Search is not available for this dataset
/* * FreeRTOS Kernel V10.1.1 * Copyright (C) 2018, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * * * * 1 tab == 4 spaces! */ /* * This file contains a demo created to execute on the Rowley Associates * LPC2138 CrossFire development board. * * main() creates all the demo application tasks, then starts the scheduler. * The WEB documentation provides more details of the standard demo application * tasks. * * Main.c also creates a task called "Check". This only executes every few * seconds but has a high priority so is guaranteed to get processor time. * Its function is to check that all the other tasks are still operational. * Each standard demo task maintains a unique count that is incremented each * time the task successfully completes its function. Should any error occur * within such a task the count is permanently halted. The check task inspects * the count of each task to ensure it has changed since the last time the * check task executed. If all the count variables have changed all the tasks * are still executing error free, and the check task writes "PASS" to the * CrossStudio terminal IO window. Should any task contain an error at any time * the error is latched and "FAIL" written to the terminal IO window. * * Finally, main() sets up an interrupt service routine and task to handle * pushes of the button that is built into the CrossFire board. When the button * is pushed the ISR wakes the button task - which generates a table of task * status information which is also displayed on the terminal IO window. * * A print task is defined to ensure exclusive and consistent access to the * terminal IO. This is the only task that is allowed to access the terminal. * The check and button task therefore do not access the terminal directly but * instead pass a pointer to the message they wish to display to the print task. */ /* Standard includes. */ #include <__cross_studio_io.h> /* Scheduler includes. */ #include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "task.h" #include "queue.h" #include "semphr.h" /* Demo app includes. */ #include "BlockQ.h" #include "death.h" #include "dynamic.h" #include "integer.h" #include "PollQ.h" #include "blocktim.h" #include "recmutex.h" #include "semtest.h" /* Hardware configuration definitions. */ #define mainBUS_CLK_FULL ( ( unsigned char ) 0x01 ) #define mainLED_BIT 0x80000000 #define mainP0_14__EINT_1 ( 2 << 28 ) #define mainEINT_1_EDGE_SENSITIVE 2 #define mainEINT_1_FALLING_EDGE_SENSITIVE 0 #define mainEINT_1_CHANNEL 15 #define mainEINT_1_VIC_CHANNEL_BIT ( 1 << mainEINT_1_CHANNEL ) #define mainEINT_1_ENABLE_BIT ( 1 << 5 ) /* Demo application definitions. */ #define mainQUEUE_SIZE ( 3 ) #define mainLED_DELAY ( ( TickType_t ) 500 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) #define mainERROR_LED_DELAY ( ( TickType_t ) 50 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) #define mainCHECK_DELAY ( ( TickType_t ) 5000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) #define mainLIST_BUFFER_SIZE 2048 #define mainNO_DELAY ( 0 ) #define mainSHORT_DELAY ( 150 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) /* Task priorities. */ #define mainLED_TASK_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2 ) #define mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2 ) #define mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 3 ) #define mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1 ) #define mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2 ) #define mainPRINT_TASK_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 0 ) /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* The semaphore used to wake the button task from within the external interrupt handler. */ SemaphoreHandle_t xButtonSemaphore; /* The queue that is used to send message to vPrintTask for display in the terminal output window. */ QueueHandle_t xPrintQueue; /* The rate at which the LED will toggle. The toggle rate increases if an error is detected in any task. */ static TickType_t xLED_Delay = mainLED_DELAY; /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Simply flashes the on board LED every mainLED_DELAY milliseconds. */ static void vLEDTask( void *pvParameters ); /* * Checks the status of all the demo tasks then prints a message to the * CrossStudio terminal IO windows. The message will be either PASS or FAIL * depending on the status of the demo applications tasks. A FAIL status will * be latched. * * Messages are not written directly to the terminal, but passed to vPrintTask * via a queue. */ static void vCheckTask( void *pvParameters ); /* * Controls all terminal output. If a task wants to send a message to the * terminal IO it posts a pointer to the text to vPrintTask via a queue. This * ensures serial access to the terminal IO. */ static void vPrintTask( void *pvParameter ); /* * Simply waits for an interrupt to be generated from the built in button, then * generates a table of tasks states that is then written by vPrintTask to the * terminal output window within CrossStudio. */ static void vButtonHandlerTask( void *pvParameters ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ int main( void ) { /* Setup the peripheral bus to be the same as the PLL output. */ VPBDIV = mainBUS_CLK_FULL; /* Create the queue used to pass message to vPrintTask. */ xPrintQueue = xQueueCreate( mainQUEUE_SIZE, sizeof( char * ) ); /* Create the semaphore used to wake vButtonHandlerTask(). */ vSemaphoreCreateBinary( xButtonSemaphore ); xSemaphoreTake( xButtonSemaphore, 0 ); /* Start the standard demo tasks. */ vStartIntegerMathTasks( tskIDLE_PRIORITY ); vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY ); vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY ); vStartDynamicPriorityTasks(); vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY ); #if configUSE_PREEMPTION == 1 { /* The timing of console output when not using the preemptive scheduler causes the block time tests to detect a timing problem. */ vCreateBlockTimeTasks(); } #endif vStartRecursiveMutexTasks(); /* Start the tasks defined within this file. */ xTaskCreate( vLEDTask, "LED", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainLED_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL ); xTaskCreate( vCheckTask, "Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL ); xTaskCreate( vPrintTask, "Print", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainPRINT_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL ); xTaskCreate( vButtonHandlerTask, "Button", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL ); /* Start the scheduler. */ vTaskStartScheduler(); /* The scheduler should now be running, so we will only ever reach here if we ran out of heap space. */ return 0; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void vLEDTask( void *pvParameters ) { /* Just to remove compiler warnings. */ ( void ) pvParameters; /* Configure IO. */ IO0DIR |= mainLED_BIT; IO0SET = mainLED_BIT; for( ;; ) { /* Not very exiting - just delay... */ vTaskDelay( xLED_Delay ); /* ...set the IO ... */ IO0CLR = mainLED_BIT; /* ...delay again... */ vTaskDelay( xLED_Delay ); /* ...then clear the IO. */ IO0SET = mainLED_BIT; } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void vCheckTask( void *pvParameters ) { portBASE_TYPE xErrorOccurred = pdFALSE; TickType_t xLastExecutionTime; const char * const pcPassMessage = "PASS\n"; const char * const pcFailMessage = "FAIL\n"; /* Just to remove compiler warnings. */ ( void ) pvParameters; /* Initialise xLastExecutionTime so the first call to vTaskDelayUntil() works correctly. */ xLastExecutionTime = xTaskGetTickCount(); for( ;; ) { /* Perform this check every mainCHECK_DELAY milliseconds. */ vTaskDelayUntil( &xLastExecutionTime, mainCHECK_DELAY ); /* Has an error been found in any task? */ if( xAreIntegerMathsTaskStillRunning() != pdTRUE ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } if( xArePollingQueuesStillRunning() != pdTRUE ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } if( xAreSemaphoreTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } if( xAreDynamicPriorityTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } if( xAreBlockingQueuesStillRunning() != pdTRUE ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } #if configUSE_PREEMPTION == 1 { /* The timing of console output when not using the preemptive scheduler causes the block time tests to detect a timing problem. */ if( xAreBlockTimeTestTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } } #endif if( xAreRecursiveMutexTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE ) { xErrorOccurred = pdTRUE; } /* Send either a pass or fail message. If an error is found it is never cleared again. */ if( xErrorOccurred == pdTRUE ) { xLED_Delay = mainERROR_LED_DELAY; xQueueSend( xPrintQueue, &pcFailMessage, portMAX_DELAY ); } else { xQueueSend( xPrintQueue, &pcPassMessage, portMAX_DELAY ); } } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void vPrintTask( void *pvParameters ) { char *pcMessage; /* Just to stop compiler warnings. */ ( void ) pvParameters; for( ;; ) { /* Wait for a message to arrive. */ while( xQueueReceive( xPrintQueue, &pcMessage, portMAX_DELAY ) != pdPASS ); /* Write the message to the terminal IO. */ #ifndef NDEBUG debug_printf( "%s", pcMessage ); #endif } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void vButtonHandlerTask( void *pvParameters ) { static char cListBuffer[ mainLIST_BUFFER_SIZE ]; const char *pcList = &( cListBuffer[ 0 ] ); const char * const pcHeader = "\nTask State Priority Stack #\n************************************************"; extern void (vButtonISRWrapper) ( void ); /* Just to stop compiler warnings. */ ( void ) pvParameters; /* Configure the interrupt. */ portENTER_CRITICAL(); { /* Configure P0.14 to generate interrupts. */ PINSEL0 |= mainP0_14__EINT_1; EXTMODE = mainEINT_1_EDGE_SENSITIVE; EXTPOLAR = mainEINT_1_FALLING_EDGE_SENSITIVE; /* Setup the VIC for EINT 1. */ VICIntSelect &= ~mainEINT_1_VIC_CHANNEL_BIT; VICIntEnable |= mainEINT_1_VIC_CHANNEL_BIT; VICVectAddr1 = ( long ) vButtonISRWrapper; VICVectCntl1 = mainEINT_1_ENABLE_BIT | mainEINT_1_CHANNEL; } portEXIT_CRITICAL(); for( ;; ) { /* For debouncing, wait a while then clear the semaphore. */ vTaskDelay( mainSHORT_DELAY ); xSemaphoreTake( xButtonSemaphore, mainNO_DELAY ); /* Wait for an interrupt. */ xSemaphoreTake( xButtonSemaphore, portMAX_DELAY ); /* Send the column headers to the print task for display. */ xQueueSend( xPrintQueue, &pcHeader, portMAX_DELAY ); /* Create the list of task states. */ vTaskList( cListBuffer ); /* Send the task status information to the print task for display. */ xQueueSend( xPrintQueue, &pcList, portMAX_DELAY ); } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ void vApplicationStackOverflowHook( TaskHandle_t pxTask, char *pcTaskName ) { /* Check pcTaskName for the name of the offending task, or pxCurrentTCB if pcTaskName has itself been corrupted. */ ( void ) pxTask; ( void ) pcTaskName; for( ;; ); }
#ifndef __CastOut_H__ #define __CastOut_H__ #include <QtGui> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <v3d_interface.h> class CastOutPlugin : public QObject, public V3DPluginInterface2 { Q_OBJECT Q_INTERFACES(V3DPluginInterface2) public: CastOutPlugin() {} QStringList menulist() const; QStringList funclist() const; void domenu(const QString & menu_name, V3DPluginCallback2 & callback, QWidget * parent); bool dofunc(const QString & func_name, const V3DPluginArgList & input, V3DPluginArgList & output, V3DPluginCallback2 & v3d, QWidget * parent); }; #endif
/* * This header is generated by classdump-dyld 1.0 * on Tuesday, November 5, 2019 at 2:40:55 AM Mountain Standard Time * Operating System: Version 13.0 (Build 17J586) * Image Source: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GameCenterUI.framework/GameCenterUI * classdump-dyld is licensed under GPLv3, Copyright © 2013-2016 by <NAME>. */ @protocol UICollectionViewDelegate <UIScrollViewDelegate> @optional -(void)collectionView:(id)arg1 didSelectItemAtIndexPath:(id)arg2; -(BOOL)collectionView:(id)arg1 shouldHighlightItemAtIndexPath:(id)arg2; -(void)collectionView:(id)arg1 didHighlightItemAtIndexPath:(id)arg2; -(void)collectionView:(id)arg1 didUnhighlightItemAtIndexPath:(id)arg2; -(BOOL)collectionView:(id)arg1 shouldSelectItemAtIndexPath:(id)arg2; -(BOOL)collectionView:(id)arg1 shouldDeselectItemAtIndexPath:(id)arg2; -(void)collectionView:(id)arg1 didDeselectItemAtIndexPath:(id)arg2; -(void)collectionView:(id)arg1 willDisplayCell:(id)arg2 forItemAtIndexPath:(id)arg3; -(void)collectionView:(id)arg1 willDisplaySupplementaryView:(id)arg2 forElementKind:(id)arg3 atIndexPath:(id)arg4; -(void)collectionView:(id)arg1 didEndDisplayingCell:(id)arg2 forItemAtIndexPath:(id)arg3; -(void)collectionView:(id)arg1 didEndDisplayingSupplementaryView:(id)arg2 forElementOfKind:(id)arg3 atIndexPath:(id)arg4; -(BOOL)collectionView:(id)arg1 shouldShowMenuForItemAtIndexPath:(id)arg2; -(BOOL)collectionView:(id)arg1 canPerformAction:(SEL)arg2 forItemAtIndexPath:(id)arg3 withSender:(id)arg4; -(void)collectionView:(id)arg1 performAction:(SEL)arg2 forItemAtIndexPath:(id)arg3 withSender:(id)arg4; -(id)collectionView:(id)arg1 transitionLayoutForOldLayout:(id)arg2 newLayout:(id)arg3; -(BOOL)collectionView:(id)arg1 canFocusItemAtIndexPath:(id)arg2; -(BOOL)collectionView:(id)arg1 shouldUpdateFocusInContext:(id)arg2; -(void)collectionView:(id)arg1 didUpdateFocusInContext:(id)arg2 withAnimationCoordinator:(id)arg3; -(id)indexPathForPreferredFocusedViewInCollectionView:(id)arg1; -(id)collectionView:(id)arg1 targetIndexPathForMoveFromItemAtIndexPath:(id)arg2 toProposedIndexPath:(id)arg3; -(CGPoint*)collectionView:(id)arg1 targetContentOffsetForProposedContentOffset:(CGPoint)arg2; -(BOOL)collectionView:(id)arg1 shouldSpringLoadItemAtIndexPath:(id)arg2 withContext:(id)arg3; -(BOOL)collectionView:(id)arg1 shouldBeginMultipleSelectionInteractionAtIndexPath:(id)arg2; -(void)collectionView:(id)arg1 didBeginMultipleSelectionInteractionAtIndexPath:(id)arg2; -(void)collectionViewDidEndMultipleSelectionInteraction:(id)arg1; -(id)collectionView:(id)arg1 contextMenuConfigurationForItemAtIndexPath:(id)arg2 point:(CGPoint)arg3; -(id)collectionView:(id)arg1 previewForHighlightingContextMenuWithConfiguration:(id)arg2; -(id)collectionView:(id)arg1 previewForDismissingContextMenuWithConfiguration:(id)arg2; -(void)collectionView:(id)arg1 willPerformPreviewActionForMenuWithConfiguration:(id)arg2 animator:(id)arg3; @end
version oid sha256:2b116292015dce87b1e1e8ac40f7084088963b307261b85e8923e01a84f4dd51 size 3344
// // MWPreprocessor.h // MWPhotoBrowser // // Created by <NAME> on 01/10/2013. // #define SYSTEM_VERSION_EQUAL_TO(v) ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedSame) #define SYSTEM_VERSION_GREATER_THAN(v) ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedDescending) #define SYSTEM_VERSION_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO(v) ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] != NSOrderedAscending) #define SYSTEM_VERSION_LESS_THAN(v) ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedAscending) #define SYSTEM_VERSION_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO(v) ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] != NSOrderedDescending)
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include <stdbool.h> #include <zephyr.h> #include <ztest.h> #include <tc_util.h> #include <sys/util.h> #define NUM_TEST_ITEMS 6 /* Each work item takes 100ms */ #define WORK_ITEM_WAIT 100 /* In fact, each work item could take up to this value */ #define WORK_ITEM_WAIT_ALIGNED \ k_ticks_to_ms_floor64(k_ms_to_ticks_ceil32(WORK_ITEM_WAIT) + _TICK_ALIGN) /* * Wait 50ms between work submissions, to ensure co-op and prempt * preempt thread submit alternatively. */ #define SUBMIT_WAIT 50 #define STACK_SIZE (1024 + CONFIG_TEST_EXTRA_STACKSIZE) /* How long to wait for the full test suite to complete. Allow for a * little slop */ #define CHECK_WAIT ((NUM_TEST_ITEMS + 1) * WORK_ITEM_WAIT_ALIGNED) struct delayed_test_item { int key; struct k_delayed_work work; }; struct triggered_test_item { int key; struct k_work_poll work; struct k_poll_signal signal; struct k_poll_event event; }; static K_THREAD_STACK_DEFINE(co_op_stack, STACK_SIZE); static struct k_thread co_op_data; static struct delayed_test_item delayed_tests[NUM_TEST_ITEMS]; static struct triggered_test_item triggered_tests[NUM_TEST_ITEMS]; static int results[NUM_TEST_ITEMS]; static int num_results; static int expected_poll_result; static void work_handler(struct k_work *work) { struct delayed_test_item *ti = CONTAINER_OF(work, struct delayed_test_item, work); TC_PRINT(" - Running test item %d\n", ti->key); k_msleep(WORK_ITEM_WAIT); results[num_results++] = ti->key; } /** * @ingroup kernel_workqueue_tests * @see k_work_init() */ static void delayed_test_items_init(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_TEST_ITEMS; i++) { delayed_tests[i].key = i + 1; k_work_init(&delayed_tests[i], work_handler); } } static void reset_results(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_TEST_ITEMS; i++) { results[i] = 0; } num_results = 0; } static void coop_work_main(int arg1, int arg2) { int i; ARG_UNUSED(arg1); ARG_UNUSED(arg2); /* Let the preempt thread submit the first work item. */ k_msleep(SUBMIT_WAIT / 2); for (i = 1; i < NUM_TEST_ITEMS; i += 2) { TC_PRINT(" - Submitting work %d from coop thread\n", i + 1); k_work_submit(&delayed_tests[i]; k_msleep(SUBMIT_WAIT); } } /** * @ingroup kernel_workqueue_tests * @see k_work_submit() */ static void delayed_test_items_submit(void) { int i; k_thread_create(&co_op_data, co_op_stack, STACK_SIZE, (k_thread_entry_t)coop_work_main, NULL, NULL, NULL, K_PRIO_COOP(10), 0, K_NO_WAIT); for (i = 0; i < NUM_TEST_ITEMS; i += 2) { TC_PRINT(" - Submitting work %d from preempt thread\n", i + 1); k_work_submit(&delayed_tests[i]; k_msleep(SUBMIT_WAIT); } } static void check_results(int num_tests) { int i; zassert_equal(num_results, num_tests, "*** work items finished: %d (expected: %d)\n", num_results, num_tests); for (i = 0; i < num_tests; i++) { zassert_equal(results[i], i + 1, "*** got result %d in position %d" " (expected %d)\n", results[i], i, i + 1); } } /** * @brief Test work queue items submission sequence * * @ingroup kernel_workqueue_tests * * @see k_work_init(), k_work_submit() */ static void test_sequence(void) { TC_PRINT(" - Initializing test items\n"); delayed_test_items_init(); TC_PRINT(" - Submitting test items\n"); delayed_test_items_submit(); TC_PRINT(" - Waiting for work to finish\n"); k_msleep(CHECK_WAIT); check_results(NUM_TEST_ITEMS); reset_results(); } static void resubmit_work_handler(struct k_work *work) { struct delayed_test_item *ti = CONTAINER_OF(work, struct delayed_test_item, work); k_msleep(WORK_ITEM_WAIT); results[num_results++] = ti->key; if (ti->key < NUM_TEST_ITEMS) { ti->key++; TC_PRINT(" - Resubmitting work\n"); k_work_submit(work); } } /** * @brief Test work queue item resubmission * * @ingroup kernel_workqueue_tests * * @see k_work_submit() */ static void test_resubmit(void) { TC_PRINT("Starting resubmit test\n"); delayed_tests[0].key = 1; delayed_tests[0] = resubmit_work_handler; TC_PRINT(" - Submitting work\n"); k_work_submit(&delayed_tests[0]; TC_PRINT(" - Waiting for work to finish\n"); k_msleep(CHECK_WAIT); TC_PRINT(" - Checking results\n"); check_results(NUM_TEST_ITEMS); reset_results(); } static void delayed_work_handler(struct k_work *work) { struct delayed_test_item *ti = CONTAINER_OF(work, struct delayed_test_item, work); TC_PRINT(" - Running delayed test item %d\n", ti->key); results[num_results++] = ti->key; } /** * @brief Test delayed work queue init * * @ingroup kernel_workqueue_tests * * @see k_delayed_work_init() */ static void test_delayed_init(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_TEST_ITEMS; i++) { delayed_tests[i].key = i + 1; k_delayed_work_init(&delayed_tests[i].work, delayed_work_handler); } } static void coop_delayed_work_main(int arg1, int arg2) { int i; ARG_UNUSED(arg1); ARG_UNUSED(arg2); /* Let the preempt thread submit the first work item. */ k_msleep(SUBMIT_WAIT / 2); for (i = 1; i < NUM_TEST_ITEMS; i += 2) { TC_PRINT(" - Submitting delayed work %d from" " coop thread\n", i + 1); k_delayed_work_submit(&delayed_tests[i].work, K_MSEC((i + 1) * WORK_ITEM_WAIT)); } } /** * @brief Test delayed workqueue submit * * @ingroup kernel_workqueue_tests * * @see k_delayed_work_init(), k_delayed_work_submit() */ static void test_delayed_submit(void) { int i; k_thread_create(&co_op_data, co_op_stack, STACK_SIZE, (k_thread_entry_t)coop_delayed_work_main, NULL, NULL, NULL, K_PRIO_COOP(10), 0, K_NO_WAIT); for (i = 0; i < NUM_TEST_ITEMS; i += 2) { TC_PRINT(" - Submitting delayed work %d from" " preempt thread\n", i + 1); zassert_true(k_delayed_work_submit(&delayed_tests[i].work, K_MSEC((i + 1) * WORK_ITEM_WAIT)) == 0, NULL); } } static void coop_delayed_work_cancel_main(int arg1, int arg2) { ARG_UNUSED(arg1); ARG_UNUSED(arg2); k_delayed_work_submit(&delayed_tests[1].work, K_MSEC(WORK_ITEM_WAIT)); TC_PRINT(" - Cancel delayed work from coop thread\n"); k_delayed_work_cancel(&delayed_tests[1].work); } /** * @brief Test work queue delayed cancel * * @ingroup kernel_workqueue_tests * * @see k_delayed_work_init(), k_delayed_work_submit(), * k_delayed_work_cancel() */ static void test_delayed_cancel(void) { TC_PRINT("Starting delayed cancel test\n"); k_delayed_work_submit(&delayed_tests[0].work, K_MSEC(WORK_ITEM_WAIT)); TC_PRINT(" - Cancel delayed work from preempt thread\n"); k_delayed_work_cancel(&delayed_tests[0].work); k_thread_create(&co_op_data, co_op_stack, STACK_SIZE, (k_thread_entry_t)coop_delayed_work_cancel_main, NULL, NULL, NULL, K_HIGHEST_THREAD_PRIO, 0, K_NO_WAIT); TC_PRINT(" - Waiting for work to finish\n"); k_msleep(WORK_ITEM_WAIT_ALIGNED); TC_PRINT(" - Checking results\n"); check_results(0); } static void delayed_resubmit_work_handler(struct k_work *work) { struct delayed_test_item *ti = CONTAINER_OF(work, struct delayed_test_item, work); results[num_results++] = ti->key; if (ti->key < NUM_TEST_ITEMS) { ti->key++; TC_PRINT(" - Resubmitting delayed work\n"); k_delayed_work_submit(&ti->work, K_MSEC(WORK_ITEM_WAIT)); } } /** * @brief Test delayed resubmission of work queue item * * @ingroup kernel_workqueue_tests * * @see k_delayed_work_init(), k_delayed_work_submit() */ static void test_delayed_resubmit(void) { TC_PRINT("Starting delayed resubmit test\n"); delayed_tests[0].key = 1; k_delayed_work_init(&delayed_tests[0].work, delayed_resubmit_work_handler); TC_PRINT(" - Submitting delayed work\n"); k_delayed_work_submit(&delayed_tests[0].work, K_MSEC(WORK_ITEM_WAIT)); TC_PRINT(" - Waiting for work to finish\n"); k_msleep(CHECK_WAIT); TC_PRINT(" - Checking results\n"); check_results(NUM_TEST_ITEMS); reset_results(); } static void coop_delayed_work_resubmit(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_TEST_ITEMS; i++) { TC_PRINT(" - Resubmitting delayed work with 1 ms\n"); k_delayed_work_submit(&delayed_tests[0].work, K_MSEC(1)); /* Busy wait 1 ms to force a clash with workqueue */ #if defined(CONFIG_ARCH_POSIX) k_busy_wait(1000); #else volatile u32_t uptime; uptime = k_uptime_get_32(); while (k_uptime_get_32() == uptime) { } #endif } } /** * @brief Test delayed resubmission of work queue thread * * @ingroup kernel_workqueue_tests * * @see k_delayed_work_init() */ static void test_delayed_resubmit_thread(void) { TC_PRINT("Starting delayed resubmit from coop thread test\n"); delayed_tests[0].key = 1; k_delayed_work_init(&delayed_tests[0].work, delayed_work_handler); k_thread_create(&co_op_data, co_op_stack, STACK_SIZE, (k_thread_entry_t)coop_delayed_work_resubmit, NULL, NULL, NULL, K_PRIO_COOP(10), 0, K_NO_WAIT); TC_PRINT(" - Waiting for work to finish\n"); k_msleep(WORK_ITEM_WAIT_ALIGNED); TC_PRINT(" - Checking results\n"); check_results(1); reset_results(); } /** * @brief Test delayed work items * * @ingroup kernel_workqueue_tests * * @see k_delayed_work_init(), k_delayed_work_submit() */ static void test_delayed(void) { TC_PRINT("Starting delayed test\n"); TC_PRINT(" - Initializing delayed test items\n"); test_delayed_init(); TC_PRINT(" - Submitting delayed test items\n"); test_delayed_submit(); TC_PRINT(" - Waiting for delayed work to finish\n"); k_msleep(CHECK_WAIT); TC_PRINT(" - Checking results\n"); check_results(NUM_TEST_ITEMS); reset_results(); } static void triggered_work_handler(struct k_work *work) { struct triggered_test_item *ti = CONTAINER_OF(work, struct triggered_test_item, work); TC_PRINT(" - Running triggered test item %d\n", ti->key); zassert_equal(ti->work.poll_result, expected_poll_result, "res %d expect %d", ti->work.poll_result, expected_poll_result); results[num_results++] = ti->key; } /** * @brief Test triggered work queue init * * @ingroup kernel_workqueue_tests * * @see k_work_poll_init() */ static void test_triggered_init(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_TEST_ITEMS; i++) { triggered_tests[i].key = i + 1; k_work_poll_init(&triggered_tests[i].work, triggered_work_handler); k_poll_signal_init(&triggered_tests[i].signal); k_poll_event_init(&triggered_tests[i].event, K_POLL_TYPE_SIGNAL, K_POLL_MODE_NOTIFY_ONLY, &triggered_tests[i].signal); } } /** * @brief Test triggered workqueue submit * * @ingroup kernel_workqueue_tests * * @see k_work_poll_init(), k_work_poll_submit() */ static void test_triggered_submit(k_timeout_t timeout) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_TEST_ITEMS; i++) { TC_PRINT(" - Submitting triggered work %d\n", i + 1); zassert_true(k_work_poll_submit(&triggered_tests[i].work, &triggered_tests[i].event, 1, timeout) == 0, NULL); } } /** * @brief Trigger triggered workqueue execution * * @ingroup kernel_workqueue_tests */ static void test_triggered_trigger(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_TEST_ITEMS; i++) { TC_PRINT(" - Triggering work %d\n", i + 1); zassert_true(k_poll_signal_raise(&triggered_tests[i].signal, 1) == 0, NULL); } } /** * @brief Test triggered work items * * @ingroup kernel_workqueue_tests * * @see k_work_poll_init(), k_work_poll_submit() */ static void test_triggered(void) { TC_PRINT("Starting triggered test\n"); /* As work items are triggered, they should indicate an event. */ expected_poll_result = 0; TC_PRINT(" - Initializing triggered test items\n"); test_triggered_init(); TC_PRINT(" - Submitting triggered test items\n"); test_triggered_submit(K_FOREVER); TC_PRINT(" - Triggering test items execution\n"); test_triggered_trigger(); /* Items should be executed when we will be sleeping. */ k_msleep(WORK_ITEM_WAIT); TC_PRINT(" - Checking results\n"); check_results(NUM_TEST_ITEMS); reset_results(); } /** * @brief Test already triggered work items * * @ingroup kernel_workqueue_tests * * @see k_work_poll_init(), k_work_poll_submit() */ static void test_already_triggered(void) { TC_PRINT("Starting triggered test\n"); /* As work items are triggered, they should indicate an event. */ expected_poll_result = 0; TC_PRINT(" - Initializing triggered test items\n"); test_triggered_init(); TC_PRINT(" - Triggering test items execution\n"); test_triggered_trigger(); TC_PRINT(" - Submitting triggered test items\n"); test_triggered_submit(K_FOREVER); /* Items should be executed when we will be sleeping. */ k_msleep(WORK_ITEM_WAIT); TC_PRINT(" - Checking results\n"); check_results(NUM_TEST_ITEMS); reset_results(); } static void triggered_resubmit_work_handler(struct k_work *work) { struct triggered_test_item *ti = CONTAINER_OF(work, struct triggered_test_item, work); results[num_results++] = ti->key; if (ti->key < NUM_TEST_ITEMS) { ti->key++; TC_PRINT(" - Resubmitting triggered work\n"); k_poll_signal_reset(&triggered_tests[0].signal); zassert_true(k_work_poll_submit(&triggered_tests[0].work, &triggered_tests[0].event, 1, K_FOREVER) == 0, NULL); } } /** * @brief Test resubmission of triggered work queue item * * @ingroup kernel_workqueue_tests * * @see k_work_poll_init(), k_work_poll_submit() */ static void test_triggered_resubmit(void) { int i; TC_PRINT("Starting triggered resubmit test\n"); /* As work items are triggered, they should indicate an event. */ expected_poll_result = 0; triggered_tests[0].key = 1; k_work_poll_init(&triggered_tests[0].work, triggered_resubmit_work_handler); k_poll_signal_init(&triggered_tests[0].signal); k_poll_event_init(&triggered_tests[0].event, K_POLL_TYPE_SIGNAL, K_POLL_MODE_NOTIFY_ONLY, &triggered_tests[0].signal); TC_PRINT(" - Submitting triggered work\n"); zassert_true(k_work_poll_submit(&triggered_tests[0].work, &triggered_tests[0].event, 1, K_FOREVER) == 0, NULL); for (i = 0; i < NUM_TEST_ITEMS; i++) { TC_PRINT(" - Triggering test item execution (iteration: %d)\n", i + 1); zassert_true(k_poll_signal_raise(&triggered_tests[0].signal, 1) == 0, NULL); k_msleep(WORK_ITEM_WAIT); } TC_PRINT(" - Checking results\n"); check_results(NUM_TEST_ITEMS); reset_results(); } /** * @brief Test triggered work items with K_NO_WAIT timeout * * @ingroup kernel_workqueue_tests * * @see k_work_poll_init(), k_work_poll_submit() */ static void test_triggered_no_wait(void) { TC_PRINT("Starting triggered test\n"); /* As work items are triggered, they should indicate an event. */ expected_poll_result = 0; TC_PRINT(" - Initializing triggered test items\n"); test_triggered_init(); TC_PRINT(" - Triggering test items execution\n"); test_triggered_trigger(); TC_PRINT(" - Submitting triggered test items\n"); test_triggered_submit(K_NO_WAIT); /* Items should be executed when we will be sleeping. */ k_msleep(WORK_ITEM_WAIT); TC_PRINT(" - Checking results\n"); check_results(NUM_TEST_ITEMS); reset_results(); } /** * @brief Test expired triggered work items with K_NO_WAIT timeout * * @ingroup kernel_workqueue_tests * * @see k_work_poll_init(), k_work_poll_submit() */ static void test_triggered_no_wait_expired(void) { TC_PRINT("Starting triggered test\n"); /* As work items are not triggered, they should be marked as expired. */ expected_poll_result = -EAGAIN; TC_PRINT(" - Initializing triggered test items\n"); test_triggered_init(); TC_PRINT(" - Submitting triggered test items\n"); test_triggered_submit(K_NO_WAIT); /* Items should be executed when we will be sleeping. */ k_msleep(WORK_ITEM_WAIT); TC_PRINT(" - Checking results\n"); check_results(NUM_TEST_ITEMS); reset_results(); } /** * @brief Test triggered work items with arbitrary timeout * * @ingroup kernel_workqueue_tests * * @see k_work_poll_init(), k_work_poll_submit() */ static void test_triggered_wait(void) { TC_PRINT("Starting triggered test\n"); /* As work items are triggered, they should indicate an event. */ expected_poll_result = 0; TC_PRINT(" - Initializing triggered test items\n"); test_triggered_init(); TC_PRINT(" - Triggering test items execution\n"); test_triggered_trigger(); TC_PRINT(" - Submitting triggered test items\n"); test_triggered_submit(K_MSEC(2 * SUBMIT_WAIT)); /* Items should be executed when we will be sleeping. */ k_msleep(SUBMIT_WAIT); TC_PRINT(" - Checking results\n"); check_results(NUM_TEST_ITEMS); reset_results(); } /** * @brief Test expired triggered work items with arbitrary timeout * * @ingroup kernel_workqueue_tests * * @see k_work_poll_init(), k_work_poll_submit() */ static void test_triggered_wait_expired(void) { TC_PRINT("Starting triggered test\n"); /* As work items are not triggered, they should time out. */ expected_poll_result = -EAGAIN; TC_PRINT(" - Initializing triggered test items\n"); test_triggered_init(); TC_PRINT(" - Submitting triggered test items\n"); test_triggered_submit(K_MSEC(2 * SUBMIT_WAIT)); /* Items should not be executed when we will be sleeping here. */ k_msleep(SUBMIT_WAIT); TC_PRINT(" - Checking results (before timeout)\n"); check_results(0); /* Items should be executed when we will be sleeping here. */ k_msleep(SUBMIT_WAIT); TC_PRINT(" - Checking results (after timeout)\n"); check_results(NUM_TEST_ITEMS); reset_results(); } /*test case main entry*/ void test_main(void) { k_thread_priority_set(k_current_get(), 0); ztest_test_suite(workqueue, ztest_1cpu_unit_test(test_sequence), ztest_1cpu_unit_test(test_resubmit), ztest_1cpu_unit_test(test_delayed), ztest_1cpu_unit_test(test_delayed_resubmit), ztest_1cpu_unit_test(test_delayed_resubmit_thread), ztest_1cpu_unit_test(test_delayed_cancel), ztest_1cpu_unit_test(test_triggered), ztest_1cpu_unit_test(test_already_triggered), ztest_1cpu_unit_test(test_triggered_resubmit), ztest_1cpu_unit_test(test_triggered_no_wait), ztest_1cpu_unit_test(test_triggered_no_wait_expired), ztest_1cpu_unit_test(test_triggered_wait), ztest_1cpu_unit_test(test_triggered_wait_expired) ); ztest_run_test_suite(workqueue); }
/*- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2001 <NAME> * Copyright (c) 2000 BSDi * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD: src/sys/dev/mly/mly_pci.c,v 2001/03/05 20:17:24 msmith Exp $ */ #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/malloc.h> #include <sys/kernel.h> #include <sys/bus.h> #include <sys/conf.h> #include <sys/devicestat.h> #include <sys/disk.h> #include <machine/bus_memio.h> #include <machine/bus.h> #include <machine/resource.h> #include <sys/rman.h> #include <pci/pcireg.h> #include <pci/pcivar.h> #include <dev/mly/mlyreg.h> #include <dev/mly/mlyio.h> #include <dev/mly/mlyvar.h> static int mly_pci_probe(device_t dev); static int mly_pci_attach(device_t dev); static int mly_pci_detach(device_t dev); static int mly_pci_shutdown(device_t dev); static int mly_pci_suspend(device_t dev); static int mly_pci_resume(device_t dev); static void mly_pci_intr(void *arg); static int mly_sg_map(struct mly_softc *sc); static void mly_sg_map_helper(void *arg, bus_dma_segment_t *segs, int nseg, int error); static int mly_mmbox_map(struct mly_softc *sc); static void mly_mmbox_map_helper(void *arg, bus_dma_segment_t *segs, int nseg, int error); static device_method_t mly_methods[] = { /* Device interface */ DEVMETHOD(device_probe, mly_pci_probe), DEVMETHOD(device_attach, mly_pci_attach), DEVMETHOD(device_detach, mly_pci_detach), DEVMETHOD(device_shutdown, mly_pci_shutdown), DEVMETHOD(device_suspend, mly_pci_suspend), DEVMETHOD(device_resume, mly_pci_resume), { 0, 0 } }; static driver_t mly_pci_driver = { "mly", mly_methods, sizeof(struct mly_softc) }; static devclass_t mly_devclass; DRIVER_MODULE(mly, pci, mly_pci_driver, mly_devclass, 0, 0); struct mly_ident { u_int16_t vendor; u_int16_t device; u_int16_t subvendor; u_int16_t subdevice; int hwif; char *desc; } mly_identifiers[] = { {0x1069, 0xba56, 0x1069, 0x0040, MLY_HWIF_STRONGARM, "Mylex eXtremeRAID 2000"}, {0x1069, 0xba56, 0x1069, 0x0030, MLY_HWIF_STRONGARM, "Mylex eXtremeRAID 3000"}, {0x1069, 0x0050, 0x1069, 0x0050, MLY_HWIF_I960RX, "Mylex AcceleRAID 352"}, {0x1069, 0x0050, 0x1069, 0x0052, MLY_HWIF_I960RX, "Mylex AcceleRAID 170"}, {0x1069, 0x0050, 0x1069, 0x0054, MLY_HWIF_I960RX, "Mylex AcceleRAID 160"}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }; /******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** Bus Interface ******************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************/ static int mly_pci_probe(device_t dev) { struct mly_ident *m; debug_called(1); for (m = mly_identifiers; m->vendor != 0; m++) { if ((m->vendor == pci_get_vendor(dev)) && (m->device == pci_get_device(dev)) && ((m->subvendor == 0) || ((m->subvendor == pci_get_subvendor(dev)) && (m->subdevice == pci_get_subdevice(dev))))) { device_set_desc(dev, m->desc); return(-10); /* allow room to be overridden */ } } return(ENXIO); } static int mly_pci_attach(device_t dev) { struct mly_softc *sc; int i, error; u_int32_t command; debug_called(1); /* * Initialise softc. */ sc = device_get_softc(dev); bzero(sc, sizeof(*sc)); sc->mly_dev = dev; #ifdef MLY_DEBUG if (device_get_unit(sc->mly_dev) == 0) mly_softc0 = sc; #endif /* assume failure is 'not configured' */ error = ENXIO; /* * Verify that the adapter is correctly set up in PCI space. */ command = pci_read_config(sc->mly_dev, PCIR_COMMAND, 2); command |= PCIM_CMD_BUSMASTEREN; pci_write_config(dev, PCIR_COMMAND, command, 2); command = pci_read_config(sc->mly_dev, PCIR_COMMAND, 2); if (!