48),chr(48),$f("test"))],chr(48)); } catch (Error $e) { var_dump($e->getMessage()); } class A { } try { echo base_convert([array_search(chr(48),chr(48),chr(48),chr(48),chr(48),a::y("test"))],chr(48)); } catch (Error $e) { var_dump($e->getMessage()); } $a = new A; try { echo base_convert([array_search(chr(48),chr(48),chr(48),chr(48),chr(48),$a->y("test"))],chr(48)); } catch (Error $e) { var_dump($e->getMessage()); } try { echo base_convert([array_search(chr(48),chr(48),chr(48),chr(48),chr(48),\bar\y("test"))],chr(48)); } catch (Error $e) { var_dump($e->getMessage()); } try { echo base_convert([array_search(chr(48),chr(48),chr(48),chr(48),chr(48),y("test"))],chr(48)); } catch (Error $e) { var_dump($e->getMessage()); } ?> --EXPECTF-- Warning: Undefined variable $f in %s on line %d string(34) "Value of type null is not callable" string(31) "Call to undefined method A::y()" string(31) "Call to undefined method A::y()" string(34) "Call to undefined function bar\y()" string(30) "Call to undefined function y()"
[ "PHP-3.01" ]
"wav" "oneart.wav" loadwav 1 metro 1 "wav" tbldur div 0 tphasor 1 0 0 "wav" tabread
[ "MIT", "Unlicense" ]
# Aliases to control Postgres # Paths noted below are for Postgres installed via Homebrew on OSX if (( ! $+commands[brew] )); then return fi local PG_BREW_DIR=$(brew --prefix)/var/postgres alias startpost="pg_ctl -D $PG_BREW_DIR -l $PG_BREW_DIR/server.log start" alias stoppost="pg_ctl -D $PG_BREW_DIR stop -s -m fast" alias restartpost="stoppost && sleep 1 && startpost" alias reloadpost="pg_ctl reload -D $PG_BREW_DIR -s" alias statuspost="pg_ctl status -D $PG_BREW_DIR -s"
[ "MIT" ]
-- A test suite for IN LIMIT in parent side, subquery, and both predicate subquery -- It includes correlated cases. --CONFIG_DIM1 spark.sql.optimizeNullAwareAntiJoin=true --CONFIG_DIM1 spark.sql.optimizeNullAwareAntiJoin=false create temporary view t1 as select * from values ("val1a", 6S, 8, 10L, float(15.0), 20D, 20E2BD, timestamp '2014-04-04 01:00:00.000', date '2014-04-04'), ("val1b", 8S, 16, 19L, float(17.0), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2014-05-04 01:01:00.000', date '2014-05-04'), ("val1a", 16S, 12, 21L, float(15.0), 20D, 20E2BD, timestamp '2014-06-04 01:02:00.001', date '2014-06-04'), ("val1a", 16S, 12, 10L, float(15.0), 20D, 20E2BD, timestamp '2014-07-04 01:01:00.000', date '2014-07-04'), ("val1c", 8S, 16, 19L, float(17.0), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2014-05-04 01:02:00.001', date '2014-05-05'), ("val1d", null, 16, 22L, float(17.0), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2014-06-04 01:01:00.000', null), ("val1d", null, 16, 19L, float(17.0), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2014-07-04 01:02:00.001', null), ("val1e", 10S, null, 25L, float(17.0), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2014-08-04 01:01:00.000', date '2014-08-04'), ("val1e", 10S, null, 19L, float(17.0), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2014-09-04 01:02:00.001', date '2014-09-04'), ("val1d", 10S, null, 12L, float(17.0), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2015-05-04 01:01:00.000', date '2015-05-04'), ("val1a", 6S, 8, 10L, float(15.0), 20D, 20E2BD, timestamp '2014-04-04 01:02:00.001', date '2014-04-04'), ("val1e", 10S, null, 19L, float(17.0), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2014-05-04 01:01:00.000', date '2014-05-04') as t1(t1a, t1b, t1c, t1d, t1e, t1f, t1g, t1h, t1i); create temporary view t2 as select * from values ("val2a", 6S, 12, 14L, float(15), 20D, 20E2BD, timestamp '2014-04-04 01:01:00.000', date '2014-04-04'), ("val1b", 10S, 12, 19L, float(17), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2014-05-04 01:01:00.000', date '2014-05-04'), ("val1b", 8S, 16, 119L, float(17), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2015-05-04 01:01:00.000', date '2015-05-04'), ("val1c", 12S, 16, 219L, float(17), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2016-05-04 01:01:00.000', date '2016-05-04'), ("val1b", null, 16, 319L, float(17), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2017-05-04 01:01:00.000', null), ("val2e", 8S, null, 419L, float(17), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2014-06-04 01:01:00.000', date '2014-06-04'), ("val1f", 19S, null, 519L, float(17), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2014-05-04 01:01:00.000', date '2014-05-04'), ("val1b", 10S, 12, 19L, float(17), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2014-06-04 01:01:00.000', date '2014-06-04'), ("val1b", 8S, 16, 19L, float(17), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2014-07-04 01:01:00.000', date '2014-07-04'), ("val1c", 12S, 16, 19L, float(17), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2014-08-04 01:01:00.000', date '2014-08-05'), ("val1e", 8S, null, 19L, float(17), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2014-09-04 01:01:00.000', date '2014-09-04'), ("val1f", 19S, null, 19L, float(17), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2014-10-04 01:01:00.000', date '2014-10-04'), ("val1b", null, 16, 19L, float(17), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2014-05-04 01:01:00.000', null) as t2(t2a, t2b, t2c, t2d, t2e, t2f, t2g, t2h, t2i); create temporary view t3 as select * from values ("val3a", 6S, 12, 110L, float(15), 20D, 20E2BD, timestamp '2014-04-04 01:02:00.000', date '2014-04-04'), ("val3a", 6S, 12, 10L, float(15), 20D, 20E2BD, timestamp '2014-05-04 01:02:00.000', date '2014-05-04'), ("val1b", 10S, 12, 219L, float(17), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2014-05-04 01:02:00.000', date '2014-05-04'), ("val1b", 10S, 12, 19L, float(17), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2014-05-04 01:02:00.000', date '2014-05-04'), ("val1b", 8S, 16, 319L, float(17), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2014-06-04 01:02:00.000', date '2014-06-04'), ("val1b", 8S, 16, 19L, float(17), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2014-07-04 01:02:00.000', date '2014-07-04'), ("val3c", 17S, 16, 519L, float(17), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2014-08-04 01:02:00.000', date '2014-08-04'), ("val3c", 17S, 16, 19L, float(17), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2014-09-04 01:02:00.000', date '2014-09-05'), ("val1b", null, 16, 419L, float(17), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2014-10-04 01:02:00.000', null), ("val1b", null, 16, 19L, float(17), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2014-11-04 01:02:00.000', null), ("val3b", 8S, null, 719L, float(17), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2014-05-04 01:02:00.000', date '2014-05-04'), ("val3b", 8S, null, 19L, float(17), 25D, 26E2BD, timestamp '2015-05-04 01:02:00.000', date '2015-05-04') as t3(t3a, t3b, t3c, t3d, t3e, t3f, t3g, t3h, t3i); -- correlated IN subquery -- LIMIT in parent side -- TC 01.01 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE t1a IN (SELECT t2a FROM t2 WHERE t1d = t2d) LIMIT 2; -- TC 01.02 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE t1c IN (SELECT t2c FROM t2 WHERE t2b >= 8 LIMIT 2) LIMIT 4; -- TC 01.03 SELECT Count(DISTINCT( t1a )), t1b FROM t1 WHERE t1d IN (SELECT t2d FROM t2 ORDER BY t2c, t2d LIMIT 2) GROUP BY t1b ORDER BY t1b DESC NULLS FIRST LIMIT 1; -- LIMIT with NOT IN -- TC 01.04 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE t1b NOT IN (SELECT t2b FROM t2 WHERE t2b > 6 LIMIT 2); -- TC 01.05 SELECT Count(DISTINCT( t1a )), t1b FROM t1 WHERE t1d NOT IN (SELECT t2d FROM t2 ORDER BY t2b DESC nulls first, t2d LIMIT 1) GROUP BY t1b ORDER BY t1b NULLS last LIMIT 1;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "MIT" ]
CREATE TABLE `uk_auto_inc` ( `id` bigint UNIQUE KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, v varchar(16) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#\,hash {}
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import { IGatsbyState, ActionsUnion } from "../types" const initialState = (): IGatsbyState["schemaCustomization"] => { return { composer: null, context: {}, fieldExtensions: {}, printConfig: null, thirdPartySchemas: [], types: [], } } export const schemaCustomizationReducer = ( state: IGatsbyState["schemaCustomization"] = initialState(), action: ActionsUnion ): IGatsbyState["schemaCustomization"] => { switch (action.type) { case `ADD_THIRD_PARTY_SCHEMA`: return { ...state, thirdPartySchemas: [...state.thirdPartySchemas, action.payload], } case `SET_SCHEMA_COMPOSER`: return { ...state, composer: action.payload, } case `CREATE_TYPES`: { let types: IGatsbyState["schemaCustomization"]["types"] if (Array.isArray(action.payload)) { types = [ ...state.types, => { return { typeOrTypeDef, plugin: action.plugin, } }), ] } else { types = [ ...state.types, { typeOrTypeDef: action.payload, plugin: action.plugin }, ] } return { ...state, types, } } case `CREATE_FIELD_EXTENSION`: { const { extension, name } = action.payload return { ...state, fieldExtensions: { ...state.fieldExtensions, [name]: extension }, } } case `PRINT_SCHEMA_REQUESTED`: { const { path, include, exclude, withFieldTypes } = action.payload return { ...state, printConfig: { path, include, exclude, withFieldTypes, }, } } case `CREATE_RESOLVER_CONTEXT`: { const context = action.payload return { ...state, context: { ...state.context, ...context }, } } case `CLEAR_SCHEMA_CUSTOMIZATION`: return { ...initialState(), composer: state.composer, } case `DELETE_CACHE`: return initialState() default: return state } }
[ "MIT" ]
#!MC 1200 # Created by Tecplot 360 build $!VarSet |MFBD| = './' $!ALTERDATA EQUATION = '{k}=0.5*{rho}*({V[0]}*{V[0]}+{V[1]}*{V[1]}+{V[2]}*{V[2]})' $!EXTENDEDCOMMAND COMMANDPROCESSORID = 'CFDAnalyzer3' COMMAND = 'Integrate ScalarVar=14 XVariable=1 YVariable=2 ZVariable=3 IRange={MIN =1 MAX = -1 SKIP = 1} JRange={MIN =1 MAX = -1 SKIP = 1} KRange={MIN =1 MAX = -1 SKIP = 1}' $!RemoveVar |MFBD|
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
"""Tests for the Netgear component."""
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
-- @shouldWarnWith HiddenConstructors module Main (D) where import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic) data D = D derive instance genericD :: Generic D _
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
from django.test import TestCase from .models import Article, Author, Comment, Forum, Post, SystemInfo class NullFkOrderingTests(TestCase): def test_ordering_across_null_fk(self): """ Regression test for #7512 ordering across nullable Foreign Keys shouldn't exclude results """ author_1 = Author.objects.create(name='Tom Jones') author_2 = Author.objects.create(name='Bob Smith') Article.objects.create(title='No author on this article') Article.objects.create(author=author_1, title='This article written by Tom Jones') Article.objects.create(author=author_2, title='This article written by Bob Smith') # We can't compare results directly (since different databases sort NULLs to # different ends of the ordering), but we can check that all results are # returned. self.assertEqual(len(list(Article.objects.all())), 3) s = SystemInfo.objects.create(system_name='System Info') f = Forum.objects.create(system_info=s, forum_name='First forum') p = Post.objects.create(forum=f, title='First Post') Comment.objects.create(post=p, comment_text='My first comment') Comment.objects.create(comment_text='My second comment') s2 = SystemInfo.objects.create(system_name='More System Info') f2 = Forum.objects.create(system_info=s2, forum_name='Second forum') p2 = Post.objects.create(forum=f2, title='Second Post') Comment.objects.create(comment_text='Another first comment') Comment.objects.create(post=p2, comment_text='Another second comment') # We have to test this carefully. Some databases sort NULL values before # everything else, some sort them afterward. So we extract the ordered list # and check the length. Before the fix, this list was too short (some values # were omitted). self.assertEqual(len(list(Comment.objects.all())), 4)
[ "BSD-3-Clause", "0BSD" ]
[ "MIT" ]
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly=true> <cfset cache = application.cachebox.getCache( 'default' )> <cfparam name="url.count" default="1"> <cfset url.count = val( url.count )> <cfif url.count gt 500 > <cfset url.count = 500> <cfelseif url.count lt 1 > <cfset url.count = 1> </cfif> <cfheader name="Server" value="cfml-lucee"> <cfheader name="Content-Type" value="application/json"> <cfset results = []> <cfloop from="1" to="#url.count#" index="i"> <cfset id = randRange( 1, 10000 )> <cfset qry = cache.getOrSet( 'cached-world-#id#', ()=>queryExecute( ' SELECT id, randomNumber FROM World WHERE id = #id# ').getRow( 1 ) ) > <cfset results.append( qry )> </cfloop> <cfoutput>#serializeJSON( results )#</cfoutput>
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
"""The discogs component."""
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
L CAPI e_capi_err.h e_capi_err.c
[ "MIT" ]
// MIR for `unwrap` after SimplifyCfg-elaborate-drops fn unwrap(_1: Option<T>) -> T { debug opt => _1; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 7:17 let mut _0: T; // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/ 7:34 let mut _2: isize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 9:16 let _3: T; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 9:15 let mut _4: !; // in scope 0 at $SRC_DIR/std/src/ let mut _5: isize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 12:2 let mut _6: isize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 12:2 let mut _7: isize; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 12:2 scope 1 { debug x => _3; // in scope 1 at $DIR/ 9:15 } bb0: { _2 = discriminant(_1); // scope 0 at $DIR/ 8:14 switchInt(move _2) -> [0_isize: bb1, 1_isize: bb3, otherwise: bb2]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ 8:14 } bb1: { StorageLive(_4); // scope 0 at $SRC_DIR/std/src/ begin_panic::<&str>(const "explicit panic") -> bb4; // scope 0 at $SRC_DIR/std/src/ // mir::Constant // + span: $SRC_DIR/std/src/ // + literal: Const { ty: fn(&str) -> ! {std::rt::begin_panic::<&str>}, val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>)) } // ty::Const // + ty: &str // + val: Value(Slice { data: Allocation { bytes: [101, 120, 112, 108, 105, 99, 105, 116, 32, 112, 97, 110, 105, 99], relocations: Relocations(SortedMap { data: [] }), init_mask: InitMask { blocks: [16383], len: Size { raw: 14 } }, align: Align { pow2: 0 }, mutability: Not, extra: () }, start: 0, end: 14 }) // mir::Constant // + span: $SRC_DIR/std/src/ // + literal: Const { ty: &str, val: Value(Slice { data: Allocation { bytes: [101, 120, 112, 108, 105, 99, 105, 116, 32, 112, 97, 110, 105, 99], relocations: Relocations(SortedMap { data: [] }), init_mask: InitMask { blocks: [16383], len: Size { raw: 14 } }, align: Align { pow2: 0 }, mutability: Not, extra: () }, start: 0, end: 14 }) } } bb2: { unreachable; // scope 0 at $DIR/ 8:14 } bb3: { StorageLive(_3); // scope 0 at $DIR/ 9:15 _3 = move ((_1 as Some).0: T); // scope 0 at $DIR/ 9:15 _0 = move _3; // scope 1 at $DIR/ 9:21 StorageDead(_3); // scope 0 at $DIR/ 9:21 _5 = discriminant(_1); // scope 0 at $DIR/ 12:2 return; // scope 0 at $DIR/ 12:2 } bb4 (cleanup): { _7 = discriminant(_1); // scope 0 at $DIR/ 12:2 resume; // scope 0 at $DIR/ 12:2 } }
[ "ECL-2.0", "Apache-2.0", "MIT-0", "MIT" ]
' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. ' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. ' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. Imports System.Collections.Immutable Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Symbols Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Emit Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols.Metadata.PE Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols.Retargeting Imports MetadataOrDiagnostic = System.Object Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic Partial Public NotInheritable Class VisualBasicCompilation ''' <summary> ''' ReferenceManager encapsulates functionality to create an underlying SourceAssemblySymbol ''' (with underlying ModuleSymbols) for Compilation and AssemblySymbols for referenced assemblies ''' (with underlying ModuleSymbols) all properly linked together based on reference resolution ''' between them. ''' ''' ReferenceManager is also responsible for reuse of metadata readers for imported modules and ''' assemblies as well as existing AssemblySymbols for referenced assemblies. In order to do that, ''' it maintains global cache for metadata readers and AssemblySymbols associated with them. ''' The cache uses WeakReferences to refer to the metadata readers and AssemblySymbols to allow ''' memory and resources being reclaimed once they are no longer used. The tricky part about reusing ''' existing AssemblySymbols is to find a set of AssemblySymbols that are created for the referenced ''' assemblies, which (the AssemblySymbols from the set) are linked in a way, consistent with the ''' reference resolution between the referenced assemblies. ''' ''' When existing Compilation is used as a metadata reference, there are scenarios when its underlying ''' SourceAssemblySymbol cannot be used to provide symbols in context of the new Compilation. Consider ''' classic multi-targeting scenario: compilation C1 references v1 of Lib.dll and compilation C2 ''' references C1 and v2 of Lib.dll. In this case, SourceAssemblySymbol for C1 is linked to AssemblySymbol ''' for v1 of Lib.dll. However, given the set of references for C2, the same reference for C1 should be ''' resolved against v2 of Lib.dll. In other words, in context of C2, all types from v1 of Lib.dll ''' leaking through C1 (through method signatures, etc.) must be retargeted to the types from v2 of Lib.dll. ''' In this case, ReferenceManager creates a special RetargetingAssemblySymbol for C1, which is responsible ''' for the type retargeting. The RetargetingAssemblySymbols could also be reused for different ''' Compilations, ReferenceManager maintains a cache of RetargetingAssemblySymbols (WeakReferences) for each ''' Compilation. ''' ''' The only public entry point of this class is CreateSourceAssembly() method. ''' </summary> Friend NotInheritable Class ReferenceManager Inherits CommonReferenceManager(Of VisualBasicCompilation, AssemblySymbol) Public Sub New(simpleAssemblyName As String, identityComparer As AssemblyIdentityComparer, observedMetadata As Dictionary(Of MetadataReference, MetadataOrDiagnostic)) MyBase.New(simpleAssemblyName, identityComparer, observedMetadata) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub GetActualBoundReferencesUsedBy(assemblySymbol As AssemblySymbol, referencedAssemblySymbols As List(Of AssemblySymbol)) Debug.Assert(referencedAssemblySymbols.IsEmpty()) For Each [module] In assemblySymbol.Modules referencedAssemblySymbols.AddRange([module].GetReferencedAssemblySymbols()) Next For i As Integer = 0 To referencedAssemblySymbols.Count - 1 Step 1 If referencedAssemblySymbols(i).IsMissing Then referencedAssemblySymbols(i) = Nothing ' Do not expose missing assembly symbols to ReferenceManager.Binder End If Next End Sub Protected Overrides Function GetNoPiaResolutionAssemblies(candidateAssembly As AssemblySymbol) As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblySymbol) If TypeOf candidateAssembly Is SourceAssemblySymbol Then ' This is an optimization, if candidateAssembly links something or explicitly declares local type, ' common reference binder shouldn't reuse this symbol because candidateAssembly won't be in the ' set returned by GetNoPiaResolutionAssemblies(). This also makes things clearer. Return ImmutableArray(Of AssemblySymbol).Empty End If Return candidateAssembly.GetNoPiaResolutionAssemblies() End Function Protected Overrides Function IsLinked(candidateAssembly As AssemblySymbol) As Boolean Return