translation | text
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"en": "Mr President, Commissioner, I am speaking on behalf of my fellow Member, Robert Goebbels, who is unable to attend due to a political commitment.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, queridos colegas, intervengo en nombre de mi colega Robert Goebbels, que ha debido ausentarse para atender a un compromiso político."
} | mr president commissioner i am speaking on behalf of my fellow member robert goebbels who is unable to attend due to a political commitment |
"en": "Within the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, the Jonckheer report has given rise to bitter controversy on the subject of the operation of the market.",
"es": "En el seno de la Comisión Económica y Monetaria, el informe Jonckheer ha suscitado ásperas controversias en torno al funcionamiento del mercado."
} | within the committee on economic and monetary affairs the jonckheer report has given rise to bitter controversy on the subject of the operation of the market |
"en": "A slim right-wing majority succeeded in removing any reference to market failures.",
"es": "Una escasa mayoría de derecha ha conseguido eliminar toda referencia a las insuficiencias del mercado."
} | a slim rightwing majority succeeded in removing any reference to market failures |
"en": "Even if the majority in this House were to adhere to this ultraliberal idea of a supposedly perfect market, it would not make any difference to the real world.",
"es": "Aunque nuestro Parlamento persiguiera mayoritariamente este concepto ultraliberal de un mercado supuestamente perfecto, el mundo no cambiaría por ello."
} | even if the majority in this house were to adhere to this ultraliberal idea of a supposedly perfect market it would not make any difference to the real world |
"en": "Economic relationships in the real world adequately demonstrate that eliminating all public intervention in the market does not in any way bring about perfect competition and the optimum distribution of resources.",
"es": "Las relaciones económicas en el mundo real demuestran sobradamente que la eliminación de toda intervención pública en el mercado no produce en absoluto una competencia perfecta ni una distribución óptima de los recursos."
} | economic relationships in the real world adequately demonstrate that eliminating all public intervention in the market does not in any way bring about perfect competition and the optimum distribution of resources |
"en": "While, since the dawn of time, the market has been the key forum for human interchange, it has never been perfect.",
"es": "Aunque el mercado ha sido desde la noche de los tiempos el lugar de intercambio privilegiado de los seres humanos, jamás ha sido perfecto."
} | while since the dawn of time the market has been the key forum for human interchange it has never been perfect |
"en": "The market favours the short term and immediate profits.",
"es": "El mercado da prioridad al corto plazo y a los beneficios inmediatos."
} | the market favours the short term and immediate profits |
"en": "On the market, the balance of power between supply and demand are generally to the detriment of the weakest parties, consumers and workers.",
"es": "En el mercado, las relaciones de fuerza entre la oferta y la demanda son, generalmente, en desventaja de los más débiles, los consumidores y los trabajadores."
} | on the market the balance of power between supply and demand are generally to the detriment of the weakest parties consumers and workers |
"en": "In order to function, the market needs rules.",
"es": "El mercado necesita normas para funcionar."
} | in order to function the market needs rules |
"en": "The necessary and valuable spirit of initiative must be offset by a sense of responsibility towards society.",
"es": "El espíritu de iniciativa necesario y precioso debe tener como corolario el sentido de las responsabilidades ante la sociedad."
} | the necessary and valuable spirit of initiative must be offset by a sense of responsibility towards society |
"en": "We European Socialists are in favour of a market economy with a social purpose.",
"es": "Nosotros, los socialistas europeos, estamos a favor de una economía de mercado con fines sociales."
} | we european socialists are in favour of a market economy with a social purpose |
"en": "The market is not an end in itself; it must help to improve the human condition.",
"es": "El mercado no es un fin en sí mismo; debe estar al servicio de la mejora de la condición humana."
} | the market is not an end in itself it must help to improve the human condition |
"en": "The European Union or individual States must not take over from economic operators, but public authorities must define the rules and objectives which enable the economy to develop in a sustainable fashion.",
"es": "La Unión Europea, los Estados, no deben sustituir a los agentes económicos, sino que los poderes públicos deben definir las normas y los objetivos que permitan un desarrollo sostenible de la economía."
} | the european union or individual states must not take over from economic operators but public authorities must define the rules and objectives which enable the economy to develop in a sustainable fashion |
"en": "Finally, aid can enable restructuring, offer training, save jobs and thus know-how.",
"es": "Por último, las ayudas permiten realizar reestructuraciones, ofrecer una formación, salvar puestos de trabajo y, en definitiva, actuar con buen tino."
} | finally aid can enable restructuring offer training save jobs and thus knowhow |
"en": "The main objective of the Union' s competition policy cannot be to reduce the overall level of aid.",
"es": "La política de competencia de la Unión no puede tener como principal objetivo una reducción del nivel global de las ayudas."
} | the main objective of the union s competition policy cannot be to reduce the overall level of aid |
"en": "This aid must be aligned with the objectives of the Union, particularly economic and social cohesion, sustainable development and research.",
"es": "Es necesario orientar estas ayudas hacia los objetivos de la Unión, en particular, la cohesión económica y social, el desarrollo sostenible y la investigación."
} | this aid must be aligned with the objectives of the union particularly economic and social cohesion sustainable development and research |
"en": "The Commission must track down the illegal aid and the aid which actually hinders the internal market.",
"es": "La Comisión debe perseguir las ayudas ilegales y aquellas que realmente ponen cortapisas al mercado interior."