(command & PCIM_CMD_BUSMASTEREN)) { mly_printf(sc, "can't enable busmaster feature\n"); goto fail; } if ((command & PCIM_CMD_MEMEN) == 0) { mly_printf(sc, "memory window not available\n"); goto fail; } /* * Allocate the PCI register window. */ sc->mly_regs_rid = PCIR_MAPS; /* first base address register */ if ((sc->mly_regs_resource = bus_alloc_resource(sc->mly_dev, SYS_RES_MEMORY, &sc->mly_regs_rid, 0, ~0, 1, RF_ACTIVE)) == NULL) { mly_printf(sc, "can't allocate register window\n"); goto fail; } sc->mly_btag = rman_get_bustag(sc->mly_regs_resource); sc->mly_bhandle = rman_get_bushandle(sc->mly_regs_resource); /* * Allocate and connect our interrupt. */ sc->mly_irq_rid = 0; if ((sc->mly_irq = bus_alloc_resource(sc->mly_dev, SYS_RES_IRQ, &sc->mly_irq_rid, 0, ~0, 1, RF_SHAREABLE | RF_ACTIVE)) == NULL) { mly_printf(sc, "can't allocate interrupt\n"); goto fail; } if (bus_setup_intr(sc->mly_dev, sc->mly_irq, INTR_TYPE_CAM, mly_pci_intr, sc, &sc->mly_intr)) { mly_printf(sc, "can't set up interrupt\n"); goto fail; } /* assume failure is 'out of memory' */ error = ENOMEM; /* * Allocate the parent bus DMA tag appropriate for our PCI interface. * * Note that all of these controllers are 64-bit capable. */ if (bus_dma_tag_create(NULL, /* parent */ 1, 0, /* alignment, boundary */ BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR_32BIT, /* lowaddr */ BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR, /* highaddr */ NULL, NULL, /* filter, filterarg */ MAXBSIZE, MLY_MAXSGENTRIES, /* maxsize, nsegments */ BUS_SPACE_MAXSIZE_32BIT, /* maxsegsize */ BUS_DMA_ALLOCNOW, /* flags */ &sc->mly_parent_dmat)) { mly_printf(sc, "can't allocate parent DMA tag\n"); goto fail; } /* * Create DMA tag for mapping buffers into controller-addressable space. */ if (bus_dma_tag_create(sc->mly_parent_dmat, /* parent */ 1, 0, /* alignment, boundary */ BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR, /* lowaddr */ BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR, /* highaddr */ NULL, NULL, /* filter, filterarg */ MAXBSIZE, MLY_MAXSGENTRIES, /* maxsize, nsegments */ BUS_SPACE_MAXSIZE_32BIT, /* maxsegsize */ 0, /* flags */ &sc->mly_buffer_dmat)) { mly_printf(sc, "can't allocate buffer DMA tag\n"); goto fail; } /* * Initialise the DMA tag for command packets. */ if (bus_dma_tag_create(sc->mly_parent_dmat, /* parent */ 1, 0, /* alignment, boundary */ BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR, /* lowaddr */ BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR, /* highaddr */ NULL, NULL, /* filter, filterarg */ sizeof(union mly_command_packet) * MLY_MAXCOMMANDS, 1, /* maxsize, nsegments */ BUS_SPACE_MAXSIZE_32BIT, /* maxsegsize */ 0, /* flags */ &sc->mly_packet_dmat)) { mly_printf(sc, "can't allocate command packet DMA tag\n"); goto fail; } /* * Detect the hardware interface version */ for (i = 0; mly_identifiers[i].vendor != 0; i++) { if ((mly_identifiers[i].vendor == pci_get_vendor(dev)) && (mly_identifiers[i].device == pci_get_device(dev))) { sc->mly_hwif = mly_identifiers[i].hwif; switch(sc->mly_hwif) { case MLY_HWIF_I960RX: debug(2, "set hardware up for i960RX"); sc->mly_doorbell_true = 0x00; sc->mly_command_mailbox = MLY_I960RX_COMMAND_MAILBOX; sc->mly_status_mailbox = MLY_I960RX_STATUS_MAILBOX; sc->mly_idbr = MLY_I960RX_IDBR; sc->mly_odbr = MLY_I960RX_ODBR; sc->mly_error_status = MLY_I960RX_ERROR_STATUS; sc->mly_interrupt_status = MLY_I960RX_INTERRUPT_STATUS; sc->mly_interrupt_mask = MLY_I960RX_INTERRUPT_MASK; break; case MLY_HWIF_STRONGARM: debug(2, "set hardware up for StrongARM"); sc->mly_doorbell_true = 0xff; /* doorbell 'true' is 0 */ sc->mly_command_mailbox = MLY_STRONGARM_COMMAND_MAILBOX; sc->mly_status_mailbox = MLY_STRONGARM_STATUS_MAILBOX; sc->mly_idbr = MLY_STRONGARM_IDBR; sc->mly_odbr = MLY_STRONGARM_ODBR; sc->mly_error_status = MLY_STRONGARM_ERROR_STATUS; sc->mly_interrupt_status = MLY_STRONGARM_INTERRUPT_STATUS; sc->mly_interrupt_mask = MLY_STRONGARM_INTERRUPT_MASK; break; } break; } } /* * Create the scatter/gather mappings. */ if ((error = mly_sg_map(sc))) goto fail; /* * Allocate and map the memory mailbox */ if ((error = mly_mmbox_map(sc))) goto fail; /* * Do bus-independent initialisation. */ if ((error = mly_attach(sc))) goto fail; return(0); fail: mly_free(sc); return(error); } /******************************************************************************** * Disconnect from the controller completely, in preparation for unload. */ static int mly_pci_detach(device_t dev) { struct mly_softc *sc = device_get_softc(dev); int error; debug_called(1); if (sc->mly_state & MLY_STATE_OPEN) return(EBUSY); if ((error = mly_pci_shutdown(dev))) return(error); mly_free(sc); return(0); } /******************************************************************************** * Bring the controller down to a dormant state and detach all child devices. * * This function is called before detach or system shutdown. * * Note that we can assume that the camq on the controller is empty, as we won't * allow shutdown if any device is open. */ static int mly_pci_shutdown(device_t dev) { struct mly_softc *sc = device_get_softc(dev); debug_called(1); mly_detach(sc); return(0); } /******************************************************************************** * Bring the controller to a quiescent state, ready for system suspend. * * We can't assume that the controller is not active at this point, so we need * to mask interrupts. */ static int mly_pci_suspend(device_t dev) { struct mly_softc *sc = device_get_softc(dev); int s; debug_called(1); s = splcam(); mly_detach(sc); splx(s); return(0); } /******************************************************************************** * Bring the controller back to a state ready for operation. */ static int mly_pci_resume(device_t dev) { struct mly_softc *sc = device_get_softc(dev); debug_called(1); sc->mly_state &= ~MLY_STATE_SUSPEND; MLY_UNMASK_INTERRUPTS(sc); return(0); } /******************************************************************************* * Take an interrupt, or be poked by other code to look for interrupt-worthy * status. */ static void mly_pci_intr(void *arg) { struct mly_softc *sc = (struct mly_softc *)arg; debug_called(3); /* collect finished commands, queue anything waiting */ mly_done(sc); }; /******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** Bus-dependant Resource Management ******************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************** * Allocate memory for the scatter/gather tables */ static int mly_sg_map(struct mly_softc *sc) { size_t segsize; debug_called(1); /* * Create a single tag describing a region large enough to hold all of * the s/g lists we will need. */ segsize = sizeof(struct mly_sg_entry) * MLY_MAXCOMMANDS * MLY_MAXSGENTRIES; if (bus_dma_tag_create(sc->mly_parent_dmat, /* parent */ 1, 0, /* alignment, boundary */ BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR, /* lowaddr */ BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR, /* highaddr */ NULL, NULL, /* filter, filterarg */ segsize, 1, /* maxsize, nsegments */ BUS_SPACE_MAXSIZE_32BIT, /* maxsegsize */ 0, /* flags */ &sc->mly_sg_dmat)) { mly_printf(sc, "can't allocate scatter/gather DMA tag\n"); return(ENOMEM); } /* * Allocate enough s/g maps for all commands and permanently map them into * controller-visible space. * * XXX this assumes we can get enough space for all the s/g maps in one * contiguous slab. */ if (bus_dmamem_alloc(sc->mly_sg_dmat, (void **)&sc->mly_sg_table, BUS_DMA_NOWAIT, &sc->mly_sg_dmamap)) { mly_printf(sc, "can't allocate s/g table\n"); return(ENOMEM); } bus_dmamap_load(sc->mly_sg_dmat, sc->mly_sg_dmamap, sc->mly_sg_table, segsize, mly_sg_map_helper, sc, 0); return(0); } /******************************************************************************** * Save the physical address of the base of the s/g table. */ static void mly_sg_map_helper(void *arg, bus_dma_segment_t *segs, int nseg, int error) { struct mly_softc *sc = (struct mly_softc *)arg; debug_called(2); /* save base of s/g table's address in bus space */ sc->mly_sg_busaddr = segs->ds_addr; } /******************************************************************************** * Allocate memory for the memory-mailbox interface */ static int mly_mmbox_map(struct mly_softc *sc) { /* * Create a DMA tag for a single contiguous region large enough for the * memory mailbox structure. */ if (bus_dma_tag_create(sc->mly_parent_dmat, /* parent */ 1, 0, /* alignment, boundary */ BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR, /* lowaddr */ BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR, /* highaddr */ NULL, NULL, /* filter, filterarg */ sizeof(struct mly_mmbox), 1, /* maxsize, nsegments */ BUS_SPACE_MAXSIZE_32BIT, /* maxsegsize */ 0, /* flags */ &sc->mly_mmbox_dmat)) { mly_printf(sc, "can't allocate memory mailbox DMA tag\n"); return(ENOMEM); } /* * Allocate the buffer */ if (bus_dmamem_alloc(sc->mly_mmbox_dmat, (void **)&sc->mly_mmbox, BUS_DMA_NOWAIT, &sc->mly_mmbox_dmamap)) { mly_printf(sc, "can't allocate memory mailbox\n"); return(ENOMEM); } bus_dmamap_load(sc->mly_mmbox_dmat, sc->mly_mmbox_dmamap, sc->mly_mmbox, sizeof(struct mly_mmbox), mly_mmbox_map_helper, sc, 0); bzero(sc->mly_mmbox, sizeof(*sc->mly_mmbox)); return(0); } /******************************************************************************** * Save the physical address of the memory mailbox */ static void mly_mmbox_map_helper(void *arg, bus_dma_segment_t *segs, int nseg, int error) { struct mly_softc *sc = (struct mly_softc *)arg; debug_called(2); sc->mly_mmbox_busaddr = segs->ds_addr; } /******************************************************************************** * Free all of the resources associated with (sc) * * Should not be called if the controller is active. */ void mly_free(struct mly_softc *sc) { struct mly_command *mc; debug_called(1); /* detach from CAM */ mly_cam_detach(sc); /* throw away command buffer DMA maps */ while (mly_alloc_command(sc, &mc) == 0) bus_dmamap_destroy(sc->mly_buffer_dmat, mc->mc_datamap); /* release the packet storage */ if (sc->mly_packet != NULL) { bus_dmamap_unload(sc->mly_packet_dmat, sc->mly_packetmap); bus_dmamem_free(sc->mly_packet_dmat, sc->mly_packet, sc->mly_packetmap); } /* throw away the controllerinfo structure */ if (sc->mly_controllerinfo != NULL) free(sc->mly_controllerinfo, M_DEVBUF); /* throw away the controllerparam structure */ if (sc->mly_controllerparam != NULL) free(sc->mly_controllerparam, M_DEVBUF); /* destroy data-transfer DMA tag */ if (sc->mly_buffer_dmat) bus_dma_tag_destroy(sc->mly_buffer_dmat); /* free and destroy DMA memory and tag for s/g lists */ if (sc->mly_sg_table) { bus_dmamap_unload(sc->mly_sg_dmat, sc->mly_sg_dmamap); bus_dmamem_free(sc->mly_sg_dmat, sc->mly_sg_table, sc->mly_sg_dmamap); } if (sc->mly_sg_dmat) bus_dma_tag_destroy(sc->mly_sg_dmat); /* free and destroy DMA memory and tag for memory mailbox */ if (sc->mly_mmbox) { bus_dmamap_unload(sc->mly_mmbox_dmat, sc->mly_mmbox_dmamap); bus_dmamem_free(sc->mly_mmbox_dmat, sc->mly_mmbox, sc->mly_mmbox_dmamap); } if (sc->mly_mmbox_dmat) bus_dma_tag_destroy(sc->mly_mmbox_dmat); /* disconnect the interrupt handler */ if (sc->mly_intr) bus_teardown_intr(sc->mly_dev, sc->mly_irq, sc->mly_intr); if (sc->mly_irq != NULL) bus_release_resource(sc->mly_dev, SYS_RES_IRQ, sc->mly_irq_rid, sc->mly_irq); /* destroy the parent DMA tag */ if (sc->mly_parent_dmat) bus_dma_tag_destroy(sc->mly_parent_dmat); /* release the register window mapping */ if (sc->mly_regs_resource != NULL) bus_release_resource(sc->mly_dev, SYS_RES_MEMORY, sc->mly_regs_rid, sc->mly_regs_resource); }
/*********************************************************************************************************************/ /* File Name: ang/base/text.h */ /* Author: Ing. <NAME> <<EMAIL>>, July 2016. */ /* */ /* Copyright (C) angsys, <NAME> */ /* You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish and/or distribute copies of the Software, and permit persons */ /* to whom the Software is furnished to do so. */ /* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */ /* */ /*********************************************************************************************************************/ #ifndef __ANG_BASE_H__ #error ang/base/base.h is not included #elif !defined __ANG_BASE_STR_VIEW_H__ #define __ANG_BASE_TEXT_H__ #define MY_LINKAGE LINK #define MY_CHAR_TYPE ang::text::char_type_by_encoding<MY_ENCODING>::char_type #define MY_ENCODING ang::text::encoding::ascii #include <ang/base/inline/str_view.hpp> #undef MY_ENCODING #define MY_ENCODING ang::text::encoding::unicode #include <ang/base/inline/str_view.hpp> #undef MY_ENCODING #define MY_ENCODING ang::text::encoding::utf8 #include <ang/base/inline/str_view.hpp> #undef MY_ENCODING #define MY_ENCODING ang::text::encoding::utf16 #include <ang/base/inline/str_view.hpp> #undef MY_ENCODING #define MY_ENCODING ang::text::encoding::utf16_se #include <ang/base/inline/str_view.hpp> #undef MY_ENCODING #define MY_ENCODING ang::text::encoding::utf16_le #include <ang/base/inline/str_view.hpp> #undef MY_ENCODING #define MY_ENCODING ang::text::encoding::utf16_be #include <ang/base/inline/str_view.hpp> #undef MY_ENCODING #define MY_ENCODING ang::text::encoding::utf32 #include <ang/base/inline/str_view.hpp> #undef MY_ENCODING #define MY_ENCODING ang::text::encoding::utf32_se #include <ang/base/inline/str_view.hpp> #undef MY_ENCODING #define MY_ENCODING ang::text::encoding::utf32_le #include <ang/base/inline/str_view.hpp> #undef MY_ENCODING #define MY_ENCODING ang::text::encoding::utf32_be #include <ang/base/inline/str_view.hpp> #undef MY_ENCODING #undef MY_LINKAGE namespace ang { namespace text { template<> struct LINK str_view<void, text::encoding::auto_detect> { str_view(); str_view(ang::nullptr_t const&); str_view(void* v, wsize s, text::encoding e); str_view(raw_str const& str); template<typename T, text::encoding E> inline str_view(str_view<T, E> str) : str_view(str.str(), str.size() * sizeof(typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type), E) { } bool is_empty()const; void* ptr()const; wsize size()const; wsize count()const; wsize char_size()const; text::encoding encoding()const; template<text::encoding E> inline operator str_view<typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type, E>() { return E == m_encoding ? str_view<typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type, E>( (typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::str_type)m_value, m_size / sizeof(typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type)) : str_view<typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type, E>(); } template<text::encoding E> inline operator cstr_view<typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type, E>()const { return E == m_encoding ? cstr_view<typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type, E>( (typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::cstr_type)m_value, m_size / sizeof(typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type)) : cstr_view<typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type, E>(); } template<text::encoding E> inline str_view<typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type, E> str() { return E == m_encoding ? str_view<typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type, E>( (typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::str_type)m_value, m_size / sizeof(typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type)) : str_view<typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type, E>(); } template<text::encoding E> inline cstr_view<typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type, E> cstr()const { return E == m_encoding ? cstr_view<typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type, E>( (typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::cstr_type)m_value, m_size / sizeof(typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type)) : cstr_view<typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type, E>(); } private: void* m_value; wsize m_size; text::encoding m_encoding; }; template<> struct LINK str_view<const void, text::encoding::auto_detect> { str_view(); str_view(ang::nullptr_t const&); str_view(void const* v, wsize s, text::encoding e); str_view(raw_cstr const& str); str_view(raw_str const& str); template<typename T, text::encoding E> inline str_view(str_view<T, E> str) : str_view(str.cstr(), str.size() * sizeof(typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type), E) { } template<typename T, text::encoding E> inline str_view(cstr_view<T, E> str) : str_view(str.cstr(), str.size() * sizeof(typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type), E) { } template<typename T, wsize N> inline str_view(const T(&str)[N]) : str_view(str, (N - 1) * sizeof(T), text::encoding_by_char_type<T>::value) { } bool is_empty()const; void const* ptr()const; wsize size()const; wsize count()const; wsize char_size()const; text::encoding encoding()const; template<text::encoding E> inline operator cstr_view<typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type, E>()const { return E == m_encoding ? cstr_view<typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type, E>( (typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::cstr_type)m_value, m_size / sizeof(typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type)) : cstr_view<typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type, E>(); } template<text::encoding E> inline cstr_view<typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type, E> cstr()const { return E == m_encoding ? cstr_view<typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type, E>( (typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::cstr_type)m_value, m_size / sizeof(typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type)) : cstr_view<typename text::char_type_by_encoding<E>::char_type, E>(); } private: void const* m_value; wsize m_size; text::encoding m_encoding; }; template<typename cstr1_t, typename cstr2_t> struct str_view_compare_helper; template<typename T1, text::encoding E1, typename T2, text::encoding E2> struct str_view_compare_helper<str_view<T1, E1>, str_view<T2, E2>> { inline static int compare(const str_view<T1, E1>& value1, const str_view<T2, E2>& value2) { if constexpr(E1 == text::encoding::auto_detect || E2 == text::encoding::auto_detect) return text::text_encoder<text::encoding::auto_detect>::compare(value1, value2); else return text::text_encoder<E1>::compare(value1.cstr(), value2); } }; template<typename T1, text::encoding E1, typename T2> struct str_view_compare_helper<str_view<T1, E1>, const T2*> { inline static int compare(const str_view<T1, E1>& value1, const T2* value2) { if constexpr (E1 == text::encoding::auto_detect) return text::text_encoder<text::encoding::auto_detect>::compare(value1, str_view<const T2>(value2, 1)); //optimization hack: no real size needed for null termination string else return text::text_encoder<E1>::compare(value1.cstr(), value2); } }; template<typename T1, typename T2, text::encoding E2> struct str_view_compare_helper<const T1*, str_view<T2, E2>> { inline static int compare(const T1* value1, const str_view<T2, E2>& value2) { if constexpr (E2 == text::encoding::auto_detect) return text::text_encoder<text::encoding::auto_detect>::compare(str_view<const T1>(value1, 1), value2); //optimization hack: no real size needed for null termination string else return text::text_encoder<text::encoding_by_char_type<T1>::value>::compare(value1, value2); } }; template<typename T1, text::encoding E1, typename T2, wsize N2> struct str_view_compare_helper<str_view<T1, E1>, T2[N2]> { inline static int compare(const str_view<T1, E1>& value1, T2(&value2)[N2]) { if constexpr (E1 == text::encoding::auto_detect) return text::text_encoder<text::encoding::auto_detect>::compare(value1, str_view<T2>(value2, N2 - 1)); else return text::text_encoder<E1>::compare(value1.cstr(), (T2*)value2); } }; template<typename T1, wsize N1, typename T2, text::encoding E2> struct str_view_compare_helper<T1[N1], str_view<T2, E2>> { inline static int compare(T1(&value1)[N1], const str_view<T2, E2>& value2) { if constexpr (E2 == text::encoding::auto_detect) return text::text_encoder<text::encoding::auto_detect>::compare(str_view<T1>(value1, N1 - 1), value2); else return text::text_encoder<text::encoding_by_char_type<T1>::value>::compare((T1*)value1, value2); } }; template<typename T, text::encoding E> struct str_view_compare_helper<str_view<T, E>, nullptr_t> { static inline int compare(const str_view<T, E>& value, nullptr_t const&) { if constexpr (E == text::encoding::auto_detect) return value.ptr() ? 1 : 0; else return value.cstr() ? 