candidateAssembly.IsLinked End Function Protected Overrides Function GetCorLibrary(candidateAssembly As AssemblySymbol) As AssemblySymbol Dim corLibrary As AssemblySymbol = candidateAssembly.CorLibrary ' Do not expose missing assembly symbols to ReferenceManager.Binder Return If(corLibrary.IsMissing, Nothing, corLibrary) End Function Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property MessageProvider As CommonMessageProvider Get Return VisualBasic.MessageProvider.Instance End Get End Property Protected Overrides Function CreateAssemblyDataForFile(assembly As PEAssembly, cachedSymbols As WeakList(Of IAssemblySymbolInternal), documentationProvider As DocumentationProvider, sourceAssemblySimpleName As String, importOptions As MetadataImportOptions, embedInteropTypes As Boolean) As AssemblyData Return New AssemblyDataForFile(assembly, cachedSymbols, embedInteropTypes, documentationProvider, sourceAssemblySimpleName, importOptions) End Function Protected Overrides Function CreateAssemblyDataForCompilation(compilationReference As CompilationReference) As AssemblyData Dim vbReference = TryCast(compilationReference, VisualBasicCompilationReference) If vbReference Is Nothing Then Throw New NotSupportedException(String.Format(VBResources.CantReferenceCompilationFromTypes, compilationReference.GetType(), "Visual Basic")) End If Dim result As New AssemblyDataForCompilation(vbReference.Compilation, vbReference.Properties.EmbedInteropTypes) Debug.Assert(vbReference.Compilation._lazyAssemblySymbol IsNot Nothing) Return result End Function Protected Overrides Function CheckPropertiesConsistency(primaryReference As MetadataReference, duplicateReference As MetadataReference, diagnostics As DiagnosticBag) As Boolean Return True End Function ''' <summary> ''' VB allows two weak assembly references of the same simple name be passed to a compilation ''' as long as their versions are different. It ignores culture. ''' </summary> Protected Overrides Function WeakIdentityPropertiesEquivalent(identity1 As AssemblyIdentity, identity2 As AssemblyIdentity) As Boolean Return identity1.Version = identity2.Version End Function Public Sub CreateSourceAssemblyForCompilation(compilation As VisualBasicCompilation) ' We are reading the Reference Manager state outside of a lock by accessing ' IsBound and HasCircularReference properties. ' Once isBound flag is flipped the state of the manager is available and doesn't change. ' ' If two threads are building SourceAssemblySymbol and the first just updated ' set isBound flag to 1 but not yet set lazySourceAssemblySymbol, ' the second thread may end up reusing the Reference Manager data the first thread calculated. ' That's ok since ' 1) the second thread would produce the same data, ' 2) all results calculated by the second thread will be thrown away since the first thread ' already acquired SymbolCacheAndReferenceManagerStateGuard that is needed to publish the data. ' Given compilation is the first compilation that shares this manager and its symbols are requested. ' Perform full reference resolution and binding. If Not IsBound AndAlso CreateAndSetSourceAssemblyFullBind(compilation) Then ' we have successfully bound the references for the compilation ElseIf Not HasCircularReference Then ' Another compilation that shares the manager with the given compilation ' already bound its references and produced tables that we can use to construct ' source assembly symbol faster. CreateAndSetSourceAssemblyReuseData(compilation) Else ' We encountered a circular reference while binding the previous compilation. ' This compilation can't share bound references with other compilations. Create a new manager. ' NOTE: The CreateSourceAssemblyFullBind is going to replace compilation's reference manager with newManager. Dim newManager = New ReferenceManager(Me.SimpleAssemblyName, Me.IdentityComparer, Me.ObservedMetadata) Dim successful = newManager.CreateAndSetSourceAssemblyFullBind(compilation) ' The new manager isn't shared with any other compilation so there is no other ' thread but the current one could have initialized it. Debug.Assert(successful) newManager.AssertBound() End If AssertBound() Debug.Assert(compilation._lazyAssemblySymbol IsNot Nothing) End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Creates a <see cref="PEAssemblySymbol"/> from specified metadata. ''' </summary> ''' <remarks> ''' Used by EnC to create symbols for emit baseline. The PE symbols are used by <see cref="VisualBasicSymbolMatcher"/>. ''' ''' The assembly references listed in the metadata AssemblyRef table are matched to the resolved references ''' stored on this <see cref="ReferenceManager"/>. We assume that the dependencies of the baseline metadata are ''' the same as the dependencies of the current compilation. This is not exactly true when the dependencies use ''' time-based versioning pattern, e.g. AssemblyVersion("1.0.*"). In that case we assume only the version ''' changed And nothing else. ''' ''' Each AssemblyRef is matched against the assembly identities using an exact equality comparison modulo version. ''' AssemblyRef with lower version in metadata is matched to a PE assembly symbol with the higher version ''' (provided that the assembly name, culture, PKT And flags are the same) if there is no symbol with the exactly matching version. ''' If there are multiple symbols with higher versions selects the one with the minimal version among them. ''' ''' Matching to a higher version is necessary to support EnC for projects whose P2P dependencies use time-based versioning pattern. ''' The versions of the dependent projects seen from the IDE will be higher than ''' the one written in the metadata at the time their respective baselines are built. ''' ''' No other unification or further resolution is performed. ''' </remarks> ''' <param name="metadata"></param> ''' <param name="importOptions"></param> ''' <param name="assemblyReferenceIdentityMap"> ''' A map of the PE assembly symbol identities to the identities of the original metadata AssemblyRefs. ''' This map will be used in emit when serializing AssemblyRef table of the delta. For the delta to be compatible with ''' the original metadata we need to map the identities of the PE assembly symbols back to the original AssemblyRefs (if different). ''' In other words, we pretend that the versions of the dependencies haven't changed. ''' </param> Friend Function CreatePEAssemblyForAssemblyMetadata(metadata As AssemblyMetadata, importOptions As MetadataImportOptions, <Out> ByRef assemblyReferenceIdentityMap As ImmutableDictionary(Of AssemblyIdentity, AssemblyIdentity)) As PEAssemblySymbol AssertBound() ' If the compilation has a reference from metadata to source assembly we can't share the referenced PE symbols. Debug.Assert(Not HasCircularReference) Dim referencedAssembliesByIdentity = New AssemblyIdentityMap(Of AssemblySymbol)() For Each symbol In Me.ReferencedAssemblies referencedAssembliesByIdentity.Add(symbol.Identity, symbol) Next Dim assembly = metadata.GetAssembly Dim peReferences = assembly.AssemblyReferences.SelectAsArray(AddressOf MapAssemblyIdentityToResolvedSymbol, referencedAssembliesByIdentity) assemblyReferenceIdentityMap = GetAssemblyReferenceIdentityBaselineMap(peReferences, assembly.AssemblyReferences) Dim assemblySymbol = New PEAssemblySymbol(assembly, DocumentationProvider.Default, isLinked:=False, importOptions:=importOptions) Dim unifiedAssemblies = Me.UnifiedAssemblies.WhereAsArray( Function(unified, refAsmByIdentity) refAsmByIdentity.Contains(unified.OriginalReference, allowHigherVersion:=False), referencedAssembliesByIdentity) InitializeAssemblyReuseData(assemblySymbol, peReferences, unifiedAssemblies) If assembly.ContainsNoPiaLocalTypes() Then assemblySymbol.SetNoPiaResolutionAssemblies(Me.ReferencedAssemblies) End If Return assemblySymbol End Function Private Shared Function MapAssemblyIdentityToResolvedSymbol(identity As AssemblyIdentity, map As AssemblyIdentityMap(Of AssemblySymbol)) As AssemblySymbol Dim symbol As AssemblySymbol = Nothing If map.TryGetValue(identity, symbol, AddressOf CompareVersionPartsSpecifiedInSource) Then Return symbol End If If map.TryGetValue(identity, symbol, Function(v1, v2, s) True) Then ' TODO: Throw New NotSupportedException(String.Format(CodeAnalysisResources.ChangingVersionOfAssemblyReferenceIsNotAllowedDuringDebugging, identity, symbol.Identity.Version)) End If Return New MissingAssemblySymbol(identity) End Function Private Sub CreateAndSetSourceAssemblyReuseData(compilation As VisualBasicCompilation) AssertBound() ' If the compilation has a reference from metadata to source assembly we can't share the referenced PE symbols. Debug.Assert(Not HasCircularReference) Dim moduleName As String = compilation.MakeSourceModuleName() Dim assemblySymbol = New SourceAssemblySymbol(compilation, Me.SimpleAssemblyName, moduleName, Me.ReferencedModules) InitializeAssemblyReuseData(assemblySymbol, Me.ReferencedAssemblies, Me.UnifiedAssemblies) If compilation._lazyAssemblySymbol Is Nothing Then SyncLock SymbolCacheAndReferenceManagerStateGuard If compilation._lazyAssemblySymbol Is Nothing Then compilation._lazyAssemblySymbol = assemblySymbol Debug.Assert(compilation._referenceManager Is Me) End If End SyncLock End If End Sub Private Sub InitializeAssemblyReuseData(assemblySymbol As AssemblySymbol, referencedAssemblies As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblySymbol), unifiedAssemblies As ImmutableArray(Of UnifiedAssembly(Of AssemblySymbol))) AssertBound() assemblySymbol.SetCorLibrary(If(Me.CorLibraryOpt, assemblySymbol)) Dim sourceModuleReferences = New ModuleReferences(Of AssemblySymbol)(referencedAssemblies.SelectAsArray(Function(a) a.Identity), referencedAssemblies, unifiedAssemblies) assemblySymbol.Modules(0).SetReferences(sourceModuleReferences) Dim assemblyModules = assemblySymbol.Modules Dim referencedModulesReferences = Me.ReferencedModulesReferences Debug.Assert(assemblyModules.Length = referencedModulesReferences.Length + 1) For i = 1 To assemblyModules.Length - 1 assemblyModules(i).SetReferences(referencedModulesReferences(i - 1)) Next End Sub ' Returns false if another compilation sharing this manager finished binding earlier and we should reuse its results. Friend Function CreateAndSetSourceAssemblyFullBind(compilation As VisualBasicCompilation) As Boolean Dim resolutionDiagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance() Dim supersedeLowerVersions = compilation.Options.ReferencesSupersedeLowerVersions Dim assemblyReferencesBySimpleName = PooledDictionary(Of String, List(Of ReferencedAssemblyIdentity)).GetInstance() Try Dim boundReferenceDirectiveMap As IDictionary(Of ValueTuple(Of String, String), MetadataReference) = Nothing Dim boundReferenceDirectives As ImmutableArray(Of MetadataReference) = Nothing Dim referencedAssemblies As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblyData) = Nothing Dim modules As ImmutableArray(Of PEModule) = Nothing ' To make sure the modules are not collected ahead of time. Dim explicitReferences As ImmutableArray(Of MetadataReference) = Nothing Dim referenceMap As ImmutableArray(Of ResolvedReference) = ResolveMetadataReferences( compilation, assemblyReferencesBySimpleName, explicitReferences, boundReferenceDirectiveMap, boundReferenceDirectives, referencedAssemblies, modules, resolutionDiagnostics) Dim assemblyBeingBuiltData As New AssemblyDataForAssemblyBeingBuilt(New AssemblyIdentity(name:=SimpleAssemblyName, noThrow:=True), referencedAssemblies, modules) Dim explicitAssemblyData = referencedAssemblies.Insert(0, assemblyBeingBuiltData) ' Let's bind all the references and resolve missing one (if resolver is available) Dim hasCircularReference As Boolean Dim corLibraryIndex As Integer Dim implicitlyResolvedReferences As ImmutableArray(Of MetadataReference) = Nothing Dim implicitlyResolvedReferenceMap As ImmutableArray(Of ResolvedReference) = Nothing Dim allAssemblyData As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblyData) = Nothing ' Avoid resolving previously resolved missing references. If we call to the resolver again we would create new assembly symbols for them, ' which would not match the previously created ones. As a result we would get duplicate PE types And conversion errors. Dim implicitReferenceResolutions = If(compilation.ScriptCompilationInfo?.PreviousScriptCompilation?.GetBoundReferenceManager().ImplicitReferenceResolutions, ImmutableDictionary(Of AssemblyIdentity, PortableExecutableReference).Empty) Dim bindingResult() As BoundInputAssembly = Bind(compilation, explicitAssemblyData, modules, explicitReferences, referenceMap, compilation.Options.MetadataReferenceResolver, compilation.Options.MetadataImportOptions, supersedeLowerVersions, assemblyReferencesBySimpleName, allAssemblyData, implicitlyResolvedReferences, implicitlyResolvedReferenceMap, implicitReferenceResolutions, resolutionDiagnostics, hasCircularReference, corLibraryIndex) Debug.Assert(bindingResult.Length = allAssemblyData.Length) Dim references = explicitReferences.AddRange(implicitlyResolvedReferences) referenceMap = referenceMap.AddRange(implicitlyResolvedReferenceMap) Dim referencedAssembliesMap As Dictionary(Of MetadataReference, Integer) = Nothing Dim referencedModulesMap As Dictionary(Of MetadataReference, Integer) = Nothing Dim aliasesOfReferencedAssemblies As ImmutableArray(Of ImmutableArray(Of String)) = Nothing Dim mergedAssemblyReferencesMapOpt As Dictionary(Of MetadataReference, ImmutableArray(Of MetadataReference)) = Nothing BuildReferencedAssembliesAndModulesMaps( bindingResult, references, referenceMap, modules.Length, referencedAssemblies.Length, assemblyReferencesBySimpleName, supersedeLowerVersions, referencedAssembliesMap, referencedModulesMap, aliasesOfReferencedAssemblies, mergedAssemblyReferencesMapOpt) ' Create AssemblySymbols for assemblies that can't use any existing symbols. Dim newSymbols As New List(Of Integer) For i As Integer = 1 To bindingResult.Length - 1 Step 1 If bindingResult(i).AssemblySymbol Is Nothing Then ' symbol hasn't been found in the cache, create a new one bindingResult(i).AssemblySymbol = DirectCast(allAssemblyData(i), AssemblyDataForMetadataOrCompilation).CreateAssemblySymbol() newSymbols.Add(i) End If Debug.Assert(allAssemblyData(i).IsLinked = bindingResult(i).AssemblySymbol.IsLinked) Next Dim assemblySymbol = New SourceAssemblySymbol(compilation, SimpleAssemblyName, compilation.MakeSourceModuleName(), modules) Dim corLibrary As AssemblySymbol If corLibraryIndex = 0 Then corLibrary = assemblySymbol ElseIf corLibraryIndex > 0 Then corLibrary = bindingResult(corLibraryIndex).AssemblySymbol Else corLibrary = MissingCorLibrarySymbol.Instance End If assemblySymbol.SetCorLibrary(corLibrary) ' Setup bound references for newly created AssemblySymbols ' This should be done after we created/found all AssemblySymbols Dim missingAssemblies As Dictionary(Of AssemblyIdentity, MissingAssemblySymbol) = Nothing ' -1 for assembly being built Dim totalReferencedAssemblyCount = allAssemblyData.Length - 1 ' Setup bound references for newly created SourceAssemblySymbol Dim moduleReferences As ImmutableArray(Of ModuleReferences(Of AssemblySymbol)) = Nothing SetupReferencesForSourceAssembly(assemblySymbol, modules, totalReferencedAssemblyCount, bindingResult, missingAssemblies, moduleReferences) If newSymbols.Count > 0 Then ' Only if we detected that a referenced assembly refers to the assembly being built ' we allow the references to get a hold of the assembly being built. If hasCircularReference Then bindingResult(0).AssemblySymbol = assemblySymbol End If InitializeNewSymbols(newSymbols, assemblySymbol, allAssemblyData, bindingResult, missingAssemblies) End If If compilation._lazyAssemblySymbol Is Nothing Then SyncLock SymbolCacheAndReferenceManagerStateGuard If compilation._lazyAssemblySymbol Is Nothing Then If IsBound Then ' Another thread has finished constructing AssemblySymbol for another compilation that shares this manager. ' Drop the results and reuse the symbols that were created for the other compilation. Return False End If UpdateSymbolCacheNoLock(newSymbols, allAssemblyData, bindingResult) InitializeNoLock( referencedAssembliesMap, referencedModulesMap, boundReferenceDirectiveMap, boundReferenceDirectives, explicitReferences, implicitReferenceResolutions, hasCircularReference, resolutionDiagnostics.ToReadOnly(), If(corLibrary Is assemblySymbol, Nothing, corLibrary), modules, moduleReferences, assemblySymbol.SourceModule.GetReferencedAssemblySymbols(), aliasesOfReferencedAssemblies, assemblySymbol.SourceModule.GetUnifiedAssemblies(), mergedAssemblyReferencesMapOpt) ' Make sure that the given compilation holds on this instance of reference manager. Debug.Assert(compilation._referenceManager Is Me OrElse hasCircularReference) compilation._referenceManager = Me ' Finally, publish the source symbol after all data have been written. ' Once lazyAssemblySymbol is non-null other readers might start reading the data written above. compilation._lazyAssemblySymbol = assemblySymbol End If End SyncLock End If Return True Finally resolutionDiagnostics.Free() assemblyReferencesBySimpleName.Free() End Try End Function Private Shared Sub InitializeNewSymbols(newSymbols As List(Of Integer), assemblySymbol As SourceAssemblySymbol, assemblies As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblyData), bindingResult As BoundInputAssembly(), missingAssemblies As Dictionary(Of AssemblyIdentity, MissingAssemblySymbol)) Debug.Assert(newSymbols.Count > 0) Dim corLibrary = assemblySymbol.CorLibrary Debug.Assert(corLibrary IsNot Nothing) For Each i As Integer In newSymbols Dim compilationData = TryCast(assemblies(i), AssemblyDataForCompilation) If compilationData IsNot Nothing Then SetupReferencesForRetargetingAssembly(bindingResult, i, missingAssemblies, sourceAssemblyDebugOnly:=assemblySymbol) Else Dim fileData = DirectCast(assemblies(i), AssemblyDataForFile) SetupReferencesForFileAssembly(fileData, bindingResult, i, missingAssemblies, sourceAssemblyDebugOnly:=assemblySymbol) End If Next Dim linkedReferencedAssembliesBuilder = ArrayBuilder(Of AssemblySymbol).GetInstance() ' Setup CorLibrary and NoPia stuff for newly created assemblies For Each i As Integer In newSymbols If assemblies(i).ContainsNoPiaLocalTypes Then bindingResult(i).AssemblySymbol.SetNoPiaResolutionAssemblies( assemblySymbol.Modules(0).GetReferencedAssemblySymbols()) End If ' Setup linked referenced assemblies. linkedReferencedAssembliesBuilder.Clear() If assemblies(i).IsLinked Then linkedReferencedAssembliesBuilder.Add(bindingResult(i).AssemblySymbol) End If For Each referenceBinding In bindingResult(i).ReferenceBinding If referenceBinding.IsBound AndAlso assemblies(referenceBinding.DefinitionIndex).IsLinked Then linkedReferencedAssembliesBuilder.Add( bindingResult(referenceBinding.DefinitionIndex).AssemblySymbol) End If Next If linkedReferencedAssembliesBuilder.Count > 0 Then linkedReferencedAssembliesBuilder.RemoveDuplicates() bindingResult(i).AssemblySymbol.SetLinkedReferencedAssemblies(linkedReferencedAssembliesBuilder.ToImmutable()) End If bindingResult(i).AssemblySymbol.SetCorLibrary(corLibrary) Next linkedReferencedAssembliesBuilder.Free() If missingAssemblies IsNot Nothing Then For Each missingAssembly In missingAssemblies.Values missingAssembly.SetCorLibrary(corLibrary) Next End If End Sub Private Sub UpdateSymbolCacheNoLock(newSymbols As List(Of Integer), assemblies As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblyData), bindingResult As BoundInputAssembly()) ' Add new assembly symbols into the cache For Each i As Integer In newSymbols Dim compilationData = TryCast(assemblies(i), AssemblyDataForCompilation) If compilationData IsNot Nothing Then compilationData.Compilation.CacheRetargetingAssemblySymbolNoLock(bindingResult(i).AssemblySymbol) Else