} | the commission must track down the illegal aid and the aid which actually hinders the internal market |
"en": "It would be a serious mistake to eliminate all public aid.",
"es": "Suprimir toda ayuda pública sería un grave error."
} | it would be a serious mistake to eliminate all public aid |
"en": "The Internet is not a product of the market, but the result of research financed by the American army.",
"es": "Internet no es un producto del mercado, sino el resultado de la investigación financiada por el ejército norteamericano."
} | the internet is not a product of the market but the result of research financed by the american army |
"en": "The World Wide Web, which has enabled the meteoric development of the information society, was developed by CERN in Geneva, once again with public aid.",
"es": "La World Wide Web, que ha hecho posible el desarrollo fulgurante de la sociedad de la información, fue obra de la CERN de Ginebra financiada, una vez más, con ayudas públicas."
} | the world wide web which has enabled the meteoric development of the information society was developed by cern in geneva once again with public aid |
"en": "The German Government' s intervention to save the Holzmann group was criticised as an unjustifiable constraint upon the market economy.",
"es": "El salvamento del grupo Holzmann por parte del Gobierno alemán ha sido criticado como una cortapisa injustificable a la economía de mercado."
} | the german government s intervention to save the holzmann group was criticised as an unjustifiable constraint upon the market economy |
"en": "President Duisenberg even attempted to attribute the weakness, the entirely relative weakness of the euro in relation to the dollar to this state interventionism.",
"es": "El Presidente Duisenberg ha intentado incluso atribuir la debilidad, que por otra parte ha sido relativa, del euro frente al dólar, a este intervencionismo estatal."
} | president duisenberg even attempted to attribute the weakness the entirely relative weakness of the euro in relation to the dollar to this state interventionism |
"en": "I did not hear Mr Duisenberg criticising the intervention of the American monetary authorities to save the hedge fund, LTCM.",
"es": "No he oído al Sr. Duisenberg criticar el salvamento del Hedge Fund LTCM por parte de las autoridades monetarias norteamericanas."
} | i did not hear mr duisenberg criticising the intervention of the american monetary authorities to save the hedge fund ltcm |
"en": "Wishing to save 60 000 jobs is, apparently, a sin against the market, but saving capital does not seem to present any problem for the advocates of the free market.",
"es": "Querer salvar 60.000 puestos de trabajo es, al parecer, un pecado contra el mercado, pero el salvamento de capitales no parece plantear ningún problema a los defensores del libre mercado."
} | wishing to save 60 000 jobs is apparently a sin against the market but saving capital does not seem to present any problem for the advocates of the free market |
"en": "Public monies are used in order to repair the damage caused by international speculation, as was the case in Mexico, Asia and Brazil.",
"es": "Los fondos públicos son movilizados para reparar los daños de la especulación internacional, como ha ocurrido en México, en Asia y en Brasil."
} | public monies are used in order to repair the damage caused by international speculation as was the case in mexico asia and brazil |
"en": "Human labour, on the other hand, is considered to be a simple factor in the equation.",
"es": "En cambio, el trabajo de las personas es considerado un simple factor de ajuste."
} | human labour on the other hand is considered to be a simple factor in the equation |
"en": "We Socialists reject the liberals' naïve optimism on this point.",
"es": "Nosotros, los socialistas, nos oponemos a esta abstracción liberal."
} | we socialists reject the liberals naïve optimism on this point |
"en": "We want a true culture of competition in Europe.",
"es": "Queremos una auténtica cultura de la competencia en Europa."
} | we want a true culture of competition in europe |
"en": "The state hand must still be clearly seen to regulate the market and the Commission must act as judge.",
"es": "La mano de los Estados debe permanecer visible para poner marco al mercado y la Comisión debe hacer de árbitro."
} | the state hand must still be clearly seen to regulate the market and the commission must act as judge |
"en": "Mr President, Commissioner, I want to begin by thanking Mr Rapkay for a good report and constructive cooperation.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, estimado Comisario y estimados compañeros, comenzaré expresando mi agradecimiento al Sr. Rapkay por el buen informe que ha realizado y la buena colaboración."
} | mr president commissioner i want to begin by thanking mr rapkay for a good report and constructive cooperation |
"en": "I want to thank you, Commissioner Monti, for your outstanding cooperation and I want to tell you that, as we enter the new millennium, you have an especially important role.",
"es": "A usted, Comisario Monti, quiero agradecerle la estupenda colaboración que ha brindado y decirle que en este cambio de siglo tiene una función especialmente importante que desempeñar."
} | i want to thank you commissioner monti for your outstanding cooperation and i want to tell you that as we enter the new millennium you have an especially important role |
"en": "It is your job to tidy up the mess left by national governments. These may well have grand visions when it comes to competition policy, but their capacity to wreak havoc seems boundless.",
"es": "Debe barrer las huellas dejadas por los gobiernos nacionales que tienen grandes visiones en materia de política de la competencia, pero sólo la imaginación pone límites a las catástrofes que pueden ocasionar los gobiernos nacionales."