1 : 0; } }; template<typename T, text::encoding E> struct str_view_compare_helper<nullptr_t, str_view<T, E>> { static inline int compare(nullptr_t const&, const str_view<T, E>& value) { if constexpr (E == text::encoding::auto_detect) return value.ptr() ? -1 : 0; else return value.cstr() ? -1 : 0; } }; template<typename T1, text::encoding E1, typename T2, text::encoding E2> bool operator == (const str_view<T1, E1>& value1, const str_view<T2, E2>& value2) { return str_view_compare_helper<str_view<T1, E1>, str_view<T2, E2>>::compare(value1, value2) == 0; } template<typename T, text::encoding E, typename cstr_t> bool operator == (const str_view<T, E>& value1, cstr_t value2) { return str_view_compare_helper<str_view<T, E>, cstr_t>::compare(value1, value2) == 0; } template<typename T, text::encoding E, typename cstr_t> bool operator == (cstr_t value1, const str_view<T, E>& value2) { return str_view_compare_helper<cstr_t, str_view<T, E>>::compare(value1, value2) == 0; } template<typename T1, text::encoding E1, typename T2, text::encoding E2> bool operator != (const str_view<T1, E1>& value1, const str_view<T2, E2>& value2) { return str_view_compare_helper<str_view<T1, E1>, str_view<T2, E2>>::compare(value1, value2) != 0; } template<typename T, text::encoding E, typename cstr_t> bool operator != (const str_view<T, E>& value1, cstr_t value2) { return str_view_compare_helper<str_view<T, E>, cstr_t>::compare(value1, value2) != 0; } template<typename T, text::encoding E, typename cstr_t> bool operator != (cstr_t value1, const str_view<T, E>& value2) { return str_view_compare_helper<cstr_t, str_view<T, E>>::compare(value1, value2) != 0; } template<typename T1, text::encoding E1, typename T2, text::encoding E2> bool operator >= (const str_view<T1, E1>& value1, const str_view<T2, E2>& value2) { return str_view_compare_helper<str_view<T1, E1>, str_view<T2, E2>>::compare(value1, value2) >= 0; } template<typename T, text::encoding E, typename cstr_t> bool operator >= (const str_view<T, E>& value1, cstr_t value2) { return str_view_compare_helper<str_view<T, E>, cstr_t>::compare(value1, value2) >= 0; } template<typename T, text::encoding E, typename cstr_t> bool operator >= (cstr_t value1, const str_view<T, E>& value2) { return str_view_compare_helper<cstr_t, str_view<T, E>>::compare(value1, value2) >= 0; } template<typename T1, text::encoding E1, typename T2, text::encoding E2> bool operator <= (const str_view<T1, E1>& value1, const str_view<T2, E2>& value2) { return str_view_compare_helper<str_view<T1, E1>, str_view<T2, E2>>::compare(value1, value2) <= 0; } template<typename T, text::encoding E, typename cstr_t> bool operator <= (const str_view<T, E>& value1, cstr_t value2) { return str_view_compare_helper<str_view<T, E>, cstr_t>::compare(value1, value2) <= 0; } template<typename T, text::encoding E, typename cstr_t> bool operator <= (cstr_t value1, const str_view<T, E>& value2) { return str_view_compare_helper<cstr_t, str_view<T, E>>::compare(value1, value2) <= 0; } template<typename T1, text::encoding E1, typename T2, text::encoding E2> bool operator > (const str_view<T1, E1>& value1, const str_view<T2, E2>& value2) { return str_view_compare_helper<str_view<T1, E1>, str_view<T2, E2>>::compare(value1, value2) > 0; } template<typename T, text::encoding E, typename cstr_t> bool operator > (const str_view<T, E>& value1, cstr_t value2) { return str_view_compare_helper<str_view<T, E>, cstr_t>::compare(value1, value2) > 0; } template<typename T, text::encoding E, typename cstr_t> bool operator > (cstr_t value1, const str_view<T, E>& value2) { return str_view_compare_helper<cstr_t, str_view<T, E>>::compare(value1, value2) > 0; } template<typename T1, text::encoding E1, typename T2, text::encoding E2> bool operator < (const str_view<T1, E1>& value1, const str_view<T2, E2>& value2) { return str_view_compare_helper<str_view<T1, E1>, str_view<T2, E2>>::compare(value1, value2) < 0; } template<typename T, text::encoding E, typename cstr_t> bool operator < (const str_view<T, E>& value1, cstr_t value2) { return str_view_compare_helper<str_view<T, E>, cstr_t>::compare(value1, value2) < 0; } template<typename T, text::encoding E, typename cstr_t> bool operator < (cstr_t value1, const str_view<T, E>& value2) { return str_view_compare_helper<cstr_t, str_view<T, E>>::compare(value1, value2) < 0; } } inline str_view<const char> operator "" _sv(const char* str, wsize sz) { return str_view<const char>(str, sz); } inline str_view<const mchar> operator "" _svm(const char* str, wsize sz) { return str_view<const mchar>((mchar const*)str, sz); } inline str_view<const wchar_t> operator "" _sv(const wchar_t* str, wsize sz) { return str_view<const wchar_t>(str, sz); } inline str_view<const char16_t> operator "" _sv(const char16_t* str, wsize sz) { return str_view<const char16_t>(str, sz); } inline str_view<const char32_t> operator "" _sv(const char32_t* str, wsize sz) { return str_view<const char32_t>(str, sz); } inline raw_cstr_t operator "" _r(const char* str, wsize sz) { return str_view<const char>(str, sz); } inline raw_cstr_t operator "" _r(const wchar_t* str, wsize sz) { return str_view<const wchar_t>(str, sz); } inline raw_cstr_t operator "" _r(const char16_t* str, wsize sz) { return str_view<const char16_t>(str, sz); } inline raw_cstr_t operator "" _r(const char32_t* str, wsize sz) { return str_view<const char32_t>(str, sz); } namespace algorithms { template<typename T, text::encoding E> struct hash<str_view<T, E>> { static ulong64 make(str_view<T, E> const& value) { ulong64 h = 75025; windex i = 0, c = value.size(); for (char32_t n = text::to_char32<false, text::is_endian_swapped<E>::value>(value.cstr(), i); n != 0; n = text::to_char32<false, text::is_endian_swapped<E>::value>(value.cstr(), i)) { h = (h << 5) + h + n + 1; } return h; } ulong64 operator()(str_view<T, E> const& value)const { return make(value); } }; template<> struct hash<cstr_t> { static ulong64 make(cstr_t const& value) { ulong64 h = 75025; windex i = 0, c = value.size(); for (char32_t n = text::encoder::to_char32(value, i); n != 0; n = text::encoder::to_char32(value, i)) { h = (h << 5) + h + n + 1; } return h; } ulong64 operator()(cstr_t const& value)const { return make(value); } }; } template<typename T, T VALUE> struct enum_to_string { static const str_view<const char> value; }; #define TO_STRING_TEMPLATE(_LINK, _VALUE) namespace ang { template<> struct _LINK enum_to_string<decltype(_VALUE), _VALUE> { static const str_view<const char> value; }; } #define TO_STRING_TEMPLATE_IMPLEMENT(_ENUM, _VALUE) const ang::str_view<const char> ang::enum_to_string<_ENUM, _ENUM::_VALUE>::value = ANG_UTILS_TO_STRING_OBJ(_VALUE); } TO_STRING_TEMPLATE(LINK, ang::text::encoding::binary); TO_STRING_TEMPLATE(LINK, ang::text::encoding::ascii); TO_STRING_TEMPLATE(LINK, ang::text::encoding::unicode); TO_STRING_TEMPLATE(LINK, ang::text::encoding::utf8); TO_STRING_TEMPLATE(LINK, ang::text::encoding::utf16); TO_STRING_TEMPLATE(LINK, ang::text::encoding::utf16_se); TO_STRING_TEMPLATE(LINK, ang::text::encoding::utf16_le); TO_STRING_TEMPLATE(LINK, ang::text::encoding::utf16_be); TO_STRING_TEMPLATE(LINK, ang::text::encoding::utf32); TO_STRING_TEMPLATE(LINK, ang::text::encoding::utf32_se); TO_STRING_TEMPLATE(LINK, ang::text::encoding::utf32_le); TO_STRING_TEMPLATE(LINK, ang::text::encoding::utf32_be); TO_STRING_TEMPLATE(LINK, ang::text::encoding::auto_detect); #endif//__ANG_BASE_TEXT_H__
/**************************************************************************** * arch/risc-v/src/k210/k210_timerisr.c * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The * ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** * Included Files ****************************************************************************/ #include <nuttx/config.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <time.h> #include <debug.h> #include <nuttx/arch.h> #include <arch/board/board.h> #include "riscv_arch.h" #include "k210.h" #include "k210_clockconfig.h" /**************************************************************************** * Pre-processor Definitions ****************************************************************************/ #define getreg64(a) (*(volatile uint64_t *)(a)) #define putreg64(v,a) (*(volatile uint64_t *)(a) = (v)) #ifdef CONFIG_K210_WITH_QEMU #define TICK_COUNT (10000000 / TICK_PER_SEC) #else #define TICK_COUNT ((k210_get_cpuclk() / 50) / TICK_PER_SEC) #endif /**************************************************************************** * Private Data ****************************************************************************/ static bool _b_tick_started = false; /**************************************************************************** * Private Functions ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** * Name: k210_reload_mtimecmp ****************************************************************************/ static void k210_reload_mtimecmp(void) { irqstate_t flags = spin_lock_irqsave(NULL); uint64_t current; uint64_t next; if (!_b_tick_started) { _b_tick_started = true; current = getreg64(K210_CLINT_MTIME); } else { current = getreg64(K210_CLINT_MTIMECMP); } uint64_t tick = TICK_COUNT; next = current + tick; putreg64(next, K210_CLINT_MTIMECMP); spin_unlock_irqrestore(NULL, flags); } /**************************************************************************** * Name: k210_timerisr ****************************************************************************/ static int k210_timerisr(int irq, void *context, FAR void *arg) { k210_reload_mtimecmp(); /* Process timer interrupt */ nxsched_process_timer(); return 0; } /**************************************************************************** * Public Functions ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** * Name: up_timer_initialize * * Description: * This function is called during start-up to initialize * the timer interrupt. * ****************************************************************************/ void up_timer_initialize(void) { #if 1 /* Attach timer interrupt handler */ irq_attach(K210_IRQ_MTIMER, k210_timerisr, NULL); /* Reload CLINT mtimecmp */ k210_reload_mtimecmp(); /* And enable the timer interrupt */ up_enable_irq(K210_IRQ_MTIMER); #endif }
/* * Copyright (C) 2015, <NAME> * TU Darmstadt - Graphics, Capture and Massively Parallel Computing * All rights reserved. * * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms * of the BSD 3-Clause license. See the LICENSE.txt file for details. */ #ifndef JOB_QUEUE_HEADER #define JOB_QUEUE_HEADER #include <QBoxLayout> #include <QDockWidget> #include <QListWidget> #include <QPushButton> #include <QTimer> #include <vector> struct JobProgress { virtual ~JobProgress (void) {} virtual char const* get_name (void) = 0; virtual char const* get_message (void) = 0; virtual bool is_completed (void) = 0; virtual bool has_progress (void) = 0; virtual float get_progress (void) = 0; virtual void cancel_job (void) = 0; }; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct JobQueueEntry { JobProgress* progress; QListWidgetItem* item; int finished; JobQueueEntry (void) : progress(nullptr), item(nullptr), finished(0) {} }; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ class JobQueue : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT /* Singleton implementation. */ public: static JobQueue* get (void); protected slots: void on_update (void); void on_item_activated(QListWidgetItem* item); void add_fake_job (void); void update_job (JobQueueEntry& job); protected: JobQueue (void); private: typedef std::vector<JobQueueEntry> JobQueueList; QListWidget* jobs_list; QDockWidget* dock; QTimer* update_timer; JobQueueList jobs; public: /* Note: job object is deleted when queue entry is removed. */ void add_job (JobProgress* job); /* QT stuff. */ QSize sizeHint (void) const; void set_dock_widget (QDockWidget* dock); bool is_empty (void) const; }; /* -------------------------- Implementation ---------------------- */ inline QSize JobQueue::sizeHint (void) const { return QSize(175, 0); } inline void JobQueue::set_dock_widget (QDockWidget* dock) { this->dock = dock; } inline bool JobQueue::is_empty (void) const { bool empty = true; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < this->jobs.size(); ++i) if (this->jobs[i].finished == 0) empty = false; return empty; } #endif /* JOB_QUEUE_HEADER */
/** * @file common.c * @author <NAME> <<EMAIL>> * @brief common internal definitions for libyang * * Copyright (c) 2018 CESNET, z.s.p.o. * * This source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include "common.h" #include <assert.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "compat.h" #include "tree_schema_internal.h" void * ly_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size) { void *new_mem; new_mem = realloc(ptr, size); if (!new_mem) { free(ptr); } return new_mem; } char * ly_strnchr(const char *s, int c, size_t len) { for ( ; len && (*s != (char)c); ++s, --len) {} return len ? (char *)s : NULL; } int ly_strncmp(const char *refstr, const char *str, size_t str_len) { int rc = strncmp(refstr, str, str_len); if (!rc && (refstr[str_len] == '\0')) { return 0; } else { return rc ? rc : 1; } } #define LY_OVERFLOW_ADD(MAX, X, Y) ((X > MAX - Y) ? 1 : 0) #define LY_OVERFLOW_MUL(MAX, X, Y) ((X > MAX / Y) ? 1 : 0) LY_ERR ly_strntou8(const char *nptr, size_t len, uint8_t *ret) { uint8_t num = 0, dig, dec_pow; if (len > 3) { /* overflow for sure */ return LY_EDENIED; } dec_pow = 1; for ( ; len && isdigit(nptr[len - 1]); --len) { dig = nptr[len - 1] - 48; if (LY_OVERFLOW_MUL(UINT8_MAX, dig, dec_pow)) { return LY_EDENIED; } dig *= dec_pow; if (LY_OVERFLOW_ADD(UINT8_MAX, num, dig)) { return LY_EDENIED; } num += dig; dec_pow *= 10; } if (len) { return LY_EVALID; } *ret = num; return LY_SUCCESS; } LY_ERR ly_value_prefix_next(const char *str_begin, const char *str_end, uint32_t *len, ly_bool *is_prefix, const char **str_next) { const char *stop, *prefix; size_t bytes_read; uint32_t c; ly_bool prefix_found; LY_ERR ret = LY_SUCCESS; assert(len && is_prefix && str_next); #define IS_AT_END(PTR, STR_END) (STR_END ? PTR == STR_END : !(*PTR)) *str_next = NULL; *is_prefix = 0; *len = 0; if (!str_begin || !(*str_begin) || (str_begin == str_end)) { return ret; } stop = str_begin; prefix = NULL; prefix_found = 0; do { /* look for the beginning of the YANG value */ do { LY_CHECK_RET(ly_getutf8(&stop, &c, &bytes_read)); } while (!is_xmlqnamestartchar(c) && !IS_AT_END(stop, str_end)); if (IS_AT_END(stop, str_end)) { break; } /* maybe the prefix was found */ prefix = stop - bytes_read; /* look for the the end of the prefix */ do { LY_CHECK_RET(ly_getutf8(&stop, &c, &bytes_read)); } while (is_xmlqnamechar(c) && !IS_AT_END(stop, str_end)); prefix_found = c == ':' ? 1 : 0; /* if it wasn't the prefix, keep looking */ } while (!IS_AT_END(stop, str_end) && !prefix_found); if ((str_begin == prefix) && prefix_found) { /* prefix found at the beginning of the input string */ *is_prefix = 1; *str_next = IS_AT_END(stop, str_end) ? NULL : stop; *len = (stop - bytes_read) - str_begin; } else if ((str_begin != prefix) && (prefix_found)) { /* there is a some string before prefix */ *str_next = prefix; *len = prefix - str_begin; } else { /* no prefix found */ *len = stop - str_begin; } #undef IS_AT_END return ret; } LY_ERR ly_getutf8(const char **input, uint32_t *utf8_char, size_t *bytes_read) { uint32_t c, aux; size_t len; if (bytes_read) { (*bytes_read) = 0; } c = (*input)[0]; LY_CHECK_RET(!c, LY_EINVAL); if (!(c & 0x80)) { /* one byte character */ len = 1; if ((c < 0x20) && (c != 0x9) && (c != 0xa) && (c != 0xd)) { return LY_EINVAL; } } else if ((c & 0xe0) == 0xc0) { /* two bytes character */ len = 2; aux = (*input)[1]; if ((aux & 0xc0) != 0x80) { return LY_EINVAL; } c = ((c & 0x1f) << 6) | (aux & 0x3f); if (c < 0x80) { return LY_EINVAL; } } else if ((c & 0xf0) == 0xe0) { /* three bytes character */ len = 3; c &= 0x0f; for (uint64_t i = 1; i <= 2; i++) { aux = (*input)[i]; if ((aux & 0xc0) != 0x80) { return LY_EINVAL; } c = (c << 6) | (aux & 0x3f); } if ((c < 0x800) || ((c > 0xd7ff) && (c < 0xe000)) || (c > 0xfffd)) { return LY_EINVAL; } } else if ((c & 0xf8) == 0xf0) { /* four bytes character */ len = 4; c &= 0x07; for (uint64_t i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { aux = (*input)[i]; if ((aux & 0xc0) != 0x80) { return LY_EINVAL; } c = (c << 6) | (aux & 0x3f); } if ((c < 0x1000) || (c > 0x10ffff)) { return LY_EINVAL; } } else { return LY_EINVAL; } (*utf8_char) = c; (*input) += len; if (bytes_read) { (*bytes_read) = len; } return LY_SUCCESS; } LY_ERR ly_pututf8(char *dst, uint32_t value, size_t *bytes_written) { if (value < 0x80) { /* one byte character */ if ((value < 0x20) && (value != 0x09) && (value != 0x0a) && (value != 0x0d)) { return LY_EINVAL; } dst[0] = value; (*bytes_written) = 1; } else if (value < 0x800) { /* two bytes character */ dst[0] = 0xc0 | (value >> 6); dst[1] = 0x80 | (value & 0x3f); (*bytes_written) = 2; } else if (value < 0xfffe) { /* three bytes character */ if (((value & 0xf800) == 0xd800) || ((value >= 0xfdd0) && (value <= 0xfdef))) { /* exclude surrogate blocks %xD800-DFFF */ /* exclude noncharacters %xFDD0-FDEF */ return LY_EINVAL; } dst[0] = 0xe0 | (value >> 12); dst[1] = 0x80 | ((value >> 6) & 0x3f); dst[2] = 0x80 | (value & 0x3f); (*bytes_written) = 3; } else if (value < 0x10fffe) { if ((value & 0xffe) == 0xffe) { /* exclude noncharacters %xFFFE-FFFF, %x1FFFE-1FFFF, %x2FFFE-2FFFF, %x3FFFE-3FFFF, %x4FFFE-4FFFF, * %x5FFFE-5FFFF, %x6FFFE-6FFFF, %x7FFFE-7FFFF, %x8FFFE-8FFFF, %x9FFFE-9FFFF, %xAFFFE-AFFFF, * %xBFFFE-BFFFF, %xCFFFE-CFFFF, %xDFFFE-DFFFF, %xEFFFE-EFFFF, %xFFFFE-FFFFF, %x10FFFE-10FFFF */ return LY_EINVAL; } /* four bytes character */ dst[0] = 0xf0 | (value >> 18); dst[1] = 0x80 | ((value >> 12) & 0x3f); dst[2] = 0x80 | ((value >> 6) & 0x3f); dst[3] = 0x80 | (value & 0x3f); (*bytes_written) = 4; } else { return LY_EINVAL; } return LY_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Static table of the UTF8 characters lengths according to their first byte. */ static const unsigned char utf8_char_length_table[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 1, 1 }; size_t ly_utf8len(const char *str, size_t bytes) { size_t len = 0; const char *ptr = str; while (((size_t)(ptr - str) < bytes) && *ptr) { ++len; ptr += utf8_char_length_table[((unsigned char)(*ptr))]; } return len; } size_t LY_VCODE_INSTREXP_len(const char *str) { size_t len = 0; if (!str) { return len; } else if (!str[0]) { return 1; } for (len = 1; len < LY_VCODE_INSTREXP_MAXLEN && str[len]; ++len) {} return len; } LY_ERR ly_mmap(struct ly_ctx *ctx, int fd, size_t *length, void **addr) { struct stat sb; long pagesize; size_t m; assert(length); assert(addr); assert(fd >= 0); if (fstat(fd, &sb) == -1) { LOGERR(ctx, LY_ESYS, "Failed to stat the file descriptor (%s) for the mmap().", strerror(errno)); return LY_ESYS; } if (!S_ISREG(sb.st_mode)) { LOGERR(ctx, LY_EINVAL, "File to mmap() is not a regular file."); return LY_ESYS; } if (!sb.st_size) { *addr = NULL; return LY_SUCCESS; } pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); m = sb.st_size % pagesize; if (m && (pagesize - m >= 1)) { /* there will be enough space (at least 1 byte) after the file content mapping to provide zeroed NULL-termination byte */ *length = sb.st_size + 1; *addr = mmap(NULL, *length, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0); } else { /* there will not be enough bytes after the file content mapping for the additional bytes and some of them * would overflow into another page that would not be zerroed and any access into it would generate SIGBUS. * Therefore we have to do the following hack with double mapping. First, the required number of bytes * (including the additinal bytes) is required as anonymous and thus they will be really provided (actually more * because of using whole pages) and also initialized by zeros. Then, the file is mapped to the same address * where the anonymous mapping starts. */ *length = sb.st_size + pagesize; *addr = mmap(NULL, *length, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0); *addr = mmap(*addr, sb.