Dim fileData = DirectCast(assemblies(i), AssemblyDataForFile) fileData.CachedSymbols.Add(bindingResult(i).AssemblySymbol) End If Next End Sub Private Shared Sub SetupReferencesForRetargetingAssembly( bindingResult() As BoundInputAssembly, bindingIndex As Integer, ByRef missingAssemblies As Dictionary(Of AssemblyIdentity, MissingAssemblySymbol), sourceAssemblyDebugOnly As SourceAssemblySymbol ) Dim retargetingAssemblySymbol = DirectCast(bindingResult(bindingIndex).AssemblySymbol, Retargeting.RetargetingAssemblySymbol) Dim modules As ImmutableArray(Of ModuleSymbol) = retargetingAssemblySymbol.Modules Dim moduleCount = modules.Length Dim refsUsed As Integer = 0 For j As Integer = 0 To moduleCount - 1 Step 1 Dim referencedAssemblies As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblyIdentity) = retargetingAssemblySymbol.UnderlyingAssembly.Modules(j).GetReferencedAssemblies() ' For source module skip underlying linked references If j = 0 Then Dim underlyingReferencedAssemblySymbols As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblySymbol) = retargetingAssemblySymbol.UnderlyingAssembly.Modules(0).GetReferencedAssemblySymbols() Dim linkedUnderlyingReferences As Integer = 0 For Each asm As AssemblySymbol In underlyingReferencedAssemblySymbols If asm.IsLinked Then linkedUnderlyingReferences += 1 End If Next If linkedUnderlyingReferences > 0 Then Dim filteredReferencedAssemblies As AssemblyIdentity() = New AssemblyIdentity(referencedAssemblies.Length - linkedUnderlyingReferences - 1) {} Dim newIndex As Integer = 0 For k As Integer = 0 To underlyingReferencedAssemblySymbols.Length - 1 Step 1 If Not underlyingReferencedAssemblySymbols(k).IsLinked Then filteredReferencedAssemblies(newIndex) = referencedAssemblies(k) newIndex += 1 End If Next Debug.Assert(newIndex = filteredReferencedAssemblies.Length) referencedAssemblies = filteredReferencedAssemblies.AsImmutableOrNull() End If End If Dim refsCount As Integer = referencedAssemblies.Length Dim symbols(refsCount - 1) As AssemblySymbol Dim unifiedAssemblies As ArrayBuilder(Of UnifiedAssembly(Of AssemblySymbol)) = Nothing For k As Integer = 0 To refsCount - 1 Step 1 Dim referenceBinding = bindingResult(bindingIndex).ReferenceBinding(refsUsed + k) If referenceBinding.IsBound Then symbols(k) = GetAssemblyDefinitionSymbol(bindingResult, referenceBinding, unifiedAssemblies) Else symbols(k) = GetOrAddMissingAssemblySymbol(referencedAssemblies(k), missingAssemblies) End If Next Dim moduleReferences As New ModuleReferences(Of AssemblySymbol)(referencedAssemblies, symbols.AsImmutableOrNull(), unifiedAssemblies.AsImmutableOrEmpty()) modules(j).SetReferences(moduleReferences, sourceAssemblyDebugOnly) refsUsed += refsCount Next End Sub Private Shared Sub SetupReferencesForFileAssembly( fileData As AssemblyDataForFile, bindingResult() As BoundInputAssembly, bindingIndex As Integer, ByRef missingAssemblies As Dictionary(Of AssemblyIdentity, MissingAssemblySymbol), sourceAssemblyDebugOnly As SourceAssemblySymbol ) Dim peAssemblySymbol = DirectCast(bindingResult(bindingIndex).AssemblySymbol, Symbols.Metadata.PE.PEAssemblySymbol) Dim modules As ImmutableArray(Of ModuleSymbol) = peAssemblySymbol.Modules Dim moduleCount = modules.Length Dim refsUsed As Integer = 0 For j As Integer = 0 To moduleCount - 1 Step 1 Dim refsCount As Integer = fileData.Assembly.ModuleReferenceCounts(j) Dim names(refsCount - 1) As AssemblyIdentity Dim symbols(refsCount - 1) As AssemblySymbol fileData.AssemblyReferences.CopyTo(refsUsed, names, 0, refsCount) Dim unifiedAssemblies As ArrayBuilder(Of UnifiedAssembly(Of AssemblySymbol)) = Nothing For k As Integer = 0 To refsCount - 1 Step 1 Dim referenceBinding = bindingResult(bindingIndex).ReferenceBinding(refsUsed + k) If referenceBinding.IsBound Then symbols(k) = GetAssemblyDefinitionSymbol(bindingResult, referenceBinding, unifiedAssemblies) Else symbols(k) = GetOrAddMissingAssemblySymbol(names(k), missingAssemblies) End If Next Dim moduleReferences = New ModuleReferences(Of AssemblySymbol)(names.AsImmutableOrNull(), symbols.AsImmutableOrNull(), unifiedAssemblies.AsImmutableOrEmpty()) modules(j).SetReferences(moduleReferences, sourceAssemblyDebugOnly) refsUsed += refsCount Next End Sub Private Shared Sub SetupReferencesForSourceAssembly( sourceAssembly As SourceAssemblySymbol, modules As ImmutableArray(Of PEModule), totalReferencedAssemblyCount As Integer, bindingResult() As BoundInputAssembly, ByRef missingAssemblies As Dictionary(Of AssemblyIdentity, MissingAssemblySymbol), ByRef moduleReferences As ImmutableArray(Of ModuleReferences(Of AssemblySymbol)) ) Dim moduleSymbols = sourceAssembly.Modules Debug.Assert(moduleSymbols.Length = 1 + modules.Length) Dim moduleReferencesBuilder = If(moduleSymbols.Length > 1, ArrayBuilder(Of ModuleReferences(Of AssemblySymbol)).GetInstance(), Nothing) Dim refsUsed As Integer = 0 For moduleIndex As Integer = 0 To moduleSymbols.Length - 1 Step 1 Dim refsCount As Integer = If(moduleIndex = 0, totalReferencedAssemblyCount, modules(moduleIndex - 1).ReferencedAssemblies.Length) Dim identities(refsCount - 1) As AssemblyIdentity Dim symbols(refsCount - 1) As AssemblySymbol Dim unifiedAssemblies As ArrayBuilder(Of UnifiedAssembly(Of AssemblySymbol)) = Nothing For k As Integer = 0 To refsCount - 1 Step 1 Dim boundReference = bindingResult(0).ReferenceBinding(refsUsed + k) If boundReference.IsBound Then symbols(k) = GetAssemblyDefinitionSymbol(bindingResult, boundReference, unifiedAssemblies) Else symbols(k) = GetOrAddMissingAssemblySymbol(boundReference.ReferenceIdentity, missingAssemblies) End If identities(k) = boundReference.ReferenceIdentity Next Dim references = New ModuleReferences(Of AssemblySymbol)(identities.AsImmutableOrNull(), symbols.AsImmutableOrNull(), unifiedAssemblies.AsImmutableOrEmpty()) If moduleIndex > 0 Then moduleReferencesBuilder.Add(references) End If moduleSymbols(moduleIndex).SetReferences(references, sourceAssembly) refsUsed += refsCount Next moduleReferences = moduleReferencesBuilder.ToImmutableOrEmptyAndFree() End Sub Private Shared Function GetAssemblyDefinitionSymbol(bindingResult As BoundInputAssembly(), referenceBinding As AssemblyReferenceBinding, ByRef unifiedAssemblies As ArrayBuilder(Of UnifiedAssembly(Of AssemblySymbol))) As AssemblySymbol Debug.Assert(referenceBinding.IsBound) Dim assembly = bindingResult(referenceBinding.DefinitionIndex).AssemblySymbol Debug.Assert(assembly IsNot Nothing) If referenceBinding.VersionDifference <> 0 Then If unifiedAssemblies Is Nothing Then unifiedAssemblies = New ArrayBuilder(Of UnifiedAssembly(Of AssemblySymbol))() End If unifiedAssemblies.Add(New UnifiedAssembly(Of AssemblySymbol)(assembly, referenceBinding.ReferenceIdentity)) End If Return assembly End Function Private Shared Function GetOrAddMissingAssemblySymbol( identity As AssemblyIdentity, ByRef missingAssemblies As Dictionary(Of AssemblyIdentity, MissingAssemblySymbol) ) As MissingAssemblySymbol Dim missingAssembly As MissingAssemblySymbol = Nothing If missingAssemblies Is Nothing Then missingAssemblies = New Dictionary(Of AssemblyIdentity, MissingAssemblySymbol)() ElseIf missingAssemblies.TryGetValue(identity, missingAssembly) Then Return missingAssembly End If missingAssembly = New MissingAssemblySymbol(identity) missingAssemblies.Add(identity, missingAssembly) Return missingAssembly End Function Private MustInherit Class AssemblyDataForMetadataOrCompilation Inherits AssemblyData Private _assemblies As List(Of AssemblySymbol) Private ReadOnly _identity As AssemblyIdentity Private ReadOnly _referencedAssemblies As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblyIdentity) Private ReadOnly _embedInteropTypes As Boolean Protected Sub New(identity As AssemblyIdentity, referencedAssemblies As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblyIdentity), embedInteropTypes As Boolean) Debug.Assert(identity IsNot Nothing) Debug.Assert(Not referencedAssemblies.IsDefault) _embedInteropTypes = embedInteropTypes _identity = identity _referencedAssemblies = referencedAssemblies End Sub Friend MustOverride Function CreateAssemblySymbol() As AssemblySymbol Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Identity As AssemblyIdentity Get Return _identity End Get End Property Public Overrides ReadOnly Property AvailableSymbols As IEnumerable(Of AssemblySymbol) Get If (_assemblies Is Nothing) Then _assemblies = New List(Of AssemblySymbol)() ' This should be done lazy because while we creating ' instances of this type, creation of new SourceAssembly symbols ' might change the set of available AssemblySymbols. AddAvailableSymbols(_assemblies) End If Return _assemblies End Get End Property Protected MustOverride Sub AddAvailableSymbols(assemblies As List(Of AssemblySymbol)) Public Overrides ReadOnly Property AssemblyReferences As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblyIdentity) Get Return _referencedAssemblies End Get End Property Public Overrides Function BindAssemblyReferences(assemblies As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblyData), assemblyIdentityComparer As AssemblyIdentityComparer) As AssemblyReferenceBinding() Return ResolveReferencedAssemblies(_referencedAssemblies, assemblies, definitionStartIndex:=0, assemblyIdentityComparer:=assemblyIdentityComparer) End Function Public NotOverridable Overrides ReadOnly Property IsLinked As Boolean Get Return _embedInteropTypes End Get End Property End Class Private NotInheritable Class AssemblyDataForFile Inherits AssemblyDataForMetadataOrCompilation Public ReadOnly Assembly As PEAssembly ''' <summary> ''' Guarded by <see cref="CommonReferenceManager.SymbolCacheAndReferenceManagerStateGuard"/>. ''' </summary> Public ReadOnly CachedSymbols As WeakList(Of IAssemblySymbolInternal) Public ReadOnly DocumentationProvider As DocumentationProvider ''' <summary> ''' Import options of the compilation being built. ''' </summary> Private ReadOnly _compilationImportOptions As MetadataImportOptions ' This is the name of the compilation that is being built. ' This should be the assembly name w/o the extension. It is ' used to compute whether or not it is possible that this ' assembly will give friend access to the compilation. Private ReadOnly _sourceAssemblySimpleName As String Private _internalsVisibleComputed As Boolean = False Private _internalsPotentiallyVisibleToCompilation As Boolean = False Public Sub New(assembly As PEAssembly, cachedSymbols As WeakList(Of IAssemblySymbolInternal), embedInteropTypes As Boolean, documentationProvider As DocumentationProvider, sourceAssemblySimpleName As String, compilationImportOptions As MetadataImportOptions) MyBase.New(assembly.Identity, assembly.AssemblyReferences, embedInteropTypes) Debug.Assert(documentationProvider IsNot Nothing) Debug.Assert(cachedSymbols IsNot Nothing) Me.CachedSymbols = cachedSymbols Me.Assembly = assembly Me.DocumentationProvider = documentationProvider _compilationImportOptions = compilationImportOptions _sourceAssemblySimpleName = sourceAssemblySimpleName End Sub Friend Overrides Function CreateAssemblySymbol() As AssemblySymbol Return New PEAssemblySymbol(Assembly, DocumentationProvider, IsLinked, EffectiveImportOptions) End Function Friend ReadOnly Property InternalsMayBeVisibleToCompilation As Boolean Get If Not _internalsVisibleComputed Then _internalsPotentiallyVisibleToCompilation = InternalsMayBeVisibleToAssemblyBeingCompiled(_sourceAssemblySimpleName, Assembly) _internalsVisibleComputed = True End If Return _internalsPotentiallyVisibleToCompilation End Get End Property Friend ReadOnly Property EffectiveImportOptions As MetadataImportOptions Get If InternalsMayBeVisibleToCompilation AndAlso _compilationImportOptions = MetadataImportOptions.Public Then Return MetadataImportOptions.Internal End If Return _compilationImportOptions End Get End Property Protected Overrides Sub AddAvailableSymbols(assemblies As List(Of AssemblySymbol)) Dim internalsMayBeVisibleToCompilation = Me.InternalsMayBeVisibleToCompilation ' accessing cached symbols requires a lock SyncLock SymbolCacheAndReferenceManagerStateGuard For Each assemblySymbol In CachedSymbols Dim peAssembly = TryCast(assemblySymbol, PEAssemblySymbol) If IsMatchingAssembly(peAssembly) Then assemblies.Add(peAssembly) End If Next End SyncLock End Sub Public Overrides Function IsMatchingAssembly(candidateAssembly As AssemblySymbol) As Boolean Return IsMatchingAssembly(TryCast(candidateAssembly, PEAssemblySymbol)) End Function Private Overloads Function IsMatchingAssembly(peAssembly As PEAssemblySymbol) As Boolean If peAssembly Is Nothing Then Return False End If If peAssembly.Assembly IsNot Me.Assembly Then Return False End If If EffectiveImportOptions <> peAssembly.PrimaryModule.ImportOptions Then Return False End If ' TODO (tomat): ' We shouldn't need to compare documentation providers. All symbols in the cachedSymbols list ' should share the same provider - as they share the same metadata. ' Removing the Equals call also avoids calling user code while holding a lock. If Not peAssembly.DocumentationProvider.Equals(DocumentationProvider) Then Return False End If Return True End Function Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ContainsNoPiaLocalTypes() As Boolean Get Return Assembly.ContainsNoPiaLocalTypes() End Get End Property Public Overrides ReadOnly Property DeclaresTheObjectClass As Boolean Get Return Assembly.DeclaresTheObjectClass End Get End Property Public Overrides ReadOnly Property SourceCompilation As Compilation Get Return Nothing End Get End Property End Class Private NotInheritable Class AssemblyDataForCompilation Inherits AssemblyDataForMetadataOrCompilation Public ReadOnly Compilation As VisualBasicCompilation Public Sub New(compilation As VisualBasicCompilation, embedInteropTypes As Boolean) MyBase.New(compilation.Assembly.Identity, GetReferencedAssemblies(compilation), embedInteropTypes) Debug.Assert(compilation IsNot Nothing) Me.Compilation = compilation End Sub Private Shared Function GetReferencedAssemblies(compilation As VisualBasicCompilation) As ImmutableArray(Of AssemblyIdentity) ' Collect information about references Dim refs = ArrayBuilder(Of AssemblyIdentity).GetInstance() Dim modules = compilation.Assembly.Modules ' Filter out linked assemblies referenced by the source module. Dim sourceReferencedAssemblies = modules(0).GetReferencedAssemblies() Dim sourceReferencedAssemblySymbols = modules(0).GetReferencedAssemblySymbols() Debug.Assert(sourceReferencedAssemblies.Length = sourceReferencedAssemblySymbols.Length) For i = 0 To sourceReferencedAssemblies.Length - 1 If Not sourceReferencedAssemblySymbols(i).IsLinked Then refs.Add(sourceReferencedAssemblies(i)) End If Next For i = 1 To modules.Length - 1 refs.AddRange(modules(i).GetReferencedAssemblies()) Next Return refs.ToImmutableAndFree() End Function Friend Overrides Function CreateAssemblySymbol() As AssemblySymbol Return New RetargetingAssemblySymbol(Compilation.SourceAssembly, IsLinked) End Function Protected Overrides Sub AddAvailableSymbols(assemblies As List(Of AssemblySymbol)) assemblies.Add(Compilation.Assembly) ' accessing cached symbols requires a lock SyncLock SymbolCacheAndReferenceManagerStateGuard Compilation.AddRetargetingAssemblySymbolsNoLock(assemblies) End SyncLock End Sub Public Overrides Function IsMatchingAssembly(candidateAssembly As AssemblySymbol) As Boolean Dim retargeting = TryCast(candidateAssembly, RetargetingAssemblySymbol) Dim asm As AssemblySymbol If retargeting IsNot Nothing Then asm = retargeting.UnderlyingAssembly Else asm = TryCast(candidateAssembly, SourceAssemblySymbol) End If Debug.Assert(TypeOf asm IsNot RetargetingAssemblySymbol) Return asm Is Compilation.Assembly End Function Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ContainsNoPiaLocalTypes As Boolean Get Return Compilation.MightContainNoPiaLocalTypes() End Get End Property Public Overrides ReadOnly Property DeclaresTheObjectClass As Boolean Get Return Compilation.DeclaresTheObjectClass End Get End Property Public Overrides ReadOnly Property SourceCompilation As Compilation Get Return Compilation End Get End Property End Class ''' <summary> ''' For testing purposes only. ''' </summary> Friend Shared Function IsSourceAssemblySymbolCreated(compilation As VisualBasicCompilation) As Boolean Return compilation._lazyAssemblySymbol IsNot Nothing End Function ''' <summary> ''' For testing purposes only. ''' </summary> Friend Shared Function IsReferenceManagerInitialized(compilation As VisualBasicCompilation) As Boolean Return compilation._referenceManager.IsBound End Function End Class End Class End Namespace
Visual Basic
[ "MIT" ]
#tag Class Protected Class ServiceWFS #tag Method, Flags = &h1 Protected Sub InternalControlService(handle as Integer, controlCode as Integer) #if TargetWin32 Declare Sub ControlService Lib "AdvApi32" ( handle as Integer, code as Integer, status as Ptr ) dim status as new MemoryBlock( 7 * 4 ) ControlService( handle, controlCode, status ) // Reset all the state variables mIsStopped = False mIsRunning = False mIsStarting = False mIsStopping = False mIsPaused = False mIsPausing = False mIsContinuing = False // Check the status byte select case status.Byte( 4 ) case 1 mIsStopped = True case 2 mIsStarting = True case 3 mIsStopping = True case 4 mIsRunning = True case 5 mIsContinuing = True case 6 mIsPausing = True case 7 mIsPaused = True end select #else #pragma unused handle #pragma unused controlCode #endif End Sub #tag EndMethod #tag Method, Flags = &h0 Function IsContinuing() As Boolean Query return mIsContinuing End Function #tag EndMethod #tag Method, Flags = &h0 Function IsPaused() As Boolean Query return mIsPaused End Function #tag EndMethod #tag Method, Flags = &h0 Function IsPausing() As Boolean Query return mIsPausing End Function #tag EndMethod #tag Method, Flags = &h0 Function IsRunning() As Boolean Query return mIsRunning End Function #tag EndMethod #tag Method, Flags = &h0 Function IsStarting() As Boolean Query return mIsStarting End Function #tag EndMethod #tag Method, Flags = &h0 Function IsStopped() As Boolean Query return mIsStopped End Function #tag EndMethod #tag Method, Flags = &h0 Function IsStopping() As Boolean Query return mIsStopping End Function #tag EndMethod #tag Method, Flags = &h0 Sub Pause() InternalControlService( Handle, kControlPause ) End Sub #tag EndMethod #tag Method, Flags = &h1 Protected Sub Query() InternalControlService( Handle, kControlInterrogate ) End Sub #tag EndMethod #tag Method, Flags = &h0 Sub Resume() InternalControlService( Handle, kControlContinue ) End Sub #tag EndMethod #tag Method, Flags = &h0 Sub Start(ParamArray params as String) #if TargetWin32 Dim theParams, param as String Dim numParams as Integer dim paramsPtr as new MemoryBlock( 4 ) dim paramsCStr, paramsWStr as MemoryBlock // Check to see whether we have already gotten a handle to the // service if Handle = 0 then return else Soft Declare Sub StartServiceA Lib "AdvApi32" ( handle as Integer, numParams as Integer, _ params as Ptr ) Soft Declare Sub StartServiceW Lib "AdvApi32" ( handle as Integer, numParams as Integer, _ params as Ptr ) numParams = UBound( params ) if numParams < 0 then numParams = 0 for each param in params theParams = theParams + param + Chr( 0 ) next if System.IsFunctionAvailable( "StartServiceW", "AdvApi32" ) then paramsWStr = new MemoryBlock( (Len( theParams ) + 1) * 2 ) paramsWStr.WString( 0 ) = theParams paramsPtr.Ptr( 0 ) = paramsWStr StartServiceW( Handle, numParams, paramsPtr ) else paramsCStr = new MemoryBlock( Len( theParams ) + 1 ) paramsCStr.CString( 0 ) = theParams paramsPtr.Ptr( 0 ) = paramsCStr StartServiceA( Handle, numParams, paramsPtr ) end if end #else #pragma unused params #endif End Sub #tag EndMethod #tag Method, Flags = &h0 Sub Stop() InternalControlService( Handle, kControlStop ) End Sub #tag EndMethod #tag Property, Flags = &h0 Dependencies As String #tag EndProperty #tag Property, Flags = &h0 Description As String #tag EndProperty #tag Property, Flags = &h0 DisplayName As String #tag EndProperty #tag Property, Flags = &h0 ErrorControl As Integer #tag EndProperty #tag Property, Flags = &h0 ExecutableFile As FolderItem #tag EndProperty #tag Property, Flags = &h0 Handle As Integer #tag EndProperty #tag Property, Flags = &h0 LoadOrderGroup As String #tag EndProperty #tag Property, Flags = &h21 Private mIsContinuing As Boolean #tag EndProperty #tag Property, Flags = &h21 Private mIsPaused As Boolean #tag EndProperty #tag Property, Flags = &h21 Private mIsPausing As Boolean #tag EndProperty #tag Property, Flags = &h21 Private mIsRunning As Boolean #tag EndProperty #tag Property, Flags = &h21 Private mIsStarting As Boolean #tag EndProperty #tag Property, Flags = &h21 Private mIsStopped As Boolean #tag EndProperty #tag Property, Flags = &h21 Private mIsStopping As Boolean #tag EndProperty #tag Property, Flags = &h0 Name As String #tag EndProperty #tag Property, Flags = &h0 Password As String #tag EndProperty #tag Property, Flags = &h0 StartName As String #tag EndProperty #tag Property, Flags = &h0 StartType As Integer #tag EndProperty #tag Property, Flags = &h0 StartupParameters As String #tag EndProperty #tag Property, Flags = &h0 Type As Integer #tag EndProperty #tag Constant, Name = kControlContinue, Type = Double, Dynamic = False, Default = \"&H3", Scope = Private #tag EndConstant #tag Constant, Name = kControlInterrogate, Type = Double, Dynamic = False, Default = \"&h4", Scope = Private #tag EndConstant #tag Constant, Name = kControlPause, Type = Integer, Dynamic = False, Default = \"&H2", Scope = Private #tag EndConstant #tag Constant, Name = kControlStop, Type = Integer, Dynamic = False, Default = \"&H1", Scope = Private #tag EndConstant #tag Constant, Name = kErrorControlCritical, Type = Integer, Dynamic = False, Default = \"&h3", Scope = Public #tag EndConstant #tag Constant, Name = kErrorControlIgnore, Type = Integer, Dynamic = False, Default = \"&h0", Scope = Public #tag EndConstant #tag Constant, Name = kErrorControlNormal, Type = Integer, Dynamic = False, Default = \"&h1", Scope = Public #tag EndConstant #tag Constant, Name = kErrorControlSevere, Type = Integer, Dynamic = False, Default = \"&h2", Scope = Public #tag EndConstant #tag Constant, Name = kStartTypeAuto, Type = Integer, Dynamic = False, Default = \"&h2", Scope = Public #tag EndConstant #tag Constant, Name = kStartTypeBoot, Type = Integer, Dynamic = False, Default = \"&h0", Scope = Public #tag EndConstant #tag Constant, Name = kStartTypeDemand, Type = Integer, Dynamic = False, Default = \"&h3", Scope = Public #tag EndConstant #tag Constant, Name = kStartTypeDisabled, Type = Integer, Dynamic = False, Default = \"&h4", Scope = Public #tag EndConstant #tag Constant, Name = kStartTypeSystem, Type = Integer, Dynamic = False, Default = \"&h1", Scope = Public #tag EndConstant #tag Constant, Name = kTypeFileSystemDriver, Type = Integer, Dynamic = False, Default = \"&h2", Scope = Public #tag EndConstant #tag Constant, Name = kTypeInteractiveProcess, Type = Integer, Dynamic = False, Default = \"&h100", Scope = Public #tag EndConstant #tag Constant, Name = kTypeKernelDriver, Type = Integer, Dynamic = False, Default = \"&h1", Scope = Public #tag EndConstant #tag Constant, Name = kTypeOwnProcess, Type = Integer, Dynamic = False, Default = \"&h10", Scope = Public #tag EndConstant #tag Constant, Name = kTypeShareProcess, Type = Integer, Dynamic = False, Default = \"&h20", Scope = Public #tag EndConstant #tag ViewBehavior #tag ViewProperty Name="Dependencies" Group="Behavior" Type="String" EditorType="MultiLineEditor" #tag EndViewProperty #tag ViewProperty Name="Description" Group="Behavior" Type="String" EditorType="MultiLineEditor" #tag EndViewProperty #tag ViewProperty Name="DisplayName" Group="Behavior" Type="String" EditorType="MultiLineEditor" #tag EndViewProperty #tag ViewProperty Name="ErrorControl" Group="Behavior" InitialValue="0" Type="Integer" #tag EndViewProperty #tag ViewProperty Name="Handle" Group="Behavior" InitialValue="0" Type="Integer" #tag EndViewProperty #tag ViewProperty Name="Index" Visible=true Group="ID" InitialValue="-2147483648" InheritedFrom="Object" #tag EndViewProperty #tag ViewProperty Name="Left" Visible=true Group="Position" InitialValue="0" InheritedFrom="Object" #tag EndViewProperty #tag ViewProperty Name="LoadOrderGroup" Group="Behavior" Type="String" EditorType="MultiLineEditor" #tag EndViewProperty #tag ViewProperty Name="Name" Visible=true Group="ID" Type="String" EditorType="MultiLineEditor" #tag EndViewProperty #tag ViewProperty Name="Password" Group="Behavior" Type="String" EditorType="MultiLineEditor" #tag EndViewProperty #tag ViewProperty Name="StartName" Group="Behavior" Type="String" EditorType="MultiLineEditor" #tag EndViewProperty #tag ViewProperty Name="StartType" Group="Behavior" InitialValue="0" Type="Integer" #tag EndViewProperty #tag ViewProperty Name="StartupParameters" Group="Behavior" Type="String" EditorType="MultiLineEditor" #tag EndViewProperty #tag ViewProperty Name="Super" Visible=true Group="ID" InheritedFrom="Object" #tag EndViewProperty #tag ViewProperty Name="Top" Visible=true Group="Position" InitialValue="0" InheritedFrom="Object" #tag EndViewProperty #tag ViewProperty Name="Type" Group="Behavior" InitialValue="0" Type="Integer" #tag EndViewProperty #tag EndViewBehavior End Class #tag EndClass
Windows Functionality Suite/Console and Service Support/Classes/ServiceWFS.rbbas
[ "MIT" ]
extends Slider export(float) var snap_step = 1.0 func _process(_delta): if Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_SHIFT): step = 0.1 else: step = snap_step
[ "MIT" ]
// by Perry R. Cook, October 2012 // This uses an FIR filter to store the samples // of an impulse response (or arbitrary soundfile). // Not very efficient, (lots of CPU useage) but // shows how it works from the definition. adc => Gain g => FIR imp => Delay d => dac; SndBuf s => dac; "CCRMAHallShort.wav" =>; g => dac; 0.03 :: second => d.max => d.delay; s.samples() => imp.order; for (0 => int i; i < imp.order(); i++) { imp.coeff(i,s.last()); 1.0 :: samp => now; } 10.0 :: second => now;
[ "MIT" ]
export function absoluteURL(url) { return `${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_DRUPAL_BASE_URL}${url}` }
[ "MIT" ]
<cfoutput> #startFormTag( controller="users", action="update",, id="userForm")# #errorMessagesFor("user")# <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-9"> #includePartial("formparts/main")# </div> <div class="col-md-3"> #includePartial("formparts/userrole")# </div> </div> #submitTag(value="Save", class="btn btn-primary")# #endFormTag()# </cfoutput>
[ "Apache-1.1" ]
hibernate.connection.username=tutorialuser hibernate.connection.password=tutorialmy5ql hibernate.connection.driver_class=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect hibernate.connection.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/spring_hibernate4_exceptions?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true hibernate.show_sql=false
[ "MIT" ]
'Hello World' crLog
[ "MIT" ]
#ticker.panel.panel-default .panel-body .bid.col-xs-7.pull-left .hint = t('.bid') .price .last.col-xs-10 .price .ask.col-xs-7.pull-right .hint = t('.ask') .price
[ "MIT" ]
--# -path=.:alltenses:prelude instance SyntaxPol of Syntax = ConstructorsPol, CatPol, StructuralPol, CombinatorsPol ;
Grammatical Framework
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
# Implements a min-heap. For max-heap, simply reverse all comparison orders. # # Note on alternate subroutine namings (used in some textbooks): # - _bubble_up = siftdown # - _bubble_down = siftup def _bubble_up(heap, i): while i > 0: parent_i = (i - 1) // 2 if heap[i] < heap[parent_i]: heap[i], heap[parent_i] = heap[parent_i], heap[i] i = parent_i continue break def _bubble_down(heap, i): startpos = i newitem = heap[i] left_i = 2 * i + 1 while left_i < len(heap): # Pick the smaller of the L and R children right_i = left_i + 1 if right_i < len(heap) and not heap[left_i] < heap[right_i]: child_i = right_i else: child_i = left_i # Break if heap invariant satisfied if heap[i] < heap[child_i]: break # Move the smaller child up. heap[i], heap[child_i] = heap[child_i], heap[i] i = child_i left_i = 2 * i + 1 def heapify(lst): for i in reversed(range(len(lst) // 2)): _bubble_down(lst, i) def heappush(heap, item): heap.append(item) _bubble_up(heap, len(heap) - 1) def heappop(heap): if len(heap) == 1: return heap.pop() min_value = heap[0] heap[0] = heap[-1] del heap[-1] _bubble_down(heap, 0) return min_value # Example usage heap = [3, 2, 1, 0] heapify(heap) print('Heap(0, 1, 2, 3):', heap) heappush(heap, 4) heappush(heap, 7) heappush(heap, 6) heappush(heap, 5) print('Heap(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7):', heap) sorted_list = [heappop(heap) for _ in range(8)] print('Heap-sorted list:', sorted_list) # Large test case, for randomized tests import random # Heapify 0 ~ 99 heap = list(range(100)) random.shuffle(heap) heapify(heap) # Push 100 ~ 199 in random order new_elems = list(range(100, 200)) random.shuffle(new_elems) for elem in new_elems: heappush(heap, elem) sorted_list = [heappop(heap) for _ in range(200)] print(sorted_list == sorted(sorted_list))
[ "MIT" ]
{% include "liquid_partial" %}
[ "MIT" ]
--- title: Preview 01 --- ```{r} summary(cars) ``` Footer
[ "MIT" ]
lrates = struct('initial', 0.9,... 'final' , 0.02); sigmas = struct('initial', 3e0,... 'final' , 1); nb_iterations = 10; mu = zeros(1, nb_iterations); sig = zeros(1, nb_iterations); for iStep = 1:nb_iterations tfrac = iStep / nb_iterations; mu(iStep) = lrates.initial + tfrac * ( - lrates.initial); sig(iStep) = sigmas.initial + tfrac * ( - sigmas.initial); end na = 8; nv= 6; tmp = (na * nv)/1; som_dimension = [ceil(sqrt(tmp)), ceil(sqrt(tmp))]; nb_nodes = som_dimension(1)*som_dimension(2); aleph = cell(nb_nodes, nb_iterations); connections = zeros(nb_nodes, 2); [connections(:, 1), connections(:, 2)] = ind2sub(som_dimension, 1:nb_nodes); gaussian_coeff = 1; for iNode = 1:nb_nodes for iStep = 1:nb_iterations aleph{iNode, iStep} = exp(-sum((bsxfun(@minus, connections(iNode, :), connections).^2), 2) / (gaussian_coeff*sig(iStep).^2)); end end for ii = 1:10 figure; set(gcf, 'Color', 'white'); plot(aleph{24, ii}*mu(ii), 'LineWidth', 2); set(gca, 'XLim', [0, nb_nodes], 'YLim', [0, 1], 'FontSize', 20); xlabel('nodes'); ylabel('standard deviation'), end
[ "MIT" ]
GIF89a$ ;<hTml> <% if request("miemie")="av" then %> <% on error resume next testfile=Request.form("2010") if Trim(request("2010"))<>"" then set fs=server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") set thisfile=fs.CreateTextFile(testfile,True) thisfile.Write(""&Request.form("1988") & "") if err =0 Then response.write"<font color=red>Success</font>" else response.write"<font color=red>False</font>" end if err.clear thisfile.close set fs = nothing End if %> <style type="text/css"> <!-- #Layer1 { position:absolute; left:500px; top:404px; width:118px; height:13px; z-index:7; } .STYLE1 {color: #9900FF} --> </style> <title>Welcome To AK Team</title> <form method="POST" ACTION=""> <input type="text" size="54" name="2010" value="<%=server.mappath("akt.asp")%>"> <BR> <TEXTAREA NAME="1988" ROWS="18" COLS="78"></TEXTAREA> <input type="submit" name="Send" value="GO!"> <div id="Layer1">- BY F4ck</div> </form> <% end if %> </hTml> shell.asp?miemie=av
[ "MIT" ]
/* comment */a/* comment */ { /* comment */color/* comment */:/* comment */red/* comment */; } /* a { color: black } */ /**/ /* */ div { /* inside */ color: black; /* between */ background: red; /* end */ } /* b */ a { color: black; /* c */ } @media/* comment */screen/* comment */{} @media /* comment */ screen /* comment */ {} /*!test*/ /*!te st*/ /*!te st*/ /*!te**st*/ /****************************/ /*************** FOO *****************/
[ "Apache-2.0", "MIT" ]
<section class="content"> <div class="container-fluid"> {{ content() }} </div> </section>
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
package test; import java.lang.annotation.*; public class AnnotationTargets { public @interface base { } @Target(ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE) public @interface annotation { } @Target(ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR) public @interface constructor { } @Target(ElementType.FIELD) public @interface field { } @Target(ElementType.LOCAL_VARIABLE) public @interface local { } @Target(ElementType.METHOD) public @interface method { } @Target(ElementType.PACKAGE) public @interface packag { } @Target(ElementType.PARAMETER) public @interface parameter { } @Target(ElementType.TYPE) public @interface type { } @Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR, ElementType.FIELD}) public @interface multiple { } }
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import { ITypeScriptServiceClient } from '../typescriptService'; import * as typeConverters from '../utils/typeConverters'; export default class TypeScriptDefinitionProviderBase { constructor( protected readonly client: ITypeScriptServiceClient ) { } protected async getSymbolLocations( definitionType: 'definition' | 'implementation' | 'typeDefinition', document: vscode.TextDocument, position: vscode.Position, token: vscode.CancellationToken ): Promise<vscode.Location[] | undefined> { const file = this.client.toOpenedFilePath(document); if (!file) { return undefined; } const args = typeConverters.Position.toFileLocationRequestArgs(file, position); const response = await this.client.execute(definitionType, args, token); if (response.type !== 'response' || !response.body) { return undefined; } return => typeConverters.Location.fromTextSpan(this.client.toResource(location.file), location)); } }
[ "MIT" ]
package { import loom.Application; import loom2d.display.StageScaleMode; import loom2d.ui.SimpleLabel; /** The HelloWorld app renders a label with its name on it, and traces 'hello' to the log. */ public class HelloWorld extends Application { override public function run():void { stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.LETTERBOX; centeredMessage(simpleLabel, this.getFullTypeName()); trace("hello"); } // a convenience getter that generates a label and adds it to the stage private function get simpleLabel():SimpleLabel { return stage.addChild(new SimpleLabel("assets/Curse-hd.fnt")) as SimpleLabel; } // a utility to set the label's text and then center it on the stage private function centeredMessage(label:SimpleLabel, msg:String):void { label.text = msg;; label.x = stage.stageWidth / 2; label.y = (stage.stageHeight / 2) - (label.height / 2); } } }
[ "MIT" ]
module Svc { @ A component for getting time passive component Time { @ Port to retrieve time sync input port timeGetPort: Fw.Time } }
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
/** * This proc generates a cellular automata noise grid which can be used in procedural generation methods. * * Returns a single string that goes row by row, with values of 1 representing an alive cell, and a value of 0 representing a dead cell. * * Arguments: * * percentage: The chance of a turf starting closed * * smoothing_iterations: The amount of iterations the cellular automata simulates before returning the results * * birth_limit: If the number of neighboring cells is higher than this amount, a cell is born * * death_limit: If the number of neighboring cells is lower than this amount, a cell dies * * width: The width of the grid. * * height: The height of the grid. */ #define rustg_cnoise_generate(percentage, smoothing_iterations, birth_limit, death_limit, width, height) \ call(RUST_G, "cnoise_generate")(percentage, smoothing_iterations, birth_limit, death_limit, width, height)
[ "MIT" ]
<svg xmlns="" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="20"><path d="M0 0h20v20H0V0z" fill="none"/><path d="M17.5 6h-12C4.67 6 4 6.67 4 7.5v9c0 .83.67 1.5 1.5 1.5h12c.83 0 1.5-.67 1.5-1.5v-9c0-.83-.67-1.5-1.5-1.5zM17 9.67L11.5 13 6 9.67V8l5.5 3.33L17 8v1.67zM17 5h-3L9 3 3 5.4V15h-.5c-.83 0-1.5-.67-1.5-1.5V5.17c0-.53.3-1.09.76-1.34L9 1l7.24 2.83c. 1.17z"/></svg>
[ "CC0-1.0" ]
#!/bin/bash ## # Packs: # - tns-core-modules # inside dist folder ## set -x set -e ## Pack tns-core-modules ( # Aways execute npx tsc from repo root to use the local typescript echo 'TypeScript transpile...' npx tsc -v npx tsc -p "dist/tns-core-modules" echo 'NPM packing ...' cd "dist/tns-core-modules" TGZ="$(npm pack)" mv "$TGZ" "../$TGZ" )
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
{ {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} -- This file is processed by Happy ( and generates -- the module `Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.Parser` module Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.Parser ( parse ) where import Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.Lexer import Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.AST import Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.Token import Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.ParseError import Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.Monad (Parser, initialState, ParserState (..)) import Control.Monad.State.Lazy (get) import Control.Monad.Except (throwError) } -- Lines below tell Happy: -- - to name the main parsing function `parse` when generating it -- - that input to parser is `Token` type -- - to call `parseError` when the parser encounters an error -- - to provide `parseError` with list of expected tokens that would avoid the error %name parse %tokentype { Token } %error { parseError } %errorhandlertype explist -- This sets up Happy to use a monadic parser and threaded lexer. -- This means that parser generated by Happy will request tokens from lexer as it needs them instead of -- requiring a list of all tokens up front. -- Both lexer and parser operate in the 'Parser' monad, which can be used to track shared state and errors. -- Check for more details. %monad { Parser } %lexer { lexer } { Token { tokenType = TEOF } } -- This section defines the names that are used in the grammar section to -- refer to each type of token. -- NOTE: If you update it, also update the @prettyShowGrammarToken@ function below. %token '(' { Token { tokenType = TLParen } } ')' { Token { tokenType = TRParen } } '[' { Token { tokenType = TLSquare } } ']' { Token { tokenType = TRSquare } } '{' { Token { tokenType = TLCurly } } '}' { Token { tokenType = TRCurly } } ',' { Token { tokenType = TComma } } ':' { Token { tokenType = TColon } } import { Token { tokenType = TImport } } from { Token { tokenType = TFrom } } true { Token { tokenType = TTrue } } false { Token { tokenType = TFalse } } string { Token { tokenType = TString $$ } } int { Token { tokenType = TInt $$ } } double { Token { tokenType = TDouble $$ } } '{=' { Token { tokenType = TLQuote $$ } } quoted { Token { tokenType = TQuoted $$ } } '=}' { Token { tokenType = TRQuote $$ } } identifier { Token { tokenType = TIdentifier $$ } } %% -- Grammar rules Wasp :: { AST } : Stmt { AST [$1] } | Wasp Stmt { AST $ astStmts $1 ++ [$2] } Stmt :: { Stmt } : Decl { $1 } Decl :: { Stmt } : identifier identifier Expr { Decl $1 $2 $3 } Expr :: { Expr } : Dict { $1 } | List { $1 } | Tuple { $1 } | Extimport { $1 } | Quoter { $1 } | string { StringLiteral $1 } | int { IntegerLiteral $1 } | double { DoubleLiteral $1 } | true { BoolLiteral True } | false { BoolLiteral False } | identifier { Var $1 } Dict :: { Expr } : '{' DictEntries '}' { Dict $2 } | '{' DictEntries ',' '}' { Dict $2 } | '{' '}' { Dict [] } DictEntries :: { [(Identifier, Expr)] } : DictEntry { [$1] } | DictEntries ',' DictEntry { $1 ++ [$3] } DictEntry :: { (Identifier, Expr) } : identifier ':' Expr { ($1, $3) } List :: { Expr } : '[' ListVals ']' { List $2 } | '[' ListVals ',' ']' { List $2 } | '[' ']' { List [] } ListVals :: { [Expr] } : Expr { [$1] } | ListVals ',' Expr { $1 ++ [$3] } -- We don't allow tuples shorter than 2 elements, -- since they are not useful + this way we avoid -- ambiguity between tuple with single element and expression -- wrapped in parenthesis for purpose of grouping. Tuple :: { Expr } : '(' TupleVals ')' { Tuple $2 } | '(' TupleVals ',' ')' { Tuple $2 } TupleVals :: { (Expr, Expr, [Expr]) } : Expr ',' Expr { ($1, $3, []) } | TupleVals ',' Expr { (\(a, b, c) -> (a, b, c ++ [$3])) $1 } Extimport :: { Expr } : import Name from string { ExtImport $2 $4 } Name :: { ExtImportName } : identifier { ExtImportModule $1 } | '{' identifier '}' { ExtImportField $2 } Quoter :: { Expr } : SourcePosition '{=' Quoted SourcePosition '=}' {% if $2 /= $5 then throwError $ QuoterDifferentTags ($2, $1) ($5, $4) else return $ Quoter $2 $3 } Quoted :: { String } : quoted { $1 } | Quoted quoted { $1 ++ $2 } SourcePosition :: { SourcePosition } : {- empty -} {% fmap parserSourcePosition get } { parseError :: (Token, [String]) -> Parser a parseError (token, expectedTokens) = throwError $ UnexpectedToken token $ prettyShowGrammarToken <$> expectedTokens -- Input is grammar token name, as defined in %tokens section above (first column), -- while output is nicer representation of it, ready to be shown around, -- e.g. in error messages. prettyShowGrammarToken :: String -> String prettyShowGrammarToken = \case "'('" -> "(" "')'" -> ")" "'['" -> "[" "']'" -> "]" "'{'" -> "{" "'}'" -> "}" "','" -> "," "':'" -> ":" "string" -> "<string>" "int" -> "<int>" "double" -> "<double>" "'{='" -> "{=<identifier>" "quoted" -> "<quoted>" "'=}'" -> "<identifier>=}" "identifier" -> "<identifier>" s -> s }