} | it is your job to tidy up the mess left by national governments these may well have grand visions when it comes to competition policy but their capacity to wreak havoc seems boundless |
"en": "Let me mention the latest examples we have seen: Holzmann, a company which receives considerable aid from the German Government; sawmills in former East Germany; and, especially, aid to shipyards.",
"es": "En este punto puedo mencionar los últimos ejemplos de los que hemos sido testigos: Holzmann, una empresa que recibe considerables ayudas del gobierno alemán, serrerías en la antigua Alemania Oriental y especialmente las ayudas a los astilleros."
} | let me mention the latest examples we have seen holzmann a company which receives considerable aid from the german government sawmills in former east germany and especially aid to shipyards |
"en": "These are three areas in which many Danish companies are experiencing major problems and are being squeezed out of their markets.",
"es": "Son tres ámbitos en los que muchas empresas danesas atraviesan graves problemas y se están viendo empujadas fuera de sus mercados."
} | these are three areas in which many danish companies are experiencing major problems and are being squeezed out of their markets |
"en": "I want to say to Mr Poos that I very much agree with Mr Duisenberg that these examples show that some EU Member States are not in a position to restructure their economies and, to that extent, are helping to undermine the value of the euro.",
"es": "Quiero decirle al Sr. Poos que estoy muy de acuerdo con el Sr. Duisenberg en que estos casos ejemplifican cómo algunos de los países miembros europeos no están en condiciones de reestructurar sus economías y con ello contribuyen a minar el valor del euro."
} | i want to say to mr poos that i very much agree with mr duisenberg that these examples show that some eu member states are not in a position to restructure their economies and to that extent are helping to undermine the value of the euro |
"en": "The Group of the European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party has tabled 80 amendments in the committee, all concerning state aid.",
"es": "El Grupo Liberal ha presentado 80 enmiendas en la comisión, relativas todas ellas a las ayudas estatales."
} | the group of the european liberal democrat and reform party has tabled 80 amendments in the committee all concerning state aid |
"en": "These are amendments which we believe will lead to transparency and openness, which is very important with a view to making the internal market work.",
"es": "Son propuestas que pensamos contribuyen a aportar transparencia y claridad, cualidades muy importantes de cara a lograr un buen funcionamiento del mercado interior."
} | these are amendments which we believe will lead to transparency and openness which is very important with a view to making the internal market work |
"en": "I should like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues on the committee for supporting the amendments tabled by the Group of the European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party.",
"es": "Me gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad para dar las gracias a mis compañeros en la comisión por su apoyo a las enmiendas del Grupo Liberal."
} | i should like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues on the committee for supporting the amendments tabled by the group of the european liberal democrat and reform party |
"en": "As I say, our amendments concern transparency, and I should like to emphasise the amendment which urges the Commission to propose uniform criteria and conditions for the type of state aids we consider to be lawful, specifically in order to ensure that companies can predict what their situation will be.",
"es": "Nuestras propuestas, como he dicho, se refieren a la transparencia y me gustaría destacar la enmienda que exhorta a la Comisión a que presente criterios y condiciones uniformes para el tipo de ayudas estatales que consideramos legal, precisamente para garantizar que las empresas pueden predecir su situación."
} | as i say our amendments concern transparency and i should like to emphasise the amendment which urges the commission to propose uniform criteria and conditions for the type of state aids we consider to be lawful specifically in order to ensure that companies can predict what their situation will be |
"en": "Another issue is that of what we are to do when state aid is declared unlawful.",
"es": "Otro punto es la cuestión sobre qué hacer cuando la ayuda estatal es declarada ilegal."
} | another issue is that of what we are to do when state aid is declared unlawful |
"en": "How do we ensure that unlawful state aid is paid back?",
"es": "¿Cómo nos aseguramos de que nos sea devuelta la ayuda estatal declarada ilegal?"
} | how do we ensure that unlawful state aid is paid back |
"en": "At present, there are no common rules in this area, and we vigorously urge the Commission to make a point of harmonising the rules on repayment.",
"es": "Hoy no existe ninguna regla común en este terreno y exhortamos firmemente a la Comisión a que se ocupe de armonizar las normas en materia de devolución."
} | at present there are no common rules in this area and we vigorously urge the commission to make a point of harmonising the rules on repayment |
"en": "This is the way forward if we are to ensure uniform conditions of competition.",
"es": "Éste es el camino a seguir para garantizar condiciones homogéneas a la hora de competir."
} | this is the way forward if we are to ensure uniform conditions of competition |
"en": "Finally, we propose keeping both a register, as mentioned by a number of my fellow MEPs, and also a scoreboard showing where the Member States at present stand with regard to state aid.",
"es": "Por último, proponemos la elaboración por una parte de un registro, tal y como han mencionado varios de mis compañeros, y por otra parte también de una tabla de resultados que muestre la situación de los países con respecto a las ayudas estatales."
} | finally we propose keeping both a register as mentioned by a number of my fellow meps and also a scoreboard showing where the member states at present stand with regard to state aid |
"en": "You have shown us the way, Mr Monti, with the single market scoreboard.",
"es": "Usted nos ha mostrado el camino, señor Monti, con la tabla de resultados para el mercado interior."
} | you have shown us the way mr monti with the single market scoreboard |
"en": "It was this which inspired us to propose the same thing with regard to state aid.",
"es": "Ésta es la fuente de inspiración de nuestra propuesta de una tabla similar para las ayudas estatales."