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_FIXED, fd, 0); } if (*addr == MAP_FAILED) { LOGERR(ctx, LY_ESYS, "mmap() failed (%s).", strerror(errno)); return LY_ESYS; } return LY_SUCCESS; } LY_ERR ly_munmap(void *addr, size_t length) { if (munmap(addr, length)) { return LY_ESYS; } return LY_SUCCESS; } LY_ERR ly_strcat(char **dest, const char *format, ...) { va_list fp; char *addition = NULL; size_t len; va_start(fp, format); len = vasprintf(&addition, format, fp); len += (*dest ? strlen(*dest) : 0) + 1; if (*dest) { *dest = ly_realloc(*dest, len); if (!*dest) { va_end(fp); return LY_EMEM; } *dest = strcat(*dest, addition); free(addition); } else { *dest = addition; } va_end(fp); return LY_SUCCESS; } LY_ERR ly_parse_int(const char *val_str, size_t val_len, int64_t min, int64_t max, int base, int64_t *ret) { LY_ERR rc = LY_SUCCESS; char *ptr, *str; int64_t i; LY_CHECK_ARG_RET(NULL, val_str, val_str[0], val_len, LY_EINVAL); /* duplicate the value */ str = strndup(val_str, val_len); LY_CHECK_RET(!str, LY_EMEM); /* parse the value to avoid accessing following bytes */ errno = 0; i = strtoll(str, &ptr, base); if (errno || (ptr == str)) { /* invalid string */ rc = LY_EVALID; } else if ((i < min) || (i > max)) { /* invalid number */ rc = LY_EDENIED; } else if (*ptr) { while (isspace(*ptr)) { ++ptr; } if (*ptr) { /* invalid characters after some number */ rc = LY_EVALID; } } /* cleanup */ free(str); if (!rc) { *ret = i; } return rc; } LY_ERR ly_parse_uint(const char *val_str, size_t val_len, uint64_t max, int base, uint64_t *ret) { LY_ERR rc = LY_SUCCESS; char *ptr, *str; uint64_t u; LY_CHECK_ARG_RET(NULL, val_str, val_str[0], val_len, LY_EINVAL); /* duplicate the value to avoid accessing following bytes */ str = strndup(val_str, val_len); LY_CHECK_RET(!str, LY_EMEM); /* parse the value */ errno = 0; u = strtoull(str, &ptr, base); if (errno || (ptr == str)) { /* invalid string */ rc = LY_EVALID; } else if ((u > max) || (u && (str[0] == '-'))) { /* invalid number */ rc = LY_EDENIED; } else if (*ptr) { while (isspace(*ptr)) { ++ptr; } if (*ptr) { /* invalid characters after some number */ rc = LY_EVALID; } } /* cleanup */ free(str); if (!rc) { *ret = u; } return rc; } /** * @brief Parse an identifier. * * ;; An identifier MUST NOT start with (('X'|'x') ('M'|'m') ('L'|'l')) * identifier = (ALPHA / "_") * *(ALPHA / DIGIT / "_" / "-" / ".") * * @param[in,out] id Identifier to parse. When returned, it points to the first character which is not part of the identifier. * @return LY_ERR value: LY_SUCCESS or LY_EINVAL in case of invalid starting character. */ static LY_ERR lys_parse_id(const char **id) { assert(id && *id); if (!is_yangidentstartchar(**id)) { return LY_EINVAL; } ++(*id); while (is_yangidentchar(**id)) { ++(*id); } return LY_SUCCESS; } LY_ERR ly_parse_nodeid(const char **id, const char **prefix, size_t *prefix_len, const char **name, size_t *name_len) { assert(id && *id); assert(prefix && prefix_len); assert(name && name_len); *prefix = *id; *prefix_len = 0; *name = NULL; *name_len = 0; LY_CHECK_RET(lys_parse_id(id)); if (**id == ':') { /* there is prefix */ *prefix_len = *id - *prefix; ++(*id); *name = *id; LY_CHECK_RET(lys_parse_id(id)); *name_len = *id - *name; } else { /* there is no prefix, so what we have as prefix now is actually the name */ *name = *prefix; *name_len = *id - *name; *prefix = NULL; } return LY_SUCCESS; } LY_ERR ly_parse_instance_predicate(const char **pred, size_t limit, LYD_FORMAT format, const char **prefix, size_t *prefix_len, const char **id, size_t *id_len, const char **value, size_t *value_len, const char **errmsg) { LY_ERR ret = LY_EVALID; const char *in = *pred; size_t offset = 1; uint8_t expr = 0; /* 0 - position predicate; 1 - leaf-list-predicate; 2 - key-predicate */ char quot; assert(in[0] == '['); *prefix = *id = *value = NULL; *prefix_len = *id_len = *value_len = 0; /* leading *WSP */ for ( ; isspace(in[offset]); offset++) {} if (isdigit(in[offset])) { /* pos: "[" *WSP positive-integer-value *WSP "]" */ if (in[offset] == '0') { /* zero */ *errmsg = "The position predicate cannot be zero."; goto error; } /* positive-integer-value */ *value = &in[offset++]; for ( ; isdigit(in[offset]); offset++) {} *value_len = &in[offset] - *value; } else if (in[offset] == '.') { /* leaf-list-predicate: "[" *WSP "." *WSP "=" *WSP quoted-string *WSP "]" */ *id = &in[offset]; *id_len = 1; offset++; expr = 1; } else if (in[offset] == '-') { /* typically negative value */ *errmsg = "Invalid instance predicate format (negative position or invalid node-identifier)."; goto error; } else { /* key-predicate: "[" *WSP node-identifier *WSP "=" *WSP quoted-string *WSP "]" */ in = &in[offset]; if (ly_parse_nodeid(&in, prefix, prefix_len, id, id_len)) { *errmsg = "Invalid node-identifier."; goto error; } if ((format == LYD_XML) && !(*prefix)) { /* all node names MUST be qualified with explicit namespace prefix */ *errmsg = "Missing prefix of a node name."; goto error; } offset = in - *pred; in = *pred; expr = 2; } if (expr) { /* *WSP "=" *WSP quoted-string *WSP "]" */ for ( ; isspace(in[offset]); offset++) {} if (in[offset] != '=') { if (expr == 1) { *errmsg = "Unexpected character instead of \'=\' in leaf-list-predicate."; } else { /* 2 */ *errmsg = "Unexpected character instead of \'=\' in key-predicate."; } goto error; } offset++; for ( ; isspace(in[offset]); offset++) {} /* quoted-string */ quot = in[offset++]; if ((quot != '\'') && (quot != '\"')) { *errmsg = "String value is not quoted."; goto error; } *value = &in[offset]; for ( ; offset < limit && (in[offset] != quot || (offset && in[offset - 1] == '\\')); offset++) {} if (in[offset] == quot) { *value_len = &in[offset] - *value; offset++; } else { *errmsg = "Value is not terminated quoted-string."; goto error; } } /* *WSP "]" */ for ( ; isspace(in[offset]); offset++) {} if (in[offset] != ']') { if (expr == 0) { *errmsg = "Predicate (pos) is not terminated by \']\' character."; } else if (expr == 1) { *errmsg = "Predicate (leaf-list-predicate) is not terminated by \']\' character."; } else { /* 2 */ *errmsg = "Predicate (key-predicate) is not terminated by \']\' character."; } goto error; } offset++; if (offset <= limit) { *pred = &in[offset]; return LY_SUCCESS; } /* we read after the limit */ *errmsg = "Predicate is incomplete."; *prefix = *id = *value = NULL; *prefix_len = *id_len = *value_len = 0; offset = limit; ret = LY_EINVAL; error: *pred = &in[offset]; return ret; }
// Tests simple switch()-statement - not inside a loop void main() { char* SCREEN = (char*)0x0400; char b=0; char v64 = 0; switch(v64){ case 0: b = 1; } SCREEN[0] = b; }
/* * phi/region.h * * Represent a text region in a text view */ #ifndef __PHI_REGION__ #define __PHI_REGION__ #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct phi_region_t { unsigned int start_pos; // The start position of region unsigned int end_pos; // The end position of region struct phi_region_t *next; // So, it's a linked list } PhiRegion; /* * Function: phi_region_new * ---------------------- * Create a region for view * * start_pos: the start position of text in the view * end_pos: the end position of text in the view */ PhiRegion *phi_region_new(unsigned int start_pos, unsigned int end_pos); /* * Function: phi_region_destroy * ---------------------- * Destroy a phi region * * region: the region of the view */ void phi_region_destroy(PhiRegion *region); #endif
/* Created by <NAME> */ #include <stdio.h> int main(){ printf("\n Hello World in C Language !"); }
// This file is licensed under the Elastic License 2.0. Copyright 2021 StarRocks Limited. #pragma once #include "exec/exec_node.h" #include "exec/pipeline/operator.h" #include "exec/vectorized/aggregate/aggregate_base_node.h" // Aggregate means this node handle query with aggregate functions. // Blocking means this node will consume all input and build hash map in open phase. namespace starrocks::vectorized { class AggregateBlockingNode final : public AggregateBaseNode { public: AggregateBlockingNode(ObjectPool* pool, const TPlanNode& tnode, const DescriptorTbl& descs) : AggregateBaseNode(pool, tnode, descs) { _aggr_phase = AggrPhase2; }; Status open(RuntimeState* state) override; Status get_next(RuntimeState* state, ChunkPtr* chunk, bool* eos) override; std::vector<std::shared_ptr<pipeline::OperatorFactory>> decompose_to_pipeline( pipeline::PipelineBuilderContext* context) override; }; } // namespace starrocks::vectorized
// // Copyright (C) 2018 <NAME> // // @@ All Rights Reserved @@ // This file is part of the RDKit. // The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license // which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root // of the RDKit source tree. // #include <RDGeneral/export.h> #ifndef __RD_TRANSFORM_CATALOG_UTILS_H__ #define __RD_TRANSFORM_CATALOG_UTILS_H__ #include <GraphMol/RDKitBase.h> #include "TransformCatalogParams.h" #include <GraphMol/Substruct/SubstructMatch.h> #include <GraphMol/ChemReactions/Reaction.h> #include <iostream> namespace RDKit { class ROMol; namespace MolStandardize { class TransformCatalogParams; RDKIT_MOLSTANDARDIZE_EXPORT std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChemicalReaction>> readTransformations(std::string fileName); RDKIT_MOLSTANDARDIZE_EXPORT std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChemicalReaction>> readTransformations(std::istream &inStream, int nToRead = -1); } // namespace MolStandardize } // namespace RDKit #endif
/***************************************************************************//** * @file * @brief Inertial Measurement Unit ******************************************************************************* * # License * <b>Copyright 2018 Silicon Laboratories Inc.</b> ******************************************************************************* * * The licensor of this software is Silicon Laboratories Inc. Your use of this * software is governed by the terms of Silicon Labs Master Software License * Agreement (MSLA) available at * This * software is distributed to you in Source Code format and is governed by the * sections of the MSLA applicable to Source Code. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "imu.h" #include <math.h> /*************************************************************************************************** * Local Macros and Definitions **************************************************************************************************/ #define MAX_ACCEL_FOR_ANGLE 0.9848 /*************************************************************************************************** * Local Function Definitions **************************************************************************************************/ static void matrixMultiply(ImuFloat_t out[3][3], ImuFloat_t in_a[3][3], ImuFloat_t in_b[3][3]) { ImuFloat_t op[3]; for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 3; x++) { for (uint8_t y = 0; y < 3; y++) { for (uint8_t w = 0; w < 3; w++) { op[w] = in_a[x][w] * in_b[w][y]; } out[x][y] = op[0] + op[1] + op[2]; } } } static ImuFloat_t vectorDotProduct(ImuFloat_t in_a[3], ImuFloat_t in_b[3]) { ImuFloat_t op = 0; for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 3; x++) { op += in_a[x] * in_b[x]; } return op; } /*************************************************************************************************** * Public Function Definitions **************************************************************************************************/ void imuAngleNormalize(ImuFloat_t *a) { while (*a >= IMU_PI) { *a -= (2 * IMU_PI); } while (*a < -IMU_PI) { *a += (2 * IMU_PI); } } void imuVectorReset(ImuFloat_t inout[3]) { for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 3; x++) { inout[x] = 0.0; } } void imuVectorAngleNormalize(ImuFloat_t inout[3]) { for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 3; x++) { imuAngleNormalize(&inout[x]); } } void imuVectorAdd(ImuFloat_t out[3], ImuFloat_t in_a[3], ImuFloat_t in_b[3]) { for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 3; x++) { out[x] = in_a[x] + in_b[x]; } } void imuVectorSubtract(ImuFloat_t out[3], ImuFloat_t in_a[3], ImuFloat_t in_b[3]) { for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 3; x++) { out[x] = in_a[x] - in_b[x]; } } void imuVectorCopyAndScale(ImuFloat_t out[3], ImuFloat_t in[3], ImuFloat_t scale) { for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 3; x++) { out[x] = in[x] * scale; } } void imuVectorScale(ImuFloat_t inout[3], ImuFloat_t scale) { for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 3; x++) { inout[x] *= scale; } } void imuVectorCrossProduct(ImuFloat_t out[3], ImuFloat_t in_a[3], ImuFloat_t in_b[3]) { out[0] = (in_a[1] * in_b[2]) - (in_a[2] * in_b[1]); out[1] = (in_a[2] * in_b[0]) - (in_a[0] * in_b[2]); out[2] = (in_a[0] * in_b[1]) - (in_a[1] * in_b[0]); } void imuDcmReset(ImuFloat_t dcmMatrix[3][3]) { for (uint8_t y = 0; y < 3; y++) { for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 3; x++) { dcmMatrix[y][x] = (x == y) ? 1 : 0; } } } void imuDcmResetZ(ImuFloat_t dcmMatrix[3][3]) { dcmMatrix[0][0] = 1; dcmMatrix[0][1] = 0; dcmMatrix[0][2] = 0; imuVectorCrossProduct(&dcmMatrix[1][0], &dcmMatrix[0][0], &dcmMatrix[2][0]); imuVectorScale(&dcmMatrix[1][0], -1.0); imuVectorCrossProduct(&dcmMatrix[0][0], &dcmMatrix[1][0], &dcmMatrix[2][0]); } void imuDcmRotate(ImuFloat_t dcmMatrix[3][3], ImuFloat_t ang[3]) { ImuFloat_t um[3][3]; ImuFloat_t tm[3][3]; um[0][0] = 0; um[0][1] = -ang[2]; um[0][2] = ang[1]; um[1][0] = ang[2]; um[1][1] = 0; um[1][2] = -ang[0]; um[2][0] = -ang[1]; um[2][1] = ang[0]; um[2][2] = 0; matrixMultiply(tm, dcmMatrix, um); for (uint8_t y = 0; y < 3; y++) { for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 3; x++) { dcmMatrix[y][x] += tm[y][x]; } } } void imuDcmNormalize(ImuFloat_t dcmMatrix[3][3]) { ImuFloat_t error = 0; ImuFloat_t temporary[3][3]; ImuFloat_t renorm = 0; error = -vectorDotProduct(&dcmMatrix[0][0], &dcmMatrix[1][0]) * .5; imuVectorCopyAndScale(&temporary[0][0], &dcmMatrix[1][0], error); imuVectorCopyAndScale(&temporary[1][0], &dcmMatrix[0][0], error); imuVectorAdd(&temporary[0][0], &temporary[0][0], &dcmMatrix[0][0]); imuVectorAdd(&temporary[1][0], &temporary[1][0], &dcmMatrix[1][0]); imuVectorCrossProduct(&temporary[2][0], &temporary[0][0], &temporary[1][0]); renorm = .5 * (3 - vectorDotProduct(&temporary[0][0], &temporary[0][0])); imuVectorCopyAndScale(&dcmMatrix[0][0], &temporary[0][0], renorm); renorm = .5 * (3 - vectorDotProduct(&temporary[1][0], &temporary[1][0])); imuVectorCopyAndScale(&dcmMatrix[1][0], &temporary[1][0], renorm); renorm = .5 * (3 - vectorDotProduct(&temporary[2][0], &temporary[2][0])); imuVectorCopyAndScale(&dcmMatrix[2][0], &temporary[2][0], renorm); } void imuDcmGetAngles(ImuFloat_t dcmMatrix[3][3], ImuFloat_t ang[3]) { // Roll ang[0] = imuAtan2(dcmMatrix[2][1], dcmMatrix[2][2]); // Pitch ang[1] = -imuAsin(dcmMatrix[2][0]); // Yaw ang[2] = imuAtan2(dcmMatrix[1][0], dcmMatrix[0][0]); } void imuSensorFusionGyroCorrClr(ImuSensorFusion_t *fus) { imuVectorReset(fus->fusionAngleCorrection); } void imuSensorFusionGyroCorrDo(ImuSensorFusion_t *fus, ImuFloat_t gyr[3]) { imuVectorAdd(gyr, gyr, fus->fusionAngleCorrection); } void imuSensorFusionGyroCorrCalc(ImuSensorFusion_t *fus, ImuFloat_t ori[3], bool accValid, ImuFloat_t accVec[3], bool dirValid, ImuFloat_t dirZ, int16_t freq) { ImuFloat_t accAng[3]; imuSensorFusionGyroCorrClr(fus); if (accValid && (accVec[0] >= -MAX_ACCEL_FOR_ANGLE) && (accVec[0] <= MAX_ACCEL_FOR_ANGLE) && (accVec[1] >= -MAX_ACCEL_FOR_ANGLE) && (accVec[1] <= MAX_ACCEL_FOR_ANGLE)) { if (accVec[2] >= 0) { accAng[0] = imuAsin(accVec[1]); accAng[1] = -imuAsin(accVec[0]); accAng[2] = dirZ; imuVectorSubtract(fus->fusionAngleCorrection, accAng, ori); imuVectorAngleNormalize(fus->fusionAngleCorrection); } else { accAng[0] = IMU_PI - imuAsin(accVec[1]); accAng[1] = -imuAsin(accVec[0]); accAng[2] = IMU_PI + dirZ; imuVectorAngleNormalize(accAng); imuVectorSubtract(fus->fusionAngleCorrection, accAng, ori); imuVectorAngleNormalize(fus->fusionAngleCorrection); fus->fusionAngleCorrection[1] = -fus->fusionAngleCorrection[1]; } if (!dirValid) { fus->fusionAngleCorrection[2] = 0; } imuVectorScale(fus->fusionAngleCorrection, 0.5 / freq); } }