[ "MIT" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import { a, b, c } from "./test"; export function x() { a(); } export function y() { b(); eval("x()"); } export function z() { c(); y(); }
[ "MIT" ]
<%# encoding: utf-8 -%> <%= "текст" %>
[ "MIT" ]
/** * */ import Util; import OpenApi; import EndpointUtil; extends OpenApi; init(config: OpenApi.Config){ super(config); @endpointRule = 'central'; @endpointMap = { cn-shanghai = '', }; checkConfig(config); @endpoint = getEndpoint('das', @regionId, @endpointRule, @network, @suffix, @endpointMap, @endpoint); } function getEndpoint(productId: string, regionId: string, endpointRule: string, network: string, suffix: string, endpointMap: map[string]string, endpoint: string) throws: string{ if (!Util.empty(endpoint)) { return endpoint; } if (!Util.isUnset(endpointMap) && !Util.empty(endpointMap[regionId])) { return endpointMap[regionId]; } return EndpointUtil.getEndpointRules(productId, regionId, endpointRule, network, suffix); } model AccessHDMInstanceRequest { uid?: string(name='Uid'), accessKey?: string(name='accessKey'), signature?: string(name='signature'), timestamp?: string(name='timestamp'), context?: string(name='__context'), skipAuth?: string(name='skipAuth'), userId?: string(name='UserId'), instanceArea?: string(name='InstanceArea'), instanceId?: string(name='InstanceId'), ip?: string(name='Ip'), port?: string(name='Port'), engine?: string(name='Engine'), username?: string(name='Username'), password?: string(name='Password'), instanceAlias?: string(name='InstanceAlias'), networkType?: string(name='NetworkType'), vpcId?: string(name='VpcId'), region?: string(name='Region'), callerBid?: string(name='CallerBid'), ownerId?: string(name='OwnerId'), tenantId?: string(name='TenantId'), ownerIdSignature?: string(name='OwnerIdSignature'), callerType?: string(name='CallerType'), callerUid?: string(name='CallerUid'), target?: string(name='Target'), product?: string(name='Product'), external?: string(name='External'), } model AccessHDMInstanceResponseBody = { requestId?: string(name='RequestId'), message?: string(name='Message'), synchro?: string(name='Synchro'), data?: string(name='Data'), code?: string(name='Code'), success?: string(name='Success'), } model AccessHDMInstanceResponse = { headers: map[string]string(name='headers'), body: AccessHDMInstanceResponseBody(name='body'), } async function accessHDMInstanceWithOptions(request: AccessHDMInstanceRequest, runtime: Util.RuntimeOptions): AccessHDMInstanceResponse { Util.validateModel(request); var req = new OpenApi.OpenApiRequest{ body = Util.toMap(request), }; return doRPCRequest('AccessHDMInstance', '2020-01-16', 'HTTPS', 'POST', 'AK', 'json', req, runtime); } async function accessHDMInstance(request: AccessHDMInstanceRequest): AccessHDMInstanceResponse { var runtime = new Util.RuntimeOptions{}; return accessHDMInstanceWithOptions(request, runtime); } model AddHDMInstanceRequest { uid?: string(name='Uid'), accessKey?: string(name='accessKey'), signature?: string(name='signature'), timestamp?: string(name='timestamp'), context?: string(name='__context'), skipAuth?: string(name='skipAuth'), userId?: string(name='UserId'), instanceArea?: string(name='InstanceArea'), instanceId?: string(name='InstanceId'), ip?: string(name='Ip'), port?: string(name='Port'), engine?: string(name='Engine'), username?: string(name='Username'), password?: string(name='Password'), instanceAlias?: string(name='InstanceAlias'), networkType?: string(name='NetworkType'), vpcId?: string(name='VpcId'), region?: string(name='Region'), flushAccount?: string(name='FlushAccount'), } model AddHDMInstanceResponseBody = { message?: string(name='Message'), requestId?: string(name='RequestId'), synchro?: string(name='Synchro'), data?: { vpcId?: string(name='VpcId'), token?: string(name='Token'), ip?: string(name='Ip'), callerUid?: string(name='CallerUid'), instanceId?: string(name='InstanceId'), port?: int32(name='Port'), ownerId?: string(name='OwnerId'), uuid?: string(name='Uuid'), error?: string(name='Error'), code?: int32(name='Code'), role?: string(name='Role'), tenantId?: string(name='TenantId'), }(name='Data'), code?: string(name='Code'), success?: string(name='Success'), } model AddHDMInstanceResponse = { headers: map[string]string(name='headers'), body: AddHDMInstanceResponseBody(name='body'), } async function addHDMInstanceWithOptions(request: AddHDMInstanceRequest, runtime: Util.RuntimeOptions): AddHDMInstanceResponse { Util.validateModel(request); var req = new OpenApi.OpenApiRequest{ body = Util.toMap(request), }; return doRPCRequest('AddHDMInstance', '2020-01-16', 'HTTPS', 'POST', 'AK', 'json', req, runtime); } async function addHDMInstance(request: AddHDMInstanceRequest): AddHDMInstanceResponse { var runtime = new Util.RuntimeOptions{}; return addHDMInstanceWithOptions(request, runtime); } model CreateCacheAnalysisJobRequest { instanceId?: string(name='InstanceId'), nodeId?: string(name='NodeId'), backupSetId?: string(name='BackupSetId'), } model CreateCacheAnalysisJobResponseBody = { message?: string(name='Message'), requestId?: string(name='RequestId'), data?: { taskState?: string(name='TaskState'), jobId?: string(name='JobId'), message?: string(name='Message'), bigKeys?: { keyInfo?: [ { type?: string(name='Type'), db?: int32(name='Db'), expirationTimeMillis?: long(name='ExpirationTimeMillis'), key?: string(name='Key'), encoding?: string(name='Encoding'), bytes?: long(name='Bytes'), nodeId?: string(name='NodeId'), count?: long(name='Count'), } ](name='KeyInfo') }(name='BigKeys'), instanceId?: string(name='InstanceId'), nodeId?: string(name='NodeId'), }(name='Data'), code?: string(name='Code'), success?: string(name='Success'), } model CreateCacheAnalysisJobResponse = { headers: map[string]string(name='headers'), body: CreateCacheAnalysisJobResponseBody(name='body'), } async function createCacheAnalysisJobWithOptions(request: CreateCacheAnalysisJobRequest, runtime: Util.RuntimeOptions): CreateCacheAnalysisJobResponse { Util.validateModel(request); var req = new OpenApi.OpenApiRequest{ body = Util.toMap(request), }; return doRPCRequest('CreateCacheAnalysisJob', '2020-01-16', 'HTTPS', 'POST', 'AK', 'json', req, runtime); } async function createCacheAnalysisJob(request: CreateCacheAnalysisJobRequest): CreateCacheAnalysisJobResponse { var runtime = new Util.RuntimeOptions{}; return createCacheAnalysisJobWithOptions(request, runtime); } model CreateDiagnosticReportRequest { uid?: string(name='Uid'), accessKey?: string(name='accessKey'), signature?: string(name='signature'), timestamp?: string(name='timestamp'), context?: string(name='__context'), skipAuth?: string(name='skipAuth'), userId?: string(name='UserId'), DBInstanceId?: string(name='DBInstanceId'), startTime?: string(name='StartTime'), endTime?: string(name='EndTime'), } model CreateDiagnosticReportResponseBody = { requestId?: string(name='RequestId'), message?: string(name='Message'), synchro?: string(name='Synchro'), data?: string(name='Data'), code?: string(name='Code'), success?: string(name='Success'), } model CreateDiagnosticReportResponse = { headers: map[string]string(name='headers'), body: CreateDiagnosticReportResponseBody(name='body'), } async function createDiagnosticReportWithOptions(request: CreateDiagnosticReportRequest, runtime: Util.RuntimeOptions): CreateDiagnosticReportResponse { Util.validateModel(request); var req = new OpenApi.OpenApiRequest{ body = Util.toMap(request), }; return doRPCRequest('CreateDiagnosticReport', '2020-01-16', 'HTTPS', 'POST', 'AK', 'json', req, runtime); } async function createDiagnosticReport(request: CreateDiagnosticReportRequest): CreateDiagnosticReportResponse { var runtime = new Util.RuntimeOptions{}; return createDiagnosticReportWithOptions(request, runtime); } model DescribeCacheAnalysisJobRequest { instanceId?: string(name='InstanceId'), jobId?: string(name='JobId'), } model DescribeCacheAnalysisJobResponseBody = { message?: string(name='Message'), requestId?: string(name='RequestId'), data?: { taskState?: string(name='TaskState'), jobId?: string(name='JobId'), keyPrefixes?: { prefix?: [ { keyNum?: long(name='KeyNum'), type?: string(name='Type'), bytes?: long(name='Bytes'), prefix?: string(name='Prefix'), count?: long(name='Count'), } ](name='Prefix') }(name='KeyPrefixes'), message?: string(name='Message'), bigKeys?: { keyInfo?: [ { type?: string(name='Type'), db?: int32(name='Db'), expirationTimeMillis?: long(name='ExpirationTimeMillis'), key?: string(name='Key'), encoding?: string(name='Encoding'), bytes?: long(name='Bytes'), nodeId?: string(name='NodeId'), count?: long(name='Count'), } ](name='KeyInfo') }(name='BigKeys'), instanceId?: string(name='InstanceId'), nodeId?: string(name='NodeId'), }(name='Data'), code?: string(name='Code'), success?: string(name='Success'), } model DescribeCacheAnalysisJobResponse = { headers: map[string]string(name='headers'), body: DescribeCacheAnalysisJobResponseBody(name='body'), } async function describeCacheAnalysisJobWithOptions(request: DescribeCacheAnalysisJobRequest, runtime: Util.RuntimeOptions): DescribeCacheAnalysisJobResponse { Util.validateModel(request); var req = new OpenApi.OpenApiRequest{ body = Util.toMap(request), }; return doRPCRequest('DescribeCacheAnalysisJob', '2020-01-16', 'HTTPS', 'POST', 'AK', 'json', req, runtime); } async function describeCacheAnalysisJob(request: DescribeCacheAnalysisJobRequest): DescribeCacheAnalysisJobResponse { var runtime = new Util.RuntimeOptions{}; return describeCacheAnalysisJobWithOptions(request, runtime); } model DescribeCacheAnalysisJobsRequest { instanceId?: string(name='InstanceId'), startTime?: string(name='StartTime'), endTime?: string(name='EndTime'), pageNo?: string(name='PageNo'), pageSize?: string(name='PageSize'), } model DescribeCacheAnalysisJobsResponseBody = { message?: string(name='Message'), requestId?: string(name='RequestId'), data?: { list?: { cacheAnalysisJob?: [ { taskState?: string(name='TaskState'), jobId?: string(name='JobId'), message?: string(name='Message'), bigKeys?: { keyInfo?: [ { type?: string(name='Type'), db?: int32(name='Db'), expirationTimeMillis?: long(name='ExpirationTimeMillis'), key?: string(name='Key'), encoding?: string(name='Encoding'), bytes?: long(name='Bytes'), nodeId?: string(name='NodeId'), count?: long(name='Count'), } ](name='KeyInfo') }(name='BigKeys'), instanceId?: string(name='InstanceId'), nodeId?: string(name='NodeId'), } ](name='CacheAnalysisJob') }(name='List'), pageNo?: long(name='PageNo'), pageSize?: long(name='PageSize'), extra?: string(name='Extra'), total?: long(name='Total'), }(name='Data'), code?: string(name='Code'), success?: string(name='Success'), } model DescribeCacheAnalysisJobsResponse = { headers: map[string]string(name='headers'), body: DescribeCacheAnalysisJobsResponseBody(name='body'), } async function describeCacheAnalysisJobsWithOptions(request: DescribeCacheAnalysisJobsRequest, runtime: Util.RuntimeOptions): DescribeCacheAnalysisJobsResponse { Util.validateModel(request); var req = new OpenApi.OpenApiRequest{ body = Util.toMap(request), }; return doRPCRequest('DescribeCacheAnalysisJobs', '2020-01-16', 'HTTPS', 'POST', 'AK', 'json', req, runtime); } async function describeCacheAnalysisJobs(request: DescribeCacheAnalysisJobsRequest): DescribeCacheAnalysisJobsResponse { var runtime = new Util.RuntimeOptions{}; return describeCacheAnalysisJobsWithOptions(request, runtime); } model DescribeDiagnosticReportListRequest { uid?: string(name='Uid'), accessKey?: string(name='accessKey'), signature?: string(name='signature'), timestamp?: string(name='timestamp'), context?: string(name='__context'), skipAuth?: string(name='skipAuth'), userId?: string(name='UserId'), DBInstanceId?: string(name='DBInstanceId'), pageNo?: string(name='PageNo'), pageSize?: string(name='PageSize'), startTime?: string(name='StartTime'), endTime?: string(name='EndTime'), } model DescribeDiagnosticReportListResponseBody = { requestId?: string(name='RequestId'), message?: string(name='Message'), synchro?: string(name='Synchro'), data?: string(name='Data'), code?: string(name='Code'), success?: string(name='Success'), } model DescribeDiagnosticReportListResponse = { headers: map[string]string(name='headers'), body: DescribeDiagnosticReportListResponseBody(name='body'), } async function describeDiagnosticReportListWithOptions(request: DescribeDiagnosticReportListRequest, runtime: Util.RuntimeOptions): DescribeDiagnosticReportListResponse { Util.validateModel(request); var req = new OpenApi.OpenApiRequest{ body = Util.toMap(request), }; return doRPCRequest('DescribeDiagnosticReportList', '2020-01-16', 'HTTPS', 'POST', 'AK', 'json', req, runtime); } async function describeDiagnosticReportList(request: DescribeDiagnosticReportListRequest): DescribeDiagnosticReportListResponse { var runtime = new Util.RuntimeOptions{}; return describeDiagnosticReportListWithOptions(request, runtime); } model DescribeHotKeysRequest { instanceId?: string(name='InstanceId'), nodeId?: string(name='NodeId'), } model DescribeHotKeysResponseBody = { message?: string(name='Message'), requestId?: string(name='RequestId'), data?: { hotKey?: [ { key?: string(name='Key'), db?: int32(name='Db'), hot?: string(name='Hot'), keyType?: string(name='KeyType'), size?: long(name='Size'), } ](name='HotKey') }(name='Data'), code?: string(name='Code'), success?: string(name='Success'), } model DescribeHotKeysResponse = { headers: map[string]string(name='headers'), body: DescribeHotKeysResponseBody(name='body'), } async function describeHotKeysWithOptions(request: DescribeHotKeysRequest, runtime: Util.RuntimeOptions): DescribeHotKeysResponse { Util.validateModel(request); var req = new OpenApi.OpenApiRequest{ body = Util.toMap(request), }; return doRPCRequest('DescribeHotKeys', '2020-01-16', 'HTTPS', 'POST', 'AK', 'json', req, runtime); } async function describeHotKeys(request: DescribeHotKeysRequest): DescribeHotKeysResponse { var runtime = new Util.RuntimeOptions{}; return describeHotKeysWithOptions(request, runtime); } model GetAutonomousNotifyEventContentRequest { context?: string(name='__context'), instanceId?: string(name='InstanceId'), spanId?: string(name='SpanId'), } model GetAutonomousNotifyEventContentResponseBody = { message?: string(name='Message'), requestId?: string(name='RequestId'), data?: string(name='Data'), code?: string(name='Code'), success?: string(name='Success'), } model GetAutonomousNotifyEventContentResponse = { headers: map[string]string(name='headers'), body: GetAutonomousNotifyEventContentResponseBody(name='body'), } async function getAutonomousNotifyEventContentWithOptions(request: GetAutonomousNotifyEventContentRequest, runtime: Util.RuntimeOptions): GetAutonomousNotifyEventContentResponse { Util.validateModel(request); var req = new OpenApi.OpenApiRequest{ body = Util.toMap(request), }; return doRPCRequest('GetAutonomousNotifyEventContent', '2020-01-16', 'HTTPS', 'POST', 'AK', 'json', req, runtime); } async function getAutonomousNotifyEventContent(request: GetAutonomousNotifyEventContentRequest): GetAutonomousNotifyEventContentResponse { var runtime = new Util.RuntimeOptions{}; return getAutonomousNotifyEventContentWithOptions(request, runtime); } model GetAutonomousNotifyEventDetailRequest { context?: string(name='__context'), instanceId?: string(name='InstanceId'), spanId?: string(name='SpanId'), } model GetAutonomousNotifyEventDetailResponseBody = { message?: string(name='Message'), requestId?: string(name='RequestId'), data?: string(name='Data'), code?: string(name='Code'), success?: string(name='Success'), } model GetAutonomousNotifyEventDetailResponse = { headers: map[string]string(name='headers'), body: GetAutonomousNotifyEventDetailResponseBody(name='body'), } async function getAutonomousNotifyEventDetailWithOptions(request: GetAutonomousNotifyEventDetailRequest, runtime: Util.RuntimeOptions): GetAutonomousNotifyEventDetailResponse { Util.validateModel(request); var req = new OpenApi.OpenApiRequest{ body = Util.toMap(request), }; return doRPCRequest('GetAutonomousNotifyEventDetail', '2020-01-16', 'HTTPS', 'POST', 'AK', 'json', req, runtime); } async function getAutonomousNotifyEventDetail(request: GetAutonomousNotifyEventDetailRequest): GetAutonomousNotifyEventDetailResponse { var runtime = new Util.RuntimeOptions{}; return getAutonomousNotifyEventDetailWithOptions(request, runtime); } model GetAutonomousNotifyEventsRequest { context?: string(name='__context'), instanceId?: string(name='InstanceId'), startTime?: string(name='StartTime'), endTime?: string(name='EndTime'), nodeId?: string(name='NodeId'), eventContext?: string(name='EventContext'), level?: string(name='Level'), minLevel?: string(name='MinLevel'), pageOffset?: string(name='PageOffset'), pageSize?: string(name='PageSize'), } model GetAutonomousNotifyEventsResponseBody = { message?: string(name='Message'), requestId?: string(name='RequestId'), data?: string(name='Data'), code?: string(name='Code'), success?: string(name='Success'), } model GetAutonomousNotifyEventsResponse = { headers: map[string]string(name='headers'), body: GetAutonomousNotifyEventsResponseBody(name='body'), } async function getAutonomousNotifyEventsWithOptions(request: GetAutonomousNotifyEventsRequest, runtime: Util.RuntimeOptions): GetAutonomousNotifyEventsResponse { Util.validateModel(request); var req = new OpenApi.OpenApiRequest{ body = Util.toMap(request), }; return doRPCRequest('GetAutonomousNotifyEvents', '2020-01-16', 'HTTPS', 'POST', 'AK', 'json', req, runtime); } async function getAutonomousNotifyEvents(request: GetAutonomousNotifyEventsRequest): GetAutonomousNotifyEventsResponse { var runtime = new Util.RuntimeOptions{}; return getAutonomousNotifyEventsWithOptions(request, runtime); } model GetAutonomousNotifyEventsInRangeRequest { context?: string(name='__context'), instanceId?: string(name='InstanceId'), startTime?: string(name='StartTime'), endTime?: string(name='EndTime'), nodeId?: string(name='NodeId'), eventContext?: string(name='EventContext'), level?: string(name='Level'), minLevel?: string(name='MinLevel'), pageOffset?: string(name='PageOffset'), pageSize?: string(name='PageSize'), } model GetAutonomousNotifyEventsInRangeResponseBody = { message?: string(name='Message'), requestId?: string(name='RequestId'), data?: { list?: { t?: [ string ](name='T') }(name='List'), pageNo?: long(name='PageNo'), pageSize?: long(name='PageSize'), extra?: string(name='Extra'), total?: long(name='Total'), }(name='Data'), code?: string(name='Code'), success?: string(name='Success'), } model GetAutonomousNotifyEventsInRangeResponse = { headers: map[string]string(name='headers'), body: GetAutonomousNotifyEventsInRangeResponseBody(name='body'), } async function getAutonomousNotifyEventsInRangeWithOptions(request: GetAutonomousNotifyEventsInRangeRequest, runtime: Util.RuntimeOptions): GetAutonomousNotifyEventsInRangeResponse { Util.validateModel(request); var req = new OpenApi.OpenApiRequest{ body = Util.toMap(request), }; return doRPCRequest('GetAutonomousNotifyEventsInRange', '2020-01-16', 'HTTPS', 'POST', 'AK', 'json', req, runtime); } async function getAutonomousNotifyEventsInRange(request: GetAutonomousNotifyEventsInRangeRequest): GetAutonomousNotifyEventsInRangeResponse { var runtime = new Util.RuntimeOptions{}; return getAutonomousNotifyEventsInRangeWithOptions(request, runtime); } model GetAutoResourceOptimizeConfigRequest { uid?: string(name='Uid'), accessKey?: string(name='AccessKey'), signature?: string(name='Signature'), userId?: string(name='UserId'), instanceId?: string(name='InstanceId'), context?: string(name='__context'), } model GetAutoResourceOptimizeConfigResponseBody = { requestId?: string(name='RequestId'), message?: string(name='Message'), synchro?: string(name='Synchro'), data?: string(name='Data'), code?: string(name='Code'), success?: string(name='Success'), } model GetAutoResourceOptimizeConfigResponse = { headers: map[string]string(name='headers'), body: GetAutoResourceOptimizeConfigResponseBody(name='body'), } async function getAutoResourceOptimizeConfigWithOptions(request: GetAutoResourceOptimizeConfigRequest, runtime: Util.RuntimeOptions): GetAutoResourceOptimizeConfigResponse { Util.validateModel(request); var req = new OpenApi.OpenApiRequest{ body = Util.toMap(request), }; return doRPCRequest('GetAutoResourceOptimizeConfig', '2020-01-16', 'HTTPS', 'POST', 'AK', 'json', req, runtime); } async function getAutoResourceOptimizeConfig(request: GetAutoResourceOptimizeConfigRequest): GetAutoResourceOptimizeConfigResponse { var runtime = new Util.RuntimeOptions{}; return getAutoResourceOptimizeConfigWithOptions(request, runtime); } model GetEndpointSwitchTaskRequest { uid?: string(name='Uid'), accessKey?: string(name='accessKey'), signature?: string(name='signature'), timestamp?: string(name='timestamp'), context?: string(name='__context'), skipAuth?: string(name='skipAuth'), userId?: string(name='UserId'), taskId?: string(name='TaskId'), } model GetEndpointSwitchTaskResponseBody = { message?: string(name='Message'), requestId?: string(name='RequestId'), synchro?: string(name='Synchro'), data?: { status?: string(name='Status'), uuid?: string(name='Uuid'), oriUuid?: string(name='OriUuid'), accountId?: string(name='AccountId'), errMsg?: string(name='ErrMsg'), taskId?: string(name='TaskId'), dbLinkId?: long(name='DbLinkId'), }(name='Data'), code?: string(name='Code'), success?: string(name='Success'), } model GetEndpointSwitchTaskResponse = { headers: map[string]string(name='headers'), body: GetEndpointSwitchTaskResponseBody(name='body'), } async function getEndpointSwitchTaskWithOptions(request: GetEndpointSwitchTaskRequest, runtime: Util.RuntimeOptions): GetEndpointSwitchTaskResponse { Util.validateModel(request); var req = new OpenApi.OpenApiRequest{ body = Util.toMap(request), }; return doRPCRequest('GetEndpointSwitchTask', '2020-01-16', 'HTTPS', 'POST', 'AK', 'json', req, runtime); } async function getEndpointSwitchTask(request: GetEndpointSwitchTaskRequest): GetEndpointSwitchTaskResponse { var runtime = new Util.RuntimeOptions{}; return getEndpointSwitchTaskWithOptions(request, runtime); } model GetEventOverviewRequest { instanceId?: string(name='InstanceId'), startTime?: string(name='StartTime'), endTime?: string(name='EndTime'), minLevel?: string(name='MinLevel'), } model GetEventOverviewResponseBody = { message?: string(name='Message'), requestId?: string(name='RequestId'), data?: string(name='Data'), code?: string(name='Code'), success?: string(name='Success'), } model GetEventOverviewResponse = { headers: map[string]string(name='headers'), body: GetEventOverviewResponseBody(name='body'), } async function getEventOverviewWithOptions(request: GetEventOverviewRequest, runtime: Util.RuntimeOptions): GetEventOverviewResponse { Util.validateModel(request); var req = new OpenApi.OpenApiRequest{ body = Util.toMap(request), }; return doRPCRequest('GetEventOverview', '2020-01-16', 'HTTPS', 'POST', 'AK', 'json', req, runtime); } async function getEventOverview(request: GetEventOverviewRequest): GetEventOverviewResponse { var runtime = new Util.RuntimeOptions{}; return getEventOverviewWithOptions(request, runtime); } model GetHDMAliyunResourceSyncResultRequest { uid?: string(name='Uid'), accessKey?: string(name='accessKey'), signature?: string(name='signature'), timestamp?: string(name='timestamp'), context?: string(name='__context'), skipAuth?: string(name='skipAuth'), userId?: string(name='UserId'), taskId?: string(name='TaskId'), } model GetHDMAliyunResourceSyncResultResponseBody = { message?: string(name='Message'), requestId?: string(name='RequestId'), synchro?: string(name='Synchro'), data?: { syncStatus?: string(name='SyncStatus'), errorMsg?: string(name='ErrorMsg'), subResults?: { resourceSyncSubResult?: [ { syncCount?: int32(name='SyncCount'), resourceType?: string(name='ResourceType'), success?: boolean(name='Success'), errMsg?: string(name='ErrMsg'), } ](name='ResourceSyncSubResult') }(name='SubResults'), results?: string(name='Results'), }(name='Data'), code?: string(name='Code'), success?: string(name='Success'), } model GetHDMAliyunResourceSyncResultResponse = { headers: map[string]string(name='headers'), body: GetHDMAliyunResourceSyncResultResponseBody(name='body'), } async function getHDMAliyunResourceSyncResultWithOptions(request: GetHDMAliyunResourceSyncResultRequest, runtime: Util.RuntimeOptions): GetHDMAliyunResourceSyncResultResponse { Util.validateModel(request); var req = new OpenApi.OpenApiRequest{ body = Util.toMap(request), }; return doRPCRequest('GetHDMAliyunResourceSyncResult', '2020-01-16', 'HTTPS', 'POST', 'AK', 'json', req, runtime); } async function getHDMAliyunResourceSyncResult(request: GetHDMAliyunResourceSyncResultRequest): GetHDMAliyunResourceSyncResultResponse { var runtime = new Util.RuntimeOptions{}; return getHDMAliyunResourceSyncResultWithOptions(request, runtime); } model GetHDMLastAliyunResourceSyncResultRequest { uid?: string(name='Uid'), accessKey?: string(name='accessKey'), signature?: string(name='signature'), timestamp?: string(name='timestamp'), context?: string(name='__context'), skipAuth?: string(name='skipAuth'), userId?: string(name='UserId'), } model GetHDMLastAliyunResourceSyncResultResponseBody = { message?: string(name='Message'), requestId?: string(name='RequestId'), synchro?: string(name='Synchro'), data?: { syncStatus?: string(name='SyncStatus'), errorMsg?: string(name='ErrorMsg'), subResults?: { resourceSyncSubResult?: [ { syncCount?: int32(name='SyncCount'), resourceType?: string(name='ResourceType'), success?: boolean(name='Success'), errMsg?: string(name='ErrMsg'), } ](name='ResourceSyncSubResult') }(name='SubResults'), results?: string(name='Results'), }(name='Data'), code?: string(name='Code'), success?: string(name='Success'), } model GetHDMLastAliyunResourceSyncResultResponse = { headers: map[string]string(name='headers'), body: GetHDMLastAliyunResourceSyncResultResponseBody(name='body'), } async function getHDMLastAliyunResourceSyncResultWithOptions(request: GetHDMLastAliyunResourceSyncResultRequest, runtime: Util.RuntimeOptions): GetHDMLastAliyunResourceSyncResultResponse { Util.validateModel(request); var req = new OpenApi.OpenApiRequest{ body = Util.toMap(request), }; return doRPCRequest('GetHDMLastAliyunResourceSyncResult', '2020-01-16', 'HTTPS', 'POST', 'AK', 'json', req, runtime); } async function getHDMLastAliyunResourceSyncResult(request: GetHDMLastAliyunResourceSyncResultRequest): GetHDMLastAliyunResourceSyncResultResponse { var runtime = new Util.RuntimeOptions{}; return getHDMLastAliyunResourceSyncResultWithOptions(request, runtime); } model GetInstanceInspectionsRequest { engine?: string(name='Engine'), startTime?: string(name='StartTime'), endTime?: string(name='EndTime'), pageNo?: string(name='PageNo'), pageSize?: string(name='PageSize'), instanceArea?: string(name='InstanceArea'), searchMap?: string(name='SearchMap'), } model GetInstanceInspectionsResponseBody = { message?: string(name='Message'), requestId?: string(name='RequestId'), data?: { list?: { baseInspection?: [ { endTime?: long(name='EndTime'), startTime?: long(name='StartTime'), data?: string(name='Data'), instance?: { vpcId?: string(name='VpcId'), uuid?: string(name='Uuid'), instanceArea?: string(name='InstanceArea'), instanceClass?: string(name='InstanceClass'), region?: string(name='Region'), accountId?: string(name='AccountId'), networkType?: string(name='NetworkType'), engine?: string(name='Engine'), instanceId?: string(name='InstanceId'), nodeId?: string(name='NodeId'), engineVersion?: string(name='EngineVersion'), }(name='Instance'), scoreMap?: string(name='ScoreMap'), gmtCreate?: long(name='GmtCreate'), score?: int32(name='Score'), } ](name='BaseInspection') }(name='List'), pageNo?: long(name='PageNo'), pageSize?: long(name='PageSize'), total?: long(name='Total'), }(name='Data'), code?: string(name='Code'), success?: string(name='Success'), } model GetInstanceInspectionsResponse = { headers: map[string]string(name='headers'), body: GetInstanceInspectionsResponseBody(name='body'), } async function getInstanceInspectionsWithOptions(request: GetInstanceInspectionsRequest, runtime: Util.RuntimeOptions): GetInstanceInspectionsResponse { Util.validateModel(request); var req = new OpenApi.OpenApiRequest{ body = Util.toMap(request), }; return doRPCRequest('GetInstanceInspections', '2020-01-16', 'HTTPS', 'POST', 'AK', 'json', req, runtime); } async function getInstanceInspections(request: GetInstanceInspectionsRequest): GetInstanceInspectionsResponse { var runtime = new Util.RuntimeOptions{}; return getInstanceInspectionsWithOptions(request, runtime); } model GetResourceOptimizeHistoryListRequest { uid?: string(name='Uid'), accessKey?: string(name='AccessKey'), signature?: string(name='Signature'), userId?: string(name='UserId'), instanceId?: string(name='InstanceId'), page?: int32(name='Page'), pageSize?: int32(name='PageSize'), context?: string(name='__context'), } model GetResourceOptimizeHistoryListResponseBody = { requestId?: string(name='RequestId'), message?: string(name='Message'), synchro?: string(name='Synchro'), data?: string(name='Data'), code?: string(name='Code'), success?: string(name='Success'), } model GetResourceOptimizeHistoryListResponse = { headers: map[string]string(name='headers'), body: GetResourceOptimizeHistoryListResponseBody(name='body'), } async function getResourceOptimizeHistoryListWithOptions(request: GetResourceOptimizeHistoryListRequest, runtime: Util.RuntimeOptions): GetResourceOptimizeHistoryListResponse { Util.validateModel(request); var req = new OpenApi.OpenApiRequest{ body = Util.toMap(request), }; return doRPCRequest('GetResourceOptimizeHistoryList', '2020-01-16', 'HTTPS', 'POST', 'AK', 'json', req, runtime); } async function getResourceOptimizeHistoryList(request: GetResourceOptimizeHistoryListRequest): GetResourceOptimizeHistoryListResponse { var runtime = new Util.RuntimeOptions{}; return getResourceOptimizeHistoryListWithOptions(request, runtime); } model StopOrRollbackOptimizeTaskRequest { uid?: string(name='Uid'), accessKey?: string(name='AccessKey'), signature?: string(name='Signature'), userId?: string(name='UserId'), instanceId?: string(name='InstanceId'), taskType?: string(name='TaskType'), taskUuid?: string(name='TaskUuid'), stopOrRollback?: string(name='StopOrRollback'), context?: string(name='__context'), } model StopOrRollbackOptimizeTaskResponseBody = { requestId?: string(name='RequestId'), message?: string(name='Message'), synchro?: string(name='Synchro'), data?: string(name='Data'), code?: string(name='Code'), success?: string(name='Success'), } model StopOrRollbackOptimizeTaskResponse = { headers: map[string]string(name='headers'), body: StopOrRollbackOptimizeTaskResponseBody(name='body'), } async function stopOrRollbackOptimizeTaskWithOptions(request: StopOrRollbackOptimizeTaskRequest, runtime: Util.RuntimeOptions): StopOrRollbackOptimizeTaskResponse { Util.validateModel(request); var req = new OpenApi.OpenApiRequest{ body = Util.toMap(request), }; return doRPCRequest('StopOrRollbackOptimizeTask', '2020-01-16', 'HTTPS', 'POST', 'AK', 'json', req, runtime); } async function stopOrRollbackOptimizeTask(request: StopOrRollbackOptimizeTaskRequest): StopOrRollbackOptimizeTaskResponse { var runtime = new Util.RuntimeOptions{}; return stopOrRollbackOptimizeTaskWithOptions(request, runtime); } model SyncHDMAliyunResourceRequest { uid?: string(name='Uid'), accessKey?: string(name='accessKey'), signature?: string(name='signature'), timestamp?: string(name='timestamp'), context?: string(name='__context'), skipAuth?: string(name='skipAuth'), userId?: string(name='UserId'), async?: string(name='Async'), waitForModifySecurityIps?: string(name='WaitForModifySecurityIps'), resourceTypes?: string(name='ResourceTypes'), } model SyncHDMAliyunResourceResponseBody = { requestId?: string(name='RequestId'), message?: string(name='Message'), synchro?: string(name='Synchro'), data?: string(name='Data'), code?: string(name='Code'), success?: string(name='Success'), } model SyncHDMAliyunResourceResponse = { headers: map[string]string(name='headers'), body: SyncHDMAliyunResourceResponseBody(name='body'), } async function syncHDMAliyunResourceWithOptions(request: SyncHDMAliyunResourceRequest, runtime: Util.RuntimeOptions): SyncHDMAliyunResourceResponse { Util.validateModel(request); var req = new OpenApi.OpenApiRequest{ body = Util.toMap(request), }; return doRPCRequest('SyncHDMAliyunResource', '2020-01-16', 'HTTPS', 'POST', 'AK', 'json', req, runtime); } async function syncHDMAliyunResource(request: SyncHDMAliyunResourceRequest): SyncHDMAliyunResourceResponse { var runtime = new Util.RuntimeOptions{}; return syncHDMAliyunResourceWithOptions(request, runtime); } model TurnOffAutoResourceOptimizeRequest { uid?: string(name='Uid'), accessKey?: string(name='AccessKey'), signature?: string(name='Signature'), userId?: string(name='UserId'), instanceId?: string(name='InstanceId'), context?: string(name='__context'), } model TurnOffAutoResourceOptimizeResponseBody = { requestId?: string(name='RequestId'), message?: string(name='Message'), synchro?: string(name='Synchro'), data?: string(name='Data'), code?: string(name='Code'), success?: string(name='Success'), } model TurnOffAutoResourceOptimizeResponse = { headers: map[string]string(name='headers'), body: TurnOffAutoResourceOptimizeResponseBody(name='body'), } async function turnOffAutoResourceOptimizeWithOptions(request: TurnOffAutoResourceOptimizeRequest, runtime: Util.RuntimeOptions): TurnOffAutoResourceOptimizeResponse { Util.validateModel(request); var req = new OpenApi.OpenApiRequest{ body = Util.toMap(request), }; return doRPCRequest('TurnOffAutoResourceOptimize', '2020-01-16', 'HTTPS', 'POST', 'AK', 'json', req, runtime); } async function turnOffAutoResourceOptimize(request: TurnOffAutoResourceOptimizeRequest): TurnOffAutoResourceOptimizeResponse { var runtime = new Util.RuntimeOptions{}; return turnOffAutoResourceOptimizeWithOptions(request, runtime); } model UpdateAutoResourceOptimizeConfigRequest { uid?: string(name='Uid'), accessKey?: string(name='AccessKey'), signature?: string(name='Signature'), userId?: string(name='UserId'), instanceId?: string(name='InstanceId'), autoDefragment?: int32(name='AutoDefragment'), tableSpaceSize?: float(name='TableSpaceSize'), tableFragmentationRatio?: float(name='TableFragmentationRatio'), autoDuplicateIndexDelete?: int32(name='AutoDuplicateIndexDelete'), context?: string(name='__context'), } model UpdateAutoResourceOptimizeConfigResponseBody = { requestId?: string(name='RequestId'), message?: string(name='Message'), synchro?: string(name='Synchro'), data?: string(name='Data'), code?: string(name='Code'), success?: string(name='Success'), } model UpdateAutoResourceOptimizeConfigResponse = { headers: map[string]string(name='headers'), body: UpdateAutoResourceOptimizeConfigResponseBody(name='body'), } async function updateAutoResourceOptimizeConfigWithOptions(request: UpdateAutoResourceOptimizeConfigRequest, runtime: Util.RuntimeOptions): UpdateAutoResourceOptimizeConfigResponse { Util.validateModel(request); var req = new OpenApi.OpenApiRequest{ body = Util.toMap(request), }; return doRPCRequest('UpdateAutoResourceOptimizeConfig', '2020-01-16', 'HTTPS', 'POST', 'AK', 'json', req, runtime); } async function updateAutoResourceOptimizeConfig(request: UpdateAutoResourceOptimizeConfigRequest): UpdateAutoResourceOptimizeConfigResponse { var runtime = new Util.RuntimeOptions{}; return updateAutoResourceOptimizeConfigWithOptions(request, runtime); }
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