} | it was this which inspired us to propose the same thing with regard to state aid |
"en": "I very much hope that you, Commissioner Monti, will support these amendments, and I look forward to your comments and to finding out where you stand on this matter.",
"es": "Espero y confío en que usted, Comisario Monti, respalde estas propuestas y aguardo sus comentarios y su postura al respecto."
} | i very much hope that you commissioner monti will support these amendments and i look forward to your comments and to finding out where you stand on this matter |
"en": "To conclude, I want to welcome the Commission' s XVIIIth Report on Competition Policy, on which, once again, a good deal of work has been done.",
"es": "Para finalizar, quiero dar la bienvenida al informe sobre la competencia de la DG XXVIII de la Comisión, al que una vez más se ha dedicado una cantidad considerable de trabajo."
} | to conclude i want to welcome the commission s xviiith report on competition policy on which once again a good deal of work has been done |
"en": "But, as I have already mentioned, our overriding objectives ought still to be those of transparency and openness.",
"es": "Sin embargo, como ya he mencionado, nuestro último propósito debe seguir siendo la transparencia y la claridad."
} | but as i have already mentioned our overriding objectives ought still to be those of transparency and openness |
"en": "There is still a need to tighten up in the areas mentioned, and there is therefore good reason for continuing to work resolutely towards solving the problems concerning the lack of transparency and openness in the area of state aid.",
"es": "Sigue siendo preciso mejorar la eficacia en los ámbitos mencionados, y por ello hay motivos suficientes para seguir trabajando con la vista puesta en resolver los problemas relacionados con la falta de transparencia y claridad en el ámbito de las ayudas estatales."
} | there is still a need to tighten up in the areas mentioned and there is therefore good reason for continuing to work resolutely towards solving the problems concerning the lack of transparency and openness in the area of state aid |
"en": "This is especially necessary in relation to the forthcoming enlargement of the Union, and I should like to thank Mr Jonckheer who, in his report, has considered very thoroughly the problems associated with enlargement and with ensuring that the applicant countries are able to meet our criteria, as well as with ensuring common conditions of competition.",
"es": "Sobre todo es necesario con relación a la próxima ampliación y querría expresarle mi agradecimiento al Sr. Jonckheer, quien ha tratado en su informe muy concienzudamente todos los problemas relacionados con la ampliación y con cómo asegurarnos de que estos países cumplan nuestros requisitos y también de que compitamos en igualdad de condiciones."
} | this is especially necessary in relation to the forthcoming enlargement of the union and i should like to thank mr jonckheer who in his report has considered very thoroughly the problems associated with enlargement and with ensuring that the applicant countries are able to meet our criteria as well as with ensuring common conditions of competition |
"en": "As Liberals and Greens, we clearly have different opinions on how the world should look, but we are well on the way to agreement as to our objectives, and we shall try to find reasonable solutions to our problems.",
"es": "Es evidente que como liberales y verdes tenemos diferentes concepciones del mundo, sin embargo, en nuestros objetivos estamos en gran medida de acuerdo y trataremos de hallar una solución razonable a nuestros problemas."
} | as liberals and greens we clearly have different opinions on how the world should look but we are well on the way to agreement as to our objectives and we shall try to find reasonable solutions to our problems |
"en": "Mr President, Commissioner, there are just two questions which must be answered.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, sencillamente debemos responder a dos preguntas."
} | mr president commissioner there are just two questions which must be answered |
"en": "Are state aid to business or inter-company agreements legitimate in a market economy, and who must supervise these exceptions to the absolute rules of the market economy?",
"es": "¿Son legítimas las ayudas estatales a las empresas o son legítimos los acuerdos entre empresas en una economía de mercado, y quién debe controlar estas excepciones a las reglas absolutas de la economía de mercado?"
} | are state aid to business or intercompany agreements legitimate in a market economy and who must supervise these exceptions to the absolute rules of the market economy |
"en": "Regarding the first point, we say quite clearly that, in order to take into consideration the requirements of sustainable development which the European Union has endorsed, it is essential that, in some instances, there is state aid to businesses, be it in the form of tax exemptions, special taxation or even direct aid.",
"es": "Respecto al primer punto, afirmamos abiertamente que, para tomar en consideración las necesidades del desarrollo sostenible que suscribe la Unión Europea, es indispensable que en determinados casos existan ayudas estatales a las empresas, ya sea en forma de desgravación fiscal, de un régimen fiscal diferenciado o sencillamente de ayudas directas."
} | regarding the first point we say quite clearly that in order to take into consideration the requirements of sustainable development which the european union has endorsed it is essential that in some instances there is state aid to businesses be it in the form of tax exemptions special taxation or even direct aid |
"en": "It is also legitimate for there to be inter-company agreements and voluntary restraint agreements, since all these agreements make it possible to reduce the detrimental effects of competition on social or ecological requirements.",
"es": "Es igualmente legítimo que existan acuerdos entre las empresas, acuerdos de autolimitación, todos esos acuerdos que permiten paliar los efectos nocivos de la competencia sobre las necesidades sociales o las necesidades ecológicas."