/*! * \file RegionRU864.c * * \brief Region implementation for RU864 * * \copyright Revised BSD License, see section \ref LICENSE. * * \code * ______ _ * / _____) _ | | * ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__ * \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \ * _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | | * (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_| * (C)2013-2017 Semtech * * ___ _____ _ ___ _ _____ ___ ___ ___ ___ * / __|_ _/_\ / __| |/ / __/ _ \| _ \/ __| __| * \__ \ | |/ _ \ (__| ' <| _| (_) | / (__| _| * |___/ |_/_/ \_\___|_|\_\_| \___/|_|_\\___|___| * * * \endcode * * \author <NAME> ( Semtech ) * * \author <NAME> ( Semtech ) * * \author <NAME> ( STACKFORCE ) */ #include "utilities.h" #include "RegionCommon.h" #include "RegionRU864.h" // Definitions #define CHANNELS_MASK_SIZE 1 /*! * Region specific context */ typedef struct sRegionRU864NvmCtx { /*! * LoRaMAC channels */ ChannelParams_t Channels[ RU864_MAX_NB_CHANNELS ]; /*! * LoRaMac bands */ Band_t Bands[ RU864_MAX_NB_BANDS ]; /*! * LoRaMac channels mask */ uint16_t ChannelsMask[ CHANNELS_MASK_SIZE ]; /*! * LoRaMac channels default mask */ uint16_t ChannelsDefaultMask[ CHANNELS_MASK_SIZE ]; }RegionRU864NvmCtx_t; /* * Non-volatile module context. */ static RegionRU864NvmCtx_t NvmCtx; // Static functions static int8_t GetNextLowerTxDr( int8_t dr, int8_t minDr ) { uint8_t nextLowerDr = 0; if( dr == minDr ) { nextLowerDr = minDr; } else { nextLowerDr = dr - 1; } return nextLowerDr; } static uint32_t GetBandwidth( uint32_t drIndex ) { switch( BandwidthsRU864[drIndex] ) { default: case 125000: return 0; case 250000: return 1; case 500000: return 2; } } static int8_t LimitTxPower( int8_t txPower, int8_t maxBandTxPower, int8_t datarate, uint16_t* channelsMask ) { int8_t txPowerResult = txPower; // Limit tx power to the band max txPowerResult = MAX( txPower, maxBandTxPower ); return txPowerResult; } static bool VerifyRfFreq( uint32_t freq ) { // Check radio driver support if( Radio.CheckRfFrequency( freq ) == false ) { return false; } // Check frequency bands if( ( freq < 864000000 ) || ( freq > 870000000 ) ) { return false; } return true; } static uint8_t CountNbOfEnabledChannels( bool joined, uint8_t datarate, uint16_t* channelsMask, ChannelParams_t* channels, Band_t* bands, uint8_t* enabledChannels, uint8_t* delayTx ) { uint8_t nbEnabledChannels = 0; uint8_t delayTransmission = 0; for( uint8_t i = 0, k = 0; i < RU864_MAX_NB_CHANNELS; i += 16, k++ ) { for( uint8_t j = 0; j < 16; j++ ) { if( ( channelsMask[k] & ( 1 << j ) ) != 0 ) { if( channels[i + j].Frequency == 0 ) { // Check if the channel is enabled continue; } if( joined == false ) { if( ( RU864_JOIN_CHANNELS & ( 1 << j ) ) == 0 ) { continue; } } if( RegionCommonValueInRange( datarate, channels[i + j].DrRange.Fields.Min, channels[i + j].DrRange.Fields.Max ) == false ) { // Check if the current channel selection supports the given datarate continue; } if( bands[channels[i + j].Band].TimeOff > 0 ) { // Check if the band is available for transmission delayTransmission++; continue; } enabledChannels[nbEnabledChannels++] = i + j; } } } *delayTx = delayTransmission; return nbEnabledChannels; } PhyParam_t RegionRU864GetPhyParam( GetPhyParams_t* getPhy ) { PhyParam_t phyParam = { 0 }; switch( getPhy->Attribute ) { case PHY_MIN_RX_DR: { phyParam.Value = RU864_RX_MIN_DATARATE; break; } case PHY_MIN_TX_DR: { phyParam.Value = RU864_TX_MIN_DATARATE; break; } case PHY_DEF_TX_DR: { phyParam.Value = RU864_DEFAULT_DATARATE; break; } case PHY_NEXT_LOWER_TX_DR: { phyParam.Value = GetNextLowerTxDr( getPhy->Datarate, RU864_TX_MIN_DATARATE ); break; } case PHY_DEF_TX_POWER: { phyParam.Value = RU864_DEFAULT_TX_POWER; break; } case PHY_DEF_ADR_ACK_LIMIT: { phyParam.Value = RU864_ADR_ACK_LIMIT; break; } case PHY_DEF_ADR_ACK_DELAY: { phyParam.Value = RU864_ADR_ACK_DELAY; break; } case PHY_MAX_PAYLOAD: { phyParam.Value = MaxPayloadOfDatarateRU864[getPhy->Datarate]; break; } case PHY_MAX_PAYLOAD_REPEATER: { phyParam.Value = MaxPayloadOfDatarateRepeaterRU864[getPhy->Datarate]; break; } case PHY_DUTY_CYCLE: { phyParam.Value = RU864_DUTY_CYCLE_ENABLED; break; } case PHY_MAX_RX_WINDOW: { phyParam.Value = RU864_MAX_RX_WINDOW; break; } case PHY_RECEIVE_DELAY1: { phyParam.Value = RU864_RECEIVE_DELAY1; break; } case PHY_RECEIVE_DELAY2: { phyParam.Value = RU864_RECEIVE_DELAY2; break; } case PHY_JOIN_ACCEPT_DELAY1: { phyParam.Value = RU864_JOIN_ACCEPT_DELAY1; break; } case PHY_JOIN_ACCEPT_DELAY2: { phyParam.Value = RU864_JOIN_ACCEPT_DELAY2; break; } case PHY_ACK_TIMEOUT: { phyParam.Value = ( RU864_ACKTIMEOUT + randr( -RU864_ACK_TIMEOUT_RND, RU864_ACK_TIMEOUT_RND ) ); break; } case PHY_DEF_DR1_OFFSET: { phyParam.Value = RU864_DEFAULT_RX1_DR_OFFSET; break; } case PHY_DEF_RX2_FREQUENCY: { phyParam.Value = RU864_RX_WND_2_FREQ; break; } case PHY_DEF_RX2_DR: { phyParam.Value = RU864_RX_WND_2_DR; break; } case PHY_CHANNELS_MASK: { phyParam.ChannelsMask = NvmCtx.ChannelsMask; break; } case PHY_CHANNELS_DEFAULT_MASK: { phyParam.ChannelsMask = NvmCtx.ChannelsDefaultMask; break; } case PHY_MAX_NB_CHANNELS: { phyParam.Value = RU864_MAX_NB_CHANNELS; break; } case PHY_CHANNELS: { phyParam.Channels = NvmCtx.Channels; break; } case PHY_DEF_UPLINK_DWELL_TIME: case PHY_DEF_DOWNLINK_DWELL_TIME: { phyParam.Value = 0; break; } case PHY_DEF_MAX_EIRP: { phyParam.fValue = RU864_DEFAULT_MAX_EIRP; break; } case PHY_DEF_ANTENNA_GAIN: { phyParam.fValue = RU864_DEFAULT_ANTENNA_GAIN; break; } case PHY_BEACON_CHANNEL_FREQ: { phyParam.Value = RU864_BEACON_CHANNEL_FREQ; break; } case PHY_BEACON_FORMAT: { phyParam.BeaconFormat.BeaconSize = RU864_BEACON_SIZE; phyParam.BeaconFormat.Rfu1Size = RU864_RFU1_SIZE; phyParam.BeaconFormat.Rfu2Size = RU864_RFU2_SIZE; break; } case PHY_BEACON_CHANNEL_DR: { phyParam.Value = RU864_BEACON_CHANNEL_DR; break; } default: { break; } } return phyParam; } void RegionRU864SetBandTxDone( SetBandTxDoneParams_t* txDone ) { RegionCommonSetBandTxDone( txDone->Joined, &NvmCtx.Bands[NvmCtx.Channels[txDone->Channel].Band], txDone->LastTxDoneTime ); } void RegionRU864InitDefaults( InitDefaultsParams_t* params ) { Band_t bands[RU864_MAX_NB_BANDS] = { RU864_BAND0 }; switch( params->Type ) { case INIT_TYPE_INIT: { // Initialize bands memcpy1( ( uint8_t* )NvmCtx.Bands, ( uint8_t* )bands, sizeof( Band_t ) * RU864_MAX_NB_BANDS ); // Channels NvmCtx.Channels[0] = ( ChannelParams_t ) RU864_LC1; NvmCtx.Channels[1] = ( ChannelParams_t ) RU864_LC2; // Initialize the channels default mask NvmCtx.ChannelsDefaultMask[0] = LC( 1 ) + LC( 2 ); // Update the channels mask RegionCommonChanMaskCopy( NvmCtx.ChannelsMask, NvmCtx.ChannelsDefaultMask, 1 ); break; } case INIT_TYPE_RESTORE_CTX: { if( params->NvmCtx != 0 ) { memcpy1( (uint8_t*) &NvmCtx, (uint8_t*) params->NvmCtx, sizeof( NvmCtx ) ); } break; } case INIT_TYPE_RESTORE_DEFAULT_CHANNELS: { // Restore channels default mask NvmCtx.ChannelsMask[0] |= NvmCtx.ChannelsDefaultMask[0]; break; } default: { break; } } } void* RegionRU864GetNvmCtx( GetNvmCtxParams_t* params ) { params->nvmCtxSize = sizeof( RegionRU864NvmCtx_t ); return &NvmCtx; } bool RegionRU864Verify( VerifyParams_t* verify, PhyAttribute_t phyAttribute ) { switch( phyAttribute ) { case PHY_TX_DR: { return RegionCommonValueInRange( verify->DatarateParams.Datarate, RU864_TX_MIN_DATARATE, RU864_TX_MAX_DATARATE ); } case PHY_DEF_TX_DR: { return RegionCommonValueInRange( verify->DatarateParams.Datarate, DR_0, DR_5 ); } case PHY_RX_DR: { return RegionCommonValueInRange( verify->DatarateParams.Datarate, RU864_RX_MIN_DATARATE, RU864_RX_MAX_DATARATE ); } case PHY_DEF_TX_POWER: case PHY_TX_POWER: { // Remark: switched min and max! return RegionCommonValueInRange( verify->TxPower, RU864_MAX_TX_POWER, RU864_MIN_TX_POWER ); } case PHY_DUTY_CYCLE: { return RU864_DUTY_CYCLE_ENABLED; } default: return false; } } void RegionRU864ApplyCFList( ApplyCFListParams_t* applyCFList ) { ChannelParams_t newChannel; ChannelAddParams_t channelAdd; ChannelRemoveParams_t channelRemove; // Setup default datarate range newChannel.DrRange.Value = ( DR_5 << 4 ) | DR_0; // Size of the optional CF list if( applyCFList->Size != 16 ) { return; } // Last byte CFListType must be 0 to indicate the CFList contains a list of frequencies if( applyCFList->Payload[15] != 0 ) { return; } // Last byte is RFU, don't take it into account for( uint8_t i = 0, chanIdx = RU864_NUMB_DEFAULT_CHANNELS; chanIdx < RU864_MAX_NB_CHANNELS; i+=3, chanIdx++ ) { if( chanIdx < ( RU864_NUMB_CHANNELS_CF_LIST + RU864_NUMB_DEFAULT_CHANNELS ) ) { // Channel frequency newChannel.Frequency = (uint32_t) applyCFList->Payload[i]; newChannel.Frequency |= ( (uint32_t) applyCFList->Payload[i + 1] << 8 ); newChannel.Frequency |= ( (uint32_t) applyCFList->Payload[i + 2] << 16 ); newChannel.Frequency *= 100; // Initialize alternative frequency to 0 newChannel.Rx1Frequency = 0; } else { newChannel.Frequency = 0; newChannel.DrRange.Value = 0; newChannel.Rx1Frequency = 0; } if( newChannel.Frequency != 0 ) { channelAdd.NewChannel = &newChannel; channelAdd.ChannelId = chanIdx; // Try to add all channels RegionRU864ChannelAdd( &channelAdd ); } else { channelRemove.ChannelId = chanIdx; RegionRU864ChannelsRemove( &channelRemove ); } } } bool RegionRU864ChanMaskSet( ChanMaskSetParams_t* chanMaskSet ) { switch( chanMaskSet->ChannelsMaskType ) { case CHANNELS_MASK: { RegionCommonChanMaskCopy( NvmCtx.ChannelsMask, chanMaskSet->ChannelsMaskIn, 1 ); break; } case CHANNELS_DEFAULT_MASK: { RegionCommonChanMaskCopy( NvmCtx.ChannelsDefaultMask, chanMaskSet->ChannelsMaskIn, 1 ); break; } default: return false; } return true; } void RegionRU864ComputeRxWindowParameters( int8_t datarate, uint8_t minRxSymbols, uint32_t rxError, RxConfigParams_t *rxConfigParams ) { double tSymbol = 0.0; // Get the datarate, perform a boundary check rxConfigParams->Datarate = MIN( datarate, RU864_RX_MAX_DATARATE ); rxConfigParams->Bandwidth = GetBandwidth( rxConfigParams->Datarate ); if( rxConfigParams->Datarate == DR_7 ) { // FSK tSymbol = RegionCommonComputeSymbolTimeFsk( DataratesRU864[rxConfigParams->Datarate] ); } else { // LoRa tSymbol = RegionCommonComputeSymbolTimeLoRa( DataratesRU864[rxConfigParams->Datarate], BandwidthsRU864[rxConfigParams->Datarate] ); } RegionCommonComputeRxWindowParameters( tSymbol, minRxSymbols, rxError, Radio.GetWakeupTime( ), &rxConfigParams->WindowTimeout, &rxConfigParams->WindowOffset ); } bool RegionRU864RxConfig( RxConfigParams_t* rxConfig, int8_t* datarate ) { RadioModems_t modem; int8_t dr = rxConfig->Datarate; uint8_t maxPayload = 0; int8_t phyDr = 0; uint32_t frequency = rxConfig->Frequency; if( Radio.GetStatus( ) != RF_IDLE ) { return false; } if( rxConfig->RxSlot == RX_SLOT_WIN_1 ) { // Apply window 1 frequency frequency = NvmCtx.Channels[rxConfig->Channel].Frequency; // Apply the alternative RX 1 window frequency, if it is available if( NvmCtx.Channels[rxConfig->Channel].Rx1Frequency != 0 ) { frequency = NvmCtx.Channels[rxConfig->Channel].Rx1Frequency; } } // Read the physical datarate from the datarates table phyDr = DataratesRU864[dr]; Radio.SetChannel( frequency ); // Radio configuration if( dr == DR_7 ) { modem = MODEM_FSK; Radio.SetRxConfig( modem, 50000, phyDr * 1000, 0, 83333, 5, rxConfig->WindowTimeout, false, 0, true, 0, 0, false, rxConfig->RxContinuous ); } else { modem = MODEM_LORA; Radio.SetRxConfig( modem, rxConfig->Bandwidth, phyDr, 1, 0, 8, rxConfig->WindowTimeout, false, 0, false, 0, 0, true, rxConfig->RxContinuous ); } if( rxConfig->RepeaterSupport == true ) { maxPayload = MaxPayloadOfDatarateRepeaterRU864[dr]; } else { maxPayload = MaxPayloadOfDatarateRU864[dr]; } Radio.SetMaxPayloadLength( modem, maxPayload + LORA_MAC_FRMPAYLOAD_OVERHEAD ); *datarate = (uint8_t) dr; return true; } bool RegionRU864TxConfig( TxConfigParams_t* txConfig, int8_t* txPower, TimerTime_t* txTimeOnAir ) { RadioModems_t modem; int8_t phyDr = DataratesRU864[txConfig->Datarate]; int8_t txPowerLimited = LimitTxPower( txConfig->TxPower, NvmCtx.Bands[NvmCtx.Channels[txConfig->Channel].Band].TxMaxPower, txConfig->Datarate, NvmCtx.ChannelsMask ); uint32_t bandwidth = GetBandwidth( txConfig->Datarate ); int8_t phyTxPower = 0; // Calculate physical TX power phyTxPower = RegionCommonComputeTxPower( txPowerLimited, txConfig->MaxEirp, txConfig->AntennaGain ); // Setup the radio frequency Radio.SetChannel( NvmCtx.Channels[txConfig->Channel].Frequency ); if( txConfig->Datarate == DR_7 ) { // High Speed FSK channel modem = MODEM_FSK; Radio.SetTxConfig( modem, phyTxPower, 25000, bandwidth, phyDr * 1000, 0, 5, false, true, 0, 0, false, 3000 ); } else { modem = MODEM_LORA; Radio.SetTxConfig( modem, phyTxPower, 0, bandwidth, phyDr, 1, 8, false, true, 0, 0, false, 3000 ); } // Setup maximum payload lenght of the radio driver Radio.SetMaxPayloadLength( modem, txConfig->PktLen ); // Get the time-on-air of the next tx frame *txTimeOnAir = Radio.TimeOnAir( modem, txConfig->PktLen ); *txPower = txPowerLimited; return true; } uint8_t RegionRU864LinkAdrReq( LinkAdrReqParams_t* linkAdrReq, int8_t* drOut, int8_t* txPowOut, uint8_t* nbRepOut, uint8_t* nbBytesParsed ) { uint8_t status = 0x07; RegionCommonLinkAdrParams_t linkAdrParams; uint8_t nextIndex = 0; uint8_t bytesProcessed = 0; uint16_t chMask = 0; GetPhyParams_t getPhy; PhyParam_t phyParam; RegionCommonLinkAdrReqVerifyParams_t linkAdrVerifyParams; while( bytesProcessed < linkAdrReq->PayloadSize ) { // Get ADR request parameters nextIndex = RegionCommonParseLinkAdrReq( &( linkAdrReq->Payload[bytesProcessed] ), &linkAdrParams ); if( nextIndex == 0 ) break; // break loop, since no more request has been found // Update bytes processed bytesProcessed += nextIndex; // Revert status, as we only check the last ADR request for the channel mask KO status = 0x07; // Setup temporary channels mask chMask = linkAdrParams.ChMask; // Verify channels mask if( ( linkAdrParams.ChMaskCtrl == 0 ) && ( chMask == 0 ) ) { status &= 0xFE; // Channel mask KO } else if( ( ( linkAdrParams.ChMaskCtrl >= 1 ) && ( linkAdrParams.ChMaskCtrl <= 5 )) || ( linkAdrParams.ChMaskCtrl >= 7 ) ) { // RFU status &= 0xFE; // Channel mask KO } else { for( uint8_t i = 0; i < RU864_MAX_NB_CHANNELS; i++ ) { if( linkAdrParams.ChMaskCtrl == 6 ) { if( NvmCtx.Channels[i].Frequency != 0 ) { chMask |= 1 << i; } } else { if( ( ( chMask & ( 1 << i ) ) != 0 ) && ( NvmCtx.Channels[i].Frequency == 0 ) ) {// Trying to enable an undefined channel status &= 0xFE; // Channel mask KO } } } } } // Get the minimum possible datarate getPhy.Attribute = PHY_MIN_TX_DR; getPhy.UplinkDwellTime = linkAdrReq->UplinkDwellTime; phyParam = RegionRU864GetPhyParam( &getPhy ); linkAdrVerifyParams.Status = status; linkAdrVerifyParams.AdrEnabled = linkAdrReq->AdrEnabled; linkAdrVerifyParams.Datarate = linkAdrParams.Datarate; linkAdrVerifyParams.TxPower = linkAdrParams.TxPower; linkAdrVerifyParams.NbRep = linkAdrParams.NbRep; linkAdrVerifyParams.CurrentDatarate = linkAdrReq->CurrentDatarate; linkAdrVerifyParams.CurrentTxPower = linkAdrReq->CurrentTxPower; linkAdrVerifyParams.CurrentNbRep = linkAdrReq->CurrentNbRep; linkAdrVerifyParams.NbChannels = RU864_MAX_NB_CHANNELS; linkAdrVerifyParams.ChannelsMask = &chMask; linkAdrVerifyParams.MinDatarate = ( int8_t )phyParam.Value; linkAdrVerifyParams.MaxDatarate = RU864_TX_MAX_DATARATE; linkAdrVerifyParams.Channels = NvmCtx.Channels; linkAdrVerifyParams.MinTxPower = RU864_MIN_TX_POWER; linkAdrVerifyParams.MaxTxPower = RU864_MAX_TX_POWER; linkAdrVerifyParams.Version = linkAdrReq->Version; // Verify the parameters and update, if necessary status = RegionCommonLinkAdrReqVerifyParams( &linkAdrVerifyParams, &linkAdrParams.Datarate, &linkAdrParams.TxPower, &linkAdrParams.NbRep ); // Update channelsMask if everything is correct if( status == 0x07 ) { // Set the channels mask to a default value memset1( ( uint8_t* ) NvmCtx.ChannelsMask, 0, sizeof( NvmCtx.ChannelsMask ) ); // Update the channels mask NvmCtx.ChannelsMask[0] = chMask; } // Update status variables *drOut = linkAdrParams.Datarate; *txPowOut = linkAdrParams.TxPower; *nbRepOut = linkAdrParams.NbRep; *nbBytesParsed = bytesProcessed; return status; } uint8_t RegionRU864RxParamSetupReq( RxParamSetupReqParams_t* rxParamSetupReq ) { uint8_t status = 0x07; // Verify radio frequency if( VerifyRfFreq( rxParamSetupReq->Frequency ) == false ) { status &= 0xFE; // Channel frequency KO } // Verify datarate if( RegionCommonValueInRange( rxParamSetupReq->Datarate, RU864_RX_MIN_DATARATE, RU864_RX_MAX_DATARATE ) == false ) { status &= 0xFD; // Datarate KO } // Verify datarate offset if( RegionCommonValueInRange( rxParamSetupReq->DrOffset, RU864_MIN_RX1_DR_OFFSET, RU864_MAX_RX1_DR_OFFSET ) == false ) { status &= 0xFB; // Rx1DrOffset range KO } return status; } uint8_t RegionRU864NewChannelReq( NewChannelReqParams_t* newChannelReq ) { uint8_t status = 0x03; ChannelAddParams_t channelAdd; ChannelRemoveParams_t channelRemove; if( newChannelReq->NewChannel->Frequency == 0 ) { channelRemove.ChannelId = newChannelReq->ChannelId; // Remove if( RegionRU864ChannelsRemove( &channelRemove ) == false ) { status &= 0xFC; } } else { channelAdd.NewChannel = newChannelReq->NewChannel; channelAdd.ChannelId = newChannelReq->ChannelId; switch( RegionRU864ChannelAdd( &channelAdd ) ) { case LORAMAC_STATUS_OK: { break; } case LORAMAC_STATUS_FREQUENCY_INVALID: { status &= 0xFE; break; } case LORAMAC_STATUS_DATARATE_INVALID: { status &= 0xFD; break; } case LORAMAC_STATUS_FREQ_AND_DR_INVALID: { status &= 0xFC; break; } default: { status &= 0xFC; break; } } } return status; } int8_t RegionRU864TxParamSetupReq( TxParamSetupReqParams_t* txParamSetupReq ) { return -1; } uint8_t RegionRU864DlChannelReq( DlChannelReqParams_t* dlChannelReq ) { uint8_t status = 0x03; // Verify if the frequency is supported if( VerifyRfFreq( dlChannelReq->Rx1Frequency ) == false ) { status &= 0xFE; } // Verify if an uplink frequency exists if( NvmCtx.Channels[dlChannelReq->ChannelId].Frequency == 0 ) { status &= 0xFD; } // Apply Rx1 frequency, if the status is OK if( status == 0x03 ) { NvmCtx.Channels[dlChannelReq->ChannelId].Rx1Frequency = dlChannelReq->Rx1Frequency; } return status; } int8_t RegionRU864AlternateDr( int8_t currentDr, AlternateDrType_t type ) { return currentDr; } void RegionRU864CalcBackOff( CalcBackOffParams_t* calcBackOff ) { RegionCommonCalcBackOffParams_t calcBackOffParams; calcBackOffParams.Channels = NvmCtx.Channels; calcBackOffParams.Bands = NvmCtx.Bands; calcBackOffParams.LastTxIsJoinRequest = calcBackOff->LastTxIsJoinRequest; calcBackOffParams.Joined = calcBackOff->Joined; calcBackOffParams.DutyCycleEnabled = calcBackOff->DutyCycleEnabled; calcBackOffParams.Channel = calcBackOff->Channel; calcBackOffParams.ElapsedTime = calcBackOff->ElapsedTime; calcBackOffParams.TxTimeOnAir = calcBackOff->TxTimeOnAir; RegionCommonCalcBackOff( &calcBackOffParams ); } LoRaMacStatus_t RegionRU864NextChannel( NextChanParams_t* nextChanParams, uint8_t* channel, TimerTime_t* time, TimerTime_t* aggregatedTimeOff ) { uint8_t nbEnabledChannels = 0; uint8_t delayTx = 0; uint8_t enabledChannels[RU864_MAX_NB_CHANNELS] = { 0 }; TimerTime_t nextTxDelay = 0; if( RegionCommonCountChannels( NvmCtx.ChannelsMask, 0, 1 ) == 0 ) { // Reactivate default channels NvmCtx.ChannelsMask[0] |= LC( 1 ) + LC( 2 ); } if( nextChanParams->AggrTimeOff <= TimerGetElapsedTime( nextChanParams->LastAggrTx ) ) { // Reset Aggregated time off *aggregatedTimeOff = 0; // Update bands Time OFF nextTxDelay = RegionCommonUpdateBandTimeOff( nextChanParams->Joined, nextChanParams->DutyCycleEnabled, NvmCtx.Bands, RU864_MAX_NB_BANDS ); // Search how many channels are enabled nbEnabledChannels = CountNbOfEnabledChannels( nextChanParams->Joined, nextChanParams->Datarate, NvmCtx.ChannelsMask, NvmCtx.Channels, NvmCtx.Bands, enabledChannels, &delayTx ); } else { delayTx++; nextTxDelay = nextChanParams->AggrTimeOff - TimerGetElapsedTime( nextChanParams->LastAggrTx ); } if( nbEnabledChannels > 0 ) { // We found a valid channel *channel = enabledChannels[randr( 0, nbEnabledChannels - 1 )]; *time = 0; return LORAMAC_STATUS_OK; } else { if( delayTx > 0 ) { // Delay transmission due to AggregatedTimeOff or to a band time off *time = nextTxDelay; return LORAMAC_STATUS_DUTYCYCLE_RESTRICTED; } // Datarate not supported by any channel, restore defaults NvmCtx.ChannelsMask[0] |= LC( 1 ) + LC( 2 ); *time = 0; return LORAMAC_STATUS_NO_CHANNEL_FOUND; } } LoRaMacStatus_t RegionRU864ChannelAdd( ChannelAddParams_t* channelAdd ) { bool drInvalid = false; bool freqInvalid = false; uint8_t id = channelAdd->ChannelId; if( id < RU864_NUMB_DEFAULT_CHANNELS ) { return LORAMAC_STATUS_FREQ_AND_DR_INVALID; } if( id >= RU864_MAX_NB_CHANNELS ) { return LORAMAC_STATUS_PARAMETER_INVALID; } // Validate the datarate range if( RegionCommonValueInRange( channelAdd->NewChannel->DrRange.Fields.Min, RU864_TX_MIN_DATARATE, RU864_TX_MAX_DATARATE ) == false ) { drInvalid = true; } if( RegionCommonValueInRange( channelAdd->NewChannel->DrRange.Fields.Max, RU864_TX_MIN_DATARATE, RU864_TX_MAX_DATARATE ) == false ) { drInvalid = true; } if( channelAdd->NewChannel->DrRange.Fields.Min > channelAdd->NewChannel->DrRange.Fields.Max ) { drInvalid = true; } // Check frequency if( freqInvalid == false ) { if( VerifyRfFreq( channelAdd->NewChannel->Frequency ) == false ) { freqInvalid = true; } } // Check status if( ( drInvalid == true ) && ( freqInvalid == true ) ) { return LORAMAC_STATUS_FREQ_AND_DR_INVALID; } if( drInvalid == true ) { return LORAMAC_STATUS_DATARATE_INVALID; } if( freqInvalid == true ) { return LORAMAC_STATUS_FREQUENCY_INVALID; } memcpy1( ( uint8_t* ) &(NvmCtx.Channels[id]), ( uint8_t* ) channelAdd->NewChannel, sizeof( NvmCtx.Channels[id] ) ); NvmCtx.Channels[id].Band = 0; NvmCtx.ChannelsMask[0] |= ( 1 << id ); return LORAMAC_STATUS_OK; } bool RegionRU864ChannelsRemove( ChannelRemoveParams_t* channelRemove ) { uint8_t id = channelRemove->ChannelId; if( id < RU864_NUMB_DEFAULT_CHANNELS ) { return false; } // Remove the channel from the list of channels NvmCtx.Channels[id] = ( ChannelParams_t ){ 0, 0, { 0 }, 0 }; return RegionCommonChanDisable( NvmCtx.ChannelsMask, id, RU864_MAX_NB_CHANNELS ); } void RegionRU864SetContinuousWave( ContinuousWaveParams_t* continuousWave ) { int8_t txPowerLimited = LimitTxPower( continuousWave->TxPower, NvmCtx.Bands[NvmCtx.Channels[continuousWave->Channel].Band].TxMaxPower, continuousWave->Datarate, NvmCtx.ChannelsMask ); int8_t phyTxPower = 0; uint32_t frequency = NvmCtx.Channels[continuousWave->Channel].Frequency; // Calculate physical TX power phyTxPower = RegionCommonComputeTxPower( txPowerLimited, continuousWave->MaxEirp, continuousWave->AntennaGain ); Radio.SetTxContinuousWave( frequency, phyTxPower, continuousWave->Timeout ); } uint8_t RegionRU864ApplyDrOffset( uint8_t downlinkDwellTime, int8_t dr, int8_t drOffset ) { int8_t datarate = dr - drOffset; if( datarate < 0 ) { datarate = DR_0; } return datarate; } void RegionRU864RxBeaconSetup( RxBeaconSetup_t* rxBeaconSetup, uint8_t* outDr ) { RegionCommonRxBeaconSetupParams_t regionCommonRxBeaconSetup; regionCommonRxBeaconSetup.Datarates = DataratesRU864; regionCommonRxBeaconSetup.Frequency = rxBeaconSetup->Frequency; regionCommonRxBeaconSetup.BeaconSize = RU864_BEACON_SIZE; regionCommonRxBeaconSetup.BeaconDatarate = RU864_BEACON_CHANNEL_DR; regionCommonRxBeaconSetup.BeaconChannelBW = RU864_BEACON_CHANNEL_BW; regionCommonRxBeaconSetup.RxTime = rxBeaconSetup->RxTime; regionCommonRxBeaconSetup.SymbolTimeout = rxBeaconSetup->SymbolTimeout; RegionCommonRxBeaconSetup( &regionCommonRxBeaconSetup ); // Store downlink datarate *outDr = RU864_BEACON_CHANNEL_DR; }