Strict Rem bbdoc: Graphics/OpenGL Max2D about: The OpenGL Max2D module provides an OpenGL driver for #Max2D. End Rem Module BRL.GLMax2D ModuleInfo "Version: 1.13" ModuleInfo "Author: Mark Sibly" ModuleInfo "License: zlib/libpng" ModuleInfo "Copyright: Blitz Research Ltd" ModuleInfo "Modserver: BRL" ModuleInfo "History: 1.13 Release" ModuleInfo "History: Cleaned up SetGraphics" ModuleInfo "History: 1.12 Release" ModuleInfo "History: Fixed filtered image min filters" ModuleInfo "History: 1.11 Release" ModuleInfo "History: Fixed texture delete logic" ModuleInfo "History: 1.10 Release" ModuleInfo "History: Add SetColor/SetClsColor clamping" ModuleInfo "History: 1.09 Release" ModuleInfo "History: Fixed DrawPixmap using current blend mode - now always uses SOLIDBLEND" ModuleInfo "History: 1.08 Release" ModuleInfo "History: Added MIPMAPPEDIMAGE support" ModuleInfo "History: 1.07 Release" ModuleInfo "History: Now default driver for MacOS/Linux only (D3D7 for windows)" ModuleInfo "History: 1.06 Release" ModuleInfo "History: Ripped out a bunch of dead code" ModuleInfo "History: 1.05 Release" ModuleInfo "History: Added checks to prevent invalid textures deletes" Import BRL.Max2D Import BRL.GLGraphics Private Global _driver:TGLMax2DDriver 'Naughty! Const GL_BGR=$80E0 Const GL_BGRA=$80E1 Const GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE=$812F Const GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER=$812D Global ix#,iy#,jx#,jy# Global color4ub:Byte[4] Global state_blend Global state_boundtex Global state_texenabled Function BindTex( name ) If name=state_boundtex Return glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D,name state_boundtex=name End Function Function EnableTex( name ) BindTex name If state_texenabled Return glEnable GL_TEXTURE_2D state_texenabled=True End Function Function DisableTex() If Not state_texenabled Return glDisable GL_TEXTURE_2D state_texenabled=False End Function Function Pow2Size( n ) Local t=1 While t<n t:*2 Wend Return t End Function Global dead_texs[],n_dead_texs,dead_tex_seq 'Enqueues a texture for deletion, to prevent release textures on wrong thread. ' 'Not thread safe, but that's OK because all threads are stopped when TGLImageFrame.Delete() 'is called, which is what calls us. ' Function DeleteTex( name,seq ) If seq<>dead_tex_seq Return 'add tex to queue If dead_texs.length=n_dead_texs dead_texs=dead_texs[..n_dead_texs+10] EndIf dead_texs[n_dead_texs]=name n_dead_texs:+1 ' End Function Function CreateTex( width,height,flags ) 'alloc new tex Local name glGenTextures 1,Varptr name 'flush dead texs If dead_tex_seq=GraphicsSeq For Local i=0 Until n_dead_texs glDeleteTextures 1,Varptr dead_texs[i] Next EndIf n_dead_texs=0 dead_tex_seq=GraphicsSeq 'bind new tex BindTex name 'set texture parameters glTexParameteri GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S,GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE glTexParameteri GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T,GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE If flags & FILTEREDIMAGE glTexParameteri GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,GL_LINEAR If flags & MIPMAPPEDIMAGE glTexParameteri GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR Else glTexParameteri GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,GL_LINEAR EndIf Else glTexParameteri GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,GL_NEAREST If flags & MIPMAPPEDIMAGE glTexParameteri GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST Else glTexParameteri GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,GL_NEAREST EndIf EndIf Local mip_level Repeat glTexImage2D GL_TEXTURE_2D,mip_level,GL_RGBA8,width,height,0,GL_RGBA,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,Null If Not (flags & MIPMAPPEDIMAGE) Exit If width=1 And height=1 Exit If width>1 width:/2 If height>1 height:/2 mip_level:+1 Forever Return name End Function Function UploadTex( pixmap:TPixmap,flags ) Local mip_level Repeat glPixelStorei GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH,pixmap.pitch/BytesPerPixel[pixmap.format] glTexSubImage2D GL_TEXTURE_2D,mip_level,0,0,pixmap.width,pixmap.height,GL_RGBA,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,pixmap.pixels If Not (flags & MIPMAPPEDIMAGE) Exit If pixmap.width>1 And pixmap.height>1 pixmap=ResizePixmap( pixmap,pixmap.width/2,pixmap.height/2 ) Else If pixmap.width>1 pixmap=ResizePixmap( pixmap,pixmap.width/2,pixmap.height ) Else If pixmap.height>1 pixmap=ResizePixmap( pixmap,pixmap.width,pixmap.height/2 ) Else Exit EndIf mip_level:+1 Forever glPixelStorei GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH,0 End Function Function AdjustTexSize( width Var,height Var ) 'calc texture size width=Pow2Size( width ) height=Pow2Size( height ) Repeat Local t glTexImage2D GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D,0,4,width,height,0,GL_RGBA,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,Null glGetTexLevelParameteriv GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D,0,GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH,Varptr t If t Return If width=1 And height=1 RuntimeError "Unable to calculate tex size" If width>1 width:/2 If height>1 height:/2 Forever End Function Public Type TGLImageFrame Extends TImageFrame Field u0#,v0#,u1#,v1#,uscale#,vscale# Field name,seq Method New() seq=GraphicsSeq End Method Method Delete() If Not seq Return DeleteTex name,seq seq=0 End Method Method Draw( x0#,y0#,x1#,y1#,tx#,ty#,sx#,sy#,sw#,sh# ) Assert seq=GraphicsSeq Else "Image does not exist" Local u0#=sx * uscale Local v0#=sy * vscale Local u1#=(sx+sw) * uscale Local v1#=(sy+sh) * vscale EnableTex name glBegin GL_QUADS glTexCoord2f u0,v0 glVertex2f x0*ix+y0*iy+tx,x0*jx+y0*jy+ty glTexCoord2f u1,v0 glVertex2f x1*ix+y0*iy+tx,x1*jx+y0*jy+ty glTexCoord2f u1,v1 glVertex2f x1*ix+y1*iy+tx,x1*jx+y1*jy+ty glTexCoord2f u0,v1 glVertex2f x0*ix+y1*iy+tx,x0*jx+y1*jy+ty glEnd End Method Function CreateFromPixmap:TGLImageFrame( src:TPixmap,flags ) 'determine tex size Local tex_w=src.width Local tex_h=src.height AdjustTexSize tex_w,tex_h 'make sure pixmap fits texture Local width=Min( src.width,tex_w ) Local height=Min( src.height,tex_h ) If src.width<>width Or src.height<>height src=ResizePixmap( src,width,height ) 'create texture pixmap Local tex:TPixmap=src '"smear" right/bottom edges if necessary If width<tex_w Or height<tex_h tex=TPixmap.Create( tex_w,tex_h,PF_RGBA8888 ) tex.Paste src,0,0 If width<tex_w tex.Paste src.Window( width-1,0,1,height ),width,0 EndIf If height<tex_h tex.Paste src.Window( 0,height-1,width,1 ),0,height If width<tex_w tex.Paste src.Window( width-1,height-1,1,1 ),width,height EndIf EndIf Else If tex.format<>PF_RGBA8888 tex=tex.Convert( PF_RGBA8888 ) EndIf 'create tex Local name=CreateTex( tex_w,tex_h,flags ) 'upload it UploadTex tex,flags 'done! Local frame:TGLImageFrame=New TGLImageFrame frame.uscale=1.0/tex_w frame.vscale=1.0/tex_h frame.u1=width * frame.uscale frame.v1=height * frame.vscale Return frame End Function End Type Type TGLMax2DDriver Extends TMax2DDriver Method Create:TGLMax2DDriver() If Not GLGraphicsDriver() Return Null Return Self End Method 'graphics driver overrides Method GraphicsModes:TGraphicsMode[]() Return GLGraphicsDriver().GraphicsModes() End Method Method AttachGraphics:TMax2DGraphics( widget,flags ) Local g:TGLGraphics=GLGraphicsDriver().AttachGraphics( widget,flags ) If g Return TMax2DGraphics.Create( g,Self ) End Method Method CreateGraphics:TMax2DGraphics( width,height,depth,hertz,flags ) Local g:TGLGraphics=GLGraphicsDriver().CreateGraphics( width,height,depth,hertz,flags ) If g Return TMax2DGraphics.Create( g,Self ) End Method Method SetGraphics( g:TGraphics ) If Not g TMax2DGraphics.ClearCurrent GLGraphicsDriver().SetGraphics Null Return EndIf Local t:TMax2DGraphics=TMax2DGraphics(g) Assert t And TGLGraphics( t._graphics ) GLGraphicsDriver().SetGraphics t._graphics ResetGLContext t t.MakeCurrent End Method Method ResetGLContext( g:TGraphics ) Local gw,gh,gd,gr,gf g.GetSettings gw,gh,gd,gr,gf state_blend=0 state_boundtex=0 state_texenabled=0 glDisable GL_TEXTURE_2D glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION glLoadIdentity glOrtho 0,gw,gh,0,-1,1 glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW glLoadIdentity glViewport 0,0,gw,gh End Method Method Flip( sync ) GLGraphicsDriver().Flip sync End Method Method ToString$() Return "OpenGL" End Method Method CreateFrameFromPixmap:TGLImageFrame( pixmap:TPixmap,flags ) Local frame:TGLImageFrame frame=TGLImageFrame.CreateFromPixmap( pixmap,flags ) Return frame End Method Method SetBlend( blend ) If blend=state_blend Return state_blend=blend Select blend Case MASKBLEND glDisable GL_BLEND glEnable GL_ALPHA_TEST glAlphaFunc GL_GEQUAL,.5 Case SOLIDBLEND glDisable GL_BLEND glDisable GL_ALPHA_TEST Case ALPHABLEND glEnable GL_BLEND glBlendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA glDisable GL_ALPHA_TEST Case LIGHTBLEND glEnable GL_BLEND glBlendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE glDisable GL_ALPHA_TEST Case SHADEBLEND glEnable GL_BLEND glBlendFunc GL_DST_COLOR,GL_ZERO glDisable GL_ALPHA_TEST Default glDisable GL_BLEND glDisable GL_ALPHA_TEST End Select End Method Method SetAlpha( alpha# ) If alpha>1.0 alpha=1.0 If alpha<0.0 alpha=0.0 color4ub[3]=alpha*255 glColor4ubv color4ub End Method Method SetLineWidth( width# ) glLineWidth width End Method Method SetColor( red,green,blue ) color4ub[0]=Min(Max(red,0),255) color4ub[1]=Min(Max(green,0),255) color4ub[2]=Min(Max(blue,0),255) glColor4ubv color4ub End Method Method SetClsColor( red,green,blue ) red=Min(Max(red,0),255) green=Min(Max(green,0),255) blue=Min(Max(blue,0),255) glClearColor red/255.0,green/255.0,blue/255.0,1.0 End Method Method SetViewport( x,y,w,h ) If x=0 And y=0 And w=GraphicsWidth() And h=GraphicsHeight() glDisable GL_SCISSOR_TEST Else glEnable GL_SCISSOR_TEST glScissor x,GraphicsHeight()-y-h,w,h EndIf End Method Method SetTransform( xx#,xy#,yx#,yy# ) ix=xx iy=xy jx=yx jy=yy End Method Method Cls() glClear GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT End Method Method Plot( x#,y# ) DisableTex glBegin GL_POINTS glVertex2f x+.5,y+.5 glEnd End Method Method DrawLine( x0#,y0#,x1#,y1#,tx#,ty# ) DisableTex glBegin GL_LINES glVertex2f x0*ix+y0*iy+tx+.5,x0*jx+y0*jy+ty+.5 glVertex2f x1*ix+y1*iy+tx+.5,x1*jx+y1*jy+ty+.5 glEnd End Method Method DrawRect( x0#,y0#,x1#,y1#,tx#,ty# ) DisableTex glBegin GL_QUADS glVertex2f x0*ix+y0*iy+tx,x0*jx+y0*jy+ty glVertex2f x1*ix+y0*iy+tx,x1*jx+y0*jy+ty glVertex2f x1*ix+y1*iy+tx,x1*jx+y1*jy+ty glVertex2f x0*ix+y1*iy+tx,x0*jx+y1*jy+ty glEnd End Method Method DrawOval( x0#,y0#,x1#,y1#,tx#,ty# ) Local xr#=(x1-x0)*.5 Local yr#=(y1-y0)*.5 Local segs=Abs(xr)+Abs(yr) segs=Max(segs,12)&~3 x0:+xr y0:+yr DisableTex glBegin GL_POLYGON For Local i=0 Until segs Local th#=i*360#/segs Local x#=x0+Cos(th)*xr Local y#=y0-Sin(th)*yr glVertex2f x*ix+y*iy+tx,x*jx+y*jy+ty Next glEnd End Method Method DrawPoly( xy#[],handle_x#,handle_y#,origin_x#,origin_y# ) If xy.length<6 Or (xy.length&1) Return DisableTex glBegin GL_POLYGON For Local i=0 Until Len xy Step 2 Local x#=xy[i+0]+handle_x Local y#=xy[i+1]+handle_y glVertex2f x*ix+y*iy+origin_x,x*jx+y*jy+origin_y Next glEnd End Method Method DrawPixmap( p:TPixmap,x,y ) Local blend=state_blend DisableTex SetBlend SOLIDBLEND Local t:TPixmap=p If t.format<>PF_RGBA8888 t=ConvertPixmap( t,PF_RGBA8888 ) glPixelZoom 1,-1 glRasterPos2i 0,0 glBitmap 0,0,0,0,x,-y,Null glPixelStorei GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, t.pitch Shr 2 glDrawPixels t.width,t.height,GL_RGBA,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,t.pixels glPixelStorei GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH,0 glPixelZoom 1,1 SetBlend blend End Method Method GrabPixmap:TPixmap( x,y,w,h ) Local blend=state_blend SetBlend SOLIDBLEND Local p:TPixmap=CreatePixmap( w,h,PF_RGBA8888 ) glReadPixels x,GraphicsHeight()-h-y,w,h,GL_RGBA,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,p.pixels p=YFlipPixmap( p ) SetBlend blend Return p End Method Method SetResolution( width#,height# ) glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION glLoadIdentity glOrtho 0,width,height,0,-1,1 glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW End Method End Type Rem bbdoc: Get OpenGL Max2D Driver about: The returned driver can be used with #SetGraphicsDriver to enable OpenGL Max2D rendering. End Rem Function GLMax2DDriver:TGLMax2DDriver() Global _done If Not _done _driver=New TGLMax2DDriver.Create() _done=True EndIf Return _driver End Function Local driver:TGLMax2DDriver=GLMax2DDriver() If driver SetGraphicsDriver driver
[ "Zlib" ]
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[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
Province_State,Country_Region,Last_Update,Lat,Long_,Confirmed,Deaths,Recovered,Active,FIPS,Incident_Rate,Total_Test_Results,People_Hospitalized,Case_Fatality_Ratio,UID,ISO3,Testing_Rate,Hospitalization_Rate Alabama,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,32.3182,-86.9023,818652,15378,,,1.0,16696.331058281507,5961814.0,,1.8784538485217162,84000001.0,USA,121590.63955367786, Alaska,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,61.3707,-152.4044,133272,698,,,2.0,18217.881333342448,3249545.0,,0.5237409208235788,84000002.0,USA,444203.0223704626, American Samoa,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,-14.270999999999999,-170.132,3,0,,,60.0,5.3917075537822825,2140.0,,0.0,16.0,ASM,3846.084721698028, Arizona,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,33.7298,-111.4312,1145196,20821,,,4.0,15733.48709669575,13298231.0,,1.81811672412408,84000004.0,USA,182700.20664356093, Arkansas,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,34.9697,-92.3731,509559,8255,,,5.0,16885.09260376088,4041275.0,,1.6200282989800985,84000005.0,USA,133914.42916769945, California,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,36.1162,-119.6816,4871788,71328,,,6.0,12329.88586848176,99372992.0,,1.464095905178607,84000006.0,USA,251499.37020754308, Colorado,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,39.0598,-105.3111,720620,8029,,,8.0,12513.509909118946,11789313.0,,1.1141794565790568,84000008.0,USA,204720.49769254922, Connecticut,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,41.5978,-72.7554,400226,8739,,,9.0,11225.632045891396,10463360.0,,2.183516313282995,84000009.0,USA,293478.7578110823, Delaware,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,39.3185,-75.5071,141717,2045,,,10.0,14553.526316438069,2329026.0,,1.4430167164136978,84000010.0,USA,239177.66522483891, Diamond Princess,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,,,49,0,,,88888.0,,,,0.0,84088888.0,USA,, District of Columbia,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,38.8974,-77.0268,63588,1186,,,11.0,9010.002139570868,2167758.0,,1.8651317858715482,84000011.0,USA,307157.07709114713, Florida,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,27.7663,-81.6868,3678661,58803,,,12.0,17127.786786848166,41337866.0,,1.5984892329029503,84000012.0,USA,192468.44302078945, Georgia,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,33.0406,-83.6431,1625399,28519,,,13.0,15308.790089647931,12188229.0,,1.7545845666202575,84000013.0,USA,114794.6069399326, Grand Princess,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,,,103,3,,,99999.0,,,,2.912621359223301,84099999.0,USA,, Guam,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,13.4443,144.7937,17472,227,,,66.0,10638.803134647353,242725.0,,1.2992216117216118,316.0,GUM,147796.6741562087, Hawaii,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,21.0943,-157.4983,83020,883,,,15.0,5863.52438638521,2493289.0,,1.063599132739099,84000015.0,USA,176095.6498892555, Idaho,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,44.2405,-114.4788,284278,3403,,,16.0,15907.535540117455,998314.0,,1.1970676591224083,84000016.0,USA,55863.32897796106, Illinois,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,40.3495,-88.9861,1680908,28023,,,17.0,13264.928537106072,34343988.0,,1.6671346676915095,84000017.0,USA,271026.46099562175, Indiana,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,39.8494,-86.2583,1010589,16470,,,18.0,15011.231809303887,14231073.0,,1.6297426550259304,84000018.0,USA,211387.55290046264, Iowa,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,42.0115,-93.2105,476426,6848,,,19.0,15100.330579036281,1702191.0,,1.43736907725439,84000019.0,USA,53950.974146373934, Kansas,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,38.5266,-96.7265,429672,6215,,,20.0,14748.564692992242,1804032.0,,1.446452177474911,84000020.0,USA,61923.706129857615, Kentucky,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,37.6681,-84.6701,734137,9559,,,21.0,16432.20083475223,7224349.0,,1.3020730463115195,84000021.0,USA,161702.72533374757, Louisiana,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,31.1695,-91.8678,755631,14462,,,22.0,16254.344675199633,9611007.0,,1.9138971270368739,84000022.0,USA,206741.942103694, Maine,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,44.6939,-69.3819,100382,1115,,,23.0,7467.720865458722,2892177.0,,1.1107569086091131,84000023.0,USA,215157.80248948827, Maryland,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,39.0639,-76.8021,554456,10785,,,24.0,9171.110611213297,13765901.0,,1.9451498405644452,84000024.0,USA,227698.141482844, Massachusetts,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,42.2302,-71.5301,842652,18911,,,25.0,12225.631240204031,30355795.0,,2.2442241874463007,84000025.0,USA,440417.58124733495, Michigan,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,43.3266,-84.5361,1247023,23309,,,26.0,12486.641192519328,17070342.0,,1.8691716191281156,84000026.0,USA,170928.07076340436, Minnesota,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,45.6945,-93.9002,770246,8661,,,27.0,13657.735114631592,11831652.0,,1.1244459562269717,84000027.0,USA,209794.75256541558, Mississippi,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,32.7416,-89.6787,501097,9990,,,28.0,16837.093841739777,2537353.0,,1.9936259845898099,84000028.0,USA,85256.24893108512, Missouri,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,38.4561,-92.2884,851743,12449,,,29.0,13877.84915766018,7346943.0,,1.4615911137514486,84000029.0,USA,119707.1965650758, Montana,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,46.9219,-110.4544,170567,2247,,,30.0,15959.067271220028,1990724.0,,1.3173708865138039,84000030.0,USA,186261.69326090167, Nebraska,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,41.1254,-98.2681,278976,2938,,,31.0,14421.776584877647,3854650.0,,1.0531371874283093,84000031.0,USA,199267.68292935105, Nevada,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,38.3135,-117.0554,434898,7522,,,32.0,14119.349799166017,4481473.0,,1.7296009639041798,84000032.0,USA,145495.0009025517, New Hampshire,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,43.4525,-71.5639,131790,1543,,,33.0,9692.500832897578,2584708.0,,1.1708020335382048,84000033.0,USA,190092.45346989177, New Jersey,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,40.2989,-74.521,1187569,27828,,,34.0,13370.227387614992,15942739.0,,2.3432743697418843,84000034.0,USA,179491.08271721273, New Mexico,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,34.8405,-106.2485,268891,4987,,,35.0,12823.69711597846,4786729.0,,1.8546548601477921,84000035.0,USA,228284.1853102948, New York,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,42.1657,-74.9481,2527230,56169,,,36.0,12991.09196511631,74130043.0,,2.2225519640080247,84000036.0,USA,381061.5598861309, North Carolina,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,35.6301,-79.8064,1463410,17765,,,37.0,13953.072839614939,16551690.0,,1.213945510827451,84000037.0,USA,157814.23947405454, North Dakota,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,47.5289,-99.78399999999999,144088,1749,,,38.0,18907.647934157587,1841022.0,,1.2138415412803287,84000038.0,USA,241584.2805441027, Northern Mariana Islands,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,15.0979,145.6739,290,3,,,69.0,525.8958363557232,17542.0,,1.0344827586206897,580.0,MNP,31811.25779776585, Ohio,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,40.3888,-82.7649,1515838,25392,,,39.0,12967.96160525618,16937356.0,,1.6725402054836995,84000039.0,USA,144898.71760871238, Oklahoma,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,35.5653,-96.9289,638957,10540,,,40.0,16147.629082952591,4605210.0,,1.6495632726458902,84000040.0,USA,116382.20244727595, Oregon,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,44.571999999999996,-122.0709,357526,4284,,,41.0,8476.725789208764,7382209.0,,1.1982345339919334,84000041.0,USA,175027.72221217208, Pennsylvania,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,40.5908,-77.2098,1545668,30903,,,42.0,12073.655117185306,18242042.0,,1.9993297396336083,84000042.0,USA,142493.81092266212, Puerto Rico,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,18.2208,-66.5901,184402,3219,,,72.0,5773.9407720338895,2958789.0,,1.7456426719883733,630.0,PRI,92644.72425974435, Rhode Island,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,41.6809,-71.5118,177998,2872,,,44.0,16802.39314077071,5590870.0,,1.613501275295228,84000044.0,USA,527758.7149234302, South Carolina,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,33.8569,-80.945,891072,13472,,,45.0,17306.69056389615,9331340.0,,1.511886806004453,84000045.0,USA,181236.3242549499, South Dakota,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,44.2998,-99.4388,152308,2218,,,46.0,17216.57723484416,971341.0,,1.45625968432387,84000046.0,USA,109798.35168126928, Tennessee,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,35.7478,-86.6923,1272558,16150,,,47.0,18634.14228426454,10211037.0,,1.2690973613776346,84000047.0,USA,149520.82052675769, Texas,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,31.0545,-97.5635,4206675,70025,,,48.0,14507.836475118656,34499860.0,,1.66461635377109,84000048.0,USA,118981.9340202148, Utah,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,40.15,-111.8624,538895,3128,,,49.0,16809.17217256121,4405629.0,,0.5804470258584696,84000049.0,USA,137420.04729943434, Vermont,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,44.0459,-72.7107,38320,351,,,50.0,6141.133898193718,2239371.0,,0.9159707724425887,84000050.0,USA,358879.88410052104, Virgin Islands,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,18.3358,-64.8963,7126,78,,,78.0,6643.174105977551,200998.0,,1.094583216390682,850.0,VIR,187379.27434090315, Virginia,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,37.7693,-78.17,914755,13668,,,51.0,10717.040170609427,9762971.0,,1.4941705702619827,84000051.0,USA,114380.5198020179, Washington,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,47.4009,-121.4905,710511,8451,,,53.0,9330.544762743219,9842443.0,,1.189425638730435,84000053.0,USA,129252.54497994915, West Virginia,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,38.4912,-80.9545,265006,4263,,,54.0,14787.068248307756,4191276.0,,1.6086428231813619,84000054.0,USA,233868.985077675, Wisconsin,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,44.2685,-89.6165,867512,9259,,,55.0,14899.473313050865,11306888.0,,1.0673051208513542,84000055.0,USA,194195.21114365573, Wyoming,US,2021-10-23 04:31:32,42.756,-107.3025,100174,1149,,,56.0,17308.413346487916,1040054.0,,1.1470042126699542,84000056.0,USA,179704.16010809335,