} | it is also legitimate for there to be intercompany agreements and voluntary restraint agreements since all these agreements make it possible to reduce the detrimental effects of competition on social or ecological requirements |
"en": "So our clear response is that, yes, such aid and such agreements are legitimate, but we say that every single one of these agreements must be expressly justified.",
"es": "Por tanto, respondemos con toda claridad sí: es legítimo que puedan existir ayudas, que existan acuerdos, pero afirmamos que cada uno de estos acuerdos debe estar sujeto expresamente a una argumentación."
} | so our clear response is that yes such aid and such agreements are legitimate but we say that every single one of these agreements must be expressly justified |
"en": "The von Wogau report proposes referring supervision of the legitimacy of individual cases to national level.",
"es": "El informe von Wogau propone devolver el control de esta legitimidad a nivel nacional."
} | the von wogau report proposes referring supervision of the legitimacy of individual cases to national level |
"en": "We feel this is relatively dangerous, but all the same we shall vote in favour of it because we recognise that the Commission cannot do everything.",
"es": "Eso nos parece relativamente peligroso, pero no obstante le daremos nuestro voto favorable, porque reconocemos que la Comisión no puede hacerlo todo."
} | we feel this is relatively dangerous but all the same we shall vote in favour of it because we recognise that the commission cannot do everything |
"en": "We demand that the greatest possible transparency should be in place and that greater powers of investigation be granted to the Commission in order to check the legitimacy of such exceptions after the fact.",
"es": "Exigimos que se aplique la mayor transparencia y que se otorgue a la Comisión un mayor poder de investigación para verificar a posteriori la legitimidad de estas excepciones."
} | we demand that the greatest possible transparency should be in place and that greater powers of investigation be granted to the commission in order to check the legitimacy of such exceptions after the fact |
"en": "Mr President, once again we are debating the European Union' s competition policy.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, una vez más debatimos la política de competencia de la Unión Europea."
} | mr president once again we are debating the european union s competition policy |
"en": "But let us stop to consider the circumstances in which this debate is taking place and the conclusions to which it should bring us.",
"es": "¿En qué condiciones, sin embargo, se desarrolla realmente este debate y a qué conclusiones deberíamos llegar?"
} | but let us stop to consider the circumstances in which this debate is taking place and the conclusions to which it should bring us |
"en": "The overriding features of today' s economy are massive mergers and acquisitions involving huge companies with a market monopoly and the emergence of frighteningly powerful multinational groups.",
"es": "Lo que caracteriza la realidad actual es la materialización de gigantescas absorciones, fusiones y compras de descomunales empresas de carácter monopolista y la formación de grupos tremendamente poderosos de ámbito planetario."
} | the overriding features of today s economy are massive mergers and acquisitions involving huge companies with a market monopoly and the emergence of frighteningly powerful multinational groups |
"en": "Should we not be discussing this issue?",
"es": "Francamente, ¿no debería ocuparse nuestro debate de esta situación?"
} | should we not be discussing this issue |
"en": "We need a competition policy which can and will introduce controls on the activities of these private-sector monopolies.",
"es": "¿Qué política de competencia quiere y puede instaurar controles a la actuación de estas empresas monopolistas?"
} | we need a competition policy which can and will introduce controls on the activities of these privatesector monopolies |
"en": "Certain sectors of European industry, such as the shipbuilding industry, air transport and the steel industry, which have been hard hit by existing competition policy, have suffered tremendously.",
"es": "Ciertos ramos de la industria europea, como la construcción naval, el transporte aéreo, la siderurgia, afectados por la política de competencia que se aplica, han sufrido terribles consecuencias."
} | certain sectors of european industry such as the shipbuilding industry air transport and the steel industry which have been hard hit by existing competition policy have suffered tremendously |
"en": "They have lost their status, and a significant slice of the world market and hundreds of thousands of workers have been made redundant.",
"es": "Han perdido posiciones e importantes porciones del mercado mundial y cientos de miles de puestos de trabajo."
} | they have lost their status and a significant slice of the world market and hundreds of thousands of workers have been made redundant |
"en": "When will we debate that?",
"es": "¿Nos vamos a ocupar alguna vez de esta realidad?"
} | when will we debate that |
"en": "The scandalous concentration of power in sectors of strategic importance is giving speculative multinational groups economies the size of entire states, and Member States of the Union at that.",
"es": "La escandalosa concentración de poder en sectores de importancia estratégica pone en manos de grupos multinacionales especuladores la economía de países enteros, incluidos países miembros de la Unión."
} | the scandalous concentration of power in sectors of strategic importance is giving speculative multinational groups economies the size of entire states and member states of the union at that |
"en": "And yet, we keep on weakening the public sector and we are ready and willing to tighten competition policy yet further by qualifying public procurement contracts placed with public-sector corporations as state aid.",
"es": "A pesar de todo esto, nosotros insistimos en debilitar aún más el sector público y estamos dispuestos a endurecer aún más la política de competencia, al considerar ayudas estatales incluso los encargos o pedidos de las administraciones públicas a empresas públicas."
} | and yet we keep on weakening the public sector and we are ready and willing to tighten competition policy yet further by qualifying public procurement contracts placed with publicsector corporations as state aid |
"en": "At the same time, unemployment is spiralling as a result of the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs.",
"es": "Por otra parte, la pérdida de cientos de miles de puestos de trabajo conduce a un explosivo aumento del paro."