/* * */ #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <unistd.h> int i386_cpuid_caches(size_t *data_caches) { int i; int num_data_caches = 0; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // Variables to hold the contents of the 4 i386 legacy registers uint32_t eax, ebx, ecx, edx; eax = 4; // get cache info ecx = i; // cache id asm("cpuid" // call i386 cpuid instruction : "+a"(eax) // contains the cpuid command code, 4 for cache query , "=b"(ebx), "+c"(ecx) // contains the cache id , "=d"(edx)); // generates output in 4 registers eax, ebx, ecx and edx // taken from // Vol. 2A 3-149 int cache_type = eax & 0x1F; if (cache_type == 0) // end of valid cache identifiers break; char *cache_type_string; switch (cache_type) { case 1: cache_type_string = "Data Cache"; break; case 2: cache_type_string = "Instruction Cache"; break; case 3: cache_type_string = "Unified Cache"; break; default: cache_type_string = "Unknown Type Cache"; break; } int cache_level = (eax >>= 5) & 0x7; int cache_is_self_initializing = (eax >>= 3) & 0x1; // does not need SW initialization int cache_is_fully_associative = (eax >>= 1) & 0x1; // taken from // 3-166 Vol. 2A ebx contains 3 integers of 10, 10 and 12 bits respectively unsigned int cache_sets = ecx + 1; unsigned int cache_coherency_line_size = (ebx & 0xFFF) + 1; unsigned int cache_physical_line_partitions = ((ebx >>= 12) & 0x3FF) + 1; unsigned int cache_ways_of_associativity = ((ebx >>= 10) & 0x3FF) + 1; // Total cache size is the product size_t cache_total_size = cache_ways_of_associativity * cache_physical_line_partitions * cache_coherency_line_size * cache_sets; if (cache_type == 1 || cache_type == 3) { data_caches[num_data_caches++] = cache_total_size; } printf("Cache ID %d:\n" "- Level: %d\n" "- Type: %s\n" "- Sets: %d\n" "- System Coherency Line Size: %d bytes\n" "- Physical Line partitions: %d\n" "- Ways of associativity: %d\n" "- Total Size: %zu bytes (%zu kb)\n" "- Is fully associative: %s\n" "- Is Self Initializing: %s\n" "\n", i, cache_level, cache_type_string, cache_sets, cache_coherency_line_size, cache_physical_line_partitions, cache_ways_of_associativity, cache_total_size, cache_total_size >> 10, cache_is_fully_associative ? "true" : "false", cache_is_self_initializing ? "true" : "false"); } return num_data_caches; } int test_cache(size_t attempts, size_t lower_cache_size, int *latencies, size_t max_latency) { int fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { perror("open"); abort(); } char *random_data = mmap(NULL, lower_cache_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANON // | MAP_POPULATE , -1, 0); // get some random data if (random_data == MAP_FAILED) { perror("mmap"); abort(); } size_t i; for (i = 0; i < lower_cache_size; i += sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE)) { random_data[i] = 1; } int64_t random_offset = 0; while (attempts--) { // use processor clock timer for exact measurement random_offset += rand(); random_offset %= lower_cache_size; int32_t cycles_used, edx, temp1, temp2; asm("mfence\n\t" // memory fence "rdtsc\n\t" // get cpu cycle count "mov %%edx, %2\n\t" "mov %%eax, %3\n\t" "mfence\n\t" // memory fence "mov %4, %%al\n\t" // load data "mfence\n\t" "rdtsc\n\t" "sub %2, %%edx\n\t" // substract cycle count "sbb %3, %%eax" // substract cycle count : "=&a"(cycles_used), "=&d"(edx), "=&r"(temp1), "=&r"(temp2) : "m"(random_data[random_offset])); // printf("%d\n", cycles_used); if (cycles_used < max_latency) latencies[cycles_used]++; else latencies[max_latency - 1]++; } munmap(random_data, lower_cache_size); return 0; } int main() { size_t cache_sizes[32]; int num_data_caches = i386_cpuid_caches(cache_sizes); int latencies[0x400]; memset(latencies, 0, sizeof(latencies)); int empty_cycles = 0; int i; int attempts = 1000000; for (i = 0; i < attempts; i++) { // measure how much overhead we have for counting cyscles int32_t cycles_used, edx, temp1, temp2; asm("mfence\n\t" // memory fence "rdtsc\n\t" // get cpu cycle count "mov %%edx, %2\n\t" "mov %%eax, %3\n\t" "mfence\n\t" // memory fence "mfence\n\t" "rdtsc\n\t" "sub %2, %%edx\n\t" // substract cycle count "sbb %3, %%eax" // substract cycle count : "=a"(cycles_used), "=&d"(edx), "=&r"(temp1), "=&r"(temp2) :); if (cycles_used < sizeof(latencies) / sizeof(*latencies)) latencies[cycles_used]++; else latencies[sizeof(latencies) / sizeof(*latencies) - 1]++; } { int j; size_t sum = 0; for (j = 0; j < sizeof(latencies) / sizeof(*latencies); j++) { sum += latencies[j]; } size_t sum2 = 0; for (j = 0; j < sizeof(latencies) / sizeof(*latencies); j++) { sum2 += latencies[j]; if (sum2 >= sum * .75) { empty_cycles = j; fprintf(stderr, "Empty counting takes %d cycles\n", empty_cycles); break; } } } for (i = 0; i < num_data_caches; i++) { test_cache(attempts, cache_sizes[i] * 4, latencies, sizeof(latencies) / sizeof(*latencies)); int j; size_t sum = 0; for (j = 0; j < sizeof(latencies) / sizeof(*latencies); j++) { sum += latencies[j]; } size_t sum2 = 0; for (j = 0; j < sizeof(latencies) / sizeof(*latencies); j++) { sum2 += latencies[j]; if (sum2 >= sum * .75) { fprintf(stderr, "Cache ID %i has latency %d cycles\n", i, j - empty_cycles); break; } } } return 0; }
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright by The HDF Group. * * Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. * * All rights reserved. * * * * This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including * * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in * * the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code * * distribution tree, or in * * If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from * * <EMAIL>. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* * Programmer: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> * April, 2019 * * Purpose: Private function for external.c and external_env.c */ #include "external_common.h" /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: reset_raw_data_files * * Purpose: Resets the data in the raw data files for tests that * perform dataset I/O on a set of files. * * Return: SUCCEED/FAIL * * Programmer: <NAME> * February 2016 * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ herr_t reset_raw_data_files(hbool_t is_env) { int fd = 0; /* external file descriptor */ size_t i, j; /* iterators */ hssize_t n; /* bytes of I/O */ char filename[1024]; /* file name */ int data[PART_SIZE]; /* raw data buffer */ uint8_t *garbage = NULL; /* buffer of garbage data */ size_t garbage_count; /* size of garbage buffer */ size_t garbage_bytes; /* # of garbage bytes written to file */ /* Set up garbage buffer */ garbage_count = N_EXT_FILES * GARBAGE_PER_FILE; if(NULL == (garbage = (uint8_t *)HDcalloc(garbage_count, sizeof(uint8_t)))) goto error; for(i = 0; i < garbage_count; i++) garbage[i] = 0xFF; /* The *r files are pre-filled with data and are used to * verify that read operations work correctly. */ for(i = 0; i < N_EXT_FILES; i++) { /* Open file */ if(is_env) HDsprintf(filename, "extern_env_dir%sextern_env_%lur.raw", H5_DIR_SEPS, (unsigned long)i + 1); else HDsprintf(filename, "extern_%lur.raw", (unsigned long)i + 1); if((fd = HDopen(filename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, H5_POSIX_CREATE_MODE_RW)) < 0) goto error; /* Write garbage data to the file. This allows us to test the * the ability to set an offset in the raw data file. */ garbage_bytes = i * 10; n = HDwrite(fd, garbage, garbage_bytes); if(n < 0 || (size_t)n != garbage_bytes) goto error; /* Fill array with data */ for(j = 0; j < PART_SIZE; j++) { data[j] = (int)(i * 25 + j); } /* end for */ /* Write raw data to the file. */ n = HDwrite(fd, data, sizeof(data)); if(n != sizeof(data)) goto error; /* Close this file */ HDclose(fd); } /* end for */ /* The *w files are only pre-filled with the garbage data and are * used to verify that write operations work correctly. The individual * tests fill in the actual data. */ for(i = 0; i < N_EXT_FILES; i++) { /* Open file */ if(is_env) HDsprintf(filename, "extern_env_dir%sextern_env_%luw.raw", H5_DIR_SEPS, (unsigned long)i + 1); else HDsprintf(filename, "extern_%luw.raw", (unsigned long)i + 1); if((fd = HDopen(filename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, H5_POSIX_CREATE_MODE_RW)) < 0) goto error; /* Write garbage data to the file. This allows us to test the * the ability to set an offset in the raw data file. */ garbage_bytes = i * 10; n = HDwrite(fd, garbage, garbage_bytes); if(n < 0 || (size_t)n != garbage_bytes) goto error; /* Close this file */ HDclose(fd); } /* end for */ HDfree(garbage); return SUCCEED; error: if(fd) HDclose(fd); if(garbage) HDfree(garbage); return FAIL; }
/* * This header is generated by classdump-dyld 1.0 * on Sunday, June 7, 2020 at 11:12:51 AM Mountain Standard Time * Operating System: Version 13.4.5 (Build 17L562) * Image Source: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework/CoreData * classdump-dyld is licensed under GPLv3, Copyright © 2013-2016 by <NAME>. */ #import <CoreData/NSStoreMapping.h> @class NSString, NSManagedObjectModel, NSKnownKeysDictionary, NSMutableArray; @interface NSSQLModel : NSStoreMapping { NSString* _configuration; NSManagedObjectModel* _mom; NSKnownKeysDictionary* _entitiesByName; NSMutableArray* _entities; id* _entityDescriptionToSQLMap; unsigned long long _brokenHashVersion; BOOL _retainLeopardStyleDictionaries; BOOL _modelHasPrecomputedKeyOrder; BOOL _hasVirtualToOnes; unsigned _entityIDOffset; unsigned _lastEntityID; } -(void)dealloc; -(void)finalize; -(id)configurationName; -(id)entityForID:(unsigned long long)arg1 ; -(id)managedObjectModel; -(id)entities; -(id)initWithManagedObjectModel:(id)arg1 configurationName:(id)arg2 ; -(id)entitiesByName; -(unsigned)_entityOffset; -(id)initWithManagedObjectModel:(id)arg1 configurationName:(id)arg2 retainHashHack:(BOOL)arg3 ; -(id)entityNamed:(id)arg1 ; -(unsigned long long)entityIDForName:(id)arg1 ; -(id)initWithManagedObjectModel:(id)arg1 configurationName:(id)arg2 brokenHashVersion:(unsigned long long)arg3 ; -(BOOL)_modelHasPrecomputedKeyOrder; -(void)_recordHasVirtualToOnes; -(BOOL)_useLeopardStyleHashing; -(BOOL)_useSnowLeopardStyleHashing; -(id)_precomputedKeyOrderForEntity:(id)arg1 ; -(void)_addIndexedEntity:(id)arg1 ; -(BOOL)_generateModel:(id)arg1 error:(id*)arg2 ; -(id)initWithManagedObjectModel:(id)arg1 configurationName:(id)arg2 retainHashHack:(BOOL)arg3 brokenHashVersion:(unsigned long long)arg4 ; -(id)_entityMapping; -(id)_sqlEntityWithRenamingIdentifier:(id)arg1 ; -(unsigned)_lastEntityID; -(BOOL)_retainHashHack; @end
#ifndef CORELIB___MSWIN_NO_POPUP__H #define CORELIB___MSWIN_NO_POPUP__H /* $Id: mswin_no_popup.h 607865 2020-05-08 12:35:14Z ivanov $ * =========================================================================== * * PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE * National Center for Biotechnology Information * * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S. * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction. * * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S. * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S. * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular * purpose. * * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material. * * =========================================================================== * * Author: <NAME> * * File Description: Suppress popup messages on execution errors. * MS Windows specific. * * Include this header only to applications, not libraries. * */ #include <ncbiconf.h> /* To avoid code duplication reuse code from <common/test_assert[_impl].h>. This preprocessor macro turn OFF all assert-related tune-ups and turn ON suppress popup messages code. Environment variable DIAG_SILENT_ABORT must be set to "Y" or "y" to suppress popup messages. */ #define NCBI_MSWIN_NO_POPUP /* In case anyone needs to always disable the popup messages (regardless of DIAG_SILENT_ABDORT) another pre-processor macro can be defined before #include'ing either <corelib/mswin_no_popup.h> (or <common/test_assert.h>). */ /* #define NCBI_MSWIN_NO_POPUP_EVER */ #include <common/test_assert.h> #endif /* CORELIB___MSWIN_NO_POPUP__H */
/****************************************************************************/ /* hotkey.c */ /* */ /* RDP Shadow hotkey handling functions. */ /* */ /* Copyright(C) Microsoft Corporation 1997-2000 */ /****************************************************************************/ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ #define TRC_FILE "hotkey" #include <precomp.h> #pragma hdrstop #define pTRCWd pWd #include <adcg.h> #include <nwdwapi.h> #include <nwdwint.h> #include "kbd.h" //TODO: Good Grief! typedef struct { DWORD dwVersion; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwMapCount; DWORD dwMap[0]; } SCANCODEMAP, *PSCANCODEMAP; /***************************************************************************\ * How some Virtual Key values change when a SHIFT key is held down. \***************************************************************************/ #define VK_MULTIPLY 0x6A #define VK_SNAPSHOT 0x2C const ULONG aulShiftCvt_VK[] = { MAKELONG(VK_MULTIPLY, VK_SNAPSHOT), MAKELONG(0,0) }; /***************************************************************************\ * How some Virtual Key values change when a CONTROL key is held down. \***************************************************************************/ #define VK_LSHIFT 0xA0 #define VK_RSHIFT 0xA1 #define VK_LCONTROL 0xA2 #define VK_RCONTROL 0xA3 #define VK_LMENU 0xA4 #define VK_RMENU 0xA5 #define VK_NUMLOCK 0x90 #define VK_SCROLL 0x91 #define VK_PAUSE 0x13 #define VK_CANCEL 0x03 //#define KBDEXT (USHORT)0x0100 const ULONG aulControlCvt_VK[] = { MAKELONG(VK_NUMLOCK, VK_PAUSE | KBDEXT), MAKELONG(VK_SCROLL, VK_CANCEL), MAKELONG(0,0) }; /***************************************************************************\ * How some Virtual Key values change when an ALT key is held down. * The SHIFT and ALT keys both alter VK values the same way!! \***************************************************************************/ #define aulAltCvt_VK aulShiftCvt_VK /***************************************************************************\ * This table list keys that may affect Virtual Key values when held down. * * See kbd.h for a full description. * * 101/102key keyboard (type 4): * Virtual Key values vary only if CTRL is held down. * 84-86 key keyboards (type 3): * Virtual Key values vary if one of SHIFT, CTRL or ALT is held down. \***************************************************************************/ #define VK_SHIFT 0x10 #define VK_CONTROL 0x11 #define VK_MENU 0x12 //#define KBDSHIFT 1 //#define KBDCTRL 2 //#define KBDALT 4 const VK_TO_BIT aVkToBits_VK[] = { { VK_SHIFT, KBDSHIFT }, // 0x01 { VK_CONTROL, KBDCTRL }, // 0x02 { VK_MENU, KBDALT }, // 0x04 { 0, 0 } }; /***************************************************************************\ * Tables defining how some Virtual Key values are modified when other keys * are held down. * Translates key combinations into indices for gapulCvt_VK_101[] or for * gapulCvt_VK_84[] or for * * See kbd.h for a full description. * \***************************************************************************/ //#define SHFT_INVALID 0x0F const MODIFIERS Modifiers_VK = { (PVK_TO_BIT)&aVkToBits_VK[0], 4, // Maximum modifier bitmask/index { SHFT_INVALID, // no keys held down (no VKs are modified) 0, // SHIFT held down 84-86 key kbd 1, // CTRL held down 101/102 key kbd SHFT_INVALID, // CTRL-SHIFT held down (no VKs are modified) 2 // ALT held down 84-86 key kbd } }; /***************************************************************************\ * A tables of pointers indexed by the number obtained from Modify_VK. * If a pointer is non-NULL then the table it points to is searched for * Virtual Key that should have their values changed. * There are two versions: one for 84-86 key kbds, one for 101/102 key kbds. * gapulCvt_VK is initialized with the default (101/102 key kbd). \***************************************************************************/ const ULONG *const gapulCvt_VK_101[] = { NULL, // No VKs are changed by SHIFT being held down aulControlCvt_VK, // Some VKs are changed by CTRL being held down NULL // No VKs are changed by ALT being held down }; const ULONG *const gapulCvt_VK_84[] = { aulShiftCvt_VK, // Some VKs are changed by SHIFT being held down aulControlCvt_VK, // Some VKs are changed by CTRL being held down aulAltCvt_VK // Some VKs are changed by ALT being held down }; /* * Determine the state of all the Modifier Keys (a Modifier Key * is any key that may modify values produced by other keys: these are * commonly SHIFT, CTRL and/or ALT) * Build a