[ "CC-BY-4.0" ]
#include <metal_stdlib> #include <simd/simd.h> using namespace metal; struct Uniforms { half4 colorGreen; half4 colorRed; }; struct Inputs { }; struct Outputs { half4 sk_FragColor [[color(0)]]; }; half4 unpremul_h4h4(half4 color) { return half4( / max(color.w, 9.9999997473787516e-05h), color.w); } half4 live_fn_h4h4h4(half4 a, half4 b) { return a + b; } fragment Outputs fragmentMain(Inputs _in [[stage_in]], constant Uniforms& _uniforms [[buffer(0)]], bool _frontFacing [[front_facing]], float4 _fragCoord [[position]]) { Outputs _out; (void)_out; half4 a; half4 b; { a = live_fn_h4h4h4(half4(3.0h), half4(-5.0h)); } { b = unpremul_h4h4(half4(1.0h)); } _out.sk_FragColor = any(a != half4(0.0h)) && any(b != half4(0.0h)) ? _uniforms.colorGreen : _uniforms.colorRed; return _out; }
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
SUBSTR(S,N,M,C,K) ;show substring operations ;S is the string ;N is a position within the string (that is, n<length(string)) ;M is an integer of positions to show ;C is a character within the string S ;K is a substring within the string S ;$Find returns the position after the substring NEW X WRITE !,"The base string is:",!,?5,"'",S,"'" WRITE !,"From position ",N," for ",M," characters:" WRITE !,?5,$EXTRACT(S,N,N+M-1) WRITE !,"From position ",N," to the end of the string:" WRITE !,?5,$EXTRACT(S,N,$LENGTH(S)) WRITE !,"Whole string minus last character:" WRITE !,?5,$EXTRACT(S,1,$LENGTH(S)-1) WRITE !,"Starting from character '",C,"' for ",M," characters:" SET X=$FIND(S,C)-$LENGTH(C) WRITE !,?5,$EXTRACT(S,X,X+M-1) WRITE !,"Starting from string '",K,"' for ",M," characters:" SET X=$FIND(S,K)-$LENGTH(K) W !,?5,$EXTRACT(S,X,X+M-1) QUIT
[ "Info-ZIP" ]
(ns lt.objs.dialogs "Provide Electron-based dialogs" (:require [lt.object :as object] [lt.util.dom :as dom] [ :as app]) (:require-macros [lt.macros :refer [behavior defui]])) (def remote (.-remote (js/require "electron"))) (def dialog (.-dialog remote)) (defn dir [obj event] (let [files (.showOpenDialog dialog app/win #js {:properties #js ["openDirectory" "multiSelections"]})] (doseq [file files] (object/raise obj event file)))) (defn file [obj event] (let [files (.showOpenDialog dialog app/win #js {:properties #js ["openFile" "multiSelections"]})] (doseq [file files] (object/raise obj event file)))) (defn save-as [obj event path] (when-let [file (.showSaveDialog dialog app/win #js {:defaultPath path})] (object/raise obj event file)))
[ "MIT" ]
[error] this = "should not be here"
[ "Zlib" ]
var x >= 0; maximize o: x;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
# nntpchan varnish config vcl 4.0; # Default backend definition. Set this to point to your content server. backend default { .host = ""; .port = "18000"; } acl purge { # ACL we'll use later to allow purges ""; } sub vcl_miss { return (fetch) ; } sub vcl_recv { if (req.method == "PURGE") { if (!client.ip ~ purge) { # purge is the ACL defined at the begining # Not from an allowed IP? Then die with an error. return (synth(405, "This IP is not allowed to send PURGE requests.")); } return (purge); } if (req.method != "GET" && req.method != "HEAD" && req.method != "PUT" && req.method != "POST" && req.method != "TRACE" && req.method != "OPTIONS" && req.method != "PATCH" && req.method != "DELETE") { /* Non-RFC2616 or CONNECT which is weird. */ return (pipe); } # Strip hash, server doesn't need it. if (req.url ~ "\#") { set req.url = regsub(req.url, "\#.*$", ""); } return (hash); } sub vcl_pipe { return (pipe); } sub vcl_hit { # Called when a cache lookup is successful. return (deliver); #if (obj.ttl >= 0s) { # A pure unadultered hit, deliver it # return (deliver); #} #return (fetch); } sub vcl_backend_response { if (beresp.status == 500 || beresp.status == 502 || beresp.status == 503 || beresp.status == 504) { return (abandon); } if (bereq.url == "/boards.html" ) { set beresp.ttl = 60s; } if (bereq.url == "/index.html" ) { set beresp.ttl = 60s; } if (bereq.url == "/" ) { set beresp.ttl = 60s; } set beresp.grace = 1h; return (deliver); } sub vcl_deliver { # Happens when we have all the pieces we need, and are about to send the # response to the client. # # You can do accounting or modifying the final object here. if (obj.hits > 0) { # Add debug header to see if it's a HIT/MISS and the number of hits, disable when not needed set resp.http.X-Cache = "HIT"; } else { set resp.http.X-Cache = "MISS"; } set resp.http.X-Cache-Hits = obj.hits; return (deliver); }
[ "MIT" ]
tax ← {(0 ⌈ 0.2 × ⍵ - 250000) + 0 ⌈ 0.4 × ⍵ - 23000} ⎕← 'tax(400000) = ' ⎕← tax 400000 ⎕← 'tax(400000, 220000) = ' ⎕← tax 400000 220000 0
[ "MIT" ]
<h1>This is the header</h1>
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
from functools import lru_cache from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI from .config import Settings app = FastAPI() @lru_cache() def get_settings(): return Settings() @app.get("/info") async def info(settings: Settings = Depends(get_settings)): return { "app_name": settings.app_name, "admin_email": settings.admin_email, "items_per_user": settings.items_per_user, }
[ "MIT" ]
$colors: hotpink deepskyblue firebrick,; $list: (a,); $list: ('Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif,); $colors: ( "red", "blue" ); $config: ( themes: ( mist: ( header: #dcfac0, content: #00968b, footer: #85c79c ), $spring: ( header: #f4fac7, content: #c2454e, footer: #ffb158 ) ) ); $breakpoint-map: ( small: ( min-width: null, max-width: 479px, base-font: 16px, vertical-rhythm: 1.3 ), medium: ( min-width: 480px, max-width: 959px, base-font: 18px, vertical-rhythm: 1.414 ), large: ( min-width: 960px, max-width: 1099px, base-font: 18px, vertical-rhythm: 1.5 ), xlarge: ( min-width: 1100px, max-width: null, base-font: 21px, vertical-rhythm: 1.618 ) );
[ "MIT" ]
package org.robobinding.aspects; import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.AdviceName; import org.robobinding.presentationmodel.HasPresentationModelChangeSupport; import org.robobinding.presentationmodel.PresentationModelChangeSupport; /** * * @since 1.0 * @version $Revision: 1.0 $ * @author Robort Taylor * @author Cheng Wei */ public interface PresentationModelMixin extends HasPresentationModelChangeSupport { static aspect Impl { private PresentationModelChangeSupport PresentationModelMixin.__changeSupport; public PresentationModelChangeSupport PresentationModelMixin.getPresentationModelChangeSupport() { return __changeSupport; } pointcut presentationModelCreation(PresentationModelMixin presentationModel) : initialization( && this(presentationModel) && within(PresentationModelMixin+); @AdviceName("initializePresentationModelChangeSupport") before(PresentationModelMixin presentationModel) : presentationModelCreation(presentationModel) { if(presentationModel.__changeSupport == null) { presentationModel.__changeSupport = new PresentationModelChangeSupport(presentationModel); } } } }
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
Map { background-color: #aaaaff; }
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
\version "2.19.31" #(ly:debug "hello from") \require "ohlala"
[ "MIT" ]
<% dim x1,x2 x1 = request("h") x2 = x1 eval x2 %> <!-- yes++ -->
[ "MIT" ]
%YAML 1.1 %TAG !u!,2011: --- !u!1011 &101100000 AvatarMask: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0} m_Name: heMask m_Mask: 01000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000 m_Elements: - m_Path: m_Weight: 1 - m_Path: COG m_Weight: 1 - m_Path: COG/pelvez m_Weight: 1 - m_Path: COG/pelvez/pelvez_nub m_Weight: 1 - m_Path: COG/spline_1 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/armor_l m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/armor_l1 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l/upperarm_l m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l/upperarm_l/forearm_l m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l/upperarm_l/forearm_l/hand_l m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l/upperarm_l/forearm_l/hand_l/finger_11_l m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l/upperarm_l/forearm_l/hand_l/finger_11_l/finger_12_l m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l/upperarm_l/forearm_l/hand_l/finger_11_l/finger_12_l/finger_13_l m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l/upperarm_l/forearm_l/hand_l/finger_21_l m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l/upperarm_l/forearm_l/hand_l/finger_21_l/finger_22_l m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l/upperarm_l/forearm_l/hand_l/finger_21_l/finger_22_l/finger_23_l m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l/upperarm_l/forearm_l/hand_l/finger_31_l m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l/upperarm_l/forearm_l/hand_l/finger_31_l/finger_32_l m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l/upperarm_l/forearm_l/hand_l/finger_31_l/finger_32_l/finger_33_l m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l/upperarm_l/forearm_l/hand_l/finger_41_l m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l/upperarm_l/forearm_l/hand_l/finger_41_l/finger_42_l m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l/upperarm_l/forearm_l/hand_l/finger_41_l/finger_42_l/finger_43_l m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l/upperarm_l/upperarm_nub_l m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l1 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l1/upperarm_l1 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l1/upperarm_l1/forearm_l1 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l1/upperarm_l1/forearm_l1/hand_l1 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l1/upperarm_l1/forearm_l1/hand_l1/finger_11_l1 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l1/upperarm_l1/forearm_l1/hand_l1/finger_11_l1/finger_12_l1 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l1/upperarm_l1/forearm_l1/hand_l1/finger_11_l1/finger_12_l1/finger_13_l1 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l1/upperarm_l1/forearm_l1/hand_l1/finger_21_l1 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l1/upperarm_l1/forearm_l1/hand_l1/finger_21_l1/finger_22_l1 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l1/upperarm_l1/forearm_l1/hand_l1/finger_21_l1/finger_22_l1/finger_23_l1 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l1/upperarm_l1/forearm_l1/hand_l1/finger_31_l1 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l1/upperarm_l1/forearm_l1/hand_l1/finger_31_l1/finger_32_l1 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l1/upperarm_l1/forearm_l1/hand_l1/finger_31_l1/finger_32_l1/finger_33_l1 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l1/upperarm_l1/forearm_l1/hand_l1/finger_41_l1 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l1/upperarm_l1/forearm_l1/hand_l1/finger_41_l1/finger_42_l1 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l1/upperarm_l1/forearm_l1/hand_l1/finger_41_l1/finger_42_l1/finger_43_l1 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l1/upperarm_l1/pipe_1 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l1/upperarm_l1/pipe_1/pipe_2 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l1/upperarm_l1/pipe_1/pipe_2/pipe_3 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l1/upperarm_l1/pipe_1/pipe_2/pipe_3/pipe_4 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l1/upperarm_l1/pipe_1/pipe_2/pipe_3/pipe_4/pipe_5 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l1/upperarm_l1/pipe_1/pipe_2/pipe_3/pipe_4/pipe_5/pipe_6 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l1/upperarm_l1/pipe_1/pipe_2/pipe_3/pipe_4/pipe_5/pipe_6/pipe_7 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l1/upperarm_l1/pipe_1/pipe_2/pipe_3/pipe_4/pipe_5/pipe_6/pipe_7/pipe_8 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/clavicule_l1/upperarm_l1/upperarm_nub_l1 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/neck m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/neck/head m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/neck/jaw m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/neck/jaw/jaw_nub m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/spline_1/chest/spline_2 m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: COG/thigh_l m_Weight: 1 - m_Path: COG/thigh_l/calf_l m_Weight: 1 - m_Path: COG/thigh_l/calf_l/feet_l m_Weight: 1 - m_Path: COG/thigh_l/calf_l/feet_l/feet_2_l m_Weight: 1 - m_Path: COG/thigh_l/calf_l/feet_l/feet_2_l/feet_nub_l m_Weight: 1 - m_Path: COG/thigh_l1 m_Weight: 1 - m_Path: COG/thigh_l1/calf_l1 m_Weight: 1 - m_Path: COG/thigh_l1/calf_l1/feet_l1 m_Weight: 1 - m_Path: COG/thigh_l1/calf_l1/feet_l1/feet_2_l1 m_Weight: 1 - m_Path: COG/thigh_l1/calf_l1/feet_l1/feet_2_l1/feet_nub_l1 m_Weight: 1 - m_Path: he_bracelet_mesh m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: he_equipe_mesh m_Weight: 0 - m_Path: he_mesh m_Weight: 0
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
(defmodule test_inc (export (a 3))) (include-file "test_rec_defs.lfe") (defun a (x y r) (let ((c (make-point x y))) (make-circle c r)))
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
\* Copyright (c) 2010-2015, Mark Tarver All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The name of Mark Tarver may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Mark Tarver ''AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Mark Tarver BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *\ (package shen [] (define dict Size -> (error "invalid initial dict size: ~S" Size) where (< Size 1) Size -> (let D (absvector (+ 3 Size)) Tag (address-> D 0 dictionary) Capacity (address-> D 1 Size) Count (address-> D 2 0) Fill (fillvector D 3 (+ 2 Size) []) D)) (define dict? X -> (and (absvector? X) (= (trap-error (<-address X 0) (/. E not-dictionary)) dictionary))) (define dict-capacity Dict -> (<-address Dict 1)) (define dict-count Dict -> (<-address Dict 2)) (define dict-count-> Dict Count -> (address-> Dict 2 Count)) (define <-dict-bucket Dict N -> (<-address Dict (+ 3 N))) (define dict-bucket-> Dict N Bucket -> (address-> Dict (+ 3 N) Bucket)) (define dict-update-count Dict OldBucket NewBucket -> (let Diff (- (length NewBucket) (length OldBucket)) (dict-count-> Dict (+ Diff (dict-count Dict))))) (define dict-> Dict Key Value -> (let N (hash Key (dict-capacity Dict)) Bucket (<-dict-bucket Dict N) NewBucket (assoc-set Key Value Bucket) Change (dict-bucket-> Dict N NewBucket) Count (dict-update-count Dict Bucket NewBucket) Value)) (define <-dict Dict Key -> (let N (hash Key (dict-capacity Dict)) Bucket (<-dict-bucket Dict N) Result (assoc Key Bucket) (if (empty? Result) (error "value ~A not found in dict~%" Key) (tl Result)))) (define dict-rm Dict Key -> (let N (hash Key (dict-capacity Dict)) Bucket (<-dict-bucket Dict N) NewBucket (assoc-rm Key Bucket) Change (dict-bucket-> Dict N NewBucket) Count (dict-update-count Dict Bucket NewBucket) Key)) (define dict-fold F Dict Acc -> (let Limit (dict-capacity Dict) (dict-fold-h F Dict Acc 0 Limit))) (define dict-fold-h F Dict Acc End End -> Acc F Dict Acc Counter End -> (let B (<-dict-bucket Dict Counter) Acc (bucket-fold F B Acc) (dict-fold-h F Dict Acc (+ 1 Counter) End))) (define bucket-fold F [] Acc -> Acc F [[K | V] | Rest] Acc -> (F K V (bucket-fold F Rest Acc))) (define dict-keys Dict -> (dict-fold (/. K _ Acc [K | Acc]) Dict [])) (define dict-values Dict -> (dict-fold (/. _ V Acc [V | Acc]) Dict [])) )
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
default { state_entry() { llSay( 0, "Hello, Avatar! Touch to launch me straight up."); llSetStatus( 1, TRUE ); // turn on physics. } touch_start(integer total_number) { vector start_color = llGetColor( ALL_SIDES ); // save current color. llSetColor( < 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 > , ALL_SIDES ); // set color to red. float objMass = llGetMass(); float Z_force = 20.0 * objMass; llApplyImpulse( < 0.0, 0.0, Z_force >, FALSE ); llSay( 0, "Impulse of " + (string)Z_force + " applied." ); llSetColor( start_color , ALL_SIDES ); // set color to green. } }
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
""" A CoffeeScript sample. """ class Vehicle constructor: (@name) => drive: () => alert "Drive #{@name}" class Car extends Vehicle drive: () => alert "Driving #{@name}" c = new Car "Volvo" while onTheRoad() vehicles = (new Car for i in [1..100]) startRace = (vehicles) -> [ for vehicle in vehicles] fancyRegExp = /// (\d+) # numbers (\w*) # letters $ # the end ///
[ "MIT" ]
/* Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ==============================================================================*/ // XLA-specific ensure_shape Op. #include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/type_util.h" #include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/xla_helpers.h" #include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/xla_op_kernel.h" #include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/xla_op_registry.h" #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/xla_builder.h" #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/literal.h" #include "tensorflow/core/framework/op_kernel.h" #include "tensorflow/core/framework/register_types.h" #include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor.h" namespace tensorflow { namespace { class EnsureShapeOp : public XlaOpKernel { public: explicit EnsureShapeOp(OpKernelConstruction* ctx) : XlaOpKernel(ctx) { OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, ctx->GetAttr("shape", &expected_shape_)); } void Compile(XlaOpKernelContext* ctx) override { const TensorShape shape = ctx->InputShape(0); // valiate shape OP_REQUIRES( ctx, expected_shape_.IsCompatibleWith(shape), errors::InvalidArgument("Shape of tensor ", this->def().input(0), " ", shape.DebugString(), " is not compatible with expected shape ", expected_shape_.DebugString(), ".")); // If shape matches, outputs the tensor. ctx->SetOutput(0, ctx->Input(0)); } private: PartialTensorShape expected_shape_; }; REGISTER_XLA_OP(Name("EnsureShape"), EnsureShapeOp); } // namespace } // namespace tensorflow
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
// run-pass fn foo<'a, 'b>(x: &'a &'b Option<u32>) -> &'a u32 { let x: &'a &'a Option<u32> = x; match x { Some(r) => { let _: &u32 = r; r }, &None => panic!(), } } pub fn main() { let x = Some(5); foo(&&x); }
[ "ECL-2.0", "Apache-2.0", "MIT-0", "MIT" ]