} | at the same time unemployment is spiralling as a result of the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs |
"en": "Workers are facing a massive attack on their employment and social rights.",
"es": "Los trabajadores se enfrentan a la mayor agresión a sus derechos laborales y sociales."
} | workers are facing a massive attack on their employment and social rights |
"en": "Consumers see their standard of living being eroded, poverty spreading and the public sector and production base in most countries in the Union being dismantled and dissolved in the name of unadulterated and catastrophic competition, in the name of the absolute market economy and the promotion of the monopolistic interests of big business.",
"es": "Los consumidores asisten a la merma de su nivel de vida, a la generalización de la pobreza y a la desarticulación y disolución del sector público y de la base productiva de la mayoría de los países de la Unión, en nombre de una violenta y desoladora competencia, en nombre de la economía de mercado absoluta y del impulso de los intereses monopolistas del gran capital."
} | consumers see their standard of living being eroded poverty spreading and the public sector and production base in most countries in the union being dismantled and dissolved in the name of unadulterated and catastrophic competition in the name of the absolute market economy and the promotion of the monopolistic interests of big business |
"en": "We consider the competition policy to be responsible for all this and are totally opposed to it.",
"es": "Nosotros consideramos también responsable de todo esto a la política de competencia que se ejerce, y expresamos nuestro completo rechazo a esa política."
} | we consider the competition policy to be responsible for all this and are totally opposed to it |
"en": "Mr President, Commissioner, in the course of this pivotal year, prior to the changeover to the single currency, the Commission has deployed every effort to ensure the birth of the euro in a favourable environment.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, en el transcurso de este año bisagra, antes de pasar a la moneda única, la Comisión no ha escatimado esfuerzos para que el euro nazca en un entorno favorable."
} | mr president commissioner in the course of this pivotal year prior to the changeover to the single currency the commission has deployed every effort to ensure the birth of the euro in a favourable environment |
"en": "The competition policy has, as far as these resources permitted, contributed to this event.",
"es": "La política de la competencia ha contribuido, en el marco de estos medios, a este acontecimiento."
} | the competition policy has as far as these resources permitted contributed to this event |
"en": "For our part, we remain staunchly opposed to the single currency which, far from bringing us the advantages and flexibility of a shared currency, imprisons us in an artificial straitjacket, which has been imposed on the peoples of Europe.",
"es": "Por nuestra parte, seguimos oponiéndonos firmemente a la moneda única que, lejos de traernos ventajas y la flexibilidad de una moneda común, nos ata al yugo artificial impuesto a los pueblos de Europa."
} | for our part we remain staunchly opposed to the single currency which far from bringing us the advantages and flexibility of a shared currency imprisons us in an artificial straitjacket which has been imposed on the peoples of europe |
"en": "Having said that, governing means planning. It also means being responsible and, in this new context which has been forced upon us, competition law naturally has an essential role to play.",
"es": "Dicho esto, gobernar es prever, es también ser responsable y en este nuevo contexto impuesto, el derecho de la competencia debe desempeñar naturalmente un papel fundamental."
} | having said that governing means planning it also means being responsible and in this new context which has been forced upon us competition law naturally has an essential role to play |
"en": "In this area, the Commission has given priority to a number of routes of action: acting on the structure of markets by actively combating anti-competitive practices, by refocusing its departments' supervisory activities only upon matters with a manifest Community interest and by affirming its intention to modernise competition law.",
"es": "En este ámbito, la Comisión ha dado prioridad a varios ejes de acción: actuar sobre la estructura de los mercados a través de la búsqueda activa de prácticas de lucha contra la corrupción, orientar la actividad de control de sus servicios únicamente hacia los asuntos que presentan un interés comunitario manifiesto y marcar su voluntad de modernización del Derecho de la competencia."
} | in this area the commission has given priority to a number of routes of action acting on the structure of markets by actively combating anticompetitive practices by refocusing its departments supervisory activities only upon matters with a manifest community interest and by affirming its intention to modernise competition law |
"en": "As regards state aid, it is essential to ensure that regulations are not made more complex, and the introduction of a public register, where all aid would be recorded, does not seem advisable to us since this onerous commitment would quite naturally run counter to the attempts to simplify bureaucratic constraints.",
"es": "En lo que respecta a las ayudas estatales, hay que velar por que no se sobrecargue el dispositivo, y la introducción de un registro público, en el que se consignen todas las ayudas, no nos parece deseable, porque esta pesada obligación iría en contra de los intentos de aligerar las trabas burocráticas."
} | as regards state aid it is essential to ensure that regulations are not made more complex and the introduction of a public register where all aid would be recorded does not seem advisable to us since this onerous commitment would quite naturally run counter to the attempts to simplify bureaucratic constraints |
"en": "Finally, on the subject of modernising the implementation of Articles 85 and 86 of the Treaty, we do not think that decentralised application would necessarily be going in the right direction.",
"es": "Por último, en lo relativo a la modernización de la aplicación de los artículos 85 y 86 del Tratado, no creemos que una aplicación descentralizada sea necesariamente el camino adecuado."