bit-mask (wModBits) to encode which modifier keys are depressed. */ #define KEY_BYTE(pb, vk) pb[((BYTE)(vk)) >> 2] #define KEY_DOWN_BIT(vk) (1 << ((((BYTE)(vk)) & 3) << 1)) #define KEY_TOGGLE_BIT(vk) (1 << (((((BYTE)(vk)) & 3) << 1) + 1)) #define TestKeyDownBit(pb, vk) (KEY_BYTE(pb,vk) & KEY_DOWN_BIT(vk)) #define SetKeyDownBit(pb, vk) (KEY_BYTE(pb,vk) |= KEY_DOWN_BIT(vk)) #define ClearKeyDownBit(pb, vk) (KEY_BYTE(pb,vk) &= ~KEY_DOWN_BIT(vk)) #define TestKeyToggleBit(pb, vk) (KEY_BYTE(pb,vk) & KEY_TOGGLE_BIT(vk)) #define SetKeyToggleBit(pb, vk) (KEY_BYTE(pb,vk) |= KEY_TOGGLE_BIT(vk)) #define ClearKeyToggleBit(pb, vk) (KEY_BYTE(pb,vk) &= ~KEY_TOGGLE_BIT(vk)) #define ToggleKeyToggleBit(pb, vk) (KEY_BYTE(pb,vk) ^= KEY_TOGGLE_BIT(vk)) WORD GetModifierBits( PMODIFIERS pModifiers, LPBYTE afKeyState) { PVK_TO_BIT pVkToBit = pModifiers->pVkToBit; WORD wModBits = 0; while (pVkToBit->Vk) { if (TestKeyDownBit(afKeyState, pVkToBit->Vk)) { wModBits |= pVkToBit->ModBits; } pVkToBit++; } return wModBits; } /***************************************************************************\ * MapScancode * * Converts a scancode (and it's prefix, if any) to a different scancode * and prefix. * * Parameters: * pbScanCode = address of Scancode byte, the scancode may be changed * pbPrefix = address of Prefix byte, The prefix may be changed * * Return value: * TRUE - mapping was found, scancode was altered. * FALSE - no mapping fouind, scancode was not altered. * * Note on scancode map table format: * A table entry DWORD of 0xE0450075 means scancode 0x45, prefix 0xE0 * gets mapped to scancode 0x75, no prefix * * History: * 96-04-18 IanJa Created. \***************************************************************************/ BOOL MapScancode( PSCANCODEMAP gpScancodeMap, PBYTE pbScanCode, PBYTE pbPrefix ) { DWORD *pdw; WORD wT = MAKEWORD(*pbScanCode, *pbPrefix); ASSERT(gpScancodeMap != NULL); for (pdw = &(gpScancodeMap->dwMap[0]); *pdw; pdw++) { if (HIWORD(*pdw) == wT) { wT = LOWORD(*pdw); *pbScanCode = LOBYTE(wT); *pbPrefix = HIBYTE(wT); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /* * Given modifier bits, return the modification number. */ WORD GetModificationNumber( PMODIFIERS pModifiers, WORD wModBits) { if (wModBits > pModifiers->wMaxModBits) { return SHFT_INVALID; } return pModifiers->ModNumber[wModBits]; } /***************************************************************************\ * UpdatePhysKeyState * * A helper routine for KeyboardApcProcedure. * Based on a VK and a make/break flag, this function will update the physical * keystate table. * * History: * 10-13-91 IanJa Created. \***************************************************************************/ void UpdatePhysKeyState( BYTE Vk, BOOL fBreak, LPBYTE gafPhysKeyState ) { if (fBreak) { ClearKeyDownBit(gafPhysKeyState, Vk); } else { /* * This is a key make. If the key was not already down, update the * physical toggle bit. */ if (!TestKeyDownBit(gafPhysKeyState, Vk)) { if (TestKeyToggleBit(gafPhysKeyState, Vk)) { ClearKeyToggleBit(gafPhysKeyState, Vk); } else { SetKeyToggleBit(gafPhysKeyState, Vk); } } /* * This is a make, so turn on the physical key down bit. */ SetKeyDownBit(gafPhysKeyState, Vk); } } /*****************************************************************************\ * VKFromVSC * * This function is called from KeyEvent() after each call to VSCFromSC. The * keyboard input data passed in is translated to a virtual key code. * This translation is dependent upon the currently depressed modifier keys. * * For instance, scan codes representing the number pad keys may be * translated into VK_NUMPAD codes or cursor movement codes depending * upon the state of NumLock and the modifier keys. * * History: * \*****************************************************************************/ BYTE WD_VKFromVSC( PKBDTABLES pKbdTbl, PKE pke, BYTE bPrefix, LPBYTE gafPhysKeyState, BOOLEAN KeyboardType101 ) { USHORT usVKey = 0xFF; PVSC_VK pVscVk = NULL; static BOOL fVkPause; PULONG *gapulCvt_VK; // DBG_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(afKeyState); if (pke->bScanCode == 0xFF) { /* * Kbd overrun (kbd hardware and/or keyboard driver) : Beep! * (some DELL keyboards send 0xFF if keys are hit hard enough, * presumably due to keybounce) */ // xxxMessageBeep(0); return 0; } pke->bScanCode &= 0x7F; // if (gptiForeground == NULL) { // RIPMSG0(RIP_VERBOSE, "VKFromVSC: NULL gptiForeground\n"); // pKbdTbl = gpKbdTbl; // } else { // if (gptiForeground->spklActive) { // pKbdTbl = gptiForeground->spklActive->spkf->pKbdTbl; // } else { // RIPMSG0(RIP_VERBOSE, "VKFromVSC: NULL spklActive\n"); // pKbdTbl = gpKbdTbl; // } // } if (bPrefix == 0) { if (pke->bScanCode < pKbdTbl->bMaxVSCtoVK) { /* * direct index into non-prefix table */ usVKey = pKbdTbl->pusVSCtoVK[pke->bScanCode]; if (usVKey == 0) { return 0xFF; } } else { /* * unexpected scancode */ // RIPMSG2(RIP_VERBOSE, "unrecognized scancode 0x%x, prefix %x", // pke->bScanCode, bPrefix); return 0xFF; } } else { /* * Scan the E0 or E1 prefix table for a match */ if (bPrefix == 0xE0) { /* * Ignore the SHIFT keystrokes generated by the hardware */ if ((pke->bScanCode == SCANCODE_LSHIFT) || (pke->bScanCode == SCANCODE_RSHIFT)) { return 0; } pVscVk = pKbdTbl->pVSCtoVK_E0; } else if (bPrefix == 0xE1) { pVscVk = pKbdTbl->pVSCtoVK_E1; } while (pVscVk != NULL && pVscVk->Vk) { if (pVscVk->Vsc == pke->bScanCode) { usVKey = pVscVk->Vk; break; } pVscVk++; } } /* * Scancode set 1 returns PAUSE button as E1 1D 45 (E1 Ctrl NumLock) * so convert E1 Ctrl to VK_PAUSE, and remember to discard the NumLock */ if (fVkPause) { /* * This is the "45" part of the Pause scancode sequence. * Discard this key event: it is a false NumLock */ fVkPause = FALSE; return 0; } if (usVKey == VK_PAUSE) { /* * This is the "E1 1D" part of the Pause scancode sequence. * Alter the scancode to the value Windows expects for Pause, * and remember to discard the "45" scancode that will follow */ pke->bScanCode = 0x45; fVkPause = TRUE; } /* * Convert to a different VK if some modifier keys are depressed. */ if (usVKey & KBDMULTIVK) { WORD nMod; PULONG pul; nMod = GetModificationNumber( (MODIFIERS *)&Modifiers_VK, GetModifierBits((MODIFIERS *)&Modifiers_VK, gafPhysKeyState)); /* * Scan gapulCvt_VK[nMod] for matching VK. */ if ( KeyboardType101 ) gapulCvt_VK = (PULONG *)gapulCvt_VK_101; else gapulCvt_VK = (PULONG *)gapulCvt_VK_84; if ((nMod != SHFT_INVALID) && ((pul = gapulCvt_VK[nMod]) != NULL)) { while (*pul != 0) { if (LOBYTE(*pul) == LOBYTE(usVKey)) { pke->usFlaggedVk = (USHORT)HIWORD(*pul); return (BYTE)pke->usFlaggedVk; } pul++; } } } pke->usFlaggedVk = usVKey; return (BYTE)usVKey; } /***************************************************************************\ * KeyboardHotKeyProcedure * * return TRUE if the hotkey is detected, false otherwise * * HotkeyVk (input) * - hotkey to look for * HotkeyModifiers (input) * - hotkey to look for * pkei (input) * - scan code * gpScancodeMap (input) * - scan code map from WIN32K * pKbdTbl (input) * - keyboard layout from WIN32K * KeyboardType101 (input) * - keyboard type from WIN32K * gafPhysKeyState (input/output) * - key states * \***************************************************************************/ BOOLEAN KeyboardHotKeyProcedure( BYTE HotkeyVk, USHORT HotkeyModifiers, PKEYBOARD_INPUT_DATA pkei, PVOID gpScancodeMap, PVOID pKbdTbl, BOOLEAN KeyboardType101, PVOID gafPhysKeyState ) { BYTE Vk; BYTE bPrefix; KE ke; WORD ModBits; if ( !pKbdTbl || !gafPhysKeyState ) { return FALSE; } if (pkei->Flags & KEY_E0) { bPrefix = 0xE0; } else if (pkei->Flags & KEY_E1) { bPrefix = 0xE1; } else { bPrefix = 0; } ke.bScanCode = (BYTE)(pkei->MakeCode & 0x7F); if (gpScancodeMap) { MapScancode(gpScancodeMap, &ke.bScanCode, &bPrefix); } Vk = WD_VKFromVSC(pKbdTbl, &ke, bPrefix, gafPhysKeyState, KeyboardType101); if ((Vk == 0) || (Vk == VK__none_)) { return FALSE; } if (pkei->Flags & KEY_BREAK) { ke.usFlaggedVk |= KBDBREAK; } // Vk = (BYTE)ke.usFlaggedVk; UpdatePhysKeyState(Vk, ke.usFlaggedVk & KBDBREAK, gafPhysKeyState); /* * Convert Left/Right Ctrl/Shift/Alt key to "unhanded" key. * ie: if VK_LCONTROL or VK_RCONTROL, convert to VK_CONTROL etc. */ if ((Vk >= VK_LSHIFT) && (Vk <= VK_RMENU)) { Vk = (BYTE)((Vk - VK_LSHIFT) / 2 + VK_SHIFT); UpdatePhysKeyState(Vk, ke.usFlaggedVk & KBDBREAK, gafPhysKeyState); } /* * Now check if the shadow hotkey has been hit */ if ( Vk == HotkeyVk && !(ke.usFlaggedVk & KBDBREAK) ) { ModBits = GetModifierBits( (MODIFIERS *)&Modifiers_VK, gafPhysKeyState ); if ( ModBits == HotkeyModifiers ) return( TRUE ); } return( FALSE ); } /******************************************************************************* * * KeyboardSetKeyState * * Initialize keyboard state * * ENTRY: * pgafPhysKeyState (input/output) * - buffer to allocate or clear * * * EXIT: * STATUS_SUCCESS - no error * ******************************************************************************/ #define CVKKEYSTATE 256 #define CBKEYSTATE (CVKKEYSTATE >> 2) NTSTATUS KeyboardSetKeyState( PTSHARE_WD pWd, PVOID *pgafPhysKeyState ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; if ( *pgafPhysKeyState == NULL ) { *pgafPhysKeyState = COM_Malloc(CBKEYSTATE); if ( *pgafPhysKeyState == NULL ) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } RtlZeroMemory( *pgafPhysKeyState, CBKEYSTATE ); return Status; } /******************************************************************************* * * KeyboardFixupLayout * * Fixup the pointers inside the keyboard layout * * ENTRY: * pLayout (input/output) * - buffer to fixup * pOriginal (input) * - pointer to original layout buffer * Length (input) * - length of layout buffer * pKbdTblOriginal (input) * - pointer to original KbdTbl table * ppKbdTbl (output) * - pointer to location to save ptr to new KbdTbl table * * * EXIT: * STATUS_SUCCESS - no error * ******************************************************************************/ #define FIXUP_PTR(p, pBase, pOldBase) ((p) ? (p) = (PVOID) ( (PBYTE)pBase + (ULONG) ( (PBYTE)p - (PBYTE)pOldBase ) ) : 0) //#define CHECK_PTR( p, Limit) { if ( (PVOID)p > Limit ) { ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } } #define CHECK_PTR( ptr, Limit) \ { if ( (PBYTE) (ptr) > (PBYTE) (Limit) ) { \ KdPrint(("Bad Ptr, Line %ld: %p > %p \n", __LINE__, ptr, Limit)); \ /* ASSERT(FALSE); */ \ /* return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; */ } } NTSTATUS KeyboardFixupLayout( PVOID pKbdLayout, PVOID pOriginal, ULONG Length, PVOID pKbdTblOrig, PVOID *ppKbdTbl ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; VK_TO_WCHAR_TABLE *pVkToWcharTable; VSC_LPWSTR *pKeyName; LPWSTR *lpDeadKey; PKBDTABLES pKbdTbl; PVOID pLimit; if ( Length < sizeof(KBDTABLES) ) { Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; goto error; } pLimit = (PBYTE)pKbdLayout + Length; pKbdTbl = pKbdTblOrig; FIXUP_PTR(pKbdTbl, pKbdLayout, pOriginal); FIXUP_PTR(pKbdTbl->pCharModifiers, pKbdLayout, pOriginal); CHECK_PTR(pKbdTbl->pCharModifiers, pLimit); FIXUP_PTR(pKbdTbl->pCharModifiers->pVkToBit, pKbdLayout, pOriginal); CHECK_PTR(pKbdTbl->pCharModifiers->pVkToBit, pLimit); if (FIXUP_PTR(pKbdTbl->pVkToWcharTable, pKbdLayout, pOriginal)) { CHECK_PTR(pKbdTbl->pVkToWcharTable, pLimit); for (pVkToWcharTable = pKbdTbl->pVkToWcharTable; pVkToWcharTable->pVkToWchars != NULL; pVkToWcharTable++) { FIXUP_PTR(pVkToWcharTable->pVkToWchars, pKbdLayout, pOriginal); CHECK_PTR(pVkToWcharTable->pVkToWchars, pLimit); } } FIXUP_PTR(pKbdTbl->pDeadKey, pKbdLayout, pOriginal); CHECK_PTR(pKbdTbl->pDeadKey, pLimit); if (FIXUP_PTR(pKbdTbl->pKeyNames, pKbdLayout, pOriginal)) { CHECK_PTR(pKbdTbl->pKeyNames, pLimit); for (pKeyName = pKbdTbl->pKeyNames; pKeyName->vsc != 0; pKeyName++) { FIXUP_PTR(pKeyName->pwsz, pKbdLayout, pOriginal); CHECK_PTR(pKeyName->pwsz, pLimit); } } if (FIXUP_PTR(pKbdTbl->pKeyNamesExt, pKbdLayout, pOriginal)) { CHECK_PTR(pKbdTbl->pKeyNamesExt, pLimit); for (pKeyName = pKbdTbl->pKeyNamesExt; pKeyName->vsc != 0; pKeyName++) { FIXUP_PTR(pKeyName->pwsz, pKbdLayout, pOriginal); CHECK_PTR(pKeyName->pwsz, pLimit); } } if (FIXUP_PTR(pKbdTbl->pKeyNamesDead, pKbdLayout, pOriginal)) { CHECK_PTR(pKbdTbl->pKeyNamesDead, pLimit); for (lpDeadKey = pKbdTbl->pKeyNamesDead; *lpDeadKey != NULL; lpDeadKey++) { FIXUP_PTR(*lpDeadKey, pKbdLayout, pOriginal); CHECK_PTR(*lpDeadKey, pLimit); } } FIXUP_PTR(pKbdTbl->pusVSCtoVK, pKbdLayout, pOriginal); CHECK_PTR(pKbdTbl->pusVSCtoVK, pLimit); FIXUP_PTR(pKbdTbl->pVSCtoVK_E0, pKbdLayout, pOriginal); CHECK_PTR(pKbdTbl->pVSCtoVK_E0, pLimit); FIXUP_PTR(pKbdTbl->pVSCtoVK_E1, pKbdLayout, pOriginal); CHECK_PTR(pKbdTbl->pVSCtoVK_E1, pLimit); *ppKbdTbl = pKbdTbl; error: return( Status ); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */
#pragma once #ifndef _RIBBON_REFSTRING_H_ #define _RIBBON_REFSTRING_H_ namespace Ribbon { namespace RefStringInternal { struct StringMemoryImage final { std::atomic_uint m_refCount; // 4 uint16_t m_length; // 2 char16_t m_str[1]; // 10(=4), 26(=12), 42(=20) uint32_t DecrementReference(); uint32_t IncrementReference() { return ++m_refCount; } StringMemoryImage() = delete; StringMemoryImage(const StringMemoryImage&) = delete; StringMemoryImage(StringMemoryImage&&) = delete; StringMemoryImage& operator = (const StringMemoryImage&) = delete; }; } // namespace RefStringInternal class RefString final { private: static char16_t Length0Text[]; RefStringInternal::StringMemoryImage* m_ptr; public: RefString() : m_ptr(nullptr) {} // copy context RefString(const RefString& src) { m_ptr = src.m_ptr; if (m_ptr != nullptr) m_ptr->IncrementReference(); } RefString& operator = (const RefString& src) { if (m_ptr != nullptr) m_ptr->DecrementReference(); // do not touch m_ptr content after DecrementReference m_ptr = src.m_ptr; if (m_ptr != nullptr) m_ptr->IncrementReference(); return *this; } // move context RefString(RefString&& src) { m_ptr = src.m_ptr; src.m_ptr = nullptr; } RefString& operator = (RefString&& src) { if (m_ptr != nullptr) m_ptr->DecrementReference(); // do not touch m_ptr content after DecrementReference m_ptr = src.m_ptr; src.m_ptr = nullptr; return *this; } // destructor ~RefString() { if (m_ptr != nullptr) m_ptr->DecrementReference(); // do not touch m_ptr content after DecrementReference } // constructors RefString(const char16_t* src, size_t length); RefString(const char16_t* src) : RefString(src, textlen(src)) {} RefString(const std::u16string& src) : RefString(src.c_str(), src.length()) {} RefString& operator = (const char16_t* src) { return (*this = RefString(src)); } RefString(const std::string& src) : RefString(to_utf16(src)) {} RefString(const char* src) : RefString(to_utf16(src)) {} RefString& operator = (const std::u16string& src) { return (*this = RefString(src)); } // Accessor const std::string u8str() const { return to_utf8(m_ptr ? m_ptr->m_str : Length0Text); } const char16_t* u16ptr() const { return m_ptr ? m_ptr->m_str : Length0Text; } std::u16string u16str() const { return m_ptr ? std::u16string(m_ptr->m_str, m_ptr->m_length) : std::u16string(); } size_t length() const { return m_ptr ? static_cast<size_t>(m_ptr->m_length) : 0; } char16_t& operator [] (size_t idx) { char16_t* ptr = m_ptr ? m_ptr->m_str : Length0Text; return ptr[idx]; } const char16_t& operator [] (size_t idx) const { return u16ptr()[idx]; } // Compare int Compare(const RefString& rhs) const { return (m_ptr == rhs.m_ptr) ? 0 : (m_ptr == nullptr) ? -1 : (rhs.m_ptr == nullptr) ? 1 : textcmp(m_ptr->m_str, rhs.m_ptr->m_str); } bool operator < (const RefString& rhs) const { return Compare(rhs) < 0; } bool operator > (const RefString& rhs) const { return Compare(rhs) > 0; } bool operator == (const RefString& rhs) const { return Compare(rhs) == 0; } operator bool () const { return m_ptr != nullptr; } // others void clear() { if (m_ptr != nullptr) m_ptr->DecrementReference(); m_ptr = nullptr; } // for diagnotics uint32_t GetReferenceCount() { return m_ptr ? (uint32_t)m_ptr->m_refCount : 0; } static uint32_t GetActiveInstanceCount(); }; } // Ribbon #endif // _RIBBON_REFSTRING_H_
#pragma once #include <glbinding/nogl.h> #include <glbinding/gl/values.h> namespace gl43core { // import values to namespace using gl::GL_INVALID_INDEX; using gl::GL_TIMEOUT_IGNORED; } // namespace gl43core
/* * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. * */ #import <ComponentKit/CKScopeTreeNodeProtocol.h> #import "CKTreeNode.h" extern NSUInteger const kTreeNodeParentBaseKey; extern NSUInteger const kTreeNodeOwnerBaseKey; @protocol CKTreeNodeProtocol; /** This object is a bridge between CKComponentScope and CKTreeNode. It represents a node with children in the component tree. */ @interface CKScopeTreeNode : CKTreeNode <CKScopeTreeNodeProtocol> { @package std::vector<std::tuple<CKScopeNodeKey, id<CKTreeNodeProtocol>>> _children; } @end
// Copyright (c) by respective owners including Yahoo!, Microsoft, and // individual contributors. All rights reserved. Released under a BSD (revised) // license as described in the file LICENSE. #pragma once #include "../../vw.h" VW_WARNING_STATE_PUSH VW_WARNING_DISABLE_BADLY_FORMED_XML #include "generated/example_generated.h" VW_WARNING_STATE_POP namespace VW { namespace parsers { namespace flatbuffer { int flatbuffer_to_examples(vw* all, v_array<example*>& examples); class parser { public: parser() = default; const VW::parsers::flatbuffer::ExampleRoot* data(); bool parse_examples(vw* all, v_array<example*>& examples, uint8_t* buffer_pointer = nullptr); private: const VW::parsers::flatbuffer::ExampleRoot* _data; uint8_t* _flatbuffer_pointer; flatbuffers::uoffset_t _object_size = 0; bool _active_collection = false; uint32_t _example_index = 0; uint32_t _multi_ex_index = 0; bool _active_multi_ex = false; const VW::parsers::flatbuffer::MultiExample* _multi_example_object = nullptr; uint32_t _labeled_action = 0; uint64_t _c_hash = 0; bool parse(vw* all, uint8_t* buffer_pointer = nullptr); void process_collection_item(vw* all, v_array<example*>& examples); void parse_example(vw* all, example* ae, const Example* eg); void parse_multi_example(vw* all, example* ae, const MultiExample* eg); void parse_namespaces(vw* all, example* ae, const Namespace* ns); void parse_features(vw* all, features& fs, const Feature* feature, const flatbuffers::String* ns); void parse_flat_label(shared_data* sd, example* ae, const Example* eg); void parse_simple_label(shared_data* sd, polylabel* l, reduction_features* red_features, const SimpleLabel* label); void parse_cb_label(polylabel* l, const CBLabel* label); void parse_ccb_label(polylabel* l, const CCBLabel* label); void parse_cs_label(polylabel* l, const CS_Label* label); void parse_cb_eval_label(polylabel* l, const CB_EVAL_Label* label); void parse_mc_label(shared_data* sd, polylabel* l, const MultiClass* label); void parse_multi_label(polylabel* l, const MultiLabel* label); void parse_slates_label(polylabel* l, const Slates_Label* label); void parse_continuous_action_label(polylabel* l, const ContinuousLabel* label); }; } // namespace flatbuffer } // namespace parsers } // namespace VW
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