} | finally on the subject of modernising the implementation of articles 85 and 86 of the treaty we do not think that decentralised application would necessarily be going in the right direction |
"en": "The Commission is, in fact, retaining not only the power to take matters out of the jurisdiction of national authorities, but clearly obliging the national jurisdictions to avoid disputing the decisions of the Commission at all.",
"es": "En realidad, la Comisión no sólo mantiene el poder de sustraer un asunto a la competencia de las autoridades nacionales, sino que además impone la clara obligación a las jurisdicciones nacionales de evitar cualquier conflicto con las decisiones de la Comisión."
} | the commission is in fact retaining not only the power to take matters out of the jurisdiction of national authorities but clearly obliging the national jurisdictions to avoid disputing the decisions of the commission at all |
"en": "National states would thus become the secular arm of the Commission regarding observance of the application of rules which they do not control.",
"es": "Los Estados nacionales se convertirían así en el brazo secular de la Comisión para el cumplimiento de la aplicación de unas normas que escapan a su competencia."
} | national states would thus become the secular arm of the commission regarding observance of the application of rules which they do not control |
"en": "In conclusion, I would say that while some measures are heading in the right direction, we shall of course remain vigilant in order to prevent the snowballing of Federalism which, if it were realised, would be to the detriment of Europe and the sovereignty of the states.",
"es": "Para terminar, diré que aunque determinadas medidas están bien encaminadas, nos mantendremos vigilantes con el fin de evitar un engranaje federalista que iría en detrimento de Europa y de la soberanía de los Estados."
} | in conclusion i would say that while some measures are heading in the right direction we shall of course remain vigilant in order to prevent the snowballing of federalism which if it were realised would be to the detriment of europe and the sovereignty of the states |
"en": "Mr President, Commissioner, we have a basically positive view of the Commission' s White Paper on competition, particularly as regards the abolition of the system of notification and authorisation, but we are also puzzled by several things.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, Señorías, expresamos un juicio básicamente positivo sobre el Libro Blanco de la Comisión sobre la competencia, en particular en lo que se refiere a la supresión del sistema de notificaciones y autorizaciones, sin embargo, también tenemos alguna perplejidad, o mejor, más de una."
} | mr president commissioner we have a basically positive view of the commission s white paper on competition particularly as regards the abolition of the system of notification and authorisation but we are also puzzled by several things |
"en": "First of all, there is a risk that the decentralisation of powers, though necessary in many ways, will cause an abnormal increase in competition-related initiatives, and that some people will be tempted to use competition law, not as a means to be resorted to when all else fails, of ensuring the smooth and predictable functioning of the markets, but for the purposes of as an instrument for economic and industrial policy, planning and interference with the natural workings of the markets themselves, or even for protectionist purposes.",
"es": "Ante todo existe el riesgo de que la descentralización de las competencias, en muchos sentidos necesaria en el ámbito de los diferentes Estados, provoque un desarrollo anómalo de las iniciativas en materia de competencia, así como de que alguien se deje llevar por la tentación de utilizar el antitrust no como garantía última del buen y previsible funcionamientos de los mercados, sino como instrumento de política económica e industrial, de planificación y de interferencia con las dinámicas normales de los mismos mercados o, incluso, como instrumento de políticas proteccionistas."
} | first of all there is a risk that the decentralisation of powers though necessary in many ways will cause an abnormal increase in competitionrelated initiatives and that some people will be tempted to use competition law not as a means to be resorted to when all else fails of ensuring the smooth and predictable functioning of the markets but for the purposes of as an instrument for economic and industrial policy planning and interference with the natural workings of the markets themselves or even for protectionist purposes |
"en": "In this respect, we should heed the words of von Eieck, and doubtless also those of the great Italian liberal Bruno Leoni, who warned precisely against the risks of an abnormal increase in anti-competition policies.",
"es": "Al respecto, creo que nos van a ayudar los escritos de von Eieck y, sin duda, también los de un gran liberal italiano, Bruno Leoni, que alertaba sobre los riesgos de un desarrollo anómalo de las políticas anticompetitivas."
} | in this respect we should heed the words of von eieck and doubtless also those of the great italian liberal bruno leoni who warned precisely against the risks of an abnormal increase in anticompetition policies |
"en": "State interference in the economy is, even today, still to blame for the most serious hindrances placed in the way of the market, competition and freedom of choice for European users and consumers.",
"es": "Hoy por hoy, la injerencia del Estado en la economía causa los más graves perjuicios al mercado, la competencia y la libertad de elección de los usuarios y de los consumidores europeos."
} | state interference in the economy is even today still to blame for the most serious hindrances placed in the way of the market competition and freedom of choice for european users and consumers |
"en": "There is State aid for businesses - we have already discussed this, there is still a strong public presence in the economy - it is estimated that the Italian Treasury controls 15% of stock exchange capitalisation; governments and central banks place obstacles in the way of mergers and acquisitions; and there has been much talk in recent weeks about Vodafone' s bid for Mannesmann and the bailout of Holzmann.",
"es": "Existen las ayudas estatales a las empresas, ya hemos hablado de ellas, sigue habiendo una fuerte presencia pública en la economía -piénsese en que el Tesoro italiano controla el 15% de la capitalización bursátil-, existen las trabas que gobiernos y bancos centrales ponen a las operaciones de fusión y adquisición; durante estas semanas se ha hablado con frecuencia del caso Vodafone-Mannesmann y del salvamento de la empresa Holzmann."
} | there is state aid for businesses we have already discussed this there is still a strong public presence in the economy it is estimated that the italian treasury controls 15 of stock exchange capitalisation governments and central banks place obstacles in the way of mergers and acquisitions and there has been much talk in recent weeks about vodafone s bid for mannesmann and the bailout of holzmann |
"en": "Finally, Commissioner, we cannot forget that large sections of the economy are still firmly in the hands of the state, ranging from state television, which is funded on a mandatory basis by the taxpayer, and the Post Office, to some compulsory insurance schemes, including health and social welfare systems, which are managed by inefficient state monopolies which leave no-one but the wealthy user with any other option.",
"es": "Por último, señor Comisario, no podemos olvidar que siguen estando en manos públicas amplios sectores económicos como las televisiones públicas, financiadas obligatoriamente por los contribuyentes, las oficinas de comunicaciones y algunos sistemas de seguro obligatorio, incluidos los de asistencia sanitaria y previsión, gestionados por monopolios públicos ineficaces que no dejan escapatoria a los usuarios, salvo a los más pudientes."
} | finally commissioner we cannot forget that large sections of the economy are still firmly in the hands of the state ranging from state television which is funded on a mandatory basis by the taxpayer and the post office to some compulsory insurance schemes including health and social welfare systems which are managed by inefficient state monopolies which leave noone but the wealthy user with any other option |
"en": "Commissioner, I am quite familiar with the constraints imposed by the Treaties, but I believe that, it must be emphasised once again that the European economy is finding it hard to compete with the American economy, especially because of insufficiently open markets and a lack of genuine competition.",
"es": "Señor Comisario, sé perfectamente cuáles son los vínculos de los Tratados, sin embargo, creo que también en esta ocasión es importante reiterar que la economía europea sufre en la competición con la americana, también y sobre todo, por la falta de aperturas y de competencia."
} | commissioner i am quite familiar with the constraints imposed by the treaties but i believe that it must be emphasised once again that the european economy is finding it hard to compete with the american economy especially because of insufficiently open markets and a lack of genuine competition |
"en": "What is being done may well be very important, but it is still not sufficient.",
"es": "Lo que se está haciendo es probablemente muy importante pero continúa siendo insuficiente."
} | what is being done may well be very important but it is still not sufficient |
"en": "Mr President, we are holding a special debate: on competition policy and state aid, the government' s right and left hand, so to speak.",
"es": "Presidente, tenemos un debate peculiar: sobre la política de competencia y sobre las ayudas estatales, la mano izquierda y derecha de la administración, por así decirlo."
} | mr president we are holding a special debate on competition policy and state aid the government s right and left hand so to speak |
"en": "Whilst the EMU criteria are forcing Member States to curb expenditure, the high level of state aid to industry has so far remained in place.",
"es": "Mientras los criterios de la UEM obligan a los Estados miembros a que reduzcan sus gastos, se mantiene el alto nivel de ayudas estatales a la empresa privada."
} | whilst the emu criteria are forcing member states to curb expenditure the high level of state aid to industry has so far remained in place |
"en": "This is understandable, because it is highly likely that Member States which start to cut back on state aid will cause companies to leave, with adverse effects on employment.",
"es": "Es comprensible, porque el Estado miembro que empiece reduciendo las ayudas estatales corre el riesgo de que las empresas se vayan, con las correspondientes consecuencias negativas para el empleo."
} | this is understandable because it is highly likely that member states which start to cut back on state aid will cause companies to leave with adverse effects on employment |
"en": "But, at the same time, this is not understandable because bad management and non-viable jobs should not be funded by taxpayers' money.",
"es": "Pero al mismo tiempo es incomprensible, porque el mal sentido empresarial y los puestos de trabajo inviables no deben ser apoyados con el dinero de los contribuyentes."
} | but at the same time this is not understandable because bad management and nonviable jobs should not be funded by taxpayers money |
"en": "In principle, only horizontal regulations are permissible because they do not distort, or hardly distort, competition.",
"es": "En principio sólo se pueden aceptar las regulaciones horizontales, porque apenas alteran, o no lo hacen en absoluto, la competencia."
} | in principle only horizontal regulations are permissible because they do not distort or hardly distort competition |
"en": "The rapporteur' s Amendments Nos 6 and 7, therefore, deserve our support.",
"es": "Por eso, las enmiendas 6 y 7 del ponente merecen nuestro apoyo."
} | the rapporteur s amendments nos 6 and 7 therefore deserve our support |
"en": "Amendments Nos 1 and 5 make reference to the phenomenon of market failure because the market instrument in itself does not result in the ideal society.",
"es": "Las enmiendas 1 y 5 señalan el fenómeno del fracaso del mercado, ya que los instrumentos de mercado por si solos no nos conducen a la sociedad ideal."
} | amendments nos 1 and 5 make reference to the phenomenon of market failure because the market instrument in itself does not result in the ideal society |
"en": "Vulnerable people find themselves hardest hit.",
"es": "Los más desfavorecidos están justo donde más palos caen."
} | vulnerable people find themselves hardest hit |
Subsets and Splits